User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-g
gable {n} (triangular area of wall) | :: kalkan duvarı, pencere kalkanı, kalkan |
Gabon {prop} (Gabonese Republic) | :: Gabon |
Gabonese {n} (A person from Gabon or of Gabonese descent) | :: Gabonlu |
Gabriel {prop} (archangel) | :: Cebrail, Cebrâil |
Gabriel {prop} | :: Cebrail |
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) SEE: horsefly | :: |
gadolinium {n} (chemical element) | :: gadolinyum |
Gaelic {prop} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic | :: |
gaffer {n} (baby) SEE: baby | :: |
Gagauz {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Gagauzia, Gagauz people, or the language) | :: Gagavuzca |
Gagauz {n} (person) | :: Gagavuz |
Gagauz {prop} (language) | :: Gagavuzca |
Gagauzia {prop} (Autonomous region) | :: Gagavuzya |
gaggle {v} (cackle) SEE: cackle | :: |
gain {n} (factor by which signal is multiplied) | :: kazanç |
gain {n} | :: kazanmak |
gainsay {v} (to contradict something said) | :: inkâr etmek, itiraz etmek, reddetmek |
galactic {adj} (relating to a/the galaxy) | :: galaktik, galaksiyle alakalı/ilgili |
galactic {adj} ((figuratively) enormous) | :: astronomik |
galah {n} (fool) SEE: fool | :: |
galangal {n} (any of several plants of the ginger family) | :: havlican |
galaxy {n} (collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc) | :: galaksi, gök ada |
galaxy {n} (the Milky Way) SEE: Milky Way | :: |
galaxy cluster {n} (cluster of galaxies) | :: gökada kümesi |
galaxy group {n} | :: galaksi grubu, gökada öbeği |
galeophobia {n} (fear of cats and felines) SEE: ailurophobia | :: |
Galicia {prop} (historical kingdom in Central Europe) | :: Galiçya |
Galician {n} (person(s) from Galicia, Spain) | :: Galiçyalı |
Galician {n} (Romance language spoken in Galicia) | :: Galiçyaca |
Galilee {prop} (region of northern Israel) | :: Celile |
gall {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder | :: |
gall bladder {n} (pear-shaped organ that stores bile) | :: safra kesesi |
Gallegan {prop} (the Galician language) SEE: Galician | :: |
galleon {n} (large sailing ship) | :: kalyon |
gallery {n} (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art) | :: galeri |
gallery {n} (establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art) | :: galeri |
gallery {n} (area of a theater, concert hall, or auditorium) | :: galeri |
gallery {n} (roofed promenade along the wall of a building) | :: galeri |
galligaskins {n} (shalwar) SEE: shalwar | :: |
gallimaufry {n} (Hash of various kinds of meats) | :: karmakarışık şey |
Gallipoli {prop} (peninsula) | :: Gelibolu |
gallium {n} (chemical element) | :: galyum |
gallon {n} (a unit of volume used for liquids) | :: galon |
gallop {n} (fastest gait of a horse) | :: dörtnal |
gallows {n} (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging) | :: darağacı |
gallows humor {n} (comedy that still manages to be funny in the face of a perfectly hopeless situation) | :: kara mizah |
gallstone {n} (small, hard object, that sometimes forms in the gall bladder) | :: safra taşları, safra taşı |
galosh {n} (waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow) | :: galoş, şoson |
galpal {n} (close female friend) SEE: girlfriend | :: |
Gambia {prop} (The Republic of The Gambia) | :: Gambiya |
gamble {n} (a risk undertaken with a potential gain) | :: kumar |
gambler {n} (one who plays at a game of chance) | :: kumarbaz, kumarcı |
gambling {n} (activity characterised by a balance between winning and losing that is governed by a mixture of skill and chance) | :: kumar |
game {n} (playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime) | :: oyun |
game {v} (to gamble) SEE: gamble | :: |
gameness {n} (courage) SEE: courage | :: |
game over {phrase} (message) | :: oyun bitti |
gamester {n} (gambler) SEE: gambler | :: |
gamete {n} (reproductive cell) | :: gamet, dölcük, eşey hücresi, eşeylik gözesi |
game theory {n} (mathematical study of strategic situations) | :: oyun kuramı |
gamma {n} (third letter of the Greek alphabet) | :: gama |
gamma-aminobutyric acid {n} (amino acid) | :: gama-amino bütirik asit |
gamma function {n} (function which generalizes the notion of a factorial) | :: gama fonksiyonu |
gamut {n} (complete range) | :: skala |
gamut {n} (all the notes in the musical scale) | :: gam |
gamut {n} (all the colours available to a device) | :: renk paleti |
gamut {n} | :: kapsam |
gang {n} (a company of persons) | :: çete |
gang {n} (group of criminals who band together for mutual protection) | :: çete |
gang bang {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy | :: |
Ganges {prop} (the river) | :: Ganj |
Gang of Four {prop} (leftist political faction) | :: Dörtlü Çete |
gangrene {n} (the necrosis or rotting of flesh) | :: kangren |
gangster {n} (street gang member) | :: çeteci, gangster |
Ganja {prop} (city) | :: Gence |
gannet {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton | :: |
gantry {n} (framework of steel bars bridging over something) | :: makas köprüsü |
garage {n} (aviation: shed for housing an aircraft) SEE: hangar | :: |
garage {n} (petrol filling station) SEE: gas station | :: |
garage {n} (building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.) | :: garaj, arabalık, kurluk, kaylık |
garage {n} (place where cars are serviced and repaired) | :: servis |
garbage {n} (waste material) | :: çöp, süprüntü |
garbage can {n} (waste receptacle) | :: çöp kutusu, çöp tenekesi, çöp |
garbage collect {v} (to reclaim resources no longer in use) | :: çöp toplama |
garbage collection {n} (service for transporting household garbage) | :: çöp toplama |
garbage collection {n} (programming) | :: çöp toplama |
garbage collector {n} (worker) | :: çöpçü |
garbage man {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector | :: |
garbage truck {n} (waste collection vehicle) | :: çöp arabası |
garbologist {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector | :: |
garden {n} (piece of land outside with flowers and plants) | :: bahçe |
garden {n} (a vegetable garden) | :: bostan |
garden {n} (gardens with public access) | :: park |
garden {n} (grounds at the front or back of a house) | :: arka bahçe, ön bahçe |
garden {v} (grow plants) | :: bahçe işi ile/işiyle meşgul olmak/uğraşmak |
gardener {n} (one who gardens) | :: bahçıvan |
garlic {n} (plant) | :: sarımsak |
garlic bread {n} (bread topped with garlic) | :: sarımsaklı ekmek |
garlic press {n} (ustensil) | :: sarımsak ezici |
garner {n} (granary) | :: ambar, depo |
garner {v} (to reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary) | :: toplamak |
garnet {n} (mineral) | :: grena, lal taşı |
garnish {v} (fetter) SEE: fetter | :: |
garçonnière {n} (bachelor pad) SEE: bachelor pad | :: |
garret {n} (an attic or semi-finished room just beneath the roof of a house) | :: çatı katı |
garter {n} (band around leg) | :: jartiyer |
gas {n} ((uncountable, chemistry) state of matter) | :: gaz |
gas {n} ((US) gas in digestion) | :: gaz |
gas chamber {n} (a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas) | :: gaz odası |
Gascony {prop} (Former region of France) | :: Gaskonya |
gash {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva | :: |
gasholder {n} | :: gaz tutucu |
gasket {n} (mechanical seal) | :: conta |
gasoline {n} (motor fuel) | :: benzin, petrol |
gasometer {n} (gasholder) SEE: gasholder | :: |
gas plant {n} (Dictamnus albus) | :: gazelotu |
gas station {n} (an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car) | :: benzinlik, benzin istasyonu |
gastralgia {n} (stomachache) SEE: stomachache | :: |
gastritis {n} (inflammation of the lining of the stomach) | :: gastrit |
gastroenterology {n} (the study of the digestive system) | :: gastroenteroloji |
gastronome {n} (gourmet) SEE: gourmet | :: |
gata {n} (a kind of pastry) | :: kete |
gate {n} (door-like structure outside) | :: kapı |
gate {n} (computing: logical pathway) | :: kapı |
gateway {n} (entrance) | :: giriş, kapı |
gateway {n} (computer network access point) | :: ağ geçidi |
gather {v} (to bring together; to collect) | :: toplamak, derlemek, almak |
gather {v} (—to harvest) | :: toplamak |
gather {v} (—to accumulate over time) | :: toplamak, biriktirmek |
gather {v} (—to congregate) | :: toplanmak, buluşmak |
gather {v} (to bring parts of a whole closer) | :: toplamak |
gather {v} (to infer or conclude) | :: çıkarmak, çıkarsamak |
gay {adj} (sexually promiscuous) SEE: promiscuous | :: |
gay {adj} (happy, joyful and lively) | :: neşeli, canlı |
gay {adj} (festive, bright, colorful) | :: parlak, canlı, şen, iç açıcı, renkli |
gay {adj} (homosexual, see also: homosexual; lesbian) | :: homo, homoseksüel, ibne [rude], eşcinsel |
gay {adj} (typical of homosexual appearance) | :: eşcinsel, ibne [rude], homoseksüel |
gay {n} (homosexual person, especially male, see also: lesbian; homosexual; fairy; fag; poof; bender; bugger) | :: gey |
gay bar {n} (nightclub whose primary clientele are LGBT people) | :: gey bar |
gay marriage {n} (marriage between two people of the same sex) | :: eşcinsel evlilik |
Gaza {prop} (city) | :: Gazze |
Gaza {prop} (Gaza Strip) SEE: Gaza Strip | :: |
Gazakh {prop} (a city in Azerbaijan) | :: Kazah |
Gaza Strip {prop} (Gaza Strip) | :: Gazze Şeridi |
gazelle {n} (antelope) | :: ceylan |
gazette {n} (newspaper, see also: newspaper) | :: gazete |
Gaziantep {prop} (city) | :: Gaziantep |
gcd {n} (initialism for greatest common divisor) | :: obeb |
G clef {n} (treble clef) | :: sol anahtarı |
GDP {n} (abbreviation of gross domestic product, see also: gross domestic product) | :: GSYİH, GSMH |
gear {n} (motor car transmission) | :: vites |
gear lever {n} (lever used to change gears) | :: kol, vites, vites kolu |
gear stick {n} (gear lever) SEE: gear lever | :: |
gearstick {n} (gear lever) SEE: gear lever | :: |
gecko {n} (lizard of the family Gekkonidae) | :: geko |
gee {n} (name of the letter G, g) | :: ge |
geek {n} (Australian: look) SEE: look | :: |
geeky {adj} (like a geek) | :: eblek |
gee up {interj} (direction to a horse) SEE: giddyup | :: |
geezer {n} (device for boiling water) SEE: geyser | :: |
geisha {n} (a Japanese entertainer) | :: geyşa |
gel {n} (suspension of solid in liquid) | :: jel |
gel {n} (any gel for a particular cosmetic use) | :: jel, jöle |
gelada {n} (primate) | :: jelada |
gelatin {n} (protein derived through partial hydrolysis of the collagen) | :: jelatin |
gelatin {n} (edible jelly) | :: jöle |
gelatin {n} (translucent membrane) | :: jelatin |
gelato {n} (Italian-style ice cream) | :: Roma dondurması, gelato |
geld {n} (money) SEE: money | :: |
geld {v} (castrate) SEE: castrate | :: |
gelding {n} (eunuch) SEE: eunuch | :: |
gelee {n} (any gelled suspension made for culinary purposes) | :: jöle, pelte |
gem {n} (precious stone) | :: mücevher |
Gemini {prop} (constellation) | :: İkizler |
Gemini {prop} (astrological sign) | :: İkizler |
gendarme {n} (member of the gendarmerie) | :: jandarma |
gendarmerie {n} (military body charged with police duties) | :: jandarma, jandarmalar {p} |
gender {n} (grammar: division of nouns and pronouns) | :: cins, cinsiyet |
gender {n} (biological sex) | :: cinsiyet, cins |
gender {n} (grammar: voice (of verbs)) SEE: voice | :: |
gene {n} (unit of heredity) | :: gen |
genealogy {n} (study and recording of descents) | :: soy bilimi, jeneoloji |
general {adj} | :: genel |
general {n} (military rank) | :: general |
general {n} | :: general |
general education {n} (education in a number of important subjects) | :: genel kültür |
general election {n} (election held at regular intervals) | :: genel seçim |
general knowledge {n} (wide body of information that a person acquires from education and from life) | :: genel bilgi |
generally {adv} (popularly or widely) | :: genellikle |
generally {adv} (as a rule; usually) | :: çoğunlukla |
general-purpose {adj} (all-purpose) | :: genel amaçlı |
general relativity {n} (theory in physics) | :: genel görelilik, genel görelilik kuramı |
general strike {n} (work stoppage) | :: genel grev |
generating function {n} | :: akım fonksiyonu |
generation {n} (single step in the succession of natural descent) | :: nesil |
generator {n} (apparatus: electrical generator) | :: jeneratör |
generic {adj} (very comprehensive) | :: genelleyici, kapsamlı |
generic {adj} (of, or relating to a genus) | :: cinsle ilgili, eşdeğer, familyaya āit, soya mahsus, soya özgü |
generic {adj} ((computing) written so as to operate on any data type) | :: jenerik, üreysel |
generosity {n} (the trait of being willing to donate) | :: âlicenaplık, cömertlik |
generosity {n} (acting generously) | :: âlicenaplık, cömertlik |
generosity {n} (the trait of being more than adequate) | :: âlicenaplık, bağışlayıcılık, cömertlik |
generosity {n} (good breeding; nobility of stock) | :: cömertlik |
generosity {n} (a generous act) | :: âlicenaplık, bağışlayıcılık, cömertlik |
generous {adj} (willing to give and share unsparingly) | :: cömert, eli açık, selek, semih [archaic] |
generous {adj} (large, ample) | :: bol |
genesis {n} (the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being) | :: yaratılış, ülkü |
Geneva {prop} (city) | :: Cenevre |
Geneva {prop} (canton) | :: Cenevre |
Genevan {n} (someone from Geneva) | :: Cenevreli |
Genghis Khan {prop} (Genghis Khan) | :: Cengiz Han |
genie {n} (an unseen being in Muslim theology) | :: cin, çor [archaic Turkish] |
genie {n} (a fictional magical being) | :: cin, çor [archaic Turkish] |
genie {n} | :: cin, cinler |
genitalia {n} (genitals or sex organs) | :: cinsel organlar {p}, üreme organları {p} |
genitals {n} (genitalia) SEE: genitalia | :: |
genitive {adj} (of or pertaining to the case of possession) | :: tamlayan |
genitive {n} (inflection pattern) | :: tamlayan durumu, tamlayan hâli |
genitive {n} (word in the genitive inflection) | :: tamlayan |
genitive case {n} (genitive) SEE: genitive | :: |
genius {n} (someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill) | :: dahi, dâhi |
genizah {n} (depository where sacred Hebrew books, etc., are kept before being buried in a cemetery) | :: geniza |
Genoa {prop} (province) | :: Cenova |
Genoa {prop} (Italian city) | :: Cenova |
genocide {n} (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people) | :: soykırım |
genome {n} (complete genetic information of an organism) | :: genom |
genophobia {n} | :: genofobi |
gens {n} (legally defined unit of Roman society) | :: gens |
gentian {n} (Any of various herbs of the family Gentianaceae) | :: Modern Turkish: centiyana, yılan otu |
gentian {n} (The dried roots and rhizome of a European gentian) | :: Modern Turkish: centiyana, yılan otu |
genticide {n} (killing of a race or nation of people) SEE: genocide | :: |
gentile {adj} | :: Musevî olmayan |
gentle {adj} (tender and amiable) | :: şefkatli |
gentle {adj} (soft and mild rather than hard or severe) | :: hoşgörülü, yumuşak başlı |
gentle {adj} (docile and easily managed) | :: anlayışlı |
gentle {adj} (gradual rather than steep or sudden) | :: tedricî, yavaş yavaş |
gentle {adj} (polite and respectful rather than rude) | :: nazik |
genuflect {v} (to bend the knee, as in servitude or worship) | :: diz çökmek |
genuine {adj} (real, authentic) | :: orijinal, gerçek, hakiki |
genus {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species) | :: cins |
geocaching {n} (pastime) | :: geocaching |
geodesy {n} (scientific discipline) | :: jeodezi |
geodynamo {n} | :: jeodinamo |
geographer {n} (a specialist in geography) | :: coğrafyacı |
geographic {adj} (pertaining to geography) | :: coğrafi |
geographical {adj} (geographic) SEE: geographic | :: |
geography {n} (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth) | :: coğrafya |
geoid {n} (surface of constant gravitational potential at zero elevation) | :: geoit |
geologist {n} (person skilled at geology) | :: jeolog |
geology {n} (the study of the earth) | :: jeoloji, yerbilim |
geometry {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: geometri |
geometry {n} (type of geometry) | :: geometri |
geometry {n} (spatial attributes) | :: geometri |
geomorphologic {adj} | :: jeomorfolojik |
geomorphological {adj} (pertaining to geomorphology) | :: jeomorfolojik |
geomorphology {n} (the study of landforms) | :: jeomorfoloji |
geophysics {n} (branch of earth science) | :: jeofizik |
George {prop} (male given name) | :: Jorj |
georgette {n} (fabric) | :: jorjet |
Georgia {prop} (country) | :: Gürcistan |
Georgia {prop} (state of the USA) | :: Georgia |
Georgian {n} (language of the country Georgia) | :: Gürcüce |
Georgian {n} (person from the country of Georgia) | :: Gürcü, Gürcistanlı |
Georgian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people or language of Georgia) | :: Gürcü |
Georgian SSR {prop} (Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic) | :: Gürcistan SSC |
geoscience {n} (earth science) SEE: earth science | :: |
gephyrophobia {n} (fear of crossing bridges) | :: gefirofobi |
ger {n} (yurt) SEE: yurt | :: |
geranium {n} (cranesbill) | :: sardunya |
German {n} (native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality) | :: Alman |
German {n} (member of the Germanic ethnic group which is the most populous ethnic group in Germany) | :: Alman |
German {n} (member of a Germanic tribe) | :: Alman |
German {n} | :: Alman, Almanyalı |
German {prop} (the German language) | :: Almanca |
German {adj} (of or relating to the country of Germany) | :: Alman |
German Democratic Republic {prop} (East Germany from 1949-1990) | :: Demokratik Alman Cumhuriyeti |
Germanic {adj} (relating to the Germanic peoples) | :: Cermen |
Germanic {adj} (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic) | :: Cermen |
germanium {n} (chemical element) | :: germanyum |
Germanization {n} (Making more German) | :: Almanlaştırma |
German measles {n} (the disease rubella) SEE: rubella | :: |
German Shepherd {n} (breed of dog) | :: Alman Çoban Köpeği |
German studies {n} (academic discipline) | :: Germanistik |
Germany {prop} (country in Central Europe) | :: Almanya |
gerund {n} (verb form functioning as a verbal noun) | :: ulaç |
gerund {n} (verb form functioning as an adverb) | :: zarf-fiil, ulaç, durum ulacı, sıla sıygası |
gesture {n} (motion of the limbs or body) | :: işaret, jest, [medicine] gesture, el kol hareketi, baş hareketi, el hareketi, kol hareketi |
gesundheit {interj} (said to someone who has just sneezed) SEE: bless you | :: |
get {v} (to obtain) | :: elde etmek, ele geçirmek |
get {v} (to receive) | :: almak |
get {v} (to become) | :: olmak |
get {v} (colloquial: to understand) | :: anlamak |
get a life {v} (to have a more interesting, eventful, or worthwhile existence) | :: bir hayatın olsun! |
get along {v} (interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble) | :: kardeşçe yaşamak, iyi geçinmek |
get at {v} (to manage to gain access to) SEE: access | :: |
get at {v} (to attack verbally or physically) SEE: attack | :: |
get away {v} (to avoid capture; to escape (from)) SEE: escape | :: |
get by {v} (subsist) | :: geçinmek |
get down {v} (bring down (transitive)) SEE: let down | :: |
get down {v} (come down (intransitive)) SEE: come down | :: |
get drunk {v} (to intoxicate oneself with alcohol) | :: sarhoş olmak |
get drunk {v} (transitive; to make drunk) | :: sarhoş etmek |
get in {v} (to enter) | :: içeri girmek |
get in {v} (to be elected) | :: alınmak |
get laid {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex | :: |
get lost {interj} (Go away!) | :: defol, defol git |
get lost {v} (become lost) | :: kaybolmak |
get off {v} (to move from being on top of (something)) | :: inmek |
get off {v} (to move (something) from being on (something else)) | :: indirmek |
get off {v} (to disembark from) | :: inmek |
get on {v} (to enter (a vehicle)) | :: binmek |
get one's wires crossed {v} (to misunderstand one another) | :: yanlış anlamak |
get out {interj} (indicating incredulity) | :: defol {s}, defolun {p} |
get out of bed on the wrong side {v} (to start the day in a bad mood) SEE: get up on the wrong side of the bed | :: |
get out of here {interj} (command to leave) | :: defol, defol git |
get out of here {interj} (expression of disbelief) | :: hadi ya, hadi be |
get outta here {interj} (get out of here) SEE: get out of here | :: |
get over {v} (recover) SEE: recover | :: |
get over {v} (to overcome) | :: üstesinden gelmek, yenmek, aşmak |
get over {v} (to forget, and move on) | :: teselli bulmak |
get rid of {v} (remove) | :: kurtulmak |
get sick {v} (become sick) | :: hastalanmak, rahatsızlanmak |
get sick {v} (vomit) | :: kusmak, istifra etmek |
gettable {adj} (obtainable) SEE: obtainable | :: |
get the hang of {v} (to learn to handle with some skill) | :: bir şeyi anlamak, bir şeyin havasına girmek, bir şeyin usulünü öğrenmek, kavramak [figurative] |
get together {v} (to meet) | :: toplanmak, buluşmak |
get together {v} (to agree) | :: uzlaşmak |
get up {v} (to rise from one's bed) | :: kalkmak |
get up {v} | :: kalkmak, yataktan kalkmak |
get up on the wrong side of the bed {v} (to feel irritable without a particular reason) | :: soldan kalkmak /to wake up on the left side/, tersinden kalkmak |
get well soon {phrase} (expressing hope that someone recovers soon) | :: geçmiş olsun |
geyser {n} (boiling spring) | :: kaynaç, gayzer |
Ghana {prop} (The Republic of Ghana) | :: Gana |
Ghanaian {n} (person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent) | :: Ganalı |
Ghanan {adj} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian | :: |
Ghanan {n} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian | :: |
ghazal {n} (a poetic form) | :: gazel |
Ghent {prop} (capital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium) | :: Gent |
gherkin {n} (small cucumber) | :: kornişon |
ghetto {n} (area of a city in which Jews were concentrated) | :: getto |
ghetto {n} (area of a city where people of another ethnicity concentrate or are concentrated) | :: getto |
ghetto {adj} (of low quality; cheap; shabby, crude) | :: gettomsu, pespaye, külüstür |
ghetto {adj} (characteristic of the style, speech, or behavior of residents of US ghetto) | :: gettomsu |
ghetto {adj} (raised in a US ghetto) | :: gettolu |
ghost {n} (spirit appearing after death) | :: hayalet, ruh |
ghost {n} (soul) SEE: soul | :: |
ghost town {n} (town which has become deserted) | :: hayalet kasaba |
ghost train {n} (fairground attraction) | :: korku tüneli |
ghoul {n} (a spirit said to feed on corpses) | :: gulyabani,şeytan, hortlak |
ghoul {n} (a graverobber) | :: nebbaş [archaic], mezar soyguncusu |
ghrelin {n} (peptide hormone that increases appetite) | :: ghrelin |
giant {n} (mythical human) | :: dev |
giant {n} (Greek mythological creature) | :: gigant, dev |
giaour {n} (infidel) | :: gâvur, kâfir |
gibberish {n} (unintelligible speech or writing) | :: saçmalık |
gibberish {n} (needlessly obscure or overly technical language) | :: jargon |
Gibraltar {prop} (British overseas territory) | :: Cebelitarık |
Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar) SEE: Strait of Gibraltar | :: |
giddyup {interj} (used to make a horse go faster) | :: deh |
gift {n} (something given to another voluntarily, without charge) | :: hediye, armağan |
gift {n} (a talent or natural ability) | :: yetenek, kabiliyet |
gifted {adj} | :: becerikli, kabiliyetli, yetenekli |
gigabyte {n} (one billion bytes) | :: gigabayt |
gigolo {n} (male having sexual relationships for money) | :: jigolo, tokmakçı |
gigolo {n} (hired escort or dancing partner) | :: jigolo, tokmakçı, tutma erkek |
Gilaki {prop} (Gilaki language) | :: Gilanice |
gild {v} (to cover with a thin layer of gold) | :: yaldızlamak |
gild {v} (to adorn) | :: süslemek |
Gilgamesh {prop} (legendary king of Uruk) | :: Gılgamış |
gill {n} (breathing organ of fish) | :: solungaç |
gill {n} (mushroom organ) | :: lamel |
gilt-head bream {n} (fish) | :: çipura |
gimmick {n} (trick or a device) | :: marifet, numara, hile |
gin {n} (alcoholic beverage) | :: cin |
ginger {n} (plant) | :: zencefil |
ginger {n} (spice) | :: zencefil |
ginger {n} (colour/color) | :: kızıl |
ginger {n} (person with reddish-brown hair) | :: kızıl |
ginger beer {n} (queer) SEE: queer | :: |
ginger beer {adj} (queer) SEE: queer | :: |
gingiva {n} (gum) SEE: gum | :: |
ginseng {n} (any of several plants, of the genus Panax) | :: ginseng |
ginseng {n} | :: ginseng |
gippo {n} (Egyptian) SEE: Egyptian | :: |
gippo {n} (Gypsy) SEE: Gypsy | :: |
giraffe {n} (mammal) | :: zürafa |
girasole {n} (Jerusalem artichoke) SEE: Jerusalem artichoke | :: |
girl {n} (young female person) | :: kız |
girlfriend {n} (a female partner in a romantic relationship) | :: kız arkadaş |
girlish {adj} (like a girl) | :: kızsı |
Giro d'Italia {prop} (annual cycling race in Italy) | :: İtalya Bisiklet Turu |
gist {n} (the most essential part) | :: ana fikir, öz, özet |
git {n} (A silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying or childish person) | :: aptal, salak |
give {v} (transfer the possession of something to someone else) | :: vermek |
give birth {v} (produce new life) | :: doğurmak, dünyaya getirmek |
give head {v} (slang: to perform oral sex on another person) | :: sakso çekmek |
give in {v} (to collapse or fall) | :: çökmek, yıkılmak |
give in {v} (to relent or yield) | :: bırakmak, kabullenmek, pes etmek |
give me {v} (expression of preference) | :: bana veriniz |
given name {n} (name chosen for a child by its parents) | :: isim, ad |
give or take {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately | :: |
give someone a break {v} (rest) SEE: rest | :: |
gizmo {n} (thingy) | :: uğur |
gizzard {n} (portion of the esophagus with ingested grit) | :: katı, taşlık |
glacier {n} (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill) | :: buzul |
glaciologist {n} (one who studies glaciers) | :: buzul bilimci |
glaciology {n} (study of ice and its effect on the landscape) | :: buzul bilimi, buzulbilim, glasiyoloji |
glade {n} (open space in the woods) | :: açıklık, [rare] kayran |
gladiator {n} (a professional boxer) SEE: boxer | :: |
gland {n} (organ that synthesizes and secretes substance) | :: bez, salgı bezi |
glanders {n} (disease) | :: sakağı, mankafa, ruam |
glans {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) SEE: glans penis | :: |
glans {n} (clitoral glans) SEE: clitoral glans | :: |
glans clitoridis {n} (clitoral glans) SEE: clitoral glans | :: |
glans penis {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) | :: penis başı, haşefe, başçık |
Glasgow {prop} (the city Glasgow) | :: Glasgow |
glasnost {n} (a policy of the Soviet Union) | :: glasnost, açıklık |
glass {n} (hourglass) SEE: hourglass | :: |
glass {n} (substance) | :: cam, sırça |
glass {n} (drinking vessel) | :: bardak |
glass {n} (magnifying glass or telescope) | :: büyüteç |
glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror | :: |
glass {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer | :: |
glasses {n} (plural of "glass") SEE: glass | :: |
glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles | :: |
glaucoma {n} (eye disease) | :: glokom |
gleam {n} (small shaft or stream of light) | :: parıltı |
gleam {n} (glimpse or indistinct sign) | :: belirti |
gleam {n} (brightness or splendor) | :: parlaklık |
glean {v} (harvest grain left behind after the crop has been reaped) | :: ekin toplamak |
glean {v} (gather information in small amounts, with implied difficulty, bit by bit) | :: azar azar bilgi toplamak, çıkarmak |
gleek {n} (game of cards for three people) | :: üçlü |
Gülenist {n} (supporter of social movement) | :: Fethullahçı |
glide {v} (To fly unpowered, as of an aircraft) | :: süzülmek |
glider {n} (aircraft) | :: planör |
glioblastoma {n} (fast-growing tumor of the brain) | :: glioblastom |
global {adj} (spherical) | :: küresel |
global {adj} (concerning all parts of the world) | :: global, küresel |
globalisation {n} (process of becoming a more interconnected world) | :: küreselleşme, globalleşme |
globalism {n} (doctrine of globalization) | :: globalizm, globalleşme, küreselleşme |
globalist {adj} | :: küreselci |
globalist {n} | :: küreselci |
global literature {n} (comparative literature) SEE: comparative literature | :: |
global warming {n} (increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change) | :: küresel ısınma |
globe {n} (planet Earth) | :: yerküre |
globe {n} (model of Earth) | :: küre |
globe thistle {n} (any of the flowering plants in the genus Echinops, with spiny foliage and blue or white spherical flower heads) | :: kirpi dikeni, mavi dünya, mavi dünya dikeni |
glockenspiel {n} (musical instrument) | :: glokenspil |
gloomy {adj} (imperfectly illuminated) | :: kasvetli |
glorious {adj} (exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory) | :: şanlı |
gloss {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary | :: |
gloss {n} (surface shine) | :: parlaklık |
gloss {n} (superficially or deceptively attractive appearance) | :: gösteriş |
gloss {n} (brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or complex expression) | :: şerh |
glossary {n} (list of words with their definitions) | :: lügatçe |
glossolalia {n} (xenoglossy) SEE: xenoglossy | :: |
glossy {adj} (having a reflective surface) | :: parlak |
glottal {adj} (of or relating to the glottis) | :: gırtlaksal, gırtlaksı |
glove {n} (item of clothing) | :: eldiven |
glucose {n} (simple monosaccharide sugar) | :: glikoz, üzüm şekeri |
glue {n} (sticky adhesive substance) | :: yapıştırıcı |
glue gun {n} (hot glue gun) SEE: hot glue gun | :: |
glutton {n} (one who eats voraciously) | :: obur |
gluttonous {adj} (given to excessive eating; prone to overeating) | :: obur |
gluttonous {adj} (greedy, see also: ) | :: açgözlü, obur |
gluttony {n} (the vice of eating to excess) | :: oburluk |
glycerine {n} (the compound glycerol) | :: gliserin |
glycine {n} (amino acid) | :: glisin |
glycogen {n} (polysaccharide that is the main form of carbohydrate storage in animals) | :: glikojen |
gnat {n} (any small insect of the order Diptera) | :: sivrisinek |
gnaw {v} (to bite something persistently) | :: kemirmek |
gnomon {n} (object used to tell time by the shadow it casts when the sun shines on it) | :: gnomon |
Gnosticism {n} (Gnosticism) | :: gnostisizm |
gnu {n} (large antelope of the genus Connochaetes) | :: gnu |
go {v} (to move through space (especially from one place to another)) | :: gitmek |
go {n} (board game) | :: go |
go {v} (leave) SEE: leave | :: |
go {v} (attack) SEE: attack | :: |
go {v} (change) SEE: change | :: |
go {v} (walk) SEE: walk | :: |
go {v} (urinate, defecate) SEE: urinate | :: |
go {v} (survive) SEE: survive | :: |
go {v} (extend) SEE: extend | :: |
go {v} (lead (tend or reach in a certain direction)) SEE: lead | :: |
go {v} (die) SEE: die | :: |
Goa {prop} (state in western India) | :: Goa |
goad {n} (pointed stick used to prod animals) | :: üvendire |
go after {v} (to pursue in attempt to catch) | :: kovalamak |
goal {n} (result one is attempting to achieve) | :: amaç, hedef |
goal {n} (in many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object) | :: kale |
goal {n} ((sport) act of placing the object into the goal) | :: gol |
goal {n} (point(s) scored) | :: gol |
goalkeeper {n} (player that protects a goal) | :: kaleci |
goalkeeping {n} (art of a goalkeeper) | :: kalecilik |
goaltender {n} (player that protects a goal) SEE: goalkeeper | :: |
go astray {v} (develop bad habits; behave improperly or illegally) | :: azmak |
goat {n} (animal) | :: keçi |
goatee {n} (beard at the center of the chin) | :: keçi sakalı |
goatfucker {n} (derogatory term for a person of North African or Asian descent) | :: keçi herif |
goatherd {n} (person who herds, tends goats) | :: çoban |
go bankrupt {v} (to become bankrupt) | :: iflas etmek |
gobble {v} (to eat hastily or greedily) | :: atıştırmak |
gobble {v} (to make the sound of a turkey) | :: hindi sesi çıkarmak |
go belly-up {v} (go bankrupt) SEE: go bankrupt | :: |
goblet drum {n} (drum from the Middle-East and North Africa) | :: darbuka, darbukalar {p} |
goblin {n} (hostile diminutive humanoid in fantasy literature) | :: küçük şeytan |
go crazy {v} (go nuts) SEE: go nuts | :: |
god {v} (idolize) | :: tanrılaştırmak, ilahlaştırmak |
god {v} (deify) | :: tanrılaştırmak, ilahlaştırmak |
god {n} | :: tanrı, ilah, oğan |
god {n} (idol) | :: put, heykel, heykelcik, tapıncak, sanem |
god {n} (person in high position of authority) | :: ilah |
god {n} | :: tanrı |
God {prop} | :: Tanrı, Allah, Yaradan |
God {prop} (single male deity of duotheism) | :: tanrı, ilah, tengri |
God {n} (an omnipotent being) | :: Allah, Tanrı |
God bless you {interj} (said as a short prayer for the recipient) | :: Allah senden razı olsun, tanrı seni kutsasın |
God bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) | :: [informal, singular] çok yaşa, [formal, plural] çok yaşayın |
goddamn {interj} (an expression of anger, surprise, or frustration) | :: kahretsin!, lanet olsun! |
goddess {n} (female deity) | :: tanrıça {f}, ilahe {f} |
goddess {n} (adored or idealized woman) | :: tanrıça |
Goddess {prop} (single goddess of monotheism) | :: Tanrıça |
godfather {n} (man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner) | :: vaftiz baba, kirve |
godfather {n} (mafia leader) | :: mafya babası |
God forbid {interj} (Don't let it be) | :: Allah korusun! |
godhead {n} (God) SEE: God | :: |
God knows {phrase} (Only known to God; only known to the gods) | :: Allah bilir |
God's house {n} (church) SEE: church | :: |
Godspeed {n} (wish that the outcome of someone's actions is positive for them) | :: Yolun açık olsun, Selametle |
goer {n} (foot) SEE: foot | :: |
go fuck oneself {v} (a variant of fuck you) | :: siktir git |
gold {n} (element) | :: altın |
gold {n} (coin) | :: altın |
golden {adj} (made of, or relating to, gold) | :: altın |
golden eagle {n} (large bird of prey) | :: kaya kartalı, altın kartal |
Golden Gate {prop} (Golden Gate Bridge) SEE: Golden Gate Bridge | :: |
Golden Gate Bridge {prop} (suspension bridge in California) | :: Golden Gate Köprüsü |
golden goal {n} (first goal scored during extra time) | :: altın gol |
Golden Horde {prop} (the Mongol invaders) | :: Altın Ordu |
Golden Horn {prop} (inlet) | :: Haliç, Altın Boynuz |
golden jackal {n} (Canis aureus) | :: altın çakal |
golden ratio {n} (irrational number) | :: altın oran |
goldfinch {n} (any of several passerine birds) | :: saka |
goldfish {n} (fish) | :: Japon balığı |
gold medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, gold) | :: altın madalya |
golf {n} (ball game) | :: golf |
golfer {n} (someone who plays golf) | :: golfçü |
go mad {v} (to become insane) SEE: go nuts | :: |
gonad {n} (sex gland) | :: gonad |
gondola {n} (narrow boat, especially in Venice) | :: gondol |
gondolier {n} (Venetian boatman who propels a gondola) | :: gondolcu, gondolcü |
gong {n} (percussion instrument) | :: gong |
gonorrhea {n} (STD) | :: belsoğukluğu, gonore |
go nuts {v} (to become mad) | :: kudurmak, kafayı yemek, çıldırmak, delirmek, aklını yitirmek, kulumak |
good {adj} (acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions) | :: iyi |
good {adj} (pleasant; enjoyable) | :: iyi |
good {adj} | :: yakşı |
good {n} (the forces of good) | :: iyi |
good afternoon {phrase} (greeting said in the afternoon) | :: iyi günler, tünaydın [seldom] |
goodbye {interj} (farewell, see also: bye) | :: [person staying] güle güle, [person leaving] hoşça kal, Allah'a ısmarladık, [informal] baybay |
goodbye, cruel world {phrase} (exclamation prior to suicide) | :: elveda zalim dünya! |
good day {phrase} (greeting between sunrise and sunset) | :: iyi günler |
good-den {interj} (good evening) SEE: good evening | :: |
good evening {n} (greeting said in the evening) | :: iyi akşamlar, tünaydın |
good faith {n} (good, honest intentions) | :: iyi niyet |
good faith {adj} (well-intentioned) | :: iyi niyetli |
good fortune {n} (good luck) SEE: good luck | :: |
Good Friday {prop} (The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified) | :: Kutsal Cuma |
good heavens {interj} (exclamation of surprise or shock) | :: üstüme iyilik sağlık |
good luck {interj} (wish of fortune or encouragement) | :: iyi şanslar |
good luck {n} (positive fortune) | :: iyi şans |
good morning {interj} (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning) | :: günaydın, iyi sabahlar, hayırlı sabahlar |
goodness {n} (state or characteristic of being good) | :: iyilik |
good night {phrase} (a farewell) | :: iyi geceler |
good riddance {interj} (used to indicate that a departure or loss is welcome) | :: hele şükür |
goods {n} (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold) | :: mal |
good sense {n} (common sense) SEE: common sense | :: |
good things come to those who wait {proverb} (patience is a virtue) | :: bekleyen derviş muradına ermiş |
Goofy {prop} (Disney character) | :: Gufi |
google {n} (search using Google) | :: Googlelamak |
google {v} (to search for on the Internet) | :: gugullamak, googlelamak, google'lamak |
Google {v} (to search the internet using the Google search engine) SEE: google | :: |
Google {prop} (Google (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)) | |
googolplex {num} (ten to the power of a googol) | :: googolplex |
go on {v} (continue) | :: devam etmek, sürmek |
go on {v} (happen) | :: olmak, gerçekleşmek, dönmek |
goose {n} (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae) | :: kaz |
gooseberry {n} (fruit) | :: bektaşi üzümü |
go out {v} (to leave, especially a building) | :: çıkmak |
Gorbachev {prop} (Russian surname) | :: Gorbaçov |
gorge {n} (inside of the throat, see also: gullet) | :: gırtlak |
gorge {n} (deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides) | :: koyak |
gorge {v} (to stuff the gorge or gullet with food; to eat greedily) | :: tıkınmak |
gorgeous {adj} (very beautiful) | :: debdebeli, görkemli, göz kamaştırıcı, harikulade, muhteşem |
Gori {prop} (a city in eastern Georgia) | :: Gori |
gorilla {n} (ape) | :: goril |
Gorky {prop} (Russian surname) | :: Gorki |
gory {adj} (covered with blood, very bloody) | :: kanlı, korkunç, ürpertici |
gory {adj} (unpleasant) SEE: unpleasant | :: |
goshawk {n} (bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter) | :: çakır |
gosling {n} (young goose) | :: badi [dialectal] |
gospel {n} (first section of New Testament) | :: İncil |
gossip {n} (person) | :: dedikoducu |
gossip {n} (idle talk) | :: dedikodu |
gossip {v} (to talk about someone else's private or personal business) | :: dedikodu yapmak |
gossip {v} (to talk idly) | :: çene çalmak |
gossiper {n} (one who gossips) | :: dedikoducu |
gotcha {contraction} (gotcha) | :: yakaladım |
Goth {n} (member of the East Germanic people) | :: Got |
Gothenburg {prop} (city on the west coast of Sweden) | :: Göteborg |
Gothic {prop} (extinct Germanic language) | :: Gotça |
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the Goths) | :: Gotik |
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the architectural style) | :: Gotik |
Gothic {adj} (of the type formerly used for printing German) | :: Gotik |
Gothic {adj} (of a sans serif typeface) | :: Gotik |
got it {v} (Do you understand?) | :: anladın mı? [informal], anladınız mı? [formal] |
got it {v} (I understand) | :: anladım |
go to hell {v} (interjection) | :: cehenneme git |
go to sleep {v} (fall asleep) SEE: fall asleep | :: |
go to work {v} (work) SEE: work | :: |
gouge {v} (to cheat or impose upon) SEE: cheat | :: |
goulash {n} (A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika and sour cream) | :: gulaş |
gound {n} (mucus produced by the eyes during sleep) SEE: sleep | :: |
go under {v} (to fail by going bankrupt) SEE: go bankrupt | :: |
gourd {n} (fruit) | :: sukabağı, susak |
gourd {n} (dried and hardened shell of a gourd fruit) | :: susak |
gourd {n} (climbing or trailing plants from the family Cucurbitaceae) | :: sukabağı |
gourd {n} (slang: head) | :: kabak, kelle |
gourmand {n} (person given to excess in the consumption of food and drink) | :: obur |
gourmand {n} (person who appreciates good food) | :: gurme |
gourmet {n} (gourmet; a person who appreciates good food) | :: gurme, tatbilir |
gout {n} (arthritic disease) | :: gut |
govern {v} (to exercise sovereign authority in) | :: hüküm sürmek |
government {n} (body with the power to make and/or enforce laws) | :: hükûmet |
governor {n} (leader of a region or state) | :: vali |
go wild {v} (to go ahead, do as one pleases) SEE: go nuts | :: |
gown {n} (dressing gown) SEE: dressing gown | :: |
grab {v} (to make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something)) | :: yakalamak |
grab {v} (to restrain someone; to arrest) | :: yakalamak, ele geçirmek |
grace {n} (short prayer of thanks before or after a meal) | :: şükran duâsı, sofra duası |
grace {n} (elegant movement, poise or balance) | :: görgü, incelik, zarafet, letafet |
grace {n} (allowance of time granted to a debtor) | :: ertelenme süresi |
grace {n} (free and undeserved favour, especially of God) | :: lütuf, ihsan, kayra |
grace {n} (divine assistance in resisting sin) | :: lutuf, merhamet |
graceful {adj} (showing grace) | :: ağırbaşlı, ince, vakur, zarif |
gracefully {adv} (in a graceful manner) | :: ince, incelikle, zarif, zarâfetle |
Graces {prop} (trio of Greek goddesses) | :: Kharitler {p}, Üç Güzeller {p} |
gracious {adj} (indulgent) | :: merhametli |
grade {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) | :: derece |
grade crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing | :: |
graduation {n} (the action or process of graduating) | :: mezuniyet |
graduation {n} (a commencement ceremony) | :: mezuniyet, mezuniyet töreni |
graffiti {n} (drawings on a surface) | :: grafiti |
graffiti {v} (create graffiti) | :: grafiti yapmak |
graft {n} (small shoot or scion) | :: aşı |
graft {n} (portion of living tissue used in the operation of autoplasty) | :: yama |
graft {v} (to insert a graft in another tree) | :: aşılamak |
graft {v} (to insert scions) | :: aşılamak |
grain {n} (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops) | :: tahıl |
grain {n} | :: tara, tane |
grained {adj} (Having a grain or grains) | :: taneli |
gram {n} (unit of mass) | :: gram |
-gram {suffix} (something written) | :: -graf |
gramarye {n} (mystical learning) SEE: magic | :: |
grammar {n} (rules for speaking and writing a language) | :: dil bilgisi, gramer |
grammar {n} (study of internal structure and use of words) | :: dil bilgisi, gramer |
grammar {n} (book describing grammar) | :: dil bilgisi kitabı, gramer kitabı |
grammar Nazi {n} (person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language usage of others) | :: imla polisi, dil polisi |
grammary {n} (grammar) SEE: grammar | :: |
grammatical case {n} (mode of inflection of a word) | :: hâl |
grammatical mood {n} (in grammar, type of the relationship) | :: kip |
gram molecule {n} (mole) SEE: mole | :: |
gramophone {n} (record player) | :: gramofon |
grampus {n} (killer whale) SEE: orca | :: |
granary {n} (storage facility) | :: hububat ambarı, tahıl ambarı |
grandchild {n} (child of someone’s child) | :: torun |
granddaughter {n} (daughter of someone’s child) | :: kız torun, torun |
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg {prop} (official name of Luxembourg) | :: Lüksemburg Büyük Dükalığı |
grandfather {n} (grandfather (from either side)) | :: dede |
grandfatherhood {n} (state of being a grandfather) | :: dedelik |
grandmother {n} (mother of someone's parent) | :: büyükanne, nine |
grandmotherhood {n} (state of being a grandmother) | :: ninelik |
Grand Prix {n} (any of several international races, especially one of a series for Formula One racing cars) | :: Grand Prix {m} |
grandson {n} (son of one's child) | :: erkek torun, torun |
grand theft auto {n} (criminal act of stealing a motor vehicle) | :: araç hırsızlığı |
granite {n} (type of rock) | :: granit |
granny square {n} (granny square) | :: tığ işi kare |
grant {v} (To give over) | :: vermek, bağışlamak, bahşetmek |
grant {v} (To bestow or confer, with or without compensation, particularly in answer to prayer or request) | :: bahşetmek, ihsan etmek |
grape {n} (fruit) | :: üzüm |
grape {n} (vine) | :: asma |
grape {adj} (flavour) | :: üzüm |
grape {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot | :: |
grapefruit {n} (tree) | :: greyfurt |
grapefruit {n} (fruit) | :: greyfurt |
grape juice {n} (grape juice) | :: üzüm suyu |
grapeseed {n} (seed of the grape) | :: üzüm çekirdeği |
grapeshot {n} (type of shot) | :: misket |
grapevine {n} (the plant on which grapes grow) | :: üzüm asması |
graphical user interface {n} (type of user interface) | :: grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü |
graph theory {n} (study of networks of nodes and vertices) | :: çizit kuramı, çizit teorisi, graf teorisi |
grappling {n} (act in which something is grappled) | :: cebelleşerek, kavrayarak, yakalayarak |
grasp {v} (to grasp) SEE: hold | :: |
grasp {v} (to grip) | :: kavramak |
grasp {v} (to understand) | :: kavramak |
grass {n} (ground cover plant) | :: ot, çimen, çim |
grass {n} (marijuana) | :: ot |
grasshopper {n} (an insect of the order Orthoptera) | :: çekirge |
grasshopper warbler {n} (Locustella naevia) | :: çekirge kamışçını |
grate {v} (cooking: to shred by rubbing) | :: rendelemek |
grateful {adj} (showing gratitude) | :: minnettar |
grater {n} (a tool with which one grates) | :: rende |
gratis {adv} (free, without charge) SEE: for free | :: |
gratis {adj} (free of charge) SEE: free of charge | :: |
gratitude {n} (state of being grateful) | :: şükür |
gratuitous {adj} (given freely) | :: ücretsiz |
gratuitous {adj} (not called for by the circumstances) | :: fuzuli, gereksiz, lüzumsuz |
gratuitously {adv} (in a manner not demanded by the circumstances) | :: öylesine |
grave {n} (excavation for burial) | :: mezar, gömüt, sin, kabir, makber, metfen |
grave {adj} (having a sense of seriousness) | :: ciddi, vahim |
grave {adj} (low in pitch, tone) | :: vakarlı, ağırbaşlı |
grave {adj} (serious in a negative sense) | :: vahim |
grave {n} (grave accent) SEE: grave accent | :: |
grave accent {n} (grave accent) | :: peslik vurgusu |
gravedigger {n} (a person employed to dig graves) | :: mezarcı |
gravel {n} (small fragments of rock) | :: çakıl |
graveyard {n} (tract of land in which the dead are buried) | :: mezarlık, kabristan, mezaristan, gömütlük, tahtalıköy [colloquial] |
gravitational {adj} (pertaining to gravitation) | :: kütleçekimsel |
gravitational interaction {n} (gravitational interaction in physics) | :: kütle çekim etkileşimi |
gravitational wave {n} (fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light) | :: kütleçekim dalgası, yerçekimi dalgası |
graviton {n} (a hypothetical gauge boson) | :: graviton |
gravity {n} (graveness, the condition or state of being grave) | :: ağırbaşlılık, ciddiyet |
gravity {n} (resultant force on Earth's surface) | :: kütle çekimi |
gravity {n} (gravitation, gravity force on two mass bodies) | :: kütle çekimi |
gravity assist {n} | :: kütleçekimsel sapan |
gravy {n} (sauce) | :: etsuyu |
gravy boat {n} (dish for gravy) | :: sosluk |
gray {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) | :: gri, boz, kır |
gray {v} (to become gray) | :: grileşmek |
gray {n} (colour) | :: gri, boz |
gray-blue {adj} (blue-gray) SEE: blue-gray | :: |
grayish {adj} (somewhat gray) | :: grimsi, grimtırak |
gray squirrel {n} (Sciurus carolinensis) | :: boz sincap |
graze {v} (to feed or supply with grass) | :: otlatmak |
graze {v} (to eat grass from a pasture) | :: otlamak |
grease {n} (animal fat) | :: yağ |
greasy {adj} (having a slippery surface) | :: yağlı |
great {adj} (important) SEE: important | :: |
great {adj} (very big, large scale) | :: çok büyük, büyük |
great {n} (person of major significance, accomplishment or acclaim) | :: ünlü |
great black-backed gull {n} (Larus marinus) | :: büyük kara sırtlı martı |
Great Britain {prop} (island) | :: Büyük Britanya |
great bustard {n} (Otis tarda) | :: toy |
Greater Antilles {prop} (Caribbean islands) | :: Büyük Antiller |
Greater Armenia {prop} (Greater Armenia) | :: Büyük Ermenistan |
Greater London {prop} (administrative area) | :: Büyük Londra |
greatest common divisor {n} (largest positive integer or polynomial) | :: en büyük ortak bölen, ortak bölenlerin en büyüğü |
Great Game {prop} (the strategic rivalry and conflict) | :: Büyük Oyun |
great-grandchild {n} (The child (son or daughter) of one's grandchild) | :: netirge |
great haste makes great waste {proverb} (haste makes waste) SEE: haste makes waste | :: |
great minds think alike {proverb} (used to emphasize two people reaching the same conclusion) | :: aklın yolu bir |
Great Pyramid at Giza {prop} (Great Pyramid of Giza) SEE: Great Pyramid of Giza | :: |
Great Pyramid of Giza {prop} (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids) | :: Keops piramidi |
Great Russia {prop} (the territories of "Russia proper") | :: Büyük Rusya |
great spotted woodpecker {n} (species of woodpecker) | :: orman alaca ağaçkakanı |
great tit {n} (bird) | :: baştankara |
grebe {n} (any of several waterbirds in the family Podicipedidae) | :: batağan |
Greece {prop} (country in Southeastern Europe) | :: Yunanistan |
Greek {prop} (language of the Greek people) | :: Yunanca |
Greek {n} (inhabitant, etc., of Greece) | :: Yunan, Yunanistanlı, Rum |
Greek {adj} (of the Greek language, people or country) | :: Yunan, Yunanca |
Greek fire {n} (flammable substance) | :: Rum ateşi |
Greek Orthodox Church {prop} (Greek Orthodox Church) | :: Yunan ortodoks kilisesi |
green {adj} (having green as its colour) | :: yeşil |
green {adj} (inexperienced) | :: acemi, toy, tor |
green {adj} (environmentally friendly) | :: yeşil |
green {adj} (of bacon, etc.: unprocessed, raw) | :: ham, çiğ, pişmemiş |
green {adj} (of fruit: unripe) | :: ham, olmamış |
green {adj} (of wine: acidic or too acidic) | :: kekre, buruk |
green {adj} (of vegetables: freshly harvested) | :: taze |
green {adj} (lumber) | :: yaş |
green {n} (colour) | :: yeşil |
green {n} (member of a green party) | :: yeşilci |
green {v} (make (something) green) | :: yeşillendirmek |
green {v} (add green spaces to) | :: yeşillendirmek |
green bottle fly {n} (flies in the genera Lucilia and Phaenicia) | :: altın sinek |
greenery {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana | :: |
green-eyed {adj} (having green eyes) | :: yeşil gözlü |
greenfinch {n} (European greenfinch, Carduelis chloris) | :: florya, yelve |
green gram {n} (Bean from the seed of Vigna radiata) SEE: mung bean | :: |
greengrocer {n} (person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit) | :: manav |
greengrocer's {n} (shop for fruit and vegetables) | :: manav |
greengrocery {n} (shop) SEE: greengrocer's | :: |
greenhorn {n} (inexperienced person) | :: acemi çaylak |
greenhouse {n} (building in which plants are grown more quickly than outside) | :: sera |
greenhouse effect {n} (process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere) | :: sera etkisi |
greenish {adj} (somewhat green) | :: yeşilimtırak, yeşilimsi |
Greenland {prop} (a large self-governing island in North America) | :: Grönland |
Greenlander {n} (a person from Greenland or of Greenlandic descent) | :: Grönlandlı |
Greenlandic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) SEE: Greenlandish | :: |
Greenlandic {n} (language) SEE: Greenlandish | :: |
Greenlandish {n} (language) | :: Grönlandca, Kalaallisut |
green light {n} (green traffic light) | :: yeşil ışık |
green light {n} (permission) | :: yeşil ışık |
greenness {n} (state of being green (green in color)) | :: yeşillik |
greenness {n} (state of being green (environmentally conscious)) | :: yeşillik |
green olive {n} (olive picked before it has ripened) | :: yeşil zeytin |
greenspace {n} (area of undeveloped landscape within a city) | :: yeşil alan |
green tea {n} (leaves) | :: yeşil çay |
green tea {n} (drink) | :: yeşil çay |
green woodpecker {n} (Picus viridis) | :: yeşil ağaçkakan |
greet {v} (to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes) | :: selamlamak |
greeting {n} (acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival) | :: tebrik, selam |
gregarious {adj} (of a person who enjoys being in crowds) | :: sosyal |
gregarious {adj} (of animals that travel in herds) | :: sürü hâlinde, sürücül |
Gregorian calendar {prop} (calendar) | :: Gregoryen takvimi, miladi takvim |
Grenada {prop} (Caribbean country) | :: Grenada |
grenade {n} (pomegranate) SEE: pomegranate | :: |
grenade {n} (small explosive device) | :: el bombası |
Gretel {prop} (character in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel) | :: Gretel |
grey {adj} (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) | :: gri, boz, kır |
grey {v} (to become grey) | :: grileşmek |
grey {n} (colour) | :: gri, boz |
grey-blue {adj} (blue-gray) SEE: blue-gray | :: |
grey heron {n} (the Old World wading bird Ardea cinerea of the heron family) | :: külrengi balıkçıl |
greyhound {n} (lean breed of dog used in hunting and racing) | :: tazı |
grey mullet {n} (type of fish) | :: kefal |
grey partridge {n} (Perdix perdix) | :: çil keklik |
grey wolf {n} (a large grey wolf) | :: boz kurt |
Gräfenberg spot {n} (G-spot) SEE: G-spot | :: |
grief {n} (sadness) | :: hüzün, keder |
grieve {v} (to cause sorrow to) | :: üzmek |
grieve {v} (to feel very sad about) | :: üzülmek |
grieve {v} (to experience grief) | :: üzülmek |
griffin {n} (mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle) | :: griffon |
griffon {n} (legendary creature) SEE: griffin | :: |
griffon vulture {n} (Gyps fulvus) | :: kızıl akbaba |
grill {n} (barbecue) | :: ızgara, gril |
Grim Reaper {prop} (personification of Death) | :: ölüm meleği |
grin {v} (To smile showing the teeth) | :: sırıtmak |
grind {v} (to reduce to smaller pieces) | :: öğütmek |
grind {v} (to remove material by rubbing with an abrasive surface) | :: bilemek |
grindstone {n} (wheel for grinding) | :: Modern Turkish: küstere, köstere |
grip {v} (to grip) SEE: grasp | :: |
grip {n} (grip) SEE: grasp | :: |
gripe {n} (Gyps fulvus) SEE: griffin | :: |
grippe {n} (flu) SEE: flu | :: |
groan {n} | :: inlemek |
groaning {adj} | :: inleyerek, sızlanarak |
groaning {n} | :: feryat, inlemek, sızlanmak |
grocer {n} (person selling foodstuffs and household items) | :: bakkal |
grocery {n} (shop or store that sells groceries) | :: bakkal |
grocery store {n} (grocery) SEE: grocery | :: |
groin {n} (long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs) | :: kasık |
grok {v} (to have an intuitive understanding) | :: çakmak |
grok {v} (to fully understand) | :: anlamak, kavramak |
groom {n} (bridegroom) SEE: bridegroom | :: |
groom {n} (person who cares for horses) | :: seyis |
grope {v} (obsolete: to feel with or use the hands) | :: ellemek, avuçlamak |
grope {v} (to search by feeling) | :: yoklamak, el yordamıyla aramak |
grope {v} (to touch closely and sexually) | :: avuçlamak, ellemek, mıncıklamak |
gross {adj} (whole amount, total) | :: gayrisafi |
gross {adj} (disgusting) | :: iğrenç |
gross national product {n} (economics) | :: gayri safi millî hasıla |
grotesque {adj} (distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous) | :: grotesk, acayip |
groundskeeper {n} (someone who handles upkeep of grounds) | :: bahçıvan |
ground-to-air {adj} | :: karadan havaya, yerden havaya |
ground-to-ground {adj} | :: yerden yere, karadan karaya |
ground-to-ship {adj} | :: yerden gemiye |
ground water {n} (underground water) SEE: groundwater | :: |
groundwater {n} (Water existing beneath the earth's surface in underground streams and aquifers) | :: yeraltı suyu |
ground zero {n} (location on the surface marking the detonation of a bomb) | :: yer sıfır noktası |
group {n} (number of things or persons being in some relation to each other) | :: grup |
grouper {n} (fish) | :: orfoz |
group sex {n} (sexual practice) | :: grup seks |
grove {n} (orchard) SEE: orchard | :: |
grovel {v} (to crawl) | :: sürünmek |
grovel {v} (to abase oneself) | :: sürünmek |
grovel {v} (to be slavishly nice in the hope of securing something) | :: ayaklarına/dizlerine kapanmak, sürünmek |
grow {v} ((intransitive) to become bigger) | :: büyümek |
growl {n} (deep, rumbling, threatening sound) | :: homurdanma, homurtu |
grown-up {n} (adult) SEE: adult | :: |
growth {n} (increase in size) | :: büyüme |
growth {n} (act of growing) | :: büyüme |
grow up {v} (to mature and become an adult) | :: büyümek, yetişmek |
grow up {v} (idiomatic: to stop acting as a child) | :: büyümek |
Grozny {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Grozni |
grub {n} (immature insect) | :: larva, kurtçuk |
grub {n} (slang: food) | :: yemek |
grudge {n} (deep seated animosity) | :: kin, hınç |
gruesome {adj} (repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly) | :: korkunç |
grumpy {adj} (unhappy and/or irritable) | :: huysuz, ters |
grunt {n} (short, snorting sound) | :: homurdanma, homurtu |
gruntle {v} (grunt) SEE: grunt | :: |
G-spot {n} (sensitive, erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina) | :: G noktası |
guacamole {n} (avocado-based greenish dip) | :: guakamole |
guanine {n} (substance obtained from guano) | :: guanin |
guano {n} (dung from a sea bird or from a bat) | :: guano |
guarantee {n} (anything that assures a certain outcome) | :: garanti, güvence, teminat |
guarantee {n} (written declaration) | :: garanti, güvence |
guarantee {n} (person who gives such a guarantee) | :: kefil |
guarantor {n} (person or company that provides a guarantee) | :: kefil |
guard {n} (person who or thing that protects something) | :: bekçi |
guard dog {n} (dog used to protect a property or its owner) | :: bekçi köpeği |
guardian angel {n} (spirit) | :: koruyucu melek |
Guatemala {prop} (country in Central America) | :: Guatemala |
guava {n} (tree or shrub) | :: guava |
guava {n} (fruit) | :: guava |
guberniya {n} (an administrative subdivision in the Russian empire) | :: guberniya |
guerrilla {n} (irregular soldier) | :: gerilla, partizan |
guerrilla {n} (guerrilla war) | :: Gerilla |
guest {v} (to receive or entertain hospitably as a guest) SEE: host | :: |
guest {n} (recipient of hospitality) | :: konuk, misafir |
guest book {n} (ledger for visitors to leave comments about an establishment) | :: ziyaretçi defteri |
guest book {n} (website feature functioning like a physical guest book) | :: ziyaretçi defteri |
guest worker {n} (guest worker) | :: gastarbeiter |
GUI {n} (acronym of graphical user interface) | :: GKA |
guidance {n} (the act or process of guiding) | :: rehberlik, kılavuzluk |
guidance {n} (advice) | :: hidayet, yol gösterme, yönlendirme |
guidance {n} (system to control the path of a vehicle) | :: güdüm |
guide {n} (someone who guides) | :: rehber |
guide {n} (document, book) | :: rehber |
guide book {n} (book that provides guidance) | :: rehber, seyahat rehberi [specifically for travellers] |
Guillain-Barré syndrome {n} (rapid-onset muscle weakness resulting from impaired peripheral nervous system function) | :: Guillain-Barré sendromu |
guillotine {n} (machine used for capital punishment) | :: giyotin |
guilt {n} (responsibility for wrongdoing) | :: suç |
guilty {adj} (responsible for a dishonest act) | :: suçlu |
guilty {adj} (judged to have committed a crime) | :: suçlu |
Guinea {prop} (short form of the Republic of Guinea) | :: Gine |
Guinea-Bissau {prop} (Republic of Guinea-Bissau) | :: Gine-Bissau |
guinea fowl {n} (bird) | :: beçtavuğu |
Guinean {n} (someone from Guinea or of Guinean descent) | :: Gineli |
guinea pig {n} (rodent) | :: kobay |
guitar {n} (musical instrument) | :: gitar |
Gujarat {prop} (state in India) | :: Gucerat |
Gujarati {n} (language) | :: Gucaratça |
Gulbenkian {prop} (surname) | :: Gülbenkyan |
gulch {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton | :: |
gulf {n} (geography) | :: körfez |
Gulf of Finland {prop} (arm of the Baltic Sea) | :: Finlandiya Körfezi |
Gulf of Guinea {prop} (part of the Atlantic Ocean) | :: Gine Körfezi |
Gulf of Mexico {prop} (gulf between USA and Mexico) | :: Meksika Körfezi |
Gulf of Naples {prop} (Mediterranean gulf along the coast of Campania) | :: Napoli Körfezi |
gull {n} (seabird) | :: martı |
gullible {adj} (easily deceived or duped, naive) | :: saf, naif |
gum {n} (chewing gum) SEE: chewing gum | :: |
gum {n} (flesh around teeth) | :: dişeti |
gum {n} (sticky substance exuded by certain plants) | :: kauçuk |
gum {n} (sticky substance resembling that exuded by certain plants) | :: kauçuk |
gum arabic {n} (substance from acacia trees) | :: arap sakızı |
gumball {n} | :: sakız topu |
gun {n} (a very portable, short weapon, for hand use) | :: tabanca |
gunboat {n} (small armed vessel) | :: gambot |
gun dog {n} (dog used by hunter) | :: av köpeği |
gunk {n} (dirt or grime; any vague or unknown substance) | :: balgam, pislik, yağlı/yapışkan madde |
gunpowder {n} (explosive mixture) | :: barut |
gunsmith {n} (person skilled in the repair and servicing of firearms) | :: tüfekçi |
gunsmithing {n} | :: tüfekçilik |
gunstock {n} (The rear part of a rifle or shotgun which is pressed into the shoulder) SEE: stock | :: |
Guoyu {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin | :: |
guppy {n} (Poecilia reticulata) | :: lepistes |
gustation {n} (The ability to taste flavors; the sense of taste) | :: çeşni |
gut {n} (intestine) SEE: intestine | :: |
gutter {v} (to cut or form into small longitudinal hollows) SEE: channel | :: |
gutter {n} (ditch along the side of road) | :: ızgara |
gutter {n} (duct or channel beneath the eaves) | :: oluk, suyolu |
Guyana {prop} (country) | :: Guyana |
Guyanan {adj} (Guyanese) SEE: Guyanese | :: |
Guyanan {n} (Guyanese) SEE: Guyanese | :: |
Guyanese {n} (person from Guyana) | :: Guyanalı |
gym {n} (short form of gymnasium) SEE: gymnasium | :: |
gymnasium {n} (place for indoor sports) | :: spor salonu, jimnastik salonu |
gymnasium {n} (type of school) | :: lise |
gynandromorph {n} (a person having certain physical characteristics of both sexes) SEE: hermaphrodite | :: |
gynecomastia {n} (development of breasts in males) | :: jinekomasti |
gypsum {n} (mineral) | :: alçı |
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Rom | :: |
gypsy {n} (any itinerant person, or any person suspected of making a living from dishonest practices or theft) | :: çingene |
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Gypsy | :: |
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people) SEE: Rom | :: |
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people or another nomadic group) | :: Çingene, Kıpti |
Gypsy {prop} (the language of the Romani people) SEE: Romani | :: |
Gypsy {adj} (of or belonging to the Roma people) SEE: Romani | :: |
Győr {prop} (city in Hungary) | :: Yanıkkale |
gyrfalcon {n} (falcon) SEE: falcon | :: |
gyrfalcon {n} (Falco rusticolus) | :: aksungur, akdoğan |
Gyumri {prop} (city in Armenia) | :: Gümrü |