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User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-a

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# Spanish :: English dictionary generated from http://en.wiktionary.org/
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# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 112545 Spanish glosses; 142745 English translations
# URL :: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Matthias_Buchmeier
-a {suffix} :: -ess. (Used to form feminine singular nouns.)
-a {suffix} :: (Used to form the feminine singular adjectives.)
-a {suffix} :: -s. (Used to form the third-person singular (also used with usted) present indicative mood of regular -ar verbs.)
-a {suffix} :: (Used to form the first and third-person singular (also used with usted) singular present subjunctive mood of -er and -ir verbs, also used for the imperative mood of usted.)
-a {suffix} :: Used to form the second-person singular imperative mood of -ar verbs
a- {prefix} :: A prefix forming words, especially verbs, that denote entering a state, making progress toward a goal, or the like
a- {prefix} :: a-, non-, -less
a {letter} :: letter
a {f} :: Name of the letter A
a {prep} :: to
a {prep} :: by
a {prep} :: at
a {prep} :: Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a
A {letter} :: letter
A {m} [chess] :: bishop
á {prep} :: obsolete spelling of a
à {prep} :: obsolete spelling of a
AA {prop} {m} :: initialism of Alcohólicos Anónimos
aaleniano {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Aalenian (subdivision of the Jurassic epoch)
aaleniano {adj} [geology, paleontology] :: Aalenian (of or pertaining to the Aalenian epoch)
Aarón {prop} {m} :: given name
aarónico {adj} :: Aaronic
ab. {m} :: abbreviation of abril; Apr. (April)
-aba {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the first-person singular imperfect indicative of -ar verbs
-aba {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the third-person singular imperfect indicative of -ar verbs
ababa {f} :: red poppy
Ababa {prop} {f} :: given name
ababábite {m} [Veracruz] :: Poulsenia armata
ababillarse {v} [veterinary medicine, Chile, Mexico] :: to be sick with the stifle (of horses and other quadrupeds)
ababol {m} [Spain] :: the flower of the red poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
ababol {m} :: absentminded or simpleminded person
ababol {m} :: simpleton
abacá {m} :: abaca
abacá {m} :: Manilla hemp
abacalera {f} :: feminine noun of abacalero
abacalero {m} :: abaca worker (farmer, transporter, or salesman)
abacanao {adj} :: presumptuous
abacera {f} :: feminine noun of abacero
abacería {f} :: grocery (store)
abacero {m} :: grocer
abaciado {m} :: abbotship
abacial {adj} :: abbatial
abacista {mf} :: abacist
ábaco {m} :: abacus
ábaco neperiano {m} :: Napier's bones
abacora {f} [Antilles] :: alternative form of albacora; swordfish
abacora {f} [Latin America] :: type of tuna
abacorar {v} :: to attack
abacorar {v} :: to pursue relentlessly, to harass
abacorar {v} :: to corner
abacorar {v} :: to overcome
abacorar {v} [Andes, Caribbean] :: to catch, to surprise
abacorar {v} :: to smooch while dancing
abacorar {v} [Cuba] :: to stockpile, to hoard, to corner the market
abacorar {v} [Latin America] :: to monopolize
abad {m} :: abbot
Abad {prop} :: surname
abada {f} [obsolete] :: rhinoceros
Abadán {prop} :: Abadán (city)
abadejo {m} :: pollock, pollack (fish related to cod)
abadengo {adj} :: abbatial, of an abbot
abadernar {v} [nautical] :: to fasten with short ropes
abadesa {f} :: abbess (female superior of a nunnery or convent)
abadí {mf} [historical] :: A member of the Abbadid dynasty, rulers of the taifa of Seville
abadía {f} :: abbey
abadía {f} :: abbeystead
Abadiano {prop} :: surname, a rare Hispanic surname
abadiato {m} :: synonym of abadía
-abais {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the second-person plural imperfect indicative of -ar verbs
abajadero {m} :: slope, incline
abajar {v} :: to go down, to descend
abajeña {f} :: feminine noun of abajeño
abajeño {adj} :: coastal
abajeño {adj} :: lowlander
abajeño {m} :: lowlander, coastal dweller
abajera {f} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: saddlecloth
abajero {adj} [Latin America] :: lower, under
abajino {adj} [Chile] :: from, of or relating to the north of Chile
abajino {m} [Chile] :: someone from the north of Chile
abajito {adv} :: a little bit down
abajo {adv} :: down
abajo {adv} :: downstairs
abajo {adv} :: below
abajo {interj} [figuratively] :: down with, away with
abajofirmante {mf} :: undersigned, signatory
abajor {m} [obsolete] :: lack of stature, height; shortness
abakuá {m} :: abakuá
abalanzar {vt} :: to propel
abalanzar {vt} [dated] :: to balance, compensate
abalanzar {vr} [abalanzarse sobre] :: to pounce on, swoop down on
abalanzarse {v} :: reflexive of abalanzar
abalaustrado {adj} :: balustered
abalconado {adj} :: balconied
abaldonadamente {adv} [obsolete] :: daringly, courageously
abaldonamiento {m} :: audacity
abaldonar {v} [obsolete] :: to humiliate
abaldonar {v} [obsolete] :: to turn vile
abalear {vt} [Latin America] :: to shoot
abaleo {m} [Latin America] :: shooting
abalorio {m} :: glass bead
abalorio {m} :: trinket; bauble (jewelry of little value)
Ábalos {prop} {m} :: surname
abaluartar {v} :: to fortify with bastions
-ábamos {suffix} :: indicates the imperfect tense first-person plural form of an -ar verb
abamperio {m} :: abampere
-aban {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the third-person plural imperfect indicative of -ar verbs
abanación {f} :: abannation, banishment
abañadura {f} :: sifting
abanar {v} [obsolete] :: to fan
abanar {vr} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: to show off
abañar {v} :: to sift
abancalar {v} :: to terrace
abanderada {f} :: feminine noun of abanderado
abanderado {m} :: standard-bearer, flagbearer
abanderamiento {m} :: the act of raising a flag
abanderar {v} :: to register a boat under a particular nationality
abanderar {v} :: to lead a cause, rebellion, movement
abanderizar {vtr} :: to polarize; to divide into factions
abandonado {adj} :: abandoned
abandonado {adj} :: dirty, sloppy, negligent
abandonamiento {m} [rare] :: abandonment
abandonar {v} :: to abandon, to leave
abandonar {v} :: to neglect
abandonismo {m} :: defeatism
abandonista {adj} :: defeatist
abandonista {mf} :: defeatist
abandono {m} :: abandonment
abandono de proceso {m} [legal] :: nolle prosequi (declaration that a prosecution will not proceed)
abangareña {f} :: feminine noun of abangareño
abangareño {adj} :: Of or from the canton of Abangares in Costa Rica
abangareño {m} :: Someone from Abangares
abanicada {f} :: fanning, fanning action
abanicar {v} :: to fan
abanicazo {m} :: A hit with a fan (hand-held device)
abanico {m} :: fan (hand-held device)
abanico {m} [figurative] :: range (selection, array)
abanico aluvial {m} :: alluvial fan
abanillo {m} :: small fan
abanillo {m} :: ruffle, frill, puff
abano {m} :: ceiling fan
abano {m} :: fly-chaser (tool to chase flies from an area)
Abanto {prop} {m} :: Abanto (town)
Abanto {prop} {m} :: surname
abapertural {adj} :: abapertural
abaratamiento {m} :: reduction (generally in the price of an item)
abaratar {v} :: to make cheaper (by reducing the price)
abarbetar {v} [obsolete] :: to lash (with rope, cord, etc.)
abarca {f} :: sandal
Abarca {prop} :: surname
abarcable {adj} :: straightforward; accessible
abarcador {adj} :: comprehensive
abarcar {v} :: to embrace, to encompass
abarcar {v} :: to range, to span
abarcar {v} :: to comprise, to make up, to contain, to include
abarcar {v} :: to take in
abarcar {v} :: to clasp
abarcar {v} :: to undertake, to embark upon
abarcar {v} :: to monopolize, to corner
abarcar más de lo que se puede {v} [idiom] :: to bite off more than one can chew (to try to do too much)
abarcativo {adj} :: comprehensive
abarloar {v} [nautical] :: to raft up
abarquillar {vtr} :: to crinkle; to crinkle up
abarracar {v} [rare] :: to construct barracks
abarrar {v} [obsolete] :: to throw with force
abarraz {f} [rare] :: stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria)
abarrotado {adj} :: overcrowded (containing too many occupants for an area of its size)
abarrotar {v} :: to pack
abarrotar {v} :: to bar
abarrotar {v} :: to stow cargo on a ship
abarrote {m} :: packing
abarrote {m} [Central America, Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, in the plural] :: groceries
abarrotera {f} :: feminine noun of abarrotero
abarrotería {f} [Mexico, Guatemala, Panama] :: general store, local shop
abarrotero {m} [Latin America] :: grocer
-abas {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the second-person singular imperfect indicative of -ar verbs
a base de {prep} :: solely down to; by ... alone; by sheer
a base de bien {adv} [Spain, idiomatic] :: loads; galore
abasí {m} :: Abbasid
abasí {adj} :: Abbasid
abasida {m} :: synonym of abasí: Abbasid
abasida {adj} :: synonym of abasí: Abbasid
abásida {m} :: alternative form of abasida
abásida {adj} :: alternative form of abasida
abastamiento {m} :: dated form of abastecimiento
abastar {v} :: to supply
abastardar {vt} :: to degrade, debase, bastardize
abastardar {vi} :: to degrade, degenerate
abastecedor {adj} :: outfitting
abastecedor {m} :: outfitter
abastecer {v} :: to supply (with)
abastecimiento {m} :: supply
abastimiento {m} :: dated form of abastecimiento
abastionar {v} :: to fortify with bastions
abasto {m} :: supply, provisions
abasto {m} :: abundance
abasto {m} [usually plural] :: groceries
abasto {m} :: fill (usually as part of the phrasal verb darse abasto (to have one's fill))
abasto {m} [Venezuela] :: grocery store
abatanar {v} :: to full, mill (clothing)
abatanar {v} :: to beat, hit, abase
abatatar {v} :: to frighten
abatatar {v} :: to embarrass
abatible {adj} :: folding (e.g. a folding bed)
abatible {adj} :: reclining (seat)
abatible {adj} :: hinged (door)
abatidamente {adv} :: abjectly
abatido {adj} :: abject, discouraged
abatimiento {m} :: depressiveness
abatimiento {m} :: dejection, despondency
abatimiento {m} :: abjectness
abatir {vt} :: to bring down, to shoot down
abatir {vtr} :: to swoop down
abatir {vtr} :: to demolish, to knock down, to defeat
abatir {vtr} :: to depress (to make depressed) or discourage
abatir {vtr} [obsolete] :: to humble
abatirse {v} :: reflexive of abatir
abatización {f} :: the application of the larvicide Abate (also called temephos)
abatojar {v} [Aragon] :: to thresh
abaxial {adj} :: abaxial
abaxialmente {adv} :: abaxially
abaya {f} :: abaya
abazón {m} [anatomy, zoology] :: cheek pouch (pouch in the cheek)
abcísico {adj} :: abscisic
abciximab {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: abciximab
abdesto {m} :: abdest, wudu (Islamic act of washing parts of the body)
Abdías {prop} {m} :: Obadiah, Abdias [biblical character]
Abdías {prop} {m} [bible] :: Obadiah (the book of the Bible)
abdicación {f} :: abdication, renunciation
abdicador {adj} :: abdicating; abdicant (who abdicates)
abdicador {m} :: abdicator; abdicant (one who abdicates)
abdicar {v} :: to abdicate, relinquish
abdicativamente {adv} :: abdicatingly
abdicativo {adj} :: abdicative
abdomen {m} :: abdomen
abdominal {adj} :: abdominal
abdominal {m} :: abdominal muscle
abdominal {m} :: sit-up
abdominales {mp} [sports] :: series of any abdominal exercises
abdominalmente {adv} :: abdominally
abdominoplastia {f} [surgery] :: abdominoplasty
abducción {f} :: abduction (physiology: movement separating limb from axis)
abducir {v} [physiology, anatomy] :: to abduce, to abduct (draw away from the median axis of the body)
abductor {m} [anatomy] :: abductor
abductor del meñique {m} :: abductor minimi digiti
abductor largo del pulgar {m} :: abductor pollicis longus
abecé {m} :: ABCs (alphabet)
abecé {m} :: primer (textbook formerly used to teach the alphabet)
abecedariana {f} :: feminine noun of abecedariano
abecedariano {m} :: Abecedarian (member of a 16th-century sect)
abecedario {m} :: alphabet (an ordered set of letters used in a language)
abecedario {m} :: spelling book, primer
abedul {m} :: birch
abedular {m} :: birch wood
abeja {f} :: bee (the insect)
abeja albañila {f} :: mason bee
abeja carpintera {f} :: carpenter bee
abeja de miel {f} :: honeybee
abeja machiega {f} :: worker bee
abeja maesa {f} :: queen bee
abeja maestra {f} :: queen bee
abeja melífera {f} :: honey bee
abeja neutra {f} :: worker bee
abeja obrera {f} :: worker bee
abejar {m} :: apiary
abeja reina {f} :: queen bee
abejarrón {m} :: bumblebee
abejaruco {m} :: bee-eater
abejear {v} [El Salvador] :: to be vigilant
abejera {f} :: feminine noun of abejero
abejero {m} :: beekeeper (someone who keeps bees)
abejita {f} :: young bee
abejón {m} :: bumblebee
abejonear {vi} [Dominican Republic] :: to buzz
abejorrear {v} [of an insect] :: to buzz
abejorro {m} :: bumblebee
abejorro {m} :: cockchafer
abejuno {adj} [obsolete] :: apian
Abel {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Abel
Abel {prop} {m} :: given name
abeldar {v} :: to winnow
abeliano {adj} :: abelian
abelisáurido {m} :: abelisaurid
Abelito {prop} {m} :: given name
abelmosco {m} :: abelmosk (evergreen shrub, Abelmoschus moschatus)
abelonita {mf} :: Abelian (member of a sect living like Abel)
abemoladamente {adv} :: sweetly
abemolar {v} :: to soften, to lower the voice
Abendaño {prop} :: surname
abéñola {f} [obsolete] :: eyelash
abéñula {f} [obsolete] :: eyelash
abenuz {m} :: ebony
aberración {f} :: aberration, aberrancy
aberración cromática {f} :: chromatic aberration
aberrante {adj} :: abnormal, aberrant
aberrar {vi} [rare] :: to aberrate
abertal {adj} :: crackled, cracked
abertura {f} :: opening (act of opening)
abertura {f} :: opening (something open)
abertura {f} [optics, photography] :: aperture
abertzale {adj} :: nationalist, pertaining to the Basque nationalist movement
abertzale {mf} :: Basque nationalist
abertzalismo {m} :: Basque nationalism
aberzale {adj} :: alternative form of abertzale
abés {adv} [archaic] :: With difficulty
abesivo {adj} :: abessive
abetal {m} :: fir forest, wood
abetal {m} :: an area planted with firs
abete {m} :: obsolete form of abeto
abeto {m} :: fir
abetunar {v} [obsolete] :: to shine with shoe polish
abiertamente {adv} :: openly, aboveboard
abiertamente {adv} :: overtly, blatantly, outright, nakedly, avowedly
abierto {adj} :: open, unlocked (not closed, accessible)
abierto {adj} :: open (actively conducting business)
abierto {adj} :: open, open-minded (receptive)
abierto {adj} :: open, overt, outspoken, candid (not subtle in character)
abierto {adj} :: open-ended (i.e. unrestricted)
abierto {adj} [phonetics] :: open (uttered with a wide opening of articulators)
abierto {m} [sports] :: open (event in which anyone can compete)
abierto de mente {adj} :: open-minded
Abigaíl {prop} {f} [Bible] :: the wife of Nabal and later of David
Abigaíl {prop} {f} :: given name
abigarradamente {adv} :: In a motley manner
abigarrado {adj} :: variegated, colorful, pertaining to clashing colors
abigarrado {adj} :: pertaining to a mishmash of ill-sorted things
abigarramiento {m} :: variegation
abigarramiento {m} :: motley
abigarramiento {m} [figurative] :: confusion, chaos
abigarrar {v} :: to paint in many colors, make colorful paints
abigeato {m} [South America] :: abigeat, cattle-theft
abigeo {m} [South America] :: cattle stealer; rustler
abigotado {adj} :: moustachio'd
Abimelech {prop} {m} :: Abimelech (Biblical character)
abintestato {adj} [law] :: intestate
abiogénesis {f} :: abiogenesis
abiótico {adj} :: abiotic
abipón {adj} :: Abipón
abipón {m} :: Abipón
abipón {m} :: Abipón
abipona {f} :: feminine noun of abipón
abisagrar {vt} :: to hinge (to attach by a hinge)
abisal {adj} :: abyssal (belonging to the ocean depths)
abisinia {f} :: feminine noun of abisinio
Abisinia {prop} {f} :: Abyssinia
abisinio {adj} :: Abyssinian
abisinio {m} :: Abyssinian
abisinio {m} :: Abyssinian cat (can be lowercase or capitalized)
abismal {adj} :: abysmal (pertaining to an abyss)
abismal {adj} :: abysmal (extremely bad)
abismalmente {adv} :: abysmally
abismar {vtr} :: to plunge or sink into
abismar {vtr} :: to confuse
abismar {vr} [Latin America] :: to be amazed
abismarse {v} :: reflexive of abismar
abismo {m} :: abyss (a bottomless or unfathomed depth)
abismo de Challenger {prop} {m} :: Challenger Deep (deepest point in the world)
abispa {f} :: obsolete spelling of avispa
abivas {fp} [obsolete] :: vives (disease of animals)
Abiyán {prop} :: Abiyán (city)
abiyanés {adj} :: Abidjanais (of or pertaining to Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
abiyanés {m} :: Abidjanais (native or resident of Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
abiyanesa {f} :: feminine noun of abiyanés
abjad {m} [linguistics] :: abjad (writing system)
abjasia {f} :: feminine noun of abjasio
Abjasia {prop} {f} :: Abkhazia (territory in the Caucasus, Republic of Abkhazia; only recognized as sovereign by 6 countries: Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nauru, Vanuatu and Syria)
abjasio {adj} :: Abkhaz, Abkhazian
abjasio {m} :: Abkhaz person
abjasio {m} :: Abkhaz (language)
abjaso {adj} :: alternative form of abjasio
abjaso {m} :: alternative form of abjasio (the Abkhaz language)
Abjazia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Abjasia
abjuración {f} :: abjuration
abjurar {v} :: to abjure
Abkhazia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Abjasia
ablación {f} [medical] :: ablation (the removal of a body part, especially in the context of female genital mutilation)
ablación {f} [geology] :: ablation (the removal of a glacier)
ablacionar {v} :: to ablate
ablandamiento {m} :: softening (the process of making something soft)
ablandamiento {m} :: softening (the process of becoming soft)
ablandar {vtr} :: to soften, to soothe
ablandar {vi} :: to become less severe
ablandarse {v} :: reflexive of ablandar
ablativo {adj} [grammar] :: ablative
ablativo {m} [grammar] :: ablative
-able {suffix} :: -able
ablución {f} :: ablution (the act of washing)
ablución {f} :: ablution (act of washing as a religious rite)
ablución {f} [Christianity] :: ablution (rinsing of the priest's hands)
abluir {v} :: to ablute
ablusonado {adj} [of clothing, especially a dress] :: like a blouse
abnegación {f} :: abnegation
abnegadamente {adv} :: unselfishly
abnegado {adj} :: selfless
abnegar {v} :: to renounce
Abo {prop} :: Abo (city)
abobar {v} :: to cause to become stupid
abobar {v} :: to amaze, bewilder
abobra {f} :: pumpkin, squash (any vegetable belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae)
abocado {adj} :: quaffable, drinkable (of wine, easy to drink, neither sweet nor dry)
a bocajarro {adv} :: At point-blank
a bocajarro {adv} :: In a direct manner, without hesitation; to say something straight out
abocar {v} :: to pour from one container to another
abocar {v} [dated] :: to seize or grab with the mouth
abocetado {adj} [of art] :: sketchy (intended for later refinement)
abocetar {vt} :: to sketch
abochornado {adj} [dated] :: blushed, ashamed
abochornante {adj} :: shameful, embarrassing
abochornar {vtr} :: to overheat
abochornar {vtr} :: to embarrass; to cause to blush
abochornarse {v} :: reflexive of abochornar
abocinar {v} :: to shape like trumpet; to flare
abodrita {adj} :: Obotrite
abodrita {mf} :: Obotrite
abofar {vr} [usually, Andalucia, Cuba, Honduras, Dominican Republic] :: to swell up
abofetear {vt} :: to slap
abogacía {f} :: the practice of law; lawyering
abogacía {f} :: advocacy
abogada {f} :: feminine noun of abogado
abogada defensora {f} :: feminine noun of abogado defensor
abogade {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: lawyer, solicitor, counsel
abogadillo {m} :: diminutive of abogado
abogadita {f} :: diminutive of abogada
abogado {m} :: lawyer, solicitor, counsel
abogado defensor {m} [legal] :: defense attorney; defense lawyer
abogado del diablo {m} [idiomatic] :: devil's advocate
abogado de oficio {m} [legal] :: public defender
abogar {v} :: to advocate
abogar {v} :: to defend in court
Aboitiz {prop} :: surname
abolengo {m} :: ancestry
abolición {f} :: abolition (the act of destroying a law, custom, etc.)
abolicionismo {m} :: abolitionism (opinion in favor of abolishing something)
abolicionista {adj} :: abolitionist (in favor of the abolition of something)
abolicionista {mf} :: abolitionist (person in favor of the abolition of something)
abolir {vt} :: to abolish
abolir {vt} :: to revoke
abollado {adj} :: dented; bumpy, battered
abollado {adj} [analogy, Argentina, slang] :: someone who appears to be in rough shape or abused
abollado {adj} [analogy, Cuba, slang] :: someone who is in a rough state financially
abolladura {f} :: dent (shallow deformation)
abollar {vtr} :: to dent
abollar {vt} [Burgos] :: to tread, to trample
abollar {vt} :: to emboss
abollarse {v} :: reflexive of abollar
abolsado {adj} :: baggy; baglike
abomaso {m} :: abomasum
abombamiento {m} :: bulging
abombar {vtr} :: to stun
abombar {vr} [of food] :: to go bad, to spoil
abombar {vtr} :: to make round or convex; to bloat; to bulge
abombarse {v} :: reflexive of abombar
abominable {adj} :: abominable
abominable hombre de las nieves {m} :: abominable snowman
abominablemente {adv} :: abominably
abominación {f} :: abomination
abominación {f} :: horror, abhorrence
abominar {vt} :: to condemn, denounce
abominar {vt} :: to abhor
abonado {m} :: the act of spreading fertilizer
abonado {m} :: subscriber
abonar {vt} :: to fertilize (to provide nutrients to crops using fertilizers)
abonar {vt} :: To accredit a sum of money to the account of someone, contributing funds or reducing the balance
abonar {vt} :: To give credit or describe positively
abonar {vt} :: To make something better
abonar {vt} :: To pay an amount of money
abonar {vt} :: To make an annotation in the salary on an account
abonar {vi} :: To pay a certain amount of money by each term of a loan or sale
abonar {vp} :: To subscribe to a service
abonar {vp} :: To reconcile with someone without going to court
abonaré {v} [economics] :: IOU
abonarse {v} :: reflexive of abonar
abono {m} :: compost, fertilizer, manure
abono {m} :: subscription; season ticket
abono {m} :: payment, installment
abono {m} :: guarantee, security
abono de temporada {m} :: season ticket (ticket that is valid for all of the events in a series)
abono inicial {m} :: downpayment (payment representing a fraction of the price)
abono orgánico {m} :: fertilizer
abordable {adj} :: accessible
abordador {m} :: boarder
abordadora {f} :: feminine noun of abordador
abordaje {m} :: collision (of boats)
abordaje {m} :: boarding
abordaje {m} :: approach (to a problem)
abordar {vt} :: to address, to broach, to approach, to discuss, to touch on (e.g. a subject, issue, topic, point)
abordar {vt} :: to tackle, to deal with, to confront, to approach, to grapple with (e.g. a problem, a challenge)
abordar {vt} :: to accost, to waylay
abordar {vt} :: to board (to enter a boat)
abordar {vr} :: to address
abordar {vr} :: to be addressed, to be tackled, to be taken up, to be approached, to be treated, to be considered, to be dealt with, to be handled, to be discussed
a bordo {adv} :: aboard; on board
a bordo {adv} :: shipboard
abordo {m} [rare] :: boarding
aborigen {adj} :: aboriginal, indigenous, native
aborigen {mf} :: aborigine
aboriginal {mf} :: Aborigine (original inhabitant of Australia)
aborrascarse {vr} :: to get stormy
aborrecer {v} :: to hate, detest, loathe
aborrecer {v} [of an animal] :: to abandon one's young
aborrecible {adj} :: loathsome
aborreciblemente {adv} :: abhorrently
aborrecido {adj} :: abhorred
aborrecimiento {m} :: loathing, abhorrence
aborregado {adj} :: mackerel [said of the sky]
aborregar {vr} :: to be brainwashed, to turn into a sheep (figuratively speaking)
abortado {adj} :: aborted
abortadura {f} [obsolete] :: abortion
abortar {vt} :: to abort
abortar {vt} :: to suppress
abortar {vi} :: to have an abortion
abortista {adj} :: abortionist
abortista {mf} :: abortionist
abortivo {adj} :: abortive
aborto {m} :: abortion
aborto {m} :: miscarriage
aborto {m} [slang] :: a very ugly person
aborto inducido {m} :: induced abortion
aborto involuntario {m} :: miscarriage
abotagado {adj} :: swollen
abotagamiento {m} [medicine] :: swelling, inflammation
abotagar {vp} [medical] :: to swell (of the body as a result of a disease)
abotagarse {v} :: reflexive of abotagar
abotargamiento {m} :: alternative form of abotagamiento
abotargar {v} :: alternative form of abotagar
abotargarse {v} :: alternative form of abotagarse
a bote pronto {adv} [idiom] :: off the top of one's head
abotonar {vtr} :: to button up
abotonarse {v} :: reflexive of abotonar
abovedado {adj} :: vaulted
abovedamiento {m} :: vaulting
abovedar {vt} :: to vault, to arch
ab ovo {adv} :: ab ovo
aboyar {v} [nautical] :: to set or mark with buoys
abra {f} :: small bay, inlet
abra {f} [Latin America] :: glade, clearing
abracadabra {interj} :: abracadabra
abracar {vt} [Central America] :: to hug, to embrace
abracejo {m} :: light and/or unaffectionate hug
Abraham {prop} {m} [Biblical character] :: Abraham
Abraham {prop} {m} [rare] :: given name
abrahámico {adj} :: Abrahamic
Abrahán {prop} {m} :: given name
Abram {prop} {m} :: Abram (Biblical character)
abrasadamente {adv} :: ardently
abrasador {adj} :: scorching, searing, burning
abrasante {adj} :: scorching
abrasante {adj} :: parching
abrasar {v} :: to burn
abrasar {v} :: to parch
abrasar {v} :: to squander or waste money
abrasión {f} :: abrasion (wearing away by friction)
abrasión {f} [geology] :: abrasion (the effect of erosion of rock)
abrasión {f} [medicine] :: abrasion (superficial wound caused by scraping)
abrasivo {adj} :: abrasive; rough
abrasivo {m} :: abrasive (substance used for cleaning, smoothing, or polishing)
abrazable {adj} :: huggable
abrazadera {f} :: clamp, bracket
abrazadera {f} [nautical] :: cleat (device to secure a rope)
abrazador {adj} :: embracing, hugging
abrazar {vt} :: to hug, to embrace (a person, an animal)
abrazar {v} :: to embrace; to adopt (a religion or way of life)
abrazar {v} [reciprocal] :: to hug, to embrace, to cuddle, to hold (each other, one another)
abrazarse {v} :: reflexive of abrazar
abrazo {m} :: hug, embrace
a brazo partido {adv} [idiom] :: tooth and nail
abrazote {m} :: augmentative of abrazo
abrazote {m} :: bear hug
abreboca {m} :: appetizer, starter
abreboca {m} [medicine] :: a device to hold the mouth open
abrebotellas {m} :: bottle opener
abrecartas {m} :: letter opener, paper knife
ábrego {m} :: southwest wind
ábrego {m} [obsolete] :: African
abrelatas {m} :: can opener, tin opener
abrenunciación {f} [Christianity] :: The renouncing of sin at baptism
abrepuertas {m} :: strike (for opening doors)
ábrete sésamo {phrase} :: open sesame!
abreuense {adj} :: of or from Abreus
abreuense {mf} :: Someone from Abreus
abrevadero {m} :: waterer, fount (device from which animals drink)
abrevadero {m} :: drinking trough
abrevar {v} :: to give water to
abrevar {v} :: to irrigate
abrevar {v} :: to sup; wallow
abreviación {f} :: shortening, abridgement
abreviación {f} [linguistics] :: reduction
abreviadamente {adv} :: briefly
abreviado {adj} :: abridged
abreviamiento {m} :: abbreviation
abreviar {v} :: to abbreviate, to shorten
abreviar {v} :: to hasten
abreviativo {adj} :: abbreviatory
abreviatura {f} :: abbreviation
abreviatura {f} :: resumé
abribonar {v} [rare] :: to make lazy
abribonar {vr} [rare] :: to become lazy
abridor {adj} :: opening
abridor {m} :: opener (device that opens something)
abridora {f} :: feminine noun of abridor
abrigadero {m} :: shelter, windbreak
abrigado {adj} :: covert
abrigado {adj} :: covered, blanketed
abrigador {adj} :: warm (providing warmth)
abrigaño {m} :: lee
abrigaño {m} [horticulture] :: row cover, cloche
abrigaño {m} :: kiln coating
abrigaño {m} [military] :: barrack
abrigar {vtr} :: to wrap up (to put on abundant clothing)
abrigar {v} :: to cover
abrigar {v} :: to shelter, to protect
abrigar {vr} :: to bundle up
abrigarse {v} :: reflexive of abrigar
abrigo {m} :: overcoat
abrigo {m} :: shelter
abrigo {m} [agriculture] :: blanket, quilt
abrigo {m} [nautical] :: haven, harbor
abrigo {m} [figuratively] :: aid, protection
ábrigo {m} :: obsolete form of ábrego
abril {m} :: April
abril {m} [of a young person] :: years of age
abrileño {adj} :: of or pertaining to the month of April
abrillantador {m} :: rinse aid
abrillantador {m} :: brightener
abrillantar {vt} :: to shine, polish
abrimiento {m} :: opening (the act of opening)
abrir {m} :: the act of opening
abrir {vtir} :: to open, open up
abrir {vt} :: to unlock
abrir {vt} :: to turn on
abrir {vt} :: to start, open, open up, set up (a business, restaurant, etc.)
abrir {vt} :: to crack, crack open, to pop (e.g., a safe, a bottle, a coconut)
abrir {vt} :: to break, break open, (new ground, a game, etc.); to break out (e.g., champagne)
abrir {vt} :: to spread (one's legs, arms, fingers)
abrir {vt} [figurative] :: to answer (the door)
abrir {vp} :: to open up (to become communicative)
abrir {vr} [slang] :: to leave, go away
abrir {vr} [Latin America] :: to withdraw, back out of
abrir camino {v} [idiomatic] :: to pave the way
abrir el fuego {v} [idiomatic] :: to open fire
abrir fuego {v} [idiom] :: to open fire
abrirse {v} :: reflexive of abrir
abrirse camino {v} :: to make way, to make one's way, to claw one's way, to work one's way
abrochador {m} :: buttonhook
abrochadora {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: stapler
abrochar {vtr} :: to button, fasten, buckle, zip up
abrochar {v} [Latin America] :: to staple
abrochar {vr} [Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, slang, vulgar, also] :: to fuck
abrocharse {v} :: reflexive of abrochar
abrogable {adj} :: abrogable (capable of being abrogated)
abrogación {f} :: abrogation
abrogar {vt} :: to abrogate (annul by an authoritative act)
abrogatorio {adj} :: abrogating; rescinding; overruling
abrojo {m} [botany] :: thistle; thorn
abrojo {m} [weaponry] :: caltrop
abrojo {m} [in the plural, nautical] :: shoal
abrojo {m} [in the plural, figuratively] :: hardships
abrojo terrestre {m} :: caltrop (Tribulus terrestris)
abroncar {vt} :: to embarrass
abroncar {vt} :: to rebuke, chastise, reprimand
abroncar {vt} :: to jeer
abrotación {m} :: counterrotation
abrótano {m} :: southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)
abrotoñar {vi} [of plants] :: to bud, sprout or grow
abrotoñar {vi} [of water] :: to spout, gush
abrotoñar {vi} [medicine] :: to develop pustules
abrotoñar {vi} :: to develop, arise, appear
abrumador {adj} :: overwhelming, overpowering, daunting
abrumador {adj} :: exhausting, tiresome
abrumadoramente {adv} :: overwhelmingly
abrumar {vt} :: to overwhelm, crush, overcome, exhaust
abrumar {vr} :: to become foggy, misty
abrumar {vr} :: to become overwhelmed
abruptamente {adv} :: abruptly
abrupto {adj} :: abrupt
abrupto {adj} :: violent
abrupto {adj} :: steep
abrupto {adj} :: heavy
Abruzos {prop} {mp} :: Abruzos (region)
Absalón {prop} {m} :: given name
abscedado {adj} :: abscessed
absceder {vi} :: abscess (to form an abscess)
absceso {m} [pathology] :: abscess
abscisa {f} [geometry] :: abscissa
abscisión {f} :: abscission
absconder {vt} [obsolete] :: to hide
absencia {f} :: obsolete form of ausencia
absenta {f} :: absinthe
absentismo {m} :: truancy (the act of shirking from responsibilities and duties)
ábsida {f} :: alternative form of ábside
absidal {adj} :: apsidal
ábside {m} :: apse
absidial {adj} :: apsidal
absidiolo {m} :: apsidiole
absintina {f} [organic chemistry] :: absinthin
absintio {m} :: absinth (plant)
absintio {m} :: absinth (liquor)
ábsit {interj} [obsolete] :: go away (declares a desire that something should go far from the speaker, or that God free them of it)
absolución {f} :: absolution
absolución {f} [judicial] :: acquittal
absolutamente {adv} :: absolutely
absolutamente {adv} [chiefly Latin America] :: at all
absolutismo {m} [government] :: absolutism
absolutismo {m} [philosophy] :: absolutism
absolutista {adj} :: absolutist
absolutista {mf} :: absolutist
absolutivo {adj} :: absolutive
absolutivo {m} [grammar] :: absolutive
absolutizar {vt} :: to absolutize, to pin down (to make absolute)
absoluto {adj} :: absolute
absolutorio {adj} :: absolving, absolutory
absolutorio {adj} :: acquitted
absolver {v} :: to absolve
absolver {v} :: to acquit
absorbancia {f} :: absorbance
absorbedor {m} :: absorber
absorbencia {f} :: absorbency
absorbente {adj} :: absorbing
absorbente {m} :: absorbent, absorber
absorber {v} :: to absorb
absorber {v} :: to use up
absorbible {adj} :: absorbable
absorbimiento {m} :: absorption (act of absorbing)
absorción {f} :: aspiration
absorción {f} :: absorption
absorto {adj} :: rapt
abstemia {f} :: feminine noun of abstemio
abstemio {adj} :: teetotal
abstemio {m} :: teetotaller
abstención {f} :: abstention
abstencionismo {m} :: abstentionism
abstencionista {mf} :: abstainer, abstentionist (one who abstains from something)
abstener {vr} :: to abstain
abstenerse {v} :: reflexive of abstener
abstentivo {adj} :: abstaining
abstergente {m} :: abstergent (a substance used in cleansing)
absterger {v} :: to cleanse, to purge
abstersión {f} [medical] :: abstersion
abstersivo {adj} :: abstersive
abstinencia {f} :: abstinence, austereness, abstemiousness
abstinente {adj} :: abstinent
abstinentemente {adv} :: abstinently
abstracción {f} :: abstractedness, absentmindedness
abstracción {f} :: abstraction
abstraccionismo {m} [arts] :: abstractionism
abstraccionista {mf} :: abstractionist (someone who paints or creates abstract art)
abstractamente {adv} :: abstractly
abstractivamente {adv} :: abstractively
abstractivo {adj} :: abstractive
abstracto {adj} :: abstract (considered apart from any application to a particular object)
abstracto {adj} [art] :: abstract (free from representational qualities)
abstraer {v} :: to deduct, subtract
abstraer {v} :: to abstract
abstraído {adj} :: lost in thought
abstraído {adj} :: distracted, absent-minded
abstruso {adj} :: abstruse
absurdamente {adv} :: absurdly
absurdidad {f} :: absurdity
absurdo {adj} :: absurd, ludicrous, ridiculous
absurdo {m} :: something that is absurd or ridiculous
abubilla {f} :: hoopoe (the bird Upupa epops)
abuchear {v} :: to boo
abuchear {vt} :: to jeer, to heckle
abucheo {m} :: booing, jeering
Abu Dabi {prop} {m} :: Abu Dabi (emirate)
Abu Dabi {prop} {m} :: Abu Dabi (capital city)
abuela {f} :: grandmother, feminine noun of abuelo
abuela {f} [colloquial] :: old woman
abuela {f} [Mexico] :: a kind of flying ant
abuela materna {f} :: grandmother (maternal grandmother)
abuela paterna {f} :: grandmother (paternal grandmother)
abuela política {f} :: feminine noun of abuelo político; grandmother-in-law
abuelastra {f} :: feminine noun of abuelastro; stepgrandmother
abuelastro {m} :: stepgrandfather
abuele {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: grandparent
abuelístico {adj} :: grandfatherly
abuelita {f} :: diminutive of abuela
abuelito {m} :: diminutive of abuelo, grandfather
abuelo {m} :: grandfather
abuelo {m} [colloquial, affectionate] :: an elderly person
abuelo {m} :: loose tufts of hair in the nape when one's hair is messed up
abuelo materno {m} :: maternal grandfather
abuelo paterno {m} :: grandfather (paternal grandfather)
abuelo político {m} :: grandfather-in-law (grandfather of one's spouse)
a buena hora {adv} :: alternative form of a buenas horas
a buenas horas {adv} [idiomatic] :: fine time, about time, high time
a buenas horas mangas verdes {adv} [idiomatic] :: about time, better late than never
a buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan {proverb} :: a nod is as good as a wink
a buen fin no hay mal tiempo {proverb} :: all's well that ends well
a buen recaudo {adv} [idiomatic] :: safe and sound
a buen seguro {adv} [idiomatic] :: surely, for sure, no doubt
abuhardillado {adj} :: having an attic
abuhardillado {adj} [of a window] :: dormer-window [attributive]
abulense {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or from the Spanish city of Ávila
abulense {mf} :: A resident of the Spanish city of Ávila
abulia {f} [psychiatry] :: abulia (absence of will-power or decisiveness)
abúlico {adj} :: abulic
abulón {m} :: abalone (edible univalve mollusc)
abultadísimo {adj} :: superlative of abultado
abultamiento {m} :: bulge (something sticking out)
abultar {v} :: to bulge
a bulto {adj} [idiom] :: considerable; huge; bulky
a bulto {adv} [idiomatic] :: roughly
abundadamente {adv} [obsolete] :: abundantly
abundado {adj} [obsolete] :: abundant
abundamiento {m} :: abundance
abundancia {f} :: abundance
abundancial {adj} [linguistics] :: referring to adjectives and affixes that express the idea of abundance
abundante {adj} :: plentiful, abundant
abundante {adj} :: affluent
abundantemente {adv} :: abundantly
abundantísimo {adj} :: superlative of abundante
abundar {v} :: to abound
abundar {v} :: to satisfy
Abundio {prop} {m} :: given name
abundosamente {adv} :: abundantly
abundoso {adj} :: abundant
abuñolar {v} :: to brown (to fry something until it becomes brown)
abur {interj} :: alternative form of agur
aburguesamiento {m} :: bourgeoisification; embourgeoisement
aburguesar {vr} :: to become bourgeois, to gentrify
aburguesarse {v} :: (reflexive of aburguesar) to become bourgeois
aburrición {f} [Latin America] :: boringness; dullness
aburridamente {adv} :: boringly
aburridísimo {adj} :: superlative of aburrido
aburrido {adj} :: bored, fed up
aburrido {adj} :: boring, dull, tedious
aburrimiento {m} :: boredom
aburrir {vt} :: to bore; to tire
aburrir {vr} :: to be bored
aburrirse {v} :: reflexive of aburrir
aburrirse como una ostra {v} [idiom, simile] :: to be bored stiff; be bored to death; to be bored out of one's mind
aburujar {vtr} :: to form lumps in something
abusador {m} :: abuser
abusadora {f} :: feminine noun of abusador
abusar {v} :: to abuse, to betray
abusar {v} :: to misuse
abusar {vp} [Guatemala] :: to get clever, to get smart, to wise up
abusar de {v} [idiomatic] :: to take advantage of
abusivamente {adv} :: abusively
abusividad {f} :: abusiveness
abusivo {adj} :: abusive
abuso {m} :: abuse
abuso {m} :: overuse
abuso de menores {m} :: child abuse
abuso de poder {m} :: abuse of authority
abusón {adj} :: bullying, abusive
abusón {m} :: bully (person who is cruel to others)
abuso sexual {m} :: sexual abuse (sexual violation or assault)
abuta {f} :: Any plant of the genus Abuta
Abuya {prop} {f} :: Abuya (capital city)
abyad {m} :: alternative form of abjad
abyección {f} :: abjection, abjectness
abyección {f} :: humiliation
abyección {f} :: depravity, turpitude, vileness, wretchedness
abyectamente {adv} :: abjectly
abyecto {adj} :: abject
abyecto {adj} :: heinous, wretched, vile
abzima {f} [immunology] :: abzyme
a. C. {adv} :: BC (Before Christ)
aC {adv} :: BC (Before Christ)
acá {adv} [especially, Latin America] :: here
acá {adv} :: as of, up to (used with a time phrase to represent continuity up to the present)
acabadamente {adv} :: wholly, completely
acabadito {adj} :: diminutive of acabado
acabado {adj} :: worn-out
acabado {adj} :: finished
acabado {m} :: finish, finishing (a final process or coating applied to a surface)
a cabalidad {adv} :: thoroughly
acaballar {v} :: to copulate (of horses and donkeys)
acaballar {v} :: to stack, pile
a caballito {adv} [colloquial, Spain] :: piggyback, piggyback style
a caballo {adv} :: on horseback; on the back of a horse
a caballo {adv} :: halfway (between); in the middle
a caballo regalado, no le mires el dentado {proverb} :: alternative form of a caballo regalado no le mires el diente
a caballo regalado no le mires el diente {proverb} :: don't look a gift horse in the mouth (a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely)
acabamiento {m} :: achievement, completion
acabamiento {m} :: finishing, end, ending
acabamiento {m} :: death, dying
acabar {vt} :: to finish; to end
acabar {v} [auxiliary with a verb in the gerund] :: to end up (to eventually do)
acabar {vp} :: to run out of
acabar {vp} :: to come to an end, to be over, to be done, to be finished, to be it, to be no more, to be up
acabar {v} [Latin America, vulgar, slang] :: to orgasm; to cum
acabar con {v} [idiomatic] :: to exhaust, use up
acabar con {v} :: to finish, to put an end to
acabar de {v} [idiomatic] :: to have just done something
acabar por {v} [idiomatic] :: to end up by
acabarse {v} :: reflexive of acabar
acabose {m} :: be all and end all
acabose {m} :: last straw
acachetear {v} :: to slap, strike with an open hand
acachetear {v} :: to punch, hit with a closed fist
acacia {f} :: acacia
a cada rato {adv} [idiom] :: all the time, constantly
academia {f} :: academy
académicamente {adv} :: academically
academicismo {m} [art] :: academicism (traditional or orthodox formalism)
academicista {adj} :: academicist
academicista {mf} :: academicist
académico {adj} :: academic
académico {adj} :: scholastic
académico {m} :: academician, academic
academista {mf} [obsolete] :: academician, academic
acadiana {f} :: feminine noun of acadiano
acadiano {adj} :: Accadian
acadiano {m} :: Accadian
acadio {adj} :: Acadian
acadio {adj} :: Akkadian
acadio {m} :: Acadian (language)
acadio {m} :: Akkadian
acaecer {vi} [impersonal] :: to happen
acaecer {vi} [archaic] :: to be present
acaecimiento {m} :: event, occurrence
acairelar {v} :: alternative form of cairelar
acal {m} [dialectal, Mexico] :: canoe
acal {m} [dialectal, Puebla, Mexico] :: manger
acalambrar {vtr} [Latin America] :: to cramp
acalasia {m} [pathology] :: achalasia
acalenturado {adj} :: feverish
acalenturarse {vr} :: To have a fever
acalicino {adj} [botany] :: acalycine
acalifa {f} :: copperleaf, Acalypha wilkesiana
acallar {vt} :: to quiet, hush or silence
acalmar {v} :: obsolete form of calmar
acaloradamente {adv} :: hotly, vehemently, heatedly
acalorado {adj} :: heated
acaloramiento {m} :: fervor, passion
acalorar {vt} :: to heat up
acalorar {vtr} [of a person] :: to overheat
acalorar {vr} :: to become heated or excited
acalorarse {v} :: reflexive of acalorar
a cal y canto {adv} [idiomatic] :: under lock and key, shut tight, closed behind doors
acamellado {adj} :: resembling a camel
acampada {f} :: camping (recreational activity)
acampamento {m} :: alternative form of campamento
acampanado {adj} :: flared, bell shaped
acampanar {vtr} :: to shape like a bell
acampar {vir} :: to camp; to go camping
ácana {f} :: a tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family; Manilkara bidentata; balatá
ácana {f} :: the wood of this tree
acanaladura {f} :: groove, crimp, bead
acanaladura {f} [architecture] :: flute
acanalar {v} :: to furrow
acanelado {adj} :: cinnamony
acanelado {adj} :: cinnamon-coloured
acano {m} :: Akan (Niger-Congo language)
acano {m} :: Akan (language group spoken in Ghana)
acañonear {v} :: obsolete form of cañonear
acantáceo {adj} [botany] :: acanthaceous
acantilado {adj} :: steep, sheer
acantilado {m} :: cliff
acantilar {v} [nautical] :: to run a ship into trouble or onto rocks
acantilar {v} :: to dredge
acantinflado {adj} :: In the style of Cantinflas, a Mexican comedy actor
acantisita {m} :: rock wren
acantita {f} [mineral] :: acanthite (a mineral form of silver sulfide)
acanto {m} [plant, architecture] :: acanthus
acantocéfalo {m} [zoology] :: acanthocephalan
acantocito {m} :: acanthocyte
acantonamiento {m} :: cantonment
acantonar {v} :: to house troops
acantosis {f} [medicine] :: acanthosis
acaparador {m} :: hoarder
acaparadora {f} :: hoarder
acaparamiento {m} :: hoard (hidden supply)
acaparar {vt} :: to hoard
a capa y espada {adv} [idiom] :: tooth and nail
a capela {adv} :: a capella
a capella {adv} :: a capella
acápite {m} [legal] :: subparagraph
a cappella {adv} :: alternative spelling of a capela
Acapulco {prop} :: Acapulco (city)
acapulqueña {f} :: feminine noun of acapulqueño
acapulqueño {adj} :: Acapulcan
acapulqueño {m} :: Acapulcan
a cara de perro {adv} [idiom] :: unwillingly
acarajotado {adj} [colloquial, Andalusia] :: baffled, confused
acaramelado {adj} :: toffee-flavoured
acaramelado {adj} [figurative] :: enamored, loved-up
acaramelar {v} :: to coat with caramel
acaramelar {vr} :: to grow fond of; to become besotted
acaramelar {vr} :: to pet; smooch
a cara o cruz {adv} [idiomatic] :: toss a coin for, heads or tails
acarbosa {f} [biochemistry] :: acarbose
acardenalar {v} :: to bruise
a cargo {adv} :: in charge
acariciable {adj} :: strokable
acariciador {m} :: fondler; caresser
acariciador {adj} :: which fondles, which caresses
acariciadora {f} :: feminine noun of acariciador
acariciar {v} :: to caress
acariciar {v} :: to fondle
acariciar {v} :: to stroke
acariciar {v} :: to pet
acariciarse {v} :: reflexive of acariciar
acarnania {f} :: feminine noun of acarnanio
acarnanio {adj} :: Acarnanian
acarnanio {m} :: Acarnanian
ácaro {m} :: mite
ácaro {m} [in the plural, zoology] :: order of mites
acarofobia {f} :: acarophobia
acarpo {adj} :: acarpous
acarrear {v} :: to carry, haul
acarrear {v} :: to cause, bring up
acarreo {m} :: carriage, conveyance
acarreo {m} [mathematics] :: carry
acartonado {adj} :: shrivelled, wizened
acartonar {vt} :: to weather, to erode
acartonar {vr} :: to become stiff like cardboard
acartonar {vr} :: to become wizened
acartonarse {v} :: reflexive of acartonar
a casa {adv} :: home, homewards, back home, to home, to the house
acaso {adv} :: perhaps
acastillado {adj} :: castle-like, castellate, castellated
acastillar {v} :: to house, house in a castle, keep in a castle
acastillar {vt} :: to castellate, incastellate, to make into a castle, to build in the form of a castle or to add battlements to an existing building
acastillar {vi} :: to take the form of a castle
acatadamente {adv} :: compliantly
acatamiento {m} :: observance, compliance
acatar {vt} :: to comply with
acatarrar {vt} :: to cause to have a cold
acatarrar {vr} :: to catch cold
acatarrarse {v} :: reflexive of acatarrar
acatisia {f} :: akathisia
acaudalado {adj} :: wealthy
acaudillar {v} :: to command
acaudillar {v} :: to specify, adduce, indicate
acaule {adj} [botany] :: acaulous, short-stemmed
a causa de {prep} :: because of
acazanate {m} :: great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)
ACB {prop} {f} :: Asociación de Clubs de Baloncesto, an organisation made up of professional Spanish basketball clubs
accedente {adj} :: acceding
acceder {v} :: to accede, to agree, to concur
acceder {v} :: to access
accesar {vt} :: to access something (e.g. the Internet)
accesibilidad {f} :: accessibility
accesible {adj} :: approachable, accessible
accesión {f} :: accession
accésit {m} :: second-place prize
accesitario {m} [Peru, politics] :: deputy
acceso {m} :: access
acceso {m} [formal] :: (sexual) intercourse
acceso {m} :: passage
accesoriamente {adv} :: accessorily, incidentally
accesorio {adj} :: accessory, secondary, additional, supplementary
accesorio {adj} :: incidental
accesorio {adj} :: irrelevant
accesorio {m} :: accessory equipment, appurtenance
accidentabilidad {f} :: accident rate
accidentado {adj} :: jerky
accidentado {adj} :: accident-filled; accident-littered
accidental {adj} :: nonessential
accidental {adj} :: accidental
accidental {m} [music] :: accidental
accidentalidad {f} :: chance, coincidence
accidentalidad {f} :: accident rate
accidentalismo {m} [philosophy] :: accidentalism
accidentalismo {m} [politics] :: accidentalism
accidentalismo {m} [medicine] :: accidentalism
accidentalmente {adv} :: accidentally
accidentar {vt} :: to cause an accident
accidentar {vr} :: to have an accident
accidentariamente {adv} [obsolete] :: accidentally
accidentarse {v} :: to have an accident, get into an accident, crash
accidente {m} :: accident (unexpected event with negative consequences)
accidente {m} [music] :: accidental
accidente {m} [geography] :: feature
accidente cerebro vascular {m} :: alternative form of accidente cerebrovascular
accidente cerebrovascular {m} [medicine] :: stroke
accidentológico {adj} :: of or relating to accidentology
acción {f} :: action, act (something done)
acción {f} :: action (way of motion or functioning)
acción {f} :: action (fast-paced activity)
acción {f} [military] :: combat, action
acción {f} [legal] :: general legal action; lawsuit
acción {f} :: share (financial instrument)
acción {interj} :: action (demanding the start of something)
accionador {m} :: actuator
accionamiento {m} :: operation (method by which a device performs its function)
accionante {mf} [legal] :: petitioner
accionar {v} :: to put into motion; to start
accionar {v} :: to gesticulate
accionariado {m} :: group of shareholders
accionarial {adj} [attributive] :: shares, stocks
accionariamente {adv} :: relating to stocks and shares
accionario {adj} [finance] :: stock (financial instrument)
accionario {m} [finance] :: shareholder
acción en vivo {f} [cinematography] :: live action
acciones diluidas {fp} [legal] :: watered stock (inflated shares of stock)
accionista {mf} :: shareholder
acción real {f} [Latin America, cinematography] :: live action
acción reivindicatoria {f} [legal] :: replevin (legal action)
acciopopulista {adj} [Peru, politics] :: Of or pertaining to the political party Acción Popular
acciopopulista {mf} [Peru, politics] :: A member of the political party Acción Popular
accipopulista {mf} :: alternative form of acciopopulista
accipopulista {adj} :: alternative form of acciopopulista
Accra {prop} :: Accra (capital city)
ace {m} [tennis] :: ace (point scored without the opponent hitting the ball)
-ácea {suffix} :: feminine singular of -áceo
Acebedo {prop} :: alternative form of Acevedo
acebibe {m} :: raisin
acebo {m} :: holly
acebollado {adj} :: onion-shaped
acebuchal {adj} :: of or pertaining to the olive
acebuchal {m} :: olive grove
acebuche {m} :: wild olive tree
acechador {m} :: stalker
acechadora {f} :: feminine noun of acechador
acechante {adj} :: lurking, looming
acechanza {f} :: the act of stalking or spying
acechar {vt} :: to lurk, to lie in wait for, waylay, watch out for
acechar {vt} :: to spy, stalk
aceche {m} :: vitriol
acecho {m} :: the act of stalking or spying
acecho {m} :: ambush
acedar {v} :: to make sour; to sour
acedar {vr} :: to go sour
acedera {f} :: sorrel (plant)
acedera común {f} :: sorrel (plant)
acederaque {m} :: azedarach
acedía {f} :: heartburn
acedía {f} :: wedge sole
acedo {adj} :: sour, tart, acid
acedo {adj} :: soured, bittered
acedo {adj} :: [of a person] disagreeable, unpleasant, bleak
acedo {m} [rare] :: A sour juice or other liquid
acefalia {f} :: acephalia
acefalía {f} :: alternative form of acefalia
acéfalo {adj} :: headless
acéfalo {adj} :: leaderless
aceifa {f} :: summertime ghazwa
aceitar {vt} :: to oil
aceitar {v} [Latin America] :: to bribe
aceitazo {m} :: splashing of oil
aceite {m} :: oil
aceite {m} :: olive oil
aceite de colza {m} :: rapeseed oil, rape oil
aceite de girasol {m} :: sunflower oil
aceite de hígado de bacalao {m} :: cod liver oil
aceite de oliva {m} :: olive oil
aceite de palma {m} :: palm oil
aceite de ricino {m} :: castor oil
aceite esencial {m} :: essential oil
aceitera {f} :: oilcan
aceitero {adj} [attributive] :: oil (vegetable oil)
aceitero {m} :: oil maker or seller
aceite vegetal {m} :: vegetable oil
aceitoso {adj} :: oily
aceituna {f} :: olive (fruit)
aceitunado {adj} :: olive-colored, of a green color as of olives
aceituna negra {f} :: black olive
aceitunil {adj} :: olive-colored, olive-green
aceituno {m} :: olive tree
aceituno {m} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: A plant in the genus Simarouba
aceituno {adj} [Cuba] :: olive-colored
aceleración {f} :: acceleration (act of increasing motion or action)
aceleración {f} [physics] :: acceleration (change of velocity with respect to time)
aceleradamente {adv} :: quickly, rapidly
acelerado {adj} [slang] :: very excited; wound up; hyper
acelerador {m} :: accelerator (device for causing acceleration)
acelerador {m} :: accelerator pedal
acelerador {m} [chemistry] :: accelerator (substance that speeds up chemical reactions)
acelerador {adj} :: accelerating (that causes acceleration)
acelerador de partículas {m} :: particle accelerator
aceleramiento {m} :: acceleration (act of increasing motion or action)
acelerar {vtr} :: to accelerate (to cause to move faster)
acelerar {vi} :: to hurry up
acelerógrafo {m} [seismology] :: accelerograph (instrument used to record the acceleration of the ground during an earthquake)
acelerómetro {m} :: accelerometer (instrument for measuring acceleration)
acelerón {m} :: welly, spurt, sudden acceleration, burst of speed (force on a pedal or increase to any fuel or power for an engine or motor)
acelerón {m} :: speed-up
acelga {f} :: chard, mangold (edible leafy vegetable, Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla)
acelomado {adj} [zoology] :: acoelomate
acelular {adj} :: acellular
acémila {f} :: mule; beast of burden
acemilera {f} :: feminine noun of acemilero
acemilero {m} :: muleteer
acemite {m} [archaic] :: bran
aceña {f} :: water mill; flour mill
aceña {f} :: water wheel
aceña {f} [plant] :: bulrush, cattail (Typha latifolia)
acenafteno {m} [organic compound] :: acenaphthene
a cencerros tapados {adv} [idiomatic] :: in secret; on the hush-hush
acendradísimo {adj} :: superlative of acendrado
acendrado {adj} :: unspoilt, spotless
acendrar {vt} :: to purify (metal)
aceno {m} [organic compound] :: acene
acenocumarol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: acenocoumarin
acensar {v} :: alternative form of acensuar
acensuar {v} :: to tax a piece of property
acento {m} :: accent (typographical line)
acento {m} :: accent (variety of speech connected to a certain geographical region)
acento agudo {m} [orthography] :: acute accent
acento grave {m} [orthography] :: grave accent
acentor {m} [zoology] :: accentor (bird of the Prunella genus)
acentuación {f} :: accentuation, stress
acentuación {f} :: accent marks
acentuadamente {adv} :: markedly
acentual {adj} :: accentual
acentuar {vt} :: to accentuate (to pronounce with vocal stress)
acentuar {vt} :: to accentuate (to mark with a written accent)
acentuar {vt} :: to accentuate, to emphasize
-áceo {suffix} :: -aceous
acepción {f} [semantics] :: sense, meaning
acepción {f} [obsolete] :: acceptance
acepillar {vt} :: rare form of cepillar
acepromazina {f} :: acepromazine
aceptabilidad {f} :: acceptability
aceptable {adj} :: acceptable
aceptablemente {adv} :: acceptably
aceptación {f} :: acceptance (receiving of something offered)
aceptador {m} :: acceptor (one who accepts)
aceptante {adj} :: accepting
aceptar {vt} :: to accept, to take up, to take up on
aceptar {v} :: to agree
aceptar {v} :: to come to terms with
aceptarse {v} :: reflexive of aceptar
aceptor {adj} :: accepting
aceptor {m} :: acceptor
acequia {f} [agriculture] :: irrigation ditch
acera {f} :: pavement, sidewalk
acerar {v} :: to harden, to steel
acerar {v} :: to make sharp
acerbamente {adv} :: sourly, bitterly
acerbidad {f} :: acerbity (sourness of taste)
acerbidad {f} :: acerbity (harshness, severity)
acerbo {adj} :: acerb (bitter to the taste)
acerbo {adj} :: acerbic (sour or bitter)
acerbo {adj} :: biting, scathing, acerbic
acerca {adv} [archaic] :: adjacent
acerca {adv} :: only used in acerca de
acerca de {prep} :: about, concerning
acercamiento {m} :: rapprochement, reconciliation
acercar {vt} :: to bring close
acercar {vi} :: to zoom in
acercar {vr} :: to approach, to get close, to come
acercar {vr} :: to draw near, to gather around
acercar {vr} :: to become close
acercar {vr} :: to get close to, to come up to, to draw near to, to walk up to, to go over to (+a)
acercar {vr} :: to reach out to (+a)
acercar {vr} :: to close in on (+a)
acercar posturas {v} [idiomatic] :: to build bridges, to come together
acercarse {v} :: reflexive of acercar
acere {m} [Cuba, slang, term of address] :: man, bro, homie
ácere {m} :: rare form of arce
acerería {f} :: alternative form of acería
acerero {adj} :: steel-making
acerero {m} :: Fan of Acereros de Monclova
acerero {m} :: steelworker
acerezado {adj} :: cherrylike; cherry-flavoured
acería {f} :: steelworks (place where steel is manufactured and/or shaped)
acerico {m} :: small pillow
acerico {m} :: pincushion
acerillo {m} :: obsolete form of acerico
acerillo {m} :: orange-ball-tree
acero {m} :: steel
acero {m} [figuratively] :: sword, weapon
acero {m} [in the plural] :: arms
acero {m} :: tincture of steel
ácero {adj} [zoology] :: hornless (for vertebrates), antennaless (for arthropods)
acero al carbono {m} :: mild steel
acero inoxidable {m} :: stainless steel
acerola {f} :: azarole, the fruit of the acerolo, Crataegus azarolus
acerola {f} :: acerola
acerolo {m} :: the azarole, a Mediterranean shrub or small tree that produces the acerola, Crataegus azarolus
acérrimamente {adv} :: strongly, vigorously
acérrimo {adj} :: very strong
acérrimo {adj} :: vigorous; with tenacity
acérrimo {adj} :: die-hard, extreme
acérrimo {adj} :: bitter (enemy)
acerrojamiento {m} :: bolting; locking
acerrojar {vt} :: to lock, bolt, lock up (fasten with a lock)
acertadamente {adv} :: aptly
acertadísimo {adj} :: superlative of acertado
acertante {adj} :: winning
acertante {mf} :: winner
acertar {vt} :: to hit upon
acertar {vi} :: to be right
acertar con {v} :: to locate, find
acertijo {m} :: riddle
acervar {vt} [rare] :: to pile up
acervo {m} :: heritage
acervo {m} :: heap
acervo genético {m} :: gene pool
acetábulo {m} [obsolete] :: vinegar cup
acetábulo {m} [anatomy] :: acetabulum
acetal {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetal
acetaldehído {m} [organic compound] :: acetaldehyde, ethanal
acetalización {f} [organic chemistry] :: acetalization
acetamida {f} :: acetamide (amide of acetic acid)
acetaminofén {m} :: acetaminophen; paracetamol
acetar {v} :: obsolete form of aceptar
acetato {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetate
acético {adj} :: acetic
acetificar {vt} :: to acetify (convert into acid or vinegar)
acetil {m} :: alternative form of acetilo
acetilación {f} :: acetylation
acetilcisteína {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: acetylcysteine
acetilcolina {f} :: acetylcholine
acetilcolinesterasa {f} [enzyme] :: acetylcholinesterase
acetileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetylene
acetilgalactosamina {f} [organic compound] :: acetylgalactosamine
acetilglucosamina {f} [organic compound] :: acetylglucosamine
acetilmanosamina {f} [organic compound] :: acetylmannosamine
acetilmurámico {adj} :: acetylmuramic
acetilneuraminato {m} :: acetylneuraminate
acetilneuramínico {adj} :: acetylneuraminic
acetilo {m} [organic compound] :: acetyl
acetilsalicilato {m} :: acetylsalicylate
acetilsalicílico {adj} :: acetylsalicylic
acetiltransferasa {f} [enzyme] :: acetyltransferase, transacetylase
acetiluro {m} [organic compound] :: acetylide
acetímetro {m} :: acetimeter (an instrument)
acetoacetato {m} [organic compound] :: acetoacetic acid
acetona {f} [organic compound] :: acetone
acetonitrilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetonitrile
acetosa {f} :: sorrel (plant)
acetre {m} :: situla
acetrero {m} :: obsolete form of cetrero
aceytuni {n} [obsolete] :: synonym of raso: satin
acezante {adj} :: puffing, panting or out of breath
acezar {vi} :: to pant
-acha {suffix} :: feminine noun of -acho
achacable {adj} :: ascribable; attributable to
achacacheña {f} :: feminine noun of achacacheño
achacacheño {adj} :: Of or from the town of Achacachi in Bolivia
achacacheño {m} :: An inhabitant of the town of Achacachi in Bolivia
achacar {v} :: to attribute (something to someone); to blame
achachairú {m} [Bolivia] :: Garcinia humilis (small tree grown for its fruit)
achacoso {adj} [colloquial] :: sickly, ailing
achacoso {adj} [colloquial] :: chesty (having a cold)
achaflanar {v} :: to chamfer
achampanado {adj} :: bubbly, fizzy
achampañado {adj} :: alternative form of achampanado
achantar {v} [colloquial] :: to scare, to put off
achaparrado {adj} :: short and stubby (of vegetation or a person)
achaparrar {v} :: to make or become stubby or chubby
achaque {m} :: minor sickness, malady especially a cold
achaque {m} :: default, failing
achaque {m} :: subject, issue, topic
achaque {m} [colloquial] :: period, menstruation
achatamiento {m} [maths] :: flattening
achatar {v} :: to flatten
achatarrar {vt} :: to scrap (to dispose at the scrapyard)
aché {m} :: aṣẹ (religious and philosophical concept in Yoruba culture)
achelense {adj} :: Acheulean
achelense {m} :: Acheulean
achicamiento {m} :: humiliation
achicamiento {m} :: shrinking
achicar {vt} :: to make smaller, reduce, minimize
achicar {vt} :: to humiliate, make someone feel small
achicar {vt} :: to bale out (a boat)
achicarse {vr} :: to get smaller, shrink
achicarse {vr} :: to eat humble pie
achicharrar {v} :: to scorch
achicharrar {vi} :: To roast; boil (be very hot)
achichincle {m} [pejorative, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico] :: minion, servant
achichinque {m} :: alternative form of achichincle
achichintle {m} :: alternative form of achichincle
achicopalar {v} [Central America] :: to sadden; upset
achicoria {f} :: chicory
achín {m} [El Salvador] :: street vendor with low-quality wares
achín {m} [Honduras] :: trinket, knick-knack
achinada {f} :: feminine noun of achinado
achinado {adj} :: Chinese-looking
achinado {adj} :: mulatto (three quarters African and one quarter Caucasian, or one quarter African and three quarters Caucasian)
achinado {m} :: Chinese-looking person
achinar {vt} :: to sinicize (make Chinese in form or character)
achinar {v} :: to slant (one's eyes)
achiote {m} [Latin America] :: achiote (Bixa orellana, a tropical American evergreen shrub)
achiote {m} [Latin America] :: achiote (seed of the achiote shrub)
achiote {m} [Latin America] :: achiote (orange-red dye obtained from achiote seeds)
achira {f} :: purple arrowroot, Canna indica
achira {f} [Colombia] :: a confection made from this plant
achira {f} [Colombia] :: a bread baked using arrowroot flour
achira {f} :: the giant arrowhead, Sagittaria montevidensis
achís {interj} :: achoo!
achispado {adj} :: tipsy (slightly drunk)
achispar {vt} :: to liven up
achispar {vr} :: to get tipsy
-acho {suffix} :: Used in forming pejoratives from nouns and adjectives
achocolatar {v} [rare, except in past participle] :: to turn into chocolate, or of chocolate color/colour
acholar {vt} [Latin America] :: to shame; embarrass
acholar {vr} [Latin America] :: to become ashamed
acholo {m} :: shame
achoque {m} :: any of a number of salamanders
achorar {v} [Latin America] :: to act with hostility
achu {m} :: A type of dance from Bolivia
achuar {adj} :: Achuar
achuchable {adj} :: cuddly; huggable
achuchar {v} [colloquial] :: to pet, to cuddle, smooch, hug
achuchar {v} [colloquial] :: to squeeze
achuchar {v} [colloquial] :: to rush, hurry
achuchón {m} [colloquial] :: hug, squeeze
achuchón {m} [colloquial] :: shove
achuete {m} [Philippines] :: alternative form of achiote
achura {f} [South America, usually, in the plural] :: offal
aciago {adj} :: unlucky, ill-fated, unfortunate
aciago {m} [archaic] :: misfortune
acial {m} [farriery] :: barnacle, twitch, a kind of pincers or vise to fix the mouth of a horse or similar animals to yield the opportunity of surgery twitch
acial {m} [farriery] :: riding crop, a short whip for goading
aciano {m} :: cornflower, Centaurea cyanus
acíbar {m} [plant] :: aloe (the plant and its juice)
acíbar {m} :: bitterness, sorrow
acibarar {v} :: to add aloe to
acibarar {v} :: to embitter
acicaladura {f} :: grooming (caring for horses)
acicalamiento {m} :: grooming
acicalar {vt} :: to groom
acicalar {vt} :: to polish, to preen
acicalarse {vr} :: to smarten oneself up, to preen oneself, to spruce up oneself
acicate {m} :: spur (implement for prodding a horse)
acicate {m} [figuratively] :: incentive, spur (anything that inspires or motivates)
acicatear {vt} :: to spur on
acíclico {adj} :: acyclic
aciclonado {adj} :: fast-paced
acícula {f} [botany] :: needle (long, pointed leaf found on some conifers)
acicular {adj} :: acicular
ácidamente {adv} :: sharply, bitterly, fiercely
acidaque {m} [Islam] :: mahr (gift from the groom to the bride)
acidez {f} :: acidity
acidez {f} :: tang
acidez {f} :: heartburn
acid house {m} :: acid house
acidificación {f} :: acidification
acidificar {vt} :: to acidify
acidimetría {f} [chemistry] :: acidimetry
acidímetro {m} :: acidimeter
acid jazz {m} :: acid jazz
ácido {adj} :: sharp, tart
ácido {adj} :: acidic
ácido {adj} :: harsh
ácido {m} [chemistry] :: acid
ácido abscísico {m} [biochemistry] :: abscisic acid
ácido acético {m} [organic compound] :: acetic acid
ácido acetilneuramínico {m} [organic compound] :: acetylneuraminic acid
ácido acetilsalicílico {m} [organic compound] :: acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin
ácido acrílico {m} [organic compound] :: acrylic acid
ácido adípico {m} [organic compound] :: adipic acid
ácido aldónico {m} [organic compound] :: aldonic acid
ácido aminobenzoico {m} [organic compound] :: aminobenzoic acid
ácido aminobutírico {m} [organic compound] :: aminobutyric acid
ácido araquidónico {m} [organic compound] :: arachidonic acid
ácido ascórbico {m} [organic compound] :: ascorbic acid
ácido aspártico {m} [organic compound, amino acid] :: aspartic acid
ácido benzoico {m} :: benzoic acid
ácido betahidroxibutírico {m} :: beta-Hydroxybutyric acid
ácido butírico {m} [organic compound] :: butyric acid
ácido carbónico {m} :: carbonic acid (a weak unstable acid, H2CO3)
ácido carboxílico {m} :: carboxylic acid
ácido carmínico {m} :: carminic acid
ácido cianhídrico {m} :: hydrocyanic acid
ácido cítrico {m} [organic compound] :: citric acid
ácido clorhídrico {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrochloric acid
ácido clórico {m} [chemistry] :: chloric acid
ácido cloroacético {m} [organic compound] :: chloroacetic acid
ácido crotónico {m} [organic compound] :: crotonic acid
ácido desoxirribonucleico {m} [biochemistry] :: deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA
acidófilo {adj} :: acidophilic
ácido fólico {m} :: folic acid
ácido ftálico {m} [organic chemistry] :: phthalic acid
ácido fulmínico {m} :: fulminic acid
ácido fumárico {m} :: fumaric acid
ácido galacturónico {m} :: galacturonic acid
ácido gamma-aminobutírico {m} :: gamma-aminobutyric acid
ácido gástrico {m} [biochemistry] :: gastric acid (acidic secretion of the stomach)
ácido glicocólico {m} [organic compound] :: glycocholic acid
ácido glucurónico {m} :: glucuronic acid
ácido glutámico {m} [amino acid] :: glutamic acid
ácido graso {m} [biochemistry] :: fatty acid
ácido isocítrico {m} :: isocitric acid
ácido láctico {m} :: lactic acid
ácido linoleico {m} :: linoleic acid
ácido málico {m} :: malic acid
ácido muriático {m} :: muriatic acid
ácido neuramínico {m} :: neuraminic acid
ácido nítrico {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: nitric acid
ácido nucleico {m} [biochemistry] :: nucleic acid
ácido oleico {m} :: oleic acid
ácido oxálico {m} :: oxalic acid
ácido oxaloacético {m} [organic compound] :: oxaloacetic acid
ácido palmítico {m} :: palmitic acid
ácido permangánico {m} :: permanganic acid
ácido pícrico {m} [organic compound] :: picric acid
ácido pirúvico {m} :: pyruvic acid
ácido quenodesoxicólico {m} [organic compound] :: chenodeoxycholic acid
ácido racémico {m} [organic compound] :: racemic acid
ácido ribonucleico {m} [biochemistry] :: ribonucleic acid (RNA)
ácido shikímico {m} [organic chemistry] :: shikimic acid
ácido siálico {m} [organic compound] :: sialic acid
ácido siquímico {m} :: alternative form of ácido shikímico
acidosis {f} [pathology] :: acidosis (abnormally increased acidity of the blood)
ácido sórbico {m} [organic compound] :: sorbic acid
ácido succínico {m} [organic compound] :: succinic acid
ácido sulfónico {m} [chemistry] :: sulfonic acid
ácido sulfúrico {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: sulfuric acid
ácido sulfuroso {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfurous acid
ácido tartárico {m} [organic compound] :: tartaric acid
ácido taurocólico {m} [organic compound] :: taurocholic acid
ácido timidílico {m} [organic compound] :: thymidylic acid
ácido tricloroacético {m} [organic compound] :: trichloroacetic acid
ácido úrico {m} [organic compound] :: uric acid
ácido ursodesoxicólico {m} [organic compound] :: ursodeoxycholic acid
ácido valérico {m} [organic compound] :: valeric acid
ácido valproico {m} [organic compound] :: valproic acid
ácido xántico {m} [organic compound] :: xanthic acid
acidular {vt} :: to make sour; to acidulate
a ciegas {adv} [idiom] :: blindly
aciemar {vt} [regional] :: to manure
a ciencia cierta {adv} [idiomatic] :: for sure, for certain, without doubt
acientíficamente {adv} :: unscientifically
acientífico {adj} :: unscientific
acierto {m} :: correct answer
acierto {m} :: being correct, being right; correctness
acierto {m} :: success, hit
aciforme {adj} :: aciform
ácigos {m} :: azygous
acil {m} :: alternative form of acilo
acilación {f} [chemistry] :: acylation
acilglicérido {m} [organic compound] :: acylglycerol, glyceride
acilglicerol {m} [organic chemistry] :: acylglycerol (any ester of glycerol)
acilo {adj} :: acyl
acilo {m} :: acyl
aciltransferasa {f} [enzyme] :: acyltransferase
acimismo {adv} :: obsolete spelling of asimismo
ácimo {adj} [of bread] :: unleavened
acimut {m} :: azimuth
acimutal {adj} :: azimuthal
acineto {m} [biology] :: akinete
acino {m} :: acinus
acintado {adj} :: ribbonlike
-ación {suffix} :: alternative form of -ción; -ation
acirate {m} [agriculture] :: ridge (formed by plowed earth)
acirate {m} [landscaping] :: allee
acitara {f} :: obsolete form of citara
acitara {f} [rare] :: parapet of a bridge
acitronar {v} [Mexico] :: to fry until translucent, not golden nor crispy
aclamación {f} :: acclamation; acclaim
aclamar {v} :: to acclaim, applaud
aclaración {f} :: explanation
aclaración {f} [legal] :: correction made to the text of a judgment (due to clerical error, mistake of law, etc.)
aclarado {m} :: rinsing
aclarador {adj} :: brightening, lightening
aclarador {m} :: brightener, lightener (substance)
aclaramiento {m} :: clearance
aclarar {v} :: to clarify, clear (make clear or clearer)
aclarar {vt} :: to explain; to clarify
aclarar {v} :: to water down
aclarar {v} [Spain] :: to rinse (soap from hands)
aclarar {vi} [of the weather] :: to clear up
aclarar {vr} :: to set things straight, get things clear (in one's mind)
aclararse {vr} :: to clear (to become clear)
aclaratorio {adj} :: explanatory
aclareo {m} :: clearing (act of clearing a forest)
aclimatación {f} :: acclimation, acclimatization
aclimatar {vt} :: to acclimate
aclimatarse {v} :: to become exhausted
aclimatización {f} :: acclimatization
aclínico {adj} [physics] :: aclinic
acné {m} [pathology] :: acne
acneico {adj} [pathology] :: acne [attributive]
-aco {suffix} :: A suffix to make nationalities and demonyms
-aco {suffix} :: A pejorative suffix
acobardado {adj} :: craven, chickened out, cowed
acobardado {adj} :: gun-shy
acobardar {vt} :: to daunt, to frighten, to scare
acobardar {vr} :: to be frightened, scared, daunted
acobardarse {v} :: to cower
acobijar {v} :: alternative form of cobijar
acocil {m} [Mexico] :: acocil (Cambarellus montezumae)
acodarse {v} :: to lean
acoderar {vt} [nautical] :: To bring the broadside to bear; to anchor broadside on
acogedor {adj} :: cozy
acogedor {adj} :: friendly, inviting
acogedor {adj} :: hospitable
acoger {v} :: to receive
acoger {v} :: to take in
acoger {v} :: to welcome
acoger {v} :: to host (an event)
acogida {f} :: welcome, reception, welcoming
acogiente {adj} :: adoptive
acogimiento {m} :: foster care
acogotar {v} :: to kill, injure, or knock down with a blow to the back of the neck
acogotar {v} :: to harass, to put through an ordeal, to run ragged
acojinar {vt} :: to cushion, to pad
acojonante {adj} [vulgar, colloquial] :: fucking amazing, the shit, the dog's bollocks
acojonar {v} [vulgar] :: to scare the shit out of
acojonarse {v} [vulgar, colloquial] :: to shit oneself, to crap one's pants (lose one's bravery)
acolada {f} [historical] :: accolade (a salutation marking the conferring of knighthood)
acolar {v} :: to arrange, unite
acolchado {adj} :: padded, cushioned
acolchado {m} :: quilt, bed cover
acolchar {v} :: to quilt
acolchar {v} :: to pad, soften
acolchonar {v} :: alternative form of acolchar
acólita {f} :: feminine noun of acólito
acolitar {v} [Latin America] :: to accompany
acólito {m} :: acolyte
acólito {m} :: minion (a sycophantic follower)
acollador {m} [nautical] :: lanyard
acollar {vt} :: to earth up
acollar {vt} [nautical] :: to caulk
acollarar {vt} :: to collar (put a collar on)
acollarar {vt} :: to yoke
acollarar {vt} :: to hitch up (people)
acomedido {adj} [Latin America] :: obliging, accommodating (happy and ready to do favours for others)
acometer {v} :: to assail
acometer {v} :: to undertake (a task, a project, an enterprise)
acometida {f} :: rush (sudden forward motion)
acometimiento {m} :: assault (a violent onset or attack)
acometividad {f} :: proneness or tendency to attack
acometividad {f} :: zeal; fervor; zet
acomodación {f} :: accommodation
acomodada {f} :: feminine noun of acomodado
acomodadizo {adj} :: accommodating
acomodado {adj} :: well-off, well-to-do, affluent, wealthy
acomodado {adj} :: accommodated, settled in
acomodado {adj} :: suitable, fitting, comfortable
acomodado {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: A person who had obtained his job by influence or recommendation, not for his own merits
acomodador {m} [theatre] :: usher
acomodadora {f} :: feminine noun of acomodador
acomodamiento {m} [rare] :: accommodation
acomodamiento {m} [obsolete] :: suitability
acomodar {v} :: to accommodate
acomodar {v} :: to usher or settle
acomodar {v} :: to suit; to be suitable
acomodarse {v} :: to settle in
acomodaticio {adj} :: accommodating
acomodo {m} :: job, position
acompañado {m} :: side-dish
acompañamiento {m} :: the act of accompanying; accompaniment
acompañamiento {m} [music] :: the accompanying part; accompaniment
acompañamiento {m} :: side dish
acompañante {adj} :: accompanying
acompañante {mf} :: escort, esquire
acompañante {mf} :: attendant
acompañante {mf} [music] :: accompanist
acompañante {mf} [zoology] :: mate (breeding partner)
acompañante {mf} :: side dish
acompañar {vt} :: to accompany, to go with, to join, to tag along
acompañar {v} :: to chaperone
acompasadamente {adv} :: using a compass
acompasadamente {adv} :: in a paused manner
acompasado {adj} :: rhythmic, regular
acompasar {v} :: to keep time with; to keep in step with
acompasar {v} :: to match, to adjust to
acomplejado {adj} :: neurotic; having a psychological complex
acomplejado {m} :: neurotic; someone with a complex
acomplejamiento {m} :: development of a complex
acomplejar {vt} :: to give a psychological complex, to cause complexes
acomplejar {vr} :: to develop a complex
Aconchi {prop} :: Aconchi (municipality)
a conciencia {adv} [idiom] :: Carefully, meticulously
acondicionador {m} :: conditioner, hair conditioner
acondicionador de aire {m} :: air conditioner
acondicionamiento {m} :: conditioning (modification of behavior)
acondicionamiento {m} :: remodeling
acondicionar {vt} :: to condition (to shape the behavior of someone)
acondicionar {vt} :: to condition (to treat with hair conditioner)
acondrita {f} :: achondrite
acondrítico {adj} :: achondritic (pertaining to achondrites)
acondrito {m} :: alternative form of acondrita
acondroplasia {f} :: achondroplasia (genetic disorder)
aconductar {v} [rare] :: to foster good behaviour; to set on the straight and narrow
aconfesional {adj} :: secular
aconfesionalidad {f} :: secularity
acongojado {adj} :: anguished
acongojar {vt} :: to cause or inflict suffering
acongojar {vt} :: to distress, grieve
aconitasa {f} :: aconitase
aconitina {f} [organic compound] :: aconitine (a poisonous alkaloid)
acónito {m} [botany] :: aconite (herb wolfsbane)
aconsejable {adj} :: advisable
aconsejar {vt} :: to advise
acontecer {m} [usually in plural] :: happening; goings-on
acontecer {v} [impersonal, literary] :: to come to pass, to happen, to occur, to transpire, to come about, to befall
acontecimiento {m} :: event, development, occurrence, happening
a continuación {adv} [idiomatic] :: next, up next
a contracorriente {adv} :: against the current; against the flow (swim in the opposite direction to the river current)
a contracorriente {adv} [by extension, idiom] :: swim against the current; swim against the flow; against the tide (go against prevailing opinion or thought); go against the grain
a contramano {adv} [idiom] :: in the other direction; the wrong way
a contrapelo {adj} :: backwards, contrary
a contrapelo {adv} :: backwards
a contrapié {adv} :: wrongfooted; off balance
a contrapié {adv} :: off guard
acopiador {m} :: gatherer
acopiador {m} :: storer
acopiadora {f} :: feminine noun of acopiador
acopiar {v} :: to gather
acopiar {v} :: to stock, stock up
acopiar {v} [commerce] :: to forestall
acopio {m} :: gathering, collecting, stockpile
acoplable {adj} :: attachable
acoplado {m} [Latin America] :: trailer (vehicle towed behind another)
acoplado {m} :: hanger-on, tagger-along
acoplador {adj} :: coupling
acoplador {m} :: coupler
acoplamiento {m} :: joining
acoplamiento {m} :: connection
acoplamiento {m} [chemistry] :: coupling
acoplar {vt} :: to couple
acoplar {vr} :: to adapt oneself
acoplarse {v} :: reflexive of acoplar
acoplarse {v} :: to tag along
acoquinamiento {m} :: intimidation
acoquinar {vtr} [colloquial] :: to daunt, put down
acorar {vt} :: to afflict, put in distress
acorazado {adj} :: armoured, armored
acorazado {adj} :: ironclad
acorazado {m} :: battleship
acorazado {m} [historical] :: dreadnought
acorazar {vt} :: to armor
acorazonado {adj} :: heart-shaped
acorchado {adj} :: corklike
acorchado {adj} :: spongey
acorchado {adj} :: numbed; having the senses numb
acorcharse {vr} :: to go corklike or spongey
Acorda {prop} :: surname
acordado {adj} :: agreed upon
acordar {vt} :: to decide, arrange
acordar {vi} :: to agree
acordar {vr} [acordarse de] :: to reach agreement
acordar {vr} [acordarse de] :: to remember, recall
acordar {vt} :: to flush, to make flush, to level
acordar {vt} [music] :: to tune
acorde {adj} :: commensurate; in suit (with); matching; in harmony; according (to)
acorde {m} [music] :: chord (combination of three or more pitches)
acorde a {prep} :: according to
acordeón {m} :: accordion
acordeonera {f} :: feminine noun of acordeonero
acordeonero {m} :: accordionist
acordeonista {mf} :: accordionist
acordonamiento {m} :: cordoning off; roping off
acordonar {v} :: to cordon off
acorralamiento {m} :: cornering; corraling
acorralar {vt} :: to corral, to corner
acorralarse {v} :: reflexive of acorralar
acorrer {vt} :: to help; to go to the aid of
acortamiento {m} [linguistics] :: shortening
acortamiento {m} [astronomy] :: curtation
acortar {v} :: to shorten
acortar {v} :: to cut short, to curtail
acortarse {vr} :: to shorten (to become shorter)
a corto plazo {adv} [idiomatic] :: short-term, in the short term, in the short run
a corto plazo {adv} [idiomatic] :: on short notice
acosado {adj} :: beleaguered, beset
acosador {adj} :: bullying
acosador {adj} :: harassing
acosador {m} :: bully
acosador {m} :: harasser
acosador sexual {m} :: sexual predator
acosar {v} :: to pursue, harass
acosar {v} :: to bully
acosar {v} :: to beset, to beleaguer
acoso {m} :: molestation, harassment, bullying
acoso sexual {m} :: sexual harassment
acossar {v} :: obsolete spelling of acosar
Acosta {prop} :: surname of Catalan origin
a costa de {prep} :: at the expense of
acostadito {adj} :: diminutive of acostado
acostado {adj} :: recumbent, lying
acostar {vt} :: to lay
acostar {vt} :: to put to bed
acostar {v} [nautical] :: to land, put in, berth
acostarse {v} :: to go to bed, to lie down
acostarse {v} :: to be in bed with
acostarse con {v} [idiom] :: to go to bed with, to sleep with (to have sex)
acostillado {adj} :: ribbed
acostumbrado {adj} :: customary
acostumbrado {adj} :: accustomed to, used to
acostumbrar {vt} :: accustom, inure, familiarize
acostumbrar {vi} :: to use to (be in the habit of)
acostumbrar {vr} :: to get accustomed to
acotación {f} :: annotation
acotación {f} :: A non-speaking role, as opposed to parlamento
acotado {adj} :: enclosed, fenced in
acotamiento {m} :: hard shoulder, emergency lane (part of a road where drivers may stop in an emergency)
acotamiento {m} :: marking off, fencing in, limiting
acotar {v} :: to survey land, enclose
acotar {v} :: to prune or lop a tree
acotar {v} :: to annotate a page
acotar {v} :: to mark contours on a map
acotar {v} :: to qualify
acotar {v} :: to check, validate
acotejar {vt} :: to put in order; to sort out
a cotenas {adv} [Aragón] :: on one's back; on piggyback
acotiledón {adj} [botany] :: acotyledonous
acotiledón {m} [botany] :: acotyledon
acotolar {vt} [Aragon] :: to exterminate
acovachar {v} [Argentina, slang] :: to hide something away, to stash
Acra {prop} {f} :: Acra (capital)
acrasia {f} :: acrasia (lack of self-control)
ácrata {adj} :: anarchic
ácrata {mf} :: anarchist
acre {adj} :: bitter; acrid; pungent
acre {adj} :: caustic
acre {m} :: acre
acrecencia {f} :: accretion (act of increasing by natural growth)
acrecentamiento {m} :: growth, increase (caused by an agent)
acrecentar {vt} :: to increase, grow
acrecer {vtir} :: to increase
acrecerse {vtir} :: to increase
acrecimiento {m} :: growth; increase
acreción {f} :: accretion
acreditable {adj} :: creditable
acreditación {f} :: accreditation; licence
acreditación {f} :: pass
acreditadísimo {adj} :: superlative of acreditado
acreditado {adj} :: accredited
acreditado {adj} :: reputable
acreditador {adj} :: accrediting
acreditante {adj} :: accrediting
acreditar {v} :: to accredit
acreditativo {adj} :: certifying, accreditive
acreedor {m} [finance] :: creditor
acreedora {f} :: feminine noun of acreedor
acreencia {f} [Latin America] :: credit balance
acreencia {f} [Latin America] :: (total) debt
acreer {v} [finance, obsolete] :: to accredit
acremar {vt} :: to cream
acremente {adv} :: acridly
acrense {adj} :: Accran (of or pertaining to Accra, Colorado)
acrense {mf} :: Accran (native or resident of Accra, Colorado)
acretinado {adj} [rare] :: cretinous
acrianzar {v} :: to rear [as offspring]
acribillamiento {m} [military] :: shelling, bombardment
acribillar {v} :: to riddle, pepper (with holes, bullets etc.)
acribillar {v} :: to pester, badger
acrilamida {f} [organic compound] :: acrylamide (amide of acrylic acid)
acrilato {m} [organic compound] :: acrylate
acrílico {adj} :: acrylic
acrílico {m} :: acrylic
acrilonitrilo {m} [organic compound] :: acrylonitrile
acriminar {vt} :: to incriminate
acrimonia {f} :: acrimony
acrisolar {v} :: to purify, to refine, to quintessence
acrisolar {v} :: to prove, to test
acristalado {adj} :: having crystals or crystal glass; covered in crystal
acristalamiento {m} :: glazing
acristalar {vt} :: to glaze; cover in crystals
acríticamente {adv} :: uncritically
acrítico {adj} :: acritical
acritud {f} :: bitterness, acridness
acrobacia {f} :: acrobatics
acróbata {mf} :: acrobat
acrobáticamente {adv} :: acrobatically
acrobático {adj} :: acrobatic
acrobatismo {m} [rare] :: acrobatics
acrocantosaurio {m} :: acrocanthosaur
acrocianosis {f} [pathology] :: acrocyanosis
acrolecto {m} [linguistics] :: acrolect
acromático {adj} :: achromatic (free from color)
acromático {adj} :: achromatic (containing components to prevent color-related distortion)
acromático {adj} [biology] :: achromatic (not absorbing color)
acromatismo {m} :: achromatism
acromatopsia {f} [medicine] :: achromatopsia
acromegalia {f} [disease] :: acromegaly (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones)
acromial {adj} :: acromial
acromiano {adj} :: acromial
acromion {m} [anatomy] :: acromion
acronimia {f} :: acronymization
acrónimo {m} :: acronym
acrópolis {f} :: acropolis
Acrópolis {prop} {f} :: Acropolis (Athenian Acropolis)
acrosoma {m} :: acrosome
acróstico {adj} :: acrostical
acróstico {m} :: acrostic (poem or text with certain letters spelling out a name or message)
ACS {f} :: initialism of agua caliente sanitaria
ACS {prop} {f} [Spain] :: initialism of Actividades de Construcción y Servicios
ACS {prop} {f} [Spain] :: initialism of Aceralia Corporación Siderúrgica
acta {f} :: certificate
acta {f} :: minutes, record
acta {f} :: election results
actante {m} [grammar] :: actant
actina {f} :: actin (a globular structural protein)
actínido {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: actinide
actinio {m} :: actinium
actinobacteria {f} :: actinobacterium
actinolita {f} [mineral] :: actinolite (mineral with monoclinic crystals belonging to the amphibole group)
actinométrico {adj} :: actinometric (pertaining to actinometry)
actinómetro {m} [physics] :: actinometer (measuring device)
actinomicosis {f} [pathology] :: actinomycosis
actinomorfo {adj} :: actinomorphic
actinopterigio {m} :: ray-finned fish
actitud {f} :: posture, pose, stance
actitud {f} :: attitude, disposition, policy
actitudinal {adj} :: attitudinal
activable {adj} :: activable
activación {f} :: activation
activado {adj} :: activated, enabled
activador {adj} :: activating
activador {m} :: activator
activadora {f} :: feminine noun of activador
activamente {adv} :: actively (in an active manner)
activamente {adv} [grammar] :: actively (in the active form)
activar {vt} :: to activate (to encourage development or induce increased activity; to stimulate)
activar {vt} :: to activate, to enable (to put a mechanism, device or system into action or motion)
activar {vt} [chemistry, physics] :: to activate (to render more reactive)
activarse {v} :: reflexive of activar
actividad {f} :: activity (state of being active)
actividad {f} :: activity (something done as an action)
activina {f} :: activin
activísimo {adj} :: superlative of activo
activismo {m} :: activism
activista {adj} :: activist
activista {mf} :: activist
activo {adj} :: active
activo {adj} [gay slang] :: top
activo {adj} [technology] :: up (a website, server, system, etc.; usually used when a website or server was previously "down" but is now back online)
activo {m} [accounting] :: Any property or material right of an enterprise or individual
activo corriente {m} [accounting] :: current asset
activo fijo {m} [business, accounting] :: fixed asset
acto {m} :: act (something done)
acto {m} [theatre] :: act
acto continuo {adv} [idiom] :: right after; immediately afterwards
acto fallido {m} :: Freudian slip (subconscious mistake in speech or action)
actor {m} :: actor (person who performs in a theatrical play or movie)
actor {m} [legal] :: defendant
actora {f} [legal] :: feminine noun of actor
actoral {adj} :: thespian
actoralmente {adv} :: in the manner of a thespian
actor de doblaje {m} :: voice actor; dubber
actor de voz {m} :: voice actor
actoría {f} :: act
actor porno {f} :: porn star/pornstar, porn actor
Actos de los Apóstoles {prop} :: Acts of the Apostles
acto seguido {adv} [formal, idiom] :: immediately after
actriz {f} :: actress
actriz de doblaje {f} :: voice actress; dubber
actriz de voz {f} :: voice actress
actrizón {m} :: augmentative of actriz
actriz porno {f} :: porn star/pornstar, porn actress
actuación {f} :: performance (a live show or concert)
actuación {f} :: acting (the occupation of an actor)
actuación {f} :: action (something done to accomplish a purpose)
actuación {f} [law, in the plural] :: proceeding, lawsuit
actuador {m} :: actuator
actual {adj} :: present, current
actual {adj} :: factual
actual {adj} [philosophy] :: actual, real
actual {adj} :: present-day
actual {prep} [preceded by del] :: Of the current month, year, etc
actualidad {f} :: present (the current moment)
actualidad {f} :: piece of news, current event
actualizable {adj} :: updatable
actualización {f} :: update (advisement providing more up-to-date information)
actualización {f} :: update (software upgrade)
actualización {f} [Puerto Rico] :: actualization
actualizador {m} :: updater
actualizadora {f} :: feminine noun of actualizador
actualizar {v} :: to update
actualizar {v} :: to bring to fruition, to actualize
actualizar {v} [computing] :: to refresh, to reload
actualizarse {v} :: reflexive of actualizar
actualmente {adv} :: at present, currently, now, nowadays
actuante {adj} :: acting (assuming the duties of another)
actuar {v} :: to act, to behave
actuar {v} :: to act, to perform
actuar {v} :: to actuate
actuar {v} [law] :: to litigate, to sue
actuaria {f} :: feminine noun of actuario
actuarial {adj} :: actuarial
actuario {m} :: actuary (maker of insurance calculations)
acuacultura {f} :: alternative form of acuicultura
acuanauta {mf} :: aquanaut
acuantiar {v} :: to set the amount or quantity of
acuaplaneo {m} :: aquaplaning
acuaponía {m} :: aquaponics
acuapónico {adj} :: aquaponic
acuaporina {f} [protein] :: aquaporin
acuarela {f} :: watercolor (painting technique)
acuarela {f} :: watercolor (artwork)
acuarela {f} [in the plural] :: watercolors (paint used in watercolor)
acuarelar {v} :: to watercolour; to paint in watercolour
acuarelista {mf} :: watercolourist
acuario {m} :: aquarium
acuario {m} :: Aquarius (someone with the Aquarius star sign)
Acuario {prop} {m} [astronomy, astrology] :: Aquarius (constellation)
Acuario {prop} {m} [astrology] :: Aquarius (zodiac sign)
acuariofilia {f} :: fishkeeping
acuariología {f} :: aquariology
acuarista {mf} :: aquarist
acuartelado {adj} [heraldry] :: quarterly
acuartelamiento {m} :: confinement to barracks
acuartelamiento {m} [military] :: quarters, barracks
acuartelar {v} :: to quarter, to billet, to put into one’s lodging
acuático {adj} :: aquatic
acuatizaje {m} [aviation] :: ditching
acuatizar {vi} [aviation] :: to ditch; to land a plane on water
acuatorio {m} [chiefly Cuba] :: reservoir
acuchillamiento {m} :: knifing, stab
acuchillar {v} :: to cut open
acuchillar {v} :: to knife, to stab (injure or kill by stabbing with a knife)
acuchillar {v} :: to sand, to abrade (the process of using abrasive tools, in particular, on wood)
acuciante {adj} :: urgent; pressing
acuciar {vt} :: to encourage or urge on
acucioso {adj} :: keen, diligent
acuclillarse {vr} :: to squat
a cucucho {adv} [childish, El Salvador, idiom] :: (on) piggyback
acudiente {mf} [Colombia] :: tutor
acudir {v} :: to go (to), come (to), attend, visit
acudir {v} :: to turn to, turn, consult, resort to
acudir {v} :: to come to mind
acudir {v} :: to apply (to), to appeal (to) (e.g. a court, government department, commission)
acueducto {m} :: aqueduct
a cuento de qué {phrase} :: what for?
acuerdo {m} :: agreement
acuerdo {m} :: compromise
acuerdo de honor {m} :: gentleman's agreement
acuerdo de paz {m} :: peace agreement
acuerpar {vt} [Costa Rica, Panama] :: to favour (over another), to support, to back
a cuerpo de rey {adv} [idiomatic] :: like a king
acuespali {m} :: spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus)
acuespali {m} :: American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)
a cuestas {adv} :: On the back or shoulders; piggyback
acúfeno {m} :: tinnitus (perception of nonexistent noise)
acuícola {adj} :: aquatic
acuicultor {m} :: aquaculturist
acuicultora {f} :: feminine noun of acuicultor
acuicultura {f} :: aquaculture
acuidad {f} :: acuity (sharpness or acuteness)
acuífero {adj} :: aquiferous
acuífero {m} :: aquifer
acuitar {v} :: to grieve; to cause grief
acular {v} :: to back (to tie by the hind)
acular {v} :: to corner
aculebrar {v} [rare] :: to snake; to coil like a snake
acullá {adv} [formal] :: yonder
acullico {m} [Bolivia] :: The chewing of cocoa leafs
aculturación {f} :: acculturation
aculturar {vt} :: to acculture (to change a person's culture by influence of another)
acuminado {adj} [botany, mycology] :: acuminate
acumulable {adj} :: accumulable
acumulación {f} :: accumulation, build-up
acumulación {f} [legal] :: joinder
acumulador {m} :: accumulator (one who, or that which, accumulates)
acumulador {m} :: rechargeable battery
acumuladora {f} :: feminine noun of acumulador
acumulamiento {m} :: accumulation (the act of amassing or gathering, as into a pile)
acumulamiento {m} :: accumulation (mass of something piled up or collected)
acumular {vt} :: to accumulate (to heap up in a mass)
acumularse {vr} :: to accumulate
acumulativamente {adv} :: accumulatively
acumulativo {adj} :: cumulative (incorporating all data up to the present)
acúmulo {m} :: accumulation
Acuña {prop} :: surname
acuñación {f} :: coinage, coining, minting
acuñador {m} :: minter (of coins)
acuñadora {f} :: feminine noun of acuñador
acuñamiento {m} :: wedging
acunar {vt} :: to rock (to move gently back and forth)
acuñar {v} :: to coin (word or expression)
acuñar {v} :: to mint (money)
acuñista {adj} [Peru, politics] :: Of or pertaining to the political beliefs of César Acuña
acuñista {mf} [Peru, politics] :: A supporter of César Acuña
acuoso {adj} :: aqueous (consisting mostly of water)
acuoso {adj} :: watery (diluted or having too much water)
acuotubular {adj} :: aquotubular
acupuntor {m} :: acupuncturist
acupuntura {f} :: acupuncture
acure {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: guinea pig (rodent)
acurrucar {vr} :: to huddle, to curl up (because of the cold)
acurrucar {v} [reciprocal] :: to snuggle, to spoon
acurrucar {vt} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: to make somebody squat
acurrucar {vr} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: to squat
acurrucarse {v} :: to huddle (away from the cold, etc.)
acurrucarse {v} :: to snuggle, to spoon
acusación {f} :: accusation
acusada {f} :: feminine noun of acusado
acusadamente {adv} :: markedly
acusado {adj} :: accused
acusado {adj} :: marked; pronounced
acusado {m} :: accused, defendant
acusador {adj} [legal] :: accusatory
acusador {m} [legal] :: complainant
acusador {m} [legal] :: prosecutor
acusador {m} :: accuser
acusante {mf} :: prosecutor
acusar {v} :: to accuse, charge, indict
acusar {v} :: to criminate
acusar {v} :: to arraign
acusar {v} :: to prosecute
acusar {v} :: to acknowledge (to notify sender of having received)
acusativo {adj} [grammar] :: accusative
acusativo {m} [grammar] :: accusative case
acusatorio {adj} :: accusatory (pertaining to, or containing, an accusation)
acuseta {mf} [Venezuela] :: tattler, telltale (one who tattles)
acusetas {mf} [Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica] :: tattler, telltale (one who tattles)
acusete {mf} [Latin America] :: tattler, telltale (one who tattles)
acusica {mf} :: telltale
acústica {f} [physics] :: acoustics (a quality of a space for doing music)
acústicamente {adv} :: acoustically
acústico {adj} :: acoustic (pertaining to the sense of hearing)
acústico {adj} [music] :: acoustic (produced by an instrument without electric amplification)
acústico {m} :: hearing aid
acutángulo {adj} [geometry] :: acute; acute-angled
acuyo {m} [Mexico] :: Mexican pepperleaf, root beer plant, an aromatic herb used in Mexican cuisine (Piper auritum)
ACV {m} [medicine] :: initialism of accidente cerebrovascular
-ada {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the feminine singular past participle of regular -ar verbs; feminine form of -ado
-ada {suffix} :: Used to form words, derived from nouns, signifying a whole
-ada {suffix} :: Used to form words, derived from nouns, corresponding to -ful (as much as something will hold)
-ada {suffix} :: Used to form words indicating a period of time
-ada {suffix} :: Used to form words, derived from nouns, indicating a blow with the named object
-ada {suffix} :: Used to form words indicating action
-ada {suffix} :: Used to form words indicating abundance or excess
adagio {adv} [music] :: adagio
adagio {m} [music] :: adagio
adagio {m} :: adage (old saying)
adaguar {vt} [Aragon] :: to give water to cattle
Adalberto {prop} {m} :: given name, an older form of Alberto ( = Albert)
adalid {m} [historical] :: military commander
adalid {m} :: champion; leading light (someone who fights for a cause or status)
Adam {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Adán
adamantano {m} [organic compound] :: adamantane
adamante {m} [archaic] :: diamond
adamantino {adj} :: adamantine
adamantino {m} :: adamant (a rock or mineral held by some to be of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances of extreme hardness)
adamar {vr} :: to be enamored
adamascar {v} :: to damask
adán {m} [colloquial] :: shabby, unkempt or shoddy person
Adán {prop} {m} :: Adam (biblical figure)
Adán {prop} {m} :: given name
adanismo {m} :: nudism
adanismo {m} :: doing something as if nobody had ever done it before
adanismo {m} :: Adamism
adanista {adj} :: nudist
adanista {mf} :: Someone who does something under the pretence that nobody has done it before
adanista {mf} :: nudist
Adán y Eva {prop} {mp} :: Adam and Eve
adapiforme {m} :: adapiform
adaptabilidad {f} :: adaptability (the quality of being adaptable)
adaptable {adj} :: adaptable (capable of adapting or being adapted)
adaptación {f} [uncountable] :: adaptation (the process of adapting something to a situation)
adaptación {f} [countable] :: adaptation (a change made to suit a condition)
adaptación {f} [evolutionary theory, uncountable] :: adaptation (the process of change that an organism undergoes)
adaptación {f} [evolutionary theory, countable] :: adaptation (an instance of an organism undergoing change)
adaptación {f} [uncountable] :: adaptation (the process of adapting an artistic work)
adaptación {f} [countable] :: adaptation (an artistic work that has been adapted)
adaptado {adj} :: adapted
adaptador {m} :: adapter (device to allow compatibility)
adaptador {m} :: adapter (someone who adapts)
adaptadora {f} :: feminine noun of adaptador
adaptar {vt} :: to adapt, to adjust, to tailor (to make suitable)
adaptar {vt} :: to adapt (to fit by alteration)
adaptar {vr} :: to adapt (to change so as to be adapted)
adaptar {vr} :: to suit, to fit
adaptativo {adj} :: adaptive (able to adapt)
adaptivo {adj} :: adaptive
adarga {f} :: leather shield
adarme {m} [historical] :: A Spanish peso equivalent to three tomines
adarme {m} :: tittle, bit (very small part of something)
adarvar {vt} [rare] :: to stun, to shock
adarve {m} :: defense wall; rampart
adarve {m} :: dead end
adaxial {adj} :: adaxial
adaxialmente {adv} :: adaxially
addicion {f} :: obsolete spelling of adición
Addis Abbaba {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Addis Abeba
Addis Abeba {prop} {f} :: Addis Abeba (city)
ADE {f} :: business administration (subject)
a. de C. {adv} :: BC (Before Christ)
adecentamiento {m} :: tidy, tidy-up, brush-up
adecentar {vt} :: to tidy; to clean up
a decir de {prep} :: according to
adeco {adj} [attributive] :: Democratic Action
adeco {m} :: A member of Democratic Action, a Venezuelan political party
adecuación {f} :: adaptation (process of adapting something to a situation)
adecuadamente {adv} :: adequately
adecuado {adj} :: appropriate, suitable
adecuar {vt} :: to adapt, adjust
a dedo {adv} [idiom] :: through connections, through contacts, through friends in high places, hitchhiking, thumbing
a dedo {adv} [idiom] :: by hitchhiking, hitching, thumbing a ride
adefesio {adj} :: ugly, ridiculous
adefesio {m} :: ugly, ridiculous person or thing
adefesio {m} :: idiotic action
adehesar {vt} :: to make into meadows or pastureland
a. de J.C. {adv} :: BC (Before Christ)
Adela {prop} {f} :: given name
Adelaida {prop} {f} :: given name
Adelaida {prop} {f} :: Adelaida (city)
adelaidana {f} :: feminine noun of adelaidano
adelaidano {adj} :: Adelaidean (of or pertaining to Adelaide, South Australia, Australia)
adelaidano {m} :: Adelaidean (native or resident of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia)
adelantadamente {adv} :: early, in advance
adelantado {adj} :: ahead of one's time, advanced
adelantado {adj} :: gifted or advanced for one's age
adelantado {adj} :: early, ahead of time
adelantado {m} :: A governor of a province; a commander
adelantado a su época {prep} :: (idiomatic) ahead of one's time
adelantamiento {m} :: overtaking, passing (a vehicle)
adelantamiento {m} :: progress, advancement, improvement
adelantamiento {m} :: rescheduling for an earlier date
adelantar {vt} :: to bring forward, advance, to move forward (in space or time)
adelantar {vt} :: to pay in advance
adelantar {vt} :: to outstrip, to outrun
adelantar {vi} :: to make progress
adelantar {vt} :: to overtake, to pass (to pass a more slowly moving object)
adelantar {vt} :: to move up, speed up (to make something happen faster or come sooner)
adelantar {vt} :: to fast forward (e.g. a film or recording)
adelantar {vr} :: to preempt
adelantar {vr} :: to anticipate, to forestall (+ a)
adelantar {vr} :: to get ahead of, to stay ahead of (+ a)
adelantar {vr} :: to jump the gun, get ahead of oneself
adelantar {vr} :: to be brought forward
adelantarse {vr} :: to preempt
adelantarse {vr} :: to anticipate, to forestall (+ a)
adelantarse {vr} :: to get ahead of, to stay ahead of (+ a)
adelantarse {vr} :: to jump the gun, get ahead of oneself
adelantarse {vr} :: to go forward
adelantarse {vr} :: to be brought forward
adelante {adv} :: forward (toward the front)
adelante {adv} :: forward (into the future)
adelante {interj} :: come in
adelante {interj} :: go ahead
adelanto {m} :: progress, advancement, improvement
adelanto {m} :: rescheduling for an earlier date
adelanto {m} :: advance (anticipated payment)
adelanto {m} :: down payment (anticipated payment made to secure a purchase)
adelanto {m} :: preview, sample, snippet, teaser
adelantón {m} :: giant step forward; major breakthrough
adelfa {f} :: oleander
adelgazamiento {m} :: weight loss
adelgazante {adj} :: slimming
adelgazante {m} :: a weight-reducing or slimming product
adelgazar {v} :: to make thin or slender
adelgazar {v} :: to refine, purify
adelgazar {v} :: to lose weight
adelgazarse {v} :: to become thin or slender; to lose weight
Adelia {prop} {f} :: given name
Adelina {prop} {f} :: given name
Adelina {prop} {f} :: diminutive of Adela
adelita {f} :: adelita
Adelita {prop} {f} :: given name
ademán {m} :: gesture (motion of the body)
ademán {m} :: posture, position
ademán {m} [in the plural] :: manners
ademar {vt} [mining] :: to encase
además {adv} :: in addition, moreover, furthermore, further, also, additionally
además {adv} :: as well, also, not to mention [when in the middle of a sentence or toward the end]
además {adv} :: besides, in addition to, along with, apart from, other than, aside from, alongside, on top of, as well as (+ de)
Adén {prop} {m} :: Adén (city)
adenda {mf} :: addendum, postdata
adenil {m} [biochemistry] :: adenyl
adenilato {m} :: adenylate
adenilil {m} [biochemistry] :: adenylyl
adenililciclasa {f} [enzyme] :: adenylyl cylase
adenililo {m} :: alternative form of adenilil
adenilo {m} :: alternative form of adenil
adenín {adj} :: adenine
adenina {f} [organic compound] :: adenine
adenitis {f} :: adenitis
adeno- {prefix} :: adeno-
adenocarcinoma {m} [oncology] :: adenocarcinoma
adenohipófisis {f} :: adenohypophysis
adenoide {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: adenoid
adenoidectomía {f} :: adenoidectomy
adenología {f} :: adenology
adenomatoso {adj} :: adenomatoid (of or pertaining to an adenoma)
adenomiosis {f} [pathology] :: adenomyosis
adenopatía {f} [pathology] :: adenopathy
adenosín {adj} :: adenosine
adenosina {f} [organic compound] :: adenosine
adenosín trifosfato {m} :: adenosine triphosphate, ATP
adenovirus {m} :: adenovirus
adentrar {vr} :: to get into, to go into
adentrarse {v} :: reflexive of adentrar
adentro {adv} :: inside (especially implying a motion into)
adentro {m} [in the plural] :: one's innermost thoughts, deep down
adentro {interj} :: Come in!
adentro de {prep} :: into
adepta {f} :: feminine noun of adepto
adepto {m} :: supporter, follower
adequadamente {adv} :: obsolete form of adecuadamente
adequado {adj} :: obsolete form of adecuado
adereçar {v} :: obsolete form of aderezar
aderezado {adj} [obsolete] :: favourable (convenient; opportune)
aderezar {v} :: to dress, season (for cooking, etc.)
aderezar {v} :: to spice up, adorn, bedeck
aderezo {m} :: seasoning, dressing
a despecho de {prep} :: in spite of, despite
a destajo {adv} [idiom] :: by the piece, as piecework
a destajo {adv} [idiom] :: flat out, full blast, at full tilt
a destajo {adv} [idiom, Chile] :: by eye
a destiempo {adv} :: not in time
a destiempo {adv} :: untimely, at the wrong time, inopportunely
a destiempo {adv} :: without regard to time; asynchronously
adestrar {v} :: synonym of adiestrar
adeudar {v} [ditransitive] :: to owe
adeudar {v} [ditransitive] :: to debit, charge
adeudo {m} :: debt (money that someone owes to another)
adeudo {m} :: customs duty
a. D. g. {phrase} :: initialism of a Dios gracias
adhan {m} [Islam] :: adhan (the call to prayer)
adhán {m} :: alternative form of adhan
adherencia {f} :: adherence, adhesion (close physical union of two objects)
adherente {adj} :: adherent, sticky
adherente {m} :: adhesive (a substance that provides adhesion)
adherente {mf} :: adherent (a person who has membership in some group)
adherible {adj} :: sticky, adhesive (able or likely to stick)
adherir {vtir} :: to adhere, stick
adherirse {vr} :: to adhere (to stick fast or cleave)
adhesión {f} :: adhesion (the ability to stick to another substance)
adhesión {f} :: support, backing
adhesividad {f} :: adhesiveness; stickiness
adhesivo {adj} :: adhesive (apt or tending to adhere)
adhesivo {m} :: adhesive (substance that provides adhesion)
ad hoc {adv} :: ad hoc (for this particular purpose)
adhocracia {f} :: adhocracy
adiabático {adj} [physics, thermodynamics] :: adiabatic
a día de hoy {adv} [idiomatic] :: in today's day and age
adiafa {f} :: A gift or refreshment given to sailors upon their return to port from a voyage
adiar {vt} [rare] :: to schedule
a diario {adv} :: each day, on a daily basis
adicción {f} :: addiction (compulsive usage)
adicción {f} :: addiction (devotion; inclination)
adición {f} :: addition (the act of adding)
adición {f} :: addition (anything that is added)
adición {f} :: addition (the arithmetic operation of adding)
adición {f} [Latin America] :: check (in a restaurant, etc.)
adicional {adj} :: additional (supplemental or added to something)
adicionalmente {adv} :: additionally
adicionalmente {adv} :: in addition, further
adicionar {vt} :: to add (make an addition; augment)
adicta {f} :: feminine noun of adicto
adictivamente {adv} :: addictively
adictivo {adj} :: addictive (causing addiction)
adicto {adj} :: addicted, junkie (an enthusiast of something)
adicto {m} :: addict
adieso {adv} [obsolete] :: now
adiestrable {adj} :: trainable
adiestrador {m} :: tamer; one who tames animals
adiestradora {f} :: feminine noun of adiestrador
adiestramiento {m} :: practice, training
adiestramiento {m} :: animal training
adiestramiento {m} :: dressage
adiestrar {vt} :: to train (to teach, to educate)
a diestro y siniestro {adv} [idiomatic] :: left, right and centre
adietar {vtr} :: to put on a diet
ADIF {prop} :: A state-owned company that is responsible for the upkeep of most of Spain's rail network
Adigio {prop} {m} :: Adigio (river)
adigué {adj} :: Adyghe
adigué {mf} :: Adyghe
adigués {adj} :: Adyghe (of or pertaining to Adyghe ethnic group)
adigués {adj} :: Adygean (of or pertaining to Adygea in Russia)
adigués {m} :: Adyghe (member of the Adyghe ethic group)
adigués {m} :: Adygean (native or resident of Adygea in Russia)
adiguesa {f} :: feminine noun of adigués
Adiguesia {prop} {f} :: Adiguesia (republic)
adimensional {adj} :: adimensional (without dimensions)
adinerado {adj} :: affluent, wealthy
adinerar {vr} [colloquial] :: to enrich (make wealthy)
adintelado {adj} :: lintelled
adiós {interj} :: goodbye, farewell
adiós {m} :: farewell; goodbye
adiosito {m} :: diminutive of adiós
adiós Madrid, que te quedas sin gente {phrase} [idiom] :: good riddance (Used to indicate that a departure, or loss is welcome.)
a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando {proverb} :: God helps those who help themselves
adipato {m} [organic compound] :: adipate
adípico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: adipic
adipocira {f} :: adipocere
adipocito {m} :: adipocyte
adiponectina {f} [protein] :: adiponectin
adiponectinemia {f} [pathology] :: adiponectinemia
adiposidad {f} :: adiposity
adiposo {adj} :: adipose (containing, composed of, or consisting of fat)
adir {v} [legal] :: to accept (inheritance)
Adís Abeba {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Addis Abeba
a discreción {adv} [idiom] :: at will
a disgusto {adj} :: displeased, unhappy
Adisoda {prop} {f} :: given name from the Canary Islands
a distancia {adv} :: at a distance; from a distance; aloof
aditamento {m} :: accessory
aditamento {m} :: attachment
aditamento {m} :: add-on; bolt-on; addition
aditividad {f} :: additivity
aditivo {adj} :: additive
aditivo {m} :: additive (substance added to another to alter its properties)
adive {m} :: adive; jackal
adivina {f} :: feminine noun of adivino
adivinación {f} :: divination, fortune-telling
adivinación {f} :: foresight, guessing
adivinador {adj} :: divining, foretelling (attributive)
adivinador {adj} :: guessing, guesswork (attributive)
adivinador {m} :: diviner, foreteller
adivinador {m} :: guesser
adivinadora {f} :: feminine noun of adivinador
adivinanza {f} :: foresight
adivinanza {f} :: riddle
adivinar {v} :: to guess
adivinar {v} :: to divine, to foretell
adivinatorio {adj} :: divinatory, prophetic
adivino {m} :: seer
adj. {n} :: abbreviation of adjetivo
adjetivación {f} [linguistics] :: adjectivization
adjetivadamente {adv} [dated] :: adjectivally
adjetival {adj} :: adjectival
adjetivar {vt} :: to adjective (to make an adjective of)
adjetivo {m} [grammar] :: adjective (a word that modifies a noun)
adjetivo {adj} :: adjectival
adjetivo atributivo {m} [grammar] :: attributive adjective (adjective that describes only an attribute)
adjetivo cardinal {m} :: A cardinal numeral
adjetivo ordinal {m} [grammar] :: ordinal number (grammar: word used to denote relative position in a sequence)
adjudicación {f} :: award, awarding, allocation (e.g., of a contract)
adjudicación {f} :: adjudication
adjudicar {vt} :: to adjudge, assign, award, appropriate
adjudicatario {adj} :: tendering
adjudicatario {m} [business] :: tenderer
adjudicatario {m} [law] :: recipient, winner
adjudicativo {adj} :: adjudicative
adjunción {f} :: adjunction
adjuntar {vt} :: to enclose, to attach (as in correspondence, e-mail)
adjunto {adj} :: attached
adjurado {adj} [heraldry] :: windowed
adlátere {adj} :: adjoining, bordering, subordinate to
adlátere {mf} :: minion (loyal servant of another more powerful being)
ad libitum {adv} :: ad lib, ad libitum
ad líbitum {adv} :: alternative form of ad libitum
adminículo {m} :: gadget
administración {f} :: administration (act of administering government or public affairs)
administración {f} :: administration (a body that administers)
administración {f} :: administration, administering (act of administering something to another)
administrador {m} :: administrator (one who administers affairs)
administrador {m} [computing] :: administrator (one who is responsible for software management)
administradora {f} :: feminine noun of administrador
administradora de base de datos {f} :: feminine noun of administrador de base de datos
administrador de base de datos {m} [computing] :: database administrator
administrador de sistemas {m} :: sysadmin (systems administrator)
administrar {vt} :: to administer (cause to take)
administrar {vt} :: to administer, to manage (manage or supervise the conduct of)
administrarse {v} :: reflexive of administrar
administrativamente {adv} :: administratively
administrativo {adj} :: administrative (of or relating to administering or administration)
admirable {adj} :: admirable
admirablemente {adv} :: admirably (to an admirable degree)
admiración {f} :: admiration
admirador {adj} :: admiring
admirador {m} :: admirer
admiradora {f} :: feminine noun of admirador
admirar {v} :: to admire
admirar {v} :: to be admirable
admirar {vr} :: to be amazed
admirativamente {adv} :: admiratively
admirativo {adj} :: admiring
admisibilidad {f} :: admissibility
admisible {adj} :: admissible
admisión {f} :: admittance
admisión {f} :: approval, admission
admisión {f} :: admission, acknowledgment
admisión {f} :: intake
admitancia {f} [physics] :: admittance
admitir {v} :: to accept, to admit, to agree to, to concede
admitir {v} :: to admit, to let in
admitir {v} :: to permit, to allow
admonición {f} :: admonition
admonitorio {adj} :: admonitory (of or pertaining to an admonition)
ADN {m} [biochemistry] :: initialism of ácido desoxirribonucleico DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
adnado {adj} :: alternative spelling of adnato
adnato {adj} [botany, mycology] :: adnate
-ado {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the masculine singular past participle of regular -ar verbs
adobar {vt} :: to marinate
adobe {m} [construction] :: adobe
adobo {m} :: a delicacy of marinated meat
adocenado {adj} :: bog standard, run of the mill
adocenamiento {m} :: conformity
adocenar {v} :: to conform
adocenarse {v} :: to become common
adocenarse {v} :: to stagnate, to remain the same
adoctrinamiento {m} :: indoctrination (act of indoctrinating)
adoctrinar {v} :: to indoctrinate (to teach with a biased or one-sided ideology)
adolecer {v} [de] :: to suffer
adolecer {vi} :: to fall ill
adolecer {vt} [archaic] :: to make ill
adolescencia {f} :: adolescence
adolescente {adj} :: adolescent
adolescente {mf} :: adolescent, teenager
Adolfito {prop} {m} :: given name
Adolfo {prop} {m} :: given name
a dolor {adv} [idiom] :: galore; a shedload
adolorido {adj} [Latin America] :: painful, aching (afflicted or suffering with pain)
Adolpho {prop} {m} :: given name
adonde {adv} :: to where, whither
adonde {adv} :: whereto
adónde {adv} [interrogative] :: to where, whither, whereto
adondequiera {adv} [rare] :: to wherever, to anywhere
adondequiera {adv} [obsolete] :: wherever, anywhere
adopción {f} :: adoption (the act of adopting)
adopción {f} :: adoption (the state of being adopted)
adopcionismo {m} :: adoptionism
adoptable {adj} :: adoptable
adoptada {f} :: feminine noun of adoptado
adoptado {adj} :: adoptive
adoptado {adj} :: adopted
adoptado {m} :: adoptee
adoptador {m} :: adopter
adoptante {adj} :: adopting
adoptante {mf} :: adopter
adoptar {vt} [law] :: to adopt (legally take in a child from other parents)
adoptar {vt} :: to adopt (select)
adoptar {vt} :: to take [e.g. steps, measurements, action, position or view]
adoptivo {adj} :: foster, adoptive (providing parental care to unrelated children)
adoptivo {adj} :: foster (receiving such care)
adoquín {m} :: paving stone, flagstone
adoquín {m} [colloquial] :: idiot, blockhead
adoquinado {adj} :: paved
adoquinado {m} :: paving, pavement
adoquinado {m} :: cobblestone road
adoquinar {vt} :: to pave with cobblestones
-ador {suffix} :: Form of -dor attached to -ar verb stems. Forms (usually agent) nouns and adjectives
ador {m} [agriculture] :: A time period allotted for watering crops
-adora {suffix} :: feminine noun of -ador
adorable {adj} :: adorable
adoración {f} :: adoration, worship
adoradísimo {adj} :: superlative of adorado
adorador {m} :: admirer, adorer, worshiper
adoradora {f} :: feminine noun of adorador
adorar {v} :: adore, worship
adoratorio {m} :: chapel; shrine; or other place of worship
adormecedor {adj} :: soporific, sedative
adormecedor {m} :: sedative
adormecer {v} :: to make sleepy, or lull
adormecer {v} :: to make numb
adormecerse {v} :: to go to sleep, or doze off
adormecerse {v} :: to go numb (part of the body)
adormecido {adj} :: sleepy, dozy, drowsy
adormecimiento {m} :: slumber (a very light state of sleep)
adormecimiento {m} :: drowsiness
adormidera {f} :: poppy
adormilamiento {m} :: slumber (a very light state of sleep)
adormilar {vr} :: to slumber (to be in a very light state of sleep)
adormir {v} :: to cause to sleep
adornar {v} :: to adorn, to ornament, to decorate, to garnish, to embellish, to dress, to bedeck, to deck
adornar {v} :: to trim (e.g. a Christmas tree)
adornar {v} [Argentina, slang] :: to buy off; to bribe
adornista {mf} :: decorative artist
adorno {m} :: decoration, adornment, ornament
adosado {adj} [of houses and buildings] :: adjacent and touching, contiguous, attached
adosamiento {m} :: backing
adosar {v} :: to lean the back (against)
adosar {v} :: to stand near, place near
adosar {v} [heraldry] :: to place back to back, place with the back to
a dos velas {adv} [idiomatic] :: broke, penniless
a dos velas {adv} [idiomatic] :: on one's tod; on one's own
adovelado {adj} :: voussoired
adpreso {adj} [botany] :: appressed
adquirente {mf} :: acquisitor, acquirer, purchaser, buyer
adquirible {adj} :: obtainable, acquirable
adquirida {f} :: acquiree
adquirido {adj} :: acquired, gained, procured
adquirido {adj} :: purchased
adquiriente {mf} :: alternative form of adquirente
adquirir {vt} :: to acquire
adquirir {vt} :: to buy
adquisición {f} :: procurement; acquisition
adquisitivo {adj} :: acquisitive
adrede {adv} :: on purpose
adrenal {adj} :: adrenal
adrenalectomía {f} :: adrenalectomy
adrenalina {f} :: adrenaline
adrenalínico {adj} :: stimulating, exciting
adrenérgico {adj} :: adrenergic
adreno- {prefix} :: adreno- (relating to the adrenal gland)
adrenocorticotropo {adj} :: adrenocorticotropic
Adri {prop} {m} :: given name
Adrián {prop} {m} :: given name
Adriana {prop} {f} :: given name
Adriano {prop} {m} :: given name; more popular in the form Adrián
Adriano {prop} {m} :: Hadrian [emperor]
adriático {adj} :: Adriatic
Adriático {prop} {m} :: synonym of mar Adriático
adscribible {adj} :: assignable
adscribir {vt} :: to designate, to assign
adscripción {f} :: ascription (act of ascribing something)
adsorbente {adj} :: adsorbent
adsorción {f} :: adsorption (the adhesion of a liquid or gas to the surface of a solid)
aduana {f} :: customs (office that taxes imported goods)
aduanal {adj} [Latin America, attributive] :: customs
aduanero {adj} :: customs (of or relating to the importing or exporting of goods)
aduanero {mf} :: customs officer
aduar {m} :: bedouin settlement
aduar {m} :: co-operative
aducanumab {m} :: aducanumab
aducción {f} :: adduction
aducir {vt} :: to allege, adduce, cite, give as proof
aducir {vt} [obsolete] :: to bring
aducto {m} :: adduct
aductor {m} [anatomy] :: adductor
aductor corto del muslo {m} :: adductor brevis
aductor corto del pulgar {m} :: abductor pollicis brevis
aductor del meñique {m} :: abductor minimi digiti
aductor del pulgar {m} :: adductor pollicis
aductor mayor del muslo {m} :: adductor magnus
aductor mediano del muslo {m} :: adductor longus
aductor menor {m} :: adductor brevis
adueñarse {v} :: to appropriate, to take ownership
adujar {v} [nautical] :: to coil a rope or cable
adulación {f} :: flattery, adulation
adulador {m} :: flatterer, adulator, sycophant
aduladora {f} :: feminine noun of adulador
adulancia {f} [Venezuela] :: adulation
adulante {adj} [rare] :: adulatory, sycophantic
adular {v} :: to flatter
adularia {f} :: adularia (variety of orthoclase feldspar)
adulón {adj} :: brown-nosing
adulón {m} :: toady
adulta {f} :: feminine noun of adulto
adúltera {f} :: feminine noun of adúltero
adulteración {f} :: adulteration (The action of adulterating)
adulterante {adj} :: which adulterates
adulterante {m} :: adulterant
adulterar {v} :: to adulterate
adulterina {f} :: feminine noun of adulterino
adulterino {m} :: bastard (illegitimate child)
adulterio {m} :: adultery
adúltero {adj} :: adulterous
adúltero {m} :: adulterer
adultez {f} :: adulthood
adulticida {m} :: adulticide (pesticide designed to kill adult insects)
adulticida {adj} :: adulticidal (which kills adult insects)
adulto {adj} :: adult
adulto {m} :: adult
-adura {suffix} :: Form of -dura used with -ar verbs to form nouns
a duras penas {adv} [idiomatic] :: barely, hardly; with great effort or difficulty
adurir {vt} [rare] :: to burn
adustez {f} :: surliness; austereness
adusto {adj} :: surly (of a person)
adusto {adj} :: austere
adv. {n} :: abbreviation of adverbio
advaita {m} :: Advaita
advección {f} [earth science, chemistry] :: advection (the horizontal movement of a body of atmosphere (or other fluid) along with a concurrent transport of its temperature, humidity etc.)
advenediza {f} :: feminine noun of advenedizo
advenedizo {adj} :: foreign
advenedizo {adj} :: upstart
advenedizo {m} :: outsider
advenedizo {m} :: upstart, social climber
advenimiento {m} :: coming, advent
advenir {vi} :: to arrive
advenir {vi} :: to happen
adventicio {adj} [biology] :: adventitious (developing in an unusual place or from an unusual source)
adventista {adj} :: Adventist
adventista {mf} :: Adventist
adveración {f} [legal] :: certification
adverar {v} [legal] :: to affirm, verify
adverbial {adj} :: adverbial
adverbialmente {adv} :: adverbially
adverbio {m} :: adverb (lexical category)
adversamente {adv} :: adversely
adversar {vt} [dated] :: to oppose, to advert
adversaria {f} :: feminine noun of adversario
adversario {m} :: adversary, opponent
adversativo {adj} [linguistics] :: adversative
adversidad {f} :: adversity, misfortune, difficulty
adverso {adj} :: adverse
advertencia {f} :: warning
advertencia {f} :: advice
advertible {adj} :: noticeable
advertimiento {m} :: warning
advertir {v} [de] :: to warn
advertir {v} :: to notice
adviento {m} :: alternative case form of Adviento
Adviento {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Advent
Advíncula {prop} {f} :: surname
advocación {f} [religion] :: naming or dedication (after a saint)
advocar {vt} [obsolete] :: to advocate
advocar {vt} [obsolete] :: to defend in court
adware {m} :: adware
adyacencia {f} [countable and uncountable] :: adjacency (quality of being adjacent)
adyacente {adj} :: adjacent
adyacer {v} [rare term] :: to adjoin, to lie next to
adyuvante {adj} :: adjuvant (helping; assisting)
adyuvante {m} :: adjuvant
AEC {adv} :: initialism of antes de la era común; BCE
aeda {m} :: alternative form of aedo
aedo {m} [historical] :: bard, poet
a enemigo que huye, puente de plata {phrase} [idiom] :: good riddance (Used to indicate that a departure, or loss is welcome.)
aerar {v} [rare] :: to air (bring something into contact with the air)
aéreo {adj} :: aerial
aerífero {adj} :: aeriferous
aero- {prefix} :: aero-
aerobic {m} :: alternative spelling of aeróbic
aeróbic {m} :: aerobics (form of exercise)
aeróbico {adj} :: aerobic
aerobio {adj} :: aerobic
aerobio {m} :: aerobe
aerobiología {f} :: aerobiology (the study of the dispersion of airborne biological materials)
aerobiosis {f} [biology] :: aerobiosis (form of life that is sustained by the presence of air)
aerobús {m} :: airbus (a type of airliner)
aerocivil {adj} [attributive] :: civil aeronautics
aeroclub {m} :: aeroclub
aerocomercial {adj} :: Relating to commercial flight
aerodeslizador {m} :: hovercraft
aerodinámica {f} :: aerodynamics
aerodinámicamente {adv} :: aerodynamically
aerodinámico {adj} :: aerodynamic, aerodynamical
aeródromo {m} :: airfield, aerodrome, airdrome, landing field (place where airplanes can take off and land)
aeroespacial {adj} :: aerospatial
aeroespacio {m} :: aerospace (Earth's atmosphere and space the around it)
aeroestación {f} :: aerostation
aeroestático {adj} :: alternative form of aerostático
aerofagia {f} [pathology] :: aerophagy
aerófobo {adj} :: aerophobic
aerófono {m} :: aerophone (a musical instrument that produces sound by vibrating air)
aerofreno {m} :: airbrake
aerogel {m} :: aerogel
aerogenerador {m} :: wind turbine (device)
aerografía {f} [art] :: aerography (branch of surrealist art)
aerografiar {v} :: to airbrush
aerógrafo {m} :: airbrush
aerolínea {f} :: airline
aerolito {m} :: aerolite
aerología {f} :: aerology
aerológico {adj} :: aerologic, aerological
aeromancia {f} [rare] :: aeromancy (divination by use of atmospheric conditions)
aeromancía {f} :: alternative form of aeromancia
aeromédico {adj} :: by air ambulance
aerómetro {m} :: aerometer (instrument used to measure mass and density of gases)
aeromodelismo {m} :: aeromodelling (the building and flying of model aircraft)
aeromodelista {mf} :: aeromodeller
aeromodelo {m} :: model aircraft (small-scale toy aircraft)
aeromoza {f} :: feminine noun of aeromozo
aeromozo {m} [Latin America] :: steward, flight attendant (attendant on an airplane)
aeronauta {mf} :: aeronaut, airman, pilot
aeronáutica {f} :: aeronautics
aeronáutico {adj} :: aeronautic
aeronaval {adj} :: aeronaval
aeronave {f} :: airship
aeronave {f} :: aircraft
aeronavegabilidad {f} :: airworthiness
aeronavegación {f} :: navigation by air
Aeroniense {prop} {m} :: Aeronian
aeropatín {m} :: hoverboard
aeropirata {m} [aviation] :: hijacker
aeropista {f} :: airfield
aeroplano {m} [dated] :: aeroplane (airplane, a winged aircraft)
aeropónico {adj} :: aeroponic
aeroportuario {adj} :: relating to airports
aeropuerto {m} :: airport
aeropuerto {m} :: A Peruvian dish based on fried rice with chicken eggs and various other ingredients
aerosol {m} :: aerosol (gaseous or airborne cloud of particulate matter)
aerostación {f} :: aerostation; the use of aerostats
aerostática {f} [physics] :: aerostatics (study of gases in equilibrium)
aerostático {adj} :: aerostatic
aerostato {m} :: aerostat (aircraft)
aeróstato {m} :: alternative form of aerostato
aerosuspendido {adj} [rare] :: suspended in the air
aerotaxi {m} :: air taxi
aerotécnica {f} :: feminine noun of aerotécnico
aerotécnico {m} :: aircraft technician
aerotérmico {adj} :: aerothermal
aerotransportable {adj} :: flyable; transportable by air
aerotransportado {adj} :: airborne
aerotransportar {v} :: to transport by air; to fly
aerovía {f} :: airway (flight path used by aeroplanes)
aeroyoga {m} :: aerial yoga; antigravity yoga
a escape {adv} [idiom] :: fleeing; like a bat out of hell
a eso de {prep} :: around, about (roughly at the time)
a espaldas {adv} [idiomatic] :: behind someone's back
a espuertas {adv} [idiomatic] :: by the ton (in vast quantities)
AEUMC {prop} :: USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) abbreviation of Acuerdo Estados Unidos-México-Canadá
afabilidad {f} :: affability
afabilísimo {adj} :: superlative of afable
afable {adj} :: affable, friendly
afablemente {adv} :: affably
afagia {f} [medicine] :: aphagia
afamado {adj} :: famous
afán {m} :: desire; thirst
afán {m} :: effort
afán {m} :: eagerness; keenness
afanador {m} [Argentina] :: robber; thief
afanadora {f} :: feminine noun of afanador
afanar {v} [colloquial] :: to steal, pinch
afanar {v} :: to work hard
afanar {v} :: to be busy
afanarse {vr} :: to toil, to work hard
afanítico {adj} [geology] :: aphanitic
afanosamente {adv} :: diligently
afanoso {adj} :: industrious, laborious (hard-working and persistent)
afantasmar {v} :: to make ghostly
afantasmar {vr} :: to become ghostly
afaquia {f} [ophthalmology] :: aphakia (absence of the lens from the eye)
afar {m} :: Afar (language)
afasia {f} [pathology] :: aphasia (pathological speech disorder)
afásico {adj} [speech pathology] :: aphasic (affected by, or pertaining to, aphasia)
a favor {adv} :: in favour
a favor {adv} :: for
a favor {adj} :: in favour
a favor {adj} :: for
a favor de {adv} :: in favor of
a favor de {adv} :: for
a favor de {adj} :: in favor of
a favor de {adj} :: for
afeamiento {m} :: The act of making ugly
afear {v} :: to make ugly; to uglify
afección {f} :: A complaint, usually medical or legal
afección {f} :: A medical condition, or disorder
afectable {adj} :: affectable
afectación {f} :: affectation
afectadamente {adv} :: affectedly
afectado {adj} :: affected
afectante {adj} :: disturbing, distressing
afectar {v} :: to affect, to have an effect on, to influence
afectar {v} :: to feign, to affect
afectar {v} :: to speak or act insincerely, adopt an affectation
afectar {v} :: to impair, to affect (negatively)
afectar {v} :: to get to, to get under one's skin, to upset, to affect emotionally
afectar {vp} :: to be affected (by an action)
afectísimo {adj} :: superlative of afecto
afectivamente {adv} :: emotionally
afectividad {f} :: affectivity
afectivo {adj} :: affective
afectivosexual {adj} :: affective sexual
afecto {adj} :: prone; affected
afecto {adj} :: affected (by a disease)
afecto {m} :: fondness, affection
afectuosamente {adv} :: affectionately
afectuosidad {f} :: affection, caring nature
afectuosísimo {adj} :: superlative of afectuoso
afectuoso {adj} :: affectionate
afeitada {f} :: shave (an instance of shaving)
afeitado {m} :: shave
afeitadora {f} :: electric shaver, electric razor
afeitar {vtr} :: to shave (to remove hair with a razor or clippers)
afeitarse {v} :: reflexive of afeitar; to shave (oneself)
afelio {m} [astronomy] :: aphelion
afelpar {v} :: to give something a felt-like look
afémico {adj} :: aphemic (afflicted with aphemia)
afeminación {f} :: effeminacy
afeminadamente {adv} :: effeminately
afeminado {adj} :: effeminate
afeminamiento {m} :: effeminacy
afeminar {vt} :: to feminize (make feminine)
afeminar {vr} :: to feminize (become feminine)
aferencia {f} :: afference
aferente {adj} :: afferent
aféresis {f} [medicine, linguistics] :: apheresis
aferramiento {m} :: seizure (act of seizing)
aferrar {v} :: to grasp, to seize
aferrar {v} :: to catch, to hook
aferrar {v} [nautical] :: to furl
aferrar {vp} :: to cling to, to hold on to, to hang onto, to clutch
aferrarse {vr} :: to cling
affair {m} :: affair (extramarital relationship)
affaire {m} :: affair, love affair
affidávit {m} [law] :: affidavit (a signed document wherein an affiant makes a sworn statement)
afgana {f} :: feminine noun of afgano
afgani {m} :: afghani (currency of Afghanistan)
Afganistán {prop} {m} :: Afganistán (country)
afgano {adj} :: Afghan (person)
afgano {adj} :: Afghan (of or relating to Afghanistan)
afgano {m} :: Afghan (person from Afghanistan)
AFI {prop} {m} :: acronym of Alfabeto Fonético InternacionalIPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
AFI {prop} {f} :: acronym of Agencia Federal de Investigación (of Mexico)
afianzamiento {m} :: reinforcement
afianzar {v} :: to support, to sustain
afianzar {v} :: to make certain; to clinch something
afianzar {v} :: to tighten, strengthen
afiche {m} [Latin America] :: poster (advertisement)
afición {f} :: fondness, inclination
afición {f} :: hobby
afición {f} :: persistence, determination, zeal
aficionada {f} :: feminine noun of aficionado
aficionadísimo {adj} :: superlative of aficionado
aficionado {adj} :: fond
aficionado {adj} :: amateur
aficionado {m} :: fan, hobbyist, aficionado (person who is interested in an activity or a subject as a hobby)
aficionado {m} :: amateur
aficionar {vt} :: To get someone interested in something; to get someone into something
aficionarse {vr} :: To become interested in something
afidávit {m} :: alternative spelling of affidávit
áfido {m} :: aphid
afiebrar {vr} :: to have a fever
afiebrarse {v} :: (reflexive of afiebrar) to have a fever
afijo {m} :: affix
afiladera {f} :: sharpener
afiladísimo {adj} :: superlative of afilado
afilado {adj} :: sharp
afilado {m} :: sharpening (of knives)
afilado {m} :: cut, edge (of knives)
afilador {m} :: knife sharpener
afilador {m} :: womanizer
afiladora {f} :: feminine noun of afilador
afilar {vt} :: to sharpen
afilar {v} [colloquial, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: to court, flirt with
afilar {vr} [colloquial, Chile] :: to fuck
afilarse {v} :: reflexive of afilar
afiliación {f} :: affiliation
afiliada {f} :: feminine noun of afiliado
afiliado {m} :: affiliate
afiliado {m} :: member
afiliar {v} :: to affiliate
afiligranar {vt} :: to filigree (to decorate something with intricate ornamentation made from gold or silver twisted wire)
afín {adj} :: related (standing in connection)
afín {adj} :: adjacent (lying next to)
afín {mf} :: relative through marriage
afinación {f} [music] :: tuning
afinación {f} :: refining, fine-tuning
afinador {m} :: tuner (person who tunes a musical instrument)
afinadora {f} :: feminine noun of afinador
afinamiento {m} :: refinement
afinar {vt} :: to refine
afinar {vt} :: to tune (to modify a musical instrument)
afincamiento {m} [archaic] :: settlement (taking up residence)
afincamiento {m} [archaic] :: eagerness, insistence, dedication, diligence
afincar {vi} :: to take up residence, settle
a fin de {prep} :: in order to
a fin de cuentas {phrase} [idiomatic] :: at the end of the day
a fin de que {conj} :: so that, in order that
afinidad {f} :: affinity
afirmación {f} :: claim or statement of something believed to be true
afirmar {vt} :: to state, assert
afirmativa {f} :: an affirmative answer
afirmativamente {adv} :: affirmatively
afirmativo {adj} :: affirmative
aflamencado {adj} :: flamenco-like
aflamencar {v} :: to give a flamenco style
aflatoxina {f} :: aflatoxin
aflautado {adj} :: fluty
aflicción {f} :: affliction
aflicción {f} :: sorrow
aflictivo {adj} :: afflictive
afligente {adj} :: upsetting
afligidísimo {adj} :: superlative of afligido
afligimiento {m} [obsolete] :: affliction
afligir {v} :: to afflict
aflojamiento {m} :: loosening
aflojar {v} :: to loosen
aflojar {v} :: to slacken, to unclench
aflojar {vi} :: to ease up, to let up
aflojar {v} :: to slack off, to relax
aflojar {v} :: to cough up, shell out [pay money]
aflojarse {vr} :: to slack (to refuse to exert effort)
afloración {f} :: surfacing
afloración {f} :: emergence
afloramiento {m} :: outcrop (coming out of bedrock or of an unconsolidated deposit to the surface of the ground)
afloramiento {m} :: outcrop (part of a rock formation that appears at the surface)
aflorante {adj} :: outcropping
aflorar {v} :: to emerge
aflorar {v} :: to sift
a flor de piel {adv} [idiom] :: Just under the surface
a flor de piel {adv} [idiom] :: On the surface. exposed
a flote {adv} :: afloat
afluencia {f} :: inflow, influx
afluente {adj} :: flowing
afluente {adj} :: affluent, abundant
afluente {m} :: affluent (tributary)
afluentemente {adv} :: affluently
afluir {v} :: to flow into
aflujo {m} :: affluence
aflujo {m} :: influx
a fondo {adv} :: thoroughly, in depth
afonía {f} :: aphonia (loss of voice)
afónico {adj} :: hoarse
afónico {adj} :: without voice or sound
áfono {adj} :: voiceless; unvoiced
aforado {adj} :: immune (to certain legal proceedings)
aforado {adj} [colloquial, Chile] :: wealthy, rich
aforado {m} [Spain] :: someone protected by a certain type of political immunity enabling them to be tried under a Supreme Court, regardless of the offence committed
aforamiento {m} [Spain, legal] :: A political immunity in which certain people, especially those with high political power, are judged by the Supreme Court of Spain and the High Courts of Justice of Spain instead of by a regular court
aforar {v} :: to gauge, measure
aforar {v} :: to pass a law
aforismo {m} :: aphorism (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought)
aforístico {adj} :: aphoristic
aforo {m} :: capacity (maximum number of people a public place e.g. cinema, theatre, can hold)
aforo {m} [chemistry] :: graduation mark (mark on a container to show the volume held)
aforo {m} :: gauging (agent noun of "gauge")
aforrar {vt} :: to line, cover the inside
aforrar {vt} [South America] :: to slap
afortunadamente {adv} :: fortunately; luckily
afortunadísimo {adj} :: superlative of afortunado
afortunado {adj} :: lucky, fortunate
afortunar {vr} :: to make lucky
afrancesamiento {m} :: fondness for France, the French, or French things
afrancesamiento {m} :: Frenchification
afrancesar {vtr} :: to Frenchify
afrecho {m} :: bran (outside layer of a grain)
afrenta {f} :: affront
afrentar {v} :: to affront
afrentosamente {adv} :: insultingly
afrentoso {adj} :: insulting
África {prop} {f} :: África (continent)
África {prop} {f} :: given name shortened from María (de) África, an epithet of the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Africa
africada {f} [phonetics] :: affricate (a sound produced using a combination of a plosive and a fricative)
África del Sudoeste {prop} {f} [historical] :: South West Africa (the colonial name of the area which is now Namibia)
África del Suroeste {prop} {f} :: alternative form of África del Sudoeste
africado {adj} :: affricate
africana {f} :: feminine noun of africano
africanismo {m} [anthropology] :: Africanism (an African cultural practice)
africanismo {m} [linguistics] :: a word or linguistic feature borrowed from an African language
africanista {mf} :: Africanist (a specialist in African studies)
africanito {m} :: diminutive of africano
africanización {f} :: Africanization
africanizar {v} :: to Africanise
africano {adj} :: African (of, or pertaining to Africa)
africano {m} :: African (person)
áfrico {adj} [poetic] :: African
afrikaans {m} :: alternative form of afrikáans
afrikáans {m} :: Afrikaans (language)
afrikáner {mf} :: Afrikaner (member of ethnic group)
afro- {prefix} :: Afro-
afro {m} :: afro (hairstyle)
afroamericana {f} :: feminine noun of afroamericano
afroamericano {adj} :: Afro-American
afroamericano {m} :: Afro-American
afroantillano {adj} :: Afro-Antillean
afroargentina {f} :: feminine noun of afroargentino
afroargentino {adj} :: Afro-Argentinian, Afro-Argentine
afroargentino {m} :: Afro-Argentinian, Afro-Argentine
afroasiático {adj} :: Afroasiatic
afrobeat {m} :: afrobeat
afroboliviano {adj} :: Afro-Bolivian
afrobrasileña {f} :: feminine noun of afrobrasileño
afrobrasileño {adj} :: Afro-Brazilian
afrobrasileño {m} :: Afro-Brazilian
afrocaribeño {adj} :: Afro-Caribbean
afrocentrismo {m} :: Afrocentrism
afrochocoano {adj} :: Of African descent and from Chocó, Colombia
afrochocoano {m} :: Someone of African descent and from Chocó, Colombia
afrocolombiano {adj} :: Afro-Colombian
afrocubano {adj} :: Afro-Cuban
afrocuento {m} [rare] :: African story
afrodescendencia {f} :: African diaspora
afrodescendiente {adj} :: Of African descent
afrodescendiente {mf} :: Someone of African descent
afrodisiaco {adj} :: alternative form of afrodisíaco
afrodisiaco {m} :: alternative form of afrodisíaco
afrodisíaco {adj} :: aphrodisiac
afrodisíaco {m} :: aphrodisiac
Afrodita {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Aphrodite
afroecuatoriano {adj} :: Afro-Ecuadorian
afroecuatoriano {m} :: Afro-Ecuadorian
afroestadounidense {adj} :: Afro-American
afroestadounidense {mf} :: Afro-American
afrofobia {f} :: Afrophobia (the fear, hate or dislike of Africans)
afrolatina {f} :: feminine noun of afrolatino
afrolatino {adj} :: Afro-Latin
afrolatino {m} :: Afro-Latin
afronorteamericano {adj} :: Afro-North American
afrontamiento {m} :: coping (the process of managing taxing circumstances, expending effort to solve personal and interpersonal problems, and seeking to master, minimize, reduce or tolerate stress or conflict.)
afrontar {vt} :: to face, address, tackle, meet, deal with, confront, cope with, handle, bear, manage, (e.g. reality, an issue, a situation, a problem)
afrontar {v} :: to defy, to brave
afrontar {v} :: to afford, to bear (e.g. a cost, a loss)
afroperuana {f} :: feminine noun of afroperuano
afroperuano {adj} :: African and Peruvian
afroperuano {m} :: an African and Peruvian person
afrouruguayo {m} :: A Uruguayan of African ancestry
afruenta {f} :: obsolete form of afrenta
afrutado {adj} :: fruity (tasting of fruit)
afta {f} [pathology] :: aphthous ulcer
after {m} :: after-party
after {m} :: late-night bar
after hours {m} :: after hours bar
afterhours {m} :: alternative spelling of after hours
aftoso {adj} :: aphthous, foot-and-mouth
afuera {adv} :: out, outside
afuera {interj} :: Get out!
afueras {fp} :: outskirts, suburbs
afuerino {adj} [Chile, Peru] :: foreign
a fuerza de {prep} :: by dint of, by (used to suggest a means to an end, especially one that required great effort)
a full {adv} [idiom, colloquial, proscribed] :: synonym of a tope
afuste {m} :: mount (of a weapon)
AG {prop} :: abbreviation of Aguascalientes (Mexican state)
agachadito {adj} :: diminutive of agachado
agachadiza {f} :: snipe (bird)
agachado {adj} :: crouched
agachado {adj} :: stooped, with a stoop
agachar {v} :: to lower
agachar {vr} :: to bend down, to crouch, to squat, to hunker down
agachar {vr} :: to duck
agacharse {v} :: reflexive of agachar
agachona {f} :: snipe (bird of the family Scolopacidae)
agalla {f} :: gill
agáloco {m} :: agarwood (type of heartwood)
Agamenón {prop} {m} :: Agamemnon
agamí {m} :: agami
Agaña {prop} {f} :: Agaña (capital city)
aganchado {adj} :: hamiform, hooklike
agandalle {m} [Mexico] :: stealing; robbery
agangliónico {adj} [physiology] :: aganglionic
agapanto {m} :: agapanthus (any member of the genus Agapanthus of flowering plants, especially the African lily)
ágape {m} :: agape; spiritual love
ágape {m} :: banquet
Agapito {prop} {m} :: given name
agar {m} :: alternative form of agar-agar
Agar {prop} {f} :: Hagar (Biblical character)
agar-agar {m} :: agar
agaragar {m} :: alternative spelling of agar-agar
agarosa {f} :: agarose
agarrada {f} [colloquial] :: scuffle, row
agarradera {f} :: handle, grab bar (in a bathroom or shower)
agarradera {f} :: potholder (in the kitchen)
agarradera {f} :: handhold (projection to hold)
agarradero {m} :: hold; grip; handle
agarrado {adj} :: stingy
agarrar {v} :: to grab or take hold of
agarrar {vr} :: to hold on
agarrarse {v} :: reflexive of agarrar
agarrarse a un clavo ardiendo {v} [idiomatic] :: to clutch at straws
agarrarse de las greñas {v} [idiom] :: To fight by hitting and hair-pulling
agarre {m} :: grip, grasp
agarrón {m} :: tug; pull; tugging
agarrón {m} :: hiding; scolding
agarrotar {v} :: to make stiff, to stiffen (muscles etc.)
agarrotar {v} :: to tie tight
agarrotar {v} :: to strangle
agarrotar {v} :: to cause to seize up
agarrotar {vr} :: to stiffen
agarrotar {vr} :: to go numb
agarrotarse {vr} [of muscles] :: to seize up (to stiffen)
agarrotarse {vr} [of a machine] :: to seize up (to stop working)
agasajar {v} :: to wine and dine, treat lavishly
agasajar {v} :: to lavish
agasajo {m} :: lavish welcome
agasajo {m} :: gift
ágata {f} :: agate
a gatas {adv} [idiomatic] :: crawling
agateador {m} :: treecreeper
agauchado {adj} :: gaucho-like
agave {m} :: agave
agavera {f} :: feminine noun of agavero
agavero {adj} [attributive] :: agave
agavero {m} :: agave cultivator
agavilladora {f} [agriculture] :: binder (machine used in harvesting that ties cut stalks of grain into a bundle)
agavillamiento {m} :: an association formed to commit a crime
agavillar {v} :: to sheaf
agazapar {v} [colloquial] :: to seize, to grab
agazapar {vr} :: to crouch, to hunker down
agazapar {vr} :: to hide (presumably by crouching)
agencia {f} :: agency (the office or function of an agent)
agencia {f} :: agency (an establishment engaged in doing business for another)
agencia {f} :: branch (a location of an organization)
agencia {f} :: agency (administrative unit of government)
agencia de empleo {f} :: employment agency (organisation that matches employers to employees)
agencia de viajes {f} :: travel agency (company)
agencial {adj} :: agential (pertaining to an agent or an agency)
agencia matrimonial {f} :: marriage agency
agenciar {v} :: to procure
agenciar {v} :: to attain
agenda {f} :: agenda, planner (notebook)
agenda {f} :: agenda (list of matters to be taken up)
agenda de direcciones {f} :: address book (small book with addresses)
agenda oculta {f} :: hidden agenda (wish (and plan) to implement a particular idea without telling anybody)
agendar {v} :: to schedule
agendar {vr} :: to sign up
agenesia {f} :: agenesis (imperfect development of the body)
agente {mf} [also linguistics] :: agent
agente {mf} :: police officer, policeman, policewoman
agente de bolsa {mf} :: stock broker
agente de policía {mf} :: police officer
agente de viajes {mf} :: travel agent (consultant who arranges travel)
agente doble {mf} [espionage] :: double agent (spy)
agente encubierta {f} :: feminine noun of agente encubierto
agente encubierto {m} :: mole, undercover officer
agente inmobiliaria {f} :: feminine noun of agente inmobiliario
agente inmobiliario {m} :: realtor
agente provocador {m} [espionage] :: provocateur, agent provocateur (secret double agent working for the police or government)
agente provocadora {f} :: feminine noun of agente provocador
Ageo {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Hageo
agermanarse {vr} :: to join a guild
aggiornar {v} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: to update, renew
agigantado {adj} :: exaggerated
agigantar {v} :: to exaggerate
ágil {adj} :: agile
agilidad {f} :: agility
agilipollarse {v} [colloquial] :: to get bewildered, to get all confused
agilipollarse {v} [colloquial] :: to get idiotic, to get silly, to act like an idiot
agilización {f} :: streamlining, speed-up, quickening, improving
agilizar {v} :: to streamline, speed up, quicken, expedite
ágilmente {adv} :: nimbly, agilely
agiotador {m} [finance] :: speculator
agiotadora {f} :: feminine noun of agiotador
agiotaje {m} [finance] :: speculation
agiotista {mf} [finance] :: speculator
agiotista {mf} [Mexico] :: usurer
agir {v} [obsolete] :: to do something; to act
agir {v} [obsolete] :: to sue
agitación {f} :: restlessness, agitation
agitación {f} :: social or political unrest
agitación {f} :: excitement
agitadamente {adv} :: agitatedly (in an agitated manner)
agitadísimo {adj} :: superlative of agitado
agitado {adj} :: agitated, upset
agitado {adj} :: hectic
agitado {adj} :: rough, choppy (sea, waters)
agitador {m} :: agitator
agitadora {f} :: feminine noun of agitador
agitanar {vt} :: to gypsify
agitar {v} :: to shake, to agitate, to churn, to churn up
agitar {v} :: to wave, to flail
agitar {v} :: to wag
agitar {v} :: to stir, to stir up, to agitate, to shake up, to rattle, to ruffle (provoke)
agitar {vtr} :: to flap (e.g., wings, sails)
agitar {vr} :: to churn, to be shaken, to be tossed (about), to be stirred, to be agitated
agitarse {vr} :: to flail, shake (to wave or swing vigorously)
aglabí {mf} :: Aghlabid
aglianico {f} :: Aglianico (wine)
aglicona {f} :: aglycone
aglomeración {f} :: swarm (a mass of people or animals in turmoil)
aglomeración {f} :: agglomeration
aglomerante {adj} :: agglomerating
aglomerante {m} :: agglomerant
aglomerar {vi} :: to cluster, agglomerate (form into a cluster)
aglonema {f} :: Chinese evergreen; Aglaonema
aglutinación {f} :: agglutination (the act of uniting)
aglutinación {f} [linguistics] :: agglutination (combination of root words with little change of meaning)
aglutinador {adj} :: agglutinative, cohesive
aglutinamiento {m} :: joining together, unison
aglutinante {adj} :: agglutinative
aglutinar {v} :: to agglutinate
aglutinar {v} :: to join; bring together
agmatina {f} :: agmatine
agnación {f} :: agnation
agnado {adj} :: agnate (related by male connections)
agnato {m} :: agnate
agnato {m} :: agnathan
agnocasto {m} :: chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus shrub)
agnombre {m} [obsolete] :: agnomen
agnosia {f} [medicine, neurology, pathology] :: agnosia
agnóstica {f} :: feminine noun of agnóstico
agnosticismo {m} :: agnosticism (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable)
agnóstico {adj} :: agnostic
agnóstico {m} :: agnostic
agnotología {f} :: agnotology
agobiadísimo {adj} :: superlative of agobiado
agobiado {adj} :: exhausted, tired
agobiado {adj} :: careworn
agobiador {adj} :: synonym of agobiante
agobiante {adj} :: overwhelming
agobiante {adj} :: crippling
agobiar {v} :: to overwhelm, to anguish
agobiar {v} :: to annoy, to bother
agobiar {v} :: to tire, fatigue
agobio {m} :: bother, annoyance
agógico {adj} :: agogic
agogó {m} :: agogo bell (percussion instrument consisting of two or three small conical bells)
agolpamiento {m} :: throng (of people)
agolpamiento {m} [colloquial] :: crush (attraction towards someone)
agolparse {vr} [agolparse] :: to knock together, bang about together
agolparse {vr} [agolparse] :: to crowd together
agonal {adj} :: agonistic
agonía {f} :: agony, throes, agonizing
agónicamente {adv} :: agonisingly
agónico {adj} :: dying; near death
agonista {adj} :: agonistic
agonista {m} :: agonist
agonista {m} [anatomy] :: agonistic muscle
agonístico {adj} :: agonistic (characterised by conflict or hostility)
agonizante {adj} :: dying
agonizar {v} :: to die an agonizing death
agonizar {v} :: to agonize
agonizar {v} :: to die out
agonizar {v} [rare] :: to assist dying persons
agora {adv} :: obsolete form of ahora
ágora {f} [historical] :: agora
agorafobia {f} :: agoraphobia
agorafóbico {adj} :: agoraphobic (pertaining to agoraphobia)
agorar {v} :: to predict or announce something, especially a misfortune
agorera {f} :: feminine noun of agorero
agorero {adj} :: pessimistic
agorero {adj} :: ominous
agorero {m} :: pessimist
agorero {m} :: doomsayer
agorismo {m} [economics] :: agorism
agorita {adv} :: alternative form of ahorita
agostadero {m} :: pasture; meadow
agostar {v} :: to dry out
agostar {v} :: to parch; burn up
agostar {v} :: to graze
agostar {v} :: to plough
agosteño {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the month of August
agostero {m} :: harvestman (arachnid)
agostino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Fiestas patronales de San Salvador, a yearly celebration at the beginning of August in San Salvador
agosto {m} :: August
agotable {adj} :: exhaustible
agotado {adj} :: tired, exhausted, worn out
agotado {adj} :: out of stock, sold out
agotador {adj} :: tiring, exhausting
agotamiento {m} :: exhaustion, depletion
agotar {v} :: to exhaust, deplete, use up
agotar {vr} [agotarse] :: to run out
agotar {vr} [agotarse] :: to sell out
agotar {vr} :: to wear oneself out
agotarse {v} :: reflexive of agotar, to run out, sell out
Agra {prop} {f} :: Agra (city)
agracejo {m} :: barberry
agraciada {f} :: feminine noun of agraciado
agraciadamente {adv} :: gracefully
agraciado {adj} :: [of a person] attractive, good-looking
agraciado {adj} :: [of a person] winning
agraciado {adj} :: [of a person] lucky, fortunate
agraciado {m} :: winner; one who is fortunate
agraciar {v} :: to award
agraciar {v} :: to shower (with)
agraciar {v} :: to make (someone) look graceful
agradabilísimo {adj} :: superlative of agradable
agradable {adj} :: agreeable, pleasant
agradablemente {adv} :: agreeably
agradar {v} :: to please
agradecer {v} :: to thank
agradecer {v} :: to be grateful for
agradecidísimo {adj} :: superlative of agradecido
agradecido {adj} :: grateful, thankful, appreciative, obliged, indebted
agradecimiento {m} :: gratitude
agradecimiento {m} :: thanksgiving
agrado {m} :: pleasure; satisfaction (the will or desire of someone in power)
agrado {m} :: liking (a predilection)
ágrafo {adj} :: illiterate
agramatical {adj} :: ungrammatical
agramita {adj} :: Zagreber (of or pertaining to Zagreb, Croatia)
agramita {mf} :: Zagreber (native or resident of Zagreb, Croatia)
agramiza {f} :: shive (wood fragment)
Agramonte {prop} :: Agramonte (city)
agramontino {adj} :: Of or from the city of Agramonte, Cuba
agramontino {m} :: Someone from the city of Agramonte, Cuba
agrandamiento {m} :: enlargement
agrandar {v} :: to increase or enlarge
a grandes rasgos {adv} [idiomatic] :: broadly, in broad terms; basically
a granel {adv} :: in bulk (without packaging)
agrario {adj} :: agricultural, agrarian
agrarismo {m} :: agrarianism (philosophy that advocates an equitable distribution of land)
agrarista {adj} :: agrarian
agrarista {mf} :: agrarian
agravación {f} :: aggravation, worsening
agravamiento {m} :: aggravation, worsening
agravante {adj} :: aggravating
agravante {m} [legal] :: aggravation (extrinsic circumstance or accident which increases the guilt of a crime or the misery of a calamity)
agravante {m} :: extra negative circumstance; something that makes matters worse
agravantemente {adv} [rare] :: aggravatingly
agravar {v} :: to aggravate
agravar {vr} :: to get worse
agravarse {v} :: reflexive of agravar
agraviador {adj} :: offending
agraviador {m} :: offender
agraviadora {f} :: feminine noun of agraviador
agraviar {v} :: to insult
agraviar {v} :: to offend, outrage, hurt, wrong
agravio {m} :: offense, grievance, wrongdoing
agravio {m} :: tort
agraz {adj} :: unpleasant, disagreeable
agraz {m} :: verjuice
agraz {m} :: red-berried mistletoe (Viscum cruciatum)
agraz {m} :: redcurrant (Ribes rubrum)
agre {adj} [obsolete or dialectal] :: alternative form of agrio
agrecano {m} :: aggrecan
agredir {vt} :: to assault, attack
agregación {f} :: aggregation
agregada {f} :: feminine noun of agregado
agregado {m} [Chile] :: side dish
agregado {m} [Buddhism] :: skandha
agregado {m} :: attaché (diplomatic officer)
agregador {m} [internet] :: aggregator (feed reader)
agregaduría {f} :: The work of an attaché
agregar {v} :: to add, collect, aggregate, collate, gather
agremiación {f} :: unionization
agremiar {vtr} :: to unionise
agresión {f} :: aggression (the act of initiating hostilities)
agresión {f} :: aggression (hostile or destructive behavior or actions)
agresivamente {adv} :: aggressively
agresividad {f} :: aggressiveness
agresivo {adj} :: aggressive
agresor {m} :: aggressor
agresora {f} :: feminine noun of agresor
agreste {adj} :: rustic, rural
agriamente {adv} :: sourly
agriamente {adv} :: harshly
agriar {vt} :: to sour, embitter
agrícola {adj} :: agricultural
agrícolamente {adv} :: agriculturally
agricultor {m} :: farmer
agricultora {f} :: feminine noun of agricultor
agricultura {f} :: agriculture, farming
agridulce {adj} :: sweet and sour, bittersweet (taste)
agridulce {adj} [figuratively] :: bittersweet
agrietado {adj} :: cracky, fissured (having lots of cracks)
agrietado {adj} :: chapped (lips)
agrietamiento {m} :: fissure
agrietamiento {m} :: cracking
agrietar {vtr} :: to crack
agrietarse {vr} :: to crack (to form cracks)
agrimensor {m} :: surveyor
agrimensora {f} :: feminine noun of agrimensor
agrimensura {f} :: agricultural cartography or surveying
agringar {vt} [Latin America] :: to turn into a gringo
agringar {vr} [Latin America] :: to become a gringo
agrio {adj} :: sour
agrio {adj} :: tangy
agrio {adj} [of a food, person] :: bitter
agripado {adj} :: down with the flu
agriparse {vr} :: to get the flu
agrisar {vt} :: to gray (cause to become gray)
agrisar {vr} :: to gray (become gray)
agrito {m} [regional] :: barberry
a grito herido {adv} [idiom] :: at the top of one's voice
a grito limpio {adv} [idiom] :: at the top of one's voice
a grito pelado {adv} [idiom] :: at the top of one's voice
agro- {prefix} :: agro-; agri- (denoting agriculture)
agro {m} :: field (area of agriculture)
agro {adj} :: obsolete form of agrio
agroalfarero {adj} :: Pertaining to farming and pottery, especially to the historic period in present-day Argentina and Chile dating up until the Spanish conquest of the lands, in which pottery and farming were important parts of the culture of the peoples
agroalimentación {f} :: food business
agroalimentario {adj} [attributive] :: food and agriculture
agroambiental {adj} :: agro-environmental
agrobiodiversidad {f} :: agrobiodiversity
agrobiología {f} :: agrobiology
agrobiológico {adj} :: agrobiologic, agrobiological
agrobiotecnología {f} :: agrobiotechnology
agroclimático {adj} :: agroclimatic (relating to agriculture and climate)
agrocombustible {m} :: agrofuel
agrodiversidad {f} [agriculture] :: agrobiodiversity
agroecología {f} :: agroecology
agroecológico {adj} :: agroecological (pertaining to agroecology)
agroecosistema {m} :: agroecosystem
agroescuela {f} :: Agricultural school/college
agroexportación {f} :: exportation of agriculture
agroexportador {adj} :: exporting agricultural products
agroexportador {m} :: agricultural exporter
agroforestación {f} :: agroforestry
agroforestal {adj} [attributive] :: agroforestry
agroganadera {f} :: farmer
agroganadero {adj} :: relating to livestock and agriculture
agroindustria {f} :: agroindustry
agroindustrial {adj} :: agroindustrial
agroinsumo {m} :: agricultural material
agrointeligente {adj} [rare] :: agriculturally smart
agrología {f} :: agrology
agrológico {adj} :: agrological
agromercado {m} :: farmer's market
agronegocio {m} :: agribusiness
agrónoma {f} :: feminine noun of agrónomo
agronomía {f} :: agronomy
agronómico {adj} :: agronomic (relating to agronomy)
agrónomo {m} :: agronomist (scientist specialized in agronomy)
agropecuario {adj} :: of or relating to agriculture and cattle raising
agroproductivo {adj} :: agriculturally productive
agroproductor {m} :: food producer
agroquímica {f} [chemistry] :: agrochemistry (branch of chemistry related to agriculture)
agroquímico {adj} :: agrochemical (relating to agrochemistry)
agrotécnico {adj} :: agrotechnical (relating to agrotechnology)
agrotóxico {adj} :: agrotoxic
agrotóxico {m} :: pesticide
agroturismo {m} :: agritourism
agrumar {vt} :: to cause to go lumpy
agrumar {vr} :: to go lumpy
agrupación {f} :: grouping
agrupamiento {m} :: cluster (group of consonants)
agrupamiento {m} :: clustering (the action of the verb to cluster)
agrupar {v} :: to group together
agruparse {vr} :: to cluster (form into a cluster)
agrura {f} :: bitterness, acerbity
Ags. {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Aguascalientes
Ags {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Aguascalientes
agua {f} :: water
agua {f} :: body of water
agua {f} :: rain
agua {f} [archaic] :: river, stream
agua {f} [slang, in the plural] :: urine
agua {f} [Guatemala] :: pop, soda (soft drink)
agua {f} [Latin America] :: infusion
agua bendita {f} [Christianity] :: holy water
agua blanda {f} [chemistry] :: soft water
agua caliente sanitaria {m} :: hot water (for human use)
aguacate {m} :: avocado (fruit)
aguacate {m} :: avocado (tree)
aguacate {m} :: a shade of green like an avocado
aguacate {m} [El Salvador, Guatemala] :: a loose and lively person
aguacatero {adj} :: avocado (attributive)
aguacatero {adj} [El Salvador] :: mutt
aguacero {m} :: downpour
aguachile {m} :: A watery chili-based broth from Mexico
aguachirle {m} :: hogwash; pigswill
aguacil {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: dragonfly
agua con gas {f} :: carbonated water
agua de alfalfa {f} :: A soft drink cocktail made with alfalfa and lemon
agua de coco {f} :: coconut water
agua de Colonia {f} :: eau de Cologne
agua de jamaica {m} :: A tisane made from the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) sepals; hibiscus tea
agua del amnios {f} [zoology, dated] :: amniotic fluid (fluid that surrounds a developing embryo or fetus)
agua del grifo {f} :: tap water
agua de lluvia {f} :: rainwater
agua de mar {f} :: seawater
aguadense {adj} :: Of or from Aguada de Pasajeros
aguadense {adj} :: Of or from Aguada Grande
aguadense {adj} :: Of or from Las Aguadas
aguadense {mf} :: Soemone from Aguada de Pasajeros
aguadense {mf} :: Soemone from Aguada Grande
aguadense {mf} :: Soemone from Las Aguadas
agua de Seltz {f} :: soda water (water with carbon dioxide)
agua destilada {f} :: distilled water
aguadito {m} [Peru] :: soup
aguado {adj} :: watery
aguado {adj} :: with broth [a stew]
aguado {adj} :: flaccid, weak (a belly, muscle, penis)
aguado {adj} :: boring
aguador {m} :: water carrier
aguador {m} :: water seller
aguadora {f} :: feminine noun of aguador
aguaducho {m} :: drinks or refreshments stall
aguaducho {m} :: waterwheel
aguaducho {m} :: aqueduct
agua dulce {f} :: fresh water
agua dura {f} [chemistry] :: hard water
aguadura {f} [uncountable] :: laminitis
aguadura {f} [countable] :: abscess caused by laminitis
agua embotellada {f} :: bottled water
aguafiestas {mf} :: party pooper, wet blanket, spoilsport, killjoy
aguafuerte {m} [chemistry] :: nitric acid
aguafuerte {m} [art] :: etching
aguaitar {v} :: to pay attention, take care
aguaitar {v} :: to look
aguaitar {v} :: to spy on
aguaitar {v} :: to observe
aguaitar {v} [Latin America] :: to wait
aguaje {m} :: waterhole, watering hole, watering place (place where wild animals drink)
aguaje {m} :: spring tide
aguaje {m} :: water supply
aguaje {m} :: watering
agualluvias {m} [pluralae tantum] :: storm drain; often "sistema agualluvias" (storm drain system)
aguamala {f} :: jellyfish
agua manantial {f} :: springwater (water originating from a spring)
aguamanil {m} :: washbowl, wash stand
aguamanil {m} :: water jug, ewer
aguamar {m} :: jellyfish
aguamarina {f} :: aquamarine (gemstone)
aguamarina {f} :: aquamarine (color)
aguamiel {f} :: mead (alcoholic drink fermented from honey and water)
aguamiel {m} [Mexico] :: agave nectar (sweet liquid secreted by plants of the genus Agave)
agua mineral {f} :: mineral water
agua mineralizada {f} :: mineral water (water containing dissolved minerals)
agua negra {f} :: black water (contaminated waste water)
aguanieve {f} :: sleet
aguanoso {adj} :: watery
aguantable {adj} :: bearable; tolerable
aguantar {v} :: to hold
aguantar {v} :: to put up with, to tolerate or bear, to endure, to handle, to take, to stand
aguantar {v} :: to hang on, to grasp
aguantar {v} :: to hang on, to persevere, to last
aguantar {v} :: to not complain, to keep silent
aguantar {v} :: to hold (a posture)
aguantar el chaparrón {v} [idiomatic] :: to face the music
aguantarse {v} :: reflexive of aguantar
aguante {m} :: patience
aguante {m} :: tolerance
aguante {m} :: resistance, strength
aguante {m} :: perseverance, endurance
agua oxigenada {f} [inorganic compound] :: hydrogen peroxide
aguapanela {f} :: a drink native to southern Central America and northern South America made with panela, an unrefined sugar product
aguapar {v} :: to prettify, to beautify
agua pasada {f} [idiom] :: ancient history
agua pasada no mueve molino {proverb} :: let bygones be bygones
agua pesada {f} [chemistry] :: heavy water (water containing deuterium instead of normal hydrogen)
aguapié {m} :: plonk; vino; poor-quality wine
agua potable {f} :: drinking water
agua que no has de beber, déjala correr {proverb} :: don't enter your nose into the affairs of others, mind your own business, mind your own beeswax
aguaquina {f} [Latin America] :: tonic water (carbonated beverage)
aguar {v} :: to water down, dilute
aguará {n} :: maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
aguardamiento {m} [dated] :: waiting; expectation; expecting
aguardar {v} :: to wait
aguardar {v} :: to expect
aguardar {v} :: to have in store (for)
aguardentoso {adj} :: alcoholic
aguardentoso {adj} :: husky (voice, laugh)
aguardiente {m} :: (hard) liquor, booze
aguardiente {m} :: brandy
agua regia {f} [chemistry] :: aqua regia (extremely powderful mixture of acids)
agua residual {f} :: residual water
aguarrás {m} :: turpentine
aguas {interj} :: be careful!
aguas {interj} :: pay attention!
Aguas {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Aguascalientes
aguasal {f} :: brine
agua salada {m} :: seawater
agua salobre {f} :: brackish water, brackishwater
aguascalentense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Aguascalientes
aguascalentense {mf} :: native or resident of Aguascalientes
Aguascalientes {prop} {m} :: Aguascalientes (state)
Aguascalientes {prop} {m} :: Aguascalientes (city)
aguas mayores {fp} [colloquial, idiom] :: number two (excrement)
aguas menores {fp} [colloquial, idiom] :: number one, water (urine)
aguas residuales {fp} :: sewage (suspension of water and waste)
aguas termales {fp} :: hot springs
aguate {m} :: alternative spelling of ahuate
aguatera {f} :: feminine noun of aguatero
aguatero {m} :: water seller
aguatinta {f} :: aquatint
agua tónica {f} :: tonic water (carbonated beverage)
aguaviva {f} [southern Spain, Canary Islands, Argentina, Chile, Puerto Rico, Uruguay] :: jellyfish
aguaymanto {m} :: cape gooseberry (plant)
aguayo {m} :: aguayo
aguazal {m} :: puddle
agudamente {adv} :: acutely
agudeza {f} :: sharpness
agudísimo {adj} :: superlative of agudo
agudización {f} :: worsening, deterioration
agudizar {v} :: to sharpen
agudo {adj} :: sharp, pointed, acute (terminating in a point or edge, especially one that can cut easily)
agudo {adj} :: acute, sharp, witty, keen (intelligent)
agudo {adj} [of pain] :: sharp, stabbing, acute, severe
agudo {adj} [pathology] :: acute (sudden and intense)
agudo {adj} :: acute, sharp (sensitive)
agudo {adj} [sound] :: high, high-pitched, shrill, sharp, piercing
agudo {adj} [geometry] :: acute
agudo {adj} [phonetics] :: having the voiced accent on the last syllable
agudo {adj} [geometry, of an angle] :: acute (less than 90 degrees)
Águeda {prop} {f} :: given name
agüelo {m} :: pronunciation spelling of abuelo
agüero {m} :: augury, divination
agüero {m} :: forecast, prediction
agüero {m} :: omen
aguerrido {adj} :: veteran, hardened
aguerrido {adj} :: experienced
aguerrido {adj} :: brave, aggressive
agüevar {v} [Latin America, slang] :: to put down, to belittle, to shame
aguijada {f} :: prod, cattle prod (device used to goad animals into moving)
aguijar {v} :: to goad, to incite
aguijar {v} :: to urge on
aguijar {vi} :: to hurry
aguijón {m} :: sting of an insect
aguijón {m} :: thorn of a plant
aguijón {m} :: spur
aguijonear {vt} [of animals] :: to sting
aguijonear {vt} :: to urge, spur on (press, push, drive)
águila {f} :: eagle
águila {f} [heraldiccharge] :: eagle
Águila {prop} :: surname
águila harpía {f} :: harpy eagle
aguilando {m} :: rare form of aguinaldo
águila parda {f} :: red-backed hawk (Buteo polyosoma)
águila perdicera {f} :: Bonelli's eagle
águila pescadora {f} :: osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
Aguilar {prop} :: surname
águila real {f} :: golden eagle
aguileño {adj} :: aquiline
aguilera {f} :: The nest of an eagle; eyrie
Aguilera {prop} :: surname
aguililla {f} :: diminutive of águila
aguilita {f} :: diminutive of águila: little eagle
aguilón {m} :: gable
aguilucho {m} :: eaglet
aguilucho {m} :: hawk, kite
aguilucho alas largas {m} :: white-tailed hawk (Buteo albicaudatus)
aguilucho de cola rojiza {m} :: rufous-tailed hawk (Buteo ventralis)
aguilucho negro {m} :: zone-tailed hawk (Buteo albonotatus)
aguinaldo {m} :: aguinaldo (gift given at Christmas or Epiphany)
aguinaldo {m} :: aguinaldo (gift given on any other occasion)
aguinaldo {m} :: aguinaldo (Christmas carol)
aguinaldo {m} :: aguinaldo (tropical plant)
Aguirre {prop} :: surname of Basque origin
aguirrismo {m} :: The politics of Esperanza Aguirre, Spanish politician
aguirrista {mf} :: A supporter or follower of the Spanish politician Esperanza Aguirre
a guisa de {prep} :: as; like (representing, acting as)
agüita {f} :: diminutive of agua; a small amount of water
agüitarse {v} [El Salvador, Mexico] :: to become saddened; to feel let down or disillusioned
agüite {m} [El Salvador] :: slough, gloom (state of depression)
agüizote {m} :: alternative spelling of ahuizote
aguja {f} :: needle
aguja {f} :: hand (of a clock)
aguja {f} [military] :: firing pin
aguja {f} [architecture] :: spire, steeple
aguja {f} [plant] :: Venus' comb
aguja colinegra {f} :: The black-tailed godwit. A freshwater bird
aguja colipinta {f} :: The bar-tailed godwit, a type of bird
aguja de punto {f} :: knitting needle (thin rod used to knit yarn)
aguja de tejer {f} :: knitting needle (thin rod used to knit yarn)
aguja en un pajar {f} [idiomatic] :: needle in a haystack
agujerar {v} :: synonym of agujerear
agujereado {adj} :: pierced
agujerear {v} :: to pierce or puncture
agujerito {m} :: diminutive of agujero: pinhole
agujero {m} :: hole (hollow place or cavity)
agujero {m} [sewing] :: pincushion (device that holds sewing pins)
agujero blanco {m} [astrophysics] :: white hole
agujero de gusano {m} :: wormhole (a hole burrowed by a worm)
agujero de gusano {m} [relativity] :: wormhole (a shortcut between distant parts of space)
agujero de ozono {m} :: ozone hole
agujero glorioso {m} :: glory hole (sexual device)
agujero negro {m} :: black hole
agujero negro supermasivo {m} [astronomy] :: supermassive black hole
agujeta {f} [Mexico] :: shoelace, lace (cord for fastening a shoe or garment)
agujeta {f} [often in plural] :: stiff or sore muscles
agujón {m} :: needlefish (Belonidae)
agujón {m} :: redstem filaree (Erodium cicutarium)
Agún {prop} {m} :: surname
Agundo {prop} :: surname
aguoso {adj} [rare] :: watery
agur {interj} :: bye, so long
agusanado {adj} :: worm-eaten, maggoted
agusanar {vr} :: to rot (get spoiled by maggots)
Agustín {prop} {m} :: given name
Agustina {prop} {f} :: given name
agustiniano {adj} :: synonym of agustino
agustiniano {m} :: synonym of agustino
agustino {adj} :: Augustinian
agustino {m} :: Augustinian
agutí {m} :: agouti (a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs)
aguzar {v} :: to sharpen
aguzar {v} :: to incite
aguzar {v} :: to stare at
ah {interj} :: ah (expression of relief, realization, awe)
ah {interj} :: ah (expression of woe, grief)
A. H. {adv} :: AH: Anno Hegirae (Hijri year)
ahechar {vt} [agriculture] :: to winnow (to separate the heavier and lighter with a current of air)
aherrojar {vt} :: to fetter (to shackle or bind up with fetters)
aherrojar {v} :: to oppress, keep down
aherrumbrar {vt} :: to rust
aherrumbrarse {v} :: reflexive of aherrumbrar; to rust (to oxidise)
ahí {adv} :: there: used to designate a place near the listener
ahí {adv} :: that (in certain phrases)
ahijada {f} :: goddaughter
ahijado {m} :: godchild; godson
ahijamiento {m} :: adoption, adopting, fostering [especially the adoption or fostering of a child who is related by blood]
ahijamiento {m} :: tillering
ahijar {vt} :: to adopt someone's child
ahijar {vt} :: to misattribute credit or blame
ahijar {vi} :: to procreate
ahijar {vi} :: to sprout
ahilar {vi} :: to line up
ahí na' ma' {interj} [Cuba] :: right on!
ahincadamente {adv} :: earnestly
ahincado {adj} :: earnest
ahincar {vt} :: to urge
ahincar {vr} :: to hurry up
ahinco {m} :: alternative form of ahínco
ahínco {m} :: effort, zeal, determination
ahinojar {vir} [rare] :: to kneel
ahistórico {adj} :: ahistorical
ahitar {v} :: to surfeit, to satiate
ahitar {v} :: to physically mark a boundary
ahíto {adj} :: suffering from indigestion
ahíto {adj} :: full, satiated
ahíto {m} :: indigestion
ahmadí {mf} :: Ahmadiyya
ahogado {m} [chess] :: stalemate
ahogamiento {m} :: drowning (an instance of someone drowning)
ahogar {vt} :: to drown (kill by immersion in water)
ahogar {vt} :: to stifle
ahogar {vr} :: to suffocate (suffer or die from severely reduced oxygen)
ahogar {vr} :: to drown (be suffocated in water)
ahogar las penas {v} [idiomatic] :: to drown one's sorrows
ahogarse {v} :: reflexive of ahogar; to drown (to be suffocated in fluid)
ahogarse en un vaso de agua {v} [idiom] :: to make a mountain out of a molehill
ahogo {m} :: suffocation
ahogo {m} :: respiratory distress
ahogo {m} :: anguish
ahondamiento {m} :: deepening
ahondar {vtr} :: to deepen, to dig ]
ahondar {vi} :: to delve deeply
ahora {adv} :: now (at the present time)
ahora {conj} :: now
ahora bien {adv} :: now then
ahora bien {adv} [idiomatic] :: however, nonetheless, nevertheless
ahora bien {adv} [formal] :: having said that, that said
ahora mismo {adv} :: right now, just now, immediately
ahora que hay modo {proverb} :: make hay while the sun shines (act while an opportunity exists)
ahorcado {m} :: hanged person
ahorcado {m} :: hangman (word game)
ahorcador {m} :: hangman (executioner)
ahorcadora {f} :: feminine noun of ahorcador
ahorcadura {f} :: hanging
a horcajadas {adv} [idiomatic] :: astride, straddling
ahorcajarse {vr} :: to straddle (to sit or stand with a leg on each side of something)
ahorcamiento {m} :: hanging (as capital punishment)
ahorcar {vt} :: to lynch, to hang
ahorcarse {v} :: reflexive of ahorcar
ahorita {adv} [colloquial] :: diminutive of ahora: now, right now
ahorita {adv} [colloquial, Mexico] :: in an indeterminate amount of time
ahoritica {adv} [Latin America] :: right now
ahoritita {adv} :: diminutive of ahora
ahoritita {adv} :: right now
ahoritita {adv} :: just now
ahoritita {adv} :: very soon
ahormar {v} :: to fit, to shape, to mold
ahormar {v} :: to adjust
ahormar {v} :: to break in
ahorquillado {adj} :: forked, branched, furcate
ahorquillar {v} :: to furcate (to fork or branch out)
ahorrador {adj} :: thrifty (given to, or evincing, thrift)
ahorrador {adj} :: fuel-saving
ahorrador {m} :: saver
ahorrante {mf} [Central America] :: saver (one who saves their money)
ahorrar {vt} :: to save (to store for future use)
ahorrar {vt} :: to save (to conserve or prevent the wasting of)
ahorrar {v} :: to avoid
ahorrar {v} :: to spare
ahorrarse {v} :: reflexive of ahorrar
ahorrativo {adj} :: thrifty, frugal, economic, economical
ahorrista {mf} [Latin America] :: saver (one who saves money, etc)
ahorro {m} :: saving (money that is saved)
Ahrimán {prop} {m} [Zoroastrianism] :: Ahriman
ahu {m} :: ahu, stone platform for mo'ai
ahuachapaneca {f} :: feminine noun of ahuachapaneco
ahuachapaneco {adj} :: Of or from the city or municipality of Ahuachapán in El Salvador
ahuachapaneco {m} :: An inhabitant of the city or municipality of Ahuachapán in El Salvador
ahuate {m} [Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua] :: A slender, hairlike thorn (villus) such as that of the cornstalk or sugar cane
ahuecar {vt} :: to hollow out
ahuehuete {m} :: Montezuma cypress Taxodium mucronatum
ahueonado {adj} [rare] :: pronunciation spelling of ahuevonado
ahueonao {adj} :: pronunciation spelling of ahuevonado
a huevo {adv} [colloquial, idiom, vulgar, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua] :: forcedly having no choice and with great effort
a huevo {adv} [colloquial, idiom, Colombia, Ecuador] :: very cheap
a huevo {adv} [colloquial, idiom, Spain] :: within reach, easily achievable, on a plate
a huevo {interj} [colloquial, idiom, vulgar, El Salvador, México] :: That's so true!
a huevo {interj} [colloquial, idiom, vulgar, El Salvador, México] :: fuck yeah
ahuevonado {adj} [Chile] :: dazed
ahuevonado {adj} [Chile, vulgar] :: stupid
ahuizote {m} :: ahuitzotl, an Aztec mythological creature
ahuizote {m} [colloquial, Honduras, Mexico] :: an annoying person; pest, nuisance
ahuizote {m} [dialectal, Central America, Mexico] :: omen, bewitchment, spell
ahumado {adj} [culinary] :: smoked
ahumado {adj} [culinary] :: smoke-flavoured
ahumado {adj} [technics] :: smoked, tinted (of glass)
ahumador {m} :: smoker, smoker oven
ahumar {vt} :: to smoke (apply smoke to, for example food)
ahumar {vr} [colloquial] :: to get drunk
ahumeante {adj} :: rare form of humeante
a humo de pajas {adv} [idiom] :: unthinkingly
Ahura Mazda {prop} {m} [Zoroastrianism] :: Ahura Mazda
Ahura-Mazda {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Ahura Mazda
a hurtadillas {adv} :: by stealth; stealthily; in secret
ahusado {adj} :: spindly (of a spindle)
ahusar {vtr} :: to taper
ahuyama {f} [Colombia] :: alternative form of auyama
ahuyentar {vt} :: to chase away, drive away
ahuyentar {vr} :: to run away
Aída {prop} {f} :: given name
Aija {prop} :: Aija (province)
aikido {m} :: aikido
Aimar {prop} {m} :: given name
aimara {adj} :: Aymara
aimara {mf} :: Aymara (indigenous person of South America)
aimara {m} :: Aymara (language)
aimará {adj} :: alternative form of aimara
aimará {mf} :: alternative form of aimara
aimará {m} :: alternative form of aimara
aína {adv} [archaic] :: soon
aína {adv} [archaic] :: just, barely
Ainara {prop} {f} :: given name
AINE {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: acronym of antiinflamatorio no esteroideo
Ainhoa {prop} {f} :: given name
Ainoa {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Ainhoa
ainu {adj} :: Ainu (pertaining to the language or people)
ainu {mf} :: An Ainu person
ainu {m} :: The Ainu language
Aión {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Aion (deity associated with time, the orb or circle encompassing the universe, and the zodiac)
airadamente {adv} :: angrily; irately
airado {adj} :: angry, irate
airar {v} :: to anger
air bag {m} :: alternative form of airbag
airbag {m} :: airbag
aire {m} :: air (the substance constituting earth's atmosphere)
aire {m} :: air (the open space above the ground)
aire {m} :: air; wind
aire {m} :: air (a feeling or sense)
aire {m} :: resemblance (to another person)
aire {m} [usually, in the plural] :: air (pretension; snobbishness)
aire {m} :: air (a sense of poise, graciousness, or quality)
aire {interj} :: Get out; begone; away!
aire {m} :: solenodon
aireación {f} :: aeration (the circulation of air)
aire acondicionado {m} :: air conditioning (the state of temperature and humidity produced by an air conditioner)
aire acondicionado {m} :: air conditioning, air conditioner (an air conditioner or system of air conditioners)
aireador {m} :: aerator
airear {v} :: to air (to bring into contact with the air)
airear {vr} :: to get some fresh air
airecillo {m} :: diminutive of aire
airecito {m} :: diminutive of aire
aire comprimido {m} :: compressed air
aire fresco {m} :: fresh air (clean air from outside)
aire libre {m} :: fresh air, outdoors
airón {m} :: heron (bird)
airón {m} :: tuft (on hat)
airosamente {adv} :: in a jolly manner
airosidad {f} :: refined deportment; gracefulness
airoso {adj} :: graceful
airsoft {m} :: airsoft
-áis {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the second-person plural present indicative of -ar verbs
-áis {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the second-person plural present subjunctive of -er and -ir verbs
aislación {f} :: insulation
aislacionismo {m} :: isolationism (policy of non-interaction)
aislacionista {adj} :: isolationist
aislacionista {mf} :: isolationist
aisladamente {adv} :: isolatedly, in isolation, separately, by oneself
aislado {adj} :: isolated
aislador {adj} :: insulating
aislador {m} [architecture, electronics] :: insulator
aislamiento {m} :: isolation
aislamiento {m} :: insulation
aislamiento {m} :: solitary confinement
aislante {adj} :: insulating
aislante {m} :: insulator
aislar {v} :: to isolate, to insulate, to sequester, to separate, to quarantine
aislar {v} :: to insulate (surround with protecting material to prevent transfer of heat, electricity, etc.)
aislarse {v} :: reflexive of aislar
aita {m} [Spain, Basque Country, Navarre] :: dad
Aitana {prop} {f} :: A mountain peak in Valencia, Spain
Aitana {prop} {f} :: given name
aitite {m} [Basque Country] :: grandpa
Aitor {prop} {m} :: given name
aizkolari {m} :: Someone who practices aizkolaritza
aizkolaritza {f} :: a sport from the Basque country consisting of chopping wood
ajá {interj} :: aha
ajá {interj} :: uh-huh
ajabeba {f} :: alternative form of jabeba
ajado {adj} :: frayed, tatty
ajamonarse {vr} :: to get fat, to run fat, to get plump
ajar {vtr} :: to fade, wither
ajardinamiento {m} :: the creation of a garden
ajardinar {v} :: to landscape (to create or maintain terrain)
ajayu {m} :: ajayu
-aje {suffix} :: Forms masculine nouns expressing an action, quantity, location, period of time, etc
-aje {suffix} :: Forms masculine nouns with the sense of collection, -age
ajebe {m} [obsolete] :: alum (an astringent salt)
ajedrea {f} :: savory (herb)
ajedrecista {mf} :: chess player
ajedrecístico {adj} [attributive] :: chess
ajedrez {m} :: chess
ajedrezado {adj} :: checkered
ajedrezado {adj} [heraldry] :: chequy, checky
ajedrez rápido {m} :: speed chess
ajenabe {m} :: alternative form of jenabe
ajenabo {m} :: alternative form of jenabe
ajenidad {f} :: foreignness
ajenjo {m} :: wormwood
ajenjo {m} :: absinthe
ajeno {adj} :: of others, belonging to someone else
ajeno {adj} :: distant, alien, foreign
ajenuz {f} :: love-in-a-mist; nigella
ajete {m} :: diminutive of ajo
ajete {m} :: leek
ajetreado {adj} :: busy with work; swamped
ajetreado {adj} [of a place] :: bustling, hectic
ajetrear {v} :: to tire out (with hard work)
ajetreo {m} :: toil, hard work
ají {m} [South America, Caribbean] :: chili
ajiaceite {m} :: A liquid mixture of ground garlic and cooking oil
ajiaco {m} :: ajiaco
ají criollo {m} :: An Ecuadoran hot sauce made from ajís
ají criollo {m} :: A variety of hot pepper (Capsicum)
ají de gallina {m} :: A Peruvian dish consisting of chicken in a spicy, creamy sauce
ajilimoje {m} :: alternative form of ajilimójili
ajilimójili {m} :: A type of spicy garlic and pepper sauce originating in Puerto Rico
ajillo {m} :: diminutive of ajo
ajimez {f} :: mullioned window
ají mochero {m} :: yellow lantern chili (Capsicum chinense)
ají morrón {m} [Cuba, Dominican Republic] :: bell pepper, sweet pepper
ajinajo {m} :: Echium aculeatum
ajito {m} :: diminutive of ajo
-ajo {suffix} :: Forms pejorative diminutives of adjectives and nouns
ajo {m} :: garlic
ajo {m} :: profanity, curse word
ajoblanco {m} :: A soup from Andalusia, Spain, made of bread, ground almonds, garlic, and olive oil. It is served cold
ajo chalote {m} :: shallot
ajo de oso {m} [plant] :: ramsons (Allium ursinum)
ajo en polvo {m} :: garlic powder
ajolota {f} :: alternative form of ajolote
ajolote {m} :: axolotl
ajolote {m} [Mexico] :: tadpole
ajonjolí {m} :: sesame (tropical Asian plant Sesamum indicum)
ajonjolí {m} :: sesame, sesame seed (the seed of this plant)
ajorca {f} :: bracelet
ajo y agua {phrase} [idiomatic] :: what's done is done
ajo y agua {phrase} [idiomatic] :: make one's bed and lie in it
ajúa {interj} [Mexico] :: Used to express joy
ajuar {m} :: dowry, trousseau
ajuarar {vt} :: to dowry
ajuntar {v} :: to put together; to whack together
ajuntar {v} [childish] :: to be friends (with)
ajuntar {vr} :: to live together (without being married)
ajurídico {adj} :: unlawful; illegal
ajustable {adj} :: adjustable
ajustadamente {adv} :: exactly, precisely
ajustadísimo {adj} :: superlative of ajustado
ajustado {adj} :: adjusted
ajustado {adj} :: tight, tight-fitting
ajustador {m} [technology] :: fitter
ajustador {m} [Colombia, Cuba] :: bra (brassiere)
ajustar {v} :: to adjust
ajustar cuentas {v} [idiomatic] :: to settle scores
ajustarse {vr} :: to honour (to conform to, abide by, act in accordance with)
ajuste {m} :: adjustment
ajuste {m} :: setting (e.g. in a mobile phone)
ajuste de cuentas {m} [idiomatic] :: a settling of scores
ajusticiamiento {m} :: execution (the act of putting to death)
ajusticiar {v} :: to execute
ajusticiar {v} :: to sentence to death
a juzgar por {prep} :: judging by, judging from
akan {m} :: Akan (Niger-Congo language)
akan {m} :: Akan (language group spoken in Ghana)
akásico {adj} :: akashic
Akenatón {prop} {m} :: Akhenaten
akita {m} :: Akita (dog breed)
aksumita {adj} :: Aksumite
aksumita {mf} :: Aksumite
-al {suffix} :: In adjectives, indicating relation
-al {suffix} :: In nouns, indicating a place where something is grown
al {contraction} :: (contraction of a el) at the, to the
AL {prop} {f} :: initialism of América Latina
a la {prep} :: a la. In the style or manner of
ala {f} :: wing [of bird]
ala {f} :: wing [of aircraft]
ala {f} :: brim [of hat]
ala {f} [military] :: flank [of a formation]
ala {f} [sport] :: wing [part of the field]
ala {f} [sport] :: winger
ala {interj} :: alternative spelling of hala
alá {interj} :: alternative form of hala
Alá {prop} {m} :: Allah (God’s name in Islam)
alabable {adj} [rare] :: praiseworthy, commendable (worthy of commendation)
Alabama {prop} :: Alabama (state)
alabamiense {adj} :: Alabamian
alabamiense {m} :: Alabamian
alabancia {f} [obsolete or dialectal] :: alternative form of alabanza
alabancioso {adj} :: boastful
alabancioso {m} :: braggart
alabandina {f} [mineral] :: alabandite
alabanza {f} :: praise
alabar {v} :: to praise
alabarda {f} :: halberd (hand weapon)
alabardazo {m} :: An attack with a halberd
alabardero {m} :: halberdier
alabastro {m} :: alabaster (variety of gypsum)
álabe {m} :: olive branch bent down and reaching the ground
álabe {m} :: any of the force-transmitting elements of a propelling wheel in a water-mill, flier, vane
álabe {m} :: turbine blade
álabe {m} :: tappet on a fulling wheel
álabe {m} :: a barrier such as a mat on the side of a carriage so he who drives it does not fall out
álabe {m} :: sides of a target or shield
alabeado {adj} :: warped, bent
alabear {v} :: to warp (especially wood)
alabeo {m} :: warp (distortion or twist)
a la brava {adv} [idiomatic] :: hastily
a la buena de Dios {adv} [idiom] :: casually; as God wills
a la buena de Dios {adv} [idiom] :: without thought or reflection
a la buena de Dios {adv} [idiom] :: without any preparation
a la buena de Dios {adv} [idiom] :: haphazardly
a la buena de Dios {adv} [idiom] :: at the mercy of the elements; unprotected
a la buena ventura {adv} [idiomatic] :: down to luck
a la carga {interj} :: charge!
alacena {f} :: locker; wardrobe set in a wall
alacena {f} :: cupboard
alacena {f} [Mexico] :: pantry, larder
alaciar {v} :: to straighten
alaciar {v} :: to cause to become limp
alaciar {vr} :: to go limp
a la corta o a la larga {adv} [idiomatic] :: sooner or later
alacrán {m} :: scorpion
alacridad {f} :: alacrity
ala delta {m} :: hang glider (aircraft)
ala delta {m} :: hang gliding
a la deriva {adv} :: adrift
alado {adj} :: winged
a la greña {adj} [idiom] :: at loggerheads
a la hora de {prep} :: with regard to (concerning); when it comes to
al aire {adj} :: exposed, uncovered, naked, nude
al aire {adv} :: exposedly, uncoveredly
al aire {adv} :: into the air
al aire {adv} [Latin America] :: on air (transmitting live)
alajú {m} [Spain] :: A sweet paste of almonds, nuts and bread crumbs mixed with spices and honey
alajú {m} [Spain] :: A traditional confection made by spreading this paste between two wafers
alajuelense {adj} :: Of or from the city of Alajuela in Costa Rica
alajuelense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the city of Alajuela in Costa Rica
a la larga {adv} [idiomatic] :: in the long run, eventually, ultimately, in the long term
al albedrío {adv} [idiom] :: voluntarily, of one's own free will
a la letra {adv} [idiom] :: to the letter
al alimón {adv} [idiom] :: jointly, together
alalimón {m} [archaic] :: A game consisting of two lines of people holding hands, each group facing each other, and they step forward and backwards chanting "Alalimón, alalimón, que se ha roto la fuente"
alamán {adj} :: Alemanni
alamán {m} :: Alemanni
alamana {f} :: feminine noun of alamán
alamar {m} [clothing] :: frog
alambicar {v} :: to distill
alambicar {v} :: to scrutinize, to examine closely
alambicar {v} :: to complicate excessively
alambique {m} :: still (device for distilling liquids)
alambique {m} :: alembic
alambrada {f} [Latin America] :: wire fence
alambrado {m} :: wiring
alambrado {m} :: wire net
alambrado {m} [Latin America] :: wire fence
alambrar {vt} :: to put a wire fence around
alambre {m} :: wire (metal formed into a long, narrow thread)
alambre {m} :: wire (a thread of metal)
alambre {m} :: alambre (Mexican food dish consisting of meat topped with cheese, salsa, and chopped bacon, pepper and onion)
alambre de espinas {m} :: alternative form of alambre de espino
alambre de espino {m} :: barbed wire (twisted strands of steel wire)
alambre de púas {m} :: barbed wire, barbwire
alambrera {f} :: synonym of alambrado; wire net
alambrera {f} :: window screen
alámbrico {adj} :: wired (connected with wires)
alameda {f} :: poplar grove
alameda {f} :: avenue lined with poplars
a la medida {adj} :: custom-made
a la mierda {phrase} :: screw this; to hell with..
álamo {m} :: white poplar (tree)
álamo {m} :: white poplar (wood)
Álamo {prop} {m} :: Alamo (a fort in San Antonio, Texas)
álamo blanco {m} :: white poplar
a la moda {adj} :: fashionable, a la mode, in
Álamos {prop} :: Álamos (municipality)
Álamos {prop} :: Álamos (town)
álamo temblón {m} :: aspen
alampar {v} [Alava] :: to bug; to bother
alampar {vr} :: to crave
Alán {prop} {m} :: given name
alana {f} :: feminine noun of alano
alancear {vt} :: to spear
al-Ándalus {prop} {m} :: al-Andalus (Islamic Spain)
alanina {f} [amino acid] :: alanine
alanismo {m} [politics] :: The political beliefs of Alan García, former president of Peru
alano {adj} :: Alanic
alano {m} [historical] :: Alan (a member of a group of Sarmatian tribes)
alano {m} :: mastiff, wolfhound
alano alemán {m} :: Great Dane (mastiff)
alante {adv} [colloquial] :: syncopic form of adelante
alantoideo {adj} [mycology] :: allantoid
al apa {adv} [Chile] :: piggyback
a la par {adv} [idiom] :: at the same time; as well; equally
a la pata coja {adv} [idiomatic] :: (standing) on one leg
ala pívot {mf} :: alternative spelling of ala-pívot
ala-pívot {mf} [basketball] :: power forward
a la plancha {adj} [idiom] :: grilled
a la plancha {adv} [idiom] :: grilled; on the grill
a la postre {adv} [idiom] :: in the end
a la primera de cambio {adv} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of a las primeras de cambio
a la puta calle {interj} :: out! (strong, impolite demand for someone to leave)
alar {adj} :: alar (having or resembling wings)
alar {m} :: eaves
alaraca {f} :: feminine noun of alaraco
alaraco {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: peevish, complaining, whining person
alaraco {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: complainer, whiner, crybaby
alaraco {m} [Peru, colloquial, derogatory] :: person from the streets, with no education and a felon
alarbe {adj} :: obsolete spelling of árabe
alarbe {mf} :: obsolete spelling of árabe
Alarcón {prop} :: Alarcón (town)
Alarcón {prop} :: surname
alarde {m} :: large display
alarde {m} :: review
alarde {m} :: military parade, inspection, display
alarde {m} :: boast, boasting, brag
alardear {vi} :: to boast, brag
alargador {m} :: extension cord
alargamiento {m} :: lengthening
alargamiento compensatorio {m} [linguistics] :: compensatory lengthening (lengthening of a vowel which occurs when a following consonant is lost)
alargar {v} :: to lengthen
alargar {v} :: to stretch, to extend
alargarse {v} :: reflexive of alargar
a largo plazo {adv} [idiomatic] :: long-term, in the long run
alarguez {m} [archaic] :: barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
alarguez {m} [archaic] :: rosewood, princewood (the slightly aromatic wood of Cordia gerascanthus)
alarido {m} :: clamor, shriek
alarife {mf} :: architect
alarife {mf} :: foreman
alarma {f} :: alarm (a summons to arms)
alarma {f} :: alarm (a sound intended to give notice of approaching danger)
alarma {f} :: alarm (a mechanical device for rousing attention)
alarma {f} :: alarm (sudden surprise with fear of danger)
alarma anti-incendio {f} :: fire alarm (device which warns people of a possible fire)
alarma de incendios {f} :: fire alarm (device which warns people of a possible fire)
alarmado {adj} :: alarmed
alarmado {adj} :: concerned
alarmante {adj} :: scary, frightening
alarmantemente {adv} :: alarmingly
alarmar {vt} :: to alarm, to alert
alarmar {vt} :: to frighten
alarmarse {v} :: reflexive of alarmar
alarmismo {m} :: alarmism (production of needless alarms)
alarmista {adj} :: alarmist
alarmista {adj} :: alarming
a la romana {adv} [idiom] :: cooked by dredging in flour and egg and then frying
a las apuradas {adv} [idiomatic] :: in a rush
Alaska {prop} {f} :: Alaska (state)
alaskeño {adj} :: Alaskan (of or pertaining to Alaska, its people or its culture)
alaskeño {m} :: Alaskan
a las mil maravillas {adv} [idiom] :: swimmingly ]
a las primeras {adv} :: synonym of a las primeras de cambio
a las primeras de cambio {adv} [idiomatic] :: at the drop of a hat, at a moment's notice, in a heartbeat, all of a sudden
alasqueño {adj} :: alternative spelling of alaskeño
alasqueño {m} :: alternative spelling of alaskeño
aláter {adj} :: rare form of adlátere
a la tercera va la vencida {proverb} :: third time's a charm
alátere {mf} :: alternative form of adlátere
alativo {m} [grammar] :: allative (allative case)
alauí {adj} :: Alawite (attributive)
alauí {mf} :: Alawite
alauita {adj} :: alternative form of alauí
alauita {mf} :: alternative form of alauí
Álava {prop} {f} :: Álava (province)
a la vera {adv} :: besides; next (to)
a la verga {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, Latin America] :: fuck it; fuck this
a la verga {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, Latin America] :: the fuck
alavés {adj} :: from Álava
alavés {m} :: someone from Álava
alavesista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Deportivo Alavés, a football team from Vitoria, Spain
alavesista {mf} :: Someone connected to Deportivo Alavés, as a fan, player, coach etc
a la vez {adv} [idiomatic] :: at once; at a time, at the same time
alazán {adj} :: sorrel-colored, chestnut-colored, reddish-brown
alazán {m} :: sorrel-colored horse
alazana {f} :: feminine noun of alazán
al azar {adv} :: at random, randomly, haphazardly
al azar {adv} :: up to chance, to chance
al azar {adj} :: random
alazor {m} :: safflower
a la zumba marumba {adv} [Honduras, Nicaragua, colloquial, idiom] :: without thinking, in a hurry
a la zumba marumba {adv} [Honduras, Nicaragua, colloquial, idiom] :: without planning
alba {f} :: dawn
Alba {prop} {f} :: given name of modern usage from alba ("dawn").
Alba {prop} {f} :: surname from place names of obscure origin.
albacar {m} :: basil
albacea {mf} [legal] :: testamentary executor, administrator
Albacete {prop} :: Albacete (province)
Albacete {prop} :: Albacete (city)
albaceteño {adj} :: from Albacete
albaceteño {m} :: someone from Albacete
albacetense {adj} :: from Albacete
albacetense {mf} :: someone from Albacete
albacora {f} :: swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
albahaca {f} :: basil (plant or culinary herb)
albañal {m} :: sewer, drain
albañar {m} :: alternative spelling of albañal
albanés {adj} :: Albanian (from or native to Albania)
albanés {adj} :: Albanian (pertaining to Albania)
albanés {m} :: an Albanian person (male)
albanés {m} :: the Albanian language
albanesa {f} :: feminine noun of albanés
Albania {prop} {f} :: Albania (country)
Albania caucásica {prop} {f} :: Caucasian Albania
albaniana {f} :: feminine noun of albaniano
albaniano {adj} :: Albanian (of or pertaining to Albany, New York)
albaniano {m} :: Albanian (native or resident of Albany, New York)
albañil {m} :: mason, bricklayer
albañila {f} :: feminine noun of albañil
albañilería {f} :: the bricklaying or construction industry
albano {adj} :: Albanian (of a person, from or native to Albania)
Albano {prop} {m} :: given name
albanokosovar {adj} :: Albanian Kosovan
albanokosovar {mf} :: Albanian Kosovan
Albany {prop} :: Albany (capital)
albar {m} :: wild cherry, Prunus avium
albar {m} :: silver birch, Betula pendula
albar {m} :: Portuguese oak, Quercus faginea
albar {m} :: sessile oak, Quercus petraea
albar {m} :: gorse, common gorse, Ulex europaeus
albarán {m} :: invoice
albarán {m} :: sign announcing "for lease"
albarca {f} :: alternative form of abarca; sandal
albarda {f} :: packsaddle
albardado {adj} [zoology] :: Having the back a different color from the rest of the body
albardón {m} :: great packsaddle
albardonería {f} :: saddlery
albardonero {m} :: saddler
albaricoque {m} :: apricot
albaricoquero {m} :: apricot tree
albariño {m} :: A variety of white wine grape grown in Galicia, Spain
albariño {m} :: A wine made with such grapes
albarrana {f} :: Portuguese squill
albatros {m} :: albatross
albatros de ceja negra {m} :: black-browed albatross
albatros ojeroso {m} :: black-browed albatross
albayalde {m} :: white lead
albear {vi} :: to whiten
albedo {m} [physics, meteorology, astronomy] :: albedo (the fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body)
albedrío {m} :: will (intent)
albéitar {m} :: farrier who can also cure minor animal (especially equine) illnesses; veterinarian
alberca {m} :: pool
alberca {m} [Latin America] :: swimming pool
albercada {f} :: pool party
albérchigo {m} :: peach
albérchigo {m} [Andalucía] :: apricot
albergar {v} :: to house, shelter, lodge
albergo {m} :: obsolete form of albergue
albergue {m} :: hostel
albergue juvenil {m} :: youth hostel (a supervised, inexpensive lodging place, primarily for young people)
albergue transitorio {m} [Latin America] :: autohotel
albero {m} :: a type of crushed rock applied over gardens and bullring arenas
albero {m} [bullfighting] :: an arena
albero {m} :: dishrag
Alberta {prop} {f} :: Alberta
albertana {f} :: feminine noun of albertano
albertano {adj} :: Albertan (of or pertaining to Alberta, Canada)
albertano {m} :: Albertan (native or resident of Alberta, Canada)
albertismo {m} :: synonym of fujimorismo
Alberto {prop} {m} :: given name
albiazul {mf} [soccer] :: Supporter, player, coach, or anyone associated with Club Atlético Talleres, a soccer club based in Córdoba, Argentina
albiceleste {f} [football] :: The Argentina national football team
al bies {adv} :: on the bias; diagonally
albigense {mf} :: Albigense
albigense {adj} :: Albigensian
albillo {m} :: Albillo (a type of grape from Spain)
albina {f} :: feminine noun of albino
albinaranja {adj} :: Of or related to Club de Deportes Cobresal
albinaranja {mf} :: Someone connected to Club de Deportes Cobresal, as a player, fan, coach etc
albinegra {f} :: feminine noun of albinegro
albinegro {adj} :: Relating to sports teams with black and white colours, notably
albinegro {adj} :: Albinegros de Orizaba, a soccer club from Mexico
albinegro {adj} :: Club Deportivo Castellón, a soccer club from Spain
albinegro {adj} :: Clube Desportivo Nacional, a soccer club from Portugal
albinegro {adj} :: Club Cipolletti, a soccer club from Argentina
albinegro {adj} :: Nuevo Estadio Castalia, a soccer club from Spain
albinegro {m} :: Someone connected with the above teams, as a fan, player, coach etc
albinismo {m} :: albinism (lack of melanin pigmentation)
albino {adj} :: albino, albinistic: congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); afflicted with albinism
albino {m} :: albino: person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); one afflicted with albinism
Albireo {prop} [star] :: Albireo (beta (β) Cygni.)
albirrojo {adj} [football] :: associated with Curicó Unido, as a player, coach, fan etc
albirrojo {adj} [football] :: associated with the Paraguay national football team
albirrojo {m} [football] :: Someone associated with Curicó Unido, as a player, coach, fan etc
albita {f} [mineral] :: albite (plagioclase feldspar)
albiverde {adj} :: Of or relating to a number of sports teams having a white and green strip
albiverde {adj} :: Laureles Fútbol Club, a soccer team from Uruguay
albiverde {adj} :: Club Deportivo Nacional, a soccer team from Guadalajara, Mexico
albiverde {adj} :: Deportes Temuco, a soccer team from Temuco, Colombia
albiverde {adj} :: Centro Deportivo y Social Lord Cochrane, a sports team from Concepción, Chile
albiverde {adj} :: Club Atlético Bella Vista, a sports team from Córdoba, Argentina
albiverde {adj} :: Club Sportivo Estudiantes, a soccer team from San Luis, Argentina
albiverde {adj} :: Salto Nuevo Fútbol Club, a soccer team from Salto, Uruguay
albiverde {mf} :: Someone connected with the above sports teams, as a fan, player, coach etc
albo {adj} [poetic] :: white
albóndiga {f} :: meatball
albondiguilla {f} :: diminutive of albóndiga
albor {m} :: whiteness (state of being white)
albor {m} :: dawnlight
albor {m} :: dawn
alborada {f} :: sunrise
alborada {f} :: aubade
al borde de {adv} :: on the verge of, on the brink of
al borde de {adv} :: on the edge of, at the edge of, to the edge of, to the brink of
al borde de {adv} :: bordering on
al borde del abismo {adv} [narratology] :: on a cliffhanger
alborear {vi} [impersonal] :: to dawn (to begin to brighten with daylight)
alborear {vi} [by extension] :: to originate, to begin
alborecer {vi} [defective, rare] :: to dawn (to begin to brighten with daylight)
albornoz {m} [cloth] :: burnoose
albornoz {m} [Spain] :: bathrobe
alborotadísimo {adj} :: superlative of alborotado
alborotado {adj} :: excited, in disarray
alborotador {m} :: troublemaker, agitator, tearaway
alborotar {v} :: to stir up, agitate
alborotar {v} :: to disturb, tease (provoke or disturb)
alborotar {v} :: to excite
alborotar {v} :: to infect, ballyhoo (make somebody enthusiastic about one's own passion)
alboroto {m} :: fuss, commotion, ruckus, hubbub, brouhaha, ado, uproar, tumult, riot, bustle, din, rumpus, fracas, rowdiness
alboroto {m} :: disturbance, racket, mayhem
alboroto {m} :: rampage
alboroto {m} :: hoopla, ballyhoo
alboroto {m} :: bedlam
alborozar {v} :: to gladden, to make joyous
alborozo {m} :: joy, jubilation, delight
alborozo {m} :: gaiety
albricias {fp} :: albricias
albudeca {f} :: Tasteless or watery melon
albufera {f} :: lagoon
Albuixech {prop} {m} :: Albiuxech
álbum {m} :: album (a book designed to keep photographs, stamps, autographs)
álbum {m} :: album (a phonograph record composed of several tracks)
albumen {m} :: egg white, albumen
albúmina {f} [protein] :: albumin
albuminuria {f} :: albuminuria
albur {m} :: bleak (fish); dace
albur {m} [Mexico] :: A kind of humorous wordplay that relies on sexual innuendo
albur {m} :: luck, chance
albura {f} :: whiteness (state of being white)
albura {f} :: sapwood (wood just under the bark)
alburear {vi} [Mexico] :: To engage in albures, a kind of wordplay involving sexual innuendo
Alburquerque {prop} :: surname
Alburquerque {prop} :: A town in Badajoz, Spain, close to the border with Portugal
alca {f} :: auk
alcabala {f} [historical] :: alcavala
alcabala {f} :: tax
al cabo de {prep} :: after (a period of time (in the past))
Alcácer {prop} {m} :: Alcácer (town)
alcachofa {f} :: artichoke
alcachofa {f} [Spain] :: shower head
alcacil {m} :: rare form of alcaucil
alcadía {f} :: nonstandard form of alcaldía
alca gigante {f} :: great auk
alcahueta {f} :: feminine noun of alcahuete
alcahuete {m} :: gossip (person)
alcahuete {m} :: go-between, matchmaker
alcahuete {m} :: pimp (prostitution solicitor)
alcahuete {m} :: panderer, sycophant, ingratiator
alcahuete {m} :: enabler
alcahuete {m} :: drop curtain
alcahuetear {vi} :: to act as a go-between, to play Cupid
alcahuetear {vi} :: to gossip
alcahuetería {f} :: pimping
alcaicería {f} [Spain, Andalusia] :: marketplace
alcaide {m} :: commander of the defense of a castle
alcaide {m} :: administrator of royal property
alcaide {m} :: warden; administrator of a prison
Alcaide {prop} :: surname
Alcalá {prop} :: The name of a number of places in Spain
Alcalá {prop} :: short for Alcalá de Henares
Alcalá {prop} :: surname
Alcalá de Henares {prop} :: Alcalá de Henares (city)
alcalaíno {adj} :: From Alcalá de Henares
alcalaíno {m} :: Someone from Alcalá de Henares
alcaldable {mf} :: candidate to be a mayor
alcaldada {f} :: abuse of power or authority
alcalde {m} :: mayor
alcalde {m} [Spain, Southwestern US Spanish] :: an official such as an administrator, mayor, or judge
alcalde pedáneo {m} :: small-town mayor
alcaldesa {f} :: feminine noun of alcalde, female mayor
alcaldesa {f} [colloquial] :: The mayor's wife
alcaldía {f} :: city hall; the building in which a city government is located
alcaldía {f} :: A city government
alcaldía {f} :: mayor's office
alcaldía {f} :: mayorship, mayoralty
alcaldicio {adj} :: municipal; from the mayor's office
alcaldillo {m} :: diminutive of alcalde
álcali {m} [chemistry] :: alkali
alcalimetría {f} :: alkalimetry (process of determining the strength of an alkali)
alcalímetro {m} :: alkalimeter (device)
alcalinidad {f} :: alkalinity
alcalinización {f} :: alcalinization
alcalinizante {adj} :: alkalinizing
alcalinizar {v} :: to alkalinize
alcalino {adj} :: alkaline
alcalinotérreo {adj} [chemistry, attributive] :: alkaline earth
alcaloide {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkaloid
alcalosis {f} :: alkalosis
alcana {f} :: privet
alcançar {v} :: obsolete spelling of alcanzar
alcance {m} :: reach, range, scope
alcancía {f} :: cashbox
alcancía {f} :: collection (at a church)
alcancía {f} [Latin America, Philippines, Canary Islands, Andalusia] :: piggy bank
alcandora {f} [obsolete] :: a shirt or similar garment
alcanfor {m} :: camphor
alcanforar {v} :: to camphorate
alcano {m} [organic compound] :: alkane
alcántara {f} :: wooden cover over a loom treadle to protect velvet
alcántara {f} [Cuba] :: water jug
Alcántara {prop} {f} :: Alcántara, a municipality in Spain
alcantarilla {f} :: sewer
alcantarilla {f} :: manhole
alcantarillado {m} :: sewer system, sewerage
alcantarillado {m} :: sewer
alcantarillar {vt} :: to install or lay sewers
alcanzable {adj} :: attainable; achievable
alcanzar {vt} :: to reach; to attain or achieve
alcanzar {vi} :: to be enough; to suffice
alcaparra {f} :: caper (plant)
alcaparra {f} :: caper (bud)
alcaparro {m} :: caper (plant)
alcapate {m} [Mexico] :: coriander
alcapurria {f} :: a fritter whose dough is made of green bananas and taro
al carajo {interj} :: fuck it
alcaraván {m} :: stone curlew
alcaravea {f} :: caraway (plant, seed)
alcarceña {f} :: bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia)
alcarraza {f} :: alcarraza (jug made of porous earthenware)
alcarreño {adj} :: From Guadalajara, Spain
alcarreño {m} :: Someone from Guadalajara, Spain
alcasínic {f} [Yucatán] :: A general term for small black ants found in homes
alcatara {f} :: alternative spelling of alquitara
alcatraz {m} :: gannet (bird)
alcatraz {m} :: roll of paper, paper cone, cornet
alcatraz {m} :: arum (Arum spp.)
alcatraz {m} :: lily
alcatraz {m} [Mexico] :: calla lily
alcaucil {m} [Argentina, Southern Spain] :: artichoke (vegetable)
alcaudón {m} :: shrike (any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae which are known for their habit of catching other birds and small animals and impaling the uneaten portions of their bodies on thorns)
alcayata {f} :: meat hook
alcayata {f} :: spike
alcayota {f} :: spaghetti squash
alcazaba {f} :: a Moorish fortress within or beside a walled city
alcázar {m} :: alcazar (Moorish fortress in Spain)
alcázar {m} [by extension] :: citadel, castle, fortified town
alcázar {m} [nautical] :: quarterdeck
Alcazarquivir {prop} :: Ksar el-Kebir
Alcazarseguir {prop} :: Ksar es-Seghir
alcazuz {m} :: liquorice plant
alce {m} :: elk [UK], moose [US] (Alces alces)
alcedón {m} :: kingfisher
alcélafo {m} :: hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus)
alción {m} :: kingfisher
alcista {adj} [finance] :: upward, rising, bull-, bullish
Alcmena {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Alcmene (the wife of Amphitryon and mother, by Zeus, of Heracles)
alcoba {f} :: bedroom
alcobendana {f} :: feminine noun of alcobendano
alcobendano {adj} [archaic] :: from Alcobendas
alcobendano {m} [archaic] :: someone from Alcobendas
alcobendense {adj} :: From Alcobendas
alcobendense {mf} :: Someone from Alcobendas
alcohela {f} [obsolete, obsolete] :: endive (Cichorium endivia)
alcohela {f} [obsolete] :: bugloss (Borago officinalis)
alcohol {m} :: alcohol
alcohol {m} [mineral] :: galena
alcohol {m} [cosmetics] :: kohl, stibnite
alcoholado {m} :: Alcohol, usually rotgut, made from plants
alcoholado {m} :: Bay rum, used medicinally
alcohol alílico {m} :: allyl alcohol
alcohol amílico {m} [organic compound] :: amyl alcohol
alcoholar {v} [nautical] :: to caulk
alcoholemia {f} :: alcoholaemia (presence of alcohol)
alcohólica {f} :: feminine noun of alcohólico
alcohólico {adj} :: alcoholic
alcohólico {m} :: alcoholic
Alcohólicos Anónimos {prop} :: Alcoholics Anonymous
alcoholimetría {f} :: alcoholometry
alcoholímetro {m} :: breathalyzer
alcoholímetro {m} :: alcoholometer
alcoholismo {m} :: alcoholism
alcoholista {adj} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: alcoholic; drunk
alcoholista {mf} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: alcoholic; drunkard
alcoholizado {adj} :: alcoholic
alcoholizado {adj} :: drunken; under the influence (of alcohol)
alcoholizar {v} :: to alcoholize
alcoholizar {vt} :: to turn (someone) to drink
alcoholizar {vr} :: to turn to drink; become an alcoholic
alcohómetro {m} :: alcoholometer
Alcón {prop} :: surname
al contado {adv} :: cash
al contrario {adv} :: on the contrary
al contrario {adv} :: unlike
al contrario {adv} :: reverse
alcor {m} :: hill; hillock
Alcorán {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Corán
alcoránico {adj} :: alternative form of coránico
alcorce {m} [Aragón] :: shortcut
Alcorcón {prop} :: Alcorcón (city)
alcorconero {adj} :: Of or from Alcorcón
alcorconero {m} :: Someone from Alcorcón
alcornocal {m} :: A grove of cork oak trees
alcornoque {m} :: cork oak
alcornoque {m} :: cork (bark of the cork oak)
alcorque {m} :: tree grating (metal covering around the base of a tree, usually on a sidewalk)
alcorque {m} :: tree well (ridge of soil around a tree to conserve water)
al corriente {adj} [idiom] :: up-to-date (informed of the latest news)
al corriente {adv} :: abreast (informed)
alcorzar {v} :: to cover with alcorza
al costado {adv} :: alongside (along the side; by the side; side by side with)
alcotán {m} :: hobby (bird)
alcotest {m} [Chile] :: breathalyzer
alcóxido {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkoxide
Alcoy {prop} :: Alcoy (municipality)
alcoyana {f} :: feminine noun of alcoyano
alcoyano {adj} :: of or pertaining to Alcoy
alcoyano {m} :: someone from Alcoy
al cruzar de {prep} :: across
Alcubierre {prop} :: Alcubierre (town)
Alcubierre {prop} :: surname
Alcubierre {prop} :: A count-ranked Grandee-title of Spain
alcuño {m} [obsolete] :: nickname, soubriquet
alcurnia {f} :: lineage, blood
alcuza {f} :: oil container, oil jar (kitchen utensil)
alcuzcuz {m} :: rare form of cuscús
aldaba {f} :: doorknocker
aldaba {f} [in the plural, slang] :: tits, knockers
aldabón {m} :: synonym of aldaba; doorknocker
aldabonazo {m} :: door knock; a hit with a doorknocker
aldabonazo {m} :: call to attention
Aldana {prop} {f} :: surname
Aldana {prop} {f} :: Aldana (municipality)
aldea {f} :: village
aldea global {f} :: global village
aldeana {f} :: feminine noun of aldeano
aldeano {adj} :: rustic
aldeano {adj} :: rural
aldeano {m} :: villager, countryman
Aldebarán {prop} {m} :: Aldebaran
al dedillo {adv} [idiomatic] :: in minute detail, to the letter
aldehídico {adj} :: aldehydic
aldehído {m} [chemistry] :: aldehyde
aldehuela {f} :: hamlet, small village
al descubierto {adv} [idiom] :: rough; out in the open
al desgaire {adv} :: scornfully
al desgaire {adv} :: slovenly
al detal {adv} :: retail
ALDF {prop} {f} :: initialism of Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal
al día {adv} :: per day, each day, every day
al día {adj} :: state of the art (at the highest level of development)
al día {adj} :: up-to-date (current, recent)
alditol {m} [organic compound] :: alditol
aldolasa {f} [enzyme] :: aldolase
aldólico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aldol (attributive)
aldónico {adj} :: aldonic
aldopentosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: aldopentose
aldosa {f} :: aldose
aldosterona {f} [hormone] :: aldosterone
aldosteronismo {m} [pathology] :: aldosteronism
ale {f} :: ale (intoxicating liquor)
Ale {prop} {m} :: given name
Ale {prop} {f} :: given name
aleación {f} :: alloy
aleación {f} :: alloying
aleante {adj} :: alloying
alear {v} :: to alloy
alear {v} :: to ally
aleatoriamente {adv} :: randomly
aleatoriedad {f} :: randomness
aleatorio {adj} :: random, aleatory
aleatorización {f} :: randomization
aleatorizador {m} :: randomizer, randomiser
aleatorizar {v} :: to randomize
alebrestarse {vr} :: to get excited; to become nervous
alebrije {m} :: A brightly colored Mexican handicraft sculpture of an animal or fantastical creature
aleccionador {adj} :: exemplary
aleccionador {adj} :: instructive
aleccionar {v} :: to teach
aleccionar {v} :: to train
alechugar {vt} :: to fold, to pleat
aledaño {adj} [of land] :: bordering, neighboring
alef {m} :: alternative form of álef
álef {mf} :: aleph (א) (first letter of the Hebrew alphabet)
alefriz {m} [nautical] :: mortise, rabbet (on the keel or stem)
alegación {f} :: allegation
alegadamente {adv} [proscribed] :: allegedly
alegal {adj} :: unregulated
alegar {vt} :: to cite as a defence or justification for one's actions
alegar {vi} :: to complain
alegar {vi} [legal] :: to speak in defence of the accused in a criminal proceeding; to defend
alegar {v} [Canarian] :: to converse, talk
alegato {m} :: argument
alegato {m} :: allegation
alegato {m} :: plea
alegoría {f} :: allegory
alegóricamente {adv} :: allegorically
alegórico {adj} :: allegorical
alegorizar {vt} :: to allegorize
alegranza {f} [rare] :: joyfulness, happiness
alegrar {vt} :: to make happy
alegrar {vr} :: to be happy
alegrar {vr} :: to be glad
alegrarse {v} :: (reflexive of alegrar) to be happy
alegre {adj} :: joyful, cheerful
alegre {adj} :: happy, joyous, merry
alegre {adj} :: lively
alegre {adj} :: light-hearted
alegre {adj} :: jaunty (dress, attire)
alegre {adj} [colloquial] :: tipsy (slightly drunk)
Alegre {prop} :: surname
alegremente {adv} :: happily, merrily
alegría {f} :: joy, happiness
alegría de la casa {f} :: busy Lizzy (plant)
alegrísimo {adj} :: superlative of alegre
alegrón {adj} [Latin America] :: happy, merry
alegrón {m} :: joy
alehop {interj} :: hup!
Aleixandre {prop} [rare] :: surname
Aleja {prop} {f} :: given name
alejado {adj} :: far, faraway, distant
alejador {m} :: remover
alejador {adj} :: removing
alejamiento {m} :: distancing
alejamiento {m} :: distance
alejamiento {m} :: estrangement, rift
Alejandra {prop} {f} :: given name
Alejandría {prop} {f} :: Alejandría (city)
alejandrino {adj} :: Alexandrian, Alexandrine (of or pertaining to Alexandria)
alejandrino {adj} :: Alexandrian (of or pertaining to Alexander the Great)
alejandrino {adj} [poetry] :: Alexandrian
alejandrino {m} :: Alexandrian, Alexandrine (someone from Alexandria)
alejandrino {m} [poetry] :: alexandrine
Alejandrino {prop} {m} :: surname
Alejandro {prop} {m} :: given name
Alejandro Magno {prop} {m} :: Alexander the Great (the king of Macedonia)
Alejandrópolis {prop} :: Alejandrópolis (city)
alejar {v} :: to remove to a distance, put farther away, to lead away, to draw away
alejar {v} :: to estrange, alienate
alejar {v} :: to keep at a distance
alejarse {v} :: reflexive of alejar; to move away, distance oneself
Alejo {prop} {m} :: given name
alelado {adj} :: dumbstruck, spellbound
alelamiento {m} :: foolishness, stupidity, dimwittedness, hebetude (mental lethargy or dullness)
alelar {vt} :: to stupefy
alélico {adj} :: allelic
alelo {m} [genetics] :: allele (variant of a gene)
alelomorfo {m} [genetics] :: allele
alelopatía {f} :: allelopathy
aleluya {interj} :: hallelujah
aleluya {mf} :: (cry of) hallelujah
alemán {adj} :: German (relating to Germany or to the German language)
alemán {m} :: German (inhabitant of Germany or person of German descent)
alemán {m} :: German [language]
alemana {f} :: feminine noun of alemán
alemán antiguo {adj} :: Old High German
alemán antiguo {m} :: Old High German language
Alemania {prop} {f} :: Germany (country)
Alemania del Oeste {prop} {f} :: West Germany (former European country)
Alemania Federal {prop} {f} :: West Germany (former European country)
Alemania Occidental {prop} {f} :: West Germany (former European country)
Alemania Oriental {prop} {f} :: East Germany
alemánico {adj} :: Allemannic
aleno {m} [organic compound] :: allene
alentador {adj} :: encouraging
alentar {v} :: to encourage, animate, inspirit
alentar {v} [Latin America] :: to slow down, become slow
alentar {vr} [Mexico] :: to become or behave as a shy, shameful or fearful person
alentarse {v} :: reflexive of alentar; to gather up one's courage
alentejana {f} :: feminine noun of alentejano
alentejano {adj} :: Alentejan
alentejano {m} :: Alentejan
Alentejo {prop} {m} :: Alentejo
aleonado {adj} :: alternative form of leonado
alepina {f} :: feminine noun of alepino
alepino {adj} :: Aleppine (of or pertaining to Aleppo, Syria)
alepino {m} :: Aleppine (native or resident of Aleppo, Syria)
Alepo {prop} {m} :: Alepo (city)
alera {f} :: feminine noun of alero
alerce {m} :: larch tree (trees of the genus Larix)
alerce {m} :: the wood of the larch tree
alerce {m} :: Fitzroya cupressoides, a species of cypress tree
alerce africano {m} :: (Tetraclinis articulatus Masters), the sandarac tree
alerce patagónico {m} :: Patagonian cypress
alergénico {adj} :: allergenic
alergeno {m} :: alternative form of alérgeno
alérgeno {m} [pathology] :: allergen
alergia {f} [immunology, pathology] :: allergy
alérgico {adj} :: allergic
alergóloga {f} :: feminine noun of alergólogo
alergología {f} [medicine] :: allergology (the study of the causes and treatment of allergies)
alergólogo {m} :: allergist
alero {m} :: eave
alero {m} [sports] :: winger
alero {m} [basketball] :: small forward
alero {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: wingman, companion (friend to accompany you when going out)
alerón {m} :: aileron
alerta {adj} :: alert, vigilant
alerta {f} :: alarm
alerta {adv} :: alertly
alertamente {adv} [rare] :: alertly
alertamiento {m} :: alert; alerting
alertar {vt} :: to alert
alertita {f} :: diminutive of alerta
alesna {f} :: alternative form of lezna
aleta {f} :: fin
aleta {f} :: flipper
aleta {f} :: the leaf of a hinge
aleta {f} :: blade of a propeller
aleta adiposa {f} [ichthyology] :: adipose fin (a soft, fleshy fin found on the back of a fish)
aleta anal {f} [ichthyology] :: anal fin (fin on the underside of a fish)
aleta caudal {f} :: caudal fin (the tailfin of a fish and other aquatic vertebrates)
aletada {f} :: motion of the wings; flapping
aleta dorsal {f} :: dorsal fin (fin on a marine animal's back)
aleta pectoral {f} [ichthyology] :: pectoral fin (fin located on each side of a fish)
aleta pélvica {f} [ichthyology] :: pelvic fin (either of a pair of fins)
aletargado {adj} :: lethargic
aletargamiento {m} :: hibernation (state of inactivity during winter)
aletargamiento {m} :: lethargy (state of extreme torpor or apathy)
aletargar {v} :: to make lethargic
aletargar {vr} :: to hibernate
aletazo {m} :: A hit with a fin or wing
aletear {vi} :: to flap (one's wings, fins) (of a bird or fish)
aletear {vi} :: to flutter
aletear {vi} :: to wave one's arms like wings
aleteo {m} :: flap; flapping (of wings)
aletría {f} [Murcia] :: noodle
aletrina {f} :: allethrin (synthetic pyrethroid used in insecticides)
aleutiana {f} :: feminine noun of aleutiano
aleutiano {adj} :: Aleutian
aleutiano {m} :: Aleutian
aleutiano {m} :: Aleutian
alevantar {vt} :: obsolete spelling of levantar
aleve {adj} :: treacherous
aleví {mf} :: Alevite
alevín {m} :: fry, alevin (young fish)
alevín {m} :: youngster, junior
alevinaje {m} :: fish breeding
alevino {m} [South America] :: alternative form of alevín
alevosamente {adv} :: treacherously
alevosía {f} :: treachery
alevoso {adj} :: treacherous
alevoso {m} :: traitor
Álex {prop} {f} :: given name
Álex {prop} {m} :: given name
Alexandrescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
alexitimia {f} :: alexithymia
al exterior {adv} :: outside (without a certain confine; outside the house)
aleya {f} :: ayah (a verse in the Quran)
alfa {f} :: alpha; the Greek letter Α, α
alfabeta {f} :: feminine noun of alfabeto
alfabéticamente {adv} :: alphabetically
alfabético {adj} :: alphabetic, alphabetical
alfabetismo {m} :: literacy; the ability to read
alfabetizable {adj} :: able to be made literate (able to read and write)
alfabetizable {adj} :: alphabetizable (able to be arranged in alphabetical order)
alfabetización {f} :: literacy instruction; an effort to counter illiteracy
alfabetizador {m} :: reading tutor
alfabetizadora {f} :: feminine noun of alfabetizador
alfabetizar {vt} :: to alphabetize
alfabetizar {vt} :: to teach how to read and write
alfabeto {m} :: alphabet
alfabeto {adj} :: literate
alfabeto {m} :: literate person
alfabeto árabe {m} :: Arabic alphabet
alfabeto cirílico {m} :: Cyrillic alphabet
Alfabeto Fonético Internacional {prop} {m} :: International Phonetic Alphabet
alfabeto glagolítico {m} [linguistics] :: Glagolitic (the oldest known Slavonic alphabet)
alfabeto latino {m} :: Latin alphabet
alfabeto radiofónico {m} :: ICAO spelling alphabet (ICAO radiotelephony spelling alphabet)
alfabeto turco {m} :: Turkish alphabet (the alphabet used in the Turkish language)
alfadía {f} [obsolete] :: bribe
alfaguara {f} :: wellspring
alfahar {m} :: alternative form of alfar
alfaharero {m} :: obsolete spelling of alfarero
alfahidroxiácido {adj} [attributive] :: alpha hydroxy acid
alfajor {m} :: A popular candy in South America usually filled with dulce de leche
alfalfa {f} :: alfalfa
alfalfar {m} :: alfalfa field (place where alfalfa is grown)
alfalfar {vt} :: to plant alfalfa
alfalfez {m} [Argentina] :: alternative form of alfalfa
alfalipoproteina {f} [protein] :: alphalipoprotein, alpha-lipoprotein
alfamar {m} :: alternative spelling of alhamar
alfanje {m} :: scimitar, cutlass (sword of Persian origin with a curved blade)
alfanje {m} :: swordfish (large marine fish with a long, pointed bill, Xiphias gladius)
alfanumérico {adj} :: alphanumeric (consisting of letters and numbers)
alfaque {m} :: sandbank
alfaquí {m} :: alfaqui
alfar {m} :: clay
alfar {m} :: clay workshop
alfarda {f} [historical] :: A kind of tribute paid by the Moors as Jews to the crown in medieval Spain
alfarda {f} :: A kind of cloak
alfarda {f} :: batten
alfarera {f} :: feminine noun of alfarero
alfarería {f} :: pottery workshop
alfarería {f} [uncountable] :: pottery craft; earthenware
alfarero {adj} [attributive] :: pottery
alfarero {m} :: potter
alfarista {mf} :: A supporter of Eloy Alfaro
alfarista {adj} :: Of or relating to Eloy Alfaro or his beliefs
alfarje {m} :: a type of horizontal wooden ceiling primarily found in Islamic and Spanish Moorish architecture
Alfaro {prop} :: Alfaro (city)
Alfaro {prop} :: surname, the 225th most common in Mexico
alfaxalona {f} :: alfaxalone
alféizar {m} :: windowsill, ledge
alfeñique {m} :: alphenic
alferazgo {m} :: The state of being an alférez
alferecía {f} :: infantile epilepsy
alférez {m} [military ranks] :: second lieutenant, subaltern, ensign
alficoz {m} :: Armenian cucumber
alfil {m} [chess] :: bishop
alfil bueno {m} [chess] :: good bishop
alfiler {m} :: pin (a needle without an eye used for fastening)
alfilerazo {m} :: a prick with a pin
alfiletero {m} :: case for pins and needles
alfiletero {m} :: pincushion
alfil malo {m} [chess] :: bad bishop
al fin {adv} [idiomatic] :: at last; finally
al fin {adv} :: in the end
al fin {adv} :: to the last
al final {adv} :: eventually, after all (in the end)
al fin y al cabo {phrase} [idiomatic] :: when all is said and done
al fin y al cabo {phrase} :: finally
al fin y al cabo {phrase} :: at the very end
al fin y al cabo {phrase} :: at the end of the day
alfiz {m} [architecture] :: alfiz
alfombra {f} :: carpet, rug (covering for a floor)
alfombra {f} :: mat
alfombrar {vt} :: to carpet
alfombrilla {f} :: diminutive of alfombra; a small mat or rug
alfombrilla {f} :: car mat
alfombrilla {f} :: mouse pad, mouse mat
alfóncigo {m} :: pistachio (tree)
alfóncigo {m} :: pistachio (nut)
Alfónsez {prop} :: surname
alfonsí {adj} :: Of or relating to Alfonso X of Castile, medieval king
alfónsigo {m} :: alternative spelling of alfóncigo
alfonsinismo {m} :: The period of Argentina under the rule of Raúl Alfonsín, 1983-1989
alfonsinista {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, Raúl Alfonsín, president of Argentina 1983-1989
alfonsinista {mf} :: A supporter of Raúl Alfonsín
alfonsino {adj} :: Alfonsine
Alfonso {prop} {m} :: given name
alforfón {m} :: buckwheat
alforja {f} :: saddlebag, knapsack
alforja {f} :: pannier
alforn {m} [musical instruments] :: alphorn
alforza {f} :: pleat (in clothing etc)
alforza {f} :: scar
alfoz {m} [historical] :: During the Middle Ages, the rural territory belonging to a corresponding town
Alfredo {prop} {m} :: given name
al freír de los huevos lo verá {proverb} :: the proof of the pudding is in the eating
al fresco {adj} :: al fresco (outdoors)
al fresco {adv} :: outdoors (in the open air)
alga {f} :: alga
algal {adj} :: algal
algalia {f} :: civet (perfume)
alga parda {f} :: brown alga
algar {m} [obsolete, Spain] :: cave, grotto
algar {m} :: An expanse of seaweed or algae on the ocean floor
algarabía {f} :: hubbub
algarabía {f} :: gibberish
algarabía {f} [rare] :: Arabic (language)
algarada {f} :: disturbance, hoopla
alga roja {f} :: red alga
algarroba {f} :: carob (fruit of the carob tree)
algarrobal {m} :: carob plantation
algarrobo {m} :: carob tree
algarrobo loco {m} :: Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum)
alga verde {f} :: green alga
algazara {f} :: hoo-ha, uproar
algazara {f} :: din, racket
álgebra {f} :: algebra
álgebra abstracta {f} :: abstract algebra
algebraicamente {adv} :: algebraically
algebraico {adj} :: algebraic
álgebra lineal {f} :: linear algebra (branch of mathematics)
algebrista {mf} [mathematics] :: algebraist (mathematician)
Algeciras {prop} :: Algeciras (city)
algecireño {adj} :: of or from Algeciras, a town in Cádiz Province, Spain
algecireño {m} :: native or inhabitant of Algeciras
-algia {suffix} :: -algy, -algia
álgido {adj} [figurative] :: decisive, critical, pivotal (of a moment or event)
álgido {adj} :: very cold
álgido {adj} [medicine] :: algid (low body temperature in connection with certain diseases)
alginato {m} [organic chemistry] :: alginate
algo- {prefix} :: algo-
algo {pron} :: something, anything
algo {adv} :: rather, somewhat, kind of
algo así {adv} :: kind of, something like that, somewhat
algo así como {adv} :: kind of, kind of like
algo del otro mundo {phrase} :: something special or extraordinary; something to write home about
algodón {m} :: cotton (plant)
algodón {m} :: cotton (textile fiber)
algodón {m} :: cotton wool
algodonal {m} :: cotton plantation
algodonal {m} :: cotton field
algodonar {v} :: to stuff with cotton
algodón de azúcar {m} :: cotton candy, candy floss, fairy floss
algodonera {f} :: feminine noun of algodonero
algodonero {adj} [attributive] :: cotton
algodonero {adj} :: growing cotton
algodonero {m} :: cotton grower
algodonero {m} :: cotton plant
algodonoso {adj} :: cottony
algofilia {f} :: algophilia (pleasure from experiencing pain)
Algol {prop} {f} [star] :: Algol (binary star in the constellation of Perseus)
algolagnia {f} :: algolagnia
algóloga {f} :: feminine noun of algólogo
algología {f} :: algology
algología {f} [medicine] :: pain management
algólogo {m} :: algologist
algometría {f} :: algometry
algonquina {f} :: feminine noun of algonquino
algonquino {m} :: Algonquin (member of an aboriginal people living mainly in Quebec)
algonquino {m} [uncountable] :: Algonquin (the Algic language spoken by the Algonquins)
algonquino {adj} :: Algonquian
algo por ahí {adv} :: thereabout
algo por el estilo {pron} :: something like that
algorítmicamente {adv} :: algorithmically
algorítmico {adj} :: algorithmic
algoritmo {m} :: algorithm
algoritmo de Euclides {m} [algebra] :: Euclidean algorithm
algoso {adj} :: full of algae or seaweed
alguacil {m} :: bailiff
alguacil {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: dragonfly, damselfly
alguazil {m} :: obsolete form of alguacil
Alguer {prop} {m} :: Alguer (city/and/port town)
alguerés {adj} :: Algherese (from Alghero)
alguerés {m} :: Algherese (person from Alghero)
alguerés {m} :: Algherese (Catalan dialect)
algueresa {f} :: feminine noun of alguerés
alguien {pron} :: someone, somebody
alguien {pron} :: anyone, anybody
alguito {m} :: diminutive of algo
algun {adj} :: obsolete spelling of algún
alguna cosa {pron} :: something, anything (unspecified object)
algunas veces {adv} :: sometimes (on certain occasions, but not always)
alguna vez {adv} :: ever (at any time)
alguna vez {adv} :: once (on a certain occasion)
algund {adj} :: obsolete spelling of algún
algún día {adv} :: someday, one day (sometime; at some time in the future)
alguno {adj} :: some, any
alguno {pron} :: someone
alguno que otro {determiner} :: one or two; a few
algún que otro {determiner} :: one or two
al gusto {adv} [cooking] :: to taste (depending on personal taste)
alhaja {f} :: jewel; gem
alhajar {vt} :: to bejewel
alhajú {m} :: rare spelling of alajú
Alhambra {prop} {f} :: Alhambra (palace)
alhamí {m} [rare] :: a low bench tiled with azulejos
alharaca {f} :: clamour, vociferation
alharaquiento {adj} :: peevish, complaining, whining (person)
alhelí {m} :: wallflower (several short-lived herbs or shrubs of the genus Erysimum)
alhelí {m} :: Virginia stock, Malcolmia maritima
alheña {f} :: henna (shrub (Lawsonia inermis) and dye)
alheña {f} :: privet (Ligustrum)
al hilo {adv} :: with the grain
al hilo {adv} [idiom] :: nonstop
al hilo {adv} [idiom] :: in a row
alholva {f} :: fenugreek
alhóndiga {f} :: grain store
alhucema {f} :: lavender
alhucema {f} :: spike lavender
aliáceo {adj} :: garlicky; alliaceous
aliada {f} :: feminine noun of aliado
aliado {adj} :: allied
aliado {m} :: ally
aliaga {f} :: alternative form of aulaga
aliancista {adj} :: Being a member or supporter of a political coalition
aliancista {adj} :: Of or relating to a political coalition
aliancista {adj} [Chile] :: Being a member or supporter of the Alianza por Chile
aliancista {adj} [Chile] :: Of or relating to the Alianza por Chile
aliancista {mf} :: A member or supporter of a political coalition
aliancista {mf} [Chile] :: A member or supporter of the Alianza por Chile
alianza {f} :: alliance
alianza {f} :: wedding ring, wedding band
alianza {f} :: political coalition
alianza {f} [Bible, religion, Christianity, Judaism, Islam] :: covenant
alianza {f} [archaic, Bible, literary] :: ark
aliar {v} :: to ally, unite
aliarse {vr} :: to ally (to unite by agreement)
alias {adv} :: also known as; alias
alias {m} :: alias
aliblanco {adj} :: white-winged (said of various species of birds or other animals)
alicaído {adj} [colloquial] :: weak, feeble
alicaído {adj} [colloquial] :: downcast, crestfallen
Alicante {prop} :: Alicante (province)
Alicante {prop} :: Alicante (city)
alicantino {adj} :: Of, pertaining to or from the province or city of Alicante
alicantino {m} :: Someone from the city or province of Alicante
alicatado {m} :: tiling (a covering of tiles) (especially of Arabic architecture)
alicatar {vt} :: to tile
alicate {m} :: pliers
alicate {m} [Argentina] :: nail clippers
alicates de corte {mp} :: wire cutters
Alicia {prop} {f} :: given name
Alicia en el mundo de maravillas {prop} :: Alice in Wonderland (as in a surreal fairy tale)
aliciente {m} :: lure
aliciente {m} :: incentive
alicina {f} [organic compound] :: allicin
alicornio {m} [folklore, mythology, now historical] :: alicorn (horn of a unicorn)
alicornio {m} [fantasy, heraldry] :: alicorn, winged unicorn (creature)
alicorto {adj} :: short-winged
alicorto {adj} :: naive
alicorto {adj} :: unimaginative
alícuota {f} :: aliquot
alícuota {adj} :: aliquot (contained an integral number of times)
alienación {f} :: alienation
alienado {adj} :: alienated (isolated, excluded, estranged)
alienante {adj} :: alienating
alienar {vt} :: to alienate
alienígena {adj} :: alien, extraterrestrial
alienígena {adj} :: strange, rare, unnatural
alienígeno {adj} :: strange, rare, unnatural
alienista {mf} :: alienist
aliento {m} :: breath
alifara {f} [Aragón] :: a meal as part of a business deal
alifático {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aliphatic
aligator {m} :: alligator (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator)
aligátor {m} :: alternative form of aligator
aligeramiento {m} :: lightening
aligerar {vt} :: to hasten; to accelerate
aligerar {vt} :: to lighten (as a load)
alígero {adj} [poetic] :: winged; wing'd
aligot {m} :: aligot (a potato and cheese dish from Auvergne)
aligote {m} :: axillary sea bream (Pagellus acarne)
aligustre {m} [plant] :: privet
aliina {f} [organic compound] :: alliin
alijar {v} :: to lighten
alijar {v} [nautical] :: to unload
alijar {v} :: to smuggle onto the shore
alijarar {vt} :: to divide uncultivated land for cultivation
alijo {m} :: contraband, stash, haul, smuggled goods
alijo {m} :: unloading
alílico {adj} :: allylic
alilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: allyl
alimaña {f} :: vermin
alimaña {f} :: varmint
alimañero {m} :: A game warden also employed in eliminating invasive and pest species
alimentación {f} :: feeding (an instance of giving food)
alimentación {f} :: feeding (an instance of eating)
alimentación {f} :: food; diet; eating (the food and beverage a person or animal consumes)
alimentación {f} :: nourishment
alimentación {f} :: supply, input, power (of a resource into a mechanical process)
alimentador {adj} :: nutritious
alimentar {vt} :: to feed (to give food to eat)
alimentario {adj} :: alimentary, dietary, food, food-related
alimentario {adj} :: eating
alimenticio {adj} :: alimentary, nourishing
alimento {m} [slightly, formal] :: food (solid substance that can be consumed)
alimento {m} :: nourishment
alimento {m} [in the plural] :: alimony, maintenance
alimentoso {adj} [of food or drink] :: nutritious (providing nutrients)
alimoche {m} :: Egyptian vulture
alimón {m} :: only used in al alimón
aliñado {adj} :: spicy, spiced up
aliñado {adj} :: seasoned
aliñar {v} :: to condiment, to season, to dress (food)
aliñar {v} :: to adorn, decorate
aliñar {v} :: to prepare
alinasa {f} :: alliin lyase
alindar {vt} :: to beautify; to smarten up
alineación {f} :: alignment
alineador {adj} :: aligning (that aligns)
alineamiento {m} :: alignment
alinear {vt} :: to line up, to align
alinearse {v} :: reflexive of alinear
al infinito {adv} :: ad infinitum (endlessly)
aliño {m} :: dressing (for salads)
aliño {m} :: seasoning (for meat)
aliño {m} :: condiment, spice
aliño ruso {m} :: Russian dressing
al instante {adv} :: instantly, at once
alioli {m} :: aioli
alipori {m} [Spain] :: shame, embarrassment
alipús {m} [Mexico] :: drink (served alcoholic beverage)
aliquindoi {adv} [idiom, colloquial, Andalusia] :: in the know, up to speed
Alirio {prop} {m} :: given name
alirón {interj} :: hooray; hurrah; come on
alirón {m} :: hurrah; cheer
alirrojo {adj} :: red-winged
alisante {adj} :: smoothing (that smooths)
alisar {m} :: alder tree plantation
alisar {vt} :: to smooth
aliscafo {m} :: alternative form of alíscafo
alíscafo {m} :: hydrofoil (vessel)
aliseda {f} :: alder grove
alisio {adj} [meteorology] :: trade
aliso {m} :: alder tree
alistamiento {m} :: enrollment, enlistment
alistana {f} :: feminine noun of alistano
alistano {adj} :: Of or from Aliste
alistano {m} :: Someone from Aliste
alistar {v} :: to recruit
alistar {v} :: to enlist, to enroll
alistar {v} :: to list
alistar {v} :: to prepare
alistar {v} :: to arrange
alistarse {v} :: reflexive of alistar
alita {f} :: diminutive of ala; small wing
Alita {prop} :: given name
alitán {m} :: nursehound (Scyliorhinus stellaris)
aliteración {f} :: alliteration
aliviadero {m} :: weir (adjustable dam)
aliviado {adj} :: relieved, alleviated, unburdened, eased
aliviador {adj} :: alleviating
aliviador {m} :: alleviant
alivianar {vt} [Latin America] :: to dull, lighten (to soften, moderate or blunt)
aliviar {vt} :: to lighten
aliviar {vt} :: to relieve, alleviate, unburden
aliviarse {vr} :: to soothe (to bring comfort or relief)
alivio {m} :: relief
alivio cómico {m} [narratology] :: comic relief
alizarina {f} :: alizarin
aljaba {f} :: quiver (for arrows)
aljama {m} [historical] :: aljama
aljamía {f} :: aljamiado
aljamiado {n} [attributive] :: aljamiado
aljibe {m} :: well (for water), cistern, tank, reservoir
aljofaina {f} :: alternative form of jofaina
aljófar {m} :: seed pearl
aljofifa {f} [dated, regional] :: floorcloth
aljuba {f} :: doublet (clothing)
al jugar y perder, pagar y callar {proverb} :: don't be a sore loser when gambling
allá {adv} :: there, over there, thither, yonder (in a direction away from the speaker and the listener)
allá {adv} :: then; back then (in time)
allá {adv} :: expressing rejection or lack of interest towards the speaker
al lado {prep} :: next to; beside
al lado de {prep} :: alongside, beside, next to
allá donde fueres, haz lo que vieres {proverb} :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do
allamanda {f} :: allamanda
allanador {m} :: burglar
allanamiento {m} :: smoothing, flattening
allanamiento {m} [legal] :: a search conducted pursuant to a warrant
allanamiento {m} :: burglary
allanamiento {m} [Latin America] :: a police raid
allanamiento {m} [Mexico, Spain] :: break-in
allanar {v} :: to smooth, to flatten
allanar {v} :: to overcome
allanar {v} :: to subdue
allanar {v} :: to break in (to enter by force)
allanar {v} :: to pave [one's way]
allantoso {adj} :: chatty
allegado {adj} :: close, near
allegado {m} :: member of one's inner circle; (in plural) nearest and dearest
allegado {m} :: follower
allegar {vt} :: to collect, gather, collect up, bring together
allegar {vr} :: to adopt (an idea, ideology etc.)
allegar {vr} :: to approach
allegar {vr} :: to arrive, reach, get to
allende {adv} [formal] :: thither
allende {adv} [formal] :: beyond, yonder
allende {prep} [formal] :: beyond
Allende {prop} :: surname
allendista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Salvador Allende (born 1908), president of Chile from 1970 until his death in 1973
allendista {mf} :: A supporter of Salvador Allende
alleniano {adj} [attributive] :: Woody Allen
allerana {f} :: feminine noun of allerano
allerano {adj} :: Of or from Aller
allerano {m} :: Someone from Aller
allí {adv} :: there (away from the speaker and the listener)
all i oli {m} :: alternative spelling of alioli
al loro {adv} [idiom, colloquial, Spain] :: in the know, up to speed
al lote {adj} [idiom] :: rugged (not neat or regular)
alma {f} :: soul
Alma {prop} {f} :: given name
almacén {m} :: warehouse
almacén {m} :: shop, store; grocer's
almacén {m} :: storeroom
almacenable {adj} :: storable
almacenaje {m} :: storage
almacenamiento {m} :: storage, storing (act of storing)
almacenamiento {m} :: stockpiling, warehousing
almacenamiento {m} [computing] :: storage
almacenar {v} :: to store, stock
almacén de datos {m} [computing] :: data warehouse
almacenera {f} :: feminine noun of almacenero
almacenero {m} :: warehouseman (person who manages or works in a warehouse)
almacenista {mf} :: shopkeeper, storekeeper
almacenista {mf} :: warehouse owner
almacenista {mf} :: warehouseman
almácigo {m} :: seedbed
almádana {f} :: alternative form of almádena
almádena {f} :: sledgehammer
almadía {f} :: A type of raft
almadraba {f} :: tuna fishing
almadraba {f} :: fishing nets arranged as a fence to corral and catch tuna
almadreña {f} :: clog
alma gemela {f} :: soulmate
almagra {f} :: alternative form of almagre
almagrar {v} :: to raddle (mark with raddle)
almagre {m} :: raddle (red ochre)
almagrista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Diego de Almagro, conqueror of South America
almagrista {mf} :: Soldier in the army of Diego de Almagro
Almagro {prop} :: surname
Almagro {prop} :: A place name:
Almagro {prop} :: Almagro (neighbourhood)
Almagro {prop} :: Almagro (municipality)
Almagro {prop} :: Almagro (town)
Almagro {prop} :: Almagro (neighbourhood)
al mal tiempo, buena cara {phrase} [idiomatic] :: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade
alma mater {f} :: alma mater
almanaque {m} :: almanac
almandino {m} [mineral] :: almandine
Almanza {prop} {f} :: surname
almarrá {m} :: cotton gin
almártaga {f} :: headstall
almatón {adj} :: Almatian (of or pertaining to Almaty, Kazakhstan)
almatón {m} :: Almatian (native or resident of Almaty, Kazakhstan)
almatona {f} :: feminine noun of almatón
Almatý {prop} :: Almatý (largest <<city>> and <<former capital>> of <<c/Kazakhstan>>)
Almazán {prop} :: Almazán (town)
Almazán {prop} :: surname
almazara {f} :: olive oil mill
almazarrón {m} :: synonym of almagre; red ochre, ruddle
almazuela {f} [Spain] :: patchwork (cloth, quilt)
almecino {m} [Andalusia] :: synonym of almez
Almeda {prop} :: surname of Arabic origin, cognate with Almeida
almeja {f} :: shellfish, clam, cockle
almeja {f} [vulgar, slang] :: cunt
almena {f} :: merlon, battlement
almenado {adj} :: embattled
almenaje {m} :: crenellation (pattern along the top of a parapet through which arrows or other weaponry may be shot)
almenara {f} :: beacon, signal fire
almenara {f} :: large candelabrum
almenara {f} [Teruel, Zaragoza] :: overflow ditch
almendra {f} :: almond (type of tree nut)
almendra {f} :: kernel (central (usually edible) part of a nut)
almendra {f} [colloquial, Spain] :: A human head, especially a big one; a melon
almendrado {adj} :: almond-shaped
almendrado {adj} :: containing almonds
almendrado {m} :: marzipan, marchpane
almendral {m} :: almond orchard (a place with many almond trees)
almendrar {v} :: to decorate something, usually a pastry or confection, with almonds
Almendras {prop} {f} :: surname
almendro {m} :: almond (tree)
almendrón {m} :: tropical almond tree
almendruco {m} :: almond
al menos {adv} :: at least, at minimum (at any rate)
Almería {prop} {f} :: Almería (province)
Almería {prop} {f} :: Almería (city)
almeriense {adj} :: From Almería
almeriense {mf} :: Someone from Almería
almeriensista {mf} [soccer] :: A person connected with UD Almería, a Spanish football team from the city of Almería
almez {m} [plant] :: (Celtis) hackberry
almez {m} [plant] :: (Celtis australis L.) Mediterranean hackberry
almeza {f} :: hackberry (fruit)
almezo {m} :: alternative form of almez
almiar {m} :: haystack
almíbar {m} :: sugar water
almíbar {m} :: sweet syrup, made of sugar only
almibarado {adj} :: sugary, syrupy
almibarar {v} :: to cover with syrup
almibarar {v} :: to sweeten up
almidana {f} [obsolete] :: hippodrome
almidón {m} :: starch
almidonar {vt} :: to starch
almidón de patata {m} :: potato starch
almilla {f} :: diminutive of alma
alminar {m} :: minaret
almiquí {m} :: solenodon (small nocturnal insectivorous mammal with long snout and venomous saliva)
almiranta {m} [nautical] :: admiral's boat
almirantazgo {m} :: admiralty
almirante {m} :: admiral
almirez {m} :: large mortar
almirez {m} :: pestle
al mismo tiempo {adv} :: at the same time
almita {f} :: diminutive of alma
almizclar {v} :: to musk
almizcle {m} :: musk
almizcleño {adj} :: musky
almizclero {adj} :: musky
almo {adj} [poetic] :: nourishing
almo {adj} [poetic] :: venerable
almodovariano {adj} :: Almodovarian
almofalla {f} [archaic] :: encampment, encamped army
almofalla {f} [archaic] :: host, army
almogávar {adj} [historical] :: almogavar
almogávar {m} [historical] :: almogavar (light footsoldier during the Reconquista)
almohada {f} :: pillow (soft cushion used to support the head)
almohade {adj} :: Almohad
almohade {m} :: Almohad
almohadilla {f} :: pincushion
almohadilla {f} :: inkpad
almohadilla {f} :: the hash, octothorpe, pound symbol (#)
almohadilla {f} :: seat cushion (to sit on)
almohadilla {f} :: footpad (underside of an animal's paw)
almohadillado {adj} :: padded
almohadillar {vt} :: to pad
almohadita {f} :: diminutive of almohada
almohadón {m} :: cushion (soft material in cloth bag)
almohaza {f} :: currycomb
almohazar {vt} [equestrian] :: To currycomb
almojábana {f} :: A Colombian bread made with cheese and flour
almojábana {f} :: A Spanish fritter made with lard, eggs, and sugar
almojábano {m} :: alternative form of almojábana
almojama {m} :: obsolete form of mojama
almojarifazgo {m} :: A colonial customs tariff in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires
almojarife {m} :: customs officer; revenue collector
almóndiga {f} :: alternative form of albóndiga
almondiguilla {f} :: dated form of albondiguilla
almoneda {f} :: auction
almoneda {f} :: auction house
almoneda {f} [retail] :: clearance
almoraduj {m} :: marjoram
almorávide {m} :: Almoravid
almorrana {f} [usually, in the plural] :: hemorrhoid, haemorrhoid, piles
almorta {f} :: grass pea, chickling vetch (Lathyrus sativus)
almorta {f} :: flour made from the Lathyrus sativus
almorta {f} :: red pea (Lathyrus cicera)
almorzar {vi} :: to eat lunch
almorzar {vt} :: to eat for lunch
Almu {prop} {f} :: given name
almud {m} :: almude, a unit of volume
Almudena {prop} {f} :: given name
almuecín {m} [Islam] :: muezzin (person who issues call to prayer)
almuédano {m} [Islam] :: muezzin, the person who calls the faithful to prayer in Islam
almuerzo {m} :: lunch
almunia {f} :: A kind of manor house in Islamic architecture
al ñudo {adv} [Uruguay, Argentina, idiom] :: in vain
a lo {prep} :: a la
alo- {prefix} :: allo-
aló {interj} [Latin America] :: hello [commonly used when answering the telephone]
a lo bestia {adv} [idiom] :: to the full; hard; like crazy
alóbroges {mp} :: Allobroge
alocación {f} :: allocation
alocadamente {adv} :: madly, wildly
alocado {adj} :: zany, crazy
alocado {adj} :: madcap, mad
alocar {vt} :: to drive crazy, madden
alocar {vr} [alocarse] :: to go mad
alocarse {v} :: reflexive of alocar
alóctono {adj} :: allochthonous
alocución {f} :: speech, address
Alodia {prop} {f} :: given name
alodial {adj} [law] :: allodial (owned freely and clear of any encumbrances)
alodio {m} :: allodium
aloe {m} :: alternative form of áloe
áloe {m} [plant] :: aloe, aloe juice
áloe {m} :: agarwood
áloe vera {m} :: alternative spelling of aloe vera
alofoke {adv} [idiomatic, slang] :: Contraction of a lo fuck it; carelessly; on the fly; spontaneously
alófono {m} [linguistics] :: allophone (alternative pronunciation for a phoneme)
alogamia {f} [biology] :: allogamy
alógena {f} :: feminine noun of alógeno
alogénico {adj} :: allogenic
alógeno {adj} :: alien, foreign
alógeno {adj} [geology] :: allogenic
alógeno {m} :: foreigner
a lo grande {adv} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: in style, with a bang, in a big way
a lo hecho, pecho {phrase} [idiomatic] :: what's done is done
a lo hecho, pecho {phrase} [idiomatic] :: make one's bed and lie in it
aloína {f} [organic compound] :: aloin
alojamiento {m} :: accommodation, lodging
alojar {vt} :: to house, accommodate
alojar {vr} :: to stay
alojarse {v} :: reflexive form of alojar
alojarse {v} :: to lodge, take lodging
alojarse {v} :: to be billeted, quartered
alojativo {adj} :: accommodative
a lo largo {adv} :: lengthwise (in the long direction)
a lo largo {adv} :: along (in a line with, moving forward)
a lo largo {adv} :: in the distance, far away
a lo largo de {prep} :: during, throughout
a lo lejos {adv} [idiom] :: far away; yonder
a lo loco {adv} [colloquial, idiom] :: without thinking, in a hurry
a lo loco {adv} [colloquial, idiom] :: wildly
a lo loco {adv} [colloquial, idiom] :: quickly
alomado {adj} :: spine-shaped
a lo mejor {adv} [idiom] :: maybe, perhaps
alomorfo {m} [linguistics] :: allomorph (phonological representation of a morpheme)
alondra {f} :: lark (bird)
Alondra {prop} {f} :: given name
alongar {v} [obsolete] :: to elongate, lengthen
Alonso {prop} :: given name
Alonso {prop} :: surname
alopatía {f} :: allopathy
alopatría {f} [ecology] :: allopatry (geographical isolation)
alopátrico {adj} [ecology] :: allopatric
alopecia {f} :: alopecia
alopurinol {m} [pharmaceutical drugs] :: allopurinol
alosa {f} [biology] :: alosa, shad
alosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: allose
alosaurio {m} :: allosaurus
alosauro {m} [rare] :: alternative form of alosaurio
a los cuatro vientos {adv} [idiomatic] :: from the rooftops
alosna {f} [botany] :: wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
alostérico {adj} :: allosteric
a lo sumo {adv} [idiomatic] :: at most, at best
alotrasplante {m} [surgery] :: allotransplantation
alotropía {f} :: allotropy
alotrópico {adj} [chemistry] :: allotropic
alótropo {m} [chemistry] :: allotrope
alozima {f} [genetics, enzyme] :: allozyme
alpaca {f} :: alpaca
alpaquera {f} :: feminine noun of alpaquero
alpaquero {m} :: alpaca farmer
al parecer {adv} [idiom] :: seemingly
alpargata {f} :: espadrille (light shoe)
alpargatera {f} :: feminine noun of alpargatero
alpargatero {m} :: espadrille seller
al paso {adv} [music] :: in time
al paso {adv} [chess] :: en passant
al pedido {adj} :: custom-made
al pelo {adv} [idiom] :: perfectly; like a glove
Alpes {prop} {mp} :: Alpes (mountain range)
Alpes del sur {prop} {mp} :: Southern Alps, New Zealand
Alpes neozelandeses {prop} {mp} :: Southern Alps, New Zealand
alpestre {adj} :: Alpine
alpestre {adj} :: alpine
al pie de la letra {adv} [idiomatic] :: to the letter
al pie de la palabra {adj} [idiomatic] :: word-for-word (using exactly the same words as were originally used)
al pie de la palabra {adv} :: word for word (in exactly the same words)
al pie del cañón {adj} [idiom] :: at the ready
alpinismo {m} :: mountaineering, alpinism
alpinista {mf} :: mountaineer
alpino {adj} :: Alpine
alpino {adj} :: alpine
alpiste {m} :: canary grass (Phalaris canariensis)
alpiste {m} :: birdseed
al poco rato {adv} :: not long after
al por mayor {adv} [idiomatic] :: wholesale
al por mayor {adj} [idiomatic] :: wholesale
al por menor {adj} [idiomatic] :: retail
alprazolam {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: alprazolam
al primer envite {adv} [idiom] :: at the very start; from the word go
al principio {adv} [idiomatic] :: at first, initially
alpujarreña {f} :: feminine noun of alpujarreño
alpujarreño {adj} :: Of or from Las Alpujarras
alpujarreño {m} :: Someone from Las Alpujarras
al punto {adv} [idiomatic] :: immediately, straight away
Al Qaeda {prop} {f} :: al-Qaeda (the global network of militant Islamist extremists.)
Al Qaida {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Al Qaeda
al que le quepa el sayo {phrase} [idiomatic] :: if the shoe fits
alquenilo {adj} :: alkene
alqueno {m} [organic compound] :: alkene
alquenol {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkenol
alquequenje {m} :: bladder cherry (Physalis alkekengi)
alquería {f} :: farmhouse
alquibla {f} :: qibla
alquicel {m} :: a type of Moorish cloak, often made of white wool
alquicer {m} :: obsolete form of alquicel
alquilable {adj} :: rentable
alquilación {f} [organic chemistry] :: alkylation
alquilador {m} :: renter
alquiladora {f} :: feminine noun of alquilador
alquilante {adj} [organic chemistry, of a rearrangement reaction] :: alkylative (that forms an alkyl group)
alquilante {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkylator (an alkylating agent)
alquilar {vt} [Spain] :: to rent
alquilar {vt} [Spain] :: to rent out something to someone
alquilbenceno {m} :: alkylbenzene
alquilé {m} :: obsolete form of alquiler
alquiler {m} [El Salvador, Spain, Mexico] :: rent (a payment made in exchange for something borrowed, and its amount)
alquilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkyl
alquimia {f} :: alchemy
alquímico {adj} :: alchemical
alquimila {f} :: lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)
alquimila {f} [Morelos, Mexico] :: Geranium mexicanum
alquimista {mf} :: alchemist
alquino {f} [organic compound] :: alkyne
alquitara {f} :: still (device for distilling liquids)
alquitarar {vt} :: to distil
alquitrán {m} [chemistry] :: tar, pitch
alquitranado {adj} :: tarred
alquitranar {vt} :: to tar
al rato {adv} [idiom] :: sometime (at an unstated or indefinite time in the future)
alrededor {m} [also in the plural] :: surroundings
alrededor {adv} :: around (from place to place)
alrededor de {prep} :: around (at various places in)
alrededor de {adv} :: around, approximately
al respecto {adv} :: about it, regarding it, on it, on the matter, about that, regarding that, on this matter, on the subject, thereon, thereto
al revés {adv} :: in the opposite direction or order
al revés {adv} :: backwards
al revés {adv} :: inside out
al revés {adv} :: the other way around
al revés {adv} :: upside down
al revés {adj} [attributive] :: inverted (with respect to something)
al rojo vivo {adj} [idiom] :: red-hot
alsa {m} [Asturias, Cantabria, León] :: bus
Alsacia {prop} {f} :: Alsacia (historical region)
alsaciana {f} :: feminine noun of alsaciano
alsaciano {m} :: Alsatian
alsaciano {adj} :: Alsatian
al seguro {adv} [idiom] :: surely; certainly; no doubt
al sujeto de {prep} :: about
alta {f} [medicine] :: certificate of discharge (from a hospital)
alta {f} :: entry into a profession or organization
alta {f} [legal] :: tax declaration
Alta Austria {prop} {f} :: Alta Austria (state)
Alta California {prop} {f} :: Alta California (A <<historic geographic region>> of Spain and Mexico, which today roughly comprises the U.S. state of <>)
alta danza {f} [obsolete] :: saltarello
alta fidelidad {f} :: high fidelity (electronic system)
alta gama {f} :: high end
Altagracia {prop} {f} :: given name
alta mar {f} :: open sea, high seas (regions of ocean far from shore)
altamar {f} :: alternative spelling of alta mar
altamente {adv} :: highly (extremely)
altamisa {f} :: alternative form of artemisa
alta montaña {f} :: High-altitude mountain
altanería {f} :: haughtiness, arrogance
altanero {adj} :: arrogant, haughty
al tanto {adj} :: up to speed, in the know, informed, in the loop, aware, privy
altar {m} :: altar (a table used for religious rites)
altar {m} :: stone that separates the firebox from the hearth in reverberatory furnaces
Altar {prop} :: Altar (municipality)
Altas Fiestas {prop} {fp} :: High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, collectively)
altas horas {fp} :: small hours; the very early morning, just after midnight, when most people are asleep, ungodly hours
alta traición {f} :: high treason (criminal disloyalty to one's country)
Alta Verapaz {prop} {f} :: Alta Verapaz (department)
altavoz {m} :: loudspeaker, speaker (an electromechanical transducer that converts an electrical signal into audible sound)
altavoz {m} :: loudspeaker, speaker enclosure, speaker cabinet (an encasing containing one or more loudspeaker devices and usually other electrical equipment such as a driver)
altavoz {m} :: speakerphone, speaker (a loudspeaker on a telephone that broadcasts the sound, to use handsfree)
altazimutal {adj} [attributive] :: altazimuth
Altea {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Althaea
altear {v} [Ecuador] :: to raise, to erect
altear {v} [Argentina, Paraguay] :: to tell someone to stop
alteño {adj} :: Someone from El Alto, Bolivia
alteño {m} :: Someone from El Alto
altense {adj} :: of or from Los Altos
altense {mf} :: Someone from Los Altos
alterabilidad {f} :: alterability
alterable {adj} :: alterable
alteración {f} :: alteration
alteración {f} :: altercation, quarrel
alteradísimo {adj} :: superlative of alterado
alterado {adj} :: upset, angry
alterado {adj} :: corrupted, altered
alterar {vt} :: to alter, to change
alterar {vt} :: to upset
alterar {vr} :: to get angry, upset
alterarse {v} :: reflexive of alterar
altercación {f} [rare] :: altercation
altercado {m} :: altercation
altercar {v} :: to dispute, argue, quarrel
alter ego {m} :: alter ego (alternate personality or persona)
álter ego {m} :: alternative spelling of alter ego
alteridad {f} [philosophy, anthropology] :: alterity, otherness
altermundismo {m} :: alter-globalization
alternabilidad {f} [government] :: The possibility of rotation of power in a political regime
alternación {f} :: alternation
alternadamente {adv} :: alternately
alternador {m} :: alternator (an electric generator which produces alternating current)
alternancia {f} :: alternation (the reciprocal succession of two things)
alternancia de código {f} [linguistics] :: code-switching (phenomenon of alternating between two or more languages)
alternante {adj} :: alternating
alternar {v} :: to alternate
alternar {v} :: to interact, communicate, hang out, socialize
alternativa {f} :: An alternative, option
alternativa {f} :: alternation
alternativa {f} [bullfighting] :: a ceremony in which a "novillero" becomes a "matador" for the first time, when the "padrino" allows him to make his first kill
alternativamente {adv} :: alternatively
alternatividad {f} :: alternativity
alternativo {adj} :: alternative
alterne {m} :: socializing, hanging out
alterno {adj} :: alternate, alternative
altero {m} :: A pile, stack
alteza {f} :: highness (the state of being high)
alteza {f} :: height, stature
alteza {f} :: Highness
altibajo {m} [in the plural] :: ups and downs
altibajo {m} :: setback
altillo {m} :: loft, mezzanine, attic
altílocuo {adj} :: pompous; orotund
altimetría {f} :: altimetry
altimétrico {adj} :: altimetric (pertaining to or involving altimetry)
altímetro {m} :: altimeter (an apparatus for measuring altitude)
altiplanicie {f} :: high plateau
altiplánico {adj} :: highland, mountain-dwelling
altiplano {m} [geography] :: a high plateau
Altiplano Armenio {prop} {m} :: Armenian Highland
al tiro {adv} [Chile] :: straight away
altísimamente {adv} :: superlative of altamente
altísimo {adj} :: superlative of alto
altisonancia {f} :: pompousness, grandiloquence
altisonante {adj} :: high-sounding
altisonante {adj} :: pompous
altísono {adj} :: high-flown; pompous
altitud {f} :: height
altitud {f} :: altitude
altitudinal {adj} :: altitudinal
altitudinalmente {adv} :: altitudinally
altivamente {adv} :: haughtily
altivez {f} :: haughtiness; arrogance
altivo {adj} :: arrogant, haughty
alto {adj} :: tall
alto {adj} :: high
alto {adj} :: loud
alto {adj} :: upper, top
alto {adj} :: senior (rank)
alto {m} :: height (in measurements)
alto {adv} :: up, high, highly
alto {adv} :: loudly
alto {m} :: stop, halt
alto {m} :: break, pause, rest
alto {m} [traffic] :: stop (signal)
alto {m} [traffic] :: red light
alto {interj} :: halt!; stop!
alto alemán {m} :: High German
alto alemán medio {m} :: Middle High German
altoandino {adj} :: High Andean
altoaragonés {adj} :: Of or from High Aragon
altoaragonés {m} :: Aragonese (language)
altocúmulo {m} :: altocumulus
alto directivo {m} :: senior executive
alto ejecutivo {m} :: senior executive
alto el fuego {m} :: ceasefire
altoextremeño {m} :: The northern dialect of Extremaduran
alto funcionario {m} :: high-ranking official
Alto Garona {prop} {m} :: Alto Garona (department)
altoimperial {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Roman Empire during its peak
Alto Loira {prop} {m} :: Alto Loira (department)
altomedieval {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Early Middle Ages
altoparlante {m} [Latin America] :: loudspeaker
altoperuana {f} :: feminine noun of altoperuano
altoperuano {adj} :: Of or from the region of Upper Peru
altoperuano {m} :: An inhabitant of the region of Upper Peru
Alto Rin {prop} :: Alto Rin (department)
altorrelieve {m} :: high relief
Altos Alpes {prop} {mp} :: Altos Alpes (department)
Alto Saona {prop} {m} :: Alto Saona (department)
altostrato {m} :: altostratus (cloud type)
Alto Volta {prop} {m} :: Upper Volta
altozano {m} :: small hill; hillock
altramuz {m} :: lupin (any member of the genus Lupinus in the family Fabaceae)
al traste {adv} [idiom] :: to the dogs, unsuccessfully
al través {adv} :: crosswise, across (transversely)
altrosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: altrose
altruismo {m} :: altruism
altruista {adj} :: altruistic
altruista {mf} :: altruist
altruistamente {adv} :: altruistically
al tuntún {adv} [idiomatic] :: recklessly, any old how
altura {f} :: height
altura {f} :: altitude
alturado {adj} [Peru] :: high-brow, formal
altura tonal {f} [music] :: pitch (the perceived frequency of a sound or note)
alubia {f} :: bean seed
alubia {f} :: green bean
alubia {f} :: bean plant
aluciflipar {v} [colloquial] :: to fascinate; to leave gobsmacked
alucinación {f} :: hallucination
alucinante {adj} :: hallucinatory, hallucinating, mind-blowing, mind-bending
alucinante {adj} :: amazing, awesome, brilliant
alucinante {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] :: mind-blowing
alucinante {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] :: mind-boggling, mind-bending
alucinar {v} :: to hallucinate
alucinar {v} :: to fascinate
alucinógeno {adj} :: hallucinogenic
alucinógeno {m} :: hallucinogen
alud {m} :: avalanche
alud {m} [figurative] :: barrage
aludir {v} :: to allude
aluego {adv} [obsolete] :: synonym of luego
alumbrado {m} :: lighting (the equipment used to provide illumination)
alumbrado {adj} :: drunk; tipsy
alumbramiento {m} :: birth, childbirth
alumbramiento {m} :: afterbirth
alumbrar {v} :: to illuminate
alumbrar {v} :: to give birth
alumbrar {v} :: to shed light (on)
alumbrarse {v} :: reflexive of alumbrar
alumbrarse {v} :: to get tipsy
alumbre {m} [chemistry] :: alum (an astringent salt)
alúmina {f} :: alumina (aluminum oxide)
aluminio {m} [chemical element, metal] :: aluminum
aluminita {f} [mineral] :: aluminite
aluminosilicato {m} :: aluminosilicate
aluminosis {f} [pathology] :: aluminosis
aluminosis {f} [construction] :: aluminosis
aluminoso {adj} :: aluminous
alumna {f} :: feminine noun of alumno
alumnado {m} :: student body, populace of students
alumne {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: pupil, student
alumnita {f} :: diminutive of alumna
alumno {m} :: pupil, student, learner
alunita {f} [mineral] :: alunite
alunizaje {m} :: moon landing
alunizaje {m} :: ram-raiding
alunizar {v} :: to land on the moon
alusión {f} :: allusion
alusivo {adj} :: allusive
aluvial {adj} :: alluvial
aluvión {m} :: alluvium
aluvión {m} [figurative] :: tidal wave, avalanche, barrage (incredibly large amount)
aluvional {adj} :: alluvial
aluzado {adj} [Latin America] :: lit; lighted
aluzar {v} [Latin America] :: to light, light up
alv {phrase} :: initialism of a la verga
ALV {phrase} [Honduras, Mexico, vulgar, slang] :: initialism of a la verga
Álvara {prop} {f} :: given name
alvaradeño {adj} :: Pertaining to or originating from Alvarado in Mexico
Alvarado {prop} {m} :: surname
Alvarado {prop} {m} :: Alvarado (city)
Álvarez {prop} :: surname
alvarezsáurido {m} :: alvarezsaurid
Álvaro {prop} {m} :: given name
álveo {m} :: riverbed
alveolado {adj} :: alveolate
alveolar {adj} :: alveolar
alveolar {f} :: alveolar
alveolitis seca {f} [dentistry] :: dry socket (inflammation of the alveolar bone)
alveolo {m} :: alternative form of alvéolo
alvéolo {m} [anatomy] :: alveolus (anatomical structure that has the form of a hollow cavity)
alveolocapilar {adj} :: alveolocapillary
alvéolo pulmonar {m} [anatomy] :: pulmonary alveolus (small air sac in the lungs)
alverja {f} :: alternative form of arveja
Alviar {prop} :: surname
al vuelo {adv} [idiom] :: on-the-fly
al vuelo {adv} [idiom] :: on the wing
Al-Yazira {prop} {f} :: Al Jazeera (Arabic satellite TV news channel)
alza {f} :: rise
alzacola {m} :: scrub robin; bush chat
alzacuello {m} :: choker (piece of jewelry worn close to the throat)
alzacuello {m} :: clerical collar
alzacuellos {m} :: alternative form of alzacuello
alzacuellos {m} :: plural of alzacuello
alzada {f} :: height (distance from bottom)
alzada {f} :: elevation
alzada {f} [law] :: appeal
alzado {adj} :: lifted, raised up
alzado {adj} [colloquial, Mexico] :: big-headed
alzado {adj} [colloquial, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela] :: arrogant, cocky
alzado {adj} [vulgar, Argentina, Uruguay] :: erect, stiff, having a boner
alzado {m} [architecture] :: elevation, elevated part of the façade (of a building)
alzado {m} [vulgar, Argentina, Uruguay] :: a boner
alzadora {f} :: folding machine
Alzaga {prop} {f} :: surname
alzamiento {m} :: lifting; raise, increase
alzamiento {m} :: uprising, revolt
alzar {vt} :: to lift, raise
alzar {vt} :: to remove; to steal
alzar {vt} :: to hide
alzar {vr} :: to rise up, revolt
alzar {vr} [with preposition con] :: to achieve, obtain
alzar {vr} [legal] :: to appeal
alzar el dedo {v} [idiomatic] :: to give the finger (make an obscene gesture)
alzar el vuelo {v} :: to take flight (of a bird)
alzarse {v} :: reflexive of alzar
alzheimer {m} :: nonstandard form of alzhéimer
Alzheimer {m} :: short for enfermedad de Alzheimer
alzhéimer {m} :: short for enfermedad de Alzheimer
a. m. {adv} :: a.m.
am {adv} :: a.m. (before noon)
AM {adv} :: AM (before noon)
ama {f} :: lady of the house
ama {f} :: proprietress
ama {f} :: landlady
ama {f} :: housekeeper, head maid
ama {f} :: nursemaid, nanny
ama {f} :: wetnurse
ama {f} :: mistress
amá {f} [nonstandard] :: mom
amabilidad {f} :: kindness
amabilísimo {adj} :: superlative of amable
amable {adj} :: kind, amiable
amable {adj} :: charming
amablemente {adv} :: kindly, friendly
amacollar {vir} [of stems, flowers, tillers, etc.] :: to grow in clumps or tufts
ama de casa {f} :: housewife, homemaker (female head of household)
ama de casa {f} :: housekeeper (one who looks after the home by herself)
ama de cría {f} :: wet nurse
ama de llaves {f} :: housekeeper; maid
amaderado {adj} :: woody (resembling wood)
amadisiano {adj} :: of or relating to Amadís de Gaula, a 14th century book, or its style
amadísimo {adj} :: superlative of amado
amado {adj} :: beloved
amador {adj} :: loving
amador {m} :: lover (one who loves)
amadora {f} :: feminine noun of amador
amadrinar {v} :: to sponsor (as a woman)
amadrinar {v} :: to be a godmother (to)
amaestrador {m} :: animal trainer, animal tamer, tamer
amaestradora {f} :: feminine noun of amaestrador
amaestramiento {m} :: training
amaestrar {v} :: to train, school, drill (an animal)
AMAF {m} :: HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)
amagante {m} :: Cistus symphytifolius
amagar {v} :: to threaten
amago {m} :: start; beginnings
amago {m} :: attempt; threat
amago {m} [fencing] :: feint
amainar {vi} :: to abate, to die down, to subside, to let up, to ease off
amainar {vt} :: to shorten, to take in
amaitinar {v} :: to watch
amaitinar {v} :: to spy on
amalecita {mf} :: Amalekite
amalfitana {f} :: feminine noun of amalfitano
amalfitano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Amalfi
amalfitano {m} :: Native or resident of Amalfi
amalgama {f} :: amalgam (a combination of different things)
amalgama {f} [metallurgy] :: amalgam (an alloy containing mercury)
amalgamación {f} :: amalgamation
amalgamar {v} :: to amalgamate
Amalia {prop} {f} :: given name
a mal tiempo buena cara {phrase} [idiomatic] :: alternative spelling of al mal tiempo buena cara
amama {f} [Basque Country] :: grandma
amamantamiento {m} :: breast feeding
amamantar {v} :: to nurse, to breastfeed
Amán {prop} {m} :: Amán (capital)
amañar {v} :: to rig, fix, meddle with
amancebamiento {m} :: cohabitation
amancebarse {vr} :: to shack up (live together)
amancillar {v} [obsolete] :: to besmirch; to taint
Amanda {prop} {f} :: given name
amanecer {m} :: dawn (the morning period of twilight)
amanecer {vi} [impersonal] :: to dawn
amanecer {vi} [impersonal] :: to get light (become light in the morning)
amanecer {vi} :: to wake up (cease to sleep)
amanecer {vi} :: to see the morning; be seen by the morning (be in a given state when the sun rises)
amanecer {vt} :: to awake, wake up (rouse from sleep)
amanecer {vr} :: to waken, awaken (cease to sleep)
amanecer {vr} [Latin America] :: to stay awake all night
amanerado {adj} :: mannered
amanerado {adj} :: effeminate, camp
amaneramiento {m} :: affectation, mannerism
amaní {adj} :: Ammani (of or pertaining to Amman, Jordan)
amaní {mf} :: Ammani (native or resident of Amman, Jordan)
a mano {adv} :: by hand; manually; without the use of a machine
a mano {adv} :: at hand, on hand, to hand, handy (within easy reach; nearby)
a mano {adj} [idiomatic] :: even; equal with another
amaño {m} :: knack; skill
amaño {m} :: trick
amansador {m} [Latin America] :: tamer
amansadora {f} :: feminine noun of amansador
a mansalva {adv} [idiomatic] :: in spades, in droves, loads, heaps
a mansalva {adv} [obsolete] :: securely
amansamiento {m} :: taming, breaking in
amansar {v} :: to tame
amantadina {f} [organic compound] :: amantadine
amante {adj} :: loving
amante {adj} :: beloved; dear
amante {mf} :: lover (one who loves another person)
amante {mf} :: lover (a sexual partner, especially one with whom someone is having an affair)
amante {mf} :: lover (a person who loves something)
amantísimo {adj} :: superlative of amante
amanuense {mf} :: amanuensis (one employed to take dictation)
amanzanar {v} [Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay] :: to divide up (of a city) into blocks
amapola {f} :: poppy
amar {v} :: to love, have great affection for, care about
amaraje {m} :: water landing of an aircraft
amaranto {adj} :: amaranth, crimson (color)
amaranto {m} :: amaranth (herb)
amaranto {m} :: amaranth, crimson (color)
amarar {vi} :: to land an aircraft on water
a marchas forzadas {adv} [idiomatic] :: against the clock; as quickly as possible
amargado {adj} :: bitter (resentful)
amargamente {adv} :: bitterly
amargante {adj} :: bitter; embittering
amargar {v} :: to make bitter; embitter
amargarse {vr} :: To go bitter, get bitter
amargo {adj} :: bitter, sour (having an acrid taste)
amargo {m} :: bitterness
amargo {m} :: sign (warning)
amargor {m} :: bitterness
amarguísimo {adj} :: superlative of amargo
amargura {f} :: acerbity, bitterness
amargura {f} :: sorrow
amárico {m} :: Amharic (a Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia)
amariconado {adj} [pejorative] :: homosexual, gay
amariconado {adj} :: effeminate
amariconar {vt} [vulgar] :: to cause to become gay
amariconar {vr} [vulgar] :: to turn gay
amarilidóidea {f} :: amarrylid
amarilis {f} :: amaryllis (the belladonna lily Amaryllis belladonna)
Amarilla {prop} :: surname
amarillamiento {m} :: yellowing
amarilleamiento {m} :: yellowing
amarillear {v} :: to become yellow
amarillecer {v} :: to become yellow
amarillejo {adj} :: yellowish
amarillento {adj} :: yellowish
amarillez {f} :: yellowness
amarillismo {m} :: Sensationalism, as practised in the yellow press
amarillista {adj} :: Of tabloid journalism, sensationalist
amarillo {adj} :: yellow or golden coloured
amarillo {adj} [heraldry] :: or
amarillo {m} :: yellow
Amarillo {prop} {m} :: Amarillo (city)
amarillor {m} [rare] :: yellowness
amarilloso {adj} :: yellowish
amarillura {f} [obsolete] :: yellowness
amarizaje {m} :: alternative spelling of amerizaje
amarizar {vi} :: synonym of amarar
Amaro {prop} :: surname
amarra {f} [nautical] :: mooring line, warp
amarradero {m} [nautical] :: berth; mooring
amarrado {m} :: tying
amarrador {adj} [attributive] :: mooring, docking
amarrador {m} :: moorer, docker
amarrar {v} :: to moor
amarrar {v} :: to tie
amarrarse {v} :: reflexive of amarrar
amarre {m} :: mooring
amarre {m} :: lashing
amarre {m} :: binding
amarre {m} :: lace, tie
amarreta {f} :: feminine noun of amarrete
amarrete {adj} :: stingy; miserly
amarrete {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, slang] :: miser; stinge; cheapskate
amarronado {adj} :: brownish
amarse {v} :: to love oneself
amarse {v} [in the plural] :: to make love
amartelar {v} :: to fall in love
amartillar {vt} :: to hammer
amartillar {vt} :: to cock [a gun]
amartillar {v} :: to ensure
amartizaje {m} :: Mars landing
amartizar {vi} :: to land on Mars
amasadora {f} :: kneading machine
amasar {v} :: to knead
amasar {v} :: to amass (accumulate)
amasijar {v} [slang] :: to beat up, do in
amasijo {m} :: jumble, mishmash, hodgepodge
amasijo de hierros {m} [idiom] :: A crashed car; a write-off; a vehicle written off
a más no poder {adv} [idiom] :: as much as possible, as could be
a más no poder {adv} [idiom] :: to the utmost; to the max
a matacaballo {adv} [idiom] :: like a bat out of hell
amatar {v} :: obsolete form of matar
amate {m} :: fig tree (Ficus sp.)
amate {m} [Guerrero] :: Ficus obtusifolia
amate {m} [Oaxaca] :: petiolate fig (Ficus petiolaris)
amate {m} [Chiapas, Tabasco] :: Ficus segoviae
amate {m} [Oaxaca] :: Florida strangler fig (Ficus aurea)
amate {m} :: creeping fig (Ficus pumila)
amate {m} :: amate paper
amate {m} :: amate (art form)
amateur {adj} :: amateurish, amateur
amateur {mf} :: amateur (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally)
amateurismo {m} :: amateurism
amatista {adj} :: amethyst, amethyst-colored
amatista {f} :: amethyst
amatorio {adj} :: amatory, love [attributive]
amatoxina {f} :: amatoxin
amatxu {f} [Basque Country] :: mum
amaurosis {f} [pathology] :: amaurosis
Amaya {prop} {f} :: given name
amazacotado {adj} :: heavy, thick
amazacotado {adj} :: crude, lacking grace
amazigh {adj} :: Amazigh
amazigh {mf} :: Amazigh
amazona {f} :: horsewoman
amazona {f} :: amazon
Amazonas {prop} {m} :: Amazonas (river)
Amazonas {prop} {m} :: Amazonas (state)
Amazonas {prop} {m} :: Amazonas (region)
Amazonas {prop} {m} :: Amazonas (department)
Amazonas {prop} {m} :: Amazonas (state)
amazonense {adj} :: Amazonian
amazonense {adj} :: Born, native or original from the Amazonas of Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela
amazonense {mf} :: Amazonian
Amazonía {prop} {f} :: Amazon, Amazonia (region of the Amazon rainforest)
amazónico {adj} :: Amazonian
amazonio {adj} :: rare form of amazónico
amazonita {f} [mineral] :: amazonite (gem)
ambages {mp} :: circumlocution, ambages (indirect or roundabout ways of talking)
ambages {mp} [rare] :: ambages (indirect or roundabout routes or directions)
ámbar {m} :: amber
ámbar gris {m} :: ambergris
ambarino {adj} :: amber-colored
ambateña {f} :: feminine noun of ambateño
ambateño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Ambato, Ecuador
ambateño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Ambato, Ecuador
Amberes {prop} {m} :: Antwerp (province and city)
amberino {adj} :: Antwerpian
amberino {m} :: Antwerpian
ambición {f} :: ambition
ambicionar {v} :: to aspire
ambiciosamente {adv} :: ambitiously
ambiciosísimo {adj} :: superlative of ambicioso
ambicioso {adj} :: ambitious (possessing, or controlled by, ambition)
ambidextro {adj} :: ambidextrous
ambidiestro {adj} :: alternative form of ambidextro
ambientación {f} [cinematography, literature, theater] :: setting
ambientación {f} :: atmosphere, ambience, ambiance, ambient
ambientador {m} :: air freshener
ambiental {adj} :: environmental
ambientalismo {m} :: environmentalism (ideology seeking to prevent the degradation of environment)
ambientalista {mf} :: environmentalist
ambientalmente {adv} :: environmentally (affecting one's environment)
ambientar {vt} [cinematography, literature, theater] :: to set (to locate (a play, etc.); to assign a backdrop to)
ambientar {vt} :: to provide an ambiance to a place
ambientar {vr} :: to settle into, to settle in, to acclimate
ambientazo {m} :: augmentative of ambiente
ambiente {m} :: atmosphere
ambiente {m} :: environment [used with medio when talking about nature]
ambiente {m} :: room
ambientólogo {adj} :: environmental scientist
ambigrama {m} :: ambigram
ambigú {m} :: buffet
ambiguamente {adv} :: ambiguously
ambigüedad {f} :: ambiguity
ambiguo {adj} :: ambiguous
ambiguo {adj} [grammar, of a noun] :: used as both masculine and feminine
ámbito {m} :: scope, field
ámbito {m} [music] :: ambitus
ambivalencia {f} :: ambivalence
ambivalente {adj} :: ambivalent
amblar {vi} [of a quadruped] :: to amble (to move along by using both legs on one side, and then the other)
ambliopía {f} :: amblyopia (dimness or blurring of the eyesight)
ambo {m} [Argentina, Chile] :: suit
Ambo {prop} :: Ambo (province)
ambón {m} :: ambo (a raised platform in certain churches)
ambos {adj} :: both
ambos {num} :: both
ambos {pron} :: both
ambraciota {adj} :: Ambracian
ambraciota {mf} :: Ambracian
ambrones {mp} :: Ambrones
ambrosía {f} :: ambrosia (food of gods or delicious foods)
ambrosiano {adj} :: Ambrosian
ambrotipo {m} :: ambrotype
ambulacral {adj} :: ambulacral
ambulancia {f} :: ambulance (an emergency vehicle designed for transporting seriously ill or injured people to a hospital)
ambulantaje {m} [Mexico] :: street vending
ambulante {adj} :: travelling, ambulant
ambulante {adj} :: street
ambulante {mf} :: street vendor (walking or at a stand)
ambular {vi} [rare] :: to walk
ambulatorio {adj} :: outpatient
ambulatorio {m} :: outpatient clinic
ambulofobia {f} :: ambulophobia
ameba {f} :: amoeba
amebiano {adj} [microbiology] :: amoebic
amebiasis {f} [medicine] :: amoebiasis
ameboide {adj} :: amoeboid / ameboid
amebozoo {m} [biology] :: amoebozoan
a medias {adv} :: not fully
a media voz {adv} [idiomatic] :: under one's breath, quietly
a medida {adj} :: custom-made
a medida que {conj} :: as (progressively)
a medio gas {adv} [idiomatic] :: with the foot off the pedal
amedrentador {adj} :: frightening
amedrentador {adj} :: menacing
amedrentamiento {m} :: scare tactic
amedrentar {vt} :: to intimidate, to frighten
amelcochar {vt} :: to thicken
amelcochar {vr} :: to fall in love
Amelia {prop} {f} :: given name
ameloblastina {f} [cytology] :: ameloblastin
amelogenina {f} [protein] :: amelogenin
amén {interj} :: amen (at the end of religious prayers: so be it)
amenabariano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Alejandro Amenábar, Spanish film director
amenamente {adv} :: agreeably, amenably
amenaza {f} :: threat, menace
amenazado {adj} :: threatened
amenazador {adj} :: threatening (presenting a threat)
amenazadoramente {adv} :: menacingly, threateningly
amenazante {adj} :: threatening
amenazar {vt} :: to threaten
amén de {prep} [idiomatic] :: as well as
amenguar {v} :: to diminish
amenguar {v} :: to slander, defame
amenidad {f} :: amenity
amenísimo {adj} :: superlative of ameno
amenizar {vt} :: to make pleasant
amenizar {vt} :: to adorn
ameno {adj} :: pleasant
amenorrea {f} [pathology] :: amenorrhoea
a menos que {conj} :: unless
-amento {suffix} :: alternative form of -mento
amento {m} :: catkin
a menudo {adv} :: often, oftentimes (habitually)
a merced de {prep} :: at the mercy of
América {prop} {f} :: America (the Americas)
América {prop} {f} [proscribed] :: America (the United States of America)
América Central {prop} {f} :: Central America
América del Norte {prop} {f} :: North America; Usually excluding Central America and the Caribbean
América del Sur {prop} {f} :: South America (continent that is the southern part of the Americas)
América Latina {prop} {f} :: Latin America (parts of the Americas where Spanish or Portuguese are spoken)
América Meridional {prop} {f} :: South America (continent that is the southern part of the Americas)
americana {f} :: feminine noun of americano
americana {f} [fashion] :: a cloth jacket with lapels and buttons, reaching below the hip
americanidad {f} :: Americanness
americanísimo {adj} :: superlative of americano
americanismo {m} :: Americanism (linguistic feature)
americanista {adj} :: Americanistic
americanista {mf} :: Americanist
americanización {f} :: Americanization
americanizar {v} :: to Americanize
americano {adj} :: of the Americas
americano {adj} :: of the United States
americano {m} :: American (a native of the Americas)
americano {m} :: American (a native of the United States)
americano {m} :: someone who became rich in the Americas and returned to his country
Américas {prop} :: plural of América
americio {m} :: americium
Américo {prop} {m} :: given name
amerindia {f} :: feminine noun of amerindio
amerindio {adj} :: Amerindian
ameritar {v} [Latin America] :: to merit
amerizaje {m} :: sea-landing or touchdown
amerizar {vi} :: synonym of amarar
amesetado {adj} :: on a plateau
amesetamiento {m} :: plateauing
ametrallador {m} :: machine gunner
ametralladora {f} :: machine gun
ametralladorista {mf} :: machine-gunner
ametrallamiento {m} :: strafing
ametrallar {v} :: to machine-gun; to shoot with a machine gun
ametrallar {v} :: to shoot with shot ammunition
ametrino {m} [mineral, uncommon] :: ametrine
ametropía {f} [pathology] :: ametropia
amezketarra {adj} :: Of or from Amezketa
amezketarra {mf} :: Someone from Amezketa
amianto {m} :: asbestos
amibo {m} :: alternative form of ameba
amical {m} [sports] :: friendly
amicísimo {adj} [superlative] :: most friendly, very friendly
amida {f} [chemistry] :: amide
amidina {f} [chemistry] :: amidine
amidofosforribosiltransferasa {f} [enzyme] :: amidophosphoribosyltransferase
-amiento {suffix} :: alternative form of -miento
amiga {f} :: feminine noun of amigo, friend
amigabilidad {f} :: friendliness
amigable {adj} :: amicable
amigable {adj} :: companionable
amigablemente {adv} :: amicably
amiga con derecho a roce {f} :: feminine noun of amigo con derecho a roce
amiga con derechos {f} :: feminine noun of amigo con derechos
amiga con ventajas {f} :: feminine noun of amigo con ventajas
amigamiento {m} [rare] :: befriending
amiga por correspondencia {f} :: feminine noun of amigo por correspondencia
amigar {vt} :: to cause (people) to be friends
amigar {vi} :: to make friends (to create friendships)
amígdala {f} :: amygdala
amígdala {f} :: tonsil
amígdala palatina {f} :: palatine tonsil
amigdalectomía {f} [surgery] :: tonsillectomy
amigdalina {f} [organic compound] :: amygdalin
amigdalitis {f} [pathology] :: tonsilitis; strep throat
amigdalogloso {m} :: amygdaloglossus
amigo {m} :: friend
amigo {m} [slang, Río de la Plata] :: penis
amigo con derecho a roce {m} [Spain] :: friend with benefits
amigo con derechos {m} :: friend with benefits
amigo con ventajas {m} :: friend with benefits (friend with whom one has a casual sexual relationship)
amigo de lo ajeno {m} [euphemistic, colloquial] :: light-fingered (thief, robber)
amigo invisible {m} :: invisible friend
amigo invisible {m} :: secret Santa
amigo por correspondencia {m} :: pen pal
amigote {m} :: crony
amigote {m} :: pal
amigovia {f} :: feminine noun of amigovio
amigovio {m} :: friend with benefits
amigue {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: friend
amiguero {adj} [Latin America] :: friendly
amiguete {m} :: friend, buddy, crony
amiguísimo {adj} :: superlative of amigo
amiguismo {m} :: cronyism (favoritism to friends without regard for their qualifications)
amiguista {adj} :: crony [attributive]
amiguita {f} :: diminutive of amiga
amiguito {m} :: diminutive of amigo, little friend
amilanar {v} :: to daunt
amilanarse {vr} :: to cower (to crouch in fear)
amilasa {f} [enzyme] :: amylase
Amílcar {prop} {m} :: given name
amílico {adj} [chemistry] :: amyl
amilina {f} :: amylin
amiloide {adj} :: amyloid
amiloide {m} :: amyloid
amiloideo {adj} :: amyloid
amiloidosis {f} [pathology] :: amyloidosis
amilopectina {f} [carbohydrate] :: amylopectin
amiloplasto {m} [cytology] :: amyloplast
amilosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: amylose
a mil por hora {adv} [idiom] :: a mile a minute, quick as a flash
amina {f} [inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry] :: amine
aminación {f} [organic chemistry] :: amination
amino {adj} [chemistry] :: amino
amino {m} [chemistry] :: amino
aminoacídico {adj} :: aminoacidic
aminoácido {m} [organic chemistry] :: amino acid
aminoácido esencial {m} [amino acid] :: essential amino acid (amino acid which is a dietry requirement)
aminoaciduria {f} [medicine] :: aminoaciduria
aminoacil {f} [organic chemistry] :: An aminoacyl
aminobenceno {m} [organic chemistry] :: aminobenzene
aminobenzoato {m} [organic compound] :: aminobenzoate
aminobenzoico {adj} :: aminobenzoic
aminobifenol {m} [organic compound] :: aminobiphenol
aminobutirato {m} [organic compound] :: aminobutyrate
aminobutírico {adj} :: aminobutyric
aminociclopropano {m} :: aminocyclopropane
aminoglucósido {m} :: aminoglycoside
aminograma {m} :: aminogram
aminometiltransferasa {f} [enzyme] :: aminomethyltransferase
aminopeptidasa {f} :: aminopeptidase
aminoración {f} :: reduction; lessening
aminorar {vti} :: to lessen, to diminish
aminotransferasa {f} [enzyme] :: transaminase, aminotransferase
amiodarona {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: amiodarone
amiotrofia {f} [pathology] :: amyotrophy
amiotrófico {adj} [medicine] :: amyotrophic
amir {m} :: rare form of emir
amish {adj} :: Amish
amish {mf} :: Amish
amistad {f} :: friendship
amistad con derechos {f} [idiomatic] :: friendship with benefits (non-emotional sexual friendship)
amistad con ventajas {f} [idiomatic] :: friendship with benefits (non-emotional sexual friendship)
amistar {vt} :: to cause (people) to be friends
amistar {vt} :: to friend (add as a friend)
amistar {vt} [Mexico] :: to befriend
amistar {vi} :: to make friends (create friendships)
amistosamente {adv} :: in a friendly manner; friendlily
amistoso {adj} :: friendly
amistoso {m} [sports] :: friendly match
AMLO {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Andrés Manuel López Obrador
amlodipino {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: amlodipine
amloísta {mf} [Mexico, politics] :: A supporter of Mexican politician Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Ammán {prop} :: alternative spelling of Amán
ammaní {adj} :: Ammani (of or pertaining to Amman, Jordan)
ammaní {mf} :: Ammani (native or resident of Amman, Jordan)
Am. Mer. {prop} :: abbreviation of América Meridional
amnesia {f} :: amnesia
amnesia anterógrada {f} [pathology] :: anterograde amnesia (inability to remember new information)
amnesia retrógrada {f} :: retrograde amnesia (loss of memories from the period leading up to the amnesic episode)
amnésica {f} :: feminine noun of amnésico
amnésico {adj} :: amnesic
amnésico {m} :: amnesiac
amnesifobia {f} :: amnesiphobia
amniocentesis {f} [medicine] :: amniocentesis
amnios {m} [anatomy] :: amnion
amniota {f} [zoology] :: amniote (vertebrate having an amnion during the development of the embryo)
amniótico {adj} :: amniotic (pertaining to the amnion)
amnistía {f} :: amnesty
amnistiable {adj} :: To which amnesty may be granted
amnistiar {v} :: to grant amnesty to
amo {m} :: master (man who owns a slave)
amo {m} :: owner, master, keeper (man who owns an animal)
amoblado {adj} :: furnished
amoblamiento {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay] :: furnishing
amoblar {v} :: to furnish
amo de casa {m} :: househusband
a modo de {conj} :: as, by way of
a modo de {conj} :: like
amodorrar {v} :: to tire, fatigue
amodorrar {vr} :: to drift off, nod off (fall asleep)
amohinar {v} :: to cause displeasure, sadness, or melancholy
amohinar {v} :: to annoy
amojonamiento {m} :: marking out; marking the boundary
amojonar {v} :: to milestone (place milestones along)
amolador {m} :: grinder, sharpener (a person who sharpens knives)
amoladora {f} :: grinder (tool)
amoladora {f} :: feminine noun of amolador
amoladora angular {f} :: angle grinder (power tool)
amolar {vt} :: to sharpen
amoldable {adj} :: Able to change or adapt; adaptable
amoldar {vtr} :: to mold
amole {m} :: amole
amole {m} [Louisiana] :: cassava
Amón {prop} {m} :: Amun (Egyptian god)
amonal {m} :: ammonal
amonarse {v} [colloquial] :: to get sloshed
amonedación {f} :: coining; minting
amonedamiento {m} :: minting; coining
amonedar {v} :: to mint (money)
amonestación {m} :: admonishment
amonestación {m} [sports] :: the issuing of a caution; yellow card
amonestar {v} :: to warn; to reprimand; to admonish
amoniacal {adj} :: ammoniacal
amoniaco {m} [inorganic compound] :: ammonia
amoníaco {m} :: alternative form of amoniaco
amónico {adj} :: ammonic
amonio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: ammonium
amonite {m} [palaeontology] :: ammonite (extinct cephalopod)
amonitol {m} :: a type of explosive made with a mixture of ammonal and nitromethane
amontillado {m} :: amontillado
amontonadero {m} [Mexico, colloquial] :: heap, especially a disorderly one
amontonamiento {m} :: cluster, lump (group, set, or unit)
amontonar {vt} :: to pile up, to pile, to heap
amontonar {vp} :: to pile up
amontonarse {vr} :: to mob, huddle (crowd together)
amontonarse {v} :: to pile up (accumulate)
a montones {adv} [idiomatic] :: a dime a dozen, galore, by the bushel
amor {m} :: love
amor {m} :: love affair
amoral {adj} :: amoral
amoralidad {f} :: amorality
amor a primera vista {m} [idiom] :: love at first sight (an instantaneous attraction)
amoratado {adj} :: purplish
amoratarse {v} :: to become purple
amorcillo {m} :: diminutive of amor
amorcito {m} :: diminutive of amor
amordazar {v} :: to gag
amordazar {v} :: to muzzle
amorfino {m} :: A type of poetry based on couplets, focusing on love
amorfismo {m} :: amorphousness (quality of being amorphous)
amorfo {adj} :: amorphous
amorío {m} :: A superficial relationship; a love affair
amor no correspondido {m} :: unrequited love (love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is desired)
amorosamente {adv} :: lovingly, amorously
amorosísimo {adj} :: superlative of amoroso
amoroso {adj} :: amorous
amoroso {adj} :: tender
amor platónico {m} :: platonic love (intimate but non-sexual affection)
amor prohibido {m} :: paramour (illicit lover)
amor propio {m} :: self-love (regard for oneself)
amorrar {v} [colloquial] :: to bend the head downwards; put one's head down
amorrar {vr} [colloquial] :: to drink directly from
amorrea {f} :: feminine noun of amorreo
amorreo {m} :: Amorite
amorrita {adj} :: Amorite
amorrita {mf} :: Amorite
amortajamiento {m} :: The act of shrouding a corpse
amortajar {v} :: to shroud a corpse
amortiguación {f} :: dampening, attenuation
amortiguador {adj} :: softening, muffling
amortiguador {m} :: shock absorber
amortiguador {m} :: bumper of a vehicle
amortiguamiento {m} :: cushioning, buffering
amortiguamiento {m} :: deadening
amortiguar {v} :: to cushion, absorb
amortiguar {v} :: to deaden, muffle
amortizable {adj} [finance] :: redeemable
amortización {f} :: amortization (process of distributing asset cost)
amortizar {v} :: to amortize
amor y paz y nada más {phrase} :: a statement that love and peace are the most important attributes and actions and others are overvalued
-amos {suffix} :: suffix indicating the first-person plural present indicative of -ar verbs
-amos {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the first-person plural preterite of -ar verbs
-amos {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the first-person singular present subjunctive of -er and -ir verbs
-amos {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the first-person singular imperative of -er and -ir verbs
Amós {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Amos (figure mentioned in the Hebrew Bible)
Amós {prop} {m} [book of the bible] :: Amos (book of the Hebrew Bible)
amosal {m} :: ammonal
amoscar {v} :: to nip; bite
amoscar {vr} :: to be wary of
amostazar {v} :: to irritate; to vex
amotinamiento {m} :: rebellion, uprising
amotinar {vt} :: to incite into mutiny
amotinar {vr} :: to mutiny
amotinarse {v} :: reflexive of amotinar
amover {v} :: to remove, to dismiss
amoxicilina {f} :: amoxicillin
ampa {f} [education] :: parents' association
amparador {adj} :: protecting
amparador {m} :: protector
amparadora {f} :: feminine noun of amparador
amparar {v} :: to safeguard
amparo {m} :: shelter, sanctuary
amparo {m} :: protection
amparo {m} :: aid, relief
amparo {m} :: exemption, pardon
Amparo {prop} {f} :: given name
ampay {interj} [Peru] :: found you! (in the game of hide and seek)
ampay {m} [Peru] :: discovery
ampelis {m} :: waxwing (songbird of genus Bombycilla)
ampelógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of ampelógrafo
ampelografía {f} :: ampelography (science of grapevine cultivars)
ampelógrafo {m} :: ampelographer
amperaje {m} :: amperage
ampere {m} :: alternative form of amperio
amperímetro {m} :: ammeter
amperio {m} :: ampere
ampicilina {f} :: ampicillin
ampli {m} :: amp
ampliable {adj} :: expandable
ampliación {f} :: broadening, widening
ampliación {f} :: extension, expansion, expanding, extending
ampliación {f} :: enlargement, increase, increasing
ampliación {f} :: magnification, scaling up, amplification, blowup (e.g., blowup of a picture), enlarging
ampliadora {f} [photography] :: enlarger
ampliamente {adv} :: widely
ampliamente {adv} :: amply
ampliar {vt} :: to extend, expand, enlarge
ampliar {vt} :: to broaden, to widen, to further
ampliar {vt} :: to elaborate on, to expand on
ampliar {vt} :: to magnify, to blow up, to enlarge, to scale up (e.g. a photograph, a model)
ampliar {vr} :: to expand, to extend (itself, oneself)
ampliar {vr} :: to be extended, to be expanded, to be broadened, to be enlarged, to be widened, to be increased, to be scaled up
ampliatorio {adj} :: widening
amplicón {m} :: amplicon
amplificación {f} :: amplification
amplificador {adj} :: amplifying
amplificador {m} :: amplifier
amplificadora {f} :: amplifier (anything that amplifies)
amplificar {v} :: to enlarge, extend
amplificar {v} :: to amplify, magnify
amplio {adj} :: broad, large, spacious, wide, expansive
amplio {adj} [figurative] :: broad, wide, comprehensive, extensive, large, wide-ranging, ample
amplísimo {adj} :: superlative of amplio
amplitud {f} :: amplitude
amplitud {f} [figurative] :: breadth
ampo {m} :: snowflake
ampolla {f} :: blister
ampolla {f} :: small bottle
ampolla {f} :: ampoule
ampollar {vtr} :: to blister (to raise blisters on)
ampolleta {f} :: hourglass
ampolleta {f} [Chile] :: light bulb
ampolleta {f} [Mexico, Venezuela] :: ampoule
ampollita {f} :: diminutive of ampolla
ámpula {f} [Mexico] :: blister (bubble on the skin)
ámpula {f} [Cuba, Mexico] :: ampoule (small glass vial)
ampulosidad {f} :: pomposity
ampuloso {adj} :: bombastic
ampurdanés {adj} :: From Ampurdán
ampurdanés {m} :: Someone from Ampurdán
ampurdanesa {f} :: feminine noun of ampurdanés
amputación {f} :: amputation
amputar {v} :: to amputate
Amritsar {prop} :: Amritsar (city)
Amsterdam {prop} {m} :: Amsterdam (city/and/municipality)
Ámsterdam {prop} :: Ámsterdam (capital city)
amsterdamés {adj} :: Amsterdamer
amsterdamés {m} :: Amsterdamer (an inhabitant or a resident of Amsterdam)
amueblado {adj} :: furnished
amueblamiento {m} :: furnishing
amueblar {vt} :: to furnish
a muerte {adv} [idiom] :: to death
amujerado {adj} :: effeminate
amujeramiento {m} :: emasculation
amuleto {m} :: amulet
amuñecado {adj} :: doll-like
amurada {f} [nautical] :: bulwark (the planking or plating along the sides of a nautical vessel above her gunwale)
amurado {m} [nautical] :: tack (point of sail)
amurallamiento {m} :: walling; building of walls
amurallar {vt} :: to wall
amurca {f} :: amurca
amurrar {v} [Latin America] :: to sadden; to make upset
amurrar {vr} [colloquial, Chile] :: to become sad; to get upset
amusgar {v} :: to throw back (one's ears)
amusgar {v} :: to narrow (one's eyes)
amusia {f} :: amusia
amuzgo {m} :: Amuzgo; An indigenous language of Mexico with about 30,000 speakers, mostly in Oaxaca state
-an {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the third-person plural (also used with ustedes) present indicative of -ar verbs
-an {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the third-person plural (also used with ustedes) present subjunctive of -er and -ir verbs
-an {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the third-person plural imperative of -er and -ir verbs
-ana {suffix} :: feminine singular of -ano
Ana {prop} {f} :: given name
Ana {prop} {f} :: Hannah (Biblical figure)
Ana {prop} {f} :: Anna (Biblical prophetess)
aña {f} [Basque Country] :: carer; babysitter
anabaptismo {m} :: Anabaptism
anabaptista {adj} :: Anabaptist
anabaptista {mf} :: Anabaptist
anabasina {f} [chemistry] :: anabasine
Anabel {prop} {f} :: given name Isabel or Ana Belén
anabólico {adj} [physiology, pharmacology] :: anabolic (relating to anabolism)
anabolismo {m} :: anabolism
anabolizante {adj} :: anabolic
anabolizante {m} :: anabolic steroid
anacahuita {m} :: alternative form of anacahuite
anacahuite {m} :: A species of small flowering shrub or tree in the borage family, (Cordia boissieri)
anacarado {adj} :: nacreous, pearly (of a pale greyish white color)
anacardo {m} :: cashew (tree)
anacardo {m} :: cashew (nut)
anacoluto {m} [rhetoric, grammar] :: anacoluthon, anacoluthia
anaconda {f} :: anaconda
anacoreta {m} :: anchorite (one who lives in seclusion)
anacronía {f} :: anachronism
anacrónicamente {adv} :: anachronically, anachronistically
anacrónico {adj} :: anachronistic
anacronismo {m} :: anachronism
anacronístico {adj} [rare] :: anachronistic
anacrusa {f} [music] :: anacrusis (unstressed note (or notes) before the first strong beat of a phrase)
ánade {m} :: duck
anadear {vi} :: to waddle
ánade rabudo {m} :: northern pintail
ánade real {mf} :: mallard (duck)
añadidura {f} :: addition
añadidura {f} :: extra
añadidura {f} :: add-on
añadidura {f} :: Something that is added, especially something that a merchant gives to a buyer to complete the amount requested, or something extra given as a bonus; a gratuity, lagniappe
anadiplosis {f} [rhetoric] :: anadiplosis
Anádir {prop} {m} :: Anádir (city)
añadir {v} :: to augment
añadir {v} :: to add
añadir {v} :: to append
añadir {v} :: to annex
anaeróbicamente {adv} :: anaerobically
anaeróbico {adj} [microbiology, biochemistry] :: anaerobic
anaerobio {adj} :: anaerobic
anaerobio {m} :: anaerobe
anafase {f} [cytology] :: anaphase
anafe {m} :: cooktop, portable stove
anafe {m} :: alternative form of anafre
anafiláctico {adj} :: anaphylactic
anafilaxia {f} :: anaphylaxis
anafilaxis {f} :: anaphylaxis
anáfora {f} [rhetoric] :: anaphora (repetition of a phrase used for emphasis)
anaforesis {f} :: anaphoresis (the movement of electrically charged particles toward an anode)
anafóricamente {adv} :: anaphorically
anafórico {adj} :: anaphoric (relating to an anaphora)
anafre {m} :: (small) stove
añagaza {f} [hunting] :: decoy
añagaza {f} :: trick, trap
anagnórisis {f} :: anagnorisis
anagógico {adj} [Christianity, theology] :: anagogic, anagogical
anagrama {m} :: anagram
anagramático {adj} :: anagrammatic
Anahí {prop} {f} :: given name
anakinra {m} :: anakinra
anal {adj} :: anal
anal {m} :: annal
añal {adj} [rare] :: annual
analema {m} [astronomy] :: analemma
analepsis {f} :: analepsis
analfabeta {f} :: feminine noun of analfabeto
analfabetismo {m} :: illiteracy
analfabeto {adj} :: unlettered, illiterate
analfabeto {m} :: illiterate person
analgesia {f} [medicine] :: analgesia (absence of the sense of pain)
analgésico {adj} [pharmacology] :: analgesic
analgésico {m} [pharmacology] :: analgesic, painkiller
Analía {prop} {f} :: given name
análisis {m} :: analysis (decomposition into parts)
análisis {m} :: analysis (the result of such a decomposition)
análisis {m} [mathematics] :: analysis
análisis {m} [chemistry] :: analysis
análisis complejo {m} [mathematics] :: complex analysis
análisis de sangre {m} :: blood test
análisis real {m} [mathematics] :: real analysis
analista {mf} :: analyst
analista de sistemas {mf} [computing] :: systems analyst
analítica {f} :: analytics
analíticamente {adv} :: analytically
analítico {adj} :: analytic
analito {m} :: analyte
analizable {adj} :: analyzable
analizador {m} :: analyst
analizadora {f} :: feminine noun of analizador
analizar {vt} :: to analyze (to subject to analysis)
analmente {adv} :: anally (involving the anus)
análogamente {adv} :: analogously
analogía {f} :: analogy
analógicamente {adv} :: analogically
analógico {adj} :: analogue, analog (in which the value of a data is represented by a continuous variable)
analógico {adj} :: analogous, analogic, analogical (relating to or having analogy)
análogo {adj} :: analogous
anamita {adj} :: Annamite
anamita {m} :: Annamite
anamnesia {f} :: anamnesis (recollection)
anamórfico {adj} :: anamorphic
anamorfismo {m} :: anamorphosis
anamorfosis {f} :: anamorphosis
ananá {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: alternative form of ananás
ananás {m} :: pineapple plant
ananás {m} :: pineapple fruit
anancefalia {f} :: anencephaly
anandamida {f} [biochemistry] :: anandamide (ethanolamide of arachidonic acid)
Ananké {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Ananke (mother of the Fates and personification of inevitability and necessity)
Anapa {prop} :: Anapa (town)
añapero {m} :: nighthawk
anapesto {m} [poetry] :: anapest (metrical foot)
anaplasia {f} [cytology, oncology] :: anaplasia (reversion of differentiation in cells)
anaplásico {adj} :: anaplasic
anapolitana {f} :: feminine noun of anapolitano
anapolitano {adj} :: Annapolitan (of or pertaining to Annapolis, Maryland)
anapolitano {m} :: Annapolitan (native or resident of Annapolis, Maryland)
anápsido {m} :: anapsid
anaquel {m} :: shelf
añar {m} [Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, mostly in the plural] :: eon (many years, a long period of time)
anaranjado {m} :: orange (the colour of the fruit of an orange tree)
anaranjado {adj} :: orange, orangey (having the colour of an orange, reddish-yellow)
anaranjado {adj} [heraldry] :: tenné
anarco- {prefix} :: anarcho- (denoting anarchy or anarchism)
anarcobolchevismo {m} [anarchism, communism] :: anarcho-bolshevism
anarcocapitalismo {m} [politics, economics] :: anarcho-capitalism
anarcocapitalista {adj} :: anarcho-capitalist
anarcocapitalista {mf} :: anarcho-capitalist
anarcocolectivismo {m} :: collectivist anarchism
anarcocomunismo {m} :: anarcho-communism
anarcocomunista {mf} :: anarcho-communist
anarcoindividualismo {m} :: individualist anarchism
anarcoindividualista {adj} :: anarcho-individualist
anarcoindividualista {mf} :: anarcho-individualist
anarcoprimitivista {adj} :: anarcho-primitivistic
anarcoprimitivista {mf} :: anarcho-primitivist
anarcopunk {m} :: anarcho-punk
anarcosindicalismo {m} :: anarcho-syndicalism (a branch or field of anarchy that focuses on the abolition of capitalism)
anarcosindicalista {adj} :: anarcho-syndicalist
anarcosindicalista {mf} :: anarcho-syndicalist
anarquía {f} :: anarchy (the state of a society being without authorities)
anarquía {f} :: anarchy (confusion; disorder)
anarquía {f} :: anarchism (the belief that opposes hierarchy and authority)
anárquicamente {adv} :: anarchically
anárquico {adj} :: anarchic
anarquismo {m} :: anarchism
anarquista {adj} :: anarchistic
anarquista {mf} :: anarchist
anarquizar {vt} :: to make anarchic
anasazi {adj} :: Anasazi
anasazi {mf} :: Anasazi
anastilosis {f} [archaeology] :: anastylosis (reassembly of ruined monuments)
anastomosarse {vr} :: to anastomose
anastomosis {f} :: anastomosis
anastomótico {adj} [anatomy, surgery] :: anastomotic (pertaining to anastomosis)
anástrofe {f} [rhetoric] :: anastrophe
anatasa {f} :: anatase
anatema {m} :: anathema (ban or curse)
anatematizado {adj} :: reprobate (rejected by god)
anatematizado {adj} :: cursed
anatematizar {vt} :: to anathematize
anatematizar {vt} :: to curse
anátida {f} :: anatid
anatolia {f} :: feminine noun of anatolio
Anatolia {prop} {f} :: Anatolia (peninsula)
anatolio {adj} :: Anatolian
anatolio {m} :: Anatolian
anatomía {f} :: anatomy
anatomía patológica {f} [medicine] :: anatomopathology
anatómicamente {adv} :: anatomically
anatómico {adj} :: anatomical
anatómico {adj} :: form-fitting, ergonomic
anatomista {mf} :: anatomist (one involved in the science of anatomical structures)
anatomofisiología {f} :: anatomophysiology
anatomopatológico {adj} [anatomy, pathology] :: anatomopathological (relating to both anatomy and pathology)
anatomopatólogo {m} [medicine] :: anatomopathologist
anátropo {adj} :: anatropous
anaxagorana {f} :: feminine noun of anaxagorano
anaxagorano {adj} [philosophy] :: Anaxagoran
anaxagorano {m} [philosophy] :: Anaxagoran
Anaxágoras {prop} {m} :: Anaxagoras
anaximandra {f} :: feminine noun of anaximandro
anaximandro {adj} [philosophy] :: Anaximanderian
anaximandro {m} [philosophy] :: Anaximanderian
Anaximandro {prop} {m} :: Anaximander (philosopher)
anaximena {f} :: feminine noun of anaximeno
Anaxímenes {prop} {m} :: Anaximenes (philosopher)
anaximeno {adj} [philosophy] :: Anaximenean
anaximeno {m} [philosophy] :: Anaximenean
anayismo {m} :: The politics of, or support for, Ricardo Anaya Cortés, Mexican politician
anayista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting Ricardo Anaya Cortés, Mexican politician
anayista {mf} :: A supporter of Ricardo Anaya Cortés, Mexican politician
anca {f} :: haunch, rump
anca {f} :: chicken leg, frog leg
ancas de rana {fp} :: frog legs (hind legs of frog as food)
Ancash {prop} :: Ancash (region)
ancashino {adj} :: Of or from Ancash
ancashino {m} :: someone from Ancash
ancestral {adj} :: ancestral
ancestralidad {f} :: ancestrality
ancestralmente {adv} :: ancestrally
ancestro {m} [Latin America] :: ancestor, forefather
anchamente {adv} :: broadly
anchar {vt} [colloquial] :: to expand
Ancheta {prop} {f} :: surname
anchísimo {adj} :: superlative of ancho
ancho {adj} :: wide; broad
ancho {adj} :: proud
ancho {m} :: width, breadth
anchoa {f} :: anchovy (small saltwater fish)
ancho de banda {m} :: bandwidth (width of a frequency band)
ancho de banda {m} :: bandwidth (width of the smallest frequency band within which the signal can fit)
ancho de banda {m} :: bandwidth (measure of data flow rate in digital networks)
anchova {f} :: alternative form of anchoa
anchoveta {m} :: anchoveta
anchura {f} :: width, breadth
anchuroso {adj} :: very wide
ancí {adv} :: obsolete form of así
-ancia {suffix} :: -ancy
anciana {f} :: feminine noun of anciano
ancianidad {f} :: old age
ancianismo {m} :: ageism against the elderly
ancianismo {m} [obsolete] :: old age
ancianita {f} :: diminutive of anciana; little old woman
ancianito {m} :: diminutive of anciano; little old man
anciano {adj} [of a person] :: elderly
anciano {adj} [rare] :: ancient
anciano {m} :: elderly person
ancilar {adj} :: ancillary, subordinate
ancla {f} :: anchor
anclado {adj} :: anchored
anclado {adj} :: fastened, secured
anclaje {m} :: anchorage
anclar {vi} :: to drop anchor
anclar {vt} :: to anchor (to connect to a fixed point)
anco {m} :: butternut squash
ancóneo {m} :: anconeus
áncora {f} [nautical] :: anchor
ancoraje {m} :: anchorage
ancorar {v} :: to anchor (secure with an anchor)
anda {f} [also, in the plural] :: a bier or small platform, when carried by people (usually 4 or more individuals) to move a corpse or religious image
anda {interj} :: Interjection to express surprise
anda {interj} :: come on
ANDA {prop} {f} [Mexico] :: acronym of Asociación Nacional de Actores
ANDA {prop} {f} [Spain] :: Asociación Nacional para la Defensa de los Animales
ANDA {prop} {f} [Spain] :: Asociación Nacional de Discapacitados
ANDA {prop} {f} [Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela] :: Asociación Nacional de Anunciantes
andada {f} :: animal tracks
andada {f} [rare] :: a type of flat bread
andadera {f} :: walker, Zimmer frame
andador {adj} :: walking
andador {m} :: walking frame (frame used to help walking)
andador {m} :: rollator
andador {m} :: walker
andadora {f} [sports] :: treadmill (piece of indoor sporting equipment)
andadora {f} :: feminine noun of andador
andadura {f} :: gait
andadura {f} :: walking (the act of walking)
andadura {f} [figuratively] :: project, work, activity, process (long-term undertaking)
andadura {f} :: path
ándale {interj} [Mexico] :: all right! (used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent)
Andalucía {prop} {f} :: Andalucía (autonomous community)
andalucismo {m} :: Pro-Andalusia movement, Andalusian independence
andalucista {mf} :: a supporter of the pro-Andalusia movement
andalucita {f} [mineral] :: andalusite
andalusí {adj} :: Andalusian (of or pertaining to Al-Andalus)
andalusí {mf} :: Andalusian (someone from Al-Andalus)
andalusita {f} :: alternative form of andalucita
andaluz {adj} :: Andalusian
andaluz {m} :: Someone from Andalusia
andaluz {m} :: Andalusian dialect
andaluzar {v} :: to turn more Andalusian
andamiaje {m} :: scaffolding
andamiar {v} :: to scaffold
andamio {m} :: scaffold
andanada {f} :: volley (of projectiles), barrage
andanada {f} [nautical] :: broadside
andanada {f} :: broadside, barrage (verbal or written attack or criticism)
andanada {f} [bullfighting] :: grandstand
andante {adj} :: walking, who roams, who wanders, errant
andante {mf} :: roamer (one who roams)
andante {m} [music] :: A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played in a moderately slow tempo; faster than adagio but slower than allegretto
andante {m} [music] :: A passage having this mark
andante {adj} [music] :: Played in a moderately slow tempo
andante {adv} [music] :: with a moderately slow tempo
andanza {m} [usually plural] :: wanderings; travel; roaming
andanza {m} :: unforeseen circumstance
andanza {m} :: fortune; luck
anda que no {phrase} :: hell yes, hell yeah, you'd better believe it
andar {v} :: to walk, to go
andar {v} :: to amble, to travel
andar {v} :: to ride
andar {v} :: to function, to work, to go
andar {v} :: to pass, to go by, to elapse
andar {v} :: to go about; to busy oneself with
andar {v} :: to be, to feel
andar {v} :: to go around, to move or spread from person to person
andar {v} [with gerund] :: to go round doing something (describing interrupted, frequent activity)
andar {vt} :: to have been feeling; to feel emotions over a period of time
andar {v} [with con] :: to go out with, to date
andar {vr} :: to go away, to leave
andar {vr} [imperative] :: to take out, to remove oneself
andar {m} :: walk, pace, gait
andar {m} :: behavior, manner
andar a las chapas {v} [Argentina, colloquial] :: To be rushed off one's feet
andar como quinceañera {v} [idiom, simile] :: to be mutton dressed as lamb
andar con ambages {v} [idiomatic] :: to beat around the bush (to treat a topic but omit its main points)
andar en chanchullos {v} [idiomatic] :: to shill (to promote or endorse in return for payment)
andariego {adj} :: roaming, restless
andarivel {m} :: cable ferry
andarivel {m} :: rope bridge
andarivel {m} :: chairlift; ski lift
andar mal de dinero {v} [idiom] :: to be short of cash
andar por los cerros de Úbeda {v} :: alternative form of ir por los cerros de Úbeda
andarríos {m} :: sandpiper
andarse {v} :: reflexive of andar
andarse con rodeos {v} [idiomatic] :: to beat around the bush
andarse por las ramas {v} [idiomatic] :: to beat around the bush
Andaya {prop} :: surname
andén {m} :: platform (at a train station)
andén {m} :: quayside
andén {m} [Andes, agriculture] :: A stair-like terrace on a hillside, used for cultivating plants
andén {m} [Caribbean, Colombia] :: sidewalk
andenería {f} [Andes, agriculture] :: a system of stairlike terraces on a hillside
andera {f} :: feminine noun of andero
andero {m} :: bearer; porter (in a religious procession)
Andes {prop} {mp} :: the Andes
andesina {f} [mineral] :: andesine (sodium calcium aluminum silicate)
andesita {f} :: andesite
andesítico {adj} :: andesitic
andinismo {m} :: mountaineering in the Andes
andinista {mf} :: an Andean mountaineer
andino {adj} :: Andean
andino {m} :: Andean (person)
andiroba {f} :: andiroba
-ando {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the gerund of regular -ar verbs; i.e., the suffix -ing in English
andoba {m} :: nobody (a person whose name is not mentioned)
andorra {f} [colloquial] :: a female walking companion
Andorra {prop} {f} :: Andorra (country)
Andorra la Vieja {prop} {f} :: Andorra la Vieja (capital city)
andorrana {f} :: feminine noun of andorrano
andorrano {adj} :: Andorran (from or native to Andorra)
andorrano {adj} :: Andorran (pertaining to Andorra)
andorrano {m} :: Andorran (person from Andorra)
Andrada {prop} {f} :: surname, variant of Andrade
Andrade {prop} :: surname
andrajo {m} :: rags (as clothes)
andrajoso {adj} :: ragged, tattered
Andrea {prop} {f} :: given name
Andrés {prop} {m} :: Andrew [biblical character]
Andrés {prop} {m} :: given name
andrewsarchus {m} :: andrewsarchus (prehistoric mammal)
andrina {f} :: alternative form of endrina
andro- {prefix} :: andro- (indicating males)
androcéntrico {adj} :: androcentric
androcentrismo {m} :: androcentrism (ideological focus on males)
androceo {m} [botany] :: androecium
androfilia {f} :: androphilia
androfobia {f} :: androphobia
androgénico {adj} [steroid hormone] :: androgenic
andrógeno {m} [steroid hormone] :: androgen
androginia {f} :: androgyny
andrógino {adj} :: androgynous
andrógino {adj} :: hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic
andrógino {adj} [botany] :: monoecious
andrógino {m} :: androgyne
andrógino {m} :: hermaphrodite
androginóforo {m} :: androgynophore
androide {m} :: android
andróloga {f} :: feminine noun of andrólogo
andrología {f} :: andrology (a branch of medicine)
andrólogo {m} :: andrologist
Andrómeda {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Andromeda (mythical daughter of Cepheus)
Andrómeda {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Andromeda (constellation)
Andrómeda {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Andromeda (galaxy)
androstediona {f} :: androstenedione (steroid hormone)
androstenediona {f} :: androstenedione
andurrial {m} [usually in the plural] :: the bush (remote, undeveloped area); the backcountry; the sticks; the middle of nowhere
aneblar {vtr} [rarely] :: to cover with mist or dew
aneblar {vtr} [dated] :: to darken, to cloud over
anécdota {f} :: anecdote
anecdotario {m} :: ana (collection of anecdotes)
anecdóticamente {adv} :: anecdotally
anecdótico {adj} :: anecdotal
anecoico {adj} [acoustics] :: anechoic
anegación {f} [rare] :: flooding
anegadizo {adj} :: susceptible to flooding
anegamiento {m} :: inundation, flooding
anegar {vt} :: to drown, to inundate, to flood
añejamiento {m} :: aging (of wine, cheese, etc.)
añejar {vt} :: to age
anejo {adj} :: attached
anejo {m} :: accompaniment, affix
añejo {adj} :: aged (of food, particularly wine, but also cheese or alcoholic spirits such as rum)
añejo {adj} [wine] :: vintage
añejo {adj} :: more than one year old
aneldo {m} :: alternative form of eneldo
anélido {m} :: annelid, segmented worm
anemia {f} [pathology] :: anemia
anémico {adj} :: anemic
anémico {m} :: anemic
anemo- {prefix} :: anemo- (forms words relating to wind)
anemómetro {m} :: anemometer, windmeter
anémona {f} :: anemone, windflower
anémona de mar {f} :: sea anemone
anemone {f} :: alternative form of anémona
anemoscopio {m} :: anemoscope
anencefalia {f} :: anencephaly
anestesia {f} :: anesthetic
anestesia {f} :: anesthesia (insensitivity to pain)
anestesiador {m} :: anesthetist
anestesiadora {f} :: feminine noun of anestesiador
anestesiante {adj} :: anaesthetising
anestesiar {vt} :: to anesthetize
anestésico {adj} :: anesthetic
anestésico {m} :: anesthetic
anestesióloga {f} :: feminine noun of anestesiólogo
anestesiología {f} :: anesthesiology
anestesiólogo {m} :: anesthesiologist
anestesista {mf} :: anaesthetist
anestro {m} :: anestrus (sexual respite in between breeding periods)
anetol {m} [organic compound] :: anethole
aneuploide {adj} [genetics] :: aneuploid
aneuploidía {f} :: aneuploidy
aneurisma {m} [pathology] :: aneurysm
aneurismático {adj} [medicine] :: aneurysmatic (of, pertaining to, or causing aneurysms)
anexar {vt} :: to annex, attach
anexial {adj} [anatomy] :: adnexal
anexión {f} :: annexation (the act of annexing)
anexionar {vt} :: to annex
anexionismo {m} :: annexationism
anexionista {mf} :: annexationist
anexo {adj} :: attached
anexo {adj} :: enclosed
anexo {m} :: annex, appendix
anexo {m} :: contiguous building, extension of a building
Áñez {prop} :: surname
anfeta {f} [colloquial] :: clipping of anfetamina
anfetamina {f} [organic compound] :: amphetamine
anfetamínico {adj} :: amphetamine
anfiartrosis {f} [anatomy] :: amphiarthrosis
anfibio {adj} :: amphibious, amphibian
anfibio {m} :: amphibian
anfíbol {m} [mineral] :: amphibole
anfibolita {f} :: amphibolite
anfibología {f} :: amphibology, amphiboly
anfíbraco {m} [poetry] :: amphibrach
anfímacro {m} [poetry] :: amphimacer
anfípodo {m} :: amphipod
anfipróstilo {adj} [architecture] :: amphiprostyle
anfipróstilo {m} [architecture] :: An amphiprostyle building
anfisbena {f} [Greek mythology] :: amphisbaena
anfisbena {f} :: worm lizard
anfiteatro {m} :: amphitheater
anfitrión {m} :: host (one which receives a guest)
anfitrión {m} [computing] :: host
Anfitrión {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Amphitryon
anfitriona {f} :: feminine noun of anfitrión; hostess
ánfora {f} :: amphora
anfotericina {f} :: amphotericin
anfractuosidad {f} :: roughness
anfractuosidad {f} [medicine] :: anfractuosity
-anga {suffix} :: Used with derogatory value in nouns and adjectives. (E.g. fritanga)
angarillas {fp} :: stretcher
angarillas {fp} :: pannier
angarillas {fp} :: sidebags
angarillas {fp} :: any of a number of other kinds of trays used to transport various things
ángel {m} :: angel (an incorporeal and sometimes divine messenger from a deity)
ángel {m} :: angel (one of the lowest order of such beings, below virtues)
ángel {m} :: angel (a person having the qualities attributed to angels, such as purity or selflessness)
Ángel {prop} {m} :: given name
Ángela {prop} {f} :: given name
ángel caído {m} :: fallen angel
ángel de la guarda {m} :: guardian angel
Ángeles {prop} {f} :: given name
angélica {f} :: angelica [plant]
Angélica {prop} {f} :: given name
angelical {adj} :: angelic (belonging to, proceeding from, or resembling an angel)
angelicalmente {adv} :: angelically
angélico {adj} :: angelic
Angélina {prop} {f} :: given name
Ángelina {prop} {f} :: given name
angelino {adj} :: Of or from Los Angeles
angelino {m} :: Angelino, Angeleno (person from Los Angeles)
angelita {f} :: feminine noun of angelito
angelito {m} [colloquial] :: young child
angelito {m} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: recently deceased young child
angelito {m} :: diminutive of ángel
ángelo {m} :: obsolete form of ángel
Ángelo {prop} {m} :: given name
angelóloga {f} :: feminine noun of angelólogo
angelología {f} :: angelology
angelólogo {m} :: angelologist
Angelópolis {prop} :: Puebla; Puebla de Zaragoza
angelote {m} :: angel shark
ángel protector {m} :: guardian angel
ángelus {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: Angelus
angevina {f} :: feminine noun of angevino
angevino {adj} :: Angevin
angevino {m} :: Angevin
angina {f} [pathology] :: angina (infection of the throat)
angina de pecho {f} [cardiology, disease] :: angina pectoris (intermittent chest pain)
anginas {f} :: plural of angina
anginas {f} [plurale tantum] :: strep throat
angio- {prefix} :: angio-
angiodisplasia {f} :: angiodysplasia
angiofibroma {m} [pathology] :: angiofibroma
angiogénesis {f} :: angiogenesis
angiografía {f} :: angiograph
angiografía {f} :: angiography
angiográfico {adj} :: angiographic
angiograma {m} [medicine] :: angiogram (an X-ray image of the blood vessels)
angioinvasivo {adj} :: angioinvasive
angiología {f} :: angiology
angiológico {adj} :: angiological
angioma {m} [pathology] :: angioma
angiopatía {f} [pathology] :: angiopathy (any disease of the blood vessels)
angioplastia {f} [surgery] :: angioplasty
angioradiología {f} :: angioradiology
angiosperma {f} [botany] :: angiosperm
angiotensina {f} [protein] :: angiotensin
angiotensinógeno {m} [protein] :: angiotensinogen
Angkor Wat {prop} :: Angkor Wat (Cambodian temple complex)
angla {f} :: feminine noun of anglo
anglicana {f} :: feminine noun of anglicano
anglicanismo {m} :: Anglicanism (beliefs and practices of the Anglican Church)
anglicanizar {vt} :: to Anglicanize
anglicano {adj} :: Anglican
anglicano {m} :: Anglican
anglicismo {m} :: anglicism (word or other feature originating in the English language)
anglificar {v} :: to anglicize
anglo- {prefix} :: Anglo-
anglo {adj} :: Anglian (pertaining to the Angles)
anglo {adj} :: English (of or pertaining to England)
anglo {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
anglo {m} :: Angle (member of a Germanic tribe)
anglo {m} :: Englishman
anglo {m} :: Anglo-Saxon, Old English
angloamericana {f} :: feminine noun of angloamericano
angloamericanismo {m} :: Americanism (linguistic feature)
angloamericano {adj} :: Anglo-American
angloamericano {m} :: Anglo-American
anglocanadiense {adj} :: English-Canadian
anglo-católico {m} [Christianity] :: Anglo-Catholic (member of the Anglican Church with Catholic traditions)
anglocatólico {adj} :: Anglo-Catholic
anglocatólico {m} :: Anglo-Catholic
angloesfera {f} :: Anglosphere (set of anglophone countries)
angloestadounidense {adj} :: Anglo-American
angloestadounidense {mf} :: Anglo-American
anglofilia {f} :: Anglophilia
anglófilo {adj} :: Anglophilic
anglófilo {m} :: Anglophile
anglofobia {f} :: Anglophobia
anglofóbica {f} :: feminine noun of anglofóbico
anglofóbico {adj} :: Anglophobic
anglofóbico {m} :: Anglophobe
anglófobo {adj} :: Anglophobic
anglófobo {m} :: Anglophobe
anglófono {adj} :: Anglophone
anglofrancés {adj} :: Anglo-French
anglohablante {adj} :: Anglophone (English-speaking)
anglohablante {mf} :: Anglophone (One who speaks English)
angloholandés {adj} :: Anglo-Dutch
anglomanía {f} :: Anglomania
anglómano {adj} :: Anglomanic
anglómano {m} :: Anglomaniac
anglonormando {adj} :: Anglo-Norman
anglonormando {m} :: Anglo-Norman (norman who settled in England)
anglonormando {m} :: Anglo-Norman (language)
angloparlante {adj} :: Anglophone (English-speaking)
angloparlante {mf} :: Anglophone
anglosajón {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
anglosajón {m} :: Anglo-Saxon language; Old English
anglosfera {f} :: Anglosphere (the English-speaking countries)
angoja {f} [archaic] :: grief; anguish
Angola {prop} {f} :: Angola (country)
angolana {f} :: feminine noun of angolano
angolano {adj} :: Angolan
angolano {m} :: Angolan
angoleña {f} :: feminine noun of angoleño
angoleño {adj} :: Angolan
angoleño {m} :: Angolan
Angora {prop} {f} :: Angora (capital city)
angorense {adj} :: Ankaran (of or pertaining to Ankara, Turkey)
angorense {mf} :: Ankaran (native or resident of Ankara, Turkey)
angostamente {adv} :: narrowly
angostamiento {m} :: narrowing
angostar {v} :: to narrow
angostísimo {adj} :: superlative of angosto
angosto {adj} :: narrow
angostura {f} :: defile, narrow passage
angostura {f} :: narrowness
angostura {f} :: Angostura bitters (drink)
ángstrom {m} [physics] :: angstrom (a very small unit of length, 10-10 m)
anguila {f} :: eel
Anguila {prop} {f} :: Anguilla (British overseas territory in the Caribbean)
anguila eléctrica {f} :: electric eel (species of fish)
anguilense {adj} :: Anguillan
anguilense {mf} :: Anguillan
angula {f} :: elver, baby eel
angulación {f} :: angle, angulation
angular {adj} :: angular
angularmente {adv} :: angularly
ángulo {m} [geometry] :: angle
ángulo obtuso {m} :: obtuse angle
ángulo recto {m} :: right angle
angulosidad {f} :: angularity
anguloso {adj} :: angular (of a face or features)
angurria {f} [Latin America] :: famishing hunger
angurria {f} [Latin America] :: great anxiety
angurriento {adj} [Latin America] :: greedy, selfish
angustia {f} :: anguish, distress
angustia {f} :: anxiety
angustiadamente {adv} :: anguishedly
angustiado {adj} :: anguished
angustiado {adj} :: anxious
angustiado {adj} :: nervous
angustiante {adj} :: distressing, upsetting
angustiar {vt} :: to anguish, distress
angustiarse {vr} :: to become anxious
angustiosamente {adv} :: distressingly, agonizingly
angustiosísimo {adj} :: superlative of angustioso
angustioso {adj} :: harrowing, distressing, distressed, anguished
anhedonia {f} [symptom, psychiatry] :: anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure)
anhelante {adj} :: eager, longing
anhelar {v} :: to long for, to yearn, to yearn for, to long, to desire, to hanker
anhelar {v} :: to crave
anhelar {v} :: to gasp
anhelar {v} :: to pant
anhelo {m} :: longing, desire, wish
anheloso {adj} :: eager; keen
anheloso {adj} :: gasping; panting
anhidrasa {m} [enzyme] :: anhydrase
anhidraso {adj} :: anhydrous
anhídrido {m} [chemistry] :: anhydride
anhídrido carbónico {m} [inorganic compound] :: carbon dioxide (cO₂)
anhidrita {f} [mineral] :: anhydrite (saline evaporite)
anhidro {adj} :: anhydrous
anhidrobiosis {f} :: anhydrobiosis (form of cryptobiosis)
ANHQV {prop} :: Aquí no hay quien viva, a Spanish sitcom
Aníbal {prop} {m} :: given name
Aníbal {prop} {m} :: Hannibal (Carthaginian general)
Aniceto {prop} {m} :: given name
aniconismo {m} :: aniconism
añicos {mp} :: shards, smithereens, pieces
anidación {f} :: nesting
anidado {adj} [informatics] :: nested
anidamiento {m} :: nesting (process by which a bird nests)
anidamiento {m} [computing] :: nesting
anidar {v} :: to nest
anidar {v} :: to shelter, take in
añidir {v} [obsolete or dialectal] :: alternative form of añadir
aniego {m} :: flooding
anihilar {v} :: rare form of aniquilar
añil {m} :: indigo (colour)
añil {m} :: true indigo, indigo plant (Indigofera tinctoria)
añil {m} :: indigo (blue dye)
anilina {f} [organic compound] :: aniline
anilina {f} :: colouring, dye
anilingus {m} :: anilingus (form of oral sex)
anilla {mf} :: ring
anilla {mf} :: ring-pull
anilla {mf} [gymnastics, usually in plural] :: ring
anillación {f} :: annulation
anillación {f} [organic chemistry] :: annulation
anillamiento {m} :: ringing (of animals)
anillar {v} :: to ring (put a ring on e.g. an animal)
anillar {v} :: to put into a ring shape
anillar {v} :: to ring (carve ring shapes or circular shapes)
anillero {m} :: ringbearer
anillito {m} :: diminutive of anillo
anillo {m} :: ring
anillo {m} [mycology] :: annulus
anillo {m} [heraldiccharge] :: annulet
anillo de compromiso {m} :: engagement ring (ring signifying a promise to wed)
anillo de hadas {m} [mycology] :: fairy ring
ánima {f} :: soul
ánima {f} :: bore, calibre
animación {f} :: animation
animación {f} :: jauntiness; liveliness
animación {f} :: cheerleading
animadamente {adv} :: animatedly, jauntily
animadísimo {adj} :: superlative of animado
animado {adj} :: inspired
animado {adj} :: animate
animador {m} :: presenter, host (moderator or master of ceremonies for a performance)
animador {m} :: entertainer
animador {m} :: animator
animador {m} :: cheerleader
animadora {f} :: feminine noun of animador
animadversión {f} :: animosity, ill will, animadversion
animal {adj} :: animal
animal {m} :: animal
animálculo {m} [zoology] :: animalcule (tiny microscopic animal)
animal de carga {m} :: draught animal, beast of burden
animalejo {m} :: creepy crawly; little bug
animalero {m} [Caribbean] :: flock/group/pack of animals
animalero {adj} [attributive] :: animal
animalesco {adj} :: bestial
animalesco {adj} :: animal (attributive)
animalia {f} :: synonym of alimaña
animalidad {f} :: animality
animalillo {m} :: diminutive of animal
animalismo {m} :: animal rights movement
animalista {adj} [attributive] :: animal rights
animalista {mf} :: animal rights activist
animalista {mf} [art] :: animalist (painter or sculptor whose primary subject is animals)
animalístico {adj} :: animalistic
animalito {m} :: diminutive of animal, little animal
animalización {f} :: brutalization
animalizar {v} :: to animalize (represent in the form of an animal)
animalmente {adv} :: animally
animalucho {m} :: pejorative of animal
animar {v} :: to inspire
animar {v} :: to encourage
animar {v} :: to animate
animar {v} :: to cheer on
animar {vr} :: to cheer up (to become happy)
animar {vr} :: to dare, to have the courage to, to bring oneself to, to have the heart to
animarse {vr} :: to cheer up (to become happy)
animarse {vr} :: to dare, to have the courage to, to bring yourself to
animatrónico {adj} :: animatronic
anime {m} :: anime
anime {m} :: animé (resin)
anime {m} [Cuba, Ecuador] :: courbaril (Hymenaea courbaril)
anime {m} [Venezuela] :: expanded polystyrene (EPS), styrofoam
ánime {adj} :: alternative form of anime
ánime {m} :: alternative form of anime
anímicamente {adv} :: energetically
anímico {adj} [attributive] :: mind
anímico {adj} :: mental
animismo {m} :: animism
animista {mf} :: animist (believer in animism)
animita {f} [Chile] :: shrine or chapel
ánimo {m} :: soul, spirit, mood
ánimo {m} :: vigour
ánimo {interj} :: courage!, cheer up!, keep your head up! good luck!, chin up!
animoji {m} :: animoji
animosamente {adv} :: bravely, boldly
animosidad {f} :: animosity, animus
animoso {adj} :: courageous
animoso {adj} :: lively, spirited
aniñado {adj} :: childish, puerile
aniñado {adj} [appearance] :: childlike, youthful
aniñado {adj} [Latin America] :: handsome, spirited, lively
aniñar {v} :: to cause to be childlike
aniñar {vr} :: to be childlike
anión {m} :: anion
aniónico {adj} :: anionic
aniquilación {f} :: annihilation
aniquilador {m} :: annihilator (one who annihilates)
aniquilador {adj} :: annihilating (who or which annihilates)
aniquiladora {f} :: feminine noun of aniquilador
aniquilamiento {m} :: death squad
aniquilar {v} :: to annihilate, reduce to nothing
aniquilativo {adj} [rare] :: annihilative
anirista {adj} :: Of or relating to the Asociación Nacional de Innovadores y Racionalizadores
anirista {mf} :: A member of the Asociación Nacional de Innovadores y Racionalizadores
anís {m} :: anise
anís {m} :: (beverage) anise liquor, pure or combined
anís {m} [euphemistic, Mexico] :: the anus (because of similar sound, compare ano)
anisado {m} :: an alcoholic beverage made with anise
anisakis {f} :: Anisakis (parasite)
anisar {m} :: anise field
anisar {v} :: to add anise or an alcoholic beverage made with it to something
anís estrella {m} :: star anise
anís estrellado {m} :: star anise
anisocoria {f} [pathology, ophthalmology] :: anisocoria (unequal size of the pupils)
anisol {m} [organic compound] :: anisole
anisotropía {f} :: anisotropy
anisotrópico {adj} :: anisotropic
anisótropo {adj} :: anisotropic
Anita {prop} {f} :: given name
Anita {prop} {f} [Latin America] :: given name used in Latin America
Anita {prop} {f} :: diminutive of Ana
añito {m} :: diminutive of año
aniversario {m} :: anniversary
aniversario {m} :: birthday
anj {m} :: ankh
anjá {interj} [Cental America] :: that's it
anjova {f} [Canary Islands] :: bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)
Ankara {prop} :: Ankara (capital city)
ankerita {f} [mineral] :: ankerite
ankylosaurio {m} :: alternative form of anquilosaurio
annobonés {adj} :: Of or from Annobón
annobonés {m} :: Someone from Annobón
annobonesa {f} :: feminine noun of annobonés
-ano {suffix} [as an adjective] :: Coming from, related to, or like
-ano {suffix} [as a noun] :: One from, belonging to, relating to, or like
-ano {suffix} [organic chemistry] :: -ane (in the names of hydrocarbons)
ano {m} :: anus
año {m} :: year
año {m} :: (a certain) age
Año {prop} {f} :: surname
anoa {m} :: anoa (a small Indonesian water buffalo)
año bisiesto {m} :: leap year
anoche {adv} :: last night
anochecer {vi} [impersonal] :: to become night, to get dark
anochecer {vi} :: to be somewhere by dark
anochecer {m} :: dusk, nightfall
año de nieves, año de bienes {phrase} [idiomatic] :: April showers bring May flowers
anódico {adj} :: anodic
anodino {adj} :: anodyne
anodino {adj} :: dull, boring, run-of-the-mill
anodizar {vt} :: to anodize
ánodo {m} :: anode
añoja {f} :: feminine noun of añojo
añojo {m} :: a young bull between one and two years old
añoloti {m} :: a single piece of agnolotti
año luz {m} :: light year
anómalamente {adv} :: unusually
anomalía {f} :: anomaly (a deviation from a rule or from what is regarded as normal)
anómalo {adj} :: aberrant; atypical
anomérico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: anomeric
anómero {m} [organic chemistry] :: anomer
anomia {f} [sociology] :: anomie (alienation or social instability)
anómico {adj} [sociology] :: anomic (socially disorganised, disoriented or alienated)
anón {m} :: sugar apple
anona {f} :: custard apple (of genus Annona)
anonadamiento {m} :: stunning
anonadar {vt} :: to stun, to astonish
anónimamente {adv} :: anonymously
anonimato {m} :: anonymity
anonimidad {f} :: anonymity
anonimización {f} :: anonymization
anonimizar {vt} :: to anonymise (to render anonymous)
anónimo {adj} :: anonymous
anónimo {m} :: an anonymous document or letter
año nuevo {m} :: New Year
Año Nuevo {prop} {m} :: New Year’s Day
anorac {m} :: alternative spelling of anorak
anorak {m} :: anorak (heavy weatherproof jacket)
añoranza {m} :: nostalgia
añorar {vt} :: to miss or yearn; to pine for
anorectal {adj} :: anorectal (or or pertaining to the anus and the rectum)
anorexia {f} :: anorexia (anorexia nervosa)
anorexia mental {f} :: anorexia nervosa (disorder characterised by self-starvation)
anorexia nerviosa {f} :: anorexia nervosa (disorder characterised by self-starvation)
anoréxicamente {adv} :: anorexically
anoréxico {adj} :: anorexic
anoréxico {m} :: anorexic
anorgasmia {f} [medicine] :: anorgasmia (failure to achieve orgasm)
anormal {adj} :: abnormal
anormalidad {f} :: abnormality
anormalmente {adv} :: abnormally
anorrectal {adj} :: anorectal
anortita {f} [mineral] :: anorthite
anortoclasa {f} [mineral] :: anorthoclase (group of feldspars)
año sabático {m} :: sabbatical year; gap year
a no ser que {conj} :: unless
anosmia {f} [pathology] :: anosmia
anósmico {adj} [medicine] :: anosmic
añoso {adj} :: aged, ancient
anosognosia {f} :: anosognosia
anotación {f} :: annotation
anotación {f} :: record
anotador {m} :: scorer
anotador {m} [Argentina] :: notepad
anotadora {f} :: feminine noun of anotador
anotar {v} :: to annotate
anotar {v} [sports] :: to score
anotar {v} :: to note
anotarse {v} :: reflexive of anotar
anoticiar {v} [Argentina, Bolivia] :: to give news of; to announce
anovillado {adj} [bullfighting] :: Having taken part in novilladas
anoxia {f} :: anoxia
anoxibiosis {f} :: anoxybiosis (biological response)
anóxico {adj} :: anoxic
anquilosado {adj} :: stiff
anquilosamiento {m} :: paralyzation
anquilosar {v} :: to ankylose
anquilosar {v} :: to paralyze
anquilosauriano {m} :: ankylosaur
anquilosáurido {m} :: ankylosaurid
anquilosaurio {m} :: ankylosaur
anquilosis {f} [pathology] :: ankylosis
anquilostoma {m} :: hookworm
ANSA {prop} {f} :: ASEAN (association of Southeast Asian Nations)
ansar {m} :: anshar
ánsar {m} [formal] :: wild goose
ánsar común {m} :: wild goose (Anser anser)
ansarina {f} :: feminine noun of ansarino
ansarino {adj} :: anserine
ansarino {m} :: gosling
Anselmo {prop} {m} :: given name
ansi {conj} :: obsolete spelling of así
ansí {adv} :: obsolete form of así Compare anſi
ansia {f} :: anxiety, apprehension
ansia {f} :: craving
ansiar {v} :: to wish, long for
ansible {m} [science fiction] :: ansible
ansiedad {f} :: anxiety
ansimesmo {adv} :: obsolete spelling of asimismo
ansimismo {adv} :: obsolete form of asimismo
ansina {adv} [archaic or regional] :: alternative form of así
ansiolítico {adj} [pharmacology] :: anxiolytic (that reduces anxiety)
ansiolítico {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: anxiolytic (drug for the treatment of anxiety)
ansiosamente {adv} :: anxiously (in an anxious manner)
ansiosísimo {adj} :: superlative of ansioso
ansioso {adj} :: anxious
ansioso {adj} :: eager
ant. {adj} :: abbreviation of anterior
anta {f} :: feminine noun of ante; moose, elk
anta {f} [Bolivia] :: tapir (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae.)
Anta {prop} :: Anta (province)
antagónicamente {adv} :: antagonistically
antagónico {adj} :: antagonistic
antagonismo {m} :: antagonism (strong dislike)
antagonista {adj} :: antagonist
antagonista {mf} :: antagonist
antagonizar {v} :: to antagonize
Antananarivo {prop} {f} :: Antananarivo (capital city)
antaño {adv} [now rare] :: last year
antaño {adv} :: in the past, in the old days, of yore
antaño {m} :: the distant past
antañón {adj} [literary] :: old-time
antárctico {adj} :: rare form of antártico
antártico {adj} [astronomy, geography] :: Antarctic
antártico {adj} :: meridional (of or in the south, southern)
Antártida {prop} {f} :: Antarctica
-ante {suffix} :: Forms adjectives from verbs
ante- {prefix} :: ante- (prior to in time)
ante- {prefix} :: ante- (in front of in space)
ante {prep} :: in front of, before
ante {prep} :: against, compared to
ante {m} :: elk
ante {m} :: suede
ante {m} [Mexico] :: tapir (large odd-toed ungulate, with a long prehensile upper lip, of the family Tapiridae)
anteado {adj} [rare] :: buffy
anteanoche {adv} :: the night before last (in the night before last night)
antearco {m} :: forearc
anteayer {adv} :: day before yesterday
antebraquial {adj} [anatomy] :: antebrachial (relating to the forearm)
antebrazo {m} :: forearm
anteburro {m} [Mexico] :: tapir (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae)
antecama {f} :: a carpet laid in front of a bed
antecámara {f} :: antechamber
antecapilla {f} :: a room before a chapel
antecedente {adj} :: precedent
antecedente {m} :: precedent
antecedente {m} :: antecedent
antecedente {m} :: background [in the plural]
antecedentemente {adv} [obsolete] :: previously, beforehand
anteceder {v} :: to antecede, to precede
antecesor {m} :: predecessor
antecesora {f} :: female equivalent of antecesor
antecima {f} [geography] :: subpeak
antecoger {v} :: to catch (someone) by pushing them forward
antecomedor {m} [Mexico] :: dinette (a small room next to the dining room)
antecristo {m} :: alternative form of anticristo
antedata {f} :: antedate
antedatar {v} :: to antedate
antedecir {v} :: to foretell
antedespacho {m} :: outer office
antedicho {adj} :: foretold
antedicho {adj} :: aforesaid, aforementioned
antediluviano {adj} :: antediluvian
antedormitorio {m} :: antechamber
antefirma {f} :: a title placed before a signature
anteiglesia {f} :: porch or other structure in front of a church
antejuicio {m} :: pretrial
antelación {f} [with de or con] :: in advance, early
ante la duda {adv} [idiom] :: if in doubt
ante la duda, la más tetuda {proverb} :: If in doubt, choose the option that seems most profitable
antemano {m} [obsolete] :: beforehand
antemural {m} :: barbican, fortification
antena {f} :: antenna
antenado {adj} :: having antennae
antenado {m} :: obsolete form of entenado
antenal {adj} :: antennal
antenatal {adj} :: antenatal, prenatal
antenatresero {adj} :: A TV program or series of Antena 3, a famous TV channel of Spain
antenatresero {adj} :: A fan of Antena 3
antenatresero {adj} :: Someone who works for Antena 3
antenoche {adv} :: alternative form of anteanoche
antenombre {m} :: title before a proper name
antenupcial {adj} [rare] :: before marriage
anteojito {m} :: white-eye (bird)
anteojo {m} :: lens
anteojo {m} [Peru] :: owl
anteojos {mp} :: glasses, spectacles
anteojos de sol {mp} :: sunglasses
antepagar {v} [dated] :: to pay beforehand
antepaís {m} :: foreland (zone where eroded material is deposited)
antepalco {m} :: antechamber to the box
antepasada {f} :: feminine noun of antepasado
antepasado {adj} :: before last
antepasado {m} :: ancestor, forefather
antepasar {vi} [obsolete] :: to precede
antepecho {m} :: window sill
antepecho {m} :: railing
antepenúltimo {adj} :: antepenultimate, third to last
antepié {m} :: forefoot
anteponer {v} :: to put or place in front of
anteponer {v} [figuratively] :: to prefer
anteportada {f} :: half title
anteposición {f} :: anteposition
anteproyecto {m} :: a preliminary plan
antepuerta {f} :: portière
antepuerto {m} :: (outer) harbour
Antequera {prop} {f} :: Antequera (city)
antequerana {f} :: feminine noun of antequerano
antequerano {adj} :: of or from Antequera
antequerano {m} :: someone from Antequera
antequino {m} [architecture] :: cavetto
antera {f} [botany] :: anther
anteridio {m} [botany] :: antheridium
anterior {adj} :: anterior (in time), previous, earlier, former, past
anterior {adj} :: anterior (in space)
anterioridad {f} :: anteriority
anteriormente {adv} :: previously
antero- {prefix} [anatomy] :: antero-
Antero {prop} {m} :: given name
anterógrado {adj} :: anterograde
anteroinferior {adj} [anatomy] :: anteroinferior
anterolateral {adj} [anatomy] :: anterolateral
anteromedial {adj} [anatomy] :: anteromedial
anteroposteriormente {adv} :: anteroposteriorly
anterosuperior {adj} [anatomy] :: anterosuperior
antes {adv} :: earlier, before, sooner, previously, formerly, beforehand (at an earlier time)
antes {adv} :: soon (in certain phrases)
antes {adv} :: ahead (temporally), ahead of [when followed by de]
antes {adv} :: once, formerly (in the past)
antes {adv} :: first (before a condition is fulfilled)
antes {adv} :: rather, sooner (used to specify a preference)
antes {prep} :: before (earlier than) [triggers the subjunctive in subordinate clauses]
ántes {prep} :: obsolete spelling of antes
antesacristía {f} :: a doorway leading to a sacristy
antesala {f} :: anteroom, antechamber
antesala {f} :: prelude
antesala {f} [Caribbean, baseball] :: third base
antesalista {mf} [Caribbean, baseball] :: third baseman
antes de ayer {adv} :: the day before yesterday
antes de nada {adv} :: first of all, first off, before anything else, above all, first and foremost
antesis {f} [botany] :: anthesis
antes que nada {adv} [idiom] :: first of all, before anything else, first off, before all else, first and foremost, above all, before everything else
antes se coge al mentiroso que al cojo {proverb} :: a lie has no legs
antes se coge al mentiroso que a un cojo {proverb} :: a lie has no legs
antes se pilla al mentiroso que a un cojo {proverb} :: alternative form of antes se coge al mentiroso que a un cojo
antes y después {m} [idiom] :: turning point
antes y después {m} [idiom] :: makeover
antetemplo {m} :: portico of a church
anteúltimo {adj} :: penultimate
antevenir {v} [obsolete] :: to precede
antever {vt} :: to foresee
antevíspera {f} :: the day two days before
anti- {prefix} :: anti-; against, opposite, protecting against
anti {adj} :: anti-, opposing
antiabortista {adj} :: antiabortion [attributive]
antiabortista {mf} :: antiabortionist
antiaborto {adj} :: antiabortion
antiabuso {adj} :: antiabuse
antiabusos {adj} :: antiabuse
antiacadémico {adj} :: antiacademic
antiácido {adj} :: antacid
antiácido {m} :: antiacid, antacid
antiacoso {adj} :: antibullying
antiadherente {adj} :: antistick; nonstick
antiadherente {adj} :: antiadherence
antiaéreo {adj} :: anti-aircraft
antiafrodisiaco {adj} :: alternative form of antiafrodisíaco
antiafrodisiaco {m} :: alternative form of antiafrodisíaco
antiafrodisíaco {adj} :: antaphrodisiac (capable of reducing the sex drive)
antiafrodisíaco {m} :: antaphrodisiac (any substance that reduces sexual attraction)
antiagregación {f} [medicine] :: antiaggregation
antiagregante {adj} [medicine] :: antiaggregant
antiagregante {m} [medicine] :: antiaggregant
antiagresiones {adj} :: anti-aggression, anti-assault
antialcohólico {adj} :: antialcohol
antialemán {adj} :: anti-German
antialunizaje {adj} :: protecting against ram-raiding
antiamericanismo {m} :: anti-Americanism
antiamericano {adj} :: anti-American
antiandrógeno {adj} :: antiandrogenic
antiandrógeno {m} :: antiandrogen
antiapartheid {adj} :: antiapartheid
antiarma {adj} :: antiweapon
antiarrítmico {adj} :: antiarrhythmic
antiarrítmico {m} :: antiarrhythmic
antiarruga {adj} :: alternative form of antiarrugas
antiarrugas {adj} :: antiwrinkle
antiartrítico {adj} [pharmacology] :: antarthritic (preventing or alleviating arthritis)
antiartrítico {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antarthritic (agent that prevents or alleviates arthritis)
antiasmático {adj} [pharmacology] :: antasthmatic (relieving the symptoms of asthma)
antiasmático {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antasthmatic (drug that relieves the symptoms of asthma)
antiátomo {m} [particle physics] :: antiatom
antiatraco {adj} :: alternative form of antiatracos
antiatracos {adj} :: antitheft
antiausteridad {f} :: antiausterity
antiautoritario {adj} :: antiauthoritarian
antibacteria {adj} [rare] :: anti-bacteria
antibacterial {adj} :: antibacterial
antibacteriano {adj} :: antibacterial
antibacteriano {m} :: antibacterial
antibala {adj} :: alternative form of antibalas
antibalas {adj} :: bulletproof
antibalístico {adj} :: antiballistic
antibaquio {m} [poetry] :: antibacchius
antibarión {m} :: antibaryon
antibatistiana {f} :: feminine noun of antibatistiano
antibatistiano {adj} :: opposing Fulgencio Batista
antibatistiano {m} :: an opposer of Fulgencio Batista
antibelicista {adj} :: anti-war, pacifist
antibelicista {mf} :: pacifist
antibélico {adj} :: anti-war
antibiótico {adj} :: antibiotic
antibiótico {m} :: antibiotic
antibioticoterapia {f} :: antibiotic therapy
antiblanqueo {adj} :: antilaundering
antiblindaje {adj} :: anti-armour
antibloqueo {adj} :: anti-lock
antibloqueo {adj} :: anti-block
antibolchevique {adj} :: antibolshevist
antibolchevique {mf} :: antibolshevist
antibomba {adj} :: bombproof
antiborbónico {adj} :: anti-Bourbon
antiborbónico {m} :: anti-Bourbon
antibritánico {adj} :: anti-British; anti-UK
antibrucélico {adj} :: protecting against brucellosis
antibuque {adj} :: anti-ship
antiburbuja {f} :: antibubble
anticáncer {adj} :: anticancer
anticancerígeno {adj} :: anticancer
anticanónico {adj} :: anticanonical
anticapitalismo {m} :: anticapitalism
anticapitalista {adj} :: anticapitalist
anticapitalista {mf} :: anticapitalist
anticardiolipina {adj} :: anticardiolipin
anticariense {adj} :: of, from, or related to, Antequera, a city in Andalusia
anticariense {mf} :: someone from Antequera, a city in Andalusia
anticaries {adj} :: anticaries
anticarro {adj} :: antitank
anticastrista {adj} :: anti-Castro
anticatalán {adj} :: anti-Catalan
anticatalanismo {m} :: anti-Catalanism
anticatalanista {adj} :: anti-Catalanist
anticatolicismo {m} :: anti-Catholicism
anticatólico {adj} :: anticatholic
anticatólico {m} :: anticatholic
anticelulítico {adj} :: anticellulite
anticelulitis {adj} :: anticellulite
antichavismo {m} :: anti-Chavism
antichavista {adj} :: anti-Chavist
antichino {adj} :: anti-China
antichoque {adj} :: antishock
anticíclico {adj} :: contracyclical
anticiclón {m} :: anticyclone
anticiclónico {adj} :: anticyclonic
anticientífico {adj} :: antiscientific
anticine {adj} :: anti-cinema
anticipación {f} :: anticipation
anticipación {f} :: advance
anticipadamente {adv} :: early, in advance
anticipado {adj} :: anticipated
anticipado {adj} :: early
anticipar {v} :: to bring forward; to advance
anticipar {vr} :: to be early
anticiparse {v} :: reflexive of anticipar
anticipatorio {adj} :: anticipatory
anticipo {m} :: advance (anticipated payment)
anticlerical {adj} :: anticlerical
anticlericalismo {m} :: anticlericalism
anticlimático {adj} :: anticlimactic
anticlímax {m} :: anticlimax
anticlinal {adj} :: anticlinal
anticoagulación {f} :: anticoagulation
anticoagulante {adj} :: anticoagulant
anticoagulante {m} :: anticoagulant
anticodón {m} [genetics] :: anticodon
anticolesterol {adj} :: anticholesterol
anticolinérgico {adj} :: anticholinergic
anticolisión {adj} :: anticollision
anticolombiano {adj} :: anti-Colombian
anticolonial {adj} :: anticolonial
anticolonialismo {m} [politics] :: anticolonialism (opposition to colonialism)
anticolonialista {adj} [politics] :: anticolonial (against colonialism)
anticolonialista {mf} [politics] :: anticolonialist (opponent of colonialism)
anticolonización {f} :: anticolonization
anticompetitivo {adj} :: anticompetitive
anticomunismo {m} :: anticommunism
anticomunista {mf} :: anticommunist
anticomunista {adj} :: anticommunist
anticoncepción {f} :: anticonception; the action of preventing conception
anticoncepcional {adj} :: contraceptive
anticonceptivo {adj} :: contraceptive
anticonceptivo {m} :: contraceptive
anticongelante {m} :: antifreeze
anticonstitucional {adj} :: unconstitutional
anticonstitucionalidad {f} :: unconstitutionality
anticonstitucionalmente {adv} :: anticonstitutionally
anticonsumista {adj} :: anticonsumerist (opposed to consumerism)
anticonsumista {mf} :: anticonsumerist (a person who opposes consumerism)
anticontaminación {adj} :: antipollution
anticonvergente {adj} :: anticonvergent
anticonverso {adj} :: anti-convert
anticonvulsivante {m} :: anticonvulsant
anticonvulsivo {adj} [pharmacology] :: antiseizure (intended to combat or reduce seizures)
anticonvulsivo {adj} [pharmacology] :: anticonvulsive (acting against or serving to prevent convulsions)
anticonvulsivo {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: anticonvulsive (any anticonvulsant drug)
anticopia {adj} :: anticopy
anticorporativo {adj} :: anticorporate (opposed to corporations)
anticorrida {adj} :: anti-bullfighting
anticorrosivo {adj} :: anticorrosive
anticorrupción {adj} :: anticorruption
anticresis {m} :: antichresis
anticresista {mf} :: antichresist
anticrético {adj} :: antichretic
anticrimen {adj} :: anti-crime; crime-busting
anticrisis {adj} :: anticrisis
anticristiano {adj} :: antichristian
anticristo {m} :: antichrist
anticrítico {adj} :: anticritical
anticuado {adj} :: antiquated, obsolete, outmoded
anticuar {vt} [rare] :: to antiquate
anticuar {vr} :: to become old-fashioned
anticuario {adj} :: antiquarian
anticuario {m} :: antiquarian
anticubano {adj} :: anti-Cuban
anticuchería {f} [Peru, Chile] :: A restaurant serving anticuchos
anticuchero {adj} :: Of or relating to anticucho
anticuchero {m} :: anticucho chef
anticucho {m} [Peru, Chile] :: skewered food
anticuco {adj} [Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua] :: age-old, ancient
anticuerpo {m} [immunology] :: antibody
anticultural {adj} :: anticultural
anticursi {adj} :: anti-corny
antidelictivo {adj} :: anticrime; anticriminal
antidelincuencia {adj} :: anti-delinquency
antidelincuencial {adj} :: anti-delinquency
antidemocracia {adj} :: antidemocracy
antidemócrata {adj} :: synonym of antidemocrático
antidemocrático {adj} [politics] :: antidemocratic, undemocratic
antideportivo {adj} :: unsportsmanlike
antidepresivo {adj} :: antidepressant
antidepresivo {m} :: antidepressant
antiderechos {adj} :: anti-rights
antiderrapante {adj} :: antislip, antiskid [of e.g. a tire or the sole of a shoe]
antidescargas {adj} :: anti-downloading
antidesgarro {adj} :: ripstop, anti-ripping
antideslizante {adj} :: antislip, antiskid [of e.g. the sole of a shoe]
antidespidos {adj} :: anti-sacking
antidiabético {adj} [medicine] :: antidiabetic (countering diabetes)
antidiabético {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antidiabetic (any drug that counters diabetes)
antidiarreico {adj} :: antidiarrheal
antidictadura {adj} :: anti-dictatorship
antidictatorial {adj} :: antidictatorial
antidiftérico {adj} [pharmacology] :: antidiphtheritic (countering diphtheria)
antidiscriminación {adj} :: antidiscrimination
antidiscriminatorio {adj} :: antidiscriminatory
antidiscurso {m} :: anti-discourse
antidisentérico {adj} :: antidysenteric
antidisturbio {mf} :: alternative form of antidisturbios
antidisturbios {adj} :: riot police
antidisturbios {adj} :: riot police officer
antidisturbios {mf} :: riot police
antidisturbios {mf} :: riot police officer
antidiurético {adj} :: antidiuretic
antidiurético {m} :: antidiuretic
antidivo {m} :: down-to-earth celebrity
antidogmático {adj} :: antidogmatic
antidominicano {adj} :: anti-Dominican
antidopaje {adj} :: antidoping
antidoping {m} [sports] :: drug test
antídoto {m} :: antidote
antidroga {adj} :: antidrug; against drugs
antidumping {adj} :: antidumping
antiecológico {adj} :: antiecological
antiecologista {adj} :: antiecology
antieconómico {adj} :: antieconomic
antiedad {adj} :: antiaging
antiejemplo {m} :: counterexample
antielectrón {m} [physics] :: positron, antielectron
antiélite {adj} :: anti-elite
antiélites {adj} :: anti-elite
antiemético {adj} :: antiemetic
antiemético {m} :: antiemetic
antiempleo {m} :: antiwork
antienvejecimiento {adj} :: antiaging
antiepiléptico {adj} :: antiepileptic
antiepiléptico {m} :: antiepileptic
antier {adv} [Andalusia, Latin America] :: alternative form of anteayer
antiesclavista {adj} :: antislavery
antiesclavista {mf} :: antislavery believer
antiescorbútico {adj} :: antiscorbutic; acting against scurvy
antiescorbútico {m} :: antiscorbutic
antieslavo {adj} :: anti-Slavic
antiespacio {m} :: antispace
antiespañol {adj} :: anti-Spanish
antiespañolismo {m} :: anti-Hispanicism
antiespasmódico {adj} :: antispasmodic
antiespasmódico {m} :: antispasmodic
antiespecismo {m} :: antispeciesism
antiespías {adj} :: antispy
antiestablishment {adj} :: antiestablishment
antiestadounidense {adj} :: anti-American
antiestalinista {adj} :: anti-Stalinist
antiestalinista {mf} :: anti-Stalinist
antiestatal {adj} :: antistate
antiestatalista {adj} :: antinational
antiestatutario {adj} :: antistatuary
antiestético {adj} :: unsightly
antiestilo {m} :: antistyle (style or fashion that rejects the usual conventions of style)
antiestresante {adj} :: antistress
antiético {adj} :: unethical
antieuro {adj} :: anti-euro
antieuropeísmo {m} :: anti-Europeanism
antieuropeísta {adj} :: anti-European, anti-Europeanist (especially against the European Community)
antieuropeo {adj} :: anti-European
antiexplosivo {adj} :: antiexplosive
antiextorsión {f} :: anti-extortion
antifalangista {adj} :: anti-Falangist
antifalangista {mf} :: anti-Falangist
antifascismo {m} :: antifascism
antifascista {adj} :: antifascist
antifascista {f} :: antifascist
antifaz {f} :: a Colombina mask (i.e., a mask that doesn't cover the whole face but only the eyes part and maybe the nose)
antifaz {f} :: eye mask
antifaz {f} :: sleep mask
antifebril {adj} :: antipyretic
antifebril {m} :: antipyretic
antifederalista {adj} :: anti-federalist
antifederalista {mf} :: anti-federalist
antifeminismo {m} :: antifeminism
antifeminista {adj} :: antifeminist
antifeminista {mf} :: antifeminist (person antagonistic to feminism)
antiferromagnético {adj} :: antiferromagnetic
antifilibustero {adj} :: anti-filibuster
antiflogístico {adj} :: antiphlogistic
antífona {f} :: antiphon, antiphony
antifosfolípidos {adj} :: antiphospholipid
antifracking {adj} :: antifracking
antifragmentación {f} :: antifragmentation
antifrancés {adj} :: anti-French
antifranquismo {m} :: anti-Francoism
antifranquista {adj} :: anti-Francoist
antifranquista {mf} :: anti-Francoist
antífrasis {f} [rhetoric] :: antiphrasis
antifraude {adj} :: antifraud
antifujimorismo {m} :: anti-Fujimorism
antifujimorista {adj} [Peru, politics] :: Opposing the political ideas of Alberto Fujimori
antifujimorista {adj} [Peru, politics] :: Opposing the political ideas of Keiko Fujimori
antifujimorista {mf} :: An opposer of Alberto Fujimori
antifujimorista {mf} :: An opposer of Keiko Fujimori
antifúngico {adj} :: antifungal
antifúngico {m} :: antifungal
antifutbolero {adj} :: antifootball
antigás {adj} [military] :: antigas (countering gas attacks)
antigénico {adj} :: antigenic
antígeno {m} [immunology] :: antigen
antiglobal {adj} :: antiglobal
antiglobalista {mf} [politics] :: antiglobalist, anti-globalization (a proponent of antiglobalism)
antiglobalización {f} :: antiglobalisation, anti-globalism
antiglobalizador {adj} :: anti-globalisation
antigobierno {adj} :: antigovernment
antigolpista {adj} :: anticoup
antigolpista {mf} :: A person against a coup
antigoteo {adj} :: antidrip
antigravedad {f} :: antigravity
antigripal {adj} [pharmacology] :: antiflu (acting against or serving to prevent flu)
antigripal {m} [pharmacology] :: antiflu (a medicine preventing or acting against flu)
antigripe {adj} :: antiflu
Antigua {prop} {f} :: Antigua
Antigua {prop} {f} :: ellipsis of Antigua Guatemala
antigualla {f} [pejorative] :: old thing, old piece of junk
antiguamente {adv} :: long ago
antiguamente {adv} :: formerly
antiguana {f} :: feminine noun of antiguano
antiguano {adj} :: Antiguan
antiguano {m} :: Antiguan
antiguar {v} [obsolete] :: to antiquate
antiguar {v} [obsolete] :: to acquire seniority
Antigua Roma {prop} {f} :: Ancient Rome
Antigua y Barbuda {prop} {f} :: Antigua y Barbuda (country)
antigubernamental {adj} :: antigovernmental
antigüedad {f} :: antiquity
antigüedad {f} :: antique (an old object perceived as having value because of its aesthetic or historical significance)
antigüedad {f} :: tenure
antigüedad {f} :: seniority
Antigüedad {prop} {f} :: Antiquity
antigüeño {adj} :: of or from Antigua Guatemala
antigüeño {m} :: someone from Antigua Guatemala
antiguerra {adj} :: antiwar
antiguo {adj} :: old, former, erstwhile, quondam, one-time, onetime
antiguo {adj} :: old, ancient, age-old
antiguo {adj} :: vintage, antique
antiguo {adj} :: old-fashioned, outdated, old-style, old-time
antiguo {adj} :: long-standing, longstanding
Antiguo Régimen {prop} {m} :: Ancien Régime
Antiguo Testamento {prop} {m} :: Old Testament (first half of the Christian Bible)
antihaitianismo {m} :: anti-Haitianism (prejudice or social discrimination against Haitians in the Dominican Republic)
antihelmíntico {m} :: anthelmintic
antihelmíntico {adj} :: anthelmintic
antihemorrágico {adj} :: antihemorrhagic
antihéroe {m} :: antihero
antiheroína {f} :: feminine noun of antihéroe
antihidrógeno {m} [physics] :: antihydrogen
antihielo {adj} :: anti-icing
antihielo {m} :: deicing
antihigiénico {adj} :: unhygienic
antihipertensivo {adj} :: antihypertensive
antihipertensivo {m} :: antihypertensive
antihispanismo {m} :: anti-Hispanicism
antihistamínico {adj} :: antihistaminic
antihistamínico {m} :: antihistamine
antihistórico {adj} :: antihistorical
antihomofobia {adj} :: antihomophobia
antihorariamente {adv} :: anticlockwise [South Africa, AU, New Zealand, Britain], counterclockwise [US] (in an anticlockwise fashion)
antihorario {adj} :: anticlockwise [South Africa, AU, New Zealand, Britain], counterclockwise [US]
antihuellas {adj} :: antitracking
antihumo {adj} :: antismoking
antihuracanes {adj} :: anti-hurricanes
antihurto {adj} :: antitheft
antiigualitario {adj} :: antiegalitarian
antiimperialismo {m} :: anti-imperialism
antiimperialista {adj} :: anti-imperialist
antiincendios {adj} :: firefighting
antiindependentista {adj} :: antiindependence
antiindígena {adj} :: anti-indigenous
antiinflación {adj} :: antiinflation
antiinflacionario {adj} :: anti-inflationary
antiinflacionista {adj} :: anti-inflationary
antiinflamatorio {adj} :: anti-inflammatory
antiinflamatorio {m} :: anti-inflammatory
antiinflamatorio no esteroideo {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
antiinmigración {adj} :: anti-immigration, antiimmigration
antiinmigrante {adj} :: antiimmigrant, anti-immigrant
antiinmigratorio {adj} :: anti-immigration
antiinstitucionalista {adj} :: antiinstitutional
antiintegración {adj} :: anti-integration
antiintrusión {adj} :: security; protecting against intrusion
antiislamista {adj} :: anti-Islamic
antijaponés {adj} :: anti-Japanese
antijesuita {adj} :: anti-Jesuit
antijesuita {mf} :: anti-Jesuit
antijudaísmo {m} :: anti-Semitism
antijudío {adj} :: anti-Jewish, anti-Semite
antijudío {adj} :: anti-Zionist
antijuridicidad {f} :: anti-legality
antijurídico {adj} :: anti-juridical
antikirchnerista {mf} :: Someone opposing Néstor Kirchner, former Argentine president
antikirchnerista {mf} :: Someone opposing Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, former Argentine president
antikirchnerista {adj} :: opposing Néstor Kirchner, former Argentine president
antikirchnerista {adj} :: opposing Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, former Argentine president
antilavado {adj} :: antilaundering
antilegalista {adj} :: anti-legalist
antiliberal {adj} :: antiliberal
antiliberalismo {m} [politics] :: antiliberalism (opposition to liberalism)
antilibertades {adj} :: antifreedom
antillano {adj} :: Antillean
Antillas {prop} {fp} :: Antilles
Antillas Neerlandesas {prop} {fp} :: Netherlands Antilles (former autonomous territory)
antilluvia {adj} :: anti-rain
antilógico {adj} :: illogical
antílope {m} :: antelope
antílope ruano {m} :: roan antelope
antimachista {adj} :: anti-machismo
antimacrismo {m} :: The opposition to the political beliefs of Mauricio Macri
antimafia {adj} :: anti-mafia
antimalárico {adj} :: antimalarial
antimalárico {m} :: antimalarial
antimanchas {adj} :: stain-resistant
antimasónico {adj} :: antimasonic
antimateria {f} [physics] :: antimatter
antimatrimonio {adj} :: anti-marriage
antimexicano {adj} :: anti-Mexican
antimicótico {adj} :: antifungal
antimicrobiano {adj} :: antimicrobial
antimigrante {adj} :: antimigrant (opposing migrants)
antimilitarismo {m} [politics] :: antimilitarism
antimilitarista {adj} [politics] :: antimilitarist (opposed to militarism)
antimilitarista {mf} [politics] :: antimilitarist (one who opposes militarism)
antiminas {adj} :: antimine
antiminero {adj} :: anti-mining
antimisil {adj} :: antimissile
antimisiles {adj} :: alternative form of antimisil
antimoderno {adj} :: antimodern
antimonárquico {adj} :: antimonarchical, antimonarchist
antimonárquico {m} :: antimonarchist
antimonio {m} :: antimony
antimonita {f} [mineral] :: stibnite, antimonite
antimoniuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimonide
antimonopolio {adj} :: antimonopoly
antimonopolista {adj} :: antitrust; antimonopoly
antimoral {adj} :: antimoral
antimotín {adj} :: alternative form of antimotines
antimotines {adj} :: antiriot
antimperialismo {m} :: alternative spelling of antiimperialismo
antimperialista {adj} :: antiimperialist
antimperialista {mf} :: antiimperialist
antimulleriano {adj} :: anti-Müllerian
antimusulmán {adj} :: anti-Islamic
antinacional {adj} :: antinational
antinacionalismo {m} :: antinationalism
antinacionalista {adj} [politics] :: antinationalist (pertaining to or supporting antinationalism)
antinacionalista {mf} [politics] :: antinationalist (a supporter of antinationalism)
antinarco {adj} :: anti-narcotics
antinarcos {adj} :: antinarcotics
antinarcótico {adj} :: antinarcotic
antinatalismo {m} [philosophy, sociology] :: antinatalism (opposition to the increase in human population)
antinatalista {mf} [philosophy, sociology] :: antinatalist (a supporter of antinatalism)
antinatural {adj} :: unnatural
antinazi {adj} :: anti-Nazi
antinefrítico {adj} :: antinephritic
antineoliberal {adj} :: anti-neoliberal
antineoplásico {m} :: antineoplastic
antineutrino {m} [particle] :: antineutrino (the antiparticle of the neutrino)
antinflamatorio {adj} :: alternative form of antiinflamatorio
antinflamatorio {m} :: alternative form of antiinflamatorio
antiniebla {adj} :: antifog
antinieblas {adj} :: antifog
antinomia {f} [logic] :: antinomy (contradiction between valid conclusions)
antinormalización {f} :: antinormalization
antinorteamericanismo {m} :: anti-Americanism
antinorteamericano {adj} :: anti-American
antinuclear {adj} :: antinuclear
antinutritivo {adj} :: antinutritive
antioccidental {adj} :: anti-west
antiofídico {f} :: antivenom
antioquena {f} :: female equivalent of antioqueno
antioqueno {adj} :: Antiochene
antioqueno {m} :: Antiochene
antioqueño {adj} :: of or from Antioquia, Colombia
antioqueño {m} :: someone from Antioquia or the Paisa Region, Colombia
Antioquía {prop} {f} :: Antioquía (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> on the <<riv:Suf/Orontes>>, in modern <<c/Turkey>>)
Antioquía {prop} {f} :: Antioquía (modern city/capital)
antioxidante {adj} :: antioxidant
antioxidante {m} :: antioxidant
antipalúdico {adj} :: antimalarial
antipalúdico {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antimalarial
antipandilla {adj} :: antigang
antipapa {m} [Roman Catholicism, historical] :: antipope
antipapal {adj} [Roman Catholicism] :: antipapal
antipapismo {m} :: antipapism
antipapista {adj} :: antipapist
antiparalelo {adj} :: antiparallel
antiparalelogramo {m} :: antiparallelogram
antiparasitario {adj} :: antiparasitic
antiparras {fp} [dated] :: spectacles; eyeglasses
antiparras {fp} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: goggles
antipartícula {f} [particle] :: antiparticle
antipatía {f} :: antipathy
antipatía {f} :: dislike (toward a person or people)
antipático {adj} :: disagreeable, unpleasant, unsympathetic, unlikable [usually, but not always, refers to a person]
antipático {adj} :: antipathetic
antipatria {f} :: unpatriotism
antipatriarcal {adj} [sociology] :: antipatriarchal (opposing the patriarchy)
antipatriota {adj} :: antipatriotic
antipatriótico {adj} :: antipatriotic, unpatriotic
antipeje {adj} :: anti-Andrés Manuel López Obrador
antiperistáltico {adj} :: antiperistaltic
antiperonismo {m} :: anti-Peronism
antiperonista {mf} :: anti-Peronist
antipersona {adj} :: antipersonnel
antipersonal {adj} :: antipersonnel
antipersonalista {adj} :: anti-personalist
antipetista {mf} [politics] :: a person who is against the Brazilian Workers' Party
antipetista {adj} [politics] :: Opposing the Brazilian Workers' Party
antipintura {f} :: anti-painting
antipiratería {adj} :: antipiracy
antipirético {adj} :: antipyretic
antipirético {m} :: antipyretic
antípoda {f} :: antipode
antipodal {adj} :: antipodal
antipoesía {f} :: antipoetry
antipolíticamente {adv} [rare] :: anti-politically
antipoliticismo {m} :: antipolitics
antipolítico {adj} :: antipolitical
antipopular {adj} :: antipopular (opposing the people)
antipopulismo {m} :: antipopulism
antiporno {adj} :: antiporn
antiprisma {f} [geometry] :: antiprism
antiprotón {m} [physics] :: antiproton
antipsicótico {adj} [psychiatry] :: antipsychotic (preventing or counteracting psychosis)
antipsicótico {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antipsychotic (any drug used to treat psychosis)
antipublicitario {adj} :: anti-advertising
antipujolista {adj} :: Anti-Jordi Pujol
antipulgas {adj} :: antiflea
antipútrido {adj} [medicine] :: Preventing or acting against putrefaction
antipútrido {adj} :: antiseptic
antiquísimo {adj} :: superlative of antiguo
antiracismo {adj} :: alternative form of antirracismo
antireligioso {adj} :: antireligious
antirepresión {adj} :: anti-repression
antirrábico {adj} [pharmacology] :: antirabies (preventing or countering rabies)
antirracismo {m} [sociology] :: antiracism (opposition to racism)
antirracista {adj} [sociology] :: antiracist (opposed to racism)
antirracista {mf} [sociology] :: antiracist (one who opposes racism)
antirradar {adj} [military] :: antiradar (preventing detection by radar)
antirradiación {adj} :: antiradiation
antirradicalización {f} :: antiradicalization
antirreeleccionista {adj} :: anti-reelection
antirreeleccionista {mf} :: anti-reelection
antirreglamentario {adj} :: illegal, unauthorized
antirreligioso {adj} :: antireligious (opposed to religion)
antirrepublicana {f} :: feminine noun of antirrepublicano
antirrepublicano {adj} :: antirepublican
antirrepublicano {m} :: antirepublican
antirretroviral {adj} :: antiretroviral
antirreumático {adj} [pharmacology] :: antirheumatic
antirreumático {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: antirheumatic
antirrevisionista {mf} :: antirevisionist
antirrevolucionario {adj} :: antirevolutionary, counterrevolutionary
antirrobo {adj} :: antitheft
antirromanticismo {m} :: antiromance
antirrosista {mf} :: An opponent of Juan Manuel de Rosas
antisatélite {adj} :: antisatellite
antisecesión {adj} :: anti-secession
antisecesionista {mf} :: anti-secessionist
antisecuestros {adj} :: antikidnapping
antisecular {adj} :: antisecular
antisemita {adj} :: anti-Semitic
antisemita {mf} :: anti-Semite
antisemitismo {m} :: anti-Semitism
antiseñorial {adj} :: antinobility
antisentido {m} [biology] :: antisense
antisentimentalismo {m} :: antisentimalism
antisepsia {f} :: antisepsis
antisépticamente {adv} :: antiseptically
antiséptico {adj} :: antiseptic
antiséptico {m} :: antiseptic
antisida {adj} :: anti-AIDS
antisimétrico {adj} :: antisymmetric
antisimpático {adj} :: antisympathetic (that affects the sympathetic nervous system)
antisimpático {adj} :: obsolete form of antipático
antisionismo {m} :: anti-Zionism
antisionista {adj} :: anti-Zionistic
antisionista {mf} :: anti-Zionist
antisísmico {adj} :: antiearthquake
antisistema {adj} [politics] :: antisystem
antisistémico {adj} :: antisystem
antisoberanista {mf} :: anti-sovereignist
antisoberanista {adj} :: anti-sovereignist
antisocial {adj} :: antisocial
antisocialista {adj} :: antisocialist
antisocialista {mf} :: antisocialist
antisolar {adj} :: antisolar, antisun (countering the effects of the sun)
antisolar {adj} [astronomy] :: antisolar
antisoviético {adj} :: anti-Soviet
antisraelí {adj} :: anti-Israel
Antístenes {prop} {m} :: Antisthenes (founder of the school of Cynicism, also a pupil of Socrates)
antistrofa {f} :: antistrophe
antisubmarino {adj} :: antisubmarine
antisubversivo {adj} :: antisubversive
antisuero {f} :: antivenom
antisuicidio {adj} :: suicide-proof
antisuperficie {adj} :: antisurface
antitabaco {adj} :: antismoking, antitobacco
antitanque {adj} [military] :: antitank (designed for attacking tanks or other armored vehicles)
antitaurino {adj} :: antitaurine
antitauromaquia {f} [bullfighting] :: antitauromachy, antibullfighting
antitécnico {adj} :: antitechnical
antitérmico {adj} :: antipyretic
antiterrorismo {m} :: antiterrorism
antiterrorista {adj} :: antiterrorist
antítesis {f} :: antithesis
antitetánica {f} :: tetanus vaccine
antitetánico {adj} :: antitetanic
antitético {adj} :: antithetic
antitiroideos {adj} :: antithyroid
antitorpedos {adj} :: antitorpedo
antitotalitario {adj} :: antitotalitarian
antitóxico {adj} :: antitoxic
antitoxina {f} :: antitoxin
antitránsfuga {adj} :: anti-fugitive
antitranspirante {m} :: antiperspirant
antitrasvase {adj} :: Opposing the creation of a transbasin diversion
antitratado {adj} [politics] :: antitreaty (opposing a treaty)
antitrauma {adj} [attributive] :: safety
antitripsina {f} [protein] :: antitrypsin
antitrombina {f} [protein] :: antithrombin
antitrujillista {adj} :: Against Rafael Trujillo Molina, ruler of the Dominican Republic from 1930 to 1961
antitrujillista {mf} :: Someone against Rafael Trujillo Molina
antituberculoso {adj} :: antituberculous
antitumoral {adj} [oncology] :: antitumor; antitumoral (inhibiting the development of tumors)
antitusígeno {adj} :: antitussive
antitusígeno {m} :: antitussive (medicine that suppresses coughing)
antitusivo {adj} :: anti-cough
antitusivo {m} :: cough medicine
antiulceroso {adj} :: antiulcer
antiulceroso {m} :: anti-ulcer (medication)
antiutópico {adj} :: antiutopian
antivacunas {adj} :: anti-vaccination, antivaccine
antivaho {adj} :: antifog; antimist
antivalor {m} :: negative value
antivariólico {adj} :: anti-smallpox
antivectorial {adj} :: antivectorial
antiveneno {m} :: antivenin
antivida {adj} :: antilife
antiviolencia {f} :: antiviolence
antiviral {adj} :: antiviral
antivírico {adj} [medicine] :: antiviral
antivirus {m} [computing] :: antivirus
antivuelco {adj} :: antiroll
antiyanqui {adj} :: anti-American
antiyanqui {mf} :: anti-American
antiyer {adv} :: obsolete spelling of anteayer
antiyihadista {adj} :: anti-jihadist
antiyihadista {mf} :: anti-jihadist
Antlia {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Antlia (constellation)
antócera {f} :: hornwort
antocianina {f} [organic chemistry] :: anthocyanin
Antofagasta {prop} {f} :: Antofagasta (region)
Antofagasta {prop} {f} :: Antofagasta (province/and/city/regional capital)
antofagastina {f} :: feminine noun of antofagastino
antofagastino {adj} :: of or from Antofagasta
antofagastino {m} :: someone from Antofagasta
antojadizamente {adv} :: whimsically
antojadizo {adj} :: capricious
antojar {vp} :: to fancy, would like
antojar {vp} :: to seem
antojar {vt} :: to make somebody fancy, wish
antojito {m} :: antojito
antojo {m} :: whim, impulse, craving
antojo {m} :: birthmark
antóloga {f} :: feminine noun of antólogo
antologador {m} [Latin America] :: anthologist
antologadora {f} :: feminine noun of antologador
antologar {v} :: synonym of antologizar
antología {f} :: anthology (a collection of literary works)
antológico {adj} :: anthological (pertaining to anthologies)
antológico {adj} :: historic, memorable
antologista {mf} :: anthologist (person who compiles anthologies)
antologizar {vt} :: to anthologize (to compile in an anthology)
antólogo {m} :: anthologist
Antonia {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Antonio
antoniana {f} :: feminine noun of antoniano
antoniano {adj} :: Antonian
antoniano {m} :: Antonian
Antonieta {prop} {f} :: given name
antónimo {adj} :: antonymous
antónimo {m} :: antonym
antoniniano {m} :: antoninianus
Antonio {prop} {m} :: given name
Antonio {prop} {m} :: The letter A in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
Antonito {prop} {m} :: diminutive of Antonio
antonomasia {f} [rhetoric] :: antonomasia
antonomásticamente {adv} [rare] :: antonomastically
antorcha {f} :: torch
antozoo {m} [zoology] :: anthozoan
antraceno {m} [organic compound] :: anthracene
antraciclina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: anthracycline (any of a class of antibiotic, chemotherapeutic agents)
antracita {f} [mineral] :: anthracite
antracito {m} :: alternative form of antracita
antracnosis {f} :: anthracnose, canker (disease of plants)
antracosis {f} [medicine] :: anthracosis
antraquinona {f} [organic compound] :: anthraquinone
ántrax {m} [medicine] :: carbuncle
antrectomía {f} :: antrectomy
antro {m} [poetic] :: cave, cavern
antro {m} [anatomy] :: antrum
antro {m} [Honduras, Mexico, South America, colloquial] :: dive, club (disreputable nightclub)
antro {m} :: hovel, dive, shithole, dump (an establishment, locale, home, etc., of untidy appearance or bad reputation)
antro de libertinaje {m} :: fleshpot
antro de placer {m} :: fleshpot
antrópico {adj} :: anthropic
antropización {f} :: anthropization
antropizar {v} :: to anthropize
antropo- {prefix} :: anthropo-
antropocéntrico {adj} :: anthropocentric
antropocentrismo {m} :: anthropocentrism
antropofagia {f} :: anthropophagy
antropófago {adj} :: (of humans) cannibalistic, anthropophagous
antropofobia {f} :: anthropophobia
antropoformización {f} :: anthropomorphization
antropogénico {adj} :: anthropogenic
antropogonía {f} :: anthropogeny, anthropogenesis
antropoide {adj} :: anthropoid
antropoide {m} :: anthropoid
antropóloga {f} :: feminine noun of antropólogo
antropología {f} :: anthropology
antropológicamente {adv} :: anthropologically
antropológico {adj} :: anthropological
antropólogo {m} :: anthropologist (person who studies anthropology)
antropometría {f} :: anthropometry
antropométrico {adj} :: anthropometric (of or relating to anthropometry)
antropomórfico {adj} :: anthropomorphic
antropomorfismo {m} :: anthropomorphism
antropomorfización {f} :: anthropomorphization
antropomorfizar {v} :: to anthropomorphise (to attribute human qualities)
antropomorfo {adj} :: anthropomorphic
antropomorfo {adj} :: anthropoid
antroponimia {f} :: anthroponymy
antroponímico {adj} :: anthroponymous
antropónimo {m} :: anthroponym
antroposofía {f} :: anthroposophy
antroposófico {adj} :: anthroposophic
antrorso {adj} :: antrorse
Antúnez {prop} :: surname
anual {adj} :: yearly, annual
anualidad {f} :: annuity
anualizar {v} :: to annualize, annualise
anualmente {adv} :: yearly, annually (every year)
anuario {m} :: yearbook
Anubis {prop} {m} [Egyptian mythology] :: Anubis
anublar {v} :: alternative form of nublar
añublar {v} :: obsolete form of nublar
anudar {v} :: to tie something; to knot something
anudar {v} :: to join two things together
añudar {v} :: alternative form of anudar
anuencia {f} :: permission, allowance
anuente {adj} :: consenting
anulabilidad {f} :: cancellability
anulable {adj} :: cancellable
anulación {f} :: annulment
anulado {adj} :: annulled
anulado {adj} :: cancelled
anular {adj} :: annular (ring-shaped)
anular {m} :: ring finger
anular {v} :: to annul
anular {v} :: to cancel; call off
anularse {v} :: to vanish
anuleno {f} [organic compound] :: annulene
anunciación {f} :: annunciation
anunciador {adj} :: announcing
anunciador {m} :: advertiser
anunciador {m} :: announcer
anunciamiento {m} [dated] :: announcement
anunciante {adj} :: advertising, promoting
anunciante {mf} :: advertiser
anunciar {v} :: to announce, to herald, to proclaim
anunciar {v} :: to annunciate
anunciar {v} :: to advertise
anunciarse {v} :: reflexive of anunciar; to bode, approach, impend, be imminent (indicate by signs, as future events)
anunciarse {v} :: reflexive of anunciar; announce oneself
anunciativo {adj} :: annunciative (pertaining to annunciation)
anuncio {m} :: advertisement
anuncio {m} :: announcement
anuncio {m} :: notice
anuria {f} [pathology] :: anuria (a condition in which the kidneys do not produce urine)
anúrico {adj} [urology] :: anuric
anuro {m} :: anuran
anverso {m} :: obverse
-anza {suffix} :: -ance
Anzoátegui {prop} :: Anzoátegui (state)
anzoatiguense {adj} :: Of or from Anzoátegui
anzoatiguense {mf} :: Someone from Anzóategui
anzuelo {m} :: hook, fishhook
aojar {vt} :: to evil-eye (cast an evil eye upon)
aojar {vt} [archaic] :: to look at
a ojo de buen cubero {adv} [idiom] :: at a rough guess
a ojos vistas {adv} [idiomatic] :: visibly
aoristo {m} [grammar] :: aorist
aorta {f} [anatomy] :: aorta
aortico- {prefix} [anatomy] :: aortico-
aórtico {adj} [anatomy] :: aortic
aorticorrenal {adj} [anatomy] :: aorticorenal
a oscuras {adv} [idiomatic] :: in the dark
a otra cosa, mariposa {phrase} [idiomatic] :: Let's change the subject, shall we?
a otro perro con ese hueso {phrase} [idiomatic] :: you can't fool me, go tell that to somebody else; tell it to the marines
aovar {vi} :: to lay eggs
apa {m} :: only used in al apa
apabullante {adj} :: overwhelming
apabullar {vt} :: to overwhelm
apacentar {v} :: to graze; to pasture
apachar {v} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: to crush, to mangle
apache {mf} :: Apache
apache {mf} :: jaguarundi (Felis yagouaroundi)
apachurrado {adj} :: depressed, crushed
apachurrar {v} [chiefly Latin America] :: to crush
apacibilidad {f} :: gentleness, tenderness
apacible {adj} :: peaceable
apaciblemente {adv} :: gently
apaciguador {adj} :: pacifying
apaciguador {m} :: pacifier; peacemaker
apaciguamiento {m} :: appeasement
apaciguar {vt} :: to pacify, to appease, to defuse, to placate, to mollify, to ease, to allay, to assuage
apaciguar {v} :: to calm, to calm down
apaciguarse {v} :: to calm down
apadrinamiento {m} :: sponsorship, patronage
apadrinar {v} :: to sponsor
apadrinar {v} :: to be a godfather (to)
apagable {adj} :: extinguishable
apagado {adj} :: (switched) off, shutdown
apagado {adj} :: faint, pale
apagador {m} :: muffler
apagador {m} :: snuffer; candle snuffer
apagafuego {m} :: alternative form of apagafuegos
apagafuegos {mf} :: firefighter
apagafuegos {mf} :: fire extinguisher
apagallamas {m} :: flash suppressor
apagar {vt} :: to extinguish (a flame, fire), to douse
apagar {vt} [obsolete] :: to satisfy
apagar {vt} :: quench, slake (thirst, etc.)
apagar {vt} :: to shut off, to turn off, to switch off, to shut down, to power off
apagar {vt} :: to put out, to stub out (e.g., cigarette)
apagar {vt} :: to blow out (e.g., a candle), to snuff or snuff out (e.g., a torch)
apagar {vr} :: to fade; to wane
apagar {vr} :: to go out, be extinguished
apagarse {v} :: reflexive of apagar
apagavelas {m} :: candle snuffer
apagón {m} :: blackout, power cut
apagón analógico {m} :: analog switch-off; ASO
apaisado {adj} :: landscape (with the horizontal sides longer than the vertical sides)
apalabrar {v} :: to agree
a palabras necias, oídos sordos {proverb} :: sticks and stones
apalache {adj} :: Appalachian
Apalaches {prop} {mp} :: Apalaches (range)
apalancamiento {m} :: hiding
apalancamiento {m} :: leverage
apalancar {vt} :: to raise or open with a lever
apalancar {v} [colloquial] :: to hide, put out of sight
apalancar {vr} :: to settle down
apaleamiento {m} :: beating, thrashing
apalear {v} :: to hit with a spade
apalear {v} :: to beat up; thrash
apalizar {vt} :: to beat; to beat up; to give a beating
a palos {adv} [idiom] :: By force
a palo seco {adv} [idiomatic] :: on its own (without any other type of food)
apanar {v} [Latin America] :: batter, bread (to coat with batter or breadcrumbs)
apañar {v} :: to fix, to mend
apañar {v} :: to pick up, to grab with the hand
apañar {vr} :: to get by, to manage
apañárselas {v} [idiom] :: to cope, get by, get along
apancora {f} :: South American crab (Lithodes antarcticus)
apandador {adj} :: rip-off
apandador {m} :: rip-off merchant
apandar {v} :: to nick; yoink; pinch
apaniguar {v} [obsolete] :: to supply someone with food
apaño {m} :: quick fix; patching up
apaño {m} [colloquial] :: fling, on-off relationship
apaño {m} [colloquial] :: person in an on-off relationship
apantallado {adj} :: shielded; screened
apantallamiento {m} :: screening
apantallar {vt} [Spain] :: to screen (put up a screen)
a pan y agua {adv} [idiomatic] :: on bread and water
apapachar {v} [Mexico, Honduras] :: to cuddle
apapacho {m} [Honduras, Mexico] :: cuddle; affectionate hug
aparador {m} :: sideboard
aparar {v} :: to arrange, prepare
aparataje {m} :: apparatus
aparatarse {v} :: to start to get stormy
aparatico {m} :: diminutive of aparato
aparato {m} :: apparatus, device, tool, instrument, appliance
aparato {m} :: blower, piece (phone)
aparato {m} :: [in the plural] braces
aparato {m} :: willy, tool (penis)
aparato {m} :: pomp, ceremony
aparato de Golgi {m} [cytology] :: Golgi apparatus
aparatología {f} :: gear; equipment
aparatosamente {adv} :: spectacularly
aparatosidad {f} :: showiness, extravagance
aparatoso {adj} :: showy, lavish, flamboyant
aparatoso {adj} :: spectacular
aparcabicicletas {m} :: bike rack
aparcacoches {mf} :: valet (person employed to park cars)
aparcamiento {m} [Spain] :: parking
aparcamiento {m} [Spain] :: parking lot, car park
aparcamiento {m} :: parking garage
aparcar {vt} :: to park (to bring a vehicle to a halt in a specified place)
aparcera {f} :: feminine noun of aparcero
aparcería {f} :: sharecropping
aparcero {m} :: sharecropper
aparcero {m} :: business partner
apareamiento {m} [zoology] :: mating, pairing
aparear {v} :: to mate
aparearse {v} :: reflexive of aparear
aparecer {vir} :: to appear, to turn up, to pop up
aparecerse {v} :: reflexive of aparecer
aparecido {adj} :: appeared
aparecido {adj} :: ghost, apparition, revenant
aparecimiento {m} :: occurrence
aparecimiento {m} :: appearance
aparejador {adj} :: preparatory
aparejador {m} :: master builder
aparejador {m} :: foreman
aparejador {m} :: rigger
aparejadora {f} :: feminine noun of aparejador
aparejar {v} :: to harness
aparejar {v} :: to pair up
aparejo {m} :: fishing tackle
aparejo {m} :: gear, equipment
aparejo {m} :: Elevation hoist
aparejo {m} [nautical] :: rigging
aparencia {f} :: obsolete spelling of apariencia
aparentar {v} :: to pretend, feign, front
aparentar {v} :: to appear, seem
aparente {adj} :: apparent
aparente {adj} :: seeming
aparentemente {adv} :: apparently
aparentemente {adv} :: seemingly
aparición {f} :: appearance (act of appearing)
aparición {f} :: appearance (a thing seen)
aparición {f} :: apparition
apariencia {f} :: appearance (semblance, or apparent likeness)
apariencia {f} :: appearance (personal presence)
apartadero {m} :: lay-by (of a road)
apartadero {m} [rail] :: siding
apartadizo {adj} :: standoffish
apartado {adj} :: remote, isolated
apartado {adj} :: different
apartado {adj} [El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua] :: shy, unsociable
apartado {m} :: backroom
apartado {m} :: booth
apartado {m} :: pigeon hole
apartado {m} :: paragraph
apartado {m} :: postbox
apartahotel {m} :: aparthotel
apartamento {m} :: flat, apartment
apartamiento {m} :: separation, seclusion
apartamiento {m} :: [rare, dialectal] flat, apartment
apartar {vt} :: to separate, to divide
apartar {vt} :: to set aside
apartar {vt} :: to avert (e.g., one's eyes, one's gaze)
apartar {v} [legal] :: to desist
apartar el grano de la paja {v} [idiomatic] :: to separate the wheat from the chaff
apartarse {v} :: reflexive of apartar
aparte {adj} :: separate, apart
aparte {adj} :: unique, special
aparte {adv} :: separately, apart (usually followed by de)
aparte {adv} :: aside, aside from (when followed by de)
aparte de esto {adv} :: otherwise. In all other respects
apartheid {m} [history] :: apartheid (racial separation in South Africa from 1948 to 1990)
apartheid {m} :: apartheid (any policy of racial separation)
apartidista {adj} :: nonpartisan
apartidista {mf} :: nonpartisan
a partir de {prep} :: from, starting from, beginning, starting in, beginning in (time-related)
a partir de {prep} :: based on, from, on the basis of
apartotel {m} :: apartotel
apasionadamente {adv} :: passionately
apasionadísimo {adj} :: superlative of apasionado
apasionado {adj} :: passionate
apasionado {adj} :: enthusiastic
apasionamiento {m} :: enthusiasm
apasionante {adj} :: exciting, interesting, heady
apasionar {vt} :: to impassion
apasionar {vr} :: to get excited
apasionar {vr} :: become a fan
a paso de tortuga {adv} [idiom] :: at snail's pace
apaste {m} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico] :: earthenware pot, earthenware tub with handles
apastle {m} :: alternative form of apaste
a patadas {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: in spades, in droves, loads, heaps
a patadas {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: forcibly, kick out
apatía {f} :: apathy
apáticamente {adv} :: apathetically
apático {adj} :: apathetic
apatita {f} [mineral] :: apatite
apatosaurio {m} :: apatosaur
apátrida {adj} [legal] :: stateless (without a state or nationality)
apátrida {mf} [legal] :: stateless person
apatridia {f} :: statelessness
apatrullar {v} [colloquial] :: to patrol
apayasado {adj} :: silly, clownlike
apayasar {vt} :: to make clownlike
apayasar {vr} :: to clown about
apazguado {adj} [archaic] :: at peace; having made peace
apeadero {m} :: halt (minor railway station)
apear {vt} :: to take down
apear {vr} :: to come down, dismount
apear {vt} :: to dispose
apear {vt} :: to remove
APEC {prop} {f} :: APEC (trade agreement)
apechugar {v} [colloquial] :: to hit and bump with the chest
apechugar {v} [colloquial] :: to face the music
apechugar {v} [colloquial] :: to put up with
apedazar {vt} :: to mend or patch (clothing)
a pedir de boca {adv} [idiomatic] :: just fine, as planned, swimmingly
apedrar {v} :: obsolete form of apedrear
apedrear {vt} :: to stone (to throw stones at)
apegado {adj} :: clingy, attached
apegar {v} [obsolete] :: to glue
apegar {vp} [with preposition a] :: to become devoted, to become attached
apegarse {v} :: reflexive of apegar
apego {m} :: attachment, fondness
apelable {adj} :: appealable
apelación {f} :: appeal
apelación {f} :: vocation
apelante {mf} [law] :: appellant
apelar {v} :: to appeal
apelativo {adj} [semantics] :: appellative (of or pertaining to ascribing names)
apelativo {adj} :: appellational; appealing (making an appeal)
apelativo {m} :: surname (family name)
apelativo {m} :: epithet (term used to characterize)
apelina {f} [protein] :: apelin
apellidar {v} :: to call by one's surname
apellidar {v} :: to name, to give a name or surname to
apellido {m} :: surname, last name
apelmazado {adj} :: lumpy
apelmazado {adj} :: compressed
apelmazado {adj} [of writing] :: clumsy, lacking convenience or amenity
apelmazamiento {m} :: compacting, compressing, compression (act and effect of making more dense)
apelmazamiento {m} :: agglutination, clumping
apelmazar {v} :: to compact
apelmazar {vr} :: to go lumpy, to clump together
a pelo {adv} [idiomatic] :: bareback (on a horse)
a pelo {adv} [idiomatic] :: bareback (without a condom)
a pelo {adv} [idiom] :: solo (singing without accompaniment)
apelotar {vtp} [Costa Rica] :: to form balls or lumps (especially of food)
apelotar {vtp} [Costa Rica, Panama] :: to form or assemble a group of people
apelotonar {v} :: to ball up, to flock together
apelotonar {vr} :: to pile up, mount
apenado {adj} :: sad, griefed, pained
apenado {adj} :: ashamed
apenar {vt} :: to sadden
apenar {vr} [Latin America] :: to become embarrassed
apenas {adv} :: hardly, scarcely
apenas {adv} :: recently, just
apenas {adv} :: as soon as
apencar {v} :: to deal with; put up with
apendectomía {f} :: alternative form of apendicectomía
apéndice {m} [literature] :: appendix (text added to the end of a book)
apéndice {m} [anatomy] :: appendix
apendicectomía {f} [surgery] :: appendicectomy
apéndice vermiforme {m} :: vermiform appendix
apendicitis {f} :: appendicitis
apendicular {adj} :: appendiceal
Apeninos {prop} {mp} :: Apeninos (mountain range)
apenitas {adv} [El Salvador, Mexico] :: diminutive of apenas
apeo {m} :: felling (of tree)
apeo {m} :: surveying
apeo {m} :: prop, support
apepista {mf} :: a supporter or member of Alianza para el progreso
aperador {m} :: repairman
aperadora {f} :: feminine noun of aperador
apercepción {f} [psychology] :: apperception
apercibimiento {m} :: warning, notice
apercibir {v} :: to prepare
aperiódico {adj} :: aperiodic (that does not recur periodically)
aperitivo {m} :: apéritif
aperitivo {m} :: appetizer
apero {m} :: horse tack, riding gear
apero {m} :: tool, instrument
aperrado {adj} [Chile] :: dogged, tenacious
aperrar {vi} [colloquial, Chile] :: to embark upon something tenaciously
aperrar {vr} [colloquial, Chile] :: to embark upon something tenaciously, to dig in one's heels
apersonarse {v} :: synonym of personarse
apertrechar {v} :: synonym of pertrechar
apertura {f} :: opening (act of making something open)
apertura {f} [optics] :: aperture (something which restricts the diameter of a light path)
apertura {f} [chess] :: opening (the first few moves)
apertura {f} :: opening ceremony
aperturar {vt} [proscribed] :: to open, open up
aperturismo {m} :: attitude of broadmindedness, in ideological, political or religious affairs
aperturismo {m} [historical] :: A movement or political tendency in favor of "opening up" the previously strict dictatorship in Francoist Spain, beginning in 1955
aperturista {adj} :: liberalizing
aperturista {mf} :: liberalizer
apesadumbrar {vt} :: to sadden
a pesar de {prep} :: in spite of
a pesar de los pesares {adv} [idiomatic] :: despite everything
apestar {vi} :: to stink
apestar {v} :: to nauseate
apestar {v} :: to cause a plague, disease
apestar {v} :: to corrupt, spoil
apestar {v} :: to annoy
apestar {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to suck, to stink, to blow
apestosito {adj} :: diminutive of apestoso
apestoso {adj} :: stinking, smelly
apetecedor {adj} :: appetizing
apetecer {vitr} :: to feel like, to fancy; would like, to be down for [US slang]
apetecible {adj} :: appetizing
apetencia {f} :: hunger, appetite
apetencia {f} :: gaining of appetite
apetente {adj} :: hungry, having an appetite
apetito {m} :: appetite
apetitoso {adj} :: appetizing
apetitoso {adj} :: tasty, savory, delicious
apetitoso {adj} [obsolete] :: keen on good food
ápex {m} :: apex
Apia {prop} :: Apia (capital city)
apiadar {v} :: to take pity
apiadarse {v} :: reflexive of apiadar
apiario {m} :: apiary
apical {adj} :: apical
apical {adj} [botany] :: apical
apical {adj} [linguistics] :: apical
apicalmente {adv} :: apically
ápice {m} :: apex, tip
ápice {m} [botany] :: apex
ápice {m} [figuratively] :: a very small bit; a small amount of something
apicectomía {f} :: apicectomy
apícola {adj} [agriculture] :: apicultural (relating to beekeeping)
apicomplejo {m} :: apicomplexan
apiculado {adj} :: apiculate
apículo {m} [mycology] :: apiculus
apicultor {m} :: beekeeper
apicultora {f} :: female equivalent of apicultor
apicultura {f} :: beekeeping
a pie {adv} :: on foot, walking
a pie juntillo {adv} [archaic, idiom] :: alternative form of a pies juntillas
a pies juntillas {adv} :: with both feet together
a pies juntillas {adv} [figuratively, idiom] :: (of believing something etc) firmly, totally, absolutely
a pies juntillas {adv} [figuratively, idiom] :: (of following something) by the letter
apilable {adj} :: stackable
apilación {f} :: stacking
apilador {m} :: stacker (job)
apiladora {f} :: female equivalent of apilador
apilamiento {m} :: stacking
apilar {vt} :: to stack, to pile up
apiñamiento {m} :: squash (place or a situation where people have limited space to move)
apiñar {v} :: to pack together, squeeze/squash together
apiñarse {v} :: to crowd together; to bunch
apio {m} :: celery
apio {m} [slang, Spain] :: queer, poof
apiolar {v} :: to knock off; to do away with; to take out (kill)
apio nabo {m} :: celeriac
apiparse {v} [colloquial] :: to stuff oneself with food
a pique {adv} [idiom] :: almost; practically
apirexia {f} :: apyrexia
apisonadora {f} :: steamroller, road roller
apisonar {v} :: to tamp
aplacamiento {m} :: appeasement
aplacar {v} :: appease, placate
aplacible {adj} [dated] :: pleasant; pleasing; nice
aplanadora {f} :: road roller
aplanadora {f} :: bulldozer
aplanamiento {m} :: flattening
aplanar {v} :: to flatten
aplanar {v} :: to grade
aplanar {v} :: to bulldoze
aplanar la curva {v} [idiom] :: to flatten the curve
aplanchar {v} [Latin America] :: synonym of planchar
aplásico {adj} :: aplastic
aplastable {adj} :: crushable
aplastado {adj} :: crushed, squashed, flattened
aplastado {adj} :: worsted
aplastador {adj} :: crushing
aplastador {m} :: crusher
aplastamiento {m} :: crush, squash, trample
aplastante {adj} :: crushing, flattening
aplastante {adj} :: devastating
aplastantemente {adv} :: overwhelmingly; crushingly
aplastar {vt} :: to crush, smash, squash
aplastar {vt} :: to flatten
aplastar {vt} :: to squash [to put down by force or intimidation]
aplatanado {adj} :: indolent
aplatanamiento {m} :: the act of turning indolent
aplatanar {v} :: to turn indolent
aplatanar {vr} :: to become indolent
aplaudidor {adj} :: applauding; clapping
aplaudidor {m} :: applauder, acclaimer
aplaudímetro {m} :: clapometer
aplaudir {v} :: to applaud
aplauso {m} :: applause (act of applauding)
aplausómetro {m} :: clapometer
aplazamiento {m} :: postponement, adjournment
aplazar {vt} :: to postpone
aplazar {vt} [Latin America] :: to flunk (fail)
aplegar {v} :: to join, unite
a plena luz {adv} :: alternative form of a plena luz del día
a plena luz del día {adv} [idiomatic] :: in broad daylight (in a blatant and visible manner)
aplicabilidad {f} :: applicability
aplicable {adj} :: applicable
aplicación {f} :: application
aplicación {f} :: administering
aplicadamente {adv} :: in an applied way
aplicadísimo {adj} :: superlative of aplicado
aplicado {adj} :: applied
aplicador {m} :: applicator
aplicante {mf} :: applicant
aplicar {v} :: to use; to apply
aplicar {v} :: to smear; to put something above another thing or in contact with another thing
aplicarse {v} :: to apply oneself
aplicarse {v} :: to apply, to hold true
aplicativo {m} :: app, application
aplique {m} :: wall light, sconce
aplomar {v} :: to plumb
aplomo {m} :: aplomb, poise
apnea {f} :: apnea
apneico {adj} [pathology] :: apneic
apocado {adj} :: shy, diffident
apocado {adj} :: spineless
apocalipsis {mf} :: apocalypse
Apocalipsis {prop} [book of the bible] :: Revelation (book of the Bible)
apocalíptico {adj} :: apocalyptic, doomsday
apocamiento {m} :: timidity, humility
apocar {v} :: to shorten; to curtail
apocar {v} :: to belittle
apocarotenal {m} :: apocarotenal
apócema {f} :: rare form of pócima
apócima {f} :: obsolete spelling of pócima
apocopar {v} :: to apocopate
apócope {f} :: apocope
a poco que {conj} :: as long as (used to suggest that minimum effort is required)
apócrifamente {adv} :: apocryphally
apócrifo {adj} :: apocryphal
apodar {v} :: to call someone names, to dub
apodar {v} [archaic] :: to evaluate, judge
apoderada {f} :: feminine noun of apoderado
apoderado {m} :: guardian [of a person]
apoderado {m} [especially, bullfighting] :: agent; manager
apoderado {adj} :: empowered
apoderamiento {m} :: seizure (often of an aircraft or other kind of vehicle)
apoderamiento {m} :: the devolution of power
apoderamiento {m} :: empowerment
apoderar {v} :: to empower
apoderar {vr} :: to seize, to gain, to get hold of, to get one's hands on (+ de)
apoderar {vr} :: to take control of, to take possession of (+ de)
apoderarse {vr} :: to take power
apoderarse {vr} [with de] :: to seize
a poder de {prep} :: synonym of a fuerza de
apodícticamente {adv} :: apodeictically
apodíctico {adj} [logic] :: apodeictic (incontrovertibly true or false)
apodo {m} :: nickname, byname, alias
apoenzima {f} [enzyme] :: apoenzyme
apofático {adj} [philosophy, theology] :: apophatic
apofenia {f} :: apophenia
apófisis {f} [anatomy] :: apophysis
apófisis mastoides {f} [skeleton] :: mastoid process
apofonía {f} [phonetics] :: ablaut
apogeo {m} [astronomy] :: apogee
apogeo {m} :: apogee; climax, peak
apógrafo {m} :: apograph
apolar {adj} :: apolar
apolillado {adj} :: moth-eaten
apolillar {vt} :: to eat away (said of moths)
apolillar {vr} :: to become moth-eaten
apolillar {vr} :: to get old
Apolinar {prop} :: given name
Apolinario {prop} {m} :: given name
apolíneo {adj} [Greek mythology] :: Apollonian (relating to the Greek god Apollo)
apolíneo {adj} :: apollonian (clear, harmonious and restrained)
apolipoproteína {f} [protein] :: apolipoprotein
apoliticismo {m} :: apoliticism
apolítico {adj} :: apolitical
Apolo {prop} {m} [Greek god, Roman god] :: Apollo (the son of Zeus)
apologeta {mf} :: apologist
apologética {f} :: apologetics
apologético {adj} :: apologetic (defending by words or arguments)
apologético {m} [obsolete] :: apology; defense
apología {f} :: apology; eulogy, defense
apologista {mf} :: apologist
apólogo {m} :: apologue (a short story with a moral, often involving talking animals or objects)
Apolonio {prop} {m} :: given name
apoltronado {adj} :: lazy, idle
apoltronarse {vr} :: to laze about; be bone idle
apomíctico {adj} :: apomictic
apomorfia {f} :: apomorphy
apomorfía {f} :: alternative spelling of apomorfia
aponer {vt} [grammar] :: to appose
aponer {vt} [obsolete] :: to impute, to blame, to assign guilt to
aponeurosis {f} [anatomy] :: aponeurosis
aponeurótico {adj} [anatomy] :: aponeurotic (of or pertaining to aponeuroses)
apontaje {m} :: landing (of an aircraft) onto a ship
a popa {adv} :: abaft
apopense {adj} :: of or from Apopa, El Salvador
apopense {mf} :: someone from Apopa
apopléctico {adj} :: obsolete form of apoplético
apoplejía {f} [symptom] :: apoplexy
apopléjico {adj} :: synonym of apoplético
apoplético {adj} :: apoplectic
apoproteína {f} [organic compound] :: apoprotein
apoptosis {f} [cytology] :: apoptosis
apoquinar {v} [colloquial] :: to fork out, shell out
aporía {f} [philosophy] :: aporia
aporofobia {f} [rare] :: aporophobia (hatred of poverty or poor people)
aporrear {v} :: to club, bludgeon (to hit with a club/baton/truncheon/night stick)
aporrear {v} :: to hammer, rap (knock loudly)
a porrillo {adv} :: galore; by the bucketload
aportación {f} :: contribution
aportador {m} :: provider
aportante {adj} :: providing
aportante {mf} :: provider
aportar {v} :: to provide
aportar {v} :: to bring
aportar {v} :: to contribute
aportar {v} :: to dock, to enter into a port
aporte {m} :: contribution
aposentador {adj} :: that lodges
aposentador {m} :: lodger; someone who finds lodging for others
aposentadora {f} :: feminine noun of aposentador
aposentar {v} :: to lodge, put up
aposentillo {m} :: diminutive of aposento
aposento {m} [formal, chiefly Dominican Republic, ] :: room, bedroom (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping)
aposento {m} [archaic] :: chamber (the private room of an individual, especially of someone wealthy or noble)
aposición {f} :: apposition
apósito {m} :: sticking plaster, band-aid
a posta {adv} :: rare form of aposta
aposta {adv} [colloquial] :: on purpose
apostadero {m} :: place where a rookery lives
apostadero {m} :: naval station
apostador {m} :: bettor, punter (one who bets)
apostadora {f} :: feminine noun of apostador
apostante {mf} :: bettor, wagerer
apostar {vt} :: to bet
apostar {vt} :: to post (to assign to a station; to set; to place)
apostasía {f} :: apostasy
apóstata {mf} :: apostate (person who renounces a faith)
apostatar {v} :: to apostatize
a posteriori {adv} :: at a later stage
a posteriori {adv} [logic, philosophy] :: a posteriori
apostilla {f} :: note, comment (on a text)
apostilla {f} :: apostille (a special sign established in 1961 for certifying foreign documents)
apostillar {v} :: to annotate
apóstol {m} :: apostle
Apóstol {prop} :: surname
apostolado {m} :: apostleship
apostólicamente {adv} :: apostolically
apostólico {adj} [Christianity] :: apostolic
apostrofar {vt} :: to apostrophize
apóstrofe {m} [rhetoric] :: apostrophe
apóstrofo {m} :: apostrophe (typographic character)
apostura {f} :: good looks; handsomeness
apostura {f} :: look; appearance
apoteca {f} [archaic] :: drugstore, pharmacy
apoteca {f} [archaic] :: mortgage
apotecario {m} [archaic] :: apothecary, druggist
apotecio {m} [lichenology] :: apothecium
apotegma {m} :: apothegm
apotema {f} :: apothem
apoteósicamente {adv} :: triumphantly
apoteósico {adj} :: jubilant, triumphant, huge
apoteosis {f} :: apotheosis
apoteótico {adj} :: alternative form of apoteósico
apoticario {m} :: rare form of apotecario
apoyabrazos {m} :: armrest
apoyacabeza {m} [Argentina] :: headrest
apoyador {m} :: supporter
apoyadora {f} :: feminine noun of apoyador
apoyapiés {m} :: footrest
apoyar {vt} :: to rest (to lean, lie, or lay)
apoyar {vt} :: to support, to get behind (to back a cause, party, etc., mentally or with concrete aid)
apoyar {vt} :: to support (to keep from falling)
apoyarse {v} :: to lean, to rest, to be supported
apoyarse {v} :: to lean on, to rely on
apoyarse {v} :: to be based, to be founded
apoyatura {f} :: support
apoyatura {f} [music] :: appoggiatura
apoyo {m} :: support
app {f} [computing] :: app
applauso {m} :: obsolete spelling of aplauso
Apple {prop} :: Apple (name of the company Apple Inc.)
applet {m} :: applet
appliance {m} [rare] :: appliance
apraxia {f} [neurology] :: apraxia
apreciabilísimo {adj} :: superlative of apreciable
apreciable {adj} :: appreciable
apreciablemente {adv} :: appreciably, significantly
apreciación {f} :: appreciation
apreciadamente {adv} :: appreciatedly
apreciar {vt} :: to appreciate (to view as valuable)
apreciar {vtr} :: to appreciate (to increase in value)
apreciar {vt} :: to notice, to detect
apreciativo {adj} :: appreciative
aprecio {m} :: appreciation
a precio de huevo {adv} [colloquial, idiomatic, Chile] :: very cheap
aprehender {vt} :: to apprehend, to seize, to confiscate
aprehender {vt} :: to understand
aprehensión {f} :: apprehension
aprehensivo {adj} :: apprehendable
apremiante {adj} :: urgent, pressing
apremiar {vt} :: to pressure, urge
apremio {m} :: pressure, urge
apremio {m} [legal] :: court order
aprender {vti} :: to learn (to acquire, or attempt to acquire knowledge or an ability to do something)
aprendiz {m} :: apprentice, trainee
aprendiza {f} :: feminine noun of aprendiz
aprendizaje {m} [uncountable] :: learning
aprendizaje {m} [countable] :: apprenticeship
aprendizaje automático {m} :: machine learning
aprensión {f} :: apprehension; anxiety
aprensivo {adj} :: apprehensive
aprés {adv} [obsolete] :: near; close
aprés {adv} [obsolete] :: after; afterwards
apresable {adj} :: sentenceable to prison
apresamiento {m} :: imprisonment
apresar {vt} :: to seize, capture (especially with claws or talons)
apresar {vt} :: to imprison
aprestamiento {m} [Latin America, education] :: preparatory activity
aprestar {vt} :: to prepare, to make ready
aprestarse {vr} :: to prepare oneself
apresto {m} :: preparation
apresto {m} :: stiffness
apresuradamente {adv} :: hastily, in a hurry
apresurado {adj} :: hurried
apresuramiento {m} :: pressuring
apresurar {vt} :: to quicken
apresurar {vr} :: to rush, to hasten (to do something)
apresurarse {v} :: to hurry
apretadamente {adv} :: tightly, compactly
apretadísimo {adj} :: superlative of apretado
apretadito {adj} :: diminutive of apretado
apretado {adj} :: tight
apretado {adj} :: short (of money)
apretar {vt} :: to squeeze
apretar {vt} :: to tighten, constrict or compress
apretar {vt} :: to press [e.g., a button]
apretar {vt} :: to pull [e.g., the trigger]
apretar {vt} :: to grit [e.g., one's teeth], to clench [e.g., one's fist]
apretar {vt} :: to push down [e.g., a toilet plunger]
apretar {vt} :: to hold back
apretar {vt} :: to hold on to something
apretarse {v} :: reflexive of apretar
apretarse el cinturón {v} [idiomatic] :: to tighten one's belt
apretazón {f} :: augmentative of aprieto
apretón {m} :: pressure
apretón {m} :: conflict
apretón {m} :: grip, squeeze
apretón de manos {m} :: handshake
apretujado {adj} :: crammed
apretujar {v} :: to squash
apretujar {v} :: to scrunch, scrunch up
apretujar {v} :: to squeeze
apretujón {m} :: squash, squeeze
apretura {f} :: squeeze (situation in which there are too many people, things, etc., in a small space)
apretura {f} :: fix; predicament (difficult situation)
apretura {f} :: conflict
apretura {f} :: poverty
apriesa {adv} [obsolete] :: hurriedly
aprieto {m} :: predicament
aprieto {m} :: a push of a button
a primera hora {adv} [idiomatic] :: first thing (in the morning), at first light
a primera hora {adv} :: first period (at school)
a primera vista {adv} [idiom] :: at first glance, at the first look
a priori {adv} :: beforehand
a priori {adv} [logic, philosophy] :: a priori
apriorismo {m} :: apriorism
apriorismo {m} :: preconception (opinion formed without adequate evidence)
apriorístico {adj} :: a priori
aprisa {adv} :: quickly
apriscar {v} :: to gather sheep into a sheepfold
aprisco {m} :: sheepfold
aprisionamiento {m} :: imprisonment
aprisionar {v} :: to incarcerate, imprison
aprismo {m} [Peru] :: The politics of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance
aprista {adj} [Peru, politics] :: of or relating to the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance
aprista {mf} :: a supporter of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance
aprista {mf} :: an opposer of Keiko Fujimori
aprobación {f} :: approval
aprobación {f} :: validation
aprobado {adj} :: approved, confirmed
aprobar {v} :: to approve
aprobar {v} :: to pass (an exam)
aprobar {v} :: to condone
aprobatorio {adj} :: approving
aproblemar {v} :: to worry, cause problems
aprocimación {f} :: rare form of aproximación
aprontar {v} :: to prepare quickly
aprontar {vr} :: to quickly get ready
apropiación {f} :: appropriation
apropiacionismo {m} :: appropriationism (tendency to take ideas from other authors)
apropiadamente {adv} :: correctly, with propriety
apropiadísimo {adj} :: superlative of apropriado
apropiado {adj} :: appropriate, suitable
apropiar {v} :: to give, bestow
apropiar {vr} :: to seize, take hold of
a propósito {prep} :: by the way, incidentally
a propósito {adj} :: apropos [typically followed by "de"]
a propósito {adv} :: on purpose, purposely
apropósito {m} [theatre] :: A short play about a particular topic or event
apropriado {adj} :: appropriate, apropos, proper, suitable, fitting, adequate, suited
apropriar {v} :: obsolete form of apropiar
aprovechable {adj} :: usable
aprovechable {adj} :: useful
aprovechador {m} :: someone who takes advantage
aprovechamiento {m} :: use
aprovechamiento {m} :: improvement
aprovechamiento {m} :: harnessing
aprovechamiento {m} :: exploitation
aprovechando que el Pisuerga pasa por Valladolid {phrase} [Spain] :: apropos of nothing
aprovechar {v} :: to take advantage of
aprovechar {v} :: to make use of, to make the most of
aprovechar {v} :: to harness
aprovechar {v} :: to be useful
aprovechar {v} :: to improve
aprovechar {v} :: to seize
aprovechar {v} :: to leverage
aprovecharse {v} :: (reflexive of aprovechar) to take advantage
aprovechón {adj} :: opportunistic
aprovisionador {m} :: supply vessel
aprovisionamiento {m} :: provisioning
aprovisionar {vt} :: to supply
aprox {adv} :: abbreviation of aproximadamente
aproximación {f} :: approximation
aproximadamente {adv} :: approximately
aproximado {adj} :: approximate
aproximamiento {m} :: approach
aproximamiento {m} :: approximation
aproximante {adj} :: approaching (that approaches or approach)
aproximante {adj} [phonetics] :: approximant (made by slightly narrowing the vocal tract)
aproximante {f} [phonetics] :: approximant (consonant made by slightly narrowing the vocal tract)
aproximar {v} :: to approach
aproximar {v} [mathematics] :: to approximate
aproximarse {v} :: reflexive of aproximar
a prueba de balas {adj} :: bulletproof
a prueba de fuego {adj} :: fireproof
aptamente {adv} :: aptly
aptar {v} [obsolete] :: to adapt; fix; adjust
Aptiense {prop} {m} :: Aptian
aptitud {f} :: aptitude, ability (inherent)
aptitud {f} :: suitability, competence, proficiency, skill, capacity (acquired)
aptitud {f} [exercise] :: fitness
apto {adj} :: suitable; capable, able; fit
ápud {prep} :: apud
a puerta cerrada {adv} [idiomatic] :: behind closed doors
a puertas {adv} [idiomatic] :: around the corner; coming up
apuesta {f} :: bet, wager (an agreement between two parties that a stake (usually money) will be paid by the loser to the winner)
apuesto {adj} :: handsome, good-looking (person)
apuesto {m} [dated] :: epithet, title
Apuleyo {prop} {m} :: Apuleius (writer in the Roman Empire)
Apulia {prop} {f} :: Apulia (region)
a pulso {adv} [idiomatic] :: by oneself
apuñalamiento {m} :: stabbing
apuñalar {vt} :: to stab (to pierce or to wound with a pointed tool or weapon, especially a knife or dagger)
apuñalarse {v} :: reflexive of apuñalar
apuntación {f} :: aiming; pointing; signalling
apuntación {f} :: noting; jotting down
apuntación {f} :: sharpening
apuntación {f} [music] :: notation
a punta de pala {adv} [Spain, idiomatic] :: alternative form of a punta pala
apuntado {adj} :: targeted
apuntado {adj} :: pointed, aimed
apuntado {adj} :: written down
apuntado {adj} :: signed up, enrolled
apuntado {adj} [Mexico, Puerto Rico, colloquial] :: willing
apuntador {adj} :: pointing
apuntador {m} [programming] :: pointer
apuntador {m} [theater] :: prompter
apuntadora {f} :: prompter
apuntalamiento {m} :: propping up
apuntalar {v} :: to prop up, to shore up
apuntamiento {m} :: aiming
apuntamiento {m} :: note, scribble
apuntamiento {m} [legal] :: report
apuntamiento {m} :: pointedness
a punta pala {adv} [Spain, idiomatic] :: in spades, in droves, loads, heaps, a shedload
apuntar {v} :: to point, to aim, to take aim
apuntar {v} :: to point out, to point at, to point to, to indicate, to note, to suggest, to hint, to hint at, to mention
apuntar {v} :: to underline, to mark (text)
apuntar {v} :: to note, to note down, to write down, to jot, to jot down
apuntar {v} :: to outline, to sketch
apuntar {v} :: to baste
apuntar {v} :: to tack
apuntar {v} :: to fasten temporarily
apuntar {v} [dated] :: to patch, to darn, to sew, to mend
apuntar {v} [somewhat dated] :: to sharpen (a weapon or tool)
apuntar {v} [theatre] :: to prompt, to cue, to whisper the answer
apuntar {v} [card games] :: to bet, to put up money, to stake (only in certain card games)
apuntar {vtir} [apuntarse] :: to sign up
apuntar {vr} [apuntarse] :: to be in, be down, be game
apuntar {vr} :: to chalk up, to notch (a win, a victory, points, success)
apuntar maneras {v} [idiom] :: to show promise; to be promising
apuntarse {v} :: reflexive of apuntar
apunte {m} :: note, point
apuntillar {v} [bullfighting] :: to finish off
a punto {adv} [idiom] :: at the ready; to hand
a punto de {adv} :: (just) about to, on the verge of
a punto de caramelo {adj} :: caramelized
a punto de caramelo {adj} [idiomatic] :: almost at the exact moment, almost ready
a punto de nieve {adj} [idiomatic] :: having stiff peaks
a punto de nieve {adj} [idiomatic] :: in the mood, horny
apuradamente {adv} :: with difficulty
apuradamente {adv} [Latin America] :: quickly, hastily
apuradísimo {adj} :: superlative of apurado
apurado {adj} :: in a hurry
apurado {adj} :: poor, needy, short
apurar {vt} :: to drain, use up completely
apurar {vtir} :: to hurry, to rush
apurar {vtr} :: to worry, bother
apurarse {v} :: reflexive of apurar, to hurry, to rush
apurarse {v} :: reflexive of apurar, to worry
apureña {f} :: feminine noun of apureño
apureño {adj} :: of or from Apure
apureño {m} :: Someone from Apure
Apurimac {prop} :: Apurimac (region)
apuro {m} :: difficulty, predicament
apuro {m} :: shortage
apuro {m} :: urgency
apuro {m} [Argentina] :: rush, hurry
Apus {prop} [constellation] :: Apus (a constellation of the southern sky)
aquaplaning {m} :: aquaplaning
a que {conj} :: I bet
aquea {f} :: feminine noun of aqueo
aqueilia {f} :: acheilia; liplessness
aquejar {v} :: to afflict
aquel {determiner} :: that
aquel {adj} [demonstrative] :: that (over there; implying some distance)
aquel {pron} [demonstrative] :: alternative spelling of aquél
aquél {pron} [demonstrative] :: that one [far from speaker and listener]
aquél {pron} [demonstrative] :: the former
aquél {pron} [demonstrative] :: anyone/anything
aquelarre {m} :: A nocturnal group of witches and the devil
aquelarre {m} :: A coven
aquelarre {m} :: A Basque celebration of witches
aquelia {f} :: acheilia; liplessness
aquella {pron} :: alternative spelling of aquélla; that one
aquélla {pron} :: feminine singular of aquél
aquellas {pron} :: alternative spelling of aquéllas; those ones
aquéllas {pron} :: feminine plural of aquél; those ones [far from speaker and listener]
aquello {pron} :: neuter singular of aquél; that (over there); it
aquellos {pron} :: alternative spelling of aquéllos; those ones (over there; implying some distance)
aquellos {pron} :: Those ones. (over there; implying some distance)
aquéllos {pron} :: plural of aquél; those ones [far from speaker and listener]
a quemarropa {adv} :: point-blank
a quemarropa {adv} :: directly
aqueménida {adj} :: Achaemenid
aqueménida {mf} :: Achaemenid
aquende {adv} [rare] :: over here, on this side
aquende {adv} [rare] :: hither
aquenio {m} [botany] :: achene
aqueo {m} [historical] :: Achaean
aquerenciarse {v} [especially of animals] :: to cause to become attached to (a place)
aquerenciarse {vp} :: to fall in love
Aquerón {prop} {m} :: Acheron
Aqueronte {prop} {m} :: Acheron
aquese {adj} [poetic or archaic] :: alternative form of ese
aquése {determiner} :: alternative spelling of aquese
aquése {pron} :: alternative spelling of aquese
a qué son {phrase} :: how come?; what for?
aquesta {determiner} :: feminine singular of aqueste
aquesta {pron} :: feminine singular of aqueste
aquésta {determiner} :: alternative spelling of aquesta
aquésta {pron} :: alternative spelling of aquesta
aquestas {determiner} :: feminine plural of aqueste
aquestas {pron} :: feminine plural of aqueste
aqueste {adj} [poetic] :: this
aqueste {pron} [poetic] :: this one (masculine thing)
aquéste {determiner} :: alternative spelling of aqueste
aquéste {pron} :: alternative spelling of aqueste
aquestos {determiner} :: masculine plural of aqueste
aquestos {pron} :: masculine plural of aqueste
aquéstos {determiner} :: alternative spelling of aquestos
aquéstos {pron} :: alternative spelling of aquestos
aquí {adv} :: here
a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda {proverb} :: the early bird gets the worm
aquiescencia {f} :: acquiescence, consent
aquiescente {adj} :: acquiescent
aquietar {vt} :: to calm
aquietar {vr} :: to calm down
Aquila {prop} [constellation] :: Aquila (constellation)
aquilatar {vt} :: to assay; to analyze or examine
Aquiles {prop} {m} :: Achilles
aquillado {adj} :: keel-like
aquilón {m} :: north wind
aquincense {adj} :: Budapester (of or pertaining to Budapest, Hungary)
aquincense {mf} :: Budapester (native or resident of Budapest, Hungary)
Aquino {prop} :: surname
aquiral {adj} :: achiral
Aquisgrán {prop} :: Aquisgrán (city)
aquitana {f} :: feminine noun of aquitano
Aquitania {prop} {f} :: Aquitania (historical region)
aquitano {adj} :: Aquitanian
aquitano {m} :: Aquitanian
aquí te pillo, aquí te mato {phrase} [Spain, vulgar, colloquial, idiomatic] :: hit it and quit it; wham, bam, thank you ma'am;
aquí te pillo, aquí te mato {m} [Spain, vulgar, colloquial, idiomatic] :: smash and dash
aquí y allí {adv} [idiom] :: here and there
-ar {suffix} :: In adjectives, indicating membership or status
-ar {suffix} :: In nouns, indicating a place where something is grown
-ar {suffix} :: Used to form first conjugation verbs indicating an action related to the root word
ár. {m} :: abbreviation of árabe
Ara {prop} [constellation] :: Ara (constellation)
árabe {adj} :: Arabic
árabe {mf} :: Arab
árabe {m} :: Arabic (Semitic language)
árabe clásico {m} :: Classical Arabic
árabe egipcio {m} :: Egyptian Arabic
arabesco {m} :: arabesque (ornamental design used in Islamic Art)
Arabia {prop} {f} :: Arabia
Arabia Saudí {prop} {f} :: Arabia Saudí (country)
Arabia Saudita {prop} {f} :: Saudi Arabia
arábigo {adj} :: Arabic (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour)
arábigo {m} :: Arabic (language)
arabinosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: arabinose
arabio {adj} [obsolete] :: Arab, Arabic
arabismo {m} [linguistics] :: Arabism (a loanword from Arabic)
arabismo {m} [uncountable] :: the study of Arab culture and language
arabista {mf} [anthropology, linguistics] :: Arabist (a scholar who studies Arab or Arabic culture, politics or language)
arabista {mf} [politics] :: Arabist (one that wants to spread Arabic culture)
arabización {f} :: Arabization
arabizar {v} :: to Arabize
arable {adj} :: arable
Araceli {prop} {f} :: given name
aráceo {adj} :: araceous
arácnido {adj} :: arachnid (attributive)
arácnido {m} :: arachnid
aracnofobia {f} :: arachnophobia
aracnoides {m} [anatomy] :: arachnoid mater
aracnóloga {f} :: feminine noun of aracnólogo
aracnólogo {m} :: arachnologist
arado {m} :: plough
aradura {f} :: ploughing
Aragón {prop} {m} :: Aragón (autonomous community)
Aragón {prop} {m} :: surname
aragonés {adj} :: Aragonese
aragonés {m} :: Aragonese language
aragonesismo {m} :: Aragonese nationalism
aragonesismo {m} :: a phrase or word commonly used in Aragon
aragonesista {mf} :: Aragonese nationalist
aragonita {f} [mineral] :: alternative form of aragonito
aragonito {m} [mineral] :: aragonite
aragonófona {f} :: feminine noun of aragonófono
aragonófono {adj} :: Aragonese-speaking
aragonófono {m} :: Aragonese speaker
Aragón Oriental {prop} {m} :: Aragon Strip (part of Aragon where Catalan is spoken)
araguaney {m} :: araguaney, common name for Handroanthus chrysanthus
aragueña {f} :: feminine noun of aragueño
aragüeña {f} :: feminine noun of aragüeño
aragüeño {adj} :: Of or from the state of Aragua, Venezuela
aragüeño {m} :: Someone from the state of Aragua, Venezuela
arahant {m} :: arahant
arahuaco {m} :: Arawak
arahuaco {adj} :: Arawak
a raíz de {prep} :: due to, because of, as a result of
a rajatabla {adv} [idiomatic] :: strictly; thoroughly
Arakaki {prop} {mf} :: surname
aramarra {adj} :: Of or from Arama
aramarra {mf} :: Someone from Arama
arambre {m} :: obsolete form of alambre
arameo {adj} :: Aramaean
arameo {m} :: Aramaean
arameo {m} :: Aramaic (Semitic language)
-aran {suffix} :: Denotes the imperfect subjunctive in the third-person plural for regular verbs ending in -ar
-aran {suffix} :: Denotes the imperfect subjunctive in the (formal) second-person plural for regular verbs ending in -ar
arana {f} :: trick; cheating
araña {f} :: spider
Araña {prop} {f} :: surname
araña de luces {f} :: chandelier
araña de mar {f} :: sea spider
arañar {vt} :: to scratch
arañazo {m} :: scratch
arancel {m} :: tariff
arancelario {adj} [attributive] :: tariff
Arancha {prop} {f} :: given name
Aranda {prop} :: surname
arándano {m} :: blueberry, bilberry, cranberry
arándano ártico {m} :: lingonberry
arándano azul {m} :: blueberry
arándano rojo {m} :: cranberry
arándano silvestre {m} :: lingonberry
arandela {f} :: washer (flat disk, placed beneath a nut)
Arandia {prop} {f} :: surname
arandina {f} :: feminine noun of arandino
arandino {adj} :: of or from Aranda de Duero
arandino {adj} :: of or from Aranda de Moncayo
arandino {m} :: someone from Aranda de Duero
arandino {m} :: someone from Aranda de Moncayo
arañero {m} :: golden-crowned warbler (Basileuterus culicivorus)
aranés {adj} :: Aranese, of the Vall d'Aran
aranés {m} :: an Aranese person, a person from the Vall d'Aran region of Catalonia
aranés {m} :: the Aranese language, a variety of the Gascon dialect of the Occitan language
Araneta {prop} :: surname
aranista {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, Mikel Arana, Basque politician
aranista {mf} :: a supporter of Mikel Arana
arañita {f} :: diminutive of araña; little spider
Aranjuez {prop} :: Aranjuez (city)
arañón {m} :: blackthorn
arañón {m} :: scratch
Arantxa {prop} {f} :: given name
arañuela {f} :: love-in-a-mist (any flowering plant of the genus Nigella)
arañuela {f} :: thrips (small insect)
Aranza {prop} {f} :: given name
Aranza {prop} {f} :: surname
aranzada {f} :: an obsolete pre-decimal unit of area, with differing dimensions
Aránzazu {prop} {f} :: given name
Aránzazu {prop} {f} :: surname
arao {m} :: guillemot
arao aliblanco {m} :: The black guillemot. A seabird
araona {adj} :: OF the Araona tribe
araona {mf} :: Member of the Araona tribe
araquidonato {m} [organic compound] :: arachidonate
araquidónico {adj} :: arachidonic
arar {m} :: sandarac tree, Tetraclinis
arar {m} :: common juniper, Juniperus communis
arar {vti} :: to plough
ararteko {m} :: The ombudsman of the Basque Country
arasarí {m} :: aracari
a ras de tierra {adv} :: flying low
a ratos {adv} :: from time to time, on and off
araucana {f} :: feminine noun of araucano
Araucanía {prop} {f} [history] :: Araucania, the homeland of the Mapuche people in part of Patagonia (southern Chile and Argentina)
Araucanía {prop} {f} :: One of the fifteen administrative regions of Chile
araucanización {f} :: Araucanization, the process of expansion of the Mapudungun language and other elements of the Mapuche culture from their homeland of Araucania into the plains of Patagonia, so as to assimilate other native Amerind peoples
araucanizar {v} :: to Araucanize
araucano {adj} :: Araucanian (Mapuche)
araucano {adj} [uncommon] :: of or pertaining to the Mapudungun language; Mapudungun-language
araucano {m} :: Araucanian (Mapuche)
araucano {m} [uncommon] :: the Mapudungun language
araucaria {f} :: Araucaria; a conifer tree of South America
araucaria {f} :: monkey puzzle tree
Arauco {prop} :: Arauco
a raudales {adv} [idiom] :: in spades; galore; by the ton
Araújo {prop} {mf} :: surname
a raya {adv} :: at bay, in line, in check
arazá {m} :: a tropical South American plant, Eugenia stipitata
arazá {m} :: the fruit of that plant
arbatachar {m} :: Arbatachar (torture method)
arbencista {mf} :: A supporter of Jacobo Árbenz, Guatemalan soldier and politician
arbencista {adj} :: As, pertaining to, or supporting Jacobo Árbenz, Guatemalan soldier and politician
árbitra {f} :: female equivalent of árbitro
arbitraje {m} :: arbitration
arbitraje {m} :: refereeing
arbitral {adj} :: arbitral
arbitramento {m} :: arbitration
arbitrar {v} :: to arbitrate
arbitrariamente {adv} :: arbitrarily
arbitrariedad {f} :: arbitrariness
arbitrariedad {f} :: an arbitrary thing
arbitrario {adj} :: arbitrary
arbitrio {m} :: will
arbitrismo {m} :: arbitrariness
arbitrista {mf} :: a supporter of hairbrained plans
árbitro {m} [sports] :: official (e.g. referee or umpire)
árbol {m} :: tree (a perennial woody plant)
árbol {m} :: tree (any plant that is reminiscent of the above but not classified as a tree)
árbol {m} :: tree (any structure or construct having branches representing divergence or possible choices)
árbol {m} [nautical] :: mast (a tall, slim post or tower used to support the sails on a ship)
arboladura {f} [nautical] :: the set of masts of a ship
arbolar {v} :: to raise or hoist a standard or flag
arbolar {v} :: to plant trees
arbolar {vr} [of a horse] :: to rear up
arbolazo {m} :: augmentative of árbol
árbol del algodón {m} [Morelos, Mexico] :: kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra)
árbol de Navidad {m} :: Christmas tree
arboleda {f} :: grove, coppice, copse
arboledo {m} [archaic] :: copse; wood
árbol filogenético {m} [biology, systematics] :: phylogenetic tree
árbol genealógico {m} :: family tree
arbolillo {m} :: diminutive of árbol; small tree
arbolito {m} :: diminutive of árbol: little tree
arbolote {m} :: augmentative of árbol: a large tree
árbor {m} :: obsolete form of árbol
arbóreo {adj} :: arboreal
arborescencia {f} :: arborescence
arborescente {adj} :: arborescent (treelike in structure)
arboreto {m} :: arboretum (place where many varieties of tree are grown)
arbori- {prefix} :: tree
arboricida {adj} :: arboricidal
arboricida {mf} :: arboricide
arborícola {adj} [of an animal] :: arboreal; living in trees
arboricultor {m} :: arboriculturist
arboricultora {f} :: feminine noun of arboricultor
arboricultura {f} :: arboriculture
arboriforme {adj} :: arboriform
arborización {f} :: forestation; the planting of trees
arborizar {vi} :: to plant trees; to forest
arborófila {f} :: partridge (of the Arborophilia genus)
arbotante {m} :: flying buttress
arbovirosis {f} :: arbovirosis
arbovirus {m} :: arbovirus
arbuscular {adj} :: arbuscular
arbustal {m} :: brush; thicket
arbustivo {adj} :: bushy; bushlike
arbusto {m} :: bush, shrub
-arca {suffix} :: -arch (leading, leader)
arca {f} :: ark, chest
arcabucería {f} :: harquebus troops
arcabucería {f} :: harquebus fire
arcabucería {f} :: harquebuses
arcabucería {f} :: place where harquebuses are made
arcabucería {f} :: place where harquebuses are sold
arcabucero {m} :: arquebusier
arcabuz {m} [firearms] :: harquebus
arcabuz {m} :: harquebusier
arcabuzazo {m} :: a shot with a harquebus
arcada {f} [architecture] :: arcade (row of arches)
arcada {f} :: retching, gagging (an unsuccessful effort to vomit)
arca de la Alianza {prop} {f} :: Ark of the Covenant
arca de Noé {prop} {f} :: Noah's ark
Arcadia {prop} {f} :: Arcadia
arcadio {adj} :: Arcadian
arcaico {adj} :: archaic
arcaísmo {m} :: archaism (an archaic word or expression)
arcaizante {adj} :: old-fashioned, archaic, archaizing
arcanamente {adv} :: arcanely
arcángel {m} :: archangel
arcangélico {adj} :: archangelic
arcanidad {f} :: arcaneness
arcano {adj} :: arcane
arcano {m} :: mystery
Arcaya {prop} {f} :: surname of Basque origin
arcazón {m} [Andalusia] :: wicker
arce {m} :: maple tree
arce {m} [dated] :: shoulder (of a road)
Arce {prop} :: surname
Arceaga {prop} :: surname
arce blanco {m} :: sycamore maple
arcedianato {m} :: archdeaconship
arcediano {m} :: archdeacon
arcén {m} :: edge
arcén {m} :: hard shoulder, shoulder (of a road), roadside
Arceo {prop} :: surname
archi- {prefix} :: archi-, arch-
archibebe {m} :: a sea-water wading bird, the common redshank
archibebe claro {m} :: common greenshank
archicanciller {m} :: archchancellor
archicofradía {f} :: archconfraternity
archiconocido {adj} :: extremely well-known, world-famous
archiconservador {adj} :: extremely conservative
archidiácono {m} :: archdeacon
archidiócesis {f} :: alternative form of arquidiócesis
archiducado {m} :: archduchy
archiduque {m} :: archduke (rank)
archiduquesa {f} :: female equivalent of archiduque
archienemiga {f} :: female equivalent of archienemigo
archienemigo {m} :: archenemy
archieparca {m} :: archeparch
archieparquía {f} :: archeparchy
archieparquial {adj} :: archeparchial
archiepiscopal {adj} :: archiepiscopal
archifamoso {adj} :: Extremely well-known, world-famous
archilaúd {m} :: archlute
archimago {m} :: archmage
archimandrita {m} :: archimandrite (the superior of a large monastery, or group of monasteries, in the Orthodox Church)
archimillonaria {f} :: feminine noun of archimillonario
archimillonario {m} :: multimillionaire, megamillionaire
archipiélago {m} :: archipelago
Archipiélago de Colón {prop} {m} :: The official name of the Galápagos Islands
archipopular {adj} :: superpopular
archirrival {mf} :: archrival
archisabido {adj} :: well-known
architonto {adj} :: Extremely silly
archivador {adj} :: filing
archivador {m} :: filing clerk; archivist
archivador {m} [masculine only] :: filing cabinet
archivadora {f} :: feminine noun of archivador
archivamiento {m} :: archiving, filing
archivar {v} :: to file, to archive
archivera {f} :: feminine noun of archivero
archivero {m} :: archivist
archivillano {m} :: archvillain
archivista {mf} :: archivist
archivístico {adj} [attributive] :: archiving
archivo {m} [computing] :: file
archivo {m} :: archive
Archuleta {prop} :: surname
arciforme {adj} :: arciform (having the form of a bow)
arcilla {f} :: clay
Arcilla {prop} :: surname
arcillar {vt} :: to clay
arcilloso {adj} :: clayey, clayish
arciprestal {adj} [attributive] :: archpriest
arciprestazgo {m} :: archpriesthood
arcipreste {m} :: archpriest
arco {m} :: bow (a weapon made of a curved piece of wood or other flexible material whose ends are connected by a string, used for shooting arrows)
arco {m} [music] :: bow (a rod with horsehair (or an artificial substitute) stretched between the ends, used for playing various stringed musical instruments)
arco {m} [geometry] :: arc
arco {m} [architecture] :: arch
arco {m} [sports, Latin America] :: goal (structure)
arco del cielo {m} [obsolete] :: rainbow
arco de triunfo {m} :: triumphal arch
Arco de Triunfo {prop} {m} :: Arc de Triomphe (Parisian monument)
arco formero {m} [architecture] :: side arch
arco iris {m} :: rainbow
arcoíris {m} :: rainbow
arco largo {m} :: longbow
arcón {m} :: large chest (box)
arcón congelador {m} :: chest freezer
arconte {m} :: archon
arcosauriforme {m} :: archosauriform
arcosaurio {m} :: archosaur
arcosegundo {m} :: arcsecond
arcosolio {m} :: arcosolium
arcuación {f} :: arcuation
arcuato {adj} :: arcuate
arda {f} [obsolete or dialectal] :: squirrel
Ardecha {prop} {f} :: Ardecha (department)
Ardenas {prop} {fp} :: Ardenas (department)
ardentísimo {adj} :: superlative of ardiente
arder {vi} :: to burn, blaze (to be consumed by fire or in flames)
arder {vi} :: to burn, to sting, to smart (to hurt, be in pain)
arder {vi} :: to burn, seethe (to be in an agitated or angry mental state)
arder {vi} [of manure] :: to rot (to suffer decomposition due to biological action)
ardid {m} :: plot, trick
ardid {adj} [obsolete] :: astute, crafty
ardid {adj} [archaic] :: brave, courageous
ardido {adj} :: brave, intrepid
ardiente {adj} :: hot
ardiente {adj} :: burning
ardiente {adj} :: ardent
ardiente {adj} :: passionate
ardientemente {adv} :: ardently
ardilla {f} :: squirrel
ardillita {f} :: diminutive of ardilla
ardimiento {m} :: burning
ardiondo {adj} [rare] :: full of ardor or courage
ardite {m} [historical] :: A former coin, used in Navarre and Catalonia around the 15th century, of little value
ardor {m} :: heat
ardor {m} :: ardour, fervor, passion
ardor {m} :: burning (feeling)
ardor {m} :: eagerness
ardorosamente {adv} :: fervently
ardoroso {adj} :: ardent
ardoroso {adj} :: burning
arduamente {adv} :: arduously, difficultly
arduidad {f} :: arduity, arduousness
arduo {adj} :: very difficult
arduo {adj} :: arduous
-aré {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the first-person singular future indicative of -ar verbs
área {f} :: area (a particular geographic region)
área {f} :: are (SI unit of area equal to 100 square metres)
área {f} :: area, field (the extent, scope, or range of an object or concept)
área {f} [mathematics] :: area (a measure of the extent of a surface)
área verde {f} :: garden
areca {f} :: areca; betel palm (Areca catechu, an Asiatic palm)
a regañadientes {adv} [idiomatic] :: reluctantly, grudgingly
-areis {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the second-person plural future indicative of -ar verbs
areíto {m} :: areíto
Arellano {prop} {m} :: Arellano (town)
Arellano {prop} {m} :: surname, the 113th most common in Mexico
a remolque {adv} [idiomatic] :: on tow
a remolque {adv} [idiomatic] :: by force
a remolque {adv} [idiomatic] :: going along (with) (an idea, plan, suggestion etc.)
arena {f} [geology] :: sand, gravel
arena {f} [building, sport] :: bullfight arena; boxing ring
arenal {m} :: sandy area or patch of ground; beach
arena para gato {f} :: kitty litter, cat litter
arenar {v} :: to sprinkle with sand
arenar {v} :: to sand
arenaria {f} :: turnstone
arenaria {f} :: sandwort
Arenas {prop} :: surname
arenas movedizas {fp} :: quicksand
arenero {adj} [attributive] :: sand
arenero {m} :: sandbox
arenero {m} :: sand trap
arenero {m} :: sand dealer, sand vendor
arenero {m} [bullfighting] :: sand-keeper
arenga {f} :: sermon
arengar {v} :: to harangue
arenilla {f} :: stone, gallstone
arenisca {f} :: sandstone
arenisco {adj} :: sandy
areno {m} [organic chemistry] :: arene
arenoso {adj} :: sandy, arenose
arenque {m} :: herring
areola {f} [anatomy] :: areola (the coloured circle around a nipple)
aréola {f} :: alternative form of areola
areolar {adj} [anatomy] :: areolar (relating to areolae)
arepa {f} :: A pancake made out of cornmeal and often filled with meat
arepa de choclo {f} :: A kind of corn pancake, most common in Colombia
arepera {f} [Latin America] :: arepa seller
arepera {f} [Latin America, derogatory, slang] :: lesbian
arepita {f} :: diminutive of arepa
Arequipa {prop} :: Arequipa (region)
Arequipa {prop} :: Arequipa (province)
Arequipa {prop} :: Arequipa (city/provincial capital)
arequipe {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: dulce de leche
arequipeña {f} :: feminine noun of arequipeño
arequipeño {adj} :: Of or from the Arequipa region of Peru
arequipeño {m} :: An inhabitant of the Arequipa region of Peru
Ares {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Ares (the god of war)
aretalogía {f} :: aretology
arete {m} [Latin America, Philippines] :: earring
aretito {m} :: diminutive of arete
arévaca {f} :: feminine noun of arévaco
arévaco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Arevaci
arévaco {m} :: a member of the Arevaci
arevalista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or supporting, Juan José Arévalo, Guatemalana politician
arevalista {mf} :: A supporter of Juan José Arévalo
Arévalo {prop} :: surname
a rey muerto, rey puesto {phrase} :: out with the old, in with the new
a rey muerto, rey puesto {phrase} :: the king is dead, long live the king
arfil {m} :: obsolete form of alfil
argalí {m} :: argali (largest species of wild sheep in the world)
argamasa {f} :: mortar, cement
argán {m} :: argan
argaña {f} :: weed
arganeo {m} [nautical] :: anchor ring
argárico {adj} [archaeology] :: Argaric
Argel {prop} :: Argel (capital city)
Argelia {prop} {f} :: Argelia (country)
argelina {f} :: feminine noun of argelino
argelino {adj} :: Algerian (of or pertaining to the nation of Algeria)
argelino {adj} :: Algerian (of or pertaining to the city of Algiers, Algeria)
argelino {m} :: Algerian (native or citizen of the nation of Algeria)
argelino {m} :: Algerian (native or citizen of Algiers, Algeria)
argén {m} [heraldry] :: argent
argentar {v} :: to silver-plate
argénteo {adj} [formal] :: silver, silvery
argéntico {adj} [attributive] :: silver
argentífero {adj} :: argentiferous
argentífero {f} :: oversampling
argentina {f} :: feminine noun of argentino
Argentina {prop} {f} :: Argentina (country)
argentine {mf} [gender-neutral, neologism] :: Argentinian (person)
argentinidad {f} :: Quality or condition of being Argentinian
argentinismo {m} :: Argentinism (language characteristic of Argentina)
argentino {adj} :: silver, silvery
argentino {adj} :: Argentinian, Argentine
argentino {m} :: Argentinian (person)
argentita {f} [mineral] :: argentite
argento {m} [poetic, rare] :: silver
arginina {f} :: arginine
argiva {f} :: feminine noun of argivo
argivo {adj} [Ancient Greece] :: Argive (of, from or pertaining to Argos)
argivo {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Argive (person from Argos)
Argo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Argo (mythical ship)
Argólide {prop} :: Argolis
argolla {f} :: large ring, hoop
argolla {f} :: staple
argolla {f} [games] :: croquet
argolla {f} :: ring
argolla {f} :: ringlet
argolla {f} [baseball] :: scoreless inning
argón {m} :: argon
argonauta {m} :: Argonaut
argonauta {m} :: argonaut
argot {m} :: slang, argot
argucia {f} :: sophistry
Argüelles {prop} :: surname
argüende {m} [Mexico] :: gossip
argüende {m} [Mexico] :: struggle, dispute
argüende {m} [Mexico] :: noisy event, happening or action
argüendear {v} [Mexico] :: to gossip
argüir {v} :: to infer, imagine
argüir {v} :: to argue
argumentable {adj} :: arguable
argumentación {f} :: argument
argumental {adj} :: argumental
argumental {adj} :: plot, storyline
argumentalmente {adv} :: arguably
argumentar {v} :: to dispute
argumentar {v} :: to argue (make a case for a point of view)
argumentario {m} :: sales pitch
argumentativo {adj} :: argumentative
argumentista {mf} :: screenwriter; scriptwriter
argumento {m} :: argument
argumento {m} :: plot, story line
aria {f} [music] :: aria (a musical piece written typically for a solo voice with orchestral accompaniment in an opera or cantata)
aria {f} :: female equivalent of ario
ariano {m} :: Arian (one whose star sign is Aries)
Arias {prop} :: surname
Arica {prop} {m} :: Arica (province)
Arica {prop} {m} :: Arica (city/provincial capital)
aridad {f} :: arity
aridez {f} :: aridity, dryness
aridización {f} :: aridification
árido {adj} :: arid
Ariel {prop} {m} :: given name of biblical origin
arienzo {m} :: a certain type of old coin from Castille
Aries {prop} {m} [astronomy, astrology] :: Aries (constellation)
Aries {prop} {m} [astrology] :: Aries (zodiac sign)
arietar {vt} [rare] :: to ram (strike with an implement)
ariete {m} :: battering ram
ariete {m} [soccer] :: striker
arilo {m} :: aril
arilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: aryl
-ario {suffix} :: -ary
ario {adj} :: Aryan
ario {m} :: Aryan
ariqueña {f} :: feminine noun of ariqueño
ariqueño {adj} :: Of or from Arica
ariqueño {m} :: Someone from Arica
arisco {adj} :: shy, skittish
arisco {adj} :: unsociable, untalkative
arista {f} [architecture] :: arris
arista {f} [geometry] :: edge (place where two faces of a polyhedron meet)
arista {f} [geology] :: arête
aristado {adj} :: aristate
Aristipo {prop} {m} :: Aristippus (founder of the sensual hedonistic philosophical school of Cyrenaicism in Cyrene)
aristocracia {f} :: aristocracy
aristócrata {mf} :: aristocrat
aristocráticamente {adv} :: aristocratically
aristocrático {adj} :: aristocratic
Aristófanes {prop} {m} :: Aristophanes
aristofanesco {adj} :: Aristophanean
aristofánico {adj} :: Aristophanean
aristoloquia {f} :: birthwort
Aristóteles {prop} {m} :: Aristotle
Aristóteles {prop} {m} :: Aristoteles
aristotélico {adj} :: Aristotelian
aristotélico {m} :: Aristotelian (a disciple of Aristotle)
aristotelismo {m} :: Aristotelianism
aritenoideo {m} :: arytenoid
aritmancia {f} :: arithmancy
aritmética {f} [mathematics] :: arithmetic (mathematics of numbers, etc.)
aritmética {f} :: female equivalent of aritmético
aritméticamente {adv} :: arithmetically
aritmético {adj} :: arithmetic, arithmetical
aritmético {m} :: arithmetician
aritmología {f} [maths] :: arithmology
aritmomancia {f} :: alternative form of aritmancia
aritmomanía {f} :: arithmomania
arito {m} :: diminutive of aro
Arizona {prop} {f} :: Arizona (state)
arizoniana {f} :: feminine noun of arizoniano
arizoniano {adj} :: Arizonan
arizoniano {m} :: Arizonan
Arjánguelsk {prop} {m} :: Arjánguelsk (city)
arjorán {m} :: Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum)
Arkansas {prop} {m} :: Arkansas (state)
arkansina {f} :: feminine noun of arkansino
arkansino {adj} :: Arkansan
arkansino {m} :: Arkansan
arlequín {m} :: buffoon, jester
arlequinado {adj} :: harlequinesque
arlesino {adj} :: From Arles
arlesino {m} :: Someone from Arles
arltiano {adj} [attributive] :: Of or relating to Roberto Arlt
arma {f} :: weapon, arm
arma biológica {f} :: biological weapon
arma blanca {f} :: bladed weapon; knife, sword etc
armada {f} :: navy
armada {f} :: fleet
arma de destrucción masiva {f} :: weapon of mass destruction
arma de doble filo {f} :: See: en arma de doble filo
arma de doble filo {f} [idiomatic] :: double-edged sword
arma de dos filos {f} :: synonym of arma de doble filo
arma de fogueo {f} :: flare gun
arma de fogueo {f} :: starting pistol
arma de fuego {f} :: firearm
armadijo {m} :: trap, snare (for catching game or birds)
armadillo {m} :: armadillo
armadillo andino {m} :: Andean hairy armadillo
armadillo de nueve bandas {m} :: nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus)
armado {adj} :: armed
armador {m} [nautical] :: shipowner
armadora {f} :: female equivalent of armador
armadura {f} :: armour
armadura {f} :: frame, framework
armadura {f} :: skeleton
Armagedón {prop} {m} :: Armageddon
arma homicida {f} :: murder weapon
armamentismo {m} :: arming; build-up of arms (weaponry)
armamentista {adj} [attributive] :: arms, weaponry
armamentístico {adj} [attributive] :: arms, weaponry
armamento {m} :: armament, weaponry, weapons, arms
armamento {m} :: equipment
Armando {prop} {m} :: given name
arma nuclear {f} :: nuclear weapon
arma química {f} :: chemical weapon
armar {v} :: to arm (supply with weapons)
armar {v} :: to arm (provide with tools or skills)
armar {v} :: to assemble
armar {v} :: to organize, get going
armar {v} :: to provoke; stir up
armar {v} :: to set up; instal
armar {v} :: to load (a weapon)
armar {vr} :: to stock up
armar {vr} :: to balk
armar {vr} :: to pluck up
armar hasta los dientes {v} [idiomatic] :: to arm to the teeth
armario {m} :: cupboard, storage cabinet, wardrobe
armario {m} :: closet
armario {m} :: locker
armar la de Dios es Cristo {v} [idiomatic] :: To raise hell, create an almighty fuss
armar la de san Quintín {phrase} :: to start a fight
armar la de san Quintín {phrase} :: to raise Cain
armarse {v} :: reflexive of armar
armarse la marimorena {v} [idiomatic] :: to throw a tantrum, to blow one's top, to blow a fuse
armarse un lío {v} [idiomatic] :: to get into a mess
armar un san Quintín {v} :: rare form of armar la de san Quintín
armatoste {m} :: hulky thing, big eyesore
armatoste {m} :: contraption
armazón {f} :: frame, framework
armazón {f} :: assemblage
armazón {m} :: frame, skeleton
armazón {m} :: housing, armature
armella {f} :: eyebolt
armella {f} [dated] :: a bracelet
armenia {f} :: feminine noun of armenio
Armenia {prop} {f} :: Armenia (country)
armenio {adj} :: Armenian (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet)
armenio {m} :: Armenian (person)
armenio {m} :: Armenian (language)
armera {f} :: feminine noun of armero
armería {f} :: armoury, armory
armería {f} :: gun shop
armero {adj} :: relating to the production of arms
armero {m} :: armorer
armero {m} :: gunsmith
armero {m} [soccer] :: A person connected with SD Eibar, a Spanish football team from the city of Eibar
armiguera {f} :: feminine noun of armiguero
armiguero {m} :: armsbearer
armilar {adj} :: armillary
armilla {f} :: diminutive of arma
armiño {m} :: ermine
armiño {m} [heraldry] :: ermine
armisticio {m} :: armistice
armón {m} :: caisson (two-wheeled military vehicle)
armonía {f} [music or figuratively] :: harmony
armónica {f} :: harmonica
armónica de cristal {f} :: glass harmonica
armónicamente {adv} :: harmoniously
armonicista {mf} :: harmonica player
armónico {adj} :: harmonic
armónico {m} [physics] :: harmonic
armónico {m} :: armónico (instrument)
armonio {m} :: harmonium
armoniosamente {adv} :: harmoniously
armoniosísimo {adj} :: superlative of armonioso
armonioso {adj} :: harmonious
armonioso {adj} :: balanced, proportionate
armoniquista {mf} :: alternative form of armonicista
armonista {mf} [archaic] :: musician
armonizable {adj} :: harmonizable
armonización {f} :: harmonization
armonizador {m} :: harmonizer
armonizar {v} :: to harmonize
armorial {adj} :: armorial
ARN {m} [genetics] :: RNA
Arnaiz {prop} {f} :: surname
ARN de transferencia {m} [biochemistry] :: transfer RNA (short-chain RNA)
arnedano {adj} :: Of or from Arnedo
arnedano {m} :: Someone from Arnedo
arnés {m} :: harness
árnica {f} :: arnica
ARNm {m} [biochemistry] :: mRNA (messenger RNA)
ARN mensajero {m} [biochemistry] :: messenger RNA (information carrying RNA)
ARNt {m} [biochemistry] :: tRNA (transfer RNA)
aro {m} :: hoop
aro {m} :: large ring
aro {m} [Argentina, Chile, Paraguay] :: earring
aro {m} :: arum lily
Aro {prop} :: surname
arola {f} :: soft-shell clam
aroma {m} :: aroma
aromar {vt} :: to scent
aromatasa {f} [enzyme] :: aromatase
aromaterapia {f} :: aromatherapy
aromaticidad {f} :: aromaticity
aromaticidad {f} [organic chemistry] :: aromaticity
aromático {adj} :: aromatic (fragrant)
aromático {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aromatic
aromatización {f} :: aromatization
aromatizante {m} :: flavoring
aromatizar {vt} :: to aromatise (to make aromatic)
aromoso {adj} :: aromatic
-aron {suffix} :: Denotes the indicative preterite in the third-person plural for regular verbs ending in -ar
-aron {suffix} :: Denotes the indicative preterite in the (formal) second-person plural for regular verbs ending in -ar
arousana {f} :: feminine noun of arousano
arousano {adj} :: Of, connected to, or nearby the Ría de Arousa
arousano {m} :: Someone from near the Ría de Arousa
arpa {f} :: harp (musical instrument)
arpa de boca {f} :: Jew's harp
arpado {adj} :: serrated, saw-toothed
arpegiar {v} :: to sing arpeggios
arpegio {m} [music] :: arpeggio (the notes of a chord played individually instead of simultaneously)
arpeo {m} :: grapple
arpeo {m} :: grappling hook
arpía {f} :: harpy
arpía {f} [vulgar, derogatory] :: bitch, vixen, shrew, harpy, termagant, harridan
arpillera {f} :: sackcloth
arpista {mf} :: harpist
arpón {m} :: harpoon
arponar {vt} :: to harpoon
arponear {vt} :: to harpoon
arponero {m} :: harpooner
arqueamiento {m} :: arching; bowing
arquear {vt} :: to arch
arquegonio {m} [botany] :: archegonium
Arquelao {prop} {m} [philosophy] :: Archelaus
arqueoastronomía {f} :: archeoastronomy
arqueoceto {m} :: archaeocete
arqueóloga {f} :: feminine noun of arqueólogo
arqueología {f} :: archaeology
arqueológicamente {adv} :: archeologically
arqueológico {adj} :: archeological
arqueólogo {m} :: archeologist
arquera {f} :: feminine noun of arquero
arquería {f} :: arcade (a row of arches)
arquero {m} :: archer
arquero {m} [sports, Latin America] :: goalkeeper
arqueta {f} :: small chest
arqueta {f} :: sump, catch-basin
arquetipal {adj} :: archetypal
arquetípico {adj} :: archetypal
arquetipo {m} :: archetype
arqui- {prefix} :: arch-, archi-
arqui {m} [colloquial] :: architect
arquidiocesano {adj} :: archdiocesan
arquidiócesis {f} :: archdiocese
arquiepiscopal {adj} :: archiepiscopal
arquilla {f} :: diminutive of arca
arquillo {m} [music] :: arch
Arquímedes {prop} {m} :: Archimedes
arquimediano {adj} :: Archimedean
arquitecta {f} :: feminine noun of arquitecto
arquitecto {m} :: architect
arquitectónicamente {adv} :: architecturally
arquitectónico {adj} :: architectural, architectonic
arquitectura {f} :: architecture
arquitectura {f} :: architectonics
arquitectural {adj} :: architectural
arquitrabe {f} [architecture] :: architrave
arquivolta {f} [architecture] :: archivolt (an ornamental molding or band following the underside of an arch)
arrabal {m} :: suburb
arrabalera {f} :: feminine noun of arrabalero
arrabalero {m} :: slumdog; person living in the slum or the poorer district of town
arrabalero {m} :: coarse or vulgar person
arrabalero {adj} [attributive] :: slum
arrabalero {adj} :: coarse; vulgar; uncouth
arrabalización {f} :: suburbanization
arrabalizar {v} [Dominican Republic] :: Of a city, to expand in a haphazard way with shoddy or cheap construction; to suburbanize
arrabiata {f} :: arrabbiata sauce or dish prepared with it
arrabio {m} :: pig iron
arracacha {f} :: a South American plant grown as a root vegetable, Arracacia xanthorrhiza
arracache {m} [Costa Rica] :: arracacha
arracada {f} :: earring (especially, one that hangs down, as opposed to a stud)
arrachera {f} [Mexico] :: the hanger steak, a beef cut from the diaphragm
arracimado {adj} :: clustered
arracimarse {v} :: to cluster
-arraco {suffix} :: A pejorative diminutive suffix
arráez {m} :: boss; chief (of Moors or other Arabic people)
arraigar {vi} :: to take root
arraigar {vt} :: to establish
arraigar {v} :: to settle
arraigo {m} :: rooting
arraigo {m} :: tradition
arraigo {m} :: property
arramblar {v} :: to steal, to make off with
arramplar {v} :: alternative form of arramblar
arrancable {adj} :: startable; runnable
arrancada {f} [weightlifting] :: snatch
arrancada {f} :: an act of pulling away
arrancador {m} :: bootloader
arrancamiento {m} :: pulling out; tearing off
arrancar {vt} :: to pull out
arrancar {v} :: to unsheathe (a sword, dagger, etc.)
arrancar {v} :: to rip, to tear
arrancar {v} :: to get going, get started
arrancar {v} :: to start (a machine)
arrancar {vr} :: to run away
arrancarse {v} :: reflexive of arrancar
arranchador {m} [Ecuador] :: thief
arranchar {v} [nautical] :: to skirt (the coast)
arranchar {vr} :: to get together (for a meal)
arrancón {m} [Mexico] :: synonym of arrancada
arranque {m} :: startup
arranque {m} [weightlifting] :: snatch
arranque {m} :: fit; spark (of emotion, e.g. jealousy, anger)
arrapiezo {m} [pejorative] :: ragamuffin, whippersnapper
arrapiezo {m} :: rag
arras {fp} :: downpayment
arrasador {adj} :: crushing, destructive
arrasamiento {m} :: razing
arrasamiento {m} :: devastation
arrasar {vt} :: to raze, level, to smooth
arrasar {vt} :: to lay waste to, to rampage, to devastate, to destroy, to obliterate
arrasar {vi} :: to triumph, to ace, to kill, to crush, to rock, to sweep, to kick ass (to be phenomenally successful)
arrasar {vi} :: to wipe out (+ con)
arrastracueros {m} [Cuba, Venezuela] :: foreigner
arrastrado {adj} :: dragged
arrastrado {adj} :: humiliated
arrastrado {adj} [formal, Latin America] :: servile
arrastrado {m} [colloquial, Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela] :: groveller, bootlicker, ass-kisser
arrastrado {m} [colloquial] :: try-hard, tryhard
arrastrado {m} [archaic] :: rascal, rogue
arrastrar {v} :: to drag
arrastrar {v} :: to pull, to tow, to haul
arrastrar {v} :: to incite
arrastrar {v} :: to sweep away (e.g., a river)
arrastrar {v} :: to to lug, to drag along, to drag down
arrastrar {vr} :: to crawl, to creep, to drag oneself
arrastrar {vr} :: to grovel
arrastrarse {v} :: reflexive of arrastrar
arrastre {m} :: trawling
arrastre {m} :: drift
arrastre {m} [bullfighting] :: The act of dragging the dead bull out of the arena
arrastrero {m} :: trawler (boat)
arrayán {m} :: myrtle
arre {interj} :: gee up, giddyup
arrea {interj} :: get moving!
arrear {v} :: to urge
arrear {v} :: to harness
arrear {v} :: to drive (cattle), herd
arrebañar {v} :: alternative form of rebañar
arrebatadamente {adv} :: passionately
arrebatado {adj} :: passionate
arrebatado {adj} :: impassioned
arrebatado {adj} :: flushed (color)
arrebatador {adj} :: captivating (beautiful)
arrebatador {m} :: robber, thief, snatcher
arrebatadoramente {adv} :: captivatingly
arrebatamiento {m} :: snatching, taking
arrebatamiento {m} :: rage, anger
arrebatar {v} [ditransitive] :: to snatch, wrest
arrebatar {vt} :: to captivate (with beauty)
arrebatar {vt} :: to take (a life)
arrebato {m} :: rage, anger
arrebato {m} :: outburst
arrebol {m} :: rouge (makeup)
arrebol {m} :: the red glow of the sky
arrebolada {f} :: group of red clouds
arrebolar {v} :: to redden
arrebolarse {v} :: to blush
arrebolarse {v} :: to put on rouge (makeup)
arrebujar {vtp} :: to wrap up
arrechera {f} [Venezuela] :: rage; anger
arrecho {adj} [vulgar] :: horny, randy
arrecho {adj} [vulgar, of a penis] :: erect, hard
arrecho {adj} [Venezuela, Colombia, colloquial] :: angry, pissed off
arrecho {adj} [Mexico, Central America, colloquial] :: brave, energetic
arrecho {adj} [colloquial] :: awesome, cool
arrecho {adj} [colloquial] :: difficult, hard
arrechucho {m} :: sudden downer; sudden loss of moral
arrechucho {m} :: outburst of anger
arreciar {v} [ergative] :: to intensify (get stronger, worse, more severe etc.)
arrecifal {adj} [attributive] :: reef
arrecife {m} :: reef
arrecife de coral {m} :: coral reef
arrecir {vt} :: to make something/someone numb with cold
arrecir {vr} :: to become numbed by cold, to be numbed by cold
arredrar {v} :: to frighten; to scare; scare off
arredrar {v} :: to separate, sort
arredro {adv} :: back, backward, aback
arregazar {v} :: to tuck in; hike up (a skirt, dress)
arregladito {adj} :: diminutive of arreglado
arreglador {adj} :: fixing
arreglador {adj} :: arranging
arreglador {m} :: fixer; repairer
arreglador {m} :: arranger
arregladora {f} :: feminine noun of arreglador
arreglar {v} :: to straighten
arreglar {v} :: to adjust
arreglar {v} :: to fix, to repair
arreglar {v} :: to arrange
arreglar {vr} :: to get ready
arreglar {vr} :: to get by, to make do
arreglárselas {v} [idiom] :: to cope, to make do, to get by, to get along, to manage
arreglín {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: agreement, arrangement, deal
arreglín {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: improvised fix
arreglín {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: quick makeup fix
arreglista {mf} [music] :: arranger
arreglito {m} :: diminutive of arreglo
arreglo {m} :: adjustment
arreglo {m} :: arrangement
arreglo {m} :: compromise
arreglo {m} :: grooming, personal care
arreglo {m} :: repair
arreglo {m} [computing] :: array
arrejuntarse {vr} [colloquial] :: to shack up (together)
arrellanarse {vr} :: to slump; sprawl (in a seat)
arrellanarse {vr} :: to be at ease
arremangar {v} :: to roll up (sleeves)
arrematar {v} :: alternative form of rematar
arremedar {v} :: to mock
arremeter {v} :: to lash out
arremeter {v} :: to lambaste, to lash out at (+ contra)
arremeter {v} :: to attack, to charge
arremolinar {vt} :: to swirl
arremolinar {vr} :: to pack together, to mill around
arremolinarse {v} :: reflexive of arremolinar
arrempujar {v} [obsolete] :: synonym of empujar
arrendable {adj} :: rentable (available for rent)
arrendador {m} :: tenant, lessee
arrendador {m} :: lessor
arrendadora {f} :: feminine noun of arrendador
arrendajo {m} :: jay, jaybird
arrendajo {m} :: Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)
arrendamiento {m} :: leasing, rental, lease
arrendar {vt} [Latin America] :: to rent
arrendar {vt} :: to tie a horse's reins to something
arrendar {v} :: rare form of arremedar
arrendataria {f} :: feminine noun of arrendatario
arrendatario {m} :: tenant, lessee (someone who rents a house, car etc.)
arrendatario {m} :: lessor renter
arreón {m} :: hurrah
arreos {mp} :: horse tack
arreos {mp} :: plural of arreo
arrepentido {adj} :: repentant
arrepentimiento {m} :: repentance
arrepentimiento {m} :: regret
arrepentimiento {m} :: repair made on a painting
arrepentirse {vr} [followed by de] :: to regret
arrepentirse {vr} :: to repent
arrestado {adj} :: arrested
arrestar {v} :: to arrest
arresto {m} :: arrest
arresto {m} :: boldness
arresto domiciliario {m} :: house arrest
arrezuz {m} :: liquorice (plant, confection)
arriacense {adj} :: from Guadalajara, Spain
arriacense {mf} :: someone from Guadalajara, Spain
Arriaga {prop} :: surname of Basque origin
Arriaga {prop} :: A name of various places in Spain
Arriaga {prop} :: Arriaga (town)
arriana {f} :: feminine noun of arriano
arrianismo {m} [theology] :: Arianism
arriano {adj} :: Arian
arriano {m} :: Arian
arriar {v} :: to flood
arriar {v} :: to lower [e.g. a flag]
arriate {m} [architecture] :: an elongated parterre (formal garden)
arriba {adv} :: above, over
arriba {adv} :: up; uphill; upstream; upstairs
arriba {interj} :: come on!
arriba {interj} :: hurray for (someone)!
arriba {interj} :: up with
arribar {v} [nautical] :: to dock
arribar {v} [literary] :: to arrive
arribismo {m} :: careerism (advance of one's social status at the expense of others)
arribista {mf} :: arriviste, social climber
arribo {m} :: arrival
arriendo {m} :: renting, leasing
arriendo {m} :: rent (payment)
arriera {f} :: female equivalent of arriero
arriería {f} :: muling; the state or practice of transporting goods by mules
arriero {m} :: a person who transports goods using pack animals
arriesgadamente {adv} :: riskily; unsafely
arriesgadísimo {adj} :: superlative of arriesgado
arriesgado {adj} :: risky, dangerous
arriesgado {adj} :: daring
arriesgar {v} :: to venture; to risk; to hazard
arriesgar {v} :: to endanger; to put at risk
arriesgar {v} :: to stake
Arrieta {prop} :: surname
arrimar {v} :: to draw near
arrimar {v} :: to hang up (give up doing an activity)
arrimar {v} :: to thwack; bash; hit
arrimar {vr} :: to live in sin
arrimar el ascua a su sardina {v} [idiomatic] :: to tip the balance in one's favour, look out for number one
arrimar el hombro {v} [idiom] :: to do one's bit; pitch in
arrimo {m} :: party wall
arrinconamiento {m} :: abandonment, neglect
arrinconar {v} :: to corner, to pin down
arrinconar {v} :: to shelve, abandon a project
arriñonado {adj} :: kidney-shaped; reniform
Arriola {prop} :: surname
arriolismo {m} :: the political beliefs of Pedro Arriola, a Spanish politician
arriostramiento {m} [architecture] :: bracing
arriostrar {v} [architecture] :: to brace
arriscar {v} :: to risk
arriscar {vr} :: to fall off a cliff
arritmia {f} :: arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
arrítmico {adj} [music] :: arrhythmic (without rhythm)
arrítmico {adj} [pathology] :: arrhythmic (suffering from cardiac arrhythmia)
arroba {f} :: An ancient unit of measure of weight or volume, still used in some contexts in Spain, Portugal and Latin America. The exact amount varies by country, region and the substance being measured, being e.g. about 11.5 kg in most of Spain but 16.3 kg in Aragon, 13 kg as measure of oranges in Valencia and 16.1 liters as measure of wine
arroba {f} :: at sign (the symbol @)
arrobamiento {m} :: glee; bliss; rapture
arrobar {v} :: to enrapture
arrocera {f} :: ellipsis of olla arrocera
arrocera {f} [Cuba] :: paddy, rice paddy (field where rice is grown)
arrocera {f} [Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay] :: rice mill
arrocera {f} :: feminine noun of arrocero
arrocería {f} :: restaurant serving rice dishes, for example paella
arrocero {adj} :: rice [attributive]
arrocero {adj} [of a person] :: who likes to eat rice; rice-loving
arrocero {m} :: rice farmer
arrocero {m} [slang, Venezuela] :: gatecrasher
arrodillar {vr} :: to kneel down
arrodillar {vt} :: to make someone kneel
arrodillarse {v} :: (reflexive of arrodillar) to kneel, to kneel down
arrogancia {f} :: arrogance
arrogante {adj} :: arrogant
arrogantemente {adv} :: arrogantly
arrogantísimo {adj} :: superlative of arrogante
arrogar {vt} [legal] :: to adopt
arrogar {vr} [ditransitive, usually] :: to ascribe, arrogate
arrogarse {v} :: reflexive of arrogar
arrogarse {v} :: to arrogate to oneself
arrojadizo {adj} [of a weapon] :: throwing; ranged
arrojado {adj} :: rash
arrojado {adj} :: bold, brave, fearless
arrojar {vt} :: to throw, to hurl, to toss, to fling (cause an object to move rapidly through the air)
arrojar {vt} :: to emit (to send out or give off)
arrojar {vt} :: to eject, to kick out (to compel (a person or persons) to leave)
arrojar {vt} :: to yield, to produce; to shed (light) on
arrojar {vt} :: to vomit
arrojar el guante {v} [idiom] :: to throw down the gauntlet
arrojar luz {v} [idiom] :: to shed light
arrojarse {v} :: reflexive of arrojar
arrojo {m} :: fearlessness; daring
arrollador {adj} :: dumbfounding, amazing, overwhelming
arrolladoramente {adv} :: overwhelmingly
arrollamiento {m} :: running over
arrollar {v} :: to dumbfound
arrollar {v} :: to roll, to roll away
arrollar {v} :: to sweep away
arrollar {v} :: to wind
arrollar {v} :: to run over, knock down
arromántica {f} :: feminine noun of arromántico
arromántico {adj} :: aromantic
arromántico {m} :: aromantic
arromar {vt} :: to make blunt, make dull
arroñar {v} [rare] :: To fall down or to break down, usually a building
arropar {vt} :: to tuck in
arropar {vt} :: to clothe
arrope {m} :: arrope
arrorró {interj} [Canary Islands] :: sleep well (my sweetheart)
arrorró {m} [Latin America] :: lullaby
arrostrar {vt} :: to face, to face up to (to confront a condition or situation)
arroyar {v} :: to form streams
arroyito {m} :: diminutive of arroyo
arroyo {m} :: stream, brook, creek [whether it flows year-round or only seasonally]
Arroyo {prop} :: surname
arroyuelo {m} :: brook (small stream)
arroz {m} :: rice (cereal plants, Oryza sativa of the grass family whose seeds are used as food)
arroz {m} :: rice (the seeds of this plant used as food)
arrozal {m} :: paddy, rice paddy (field where rice is grown)
arroz caldoso {m} :: A dish originating in Spain, made with broth and rice and various other ingredients
arroz cantonés {m} :: fried rice
arroz chaufa {m} :: alternative form of chaulafán
arroz con cosas {m} [humorous] :: paella made with nontraditional ingredients, such as chorizo
arroz con leche {m} :: A Spanish dessert made with rice, milk and sugar. It is similar to rice pudding
arroz negro {m} :: black rice
arroz rojo {m} :: A dish originating from Mexico, consisting of rice, tomato sauce and vegetables
arroz tres delicias {m} :: special fried rice (rice with prawns and other ingredients)
arruar {v} [of boars] :: to grunt
arrufo {m} [nautical] :: sheer (curve of deck)
arruga {f} :: wrinkle
arrugado {adj} :: wrinkled, wrinkly
arrugar {vt} :: to crease, to crumple
arrugar {vt} :: to wrinkle
arrugar {vr} :: to chicken out, back down, lose one's nerve
arruinado {adj} :: ruined
arruinar {v} :: to ruin
arruinarse {v} :: reflexive of arruinar
arrullar {v} :: to lull
arrullo {m} :: coo (of a bird, etc.)
arrullo {m} :: lullaby
arrumaco {m} :: flattery
arrumbar {v} :: to neglect
arrumbar {v} :: to cast aside
arrumbar {v} [nautical] :: to take the bearings
arsa {interj} [Andalusia] :: An expression of encouragement and approval
arsácida {mf} :: Arsacid
arsenal {m} :: arsenal (stock of weapons)
arsenal {m} :: arsenal (store or supply of anything)
arsenal {m} :: dockyard
arseniato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: arsenate
arsenical {adj} :: arsenical
arsénico {m} :: arsenic
arsenífero {adj} [geology] :: arseniferous (containing or producing arsenic)
arsenito {m} :: arsenite
arseniuro {m} :: arsenide
arseniuro de galio {m} :: gallium arsenide
arsenopirita {f} [mineral] :: arsenopyrite
arsi {m} :: Tocharian A
art decó {m} :: art deco
arte {mf} :: art
arte {mf} :: skill
arte abstracto {m} :: abstract art
artefacto {m} :: artefact
artejo {m} :: knuckle
artel {m} :: artel
arte marcial {m} :: martial art
artemarcialista {mf} :: martial artist
artemisa {f} :: artemisia, mugwort
Artemisa {prop} :: Artemisa (province)
Artemisa {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Artemis
artemiseña {f} :: feminine noun of artemiseño
artemiseño {adj} :: of or pertaining to the province of Artemisa, Cuba
artemiseño {m} :: someone from the province of Artemisa, Cuba
artemisia {f} :: alternative form of artemisa
artemisina {f} :: alternative form of artemisinina
artemisinina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: artemisinin
arte pobre {mf} [art] :: Arte Povera (Italian modern art movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s)
arte pobre {mf} :: See: es arte pobre
arte pop {m} [arts] :: pop art
arte povera {f} [art] :: Arte Povera (Italian modern art movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s)
arteramente {adv} :: slyly, cunningly
arteria {f} [anatomy] :: artery
artería {f} :: cunning; sly behaviour
arterial {adj} :: arterial; relating to an artery
arterioesclerótico {adj} :: alternative form of arteriosclerótico
arteriograma {f} :: arteriogram
arteriola {f} :: arteriole
arteriología {f} [anatomy] :: arteriology
arteriopatía {f} :: arteriopathy
arteriosclerosis {f} :: arteriosclerosis
arteriosclerótico {adj} [pathology] :: arteriosclerotic
arterioso {adj} :: arterial
arteriotrombótico {adj} :: arteriothrombotic
arteriovenoso {adj} :: arteriovenal
arteritis {f} [pathology] :: arteritis
artero {adj} :: artful, skillful
artero {adj} :: devious, cunning, sly, underhanded
artesa {f} :: kneading trough
artesana {f} :: feminine noun of artesano
artesanado {m} :: the artisan class
artesanal {adj} :: artisanal
artesanalmente {adv} :: artisanally
artesanía {f} :: handicraft, craftwork
artesano {adj} :: artisanal
artesano {m} :: artisan
artesiano {adj} :: artesian
artesonado {m} :: coffered ceiling
artesunato {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: artesunate (an antimalarial drug)
arteterapia {f} :: art therapy
Artiaga {prop} :: surname
ártico {adj} :: Arctic (of or pertaining to the Arctic)
Ártico {prop} {m} :: the Arctic
articulación {f} :: articulation
articulación {f} [anatomy] :: joint
articuladamente {adv} :: articulately
articulado {adj} :: articulate
articulador {adj} :: articulative (serving to articulate or express something)
articulador {m} :: articulator (one who, or that which, articulates)
articular {adj} :: articular
articular {v} :: to articulate
articular {v} :: to coordinate, to link
articulativo {adj} :: articulative (serving to articulate or express something)
articulatorio {adj} :: articulatory
articulismo {m} [journalism] :: the art of writing newspaper articles
articulista {mf} :: columnist (of a newspaper)
articulito {m} :: diminutive of artículo
artículo {m} :: article
artículo de consumo {m} :: commodity
artículo definido {m} [grammar] :: definite article
artículo determinado {m} [grammar] :: definite article
artículo indefinido {m} [grammar] :: indefinite article
artículo indeterminado {m} :: indefinite article
artífice {mf} :: craftsman, artificer
artificial {adj} :: artificial
artificialidad {f} :: artificiality
artificialmente {adv} :: artificially
artificiera {f} :: feminine noun of artificiero
artificiero {m} :: bomb-disposal technician (one who disarms explosives)
artificio {m} :: artifact (man-made object)
artificio {m} :: artifice, trick
artificio {m} :: craft
artificio {m} :: skill
artificiosamente {adv} :: affectedly
artificiosidad {f} :: cunningness
artificioso {adj} :: skillful, cunning
artiga {f} :: land cleared for agriculture
artiguense {adj} :: of or from Artigas
artiguense {mf} :: someone from Artigas
artiguismo {m} :: the political ideology of Uruguayan leader José Gervasio Artigas
artiguista {adj} :: of or pertaining to José Gervasio Artigas
artiguista {mf} :: a supporter of José Gervasio Artigas
artillado {m} :: technical (vehicle)
artillar {v} :: to artillerize
artillería {f} :: artillery
artillero {adj} [attributive] :: artillery
artillero {m} :: artilleryman
artillero {m} [Bolivia] :: drunkard
artilugio {m} :: contraption, device
artimaña {f} :: trap, snare (in hunting)
artimaña {f} :: wile, trick, ruse, chicanery (something designed to fool)
artiodáctilo {m} :: artiodactyl
artista {mf} :: artist
artísticamente {adv} :: artistically
artisticidad {f} :: artisticness
artístico {adj} :: artistic
artivista {mf} :: artivist (a person who engages in artivism)
artralgia {f} [pathology] :: arthralgia
artrítico {adj} :: arthritic
artritis {f} [pathology] :: arthritis
artritis reumatoide {f} [medicine] :: rheumatoid arthritis
artro- {prefix} :: arthro-
artrocentesis {f} [medicine] :: arthrocentesis
artrodesis {f} [surgery] :: arthrodesis
artrogriposis {f} :: arthrogryposis
artrología {f} [anatomy] :: arthrology
artropatía {f} [pathology] :: arthropathy
artroplastia {f} :: arthroplasty
artrópodo {m} :: arthropod
artroscopia {f} [surgery] :: arthroscopy
artroscopía {f} :: alternative form of artroscopia
artroscópico {adj} :: arthroscopic
artroscopio {m} :: arthroscope
artroscopista {mf} [medicine] :: arthroscopist (one who carries out arthroscopy)
artrósico {adj} :: osteoarthritic
artrosis {f} :: osteoarthritis
artrosis {f} :: arthrosis
artúrico {adj} :: Arthurian
Arturo {prop} {m} :: given name
Aruba {prop} {f} :: Aruba (autonomous territory)
arubano {adj} :: Aruban
arubano {m} :: Aruban
arubeño {adj} :: Aruban
arubeño {m} :: Aruban
arúgula {f} :: arugula
Aruküla {prop} :: Aruküla (small borough)
aruñar {v} :: alternative form of arañar
aruquense {adj} :: Of or from the municipality of Arucas, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands
aruquense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the municipality of Arucas, Las Palmas in the Canary Islands
arúspice {mf} :: haruspex (one who practices divination by inspecting entrails)
arveja {f} :: vetch
arveja {f} [Latin America, Canary Islands] :: pea
arvejo {m} [botany] :: common vetch, garden vetch, tare, vetch (Vicia sativa)
arvejón {m} [botany] :: Spanish vetchling (Lathyrus clymenum)
arvejón {m} [botany] :: yellow vetch, smooth yellow vetch (Vicia lutea)
arvejón {m} [botany] :: common vetch, garden vetch, tare, vetch (Vicia sativa)
arvense {adj} :: growing in weeds
arverja {f} :: alternative form of arveja
arverno {m} [historical] :: Arverni
ARYM {prop} {f} :: FYROM (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
Arzadun {prop} {f} :: surname
arzobispado {m} :: archbishopric (the rank or office of an archbishop)
arzobispado {m} :: archbishopric (the jurisdiction of an archbishop)
arzobispal {adj} :: archepiscopal
arzobispo {m} :: archbishop
arzón {m} :: saddle bow
-as {suffix} :: suffix indicating the second-person singular present indicative of -ar
-as {suffix} :: suffix indicating the second-person singular present subjunctive of -er verbs and -ir verbs
as {m} [card games] :: an ace (in a game of cards)
as {m} :: an ace, a hotshot (somebody very proficient at an activity)
as {m} :: an as#Noun (a Roman coin)
-asa {suffix} [biochemistry] :: -ase (used to form names of enzymes)
asa {f} :: handle of a vessel or container
asá {adv} [nonstandard, humorous] :: like that (in the second manner specified)
a saber {adv} [idiomatic] :: namely, i.e., to wit; that is to say
a sabiendas {adv} [idiomatic] :: knowingly; on purpose; knowing full well
asadera {f} :: roasting pan
asadero {adj} :: roasting (used for rosting)
asadero {m} :: grill (device or place for roasting)
asadero {m} :: roaster
asadero {m} :: rotisserie
asadero {m} [Mexico] :: a type of cheese
asadito {m} :: diminutive of asado
asado {adj} :: roast
asado {adj} :: broiled
asado {m} :: roast, barbeque
asado de tira {f} :: short ribs
asador {m} :: roaster, spit
asador {m} :: restaurant specialising in roast meat
asadura {f} :: offal
asaeteador {m} :: archer
asaeteadora {f} :: feminine noun of asaeteador
asaetear {vt} :: to attack, pierce, kill with arrows
asaetear {vt} [figurative] :: to harrow
asalariado {adj} :: salaried, with a salary
asalariar {v} :: to salary; put on the payroll
asaltabancos {m} :: bank robber
asaltacunas {mf} [slang, pejorative] :: cradle snatcher, cradle robber
asaltante {mf} :: raider, burglar
asaltar {v} :: to assault, to assail, to attack
asaltar {v} :: to storm
asaltar {v} [figuratively] :: to strike suddenly (a thought, an illness, death, etc.)
asalto {m} :: assault (violent onset or attack with physical means)
asalto {m} :: mugging, robbery (quick violent robbery of a person)
asalto {m} [boxing] :: round (one of the specified pre-determined segments of the total time of a match)
asalto {m} :: coup (coup d'état)
a salto de mata {adv} [idiom] :: haphazardly
a salvo {adv} :: safe
asamblea {f} :: assembly, meeting
asambleario {adj} :: assembly [attributive]
asamblearismo {m} :: The constant holding of assemblies
asambleísta {mf} :: member of an assembly
asana {m} :: asana
a sangre fría {adv} [idiomatic] :: in cold blood (in a ruthless and unfeeling manner)
asar {vt} :: to roast
asar {v} :: to pester, to plague
asar {vr} :: to be roasting, to feel very hot
asarona {f} [organic compound] :: asarone
asarse {v} :: reflexive of asar
asatru {prop} {m} :: Asatru
asaz {adv} [literary] :: very, exceedingly
asbesto {m} :: asbestos
asbestosis {f} [pathology] :: asbestosis
asca {m} [mycology] :: ascus
ascacoyote {m} :: anteater
ascania {f} :: feminine noun of ascanio
ascanio {adj} :: Ascanian
ascanio {m} :: Ascanian
ascaridol {m} [organic compound] :: ascaridole
ascendencia {f} :: ancestry
ascendencia {f} :: ascendancy
ascendente {adj} :: ascending, upward
ascendentemente {adv} :: upwardly; upwards; on a rising scale
ascender {v} :: to ascend, to mount, to climb
ascender {v} [business] :: to advance
ascender {v} [of status] :: to rise
ascendiente {mf} :: ancestor; forefather
ascendiente {mf} :: ascendancy
ascensión {f} :: ascension
Ascensión {prop} {f} :: given name
ascenso {m} :: ascent
ascenso {m} :: promotion (in particular, a work promotion)
ascenso {m} :: rise
ascensor {m} [not used in Mexico] :: elevator, lift
ascensorista {mf} :: liftier
asceta {mf} :: ascetic
ascético {adj} :: ascetic
ascetismo {m} :: asceticism
ascidia {f} :: ascidian; sea squirt
ascitis {f} [medicine] :: ascites
Asclepio {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Asclepius (Greek god of medicine and healing)
asco {m} :: disgust
asco {m} :: nausea
asco {m} :: alternative form of asca
ascocarpo {m} [mycology] :: ascocarp
ascomiceto {m} :: ascomycete
asconder {v} :: obsolete form of esconder
ascorbato {m} [organic compound] :: ascorbate
ascórbico {adj} :: ascorbic
ascorbilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: ascorbyl
ascospora {f} :: ascospore
ascua {f} :: ember
as de guía {m} :: bowline
Asdi {prop} {f} :: Sida, Agencia Sueca de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo
asdingos {mp} :: Hasdingi
Asdrúbal {prop} {m} :: given name
aseado {adj} :: tidy, neat
asear {vt} :: to clean, to tidy up
a secas {adv} [idiom] :: only, purely, just plain
asechanza {f} :: ruse, beguilement, trap
asechar {vt} :: to trick, to lure, to set a trap on
asediador {m} :: besieger
asediadora {f} :: feminine noun of asediador
asediar {vt} :: to besiege, to beleaguer (to beset or surround with armed forces for the purpose of compelling to surrender)
asediar {vt} :: to bother, to pester
asedio {m} :: siege
aseguración {f} :: insuring
asegurado {adj} :: made certain
asegurador {adj} [attributive] :: insurance
asegurador {m} :: insurance agent; insurer
aseguradora {f} :: insurance (company)
aseguradora {f} :: female equivalent of asegurador
aseguramiento {m} :: assurance
aseguranza {f} [obsolete] :: safety, protection
aseguranza {f} [US Spanish, proscribed] :: insurance; insurance company
asegurar {vt} :: to secure (to make fast; to close or confine effectually)
asegurar {vt} :: to assure (to give (someone) confidence in the trustworthiness of)
asegurar {v} :: to claim, to maintain
asegurar {vt} :: to ensure, to guarantee (to make a pledge to someone)
asegurar {vr} :: to make sure, to ensure (to take care that something happens)
asegurar {vt} :: to insure (to provide for compensation if some specified risk occurs)
asegurarse {v} :: reflexive of asegurar
Aselita {prop} {f} [very, rare] :: given name
asemblar {v} [obsolete] :: to assemble, to bring together
asemejar {v} :: to make similar
asemejar {vr} :: to be similar
asenderear {vt} :: to make paths; to trailblaze
asenderear {vt} :: to hound
asenso {m} :: assent, agreement
asentaderas {fp} :: backside; derriere
asentadero {m} :: seat (place on which to sit)
a sentadillas {adv} [idiom] :: sidesaddle
asentado {adj} :: settled
asentado {adj} :: permanent, stable
asentador {m} :: dealer, middle man
asentadora {f} :: female equivalent of asentador
asentamiento {m} :: agreement, settlement, resolution
asentamiento {m} :: settlement, habitation
asentar {vp} :: to settle (as in inhabit)
asentar {v} :: to set up; to settle
asentar {v} :: to secure; to lay
asentarse {v} :: reflexive of asentar
asentimiento {m} :: assent, agreement
asentimiento {m} :: consent
asentir {vi} :: to nod (to incline the head up and down, as to indicate agreement)
asentir {vi} :: to agree, to consent
asentista {mf} :: supplier
aseo {m} :: cleaning
aseo {m} :: tidiness
aseo {m} :: toilet
asepsia {f} :: asepsis
aséptico {adj} :: aseptic
aséptico {adj} :: unemotional
asequibilidad {f} :: affordability
asequible {adj} :: affordable
asequible {adj} :: attainable
asequible {adj} :: feasible
Aser {prop} :: Asher (Biblical character and tribe)
aserción {f} :: assertion
aserción {f} [legal] :: averment
aserradero {m} :: sawmill
aserrar {vt} :: to saw
aserrín {m} :: sawdust
aserrío {m} :: synonym of aserradero
asertivamente {adv} :: assertively
asertividad {f} :: assertiveness
asertivo {adj} :: assertive
aserto {m} :: affirmation, assertion
asesina {f} :: feminine noun of asesino
asesinado {adj} :: murdered, slain
asesina en serie {f} :: feminine noun of asesino en serie
asesinar {vt} :: to murder
asesinato {m} :: murder, homicide
asesinato {m} :: assassination
asesino {adj} :: murderous, homicidal (intending, or likely to commit murder)
asesino {m} :: murderer, killer, assassin (person who commits murder)
asesino {m} :: traitor
asesino a sueldo {m} :: hitman
asesino en serie {m} :: serial killer (person who commits multiple murders)
asesor {m} :: advisor, consultant
asesora {f} :: female equivalent of asesor
asesora del hogar {f} [Chile] :: maid; housemaid
asesoramiento {m} :: advice, counsel
asesorar {v} :: to advise
asesorar {v} :: give legal advice to; give professional advice to
asesorar {v} [pronomial, with de or con] :: to seek advice
asesoría {f} :: consultancy
asesoría {f} :: consultant's office
asestar {v} :: to aim (to direct or point a weapon)
asestar {v} :: to shoot
asestar {v} :: to inflict
aseveración {f} :: assertion, contention
aseverar {v} :: to assert (state positively)
asexuado {adj} :: sexless
asexual {adj} :: asexual
asexual {mf} :: asexual
asexualidad {f} :: asexuality
asexualmente {adv} :: asexually
asfaltar {vt} :: to pave
asfaltero {adj} [attributive] :: asphalt
asfáltico {adj} :: asphalt
asfalto {m} :: asphalt
asférico {adj} :: aspheric
asfíctico {adj} :: asphyctic
asfixia {f} [pathology] :: asphyxia
asfixiante {adj} :: suffocating, asphyxiating
asfixiar {vt} :: to asphyxiate, to suffocate
asfódelo {m} :: asphodel (any of the flowering plants of the genus Asphodelus)
asgardiana {f} :: female equivalent of asgardiano
asgardiano {m} :: Asgardian
asháninka {adj} :: Asháninka
asháninka {mf} :: Asháninka
asheninka {adj} :: Ashéninga
asheninka {mf} :: Ashéninga
asheninka {m} :: Ashéninga (language)
ashkenazí {adj} :: alternative form of asquenazí
ashkenazí {mf} :: alternative form of asquenazí
así {adv} :: like this; like that; as such; thus; so; thereby; this way, that way
así {adv} [followed by a subjunctive clause] :: Used to express wishes of misfortune against someone, or to cast a spell
Asia {prop} {f} :: Asia (continent)
Asia del Este {prop} {f} :: East Asia (the Far East)
Asia del Sur {prop} {f} :: South Asia
Asia Menor {prop} {f} :: Asia Minor
así así {adj} [idiomatic] :: so-so
así así {adv} [idiomatic] :: so-so
Asia Sudoeste {f} :: Southwest Asia
asiática {f} :: female equivalent of asiático
asiático {adj} :: Asian
asiático {m} :: Asian (person from or descended from people from the Indian sub-continent)
así como {conj} :: as, just as, in the same manner
así como {conj} :: as well as
así como así {adv} [idiomatic] :: willy-nilly
así como así {adv} [idiomatic] :: just like that
asidero {m} :: handle; hold (something to grab)
asidero {m} [climbing] :: hold
asiduamente {adv} :: assiduously
asiduidad {f} :: assiduity, assiduousness
asiduo {adj} :: frequent, regular
asiduo {adj} :: assiduous
asiento {m} :: seat
asiento {m} :: sediment, deposit
asiento {m} :: treaty, pact
asiento {m} :: foundation
asiento {m} :: register office, registry
asiento {m} :: stability
asiento {m} :: common sense
asiento {m} [nautical] :: trim (manner in which a boat floats)
así es la vida {phrase} :: c'est la vie, that's life, such is life
asignable {adj} :: assignable
asignación {f} :: allowance, salary
asignado {adj} :: assigned
asignado {adj} :: allocated
asignado {m} [historical] :: assignat (a banknote used during the French Revolution)
asignador {m} :: allocator
asignar {v} :: to assign
asignataria {f} :: feminine noun of asignatario
asignatario {m} [Latin America] :: heir
asignatura {f} :: class, subject (particular area of study)
asilada {f} :: feminine noun of asilado
asilado {m} :: asylee
asilante {adj} :: asylum
asilante {mf} :: asylum seeker
asilar {vt} :: to provide asylum
asilo {m} :: shelter, refuge
asilo {m} :: asylum (political)
asilo {m} :: asylum (home)
asilvestrarse {vr} :: to become wild or feral
asimesmo {adv} :: obsolete form of asimismo
asimetría {f} :: asymmetry
asimétricamente {adv} :: asymmetrically
asimétrico {adj} :: asymmetrical
asimiento {m} :: seizing, grabbing
asimilable {adj} :: understandable
asimilación {f} :: assimilation
asimilacionismo {m} :: assimilationism
asimilar {v} :: to assimilate, to absorb, to take in, to digest, to grasp
asimilar {v} :: to sink in, to wrap one's head around
asimismo {adv} :: likewise (expressing continuity or similarity)
a simple vista {adv} [idiom] :: to the naked eye
a simple vista {adv} [idiom] :: at first glance
asín {adv} :: obsolete form of así
asincronía {f} :: asynchrony
asincrónico {adj} :: asynchronous
asíncrono {adj} :: asynchronous
asíndeton {m} [rhetoric] :: asyndeton
asinino {adj} :: asinine
asinino {adj} :: donkey (attributive)
asintomáticamente {adv} :: asymptomatically
asintomático {adj} :: asymptomatic
asíntota {f} [geometry] :: asymptote
asintóticamente {adv} :: asymptotically
asintótico {adj} :: asymptotic
así pues {adv} [idiomatic] :: thus; hence
así que {conj} :: so
así que nada {phrase} :: that's it, that's all
asir {vt} :: to grab; to seize
asir {vt} :: to cling to
asir {vr} :: to grab; to seize
asiria {f} :: feminine noun of asirio
Asiria {prop} {f} :: Assyria (Semitic Akkadian kingdom)
asirio {m} :: Assyrian
asirio {adj} :: Assyrian
Asís {prop} {m} :: Asís (city/and/province)
asistencia {f} :: attendance (the state of attending)
asistencia {f} [uncountable] :: audience (a large gathering of people listening to or watching a performance, speech, etc.)
asistencia {f} :: assistance, aid, help
asistencia {f} [sport] :: assist (the act of helping another player score points or goals)
asistencia {f} [historical] :: a small branch mission of the Spanish missions in California
asistencial {adj} [adjectival] :: social security
asistencialismo {m} :: state welfarism
asistencialista {adj} [attributive] :: welfare (financial aide provided by the government)
asistencia sanitaria {f} :: healthcare
asistenta {f} :: feminine noun of asistente
asistente {mf} :: assistant
asistido {adj} :: mechanically assisted
asistidor {m} [rare] :: assister
asistidora {f} :: feminine noun of asistidor
asistir {v} :: to attend [an event]
asistir {v} :: to assist
asistolia {f} :: asystole
así y todo {adv} [idiomatic] :: nonetheless, nevertheless
Asjabad {prop} :: Asjabad (capital)
askarel {m} :: askarel
askenazí {adj} :: alternative form of asquenazí
askenazí {mf} :: alternative form of asquenazí
asma {f} [pathology] :: asthma
Asmara {prop} :: Asmara (capital city)
asmática {f} :: feminine noun of asmático
asmático {adj} :: asthmatic
asmático {m} :: asthmatic
asmonea {f} :: feminine noun of asmoneo
asmoneo {adj} :: Hasmonean
asmoneo {m} :: Hasmonean
asnal {adj} :: asinine (relating to donkeys)
asnal {adj} :: brutish, bestial
asnejón {m} :: ass, dolt, idiot
asnejona {f} :: feminine noun of asnejón
asnico {m} :: diminutive of asno
asnillo {m} :: diminutive of asno
asno {m} :: donkey, ass
asno {m} [slang, pejorative] :: dumbass; ass
a so capa {adv} [obsolete, idiom] :: secretly
asociable {adj} :: associable
asociación {f} :: association
asociación {f} :: partnership
asociacionismo {m} :: associativity, community
asocial {adj} :: asocial
asociar {v} :: to associate
asociarse {v} :: reflexive of asociar
asociatividad {f} :: associativity
asociativo {adj} :: associative
asolador {adj} :: devastating
asolamiento {m} :: devastation; ravaging; destruction
asolar {vt} :: to ravage, destroy
asolar {vt} :: to dry up; to parch
a solas {adv} [idiomatic] :: on one's own, alone
asoleamiento {m} [obsolete] :: sunlight (especially, sunlight in a building)
asolear {v} :: to sun
asolerado {adj} :: traditional
asomar {v} :: to show
asomar {v} :: to peep up; to peep out
asomar {v} :: to come up; to come out
asomar {vr} :: to go out; to appear
asomarse {vr} :: to lean
asombrado {adj} :: astonished
asombrar {v} :: to amaze
asombrar {v} :: to astonish, to astound
asombrarse {v} :: (reflexive of asombrar)
asombro {m} :: amazement, astonishment, stupefaction
asombro {m} :: wonder, awe wonderment
asombro {m} :: fear, dread
asombro {m} :: amazing thing, dread or astonishing person or thing, prodigy
asombrosamente {adv} :: shockingly, astonishingly
asombroso {adj} :: amazing, wondrous, breathtaking (inspiring awe, wonder or admiration)
asombroso {adj} :: amazing, astonishing, staggering, astounding, stunning, surprising, startling, stupefying (bewildering with surprise)
asombroso {adj} :: uncanny (unsettled by experiencing something strange, unusual or otherworldly)
asomo {m} :: appearance
asomo {m} :: hint, trace, sign, shadow (small amount)
asonada {f} :: uprising
asonancia {f} [prosody] :: assonance
asonantar {v} :: to assonate
asonante {adj} :: assonant
asonante {f} :: assonant
a son de qué {phrase} :: how come?; what for?
asordar {vt} :: to deafen
aspa {f} :: cross, St. Anthony's cross
aspa {f} :: blade in windmills or wind turbines
aspa {f} :: z-shaped figure
aspa {f} :: spool, reel [yarn]
aspa {f} :: wheel
aspa {f} :: vane, sail [of windmill]
aspa {f} [mining] :: intersection of two veins
aspa {f} [South America] :: horn
aspa {f} [heraldiccharge] :: saltire
aspa {f} :: hasp
aspar {v} :: to reel; wind up
aspar {v} :: to crucify (torture or execute on a cross)
aspar {v} :: to vex; bother; wind up; get someone's goat
aspar {vr} :: to get wound up
aspar {vr} :: to bust one's butt; to make great effort
asparagina {f} [amino acid] :: asparagine
aspartame {m} :: aspartame
aspartamo {m} [organic compound] :: aspartame
aspartato {m} [organic compound] :: aspartate
aspártico {adj} :: aspartic
aspaventero {adj} :: excited
aspaventoso {adj} :: synonym of aspaventero
aspaviento {m} [also in the plural] :: fuss, ado
aspectado {adj} :: Having a certain outlook
aspecto {m} :: appearance, look
aspecto {m} :: aspect
aspectual {adj} [grammar] :: aspectual (of or pertaining to grammatical aspect)
aspense {adj} :: Of or from Aspe
aspense {mf} :: Someone from Aspe
ásperamente {adv} :: harshly
aspereza {f} :: roughness, harshness, coarseness
aspereza {f} :: asperity
aspergilo {m} [mycology] :: aspergillus
aspergiloma {m} [pathology] :: aspergilloma
aspergilosis {f} [pathology] :: aspergillosis
asperilla {f} :: woodruff
asperísimo {adj} :: superlative of áspero
asperjar {vt} :: to sprinkle
áspero {adj} :: rough (not smooth; uneven)
aspérrimo {adj} :: superlative of áspero
aspersión {f} :: spraying
aspersor {adj} :: sprinkling
aspersor {m} :: sprinkler (device used to spray water in the air)
aspersorio {m} :: aspergillum (holy water sprinkler)
aspi {m} :: aspie (person with Asperger's syndrome)
áspid {m} :: asp
aspillera {f} :: embrasure; arrow hole
aspiración {f} :: aspiration, suction
aspiracional {adj} :: aspirational
aspirada {f} :: aspirate
aspirado {adj} :: aspirated, aspirate
aspirador {m} :: alternative form of aspiradora
aspirador {m} :: aspirator
aspirador {adj} :: inhaling
aspiradora {f} :: vacuum cleaner
aspirante {adj} :: aspiring
aspirante {mf} :: aspirant
aspirante {mf} :: pretender, wannabe
aspirar {vt} :: to inhale
aspirar {v} :: to aspire, to desire to be
aspirar {v} :: to vacuum
aspirina {f} :: aspirin
aspro {m} :: A particular Turkish currency; the asper
asqueado {adj} :: nauseous, disgusted
asqueante {adj} :: sickening; horrific
asquear {vit} :: to disgust, to cause disgust
asquenazí {adj} :: Ashkenazi
asquenazí {mf} :: Ashkenazi
asquerosamente {adv} :: disgustingly
asquerosete {adj} :: icky, yucky
asquerosidad {f} :: something that is disgusting or nasty
asquerosidad {f} :: filthiness, nastiness
asquerosito {adj} :: diminutive of asqueroso
asqueroso {adj} :: disgusting
asquiento {adj} [Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Peru] :: disgusting, repugnant
Assam {prop} :: Assam (state)
Asseliense {prop} :: Asselian
assí {adv} :: obsolete spelling of así
assimismo {adv} :: obsolete spelling of asimismo
asta {f} :: flagstaff, flagpole
asta {f} :: horn (a hard growth of keratin that protrudes from the top of the head of certain animals)
asta {f} :: shaft, handle
asta {f} :: lance; pike
astado {adj} :: horned (having horns)
astado {m} :: bull
Astaná {prop} :: Astaná (capital)
astato {m} :: astatine
astaxantina {f} [organic compound] :: astaxanthin
astenosfera {f} :: asthenosphere
astenósfera {f} :: alternative form of astenosfera
áster {m} [cytology] :: aster (star-shaped structure formed during the mitosis of a cell)
asterácea {f} :: aster
asterisco {m} :: asterisk
asterismo {m} [astronomy] :: asterism, constellation (small group of stars)
Astérix {prop} {m} :: Asterix (the comic character)
astero {m} :: member of the Hastati
asteroide {m} [astronomy] :: asteroid
asteroide {adj} :: starlike, star-shaped
astifino {adj} [of a bull] :: thin-horned
astigmatismo {m} [optics] :: astigmatism (defect of a lens such that it doesn’t have a focal point)
astigmatismo {m} [ophthalmology] :: astigmatism (inability of the eye to focus)
astil {m} :: shaft (of an arrow)
astilla {f} :: splinter
astilla {f} [usually, in the plural] :: kindling
astilladora {f} :: woodchipper
astillar {vt} :: to splinter
astillarse {v} :: reflexive of astillar
astillero {m} :: shipyard, boatyard (for initial construction)
astillero {m} :: dockyard (for repair ships and boats)
astillero {m} :: rack for the storage of lances and other polearms
astilloso {adj} :: splintery, easily splintered, subject to breaking into sharp slender pieces
Astorga {prop} {f} :: Astorga (city)
astorgana {f} :: feminine noun of astorgano
astorgano {adj} :: Of or from Astorga
astorgano {m} :: Someone from Astorga
astorismo {m} :: The political beliefs, or support, of Danilo Astori, Uruguayan politician
astorista {mf} :: A supporter of Danilo Astori, Uruguayan politician
astracán {m} :: astrakhan
Astracán {prop} {m} :: Astracán (city/and/region)
astracanada {f} :: A kind of slapstick theatre common in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century
astrafobia {f} :: astraphobia
astragalino {adj} [anatomy] :: astragalar
astragalo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: astragalo-
astrágalo {m} [skeleton] :: anklebone; talus
astragalocalcáneo {adj} [anatomy] :: astragalocalcaneal
astragaloescafoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: astragaloscaphoid
astragalonavicular {adj} [anatomy] :: astragalo-navicular
astragaloperoneo {adj} [anatomy] :: astragalofibular
astral {adj} :: astral
astrapoterio {m} :: astrapothere
astreñir {v} :: alternative form of astringir
astringencia {f} :: astringency
astringente {adj} :: astringent
astringente {m} :: astringent
astringir {v} :: to constrict
astringir {v} :: to compel
astriñir {v} :: alternative form of astringir
-astro {suffix} :: Used to form nouns with a pejorative or lower meaning
astro- {prefix} :: astro-
astro {m} :: cosmic body, celestial body
astro {m} :: star (famous person)
astrobióloga {f} :: feminine noun of astrobiólogo
astrobiología {f} :: astrobiology
astrobiólogo {m} :: astrobiologist
astroblema {m} [geology] :: astrobleme
astrocito {m} :: astrocyte
astrocitoma {f} :: astrocytoma
astrofísica {f} :: feminine noun of astrofísico
astrofísica {f} :: astrophysics
astrofísico {adj} :: astrophysical
astrofísico {m} :: astrophysicist
astrofotografía {f} :: astrophotography
astrogación {f} :: astrogation
astroide {m} [geometry] :: astroid
astrol. {f} :: abbreviation of astrología
astrolabio {m} :: astrolabe
astróloga {f} :: feminine noun of astrólogo
astrología {f} :: astrology
astrológico {adj} :: astrological (pertaining to astrology)
astrólogo {m} :: astrologer
astromecánico {adj} :: astromech
astrometría {f} :: astrometry
astrométrico {adj} :: astrometric
astromóvil {m} :: rover; planetary rover
astronauta {mf} :: astronaut, spaceman
astronáutica {f} :: astronautics
astronáutico {adj} :: astronautic
astronave {f} :: spaceship; starship
astrónoma {f} :: feminine noun of astrónomo
astronomía {f} :: astronomy
astronómicamente {adv} :: astronomically
astronómico {adj} :: astronomic, astronomical
astrónomo {m} :: astronomer
astro rey {m} :: The Sun
astroso {adj} :: dirty, unkempt
astroso {adj} :: unfortunate, ill-fated
astroturismo {m} :: astrotourism
astucia {f} :: cunning, guile, slyness, craftiness, cunningness, wiliness, canniness
astucia {f} :: astuteness
astur {adj} :: Asturian
astur {adj} :: Astur
asturiana {f} :: feminine noun of asturiano
asturianismo {m} :: Asturianism
asturianista {mf} :: A person with pro-Asturias feelings
asturianizar {v} :: to make Asturian
asturiano {adj} :: Asturian
asturiano {m} :: Asturian
asturiano {m} :: Asturian (language)
Asturias {prop} {fp} :: Asturias (autonomous community/and/province)
Asturias {prop} {fp} [historical] :: Asturias (mediaeval kingdom)
asturleonés {adj} :: Astur-Leonese, relating to Asturias and León
asturleonés {m} :: An Astur-Leonese person
asturleonés {m} :: Astur-Leonese
astutamente {adv} :: astutely, shrewdly
astuto {adj} :: cunning, crafty, sly, wily, slick, foxy, artful
astuto {adj} :: astute, shrewd, smart, clever, canny
astuto {adj} :: sneaky
asuán {m} [Philippines, folklore] :: A vampirelike ghoul from Philippine myth
Asuero {prop} {m} :: Ahasuerus
asueto {m} :: rest, time off (period of time where one is not required to work)
a su hora {adv} [idiomatic] :: at the right time, on time
asumible {adj} :: acceptable
asumir {v} [of a duty or position] :: to assume, take on
asuncena {f} :: feminine noun of asunceno
asunceña {f} :: feminine noun of asunceño
asunceno {adj} :: Of or from Asunción, Paraguay
asunceno {m} :: Someone from Asunción, Paraguay
asunceño {adj} :: Of or from Asunción, Paraguay
asunceño {m} :: Someone from Asunción, Paraguay
asunción {f} :: the Assumption
asunción {f} :: assumption, succession to the throne
Asunción {prop} {f} :: given name
Asunción {prop} {f} :: Any of a number of places, including Asunción (capital city)
asuntillo {m} :: diminutive of asunto
asunto {m} :: matter, issue
asunto {m} :: affair (a romantic relationship)
asunto {m} :: business
asuntos exteriores {mp} :: foreign affairs
a sus anchas {adj} [idiomatic] :: at home, at ease
a sus pies {phrase} [idiom] :: at one's fingertips
asustadísimo {adj} :: superlative of asustado
asustadizo {adj} :: easily scared
asustado {adj} :: scared
asustador {adj} :: frightening
asustar {vt} :: to scare, to frighten, to spook
asustar {vt} :: to freak out (somebody), to creep out
asustar {vt} :: to startle
asustar {vr} :: to be scared, frightened
asustar {vr} :: to freak out, to get freaked out, to panic
asustarse {v} :: reflexive of asustar
a su vez {adv} :: in turn (accordingly, similarly)
A.T. {prop} {m} :: initialism of Antiguo Testamento OT (Old Testament)
AT {prop} {m} :: OT (Old Testament)
-ata {suffix} :: feminine noun of -ato
-ata {suffix} :: feminine singular of -ato
atabal {m} :: atabal
atabascano {adj} :: Athabascan
atacable {adj} :: attackable, vulnerable
atacado {adj} :: affronted
atacador {adj} :: attacking, offensive
Atacama {prop} :: Atacama (desert)
Atacama {prop} :: Atacama (region)
atacameña {f} :: feminine noun of atacameño
atacameño {adj} :: Atacaman
atacameño {m} :: Atacaman
atacante {adj} :: attacking
atacante {mf} :: attacker
atacar {vti} :: to attack
atacar {vti} :: to engage (enter into conflicted with)
atacar {vt} :: to assail
atadito {m} :: diminutive of atado
atado {adj} :: tied, tied up, tied down
atado {adj} :: confused
atado {adj} :: timid
atado {adj} :: biased
atado {m} :: bundle
atado {m} [rare, obsolete] :: coward
atadura {f} :: fastening, binding, tie, tying up, bondage, attachment
atadura {f} [figuratively] :: attachment, bond, tie
atadura {f} :: tether (item for tying up animals)
atafarra {f} :: obsolete form of ataharre
ataharre {m} :: crupper
atahualpista {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or supporting, Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor
atahualpista {mf} :: A follower of, or soldier in the army of, Atahualpa
atajacaminos {m} :: Any of a number of species of nighthawks or nightjars
atajar {v} [Latin America] :: to catch
atajar {v} [Spain] :: to stop
atajar {v} [Spain] :: to block
atajar {v} [Spain] :: to intercept
atajar {v} :: to take a short cut
atajar {v} :: to tackle (deal with attempting to overcome a problem)
atajo {m} :: shortcut, cutoff
atal {adj} :: obsolete form of tal
atalaje {m} :: headband, fixation
atalaya {f} :: watchtower
atalaya {f} :: height
Atalaya {prop} :: Atalaya (province)
atalayar {v} :: to watch from a high vantage point
atalayar {v} :: to spy on
atamán {m} :: ataman (a title of Cossack leaders)
atambor {m} :: obsolete form of tambor
átame {f} :: athame, athamé
atañer {v} [impersonal] :: to concern
atanor {m} :: water pipe
ataque {m} :: attack (an attempt to damage an opponent or enemy)
ataque {m} [sports] :: attack, offensive
ataque {m} [pathology] :: attack (the sudden onset of a disease or condition)
ataque {m} :: attack (an attempt to detract from the worth or credibility of someone)
ataque {m} [phonology] :: onset of a syllable
ataque al corazón {m} :: heart attack
ataque cardiaco {m} :: heart attack
ataque de nervios {m} :: nervous breakdown
ataque de pánico {m} :: panic attack
ataquillo {m} :: diminutive of ataque
atar {vt} :: to tie, tie up, tie down, to tether (secure (something) by rope or the like)
atarantar {vt} :: to daze
ataraxia {f} :: ataraxia
atarazana {f} [nautical] :: shipyard, dockyard
atarazar {vt} :: to bite
atar cabos {v} [idiom] :: to put A and B together (put the pieces together)
atar cabos {v} [idiom] :: to tie up loose ends
atardecer {m} :: late afternoon, sunset, dusk, evenfall, nightfall
atardecer {vi} [impersonal] :: to draw towards evening, to grow late, to get dark
atareadísimo {adj} :: superlative of atareado
atareado {adj} :: busy; overworked
atarear {vt} :: to task
atarear {vr} :: to devote oneself to a task or occupation
atarjea {f} :: sewage pipe
atar los perros con longaniza {v} [idiomatic] :: To be very abundant; to have streets paved with gold; to be the land of milk and honey
atarraga {f} [obsolete] :: hammer
atarragar {vtr} [Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, usually] :: to wolf down
atarragar {vt} [obsolete] :: to hit with a hammer
atarraya {f} :: fishing net
atarse {v} :: reflexive of atar
atarugar {vt} :: to peg down, nail down
atarugar {vt} :: to block up; hole up
atarugar {vt} :: to stuff
atarugar {vt} :: to wind up; peeve
atarugar {vt} :: to stuff (with food)
atarugar {vrp} :: to stuff oneself (with food)
atarugar {vrp} :: to choke
atascadero {m} :: stumbling block
atascamiento {m} :: blockage, jam
atascar {vt} :: to jam, obstruct
atascar {vr} :: to get stuck
atascarse {vr} :: to stick, to become stuck
atasco {m} :: jam (blockage)
ataúd {m} :: coffin, casket
ataúd {m} [chiefly Latin America] :: a metal or (lined) wooden oven for roasting or smoking food outdoors [compare caja china]
ataviar {v} :: to dress
ataviar {v} :: to adorn
atávico {adj} :: atavistic
atávico {adj} :: ancestral
atávico {adj} :: age-old
atavío {m} :: apparel; clothing
atavismo {m} :: atavism
ataxia {f} [pathology] :: ataxia
ataxita {f} [mineral] :: ataxite
ate {m} :: a kind of Mexican jelly candy made by cooking fruit pulp, usually from guava, quince, peach or prickly pear
atea {f} :: feminine noun of ateo
ateísmo {m} :: atheism
ateísta {adj} :: atheistic
ateísta {mf} :: atheist
atelaje {m} :: conjunction of draught animals, carriage
atelectasia {f} [pathology] :: atelectasis
atelier {m} :: atelier
atelofobia {f} :: atelophobia
atemorización {f} :: frightening
atemorizador {adj} :: alarming, frightening
atemorizante {adj} :: frightening, chilling
atemorizar {vt} :: to scare, frighten
atemoya {f} :: atemoya
atemperar {vt} :: to temper (to moderate or control)
atemporal {adj} :: atemporal, timeless
atemporalidad {f} :: timelessness
atenacear {vt} :: to rip out with pincers
atenacear {v} :: alternative spelling of atenazar
Atenas {prop} {f} :: Atenas (capital city)
atenazar {vt} [literally] :: to hold in place (especially by means of a clamp, vice, etc.)
atenazar {vt} [figuratively] :: to grip, paralyse (especially fear)
atención {f} :: attention
atención {f} :: courtesy, favor
atencional {adj} [psychology] :: attentional
atender {vt} :: to pay attention to (something); to attend to (something)
atender {vt} :: to care for (someone, especially the ill)
atender {vt} :: to comply with (some rule)
atender {vi} :: to pay attention; to mind
atendible {adj} :: significant, valid (worthy of consideration)
Atenea {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Athena (Greek goddess)
ateneísta {adj} :: relating to cultural associations
ateneísta {mf} :: a member of a cultural association
ateneo {m} :: cultural association
ateneo {m} :: cultural association's headquarters
atener {v} :: to maintain, to keep (a tradition, etc.)
atener {v} :: to stand by, to stick to, to abide by (+ a)
atenerse {vr} :: to abide by, to stick to, to stand by
atenerse {vr} :: to rely
ateniense {adj} :: Athenian
ateniense {mf} :: Athenian
atentado {adj} [dated] :: moderate, prudent
atentado {m} :: violent attack, bombing
atentado {m} :: attempt (e.g. an attempt on somebody's life)
atentador {m} :: assassin, terrorist
atentado suicida {m} :: suicide attack
atentamente {adv} :: attentively
atentamente {adv} :: politely
atentamente {adv} :: best regards (polite closing of a letter)
atentar {vi} :: to commit a violent or criminal attack, to strike
atentar {vt} [obsolete] :: to touch
atentar {v} :: synonym of tentar
atentatorio {adj} [legal] :: contravening, that goes against, posing a threat to
atentísimamente {adv} :: superlative of atentamente
atentísimo {adj} :: superlative of atento
atento {adj} :: attentive
atento {adj} :: polite, courteous
atento {adj} :: thoughtful
atenuación {f} :: attenuation
atenuador {m} :: attenuator
atenuamiento {m} :: attenuation
atenuante {adj} :: extenuating
atenuantes {fp} {mp} :: mitigating circumstances
atenuar {v} :: to attenuate
atenuar {v} :: to extenuate
ateo {adj} :: atheist
ateo {m} :: atheist
atepocate {m} [Mexico] :: tadpole
aterciopelado {adj} :: velvety (made of velvet)
aterectomía {f} :: atherectomy
aterido {adj} :: numb with cold
aterir {vt} :: to numb with cold
aterirse {v} :: reflexive of aterir
ateroesclerosis {f} :: alternative form of aterosclerosis
ateroma {m} :: atheroma
aterosclerosis {f} [pathology] :: atherosclerosis
aterosclerótico {adj} :: atherosclerotic
aterrador {adj} :: terrifying
aterradoramente {adv} :: terrifyingly
aterraje {m} :: landing (where a boat lands)
aterraje {m} :: landing (of an aircraft)
aterramiento {m} :: fright
aterramiento {m} :: covering with silt, soil or earth
aterramiento {m} :: earthing up
aterrar {vt} :: to bring down, to ground
aterrar {v} :: to cover with earth, soil, sand, etc
aterrar {vi} :: to land
aterrar {vt} :: to scare
aterrazamiento {m} :: terracing
aterrazar {vt} :: to terrace
aterrizador {m} [spacecraft] :: lander
aterrizaje {m} :: landing (of an airplane)
aterrizaje forzoso {m} [aviation] :: emergency landing
aterrizar {vi} :: to land (e.g. an airplane)
aterrizar {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to come back to reality, to stop dreaming
aterrorizante {adj} :: terrifying
aterrorizar {v} :: to terrify
aterrorizarse {v} :: reflexive of aterrorizar
atesar {vt} :: synonym of tesar
atesar {vt} :: obsolete form of atiesar
atesoramiento {m} :: hoarding; amassing
atesoramiento {m} :: gaining; gain
atesoramiento {m} :: treasuring
atesorar {v} :: to hoard
atesorar {v} :: to treasure
atestación {f} :: attestation
atestado {m} [law] :: affidavit
atestado {m} [linguistics] :: attested
atestar {v} :: to pack
atestar {v} [legal] :: to attest
atestiguar {v} :: to attest, to testify
atezado {adj} :: tanned
atezar {vt} :: to tan
Athanasia {prop} {f} :: given name
athonita {adj} :: Athonite
athonita {mf} :: Athonite
atiborrado {adj} :: crowded
atiborrar {v} :: to crowd
atiborrar {v} :: to stuff
atiborrar {vr} :: to stuff oneself (with food)
Ática {prop} {f} :: Ática (peninsula/and/historical region)
Ática {prop} {f} :: Ática (region)
ático {adj} :: Attic (of, from or relating to Attica, a region of Greece)
ático {m} :: Attic (Ancient Greek dialect spoken in Attica)
ático {m} :: penthouse, loft, attic
a tiempo {adv} :: in time, at the opportune moment
a tiempo {adv} :: on time, in time, not late
a tientas {adv} :: blindly (without seeing, touching shapes for orientation)
Atienza {prop} {f} :: Atienza (locality)
Atienza {prop} {f} :: surname
atiesar {vt} :: to tighten
atigrado {adj} :: brindled
atigrado {adj} :: tabby
Atil {prop} :: Atil (municipality)
Atila {prop} {m} :: Attila (king of the Huns)
atildado {adj} :: dapper; elegant
atildar {vt} :: to clean up, to tidy
atildar {vt} :: to place a tilde over
atinadamente {adv} :: correctly, rightly
atinar {vi} :: to be accurate; hit the target; get (something) right
atinar {vi} :: to meet, cross paths (with)
atinente {adj} [formal] :: relating to
atingente {adj} :: relevant, pertinent
atipia {f} [pathology] :: atypia
atípicamente {adv} :: atypically
atipicidad {f} :: atypicality
atípico {adj} :: atypical
atiplado {adj} [sound] :: high-pitched
atirantar {vt} :: to tighten
a tiro {adv} :: in range (of a target to shoot)
a tiro {adv} :: within reach (of a goal, ambition etc.)
a tiro hecho {adv} [idiomatic] :: certain to hit the target
a tiro hecho {adv} [idiomatic] :: purposefully
atisbar {v} :: to spy on
atisbar {v} :: to watch, observe
atisbar {v} :: to glimpse, see confusedly
atisbarse {v} :: reflexive of atisbar
atisbo {m} :: inkling
atisbo {m} :: glimpse
atizador {m} :: poker (for fire)
atizar {vt} :: to stir, fan, poke, rouse, stoke
Atlanta {prop} {f} :: Atlanta (capital city)
atlante {m} [architecture] :: atlas (figure of a man used as a column)
atlante {mf} :: Atlantean (native or resident of legendary island of Atlantis)
atlante {adj} :: Atlantean (of or pertaining to the legendary island of Atlantis)
atlantés {adj} :: Atlantan (of or pertaining to Atlanta, Georgia)
atlantés {m} :: Atlantan (native or resident of Atlanta, Georgia)
atlantesa {f} :: feminine noun of atlantés
atlántico {adj} :: Atlantic (pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean)
Atlántico {prop} {m} :: short for océano Atlántico
Atlántida {prop} {f} :: Atlántida (legendary city)
atlantista {adj} :: NATO
atlantista {mf} :: a NATO supporter
atlas {m} [cartography] :: atlas (a bound collection of maps often including tables, illustrations or other text)
atlas {m} [anatomy] :: atlas (the uppermost vertebra of the neck)
Atlas {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Atlas (titan who holds the sky)
Atlas {prop} {mp} :: Atlas (range)
atleta {mf} :: athlete (competitor in a sport)
atleta {mf} :: a physically fit person
Atleti {prop} {m} :: Atlético Madrid, a soccer team from Madrid
atleticismo {m} [rare] :: athleticism
atlético {adj} :: athletic
Atlético {prop} {m} :: Club Atlético de Madrid, a football team from Madrid, Spain
atletismo {m} :: athletics
atletismo {m} [sport] :: track and field
atlista {adj} :: Of or relating to Club Atlas, a football club from Guadalajara, Mexico
atlista {mf} :: Someone # connected to Club Atlas, as a fan, coach, player etc
Atmán {m} :: atman
atmo- {prefix} :: Pertaining to air
atmófilo {m} :: atmophile
atmosfera {f} :: alternative form of atmósfera
atmósfera {f} :: atmosphere
atmosféricamente {adv} :: atmospherically
atmosférico {adj} :: atmospheric
-ato {suffix} :: forms an institution from a noun stem
-ato {suffix} :: forms the corresponding action of a noun
-ato {suffix} :: indicates a baby of a specific animal
-ato {suffix} :: Forms adjectives of quality
-ato {suffix} :: Denotes the office of a noun stem
-ato {suffix} [chemistry] :: -ate [designates a salt or ester related to an acid]
a tocateja {adv} :: cash, in cash
atocha {f} :: esparto (grass)
a toda costa {adv} [idiomatic] :: at all costs
a toda hora {adv} [idiom] :: around the clock, at all hours
a toda leche {adv} [idiom] :: at top speed, quick as a flash
a toda luz {adv} [idiomatic] :: by any reckoning
a toda máquina {adv} [idiom] :: at top speed, quick as a flash, full steam ahead, at full speed, going all out
a toda pastilla {adv} [idiom] :: at top speed, quick as a flash
a todas horas {adv} [idiom] :: around the clock, at all hours
a todas luces {adv} [idiomatic] :: by any reckoning
a toda vela {adv} [idiomatic] :: at full speed
a todo cerdo le llega su san Martín {proverb} :: every dog has its day
a todo color {adj} [idiomatic] :: multicolored
a todo gañote {adv} [idiom, Venezuela] :: at the top of one's voice
a todo gas {adv} [idiom] :: at full throttle
a todos los efectos {adv} [idiomatic] :: for all intents and purposes
a todo trance {adv} [idiom] :: at all costs
atol {m} [Central America] :: alternative form of atole
atole {m} [Mexico] :: atole, a thick, sweet, corn-based drink or gruel served hot
atolito {m} :: diminutive of atol
atolladero {m} :: traffic jam, jam, gridlock
atolladero {m} :: quagmire, mire, tricky situation
atolladero {m} [figuratively] :: logjam
atollarse {v} :: to get stuck in the mud
atolón {m} [geography] :: atoll
atolondradamente {adv} :: recklessly, foolishly
atolondrado {adj} :: rash, foolish, reckless
atolondrado {adj} :: confused
atolondramiento {m} :: bewilderment, confusion
atolondrar {vt} :: to fluster, to confuse
a tomar por culo {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, colloquial] :: to fuck, screw (disregard)
a tomar por culo {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, colloquial] :: fuck you, take a long walk on a short pier, go jump in the lake, go away, go to hell
a tomar por culo {phrase} [idiomatic, vulgar, colloquial] :: middle of nowhere, arse end of nowhere
a tomar por el culo {adv} [idiomatic, vulgar, colloquial] :: miles away
a tomar por saco {phrase} :: euphemistic form of a tomar por culo
atómicamente {adv} :: atomically
atomicidad {f} :: atomicity
atómico {adj} :: atomic
atomismo {m} [psychology, philosophy] :: atomism
atomista {adj} :: atomistic
atomista {mf} [philosophy] :: atomist
atomización {f} :: atomization, fragmentation
atomizador {m} :: atomizer
atomizar {v} :: to atomize
atomizar {v} :: to atomize, spray
átomo {m} [chemistry, physics] :: atom (the smallest possible amount of matter which still retains its identity as a chemical element)
atomoxetina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: atomoxetine
atonal {adj} [music] :: atonal
atonalidad {f} :: atonality
atonía {f} :: lethargy
atónito {adj} :: stunned, astonished
a tono {adv} [idiom] :: in tune
átono {adj} [phonetics] :: atonic
atontar {vt} :: to stupefy
a tontas y a locas {adv} [idiomatic] :: thoughtlessly, recklessly
a tope {adv} [idiom] :: to the max, flat out, to the full
atópico {adj} :: atopic
atoramiento {m} :: rush
atorar {v} :: to clog, clog up
atorgar {v} :: obsolete form of otorgar
atormentador {m} :: tormentor (someone who torments)
atormentador {adj} :: tormenting (that torments)
atormentar {vt} :: to torment
atornillador {m} [electronics, mechanics] :: screwdriver (electric)
atornillar {v} :: to screw
a toro pasado {adv} [idiomatic] :: in hindsight; after the fact
atorrante {adj} [Latin America] :: lazy
atorrante {mf} [Latin America] :: lazybones
atorrar {vi} [Argentina, colloquial] :: to sleep
atorvastatina {f} :: atorvastatin
atosigante {adj} :: worrying
atosigar {vt} :: to pester, harass
atosigar {vt} :: to poison
atovaquona {m} [pharmaceutical drug, organic compound] :: atovaquone
atrabiliario {adj} :: atrabilious
atrabiliario {adj} :: choleric
atrabilioso {adj} :: atrabilious
atracadero {m} :: pier
atracador {m} :: raider, robber
atracadora {f} :: feminine noun of atracador
atracar {v} :: to assault
atracar {v} [nautical] :: to berth, moor
atracar {v} :: to rob
atracar {v} [Chile, colloquial] :: to make out (kiss, touch erotically)
atracar {v} [Latin America] :: to harass
atracar {v} [Latin America] :: to beat, bash
atracar {v} [Caribbean] :: to park (a car)
atracar {v} [Latin America] :: to stuff (eat and drink in excess)
atracar {v} [Cuba, Costa Rica] :: to fraud
atracción {f} :: attraction, pull
atracción {f} [figuratively] :: pull, draw
atraco {m} :: mugging, robbery, holdup
atraco {m} :: assault
atraco {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: petting (erotical touching and kissing)
atracón {m} [colloquial] :: stuffing, pigging out (act of eating a lot)
atractivamente {adv} :: attractively
atractividad {f} :: attractiveness
atractivo {adj} :: attractive
atractivo {adj} :: engaging
atractivo {adj} :: appealing
atractivo {m} :: appeal, attractiveness, attraction
atractor {adj} :: attracting
atractor {m} :: attractor
atraer {v} :: to attract, to lure
atragantamiento {m} :: choke, choking
atragantar {vt} :: to choke
atragantarse {v} :: reflexive of atragantar
atraillar {vt} :: to leash
atrancar {v} :: to bar (secure shut with bars)
a trancas y barrancas {adv} [idiomatic] :: with great difficulty
atrapado {adj} :: caught, captured, trapped, stuck
atrapado {adj} :: caught up in
atrapamiento {m} :: entrapment
atrapamoscas {m} :: flytrap (plant)
atrapamoscas {m} :: flycatcher (bird)
atrapanovios {m} [Mexico] :: Chinese finger trap
atrapante {adj} :: captivating
atrapar {v} :: to capture
atrapar {v} :: to catch, to get
atrapasueños {m} :: dreamcatcher
atraque {m} [nautical] :: mooring
atrás {adv} :: behind
atrás {adv} :: back in time, ago
atrás {interj} :: get back, back off, back away
atrasadísimo {adj} :: superlative of atrasado
atrasado {adj} :: belated, tardy, delayed
atrasado {adj} :: backward (lagging behind in customs and technology)
atrasar {v} :: to delay
a trasmano {adv} [idiom] :: out of reach
a trasmano {adv} [idiom] :: out of the way
atraso {m} :: delay, lateness
atraso {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: arrears, arrear
atravesado {adj} :: transversal, cross, oblique
atravesamiento {m} :: crossing
atravesar {v} :: to cross, to traverse
atravesar {v} :: to pierce
a través de {adv} :: across
a través de {adv} :: through, via
atrayente {adj} :: attractive
atrebates {mp} :: Atrebates
atrecho {m} [Caribbean] :: shortcut
atreguar {vt} [obsolete] :: to form or grant a truce
a tresbolillo {adv} :: staggered (in rows)
atresia {f} [pathology] :: atresia
atrésico {adj} :: atretic
atrever {vp} :: to dare
atreverse {v} :: (reflexive of atrever) to dare
atrevidamente {adv} :: boldly, audaciously
atrevidísimo {adj} :: superlative of atrevido
atrevido {adj} :: daring, bold
atrevido {adj} :: risqué
atrevido {adj} [colloquial] :: edgy
atrevimiento {m} :: boldness
atrezo {m} :: alternative form of atrezzo
atrezzista {mf} :: prop maker
atrezzo {m} [theatre] :: props
atrial {adj} :: atrial
atribución {f} :: attribution
atribuible {adj} :: ascribable
atribuir {v} :: to assign
atribuir {v} :: to ascribe to, to attribute to, to chalk up to [+ a]
atribuirse {v} :: reflexive of atribuir
atribular {v} :: to afflict
atributivo {adj} [grammar] :: attributive
atributo {m} :: attribute
atrición {f} :: attrition
atrición {f} [pathology] :: bruise
atril {m} :: A stand for holding books, papers, etc.; music stand; bookstand
atril {m} :: lectern
atrilista {mf} :: orchestra member
atrincherado {adj} :: entrenched
atrincheramiento {m} :: entrenchment
atrincherar {v} :: to entrench
atrio {m} [architecture] :: atrium
atrio {m} [architecture] :: vestibule
atrio {m} [zoology] :: atrium
a troche y moche {adv} [idiom] :: all over the place; haphazardly
atrocidad {f} :: atrocity
atrocísimo {adj} :: superlative of atroz
atroden {adv} [vesre] :: inside
atrofia {f} :: atrophy
atrofiar {v} :: to cause atrophy
atrofiar {vr} [atrofiarse] :: to atrophy
atrofiarse {vr} [atrofiarse] :: to atrophy
atrófico {adj} :: atrophic
atrojar {vt} :: to store in a granary
a trompicones {adv} [idiom] :: in fits and starts
atronador {adj} :: thunderous
atronar {v} :: to thunder
atronar {v} :: to deafen; stun
atropar {v} :: to line up (troops)
atropelladamente {adv} :: hastily
atropellado {adj} :: hasty, in a rush
atropellamiento {m} :: the act of running over a person in a car
atropellar {vt} :: to run over; to drive over
atropellar {v} :: to be abusive, to bully
atropello {m} :: the act of running over a person in a car
atropello {m} :: aggravation, blow
atropina {f} :: atropine
atroz {adj} :: atrocious, horrible, appalling
atrozmente {adv} :: atrociously
Atte. {adv} :: abbreviation of atentamente (commonly used as part of the signature in letters and e-mails in Spanish speaking countries)
atto- {prefix} :: atto-
attogramo {m} :: attogram
atuendo {m} :: attire, clothing, dress
atuendo {m} :: pomp, ostentation
atufar {v} :: to vex
atufar {vi} :: to stink, to reek
atún {m} :: tuna (fish)
atún de zorra {m} :: A traditional preparation of tuna in Alicante, Spain
atunera {f} :: feminine noun of atunero
atunero {adj} :: tuna [attributive]
atunero {m} :: tuna fisherman
atunero {m} :: tuna fishing boat
aturar {vt} :: to close, to block
aturdidamente {adv} :: stunningly
aturdido {adj} :: bewildered, confused
aturdido {adj} :: reckless
aturdimiento {m} :: daze, stupor
aturdimiento {m} :: stupefaction
aturdir {v} :: to stun, to daze, to dumbfound
aturquesado {adj} :: turquoisey
aturrullar {v} :: to confound, bamboozle
aturullar {v} :: alternative form of aturrullar
atusar {vt} :: to trim
atusar {vt} :: to prune
atutía {f} :: tutty
a tutiplén {adv} [idiomatic] :: in abundance
Auckland {prop} :: Auckland (the largest conurbation in New Zealand)
audacia {f} :: audacity
audacia {f} :: boldness, daring
audaz {adj} :: audacious, bold, daring
audazmente {adv} :: boldly; daringly; audaciously (in an audacious manner)
audibilidad {f} :: audibility
audible {adj} :: audible
audición {f} :: hearing (the act by which something is heard)
audición {f} :: hearing (the sense used to perceive sound)
audición {f} :: public entertainment, show:
audición {f} :: concert (a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part)
audición {f} :: reading (an event at which written material is read aloud)
audición {f} :: recital
audición {f} :: audition (a performance, by an aspiring performer, to demonstrate suitability or talent)
audicionar {v} :: to audition
audiencia {f} :: audience
audiencia {f} :: a tribunal of justice of a defined territory which hears its problems, cases and lawsuits
Audiencia {prop} {f} :: The Audiencia Nacional, a high court of Spain
audiencia provincial {m} [Spain, legal] :: provincial tribunal
audífono {m} :: hearing aid
audífono {m} :: earphone
audímetro {m} :: audiometer
audio- {prefix} :: audio-
audio {m} :: audio
audiocomentario {m} :: audio commentary
audioguía {f} :: audio guide
audiolibro {m} :: audiobook
audiología {f} :: audiology
audiometría {f} :: audiometry
audiomotor {adj} :: audiomotor
audioprocesador {m} :: audio processor
audiopsicofonología {f} :: audio-psycho-phonology
audiovisual {adj} :: audiovisual
auditable {adj} :: auditable, verifiable
auditar {vt} :: to audit
auditivamente {adv} :: aurally
auditivo {adj} :: auditory
auditor {m} :: auditor (one who audits bookkeeping accounts)
auditora {f} :: female equivalent of auditor
auditoría {f} :: audit
auditorio {m} :: auditorium
auditórium {m} :: auditorium
auge {m} :: boom, rise, growth
auge {m} [also, figurative] :: peak, zenith, heyday
augita {f} [mineral] :: augite
augmentar {v} :: obsolete form of aumentar
Augsburgo {prop} {m} :: Augsburgo (city)
augur {m} :: augur
augural {adj} :: prophetic
augurar {v} :: to foretell
augurio {m} :: augury, omen, sign
augustamente {adv} :: augustly
augusteña {f} :: feminine noun of augusteño
augusteño {adj} :: Augustan (of or pertaining to Augusta, Georgia)
augusteño {adj} :: Augustan (of or pertaining to any other city or town named Augusta)
augusteño {m} :: Augustan (native or resident of Augusta, Georgia)
augusteño {m} :: Augustan (native or resident of any city or town named Augusta)
Augustín {prop} {m} :: given name, akin to Augustine.
augusto {adj} :: august
Augusto {prop} {m} :: given name
aula {f} :: classroom
aulaga {f} :: gorse (Ulex europaeus)
aulario {m} :: classrooms; classroom area
áulico {adj} :: aulic
aulita {f} :: diminutive of aula
aullador {m} :: howler
aulladora {f} :: feminine noun of aullador
aullar {v} :: to howl, bay
aullido {m} :: howl, howling, ook, yip, yelp, yap
aulós {m} :: aulos
a ultranza {adv} [idiom] :: to the extreme; to the utmost
aum. {n} :: abbreviation of aumentativo
aumentación {f} :: augmentation
aumentado {adj} :: augmented, increased
aumentador {m} :: augmenter
aumentadora {f} :: feminine noun of aumentador
aumentar {vi} :: to increase, grow
aumentar {vt} :: to increase, augment
aumentar {vt} :: to enhance
aumentarse {v} :: to accumulate; to increase
aumentarse {v} :: to augment
aumentativo {adj} [grammar] :: augmentative
aumentativo {m} [grammar] :: augmentative
aumento {m} :: increase
aumento {m} :: raise
aun {adv} :: even (implying an extreme example in the case mentioned)
aún {adv} :: still, yet
a uña de caballo {adv} [idiom] :: riding (a horse) as fast as one can
aunar {vt} :: to join; to merge
aunar {vr} :: to unite
aún así {adv} :: anyway, even so
a una voz {adv} [idiomatic] :: unanimously
aunque {conj} :: though, although, even though, albeit
aunque {conj} :: even if, irrespective of (followed by subjunctive verb form)
aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda {proverb} :: you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear
a un tiempo {adv} [idiomatic] :: at the same time
aúpa {interj} :: up! get up!
aúpa {interj} :: come on, attaboy!
aupar {vt} :: to lift or raise someone
aupar {vt} :: to praise, to extol
auquénido {m} :: laminoid
aura {f} :: aura
aura {f} :: The turkey vulture and related species in the genus Cathartes, carrion-eating birds native to the Americas
Aurelia {prop} {f} :: given name
Aureliano {prop} {m} :: given name
Aurelio {prop} {m} :: given name
áureo {adj} :: gold, golden
áureo {m} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: aureus
aureola {f} :: halo (luminous disc around the heads of saints)
aureola {f} [anatomy] :: areola
aureola {f} [astronomy] :: corona
aureolar {vt} :: to halo
aurgitano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Jaén, Spain
aurgitano {m} :: Someone from Jaén
auriazul {adj} [football] :: Of or pertaining to Club Universidad Nacional, a Mexican soccer club
aurícula {f} [anatomy] :: atrium (one of two upper chambers of the heart)
auriculado {adj} [obsolete] :: auriculate
auricular {adj} :: auricular (of or pertaining to the ear)
auricular {adj} :: auricular (of or pertaining to the sense of hearing)
auricular {m} [used in plural] :: earphones [a pair of small loudspeakers worn inside each outer ear or covering all or part of the ear, without a connecting band worn over head.]
auricular {m} :: handset, earpiece, receiver [any of several electronic devices that receive signals and convert them into sound]
auricular {m} :: auricular (finger)
auriculo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: auriculo-
auriculoventricular {adj} [anatomy] :: auriculoventricular
auriense {adj} :: of or from Ourense
auriense {m} :: someone from Ourense
aurífero {adj} :: gold (attributive)
aurífero {adj} :: auriferous
auriga {m} [poetic, literary] :: charioteer
Auriga {prop} [constellation] :: Auriga (constellation)
aurinegro {adj} [football, Paraguay] :: Of or pertaining to Club Guarani, a soccer club from Asuncion, Paraguay
aurinegro {adj} [football, Argentina] :: Of or pertaining to Club Olimpo, a soccer club from Bahía Blanca, Argentina
aurinegro {adj} [football, Uruguay] :: Of or pertaining to Peñarol, a soccer club from Montevideo, Uruguay
aurinegro {m} [football, Paraguay] :: A player, coach, fan, or other person associated with Club Guarani
aurinegro {m} [football, Argentina] :: A player, coach, fan, or other person associated with Club Olimpo
aurinegro {m} [football, Uruguay] :: A player, coach, fan, or other person associated with Peñarol
auriverde {adj} :: Brazilian
aurora {f} :: aurora
Aurora {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: Aurora
Aurora {prop} {f} :: given name
aurora austral {f} :: aurora australis
aurora boreal {f} :: aurora borealis
auroral {adj} :: auroral
Auschwitz {prop} {m} :: Auschwitz (city)
Auschwitz {prop} {m} :: Auschwitz (concentration camp)
auscultación {f} :: auscultation
auscultamiento {m} :: examination
auscultar {v} [medicine] :: to auscultate (to listen to internal organs)
auscultar {v} :: to examine; to probe; to sound out
ausencia {f} :: absence
ausencia {f} :: absence seizure
ausentar {v} :: to send away
ausentarse {vr} :: to absent oneself
ausente {adj} :: absent
ausentismo {m} :: absenteeism, truancy
ausol {m} [El Salvador] :: hot spring
Ausonio {prop} {m} :: Ausonius (Roman poet)
auspiciador {m} :: sponsor, supporter
auspiciador {adj} :: sponsoring
auspiciadora {f} :: feminine noun of auspiciador
auspiciante {adj} :: auspicious
auspiciar {vt} :: to sponsor
auspicio {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: the patronage or protection given by an entity; auspice
auspicio {m} :: sign, omen
auspicios {mp} :: auspices (the patronage and protection of some entity)
auspicios {mp} :: plural of auspicio
auspiciosamente {adv} :: favorably; conveniently
auspicioso {adj} :: auspicious
austenita {f} [mineral] :: austenite
austeramente {adv} :: austerely
austericida {f} :: end of austerity
austericidio {m} :: austericide
austeridad {f} :: austerity
austerísimo {adj} :: superlative of austero
austero {adj} :: austere
austinés {adj} :: Austinite (of or pertaining to Austin, Texas)
austinés {m} :: Austinite (native or resident of Austin, Texas)
austinesa {f} :: feminine noun of austinés
austracismo {m} :: loyalty or support towards Charles VI
austracista {mf} [historical] :: a supporter of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor during the War of the Spanish Succession
austracista {adj} [historical] :: supporting Charles VI during the War of the Spanish Succession
austral {adj} :: southern; austral (of, relating to, or coming from the south)
austral {m} :: austral (short-lived Argentinian currency)
Australasia {prop} {f} :: Australasia
Australia {prop} {f} :: Australia (continent)
Australia Meridional {prop} {f} :: Australia Meridional (state)
australiana {f} :: feminine noun of australiano
australiano {adj} :: Australian
australiano {m} :: Australian (person)
Australia Occidental {prop} {f} :: Australia Occidental (state)
australopiteco {m} :: australopithecine (member of a group of extinct hominids)
Austrasia {prop} {f} :: Austrasia
Austria {prop} {f} :: Austria (country)
austriaca {f} :: feminine noun of austriaco
austríaca {f} :: feminine noun of austríaco
austriacista {mf} [historical] :: A supporter of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor as a candidate for the crown of Spain
austriaco {adj} :: Austrian (relating to Austria)
austriaco {m} :: Austrian (Austrian person)
austríaco {adj} :: alternative form of austriaco
austríaco {m} :: alternative form of austriaco
Austria-Hungría {prop} {f} :: Austria-Hungary
austro {m} :: south wind
austrohúngaro {adj} :: Austro-Hungarian
austronesia {f} :: feminine noun of austronesio
austronesio {adj} :: Austronesian
austronesio {m} :: Austronesian
autarcía {f} :: alternative form of autarquía
autarquía {f} :: autarchy
autárquico {adj} :: autonomous, self-governed
autenticación {f} :: authentication, verification
auténticamente {adv} :: authentically
autenticar {vt} :: to authenticate
autenticidad {f} :: authenticity
auténtico {adj} :: authentic, real, true (conforming to reality and therefore worthy of trust)
autentificación {f} :: authentification
autentificar {vt} :: to authenticate
autillo {m} :: screech owl
autismo {m} [clinical psychology] :: autism
autista {adj} :: autistic
autista {mf} :: autistic
autito {m} :: diminutive of auto
auto- {prefix} :: auto-
auto {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay] :: car, automobile
auto {m} [legal, formal] :: order, writ, resolution
autoabastecerse {vr} :: to be self-sufficient
autoabastecimiento {m} :: self-sufficiency
autoacceso {m} :: synonym of centro de autoacceso
autoaceptación {f} :: self-acceptance
autoadhesivo {adj} :: self-adhesive
autoadiestrarse {v} :: to train oneself
autoadjunto {adj} :: self-adjoint
autoadministración {f} :: self-administration
autoadministrarse {vr} :: to self-administer
autoafirmación {f} :: self-affirmation
autoafirmarse {vr} :: to assert oneself
autoagresión {f} :: self-harm
autoaislarse {vr} :: to self-isolate
autoajustable {adj} :: self-adjusting
autoalimentación {f} :: self-feeding
autoalimentarse {vp} :: to feed oneself
autoamnistía {f} :: self-amnesty
autoamplificado {adj} :: self-amplified
autoanálisis {m} :: self-analysis
autoanalizarse {vp} :: to analyze oneself
autoaniquilación {f} :: self-annihilation
autoanticuerpo {m} :: autoantibody
autoantónimo {adj} :: contranymic
autoantónimo {m} :: contranym, autoantonym
autoaplicarse {vr} :: to use by oneself
autoaprendizaje {m} :: self-learning
autoasignarse {vr} :: to self-appoint
autoatentado {m} :: attack on oneself; self-attack
autoayuda {f} :: self-help
autobautizarse {vp} :: to call oneself, dub oneself
autobiógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of autobiógrafo
autobiografía {f} :: autobiography
autobiográfico {adj} :: autobiographical
autobiógrafo {m} :: autobiographer
autoblocante {adj} :: limited-slip
autobloquearse {vr} :: to block oneself
autoboicoteo {m} :: self-boycotting
auto bomba {f} :: car bomb
autobomba {m} :: fire engine
autobombearse {v} :: to blow one's own horn
autobombo {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: self-aggrandizement, self-glorification, boasting, praising oneself with fanfare
autobronceador {adj} :: self-tanning
autobús {m} :: bus, coach
autobusera {f} :: feminine noun of autobusero
autobusero {adj} :: bus [attributive]
autobusero {m} :: bus driver
autocalificación {f} :: The describing of oneself (as something)
autocalificarse {v} :: to describe oneself (as)
autocar {m} :: motorcoach, bus, coach (vehicle)
autocaracterización {f} :: auto-characterization
autocaravana {f} :: motor home
autocargador {m} :: forwarder
autocartera {f} :: treasury stock
autocategorización {f} :: self-categorisation
autocefalía {f} :: autocephaly
autocéfalo {adj} :: autocephalous
autocensura {f} :: self-censure
autocensura {f} :: self-censorship
autocensurarse {vr} :: to self-censor
autocine {m} :: drive-in (outdoor cinema)
autoclave {f} :: autoclave
autocompasión {f} :: self-compassion
autocompatibilidad {f} :: self-compatibility
autocomplacencia {f} :: self-satisfaction
autocomplacencia {f} :: complacency
autocomplaciente {adj} :: complacent
autocompletado {m} :: autocomplete
autoconcepto {m} :: self-concept
autoconciencia {f} :: self-consciousness
autoconclusivo {adj} :: self-contained; stand-alone
autoconducción {f} :: self-driving
autoconducirse {vp} :: to self-drive
autoconfianza {f} :: self-confidence
autoconfiguración {f} :: self-configuration
autoconocimiento {m} :: self-discovery
autoconsciencia {f} :: self-awareness
autoconsciente {adj} :: self-aware
autoconservación {f} :: self-preservation
autoconsiderarse {vp} :: to consider oneself (as)
autoconsistencia {f} :: self-consistency
autoconstrucción {f} [Spain] :: autoconstruction
autoconsumir {v} :: to consume (something self-produced)
autoconsumirse {vr} :: to consume oneself
autoconsumo {m} :: autoconsumption; self-consumption
autocontención {f} :: self-restraint
autocontenido {adj} :: self-contained
autocontrol {m} :: self-control
autocontrolarse {v} :: to control oneself (to keep one's behavior in check)
autoconvocarse {vr} :: to set up a meeting oneself
autocopiable {adj} :: like carbon paper
autocopiable {adj} :: self-copying
autocoronado {adj} :: self-styled, self-proclaimed
autocorrección {f} :: autocorrection
autocorregir {vr} :: to autocorrect
autocorrelación {f} :: autocorrelation
autocracia {f} :: autocracy
autócrata {mf} :: autocrat
autocráticamente {adv} :: autocratically
autocrático {adj} :: autocratic
autocremarse {vp} :: to set oneself on fire
autocrítica {f} :: self-criticism
autocrítico {adj} :: self-critical
autóctono {m} :: autochthon
autóctono {adj} :: autochthonous
autocuidado {m} :: self-care
autoculpabilización {f} :: self-blaming
autocultivo {m} :: self-cultivation
autocumplido {adj} :: self-fulfilling
autocuración {f} :: self-cure
autodeclararse {vr} :: to declare oneself (as)
autodefenderse {vr} :: to defend oneself
autodefensa {f} :: self-defence
autodefensivo {adj} [attributive] :: self-defense
autodefinición {f} :: self-definition
autodefinirse {v} :: to define oneself, to self-proclaim]]
autodelatarse {v} :: to betray oneself
autodenominación {f} :: autonym
autodenominado {adj} :: self-proclaimed, self-described
autodenominarse {v} :: to self-appoint, to self-name
autodeportación {f} :: self-deportation
autodepuración {f} :: self-purification
autodesarrollo {m} :: self-development
autodescartarse {vr} :: to rule oneself out
autodescarte {m} :: ruling oneself out
autodescribirse {vr} :: to describe oneself
autodescubrimiento {m} :: self-discovery
autodesignación {f} :: self-designation
autodesprecio {m} :: self-hate; self-loathing
autodestrucción {f} :: self-destruction
autodestructible {adj} :: self-destructing
autodestructivo {adj} :: self-destructive
autodestruirse {vr} :: to self-destruct
autodesvalorización {f} :: self-devaluation
autodeterminación {f} :: self-determination
autodeterminarse {vr} :: to determine for oneself
autodidacta {adj} :: self-taught
autodidacta {mf} :: self-taught person
autodidactismo {m} :: self-learning
autodireccional {adj} :: self-directing
autodirigir {v} :: To self-direct
autodisciplina {f} :: self-discipline
autodisolución {f} :: (voluntary) dissolution
autodisolverse {v} :: to dissolve oneself, to break up
autodominio {m} :: self-mastery, self control
autódromo {m} :: racetrack
autodual {adj} [mathematics] :: self-dual
autoedición {f} :: desktop publishing
autoeditar {v} :: to self-edit
autoeficacia {f} :: self-efficacy
autoeliminarse {vr} [Latin America] :: to kill oneself, to take one's own life
autoelogio {m} :: self-praise
autoemplearse {vr} :: to work for oneself
autoempleo {m} :: self-employment
autoemprendedor {m} :: self-made entrepreneur
autoenfoque {m} :: autofocus
autoengañarse {vp} :: to delude oneself
autoengaño {m} :: self-delusion, self-deception
autoengrandecimiento {m} :: self-aggrandizement
autoenmienda {f} :: self-correction
autoensamblaje {m} :: self-assembly
autoensamblarse {vr} :: to self-assemble
autoentrevista {f} :: self-interview
autoerótico {adj} :: autoerotic
autoerotismo {m} :: autoerotism (sexual activity involving oneself)
autoescala {f} :: turntable ladder
autoescuela {f} :: driving school
autoespacio {m} [linear algebra] :: eigenspace
autoestado {m} :: eigenstate
autoestima {f} :: self-esteem
autoestop {m} :: alternative spelling of autostop
autoestopista {mf} :: alternative form of autostopista
autoestudio {m} :: self-study
autoetnografía {f} :: autoethnography
autoevacuarse {v} :: to evacuate
autoevaluación {f} :: self-evaluation
autoevaluarse {vr} :: to evaluate oneself
autoexamen {m} :: self-examination
autoexcluirse {v} :: to exclude oneself
autoexclusión {f} :: self-exclusion
autoexculpatorio {adj} :: exculpatory
autoexigencia {f} :: self-exigence
autoexigirse {vr} :: to force or set oneself
autoexiliarse {vr} :: to go into voluntary exile
autoexploración {f} :: self-exploration
autoexploración {f} [chiefly medical] :: self-examination
autoexplotarse {vr} :: to self-exploit
autoexpresión {f} :: self-expression
autofagia {f} :: autophagy
autofecundación {f} :: self-fecundation
autofelación {f} :: autofellatio
autofértil {adj} :: self-fertile
autoficción {f} :: autofiction
autofinanciación {f} :: self-financing
autofinanciamiento {m} :: self-financing
autofinanciarse {v} :: to self-finance, finance oneself
autoflagelación {f} :: self-flagellation
autofocal {m} [Cuba] :: An inspection of one's home or surroundings for mosquito larvae
autofoco {m} [photography] :: autofocus
autoformación {f} :: self-training
autofosforilación {f} :: self-phosphorilation
autofoto {f} :: selfie
autofunción {f} :: autofunction
autogamia {f} :: autogamy
autogeneración {f} :: self-generation
autogenerado {adj} :: automatically generated
autógeno {adj} :: autogenic
autogestión {f} :: self-management, self-determination
autogestionario {adj} :: self-managed
autogestionarse {vr} :: to self-manage, manage oneself
autogiro {m} :: autogiro
autoglotónimo {m} [linguistics] :: autoglottonym
autogobernado {adj} :: self-governing
autogobernar {vr} :: To self-govern
autogobernarse {v} :: to self-govern
autogobierno {m} :: self-government, autonomy
autogol {m} [football (soccer)] :: own goal
autogolazo {m} [football] :: amazing own goal
autogolpe {m} :: autogolpe, autocoup, self-coup
autografiar {vt} :: to autograph
autógrafo {adj} :: handwritten (by the author)
autógrafo {m} :: autograph
autoguiado {adj} :: self-guided
autohipnosis {f} :: self-hypnosis
autohomenaje {m} :: self-homage
autoidentificación {f} :: self-identification
autoidentificarse {vr} :: to identify oneself
autoignición {f} :: autoignition
autoimagen {f} :: self-image
autoimponerse {vr} :: to enjoin oneself
autoimpuesto {adj} :: self-imposed
autoincompatibilidad {f} :: self-incompatibility
autoinculpación {f} :: self-incrimination
autoinculparse {v} :: to incriminate oneself, to own up to something
autoinculpatorio {adj} :: self-incriminating
autoinducción {f} :: self-induction
autoindulgencia {f} :: self-indulgence
autoinfligido {adj} :: self-inflicted
autoinflingido {adj} :: self-inflicted
autoinmolación {f} :: self-immolation
autoinmolarse {vr} :: to set fire to oneself, self-immolate
autoinmune {adj} [pathology, immunology] :: autoimmune
autoinmunidad {f} [immunology] :: autoimmunity
autoinmunitario {adj} :: autoimmune
autoinstituyente {adj} :: self-governing
autointerpretación {f} :: self-interpretation (interpretation of oneself)
autoironía {f} :: self-irony, making fun of oneself
autojustificación {f} :: self-justification
autolavado {m} [Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Venezuela] :: carwash, car wash
autolesión {f} :: self-harm
autolesionarse {v} :: to injure oneself
autolimitación {f} :: self-limitation, self-restraint
autolimitarse {vr} :: to limit oneself
autoliquidación {f} [law] :: self-assessment (of national taxes)
autolisis {f} [biology] :: autolysis
autolisis {f} :: suicide
autolítico {adj} :: autolytic
autólogo {adj} :: autologous
autolote {m} [Honduras, Nicaragua] :: car dealership
automac {m} [Latin America] :: drive-through (window of a restaurant where food can be purchased)
automaquillaje {m} :: Putting on one's own makeup
automarginación {f} :: self-margining
automarginarse {vr} :: to marginalise oneself
autómata {m} :: automaton
automáticamente {adv} :: automatically
automáticamente {adv} :: mechanically
automaticidad {f} :: automaticity
automático {adj} :: automatic
automatismo {m} :: automatism
automatización {f} :: automation, automatization
automatizar {vt} :: to automate, automatize/automatise
automedicación {f} :: self-medication
automedicarse {v} :: to self-medicate
automejora {f} :: self-enhancement
automejorarse {vr} :: to enhance or better oneself
automercado {m} [Caribbean] :: supermarket
automoción {f} :: automotive industry
automoción {f} :: automotive science, automotive engineering
automonitorización {f} :: self-monitoring
automorfismo {m} :: automorphism
automotel {m} :: motel
automotivación {f} :: self motivation
automotor {adj} :: automotive
automotor {adj} :: automobile
automóvil {m} :: automobile
automovilismo {m} :: motor racing, auto racing, motorsport, autosport
automovilista {mf} :: car driver
automovilístico {adj} [attributive] :: automobile; Related to automobiles or automobile racing/auto racing
automutilación {f} :: self-mutilation
automutilarse {v} :: to self-harm
autónimo {m} :: autonym
autónomamente {adv} :: autonomously
autonombrado {adj} :: self-proclaimed
autonombrarse {v} :: to name oneself; declare oneself
autonomía {f} :: autonomy
autonómicamente {adv} :: autonomically
autonómico {adj} :: autonomous
autonomismo {m} [politics] :: separatism, autonomism
autonomista {f} :: autonomist
autonomización {f} :: autonomisation
autonomizar {v} :: to autonomize
autónomo {adj} :: autonomous
autónomo {adj} :: self-employed, freelance
autónomo {m} :: freelancer
autoorganización {f} :: self-organization
autooxidación {f} :: autoxidation
autopagarse {vr} :: to pay oneself
autoparodia {f} :: self-parody
autoparodiarse {vr} :: to parody oneself
autoparódico {adj} :: self-parodying, self-deprecating
autoparte {m} :: car part
autopase {m} :: a pass that gives and receives the same player ignoring the opposing to him/her obstructs
autopatrulla {m} :: police car
autopercepción {f} :: self-perception
autopieza {f} :: car part
autopiloto {m} :: autopilot
autopista {f} :: motorway, freeway
autoplagio {m} :: self-plagiarism
autopolinización {f} :: self pollination
autoportante {adj} :: self-supporting
autopostulado {adj} :: self-nominated
autoprepararse {vr} :: to prepare oneself
autopresentarse {vr} :: to introduce oneself
autopreservación {f} :: self-preservation
autoproclamación {f} :: self-proclamation
autoproclamado {adj} :: self-proclaimed
autoproclamarse {v} :: To self-proclaim
autoproducción {f} :: self-production
autoproducirse {v} :: to self-produce
autoprogramarse {vr} :: to programme oneself
autopromoción {f} :: self-promotion
autopromocionarse {vr} :: to promote oneself
autopropaganda {f} :: self-propaganda
autopropagarse {v} :: to spread oneself
autopropulsado {adj} :: self-propelled
autoprotección {f} :: self-protection
autoprotegerse {vr} :: to protect oneself
autoprovocado {adj} :: self-provoked
autopsia {f} :: autopsy
autopublicación {f} :: self-publication
autopublicar {v} :: to self-publish
autor {m} :: author
autora {f} :: feminine noun of autor
autoral {adj} :: authorial
autoreconocerse {vr} :: to recognize oneself
autoregulación {f} :: self-regulation
autoregularse {vr} :: to self-regulate
autoría {f} :: responsibility
autoría {f} :: authorship
autorial {adj} :: of or pertaining to authors or authorship
autoridad {f} [uncountable] :: authority (the power to enforce rules or give orders)
autoridad {f} [countable] :: authority (persons in command)
autoridad {f} [countable] :: authority (a person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject)
autor intelectual {mf} :: mastermind; brains
autoritariamente {adv} :: authoritatively
autoritario {adj} :: authoritarian
autoritarismo {m} :: authoritarianism
autoritativo {adj} [rare] :: authoritative
autorización {f} :: authorization
autorizadísimo {adj} :: superlative of autorizado
autorizado {adj} :: authorized
autorizado {adj} :: definitive; authoritative
autorizante {adj} :: authorizing
autorizar {vt} :: to authorize
autorrealización {f} :: self-realization
autorrealizarse {v} :: to feel or be self-fulfilled
autorreconocerse {vr} :: to distinguish or consider oneself
autorreconocimiento {m} :: self-recognition
autorreferencia {f} :: self-reference
autorreferencial {adj} :: self-referential
autorreferencialidad {f} :: self-referentiality
autorreflexión {f} :: self-reflection
autorregresivo {adj} :: autoregressive
autorregulación {f} :: self-regulation
autorregularse {vr} :: to self-regulate
autorreplicación {f} :: self-replication
autorreplicante {adj} :: self-replicating
autorreportarse {v} :: to self-report
autorreproducirse {vr} :: to self-reproduce
autorretratarse {vr} :: to make a self-portrait
autorretrato {m} :: self-portrait
autosabotearse {vr} :: to sabotage oneself, engage in self-sabotage
autosacrificio {m} :: self-sacrifice
autosanación {f} :: self-cleansing
autosatisfacción {f} :: self-satisfaction
autosecuestro {m} :: self-kidnapping; self-abduction
autosellante {adj} :: self-sealing
autoservicio {m} :: self-service
autosimilaridad {f} :: self-similarity
autosimilitud {f} [geometry] :: self-similarity
autosoma {f} [genetics] :: autosome
autosómico {adj} :: autosomal
autosostenibilidad {f} :: self-sufficiency
autosostenible {adj} :: self-sustainable
autosostenido {adj} :: self-sustained
autostop {m} :: hitchhiking, hitch-hiking, hitching, thumbing a ride
autostopista {mf} :: hitchhiker (a person who hitchhikes)
autosuficiencia {f} :: self-sufficiency
autosuficiente {adj} :: self-sufficient
autosugestión {f} :: autosuggestion
autosuperación {f} :: self-improvement
autosustentable {adj} :: self-sustaining
autotanque {m} :: A vehicle with a cargo tank
autotitulado {adj} :: self-titled
autotitularse {vr} :: to title oneself; to call oneself
autotomía {f} :: autotomy
autotransformación {f} :: self-transformation
autotransfusión {f} :: autotransfusion
autotransporte {m} :: trucking
autotrasplante {m} [surgery] :: autotransplant
autótrofa {f} :: feminine noun of autótrofo
autotrófico {adj} :: autotrophic
autótrofo {m} :: autotroph
autótrofo {adj} :: autotrophic
autotutela {f} :: self-defence
autovaciante {adj} :: self-draining
autovalidismo {m} :: autonomy; self-sufficiency
autovalor {m} [linear algebra] :: eigenvalue
autovector {m} [linear algebra] :: eigenvector
autoventa {f} :: vending machine
autoverificación {f} :: autoverification, self-verification
autovía {f} :: motorway, freeway (main road)
autrigones {mp} :: Autrigones
autumnal {adj} :: autumnal
auvernés {adj} :: Auvergnese
auvernés {m} :: Auvergnese
auvernesa {f} :: female equivalent of auvernés
Auvernia {prop} {f} :: Auvernia (historical region)
auxiliador {adj} :: auxiliary
auxiliador {m} :: aider; first-aider
auxiliadora {f} :: feminine noun of auxiliador
auxiliar {adj} :: auxiliary, ancillary
auxiliar {adj} [accounting] :: subsidiary
auxiliar {adj} :: support (e.g. support staff)
auxiliar {mf} :: assistant, attendant, steward, stewardess, aide
auxiliar {v} :: to help, to aid
auxiliar de conversación {mf} :: language assistant
auxiliar de vuelo {mf} :: flight attendant
auxilio {m} :: aid, help
auxina {f} [hormone] :: auxin
auyama {f} [Venezuela, Colombia, Dominican Republic] :: squash
av {n} :: abbreviation of avenida
ava {mf} :: Ava (denomination of Guaraní)
aval {m} :: endorsement
aval {m} :: countersignature
aval {m} :: guarantee
avalador {adj} :: underwriting; serving as a guarantor
avalador {m} :: underwriter; guarantor
avaladora {f} :: feminine noun of avalador
avalancha {f} :: avalanche
avalancha {f} [figurative] :: deluge, flood, spate, onslaught, outpouring, barrage
avalar {vt} :: to endorse
avalentar {v} [rare] :: to embolden
avalista {f} :: guarantor
avalorar {v} :: to evaluate; to value (set a value)
avalorar {v} :: to revalue higher
avalorar {v} :: to value (hold in high regard)
avalorar {v} :: to encourage; to spur on
avaluar {vt} :: synonym of valuar
avalúo {m} :: valuation
avancarga {f} :: muzzle-loading
avance {m} :: advance
avance {m} :: progress
avance {m} :: advance payment
avante {adv} [nautical] :: forward; ahead
avanzada {f} [military] :: outpost
avanzadilla {f} :: advance party, vanguard
avanzadísimo {adj} :: superlative of avanzado
avanzado {adj} :: advanced
avanzar {vt} :: to advance (to make (something) happen at an earlier time or date)
avanzar {vi} :: to advance (to move forwards)
avara {f} :: feminine noun of avaro
ávara {f} :: female equivalent of ávaro
avaramente {adv} :: stingily, meanly
avaricia {f} :: avarice, greed
avariciosamente {adv} :: avariciously, stingily
avaricioso {adj} :: avaricious, greedy
avariento {adj} :: greedy
avaro {adj} :: mean, stingy, miserly
avaro {adj} :: avaricious, greedy
avaro {m} :: miser
ávaro {m} :: Avar (language)
ávaro {m} :: Avar (person)
avasallador {adj} :: overwhelming
avasallador {adj} :: domineering
avasalladoramente {adv} :: overwhelmingly
avasallamiento {m} :: subjection
avasallante {adj} :: overwhelming
avasallar {v} :: to subdue, subjugate
avasallar {v} :: to subject
avascular {adj} [medicine] :: avascular
avatar {m} :: avatar
avatar {m} :: vicissitudes, ups and downs [plural]
avatara {m} :: alternative form of avatar
avda. {f} :: abbreviation of avenida (avenue)
avda {f} :: abbreviation of avenida
ave {f} :: bird
ave {f} [Chile] :: fowl, poultry
ave {interj} [used when coming into a house] :: hello, hail
ave {f} [Spain] :: train
ave acuática {f} :: waterbird
ave cantora {f} :: songbird
a veces {adv} [idiomatic] :: sometimes; occasionally; at times
avecilla {f} :: diminutive of ave
avecinar {vt} :: to bring near
avecinar {v} :: to impend
avecindamiento {m} :: the admittance as someone as a resident of a country
avecindar {v} :: to admit as a resident
avecindar {vr} :: to approach; come up
ave de corral {f} :: poultry [usually plural]
ave del paraíso {f} :: bird of paradise
ave de rapiña {f} :: bird of prey
avefría {f} :: lapwing (bird belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae)
avejentado {adj} :: aged, old
ave lira {f} :: lyrebird
avellana {f} :: hazelnut
avellana {adj} :: hazel (eye color)
avellanada {f} :: a sort of sauce made with pounded hazelnuts
avellanada {f} [tannery] :: oak peel
avellanar {m} :: hazelnut grove
avellanar {v} [technical] :: to countersink (create such a conical recess, a countersink)
avellanar {vp} :: to get wrinkly and old
avellaneda {f} :: hazelnut grove
avellano {m} :: hazel tree (genus Corylus)
Avellino {prop} :: Avellino (town and capital of Avellino)
Avellino {prop} :: Avellino (province)
avemaría {m} :: Hail Mary
avemaría {m} :: Angelus
avemaría {m} :: Hail Mary (act done in desperation with little chance of success)
ave marina {f} :: seabird
ave martillo {m} :: hammerkop
ave migratoria {f} :: migratory bird
Avempace {prop} {m} :: Avempace
avena {f} :: oat
avena {f} :: oats
avena {f} :: oatmeal porridge
avenamiento {m} :: drainage
avenate {m} :: gruel
Avendaño {prop} :: surname
avenencia {f} :: agreement, deal
avenerado {adj} :: Having shell-shaped decorations
avenida {f} :: avenue
avenida {f} :: flood
avenido {adj} :: getting on in a certain manner
avenimiento {m} :: agreement
avenir {vt} :: to reconcile
avenir {vr} :: to agree, accept
avenir {v} :: to match
avenir {vi} [dated] :: to happen
ave nocturna {f} [idiom] :: night owl
aventadora {f} :: thresher
aventajadamente {adv} :: advantageously
aventajadísimo {adj} :: superlative of aventajado
aventajar {vt} :: to surpass
aventar {v} :: to fan, blow, willow
aventar {v} :: to throw, chuck
aventar {v} :: to blow away
aventarse {vr} :: to escape, to get out
aventi {f} [colloquial] :: adventure
aventón {m} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama] :: ride, lift
aventón {m} [Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru] :: push
aventura {f} :: adventure
aventura {f} :: affair, fling (an adulterous relationship)
aventurar {v} :: to risk
aventurar {v} :: to venture, hazard (an opinion)
aventurarse {v} :: reflexive of aventurar
aventurera {f} :: feminine noun of aventurero
aventurerismo {m} :: adventurism
aventurero {adj} :: adventurous
aventurero {adj} :: adventuresome
aventurero {m} :: adventurer
aventurilla {f} :: diminutive of aventura
aventurilla {f} [Mexico] :: vermilion flycatcher (Pyrocephalus obscurus)
aventurismo {m} :: adventurism
ave pasajera {f} :: migrant, bird of passage
a ver {interj} :: used to encourage or challenge; go!
a ver {interj} :: indicates the need or desire of find out, verify or demonstrate; show me
a ver {interj} :: let me see; let's see
aver {v} :: obsolete spelling of haber
ave rapaz {f} :: bird of prey (carnivorous bird)
ave rapiega {f} :: synonym of ave rapaz
avergonzado {adj} :: embarrassed
avergonzado {adj} :: ashamed
avergonzante {adj} :: nonstandard form of vergonzante
avergonzar {vt} :: to shame
avergonzar {vt} :: to embarrass
avergonzarse {vr} :: to embarrass oneself, be ashamed
avería {f} :: breakdown (a failure, particularly mechanical; something that has failed)
averiar {v} :: to break (break down)
averiar {v} :: to damage
averiar {vr} :: to break down
averiguable {adj} :: verifiable
averiguación {f} :: inquiry, inquest
averiguar {vt} :: to find out, to figure out, to work out
averiguar {vt} :: to to dig up, to investigate
averiguar {vt} :: to ascertain, to verify, to determine
avermectina {f} :: avermectin
averno {m} [poetic] :: underworld, hell
averroísmo {m} [philosophy] :: Averroism
aversión {f} :: aversion
avéstico {m} :: Avestan
avestruz {m} :: ostrich
avestruz de América {m} [dated] :: rhea
avetarda {f} :: alternative form of avutarda
avetorillo {m} :: bittern
avetoro {m} :: bittern (bird)
avezado {adj} :: seasoned
ave zancuda {f} :: wading bird
avezar {vt} :: to accustom, inure, familiarize
aviación {f} :: aviation
aviador {m} :: aviator
aviadora {f} :: feminine noun of aviador
aviano {adj} :: avian
avíape {m} :: hummingbird
avíape {m} :: The bee hummingbird, a species of hummingbird, Mellisuga helenae, native to Cuba, noted for being the smallest living bird
aviar {adj} :: avian (of or relating to birds)
aviar {v} :: to get ready
aviar {v} :: to prepare
aviar {v} :: to hurry
aviario {adj} :: avian
aviario {m} :: aviary
Avicena {prop} {m} :: Avicenna (a Persian polymath)
avícola {adj} :: poultry
avicultor {m} :: aviculturist
avicultura {f} :: bird farming
ávidamente {adv} :: avidly
avidez {f} :: greed, avarice
avidez {f} :: eagerness
ávido {adj} :: eager, greedy
ávido {adj} :: anxious
avieso {adj} :: wicked, evil
avifauna {f} :: avifauna, bird life
Ávila {prop} {f} :: surname
Ávila {prop} {f} :: Ávila (province)
Ávila {prop} {f} :: Ávila (city)
avileño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba
avileño {m} :: Someone from the city of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba
avileño {m} :: danewort, Sambucus ebulus
Avilés {prop} :: Avilés (city)
avilesina {f} :: feminine noun of avilesino
avilesino {adj} :: Of or from Avilés
avilesino {m} :: Someone from Avilés
avinagrar {vt} :: to sour
avinagrar {vr} :: to go/turn sour
Aviñón {prop} {m} :: Aviñón (city)
avío {m} :: provision
avío {m} :: provisions for a shepherd
avío {m} :: loan (to farmers)
avío {m} [in plural] :: gear; kit
avión {m} :: aeroplane, airplane, plane
avión {m} :: martin, swallow
avión a reacción {m} :: jet plane
avión cisterna {m} :: tanker plane
avioncito {m} :: diminutive of avión; small plane
avión común {m} :: house martin
avión de caza {m} :: fighter plane
avión de papel {m} :: paper airplane
avioneta {f} :: light aircraft
aviónica {f} :: avionics
avisador {m} :: messenger
avisadora {f} :: feminine noun of avisador
avisar {vt} :: to tell, to tip off, to notify, to inform
avisar {vt} :: to warn
avisar {vt} :: to ask for the services of (a professional)
aviso {m} :: announcement
aviso {m} :: warning
avispa {f} :: wasp (any of many types of stinging flying insect resembling a hornet)
avispa {f} :: crafty person; one who angers easily
avispa asiática {f} :: Asian hornet
avispado {adj} :: astute, sly, clever
avispar {vt} :: to spur on; egg on
avispar {vt} :: to make clever
avispero {m} :: wasp nest
avispero {m} [colloquial] :: complicated mess
avispilla {f} :: diminutive of avispa
avispón {m} :: hornet
avispón gigante asiático {m} :: Asian giant hornet
avistaje {m} :: sighting
avistamiento {m} :: sighting, watching
avistar {vt} :: to sight
avituallamiento {m} :: provisions, supplies
avituallar {vt} :: to supply with food, to provision
aviturismo {m} :: bird tourism
aviturista {mf} :: birdwatcher
avivamiento {m} [religion] :: revival
avivar {vt} :: to enliven, to fan, to stoke, to fuel
avivar {vp} :: to wake up, get clever (become more aware)
avizor {adj} :: observing
avizorar {vt} :: to spy on
-avo {suffix} :: added to a cardinal number to signify one portion of a whole divided into that number of pieces. Creates both nouns and adjectives
avocación {f} [legal] :: callback
avocado {m} [Philippines] :: avocado
avocar {v} [legal] :: to advocate; to hear
avoceta {f} :: avocet (any of four species of wading birds in the genus Recurvirostra)
avorazado {adj} :: greedy
a voz en cuello {adv} [idiomatic] :: at the top of one's voice
avtur {m} :: jet fuel (fuel for jet planes)
a vuelo de pájaro {adv} [idiom] :: as the crow flies
avulsión {f} :: avulsion
avulsionar {v} :: to avulse
avutarda {f} :: bustard
avutarda magallánica {f} :: upland goose
aweonado {adj} :: eye dialect of ahuevonado
aweonao {adj} :: eye dialect of ahuevonado
axedrez {m} :: obsolete form of ajedrez
axial {adj} :: axial
axialmente {adv} :: axially
axila {f} [anatomy] :: armpit
axila {f} [botany] :: axil
axilar {adj} :: axillary
axinita {f} [mineral] :: axinite
axiología {f} :: axiology
axiológico {adj} :: axiological
axioma {m} [philosophy] :: axiom (a truth based on an assumption)
axioma {m} [mathematics] :: axiom (a fundamental assumption that serves as a basis for theorems)
axiomáticamente {adv} :: axiomatically
axiomático {adj} :: axiomatic
axiomatización {f} :: axiomatization
AXJ {prop} :: initialism of Acción por la Justicia Spanish political party
axocopaque {m} :: teaberry
axón {m} :: axon (nerve fibre)
axonal {adj} :: axonal
axonema {m} :: axoneme
axónico {adj} :: axonic
axonométrico {adj} :: axonometric
axonotmesis {f} [medicine] :: axonotmesis
ay {interj} :: Ah!, Alas!
ay {interj} :: Woe!
ay {interj} :: Expresses pain, sorrow, or surprise
aya {f} :: feminine noun of ayo
ayacote {m} [Mexico] :: alternative form of ayocote
ayacotli {m} [Mexico] :: haricot
ayacuchana {f} :: feminine noun of ayacuchano
ayacuchano {adj} :: Of or from the Ayacucho Region of Peru
ayacuchano {m} :: An inhabitant of the Ayacucho Region of Peru
Ayacucho {prop} :: Ayacucho (region)
Ayacucho {prop} :: Ayacucho (city)
ayahuasca {f} :: ayahuasca
ayahuasca {f} :: a psychotropic concoction prepared from said vine
ayahuasquera {f} :: female equivalent of ayahuasquero
ayahuasquero {m} :: someone who administers or uses ayahuasca; a shaman
Ayaria {prop} {f} :: Ayaria (autonomous republic)
ayariana {f} :: feminine noun of ayariano
ayariano {adj} :: Adjaran (of or pertaining to Adjara, Georgia)
ayariano {m} :: Adjaran (native or resident of Adjara, Georgia)
ayate {m} [Mexico] :: A cloth made from the fiber of the maguey plant, similar to henequen or sisal
ayate {m} [historical] :: A cloak-like garment made from this cloth
ayatola {m} :: alternative form of ayatolá
ayatolá {m} :: ayatollah
Áyax {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Ajax
ay ay ay {interj} :: Used to acknowledge a mistake or surprise
ay ay ay {interj} :: whoops-a-daisy
ayayay {interj} :: owie, wow
ay, caramba {interj} [euphemism] :: An interjection with an emotion equivalent to oh my gosh!, oh my God!, oh my goodness!
ay, caramba {interj} [euphemism] :: by golly! (an interjection expressing surprise or pain)
ay de mí {interj} :: woe is me
ayer {adv} :: yesterday
ayer {m} :: yesterday
ayer {m} [figuratively] :: days gone by; yesteryear; the past
Ayerbe {prop} {m} :: Ayerbe (town)
ayerbense {adj} :: of or from Ayerbe
ayerbense {mf} :: Someone from Ayerbe
aymara {adj} :: alternative spelling of aimara
aymara {mf} :: alternative spelling of aimara
aymara {m} :: alternative spelling of aimara
Aymaraes {prop} :: Aymaraes (province)
ayo {m} :: Person who takes care of children; tutor
ayocote {m} :: ayocote, runner bean
ayoreo {m} :: Ayoreo
ayote {m} [Central America] :: winter squash, pumpkin, cushaw, squash, cushaw pumpkin, Japanese pie pumpkin (Cucurbita argyrosperma)
ayotoste {m} [Mexican Indian] :: armadillo
ayto. {m} :: abbreviation of ayuntamiento
ayubí {adj} :: Ayyubid
ayubí {mf} :: Ayyubid
ayuda {f} :: help, aid, assistance
ayuda {mf} :: helper
ayuda de cámara {mf} :: chamberlain; chambermaid; assistant
ayudadita {f} :: diminutive of ayuda
ayudaíta {f} :: diminutive of ayuda
ayudanta {f} :: feminine noun of ayudante
ayudante {adj} :: auxiliary
ayudante {mf} :: helper, assistant
ayudantía {f} :: assistantship (position of employment as an assistant)
ayudar {vt} :: to help
ayudarse {v} :: reflexive of ayudar
ayudita {f} :: diminutive of ayuda
ayunador {adj} :: that fasts
ayunador {m} :: faster; someone who fasts
ayunar {vi} :: to fast
ayuno {adj} :: fasting (not having eaten)
ayuno {m} :: fast (time without eating)
ayuntamiento {m} :: city council, town council, council (a corporation or body of magistrates in cities and towns, corresponding to mayor and aldermen)
ayuntamiento {m} :: city hall, town hall
ayuntar {v} [obsolete] :: to join, to gather
ayuntar {vr} [obsolete] :: to have sexual intercourse
ayurveda {m} :: Ayurveda (traditional Hindu alternative medicine)
ayurvédico {adj} :: Ayurvedic
ayuso {adv} [obsolete] :: down
ayustar {vt} [nautical] :: to splice (rope)
-aza {suffix} :: feminine noun of -azo
azabache {m} :: Jet; a form of compact, glistening coal often used in jewelry
azabache {adj} :: Having a jet colour; of a deep black, and often glistening, colour
azada {f} :: hoe (agricultural tool)
azadiractina {f} :: azadirachtin
azadón {m} :: hoe
azadonar {v} :: to hoe
azadonazo {m} :: A strike with a hoe
azafata {f} :: [Spain] stewardess, flight attendant
azafata {f} :: A person who provides assistance to attendees, customers, clients, etc.; a conference assistant, a customer service assistant, an events coordinator, a hostess, a receptionist, etc
azafate {m} :: flat basket; tray
azafato {m} :: flight attendant
azafato {m} :: A person who provides assistance to attendees, customers, clients, and so forth; a conference assistant, a customer service assistant, a receptionist, etc
azafrán {m} :: saffron crocus (Crocus sativus)
azafrán {m} :: saffron
azafranado {adj} :: saffron colored
azafranar {v} :: to color saffron
azafranar {v} :: to mix with saffron
azagaya {f} :: assegai (weapon)
azahar {m} :: orange blossom
azahar {m} :: lemon blossom
azalea {f} :: azalea
azálea {f} [Mexico] :: alternative form of azalea
azar {m} :: luck, chance
azar {m} :: misfortune, accident
azar {m} :: obstacle, hazard
azar {m} [games] :: losing card, losing throw
azar {m} :: cushion side of a billiard pocket
azarar {v} :: to alarm, to frighten
azarar {vr} :: to blush; go red
azarbe {m} :: irrigation ditch
azarosamente {adv} :: randomly
azaroso {adj} :: unlucky, unfortunate
azaroso {adj} :: random
azatioprina {f} :: azathioprine
Azawad {prop} {m} :: Azawad (former breakaway country)
azawadí {adj} :: Azawadi (of or pertaining to Azawad, a name given to northern Mali by Tuareg rebels, as well as a former short-lived unrecognised proto-state)
azawadí {mf} :: Azawadi (native or resident of Azawad, especially those who support the Tuareg rebels)
Azawakh {m} :: Azawakh (dog breed)
Azcapotzalco {prop} :: Azcapotzalco
azdárquido {m} :: azhdarchid
azelastina {f} :: azelastine
azeótropo {m} :: azeotrope
Azerbaiyán {prop} {m} :: Azerbaiyán (country)
azerbaiyana {f} :: feminine noun of azerbaiyano
azerbaiyano {adj} :: Azerbaijani (pertaining to Azerbaijan)
azerbaiyano {m} :: Azerbaijani (person)
azerí {adj} :: Azeri (language)
azerí {adj} :: Azeri (of or pertaining to the Azeri people)
azerí {m} :: Azeri language
azerí {m} :: Azeri (person)
azerí {mf} :: ethnic Azeri; Azerbaijani
-azgo {suffix} :: Forms the office of the base word
-azgo {suffix} :: Forms the effect or condition of the base word
ázia {prep} :: obsolete spelling of hacia
azida {f} :: azide
ázimo {adj} :: alternative spelling of ácimo
azimut {f} :: alternative spelling of acimut
azimutal {adj} :: alternative spelling of acimutal
azina {f} [organic compound] :: azine
azitromicina {f} :: azithromycin
Aznar {prop} {?} :: surname
aznarismo {m} :: The policies or political philosophy of José María Aznar, former prime minister of Spain
aznarista {mf} [Spain, politics] :: A supporter of Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar
aznarista {adj} [Spain, politics] :: Relating to José María Aznar or those who support him
aznarita {adj} :: of, related to, or supporting, José María Aznar (Spanish politician)
aznarita {mf} :: supporter of José María Aznar
-azo {suffix} :: Forming augmentatives; words expressing greatness or size
-azo {suffix} :: Forming pejoratives; words emphasizing contempt for a subject
-azo {suffix} :: Forming words expressing a hit or strike
-azo {suffix} :: Forming words expressing suddenness or brevity
azoderivado {m} [chemistry] :: azo compound
ázoe {m} [chemistry] :: nitrogen
azófar {m} :: brass
azogar {v} :: to silver
azogue {m} [chemistry] :: mercury
azogueña {f} :: feminine noun of azogueño
azogueño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Azogues in Ecuador
azogueño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Azogues in Ecuador
azoico {adj} :: azoic
azolvar {vt} :: to clog something, particularly a pipe or conduit
azooxantelado {adj} [zoology] :: azooxanthellate
azor {m} [ornithology] :: a goshawk bird
azorado {adj} :: alarmed
azoramiento {m} :: startling
azorar {vt} :: to startle
Azores {prop} {fp} :: the Azores
azotacalles {m} :: flaneur, wanderer
azotador {m} :: one who whips; whipper
azotador {m} :: thresher shark
azotaina {f} [colloquial] :: beating, thrashing
azotamiento {m} :: flogging, whipping
azotar {v} :: to whip, flog
azote {m} :: whip, lash, scourge (multi-tailed whip, especially when used by flagellants for mortification of the sinful flesh)
azote {m} [countable] :: lash (stroke with a whip)
azote {m} [uncountable] :: spanking, licking, thrashing (severe beating)
azote {m} :: calamity, scourge (event that causes great trouble and suffering, such as pestilence)
azotea {f} :: roof terrace, rooftop, flat roof
azotea {f} [colloquial] :: bonce, noggin (human head)
azoxistrobin {f} :: azoxystrobin
azpeitiarra {adj} :: Of or from Azpeitia
azpeitiarra {mf} :: Someone from Azpeitia
Azrael {prop} {m} :: Azrael (angel of death)
azteca {adj} :: Aztec
azteca {mf} :: Aztec
aztequismo {m} :: nahuatlism
Azuay {prop} :: Azuay
azuayo {adj} :: From Azuay, Ecuador
azúcar {mf} :: sugar
azucarar {v} :: to sugar; to add sugar to
azúcar en polvo {m} [Colombia] :: icing sugar
azucarera {f} [Argentina] :: sugar bowl
azucarera {f} :: sugar jar [most places except Argentina]
azucarera {f} :: sugar factory
azucarero {adj} :: pertaining or related to sugar
azucarero {m} :: sugar bowl
azucarero {m} :: sugar jar
azúcar flor {m} :: powdered sugar
azúcar glas {m} :: powdered sugar
azucarillo {m} :: sugar lump
azúcar impalpable {m} [Argentina] :: icing sugar
azúcar morena {m} :: synonym of azúcar moreno
azúcar moreno {m} :: brown sugar
azucena {f} :: lily
Azucena {prop} {f} :: given name, comparable to the English Lily
azuche {m} :: the pointed end of a pole
azud {m} :: waterwheel
azud {m} :: dam
azuda {f} :: waterwheel
azuda {f} :: dam
azuela {f} :: adze
azuerense {adj} :: Of or from the Azuero Peninsula in Panama
azuerense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the Azuero Peninsula in Panama
azufaifa {f} :: jujube (tree)
azufrado {adj} :: sulphuric, sulphurous
azufrar {vt} :: to sulfur (to treat with sulfur)
azufrar {vt} :: to bleach
azufre {m} :: sulfur
azul {adj} :: blue
azul {m} :: blue
azulado {adj} :: bluish, blue colored
azular {vt} :: to dye blue
azulcrema {adj} :: Of or related to Club América, a soccer club from Mexico City
azulcrema {mf} :: Someone connected to Club América, as a player, coach, fan etc
azul de cobalto {m} :: cobalt blue
azulear {vi} :: to turn blue
azulejar {vt} :: to tile (to cover with tiles)
azulejera {f} :: feminine noun of azulejero
azulejería {f} :: the art of laying azulejos
azulejero {m} :: A maker of azulejo tiles
azulejo {adj} :: blue colored
azulejo {m} :: tile (of a wall or floor)
azulejo {m} :: indigo bunting, Passerina cyanea
azulejo {m} :: cornflower, Centaurea cyanus
azuleña {f} :: feminine noun of azuleño
azulenco {adj} :: somewhat blue, bluish
azuleño {adj} :: Of or from Azul
azuleño {m} :: Someone from Azul
azulgrana {adj} :: blue and scarlet
azulgrana {adj} [football, attributive] :: of or relating to FC Barcelona, a football club from Barcelona
azulino {adj} :: blueish
azulísimo {adj} :: superlative of azul
azul marino {adj} :: navy blue
azul marino {m} :: navy blue
azulón {m} :: mallard (duck)
azuloso {adj} :: bluish
azul-petróleo {adj} :: teal (color)
azul-petróleo {m} :: teal (color)
azul ruso {m} :: Russian Blue (cat breed)
azúmbar {m} :: water plantain, Damasonium alisma
azúmbar {m} :: spikenard
azumbre {m} :: An ancient measure of volume of liquids used in Castile, equivalent to 2.016 litres
azur {adj} :: azure (sky-blue coloured)
azur {adj} [heraldry] :: azure
azurita {f} :: Azurite: a soft, deep blue copper mineral
azuzador {m} :: inciter
azuzar {v} :: to incite
azuzar {v} :: to egg on, urge
azzurri {mp} :: The Italian football team