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लास्य (lāsya) stem?

  1. dancing, a dance (esp. accompanied with instrumental music and singing), a dance representing the emotions of love dramatically (this was at one time a principal part of the drama, and as such accord. to भरत and the दश-रूप consisted of 10 divisions or अङ्गs, viz. गेय-पद, स्थित-पाठ्य, आसीन, पुष्प-गण्डिका, प्रच्छेदक, त्रि-गूढ or त्रि-मूढक, सैन्धव, द्विगूढक or विमूढक, उत्तमोत्तमक, and उक्त-प्रत्युक्त ; including also a style of dramatic composition in which there is abrupt transition from Sanskrit to Prakrit and from Prakrit to Sanskrit ; the term लास्य is also applied to the Nach [Nautch] dance of the Indian dancing girls, consisting chiefly of gesticulation with a shuffling movement of the feet forwards and backwards, as invented by पार्वति and opposed to the boisterous masculine dance called ताण्डव practised by शिव and his followers ; cf. IW. 467) MBh. Kāv. &c.


  • Telugu: లాస్యము (lāsyamu)

