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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-m

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
m {v} (metre) :: méter
m {v} (mile) :: mérföld
mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow ::
macadam {n} (surface of a road) :: makadám
macaroni {n} (type of pasta) :: makaróni, csőtészta
Macau {prop} (a city just west of Hong Kong) :: Makaó
macaw {n} (various parrots) :: arapapagáj, ara
mace {n} (weapon) :: buzogány
mace {n} (ceremonial form of this weapon) :: jogar
mace {n} (a spice) :: szerecsendió
Macedonia {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: Makedónia
Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia) :: Macedónia
Macedonian {adj} (of Macedonia or its people or language) :: macedón
Macedonian {n} (person from Macedonia) :: macedón
Macedonian {n} (Slavic language of Macedonia) :: macedón
Macedonian {n} (language of antiquity) :: makedón
Macedo-Romanian {prop} (Aromanian) SEE: Aromanian ::
MacGyver {v} (to jury-rig) SEE: jury-rig ::
machete {n} (a sword-like tool) :: machete, bozótvágó kés
machination {n} (clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes) :: machináció
machination {n} (act of machinating) :: machináció
machine {n} (mechanical or electrical device) :: gép, szerkezet, masina
machine {n} (archaic: vehicle, automobile) :: masina
machine code {n} (machine language) SEE: machine language ::
machine gun {n} (type of firearm) :: gépfegyver, géppuska
machine language {n} (set of instructions for a computer) :: gépi kód
machine learning {n} (field of study) :: gépi tanulás
machinery {n} (working parts of a machine as a group) :: gép, szerkezet
machinery {n} (collective parts of something which allow it to function) :: gépezet
machine translation {n} (act of translating something by means of a machine) :: gépi fordítás
machinist {n} (operator) SEE: operator ::
machinist {n} (one skilled in the use of machine tools) :: gépész
mackerel {n} (edible fish) :: makréla
mackerel bird {n} (wryneck) SEE: wryneck ::
mackintosh {n} (raincoat in general) SEE: raincoat ::
macramé {n} (textile) :: makramé
macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe ::
macrocosmic {adj} (of or pertaining to the macrocosm) :: makrokozmikus
macro lens {n} (lens for close-up photography) :: makroobjektív
macromolecule {n} (large molecule) :: makromolekula
macron {n} (short, straight, horizontal diacritical mark) :: makron, hosszúságjel, [somewhat informal] vonal
macrophage {n} (type of white blood cell) :: makrofág
macrophotograph {n} (close-up photograph showing fine detail) :: makrofotó, makró
macrophotography {n} (close-up photography) :: makrofotózás, makrofényképezés
macrovirus {n} (computer virus) :: makróvírus
mad {adj} (insane (adj.)) :: őrült
Madagascar {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Madagaszkár
Madagascar buzzard {n} (Buteo brachypterus) :: madagaszkári ölyv
madam {n} (polite term of address to a woman) :: asszonyom, hölgyem
mad as a hatter {adj} (demented or crazy) :: sült bolond, teljesen bolond
mad cow disease {n} (informal: bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: kergemarhakór
madder {n} (plant) :: festő buzér
Madeira {prop} (island and autonomous region) :: Madeira
madeleine {n} (small gateau in the shape of a scallop shell) :: madeleine
Madhya Pradesh {prop} (Madhya Pradesh, India) :: Madhja Prades
madly {adv} (in a mad manner) :: őrülten
madly in love {prep} (in love to a large degree) :: fülig szerelmes
Madonna {prop} (Virgin Mary) SEE: Virgin Mary ::
madrasa {n} (madrasah) SEE: madrasah ::
madrasah {n} (school for Islamic theology) :: medresze
Madrid {prop} (capital of Spain) :: Madrid
madrigal {n} (either musical sense) :: madrigál
madrone {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
mad scientist {n} (stock character in popular fiction) :: őrült tudós
Maecenas {n} (a generous benefactor; specifically, a patron of literature or art) :: mecénás, műbarát, művészetpártoló
mafia {n} (a crime syndicate) :: maffia
magazine {n} (periodical) :: folyóirat, magazin
magazine {n} (ammunition storehouse) :: lőszerraktár
magazine {n} (ammunition clip or chamber enabling multiple rounds to be held before firing) :: tár, tölténytár
Magdalene {prop} (female given name) :: Magdolna
Magdalene {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Mary Magdalene ::
mage {n} (magician, wizard or sorcerer) :: varázsló, mágus
Magellanic Cloud {n} (galaxy) :: Magellán-felhő
Magellanic penguin {n} (Penguin) :: Magellán-pingvin
Maggie {prop} (female given name) :: Gitta, Gréta
maggot {n} (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing organic matter) :: kukac, féreg
maggot {n} (worthless person) :: féreg
Magi {prop} (the wise men who gave gifts to Jesus) :: háromkirályok, napkeleti bölcsek
magic {n} (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) :: varázslat, varázs
magic {n} (ritual associated with supernatural magic or mysticism) :: mágia
magic {n} (illusion performed to give the appearance of magic or the supernatural) :: mágia
magic {n} (something spectacular or wonderful) :: varázs
magic {adj} (having supernatural talents, properties or qualities) :: varázs
magic {adj} (Producing extraordinary results; wonderful, amazing) :: bűvös, varázsos
magic carpet {n} (a carpet capable of magical flight) :: varázsszőnyeg, repülőszőnyeg
magician {n} (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) :: varázsló
magic mushroom {n} (mushroom-like fungus that has psychedelic effects) :: varázsgomba, badargomba
magic square {n} (n-by-n arrangement of n2 numbers) :: bűvös négyzet
magic trick {n} (act of illusion or magic) :: bűvésztrükk, bűvészmutatvány
magic wand {n} (wand used to perform magic) :: varázspálca
magic word {n} (word with magical effect) :: varázsige, varázsszó
magma {n} (molten matter) :: magma
magma chamber {n} (a large underground pool of molten rock) :: magmakamra
Magna Carta {prop} (charter granted by King John to the barons at Runnymede in 1215) :: Magna Charta Libertatum
magnality {n} (great or wonderful thing) SEE: miracle ::
magnanimous {adj} (noble and generous in spirit) :: nagylelkű
magnesium {n} (chemical element) :: magnézium
magnesium oxide {n} (white powder) :: magnézium-oxid
magnet {n} (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) :: mágnes
magnetic flux density {n} ((physics)) :: mágneses fluxussűrűség
magnetic tape {n} (acrylic tape used for recording data) :: mágnesszalag
magnetism {n} (the property of being magnetic) :: mágnesesség
magnetoencephalography {n} (technique) :: magnetoenkefalográfia
magnify {v} (to make larger) :: nagyít, kinagyít, felnagyít
magnifying glass {n} (instrument) :: nagyító
magniloquent {adj} (speaking pompously; using swelling discourse; bombastic) :: dagályos, fellengzős
Magnitogorsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Magnitogorszk
magnitude {n} (apparent brighness of a star) :: magnitúdó
magnitude {n} (energy of earthquake) :: magnitúdó
magpie {n} (bird of genus Pica) :: szarka
magpie-lark {n} (Grallina cyanoleuca) :: szarkapacsirta
Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian ::
Magyarab {n} (member of a people living along the Nile River in Egypt and Sudan, of Hungarian ancestry) :: magyarab
Magyarism {n} (Hungarianism) SEE: Hungarianism ::
Magyarize {v} (to make or render Hungarian) :: magyarosít, elmagyarosít
Magyarize {v} (to become Hungarian) :: magyarosodik, elmagyarosodik
maharaja {n} (a Hindu prince ranking above a raja) :: maharadzsa
Maharashtra {prop} (state in western India) :: Mahárástra
Maharastra {prop} (Maharashtra) SEE: Maharashtra ::
mahjong {n} (game for four players) :: madzsong
mahogany {n} (tropical tree) :: mahagóni
mahogany {n} (wood) :: mahagóni
mahout {n} (elephant driver and keeper) :: elefánthajcsár
maid {n} (female servant or cleaner) :: szobalány
maiden {n} (unmarried young female) :: leány
maiden {n} (female virgin) :: szűz
maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin ::
maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) :: leánykori név
Maiden's Tower {prop} (a tower located in the Bosphorus) :: Szűz tornya
maidservant {n} (female servant, maid) :: szolgálólány, cselédlány
mail {n} (postal delivery system) :: posta
mail {n} (organisation) :: posta
mail {v} (to send via the post) :: elküld, felad, postáz
mail {n} (armour consisting of metal rings or plates linked together) :: páncél
mailbox {n} (box into which mail is put) :: postaláda
maillechort {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver ::
mailman {n} (post office employee) :: postás
mail truck {n} (mail carrier) :: postásautó
maim {v} (to cause permanent loss of a part of the body) :: csonkít
main {adj} (chief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.) ::
main {n} (high seas) SEE: high seas ::
Main {prop} (river in southern Germany) :: Majna
main clause {n} (grammar: clause that can stand alone syntactically) :: főmondat
main course {n} (main dish of a meal) :: főfogás, főétel
main diagonal {n} (diagonal line of a matrix) :: főátló
main dish {n} :: főétel, főfogás
mainframe {n} (large computer) :: nagygép, nagyszámítógép
mainland China {prop} (area under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) :: kontinentális Kína, szárazföldi Kína
main line {n} (principal railway line) :: fővonal
mainly {adv} (chiefly; for the most part) :: főleg
main road {n} (major road in a town, village etc.) :: főút
mains {n} (domestic electrical supply) :: hálózat, hálózati áram
mainstream {adj} (used or accepted broadly; common, usual or conventional) :: fősodorbeli, mainstream
mainstream {n} (that which is common) :: fősodor, mainstream
main street {n} (principal street of a town) :: főutca
maintain {v} (to maintain, to consider) SEE: hold ::
maintain {v} (to keep up) :: karbantart, fenntart, tart
maintainable {adj} :: karbantartható
maintenance {n} (keeping a machine or system in service) :: szerviz, karbantartás
main thing {n} (most important factor) ::
main verb {n} (verb in a clause with the highest semantic content) :: főige
Mainz {prop} (the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate) :: Mainz
maitake {n} (Grifola frondosa) :: ágas tapló, bokrosgomba
maize {n} (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) :: kukorica, tengeri, törökbúza
majestic {adj} (having splendor or royalty) :: fenséges
majestical {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
majestic plural {n} (plural used by a sovereign) :: királyi többes
majiang {n} (mahjong) SEE: mahjong ::
major {n} (military rank) :: őrnagy
major {adj} (of great significance or importance) :: jelentős, lényeges, számottevő
major {adj} (greater in number, quantity, or extent) :: nagyobb
major {adj} (of full legal age; having attained majority) :: nagykorú
major {adj} (music: of a scale that follows the pattern: tone - tone - semitone - tone - tone - tone - semitone) :: dúr
major {adj} (music: being the larger of two intervals denoted by the same ordinal number) :: nagy
major {n} (the main area of study) :: szak, alapszak, főszak, főtárgy
major {n} (a student at a college or university concentrating on a given area of study) :: (… szakos) hallgató
major {n} (person of legal age) :: nagykorú, nagykorú személy
major {n} (major premise) SEE: major premise ::
major arcana {n} (Tarot cards) :: nagy arkánum
major axis {n} (longest diameter of an ellipse) :: főtengely
Majorca {prop} (island) :: Mallorca
majorette {n} (dancer) :: mazsorett
majority {n} (more than half) :: többség
majority {n} (difference between the winning vote and the rest of the votes) :: többség
majority {n} (legal adulthood) :: nagykorúság
major premise {n} (premise whose terms are the major term and middle term) :: főtétel
major third {n} (interval of four semitones) :: nagyterc
majuscule {n} (upper-case letter) SEE: capital letter ::
make {v} (to construct) :: készít, csinál
make {v} (to produce) :: készít, alkot, létrehoz
make {v} (to create) :: alkot
make {v} (to form) :: készít
make {v} (to constitute) :: alkot
make {v} (to interpret) :: értelmez
make {v} (to bring into success) :: sikerre visz, sikeressé tesz
make {v} (to cause to be) :: tesz
make {v} (to cause to do) :: -at/-et/-tat/-tet, [with definite conjugation and a subordinate clause] elér
make {v} (to force to do) :: késztet, rávesz
make {v} (to indicate or suggest to be) :: tesz
make {v} (to cover with bedclothes) :: megágyaz (already including reference to bed)
make {v} (to recognise) :: (notice) észrevesz, (identify) felismer, (notice) [hu, colloquial] kiszúr
make {v} (to earn, to gain (money)) :: keres
make {n} (brand) :: márka, gyártmány
make a living {v} (earn enough income) :: él [with -ból/-ből], megél
make a mistake {v} (to err) :: téved, hibázik, hibát követ el, hibát ejt, téveszt, [transitively] eltéveszt, [transitively] elnéz
make a mountain out of a molehill {v} (to treat a problem as greater than it is) :: bolhából elefántot csinál
make an example of {v} (punish someone as a warning to others) :: példát statuál
make an exhibition of oneself {v} (to embarrass oneself in public) :: nevetségessé teszi magát
make a scene {v} :: jelenetet rendez
make a show of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) :: nevetségessé teszi magát
make a spectacle of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) :: nevetségessé teszi magát
make a virtue of necessity {v} (to make the best of a difficult situation) :: a maga javára fordítja
make do {v} (to get by (with)) :: kijön, kihúz, megél, boldogul, elboldogul, beéri
make ends meet {v} (get by financially) :: kijön a pénzéből, kijön a fizetéséből, ki tud jönni (pénzéből/fizetéséből)
make friends {v} (to create friendships) :: barátkozik, összebarátkozik
make friends {v} (to befriend, to become closer) :: barátkozik, összebarátkozik, barátságot köt
make fun of {v} (tease, ridicule) :: kigúnyol, gúnyol, tréfát űz
make hay while the sun shines {v} (act while an opportunity exists) :: addig üsd a vasat, amíg meleg
make head or tail of {v} (understand even minimally) :: kihámoz/kihoz belőle (valamit), eligazodik (rajta), kiokoskodik, zöld ágra vergődik (vele), [normally in the negative] egy szót/kukkot (se/sem) ért belőle, [in the negative] se füle, se farka (nincs a számára)
make love {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse, see also: copulate) :: szeretkezik, szerelmeskedik
make noise {v} :: zajong, lármázik, lármáz
make one's bed and lie in it {v} (to create a difficult situation and endure unpleasant consequences) :: ki mint veti ágyát, úgy alussza álmát
make oneself at home {v} (make oneself comfortable as if one were in one's own home) :: otthon érzi magát
make sense {v} (be coherent) :: logikus, értelmes, érthető
make sense {v} (decipher, understand) :: kihámoz
make someone's day {v} (make someone happy) :: feldobja a napját
make someone's skin crawl {v} (to disturb, bother, frighten, disgust) :: borsódzik tőle a háta
make the bed {v} (arrange sheets, etc smoothly and neatly) :: ágyaz, beágyaz
make up {v} (to constitute) :: alkot, kitesz
make up {v} (to compensate, fill in or catch up) :: bepótol, pótol, behoz
make up {v} (to invent, imagine, or concoct) :: kitalál, kieszel, kiötöl, kiagyal
make up {v} (to assemble, or mix) :: összeállít, elkészít, összerak
make up {v} (to apply cosmetics or makeup) :: sminkel, kifest
make up {v} (to resolve, forgive or smooth over an argument or fight) :: kibékül
makeup {n} (composition) :: felépítés
makeup {n} (cosmetics) :: smink
make up one's mind {v} (to decide, to reach a conclusion) :: dönt, elszánja magát, határoz, elhatározza magát
make use {v} (make use of something) SEE: take advantage ::
make yourself at home {phrase} :: érezd magad otthon [to one person, informal], érezze magát otthon [to one person, formal], érezzétek magatokat otthon [to many people, informal], érezzék magukat otthon [to many people, formal]
Makhachkala {prop} (capital of Dagestan, Russia) :: Mahacskala
making-of {n} (a video featuring behind-the-scenes footage) :: werkfilm
Malachi {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Malakiás
Malachi {prop} (minor prophet) :: Malakiás
Malachi {prop} (male given name) :: Malakiás
malacologist {n} :: malakológus
malacology {n} (study of molluscs) :: malakológia
Malagasy {n} (person) :: malgas, madagaszkári
Malagasy {n} (the language of the Malagasy, when considered one language) :: malgas
Malagasy {adj} (pertaining to Madagascar) :: madagaszkári, malgas
malaise {n} (bodily feeling) :: gyengélkedés, rossz közérzet
malar {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::
malar bone {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone ::
malaria {n} (disease) :: malária
malarkey {n} (nonsense; rubbish, see also: nonsense) :: sóder
Malawi {prop} (Republic of Malawi) :: Malawi
Malay {adj} (of the Malay people) :: maláj
Malay {adj} (of or pertaining to Malaysia) :: maláj
Malay {n} (Malay person) :: maláj
Malay {n} (the Malay language) :: maláj
Malayalam {n} (language) :: malajálam
Malaysia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Malajzia
Malaysian {prop} (Malay) SEE: Malay ::
Maldives {prop} (country in South Asia) :: Maldív-szigetek
male {adj} (grammatically masculine) SEE: masculine ::
male {adj} (belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or the gender typically associated with it) :: hím
male {adj} (having an external plug) :: hím, apa
male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) :: férfi, hím [formal, official]
male {n} (animal of masculine sex) :: hím
male {n} (plant of masculine sex) :: hím
male chauvinism {n} (belief in the innate superiority of men over women) :: hímsovinizmus
male chauvinist {n} (A male advocate of male chauvinism) :: hímsoviniszta
maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse ::
maledict {v} (berate) SEE: berate ::
malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
Mali {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: Mali
malignant {adj} (harmful, malevolent, injurious) :: rosszindulatú
malignant {adj} (tending to produce death) :: rosszindulatú
malinger {v} (to feign illness) :: szimulál, betegnek adja ki magát
malingerer {n} (person who malingers) :: szimuláns
malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
mall {n} (enclosed shopping centre) :: pláza, bevásárlóközpont
mallard {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) :: tőkés réce, vadkacsa
Mallarméan {adj} (of or relating to Stéphane Mallarmé) :: mallarméi
malleable {adj} (able to be hammered into thin sheets) :: nyújtható
malleable {adj} (liable to change) :: képlékeny
mallet {n} (instrument for playing croquet) :: ütő
malleus {n} (the small hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear) :: kalapács
mallow {n} (any of a group of plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae) :: papsajt
Malmö {prop} (city in Sweden) :: Malmö
malnutrition {n} (lack of adequate nourishment) :: alultápláltság
malpractice {n} (the improper treatment of a patient by a physician that results in injury or loss) :: műhiba
malt {n} (sprouted grain used in brewing) :: maláta
Malta {prop} (republic) :: Málta
Malta {prop} (island) :: Málta
Maltese cross {n} (plant) :: égőszerelem
malware {n} (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) :: rosszindulatú szoftver, kártevő szoftver, kártékony szoftver
mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mammal {n} (animal of the class Mammalia) :: emlős
mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal ::
mammography {n} (X-ray examination of the breasts) :: mammográfia
mammoth {n} (elephant-like mammal) :: mamut
man {n} (adult male human) :: férfi
man {n} (human) :: ember
man {n} (piece in board games) :: bábu, figura
Man {prop} (genus Homo) :: ember
manacle {n} (fetter, restriction) SEE: fetter ::
manacle {n} (shackle for the wrist) :: bilincs
manacle {v} (to confine with manacles) :: megbilincsel
manage {v} (to direct or be in charge) :: igazgat, vezet
manage {v} (to handle or control a situation or job) :: irányít
manage {v} (to succeed at an attempt) :: sikerül
manage {v} (to achieve without fuss, or without outside help) :: megállja a helyét, boldogul, elboldogul
manageable {adj} (capable of being managed) :: kezelhető
management {n} (administration; the process or practice of managing) :: ügyintézés, menedzsment
management {n} (the executives of an organisation) :: vezetőség
management {n} (judicious use of means) :: gazdálkodás
manager {n} (person whose job is to manage something) :: igazgató, vezető, menedzser
managing director {n} (the chief executive of a limited company) :: vezérigazgató
man and wife {n} (opposite-sex married couple) SEE: husband and wife ::
Manchester {prop} (major city in the north-west of England) :: Manchester
Manchu {n} (member of the people) :: mandzsu
Manchu {prop} (language) :: mandzsu
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu(rian) people) :: mandzsu
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu language) :: mandzsu
Manchuria {prop} (historical region in Northeast Asia) :: Mandzsúria
mandarin {n} (Chinese Imperial bureaucrat) :: mandarin
mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (mandarin duck) SEE: mandarin duck ::
Mandarin {n} (Standard Mandarin, see also: Chinese) :: mandarin
mandarin duck {n} (bird) :: mandarinréce
mandarin orange {n} (tree) :: mandarin
mandarin orange {n} (fruit) :: mandarin
mandatory {adj} (obligatory) :: kötelező
Mandelbrot set {n} (set of complex numbers c) :: Mandelbrot-halmaz
mandible {n} (lower jaw) :: állkapocscsont
mandolin {n} (musical instrument) :: mandolin
Mandopop {n} (Mandarin pop music) :: mandopop
mandrake {n} (botany) :: mandragóra
mane {n} (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) :: sörény
mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) :: sörény
man-eater {n} (animal that eats humans) :: emberevő
man-eater {n} (woman) :: férfifaló
maned wolf {n} (Chrysocyon brachyurus) :: sörényes farkas
maneuver {n} (a movement, often one performed with difficulty) :: hadművelet, manőver
maneuver {n} (a large training exercise of military troops) :: hadgyakorlat
maneuver {v} (to move carefully, and often with difficulty, into a certain position) :: manőverez
manga {n} (comic originated in Japan) :: manga
manganese {n} (chemical element) :: mangán
manger {n} (trough for animals to eat from) :: jászol
mangle {n} (a hand-operated device with rollers for wringing laundry) :: mángorló
mangle {v} (to wring laundry) :: mángorol
mango {n} (fruit) :: mangó
mango juice {n} (juice) :: mangólé
mangosteen {n} (fruit) :: mangosztán
manhater {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope ::
manhood {n} (male genitalia) :: férfiasság
mania {n} (excessive desire) :: mánia, szenvedély, imádat, fanatizmus
maniac {n} (fanatic, obsessive) :: -mániás, -őrült, -bolond
Manichaeism {prop} (religion) :: manicheizmus
manicure {n} (cosmetic treatment for the fingernails) :: manikűr
manifest {adj} (evident to the senses, especially to the sight; apparent) :: szembeszökő
manifesto {n} (public declaration) :: kiáltvány
manifold {adj} (various in kind or quality) :: sokféle, sokfajta
manifold {adj} (exhibited at diverse times or in various ways) :: sokszor
manifold {n} (locally Euclidean space) :: sokaság
manifold {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
maniple {n} (division of the Roman army) :: manipulus
manipulatable {adj} (gullible) SEE: gullible ::
manipulate {v} :: manipulál
Manipur {prop} (Manipur, India) :: Manipur
man is a wolf to man {proverb} (humans prey upon one another) :: ember embernek farkasa
mankind {n} (human race) :: emberiség
mankind {n} (men collectively, as opposed to all women) :: férfiak {p}
manliness {n} (male genitals) :: férfiasság
manly {adj} (having the characteristics of a man) :: férfias
man-made {adj} (created by a human) :: mesterséges
manna ash {n} (Fraxinus ornis) :: virágos kőris
mannequin {n} (model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes) :: próbababa
mannequin {n} (a person who models clothes) :: manöken
manner {n} (way of performing or effecting; method or style) :: mód, módszer
manner {n} (characteristic mode of acting or behaving; bearing) :: modor, stílus, hangnem
manner {n} (one's customary method of acting; habit) :: modor, viselkedés
manner {n} (good, polite behaviour) :: modor, illem, illendőség, jólneveltség, etikett
manner {n} (characteristic peculiarity of an artist) :: stílus
manner {n} (certain degree or measure) :: valamelyes/bizonyos mérték
manner {n} (sort; kind; style) :: fajta, féle
mannered {adj} (having manners or mannerisms) :: modoros, mesterkélt, maníros
mannose {n} (monosaccharide aldohexose) :: mannóz
man of letters {n} (a literary man) :: irodalmár
man of the world {n} (worldly man) :: világfi
man-of-war {n} (cnidarian) SEE: Portuguese man-of-war ::
manor {n} (feudal district) :: földesúri birtok
man overboard {interj} (cry indicating someone has fallen over the side) :: ember a vízben
manpower {n} (workforce) SEE: labour force ::
man proposes, God disposes {proverb} (things don't always work out as they were planned) :: ember tervez, Isten végez
man's best friend {n} (an affectionate term for a dog) :: az ember legjobb barátja
manse {n} (house inhabited by the minister of a parish) :: parókia, paplak
manservant {n} (male servant) :: szolga, inas
Mansi {n} (person) :: manysi, vogul
Mansi {prop} (Finno-Ugric language) :: manysi, vogul
manta ray {n} (any of several very large pelagic rays) :: manta
mantelpiece {n} (shelf) :: kandallópárkány
mantis shrimp {n} (stomatopod) :: sáskarák
mantra {n} (the hymn portions of the Vedas) :: mantra
mantra {n} (a phrase repeated to assist concentration during meditation) :: mantra
mantra {n} (a slogan or phrase often repeated) :: mantra
manual {n} (handbook or booklet that instructs) :: kézikönyv, kalauz
manual {n} (musical keyboard) :: billentyűzet
manual {adj} (performed with the hands) :: kézi
manufacture {v} (to make things) :: készít, gyárt
manufacture {v} (to produce goods) :: gyárt
manul {n} (Otocolobus manul) :: manul, pusztai macska, Pallas-macska
manumit {v} (to free one's slave) :: felszabadít
manure {n} (excrement) :: trágya
manure spreader {n} (agricultural machine) :: trágyaszóró
manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand ::
manuscript {n} (book, composition or any other document, written by hand) :: kézirat
manuscript {n} (book, article etc, submitted for reproductive publication) :: kézirat
Manx cat {n} (mammal) :: Man-szigeti macska
many {determiner} (an indefinite large number of) :: sok
many {pron} (an indefinite large number of people or things) :: sok
many {n} (a collective mass of people) :: sokak, sokan
many a mickle makes a muckle {proverb} (lot of small amounts together become a large amount) :: sok kicsi sokra megy
many happy returns {n} (Many happy returns!) :: Isten éltessen (sokáig)! [informal; the formal variant is with éltesse]
manyplies {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
many thanks {interj} (many thanks) :: nagyon köszönöm
Maoism {n} (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) :: maoizmus
Maoist {adj} (of Maoism) :: maoista
Maoist {n} (Maoist advocate) :: maoista
Mao-ming {prop} (Maoming) SEE: Maoming ::
Maoming {prop} (city) :: Maoming
map {n} (visual representation of an area) :: térkép
map {n} (function) :: leképezés
map {v} (to create a visual representation of a territory) :: feltérképez, leképez
map {v} (to act as a function on) :: leképez
maple {n} (tree of the Acer genus) :: juhar
maple leaf {n} (leaf) :: juharlevél
maple leaf {n} (symbol) :: juharlevél
maple sugar {n} (type of sugar made from boiled maple sap) :: juharcukor
maple syrup {n} (syrup made from the sap of the sugar maple) :: juharszirup
Marathi {n} (language of Maharashtra) :: maráthi
marathon {n} (road race) :: maraton
marathon {n} (any extended or sustained activity) :: maraton
maraud {v} (intransitive: to move about in roving fashion looking for plunder) :: fosztogat, rabol, portyázik
maraud {v} (transitive: to raid and pillage) :: kifoszt, kirabol
marauder {n} (band of outlaws who raid and pillage) :: martalóc
marble {n} (crystalline limestone) :: márvány
marble {n} (spherical ball) :: golyó, üveggolyó
marcassin {n} (young wild boar) :: vadmalac
Marcel {prop} (male given name) :: Marcell {m}
march {n} (formal, rhythmic way of walking) :: menetelés, menet
march {n} (political rally or parade) :: felvonulás
march {n} (song in the genre of music written for marching) :: induló
march {n} (steady forward movement or progression) :: haladás, előrehaladás
march {v} (walk with long, regular strides) :: menetel, masíroz, vonul
march {v} (go to war; make military advances) :: hadba vonul
March {prop} (third month of the Gregorian calendar) :: március
marchioness {n} (wife of a marquess) :: őrgrófné
mare {n} (female horse) :: kanca
Margaret {prop} (female given name) :: Margit
margarine {n} (spread) :: margarin
margin {n} (edge of the paper that remains blank) :: margó
margravate {n} (territory governed by a margrave) :: őrgrófság
margrave {n} (hereditary prince) :: őrgróf, márki
margravine {n} (the wife of a margrave) :: őrgrófné, márkiné
margravine {n} (a woman with the rank and responsibilities of a margrave) :: őrgrófnő, márkinő
marguerite {n} (oxeye daisy) SEE: oxeye daisy ::
Mari {n} (people) :: mari, cseremisz
Mari {prop} (language) :: mari, cseremisz
Mari {prop} (Eastern Mari, as distinct from Western Mari) SEE: Meadow Mari ::
Mariana Trench {prop} (trench in the North Pacific Ocean) :: Mariana-árok
Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary ::
marigold {n} (Calendula) :: körömvirág
marigold {n} (Tagetes) :: bársonyvirág
marijuana {n} (the drug) :: marihuána, kender
marimba {n} (musical instrument) :: marimba
marinade {v} (marinate) SEE: marinate ::
marinade {n} (liquid mixture) :: pác
marinate {v} (soak in marinade) :: pácol
marine biologist {n} (someone who studies marine biology) :: tengerbiológus
marine biology {n} (branch of biology) :: tengerbiológia
mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
mariner's compass {n} (compass) SEE: compass ::
marionette {n} (string puppet) :: marionett
marital status {n} (term describing relationship) :: családi állapot
maritime pine {n} (a pine tree) :: tengerparti fenyő
marjoram {n} (plant) :: majoránna
marjoram {n} (culinary herb) :: majoránna
mark {n} (academic score) :: jegy, osztályzat
mark {v} (indicate) :: megjelöl
mark {v} (sports: to follow a player) :: fog
Mark {prop} (male given name) :: Márk
Mark {prop} (the Evangelist) :: Márk
Mark {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Márk
marker {n} (marker pen) SEE: marker pen ::
marker pen {n} (pen) :: szövegkiemelő, jelölőtoll
market {n} (spacious site for trading) :: piac, vásárcsarnok
market {n} (group of potential customers) :: piac, vevőkör
market {n} (geographical area where a commercial demand exists) :: piac
market {n} (formally organized system of trading in specified goods or effects) :: piac
market {n} :: tőzsde
market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
marketability {n} (marketability) :: értékesíthetőség
marketableness {n} (marketableness) SEE: marketability ::
market economy {n} (economy in which and services are exchanged in a free market) :: piacgazdaság
marketing {n} (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service) :: marketing
marketplace {n} (open area in a town housing a public market) :: piactér, vásártér
marketplace {n} (space, actual or metaphorical, in which a market operates) :: piac
market share {n} (percentage of some market) :: piaci részesedés
market square {n} (open area in a town housing a public market) :: piactér, vásártér
markhor {n} (Capra falconeri) :: pödröttszarvú kecske
Markov chain {n} (probability theory) :: Markov-lánc
marksman {n} (a man skilled in shooting at a target) :: mesterlövész
markup {n} (notation used to indicate how text should be displayed) :: formázásjelölés, szedési/nyomdai utasítás
markup {n} (percentage or amount added to buy-in price) :: haszonkulcs, árrés
markup {n} (increase in price) :: áremelkedés, áremelés
markup language {n} (computer language using markups) :: jelölőnyelv
marl {n} (a mixed earthy substance) :: márga
marmalade {n} (jam) :: lekvár, dzsem, íz, gyümölcsíz, marmelád
marmoset {n} (small monkey) :: selyemmajom
marmot {n} (rodent of the genera Marmota) :: mormota
marocain {n} (heavy crepe fabric) :: maroken
maroon {n} (runaway slave) :: szökevény rabszolga
maroon {v} (to abandon) :: hátrahagy, lakatlan szigetre kitesz
maroon {n} (dark red, somewhat brownish colour) :: gesztenyebarna, vörösesbarna
maroon {adj} (color) :: bordóvörös
marquee {n} (projecting canopy) :: vászontető
marquess {n} (title of nobility) :: márki, őrgróf
marquetry {n} (woodworking technique) :: intarzia
marquis {n} (nobleman) SEE: marquess ::
Marrakech {prop} (city in Morocco) :: Marrákes
marriage {n} (state of being married) :: házasság
marriage {n} (union of two people) :: házasság
marriage {n} (wedding) :: esküvő
marriage of convenience {n} (marriage motivated by some reason other than love) :: érdekházasság
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife or a husband) :: házas
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a husband) :: férjezett, férjes
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife) :: nős
married couple {n} (two people who are married to each other) :: házaspár
marron glacé {n} (chestnut preserved in sugar or syrup and flavoured with vanilla) :: sült gesztenye, kandírozott gesztenye, cukrozott gesztenye
marrow {n} (substance inside bones) :: velő
marrow {n} (kind of vegetable) :: tök
marrowbone {n} (bone with edible marrow) :: velőscsont
marry {v} (to take a husband or wife) :: megnősül [to marry a woman], férjhez megy [to marry a man]
marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal to a woman (the shortest form)) :: gyere hozzám feleségül
marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal to a man (the shortest form)) :: vegyél feleségül, vegyél el feleségül
marry off {v} (successfully arrange the marriage of someone) :: kiházasít, férjhez ad
marry up {v} (join) SEE: join ::
Mars {prop} (planet) :: Mars
Mars {prop} (god of war) :: Mars
Mars {prop} (brand of chocolate bar) :: Mars
Marseilles {prop} (city in France) :: Marseille
Marseille soap {n} (kind of hard soap) :: Marseille szappan, Marseille-i szappan
marsh {n} (area of low, wet land) :: mocsár, láp
Marshall Islands {prop} (Republic of the Marshall Islands) :: Marshall-szigetek
marsh horsetail {n} (plant) :: mocsári zsurló
marsh mallow {n} (Althaea officinalis) :: orvosi ziliz
marshmallow {n} (confectionery) :: mályvacukor, pillecukor
marshmallow {n} (plant) SEE: marsh mallow ::
marshy {adj} (of, or resembling a marsh; boggy) :: mocsaras, lápos, ingoványos, posványos
marshy {adj} (growing in marshy ground) :: mocsári
marsupial {n} (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) :: erszényes
marten {n} (mammal) :: nyuszt, nyest
Martha {prop} (female given name) :: Márta
martial {n} (soldier, warrior) SEE: soldier ::
martial {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) SEE: Martian ::
martial {n} (synonym of Martian) SEE: Martian ::
martial {adj} (of, relating to, or suggestive of war, see also: warlike) :: harci, háborús, marciális
martial {adj} (relating to or connected with armed forces or military life) :: hadi
martial {adj} (characteristic of or befitting a warrior) :: délceg, katonás, harcias
Martial {prop} (Roman poet) :: Martialis
martial art {n} (fighting style) :: harcművészet
martial artist {n} (practitioner of martial arts) :: harcművész
martial law {n} (rule by military authorities) :: statárium
Martian {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) :: marsi [of the planet], marslakó [of inhabitants]
Martian {n} (inhabitant of the planet Mars) :: marslakó
martin {n} (bird) :: molnárfecske
Martin {prop} (given name) :: Márton
martini {n} (cocktail) :: martini
Martinique {prop} (Department of Martinique) :: Martinique
martyr {n} (one willing to be killed for religion) :: mártír, vértanú
martyr {n} (one who sacrifices their life for an important cause) :: mártír, vértanú
martyr {n} (one who suffers greatly, even involuntarily) :: mártír
martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture ::
martyrdom {n} (condition of a martyr) :: mártíromság, vértanúság
marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle ::
marvel {n} (wonder) SEE: wonder ::
marvellous {adj} (exciting wonder) SEE: marvelous ::
marvelous {adj} (exciting wonder or surprise) :: csodálatos
Marxian {adj} (of or pertaining to Karl Marx and his ideas) :: marxi
Marxism {n} (philosophy) :: marxizmus
Marxism {n} (ideology) :: marxizmus
Marxism-Leninism {prop} (communist ideological stream) :: marxizmus–leninizmus
Marxist {adj} (following Marxism) :: marxista
Marxist {n} (one who follows Marxism) :: marxista
Marxist-Leninist {adj} (of or pertaining to Marxism-Leninism) :: marxista–leninista
Mary {prop} (female given name) :: Mária
Mary {prop} (biblical mother of Jesus) :: Mária
Mary Jane {n} (slang for marijuana) :: Mariska
Mary Magdalene {prop} (female disciple of Jesus) :: Mária Magdolna {f}, Mária Magdaléna
marzipan {n} (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) :: marcipán
mascara {n} (eyelash cosmetic) :: szempillafesték, szempillaspirál
mascot {n} (something thought to bring good luck) :: kabala
mascot {n} (something used to symbolize a sports team or other group) :: kabalafigura, kabalababa
masculine {adj} (of the male sex; biologically male, not female; manly) :: hímnemű, hím
masculine {adj} (belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males) :: férfi-
masculine {adj} (having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate) :: férfias
masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) :: hímnemű
masculine {n} ((grammar) the masculine gender) :: hímnem
masculine {n} ((grammar) a word of the masculine gender) :: hímnemű alak
masculinity {n} (degree or property of being masculine) :: férfiasság
masdar {n} (verbal noun) SEE: verbal noun ::
mash {n} (a mass of mixed ingredients) :: kása, pép, pempő, püré, zúzalék
mash {n} (in brewing) :: cefre, malátalé
mash {n} (a mixture of meal or bran and water fed to animals) :: takarmánykeverék
mash {v} (convert (something) into a mash) :: zúz, összezúz, összetör
mash {n} (mashed potatoes) SEE: mashed potatoes ::
mashed potatoes {n} (dish) :: burgonyapüré, krumplipüré
masjid {n} (mosque) SEE: mosque ::
mask {n} (cover for the face) :: maszk, álarc
masked {adj} (wearing a mask or masks) :: álarcos
masked ball {n} (a formal dance with dancers wearing masks) :: álarcosbál
masker {n} (one who wears a mask) :: álarcos
masochism {n} (the enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation) :: mazochizmus
masochist {n} (someone who enjoys pain or humiliation) :: mazochista
masochistic {adj} (deriving pleasure from abuse, being punished, or dominated) :: mazochista
mason {n} (one who builds with stone or brick) :: kőműves
mason {n} (Freemason) SEE: Freemason ::
masonry {n} (art or occupation of a mason) :: kőművesség
masonry {n} (work or performance of a mason) :: kőművesmunka, falazás, vakolás
masonry {n} (that which is built by a mason) :: kőművesmunka, falazat, falazás, fal, építmény, vakolat; szabadkőművesség
Masovia {prop} (Region of Poland) :: Mazóvia
masquerade {n} (party or assembly of people wearing masks and costumes) :: maskara, álarcosbál
masquerade {v} (disguise) SEE: disguise ::
masquerader {n} (one who wears a mask) :: álarcos
Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt ::
mass {n} (quantity of matter cohering together to make one body) :: tömeg
mass {n} (large quantity; sum) :: tömeg
mass {n} (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) :: tömeg
mass {v} (form or collect into a mass) :: összegyűjt, összehord
mass {n} (religion: Eucharist) :: mise
mass {n} (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) :: mise
mass {n} (religion: sacrament of the Eucharist) :: mise
mass {n} (musical setting of parts of the mass) :: mise
Mass {n} (Roman Catholic Church: the principal liturgical service) :: mise, szentmise
massacre {n} (intentional mass killing) :: mészárlás, öldöklés
massage {n} (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) :: masszázs
massage {v} (to perform a massage on somebody) :: masszíroz
massage {v} (to manipulate data or a document) :: kozmetikáz
masseter {n} (the large muscle which raises the under jaw, and assists in mastication) :: rágóizom
mass grave {n} (a grave containing many corpses) :: tömegsír
mass hysteria {n} (sociopsychological phenomenon) :: tömeghisztéria
massif {n} (principal mountain mass) :: masszívum
massive {adj} (of great size, significance or import; overwhelming) :: hatalmas, komoly, súlyos, erőteljes
massive {adj} (of or pertaining to a large mass; weighty, heavy, or bulky) :: masszív
massively multiplayer online role-playing game {n} (online computer role-playing game) :: nagyon sok szereplős online szerepjáték
mass murder {n} (successive killing of many people) :: tömeggyilkosság
mass murderer {n} (someone who commits a mass murder, see also: serial killer) :: tömeggyilkos
mass noun {n} (noun describing something that cannot be counted) :: nem megszámlálható főnév, nem számszerű főnév, megszámlálhatatlan főnév
mass production {n} (process of manufacturing products on a large scale) :: tömeggyártás, sorozatgyártás
mass spectrometry {n} (analytical tecnique) :: tömegspektrometria
mast {n} (support of a sail) :: árbóc
master {n} (someone who has control over something or someone) :: mester
master {n} (expert at something) :: mester
master {v} (to learn to a high degree) :: elsajátít
master key {n} (a key that opens a set of several locks) :: tolvajkulcs, álkulcs
master of ceremonies {n} (someone who conducts a program by introducing performers) :: szertartásmester, konferanszié
masterpiece {n} (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) :: remekmű
master's {n} (master's degree) SEE: master's degree ::
master's degree {n} (postgraduate degree) :: mesterdiploma
masterwork {n} (piece of quality indicative of having been made by a master) SEE: masterpiece ::
masterwort {n} (Aegopodium podagraria) SEE: ground elder ::
mastery {n} (philosopher's stone) SEE: philosopher's stone ::
masthead {n} (title) :: sajtótermék neve
masticate {v} (chew) SEE: chew ::
mastiff {n} (mastiff) :: masztiff
mastoid process {n} (projection of the temporal bone) :: csecsnyúlvány
masturbate {v} (to masturbate) :: maszturbál
masturbation {n} (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) :: önkielégítés, maszturbáció
mat {n} (foot wiping device or floor covering) :: lábtörlő
mat {n} (thickly tangled mess) :: csomó
match {n} (sporting event) :: meccs, mérkőzés
match {v} (to agree; to equal) :: egyezik, megegyezik, megfelel, illik, összeillik
match {v} (make a successful pairing) :: megfeleltet
match {n} (device to make fire) :: gyufa
matcha {n} (powdered green tea for ceremonies) :: matcsa, matcha
matchbox {n} (small cardboard box in which matches are kept) :: gyufásdoboz, gyufásskatulya, gyufaskatulya
matchless {adj} (without equal) :: utánozhatatlan, egyedülálló, páratlan
matchstick {n} (piece of wood) :: gyufaszál
mate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: copulate ::
mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate ::
mate {n} (of breeding animal: sexual partner) :: pár
mate {n} (other member of a pair) :: pár
mate {n} (nautical: ship's officer on commercial vessel) :: első tiszt
mate {n} (nautical: NCO or his subordinate in naval ranks) :: altiszt
mate {n} (trade assistant) :: segéd
mate {n} (friend, see also: friend) :: haver, pajtás, cimbora
mate {n} (fellow, associate, colleague (in combination)) :: társ
mate {v} (copulate) :: párosodik, párzik
mate {v} (pair in order to raise offspring) :: párosít, pároztat, fedeztet
mate {v} (arrange in matched pairs) :: párosít, párokba rendez, összepárosít
mate {v} (to put an opponent in checkmate) :: megmattol, mattot ad
material {adj} (related to matter) :: anyagi
material {adj} (worldly) :: anyagi, materiális
material {n} (matter) :: anyag
material {n} (text) :: anyag
maternal {adj} (of or pertaining to a mother) :: anyai
maternal {adj} (related through the mother, or her side of the family) :: anyai
maternal aunt {n} (one's mother's sister) :: nagynéni
maternal grandfather {n} (one's mother's father) :: anyai nagyapa
maternal grandmother {n} (The mother of one's mother) :: anyai nagyanya/nagymama
maternal uncle {n} (brother of one's mother) :: nagybácsi
mathematical model {n} (An abstract mathematical representation) :: matematikai modell
mathematician {n} (expert in mathematics) :: matematikus
mathematics {n} (field of study) :: matematika
maths {n} (short form of mathematics) :: matek
Matilda {prop} (female given name, cognates and transliterations) :: Matild, Matilda
mating season {n} (time of year during which animals mate) :: párzási időszak
matriarchy {n} (social system) :: matriarchátus
matriarchy {n} :: matriarchia
matrimony {n} (marriage or the state of being married) :: házasság
matrimony {n} (the marriage ceremony) :: esküvő
matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll ::
matte {n} (decorative border around a picture) :: paszpartu
matter {n} (basic structural component of the universe) :: anyag
matter {n} (non-antimatter matter) :: anyag
matter {n} (kind of substance) :: anyag
matter {n} (reason for concern) :: baj, gond
matter {n} (situation, condition, subject or affair) :: ügy, dolog, kérdés, téma, tárgy
matter {n} (cause) :: ok
matter {n} (neurology: nerve tissue type) :: állomány
matter {v} (to be important) :: számít, fontos, érdekes
Matthew {prop} (male given name) :: Máté
Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) :: Máté
Matthew {prop} (gospel of Matthew) :: Máté evangéliuma
Matthias {prop} (the Apostle replacing Judas) :: Mátyás, Máté
Matthias {prop} (male given name) :: Mátyás
matting {n} (surface used for surrounding pictures) SEE: matte ::
mattock {n} (agricultural tool) :: csákány
mattress {n} (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) :: matrac, ágybetét
mature {adj} (fully developed) :: érett
maugre {prep} (in spite of) SEE: in spite of ::
maul {v} (savage) :: marcangol
maundy {n} (commandment) SEE: commandment ::
Maundy Thursday {prop} (Thursday before Easter) :: nagycsütörtök
Maurice {prop} (male given name) :: Móric, Mór
Mauritania {prop} (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) :: Mauritánia
Mauritius {prop} (country) :: Mauritius
mausoleum {n} (large tomb) :: mauzóleum
mauve {n} (colour) :: mályva
maverick {adj} (showing independence in thoughts or actions) :: független, individualista
maxilla {n} (bone of upper jaw) :: felső állcsont
maxillary sinus {n} (paranasal sinus) :: arcüreg
maximally {adv} (to a maximal extent) :: maximálisan
Maxwell's demon {n} (Hypothetical creature) :: Maxwell-démon
may {v} (have permission to) :: szabad, -hat, -het
may {v} (possibly, but not certainly) :: lehet
may {v} :: lehet
may {n} (the hawthorn bush or its blossom) :: [bush] galagonya, galagonyavirág
May {prop} (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: május
maybe {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: talán
May bug {n} (cockchafer) SEE: cockchafer ::
May Day {n} (workers' holiday) :: munka ünnepe
mayfly {n} (insect of order Ephemeroptera) :: tiszavirág, kérész
mayhem {n} (chaos) :: felfordulás
mayonnaise {n} (dressing) :: majonéz
mayor {n} (leader of a city) :: polgármester, főpolgármester [that of a major city]
Mayotte {prop} (Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte) :: Mayotte
may the Force be with you {phrase} (wish someone luck) :: az Erő legyen veled
maze {n} (Puzzle to get through) :: labirintus
Möbius band {n} (Möbius strip) SEE: Möbius strip ::
Möbius strip {n} (one-sided surface) :: Möbius-szalag
McDonald's {prop} (fast-food restaurant) :: McDonald's, meki [slang]
me {pron} (myself) SEE: myself ::
me {pron} (direct object of a verb) :: engem
me {pron} (indirect object of a verb) :: nekem
mead {n} (alcoholic drink) :: mézsör
meadow {n} (field or pasture) :: rét, kaszáló, mező
Meadow Mari {prop} (a standardized dialect of the Mari language used mainly in the European part of the Russian Federation) :: mezei mari
meadow mushroom {n} (Agaricus campestris) SEE: field mushroom ::
meagre {adj} :: sovány
meal {n} (food that is prepared and eaten) :: étkezés
mealy-mouthed {adj} (not forthright) :: köntörfalazó
mean {v} (to intend; plan on doing) :: akar, tervez, szándékozik, szándékában áll
mean {v} (to have intentions of some kind) :: akar
mean {v} (to intend (something) for a given purpose or fate) :: szán
mean {v} (to convey, indicate) :: jelent
mean {v} (to signify) :: jelent
mean {v} (to intend to express, to imply, to hint at, to allude) :: ért, gondol, céloz
mean {v} (to have conviction in what one says) :: komolyan gondol
mean {v} (to result in; bring about) :: jár, maga után von, jelent
mean {v} (to be important) :: jelent, számít
meandering {adj} (winding, rambling) :: kanyargós
meandrous {adj} (winding) SEE: winding ::
meaning {n} (symbolic value of something) :: jelentés
meaning {n} (significance of a thing, as "the meaning of life") :: értelem
meaning {n} (definition or connotation of a word) :: jelentés
meaning of life {n} (hypothetical answer to life's ultimate questions) :: az élet értelme
mean proportional {n} (geometric mean) SEE: geometric mean ::
means of production {n} (combination of the means of labor and the subject of labor) :: termelőeszköz
means of transportation {n} (general term for the different kinds of transport facilities that are often used to transport people or cargo in many ways) :: közlekedési eszköz [passenger transportation], szállítóeszköz [goods transportation]
meanwhile {adv} (during the time) :: eközben, ezalatt
meanwhile {adv} (at the same time but elsewhere) :: mindeközben, időközben
measles {n} (acute highly contagious viral disease) :: kanyaró
measurable {adj} (able to be measured) :: mérhető
measure {n} (melody) SEE: melody ::
measure {n} (action to achieve some purpose) :: intézkedés
measure {v} (ascertain the quantity of a unit) :: mér, mértéket vesz
measure {n} (dance) SEE: dance ::
measure {n} (math: number which is contained in a given number without remainder) SEE: divisor ::
measure {n} (geology: bed or stratum) SEE: bed ::
measurement {n} (act of measuring) :: mérés, megmérés
measurement {n} (magnitude determined by measuring) :: méret
measure up {v} (To meet expectations; to be as good as) :: megfelel
measure word {n} (measure word, classifier) :: számlálószó
measuring tape {n} (tape measure) SEE: tape measure ::
meat {n} (animal flesh used as food) :: hús
meat {n} (type of meat) :: hús
meat {n} (any sort of flesh) :: hús
meatball {n} (meatball) :: húsgombóc
meat jelly {n} (aspic) SEE: aspic ::
meatloaf {n} (mixture of ground meat) :: fasírt
meaty {adj} (of, relating to, or containing meat) :: húsos
Mecca {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: Mekka
mechanic {n} (skilled worker on machinery) :: gépész, műszerész, géplakatos, szerelő
mechanical {adj} (physics: related to mechanics) :: mechanikai, mechanikus
mechanical engineer {n} (someone who specializes in mechanical engineering) :: gépészmérnök
mechanical engineering {n} (subfield of engineering) :: gépészet
mechanically {adv} (In a mechanical manner) :: mechanikusan
mechanical pencil {n} (pencil with a retractable lead) :: rotring, rotringceruza, töltőceruza
mechanism {n} (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) :: mechanizmus
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania {prop} (one of the component states of Germany) :: Mecklenburg-Elő-Pomeránia
medal {n} (stamped metal disc) :: medália
meddle {v} (to have sex) SEE: have sex ::
meddler {n} (one who meddles or interferes) :: minden lében kanál, kotnyeles
media {n} (means and institutions for publishing and broadcasting information) :: média
mediaeval {adj} (medieval) SEE: medieval ::
medial {adj} (of or pertaining to a mean or average) :: középső, közép-
medial {adj} (anatomy: pertaining to the inside) :: belső, bel-
medial cuneiform bone {n} (cuneiform bone of the foot) :: belső ékcsont
median {n} (geometry: line segment joining vertex and midpoint of opposing side) :: súlyvonal
mediastinum {n} (the region in mammals) :: gátor
mediate {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate ::
mediate {v} (intervene between conflicting parties) :: közbenjár, közvetít
mediator {n} (one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement) :: közvetítő, mediátor
medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
medic {n} (paramedic) SEE: paramedic ::
medical examiner {n} (a physician who examines cadavers on behalf of the government) :: halottkém, boncmester, boncnok, igazságügyi orvosszakértő
medical student {n} (student at a medical school) :: orvostanhallgató
medicinal {adj} (tending to cure disease) :: gyógyító, gyógyhatású, gyógy-
medicine {n} (substance which promotes healing) :: gyógyszer, orvosság
medicine {n} (field of study) :: orvostudomány, orvostan, [with a particular attribute] orvoslás
medicine {n} (ritual Native American magic) :: varázsszer
medieval {adj} (of or relating to the Middle Ages) :: középkori
medieval {adj} (brutal) SEE: brutal ::
medieval studies {n} (medieval studies) :: középkortudomány, medievisztika
mediocre {adj} (having no peculiar or outstanding features) :: középszerű, közepes
meditate {v} :: meditál
meditation {n} (devotional contemplation) :: meditáció
meditation {n} (contemplative discourse) :: elmélkedés
Mediterranean {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) :: mediterrán
Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea ::
mediterranean sea {n} (mostly enclosed sea) :: beltenger
Mediterranean Sea {prop} (sea between Europe and Africa) :: Földközi-tenger
medium {n} (someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world) :: médium
medlar {n} (fruit) :: naspolya
medley {n} (collection or mixture of things) :: keverék, egyveleg
medley {n} (collection of related songs) :: egyveleg
medley {n} (swimming event) :: vegyesúszás
medulla oblongata {n} (lower portion of the brainstem) :: nyúltvelő
Medusa {prop} (one of the Gorgons) :: Medusza
meek {adj} (humble, modest, or self-effacing) :: szerény
meek {adj} (submissive, dispirited) :: alázatos, beletörődő
meerkat {n} (small carnivorous mammal) :: szurikáta
meet {v} (encounter by accident) :: találkozik
meet {v} (see through arrangement) :: találkozik
meet {v} (to get acquainted) :: megismerkedik
meet {v} (converge and touch) :: találkozik
meet {v} (gather for a formal discussion) :: találkozik
meet {v} (comply with) :: megfelel
meet {v} (hit something while moving) :: nekiütközik
meet {v} (adjoin) :: érintkezik
meet {v} ((sport) play a match) :: találkozik
meet {v} (meet face-to-face) :: találkozik
meeting {n} (gathering for a purpose) :: találkozó, megbeszélés, tárgyalás
meeting {n} (encounter between people) :: találkozás
meeting {n} (place or instance of junction or intersection) :: találkozás
meeting {n} :: tárgyalás
meeting place {n} (place where people arrange to meet) :: találkozóhely
mefenamic acid {n} (drug) :: mefenaminsav
mega- {prefix} (multiplication factor one million) :: mega-
megabit {n} (1,000,000 bits) :: megabit
megabyte {n} (about a million bytes) :: megabyte
megagram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms) :: megagramm
megalomania {n} (psychopathological condition) :: megalománia
megalomaniac {n} (one affected with or exhibiting megalomania) :: megalomániás
megalopolis {n} (large conurbation) :: megapolisz
megapixel {n} (one million pixels, used as a unit of resolution of digital cameras) :: megapixel
megapolis {n} (megapolis) SEE: megalopolis ::
megatsunami {n} (a very large tsunami) :: megacunami
Meghalaya {prop} (state) :: Meghálaja
Megleno-Romanian {prop} (language) :: meglenoromán, meglenoromán nyelv
meh {adj} (mediocre; lackluster; unexceptional; uninspiring) :: olyan-amilyen, úgy-ahogy, csak-csak, semmilyen, se íze, se bűze
meh {adj} (apathetic; unenthusiastic) :: egykedvű, unott
meh {interj} (slang: expressing indifference or lack of enthusiasm) :: á, ugyan, ugyan már
meiosis {n} (cell division) :: meiózis
meitnerium {n} (chemical element) :: meitnérium
Mekong {prop} (river in Asia) :: Mekong
melancholically {adv} (in a melancholic manner) :: melankolikusan
melancholiness {n} (the quality of being melancholy) :: melankolikusság
melancholy {n} (Sadness or depression) :: melankólia
Melanesia {prop} (part of Oceania) :: Melanézia
melanism {n} (congenital excess of melanin pigmentation) :: melanizmus
melanoma {n} (type of skin tumor) :: melanóma
Melbourne {prop} (city in Australia) :: Melbourne
Melchior {prop} (one of the Magi) :: Menyhért
melissa {n} (plant of genus Melissa) :: citromfű
melodic {adj} (melodious, tuneful) :: dallamos
melodious {adj} (having a pleasant melody) :: melodikus, dallamos
melody {n} (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) :: dallam, melódia
melomania {n} (an abnormal love of music) :: zeneőrület
melon {n} (fruit) :: dinnye
melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
Melpomene {prop} (Muse of tragedy) :: Melpomené
melt {v} (intransitive: (of a solid) to become a liquid) :: olvaszt
melt {v} (transitive: to change something from a solid to a liquid) :: olvad
melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
meltdown {n} (severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor) :: zónaolvadás
melting point {n} (temperature at which solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium) :: olvadáspont
member {n} (part of a discourse, period, sentence, or verse) SEE: clause ::
member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element ::
member {n} (one who officially belongs to a group) :: tag
member {n} (organ, limb) :: tag
member {n} (penis) :: hímtag
member of lower house {n} :: alsóház tagja
Member of Parliament {n} (representative) :: országgyűlési képviselő, parlamenti képviselő
member of upper house {n} :: felsőház tagja
membership {n} (fact of being a member) :: tagság
member state {n} (state that is a member of a confederation) :: tagország, tagállam
membrane attack complex {n} (structure formed on the surface of a pathogen cell membrane) :: membránkárosító komplex
membrane potential {n} :: membránpotenciál
membrane protein {n} (a protein that is associated with a biological membrane) :: membránfehérje, membránprotein
membranous {adj} (having the qualities of, or pertaining to, a membrane) :: membranózus
meme {n} (unit of cultural information) :: mém
meme {n} (something copied and circulated online) :: mém
memento {n} (a keepsake) :: mementó, emlékeztető
Memnon {prop} (Ethiopian king and warrior) :: Memnón
memoir {n} (book describing the personal experiences of an author) :: memoár, emlékirat
memoirs {n} (autobiography) SEE: memoir ::
memorabilia {n} (objects that are connected to past events) :: relikvia
memorable {adj} (worthy of being remembered) :: emlékezetes
memorial {n} (structure) :: emlékmű
memorialize {v} (to commemorate) :: emléket állít
memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral ::
memorize {v} (to commit to memory, to learn by heart) :: megjegyez
memory {n} (ability to recall) :: emlékezet, memória
memory {n} (stored record) :: emlék
memory {n} (RAM or ROM) :: memória
memory card {n} :: memóriakártya
memory card {n} (storage format) SEE: flashcard ::
memory stick {n} (portable solid-state flash memory storage device) SEE: flash drive ::
memory stick {n} (memory card, flash card) :: Memory Stick
mend {v} (to repair) :: megjavít
mendacious {adj} (false) SEE: false ::
mendacious {adj} (lying, untruthful or dishonest) :: hazug, hazudozó
mendelevium {n} (chemical element) :: mendelévium
me neither {phrase} (me neither) :: én sem, én se
menhir {n} (standing stone as a monument) :: menhír, kőszál
meningitis {n} (inflammation of the meninges) :: agyhártyagyulladás
menopause {n} (ending of menstruation) :: klimax
menorah {n} (seven-branch candelabrum) :: menóra
men's room {n} (lavatory intended for men, see also: toilet) :: férfivécé
menstruation {n} (periodic discharging of the menses) :: menstruáció
mental {adj} (relating to the mind) :: mentális, lelki, értelmi, szellemi, elmebeli, elme-
mental {adj} (relating to a crazy person) :: elmebeteg, elvetemült
mental breakdown {n} (nervous breakdown) SEE: nervous breakdown ::
mental hospital {n} (facility designed to treat persons with mental disorders) :: elmegyógyintézet; bolondokháza, őrültekháza, tébolyda
mental hygiene {n} (concern and care for clean state of mind) :: mentálhigiéné
mental institution {n} (psychiatric hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
mention {v} (mention) SEE: cover ::
mention {v} (make a short reference to something) :: megemlít
menu {n} (details of the food to be served at a banquet) :: menü
menu {n} (printed list of dishes offered in a restaurant) :: menü, étlap
menu {n} (list from which the user may select an operation to be performed) :: menü
meow {interj} (cry of a cat) :: miau
meow {v} (of a cat, to make its cry) :: nyávog
Mercedes {prop} (female given name) :: Mercédesz
mercenary {n} (person employed to fight) :: zsoldos, zsoldoskatona
merchant {n} (person who traffics in commodities) :: kereskedő
merchant {n} (trading vessel) SEE: cargo ship ::
merchantman {n} (merchant) SEE: merchant ::
merchantman {n} (cargo ship) SEE: cargo ship ::
merchant ship {n} (marine cargo vessel) SEE: cargo ship ::
merciful {adj} (showing mercy) :: kegyes, könyörületes
mercury {n} (element) :: higany
mercury {n} (ambient temperature) :: hőmérséklet
mercury {n} (Mercurialis gen. et spp.) :: szélfű, egynyári szélfű
Mercury {prop} (planet) :: Merkúr
Mercury {prop} (Roman god) :: Merkúr
mercury-vapour lamp {n} (a gaseous discharge lamp) :: higanylámpa, higanygőzlámpa
mercy {n} (relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another) :: könyörület, irgalom
mercy {n} (forgiveness or compassion) :: kegyelem
mercy killing {n} (euthanasia) SEE: euthanasia ::
mere {adj} (the smallest amount) :: puszta, csupán
merely {adv} (only, just, and nothing more) :: csak, csupán, pusztán, mindössze, egyedül
meretricious {adj} (Tastelessly gaudy) :: talmi, felszínes, hivalkodó, ízléstelen, csicsás
merganser {n} (diving duck) :: bukómadár, bukó
merge {v} ((transitive) to combine into a whole) :: egyesít, egybeolvaszt, összefűz
merge {v} ((intransitive) to combine into a whole) :: egyesül, egybeolvad, összeolvad, fuzionál
merge {v} (to blend gradually into something else) :: beleolvad
merger {n} (the act or process of merging) :: egyesülés, összeolvadás, fúzió
merger {n} (type of sound change merging two or more sounds) SEE: phonemic merger ::
mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid ::
meridian {n} (imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface) :: hosszúsági kör, délkör
meringue {n} (shell) :: habcsók
meristem {n} (zone of active cell division) :: merisztéma
mermaid {n} (mythological woman with a fish's tail) :: hableány, sellő
meronym {n} (word denoting part of whole) :: meronima
meronymy {n} (system of meronyms) :: meronímia
merry {adj} (jolly and full of high-spirits) :: vidám
Merry Andrew {n} (person who clowns publicly) SEE: clown ::
merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) :: boldog karácsonyt
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year {phrase} (traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year) :: kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és boldog új évet!
merry-go-round {n} (carousel) :: körhinta, ringlispíl
merrymaking {n} (joyful festivities) :: mulatság, vigalom, dínomdánom
Merya {n} (the tribe) :: merja
Merya {prop} (the language) :: merja
mesa {n} (flat area of land) :: fennsík
mesentery {n} (the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen) :: bélfodor
mesh {n} (structure) :: háló#Hungarian-net
mesh {n} (opening) :: hálószem
mesite {n} (bird of the family Mesithornidae) :: lábasguvat
mesmerize {v} (to exercise mesmerism on) :: delejez, hipnotizál, megigéz
mesne {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate ::
mesoderm {n} (tissue produced by gastrulation) :: mezoderma
Mesopotamia {prop} (region between Euphrates and Tigris) :: Mezopotámia
Mesopotamian {adj} (of or pertaining to Mesopotamia) :: mezopotámiai
mess {n} (confusion of things) :: rendetlenség, összevisszaság, zűrzavar, felfordulás
mess {n} (church service) SEE: Mass ::
message {n} (communication, concept or information conveyed) :: üzenet
message {n} (underlying theme) :: mondanivaló
messenger {n} (one who brings messages) :: hírvivő, hírnök
messenger RNA {n} (information carrying RNA) :: hírvivő RNS
Messiah {prop} ((Christianity) Jesus) :: Messiás, Megváltó
Messinian {prop} :: Messinai
mess up {v} (transitive: to botch, bungle) :: elront, elszúr
messy {adj} (in a disorderly state; causing mess or confusion; chaotic; disorderly) :: rendetlen
meta {adj} (self-referential) :: meta
metabolism {n} (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells) :: anyagcsere
metacarpal {n} (bone of the metacarpus) :: kézközépcsont
metacarpal bone {n} (metacarpal) SEE: metacarpal ::
metacarpus {n} (five bones of the palm) :: kézközép
metal {n} (atomic element or material made of such atoms) :: fém, érc
metal {n} (certain category of rock music) :: metal
metalanguage {n} (linguistical term) :: metanyelv
metal detector {n} (a hand-held device) :: fémérzékelő
metal halide lamp {n} (a high-pressure discharge lamp) :: fémhalogén lámpa
metallic {adj} (related to metal) :: fémes
metalloid {n} (element) :: félfém
metallurgy {n} (science of metals) :: kohászat
metalworker {n} (a person who shapes metal) :: kohász
metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: metamorf kőzet
metamorphosis {n} (transformation) :: átváltozás, átalakulás
metaphase {n} :: metafázis
metaphor {n} (uncountable: figure of speech) :: metafora, hasonlóságon alapuló névátvitel
metaphysics {n} (branch of philosophy that studies first principles) :: metafizika
metaplasia {n} (conversion of one type of tissue into another) :: metaplázia
metastasis {n} (transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body) :: áttét
metastasize {v} (to spread to other sites in the body) :: metasztatizál
metatarsal {n} (bones of the metatarsus) :: lábközépcsont
metatarsus {n} (bones) :: lábközép
metathesis {n} (the transposition of letters, syllables or sounds within a word) :: hangátvetés
metempsychosis {n} (Transmigration of the soul) :: lélekvándorlás
meteor {n} (streak of light) :: hullócsillag
meteorite {n} (remains of a meteor) :: meteorit
meteorologist {n} (person who studies meteorology) :: meteorológus
meteorology {n} (science) :: meteorológia, légkörtan, légtüneménytan
meteorology {n} :: időjóslás
meteor shower {n} (Meteors seen on Earth for short time period) :: meteorzápor
meter {n} (measuring instrument) :: mérőóra, fogyasztásmérő (óra), -óra (in villanyóra, gázóra, vízóra)
meter {n} (short form of parking meter) :: parkolóóra
meter {n} (rhythm of poetry) :: versmérték
meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre ::
meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure ::
-meter {suffix} (used to form a measuring device) :: -mérő
methamphetamine {n} (the drug (S)-N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine) :: metamfetamin
methanal {n} (formaldehyde) SEE: formaldehyde ::
methane {n} (the compound CH4) :: metán
methanesulfonic acid {n} (organic sulfonic acid) :: metánszulfonsav
methanol {n} (the simplest aliphatic alcohol, CH3OH) :: metanol, metil-alkohol, faszesz
methinks {contraction} (it seems to me) :: úgy tűnik, olybá tűnik (the latter is archaic or humorous)
methionine {n} (amino acid) :: metionin
method {n} (process by which a task is completed) :: módszer
method {n} ((programming) subroutine or function in object-oriented languages) :: metódus, tagfüggvény
Methodism {n} (Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley) :: metodizmus
Methodist {n} (a member of the Methodist Church) :: metodista
methodological {adj} (of, pertaining to, or using methodology) :: módszertani
Methuselah {prop} (Biblical character) :: Matuzsálem
methyl bromide {n} (methyl bromide) SEE: bromomethane ::
methylisocyanate {n} (toxic organic compound) :: metil-izocianát
methylpropane {n} (isobutane) SEE: isobutane ::
meticulous {adj} (characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details) :: aprólékos
metol {n} (sulphate of 4-methylaminophenol) :: metol
metonymy {n} (figure of speech) :: metonímia, érintkezésen alapuló névátvitel
me too {phrase} (I agree) :: én is, nekem is
metre {n} (unit of length) :: méter
metric {adj} (relating to metric system) :: metrikus
metric {n} (notion in mathematics) :: metrika
metric system {n} (International System of Units) SEE: International System of Units ::
metro {n} (underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metro {n} (train of underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metrology {n} (science of measurement) :: méréstudomány, méréstan, metrológia
metronome {n} (a device used in music) :: ütemmérő, metronóm
metropole {n} (city) SEE: metropolis ::
metropolis {n} (colony’s mother city) :: metropolisz, anyaország
metropolis {n} (large, busy city) :: metropolisz, nagyváros
metrosexual {n} (man concerned with personal appearance) :: metroszexuális
metro station {n} (railway station for a rapid transit system) :: metróállomás, metrómegálló
-metry {suffix} (forming nouns relating to measures and measurement) :: -metria
mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal ::
Meuse {prop} (river) :: Maas
mew {n} (crying sound of a cat) SEE: meow ::
mew {v} (meow) SEE: meow ::
mews {n} (alley where there are stables; narrow passage; confined place) :: istállósor
Mexican {n} (person from Mexico or of Mexican descent) :: mexikói
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Mexico) :: mexikói
Mexican wolf {n} (rare subspecies of grey wolf) :: Mexikói farkas
Mexico {prop} (country) :: Mexikó
Mexico {prop} (Mexico City) SEE: Mexico City ::
Mexico City {prop} (capital of Mexico) :: Mexikóváros
Mezőkövesd {prop} (town in Hungary) :: Mezőkövesd
mezzanine {n} (a secondary floor, in between the main floors of a building) :: félemelet
mi {n} (third note of a major scale) :: mi
Miami {prop} (city in Florida, United States) :: Miami
Mianyang {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: Mienjang
mica {n} (hydrous aluminosilicate minerals) :: csillám, csillámpala
Micah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Mikeás
Micah {prop} (Biblical character: minor prophet and author) :: Mikeás
Micah {prop} (Biblical character: Ephraimite featured in Judges 17–18) :: Mikeás
Micah {prop} (male given name) :: Mikeás
Michael {prop} (male given name) :: Mihály
Michael {prop} (archangel) :: Mihály
Michelangelesque {adj} (resembling or relating to Michelangelo) :: michelangelói
Michelangelo {prop} (Italian artist) :: Michelangelo
Mickey D's {prop} :: Meki
Mickey Mouse {prop} (Disney character) :: Miki egér
micro- {prefix} (very small) :: mikro-
micro- {prefix} (one millionth) :: mikro-
microbe {n} (microorganism) :: mikroba
microcomputer {n} (computer designed around a microprocessor) :: mikroszámítógép
microcosmic {adj} (of, or relating to the microcosm) :: mikrokozmikus
microfilm {n} (roll of film) :: mikrofilm
micrometer {n} (one millionth of a meter) :: mikrométer
micrometer {n} (instrument) :: mikrométer
micrometre {n} (micrometer) SEE: micrometer ::
Micronesia {prop} (country) :: Mikronézia
microorganism {n} (an organism too small to be seen by unaided eye) :: mikroorganizmus
microphone {n} (transducer of sound waves to electricity) :: mikrofon
microscope {n} (an optical instrument) :: mikroszkóp
microscopize {v} (microscope) SEE: microscope ::
Microsoft {prop} (Transliterations and translations) :: Microsoft
microtubule {n} (microscopic tube in cells) :: mikrotubulus
microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven ::
microwave {n} (electromagnetic wave) :: mikrohullám
microwave oven {n} (oven using microwave energy) :: mikrohullámú sütő, mikró
midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon ::
middle {n} (centre, midpoint) :: középpont
middle {n} (part between beginning and end) :: közép
middle {n} (central part of human body) :: derék
middle {adj} (located in the middle; in between) :: középső
middle-aged {adj} (of, or relating to middle age) :: középkorú
Middle Ages {prop} (historical period) :: középkor
middle ear {n} (cavity in the ear) :: középfül
Middle-earth {prop} (fictional place on Earth where most of the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien are set) :: Középfölde
Middle Earth {prop} (Middle-earth) SEE: Middle-earth ::
Middle Earth {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) :: Közel-Kelet
Middle Eastern {adj} (of or relating to the Middle East) :: közel-keleti
Middle English {prop} (Middle English) :: középangol
middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) :: középsőujj
middleman {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary ::
middle of nowhere {n} (remote place) :: a semmi közepe, a semmi közepén, az isten háta mögött, eldugott hely, ahol a madár se jár
middle reaches {n} (the middle portion of a river) :: középső szakasz/folyás
middle school {n} (school contain both primary and secondary students) :: alsó középiskola
middling {adj} (of intermediate or average quality) :: közepes, középszerű
midfielder {n} (player) :: középpályás
Midgard {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
mid-life crisis {n} (emotional period of doubt) :: kapuzárási pánik
midnight {n} (12 o'clock) :: éjfél
midnight mass {n} (Roman Catholic religious service that marks the beginning of Christmas Day) :: éjféli mise
midpoint {n} (point which divides a line segment) :: felezőpont
midterm {adj} (halfway through a term) :: [politics] félidős, [education] évközi, félévi, év közbeni
midterm {n} (exam) :: évközi/zárthelyi dolgozat/teszt
midwife {n} (person who assists women in childbirth) :: bába, szülésznő
midwife {v} (to act as a midwife) :: bábáskodik
mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize ::
Mien-yang {prop} (Mianyang) SEE: Mianyang ::
Mien-yang {prop} (Mianyang) SEE: Mianyang ::
miff {n} (an argument, quarrel) :: összezördülés, civakodás
might {n} (personal power) :: hatalom
might {n} (physical strength) :: erő
might {n} (ability) :: erő
might {v} (indicator of conditional or possible actions) :: lehet, talán
migraine {n} (headache usually affecting only one side of the head) :: migrén
migrant {n} (A migratory bird or other animal) :: vándormadár [bird]
migrant {n} (A person moving from one region or country to another) :: migráns
migrant smuggling {n} (human smuggling) SEE: human smuggling ::
mikado {n} (emperor of Japan) :: mikádó
mikado {n} (a game of skill) :: mikádó, marokkó
Milan {prop} (city and capital) :: Milánó
Milan {prop} (male given name) :: Milán
Milanese {adj} (pertaining to Milan) :: milánói
Milanese {n} (native or inhabitant of Milan) :: milánói
milch {adj} :: fejős, tejelő
mildew {n} (growth of minute fungi) :: lisztharmat
mile {n} (measure of length) :: mérföld
mile {n} (Scandinavian measure of length) SEE: Scandinavian mile ::
mileage {n} (total distance travelled) :: megtett kilométerek
milestone {n} (one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals) :: kilométerkő, mérföldkő
milestone {n} (important event) :: mérföldkő
milieu {n} (medium) SEE: medium ::
milieu {n} (person’s social setting or environment) :: miliő
militant {adj} (warlike, belligerent) :: harcos, harcoló, harcias, militáns
militant {adj} (aggressively active or supportive) :: harcias
militant {n} (aggressive adherent) :: harcos
militarize {v} (to give military character to) :: militarizál, katonásít
militarize {v} (to train or equip for war) :: felfegyverez [to equip for war], kiképez [to train for war]
militarize {v} (adopt for use by the military) :: militarizál, katonásít
military {adj} (characteristic of members of the armed forces) :: katonai, katona- [as a prefix]
military {adj} ((North America) relating to armed forces such as the army, marines, navy and air force) :: fegyveres
military {adj} (relating to war) :: harci, hadi, had- [as a prefix]
military {n} (armed forces) :: hadsereg, sereg, katonaság
military exercise {n} (war game) :: hadgyakorlat
military rank {n} (grade conferred upon officers) :: rendfokozat
military science {n} (academic discipline which examines institutions and behaviours in the military) :: hadtudomány
military service {n} (service in an army) :: katonai szolgálat
militsia {n} (police) SEE: police ::
milk {v} (to express milk from mammal) :: fej
milk {n} (semen) SEE: semen ::
milk {n} (liquid) :: tej
milk-cap {n} (mushroom of the genus Lactarius) :: tejelőgomba
milk chocolate {n} (Chocolate that includes milk powder as one of its ingredients) :: tejcsokoládé
milking {n} (the act by which a cow is milked) :: fejés
milking machine {n} (machine) :: fejőgép
milkmaid {n} (a young woman who milks the cows on a farm) :: fejőlány, fejőleány
milkman {n} (man who delivers milk early in the morning) :: tejesember, tejes
milkshake {n} (milk and ice cream beverage) :: turmix
milk tooth {n} (tooth of the first set of teeth) :: tejfog
milkwort {n} (Polygala) :: pacsirtafű
milky {adj} (resembling milk in color or consistency) :: tejszerű
Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) :: Tejútrendszer, Tejút
mill {n} (grinding apparatus) :: daráló, őrlő, passzírozó
mill {n} (building housing a grinding apparatus) :: malom
mill {n} (manufacturing plant) :: üzem, gyár, telep, -mű
mill {n} (building housing a manufacturing plant) :: gyár, üzem, telep, -mű
mill {n} (establishment that handles a certain type of situation routinely) :: -gyár
mill {v} (grind or process using a mill or other machine) :: őröl, darál, passzíroz
mill {v} (shape, polish, etc, using a machine) :: hengerel, nyújt
mill {v} (engrave groove around the edge of) :: recéz
mill {v} (move about in an aimless fashion) :: nyüzsög, hemzseg
mill {n} (treadmill) SEE: treadmill ::
millennial {adj} :: ezeréves
millennium {n} (thousand-year period) :: évezred
miller {n} (person) :: molnár
miller {n} (Clitopilus prunulus) :: lisztgomba
Miller {prop} (surname meaning "a miller") :: Liszt
millet {n} (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) :: köles
milli- {prefix} (prefix) :: milli-
milliard {num} (10^9) SEE: billion ::
milliliter {n} (milliliter) SEE: millilitre ::
millilitre {n} (a unit of volume) :: milliliter
millimeter {n} (unit of measure) :: milliméter
millimeter of mercury {n} (unit of pressure) :: higanymilliméter
millimetre {n} (millimeter) SEE: millimeter ::
millimetric {adj} (size) :: milliméteres
million {n} (cardinal number) :: millió
millionaire {n} (somebody whose wealth is greater than one million) :: milliomos
millionairess {n} (woman whose wealth is greater than one million dollars) :: milliomosnő
millionth {adj} (millionth) :: milliomodik
millipede {n} (elongated arthropod) :: százlábú
milquetoast {adj} (meek, timid) SEE: meek ::
milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen ::
mimic {n} (imitation) SEE: imitation ::
mimosa {n} (plant belonging to the genus Mimosa) :: mimóza
minaret {n} (mosque tower) :: minaret
minatory {adj} (threatening, menacing) :: fenyegető
minced oath {n} (euphemism based on a profanity) :: szépített/megszépített/enyhített káromkodás/átkozódás/szitkozódás/szitokszó/szitok
mind {n} (ability for rational thought) :: értelem, elme
mind {v} (to remember) SEE: remember ::
mind-boggling {adj} (that causes the mind to boggle) :: elképesztő, észbontó, észvesztő, észveszejtő
mindfulness {n} (awareness) SEE: awareness ::
mindfulness {n} (inclination to be mindful or aware) :: figyelmesség, gondosság
mindfulness {n} (paying attention on purpose in the present moment) :: éber tudatosság, tudatos jelenlét, éber figyelem, tudatosság
mind one's own business {v} (to concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others) :: a maga dolgával törődik
mind you {adv} (introducing a qualification or contrastive statement) :: viszont, azonban, ugyanakkor, ám, az viszont/persze igaz, hogy, no persze, ezzel együtt, másfelől viszont
mine {pron} (that which belongs to me) :: enyém, enyéim, enyémek
mine {n} (excavation from which ore is extracted) :: bánya
mine {n} (military: exploding device) :: akna
mine {v} (to pick one's nose) SEE: pick one's nose ::
minefield {n} (area in which mines have been hidden) :: aknamező
minefield {n} (dangerous situation) :: ingoványos terület, veszélyes terep
miner {n} (person who works in a mine) :: bányász
miner {n} (operator of mines and other explosives) :: aknász
mineral {n} (in nutrition) :: ásványi anyag
mineral {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
mineralogical {adj} (relating to mineralogy) :: mineralógiai, ásványtani
mineralogy {n} (the study or science of minerals) :: ásványtan, mineralógia
mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) :: ásványvíz
mineral wool {n} :: kőzetgyapot, ásványgyapot
minestrone {n} (thick Italian vegetable soup) :: minestrone
miniature {n} (a model of reduced scale) :: makett
miniature {n} (manuscript illustration) :: miniatúra
miniature {adj} (smaller than normal) :: miniatűr
miniature sheet {n} (smaller-than-normal sheet or pane of usually identical postage stamps) :: kisív, bélyegkisív
miniature sheet {n} (souvenir sheet) SEE: souvenir sheet ::
minidictionary {n} (a small, compact dictionary) :: kisszótár, zsebszótár, miniszótár
minimart {n} (convenience store) SEE: convenience store ::
minimum wage {n} (lowest rate of pay that an employer can legally pay) :: minimálbér
minimus {n} (the fifth digit) SEE: little finger ::
mining engineer {n} (engineer who specializes in mining) :: bányamérnök
minion {n} (loyal servant of another more powerful being) :: csatlós, samesz, fogdmeg
minion {n} (sycophantic follower) :: tányérnyaló, talpnyaló, kegyenc
minion {n} (7-point type) :: kolonel
miniseries {n} (series with a small number of episodes) :: minisorozat
miniskirt {n} (skirt) :: miniszoknya
minister {n} (person who is trained to perform religious ceremonies at a Protestant church) :: lelkész, lelkipásztor
minister {n} (politician who heads a ministry) :: miniszter
ministry {n} (government department) :: minisztérium
ministry of education {n} (government department) :: oktatási minisztérium
mink {n} (mammal) :: nyérc
mink {n} (mink coat) SEE: mink coat ::
mink coat {n} (coat) :: nerc, nercbunda
minnow {n} (a small freshwater fish) :: cselle
Minoan {adj} (Of or relating to the civilization that developed in Crete from the neolithic period to the Bronze Age) :: minószi
minor {adj} (of little importance) :: jelentéktelen, lényegtelen, másodlagos, csekély, mellékes
minor {adj} (musical scale) :: moll
minor {adj} (smaller musical interval) :: kis
minor {n} (someone below the legal age) :: kiskorú
Minorca {prop} (An island of Spain) :: Menorca
minority {n} (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) :: kisebbség
minority {n} (member of an ethnic minority) :: kisebbségi
minor miracle {n} (improbable, unexpected, or surprising achievement or other occurrence that is fortunate and agreeable) :: kisebb csoda
minor prophet {n} (any of twelve prophetic books at the end of the Old Testament) :: kispróféta
minor thing {n} :: apróság, csekélység, semmiség
minor third {n} (musical interval) :: kisterc
minotaur {n} (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) :: minotaur [monster generally], Minótaurosz [proper noun: specific monster]
Minsk {prop} (capital of Belarus) :: Minszk
minstrel {n} (medieval traveling entertainer) :: vándorénekes
mint {n} (money-producing building or institution) :: pénzverde
mint {v} (to reproduce coins) :: pénzt ver
minuend {n} (number from which another is subtracted) :: kisebbítendő
minuet {n} (dance) :: menüett
minuet {n} (music accompanying the dance) :: menüett
minus {n} (minus sign) SEE: minus sign ::
minus {adj} (negative) :: mínusz, negatív
minus {adj} (on the negative part of a scale) :: mínusz
minus {adj} (ranking just below a designated rating) :: alá
minuscule {n} (lower-case letter) :: kisbetű
minuscule {n} (medieval handwriting style) :: minuszkula
minus sign {n} (symbol used to denote the operation of subtraction and to indicate that a number is negative) :: mínuszjel
minute {n} (unit of time) :: perc
minute {n} (short but unspecified period of time) :: perc, pillanat
minute {n} (unit of angular measure) :: ívperc
minute {n} (record of meeting) :: emlékeztető, feljegyzés
minute {n} (minute of use of telephone network) :: perc
minute hand {n} (clock hand) :: percmutató, nagymutató
minutes {n} (the official notes kept during a meeting) :: jegyzőkönyv
minx {n} (a pert, flirtatious or impudent young woman) :: kacér lány
Miocene {adj} (of the Miocene epoch) :: miocéni
Miocene {prop} (Miocene epoch) :: miocén
miracle {n} (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) :: csoda
miraculously {adv} (in a miraculous manner) :: csodálatosképpen
mirage {n} (an optical phenomenon) :: délibáb
mirage {n} (illusion) SEE: illusion ::
mirror {n} (smooth reflecting surface) :: tükör
mirror {n} (computing: exact copy of a data set) :: tükrözés
mirror {v} (of an event, activity, behaviour.. to be identical to, be a copy of, to reflect) :: utánoz
mirror {v} ((computing) to create something identical to (a web site, etc.)) :: tükröz
mirror {v} (to reflect, as in a mirror) :: tükröz
mirror ball {n} (disco ball) SEE: disco ball ::
mirror image {n} (reversed image) :: tükörkép
mis- {prefix} (bad or wrong; badly or wrongly) :: [added to verbs] félre-, el-, [added to nouns] tév-
misandry {n} (hatred of or prejudice against men) :: férfigyűlölet, mizandria
misanthrope {n} (one who hates all mankind) :: mizantróp, embergyűlölő
misanthropic {adj} (hating or disliking mankind) :: mizantrópikus, embergyűlölő, mizantróp
misanthropist {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope ::
misanthropy {n} (hatred or dislike of people or mankind) :: embergyűlölet
misappropriate {v} (to embezzle) SEE: embezzle ::
misappropriation {n} (the wrongful, fraudulent or corrupt use of other's funds in one's care) :: sikkasztás, elsikkasztás, hűtlen kezelés
misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard ::
misbehavior {n} (conduct that is inappropriate) :: illetlen viselkedés
miscarriage {n} (termination of pregnancy) :: vetélés
miscarry {v} (to abort a foetus) :: elvetél
mischief {n} (harm or trouble caused by an agent or brought about by a particular cause) :: baj
mischief {n} (one who causes mischief) :: bajkeverő
mischievous {adj} (causing mischief) :: kártékony, ártalmas, káros, veszedelmes
mischievous {adj} (naughty) :: csintalan, pajkos, huncut, csibész, pimasz, zsivány, betyár, kópé
miscomprehend {v} (misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand ::
misconduct {n} (bad behavior) SEE: misbehavior ::
misconstrue {v} (to interpret erroneously) :: félreértelmez
misdeed {n} (something wrong done) :: gaztett
miserable {adj} (in a state of misery) :: nyomorult
miserable {adj} (very bad (at)) :: gyatra, pocsék
misfortune {n} (bad luck) :: balszerencse
misfortune {n} (an undesirable event such as an accident) :: csapás, szerencsétlenség
misfortunes never come singly {proverb} (bad things come in groups) SEE: it never rains but it pours ::
mishmash {n} (a collection of miscellany) :: mismás
misinformation {n} (disinformation) SEE: disinformation ::
misjudgment {n} :: balítélet
Miskolc {prop} (city in Hungary) :: Miskolc
mislay {v} (to leave something in the wrong place and then forget where one put it) SEE: misplace ::
mislead {v} (lead in a false direction) :: félrevezet, megtéveszt
misleading {adj} (tending to mislead) :: félrevezető, megtévesztő
mismatch {v} (to match unsuitably; to fail to match) :: nem jól illik össze
misnomer {n} (use of term that is misleading) :: névhiba, tévedés, téves elnevezés
misnomer {n} (misleading term) :: tévedés
misogynist {n} (hater of women) :: nőgyűlölő
misogyny {n} (hatred or contempt for women) :: nőgyűlölet, mizogínia
misplace {v} (to put something somewhere and then forget its location) :: elkever, elhány, elkeveredik nála (it gets misplaced with/at him/her), elhagy, elveszít
miss {v} (to fail to hit) :: eltéveszt, elhibáz, elvét, mellémegy
miss {v} (to fail to achieve or attain) :: lemarad [with ], elszalaszt
miss {v} (to avoid; to escape) :: elkerül, megúszik
miss {v} (to feel the absence of someone or something; to feel the want or need of) :: hiányol, hiányzik [with -nak/-nek]
miss {v} (to fail to understand) :: nem ért, nem ért meg
miss {v} (to fail to attend) :: elmulaszt, elszalaszt
miss {v} (to be late for something) :: lekésik
miss {v} (to lack something) :: hiányzik [with -ból/-ből]
miss {n} (unmarried woman) :: kisasszony
miss {n} (Miss) SEE: Miss ::
Miss {n} (title) :: kisasszony
missed call {n} (call to someone to which the responder doesn't answer) :: nem fogadott hívás
missile {n} (air-based weapon) :: rakéta, lövedék
missile {n} (self-propelled, guidable projectile) :: rakéta, lövedék
missing link {n} (hypothetical primate) :: hiányzó láncszem
missing link {n} (figuratively: sought-after intermediary figure) :: hiányzó láncszem
mission {n} (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) :: küldetés
mission {n} (religious evangelism) :: misszió
mission accomplished {phrase} (used to express that a task, or set of tasks, has been completed) :: küldetés teljesítve
missionary {n} (person traveling to spread a religion) :: hittérítő, misszionárius
missionary {n} (missionary position) SEE: missionary position ::
missionary position {n} (position for sexual intercourse) :: misszionárius póz
mission statement {n} (declaration of the purpose of an organization) :: küldetésnyilatkozat
Mississippi {n} (river) :: Mississippi
miss out {v} (to miss something that should not be missed) :: kihagy, lemarad, kimarad, elszalaszt
misspell {v} (to spell incorrectly) :: elír
misspelling {n} (misspelt word) :: elírás, elgépelés, [typo] helyesírási hiba, [misspelt word] hibás írásmódú alak
missus {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
mist {n} (Water or other liquid finely suspended in air) :: köd
mistakable {adj} (possible to be mistaken or misunderstood) :: félreérthető
mistake {v} (to take one thing for another) :: félreért
mistake {n} (an error) :: hiba
mistaken {adj} (erroneous) SEE: erroneous ::
mistaken {adj} ((with a copula verb, often with about) having an incorrect belief) SEE: be wrong ::
mistakenly {adv} (wrongly) :: tévesen
mistakenly {adv} (by accident) :: tévedésből
mister {n} (title of adult male) :: úr
mistle thrush {n} (Turdus viscivorus) :: léprigó
mistletoe {n} (any of several hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales) :: fagyöngy
mistral {n} (strong cold north-west wind in southern France and the Mediterranean) :: misztrál
mistranslation {n} (incorrect translation) :: félrefordítás, leiterjakab
mistress {n} (woman of authority) :: úrnő
mistress {n} (female teacher) :: tanárnő
mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) :: szerető
mistress {n} (dominatrix) :: úrnő, domina
misunderstand {v} (to understand incorrectly, while believing one has understood correctly) :: félreért
misunderstanding {n} (mistake) :: félreértés
mite {n} (arachnid) :: atka, kukac
mite {n} (lepton) SEE: lepton ::
mitigate {v} (to reduce, lessen, or decrease) :: csökkent
mititei {n} :: miccs
mitochondrial {adj} (of, or relating to mitochondria) :: mitokondriális
mitochondrial DNA {n} (genetic material) :: mitokondriális DNS
mitochondrion {n} (respiratory organelle) :: mitokondrium
mitosis {n} (division of a cell nucleus) :: mitózis
mitotic spindle {n} (structure of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton involved in mitosis and meiosis) :: mitotikus orsó, osztódási orsó
mitral {adj} (pertaining to the mitral valve) :: mitrális
mitral valve {n} (valve that divides the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart) :: mitrális billentyű
mitre {n} (a covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries) :: mitra, püspöksüveg, süveg
mitt {n} (mitten) SEE: mitten ::
mitten {n} (type of glove) :: egyujjas kesztyű
mix {v} (stir two or more substances together) :: kever
mix business with pleasure {v} (to do something pleasurable that is related to one's work) :: összeköti a kellemest a hasznossal
mixed declension {n} (German mixed declension) :: vegyes ragozás, vegyes melléknévragozás, névelőkiegészítő ragozás
mixed doubles {n} (game between two male-female teams) :: vegyes páros
mixer {n} (blender) :: turmixgép
mixer tap {n} :: keverőcsap
mixture {n} (act of mixing) :: keverés
mixture {n} (something produced by mixing) :: keverék, elegy
Mizoram {prop} (state) :: Mizoram
mmm {interj} (expression used for contentment) :: mmm
Münchausen syndrome {n} (a psychiatric disorder) :: Münchhausen-szindróma
Mnemosyne {prop} (Titaness) :: Mnémoszüné {f}
moa {n} (extinct bird) :: moa
moan {n} (a low cry of pain) :: nyögés
moan {v} (to make a moan or similar sound) :: nyög
moat {n} (defensive ditch) :: sáncárok, vizesárok
mob {n} (unruly group of people) :: csőcselék
mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia ::
mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobile phone {n} (portable telephone) :: mobiltelefon, mobil
mobile telephone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobilise {v} (to assemble troops and their equipment in a coordinated fashion so as to be ready for war) :: mozgósít
mobilize {v} (mobilise) SEE: mobilise ::
moccasin {n} (traditional native North American shoe) :: mokaszin
moccasin {n} (modern shoe) :: mokaszin
mockery {n} (action of mocking; ridicule, derision) :: csúfolás, gúnyolás
mockup {n} (a full-scale working model of something) :: modell, mintadarab, makett
modal auxiliary {n} (verb used to express the mood of another verb) :: módbeli segédige
modality {n} (classification of propositions; mode) :: módozat
mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
model {n} (person) :: manöken, modell
model {n} (miniature) :: modell, makett, miniatűr
model {n} (simplified representation) :: modell
model {n} (style) :: modell, változat, verzió
model {n} (structural design) :: modell
model {n} (praiseworthy example) :: példakép
model {adj} (worthy of being a model) :: példaszerű
model {v} (use as a model) :: modellez
model {v} (make a miniature model) :: modellez
model {v} (create from a substance) :: mintáz
model {v} (be a model) :: modellkedik
Model T {prop} (first car made by Ford Motor Co. on an assembly line) :: T Modell
modem {n} (device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals) :: modem
moderate {adj} (not excessive) :: mérsékelt
moderate {adj} (having an intermediate position in politics) :: mérsékelt
moderator {n} (someone who moderates) :: moderátor
modern {adj} (pertaining to the current time and style) :: modern
Modern English {prop} (English spoken since the Great Vowel Shift) SEE: New English ::
modernization {n} (process of modernizing) :: modernizáció
modernize {v} (bring something up to date) :: modernizál, korszerűsít
modest {adj} (not bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements) :: szerény
modesty {n} (the quality of being modest) :: szerénység
modifier {n} (grammar: qualifying word, clause or phrase) :: jelző, szabad bővítmény, jelzői vagy szabad határozói (szerepű) kifejezés
modify {v} (to change part of) :: módosít
modify {v} (to be or become modified) :: módosul
module {n} (abelian group) SEE: abelian group ::
modulus of elasticity {n} (Young's modulus) :: rugalmassági modulus
Moesia {prop} (an ancient region and later Roman province situated in the Balkans) :: Moesia
Moghul {n} (head of Mongol dynasty) :: nagymogul
Moghul {n} (Mongol or Mongolian, or follower of dynasty) :: mogul
mogul {n} (a rich or powerful person) :: mogul
Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad ::
Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad ::
Mohammedan {n} (Muslim) :: mohamedán
Mohs scale {prop} :: Mohs-féle skála, Mohs-féle keménységi skála
moiety {n} (half) SEE: half ::
moist {adj} (slightly wet) :: nyirkos
moisture {n} (a moderate degree of wetness) :: nedvesség
mojibake {n} (corrupt characters or letters) :: modzsibake, kriksz-kraksz, betűszemét
Moksha {prop} (language) :: moksa
Moksha {n} (a member of the people who speak this language) :: moksa
molar {n} (back tooth) :: zápfog, őrlőfog
molasses {n} (thick brownish syrup refined from raw sugar) :: melasz
mold {n} (hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance) :: forma, öntőforma, öntőminta
mold {n} (frame or model) :: minta
mold {n} (something that is made in or shaped on a mold) :: öntvény, lenyomat
mold {n} (shape or pattern of a mold) :: forma, minta
mold {n} (general shape or form) :: forma, alak
mold {n} (distinctive character or type) :: jellem, típus
mold {v} (To shape in or on a mold) :: formál, alakít, mintáz
mold {v} (To form into a particular shape; to give shape to) :: megmintáz, megformál, kialakít
mold {v} (To be shaped in or as if in a mold) :: alakul, idomul, igazodik, rásimul
mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) :: penész
mold {n} (loose friable soil) :: televény, televényföld
Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova ::
molding {n} (act or process of shaping in a mold) :: öntés, formázás, mintázás, megmintázás, formálás, megformálás
molding {n} (anything cast in a mold) :: öntvény, forma, lenyomat, minta
molding {n} (architecture: narrow decorative surface) :: díszléc, szegély, párkányzat
Moldova {prop} (country) :: Moldova
moldy {adj} (mouldy) SEE: mouldy ::
mole {n} (dark spot on the skin) :: anyajegy
mole {n} (burrowing insectivore) :: vakond
mole {n} (massive structure used as a pier or breakwater) :: móló
mole {n} (unit of amount) :: mól
mole {n} (hemorrhagic mass of tissue in the uterus) :: mola
molecular {adj} (relating to molecules) :: molekuláris
molecular biology {n} (branch of biology) :: molekuláris biológia
molecular formula {n} (a notation indicating the number of atoms of each element present in a compound) :: molekulaképlet
molecular genetics {n} (a field of biology) :: molekuláris biológia
molecular weight {n} (the sum of the atomic weights of every atom in a molecule) :: molekulatömeg
molecule {n} (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) :: molekula
moll {adj} (minor) SEE: minor ::
mollie {n} (Molotov cocktail) SEE: Molotov cocktail ::
mollusc {n} (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca, see also: clam; oyster; mussel) :: puhatestű
Molotov cocktail {n} (simple incendiary bomb) :: Molotov-koktél
molybdenum {n} (chemical element) :: molibdén
mom {v} (mother) SEE: mum ::
moment {n} (very brief period of time) :: pillanat
momentarily {adv} (In a momentary manner) :: egy pillanatra
momentarily {adv} (In a moment or very soon) :: hamarosan
momentum {n} (product of mass and velocity) :: lendület
mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
momo {n} (type of dumpling) :: momo
Monaco {prop} (country in Europe) :: Monaco
Monaco {prop} (capital city) :: Monaco
monad {n} (something ultimate and indivisible) :: monád
monad {n} (mathematics and computing term) :: monád
monadic {adj} (of or relating to a monad) :: monádikus
Mona Lisa {prop} (painting by Leonardo da Vinci) :: a Mona Lisa
monarch {n} (ruler) :: uralkodó, egyeduralkodó, fejedelem, monarcha
monarchy {n} (form of government with a hereditary head of state) :: monarchia
monastery {n} (building for monks) :: kolostor
monastic {adj} (of or relating to monasteries or monks) :: szerzetesi, monasztikus
monastic {n} (person with monastic ways) :: szerzetes
monatomic {adj} (consisting os a single atom) :: egyatomos
Monday {n} (day of the week) :: hétfő
Monday {adv} (on Monday) :: hétfőn
monetary {adj} (of or relating to money) :: pénzügyi, monetáris
money {n} (means of exchange and measure of value) :: pénz, fizetőeszköz
money {n} (currency) :: pénz, pénznem, valuta, deviza
money {n} (cash) :: készpénz
money {n} (available liquid assets) :: likvid tőke, rendelkezésre álló anyagi eszközök
money {n} (wealth) :: vagyon, gazdagság, jómód
money {n} (item of value used as payment) :: fizetőeszköz
money {n} (as modifier) :: pénz-
money bag {n} (wealthy person) :: pénzeszsák
moneybags {n} (wealthy person) :: pénzeszsák
money box {n} (tin with a slot in the top for depositing coins) SEE: piggy bank ::
money can't buy happiness {proverb} (true happiness comes from inside) :: a pénz nem boldogít
money clip {n} (a clip used for securing banknotes) :: pénzcsipesz
money doesn't grow on trees {proverb} (you must work in order to have money) :: nincs kolbászból fonva a kerítés
money laundering {n} (act of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally) :: pénzmosás
money order {n} (a type of cheque) :: készpénzátutalási megbízás, postautalvány, pénzesutalvány, sárga csekk, rózsaszín csekk
money talks {proverb} (it is easier to accomplish goals using money) :: pénz beszél, kutya ugat
Mongol {n} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian ::
Mongolia {prop} (East Asian country) :: Mongólia
Mongolian {adj} (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) :: mongol
Mongolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) :: mongol
Mongolian People's Republic {prop} (Mongolia) SEE: Mongolia ::
Mongolian spot {n} (congenital birthmark in lower back) :: mongol folt
mongoose {n} (a small carnivore of the family Herpestidae) :: mongúz
mongrel {n} (someone of mixed kind) :: keverék, korcs
Monica {prop} (female given name) :: Mónika
Monika {prop} (female given name) SEE: Monica ::
moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature ::
monitor {n} (someone who watches over something) :: felügyelő, megfigyelő, ellenőr, [a person on duty] ügyeletes
monitor {n} (computer display) :: monitor, képernyő
monitor {n} (computing: program for viewing and editing) :: -figyelő, -kezelő
monitor {n} (student leader) :: [for a given day] napos, [for a given week] hetes
monitor {n} (class of armored warship) :: kis hadihajó, monitor
monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard ::
monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) :: varánusz
monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge ::
monk {n} (male member of monastic order) :: szerzetes, barát
monkey {n} (primate) :: majom
monkey bread {n} (fruit) :: majomkenyér
monkey bread {n} (tree) :: majomkenyérfa
monkey-eating eagle {n} (Philippine eagle) SEE: Philippine eagle ::
monkey-house {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
monkfish {n} (fish) :: ördöghal
monkshood {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite ::
monoclinic {adj} (having three unequal axes) :: monoklin
monocotyledon {n} (Plant belonging to Monocotyledones or Liliopsida) :: egyszikűek
monocracy {n} (autocracy) SEE: autocracy ::
monocyte {n} (type of blood leukocyte) :: monocita
monocytic {adj} (of or pertaining to monocytes) :: monocitás
monoecious {adj} (having the male and female reproductive organs on different parts of the same plant) :: egylaki
monogamous {adj} (being married to one person at a time) :: monogám, egynejű
monogamous {adj} (having only one sexual partner at a time) :: monogám
monoglottism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) SEE: monolingualism ::
monogram {n} (a design composed of one or more letters used as an identifying mark) :: monogram
monogram {v} ((transitive) to mark something with a monogram) :: monogramoz
monograph {n} (scholarly book or treatise) :: monográfia
monolingualism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) :: egynyelvűség
monopoly {n} (situation of exclusive supply) :: monopólium
monopsony {n} (market situation in which there is only buyer for a product) :: monopszónia
monosaccharide {n} (a simple sugar, composed of a single ring) :: monoszacharid
monosodium glutamate {n} (mono sodium salt of the amino acid, glutamic acid) :: mononátrium-glutamát, nátrium-glutamát
monosyllabic {adj} (consisting of one syllable) :: egy szótagú, egy szótagos
monosyllabic {adj} (using monosyllables) :: kurta, foghegyről odavetett
monotheism {n} (belief in one God) :: egyistenhit, monoteizmus
monotherapy {n} :: monoterápia
monotonic function {n} (type of function) :: monoton függvény
monotonous {adj} (having an unvarying tone or pitch) :: egyhangú, monoton
monotonous {adj} (tedious, repetitious or lacking in variety) :: egyhangú, monoton
monotonously {adv} (in a manner that is tedious) :: monotonon, monotonul, monoton módon
monotonously {adv} (in a droning manner) :: egyhangúan
monozygotic {adj} (of an identical twin) SEE: identical ::
monsoon {n} (wind) :: monszun
monsoon {n} (tropical rainy season, see also: monsoon season) :: monszun
monsoon {n} (rain) :: monszun
monsoon {n} (meteorological system) :: monszun
monster {n} (terrifying dangerous creature) :: szörny
montage {n} (composite work created by assembling other elements) :: montázs
Mont Blanc {prop} (the highest mountain in Europe) :: Mont Blanc
Montenegrin {adj} (relating to Montenegro) :: montenegrói
Montenegrin {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: montenegrói
Montenegro {prop} (country in Europe) :: Montenegró
month {n} (period into which a year is divided) :: hónap
monthly {adv} (Occurring every month) :: havi, havonkénti
Montserrat {prop} (island) :: Montserrat
Montserratian {adj} (from Montserrat) :: montserrati
monument {n} (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) :: emlékmű
monumental {adj} (in the manner of a monument) :: emlékművi
monumental {adj} (large, grand and imposing) :: monumentális, nagyszabású
monumental {adj} (taking a great amount of time and effort to complete) :: hatalmas
moo {v} (to make a lowing sound) :: múzik
moo {interj} (sound made by a cow or bull) ::
mood {n} (mental state) :: hangulat, kedv
mood {n} (disposition (see also in the mood)) :: kedv
mood {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
moon {n} (largest natural satellite of planet Earth) :: Hold
moon {n} (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet) :: hold
moon {n} (month) :: hónap
Moon {prop} (sole natural satellite of the Earth) :: hold
moonbase {n} (a base located on a moon) :: holdbázis
moonbeam {n} (moonlight generally) SEE: moonlight ::
moonbeam {n} (shaft of moonlight) :: holdsugár
moonbounce {n} (bouncing castle) SEE: bouncing castle ::
moon landing {n} (arrival of a spacecraft on the moon) :: holdra szállás
moonlight {n} (light reflected from the moon) :: holdfény, holdvilág
moonquake {n} (lunar seismic event) :: holdrengés
moonshine {n} (shine of the moon) SEE: moonlight ::
moonstone {n} (translucent gemstone) :: holdkő
moor {n} (region with poor, marshy soil, peat and heath) :: mocsár, láp, ingovány
moor {v} (to cast anchor or become fastened) :: kiköt
Moor {n} (a member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people) :: mór
Moor {n} (a member of a this race that formerly occupied Spain) :: mór
moorhen {n} (water birds of the genus Gallinula) :: vízityúk
Moorish {adj} (of or pertaining to Moors) :: mór
moose {n} (largest member of the deer family (Alces alces)) :: jávorszarvas
moot {n} (debate) SEE: debate ::
moot {n} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
mop {n} (implement for washing floors) :: felmosórongy, felmosó, mop
mop {n} (a grimace) :: grimasz, fintor
mop {n} (head of hair) :: hajtincs, hajcsomó
mop {v} (to rub, scrub, clean or wipe with a mop, or as if with a mop) :: felmos, feltöröl, felsúrol
moped {n} (two-wheeled vehicle) :: moped
mop the floor with someone {v} (trounce or defeat thoroughly) :: feltörli vele a padlót
moraine {n} (accumulation of rocks and debris) :: moréna
moral {adj} (relating to principles of right and wrong) :: morális, erkölcsi
moral {adj} (conforming to a standard of right behavior) :: morális, erkölcsös
moral {adj} (capable of right and wrong action) :: morális
moral {adj} (positively affecting the mind, confidence or will) :: morális
moral {n} (the moral significance or practical lesson) :: tanulság
moral {n} (moral practices or teachings) :: erkölcs, morál
morality {n} (recognition of / obedience to the rules of right conduct) :: erkölcs
morality {n} :: erkölcs
morally {adv} (relating to morals or ethics) :: morálisan
morally {adv} (in a moral manner) :: morálisan
moral philosophy {n} (ethics) SEE: ethics ::
Morava {prop} (river in Central Europe) :: Morva
Moravia {prop} (historical region) :: Morvaország
morbid {adj} (unhealthy or unwholesome, especially psychologically) :: beteges, morbid
morbidity {n} (The incidence of a disease as a rate) :: megbetegedési arányszám
mordacious {adj} (corrosive) SEE: corrosive ::
mordacious {adj} (biting, sharp or caustic in style or tone) :: csípős, metsző
Mordvin {prop} (language) :: mordvin
Mordvin {prop} (member of the Mordvin people) :: mordvin
more {determiner} (comparative of many) :: több
more {determiner} (comparative of much) :: több, még
more {adv} (comparative of much) :: jobban
more {adv} (word to form a comparative) :: -abb/-ebb/-obb/-bb
more and more {adv} (progressively more) :: egyre ... -bb/-abb/-ebb/-obb
more and more {adv} (in a manner that progressively increases) :: egyre jobban
more and more {adv} (indicates that the statement is becoming progressively more true) :: egyre inkább
more Catholic than the Pope {adj} (adhering more stringently to Roman Catholic practice than is required) :: katolikusabb a pápánál
more haste, less speed {proverb} (when one is in a hurry, one often ends up completing a task more slowly) :: lassan járj, tovább érsz
morel {n} (genus Morchella) :: kucsmagomba
more or less {adv} (approximately) :: többé-kevésbé
more or less {adv} (almost) :: félig-meddig
moreover {adv} (in addition to what has been said) :: sőt azonkívül
morepork {n} (Ninox novaeseelandiae) :: kakukkbagoly
more than one can shake a stick at {adj} (occurring in abundance) :: mint égen a csillag
morgue {n} (place for dead people) :: hullaház, halottasház
morgue {n} (haughty attitude) SEE: arrogance ::
moribund {adj} (approaching death) :: haldokló
moribund {adj} (almost obsolete) :: kihalófélben lévő, kihalóban lévő
Mormon {prop} (ancient prophet) :: Mormon
morna {n} (a genre of Cape Verdean music) :: morna
morning {n} (part of the day between dawn and midday) :: hajnal [approx. 3—6, from dawn], reggel [approx. 6—9], délelőtt [approx. 9—12]
morning {n} (the part of the day after midnight and before midday) :: [no term for this 12-hour period]
morning after {n} (hangover) SEE: hangover ::
morning-after pill {n} (type of contraceptive pill) :: esemény utáni tabletta
morning glory {n} (plant) :: hajnalka
morning person {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird ::
Moroccan {n} (person from Morocco) :: marokkói
Moroccan {adj} (pertaining to Morocco) :: marokkói
Morocco {prop} (country) :: Marokkó
moron {n} (person of borderline intelligence) :: gyengeelméjű
moron {n} (person who makes uncool attempts to impress others) :: hülye
moron {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
morph {n} (allomorph) SEE: allomorph ::
morpheme {n} (smallest linguistic unit) :: morféma
Morpheus {prop} (Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams) :: Morpheusz
morphine {n} (crystalline alkaloid) :: morfin
morphology {n} (linguistic study of the form and structure) :: alaktan, morfológia
Morris column {n} (pillar for advertisements) :: hirdetőoszlop
mortal {adj} (susceptible to death) :: halálos
mortal {n} (human; someone susceptible to death) :: halandó
mortality {n} (condition of being susceptible to death) :: halandóság
mortar {n} (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water) :: habarcs, malter, vakolat
mortar {n} (short large-bore cannon) :: mozsárágyú, mozsár
mortar {n} (vessel used to grind ingredients) :: mozsár
mortgage {n} (special form of secured loan) :: jelzálog, jelzálogkölcsön, jelzáloghitel
mortgage {v} (to borrow against a property) :: jelzáloggal terhel, jelzálogot tesz/tetet rá, elzálogosít
mortician {n} (undertaker) SEE: undertaker ::
mortuary {n} (morgue) SEE: morgue ::
mosaic {n} (artwork) :: mozaik
moscovium {n} (115th element) :: moszkóvium
Moscow {prop} (capital city of Russia) :: Moszkva
Moscow salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad ::
Moses {prop} (the biblical patriarch) :: Mózes
Moses {prop} (male given name) :: Mózes
mosh {v} (wild, jumping dancing) :: pogózik
mosque {n} (a place of worship for Muslims) :: dzsámi, mecset
mosquito {n} (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood) :: szúnyog
mosquito bite {n} (visible bump of inflamed skin) :: szúnyogcsípés
mosquito larva {n} :: szúnyoglárva
mosquito net {n} (fine net used to protect against mosquitos) :: szúnyogháló
moss {n} (bog) SEE: bog ::
moss {n} (plants of the division Bryophyta) :: moha
moss green {adj} (colour) :: mohazöld
moss-grown {adj} (old; old-fashioned, out of date) SEE: old ::
mossy {n} (covered in or overgrown with moss) :: mohos, mohlepte
most {determiner} (majority of) :: legtöbb
most {adv} (superlative of much) :: leginkább, legjobban
most {adv} (forming the superlative) :: leg- -bb
most {adv} (highly) :: igen, rendkívül, módfelett
most {adv} (almost) SEE: almost ::
most favored nation {n} (most favored nation) :: a legnagyobb kedvezmény elve
mostly {adv} (for the most part) :: nagyrészt, jórészt, zömmel, túlnyomórészt, jobbára
Mosul {prop} (city) :: Moszul
MOT {n} (annual test of roadworthiness for cars) :: műszaki vizsga
motel {n} (type of hotel) :: motel
moth {n} (insect similar to a butterfly) :: moly
mothball {n} (small ball) :: molyirtó
mother {n} (motherfucker) SEE: motherfucker ::
mother {v} (to treat as a mother would be expected to) :: anyáskodik (vki fölött)
mother {n} (hysterical passion) SEE: hysteria ::
mother {n} (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant) :: anya
mother {n} (one’s female parent) :: anya
motherboard {n} (primary circuit board of a computer) :: alaplap
motherfucker {n} (generic term of abuse) :: anyaszomorító, anyabaszó, köcsög
motherfucking {adj} (an intensifier) :: anyabaszó
mother hen {n} (female chicken) :: tyúkanyó, kotlós
mother-in-law {n} (spouse’s mother) :: anyós
motherland {n} (the country of one's ancestors) :: őshaza
motherland {n} (the country of one's birth) :: szülőföld
motherland {n} (mother country in contrast to its colonies) :: anyaország
motherless {adj} (without a living mother) :: anyátlan
motherly {adj} (befitting a mother; warm, caring, nurturing, protective, loving) :: anyai
mother-of-pearl {n} (pearly layer) :: gyöngyház
Mother's Day {n} (a day in honor of one's mother or all mothers, on whichever day) :: anyák napja
mother ship {n} (vessel that serves a smaller vessel) :: anyahajó
mother's milk {n} (breast milk) SEE: breast milk ::
mother superior {n} (nun in charge of a convent) :: apácafőnöknő
mother-to-be {n} (pregnant woman) :: kismama
mother tongue {n} (one's native tongue) :: anyanyelv
motherwort {n} (Artemisia vulgaris) SEE: mugwort ::
motif {n} (recurring or dominant element; a theme) :: motívum
motif {n} (music: short melodic passage that is repeated in several parts of a work) :: motívum
motion {n} (state of progression from one place to another) :: mozgás
motion {n} (parliamentary proposal) :: indítvány, javaslat
motion detector {n} (device used in security systems) :: mozgásérzékelő
motion picture {n} (movie) SEE: movie ::
motion sickness {n} (nausea or dizziness in a moving vehicle) :: tengeribetegség
motivate {v} (to encourage) :: motivál
motive {n} (a cause to commit a crime) :: indíték
motor {n} (machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy) :: motor
motorboat {n} (boat driven by an engine) :: motorcsónak
motorcar {n} (enclosed passenger vehicle powered by engine) SEE: automobile ::
motorcycle {n} (open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel) :: motorkerékpár, motorbicikli
motorist {n} (one who drives a motor vehicle) :: autós, autóvezető
motorway {n} (broad highway) :: autópálya
motto {n} (sentence, phrase or word forming part of an heraldic achievement) :: mottó
motto {n} (suggestive sentence, phrase or word) :: mottó
mouflon {n} (sheep) :: muflon
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mouldwarp {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
mouldy {adj} (covered with mould) :: penészes
moult {n} (process) :: vedlés
moult {v} (to shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc., as an animal) :: vedlik
mound {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
mount {n} (mountain) SEE: mountain ::
mount {n} (horse) :: paripa,
mount {v} (to place oneself on a horse, bicycle etc. to ride) :: felszáll
mount {v} (to attach an object to a support) :: csatol
mountain {n} (large mass of earth and rock) :: hegy, hegység
mountain {n} (large amount) :: rengeteg, temérdek
mountain ash {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan ::
mountain bike {n} (bicycle especially designed for off-road riding) :: hegyikerékpár
mountain chain {n} (a series of mountain ranges) :: hegylánc, hegyvonulat, hegység
mountaineer {n} (one who climbs mountains for sport or pleasure) :: hegymászó, alpinista
mountain goat {n} (Oreamnos americanus) :: havasi kecske
mountain lion {n} (Puma concolor) SEE: cougar ::
mountainous {adj} (having many mountains) :: hegyes, hegyi, hegyvidéki
mountain range {n} (line of mountains) :: hegylánc, hegyvonulat, hegység
Mount Everest {prop} (world’s highest mountain, located in the Himalayas) :: Csomolungma
Mount Fuji {prop} (the highest mountain in Japan) :: Fudzsi
Mount Kilimanjaro {prop} (Kilimanjaro) SEE: Kilimanjaro ::
mourn {v} (express sadness for, grieve over) :: gyászol
mourning {n} (act of expressing sorrow) :: siralom, siránkozás
mourning {n} (expressing sorrow over death) :: gyász
mourning {n} (clothes worn by mourners) :: gyászruha
mouse {n} (rodent of the genus Mus) :: egér
mouse {n} (computing: input device) :: egér
mouse mat {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad ::
mouse pad {n} (mouse pad) :: egérpad
mousepad {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad ::
mouser {n} (cat that catches mice) :: egerész
mousetrap {n} (device for killing mice) :: egérfogó
moustache {n} (hair on upper lip) :: bajusz
moustached {adj} (having moustache) :: bajuszos
moustachio'd {adj} (possessing a moustachio) :: bajuszos
mouth {n} (the opening of a creature through which food is ingested) :: száj
mouth {n} (the end of a river out of which water flows) :: torkolat, folyótorkolat
mouthful {n} (amount that will fit in a mouth) :: falat
mouthly {adj} (oral) SEE: oral ::
mouth organ {n} (mouth organ) SEE: harmonica ::
mouthpiece {n} (part of a wind or brass instrument) :: fúvóka
mouthpiece {n} (spokesman who speaks on behalf of someone else) :: szószóló, szóvivő, szócső [pejorative]
mouth ulcer {n} (aphthous ulcer) SEE: aphthous ulcer ::
mouthwash {n} (liquid used to clean one's mouth) :: szájvíz
mouthy {adj} (overly talkative, insolent, and loud) :: nagyhangú, nagyszájú, szószátyár
move {v} (to change place or posture; to go) :: mozog, jár
move {v} (to change residence) :: költözködik, elköltözködik, költözik, elhurcolkodik
move {v} (to change the place of a piece) :: mozgat
move {v} (to arouse the feelings or passions of) :: meghat, megindít
move {n} (the act of moving) SEE: movement ::
move heaven and earth {v} (to go to extreme lengths) :: eget-földet megmozgat
movement {n} (physical motion) :: mozgás
movement {n} (trend in various fields or social categories) :: mozgalom
movement {n} (music: division of a larger musical composition) :: tétel
move mountains {v} (move heaven and earth) SEE: move heaven and earth ::
move on {v} (to leave somewhere for another place) :: továbbmegy, továbbhalad
move on {v} (to start dealing with something else) :: továbblép, lapoz, áttér
movie {n} (motion picture) :: film, [dated] mozgókép
movie {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moviehouse {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moviemaking {n} (the production of movies) SEE: filmmaking ::
movie star {n} (star of the cinema) :: filmsztár
movie theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moving {adj} (that moves or move) :: mozgó
moving {adj} (that causes someone to feel emotion) :: megható, megindító
mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower ::
Mozambique {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Mozambik
Mozartian {adj} (of or pertaining to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) :: mozarti
MP3 player {n} (electronic device for playing digital audio files in the MP3 format) :: MP3-lejátszó
Mr {n} (abbreviation of mister) SEE: Mr. ::
Mr. {n} (abbreviation of mister) :: úr
Mrs {n} (title before woman's name) :: -né
MSRP {n} (Manufacturer's suggested retail price) :: ajánlott fogyasztói ár
mu {n} (Greek letter) ::
Muay Thai {n} (the martial art/sport) :: thai boksz
much {determiner} (a large amount of) :: sok
much {adv} (to a great extent) :: nagyon, [with an adjective in the comparative] sokkal
much less {conj} (let alone) :: nemhogy
much obliged {interj} (thank you) SEE: thank you ::
much obliged {adj} (grateful) SEE: grateful ::
much of a muchness {phrase} (little difference between multiple things) :: nagyjából egyforma
muckamuck {n} (person in a position of authority) SEE: big cheese ::
muck out {v} (to clean the excrement and other rubbish from the area where an animal is kept) :: ganéz, kiganéz, ganajoz, kiganajoz
mucosa {n} (mucous membrane) SEE: mucous membrane ::
mucous {adj} (pertaining to mucus) :: nyálka-
mucous {adj} (having the qualities of mucus) :: nyálkás
mucous membrane {n} (membrane which secretes mucus) :: nyálkahártya
mucus {n} (slippery secretion) :: nyálka
mud {n} (mixture of soil and water) :: sár, iszap
mudded {adj} (covered with mud) :: sáros
muddiness {n} (the characteristic of being muddy) :: zavarosság
mudguard {n} (a cover over, or a flap behind, the wheels of a vehicle) :: sárvédő
Mudi {n} (Hungarian herding dog) :: mudi
mudslide {n} (geological disaster in which a large amount of mud gathers and moves rapidly down a hill or slope) :: sárcsuszamlás
mudslinging {n} (casting aspersions to discredit) :: sárdobálás
muesli {n} (breakfast dish) :: müzli
muezzin {n} (person who issues call to prayer) :: müezzin
muff {n} (a piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm) :: muff
muffin {n} (individual cake) :: muffin
muffle {n} (Anything that mutes or deadens sound) :: tompító
muffle {v} (To wrap up for warmth, protection or security) :: bebugyolál
muffle {v} (To mute or deaden) :: tompít
muffle {n} (A machine with two pulleys to hoist load by spinning wheel) SEE: block and tackle ::
muffler {n} (part of exhaust pipe) :: hangtompító
muffler {n} (scarf) SEE: scarf ::
mufti {n} (Muslim scholar) :: mufti
mug {n} (large cup) :: bögre
mug {n} ((colloquial) a person who is easily fooled) :: balek, palimadár
mugger {n} (a person who makes exaggerated faces, as a performance) :: pojáca
Muggle {n} (person who lacks a particular ability or skill) SEE: amateur ::
Muggle {n} (person who has no magical abilities) :: Muglik
mugwort {n} (Artemisia vulgaris) :: fekete üröm
Muhammad {prop} (the prophet who introduced Islam) :: Mohamed, Mohamed próféta
mujahid {n} (a Muslim engaging in jihad) :: mudzsáhid
mujahideen {n} (mujahid) SEE: mujahid ::
mujik {n} (Russian peasant) :: muzsik
Mukden {prop} (Shenyang) SEE: Shenyang ::
mulatto {n} (person of mixed black and white descent) :: mulatt
mulberry {n} (the tree) :: eperfa
mulberry {n} (the fruit) :: faeper, eper
mulct {n} (pecuniary penalty) SEE: fine ::
mule {n} (offspring of male donkey and female horse) :: öszvér
mule {n} (person paid to smuggle drugs) :: kábítószer-szállító, öszvér
mule deer {n} (species of deer) :: öszvérszarvas
muleteer {n} :: öszvérhajcsár
mulled wine {n} (wine with spices served hot) :: forralt bor
mull over {v} (ponder) :: töpreng, rágódik
multicolor {adj} (multicolored) SEE: multicolored ::
multicolored {adj} (having multiple colors) :: tarka, sokszínű
multicultural {adj} (relating to several different cultures) :: multikulturális
multiculturalism {n} (societal idea) :: multikulturalizmus
multiculturally {adv} (in a multicultural manner) :: multikulturálisan
multifaceted {adj} (having multiple facets) :: sokoldalú
multifaceted {adj} (having many aspects) :: sokoldalú
multilayered {adj} (having more than one layer) :: többrétegű
multilingual {adj} (pertaining to multiple languages) :: többnyelvű, soknyelvű
multilingual {adj} (able to communicate fluently in multiple languages) :: poliglott
multilingualism {n} (ability to speak several languages) :: többnyelvűség
multimillionaire {n} (person worth many millions) :: multimilliomos, többszörös milliomos
multinational {adj} (operating, or having subsidiary companies in multiple countries) :: multinacionális
multinational {n} (multinational company) :: multi
multiple {adj} (having more than one element, part, component or function) :: több
multiple {n} (a number that may be divided by another number with no remainder) :: többszörös
multiplicand {n} (number that is to be multiplied by another) :: szorzandó
multiplication {n} (process) :: szorzás
multiplication {n} (calculation) :: szorzás
multiplication {n} (increasing in number) :: sokasodás, szaporodás, elterjedés, megsokszorozódás
multiplication sign {n} (symbol denoting multiplication) :: szorzásjel, szorzójel
multiplication table {n} (in arithmetic) :: szorzótábla, egyszeregy
multiplier {n} (number) :: szorzó
multiply {v} (transitive: perform multiplication on (a number)) :: szoroz
multiply {v} (intransitive: grow in number) :: sokszorosít
multiply {v} (intransitive: breed or propagate) :: szaporít
multi-storey {n} (a car park or parking garage with more than one storey) SEE: parking garage ::
multisyllabic {adj} (polysyllabic) SEE: polysyllabic ::
multi-tasking {n} (multitasking) SEE: multitasking ::
multitasking {n} (simultaneous execution of multiple tasks (computing)) :: többfeladatosság
multiverse {n} (hypothetical group of all possible universes) :: multiverzum
multi-word {adj} (consisting of more than one word) :: többszavas
mum {n} (mother (informal, familiar)) :: anya, anyu, mama
mumble {v} (to speak unintelligibly) :: motyog
mumble {n} (quiet vocalization) :: motyogás
mummy {n} (embalmed corpse) :: múmia
mummy {n} (child's term for mother) :: mama, anya
mumps {n} (contagious disease) :: mumpsz
mundane {adj} (worldly) :: evilági, földi
mundane {adj} (ordinary) :: hétköznapi
mung bean {n} (seed of Vigna radiata) :: mungóbab {m}
Munich {prop} (capital of Bavaria) :: München
municipal {adj} (pertaining to city) :: községi, városi
munition {n} (armaments, weapons, ammunition) :: fegyverzet
Muntenia {prop} (region of Romania) :: Munténia
muntjac {n} (deer of the genus Muntiacus) :: muntyákszarvas
muon {n} (an unstable elementary particle in the lepton family) :: müon
mural {n} (painting on wall) :: falfestmény
murder {n} (an act of deliberate killing) :: gyilkosság
murder {n} (the crime of deliberate killing) :: gyilkosság
murder {v} (deliberately kill) :: meggyilkol
murderer {n} (person who commits murder) :: gyilkos
murderous {adj} (likely to commit murder, see also: homicidal) :: gyilkos
murderous {adj} (used to commit murder; capable of causing death, see also: deadly; fatal) :: gyilkos
murder weapon {n} (weapon used to commit a murder) :: gyilkos fegyver
Mureș {prop} (river in Romania and Hungary) :: Maros
Mureș {prop} (county of Romania) :: Maros
Muriel {prop} (female given name) :: Muriel
murky {adj} (dark, dim, gloomy) SEE: gloomy ::
murky {adj} (cloudy, indistinct, obscure) SEE: obscure ::
Murmansk {prop} (city) :: Murmanszk
murmur {n} (low sounds or speech) :: mormolás
murmur {n} (sound by turbulent flow of blood etc.) :: moraj
murmur {v} (to speak or make low, indistinguishable noise; to mumble) :: mormol
Murphy's law {prop} (adage which states that if anything can go wrong it will) :: Murphy törvénye
murre {n} (seabird of the genus Uria in the auk family) :: lumma
murrey {n} (mulberry) SEE: mulberry ::
Muscat {prop} (capital city) :: Maszkat
muscle {n} (contractile tissue) :: izom
muscleman {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard ::
muscleman {n} (man with developed muscles) :: izomember
muscle of mastication {n} (any of the four muscles that are the primary participants in mastication) :: rágóizom
muscle relaxant {n} (drug) :: izomlazító
muscle tone {n} (the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles) :: izomtónus
muscovite {n} (mineral of the mica group) :: muszkovit
muscular {adj} (of or relating to muscles) :: izmos
muscular {adj} (having strength) :: izmos
muscular {adj} (having large, well-developed muscles) :: izmos
musculature {n} (collection of muscles) :: izomzat
muse {n} (a source of inspiration) :: múzsa
museum {n} (building or institution) :: múzeum
mushroom {n} (fruiting body of a fungus) :: gomba
mushroom {v} (to gather mushrooms) :: gombászik, gombázik
mushroom {n} (champignon) SEE: champignon ::
music {n} (sound, organized in time in a melodious way) :: zene, muzsika
music {n} (any pleasing or interesting sounds) :: zene, muzsika
music {n} (sheet music) :: kotta
musical {adj} (of or relating to music) :: zenei
musical instrument {n} (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds) :: hangszer
musician {n} (person who performs or writes music) :: zenész, muzsikus
musicology {n} (study of music) :: zenetudomány
music school {n} (school of music) :: zeneiskola, zenede
music stand {n} (stand for holding sheet music) :: kottaállvány
music theory {n} (field of study dealing with how music works) :: zeneelmélet
music therapy {n} (any of various therapeutic uses of music) :: zeneterápia
music to someone's ears {n} (good news; pleasing sound or expression) :: zene füleinek
music video {n} (motion picture accompanying a song) :: klip, klipp, videóklip
musk {n} (greasy secretion with powerful odour) :: pézsma
musket {n} (firearm) :: muskéta, moskotér
musketeer {n} (foot soldier) :: muskétás
muskmelon {n} (a type of melon) :: sárgadinnye
muskrat {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) :: pézsmapocok
Muslim {n} (believer of Islam) :: muszlim, muzulmán
Muslim {adj} (relating to believers of Islam) :: muszlim, muzulmán
muslin {n} (very different styles of fabric) SEE: fabric ::
musquash {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) SEE: muskrat ::
muss {n} (mess) SEE: mess ::
mussel {n} (any small edible bivalve shellfish, see also: clam; oyster; mollusc) :: szívkagyló, kagyló
must {v} (be required to) :: kell, muszáj
must {v} (said about something that is very likely, probable, or certain to be true) :: biztos, bizonyára, minden bizonnyal, alighanem, biztosan, kétségkívül, kétségtelenül
must {n} (fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes) :: must
mustard {n} (plant) :: mustár
mustard {n} (condiment) :: mustár
mustard {adj} (of the colour of mustard) :: mustársárga
mustard gas {n} (vesicant gas) :: mustárgáz, kén-mustár
muster {v} (to show, exhibit) SEE: show ::
musth {n} :: kandüh
must-see {n} (anything unmissable) :: kihagyhatatlan
mutable {adj} (changeable) :: ingatag
mutagenic {adj} (capable of causing mutation) :: mutagén
mutant {n} (something that has mutated) :: mutáns
mutant {adj} (mutant: mutating, that has mutated) :: mutáns
mutation {n} (mutant) SEE: mutant ::
mutation {n} (heritable change in genetic material) :: mutáció
mute {adj} (not having the power of speech) :: néma
mute {adj} (silent, not making a sound) :: néma
mute {v} (silence, make quiet) :: elnémít
mute {v} (turn off the sound of) :: lenémít
mute swan {n} (Cygnus olor) :: bütykös hattyú
mutiny {n} (organized rebellion) :: lázadás, zendülés
mutism {n} (psychological disorder) :: mutizmus
mutton {n} (the flesh of sheep used as food) :: ürühús, birkahús, juhhús, birka, ürü
mutual {adj} (having the same relationship, each to each other) :: kölcsönös
mutual {adj} (reciprocal) :: ellenoldali
mutual {adj} (relating to a form of mutual insurance or financial institution) :: közös
muzzle {n} (part of animal's head) :: pofa
muzzle {n} (device to stop an animal from biting) :: szájkosár
my {determiner} (belonging to me) :: -m, -om, -am, -em, -öm
Myanmar {prop} (Southeast Asian country, see also: Burma) :: Mianmar
my ass {interj} (Indicates disapproval, disagreement, or disbelief) :: a francokat
my bad {interj} (my fault) :: az én hibám, az én saram, én tehetek róla, én vagyok a hunyó, tévedtem
my blood type is ... {phrase} (my blood type is …) :: a vércsoportom ...
my car has broken down {phrase} (my car has broken down) :: elromlott az autóm
Mycenae {prop} (city) :: Mükéné
Mycenaean {adj} (relating to Mycenae) :: mükénéi
mycologist {n} (a person who studies, professes or practices mycology) :: mikológus
mycology {n} (study of fungi) :: gombatan
my condom broke {phrase} :: [standard] elszakadt az óvszerem, [colloquial] elszakadt a gumi
mycorrhiza {n} (symbiotic relationship between the mycelium of a fungus and the roots of a plant) :: gyökérkapcsoltságnak
mydriasis {n} :: pupillatágulat
mydriatic {adj} (pertaining to or causing mydriasis) :: pupillatágító
mydriatic {n} (drug that causes mydriasis) :: pupillatágító
my name is {phrase} (a way to identify oneself) :: ...(-nak/-nek) hívnak (They call me...), a nevem ...
myocardial infarction {n} (heart attack) SEE: heart attack ::
myocardium {n} (muscles that surround and power the heart) :: miokardium, szívizom
myocyte {n} (a single muscle fiber cell) :: izomsejt
myofibril {n} (cylindrical organelle) :: miofibrillum
myope {n} (One who has myopia) :: rövidlátó
myopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness ::
myopic {adj} (unable to see distant objects unaided) :: rövidlátó
my pleasure {interj} (a polite reaction to receiving thanks) :: kérem, szívesen
myrrh {n} (dried sap of the myrrha tree) :: mirha
myrtle {n} (evergreen shrub) :: mirtusz
myself {pron} (me, reflexive form of me) :: magam
mysterious {adj} (of unknown origin) :: titokzatos, rejtelmes, rejtélyes
mysteriousness {n} (the quality of being mysterious) :: titokzatosság, rejtélyesség
mystery {n} (something secret or unexplainable) :: rejtély
mystery play {n} (medieval dramatic performance) :: misztériumjáték
mystically {adv} (in a mystical manner) :: misztikusan
mysticalness {n} (the quality of being mystical) :: misztikusság
myth {n} (divine story) :: rege, hitrege, mítosz
myth {n} (commonly-held but false belief) :: mítosz
mythology {n} (collection and study of myths) :: mitológia
my way or the highway {n} (suggesting an ultimatum) :: ha nem tetszik, fel is út, le is út, megszoksz vagy megszöksz