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From avowed +‎ -ly.


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avowedly (comparative more avowedly, superlative most avowedly)

  1. With open acknowledgment, declaration or verification.
    • 1665, Robert Boyle, “To Sophronia”, in Occasional Reflections upon Several Subiects. Whereto is Premis’d a Discourse about Such Kind of Thoughts, London: [] W. Wilson for Henry Herringman, [], →OCLC:
      'Tvvas eaſie for me to repreſent to You hovv unfiniſhed and unpoliſhed the Trifles you called for, vvere, eſpecially conſidering that the Immatureneſs of ſome of them vvould not probably be the Chief thing that vvould make many think they come forth Vnſeaſonably, ſince they avovvedly Aim at the Perſuading and Teaching men to Improve their Thoughts, []
    • 1993, Harold Alton Gould, India votes: alliance politics and minority governments in the ninth and tenth general elections, page 308:
      Given the 'saffronization' of Congress, the 'ethnoreligious purification' of the BJP, and the parturition of the avowedly secular parties (CPI, SJP and BSP) []

