User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-m
m. {n} | :: noon |
m {pron} [texting] | :: abbreviation of me |
m {letter} | :: letter |
M {letter} | :: The 13th letter of the Spanish alphabet |
Ma. {prop} | :: abbreviation of María when used as part of a male name |
M.ª {prop} {f} | :: abbreviation of María (given name) |
Mª {prop} {f} | :: abbreviation of María (given name) |
mabita {mf} [Venezuela] | :: jinx; bringer of ill luck |
mabitoso {adj} [Venezuela, colloquial] | :: jinxed |
maca {f} | :: maca (Andean herb) |
Maca {prop} {f} | :: given name |
macá {m} | :: grebe |
macabea {f} | :: feminine noun of macabeo |
macabeo {adj} [Chile] | :: henpecked, whipped |
macabeo {m} [Chile] | :: one who is henpecked or whipped |
macabeo {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to Macas (city in Ecuador) |
macabeo {m} | :: A person from Macas (city in Ecuador) |
macabeo {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Maccabees (Jewish liberation movement) |
macabramente {adv} | :: macabrely |
macabro {adj} | :: macabre |
macaca {f} | :: female macaque monkey; see macaco |
macaca {f} | :: binge, drunken spree, drunk, jag |
macaca {f} | :: female hobgoblin |
macaca {f} [South America, pejorative] | :: Brazilian woman |
macaca {f} [Honduras] | :: macaca, a small coin equal to one peso |
macaca {f} [Chile, vulgar] | :: masturbation |
macaco {m} | :: macaque |
macaco {m} | :: hobgoblin, bogeyman |
macaco {m} [South America, pejorative] | :: Brazilian |
macaco {m} [Louisiana] | :: monkey |
macaco {adj} [slang] | :: ugly, misshapen, deformed, squat |
macadam {m} | :: macadam |
macadamia {f} | :: macadamia |
macaense {adj} | :: Macanese |
macaense {mf} | :: Macanese |
macal {m} | :: malanga, Xanthosoma |
macana {f} | :: a type of thin cotton shawl worn by mestizo women in Bolivia and Ecuador |
macana {f} | :: a type of long club, sometimes studded with sharp pieces of rock, used by the natives of America |
macana {f} [Americas, Latin America] | :: baton (small club used by law enforcement) |
macana {f} [uncountable] | :: the wood of the peach palm |
macana {f} [Argentina, Peru, Uruguay] | :: an unpleasant situation |
macana {f} [Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, colloquial] | :: lie; nonsense, claptrap, tosh |
macana {f} [Costa Rica, El Savador, Honduras, Nicaragua] | :: a farm tool used to dig small holes |
macana {f} | :: a baluster of a balcony’s balustrade |
macana {f} [Mexico] | :: prick, cock |
macaneador {m} [Argentina] | :: liar; phoney |
macanudo {adj} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: groovy, easy going, smooth |
macanudo {adj} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: great, extraordinary |
macanudo {adj} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: pretentious, ostentatious, magnificent |
macaquito {m} [literally] | :: little monkey |
macaquito {m} [by extension, slang, derogatory] | :: Brazilian (often implying a perceived tendency to copy American and European fads) |
Macarena {prop} {f} | :: given name |
macareo {m} | :: tidal bore |
Macario {prop} {m} | :: given name |
macaronésico {adj} | :: Macaronesian |
macarra {mf} [colloquial] | :: thug, lout |
macarra {mf} [colloquial] | :: pimp |
macarrilla {mf} | :: diminutive of macarra |
macarrón {m} | :: macaroon |
macarrón {m} [Spain] | :: piece of macaroni |
macarrón {m} [El Salvador] | :: spaghetti |
macarrón {m} | :: sheath, sleeving |
macarrón {m} | :: sleeving tube or pipe |
macarrón {m} [colloquial] | :: pimp (prostitution solicitor) |
macarrónico {adj} | :: macaronic |
macarthysta {mf} | :: McCarthyist |
macarthysta {adj} | :: McCarthyist |
macartismo {m} | :: McCarthyism |
macateta {f} | :: knucklebones; jacks (game) |
Macau {prop} {m} | :: Macau (city/and/special administrative region) |
maccarthismo {m} | :: McCarthyism |
Maceda {prop} | :: surname |
macedonia {f} | :: fruit salad |
macedonia {f} | :: feminine noun of macedonio |
Macedonia {prop} {f} | :: Macedonia |
Macedonia del Norte {prop} {f} | :: North Macedonia |
macedónico {adj} | :: Macedonian |
macedonio {adj} | :: Macedonian |
macedonio {m} | :: Macedonian |
maceración {f} | :: maceration |
macerar {vt} | :: to macerate (to soften in a liquid) |
macero {m} | :: mace-bearer |
maceta {f} | :: flowerpot |
macetera {f} | :: flowerpot |
macetero {m} | :: flowerpot |
macha {f} | :: Chilean razor clam [edible mollusk] |
machaca {f} | :: machada (meat) |
machaca {f} | :: machada (insect) |
machacado {adj} | :: knackered, exhausted |
machacante {adj} | :: monotonous; unending |
machacar {v} | :: to crush |
machacar {v} [basketball] | :: to dunk |
machacársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] | :: to jerk off; wank |
machacón {adj} | :: insistent, demanding |
machacón {adj} | :: annoying, tiresome |
machaconamente {adv} | :: insistently, tediously |
machadiano {adj} | :: Pertaining to or in the style of Antonio Machado (1875–1939), Spanish poet |
machadista {adj} | :: Of or relating to Gerardo Machado |
machaleña {f} | :: feminine noun of machaleño |
machaleño {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Machala, Ecuador |
machaleño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Machala, Ecuador |
Machalí {prop} {m} | :: Machalí (city) |
machalino {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Machalí |
machaqueo {m} | :: pounding |
machar {v} | :: to grind, to pound |
macharse {v} [Latin America] | :: to get drunk |
machepa {mf} | :: synonym of hijo de machepa |
machetazo {m} | :: A cut or hit with a machete |
machete {m} | :: machete |
machete {m} | :: mediocre method for obtaining somewhat accurate results; shortcut |
machetear {v} | :: to chop with a machete |
machetear {v} [Chile] | :: to ask for money or food |
machetero {m} | :: Someone who wields a machete |
machetero {m} | :: Someone who makes machetes |
machetero {m} | :: A member of the Boricua Popular Army |
machi {m} | :: machi |
máchica {f} [Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru] | :: A type of flour made from ground barley |
machiega {f} | :: worker bee |
machiguenga {adj} | :: Machiguenga |
machiguenga {mf} | :: Machiguenga |
machihembrar {v} | :: to dovetail |
machín {m} [Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela] | :: monkey |
machirulo {m} [derogatory, feminists, euphemistic] | :: male chauvinistic, macho |
machismo {m} | :: sexism, misogyny, male chauvinism |
machista {adj} | :: male chauvinistic |
machista {mf} | :: male chauvinist |
machito {m} | :: diminutive of macho |
máchmetro {m} | :: Machmeter |
macho {adj} | :: male |
macho {adj} | :: strong, brave |
macho {m} | :: male |
macho {m} | :: sledgehammer |
macho {m} | :: anvil |
macho alfa {m} | :: alpha male |
machón {m} | :: buttress |
machona {f} | :: tomboy |
machona {f} | :: (slang, offensive) dyke, a lesbian |
machorra {f} | :: sterile female |
machorra {f} [Mexico, Spain] | :: tomboy, virago |
machorro {m} [augmentative] | :: male, big daddy, a pussyman |
machote {m} [colloquial] | :: a tough man; a badass |
machucar {v} | :: to squash, crush |
machucar {v} | :: to bruise |
machucón {m} [Mexico] | :: bruise |
machuelo {m} | :: tap (device) |
machupichu {mf} [pejorative, Spain] | :: A South American |
Macias {prop} | :: surname |
macilento {adj} | :: pallid, gaunt, emaciated |
macillo {m} | :: hammer (of a piano) |
macis {m} | :: mace (spice) |
macista {adj} | :: Of, relating to, or supporting, Francisco Macías Nguema, former president of Equatorial Guinea |
macista {mf} | :: A supporter of Francisco Macías Nguema |
macizar {v} | :: to fill up; fill in (holes) |
macizo {adj} | :: solid |
macizo {adj} | :: massive, large |
macizo {adj} [slang] | :: hunky, dishy |
macizo {m} | :: flowerbed |
macizo {m} | :: mass, solid |
macizo {m} | :: massif |
macizo {m} [slang] | :: A hunk |
macla {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: mascle |
macla {f} [crystallography] | :: crystal twinning |
maco {m} | :: prison |
macoca {f} [El Salvador] | :: knock; rap (with the knuckles) |
macolla {f} | :: Stems, flowers, tillers, etc. growing in a clump or tuft, as with bunchgrass |
macollar {v} | :: alternative form of amacollar |
macollo {m} | :: cluster; bunch |
macramé {m} | :: macramé |
macrismo {m} | :: The politic beliefs of Mauricio Macri |
macrista {adj} | :: Supporting Argentine president Mauricio Macri, or his political beliefs |
macrista {mf} | :: A supporter of Mauricio Macri |
macro- {prefix} | :: macro- |
macro {m} [computing] | :: macro |
macró {m} [slang, Latin America] | :: pimp |
macroagencia {f} | :: Large agency |
macroalga {f} | :: macroalga |
macroataque {m} | :: large-scale attack |
macrobiótico {adj} | :: macrobiotic |
macrobloque {m} | :: macroblock |
macrobotellón {m} | :: a botellón of thousands of people; huge street binge drinking |
macroburdel {m} | :: huge brothel |
macrocaso {m} | :: massive (legal) case |
macrocausa {f} | :: Great cause |
macrocefalia {f} | :: macrocephaly |
macrocéfalo {adj} | :: macrocephalic |
macrocentro {m} | :: shopping center |
macrocíclico {adj} | :: macrocyclic |
macrociclo {m} | :: macrocycle |
macrocita {f} | :: macrocyte |
macrocito {f} [hematology, cytology] | :: macrocyte |
macrocitosis {f} | :: macrocytosis |
macrocomplejo {m} | :: Large complex |
macroconcierto {m} | :: huge concert |
macrocosmo {m} | :: macrocosm |
macrocosmos {m} | :: macrocosm |
macrodedo {m} | :: augmentative of dedo |
macrodiscoteca {f} | :: Huge disco |
macroeconomía {f} | :: macroeconomy |
macroeconomía {f} | :: macroeconomics |
macroeconómicamente {adv} | :: macroeconomically |
macroeconómico {adj} | :: macroeconomic |
macroecónomico {adj} | :: macroeconomical |
macroelemento {m} | :: macroelement |
macroencuesta {f} | :: augmentative of encuesta |
macroestablecimiento {m} | :: large establishment |
macroestado {m} | :: macrostate |
macroestafa {f} | :: huge fraud |
macroestructura {f} | :: macrostructure |
macroevento {m} | :: giant event |
macroevolución {f} | :: macroevolution |
macrófago {m} [cytology, immunology] | :: macrophage |
macrofamilia {f} | :: macrofamily |
macrofauna {f} [zoology] | :: macrofauna |
macrofestival {m} | :: Large festival |
macrofiesta {f} | :: Huge party |
macrofósil {m} [paleontology] | :: macrofossil |
macroglobulina {f} [protein] | :: macroglobulin |
macrogranja {f} | :: Huge farm |
macrohaplogrupo {m} | :: macrohaplogroup |
macroincineradora {f} | :: massive incinerator |
macroinvertebrado {m} | :: macroinvertebrate |
macroinvestigación {f} | :: huge investigation |
macrojuicio {m} | :: huge trial, trial of the century |
macrólido {m} | :: macrolide |
macrolocal {m} | :: Huge venue |
macrómera {f} | :: macromere |
macromolécula {f} [biochemistry] | :: macromolecule |
macromolecular {adj} | :: macromolecular |
macrón {m} | :: macron |
macronutriente {m} | :: macronutrient |
macrooperación {f} | :: huge operation |
macrooperativo {m} | :: large-scale operation (usually police or military) |
macroperación {f} | :: huge operation |
macroperativo {m} | :: huge operative |
macroperforado {adj} | :: macroperforated |
macroproceso {m} | :: macroprocess |
macroproyecto {m} | :: macroproject |
macroprudencial {adj} | :: macroprudential |
macropuente {m} | :: Extra-long weekend |
macroreyerta {f} | :: Huge row; hubbub |
macrorredada {f} | :: large-scale raid (police) |
macrorregión {f} | :: macroregion |
macroscópicamente {adv} | :: macroscopically |
macroscópico {adj} | :: macroscopic |
macrosimulacro {m} [Mexico] | :: large-scale earthquake drill |
macrosocial {adj} | :: macrosocial |
macrosomía {f} | :: macrosomia |
macrosumario {m} [legal] | :: large-scale summary |
macrotendencia {f} | :: macrotrend |
macrotienda {f} | :: superstore, megastore |
macrourbanización {f} | :: huge urbanization |
macrourbanización {f} | :: huge housing estate |
macrourbe {f} | :: megalopolis |
Macu {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mácula {f} [anatomy] | :: macula (spot near the center of the retina) |
mácula {f} [poetic] | :: stain (discolored spot or area) |
macular {adj} | :: stained, tainted |
macular {vt} | :: to stain |
macular {adj} [anatomy, medicine] | :: macular (relating to the macula) |
maculoso {adj} | :: spotted |
maculoso {adj} | :: macular |
macundales {mp} [Latin America] | :: affairs, business |
macuquina {f} [history] | :: A coin flattened by a hammer in the colonial times of South America |
macuto {m} [military] | :: backpack |
macuto {m} | :: satchel; backpack |
Madagascar {prop} | :: Madagascar |
madama {f} | :: madam |
madame {f} | :: madam (polite term of address to a woman) |
madame {f} | :: madam (mistress of a household) |
madapolán {m} | :: madapolam |
Madariaga {prop} | :: surname |
made in {prep} [colloquial] | :: made in; originating from |
madeja {f} | :: skein, hank, ball of yarn |
madejita {f} | :: diminutive of madeja |
madera {f} | :: wood |
madera {f} | :: wooden plank, board |
madera {f} | :: makings |
maderable {adj} | :: wood-producing |
maderamen {m} | :: woodwork, timberwork |
maderera {f} | :: feminine noun of maderero |
maderería {f} | :: shop selling wood and wood products |
maderero {m} | :: A lumberjack |
maderero {m} | :: An overseer of something wood related |
maderero {m} | :: A wooden raft or log navigator on a watercourse |
maderero {m} | :: A male woodworker |
maderero {adj} [attributive] | :: logging |
maderismo {m} [historical] | :: Maderism (support for Francisco Ignacio Madero González) |
maderista {adj} [historical] | :: Maderist (relating to or supporting Mexican president Francisco Ignacio Madero González) |
maderista {mf} [historical] | :: Maderist (a supporter of Francisco Ignacio Madero González) |
madero {m} | :: a piece of wood, a piece of timber |
madero {m} [Spain, derogatory] | :: police officer, compare pig |
madero {m} [Spain, derogatory] | :: a clumsy person |
Madián {prop} {m} | :: Midian (biblical location) |
madianita {mf} | :: Midianite |
madona {f} | :: Madonna |
madrás {m} | :: madras |
madrasa {f} | :: madrasah |
madrastra {f} | :: stepmother |
madraza {f} | :: Great mother, brilliant mother |
madrazo {m} | :: hard blow |
madre {f} | :: mother |
madre {f} [figuratively] | :: mother (source or origin) |
madre {f} | :: mother (nun) |
madre {f} | :: riverbed |
madre {f} | :: dregs (of a drink) |
madre {f} [Mexico, colloquial, vulgar, slang] | :: thing |
madrear {v} | :: to look like one's mother |
madrear {v} [vulgar, Mexico] | :: to strongly pound someone |
madrear {v} [vulgar, Mexico] | :: to damage, break or break down something |
madrearse {v} [said especially of wine] | :: to turn sour |
madre biológica {f} | :: biological mother, birth mother |
madrecacao {m} | :: quickstick (Gliricidia sepium) |
madrecita {f} | :: diminutive of madre |
madre de alquiler {f} | :: surrogate mother |
Madre de Dios {prop} {f} | :: Madre de Dios (region) |
madre mía {interj} | :: mamma mia!, blimey!, my goodness!, goodness me! (an expression of surprise) |
madreña {f} | :: clog |
madrense {adj} | :: Madrean |
madrense {mf} | :: Madrean |
madreporito {m} [zoology] | :: madreporite |
madrera {f} | :: feminine noun of madrero |
madrero {adj} | :: mum-loving |
madrero {m} | :: mummy's boy |
Madre Rusia {prop} {f} | :: Mother Russia |
madreselva {f} | :: honeysuckle, woodbine |
Madre Tierra {prop} {f} | :: Mother Earth |
madriado {m} | :: quickstick (Gliricidia sepium) |
Madrid {prop} {m} | :: Madrid (capital city) |
Madrid {prop} {m} | :: Madrid (autonomous community) |
Madrid {prop} {m} | :: Madrid (province) |
Madrid {prop} {m} | :: The letter M in the Spanish phonetic alphabet |
Madrid {prop} {m} | :: surname |
madridismo {m} [football] | :: support for Real Madrid C.F., a popular football club from Madrid |
madridista {adj} [soccer] | :: Of or connected to Real Madrid, a famous football club from Madrid |
madridista {mf} [soccer] | :: Madridista (Someone who plays for, works for, or supports Real Madrid) |
madrigal {m} | :: madrigal |
madrigalesco {adj} | :: madrigal |
madriguera {f} | :: burrow, den, sett |
madriguera {f} | :: hideout, hiding place |
madriguera {f} | :: den (for criminals) |
madrileño {adj} | :: Madrilenian; of or from Madrid |
madrileño {m} | :: Madrilenian (a person from Madrid) |
madrina {f} | :: godmother |
Madriz {prop} | :: Madriz (department) |
Madriz {prop} | :: pronunciation spelling of Madrid |
madroñal {m} | :: grove of strawberry trees |
madroño {m} | :: strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) |
madroño {m} | :: fruit of the strawberry tree |
madrugada {f} | :: dawn |
madrugada {f} | :: early hours of the morning, before dawn |
madrugada {f} | :: the period of time between midnight and before sunrise |
madrugador {adj} | :: rising or waking early |
madrugador {m} | :: early riser, early bird, morning person |
madrugadora {f} | :: feminine noun of madrugador |
madrugar {v} | :: to get up early |
madrugón {m} [colloquial] | :: early riser, early bird |
madrugón {m} [colloquial] | :: early start |
madrugonazo {m} | :: fight in the morning |
madruguero {m} | :: early bird; early riser |
madruguero {adj} | :: early-rising |
maduración {f} | :: maturation |
maduración {f} | :: ripening |
maduradero {f} | :: silo or barn for storing fruits until they have matured |
maduramente {adv} | :: maturely |
madurar {v} | :: to mature |
madurar {v} | :: to ripen |
madurativo {adj} | :: Made mature |
madurez {f} | :: maturity |
madurismo {m} | :: Support for Nicolás Maduro (1962–), Venezuelan president since 2013 |
madurista {adj} | :: Of or relating to Nicolás Maduro or his political beliefs |
madurista {mf} | :: A supporter of Nicolás Maduro |
madurita {f} | :: MILF (older sexually attractive woman) |
maduro {adj} | :: ripe |
maduro {adj} | :: mature, of relatively old age (said of people) |
maduro {m} [Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador] | :: ellipsis of plátano maduro |
Maduro {prop} | :: surname |
mae {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial slang, m] | :: dude, guy, man |
mae {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial slang, f] | :: girl, gal, sis |
mae {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial slang, used in the vocative] | :: dude, you |
maeña {f} | :: feminine noun of maeño |
maeño {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Mao, Dominican Republic |
maeño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Mao, Dominican Republic |
maesa {f} | :: feminine noun of maese or maeso |
maese {m} [obsolete, poetic] | :: master |
maeso {m} [obsolete] | :: master |
maestra {f} | :: female equivalent of maestro |
maestra {f} | :: queen bee |
maestra de ceremonias {f} | :: feminine noun of maestro de ceremonias |
maestral {adj} | :: pedagogic; teaching |
maestral {adj} | :: referring to the grand master of one of the Spanish military orders |
maestral {m} | :: mistral (wind) |
maestral {m} | :: cell of a queen bee |
maestrante {mf} [military] | :: knight |
maestranza {f} | :: (group of) armories |
maestranza {f} | :: (group of) arms makers |
maestrazgo {m} | :: office of Grand Master |
maestre {m} | :: Master (of the Order of Santiago) |
maestre de campo {m} [archaic] | :: colonel (rank below capitán general in the Spanish Empire) |
maestresala {mf} | :: maître d' |
maestría {f} | :: mastery |
maestría {f} | :: master's degree |
maestrillo {m} | :: diminutive of maestro |
maestro {m} [especially, Latin America] | :: teacher |
maestro {m} | :: master |
maestro {m} | :: (master) craftsman, handyman, contractor, construction worker |
maestro {adj} | :: expert, master |
maestro de ceremonias {m} | :: master of ceremonies |
mafia {f} | :: Mafia (Italian Mafia) |
mafia {f} | :: Mafia (any criminal organization) |
máfico {adj} [geology] | :: mafic |
mafiosa {f} | :: female equivalent of mafioso |
mafioso {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the mafia |
mafioso {m} | :: Mafioso |
maga {f} | :: female magician, female conjurer |
magacín {m} | :: magazine |
Magadán {prop} {m} | :: Magadán (city) |
Magallanes {prop} | :: surname |
magallánico {adj} | :: Magellanic |
magancear {v} | :: to laze about; loaf |
magarza {f} | :: Any of a number of plants, see the Wikipedia article |
Magás {prop} {m} | :: Magás (city) |
magdalena {f} | :: madeleine (cake) |
magdalena {f} | :: cupcake |
Magdalena {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Magdalena {prop} {f} | :: Magdalena (municipality) |
magdaleniense {adj} | :: Magdalenian |
Magdeburgo {prop} {m} | :: Magdeburgo (city) |
magenta {m} | :: magenta (pinkish purple colour) |
magenta {adj} | :: magenta (being of the magenta colour) |
Magerit {prop} [historical] | :: Madrid |
magestad {f} | :: obsolete spelling of majestad |
maghrebín {m} | :: obsolete spelling of magrebí |
magia {f} | :: magic |
magia {f} | :: spell, charm, conjuration |
magia {f} [figuratively] | :: wizardry (skill, ability) |
magia blanca {f} | :: white magick, white magic |
magia de cristales {m} | :: crystal magick |
magia de velas {m} | :: candle magick |
magia gris {f} | :: gray magic |
magia negra {f} | :: black magick, black magic |
magiar {adj} | :: Hungarian (of, from or pertaining to Hungary) |
magiar {adj} | :: Hungarian (of, in or pertaining to the Hungarian language) |
magiar {mf} | :: Hungarian (person from Hungary) |
magiar {m} | :: Hungarian (Uralic language spoken in Hungary) |
mágicamente {adv} | :: magically |
mágico {adj} | :: magic, magical |
mágico {adj} | :: wonderful |
magín {m} | :: imagination |
magíster {m} | :: magister (the possessor of a master's degree) |
magisterial {adj} | :: magisterial, magistral |
magisterio {m} | :: teaching, instruction |
magisterio {m} | :: teacher training |
magisterio {m} | :: teachers, teaching staff |
magistrada {f} | :: feminine noun of magistrado |
magistrado {m} | :: judge |
magistral {adj} | :: magistral, magisterial |
magistralmente {adv} | :: magisterially, masterly |
magistratura {f} | :: magistracy |
magma {m} [geology] | :: magma |
magmático {adj} | :: magmatic |
magmatismo {m} [geology] | :: magmatism |
magnánimamente {adv} | :: magnanimously |
magnanimidad {f} | :: magnanimity |
magnánimo {adj} | :: magnanimous |
magnate {m} | :: magnate, tycoon |
magnesia {f} [mineral] | :: magnesia |
magnésico {adj} | :: magnesic |
magnesio {m} | :: magnesium |
magnesita {f} [mineral] | :: magnesite |
magnetar {f} | :: magnetar |
magnéticamente {adv} | :: magnetically |
magnético {adj} | :: magnetic |
magnetismo {m} | :: magnetism (the property of being magnetic) |
magnetita {f} | :: magnetite |
magnetización {f} | :: magnetization |
magnetizar {v} | :: to magnetize |
magneto {m} | :: magneto |
magnetoestrella {f} | :: magnetar |
magnetofón {m} | :: tape recorder |
magnetofónico {adj} | :: tape-recorded |
magnetófono {m} | :: tape recorder |
magnetómetro {m} [physics] | :: magnetometer (instrument) |
magnetoscopio {m} | :: video tape recorder |
magnetosfera {f} | :: magnetosphere |
magnetósfera {f} [physics] | :: magnetosphere |
magnetotelúrico {adj} | :: magnetotelluric |
magnetrón {m} | :: magnetron |
magnicida {mf} | :: assassin of an important figure |
magnicidio {m} | :: assassination (of a major figure) |
magnifentísimo {adj} [rare, superlative] | :: most magnificent |
magnificación {f} | :: magnification |
magníficamente {adv} | :: magnificently |
magnificar {v} | :: to extol, praise |
magnificencia {f} | :: magnificence |
magnífico {adj} | :: magnificent |
magnitud {f} | :: magnitude |
magno {adj} | :: great |
mago {adj} | :: magician (attributive) |
mago {m} | :: magician, sorcerer |
mago {m} | :: Magi |
magonista {adj} | :: Magonist |
magonista {mf} | :: Magonist |
magosto {m} | :: A traditional party in the north of Spain, especially Asturias and Galicia, in which chestnuts are eaten |
magra {f} | :: rasher |
magrear {v} | :: to grope |
Mágreb {prop} {m} | :: Maghreb |
magrebí {mf} | :: Maghrebi |
magret {m} | :: magret |
magro {adj} | :: lean, without fat |
magro {m} | :: loin of pork |
maguer {prep} [literary] | :: despite; in spite of |
maguer {conj} [literary] | :: although |
maguey {m} [Latin America] | :: maguey |
magüey {m} | :: alternative form of maguey |
magufa {f} | :: feminine noun of magufo |
magufo {m} [pejorative] | :: someone who believes in pseudoscience or conspiracy theories |
magular {vt} | :: obsolete spelling of magullar |
magulladura {f} | :: bruise |
magullar {vt} | :: to bruise |
Maguncia {prop} {f} | :: Maguncia (city) |
maharajá {m} | :: maharaja |
mahayana {m} | :: Mahayana |
mahdista {adj} | :: Mahdist |
mahdista {mf} | :: Mahdist |
mahleriano {adj} | :: Mahlerian |
mahogani {m} | :: mahogany |
Mahoma {prop} {m} | :: Muhammad (Islamic prophet) |
mahometano {adj} | :: Mohammedan, Muslim |
mahometano {m} | :: Mohammedan, Muslim |
mahometismo {m} | :: Islam |
mahón {m} | :: A type of cheese from Mahón, Minorca |
mahón {m} [Puerto Rico] | :: jeans |
mahonesa {f} | :: alternative form of mayonesa |
mahonesa {f} | :: Virginia stock, Malcolmia maritima |
mahout {m} | :: mahout |
maicear {v} [Mexico] | :: to feed corn |
maicena {f} | :: cornstarch |
maicera {f} | :: feminine noun of maicero |
maicero {adj} | :: corn, maize |
maicero {m} [pejorative] | :: redneck, country bumpkin (rural unsophisticated person) |
maicero {m} | :: corn / maize farmer |
maicito {m} | :: diminutive of maíz |
mail {m} | |
mailing {m} | :: mailing list |
maillot {m} | :: jersey |
maimón {m} | :: a type of monkey with having prehensile tail |
maimón {m} | :: A type of garlic soup from Granada, Spain |
Maine {prop} | :: Maine |
mainés {adj} | :: Mainer |
mainés {m} | :: Mainer |
mainesa {f} | :: feminine noun of mainés |
mainframe {m} [computing] | :: mainframe |
mainstream {m} | :: mainstream |
maiquetiense {adj} | :: of or from Maiquetía |
maiquetiense {mf} | :: Someone from Maiquetía |
maiquetienses {adj} | :: plural of maiquetiense |
maisiense {adj} | :: Of or from Maisí |
maisiense {mf} | :: Someone from Maisí |
maison {f} | :: fashion house |
Maite {prop} {f} | :: given name |
maitén {m} | :: mayten |
maitines {mp} | :: matins |
maitra {f} | :: feminine noun of maitro |
maitro {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: man (or woman, lady, in the feminine), adult acquaintance or friend 20 years or older (typically older than 30, and typically older than the speaker) who receives respect due to being at work or being skilled at something |
maíz {m} | :: corn, maize |
maizal {m} | :: piece of land cultivating corn; cornfield |
maizena {f} | :: cornflour, cornstarch |
maíz negro {m} | :: black corn |
Majachkalá {prop} | :: Majachkalá (city) |
majada {f} [sheep] | :: pen |
majada {f} | :: dung |
majada {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] | :: flock, herd |
majada {f} [archaic] | :: hostel, inn |
majadera {f} | :: feminine noun of majadero |
majaderamente {adv} | :: foolishly |
majadería {f} | :: malarkey, malarky, nonsense, rubbish [usually in the plural] |
majadería {f} | :: silliness, absurdity |
majadero {m} | :: fool |
majadero {m} | :: clown |
majadero {m} | :: pestle |
majar {v} | :: to crush |
majar {v} | :: to pound |
majar {v} | :: to grind |
majara {adj} [colloquial] | :: nuts, loopy (crazy) |
majareta {adj} [colloquial] | :: nuts, bonkers |
majaz {m} | :: lowland paca |
maje {interj} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: dude! (said to a man) |
maje {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: idiot, stupid (said about a man) |
maje {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: guy (pejorative, slightly insulting) |
majestad {f} | :: majesty |
majestoso {adj} | :: alternative form of majestuoso |
majestuosamente {adv} | :: majestically, kingly |
majestuosidad {f} | :: majesty, majesticness |
majestuoso {adj} | :: majestic, majestical, august, grand |
majestuoso {adj} | :: stately, pompous |
majete {adj} [colloquial, Spain] | :: cool, nice |
Majewski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
majísimo {adj} | :: superlative of majo |
majnovista {adj} | :: Makhnovist |
majnovista {mf} | :: Makhnovist |
majo {adj} [Spain, colloquial] | :: good-looking, handsome |
majo {adj} [Spain, colloquial] | :: likeable, nice, pretty |
Majo {prop} {m} | :: A diminutive of the female given name María José |
majorera {f} | :: feminine noun of majorero |
majorero {adj} | :: Of or from Fuerteventura |
majorero {m} | :: Someone from Fuerteventura |
majuelo {m} | :: common hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna |
majunche {adj} [Venezuela] | :: crappy; slipshod |
makila {f} | :: makila |
making-of {m} | :: making-of |
mal- {prefix} | :: bad; badly |
mal {adv} | :: badly, poorly, ill |
mal {adv} | :: awry, amiss, wrong, wrongly |
mal {adv} | :: hard [functions as an adverb in Spanish but translates as an adjective in English] |
mal {m} | :: evil, harm; a bad thing or situation |
mal {m} | :: disease, illness, ailment |
mal {m} | :: worse [substantive] |
mala {f} | :: suitcase |
mala {f} | :: mailbag |
mala {f} | :: mail, post |
malabar {adj} | :: juegos malabares juggling |
malabar {m} | :: Malayalam (language) |
malabarear {v} | :: to juggle |
malabarismo {m} | :: juggling |
malabarismo {m} | :: juggling act |
malabarismo {m} | :: doublespeak |
malabarista {mf} | :: juggler |
malabeña {f} | :: feminine noun of malabeño |
malabeño {adj} | :: Malabeño, of or from the city of Malabo in Equatorial Guinea |
malabeño {m} | :: Malabeño, an inhabitant of the city of Malabo in Equatorial Guinea |
Malabo {prop} | :: Malabo (city) |
malabsorción {f} [pathology] | :: malabsorption |
malacara {f} [Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay] | :: horse with a mostly white face |
malacate {m} [historical] | :: A type of capstan or winch formerly used in mines to extract minerals and water |
malacitano {adj} | :: of or from Málaga |
malacitano {m} | :: person from Málaga |
malacóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of malacólogo |
malacología {f} | :: malacology |
malacológico {adj} | :: malacological |
malacólogo {m} | :: malacologist |
malacostumbrar {v} | :: to get (someone) into bad habits, set a bad example |
malacostumbrar {v} | :: to spoil rotten |
Málaga {prop} {f} | :: Málaga (province) |
Málaga {prop} {f} | :: Málaga (city) |
mala gente {adj} | :: mean (person) |
malagradecido {adj} | :: thankless |
malagueña {f} | :: feminine noun of malagueño |
malagueño {adj} | :: of or from Málaga |
malagueño {m} | :: person from Málaga |
malagueta {f} | :: malagueta |
malagueta {f} | :: tabasco pepper spice |
malaguista {mf} [soccer] | :: A person connecting with Malaga CF, as a fan, player, coach etc. |
mala hierba {f} | :: weed (unwanted plant) |
malaje {m} [Andalusia] | :: boring or charmless person |
mala leche {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: bad intentions when doing something harmful to someone |
malambo {m} | :: malambo |
malamente {adv} | :: badly, poorly |
malamente {adv} | :: barely; hardly |
mala mujer {f} | :: See: es malo mujer |
mala mujer {f} | :: A name for various kinds of plant, especially those that sting: |
mala mujer {f} | :: Bocconia latisepala |
mala mujer {f} | :: Cnidoscolus tubulosus |
mala mujer {f} | :: smoketree spurge (Euphorbia cotinifolia) |
mala mujer {f} | :: fork-bracted rosemallow (Hibiscus bifurcatus) |
mala mujer {f} | :: buffalobur nightshade (Solanum rostratum) |
mala mujer {f} | :: eastern poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) |
mala mujer {f} | :: Caracus wigandia (Wigandia caracasana) |
mala mujer {f} [Chiapas, Oaxaca] | :: Cnidoscolus urens |
mala mujer {f} [Chihuahua] | :: tree spinach (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) |
mala mujer {f} [Morelos] | :: flameberry (Urera caracasana) |
mala mujer {f} [Tamaulipas] | :: Cnidoscolus angustidens |
malandanza {f} | :: misfortune, rotten luck |
malandra {f} | :: feminine noun of malandro, a certain type of delinquent or thug |
malandraje {m} | :: thugs; gangs of thugs |
malandraje {m} | :: thuggery; being a lout |
malandrín {mf} | :: scoundrel, rascal |
malandrino {adj} | :: dishonest |
malandritud {f} [Latin America, rare] | :: roguery; criminality |
malandro {m} [colloquial, Venezuela] | :: young delinquent |
malandro {m} [colloquial, Uruguay, masculine only] | :: delinquent |
malandro {m} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: young thug |
malanga {f} | :: malanga |
mala onda {f} [idiom] | :: mean person |
mala pasada {n} | :: a dirty tricks (unethical or illegal tactics used against an opponent) |
mala pata {f} [idiom] | :: bad luck; misfortune |
malapropismo {m} | :: malapropism |
Malaquías {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Malachi (the book of the Bible) |
malaquita {f} [mineral] | :: malachite |
malar {adj} | :: malar |
mala racha {f} | :: losing streak |
malaria {f} | :: malaria |
Malasaña {prop} | :: Malasaña (area) |
mala sangre {f} [idiom] | :: bad blood |
Malasia {prop} {f} | :: Malaysia |
malasio {adj} | :: Malaysian |
malasio {m} | :: Malaysian |
malas pulgas {fp} [idiomatic] | :: bad character |
mala suerte {f} | :: bad luck |
mala suerte {interj} | :: bad luck; tough luck |
malatión {m} | :: malathion |
malato {m} | :: malate |
Malaui {prop} | :: Malawi (Republic of Malawi) |
malauí {adj} | :: Malawian |
malauí {mf} | :: Malawian |
malavenido {adj} | :: mismatched; incompatible |
malaventurado {adj} | :: luckless; down on one's luck |
malavés {adv} [obsolete] | :: rarely (not often) |
malavez {adv} [archaic] | :: rarely (not often) |
Malawi {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Malaui |
malayalam {m} | :: Malayalam (language) |
malayo {adj} | :: Malay (from Malaysia) |
malayo {m} | :: Malay (language) |
malayo {m} | :: Malay (person) |
malazo {adj} [colloquial] | :: really bad |
malbaratar {v} | :: to squander |
malcoha {m} | :: malkoha |
malcriada {f} | :: feminine noun of malcriado |
malcriadez {f} | :: spoiledness |
malcriadez {f} | :: ill manners |
malcriadito {m} | :: A spoiled child |
malcriado {adj} | :: spoiled (having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering) |
malcriado {adj} | :: misbehaving, badly behaved |
malcriado {m} | :: one who is spoiled |
malcriado {m} | :: one who is misbehaving, badly behaved |
malcriar {v} | :: to spoil, coddle |
maldad {f} | :: badness; evilness |
maldad {f} | :: bad or evil deed |
maldecir {v} | :: to damn, to curse |
mal de la azotea {adj} [idiom, colloquial] | :: off one's rocker; round the twist |
mal del coco {adj} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: off one's head, off one's rocker (crazy) |
mal de muchos, consuelo de tontos {proverb} | :: misery loves company |
mal de ojo {m} [idiom] | :: evil eye (curse done by a malevolent gaze) |
maldiciente {adj} | :: foulmouthed |
maldición {f} | :: curse |
maldición {interj} | :: Damnit; curses |
malditamente {adv} | :: very badly |
maldita sea {interj} | :: goddammit; dammit |
malditismo {m} | :: impending doom |
maldito {adj} | :: cursed; damned |
maldito {interj} | :: damn |
Maldivas {prop} {fp} | :: Maldives |
maldivo {adj} | :: Maldivian |
maldivo {m} | :: Maldivian (person) |
Maldonado {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Maldonado {prop} {m} | :: Maldonado (city) |
Malé {prop} | :: Malé (capital city) |
maleabilidad {f} | :: malleability, malleableness |
maleable {adj} | :: malleable |
maleable {adj} | :: plastic (capable of adapting to varying conditions) |
maleante {adj} | :: malicious |
maleante {mf} | :: gangster, criminal |
malear {v} | :: to corrupt |
malear {v} | :: to pervert |
malear {v} | :: to make bad |
malecón {m} | :: breakwater |
maledicencia {f} | :: gossip, slander |
maledicente {adj} | :: slanderous |
maledicente {adj} | :: scandalous |
maleducado {adj} | :: bad mannered, rude |
maleducar {v} | :: to spoil; coddle |
maleficiar {vt} | :: to bewitch |
maleficiar {vt} | :: to harm, damage |
maleficio {m} | :: hex (evil spell) |
maléfico {adj} | :: evil |
malentender {v} | :: to misunderstand |
malentendido {m} | :: misunderstanding |
maleolar {adj} [anatomy] | :: malleolar |
maléolo {m} | :: malleolus |
malespín {m} | :: A Spanish argot or word game used in Central America that involves exchanging certain letters of the alphabet |
malestar {m} | :: unease |
malestar {m} | :: discomfort |
maleta {f} | :: suitcase (large piece of luggage) |
maleta {f} [Chile, Venezuela] | :: trunk, boot (of a car) |
maletera {f} [Latin America] | :: boot; trunk (of car) |
maletero {m} [Cuba, Bolivia, Spain] | :: trunk, boot (space to carry luggage) |
maletilla {f} | :: diminutive of maleta |
maletilla {f} [bullfighting] | :: wannabe bullfighter |
maletín {m} | :: briefcase |
maletita {f} | :: diminutive of maleta |
malevo {m} [Argentina, slang] | :: ruffian, bad-ass |
malévolamente {adv} | :: malevolently |
malevolencia {f} | :: malevolence |
malévolo {adj} | :: malicious, evil |
maleza {f} | :: underbrush |
maleza {f} | :: weed (plant regarded as unwanted) |
malfetría {f} | :: A crime, especially against one's liege lord in the medieval period |
malfollado {adj} [slang, vulgar] | :: (especially of a woman) Resentful or embittered due to lack of sexual satisfaction |
malformación {f} | :: malformation |
malfuncionamiento {m} | :: malfunctioning |
malfuncionar {v} | :: to malfunction |
malgache {adj} | :: Malagasy |
malgache {mf} | :: Malagasy |
malgastador {m} | :: waster |
malgastar {v} | :: to waste, to squander, to blow, to fritter away |
malgastarse {v} | :: reflexive of malgastar |
malgrado {conj} | :: although; in spite of |
malhabido {adj} | :: ill-gotten (obtained illegally) |
malhablado {adj} | :: fierce-tongued; foul-mouthed |
malhablado {m} | :: fierce-tongued person; foulmouth |
malhadado {adj} | :: burdened with bad luck |
malhadado {adj} | :: ill-fated |
malhecho {adj} | :: malformed; deformed |
malhecho {m} | :: misdeed |
malhechor {m} | :: wrongdoer, malefactor, criminal |
malhechora {f} | :: wrongdoer |
malherir {v} | :: to injure fatally, mortally wound |
malhumor {m} | :: bad mood, moodiness |
malhumorado {adj} | :: crabby, peevish, cranky, splenetic |
malhumorado {adj} | :: sullen |
Mali {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Malí |
Malí {prop} | :: Malí (country) |
Malibú {prop} | :: Malibu |
malicia {f} | :: malice |
maliciar {v} | :: to suspect; be suspicious of |
maliciar {v} | :: to think up (something evil) |
maliciar {v} | :: to damage |
maliciarse {v} | :: to suspect, to have suspicions |
maliciosamente {adv} | :: maliciously |
malicioso {adj} | :: malicious |
málico {adj} | :: malic |
maliense {adj} | :: Malian |
maliense {mf} | :: Malian |
malignamente {adv} | :: malignly |
malignidad {f} | :: malignancy, malignity |
malignización {f} | :: malignization |
maligno {adj} [oncology] | :: malignant |
maligno {adj} | :: malicious, malevolent |
maligno {m} | :: the evil one (idiomatic for the devil) |
malilla {f} [card games] | :: the two |
malilla {f} [card games] | :: A particular card game with 9 different numbers |
malimbo {m} | :: malimbe |
Malinao {prop} | :: surname |
malinchista {mf} [Mexico, pejorative] | :: One who has a preference or infatuation for foreign (non-Mexican) culture, products or people |
malinformado {adj} | :: misinformed |
malintencionadamente {adv} | :: maliciously |
malintencionado {adj} | :: ill-intentioned, evil-minded |
malinterpretación {f} | :: misinterpretation |
malinterpretar {v} | :: to misinterpret, to misunderstand, to misread, to misconstrue, to misapprehend |
malinterpretarse {v} | :: reflexive of malinterpretar |
malísimamente {adv} | :: extremely badly |
malísimo {adj} | :: superlative of malo Very bad, dreadful |
malito {adj} | :: diminutive of malo |
malito {adj} | :: poorly, sickly |
mall {m} | :: mall (shopping centre) |
malla {f} | :: mesh (cloth) |
malla {f} [in the plural] | :: tights, leggings |
malla {f} | :: strap handle |
mallar {v} | :: alternative spelling of majar |
mallo {m} | :: mallet |
mallo {m} | :: a kind of game |
Malloa {prop} {m} | :: Malloa (city) |
malloíno {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Malloa |
Mallorca {prop} {f} | :: Majorca, Mallorca |
mallorquín {adj} | :: Mallorcan |
mallorquín {m} | :: Mallorcan |
malmaridada {f} | :: feminine noun of malmaridado |
malmaridado {adj} | :: Having an unhappy marriage |
malmaridado {m} | :: Unhappily married |
malmatar {v} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua] | :: to beat up; to give a right kicking to |
mal nacido {adj} | :: ill-bred, mean |
malnacido {adj} | :: disgusting, abominable (of a person or animal) |
malnacido {m} | :: asshole, pig, son of a bitch, bastard |
mal necesario {m} | :: necessary evil |
malnutrición {f} | :: malnutrition |
malnutrido {adj} | :: malnourished |
malo {adj} | :: bad |
malo {adj} | :: evil |
malo {adj} | :: sick |
malo {m} | :: bad guy; baddie; bad boy; bad person |
malogrado {adj} | :: unsuccessful; abortive |
malograr {vt} | :: to ruin, spoil |
maloka {f} [Colombia] | :: house |
maloliente {adj} | :: smelly, foul-smelling |
malón {m} | :: raid, attack |
malónico {adj} | :: malonic |
malos tratos {mp} | :: domestic violence |
malote {adj} | :: badass, naughty |
malote {mf} | :: bad-ass, naughty person |
malpaís {m} | :: akin to badlands, but of volcaniclastic origin |
malpaís {m} [geology] | :: karst |
malparado {adj} | :: bad |
malparar {v} | :: to mistreat, ill-treat |
malparida {f} | :: feminine noun of malparido |
malparido {adj} | :: disgusting, abominable (of a person or animal) |
malparido {m} | :: asshole, pig, son of a bitch, bastard |
malparir {vi} | :: to miscarry |
malparqueado {adj} | :: badly parked |
malpensado {adj} | :: having ill thoughts, thinking bad of things/people |
malponer {v} [Venezuela] | :: to speak ill of |
malportado {adj} | :: ill-mannered |
malposición {f} | :: bad position |
mal que {conj} | :: although |
mal que bien {adv} [idiom] | :: more or less, just about |
malquerencia {f} | :: dislike |
malquerer {v} | :: to dislike |
mal que te pese {adv} [idiomatic] | :: like it or not, like it or lump it |
malquistar {v} | :: to cause to become enemies; to drive a wedge between |
malquistar {vr} | :: to start to hate (one another); fall out |
malquisto {adj} | :: unpopular, unliked |
malsano {adj} | :: unhealthy |
malsonante {adj} [of language] | :: rude, crude, vulgar |
malta {f} | :: malt |
malta {f} | :: malta |
Malta {prop} {f} | :: Malta |
maltasa {f} [enzyme] | :: maltase |
malteada {f} [Latin America] | :: malted, malted milk, milkshake |
maltear {v} | :: to malt |
maltería {f} | :: malthouse, maltery |
maltés {adj} | :: Maltese (from or native to Malta) |
maltés {adj} | :: Maltese (pertaining to Malta) |
maltés {m} | :: a Maltese person |
maltés {m} | :: the Maltese language |
maltesa {f} | :: feminine noun of maltés |
maltitol {m} [organic compound] | :: maltitol |
maltodextrina {f} | :: maltodextrin |
maltosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: maltose |
maltotriosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: maltotriose |
maltraer {vt} | :: to mistreat |
maltratador {m} | :: abuser, beater, wrongdoer |
maltratadora {f} | :: feminine noun of maltratador |
maltratar {v} | :: to mistreat |
maltrato {m} | :: mistreatment |
maltrayente {adj} | :: abusive, ill-treating |
maltrecho {adj} | :: badly injured |
maltrecho {adj} | :: beat-up; battered |
maltrecho {adj} | :: depleted |
malucho {adj} | :: diminutive of malo; sick; under the weather |
maluco {adj} | :: diminutive of malo; sick; under the weather |
maluro {m} | :: any of a number of wrens, especially some fairywrens |
malva {f} | :: mallow |
malva {f} | :: mauve (color) |
malva {adj} | :: mauve (color) |
malvadamente {adv} | :: wickedly, naughtily, mischievously, hellishly |
malvado {adj} | :: evil, wicked, mean, bad |
malvasía {f} | :: malvasia |
malvasía {f} | :: stiff-tailed duck |
malvavisco {m} [botany] | :: mallow |
malvavisco {m} [Chile, Mexico, Central America] | :: marshmallow |
malvender {vt} | :: to sell for less than cost |
malversación {f} | :: embezzlement, malversation |
malversador {m} | :: embezzler, grafter, peculator |
malversar {v} | :: to embezzle |
Malvinas {prop} {fp} | :: the Falklands, the Falkland Islands |
malvinense {adj} [attributive] | :: Falkland Islands |
malvinense {mf} | :: Falklander, Falkland Islander |
malvinero {adj} | :: synonym of malvinense |
malvinero {m} | :: synonym of malvinense |
malvino {adj} | :: of or from the Falkland Islands |
malvino {m} | :: Falkland Islander |
malviviente {mf} [derogatory] | :: thug, lowlife |
malvivir {v} | :: to live badly |
malvivir {v} | :: to scrape by |
malware {m} [computing] | :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system) |
mam {adj} | :: Mam (of or pertaining to the Mam people) |
mam {m} | :: Mam (language) |
mam {mf} | :: Mam |
mama {f} [anatomy] | :: mamma, breast |
mamá {f} [colloquial, familiar, affectionate] | :: mum, mom |
mamá {f} [Mexico] | :: a term of affection for a woman |
mamabicho {m} [slang, Puerto Rico] | :: dicksucker |
mamacita {f} | :: diminutive of mamá |
mamacita {f} [Latin America, slang] | :: babe, hottie (sexually attractive woman) |
mamada {f} | :: milk; (of baby) feeding time |
mamada {f} | :: breastfeeding |
mamada {f} [Latin America] | :: cinch, something easy |
mamada {f} [slang] | :: blowjob |
mamada {f} [Argentina, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Spain, Uruguay, colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
mamada {f} [vulgar, Mexico] | :: an intentional mean action or statement; a stupid action or statement; a practical joke |
mamadera {f} | :: breast pump |
mamadera {f} [Latin America] | :: baby bottle |
mamadera {f} [Bolivia, Uruguay, colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
mamá de Tarzán {f} [colloquial, idiom] | :: the bee's knees |
mamadita {f} | :: diminutive of mamada |
mamado {adj} [slang, Mexico] | :: muscular (having well-developed muscles) |
mamado {adj} [slang, Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain] | :: drunk (inebriated) |
mamado {adj} [slang, Colombia, Venezuela] | :: knackered; shattered (exhausted) |
mamaguevo {m} [vulgar] | :: cocksucker |
mamahuevo {m} [vulgar] | :: cocksucker |
mamallena {f} [Panama] | :: bread pudding |
mamalogía {f} | :: mammalogy |
mamalógico {adj} | :: mammalogical |
mamalón {m} | :: idler |
mamalona {f} | :: feminine noun of mamalón |
mamandurria {f} | :: undeserved salary |
mamañema {mf} [literally] | :: cocksucker |
mamantón {adj} | :: suckling |
mamar {v} | :: to suckle |
mamar {v} | :: to suck |
mamar {v} | :: to blow (give a blowjob) |
mamar {v} [colloquial] | :: pocket (illegally) |
mamar {v} | :: to bullshit or fuck around |
mamario {adj} | :: mammary |
mamarracha {f} | :: feminine noun of mamarracho |
mamarrachada {f} | :: idiocy; folly; buffoonery |
mamarracho {m} [pejorative, colloquial] | :: buffoon, clown (ridiculous, badly dressed person) |
mamarracho {m} [pejorative, colloquial] | :: mess, disaster (something badly made) |
mamasanta {f} | :: A licentious, hypocritical woman who assumes an air of decency and modesty in public which she lacks in private |
mamasanta {f} | :: A woman who covers sexual excesses with the appearance of good behavior |
mamawebo {m} [vulgar] | :: cocksucker |
mamba {f} | :: mamba |
mambeado {adj} [Argentina] | :: fed up, snowed under |
mambí {m} | :: A Cuban independence soldier who fought in the Ten Years' War against Spain |
mambisa {f} | :: feminine noun of mambí |
mambo {m} | :: mambo (music) |
mambo {m} | :: mambo (dance) |
mamelón {m} | :: mamelon |
mameluco {m} | :: mameluke |
mameluco {m} | :: mameluco |
Mamen {prop} {f} | :: A diminutive of the female given name María del Carmen |
mamertino {m} | :: Mamertine |
mamey {m} | :: the mamey or mammee apple, Mammea americana |
mami {f} [colloquial] | :: mommy |
mami {f} [Central America, Philippines] | :: mother |
mami {f} [Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] | :: attractive woman; momma |
mami {f} [Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] | :: a term of affection for a woman |
mami {f} [Peru] | :: a woman who runs a brothel; a madame |
mami {f} [Honduras, pejorative] | :: a homosexual man |
mamífero {adj} | :: mammalian |
mamífero {m} | :: mammal |
mamiforme {adj} | :: mammiform |
mamila {f} [anatomy] | :: mamilla |
mamilar {adj} [anatomy] | :: mamillar |
mamilotalámico {adj} [anatomy] | :: mammillothalamic |
mamina {f} | :: diminutive of mama |
mamina {interj} | :: mamma mia! |
mamita {f} | :: diminutive of mamá mummy |
mamitis {f} | :: mastitis |
mámoa {f} | :: barrow |
mamografía {f} [medicine] | :: mammography |
mamógrafo {m} | :: mammograph |
mamón {adj} | :: sucking |
mamón {m} | :: suckling |
mamón {m} [botany] | :: shoot (of a plant) |
mamón {m} | :: mamoncillo (tree and fruit), Melicoccus bijugatus |
mamón {m} [Chile, pejorative] | :: mama's boy, mommy's darling (person clinging to his mother) |
mamón {m} [Mexico, Spain, pejorative] | :: stupid person, dumbass, sucker |
mamón {m} [Venezuela] | :: Melicoccus bijugatus, Spanish lime |
mamón {m} [vulgar] | :: blowjob |
mamona {f} | :: feminine noun of mamón |
mamoncillo {m} | :: The mamoncillo |
mamonear {v} [colloquial] | :: to screw around; fuck around |
mamoneo {m} [colloquial] | :: foolishness; jackassery |
mamoplastia {f} | :: mammoplasty |
mamotreto {m} | :: A huge object |
mampara {f} | :: panel (small movable screen) |
mampara {f} | :: shower screen, shower door (ellipsis of mampara de ducha) |
mamparo {m} | :: bulkhead |
mamporrera {f} | :: feminine noun of mamporrero |
mamporrero {m} [Spain] | :: Person who helps horses when breeding, by placing the colt's penis into the mare's vagina |
mamporro {m} | :: bash, clout |
mampostear {vt} | :: to build with unworked material |
mampostera {f} | :: feminine noun of mampostero |
mampostería {f} | :: masonry, stonemasonry |
mampostero {m} | :: mason; stonemason |
mampuesto {m} | :: rough stone |
mampuesto {m} | :: (stone) wall |
mampuesto {m} [Latin America] | :: weapon rest |
mamúa {f} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
mamut {m} | :: mammoth (animal) |
mamut lanudo {m} | :: woolly mammoth |
man {m} [Latin America, colloquial] | :: man, guy, dude |
-mana {suffix} | :: feminine noun of -mano |
MANA {prop} | :: Movimiento Auténtico Nacionalista |
maná {m} | :: manna |
maña {f} | :: skill, aptitude, knack |
maña {f} | :: trick (something designed to fool) |
maña {f} [Latin America] | :: bad habit, vice, mania |
maña {f} [Latin America] | :: bad temper, ill humor |
maña {f} | :: feminine noun of maño |
Manabí {prop} | :: Manabí (coastal province) |
manabita {mf} | :: An inhabitant of Manabí province, Ecuador |
manabita {adj} | :: From Manabí province, Ecuador |
manacorense {adj} | :: Of or rom Manacor |
manacorense {mf} | :: Someone from Manacor |
manacorí {m} | :: Someone from Manacor |
manada {f} [zoology] | :: herd, pride, pod (group of animals) |
manada {f} | :: handful (amount held in hand) |
manada {f} [Spain, colloquial] | :: a group of rapists |
manadera {f} | :: herder; herdswoman |
manadero {m} | :: herder; herdsman |
management {m} | :: management |
manager {m} | :: alternative form of mánager |
mánager {m} [sports] | :: manager |
managua {mf} | :: Managuan (native or resident of Managua, Nicaragua) |
Managua {prop} {f} | :: Managua (capital city) |
Managua {prop} {f} | :: Managua (department) |
managüense {adj} | :: Managuan (of or pertaining to Managua, Nicaragua) |
managüense {mf} | :: Managuan (native or resident of Managua, Nicaragua) |
mañana {adv} | :: tomorrow |
mañana {adv} | :: soon, shortly |
mañana {f} | :: the morning |
mañana {m} | :: the near future; tomorrow |
mañana será otro día {proverb} | :: tomorrow is another day |
mañanear {v} | :: to be an early riser |
mañanera {f} | :: feminine noun of mañanero |
mañanero {adj} | :: early rising |
mañanero {adj} [attributive] | :: morning |
mañanero {m} | :: early riser |
mananguete {n} [Philippines] | :: a person who gathers coconut fruits and or tuba |
mañanita {f} | :: early morning |
mañanita {f} | :: shawl |
manantial {m} | :: spring (water) |
manar {v} | :: to gush forth |
manar {v} | :: to flow |
manar {v} | :: to abound |
manatí {m} | :: manatee |
manatiense {adj} | :: Of or from Manatí, Cuba |
manatiense {mf} | :: Someone from Manatí, Cuba |
manaza {f} | :: augmentative of mano |
manazas {m} [colloquial] | :: butterfingers |
mancala {f} | :: mancala |
mancar {v} | :: to injure; maim |
mancarrón {adj} | :: synonym of matalón |
mancebía {f} | :: brothel; whorehouse |
mancebillo {m} | :: diminutive of mancebo |
mancebo {adj} [rare] | :: juvenile |
mancebo {m} [archaic] | :: youth |
mancebo {m} [archaic] | :: young servant, waiter |
mancebo {m} [rare] | :: bachelor |
máncer {m} | :: mamzer |
mancha {f} | :: spot; stain; blemish |
Mancha {prop} {f} | :: Mancha (department) |
manchadizo {adj} | :: easily stained |
manchado {adj} | :: spotted |
manchado {adj} | :: tainted |
manchamanteles {m} | :: A type of mole sauce from Mexico |
mancha mongólica {f} | :: Mongolian spot |
manchar {vt} | :: to spot, stain, mark, to smudge |
manchar {vt} [figuratively] | :: to sully, to tarnish, to taint, to soil, to besmirch, to smear (one's name, reputation, name, honour, spirit, etc.) |
mancharse {v} | :: reflexive of manchar |
manchego {adj} | :: of or pertaining to la Mancha |
manchego {m} | :: someone from la Mancha |
Mánchester {prop} {m} | :: Mánchester (major city/and/metropolitan borough) |
manchita {f} | :: diminutive of mancha |
manchón {m} | :: augmentative of mancha |
manchón {m} | :: area of dense greenery |
manchoso {adj} | :: easily stained |
manchú {adj} | :: Manchu |
manchú {mf} | :: Manchu |
manchú {m} | :: Manchu language |
manchurrón {m} | :: stain |
-mancia {suffix} | :: -mancy |
-mancía {suffix} | :: rare form of -mancia |
mancilla {f} | :: stain; blemish (moral defect; a character flaw) |
mancillar {v} | :: to besmirch; to taint |
manco {adj} | :: one-handed, one-armed, maimed |
manco {adj} | :: defective, faulty |
manco {adj} [video games] | :: chump, useless, butterfingers (a unskilled player, due to his inexperience or lack of skill for the game) |
manco {adj} [figuratively, nautical] | :: oarless, without oars |
manco {m} [Chile, collquial] | :: horse |
mancomún {adv} [de mancomún] | :: By common agreement, conjointly |
mancomunadamente {adv} | :: conjointly |
mancomunar {vt} | :: to pool, combine |
mancomunar {vt} [law] | :: to require both sides pay jointly the costs of a lawsuit |
mancomunidad {f} | :: commonwealth |
Mancomunidad {f} | :: alternative form of mancomunidad |
Mancomunidad de Virginia {prop} {f} | :: Commonwealth of Virginia (formal and full name of Virginia) |
mancornar {v} | :: to pull down (a bull) by holding it down by the horns |
mancornar {v} | :: to tie up (a bull) by joining one foot to the horn on the same side |
mancornar {v} | :: to tie together by the horns; to hobble |
mancornar {v} | :: to join (in general) |
mancuerna {f} | :: dumbbell |
mancuernilla {f} | :: cufflink |
mancuniano {adj} | :: Mancunian (of or pertaining to Manchester, England) |
mancuniano {m} | :: Mancunian (native or resident of Manchester, England) |
mancuso {m} | :: mancus (old coin) |
manda {f} | :: vow |
mandadero {m} | :: messenger (person who delivers messages) |
mandadero {m} | :: errand boy (male employed to run errands) |
mandado {m} | :: dogsbody; pleb |
mandado {m} | :: errand |
mandador {m} | :: leader; chief |
mandador {m} | :: someone who looks after the land |
mandadora {f} | :: feminine noun of mandador |
mandala {m} | :: mandala |
mandamás {adj} [colloquial] | :: bossy |
mandamás {m} [colloquial] | :: head honcho, boss, chief |
mandamiento {m} [chiefly Christianity] | :: commandment |
mandamiento {m} [legal] | :: writ, warrant |
mandamiento {m} | :: order, command |
mandanga {f} [colloquial] | :: slowness, sluggishness |
mandanga {f} [slang] | :: cocaine, coke |
mandanga {f} [Spain, slang] | :: loving (sexual intercourse) |
mandante {mf} | :: instigator |
mandar {v} | :: to send |
mandar {v} | :: to order |
mandar {v} | :: to lead, be in charge, command |
mandar {v} | :: to enjoin |
mandar {v} [dancing] | :: to lead |
mandar a freír espárragos {v} [idiomatic] | :: tell someone to take a long walk on a short pier; go jump in the lake; fuck you |
mandar a hacer puñetas {v} [idiomatic] | :: tell someone to take a long walk on a short pier; go jump in the lake |
mandar a la mierda {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: to score off; to tell someone to go to hell; to tell someone to go fuck themself |
mandar al cuerno {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to tell someone to go to hell |
mandar a otro mundo {v} [idiom] | :: To do away with; take out (kill) |
mandarín {adj} | :: mandarin |
mandarín {m} | :: Mandarin (language) |
mandarina {f} | :: mandarine, mandarin orange |
mandarino {m} | :: mandarine tree |
mandarria {f} [nautical] | :: A kind of hammer |
mandarria {f} | :: sledgehammer |
mandarriazo {m} [Cuba] | :: bash; strike |
mandarse a cambiar {v} [idiomatic] | :: to up and leave; take off |
mandatar {v} [legal] | :: To give a mandate |
mandataria {f} | :: feminine noun of mandatario |
mandatario {m} | :: head of state |
mandato {m} | :: mandate |
mandatorio {adj} | :: mandatory |
mandea {f} | :: feminine noun of mandeo |
mandeísmo {m} [religion] | :: Mandaeism (a monotheistic religion practiced in the Middle East) |
mandeo {m} | :: Mandaean |
mandeo {adj} | :: Mandaean |
manderecha {f} | :: right hand |
manderecha {f} | :: luck, fortune |
mandíbula {f} | :: jaw |
mandibular {adj} | :: mandibular |
mandíbulas de la vida {fp} | :: jaws of life |
mandil {m} | :: apron |
mandilón {m} [Mexico, slang, familiar] | :: henpecked husband (powerless married man). Man who complies with every desire of his partner in order to avoid conflict |
mandilón {m} | :: coward, weakling |
mandinga {adj} | :: Mandinka |
mandinga {mf} | :: Mandinka |
mandioca {f} | :: manioc plant |
mando {m} | :: command |
mando {m} | :: remote control |
mando a distancia {m} | :: remote control |
mandoble {m} | :: blow delivered while wielding a weapon, usually a sword, with both hands |
mandoble {m} | :: broadsword |
mandolín {m} | :: mandolin |
mandolina {f} | :: mandolin (musical instrument) |
mandolinista {mf} | :: mandolinist |
mandón {adj} | :: bossy |
mandón {m} | :: bossyboots |
mandona {f} | :: feminine noun of mandón |
mandoncillo {m} | :: diminutive of mandón |
mandonear {v} | :: to boss |
mandorla {f} | :: mandorla |
mandrágora {f} | :: mandrake |
mandril {m} | :: mandrill |
mandrilar {v} | :: To work with a lathe |
manduca {m} [colloquial] | :: grub; chow |
manducar {v} [colloquial] | :: to eat, munch, scoff |
manea {f} | :: hobble |
maneador {m} | :: halter |
manear {v} | :: to hobble (a horse) |
manechi {m} | :: black howler |
manecilla {f} | :: hand (of a clock) |
manecilla {f} | :: pointer, needle, arrow (of an instrument) |
manecilla {f} | :: doorknob |
manecilla corta {f} | :: hour hand |
manecilla larga {f} | :: minute hand |
manecita {f} | :: diminutive of mano |
manejabilidad {f} | :: manageability, usability |
manejable {adj} | :: manageable, user-friendly |
manejable {adj} | :: malleable, convinceable |
manejador {adj} | :: manipulative |
manejador {m} [Latin America] | :: driver, motorist |
manejadora {f} | :: feminine noun of manejador |
manejante {adj} | :: bossy |
manejar {v} | :: to handle |
manejar {v} | :: to manage |
manejar {v} [Latin America, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea] | :: to drive (a vehicle) |
manejarse {v} | :: reflexive of manejar |
manejo {m} | :: handling |
manejo {m} | :: driving |
manera {f} | :: way; manner |
manés {adj} | :: Manx |
manés {m} | :: Manxman |
manés {m} | :: Manx (language) |
maneta {f} | :: lever; handle |
manga {f} | :: sleeve |
manga {m} | :: manga |
manga {f} | :: mango tree |
manga {f} | :: A type of mango (fruit) |
mangaka {m} | :: mangaka |
mangal {m} | :: mango farm |
manganeso {m} | :: manganese |
mangante {adj} | :: robbing |
mangante {mf} | :: robber, thief |
mangante {mf} | :: scrounger, freeloader |
manganzón {m} | :: laziness |
manga por hombro {adv} [idiom] | :: messy; in a right mess |
mangar {v} | :: to eat |
mangar {v} [colloquial] | :: to nick, pinch, swipe, nab (steal) |
mangar {v} [colloquial] | :: to scrounge |
mangazo {m} | :: augmentative of mango |
mangazo {m} | :: A strike or blow with a mango |
mangazo {m} | :: scrounging |
mangazo {m} | :: hotty (beautiful man or woman) |
mangla {f} [obsolete] | :: stain (a blemish on one's character or reputation) |
manglar {m} | :: mangrove swamp |
mangle {m} | :: mangrove |
manglero {adj} | :: swamp-dwelling |
mango {m} | :: handle (part of an object which is held in the hand) |
mango {m} | :: mango (fruit and tree) |
mango {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, lunfardo, colloquial] | :: cash, dough (money) |
mangonear {v} | :: to be bossy |
mangonear {v} | :: to loiter |
mangonear {v} | :: to meddle |
mangosta {f} | :: mongoose |
mangostán {m} | :: The mangosteen |
mangostino {m} | :: The mangosteen |
mangrullo {m} | :: A type of watchtower |
mangú {m} [Dominican Republic] | :: food dish consisting of mashed, cooked plantains |
manguera {f} | :: hose |
manguera {f} | :: A mango orchard |
mangueta {f} | :: fountain syringe (a medical device like a hot water bottle used for vaginal or rectal injections, irrigating wounds, etc.) |
mangueta {f} | :: door jamb (for glass doors, trellis doors, etc.) |
mangueta {f} | :: tiebeam (in a roof) |
mangueta {f} | :: beam, tie (to link or secure an assembly of two or more inclined timbers) |
mangueta {f} | :: device that regulates the speed of wool shears |
mangueta {f} | :: lever, pole (used by two people to carry great weights) |
mangueta {f} | :: U-tube (toilet drain pipe) |
manguito {m} | :: muff (of clothing) |
manguito {m} | :: armband (for floating) |
mani {f} [colloquial] | :: protest |
maní {m} [Canary Islands, Caribbean, Central America, Philippines, South America] | :: peanut |
-manía {suffix} | :: -mania |
manía {f} | :: mania, bad habit, obsession |
manía {f} | :: mania (violent derangement) |
manía {f} | :: mania (craze, something popular at the time) |
manía {f} | :: dislike |
manía {f} | :: foible, quirk (unusual habit or way) |
maniaca {f} | :: feminine noun of maniaco |
maníaca {f} | :: feminine noun of maníaco |
maníacamente {adv} | :: manically |
maniaco {adj} | :: alternative form of maníaco |
maniaco {m} | :: alternative form of maníaco |
maníaco {adj} | :: manic, maniacal |
maníaco {m} | :: maniac |
maniatar {v} | :: to tie someone's hands together |
maniatar {v} | :: to place in manacles |
maniático {m} | :: maniac |
maniático {adj} | :: pedantic, fussy |
maniático {adj} | :: cranky, crazy |
manicaragüense {adj} | :: Of or from Manicaragua, Cuba |
manicaragüense {mf} | :: Someone from Manicaragua |
manicomial {adj} | :: mental hospital, asylum |
manicomio {m} [offensive] | :: insane asylum, lunatic asylum, mental hospital |
manicomio {m} | :: madhouse (all senses) |
manicuera {f} | :: A kind of manioc |
manicuera {f} | :: A drink made from this kind of manioc |
manicura {f} | :: manicure |
manicure {f} | :: manicure |
manicurista {mf} | :: manicurist |
manido {adj} | :: trite; hackneyed |
manierismo {m} | :: Mannerism |
manierista {mf} | :: Mannerist |
manifa {f} [colloquial] | :: protest |
manifestación {f} | :: demonstration |
manifestación {f} | :: manifestation |
manifestador {adj} | :: manifesting |
manifestador {m} | :: manifestor |
manifestadora {f} | :: feminine noun of manifestador |
manifestante {mf} | :: protester |
manifestante {mf} | :: demonstrator |
manifestar {v} | :: to manifest, reveal, display, show |
manifestar {v} | :: to declare, express |
manifestarse {v} | :: reflexive of manifestar |
manifiestamente {adv} | :: manifestly, obviously |
manifiesto {adj} | :: manifest, clear, apparent |
manifiesto {m} | :: manifesto; pronouncement |
manigua {f} | :: mess |
manigua {f} [Antilles] | :: tropical grassland |
manigua {f} [Colombia] | :: swampy tropical forest |
manigua {f} [Honduras, Nicaragua] | :: swampland |
manija {f} | :: handle (part of an object that is held) |
manija {f} | :: handle, knob (of a door) |
manila {f} | :: manila (fabric) |
Manila {prop} {f} | :: Manila (capital city) |
manileño {adj} | :: Manileño |
manileño {m} | :: Manileño |
manilla {f} | :: handle |
manilla {f} [Spain] | :: door handle |
manilla {f} [Colombia] | :: bracelet |
manillar {m} | :: handlebar (bar for steering) |
maniobra {f} | :: maneuver |
maniobrabilidad {f} | :: manoeuvrability |
maniobrable {adj} | :: maneuverable |
maniobra de Heimlich {f} [emergency medicine] | :: Heimlich maneuver (first aid procedure used to treat choking) |
maniobrar {v} | :: to maneuver |
maniobrista {mf} | :: rigger |
manipulable {adj} | :: manipulable, manipulatable |
manipulación {f} | :: manipulation |
manipulador {adj} | :: manipulative |
manipulador {adj} | :: manipulating |
manipulador {m} | :: manipulator |
manipuladora {f} | :: feminine noun of manipulador |
manipular {v} | :: to manipulate |
manipuleo {m} | :: manipulating; manipulation |
manípulo {m} | :: maniple (part of a priest's vestments) |
manípulo {m} [historical] | :: maniple (a company of Roman soldiers) |
manípulo {m} [literary, medicine] | :: handful (the amount that a hand can contain) |
maniqueísmo {m} | :: Manichaeism |
maniqueísta {adj} | :: Manichaean |
maniqueísta {mf} | :: Manichaean |
maniqueo {adj} | :: Manichaean |
maniqueo {m} | :: Manichaean |
maniquí {m} | :: mannequin, dummy (life-size model of the human body) |
maniquí {mf} | :: mannequin (person who models clothes) |
manirroto {adj} | :: spendthrift |
manita {f} | :: diminutive of mano, little hand |
manita {f} | :: clipping of hermanita |
manitas {m} | :: diminutive of mano |
manitas {m} | :: handyman |
manito {f} | :: diminutive of mano, little hand |
Manitoba {prop} {f} | :: Manitoba |
manitobana {f} | :: feminine noun of manitobano |
manitobano {adj} | :: Manitoban (of or pertaining to Manitoba, Canada) |
manitobano {m} | :: Manitoban (native or resident of Manitoba, Canada) |
manitol {m} [organic compound] | :: mannitol |
manivela {f} | :: handle |
manivela {f} | :: crank |
manjar {m} | :: delicacy, food, sustenance (especially delicious food, or one of the types of foods listed below) |
manjar {m} | :: sustenance (something which invigorates mind or body) |
manjar {m} [obsolete] | :: suit (one of the four types of cards in a deck) |
manjar {m} [Chile] | :: dulce de leche (caramel spread) |
manjar blanco {m} | :: A dish made of chicken breast, sugar, milk, and rice flour |
manjar blanco {m} | :: blancmange, a dessert made with milk, almonds, sugar, and rice flour |
manjar blanco {m} [Cuba] | :: A dessert made with milk, sugar, maize flour, and spices |
manjar blanco {m} [El Salvador, Panama, Peru] | :: dulce de leche |
manjar de ángeles {m} | :: A dish made of milk and sugar |
manjar imperial {m} | :: A dish made of egg yolks, milk, and rice flour |
manjar lento {m} | :: A dish made of milk, beaten egg yolks, and sugar |
manjar principal {m} | :: A dish made of cheese, sifted milk, beaten egg yolks, and shredded bread |
manjar real {m} | :: A dish made of sheep leg, sugar, milk, saffron, and rice flour |
manjar suave {m} | :: synonym of manjar lento |
-mano {suffix} | :: -mane, -maniac |
mano {f} [anatomy, of a person] | :: hand |
mano {f} [of an animal] | :: front foot |
mano {f} [in a game] | :: round; hand |
mano {f} [of paint] | :: coat, lick |
mano {f} [of a clock] | :: hand |
mano {f} | :: skill, talent |
mano {f} | :: mano (a stone resembling a rolling pin, used to grind maize or other grain on a metate) |
mano {m} [slang, Mexico] | :: buddy, friend |
maño {adj} [archaic] | :: big |
maño {adj} | :: of or from Aragón |
maño {m} | :: someone from Aragón |
mano a mano {adj} | :: hand to hand (competition), or sometimes hand in hand (cooperation); on equal terms, close together |
mano a mano {m} [bullfighting] | :: a corrida in which two rival matadors alternate in fighting several bulls each |
mano auxiliar {f} | :: helping hand |
mañoco {m} | :: tapioca |
mano de guagua {f} [idiom, Chile, Colombia] | :: stingy person |
mano de obra {f} | :: labor (manual laborers) |
manojito {m} | :: diminutive of manojo |
manojo {m} | :: handful, bunch |
Manola {prop} {f} | :: given name |
manoletina {f} [bullfighting] | :: manoletina |
Manoli {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Manolo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
manomanista {adj} [attributive] | :: Basque pelota |
manomanista {mf} | :: Basque pelota player |
manométrico {adj} | :: manometric |
manómetro {m} | :: manometer (instrument used to measure pressure in a fluid) |
mano negra {f} | :: unlucky charm |
manopla {f} | :: mitten |
manopla {f} | :: gauntlet (glove) |
manopla {f} [baseball, Nicaragua] | :: baseball glove |
manopla {f} | :: oven glove |
manosa {f} [carbohydrate] | :: mannose |
manos a la obra {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: hands on deck, let's get to work, let's get to it, get down to work, get on with it, get down to business |
mañosamente {adv} | :: cleverly, skilfully |
manosamina {f} [carbohydrate] | :: mannosamine |
manosanta {mf} | :: A type of witch doctor |
manosear {v} | :: to paw, to feel up |
manosear {v} | :: to fondle |
manosear {v} | :: to meddle with; to tamper with, or handle something ignorantly |
manoseo {m} | :: fumble |
manoseo {m} | :: handling |
manos libres {m} | :: handsfree |
manos libres {m} | :: handsfree phone |
mañoso {adj} | :: skillful, crafty |
mañoso {adj} [Latin America] | :: pedantic, fussy |
mañoso {adj} [Latin America] | :: cranky, crazy (grouchy, irritable, easily upset) |
mano sobre mano {adv} [idiom] | :: idle; hanging around; doing nothing |
manotada {f} [Latin America] | :: handful |
manotada {f} | :: slap, hit (with the hand) |
manotazo {m} | :: slap |
manotear {vt} | :: to slap, smack, spank |
manotear {vi} | :: to gesticulate |
manotón {m} | :: slap (with the hand) |
manouche {m} | :: manouche |
manresano {adj} | :: Of or from Manresa |
manresano {m} | :: Someone from Manresa |
Manrique {prop} | :: surname |
mansalva {n} | :: only used in a mansalva |
mansamente {adv} | :: quietly, meekly, gently |
mansarda {f} | :: mansard |
mansedumbre {f} | :: meekness |
mansedumbre {f} | :: elegance |
mansión {f} | :: mansion |
mansísimo {adj} | :: superlative of manso |
manso {adj} | :: tame, meek; not threatening |
mansuetud {f} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of mansedumbre |
manta {f} | :: blanket, cloth, cloth banner |
manta {f} | :: poncho |
manta {f} | :: a fish trap shaped like a blanket |
manta {f} [fish] | :: manta ray |
mantarraya {f} | :: manta ray |
manteamiento {m} | :: blanketing; the bumps |
mantear {v} | :: to throw up into the air in a blanket |
mantear {v} | :: to give (someone) the bumps (throw someone in the air, e.g. for a celebration) |
manteca {f} | :: fat, lard |
manteca {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: butter (soft, fatty foodstuff made by churning the cream of milk) |
manteca {f} | :: shortening |
mantecado {m} | :: A pastry made from lard and almonds and commonly made around the time of Christmas |
mantecado {m} | :: ice cream |
mantecoso {adj} | :: buttery |
mantecoso {adj} | :: mellow |
mantel {m} | :: tablecloth |
mantelada {f} | :: feminine noun of mantelado |
mantelado {m} [heraldry] | :: mantled |
mantelería {f} | :: table linen |
manteleta {f} | :: mantlet |
mantelete {m} | :: mantelletta |
mantelina {f} | :: spinal butterfly ray (Gymnura altavela) |
mantención {f} | :: synonym of manutención |
mantenedor {adj} | :: maintaining |
mantenedor {m} | :: maintainer |
mantener {vt} | :: to keep |
mantener {vt} | :: to maintain, to support |
mantener {vt} | :: to sustain, to preserve, to retain, to uphold |
mantener {vt} | :: to maintain, continue, to keep up |
mantener {vt} | :: to stay, to remain |
mantener {vr} | :: to maintain, to keep, to stay, to remain |
mantener {vr} | :: to stand, to hold, to remain, to continue (e.g. hold firm, stand strong, stand together, stand on one's feet) |
mantener {vr} | :: to stick to (e.g. stick to one's guns) |
mantener {vr} | :: to be maintained, to be retained, to be sustained |
mantener las apariencias {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep up appearances |
mantenibilidad {f} | :: maintainability |
mantenida {f} | :: feminine noun of mantenido |
mantenido {adj} | :: sustained by alimony, kept |
mantenido {adj} | :: freeloading |
mantenido {m} | :: kept man, kept woman |
mantenido {m} [pejorative] | :: freeloader |
mantenimiento {m} | :: maintenance, support |
mantense {adj} | :: Of or from Manta |
mantense {mf} | :: Someone from Manta |
manteo {m} | :: A kind of long cloak worn by clergymen |
manteo {m} | :: A type of cape used in bullfighting |
manteo {m} | :: blanketing |
mantequera {f} | :: churn |
mantequera {f} | :: butter dish |
mantequero {adj} | :: of or pertaining to butter |
mantequero {m} | :: butter maker |
mantequilla {f} | :: butter |
mantequilludo {adj} [Latin America] | :: buttery |
mantera {f} | :: feminine noun of mantero |
mantero {m} [Spain] | :: A person who sells counterfeit goods on the streets |
mantícora {f} [mythology, folklore, fantasy] | :: manticore |
mantilla {f} | :: mantilla |
mantillo {m} | :: mulch |
mantis {f} | :: mantis |
mantisa {f} | :: mantissa |
mantis religiosa {f} | :: praying mantis |
manto {m} | :: shroud, cloak |
manto {m} | :: layer, surface, blanket, carpet |
manto {m} [geology] | :: mantle |
mantodeo {m} | :: mantis |
mantón {m} | :: shawl |
mantra {m} | :: mantra (a phrase repeated during meditation) |
mántrico {adj} | :: mantric |
mantudo {adj} [Latin America] | :: masked |
Manú {prop} {m} | :: Manú (province) |
manual {adj} | :: manual (performed by the hands) |
manual {adj} | :: manual (operated by the hands) |
manual {adj} | :: manual (performed by a human) |
manual {m} | :: manual (handbook) |
manual {m} | :: manual (booklet with instructions) |
manualidad {f} | :: hand-made crafts |
manualidad {f} [in plural] | :: arts and crafts |
manualmente {adv} | :: manually, by hand, on hand, to hand |
manubrio {m} [Latin America] | :: handlebar |
manubrio {m} | :: handle, crank |
manubrio {m} | :: wheel |
manubrio {m} [anatomy, zoology] | :: manubrium |
manubrio {m} [colloquial] | :: penis |
manudo {adj} [Honduras, Costa Rica, colloquial] | :: clumsy; hamfisted |
Manuel {prop} {m} | :: given name, derived from biblical Emanuel |
Manuela {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Manuel |
manuelino {adj} | :: Manueline |
Manuelita {prop} {f} | :: given name |
manufactura {f} | :: manufactured goods |
manufactura {f} | :: factory |
manufactura {f} | :: manufacture, production |
manufacturación {f} | :: manufacturing |
manufacturador {adj} | :: manufacturing |
manufacturador {m} | :: manufacturer |
manufacturadora {f} | :: feminine noun of manufacturador |
manufacturar {vt} | :: to manufacture |
manufacturera {f} | :: manufacturer |
manufacturero {m} | :: manufacturer |
manu militari {adv} | :: manu militari |
manumisión {f} | :: manumission |
manumitir {vt} | :: to manumit, to emancipate (to free from slavery) |
manuscribir {v} | :: to handwrite; autograph |
manuscrito {adj} | :: handwritten |
manuscrito {m} | :: manuscript |
manutención {f} | :: maintenance |
manutener {v} | :: alternative form of mantener |
manya {mf} | :: A supporter, fan, coach, etc. of Club Atlético Peñarol, a soccer club from Montevideo, Uruguay |
manzamina {f} | :: manzamine |
manzana {f} | :: apple |
manzana {f} | :: city block |
manzana {f} [colloquial, in the plural] | :: butterfingers |
Manzana {prop} | :: surname |
manzana de Adán {f} [Latin America] | :: Adam's apple |
manzana de caramelo {f} | :: candy apple |
manzanal {m} | :: apple orchard |
manzanal {m} | :: apple tree |
manzana podrida {f} [idiom] | :: bad apple |
manzanar {m} | :: apple grove; place where apples are grown |
manzana silvestre {f} | :: crabapple (fruit) |
manzanilla {f} | :: camomile |
manzanilla {f} | :: a type of wine from Cádiz, Andalucía |
Manzanilla {prop} | :: surname |
manzanilla de Castilla {f} | :: German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) |
manzanillero {adj} | :: Of or from Manzanillo |
manzanillero {m} | :: Someone from Manzanillo |
manzanillo {m} | :: manzanillo |
manzanita {f} | :: diminutive of manzana |
manzano {m} | :: apple tree |
Manzano {prop} | :: surname, the 460th most common in Mexico and 178th most common in Spain |
manzano silvestre {m} | :: European crab apple (tree) |
maoísmo {m} | :: Maoism (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) |
maoista {adj} | :: Maoist |
maoista {mf} | :: Maoist |
maoísta {adj} | :: Maoist |
maoísta {m} | :: Maoist |
maorí {adj} | :: Maori |
maorí {mf} | :: Maori |
mapa {m} | :: map (sheet with geographical information on it) |
mapache {m} [zoology] | :: raccoon (nocturnal omnivore living in Northern America) |
mapache {m} [politics, Mexico] | :: electoral thief or fraudster |
mapacho {m} | :: wild tobacco |
mapa de carreteras {f} | :: road map |
mapamundi {m} | :: world map |
mapeador {m} | :: mapper; mapmaker |
mapear {v} | :: to map |
mapeo {m} | :: mapping |
mapochino {adj} | :: Chilean |
mapochino {m} | :: Chilean |
mapoteca {f} | :: a map depository |
mapping {m} | :: mapping |
mapuche {adj} | :: Mapuche |
mapuche {m} | :: Mapuche |
mapuchino {adj} [pejorative] | :: Chilean |
mapuchino {adj} [pejorative] | :: indigenous man, most likely mapuches that look like a Chinese |
mapuchino {adj} | :: asshole |
mapuchización {f} | :: The act of making something more Mapuche |
mapuchizar {v} [Chile, Argentina] | :: To indigenize in the style of the Mapuche people |
mapudungun {m} | :: Mapudungun |
mapudungún {m} | :: Mapuche (language) |
mapuey {m} | :: cush-cush; tropical herb |
mapuey {m} | :: tuber of the same plant |
maquear {v} [colloquial] | :: to tart up |
maqueta {f} | :: model (miniature representation of a physical object) |
maqueta {f} | :: demo (recording of a song) |
maquetación {f} | :: layout |
maquetación {f} | :: typesetting |
maquetar {vt} | :: to lay out; to design the appearance of a document |
maquiavélicamente {adv} | :: cunningly; slyly |
maquiavélico {adj} | :: Machiavellian |
maquiavelismo {m} | :: Machiavellianism |
maquila {f} | :: A unit of volume |
maquila {f} | :: synonym of maquiladora |
maquila {f} | :: alternative spelling of makila |
maquilador {m} | :: worker in a maquiladora |
maquiladora {f} | :: assembly plant |
maquilar {v} | :: to take a toll (of grain) |
maquilar {v} | :: to assemble |
maquilishuat {m} [El Salvador] | :: pink poui; Tabebuia rosea |
maquillador {m} | :: make-up artist |
maquilladora {f} | :: feminine noun of maquillador |
maquillaje {m} | :: makeup |
maquillar {v} | :: to apply makeup or cosmetics |
maquillar {v} | :: to fiddle, massage (numbers, data) |
maquillar {v} [figurative] | :: to disguise, dress up |
maquillarse {vr} | :: to put on makeup, to apply cosmetics |
maquillista {mf} | :: make-up artist |
máquina {f} | :: machine |
máquina autoventa {f} | :: vending machine |
maquinabilidad {f} | :: machinability |
maquinación {f} | :: plot, machination |
máquina de afeitar {f} | :: shaver |
máquina de caminar {f} | :: treadmill |
máquina de coser {f} | :: sewing machine |
máquina de escribir {f} | :: typewriter (machine used to print text by pressing keys) |
máquina del tiempo {f} | :: time machine |
máquina de Turing {f} [computing theory] | :: Turing machine (abstract machine designed to give a mathematically precise definition of computability) |
máquina de vapor {f} | :: steam engine |
maquinador {m} | :: deviser, plotter, machinator |
maquinador {m} [metallurgy] | :: Metalworker who works pieces with the use of machines |
maquinadora {f} | :: feminine noun of maquinador |
máquina expendedora {f} | :: vending machine |
máquina herramienta {f} | :: machine tool |
maquinal {adj} | :: machinelike |
maquinal {adj} | :: mechanical (referring to the movements of machines) |
maquinal {adj} | :: [of a person or action] mechanical, automatic (not having or showing thought or spontaneity) |
maquinalmente {adv} | :: mechanically |
máquina perforadora {f} | :: hole punch, or perforator |
maquinar {v} | :: to machinate, plot |
maquinaria {f} | :: machinery |
máquina simple {f} | :: simple machine |
maquinilla {f} | :: razor (tool designed for shaving) |
maquinilla de afeitar {f} | :: razor |
maquinilla de afeitar {f} | :: shaver |
maquinista {mf} | :: engineer [Canada and the US], engine driver [Britain], train driver |
maquinista {mf} | :: machinist |
maquinita {f} | :: diminutive of máquina |
maquis {mf} | :: maquis (Resistance during the Second World War) |
maquis {mf} | :: maquis (member of the Resistance during the Second World War) |
maquisapa {f} | :: spider monkey |
mar {mf} | :: sea |
mar {mf} | :: seaside |
mar {mf} [selenology] | :: lunar mare |
mar {mf} [la mar] | :: loads |
mar {mf} [la mar de] | :: really; hella |
mara {f} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: people in one's in-group [e.g. at work, at school, in one's soccer team, who may or may not be friends] |
mara {f} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico] | :: criminal gang |
mara {f} | :: Patagonian mara (Dolichotis australis) |
marabino {m} [Venezuela] | :: synonym of maracaibero |
marabino {adj} [Venezuela] | :: synonym of maracaibero |
marabú {m} | :: marabou |
marabunta {f} | :: swarm (of insects) |
marabunta {f} | :: crowd (of people) |
marabuzal {m} | :: marabou plantation |
maraca {f} | :: A maraca, percussion instrument |
maraca {f} [Chile, Argentina, pejorative] | :: A whore |
maraca {f} [Chile, Argentina, pejorative] | :: A gay |
maracaibero {m} | :: A person from Maracaibo |
maracaibero {adj} | :: Of or relating to Maracaibo and its culture or dialect |
Maracaibo {prop} {m} | :: Maracaibo (city) |
Maracanazo {prop} {m} [football] | :: Maracanaço (final match in the 1950 FIFA World Cup, won by Uruguay over Brazil) |
maracatu {m} | :: maracatu |
maracayá {m} | :: The margay |
maracayero {adj} | :: Of or from Maracay |
maracayero {m} | :: Someone from Maracay |
maracenera {f} | :: feminine noun of maracenero |
maracenero {adj} | :: Of or from the municipality of Maracena in Spain |
maracenero {m} | :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Maracena in Spain |
maraco {m} [Chile, Argentina, pejorative] | :: A gay |
maraco {m} [Venezuela] | :: The youngest son in the family |
maracucha {f} | :: feminine noun of maracucho |
maracucho {adj} [Venezuela] | :: synonym of maracaibero |
maracucho {m} [Venezuela] | :: synonym of maracaibero |
maracuyá {m} | :: passion fruit (specifically Passiflora edulis) |
mar adentro {adv} | :: offshore |
mar adentro {adv} | :: out to sea |
Maradona {prop} | :: surname |
Maradona {prop} | :: Diego Maradona, Argentinian footballer turned manager |
maradoniano {adj} | :: Maradonaesque |
mar Adriático {prop} {m} | :: Adriatic Sea |
maragallismo {m} | :: The politics or support of Pasqual Maragall i Mira |
maragallista {mf} | :: A supporter of Pasqual Maragall i Mira |
maragallista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Pasqual Maragall i Mira, former president of Catalonia |
maragato {adj} | :: Of or from La Maragatería |
maragato {m} | :: Someone from La Maragatería |
mar Amarillo {prop} {m} | :: Yellow Sea (Asian sea) |
maraña {f} | :: thicket |
maraña {f} | :: tangle, muddle, jumble, snarl |
marañón {m} | :: cashew (tree) |
marañón {m} | :: cashew (fruit of the tree) |
Marañón {prop} {m} | :: Marañón (province) |
maranta {f} | :: arrowroot |
maraquilla {adj} [Chile, colloquial] | :: bitch |
Mara Salvatrucha {prop} {f} | :: Mara Salvatrucha |
marasmo {m} [pathology] | :: marasmus |
marasmo {m} | :: apathy |
marasmo {m} | :: stagnation |
maratí {m} | :: Marathi |
maratón {mf} [athletics] | :: marathon |
maratón {mf} | :: marathon, the activity of doing something for a long period without stopping (or in less time than usually), such as binge-watching |
maratoniano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to a marathon |
maratoniano {adj} | :: Having the characteristics of a marathon |
maratoniano {adj} | :: A activity or action. It is very intense, exhausting or of very long duration |
maratoniano {m} | :: marathoner, marathon runner |
maratónico {adj} | :: marathonic |
maratonista {mf} | :: marathoner, marathon runner |
maravedí {m} [historical] | :: maravedi |
maravilla {f} | :: wonder, marvel |
maravilla {f} | :: sunflower |
maravilla {f} | :: sunflower seed |
maravilla {f} | :: marigold |
maravilla {f} | :: four o'clock flower |
Maravilla {prop} | :: surname |
maravillar {v} | :: to marvel |
maravillarse {vr} | :: to marvel, to wonder |
maravillosamente {adv} | :: wonderfully, marvelously |
maravilloso {adj} | :: wonderful, marvelous |
mar Balear {prop} {m} | :: Balearic Sea |
mar Báltico {prop} {m} | :: Baltic Sea |
Marbella {prop} | :: Marbella (city) |
marbellero {adj} | :: of, from, or related to Marbella |
marbellero {m} | :: Someone from, or connected with, Marbella |
marbellí {adj} | :: of, from, or related to Marbella |
marbellí {mf} | :: Someone from, or connected with, Marbella |
marbete {m} | :: tag |
marbete {m} | :: label |
mar Blanco {prop} {m} | :: White Sea |
marca {f} | :: brand (of clothing etc.) |
marca {f} | :: brand (for cattle) |
marca {f} | :: mark (left on a surface) |
marca {f} | :: print (fingerprint, footprint) |
marca {f} [sports] | :: record; personal best |
marca {f} [nautical] | :: marker; buoy |
marca {f} [slang] | :: whore; harlot |
marca {f} [historical] | :: march; marchland (area) |
marca {mf} [sports] | :: marker (player marking a rival) |
marcación {f} | :: dialing |
marcación {f} | :: markings |
marcadamente {adv} | :: markedly |
marca de casa {f} | :: hallmark, trademark |
marca de nacimiento {f} | :: birthmark |
marcadísimo {adj} | :: superlative of marcado |
marcado {adj} | :: marked, pronounced |
marcador {adj} | :: marking |
marcador {m} | :: scoreboard |
marcador {m} [biology] | :: marker (a gene or DNA sequence with a known location on a chromosome) |
marcador {m} [Latin America] | :: marker (a felt-tipped pen) |
marcador {m} | :: bookmark |
marcador fluorescente {m} [Mexico] | :: highlighter |
marcador permanente {m} | :: permanent marker |
marcador textual {m} [linguistics] | :: discourse marker |
marcaje {m} [sports] | :: marking, following (a player) |
marcano {adj} | :: Marcan |
mar Cantábrico {prop} {m} | :: Cantabrian Sea |
marcante {adj} | :: remarkable |
marcapáginas {m} | :: bookmark (material used to mark a place in a book) |
marcapasos {m} | :: pacemaker (medical implement) |
Marcapomacocha {prop} {f} | :: Marcapomacocha (city) |
marcar {v} | :: to mark, to set |
marcar {v} | :: to write down, jot down |
marcar {v} [sports] | :: to mark |
marcar {v} | :: to show, read, say [of a measuring device] |
marcar {v} | :: to beat, make [a rhythm] |
marcar {v} | :: to dial |
marcar {v} | :: to frame |
marcar {vr} [Spain] | :: to fancy, have a hankering for |
marca registrada {f} | :: trademark |
mar Caribe {prop} {m} | :: Caribbean Sea |
marcasita {f} [mineral] | :: marcasite |
mar Caspio {prop} {m} | :: Caspian Sea |
marca vulgarizada {f} | :: genericized trademark |
Marcela {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Marcelina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Marcelino {prop} | :: given name |
Marcelo {prop} | :: given name |
mar Celta {prop} {m} | :: Celtic Sea |
marcha {f} | :: march |
marcha {f} | :: departure |
marcha {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: party (social gathering) |
marcha {f} | :: gear (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears) |
marcha {f} [colloquial, Spain] | :: mojo |
marcha atlética {f} [athletics] | :: race walking |
marcha atrás {f} | :: withdrawal, pull out, coitus interruptus |
marcha atrás {adv} | :: reverse (pertaining to engines, vehicle movement etc. moving in a direction opposite to the usual direction) |
marchador {m} | :: race walker |
marchadora {f} | :: feminine noun of marchador |
marcha fúnebre {f} | :: funeral march |
marchamo {m} | :: label, stamp |
marchante {adj} | :: dealing, trading, selling |
marchante {mf} | :: dealer, trader |
marchante {mf} | :: art dealer |
marchante de arte {mf} | :: art dealer |
marchar {vi} | :: to go, travel |
marchar {vi} | :: to march |
marchar {vi} | :: to function, work, run |
marchar {vir} | :: to leave |
Marcha Real {prop} {f} | :: Marcha Real (the national anthem of Spain) |
marcharse {v} | :: reflexive of marchar: to leave, to go away |
marchiguano {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Marchigüe |
Marchigüe {prop} {m} | :: Marchigüe (city) |
marchihuano {adj} | :: alternative form of marchiguano |
Marchihue {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Marchigüe |
marchista {mf} | :: protest marcher |
marchitamiento {m} | :: withering; wilting |
marchitar {v} | :: to wilt |
marchitar {vp} | :: to wither, to wilt, to shrivel, to fade |
marchitarse {v} | :: reflexive of marchitar |
marchitez {f} | :: wilt (disease) |
marchito {adj} | :: wilted, faded |
marchosa {f} | :: feminine noun of marchoso |
marchoso {adj} | :: fun-loving, lively (enjoying parties) |
marchoso {m} | :: party animal |
marcial {adj} | :: martial |
Marcial {prop} {m} | :: given name |
marcialidad {f} | :: martialism |
marcialmente {adv} | :: martially |
marcialmente {adv} | :: using military |
marciana {f} | :: feminine noun of marciano |
marcianada {f} | :: weird act |
marcianidad {f} | :: weirdness |
marcianito {m} | :: diminutive of marciano |
marciano {adj} | :: Martian (of Mars) |
marciano {adj} [figurative] | :: bizarre, odd |
marciano {m} | :: Martian |
Marción {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Marción {prop} {m} | :: Marcion of Sinope, founder of Marcionism |
marcir {v} | :: to wilt |
marco {m} | :: frame |
marco {m} | :: mark (German currency) |
Marco {prop} {m} | :: given name |
marco alemán {m} | :: Deutsche Mark |
marcomana {f} | :: feminine noun of marcomano |
marcomano {adj} | :: Marcomannic |
marcomano {m} | :: One of the Marcomanni |
Marcos {prop} {m} | :: Mark [biblical character] |
Marcos {prop} {m} | :: the Gospel of Mark |
Marcos {prop} {m} | :: given name |
mar de Azov {prop} {m} | :: Sea of Azov |
mar de Barents {prop} {m} | :: Barents Sea |
mar de Bering {prop} {m} | :: Bering Sea |
mar de China Oriental {prop} {m} | :: East China Sea |
mar de Irlanda {prop} {m} | :: Irish Sea |
mar del Norte {prop} {m} | :: North Sea |
Mar del Plata {prop} | :: Mar del Plata (city) |
mar de Mármara {prop} {m} | :: Sea of Marmara |
mar de Noruega {prop} {m} | :: Norwegian Sea |
mar de Timor {prop} {m} | :: Timor Sea |
Mardoqueo {prop} {m} | :: Mordecai |
marea {f} | :: tide |
marea alta {f} | :: high tide |
marea baja {f} | :: low tide |
mareado {adj} | :: dizzy, woozy, vertiginous |
mareado {adj} | :: carsick, seasick |
mareado {adj} | :: queasy |
mareal {adj} | :: tidal |
marea negra {f} | :: oil spill |
mareante {adj} | :: dizzying, sickening |
mareante {mf} | :: seafarer, sailor |
marear {vp} | :: to get dizzy |
marear {v} | :: to make dizzy, to dizzy |
marear {v} | :: to sicken |
marear la perdiz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to mess around, to dilly-dally |
marea roja {f} | :: red tide |
Marechal {prop} | :: surname |
mar Egeo {prop} {m} | :: Aegean Sea |
marejada {f} | :: swell (of the sea) |
marejada {f} | :: upsurge |
marejadilla {f} | :: diminutive of marejada |
maremagno {m} | :: alternative form of maremágnum |
maremágnum {m} | :: abundance, overabundance |
maremágnum {m} | :: crowd, mob, multitude |
maremágnum {m} | :: confusion |
maremoto {m} [geology] | :: seaquake |
marengo {adj} | :: dark (grey) |
Mare Nostrum {prop} {m} | :: Mediterranean; Mediterranean Sea |
mareo {m} | :: vertigo, dizziness |
mareo {m} | :: motion sickness, car sickness, sea sickness |
mareomotriz {adj} | :: tidal; relating to tidal power |
marero {m} | :: gangster |
márfega {f} | :: strawen mattress |
marfil {m} | :: ivory |
marfilada {f} | :: error; slip-up |
marfileña {f} | :: feminine noun of marfileño |
marfileño {adj} | :: Ivorian |
marfileño {m} | :: Ivorian |
marga {f} [geology] | :: marl |
margajita {f} | :: alternative form of marcasita |
margarina {f} | :: margarine |
margarita {f} [flower] | :: daisy |
margarita {f} | :: pearl |
margarita {m} | :: margarita (cocktail) |
Margarita {prop} {f} | :: given name |
margarita común {f} | :: daisy |
margariteña {f} | :: feminine noun of margariteño |
margariteño {adj} | :: Of or from the island of Margarita Island in Venezuela |
margariteño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the island of Margarita Island in Venezuela |
margaxita {f} | :: obsolete form of marcasita |
margay {m} | :: The margay |
margen {m} | :: margin, edge |
margen {m} | :: leeway |
margen {f} | :: river bank |
marginación {f} | :: marginalization |
marginada {f} | :: feminine noun of marginado |
marginado {adj} | :: ostracized, cast out |
marginado {m} | :: outsider, outcast |
marginal {adj} | :: marginal |
marginalidad {f} | :: marginalization |
marginalismo {m} | :: marginalism |
marginalista {adj} | :: marginalistic |
marginalista {mf} | :: marginalist |
marginalización {f} | :: marginalization |
marginalizar {v} | :: to marginalize |
marginalmente {adv} | :: marginally, incidentally |
marginar {v} | :: to exclude |
marginocéfalo {m} | :: marginocephalian |
margoso {adj} | :: marly, loamy |
margrave {m} | :: margrave (military-administrative officer) |
margraviato {m} | :: margravate |
margravina {f} | :: margravine |
marguera {f} | :: marlpit |
marguera {f} | :: marl-wall |
mari {adj} | :: Mari |
mari {mf} | :: Mari |
Mari {prop} {f} [colloquial] | :: clipping of María |
maría {f} | :: magpie (bird) |
maría {f} [historical] | :: Former coin of Spain in the 17th century, equivalent to 12 reales de vellón |
maría {f} | :: Marie biscuit |
maría {f} [colloquial] | :: doss subject |
maría {f} [colloquial] | :: housewife |
maría {f} [colloquial] | :: uncultured woman |
maría {f} [colloquial, uncountable] | :: weed (marijuana) |
maría {f} [Mexico, colloquial] | :: Indian immigrant from the countryside to Mexico City |
María {prop} {f} | :: given name |
María {prop} {f} | :: Mary; Miriam [biblical character] |
mariache {m} | :: rare spelling of mariachi |
mariachi {m} [music genre] | :: A traditional form of music from the Mexican state of Jalisco |
mariachi {m} | :: A mariachi band |
mariachi {m} | :: A musician in such a band |
mariachi {m} [by extension, Mexico] | :: An instrumental ensemble accompanying other types of popular Mexican dance and song |
María Jesús {prop} | :: given name |
María José {prop} | :: given name |
María Juana {prop} {f} | :: given name: Mary Jane |
María Magdalena {prop} | :: Mary Magdalene [biblical character] |
María Magdalena {prop} | :: given name |
Mariana {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marianismo {m} | :: the concept, found in Latin American folk culture, that a virtuous woman should emulate the Virgin Mary as closely as possible (in terms of piousness, sexual purity, modesty, etc.) |
marianista {adj} | :: Marianist |
marianista {mf} | :: Marianist |
mariano {adj} [Christianity] | :: Marian (relating to Virgin Mary) |
Mariano {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Mariano {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Maribel {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marica {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: poof; fag; faggot (homosexual man) |
marica {f} | :: magpie |
maricantunga {adj} [pejorative, slang, Chile] | :: gay or effeminate man |
Marichu {prop} | :: given name |
maricón {m} [, pejorative, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] | :: homosexual man, queer, faggot, effeminate man or boy, sissy |
maricón {m} | :: coward |
maricón {m} [Chile] | :: asshole, coward, irresponsible husband or father (mean or rude person) |
maricona {f} | :: feminine noun of maricón |
maricona {f} [pejorative] | :: female homosexual, lesbian |
mariconada {f} | :: buffoonery; folly; idiocy |
mariconcito {m} [diminutive sometimes pejorative] | :: little faggot, fagboy |
mariconeo {m} [pejorative] | :: gay sex |
mariconería {f} [vulgar] | :: faggotry |
maricota {adj} [pejorative] | :: homosexual, gay |
maricota {adj} | :: effeminate |
maridablemente {adv} | :: conjugally |
maridaje {m} | :: pairing (e.g. in foodpairing, matching a food or drink with an activity, matching music with art, etc.) |
maridaje {m} | :: marriage, combination, union |
maridal {adj} | :: marital |
maridar {v} [usually culinary] | :: to pair, to combine (in foodpairing) |
maridar {v} [rare] | :: to marry |
maridillo {m} | :: diminutive of marido |
maridito {m} | :: diminutive of marido |
marido {m} | :: husband |
Mariela {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marieña {f} | :: feminine noun of marieño |
marieño {adj} | :: Of or from Las Marías |
marieño {m} | :: Someone from Las Marías |
mariguana {f} | :: alternative spelling of marihuana |
mariguana {f} | :: feminine noun of mariguano |
marihuana {f} | :: marijuana |
marihuana {f} | :: feminine noun of marihuano |
marihuanera {f} | :: feminine noun of marihuanero |
marihuanero {m} [Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Venezuela] | :: weedhead, pothead, stoner |
marihuano {adj} [slang, Mexico] | :: stoned, high (under a mood-influencing drug) |
marihuano {m} | :: weedhead, pothead, stoner |
marilandés {adj} | :: Maryland, Marylander |
marilandés {m} | :: Marylander |
marilandesa {f} | :: feminine noun of marilandés |
marimacho {f} [derogatory] | :: tomboy |
marimandón {adj} [colloquial] | :: bossy |
marimandón {m} [colloquial] | :: bossyboots |
marimandona {f} | :: feminine noun of marimandón |
marimba {f} | :: marimba |
marimbero {m} [Cuba] | :: drug dealer |
marimbista {mf} | :: marimbist |
marimbístico {adj} | :: marimba-playing |
marimbol {m} | :: marímubula |
marímbula {f} | :: marimbula |
marimono {m} | :: spider monkey |
marimorena {f} [colloquial] | :: fuss, row, ruckus (verbal fight) |
Marín {prop} | :: surname, meaning marine or sailor |
Marín {prop} | :: given name |
marina {f} | :: navy |
Marina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marinaje {m} [nautical] | :: seamanship |
marinar {v} | :: to marinate, to marinade |
marinera {f} | :: feminine noun of marinero |
marinería {f} | :: world of sailing |
marinería {f} | :: sailors, marines (collectively) |
marinería {f} | :: seamanship |
marinerillo {m} | :: diminutive of marinero |
marinerito {m} | :: diminutive of marinero |
marinero {m} | :: sailor, seaman |
marino {adj} | :: marine, nautical |
marino {m} | :: sailor; seaman; mariner |
Marino {prop} {m} [newspapers] | :: A Chilean daily regional newspaper |
marino mercante {m} | :: merchant mariner |
Mario {prop} {m} | :: given name |
marioneta {f} | :: marionette, puppet |
marionetista {mf} | :: puppeteer |
mariposa {f} | :: butterfly |
mariposa {f} [slang] | :: male homosexual |
mariposa {f} [swimming] | :: butterfly stroke |
mariposa {f} | :: creeping beggarweed, Desmodium incanum |
mariposario {m} | :: A butterfly zoo, butterfly farm |
mariposear {v} | :: to flit; to flutter |
mariposera {f} | :: feminine noun of mariposero |
mariposero {m} | :: butterfly catcher |
mariposilla {f} | :: diminutive of mariposa |
mariposón {m} | :: augmentative of mariposa; large butterfly |
mariposón {m} | :: augmentative of mariposa; giant poofter |
mariquita {f} | :: ladybird (Commonwealth exc. Canada), ladybug (US, Canada) |
mariquita {f} [slang] | :: queer, faggot (US), poof (UK) |
mariscada {f} | :: seafood platter |
mariscador {m} | :: shellfish fisher or farmer |
mariscadora {f} | :: feminine noun of mariscador |
mariscal {m} | :: marshal |
mariscal {m} | :: quarterback |
mariscal {m} | :: seafood dish |
Mariscal Cáceres {prop} | :: Mariscal Cáceres (province) |
mariscal de campo {m} | :: field marshal |
mariscalía {f} | :: marshalship |
Mariscal Nieto {prop} | :: Mariscal Nieto (province) |
mariscar {v} | :: to catch shellfish |
mariscar {v} [colloquial] | :: to rob; swipe |
marisco {m} | :: edible shellfish or alga |
marisco {m} [culinary, chiefly plural] | :: seafood (edible aquatic life) |
marisma {f} | :: saltwater marsh, tideland marsh |
Marisol {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marisqueo {m} | :: shellfishing |
marisquera {f} | :: feminine noun of marisquero |
marisquería {f} | :: seafood store |
marisquería {f} | :: seafood restaurant |
marisquero {adj} [attributive] | :: seafood |
marisquero {m} | :: Someone who works in the seafood industry, as a seller or fisher |
marista {adj} | :: Marist |
marista {adj} | :: Marian |
marista {m} | :: Marist |
marista {m} | :: Marian |
marital {adj} | :: marital |
maritalmente {adv} | :: maritally |
marítimo {adj} | :: maritime |
marjal {m} | :: A unit of area in various parts of Spain, equivalent to 528.42 m² |
Mar Jónico {prop} {m} | :: Ionian Sea (European sea) |
marketing {m} | :: marketing |
márketing {m} | :: alternative form of marketing |
marlín {m} | :: marlin (fish) |
mar marginal {m} | :: marginal sea |
mar Mediterráneo {prop} {m} | :: Mediterranean Sea |
marmita {f} | :: steam kettle, jacketed kettle |
marmita {f} | :: pressure cooker |
marmita {f} [Dominican Republic] | :: soup kettle |
marmitako {m} | :: A stew made with tuna, potatoes, onions, pepper and tomato |
mármol {m} | :: marble (crystalline limestone) |
marmolado {adj} | :: marbled |
marmolear {v} | :: to marbleize |
marmolero {adj} [attributive] | :: marble |
marmolina {f} | :: faux marble; artificial marble |
marmolista {mf} | :: marbler |
marmóreo {adj} | :: marble |
marmosa {f} | :: marmoset |
marmota {f} | :: marmot |
marmota {f} | :: groundhog (ellipsis of marmota canadiense) |
marmota canadiense {f} | :: groundhog |
marmotita {f} | :: diminutive of marmota |
mar Negro {prop} {m} | :: Black Sea |
marojo {m} | :: red-berried mistletoe (Viscum cruciatum) |
maroma {f} | :: rope |
maroma {f} | :: circus stunt |
maromera {f} | :: feminine noun of maromero |
maromero {adj} [Latin America] | :: adaptable, flexible |
maromero {m} [Latin America] | :: a political opportunist |
maromo {m} [colloquial] | :: guy, bloke, dude |
maronita {mf} | :: Maronite |
marplatense {adj} | :: Of or from Mar del Plata |
marqués {m} [nobility] | :: marquess |
marquesa {f} | :: marchioness |
marquesa {f} [Chile] | :: bedframe |
marquesado {m} | :: march (region governed by a marquess) |
marquesal {adj} [attributive] | :: marquess |
marquesina {f} | :: shelter, bus shelter |
marquesita {f} | :: diminutive of marquesa |
marquesito {m} | :: diminutive of marqués |
marquesote {m} [Latin America] | :: A type of sweet bread |
marqueta {f} | :: block of ice |
marqueta {m} [Louisiana] | :: market |
marquetería {f} | :: marquetry |
Márquez {prop} | :: surname |
marquilla {f} | :: A type of paper size |
Marquina {prop} {f} | :: Marquina (village) |
Marquina {prop} {f} | :: surname |
marquita {f} | :: diminutive of marca |
marquito {m} | :: diminutive of marco |
marquito {m} | :: slide mounting |
Marquito {prop} {m} | :: given name |
marrajo {adj} [bullfighting] | :: vicious, dangerous |
marrajo {m} | :: shortfin mako shirt, blue pointer (Isurus oxyrinchus) |
Marrakech {prop} {mf} | :: Marrakech (capital city) |
marrakechí {adj} | :: Marrakshi (of or pertaining to Marrakesh, Morocco) |
marrakechí {mf} | :: Marrakshi (native or resident of Marrakesh, Morocco) |
marramucia {f} [Venezuela] | :: jerk; slob; dickhead |
marrana {f} | :: feminine noun of marrano |
marrana {f} [colloquial] | :: hussy; slag (prostitute) |
marranada {f} | :: dirty trick |
marranada {f} | :: filthiness |
marranito {m} | :: diminutive of marrano |
marrano {m} | :: pig |
marrano {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: pig (disgusting person) |
marrano {m} | :: converted Jew |
Marraquech {prop} {mf} | :: alternative form of Marrakech |
marraqueta {m} | :: A type of bread common in: Chile, Uruguay, Peru and Argentina |
marrar {v} | :: to miss |
marrasquino {m} | :: maraschino |
marrazo {f} | :: mattock |
marro {m} [uncountable] | :: A kind of tag game |
marro {m} [countable] | :: A dodging movement in the above game |
marro {m} [uncountable] | :: synonym of calva (game) |
marro {m} [countable] | :: An object similar to a tack used in the game of calva |
marrocas {fp} [Peru] | :: handcuffs |
mar Rojo {prop} {m} | :: Red Sea (sea between Africa and Arabia) |
marrón {adj} | :: brown (colour) |
marrón {m} | :: brown (colour) |
marrón {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: mess; bitch (something annoying) |
marronáceo {adj} | :: brownish |
marronazo {m} [colloquial] | :: biggy, big deal (something very important) |
marroquí {adj} | :: Moroccan |
marroquí {mf} | :: Moroccan |
Marroquín {prop} | :: surname |
marroquinería {f} | :: leather goods |
marroquinería {f} | :: a leather goods store |
marroquinería {f} | :: the leather industry |
marroquinidad {f} | :: Moroccanness |
marrubio {m} | :: horehound (Marrubium vulgare) |
Marruecos {prop} {m} | :: Morocco (country) |
marrullería {f} | :: dirty trick |
marrullero {adj} | :: devious |
marrullero {m} | :: smooth operator; smoothie |
marsa {f} | :: feminine noun of marso |
marsala {m} | :: Marsala (wine) |
marsala {f} | :: Marsala (sauce) |
Marsella {prop} {f} | :: Marsella (capital city) |
marsellés {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Marseilles |
marsellés {m} | :: Someone from Marseilles |
marshalés {adj} | :: Marshallese |
marshalés {m} | :: Marshallese (person) |
marshalés {prop} {m} | :: Marshallese (language) |
marshalesa {f} | :: feminine noun of marshalés |
marshmallow {m} | :: marshmallow |
marso {adj} | :: Marsian |
marso {m} | :: Marsian |
marsopa {f} | :: porpoise |
marsupial {adj} | :: marsupial |
marsupial {m} | :: marsupial |
marsupio {m} [of a marsupial] | :: pouch |
marta {f} [zoology] | :: marten |
Marta {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Marta {prop} {f} | :: Martha [biblical character] |
marta cibelina {f} [zoology] | :: sable (Martes zibellina) |
mártaga {f} | :: alternative form of almártaga |
martagón {m} | :: martagon lily (Lilium martagon) |
marta pescadora {f} [zoology] | :: fisher (animal) |
Marte {prop} {m} | :: Mars (Roman god of war) |
Marte {prop} {m} | :: Mars (planet) |
marteña {f} | :: feminine noun of marteño |
marteño {adj} | :: Of or from Martos |
marteño {m} | :: someone from Martos |
martensita {f} | :: martensite |
martes {m} | :: Tuesday |
Martes de Carnaval {prop} {m} | :: Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday |
martiano {adj} | :: Of or relating to José Martí |
martillar {vt} | :: to hammer |
martillazo {m} | :: blow with a hammer |
martilleante {adj} | :: insistent, repetitive |
martillear {v} | :: to hit with a hammer |
martillear {v} | :: to pound |
martillear {v} | :: to hammer on |
martilleo {m} | :: hammering |
martillera {f} | :: feminine noun of martillero |
martillero {m} [Argentina, Chile] | :: auctioneer |
martillete {m} | :: electric hammer |
martillo {m} | :: hammer (a tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding) |
martillo {m} [anatomy] | :: malleus |
martillo {m} | :: auction house |
martillo {m} [athletics] | :: hammer |
martillo de agua {m} [physics] | :: water hammer |
martillo neumático {m} | :: jackhammer |
martillo perforador {m} | :: jackhammer |
martillo pilón {m} | :: A mechanical pounding tool where a heavy mass moves vertically; a steam or power hammer |
martillo sacaclavos {m} | :: claw hammer |
martín {m} | :: black-crowned night heron |
Martín {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Martín {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Martina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
martinete {f} | :: hammer (of a piano) |
martinete {f} | :: large forge hammer |
martinete {f} | :: a type of Flamenco chant |
martinete {f} | :: black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) |
martinete común {m} | :: black-crowned night heron |
Martínez {prop} | :: surname |
martingala {f} | :: martingale |
martín gigante neotropical {m} | :: ringed kingfisher |
martini {m} | :: martini |
Martinica {prop} {f} | :: Martinique |
martiniega {f} [history] | :: A type of tax in the Crown of Castile |
martiniquense {adj} | :: Of or from Martinique |
martiniquense {mf} | :: Someone from Martinique |
martiniqués {adj} | :: Martinican |
martiniqués {m} | :: Martinican |
martiniquesa {f} | :: feminine noun of martiniqués |
martín pescador {m} | :: kingfisher (Alcedinidae) |
martín pescador de collar {m} | :: ringed kingfisher |
mártir {mf} | :: martyr |
martirial {adj} | :: martyrial |
martirio {m} | :: martyrdom |
martirio {m} | :: martyrium |
martirio {m} [figuratively] | :: agony, torture |
martirizante {adj} | :: agonizing, excruciating |
martirizar {v} | :: to martyr (make someone a martyr) |
martirologio {m} | :: martyrology |
mar Tirreno {prop} {m} | :: Tyrrhenian Sea |
Martita {prop} {f} | :: given name |
martucha {f} | :: kinkajou (Potos flavus) |
maruca {f} | :: ling |
marucha {f} [colloquial] | :: instant noodles |
marucha {f} | :: chuck beef |
Marucha {prop} | :: Pejorative form of María |
maruja {f} [colloquial, pejorative, Spain] | :: A gossipy housewife |
marullero {adj} | :: nonstandard form of marrullero |
marxiano {adj} | :: Marxian |
marxismo {m} | :: Marxism |
marxismo-leninismo {m} | :: Marxism-Leninism |
marxista {adj} | :: Marxist |
marxista {mf} | :: Marxist |
marxista-leninista {adj} | :: Marxist-Leninist |
marxista-leninista {mf} | :: Marxist-Leninist |
Maryland {prop} {m} | :: Maryland (state) |
marzo {m} | :: March |
mas {conj} [formal] | :: but |
mas {conj} [formal] | :: however |
mas {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of más |
más {adv} | :: more; -er (used to make comparisons) |
más {adv} [with definite article] | :: most; -est (used to make superlatives) |
más {adv} | :: furthermore |
más {adv} | :: in addition |
más {adv} | :: else |
más {adv} | :: used with qué to express emphasis |
más {adj} | :: more, any more |
más {adj} | :: most |
más {conj} [mathematics] | :: plus |
masa {f} [food] | :: dough |
masa {f} [physics] | :: mass |
masa {f} | :: drove (large amount) |
masa atómica {f} | :: atomic mass (the mass of an atom) |
masachusetana {f} | :: feminine noun of masachusetano |
masachusetano {adj} | :: Massachusettsan, Massachusetts |
masachusetano {m} | :: Massachusettsan |
masacrar {vt} | :: to massacre |
masacre {f} | :: massacre |
más adelante {adv} | :: later on |
masa en reposo {f} | :: rest mass |
masái {mf} | :: Maasai |
masái {adj} | :: Maasai |
masaje {m} | :: massage |
masajeador {adj} | :: massaging |
masajeador {m} | :: massager |
masajear {v} | :: to rub or massage |
masaje erótico {m} | :: erotic massage |
masajista {mf} | :: massagist, masseur, masseuse {f} |
más allá {adv} | :: over there |
más allá {adv} | :: farther, further, beyond |
más allá {m} | :: afterlife, beyond, hereafter |
más allá {m} | :: the great beyond |
masa madre {f} | :: sourdough |
masa molar {f} | :: molar mass |
masa molecular {f} | :: molecular mass |
masar {v} | :: to knead |
Masaya {prop} | :: Masaya (department) |
más bien {adv} | :: rather, slightly |
más bien {conj} | :: rather, or rather (more precisely) |
mascabado {adj} | :: Made into muscovado |
mascar {v} | :: to chew without ever swallowing |
máscara {f} | :: mask |
máscara antigás {f} | :: gas mask |
mascarada {f} | :: masquerade |
mascarero {m} | :: mask maker |
mascarilla {f} | :: face mask |
mascarita {f} | :: diminutive of máscara |
mascarita {f} | :: yellowthroat |
mascarón {m} | :: mascaron |
mascarpone {m} | :: mascarpone |
Mascat {prop} | :: Muscat |
Mascate {prop} | :: Mascate (capital city) |
mascletá {f} | :: mascletà |
mascné {m} [pathology, colloquial] | :: maskne |
más contento que unas castañuelas {adj} [simile] | :: happy as a clam; happy as Larry |
más cornadas da el hambre {proverb} | :: no pain no gain |
mascota {f} | :: pet |
mascota {f} | :: mascot (the animal that represents a team) |
mascoteador {m} [baseball] | :: pitcher |
mascotita {f} | :: diminutive of mascota |
mascujar {v} | :: to mumble |
masculinidad {f} | :: masculinity |
masculinismo {m} | :: masculinism, masculism (advocacy of men's rights) |
masculinista {m} | :: masculinist, masculist |
masculinización {f} | :: masculinization |
masculinizado {adj} | :: masculinized |
masculinizar {vt} | :: to masculinize |
masculino {adj} | :: masculine, male |
mascullar {v} [ditransitive, colloquial] | :: to mumble; to say through one's teeth |
máser {m} | :: maser |
Maseru {prop} | :: Maseru (capital city) |
masetero {m} | :: masseter |
más feo que Carracuca {adj} [idiom] | :: ugly as sin |
más feo que Picio {adj} [idiom, colloquial, simile] | :: ugly as sin, butt ugly |
mashina {f} [Louisiana] | :: machine, vehicle |
masía {f} [Aragón, Catalonia] | :: country house, cabin |
másico {adj} | :: mass; of or pertaining to mass |
masicote {m} [chemistry] | :: massicot |
masificación {f} | :: overcrowding |
masificar {vr} [masificarse] | :: to become overcrowded |
masilla {f} | :: caulk, putty |
masismo {m} | :: The political beliefs of Artur Mas |
masista {mf} [politics] | :: A supporter of the Bolivian political party Movement for Socialism |
masivamente {adv} | :: massively |
masividad {f} | :: massiveness |
masivo {adj} | :: massive |
más lento que el caballo del malo {adj} [simile] | :: as slow as a snail |
más lento que un desfile de cojos {adj} [simile] | :: as slow as a snail |
más listo que el hambre {adj} [idiom] | :: smart as a whip |
más loco que una cabra {adj} [idiom] | :: mad as a hatter, crazy, insane |
masnavi {m} | :: mathnawi |
masoca {adj} [colloquial] | :: masochistic |
masoca {mf} [colloquial] | :: masochist |
más o menos {adv} | :: give or take, more or less, approximately; pretty much |
más o menos {adv} | :: so-so (neither good nor bad) |
masón {m} | :: Freemason |
masonería {f} | :: Freemasonry |
masónico {adj} | :: masonic |
masonismo {m} | :: Freemasonism |
masoquismo {m} | :: masochism |
masoquista {mf} | :: masochist |
masorético {adj} | :: Masoretic |
más papista que el papa {adj} [idiom] | :: more Catholic than the Pope |
más perdido que Carracuca {adj} [idiom] | :: completely lost |
más puta que Rita {adj} [idiomatic, Spain] | :: very slutty (literally, "more of a slut than Rita") |
más raro que un perro verde {adj} [simile] | :: queer as Dick's hatband; very strange |
más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo {proverb} | :: wisdom comes with age |
más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo {proverb} | :: also implies immorality in said older wise person; the proverb is typically (but not always) used by or about an older or more experienced person giving crafty, unscrupulous advice |
Massachusetts {prop} {m} | :: Massachusetts (state) |
más sano que una pera {adj} [idiom] | :: fit as a fiddle |
más se perdió en Cuba {proverb} [idiom] | :: worse things happen at sea; could be worse; things ain't as bad as they might be |
massismo {m} [politics] | :: The political beliefs or system of Sergio Massa, Argentine politician |
massista {adj} | :: supporting Sergio Massa, Argentine politician |
más solo que la una {adj} [idiom, simile] | :: very lonely; so lonesome |
mastectomía {f} [surgery] | :: mastectomy |
mástel {m} | :: alternative spelling of mástil |
mastelero {m} [nautical] | :: topsail |
máster {m} | :: master's degree, master |
masterado {m} | :: master's |
master-class {m} | :: masterclass |
masterización {f} | :: mastering |
masterizar {v} | :: to master (produce a master recording) |
masticable {adj} | :: chewable; masticable |
masticación {f} | :: mastication, chewing |
masticador {adj} | :: masticating |
masticador {m} | :: masticator |
masticar {v} | :: to chew |
masticar {v} | :: to think (about an idea) |
masticatorio {adj} | :: masticatory |
masticatorio {adj} | :: chewable |
mástil {m} [nautical] | :: mast (a tall, slim post or tower used to support the sails on a ship) |
mástil {m} [music] | :: neck (of guitar) |
mastín {m} | :: mastiff |
mastitis {f} [pathology] | :: mastitis |
mastocito {m} [cytology] | :: mastocyte, mast cell |
mastocitoma {m} | :: mastocytoma |
mastodonte {m} | :: mastodon |
mastodóntico {adj} | :: enormous, huge |
mastofauna {f} [zoology] | :: mastofauna |
mastografía {f} | :: mammography |
mastógrafo {m} | :: mammographer |
mastoideo {adj} | :: mastoid |
mastoides {adj} [anatomy] | :: mastoid |
mastoides {m} [skeleton] | :: mastoid; mastoid process |
mastóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of mastólogo |
mastología {f} [medicine] | :: mastology |
mastólogo {m} | :: mastologist, boob inspecter |
más tonto que Abundio {adj} | :: Very idiotic |
más tonto que mandado hacer de encargo {adj} [simile, idiom] | :: Very idiotic |
mastozoología {f} | :: mammalogy |
mastozoológico {adj} | :: mammalogical |
mastranzo {m} | :: Any of a number of uninteresting plants. See Spanish Wikipedia |
Mastrique {prop} [dated] | :: Mastrique (city) |
mastuerzo {m} | :: cress (a plant, Lepidium sativum) |
mastuerzo {m} [pejorative, colloquial, Spain] | :: dumbass |
masturbación {f} | :: masturbation |
masturbación mutua {f} | :: mutual masturbation |
masturbador {adj} | :: masturbating |
masturbador {m} | :: masturbator (someone who masturbates) |
masturbadora {f} | :: feminine noun of masturbador |
masturbar {vt} | :: to masturbate |
masturbarse {v} | :: reflexive of masturbar To masturbate oneself |
masturbatorio {adj} | :: masturbatory |
masudo {adj} | :: tubby |
más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer {proverb} | :: better the devil you know |
más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando {proverb} | :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush |
más vale pájaro en mano que ver ciento volando {proverb} | :: alternative form of más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando |
más vale prevenir que curar {proverb} | :: better safe than sorry |
más vale tarde que nunca {phrase} | :: better late than never |
más viejo que Carracuca {adj} [idiom] | :: old as the hills |
más viejo que Cascorro {adj} [idiom] | :: old as the hills |
más viejo que la tana {adj} [idiom] | :: old as the hills |
más viejo que la tos {adj} [idiom] | :: old as the hills |
más viejo que Matusalén {adj} [simile] | :: as old as the hills |
más visto que el tebeo {adj} [idiomatic] | :: as old as the hills |
más y más {adv} [idiom] | :: more and more |
mat {m} | :: mat (for exercise) |
mata {f} | :: shrub |
mata {f} | :: sprig |
mata {f} | :: mastic tree, Pistacia lentiscus |
mata {f} [Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba] | :: plant (organism of the kingdom Plantae) |
Mata {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
matabichos {m} | :: bug spray |
mataburros {m} [Latin America, humorous] | :: dictionary |
mataburros {m} [Latin America, humorous] | :: grille guard, bumper guard (car accessory) |
mataburros {m} [Uruguay] | :: cattle grid |
matacán {m} | :: machicolation |
matacandelas {m} | :: snuffer, candlesnuffer |
matachín {m} | :: clown, buffoon |
matacucarachas {m} | :: cockroach killer; cockroach spray |
matadero {m} | :: slaughterhouse, abattoir |
matadero {m} [by extension] | :: place for killing |
matadero {m} [Venezuela, colloquial] | :: cheap hotel |
matado {adj} | :: fugly, hideous [person] |
matado {adj} [Mexico] | :: bookish (lover of reading and or study) |
matador {m} | :: a slaughterer, a killer |
matador {m} [bullfighting] | :: matador, a featured bullfighter at a bullfight event |
matadora {f} | :: feminine noun of matador |
matadura {f} | :: callus |
matafuego {m} | :: fire extinguisher |
matagallina {f} [plant] | :: flax-leaved daphne, Daphne gnidium |
matagalpa {adj} | :: Matagalpa |
matagalpa {mf} | :: Matagalpa |
matagalpa {m} | :: Matagalpa |
Matagalpa {prop} | :: Matagalpa (department) |
matagalpina {f} | :: feminine noun of matagalpino |
matagalpino {adj} | :: Of or from Matagalpa |
matagalpino {m} | :: Someone from Matagalpa |
matahombres {mf} | :: mankiller |
matahormigas {m} | :: ant killer; ant spray |
Matajudíos {prop} | :: surname |
mataleón {m} [wrestling] | :: sleeper hold; chokehold |
matamarcianos {m} | :: An arcade game involving killing space creatures or fantasy creatures |
matambre {m} [food] | :: A thin steak cut from the diaphragm muscles of a cow, similar to a flank steak |
matambrito {m} | :: diminutive of matambre |
Matamoros {prop} | :: surname |
matamoscas {m} | :: flyswatter |
matamoscas {m} | :: fly agaric, Amanita muscaria |
matancero {adj} | :: Of or from Matanzas |
matancero {m} | :: Someone from Matanzas |
matanza {f} | :: a slaughter, a killing |
matapolicías {m} | :: cop killer |
matar {v} | :: to put out, extinguish (a flame or light) |
matar {v} | :: to kill, slay |
matar {v} | :: to butcher |
matar {v} | :: to injure, damage |
matar {v} | :: to fatigue, exhaust, tire out |
matar {v} | :: to dull (render dim or obscure; to sully; to tarnish) |
matar {v} | :: to round off |
matar {v} | :: to ruin |
matar {v} [colloquial] | :: to kill (to annoy) |
matar {v} [colloquial] | :: to kill (to get mad at) |
matar {v} [colloquial] | :: to kill (to amaze, exceed, stun) |
matar {v} [colloquial] | :: to beat (to be better than) |
matar {v} | :: to postmark |
matar a la gallina de los huevos de oro {v} [idiomatic] | :: To seek short-term gain at the sacrifice of long-term profit; literally, "slaughtering the goose that lays golden eggs" |
matar dos pájaros de un tiro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to kill two birds with one stone |
matar el gusanillo {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep hunger at bay, to keep someone going |
matarife {mf} | :: butcher; slaughterer (of animals for meat) |
Mataró {prop} | :: Mataró (city) |
mataronense {adj} | :: Mataronese: of or from Mataró |
mataronense {mf} | :: Someone from Mataró |
matarratas {m} | :: raticide |
matarratas {m} | :: A type of card game |
matarratas {m} [colloquial] | :: strong low-quality alcohol |
matarratón {m} | :: quickstick (Gliricidia sepium) |
matarse {v} | :: to kill oneself, to commit suicide |
matarse {v} | :: to be killed, to meet one’s death |
matarse {v} | :: to become galled, to become chafed, to get sores (said of horses) |
matarse {v} | :: to wear oneself out |
matasano {m} | :: feverfew; Tanacetum parthenium |
matasano {m} | :: Casimiroa edulis |
matasanos {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: quack (bad doctor) |
matasellar {v} | :: to postmark |
matasellos {m} | :: postmark |
matasiete {m} | :: bully, thug |
matasiete {m} | :: loudmouth, blowhard |
matasuegras {m} | :: party horn |
matate {m} [Honduras] | :: bag-shaped net |
matatenas {fp} | :: jacks (children's game) |
matatu {m} | :: matatu |
matavenados {m} | :: camel spider, wind scorpion, sun spider (Solifugae) |
mataviejos {m} | :: old-person killer |
matazón {f} | :: killing |
match {m} | :: match |
match point {m} [tennis] | :: match point |
mate {adj} | :: matte (not reflective of light) |
mate {m} [chess] | :: mate, checkmate |
mate {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: A hand gesture |
mate {m} | :: maté (the drink prepared from yerba maté (Ilex paraguariensis)) |
mate {m} | :: a hollow gourd or cup in which maté is traditionally served |
mate {m} [colloquial, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: head (top part of the body) |
mate {adj} [South America] | :: tan, tanned (skin colour) |
mate {f} [colloquial] | :: math / maths |
matea {f} | :: feminine noun of mateo |
matear {v} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] | :: To drink mate, yerba mate |
matecaña {adj} | :: of or from Pereira |
matecaña {mf} | :: Someone from Pereira |
matecito {m} | :: diminutive of mate |
mate de la coz {m} [chess] | :: smothered mate |
mate del loco {m} [chess] | :: fool's mate |
mate del pastor {m} [chess] | :: scholar's mate |
mateín {adj} | :: Of or relating to the San Mateo festival in Oviedo |
mateína {f} | :: mateine |
mateístico {adj} | :: Of, relating to, or in the style of, Eduardo Mateo, Uruguayan musician |
matemática {f} | :: feminine noun of matemático; a female mathematician |
matemática {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: mathematics |
matemáticamente {adv} | :: mathematically |
matemáticas aplicadas {fp} | :: applied mathematics |
matemáticas puras {fp} | :: pure mathematics |
matemático {adj} | :: mathematical (relating to mathematics) |
matemático {m} | :: mathematician |
matematización {f} | :: mathematicization |
mateo {adj} [colloquial, Chile] | :: geeky |
mateo {m} [colloquial, Chile] | :: swot, geek, nerd |
Mateo {prop} {m} | :: Matthew, the apostle |
Mateo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Mateo {prop} {m} | :: One of the Gospel books of the New Testament |
matera {f} | :: feminine singular of matero |
matera {f} | :: A bag used to carry mate equipment (a gourd, a straw, a thermos, and a container of yerba mate) |
materia {f} [physics] | :: matter (the basic structural component of the universe) |
materia {f} | :: subject (topic; particular area of study) |
materia blanca {f} | :: white matter |
materia fecal {f} | :: excrement, fecal matter |
materia gris {f} | :: grey matter |
material {adj} | :: material |
material {m} | :: material |
materialidad {f} | :: materiality |
materialismo {m} | :: materialism (constant concern over material possessions and wealth) |
materialismo {m} [philosophy] | :: materialism |
materialista {adj} | :: materialist |
materialista {mf} | :: materialist |
materialización {f} | :: materialization |
materializar {v} | :: to materialise |
materializar {v} | :: to embody |
materializarse {v} | :: reflexive of materializar |
materialmente {adv} | :: materially |
material particulado {m} | :: particulate matter |
materia oscura {f} | :: dark matter |
materia prima {f} | :: raw material |
matérico {adj} [arts] | :: material |
maternal {adj} | :: synonym of materno |
maternalmente {adv} | :: maternally |
maternidad {f} | :: motherhood |
maternidad {f} | :: maternity |
materno {adj} [attributive] | :: mother |
materno {adj} | :: maternal |
maternofilial {adj} | :: mother-son |
maternofobia {f} | :: matrophobia |
maternoinfantil {adj} [especially of a hospital] | :: specialising in maternity care and childcare |
matero {m} | :: flowerpot |
matero {m} | :: Drinker of mate |
mates {fp} [colloquial] | :: maths, math (study) |
Mathusalam {prop} {m} [obsolete] | :: Methuselah (Biblical character) |
Matías {prop} | :: Matthias (Biblical figure) |
Matías {prop} | :: given name of biblical origin |
matico {m} | :: orange-ball-tree |
matidez {f} | :: mattness |
matificante {adj} | :: mattifying |
Matilde {prop} {f} | :: given name |
matinal {adj} | :: morning, matinal |
matiné {f} | :: matinée |
matiz {m} | :: hue |
matiz {m} [also, figurative] | :: nuance, overtone |
matización {f} | :: shade, nuance |
matizar {vt} | :: to clarify a concept, to be more specific |
matizar {v} | :: to blend colours in an agreeable way |
matizar {v} | :: to nuance (redefine in a subtle way) |
matkot {m} | :: matkot |
matlatzinca {adj} | :: Matlatzinca |
matlatzinca {mf} | :: Matlatzinca |
matojo {m} | :: small bush, shrub |
matón {m} | :: thug, bully, hoodlum |
matona {f} | :: feminine noun of matón |
matonaje {m} | :: bullying |
matonear {v} | :: to destroy, slay |
matonería {f} | :: bullying |
matonismo {m} | :: bullying |
matorral {m} | :: brush (wild vegetation) |
matorral {m} | :: thicket, copse |
matorral {m} | :: scrub |
matorralero {adj} [attributive] | :: scrub; brush |
matorralero {m} | :: Any of a number of birds living in the scrub |
matorralero {m} | :: scrubbird |
matorralero {m} | :: others |
matorro {m} [Cantabria] | :: shrub |
matorro {m} [South America] | :: thicket, underbrush |
matoso {adj} | :: bushy, heathy |
mató tunco tu tata {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] | :: A game adults play with little children |
matraca {f} [musical instruments] | :: ratchet, wooden rattle |
matraca {f} [colloquial] | :: a pestering, plaguing |
matraquear {vi} | :: to pester, to annoy |
matraquera {f} | :: feminine noun of matraquero |
matraquero {adj} [Venezuela, politics] | :: corrupt, bribetaking |
matraquero {m} [Venezuela, politics] | :: An extortionist or bribe taker (a government official who demands bribes to speed things up) |
matraquero {m} [Mexico] | :: One who sells matracas (wooden rattles) |
matraquero {m} | :: A bird of the genus Manacus |
matraz {m} | :: Any kind of flask, or glass container used in a chemical laboratory |
matraz aforado {m} | :: volumetric flask |
matrera {f} | :: feminine noun of matrero |
matrero {adj} | :: cunning |
matrero {m} | :: bandit |
matriarca {f} | :: matriarch |
matriarcado {m} | :: matriarchy |
matriarcado {m} | :: matriarchate |
matriarcal {adj} | :: matriarchal |
matricial {adj} | :: matrix |
matricidio {m} | :: matricide |
matrícula {f} [Spain] | :: number plate, license plate |
matrícula {f} | :: registration number |
matrícula {f} | :: matriculation |
matrícula {f} | :: tuition |
matriculación {f} | :: matriculation |
matrícula de honor {f} [Spain, education] | :: A+; distinction; A*; honors (entitling the student to free registration on the next course) |
matricular {v} | :: to matriculate |
matrilineal {adj} | :: matrilineal |
matrimonial {adj} | :: matrimonial |
matrimonial {adj} [attributive] | :: marriage |
matrimonialmente {adv} | :: as husband and wife |
matrimoniar {v} | :: to wed; get married |
matrimoniar {vr} | :: to wed; to get married |
matrimonio {m} | :: married couple |
matrimonio {m} | :: marriage |
matrimonio {m} | :: wedding (the ceremony) |
matrimonio {m} [formal] | :: matrimony (sacrament) |
matrioska {m} | :: matryoshka, Russian doll |
matritense {adj} | :: Madrilenian |
matritense {mf} | :: Madrilenian |
matriz {f} [anatomy] | :: uterus |
matriz {f} [business] | :: head office or store |
matriz {f} [mathematics] | :: matrix |
matriz {f} [computing] | :: matrix |
matriz {f} [geology] | :: matrix |
matriz {f} | :: origin, source |
matriz {f} [tools] | :: mold |
matriz {f} [tools] | :: nut |
matriz cuadrada {f} | :: square matrix |
matriz diagonal {f} [linear algebra] | :: diagonal matrix |
matriz extracelular {f} | :: extracellular matrix |
matriz identidad {f} [linear algebra] | :: identity matrix |
matriz inversa {f} [linear algebra] | :: inverse matrix |
matrona {f} | :: matron |
matrona {f} | :: midwife |
Matsumoto {prop} | :: surname |
matufia {f} | :: dirty work |
matula {f} | :: wick (of a candle, lamp, etc.) |
Matusalén {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Methuselah (the oldest person whose age is recorded in the Bible) |
matutinas {adj} | :: feminine plural of matutino |
matutino {adj} | :: morning [attributive] |
maula {adj} | :: useless, good-for-nothing, junk |
maula {f} | :: piece of junk, useless item |
maula {f} | :: idler |
maula {f} | :: trickster |
Maule {prop} {m} | :: Maule (region) |
Maule {prop} {m} | :: Maule (former province) |
Mauleon {prop} | :: surname |
maulino {adj} | :: from the Chilean region of Maule |
maulino {adj} | :: from the former Chilean province of Maule |
maullar {v} | :: to meow |
maullido {m} | :: meow |
mauriciano {adj} | :: Mauritian |
mauriciano {m} | :: Mauritian |
Mauricio {prop} {m} | :: Mauritius |
Mauricio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
maurismo {m} | :: Maurism |
maurista {adj} | :: Maurist |
maurista {mf} | :: Maurist |
mauritana {f} | :: feminine noun of mauritano |
Mauritania {prop} {f} | :: Mauritania (country) |
mauritano {adj} | :: Mauritanian |
mauritano {m} | :: Mauritanian |
máuser {m} | :: Mauser (firearm) |
mausoleo {m} | :: mausoleum |
maxi {m} | :: maxi |
Maxi {prop} {m} | :: given name |
maxicollar {m} | :: maxi necklace |
maxilar {adj} | :: maxillary |
maxilofacial {adj} | :: maxillofacial |
maxilópodo {m} [zoology] | :: maxillopod |
máxima {f} | :: maxim |
máxima {f} | :: maximum (temperature) |
maximal {adj} | :: maximal |
maximalismo {m} | :: maximalism (tendency toward excess) |
maximalista {adj} | :: maximalist |
maximalista {mf} | :: maximalist |
máximamente {adv} | :: maximally |
maximato {prop} {m} | :: the Maximato (period in Mexican history during which President Plutarco Elías Calles's puppet presidents were in office) |
Maximato {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of maximato |
máxime {adv} | :: especially |
máxime {adv} | :: all the more |
Maximiliano {prop} {m} | :: given name |
maximización {f} | :: maximization |
maximizador {adj} | :: maximizing |
maximizador {m} | :: maximizer |
maximizadora {f} | :: feminine noun of maximizador |
maximizar {vt} | :: to maximise |
máximo {adj} | :: maximum |
máximo {adj} | :: greatest |
máximo {m} | :: maximum |
Máximo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
máximum {m} | :: maximum |
maxiserie {f} | :: maxiseries |
maxivestido {m} [clothing] | :: long dress |
maya {adj} | :: Mayan (from Maya) |
maya {mf} | :: Mayan (person) |
maya {mf} | :: Mayan (language) |
mayabequense {adj} | :: Of or from the province of Mayabeque Province, Cuba |
mayabequense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the province of Mayabeque Province, Cuba |
mayagüezana {f} | :: feminine noun of mayagüezano |
mayagüezano {adj} | :: Of or from Mayagüez |
mayagüezano {m} | :: Someone from Mayagüez |
mayal {m} | :: flail |
mayamera {f} | :: feminine noun of mayamero |
mayamero {adj} [colloquial] | :: Of or from Miami |
mayamero {m} [colloquial] | :: Someone from Miami |
mayar {v} | :: to miaow |
mayar {vr} [Costa Rica] | :: to wilt |
mayate {m} | :: figeater beetle, June bug (Cotinis mutabilis) |
mayate {m} [Mexico, slang] | :: active (top) homosexual or bisexual |
mayate {m} [Chicano, slang, derogatory, ethnic slur] | :: black person, nigger |
maya yucateco {m} | :: Yucatec Maya |
mayense {adj} | :: Mayan |
mayestático {adj} | :: majestic, royal |
mayéutico {adj} | :: maieutical |
mayista {mf} | :: Mayanist |
Maynas {prop} | :: Maynas (province) |
mayo {m} | :: May |
mayólica {f} | :: majolica |
mayón {m} | :: A traditional food from Ecuador, consisting of the larva of Brassolis sophorae |
mayonesa {f} | :: mayonnaise |
mayonesa vegetariana {f} | :: veganaise |
mayor {adj} | :: comparative of grande: bigger |
mayor {adj} | :: comparative of viejo: older; elder |
mayor {adj} | :: (of a person) comparative of viejo: old; at an advanced age |
mayor {adj} | :: of age; adult; grown-up |
mayor {adj} | :: major; main |
mayor {adj} | :: head; boss |
mayor {adj} [music] | :: major |
mayor {adj} [as a superlative, el/la/lo mayor] | :: superlative of grande: the biggest |
mayor {adj} [as a superlative] | :: superlative of viejo: the oldest |
mayor {adj} | :: enhanced |
mayor {m} [military] | :: major (military rank) |
mayor {m} | :: boss; head |
mayor {m} [literary, in plural] | :: ancestors |
mayor {f} [nautical] | :: mainsail |
mayora {f} [Mexico] | :: an elderly female cook, who may work in a commercial kitchen but typically does not have formal training |
mayoral {m} | :: farm manager, steward |
mayoral {m} | :: foreman, overseer |
mayoral {m} | :: head shepherd |
mayorana {f} | :: marjoram |
mayorante {m} | :: majorant |
mayoras {f} | :: plural of mayora |
mayorazgo {m} | :: primogeniture |
mayorazgo {m} | :: firstborn |
mayorazgo {m} | :: estate; inheritance |
mayorcito {adj} | :: diminutive of mayor |
mayor de edad {adj} | :: adult, grown-up, of age |
mayordomía {f} | :: stewardship |
mayordomía {f} | :: butlerhood |
mayordomo {m} | :: butler, majordomo |
mayoreo {m} | :: wholesale |
mayoría {f} | :: majority |
mayoría de edad {f} | :: coming-of-age, coming of age |
mayoría de edad {f} [legal] | :: age of majority, majority, legal age |
mayorista {mf} | :: wholesaler, wholesale dealer |
mayoritariamente {adv} | :: mostly, mainly, by a majority |
mayoritario {adj} | :: majority |
mayormente {adv} | :: mainly, largely |
mayormente {adv} | :: mostly, for the most part |
mayoruna {adj} | :: Mayoruna; Matsés |
mayoruna {mf} | :: Mayoruna; Matsés |
Mayte {prop} {f} | :: given name. A less common spelling of Maite |
mayúscula {f} [orthography] | :: capital letter |
mayusculación {f} | :: capitalisation (choice of case when writing a word) |
mayúsculo {adj} | :: upper case, uppercase |
maza {f} | :: mace, club (weapon) |
maza {f} | :: mallet (in polo) |
maza {f} | :: handle (of a billiards or snooker cue) |
maza {f} | :: drumstick (for playing drums) |
maza {f} | :: meat tenderizer |
mazacote {m} | :: concrete |
mazacote {m} [plant] | :: barilla (Soda inermis, syn. Salsola soda) |
mazacote {m} | :: a crude work of art |
mazacote {m} [colloquial] | :: dry, hard food |
mazacote {m} [colloquial] | :: annoying person |
mazahua {adj} | :: Mazahua |
mazahua {mf} | :: Mazahua |
mazamorra {f} | :: mazamorra |
mazapán {m} | :: marzipan |
mazar {v} | :: to tenderize (meat) |
mazar {v} | :: to churn |
mazateca {f} | :: feminine noun of mazateco |
mazateco {adj} | :: Mazatec |
mazateco {m} | :: Mazatec |
mazateco {m} | :: Mazatec |
mazatleco {adj} | :: Mazatecan |
mazatleco {m} | :: Mazatecan |
mazazo {m} | :: a blow or hit with a mallet or hammer |
mazazo {m} [figurative] | :: a blow, a hammer blow, a heavy blow, setback |
mazmorra {f} | :: dungeon |
maznar {v} | :: to squeeze or soften |
mazo {m} | :: hammer (tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding) |
mazo {m} | :: mallet (type of hammer with a larger-than-usual head) |
mazo {m} | :: gavel (wooden mallet, used by a courtroom judge, committee chairman, or auctioneer) |
mazo {m} | :: pestle (club-shaped, round-headed stick used in a mortar) |
mazo {m} [card games] | :: deck (pack or set of playing cards) |
mazo {m} | :: handful, bunch (group or number of things) |
mazonado {adj} [heraldry] | :: embattled |
mazonería {f} | :: masonry |
mazorca {f} | :: cob (of corn) |
mazurca {f} | :: mazurka |
mbyá {adj} | :: Mbyá |
mbyá {mf} | :: Mbyá |
Mc {prop} {m} [colloquial] | :: McDonald's, Maccy D's (the fast-food restaurant chain) |
MC {prop} | :: abbreviation of Michoacán (Mexican state) |
mcd {m} [mathematics] | :: initialism of máximo común divisor |
mcm {m} [mathematics] | :: initialism of mínimo común múltiplo |
mdd {n} | :: initialism of million dollars |
mdp {mp} | :: initialism of millones de pesos |
meada {f} [colloquial] | :: piss; leak |
meadero {m} [vulgar, colloquial] | :: pisser; bog |
Meagens {prop} {f} | :: given name from the Canary Islands |
meaja {f} | :: A historical coin from Castile |
meandro {m} [geography] | :: meander |
meandro {m} | :: bend |
meapilas {m} | :: sanctimonious, God botherer |
mear {v} | :: to piss, to pee |
mear {vr} | :: to piss oneself |
mear agua bendita {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be a Christian soldier; to be holier-than-thou; to be a Holy Roller |
mearse {v} | :: to wet, to urinate accidentally in or on |
meato {m} [anatomy] | :: meatus |
meca {interj} [euphemism] | :: shoot, shank, sugar (euphemised form of "shit") |
meca {f} [colloquial, Chile] | :: excrement, shit |
meca {f} | :: mecca |
mecachis {interj} [colloquial] | :: sugar, frick, sugar honey ice tea |
mecachis en la mar {interj} [colloquial] | :: fiddlesticks, sugar honey ice tea |
me cacho {interj} [Argentina] | :: darn it, damn it |
me cago en diez {phrase} | :: euphemistic form of me cago en Dios |
me cago en diola {phrase} | :: euphemistic form of me cago en Dios |
me cago en Dios {phrase} | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en el mar {phrase} [vulgar, Spain, idiomatic] | :: fuck; fuck it; holy crap on a stick |
me cago en la hostia {phrase} | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en la leche {phrase} [vulgar, Spain, idiomatic] | :: holy shit; fuck; fuck it |
me cago en la leche {phrase} [vulgar, Spain, idiomatic] | :: bloody hell!; bollocks! |
me cago en la mar {interj} | :: alternative form of me cago en el mar |
me cago en la mar salada {interj} | :: alternative form of me cago en el mar |
me cago en la puta {phrase} [vulgar, Spain, idiomatic] | :: fuck; fuck it |
me cago en la Virgen {phrase} | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en San Pito Pato {phrase} [euphemistic] | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en todo {phrase} | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en todo lo que se menea {phrase} | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en tu boca {phrase} | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en tu estampa {phrase} | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en tu puta madre {phrase} | :: synonym of me cago en la leche |
me cago en tus muelas {phrase} | :: euphemistic form of me cago en tus muertos |
me cago en tus muertos {phrase} [Spain, vulgar, offensive, idiomatic] | :: fuck; fuck it; holy crap on a stick |
mecánica {f} | :: feminine noun of mecánico |
mecánica {f} | :: mechanics |
mecánica {f} [physics] | :: mechanics |
mecánica {f} | :: machinery |
mecánica cuántica {f} | :: quantum mechanics |
mecánicamente {adv} | :: mechanically |
mecanicidad {f} | :: the state of being mechanical or mechanized |
mecanicismo {m} | :: mechanical philosophy |
mecanicista {adj} | :: mechanistic |
mecánico {adj} | :: mechanical |
mecánico {m} | :: mechanic |
mecanismo {m} | :: mechanism |
mecanización {f} | :: mechanization |
mecanizar {vt} | :: to mechanize |
mecanizar {vt} | :: to machine |
mecano {m} | :: Meccano |
mecanógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of mecanógrafo |
mecanografía {f} | :: typing |
mecanografía {f} | :: touch typing |
mecanografiar {vt} | :: to type |
mecanógrafo {m} | :: typist |
mecanorreceptor {m} | :: mechanoreceptor |
mecanoterapia {f} | :: mechanotherapy |
mecapal {m} [Central America, Mexico] | :: tumpline |
mecate {m} [Central America, Mexico, Venezuela, Philippines] | :: rope, cord |
mecatear {v} | :: to eat cakes |
mecatear {v} | :: to punish |
mecatear {vr} | :: to work hard |
mecatrónico {adj} | :: mechatronic |
Mecayapa {prop} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of Mecayapan |
Mecayapan {prop} | :: The town of Mecayapan |
Mecayapan {prop} | :: The municipality of the same name |
mecedor {adj} | :: rocking (that rocks, swings) |
mecedor {m} | :: rocking chair |
mecedora {f} | :: rocking chair |
mecedorcito {m} | :: diminutive of mecedor |
mecenas {mf} | :: patron, sponsor |
mecenazgo {m} | :: sponsorship, patronage |
mecer {vt} | :: to rock [movement], cradle |
mecer {v} [rural, Asturias] | :: to milk |
mecha {f} | :: wick, fuse |
mecha {f} | :: lock (length of hair) |
mecha {f} [hair] | :: highlights [in the plural] |
mecha de lado {f} | :: sidelock |
mechar {v} | :: to lard |
mechero {m} | :: burner |
mechero {m} [Spain] | :: lighter |
mechero Bunsen {m} | :: Bunsen burner |
mechicano {m} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of mexicano |
mechinal {m} | :: putlog hole |
mechón {m} | :: lock, tuft (of hair) |
mechón {m} [Chile, colloquial] | :: fresher, freshman (in university) |
mechona {f} [Chile] | :: fresher; freshwoman |
mechoncito {m} | :: diminutive of mechón |
mechoneo {m} [Chile, colloquial] | :: hazing, an activity where freshmen are introduced to the university, usually includes jokes and partying |
meco {adj} [dated, Mexico] | :: brown-colored |
meco {m} [vulgar, Mexico] | :: semen |
meco {m} [Mexico] | :: a small child, specifically an indigenous one |
meconio {m} | :: meconium |
mecóptero {m} | :: mecopteran |
medalaganariamente {adv} | :: recklessly; without thinking of others |
medalaganario {adj} | :: reckless; acting on impulses; couldn't-care-less |
medalaganario {m} [Dominican Republic] | :: A person who takes action according to their own will and desires, over any moral or legal objection; a person who couldn't care less |
medalla {f} | :: medal |
medalla de oro {f} | :: gold medal |
medallero {m} | :: medal table |
medallista {mf} | :: medalist |
medallita {f} | :: diminutive of medalla (small medal) |
medallón {m} | :: medallion |
medallón {m} | :: locket |
médano {m} | :: dune (ridge or hill of sand) |
médano {m} | :: sandbank |
medanoso {adj} | :: duney |
Medellín {prop} | :: Medellín (village) |
Medellín {prop} | :: The second largest city of Colombia, in the department of Antioquia |
medellinense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Medellín (city in Colombia) |
medellinense {mf} | :: Someone from Medellín (city in Colombia) |
media {f} | :: stocking |
media {f} [Latin America, Philippines] | :: sock (in general), sox |
media {f} [usually, in the plural] | :: pantyhose [North America], tights [UK] |
media {f} [mathematics] | :: mean, average |
media {f} | :: half an hour |
media {f} | :: sharecrop |
Media {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Media |
media armónica {f} | :: harmonic mean |
mediacancha {f} [sports] | :: halfway line |
mediación {f} | :: mediation |
mediador {m} | :: mediator |
mediadora {f} | :: feminine noun of mediador |
mediados {adv} | :: in the middle |
media geométrica {f} | :: geometric mean |
media hermana {f} | :: feminine noun of medio hermano |
medial {adj} | :: medial |
medialmente {adv} | :: medially |
medialuna {f} | :: crescent (shape) |
medialuna {f} | :: medialuna (corral) |
medialuna {f} | :: medialuna (food) |
mediambiental {adj} | :: alternative form of medioambiental |
mediana {f} [statistics] | :: median |
mediana {f} | :: central reservation |
medianamente {adv} | :: medially (in the middle) |
media naranja {f} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: better half, significant other |
medianera {f} | :: party wall |
medianera {f} | :: feminine noun of medianero |
medianería {f} | :: party wall |
medianería {f} | :: shared fence |
medianero {m} | :: intermediary, middleman |
medianía {f} | :: midpoint, midway point |
medianía {f} | :: middle man |
medianil {m} | :: gutter (space between columns in a text) |
medianil {m} | :: party wall |
mediano {adj} | :: medium |
mediano {adj} | :: average |
mediano {adj} | :: mediocre |
medianoche {f} | :: midnight |
medianoche {f} | :: a small meat pie |
medianoche {f} [Cuba] | :: a type of sandwich with spherical shaped roles and meats ranging from Sobrasada sausage, York ham or chorizo, containing cheese and even sometimes pieces of a Spanish omelette |
medianoche {f} [Cuba] | :: a roll used for said sandwich |
medianoche {f} [Mexico] | :: hot dog bun |
mediante {prep} | :: by means of, through, using |
mediante el cual {conj} | :: whereby, by which, by means of which |
media punta {mf} | :: attacking midfielder |
media punta {f} [ballet] | :: demi-pointe |
mediapunta {mf} [soccer] | :: false number nine, attacking midfielder |
media r {f} | :: r rotunda |
mediar {v} | :: to mediate |
mediar {v} | :: to center, to give a central, medium or average value |
mediastínico {adj} | :: mediastinal |
mediastinitis {f} [pathology] | :: mediastinitis |
mediastino {m} [anatomy] | :: mediastinum |
mediastinoscopia {f} [surgery] | :: mediastinoscopy |
mediatamente {adv} | :: indirectly |
mediateca {f} | :: library of tapes, videos and similar media; media library, hybrid library |
mediáticamente {adv} | :: In regards to the media |
mediático {adj} | :: media (attributive) |
mediatización {f} | :: mediatization/mediatisation |
mediatizar {v} | :: to mediatize/mediatise |
mediato {adj} | :: mediate |
mediatriz {f} | :: perpendicular bisector |
media vuelta {f} | :: half-turn, 180-degree turn |
media vuelta {f} | :: about-face (reversal of direction or attitude) |
MediaWiki {prop} {m} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] | :: MediaWiki, a wiki software |
medible {adj} | :: measurable |
médica {f} | :: female physician |
medicación {f} | :: medication |
medicalización {f} | :: medicalization |
medicalizar {v} | :: to medicalize |
médicamente {adv} | :: medically |
medicamento {m} | :: medicine, medicament |
medicamento huérfano {m} | :: orphan drug |
medicamentoso {adj} [attributive] | :: medicine; drugs |
medicamentoso {adj} | :: medicinal |
medicar {vt} | :: to medicate |
medicatura {f} | :: small clinic, first aid post |
Medici {prop} | :: surname |
medicina {f} | :: medicine |
medicina alternativa {f} | :: alternative medicine (medical methods and practices used in place of conventional medicine) |
medicina forense {f} | :: forensic science |
medicinal {adj} | :: medicinal |
medicinalmente {adv} | :: medicinally |
medicinar {v} | :: to medicate |
medición {f} | :: measurement |
médico {m} | :: doctor, physician |
médico {adj} | :: medical |
médico de cabecera {m} | :: GP (doctor) |
médico de familia {m} | :: GP, general practitioner |
medicoquirúrgico {adj} | :: medicosurgical |
medida {f} | :: measurement; measure, gauge |
medida {f} | :: degree, extent |
medida {f} | :: action, step, sanction |
medida {f} | :: moderation |
medidor {adj} | :: measuring |
medidor {m} | :: measurer |
medidor {m} [Latin America] | :: meter (device that measures things) |
medidor {m} | :: jigger (small double-ended vessel) |
medidor de flujo espiratorio {m} | :: peak flow meter |
mediera {f} | :: feminine noun of mediero |
mediero {m} [Latin America] | :: sharecropper |
medieval {adj} | :: medieval |
medievalismo {m} | :: medievalism |
medievalista {mf} | :: medievalist |
medievo {m} [history] | :: Middle Ages |
medimno {m} | :: medimnus |
medina {f} | :: medina |
Medina {prop} | :: Medina (capital city) |
Medina {prop} | :: surname |
medinense {adj} | :: Of or from Medina del Campo |
medinense {mf} | :: Someone from Medina del Campo |
medio {adj} | :: half, half a/an |
medio {adj} | :: middle, mid |
medio {adj} | :: mid, in the middle of |
medio {adj} | :: mean, average |
medio {adj} [Chile, intensifier, used before a noun] | :: very big, very large |
medio {adj} [Chile, intensifier, used before a noun] | :: very good |
medio {adv} | :: half, partly |
medio {adv} [colloquial] | :: a bit of a, somewhat of a |
medio {m} | :: middle, center |
medio {m} | :: half |
medio {m} [spiritualism] | :: medium |
medio {m} | :: method, way |
medio {m} [in the plural] | :: means |
medio {m} | :: channel, vehicle, medium |
medio {m} [in the plural] | :: media |
medio {m} [in the plural] | :: resources, funds, means |
medio {m} | :: environment, surroundings, medium, milieu |
medio {m} | :: society |
medio {m} | :: habitat |
medio {m} [football] | :: halfback |
medio {m} | :: middle course |
medio {m} [Mexico, historical, numatics] | :: medio (an ancient coin) |
medio {m} [Peru, Cuba] | :: five cents |
medioambiental {adj} | :: environmental |
medioambientalmente {adv} | :: environmentally |
medio ambiente {m} | :: environment (the natural world or ecosystem) |
medioambiente {m} | :: alternative form of medio ambiente |
mediocampista {mf} [soccer] | :: midfielder |
mediocampo {m} [sports] | :: midfield |
mediocentro {m} [sport] | :: midfielder |
mediocracia {f} | :: mediacracy |
mediocre {adj} | :: mediocre |
mediocremente {adv} | :: mediocrely |
mediocridad {f} | :: mediocrity |
medio de apertura {m} [rugby] | :: fly half |
medio de la nada {m} [idiomatic] | :: middle of nowhere, the sticks, arse end of nowhere |
mediodia {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mediodía |
mediodía {m} | :: noon, midday |
mediodía {m} [Spain] | :: lunchtime |
mediodía {m} | :: meridian |
mediodía {m} | :: south |
medioeval {adj} | :: dated form of medieval |
medioevo {m} | :: Middle Ages |
mediofondo {m} | :: middle distance |
medio hermano {m} | :: half brother (half sister for the feminine form) |
mediometraje {m} | :: A medium length film, 30-60 minutes in length |
medio mundo {m} [idiomatic] | :: a large amount of people |
Medio Oriente {prop} {m} | :: Middle East |
mediopesado {adj} | :: light heavyweight |
medioplatónica {f} | :: feminine noun of medioplatónico |
medioplatónico {adj} [philosophy] | :: Middle Platonist |
medioplatónico {m} [philosophy] | :: Middle Platonist |
medios de comunicación {mp} | :: media |
medios de comunicación de masas {mp} | :: mass media |
medios sociales {mp} | :: social media |
medio tío {m} | :: half-uncle |
medio-tubo {m} | :: half-pipe |
mediquillo {m} | :: diminutive of médico |
medir {v} | :: to measure |
medirse {v} | :: reflexive of medir |
meditabundo {adj} | :: thoughtful, reflective, pensive |
meditación {f} | :: meditation |
meditador {m} | :: meditator |
meditadora {f} | :: feminine noun of meditador |
meditar {vi} | :: to meditate (rest while remaining conscious) |
meditar {vti} | :: to meditate, to ponder, to contemplate |
meditativo {adj} | :: meditative |
mediterraneidad {f} | :: The quality or state of being Mediterranean |
mediterráneo {adj} | :: Mediterranean |
Mediterráneo {prop} {m} | :: the Mediterranean |
médium {m} | :: medium (a person who contacts the dead) |
medley {m} | :: medley (songs) |
medo {adj} | :: Mede (of or pertaining to historical Media) |
medo {m} | :: Mede (native or resident of historical Media) |
medra {f} | :: improvement, progress |
medra {f} | :: growth, increase |
medrador {m} | :: lucky charm |
medradora {f} | :: feminine noun of medrador |
Medrano {prop} {m} | :: surname |
medrar {v} | :: to thrive or grow |
medrar {v} | :: to prosper, flourish |
medro {m} | :: growth, increase |
medro {m} | :: improvement, progress |
medrosamente {adv} | :: scaredly; frightenedly |
medrosamente {adv} | :: scarily; frighteningly |
medroso {adj} | :: fearful, timid |
medula {f} | :: alternative form of médula |
médula {f} [anatomy] | :: marrow |
médula {f} [anatomy] | :: medulla |
médula {f} [botany] | :: pith |
medula espinal {f} | :: alternative form of médula espinal |
médula espinal {f} | :: spinal cord |
medula oblonga {f} | :: alternative form of médula oblonga |
médula oblonga {f} | :: medulla oblongata |
medula oblongada {f} | :: alternative form of médula oblonga |
médula oblongada {f} | :: alternative form of médula oblonga |
medula ósea {f} | :: alternative form of médula ósea |
médula ósea {f} [anatomy] | :: bone marrow |
medular {adj} | :: fundamental, central |
medular {adj} | :: medullary |
meduloepitelioma {m} [medicine] | :: medulloepithelioma |
medusa {f} | :: jellyfish |
Medusa {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Medusa |
meeting {m} | :: meeting |
meetup {m} | :: meetup |
mefenámico {adj} | :: mefenamic |
Mefistófeles {prop} {m} | :: Mephistopheles |
mefistofélico {adj} | :: Mephistophelean |
mefítico {adj} | :: mephitic |
mega- {prefix} | :: mega- |
mega {f} | :: clipping of megabyte |
megabanco {m} | :: megabank |
megabanda {f} | :: mega-gang; huge gang |
megabarco {m} | :: megaship |
megabit {m} | :: megabit |
megabyte {m} | :: megabyte |
megacampo {m} | :: huge field |
megacausa {f} | :: giant cause; major cause |
megacefálico {adj} | :: megacephalic |
megaciudad {f} | :: megacity; megalopolis |
megacolon {m} [pathology] | :: megacolon |
megacomisión {f} | :: large commission |
megacompañía {f} | :: megacompany |
megaconcierto {m} | :: megaconcert |
megaconstrucción {f} | :: huge construction |
megacorporación {f} | :: mega-corporation |
megacorrupción {f} | :: mega-corruption |
megadiverso {adj} | :: megadiverse |
megadoméstico {m} | :: grand domestic |
megaempresa {f} | :: massive company |
megaempresario {m} | :: business magnate/tycoon |
megaescándalo {m} | :: mega scandal |
megaespectáculo {m} | :: massive show |
megaestrella {f} | :: megastar |
megaestructura {f} | :: megastructure |
megaevento {m} | :: megaevent |
megaéxito {f} | :: smash hit |
megafábrica {f} | :: huge factory |
megafauna {f} [zoology] | :: megafauna |
megafiesta {f} | :: massive party |
megafilo {m} | :: megaphyll |
megafonía {f} | :: tannoy, PA system |
megáfono {m} | :: megaphone, loudhailer, bullhorn |
megafósil {m} [paleontology] | :: megafossil |
megafraude {m} | :: mega fraud |
megafusión {f} | :: huge fusion |
megagramo {m} | :: megagram, ton, metric ton |
megahercio {m} | :: megahertz |
megainversión {f} | :: huge investment |
megainvestigación {f} | :: massive investigation |
megalítico {adj} | :: megalithic |
megalitismo {m} | :: megalithism |
megalito {m} [archaeology] | :: megalith |
megalitro {m} | :: megalitre |
megalómana {f} | :: feminine noun of megalómano |
megalomanía {f} | :: megalomania |
megalómano {m} | :: megalomaniac |
megalomártir {mf} [Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: great martyr |
megalópolis {f} | :: megalopolis |
megalóptero {m} | :: megalopteran |
megalosáurido {m} | :: megalosaurid |
megaluria {f} | :: giant squid |
megamansión {f} | :: massive mansion |
megámetro {m} | :: megametre |
megaminería {f} [Argentina] | :: large-scale mining |
megaminería {f} [Argentina] | :: large-scale mining operation |
megamuestra {f} | :: megasample |
megaobra {f} | :: large project |
megaoperación {f} | :: mega-operation |
megaoperativo {m} | :: megaoperation |
megapixel {m} | :: megapixel |
megapíxel {f} | :: megapixel |
megaplanta {f} | :: huge (energy) plant |
megaproceso {m} | :: mega-process |
megaproceso {m} | :: huge trial, trial of the century |
megaproducción {f} | :: megaproduction |
megaproyecto {m} | :: megaproject |
megaproyeto {m} | :: huge project |
megapuerto {m} | :: mega-port |
megarense {adj} | :: Megarian |
megarense {mf} | :: Megarian |
megarreserva {f} | :: huge reserve |
megarrico {adj} | :: megarich |
megasegundo {m} | :: megasecond |
megashow {m} | :: huge show |
megasismo {m} | :: megathrust earthquake |
megaspora {f} | :: megaspore |
megaterio {m} | :: megathere, megatherium |
megaterremoto {m} | :: a large earthquake |
megatienda {f} | :: superstore, megastore |
megatón {m} | :: megaton |
megatormenta {f} | :: megastorm |
megaurbe {f} | :: megalopolis |
megavatio {m} | :: megawatt |
megavejiga {f} | :: megabladder |
megavoltio {m} | :: megavolt |
meglumina {f} | :: meglumine |
mego {adj} [archaic] | :: gentle, mild, peaceable |
megraproyecto {m} | :: huge project |
me gustas {phrase} | :: I like you; I fancy you |
MEH {prop} {m} | :: Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda |
meidán {m} | :: maidan (marketplace or other open space, especially in Islamic countries) |
meigo {m} [NW Spain] | :: A person who is believed to have made a pact with the devil |
meiosis {f} [biology] | :: meiosis |
meiótico {adj} | :: mitotic |
meitnerio {m} | :: meitnerium |
meja {f} [colloquial] | :: bestie; best friend |
mejana {f} | :: An islet in a river; an eyot |
mejenga {f} | :: kickabout |
Mejía {prop} {f} | :: surname |
mejicana {f} | :: feminine noun of mejicano |
mejicano {adj} | :: alternative spelling of mexicano |
mejicano {m} | :: alternative spelling of mexicano |
Méjico {prop} {m} [Spain] | :: alternative spelling of México |
mejilla {f} [anatomy] | :: cheek |
mejillón {m} | :: mussel |
mejillón {m} | :: Chilean mussel |
mejo {m} [colloquial] | :: bestie; best friend |
mejor {adj} | :: better |
mejor {adj} | :: better off |
mejor {adj} | :: improved |
mejor {adj} [definite] | :: best |
mejor {adj} [definite] | :: top, highest, finest (e.g. highest quality, highest bidder, top of one's class, in top form, finest food and wine, finest hotel, etc.) |
mejor {adv} | :: better |
mejora {f} | :: improvement, improving, amelioration, betterment, refinement |
mejora {f} | :: enhancement, enhancing, upgrade, upgrading (in quality) |
mejora {f} | :: upturn |
mejorable {adj} | :: improvable |
mejorado {adj} | :: improved, enhanced, made better |
mejorador {m} | :: improver |
mejoramiento {m} | :: betterment, improving, improvement |
mejoramiento {m} | :: enhancement, upgrading, upgrade |
mejorana {f} | :: marjoram (Origanum majorana) |
mejorana {f} | :: mastic thyme, Spanish wood marjoram, Thymus mastichina |
mejorando lo presente {phrase} | :: present company excepted |
mejorar {v} | :: to make better, improve |
mejorar {v} | :: to enhance |
mejorar {v} | :: to ameliorate |
mejorarse {vr} | :: to improve; get better; get well |
mejorcito {adj} | :: diminutive of mejor |
mejoría {f} | :: improvement, amelioration |
mejunje {m} | :: concoction; brew |
mejunje {m} [pejorative] | :: hodgepodge |
mela {f} | :: smitt; smit |
melado {m} | :: melado |
melafo {interj} [Internet] | :: A term used to express the sexual appeal of another |
melamina {f} | :: melamine |
melancolía {f} | :: melancholy |
melancólicamente {adv} | :: melancholically |
melancólico {adj} | :: melancholic |
melanesio {m} | :: Melanesian |
melanesio {adj} | :: Melanesian |
melanina {f} | :: melanin |
melanismo {m} | :: melanism |
melanocítico {adj} | :: melanocytic |
melanocito {m} [cytology] | :: melanocyte |
melanóforo {m} | :: melanophore |
melanoma {m} | :: melanoma |
melanosoma {m} [cytology] | :: melanosome |
melao {m} | :: alternative spelling of melado |
me la pela {phrase} [Spain, idiom, colloquial, vulgar] | :: I don't give a shit |
melar {adj} | :: honey sweet [said of fruit or sugarcane] |
melar {vt} | :: to fill (combs) with honey |
melar {vi} | :: to boil (cane juice) for a second time, boil clear |
melar {vi} | :: to fill the combs with honey |
melasma {m} | :: melasma |
me la suda {phrase} [idiom, colloquial] | :: I don't give a fuck, whatever |
melatonina {f} [organic compound] | :: melatonin |
melaza {f} | :: molasses |
Melbourne {prop} {m} | :: Melbourne (capital city) |
melburniana {f} | :: feminine noun of melburniano |
melburniano {adj} | :: Melburnian (of or pertaining to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) |
melburniano {m} | :: Melburnian, Melbournite (native or resident of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) |
Melchîsedec {prop} {m} [archaic] | :: Melchizedek (Biblical character) |
Melchor {prop} | :: Melchior (one of the legendary Magi in tradition) |
Melchor {prop} | :: given name |
melcocha {f} | :: A sweet made with honey |
meldonium {m} | :: meldonium |
melecitosa {f} [organic compound] | :: melezitose |
melena {f} | :: mane (longer hair growth around head of male lions) |
melena {f} [pathology] | :: melena |
melense {adj} | :: Of or from Melo |
melense {mf} | :: Someone from Melo |
melenuda {f} | :: feminine noun of melenudo |
melenudo {adj} | :: long-haired |
melenudo {m} | :: one with long hair |
melera {f} | :: feminine noun of melero |
melero {adj} | :: honey-eating |
melero {m} | :: honeypot |
melero {m} | :: honey seller |
melero {m} | :: honey lover |
melezinar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of medicinar |
melga {f} | :: Strip of land marked for sowing seeds |
melgar {v} | :: to mark strips of land for sowing (seeds) |
Melgar {prop} | :: surname |
melgo {adj} | :: Born during the same birthing, especially from a double birthing |
melgo {adj} | :: twin (born to the same parents at the same time) |
melgo {adj} | :: equal |
melia {f} | :: feminine noun of melio |
melicitosa {f} | :: alternative spelling of melecitosa |
melífero {adj} | :: melliferous |
melifluamente {adv} | :: mellifluously |
melifluo {adj} | :: mellifluous |
Melilla {prop} | :: Melilla (autonomous city) |
melillense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Melilla |
melillense {mf} | :: Someone from Melilla |
melindre {m} | :: tenderness and kindness in words |
melindre {m} [cuisine] | :: a type of honey cake |
melindro {m} | :: ladyfinger (cake) |
melindroso {adj} | :: finikin, finicky (excessively fastidious) |
melio {adj} | :: Melian |
melio {m} | :: Melian |
melisa {f} | :: lemon balm |
melisma {m} | :: melisma |
melisopalinología {f} | :: melissopalynology (study of honey) |
mella {f} | :: nick, dent, scratch |
mella {f} | :: impression |
mellado {adj} | :: rough |
me llamo {phrase} | :: my name is ..., I am ..., I'm .. |
mellar {vt} | :: to nick, to dent |
mellar {vt} | :: to diminish, to lessen, to reduce |
mellista {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Traditionalist Catholic Party of Spain (1919-1931) |
mellista {mf} | :: A member of the Traditionalist Catholic Party |
melliza {f} | :: feminine noun of mellizo, fraternal twin sister |
mellizo {adj} | :: twin (fraternal, born to the same parents at the same time) |
mellizo {m} | :: twin (someone born to the same parents at the same time), especially non-identical |
melloco {m} [Ecuador] | :: ulluco, Ullucus tuberosus |
Melo {prop} {m} | :: Melo (city) |
melocotón {m} [Spain] | :: peach |
melocotonero {m} | :: peach tree |
melodía {f} | :: melody |
melódicamente {adv} | :: melodically |
melódico {adj} | :: melodic |
melodiosamente {adv} | :: melodiously, musically |
melodioso {adj} | :: melodious |
melodista {mf} | :: melodist |
melodrama {m} | :: melodrama |
melodramático {adj} | :: melodramatic |
melojar {m} | :: Pyrenean oak wood |
melojo {m} | :: alternative form of marojo |
melojo {m} | :: Pyrenean oak |
melómana {f} | :: feminine noun of melómano |
melomanía {f} | :: melomania |
melómano {m} | :: melomaniac |
melón {m} | :: melon |
melonar {m} | :: melon plantation |
meloncillo {m} | :: The Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon |
melón de agua {m} | :: watermelon |
melonera {f} | :: melon farmer or seller |
melonero {m} | :: melon farmer or seller |
melopea {mf} [music] | :: melopoeia |
melopea {mf} [colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
melosidad {f} | :: sweetness |
melosidad {f} | :: schmaltz |
meloso {adj} | :: syrupy |
melotrón {m} | :: mellotron |
Melquisedec {prop} {m} | :: Melchizedek (Biblical character) |
melquita {mf} | :: Melkite |
melquita {adj} | :: Melkite |
memantina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: memantine |
membrado {adj} [heraldry] | :: membered |
membrana {f} | :: membrane |
membranáceo {adj} | :: membranaceous |
membrana mucosa {f} | :: mucous membrane |
membrana nictitante {f} | :: nictating membrane |
membrana plasmática {f} [cytology] | :: plasma membrane |
membranoproliferativo {adj} | :: membranoproliferative |
membranoso {adj} | :: membranous |
membrecía {f} | :: alternative spelling of membresía |
membresía {f} | :: membership |
membretar {v} | :: to add a letterhead |
membrete {m} | :: letterhead |
membrillo {m} | :: quince (fruit) |
membrillo {m} | :: quince (tree) |
membrudo {adj} | :: tough; sturdy |
meme {m} | :: meme (unit of cultural information) |
meme {m} | :: meme (Internet slang) |
memeces {mp} | :: gibberish |
memento {m} | :: memento |
memética {f} | :: memetics |
memez {f} | :: foolishness, something that is dumb |
memfisiense {adj} | :: Memphian (of or pertaining to Memphis, Tennessee) |
memfisiense {mf} | :: Memphian (native or resident of Memphis, Tennessee) |
memo {m} | :: idiot |
memo {adj} | :: silly, stupid |
memo {m} [chiefly Chile, Guatemala, Honduras] | :: memorandum |
Memo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
memorable {adj} | :: memorable |
memorablemente {adv} | :: memorably |
memorando {m} | :: memorandum |
memorándum {m} | :: memorandum |
memorar {v} | :: alternative form of rememorar |
memoria {f} | :: memory |
memoria de pollo {f} [idiom] | :: forgetfulness |
memorial {m} | :: memorial |
memorialista {mf} | :: memorialist |
memorializar {v} | :: to memorialize |
memoria USB {f} | :: flash drive, pen drive |
memorión {adj} | :: Having a brilliant memory |
memorión {m} | :: Person with fantastic memory |
memorioso {adj} | :: memorious (having a good memory) |
memorista {mf} | :: Person who memorises things, especially one who has an excellent memory |
memorístico {adj} | :: memory |
memorizable {adj} | :: memorizable |
memorización {f} | :: memorization |
memorizar {v} | :: to memorize |
mena {f} | :: ore |
mena {f} | :: alternative form of MENA |
MENA {mf} [Spain] | :: acronym of menores extranjeros no acompañados |
ménade {f} | :: maenad (follower of Dionysus) |
menaje {m} | :: furnishings, furniture |
menar {v} | :: to turn the rope in the game of jump rope |
menarquia {f} | :: menarche |
menárquico {adj} | :: menarcheal |
menaza {f} [obsolete] | :: A threatening word or act |
mencey {m} [historical] | :: king of the Guanches on the island of Tenerife |
menceyato {m} [historical] | :: Region of the Canary Islands controlled by a mencey |
menchevique {adj} | :: Menshevik |
menchevique {mf} | :: Menshevik |
mención {f} | :: mention |
mencionable {adj} | :: mentionable |
mencionar {vt} | :: to mention |
menda {m} [colloquial] | :: guy, dude, geezer |
menda {pron} | :: yours truly, muggins |
mendacidad {f} | :: mendacity, untruthfulness |
menda lerenda {pron} | :: synonym of menda; yours truly, muggins |
mendaz {adj} | :: mendacious, lying |
mendé {adj} | :: Mende |
mendé {mf} | :: Mende |
mendelevio {m} | :: mendelevium |
mendeliano {adj} | :: Mendelian |
mendexarra {adj} | :: Of or related to Mendeja |
mendexarra {mf} | :: Someone from Mendeja |
Méndez {prop} | :: surname |
mendicante {adj} [religion] | :: mendicant (depending on alms) |
mendicante {mf} | :: beggar, mendicant |
mendicidad {f} | :: begging |
mendiga {f} | :: feminine noun of mendigo |
mendigar {v} | :: to beg |
mendigo {m} | :: beggar (person who begs for a living) |
méndigo {m} [Mexico, colloquial, derogatory, vulgar] | :: Despicable person |
méndigo {adj} [Mexico, colloquial, derogatory, vulgar] | :: damned, fucking |
Mendiola {prop} | :: surname of Basque origin |
mendocino {adj} | :: of or from Mendoza |
mendocino {m} | :: Someone from Mendoza |
Mendoza {prop} | :: surname |
Mendoza {prop} | :: Mendoza (province) |
mendrugo {m} | :: crust (of bread, particularly the heel of a loaf of bread) |
menea {f} | :: hopple |
menear {vt} | :: to wiggle, to wag, to shake |
menear {vt} | :: to hopple, to hobble |
menear {vr} | :: to sway, to shake |
menearse {v} | :: reflexive of menear |
meneársela {v} [idiom, vulgar] | :: to jerk off; wank |
Menelao {prop} {m} | :: Menelaus |
menemismo {m} | :: The doctrines and policies of Carlos Menem, former president of Argentina |
menemista {mf} | :: A supporter of Carlos Menem, Argentine politician and President of Argentina from 1989 to 1999 |
Menéndez {prop} | :: surname |
meneo {m} | :: wiggle; shake |
meneo {m} | :: sway |
Meneses {prop} {m} | :: surname |
menester {m} | :: something necessary, requirement, must |
menester {m} [in plural] | :: duty |
menesteroso {adj} | :: needy, in need |
menestra {f} | :: vegetable soup |
menestral {m} | :: handicraftsman, craftsperson, craftsman (manual laborer) |
menestrala {f} | :: feminine noun of menestral |
mengana {f} | :: feminine noun of mengano |
mengano {m} | :: what's-his-name; so-and-so |
Mengano {prop} | :: John Doe |
mengua {f} | :: loss, decrease |
mengua {f} | :: poverty |
mengua {f} | :: weak character |
menguante {adj} | :: decreasing, diminishing |
menguar {vi} | :: to wane |
menguar {vi} | :: to decrease, diminish |
menhir {m} [archaeology] | :: menhir |
menina {f} | :: a court maid of honour |
meninge {f} [anatomy] | :: meninx |
meníngeo {adj} | :: meningeal |
meningitis {f} | :: meningitis |
meningococemia {f} | :: meningococcemia |
meningocócico {adj} | :: meningococcal |
meningococo {m} [bacteria] | :: meningococcus |
meningoencefalitis {f} | :: meningoencephalitis |
meñique {adj} | :: tiny |
meñique {m} | :: little finger |
meniscal {adj} | :: meniscal |
menisco {m} [anatomy] | :: meniscus, a part of the knee |
menisco {m} | :: A lens that is convex on one surface and concave on the other |
menisco {m} | :: A meniscus; curved surface of a liquid |
meniscofemoral {adj} [anatomy] | :: meniscofemoral |
menjunje {m} | :: synonym of mejunje |
Meno {prop} {m} | :: Main (German river) |
menonita {mf} | :: Mennonite |
menopausia {f} | :: menopause |
menopáusico {adj} | :: menopausal |
menor {adj} | :: comparative of pequeño: smaller |
menor {adj} | :: comparative of joven: younger |
menor {adj} | :: minor |
menor {adj} [el menor] | :: superlative of pequeño: smallest |
menor {adj} [el menor] | :: superlative of joven: youngest |
menor {mf} | :: minor; child |
menorá {f} | :: menorah |
menor de edad {adj} | :: underage |
menor de edad {mf} | :: a minor (person below the legal age) |
menormente {adv} | :: to a minority; less (so) |
menorquín {adj} | :: Minorcan |
menorquín {m} | :: Minorcan |
menorquina {f} | :: feminine noun of menorquín |
menorrea {f} | :: menorrhagia, menorrhoea |
menos {adv} | :: less |
menos {adv} | :: [often with definite article] least |
menos {adj} | :: less, fewer |
menos {adj} | :: least, fewest |
menos {prep} | :: minus |
menos {m} | :: minus sign |
menoscabar {v} | :: to lessen |
menoscabo {m} | :: reduction (effect of diminishing) |
menoscabo {m} | :: deterioration, decline |
menoscabo {m} | :: dishonor |
menos mal {adv} [idiom] | :: just as well |
menos mal {adv} [idiom] | :: thank God, luckily |
menos mal {interj} | :: phew |
menospreciable {adj} | :: naughty, ill-behaved |
menospreciar {v} | :: to belittle, to disparage, to despise, scorn, to look down on, to demean |
menospreciar {v} | :: to underestimate, to undervalue, to downplay |
menosprecio {m} | :: underestimation |
mensáfono {m} | :: pager |
mensaje {m} | :: message |
mensaje {m} | :: speech |
mensajear {v} [telephony] | :: to message |
mensaje instantáneo {m} | :: instant message |
mensajera {f} | :: feminine noun of mensajero |
mensajería {f} | :: messenger service |
mensajería instantánea {f} | :: instant messaging |
mensajero {m} | :: messenger |
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico, Central America] | :: foolish, dull |
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico, Central America] | :: distracted, absent-minded |
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico] | :: ignorant |
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico] | :: inexpert |
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico] | :: timid, shy |
menso {adj} [offensive, Mexico] | :: ingenuous, naive |
menstruación {f} | :: menstruation |
menstrual {adj} | :: menstrual (relating to menstruation) |
menstruante {adj} | :: menstruating |
menstruante {mf} | :: menstruator |
menstruar {v} | :: to menstruate |
mensual {adj} | :: monthly |
mensualidad {f} | :: monthly salary |
mensualidad {f} | :: monthly payment (amount payed by a debtor) |
mensualización {f} | :: monthly payment |
mensualmente {adv} | :: monthly |
mensuario {m} | :: monthly publication |
ménsula {f} [architecture] | :: bracket |
mensura {f} | :: measurement |
mensurable {adj} | :: measurable |
mensurar {v} | :: to measure |
menta {f} [plant] | :: mint, peppermint (specifically mentha × piperita) |
menta {f} [color] | :: the color, menta verde |
menta de gato {f} | :: catnip |
mental {adj} | :: mental |
mentalidad {f} | :: mentality |
mentalismo {m} | :: mentalism |
mentalista {mf} | :: mentalist |
mentalización {f} | :: mentalization |
mentalizador {m} | :: brains; the person who came up with an idea |
mentalizar {v} | :: to mentally prepare, to get into the right mindset |
mentalmente {adv} | :: mentally |
mentar {v} | :: to mention, name |
mentar la madre {v} [idiom] | :: To insult someone through the person's mother (e.g. call someone hijo de puta, etc.) |
mentar la madre {v} [idiom] | :: To insult seriously; to tear into |
mentar la soga en casa del ahorcado {v} [idiomatic] | :: To say the wrong thing, to put one's foot in it |
-mente {suffix} | :: -wise, -ly, in a specified way; used to form adverbs from adjectives |
mente {f} | :: mind, intellect |
mentecato {adj} | :: crazy, insane, mad |
mentecato {adj} | :: half-witted, foolish |
mente maestra {f} | :: mastermind |
mentidero {m} | :: place to gossip |
mentidero {m} | :: talking shop |
mentir {v} | :: to lie (say something untrue) |
mentira {f} | :: lie, trick, falsity |
mentir como un bellaco {v} [idiomatic, simile] | :: to lie like a dog |
mentirijilla {f} | :: fib, white lie, tarradiddle |
mentirilla {f} | :: white lie |
mentirita {f} | :: diminutive of mentira |
mentir más que hablar {v} [idiom] | :: To lie like a cheap rug; lie like a dog |
mentirosa {f} | :: feminine noun of mentiroso |
mentiroso {adj} | :: having the qualities of a liar |
mentiroso {adj} | :: having lies |
mentiroso {m} | :: liar |
mentirse {v} | :: reflexive of mentir |
-mento {suffix} | :: -ment (the action or result of what is denoted by the verb) |
mentol {m} [organic compound] | :: menthol |
mentolado {adj} | :: mentholated |
mentón {m} | :: chin |
mentoniano {adj} [anatomy] | :: mentonian |
mentoplastia {f} [surgery] | :: mentoplasty |
mentor {m} | :: mentor |
mentora {f} | :: mentor |
mentoría {f} | :: mentorship |
mentorizar {v} | :: to mentor |
menú {m} | :: menu (list of foods to be served at a meal) |
menú {m} | :: menu (list of dishes offered at a restaurant) |
menú {m} [computing] | :: menu (list from which the operator can select an operation) |
menudamente {adv} | :: detailedly |
menudamente {adv} | :: by retail |
menudear {v} | :: to frequently occur |
menudencia {f} | :: trifle; worthless thing |
menudencia {f} | :: smallness; tininess |
menudencia {f} | :: minuteness; exactness; meticulousness |
menudencia {f} | :: offal |
menudillo {adj} | :: diminutive of menudo |
menudillo {m} | :: diminutive of menudo |
menudillo {m} | :: fetlock joint |
menudísimo {adj} | :: superlative of menudo |
menudito {adj} | :: diminutive of menudo |
menudo {adj} | :: what a (intensifier, followed by a noun) |
menudo {adj} | :: small, tiny |
menudo {adj} | :: insignificant |
menudo {m} [Mexico, cooking] | :: a traditional Mexican spicy soup made with tripe |
menudo {m} [Mexico, cooking] | :: tripes (used as food) |
meollo {m} | :: core, heart, crux (the most important part of something) |
meollo {m} | :: marrow (substance inside bones) |
meollo {m} | :: brain substance |
mequetrefe {mf} [colloquial] | :: bum, loiterer (pejorative for a person perceived to be lazy) |
meramente {adv} | :: purely |
merbromina {f} | :: merbromine |
merca {f} [slang] | :: Action of buying |
merca {f} [Uruguay, Argentina, slang] | :: cocaine, illegal drugs |
mercachifle {mf} | :: trader, hawker |
mercadeable {adj} | :: marketable |
mercadear {v} | :: to trade |
mercadeo {m} | :: merchandising, selling, marketing |
mercader {m} | :: merchant (person who traffics in commodities for profit) |
mercadera {f} | :: feminine noun of mercader |
mercadera {f} | :: feminine noun of mercadero |
mercadería {f} | :: item of merchandise |
mercaderil {adj} [rare] | :: merchant |
mercaderista {mf} [Latin America] | :: salesperson, especially for promotional purposes |
mercadero {m} [obsolete] | :: merchant |
mercadillo {m} | :: A street market, flea market (a market or a small street market) |
mercadito {m} | :: diminutive of mercado |
mercado {m} | :: market |
Mercado {prop} | :: surname |
mercado de divisas {m} | :: foreign exchange market |
mercado de valores {m} | :: stock market |
mercado libre {m} | :: free market |
mercadóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of mercadólogo |
mercadológico {adj} [marketing] | :: relating to or involving marketing |
mercadólogo {m} | :: marketer |
mercado negro {m} | :: black market |
mercadotecnia {f} | :: marketing (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service) |
mercadotécnico {adj} [attributive] | :: marketing |
mercaduría {f} | :: merchandise; piece of merchandise |
mercancia {f} [usually in plural] | :: goods, wares |
mercancía {f} [when in plural] | :: ware, merchandise, goods (commodity offered for sale; an article of commerce) |
mercante {adj} | :: merchant |
mercante {mf} | :: merchant |
mercantil {adj} | :: mercantile |
mercantilismo {m} | :: mercantilism |
mercantilista {adj} | :: mercantilist, mercantile |
mercantilista {mf} | :: mercantilist |
mercantilización {f} | :: commercialization |
mercantilizar {v} | :: to commercialize |
mercaptano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: mercaptan |
mercaptoetanol {m} [organic compound] | :: mercaptoethanol |
mercar {v} | :: to buy |
mercato {m} [sports] | :: transfer market |
Merce {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mercé {n} | :: obsolete spelling of merced |
merced {f} | :: mercy |
merçed {m} | :: obsolete spelling of merced |
merced a {prep} | :: thanks to |
mercedario {adj} | :: Mercedarian |
mercedario {m} | :: Mercedarian |
Mercedes {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mercedita {f} | :: A type of children's shoe |
mercenaria {f} | :: feminine noun of mercenario |
mercenario {adj} | :: hired |
mercenario {m} | :: mercenary (soldier) |
mercera {f} | :: feminine noun of mercero |
mercería {f} | :: haberdasher's, haberdashery (a shop selling goods for sewing) |
mercerizar {v} | :: to mercerize |
mercero {m} | :: dealer; haberdasher; trader |
merchandising {m} | :: merchandising |
Merche {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Mercia {prop} {f} | :: Mercia |
merciana {f} | :: feminine noun of merciano |
merciano {adj} | :: Mercian |
merciano {m} | :: Mercian |
Merculo {prop} {m} [Chile, newspapers, pejorative] | :: Mercurio (the Chilean daily newspaper) |
mercurial {adj} | :: mercurial |
mercúrico {adj} | :: mercuric |
mercurio {m} | :: mercury |
Mercurio {prop} {m} | :: Mercury (planet) |
Mercurio {prop} {m} [newspapers] | :: A Chilean daily national newspaper |
mercurocromo {m} | :: merbromin |
merecedor {adj} | :: deserving |
merecer {v} | :: to deserve |
merecidamente {adv} | :: deservedly |
merecido {adj} | :: deserved |
merecimiento {m} | :: merit, desert (that which is deserved) |
merendar {v} | :: to have a snack, especially in the period between lunch and dinner |
merendar {v} [colloquial] | :: to defeat in some game or competition |
merendero {m} | :: picnic site |
merendero {m} | :: snack bar; diner; food joint |
merendola {f} [Spain] | :: feast; lunch party (especially for cold foods) |
merendona {f} | :: synonym of merendola |
merengar {v} | :: to annoy; vex; get on someone's nerves |
merengue {m} | :: merengue (a type of music common in the Caribbean) |
merengue {m} | :: meringue |
merengue {m} | :: wuss; wimp |
merengue {mf} [football, attributive] | :: a person connected with Real Madrid, as a player, fan, coach etc |
merenguera {f} | :: feminine noun of merenguero |
merenguero {m} [music] | :: One who plays merengue music |
meretricio {adj} | :: meretricious (pertaining to prostitutes) |
meretricio {m} | :: prostitution |
meretriz {f} | :: hooker, whore, prostitute |
merey {m} [Colombia, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] | :: cashew (tree) |
merey {m} [Colombia, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] | :: cashew (seed of the tree) |
mérgulo {m} | :: auk |
mericarpo {m} | :: mericarp |
Mérida {prop} | :: Mérida (city) |
Mérida {prop} | :: Mérida (city) |
Mérida {prop} | :: Mérida (city) |
merideño {adj} | :: Of or from Mérida, Venezuela |
merideño {m} | :: Someone from Mérida, Venezuela |
meridianamente {adv} | :: clearly, crystal clear |
meridiano {adj} | :: meridian, midday [attributive] |
meridiano {adj} | :: bright, luminous |
meridiano {m} [astronomy, geography] | :: meridian |
meridional {adj} | :: southern |
meridiungulado {m} | :: meridiungulate |
merienda {f} | :: afternoon snack |
merienda {f} | :: nuncheon |
merienda {f} | :: tea (afternoon meal) |
merinato {m} | :: synonym of merindad |
merindad {f} [Spain] | :: A county subdivision, larger than a municipality but smaller than a province, now mainly historical |
meriní {adj} | :: Marinid |
meriní {mf} | :: Marinid |
merino {adj} | :: merino (relating to the sheep or wool) |
merino {m} | :: merino (wool or fabric) |
merino {m} [historical, Spain] | :: a count who had jurisdiction over a merindad |
meristema {m} | :: alternative form of meristemo |
meristemático {adj} | :: meristematic |
meristemo {m} [botany] | :: meristem |
meritar {v} | :: to merit, earn, deserve |
meritísimo {adj} | :: superlative of mérito |
mérito {adj} [obsolete] | :: worthy |
mérito {m} | :: merit |
meritocracia {f} | :: meritocracy (government by those with merit) |
meritócrata {mf} | :: meritocrat |
meritocráticamente {adv} | :: meritocratically |
meritocrático {adj} | :: meritocratic |
meritoriamente {adv} | :: deservingly, meritoriously |
meritorio {adj} | :: deserving, meritorious |
meritorio {m} | :: An unpaid trainee or intern |
merlán {m} | :: whiting (fish, Merlangius merlangus) |
Merlín {prop} {m} | :: Merlin |
merlión {m} [mythology, folklore] | :: merlion, a chimerical creature having the head of a lion and the body of a fish, which is a national symbol of Singapore |
merlión {m} | :: an image, statue, or other depiction of this creature (usually found in Singapore) |
merlo {m} | :: blackbird |
merlo {m} | :: brown wrasse (fish) |
merlón {m} [architecture, military] | :: merlon |
merlot {m} | :: merlot |
merluza {f} | :: Any of the fish in the genus Merluccius, all commonly called hakes in English; in Spain especially the European hake, Merluccius merluccius |
merluza {f} [Spain, colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
merluzo {m} [colloquial, Spain] | :: fool, idiot |
mermar {v} | :: to reduce |
mermelada {f} | :: jam, marmalade |
mero {adj} | :: mere |
mero {adj} | :: pure |
mero {m} | :: grouper (fish) |
merode {m} | :: The action or effects of marauding or pillaging |
merodeador {adj} | :: prowling, marauding |
merodeador {m} | :: prowler, marauder |
merodear {v} | :: to prowl, to skulk |
merodear {v} | :: to maraud; to raid; to pillage |
merodear {v} | :: to stalk, loiter |
merodeo {m} | :: loitering |
meromorfo {adj} | :: meromorphic |
mero murique {m} | :: A type of fish, Epinephelus niphobles |
merónimo {m} | :: meronym |
meroplancton {m} [biology] | :: meroplankton |
meroterpenoide {m} [organic compound] | :: meroterpenoid |
merovingio {adj} | :: Merovingian |
merozoito {m} | :: merozoite |
mersa {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] | :: piece of junk |
mersa {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] | :: useless person |
mersí bocú {interj} [rare] | :: mercy buckets; thanks a lot; thank you very much |
mes {m} | :: month |
mesa {f} | :: table |
mesa {f} | :: mesa |
me sabe mal {phrase} | :: I'm sorry |
mesada {f} | :: pocket money; allowance (money given to a child) |
mesada {f} [Puerto Rico] | :: Severance pay owed to an employee not terminated for cause |
mesa de billar {f} | :: billiard table; pool table |
mesa de cartas {f} [nautical] | :: chart table |
mesa de noche {m} [Chile] | :: nightstand |
mesa electoral {f} | :: polling station |
mesana {f} [nautical] | :: mizzen |
mesangial {adj} | :: mesangial |
mesangiocapilar {adj} | :: mesangiocapillary |
mesanina {f} | :: mezzanine |
mesapia {f} | :: feminine noun of mesapio |
mesapio {adj} | :: Messapian |
mesapio {m} | :: Messapian |
mesar {v} | :: to pull out; to tear out [hair] |
mesa redonda {f} | :: See: es mesa redonda |
mesa redonda {f} | :: round table (conference at which participants discuss and exchange views) |
mesarse {vr} | :: to stroke |
mescalero {m} | :: Mescalero (person) |
mescalero {m} | :: Mescalero (language) |
mescalina {f} [organic compound] | :: mescaline |
mescolanza {f} | :: alternative form of mezcolanza |
Meseguer {prop} | :: surname |
mesencéfalo {m} | :: midbrain |
mesenia {f} | :: feminine noun of mesenio |
mesenio {adj} | :: Messinian |
mesenio {m} | :: Messinian |
mesénquima {m} | :: mesenchyme |
mesenquimal {adj} | :: mesenchymal |
mesentérico {adj} [anatomy] | :: mesenteric |
mesenterio {m} | :: mesentery |
mesenterio {m} [cooking] | :: caul fat |
mesera {f} | :: waitress |
mesero {m} [Mexico, Central America, parts of South America] | :: waiter |
meseta {f} [geography] | :: plateau |
meseta de hielo {f} | :: ice shelf |
mesetario {adj} [Spain, geography] | :: plateau [attributive] |
Mesia {prop} {f} | :: Moesia |
mesiánico {adj} | :: messianic |
mesianismo {m} | :: messianism |
mesías {m} | :: messiah |
Mesías {prop} {m} | :: Messiah |
mesilato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: mesylate |
mesilla {f} | :: diminutive of mesa |
mesilla {f} | :: bedside table |
mesilla {f} | :: stall (at a market) |
mesilo {m} [organic chemistry] | :: mesyl |
Mesina {prop} {f} | :: Messina |
mesita {f} | :: diminutive of mesa |
mesita {f} | :: small table |
mesiversario {m} [neologism] | :: mensiversary, monthiversary |
mesmo {adj} | :: obsolete form of mismo |
mesmo {adj} [New Mexico] | :: same, preservation of archaic form of mismo |
mesnada {f} | :: retinue; posse |
meso- {prefix} | :: meso- (located in or relating to the middle) |
mesoamericana {f} | :: feminine noun of mesoamericano |
mesoamericano {adj} | :: Mesoamerican |
mesoamericano {m} | :: Mesoamerican |
mesocardia {f} | :: mesocardia |
mesocarpio {m} | :: mesocarp |
mesociclón {m} | :: mesocyclone |
mesocolon {m} [anatomy] | :: mesocolon |
mesodérmico {adj} | :: mesodermic |
mesodermo {m} | :: mesoderm |
mesoescala {f} | :: mesoscale |
mesófilo {adj} [biology] | :: mesophilic (thriving at moderate temperatures) |
mesófilo {m} [biology] | :: mesophile (organism that thrives at moderate temperatures) |
mesohilo {m} [zoology] | :: mesohyl |
mesolecto {m} [linguistics] | :: mesolect |
mesolita {f} [mineral] | :: mesolite |
mesolítico {adj} | :: Mesolithic |
mesología {f} | :: mesology |
mesón {m} [dwelling] | :: inn, tavern |
mesón {m} [physics] | :: meson |
mesonera {f} | :: feminine noun of mesonero |
mesonero {m} | :: hotel owner or manager |
mesonero {m} [Venezuela] | :: waiter (attendant who servers customers at a restaurant) |
mesoniquio {m} | :: mesonychid |
mesopausa {f} | :: mesopause |
mesopelágico {adj} | :: mesopelagic |
mesopotámico {adj} | :: Mesopotamian |
mesorregión {f} | :: meso-region |
mesosfera {f} | :: mesosphere |
mesosternón {m} | :: gladiolus |
mesotelioma {m} [oncology] | :: mesothelioma |
mesoterapia {f} | :: mesotherapy |
mesotérmico {adj} | :: mesothermic |
mesozoico {adj} | :: Mesozoic |
mesquital {m} [Mexico] | :: alternative spelling of mezquital |
mesquite {m} [Mexico] | :: alternative spelling of mezquite |
mestengo {m} [Mexico] | :: A wild or feral animal |
mesteño {adj} | :: stray (animal) |
mesteño {adj} | :: untamed, wild |
mesteño {m} | :: stray (animal) |
mesteño {m} | :: mustang (of horses) |
mestiza {f} | :: feminine noun of mestizo |
mestización {f} | :: cross-breeding |
mestizaje {m} | :: A miscegenation, especially between Spaniards and natives of their former colonies |
mestizar {v} | :: to crossbreed |
mestizo {adj} | :: Of mixed, Spanish and Native American heritage |
mestizo {adj} | :: also of mixed indigenous (aboriginal) and colonial (European) descent |
mestizo {m} | :: A person of mixed Spanish and Native American heritage |
mestizo {m} | :: A person whose ethnic heritage is of both aboriginal and colonial descent |
mesto {adj} | :: mixed |
mesturar {v} [archaic] | :: to mix |
mesuradamente {adv} | :: moderately, modestly |
mesurar {v} | :: to temper |
meta- {prefix} | :: meta- |
meta {f} | :: goal |
meta {f} | :: target |
metaanálisis {m} | :: alternative spelling of metanálisis |
metábasis {f} | :: metabasis |
metabidisminuido {adj} [geometry] | :: metabidiminished |
metabólicamente {adv} | :: metabolically |
metabólico {adj} | :: metabolic |
metabolismo {m} | :: metabolism |
metabolito {m} [biochemistry] | :: metabolite |
metabolización {f} | :: metabolization |
metabolizar {v} | :: to metabolise |
metabolómica {f} | :: metabolomics |
metabotrópico {adj} | :: metabotropic |
metabuscador {m} [Internet] | :: metasearch engine |
metacarpiano {adj} [anatomy] | :: metacarpal (relating to the metacarpus) |
metacarpiano {m} [anatomy] | :: metacarpal (bone of the metacarpus) |
metacarpo {m} [skeleton] | :: metacarpus |
metacéntrico {adj} | :: metacentric |
metacercaria {f} | :: metacercaria |
metacognición {f} | :: metacognition |
metacomedia {f} | :: meta-comedy |
metaconocimiento {m} | :: metaknowledge, meta-knowledge |
metacrilato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: methacrylate |
metad {f} | :: archaic spelling of mitad |
metadato {m} | :: singular of metadatos |
metadona {f} | :: methadone |
metaestable {adj} | :: metastable |
metafase {f} | :: metaphase |
metaficción {f} | :: metafiction |
metaficcional {adj} | :: metafictional |
metafisario {adj} | :: metaphyseal |
metafísica {f} | :: metaphysics (branch of philosophy that studies first principles) |
metafísica {f} | :: feminine noun of metafísico |
metafísicamente {adv} | :: metaphysically |
metafísico {adj} | :: metaphysical |
metafísico {m} | :: metaphysician |
metáfisis {f} | :: metaphysis |
metafonía {f} | :: metaphony |
metáfora {f} | :: metaphor (figure of speech) |
metafóricamente {adv} | :: metaphorically, figuratively |
metafórico {adj} | :: metaphoric, metaphorical |
metaforizar {vt} | :: to metaphorize |
metafosfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: metaphosphate |
metagenómica {f} | :: metagenomics |
metahemoglobina {f} | :: metahemoglobin |
metahumano {m} | :: metahuman |
metal {m} | :: metal |
metal {m} [heraldry] | :: metal |
metal {m} [music] | :: metal |
metalcore {m} | :: metalcore |
metaldehído {m} [organic chemistry] | :: metaldehyde |
metal de transición {m} | :: transition metal (transition element) |
metalenguaje {f} | :: metalanguage |
metalera {f} | :: feminine noun of metalero |
metalero {m} [colloquial] | :: headbanger, metalhead |
metalero {m} [rare] | :: metalworker |
metalero {adj} [Bolivia, Chile] | :: metal (attributive) |
metalicidad {f} | :: metallicity |
metálico {adj} | :: metallic |
metalífero {adj} | :: containing metal; metalliferous |
metalistería {f} | :: metalworking |
metalización {f} | :: metallization |
metalizar {v} | :: to make metallic, to become metallic |
metalizar {v} | :: to coat with metal |
metalmecánica {f} | :: metalworking |
metalmecánico {adj} | :: metallurgic |
metal noble {m} | :: noble metal |
metalografía {f} | :: metallography |
metaloide {m} | :: metaloid |
metal pesado {m} [chemistry] | :: heavy metal |
metal precioso {m} | :: precious metal |
metalura {f} | :: metaltail |
metalurgia {f} [metallurgy] | :: metallurgy (science of metals) |
metalúrgico {adj} [metallurgy] | :: metallurgic, pertaining to metallurgy |
metalúrgico {mf} [metallurgy] | :: metallurgist, metal worker |
metalurgista {m} [metallurgy] | :: metallurgist |
metámero {m} | :: metamere |
metamizol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: metamizole |
metamórfico {adj} [geology] | :: metamorphic |
metamorfismo {m} [geology] | :: metamorphism |
metamorfizar {v} | :: to metamorphosize |
metamorfopsia {f} [ophthalmology] | :: metamorphopsia |
metamorfosear {v} | :: to metamorphose |
metamorfosis {f} [biology] | :: metamorphosis |
metanálisis {m} [statistics] | :: meta-analysis |
metanefridio {m} | :: metanephridium |
metanfetamina {f} [organic compound] | :: methamphetamine |
metánico {adj} | :: methanic |
metano {m} [organic compound] | :: methane |
metanogénesis {f} | :: methanogenesis |
metanógeno {adj} | :: methanogenic |
metanógeno {m} | :: methanogen |
metanol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: methanol |
metaplasia {m} [biology] | :: metaplasia |
metaplasmo {m} | :: figure of speech |
metaplasmo {m} | :: metaplasm |
metaserie {f} | :: metaseries |
metasoma {m} [entomology] | :: metasoma |
metasomático {adj} [geology] | :: metasomatic |
metasomático {adj} [entomology] | :: metasomatic |
metastásico {adj} | :: metastasic |
metástasis {f} [medicine] | :: metastasis |
metastatizar {v} | :: to metastasize |
metastizar {v} | :: to metastasize |
metatarsalgia {f} | :: metatarsalgia (metatarsal pain) |
metatarsiano {adj} | :: metatarsal |
metatarso {m} [anatomy] | :: metatarsus |
metate {m} | :: metate |
metateoría {f} | :: metatheory |
metaterio {m} | :: metatherian |
metátesis {f} | :: metathesis |
Metatrón {prop} {m} | :: Metatron |
metaverso {m} | :: metaverse |
metazoario {adj} | :: metazoan |
metazoo {m} [zoology] | :: metazoan |
meteca {f} | :: feminine noun of meteco |
meteco {m} | :: metic |
metedura {f} [familiar] | :: blunder |
metedura de pata {f} [idiom] | :: foul-up, blooper |
meteórico {adj} | :: meteoric (of, pertaining to, or originating from a meteor) |
meteórico {adj} [figurative] | :: meteoric (like a meteor in speed, brilliance, or ephemeralness) |
meteorítico {adj} | :: meteoric |
meteorito {m} | :: meteorite |
meteorización {f} [geology] | :: weathering |
meteorizar {vt} | :: to weather (to expose to the weather) |
meteoro {m} | :: meteor |
metéoro {m} | :: obsolete form of meteoro |
meteoroide {m} | :: meteoroid |
meteoróloga {f} | :: feminine noun of meteorólogo |
meteorología {f} | :: meteorology |
meteorológico {adj} | :: meteorologic, meteorological |
meteorólogo {m} | :: meteorologist |
metepatas {mf} | :: screw-up; buffoon |
meter {v} | :: to put, insert |
meter {v} [sports] | :: to score |
meter {v} | :: to make [noise] |
meter {v} | :: to cram, to stuff, to stick, to shove |
meter {vr} | :: to meddle, interfere, to get into |
meter barriga {v} [idiomatic] | :: to suck in one's stomach |
meter baza {v} [idiomatic] | :: to butt in |
meter cizaña {v} [idiom] | :: to stir up (people); to sow discord |
meter con calzador {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to shoehorn |
meter cuchara {v} [idiomatic] | :: alternative form of meter la cuchara |
meter cuello {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to flirt, to go for a kiss |
meter el dedo en la llaga {v} [idiomatic] | :: to rub it in, rub salt in the wound |
meter el hombro {v} [idiom] | :: to put one's back into something |
meter el pie {v} [idiomatic] | :: to slip up (make a mistake) |
meter en cintura {v} [idiomatic] | :: to restrict; to bring into line; to bring to heel |
meter en el mismo saco {v} [idiomatic] | :: to tar with the same brush; lump together |
metereológico {adj} | :: meteorologic |
meterete {adj} [Latin America, familiar] | :: nosy |
meterete {mf} [Latin America, familiar] | :: busybody |
meter ficha {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: alternative form of meter fichas |
meter fichas {v} [Spain, idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to pick up, chat up, flirt with someone (to meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes, especially in a social situation) |
meter la cuchara {v} [idiomatic] | :: To butt in; to stick one's oar in |
meterla doblada {v} [idiomatic] | :: to trick, deceive |
meter la gamba {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put one's foot in it |
meter la nariz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to meddle, interfere |
meter la nariz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be nosy, to put one's nose in someone else's business |
meter la pata {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to mess up; slip up; screw up, to put one's foot in one's mouth |
meter las narices en {v} [idiomatic] | :: To stick one's nose in |
meter mano {v} [idiom] | :: to touch up, grope |
meterse en camisa de once varas {v} [idiom] | :: To be in too deep |
metérsela {v} [idiom] | :: to trick |
metérsela doblada {v} [idiom] | :: alternative form of metérsela |
metesaca {m} | :: in-out (sexual intercourse) |
metete {adj} [colloquial] | :: nosy, meddlesome |
metformina {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: metformin |
metiche {adj} [Central America, South America] | :: nosy, meddlesome |
metiche {m} [Nicaragua, Cuba, Mexico] | :: busybody |
meticilina {f} | :: methicillin |
meticulosamente {adv} | :: meticulously |
meticulosidad {f} | :: meticulousness |
meticuloso {adj} | :: meticulous |
metida de pata {f} [idiom] | :: blunder |
metidísimo {adj} | :: superlative of metido |
metidito {adj} | :: diminutive of metido |
metido {adj} [colloquial, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela] | :: nosy |
metido en carnes {adj} [idiom, euphemistic] | :: overweight; big-boned |
metijón {adj} | :: meddling |
metijón {m} | :: busybody |
metijona {f} | :: feminine noun of metijón |
metil {m} | :: methyl |
metilacetileno {m} [organic compound] | :: propyne, methylacetylene |
metilación {f} [organic chemistry] | :: methylation |
metilamina {f} [organic chemistry] | :: methylamine |
metilar {v} | :: to methylate |
metilbenceno {m} [organic compound] | :: methylbenzene |
metilcobalamina {f} | :: methylcobalamin |
metileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: methylene |
metileritritol {m} [organic compound] | :: methylerythritol |
metiletilcetona {m} [organic compound] | :: butanone |
metilfenidato {m} | :: methylphenidate |
metílico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: methyl (attributive) |
metilmercurio {m} [organic compound] | :: methylmercury |
metilo {m} [chemistry] | :: methyl |
metilpropano {m} [organic compound] | :: methylpropane |
metiltransferasa {f} | :: methyltransferase |
metimiento {m} | :: putting in |
metionina {f} [amino acid] | :: methionine |
metisaca {f} [bullfighting] | :: An incorrect estocada |
metlapil {m} [Honduras, Mexico] | :: A cylindrical grinding stone, especially one used with a metate |
metódicamente {adv} | :: methodically |
metódico {adj} | :: methodical |
metodismo {m} | :: Methodism |
metodista {mf} | :: Methodist |
metodizar {v} | :: to methodize |
método {m} | :: method |
método científico {m} | :: scientific method |
metodología {f} | :: methodology |
metodológicamente {adv} | :: methodologically |
metodológico {adj} | :: methodological (of, pertaining to, or using methodology) |
metoflutrina {f} | :: metofluthrin |
metomentodo {m} | :: busybody |
metónico {adj} | :: metonic |
metonimia {f} | :: metonymy |
metonímico {adj} | :: metonymic |
metónimo {m} [grammar] | :: metonym |
metopa {f} [architecture] | :: metope |
metotrexato {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: methotrexate |
metra {f} [Venezuela] | :: marble (toy) |
metrado {m} | :: metering |
metraje {m} | :: The duration of a film |
metraje {m} | :: Distance measured in meters |
metraje encontrado {m} | :: found footage |
metralla {f} | :: grapeshot |
metralla {f} | :: shrapnel |
metrallazo {m} | :: shot from a grapeshot |
metrallera {f} | :: mitrailleuse |
metralleta {f} | :: submachine gun |
-metría {suffix} | :: -metry |
métrica {f} [poetry, music] | :: meter (rhythm or measure in verse and musical composition) |
métricamente {adv} | :: metrically |
-métrico {suffix} | :: -metric |
métrico {adj} | :: metric |
metrificar {v} | :: to versify |
metriorrínquido {m} | :: metriorhynchid |
metrización {f} | :: metrization |
-metro {suffix} | :: -meter |
metro {m} [units of measure] | :: meter |
metro {m} [measuring instruments] | :: measuring tape |
metro {m} [measuring instruments] | :: ruler (measuring one meter long) |
metro {m} [transport] | :: metro |
metrobús {m} | :: metrobus, bus system |
metro cuadrado {m} | :: square metre; square meter [US] |
metro cúbico {m} | :: cubic metre; cubic meter [US] |
metrología {f} | :: metrology |
metrológico {adj} | :: metrological |
metronidazol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: metronidazole |
metrónomo {m} [music] | :: metronome |
metrópoli {f} | :: metropolis |
metrópolis {f} | :: metropolis |
metropolitanato {m} | :: metropolitan |
metropolitano {adj} | :: metropolitan |
metropolitano {m} [Christianity] | :: metropolitan bishop |
metrorragia {f} | :: metrorrhagia |
metrosexual {m} | :: metrosexual |
metrosexual {adj} | :: metrosexual |
metrosexualidad {f} | :: metrosexuality |
me vale {interj} [Mexico] | :: I don't care |
mevalonato {m} [organic compound] | :: mevalonate |
mexica {adj} | :: Mexica, Aztec |
mexica {mf} | :: Mexica, Aztec |
mexicalense {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Mexican city of Mexicali |
Mexicali {prop} {m} | :: Mexicali |
mexicana {f} | :: female equivalent of mexicano |
mexicanidad {f} | :: Mexicanness, the quality of being Mexican |
mexicanidad {f} | :: Mexicanity, Mexican identity, especially as provided from indigenous culture and national heritage |
mexicanismo {m} | :: A word, usage, or linguistic feature particular to Mexican Spanish; Mexicanism |
mexicanista {adj} | :: Mexicanist |
mexicanista {mf} | :: Mexicanist |
mexicanización {f} | :: Mexicanization |
mexicanizar {v} | :: to Mexicanize |
mexicano {adj} | :: Mexican |
mexicano {m} | :: Mexican |
México {prop} {m} | :: México (country) |
México {prop} {m} [Mexico] | :: México (capital city) |
mexicoamericano {m} | :: Mexican American |
México D.F. {m} | :: México D.F. (capital city) |
México DF {m} | :: alternative form of México D.F. |
mexicoestadounidense {adj} | :: Mexican-American |
mexilla {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mejilla |
mexiqueño {adj} | :: of or from Mexico City |
mexiqueño {m} | :: native or inhabitant of Mexico City |
mexiquense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Estado de México, or Mexico State |
mezanine {m} | :: mezzanine |
mezcal {m} | :: mezcal |
mezcal {m} | :: The variety of the agave plant from with mezcal is distilled |
mezcalillero {m} | :: mezcal maker |
mezcla {f} | :: mixture, mix, mixing, combination, admixture, medley |
mezcla {f} | :: blend, blending |
mezcla {f} | :: mixed bag |
mezclado {adj} | :: mixed |
mezclador {m} [electronics] | :: mixer |
mezclador {m} | :: mixer (person who mixes) |
mezcladora {f} | :: feminine noun of mezclador |
mezclar {v} | :: to mix |
mezclar {vr} | :: to blend in |
mezclar churras y merinas {v} [idiom] | :: To mix two different concepts |
mezclarse {v} | :: reflexive of mezclar |
mezclilla {f} | :: denim |
mezclilla {f} | :: diminutive of mezcla |
mezcolanza {f} [colloquial] | :: hodgepodge, motley (strange mix) |
mezquinamente {adv} | :: stingily |
mezquinar {v} | :: to skimp; be stingy |
mezquinar {v} | :: to dodge; get around |
mezquinar {v} | :: to let off; let off the hook |
mezquindad {f} | :: meanness, stinginess, paltriness |
mezquindad {f} | :: small-mindedness, pettiness |
mezquinísimo {adj} | :: superlative of mezquino |
mezquino {adj} | :: miserly, mean, stingy |
mezquino {adj} | :: petty, small-minded |
mezquita {f} | :: mosque (place of worship for Muslims) |
mezquita {f} [by extension, obsolete] | :: a Native American (especially Aztec) religious site (during the Spanish conquest of the Americas) |
mezquital {m} | :: A mesquite grove |
mezquite {m} | :: mesquite (tree) |
mezuzá {f} | :: mezuzah |
mezzosoprano {f} | :: mezzo-soprano |
mi {adj} [before the noun] | :: apocopic form of mío, my |
mi {f} | :: mu; the Greek letter Μ, μ |
mí {pron} | :: me; (declined form of yo used as the object of a preposition) |
mía {pron} | :: feminine singular of mío |
mía {adj} | :: feminine singular of mío |
miador {adj} | :: miaowing |
miador {m} | :: miaower |
miaja {f} | :: crumb |
miaja {f} | :: bit; little bit |
miajita {f} | :: diminutive of miaja |
mialgia {f} | :: myalgia |
miamense {adj} | :: of or from the city of Miami |
miamense {mf} | :: an inhabitant of the city of Miami |
Miami {prop} {f} | :: Miami (city) |
miamiense {adj} | :: from Miami |
miamiense {mf} | :: Miamian |
miao {adj} | :: Miao |
miao {mf} | :: Miao |
miarma {mf} [Seville] | :: friend; buddy |
miarma {mf} [Seville] | :: dear; darling; love |
miarolítico {adj} | :: miarolitic |
mías {pron} | :: feminine plural of mío, mine |
miasma {m} | :: miasma |
miasmático {adj} | :: miasmatic |
miastenia {f} | :: myasthenia |
miasténico {adj} | :: myasthenic |
miau {m} | :: meow |
miau {interj} | :: meow (the sound a cat makes) |
mica {f} [mineral] | :: mica |
micáceo {adj} [mineralogy] | :: micaceous |
Micaela {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mi casa es su casa {phrase} [formal] | :: make yourself at home, make yourselves at home |
mi casa es tu casa {phrase} [colloquial, to one person] | :: make yourself at home |
mi casa y mi hogar cien doblas val {proverb} | :: there's no place like home |
micción {f} | :: urination |
miccional {adj} | :: urinary (of or pertaining to urination) |
micelar {adj} | :: micellar |
micelial {adj} | :: mycelial |
micelio {m} [mycology] | :: mycelium |
Micenas {prop} | :: Micenas (ancient city/and/archaelogical site) |
micénico {adj} | :: Mycenaean |
micénico {m} | :: Mycenaean (person from Mycenae) |
micénico {m} [uncountable] | :: Mycenaean Greek (Ancient Greek language spoken by the Mycenaeans in the Bronze Age) |
micer {m} | :: m'lord |
micha {f} | :: feminine noun of micho |
michelada {f} | :: michelada |
Michelena {prop} | :: surname of Basque origin |
michelín {m} [colloquial, Spain, chiefly in the plural] | :: spare tyre [UK], spare tire [North America], flab, roll of fat |
michi {m} [colloquial] | :: mog; kitty (cat) |
michifú {m} [colloquial] | :: mog; kitty (cat) |
Míchigan {prop} {m} | :: Michigan |
michiguense {adj} | :: Michiganian |
michiguense {m} | :: Michiganian, Michigander [colloquial] |
micho {m} [colloquial] | :: cat |
Michoacán {prop} {m} | :: Michoacán (state) |
michoacano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Michoacán |
mico {m} | :: a monkey with a prehensile tail |
mico {m} [familiar] | :: child |
mico {m} | :: an ugly person |
mico {m} [Nicaragua] | :: vulva |
micobacteria {f} [bacteriology] | :: mycobacterium |
micobionte {m} [lichenology] | :: mycobiont |
micofenolato {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: mycophenolate |
micoleón {m} [Yucatán, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras] | :: kinkajou (Potos flavus) |
micóloga {f} | :: mycologist |
micología {f} | :: mycology |
micológico {adj} | :: mycological |
micólogo {m} | :: mycologist |
micoproteína {f} | :: mycoprotein |
micorriza {f} [biology] | :: mycorrhiza (symbiotic relationship between the mycelium of a fungus and the roots of a plant) |
micosis {f} | :: mycosis |
micótico {adj} | :: mycotic |
micotoxina {f} [biochemistry] | :: mycotoxin |
micra {f} | :: micron |
micra {f} [Spain, colloquial] | :: a tenth of a gram (of a drug) |
micro- {prefix} | :: micro- |
micro {m} [Chile, Argentina] | :: public bus |
micro {m} [Mexico] | :: minibus |
micro {m} [Spain] | :: microwave |
micro {m} [Spain] | :: mic, microphone |
microaguja {f} | :: microsyringe |
microalbuminuria {f} | :: microalbuminuria |
microalga {f} | :: microalga |
microambiente {m} | :: microenvironment |
microanimal {m} | :: microanimal |
microarquitectura {f} [architecture] | :: microarchitecture |
microarreglo {m} | :: microarray |
microbacteria {f} | :: microbacteria |
microbial {adj} | :: microbial |
microbiano {adj} | :: microbial (relating to microbes) |
microbicida {m} | :: microbicide |
microbio {m} [microbiology] | :: microbe |
microbióloga {f} | :: microbiologist |
microbiología {f} | :: microbiology |
microbiológico {adj} | :: microbiological |
microbiólogo {m} | :: microbiologist |
microbioma {m} [biology] | :: microbiome |
microbiota {f} | :: microbiota |
microbiótico {adj} | :: microbiotic |
microblog {m} | :: microblog |
microblogging {m} | :: microblogging |
microburbuja {f} | :: microbubble |
microbus {m} | :: microbus |
microbús {m} | :: minibus |
microbusera {f} | :: feminine noun of microbusero |
microbusero {m} | :: A microbús driver |
microcalcificación {f} | :: microcalcification |
microcámara {f} | :: microcamera |
microcápsula {f} | :: microcapsule |
microcefalia {f} | :: microcephalia |
microcefalismo {m} | :: microcephalism, microcephaly |
microcentro {m} | :: dead centre |
microcervecería {f} | :: microbrewery |
microchip {m} [electronics] | :: microchip (small plate with a set of electronic circuits) |
microciclo {m} | :: microcycle |
microcine {m} | :: small cinema |
microcirculación {f} | :: microcirculation |
microcirugía {f} | :: microsurgery |
microcistina {f} | :: microcystin |
microcítico {adj} | :: microcytic |
microciudad {f} | :: microcity |
microclima {m} | :: microclimate |
microclimático {adj} | :: microclimatic |
microcoche {m} | :: a small car |
microcódigo {m} | :: microcode |
microcogeneración {f} | :: microcogeneration |
microcomarca {f} | :: small comarca |
microcomercializador {m} | :: small-time commercializer |
microcómic {m} | :: microcomic |
microcomputador {m} | :: microcomputer |
microcomputadora {f} | :: microcomputer |
microcontinente {m} | :: microcontinent |
microcontrolador {m} | :: microcontroller |
microcosmo {m} | :: microcosm (smaller system as representative of a larger one) |
microcosmo {m} [ecology] | :: microcosm (a small ecosystem) |
microcrédito {m} | :: microcredit |
microcristal {m} | :: microcrystal |
microcristalino {adj} | :: microcrystalline |
microcuenca {f} | :: microwatershed |
microcuento {m} | :: work of flash fiction |
microcuerpo {m} [cytology] | :: microbody |
microdato {m} | :: small data |
microdeleción {f} | :: microdeletion |
microdermoabrasión {f} | :: microdermabrasion |
microdespertar {m} | :: mini-waking (from sleep) |
microdistrito {m} | :: microdistrict |
microdosis {f} | :: microdose |
microeconomía {f} | :: microeconomics |
microeconómico {adj} | :: microeconomic |
microelectrodo {m} | :: microelectrode |
microelectromecánico {adj} | :: microelectromechanical |
microelectrónico {adj} | :: microelectronic |
microelemento {m} | :: trace element |
microempresa {f} | :: microenterprise |
microempresaria {f} | :: small businesswoman |
microempresarial {adj} [attributive] | :: microbusiness |
microempresario {m} | :: small businessman |
microencapsulación {f} | :: microencapsulation |
microescala {f} | :: microscale |
microesfera {f} | :: microsphere |
microesferofaquia {f} [ophthalmology] | :: microspherophakia |
microespacio {m} | :: slot (in a TV show) |
microespejo {m} [physics] | :: micromirror |
microestadio {m} | :: tiny stadium |
microestado {m} | :: microstate |
microestimulación {f} | :: microstimulation |
microestrato {m} | :: microstratum |
microestructura {f} | :: microstructure |
microevolución {f} | :: microevolution |
microexfoliación {f} | :: microexfoliation |
microfacial {adj} | :: microfacial |
microfalda {f} | :: microskirt |
microfaquia {f} [ophthalmology] | :: microphakia |
microfauna {f} [zoology] | :: microfauna |
microfibra {f} | :: microfiber |
microfibrilla {f} | :: microfibril |
microficción {f} | :: microfiction |
microfilamento {m} | :: microfilament |
microfilaria {f} | :: microfilaria |
microfilm {m} | :: microfilm |
microfilmación {f} | :: microfilming |
microfilmar {v} | :: to microfilm |
microfinanciar {v} | :: to microfinance |
microfinanciera {f} | :: microfinancer |
microfinanza {f} [finance] | :: microfinance |
micrófito {m} [biology, botany] | :: microphyte |
micrófono {m} | :: microphone |
microformato {m} | :: microformat |
microfósil {m} [paleontology] | :: microfossil |
microfotografía {f} | :: microphotography |
microfranquicia {f} | :: small franchise |
microfútbol {m} | :: futsal |
microgameto {m} | :: microgamete |
microglía {f} | :: microglia |
microgramo {m} | :: microgram |
microgravedad {f} [physics] | :: microgravity |
microhábitat {m} | :: microhabitat |
microhematuria {f} [pathology] | :: microhematuria |
microhistoria {f} | :: microhistory |
microindustria {f} | :: microindustry |
microinyección {adj} | :: Of or from Ica |
microinyección {f} | :: microinjection |
microjet {m} | :: microjet |
microjuego {m} | :: microgame |
microlente {m} | :: microlens |
microlito {m} | :: microlith |
microlocalización {f} | :: microlocation |
micromachismo {m} | :: small-scale male chauvinism |
micromamífero {m} | :: micromammal |
micromaquinado {adj} | :: micromachined |
micromecenazgo {m} | :: crowdfunding |
micrómera {f} | :: micromere |
micrometeorito {m} | :: micrometeorite |
micrometeoro {m} | :: micrometeor |
micrométrico {adj} | :: micrometric |
micrómetro {m} | :: micrometre |
micromisión {f} | :: micro-mission |
micromotor {m} | :: micromotor |
micrón {m} | :: micron, micrometer |
micronación {f} | :: micronation |
micronesia {f} | :: feminine noun of micronesio |
Micronesia {prop} {f} | :: Micronesia |
micronesio {adj} | :: Micronesian |
micronesio {m} | :: Micronesian |
micronúcleo {m} | :: micronucleus |
micronutriente {m} | :: micronutrient |
microonda {f} | :: microwave (electromagnetic wave) |
microondas {m} | :: microwave oven, microwave |
microondas {m} | :: necklacing (execution by burning tyre) |
microordenador {m} | :: microcomputer |
microorganismo {m} | :: microorganism |
micropago {m} | :: micropayment |
micropaleontología {f} | :: micropaleontology |
micropartícula {f} | :: microparticle |
micropartido {m} | :: small (political) party |
microperforar {v} | :: to microperforate |
micropíldora {f} | :: micro-pill |
micropilote {m} | :: micropile |
micropipeta {f} | :: micropipette |
microplaca {f} | :: microplate |
microplástico {m} | :: microplastic |
micropolifonía {f} | :: micropolyphony |
micropolitano {adj} | :: micropolitan |
microporo {m} | :: micropore |
microprocesador {m} | :: microprocessor |
microprograma {m} | :: microcode; microprogram |
micropropagación {f} | :: micropropagation |
micropunción {f} | :: micropuncture |
micropunto {m} [colloquial] | :: LSD (drug) |
microrganismo {m} | :: microorganism |
microrotura {f} | :: microbreak; small breakage |
microrregión {f} | :: micro-region |
microrrelato {m} | :: flash fiction, microfiction |
microrreserva {f} | :: microreserve |
microrrobot {m} | :: microrobot |
microrrotura {f} | :: small breakage |
microrrueda {f} | :: small job fair |
microsatélite {m} | :: microsatellite |
microscopía {f} | :: microscopy |
microscopiar {v} | :: to examine using a microscope |
microscopiar {v} | :: to scrutinize, to examine closely |
microscópicamente {adv} | :: microscopically |
microscópico {adj} | :: microscopic |
microscopio {m} | :: microscope |
microscopista {mf} | :: microscopist |
microsegundo {m} | :: microsecond |
microseguro {m} | :: small insurance company |
microservicio {m} | :: microservice |
microsismicidad {f} | :: microseismicity |
microsismo {m} | :: microseism |
micrositio {m} | :: microsite |
microsocial {adj} | :: microsocial |
microspora {f} | :: microspore |
microsporangio {m} [botany] | :: microsporangium |
microstomía {f} [pathology] | :: microstomia |
microsurco {m} | :: microgroove |
microteatro {m} | :: microtheatre |
microtonal {adj} | :: microtonal |
microtráfico {m} | :: micro-trafficking |
microtransacción {f} | :: microtransaction |
microtubular {adj} | :: microtubular |
microtúbulo {m} | :: microtubule |
microvascular {adj} | :: microvascular |
microvasculatura {f} | :: microvasculature |
microvellosidad {f} | :: microvillus |
microverde {m} | :: microgreen |
microvertedero {m} | :: small dump |
microvídeo {m} | :: micro-video |
mi culo {phrase} | :: my ass |
middleware {m} | :: middleware |
Midgard {prop} {f} [Norse mythology] | :: Midgard (mythological location) |
midi {m} | :: midi; midiskirt |
midostaurin {m} | :: midostaurin |
miéchica {interj} [colloquial] | :: damn, blast |
miedica {adj} [Spain, colloquial] | :: fearful |
miedo {m} | :: fear |
miedosamente {adv} | :: fearfully |
miedoso {adj} [colloquial] | :: fearful, timid, tremulous |
miedoso {m} | :: scaredy-cat, coward |
miel {f} | :: honey |
miel de palma {f} | :: palm syrup |
mielera {f} | :: feminine noun of mielero |
mielero {m} | :: honey maker or seller |
mielero {m} | :: Any of various honey-eating birds, such as the honeyeater or honeycreeper |
mielero {adj} | :: producing honey |
mielero {adj} | :: relating to the production of honey |
mielgo {adj} [rare] | :: twin |
mielina {f} | :: myelin |
mielinización {f} | :: myelination |
mielinizar {v} | :: to myelinate |
mielitis {f} | :: myelitis |
mielofibrosis {f} | :: myelofibrosis |
mielógeno {adj} | :: myelogenic |
mieloide {adj} | :: myeloid |
mieloma {m} | :: myeloma |
mieloma múltiple {m} | :: multiple myeloma |
mielopatía {f} | :: myelopathy |
mielopático {adj} | :: myelopathic |
mieloperoxidasa {f} [enzyme] | :: myeloperoxidase |
mielopoyesis {f} [biology] | :: myelopoiesis |
mieloproliferativo {adj} | :: myeloproliferative |
mieludo {adj} [literally] | :: full of honey |
mieludo {adj} [figuratively] | :: very sweet |
mieludo {m} [El Salvador] | :: auto mechanic |
miembra {f} | :: member |
miembro {m} | :: member (one who belongs to a group) |
miembro {m} [anatomy] | :: limb (a major appendage of a person or animal) |
miembro {m} | :: penis |
miembro de la familia {mf} | :: family member, relative |
miembro viril {m} | :: male member; penis |
-miento {suffix} | :: -ment, forming nouns from verbs with the sense of the action or process |
mientras {adv} | :: meanwhile |
mientras {conj} [with the indicative] | :: while, whilst (at the same time as) |
mientras {conj} [with the subjunctive] | :: as long as, so long as (expressing a condition) |
mientras {conj} [with the indicative] | :: while, whereas (indicating difference) |
mientras {conj} [with comparatives] | :: however much; however many; (constructing parallel comparatives) “the..., the...” |
mientras que {conj} | :: while; whilst |
mientras tanto {adv} | :: meanwhile |
miércoles {m} | :: Wednesday |
miércoles {interj} [euphemism] | :: Shoot! |
miércoles de ceniza {m} [Christianity] | :: Ash Wednesday |
mierda {f} [vulgar] | :: shit |
mierda {f} [vulgar] | :: drunkenness |
mierda {interj} [Spain] | :: shit! (expression of worry, failure, shock, only for negative situations) |
mierda pinchada en un palo {f} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: piece of shit (something of little or no value) |
mierdoso {adj} [colloquial] | :: shitty |
mierdoso {adj} [colloquial] | :: filthy |
mierense {adj} | :: of or from Mieres |
mierense {mf} | :: someone from Mieres |
mierla {f} [obsolete] | :: blackbird |
mies {f} | :: cereal seed (for making bread) |
mies {f} | :: seed, grain harvest time |
mifepristona {f} | :: mifepristone |
miga {f} | :: crumb (small piece which breaks off from baked food) |
miga {f} | :: essence, core (most significant feature of something) |
miga {f} | :: crumb, bit (small amount) |
migaja {f} | :: crumb |
migajón {m} | :: (large) crumb |
migajón {m} | :: substance |
migar {v} | :: to crumble |
Migo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
migra {f} [Mexico, US Spanish, slang, usually with definite article] | :: border patrol; immigration authorities |
migración {f} | :: migration |
migrador {adj} | :: migratory |
migrador {m} | :: migrator |
migradora {f} | :: feminine noun of migrador |
migraña {f} | :: migraine |
migrante {adj} | :: migrant (person who moves from one region or country to another) |
migrante {adj} | :: migrating (person who moves from one region or country to another) |
migrante {mf} | :: migrant (person who moves from one region or country to another) |
migrar {v} | :: to migrate |
migratorio {adj} | :: migratory |
Migue {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Miguel {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Miguel {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Michael |
Miguel {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Miguela {prop} {f} | :: given name, a feminine form of Miguel |
Miguel Ángel {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Miguel Ángel {prop} {m} | :: Michelangelo, the artist |
migueleño {adj} | :: Of or from San Miguel, El Salvador |
migueleño {m} | :: Someone from San Miguel, El Salvador |
miguelete {m} | :: alternative spelling of miquelete |
miguelista {adj} | :: Miguelist |
miguelista {mf} | :: Miguelist |
Miguelito {prop} {m} | :: given name |
m'ija {f} | :: contraction of mi hija |
mija {f} | :: contraction of mi hija: sweetie, daughter, baby girl, little one |
mijero {m} [obsolete] | :: nautical mile |
mijero {m} [obsolete] | :: milepost |
mijita {f} | :: diminutive of mija; sistergirl, homegirl, girlfriend, honey |
mijita {f} [Andalusia] | :: a little amount |
mijito {m} | :: contraction of mi hijito: diminutive of mijo |
m'ijo {m} | :: contraction of mi hijo |
mijo {m} | :: millet |
mijo {m} [colloquial, Chile] | :: darling |
mijo {m} [colloquial, Mexico] | :: friend, guy |
mijo común {m} | :: proso millet |
mikado {m} | :: mikado |
mil {num} | :: thousand |
Mila {prop} {f} | :: given name, Camila or Ludmila |
milagreña {f} | :: feminine noun of milagreño |
milagreño {adj} | :: Of or from the city of Milagro, Ecuador |
milagreño {m} | :: An inhabitant of the city of Milagro, Ecuador |
milagrito {m} | :: diminutive of milagro |
milagro {m} | :: miracle |
milagro {m} | :: wonder |
Milagros {prop} {f} | :: given name |
milagrosamente {adv} | :: miraculously |
milagroso {adj} | :: miraculous |
Milán {prop} {m} | :: Milán (province) |
Milán {prop} {m} | :: Milán (city) |
milanés {adj} | :: Milanese |
milanés {m} | :: Milanese |
milanesa {f} | :: A thin slice of beef, dipped into beaten eggs, seasoned with salt and other condiments (like parsley and garlic), dipped in breadcrumbs and shallow-fried in oil |
milanga {f} [Argentina] | :: schnitzel |
milanista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the A.C. Milan football club or its players |
milanista {mf} [football] | :: Player, fan, or other person involved with A.C. Milan |
milano {m} | :: kite (bird of prey) |
milano {m} | :: down of a thistle |
milano {m} | :: flying gurnard (Dactylopteridae) |
mildiu {m} | :: mildew |
milenario {adj} | :: millennial |
milenario {adj} | :: millenary |
milenario {adj} | :: thousand-year-old |
milenarismo {m} | :: millenarianism |
milenarista {adj} | :: millenarian |
milenarista {mf} | :: millenarian |
milenial {mf} | :: millennial |
milénica {f} | :: feminine noun of milénico |
milénico {m} | :: millennial |
milenio {m} | :: millennium |
milenrama {f} | :: common yarrow, milfoil (Achillea millefolium) |
milesia {f} | :: feminine noun of milesio |
milesiana {f} | :: feminine noun of milesiano |
milesiano {m} [Irish mythology] | :: Milesian, any of the people from Spain who invaded Ireland and defeated the Tuatha Dé Danann, and who were the ancestors of the present Irish people |
milesiano {m} [colloquial] | :: Irishman, Milesian |
milesiano {adj} | :: Milesian (of or pertaining to the Milesians, the final race to settle in Ireland) |
milesiano {adj} [colloquial] | :: Irish, Milesian |
milésimo {adj} | :: thousandth, one thousandth |
milesio {adj} [philosophy] | :: Milesian |
milesio {adj} [historical] | :: Milesian (of or pertaining to Miletus, the Ancient Greek city in Anatolia) |
milesio {m} [philosophy] | :: Milesian |
milesio {m} [historical] | :: Milesian (native or citizen of Miletus, the Ancient Greek city in Anatolia) |
Mileto {prop} {f} | :: Mileto (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in western <<r/Anatolia>>, in modern <<c/Turkey>>) |
mileurismo {m} [Spain] | :: the quality or state of having an income barely close to 1,000 euros a month, and generally is considered below its professional expectations |
mileurista {adj} [Spain] | :: Someone who having an income barely close to 1,000 euros a month, and generally is considered below its professional expectations |
mileurista {adj} [Spain] | :: Related mileurista or mileurismo. E. g. salario mileurista |
mileurista {mf} [Spain] | :: Someone who having an income barely close to 1,000 euros a month, and generally is considered below its professional expectations |
milhojas {m} | :: mille-feuille |
milhombres {m} [colloquial] | :: tough guy |
mili- {prefix} | :: milli- |
mili {f} [colloquial] | :: military service |
miliaria {f} | :: miliaria |
miliario {m} | :: milestone |
milibar {m} | :: millibar |
milicia {f} | :: army |
milicia {f} | :: military service |
milicia {f} | :: militia |
miliciana {f} | :: feminine noun of miliciano |
miliciano {adj} [attributive] | :: militia |
miliciano {m} | :: militiaman, militiawoman |
milico {m} [derogatory, Latin America] | :: soldier |
miligramo {m} | :: milligram |
mililitro {m} | :: millilitre (a unit of volume) |
milimetradamente {adv} | :: minutely, precisely |
milimetrado {adj} | :: minutely calculated |
milimétricamente {adv} | :: minutely, precisely |
milimétrico {adj} | :: millimetric |
milímetro {m} | :: millimeter |
milimolar {adj} [chemistry] | :: millimolar |
milisegundo {m} | :: millisecond (one one-thousandth of a second) |
militancia {f} | :: militance |
militante {mf} | :: militant |
militantemente {adv} | :: in a militant manner |
militar {adj} | :: military |
militar {mf} | :: soldier |
militar {mf} | :: any person serving in the military |
militar {v} | :: to participate actively in a political organization, especially in the military |
militarismo {m} | :: militarism |
militarista {mf} | :: militarist |
militarización {f} | :: militarization |
militarizar {v} | :: to militarize |
militarmente {adv} | :: militarily |
militarote {m} [Latin America] | :: a rough or crude soldier |
milivatio {m} | :: milliwatt |
milla {f} | :: mile |
millaje {m} | :: mileage |
milla náutica {f} | :: nautical mile |
millar {m} | :: A unit or group of one thousand |
millar {m} | :: A thousandish |
millar {m} | :: A large, indeterminate number |
millardaria {f} | :: feminine noun of millardario |
millardario {m} | :: billionaire |
millardo {m} | :: billion, milliard |
Millares {prop} | :: surname |
mil leches {m} [idiom] | :: mongrel |
millenial {mf} | :: alternative spelling of millennial |
millennial {mf} | :: millennial |
millo {n} [Canary Islands] | :: maize, corn (plant) |
millón {m} | :: million (106) |
millonada {f} | :: fortune |
millonaria {f} | :: feminine noun of millonario |
millonario {adj} | :: big money/big-money, millions of |
millonario {adj} | :: millionaire |
millonario {m} | :: millionaire |
millonésimo {adj} | :: one millionth |
millonésimo {m} | :: millionth |
millonetis {mf} [colloquial] | :: millionaire, gazillionaire, squillionaire |
milmillonario {adj} | :: billion-dollar |
milmillonario {m} | :: billionaire |
mil millones {num} | :: one billion, milliard, 109 |
milonga {f} | :: milonga (music) |
milonga {f} | :: milonga (dance) |
milonga {f} [colloquial] | :: A lie or falsehood |
milonguera {f} | :: feminine noun of milonguero |
milonguero {adj} [attributive] | :: milonga |
milonguero {m} | :: One who sings milongas |
milord {m} | :: milord |
milpa {f} [Central America] | :: cornfield |
milpiés {m} | :: millipede |
miltomate {m} | :: tomatillo |
mimar {vt} | :: to pamper |
mimar {vt} | :: to look after |
mimbre {m} | :: wicker |
mimbrera {f} | :: willow (any of a number of different species of willow tree) |
mimbrera {f} | :: A wickerworker |
mimbrero {m} | :: A wickerworker |
mimbroso {adj} | :: wicker, made of wicker |
mimeografiar {v} | :: to mimeograph |
mimeógrafo {m} | :: mimeograph |
mimesis {f} | :: mimesis |
mímesis {f} | :: alternative spelling of mimesis |
mimético {adj} | :: mimetic |
mimetismo {m} [biology, zoology] | :: mimicry |
mimetizar {v} | :: to imitate |
mimetizar {v} | :: to disguise; to mimic; to merge into the background |
mímica {f} | :: mimicry (the act or ability to simulate the appearance or behaviour of someone or something else) |
mímico {adj} | :: mimic |
mimir {v} [childish] | :: to sleep |
mimo {m} | :: caress, cuddle |
mimo {mf} | :: mime, mime artist (an actor or actress who practices mime) |
mimosamente {adv} | :: affectionately |
mimoso {adj} | :: cuddly |
mina {f} | :: mine (excavation from which ore is taken) |
mina {f} | :: mine (device intended to explode when stepped on) |
mina {f} | :: lead (of a pencil) |
mina {f} [Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial] | :: woman |
mina {f} [Argentina, slang] | :: prostitute |
miná {m} | :: myna |
mina a tajo abierto {f} | :: open-pit mine |
miná común {m} | :: Indian myna |
mina de oro {f} | :: See: es mina de oro (gold mine) |
mina de oro {f} [idiomatic] | :: gold mine |
minador {adj} | :: mining |
minador {m} [military, nautical] | :: minelayer |
minador {m} | :: mining engineer |
minadora {f} | :: feminine noun of minador |
minar {v} | :: to sap, mine, dig tunnels under |
minar {v} | :: to mine, lay military land or marine mines |
minar {v} [figuratively] | :: to undermine, destroy [health, confidence, etc.] |
minar {v} | :: to wear away, erode |
minarete {m} | :: minaret (mosque tower) |
Minas {prop} | :: Minas (city) |
minaz {adj} [obsolete] | :: threatening |
minderico {m} | :: Minderico |
mindfulness {m} | :: mindfulness |
mindundi {mf} [colloquial, Spain] | :: nobody; zero (person of little value and unimportant) |
Mineápolis {prop} | :: Minneapolis |
minecraftiana {f} | :: feminine noun of minecraftiano |
minecraftiano {adj} | :: Minecrafty |
minecraftiano {m} | :: Minecrafter |
minera {f} | :: feminine noun of minero |
mineral {adj} | :: mineral |
mineral {m} | :: mineral |
mineral de hierro {m} | :: iron ore |
mineralización {f} | :: mineralization |
mineralizar {vt} | :: to mineralize |
mineralogía {f} | :: mineralogy |
mineralógico {adj} | :: mineralogical |
mineralogista {mf} | :: mineralogist |
mineraloide {m} [mineralogy] | :: mineraloid |
minería {f} | :: mining |
minero {adj} | :: mining |
minero {m} | :: miner |
mineroducto {m} | :: mineral pipeline |
mineróloga {f} | :: feminine noun of minerólogo |
minerólogo {m} | :: mineralogist |
mineromedicinal {adj} [of water] | :: containing health-benefiting minerals |
Minerva {prop} {f} [Roman mythology] | :: Minerva |
minesotana {f} | :: feminine noun of minesotano |
minesotano {adj} | :: Minnesotan |
minesotano {m} | :: Minnesotan |
minestrone {f} [usually uncountable] | :: minestrone (thick Italian vegetable soup) |
minga {f} [South America] | :: collective work |
minga {f} [Spain, vulgar] | :: penis |
minga {interj} [Argentina, slang] | :: no way; fuck off |
minger {v} | :: To urinate |
mingitorio {m} | :: urinal |
mingo {m} [billiards] | :: target ball |
mingreliano {adj} | :: Mingrelian |
mini- {prefix} | :: mini- |
mini {adj} | :: mini |
miniálbum {m} | :: minialbum |
miniar {vt} | :: to draw in miniature |
miniatura {f} | :: miniature (painting or model) |
miniatura {f} [computing] | :: thumbnail |
miniaturista {mf} | :: miniaturist |
miniaturización {f} | :: miniaturization |
miniaturizar {vt} | :: to miniaturize |
miniauto {m} | :: mini-car |
minibanco {m} | :: mini-bank |
minibandera {f} | :: miniflag |
minibar {m} | :: minibar |
minibasket {m} | :: mini-basketball |
minibiblioteca {f} | :: mini-library |
minibús {m} | :: minibus |
minicalle {f} [rare] | :: mini street |
minicámara {f} | :: minicam; minicamera |
minicentral {f} | :: small center |
minicentro {m} | :: small play area for children |
miniciudad {f} | :: minicity |
minicomputador {m} | :: minicomputer |
minicomputadora {f} | :: minicomputer |
miniconcentración {f} | :: mini-concentration |
minideporte {m} | :: youth sport |
miniempresa {f} | :: small business |
miniestra {f} | :: A type of vegetables stew from Panama |
miniestrella {mf} | :: Mini-Estrella |
minifalda {f} | :: miniskirt |
minifaldero {adj} | :: wearing a miniskirt |
minifaldero {adj} | :: fruity |
minificción {f} | :: mini-fiction; microfiction |
minifigura {f} | :: small figure |
minifundio {m} | :: smallholding |
minifundista {mf} | :: smallholder |
minigira {f} | :: minitour |
minigolf {m} | :: minigolf, miniature golf |
minihamburguesa {f} | :: mini-hamburger |
minijuego {m} | :: minigame |
minilaptop {m} | :: small laptop; palmtop |
minilectura {f} | :: mini-reading |
miniluna {f} | :: mini-moon |
minimal {adj} | :: minimalistic |
minimalismo {m} | :: minimalism |
minimalista {adj} | :: minimalistic (characterised by extreme simplicity) |
minimalista {mf} | :: minimalist (artists who creates minimalist art) |
minimalizar {v} | :: to minimize |
mínimamente {adv} | :: minimally |
minimapa {m} | :: minimap |
minimercado {m} | :: minimarket |
minimización {f} | :: minimization |
minimizar {vt} | :: to minimize, to downplay, to play down, to underplay, to belittle |
mínimo {adj} | :: minimal |
mínimo {adj} | :: smallest |
mínimo {adj} | :: least |
mínimo {m} | :: minimum |
minimosca {m} [boxing] | :: light flyweight (boxing class) |
mínimum {m} | :: minimum |
minindustria {f} | :: mini-industry; small-time business |
minino {m} [colloquial] | :: kitty (a cat) |
minipizza {f} | :: mini-pizza |
minisatélite {m} | :: minisatellite |
miniserie {f} | :: miniseries |
minishort {m} | :: short shorts |
minisodio {m} | :: minisode |
ministerial {adj} | :: ministerial |
ministerializar {v} | :: to make ministerial |
ministerio {m} | :: ministry |
ministra {f} | :: feminine noun of ministro |
ministrable {adj} [politics] | :: Potentially a minister |
ministración {f} | :: ministering |
ministrar {v} | :: to minister |
ministrar {v} | :: to provide |
ministril {m} | :: minstrel |
ministro {m} | :: minister |
minisubmarino {m} | :: minisubmarine |
minisuite {m} | :: minisuite |
minisúper {m} | :: mini-supermarket |
minisupermercado {m} | :: minimarket |
minita {f} | :: diminutive of mina |
miniteclado {m} | :: mini-keyboard |
minitorneo {m} | :: mini-tournament |
minitorta {f} | :: mini-cake |
minitren {m} | :: a small train |
miniturismo {m} | :: small-scale tourism |
minivan {m} | :: minivan |
minivestido {m} | :: small dress |
minivídeo {m} | :: mini video; small clip |
min nan {m} | :: Min Nan |
Minnesota {prop} {f} | :: Minnesota (state) |
mino {m} [Argentina, Chile, colloquial] | :: boy (young man) |
Miño {prop} {m} | :: Miño (river) |
minociclina {f} | :: minocycline |
minoico {adj} | :: Minoan |
minoración {f} | :: reduction |
minorante {m} | :: minorant |
minorar {v} | :: alternative form of aminorar |
minoría {f} | :: minority (subgroup that does not form half or more) |
minoría {f} | :: minority (state of being a minor) |
minoría sexual {f} | :: sexual minority |
minoridad {f} | :: minority (of age) |
minorismo {m} | :: retail |
minorista {adj} | :: retail |
minorista {mf} | :: retailer |
minorita {adj} | :: Franciscan |
minorita {m} | :: Franciscan |
minoritariamente {adv} | :: less so, to a small degree |
minoritario {adj} | :: minority [attributive] |
minorización {f} | :: minimization, reduction |
minotauro {m} | :: minotaur |
Minotauro {prop} {m} | :: Minotaur |
Minsk {prop} | :: Minsk (city) |
minskeña {f} | :: feminine noun of minskeño |
minskeño {adj} | :: Minskian (of or pertaining to Minsk, Belarus) |
minskeño {m} | :: Minskian (native or resident of Minsk, Belarus) |
minuanes {mp} | :: Minuane |
minuano {adj} | :: pertaining or related to the city of Minas, Uruguay |
minucia {f} | :: small print, triviality |
minuciosamente {adv} | :: carefully, meticulously, minutely |
minuciosidad {f} | :: precision, minuteness |
minucioso {adj} | :: thorough, detailed |
minué {m} | :: minuet (dance) |
minuendo {m} [arithmetic] | :: minuend (number from which another is subtracted) |
minuet {m} | :: minuet |
minueto {m} [dancing] | :: minuet (slow, graceful dance) |
minueto {m} [music] | :: minuet (tune or air to regulate the movements of the minuet dance) |
minúscula {f} [orthography] | :: minuscule (lower-case letter) |
minúsculo {adj} [orthography] | :: lower case [of a letter] |
minusvalía {f} | :: disability, handicap |
minusválido {adj} | :: handicapped, disabled |
minusvaloración {f} | :: underestimation |
minusvalorar {v} | :: to underestimate |
minuta {f} | :: rough draft |
minuta {f} | :: bill; fee |
minuta {f} | :: list (of various things) |
minuta {f} | :: snack; quick meal |
minuta {f} | :: menu (in a restaurant) |
minuta {f} | :: minute; note (of e.g. a meeting) |
minutaje {m} | :: draft, drafting |
minutero {m} | :: A minute hand (clock) |
minutero {m} | :: timer |
minutito {m} | :: diminutive of minuto |
minuto {m} | :: minute (60 seconds) |
mio- {prefix} | :: myo- |
mio {interj} | :: meow (sound of a cat) |
mío {pron} | :: Mine |
mío {adj} [predicative or after the noun] | :: mine, my |
mioblasto {m} | :: myoblast |
miocárdico {adj} | :: myocardial |
miocardio {m} [anatomy, cardiology] | :: myocardium |
miocardiopatía {f} | :: cardiomyopathy |
miocarditis {f} [medicine] | :: myocarditis |
mioceno {adj} | :: Miocene |
miocito {m} | :: myocyte |
mioclónico {adj} | :: myoclonic |
mioclono {m} | :: myoclonus |
mioepitelial {adj} | :: myoepithelial |
miofascial {adj} | :: myofascial |
miofibrilla {f} | :: myofibril |
mioglobina {f} [protein] | :: myoglobin |
miología {f} [anatomy] | :: myology |
mioma {m} | :: myoma |
miomatoso {adj} [medicine] | :: myomatous |
mionca {m} [vesre] | :: truck |
miopatía {f} | :: myopathy |
miopático {adj} | :: myopathic |
miope {adj} | :: myopic |
miope {adj} | :: short-sighted |
miope {mf} | :: A myopic or short-sighted person |
miopía {f} | :: myopia, shortsightedness |
miosina {f} [protein] | :: myosin |
miositis {f} [pathology] | :: myositis |
miostatina {f} [protein] | :: myostatin |
miotónico {adj} | :: myotonic |
mipyme {m} | :: SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) |
Miqueas {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Micah (the book of the Bible) |
miquelete {m} | :: miquelet |
MIR {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria |
MIR {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Médico Interno Residente |
mira {f} | :: target |
mira {f} | :: purpose, object |
miracidio {m} | :: miracidium |
miráculo {m} [rare, poetic, archaic] | :: miracle (inexplicable event attributed to God or other divinity) |
mirada {f} | :: look, glance |
miradita {f} | :: diminutive of mirada |
mirador {m} | :: a viewpoint or vantage point |
mirador {m} | :: an enclosed balcony, or bay window |
miraflorina {f} | :: feminine noun of miraflorino |
miraflorino {adj} | :: Of or from the district of Miraflores District, Arequipa, Peru |
miraflorino {m} | :: An inhabitant of the district of Miraflores District, Arequipa, Peru |
miramiento {m} | :: courtesy, consideration |
Miranda {prop} | :: surname |
mirandés {adj} | :: Mirandese |
mirandés {m} | :: Mirandese (person) |
mirandés {m} | :: Mirandese (language) |
mirandino {adj} | :: Of or from the state of Miranda, Venezuela |
mirandino {m} | :: Someone from the state of Miranda |
mira por dónde {adv} [idiom] | :: woah; what the dickens; no shit (expression of surprise) |
mirar {vt} | :: to look at (to try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes) |
mirar {vt} | :: to watch (to look at, view, or observe for a period of time) |
mirar {vt} | :: to watch (to mind, attend, or guard) |
mirar {vt} | :: to consider, think over (to think about seriously) |
mirar {vt} [usually in the imperative] | :: used for emphasis; look |
mirar {vt} | :: to seek, look for (to try to find) |
mirar {vi} | :: to look (to try to see something, to pay attention with one’s eyes) |
mirar {vi} [of a structure] | :: to face, overlook (to be oriented towards a certain direction or thing) |
mirar de hito en hito {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stare at |
mirar las musarañas {v} [idiom] | :: to be idle; to watch paint dry |
mirar por el rabillo del ojo {v} [idiom] | :: to see out of the corner of one's eye |
mirar por encima del hombro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stick one's nose up |
mirarse {v} | :: reflexive of mirar |
mirarse el ombligo {v} [idiom] | :: To navel-gaze |
mirasol {m} | :: sunflower |
Mireia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Mirella {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Mireya {prop} {f} | :: given name |
miríada {f} | :: myriad |
Miriam {prop} {f} | :: given name |
miriámetro {m} | :: myriametre |
miriápodo {adj} | :: myriapod |
miriápodo {m} | :: myriapod |
mirífico {adj} [poetic] | :: admirable, wonderful |
mirilla {f} | :: spyhole, peephole |
miriópodo {adj} | :: alternative form of miriápodo |
miriópodo {m} | :: alternative form of miriápodo |
mirista {adj} | :: Of or relating to the Revolutionary Left Movement of Chile, a far-left political organisation |
mirista {mf} | :: A member of the Revolutionary Left Movement |
mirlo {m} | :: blackbird |
mirmidón {m} | :: myrmidon |
mirón {adj} | :: nosy |
mirón {adj} | :: voyeuristic |
mirón {m} | :: busybody |
mirón {m} | :: voyeur, peeping tom |
mirón {m} | :: rubbernecker, gawker, onlooker |
mirona {f} | :: feminine noun of mirón |
mironeo {m} | :: spying; lurking |
mironiano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Joan Miró (Spanish painter) |
mirra {f} | :: myrrh |
mirreina {f} | :: feminine noun of mirrey |
mirrey {m} [Mexico] | :: yuppie |
mirtazapina {f} | :: mirtazapine |
mirtilo {m} | :: bilberry |
mirto {m} | :: myrtle |
mis {adj} | :: plural of mi |
misa {f} | :: mass (church) |
Misael {prop} {m} | :: given name |
misal {m} | :: missal |
misandria {f} | :: misandry |
misándrica {f} | :: feminine noun of misándrico |
misándrico {adj} | :: misandristic, misandrist, misandric, misandrous |
misándrico {m} | :: misandrist, misandric |
misántropa {f} | :: feminine noun of misántropo |
misantropía {f} | :: misanthropy |
misántropo {adj} | :: misanthropic |
misántropo {m} | :: misanthrope |
misar {v} [colloquial] | :: to attend mass |
misar {v} [colloquial] | :: to say mass |
misceláneo {adj} | :: miscellaneous |
miscibilidad {f} | :: miscibility |
miscible {adj} | :: miscible |
miserabilismo {m} | :: miserabilism |
miserabilista {mf} | :: miserabilist |
miserabilista {adj} | :: miserabilist |
miserable {adj} | :: miserable |
miserable {adj} | :: poor |
miserable {adj} | :: greedy, stingy |
miserablemente {adv} | :: miserably |
míseramente {adv} | :: miserably |
miseria {f} | :: misery |
miseria {f} | :: poverty |
miseria {f} | :: avarice, greed |
miseria {f} | :: very small amount |
misericordia {f} | :: mercy |
misericordia {f} | :: misericord |
misericordioso {adj} | :: merciful |
mísero {adj} | :: unfortunate, poor, wretched, pitiful |
mísero {adj} | :: stingy |
mísero {adj} | :: of small value, worthless, null |
mísero {adj} | :: miserable, unhappy |
mísero {adj} | :: tragic, unfortunate |
mísero {adj} | :: sick |
mísero {adj} | :: tormenting |
misérrimo {adj} | :: superlative of mísero |
misesiana {f} | :: feminine noun of misesiano |
misesiano {adj} | :: Misesian |
misesiano {m} | :: Misesian |
misgurno {m} | :: The pond loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) |
misiá {f} [Latin America, dialectal] | :: title of respect for a woman comparable to Mrs. |
misil {m} | :: missile (a self-propelled projectile whose trajectory can be adjusted after it is launched) |
mísil {m} | :: alternative form of misil |
misilero {adj} [attributive] | :: missile |
misilístico {adj} [attributive] | :: missile |
misio {adj} | :: Mysian |
misio {m} | :: Mysian |
misión {f} | :: mission, quest |
misión {f} | :: mission, task, assignment |
misión {f} [Christianity, Roman Catholicism, religion] | :: mission |
misión {f} | :: mission (a building used as a base for missionary work) |
misión {f} [military] | :: tour of duty |
misional {adj} | :: missionary |
misionar {vi} [religion] | :: to mission, do missionary work |
misionaria {f} | :: feminine noun of misionario |
misionario {m} | :: rare form of misionero |
misionera {f} | :: feminine noun of misionero |
misionero {adj} | :: Of or from Misiones |
misionero {m} | :: missionary |
misionero {m} | :: Someone from Misiones |
Misiones {prop} | :: Misiones (province) |
Misisipi {prop} {m} | :: Mississippi |
Misisipí {prop} {m} | :: Mississippi |
misisipiano {adj} | :: Mississippian |
misisipiano {m} | :: Mississippian |
misiva {f} | :: missive, message |
miskito {adj} | :: Miskito |
mismamente {adv} | :: only; just |
mismamente {adv} | :: actually; in fact |
mismas {determiner} | :: plural of misma |
mismidad {f} | :: sameness |
mismísimo {adj} | :: superlative of mismo, (the) very same |
mismitico {adj} | :: diminutive of mismito, itself a diminutive of mismo |
mismitico {adv} | :: diminutive of mismo |
mismito {adj} | :: diminutive of mismo |
mismo {adj} | :: same; identical; one and the same; indicates that the two compared noun clauses both represent the one thing |
mismo {adj} | :: similar; alike; practically identical; indicates that the two compared noun clauses have one or more matching qualities |
mismo {adj} [with a personal pronoun] | :: self; myself; yourself; himself; herself; itself; ourselves; themselves; emphasises the identity or singularity of the modified noun phrase |
mismo {adj} [with a possessive pronoun] | :: own; emphasizes the owner or the exclusivity of ownership in a noun phrase with a possessive pronoun |
mismo {adv} | :: right, exactly, immediately |
mismos {determiner} | :: plural of mismo |
miso {m} | :: miso |
misoginia {f} | :: misogyny |
misógino {adj} | :: misogynistic, misogynist, misogynic, misogynous |
misógino {m} | :: misogynist |
misoprostol {m} | :: misoprostol |
mispíquel {m} [mineral, uncommon] | :: arsenopyrite |
misquito {m} | :: Miskito |
miss {f} | :: beauty queen |
mistela {f} | :: mistelle |
míster {m} [colloquial] | :: coach (sports trainer or instructor, especially football) |
mistérico {adj} | :: mysteric, mystery (as in the mystery religions of Greco-Roman times) |
misterio {m} | :: mystery |
misterio {m} | :: mysteriousness |
misteriosamente {adv} | :: mysteriously |
misterioso {adj} | :: mysterious |
misterioso {adj} | :: mystery (e.g. mystery lover [in an affair], mystery man or woman [in a case or investigation]) |
misterioso {adj} | :: eerie (e.g. an eerie place, an eerie air or glow, eerie music) |
misterioso {adj} | :: uncanny (e.g. uncanny knowledge or ability) |
mística {f} | :: feminine noun of místico |
místicamente {adv} | :: mystically |
misticeto {adj} [attributive] | :: mysticete |
misticeto {m} | :: mysticete |
misticismo {m} | :: mysticism |
místico {adj} | :: mystical |
místico {m} | :: mystic |
mistificación {f} | :: mystification |
mistificador {adj} | :: mystifying |
mistificar {vt} | :: to mystify, perplex |
misto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of mixto |
misto {m} [Galician, regional Spain] | :: match (stick) (used regionally in provinces such as Galicia and Valencia) |
mistol {m} | :: mistol (tree) |
mistraliano {adj} | :: Mistralian |
misturero {adj} | :: alternative spelling of mixturero |
Misuri {prop} {m} | :: Missouri |
misuriana {f} | :: feminine noun of misuriano |
misuriano {adj} | :: Missourian |
misuriano {m} | :: Missourian |
mitad {f} | :: half |
mitayo {m} [hitorical] | :: Indian who worked in the mit'a |
miteco {adj} | :: Of or from Asunción Mita, Guatemala |
miteco {m} | :: Someone from Asunción Mita, Guatemala |
míticamente {adv} | :: mythically |
mítico {adj} | :: mythic, mythical |
mitificación {f} | :: mythification |
mitificar {v} | :: to mystify |
mitigable {adj} | :: mitigable |
mitigación {f} | :: mitigation |
mitigar {v} | :: to mitigate, alleviate, allay, assuage, quench |
mitigar {v} | :: to soothe |
Mitilene {prop} {f} | :: Mytilene |
mitilenea {f} | :: feminine noun of mitileneo |
mitileneo {adj} | :: Mytilenean |
mitileneo {m} | :: Mytilenean |
Mitilini {prop} {f} | :: Mytilene |
mitimae {mf} | :: A person forcibly resettled by the ruling Incas |
mitin {m} | :: rally (political meeting) |
mitin {m} [by extension] | :: speech |
mitín {m} [Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua, Paraguay] | :: alternative form of mitin |
mitinero {adj} | :: rabble-rousing |
mitinero {m} | :: rabble rouser |
mito {m} | :: myth |
mitocondria {f} [cytology] | :: mitochondrion |
mitocondrial {adj} [cytology] | :: mitochondrial |
mitógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of mitógrafo |
mitógrafo {m} | :: mythographer |
mitóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of mitólogo |
mitología {f} | :: mythology (collection and study of myths) |
mitológico {adj} | :: mythological |
mitólogo {m} | :: mythologist |
mitómana {f} | :: feminine noun of mitómano |
mitomanía {f} | :: mythomania |
mitómano {m} | :: mythomaniac |
mitón {m} | :: fingerless glove |
mitón {m} [South America] | :: mitten |
mitosis {f} [cytology] | :: mitosis |
mitosoma {f} [cytology] | :: mitosome |
mitote {m} | :: indigenous dance of Mexico |
mitote {m} [Mexico] | :: party, celebration |
mitote {m} [Mexico] | :: uproar, disturbance |
mitote {m} [Mexico] | :: annoying or uncomfortable action, initiative, proposal or idea |
mitótico {adj} | :: mitotic |
mitra {f} | :: mitre |
mitrado {m} | :: bishop or archbishop (who may wear a mitre) |
mitraísmo {m} | :: Mithraism |
mitral {adj} | :: mitral (pertaining to the mitral valve) |
Mitrídates {prop} {m} | :: Mithridates (several Persian kings in ancient times) |
mitridatismo {m} | :: mithridatism |
mitridatización {f} | :: mithridatism |
mitrismo {m} | :: the political beliefs or rule of Bartolomé Mitre, president of Argentina 1862-1868 |
mitrista {adj} | :: Of or relating to Bartolomé Mitre, Argentinian politician |
mitrista {mf} | :: A supporter of Bartolomé Mitre |
miura {m} | :: Miura bull |
mix {m} | :: mix |
mixameba {f} | :: myxamoeba |
mixe {adj} | :: Mixe |
mixe {mf} | :: Mixe (macrolanguage) |
mixe {mf} | :: Mixe (people) |
mixolidio {adj} | :: Mixolydian |
mixóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of mixólogo |
mixología {f} | :: mixology |
mixólogo {m} | :: mixologist |
mixoma {m} | :: myxoma |
mixomatosis {m} | :: myxomatosis |
mixozoo {m} [zoology] | :: myxozoan |
Mixquiahuala {prop} | :: Mixquiahuala (town) |
Mixquiahuala {prop} | :: Mixquiahuala (municipality) |
mixteca {f} | :: Mixtec |
mixteco {m} | :: Mixtec |
mixteco {adj} | :: Mixtec |
mixtificación {f} | :: alternative spelling of mistificación |
mixtilínea {f} [computer graphics] | :: path |
mixtilíneo {adj} | :: mixtilinear |
mixto {adj} | :: mixed |
mixto {adj} | :: compound |
mixto {m} [regional, Spain] | :: match (stick) (used chiefly in Castile and León) |
mixtura {f} | :: mixture |
mixturar {v} [obsolete or rare] | :: to mix |
Miyagawa {prop} | :: surname |
miyako {m} | :: Miyako (language) |
Miyamoto {prop} | :: surname |
miz {m} [obsolete, colloquial] | :: mog; kit (cat) |
mizquite {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mezquite |
ML {prop} | :: abbreviation of Morelos (Mexican state) |
mm {m} | :: abbreviation of milímetro |
mnemónico {adj} | :: mnemonic |
mnemónico {m} | :: mnemonic |
mnemonista {adj} | :: of a mnemonist |
mnemonista {mf} | :: mnemonist |
Mnemosina {prop} {f} | :: Mnemosyne |
mnemotécnica {f} | :: mnemonics |
mnemotécnico {adj} | :: mnemonic |
moabita {mf} | :: Moabite |
moai {m} | :: moai |
moái {m} | :: moai |
moaré {m} | :: moiré |
mobbing {m} | :: workplace bullying |
mobiliario {adj} | :: furniture (attributive) |
mobiliario {m} | :: a set of furniture |
mobiliario urbano {m} | :: street furniture |
moça {f} | :: obsolete spelling of moza |
mocaccino {m} | :: mocaccino |
mocán {m} | :: Visnea mocanera |
mocana {f} | :: feminine noun of mocano |
mocano {adj} | :: Of or from Moca |
mocano {m} | :: Someone from Moca |
mocar {v} | :: to blow someone's nose |
mocárabe {m} | :: honeycomb work; Mocárabe |
mocasín {m} [footwear, rare] | :: moccasin (native North American shoe) |
mocasín {m} [footwear] | :: laceless medium or low-heeled shoe |
mocasín {m} [snake] | :: pit viper belonging to the genus Agkistrodon |
mocasín {m} [euphemistic, Mexico] | :: booger, bogey (see "moco") |
mocedad {f} | :: youth (stage of life) |
mocedad {f} | :: prank |
mocetón {m} | :: huge guy |
mocetona {f} | :: big girl |
mochacho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of muchacho |
mochales {adj} [Spain, colloquial] | :: nuts; barmy; wacko |
mochar {v} | :: to headbutt |
mochar {v} | :: to lop; to lop off |
mochera {f} | :: feminine noun of mochero |
mochero {adj} | :: Of or from Moche |
mochero {m} | :: Someone from Moche |
mochica {adj} | :: Mochica |
mochica {mf} | :: Mochica |
mochil {m} | :: errand boy, messenger boy, especially for farmers |
mochila {f} | :: backpack |
mochilear {vi} | :: to backpack (to engage in travel with a backpack) |
mochilera {f} | :: feminine noun of mochilero |
mochilero {m} | :: backpacker |
mocho {adj} | :: mutilated, incomplete |
mocho {adj} | :: hornless (of an animal that ordinarily has horns) |
mocho {adj} [Mexico, slang] | :: having a hypocritical and ostentatious faith |
mocho {adj} | :: cut very short (of hair, a pencil, etc.) |
mocho {adj} | :: bald (with a shaved head) |
mocho {m} | :: mop |
mochuelo {m} | :: little owl (Athene noctua) |
mochuelo {m} [colloquial] | :: dirty job |
moción {f} | :: motion |
mocionante {mf} | :: proposer (of a motion) |
mocionar {v} | :: to motion; propose |
mocita {f} | :: diminutive of moza |
mocito {m} | :: diminutive of mozo; small kid |
moclobemida {f} | :: moclobemide |
moco {m} | :: mucus, bogey, bogie, booger |
moco {m} | :: slime |
moço {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mozo |
mocochinchi {m} [Bolivia] | :: A peeled and dried peach from which a particular drink is made |
mocosa {f} | :: feminine noun of mocoso |
mocoso {adj} | :: having lots of mucus |
mocoso {adj} | :: mucous |
mocoso {adj} | :: mucilaginous |
mocoso {adj} | :: snotty |
mocoso {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: brat |
mocoso {m} [colloquial, Chile] | :: a kid |
mocosuena {adv} [Spain, colloquial] | :: by Hobson-Jobson, attending to the sound of words without regard for meaning |
mocoví {adj} | :: Mocovi |
mocoví {mf} | :: Mocoví |
mod {m} | :: mod |
moda {f} | :: fashion |
moda {f} | :: fad |
moda {f} [statistics] | :: mode |
modafinilo {m} | :: modafinil |
modal {adj} | :: modal |
modalidad {f} | :: modality |
modelación {f} | :: modelling |
modelador {m} | :: modeler (someone who makes models) |
modeladora {f} | :: feminine noun of modelador |
modelaje {m} | :: modelling (profession of someone who models clothes) |
modelamiento {m} | :: modelling |
modelar {v} | :: to model |
modelarse {v} | :: reflexive of modelar |
modélico {adj} | :: model |
modelismo {m} | :: model building |
modelista {mf} | :: modelmaker |
modelito {m} | :: diminutive of modelo |
modelización {f} | :: modelling |
modelizar {v} | :: to represent in the form of a model or template |
modelo {m} | :: model (a successful example to be copied) |
modelo {m} | :: model (a representation of a physical object in miniature) |
modelo {m} | :: model (a simplified representation used to explain the workings of a system or event) |
modelo {mf} | :: fashion model |
módem {m} | :: modem |
Módena {prop} {f} | :: Módena (province) |
Módena {prop} {f} | :: Módena (city) |
moderación {f} | :: moderation |
moderadamente {adv} | :: moderately |
moderado {adj} | :: moderate |
moderador {adj} | :: moderating |
moderador {m} | :: moderator |
moderadora {f} | :: feminine noun of moderador |
moderantismo {m} | :: moderantism |
moderar {vt} | :: to moderate, to temper (to reduce the excessiveness of) |
modernamente {adv} | :: modernly |
modernidad {f} | :: modernity, modern day |
modernillo {m} | :: hipster |
modernísimo {adj} | :: superlative of moderno |
modernismo {m} | :: modernism |
modernista {adj} | :: modernist |
modernista {mf} | :: modernist |
modernización {f} | :: modernization |
modernizador {adj} | :: modernising |
modernizador {m} | :: modernizer |
modernizar {v} | :: to modernize |
moderno {adj} | :: modern |
moderno {adj} | :: modern-day |
Modesta {prop} | :: given name, female variant of Modesto |
modestamente {adv} | :: modestly |
modestia {f} | :: modesty |
modestísimamente {adv} | :: superlative of modestamente |
modestísimo {adj} | :: superlative of modesto |
modesto {adj} | :: modest, humble, unpretentious |
Modesto {prop} {m} | :: given name, male variant of Modesta |
módico {adj} | :: moderate, modest |
módico {adj} | :: limited, scarce |
modificable {adj} | :: modifiable |
modificación {f} | :: modification |
modificación genética {f} | :: genetic modification |
modificador {adj} | :: modifying |
modificar {v} | :: to modify |
modificativo {adj} | :: modifying |
modificatorio {adj} | :: modifying |
modillón {m} [architecture] | :: modillion |
modiolo {m} [anatomy] | :: modiolus |
modismo {m} [linguistics] | :: idiom |
modista {mf} | :: A tailor, fashion designer, or milliner |
modistería {f} | :: fashion design |
modistería {f} | :: tailor's |
modisto {m} | :: A tailor, fashion designer, or milliner |
modo {m} | :: way |
modo {m} [grammar] | :: mood |
modo {m} [following "ni"] | :: (no) matter; (there is no) solution (but oh well) |
modoc {adj} | :: Modoc |
modoc {mf} | :: Modoc |
modo condicional {m} [grammar] | :: conditional mood |
modo imperativo {m} [grammar] | :: imperative mood |
modo indicativo {m} [grammar] | :: indicative mood |
Modona {prop} {f} | :: Methoni |
modorra {f} | :: fatigue, drowsiness |
modorrar {v} | :: to cause to be drowsy |
modosito {adj} | :: polite |
modoso {adj} | :: well-mannered |
modoso {adj} | :: demure |
modo subjuntivo {m} [grammar] | :: subjunctive mood |
modulación {f} | :: modulation |
modulador {adj} | :: modulating |
modulador {m} | :: modulator |
modular {adj} | :: modular |
modular {v} | :: to modulate |
modularidad {f} | :: modularity |
modularizar {v} | :: to modularize |
módulo {m} | :: module |
módulo de elasticidad {m} | :: synonym of módulo de Young: modulus of elasticity |
módulo de Young {m} [physics] | :: Young’s modulus (coefficient of a solid’s elasticity) |
modus operandi {m} | :: modus operandi |
modus vivendi {m} | :: modus vivendi |
moense {adj} | :: Of or from the municipality of Moa, Cuba |
moense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Moa, Cuba |
mofa {f} | :: taunt, joke |
mofar {vr} | :: taunt (to make fun of someone) |
mofarse {v} | :: reflexive of mofar |
mofeta {f} | :: skunk |
mofle {m} [Mexico] | :: muffler (part of exhaust pipe) |
moflete {m} | :: chubby cheek; fat cheek |
mofletudo {adj} | :: fleshy, meaty |
mofongo {m} | :: A Caribbean dish of fried green plantains or yucca seasoned with garlic, olive oil and pork crackling, then mashed |
Mogadiscio {prop} | :: Mogadiscio (capital city) |
moganita {f} [mineral] | :: moganite |
mogate {m} | :: varnish |
moghrabín {m} | :: obsolete spelling of magrebí |
mogol {adj} | :: Moghul |
mogol {mf} | :: Moghul |
mogollón {m} [colloquial] | :: shedload; lot (large amount) |
mogollón {adv} [colloquial] | :: a lot; a shitton |
mogote {m} | :: mogote |
moguereña {f} | :: feminine noun of moguereño |
moguereño {m} | :: Someone from Moguer |
moguereño {adj} | :: Of or from Moguer |
mohair {m} | :: mohair |
moharra {f} | :: spearhead |
mohawk {m} | :: (hairstyle) Mohawk |
mohicano {m} | :: A Mohawk hairstyle |
mohín {m} | :: pout (facial expression) |
mohína {f} | :: displeasure, annoyance |
mohíno {adj} | :: gloomy; downbeat; sulky |
mohíno {adj} | :: (of cattle) dark black |
mohíno {m} | :: hinny (offspring of a horse and donkey) |
mohíno {m} | :: azure-winged magpie |
moho {m} | :: mildew (US), mold, mould (UK, AU, CA) |
moho {m} [dated] | :: rust |
Moho {prop} | :: Moho (province) |
mohoso {adj} | :: musty, moldy |
mohoso {adj} | :: rusty |
Moiras {prop} {fp} [Greek mythology] | :: the Moirai, the Fates |
moisés {m} | :: wicker crib |
Moisés {prop} | :: Moses (biblical figure) |
Moisés {prop} | :: given name |
mojabilidad {f} | :: wettability |
mojada {f} | :: feminine noun of mojado |
mojadera {f} | :: drenching; soaking |
mojadera {f} [Panama] | :: A festival in which those attending get a soaking |
mojado {adj} | :: wet |
mojado {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: Wetback; one who crosses an international border by passing through a body of water by wading, swimming, etc. from the shore of one country to illegally enter the adjacent country. For example, so crossing the border into the United States from Mexico, or from Morocco to Spain |
mojadura {f} | :: soaking |
mojama {f} | :: mojama |
mojar {v} | :: to moisten |
mojar {v} | :: to make wet, to wet |
mojar {v} | :: to dip (+ en) |
mojar {v} | :: to toast (celebrate with a drink) |
mojarra {f} | :: mojarra |
mojarra {f} | :: tilapia |
mojarse {v} | :: (reflexive of mojar) to get wet |
mojarse {v} | :: to wet oneself |
mojeña {f} | :: feminine noun of mojeño |
mojeño {adj} | :: Mojeño |
mojeño {m} | :: Mojeño |
mojicón {m} | :: A type of sponge cake |
mojicón {m} [colloquial] | :: A slap in the face |
mojiganga {f} | :: mummery |
mojigatería {f} | :: prudishness, sanctimony |
mojigato {adj} | :: sanctimonious (making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically) |
mojigato {adj} | :: prim; prudish |
mojito {m} | :: mojito |
mojo {m} | :: A type of spicy red sauce from the Canary Islands made from chilli, oil, vinegar, garlic and cumin |
mojón {m} | :: milestone |
mojón {m} | :: landmark |
mojón {m} [rare] | :: pile |
mojón {m} [vulgar] | :: pile of shit, turd |
mojonar {v} | :: alternative spelling of amojonar |
mojonear {v} | :: to blag |
mojonera {f} | :: Place where milestones are located |
moksha {m} | :: Moksha language |
mol {m} | :: mole (unit) |
mol {m} [Canarian] | :: Artemisia thuscula |
molalidad {f} | :: molality |
molar {adj} | :: molar |
molar {m} | :: molar |
molar {vi} [colloquial, Spain] | :: to rule, rock (be pleasing) |
molaridad {f} | :: molarity |
molariforme {adj} | :: molariform |
molcajete {m} | :: A small mortar, typically carved from vesicular basalt and used in traditional Mexican cuisine |
moldadura {f} | :: mould |
moldava {f} | :: feminine noun of moldavo |
Moldava {prop} {m} | :: Vltava |
Moldavia {prop} {f} | :: Moldova (country) |
moldavo {adj} | :: Moldavian |
moldavo {m} | :: Moldavian |
molde {m} | :: mold, cast |
molde {m} | :: pan, tin (for baking) |
moldeable {adj} | :: malleable |
moldeado {m} | :: molding (act or process of shaping in or on a mold) |
moldeador {m} | :: moulder; shaper |
moldeadora {f} | :: feminine noun of moldeador |
moldeamiento {m} | :: shaping; moulding |
moldeamiento {m} [psychologoy] | :: shaping |
moldear {vt} | :: to mold (to shape in or on a mold) |
moldear {vt} | :: to mold (to form into a particular shape) |
moldear {vt} | :: to mold (to guide the growth of; to influence) |
moldura {f} | :: mold, molding |
molduración {f} | :: moulding |
moldura de corona {f} | :: crown molding |
moldurar {v} | :: synonym of moldear |
mole {adj} | :: soft, mild |
mole {f} | :: hunk, chunk, slab (thing of large size or quantity) |
mole {f} | :: massiveness |
mole {m} [Mexico] | :: mole, a type of stew |
molécula {f} [chemistry] | :: molecule |
molecular {adj} | :: molecular |
molecularmente {adv} | :: molecularly |
moledor {adj} | :: grinding |
moledor {m} | :: grinder |
moler {v} | :: to grind |
molero {m} | :: millstone seller |
moleskine {m} | :: moleskin |
molestar {v} | :: to bother, to disturb, to trouble, to impose, to inconvenience, to burden |
molestar {v} | :: to annoy, to tease, to pester, to bug, to hassle |
molestar {v} | :: to upset, to discomfort |
molestar {v} | :: to mind [uses indirect object] |
molestar {vi} | :: to intrude |
molestar {vr} | :: to get upset |
molestarse {v} | :: reflexive of molestar |
molestia {f} | :: trouble, nuisance, hassle, annoyance, bother, vexation, inconvenience, pain in the ass, pain in the butt, disturbance, burden, imposition, pestering |
molestia {f} | :: discomfort (health-related or bodily pain) |
molestísimo {adj} | :: superlative of molesto |
molesto {adj} | :: annoyed, vexed |
molesto {adj} | :: annoying, obtrusive |
molesto {adj} | :: uncomfortable |
molestoso {adj} [Latin America] | :: annoying |
molibdenita {f} [mineral] | :: molybdenite |
molibdeno {m} | :: molybdenum |
molicie {f} | :: softness, tenderness |
molido {adj} | :: ground (crushed into a powder) |
molido {adj} | :: minced |
molido {adj} [colloquial] | :: knackered |
molido {m} | :: grind or powder |
molienda {f} | :: grist |
molienda {f} | :: grinding, milling |
molienda {f} | :: mill |
molienda {f} | :: tiredness |
molienda {f} | :: nuisance |
moliente {adj} | :: only used in corriente y moliente |
molimiento {m} | :: grinding |
molimiento {m} | :: tiredness |
Molina {prop} | :: surname |
Molina {prop} | :: Molina (city) |
molinar {m} | :: area where there are mills |
molinar {v} [Cuba] | :: To mill |
molineño {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Molina |
molinense {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Molina |
molinera {f} | :: female equivalent of molinero |
molinería {f} | :: milling industry |
molinero {m} | :: miller |
molinete {m} | :: pinwheel |
molinete {m} | :: windlass |
molinete {m} | :: turnstile |
molinillo {m} | :: molinillo (traditional Mexican wood whisk) |
molinillo {m} [Mexico, Spain, South America] | :: pepper mill |
molinillo {m} | :: grinder, coffee grinder |
molinillo {m} | :: pinwheel |
molinillo de café {m} | :: coffee grinder |
molino {m} | :: a mill |
molino de bolas {m} | :: ball mill |
molino de café {m} | :: coffee grinder |
molino de viento {m} | :: windmill |
molino glaciar {m} | :: moulin |
molla {f} | :: the soft flesh of a fruit |
mollar {adj} | :: mushy, soft, easy to peel |
mollar {adj} | :: cushy |
mollar {adj} | :: gullible |
molleja {f} | :: gizzard |
molleja {f} | :: sweetbread |
mollera {f} | :: top of the head |
mollera {f} | :: brains, brainchild |
mollete {m} | :: muffin |
mollez {f} | :: springiness |
molleza {f} [archaic] | :: softness |
molón {n} [colloquial] | :: cool |
molondrón {m} | :: okra, Abelmoschus esculentus |
molosa {f} | :: feminine noun of moloso |
moloso {adj} | :: Molossian |
moloso {m} | :: Molossian |
molote {m} [Mexico] | :: A filled corn-based pastry usually served as an appetizer or snack |
molotov {m} [rare] | :: synonym of cóctel mólotov |
moltura {f} | :: the action and effect of grinding grains or fruits |
molturación {f} | :: pressing (in winemaking) |
molusco {m} | :: mollusc |
molusco {adj} | :: molluscan |
molusquicida {f} | :: molluscicide |
moma {f} | :: blenny |
momentáneamente {adv} | :: momentarily |
momentáneo {adj} | :: momentary |
momentazo {m} | :: augmentative of momento |
momentico {m} | :: diminutive of momento |
momentito {m} | :: diminutive of momento |
momento {m} [time] | :: moment, instant |
momento {m} | :: timing |
momento {m} [physics] | :: momentum |
momento de la verdad {m} | :: moment of truth |
mometasona {f} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: mometasone |
momia {f} | :: mummy |
momia {f} [Chile, colloquial, politics, feminine] | :: right-winger (masculine momio) |
momificación {f} | :: mummification |
momificar {vt} | :: to mummify |
momio {adj} [meat] | :: lean |
momio {adj} [Chile, colloquial, politics] | :: on the right wing |
momio {m} | :: bargain, extra [in a deal] |
momio {m} [Chile, colloquial, politics, masculine] | :: right-winger (feminine momia) |
momiza {f} [Mexico, dated] | :: the older, old-fashioned generation |
momo {m} | :: funny face; silly face |
momoto {m} | :: motmot |
mona {f} | :: drunkenness, fuddle |
mona {f} | :: feminine noun of mono; female monkey |
mona {f} | :: copycat |
mona {f} [Mexico, Chile] | :: doll, puppet |
mona {f} [Colombia] | :: blonde woman |
moña {f} | :: lace, ribbon |
moña {f} [colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
monacal {adj} | :: monastic |
monacato {m} | :: the monastic life |
monacato {m} | :: monks, nuns (collectively) |
monacillo {m} | :: altar boy |
monacillo {m} | :: Turkcap; Turk's turban (Malvaviscus arboreus) |
monacita {f} | :: monazite |
Mónaco {prop} {m} | :: Mónaco (city-state) |
monada {f} | :: action of a monkey |
monada {f} | :: cute gesture or action of a child |
monada {f} | :: childish behavior |
monada {f} | :: neat little thing |
monada {f} | :: cutie |
mónada {f} | :: monad |
monádico {adj} | :: monadic (of, or relating to a monad) |
monadita {f} | :: diminutive of monada |
monago {m} | :: altar boy, acolyte |
mónago {m} [obsolete] | :: monk |
monaguense {adj} | :: Of or from the state of Monagas, Venezuela |
monaguense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the state of Monagas, Venezuela |
monaguilla {f} | :: altar girl |
monaguillo {m} | :: altar boy, acolyte |
monarca {mf} | :: monarch |
monarquía {f} | :: monarchy |
monarquía absoluta {f} | :: absolute monarchy |
monarquía constitucional {f} | :: constitutional monarchy |
monarquía parlamentaria {f} [politics] | :: parliamentary monarchy |
monárquicamente {adv} | :: monarchically |
monárquico {adj} | :: monarchic |
monárquico {adj} | :: monarchist, royalist |
monárquico {m} | :: monarchist |
monarquismo {m} | :: monarchism |
moñas {m} [colloquial] | :: mummy's boy, wimp, wuss |
monasterio {m} | :: monastery |
monasticismo {m} | :: monasticism |
monástico {adj} | :: monastic |
moncadense {mf} | :: Someone from the municipality of Montcada, Spain |
moncadista {mf} | :: A supporter of Hilario Moncado |
Moncloa {prop} {f} | :: Palace of Moncloa, seat of the Spanish prime minister |
Moncloa {prop} {f} [metonym, politics] | :: the central government of Spain |
monclovita {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the president, or central government of Spain |
mondadientes {m} | :: toothpick |
mondar {v} | :: to peel |
mondo {adj} | :: net, pure |
mondongo {m} | :: tripe |
mondongo {m} [culinary] | :: tripes and paunch |
mondo y lirondo {adj} [idiom] | :: pure and simple |
Mondragón {prop} | :: Mondragón (town) |
Mondragón {prop} | :: surname |
moneda {f} | :: coin (piece of currency in the shape of a disc) |
moneda {f} | :: currency (money) |
moneda corriente {f} [idiomatic] | :: (something) commonplace, a common thing |
moneda fuerte {f} | :: hard currency |
moneda única {f} | :: single currency |
monedera {f} | :: (small) purse or money box |
monedero {m} | :: purse, wallet |
monedita {f} | :: diminutive of moneda |
monegasca {f} | :: feminine noun of monegasco |
monegasco {adj} | :: Monégasque (from or native to Monaco) |
monegasco {adj} | :: Monégasque (pertaining to Monaco) |
monegasco {m} | :: a Monégasque |
monería {f} | :: monkey business |
monería {f} | :: funny face |
monería {f} | :: delight |
monesterio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of monasterio |
monetal {adj} | :: monetary |
monetariamente {adv} | :: monetarily, financially |
monetario {adj} | :: Related to the currency; monetary |
monetarismo {m} | :: monetarism |
monetarista {adj} | :: monetarist |
monetarista {mf} | :: monetarist |
monetarizar {v} | :: to monetize |
moñete {m} | :: ponytail (hairstyle) |
monetización {f} | :: monetization |
monetizar {v} | :: to monetize |
Monge {prop} | :: surname of Portuguese origin |
mongo {m} [colloquial, Chile, Cuba] | :: idiot |
mongo {adj} [colloquial, Chile, Cuba] | :: idiotic |
mongol {adj} | :: Mongolian (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) |
mongol {m} | :: Mongol, Mongolian (person) |
mongol {m} | :: Mongolian language |
mongol {m} | :: idiot |
mongola {f} | :: feminine noun of mongol |
Mongolia {prop} {f} | :: Mongolia |
mongólico {adj} | :: Mongolic |
mongólico {adj} | :: moronic |
mongolita {f} | :: diminutive of mongola |
mongolito {m} | :: diminutive of mongol |
mongoloide {adj} | :: Mongoloid |
mongoloide {mf} | :: Mongoloid |
moniato {m} | :: alternative form of boniato |
Mónica {prop} {f} | :: given name |
monición {f} | :: admonition |
mónico {adj} | :: monic |
monigote {m} [colloquial] | :: rag doll |
monigote {m} [colloquial] | :: stick man |
monigote {m} [colloquial, figurative] | :: puppet |
monigote {m} [colloquial] | :: cardboard or wooden representation of a human, used in various events or carnivals |
monigote {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: idiot, village idiot, buffoon |
monigote {m} [colloquial] | :: doodle |
monillo {m} | :: diminutive of mono |
monísimo {adj} | :: superlative of mono |
monismo {m} | :: monism |
monista {mf} | :: monist (advocate of monism) |
monito {m} | :: diminutive of mono |
monito del monte {m} | :: a monito del monte |
monitor {m} | :: monitor (electronic device) |
monitor {m} | :: instructor, monitor |
monitor {m} | :: coach, trainer |
monitora {f} | :: feminine noun of monitor |
monitorear {v} | :: to monitor |
monitoreo {m} | :: monitoring |
monitorieo {m} | :: alternative spelling of monitoreo |
monitorio {m} | :: monitory |
monitorista {mf} | :: security guard who watches monitors of CCTV cameras |
monitorización {f} | :: monitoring |
monitorizar {v} | :: to monitor |
monja {f} | :: nun |
monje {m} | :: monk |
Monje {prop} {m} | :: surname |
monjería {f} | :: cloister |
monjil {adj} [attributive] | :: nun |
monjil {adj} | :: nunlike |
monjil {adj} | :: pious |
monjil {m} | :: nun's habit |
monjita {f} | :: diminutive of monja |
mono- {prefix} | :: mono- |
mono {adj} [Spain, colloquial] | :: cute, pretty |
mono {adj} [Colombia, colloquial] | :: blond, blonde |
mono {m} | :: monkey |
mono {m} | :: boiler suit, coveralls, overall, onesie (a one-piece suit combining trousers and jacket, worn for heavy or hot manual labour) |
mono {m} | :: jumpsuit (a one-piece item of clothing originally by parachutists) |
mono {m} | :: jumpsuit (a female one-piece item of clothing) |
mono {m} [Chile, Peru] | :: tracksuit, joggers (garment consisting of a top and trousers for sports and casual wear) |
mono {m} [Costa Rica, slang] | :: the vulva or vagina |
mono {m} [Mexico, Chile] | :: doll, puppet |
mono {m} [colloquial] | :: withdrawal symptom |
moño {m} | :: bun, chignon (hairstyle) |
moño {m} [Mexico, South America] | :: bow (of ribbon) |
moño {m} [Argentina, El Salvador, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Uruguay] | :: bow tie, bowtie |
monoamino {adj} | :: monoamine |
monoamino {m} | :: monoamine |
monoamino oxidasa {f} | :: monoamine oxidase |
monoaminooxidasa {f} [enzyme] | :: monoamine oxidase |
mono araña {m} | :: spider monkey |
monoartritis {f} [pathology] | :: monoarthritis |
monoatómico {adj} | :: monoatomic |
mono aullador {m} | :: howler monkey |
monoaural {adj} | :: monaural |
mono barrigudo {m} | :: brown woolly monkey |
monobloque {adj} | :: monobloc |
monocapa {f} | :: monolayer |
monocarpo {adj} | :: monocarpic |
monocarril {m} | :: monorail |
monocasco {m} | :: monocoque |
monocatenario {adj} | :: single-stranded |
monoceja {f} | :: unibrow |
monocerote {m} [rare] | :: unicorn |
monociclo {m} | :: unicycle |
monocigótico {adj} | :: monozygotic |
monocilíndrico {adj} | :: one-cylinder |
monocito {m} | :: monocyte |
monoclínico {adj} [chemistry] | :: monoclinic |
monoclonal {adj} | :: monoclonal |
monocolor {adj} | :: one-color/one-colour, monocolor/monocolour, unicolor/unicolour, monochromatic |
monocolor {adj} [politics] | :: single-party, one-party |
monocorde {adj} | :: monotonous |
monocotiledón {m} | :: monocotyledon |
monocotiledónea {f} | :: monocotyledon |
monocotiledóneo {adj} | :: monocotyledonous |
monocristal {m} | :: monocrystal |
monocristalino {adj} | :: monocrystalline |
monocromado {adj} | :: monochrome |
monocromador {m} | :: monochromator |
monocromático {adj} | :: monochromatic |
monocromatismo {m} | :: monochromatism (all senses) |
monocromía {f} | :: monochromy |
monocromo {adj} | :: monochrome (having only one color) |
monóculo {m} | :: monocle |
monocultivo {m} | :: monoculture |
monocultura {f} | :: monoculture |
mono de feria {m} | :: performing monkey |
monodia {f} | :: monody |
monódico {adj} | :: monodic |
monoespacio {m} | :: monospace type |
monoespecífico {adj} | :: monospecific |
monofásico {adj} | :: monophasic |
monofilamento {m} | :: monofilament |
monofilético {adj} | :: monophyletic |
monofisismo {m} | :: monophysism |
monofisita {mf} | :: monophysite |
monofisita {adj} | :: monophysitic |
monofónico {adj} | :: monophonic |
monofosfato {m} | :: monophosphate |
monofosfuro {m} | :: monophosphide |
monogamia {f} | :: monogamy (a permanent pair bond between two beings) |
monogamia {f} | :: monogamy (the practice of being married to one person) |
monogámico {adj} | :: monogamic |
monógamo {adj} | :: monogamous |
monógamo {adj} [zoology] | :: monogamous |
monogástrico {adj} | :: monogastric |
monogenérico {adj} [taxonomy] | :: monogeneric |
monogénico {adj} | :: monogenic |
monografía {f} | :: monograph |
monográficamente {adv} | :: monographically |
monográfico {adj} | :: monographic |
monografista {mf} | :: monographer, monographist |
monograma {m} | :: monogram (a design composed of one or more letters used as an identifying mark) |
monohidrato {adj} | :: monohydrate |
monohilera {adj} | :: single-row |
monoico {adj} | :: monoicous |
monoide {m} [mathematics] | :: monoid |
monoinsaturado {adj} | :: monounsaturated |
monokini {m} | :: monokini |
monolingüe {adj} | :: monolingual |
monolingüismo {m} | :: monolingualism, unilingualism, monoglottism |
monolítico {adj} | :: monolithic |
monolitismo {m} | :: monolithism |
monolito {m} | :: monolith |
monologante {adj} | :: speaking in a monologue |
monologar {vi} | :: to monologue |
monólogo {m} | :: monologue |
monologuista {mf} | :: monologist, monologuist, stand-up, stand-up comedian |
monomanía {f} | :: monomania |
monomarca {adj} | :: single-brand |
monomérico {adj} | :: monomeric |
monómero {m} [chemistry] | :: monomer |
monómetro {m} | :: monometer |
monomio {m} [mathematics] | :: monomial |
monomito {m} | :: monomyth |
monomodo {adj} | :: monomode |
monomorfismo {m} | :: monomorphism |
monomotor {adj} | :: one-motor |
mononuclear {adj} | :: mononuclear |
mononucleosis {f} | :: mononucleosis |
monooxigenasa {f} [enzyme] | :: monooxygenase |
monoparental {adj} | :: single parent (attributive) |
monopatín {m} | :: skateboard |
monopatinaje {m} [dated] | :: skateboarding |
monoplano {adj} | :: single-winged |
monoplano {m} | :: monoplane |
monoplataforma {adj} [computing] | :: single-platform |
monoplaza {adj} | :: (of a vehicle) Having only one seat |
monoplaza {m} | :: A vehicle having only one seat |
monoploide {adj} | :: monoploid |
monoploidía {f} | :: monoploidy |
monopodial {adj} | :: monopodial |
monopolar {adj} | :: monopolar |
monopólico {adj} | :: monopolistic |
monopolio {m} | :: monopoly |
monopolista {mf} | :: monopolist |
monopolístico {adj} | :: monopolistic |
monopolización {f} | :: monopolization |
monopolizador {m} | :: monopolizer |
monopolizadora {f} | :: monopolizer |
monopolizar {v} | :: to monopolize/monopolise |
monopolo {m} | :: monopole |
monopoly {m} | :: Monopoly (board game) |
mono porfiado {m} | :: roly-poly (toy) |
monoposte publicitario {m} | :: advertising hoard |
monoposto {adj} | :: single-seat |
monoposto {m} | :: single-seater |
monopoyesis {f} [biology] | :: monopoiesis |
monoprótico {adj} | :: monoprotic |
monopsonio {m} | :: monopsony |
monoptongación {f} | :: monophthongization |
monoptongo {m} | :: monophthong |
monopulso {adj} | :: monopulse |
monopunto {adj} | :: single-point |
monoquini {m} | :: monokini |
monoriel {m} | :: monorail |
monorraíl {m} | :: monorail |
monorriel {m} | :: monorail |
monosacárido {m} [organic chemistry, carbohydrate] | :: monosaccharide |
monos animados {mp} [Latin America] | :: cartoon (animated piece of film) |
monosilábico {adj} | :: monosyllabic |
monosílabo {adj} [linguistics] | :: monosyllabic |
monosílabo {adj} | :: taciturn, untalkative, curt |
monosódico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monosodium (attributive) |
monosomía {f} | :: monosomy |
monospermo {adj} | :: monospermic |
monotarea {adj} | :: single-tasking |
monoteísmo {m} | :: monotheism |
monoteísta {adj} | :: monotheistic |
monotelismo {m} | :: Monotheletism, Monothelitism |
monotema {m} [usually, pejorative] | :: single topic |
monotemático {adj} | :: monothematic |
monoterapia {f} [medicine] | :: monotherapy |
monoterpeno {m} [organic compound] | :: monoterpene |
monoterpenoide {m} [organic compound] | :: monoterpenoid |
monotípico {adj} [taxonomy] | :: monotypic (relating to or exhibiting monotypy) |
monotipo {m} | :: monotype |
monotiro {adj} | :: single-shot |
monótonamente {adv} | :: monotonously |
monotonía {f} | :: monotony |
monótono {adj} | :: monotonous, humdrum |
monotrema {m} | :: monotreme |
monotubo {m} | :: monotube |
monousuario {adj} [computing] | :: single-user |
monovalente {adj} | :: monovalent |
monovarietal {adj} | :: monovarietal |
monovolumen {m} | :: minivan |
monóxido {m} [chemistry] | :: monoxide |
monroísmo {m} | :: Monroeism |
Monrovia {prop} | :: Monrovia (capital city) |
monroviana {f} | :: feminine noun of monroviano |
monroviano {adj} | :: Monrovian (of or pertaining to Monrovia, Liberia) |
monroviano {m} | :: Monrovian (native or resident of Monrovia, Liberia) |
Monse {prop} {f} | :: given name |
monseñor {m} | :: Monsignor |
monserga {f} | :: gibberish, drivel |
Monserrat {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Monsón {prop} | :: surname |
monstrua {f} | :: (female) monster; monstress |
monstruillo {m} | :: diminutive of monstruo |
monstruito {m} | :: diminutive of monstruo; little monster |
monstruo {m} | :: monster, beast, behemoth |
monstruo {m} | :: juggernaut |
monstruo {m} [colloquial] | :: freak, creep |
monstruo de Gila {m} | :: Gila monster |
monstruo del lago Ness {prop} [cryptozoology] | :: Loch Ness monster |
monstruosamente {adv} | :: monstrously |
monstruosidad {f} | :: monstrosity, monstrousness |
monstruosidad {f} | :: eyesore |
monstruosidad {f} [colloquial] | :: freak, freakish thing |
monstruoso {adj} | :: monstrous |
monstruoso {adj} | :: horrible |
monta {f} | :: riding |
monta {f} | :: mounting |
monta {f} | :: total, sum total |
monta {f} | :: importance |
montacargas {m} | :: service lift, goods lift, cargo lift [UK], freight elevator, goods elevator, service elevator, cargo elevator [US] |
montacargas {m} | :: forklift |
montadito {m} [Spain] | :: mini sandwich |
montado {adj} [colloquial, Spain] | :: loaded; rolling in it (rich) |
montado {adj} | :: whipped (said of cream) |
montador {m} | :: assembler (one who assembles items) |
montador {m} | :: editor (of film) |
montadora {f} | :: feminine noun of montador |
montaje {m} | :: assembly |
montaje {m} | :: arrangement, orchestration |
montaje {m} | :: montage |
montaje {m} [cinematography] | :: editing |
montajista {mf} | :: film editor |
Montalbán {prop} | :: Montalbán (town) |
Montalbán {prop} | :: surname |
Montalbo {prop} | :: surname a rare variant of Montalvo |
Montana {prop} {f} | :: Montana (state) |
montaña {f} | :: mountain |
montaña rusa {f} | :: rollercoaster |
montañera {f} | :: mountaineer |
montañero {adj} [attributive] | :: mountain |
montañero {m} | :: mountaineer |
montañero {m} | :: bumpkin, churl, boor, yokel |
montanés {adj} | :: Montanan |
montanés {m} | :: Montanan |
montañés {adj} | :: mountain, highland |
montañés {m} | :: highlander, mountaineer |
montañés {m} | :: the Astur-Leonese dialect spoken in western parts of Cantabria |
Montañés {prop} | :: surname |
montanesa {f} | :: feminine noun of montanés |
Montañez {prop} | :: surname |
montañismo {m} | :: mountaineering |
montañista {mf} | :: A mountaineer |
montañita {f} | :: diminutive of montaña |
montano {adj} | :: montane |
Montaño {prop} | :: surname |
montañoso {adj} | :: mountainous |
montante {m} | :: a two-handed sword |
montante {m} | :: total (original amount of money plus interest) |
montante {m} | :: window over the door to a room; fanlight |
montante {m} [nautical] | :: pieces that form the outline of the stern |
montante {f} | :: wall stud |
montar {v} | :: to mount |
montar {v} | :: to ride |
montar {v} | :: to set up |
montar {v} | :: to establish |
montar {v} [Spain, cooking] | :: to whip, beat |
montar {vr} | :: to hump |
montaraz {m} | :: ranger, mountaineer, roughneck, ranchhand (i.e. guardian of a vast, wild estate, especially mountainous) |
montaraz {adj} | :: wild, rough (i.e. not quite civilized) |
montaraza {f} | :: female ranger (i.e. guardian of a vast and wild estate) |
montaraza {f} | :: wife of a montaraz |
montar el numerito {v} [idiomatic] | :: alternative form of montar un numerito |
montar el pollo {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to make a scene |
montarla {v} [colloquial] | :: to kick up a fuss |
montarrascal {m} [El Salvador] | :: thicket, underbrush, brush, scrub (rough vegetation) |
montarse {v} | :: reflexive of montar |
montarse historias {v} [idiom, Spain] | :: To make things up; to fabricate lies |
montarse la de San Quintín {v} [idiom] | :: alternative form of armar la de san Quintín |
montárselo {vr} [idiomatic] | :: to behave, act |
montárselo {v} [idiom] | :: to have it off; to do it (have sex) |
montar una escena {v} [idiomatic] | :: to make a scene |
montar un numerito {v} [idiomatic] | :: to kick up a fuss, make a scene |
Montblanc {prop} {m} | :: Montblanc, a village in Tarragona, Spain |
monte {m} | :: mountain, mount |
monte {m} | :: hill |
monte {m} | :: forest, wilderness |
monte {m} [Mexico] | :: desert |
monte {m} [Dominican Republic, Mexico, singular only] | :: underbrush |
monte {m} [Dominican Republic, Mexico, singular only] | :: weeds |
Monte {prop} | :: surname |
Montealegre {prop} | :: surname |
montecillo {m} | :: hill |
montecito {m} | :: diminutive of monte: little mountain |
montecristense {adj} | :: Of or from Montecristi |
montecristense {mf} | :: Someone from Montecristi |
monte de Venus {m} | :: mons Venus |
Montejo {prop} | :: surname |
montelukast {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: montelukast |
Montemayor {prop} | :: surname, the 485th most common in Mexico |
montenegrina {f} | :: feminine noun of montenegrino |
montenegrino {adj} | :: Montenegrin |
montenegrino {m} | :: Montenegrin (person) |
Montenegro {prop} | :: Montenegro |
Montenegro {prop} | :: surname |
montepío {m} | :: social collective fund |
montepío {m} | :: institution that holds the fund |
montera {f} [bullfighting] | :: bullfighter's hat |
montera {f} | :: bagpiper's hat |
montereña {f} | :: feminine noun of montereño |
montereño {adj} | :: Of or from the city or municipality of Montero, Bolivia |
montereño {m} | :: Someone from the city or municipality of Montero, Bolivia |
montería {f} [hunting] | :: beating |
monterilla {f} | :: diminutive of montera |
monterita {f} | :: Any of a number of different species of finch |
montero {m} | :: hunter; beater |
Montero {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Monterrey {prop} {f} | :: Monterrey (city/capital) |
Monterrey {prop} {f} | :: Monterrey (city) |
Monterrey {prop} {f} | :: Monterrey (town/capital) |
Monterrey {prop} {f} | :: Monterrey (town) |
Montes {prop} {m} | :: surname |
montés {adj} | :: highland, mountain (attributive) |
montesinista {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the government of Vladimiro Montesinos, Peruvian politician |
montesinista {mf} | :: A follower or adherent of the ideology of Vladimiro Montesinos, Peruvian politician |
monteverde {m} | :: An area of subtropical forest found in the Canary Islands |
montevideana {f} | :: feminine noun of montevideano |
montevideano {adj} | :: Montevidean, of or from Montevideo |
montevideano {m} | :: Montevidean, native or inhabitant of Montevideo |
Montevideo {prop} | :: Montevideo (capital city) |
monticular {adj} [baseball, attributive] | :: pitching |
monticulista {mf} [baseball, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela] | :: pitcher |
montículo {m} | :: mound; monticule |
montículo {m} [baseball] | :: mound |
montillana {f} | :: feminine noun of montillano |
montillano {adj} | :: Of or from Montilla |
montillano {m} | :: Someone from Montilla |
Montjuic {prop} {m} | :: Montjuïc |
montmorillonita {f} [mineral] | :: montmorillonite |
monto {m} | :: amount |
montón {m} | :: heap, pile (collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation) |
montón {m} | :: ton, a lot, bunch, heap, loads (a great deal; a great quantity) |
montonazo {m} | :: whole lot, great bunch |
montoncillo {m} | :: diminutive of montón |
montoncito {m} | :: diminutive of montón |
montonera {f} [history] | :: an armed civilian in a paramilitary group, who organized in the 19th century during the Argentine Civil War |
montonera {f} [colloquial] | :: shedload, bucketload, hell of a lot if |
montonero {m} | :: mounted rebel |
montoso {adj} [rare] | :: alternative spelling of montuoso |
Montoya {prop} | :: surname |
Montreal {prop} {f} | :: Montreal (largest city) |
Montréal {prop} | :: alternative form of Montreal |
montrealense {f} | :: Someone from Montreal |
montrealés {adj} | :: Montrealer (of or pertaining to Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
montrealés {m} | :: Montrealer (native or resident of Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
montrealesa {f} | :: feminine noun of montrealés |
Montserrat {prop} {f} | :: A hill near Barcelona in Catalonia, the site of a monastery |
Montserrat {prop} {f} | :: given name, shortened from María (de) Montserrat, a Roman Catholic epithet of the Virgin Mary as the patron of Catalonia |
Montserrat {prop} {f} | :: Montserrat (the island) |
montubia {f} | :: feminine noun of montubio |
montubio {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Montubio people of Ecuador |
montubio {m} | :: A member of the Montubio people of Ecuador |
montuno {adj} | :: highland, mountain [attributive] (from the mountains) |
montuno {adj} [Latin America] | :: rude, crude (not civilized) |
montuno {m} [music] | :: montuno |
montuoso {adj} | :: mountainous |
montuoso {adj} [attributive] | :: mountain |
montura {f} | :: mount (animal used for riding) |
montura {f} | :: harness (gear used for riding) |
montura {f} | :: mounting |
montura {f} | :: assembling |
montuvia {f} | :: feminine noun of montuvio |
montuvio {m} | :: synonym of montubio |
moñudo {adj} | :: tufted |
moñudo {m} | :: southern crested caracara |
monumental {adj} | :: monumental |
monumentalidad {f} | :: monumentality |
monumentalismo {m} | :: monumentalism |
monumentalista {mf} | :: monumentalist |
monumentalización {f} | :: monumentalization |
monumentalmente {adv} | :: monumentally |
monumento {m} | :: monument |
monzón {mf} | :: monsoon |
monzónico {adj} [attributive] | :: monsoon |
monzonita {f} | :: monzonite |
mopa {f} [Spain] | :: mop |
mopane {m} | :: mopane |
mopear {v} [US Spanish] | :: to mop |
mopera {f} | :: A type of dancer in Bolivia |
moperita {f} | :: diminutive of mopera |
moquear {v} | :: to have a runny nose |
moquear {vr} | :: to run |
Moquegua {prop} | :: Moquegua (region) |
Moquegua {prop} | :: Moquegua (city) |
moquera {f} | :: runny nose |
moqueta {f} | :: fitted carpet |
moquete {m} | :: A punch to the nose |
moquillo {m} | :: distemper (disease of animals) |
moquito {m} | :: booger |
moquito {m} | :: little booger |
mora {f} | :: a mulberry, a mulberry fruit |
mora {f} | :: default (failure to meet an obligation on time) |
mora {f} [phonology] | :: mora (unit of syllable weight) |
mora {f} | :: feminine noun of moro |
mora azul {f} | :: blueberry |
morabito {m} [Islam] | :: marabout |
moráceo {adj} [botany] | :: moraceous |
mora chehalem {f} | :: Chehalem berry |
morada {f} | :: abode, dwelling |
morada {f} | :: resting place |
Morada {prop} | :: surname |
mora de los pantanos {f} | :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus |
morado {adj} | :: purple |
morado {m} | :: purple, mulberry |
morado {m} | :: bruise |
morado {m} [heraldry] | :: murrey |
morador {adj} | :: dwelling, inhabiting |
morador {m} | :: dweller, one who resides |
moradora {f} | :: feminine noun of morador |
moral {adj} | :: moral (relating to right and wrong) |
moral {adj} | :: moral (conforming to a standard of right behaviour) |
moral {f} | :: morals, standard (modes of conduct) |
moral {f} | :: morale (the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal) |
moral {m} | :: mulberry tree |
moraleja {f} | :: moral |
Morales {prop} | :: surname Derived from mora |
moralidad {f} | :: morality |
moralina {f} | :: Inopportune, fake or superficial moral (ethical lesson), sometimes used with the sense of sanctimonious |
moralismo {m} | :: moralism |
moralista {adj} | :: moralist |
moralización {f} | :: moralization |
moralizador {adj} | :: moralizing |
moralizador {m} | :: moralizer |
moralizante {adj} | :: moralistic |
moralizar {v} | :: to moralize |
moralmente {adv} | :: morally |
morapio {m} | :: red wine |
morar {v} | :: to reside, to dwell, to abide |
morar {v} | :: to sojourn |
morar {v} | :: to indwell (+ en) |
mora santiam {f} | :: Santiam berry |
Morato {prop} | :: surname |
moratón {m} [colloquial] | :: bruise |
moratoria {f} | :: moratorium |
moratorio {adj} [legal, finance] | :: moratory |
morava {f} | :: feminine noun of moravo |
Moravia {prop} {f} | :: Moravia |
moravo {adj} | :: Moravian |
moravo {m} | :: Moravian |
morazánica {f} | :: feminine noun of morazánico |
morazánico {adj} | :: Of or from Morazán |
morazánico {m} | :: Someone from Morazán |
morazo {m} | :: augmentative of moro |
mórbidamente {adv} | :: morbidly |
morbidez {f} | :: softness |
morbidez {f} | :: morbidity |
mórbido {adj} | :: morbid |
morbilidad {f} | :: morbidity |
morbimortalidad {f} | :: morbimortality |
morbo {m} [diseases] | :: disease |
morbo {m} | :: morbid interest in other people or things |
morbo {m} | :: attraction for unwholesome things. morbidity |
morbosamente {adv} | :: morbidly, ghoulishly |
morbosidad {f} | :: morbosity |
morboso {adj} | :: morbid, sick |
morboso {adj} | :: Causing sickness |
morboso {adj} | :: sickening |
morcella {f} | :: spark (fiery particle) |
morcilla {f} | :: blood sausage, black pudding |
morcillón {adj} [colloquial, Spain, said of a body part] | :: chubby |
morcillón {adj} [colloquial, Spain, said of the penis] | :: semierect |
morcón {m} | :: (large) blood sausage |
mordacidad {f} | :: acerbity, sharpness (of a person's mode of speaking) |
mordaga {f} [colloquial] | :: drunkenness |
mordaz {adj} | :: caustic; corrosive |
mordaz {adj} | :: scathing |
mordaza {f} | :: gag |
mordaza {f} | :: clamp (tool) |
mordazmente {adv} | :: caustically; bitingly |
mordedor {adj} | :: biting, bitey (prone to bite) |
mordedor {adj} | :: mordacious |
mordedor {m} | :: teething ring for babies |
mordedura {f} | :: bite |
morder {v} | :: to bite, to nip |
morder {v} | :: to gnaw |
morder {v} | :: to grasp, to clutch |
morder {v} | :: to wear away, to wear down |
morder {v} | :: to corrode (i.e. acid on metal) |
morder {v} | :: to criticize, to run down, to gossip about, to find fault with |
morder el polvo {v} [idiom] | :: to bite the dust |
morder la mano que te da de comer {v} [idiomatic] | :: to bite the hand that feeds you |
mordida {f} | :: bite |
mordida {f} [Mexico, slang] | :: bribe |
mordida {f} [Mexico, slang, in the plural] | :: petty theft |
mordidita {f} | :: diminutive of mordida |
mordido {adj} | :: bitten |
mordido {adj} [football] | :: weak [such as a kick with little power because it came off the wrong part of the player's foot] |
mordiente {adj} | :: mordant |
mordiscar {vt} | :: to nibble |
mordisco {m} | :: bite |
mordiscón {m} | :: augmentative of mordisco |
mordisquear {v} | :: to nibble |
mordisquito {m} | :: small bite, nip |
mordvina {f} | :: feminine noun of mordvino |
mordvino {adj} | :: Mordvinian |
mordvino {m} | :: Mordvinian |
mordvino {m} | :: Mordvinian |
morelense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Morelos |
moreliana {f} | :: feminine noun of moreliano |
moreliano {adj} | :: Of or from Morelia |
moreliano {m} | :: Someone from Morelia |
Morelos {prop} {f} | :: Morelos (state) |
morena {f} | :: dark-skinned female, brunette |
morena {f} [fish] | :: moray |
morenada {f} | :: A traditional Bolivian dance involving the wearing of masks and a slow rhythm |
morenísimo {adj} | :: superlative of moreno |
morenista {mf} | :: A supporter or follower of Argentine politician Mariano Moreno |
morenista {adj} | :: Supporting or following Argentine politician Mariano Moreno |
morenita {f} | :: diminutive of morena |
morenito {m} | :: diminutive of moreno |
moreno {adj} | :: dark colored |
moreno {adj} | :: dark-skinned, tan |
moreno {adj} | :: dark-haired |
moreno {m} | :: a dark-skinned or tan person |
moreno {m} | :: a person with dark-hair |
Moreno {prop} | :: surname |
morentiano {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Enrique Morente (1942-2010), a Spanish flamenco player, or his style of music |
móreo {adj} [botany] | :: moraceous |
morera {f} | :: white mulberry, Morus alba |
morería {f} [historical] | :: An area in a town where Moors lived during Christian rule |
morete {m} | :: bruise |
moretón {m} | :: bruise |
-morfa {suffix} | :: feminine noun of -morfo |
-morfa {suffix} | :: feminine singular of -morfo |
morfar {v} [Argentina, &, Uruguay, Rio de la Plata, lunfardo] | :: Gobble, scoff, scarf (to eat voraciously) |
morfar {v} [Argentina, &, Uruguay, football, slang] | :: To hog the ball |
morfea {f} | :: morphea |
morfema {m} | :: morpheme |
Morfeo {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Morpheus |
morfina {f} | :: morphine (opioid used as an anaesthetic or recreational drug) |
morfinómana {f} | :: feminine noun of morfinómano |
morfinómano {adj} | :: addicted to morphine |
morfinómano {m} | :: morphine addict |
morfismo {m} | :: morphism |
-morfo {suffix} | :: -morph |
-morfo {suffix} | :: -morphic, -morphous |
morfo- {prefix} | :: morpho- |
morfo {m} | :: morph |
morfoanatomía {f} | :: morphoanatomy |
morfoestructural {adj} | :: morphostructural |
morfofisiología {f} | :: morphophysiology |
morfofonología {f} | :: morphophonology |
morfogénesis {f} [biology] | :: morphogenesis |
morfogenético {adj} | :: morphogenetic |
morfogénico {adj} | :: morphogenic |
morfógeno {m} | :: morphogen |
morfología {f} | :: morphology |
morfológicamente {adv} | :: morphologically |
morfológico {adj} | :: morphological |
morfometría {f} | :: morphometrics |
morfométrico {adj} | :: morphometric |
morfosedimentario {adj} [geology] | :: morphosedimentary |
morfosintáctico {adj} | :: morphosyntactic |
morfosintaxis {f} [linguistics] | :: morphosyntax |
morfotipo {m} | :: morphotype |
morganáticamente {adv} | :: morganatically |
morganático {adj} | :: morganatic |
morgue {f} | :: morgue |
Mori {prop} | :: surname |
moribundo {adj} | :: moribund, nearing death |
morichal {m} | :: moriche palm plantation |
moriche {m} | :: moriche palm |
moridero {m} [derogatory] | :: A place where one goes to die |
morigerador {adj} | :: restraining |
morigerador {m} | :: restrainer |
morigeradora {f} | :: feminine noun of morigerador |
morigerar {v} | :: to restrain |
morillo {m} | :: andiron |
moringa {f} | :: moringa |
Morioka {prop} | :: surname |
moriori {mf} | :: Moriori |
morir {v} | :: to die |
morir como un perro {v} [idiom] | :: To die alone and abandoned |
morir de hambre {v} | :: to die of hunger, to starve to death |
morir de hambre {vi} [idiom] | :: to starve, to be starving, to be famished |
morir de hambre {vp} [idiom] | :: to starve, to be starving, to be famished |
morirse {vr} | :: to die |
morisca {f} | :: feminine noun of morisco |
morisco {adj} | :: Moorish |
morisco {m} | :: Moor |
morisco {m} | :: Morisco (Muslim convert to Christianity) |
morisma {f} | :: Moors |
morisqueta {f} | :: funny face |
morisqueta {f} | :: A dish from Mexico, made of cooked rice, combined with beans, and served with a sauce of tomato, onion and garlic |
morito {m} | :: diminutive of moro |
morlaco {m} | :: A large Spanish fighting bull |
mormón {m} | :: Mormon |
mormona {f} | :: feminine noun of mormón |
mormonismo {m} | :: Mormonism |
mormullo {m} | :: archaic spelling of murmullo |
moro {m} | :: a Moor (North African Muslim) |
moro {m} [colloquial] | :: a Muslim or Arab, particularly Muslims in the southern Philippines |
morocha {f} | :: dark-eyed, dark-haired and medium to dark-skinned woman |
morocho {m} | :: dark-eyed, dark-haired and white-skinned man |
morocho {m} [Venezuela] | :: identical twin |
moromierda {mf} [Spain, offensive, derogatory, vulgar, slang] | :: Pejorative word to designate a person of Maghreb or Arab origin |
morón {m} | :: small hill; hillock |
moronga {f} | :: moronga (sausage made from pigs' blood) |
morosidad {f} | :: defaulting, delinquency (a debt that is overdue for payment) |
morosidad {f} | :: slowness, sluggishness |
moroso {adj} | :: defaulting, delinquent (late or failing to pay a debt) |
moroso {m} | :: defaulter |
moros y cristianos {mp} | :: See: es moros y cristianos |
moros y cristianos {mp} | :: A traditional festival celebrated in various cities across Spain, during which a mediaeval battle between pompously dressed Moors and Christians is simulated, ending with the Christians retaking the city |
moros y cristianos {mp} [culinary] | :: A Cuban dish consisting of black beans (the Moors) and rice (the Christians) |
moroveña {f} | :: feminine noun of moroveño |
moroveño {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to Morovis, Puerto Rico |
moroveño {m} | :: Someoen from Morovis, Puerto Rico |
morra {f} | :: upper part of the head |
morra {interj} | :: Used to call a cat |
morra {f} | :: morra (game) |
morra {f} [in a game of morra] | :: a fist, which has the numeric value of zero |
morral {m} | :: backpack or knapsack |
morralla {f} | :: junk |
morralla {f} | :: riff-raff |
morralla {f} [colloquial] | :: change (small coins) |
morrear {v} [colloquial] | :: to snog |
morrena {f} | :: moraine |
morreo {m} [colloquial] | :: snog |
morrillo {m} | :: back of the neck |
morrillo {m} | :: The fleshy back part of the neck of cattle or tuna |
morriña {f} [colloquial] | :: homesickness, nostalgia |
morriña {f} [veterinary medicine] | :: murrain |
morrión {m} | :: morion (kind of helmet) |
morro {m} | :: hill |
morro {m} | :: snout (long nose of an animal) |
morro {m} [figuratively] | :: mouth |
morro {m} | :: hillock |
morro {m} | :: cheek; cheekiness |
morro {m} | :: pebble |
morro {m} | :: headland |
morrocotudo {adj} | :: tremendous, terrific |
morrocoy {m} [Venezuela] | :: tortoise |
morrón {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, parts of Chile] | :: sweet pepper, bell pepper |
morrón {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: blow, knock, thump |
morsa {f} | :: walrus |
morseto {m} | :: terminal (of electricity) |
mortadela {f} | :: mortadella |
mortadela {f} | :: baloney |
mortadelo {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: Monopoly money |
mortadelo {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: James Bond; spy (especially said of the secret police of the Mossos d'Esquadra) |
mortaja {f} | :: shroud (dress for the dead) |
mortal {adj} | :: deadly |
mortal {adj} | :: mortal |
mortalidad {f} | :: mortality |
mortalmente {adv} | :: fatally, mortally |
mortandad {f} | :: mortality (death on a large scale) |
mortecino {adj} | :: dim (not bright) |
mortecino {adj} | :: dull, boring |
mortecino {adj} | :: dying |
morterazo {m} | :: shot of mortar |
mortero {m} | :: mortar |
mortero de cal {m} | :: lime mortar |
mortífero {adj} | :: deadly, lethal |
mortificación {f} | :: mortification |
mortificante {adj} | :: mortifying |
mortificar {vt} | :: to mortify |
mortificar {vt} | :: to torment, to annoy |
mortificar {vr} | :: to feel ashamed |
mortiguar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of amortiguar |
mortinato {m} [formal] | :: stillbirth, stillborn |
mortual {f} | :: A kind of will or testament which judges who inherits a deceased person's belongings after their death, in the absence of a will itself |
mortuoriamente {adv} | :: morbidly |
mortuorio {adj} | :: mortuary |
morueco {m} | :: ram |
mórula {f} | :: morula |
moruno {adj} | :: Moorish |
Mosa {prop} {m} | :: Mosa (river) |
Mosa {prop} {m} | :: Mosa (department) |
mosaicismo {m} | :: mosaicism |
mosaico {adj} | :: Mosaic |
mosaico {m} | :: mosaic |
mosasáurido {m} [paleontology] | :: mosasaur |
mosasaurio {m} [paleontology] | :: mosasaur |
mosca {f} | :: fly (any insect of the order Diptera) |
mosca {f} [boxing] | :: fly (boxing class) |
mosca {f} [television] | :: digital on-screen graphic |
moscabada {f} | :: muscovado |
mosca muerta {f} | :: See: es mosca muerta |
mosca muerta {f} [idiom] | :: two-faced cow, two-faced bitch |
mosca muerta {f} | :: (in phrase hacerse la mosquita muerta) to look like butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth |
moscar {v} | :: to hollow out |
moscarda {f} | :: blowfly |
moscardón {m} | :: blowfly, bottlefly (large flies, especially of the family Calliphoridae) |
moscardón {m} | :: pest (annoying person) |
moscatel {m} | :: Moscatel |
mosco {m} | :: mosquito |
moscón {m} | :: nuisance |
moscón {m} | :: blowfly (insect) |
moscovita {adj} | :: Muscovite |
moscovita {mf} | :: Muscovite |
moscovita {f} [mineral] | :: muscovite |
moscovita {f} | :: A type of chocolate biscuit |
Moscú {prop} | :: Moscú (federal city/capital) |
Moscú {prop} | :: Moscú (oblast) |
Mosela {prop} {f} | :: Mosela (river) |
Mosela {prop} {f} | :: Mosela (department) |
mosén {m} | :: A title of nobility used in the Crown of Aragon |
mosén {m} | :: A title given to Catholic priests in Aragon and Catalonia |
mosfet {m} | :: MOSFET |
mosquear {v} [colloquial] | :: to pester, bug, bother |
mosquera {f} | :: feminine noun of mosquero |
mosquerito {m} | :: flycatcher (any of various birds) |
mosquero {m} | :: flypaper |
mosquero {m} | :: Area swarming with flies |
mosquero {m} | :: flycatcher |
mosquero {m} | :: flyfisherman |
mosqueta {f} | :: shell game |
mosqueta {f} | :: cold hard cash |
mosqueta {f} | :: sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa) |
mosquete {m} | :: musket |
mosquetería {f} [military] | :: musketry (group of musketeers) |
mosquetero {m} | :: musketeer |
mosquetón {m} | :: carabiner |
mosquetón {m} | :: musket (firearm) |
mosquita {f} | :: diminutive of mosca |
mosquitera {f} | :: mosquito net |
mosquitero {m} | :: mosquito net |
mosquito {m} | :: mosquito |
mosquito {m} | :: gnat |
mosquito {m} [Mexico, colloquial] | :: trimmer |
mosquito {m} | :: diminutive of mosco, small fly |
mosquito tigre {m} | :: tiger mosquito |
mosso {m} | :: A member of the Mossos d'Esquadra |
mostacho {m} | :: big mustache |
mostachudo {adj} | :: moustachio'd |
mostacilla {f} | :: bead |
mostacilla {f} | :: Bunias erucago |
mostacilla {f} | :: Cynophalla flexuosa |
mostajo {m} | :: Sorbus spp., especially Sorbus aria (common whitebeam) |
mostaza {f} | :: mustard |
Mostazal {prop} {m} | :: Mostazal (city) |
mostazalino {adj} | :: from the Chilean city of Mostazal |
mostela {f} | :: least weasel |
mosto {m} | :: must (fruit juice) |
mostoleño {adj} | :: of or from Móstoles |
mostoleño {m} | :: someone of or from Móstoles |
mostolense {adj} | :: of or from Móstoles |
mostolense {mf} | :: someone of or from Móstoles |
mostolero {adj} | :: of or from Móstoles |
mostolero {m} | :: someone of or from Móstoles |
Móstoles {prop} | :: Móstoles (city) |
mostración {f} | :: showing; revealing |
mostrador {m} | :: (shop) counter |
mostrador {m} | :: shower (one who shows) |
mostradorcito {m} | :: diminutive of mostrador |
mostradriz {f} | :: feminine noun of mostrador |
mostrar {vt} | :: to show (have somebody see something) |
mostrario {m} | :: sample book |
mostrario {m} | :: Collection of samples |
mostrarse {v} | :: reflexive of mostrar |
mostrear {v} | :: to sample |
mostrenco {adj} | :: dumb, idiotic, dense |
mostrenco {adj} | :: fat, tubby |
mostrenco {adj} | :: ownerless, unclaimed |
mostreo {m} | :: sampling |
Mosul {prop} | :: Mosul |
mota {f} | :: speck (tiny spot) |
mota {f} [uncountable, slang, Latin America] | :: marijuana |
mota {f} | :: fluff, pill |
motagüense {adj} | :: Of or from the river Motagua |
motagüense {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Club Deportivo Motagua |
motagüense {mf} | :: Someone from the river Motagua |
motagüense {mf} | :: someone from or pertaining to Club Deportivo Motagua |
mote {m} | :: nickname |
mote {m} | :: motto (heraldry) |
mote {m} [South America] | :: hulled cereal, especially pearl barley and hominy |
moteado {adj} | :: mottled |
moteado {adj} | :: (having spots) spotted |
motear {v} | :: to dapple |
motejar {vt} | :: to nickname (to give a nickname to) |
motel {m} | :: motel |
motel {m} [Mexico] | :: brothel, whorehouse |
motelo {m} | :: yellow-footed tortoise [Chelonoidis denticulata] |
motera {f} | :: female equivalent of motero; a female motorcyclist |
motero {m} | :: Someone who sells mote (grain) |
motero {m} | :: biker, motorcyclist |
motete {m} | :: motet |
motete {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] | :: pack |
motilidad {f} | :: motility |
motillo {f} | :: diminutive of moto |
motilón {adj} | :: Motilon |
motilón {m} | :: Motilon |
motilón {m} | :: layperson |
motilona {f} | :: feminine noun of motilón |
motín {m} | :: mutiny |
motito {m} | :: diminutive of moto |
motivable {adj} | :: motivatable |
motivación {f} | :: motivation |
motivacional {adj} | :: motivational |
motivadamente {adv} | :: in a motivated manner |
motivador {adj} | :: motivating, encouraging |
motivador {m} | :: motivator |
motivante {adj} | :: motivating |
motivar {vt} | :: to motivate |
motivo {m} | :: reason, ground, motive |
moto- {prefix} | :: Used to form terms relating to motors |
moto {f} | :: clipping of motocicleta; motorcycle |
moto {m} | :: milestone |
motoarado {m} | :: electric tiller |
motoasaltante {mf} | :: one who uses a vehicle to commit assault |
motobomba {f} | :: motorized pump (device to transport liquids) |
motoca {f} | :: toy pedal bike |
motocarro {m} | :: three-wheeler |
motocart {m} | :: monowheel tractor |
motochorra {f} | :: feminine noun of motochorro |
motochorro {m} [Argentina, Paraguay] | :: one who uses a motorcycle to carry out robberies |
motocicleta {f} | :: motorcycle |
motociclismo {m} | :: motorcycle sport |
motociclista {mf} | :: motorcyclist, biker |
motoconchista {mf} | :: A motoconcho rider |
motoconcho {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] | :: motorcycle taxi used for public transport |
motocrós {m} | :: motocross |
motocross {m} | :: motocross |
motocultor {m} | :: two-wheel tractor |
moto de agua {m} | :: jet ski |
moto de nieve {m} | :: snowmobile |
motoguadaña {f} | :: weedwhacker, string trimmer |
motón {m} | :: pulley |
motonáutica {f} | :: powerboating |
motonave {f} | :: motor vessel |
motoneta {f} | :: moped (lightweight, two-wheeled vehicle) |
motoneurona {f} | :: motor neuron |
motonieve {f} | :: snowmobile |
motoqueiro {m} | :: biker, especially one in a biker gang |
motor {adj} | :: moving |
motor {m} | :: motor (mechanical device) |
motor {m} [mechanics] | :: engine |
motor {m} [figuratively] | :: driving force, driver, mover |
motor {m} [figuratively] | :: powerhouse |
motor {m} [computing] | :: backend, back end |
motora {f} [nautical] | :: motorboat |
motora {f} | :: motorcycle |
motorcito {m} | :: diminutive of motor |
motorhome {m} | :: motorhome |
motorista {mf} | :: biker, motorcyclist |
motorización {f} | :: motorization |
motorizar {v} | :: to motorise |
motoserrucho {m} | :: chainsaw |
motosierra {f} | :: chainsaw |
motosoldadora {f} | :: motorized welding machine |
mototaxi {mf} | :: A motorcycle taxi |
mototaxismo {m} | :: The use of motorcycle taxis |
mototaxista {mf} | :: mototaxista |
motovelero {m} [nautical] | :: motorsailer |
motovelocidad {f} | :: motorbike racing |
motricidad {f} | :: motricity |
motriz {adj} | :: driving, motive (producing motion or force) |
motuleño {adj} | :: of, pertaining to, or from the city of Motul, Yucatan |
motuleño {m} | :: a person from the city of Motul, Yucatan |
mountainbike {m} | :: mountain bike |
mountainboarding {m} | :: mountainboarding |
mouse {m} [computing, chiefly Latin America] | :: mouse (input device) |
mousse {f} | :: mousse |
movedizo {adj} | :: literally, mobile, meaning unstable |
movedor {m} | :: mover |
mover {vt} | :: to move (to cause to change place or posture) |
mover {vt} | :: to shake (e.g. to shake one's head, to shake one's tail feather) |
mover {vt} | :: to wiggle (e.g. one's ears, fingers, nose, toes) |
mover {vt} | :: to wag (e.g., an animal's tail wagging) |
mover {vt} | :: to move to, to cause to |
mover {vt} | :: to swing (e.g. a sword, a bat, a tennis racket, one's tail) |
mover {vr} | :: to move (to change place or posture) |
mover {vr} | :: to shift |
mover {vr} | :: to move around, to get around, to drift (i.e. make one's way about a place, to navigate or travel) |
mover {vr} | :: to budge, to stir, to twitch, to fidget, to move (in an agitated manner) |
mover cielo y tierra {v} [idiomatic] | :: To move heaven and earth; to go to extreme lengths or do whatever is necessary |
mover fichas {v} [idiom] | :: to make a move |
moverse {v} | :: to move (itself, oneself), to shift |
moverse {v} | :: to move around, to get around, to drift (i.e. make one's way about a place, to navigate or travel) |
moverse {v} | :: to budge, to stir, to twitch, to fidget, to move (in an agitated manner) |
moverse {v} | :: to get a move on [idiom] |
moverse {v} | :: to be moved (by a performance, etc.) |
movible {adj} | :: movable |
movible {adj} | :: motile |
movida {f} [colloquial] | :: party (social gathering) |
movida {f} [colloquial] | :: move (games) |
movida {f} [colloquial] | :: scene (social environment consisting of a large informal, vague group of people) |
movido {adj} | :: eventful, turbulent |
moviente {adj} | :: moving |
móvil {adj} | :: mobile |
móvil {m} [Spain] | :: cellular, cell phone [US], mobile phone [UK, Australia] |
móvil {m} | :: A sculpture, decorative arrangement or toy for small babies made of items hanging so that they can move independently from each other (Wikipedia) |
movilera {f} | :: reporter |
movilero {m} | :: reporter |
movilidad {f} | :: mobility |
movilización {f} | :: mobilization |
movilizador {adj} | :: mobilising |
movilizador {m} | :: mobiliser |
movilizar {v} | :: to mobilize |
movilizar {v} | :: to activate |
movimiento {m} | :: movement (physical motion between points in space) |
movimiento {m} | :: movement (a trend in various fields or social categories) |
movimiento {m} [banking] | :: transaction |
movimiento {m} [music] | :: movement (a large division of a larger composition) |
movimiento armónico simple {m} [physics] | :: simple harmonic motion |
moviola {f} | :: slow motion |
moxeño {m} | :: A type of wind instrument from Bolivia |
moxeño {m} | :: A Moxo/Moxeño |
moxibustión {f} | :: moxibustion |
moyense {adj} | :: Of or from the municipality of Moya, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands |
moyense {mf} | :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Moya, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands |
moyo {m} | :: unit of liquid measurement equal to 258 liters or 16 cántaras |
Moyobamba {prop} | :: Moyobamba (province) |
moyote {m} [Mexico] | :: mosquito |
moza {f} | :: feminine noun of mozo |
mozalbete {m} [colloquial] | :: lad, fella |
Mozambique {prop} | :: Mozambique (country) |
mozambiqueño {adj} | :: Mozambican |
mozambiqueño {m} | :: Mozambican |
mozárabe {adj} | :: Mozarabic |
mozárabe {m} | :: Mozarabic (language) |
mozárabe {mf} | :: Mozarab |
Mozart {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mozartiano {adj} | :: Mozartian (of or pertaining to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or the style of his music) |
mozo {m} | :: boy, lad, young man, youth |
mozo {m} | :: servant, helper, steward, manservant |
mozo {m} [Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru] | :: waiter, server |
mozo {m} | :: cat, tomcat |
mozo {adj} | :: young, youthful |
mozo {adj} | :: unmarried |
mozo de espadas {m} [bullfighting] | :: bullfighter's assistant |
Mozos de Escuadra {prop} {fp} | :: The police force of Catalonia |
mozote {m} | :: Heliocarpus appendiculatus (plant) |
mozuelo {m} | :: young person |
mozuelo {adj} | :: unmarried |
mozzarella {f} | :: mozzarella (soft Italian cheese) |
mp3 {m} | :: MP3 |
MPR {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Movimiento Popular de la Revolución |
msnm {n} | :: initialism of metros sobre el nivel del mar (meters above sea level) |
mu {interj} | :: moo (sound of a cow) |
muay thai {m} | :: Muay Thai |
muaythai {m} | :: Muay Thai |
mucama {f} | :: maid |
mucama {f} | :: chambermaid |
mucamo {m} [Argentina, Chile] | :: servant, houseboy |
mucbipollo {m} | :: A Maya stew consisting of cornflour, pig butter, chicken and other ingredients, wrapped in banana leaves and cooked underground |
muceta {f} | :: mozzetta |
muchacha {f} | :: feminine noun of muchacho |
muchacha {f} | :: girl |
muchacha {f} | :: female teenager |
muchacha {f} | :: young lady |
muchachada {f} | :: Group of boys or young men |
muchachillo {m} | :: diminutive of muchacho |
muchachita {f} | :: feminine noun of muchachito |
muchachito {m} | :: diminutive of muchacho |
muchacho {m} | :: boy |
muchacho {m} | :: young man |
muchacho {m} | :: young person, youngster |
muchacho {m} | :: teenager |
muchacho {m} [colloquial] | :: fella, fellow |
muchachón {m} | :: augmentative of muchacho, a big kid |
muchachote {m} | :: augmentative of muchacho, a big boy |
muchachuela {f} | :: feminine noun of muchachuelo |
muchachuelo {m} | :: diminutive of muchacho; youngster, a young man |
mucha mierda {phrase} [idiom] | :: break a leg! |
muchas gracias {interj} | :: Thank you very much |
muchas gracias {interj} | :: many thanks |
muchas manos en un plato causan arrebato {proverb} | :: too many cooks spoil the broth |
muchedumbre {f} | :: crowd |
muchedumbre {f} | :: multitude |
muchín {m} | :: A kind of croquette made from yucca. The dish is from Ecuador |
muchísimas gracias {interj} | :: thank you very much, thanks so much |
muchísimo {adj} | :: superlative of mucho; much, a great deal, a lot |
muchísimo {adv} | :: superlative of mucho; a lot, very much |
muchisísimo {adj} | :: superlative of muchísimo |
muchisísimo {adv} | :: a hell of a lot, very very much, superlative of muchísimo |
mucho {adj} | :: a lot of; many; much |
mucho {adv} | :: much, a lot |
mucho {adv} | :: long, a long time |
mucho {pron} | :: a lot, many |
muchocientos {adj} [colloquial] | :: Many; an unspecified, large number. Compare umpteen |
mucho gusto {interj} | :: nice to meet you, pleased to meet you |
mucho gusto {interj} [Costa Rica] | :: my pleasure, you're welcome |
mucho ruido y pocas nueces {m} [idiom] | :: much ado about nothing; all bark and no bite, all talk and no action |
mucilaginoso {adj} | :: mucilaginous |
mucílago {m} | :: mucilage |
mucina {f} | :: mucin |
mucinoso {adj} | :: mucinous |
mucociliar {adj} | :: mucociliary |
mucocutáneo {adj} | :: mucocutaneous |
mucosidad {f} | :: mucus |
mucoso {adj} | :: mucous |
mucrón {m} | :: mucro |
mucronado {adj} | :: mucronate |
mucuchíes {m} | :: mucuchí (breed of dog) |
mucuna {f} | :: velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) |
muda {f} | :: A change (of clothes, especially underpants) |
mudable {adj} | :: mutable, changeable |
mudamente {adv} | :: silently |
mudanza {f} | :: removal |
mudanza {f} | :: move, relocation |
mudar {v} | :: to change, alter, vary |
mudar {v} | :: to convert |
mudar {v} | :: to move, relocate, move to a new house |
mudar {v} | :: to shed, molt |
mudar {v} | :: to change clothes |
mudar {m} | :: crown flower (Calotropis gigantea) |
mudarse {v} | :: (reflexive of mudar) to move (change one's place of residence) |
mudarse {v} | :: to change one's clothes |
mudéjar {adj} | :: Mudéjar |
mudéjar {mf} | :: Mudéjar |
mudez {f} | :: muteness (the condition of being mute) |
mudito {adj} | :: diminutive of mudo |
mudo {adj} | :: mute, dumb (not having the power of speech) |
mudo {adj} | :: silent, speechless (not speaking) |
mudo {adj} [astrology] | :: being a water sign |
mudo {adj} [linguistics] | :: plosive |
mudo {adj} [pronunciation] | :: silent (not pronounced) |
mudo {m} | :: mute (a person who does not have the power of speech) |
mueblaje {m} | :: furniture (set of furniture) |
mueble {m} | :: a piece of furniture |
mueble {m} [Spain, colloquial] | :: In the reality show Big Brother, a contestant who does not generate content, who isn't the source of so many comments and who wanders around the house without generating any interest in the viewer |
mueble {m} [rural Mexico, colloquial] | :: car |
mueblera {f} | :: feminine noun of mueblero |
mueblería {f} | :: furniture store |
mueblero {adj} [attributive] | :: furniture |
mueblero {m} | :: furniture maker |
muebles {m} | :: furniture |
muebles {m} | :: plural of mueble |
mueca {f} | :: grimace |
muecín {m} | :: alternative form of almuecín |
muela {f} | :: molar |
muela cordal {f} [dentistry] | :: wisdom tooth |
muela del juicio {f} [dentistry] | :: wisdom tooth |
muelle {adj} | :: soft, mild |
muelle {m} | :: spring (device made of flexible or coiled material) |
muelle {m} | :: wharf, quay, pier, dock |
muellecillo {m} | :: diminutive of muelle |
muellemente {adv} | :: softly; delicately |
muérdago {m} | :: mistletoe (plant) |
muerdealmohadas {m} [LGBT, slang] | :: pillow-biter |
muérgano {m} | :: rude, dishonest person |
muérgano {m} | :: clumsy, impolite person |
muérgano {m} [Colombia] | :: antique and useless object |
muermo {m} [veterinary medicine] | :: Glanders |
muermo {m} [colloquial] | :: A bore |
muermo {m} [colloquial] | :: Boredom |
muermo {m} | :: Drug-induced lethargy |
muermoso {adj} | :: Infected with glanders |
muerte {f} | :: death (the cessation of life) |
muerte {f} | :: death (the personification of death as a hooded figure) |
muerte {f} | :: death, demise (the collapse or end of something) |
muertecillo {m} | :: diminutive of muerte |
muertecito {adj} | :: diminutive of muerto |
muerte civil {m} [legal] | :: attainder |
muerte súbita {f} | :: sudden death |
muertísimo {adj} | :: superlative of muerto |
muertito {adj} | :: diminutive of muerto |
muerto {adj} | :: dead |
muerto {adj} | :: exhausted; dead tired |
muerto {m} | :: a dead person |
muerto {m} [bridge] | :: dummy |
muerto {m} [nautical] | :: mooring block |
muerto de hambre {adj} [idiom] | :: down and out; poverty-stricken |
muesca {f} | :: notch, groove |
muesli {m} | :: muesli (a Swiss and German breakfast dish made with rolled oats) |
mueso {m} | :: bite |
mueso {m} | :: nibble |
mueso {m} | :: a little quantity of food |
muestra {f} | :: sample, sampling |
muestra {f} | :: exhibition (artistic or technological collection for display) |
muestra {f} | :: specimen |
muestra {f} | :: demonstration, showing |
muestra {f} | :: sign, token, display (e.g. of gratitude, of respect, of love) |
muestra {f} | :: swatch |
muestra {f} [figurative] | :: taste |
muestral {adj} [statistics] | :: sample |
muestrario {m} | :: [accepted and predominantly used but grammatically incorrect] sample book |
muestrario {m} | :: [accepted and predominantly used but grammatically incorrect] Collection of samples |
muestreador {m} | :: sampler |
muestrear {v} | :: [accepted and predominantly used but grammatically incorrect] to sample |
muestreo {m} | :: sampling |
mufla {f} | :: muffle (a kiln or furnace, often electric, with no direct flames) |
muflón {m} | :: mouflon |
muftí {m} | :: mufti |
muga {f} | :: limit, border |
muga {f} | :: milestone |
mugal {adj} | :: Mongol |
mugal {mf} | :: Mongol |
mugcake {m} | :: mugcake |
muger {f} | :: archaic spelling of mujer |
mugido {m} | :: moo (the sound a cow makes) |
mugiente {adj} | :: mooing |
múgil {m} | :: mullet (fish) |
mugir {v} | :: to moo |
mugor {m} | :: dirt; grime |
mugre {f} | :: dirt, filth, grease |
mugriento {adj} | :: filthy, grimy, grubby |
mugroso {adj} | :: filthy |
mui {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of muy |
muir {v} [Aragon] | :: to milk |
muisca {adj} | :: Muisca |
muisca {mf} | :: Muisca |
mujer {f} | :: woman |
mujer {f} | :: wife |
mujercilla {f} | :: diminutive of mujer; small woman |
mujercita {f} | :: diminutive of mujer |
mujercita {f} | :: A sissy, a nancy, a fagboy, a girl: a term of abuse for an effeminate boy |
mujer de Dios {f} | :: feminine noun of hombre de Dios |
mujer de letras {f} | :: feminine noun of hombre de letras |
mujer del mundo {f} | :: feminine noun of hombre del mundo |
mujer de negocios {f} | :: feminine noun of hombre de negocios; businesswoman |
Mujeres {prop} | :: surname |
mujer fatal {f} | :: femme fatale |
mujer gamba {f} | :: butter face (a woman with a nice body but an ugly head) |
mujeriego {adj} [attributive] | :: woman |
mujeriego {adj} | :: womanizing |
mujeriego {m} | :: A womanizer |
mujeriego {m} | :: A group of women |
mujeril {adj} | :: womanly |
mujeril {adj} | :: effeminate, womanish |
mujerío {m} | :: womenfolk |
mujerista {mf} | :: feminist |
mujer jirafa {f} | :: giraffe woman |
mujerón {m} | :: augmentative of mujer |
mujerona {f} [slang] | :: BBW, large woman |
mujerzuela {f} | :: diminutive of mujer |
mujerzuela {f} [derogatory] | :: slut |
mujiquista {mf} | :: A supporter of José Mujica, Uruguayan politician |
mújol {m} | :: mullet (fish) |
mula {f} [equid] | :: mule |
mula {f} | :: trash |
mula {f} [Latin America] | :: traitor |
mula {f} [Mexico] | :: a smart, somewhat abusive person |
mulá {m} [Islam] | :: mullah (a Muslim religious scholar and teacher) |
mulada {f} | :: drove of mules |
mulada {f} | :: stupid act or gesture |
muladar {m} | :: trash heap. rubbish heap |
muladar {m} | :: dung heap, dunghill |
muladar {m} | :: corruption, source of corruption |
muladí {m} | :: Muladi |
mular {adj} [attributive] | :: mule |
mulata {f} | :: feminine noun of mulato |
mulato {adj} | :: mulatto |
mulato {adj} | :: dark-skinned |
mulato {m} [obsolete] | :: a small or young mule |
mulato {m} | :: copal tree (Bursera spp.) |
mulato {m} | :: A kind of bird: |
mulato {m} | :: mockingbird (general term) |
mulato {m} | :: tropical mockingbird (Mimus gilvus) |
mulato {m} | :: great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) |
mulato {m} | :: Brewer's blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus) |
mulcédine {f} | :: pleasantness, agreeableness |
mulcédine {f} | :: amiability, douceur, sweetness |
mulcedinoso {adj} | :: Full of pleasantness, agreeableness |
mulcedinoso {adj} | :: Most amiable, douceur, sweet |
mulcer {vt} | :: to soothe, soften, comfort, appease; caress, charm, flatter, delight; alleviate, relieve, assuage, mitigate |
mulcer {vt} | :: to graze, touch, stroke or move lightly or gently |
mulcer {vt} | :: to make sweet or pleasant |
mulero {m} | :: muleteer |
muleta {f} | :: crutch |
muleta {f} [bullfighting] | :: muleta (red flag used by bullfighters) |
muleta {f} | :: diminutive of mula; little mule |
muletazo {m} | :: A blow/hit with a crutch |
muletazo {m} [bullfighting] | :: Movement with the muleta |
muletear {v} [bullfighting] | :: to perform with the muleta |
muletilla {f} | :: stock phrase |
mulger {vt} | :: To milk |
mulger {vt} | :: To extract |
Mulhacén {prop} {m} | :: A mountain in the Sierra Nevada. It is the highest mountain in mainland Spain |
mulillera {f} | :: feminine noun of mulillero |
mulillero {m} [bullfighting] | :: Someone who drags the dead bull out of the arena |
mulita {f} | :: mulita |
mullido {adj} | :: soft, spongey |
mullir {v} | :: to loosen |
mulo {m} | :: mule |
multa {f} | :: fine (a fee levied as punishment for breaking the law) |
multar {v} | :: to fine, to penalise, to book |
multi- {prefix} | :: multi- |
multi {f} | :: multinational |
multiactor {adj} | :: multi-actor |
multiagencial {adj} | :: multiagency |
multianual {adj} | :: multiyear |
multiaventura {m} | :: outdoor centre |
multibanda {adj} | :: multiband |
multibrazo {adj} | :: multiarmed |
multicámara {adj} | :: multi-camera |
multicampeón {m} | :: multiple champion |
multicampeona {f} | :: multi-champion |
multicanal {adj} | :: multichannel |
multicancha {f} | :: A court that can be used for multiple sports |
multicapa {adj} | :: multilayer |
multicapas {adj} | :: multilayer |
multicasco {m} | :: multihull |
multicausal {adj} | :: multicausal |
multicelular {adj} | :: multicellular |
multicelularidad {f} | :: multicellularity |
multicéntrico {adj} | :: multicentric |
multicine {m} | :: multiplex cinema |
multicita {f} | :: speed date |
multiclase {adj} | :: multiclass |
multiclasista {adj} | :: multiclass |
multicocinador {m} | :: multifunctional cooker |
multicolor {adj} | :: varicolored (US), varicoloured (UK) |
multiconfesional {adj} | :: multiconfessional |
multiconjunto {m} | :: multiset |
multicopia {adj} | :: multicopy |
multicorte {adj} | :: multislice |
multicultural {adj} | :: multicultural |
multiculturalidad {f} | :: multiculturality |
multiculturalismo {m} | :: multiculturalism (promotion of a society with cultures) |
multideportivo {adj} | :: multi-sport |
multidestino {m} | :: multiple-destination point |
multidifusión {f} | :: multicast |
multidimensional {adj} | :: multidimensional, pluridimensional |
multidimensionalidad {f} | :: multidimensionality |
multidireccional {adj} | :: multidirectional |
multidisciplinar {adj} | :: multidisciplinary |
multidisciplinario {adj} | :: multidisciplinary |
multidisco {adj} | :: multidisc |
multidispositivo {adj} | :: multidevice |
multidivisa {adj} | :: multicurrency |
multiedad {adj} | :: multi-age; including multiple ages |
multiescala {adj} | :: multiscale |
multiespacio {m} | :: A building with various different spaces |
multiespectral {adj} | :: multispectral |
multiestatal {adj} | :: multistate |
multiestelar {adj} | :: star-studded |
multietnicidad {f} | :: multiethnicity |
multiétnico {adj} | :: multiethnic |
multifacético {adj} | :: multifaceted |
multifactorial {adj} | :: multifactorial |
multifactorialidad {f} | :: multifactoriality |
multifamiliar {adj} | :: multifamily |
multiflora {f} | :: multiflora |
multifocal {adj} | :: multifocal (having more than one focus or several focusing areas) |
multiformato {adj} | :: multiformat |
multiforme {adj} | :: multiform |
multifunción {adj} | :: multifunction |
multifuncional {adj} | :: multifunctional |
multifuncionalidad {f} | :: multifunctionality |
multigeneracional {adj} | :: multigenerational |
multigrado {adj} | :: multigrade |
multihilo {m} | :: multithreading |
multihomicidio {m} | :: mass murder |
multiinstrumentalista {mf} | :: multiinstrumentalist |
multiinstrumentista {mf} | :: multi-instrumentalist |
multijuego {m} | :: multigame |
multijugador {adj} | :: multiplayer |
multilateral {adj} | :: multilateral |
multilateralidad {f} | :: multilateralism |
multilateralismo {m} | :: multilateralism |
multilingüe {adj} | :: polyglot; multilingual (able to speak multiple languages) |
multilingüe {adj} | :: multilingual (using or pertaining to multiple languages) |
multilingüismo {m} | :: multilingualism |
multimarca {adj} | :: multibrand |
multimedallista {mf} | :: multi-medalist |
multimedia {f} | :: multimedia |
multimedial {adj} | :: multimedia (attributive) |
multimediático {adj} | :: multimedia |
multimedio {adj} | :: multimedia |
multimedios {adj} | :: multimedia |
multímero {m} | :: multimer |
multímetro {m} | :: multimeter |
multimillonario {adj} | :: multimillion/multi-million |
multimillonario {m} | :: multimillionaire |
multimillonario {m} | :: billionaire |
multimisión {adj} | :: multimission |
multimodal {adj} | :: multimodal |
multimodo {adj} | :: multimode |
multimotor {adj} | :: multi-turbine |
multimotor {m} | :: multi-turbine plane |
multinacional {adj} | :: multinational |
multinacional {f} | :: multinational (multinational company) |
multinivel {adj} | :: multilevel |
multinstrumentista {mf} | :: multiinstrumentalist |
multinucleado {adj} | :: multinucleate |
multinúcleo {adj} | :: multicore |
multiorgánico {adj} | :: multiorgan (involving multiple organs of the body) |
multiorgásmico {adj} | :: multiorgasmic |
multiorgasmo {m} | :: multiorgasm |
multipalabra {adj} | :: multi-word |
multipantalla {adj} | :: multiscreen |
multiparte {adj} | :: multipart |
multipartidario {adj} | :: multiparty |
multipartidismo {m} | :: multiparty system, multipartyism |
multipartidista {adj} | :: multiparty, multipartite |
multipartidista {adj} | :: multipartisan |
multipartido {adv} | :: multiparty |
multipaso {adj} | :: multistep |
multipista {adj} | :: multitrack |
multiplano {m} | :: multiplane |
multiplataforma {adj} [computing] | :: cross-platform, multiplatform (designed to work on various operating systems) |
multiplatino {adj} | :: multiplatinum |
múltiple {adj} | :: multiple |
múltiplex {adj} | :: multiplex |
multiplexación {f} | :: multiplexing |
multiplexado {adj} | :: multiplexed |
multiplexar {v} | :: to multiplex |
multiplexor {m} | :: multiplexer |
multiplicación {f} | :: multiplication |
multiplicadamente {adv} | :: multiple times, repeatedly |
multiplicador {adj} | :: multiplying |
multiplicador {m} | :: multiplier |
multiplicadora {f} | :: feminine noun of multiplicador |
multiplicar {v} | :: to multiply |
multiplicarse {v} | :: reflexive of multiplicar |
multiplicativo {adj} | :: multiplicative |
multiplicidad {f} | :: multiplicity |
múltiplo {m} | :: multiple |
multipolar {adj} | :: multipolar |
multipolarización {f} | :: multipolarization |
multipotente {adj} | :: multipotent |
multipremiado {adj} | :: multi-prizewinning |
multiprocesador {m} | :: multiprocessor |
multiprocesamiento {m} | :: multiprocessing |
multiprogramación {f} | :: multiprogramming |
multipropiedad {f} | :: time-share |
multipropósito {adj} | :: multipurpose |
multiproteico {adj} | :: multiproteic |
multiprotocolo {adj} | :: multiprotocol |
multipunto {adj} | :: multipoint |
multirol {adj} | :: multirole |
multirracial {adj} | :: multiracial |
multirreflector {adj} | :: multi-reflecting |
multirregional {adj} | :: multiregional |
multirresistente {adj} | :: multiresistant |
multirrespuesta {adj} | :: multiple-choice |
multisala {adj} | :: multiplex |
multisalto {adj} | :: multihop |
multisápida {f} [Venezuela, humorous] | :: synonym of hallaca |
multisápido {adj} | :: having multiple tastes |
multisectorial {adj} | :: multisector |
multisecular {adj} | :: multisect |
multisistémico {adj} | :: multisystem |
multitáctil {adj} [computing] | :: multi-touch |
multitalento {m} | :: multi talents |
multitarea {adj} | :: multitasking |
multitienda {f} | :: variety store |
multitodo {adj} | :: having a bit of everything |
multituberculado {m} | :: multituberculate |
multitud {f} | :: multitude |
multitud {f} | :: crowd |
multitud {f} | :: a lot, loads |
multitudinariamente {adv} | :: largely, widely |
multitudinario {adj} | :: multitudinous, mass |
multitudinario {adj} | :: large, big |
multiuso {adj} | :: multipurpose |
multiusuario {adj} [computing] | :: multiuser |
multivariable {adj} | :: multivariable |
multivariante {adj} | :: multivariate |
multiventana {adj} [computing, GUI] | :: multiwindow |
multiverso {m} [physics] | :: multiverse |
multivibrador {m} | :: multivibrator |
multivitamínico {adj} | :: multivitamin |
multivitamínico {m} | :: multivitamin |
muña {f} | :: [Peru, Bolivia] Minthostachys spp., especially Minthostachys mollis, Minthostachys setosa and Minthostachys andina |
mundanal {adj} | :: worldly |
mundanalidad {f} | :: worldliness |
mundanamente {adv} | :: mundanely |
mundanidad {f} | :: mundanity |
mundano {adj} | :: mundane |
mundaqués {adj} | :: Of or from Mundaca |
mundaqués {m} | :: Someone from Mundaca |
mundial {adj} | :: related to all the parts of the world; global |
mundial {mf} | :: FIFA World Cup (short form of Copa mundial, and Campeonato mundial) |
mundialismo {m} | :: globalism |
mundialista {adj} [attributive] | :: World Cup |
mundialista {mf} | :: One who participates in the World Cup |
mundialito {m} [colloquial] | :: FIFA Club World Cup |
mundialito {m} | :: Any of a number of small-scale international soccer tournaments |
mundialización {f} | :: globalization |
mundializar {v} | :: to globalise; go global |
mundialmente {adv} | :: worldwide |
mundificativo {adj} | :: mundificant |
mundillo {m} | :: warming pan |
mundillo {m} | :: pad or cushion used to make lace |
mundillo {m} | :: Viburnum opulus (guelder rose, water elder, snowball tree) |
mundo {m} | :: world, earth (human collective existence) |
mundo {m} | :: world, globe (the Earth) |
mundo {m} | :: world (a planet, especially one which is inhabitable) |
mundo {m} | :: world (an individual or group perspective or social setting) |
Mundo Antiguo {prop} {m} | :: Old World |
mundo del espectáculo {m} [idiomatic] | :: show business, showbiz |
mundo real {m} | :: real world |
muñeca {f} [anatomy] | :: wrist |
muñeca {f} | :: doll (figure) |
muñeca {f} [colloquial] | :: chick, babe, doll (attractive woman) |
muñeca rusa {f} | :: Russian doll |
muñeca vudú {m} | :: voodoo doll |
muñeco {m} | :: doll |
muñeco {m} | :: puppet |
muñeco {m} | :: attractive male |
muñequera {f} | :: dollmaker |
muñequera {f} | :: wrist pad |
muñequera {f} | :: wristband |
muñequería {f} | :: the manufacture of dolls |
muñequería {f} | :: a doll factory |
muñequero {m} | :: dollmaker |
muñequita {f} | :: diminutive of muñeca |
muñequito {m} | :: diminutive of muñeco |
Muñez {prop} | :: a surname |
Múnich {prop} {m} | :: Múnich (caplc) |
munición {f} | :: ammunition |
municionamiento {m} | :: arming; supplying with ammunition |
municionar {v} | :: to arm; to supply with ammunition |
municipal {adj} | :: municipal |
municipalidad {f} | :: municipality |
municipalismo {m} | :: municipalism |
municipalista {adj} | :: municipalist |
municipalista {mf} | :: municipalist |
municipalización {f} | :: municipalization |
municipalizar {v} | :: to municipalize |
munícipe {mf} | :: official |
municipio {m} | :: municipality |
munificencia {f} | :: munificence (the quality of being munificent; generosity) |
munificente {adj} | :: munificent |
muniqués {adj} | :: Of or from Munich |
muniqués {m} | :: Someone from Munich |
munir {vt} | :: to provide, fit out |
munir {vp} | :: to provide oneself with; to take (a supply of) |
muñir {v} | :: to arrange or dispose of a matter of business |
muñón {m} | :: the stump of a limb which has been lost |
muñón {m} | :: a part of the body which was incomplete at birth |
Muñoz {prop} | :: surname |
Muntenia {prop} {f} | :: Muntenia (historical region) |
muón {m} | :: muon |
mupi {m} | :: outdoors advertising board |
mur {m} [archaic] | :: mouse |
murajes {m} | :: scarlet pimpernel |
mural {adj} | :: mural |
mural {m} | :: mural |
muralismo {m} | :: muralism |
muralista {mf} | :: muralist |
muralístico {adj} | :: muralistic |
muralla {f} | :: large wall built to protect cities or territories |
murallón {m} | :: large, strong wall |
muramil {m} [organic compound] | :: muramyl |
murano {m} | :: Murano glass |
murar {v} | :: to surround with a wall |
Murcia {prop} {f} | :: Murcia (autonomous community/and/province) |
Murcia {prop} {f} | :: Murcia (capital city) |
murciano {adj} | :: Murcian (of or pertaining to the city of Murcia) |
murciano {m} | :: Murcian (person from Murcia) |
murciano {m} [uncountable] | :: Murcian dialect of Spanish |
murciégalo {m} [nonstandard or obsolete] | :: alternative form of murciélago |
murciélaga {f} | :: feminine noun of murciélago |
murciélago {m} | :: bat (winged mammal) |
murciélago vampiro {m} | :: vampire bat |
mureína {f} [organic compound] | :: peptidoglycan |
murete {m} | :: low wall |
murga {f} | :: band or group of street musicians |
murga {f} [colloquial] | :: bugbear (annoyance) |
murguera {f} | :: feminine noun of murguero |
murguero {adj} [attributive] | :: murga |
murguero {m} | :: murga performer |
muriático {adj} [chemistry, obsolete] | :: muriatic, hydrochloric |
Murillo {prop} | :: surname |
murino {adj} | :: murine |
murique {adj} | :: only used in mero murique |
Múrmansk {prop} | :: Múrmansk (city) |
murmullo {m} [sound] | :: murmur, murmuring, mutter, muttering, mumble, mumbling |
murmullo {m} | :: a rustling noise, susurrus, buzz |
murmuración {f} | :: murmuring, gossip |
murmuración {f} [ornithology] | :: murmuration |
murmurador {adj} | :: murmuring |
murmurador {adj} | :: gossiping |
murmurador {m} | :: gossip |
murmurador {m} | :: murmurer |
murmuradora {f} | :: feminine noun of murmurador |
murmurante {adj} | :: murmuring; muttering |
murmurante {adj} | :: gossipping |
murmurar {vt} | :: to murmur, to mutter |
murmurar {vi} | :: to murmur |
murmurar {vi} | :: to gossip |
murmurio {m} | :: synonym of murmullo |
muro {m} [physical] | :: wall |
muro {m} [figurative] | :: wall |
muro {m} [Internet] | :: wall (on Facebook) |
muro cortafuego {m} [architecture] | :: firewall |
muro de Berlín {prop} {m} | :: Berlin Wall |
Muro de las Lamentaciones {prop} {m} | :: Wailing Wall |
murria {f} | :: grief; melancholy |
murta {f} | :: myrtle |
murta {f} | :: ugniberry |
murtilla {f} | :: crowberry |
murueco {m} | :: ram |
mus {m} [card games] | :: card game that is very popular in Spain |
musa {f} | :: Muse |
musa {f} | :: muse (a source of inspiration) |
musa {f} | :: A poet's creative and poetic genius |
musa {f} [literary] | :: poetry |
musaca {f} | :: alternative spelling of musaka |
musaka {f} | :: moussaka |
musaraña {f} | :: shrew |
musaraña {f} [by extension] | :: vermin; small animal |
muscarínico {adj} | :: muscarinic |
muscovita {f} | :: alternative form of moscovita (the mineral) |
musculación {f} | :: weight training |
musculado {adj} | :: muscly; muscular |
muscular {adj} | :: muscular (of, relating to, or connected with muscles) |
musculatura {f} | :: muscles |
musculatura {f} | :: musculature |
musculo- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: musculo- |
músculo {m} [uncountable] | :: muscle tissue |
músculo {m} [countable] | :: muscle (organ) |
músculo auricular anterior {m} | :: anterior auricular muscle |
músculo auricular posterior {m} | :: posterior auricular muscle |
músculo auricular superior {m} | :: superior auricular muscle |
musculocutáneo {adj} [anatomy] | :: musculocutaneous |
músculo dilatador del iris {m} | :: iris dilator muscle |
musculoesquelético {adj} | :: musculoskeletal |
musculofrénico {adj} [anatomy] | :: musculophrenic |
músculo frontal {m} | :: frontalis muscle, frontalis |
músculo occipital {m} | :: occipitalis muscle, occipitalis |
músculo occipitofrontal {m} | :: occipitofrontalis muscle, occipitofrontalis |
músculo orbicular de los párpados {m} | :: orbicularis oculi muscle, orbicularis oculi |
musculosa {f} | :: sleeveless shirt |
musculoso {adj} | :: muscular, brawny |
museable {adj} | :: Suitable for display in a museum |
musealización {f} | :: museumization |
musealizar {v} | :: to turn into a museum |
museístico {adj} [attributive] | :: museum |
muselina {f} | :: muslin |
museo {m} | :: museum |
museógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of museógrafo |
museografía {f} | :: museography |
museográfico {adj} | :: museographic |
museógrafo {m} | :: museologist |
museóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of museólogo |
museología {f} | :: museology |
museológico {adj} | :: museological |
museólogo {m} | :: museologist |
musepo {m} [Honduras] | :: homesickness, nostalgia |
muserola {f} | :: noseband |
musgo {m} | :: moss |
musgoso {adj} | :: mossy |
música {f} | :: music |
música {f} | :: feminine noun of músico, (female) musician |
musical {adj} | :: musical |
musical {m} | :: musical |
musicalidad {f} | :: musicality |
musicalización {f} | :: musicalization |
musicalizador {m} | :: music maker |
musicalizadora {f} | :: feminine noun of musicalizador |
musicalizar {v} | :: to musicalize |
musicalmente {adv} | :: musically |
musicar {v} | :: to musicalise |
músico {adj} | :: musical |
músico {m} | :: musician |
musicógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of musicógrafo |
musicógrafo {m} | :: musicographer |
musicóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of musicólogo |
musicología {f} | :: musicology |
musicológico {adj} | :: musicological |
musicólogo {m} | :: musicologist |
musicoterapia {f} | :: music therapy |
musiquilla {f} | :: tune, melody |
musir {vr} [Álava] | :: to go mouldy |
musir {vr} [Álava] | :: to go into disuse, to gather dust |
musirse {vr} [Álava, colloquial] | :: to go mouldy |
musitar {v} | :: to murmur, to mutter |
muslo {m} | :: thigh (upper leg of a human, between the hip and the knee) |
muso {m} | :: muse |
musola {f} | :: smooth-hound |
musseque {m} | :: slum (in Angola) |
mustélido {m} [zoology] | :: mustelid |
musteriense {adj} | :: Mousterian |
mustiamente {adv} | :: sadly, languidly |
mustio {adj} | :: wilted, withered |
mustio {adj} | :: sad, gloomy |
musulmán {adj} | :: Muslim |
musulmán {m} | :: Muslim |
musulmana {f} | :: feminine noun of musulmán |
musulmanidad {f} | :: Muslimness |
mutabilidad {f} | :: mutability |
mutable {adj} | :: rare form of mudable |
mutación {f} | :: mutation |
mutacional {adj} | :: mutational |
mutagénesis {f} | :: mutagenesis |
mutagenicidad {f} | :: mutagenicity |
mutagénico {adj} | :: mutagenic |
mutágeno {m} [biology] | :: mutagen |
mutante {adj} | :: mutant |
mutante {mf} | :: mutant (all senses) |
mutar {vt} | :: to mutate |
mutarrotación {f} [organic chemistry, carbohydrate] | :: mutarotation |
mutilación {f} | :: mutilation |
mutilado {adj} | :: mutilated |
mutilador {m} | :: mutilator |
mutilante {adj} | :: mutilating |
mutilar {v} | :: to mutilate |
mutilarse {v} | :: reflexive of mutilar |
mútilo {adj} | :: maimed, mutilated |
mutis {interj} | :: shh |
mutis {m} [theatre] | :: exit |
mutismo {m} | :: muteness |
mutismo {m} | :: mutism |
mutual {adj} | :: mutual |
mutualidad {f} | :: mutuality |
mutualismo {m} [ecology] | :: mutualism (interaction between two species that benefits both) |
mutualismo {m} [politics] | :: mutualism (anarchist economic theory) |
mutualista {adj} | :: mutualist |
mutualista {mf} | :: mutualist |
mutualización {f} | :: mutualization |
mutuamente {adv} | :: mutually |
mutuaria {f} | :: feminine noun of mutuario |
mutuario {m} | :: person receiving a loan |
mutuo {adj} | :: mutual |
muxo {adj} [Internet slang] | :: alternative spelling of mucho |
muy {adv} | :: very |
muyahid {m} | :: mujahid |
muyahidín {m} | :: mujahid |
muy bien {phrase} | :: very well; OK; righto; all right |
muy de vez en cuando {adv} [idiomatic] | :: rarely |
muzak {m} | :: Muzak |
MX {prop} | :: abbreviation of México (Mexican state) |
myrrha {f} | :: obsolete spelling of mirra |