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User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-m

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
m. {n} :: noon
m {pron} [texting] :: abbreviation of me
m {letter} :: letter
M {letter} :: The 13th letter of the Spanish alphabet
Ma. {prop} :: abbreviation of María when used as part of a male name
M.ª {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of María (given name)
{prop} {f} :: abbreviation of María (given name)
mabita {mf} [Venezuela] :: jinx; bringer of ill luck
mabitoso {adj} [Venezuela, colloquial] :: jinxed
maca {f} :: maca (Andean herb)
Maca {prop} {f} :: given name
macá {m} :: grebe
macabea {f} :: feminine noun of macabeo
macabeo {adj} [Chile] :: henpecked, whipped
macabeo {m} [Chile] :: one who is henpecked or whipped
macabeo {adj} :: Of, from, or pertaining to Macas (city in Ecuador)
macabeo {m} :: A person from Macas (city in Ecuador)
macabeo {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Maccabees (Jewish liberation movement)
macabramente {adv} :: macabrely
macabro {adj} :: macabre
macaca {f} :: female macaque monkey; see macaco
macaca {f} :: binge, drunken spree, drunk, jag
macaca {f} :: female hobgoblin
macaca {f} [South America, pejorative] :: Brazilian woman
macaca {f} [Honduras] :: macaca, a small coin equal to one peso
macaca {f} [Chile, vulgar] :: masturbation
macaco {m} :: macaque
macaco {m} :: hobgoblin, bogeyman
macaco {m} [South America, pejorative] :: Brazilian
macaco {m} [Louisiana] :: monkey
macaco {adj} [slang] :: ugly, misshapen, deformed, squat
macadam {m} :: macadam
macadamia {f} :: macadamia
macaense {adj} :: Macanese
macaense {mf} :: Macanese
macal {m} :: malanga, Xanthosoma
macana {f} :: a type of thin cotton shawl worn by mestizo women in Bolivia and Ecuador
macana {f} :: a type of long club, sometimes studded with sharp pieces of rock, used by the natives of America
macana {f} [Americas, Latin America] :: baton (small club used by law enforcement)
macana {f} [uncountable] :: the wood of the peach palm
macana {f} [Argentina, Peru, Uruguay] :: an unpleasant situation
macana {f} [Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, colloquial] :: lie; nonsense, claptrap, tosh
macana {f} [Costa Rica, El Savador, Honduras, Nicaragua] :: a farm tool used to dig small holes
macana {f} :: a baluster of a balcony’s balustrade
macana {f} [Mexico] :: prick, cock
macaneador {m} [Argentina] :: liar; phoney
macanudo {adj} [Latin America, colloquial] :: groovy, easy going, smooth
macanudo {adj} [Latin America, colloquial] :: great, extraordinary
macanudo {adj} [Latin America, colloquial] :: pretentious, ostentatious, magnificent
macaquito {m} [literally] :: little monkey
macaquito {m} [by extension, slang, derogatory] :: Brazilian (often implying a perceived tendency to copy American and European fads)
Macarena {prop} {f} :: given name
macareo {m} :: tidal bore
Macario {prop} {m} :: given name
macaronésico {adj} :: Macaronesian
macarra {mf} [colloquial] :: thug, lout
macarra {mf} [colloquial] :: pimp
macarrilla {mf} :: diminutive of macarra
macarrón {m} :: macaroon
macarrón {m} [Spain] :: piece of macaroni
macarrón {m} [El Salvador] :: spaghetti
macarrón {m} :: sheath, sleeving
macarrón {m} :: sleeving tube or pipe
macarrón {m} [colloquial] :: pimp (prostitution solicitor)
macarrónico {adj} :: macaronic
macarthysta {mf} :: McCarthyist
macarthysta {adj} :: McCarthyist
macartismo {m} :: McCarthyism
macateta {f} :: knucklebones; jacks (game)
Macau {prop} {m} :: Macau (city/and/special administrative region)
maccarthismo {m} :: McCarthyism
Maceda {prop} :: surname
macedonia {f} :: fruit salad
macedonia {f} :: feminine noun of macedonio
Macedonia {prop} {f} :: Macedonia
Macedonia del Norte {prop} {f} :: North Macedonia
macedónico {adj} :: Macedonian
macedonio {adj} :: Macedonian
macedonio {m} :: Macedonian
maceración {f} :: maceration
macerar {vt} :: to macerate (to soften in a liquid)
macero {m} :: mace-bearer
maceta {f} :: flowerpot
macetera {f} :: flowerpot
macetero {m} :: flowerpot
macha {f} :: Chilean razor clam [edible mollusk]
machaca {f} :: machada (meat)
machaca {f} :: machada (insect)
machacado {adj} :: knackered, exhausted
machacante {adj} :: monotonous; unending
machacar {v} :: to crush
machacar {v} [basketball] :: to dunk
machacársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] :: to jerk off; wank
machacón {adj} :: insistent, demanding
machacón {adj} :: annoying, tiresome
machaconamente {adv} :: insistently, tediously
machadiano {adj} :: Pertaining to or in the style of Antonio Machado (1875–1939), Spanish poet
machadista {adj} :: Of or relating to Gerardo Machado
machaleña {f} :: feminine noun of machaleño
machaleño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Machala, Ecuador
machaleño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Machala, Ecuador
Machalí {prop} {m} :: Machalí (city)
machalino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Machalí
machaqueo {m} :: pounding
machar {v} :: to grind, to pound
macharse {v} [Latin America] :: to get drunk
machepa {mf} :: synonym of hijo de machepa
machetazo {m} :: A cut or hit with a machete
machete {m} :: machete
machete {m} :: mediocre method for obtaining somewhat accurate results; shortcut
machetear {v} :: to chop with a machete
machetear {v} [Chile] :: to ask for money or food
machetero {m} :: Someone who wields a machete
machetero {m} :: Someone who makes machetes
machetero {m} :: A member of the Boricua Popular Army
machi {m} :: machi
máchica {f} [Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru] :: A type of flour made from ground barley
machiega {f} :: worker bee
machiguenga {adj} :: Machiguenga
machiguenga {mf} :: Machiguenga
machihembrar {v} :: to dovetail
machín {m} [Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela] :: monkey
machirulo {m} [derogatory, feminists, euphemistic] :: male chauvinistic, macho
machismo {m} :: sexism, misogyny, male chauvinism
machista {adj} :: male chauvinistic
machista {mf} :: male chauvinist
machito {m} :: diminutive of macho
máchmetro {m} :: Machmeter
macho {adj} :: male
macho {adj} :: strong, brave
macho {m} :: male
macho {m} :: sledgehammer
macho {m} :: anvil
macho alfa {m} :: alpha male
machón {m} :: buttress
machona {f} :: tomboy
machona {f} :: (slang, offensive) dyke, a lesbian
machorra {f} :: sterile female
machorra {f} [Mexico, Spain] :: tomboy, virago
machorro {m} [augmentative] :: male, big daddy, a pussyman
machote {m} [colloquial] :: a tough man; a badass
machucar {v} :: to squash, crush
machucar {v} :: to bruise
machucón {m} [Mexico] :: bruise
machuelo {m} :: tap (device)
machupichu {mf} [pejorative, Spain] :: A South American
Macias {prop} :: surname
macilento {adj} :: pallid, gaunt, emaciated
macillo {m} :: hammer (of a piano)
macis {m} :: mace (spice)
macista {adj} :: Of, relating to, or supporting, Francisco Macías Nguema, former president of Equatorial Guinea
macista {mf} :: A supporter of Francisco Macías Nguema
macizar {v} :: to fill up; fill in (holes)
macizo {adj} :: solid
macizo {adj} :: massive, large
macizo {adj} [slang] :: hunky, dishy
macizo {m} :: flowerbed
macizo {m} :: mass, solid
macizo {m} :: massif
macizo {m} [slang] :: A hunk
macla {f} [heraldiccharge] :: mascle
macla {f} [crystallography] :: crystal twinning
maco {m} :: prison
macoca {f} [El Salvador] :: knock; rap (with the knuckles)
macolla {f} :: Stems, flowers, tillers, etc. growing in a clump or tuft, as with bunchgrass
macollar {v} :: alternative form of amacollar
macollo {m} :: cluster; bunch
macramé {m} :: macramé
macrismo {m} :: The politic beliefs of Mauricio Macri
macrista {adj} :: Supporting Argentine president Mauricio Macri, or his political beliefs
macrista {mf} :: A supporter of Mauricio Macri
macro- {prefix} :: macro-
macro {m} [computing] :: macro
macró {m} [slang, Latin America] :: pimp
macroagencia {f} :: Large agency
macroalga {f} :: macroalga
macroataque {m} :: large-scale attack
macrobiótico {adj} :: macrobiotic
macrobloque {m} :: macroblock
macrobotellón {m} :: a botellón of thousands of people; huge street binge drinking
macroburdel {m} :: huge brothel
macrocaso {m} :: massive (legal) case
macrocausa {f} :: Great cause
macrocefalia {f} :: macrocephaly
macrocéfalo {adj} :: macrocephalic
macrocentro {m} :: shopping center
macrocíclico {adj} :: macrocyclic
macrociclo {m} :: macrocycle
macrocita {f} :: macrocyte
macrocito {f} [hematology, cytology] :: macrocyte
macrocitosis {f} :: macrocytosis
macrocomplejo {m} :: Large complex
macroconcierto {m} :: huge concert
macrocosmo {m} :: macrocosm
macrocosmos {m} :: macrocosm
macrodedo {m} :: augmentative of dedo
macrodiscoteca {f} :: Huge disco
macroeconomía {f} :: macroeconomy
macroeconomía {f} :: macroeconomics
macroeconómicamente {adv} :: macroeconomically
macroeconómico {adj} :: macroeconomic
macroecónomico {adj} :: macroeconomical
macroelemento {m} :: macroelement
macroencuesta {f} :: augmentative of encuesta
macroestablecimiento {m} :: large establishment
macroestado {m} :: macrostate
macroestafa {f} :: huge fraud
macroestructura {f} :: macrostructure
macroevento {m} :: giant event
macroevolución {f} :: macroevolution
macrófago {m} [cytology, immunology] :: macrophage
macrofamilia {f} :: macrofamily
macrofauna {f} [zoology] :: macrofauna
macrofestival {m} :: Large festival
macrofiesta {f} :: Huge party
macrofósil {m} [paleontology] :: macrofossil
macroglobulina {f} [protein] :: macroglobulin
macrogranja {f} :: Huge farm
macrohaplogrupo {m} :: macrohaplogroup
macroincineradora {f} :: massive incinerator
macroinvertebrado {m} :: macroinvertebrate
macroinvestigación {f} :: huge investigation
macrojuicio {m} :: huge trial, trial of the century
macrólido {m} :: macrolide
macrolocal {m} :: Huge venue
macrómera {f} :: macromere
macromolécula {f} [biochemistry] :: macromolecule
macromolecular {adj} :: macromolecular
macrón {m} :: macron
macronutriente {m} :: macronutrient
macrooperación {f} :: huge operation
macrooperativo {m} :: large-scale operation (usually police or military)
macroperación {f} :: huge operation
macroperativo {m} :: huge operative
macroperforado {adj} :: macroperforated
macroproceso {m} :: macroprocess
macroproyecto {m} :: macroproject
macroprudencial {adj} :: macroprudential
macropuente {m} :: Extra-long weekend
macroreyerta {f} :: Huge row; hubbub
macrorredada {f} :: large-scale raid (police)
macrorregión {f} :: macroregion
macroscópicamente {adv} :: macroscopically
macroscópico {adj} :: macroscopic
macrosimulacro {m} [Mexico] :: large-scale earthquake drill
macrosocial {adj} :: macrosocial
macrosomía {f} :: macrosomia
macrosumario {m} [legal] :: large-scale summary
macrotendencia {f} :: macrotrend
macrotienda {f} :: superstore, megastore
macrourbanización {f} :: huge urbanization
macrourbanización {f} :: huge housing estate
macrourbe {f} :: megalopolis
Macu {prop} {f} :: given name
mácula {f} [anatomy] :: macula (spot near the center of the retina)
mácula {f} [poetic] :: stain (discolored spot or area)
macular {adj} :: stained, tainted
macular {vt} :: to stain
macular {adj} [anatomy, medicine] :: macular (relating to the macula)
maculoso {adj} :: spotted
maculoso {adj} :: macular
macundales {mp} [Latin America] :: affairs, business
macuquina {f} [history] :: A coin flattened by a hammer in the colonial times of South America
macuto {m} [military] :: backpack
macuto {m} :: satchel; backpack
Madagascar {prop} :: Madagascar
madama {f} :: madam
madame {f} :: madam (polite term of address to a woman)
madame {f} :: madam (mistress of a household)
madapolán {m} :: madapolam
Madariaga {prop} :: surname
made in {prep} [colloquial] :: made in; originating from
madeja {f} :: skein, hank, ball of yarn
madejita {f} :: diminutive of madeja
madera {f} :: wood
madera {f} :: wooden plank, board
madera {f} :: makings
maderable {adj} :: wood-producing
maderamen {m} :: woodwork, timberwork
maderera {f} :: feminine noun of maderero
maderería {f} :: shop selling wood and wood products
maderero {m} :: A lumberjack
maderero {m} :: An overseer of something wood related
maderero {m} :: A wooden raft or log navigator on a watercourse
maderero {m} :: A male woodworker
maderero {adj} [attributive] :: logging
maderismo {m} [historical] :: Maderism (support for Francisco Ignacio Madero González)
maderista {adj} [historical] :: Maderist (relating to or supporting Mexican president Francisco Ignacio Madero González)
maderista {mf} [historical] :: Maderist (a supporter of Francisco Ignacio Madero González)
madero {m} :: a piece of wood, a piece of timber
madero {m} [Spain, derogatory] :: police officer, compare pig
madero {m} [Spain, derogatory] :: a clumsy person
Madián {prop} {m} :: Midian (biblical location)
madianita {mf} :: Midianite
madona {f} :: Madonna
madrás {m} :: madras
madrasa {f} :: madrasah
madrastra {f} :: stepmother
madraza {f} :: Great mother, brilliant mother
madrazo {m} :: hard blow
madre {f} :: mother
madre {f} [figuratively] :: mother (source or origin)
madre {f} :: mother (nun)
madre {f} :: riverbed
madre {f} :: dregs (of a drink)
madre {f} [Mexico, colloquial, vulgar, slang] :: thing
madrear {v} :: to look like one's mother
madrear {v} [vulgar, Mexico] :: to strongly pound someone
madrear {v} [vulgar, Mexico] :: to damage, break or break down something
madrearse {v} [said especially of wine] :: to turn sour
madre biológica {f} :: biological mother, birth mother
madrecacao {m} :: quickstick (Gliricidia sepium)
madrecita {f} :: diminutive of madre
madre de alquiler {f} :: surrogate mother
Madre de Dios {prop} {f} :: Madre de Dios (region)
madre mía {interj} :: mamma mia!, blimey!, my goodness!, goodness me! (an expression of surprise)
madreña {f} :: clog
madrense {adj} :: Madrean
madrense {mf} :: Madrean
madreporito {m} [zoology] :: madreporite
madrera {f} :: feminine noun of madrero
madrero {adj} :: mum-loving
madrero {m} :: mummy's boy
Madre Rusia {prop} {f} :: Mother Russia
madreselva {f} :: honeysuckle, woodbine
Madre Tierra {prop} {f} :: Mother Earth
madriado {m} :: quickstick (Gliricidia sepium)
Madrid {prop} {m} :: Madrid (capital city)
Madrid {prop} {m} :: Madrid (autonomous community)
Madrid {prop} {m} :: Madrid (province)
Madrid {prop} {m} :: The letter M in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
Madrid {prop} {m} :: surname
madridismo {m} [football] :: support for Real Madrid C.F., a popular football club from Madrid
madridista {adj} [soccer] :: Of or connected to Real Madrid, a famous football club from Madrid
madridista {mf} [soccer] :: Madridista (Someone who plays for, works for, or supports Real Madrid)
madrigal {m} :: madrigal
madrigalesco {adj} :: madrigal
madriguera {f} :: burrow, den, sett
madriguera {f} :: hideout, hiding place
madriguera {f} :: den (for criminals)
madrileño {adj} :: Madrilenian; of or from Madrid
madrileño {m} :: Madrilenian (a person from Madrid)
madrina {f} :: godmother
Madriz {prop} :: Madriz (department)
Madriz {prop} :: pronunciation spelling of Madrid
madroñal {m} :: grove of strawberry trees
madroño {m} :: strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo)
madroño {m} :: fruit of the strawberry tree
madrugada {f} :: dawn
madrugada {f} :: early hours of the morning, before dawn
madrugada {f} :: the period of time between midnight and before sunrise
madrugador {adj} :: rising or waking early
madrugador {m} :: early riser, early bird, morning person
madrugadora {f} :: feminine noun of madrugador
madrugar {v} :: to get up early
madrugón {m} [colloquial] :: early riser, early bird
madrugón {m} [colloquial] :: early start
madrugonazo {m} :: fight in the morning
madruguero {m} :: early bird; early riser
madruguero {adj} :: early-rising
maduración {f} :: maturation
maduración {f} :: ripening
maduradero {f} :: silo or barn for storing fruits until they have matured
maduramente {adv} :: maturely
madurar {v} :: to mature
madurar {v} :: to ripen
madurativo {adj} :: Made mature
madurez {f} :: maturity
madurismo {m} :: Support for Nicolás Maduro (1962–), Venezuelan president since 2013
madurista {adj} :: Of or relating to Nicolás Maduro or his political beliefs
madurista {mf} :: A supporter of Nicolás Maduro
madurita {f} :: MILF (older sexually attractive woman)
maduro {adj} :: ripe
maduro {adj} :: mature, of relatively old age (said of people)
maduro {m} [Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador] :: ellipsis of plátano maduro
Maduro {prop} :: surname
mae {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial slang, m] :: dude, guy, man
mae {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial slang, f] :: girl, gal, sis
mae {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial slang, used in the vocative] :: dude, you
maeña {f} :: feminine noun of maeño
maeño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Mao, Dominican Republic
maeño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Mao, Dominican Republic
maesa {f} :: feminine noun of maese or maeso
maese {m} [obsolete, poetic] :: master
maeso {m} [obsolete] :: master
maestra {f} :: female equivalent of maestro
maestra {f} :: queen bee
maestra de ceremonias {f} :: feminine noun of maestro de ceremonias
maestral {adj} :: pedagogic; teaching
maestral {adj} :: referring to the grand master of one of the Spanish military orders
maestral {m} :: mistral (wind)
maestral {m} :: cell of a queen bee
maestrante {mf} [military] :: knight
maestranza {f} :: (group of) armories
maestranza {f} :: (group of) arms makers
maestrazgo {m} :: office of Grand Master
maestre {m} :: Master (of the Order of Santiago)
maestre de campo {m} [archaic] :: colonel (rank below capitán general in the Spanish Empire)
maestresala {mf} :: maître d'
maestría {f} :: mastery
maestría {f} :: master's degree
maestrillo {m} :: diminutive of maestro
maestro {m} [especially, Latin America] :: teacher
maestro {m} :: master
maestro {m} :: (master) craftsman, handyman, contractor, construction worker
maestro {adj} :: expert, master
maestro de ceremonias {m} :: master of ceremonies
mafia {f} :: Mafia (Italian Mafia)
mafia {f} :: Mafia (any criminal organization)
máfico {adj} [geology] :: mafic
mafiosa {f} :: female equivalent of mafioso
mafioso {adj} :: of or pertaining to the mafia
mafioso {m} :: Mafioso
maga {f} :: female magician, female conjurer
magacín {m} :: magazine
Magadán {prop} {m} :: Magadán (city)
Magallanes {prop} :: surname
magallánico {adj} :: Magellanic
magancear {v} :: to laze about; loaf
magarza {f} :: Any of a number of plants, see the Wikipedia article
Magás {prop} {m} :: Magás (city)
magdalena {f} :: madeleine (cake)
magdalena {f} :: cupcake
Magdalena {prop} {f} :: given name
Magdalena {prop} {f} :: Magdalena (municipality)
magdaleniense {adj} :: Magdalenian
Magdeburgo {prop} {m} :: Magdeburgo (city)
magenta {m} :: magenta (pinkish purple colour)
magenta {adj} :: magenta (being of the magenta colour)
Magerit {prop} [historical] :: Madrid
magestad {f} :: obsolete spelling of majestad
maghrebín {m} :: obsolete spelling of magrebí
magia {f} :: magic
magia {f} :: spell, charm, conjuration
magia {f} [figuratively] :: wizardry (skill, ability)
magia blanca {f} :: white magick, white magic
magia de cristales {m} :: crystal magick
magia de velas {m} :: candle magick
magia gris {f} :: gray magic
magia negra {f} :: black magick, black magic
magiar {adj} :: Hungarian (of, from or pertaining to Hungary)
magiar {adj} :: Hungarian (of, in or pertaining to the Hungarian language)
magiar {mf} :: Hungarian (person from Hungary)
magiar {m} :: Hungarian (Uralic language spoken in Hungary)
mágicamente {adv} :: magically
mágico {adj} :: magic, magical
mágico {adj} :: wonderful
magín {m} :: imagination
magíster {m} :: magister (the possessor of a master's degree)
magisterial {adj} :: magisterial, magistral
magisterio {m} :: teaching, instruction
magisterio {m} :: teacher training
magisterio {m} :: teachers, teaching staff
magistrada {f} :: feminine noun of magistrado
magistrado {m} :: judge
magistral {adj} :: magistral, magisterial
magistralmente {adv} :: magisterially, masterly
magistratura {f} :: magistracy
magma {m} [geology] :: magma
magmático {adj} :: magmatic
magmatismo {m} [geology] :: magmatism
magnánimamente {adv} :: magnanimously
magnanimidad {f} :: magnanimity
magnánimo {adj} :: magnanimous
magnate {m} :: magnate, tycoon
magnesia {f} [mineral] :: magnesia
magnésico {adj} :: magnesic
magnesio {m} :: magnesium
magnesita {f} [mineral] :: magnesite
magnetar {f} :: magnetar
magnéticamente {adv} :: magnetically
magnético {adj} :: magnetic
magnetismo {m} :: magnetism (the property of being magnetic)
magnetita {f} :: magnetite
magnetización {f} :: magnetization
magnetizar {v} :: to magnetize
magneto {m} :: magneto
magnetoestrella {f} :: magnetar
magnetofón {m} :: tape recorder
magnetofónico {adj} :: tape-recorded
magnetófono {m} :: tape recorder
magnetómetro {m} [physics] :: magnetometer (instrument)
magnetoscopio {m} :: video tape recorder
magnetosfera {f} :: magnetosphere
magnetósfera {f} [physics] :: magnetosphere
magnetotelúrico {adj} :: magnetotelluric
magnetrón {m} :: magnetron
magnicida {mf} :: assassin of an important figure
magnicidio {m} :: assassination (of a major figure)
magnifentísimo {adj} [rare, superlative] :: most magnificent
magnificación {f} :: magnification
magníficamente {adv} :: magnificently
magnificar {v} :: to extol, praise
magnificencia {f} :: magnificence
magnífico {adj} :: magnificent
magnitud {f} :: magnitude
magno {adj} :: great
mago {adj} :: magician (attributive)
mago {m} :: magician, sorcerer
mago {m} :: Magi
magonista {adj} :: Magonist
magonista {mf} :: Magonist
magosto {m} :: A traditional party in the north of Spain, especially Asturias and Galicia, in which chestnuts are eaten
magra {f} :: rasher
magrear {v} :: to grope
Mágreb {prop} {m} :: Maghreb
magrebí {mf} :: Maghrebi
magret {m} :: magret
magro {adj} :: lean, without fat
magro {m} :: loin of pork
maguer {prep} [literary] :: despite; in spite of
maguer {conj} [literary] :: although
maguey {m} [Latin America] :: maguey
magüey {m} :: alternative form of maguey
magufa {f} :: feminine noun of magufo
magufo {m} [pejorative] :: someone who believes in pseudoscience or conspiracy theories
magular {vt} :: obsolete spelling of magullar
magulladura {f} :: bruise
magullar {vt} :: to bruise
Maguncia {prop} {f} :: Maguncia (city)
maharajá {m} :: maharaja
mahayana {m} :: Mahayana
mahdista {adj} :: Mahdist
mahdista {mf} :: Mahdist
mahleriano {adj} :: Mahlerian
mahogani {m} :: mahogany
Mahoma {prop} {m} :: Muhammad (Islamic prophet)
mahometano {adj} :: Mohammedan, Muslim
mahometano {m} :: Mohammedan, Muslim
mahometismo {m} :: Islam
mahón {m} :: A type of cheese from Mahón, Minorca
mahón {m} [Puerto Rico] :: jeans
mahonesa {f} :: alternative form of mayonesa
mahonesa {f} :: Virginia stock, Malcolmia maritima
mahout {m} :: mahout
maicear {v} [Mexico] :: to feed corn
maicena {f} :: cornstarch
maicera {f} :: feminine noun of maicero
maicero {adj} :: corn, maize
maicero {m} [pejorative] :: redneck, country bumpkin (rural unsophisticated person)
maicero {m} :: corn / maize farmer
maicito {m} :: diminutive of maíz
mail {m} :: email
mailing {m} :: mailing list
maillot {m} :: jersey
maimón {m} :: a type of monkey with having prehensile tail
maimón {m} :: A type of garlic soup from Granada, Spain
Maine {prop} :: Maine
mainés {adj} :: Mainer
mainés {m} :: Mainer
mainesa {f} :: feminine noun of mainés
mainframe {m} [computing] :: mainframe
mainstream {m} :: mainstream
maiquetiense {adj} :: of or from Maiquetía
maiquetiense {mf} :: Someone from Maiquetía
maiquetienses {adj} :: plural of maiquetiense
maisiense {adj} :: Of or from Maisí
maisiense {mf} :: Someone from Maisí
maison {f} :: fashion house
Maite {prop} {f} :: given name
maitén {m} :: mayten
maitines {mp} :: matins
maitra {f} :: feminine noun of maitro
maitro {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: man (or woman, lady, in the feminine), adult acquaintance or friend 20 years or older (typically older than 30, and typically older than the speaker) who receives respect due to being at work or being skilled at something
maíz {m} :: corn, maize
maizal {m} :: piece of land cultivating corn; cornfield
maizena {f} :: cornflour, cornstarch
maíz negro {m} :: black corn
Majachkalá {prop} :: Majachkalá (city)
majada {f} [sheep] :: pen
majada {f} :: dung
majada {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: flock, herd
majada {f} [archaic] :: hostel, inn
majadera {f} :: feminine noun of majadero
majaderamente {adv} :: foolishly
majadería {f} :: malarkey, malarky, nonsense, rubbish [usually in the plural]
majadería {f} :: silliness, absurdity
majadero {m} :: fool
majadero {m} :: clown
majadero {m} :: pestle
majar {v} :: to crush
majar {v} :: to pound
majar {v} :: to grind
majara {adj} [colloquial] :: nuts, loopy (crazy)
majareta {adj} [colloquial] :: nuts, bonkers
majaz {m} :: lowland paca
maje {interj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: dude! (said to a man)
maje {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: idiot, stupid (said about a man)
maje {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: guy (pejorative, slightly insulting)
majestad {f} :: majesty
majestoso {adj} :: alternative form of majestuoso
majestuosamente {adv} :: majestically, kingly
majestuosidad {f} :: majesty, majesticness
majestuoso {adj} :: majestic, majestical, august, grand
majestuoso {adj} :: stately, pompous
majete {adj} [colloquial, Spain] :: cool, nice
Majewski {prop} {mf} :: surname
majísimo {adj} :: superlative of majo
majnovista {adj} :: Makhnovist
majnovista {mf} :: Makhnovist
majo {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: good-looking, handsome
majo {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: likeable, nice, pretty
Majo {prop} {m} :: A diminutive of the female given name María José
majorera {f} :: feminine noun of majorero
majorero {adj} :: Of or from Fuerteventura
majorero {m} :: Someone from Fuerteventura
majuelo {m} :: common hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna
majunche {adj} [Venezuela] :: crappy; slipshod
makila {f} :: makila
making-of {m} :: making-of
mal- {prefix} :: bad; badly
mal {adv} :: badly, poorly, ill
mal {adv} :: awry, amiss, wrong, wrongly
mal {adv} :: hard [functions as an adverb in Spanish but translates as an adjective in English]
mal {m} :: evil, harm; a bad thing or situation
mal {m} :: disease, illness, ailment
mal {m} :: worse [substantive]
mala {f} :: suitcase
mala {f} :: mailbag
mala {f} :: mail, post
malabar {adj} :: juegos malabares juggling
malabar {m} :: Malayalam (language)
malabarear {v} :: to juggle
malabarismo {m} :: juggling
malabarismo {m} :: juggling act
malabarismo {m} :: doublespeak
malabarista {mf} :: juggler
malabeña {f} :: feminine noun of malabeño
malabeño {adj} :: Malabeño, of or from the city of Malabo in Equatorial Guinea
malabeño {m} :: Malabeño, an inhabitant of the city of Malabo in Equatorial Guinea
Malabo {prop} :: Malabo (city)
malabsorción {f} [pathology] :: malabsorption
malacara {f} [Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay] :: horse with a mostly white face
malacate {m} [historical] :: A type of capstan or winch formerly used in mines to extract minerals and water
malacitano {adj} :: of or from Málaga
malacitano {m} :: person from Málaga
malacóloga {f} :: feminine noun of malacólogo
malacología {f} :: malacology
malacológico {adj} :: malacological
malacólogo {m} :: malacologist
malacostumbrar {v} :: to get (someone) into bad habits, set a bad example
malacostumbrar {v} :: to spoil rotten
Málaga {prop} {f} :: Málaga (province)
Málaga {prop} {f} :: Málaga (city)
mala gente {adj} :: mean (person)
malagradecido {adj} :: thankless
malagueña {f} :: feminine noun of malagueño
malagueño {adj} :: of or from Málaga
malagueño {m} :: person from Málaga
malagueta {f} :: malagueta
malagueta {f} :: tabasco pepper spice
malaguista {mf} [soccer] :: A person connecting with Malaga CF, as a fan, player, coach etc.
mala hierba {f} :: weed (unwanted plant)
malaje {m} [Andalusia] :: boring or charmless person
mala leche {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: bad intentions when doing something harmful to someone
malambo {m} :: malambo
malamente {adv} :: badly, poorly
malamente {adv} :: barely; hardly
mala mujer {f} :: See: es malo mujer
mala mujer {f} :: A name for various kinds of plant, especially those that sting:
mala mujer {f} :: Bocconia latisepala
mala mujer {f} :: Cnidoscolus tubulosus
mala mujer {f} :: smoketree spurge (Euphorbia cotinifolia)
mala mujer {f} :: fork-bracted rosemallow (Hibiscus bifurcatus)
mala mujer {f} :: buffalobur nightshade (Solanum rostratum)
mala mujer {f} :: eastern poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)
mala mujer {f} :: Caracus wigandia (Wigandia caracasana)
mala mujer {f} [Chiapas, Oaxaca] :: Cnidoscolus urens
mala mujer {f} [Chihuahua] :: tree spinach (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius)
mala mujer {f} [Morelos] :: flameberry (Urera caracasana)
mala mujer {f} [Tamaulipas] :: Cnidoscolus angustidens
malandanza {f} :: misfortune, rotten luck
malandra {f} :: feminine noun of malandro, a certain type of delinquent or thug
malandraje {m} :: thugs; gangs of thugs
malandraje {m} :: thuggery; being a lout
malandrín {mf} :: scoundrel, rascal
malandrino {adj} :: dishonest
malandritud {f} [Latin America, rare] :: roguery; criminality
malandro {m} [colloquial, Venezuela] :: young delinquent
malandro {m} [colloquial, Uruguay, masculine only] :: delinquent
malandro {m} [colloquial, Mexico] :: young thug
malanga {f} :: malanga
mala onda {f} [idiom] :: mean person
mala pasada {n} :: a dirty tricks (unethical or illegal tactics used against an opponent)
mala pata {f} [idiom] :: bad luck; misfortune
malapropismo {m} :: malapropism
Malaquías {prop} {m} [bible] :: Malachi (the book of the Bible)
malaquita {f} [mineral] :: malachite
malar {adj} :: malar
mala racha {f} :: losing streak
malaria {f} :: malaria
Malasaña {prop} :: Malasaña (area)
mala sangre {f} [idiom] :: bad blood
Malasia {prop} {f} :: Malaysia
malasio {adj} :: Malaysian
malasio {m} :: Malaysian
malas pulgas {fp} [idiomatic] :: bad character
mala suerte {f} :: bad luck
mala suerte {interj} :: bad luck; tough luck
malatión {m} :: malathion
malato {m} :: malate
Malaui {prop} :: Malawi (Republic of Malawi)
malauí {adj} :: Malawian
malauí {mf} :: Malawian
malavenido {adj} :: mismatched; incompatible
malaventurado {adj} :: luckless; down on one's luck
malavés {adv} [obsolete] :: rarely (not often)
malavez {adv} [archaic] :: rarely (not often)
Malawi {prop} :: alternative spelling of Malaui
malayalam {m} :: Malayalam (language)
malayo {adj} :: Malay (from Malaysia)
malayo {m} :: Malay (language)
malayo {m} :: Malay (person)
malazo {adj} [colloquial] :: really bad
malbaratar {v} :: to squander
malcoha {m} :: malkoha
malcriada {f} :: feminine noun of malcriado
malcriadez {f} :: spoiledness
malcriadez {f} :: ill manners
malcriadito {m} :: A spoiled child
malcriado {adj} :: spoiled (having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering)
malcriado {adj} :: misbehaving, badly behaved
malcriado {m} :: one who is spoiled
malcriado {m} :: one who is misbehaving, badly behaved
malcriar {v} :: to spoil, coddle
maldad {f} :: badness; evilness
maldad {f} :: bad or evil deed
maldecir {v} :: to damn, to curse
mal de la azotea {adj} [idiom, colloquial] :: off one's rocker; round the twist
mal del coco {adj} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: off one's head, off one's rocker (crazy)
mal de muchos, consuelo de tontos {proverb} :: misery loves company
mal de ojo {m} [idiom] :: evil eye (curse done by a malevolent gaze)
maldiciente {adj} :: foulmouthed
maldición {f} :: curse
maldición {interj} :: Damnit; curses
malditamente {adv} :: very badly
maldita sea {interj} :: goddammit; dammit
malditismo {m} :: impending doom
maldito {adj} :: cursed; damned
maldito {interj} :: damn
Maldivas {prop} {fp} :: Maldives
maldivo {adj} :: Maldivian
maldivo {m} :: Maldivian (person)
Maldonado {prop} {m} :: surname
Maldonado {prop} {m} :: Maldonado (city)
Malé {prop} :: Malé (capital city)
maleabilidad {f} :: malleability, malleableness
maleable {adj} :: malleable
maleable {adj} :: plastic (capable of adapting to varying conditions)
maleante {adj} :: malicious
maleante {mf} :: gangster, criminal
malear {v} :: to corrupt
malear {v} :: to pervert
malear {v} :: to make bad
malecón {m} :: breakwater
maledicencia {f} :: gossip, slander
maledicente {adj} :: slanderous
maledicente {adj} :: scandalous
maleducado {adj} :: bad mannered, rude
maleducar {v} :: to spoil; coddle
maleficiar {vt} :: to bewitch
maleficiar {vt} :: to harm, damage
maleficio {m} :: hex (evil spell)
maléfico {adj} :: evil
malentender {v} :: to misunderstand
malentendido {m} :: misunderstanding
maleolar {adj} [anatomy] :: malleolar
maléolo {m} :: malleolus
malespín {m} :: A Spanish argot or word game used in Central America that involves exchanging certain letters of the alphabet
malestar {m} :: unease
malestar {m} :: discomfort
maleta {f} :: suitcase (large piece of luggage)
maleta {f} [Chile, Venezuela] :: trunk, boot (of a car)
maletera {f} [Latin America] :: boot; trunk (of car)
maletero {m} [Cuba, Bolivia, Spain] :: trunk, boot (space to carry luggage)
maletilla {f} :: diminutive of maleta
maletilla {f} [bullfighting] :: wannabe bullfighter
maletín {m} :: briefcase
maletita {f} :: diminutive of maleta
malevo {m} [Argentina, slang] :: ruffian, bad-ass
malévolamente {adv} :: malevolently
malevolencia {f} :: malevolence
malévolo {adj} :: malicious, evil
maleza {f} :: underbrush
maleza {f} :: weed (plant regarded as unwanted)
malfetría {f} :: A crime, especially against one's liege lord in the medieval period
malfollado {adj} [slang, vulgar] :: (especially of a woman) Resentful or embittered due to lack of sexual satisfaction
malformación {f} :: malformation
malfuncionamiento {m} :: malfunctioning
malfuncionar {v} :: to malfunction
malgache {adj} :: Malagasy
malgache {mf} :: Malagasy
malgastador {m} :: waster
malgastar {v} :: to waste, to squander, to blow, to fritter away
malgastarse {v} :: reflexive of malgastar
malgrado {conj} :: although; in spite of
malhabido {adj} :: ill-gotten (obtained illegally)
malhablado {adj} :: fierce-tongued; foul-mouthed
malhablado {m} :: fierce-tongued person; foulmouth
malhadado {adj} :: burdened with bad luck
malhadado {adj} :: ill-fated
malhecho {adj} :: malformed; deformed
malhecho {m} :: misdeed
malhechor {m} :: wrongdoer, malefactor, criminal
malhechora {f} :: wrongdoer
malherir {v} :: to injure fatally, mortally wound
malhumor {m} :: bad mood, moodiness
malhumorado {adj} :: crabby, peevish, cranky, splenetic
malhumorado {adj} :: sullen
Mali {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Malí
Malí {prop} :: Malí (country)
Malibú {prop} :: Malibu
malicia {f} :: malice
maliciar {v} :: to suspect; be suspicious of
maliciar {v} :: to think up (something evil)
maliciar {v} :: to damage
maliciarse {v} :: to suspect, to have suspicions
maliciosamente {adv} :: maliciously
malicioso {adj} :: malicious
málico {adj} :: malic
maliense {adj} :: Malian
maliense {mf} :: Malian
malignamente {adv} :: malignly
malignidad {f} :: malignancy, malignity
malignización {f} :: malignization
maligno {adj} [oncology] :: malignant
maligno {adj} :: malicious, malevolent
maligno {m} :: the evil one (idiomatic for the devil)
malilla {f} [card games] :: the two
malilla {f} [card games] :: A particular card game with 9 different numbers
malimbo {m} :: malimbe
Malinao {prop} :: surname
malinchista {mf} [Mexico, pejorative] :: One who has a preference or infatuation for foreign (non-Mexican) culture, products or people
malinformado {adj} :: misinformed
malintencionadamente {adv} :: maliciously
malintencionado {adj} :: ill-intentioned, evil-minded
malinterpretación {f} :: misinterpretation
malinterpretar {v} :: to misinterpret, to misunderstand, to misread, to misconstrue, to misapprehend
malinterpretarse {v} :: reflexive of malinterpretar
malísimamente {adv} :: extremely badly
malísimo {adj} :: superlative of malo Very bad, dreadful
malito {adj} :: diminutive of malo
malito {adj} :: poorly, sickly
mall {m} :: mall (shopping centre)
malla {f} :: mesh (cloth)
malla {f} [in the plural] :: tights, leggings
malla {f} :: strap handle
mallar {v} :: alternative spelling of majar
mallo {m} :: mallet
mallo {m} :: a kind of game
Malloa {prop} {m} :: Malloa (city)
malloíno {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Malloa
Mallorca {prop} {f} :: Majorca, Mallorca
mallorquín {adj} :: Mallorcan
mallorquín {m} :: Mallorcan
malmaridada {f} :: feminine noun of malmaridado
malmaridado {adj} :: Having an unhappy marriage
malmaridado {m} :: Unhappily married
malmatar {v} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua] :: to beat up; to give a right kicking to
mal nacido {adj} :: ill-bred, mean
malnacido {adj} :: disgusting, abominable (of a person or animal)
malnacido {m} :: asshole, pig, son of a bitch, bastard
mal necesario {m} :: necessary evil
malnutrición {f} :: malnutrition
malnutrido {adj} :: malnourished
malo {adj} :: bad
malo {adj} :: evil
malo {adj} :: sick
malo {m} :: bad guy; baddie; bad boy; bad person
malogrado {adj} :: unsuccessful; abortive
malograr {vt} :: to ruin, spoil
maloka {f} [Colombia] :: house
maloliente {adj} :: smelly, foul-smelling
malón {m} :: raid, attack
malónico {adj} :: malonic
malos tratos {mp} :: domestic violence
malote {adj} :: badass, naughty
malote {mf} :: bad-ass, naughty person
malpaís {m} :: akin to badlands, but of volcaniclastic origin
malpaís {m} [geology] :: karst
malparado {adj} :: bad
malparar {v} :: to mistreat, ill-treat
malparida {f} :: feminine noun of malparido
malparido {adj} :: disgusting, abominable (of a person or animal)
malparido {m} :: asshole, pig, son of a bitch, bastard
malparir {vi} :: to miscarry
malparqueado {adj} :: badly parked
malpensado {adj} :: having ill thoughts, thinking bad of things/people
malponer {v} [Venezuela] :: to speak ill of
malportado {adj} :: ill-mannered
malposición {f} :: bad position
mal que {conj} :: although
mal que bien {adv} [idiom] :: more or less, just about
malquerencia {f} :: dislike
malquerer {v} :: to dislike
mal que te pese {adv} [idiomatic] :: like it or not, like it or lump it
malquistar {v} :: to cause to become enemies; to drive a wedge between
malquistar {vr} :: to start to hate (one another); fall out
malquisto {adj} :: unpopular, unliked
malsano {adj} :: unhealthy
malsonante {adj} [of language] :: rude, crude, vulgar
malta {f} :: malt
malta {f} :: malta
Malta {prop} {f} :: Malta
maltasa {f} [enzyme] :: maltase
malteada {f} [Latin America] :: malted, malted milk, milkshake
maltear {v} :: to malt
maltería {f} :: malthouse, maltery
maltés {adj} :: Maltese (from or native to Malta)
maltés {adj} :: Maltese (pertaining to Malta)
maltés {m} :: a Maltese person
maltés {m} :: the Maltese language
maltesa {f} :: feminine noun of maltés
maltitol {m} [organic compound] :: maltitol
maltodextrina {f} :: maltodextrin
maltosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: maltose
maltotriosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: maltotriose
maltraer {vt} :: to mistreat
maltratador {m} :: abuser, beater, wrongdoer
maltratadora {f} :: feminine noun of maltratador
maltratar {v} :: to mistreat
maltrato {m} :: mistreatment
maltrayente {adj} :: abusive, ill-treating
maltrecho {adj} :: badly injured
maltrecho {adj} :: beat-up; battered
maltrecho {adj} :: depleted
malucho {adj} :: diminutive of malo; sick; under the weather
maluco {adj} :: diminutive of malo; sick; under the weather
maluro {m} :: any of a number of wrens, especially some fairywrens
malva {f} :: mallow
malva {f} :: mauve (color)
malva {adj} :: mauve (color)
malvadamente {adv} :: wickedly, naughtily, mischievously, hellishly
malvado {adj} :: evil, wicked, mean, bad
malvasía {f} :: malvasia
malvasía {f} :: stiff-tailed duck
malvavisco {m} [botany] :: mallow
malvavisco {m} [Chile, Mexico, Central America] :: marshmallow
malvender {vt} :: to sell for less than cost
malversación {f} :: embezzlement, malversation
malversador {m} :: embezzler, grafter, peculator
malversar {v} :: to embezzle
Malvinas {prop} {fp} :: the Falklands, the Falkland Islands
malvinense {adj} [attributive] :: Falkland Islands
malvinense {mf} :: Falklander, Falkland Islander
malvinero {adj} :: synonym of malvinense
malvinero {m} :: synonym of malvinense
malvino {adj} :: of or from the Falkland Islands
malvino {m} :: Falkland Islander
malviviente {mf} [derogatory] :: thug, lowlife
malvivir {v} :: to live badly
malvivir {v} :: to scrape by
malware {m} [computing] :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system)
mam {adj} :: Mam (of or pertaining to the Mam people)
mam {m} :: Mam (language)
mam {mf} :: Mam
mama {f} [anatomy] :: mamma, breast
mamá {f} [colloquial, familiar, affectionate] :: mum, mom
mamá {f} [Mexico] :: a term of affection for a woman
mamabicho {m} [slang, Puerto Rico] :: dicksucker
mamacita {f} :: diminutive of mamá
mamacita {f} [Latin America, slang] :: babe, hottie (sexually attractive woman)
mamada {f} :: milk; (of baby) feeding time
mamada {f} :: breastfeeding
mamada {f} [Latin America] :: cinch, something easy
mamada {f} [slang] :: blowjob
mamada {f} [Argentina, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Spain, Uruguay, colloquial] :: drunkenness
mamada {f} [vulgar, Mexico] :: an intentional mean action or statement; a stupid action or statement; a practical joke
mamadera {f} :: breast pump
mamadera {f} [Latin America] :: baby bottle
mamadera {f} [Bolivia, Uruguay, colloquial] :: drunkenness
mamá de Tarzán {f} [colloquial, idiom] :: the bee's knees
mamadita {f} :: diminutive of mamada
mamado {adj} [slang, Mexico] :: muscular (having well-developed muscles)
mamado {adj} [slang, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain] :: drunk (inebriated)
mamado {adj} [slang, Colombia, Venezuela] :: knackered; shattered (exhausted)
mamaguevo {m} [vulgar] :: cocksucker
mamahuevo {m} [vulgar] :: cocksucker
mamallena {f} [Panama] :: bread pudding
mamalogía {f} :: mammalogy
mamalógico {adj} :: mammalogical
mamalón {m} :: idler
mamalona {f} :: feminine noun of mamalón
mamandurria {f} :: undeserved salary
mamañema {mf} [literally] :: cocksucker
mamantón {adj} :: suckling
mamar {v} :: to suckle
mamar {v} :: to suck
mamar {v} :: to blow (give a blowjob)
mamar {v} [colloquial] :: pocket (illegally)
mamar {v} :: to bullshit or fuck around
mamario {adj} :: mammary
mamarracha {f} :: feminine noun of mamarracho
mamarrachada {f} :: idiocy; folly; buffoonery
mamarracho {m} [pejorative, colloquial] :: buffoon, clown (ridiculous, badly dressed person)
mamarracho {m} [pejorative, colloquial] :: mess, disaster (something badly made)
mamasanta {f} :: A licentious, hypocritical woman who assumes an air of decency and modesty in public which she lacks in private
mamasanta {f} :: A woman who covers sexual excesses with the appearance of good behavior
mamawebo {m} [vulgar] :: cocksucker
mamba {f} :: mamba
mambeado {adj} [Argentina] :: fed up, snowed under
mambí {m} :: A Cuban independence soldier who fought in the Ten Years' War against Spain
mambisa {f} :: feminine noun of mambí
mambo {m} :: mambo (music)
mambo {m} :: mambo (dance)
mamelón {m} :: mamelon
mameluco {m} :: mameluke
mameluco {m} :: mameluco
Mamen {prop} {f} :: A diminutive of the female given name María del Carmen
mamertino {m} :: Mamertine
mamey {m} :: the mamey or mammee apple, Mammea americana
mami {f} [colloquial] :: mommy
mami {f} [Central America, Philippines] :: mother
mami {f} [Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] :: attractive woman; momma
mami {f} [Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] :: a term of affection for a woman
mami {f} [Peru] :: a woman who runs a brothel; a madame
mami {f} [Honduras, pejorative] :: a homosexual man
mamífero {adj} :: mammalian
mamífero {m} :: mammal
mamiforme {adj} :: mammiform
mamila {f} [anatomy] :: mamilla
mamilar {adj} [anatomy] :: mamillar
mamilotalámico {adj} [anatomy] :: mammillothalamic
mamina {f} :: diminutive of mama
mamina {interj} :: mamma mia!
mamita {f} :: diminutive of mamá mummy
mamitis {f} :: mastitis
mámoa {f} :: barrow
mamografía {f} [medicine] :: mammography
mamógrafo {m} :: mammograph
mamón {adj} :: sucking
mamón {m} :: suckling
mamón {m} [botany] :: shoot (of a plant)
mamón {m} :: mamoncillo (tree and fruit), Melicoccus bijugatus
mamón {m} [Chile, pejorative] :: mama's boy, mommy's darling (person clinging to his mother)
mamón {m} [Mexico, Spain, pejorative] :: stupid person, dumbass, sucker
mamón {m} [Venezuela] :: Melicoccus bijugatus, Spanish lime
mamón {m} [vulgar] :: blowjob
mamona {f} :: feminine noun of mamón
mamoncillo {m} :: The mamoncillo
mamonear {v} [colloquial] :: to screw around; fuck around
mamoneo {m} [colloquial] :: foolishness; jackassery
mamoplastia {f} :: mammoplasty
mamotreto {m} :: A huge object
mampara {f} :: panel (small movable screen)
mampara {f} :: shower screen, shower door (ellipsis of mampara de ducha)
mamparo {m} :: bulkhead
mamporrera {f} :: feminine noun of mamporrero
mamporrero {m} [Spain] :: Person who helps horses when breeding, by placing the colt's penis into the mare's vagina
mamporro {m} :: bash, clout
mampostear {vt} :: to build with unworked material
mampostera {f} :: feminine noun of mampostero
mampostería {f} :: masonry, stonemasonry
mampostero {m} :: mason; stonemason
mampuesto {m} :: rough stone
mampuesto {m} :: (stone) wall
mampuesto {m} [Latin America] :: weapon rest
mamúa {f} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] :: drunkenness
mamut {m} :: mammoth (animal)
mamut lanudo {m} :: woolly mammoth
man {m} [Latin America, colloquial] :: man, guy, dude
-mana {suffix} :: feminine noun of -mano
MANA {prop} :: Movimiento Auténtico Nacionalista
maná {m} :: manna
maña {f} :: skill, aptitude, knack
maña {f} :: trick (something designed to fool)
maña {f} [Latin America] :: bad habit, vice, mania
maña {f} [Latin America] :: bad temper, ill humor
maña {f} :: feminine noun of maño
Manabí {prop} :: Manabí (coastal province)
manabita {mf} :: An inhabitant of Manabí province, Ecuador
manabita {adj} :: From Manabí province, Ecuador
manacorense {adj} :: Of or rom Manacor
manacorense {mf} :: Someone from Manacor
manacorí {m} :: Someone from Manacor
manada {f} [zoology] :: herd, pride, pod (group of animals)
manada {f} :: handful (amount held in hand)
manada {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: a group of rapists
manadera {f} :: herder; herdswoman
manadero {m} :: herder; herdsman
management {m} :: management
manager {m} :: alternative form of mánager
mánager {m} [sports] :: manager
managua {mf} :: Managuan (native or resident of Managua, Nicaragua)
Managua {prop} {f} :: Managua (capital city)
Managua {prop} {f} :: Managua (department)
managüense {adj} :: Managuan (of or pertaining to Managua, Nicaragua)
managüense {mf} :: Managuan (native or resident of Managua, Nicaragua)
mañana {adv} :: tomorrow
mañana {adv} :: soon, shortly
mañana {f} :: the morning
mañana {m} :: the near future; tomorrow
mañana será otro día {proverb} :: tomorrow is another day
mañanear {v} :: to be an early riser
mañanera {f} :: feminine noun of mañanero
mañanero {adj} :: early rising
mañanero {adj} [attributive] :: morning
mañanero {m} :: early riser
mananguete {n} [Philippines] :: a person who gathers coconut fruits and or tuba
mañanita {f} :: early morning
mañanita {f} :: shawl
manantial {m} :: spring (water)
manar {v} :: to gush forth
manar {v} :: to flow
manar {v} :: to abound
manatí {m} :: manatee
manatiense {adj} :: Of or from Manatí, Cuba
manatiense {mf} :: Someone from Manatí, Cuba
manaza {f} :: augmentative of mano
manazas {m} [colloquial] :: butterfingers
mancala {f} :: mancala
mancar {v} :: to injure; maim
mancarrón {adj} :: synonym of matalón
mancebía {f} :: brothel; whorehouse
mancebillo {m} :: diminutive of mancebo
mancebo {adj} [rare] :: juvenile
mancebo {m} [archaic] :: youth
mancebo {m} [archaic] :: young servant, waiter
mancebo {m} [rare] :: bachelor
máncer {m} :: mamzer
mancha {f} :: spot; stain; blemish
Mancha {prop} {f} :: Mancha (department)
manchadizo {adj} :: easily stained
manchado {adj} :: spotted
manchado {adj} :: tainted
manchamanteles {m} :: A type of mole sauce from Mexico
mancha mongólica {f} :: Mongolian spot
manchar {vt} :: to spot, stain, mark, to smudge
manchar {vt} [figuratively] :: to sully, to tarnish, to taint, to soil, to besmirch, to smear (one's name, reputation, name, honour, spirit, etc.)
mancharse {v} :: reflexive of manchar
manchego {adj} :: of or pertaining to la Mancha
manchego {m} :: someone from la Mancha
Mánchester {prop} {m} :: Mánchester (major city/and/metropolitan borough)
manchita {f} :: diminutive of mancha
manchón {m} :: augmentative of mancha
manchón {m} :: area of dense greenery
manchoso {adj} :: easily stained
manchú {adj} :: Manchu
manchú {mf} :: Manchu
manchú {m} :: Manchu language
manchurrón {m} :: stain
-mancia {suffix} :: -mancy
-mancía {suffix} :: rare form of -mancia
mancilla {f} :: stain; blemish (moral defect; a character flaw)
mancillar {v} :: to besmirch; to taint
manco {adj} :: one-handed, one-armed, maimed
manco {adj} :: defective, faulty
manco {adj} [video games] :: chump, useless, butterfingers (a unskilled player, due to his inexperience or lack of skill for the game)
manco {adj} [figuratively, nautical] :: oarless, without oars
manco {m} [Chile, collquial] :: horse
mancomún {adv} [de mancomún] :: By common agreement, conjointly
mancomunadamente {adv} :: conjointly
mancomunar {vt} :: to pool, combine
mancomunar {vt} [law] :: to require both sides pay jointly the costs of a lawsuit
mancomunidad {f} :: commonwealth
Mancomunidad {f} :: alternative form of mancomunidad
Mancomunidad de Virginia {prop} {f} :: Commonwealth of Virginia (formal and full name of Virginia)
mancornar {v} :: to pull down (a bull) by holding it down by the horns
mancornar {v} :: to tie up (a bull) by joining one foot to the horn on the same side
mancornar {v} :: to tie together by the horns; to hobble
mancornar {v} :: to join (in general)
mancuerna {f} :: dumbbell
mancuernilla {f} :: cufflink
mancuniano {adj} :: Mancunian (of or pertaining to Manchester, England)
mancuniano {m} :: Mancunian (native or resident of Manchester, England)
mancuso {m} :: mancus (old coin)
manda {f} :: vow
mandadero {m} :: messenger (person who delivers messages)
mandadero {m} :: errand boy (male employed to run errands)
mandado {m} :: dogsbody; pleb
mandado {m} :: errand
mandador {m} :: leader; chief
mandador {m} :: someone who looks after the land
mandadora {f} :: feminine noun of mandador
mandala {m} :: mandala
mandamás {adj} [colloquial] :: bossy
mandamás {m} [colloquial] :: head honcho, boss, chief
mandamiento {m} [chiefly Christianity] :: commandment
mandamiento {m} [legal] :: writ, warrant
mandamiento {m} :: order, command
mandanga {f} [colloquial] :: slowness, sluggishness
mandanga {f} [slang] :: cocaine, coke
mandanga {f} [Spain, slang] :: loving (sexual intercourse)
mandante {mf} :: instigator
mandar {v} :: to send
mandar {v} :: to order
mandar {v} :: to lead, be in charge, command
mandar {v} :: to enjoin
mandar {v} [dancing] :: to lead
mandar a freír espárragos {v} [idiomatic] :: tell someone to take a long walk on a short pier; go jump in the lake; fuck you
mandar a hacer puñetas {v} [idiomatic] :: tell someone to take a long walk on a short pier; go jump in the lake
mandar a la mierda {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to score off; to tell someone to go to hell; to tell someone to go fuck themself
mandar al cuerno {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to tell someone to go to hell
mandar a otro mundo {v} [idiom] :: To do away with; take out (kill)
mandarín {adj} :: mandarin
mandarín {m} :: Mandarin (language)
mandarina {f} :: mandarine, mandarin orange
mandarino {m} :: mandarine tree
mandarria {f} [nautical] :: A kind of hammer
mandarria {f} :: sledgehammer
mandarriazo {m} [Cuba] :: bash; strike
mandarse a cambiar {v} [idiomatic] :: to up and leave; take off
mandatar {v} [legal] :: To give a mandate
mandataria {f} :: feminine noun of mandatario
mandatario {m} :: head of state
mandato {m} :: mandate
mandatorio {adj} :: mandatory
mandea {f} :: feminine noun of mandeo
mandeísmo {m} [religion] :: Mandaeism (a monotheistic religion practiced in the Middle East)
mandeo {m} :: Mandaean
mandeo {adj} :: Mandaean
manderecha {f} :: right hand
manderecha {f} :: luck, fortune
mandíbula {f} :: jaw
mandibular {adj} :: mandibular
mandíbulas de la vida {fp} :: jaws of life
mandil {m} :: apron
mandilón {m} [Mexico, slang, familiar] :: henpecked husband (powerless married man). Man who complies with every desire of his partner in order to avoid conflict
mandilón {m} :: coward, weakling
mandinga {adj} :: Mandinka
mandinga {mf} :: Mandinka
mandioca {f} :: manioc plant
mando {m} :: command
mando {m} :: remote control
mando a distancia {m} :: remote control
mandoble {m} :: blow delivered while wielding a weapon, usually a sword, with both hands
mandoble {m} :: broadsword
mandolín {m} :: mandolin
mandolina {f} :: mandolin (musical instrument)
mandolinista {mf} :: mandolinist
mandón {adj} :: bossy
mandón {m} :: bossyboots
mandona {f} :: feminine noun of mandón
mandoncillo {m} :: diminutive of mandón
mandonear {v} :: to boss
mandorla {f} :: mandorla
mandrágora {f} :: mandrake
mandril {m} :: mandrill
mandrilar {v} :: To work with a lathe
manduca {m} [colloquial] :: grub; chow
manducar {v} [colloquial] :: to eat, munch, scoff
manea {f} :: hobble
maneador {m} :: halter
manear {v} :: to hobble (a horse)
manechi {m} :: black howler
manecilla {f} :: hand (of a clock)
manecilla {f} :: pointer, needle, arrow (of an instrument)
manecilla {f} :: doorknob
manecilla corta {f} :: hour hand
manecilla larga {f} :: minute hand
manecita {f} :: diminutive of mano
manejabilidad {f} :: manageability, usability
manejable {adj} :: manageable, user-friendly
manejable {adj} :: malleable, convinceable
manejador {adj} :: manipulative
manejador {m} [Latin America] :: driver, motorist
manejadora {f} :: feminine noun of manejador
manejante {adj} :: bossy
manejar {v} :: to handle
manejar {v} :: to manage
manejar {v} [Latin America, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea] :: to drive (a vehicle)
manejarse {v} :: reflexive of manejar
manejo {m} :: handling
manejo {m} :: driving
manera {f} :: way; manner
manés {adj} :: Manx
manés {m} :: Manxman
manés {m} :: Manx (language)
maneta {f} :: lever; handle
manga {f} :: sleeve
manga {m} :: manga
manga {f} :: mango tree
manga {f} :: A type of mango (fruit)
mangaka {m} :: mangaka
mangal {m} :: mango farm
manganeso {m} :: manganese
mangante {adj} :: robbing
mangante {mf} :: robber, thief
mangante {mf} :: scrounger, freeloader
manganzón {m} :: laziness
manga por hombro {adv} [idiom] :: messy; in a right mess
mangar {v} :: to eat
mangar {v} [colloquial] :: to nick, pinch, swipe, nab (steal)
mangar {v} [colloquial] :: to scrounge
mangazo {m} :: augmentative of mango
mangazo {m} :: A strike or blow with a mango
mangazo {m} :: scrounging
mangazo {m} :: hotty (beautiful man or woman)
mangla {f} [obsolete] :: stain (a blemish on one's character or reputation)
manglar {m} :: mangrove swamp
mangle {m} :: mangrove
manglero {adj} :: swamp-dwelling
mango {m} :: handle (part of an object which is held in the hand)
mango {m} :: mango (fruit and tree)
mango {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, lunfardo, colloquial] :: cash, dough (money)
mangonear {v} :: to be bossy
mangonear {v} :: to loiter
mangonear {v} :: to meddle
mangosta {f} :: mongoose
mangostán {m} :: The mangosteen
mangostino {m} :: The mangosteen
mangrullo {m} :: A type of watchtower
mangú {m} [Dominican Republic] :: food dish consisting of mashed, cooked plantains
manguera {f} :: hose
manguera {f} :: A mango orchard
mangueta {f} :: fountain syringe (a medical device like a hot water bottle used for vaginal or rectal injections, irrigating wounds, etc.)
mangueta {f} :: door jamb (for glass doors, trellis doors, etc.)
mangueta {f} :: tiebeam (in a roof)
mangueta {f} :: beam, tie (to link or secure an assembly of two or more inclined timbers)
mangueta {f} :: device that regulates the speed of wool shears
mangueta {f} :: lever, pole (used by two people to carry great weights)
mangueta {f} :: U-tube (toilet drain pipe)
manguito {m} :: muff (of clothing)
manguito {m} :: armband (for floating)
mani {f} [colloquial] :: protest
maní {m} [Canary Islands, Caribbean, Central America, Philippines, South America] :: peanut
-manía {suffix} :: -mania
manía {f} :: mania, bad habit, obsession
manía {f} :: mania (violent derangement)
manía {f} :: mania (craze, something popular at the time)
manía {f} :: dislike
manía {f} :: foible, quirk (unusual habit or way)
maniaca {f} :: feminine noun of maniaco
maníaca {f} :: feminine noun of maníaco
maníacamente {adv} :: manically
maniaco {adj} :: alternative form of maníaco
maniaco {m} :: alternative form of maníaco
maníaco {adj} :: manic, maniacal
maníaco {m} :: maniac
maniatar {v} :: to tie someone's hands together
maniatar {v} :: to place in manacles
maniático {m} :: maniac
maniático {adj} :: pedantic, fussy
maniático {adj} :: cranky, crazy
manicaragüense {adj} :: Of or from Manicaragua, Cuba
manicaragüense {mf} :: Someone from Manicaragua
manicomial {adj} :: mental hospital, asylum
manicomio {m} [offensive] :: insane asylum, lunatic asylum, mental hospital
manicomio {m} :: madhouse (all senses)
manicuera {f} :: A kind of manioc
manicuera {f} :: A drink made from this kind of manioc
manicura {f} :: manicure
manicure {f} :: manicure
manicurista {mf} :: manicurist
manido {adj} :: trite; hackneyed
manierismo {m} :: Mannerism
manierista {mf} :: Mannerist
manifa {f} [colloquial] :: protest
manifestación {f} :: demonstration
manifestación {f} :: manifestation
manifestador {adj} :: manifesting
manifestador {m} :: manifestor
manifestadora {f} :: feminine noun of manifestador
manifestante {mf} :: protester
manifestante {mf} :: demonstrator
manifestar {v} :: to manifest, reveal, display, show
manifestar {v} :: to declare, express
manifestarse {v} :: reflexive of manifestar
manifiestamente {adv} :: manifestly, obviously
manifiesto {adj} :: manifest, clear, apparent
manifiesto {m} :: manifesto; pronouncement
manigua {f} :: mess
manigua {f} [Antilles] :: tropical grassland
manigua {f} [Colombia] :: swampy tropical forest
manigua {f} [Honduras, Nicaragua] :: swampland
manija {f} :: handle (part of an object that is held)
manija {f} :: handle, knob (of a door)
manila {f} :: manila (fabric)
Manila {prop} {f} :: Manila (capital city)
manileño {adj} :: Manileño
manileño {m} :: Manileño
manilla {f} :: handle
manilla {f} [Spain] :: door handle
manilla {f} [Colombia] :: bracelet
manillar {m} :: handlebar (bar for steering)
maniobra {f} :: maneuver
maniobrabilidad {f} :: manoeuvrability
maniobrable {adj} :: maneuverable
maniobra de Heimlich {f} [emergency medicine] :: Heimlich maneuver (first aid procedure used to treat choking)
maniobrar {v} :: to maneuver
maniobrista {mf} :: rigger
manipulable {adj} :: manipulable, manipulatable
manipulación {f} :: manipulation
manipulador {adj} :: manipulative
manipulador {adj} :: manipulating
manipulador {m} :: manipulator
manipuladora {f} :: feminine noun of manipulador
manipular {v} :: to manipulate
manipuleo {m} :: manipulating; manipulation
manípulo {m} :: maniple (part of a priest's vestments)
manípulo {m} [historical] :: maniple (a company of Roman soldiers)
manípulo {m} [literary, medicine] :: handful (the amount that a hand can contain)
maniqueísmo {m} :: Manichaeism
maniqueísta {adj} :: Manichaean
maniqueísta {mf} :: Manichaean
maniqueo {adj} :: Manichaean
maniqueo {m} :: Manichaean
maniquí {m} :: mannequin, dummy (life-size model of the human body)
maniquí {mf} :: mannequin (person who models clothes)
manirroto {adj} :: spendthrift
manita {f} :: diminutive of mano, little hand
manita {f} :: clipping of hermanita
manitas {m} :: diminutive of mano
manitas {m} :: handyman
manito {f} :: diminutive of mano, little hand
Manitoba {prop} {f} :: Manitoba
manitobana {f} :: feminine noun of manitobano
manitobano {adj} :: Manitoban (of or pertaining to Manitoba, Canada)
manitobano {m} :: Manitoban (native or resident of Manitoba, Canada)
manitol {m} [organic compound] :: mannitol
manivela {f} :: handle
manivela {f} :: crank
manjar {m} :: delicacy, food, sustenance (especially delicious food, or one of the types of foods listed below)
manjar {m} :: sustenance (something which invigorates mind or body)
manjar {m} [obsolete] :: suit (one of the four types of cards in a deck)
manjar {m} [Chile] :: dulce de leche (caramel spread)
manjar blanco {m} :: A dish made of chicken breast, sugar, milk, and rice flour
manjar blanco {m} :: blancmange, a dessert made with milk, almonds, sugar, and rice flour
manjar blanco {m} [Cuba] :: A dessert made with milk, sugar, maize flour, and spices
manjar blanco {m} [El Salvador, Panama, Peru] :: dulce de leche
manjar de ángeles {m} :: A dish made of milk and sugar
manjar imperial {m} :: A dish made of egg yolks, milk, and rice flour
manjar lento {m} :: A dish made of milk, beaten egg yolks, and sugar
manjar principal {m} :: A dish made of cheese, sifted milk, beaten egg yolks, and shredded bread
manjar real {m} :: A dish made of sheep leg, sugar, milk, saffron, and rice flour
manjar suave {m} :: synonym of manjar lento
-mano {suffix} :: -mane, -maniac
mano {f} [anatomy, of a person] :: hand
mano {f} [of an animal] :: front foot
mano {f} [in a game] :: round; hand
mano {f} [of paint] :: coat, lick
mano {f} [of a clock] :: hand
mano {f} :: skill, talent
mano {f} :: mano (a stone resembling a rolling pin, used to grind maize or other grain on a metate)
mano {m} [slang, Mexico] :: buddy, friend
maño {adj} [archaic] :: big
maño {adj} :: of or from Aragón
maño {m} :: someone from Aragón
mano a mano {adj} :: hand to hand (competition), or sometimes hand in hand (cooperation); on equal terms, close together
mano a mano {m} [bullfighting] :: a corrida in which two rival matadors alternate in fighting several bulls each
mano auxiliar {f} :: helping hand
mañoco {m} :: tapioca
mano de guagua {f} [idiom, Chile, Colombia] :: stingy person
mano de obra {f} :: labor (manual laborers)
manojito {m} :: diminutive of manojo
manojo {m} :: handful, bunch
Manola {prop} {f} :: given name
manoletina {f} [bullfighting] :: manoletina
Manoli {prop} {f} :: given name
Manolo {prop} {m} :: given name
manomanista {adj} [attributive] :: Basque pelota
manomanista {mf} :: Basque pelota player
manométrico {adj} :: manometric
manómetro {m} :: manometer (instrument used to measure pressure in a fluid)
mano negra {f} :: unlucky charm
manopla {f} :: mitten
manopla {f} :: gauntlet (glove)
manopla {f} [baseball, Nicaragua] :: baseball glove
manopla {f} :: oven glove
manosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: mannose
manos a la obra {phrase} [idiomatic] :: hands on deck, let's get to work, let's get to it, get down to work, get on with it, get down to business
mañosamente {adv} :: cleverly, skilfully
manosamina {f} [carbohydrate] :: mannosamine
manosanta {mf} :: A type of witch doctor
manosear {v} :: to paw, to feel up
manosear {v} :: to fondle
manosear {v} :: to meddle with; to tamper with, or handle something ignorantly
manoseo {m} :: fumble
manoseo {m} :: handling
manos libres {m} :: handsfree
manos libres {m} :: handsfree phone
mañoso {adj} :: skillful, crafty
mañoso {adj} [Latin America] :: pedantic, fussy
mañoso {adj} [Latin America] :: cranky, crazy (grouchy, irritable, easily upset)
mano sobre mano {adv} [idiom] :: idle; hanging around; doing nothing
manotada {f} [Latin America] :: handful
manotada {f} :: slap, hit (with the hand)
manotazo {m} :: slap
manotear {vt} :: to slap, smack, spank
manotear {vi} :: to gesticulate
manotón {m} :: slap (with the hand)
manouche {m} :: manouche
manresano {adj} :: Of or from Manresa
manresano {m} :: Someone from Manresa
Manrique {prop} :: surname
mansalva {n} :: only used in a mansalva
mansamente {adv} :: quietly, meekly, gently
mansarda {f} :: mansard
mansedumbre {f} :: meekness
mansedumbre {f} :: elegance
mansión {f} :: mansion
mansísimo {adj} :: superlative of manso
manso {adj} :: tame, meek; not threatening
mansuetud {f} [obsolete] :: alternative form of mansedumbre
manta {f} :: blanket, cloth, cloth banner
manta {f} :: poncho
manta {f} :: a fish trap shaped like a blanket
manta {f} [fish] :: manta ray
mantarraya {f} :: manta ray
manteamiento {m} :: blanketing; the bumps
mantear {v} :: to throw up into the air in a blanket
mantear {v} :: to give (someone) the bumps (throw someone in the air, e.g. for a celebration)
manteca {f} :: fat, lard
manteca {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: butter (soft, fatty foodstuff made by churning the cream of milk)
manteca {f} :: shortening
mantecado {m} :: A pastry made from lard and almonds and commonly made around the time of Christmas
mantecado {m} :: ice cream
mantecoso {adj} :: buttery
mantecoso {adj} :: mellow
mantel {m} :: tablecloth
mantelada {f} :: feminine noun of mantelado
mantelado {m} [heraldry] :: mantled
mantelería {f} :: table linen
manteleta {f} :: mantlet
mantelete {m} :: mantelletta
mantelina {f} :: spinal butterfly ray (Gymnura altavela)
mantención {f} :: synonym of manutención
mantenedor {adj} :: maintaining
mantenedor {m} :: maintainer
mantener {vt} :: to keep
mantener {vt} :: to maintain, to support
mantener {vt} :: to sustain, to preserve, to retain, to uphold
mantener {vt} :: to maintain, continue, to keep up
mantener {vt} :: to stay, to remain
mantener {vr} :: to maintain, to keep, to stay, to remain
mantener {vr} :: to stand, to hold, to remain, to continue (e.g. hold firm, stand strong, stand together, stand on one's feet)
mantener {vr} :: to stick to (e.g. stick to one's guns)
mantener {vr} :: to be maintained, to be retained, to be sustained
mantener las apariencias {v} [idiomatic] :: to keep up appearances
mantenibilidad {f} :: maintainability
mantenida {f} :: feminine noun of mantenido
mantenido {adj} :: sustained by alimony, kept
mantenido {adj} :: freeloading
mantenido {m} :: kept man, kept woman
mantenido {m} [pejorative] :: freeloader
mantenimiento {m} :: maintenance, support
mantense {adj} :: Of or from Manta
mantense {mf} :: Someone from Manta
manteo {m} :: A kind of long cloak worn by clergymen
manteo {m} :: A type of cape used in bullfighting
manteo {m} :: blanketing
mantequera {f} :: churn
mantequera {f} :: butter dish
mantequero {adj} :: of or pertaining to butter
mantequero {m} :: butter maker
mantequilla {f} :: butter
mantequilludo {adj} [Latin America] :: buttery
mantera {f} :: feminine noun of mantero
mantero {m} [Spain] :: A person who sells counterfeit goods on the streets
mantícora {f} [mythology, folklore, fantasy] :: manticore
mantilla {f} :: mantilla
mantillo {m} :: mulch
mantis {f} :: mantis
mantisa {f} :: mantissa
mantis religiosa {f} :: praying mantis
manto {m} :: shroud, cloak
manto {m} :: layer, surface, blanket, carpet
manto {m} [geology] :: mantle
mantodeo {m} :: mantis
mantón {m} :: shawl
mantra {m} :: mantra (a phrase repeated during meditation)
mántrico {adj} :: mantric
mantudo {adj} [Latin America] :: masked
Manú {prop} {m} :: Manú (province)
manual {adj} :: manual (performed by the hands)
manual {adj} :: manual (operated by the hands)
manual {adj} :: manual (performed by a human)
manual {m} :: manual (handbook)
manual {m} :: manual (booklet with instructions)
manualidad {f} :: hand-made crafts
manualidad {f} [in plural] :: arts and crafts
manualmente {adv} :: manually, by hand, on hand, to hand
manubrio {m} [Latin America] :: handlebar
manubrio {m} :: handle, crank
manubrio {m} :: wheel
manubrio {m} [anatomy, zoology] :: manubrium
manubrio {m} [colloquial] :: penis
manudo {adj} [Honduras, Costa Rica, colloquial] :: clumsy; hamfisted
Manuel {prop} {m} :: given name, derived from biblical Emanuel
Manuela {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Manuel
manuelino {adj} :: Manueline
Manuelita {prop} {f} :: given name
manufactura {f} :: manufactured goods
manufactura {f} :: factory
manufactura {f} :: manufacture, production
manufacturación {f} :: manufacturing
manufacturador {adj} :: manufacturing
manufacturador {m} :: manufacturer
manufacturadora {f} :: feminine noun of manufacturador
manufacturar {vt} :: to manufacture
manufacturera {f} :: manufacturer
manufacturero {m} :: manufacturer
manu militari {adv} :: manu militari
manumisión {f} :: manumission
manumitir {vt} :: to manumit, to emancipate (to free from slavery)
manuscribir {v} :: to handwrite; autograph
manuscrito {adj} :: handwritten
manuscrito {m} :: manuscript
manutención {f} :: maintenance
manutener {v} :: alternative form of mantener
manya {mf} :: A supporter, fan, coach, etc. of Club Atlético Peñarol, a soccer club from Montevideo, Uruguay
manzamina {f} :: manzamine
manzana {f} :: apple
manzana {f} :: city block
manzana {f} [colloquial, in the plural] :: butterfingers
Manzana {prop} :: surname
manzana de Adán {f} [Latin America] :: Adam's apple
manzana de caramelo {f} :: candy apple
manzanal {m} :: apple orchard
manzanal {m} :: apple tree
manzana podrida {f} [idiom] :: bad apple
manzanar {m} :: apple grove; place where apples are grown
manzana silvestre {f} :: crabapple (fruit)
manzanilla {f} :: camomile
manzanilla {f} :: a type of wine from Cádiz, Andalucía
Manzanilla {prop} :: surname
manzanilla de Castilla {f} :: German chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
manzanillero {adj} :: Of or from Manzanillo
manzanillero {m} :: Someone from Manzanillo
manzanillo {m} :: manzanillo
manzanita {f} :: diminutive of manzana
manzano {m} :: apple tree
Manzano {prop} :: surname, the 460th most common in Mexico and 178th most common in Spain
manzano silvestre {m} :: European crab apple (tree)
maoísmo {m} :: Maoism (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong)
maoista {adj} :: Maoist
maoista {mf} :: Maoist
maoísta {adj} :: Maoist
maoísta {m} :: Maoist
maorí {adj} :: Maori
maorí {mf} :: Maori
mapa {m} :: map (sheet with geographical information on it)
mapache {m} [zoology] :: raccoon (nocturnal omnivore living in Northern America)
mapache {m} [politics, Mexico] :: electoral thief or fraudster
mapacho {m} :: wild tobacco
mapa de carreteras {f} :: road map
mapamundi {m} :: world map
mapeador {m} :: mapper; mapmaker
mapear {v} :: to map
mapeo {m} :: mapping
mapochino {adj} :: Chilean
mapochino {m} :: Chilean
mapoteca {f} :: a map depository
mapping {m} :: mapping
mapuche {adj} :: Mapuche
mapuche {m} :: Mapuche
mapuchino {adj} [pejorative] :: Chilean
mapuchino {adj} [pejorative] :: indigenous man, most likely mapuches that look like a Chinese
mapuchino {adj} :: asshole
mapuchización {f} :: The act of making something more Mapuche
mapuchizar {v} [Chile, Argentina] :: To indigenize in the style of the Mapuche people
mapudungun {m} :: Mapudungun
mapudungún {m} :: Mapuche (language)
mapuey {m} :: cush-cush; tropical herb
mapuey {m} :: tuber of the same plant
maquear {v} [colloquial] :: to tart up
maqueta {f} :: model (miniature representation of a physical object)
maqueta {f} :: demo (recording of a song)
maquetación {f} :: layout
maquetación {f} :: typesetting
maquetar {vt} :: to lay out; to design the appearance of a document
maquiavélicamente {adv} :: cunningly; slyly
maquiavélico {adj} :: Machiavellian
maquiavelismo {m} :: Machiavellianism
maquila {f} :: A unit of volume
maquila {f} :: synonym of maquiladora
maquila {f} :: alternative spelling of makila
maquilador {m} :: worker in a maquiladora
maquiladora {f} :: assembly plant
maquilar {v} :: to take a toll (of grain)
maquilar {v} :: to assemble
maquilishuat {m} [El Salvador] :: pink poui; Tabebuia rosea
maquillador {m} :: make-up artist
maquilladora {f} :: feminine noun of maquillador
maquillaje {m} :: makeup
maquillar {v} :: to apply makeup or cosmetics
maquillar {v} :: to fiddle, massage (numbers, data)
maquillar {v} [figurative] :: to disguise, dress up
maquillarse {vr} :: to put on makeup, to apply cosmetics
maquillista {mf} :: make-up artist
máquina {f} :: machine
máquina autoventa {f} :: vending machine
maquinabilidad {f} :: machinability
maquinación {f} :: plot, machination
máquina de afeitar {f} :: shaver
máquina de caminar {f} :: treadmill
máquina de coser {f} :: sewing machine
máquina de escribir {f} :: typewriter (machine used to print text by pressing keys)
máquina del tiempo {f} :: time machine
máquina de Turing {f} [computing theory] :: Turing machine (abstract machine designed to give a mathematically precise definition of computability)
máquina de vapor {f} :: steam engine
maquinador {m} :: deviser, plotter, machinator
maquinador {m} [metallurgy] :: Metalworker who works pieces with the use of machines
maquinadora {f} :: feminine noun of maquinador
máquina expendedora {f} :: vending machine
máquina herramienta {f} :: machine tool
maquinal {adj} :: machinelike
maquinal {adj} :: mechanical (referring to the movements of machines)
maquinal {adj} :: [of a person or action] mechanical, automatic (not having or showing thought or spontaneity)
maquinalmente {adv} :: mechanically
máquina perforadora {f} :: hole punch, or perforator
maquinar {v} :: to machinate, plot
maquinaria {f} :: machinery
máquina simple {f} :: simple machine
maquinilla {f} :: razor (tool designed for shaving)
maquinilla de afeitar {f} :: razor
maquinilla de afeitar {f} :: shaver
maquinista {mf} :: engineer [Canada and the US], engine driver [Britain], train driver
maquinista {mf} :: machinist
maquinita {f} :: diminutive of máquina
maquis {mf} :: maquis (Resistance during the Second World War)
maquis {mf} :: maquis (member of the Resistance during the Second World War)
maquisapa {f} :: spider monkey
mar {mf} :: sea
mar {mf} :: seaside
mar {mf} [selenology] :: lunar mare
mar {mf} [la mar] :: loads
mar {mf} [la mar de] :: really; hella
mara {f} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: people in one's in-group [e.g. at work, at school, in one's soccer team, who may or may not be friends]
mara {f} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico] :: criminal gang
mara {f} :: Patagonian mara (Dolichotis australis)
marabino {m} [Venezuela] :: synonym of maracaibero
marabino {adj} [Venezuela] :: synonym of maracaibero
marabú {m} :: marabou
marabunta {f} :: swarm (of insects)
marabunta {f} :: crowd (of people)
marabuzal {m} :: marabou plantation
maraca {f} :: A maraca, percussion instrument
maraca {f} [Chile, Argentina, pejorative] :: A whore
maraca {f} [Chile, Argentina, pejorative] :: A gay
maracaibero {m} :: A person from Maracaibo
maracaibero {adj} :: Of or relating to Maracaibo and its culture or dialect
Maracaibo {prop} {m} :: Maracaibo (city)
Maracanazo {prop} {m} [football] :: Maracanaço (final match in the 1950 FIFA World Cup, won by Uruguay over Brazil)
maracatu {m} :: maracatu
maracayá {m} :: The margay
maracayero {adj} :: Of or from Maracay
maracayero {m} :: Someone from Maracay
maracenera {f} :: feminine noun of maracenero
maracenero {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Maracena in Spain
maracenero {m} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Maracena in Spain
maraco {m} [Chile, Argentina, pejorative] :: A gay
maraco {m} [Venezuela] :: The youngest son in the family
maracucha {f} :: feminine noun of maracucho
maracucho {adj} [Venezuela] :: synonym of maracaibero
maracucho {m} [Venezuela] :: synonym of maracaibero
maracuyá {m} :: passion fruit (specifically Passiflora edulis)
mar adentro {adv} :: offshore
mar adentro {adv} :: out to sea
Maradona {prop} :: surname
Maradona {prop} :: Diego Maradona, Argentinian footballer turned manager
maradoniano {adj} :: Maradonaesque
mar Adriático {prop} {m} :: Adriatic Sea
maragallismo {m} :: The politics or support of Pasqual Maragall i Mira
maragallista {mf} :: A supporter of Pasqual Maragall i Mira
maragallista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Pasqual Maragall i Mira, former president of Catalonia
maragato {adj} :: Of or from La Maragatería
maragato {m} :: Someone from La Maragatería
mar Amarillo {prop} {m} :: Yellow Sea (Asian sea)
maraña {f} :: thicket
maraña {f} :: tangle, muddle, jumble, snarl
marañón {m} :: cashew (tree)
marañón {m} :: cashew (fruit of the tree)
Marañón {prop} {m} :: Marañón (province)
maranta {f} :: arrowroot
maraquilla {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: bitch
Mara Salvatrucha {prop} {f} :: Mara Salvatrucha
marasmo {m} [pathology] :: marasmus
marasmo {m} :: apathy
marasmo {m} :: stagnation
maratí {m} :: Marathi
maratón {mf} [athletics] :: marathon
maratón {mf} :: marathon, the activity of doing something for a long period without stopping (or in less time than usually), such as binge-watching
maratoniano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a marathon
maratoniano {adj} :: Having the characteristics of a marathon
maratoniano {adj} :: A activity or action. It is very intense, exhausting or of very long duration
maratoniano {m} :: marathoner, marathon runner
maratónico {adj} :: marathonic
maratonista {mf} :: marathoner, marathon runner
maravedí {m} [historical] :: maravedi
maravilla {f} :: wonder, marvel
maravilla {f} :: sunflower
maravilla {f} :: sunflower seed
maravilla {f} :: marigold
maravilla {f} :: four o'clock flower
Maravilla {prop} :: surname
maravillar {v} :: to marvel
maravillarse {vr} :: to marvel, to wonder
maravillosamente {adv} :: wonderfully, marvelously
maravilloso {adj} :: wonderful, marvelous
mar Balear {prop} {m} :: Balearic Sea
mar Báltico {prop} {m} :: Baltic Sea
Marbella {prop} :: Marbella (city)
marbellero {adj} :: of, from, or related to Marbella
marbellero {m} :: Someone from, or connected with, Marbella
marbellí {adj} :: of, from, or related to Marbella
marbellí {mf} :: Someone from, or connected with, Marbella
marbete {m} :: tag
marbete {m} :: label
mar Blanco {prop} {m} :: White Sea
marca {f} :: brand (of clothing etc.)
marca {f} :: brand (for cattle)
marca {f} :: mark (left on a surface)
marca {f} :: print (fingerprint, footprint)
marca {f} [sports] :: record; personal best
marca {f} [nautical] :: marker; buoy
marca {f} [slang] :: whore; harlot
marca {f} [historical] :: march; marchland (area)
marca {mf} [sports] :: marker (player marking a rival)
marcación {f} :: dialing
marcación {f} :: markings
marcadamente {adv} :: markedly
marca de casa {f} :: hallmark, trademark
marca de nacimiento {f} :: birthmark
marcadísimo {adj} :: superlative of marcado
marcado {adj} :: marked, pronounced
marcador {adj} :: marking
marcador {m} :: scoreboard
marcador {m} [biology] :: marker (a gene or DNA sequence with a known location on a chromosome)
marcador {m} [Latin America] :: marker (a felt-tipped pen)
marcador {m} :: bookmark
marcador fluorescente {m} [Mexico] :: highlighter
marcador permanente {m} :: permanent marker
marcador textual {m} [linguistics] :: discourse marker
marcaje {m} [sports] :: marking, following (a player)
marcano {adj} :: Marcan
mar Cantábrico {prop} {m} :: Cantabrian Sea
marcante {adj} :: remarkable
marcapáginas {m} :: bookmark (material used to mark a place in a book)
marcapasos {m} :: pacemaker (medical implement)
Marcapomacocha {prop} {f} :: Marcapomacocha (city)
marcar {v} :: to mark, to set
marcar {v} :: to write down, jot down
marcar {v} [sports] :: to mark
marcar {v} :: to show, read, say [of a measuring device]
marcar {v} :: to beat, make [a rhythm]
marcar {v} :: to dial
marcar {v} :: to frame
marcar {vr} [Spain] :: to fancy, have a hankering for
marca registrada {f} :: trademark
mar Caribe {prop} {m} :: Caribbean Sea
marcasita {f} [mineral] :: marcasite
mar Caspio {prop} {m} :: Caspian Sea
marca vulgarizada {f} :: genericized trademark
Marcela {prop} {f} :: given name
Marcelina {prop} {f} :: given name
Marcelino {prop} :: given name
Marcelo {prop} :: given name
mar Celta {prop} {m} :: Celtic Sea
marcha {f} :: march
marcha {f} :: departure
marcha {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: party (social gathering)
marcha {f} :: gear (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears)
marcha {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: mojo
marcha atlética {f} [athletics] :: race walking
marcha atrás {f} :: withdrawal, pull out, coitus interruptus
marcha atrás {adv} :: reverse (pertaining to engines, vehicle movement etc. moving in a direction opposite to the usual direction)
marchador {m} :: race walker
marchadora {f} :: feminine noun of marchador
marcha fúnebre {f} :: funeral march
marchamo {m} :: label, stamp
marchante {adj} :: dealing, trading, selling
marchante {mf} :: dealer, trader
marchante {mf} :: art dealer
marchante de arte {mf} :: art dealer
marchar {vi} :: to go, travel
marchar {vi} :: to march
marchar {vi} :: to function, work, run
marchar {vir} :: to leave
Marcha Real {prop} {f} :: Marcha Real (the national anthem of Spain)
marcharse {v} :: reflexive of marchar: to leave, to go away
marchiguano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Marchigüe
Marchigüe {prop} {m} :: Marchigüe (city)
marchihuano {adj} :: alternative form of marchiguano
Marchihue {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Marchigüe
marchista {mf} :: protest marcher
marchitamiento {m} :: withering; wilting
marchitar {v} :: to wilt
marchitar {vp} :: to wither, to wilt, to shrivel, to fade
marchitarse {v} :: reflexive of marchitar
marchitez {f} :: wilt (disease)
marchito {adj} :: wilted, faded
marchosa {f} :: feminine noun of marchoso
marchoso {adj} :: fun-loving, lively (enjoying parties)
marchoso {m} :: party animal
marcial {adj} :: martial
Marcial {prop} {m} :: given name
marcialidad {f} :: martialism
marcialmente {adv} :: martially
marcialmente {adv} :: using military
marciana {f} :: feminine noun of marciano
marcianada {f} :: weird act
marcianidad {f} :: weirdness
marcianito {m} :: diminutive of marciano
marciano {adj} :: Martian (of Mars)
marciano {adj} [figurative] :: bizarre, odd
marciano {m} :: Martian
Marción {prop} {m} :: given name
Marción {prop} {m} :: Marcion of Sinope, founder of Marcionism
marcir {v} :: to wilt
marco {m} :: frame
marco {m} :: mark (German currency)
Marco {prop} {m} :: given name
marco alemán {m} :: Deutsche Mark
marcomana {f} :: feminine noun of marcomano
marcomano {adj} :: Marcomannic
marcomano {m} :: One of the Marcomanni
Marcos {prop} {m} :: Mark [biblical character]
Marcos {prop} {m} :: the Gospel of Mark
Marcos {prop} {m} :: given name
mar de Azov {prop} {m} :: Sea of Azov
mar de Barents {prop} {m} :: Barents Sea
mar de Bering {prop} {m} :: Bering Sea
mar de China Oriental {prop} {m} :: East China Sea
mar de Irlanda {prop} {m} :: Irish Sea
mar del Norte {prop} {m} :: North Sea
Mar del Plata {prop} :: Mar del Plata (city)
mar de Mármara {prop} {m} :: Sea of Marmara
mar de Noruega {prop} {m} :: Norwegian Sea
mar de Timor {prop} {m} :: Timor Sea
Mardoqueo {prop} {m} :: Mordecai
marea {f} :: tide
marea alta {f} :: high tide
marea baja {f} :: low tide
mareado {adj} :: dizzy, woozy, vertiginous
mareado {adj} :: carsick, seasick
mareado {adj} :: queasy
mareal {adj} :: tidal
marea negra {f} :: oil spill
mareante {adj} :: dizzying, sickening
mareante {mf} :: seafarer, sailor
marear {vp} :: to get dizzy
marear {v} :: to make dizzy, to dizzy
marear {v} :: to sicken
marear la perdiz {v} [idiomatic] :: to mess around, to dilly-dally
marea roja {f} :: red tide
Marechal {prop} :: surname
mar Egeo {prop} {m} :: Aegean Sea
marejada {f} :: swell (of the sea)
marejada {f} :: upsurge
marejadilla {f} :: diminutive of marejada
maremagno {m} :: alternative form of maremágnum
maremágnum {m} :: abundance, overabundance
maremágnum {m} :: crowd, mob, multitude
maremágnum {m} :: confusion
maremoto {m} [geology] :: seaquake
marengo {adj} :: dark (grey)
Mare Nostrum {prop} {m} :: Mediterranean; Mediterranean Sea
mareo {m} :: vertigo, dizziness
mareo {m} :: motion sickness, car sickness, sea sickness
mareomotriz {adj} :: tidal; relating to tidal power
marero {m} :: gangster
márfega {f} :: strawen mattress
marfil {m} :: ivory
marfilada {f} :: error; slip-up
marfileña {f} :: feminine noun of marfileño
marfileño {adj} :: Ivorian
marfileño {m} :: Ivorian
marga {f} [geology] :: marl
margajita {f} :: alternative form of marcasita
margarina {f} :: margarine
margarita {f} [flower] :: daisy
margarita {f} :: pearl
margarita {m} :: margarita (cocktail)
Margarita {prop} {f} :: given name
margarita común {f} :: daisy
margariteña {f} :: feminine noun of margariteño
margariteño {adj} :: Of or from the island of Margarita Island in Venezuela
margariteño {m} :: An inhabitant of the island of Margarita Island in Venezuela
margaxita {f} :: obsolete form of marcasita
margay {m} :: The margay
margen {m} :: margin, edge
margen {m} :: leeway
margen {f} :: river bank
marginación {f} :: marginalization
marginada {f} :: feminine noun of marginado
marginado {adj} :: ostracized, cast out
marginado {m} :: outsider, outcast
marginal {adj} :: marginal
marginalidad {f} :: marginalization
marginalismo {m} :: marginalism
marginalista {adj} :: marginalistic
marginalista {mf} :: marginalist
marginalización {f} :: marginalization
marginalizar {v} :: to marginalize
marginalmente {adv} :: marginally, incidentally
marginar {v} :: to exclude
marginocéfalo {m} :: marginocephalian
margoso {adj} :: marly, loamy
margrave {m} :: margrave (military-administrative officer)
margraviato {m} :: margravate
margravina {f} :: margravine
marguera {f} :: marlpit
marguera {f} :: marl-wall
mari {adj} :: Mari
mari {mf} :: Mari
Mari {prop} {f} [colloquial] :: clipping of María
maría {f} :: magpie (bird)
maría {f} [historical] :: Former coin of Spain in the 17th century, equivalent to 12 reales de vellón
maría {f} :: Marie biscuit
maría {f} [colloquial] :: doss subject
maría {f} [colloquial] :: housewife
maría {f} [colloquial] :: uncultured woman
maría {f} [colloquial, uncountable] :: weed (marijuana)
maría {f} [Mexico, colloquial] :: Indian immigrant from the countryside to Mexico City
María {prop} {f} :: given name
María {prop} {f} :: Mary; Miriam [biblical character]
mariache {m} :: rare spelling of mariachi
mariachi {m} [music genre] :: A traditional form of music from the Mexican state of Jalisco
mariachi {m} :: A mariachi band
mariachi {m} :: A musician in such a band
mariachi {m} [by extension, Mexico] :: An instrumental ensemble accompanying other types of popular Mexican dance and song
María Jesús {prop} :: given name
María José {prop} :: given name
María Juana {prop} {f} :: given name: Mary Jane
María Magdalena {prop} :: Mary Magdalene [biblical character]
María Magdalena {prop} :: given name
Mariana {prop} {f} :: given name
marianismo {m} :: the concept, found in Latin American folk culture, that a virtuous woman should emulate the Virgin Mary as closely as possible (in terms of piousness, sexual purity, modesty, etc.)
marianista {adj} :: Marianist
marianista {mf} :: Marianist
mariano {adj} [Christianity] :: Marian (relating to Virgin Mary)
Mariano {prop} {m} :: given name
Mariano {prop} {m} :: surname
Maribel {prop} {f} :: given name
marica {m} [slang, pejorative] :: poof; fag; faggot (homosexual man)
marica {f} :: magpie
maricantunga {adj} [pejorative, slang, Chile] :: gay or effeminate man
Marichu {prop} :: given name
maricón {m} [, pejorative, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] :: homosexual man, queer, faggot, effeminate man or boy, sissy
maricón {m} :: coward
maricón {m} [Chile] :: asshole, coward, irresponsible husband or father (mean or rude person)
maricona {f} :: feminine noun of maricón
maricona {f} [pejorative] :: female homosexual, lesbian
mariconada {f} :: buffoonery; folly; idiocy
mariconcito {m} [diminutive sometimes pejorative] :: little faggot, fagboy
mariconeo {m} [pejorative] :: gay sex
mariconería {f} [vulgar] :: faggotry
maricota {adj} [pejorative] :: homosexual, gay
maricota {adj} :: effeminate
maridablemente {adv} :: conjugally
maridaje {m} :: pairing (e.g. in foodpairing, matching a food or drink with an activity, matching music with art, etc.)
maridaje {m} :: marriage, combination, union
maridal {adj} :: marital
maridar {v} [usually culinary] :: to pair, to combine (in foodpairing)
maridar {v} [rare] :: to marry
maridillo {m} :: diminutive of marido
maridito {m} :: diminutive of marido
marido {m} :: husband
Mariela {prop} {f} :: given name
marieña {f} :: feminine noun of marieño
marieño {adj} :: Of or from Las Marías
marieño {m} :: Someone from Las Marías
mariguana {f} :: alternative spelling of marihuana
mariguana {f} :: feminine noun of mariguano
marihuana {f} :: marijuana
marihuana {f} :: feminine noun of marihuano
marihuanera {f} :: feminine noun of marihuanero
marihuanero {m} [Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Venezuela] :: weedhead, pothead, stoner
marihuano {adj} [slang, Mexico] :: stoned, high (under a mood-influencing drug)
marihuano {m} :: weedhead, pothead, stoner
marilandés {adj} :: Maryland, Marylander
marilandés {m} :: Marylander
marilandesa {f} :: feminine noun of marilandés
marimacho {f} [derogatory] :: tomboy
marimandón {adj} [colloquial] :: bossy
marimandón {m} [colloquial] :: bossyboots
marimandona {f} :: feminine noun of marimandón
marimba {f} :: marimba
marimbero {m} [Cuba] :: drug dealer
marimbista {mf} :: marimbist
marimbístico {adj} :: marimba-playing
marimbol {m} :: marímubula
marímbula {f} :: marimbula
marimono {m} :: spider monkey
marimorena {f} [colloquial] :: fuss, row, ruckus (verbal fight)
Marín {prop} :: surname, meaning marine or sailor
Marín {prop} :: given name
marina {f} :: navy
Marina {prop} {f} :: given name
marinaje {m} [nautical] :: seamanship
marinar {v} :: to marinate, to marinade
marinera {f} :: feminine noun of marinero
marinería {f} :: world of sailing
marinería {f} :: sailors, marines (collectively)
marinería {f} :: seamanship
marinerillo {m} :: diminutive of marinero
marinerito {m} :: diminutive of marinero
marinero {m} :: sailor, seaman
marino {adj} :: marine, nautical
marino {m} :: sailor; seaman; mariner
Marino {prop} {m} [newspapers] :: A Chilean daily regional newspaper
marino mercante {m} :: merchant mariner
Mario {prop} {m} :: given name
marioneta {f} :: marionette, puppet
marionetista {mf} :: puppeteer
mariposa {f} :: butterfly
mariposa {f} [slang] :: male homosexual
mariposa {f} [swimming] :: butterfly stroke
mariposa {f} :: creeping beggarweed, Desmodium incanum
mariposario {m} :: A butterfly zoo, butterfly farm
mariposear {v} :: to flit; to flutter
mariposera {f} :: feminine noun of mariposero
mariposero {m} :: butterfly catcher
mariposilla {f} :: diminutive of mariposa
mariposón {m} :: augmentative of mariposa; large butterfly
mariposón {m} :: augmentative of mariposa; giant poofter
mariquita {f} :: ladybird (Commonwealth exc. Canada), ladybug (US, Canada)
mariquita {f} [slang] :: queer, faggot (US), poof (UK)
mariscada {f} :: seafood platter
mariscador {m} :: shellfish fisher or farmer
mariscadora {f} :: feminine noun of mariscador
mariscal {m} :: marshal
mariscal {m} :: quarterback
mariscal {m} :: seafood dish
Mariscal Cáceres {prop} :: Mariscal Cáceres (province)
mariscal de campo {m} :: field marshal
mariscalía {f} :: marshalship
Mariscal Nieto {prop} :: Mariscal Nieto (province)
mariscar {v} :: to catch shellfish
mariscar {v} [colloquial] :: to rob; swipe
marisco {m} :: edible shellfish or alga
marisco {m} [culinary, chiefly plural] :: seafood (edible aquatic life)
marisma {f} :: saltwater marsh, tideland marsh
Marisol {prop} {f} :: given name
marisqueo {m} :: shellfishing
marisquera {f} :: feminine noun of marisquero
marisquería {f} :: seafood store
marisquería {f} :: seafood restaurant
marisquero {adj} [attributive] :: seafood
marisquero {m} :: Someone who works in the seafood industry, as a seller or fisher
marista {adj} :: Marist
marista {adj} :: Marian
marista {m} :: Marist
marista {m} :: Marian
marital {adj} :: marital
maritalmente {adv} :: maritally
marítimo {adj} :: maritime
marjal {m} :: A unit of area in various parts of Spain, equivalent to 528.42 m²
Mar Jónico {prop} {m} :: Ionian Sea (European sea)
marketing {m} :: marketing
márketing {m} :: alternative form of marketing
marlín {m} :: marlin (fish)
mar marginal {m} :: marginal sea
mar Mediterráneo {prop} {m} :: Mediterranean Sea
marmita {f} :: steam kettle, jacketed kettle
marmita {f} :: pressure cooker
marmita {f} [Dominican Republic] :: soup kettle
marmitako {m} :: A stew made with tuna, potatoes, onions, pepper and tomato
mármol {m} :: marble (crystalline limestone)
marmolado {adj} :: marbled
marmolear {v} :: to marbleize
marmolero {adj} [attributive] :: marble
marmolina {f} :: faux marble; artificial marble
marmolista {mf} :: marbler
marmóreo {adj} :: marble
marmosa {f} :: marmoset
marmota {f} :: marmot
marmota {f} :: groundhog (ellipsis of marmota canadiense)
marmota canadiense {f} :: groundhog
marmotita {f} :: diminutive of marmota
mar Negro {prop} {m} :: Black Sea
marojo {m} :: red-berried mistletoe (Viscum cruciatum)
maroma {f} :: rope
maroma {f} :: circus stunt
maromera {f} :: feminine noun of maromero
maromero {adj} [Latin America] :: adaptable, flexible
maromero {m} [Latin America] :: a political opportunist
maromo {m} [colloquial] :: guy, bloke, dude
maronita {mf} :: Maronite
marplatense {adj} :: Of or from Mar del Plata
marqués {m} [nobility] :: marquess
marquesa {f} :: marchioness
marquesa {f} [Chile] :: bedframe
marquesado {m} :: march (region governed by a marquess)
marquesal {adj} [attributive] :: marquess
marquesina {f} :: shelter, bus shelter
marquesita {f} :: diminutive of marquesa
marquesito {m} :: diminutive of marqués
marquesote {m} [Latin America] :: A type of sweet bread
marqueta {f} :: block of ice
marqueta {m} [Louisiana] :: market
marquetería {f} :: marquetry
Márquez {prop} :: surname
marquilla {f} :: A type of paper size
Marquina {prop} {f} :: Marquina (village)
Marquina {prop} {f} :: surname
marquita {f} :: diminutive of marca
marquito {m} :: diminutive of marco
marquito {m} :: slide mounting
Marquito {prop} {m} :: given name
marrajo {adj} [bullfighting] :: vicious, dangerous
marrajo {m} :: shortfin mako shirt, blue pointer (Isurus oxyrinchus)
Marrakech {prop} {mf} :: Marrakech (capital city)
marrakechí {adj} :: Marrakshi (of or pertaining to Marrakesh, Morocco)
marrakechí {mf} :: Marrakshi (native or resident of Marrakesh, Morocco)
marramucia {f} [Venezuela] :: jerk; slob; dickhead
marrana {f} :: feminine noun of marrano
marrana {f} [colloquial] :: hussy; slag (prostitute)
marranada {f} :: dirty trick
marranada {f} :: filthiness
marranito {m} :: diminutive of marrano
marrano {m} :: pig
marrano {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: pig (disgusting person)
marrano {m} :: converted Jew
Marraquech {prop} {mf} :: alternative form of Marrakech
marraqueta {m} :: A type of bread common in: Chile, Uruguay, Peru and Argentina
marrar {v} :: to miss
marrasquino {m} :: maraschino
marrazo {f} :: mattock
marro {m} [uncountable] :: A kind of tag game
marro {m} [countable] :: A dodging movement in the above game
marro {m} [uncountable] :: synonym of calva (game)
marro {m} [countable] :: An object similar to a tack used in the game of calva
marrocas {fp} [Peru] :: handcuffs
mar Rojo {prop} {m} :: Red Sea (sea between Africa and Arabia)
marrón {adj} :: brown (colour)
marrón {m} :: brown (colour)
marrón {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: mess; bitch (something annoying)
marronáceo {adj} :: brownish
marronazo {m} [colloquial] :: biggy, big deal (something very important)
marroquí {adj} :: Moroccan
marroquí {mf} :: Moroccan
Marroquín {prop} :: surname
marroquinería {f} :: leather goods
marroquinería {f} :: a leather goods store
marroquinería {f} :: the leather industry
marroquinidad {f} :: Moroccanness
marrubio {m} :: horehound (Marrubium vulgare)
Marruecos {prop} {m} :: Morocco (country)
marrullería {f} :: dirty trick
marrullero {adj} :: devious
marrullero {m} :: smooth operator; smoothie
marsa {f} :: feminine noun of marso
marsala {m} :: Marsala (wine)
marsala {f} :: Marsala (sauce)
Marsella {prop} {f} :: Marsella (capital city)
marsellés {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Marseilles
marsellés {m} :: Someone from Marseilles
marshalés {adj} :: Marshallese
marshalés {m} :: Marshallese (person)
marshalés {prop} {m} :: Marshallese (language)
marshalesa {f} :: feminine noun of marshalés
marshmallow {m} :: marshmallow
marso {adj} :: Marsian
marso {m} :: Marsian
marsopa {f} :: porpoise
marsupial {adj} :: marsupial
marsupial {m} :: marsupial
marsupio {m} [of a marsupial] :: pouch
marta {f} [zoology] :: marten
Marta {prop} {f} :: given name
Marta {prop} {f} :: Martha [biblical character]
marta cibelina {f} [zoology] :: sable (Martes zibellina)
mártaga {f} :: alternative form of almártaga
martagón {m} :: martagon lily (Lilium martagon)
marta pescadora {f} [zoology] :: fisher (animal)
Marte {prop} {m} :: Mars (Roman god of war)
Marte {prop} {m} :: Mars (planet)
marteña {f} :: feminine noun of marteño
marteño {adj} :: Of or from Martos
marteño {m} :: someone from Martos
martensita {f} :: martensite
martes {m} :: Tuesday
Martes de Carnaval {prop} {m} :: Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday
martiano {adj} :: Of or relating to José Martí
martillar {vt} :: to hammer
martillazo {m} :: blow with a hammer
martilleante {adj} :: insistent, repetitive
martillear {v} :: to hit with a hammer
martillear {v} :: to pound
martillear {v} :: to hammer on
martilleo {m} :: hammering
martillera {f} :: feminine noun of martillero
martillero {m} [Argentina, Chile] :: auctioneer
martillete {m} :: electric hammer
martillo {m} :: hammer (a tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding)
martillo {m} [anatomy] :: malleus
martillo {m} :: auction house
martillo {m} [athletics] :: hammer
martillo de agua {m} [physics] :: water hammer
martillo neumático {m} :: jackhammer
martillo perforador {m} :: jackhammer
martillo pilón {m} :: A mechanical pounding tool where a heavy mass moves vertically; a steam or power hammer
martillo sacaclavos {m} :: claw hammer
martín {m} :: black-crowned night heron
Martín {prop} {m} :: given name
Martín {prop} {m} :: surname
Martina {prop} {f} :: given name
martinete {f} :: hammer (of a piano)
martinete {f} :: large forge hammer
martinete {f} :: a type of Flamenco chant
martinete {f} :: black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)
martinete común {m} :: black-crowned night heron
Martínez {prop} :: surname
martingala {f} :: martingale
martín gigante neotropical {m} :: ringed kingfisher
martini {m} :: martini
Martinica {prop} {f} :: Martinique
martiniega {f} [history] :: A type of tax in the Crown of Castile
martiniquense {adj} :: Of or from Martinique
martiniquense {mf} :: Someone from Martinique
martiniqués {adj} :: Martinican
martiniqués {m} :: Martinican
martiniquesa {f} :: feminine noun of martiniqués
martín pescador {m} :: kingfisher (Alcedinidae)
martín pescador de collar {m} :: ringed kingfisher
mártir {mf} :: martyr
martirial {adj} :: martyrial
martirio {m} :: martyrdom
martirio {m} :: martyrium
martirio {m} [figuratively] :: agony, torture
martirizante {adj} :: agonizing, excruciating
martirizar {v} :: to martyr (make someone a martyr)
martirologio {m} :: martyrology
mar Tirreno {prop} {m} :: Tyrrhenian Sea
Martita {prop} {f} :: given name
martucha {f} :: kinkajou (Potos flavus)
maruca {f} :: ling
marucha {f} [colloquial] :: instant noodles
marucha {f} :: chuck beef
Marucha {prop} :: Pejorative form of María
maruja {f} [colloquial, pejorative, Spain] :: A gossipy housewife
marullero {adj} :: nonstandard form of marrullero
marxiano {adj} :: Marxian
marxismo {m} :: Marxism
marxismo-leninismo {m} :: Marxism-Leninism
marxista {adj} :: Marxist
marxista {mf} :: Marxist
marxista-leninista {adj} :: Marxist-Leninist
marxista-leninista {mf} :: Marxist-Leninist
Maryland {prop} {m} :: Maryland (state)
marzo {m} :: March
mas {conj} [formal] :: but
mas {conj} [formal] :: however
mas {adv} :: obsolete spelling of más
más {adv} :: more; -er (used to make comparisons)
más {adv} [with definite article] :: most; -est (used to make superlatives)
más {adv} :: furthermore
más {adv} :: in addition
más {adv} :: else
más {adv} :: used with qué to express emphasis
más {adj} :: more, any more
más {adj} :: most
más {conj} [mathematics] :: plus
masa {f} [food] :: dough
masa {f} [physics] :: mass
masa {f} :: drove (large amount)
masa atómica {f} :: atomic mass (the mass of an atom)
masachusetana {f} :: feminine noun of masachusetano
masachusetano {adj} :: Massachusettsan, Massachusetts
masachusetano {m} :: Massachusettsan
masacrar {vt} :: to massacre
masacre {f} :: massacre
más adelante {adv} :: later on
masa en reposo {f} :: rest mass
masái {mf} :: Maasai
masái {adj} :: Maasai
masaje {m} :: massage
masajeador {adj} :: massaging
masajeador {m} :: massager
masajear {v} :: to rub or massage
masaje erótico {m} :: erotic massage
masajista {mf} :: massagist, masseur, masseuse {f}
más allá {adv} :: over there
más allá {adv} :: farther, further, beyond
más allá {m} :: afterlife, beyond, hereafter
más allá {m} :: the great beyond
masa madre {f} :: sourdough
masa molar {f} :: molar mass
masa molecular {f} :: molecular mass
masar {v} :: to knead
Masaya {prop} :: Masaya (department)
más bien {adv} :: rather, slightly
más bien {conj} :: rather, or rather (more precisely)
mascabado {adj} :: Made into muscovado
mascar {v} :: to chew without ever swallowing
máscara {f} :: mask
máscara antigás {f} :: gas mask
mascarada {f} :: masquerade
mascarero {m} :: mask maker
mascarilla {f} :: face mask
mascarita {f} :: diminutive of máscara
mascarita {f} :: yellowthroat
mascarón {m} :: mascaron
mascarpone {m} :: mascarpone
Mascat {prop} :: Muscat
Mascate {prop} :: Mascate (capital city)
mascletá {f} :: mascletà
mascné {m} [pathology, colloquial] :: maskne
más contento que unas castañuelas {adj} [simile] :: happy as a clam; happy as Larry
más cornadas da el hambre {proverb} :: no pain no gain
mascota {f} :: pet
mascota {f} :: mascot (the animal that represents a team)
mascoteador {m} [baseball] :: pitcher
mascotita {f} :: diminutive of mascota
mascujar {v} :: to mumble
masculinidad {f} :: masculinity
masculinismo {m} :: masculinism, masculism (advocacy of men's rights)
masculinista {m} :: masculinist, masculist
masculinización {f} :: masculinization
masculinizado {adj} :: masculinized
masculinizar {vt} :: to masculinize
masculino {adj} :: masculine, male
mascullar {v} [ditransitive, colloquial] :: to mumble; to say through one's teeth
máser {m} :: maser
Maseru {prop} :: Maseru (capital city)
masetero {m} :: masseter
más feo que Carracuca {adj} [idiom] :: ugly as sin
más feo que Picio {adj} [idiom, colloquial, simile] :: ugly as sin, butt ugly
mashina {f} [Louisiana] :: machine, vehicle
masía {f} [Aragón, Catalonia] :: country house, cabin
másico {adj} :: mass; of or pertaining to mass
masicote {m} [chemistry] :: massicot
masificación {f} :: overcrowding
masificar {vr} [masificarse] :: to become overcrowded
masilla {f} :: caulk, putty
masismo {m} :: The political beliefs of Artur Mas
masista {mf} [politics] :: A supporter of the Bolivian political party Movement for Socialism
masivamente {adv} :: massively
masividad {f} :: massiveness
masivo {adj} :: massive
más lento que el caballo del malo {adj} [simile] :: as slow as a snail
más lento que un desfile de cojos {adj} [simile] :: as slow as a snail
más listo que el hambre {adj} [idiom] :: smart as a whip
más loco que una cabra {adj} [idiom] :: mad as a hatter, crazy, insane
masnavi {m} :: mathnawi
masoca {adj} [colloquial] :: masochistic
masoca {mf} [colloquial] :: masochist
más o menos {adv} :: give or take, more or less, approximately; pretty much
más o menos {adv} :: so-so (neither good nor bad)
masón {m} :: Freemason
masonería {f} :: Freemasonry
masónico {adj} :: masonic
masonismo {m} :: Freemasonism
masoquismo {m} :: masochism
masoquista {mf} :: masochist
masorético {adj} :: Masoretic
más papista que el papa {adj} [idiom] :: more Catholic than the Pope
más perdido que Carracuca {adj} [idiom] :: completely lost
más puta que Rita {adj} [idiomatic, Spain] :: very slutty (literally, "more of a slut than Rita")
más raro que un perro verde {adj} [simile] :: queer as Dick's hatband; very strange
más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo {proverb} :: wisdom comes with age
más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo {proverb} :: also implies immorality in said older wise person; the proverb is typically (but not always) used by or about an older or more experienced person giving crafty, unscrupulous advice
Massachusetts {prop} {m} :: Massachusetts (state)
más sano que una pera {adj} [idiom] :: fit as a fiddle
más se perdió en Cuba {proverb} [idiom] :: worse things happen at sea; could be worse; things ain't as bad as they might be
massismo {m} [politics] :: The political beliefs or system of Sergio Massa, Argentine politician
massista {adj} :: supporting Sergio Massa, Argentine politician
más solo que la una {adj} [idiom, simile] :: very lonely; so lonesome
mastectomía {f} [surgery] :: mastectomy
mástel {m} :: alternative spelling of mástil
mastelero {m} [nautical] :: topsail
máster {m} :: master's degree, master
masterado {m} :: master's
master-class {m} :: masterclass
masterización {f} :: mastering
masterizar {v} :: to master (produce a master recording)
masticable {adj} :: chewable; masticable
masticación {f} :: mastication, chewing
masticador {adj} :: masticating
masticador {m} :: masticator
masticar {v} :: to chew
masticar {v} :: to think (about an idea)
masticatorio {adj} :: masticatory
masticatorio {adj} :: chewable
mástil {m} [nautical] :: mast (a tall, slim post or tower used to support the sails on a ship)
mástil {m} [music] :: neck (of guitar)
mastín {m} :: mastiff
mastitis {f} [pathology] :: mastitis
mastocito {m} [cytology] :: mastocyte, mast cell
mastocitoma {m} :: mastocytoma
mastodonte {m} :: mastodon
mastodóntico {adj} :: enormous, huge
mastofauna {f} [zoology] :: mastofauna
mastografía {f} :: mammography
mastógrafo {m} :: mammographer
mastoideo {adj} :: mastoid
mastoides {adj} [anatomy] :: mastoid
mastoides {m} [skeleton] :: mastoid; mastoid process
mastóloga {f} :: feminine noun of mastólogo
mastología {f} [medicine] :: mastology
mastólogo {m} :: mastologist, boob inspecter
más tonto que Abundio {adj} :: Very idiotic
más tonto que mandado hacer de encargo {adj} [simile, idiom] :: Very idiotic
mastozoología {f} :: mammalogy
mastozoológico {adj} :: mammalogical
mastranzo {m} :: Any of a number of uninteresting plants. See Spanish Wikipedia
Mastrique {prop} [dated] :: Mastrique (city)
mastuerzo {m} :: cress (a plant, Lepidium sativum)
mastuerzo {m} [pejorative, colloquial, Spain] :: dumbass
masturbación {f} :: masturbation
masturbación mutua {f} :: mutual masturbation
masturbador {adj} :: masturbating
masturbador {m} :: masturbator (someone who masturbates)
masturbadora {f} :: feminine noun of masturbador
masturbar {vt} :: to masturbate
masturbarse {v} :: reflexive of masturbar To masturbate oneself
masturbatorio {adj} :: masturbatory
masudo {adj} :: tubby
más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer {proverb} :: better the devil you know
más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando {proverb} :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
más vale pájaro en mano que ver ciento volando {proverb} :: alternative form of más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando
más vale prevenir que curar {proverb} :: better safe than sorry
más vale tarde que nunca {phrase} :: better late than never
más viejo que Carracuca {adj} [idiom] :: old as the hills
más viejo que Cascorro {adj} [idiom] :: old as the hills
más viejo que la tana {adj} [idiom] :: old as the hills
más viejo que la tos {adj} [idiom] :: old as the hills
más viejo que Matusalén {adj} [simile] :: as old as the hills
más visto que el tebeo {adj} [idiomatic] :: as old as the hills
más y más {adv} [idiom] :: more and more
mat {m} :: mat (for exercise)
mata {f} :: shrub
mata {f} :: sprig
mata {f} :: mastic tree, Pistacia lentiscus
mata {f} [Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba] :: plant (organism of the kingdom Plantae)
Mata {prop} {mf} :: surname
matabichos {m} :: bug spray
mataburros {m} [Latin America, humorous] :: dictionary
mataburros {m} [Latin America, humorous] :: grille guard, bumper guard (car accessory)
mataburros {m} [Uruguay] :: cattle grid
matacán {m} :: machicolation
matacandelas {m} :: snuffer, candlesnuffer
matachín {m} :: clown, buffoon
matacucarachas {m} :: cockroach killer; cockroach spray
matadero {m} :: slaughterhouse, abattoir
matadero {m} [by extension] :: place for killing
matadero {m} [Venezuela, colloquial] :: cheap hotel
matado {adj} :: fugly, hideous [person]
matado {adj} [Mexico] :: bookish (lover of reading and or study)
matador {m} :: a slaughterer, a killer
matador {m} [bullfighting] :: matador, a featured bullfighter at a bullfight event
matadora {f} :: feminine noun of matador
matadura {f} :: callus
matafuego {m} :: fire extinguisher
matagallina {f} [plant] :: flax-leaved daphne, Daphne gnidium
matagalpa {adj} :: Matagalpa
matagalpa {mf} :: Matagalpa
matagalpa {m} :: Matagalpa
Matagalpa {prop} :: Matagalpa (department)
matagalpina {f} :: feminine noun of matagalpino
matagalpino {adj} :: Of or from Matagalpa
matagalpino {m} :: Someone from Matagalpa
matahombres {mf} :: mankiller
matahormigas {m} :: ant killer; ant spray
Matajudíos {prop} :: surname
mataleón {m} [wrestling] :: sleeper hold; chokehold
matamarcianos {m} :: An arcade game involving killing space creatures or fantasy creatures
matambre {m} [food] :: A thin steak cut from the diaphragm muscles of a cow, similar to a flank steak
matambrito {m} :: diminutive of matambre
Matamoros {prop} :: surname
matamoscas {m} :: flyswatter
matamoscas {m} :: fly agaric, Amanita muscaria
matancero {adj} :: Of or from Matanzas
matancero {m} :: Someone from Matanzas
matanza {f} :: a slaughter, a killing
matapolicías {m} :: cop killer
matar {v} :: to put out, extinguish (a flame or light)
matar {v} :: to kill, slay
matar {v} :: to butcher
matar {v} :: to injure, damage
matar {v} :: to fatigue, exhaust, tire out
matar {v} :: to dull (render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish)
matar {v} :: to round off
matar {v} :: to ruin
matar {v} [colloquial] :: to kill (to annoy)
matar {v} [colloquial] :: to kill (to get mad at)
matar {v} [colloquial] :: to kill (to amaze, exceed, stun)
matar {v} [colloquial] :: to beat (to be better than)
matar {v} :: to postmark
matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro {v} [idiomatic] :: To seek short-term gain at the sacrifice of long-term profit; literally, "slaughtering the goose that lays golden eggs"
matar dos pájaros de un tiro {v} [idiomatic] :: to kill two birds with one stone
matar el gusanillo {v} [idiomatic] :: to keep hunger at bay, to keep someone going
matarife {mf} :: butcher; slaughterer (of animals for meat)
Mataró {prop} :: Mataró (city)
mataronense {adj} :: Mataronese: of or from Mataró
mataronense {mf} :: Someone from Mataró
matarratas {m} :: raticide
matarratas {m} :: A type of card game
matarratas {m} [colloquial] :: strong low-quality alcohol
matarratón {m} :: quickstick (Gliricidia sepium)
matarse {v} :: to kill oneself, to commit suicide
matarse {v} :: to be killed, to meet one’s death
matarse {v} :: to become galled, to become chafed, to get sores (said of horses)
matarse {v} :: to wear oneself out
matasano {m} :: feverfew; Tanacetum parthenium
matasano {m} :: Casimiroa edulis
matasanos {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: quack (bad doctor)
matasellar {v} :: to postmark
matasellos {m} :: postmark
matasiete {m} :: bully, thug
matasiete {m} :: loudmouth, blowhard
matasuegras {m} :: party horn
matate {m} [Honduras] :: bag-shaped net
matatenas {fp} :: jacks (children's game)
matatu {m} :: matatu
matavenados {m} :: camel spider, wind scorpion, sun spider (Solifugae)
mataviejos {m} :: old-person killer
matazón {f} :: killing
match {m} :: match
match point {m} [tennis] :: match point
mate {adj} :: matte (not reflective of light)
mate {m} [chess] :: mate, checkmate
mate {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: A hand gesture
mate {m} :: maté (the drink prepared from yerba maté (Ilex paraguariensis))
mate {m} :: a hollow gourd or cup in which maté is traditionally served
mate {m} [colloquial, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: head (top part of the body)
mate {adj} [South America] :: tan, tanned (skin colour)
mate {f} [colloquial] :: math / maths
matea {f} :: feminine noun of mateo
matear {v} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: To drink mate, yerba mate
matecaña {adj} :: of or from Pereira
matecaña {mf} :: Someone from Pereira
matecito {m} :: diminutive of mate
mate de la coz {m} [chess] :: smothered mate
mate del loco {m} [chess] :: fool's mate
mate del pastor {m} [chess] :: scholar's mate
mateín {adj} :: Of or relating to the San Mateo festival in Oviedo
mateína {f} :: mateine
mateístico {adj} :: Of, relating to, or in the style of, Eduardo Mateo, Uruguayan musician
matemática {f} :: feminine noun of matemático; a female mathematician
matemática {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: mathematics
matemáticamente {adv} :: mathematically
matemáticas aplicadas {fp} :: applied mathematics
matemáticas puras {fp} :: pure mathematics
matemático {adj} :: mathematical (relating to mathematics)
matemático {m} :: mathematician
matematización {f} :: mathematicization
mateo {adj} [colloquial, Chile] :: geeky
mateo {m} [colloquial, Chile] :: swot, geek, nerd
Mateo {prop} {m} :: Matthew, the apostle
Mateo {prop} {m} :: given name
Mateo {prop} {m} :: One of the Gospel books of the New Testament
matera {f} :: feminine singular of matero
matera {f} :: A bag used to carry mate equipment (a gourd, a straw, a thermos, and a container of yerba mate)
materia {f} [physics] :: matter (the basic structural component of the universe)
materia {f} :: subject (topic; particular area of study)
materia blanca {f} :: white matter
materia fecal {f} :: excrement, fecal matter
materia gris {f} :: grey matter
material {adj} :: material
material {m} :: material
materialidad {f} :: materiality
materialismo {m} :: materialism (constant concern over material possessions and wealth)
materialismo {m} [philosophy] :: materialism
materialista {adj} :: materialist
materialista {mf} :: materialist
materialización {f} :: materialization
materializar {v} :: to materialise
materializar {v} :: to embody
materializarse {v} :: reflexive of materializar
materialmente {adv} :: materially
material particulado {m} :: particulate matter
materia oscura {f} :: dark matter
materia prima {f} :: raw material
matérico {adj} [arts] :: material
maternal {adj} :: synonym of materno
maternalmente {adv} :: maternally
maternidad {f} :: motherhood
maternidad {f} :: maternity
materno {adj} [attributive] :: mother
materno {adj} :: maternal
maternofilial {adj} :: mother-son
maternofobia {f} :: matrophobia
maternoinfantil {adj} [especially of a hospital] :: specialising in maternity care and childcare
matero {m} :: flowerpot
matero {m} :: Drinker of mate
mates {fp} [colloquial] :: maths, math (study)
Mathusalam {prop} {m} [obsolete] :: Methuselah (Biblical character)
Matías {prop} :: Matthias (Biblical figure)
Matías {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
matico {m} :: orange-ball-tree
matidez {f} :: mattness
matificante {adj} :: mattifying
Matilde {prop} {f} :: given name
matinal {adj} :: morning, matinal
matiné {f} :: matinée
matiz {m} :: hue
matiz {m} [also, figurative] :: nuance, overtone
matización {f} :: shade, nuance
matizar {vt} :: to clarify a concept, to be more specific
matizar {v} :: to blend colours in an agreeable way
matizar {v} :: to nuance (redefine in a subtle way)
matkot {m} :: matkot
matlatzinca {adj} :: Matlatzinca
matlatzinca {mf} :: Matlatzinca
matojo {m} :: small bush, shrub
matón {m} :: thug, bully, hoodlum
matona {f} :: feminine noun of matón
matonaje {m} :: bullying
matonear {v} :: to destroy, slay
matonería {f} :: bullying
matonismo {m} :: bullying
matorral {m} :: brush (wild vegetation)
matorral {m} :: thicket, copse
matorral {m} :: scrub
matorralero {adj} [attributive] :: scrub; brush
matorralero {m} :: Any of a number of birds living in the scrub
matorralero {m} :: scrubbird
matorralero {m} :: others
matorro {m} [Cantabria] :: shrub
matorro {m} [South America] :: thicket, underbrush
matoso {adj} :: bushy, heathy
mató tunco tu tata {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: A game adults play with little children
matraca {f} [musical instruments] :: ratchet, wooden rattle
matraca {f} [colloquial] :: a pestering, plaguing
matraquear {vi} :: to pester, to annoy
matraquera {f} :: feminine noun of matraquero
matraquero {adj} [Venezuela, politics] :: corrupt, bribetaking
matraquero {m} [Venezuela, politics] :: An extortionist or bribe taker (a government official who demands bribes to speed things up)
matraquero {m} [Mexico] :: One who sells matracas (wooden rattles)
matraquero {m} :: A bird of the genus Manacus
matraz {m} :: Any kind of flask, or glass container used in a chemical laboratory
matraz aforado {m} :: volumetric flask
matrera {f} :: feminine noun of matrero
matrero {adj} :: cunning
matrero {m} :: bandit
matriarca {f} :: matriarch
matriarcado {m} :: matriarchy
matriarcado {m} :: matriarchate
matriarcal {adj} :: matriarchal
matricial {adj} :: matrix
matricidio {m} :: matricide
matrícula {f} [Spain] :: number plate, license plate
matrícula {f} :: registration number
matrícula {f} :: matriculation
matrícula {f} :: tuition
matriculación {f} :: matriculation
matrícula de honor {f} [Spain, education] :: A+; distinction; A*; honors (entitling the student to free registration on the next course)
matricular {v} :: to matriculate
matrilineal {adj} :: matrilineal
matrimonial {adj} :: matrimonial
matrimonial {adj} [attributive] :: marriage
matrimonialmente {adv} :: as husband and wife
matrimoniar {v} :: to wed; get married
matrimoniar {vr} :: to wed; to get married
matrimonio {m} :: married couple
matrimonio {m} :: marriage
matrimonio {m} :: wedding (the ceremony)
matrimonio {m} [formal] :: matrimony (sacrament)
matrioska {m} :: matryoshka, Russian doll
matritense {adj} :: Madrilenian
matritense {mf} :: Madrilenian
matriz {f} [anatomy] :: uterus
matriz {f} [business] :: head office or store
matriz {f} [mathematics] :: matrix
matriz {f} [computing] :: matrix
matriz {f} [geology] :: matrix
matriz {f} :: origin, source
matriz {f} [tools] :: mold
matriz {f} [tools] :: nut
matriz cuadrada {f} :: square matrix
matriz diagonal {f} [linear algebra] :: diagonal matrix
matriz extracelular {f} :: extracellular matrix
matriz identidad {f} [linear algebra] :: identity matrix
matriz inversa {f} [linear algebra] :: inverse matrix
matrona {f} :: matron
matrona {f} :: midwife
Matsumoto {prop} :: surname
matufia {f} :: dirty work
matula {f} :: wick (of a candle, lamp, etc.)
Matusalén {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Methuselah (the oldest person whose age is recorded in the Bible)
matutinas {adj} :: feminine plural of matutino
matutino {adj} :: morning [attributive]
maula {adj} :: useless, good-for-nothing, junk
maula {f} :: piece of junk, useless item
maula {f} :: idler
maula {f} :: trickster
Maule {prop} {m} :: Maule (region)
Maule {prop} {m} :: Maule (former province)
Mauleon {prop} :: surname
maulino {adj} :: from the Chilean region of Maule
maulino {adj} :: from the former Chilean province of Maule
maullar {v} :: to meow
maullido {m} :: meow
mauriciano {adj} :: Mauritian
mauriciano {m} :: Mauritian
Mauricio {prop} {m} :: Mauritius
Mauricio {prop} {m} :: given name
maurismo {m} :: Maurism
maurista {adj} :: Maurist
maurista {mf} :: Maurist
mauritana {f} :: feminine noun of mauritano
Mauritania {prop} {f} :: Mauritania (country)
mauritano {adj} :: Mauritanian
mauritano {m} :: Mauritanian
máuser {m} :: Mauser (firearm)
mausoleo {m} :: mausoleum
maxi {m} :: maxi
Maxi {prop} {m} :: given name
maxicollar {m} :: maxi necklace
maxilar {adj} :: maxillary
maxilofacial {adj} :: maxillofacial
maxilópodo {m} [zoology] :: maxillopod
máxima {f} :: maxim
máxima {f} :: maximum (temperature)
maximal {adj} :: maximal
maximalismo {m} :: maximalism (tendency toward excess)
maximalista {adj} :: maximalist
maximalista {mf} :: maximalist
máximamente {adv} :: maximally
maximato {prop} {m} :: the Maximato (period in Mexican history during which President Plutarco Elías Calles's puppet presidents were in office)
Maximato {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of maximato
máxime {adv} :: especially
máxime {adv} :: all the more
Maximiliano {prop} {m} :: given name
maximización {f} :: maximization
maximizador {adj} :: maximizing
maximizador {m} :: maximizer
maximizadora {f} :: feminine noun of maximizador
maximizar {vt} :: to maximise
máximo {adj} :: maximum
máximo {adj} :: greatest
máximo {m} :: maximum
Máximo {prop} {m} :: given name
máximum {m} :: maximum
maxiserie {f} :: maxiseries
maxivestido {m} [clothing] :: long dress
maya {adj} :: Mayan (from Maya)
maya {mf} :: Mayan (person)
maya {mf} :: Mayan (language)
mayabequense {adj} :: Of or from the province of Mayabeque Province, Cuba
mayabequense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the province of Mayabeque Province, Cuba
mayagüezana {f} :: feminine noun of mayagüezano
mayagüezano {adj} :: Of or from Mayagüez
mayagüezano {m} :: Someone from Mayagüez
mayal {m} :: flail
mayamera {f} :: feminine noun of mayamero
mayamero {adj} [colloquial] :: Of or from Miami
mayamero {m} [colloquial] :: Someone from Miami
mayar {v} :: to miaow
mayar {vr} [Costa Rica] :: to wilt
mayate {m} :: figeater beetle, June bug (Cotinis mutabilis)
mayate {m} [Mexico, slang] :: active (top) homosexual or bisexual
mayate {m} [Chicano, slang, derogatory, ethnic slur] :: black person, nigger
maya yucateco {m} :: Yucatec Maya
mayense {adj} :: Mayan
mayestático {adj} :: majestic, royal
mayéutico {adj} :: maieutical
mayista {mf} :: Mayanist
Maynas {prop} :: Maynas (province)
mayo {m} :: May
mayólica {f} :: majolica
mayón {m} :: A traditional food from Ecuador, consisting of the larva of Brassolis sophorae
mayonesa {f} :: mayonnaise
mayonesa vegetariana {f} :: veganaise
mayor {adj} :: comparative of grande: bigger
mayor {adj} :: comparative of viejo: older; elder
mayor {adj} :: (of a person) comparative of viejo: old; at an advanced age
mayor {adj} :: of age; adult; grown-up
mayor {adj} :: major; main
mayor {adj} :: head; boss
mayor {adj} [music] :: major
mayor {adj} [as a superlative, el/la/lo mayor] :: superlative of grande: the biggest
mayor {adj} [as a superlative] :: superlative of viejo: the oldest
mayor {adj} :: enhanced
mayor {m} [military] :: major (military rank)
mayor {m} :: boss; head
mayor {m} [literary, in plural] :: ancestors
mayor {f} [nautical] :: mainsail
mayora {f} [Mexico] :: an elderly female cook, who may work in a commercial kitchen but typically does not have formal training
mayoral {m} :: farm manager, steward
mayoral {m} :: foreman, overseer
mayoral {m} :: head shepherd
mayorana {f} :: marjoram
mayorante {m} :: majorant
mayoras {f} :: plural of mayora
mayorazgo {m} :: primogeniture
mayorazgo {m} :: firstborn
mayorazgo {m} :: estate; inheritance
mayorcito {adj} :: diminutive of mayor
mayor de edad {adj} :: adult, grown-up, of age
mayordomía {f} :: stewardship
mayordomía {f} :: butlerhood
mayordomo {m} :: butler, majordomo
mayoreo {m} :: wholesale
mayoría {f} :: majority
mayoría de edad {f} :: coming-of-age, coming of age
mayoría de edad {f} [legal] :: age of majority, majority, legal age
mayorista {mf} :: wholesaler, wholesale dealer
mayoritariamente {adv} :: mostly, mainly, by a majority
mayoritario {adj} :: majority
mayormente {adv} :: mainly, largely
mayormente {adv} :: mostly, for the most part
mayoruna {adj} :: Mayoruna; Matsés
mayoruna {mf} :: Mayoruna; Matsés
Mayte {prop} {f} :: given name. A less common spelling of Maite
mayúscula {f} [orthography] :: capital letter
mayusculación {f} :: capitalisation (choice of case when writing a word)
mayúsculo {adj} :: upper case, uppercase
maza {f} :: mace, club (weapon)
maza {f} :: mallet (in polo)
maza {f} :: handle (of a billiards or snooker cue)
maza {f} :: drumstick (for playing drums)
maza {f} :: meat tenderizer
mazacote {m} :: concrete
mazacote {m} [plant] :: barilla (Soda inermis, syn. Salsola soda)
mazacote {m} :: a crude work of art
mazacote {m} [colloquial] :: dry, hard food
mazacote {m} [colloquial] :: annoying person
mazahua {adj} :: Mazahua
mazahua {mf} :: Mazahua
mazamorra {f} :: mazamorra
mazapán {m} :: marzipan
mazar {v} :: to tenderize (meat)
mazar {v} :: to churn
mazateca {f} :: feminine noun of mazateco
mazateco {adj} :: Mazatec
mazateco {m} :: Mazatec
mazateco {m} :: Mazatec
mazatleco {adj} :: Mazatecan
mazatleco {m} :: Mazatecan
mazazo {m} :: a blow or hit with a mallet or hammer
mazazo {m} [figurative] :: a blow, a hammer blow, a heavy blow, setback
mazmorra {f} :: dungeon
maznar {v} :: to squeeze or soften
mazo {m} :: hammer (tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding)
mazo {m} :: mallet (type of hammer with a larger-than-usual head)
mazo {m} :: gavel (wooden mallet, used by a courtroom judge, committee chairman, or auctioneer)
mazo {m} :: pestle (club-shaped, round-headed stick used in a mortar)
mazo {m} [card games] :: deck (pack or set of playing cards)
mazo {m} :: handful, bunch (group or number of things)
mazonado {adj} [heraldry] :: embattled
mazonería {f} :: masonry
mazorca {f} :: cob (of corn)
mazurca {f} :: mazurka
mbyá {adj} :: Mbyá
mbyá {mf} :: Mbyá
Mc {prop} {m} [colloquial] :: McDonald's, Maccy D's (the fast-food restaurant chain)
MC {prop} :: abbreviation of Michoacán (Mexican state)
mcd {m} [mathematics] :: initialism of máximo común divisor
mcm {m} [mathematics] :: initialism of mínimo común múltiplo
mdd {n} :: initialism of million dollars
mdp {mp} :: initialism of millones de pesos
meada {f} [colloquial] :: piss; leak
meadero {m} [vulgar, colloquial] :: pisser; bog
Meagens {prop} {f} :: given name from the Canary Islands
meaja {f} :: A historical coin from Castile
meandro {m} [geography] :: meander
meandro {m} :: bend
meapilas {m} :: sanctimonious, God botherer
mear {v} :: to piss, to pee
mear {vr} :: to piss oneself
mear agua bendita {v} [idiomatic] :: to be a Christian soldier; to be holier-than-thou; to be a Holy Roller
mearse {v} :: to wet, to urinate accidentally in or on
meato {m} [anatomy] :: meatus
meca {interj} [euphemism] :: shoot, shank, sugar (euphemised form of "shit")
meca {f} [colloquial, Chile] :: excrement, shit
meca {f} :: mecca
mecachis {interj} [colloquial] :: sugar, frick, sugar honey ice tea
mecachis en la mar {interj} [colloquial] :: fiddlesticks, sugar honey ice tea
me cacho {interj} [Argentina] :: darn it, damn it
me cago en diez {phrase} :: euphemistic form of me cago en Dios
me cago en diola {phrase} :: euphemistic form of me cago en Dios
me cago en Dios {phrase} :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en el mar {phrase} [vulgar, Spain, idiomatic] :: fuck; fuck it; holy crap on a stick
me cago en la hostia {phrase} :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en la leche {phrase} [vulgar, Spain, idiomatic] :: holy shit; fuck; fuck it
me cago en la leche {phrase} [vulgar, Spain, idiomatic] :: bloody hell!; bollocks!
me cago en la mar {interj} :: alternative form of me cago en el mar
me cago en la mar salada {interj} :: alternative form of me cago en el mar
me cago en la puta {phrase} [vulgar, Spain, idiomatic] :: fuck; fuck it
me cago en la Virgen {phrase} :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en San Pito Pato {phrase} [euphemistic] :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en todo {phrase} :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en todo lo que se menea {phrase} :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en tu boca {phrase} :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en tu estampa {phrase} :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en tu puta madre {phrase} :: synonym of me cago en la leche
me cago en tus muelas {phrase} :: euphemistic form of me cago en tus muertos
me cago en tus muertos {phrase} [Spain, vulgar, offensive, idiomatic] :: fuck; fuck it; holy crap on a stick
mecánica {f} :: feminine noun of mecánico
mecánica {f} :: mechanics
mecánica {f} [physics] :: mechanics
mecánica {f} :: machinery
mecánica cuántica {f} :: quantum mechanics
mecánicamente {adv} :: mechanically
mecanicidad {f} :: the state of being mechanical or mechanized
mecanicismo {m} :: mechanical philosophy
mecanicista {adj} :: mechanistic
mecánico {adj} :: mechanical
mecánico {m} :: mechanic
mecanismo {m} :: mechanism
mecanización {f} :: mechanization
mecanizar {vt} :: to mechanize
mecanizar {vt} :: to machine
mecano {m} :: Meccano
mecanógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of mecanógrafo
mecanografía {f} :: typing
mecanografía {f} :: touch typing
mecanografiar {vt} :: to type
mecanógrafo {m} :: typist
mecanorreceptor {m} :: mechanoreceptor
mecanoterapia {f} :: mechanotherapy
mecapal {m} [Central America, Mexico] :: tumpline
mecate {m} [Central America, Mexico, Venezuela, Philippines] :: rope, cord
mecatear {v} :: to eat cakes
mecatear {v} :: to punish
mecatear {vr} :: to work hard
mecatrónico {adj} :: mechatronic
Mecayapa {prop} [obsolete] :: alternative form of Mecayapan
Mecayapan {prop} :: The town of Mecayapan
Mecayapan {prop} :: The municipality of the same name
mecedor {adj} :: rocking (that rocks, swings)
mecedor {m} :: rocking chair
mecedora {f} :: rocking chair
mecedorcito {m} :: diminutive of mecedor
mecenas {mf} :: patron, sponsor
mecenazgo {m} :: sponsorship, patronage
mecer {vt} :: to rock [movement], cradle
mecer {v} [rural, Asturias] :: to milk
mecha {f} :: wick, fuse
mecha {f} :: lock (length of hair)
mecha {f} [hair] :: highlights [in the plural]
mecha de lado {f} :: sidelock
mechar {v} :: to lard
mechero {m} :: burner
mechero {m} [Spain] :: lighter
mechero Bunsen {m} :: Bunsen burner
mechicano {m} [dialectal] :: alternative form of mexicano
mechinal {m} :: putlog hole
mechón {m} :: lock, tuft (of hair)
mechón {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: fresher, freshman (in university)
mechona {f} [Chile] :: fresher; freshwoman
mechoncito {m} :: diminutive of mechón
mechoneo {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: hazing, an activity where freshmen are introduced to the university, usually includes jokes and partying
meco {adj} [dated, Mexico] :: brown-colored
meco {m} [vulgar, Mexico] :: semen
meco {m} [Mexico] :: a small child, specifically an indigenous one
meconio {m} :: meconium
mecóptero {m} :: mecopteran
medalaganariamente {adv} :: recklessly; without thinking of others
medalaganario {adj} :: reckless; acting on impulses; couldn't-care-less
medalaganario {m} [Dominican Republic] :: A person who takes action according to their own will and desires, over any moral or legal objection; a person who couldn't care less
medalla {f} :: medal
medalla de oro {f} :: gold medal
medallero {m} :: medal table
medallista {mf} :: medalist
medallita {f} :: diminutive of medalla (small medal)
medallón {m} :: medallion
medallón {m} :: locket
médano {m} :: dune (ridge or hill of sand)
médano {m} :: sandbank
medanoso {adj} :: duney
Medellín {prop} :: Medellín (village)
Medellín {prop} :: The second largest city of Colombia, in the department of Antioquia
medellinense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Medellín (city in Colombia)
medellinense {mf} :: Someone from Medellín (city in Colombia)
media {f} :: stocking
media {f} [Latin America, Philippines] :: sock (in general), sox
media {f} [usually, in the plural] :: pantyhose [North America], tights [UK]
media {f} [mathematics] :: mean, average
media {f} :: half an hour
media {f} :: sharecrop
Media {prop} {f} [historical] :: Media
media armónica {f} :: harmonic mean
mediacancha {f} [sports] :: halfway line
mediación {f} :: mediation
mediador {m} :: mediator
mediadora {f} :: feminine noun of mediador
mediados {adv} :: in the middle
media geométrica {f} :: geometric mean
media hermana {f} :: feminine noun of medio hermano
medial {adj} :: medial
medialmente {adv} :: medially
medialuna {f} :: crescent (shape)
medialuna {f} :: medialuna (corral)
medialuna {f} :: medialuna (food)
mediambiental {adj} :: alternative form of medioambiental
mediana {f} [statistics] :: median
mediana {f} :: central reservation
medianamente {adv} :: medially (in the middle)
media naranja {f} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: better half, significant other
medianera {f} :: party wall
medianera {f} :: feminine noun of medianero
medianería {f} :: party wall
medianería {f} :: shared fence
medianero {m} :: intermediary, middleman
medianía {f} :: midpoint, midway point
medianía {f} :: middle man
medianil {m} :: gutter (space between columns in a text)
medianil {m} :: party wall
mediano {adj} :: medium
mediano {adj} :: average
mediano {adj} :: mediocre
medianoche {f} :: midnight
medianoche {f} :: a small meat pie
medianoche {f} [Cuba] :: a type of sandwich with spherical shaped roles and meats ranging from Sobrasada sausage, York ham or chorizo, containing cheese and even sometimes pieces of a Spanish omelette
medianoche {f} [Cuba] :: a roll used for said sandwich
medianoche {f} [Mexico] :: hot dog bun
mediante {prep} :: by means of, through, using
mediante el cual {conj} :: whereby, by which, by means of which
media punta {mf} :: attacking midfielder
media punta {f} [ballet] :: demi-pointe
mediapunta {mf} [soccer] :: false number nine, attacking midfielder
media r {f} :: r rotunda
mediar {v} :: to mediate
mediar {v} :: to center, to give a central, medium or average value
mediastínico {adj} :: mediastinal
mediastinitis {f} [pathology] :: mediastinitis
mediastino {m} [anatomy] :: mediastinum
mediastinoscopia {f} [surgery] :: mediastinoscopy
mediatamente {adv} :: indirectly
mediateca {f} :: library of tapes, videos and similar media; media library, hybrid library
mediáticamente {adv} :: In regards to the media
mediático {adj} :: media (attributive)
mediatización {f} :: mediatization/mediatisation
mediatizar {v} :: to mediatize/mediatise
mediato {adj} :: mediate
mediatriz {f} :: perpendicular bisector
media vuelta {f} :: half-turn, 180-degree turn
media vuelta {f} :: about-face (reversal of direction or attitude)
MediaWiki {prop} {m} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] :: MediaWiki, a wiki software
medible {adj} :: measurable
médica {f} :: female physician
medicación {f} :: medication
medicalización {f} :: medicalization
medicalizar {v} :: to medicalize
médicamente {adv} :: medically
medicamento {m} :: medicine, medicament
medicamento huérfano {m} :: orphan drug
medicamentoso {adj} [attributive] :: medicine; drugs
medicamentoso {adj} :: medicinal
medicar {vt} :: to medicate
medicatura {f} :: small clinic, first aid post
Medici {prop} :: surname
medicina {f} :: medicine
medicina alternativa {f} :: alternative medicine (medical methods and practices used in place of conventional medicine)
medicina forense {f} :: forensic science
medicinal {adj} :: medicinal
medicinalmente {adv} :: medicinally
medicinar {v} :: to medicate
medición {f} :: measurement
médico {m} :: doctor, physician
médico {adj} :: medical
médico de cabecera {m} :: GP (doctor)
médico de familia {m} :: GP, general practitioner
medicoquirúrgico {adj} :: medicosurgical
medida {f} :: measurement; measure, gauge
medida {f} :: degree, extent
medida {f} :: action, step, sanction
medida {f} :: moderation
medidor {adj} :: measuring
medidor {m} :: measurer
medidor {m} [Latin America] :: meter (device that measures things)
medidor {m} :: jigger (small double-ended vessel)
medidor de flujo espiratorio {m} :: peak flow meter
mediera {f} :: feminine noun of mediero
mediero {m} [Latin America] :: sharecropper
medieval {adj} :: medieval
medievalismo {m} :: medievalism
medievalista {mf} :: medievalist
medievo {m} [history] :: Middle Ages
medimno {m} :: medimnus
medina {f} :: medina
Medina {prop} :: Medina (capital city)
Medina {prop} :: surname
medinense {adj} :: Of or from Medina del Campo
medinense {mf} :: Someone from Medina del Campo
medio {adj} :: half, half a/an
medio {adj} :: middle, mid
medio {adj} :: mid, in the middle of
medio {adj} :: mean, average
medio {adj} [Chile, intensifier, used before a noun] :: very big, very large
medio {adj} [Chile, intensifier, used before a noun] :: very good
medio {adv} :: half, partly
medio {adv} [colloquial] :: a bit of a, somewhat of a
medio {m} :: middle, center
medio {m} :: half
medio {m} [spiritualism] :: medium
medio {m} :: method, way
medio {m} [in the plural] :: means
medio {m} :: channel, vehicle, medium
medio {m} [in the plural] :: media
medio {m} [in the plural] :: resources, funds, means
medio {m} :: environment, surroundings, medium, milieu
medio {m} :: society
medio {m} :: habitat
medio {m} [football] :: halfback
medio {m} :: middle course
medio {m} [Mexico, historical, numatics] :: medio (an ancient coin)
medio {m} [Peru, Cuba] :: five cents
medioambiental {adj} :: environmental
medioambientalmente {adv} :: environmentally
medio ambiente {m} :: environment (the natural world or ecosystem)
medioambiente {m} :: alternative form of medio ambiente
mediocampista {mf} [soccer] :: midfielder
mediocampo {m} [sports] :: midfield
mediocentro {m} [sport] :: midfielder
mediocracia {f} :: mediacracy
mediocre {adj} :: mediocre
mediocremente {adv} :: mediocrely
mediocridad {f} :: mediocrity
medio de apertura {m} [rugby] :: fly half
medio de la nada {m} [idiomatic] :: middle of nowhere, the sticks, arse end of nowhere
mediodia {m} :: obsolete spelling of mediodía
mediodía {m} :: noon, midday
mediodía {m} [Spain] :: lunchtime
mediodía {m} :: meridian
mediodía {m} :: south
medioeval {adj} :: dated form of medieval
medioevo {m} :: Middle Ages
mediofondo {m} :: middle distance
medio hermano {m} :: half brother (half sister for the feminine form)
mediometraje {m} :: A medium length film, 30-60 minutes in length
medio mundo {m} [idiomatic] :: a large amount of people
Medio Oriente {prop} {m} :: Middle East
mediopesado {adj} :: light heavyweight
medioplatónica {f} :: feminine noun of medioplatónico
medioplatónico {adj} [philosophy] :: Middle Platonist
medioplatónico {m} [philosophy] :: Middle Platonist
medios de comunicación {mp} :: media
medios de comunicación de masas {mp} :: mass media
medios sociales {mp} :: social media
medio tío {m} :: half-uncle
medio-tubo {m} :: half-pipe
mediquillo {m} :: diminutive of médico
medir {v} :: to measure
medirse {v} :: reflexive of medir
meditabundo {adj} :: thoughtful, reflective, pensive
meditación {f} :: meditation
meditador {m} :: meditator
meditadora {f} :: feminine noun of meditador
meditar {vi} :: to meditate (rest while remaining conscious)
meditar {vti} :: to meditate, to ponder, to contemplate
meditativo {adj} :: meditative
mediterraneidad {f} :: The quality or state of being Mediterranean
mediterráneo {adj} :: Mediterranean
Mediterráneo {prop} {m} :: the Mediterranean
médium {m} :: medium (a person who contacts the dead)
medley {m} :: medley (songs)
medo {adj} :: Mede (of or pertaining to historical Media)
medo {m} :: Mede (native or resident of historical Media)
medra {f} :: improvement, progress
medra {f} :: growth, increase
medrador {m} :: lucky charm
medradora {f} :: feminine noun of medrador
Medrano {prop} {m} :: surname
medrar {v} :: to thrive or grow
medrar {v} :: to prosper, flourish
medro {m} :: growth, increase
medro {m} :: improvement, progress
medrosamente {adv} :: scaredly; frightenedly
medrosamente {adv} :: scarily; frighteningly
medroso {adj} :: fearful, timid
medula {f} :: alternative form of médula
médula {f} [anatomy] :: marrow
médula {f} [anatomy] :: medulla
médula {f} [botany] :: pith
medula espinal {f} :: alternative form of médula espinal
médula espinal {f} :: spinal cord
medula oblonga {f} :: alternative form of médula oblonga
médula oblonga {f} :: medulla oblongata
medula oblongada {f} :: alternative form of médula oblonga
médula oblongada {f} :: alternative form of médula oblonga
medula ósea {f} :: alternative form of médula ósea
médula ósea {f} [anatomy] :: bone marrow
medular {adj} :: fundamental, central
medular {adj} :: medullary
meduloepitelioma {m} [medicine] :: medulloepithelioma
medusa {f} :: jellyfish
Medusa {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Medusa
meeting {m} :: meeting
meetup {m} :: meetup
mefenámico {adj} :: mefenamic
Mefistófeles {prop} {m} :: Mephistopheles
mefistofélico {adj} :: Mephistophelean
mefítico {adj} :: mephitic
mega- {prefix} :: mega-
mega {f} :: clipping of megabyte
megabanco {m} :: megabank
megabanda {f} :: mega-gang; huge gang
megabarco {m} :: megaship
megabit {m} :: megabit
megabyte {m} :: megabyte
megacampo {m} :: huge field
megacausa {f} :: giant cause; major cause
megacefálico {adj} :: megacephalic
megaciudad {f} :: megacity; megalopolis
megacolon {m} [pathology] :: megacolon
megacomisión {f} :: large commission
megacompañía {f} :: megacompany
megaconcierto {m} :: megaconcert
megaconstrucción {f} :: huge construction
megacorporación {f} :: mega-corporation
megacorrupción {f} :: mega-corruption
megadiverso {adj} :: megadiverse
megadoméstico {m} :: grand domestic
megaempresa {f} :: massive company
megaempresario {m} :: business magnate/tycoon
megaescándalo {m} :: mega scandal
megaespectáculo {m} :: massive show
megaestrella {f} :: megastar
megaestructura {f} :: megastructure
megaevento {m} :: megaevent
megaéxito {f} :: smash hit
megafábrica {f} :: huge factory
megafauna {f} [zoology] :: megafauna
megafiesta {f} :: massive party
megafilo {m} :: megaphyll
megafonía {f} :: tannoy, PA system
megáfono {m} :: megaphone, loudhailer, bullhorn
megafósil {m} [paleontology] :: megafossil
megafraude {m} :: mega fraud
megafusión {f} :: huge fusion
megagramo {m} :: megagram, ton, metric ton
megahercio {m} :: megahertz
megainversión {f} :: huge investment
megainvestigación {f} :: massive investigation
megalítico {adj} :: megalithic
megalitismo {m} :: megalithism
megalito {m} [archaeology] :: megalith
megalitro {m} :: megalitre
megalómana {f} :: feminine noun of megalómano
megalomanía {f} :: megalomania
megalómano {m} :: megalomaniac
megalomártir {mf} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: great martyr
megalópolis {f} :: megalopolis
megalóptero {m} :: megalopteran
megalosáurido {m} :: megalosaurid
megaluria {f} :: giant squid
megamansión {f} :: massive mansion
megámetro {m} :: megametre
megaminería {f} [Argentina] :: large-scale mining
megaminería {f} [Argentina] :: large-scale mining operation
megamuestra {f} :: megasample
megaobra {f} :: large project
megaoperación {f} :: mega-operation
megaoperativo {m} :: megaoperation
megapixel {m} :: megapixel
megapíxel {f} :: megapixel
megaplanta {f} :: huge (energy) plant
megaproceso {m} :: mega-process
megaproceso {m} :: huge trial, trial of the century
megaproducción {f} :: megaproduction
megaproyecto {m} :: megaproject
megaproyeto {m} :: huge project
megapuerto {m} :: mega-port
megarense {adj} :: Megarian
megarense {mf} :: Megarian
megarreserva {f} :: huge reserve
megarrico {adj} :: megarich
megasegundo {m} :: megasecond
megashow {m} :: huge show
megasismo {m} :: megathrust earthquake
megaspora {f} :: megaspore
megaterio {m} :: megathere, megatherium
megaterremoto {m} :: a large earthquake
megatienda {f} :: superstore, megastore
megatón {m} :: megaton
megatormenta {f} :: megastorm
megaurbe {f} :: megalopolis
megavatio {m} :: megawatt
megavejiga {f} :: megabladder
megavoltio {m} :: megavolt
meglumina {f} :: meglumine
mego {adj} [archaic] :: gentle, mild, peaceable
megraproyecto {m} :: huge project
me gustas {phrase} :: I like you; I fancy you
MEH {prop} {m} :: Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda
meidán {m} :: maidan (marketplace or other open space, especially in Islamic countries)
meigo {m} [NW Spain] :: A person who is believed to have made a pact with the devil
meiosis {f} [biology] :: meiosis
meiótico {adj} :: mitotic
meitnerio {m} :: meitnerium
meja {f} [colloquial] :: bestie; best friend
mejana {f} :: An islet in a river; an eyot
mejenga {f} :: kickabout
Mejía {prop} {f} :: surname
mejicana {f} :: feminine noun of mejicano
mejicano {adj} :: alternative spelling of mexicano
mejicano {m} :: alternative spelling of mexicano
Méjico {prop} {m} [Spain] :: alternative spelling of México
mejilla {f} [anatomy] :: cheek
mejillón {m} :: mussel
mejillón {m} :: Chilean mussel
mejo {m} [colloquial] :: bestie; best friend
mejor {adj} :: better
mejor {adj} :: better off
mejor {adj} :: improved
mejor {adj} [definite] :: best
mejor {adj} [definite] :: top, highest, finest (e.g. highest quality, highest bidder, top of one's class, in top form, finest food and wine, finest hotel, etc.)
mejor {adv} :: better
mejora {f} :: improvement, improving, amelioration, betterment, refinement
mejora {f} :: enhancement, enhancing, upgrade, upgrading (in quality)
mejora {f} :: upturn
mejorable {adj} :: improvable
mejorado {adj} :: improved, enhanced, made better
mejorador {m} :: improver
mejoramiento {m} :: betterment, improving, improvement
mejoramiento {m} :: enhancement, upgrading, upgrade
mejorana {f} :: marjoram (Origanum majorana)
mejorana {f} :: mastic thyme, Spanish wood marjoram, Thymus mastichina
mejorando lo presente {phrase} :: present company excepted
mejorar {v} :: to make better, improve
mejorar {v} :: to enhance
mejorar {v} :: to ameliorate
mejorarse {vr} :: to improve; get better; get well
mejorcito {adj} :: diminutive of mejor
mejoría {f} :: improvement, amelioration
mejunje {m} :: concoction; brew
mejunje {m} [pejorative] :: hodgepodge
mela {f} :: smitt; smit
melado {m} :: melado
melafo {interj} [Internet] :: A term used to express the sexual appeal of another
melamina {f} :: melamine
melancolía {f} :: melancholy
melancólicamente {adv} :: melancholically
melancólico {adj} :: melancholic
melanesio {m} :: Melanesian
melanesio {adj} :: Melanesian
melanina {f} :: melanin
melanismo {m} :: melanism
melanocítico {adj} :: melanocytic
melanocito {m} [cytology] :: melanocyte
melanóforo {m} :: melanophore
melanoma {m} :: melanoma
melanosoma {m} [cytology] :: melanosome
melao {m} :: alternative spelling of melado
me la pela {phrase} [Spain, idiom, colloquial, vulgar] :: I don't give a shit
melar {adj} :: honey sweet [said of fruit or sugarcane]
melar {vt} :: to fill (combs) with honey
melar {vi} :: to boil (cane juice) for a second time, boil clear
melar {vi} :: to fill the combs with honey
melasma {m} :: melasma
me la suda {phrase} [idiom, colloquial] :: I don't give a fuck, whatever
melatonina {f} [organic compound] :: melatonin
melaza {f} :: molasses
Melbourne {prop} {m} :: Melbourne (capital city)
melburniana {f} :: feminine noun of melburniano
melburniano {adj} :: Melburnian (of or pertaining to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
melburniano {m} :: Melburnian, Melbournite (native or resident of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
Melchîsedec {prop} {m} [archaic] :: Melchizedek (Biblical character)
Melchor {prop} :: Melchior (one of the legendary Magi in tradition)
Melchor {prop} :: given name
melcocha {f} :: A sweet made with honey
meldonium {m} :: meldonium
melecitosa {f} [organic compound] :: melezitose
melena {f} :: mane (longer hair growth around head of male lions)
melena {f} [pathology] :: melena
melense {adj} :: Of or from Melo
melense {mf} :: Someone from Melo
melenuda {f} :: feminine noun of melenudo
melenudo {adj} :: long-haired
melenudo {m} :: one with long hair
melera {f} :: feminine noun of melero
melero {adj} :: honey-eating
melero {m} :: honeypot
melero {m} :: honey seller
melero {m} :: honey lover
melezinar {v} :: obsolete spelling of medicinar
melga {f} :: Strip of land marked for sowing seeds
melgar {v} :: to mark strips of land for sowing (seeds)
Melgar {prop} :: surname
melgo {adj} :: Born during the same birthing, especially from a double birthing
melgo {adj} :: twin (born to the same parents at the same time)
melgo {adj} :: equal
melia {f} :: feminine noun of melio
melicitosa {f} :: alternative spelling of melecitosa
melífero {adj} :: melliferous
melifluamente {adv} :: mellifluously
melifluo {adj} :: mellifluous
Melilla {prop} :: Melilla (autonomous city)
melillense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Melilla
melillense {mf} :: Someone from Melilla
melindre {m} :: tenderness and kindness in words
melindre {m} [cuisine] :: a type of honey cake
melindro {m} :: ladyfinger (cake)
melindroso {adj} :: finikin, finicky (excessively fastidious)
melio {adj} :: Melian
melio {m} :: Melian
melisa {f} :: lemon balm
melisma {m} :: melisma
melisopalinología {f} :: melissopalynology (study of honey)
mella {f} :: nick, dent, scratch
mella {f} :: impression
mellado {adj} :: rough
me llamo {phrase} :: my name is ..., I am ..., I'm ..
mellar {vt} :: to nick, to dent
mellar {vt} :: to diminish, to lessen, to reduce
mellista {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Traditionalist Catholic Party of Spain (1919-1931)
mellista {mf} :: A member of the Traditionalist Catholic Party
melliza {f} :: feminine noun of mellizo, fraternal twin sister
mellizo {adj} :: twin (fraternal, born to the same parents at the same time)
mellizo {m} :: twin (someone born to the same parents at the same time), especially non-identical
melloco {m} [Ecuador] :: ulluco, Ullucus tuberosus
Melo {prop} {m} :: Melo (city)
melocotón {m} [Spain] :: peach
melocotonero {m} :: peach tree
melodía {f} :: melody
melódicamente {adv} :: melodically
melódico {adj} :: melodic
melodiosamente {adv} :: melodiously, musically
melodioso {adj} :: melodious
melodista {mf} :: melodist
melodrama {m} :: melodrama
melodramático {adj} :: melodramatic
melojar {m} :: Pyrenean oak wood
melojo {m} :: alternative form of marojo
melojo {m} :: Pyrenean oak
melómana {f} :: feminine noun of melómano
melomanía {f} :: melomania
melómano {m} :: melomaniac
melón {m} :: melon
melonar {m} :: melon plantation
meloncillo {m} :: The Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon
melón de agua {m} :: watermelon
melonera {f} :: melon farmer or seller
melonero {m} :: melon farmer or seller
melopea {mf} [music] :: melopoeia
melopea {mf} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
melosidad {f} :: sweetness
melosidad {f} :: schmaltz
meloso {adj} :: syrupy
melotrón {m} :: mellotron
Melquisedec {prop} {m} :: Melchizedek (Biblical character)
melquita {mf} :: Melkite
melquita {adj} :: Melkite
memantina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: memantine
membrado {adj} [heraldry] :: membered
membrana {f} :: membrane
membranáceo {adj} :: membranaceous
membrana mucosa {f} :: mucous membrane
membrana nictitante {f} :: nictating membrane
membrana plasmática {f} [cytology] :: plasma membrane
membranoproliferativo {adj} :: membranoproliferative
membranoso {adj} :: membranous
membrecía {f} :: alternative spelling of membresía
membresía {f} :: membership
membretar {v} :: to add a letterhead
membrete {m} :: letterhead
membrillo {m} :: quince (fruit)
membrillo {m} :: quince (tree)
membrudo {adj} :: tough; sturdy
meme {m} :: meme (unit of cultural information)
meme {m} :: meme (Internet slang)
memeces {mp} :: gibberish
memento {m} :: memento
memética {f} :: memetics
memez {f} :: foolishness, something that is dumb
memfisiense {adj} :: Memphian (of or pertaining to Memphis, Tennessee)
memfisiense {mf} :: Memphian (native or resident of Memphis, Tennessee)
memo {m} :: idiot
memo {adj} :: silly, stupid
memo {m} [chiefly Chile, Guatemala, Honduras] :: memorandum
Memo {prop} {m} :: given name
memorable {adj} :: memorable
memorablemente {adv} :: memorably
memorando {m} :: memorandum
memorándum {m} :: memorandum
memorar {v} :: alternative form of rememorar
memoria {f} :: memory
memoria de pollo {f} [idiom] :: forgetfulness
memorial {m} :: memorial
memorialista {mf} :: memorialist
memorializar {v} :: to memorialize
memoria USB {f} :: flash drive, pen drive
memorión {adj} :: Having a brilliant memory
memorión {m} :: Person with fantastic memory
memorioso {adj} :: memorious (having a good memory)
memorista {mf} :: Person who memorises things, especially one who has an excellent memory
memorístico {adj} :: memory
memorizable {adj} :: memorizable
memorización {f} :: memorization
memorizar {v} :: to memorize
mena {f} :: ore
mena {f} :: alternative form of MENA
MENA {mf} [Spain] :: acronym of menores extranjeros no acompañados
ménade {f} :: maenad (follower of Dionysus)
menaje {m} :: furnishings, furniture
menar {v} :: to turn the rope in the game of jump rope
menarquia {f} :: menarche
menárquico {adj} :: menarcheal
menaza {f} [obsolete] :: A threatening word or act
mencey {m} [historical] :: king of the Guanches on the island of Tenerife
menceyato {m} [historical] :: Region of the Canary Islands controlled by a mencey
menchevique {adj} :: Menshevik
menchevique {mf} :: Menshevik
mención {f} :: mention
mencionable {adj} :: mentionable
mencionar {vt} :: to mention
menda {m} [colloquial] :: guy, dude, geezer
menda {pron} :: yours truly, muggins
mendacidad {f} :: mendacity, untruthfulness
menda lerenda {pron} :: synonym of menda; yours truly, muggins
mendaz {adj} :: mendacious, lying
mendé {adj} :: Mende
mendé {mf} :: Mende
mendelevio {m} :: mendelevium
mendeliano {adj} :: Mendelian
mendexarra {adj} :: Of or related to Mendeja
mendexarra {mf} :: Someone from Mendeja
Méndez {prop} :: surname
mendicante {adj} [religion] :: mendicant (depending on alms)
mendicante {mf} :: beggar, mendicant
mendicidad {f} :: begging
mendiga {f} :: feminine noun of mendigo
mendigar {v} :: to beg
mendigo {m} :: beggar (person who begs for a living)
méndigo {m} [Mexico, colloquial, derogatory, vulgar] :: Despicable person
méndigo {adj} [Mexico, colloquial, derogatory, vulgar] :: damned, fucking
Mendiola {prop} :: surname of Basque origin
mendocino {adj} :: of or from Mendoza
mendocino {m} :: Someone from Mendoza
Mendoza {prop} :: surname
Mendoza {prop} :: Mendoza (province)
mendrugo {m} :: crust (of bread, particularly the heel of a loaf of bread)
menea {f} :: hopple
menear {vt} :: to wiggle, to wag, to shake
menear {vt} :: to hopple, to hobble
menear {vr} :: to sway, to shake
menearse {v} :: reflexive of menear
meneársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] :: to jerk off; wank
Menelao {prop} {m} :: Menelaus
menemismo {m} :: The doctrines and policies of Carlos Menem, former president of Argentina
menemista {mf} :: A supporter of Carlos Menem, Argentine politician and President of Argentina from 1989 to 1999
Menéndez {prop} :: surname
meneo {m} :: wiggle; shake
meneo {m} :: sway
Meneses {prop} {m} :: surname
menester {m} :: something necessary, requirement, must
menester {m} [in plural] :: duty
menesteroso {adj} :: needy, in need
menestra {f} :: vegetable soup
menestral {m} :: handicraftsman, craftsperson, craftsman (manual laborer)
menestrala {f} :: feminine noun of menestral
mengana {f} :: feminine noun of mengano
mengano {m} :: what's-his-name; so-and-so
Mengano {prop} :: John Doe
mengua {f} :: loss, decrease
mengua {f} :: poverty
mengua {f} :: weak character
menguante {adj} :: decreasing, diminishing
menguar {vi} :: to wane
menguar {vi} :: to decrease, diminish
menhir {m} [archaeology] :: menhir
menina {f} :: a court maid of honour
meninge {f} [anatomy] :: meninx
meníngeo {adj} :: meningeal
meningitis {f} :: meningitis
meningococemia {f} :: meningococcemia
meningocócico {adj} :: meningococcal
meningococo {m} [bacteria] :: meningococcus
meningoencefalitis {f} :: meningoencephalitis
meñique {adj} :: tiny
meñique {m} :: little finger
meniscal {adj} :: meniscal
menisco {m} [anatomy] :: meniscus, a part of the knee
menisco {m} :: A lens that is convex on one surface and concave on the other
menisco {m} :: A meniscus; curved surface of a liquid
meniscofemoral {adj} [anatomy] :: meniscofemoral
menjunje {m} :: synonym of mejunje
Meno {prop} {m} :: Main (German river)
menonita {mf} :: Mennonite
menopausia {f} :: menopause
menopáusico {adj} :: menopausal
menor {adj} :: comparative of pequeño: smaller
menor {adj} :: comparative of joven: younger
menor {adj} :: minor
menor {adj} [el menor] :: superlative of pequeño: smallest
menor {adj} [el menor] :: superlative of joven: youngest
menor {mf} :: minor; child
menorá {f} :: menorah
menor de edad {adj} :: underage
menor de edad {mf} :: a minor (person below the legal age)
menormente {adv} :: to a minority; less (so)
menorquín {adj} :: Minorcan
menorquín {m} :: Minorcan
menorquina {f} :: feminine noun of menorquín
menorrea {f} :: menorrhagia, menorrhoea
menos {adv} :: less
menos {adv} :: [often with definite article] least
menos {adj} :: less, fewer
menos {adj} :: least, fewest
menos {prep} :: minus
menos {m} :: minus sign
menoscabar {v} :: to lessen
menoscabo {m} :: reduction (effect of diminishing)
menoscabo {m} :: deterioration, decline
menoscabo {m} :: dishonor
menos mal {adv} [idiom] :: just as well
menos mal {adv} [idiom] :: thank God, luckily
menos mal {interj} :: phew
menospreciable {adj} :: naughty, ill-behaved
menospreciar {v} :: to belittle, to disparage, to despise, scorn, to look down on, to demean
menospreciar {v} :: to underestimate, to undervalue, to downplay
menosprecio {m} :: underestimation
mensáfono {m} :: pager
mensaje {m} :: message
mensaje {m} :: speech
mensajear {v} [telephony] :: to message
mensaje instantáneo {m} :: instant message
mensajera {f} :: feminine noun of mensajero
mensajería {f} :: messenger service
mensajería instantánea {f} :: instant messaging
mensajero {m} :: messenger
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico, Central America] :: foolish, dull
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico, Central America] :: distracted, absent-minded
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico] :: ignorant
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico] :: inexpert
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico] :: timid, shy
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico] :: ingenuous, naive
menstruación {f} :: menstruation
menstrual {adj} :: menstrual (relating to menstruation)
menstruante {adj} :: menstruating
menstruante {mf} :: menstruator
menstruar {v} :: to menstruate
mensual {adj} :: monthly
mensualidad {f} :: monthly salary
mensualidad {f} :: monthly payment (amount payed by a debtor)
mensualización {f} :: monthly payment
mensualmente {adv} :: monthly
mensuario {m} :: monthly publication
ménsula {f} [architecture] :: bracket
mensura {f} :: measurement
mensurable {adj} :: measurable
mensurar {v} :: to measure
menta {f} [plant] :: mint, peppermint (specifically mentha × piperita)
menta {f} [color] :: the color, menta verde
menta de gato {f} :: catnip
mental {adj} :: mental
mentalidad {f} :: mentality
mentalismo {m} :: mentalism
mentalista {mf} :: mentalist
mentalización {f} :: mentalization
mentalizador {m} :: brains; the person who came up with an idea
mentalizar {v} :: to mentally prepare, to get into the right mindset
mentalmente {adv} :: mentally
mentar {v} :: to mention, name
mentar la madre {v} [idiom] :: To insult someone through the person's mother (e.g. call someone hijo de puta, etc.)
mentar la madre {v} [idiom] :: To insult seriously; to tear into
mentar la soga en casa del ahorcado {v} [idiomatic] :: To say the wrong thing, to put one's foot in it
-mente {suffix} :: -wise, -ly, in a specified way; used to form adverbs from adjectives
mente {f} :: mind, intellect
mentecato {adj} :: crazy, insane, mad
mentecato {adj} :: half-witted, foolish
mente maestra {f} :: mastermind
mentidero {m} :: place to gossip
mentidero {m} :: talking shop
mentir {v} :: to lie (say something untrue)
mentira {f} :: lie, trick, falsity
mentir como un bellaco {v} [idiomatic, simile] :: to lie like a dog
mentirijilla {f} :: fib, white lie, tarradiddle
mentirilla {f} :: white lie
mentirita {f} :: diminutive of mentira
mentir más que hablar {v} [idiom] :: To lie like a cheap rug; lie like a dog
mentirosa {f} :: feminine noun of mentiroso
mentiroso {adj} :: having the qualities of a liar
mentiroso {adj} :: having lies
mentiroso {m} :: liar
mentirse {v} :: reflexive of mentir
-mento {suffix} :: -ment (the action or result of what is denoted by the verb)
mentol {m} [organic compound] :: menthol
mentolado {adj} :: mentholated
mentón {m} :: chin
mentoniano {adj} [anatomy] :: mentonian
mentoplastia {f} [surgery] :: mentoplasty
mentor {m} :: mentor
mentora {f} :: mentor
mentoría {f} :: mentorship
mentorizar {v} :: to mentor
menú {m} :: menu (list of foods to be served at a meal)
menú {m} :: menu (list of dishes offered at a restaurant)
menú {m} [computing] :: menu (list from which the operator can select an operation)
menudamente {adv} :: detailedly
menudamente {adv} :: by retail
menudear {v} :: to frequently occur
menudencia {f} :: trifle; worthless thing
menudencia {f} :: smallness; tininess
menudencia {f} :: minuteness; exactness; meticulousness
menudencia {f} :: offal
menudillo {adj} :: diminutive of menudo
menudillo {m} :: diminutive of menudo
menudillo {m} :: fetlock joint
menudísimo {adj} :: superlative of menudo
menudito {adj} :: diminutive of menudo
menudo {adj} :: what a (intensifier, followed by a noun)
menudo {adj} :: small, tiny
menudo {adj} :: insignificant
menudo {m} [Mexico, cooking] :: a traditional Mexican spicy soup made with tripe
menudo {m} [Mexico, cooking] :: tripes (used as food)
meollo {m} :: core, heart, crux (the most important part of something)
meollo {m} :: marrow (substance inside bones)
meollo {m} :: brain substance
mequetrefe {mf} [colloquial] :: bum, loiterer (pejorative for a person perceived to be lazy)
meramente {adv} :: purely
merbromina {f} :: merbromine
merca {f} [slang] :: Action of buying
merca {f} [Uruguay, Argentina, slang] :: cocaine, illegal drugs
mercachifle {mf} :: trader, hawker
mercadeable {adj} :: marketable
mercadear {v} :: to trade
mercadeo {m} :: merchandising, selling, marketing
mercader {m} :: merchant (person who traffics in commodities for profit)
mercadera {f} :: feminine noun of mercader
mercadera {f} :: feminine noun of mercadero
mercadería {f} :: item of merchandise
mercaderil {adj} [rare] :: merchant
mercaderista {mf} [Latin America] :: salesperson, especially for promotional purposes
mercadero {m} [obsolete] :: merchant
mercadillo {m} :: A street market, flea market (a market or a small street market)
mercadito {m} :: diminutive of mercado
mercado {m} :: market
Mercado {prop} :: surname
mercado de divisas {m} :: foreign exchange market
mercado de valores {m} :: stock market
mercado libre {m} :: free market
mercadóloga {f} :: feminine noun of mercadólogo
mercadológico {adj} [marketing] :: relating to or involving marketing
mercadólogo {m} :: marketer
mercado negro {m} :: black market
mercadotecnia {f} :: marketing (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service)
mercadotécnico {adj} [attributive] :: marketing
mercaduría {f} :: merchandise; piece of merchandise
mercancia {f} [usually in plural] :: goods, wares
mercancía {f} [when in plural] :: ware, merchandise, goods (commodity offered for sale; an article of commerce)
mercante {adj} :: merchant
mercante {mf} :: merchant
mercantil {adj} :: mercantile
mercantilismo {m} :: mercantilism
mercantilista {adj} :: mercantilist, mercantile
mercantilista {mf} :: mercantilist
mercantilización {f} :: commercialization
mercantilizar {v} :: to commercialize
mercaptano {m} [organic chemistry] :: mercaptan
mercaptoetanol {m} [organic compound] :: mercaptoethanol
mercar {v} :: to buy
mercato {m} [sports] :: transfer market
Merce {prop} {f} :: given name
mercé {n} :: obsolete spelling of merced
merced {f} :: mercy
merçed {m} :: obsolete spelling of merced
merced a {prep} :: thanks to
mercedario {adj} :: Mercedarian
mercedario {m} :: Mercedarian
Mercedes {prop} {f} :: given name
mercedita {f} :: A type of children's shoe
mercenaria {f} :: feminine noun of mercenario
mercenario {adj} :: hired
mercenario {m} :: mercenary (soldier)
mercera {f} :: feminine noun of mercero
mercería {f} :: haberdasher's, haberdashery (a shop selling goods for sewing)
mercerizar {v} :: to mercerize
mercero {m} :: dealer; haberdasher; trader
merchandising {m} :: merchandising
Merche {prop} {f} :: given name
Mercia {prop} {f} :: Mercia
merciana {f} :: feminine noun of merciano
merciano {adj} :: Mercian
merciano {m} :: Mercian
Merculo {prop} {m} [Chile, newspapers, pejorative] :: Mercurio (the Chilean daily newspaper)
mercurial {adj} :: mercurial
mercúrico {adj} :: mercuric
mercurio {m} :: mercury
Mercurio {prop} {m} :: Mercury (planet)
Mercurio {prop} {m} [newspapers] :: A Chilean daily national newspaper
mercurocromo {m} :: merbromin
merecedor {adj} :: deserving
merecer {v} :: to deserve
merecidamente {adv} :: deservedly
merecido {adj} :: deserved
merecimiento {m} :: merit, desert (that which is deserved)
merendar {v} :: to have a snack, especially in the period between lunch and dinner
merendar {v} [colloquial] :: to defeat in some game or competition
merendero {m} :: picnic site
merendero {m} :: snack bar; diner; food joint
merendola {f} [Spain] :: feast; lunch party (especially for cold foods)
merendona {f} :: synonym of merendola
merengar {v} :: to annoy; vex; get on someone's nerves
merengue {m} :: merengue (a type of music common in the Caribbean)
merengue {m} :: meringue
merengue {m} :: wuss; wimp
merengue {mf} [football, attributive] :: a person connected with Real Madrid, as a player, fan, coach etc
merenguera {f} :: feminine noun of merenguero
merenguero {m} [music] :: One who plays merengue music
meretricio {adj} :: meretricious (pertaining to prostitutes)
meretricio {m} :: prostitution
meretriz {f} :: hooker, whore, prostitute
merey {m} [Colombia, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] :: cashew (tree)
merey {m} [Colombia, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] :: cashew (seed of the tree)
mérgulo {m} :: auk
mericarpo {m} :: mericarp
Mérida {prop} :: Mérida (city)
Mérida {prop} :: Mérida (city)
Mérida {prop} :: Mérida (city)
merideño {adj} :: Of or from Mérida, Venezuela
merideño {m} :: Someone from Mérida, Venezuela
meridianamente {adv} :: clearly, crystal clear
meridiano {adj} :: meridian, midday [attributive]
meridiano {adj} :: bright, luminous
meridiano {m} [astronomy, geography] :: meridian
meridional {adj} :: southern
meridiungulado {m} :: meridiungulate
merienda {f} :: afternoon snack
merienda {f} :: nuncheon
merienda {f} :: tea (afternoon meal)
merinato {m} :: synonym of merindad
merindad {f} [Spain] :: A county subdivision, larger than a municipality but smaller than a province, now mainly historical
meriní {adj} :: Marinid
meriní {mf} :: Marinid
merino {adj} :: merino (relating to the sheep or wool)
merino {m} :: merino (wool or fabric)
merino {m} [historical, Spain] :: a count who had jurisdiction over a merindad
meristema {m} :: alternative form of meristemo
meristemático {adj} :: meristematic
meristemo {m} [botany] :: meristem
meritar {v} :: to merit, earn, deserve
meritísimo {adj} :: superlative of mérito
mérito {adj} [obsolete] :: worthy
mérito {m} :: merit
meritocracia {f} :: meritocracy (government by those with merit)
meritócrata {mf} :: meritocrat
meritocráticamente {adv} :: meritocratically
meritocrático {adj} :: meritocratic
meritoriamente {adv} :: deservingly, meritoriously
meritorio {adj} :: deserving, meritorious
meritorio {m} :: An unpaid trainee or intern
merlán {m} :: whiting (fish, Merlangius merlangus)
Merlín {prop} {m} :: Merlin
merlión {m} [mythology, folklore] :: merlion, a chimerical creature having the head of a lion and the body of a fish, which is a national symbol of Singapore
merlión {m} :: an image, statue, or other depiction of this creature (usually found in Singapore)
merlo {m} :: blackbird
merlo {m} :: brown wrasse (fish)
merlón {m} [architecture, military] :: merlon
merlot {m} :: merlot
merluza {f} :: Any of the fish in the genus Merluccius, all commonly called hakes in English; in Spain especially the European hake, Merluccius merluccius
merluza {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: drunkenness
merluzo {m} [colloquial, Spain] :: fool, idiot
mermar {v} :: to reduce
mermelada {f} :: jam, marmalade
mero {adj} :: mere
mero {adj} :: pure
mero {m} :: grouper (fish)
merode {m} :: The action or effects of marauding or pillaging
merodeador {adj} :: prowling, marauding
merodeador {m} :: prowler, marauder
merodear {v} :: to prowl, to skulk
merodear {v} :: to maraud; to raid; to pillage
merodear {v} :: to stalk, loiter
merodeo {m} :: loitering
meromorfo {adj} :: meromorphic
mero murique {m} :: A type of fish, Epinephelus niphobles
merónimo {m} :: meronym
meroplancton {m} [biology] :: meroplankton
meroterpenoide {m} [organic compound] :: meroterpenoid
merovingio {adj} :: Merovingian
merozoito {m} :: merozoite
mersa {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] :: piece of junk
mersa {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] :: useless person
mersí bocú {interj} [rare] :: mercy buckets; thanks a lot; thank you very much
mes {m} :: month
mesa {f} :: table
mesa {f} :: mesa
me sabe mal {phrase} :: I'm sorry
mesada {f} :: pocket money; allowance (money given to a child)
mesada {f} [Puerto Rico] :: Severance pay owed to an employee not terminated for cause
mesa de billar {f} :: billiard table; pool table
mesa de cartas {f} [nautical] :: chart table
mesa de noche {m} [Chile] :: nightstand
mesa electoral {f} :: polling station
mesana {f} [nautical] :: mizzen
mesangial {adj} :: mesangial
mesangiocapilar {adj} :: mesangiocapillary
mesanina {f} :: mezzanine
mesapia {f} :: feminine noun of mesapio
mesapio {adj} :: Messapian
mesapio {m} :: Messapian
mesar {v} :: to pull out; to tear out [hair]
mesa redonda {f} :: See: es mesa redonda
mesa redonda {f} :: round table (conference at which participants discuss and exchange views)
mesarse {vr} :: to stroke
mescalero {m} :: Mescalero (person)
mescalero {m} :: Mescalero (language)
mescalina {f} [organic compound] :: mescaline
mescolanza {f} :: alternative form of mezcolanza
Meseguer {prop} :: surname
mesencéfalo {m} :: midbrain
mesenia {f} :: feminine noun of mesenio
mesenio {adj} :: Messinian
mesenio {m} :: Messinian
mesénquima {m} :: mesenchyme
mesenquimal {adj} :: mesenchymal
mesentérico {adj} [anatomy] :: mesenteric
mesenterio {m} :: mesentery
mesenterio {m} [cooking] :: caul fat
mesera {f} :: waitress
mesero {m} [Mexico, Central America, parts of South America] :: waiter
meseta {f} [geography] :: plateau
meseta de hielo {f} :: ice shelf
mesetario {adj} [Spain, geography] :: plateau [attributive]
Mesia {prop} {f} :: Moesia
mesiánico {adj} :: messianic
mesianismo {m} :: messianism
mesías {m} :: messiah
Mesías {prop} {m} :: Messiah
mesilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: mesylate
mesilla {f} :: diminutive of mesa
mesilla {f} :: bedside table
mesilla {f} :: stall (at a market)
mesilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: mesyl
Mesina {prop} {f} :: Messina
mesita {f} :: diminutive of mesa
mesita {f} :: small table
mesiversario {m} [neologism] :: mensiversary, monthiversary
mesmo {adj} :: obsolete form of mismo
mesmo {adj} [New Mexico] :: same, preservation of archaic form of mismo
mesnada {f} :: retinue; posse
meso- {prefix} :: meso- (located in or relating to the middle)
mesoamericana {f} :: feminine noun of mesoamericano
mesoamericano {adj} :: Mesoamerican
mesoamericano {m} :: Mesoamerican
mesocardia {f} :: mesocardia
mesocarpio {m} :: mesocarp
mesociclón {m} :: mesocyclone
mesocolon {m} [anatomy] :: mesocolon
mesodérmico {adj} :: mesodermic
mesodermo {m} :: mesoderm
mesoescala {f} :: mesoscale
mesófilo {adj} [biology] :: mesophilic (thriving at moderate temperatures)
mesófilo {m} [biology] :: mesophile (organism that thrives at moderate temperatures)
mesohilo {m} [zoology] :: mesohyl
mesolecto {m} [linguistics] :: mesolect
mesolita {f} [mineral] :: mesolite
mesolítico {adj} :: Mesolithic
mesología {f} :: mesology
mesón {m} [dwelling] :: inn, tavern
mesón {m} [physics] :: meson
mesonera {f} :: feminine noun of mesonero
mesonero {m} :: hotel owner or manager
mesonero {m} [Venezuela] :: waiter (attendant who servers customers at a restaurant)
mesoniquio {m} :: mesonychid
mesopausa {f} :: mesopause
mesopelágico {adj} :: mesopelagic
mesopotámico {adj} :: Mesopotamian
mesorregión {f} :: meso-region
mesosfera {f} :: mesosphere
mesosternón {m} :: gladiolus
mesotelioma {m} [oncology] :: mesothelioma
mesoterapia {f} :: mesotherapy
mesotérmico {adj} :: mesothermic
mesozoico {adj} :: Mesozoic
mesquital {m} [Mexico] :: alternative spelling of mezquital
mesquite {m} [Mexico] :: alternative spelling of mezquite
mestengo {m} [Mexico] :: A wild or feral animal
mesteño {adj} :: stray (animal)
mesteño {adj} :: untamed, wild
mesteño {m} :: stray (animal)
mesteño {m} :: mustang (of horses)
mestiza {f} :: feminine noun of mestizo
mestización {f} :: cross-breeding
mestizaje {m} :: A miscegenation, especially between Spaniards and natives of their former colonies
mestizar {v} :: to crossbreed
mestizo {adj} :: Of mixed, Spanish and Native American heritage
mestizo {adj} :: also of mixed indigenous (aboriginal) and colonial (European) descent
mestizo {m} :: A person of mixed Spanish and Native American heritage
mestizo {m} :: A person whose ethnic heritage is of both aboriginal and colonial descent
mesto {adj} :: mixed
mesturar {v} [archaic] :: to mix
mesuradamente {adv} :: moderately, modestly
mesurar {v} :: to temper
meta- {prefix} :: meta-
meta {f} :: goal
meta {f} :: target
metaanálisis {m} :: alternative spelling of metanálisis
metábasis {f} :: metabasis
metabidisminuido {adj} [geometry] :: metabidiminished
metabólicamente {adv} :: metabolically
metabólico {adj} :: metabolic
metabolismo {m} :: metabolism
metabolito {m} [biochemistry] :: metabolite
metabolización {f} :: metabolization
metabolizar {v} :: to metabolise
metabolómica {f} :: metabolomics
metabotrópico {adj} :: metabotropic
metabuscador {m} [Internet] :: metasearch engine
metacarpiano {adj} [anatomy] :: metacarpal (relating to the metacarpus)
metacarpiano {m} [anatomy] :: metacarpal (bone of the metacarpus)
metacarpo {m} [skeleton] :: metacarpus
metacéntrico {adj} :: metacentric
metacercaria {f} :: metacercaria
metacognición {f} :: metacognition
metacomedia {f} :: meta-comedy
metaconocimiento {m} :: metaknowledge, meta-knowledge
metacrilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: methacrylate
metad {f} :: archaic spelling of mitad
metadato {m} :: singular of metadatos
metadona {f} :: methadone
metaestable {adj} :: metastable
metafase {f} :: metaphase
metaficción {f} :: metafiction
metaficcional {adj} :: metafictional
metafisario {adj} :: metaphyseal
metafísica {f} :: metaphysics (branch of philosophy that studies first principles)
metafísica {f} :: feminine noun of metafísico
metafísicamente {adv} :: metaphysically
metafísico {adj} :: metaphysical
metafísico {m} :: metaphysician
metáfisis {f} :: metaphysis
metafonía {f} :: metaphony
metáfora {f} :: metaphor (figure of speech)
metafóricamente {adv} :: metaphorically, figuratively
metafórico {adj} :: metaphoric, metaphorical
metaforizar {vt} :: to metaphorize
metafosfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: metaphosphate
metagenómica {f} :: metagenomics
metahemoglobina {f} :: metahemoglobin
metahumano {m} :: metahuman
metal {m} :: metal
metal {m} [heraldry] :: metal
metal {m} [music] :: metal
metalcore {m} :: metalcore
metaldehído {m} [organic chemistry] :: metaldehyde
metal de transición {m} :: transition metal (transition element)
metalenguaje {f} :: metalanguage
metalera {f} :: feminine noun of metalero
metalero {m} [colloquial] :: headbanger, metalhead
metalero {m} [rare] :: metalworker
metalero {adj} [Bolivia, Chile] :: metal (attributive)
metalicidad {f} :: metallicity
metálico {adj} :: metallic
metalífero {adj} :: containing metal; metalliferous
metalistería {f} :: metalworking
metalización {f} :: metallization
metalizar {v} :: to make metallic, to become metallic
metalizar {v} :: to coat with metal
metalmecánica {f} :: metalworking
metalmecánico {adj} :: metallurgic
metal noble {m} :: noble metal
metalografía {f} :: metallography
metaloide {m} :: metaloid
metal pesado {m} [chemistry] :: heavy metal
metal precioso {m} :: precious metal
metalura {f} :: metaltail
metalurgia {f} [metallurgy] :: metallurgy (science of metals)
metalúrgico {adj} [metallurgy] :: metallurgic, pertaining to metallurgy
metalúrgico {mf} [metallurgy] :: metallurgist, metal worker
metalurgista {m} [metallurgy] :: metallurgist
metámero {m} :: metamere
metamizol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: metamizole
metamórfico {adj} [geology] :: metamorphic
metamorfismo {m} [geology] :: metamorphism
metamorfizar {v} :: to metamorphosize
metamorfopsia {f} [ophthalmology] :: metamorphopsia
metamorfosear {v} :: to metamorphose
metamorfosis {f} [biology] :: metamorphosis
metanálisis {m} [statistics] :: meta-analysis
metanefridio {m} :: metanephridium
metanfetamina {f} [organic compound] :: methamphetamine
metánico {adj} :: methanic
metano {m} [organic compound] :: methane
metanogénesis {f} :: methanogenesis
metanógeno {adj} :: methanogenic
metanógeno {m} :: methanogen
metanol {m} [organic chemistry] :: methanol
metaplasia {m} [biology] :: metaplasia
metaplasmo {m} :: figure of speech
metaplasmo {m} :: metaplasm
metaserie {f} :: metaseries
metasoma {m} [entomology] :: metasoma
metasomático {adj} [geology] :: metasomatic
metasomático {adj} [entomology] :: metasomatic
metastásico {adj} :: metastasic
metástasis {f} [medicine] :: metastasis
metastatizar {v} :: to metastasize
metastizar {v} :: to metastasize
metatarsalgia {f} :: metatarsalgia (metatarsal pain)
metatarsiano {adj} :: metatarsal
metatarso {m} [anatomy] :: metatarsus
metate {m} :: metate
metateoría {f} :: metatheory
metaterio {m} :: metatherian
metátesis {f} :: metathesis
Metatrón {prop} {m} :: Metatron
metaverso {m} :: metaverse
metazoario {adj} :: metazoan
metazoo {m} [zoology] :: metazoan
meteca {f} :: feminine noun of meteco
meteco {m} :: metic
metedura {f} [familiar] :: blunder
metedura de pata {f} [idiom] :: foul-up, blooper
meteórico {adj} :: meteoric (of, pertaining to, or originating from a meteor)
meteórico {adj} [figurative] :: meteoric (like a meteor in speed, brilliance, or ephemeralness)
meteorítico {adj} :: meteoric
meteorito {m} :: meteorite
meteorización {f} [geology] :: weathering
meteorizar {vt} :: to weather (to expose to the weather)
meteoro {m} :: meteor
metéoro {m} :: obsolete form of meteoro
meteoroide {m} :: meteoroid
meteoróloga {f} :: feminine noun of meteorólogo
meteorología {f} :: meteorology
meteorológico {adj} :: meteorologic, meteorological
meteorólogo {m} :: meteorologist
metepatas {mf} :: screw-up; buffoon
meter {v} :: to put, insert
meter {v} [sports] :: to score
meter {v} :: to make [noise]
meter {v} :: to cram, to stuff, to stick, to shove
meter {vr} :: to meddle, interfere, to get into
meter barriga {v} [idiomatic] :: to suck in one's stomach
meter baza {v} [idiomatic] :: to butt in
meter cizaña {v} [idiom] :: to stir up (people); to sow discord
meter con calzador {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to shoehorn
meter cuchara {v} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of meter la cuchara
meter cuello {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to flirt, to go for a kiss
meter el dedo en la llaga {v} [idiomatic] :: to rub it in, rub salt in the wound
meter el hombro {v} [idiom] :: to put one's back into something
meter el pie {v} [idiomatic] :: to slip up (make a mistake)
meter en cintura {v} [idiomatic] :: to restrict; to bring into line; to bring to heel
meter en el mismo saco {v} [idiomatic] :: to tar with the same brush; lump together
metereológico {adj} :: meteorologic
meterete {adj} [Latin America, familiar] :: nosy
meterete {mf} [Latin America, familiar] :: busybody
meter ficha {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: alternative form of meter fichas
meter fichas {v} [Spain, idiomatic, colloquial] :: to pick up, chat up, flirt with someone (to meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes, especially in a social situation)
meter la cuchara {v} [idiomatic] :: To butt in; to stick one's oar in
meterla doblada {v} [idiomatic] :: to trick, deceive
meter la gamba {v} [idiomatic] :: to put one's foot in it
meter la nariz {v} [idiomatic] :: to meddle, interfere
meter la nariz {v} [idiomatic] :: to be nosy, to put one's nose in someone else's business
meter la pata {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to mess up; slip up; screw up, to put one's foot in one's mouth
meter las narices en {v} [idiomatic] :: To stick one's nose in
meter mano {v} [idiom] :: to touch up, grope
meterse en camisa de once varas {v} [idiom] :: To be in too deep
metérsela {v} [idiom] :: to trick
metérsela doblada {v} [idiom] :: alternative form of metérsela
metesaca {m} :: in-out (sexual intercourse)
metete {adj} [colloquial] :: nosy, meddlesome
metformina {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: metformin
metiche {adj} [Central America, South America] :: nosy, meddlesome
metiche {m} [Nicaragua, Cuba, Mexico] :: busybody
meticilina {f} :: methicillin
meticulosamente {adv} :: meticulously
meticulosidad {f} :: meticulousness
meticuloso {adj} :: meticulous
metida de pata {f} [idiom] :: blunder
metidísimo {adj} :: superlative of metido
metidito {adj} :: diminutive of metido
metido {adj} [colloquial, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela] :: nosy
metido en carnes {adj} [idiom, euphemistic] :: overweight; big-boned
metijón {adj} :: meddling
metijón {m} :: busybody
metijona {f} :: feminine noun of metijón
metil {m} :: methyl
metilacetileno {m} [organic compound] :: propyne, methylacetylene
metilación {f} [organic chemistry] :: methylation
metilamina {f} [organic chemistry] :: methylamine
metilar {v} :: to methylate
metilbenceno {m} [organic compound] :: methylbenzene
metilcobalamina {f} :: methylcobalamin
metileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: methylene
metileritritol {m} [organic compound] :: methylerythritol
metiletilcetona {m} [organic compound] :: butanone
metilfenidato {m} :: methylphenidate
metílico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: methyl (attributive)
metilmercurio {m} [organic compound] :: methylmercury
metilo {m} [chemistry] :: methyl
metilpropano {m} [organic compound] :: methylpropane
metiltransferasa {f} :: methyltransferase
metimiento {m} :: putting in
metionina {f} [amino acid] :: methionine
metisaca {f} [bullfighting] :: An incorrect estocada
metlapil {m} [Honduras, Mexico] :: A cylindrical grinding stone, especially one used with a metate
metódicamente {adv} :: methodically
metódico {adj} :: methodical
metodismo {m} :: Methodism
metodista {mf} :: Methodist
metodizar {v} :: to methodize
método {m} :: method
método científico {m} :: scientific method
metodología {f} :: methodology
metodológicamente {adv} :: methodologically
metodológico {adj} :: methodological (of, pertaining to, or using methodology)
metoflutrina {f} :: metofluthrin
metomentodo {m} :: busybody
metónico {adj} :: metonic
metonimia {f} :: metonymy
metonímico {adj} :: metonymic
metónimo {m} [grammar] :: metonym
metopa {f} [architecture] :: metope
metotrexato {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: methotrexate
metra {f} [Venezuela] :: marble (toy)
metrado {m} :: metering
metraje {m} :: The duration of a film
metraje {m} :: Distance measured in meters
metraje encontrado {m} :: found footage
metralla {f} :: grapeshot
metralla {f} :: shrapnel
metrallazo {m} :: shot from a grapeshot
metrallera {f} :: mitrailleuse
metralleta {f} :: submachine gun
-metría {suffix} :: -metry
métrica {f} [poetry, music] :: meter (rhythm or measure in verse and musical composition)
métricamente {adv} :: metrically
-métrico {suffix} :: -metric
métrico {adj} :: metric
metrificar {v} :: to versify
metriorrínquido {m} :: metriorhynchid
metrización {f} :: metrization
-metro {suffix} :: -meter
metro {m} [units of measure] :: meter
metro {m} [measuring instruments] :: measuring tape
metro {m} [measuring instruments] :: ruler (measuring one meter long)
metro {m} [transport] :: metro
metrobús {m} :: metrobus, bus system
metro cuadrado {m} :: square metre; square meter [US]
metro cúbico {m} :: cubic metre; cubic meter [US]
metrología {f} :: metrology
metrológico {adj} :: metrological
metronidazol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: metronidazole
metrónomo {m} [music] :: metronome
metrópoli {f} :: metropolis
metrópolis {f} :: metropolis
metropolitanato {m} :: metropolitan
metropolitano {adj} :: metropolitan
metropolitano {m} [Christianity] :: metropolitan bishop
metrorragia {f} :: metrorrhagia
metrosexual {m} :: metrosexual
metrosexual {adj} :: metrosexual
metrosexualidad {f} :: metrosexuality
me vale {interj} [Mexico] :: I don't care
mevalonato {m} [organic compound] :: mevalonate
mexica {adj} :: Mexica, Aztec
mexica {mf} :: Mexica, Aztec
mexicalense {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Mexican city of Mexicali
Mexicali {prop} {m} :: Mexicali
mexicana {f} :: female equivalent of mexicano
mexicanidad {f} :: Mexicanness, the quality of being Mexican
mexicanidad {f} :: Mexicanity, Mexican identity, especially as provided from indigenous culture and national heritage
mexicanismo {m} :: A word, usage, or linguistic feature particular to Mexican Spanish; Mexicanism
mexicanista {adj} :: Mexicanist
mexicanista {mf} :: Mexicanist
mexicanización {f} :: Mexicanization
mexicanizar {v} :: to Mexicanize
mexicano {adj} :: Mexican
mexicano {m} :: Mexican
México {prop} {m} :: México (country)
México {prop} {m} [Mexico] :: México (capital city)
mexicoamericano {m} :: Mexican American
México D.F. {m} :: México D.F. (capital city)
México DF {m} :: alternative form of México D.F.
mexicoestadounidense {adj} :: Mexican-American
mexilla {f} :: obsolete spelling of mejilla
mexiqueño {adj} :: of or from Mexico City
mexiqueño {m} :: native or inhabitant of Mexico City
mexiquense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Estado de México, or Mexico State
mezanine {m} :: mezzanine
mezcal {m} :: mezcal
mezcal {m} :: The variety of the agave plant from with mezcal is distilled
mezcalillero {m} :: mezcal maker
mezcla {f} :: mixture, mix, mixing, combination, admixture, medley
mezcla {f} :: blend, blending
mezcla {f} :: mixed bag
mezclado {adj} :: mixed
mezclador {m} [electronics] :: mixer
mezclador {m} :: mixer (person who mixes)
mezcladora {f} :: feminine noun of mezclador
mezclar {v} :: to mix
mezclar {vr} :: to blend in
mezclar churras y merinas {v} [idiom] :: To mix two different concepts
mezclarse {v} :: reflexive of mezclar
mezclilla {f} :: denim
mezclilla {f} :: diminutive of mezcla
mezcolanza {f} [colloquial] :: hodgepodge, motley (strange mix)
mezquinamente {adv} :: stingily
mezquinar {v} :: to skimp; be stingy
mezquinar {v} :: to dodge; get around
mezquinar {v} :: to let off; let off the hook
mezquindad {f} :: meanness, stinginess, paltriness
mezquindad {f} :: small-mindedness, pettiness
mezquinísimo {adj} :: superlative of mezquino
mezquino {adj} :: miserly, mean, stingy
mezquino {adj} :: petty, small-minded
mezquita {f} :: mosque (place of worship for Muslims)
mezquita {f} [by extension, obsolete] :: a Native American (especially Aztec) religious site (during the Spanish conquest of the Americas)
mezquital {m} :: A mesquite grove
mezquite {m} :: mesquite (tree)
mezuzá {f} :: mezuzah
mezzosoprano {f} :: mezzo-soprano
mi {adj} [before the noun] :: apocopic form of mío, my
mi {f} :: mu; the Greek letter Μ, μ
{pron} :: me; (declined form of yo used as the object of a preposition)
mía {pron} :: feminine singular of mío
mía {adj} :: feminine singular of mío
miador {adj} :: miaowing
miador {m} :: miaower
miaja {f} :: crumb
miaja {f} :: bit; little bit
miajita {f} :: diminutive of miaja
mialgia {f} :: myalgia
miamense {adj} :: of or from the city of Miami
miamense {mf} :: an inhabitant of the city of Miami
Miami {prop} {f} :: Miami (city)
miamiense {adj} :: from Miami
miamiense {mf} :: Miamian
miao {adj} :: Miao
miao {mf} :: Miao
miarma {mf} [Seville] :: friend; buddy
miarma {mf} [Seville] :: dear; darling; love
miarolítico {adj} :: miarolitic
mías {pron} :: feminine plural of mío, mine
miasma {m} :: miasma
miasmático {adj} :: miasmatic
miastenia {f} :: myasthenia
miasténico {adj} :: myasthenic
miau {m} :: meow
miau {interj} :: meow (the sound a cat makes)
mica {f} [mineral] :: mica
micáceo {adj} [mineralogy] :: micaceous
Micaela {prop} {f} :: given name
mi casa es su casa {phrase} [formal] :: make yourself at home, make yourselves at home
mi casa es tu casa {phrase} [colloquial, to one person] :: make yourself at home
mi casa y mi hogar cien doblas val {proverb} :: there's no place like home
micción {f} :: urination
miccional {adj} :: urinary (of or pertaining to urination)
micelar {adj} :: micellar
micelial {adj} :: mycelial
micelio {m} [mycology] :: mycelium
Micenas {prop} :: Micenas (ancient city/and/archaelogical site)
micénico {adj} :: Mycenaean
micénico {m} :: Mycenaean (person from Mycenae)
micénico {m} [uncountable] :: Mycenaean Greek (Ancient Greek language spoken by the Mycenaeans in the Bronze Age)
micer {m} :: m'lord
micha {f} :: feminine noun of micho
michelada {f} :: michelada
Michelena {prop} :: surname of Basque origin
michelín {m} [colloquial, Spain, chiefly in the plural] :: spare tyre [UK], spare tire [North America], flab, roll of fat
michi {m} [colloquial] :: mog; kitty (cat)
michifú {m} [colloquial] :: mog; kitty (cat)
Míchigan {prop} {m} :: Michigan
michiguense {adj} :: Michiganian
michiguense {m} :: Michiganian, Michigander [colloquial]
micho {m} [colloquial] :: cat
Michoacán {prop} {m} :: Michoacán (state)
michoacano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Michoacán
mico {m} :: a monkey with a prehensile tail
mico {m} [familiar] :: child
mico {m} :: an ugly person
mico {m} [Nicaragua] :: vulva
micobacteria {f} [bacteriology] :: mycobacterium
micobionte {m} [lichenology] :: mycobiont
micofenolato {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: mycophenolate
micoleón {m} [Yucatán, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras] :: kinkajou (Potos flavus)
micóloga {f} :: mycologist
micología {f} :: mycology
micológico {adj} :: mycological
micólogo {m} :: mycologist
micoproteína {f} :: mycoprotein
micorriza {f} [biology] :: mycorrhiza (symbiotic relationship between the mycelium of a fungus and the roots of a plant)
micosis {f} :: mycosis
micótico {adj} :: mycotic
micotoxina {f} [biochemistry] :: mycotoxin
micra {f} :: micron
micra {f} [Spain, colloquial] :: a tenth of a gram (of a drug)
micro- {prefix} :: micro-
micro {m} [Chile, Argentina] :: public bus
micro {m} [Mexico] :: minibus
micro {m} [Spain] :: microwave
micro {m} [Spain] :: mic, microphone
microaguja {f} :: microsyringe
microalbuminuria {f} :: microalbuminuria
microalga {f} :: microalga
microambiente {m} :: microenvironment
microanimal {m} :: microanimal
microarquitectura {f} [architecture] :: microarchitecture
microarreglo {m} :: microarray
microbacteria {f} :: microbacteria
microbial {adj} :: microbial
microbiano {adj} :: microbial (relating to microbes)
microbicida {m} :: microbicide
microbio {m} [microbiology] :: microbe
microbióloga {f} :: microbiologist
microbiología {f} :: microbiology
microbiológico {adj} :: microbiological
microbiólogo {m} :: microbiologist
microbioma {m} [biology] :: microbiome
microbiota {f} :: microbiota
microbiótico {adj} :: microbiotic
microblog {m} :: microblog
microblogging {m} :: microblogging
microburbuja {f} :: microbubble
microbus {m} :: microbus
microbús {m} :: minibus
microbusera {f} :: feminine noun of microbusero
microbusero {m} :: A microbús driver
microcalcificación {f} :: microcalcification
microcámara {f} :: microcamera
microcápsula {f} :: microcapsule
microcefalia {f} :: microcephalia
microcefalismo {m} :: microcephalism, microcephaly
microcentro {m} :: dead centre
microcervecería {f} :: microbrewery
microchip {m} [electronics] :: microchip (small plate with a set of electronic circuits)
microciclo {m} :: microcycle
microcine {m} :: small cinema
microcirculación {f} :: microcirculation
microcirugía {f} :: microsurgery
microcistina {f} :: microcystin
microcítico {adj} :: microcytic
microciudad {f} :: microcity
microclima {m} :: microclimate
microclimático {adj} :: microclimatic
microcoche {m} :: a small car
microcódigo {m} :: microcode
microcogeneración {f} :: microcogeneration
microcomarca {f} :: small comarca
microcomercializador {m} :: small-time commercializer
microcómic {m} :: microcomic
microcomputador {m} :: microcomputer
microcomputadora {f} :: microcomputer
microcontinente {m} :: microcontinent
microcontrolador {m} :: microcontroller
microcosmo {m} :: microcosm (smaller system as representative of a larger one)
microcosmo {m} [ecology] :: microcosm (a small ecosystem)
microcrédito {m} :: microcredit
microcristal {m} :: microcrystal
microcristalino {adj} :: microcrystalline
microcuenca {f} :: microwatershed
microcuento {m} :: work of flash fiction
microcuerpo {m} [cytology] :: microbody
microdato {m} :: small data
microdeleción {f} :: microdeletion
microdermoabrasión {f} :: microdermabrasion
microdespertar {m} :: mini-waking (from sleep)
microdistrito {m} :: microdistrict
microdosis {f} :: microdose
microeconomía {f} :: microeconomics
microeconómico {adj} :: microeconomic
microelectrodo {m} :: microelectrode
microelectromecánico {adj} :: microelectromechanical
microelectrónico {adj} :: microelectronic
microelemento {m} :: trace element
microempresa {f} :: microenterprise
microempresaria {f} :: small businesswoman
microempresarial {adj} [attributive] :: microbusiness
microempresario {m} :: small businessman
microencapsulación {f} :: microencapsulation
microescala {f} :: microscale
microesfera {f} :: microsphere
microesferofaquia {f} [ophthalmology] :: microspherophakia
microespacio {m} :: slot (in a TV show)
microespejo {m} [physics] :: micromirror
microestadio {m} :: tiny stadium
microestado {m} :: microstate
microestimulación {f} :: microstimulation
microestrato {m} :: microstratum
microestructura {f} :: microstructure
microevolución {f} :: microevolution
microexfoliación {f} :: microexfoliation
microfacial {adj} :: microfacial
microfalda {f} :: microskirt
microfaquia {f} [ophthalmology] :: microphakia
microfauna {f} [zoology] :: microfauna
microfibra {f} :: microfiber
microfibrilla {f} :: microfibril
microficción {f} :: microfiction
microfilamento {m} :: microfilament
microfilaria {f} :: microfilaria
microfilm {m} :: microfilm
microfilmación {f} :: microfilming
microfilmar {v} :: to microfilm
microfinanciar {v} :: to microfinance
microfinanciera {f} :: microfinancer
microfinanza {f} [finance] :: microfinance
micrófito {m} [biology, botany] :: microphyte
micrófono {m} :: microphone
microformato {m} :: microformat
microfósil {m} [paleontology] :: microfossil
microfotografía {f} :: microphotography
microfranquicia {f} :: small franchise
microfútbol {m} :: futsal
microgameto {m} :: microgamete
microglía {f} :: microglia
microgramo {m} :: microgram
microgravedad {f} [physics] :: microgravity
microhábitat {m} :: microhabitat
microhematuria {f} [pathology] :: microhematuria
microhistoria {f} :: microhistory
microindustria {f} :: microindustry
microinyección {adj} :: Of or from Ica
microinyección {f} :: microinjection
microjet {m} :: microjet
microjuego {m} :: microgame
microlente {m} :: microlens
microlito {m} :: microlith
microlocalización {f} :: microlocation
micromachismo {m} :: small-scale male chauvinism
micromamífero {m} :: micromammal
micromaquinado {adj} :: micromachined
micromecenazgo {m} :: crowdfunding
micrómera {f} :: micromere
micrometeorito {m} :: micrometeorite
micrometeoro {m} :: micrometeor
micrométrico {adj} :: micrometric
micrómetro {m} :: micrometre
micromisión {f} :: micro-mission
micromotor {m} :: micromotor
micrón {m} :: micron, micrometer
micronación {f} :: micronation
micronesia {f} :: feminine noun of micronesio
Micronesia {prop} {f} :: Micronesia
micronesio {adj} :: Micronesian
micronesio {m} :: Micronesian
micronúcleo {m} :: micronucleus
micronutriente {m} :: micronutrient
microonda {f} :: microwave (electromagnetic wave)
microondas {m} :: microwave oven, microwave
microondas {m} :: necklacing (execution by burning tyre)
microordenador {m} :: microcomputer
microorganismo {m} :: microorganism
micropago {m} :: micropayment
micropaleontología {f} :: micropaleontology
micropartícula {f} :: microparticle
micropartido {m} :: small (political) party
microperforar {v} :: to microperforate
micropíldora {f} :: micro-pill
micropilote {m} :: micropile
micropipeta {f} :: micropipette
microplaca {f} :: microplate
microplástico {m} :: microplastic
micropolifonía {f} :: micropolyphony
micropolitano {adj} :: micropolitan
microporo {m} :: micropore
microprocesador {m} :: microprocessor
microprograma {m} :: microcode; microprogram
micropropagación {f} :: micropropagation
micropunción {f} :: micropuncture
micropunto {m} [colloquial] :: LSD (drug)
microrganismo {m} :: microorganism
microrotura {f} :: microbreak; small breakage
microrregión {f} :: micro-region
microrrelato {m} :: flash fiction, microfiction
microrreserva {f} :: microreserve
microrrobot {m} :: microrobot
microrrotura {f} :: small breakage
microrrueda {f} :: small job fair
microsatélite {m} :: microsatellite
microscopía {f} :: microscopy
microscopiar {v} :: to examine using a microscope
microscopiar {v} :: to scrutinize, to examine closely
microscópicamente {adv} :: microscopically
microscópico {adj} :: microscopic
microscopio {m} :: microscope
microscopista {mf} :: microscopist
microsegundo {m} :: microsecond
microseguro {m} :: small insurance company
microservicio {m} :: microservice
microsismicidad {f} :: microseismicity
microsismo {m} :: microseism
micrositio {m} :: microsite
microsocial {adj} :: microsocial
microspora {f} :: microspore
microsporangio {m} [botany] :: microsporangium
microstomía {f} [pathology] :: microstomia
microsurco {m} :: microgroove
microteatro {m} :: microtheatre
microtonal {adj} :: microtonal
microtráfico {m} :: micro-trafficking
microtransacción {f} :: microtransaction
microtubular {adj} :: microtubular
microtúbulo {m} :: microtubule
microvascular {adj} :: microvascular
microvasculatura {f} :: microvasculature
microvellosidad {f} :: microvillus
microverde {m} :: microgreen
microvertedero {m} :: small dump
microvídeo {m} :: micro-video
mi culo {phrase} :: my ass
middleware {m} :: middleware
Midgard {prop} {f} [Norse mythology] :: Midgard (mythological location)
midi {m} :: midi; midiskirt
midostaurin {m} :: midostaurin
miéchica {interj} [colloquial] :: damn, blast
miedica {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: fearful
miedo {m} :: fear
miedosamente {adv} :: fearfully
miedoso {adj} [colloquial] :: fearful, timid, tremulous
miedoso {m} :: scaredy-cat, coward
miel {f} :: honey
miel de palma {f} :: palm syrup
mielera {f} :: feminine noun of mielero
mielero {m} :: honey maker or seller
mielero {m} :: Any of various honey-eating birds, such as the honeyeater or honeycreeper
mielero {adj} :: producing honey
mielero {adj} :: relating to the production of honey
mielgo {adj} [rare] :: twin
mielina {f} :: myelin
mielinización {f} :: myelination
mielinizar {v} :: to myelinate
mielitis {f} :: myelitis
mielofibrosis {f} :: myelofibrosis
mielógeno {adj} :: myelogenic
mieloide {adj} :: myeloid
mieloma {m} :: myeloma
mieloma múltiple {m} :: multiple myeloma
mielopatía {f} :: myelopathy
mielopático {adj} :: myelopathic
mieloperoxidasa {f} [enzyme] :: myeloperoxidase
mielopoyesis {f} [biology] :: myelopoiesis
mieloproliferativo {adj} :: myeloproliferative
mieludo {adj} [literally] :: full of honey
mieludo {adj} [figuratively] :: very sweet
mieludo {m} [El Salvador] :: auto mechanic
miembra {f} :: member
miembro {m} :: member (one who belongs to a group)
miembro {m} [anatomy] :: limb (a major appendage of a person or animal)
miembro {m} :: penis
miembro de la familia {mf} :: family member, relative
miembro viril {m} :: male member; penis
-miento {suffix} :: -ment, forming nouns from verbs with the sense of the action or process
mientras {adv} :: meanwhile
mientras {conj} [with the indicative] :: while, whilst (at the same time as)
mientras {conj} [with the subjunctive] :: as long as, so long as (expressing a condition)
mientras {conj} [with the indicative] :: while, whereas (indicating difference)
mientras {conj} [with comparatives] :: however much; however many; (constructing parallel comparatives) “the..., the...”
mientras que {conj} :: while; whilst
mientras tanto {adv} :: meanwhile
miércoles {m} :: Wednesday
miércoles {interj} [euphemism] :: Shoot!
miércoles de ceniza {m} [Christianity] :: Ash Wednesday
mierda {f} [vulgar] :: shit
mierda {f} [vulgar] :: drunkenness
mierda {interj} [Spain] :: shit! (expression of worry, failure, shock, only for negative situations)
mierda pinchada en un palo {f} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: piece of shit (something of little or no value)
mierdoso {adj} [colloquial] :: shitty
mierdoso {adj} [colloquial] :: filthy
mierense {adj} :: of or from Mieres
mierense {mf} :: someone from Mieres
mierla {f} [obsolete] :: blackbird
mies {f} :: cereal seed (for making bread)
mies {f} :: seed, grain harvest time
mifepristona {f} :: mifepristone
miga {f} :: crumb (small piece which breaks off from baked food)
miga {f} :: essence, core (most significant feature of something)
miga {f} :: crumb, bit (small amount)
migaja {f} :: crumb
migajón {m} :: (large) crumb
migajón {m} :: substance
migar {v} :: to crumble
Migo {prop} {m} :: given name
migra {f} [Mexico, US Spanish, slang, usually with definite article] :: border patrol; immigration authorities
migración {f} :: migration
migrador {adj} :: migratory
migrador {m} :: migrator
migradora {f} :: feminine noun of migrador
migraña {f} :: migraine
migrante {adj} :: migrant (person who moves from one region or country to another)
migrante {adj} :: migrating (person who moves from one region or country to another)
migrante {mf} :: migrant (person who moves from one region or country to another)
migrar {v} :: to migrate
migratorio {adj} :: migratory
Migue {prop} {m} :: given name
Miguel {prop} {m} :: given name
Miguel {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Michael
Miguel {prop} {m} :: surname
Miguela {prop} {f} :: given name, a feminine form of Miguel
Miguel Ángel {prop} {m} :: given name
Miguel Ángel {prop} {m} :: Michelangelo, the artist
migueleño {adj} :: Of or from San Miguel, El Salvador
migueleño {m} :: Someone from San Miguel, El Salvador
miguelete {m} :: alternative spelling of miquelete
miguelista {adj} :: Miguelist
miguelista {mf} :: Miguelist
Miguelito {prop} {m} :: given name
m'ija {f} :: contraction of mi hija
mija {f} :: contraction of mi hija: sweetie, daughter, baby girl, little one
mijero {m} [obsolete] :: nautical mile
mijero {m} [obsolete] :: milepost
mijita {f} :: diminutive of mija; sistergirl, homegirl, girlfriend, honey
mijita {f} [Andalusia] :: a little amount
mijito {m} :: contraction of mi hijito: diminutive of mijo
m'ijo {m} :: contraction of mi hijo
mijo {m} :: millet
mijo {m} [colloquial, Chile] :: darling
mijo {m} [colloquial, Mexico] :: friend, guy
mijo común {m} :: proso millet
mikado {m} :: mikado
mil {num} :: thousand
Mila {prop} {f} :: given name, Camila or Ludmila
milagreña {f} :: feminine noun of milagreño
milagreño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Milagro, Ecuador
milagreño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Milagro, Ecuador
milagrito {m} :: diminutive of milagro
milagro {m} :: miracle
milagro {m} :: wonder
Milagros {prop} {f} :: given name
milagrosamente {adv} :: miraculously
milagroso {adj} :: miraculous
Milán {prop} {m} :: Milán (province)
Milán {prop} {m} :: Milán (city)
milanés {adj} :: Milanese
milanés {m} :: Milanese
milanesa {f} :: A thin slice of beef, dipped into beaten eggs, seasoned with salt and other condiments (like parsley and garlic), dipped in breadcrumbs and shallow-fried in oil
milanga {f} [Argentina] :: schnitzel
milanista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the A.C. Milan football club or its players
milanista {mf} [football] :: Player, fan, or other person involved with A.C. Milan
milano {m} :: kite (bird of prey)
milano {m} :: down of a thistle
milano {m} :: flying gurnard (Dactylopteridae)
mildiu {m} :: mildew
milenario {adj} :: millennial
milenario {adj} :: millenary
milenario {adj} :: thousand-year-old
milenarismo {m} :: millenarianism
milenarista {adj} :: millenarian
milenarista {mf} :: millenarian
milenial {mf} :: millennial
milénica {f} :: feminine noun of milénico
milénico {m} :: millennial
milenio {m} :: millennium
milenrama {f} :: common yarrow, milfoil (Achillea millefolium)
milesia {f} :: feminine noun of milesio
milesiana {f} :: feminine noun of milesiano
milesiano {m} [Irish mythology] :: Milesian, any of the people from Spain who invaded Ireland and defeated the Tuatha Dé Danann, and who were the ancestors of the present Irish people
milesiano {m} [colloquial] :: Irishman, Milesian
milesiano {adj} :: Milesian (of or pertaining to the Milesians, the final race to settle in Ireland)
milesiano {adj} [colloquial] :: Irish, Milesian
milésimo {adj} :: thousandth, one thousandth
milesio {adj} [philosophy] :: Milesian
milesio {adj} [historical] :: Milesian (of or pertaining to Miletus, the Ancient Greek city in Anatolia)
milesio {m} [philosophy] :: Milesian
milesio {m} [historical] :: Milesian (native or citizen of Miletus, the Ancient Greek city in Anatolia)
Mileto {prop} {f} :: Mileto (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in western <<r/Anatolia>>, in modern <<c/Turkey>>)
mileurismo {m} [Spain] :: the quality or state of having an income barely close to 1,000 euros a month, and generally is considered below its professional expectations
mileurista {adj} [Spain] :: Someone who having an income barely close to 1,000 euros a month, and generally is considered below its professional expectations
mileurista {adj} [Spain] :: Related mileurista or mileurismo. E. g. salario mileurista
mileurista {mf} [Spain] :: Someone who having an income barely close to 1,000 euros a month, and generally is considered below its professional expectations
milhojas {m} :: mille-feuille
milhombres {m} [colloquial] :: tough guy
mili- {prefix} :: milli-
mili {f} [colloquial] :: military service
miliaria {f} :: miliaria
miliario {m} :: milestone
milibar {m} :: millibar
milicia {f} :: army
milicia {f} :: military service
milicia {f} :: militia
miliciana {f} :: feminine noun of miliciano
miliciano {adj} [attributive] :: militia
miliciano {m} :: militiaman, militiawoman
milico {m} [derogatory, Latin America] :: soldier
miligramo {m} :: milligram
mililitro {m} :: millilitre (a unit of volume)
milimetradamente {adv} :: minutely, precisely
milimetrado {adj} :: minutely calculated
milimétricamente {adv} :: minutely, precisely
milimétrico {adj} :: millimetric
milímetro {m} :: millimeter
milimolar {adj} [chemistry] :: millimolar
milisegundo {m} :: millisecond (one one-thousandth of a second)
militancia {f} :: militance
militante {mf} :: militant
militantemente {adv} :: in a militant manner
militar {adj} :: military
militar {mf} :: soldier
militar {mf} :: any person serving in the military
militar {v} :: to participate actively in a political organization, especially in the military
militarismo {m} :: militarism
militarista {mf} :: militarist
militarización {f} :: militarization
militarizar {v} :: to militarize
militarmente {adv} :: militarily
militarote {m} [Latin America] :: a rough or crude soldier
milivatio {m} :: milliwatt
milla {f} :: mile
millaje {m} :: mileage
milla náutica {f} :: nautical mile
millar {m} :: A unit or group of one thousand
millar {m} :: A thousandish
millar {m} :: A large, indeterminate number
millardaria {f} :: feminine noun of millardario
millardario {m} :: billionaire
millardo {m} :: billion, milliard
Millares {prop} :: surname
mil leches {m} [idiom] :: mongrel
millenial {mf} :: alternative spelling of millennial
millennial {mf} :: millennial
millo {n} [Canary Islands] :: maize, corn (plant)
millón {m} :: million (106)
millonada {f} :: fortune
millonaria {f} :: feminine noun of millonario
millonario {adj} :: big money/big-money, millions of
millonario {adj} :: millionaire
millonario {m} :: millionaire
millonésimo {adj} :: one millionth
millonésimo {m} :: millionth
millonetis {mf} [colloquial] :: millionaire, gazillionaire, squillionaire
milmillonario {adj} :: billion-dollar
milmillonario {m} :: billionaire
mil millones {num} :: one billion, milliard, 109
milonga {f} :: milonga (music)
milonga {f} :: milonga (dance)
milonga {f} [colloquial] :: A lie or falsehood
milonguera {f} :: feminine noun of milonguero
milonguero {adj} [attributive] :: milonga
milonguero {m} :: One who sings milongas
milord {m} :: milord
milpa {f} [Central America] :: cornfield
milpiés {m} :: millipede
miltomate {m} :: tomatillo
mimar {vt} :: to pamper
mimar {vt} :: to look after
mimbre {m} :: wicker
mimbrera {f} :: willow (any of a number of different species of willow tree)
mimbrera {f} :: A wickerworker
mimbrero {m} :: A wickerworker
mimbroso {adj} :: wicker, made of wicker
mimeografiar {v} :: to mimeograph
mimeógrafo {m} :: mimeograph
mimesis {f} :: mimesis
mímesis {f} :: alternative spelling of mimesis
mimético {adj} :: mimetic
mimetismo {m} [biology, zoology] :: mimicry
mimetizar {v} :: to imitate
mimetizar {v} :: to disguise; to mimic; to merge into the background
mímica {f} :: mimicry (the act or ability to simulate the appearance or behaviour of someone or something else)
mímico {adj} :: mimic
mimir {v} [childish] :: to sleep
mimo {m} :: caress, cuddle
mimo {mf} :: mime, mime artist (an actor or actress who practices mime)
mimosamente {adv} :: affectionately
mimoso {adj} :: cuddly
mina {f} :: mine (excavation from which ore is taken)
mina {f} :: mine (device intended to explode when stepped on)
mina {f} :: lead (of a pencil)
mina {f} [Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] :: woman
mina {f} [Argentina, slang] :: prostitute
miná {m} :: myna
mina a tajo abierto {f} :: open-pit mine
miná común {m} :: Indian myna
mina de oro {f} :: See: es mina de oro (gold mine)
mina de oro {f} [idiomatic] :: gold mine
minador {adj} :: mining
minador {m} [military, nautical] :: minelayer
minador {m} :: mining engineer
minadora {f} :: feminine noun of minador
minar {v} :: to sap, mine, dig tunnels under
minar {v} :: to mine, lay military land or marine mines
minar {v} [figuratively] :: to undermine, destroy [health, confidence, etc.]
minar {v} :: to wear away, erode
minarete {m} :: minaret (mosque tower)
Minas {prop} :: Minas (city)
minaz {adj} [obsolete] :: threatening
minderico {m} :: Minderico
mindfulness {m} :: mindfulness
mindundi {mf} [colloquial, Spain] :: nobody; zero (person of little value and unimportant)
Mineápolis {prop} :: Minneapolis
minecraftiana {f} :: feminine noun of minecraftiano
minecraftiano {adj} :: Minecrafty
minecraftiano {m} :: Minecrafter
minera {f} :: feminine noun of minero
mineral {adj} :: mineral
mineral {m} :: mineral
mineral de hierro {m} :: iron ore
mineralización {f} :: mineralization
mineralizar {vt} :: to mineralize
mineralogía {f} :: mineralogy
mineralógico {adj} :: mineralogical
mineralogista {mf} :: mineralogist
mineraloide {m} [mineralogy] :: mineraloid
minería {f} :: mining
minero {adj} :: mining
minero {m} :: miner
mineroducto {m} :: mineral pipeline
mineróloga {f} :: feminine noun of minerólogo
minerólogo {m} :: mineralogist
mineromedicinal {adj} [of water] :: containing health-benefiting minerals
Minerva {prop} {f} [Roman mythology] :: Minerva
minesotana {f} :: feminine noun of minesotano
minesotano {adj} :: Minnesotan
minesotano {m} :: Minnesotan
minestrone {f} [usually uncountable] :: minestrone (thick Italian vegetable soup)
minga {f} [South America] :: collective work
minga {f} [Spain, vulgar] :: penis
minga {interj} [Argentina, slang] :: no way; fuck off
minger {v} :: To urinate
mingitorio {m} :: urinal
mingo {m} [billiards] :: target ball
mingreliano {adj} :: Mingrelian
mini- {prefix} :: mini-
mini {adj} :: mini
miniálbum {m} :: minialbum
miniar {vt} :: to draw in miniature
miniatura {f} :: miniature (painting or model)
miniatura {f} [computing] :: thumbnail
miniaturista {mf} :: miniaturist
miniaturización {f} :: miniaturization
miniaturizar {vt} :: to miniaturize
miniauto {m} :: mini-car
minibanco {m} :: mini-bank
minibandera {f} :: miniflag
minibar {m} :: minibar
minibasket {m} :: mini-basketball
minibiblioteca {f} :: mini-library
minibús {m} :: minibus
minicalle {f} [rare] :: mini street
minicámara {f} :: minicam; minicamera
minicentral {f} :: small center
minicentro {m} :: small play area for children
miniciudad {f} :: minicity
minicomputador {m} :: minicomputer
minicomputadora {f} :: minicomputer
miniconcentración {f} :: mini-concentration
minideporte {m} :: youth sport
miniempresa {f} :: small business
miniestra {f} :: A type of vegetables stew from Panama
miniestrella {mf} :: Mini-Estrella
minifalda {f} :: miniskirt
minifaldero {adj} :: wearing a miniskirt
minifaldero {adj} :: fruity
minificción {f} :: mini-fiction; microfiction
minifigura {f} :: small figure
minifundio {m} :: smallholding
minifundista {mf} :: smallholder
minigira {f} :: minitour
minigolf {m} :: minigolf, miniature golf
minihamburguesa {f} :: mini-hamburger
minijuego {m} :: minigame
minilaptop {m} :: small laptop; palmtop
minilectura {f} :: mini-reading
miniluna {f} :: mini-moon
minimal {adj} :: minimalistic
minimalismo {m} :: minimalism
minimalista {adj} :: minimalistic (characterised by extreme simplicity)
minimalista {mf} :: minimalist (artists who creates minimalist art)
minimalizar {v} :: to minimize
mínimamente {adv} :: minimally
minimapa {m} :: minimap
minimercado {m} :: minimarket
minimización {f} :: minimization
minimizar {vt} :: to minimize, to downplay, to play down, to underplay, to belittle
mínimo {adj} :: minimal
mínimo {adj} :: smallest
mínimo {adj} :: least
mínimo {m} :: minimum
minimosca {m} [boxing] :: light flyweight (boxing class)
mínimum {m} :: minimum
minindustria {f} :: mini-industry; small-time business
minino {m} [colloquial] :: kitty (a cat)
minipizza {f} :: mini-pizza
minisatélite {m} :: minisatellite
miniserie {f} :: miniseries
minishort {m} :: short shorts
minisodio {m} :: minisode
ministerial {adj} :: ministerial
ministerializar {v} :: to make ministerial
ministerio {m} :: ministry
ministra {f} :: feminine noun of ministro
ministrable {adj} [politics] :: Potentially a minister
ministración {f} :: ministering
ministrar {v} :: to minister
ministrar {v} :: to provide
ministril {m} :: minstrel
ministro {m} :: minister
minisubmarino {m} :: minisubmarine
minisuite {m} :: minisuite
minisúper {m} :: mini-supermarket
minisupermercado {m} :: minimarket
minita {f} :: diminutive of mina
miniteclado {m} :: mini-keyboard
minitorneo {m} :: mini-tournament
minitorta {f} :: mini-cake
minitren {m} :: a small train
miniturismo {m} :: small-scale tourism
minivan {m} :: minivan
minivestido {m} :: small dress
minivídeo {m} :: mini video; small clip
min nan {m} :: Min Nan
Minnesota {prop} {f} :: Minnesota (state)
mino {m} [Argentina, Chile, colloquial] :: boy (young man)
Miño {prop} {m} :: Miño (river)
minociclina {f} :: minocycline
minoico {adj} :: Minoan
minoración {f} :: reduction
minorante {m} :: minorant
minorar {v} :: alternative form of aminorar
minoría {f} :: minority (subgroup that does not form half or more)
minoría {f} :: minority (state of being a minor)
minoría sexual {f} :: sexual minority
minoridad {f} :: minority (of age)
minorismo {m} :: retail
minorista {adj} :: retail
minorista {mf} :: retailer
minorita {adj} :: Franciscan
minorita {m} :: Franciscan
minoritariamente {adv} :: less so, to a small degree
minoritario {adj} :: minority [attributive]
minorización {f} :: minimization, reduction
minotauro {m} :: minotaur
Minotauro {prop} {m} :: Minotaur
Minsk {prop} :: Minsk (city)
minskeña {f} :: feminine noun of minskeño
minskeño {adj} :: Minskian (of or pertaining to Minsk, Belarus)
minskeño {m} :: Minskian (native or resident of Minsk, Belarus)
minuanes {mp} :: Minuane
minuano {adj} :: pertaining or related to the city of Minas, Uruguay
minucia {f} :: small print, triviality
minuciosamente {adv} :: carefully, meticulously, minutely
minuciosidad {f} :: precision, minuteness
minucioso {adj} :: thorough, detailed
minué {m} :: minuet (dance)
minuendo {m} [arithmetic] :: minuend (number from which another is subtracted)
minuet {m} :: minuet
minueto {m} [dancing] :: minuet (slow, graceful dance)
minueto {m} [music] :: minuet (tune or air to regulate the movements of the minuet dance)
minúscula {f} [orthography] :: minuscule (lower-case letter)
minúsculo {adj} [orthography] :: lower case [of a letter]
minusvalía {f} :: disability, handicap
minusválido {adj} :: handicapped, disabled
minusvaloración {f} :: underestimation
minusvalorar {v} :: to underestimate
minuta {f} :: rough draft
minuta {f} :: bill; fee
minuta {f} :: list (of various things)
minuta {f} :: snack; quick meal
minuta {f} :: menu (in a restaurant)
minuta {f} :: minute; note (of e.g. a meeting)
minutaje {m} :: draft, drafting
minutero {m} :: A minute hand (clock)
minutero {m} :: timer
minutito {m} :: diminutive of minuto
minuto {m} :: minute (60 seconds)
mio- {prefix} :: myo-
mio {interj} :: meow (sound of a cat)
mío {pron} :: Mine
mío {adj} [predicative or after the noun] :: mine, my
mioblasto {m} :: myoblast
miocárdico {adj} :: myocardial
miocardio {m} [anatomy, cardiology] :: myocardium
miocardiopatía {f} :: cardiomyopathy
miocarditis {f} [medicine] :: myocarditis
mioceno {adj} :: Miocene
miocito {m} :: myocyte
mioclónico {adj} :: myoclonic
mioclono {m} :: myoclonus
mioepitelial {adj} :: myoepithelial
miofascial {adj} :: myofascial
miofibrilla {f} :: myofibril
mioglobina {f} [protein] :: myoglobin
miología {f} [anatomy] :: myology
mioma {m} :: myoma
miomatoso {adj} [medicine] :: myomatous
mionca {m} [vesre] :: truck
miopatía {f} :: myopathy
miopático {adj} :: myopathic
miope {adj} :: myopic
miope {adj} :: short-sighted
miope {mf} :: A myopic or short-sighted person
miopía {f} :: myopia, shortsightedness
miosina {f} [protein] :: myosin
miositis {f} [pathology] :: myositis
miostatina {f} [protein] :: myostatin
miotónico {adj} :: myotonic
mipyme {m} :: SME (small and medium-sized enterprise)
Miqueas {prop} {m} [bible] :: Micah (the book of the Bible)
miquelete {m} :: miquelet
MIR {prop} {m} :: initialism of Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria
MIR {prop} {m} :: initialism of Médico Interno Residente
mira {f} :: target
mira {f} :: purpose, object
miracidio {m} :: miracidium
miráculo {m} [rare, poetic, archaic] :: miracle (inexplicable event attributed to God or other divinity)
mirada {f} :: look, glance
miradita {f} :: diminutive of mirada
mirador {m} :: a viewpoint or vantage point
mirador {m} :: an enclosed balcony, or bay window
miraflorina {f} :: feminine noun of miraflorino
miraflorino {adj} :: Of or from the district of Miraflores District, Arequipa, Peru
miraflorino {m} :: An inhabitant of the district of Miraflores District, Arequipa, Peru
miramiento {m} :: courtesy, consideration
Miranda {prop} :: surname
mirandés {adj} :: Mirandese
mirandés {m} :: Mirandese (person)
mirandés {m} :: Mirandese (language)
mirandino {adj} :: Of or from the state of Miranda, Venezuela
mirandino {m} :: Someone from the state of Miranda
mira por dónde {adv} [idiom] :: woah; what the dickens; no shit (expression of surprise)
mirar {vt} :: to look at (to try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes)
mirar {vt} :: to watch (to look at, view, or observe for a period of time)
mirar {vt} :: to watch (to mind, attend, or guard)
mirar {vt} :: to consider, think over (to think about seriously)
mirar {vt} [usually in the imperative] :: used for emphasis; look
mirar {vt} :: to seek, look for (to try to find)
mirar {vi} :: to look (to try to see something, to pay attention with one’s eyes)
mirar {vi} [of a structure] :: to face, overlook (to be oriented towards a certain direction or thing)
mirar de hito en hito {v} [idiomatic] :: to stare at
mirar las musarañas {v} [idiom] :: to be idle; to watch paint dry
mirar por el rabillo del ojo {v} [idiom] :: to see out of the corner of one's eye
mirar por encima del hombro {v} [idiomatic] :: to stick one's nose up
mirarse {v} :: reflexive of mirar
mirarse el ombligo {v} [idiom] :: To navel-gaze
mirasol {m} :: sunflower
Mireia {prop} {f} :: given name
Mirella {prop} {f} :: given name
Mireya {prop} {f} :: given name
miríada {f} :: myriad
Miriam {prop} {f} :: given name
miriámetro {m} :: myriametre
miriápodo {adj} :: myriapod
miriápodo {m} :: myriapod
mirífico {adj} [poetic] :: admirable, wonderful
mirilla {f} :: spyhole, peephole
miriópodo {adj} :: alternative form of miriápodo
miriópodo {m} :: alternative form of miriápodo
mirista {adj} :: Of or relating to the Revolutionary Left Movement of Chile, a far-left political organisation
mirista {mf} :: A member of the Revolutionary Left Movement
mirlo {m} :: blackbird
mirmidón {m} :: myrmidon
mirón {adj} :: nosy
mirón {adj} :: voyeuristic
mirón {m} :: busybody
mirón {m} :: voyeur, peeping tom
mirón {m} :: rubbernecker, gawker, onlooker
mirona {f} :: feminine noun of mirón
mironeo {m} :: spying; lurking
mironiano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Joan Miró (Spanish painter)
mirra {f} :: myrrh
mirreina {f} :: feminine noun of mirrey
mirrey {m} [Mexico] :: yuppie
mirtazapina {f} :: mirtazapine
mirtilo {m} :: bilberry
mirto {m} :: myrtle
mis {adj} :: plural of mi
misa {f} :: mass (church)
Misael {prop} {m} :: given name
misal {m} :: missal
misandria {f} :: misandry
misándrica {f} :: feminine noun of misándrico
misándrico {adj} :: misandristic, misandrist, misandric, misandrous
misándrico {m} :: misandrist, misandric
misántropa {f} :: feminine noun of misántropo
misantropía {f} :: misanthropy
misántropo {adj} :: misanthropic
misántropo {m} :: misanthrope
misar {v} [colloquial] :: to attend mass
misar {v} [colloquial] :: to say mass
misceláneo {adj} :: miscellaneous
miscibilidad {f} :: miscibility
miscible {adj} :: miscible
miserabilismo {m} :: miserabilism
miserabilista {mf} :: miserabilist
miserabilista {adj} :: miserabilist
miserable {adj} :: miserable
miserable {adj} :: poor
miserable {adj} :: greedy, stingy
miserablemente {adv} :: miserably
míseramente {adv} :: miserably
miseria {f} :: misery
miseria {f} :: poverty
miseria {f} :: avarice, greed
miseria {f} :: very small amount
misericordia {f} :: mercy
misericordia {f} :: misericord
misericordioso {adj} :: merciful
mísero {adj} :: unfortunate, poor, wretched, pitiful
mísero {adj} :: stingy
mísero {adj} :: of small value, worthless, null
mísero {adj} :: miserable, unhappy
mísero {adj} :: tragic, unfortunate
mísero {adj} :: sick
mísero {adj} :: tormenting
misérrimo {adj} :: superlative of mísero
misesiana {f} :: feminine noun of misesiano
misesiano {adj} :: Misesian
misesiano {m} :: Misesian
misgurno {m} :: The pond loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)
misiá {f} [Latin America, dialectal] :: title of respect for a woman comparable to Mrs.
misil {m} :: missile (a self-propelled projectile whose trajectory can be adjusted after it is launched)
mísil {m} :: alternative form of misil
misilero {adj} [attributive] :: missile
misilístico {adj} [attributive] :: missile
misio {adj} :: Mysian
misio {m} :: Mysian
misión {f} :: mission, quest
misión {f} :: mission, task, assignment
misión {f} [Christianity, Roman Catholicism, religion] :: mission
misión {f} :: mission (a building used as a base for missionary work)
misión {f} [military] :: tour of duty
misional {adj} :: missionary
misionar {vi} [religion] :: to mission, do missionary work
misionaria {f} :: feminine noun of misionario
misionario {m} :: rare form of misionero
misionera {f} :: feminine noun of misionero
misionero {adj} :: Of or from Misiones
misionero {m} :: missionary
misionero {m} :: Someone from Misiones
Misiones {prop} :: Misiones (province)
Misisipi {prop} {m} :: Mississippi
Misisipí {prop} {m} :: Mississippi
misisipiano {adj} :: Mississippian
misisipiano {m} :: Mississippian
misiva {f} :: missive, message
miskito {adj} :: Miskito
mismamente {adv} :: only; just
mismamente {adv} :: actually; in fact
mismas {determiner} :: plural of misma
mismidad {f} :: sameness
mismísimo {adj} :: superlative of mismo, (the) very same
mismitico {adj} :: diminutive of mismito, itself a diminutive of mismo
mismitico {adv} :: diminutive of mismo
mismito {adj} :: diminutive of mismo
mismo {adj} :: same; identical; one and the same; indicates that the two compared noun clauses both represent the one thing
mismo {adj} :: similar; alike; practically identical; indicates that the two compared noun clauses have one or more matching qualities
mismo {adj} [with a personal pronoun] :: self; myself; yourself; himself; herself; itself; ourselves; themselves; emphasises the identity or singularity of the modified noun phrase
mismo {adj} [with a possessive pronoun] :: own; emphasizes the owner or the exclusivity of ownership in a noun phrase with a possessive pronoun
mismo {adv} :: right, exactly, immediately
mismos {determiner} :: plural of mismo
miso {m} :: miso
misoginia {f} :: misogyny
misógino {adj} :: misogynistic, misogynist, misogynic, misogynous
misógino {m} :: misogynist
misoprostol {m} :: misoprostol
mispíquel {m} [mineral, uncommon] :: arsenopyrite
misquito {m} :: Miskito
miss {f} :: beauty queen
mistela {f} :: mistelle
míster {m} [colloquial] :: coach (sports trainer or instructor, especially football)
mistérico {adj} :: mysteric, mystery (as in the mystery religions of Greco-Roman times)
misterio {m} :: mystery
misterio {m} :: mysteriousness
misteriosamente {adv} :: mysteriously
misterioso {adj} :: mysterious
misterioso {adj} :: mystery (e.g. mystery lover [in an affair], mystery man or woman [in a case or investigation])
misterioso {adj} :: eerie (e.g. an eerie place, an eerie air or glow, eerie music)
misterioso {adj} :: uncanny (e.g. uncanny knowledge or ability)
mística {f} :: feminine noun of místico
místicamente {adv} :: mystically
misticeto {adj} [attributive] :: mysticete
misticeto {m} :: mysticete
misticismo {m} :: mysticism
místico {adj} :: mystical
místico {m} :: mystic
mistificación {f} :: mystification
mistificador {adj} :: mystifying
mistificar {vt} :: to mystify, perplex
misto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of mixto
misto {m} [Galician, regional Spain] :: match (stick) (used regionally in provinces such as Galicia and Valencia)
mistol {m} :: mistol (tree)
mistraliano {adj} :: Mistralian
misturero {adj} :: alternative spelling of mixturero
Misuri {prop} {m} :: Missouri
misuriana {f} :: feminine noun of misuriano
misuriano {adj} :: Missourian
misuriano {m} :: Missourian
mitad {f} :: half
mitayo {m} [hitorical] :: Indian who worked in the mit'a
miteco {adj} :: Of or from Asunción Mita, Guatemala
miteco {m} :: Someone from Asunción Mita, Guatemala
míticamente {adv} :: mythically
mítico {adj} :: mythic, mythical
mitificación {f} :: mythification
mitificar {v} :: to mystify
mitigable {adj} :: mitigable
mitigación {f} :: mitigation
mitigar {v} :: to mitigate, alleviate, allay, assuage, quench
mitigar {v} :: to soothe
Mitilene {prop} {f} :: Mytilene
mitilenea {f} :: feminine noun of mitileneo
mitileneo {adj} :: Mytilenean
mitileneo {m} :: Mytilenean
Mitilini {prop} {f} :: Mytilene
mitimae {mf} :: A person forcibly resettled by the ruling Incas
mitin {m} :: rally (political meeting)
mitin {m} [by extension] :: speech
mitín {m} [Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua, Paraguay] :: alternative form of mitin
mitinero {adj} :: rabble-rousing
mitinero {m} :: rabble rouser
mito {m} :: myth
mitocondria {f} [cytology] :: mitochondrion
mitocondrial {adj} [cytology] :: mitochondrial
mitógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of mitógrafo
mitógrafo {m} :: mythographer
mitóloga {f} :: feminine noun of mitólogo
mitología {f} :: mythology (collection and study of myths)
mitológico {adj} :: mythological
mitólogo {m} :: mythologist
mitómana {f} :: feminine noun of mitómano
mitomanía {f} :: mythomania
mitómano {m} :: mythomaniac
mitón {m} :: fingerless glove
mitón {m} [South America] :: mitten
mitosis {f} [cytology] :: mitosis
mitosoma {f} [cytology] :: mitosome
mitote {m} :: indigenous dance of Mexico
mitote {m} [Mexico] :: party, celebration
mitote {m} [Mexico] :: uproar, disturbance
mitote {m} [Mexico] :: annoying or uncomfortable action, initiative, proposal or idea
mitótico {adj} :: mitotic
mitra {f} :: mitre
mitrado {m} :: bishop or archbishop (who may wear a mitre)
mitraísmo {m} :: Mithraism
mitral {adj} :: mitral (pertaining to the mitral valve)
Mitrídates {prop} {m} :: Mithridates (several Persian kings in ancient times)
mitridatismo {m} :: mithridatism
mitridatización {f} :: mithridatism
mitrismo {m} :: the political beliefs or rule of Bartolomé Mitre, president of Argentina 1862-1868
mitrista {adj} :: Of or relating to Bartolomé Mitre, Argentinian politician
mitrista {mf} :: A supporter of Bartolomé Mitre
miura {m} :: Miura bull
mix {m} :: mix
mixameba {f} :: myxamoeba
mixe {adj} :: Mixe
mixe {mf} :: Mixe (macrolanguage)
mixe {mf} :: Mixe (people)
mixolidio {adj} :: Mixolydian
mixóloga {f} :: feminine noun of mixólogo
mixología {f} :: mixology
mixólogo {m} :: mixologist
mixoma {m} :: myxoma
mixomatosis {m} :: myxomatosis
mixozoo {m} [zoology] :: myxozoan
Mixquiahuala {prop} :: Mixquiahuala (town)
Mixquiahuala {prop} :: Mixquiahuala (municipality)
mixteca {f} :: Mixtec
mixteco {m} :: Mixtec
mixteco {adj} :: Mixtec
mixtificación {f} :: alternative spelling of mistificación
mixtilínea {f} [computer graphics] :: path
mixtilíneo {adj} :: mixtilinear
mixto {adj} :: mixed
mixto {adj} :: compound
mixto {m} [regional, Spain] :: match (stick) (used chiefly in Castile and León)
mixtura {f} :: mixture
mixturar {v} [obsolete or rare] :: to mix
Miyagawa {prop} :: surname
miyako {m} :: Miyako (language)
Miyamoto {prop} :: surname
miz {m} [obsolete, colloquial] :: mog; kit (cat)
mizquite {m} :: obsolete spelling of mezquite
ML {prop} :: abbreviation of Morelos (Mexican state)
mm {m} :: abbreviation of milímetro
mnemónico {adj} :: mnemonic
mnemónico {m} :: mnemonic
mnemonista {adj} :: of a mnemonist
mnemonista {mf} :: mnemonist
Mnemosina {prop} {f} :: Mnemosyne
mnemotécnica {f} :: mnemonics
mnemotécnico {adj} :: mnemonic
moabita {mf} :: Moabite
moai {m} :: moai
moái {m} :: moai
moaré {m} :: moiré
mobbing {m} :: workplace bullying
mobiliario {adj} :: furniture (attributive)
mobiliario {m} :: a set of furniture
mobiliario urbano {m} :: street furniture
moça {f} :: obsolete spelling of moza
mocaccino {m} :: mocaccino
mocán {m} :: Visnea mocanera
mocana {f} :: feminine noun of mocano
mocano {adj} :: Of or from Moca
mocano {m} :: Someone from Moca
mocar {v} :: to blow someone's nose
mocárabe {m} :: honeycomb work; Mocárabe
mocasín {m} [footwear, rare] :: moccasin (native North American shoe)
mocasín {m} [footwear] :: laceless medium or low-heeled shoe
mocasín {m} [snake] :: pit viper belonging to the genus Agkistrodon
mocasín {m} [euphemistic, Mexico] :: booger, bogey (see "moco")
mocedad {f} :: youth (stage of life)
mocedad {f} :: prank
mocetón {m} :: huge guy
mocetona {f} :: big girl
mochacho {m} :: obsolete spelling of muchacho
mochales {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: nuts; barmy; wacko
mochar {v} :: to headbutt
mochar {v} :: to lop; to lop off
mochera {f} :: feminine noun of mochero
mochero {adj} :: Of or from Moche
mochero {m} :: Someone from Moche
mochica {adj} :: Mochica
mochica {mf} :: Mochica
mochil {m} :: errand boy, messenger boy, especially for farmers
mochila {f} :: backpack
mochilear {vi} :: to backpack (to engage in travel with a backpack)
mochilera {f} :: feminine noun of mochilero
mochilero {m} :: backpacker
mocho {adj} :: mutilated, incomplete
mocho {adj} :: hornless (of an animal that ordinarily has horns)
mocho {adj} [Mexico, slang] :: having a hypocritical and ostentatious faith
mocho {adj} :: cut very short (of hair, a pencil, etc.)
mocho {adj} :: bald (with a shaved head)
mocho {m} :: mop
mochuelo {m} :: little owl (Athene noctua)
mochuelo {m} [colloquial] :: dirty job
moción {f} :: motion
mocionante {mf} :: proposer (of a motion)
mocionar {v} :: to motion; propose
mocita {f} :: diminutive of moza
mocito {m} :: diminutive of mozo; small kid
moclobemida {f} :: moclobemide
moco {m} :: mucus, bogey, bogie, booger
moco {m} :: slime
moço {m} :: obsolete spelling of mozo
mocochinchi {m} [Bolivia] :: A peeled and dried peach from which a particular drink is made
mocosa {f} :: feminine noun of mocoso
mocoso {adj} :: having lots of mucus
mocoso {adj} :: mucous
mocoso {adj} :: mucilaginous
mocoso {adj} :: snotty
mocoso {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: brat
mocoso {m} [colloquial, Chile] :: a kid
mocosuena {adv} [Spain, colloquial] :: by Hobson-Jobson, attending to the sound of words without regard for meaning
mocoví {adj} :: Mocovi
mocoví {mf} :: Mocoví
mod {m} :: mod
moda {f} :: fashion
moda {f} :: fad
moda {f} [statistics] :: mode
modafinilo {m} :: modafinil
modal {adj} :: modal
modalidad {f} :: modality
modelación {f} :: modelling
modelador {m} :: modeler (someone who makes models)
modeladora {f} :: feminine noun of modelador
modelaje {m} :: modelling (profession of someone who models clothes)
modelamiento {m} :: modelling
modelar {v} :: to model
modelarse {v} :: reflexive of modelar
modélico {adj} :: model
modelismo {m} :: model building
modelista {mf} :: modelmaker
modelito {m} :: diminutive of modelo
modelización {f} :: modelling
modelizar {v} :: to represent in the form of a model or template
modelo {m} :: model (a successful example to be copied)
modelo {m} :: model (a representation of a physical object in miniature)
modelo {m} :: model (a simplified representation used to explain the workings of a system or event)
modelo {mf} :: fashion model
módem {m} :: modem
Módena {prop} {f} :: Módena (province)
Módena {prop} {f} :: Módena (city)
moderación {f} :: moderation
moderadamente {adv} :: moderately
moderado {adj} :: moderate
moderador {adj} :: moderating
moderador {m} :: moderator
moderadora {f} :: feminine noun of moderador
moderantismo {m} :: moderantism
moderar {vt} :: to moderate, to temper (to reduce the excessiveness of)
modernamente {adv} :: modernly
modernidad {f} :: modernity, modern day
modernillo {m} :: hipster
modernísimo {adj} :: superlative of moderno
modernismo {m} :: modernism
modernista {adj} :: modernist
modernista {mf} :: modernist
modernización {f} :: modernization
modernizador {adj} :: modernising
modernizador {m} :: modernizer
modernizar {v} :: to modernize
moderno {adj} :: modern
moderno {adj} :: modern-day
Modesta {prop} :: given name, female variant of Modesto
modestamente {adv} :: modestly
modestia {f} :: modesty
modestísimamente {adv} :: superlative of modestamente
modestísimo {adj} :: superlative of modesto
modesto {adj} :: modest, humble, unpretentious
Modesto {prop} {m} :: given name, male variant of Modesta
módico {adj} :: moderate, modest
módico {adj} :: limited, scarce
modificable {adj} :: modifiable
modificación {f} :: modification
modificación genética {f} :: genetic modification
modificador {adj} :: modifying
modificar {v} :: to modify
modificativo {adj} :: modifying
modificatorio {adj} :: modifying
modillón {m} [architecture] :: modillion
modiolo {m} [anatomy] :: modiolus
modismo {m} [linguistics] :: idiom
modista {mf} :: A tailor, fashion designer, or milliner
modistería {f} :: fashion design
modistería {f} :: tailor's
modisto {m} :: A tailor, fashion designer, or milliner
modo {m} :: way
modo {m} [grammar] :: mood
modo {m} [following "ni"] :: (no) matter; (there is no) solution (but oh well)
modoc {adj} :: Modoc
modoc {mf} :: Modoc
modo condicional {m} [grammar] :: conditional mood
modo imperativo {m} [grammar] :: imperative mood
modo indicativo {m} [grammar] :: indicative mood
Modona {prop} {f} :: Methoni
modorra {f} :: fatigue, drowsiness
modorrar {v} :: to cause to be drowsy
modosito {adj} :: polite
modoso {adj} :: well-mannered
modoso {adj} :: demure
modo subjuntivo {m} [grammar] :: subjunctive mood
modulación {f} :: modulation
modulador {adj} :: modulating
modulador {m} :: modulator
modular {adj} :: modular
modular {v} :: to modulate
modularidad {f} :: modularity
modularizar {v} :: to modularize
módulo {m} :: module
módulo de elasticidad {m} :: synonym of módulo de Young: modulus of elasticity
módulo de Young {m} [physics] :: Young’s modulus (coefficient of a solid’s elasticity)
modus operandi {m} :: modus operandi
modus vivendi {m} :: modus vivendi
moense {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Moa, Cuba
moense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Moa, Cuba
mofa {f} :: taunt, joke
mofar {vr} :: taunt (to make fun of someone)
mofarse {v} :: reflexive of mofar
mofeta {f} :: skunk
mofle {m} [Mexico] :: muffler (part of exhaust pipe)
moflete {m} :: chubby cheek; fat cheek
mofletudo {adj} :: fleshy, meaty
mofongo {m} :: A Caribbean dish of fried green plantains or yucca seasoned with garlic, olive oil and pork crackling, then mashed
Mogadiscio {prop} :: Mogadiscio (capital city)
moganita {f} [mineral] :: moganite
mogate {m} :: varnish
moghrabín {m} :: obsolete spelling of magrebí
mogol {adj} :: Moghul
mogol {mf} :: Moghul
mogollón {m} [colloquial] :: shedload; lot (large amount)
mogollón {adv} [colloquial] :: a lot; a shitton
mogote {m} :: mogote
moguereña {f} :: feminine noun of moguereño
moguereño {m} :: Someone from Moguer
moguereño {adj} :: Of or from Moguer
mohair {m} :: mohair
moharra {f} :: spearhead
mohawk {m} :: (hairstyle) Mohawk
mohicano {m} :: A Mohawk hairstyle
mohín {m} :: pout (facial expression)
mohína {f} :: displeasure, annoyance
mohíno {adj} :: gloomy; downbeat; sulky
mohíno {adj} :: (of cattle) dark black
mohíno {m} :: hinny (offspring of a horse and donkey)
mohíno {m} :: azure-winged magpie
moho {m} :: mildew (US), mold, mould (UK, AU, CA)
moho {m} [dated] :: rust
Moho {prop} :: Moho (province)
mohoso {adj} :: musty, moldy
mohoso {adj} :: rusty
Moiras {prop} {fp} [Greek mythology] :: the Moirai, the Fates
moisés {m} :: wicker crib
Moisés {prop} :: Moses (biblical figure)
Moisés {prop} :: given name
mojabilidad {f} :: wettability
mojada {f} :: feminine noun of mojado
mojadera {f} :: drenching; soaking
mojadera {f} [Panama] :: A festival in which those attending get a soaking
mojado {adj} :: wet
mojado {m} [slang, pejorative] :: Wetback; one who crosses an international border by passing through a body of water by wading, swimming, etc. from the shore of one country to illegally enter the adjacent country. For example, so crossing the border into the United States from Mexico, or from Morocco to Spain
mojadura {f} :: soaking
mojama {f} :: mojama
mojar {v} :: to moisten
mojar {v} :: to make wet, to wet
mojar {v} :: to dip (+ en)
mojar {v} :: to toast (celebrate with a drink)
mojarra {f} :: mojarra
mojarra {f} :: tilapia
mojarse {v} :: (reflexive of mojar) to get wet
mojarse {v} :: to wet oneself
mojeña {f} :: feminine noun of mojeño
mojeño {adj} :: Mojeño
mojeño {m} :: Mojeño
mojicón {m} :: A type of sponge cake
mojicón {m} [colloquial] :: A slap in the face
mojiganga {f} :: mummery
mojigatería {f} :: prudishness, sanctimony
mojigato {adj} :: sanctimonious (making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically)
mojigato {adj} :: prim; prudish
mojito {m} :: mojito
mojo {m} :: A type of spicy red sauce from the Canary Islands made from chilli, oil, vinegar, garlic and cumin
mojón {m} :: milestone
mojón {m} :: landmark
mojón {m} [rare] :: pile
mojón {m} [vulgar] :: pile of shit, turd
mojonar {v} :: alternative spelling of amojonar
mojonear {v} :: to blag
mojonera {f} :: Place where milestones are located
moksha {m} :: Moksha language
mol {m} :: mole (unit)
mol {m} [Canarian] :: Artemisia thuscula
molalidad {f} :: molality
molar {adj} :: molar
molar {m} :: molar
molar {vi} [colloquial, Spain] :: to rule, rock (be pleasing)
molaridad {f} :: molarity
molariforme {adj} :: molariform
molcajete {m} :: A small mortar, typically carved from vesicular basalt and used in traditional Mexican cuisine
moldadura {f} :: mould
moldava {f} :: feminine noun of moldavo
Moldava {prop} {m} :: Vltava
Moldavia {prop} {f} :: Moldova (country)
moldavo {adj} :: Moldavian
moldavo {m} :: Moldavian
molde {m} :: mold, cast
molde {m} :: pan, tin (for baking)
moldeable {adj} :: malleable
moldeado {m} :: molding (act or process of shaping in or on a mold)
moldeador {m} :: moulder; shaper
moldeadora {f} :: feminine noun of moldeador
moldeamiento {m} :: shaping; moulding
moldeamiento {m} [psychologoy] :: shaping
moldear {vt} :: to mold (to shape in or on a mold)
moldear {vt} :: to mold (to form into a particular shape)
moldear {vt} :: to mold (to guide the growth of; to influence)
moldura {f} :: mold, molding
molduración {f} :: moulding
moldura de corona {f} :: crown molding
moldurar {v} :: synonym of moldear
mole {adj} :: soft, mild
mole {f} :: hunk, chunk, slab (thing of large size or quantity)
mole {f} :: massiveness
mole {m} [Mexico] :: mole, a type of stew
molécula {f} [chemistry] :: molecule
molecular {adj} :: molecular
molecularmente {adv} :: molecularly
moledor {adj} :: grinding
moledor {m} :: grinder
moler {v} :: to grind
molero {m} :: millstone seller
moleskine {m} :: moleskin
molestar {v} :: to bother, to disturb, to trouble, to impose, to inconvenience, to burden
molestar {v} :: to annoy, to tease, to pester, to bug, to hassle
molestar {v} :: to upset, to discomfort
molestar {v} :: to mind [uses indirect object]
molestar {vi} :: to intrude
molestar {vr} :: to get upset
molestarse {v} :: reflexive of molestar
molestia {f} :: trouble, nuisance, hassle, annoyance, bother, vexation, inconvenience, pain in the ass, pain in the butt, disturbance, burden, imposition, pestering
molestia {f} :: discomfort (health-related or bodily pain)
molestísimo {adj} :: superlative of molesto
molesto {adj} :: annoyed, vexed
molesto {adj} :: annoying, obtrusive
molesto {adj} :: uncomfortable
molestoso {adj} [Latin America] :: annoying
molibdenita {f} [mineral] :: molybdenite
molibdeno {m} :: molybdenum
molicie {f} :: softness, tenderness
molido {adj} :: ground (crushed into a powder)
molido {adj} :: minced
molido {adj} [colloquial] :: knackered
molido {m} :: grind or powder
molienda {f} :: grist
molienda {f} :: grinding, milling
molienda {f} :: mill
molienda {f} :: tiredness
molienda {f} :: nuisance
moliente {adj} :: only used in corriente y moliente
molimiento {m} :: grinding
molimiento {m} :: tiredness
Molina {prop} :: surname
Molina {prop} :: Molina (city)
molinar {m} :: area where there are mills
molinar {v} [Cuba] :: To mill
molineño {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Molina
molinense {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Molina
molinera {f} :: female equivalent of molinero
molinería {f} :: milling industry
molinero {m} :: miller
molinete {m} :: pinwheel
molinete {m} :: windlass
molinete {m} :: turnstile
molinillo {m} :: molinillo (traditional Mexican wood whisk)
molinillo {m} [Mexico, Spain, South America] :: pepper mill
molinillo {m} :: grinder, coffee grinder
molinillo {m} :: pinwheel
molinillo de café {m} :: coffee grinder
molino {m} :: a mill
molino de bolas {m} :: ball mill
molino de café {m} :: coffee grinder
molino de viento {m} :: windmill
molino glaciar {m} :: moulin
molla {f} :: the soft flesh of a fruit
mollar {adj} :: mushy, soft, easy to peel
mollar {adj} :: cushy
mollar {adj} :: gullible
molleja {f} :: gizzard
molleja {f} :: sweetbread
mollera {f} :: top of the head
mollera {f} :: brains, brainchild
mollete {m} :: muffin
mollez {f} :: springiness
molleza {f} [archaic] :: softness
molón {n} [colloquial] :: cool
molondrón {m} :: okra, Abelmoschus esculentus
molosa {f} :: feminine noun of moloso
moloso {adj} :: Molossian
moloso {m} :: Molossian
molote {m} [Mexico] :: A filled corn-based pastry usually served as an appetizer or snack
molotov {m} [rare] :: synonym of cóctel mólotov
moltura {f} :: the action and effect of grinding grains or fruits
molturación {f} :: pressing (in winemaking)
molusco {m} :: mollusc
molusco {adj} :: molluscan
molusquicida {f} :: molluscicide
moma {f} :: blenny
momentáneamente {adv} :: momentarily
momentáneo {adj} :: momentary
momentazo {m} :: augmentative of momento
momentico {m} :: diminutive of momento
momentito {m} :: diminutive of momento
momento {m} [time] :: moment, instant
momento {m} :: timing
momento {m} [physics] :: momentum
momento de la verdad {m} :: moment of truth
mometasona {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: mometasone
momia {f} :: mummy
momia {f} [Chile, colloquial, politics, feminine] :: right-winger (masculine momio)
momificación {f} :: mummification
momificar {vt} :: to mummify
momio {adj} [meat] :: lean
momio {adj} [Chile, colloquial, politics] :: on the right wing
momio {m} :: bargain, extra [in a deal]
momio {m} [Chile, colloquial, politics, masculine] :: right-winger (feminine momia)
momiza {f} [Mexico, dated] :: the older, old-fashioned generation
momo {m} :: funny face; silly face
momoto {m} :: motmot
mona {f} :: drunkenness, fuddle
mona {f} :: feminine noun of mono; female monkey
mona {f} :: copycat
mona {f} [Mexico, Chile] :: doll, puppet
mona {f} [Colombia] :: blonde woman
moña {f} :: lace, ribbon
moña {f} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
monacal {adj} :: monastic
monacato {m} :: the monastic life
monacato {m} :: monks, nuns (collectively)
monacillo {m} :: altar boy
monacillo {m} :: Turkcap; Turk's turban (Malvaviscus arboreus)
monacita {f} :: monazite
Mónaco {prop} {m} :: Mónaco (city-state)
monada {f} :: action of a monkey
monada {f} :: cute gesture or action of a child
monada {f} :: childish behavior
monada {f} :: neat little thing
monada {f} :: cutie
mónada {f} :: monad
monádico {adj} :: monadic (of, or relating to a monad)
monadita {f} :: diminutive of monada
monago {m} :: altar boy, acolyte
mónago {m} [obsolete] :: monk
monaguense {adj} :: Of or from the state of Monagas, Venezuela
monaguense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the state of Monagas, Venezuela
monaguilla {f} :: altar girl
monaguillo {m} :: altar boy, acolyte
monarca {mf} :: monarch
monarquía {f} :: monarchy
monarquía absoluta {f} :: absolute monarchy
monarquía constitucional {f} :: constitutional monarchy
monarquía parlamentaria {f} [politics] :: parliamentary monarchy
monárquicamente {adv} :: monarchically
monárquico {adj} :: monarchic
monárquico {adj} :: monarchist, royalist
monárquico {m} :: monarchist
monarquismo {m} :: monarchism
moñas {m} [colloquial] :: mummy's boy, wimp, wuss
monasterio {m} :: monastery
monasticismo {m} :: monasticism
monástico {adj} :: monastic
moncadense {mf} :: Someone from the municipality of Montcada, Spain
moncadista {mf} :: A supporter of Hilario Moncado
Moncloa {prop} {f} :: Palace of Moncloa, seat of the Spanish prime minister
Moncloa {prop} {f} [metonym, politics] :: the central government of Spain
monclovita {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the president, or central government of Spain
mondadientes {m} :: toothpick
mondar {v} :: to peel
mondo {adj} :: net, pure
mondongo {m} :: tripe
mondongo {m} [culinary] :: tripes and paunch
mondo y lirondo {adj} [idiom] :: pure and simple
Mondragón {prop} :: Mondragón (town)
Mondragón {prop} :: surname
moneda {f} :: coin (piece of currency in the shape of a disc)
moneda {f} :: currency (money)
moneda corriente {f} [idiomatic] :: (something) commonplace, a common thing
moneda fuerte {f} :: hard currency
moneda única {f} :: single currency
monedera {f} :: (small) purse or money box
monedero {m} :: purse, wallet
monedita {f} :: diminutive of moneda
monegasca {f} :: feminine noun of monegasco
monegasco {adj} :: Monégasque (from or native to Monaco)
monegasco {adj} :: Monégasque (pertaining to Monaco)
monegasco {m} :: a Monégasque
monería {f} :: monkey business
monería {f} :: funny face
monería {f} :: delight
monesterio {m} :: obsolete spelling of monasterio
monetal {adj} :: monetary
monetariamente {adv} :: monetarily, financially
monetario {adj} :: Related to the currency; monetary
monetarismo {m} :: monetarism
monetarista {adj} :: monetarist
monetarista {mf} :: monetarist
monetarizar {v} :: to monetize
moñete {m} :: ponytail (hairstyle)
monetización {f} :: monetization
monetizar {v} :: to monetize
Monge {prop} :: surname of Portuguese origin
mongo {m} [colloquial, Chile, Cuba] :: idiot
mongo {adj} [colloquial, Chile, Cuba] :: idiotic
mongol {adj} :: Mongolian (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures)
mongol {m} :: Mongol, Mongolian (person)
mongol {m} :: Mongolian language
mongol {m} :: idiot
mongola {f} :: feminine noun of mongol
Mongolia {prop} {f} :: Mongolia
mongólico {adj} :: Mongolic
mongólico {adj} :: moronic
mongolita {f} :: diminutive of mongola
mongolito {m} :: diminutive of mongol
mongoloide {adj} :: Mongoloid
mongoloide {mf} :: Mongoloid
moniato {m} :: alternative form of boniato
Mónica {prop} {f} :: given name
monición {f} :: admonition
mónico {adj} :: monic
monigote {m} [colloquial] :: rag doll
monigote {m} [colloquial] :: stick man
monigote {m} [colloquial, figurative] :: puppet
monigote {m} [colloquial] :: cardboard or wooden representation of a human, used in various events or carnivals
monigote {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: idiot, village idiot, buffoon
monigote {m} [colloquial] :: doodle
monillo {m} :: diminutive of mono
monísimo {adj} :: superlative of mono
monismo {m} :: monism
monista {mf} :: monist (advocate of monism)
monito {m} :: diminutive of mono
monito del monte {m} :: a monito del monte
monitor {m} :: monitor (electronic device)
monitor {m} :: instructor, monitor
monitor {m} :: coach, trainer
monitora {f} :: feminine noun of monitor
monitorear {v} :: to monitor
monitoreo {m} :: monitoring
monitorieo {m} :: alternative spelling of monitoreo
monitorio {m} :: monitory
monitorista {mf} :: security guard who watches monitors of CCTV cameras
monitorización {f} :: monitoring
monitorizar {v} :: to monitor
monja {f} :: nun
monje {m} :: monk
Monje {prop} {m} :: surname
monjería {f} :: cloister
monjil {adj} [attributive] :: nun
monjil {adj} :: nunlike
monjil {adj} :: pious
monjil {m} :: nun's habit
monjita {f} :: diminutive of monja
mono- {prefix} :: mono-
mono {adj} [Spain, colloquial] :: cute, pretty
mono {adj} [Colombia, colloquial] :: blond, blonde
mono {m} :: monkey
mono {m} :: boiler suit, coveralls, overall, onesie (a one-piece suit combining trousers and jacket, worn for heavy or hot manual labour)
mono {m} :: jumpsuit (a one-piece item of clothing originally by parachutists)
mono {m} :: jumpsuit (a female one-piece item of clothing)
mono {m} [Chile, Peru] :: tracksuit, joggers (garment consisting of a top and trousers for sports and casual wear)
mono {m} [Costa Rica, slang] :: the vulva or vagina
mono {m} [Mexico, Chile] :: doll, puppet
mono {m} [colloquial] :: withdrawal symptom
moño {m} :: bun, chignon (hairstyle)
moño {m} [Mexico, South America] :: bow (of ribbon)
moño {m} [Argentina, El Salvador, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Uruguay] :: bow tie, bowtie
monoamino {adj} :: monoamine
monoamino {m} :: monoamine
monoamino oxidasa {f} :: monoamine oxidase
monoaminooxidasa {f} [enzyme] :: monoamine oxidase
mono araña {m} :: spider monkey
monoartritis {f} [pathology] :: monoarthritis
monoatómico {adj} :: monoatomic
mono aullador {m} :: howler monkey
monoaural {adj} :: monaural
mono barrigudo {m} :: brown woolly monkey
monobloque {adj} :: monobloc
monocapa {f} :: monolayer
monocarpo {adj} :: monocarpic
monocarril {m} :: monorail
monocasco {m} :: monocoque
monocatenario {adj} :: single-stranded
monoceja {f} :: unibrow
monocerote {m} [rare] :: unicorn
monociclo {m} :: unicycle
monocigótico {adj} :: monozygotic
monocilíndrico {adj} :: one-cylinder
monocito {m} :: monocyte
monoclínico {adj} [chemistry] :: monoclinic
monoclonal {adj} :: monoclonal
monocolor {adj} :: one-color/one-colour, monocolor/monocolour, unicolor/unicolour, monochromatic
monocolor {adj} [politics] :: single-party, one-party
monocorde {adj} :: monotonous
monocotiledón {m} :: monocotyledon
monocotiledónea {f} :: monocotyledon
monocotiledóneo {adj} :: monocotyledonous
monocristal {m} :: monocrystal
monocristalino {adj} :: monocrystalline
monocromado {adj} :: monochrome
monocromador {m} :: monochromator
monocromático {adj} :: monochromatic
monocromatismo {m} :: monochromatism (all senses)
monocromía {f} :: monochromy
monocromo {adj} :: monochrome (having only one color)
monóculo {m} :: monocle
monocultivo {m} :: monoculture
monocultura {f} :: monoculture
mono de feria {m} :: performing monkey
monodia {f} :: monody
monódico {adj} :: monodic
monoespacio {m} :: monospace type
monoespecífico {adj} :: monospecific
monofásico {adj} :: monophasic
monofilamento {m} :: monofilament
monofilético {adj} :: monophyletic
monofisismo {m} :: monophysism
monofisita {mf} :: monophysite
monofisita {adj} :: monophysitic
monofónico {adj} :: monophonic
monofosfato {m} :: monophosphate
monofosfuro {m} :: monophosphide
monogamia {f} :: monogamy (a permanent pair bond between two beings)
monogamia {f} :: monogamy (the practice of being married to one person)
monogámico {adj} :: monogamic
monógamo {adj} :: monogamous
monógamo {adj} [zoology] :: monogamous
monogástrico {adj} :: monogastric
monogenérico {adj} [taxonomy] :: monogeneric
monogénico {adj} :: monogenic
monografía {f} :: monograph
monográficamente {adv} :: monographically
monográfico {adj} :: monographic
monografista {mf} :: monographer, monographist
monograma {m} :: monogram (a design composed of one or more letters used as an identifying mark)
monohidrato {adj} :: monohydrate
monohilera {adj} :: single-row
monoico {adj} :: monoicous
monoide {m} [mathematics] :: monoid
monoinsaturado {adj} :: monounsaturated
monokini {m} :: monokini
monolingüe {adj} :: monolingual
monolingüismo {m} :: monolingualism, unilingualism, monoglottism
monolítico {adj} :: monolithic
monolitismo {m} :: monolithism
monolito {m} :: monolith
monologante {adj} :: speaking in a monologue
monologar {vi} :: to monologue
monólogo {m} :: monologue
monologuista {mf} :: monologist, monologuist, stand-up, stand-up comedian
monomanía {f} :: monomania
monomarca {adj} :: single-brand
monomérico {adj} :: monomeric
monómero {m} [chemistry] :: monomer
monómetro {m} :: monometer
monomio {m} [mathematics] :: monomial
monomito {m} :: monomyth
monomodo {adj} :: monomode
monomorfismo {m} :: monomorphism
monomotor {adj} :: one-motor
mononuclear {adj} :: mononuclear
mononucleosis {f} :: mononucleosis
monooxigenasa {f} [enzyme] :: monooxygenase
monoparental {adj} :: single parent (attributive)
monopatín {m} :: skateboard
monopatinaje {m} [dated] :: skateboarding
monoplano {adj} :: single-winged
monoplano {m} :: monoplane
monoplataforma {adj} [computing] :: single-platform
monoplaza {adj} :: (of a vehicle) Having only one seat
monoplaza {m} :: A vehicle having only one seat
monoploide {adj} :: monoploid
monoploidía {f} :: monoploidy
monopodial {adj} :: monopodial
monopolar {adj} :: monopolar
monopólico {adj} :: monopolistic
monopolio {m} :: monopoly
monopolista {mf} :: monopolist
monopolístico {adj} :: monopolistic
monopolización {f} :: monopolization
monopolizador {m} :: monopolizer
monopolizadora {f} :: monopolizer
monopolizar {v} :: to monopolize/monopolise
monopolo {m} :: monopole
monopoly {m} :: Monopoly (board game)
mono porfiado {m} :: roly-poly (toy)
monoposte publicitario {m} :: advertising hoard
monoposto {adj} :: single-seat
monoposto {m} :: single-seater
monopoyesis {f} [biology] :: monopoiesis
monoprótico {adj} :: monoprotic
monopsonio {m} :: monopsony
monoptongación {f} :: monophthongization
monoptongo {m} :: monophthong
monopulso {adj} :: monopulse
monopunto {adj} :: single-point
monoquini {m} :: monokini
monoriel {m} :: monorail
monorraíl {m} :: monorail
monorriel {m} :: monorail
monosacárido {m} [organic chemistry, carbohydrate] :: monosaccharide
monos animados {mp} [Latin America] :: cartoon (animated piece of film)
monosilábico {adj} :: monosyllabic
monosílabo {adj} [linguistics] :: monosyllabic
monosílabo {adj} :: taciturn, untalkative, curt
monosódico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: monosodium (attributive)
monosomía {f} :: monosomy
monospermo {adj} :: monospermic
monotarea {adj} :: single-tasking
monoteísmo {m} :: monotheism
monoteísta {adj} :: monotheistic
monotelismo {m} :: Monotheletism, Monothelitism
monotema {m} [usually, pejorative] :: single topic
monotemático {adj} :: monothematic
monoterapia {f} [medicine] :: monotherapy
monoterpeno {m} [organic compound] :: monoterpene
monoterpenoide {m} [organic compound] :: monoterpenoid
monotípico {adj} [taxonomy] :: monotypic (relating to or exhibiting monotypy)
monotipo {m} :: monotype
monotiro {adj} :: single-shot
monótonamente {adv} :: monotonously
monotonía {f} :: monotony
monótono {adj} :: monotonous, humdrum
monotrema {m} :: monotreme
monotubo {m} :: monotube
monousuario {adj} [computing] :: single-user
monovalente {adj} :: monovalent
monovarietal {adj} :: monovarietal
monovolumen {m} :: minivan
monóxido {m} [chemistry] :: monoxide
monroísmo {m} :: Monroeism
Monrovia {prop} :: Monrovia (capital city)
monroviana {f} :: feminine noun of monroviano
monroviano {adj} :: Monrovian (of or pertaining to Monrovia, Liberia)
monroviano {m} :: Monrovian (native or resident of Monrovia, Liberia)
Monse {prop} {f} :: given name
monseñor {m} :: Monsignor
monserga {f} :: gibberish, drivel
Monserrat {prop} {f} :: given name
Monsón {prop} :: surname
monstrua {f} :: (female) monster; monstress
monstruillo {m} :: diminutive of monstruo
monstruito {m} :: diminutive of monstruo; little monster
monstruo {m} :: monster, beast, behemoth
monstruo {m} :: juggernaut
monstruo {m} [colloquial] :: freak, creep
monstruo de Gila {m} :: Gila monster
monstruo del lago Ness {prop} [cryptozoology] :: Loch Ness monster
monstruosamente {adv} :: monstrously
monstruosidad {f} :: monstrosity, monstrousness
monstruosidad {f} :: eyesore
monstruosidad {f} [colloquial] :: freak, freakish thing
monstruoso {adj} :: monstrous
monstruoso {adj} :: horrible
monta {f} :: riding
monta {f} :: mounting
monta {f} :: total, sum total
monta {f} :: importance
montacargas {m} :: service lift, goods lift, cargo lift [UK], freight elevator, goods elevator, service elevator, cargo elevator [US]
montacargas {m} :: forklift
montadito {m} [Spain] :: mini sandwich
montado {adj} [colloquial, Spain] :: loaded; rolling in it (rich)
montado {adj} :: whipped (said of cream)
montador {m} :: assembler (one who assembles items)
montador {m} :: editor (of film)
montadora {f} :: feminine noun of montador
montaje {m} :: assembly
montaje {m} :: arrangement, orchestration
montaje {m} :: montage
montaje {m} [cinematography] :: editing
montajista {mf} :: film editor
Montalbán {prop} :: Montalbán (town)
Montalbán {prop} :: surname
Montalbo {prop} :: surname a rare variant of Montalvo
Montana {prop} {f} :: Montana (state)
montaña {f} :: mountain
montaña rusa {f} :: rollercoaster
montañera {f} :: mountaineer
montañero {adj} [attributive] :: mountain
montañero {m} :: mountaineer
montañero {m} :: bumpkin, churl, boor, yokel
montanés {adj} :: Montanan
montanés {m} :: Montanan
montañés {adj} :: mountain, highland
montañés {m} :: highlander, mountaineer
montañés {m} :: the Astur-Leonese dialect spoken in western parts of Cantabria
Montañés {prop} :: surname
montanesa {f} :: feminine noun of montanés
Montañez {prop} :: surname
montañismo {m} :: mountaineering
montañista {mf} :: A mountaineer
montañita {f} :: diminutive of montaña
montano {adj} :: montane
Montaño {prop} :: surname
montañoso {adj} :: mountainous
montante {m} :: a two-handed sword
montante {m} :: total (original amount of money plus interest)
montante {m} :: window over the door to a room; fanlight
montante {m} [nautical] :: pieces that form the outline of the stern
montante {f} :: wall stud
montar {v} :: to mount
montar {v} :: to ride
montar {v} :: to set up
montar {v} :: to establish
montar {v} [Spain, cooking] :: to whip, beat
montar {vr} :: to hump
montaraz {m} :: ranger, mountaineer, roughneck, ranchhand (i.e. guardian of a vast, wild estate, especially mountainous)
montaraz {adj} :: wild, rough (i.e. not quite civilized)
montaraza {f} :: female ranger (i.e. guardian of a vast and wild estate)
montaraza {f} :: wife of a montaraz
montar el numerito {v} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of montar un numerito
montar el pollo {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to make a scene
montarla {v} [colloquial] :: to kick up a fuss
montarrascal {m} [El Salvador] :: thicket, underbrush, brush, scrub (rough vegetation)
montarse {v} :: reflexive of montar
montarse historias {v} [idiom, Spain] :: To make things up; to fabricate lies
montarse la de San Quintín {v} [idiom] :: alternative form of armar la de san Quintín
montárselo {vr} [idiomatic] :: to behave, act
montárselo {v} [idiom] :: to have it off; to do it (have sex)
montar una escena {v} [idiomatic] :: to make a scene
montar un numerito {v} [idiomatic] :: to kick up a fuss, make a scene
Montblanc {prop} {m} :: Montblanc, a village in Tarragona, Spain
monte {m} :: mountain, mount
monte {m} :: hill
monte {m} :: forest, wilderness
monte {m} [Mexico] :: desert
monte {m} [Dominican Republic, Mexico, singular only] :: underbrush
monte {m} [Dominican Republic, Mexico, singular only] :: weeds
Monte {prop} :: surname
Montealegre {prop} :: surname
montecillo {m} :: hill
montecito {m} :: diminutive of monte: little mountain
montecristense {adj} :: Of or from Montecristi
montecristense {mf} :: Someone from Montecristi
monte de Venus {m} :: mons Venus
Montejo {prop} :: surname
montelukast {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: montelukast
Montemayor {prop} :: surname, the 485th most common in Mexico
montenegrina {f} :: feminine noun of montenegrino
montenegrino {adj} :: Montenegrin
montenegrino {m} :: Montenegrin (person)
Montenegro {prop} :: Montenegro
Montenegro {prop} :: surname
montepío {m} :: social collective fund
montepío {m} :: institution that holds the fund
montera {f} [bullfighting] :: bullfighter's hat
montera {f} :: bagpiper's hat
montereña {f} :: feminine noun of montereño
montereño {adj} :: Of or from the city or municipality of Montero, Bolivia
montereño {m} :: Someone from the city or municipality of Montero, Bolivia
montería {f} [hunting] :: beating
monterilla {f} :: diminutive of montera
monterita {f} :: Any of a number of different species of finch
montero {m} :: hunter; beater
Montero {prop} {m} :: surname
Monterrey {prop} {f} :: Monterrey (city/capital)
Monterrey {prop} {f} :: Monterrey (city)
Monterrey {prop} {f} :: Monterrey (town/capital)
Monterrey {prop} {f} :: Monterrey (town)
Montes {prop} {m} :: surname
montés {adj} :: highland, mountain (attributive)
montesinista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the government of Vladimiro Montesinos, Peruvian politician
montesinista {mf} :: A follower or adherent of the ideology of Vladimiro Montesinos, Peruvian politician
monteverde {m} :: An area of subtropical forest found in the Canary Islands
montevideana {f} :: feminine noun of montevideano
montevideano {adj} :: Montevidean, of or from Montevideo
montevideano {m} :: Montevidean, native or inhabitant of Montevideo
Montevideo {prop} :: Montevideo (capital city)
monticular {adj} [baseball, attributive] :: pitching
monticulista {mf} [baseball, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela] :: pitcher
montículo {m} :: mound; monticule
montículo {m} [baseball] :: mound
montillana {f} :: feminine noun of montillano
montillano {adj} :: Of or from Montilla
montillano {m} :: Someone from Montilla
Montjuic {prop} {m} :: Montjuïc
montmorillonita {f} [mineral] :: montmorillonite
monto {m} :: amount
montón {m} :: heap, pile (collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation)
montón {m} :: ton, a lot, bunch, heap, loads (a great deal; a great quantity)
montonazo {m} :: whole lot, great bunch
montoncillo {m} :: diminutive of montón
montoncito {m} :: diminutive of montón
montonera {f} [history] :: an armed civilian in a paramilitary group, who organized in the 19th century during the Argentine Civil War
montonera {f} [colloquial] :: shedload, bucketload, hell of a lot if
montonero {m} :: mounted rebel
montoso {adj} [rare] :: alternative spelling of montuoso
Montoya {prop} :: surname
Montreal {prop} {f} :: Montreal (largest city)
Montréal {prop} :: alternative form of Montreal
montrealense {f} :: Someone from Montreal
montrealés {adj} :: Montrealer (of or pertaining to Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
montrealés {m} :: Montrealer (native or resident of Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
montrealesa {f} :: feminine noun of montrealés
Montserrat {prop} {f} :: A hill near Barcelona in Catalonia, the site of a monastery
Montserrat {prop} {f} :: given name, shortened from María (de) Montserrat, a Roman Catholic epithet of the Virgin Mary as the patron of Catalonia
Montserrat {prop} {f} :: Montserrat (the island)
montubia {f} :: feminine noun of montubio
montubio {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Montubio people of Ecuador
montubio {m} :: A member of the Montubio people of Ecuador
montuno {adj} :: highland, mountain [attributive] (from the mountains)
montuno {adj} [Latin America] :: rude, crude (not civilized)
montuno {m} [music] :: montuno
montuoso {adj} :: mountainous
montuoso {adj} [attributive] :: mountain
montura {f} :: mount (animal used for riding)
montura {f} :: harness (gear used for riding)
montura {f} :: mounting
montura {f} :: assembling
montuvia {f} :: feminine noun of montuvio
montuvio {m} :: synonym of montubio
moñudo {adj} :: tufted
moñudo {m} :: southern crested caracara
monumental {adj} :: monumental
monumentalidad {f} :: monumentality
monumentalismo {m} :: monumentalism
monumentalista {mf} :: monumentalist
monumentalización {f} :: monumentalization
monumentalmente {adv} :: monumentally
monumento {m} :: monument
monzón {mf} :: monsoon
monzónico {adj} [attributive] :: monsoon
monzonita {f} :: monzonite
mopa {f} [Spain] :: mop
mopane {m} :: mopane
mopear {v} [US Spanish] :: to mop
mopera {f} :: A type of dancer in Bolivia
moperita {f} :: diminutive of mopera
moquear {v} :: to have a runny nose
moquear {vr} :: to run
Moquegua {prop} :: Moquegua (region)
Moquegua {prop} :: Moquegua (city)
moquera {f} :: runny nose
moqueta {f} :: fitted carpet
moquete {m} :: A punch to the nose
moquillo {m} :: distemper (disease of animals)
moquito {m} :: booger
moquito {m} :: little booger
mora {f} :: a mulberry, a mulberry fruit
mora {f} :: default (failure to meet an obligation on time)
mora {f} [phonology] :: mora (unit of syllable weight)
mora {f} :: feminine noun of moro
mora azul {f} :: blueberry
morabito {m} [Islam] :: marabout
moráceo {adj} [botany] :: moraceous
mora chehalem {f} :: Chehalem berry
morada {f} :: abode, dwelling
morada {f} :: resting place
Morada {prop} :: surname
mora de los pantanos {f} :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus
morado {adj} :: purple
morado {m} :: purple, mulberry
morado {m} :: bruise
morado {m} [heraldry] :: murrey
morador {adj} :: dwelling, inhabiting
morador {m} :: dweller, one who resides
moradora {f} :: feminine noun of morador
moral {adj} :: moral (relating to right and wrong)
moral {adj} :: moral (conforming to a standard of right behaviour)
moral {f} :: morals, standard (modes of conduct)
moral {f} :: morale (the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal)
moral {m} :: mulberry tree
moraleja {f} :: moral
Morales {prop} :: surname Derived from mora
moralidad {f} :: morality
moralina {f} :: Inopportune, fake or superficial moral (ethical lesson), sometimes used with the sense of sanctimonious
moralismo {m} :: moralism
moralista {adj} :: moralist
moralización {f} :: moralization
moralizador {adj} :: moralizing
moralizador {m} :: moralizer
moralizante {adj} :: moralistic
moralizar {v} :: to moralize
moralmente {adv} :: morally
morapio {m} :: red wine
morar {v} :: to reside, to dwell, to abide
morar {v} :: to sojourn
morar {v} :: to indwell (+ en)
mora santiam {f} :: Santiam berry
Morato {prop} :: surname
moratón {m} [colloquial] :: bruise
moratoria {f} :: moratorium
moratorio {adj} [legal, finance] :: moratory
morava {f} :: feminine noun of moravo
Moravia {prop} {f} :: Moravia
moravo {adj} :: Moravian
moravo {m} :: Moravian
morazánica {f} :: feminine noun of morazánico
morazánico {adj} :: Of or from Morazán
morazánico {m} :: Someone from Morazán
morazo {m} :: augmentative of moro
mórbidamente {adv} :: morbidly
morbidez {f} :: softness
morbidez {f} :: morbidity
mórbido {adj} :: morbid
morbilidad {f} :: morbidity
morbimortalidad {f} :: morbimortality
morbo {m} [diseases] :: disease
morbo {m} :: morbid interest in other people or things
morbo {m} :: attraction for unwholesome things. morbidity
morbosamente {adv} :: morbidly, ghoulishly
morbosidad {f} :: morbosity
morboso {adj} :: morbid, sick
morboso {adj} :: Causing sickness
morboso {adj} :: sickening
morcella {f} :: spark (fiery particle)
morcilla {f} :: blood sausage, black pudding
morcillón {adj} [colloquial, Spain, said of a body part] :: chubby
morcillón {adj} [colloquial, Spain, said of the penis] :: semierect
morcón {m} :: (large) blood sausage
mordacidad {f} :: acerbity, sharpness (of a person's mode of speaking)
mordaga {f} [colloquial] :: drunkenness
mordaz {adj} :: caustic; corrosive
mordaz {adj} :: scathing
mordaza {f} :: gag
mordaza {f} :: clamp (tool)
mordazmente {adv} :: caustically; bitingly
mordedor {adj} :: biting, bitey (prone to bite)
mordedor {adj} :: mordacious
mordedor {m} :: teething ring for babies
mordedura {f} :: bite
morder {v} :: to bite, to nip
morder {v} :: to gnaw
morder {v} :: to grasp, to clutch
morder {v} :: to wear away, to wear down
morder {v} :: to corrode (i.e. acid on metal)
morder {v} :: to criticize, to run down, to gossip about, to find fault with
morder el polvo {v} [idiom] :: to bite the dust
morder la mano que te da de comer {v} [idiomatic] :: to bite the hand that feeds you
mordida {f} :: bite
mordida {f} [Mexico, slang] :: bribe
mordida {f} [Mexico, slang, in the plural] :: petty theft
mordidita {f} :: diminutive of mordida
mordido {adj} :: bitten
mordido {adj} [football] :: weak [such as a kick with little power because it came off the wrong part of the player's foot]
mordiente {adj} :: mordant
mordiscar {vt} :: to nibble
mordisco {m} :: bite
mordiscón {m} :: augmentative of mordisco
mordisquear {v} :: to nibble
mordisquito {m} :: small bite, nip
mordvina {f} :: feminine noun of mordvino
mordvino {adj} :: Mordvinian
mordvino {m} :: Mordvinian
mordvino {m} :: Mordvinian
morelense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Morelos
moreliana {f} :: feminine noun of moreliano
moreliano {adj} :: Of or from Morelia
moreliano {m} :: Someone from Morelia
Morelos {prop} {f} :: Morelos (state)
morena {f} :: dark-skinned female, brunette
morena {f} [fish] :: moray
morenada {f} :: A traditional Bolivian dance involving the wearing of masks and a slow rhythm
morenísimo {adj} :: superlative of moreno
morenista {mf} :: A supporter or follower of Argentine politician Mariano Moreno
morenista {adj} :: Supporting or following Argentine politician Mariano Moreno
morenita {f} :: diminutive of morena
morenito {m} :: diminutive of moreno
moreno {adj} :: dark colored
moreno {adj} :: dark-skinned, tan
moreno {adj} :: dark-haired
moreno {m} :: a dark-skinned or tan person
moreno {m} :: a person with dark-hair
Moreno {prop} :: surname
morentiano {adj} :: of or pertaining to Enrique Morente (1942-2010), a Spanish flamenco player, or his style of music
móreo {adj} [botany] :: moraceous
morera {f} :: white mulberry, Morus alba
morería {f} [historical] :: An area in a town where Moors lived during Christian rule
morete {m} :: bruise
moretón {m} :: bruise
-morfa {suffix} :: feminine noun of -morfo
-morfa {suffix} :: feminine singular of -morfo
morfar {v} [Argentina, &, Uruguay, Rio de la Plata, lunfardo] :: Gobble, scoff, scarf (to eat voraciously)
morfar {v} [Argentina, &, Uruguay, football, slang] :: To hog the ball
morfea {f} :: morphea
morfema {m} :: morpheme
Morfeo {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Morpheus
morfina {f} :: morphine (opioid used as an anaesthetic or recreational drug)
morfinómana {f} :: feminine noun of morfinómano
morfinómano {adj} :: addicted to morphine
morfinómano {m} :: morphine addict
morfismo {m} :: morphism
-morfo {suffix} :: -morph
-morfo {suffix} :: -morphic, -morphous
morfo- {prefix} :: morpho-
morfo {m} :: morph
morfoanatomía {f} :: morphoanatomy
morfoestructural {adj} :: morphostructural
morfofisiología {f} :: morphophysiology
morfofonología {f} :: morphophonology
morfogénesis {f} [biology] :: morphogenesis
morfogenético {adj} :: morphogenetic
morfogénico {adj} :: morphogenic
morfógeno {m} :: morphogen
morfología {f} :: morphology
morfológicamente {adv} :: morphologically
morfológico {adj} :: morphological
morfometría {f} :: morphometrics
morfométrico {adj} :: morphometric
morfosedimentario {adj} [geology] :: morphosedimentary
morfosintáctico {adj} :: morphosyntactic
morfosintaxis {f} [linguistics] :: morphosyntax
morfotipo {m} :: morphotype
morganáticamente {adv} :: morganatically
morganático {adj} :: morganatic
morgue {f} :: morgue
Mori {prop} :: surname
moribundo {adj} :: moribund, nearing death
morichal {m} :: moriche palm plantation
moriche {m} :: moriche palm
moridero {m} [derogatory] :: A place where one goes to die
morigerador {adj} :: restraining
morigerador {m} :: restrainer
morigeradora {f} :: feminine noun of morigerador
morigerar {v} :: to restrain
morillo {m} :: andiron
moringa {f} :: moringa
Morioka {prop} :: surname
moriori {mf} :: Moriori
morir {v} :: to die
morir como un perro {v} [idiom] :: To die alone and abandoned
morir de hambre {v} :: to die of hunger, to starve to death
morir de hambre {vi} [idiom] :: to starve, to be starving, to be famished
morir de hambre {vp} [idiom] :: to starve, to be starving, to be famished
morirse {vr} :: to die
morisca {f} :: feminine noun of morisco
morisco {adj} :: Moorish
morisco {m} :: Moor
morisco {m} :: Morisco (Muslim convert to Christianity)
morisma {f} :: Moors
morisqueta {f} :: funny face
morisqueta {f} :: A dish from Mexico, made of cooked rice, combined with beans, and served with a sauce of tomato, onion and garlic
morito {m} :: diminutive of moro
morlaco {m} :: A large Spanish fighting bull
mormón {m} :: Mormon
mormona {f} :: feminine noun of mormón
mormonismo {m} :: Mormonism
mormullo {m} :: archaic spelling of murmullo
moro {m} :: a Moor (North African Muslim)
moro {m} [colloquial] :: a Muslim or Arab, particularly Muslims in the southern Philippines
morocha {f} :: dark-eyed, dark-haired and medium to dark-skinned woman
morocho {m} :: dark-eyed, dark-haired and white-skinned man
morocho {m} [Venezuela] :: identical twin
moromierda {mf} [Spain, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] :: Pejorative word to designate a person of Maghreb or Arab origin
morón {m} :: small hill; hillock
moronga {f} :: moronga (sausage made from pigs' blood)
morosidad {f} :: defaulting, delinquency (a debt that is overdue for payment)
morosidad {f} :: slowness, sluggishness
moroso {adj} :: defaulting, delinquent (late or failing to pay a debt)
moroso {m} :: defaulter
moros y cristianos {mp} :: See: es moros y cristianos
moros y cristianos {mp} :: A traditional festival celebrated in various cities across Spain, during which a mediaeval battle between pompously dressed Moors and Christians is simulated, ending with the Christians retaking the city
moros y cristianos {mp} [culinary] :: A Cuban dish consisting of black beans (the Moors) and rice (the Christians)
moroveña {f} :: feminine noun of moroveño
moroveño {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to Morovis, Puerto Rico
moroveño {m} :: Someoen from Morovis, Puerto Rico
morra {f} :: upper part of the head
morra {interj} :: Used to call a cat
morra {f} :: morra (game)
morra {f} [in a game of morra] :: a fist, which has the numeric value of zero
morral {m} :: backpack or knapsack
morralla {f} :: junk
morralla {f} :: riff-raff
morralla {f} [colloquial] :: change (small coins)
morrear {v} [colloquial] :: to snog
morrena {f} :: moraine
morreo {m} [colloquial] :: snog
morrillo {m} :: back of the neck
morrillo {m} :: The fleshy back part of the neck of cattle or tuna
morriña {f} [colloquial] :: homesickness, nostalgia
morriña {f} [veterinary medicine] :: murrain
morrión {m} :: morion (kind of helmet)
morro {m} :: hill
morro {m} :: snout (long nose of an animal)
morro {m} [figuratively] :: mouth
morro {m} :: hillock
morro {m} :: cheek; cheekiness
morro {m} :: pebble
morro {m} :: headland
morrocotudo {adj} :: tremendous, terrific
morrocoy {m} [Venezuela] :: tortoise
morrón {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, parts of Chile] :: sweet pepper, bell pepper
morrón {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: blow, knock, thump
morsa {f} :: walrus
morseto {m} :: terminal (of electricity)
mortadela {f} :: mortadella
mortadela {f} :: baloney
mortadelo {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: Monopoly money
mortadelo {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: James Bond; spy (especially said of the secret police of the Mossos d'Esquadra)
mortaja {f} :: shroud (dress for the dead)
mortal {adj} :: deadly
mortal {adj} :: mortal
mortalidad {f} :: mortality
mortalmente {adv} :: fatally, mortally
mortandad {f} :: mortality (death on a large scale)
mortecino {adj} :: dim (not bright)
mortecino {adj} :: dull, boring
mortecino {adj} :: dying
morterazo {m} :: shot of mortar
mortero {m} :: mortar
mortero de cal {m} :: lime mortar
mortífero {adj} :: deadly, lethal
mortificación {f} :: mortification
mortificante {adj} :: mortifying
mortificar {vt} :: to mortify
mortificar {vt} :: to torment, to annoy
mortificar {vr} :: to feel ashamed
mortiguar {v} :: obsolete spelling of amortiguar
mortinato {m} [formal] :: stillbirth, stillborn
mortual {f} :: A kind of will or testament which judges who inherits a deceased person's belongings after their death, in the absence of a will itself
mortuoriamente {adv} :: morbidly
mortuorio {adj} :: mortuary
morueco {m} :: ram
mórula {f} :: morula
moruno {adj} :: Moorish
Mosa {prop} {m} :: Mosa (river)
Mosa {prop} {m} :: Mosa (department)
mosaicismo {m} :: mosaicism
mosaico {adj} :: Mosaic
mosaico {m} :: mosaic
mosasáurido {m} [paleontology] :: mosasaur
mosasaurio {m} [paleontology] :: mosasaur
mosca {f} :: fly (any insect of the order Diptera)
mosca {f} [boxing] :: fly (boxing class)
mosca {f} [television] :: digital on-screen graphic
moscabada {f} :: muscovado
mosca muerta {f} :: See: es mosca muerta
mosca muerta {f} [idiom] :: two-faced cow, two-faced bitch
mosca muerta {f} :: (in phrase hacerse la mosquita muerta) to look like butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth
moscar {v} :: to hollow out
moscarda {f} :: blowfly
moscardón {m} :: blowfly, bottlefly (large flies, especially of the family Calliphoridae)
moscardón {m} :: pest (annoying person)
moscatel {m} :: Moscatel
mosco {m} :: mosquito
moscón {m} :: nuisance
moscón {m} :: blowfly (insect)
moscovita {adj} :: Muscovite
moscovita {mf} :: Muscovite
moscovita {f} [mineral] :: muscovite
moscovita {f} :: A type of chocolate biscuit
Moscú {prop} :: Moscú (federal city/capital)
Moscú {prop} :: Moscú (oblast)
Mosela {prop} {f} :: Mosela (river)
Mosela {prop} {f} :: Mosela (department)
mosén {m} :: A title of nobility used in the Crown of Aragon
mosén {m} :: A title given to Catholic priests in Aragon and Catalonia
mosfet {m} :: MOSFET
mosquear {v} [colloquial] :: to pester, bug, bother
mosquera {f} :: feminine noun of mosquero
mosquerito {m} :: flycatcher (any of various birds)
mosquero {m} :: flypaper
mosquero {m} :: Area swarming with flies
mosquero {m} :: flycatcher
mosquero {m} :: flyfisherman
mosqueta {f} :: shell game
mosqueta {f} :: cold hard cash
mosqueta {f} :: sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa)
mosquete {m} :: musket
mosquetería {f} [military] :: musketry (group of musketeers)
mosquetero {m} :: musketeer
mosquetón {m} :: carabiner
mosquetón {m} :: musket (firearm)
mosquita {f} :: diminutive of mosca
mosquitera {f} :: mosquito net
mosquitero {m} :: mosquito net
mosquito {m} :: mosquito
mosquito {m} :: gnat
mosquito {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: trimmer
mosquito {m} :: diminutive of mosco, small fly
mosquito tigre {m} :: tiger mosquito
mosso {m} :: A member of the Mossos d'Esquadra
mostacho {m} :: big mustache
mostachudo {adj} :: moustachio'd
mostacilla {f} :: bead
mostacilla {f} :: Bunias erucago
mostacilla {f} :: Cynophalla flexuosa
mostajo {m} :: Sorbus spp., especially Sorbus aria (common whitebeam)
mostaza {f} :: mustard
Mostazal {prop} {m} :: Mostazal (city)
mostazalino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Mostazal
mostela {f} :: least weasel
mosto {m} :: must (fruit juice)
mostoleño {adj} :: of or from Móstoles
mostoleño {m} :: someone of or from Móstoles
mostolense {adj} :: of or from Móstoles
mostolense {mf} :: someone of or from Móstoles
mostolero {adj} :: of or from Móstoles
mostolero {m} :: someone of or from Móstoles
Móstoles {prop} :: Móstoles (city)
mostración {f} :: showing; revealing
mostrador {m} :: (shop) counter
mostrador {m} :: shower (one who shows)
mostradorcito {m} :: diminutive of mostrador
mostradriz {f} :: feminine noun of mostrador
mostrar {vt} :: to show (have somebody see something)
mostrario {m} :: sample book
mostrario {m} :: Collection of samples
mostrarse {v} :: reflexive of mostrar
mostrear {v} :: to sample
mostrenco {adj} :: dumb, idiotic, dense
mostrenco {adj} :: fat, tubby
mostrenco {adj} :: ownerless, unclaimed
mostreo {m} :: sampling
Mosul {prop} :: Mosul
mota {f} :: speck (tiny spot)
mota {f} [uncountable, slang, Latin America] :: marijuana
mota {f} :: fluff, pill
motagüense {adj} :: Of or from the river Motagua
motagüense {adj} :: of or pertaining to Club Deportivo Motagua
motagüense {mf} :: Someone from the river Motagua
motagüense {mf} :: someone from or pertaining to Club Deportivo Motagua
mote {m} :: nickname
mote {m} :: motto (heraldry)
mote {m} [South America] :: hulled cereal, especially pearl barley and hominy
moteado {adj} :: mottled
moteado {adj} :: (having spots) spotted
motear {v} :: to dapple
motejar {vt} :: to nickname (to give a nickname to)
motel {m} :: motel
motel {m} [Mexico] :: brothel, whorehouse
motelo {m} :: yellow-footed tortoise [Chelonoidis denticulata]
motera {f} :: female equivalent of motero; a female motorcyclist
motero {m} :: Someone who sells mote (grain)
motero {m} :: biker, motorcyclist
motete {m} :: motet
motete {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: pack
motilidad {f} :: motility
motillo {f} :: diminutive of moto
motilón {adj} :: Motilon
motilón {m} :: Motilon
motilón {m} :: layperson
motilona {f} :: feminine noun of motilón
motín {m} :: mutiny
motito {m} :: diminutive of moto
motivable {adj} :: motivatable
motivación {f} :: motivation
motivacional {adj} :: motivational
motivadamente {adv} :: in a motivated manner
motivador {adj} :: motivating, encouraging
motivador {m} :: motivator
motivante {adj} :: motivating
motivar {vt} :: to motivate
motivo {m} :: reason, ground, motive
moto- {prefix} :: Used to form terms relating to motors
moto {f} :: clipping of motocicleta; motorcycle
moto {m} :: milestone
motoarado {m} :: electric tiller
motoasaltante {mf} :: one who uses a vehicle to commit assault
motobomba {f} :: motorized pump (device to transport liquids)
motoca {f} :: toy pedal bike
motocarro {m} :: three-wheeler
motocart {m} :: monowheel tractor
motochorra {f} :: feminine noun of motochorro
motochorro {m} [Argentina, Paraguay] :: one who uses a motorcycle to carry out robberies
motocicleta {f} :: motorcycle
motociclismo {m} :: motorcycle sport
motociclista {mf} :: motorcyclist, biker
motoconchista {mf} :: A motoconcho rider
motoconcho {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: motorcycle taxi used for public transport
motocrós {m} :: motocross
motocross {m} :: motocross
motocultor {m} :: two-wheel tractor
moto de agua {m} :: jet ski
moto de nieve {m} :: snowmobile
motoguadaña {f} :: weedwhacker, string trimmer
motón {m} :: pulley
motonáutica {f} :: powerboating
motonave {f} :: motor vessel
motoneta {f} :: moped (lightweight, two-wheeled vehicle)
motoneurona {f} :: motor neuron
motonieve {f} :: snowmobile
motoqueiro {m} :: biker, especially one in a biker gang
motor {adj} :: moving
motor {m} :: motor (mechanical device)
motor {m} [mechanics] :: engine
motor {m} [figuratively] :: driving force, driver, mover
motor {m} [figuratively] :: powerhouse
motor {m} [computing] :: backend, back end
motora {f} [nautical] :: motorboat
motora {f} :: motorcycle
motorcito {m} :: diminutive of motor
motorhome {m} :: motorhome
motorista {mf} :: biker, motorcyclist
motorización {f} :: motorization
motorizar {v} :: to motorise
motoserrucho {m} :: chainsaw
motosierra {f} :: chainsaw
motosoldadora {f} :: motorized welding machine
mototaxi {mf} :: A motorcycle taxi
mototaxismo {m} :: The use of motorcycle taxis
mototaxista {mf} :: mototaxista
motovelero {m} [nautical] :: motorsailer
motovelocidad {f} :: motorbike racing
motricidad {f} :: motricity
motriz {adj} :: driving, motive (producing motion or force)
motuleño {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or from the city of Motul, Yucatan
motuleño {m} :: a person from the city of Motul, Yucatan
mountainbike {m} :: mountain bike
mountainboarding {m} :: mountainboarding
mouse {m} [computing, chiefly Latin America] :: mouse (input device)
mousse {f} :: mousse
movedizo {adj} :: literally, mobile, meaning unstable
movedor {m} :: mover
mover {vt} :: to move (to cause to change place or posture)
mover {vt} :: to shake (e.g. to shake one's head, to shake one's tail feather)
mover {vt} :: to wiggle (e.g. one's ears, fingers, nose, toes)
mover {vt} :: to wag (e.g., an animal's tail wagging)
mover {vt} :: to move to, to cause to
mover {vt} :: to swing (e.g. a sword, a bat, a tennis racket, one's tail)
mover {vr} :: to move (to change place or posture)
mover {vr} :: to shift
mover {vr} :: to move around, to get around, to drift (i.e. make one's way about a place, to navigate or travel)
mover {vr} :: to budge, to stir, to twitch, to fidget, to move (in an agitated manner)
mover cielo y tierra {v} [idiomatic] :: To move heaven and earth; to go to extreme lengths or do whatever is necessary
mover fichas {v} [idiom] :: to make a move
moverse {v} :: to move (itself, oneself), to shift
moverse {v} :: to move around, to get around, to drift (i.e. make one's way about a place, to navigate or travel)
moverse {v} :: to budge, to stir, to twitch, to fidget, to move (in an agitated manner)
moverse {v} :: to get a move on [idiom]
moverse {v} :: to be moved (by a performance, etc.)
movible {adj} :: movable
movible {adj} :: motile
movida {f} [colloquial] :: party (social gathering)
movida {f} [colloquial] :: move (games)
movida {f} [colloquial] :: scene (social environment consisting of a large informal, vague group of people)
movido {adj} :: eventful, turbulent
moviente {adj} :: moving
móvil {adj} :: mobile
móvil {m} [Spain] :: cellular, cell phone [US], mobile phone [UK, Australia]
móvil {m} :: A sculpture, decorative arrangement or toy for small babies made of items hanging so that they can move independently from each other (Wikipedia)
movilera {f} :: reporter
movilero {m} :: reporter
movilidad {f} :: mobility
movilización {f} :: mobilization
movilizador {adj} :: mobilising
movilizador {m} :: mobiliser
movilizar {v} :: to mobilize
movilizar {v} :: to activate
movimiento {m} :: movement (physical motion between points in space)
movimiento {m} :: movement (a trend in various fields or social categories)
movimiento {m} [banking] :: transaction
movimiento {m} [music] :: movement (a large division of a larger composition)
movimiento armónico simple {m} [physics] :: simple harmonic motion
moviola {f} :: slow motion
moxeño {m} :: A type of wind instrument from Bolivia
moxeño {m} :: A Moxo/Moxeño
moxibustión {f} :: moxibustion
moyense {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Moya, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands
moyense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Moya, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands
moyo {m} :: unit of liquid measurement equal to 258 liters or 16 cántaras
Moyobamba {prop} :: Moyobamba (province)
moyote {m} [Mexico] :: mosquito
moza {f} :: feminine noun of mozo
mozalbete {m} [colloquial] :: lad, fella
Mozambique {prop} :: Mozambique (country)
mozambiqueño {adj} :: Mozambican
mozambiqueño {m} :: Mozambican
mozárabe {adj} :: Mozarabic
mozárabe {m} :: Mozarabic (language)
mozárabe {mf} :: Mozarab
Mozart {prop} {mf} :: surname
mozartiano {adj} :: Mozartian (of or pertaining to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or the style of his music)
mozo {m} :: boy, lad, young man, youth
mozo {m} :: servant, helper, steward, manservant
mozo {m} [Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru] :: waiter, server
mozo {m} :: cat, tomcat
mozo {adj} :: young, youthful
mozo {adj} :: unmarried
mozo de espadas {m} [bullfighting] :: bullfighter's assistant
Mozos de Escuadra {prop} {fp} :: The police force of Catalonia
mozote {m} :: Heliocarpus appendiculatus (plant)
mozuelo {m} :: young person
mozuelo {adj} :: unmarried
mozzarella {f} :: mozzarella (soft Italian cheese)
mp3 {m} :: MP3
MPR {prop} {m} :: initialism of Movimiento Popular de la Revolución
msnm {n} :: initialism of metros sobre el nivel del mar (meters above sea level)
mu {interj} :: moo (sound of a cow)
muay thai {m} :: Muay Thai
muaythai {m} :: Muay Thai
mucama {f} :: maid
mucama {f} :: chambermaid
mucamo {m} [Argentina, Chile] :: servant, houseboy
mucbipollo {m} :: A Maya stew consisting of cornflour, pig butter, chicken and other ingredients, wrapped in banana leaves and cooked underground
muceta {f} :: mozzetta
muchacha {f} :: feminine noun of muchacho
muchacha {f} :: girl
muchacha {f} :: female teenager
muchacha {f} :: young lady
muchachada {f} :: Group of boys or young men
muchachillo {m} :: diminutive of muchacho
muchachita {f} :: feminine noun of muchachito
muchachito {m} :: diminutive of muchacho
muchacho {m} :: boy
muchacho {m} :: young man
muchacho {m} :: young person, youngster
muchacho {m} :: teenager
muchacho {m} [colloquial] :: fella, fellow
muchachón {m} :: augmentative of muchacho, a big kid
muchachote {m} :: augmentative of muchacho, a big boy
muchachuela {f} :: feminine noun of muchachuelo
muchachuelo {m} :: diminutive of muchacho; youngster, a young man
mucha mierda {phrase} [idiom] :: break a leg!
muchas gracias {interj} :: Thank you very much
muchas gracias {interj} :: many thanks
muchas manos en un plato causan arrebato {proverb} :: too many cooks spoil the broth
muchedumbre {f} :: crowd
muchedumbre {f} :: multitude
muchín {m} :: A kind of croquette made from yucca. The dish is from Ecuador
muchísimas gracias {interj} :: thank you very much, thanks so much
muchísimo {adj} :: superlative of mucho; much, a great deal, a lot
muchísimo {adv} :: superlative of mucho; a lot, very much
muchisísimo {adj} :: superlative of muchísimo
muchisísimo {adv} :: a hell of a lot, very very much, superlative of muchísimo
mucho {adj} :: a lot of; many; much
mucho {adv} :: much, a lot
mucho {adv} :: long, a long time
mucho {pron} :: a lot, many
muchocientos {adj} [colloquial] :: Many; an unspecified, large number. Compare umpteen
mucho gusto {interj} :: nice to meet you, pleased to meet you
mucho gusto {interj} [Costa Rica] :: my pleasure, you're welcome
mucho ruido y pocas nueces {m} [idiom] :: much ado about nothing; all bark and no bite, all talk and no action
mucilaginoso {adj} :: mucilaginous
mucílago {m} :: mucilage
mucina {f} :: mucin
mucinoso {adj} :: mucinous
mucociliar {adj} :: mucociliary
mucocutáneo {adj} :: mucocutaneous
mucosidad {f} :: mucus
mucoso {adj} :: mucous
mucrón {m} :: mucro
mucronado {adj} :: mucronate
mucuchíes {m} :: mucuchí (breed of dog)
mucuna {f} :: velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens)
muda {f} :: A change (of clothes, especially underpants)
mudable {adj} :: mutable, changeable
mudamente {adv} :: silently
mudanza {f} :: removal
mudanza {f} :: move, relocation
mudar {v} :: to change, alter, vary
mudar {v} :: to convert
mudar {v} :: to move, relocate, move to a new house
mudar {v} :: to shed, molt
mudar {v} :: to change clothes
mudar {m} :: crown flower (Calotropis gigantea)
mudarse {v} :: (reflexive of mudar) to move (change one's place of residence)
mudarse {v} :: to change one's clothes
mudéjar {adj} :: Mudéjar
mudéjar {mf} :: Mudéjar
mudez {f} :: muteness (the condition of being mute)
mudito {adj} :: diminutive of mudo
mudo {adj} :: mute, dumb (not having the power of speech)
mudo {adj} :: silent, speechless (not speaking)
mudo {adj} [astrology] :: being a water sign
mudo {adj} [linguistics] :: plosive
mudo {adj} [pronunciation] :: silent (not pronounced)
mudo {m} :: mute (a person who does not have the power of speech)
mueblaje {m} :: furniture (set of furniture)
mueble {m} :: a piece of furniture
mueble {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: In the reality show Big Brother, a contestant who does not generate content, who isn't the source of so many comments and who wanders around the house without generating any interest in the viewer
mueble {m} [rural Mexico, colloquial] :: car
mueblera {f} :: feminine noun of mueblero
mueblería {f} :: furniture store
mueblero {adj} [attributive] :: furniture
mueblero {m} :: furniture maker
muebles {m} :: furniture
muebles {m} :: plural of mueble
mueca {f} :: grimace
muecín {m} :: alternative form of almuecín
muela {f} :: molar
muela cordal {f} [dentistry] :: wisdom tooth
muela del juicio {f} [dentistry] :: wisdom tooth
muelle {adj} :: soft, mild
muelle {m} :: spring (device made of flexible or coiled material)
muelle {m} :: wharf, quay, pier, dock
muellecillo {m} :: diminutive of muelle
muellemente {adv} :: softly; delicately
muérdago {m} :: mistletoe (plant)
muerdealmohadas {m} [LGBT, slang] :: pillow-biter
muérgano {m} :: rude, dishonest person
muérgano {m} :: clumsy, impolite person
muérgano {m} [Colombia] :: antique and useless object
muermo {m} [veterinary medicine] :: Glanders
muermo {m} [colloquial] :: A bore
muermo {m} [colloquial] :: Boredom
muermo {m} :: Drug-induced lethargy
muermoso {adj} :: Infected with glanders
muerte {f} :: death (the cessation of life)
muerte {f} :: death (the personification of death as a hooded figure)
muerte {f} :: death, demise (the collapse or end of something)
muertecillo {m} :: diminutive of muerte
muertecito {adj} :: diminutive of muerto
muerte civil {m} [legal] :: attainder
muerte súbita {f} :: sudden death
muertísimo {adj} :: superlative of muerto
muertito {adj} :: diminutive of muerto
muerto {adj} :: dead
muerto {adj} :: exhausted; dead tired
muerto {m} :: a dead person
muerto {m} [bridge] :: dummy
muerto {m} [nautical] :: mooring block
muerto de hambre {adj} [idiom] :: down and out; poverty-stricken
muesca {f} :: notch, groove
muesli {m} :: muesli (a Swiss and German breakfast dish made with rolled oats)
mueso {m} :: bite
mueso {m} :: nibble
mueso {m} :: a little quantity of food
muestra {f} :: sample, sampling
muestra {f} :: exhibition (artistic or technological collection for display)
muestra {f} :: specimen
muestra {f} :: demonstration, showing
muestra {f} :: sign, token, display (e.g. of gratitude, of respect, of love)
muestra {f} :: swatch
muestra {f} [figurative] :: taste
muestral {adj} [statistics] :: sample
muestrario {m} :: [accepted and predominantly used but grammatically incorrect] sample book
muestrario {m} :: [accepted and predominantly used but grammatically incorrect] Collection of samples
muestreador {m} :: sampler
muestrear {v} :: [accepted and predominantly used but grammatically incorrect] to sample
muestreo {m} :: sampling
mufla {f} :: muffle (a kiln or furnace, often electric, with no direct flames)
muflón {m} :: mouflon
muftí {m} :: mufti
muga {f} :: limit, border
muga {f} :: milestone
mugal {adj} :: Mongol
mugal {mf} :: Mongol
mugcake {m} :: mugcake
muger {f} :: archaic spelling of mujer
mugido {m} :: moo (the sound a cow makes)
mugiente {adj} :: mooing
múgil {m} :: mullet (fish)
mugir {v} :: to moo
mugor {m} :: dirt; grime
mugre {f} :: dirt, filth, grease
mugriento {adj} :: filthy, grimy, grubby
mugroso {adj} :: filthy
mui {adv} :: obsolete spelling of muy
muir {v} [Aragon] :: to milk
muisca {adj} :: Muisca
muisca {mf} :: Muisca
mujer {f} :: woman
mujer {f} :: wife
mujercilla {f} :: diminutive of mujer; small woman
mujercita {f} :: diminutive of mujer
mujercita {f} :: A sissy, a nancy, a fagboy, a girl: a term of abuse for an effeminate boy
mujer de Dios {f} :: feminine noun of hombre de Dios
mujer de letras {f} :: feminine noun of hombre de letras
mujer del mundo {f} :: feminine noun of hombre del mundo
mujer de negocios {f} :: feminine noun of hombre de negocios; businesswoman
Mujeres {prop} :: surname
mujer fatal {f} :: femme fatale
mujer gamba {f} :: butter face (a woman with a nice body but an ugly head)
mujeriego {adj} [attributive] :: woman
mujeriego {adj} :: womanizing
mujeriego {m} :: A womanizer
mujeriego {m} :: A group of women
mujeril {adj} :: womanly
mujeril {adj} :: effeminate, womanish
mujerío {m} :: womenfolk
mujerista {mf} :: feminist
mujer jirafa {f} :: giraffe woman
mujerón {m} :: augmentative of mujer
mujerona {f} [slang] :: BBW, large woman
mujerzuela {f} :: diminutive of mujer
mujerzuela {f} [derogatory] :: slut
mujiquista {mf} :: A supporter of José Mujica, Uruguayan politician
mújol {m} :: mullet (fish)
mula {f} [equid] :: mule
mula {f} :: trash
mula {f} [Latin America] :: traitor
mula {f} [Mexico] :: a smart, somewhat abusive person
mulá {m} [Islam] :: mullah (a Muslim religious scholar and teacher)
mulada {f} :: drove of mules
mulada {f} :: stupid act or gesture
muladar {m} :: trash heap. rubbish heap
muladar {m} :: dung heap, dunghill
muladar {m} :: corruption, source of corruption
muladí {m} :: Muladi
mular {adj} [attributive] :: mule
mulata {f} :: feminine noun of mulato
mulato {adj} :: mulatto
mulato {adj} :: dark-skinned
mulato {m} [obsolete] :: a small or young mule
mulato {m} :: copal tree (Bursera spp.)
mulato {m} :: A kind of bird:
mulato {m} :: mockingbird (general term)
mulato {m} :: tropical mockingbird (Mimus gilvus)
mulato {m} :: great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)
mulato {m} :: Brewer's blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus)
mulcédine {f} :: pleasantness, agreeableness
mulcédine {f} :: amiability, douceur, sweetness
mulcedinoso {adj} :: Full of pleasantness, agreeableness
mulcedinoso {adj} :: Most amiable, douceur, sweet
mulcer {vt} :: to soothe, soften, comfort, appease; caress, charm, flatter, delight; alleviate, relieve, assuage, mitigate
mulcer {vt} :: to graze, touch, stroke or move lightly or gently
mulcer {vt} :: to make sweet or pleasant
mulero {m} :: muleteer
muleta {f} :: crutch
muleta {f} [bullfighting] :: muleta (red flag used by bullfighters)
muleta {f} :: diminutive of mula; little mule
muletazo {m} :: A blow/hit with a crutch
muletazo {m} [bullfighting] :: Movement with the muleta
muletear {v} [bullfighting] :: to perform with the muleta
muletilla {f} :: stock phrase
mulger {vt} :: To milk
mulger {vt} :: To extract
Mulhacén {prop} {m} :: A mountain in the Sierra Nevada. It is the highest mountain in mainland Spain
mulillera {f} :: feminine noun of mulillero
mulillero {m} [bullfighting] :: Someone who drags the dead bull out of the arena
mulita {f} :: mulita
mullido {adj} :: soft, spongey
mullir {v} :: to loosen
mulo {m} :: mule
multa {f} :: fine (a fee levied as punishment for breaking the law)
multar {v} :: to fine, to penalise, to book
multi- {prefix} :: multi-
multi {f} :: multinational
multiactor {adj} :: multi-actor
multiagencial {adj} :: multiagency
multianual {adj} :: multiyear
multiaventura {m} :: outdoor centre
multibanda {adj} :: multiband
multibrazo {adj} :: multiarmed
multicámara {adj} :: multi-camera
multicampeón {m} :: multiple champion
multicampeona {f} :: multi-champion
multicanal {adj} :: multichannel
multicancha {f} :: A court that can be used for multiple sports
multicapa {adj} :: multilayer
multicapas {adj} :: multilayer
multicasco {m} :: multihull
multicausal {adj} :: multicausal
multicelular {adj} :: multicellular
multicelularidad {f} :: multicellularity
multicéntrico {adj} :: multicentric
multicine {m} :: multiplex cinema
multicita {f} :: speed date
multiclase {adj} :: multiclass
multiclasista {adj} :: multiclass
multicocinador {m} :: multifunctional cooker
multicolor {adj} :: varicolored (US), varicoloured (UK)
multiconfesional {adj} :: multiconfessional
multiconjunto {m} :: multiset
multicopia {adj} :: multicopy
multicorte {adj} :: multislice
multicultural {adj} :: multicultural
multiculturalidad {f} :: multiculturality
multiculturalismo {m} :: multiculturalism (promotion of a society with cultures)
multideportivo {adj} :: multi-sport
multidestino {m} :: multiple-destination point
multidifusión {f} :: multicast
multidimensional {adj} :: multidimensional, pluridimensional
multidimensionalidad {f} :: multidimensionality
multidireccional {adj} :: multidirectional
multidisciplinar {adj} :: multidisciplinary
multidisciplinario {adj} :: multidisciplinary
multidisco {adj} :: multidisc
multidispositivo {adj} :: multidevice
multidivisa {adj} :: multicurrency
multiedad {adj} :: multi-age; including multiple ages
multiescala {adj} :: multiscale
multiespacio {m} :: A building with various different spaces
multiespectral {adj} :: multispectral
multiestatal {adj} :: multistate
multiestelar {adj} :: star-studded
multietnicidad {f} :: multiethnicity
multiétnico {adj} :: multiethnic
multifacético {adj} :: multifaceted
multifactorial {adj} :: multifactorial
multifactorialidad {f} :: multifactoriality
multifamiliar {adj} :: multifamily
multiflora {f} :: multiflora
multifocal {adj} :: multifocal (having more than one focus or several focusing areas)
multiformato {adj} :: multiformat
multiforme {adj} :: multiform
multifunción {adj} :: multifunction
multifuncional {adj} :: multifunctional
multifuncionalidad {f} :: multifunctionality
multigeneracional {adj} :: multigenerational
multigrado {adj} :: multigrade
multihilo {m} :: multithreading
multihomicidio {m} :: mass murder
multiinstrumentalista {mf} :: multiinstrumentalist
multiinstrumentista {mf} :: multi-instrumentalist
multijuego {m} :: multigame
multijugador {adj} :: multiplayer
multilateral {adj} :: multilateral
multilateralidad {f} :: multilateralism
multilateralismo {m} :: multilateralism
multilingüe {adj} :: polyglot; multilingual (able to speak multiple languages)
multilingüe {adj} :: multilingual (using or pertaining to multiple languages)
multilingüismo {m} :: multilingualism
multimarca {adj} :: multibrand
multimedallista {mf} :: multi-medalist
multimedia {f} :: multimedia
multimedial {adj} :: multimedia (attributive)
multimediático {adj} :: multimedia
multimedio {adj} :: multimedia
multimedios {adj} :: multimedia
multímero {m} :: multimer
multímetro {m} :: multimeter
multimillonario {adj} :: multimillion/multi-million
multimillonario {m} :: multimillionaire
multimillonario {m} :: billionaire
multimisión {adj} :: multimission
multimodal {adj} :: multimodal
multimodo {adj} :: multimode
multimotor {adj} :: multi-turbine
multimotor {m} :: multi-turbine plane
multinacional {adj} :: multinational
multinacional {f} :: multinational (multinational company)
multinivel {adj} :: multilevel
multinstrumentista {mf} :: multiinstrumentalist
multinucleado {adj} :: multinucleate
multinúcleo {adj} :: multicore
multiorgánico {adj} :: multiorgan (involving multiple organs of the body)
multiorgásmico {adj} :: multiorgasmic
multiorgasmo {m} :: multiorgasm
multipalabra {adj} :: multi-word
multipantalla {adj} :: multiscreen
multiparte {adj} :: multipart
multipartidario {adj} :: multiparty
multipartidismo {m} :: multiparty system, multipartyism
multipartidista {adj} :: multiparty, multipartite
multipartidista {adj} :: multipartisan
multipartido {adv} :: multiparty
multipaso {adj} :: multistep
multipista {adj} :: multitrack
multiplano {m} :: multiplane
multiplataforma {adj} [computing] :: cross-platform, multiplatform (designed to work on various operating systems)
multiplatino {adj} :: multiplatinum
múltiple {adj} :: multiple
múltiplex {adj} :: multiplex
multiplexación {f} :: multiplexing
multiplexado {adj} :: multiplexed
multiplexar {v} :: to multiplex
multiplexor {m} :: multiplexer
multiplicación {f} :: multiplication
multiplicadamente {adv} :: multiple times, repeatedly
multiplicador {adj} :: multiplying
multiplicador {m} :: multiplier
multiplicadora {f} :: feminine noun of multiplicador
multiplicar {v} :: to multiply
multiplicarse {v} :: reflexive of multiplicar
multiplicativo {adj} :: multiplicative
multiplicidad {f} :: multiplicity
múltiplo {m} :: multiple
multipolar {adj} :: multipolar
multipolarización {f} :: multipolarization
multipotente {adj} :: multipotent
multipremiado {adj} :: multi-prizewinning
multiprocesador {m} :: multiprocessor
multiprocesamiento {m} :: multiprocessing
multiprogramación {f} :: multiprogramming
multipropiedad {f} :: time-share
multipropósito {adj} :: multipurpose
multiproteico {adj} :: multiproteic
multiprotocolo {adj} :: multiprotocol
multipunto {adj} :: multipoint
multirol {adj} :: multirole
multirracial {adj} :: multiracial
multirreflector {adj} :: multi-reflecting
multirregional {adj} :: multiregional
multirresistente {adj} :: multiresistant
multirrespuesta {adj} :: multiple-choice
multisala {adj} :: multiplex
multisalto {adj} :: multihop
multisápida {f} [Venezuela, humorous] :: synonym of hallaca
multisápido {adj} :: having multiple tastes
multisectorial {adj} :: multisector
multisecular {adj} :: multisect
multisistémico {adj} :: multisystem
multitáctil {adj} [computing] :: multi-touch
multitalento {m} :: multi talents
multitarea {adj} :: multitasking
multitienda {f} :: variety store
multitodo {adj} :: having a bit of everything
multituberculado {m} :: multituberculate
multitud {f} :: multitude
multitud {f} :: crowd
multitud {f} :: a lot, loads
multitudinariamente {adv} :: largely, widely
multitudinario {adj} :: multitudinous, mass
multitudinario {adj} :: large, big
multiuso {adj} :: multipurpose
multiusuario {adj} [computing] :: multiuser
multivariable {adj} :: multivariable
multivariante {adj} :: multivariate
multiventana {adj} [computing, GUI] :: multiwindow
multiverso {m} [physics] :: multiverse
multivibrador {m} :: multivibrator
multivitamínico {adj} :: multivitamin
multivitamínico {m} :: multivitamin
muña {f} :: [Peru, Bolivia] Minthostachys spp., especially Minthostachys mollis, Minthostachys setosa and Minthostachys andina
mundanal {adj} :: worldly
mundanalidad {f} :: worldliness
mundanamente {adv} :: mundanely
mundanidad {f} :: mundanity
mundano {adj} :: mundane
mundaqués {adj} :: Of or from Mundaca
mundaqués {m} :: Someone from Mundaca
mundial {adj} :: related to all the parts of the world; global
mundial {mf} :: FIFA World Cup (short form of Copa mundial, and Campeonato mundial)
mundialismo {m} :: globalism
mundialista {adj} [attributive] :: World Cup
mundialista {mf} :: One who participates in the World Cup
mundialito {m} [colloquial] :: FIFA Club World Cup
mundialito {m} :: Any of a number of small-scale international soccer tournaments
mundialización {f} :: globalization
mundializar {v} :: to globalise; go global
mundialmente {adv} :: worldwide
mundificativo {adj} :: mundificant
mundillo {m} :: warming pan
mundillo {m} :: pad or cushion used to make lace
mundillo {m} :: Viburnum opulus (guelder rose, water elder, snowball tree)
mundo {m} :: world, earth (human collective existence)
mundo {m} :: world, globe (the Earth)
mundo {m} :: world (a planet, especially one which is inhabitable)
mundo {m} :: world (an individual or group perspective or social setting)
Mundo Antiguo {prop} {m} :: Old World
mundo del espectáculo {m} [idiomatic] :: show business, showbiz
mundo real {m} :: real world
muñeca {f} [anatomy] :: wrist
muñeca {f} :: doll (figure)
muñeca {f} [colloquial] :: chick, babe, doll (attractive woman)
muñeca rusa {f} :: Russian doll
muñeca vudú {m} :: voodoo doll
muñeco {m} :: doll
muñeco {m} :: puppet
muñeco {m} :: attractive male
muñequera {f} :: dollmaker
muñequera {f} :: wrist pad
muñequera {f} :: wristband
muñequería {f} :: the manufacture of dolls
muñequería {f} :: a doll factory
muñequero {m} :: dollmaker
muñequita {f} :: diminutive of muñeca
muñequito {m} :: diminutive of muñeco
Muñez {prop} :: a surname
Múnich {prop} {m} :: Múnich (caplc)
munición {f} :: ammunition
municionamiento {m} :: arming; supplying with ammunition
municionar {v} :: to arm; to supply with ammunition
municipal {adj} :: municipal
municipalidad {f} :: municipality
municipalismo {m} :: municipalism
municipalista {adj} :: municipalist
municipalista {mf} :: municipalist
municipalización {f} :: municipalization
municipalizar {v} :: to municipalize
munícipe {mf} :: official
municipio {m} :: municipality
munificencia {f} :: munificence (the quality of being munificent; generosity)
munificente {adj} :: munificent
muniqués {adj} :: Of or from Munich
muniqués {m} :: Someone from Munich
munir {vt} :: to provide, fit out
munir {vp} :: to provide oneself with; to take (a supply of)
muñir {v} :: to arrange or dispose of a matter of business
muñón {m} :: the stump of a limb which has been lost
muñón {m} :: a part of the body which was incomplete at birth
Muñoz {prop} :: surname
Muntenia {prop} {f} :: Muntenia (historical region)
muón {m} :: muon
mupi {m} :: outdoors advertising board
mur {m} [archaic] :: mouse
murajes {m} :: scarlet pimpernel
mural {adj} :: mural
mural {m} :: mural
muralismo {m} :: muralism
muralista {mf} :: muralist
muralístico {adj} :: muralistic
muralla {f} :: large wall built to protect cities or territories
murallón {m} :: large, strong wall
muramil {m} [organic compound] :: muramyl
murano {m} :: Murano glass
murar {v} :: to surround with a wall
Murcia {prop} {f} :: Murcia (autonomous community/and/province)
Murcia {prop} {f} :: Murcia (capital city)
murciano {adj} :: Murcian (of or pertaining to the city of Murcia)
murciano {m} :: Murcian (person from Murcia)
murciano {m} [uncountable] :: Murcian dialect of Spanish
murciégalo {m} [nonstandard or obsolete] :: alternative form of murciélago
murciélaga {f} :: feminine noun of murciélago
murciélago {m} :: bat (winged mammal)
murciélago vampiro {m} :: vampire bat
mureína {f} [organic compound] :: peptidoglycan
murete {m} :: low wall
murga {f} :: band or group of street musicians
murga {f} [colloquial] :: bugbear (annoyance)
murguera {f} :: feminine noun of murguero
murguero {adj} [attributive] :: murga
murguero {m} :: murga performer
muriático {adj} [chemistry, obsolete] :: muriatic, hydrochloric
Murillo {prop} :: surname
murino {adj} :: murine
murique {adj} :: only used in mero murique
Múrmansk {prop} :: Múrmansk (city)
murmullo {m} [sound] :: murmur, murmuring, mutter, muttering, mumble, mumbling
murmullo {m} :: a rustling noise, susurrus, buzz
murmuración {f} :: murmuring, gossip
murmuración {f} [ornithology] :: murmuration
murmurador {adj} :: murmuring
murmurador {adj} :: gossiping
murmurador {m} :: gossip
murmurador {m} :: murmurer
murmuradora {f} :: feminine noun of murmurador
murmurante {adj} :: murmuring; muttering
murmurante {adj} :: gossipping
murmurar {vt} :: to murmur, to mutter
murmurar {vi} :: to murmur
murmurar {vi} :: to gossip
murmurio {m} :: synonym of murmullo
muro {m} [physical] :: wall
muro {m} [figurative] :: wall
muro {m} [Internet] :: wall (on Facebook)
muro cortafuego {m} [architecture] :: firewall
muro de Berlín {prop} {m} :: Berlin Wall
Muro de las Lamentaciones {prop} {m} :: Wailing Wall
murria {f} :: grief; melancholy
murta {f} :: myrtle
murta {f} :: ugniberry
murtilla {f} :: crowberry
murueco {m} :: ram
mus {m} [card games] :: card game that is very popular in Spain
musa {f} :: Muse
musa {f} :: muse (a source of inspiration)
musa {f} :: A poet's creative and poetic genius
musa {f} [literary] :: poetry
musaca {f} :: alternative spelling of musaka
musaka {f} :: moussaka
musaraña {f} :: shrew
musaraña {f} [by extension] :: vermin; small animal
muscarínico {adj} :: muscarinic
muscovita {f} :: alternative form of moscovita (the mineral)
musculación {f} :: weight training
musculado {adj} :: muscly; muscular
muscular {adj} :: muscular (of, relating to, or connected with muscles)
musculatura {f} :: muscles
musculatura {f} :: musculature
musculo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: musculo-
músculo {m} [uncountable] :: muscle tissue
músculo {m} [countable] :: muscle (organ)
músculo auricular anterior {m} :: anterior auricular muscle
músculo auricular posterior {m} :: posterior auricular muscle
músculo auricular superior {m} :: superior auricular muscle
musculocutáneo {adj} [anatomy] :: musculocutaneous
músculo dilatador del iris {m} :: iris dilator muscle
musculoesquelético {adj} :: musculoskeletal
musculofrénico {adj} [anatomy] :: musculophrenic
músculo frontal {m} :: frontalis muscle, frontalis
músculo occipital {m} :: occipitalis muscle, occipitalis
músculo occipitofrontal {m} :: occipitofrontalis muscle, occipitofrontalis
músculo orbicular de los párpados {m} :: orbicularis oculi muscle, orbicularis oculi
musculosa {f} :: sleeveless shirt
musculoso {adj} :: muscular, brawny
museable {adj} :: Suitable for display in a museum
musealización {f} :: museumization
musealizar {v} :: to turn into a museum
museístico {adj} [attributive] :: museum
muselina {f} :: muslin
museo {m} :: museum
museógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of museógrafo
museografía {f} :: museography
museográfico {adj} :: museographic
museógrafo {m} :: museologist
museóloga {f} :: feminine noun of museólogo
museología {f} :: museology
museológico {adj} :: museological
museólogo {m} :: museologist
musepo {m} [Honduras] :: homesickness, nostalgia
muserola {f} :: noseband
musgo {m} :: moss
musgoso {adj} :: mossy
música {f} :: music
música {f} :: feminine noun of músico, (female) musician
musical {adj} :: musical
musical {m} :: musical
musicalidad {f} :: musicality
musicalización {f} :: musicalization
musicalizador {m} :: music maker
musicalizadora {f} :: feminine noun of musicalizador
musicalizar {v} :: to musicalize
musicalmente {adv} :: musically
musicar {v} :: to musicalise
músico {adj} :: musical
músico {m} :: musician
musicógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of musicógrafo
musicógrafo {m} :: musicographer
musicóloga {f} :: feminine noun of musicólogo
musicología {f} :: musicology
musicológico {adj} :: musicological
musicólogo {m} :: musicologist
musicoterapia {f} :: music therapy
musiquilla {f} :: tune, melody
musir {vr} [Álava] :: to go mouldy
musir {vr} [Álava] :: to go into disuse, to gather dust
musirse {vr} [Álava, colloquial] :: to go mouldy
musitar {v} :: to murmur, to mutter
muslo {m} :: thigh (upper leg of a human, between the hip and the knee)
muso {m} :: muse
musola {f} :: smooth-hound
musseque {m} :: slum (in Angola)
mustélido {m} [zoology] :: mustelid
musteriense {adj} :: Mousterian
mustiamente {adv} :: sadly, languidly
mustio {adj} :: wilted, withered
mustio {adj} :: sad, gloomy
musulmán {adj} :: Muslim
musulmán {m} :: Muslim
musulmana {f} :: feminine noun of musulmán
musulmanidad {f} :: Muslimness
mutabilidad {f} :: mutability
mutable {adj} :: rare form of mudable
mutación {f} :: mutation
mutacional {adj} :: mutational
mutagénesis {f} :: mutagenesis
mutagenicidad {f} :: mutagenicity
mutagénico {adj} :: mutagenic
mutágeno {m} [biology] :: mutagen
mutante {adj} :: mutant
mutante {mf} :: mutant (all senses)
mutar {vt} :: to mutate
mutarrotación {f} [organic chemistry, carbohydrate] :: mutarotation
mutilación {f} :: mutilation
mutilado {adj} :: mutilated
mutilador {m} :: mutilator
mutilante {adj} :: mutilating
mutilar {v} :: to mutilate
mutilarse {v} :: reflexive of mutilar
mútilo {adj} :: maimed, mutilated
mutis {interj} :: shh
mutis {m} [theatre] :: exit
mutismo {m} :: muteness
mutismo {m} :: mutism
mutual {adj} :: mutual
mutualidad {f} :: mutuality
mutualismo {m} [ecology] :: mutualism (interaction between two species that benefits both)
mutualismo {m} [politics] :: mutualism (anarchist economic theory)
mutualista {adj} :: mutualist
mutualista {mf} :: mutualist
mutualización {f} :: mutualization
mutuamente {adv} :: mutually
mutuaria {f} :: feminine noun of mutuario
mutuario {m} :: person receiving a loan
mutuo {adj} :: mutual
muxo {adj} [Internet slang] :: alternative spelling of mucho
muy {adv} :: very
muyahid {m} :: mujahid
muyahidín {m} :: mujahid
muy bien {phrase} :: very well; OK; righto; all right
muy de vez en cuando {adv} [idiomatic] :: rarely
muzak {m} :: Muzak
MX {prop} :: abbreviation of México (Mexican state)
myrrha {f} :: obsolete spelling of mirra