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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-o

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œcumenic {adj} (ecumenical) SEE: ecumenical ::
o {n} /oʊ/ (name of the letter O, o) :: o {f}
O {particle} /əʊ/ (a vocative particle) :: oh, oy {m}
oaf {n} /oʊf/ (imbecile) :: imbecil
oak {n} /oʊk/ (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) :: roble {m}
oak {n} (wood) :: roble {m}
oak titmouse {n} (Baeolophus inornatus) :: herrerillo unicolor {m}, cabonero sencillo {m}
oak tree {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Quercus) SEE: oak ::
oakum {n} /ˈəʊkəm/ (fibrous caulking material) :: estopa {f}
oakwood {n} (wood populated with oaks) :: robledal {m}, robleda {f}, robledo {m}, roblería {f}
oar {n} /ɔɹ/ (implement used to row a boat) :: remo {m}
oar {v} (row) SEE: row ::
oarsman {n} (man who rows a boat) SEE: rower ::
OAS {prop} (Organization of American States) :: OEA (Organización de los Estados Americanos)
oasis {n} /oʊˈeɪsɪs/ (well surrounded by fertile region) :: oasis {m}
oasis {n} (quiet or peaceful place) :: oasis {m}
oat {n} /əʊt/ (a widely cultivated cereal grass) :: avena {f}
oat {n} (seeds of the oat) SEE: oats ::
oath {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
oath {n} /ˈoʊθ/ (solemn pledge) :: juramento {m}
oath {v} (to pledge) :: jurar
oatmeal {n} /ˈoʊtmil/ (meal) :: harina de avena {f}
oatmeal {n} (breakfast cereal, see also: porridge) :: avena {f}
oat milk {n} (milky liquid from oats) :: leche de avena {f}
oats {n} /ˈoʊts/ (seeds of an oat plant) :: avena {f}
Oaxaca {prop} /wə.ˈhæ.kə/ (city) :: Oaxaca de Juárez {f}, Oaxaca {f}
Oaxaca {prop} (municipality) :: Oaxaca de Juárez {f}, Oaxaca {f}
Oaxaca {prop} (state of Mexico) :: Oaxaca {f}
Oaxtepec {prop} :: Oaxtepec
Ob {prop} (river in Russia) :: Obi, Ob
Obadiah {prop} /ˌoʊbəˈdaɪə/ (book of the Old Testament) :: Abdías, Obadías {m}
Obama {prop} /oʊˈbɑ.mə/ (surname) :: Obama
obduracy {n} (The state of being obdurate, intractable, or stubbornly inflexible) :: obstinación {f}
Obed {prop} (son of Ruth and Boaz) :: Obed
obedience {n} /ə(ʊ)ˈbiːdɪəns/ (quality of being obedient) :: obediencia {f}
obedient {adj} /oʊˈbidiənt/ (willing to comply with commands) :: obediente
obediently {adv} (in an obedient manner) :: obedientemente
obelisk {n} (A tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point) :: obelisco {m}
Oberon {prop} (moon of Uranus) :: Oberón
obese {adj} /oʊˈbis/ (extremely overweight) :: obeso
obesity {n} (act or state of being obese) :: obesidad {f}, sobrepeso {m}
obesogenic {adj} /əʊbiːsəˈdʒɛnɪk/ (causing obesity) :: obesógeno
obey {v} /oʊˈbeɪ/ (to do as ordered by) :: obedecer
obey {v} (to do as one is told) :: obedecer
obfuscate {v} /ˈɑːbfʌskeɪt/ (make confusing) :: ofuscar
obfuscate {v} (alter code) :: ofuscar
obiter dictum {n} /ˌəʊbɪtə ˈdɪktəm/ (statement not essential to the disposition of the case) :: opinión accesoria {f}
obituary {n} /əˈbɪtjʊəɹɪ/ (brief notice of a person's death, as published in a newspaper) :: necrología {f}, obituario
object {n} /ˈɑb.d͡ʒɛkt/ (thing) :: objeto {m}, objecto {m}
object {n} (the goal, end or purpose of something) :: objeto {m}
object {n} (in grammar) :: complemento {m}, objeto {m}
object {n} (in object-oriented programming) :: objeto {m}
object {v} (disagree with something or someone) :: objetar
objectification {n} /ɒbˌdʒɛkt.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃʌn/ :: cosificación {f}, objetificación {f}
objection {n} /əbˈdʒɛkʃən/ (act of objecting) :: objeción {f}
objection {n} (statement expressing opposition) :: objeción {f}
objection {n} (official protest raised in a court of law) :: protesta {f}
objective {adj} /əbˈd͡ʒɛk.tɪv/ (relating to a material object) :: objetivo
objective {adj} (not influenced by emotions) :: objetivo
objective {adj} (based on observed fact) :: objetivo
objective {n} (material object) :: objetivo {m}
objective {n} (goal) :: objetivo {m}
objective {n} ((grammar) the objective case) :: objetivo {m}
objective {n} (lens) :: objetivo {m}
objectively {adv} /əbˈdʒɛktɪvli/ (in an impartial, objective manner) :: objetivamente
objectivism {n} (doctrine that holds that reality is objective) :: objetivismo {m}
objectivism {n} (moral objectivism) SEE: moral objectivism ::
objectivity {n} /ˌɒbd͡ʒɛkˈtɪvɪti/ (The state of being objective) :: objetividad {f}
object-oriented programming {n} (programming paradigm that uses objects to design application and computer programs) :: programación orientada a objetos {f}
objet d'art {n} /ˌɒbʒeɪ ˈdɑː(ɹ)/ :: obra de arte {f}
oblast {n} /ˈɒbləst/ (region or province) :: óblast
oblation {n} /oʊˈbleɪʃən/ (the offering to a deity) :: oblación {f}
obligation {n} /ɑb.ləˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ (act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone) :: obligación {f}
obligation {n} (social, legal, or moral requirement) :: compromiso {m}, obligación {f}
obligation {n} (course of action imposed by society, law, or conscience) :: deber {m}, obligación {f}
obligation {n} (legal agreement) :: compromiso {m}, deber {m}, obligación {f}
obligatoriness {n} (quality of being obligatory) :: obligatoriedad {f}
obligatory {adj} /əˈblɪɡətɔɹi/ (binding) :: obligatorio
oblige {v} /əˈblaɪdʒ/ (to constrain someone by force or by social, moral or legal means) :: obligar
obligee {n} (beneficiary of an obligation) :: acreedor {m}, acreedora {f}
obliging {adj} /əˈblaɪd͡ʒɪŋ/ (Happy and ready to do favours for others) :: acomedido [Latin America], servicial
oblique {adj} /əˈbliːk/ (not erect or perpendicular) :: oblicuo
oblique {adj} (not straightforward; indirect; obscure; hence, disingenuous; underhand; perverse; sinister) :: oblicuo
oblique case {n} (any noun case except the nominative (and vocative)) :: caso oblicuo {m}
obliquity {n} (quality of being obscure) SEE: obscurity ::
obliterate {v} /əbˈlɪtəɹeɪt/ (to remove completely, leaving no trace; to wipe out; to destroy) :: remover, borrar, destruir, obliterar, arrasar
obliteration {n} (The total destruction of something) :: obliteración {f}
obliteration {n} (The cancellation, erasure or deletion of something) :: obliteración {f}
oblivion {n} /əˈblɪvɪən/ (state of forgetfulness or distraction) :: olvido {m}, desmemoria {f}
oblivion {n} (state of being completely forgotten) :: olvido {m}, oscuridad {f}
oblivion {n} (a state of nothingness) :: nada {f}
oblivion {n} :: olvido
oblivious {adj} /əˈblɪv.i.əs/ (unaware) :: inconsciente, desprevenido
oblivious {adj} (failing to remember) :: olvidadizo
oblong {adj} (longer than wide) :: oblongo
oblong {adj} (roughly rectangular or ellipsoidal) :: oblongo
obloquy {n} /ˈɒbləˌkwi/ (abusive language) :: insulto {m}, abuso {m}, vulgaridad {f}
obnoxious {adj} /əbˈnɑkʃəs/ (offensive, very annoying) :: desagradable, detestable, odioso
obnubilation {n} /ɒbnjuːbɪˈleɪʃən/ :: obnubilación {f}
oboe {n} /ˈoʊboʊ/ (wind instrument) :: oboe {m}
oboe d'amore {n} /ˌoʊboʊ dɑˈmɔɹeɪ/ (instrument of the oboe family) :: oboe de amor {m}
oboist {n} (performer on the oboe) :: oboísta {m} {f}
obolus {n} (silver coin) :: óbolo {m}, obolus {m}
obscene {adj} /əbˈsiːn/ (offensive to current standards of decency or morality) :: obsceno
obscene {adj} (lewd or lustful) :: procaz
obscenely {adv} (in an obscene manner) :: obscenamente
obscenity {n} (something that is obscene) :: obscenidad {f}
obscurantism {n} (deliberate obscurity or vagueness) :: oscurantismo {m}, obscurantismo {m}
obscure {adj} /əbˈskjʊə(ɹ)/ (dark, faint or indistinct) :: obscuro
obscure {v} (to hide, put out of sight) :: esconder, ocultar
obscurity {n} /əbˈskjʊəɹɪti/ (darkness; the absence of light) :: oscuridad {f}
obsequious {adj} /əbˈsiːkwi.əs/ (obedient, compliant with someone else's orders) :: servil, apatronado, obsequioso
obsequious {adj} (fawning, subservient) :: sumiso, obsequioso
observable {adj} (able to be observed) :: observable
observation {n} /ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of observing or being observed) :: observación {f}, vigilancia {f}; observancia {f}
observation {n} (recording an event; the record of such noting) :: anotación {f}, registro {m}, observación
observation {n} (remark or comment) :: observación {f}, comentario {m}
observation {n} (judgement) :: juicio {m}, parecer {m}
observation wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel ::
observatory {n} /əbˈzəɹvətɔɹi/ (place where celestial bodies or natural phenomena are observed) :: observatorio {m}
observatory {n} (lookout) SEE: lookout ::
observe {v} /əbˈzɜːv/ (to notice, to watch, see also: notice) :: observar
observe {v} (to follow) :: seguir, tomar en cuenta
observer {n} /əbˈzɝvɚ/ (one who makes observations, monitors or takes notice) :: observador {m}
obsess {v} (to be preoccupied with a single topic or emotion) :: obsesionarse
obsess {v} (to dominate the thoughts of someone) :: obsesionar
obsessed {adj} /əbˈsɛst/ (fixated on a single topic or emotion) :: obsesionado, obseso {m}, obcecado {m}
obsession {n} /əbˈsɛʃən/ (compulsive or irrational preoccupation) :: obsesión {f}
obsession {n} (unhealthy fixation) :: obsesión {f}
obsession {n} :: obsesión {f}
obsessive {adj} /əbˈsɛsɪv/ (having one thought or pursuing one activity to the absolute or nearly absolute exclusion of all others) :: obsesivo
obsessive-compulsive disorder {n} (form of anxiety) :: trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo {m}
obsessively {adv} (in an obsessive manner) :: obsesivamente
obsidian {n} /əbˈsɪd.i.ən/ (a type of black glass produced by volcanoes) :: obsidiana {f}
obsidian {adj} (poetic: black) :: obsidiano {m}
obsolescence {n} /ˌɑb.səˈlɛ.səns/ (state) :: obsolescencia {f}
obsolescent {adj} /ɑbsəˈlɛsənt/ (in the process of becoming obsolete, but not obsolete yet) :: obsolescente
obsolete {adj} /ɑbsəˈliːt/ (no longer in use) :: obsoleto, desusado
obstacle {n} /ˈɒbstəkl̩/ (something that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress) :: obstáculo {m}, óbice, traba, estorbo
obstetric {adj} (relating to obstetrics) :: obstétrico
obstetrician {n} /ˌɒbstəˈtɹɪʃən/ (a physician who specializes in childbirth) :: tocólogo {m}, tocóloga {f}, obstetra {m} {f}
obstetrics {n} (care of women during and after pregnancy) :: obstetricia {f}
obstinacy {n} /ˈɑbstɪnəsi/ (state of stubbornness) :: testarudez {f}, porfía {f}, terquedad {f}, obstinación {f}
obstinate {adj} /ˈɑb.stə.nət/ (adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually unreasonably) :: obstinado, obcecado, porfiado
obstinately {adv} (in an obstinate manner) :: obstinadamente
obstreperosity {n} (state of being obstreperous) :: escandaloso {m}
obstreperous {adj} /əbˈstɹɛpəɹəs/ (noisily and stubbornly defiant) :: estrepitoso
obstruct {v} /əbˈstɹʌkt/ (To block or fill (a passage)) :: entorpecer, estorbar, atorar, obstruir
obstruct {v} (To impede, retard, or interfere with) :: entorpecer, impedir, estorbar
obstruct {v} (To get in the way of so as to hide from sight) :: esconder, ocultar
obtain {v} /əbˈteɪn/ (to get hold of, acquire) :: obtener
obtain {v} (to hold, possess) :: obtener
obtainable {adj} (capable of being obtained) :: obtenible
obtrude {v} /əbˈtɹuːd/ :: imponer, imponerse, sobresalir
obtrusive {adj} /əbˈtɹuːsɪv/ (Sticking out; protruding) :: protuberante, sobresaliente
obtuse {adj} /əbˈtjuːs/ (intellectually dull) :: obtuso
obtuse {adj} (of an angle) :: obtuso
obtuse {adj} (botany, zoology: blunt) :: obtuso, romo
obtuse angle {n} (angle that is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees) :: ángulo obtuso
obtuse-angled triangle {n} (obtuse triangle) SEE: obtuse triangle ::
obtuse triangle {n} (triangle with an obtuse angle) :: triángulo obtusángulo {m}
obverse {adj} (turned or facing toward the observer) :: anverso {m}
obverse {n} (the heads side of a coin, or the side of a medal or badge that has the principal) :: anverso
obviate {v} /ˈɑbviˌeɪt/ (to bypass a requirement) :: obviar
obvious {adj} /ˈɑb.vi.əs/ (easily discovered or understood; self-explanatory) :: obvio, evidente
obviously {adv} /ˈɑ(b).vi.əs.li/ (in an obvious manner; clearly apparent) :: obviamente
obviousness {n} /ˈɑ(b)viəsnɪs/ (characteristic of being obvious) :: obviedad {f}
ocarina {n} /ɑkəˈɹinə/ (musical instrument) :: ocarina {f}
Occam's razor {prop} (both principles) :: navaja de Occam {f}
occasion {n} /əˈkeɪʒən/ (favorable opportunity) :: ocasión {f}
occasion {v} (give occasion to) :: ocasionar
occasion {n} (occurrence or incident) SEE: occurrence ::
occasional {adj} /əˈkeɪʒ(ə)nəl/ (limited to certain occasions; not very often) :: ocasional, esporádico {m}
occasionally {adv} /əˈkeɪʒənəli/ (from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at infrequent intervals) :: ocasionalmente, de vez en cuando, a veces
occident {n} /ˈɒksɪdənt/ (part of the horizon where the sun last appears in the evening; that part of the earth towards the sunset; the west) :: occidente {m}
occidental {adj} /ˌɒk.səˈdɛn.təl/ (of the occident:) :: occidental, poniente
occipital {adj} /ɒk.ˈsɪp.ɪt.əl/ (of or pertaining to the occiput (back of the head) or the occipital bone) :: occipital
occipital {n} (occipital bone) :: occipital {m}
occipitalis {n} (muscle of the head) :: occipital {m}, músculo occipital {m}
occipital lobe {n} /ˌɑkˈsɪpɪtəl ˌloʊb/ (division of cerebrum) :: lóbulo occipital {m}
occipito- {prefix} (occiput) :: occipito-
occipitofrontal {adj} (of or pertaining to the occipitofrontalis muscle) :: occipitofrontal
occipitofrontalis {n} (muscle) :: occipitofrontal {m}, músculo occipitofrontal {m}
occipitotemporal {adj} (of or pertaining to the occiput and temporal lobe) :: occipitotemporal
occiput {n} /ˈɑksɪpʌt/ (back of the head or skull) :: occipucio {m}
Occitan {prop} /ˈɑksɪˌtæn/ (the Romance language) :: occitano {m}, lengua de oc {f}
Occitania {prop} (Occitania) :: Occitania {f}
Occitanie {prop} (region of France) :: Occitania {f}
occluded front {n} (cold front that overtakes a warm front) :: oclusión {f}
occlusive {n} (plosive) SEE: plosive ::
occult {n} /əˈkʌlt/ (supernatural affairs) :: oculto {m}, ocultismo
occultation {n} /ˌɒkəlˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ (astronomical event) :: ocultación {f}
occultism {n} (study of the supernatural) :: ocultismo
occultism {n} (belief in occult powers) :: ocultismo
occultist {n} (person who practises occultism) :: ocultista {m} {f}
occupation {n} /ɑkjʊˈpeɪʃən/ (activity or task with which one occupies oneself) :: ocupación {f}
occupation {n} (act, process or state of possessing a place) :: ocupación {f}
occupation {n} (control of a country or region by a hostile army) :: ocupación {f}
occupational disease {n} (ailment that occurs as a result of work) :: enfermedad profesional {f}
occupational hazard {n} (substantial risk to a worker's physical or mental well-being) :: riesgo laboral
occupational hazard {n} (an unpleasant, inconvenient, or unusual circumstance which occurs or is likely to occur during the course of one's employment) :: gajes del oficio {m-p}
occupational health and safety {n} (activity to promote health and safety in workplace) :: seguridad y salud en el trabajo {f}, seguridad y salud laboral {f}
occupational safety and health {n} (activity to promote safety in workplace) :: seguridad y salud en el trabajo {f}, seguridad y salud laboral {f}
occupied {adj} /ˈɑkjəpaɪd/ (reserved) :: reservado
occupied {adj} (busy) :: ocupado
occupied {adj} (militarily subjugated) :: ocupado
occupy {v} (to occupy) SEE: consume ::
occupy {v} /ˈɑkjəpaɪ/ (time or space) :: ocupar
occupy {v} (reside in) :: ocupar
occupy {v} (have (taken) control of) :: ocupar
occupy {v} (hold a position) :: ocupar
occur {v} /əˈkɝ/ (take place) :: ocurrir, acaecer
occur {v} (present itself) :: presentar [pronominal]
occur {v} (meet or come to the mind) :: ocurrir, [Chile, informal] tincar
occurrence {n} /əˈkɝən(t)s/ (actual instance where a situation arises) :: acontecimiento {m}, ocurrencia, suceso {m}
OCD {n} (obsessive-compulsive disorder) SEE: obsessive-compulsive disorder ::
ocean {n} /ˈoʊ.ʃən/ (one of the large bodies of water) :: océano {m}
Oceania {prop} /ˌəʊ.ʃiˈɑː.nɪə/ (geographical region) :: Oceanía {f}
Oceanian {adj} (from Oceania) :: oceánico
Oceanian {n} (someone from Oceania) :: oceánico {m}
oceanic {adj} (of or relating to the ocean) :: oceánico
oceanic whitetip shark {n} (Carcharhinus longimanus) :: tiburón oceánico {m}, tiburón oceánico de puntas blancas {m}
oceanographer {n} /ˌoʃəˈnɑɡɹəfəɹ/ (person who studies oceanography, the science of oceans) :: oceanógrafo {m}, oceanógrafa {f}
oceanographic {adj} /ˌoʃənəˈɡɹæfɪk/ (relating to oceanography) :: oceanográfico {m}, oceanográfica {f}
oceanographical {adj} (oceanographical) SEE: oceanographic ::
oceanography {n} /ˌoʊʃəˈnɑɡɹəfi/ (oceanic exploration and study) :: oceanografía {f}, oceanología {f}
oceanology {n} (oceanography) SEE: oceanography ::
ocean sunfish {n} (Mola mola) :: pez luna {m}
Oceanus {prop} /oʊˈsiːənəs/ (personification of the ocean) :: Océano {m}
ocellus {n} (simple eyes consisting of a single lens) :: ocelo {m}
ocelot {n} /ˈɑːsəlɑːt/ (feline carnivore) :: [especially Mexico, formal in other countries] ocelote {m}, [Colombian Llanos, Venezuela] cunaguaro {m}, [Argentina, Paraguay] gato onza {m}, [Panama, Costa Rica] manigordo {m}, [Bolivia] tigrecillo {m}, [Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru] tigrillo {m}
ochlocracy {n} /ɒkˈlɒkɹəsi/ (government by the masses) :: oclocracia {f}
ochre {n} /ˈoʊkɚ/ (earth pigment) :: ocre {m}
ochre {n} (yellowish-orange colour) :: ocre
ochre {adj} (having yellow-orange colour) :: ocre
o'clock {adv} /əˈklɑk/ (indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock")) :: la una, la una en punto
o'clock {adv} (the translations below are of "at one o’clock") :: a la una {f}, a la una en punto
Ocon {prop} :: Ocon
Ocotepec {prop} (town in Morelos) :: Ocotepec
Ocotepec {prop} (town in Chiapas) :: Ocotepec
Ocotepec {prop} (municipality of Chiapas) :: Ocotepec
Ocotepec {prop} (town in Hidalgo) :: Ocotepec
Ocotepec {prop} (city in Puebla) :: Ocotepec
Ocotepec {prop} (municipality of Puebla) :: Ocotepec
Ocotepec {prop} (town in Tlaxiaco district, Oaxaca) SEE: Santo Tomás Ocotepec ::
Ocotepec {prop} (municipality of Tlaxiaco district, Oaxaca) SEE: Santo Tomás Ocotepec ::
Ocotepeque {prop} (city in Honduras) :: Ocotepeque
Ocotepeque {prop} (department of Honduras) :: Ocotepeque
ocrea {n} (botanical sheath) :: ócrea {f}
octagenarian {n} (octogenarian) SEE: octogenarian ::
octagon {n} /ˈɒktəɡ(ə)n/ (polygon with eight sides and eight angles) :: octágono {m}
octagonal {adj} /ɑkˈtæɡ.ə.n(ə)l/ (shaped like an octagon) :: octagonal, octogonal, octógono
octahedral {adj} (having eight plane surfaces) :: octaédrico
octahedral {adj} (of, or pertaining to octahedra) :: octaédrico
octahedron {n} (a polyhedron with eight faces) :: octaedro {m}
octalogy {n} (A set of eigth works of art that are connected) :: octalogía {f}
octane {n} /ˈɒk.teɪn/ (isomeric aliphatic hydrocarbons) :: octano {m}
octane number {n} (measure of the antiknock properties of an automobile fuel) :: octanaje {m}
octangular {adj} (octagonal) SEE: octagonal ::
Octans {prop} (a circumpolar constellation) :: Octans
octave {n} /ˈɑktɪv/ (interval) :: octava {f}
octet {n} (group of eight) :: octeto {m}
octet {n} (group of eight musicians performing together) :: octeto {m}
octet {n} (byte of eight bits) SEE: byte ::
octile {n} (value) :: octil {m}
octile {n} (subset) :: octil {m}
octillion {num} /ɒkˈtɪl.iː.ən/ (a thousand trillion trillion, 1027) :: mil cuatrillones
octillion {num} (a trillion quintillion, 1048, see also: quindecillion) :: octillón
October {prop} /ɑkˈtoʊbəɹ/ (tenth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: octubre {m}
octogenarian {n} (One who is between the age of 80 and 89, inclusive) :: octogenario {m}, octogenaria {f}
octonion {n} (nonassociative extension of a quaternion) :: octonión {m}
octopus {n} /ˈɑːkt.ə.pʊs/ (mollusc) :: pulpo {m}
octosyllabic {adj} /ˌɑk.toʊ.sɪˈlæb.ɪk/ (containing 8 syllables) :: octosílabo, octosilábico
octothorpe {n} (octothorpe) SEE: hash ::
octroy {v} (to grant a privilege) :: otorgar
ocular {adj} (seen by the eye) SEE: visual ::
ocular {adj} /ˈɑ.kjə.lɚ/ (of or relating to the eye) :: ocular
ocularly {adv} /ˈɑ.kjə.lɚ.li/ (by means of the eye) :: ocularmente
oculist {n} (optometrist) SEE: optometrist ::
oculist {n} (ophthalmologist) SEE: ophthalmologist ::
oculo- {prefix} (eye) :: oculo-
oculomotor {adj} :: oculomotor
oculus {n} /ˈɒ.ˌkjə.ləs/ (circular window or opening) :: óculo {m}
odalisque {n} /ˈoʊdlɪsk/ (a female harem slave) :: odalisca {f}
odd {adj} /ɑd/ (not having a mate) :: guacho, desparejado, desemparejado, suelto
odd {adj} (strange) :: extraño, raro
odd {adj} (indivisible by two) :: impar
odd {adj} (left over after others have been grouped) :: sobrante
odd {adj} (casual, irregular) :: ocasional
odd {adj} (about) :: y pico, aproximadamente
odd {n} (odd number) SEE: odd number ::
odd duck {n} (strange bird) SEE: strange bird ::
oddity {n} (strangeness) :: rareza {f}
odd job {v} (temporary job) :: chapuza {f}
odd number {n} (whole number that is not divisible by two) :: número impar {m}
odds {n} /ɑdz/ (the ratio of the probabilities of an event happening to that of it not happening) :: probabilidad {f}
odds and ends {n} (miscellaneous things) :: retazos {m-p}, trastos {m-p}
ode {n} /oʊd/ (a short poetical composition) :: oda {f}
Oder {prop} (river) :: Óder {m}
Odesa {prop} (Odessa) SEE: Odessa ::
Odessa {prop} (Ukrainian city) :: Odesa {f}, Odessa {f}
Odia {prop} (Oriya) SEE: Oriya ::
Odin {prop} /oʊdɪn/ (god in Norse mythology) :: Odín
Odinism {prop} (faith) :: odinismo {m}
odious {adj} /ˈoʊ.di.əs/ (arousing strong dislike) :: odioso
Odisha {prop} (state in India) :: Orissa
odometer {n} /oʊˈdɑːmətɚ/ (instrument attached to the wheel) :: odómetro {m}, cuentakilómetros {m}
odontalgic {adj} (pertaining to odontalgia) :: odontálgico {m}
odontalgic {n} (toothache remedy) :: odontálgico {m}
odontological {adj} (pertaining to odontology) :: odontológico
odontology {n} (study of teeth) :: odontología {f}
odor {n} /ˈoʊ.dɚ/ (any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume) :: olor {m}
odoriferous {adj} (having an odor) SEE: odorous ::
odorous {adj} (having distinctive odour) :: odorífero {m}
odour of sanctity {n} (sweet smell emitted by corpses of saints) :: olor de santidad {m}
Odyssean {adj} (pertaining to the Odyssey) :: odiseico
Odysseus {prop} /əˈdɪsjuːs/ (son of Laertes; Greek leader during the Trojan War) :: Odiseo {m}, Ulises {m}
odyssey {n} /ˈɑ.dɨ.si/ (extended adventurous voyage) :: odisea {f}
odyssey {n} (intellectual or spiritual quest) :: odisea {f}
Odyssey {prop} /ˈɒ.dɨ.si/ (epic poem describing the journey of Odysseus) :: Odisea {f}
oedema {n} (edema) SEE: edema ::
Oedipal {adj} /ˈidəpɛl/ (of or relating to the Oedipus complex) :: edípico
Oedipus {prop} /ˈɛdɪpəs/ (son of Laius and Jocasta) :: Edipo {m}
Oedipus complex {n} /ˈɛdəpəs ˈkɒmplɛks/ (Freudian theory) :: complejo de Edipo {m}
oeillade {n} /əːˈjɑːd/ (glance, ogle) :: mirada lujuriosa {f}
oenological {adj} (of or pertaining to oenology, the study of wine) :: enológico
oenologist {n} (an expert in the science of oenology) :: enólogo {m}
oenology {n} /iˈnɑlədʒi/ (scientific study of wines) :: enología {f}
oenophile {n} /iː.nəʊ.faɪl/ (wine-lover) :: enófilo {m}
oesophagectomy {n} (removal of all or part of the esophagus) :: esofaguectomía {f}
oesophagus {n} /ɪˈsɑfəɡəs/ (the tube that carries food from the pharynx to the stomach) :: esófago {m}
oestrus {n} /ˈiːstɹəs/ (a female animal's readiness to mate) :: estro {m}
oeuvre {n} /ˈəːvɹə/ (work of art) :: obra {f}
oeuvre {n} (complete body of works) :: obra {f}, producción {f}, literatura {f}
of {prep} /ʌv/ ((time) before, to) :: menos
of {prep} (introducing an epithet) :: de
of {prep} (containing, comprising or made from) :: de
of {prep} (linking class with example of class) :: de
of {prep} (introducing subject matter) :: de
of {prep} (connecting numeral or quantifier with quantified) :: de
of {prep} (possessive genitive: belonging to) :: de
of {prep} (objective genitive: connecting noun with object) :: de
of {prep} (indicative of age) :: de
of age {prep} (old enough to be considered an adult) :: mayor de edad
of choice {prep} (preferred above others) :: de cabecera
of color {adj} (of a race other than white (euphemistic)) :: de color
of course {adv} /əv ˈkɔː(ɹ)s/ (naturally) :: por supuesto, desde luego, claro, naturalmente, por descontado
of course {interj} (indication of enthusiastic agreement) :: claro
off {adj} /ɔf/ (inoperative, disabled) :: apagado {m}
off {adj} :: cerrado, apagado
off {prep} :: de
offal {n} (refuse) SEE: refuse ::
offal {n} /ˈɔfl̩/ (animal's organs as food) :: víscera {f}
offal {n} (carrion) SEE: carrion ::
off course {prep} (not following the planned route) :: fuera de curso
offence {n} (offense) SEE: offense ::
offend {v} /əˈfɛnd/ (to hurt the feelings) :: ofender
offend {v} :: ofender
offend {v} (sin) SEE: sin ::
offender {n} (one who gives or causes offense) :: ofensor {m}
offender {n} (a person who commits an offense against the law) :: delincuente {m}, ofensor {m}
offense {n} /əˈfɛns/ (act of offending against manners) :: ofensa {f}, insulto {m}
offensive {adj} /ˈɔˌfɛnsɪv/ (causing offense) :: ofensivo {m}, ofensiva {f}
offensive {adj} (relating to attack, offense) :: ofensiva {f}
offensive {adj} (team sports: having to do with play directed at scoring) :: ofensivo, ofensiva {f}
offensive {n} (an attack) :: ofensiva {f}
offer {n} /ˈɔfɚ/ (proposal) :: oferta {f}
offer {v} (propose) :: ofrecer
offer {v} (to present something as a gesture of worship) :: ofrendar
offer {v} (place at disposal) :: ofrecer, presentar
offering {n} /ˈɔfəɹɪŋ/ (act of offering) :: ofrecimiento {m}
offering {n} (that which has been offered; a sacrifice) :: ofrecimiento {m}
offhand {adj} /ˌɔfˈhænd/ (without planning or thinking ahead) :: indiferente, espóntaneo, irreflexivo, a vuelapluma
offhand {adj} (careless) :: descuidado, insensato
offhand {adj} (curt, unfriendly) :: frío, displicente
office {n} /ˈɔfɪs/ (room(s) or building used for non-manual work) :: oficina {f}, sede {f}
office {n} (major governmental division) :: oficina {f}
office boy {n} (boy or junior clerk employed in a professional office) :: ordenanza {m}
officeholder {n} (person who holds an office) :: funcionario {m}
office hours {n} (times when office workers are at their desks) :: horario de oficina {m}
office hours {n} (prearranged time when a person is available) :: tutorías {f-p}
officer {n} /ˈɔfɪsɚ/ (contraction of the term "commissioned officer") :: oficial {m} {f}
officer {n} :: oficial {m}
office worker {n} (Someone who works in an office) :: oficinista {m} {f}
official {adj} /əˈfɪʃəl/ (of or pertaining to an office or public trust) :: oficial
official {adj} (derived from the proper office) :: oficial
official {adj} (approved by authority) :: oficial
official {adj} (relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant) :: oficial
official {n} (office holder invested with powers and authorities) :: funcionario {m}
official gazette {n} /əˈfɪʃəl ɡəˈzɛt/ (periodical publication to publish notices) :: diario oficial {m}, boletín oficial {m}
officially {adv} /əˈfɪʃəli/ (in an official manner) :: oficialmente
officiate {v} /əˈfiʃ.i.eɪt/ (to perform the functions of some office) :: oficiar
officious {adj} (offensively intrusive or interfering) :: entrometido, inoportuno, oficioso
off-licence {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store ::
offline {adj} (of a system, not connected to a larger network) :: offline
offload {v} /ˌɑfˈloʊd/ (to unload) :: descargar, desembarcar
offload {v} (to get rid of things) :: librarse
off one's game {prep} :: no dar pie con bola
offset {n} /ˈɑf.sɛt/ (compensating equivalent) :: ajuste, descuento, compensación, reducción
offset {n} (difference in memory addresses) :: desplazamiento
offset {v} (to compensate for something) :: compensar, subsanar
offset {n} (offset printing) SEE: offset printing ::
offset printing {n} (offset printing) :: ófset
offshoot {n} :: rama {f}, ramal {m}, ramificación {f}; derivado {m}
offshore {adj} /ɒfˈʃɔː(ɹ)/ (moving away from the shore) :: alejándose de la costa
offshore {adj} (located in the sea away from the coast) :: mar adentro, ultramar, alta mar {m}, mar afuera {m}
offshore {adj} (located in another country) :: extranjero
offshore {adv} (away from the shore) :: alejado de la costa
offshore {adv} (at some distance from the shore) :: lejos de la costa
offshore {v} (to use foreign labor to substitute for local labor) :: mandar trabajos a otros países, exportar trabajos al extranjero
offside {adj} (in an illegal position ahead of the ball) :: fuera de juego {m}
offside {n} (offside play) :: fuera de juego {m}
offspring {n} /ˈɔfspɹɪŋ/ :: vástago {m}, descendiente {m}, sucesor {m}, sucesor {m}
offspring {n} (plural or collective offspring (only males, only females, both sexes or sex unspecified)) :: descendencia {f}, linaje {m}, prole {f}, progenie {f}, progenitura {f}
offspring {n} (plural or collective offspring, animal's or plant's progeny) :: progenie {f}
off-the-shelf {adj} (as purchased or as commonly available) :: disponible en estantes {n}
off the top of one's head {prep} (in an extemporaneous manner; without careful thought, preparation, or investigation) :: a bote pronto
off-topic {adj} (not related to the matter being discussed) :: fuera de tema
off-white {n} (very pale colour that is almost white) :: blanco apagado {m}, blanco roto {m}
off-white {adj} (of a very pale colour that is almost white) :: blanco apagado {m}, blanco roto {m}
of late {prep} (recently) :: últimamente, recientemente
of one's word {prep} :: de palabra
of record {prep} (authoritative) SEE: authoritative ::
often {adv} /ˈɔf(t)ən/ (frequently, many times) :: a menudo, frecuentemente, seguido, con frecuencia
oftenly {adv} (often) SEE: often ::
oftentimes {adv} /ˈɔf.ənˌtaɪmz/ (frequently) :: frecuentemente
oftentimes {adv} (repeatedly) :: reiteradamente, repetidamente
of the same stripe {prep} :: de la misma cuerda
Ogaden {prop} (region in Ethiopia) :: Ogaden, Ogadén
oganesson {n} /oʊ.ɡəˈnɛsɒn/ (chemical element with atomic number 118) :: oganesón {m}
oghamic {adj} (in, of, or pertaining to Ogham) :: ogámico {m}
ogonek {n} /ˈoʊɡənɛk/ (diacritical mark) :: ogonek {m}, colita {f}
ogre {n} /ˈoʊ.ɡɚ/ (brutish giant) :: ogro {m}
ogress {n} /ˈoʊɡɹɛs/ (female ogre) :: orca {f}
oh {interj} /oʊ/ (expression of surprise) :: oh, ai
OHIM {prop} /ˈoʊhɪm/ (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market) :: OAMI
Ohio {prop} /oʊˈhaɪoʊ/ (U.S. state) :: Ohio {m}
Ohio {prop} (river) :: Ohio {m}
ohm {n} /oʊm/ (the derived unit of electrical resistance) :: ohmio {m}
ohmmeter {n} (device for measuing resistance) :: ohmímetro {m}, óhmetro {m}
Ohm's law {prop} (Ohm's observation) :: ley de Ohm {f}
oh my {interj} (good heavens) SEE: good heavens ::
oh my God {interj} (excitement or shock) :: Dios mío, oh, Dios mío, ay Dios mío
oh my Goddess {interj} (interjection said in excitement) :: Diosa (mia)!
oh no {interj} (exclamation of alarm or concern) :: uy no, ay no, ca
Ohrid {prop} (a historic city in North Macedonia) :: Ocrida {f}
oi {interj} (exclamation to get attention) SEE: hey ::
-oic {suffix} :: -oico
-oid {suffix} /-ɔɪd/ (suffix meaning similar but not the same) :: -oide
oidium {n} :: oídio {m}
oil {n} /ɔɪl/ (liquid fat) :: aceite {m}, óleo {m}
oil {n} (petroleum-based liquid) :: petróleo {m}
oil {v} (lubricate with oil) :: aceitar
oil {v} (to grease with oil for cooking) :: engrasar
oilcan {n} (container) :: aceitera {f}
oil company {n} (a company which trades, extracts or processes petroleum or oil) :: petrolera {f}, compañía petrolera {f}
oiler {n} (oil well) SEE: oil well ::
oiler {n} (ship) SEE: oil tanker ::
oil lamp {n} (a simple vessel used to produce light) :: candil {m}
oil palm {n} (tree that produces palm oil) :: palma aceitera {f}
oil pipeline {n} (oil pipeline) :: oleoducto {m}
oil rig {n} (oil-drilling platform) :: plataforma petrolera {f}
oilskin {n} /ˈɔɪl.skɪn/ (cloth made from cotton treated to make it waterproof) :: hule {m}
oil slick {n} (thin film of oil floating on the surface of water) :: marea negra {f}
oil tanker {n} (Ship) :: petrolero {m}, carrotanque {m}
oil well {n} (hole drilled into the earth from which petroleum is pumped) :: pozo petrolífero {m}, pozo petrolero {m}
oily {adj} /ˈɔɪli/ (covered with or containing oil) :: aceitoso
oink {v} /ɔɪŋk/ (to oink) :: gruñir
ointment {n} /ˈɔɪnt.mɪnt/ (viscous preparation, usually containing medication) :: pomada {f}, ungüento {m}
Ojibwe {prop} /əˈdʒɪbweɪ/ (Ojibwe (language)) :: ojibwa {m}
Ojibwe {n} (member of Ojibwe people) :: ojibwa {m} {f}
OK {n} /ˌoʊˈkeɪ/ (endorsement; approval) :: aprobación, visto bueno, okey
OK {v} ((computing) activate the OK button) :: aceptar
OK {adj} (all right, permitted) :: bien
OK {adj} (satisfactory) :: aceptable, bueno, bien
OK {adj} (in good health or in a good emotional state) :: bien
OK {interj} (acknowledgement or acceptance) :: vale, de acuerdo, okey
okapi {n} /əʊˈkɑːpi/ (Large ruminant mammal) :: okapi {m}, ocapi {m}
Okazaki fragment {n} (one of many newly synthesized DNA fragments formed on the lagging template strand during replication) :: fragmento de Okazaki {m}
Okinawan {prop} (Okinawan language) :: okinawense
Okinotorishima {prop} :: Parece Vela
Oklahoma {prop} /ˌoʊk.ləˈhoʊ.mə/ (state) :: Oklahoma {f}
okra {n} /ˈoʊkɹə/ (edible capsules of A. esculentus) :: quingombó, quimbombó, gombo, molondrón, ocra, bamia, abelmosco [Mexico], ñajú [Peru]
okra {n} (A. esculentus) :: okra {f}, chaucha turca {f} [Argentina], chimbombó {m} [Eastern Venezuela], guingambó {m} [Puerto Rico], molondrón {m} [Dominican Republic], ñajú {m} [Panama], quimbombó {m} [Cuba, Venezuela], quingombó {m} [Puerto Rico]
okroshka {n} /əˈkɹɔʃkə/ (cold raw vegetable soup) :: okroshka {f}
olé {interj} /oʊˈleɪ/ (Expression) :: olé
Olaf {prop} /ˈoʊl.əf/ (male given name) :: Olavo
olallieberry {n} (hybrid berry) :: olallieberry {f}, oleyliberi {f}, zarza de olallie {f}, zarza olalia {f}, olalia {f}
old {adj} /ˈoʊld/ (of an object, concept, etc: having existed for a relatively long period of time) :: antiguo, viejo
old {adj} (of a living being: having lived for relatively many years) :: anciano, viejo, provecto, añejo [colloquial]
old {adj} (former) :: viejo [used before the noun], sometimes with people ex-
old {adj} (having existed or lived for the specified time) :: de + period of time, que tener + period of time + unit of time
old age {n} (latter part of life) :: vejez {f}, tercera edad {f}
old age pension {n} (pension paid from a predefined age) :: jubilación {f}
old as the hills {adj} (extremely old) :: más viejo que Matusalén, más visto que el tebeo
old boy {n} (alumnus) SEE: alumnus ::
Old Catholic {adj} (pertaining to a group of churches that split from the Roman Catholic Church) :: católico antiguo
old chap {n} (Affectionate term of address for a man) :: viejales
Old Church Slavonic {prop} (the first literary and liturgical Slavic language) :: antiguo eslavo eclesiástico {m}
Old East Slavic {prop} (language) :: antiguo eslavo oriental {m}, antiguo ruso {m}
Old English {prop} (ancestor language of modern English) :: anglosajón {m}, idioma anglosajón {m}; inglés antiguo {m}
Old English Sheepdog {n} (a breed of herding dog) :: antiguo pastor inglés {m}
older adult {n} (an old person) SEE: senior citizen ::
older brother {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations) :: hermano mayor {m}
older sister {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations) :: hermana mayor {f}
older than dirt {adj} (old as the hills) SEE: old as the hills ::
old fart {n} (pejorative: elderly person) :: carroza {m} {f}, carca {m} {f}, pureta {m} {f}
old-fashioned {adj} /oʊldˈfæʃənd/ (outdated or no longer in vogue) :: pasado de moda, anticuado, chapado a la antigua {m}, démodé {m} {f}
old-fashioned {adj} (preferring the customs of earlier times) :: a la antigua, a la antigua usanza, pasadista, carca
old folks' home {n} (nursing home) SEE: nursing home ::
Old Frankish {prop} (Frankish) SEE: Frankish ::
Old French {prop} (French language from 9th to the early 14th century) :: francés antiguo {m}
old gold {n} (a brownish gold colour) :: oro viejo {m}
old-growth forest {n} (forest that has attained great age without significant disturbance) :: bosque primario {m}
old hand {n} (experienced person at certain activity) :: perro viejo
Old High German {prop} (Old High German) :: antiguo alto alemán {m}
Old Irish {prop} (language) :: irlandés antiguo {m}
old maid {n} (periwinkle) SEE: periwinkle ::
old maid {n} (elderly unmarried woman) SEE: spinster ::
old maid {n} (zinnia) SEE: zinnia ::
old maid {n} (card game) :: culo sucio {m}
old man {n} (elderly man) :: viejo {m}
old man {n} (father (slang)) :: viejo
Old Norse {prop} (language of Scandinavia before 1400 CE) :: nórdico antiguo {m}
old people's home {n} (nursing home) SEE: nursing home ::
Old Persian {prop} (Translations) :: persa antiguo {m}
Old Portuguese {prop} (Portuguese language from 13th to 16th centuries) :: galaicoportugués {m}, gallegoportugués, portugués medieval, gallego medieval
old salt {n} (seadog) SEE: seadog ::
Old Slavonic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) :: protoeslavo {m}
Old Spanish {n} (the Old Spanish language) :: español medieval, castellano medieval, español antiguo, castellano antiguo
Old Testament {prop} (first half of the Christian Bible) :: Antiguo Testamento {m}, veterotestamentario {m} [attributive]
old town {n} (older historical part of a town or city) :: casco antiguo {m}, casco viejo
Old Tupi {prop} (extinct language of Brazil) :: tupí antiguo {m}
old wine in a new bottle {n} (existing concept or institution presented as if new) :: el mismo perro con distinto collar
old woman {n} (elderly woman) :: vieja {f}, anciana {f}, viejita {f}, viejecita {f}, señora mayor {f}
old woman {n} (person who is always complaining) :: bruja {f}
Old World {prop} (The Eastern Hemisphere, especially Europe, Africa and Asia) :: Mundo Antiguo {m}
oleaginous {adj} /ˌoʊ.liˈædʒ.ɪ.nəs/ (oily, greasy) :: oleaginoso {m}
oleaginous {adj} (falsely or affectedly earnest; persuasively suave) :: empalagoso {m}
oleander {n} /ˌəʊlɪˈændə/ (A poisonous shrub) :: adelfa {f}
olecranon {n} /oʊˈlɛkɹəˌnɑn/ (bony process) :: olécranon {m}
oleic {adj} (of or pertaining to oleic acid) :: oleico
oleic acid {n} (fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms and one double bond, found in olive oil) :: ácido oleico {m}
oleiferous {adj} (that produces oil) :: oleífero
Olenekian {prop} (subdivision of the Triassic period) :: Olenekiense
olfaction {n} (the sense of smell) :: olfato {m}
olfactory {adj} /oʊlˈfæk.təɹ.i/ (concerning the sense of smell) :: olfativo, olfatorio
Olga {prop} (female given name) :: Olga
oligarch {n} /ˈoʊlɪˌɡɑɹk/ (a member of an oligarchy) :: oligarca {m} {f}
oligarchic {adj} (of or pertaining to oligarchy) :: oligárquico
oligarchy {n} /ˈɑːlɪˌɡɑɹki/ (Government by only a few) :: oligarquía {f}
oligarchy {n} (Those who make up an oligarchic government) :: oligarquía {f}
oligarchy {n} (State ruled by such a government) :: oligarquía {f}
oligo- {prefix} (few) :: oligo-
oligochaete {n} (worm of the class Oligochaeta) :: oligoqueto {m}
oligodendrocyte {n} :: oligodendrocito {m}
oligomer {n} /əˈlɪ.ɡə.məɹ/ (compound intermediate between a monomer and a polymer) :: oligómero {m}
oligonucleotide {n} (a short sequence of nucleotides) :: oligonucleótido
oligopolistic {adj} /ˌɒlɪˌɡɒpəˈlɪstɪk/ (having the character of an oligopoly) :: oligopolístico
oligopoly {n} /ɑlɪˈɡɑpəli/ (economic condition) :: oligopolio {m}
oligosaccharide {n} (polysaccharide of low molecular weight) :: oligosacárido {m}
oligotrophic {adj} (of a wetland: deficient in plant nutrients) :: oligotrófico
oligozoospermia {n} :: oligozoospermia {f}
oliguria {n} (a decreased production in the volume of urine) :: oliguria {f}
oliguric {adj} :: oligúrico
olingo {n} (small procyonid) :: olingo {m}
olinguito {n} /oʊlɪŋˈɡitoʊ/ (mammal) :: olinguito {m}
Olivar {prop} (Olivar) :: Olivar {m}
olive {n} /ˈɑlɪv/ (fruit) :: aceituna {f}, oliva {f}
olive {n} (wood) :: olivo {m}
olive {n} (colour) :: verde oliva, aceitunado {m}
olive {adj} (colour) :: verde aceituna
olive {n} (olive tree) SEE: olive tree ::
olive grove {n} (cluster of olive trees) :: olivar {m}
Olivenza {prop} (town) :: Olivenza
olive oil {n} (oil pressed from olives) :: aceite de oliva {m}
Oliver {prop} /ˈɑlɪvɚ/ (male given name) :: Oliverio {m}, Oliver {m}
olive tree {n} (tree that produces olives) :: olivo {m}
Olivia {prop} /oʊˈlɪvi.ə/ (female given name) :: Olivia {f}
Olivier salad {n} (traditional Russian salad of boiled vegetables with mayonnaise) :: ensalada rusa {f}
olivine {n} /ˈɒlɪviːn/ (family of minerals forming orthorhombic crystals) :: olivino
olla podrida {n} (miscellaneous assortment) SEE: hodgepodge ::
olla podrida {n} /ˌɑlə pəˈdɹidə/ (Spanish stew of seasoned meat and vegetables) :: olla podrida {f}
Olmec {n} /ˈoʊlmɛk/ (member of an ancient pre-Columbian people) :: olmeca {m} {f}
-ologist {suffix} (alternative spelling of -logist) :: -ólogo {m}, -óloga {f}
-ology {suffix} (branch of learning) :: -ología {f}
Olomouc Region {prop} (region in the Czech Republic) :: Región de Olomouc {f}
olotera {n} :: olotera, desgranadora
Oltenia {prop} /oʊlˈtɛni.ə/ (Oltenia) :: Oltenia {f}
OLTP {n} (transactions) :: OLTP {f}
Olympia {prop} (ancient city in Greece) :: Olimpia
Olympiad {n} /əˈlɪmpiæd/ (period of four years) :: olimpíada {f}
Olympian {n} /əˈlɪm.pi.ən/ (athlete) :: olímpico {m}
Olympic {adj} /oʊˈlɪm.pɪk/ (of or pertaining to the Olympic Games) :: olímpico
Olympic Games {prop} (international multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival, see also: Olympics) :: Juegos Olímpicos {m-p}
Olympic Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) :: Península Olímpica {f}
Olympics {prop} (sport event, see also: Olympic Games) :: Juegos Olímpicos {m-p}, olimpiada {f}
Olympic Winter Games {prop} (Olympic Winter Games) :: Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno
Olympus {prop} /əˈlɪmpəs/ (mountain) :: Olimpo {m}
-oma {suffix} (suffix forming nouns indicating tumors or masses) :: -oma
Oman {prop} /oʊˈmæn/ (country in the Middle East) :: Omán
Omani {n} (person from Oman or of Omani descent) :: omaní {m}
Omani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Oman, the Omani people or the Omani language) :: omaní {m}
omasum {n} (the third part of the stomach of a ruminant) :: omaso {m}
ombudsman {n} /ˈɑmbədzmən/ (official who investigates complaints) :: , mediador
omega {n} /oʊˈmɛɡə/ (letter of the Greek alphabet) :: omega {f}
omelette {n} /ˈɑm.lət/ (dish made with beaten eggs) :: tortilla francesa {f}, tortilla {f} [Spain]
omen {n} /ˈoʊmən/ (something which portends or is perceived to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; an augury or foreboding) :: presagio {m}
omentum {n} (fold of the peritoneum) :: epiplón {m}, omento {m}
omeprazole {n} /əʊˈmɛpɹəzəʊl/ (benzimidazole) :: omeprazol {m}
Ometepec {prop} :: Ometepec
omicron {n} /ˈɑm.ɪ.ˌkɹɑn/ (Greek letter) :: ómicron {f}
ominous {adj} /ˈɒmɪnəs/ (of or pertaining to an omen or to omens; being or exhibiting an omen) :: ominoso, siniestro
ominous {adj} (giving indication of a coming ill) :: ominoso {m}, ominosa {f}, agorero {m}
omissible {adj} (able to be omitted) :: omisible
omission {n} /oʊˈmɪʃən/ (the act of omitting) :: omisión {f}
omission {n} (the act of neglecting to perform an action one has an obligation to do) :: omisión {f}
omission {n} (something deleted or left out) :: omisión {f}
omission {n} (something not done or neglected) :: omisión {f}
omit {v} /oʊˈmɪt/ (to leave out or exclude) :: omitir, dejar de lado, dejarse en el tintero
ommatidium {n} /ɒməˈtɪdɪəm/ (substructure of the eye) :: omatidio {m}
omnibus {n} /ˈɒmnɪbəs/ (vehicle) :: autobús {m}
omnibus {n} (anthology of previously released material) :: compilación {f}
omnibus {n} (broadcast programme) :: antología semanal {f}
omnificence {n} (state) :: omnificencia {f}
omnipotence {n} (unlimited power) :: omnipotencia {f}
omnipotent {adj} /ɒmˈnɪpətənt/ (having unlimited power, force or authority) :: omnipotente
omnipresence {n} (the ability to be at all places at the same time) :: omnipresencia {f}
omnipresent {adj} /ɒmnɪˈpɹɛzn̩t/ (being everywhere) :: omnipresente
omniscience {n} /ɑmˈnɪʃəns/ (capacity to know everything) :: omnisciencia {f}
omniscient {adj} /ɒmˈnɪsɪənt/ (having total knowledge) :: omniscio, omnisciente, omnisapiente {m} {f}
omnitheism {n} (The belief that all religions contain a core recognition of the same god) :: omniteísmo {m}
omnium-gatherum {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge ::
omnivore {n} (animal eating both plants and meat) :: omnívoro {m}
omnivorous {adj} (having the ability to eat both animal and vegetable food) :: omnívoro
om nom nom {interj} (sound made while relishing food) :: ñam ñam ñam
omo- {prefix} (shoulder) :: omo-
omohyoid {n} /əʊ.məʊˈhʌɪ.ɔɪd/ (muscle found in the neck) :: omohioideo {m}
omohyoidean {adj} (relating to the omohyoid) :: omohioideo
Omsk {prop} (large city in Russia) :: Omsk {m}
-on {suffix} ((physics) subatomic particles) :: -ón {m}
on {adj} (in the state of being active, functioning or operating) :: encendido, conectado
on {prep} (positioned at the upper surface of) :: en, sobre
on {prep} (covering) :: en, sobre
on {prep} (at the date of) :: [the definite article is used before the time period]
on {prep} (some time during the day of) :: [the definite article is used before the time period]
on {prep} (dealing with the subject of) :: sobre
on {prep} (touching; hanging from) :: en, sobre
on {prep} (used to indicate means or medium) :: en
on account of {prep} (because of, owing to) :: a causa de, por mor de
onager {n} /ˈɒnədʒə/ (Asiatic wild ass or hemione) :: onagro {m}
onager {n} (military engine) :: onagro {m}
on air {prep} (transmitting live) :: en el aire, en antena
on all fours {adv} (on hands and knees) :: a cuatro patas, a veinte uñas [vulgar, referring to sex position]
onanism {n} /ˈoʊnəˌnɪzəm/ (masturbation) :: onanismo {m}
on average {prep} (as a measure of central tendency) :: en promedio, como promedio, por término medio
on base {prep} (baseball) :: en base
on behalf of {prep} (speaking or acting for) :: en nombre de, de parte de
on board {adv} (aboard) SEE: aboard ::
on board {adj} (on or in a means of transportation) :: a bordo
onboard {adv} (on a vehicle) SEE: on board ::
on call {prep} (available to be summoned) :: de guardia
once {adv} /wʌn(t)s/ (one and only one time) :: una vez
once {adv} (formerly) :: antiguamente, anteriormente, otrora
once {conj} (as soon as) :: tan pronto como, una vez que
once {adv} (as soon as) SEE: as soon as ::
once again {adv} (one more time) :: una vez más, de nuevo, otra vez
once and for all {adv} (Finally, permanently, conclusively) :: de una vez, de una vez por todas, de una vez para siempre
once bitten, twice shy {proverb} (one is cautious in the future if hurt in the past) :: gato escaldado del agua fría huye
once in a blue moon {adv} /wʌns ɪn ə bluː muːn/ (very rarely) :: cada muerte de obispo, de guindas a brevas, de higos a brevas, de Pascuas a Ramos, de ciento a viento, de ciento en viento
once in a while {adv} (occasionally) :: de vez en cuando
once more {adv} (one more time) SEE: once again ::
once upon a time {adv} /ˈwʌns.əˈpɒn.əˈtaɪ̯m/ (traditional beginning of children’s stories, especially fairy tales) :: érase una vez, había una vez, era una vez
oncilla {n} /ɒnˈsiː.ə/ (Leopardus tigrinus) :: leopardo tigre {m}, gato manchado {m}, tigrillo {m}, tigrina {f}, cunaguaro
oncogene {n} /ˈɒŋkə(ʊ)dʒiːn/ (gene) :: oncogén
oncologic {adj} /ˌɒŋkəˈlɒdʒɪk/ (of or pertaining to oncology) :: oncológico
oncological {adj} (of or pertaining to oncology) SEE: oncologic ::
oncologist {n} /ɒŋˈkɒlədʒɪst/ (one who specialises in oncology) :: oncólogo {m}
oncology {n} /ɒŋˈkɒlədʒi/ (branch of medicine) :: oncología {f}
on demand {prep} (when needed or required) :: al pedido, al llamado, a la carta
on duty {prep} (actively engaged...) :: de guardia
one {pron} /wʌn/ (impersonal pronoun) :: uno {m}, una {f}
one {pron} (indefinite personal pronoun) :: uno, se
one {pron} :: uno, alguien, expressed by nominalization when following an adjective
one {n} (digit or figure) :: uno {m}
one {adj} (of a period of time) :: un
one {adj} (a single, unspecified thing) :: un
one {adj} (sole, only) :: único
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: first ::
-one {suffix} (ketone) :: -ona {f}
one {num} (ordinal number) SEE: number one ::
one {num} (cardinal number 1) :: uno
one and a half {num} (one and a half) :: uno y medio
one another {pron} (idiomatic, reciprocal pronoun) :: el uno al otro {m}
one-armed {adj} (having only one arm) :: manco {m}
one-armed bandit {n} (gaming machine) :: tragamonedas {m}
one at a time {adv} (individually) :: uno por vez {m}, una por vez {f}
one by one {adv} (individually) :: uno por uno
one day {adv} (at unspecified time in the future) :: algún día
one-dimensional {adj} (having length, but no width, height or depth) :: unidimensional
one-eyed {adj} (having only a single eye) :: tuerto
one fell swoop {n} (one stroke; one action or event with many results) :: de repente
one for all, all for one {phrase} /wʌn fəɹɔːl ɔːl fə wʌn/ (motto: working for each other) :: uno para todos, todos para uno
one for the road {n} (a final drink before one leaves) :: caminera {f}
one good turn deserves another {proverb} (one act of kindness should be paid back by another act of kindness) :: es de bien nacidos ser agradecidos
one-handed {adv} (having only one hand) :: manco {m}
one-horse town {n} (very small town) :: villorrio {m}
one hundred {num} (cardinal number 100) SEE: hundred ::
one hundred and one {num} (one hundred plus one, see also: one hundred one) :: ciento uno
one hundred million {num} (number 100,000,000) :: cien millones
one hundred one {num} (101, see also: one hundred and one) :: ciento uno
one hundred percent {adv} (completely, totally) :: cien por ciento, al cien [colloquial, Mexico]
oneiric {adj} /oʊ.ˈnaɪ.ɹɪk/ (of or pertaining to dreams) :: onírico
oneirism {n} /ə(ʊ)ˈnʌɪɹɪzəm/ (dream-like experiences or qualities) :: onirismo {m}
oneirism {n} (state of abnormal consciousness) :: onirismo {m}
oneirologist {n} (interpreter of dreams) :: oneirologista {f}, oneirologisto {m}
oneirology {n} (the study of dreams) :: oneirologia {f}
one man and his dog {n} (almost nobody; very few people) :: cuatro gatos [literally "four cats"]
one man's meat is another man's poison {proverb} (people have differing tastes; what pleases one person may displease another) :: nunca llueve a gusto de todos
one man's trash is another man's treasure {proverb} :: la basura de un hombre es el tesoro de otro
one million {num} (cardinal number 1000000) SEE: million ::
one moment, please {phrase} (one moment please) :: un momento, por favor
on end {prep} (upright, erect, endways) :: de canto
oneness {n} (state of being undivided) :: unidad {f}
one-night stand {n} (theatrical) :: representación única {f}
one-night stand {n} (sexual encounter) :: aventura de una noche {f}
one-night stand {n} (either of the two partners) :: amante de una noche {m} {f}
one o'clock {n} (the start of the second hour) :: la una {f}
one of these days {adv} (one day) :: un día de estos
onerous {adj} /ˈɑnəɹəs/ (burdensome) :: oneroso
one's {pron} /wʌnz/ (belonging to one) :: su {m}, suyo {m}, suya {f}, sus {m-p}, suyos {m-p}, suyas {f-p}
ones and zeroes {n} (binary code) SEE: binary code ::
one's bark is worse than one's bite {phrase} (one acts in a threatening way but is relatively harmless) :: perro ladrador, poco mordedorperro que ladra no muerde
one's days are numbered {phrase} (some period of time is coming to an end) :: tener los días contados, quedarle dos telediarios [Spain, colloquial]
oneself {pron} /wʌnˈsɛlf/ :: sí mismo, uno mismo
one's heart in one's mouth {n} (to be very scared (idiom)) :: tener el corazón en un puño [to have the heart in a fist], tener el corazón en la boca [to have the heart in the mouth]
one should be so lucky {phrase} (it is highly doubtful) :: no caerá esa breva
one-sided {adj} (partial or biased in favour of one faction) :: partidista {m}
onesie {n} /ˈwʌn.zi/ (baby garment) :: mono {m}
onesie {n} (adult jumpsuit) :: mono {m}
one-size-fits-all {adj} (designed to be worn with comfort by people with a wide range of sizes.) :: talla única {f}, tamaño único {m}
one swallow does not a summer make {proverb} (one instance of an event does not necessarily indicate a trend) :: una sola golondrina no hace el verano {f}
one thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) SEE: thousand ::
one-way mirror {n} (mirror that is transparent on one side) :: espejo simulado {m}
one way or another {adv} (somehow, but certainly) :: de un modo u otro, por h o por b
one-way street {n} (road in which traffic is only allowed to proceed in one direction) :: calle de un solo sentido {f}, calle de mano única {f} [Argentina], flecha {f} [Venezuela, colloquial]
one-way ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place but not back) :: billete sencillo {m}
on fire {prep} (being burned by fire) :: en fuego, en llamas
on fire {prep} (rapidly achieving good results) :: en fuego, en racha
on foot {prep} (walking, jogging, running) :: a pie
ongoing {adj} (continuing, permanent) :: continuo
ongoing {adj} (presently or currently happening; being in progress) :: actual
on hand {prep} (available) :: a mano
on heat {prep} (in estrus) :: caliente, en celo
oniomania {n} /əʊnɪə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪə/ (abnormal impulse to buy things) :: oniomanía
onion {n} /ˈʌnjən/ (Allium cepa) :: cebolla {f}
onion {n} (bulb) :: cebolla {f}
onion dome {n} (onion-shaped dome) :: cúpula acebollada {f}
onion ring {n} (food) :: aro de cebolla {m}
onion seed {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella ::
onionskin {n} (paper) :: papel cebolla {m}
online {adj} /ˈɒnˌlaɪn/ (connected to the Internet) :: en línea
online {adj} :: en línea
onlooker {n} (spectator, bystander) SEE: spectator ::
only {adj} /ˈoʊn.li/ (alone in a category) :: único
only {adj} (without sibling) :: único, hijo único {m} [noun]
only {adj} (singularly superior; the best) :: único
only {adv} (without others or anything further; exclusively) :: sólo, solamente, solo
only {adv} (no more than) :: solo, únicamente, solamente
only {adv} (as recently as) :: apenas, solo
only {conj} :: pero, ojalá
only {n} (only child) SEE: only child ::
only child {n} (person who has no siblings) :: hijo único {m}, hija única {f}
only son {n} (sole male child) :: hijo único {m}
on no account {prep} (under no circumstances) SEE: under no circumstances ::
onocentaur {n} /ɒnəˈsɛntɔː/ (a centaur with the body of an ass) :: onocentauro {m}
onomasiological {adj} :: onomasiológico
onomasiology {n} (branch of lexicology) :: onomasiología {f}
onomastic {adj} /ˌɑː.noʊˈmæs.tɪk/ (of, or relating to onomastics) :: onomástico
onomastics {n} /ˌɑː.noʊˈmæs.tɪks/ (branch of lexicology devoted to the study of names) :: onomástica {f}
onomatopoeia {n} /ˌɑnəˌmætəˈpiːə/ (property of a word of sounding like what it represents) :: onomatopeya {f}
onomatopoeia {n} (word that sounds like what it represents) :: onomatopeya {f}
onomatopoeic {adj} /ˌɒnəmætəˈpiːɪk/ (of or relating to onomatopoeia) :: onomatopéyico
onomatopoeic {adj} (having the property of onomatopoeia) :: onomatopéyico {m}
onomatopoetic {adj} (concerning onomatopoeia) SEE: onomatopoeic ::
on one's high horse {prep} (self-righteous) :: darse ínfulas, espetarse, darse aires, subirse a la parra
on one's last legs {prep} (about to die) :: en las últimas, estar con la candela en la mano [dated, colloquial], acabársele la candela [dated, colloquial]
on one's own {prep} (alone; by oneself; without the companionship or assistance of others) :: por sí mismo, por sí solo, por su cuenta, por su propia cuenta, solo
on one's own account {prep} (at one's own risk) SEE: at one's own risk ::
on pins and needles {prep} :: en ascuas, en vilo
on purpose {prep} (purposely, with intention) :: adrede, a propósito, a conciencia, intencionalmente, intencionadamente, queriendo
onry {adj} (ornery) SEE: ornery ::
on sale {prep} (available for purchase) :: en venta
on sale {prep} (available for purchase at reduced prices) :: en barata
on sale {prep} :: en oferta, en venta
onset {n} /ˈɔnˌsɛt/ (rushing or setting upon) :: arremetida
onset {n} (medicine: initial phase of a disease or condition) :: aparición {f}
onset {n} (phonology: initial portion of a syllable) :: ataque {m}
on-site {adj} (at a site) :: in situ
onslaught {n} /ˈɒnslɔːt/ (fierce attack) :: embestida {f}, ataque {m}, arremetida {f}, acometida
onslaught {n} (large quantity of people or things resembling an attack) :: avalancha {f}
onslaught {n} :: asalto
onslaughter {n} (onslaught) SEE: onslaught ::
Ontario {prop} /ˌɑn.ˈtɛə.ɹi.oʊ/ (Lake between Ontario province and New York State, see also: Lake Ontario) :: Ontario {m}
Ontario {prop} (Province in eastern Canada) :: Ontario {m}
on the air {prep} (in the process of recording or broadcasting) SEE: on air ::
on the air {prep} :: al aire
on the alert {prep} (very attentive, or vigilant) :: sobre aviso
on the bias {prep} (describing the method of cutting fabric diagonally) :: al bies
on the brink of {prep} (very near to) :: a borde, al borde
on the cheap {prep} (too economically) :: de baratillo [colloquial]
on the contrary {prep} (opposite) :: al contrario, por el contrario
on the dot {prep} (exactly) :: exactamente, en punto
on the edge of one's seat {prep} (in suspense) :: al borde del asiento
on the fly {adv} ((baseball, of the ball) Without a bounce) :: al vuelo
on the fly {adv} ((idiomatic) spontaneously or extemporaneously) :: al vuelo, a vuelapluma, sobre la marcha
on the hook {prep} (liable) SEE: liable ::
on the house {prep} (free service) :: por cuenta de la casa
on the line {prep} (at risk) :: en juego
on the lookout {adj} (intent on finding something) :: ojo avizor
on the loose {prep} (not in captivity) :: suelto {m}, libre {m} {f}, liberado {m}
on the one hand {prep} (from one point of view) :: por un lado
on the other hand {prep} (from another point of view) :: por otro lado
on the Q.T. {prep} (secretly) :: por lo bajini, a hurtadillas, de extranjis, de tapadillo, a cencerros tapados, a la chita callando, como quien no quiere la cosa
on the ropes {adj} (leaning against the ropes of the boxing ring, as when exhausted and nearing defeat or collapse) :: contra las cuerdas
on the ropes {adj} (showing signs of imminent failure or collapse) :: contra las cuerdas
on the safe side {prep} (on the safe side) :: curarse en salud
on the same wavelength {prep} (in rapport) :: en la misma onda
on the street {prep} (without a home) :: en la calle, sin techo, desamparado, desalojado
on the tip of one's tongue {prep} (known but not quite remembered) :: en la punta de la lengua
on the up-and-up {adj} (legitimate) :: [estar de] arribista {m}
on the verge of {prep} (almost at the beginning) :: a punto de, al borde de
on the warpath {prep} (very angry or upset) :: en pie de guerra
on the way {prep} (coming) :: en ruta, en camino, en el camino
on the whole {prep} (for the most part) :: en general
on time {adv} (punctually) :: a tiempo
onto {prep} /ˈɑn.tu/ (upon; on top of) :: sobre
onto {adj} (surjective) SEE: surjective ::
ontogenetic {adj} (of or relating to ontogenesis) :: ontogénico
ontogenic {adj} (ontogenetic) SEE: ontogenetic ::
ontogeny {n} /ɒnˈtɒdʒəni/ (development of an individual organism) :: ontogenia {f}
ontological {adj} (of, or relating to, ontology) :: ontológico
ontologically {adv} (ontological manner) :: ontológicamente
ontology {n} /ɒnˈtɒləd͡ʒi/ (study of being) :: ontología {f}
ontology {n} (system model in computer science) :: ontología
on top of {prep} (atop) SEE: atop ::
on top of that {prep} (additionally, moreover) :: para más
onus {n} /ˈoʊnəs/ (legal obligation) :: obligación {f}
onus {n} (burden of proof) :: carga de la prueba {f}
onus {n} (stigma) :: estigma
onus {n} (blame) :: culpa
onus probandi {n} (duty of a party in a legal proceeding) SEE: burden of proof ::
onward {adv} /ˈɒnwəd/ (In a forward direction) :: [spatial direction] hacia adelante, para adelante, de frente; [temporal direction] en adelante, a partir de ahora
onychomycosis {n} /ˌɒnɪkəʊmaɪˈkəʊsɪs/ (fungal infection of nail) :: onicomicosis {f}, tiña de las uñas {f}
onychophoran {n} (a carnivorous ecdysozoan worm) :: onicóforo {m}
onychosis {n} :: onicosis {f}
on your mark, get set, go {phrase} (three-command start of racing) :: ¡en sus marcas, listos, fuera!; preparados, listos, ¡ya!
on your marks {interj} (Interjection used to start a race, followed by "Get set, go!" or "Set, go!".) :: en sus marcas
onyx {n} /ˈɒnɪks/ (a banded variety of chalcedony) :: ónix {f}, ónice {f}, ónique {f}
oocyte {n} /ˈoʊ.oʊ.saɪt/ (cell that develops into egg or ovum) :: oocito, ovocito
oofless {adj} (poor) SEE: poor ::
ooh {interj} /uː/ (expressing awe) :: uy
oolite {n} /ˈəʊəlʌɪt/ (geology: rock of spherical grains) :: oolito {m}
oology {n} /əʊˈɒlədʒi/ (study of birds' eggs) :: oología {f}
oolong {n} (oolong tea) SEE: oolong tea ::
oolong tea {n} (type of tea) :: té de oolong {m}, té oolong {m}
Oompa Loompa {n} /ˈuːmpə ˈluːmpə/ :: umpa lumpa {m-p}, umpa lumpi {m-p}
oomph {n} /ʊmf/ :: garra {f}, marcha {f} [Spain]
oontz {interj} :: chunda chunda
oophorectomy {n} /ˌəʊəfəˈɹɛktəmi/ (surgical removal of ovaries) :: ooforectomía {f}, ovarectomía {f}
oops {interj} /uːps/ (acknowledging a minor mistake) :: ops, ups
oops {interj} (used sarcastically to acknowledge a major mistake) :: oh oh
oops {v} (to blunder) SEE: blunder ::
Oort Cloud {prop} (cloud of comets in the Solar System) :: nube de Oort {f}
oosphere {n} (A large nonmotile egg cell) :: oosfera {f}
ootheca {n} /əʊəˈθiːkə/ (egg case of orthopteroid insects) :: ooteca {f}
ooze {n} /uːz/ (tanning liquor, tanning ooze) :: licor de curtido {m}
ooze {v} (to secrete or slowly leak) :: exudar, segregar, rezumar
opacity {n} /oʊˈpæsɪtiː/ (state of being opaque; blocking light) :: opacidad {f}
opal {n} /ˈoʊpəl/ (a mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity) :: ópalo {m}
opaque {adj} /oʊˈpeɪk/ (hindering light to pass through) :: opaco {m}
opaquely {adv} (in an opaque manner) :: opacamente
OPEC {prop} /ˈəʊpɛk/ (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) :: OPEP {f}
open {adj} /ˈoʊ.pən/ (not closed) :: abierto {m}
open {adj} (prepared to conduct business) :: abierto
open {adj} (receptive) :: abierto {m}
open {adj} (math: which is part of a predefined collection of subsets) :: abierto {m}
open {adj} (computing: in current use) :: abierto {m}
open {v} (to make something accessible) :: abrir
open {v} (to make accessible to customers) :: abrir
open {v} (to become open) :: abrir
open {n} (sports event) :: open {m}
open air {n} (the outside) :: aire libre {m}, intemperie {f}
open-air {adj} (taking place outdoors) :: al aire libre
open-air museum {n} (outdoor museum) :: museo al aire libre {m}
open bar {n} (bar at which drinks are served without charge) :: barra libre {f}
open book {n} (thing easily interpreted) :: libro abierto
open book {n} (person naively honest or open) :: libro abierto
open-ended {adj} (unrestricted by definite limits) :: abierto
open-ended {adj} (adaptable to change) :: abierto
open-ended {adj} (permitting unstructured response) :: abierto
open-end fund {n} (collective investment) :: fondo mutuo abierto {m}
opener {n} (bottle opener) SEE: bottle opener ::
opener {n} /ˈəʊpənə/ (device that opens something) :: abridor {m}
opener {n} (first act in a variety show) :: primer acto {m}
opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener ::
open fire {v} (to begin firing at something or someone) :: abrir fuego
Open Game {n} :: apertura abierta {f}
open house {n} (event where a facility or institution is open to the public for inspection or tour) :: jornada de puertas abiertas {f}
opening {n} /ˈoʊ.pənɪŋ/ (something that is open) :: abertura {f}
opening {n} (first performance of a show or play by a particular troupe) :: estreno {m}
opening {n} (first few moves in a game of chess) :: apertura {f}
opening {n} :: apertura {f}
openly {adv} /ˈoʊpənli/ (in an open manner, visibly, not covertly) :: abiertamente, sin tapujos, con luz y taquígrafos
open-mid {adj} (open-mid) :: semiabierto
open-minded {adj} (willing to consider new ideas) :: abierto de mente {m}, abierto
open-mouthed {adj} (with the mouth open) :: boquiabierto
open-mouthed {adj} (gaping in surprise etc.) :: boquiabierto
open one's legs {v} :: abrirse de piernas
open-pit mine {n} (mine with an open pit or burrow) :: mina a tajo abierto {f}
open sea {n} (part of the sea) :: alta mar {f}, mar ancha {f}, piélago {m}
open secret {n} (widely known fact not mentioned) :: secreto a voces {m}
open sesame {phrase} (open up) :: ábrete sésamo
opera {n} /ˈɑ.pəɹ.ə/ (theatrical work) :: ópera {f}
opera house {n} (theatre for opera) :: teatro de ópera {m}
opera singer {n} (someone who sings opera professionally) :: cantante de ópera {m} {f}
operate {v} /ˈɒpəɹeɪt/ (to perform a work or labour) :: operar, obrar, trabajar
operate {v} (to produce a physical effect) :: operar, trabajar
operate {v} (to produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power) :: influir; controlar, manipular
operate {v} (medicine) :: operar
operate {v} (to deal in stocks) :: especular, controlar, manipular
operating room {n} (room in a hospital used for performing surgical operations) :: quirófano {m}
operating system {n} /ˈɒpəˌɹeɪtɪŋ ˌsɪstəm/ (software which controls computer) :: sistema operativo {m}
operating theatre {n} (room in a hospital used for performing surgery) :: quirófano {m}
operation {n} /ˌɑpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (method by which a device performs its function) :: operación {f}
operation {n} (surgical procedure) :: operación {f}
operation {n} (procedure for generating a value from one or more other values) :: operación {m}
operation {n} (military campaign) :: operación {f}
operational {adj} (functioning and ready for use) :: operativo
operational {adj} (determined by means of practical measures) :: operacional
operative {adj} (effectual) :: operatorio
operative {adj} (functional) :: operatorio
operative {adj} (based upon a surgical operation) :: operatorio
operator {n} /ˈɑpəˌɹeɪɾɚ/ (one who operates) :: operador {m}
operator {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers ::
operculum {n} ((zoology) covering flap in animals) :: opérculo {m}
operetta {n} (lighter version of opera) :: opereta {f}
Ophelia {prop} /oʊˈfiljə/ (female given name) :: Ofelia
ophidian {n} /oʊˈfɪdi.ən/ (one of the Serpentes) :: ofidio {m}
ophidian {adj} (of or pertaining to Serpentes) :: ofídico
ophidiophobia {n} (ophiophobia) SEE: ophiophobia ::
ophiophobia {n} (fear of snakes) :: ofidiofobia {f}
Ophiotaurus {n} (mythical creature) :: Ofiotauro {m}
Ophiuchus {prop} /ˌoʊfiˈjukəs/ (zodiacal constellation of the northern summer) :: Ofiuco {m}
ophthalmic {adj} (of or pertaining to the eyes) :: oftálmico
ophthalmological {adj} (pertaining to ophthalmology) :: oftalmológico
ophthalmologist {n} /ˌɒf.θælˈmɒ.lə.dʒɪst/ (eye specialist) :: oftalmólogo {m}, oftalmóloga {f}
ophthalmology {n} /ˌɒfθəlˈmɒlədʒi/ (eye medicine) :: oftalmología {f}
ophthalmopathy {n} (eye disease) :: oftalmopatía {f}
ophthalmoscope {n} (instrument for examining the interior of the eye) :: oftalmoscopio {m}
opiate {n} /ˈəʊpi.ət/ (drug, hormone or other substance derived from or related to opium) :: opiato {m}
opine {v} /ə(ʊ)ˈpaɪn/ (to state as an opinion) :: opinar
opiner {n} :: opinador {m}
opinion {n} /əˈpɪnjən/ (thought a person has formed about a topic) :: opinión {f}, parecer {m}
opinion {n} (EU: A judicial opinion by an Advocate General delivered to the European Court of Justice) :: conclusiones {f-p}
opinion {v} (opine) SEE: opine ::
opinionated {adj} (obstinately holding to one's opinion) :: obstinado, terco, ergotista, dogmático, respondón, sabiondo, pedante
opium {n} /ˈoʊpi.əm/ (drug from opium poppy) :: opio {n}
opopanax {n} /əˈpɒpənaks/ (gum from the root of Opopanax chironium or what is equal) :: opopanax {m}, opoponax {m}, opopanaco {m}, opoponaco {m}
Oporto {prop} /əˈpɔː(ɹ)təʊ/ (second-largest city of Portugal) :: Oporto
opossum {n} /əˈpɑsəm/ (marsupial of the Didelphidae) :: [especially formal or scientific usage] zarigüeya {f}, [Bolivia] carachupa {f}, [Colombia] chucha {f}, [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] comadreja {f}, [Venezuelan Andes] faro {m}, [Peru] muca {f}, [Venezuelan standard usage] rabipelado {m}, [Ecuador] raposa {f}, [Honduras] tacuacín {m}, [El Salvador, Guatemala] tacuazín {m}, [Mexico] tlacuache {m}, [Panama] zorra {f}, [Nicaragua] zorro cola pelada {m}, [Costa Rica] zorro pelón {m}
opponent {n} /ɒpəʊnənt/ (one who opposes another) :: oponente, antagonista
opponent {n} (one who opposes another physically) :: oponente, contrincante
opponent {n} (one who opposes another in words) :: adversario {m}
opponent {n} (one who objects to a policy, etc.) :: opositor {m}
opponent {n} :: oponente {m}
opportune {adj} (suitable) :: oportuno
opportunely {adv} /ˌɑ.pɚˈtun.li/ (in a manner convenient or advantageous at some particular time) :: tempestivamente
opportunism {n} (the taking of opportunities) :: oportunismo {m}
opportunist {n} (someone who takes advantage of any opportunity) :: oportunista {m}, [Puerto Rico] vela güira {f}, aprovechado {m}, aprovechón {m}, ventajista {m} {f}, ventajoso {m} [Mexico], ventajero {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic], encajoso {m} [Mexico]
opportunistic {adj} /ˌɑpəɹˌtuːˈnɪstɪk/ (said of people who will take advantage of situations) :: oportunista {m} {f}
opportunity {n} /ˌɒp.əˈtjuː.nɪ.tɪ/ (chance for advancement, progress or profit) :: oportunidad {f}
opportunity {n} (favorable circumstance or occasion) :: oportunidad {f}
opportunity cost {n} (cost of something in terms of an opportunity forgone) :: coste de oportunidad {m}
oppose {v} /əˈpoʊz/ (to attempt to stop the progression of; to resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments, etc.) :: oponer
oppose {v} (to object to) :: oponer
opposed {adj} /əˈpoʊzd/ (acting in opposition; opposing) :: opuesto
opposite {adj} /ˈɑp(ə)sɪt/ (located directly across from) :: opuesto
opposite {adj} (facing the other way) :: opuesto
opposite {adj} (of complementary or mutually exclusive things) :: opuesto
opposite {n} (contrary thing) :: contrario
opposite {n} (opponent) :: opuesto
opposite {n} (antonym) :: antónimo {m}
opposite {prep} (across from) :: enfrente
opposite sex {n} (the other gender to which one is referring) :: sexo opuesto {m}
opposition {n} /ɑpəˈzɪʃn̩/ (politics: party or movement opposed to government) :: oposición {f}
oppress {v} /əˈpɹɛs/ (keep down by unjust force) :: oprimir
oppressed {adj} /əˈpɹɛst/ (Subject to oppression) :: oprimido
oppression {n} /əˈpɹɛʃən/ (act of oppressing, or the state of being oppressed) :: opresión {f}
oppressively {adv} (in an oppressive manner) :: opresivamente
oppressor {n} (someone who oppresses others) :: opresor {m}
opprobrium {n} /əˈpɹoʊbɹi.əm/ (ignominy) :: oprobio {m}
op shop {n} (thrift shop) SEE: thrift shop ::
opsonin {n} /ˈɒpsənɪn/ (an antibody) :: opsonina {f}
opsonize {v} :: opsonizar
opt {v} /ɒpt/ (to choose) :: optar
optic {adj} /ˈɒptɪk/ (of or relating to the eye or to vision) :: óptico
optic {adj} (of or relating to optics or optical instruments) :: óptico
optical {adj} (relating to sight) SEE: optic ::
optical {adj} (relating to optics) SEE: optic ::
optical character recognition {n} (electronic identification and digital encoding of characters) :: reconocimiento óptico de caracteres {m}
optic chiasm {n} (part of the brain) :: quiasma óptico {m}
optician {n} (a person who makes or sells lenses, spectacles) :: óptico {m}, óptica {f}
optic nerve {n} (nerve) :: nervio óptico {m}
optic neuritis {n} (optic neuritis) :: neuritis óptica {f}
optics {n} /ˈɒptɪks/ (physics of light and vision) :: óptica {f}
optimal {adj} /ˈɑptɪməl/ (the best) :: óptimo
optimism {n} /ˈɑptɪmɪzəm/ (a tendency to expect the best) :: optimismo {m}
optimist {n} /ˈɑptɪmɪst/ (a person who expects a favourable outcome) :: optimista {m} {f}
optimistic {adj} /ˌɑptɪˈmɪstɪk/ (expecting a good outcome) :: optimista
optimization {n} (the design and operation of a system or process to make it as good as possible in some defined sense) :: optimización {f}
optimize {v} /ˈɑptɪmaɪz/ (to act optimistically) :: optimizar
optimize {v} (to make (something) optimal) :: optimar, optimizar
optimize {v} (to make (something) more efficient) :: optimar, optimizar
optimizer {n} :: optimizador {m}
optimum {adj} /ˈɑptɪməm/ (best or most advantageous) :: óptimo
option {n} /ˈɑpʃən/ (one of the choices that can be made) :: opción {f}, alternativa {f}
option {n} (financial product) :: opción financiera, opciones {f}
optional {adj} (not compulsory) :: opcional {m} {f}
optography {n} (the production of an optogram on the retina by the photochemical action of light on the visual purple; the fixation of an image in the eye) :: optografía {f}
optometrist {n} /ɑpˈtɑmətɹɪst/ (person trained in examining and testing the eyes for defects) :: optometrista {m} {f}, optómetra {m} {f}
optometry {n} (art and science of vision and eye care) :: optometría {f}
opulence {n} (wealth) :: opulencia {f}
opulent {adj} (rich) :: opulento
opuscule {n} /oʊˈpəs.kjul/ (Small or petty work.) :: opúsculo {m}
or {conj} /ɔɹ/ (conjunction) :: o, [before words beginning in 'o-' or 'ho-'] u
or {n} (gold or yellow tincture) :: oro {m}
or {adj} (of yellow or gold tincture on a coat of arms) :: oro
orach {n} (saltbush) SEE: saltbush ::
oracle {n} /ˈɔɹəkəl/ (priest through whom deity provides prophecy or advice) :: oráculo {m}
oracle {n} :: oráculo
oracle bone {n} (piece of turtle shell or bone used for divination) :: hueso oracular {m}
oral {adj} /ˈɔɹəl/ (relating to the mouth) :: oral
oral {adj} (spoken) :: oral
oral history {n} (oral tradition) SEE: oral tradition ::
oralisation {n} (oralization) SEE: oralization ::
oralise {v} (oralize) SEE: oralize ::
orality {n} (being oral) :: oralidad {f}
oralizable {adj} (able to be oralized) :: oralizable
oralization {n} (the act or an act of oralizing) :: oralización {f}
oralize {v} (to turn something written into something oral) :: oralizar
oral lore {n} (oral tradition) SEE: oral tradition ::
orally {adv} /ˈɔːɹəli/ (by mouth) :: oralmente
orally {adv} (spoken) :: oralmente, de viva voz
oral sex {n} (stimulation of the genitals using the mouth) :: sexo oral {m}
oral tradition {n} (cultural material transmitted orally from one generation to another) :: tradición oral {f}
Oran {prop} (port of Algeria) :: Orán
orange {n} /ˈɑɹɪ̈nd͡ʒ/ (tree) :: naranjo {m}
orange {n} (fruit) :: naranja {f}, china {f} [Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico]
orange {n} (colour) :: naranja {m}, anaranjado {m}
orange {adj} (having the colour of the fruit of an orange tree) :: anaranjado, naranja
orangeade {n} /ˈɒ.ɹɪn.ˌdʒeɪd/ (orange-flavored soft drink) :: naranjada {f}
orangeade {n} (soda water and orange juice) :: naranjada {f}
orange-ball-tree {n} (plant) :: matico {m}, salvia real de México {f}, palquín de Chile {m}, acerillo {m}, paiquil {m}, pañil {m}, palguín {m}
orange blossom {n} (white flower of the orange tree) :: azahar {m}, flor de azahar {f}
orange juice {n} (juice of squeezed oranges) :: [Latin America] jugo de naranja {m}, [Spain] zumo de naranja {m}
Orange-Nassau {prop} (royal house or family of the Netherlands) :: Orange-Nassau
orange tree {n} :: naranjo {m}
orangish {adj} (relatively orange in color) :: anaranjado
orangutan {n} /əˈɹæŋ.əˌtæn/ (arboreal anthropoid ape) :: orangután {m}
orate {v} /ˈɔɹ.eɪt/ (to speak formally; to give a speech) :: disertar, perorar, pontificar
orate {v} (to speak passionately; to preach) :: arengar, sermonear, vituperar, amonestar
oratory {n} (eloquence) SEE: eloquence ::
oratory {n} /ˈɔ.ɹə.tɔ.ɹi/ (private chapel) :: oratorio
oratory {n} (large Roman Catholic church) :: oratorio {m}
oratory {n} (art of public speaking) :: oratoria {f}
orature {n} (small room or chapel used for prayer and worship, or for private study) SEE: oratory ::
orb {n} (period of time marked off by the revolution of a heavenly body) SEE: year ::
orb {n} (circle) SEE: circle ::
orb {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit ::
orb {n} /oɹb/ (spherical body) :: orbe {m}
orb {n} (monarch's ceremonial sphere) SEE: globus cruciger ::
orbicular {adj} /ɔɹˈbɪk.ju.lɚ/ (circular or spherical in shape) :: orbicular, esférico
orbicularis oculi {n} (muscle) :: orbicular de los párpados {m}, músculo orbicular de los párpados {m}
orbit {n} /ˈɔː(ɹ)bɪt/ (path of one object around another) :: órbita {f}
orbit {v} (circle another object) :: orbitar
orbit {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket ::
orbital {adj} (Of or relating to an orbit) :: orbital, orbitario
orbital {adj} (Of or relating to the eye socket (eyehole)) :: orbital, orbitario
orbital {n} (energy and probability density) :: orbital {m}
orbital cavity {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket ::
orbitational {adj} (orbital) SEE: orbital ::
orbito- {prefix} (orbit) :: orbito-
orbitofrontal {adj} (located in the frontal lobes above the orbits of the eyes) :: orbitofrontal
or bust {phrase} /ɔː ˈbʌst/ (used to indicate one's intention to do everything possible to achieve a goal, with failure being the only alternative) :: o nada
orc {n} /ɔɹk/ (evil monstrous humanoid creature) :: orco {m}
orc {n} (Orcinus orca) SEE: orca ::
orca {n} /ˈɔɹkə/ (Orcinus orca) :: orca {f}
orchard {n} /ˈɔː.tʃəd/ (land for cultivation of fruit or nut trees) :: huerta {m}
orchard {n} (the trees in an orchard) :: árbol de huerta {m}
orchestra {n} /ˈɔɹkəstɹə/ (large group of musicians who play together on various instruments) :: orquesta {f}
orchestra {n} :: orquesta {f}
orchestral {adj} /ˌɔɹˈkɛstɹəl/ (relating to an orchestra) :: orquestal
orchestra pit {n} (sunken area in front of a stage) :: foso de orquesta {m}
orchestrator {n} (one who orchestrates) :: orquestador
orchid {n} /ˈɔɹ.kɪd/ (plant) :: orquídea {f}
orchid {adj} (colour) :: orquídea
orchidarium {n} (orchid garden) :: orquideario {m}
orchidologist {n} (one who studies orchids) :: orquidólogo {m}
orchidology {n} (study of orchids) :: orquideología {f}
orchitis {n} (painful inflammation of one or both testes) :: orquitis {f}
Orcus {prop} /ˈɔːrkəs/ :: orco {m}
ordeal {n} /ɔɹˈdil/ (a painful or trying experience) :: calvario {m}, suplicio
ordeal {n} (trial in which the accused was subjected to a dangerous test) :: prueba del fuego {f}, ordalía {f}
order {n} /ˈɔɹdɚ/ (arrangement, disposition) :: orden {m}
order {n} (good arrangement) :: orden {m}
order {n} (command) :: orden {f}, mandato {m}
order {n} (request for some product or service) :: orden {f}, mandato {m}, pedido {m}
order {n} (religious group) :: orden {f}, mandato {m}
order {n} (society of knights) :: orden {f}
order {n} (awarded decoration) :: orden {f}
order {v} (to set in (any) order) :: ordenar, arreglar
order {v} (to set in (a good) order) :: ordenar, arreglar
order {v} (to issue a command) :: ordenar, mandar
order {v} (to request some product or service) :: ordenar, pedir
orderable {adj} (That may be ordered (put in sequence).) :: ordenable
ordered pair {n} (in set theory) :: par ordenado {m}
orderliness {n} /ˈɔːdəlɪnəs/ (regularity; proper arrangement) :: orden {m}
orderly {adj} /ˈɔɹdɚli/ (neat; tidy; possessing order) :: ordenado
orderly {adj} (methodical; systematic) :: metódico
orderly {adj} (peaceful; well-behaved) :: pacífico
orderly {n} (hospital attendant given a variety of non-medical duties) :: camillero {m}
ordinal {adj} /ˈɔːɹd.nəl/ (indicating position in a numerical sequence) :: ordinal
ordinal direction {n} (intercardinal direction) SEE: intercardinal direction ::
ordinal number {n} (grammar: word used to denote relative position in a sequence) :: ordinal {m}, adjetivo ordinal {m}
ordinal number {n} (arithmetic: number used to denote position in a sequence) :: ordinal {m}, número ordinal {m}
ordinance {n} /ˈɔɹd.nəns/ (a local law or regulation) :: ordenanza {f}
ordinariate {n} (office of a Roman Catholic ordinary) :: ordinariato
ordinarily {adv} /ɔːdɪˈnæɹɪli/ (usually or as a general rule) :: ordinariamente, de ordinario
ordinary {n} /ˈɔɹdɪnɛɹi/ (standard geometric design in heraldics) :: pieza {f}
ordinary {adj} (normal, routine) :: ordinario {m}
ordinary {adj} (Having no special characteristics or function; everyday, common, mundane) :: del montón
ordinary differential equation {n} (equation) :: ecuación diferencial ordinaria {f}
Ordinary Time {prop} (season of the Christian liturgical calendar) :: Tiempo Ordinario
ordinate {n} /ˈɔːɹ.dənɪt/ (y coordinate; second of two coordinates) :: ordenada {f}
ordinate {v} (to ordain a priest or consecrate a bishop) :: ordenar
ordinate {v} (to align a series of objects) :: alinear
ordinate {adj} (arranged regularly in rows; orderly; disposed or arranged in an orderly or regular fashion.) :: ordenado
ordnance {n} /ˈɔɹdnəns/ (artillery) :: artillería {f}
ordure {n} (dirt, filth) SEE: dirt ::
ordure {n} /ˈɔːdj(ʊ)ə/ (dung, excrement, see also: dung; excrement) :: esterco {m}
ore {n} /ɔɹ/ (rock that contains materials that can be economically extracted and processed) :: mena {f}, mineral {m}
oregano {n} /ɒɹɪˈɡɑːnəʊ/ (plant) :: orégano {m}
oregano {n} (leaves used to flavour food) :: orégano {m}
Oregon {prop} /ˈɔɹɪɡən/ (northwestern state of the United States of America) :: Oregón {m}
Oregon grape {n} (Mahonia aquifolium) :: mahonia {f}, uva de Oregón {f}
or else {phrase} (no matter what) :: o verás
Orenburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Oremburgo {m}
Oresund {prop} /ˈɜːsʊnd/ (strait) :: Øresund {m}, Öresund {m}, Sund {m}
Oresund Bridge {prop} /ˌɜːsʊnd ˈbɹɪdʒ/ (bridge) :: puente de Øresund {m}, puente de Öresund {m}
organ {n} /ˈɔɹ.ɡən/ (part of an organism) :: órgano {m}
organ {n} (body of an organization) :: órgano {m}
organ {n} (musical instrument) :: órgano {m}
organ {n} (official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication) :: publicación oficial {f}
organ {n} (species of cactus) :: órgano {m}
organdy {n} /ˈɔːɡəndi/ (transparent fabric) :: organdí {m}
organelle {n} /ˌɔɹ.ɡənˈɛl/ (a membrane bound compartment found within cells) :: orgánulo, organelo {m}, elemento celular {m}
organ harvesting {n} (removal of human organs) :: transplante de órganos {m}
organic {adj} /ɔɹˈɡænɪk/ (pertaining to an organ) :: orgánico
organic {adj} (chemistry: relating to the compounds of carbon) :: orgánico
organic {adj} (of food and food products: grown without agrichemicals) :: orgánico {m}, orgánica {f}
organic {n} (organic compound) SEE: organic compound ::
organic chemistry {n} (chemistry of carbon containing compounds) :: química orgánica {f}
organic compound {n} (carbon containing covalent compound) :: compuesto orgánico
organise {v} (organize) SEE: organize ::
organised {adj} (organized) SEE: organized ::
organism {n} /ˈɔɹ.ɡən.ɪ.zəm/ (living thing) :: organismo {m}
organism {n} (any complex thing with properties normally associated with living things.) :: organismo {m}
organist {n} (musician who plays the organ) :: organista {m}/{f}
organization {n} /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (quality of being organized) :: organización {f}
organization {n} (the way in which something is organized) :: organización
organization {n} (group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules) :: organización {f}
organization {n} (group of people consciously cooperating) :: organización {f}
organizational {adj} (of an organization) :: organizacional
organize {v} /ˈɔɹɡənaɪz/ (to arrange in working order) :: organizar
organize {v} (to constitute in parts, each having a special function; to systematize) :: organizar
organized {adj} /ˈɔɹɡənaɪzd/ (characterised by efficient organization) :: organizado
organized crime {n} (criminal organizations seen as a whole) :: crimen organizado {m}
organizer {n} /ˈɔɹɡənaɪzɚ/ (person arranging public events) :: organizador {m}
organmaker {n} (person who makes organs) :: organero {m}, organera {f}
organochlorine {n} (chlorine substituted organic compound) :: organoclorado {m}
organogenesis {n} (formation and development of the organs from embryonic cells) :: organogénesis {f}
organography {n} (description of the structure and function of organs) :: organografía {f}
organoleptic {adj} (of or pertaining to sensory properties of a particular substance) :: organoléptico
organolithium {n} (organic compound containing a carbon to lithium bond) :: organolitio {m}
organomercury {adj} (of an organic compound, containing a carbon to mercury bond) :: organomercúrico
organophosphate {n} (ester of phosphoric acid) :: organofosfato {m}
organ pipe {n} (tube part of an organ (instrument)) :: tubo de órgano {m}
organ transplant {n} (surgical operation) :: transplante {m}
orgasm {n} /ˈɔɹ.ɡæz.əm/ (the peak of sexual pleasure) :: orgasmo {m}
orgasm {n} (orgasm) SEE: climax ::
orgasmic {adj} (of or relating to orgasms) :: orgásmico
orgasmically {adv} (in an orgasmic way) :: orgásticamente
orgiastic {adj} /ˌɔɹdʒiˈæstɪk/ (relating to an orgy) :: orgiástico
orgulous {adj} /ˈɔɹɡjələs/ (proud, haughty) :: orgulloso {m}
orgulous {adj} (swollen, augmented, excessive) :: aumentada, excesiva
orgulous {adj} (threatening, dangerous) :: amenazante, peligroso
orgy {n} /ˈɔː.dʒi/ (sexual group activity) :: orgía {f}
orient {v} /ˈɔː.ɹɪ.ənt/ (to familiarize (oneself or someone) with a situation or circumstance) :: orientarse
Orient {prop} /ˈɔː.ɹɪ.ənt/ (countries of Asia) :: Oriente {m}
oriental pratincole {n} (Glareola maldivarum) :: canastera oriental {f}
Oriental Republic of Uruguay {prop} (official name of Uruguay) :: República Oriental del Uruguay {f}
orientation {n} /ˌɔɹiɛnˈteɪʃən/ (the act of orienting) :: orientación {f}
orientation {n} (an inclination, tendency or direction) :: orientación {f}
orientation {n} (ability to orient) :: orientación {f}
orientation {n} (introduction to a new environment) :: orientación {f}
orientation {n} (the direction of print across the page) :: orientación {f}
orienteering {n} (racing across unfamiliar place using a map and compass) :: orientación {f}
orifice {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) SEE: hole ::
orifice {n} (mouth or aperture, as of a tube, pipe) :: orificio {m}
origami {n} /ˌɔɹəˈɡɑmi/ (the Japanese art of paper folding) :: papiroflexia {f}, origami {m}
origin {n} /ˈɒɹ.ɪ.dʒɪn/ (beginning of something) :: origen {m}
origin {n} (source of a river, information, goods, etc.) :: origen {m}
origin {n} (ancestry) :: origen {m}
original {adj} /əˈɹɪdʒɪnəl/ (relating to the origin or beginning) :: original
original {adj} (first in a series) :: original
original {adj} (newly created) :: original
original {adj} (fresh, different) :: original
original {adj} (pioneering) :: original
original {adj} (having as its origin) :: original; original
original {n} (object from which all later copies and variations are derived) :: original {m}
original {n} (person with a unique and interesting personality and/or creative talent) :: único {m}
original {n} :: original {m}
original {n} (archaism for an eccentric) SEE: eccentric ::
originality {n} /əˌɹɪdʒɪˈnælɪti/ (the quality of being original or novel) :: originalidad {f}
originality {n} (something original) :: originalidad {f}
originality {n} :: originalidad {f}
originally {adv} /əˈɹɪdʒɪnəli/ (as it was in the beginning) :: originalmente, originariamente
originally {adv} (creatively) :: originalmente
original sin {n} (state of sinfulness in each human) :: pecado original {m}
originate {v} /əˈɹɪdʒɪneɪt/ (to give origin to, cause) :: originar
originate {v} (to take first existence, have origin) :: originarse
O-ring {n} (circular gasket) :: junta tórica {f}
Orinoco {prop} /ˌoʊɹɪˈnoʊkoʊ/ (river) :: Orinoco {m}
oriole {n} /ˈɔːriːoʊl/ (any of the various colourful passerine birds) :: oropéndola {f}, turpial {m}, bolsero {m}
Orion {prop} /əˈɹaɪən/ (in mythology) :: Orión
Orion {prop} (constellation) :: Orión
Orion's Belt {prop} (bright asterism) :: [South America] las Tres Marias
orisha {n} /ˈɒɹɪʃɑː/ (deity in Yoruba religion) :: orisha {m}, oricha {m}
orison {n} /ˈɒɹɪsən/ (A prayer) :: oración {f}
Oristano {prop} (town) :: Oristán
Oriya {prop} (language) :: oriya {m}
Orkney Islands {prop} (group of islands) :: Orcadas {f-p}
Orleans {prop} /ˈɔɹ.li.ənz/ (capital of Centre-Val de Loire, France) :: Orleans
Ormus {prop} (kingdom) :: Ormuz
ornament {n} /ˈɔɹnəmənt/ (element of decoration) :: ornamento {m}
ornament {n} (musical flourish) :: ornamento musical
ornamental {adj} /ˌɔɹnəˈmɛntl/ (serving to ornament) :: ornamental
ornery {adj} /ˈɔːnəɹi/ (cantankerous, stubborn) :: terco
ornithine {n} (amino acid) :: ornitina {f}
ornitho- {prefix} (of or pertaining to birds) :: ornito-
ornithological {adj} (of or pertaining to ornithology) :: ornitológico
ornithologically {adv} (in terms of ornithology) :: ornitológicamente
ornithologist {n} (expert in ornithology) :: ornitólogo {m}, ornitóloga {f}
ornithology {n} (scientific study of birds) :: ornitología {f}
ornithomimid {n} :: ornitomímido {m}
ornithophobia {n} /ˌɔɹnɪθəˈfoʊbiə/ (fear, dislike, or hate of birds) :: ornitofobia {f}
ornithopter {n} /ˈɔɹ.nɪˌθɑp.tɚ/ (aircraft that flaps its wings) :: ornitóptero {m}
ornithosis {n} (infection) :: ornitosis {f}
orogenesis {n} (orogenesis) :: orogénesis {f}
orography {n} /ɒˈɹɒɡɹəfi/ (the scientific study, or a physical description of mountains) :: orografía {f}
orography {n} (the orographic features of a region) :: orografía {f}
orotund {adj} (pompous; bombastic) :: altisonante, grandilocuente, pomposo {m}, bombástico {m}, rimbombante , hueco {m}, altílocuo {m}, altilocuente, altísono {m}
orphan {n} /ˈɔːfən/ (person whose (parent or) parents have died) :: huérfano {m}, huérfana {f}
orphanage {n} /ˈɔː(ɹ)fənɪd͡ʒ/ (a residential institution for the care and protection of orphans) :: orfanato {m}, casa cuna {f}
orphanarium {n} (orphanage) SEE: orphanage ::
orphan drug {n} :: medicamento huérfano {m}
orphanhood {n} (orphanhood) :: orfandad {f}
Orpheus {prop} /ˈɔɹfi.əs/ (the musician who searched for Eurydice) :: Orfeo {m}
orphrey {n} /ˈɔːfɹi/ (embroidered ornamental band or border on an ecclesiastical vestment, etc.) :: orofrés {m}
orpiment {n} /ˈɔːpɪmənt/ (arsenic trisulphide) :: oropimente {m}
orrery {n} /ˈɒ.ɹə.ɹi/ (clockwork model) :: planetario {m}
or so {phrase} (roughly, appoximately) :: más o menos
ort {n} /ɔːɹt/ (a scrap of leftover) :: migaja {f}, resto {m}
orthoclase {n} (potassium aluminum silicate) :: ortoclasa {f}, ortosa {f}
orthodontic {adj} (of or relating to orthodontics) :: ortodóncico
orthodontics {n} (correcting misalignment of teeth) :: ortodoncia {f}
orthodontist {n} (orthodontic dentist) :: ortodoncista {m} {f}
orthodox {adj} /ˈɔːɹθədɑks/ (conforming to accepted, established, or traditional doctrines of a given faith, religion, or ideology) :: ortodoxo
orthodox {adj} (adhering to whatever is customary, traditional, or generally accepted) :: ortodoxo
Orthodox {adj} (of the Orthodox Churches) :: ortodoxo {m}, ortodoxa {f}
Orthodox Church {n} (the Eastern body of Christendom) :: Iglesia ortodoxa {f}
orthodoxia {n} (correct praise) :: ortodoxia {f}
Orthodox Jew {n} (adherent) :: judío ortodoxo {m}, judía ortodoxa {f}
Orthodox Judaism {prop} (Traditional Rabbinic branch of Judaism) :: judaísmo ortodoxo {m}
orthodoxly {adv} /ˈɔːθədɒksli/ (in a correct or proper way) :: ortodoxamente
orthodoxly {adv} (religion: according to doctrine) :: ortodoxamente
orthodoxy {n} /ˈɔːɹθədɑːksi/ (correctness in doctrine and belief) :: ortodoxia {f}
orthodoxy {n} (the beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church) SEE: Orthodoxy ::
Orthodoxy {prop} /ˈɔːɹθədɑːksi/ (the Eastern Orthodox Church and its foundations) :: ortodoxia {f}
orthoepy {n} /ˈɔɹθoʊˌɛpi/ (study of pronunciation) :: ortoepía {f}
orthoepy {n} (customary pronunciation) :: ortoepía {f}
orthogonal {adj} /ɔɹˈθɑɡənəl/ (of right angles) :: ortogonal
orthogonal {adj} (mathematical term) :: ortogonal
orthogonal {adj} (software: able to be treated separately) :: independiente
orthogonality {n} (the property of being orthogonal) :: ortogonalidad {f}
orthographic {adj} /ˌɔːɹθəˈɡɹæfɪk/ (projection of maps) :: ortogonal
orthographic {adj} (relating to orthography) :: ortográfico {m}
orthographically {adv} (in an orthographical manner) :: ortográficamente
orthography {n} /ɔɹˈθɑɡ.ɹə.fi/ (study of correct spelling) :: ortografía {f}
orthography {n} (aspect of language study) :: ortografía {f}
orthography {n} (method of representing a language by written symbols) :: ortografía {f}
orthohelium {n} (form of helium) :: ortohelio {m}
orthologous {adj} (having been separated by a speciation event) :: ortólogo
orthomolecular {adj} (relating to the theory that illness is the result of chemical deficiencies) :: ortomolecular {m} {f}
orthopedia {n} (orthopedics) SEE: orthopedics ::
orthopedic {adj} (Of or relating to orthopedics) :: ortopédico
orthopedics {n} (medicine: a branch of medicine) :: ortopedia {f}
orthopedist {n} (orthopedic surgeon) :: ortopedista {m} {f}, ortopédico {m}
orthopyroxene {n} /ˌɔːθə(ʊ)paɪˈɹɒksiːn/ (a pyroxene with orthorhombic crystals) :: ortopiroxeno {m}
orthorexia {n} (obsession with healthy food) :: ortorexia
orthorhombic {adj} (having three unequal axes at right angles) :: rómbico
orthosilicate {n} (mineral) :: nesosilicato {m}
orthosympathetic {adj} (of or pertaining to the sympathetic component) :: ortosimpático
orthotopic {adj} (in the normal position) :: ortotópico
ortolan {n} /ˈɔɹ.tə.læn/ (a small bird eaten as a delicacy) :: hortelano, papafigo
Orwell {prop} /ˈɔːɹwel/ (surname) :: Orwell
Orwellian {adj} /ɔɹˈwɛli.ən/ (of or relating to Orwell, especially his dystopian novels) :: orwelliano
Oryol {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Orel {m}
oryx {n} (antelope) :: órice
Osaka {prop} /oʊˈsɑ.kə/ (city in Honshū, Japan) :: Osaka {f}
Oscan {adj} /ˈɑːskən/ (Of or pertaining to the Oscan language or Oscan people, or their writing system) :: osco
Oscan {n} (Person) :: osco {m}
Oscan {prop} (Language) :: osco {m}
Oscar {prop} /ˈɑs.kɚ/ (male given name) :: Óscar {m}
oscillate {v} /ˈɑsɪleɪt/ (to swing back and forth, especially if with a regular rhythm) :: oscilar
oscillator {n} (an electronic circuit used to generate a continuous output waveform) :: oscilador {m}
oscillograph {n} (oscilloscope) SEE: oscilloscope ::
oscilloscope {n} /əˈsɪl.ɪ.skəʊp/ (electronic measuring instrument) :: osciloscopio {m}
osculum {n} (main opening in a sponge) :: ósculo {m}
-ose {suffix} /-əʊs/ (suffix used to form the names of sugars) :: -osa {f}
osier {n} /ˈoʊʒəɹ/ (plant) :: mimbre {m} {f}, mimbrera {f}, mimbrera blanca {f}
osier {n} (twig) :: mimbre {m}
Osiris {prop} /oʊˈsaɪɹɪs/ (Egyptian god of the dead and of the underworld) :: Osiris
-osis {suffix} (suffix for functional disorders) :: -osis {f}
Oslo {prop} /ˈɒzləʊ/ (Oslo (a county and municipality, the capital city of Norway)) :: Oslo
osmium {n} /ˈɒzmiəm/ (chemical element) :: osmio {m}
osmobiosis {n} (form of cryptobiosis) :: osmobiosis {f}
osmometer {n} (measuring device) :: osmómetro {m}
osmoregulation {n} (homeostatic regulation of osmotic pressure) :: osmorregulación {f}
osmosis {n} (movement of molecules) :: ósmosis {f}
osmotic {adj} (of or relating to osmosis) :: osmótico
osmotic pressure {n} (hydrostatic pressure) :: presión osmótica {f}
osprey {n} /ˈɑspɹi/ (bird of prey) :: águila pescadora {f}, gavilán pescador {m}, guincho {m}
Osroene {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: Osroene
osseous {adj} (relating to bone) :: óseo
Ossetia {prop} /əˈsɛtiə/ (region in the Caucasus) :: Osetia {f}
Ossetian {adj} /ɑːˈseti.ən/ (pertaining to Ossetia) :: osetio
Ossetian {n} (member of the people) :: osetio {m}
Ossetian {prop} (language) :: osetio {m}, oseta
ossicle {n} /ˈɒsɪkəl/ (small bone in the ear; auditory ossicle) :: huesecillo {m}
ossification {n} (process by which bone is formed) :: osificación {f}
ossify {v} /ˈɑ.sə.faɪ/ (to transform into bone) :: osificar
osso buco {n} /ˌɑsoʊ ˈbukoʊ/ (Italian meat dish) :: ossobuco {m}, osobuco {m}
ossuary {n} (a place where the dead are buried) :: osario {m}
OST {n} (original soundtrack) :: BSO
ostensible {adj} /ɑˈstɛns.ɪ.bəl/ :: ostensible
ostensibly {adv} /ɑːˈstɛn.sə.bli/ (ostensibly) :: ostensiblemente
ostensive definition {n} (process of binding the meaning to the defined term) :: definición ostensiva {f}
ostentatious {adj} /ˌɒs.tɛnˈteɪ.ʃəs/ (of ostentation) :: ostentoso
ostentatious {adj} (intended to attract notice) :: ostentoso {m}
osteoarthritis {n} (form of arthritis caused by chronic degeneration of the cartilage and synovial membrane of the joints) :: artrosis {f}
osteoblast {n} (cell) :: osteoblasto {m}
osteochondrosis {n} /ˌɒstiːəʊkɒnˈdɹəʊsɪs/ (family of orthopedic diseases) :: osteocondrosis {f}
osteoclast {n} (cell) :: osteoclasto {m}
osteocyte {n} (mature bone cell) :: osteocito {m}
osteodystrophy {n} (abnormal or defective development of a bone) :: osteodistrofia {f}
osteogenesis {n} (the formation and development of bone) :: osteogénesis {f}
osteogenesis imperfecta {n} (disease characterized by bones that easily fracture) :: osteogénesis imperfecta {f}, osteogenia imperfecta {f}
osteological {adj} (of or relating to osteology) :: osteológico
osteologist {n} (specialist in osteology) :: osteólogo {m}
osteomyelitis {n} (pathology: an infection of the bone) :: osteomielitis {f}
osteonectin {n} (protein hormone) :: adiponectina {f}
osteopathy {n} (branch of therapy) :: osteopatía {f}
osteopenia {n} (the medical condition of having low bone density, but not low enough to be considered osteoporosis) :: osteopenia
osteopetrosis {n} (hereditary disorder) :: osteopetrosis {f}
osteophyte {n} /ˈɑstioʊˌfaɪt/ (abnormal growth of bone) :: osteofito {m}
osteoporosis {n} (bone disease) :: osteoporosis {f}
osteoprotegerin {n} (cytokine) :: osteoprotegerina {f}
osteosarcoma {n} (bone cancer) :: osteosarcoma {m}
ostinato {n} /ɒstɪˈnɑtoʊ/ (music: figure that is repeated over and over) :: ostinato {m}
ostomy {n} (surgical procedure) :: ostomía {f}
ostracism {n} /ˈɒstɹəsɪz(ə)m/ (in ancient Greece, the temporary banishment by popular vote) :: ostracismo {m}
ostracism {n} (banishment, exclusion from community) :: ostracismo {m}
ostracize {v} /ˈɒstɹəsaɪz/ (to exclude a person from a community or from society by not communicating with them or by refusing to acknowledge their presence) :: aislar, excluir, marginar
ostrich {n} /ˈɔs.tɹɪt͡ʃ/ (large flightless bird) :: avestruz {m}
ostrich politics {n} (evasive style of politics) :: política de avestruz {f}
Oswald {prop} (male given name) :: Oswaldo {m}
otaku {n} /oʊˈtɑku/ (one with an obsessive interest in something such as anime or manga) :: otaku {m} {f}
otalgia {n} (earache) SEE: earache ::
other {adj} /ˈʌðə(ɹ)/ (not the one previously referred to) :: otro
other {n} (an other one) :: otro {m}, otra {f}
other {determiner} (not the one referred to) :: otro {m}, otra {f}
other {adv} (apart from) :: además, aparte, fuera
othering {n} /ˈʌðəɹɪŋ/ (process of perceiving or portraying someone or something as essentially alien or different) :: alteridad {f}, otredad {f}
otherness {n} :: otredad {f}
others {n} /ˈʌðəz/ (other people) :: otros {m-p}, demás {m-p}
others {n} (those remaining after something has been excluded) :: otros {m-p}
other side {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
otherwise {adv} /ˈʌð.əˌwaɪz/ (differently, in another way) :: de otra manera
otherwise {adv} (under different circumstances) :: si no, de lo contrario
otherwise {adv} (in all other respects) :: por lo demás, por otra parte, aparte de esto, fuera de eso
otherwise {adj} (other than supposed) :: contrario
otherwise {adv} (or else) SEE: or else ::
other woman {n} (woman who is romantically involved with a man already in a committed relationship) :: otra {f}
otiose {adj} /ˈoʊ.ʃi.oʊs/ (resulting in no effect) :: inútil
otiose {adj} (reluctant to work) :: ocioso, desocupado
otitis {n} /oʊˈtaɪ.tɪs/ (inflammation of the ear) :: otitis {f}
otohematoma {n} (hematoma of the external ear) :: otohematoma {m}
otolaryngologist {n} (otorhinolaryngologist) SEE: otorhinolaryngologist ::
otolaryngology {n} /ˌəʊtə(ʊ)ˌlæɹɪŋˈɡɒlədʒi/ (medical study of the ear, nose and throat) :: otorrinolaringología {f}
otolith {n} (small particle in the inner ear) :: otolito {m}
otological {adj} (of or pertaining to otology) :: otológico
otologist {n} /əʊˈtɒlədʒɪst/ (doctor specializing in otology) :: otólogo {m}
otorhinolaryngologist {n} /ˌɑtoˌɹajnoˌlæɹɪŋˈɡɑlədʒɪst/ (medical doctor of ear, nose and throat) :: otorrinolaringólogo {m}, otorrinolaringóloga {f}
otorhinolaryngology {n} (otolaryngology) SEE: otolaryngology ::
otoscopy {n} :: otoscopia {f}
ottava rima {n} /oʊˌtɑvə ˈɹimə/ (arrangement of stanzas of eight lines rhyming ab ab ab cc) :: octava real {f}
Ottawa {prop} /ˈɒtəwə/ (capital of Canada) :: Ottawa
otter {n} /ˈɑtɚ/ (mammal) :: nutria {f}, lutria {f}
otter civet {n} (Cynogale bennettii) :: civeta nutria, pescadora
Otterhound {n} (dog of a particular breed of scent hound) :: perro de nutria
Ottoman {n} /ˈɑtəmən/ (Turk from the period of Ottoman Empire) :: otomano {m}
Ottoman {adj} (of the Islamic empire of Turkey) :: otomano
Ottoman Empire {prop} /ˈɒtəmən ˈɛmpaɪə/ (Turkish empire) :: Imperio otomano {m}
Ottoman Turkish {prop} (the variety of the Turkish language that was used as the administrative and literary language of the Ottoman Empire) :: turco otomano
Ouagadougou {prop} /ˈwɑːɡəˈduːɡuː/ (capital of Burkina Faso) :: Uagadugú
Ouarzazate {prop} (city in the region of Drâa-Tafilalet, Morocco) :: Uarzazat
ouch {interj} /ˈaʊtʃ/ (expression of one's own physical pain) :: ay, uy
ouchie {n} (owie) SEE: owie ::
oud {n} /uːd/ (Arabic plucked string instrument) :: laúd árabe {m}, ud {m}
ought {v} /ɔt/ (indicating duty or obligation) :: deber
ought {v} (indicating advisability or prudence) :: deber
ought {v} (indicating desirability) :: deber
ought {v} (indicating likelihood or probability) :: deber
Ouija {n} /ˈwiːdʒə/ (a board with letters of the alphabet and "yes" and "no") :: güija, ouija
ounce {n} /aʊns/ (28.3495 g) :: onza {f}
our {determiner} /ɑː(ɹ)/ (belonging to us) :: nuestro, nuestra {f}, nuestros {m-p}, nuestras {f-p}
Ourense {prop} (city) :: Orense
Ourense {prop} (province) :: Orense
Our Lady {prop} (Virgin Mary) :: Nuestra Señora {f}
Our Lady of Sorrows {prop} (the Virgin Mary in reference to her sorrows) :: Nuestra Señora de los Dolores {f}, Virgen de los Dolores {f}, Dolorosa {f}, Virgen de las Angustias {f}, Virgen de la Amargura {f}, Virgen de la Piedad {f}
ouroboric {adj} /ɔɹəˈbɔɹɪk/ (self-referring, self-reflexive, self-consuming; recursive) :: recursivo
ouroboric {adj} (relating to Ouroboros) :: urobórico {m}
ouroboros {n} /uːˈrɒbəˌrɒs/ (a serpent, dragon or worm who eats its own tail) :: uróboros {m}
ours {pron} /ˈaʊɚz/ (that which belongs to us) :: lo nuestro
ourselves {pron} /aʊɚˈsɛlvz/ (reflexive: us) :: nos, nosotros
ourselves {pron} (emphatic: we) :: nosotros mismos
-ous {suffix} /əs/ (suffix to form adjectives) :: -oso, -udo
-ous {suffix} (chemical compounds in which a specified chemical element has a lower oxidation number) :: -oso
oust {v} /aʊst/ (to expel; to remove) :: expulsar; deponer
out {adv} /aʊt/ (away from the inside or the centre) :: fuera
out {adv} (away from one's usual place or not indoors) :: afuera
out {adv} (away from, at a distance) :: lejos
out {prep} (away from the inside) :: fuera
out {prep} :: fuera
out-and-out {adj} (complete) :: a carta cabal, de aúpa, de tomo y lomo, puro y duro
outbox {n} /ˈaʊtbɒks/ (electronic folder) :: buzón de salida {m}
outbreak {n} /ˈaʊtbɹeɪk/ (an eruption, sudden appearance) :: brote {m}, irrupción {f}
outburst {n} /ˌaʊtˈbɝst/ (a sudden expression of emotion) :: arranque {m}, arrebato {m}, arrechucho
outcast {n} /ˈaʊtkɑːst/ (one that has been excluded from a society or system, a pariah) :: proscrito {m}, proscrita {f}, paria {m} {f}, marginado {m}, marginada {f}
outclass {v} (To surpass something) :: superar
outcome {n} /ˈaʊtkʌm/ (result) :: resultado {m}, consecuencia {f}, desenlace {m}
outcome {n} (education) :: objetivos {m-p}
outcome {n} (probability) :: resultado {m}
outcrop {n} /ˈaʊt.kɹɑp/ (piece of land that stands out) :: afloramiento rocoso
outcrop {n} (coming out of bedrock or of an unconsolidated deposit to the surface of the ground) :: afloramiento {m}
outcrop {n} (part of a rock formation that appears at the surface) :: afloramiento {m}
outcry {n} /ˈaʊtkɹaɪ/ (strong protest) :: protesta {f}
outdated {adj} /aʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ (out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated) :: obsoleto
outdo {v} /aʊtˈdu/ (to go beyond) :: exceder sobrepasar
outdoors {adv} (in the open air) :: al aire libre, a la intemperie, al fresco
outdoors {n} (environment outside of enclosed structures) :: aire libre {m}, intemperie {f}
outer {adj} /ˈaʊtɚ/ (outside) :: exterior, externo
outer arm {n} (The length of the arm.) :: brazo exterior {m}
outer ear {n} (portion of ear) :: oído externo {m}
outer planet {n} (planet of the Solar System with an orbit beyond the asteroid belt) :: planeta externo {m}
outer space {n} /ˌaʊtɚ ˈspeɪs/ (region) :: espacio exterior {m}, espacio cósmico {m}
outerwear {n} (clothing worn over one's underwear) :: abrigo {m}, prenda exterior {f}, ropa exterior {f}
outfield {n} (baseball) :: jardín {m}
outfielder {n} (a player that plays in the outfield) :: jardinero {m}
outfit {n} /ˈaʊtfɪt/ (set of clothing) :: conjunto {m}, tenida {f}
outfitter {n} (person or shop) :: abastecedor {m}
outfox {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart ::
outgoing {adj} /aʊtˈɡəʊɪŋ/ (going out, on its way out) :: saliente
outgoing {adj} (being replaced in office) :: saliente
outgrow {v} /ˌɑʊtˈɡɹoʊ/ :: crecer más que
outguess {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart ::
outlandish {adj} /aʊ̯tˈlændɪʃ/ (strange or bizarre) :: estrambótico, estrafalario, insólito {m}, peregrino {m}, extravagante, abracadabrante, descabellado {m}, disparatado {m}, inverosímil, rocambolesco {m}
outlast {v} /ˌaʊtˈlæst/ (to live longer than) :: durar más que
outlaw {n} (a fugitive from the law) :: forajido {m}, fugitivo {m}, desperado {m}
outlaw {v} (to declare illegal) :: ilegalizar
outlay {n} /ˈaʊtleɪ/ (the spending of money, or an expenditure) :: gasto {m}
outlay {v} (to spend, or distribute money) :: gastar
outlet {n} /ˈaʊtlɛt/ (vent) :: salida {f}
outlet {n} (release of desires) :: desahogo
outlet {n} (river) :: río que nace en un lago {f}
outlet {n} (shop) :: minorista de marca {m}, al-bolsillo {m}
outlet {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket ::
outline {n} /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ (line marking the boundary of an object figure) :: contorno
outline {n} (outer shape of an object or figure) :: contorno
outline {n} (sketch or drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading) :: esbozo {m}
outline {n} (statement summarizing the important points of a text) :: resumen {m}
outline {v} (to draw an outline of something) :: delinear
outline {v} (to summarize something) :: resumir
outlive {v} /aʊtˈlɪv/ (to live longer than) :: sobrevivir (a)
outlook {n} /ˈaʊtˌlʊk/ (view from such a place) :: vista
outlook {n} (attitude, point of view) :: punto de vista, visión
outlook {n} (expectation for the future) :: perspectivas
out loud {adv} (aloud) :: en voz alta
outmoded {adj} (unfashionable) :: periclitado, pasado de moda
outmoded {adj} (obsolete) :: anticuado, apolillado, trasnochado
out of {prep} /ˈaʊt əv/ (expressing a fraction or a ratio) :: de
out of {prep} (not having anymore) :: sin
out of {prep} (with the motivation of) :: por
out of character {prep} (inconsistent with personality etc.) :: fuera de carácter
out of context {adv} (without context that is needed for understanding) :: fuera del contexto
out of hand {adj} (not under control, out of control) :: fuera de control
out of it {prep} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
out of one's mind {adj} (insane) :: fuera de la mente de uno, como una cabra, como las maracas de Machín
out of service {prep} (not available for use) :: fuera de servicio
out of sight, out of mind {proverb} (something not nearby is forgotten) :: ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente (literally: eyes that don't see, heart that doesn't feel)
out of the blue {prep} /aʊt ɒv ðə bluː/ (unexpectedly) :: de la nada, de repente, de sopetón
out of the corner of one's eye {prep} (look sideways) :: de reojo, de refilón, de través
out of the corner of one's eye {prep} (look with suspicion) :: de reojo
out of the frying pan, into the fire {prep} (get from an already bad situation to a worse one) :: huir del fuego para caer en las brasas, salir de Guatemala y meterse en Guatepeor, salir de Málaga y entrar en Malagón, éramos pocos y parió la abuela
out of the loop {prep} :: fuera de onda
out of the ordinary {prep} (unusual; not ordinary) :: fuera de lo común, fuera de lo normal
out of the question {adj} (not remotely possible) :: fuera de discusión
out of the way {prep} (remote) :: a trasmano
out of this world {adj} (wonderful) :: fuera de este mundo
out of tune {prep} (not in correct musical pitch) :: desafinado
out of whack {adj} :: a la virulé
out of work {prep} (unemployed) SEE: unemployed ::
out on the tiles {prep} (out for a night on the town) :: de juerga, de marcha
outpatient {n} (patient) :: paciente ambulatorio {m}, paciente ambulatoria {f}
outplacement {n} (the process of helping to find new employment for redundant workers) :: desvinculación asistida {f}
outpost {n} /ˈaʊtˌpoʊst/ (A military post) :: puesto {m}, fortificación {m}, presidio {m}
outpost {n} (The troops themselves) :: posteros {m}
outpost {n} (An outlying settlement) :: comunidad {f}, aldea {f}, finca {f}, colonia {f}
outpouring {n} (sudden flowing of a large amount of something) :: efusión, derramamiento
output {n} /ˈaʊtpʊt/ (production; quantity produced, created, or completed) :: producción {f}
output {n} (data sent out of the computer) :: salida {f}
output {v} (produce or create) :: producir
outré {adj} /uˈtɹeɪ/ (very unconventional) :: extravagante
outrage {n} /ˈaʊt.ɹeɪd͡ʒ/ (atrocity) :: atrocidad {f}
outrage {n} (offensive, immoral or indecent act) :: ultraje {m}, desafuero {m}, atropello {m}
outrage {n} (anger) :: indignación {f}, rabia {f}, cólera {f}
outrage {v} (to cause or commit an outrage upon) :: indignar
outrageous {adj} /aʊtˈɹeɪdʒəs/ (shocking) :: indignante, inaudito, escandaloso, apabullante, aberrante, atroz, desaforado
outreach {n} /ˈaʊtɹiːtʃ/ (practice) :: extensión {f}, actividades de difusión {f-p}
outreach {v} (to reach further than) :: divulgar
outreach {v} :: exceder, sobrepasar
outreach {v} (to go too far) SEE: go too far ::
outrigger {n} ((nautical) beam that provides support for a mast) :: tangón {m}
outright {adv} /aʊtˈɹaɪt/ (wholly) :: por completo, de plano
outright {adj} (unqualified and unreserved) :: con todas las letras
outsell {v} /ɑʊtˈsɛl/ (to sell more than) :: vender más que
outset {n} /ˈaʊtsɛt/ (initial stage of something) :: inicio {m}
outside {n} /ˈaʊtsaɪd/ (outer surface) :: exterior {m}
outside {adv} (in or to the outside) :: fuera, afuera
outside {adv} :: afuera
outside {prep} (on the outside of) :: fuera de
outsider {n} /ˌaʊtˈsaɪdəɹ/ (someone excluded) :: marginado {m}
outsider {n} (a newcomer) :: lego {m}, novato {m}, principiante {m} {f}
outside the box {prep} (beyond convention) :: fuera de la caja, más allá de la caja
outskirt {n} /ˈaʊtskɝt/ (periphery) :: afueras {f-p}
outskirts {n} (the edges or areas around a city or town) :: afueras {f-p}, alrededores, extrarradio
outsmart {v} (beat in a competition of wits) :: burlar
outsource {v} /ˈaʊtˌsɔɹs/ (transfer of business to a third party) :: externalizar, tercerizar
outsourcing {n} (transfer business) :: externalización {f}, tercerización {f}
outspoken {adj} (speaking, or spoken, freely, openly, or boldly; vocal) :: franco, opinado {m}, abierto {m}, audaz {m}, valiente {m}
outstanding {adj} (standing out from others) :: destacado, excepcional, extraordinario, sobresaliente, prominente, descollante
outstanding {adj} (distinguished from others by its superiority) :: destacado, excelente, excepcional, distinguido, descollante, prestante, prominente
outstanding {adj} (projecting outwards) :: sobresaliente
outstanding {adj} (not settled or finished) :: pendiente
outstanding {adj} (owed as a debt) :: pendiente
outstrip {v} (to exceed, excel or surpass) :: sobrepasar
outward {adj} /ˈaʊt.wɚd/ (outer; located towards the outside) :: externo {m}, exterior {m}
outwardly {adv} /ˈaʊtwɚdli/ (externally or on the outside) :: exteriormente
outwit {v} (outsmart) SEE: outsmart ::
oval {n} /ˈoʊvəl/ (shape like an egg or ellipse) :: óvalo {m}
oval {adj} (oval-shaped) :: oval, ovalado
ovarian {adj} /oʊˈvɛɹi.ən/ (Relating to the ovaries) :: ovárico
ovarian follicle {n} (cellular aggregation) :: folículo ovárico {m}
ovary {n} /ˈoʊvəɹi/ (female organ) :: ovario {m}
ovary {n} (botanical organ) :: ovario {m}
ovation {n} /ə(ʊ)ˈveɪʃn/ (prolonged enthusiastic applause) :: ovación {f}
oven {n} /ˈʌ.vn̩/ (chamber used for baking or heating) :: horno {m}
ovenbird {n} (Seiurus auricapilla) :: reinita {f}
oven glove {n} (glove designed to carry hot oven trays) :: manopla {f}
oven mitt {n} (oven glove) SEE: oven glove ::
over {adj} /ˈoʊ.vɚ/ (ended) :: terminado, acabado
over {adv} (to an excessive degree) :: excesivamente
over {prep} (physical positioning: on top of; above) :: sobre
over {prep} (physical positioning: across or spanning) :: sobre
over {prep} (physical positioning: in such a way as to cover) :: sobre
over {prep} (math: divided by) :: sobre, entre
over {interj} (end of sentence in radio communication) :: cambio
over- {prefix} /ˈəʊvə/ (above or higher) :: super-, sobre-
over- {prefix} (excessively) :: super-, sobre-
overaccumulation {n} :: sobreacumulación {f}
overall {adj} /ˌəʊvəɹˈɔːl/ (all-encompassing) :: total, completo, general
overall {adv} (generally) :: sobretodo, totalmente, completamente
overall {n} (protective garment worn over clothing) :: [Venezuela] braga {f}, [Spain] mono {m}, [Am.] overol {m}
overalls {n} /ˈoʊvəɹɔːlz/ (loose fitting garment worn over regular clothes to protect them) :: mono {m}, buzo {m}
overalls {n} (loose fitting pair of pants with a bib) :: mono {m}, overol {m}, mamelucos {m}, zaragüellos {m}
overalls {n} :: mono de trabajo {m}, mono {m}, overol {m}, overoles {m-p}
over and out {interj} (end of conversation) :: cambio y fuera, cambio y corto
over and over {adv} (repeatedly) :: una y otra vez
overbearing {adj} (overly bossy or domineering) :: oprimente, subyugante, prepotente
overbite {n} (malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend over the lower ones) :: sobremordida {f}
overcareful {adj} (excessively careful) :: prolijo {m}
overcoat {n} /ˈəʊvəkəʊt/ (garment) :: abrigo {m}
overcome {v} /ˌoʊvəɹˈkʌm/ (to surmount, get the better of) :: vencer, superar
overcook {v} (cook for too long) :: recocer
overcriminalization {n} (excessive criminalizing) :: sobrecriminalización {f}
overcrowded {adj} (Containing too many occupants) :: superpoblado, atestado, abarrotado, hacinado {m}
overdo {v} /ˌoʊ.vəɹˈdu/ (to cook too much) :: cocer demasiado
overdose {n} (excessive and dangerous dose of a drug) :: sobredosis {f}
overdraft {n} /ˈoʊvɚdɹæft/ (act of overdrawing a bank account) :: sobregiro {m}
overdraught {n} (overdraft) SEE: overdraft ::
overdraw {v} (withdraw more money from an account than there is credit) :: sobregirar
overdue {adj} /ˌoʊ.vəɹˈdu/ (Late; especially, past a deadline or too late to fulfill a need) :: atrasado
overeat {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈit/ (eat too much) :: empacharse
overestimate {v} (to judge too highly) :: sobrestimar
overestimated {v} (overrated) SEE: overrated ::
overexertion {n} (the action of excessively exerting) :: sobresfuerzo {m}
overexploitation {n} (excessive and damaging exploitation) :: sobreexplotación {f}
overfall {v} /ˈoʊvɚfɔl/ (To fall over (something)) :: tropezar con algo
overfall {v} (To fall over) :: caerse
overfeed {v} (too feed too much to) :: sobrealimentar
overfill {v} (to fill beyond capacity) :: sobrellenar, colmar
overfit {v} (statistics: to use a statistical model that has too many parameters) :: sobreajustar
overflight {n} (flight over a place) :: sobrevuelo {m}
overflow {n} /ˈəʊvəˌfləʊ/ (spillage) :: desbordamiento {m}
overflow {n} (outlet) :: aliviadero {m}, escape {m}
overflow {v} (to fill beyond the limits of) :: rebosar, colmar
overflow {v} (to flow over the brim or edge) :: desbordarse
overflow {v} :: rebosar, desbordar
overflow hole {n} (hole that prevents overflowing) :: perforación de rebalse {f}
overflow pool {n} (type of swimming pool) :: piscina desbordante {f}
overgrazing {n} (excessive grazing to an extent that the land is damaged) :: sobrepastoreo {m}
overhang {n} /ˈoʊvəɹˌhæŋ/ (anything that overhangs) :: protuberancia {f}
overhaul {n} /ˈəʊvəˌhɔːl/ (a major repair, remake, renovation, or revision) :: revisión {f}, repaso {m}, ajuste {m}, reparación general {f}
overhaul {v} (to modernize, repair, renovate, or revise completely) :: revisar, repasar, renovar, modernizar
overhaul {v} (to pass, overtake, or travel past) :: pasar, adelantar
overhead {adj} /ˈəʊvəˌhɛd/ (of, or relating to the operating expenses of a business) :: gastos generales
overhead {n} (expense of a business not directly assigned to goods or services provided) :: gastos generales {m-p}
overhead {n} (system of overhead wires used to power electric transport, such as streetcars, trains, or buses) :: sobrecargado
overhead fan {n} (ceiling fan) SEE: ceiling fan ::
overhead projector {n} (projector that projects an image over the heads of the viewers onto a screen) :: retroproyector {m}
overhear {v} /oʊ.vɚˈhɪɚ/ (To hear something that wasn't meant for one's ears) :: oír por casualidad, oír sin querer
overheat {v} (overheat) SEE: burn ::
overheat {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈhit/ (to heat excessively) :: sobrecalentar
over here {adv} (in this place) :: aquí, acá
overjoyed {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈdʒɔɪd/ (very happy) :: exultante, eufórico, muy feliz
overkill {n} /ˈoʊvɚˌkɪl/ (an unnecessary excess of something (idiomatic)) :: excesivo, matar moscas a cañonazos
overlap {v} /ˌəʊvəˈlæp/ (to extend over and partly cover something) :: solapar, traslapar
overlap {v} (to have DNA parts in common) :: superponerse
overlap {n} (something that overlaps) :: solapo {m}, traslapo {m}, superposición {f}
overlapping {adj} :: solapado, traslapado, superpuesto
overlapping {n} (the situation in which things overlap) :: superposición {f}
overlay {v} (overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm ::
overload {v} (to load excessively) :: sobrecargar
overlook {n} /ˈoʊvəɹ.lʊk/ (vista or point) :: mirador {m}
overlook {v} (to fail to notice; to look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it) :: pasar por alto
overlook {v} (to pretend not to have noticed; to pass over without censure or punishment) :: pasar por alto
overlook {v} (to inspect; to examine; to look over carefully or repeatedly) :: otear
overlook {v} :: otear
overlooked {adj} (missed out in selection, unnoticed) :: desestimado
overlord {n} (anyone with overarching power or authority in given domain) :: señor feudal
overly {adv} (to an excessive degree) :: demasiadamente, excesivamente
overlying {adj} :: suprayacente
overmorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow ::
overmorrow {n} (day after tomorrow) SEE: day after tomorrow ::
over my dead body {prep} (absolutely not) :: sobre mi cadáver
overnight {adv} (in a very short amount of time) :: de un día para otro, de la noche a la mañana
overnight {adj} (during a single night) :: nocturno
overnight {v} (stay overnight) :: pernoctar
overnourished {adj} (overweight) SEE: overweight ::
overpass {n} (A section of a road or path that crosses over an obstacle, especially another road, railway, etc) :: puente {m}, paso superior {m}, [pedestrian] pasarela {f}, paso elevado {m}, paso a desnivel {m}
overplay {v} (To overdo or overact one's effect or role) :: sobreactuar
overpopulated {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈpɑpjə(ˌ)leɪtɪd/ (having a higher population than can be sustained) :: sobrepoblado
overpopulation {n} /ˌoʊvɚˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (when the number of occupants of an area exceeds the ability of that area to provide for the occupants) :: superpoblación {f}
overpower {v} (overpower) SEE: compel ::
overpower {v} /oʊ.vɚˈpaʊ̯.ɚ/ (subdue someone by superior force) :: dominar, vencer
overpower {v} (render imperceptible by means of greater strength) :: realzar
overpressure {n} (excess or markedly elevated pressure) :: sobrepresión {f}
overpriced {adj} (priced higher than what it is really worth) :: sobre-tasado
overproduction {n} (the production of more of a commodity than can be used or sold) :: sobreproducción {f}, superproducción {f}
overprotect {v} :: sobreproteger, hiperproteger
overprotection {n} /ˌoʊvɚpɹəˈtɛkʃən/ (act of overprotecting) :: sobreprotección {f}
overrate {v} /ˌəʊvəˈɹeɪt/ (to esteem too highly) :: sobrevalorar, sobreestimar
overrated {adj} (rated too highly) :: sobrevalorado, sobreestimado {m}, sobrevaluado
overreact {v} /ˌoʊ.vəɹ.ɹiˈækt/ (react too much or too intensely) :: sobrerreaccionar
overrepresent {v} :: sobrerrepresentar
overrepresentation {n} (the condition of being overrepresented) :: sobrerrepresentación {f}
overrepresented {adj} :: sobrerrepresentado {m}, sobrerrepresentada {f}
overripe {adj} (excessively ripe; spoiled; gone bad) :: pasado
overrun {v} /oʊvəˈɹʌn/ :: exceder, rebasar, invadir
overseas {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈsiːz/ (across a sea) :: ultramar
overseas Chinese {n} (Huaqiao) :: tusán {m} (Chinese Peruvian)
oversee {v} /əʊvə(ɹ)siː/ (to supervise, guide, review or direct the actions of a person or group) :: supervisar
oversee {v} :: supervisar
overseer {n} /ˈəʊvəˌsiːə(ɹ)/ (one who oversees) :: capataz
overshadow {v} /ˌoʊ.vɚˈʃæd.oʊ/ (to cast a shadow over something) :: asombrar [uncommon], ensombrecer
overshadow {v} (to dominate something and make it seem insignificant) :: eclipsar (persona, éxito), deslucir (ocasión), opacar
oversight {n} /ˈoʊvə(ɹ)ˌsaɪt/ (omission) :: inadvertencia {f}
oversight {n} (supervision) :: vigilancia
oversight {n} (overview) SEE: overview ::
oversleep {v} /ˈəʊvəɹˌsliːp/ (to sleep for longer than planned) :: quedarse dormido
overstate {v} /ˌoʊ.vɚˈsteɪt/ (to exaggerate; to state or claim too much) :: exagerar
oversteer {n} :: sobreviraje {m}
oversteer {v} :: sobrevirar
overstimulation {n} (excessive stimulation) :: sobreestimulación {f}
overt {adj} /ə(ʊ)ˈvɜːt/ (open and not concealed or secret) :: descubierto, al aire libre, explícito
overtake {v} /oʊvɚˈteɪk/ (to pass a more slowly moving object) :: rebasar, sobrepasar, adelantar
overtake {v} (to occur unexpectedly take by surprise; surprise and overcome) :: sorprender
over-the-counter drug {n} (medicine) :: medicamento sin receta {m}
over the hill {prep} (Old, past the prime of life) :: no estar para muchos trotes [colloquial]
over there {adv} (in that place) :: allá, allí
over the top {adj} (beyond normal, expected, or reasonable limits; excessive; exaggerated) :: subido de tono {m}, desmesurado, exagerado
overthrow {v} /əʊvəˈθɹəʊ/ (to bring about the downfall of) :: derrocar, derribar
overthrow {n} (removal by force or threat of force) :: derrocamiento {m}, deposición {f}
overtime {n} /ˈoʊvɚˌtaɪm/ (worktime) :: tiempo de más {m}, overtime {m}, horas extras {f-p}
overtime {n} (pay for overtime work) :: tiempo de más {m}, pago overtime {m}, overtime
overtime {adv} (exceeding regular working hours) :: a destajo
overtly {adv} (openly) :: abiertamente
overtone {n} /ˈoʊvɚtoʊn/ (harmonic) :: sobretono {m}
overture {n} /ˈoʊvəɹtʃəɹ/ (musical introduction) :: obertura {f}
overturn {v} (to turn over, capsize) :: volcar
overturn {v} (to overthrow) :: derrocar
overturn {v} (legal: to reverse, overrule) :: casar
overuse {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈjuːz/ (To use too much of) :: usar con exceso
overvaluation {n} (an instance of overvaluing) :: sobrevaloración {f}
overvalue {v} (to assign an excessive value to something) :: sobreestimar {m}, sobrestimar {m}, sobrevalorar {m}
overvalued idea {n} /ˌoʊ.vɚˈvæljud aɪˈdi.ə/ (abnormal belief) :: idea sobrevalorada
overview {n} /ˈəʊvə(ɹ)ˌvjuː/ (brief summary, as of a book or a presentation) :: resumen {m}
overweening {adj} /əʊvəˈwiːnɪŋ/ (over-confident) :: prepotente
overweight {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈweɪt/ (of a person, heavier than is healthy) :: con sobrepeso
overwhelm {v} /ˌoʊvɚˈʍɛlm/ (overpower emotionally) :: agobiar
overwhelm {v} :: abrumar, agobiar
overwhelming {adj} /ˌoʊvɚˈ(h)wɛlmɪŋ/ (overpowering) :: abrumador, agobiante, imponente, apabullante, avasallador {m}, arrollador {m}, aplastante {m}
overwinter {v} (to keep or preserve for the winter) :: invernar
overwinter {v} (to spend the winter (in a particular place)) :: hibernar, invernar
overwrite {v} (destroy old data) :: sobrescribir
overwrought {adj} /əʊ.vəˈɹɔːt/ (in a state of excessive nervousness, excitement, or anger) :: nerviosisimo, sobrexitado, rabioso
Ovid {prop} /ˈɒvɪd/ (Roman poet) :: Ovidio {m}
oviduct {n} (duct through which an ovum passes) :: oviducto {m}
Oviedan {adj} (of or from Oviedo) :: ovetense
Oviedan {n} (person from Oviedo) :: ovetense
Oviedo {prop} (city in Spain) :: Oviedo
oviparous {adj} /oʊˈvɪpəɹəs/ (egg laying) :: ovíparo
ovipositor {n} /əʊvɪˈpɒzɪtə/ (tubular organ for laying eggs) :: ovipositor {m}
ovoid {adj} (shaped like an oval) :: oval
ovoid {n} (something oval in shape) :: ovoide {m}
ovoviviparity {n} (condition of being ovoviviparous) :: ovoviviparidad {f}
ovoviviparous {adj} /ˌoʊvoʊvɪˈvɪpəɹəs/ (pertaining to animals whose eggs hatch inside their body) :: ovovivíparo
ovulate {v} (produce eggs or ova) :: ovular
ovule {n} (botany: structure that develops into a seed) :: óvulo {m}
ovule {n} (zoology: immature ovum) :: óvulo {m}
ovum {n} /ˈoʊ.vəm/ (gamete) :: óvulo {m}
owe {v} /oʊ/ (to be under an obligation) :: deber, adeudar
owe {v} (to be in debt) :: estar en deuda, deber, adeudar
owie {n} /ˈaʊwiː/ (minor injury) :: coco, ayayay
owing to {prep} (because of) :: por mor de
owl {n} /aʊl/ (bird) :: búho {m}, lechuza {f}, tecolote {m} [Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras], mochuelo {m} [Spain], autillo {m} [Spain], cárabo {m} [Spain], cuco {m} [Cuba], sijú cotunto {m} [Cuba], caburé {m} [Argentina], chuncho {m} [Argentina, Chile], anteojo {m} [Peru], tucúquere {m} [Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile]
own {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
own {adj} /ˈoʊn/ (belonging to (determiner)) :: [used before the noun] propio
own {v} (have rightful possession of) :: poseer
own {v} (acknowledge responsibility for) :: reconocer, admitir
owner {n} /ˈoʊnɚ/ (one who owns) :: propietario {m}, dueño {m}, poseedor {m}
ownership {n} (legal status) :: propiedad {f}
own goal {n} (goal scored by player against their own team) :: autogol
own up {v} (to confess) :: confesar
Owston's tit {n} (Sittiparus owstoni) :: carbonero de las Izu {m}
ox {n} /ˈɑks/ (an adult castrated male of cattle) :: buey {m}
ox {n} (any bovine animal used as a beast of burden) :: buey {m}, toro {m}, novillo {m}
oxadiazole {n} (five-membered heterocycle) :: oxadiazol {m}
oxalate {n} /ˈɒksəleɪt/ (salt or ester of oxalic acid) :: oxalato {m}
oxalic acid {n} (the dicarboxylic acid (ethandioic acid)) :: ácido oxálico {m}
oxbow lake {n} (crescent-shaped lake) :: brazo muerto {m}, lago en herradura {m}
oxeye {n} (titmouse) SEE: titmouse ::
oxeye {n} (dunlin) SEE: dunlin ::
oxeye {n} (Boops boops) SEE: bogue ::
Oxford {prop} /ˈɒksfəd/ (city) :: Oxford
oxgoad {n} (goad for driving oxen) :: garrocha {f}
oxidanium {n} (hydronium) SEE: hydronium ::
oxidation {n} (combination of a substance with oxygen) :: oxidación {f}
oxidation {n} :: oxidación {f}
oxidative {adj} (Relating to oxidation) :: oxidativo
oxide {n} /ˈɒksaɪd/ (binary compound of oxygen) :: óxido {m}
oxidizable {adj} (capable of being oxidised) :: oxidable
oxidization {n} (oxidation) SEE: oxidation ::
oxidize {v} /ˈɒksɪdaɪz/ (to combine with oxygen) :: oxidar
oximeter {n} /ɒkˈsɪmɪtə/ (device that measures the oxygen saturation of arterial blood) :: oxímetro {m}
oxonium {n} (univalent oxygen cation) :: oxonio
oxtail {n} (meat from the tail of a cow) :: rabo de toro {m}
oxychloride {n} (compound of oxygen and chlorine) :: oxicloruro {m}
oxygen {n} /ˈɒksɪdʒən/ (chemical element) :: oxígeno {m}
oxygenate {v} (infuse with oxygen) :: oxigenar
oxygenation {n} (process of treating something with oxygen) :: oxigenación {f}
oxygen therapy {n} (therapeutic administration of oxygen) :: oxigenoterapia {f}
oxyhydrogen {adj} (using a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen) :: oxhídrico
oxymoron {n} /ˌɑksiˈmɔɹɑn/ (figure of speech) :: oxímoron {m}
oxymoron {n} (contradiction in terms) SEE: contradiction in terms ::
oxyntic {adj} (producing acid) :: oxíntico {m}
oxytone {adj} /ˈɑksɪˌtoʊn/ (oxytone) :: oxítono {m}
oxytone {n} (word with the stress or an acute accent on the last syllable) :: palabra aguda {f}, oxítona {f}
oyer and terminer {n} (English law: a court for the trial of cases of treason and felony) :: tribunal de lo penal {m}
oyster {n} /ˈɔɪ.stə(ɹ)/ (mollusk, see also: clam; mollusc; mussel) :: ostra {f}
oyster {n} (food) :: ostra {f}
oyster {n} (colour) :: ostra {m}
oyster {n} (person who keeps secrets) :: tumba {f}
oyster bed {n} (place on the seabed where oysters are grown to be harvested) :: criadero de ostras {m}
oystercatcher {n} /ˈɔɪstə.ˌkætʃə/ (bird) :: ostrero {m}
oyster farm {n} (place where oysters are raised) :: ostrero {m}
oyster mushroom {n} (Pleurotus ostreatus) :: seta {f}, hongo de cardo {m} [Argentina, Chile, Mexico], gírgola {f}, champiñón ostra {m}
oyster plant {n} (Scorzonera hispanica) SEE: black salsify ::
ozone {n} /ˈoʊzoʊn/ (O3) :: ozono {m}
ozone hole {n} (region of the stratosphere over Antarctica that is depleted of ozone in the local spring) :: agujero de ozono {m}
ozone layer {n} (a region of the stratosphere) :: capa de ozono {f}
Øresund {prop} (strait) SEE: Oresund ::