User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-d
jiūzhèngyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糾正液 |
jiūzhèngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糾正液 |
jiùzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 就職 |
jiùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 救治 |
jiùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舊制 |
jiùzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舊址 |
Jiùzhōngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舊中國 |
Jiǔzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 九州 |
jiùzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 救助 |
jiùzhùjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 救助金 |
jiūzhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳩拙 |
jiùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舅子 |
jiǔzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 九族 |
jiǔzuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酒醉 |
jiǔzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 久坐 |
jiǔzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酒坐 |
jìwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄望 |
jìwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冀望 |
jìwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 既望 |
jìwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 既往 |
jíwáwa {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吉娃娃 |
jíwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極為 |
jíwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 即為 |
jíwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棘圍 |
jíwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 即位 |
jìwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繼位 |
jīwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞尾 |
jīwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機尾 |
jīwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箕尾 |
jīwěijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞尾酒 |
jīwěijiǔhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞尾酒會 |
jìwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祭文 |
jíwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急務 |
jíwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 及物 |
jīwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機務 |
jíwùxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 及物性 |
jíxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 即席 |
jíxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急襲 |
jīxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 積習 |
jīxǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機洗 |
Jīxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞西 |
jíxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極限 |
jìxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祭獻 |
jíxiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吉祥 |
jíxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急相 |
jìxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跡象 |
jīxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跡象 |
jíxiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極小 |
jìxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 績效 |
jìxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 技校 |
jìxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄銷 |
jīxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譏笑 |
jīxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 積效 |
jīxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 績效 |
jìxiào guǎnlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 績效管理 |
jīxiào guǎnlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 績效管理 |
jìxiāorén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄銷人 |
jīxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機械 |
jīxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羈紲 |
jīxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞血 |
jīxiè fānyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機械翻譯 |
jīxiè gōngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機械工程 |
jīxièhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機械化 |
jīxièhuà qíbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機械化騎兵 |
jīxièhuà zhuāngjiǎ bùduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機械化裝甲部隊 |
jīxièrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機械人 |
jīxiěténg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞血藤 |
jīxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機心 |
jíxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急行 |
jíxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疾行 |
jíxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極刑 |
jíxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極行 |
jíxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 即興 |
jíxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急性 |
jíxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極性 |
jìxing {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記性 |
jìxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄興 |
jìxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覬幸 |
jìxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記性 |
jīxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畸形 |
jīxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機型 |
jíxíngjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急行軍 |
jīxíngxiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畸形秀 |
jíxìngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急性子 |
jīxíngzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畸形足 |
jíxiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吉凶 |
jīxiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞胸 |
jīxiōngròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞胸肉 |
jīxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機修 |
jíxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急需 |
jíxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急須 |
jíxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亟需 |
jìxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繼續 |
jìxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記敘 |
jìxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紀序 |
jǐxǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幾許 |
jīxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 積蓄 |
jíxuǎnqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集選區 |
jīxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞血 |
jīxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞血 |
jīxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 積雪 |
jīxuèténg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞血藤 |
jīxuěténg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞血藤 |
jìxù jiàoyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繼續教育 |
jíxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集訓 |
jìxùwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記敘文 |
jīyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 積壓 |
jīyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羈押 |
jíyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吉言 |
jíyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極言 |
jīyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基岩 |
jīyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齏鹽 |
jīyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稽延 |
jìyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄養 |
jìyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 技癢 |
jǐyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 給養 |
jìyǎng jiātíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄養家庭 |
jíyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輯要 |
jíyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急要 |
jìyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紀要 |
jìyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記要 |
jǐyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 給藥 |
jíyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極夜 |
jíyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 即夜 |
jì...yě... {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 既……也…… |
jīyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基業 |
jíyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吉儀 |
jíyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亟宜 |
jíyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輯佚 |
jíyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輯逸 |
jíyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戢翼 |
jíyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極意 |
jíyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戢枻 |
jíyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疾逸 |
jìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 技藝 |
jìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶 |
jìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 計議 |
jìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄意 |
jìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伎藝 |
jīyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機宜 |
jīyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稽疑 |
jīyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機翼 |
jīyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機譯 |
jìyìbàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶棒 |
jìyì héjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶合金 |
jìyìkǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶卡 |
jìyìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶力 |
jīyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基因 |
jīyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基音 |
jīyīn gǎizào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基因改造 |
jīyīn gōngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基因工程 |
jīyīntǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基因體 |
jīyīnxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基因型 |
jīyīn zhuǎnbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基因轉變 |
jīyīnzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基因組 |
jìyì quēshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶缺失 |
jìyìshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶術 |
jìyìtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶體 |
jìyìtiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶條 |
jìyìtǐpán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶體盤 |
jìyìyóuxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記憶猶新 |
jíyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急用 |
jǐyǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擠擁 |
jǐyōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擠擁 |
jíyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集郵 |
jì...yòu... {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 既……又…… |
jìyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 計有 |
jìyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 既有 |
jīyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基友 |
jìyǒu jīnrì hébì dāngchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 既有今日,何必當初 |
jíyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急於 |
jíyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極愚 |
jìyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覬覦 |
jìyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯽魚 |
jìyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 際遇 |
jìyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄寓 |
jìyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繫獄 |
jìyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄予 |
jìyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄與 |
jǐyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 給與 |
jīyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基於 |
jīyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幾於 |
jīyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機遇 |
jīyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 積鬱 |
jìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紀元 |
jìyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妓院 |
jìyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄怨 |
jīyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機緣 |
jīyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機員 |
jíyuē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集約 |
jíyuēhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集約化 |
Jíyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集韻 |
jīyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 積雲 |
jīyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機運 |
jìzài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記載 |
jìzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記載 |
jīzài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機載 |
jīzǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 積攢 |
jízào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急躁 |
jízǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 及早 |
jízǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極早 |
jízǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 即早 |
jīzēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 激增 |
jīzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基站 |
jīzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 激戰 |
jízhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擊掌 |
jìzhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記帳 |
jìzhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記賬 |
jīzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機長 |
jīzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擊掌 |
jízhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吉兆 |
jīzhǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞爪 |
jìzhe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記著 |
jìzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 記者 |
jìzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妓者 |
jízhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集鎮 |
jízhěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急診 |
jízhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急症 |
jízhèngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急症室 |
jízhèngshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急症室 |
jízhěnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急診室 |
jízhěnshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急診室 |
jízhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極致 |
jízhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 及至 |
jízhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急智 |
jīzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機智 |
jīzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機制 |
jīzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機製 |
jīzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基質 |
jīzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羈滯 |
jīzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齎志 |
jīzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笄蛭 |
jízhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集中 |
jízhōng qūshì dùliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集中趨勢度量 |
jízhōngyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集中營 |
jízhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 極晝 |
jízhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急驟 |
Jìzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冀州 |
jízhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集注 |
jǐzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脊柱 |
jǐzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擠住 |
jīzhuǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞爪 |
jízhuǎnwān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急轉彎 |
jīzhuǎzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞爪子 |
jízhuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脊椎 |
jǐzhuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脊椎 |
jǐzhuīgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脊椎骨 |
jīzhǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基準 |
jīzhǔndiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 基準點 |
jízī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集資 |
jìzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 季子 |
jìzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劑子 |
jìzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髻子 |
jìzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穄子 |
jìzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繼子 |
jìzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 季子 |
jìzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寄子 |
jǐzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麂子 |
jǐzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟣子 |
jīzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞子 |
jīzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機子 |
jīzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 激子 |
jīzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞子 |
jīzǐr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雞子兒 |
jízòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 急驟 |
jízǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疾走 |
jìzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驥足 |
jìzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祭祖 |
jīzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機組 |
jīzǔ rényuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 機組人員 |
JJ {n} [Internet slang] /jiějie/ | :: alternative form of 姐姐 |
JJ {n} [vulgar, slang] /jījī/ | :: alternative form of 雞雞 |
JK {n} [neologism, slang, ACG] | :: high school girl |
JK {n} [neologism, slang, ACG or fashion, nonstandard] | :: abbreviation of JK制服 |
JMS {n} [Mainland, internet slang] | :: sisters; female peers |
ju {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of jū |
ju {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of jú |
ju {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of jǔ |
ju {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of jù |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侷 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匊 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婅 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巈 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挶 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掬 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桏 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梮 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椈 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橘 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檇 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毩 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毱 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泦 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淗 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湤 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焗 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犑 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狊 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箤 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粷 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繕 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菊 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘜 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諊 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趜 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跼 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踘 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹫 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躹 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輂 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郹 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄓 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋦 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閰 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雍 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞠 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞫 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駶 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驧 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵙 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵴 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶪 |
jú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼳 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俱 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倨 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倶 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 具 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冣 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凡 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剧 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勮 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 句 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埧 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埾 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壉 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姖 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寠 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屦 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岠 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怇 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怚 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愳 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懂 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懼 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拒 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拠 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 據 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昛 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歫 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沭 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泃 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洰 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渚 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澽 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炬 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焣 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犋 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞸 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秬 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窭 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簊 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簴 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粔 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絇 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耟 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苣 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菹 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔛 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虡 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚷 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 製 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詎 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讵 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貗 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 足 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 距 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踞 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躆 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遽 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邭 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄐 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄶 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醵 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉅 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋸 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐻 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钜 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锯 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雍 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颶 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駋 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駏 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮔 |
jù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲍 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 举 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偉 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咀 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岦 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弆 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拎 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挙 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枴 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柜 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椇 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椿 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榉 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榘 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫸 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欅 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沭 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疺 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矩 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竘 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筥 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籢 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莒 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萒 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒟 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝺 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跙 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踽 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉎 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋤 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齟 |
jǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龃 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丏 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倱 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凥 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刟 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娵 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岨 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崌 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抅 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捀 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捪 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掫 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柤 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椐 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檋 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沮 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泀 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涺 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狙 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琚 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疽 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痀 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眗 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砠 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秝 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罝 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腒 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艍 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苴 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菹 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葅 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛆 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜛 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裾 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趄 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跔 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踕 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踙 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軄 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軥 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轡 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋦 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋮 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锔 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锭 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陱 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雎 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞟 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞫 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駒 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驕 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驹 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬶 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮈 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴡 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶊 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶋 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俥 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 车 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婮 |
jū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掬 |
ju1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of jū |
ju2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of jú |
ju3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of jǔ |
ju4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of jù |
juan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of juān |
juan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of juǎn |
juan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of juàn |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倦 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劵 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勌 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勬 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 図 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婑 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帣 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恸 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慻 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桊 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淃 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狷 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獧 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓹 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甃 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眡 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眷 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睊 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睠 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絧 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絹 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罥 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羂 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腀 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄄 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錈 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锩 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阭 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雋 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雊 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韏 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飬 |
juàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬳 |
juǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埢 |
juǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巸 |
juǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲 |
juǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臇 |
juǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菤 |
juǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕊 |
juǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜵 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剶 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姢 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朘 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泩 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涓 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琂 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脧 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠲 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裐 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 身 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋍 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎸 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐫 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞙 |
juān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵑 |
juan1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of juān |
juan3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of juǎn |
juan4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of juàn |
juǎnbǐdāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷筆刀 |
juǎnchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲尺 |
juàncūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眷村 |
juàndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倦怠 |
juàndān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷丹 |
juǎnfà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲髮 |
juǎnfà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷髮 |
juǎnfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲髮 |
juǎnfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷髮 |
juàngù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眷顧 |
juānkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐫刻 |
juānkuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐款 |
juànliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眷戀 |
juānmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐募 |
juànniàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眷念 |
juǎn pūgài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲鋪蓋 |
juǎn pūgài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷鋪蓋 |
juǎnqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲起 |
juānqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐錢 |
juànqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眷區 |
juānqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐軀 |
juǎnrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲入 |
juànshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷首 |
juànshǒuyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷首語 |
juànshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眷屬 |
juānshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐稅 |
jū'ānsīwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居安思危 |
jū'ānsīwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居安思危 |
juāntài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐫汰 |
juǎntǔchónglái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲土重來 |
juānxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐獻 |
juānxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐血 |
juānxiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娟秀 |
juānxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐血 |
juānxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐血 |
juànyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倦厭 |
juànyǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雋永 |
juànyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雋語 |
juānzèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐贈 |
jù'ānzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚氨酯 |
juànzhóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷軸 |
juānzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐助 |
juànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卷子 |
juànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲子 |
juànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圈子 |
juànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絹子 |
juǎnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捲子 |
juānzī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捐資 |
jù'ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倨傲 |
jǔbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉辦 |
jǔbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉報 |
jùbǎopén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚寶盆 |
jùbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 具備 |
jùbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俱備 |
jùběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇本 |
jùbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇變 |
jùbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨變 |
jùbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚變 |
jǔbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉兵 |
jùbò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨擘 |
júbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局部 |
jùbǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拒捕 |
jǔbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉步 |
jǔbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矩步 |
jūbǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘捕 |
jūbǔlìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘捕令 |
júbù mázuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局部麻醉 |
jǔbúshèngjǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉不勝舉 |
jùcān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚餐 |
jùcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇場 |
jùchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇場 |
jùchēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 據稱 |
júcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侷促 |
júcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局促 |
júcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跼促 |
jǔcuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉措 |
jùdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨大 |
jùdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉅大 |
jùdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 句點 |
jùdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 據點 |
jǔdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉動 |
jǔdòngjīngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉動荊棘 |
jùdòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 句讀 |
jùdòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 句逗 |
jūduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居多 |
jue {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of juē |
jue {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of jué |
jue {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of juě |
jue {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of juè |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亅 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倔 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傕 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僪 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 决 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刔 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劂 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勪 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厥 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咏 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啱 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噱 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚸 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孒 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孓 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屫 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崛 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崫 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵑 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶥 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弡 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彏 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憠 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憰 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戄 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抇 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抉 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挗 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捔 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掘 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撃 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撧 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攫 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斍 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柽 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桷 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梏 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橛 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橜 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欔 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欮 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殌 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氒 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泬 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㵐 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潏 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焆 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焳 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熦 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爑 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爝 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爴 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爵 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狀 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獗 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玃 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玦 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玨 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珏 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑴 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璋 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疦 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘚 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矍 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矝 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矡 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砄 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穱 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絶 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绝 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脙 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脚 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腲 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臄 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芵 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕝 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕞 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕨 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚗 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛙 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟨 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟩 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠼 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覐 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺: to wake up from sleep; conscious |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觊 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觖 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觱 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觼 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訣 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譎 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 诀 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谲 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谻 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貜 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赽 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趹 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踊 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹶 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹷 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹻 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躩 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輂 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 较 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逫 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈌 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐍 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐝 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钁 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镢 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镻 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闈 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闕 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闐 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馵 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱊 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱖 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴁 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴃 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷢 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龣 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓸 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔃 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穴 |
jué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炔 |
juè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倓 |
juè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴂 |
juè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倔 |
juě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹶 |
juē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗜 |
juē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噘 |
juē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屩 |
juē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撅 |
juē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撦 |
jue1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of juē |
jue2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of jué |
jue3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of juě |
jue4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of juè |
juébǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕版 |
juébì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕壁 |
juébǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕筆 |
juébǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掘筆 |
juébié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訣別 |
juébù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決不 |
juébù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕不 |
juébù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躩步 |
juécái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕才 |
juécè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決策 |
juécèrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決策人 |
juécèzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決策者 |
juéchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺察 |
juéchàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕唱 |
jué cíxióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決雌雄 |
jué cīxióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決雌雄 |
juédàbùfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕大部分 |
juédài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕代 |
juédǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕倒 |
juéde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺得 |
juédé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺得 |
juédìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決定 |
juédìngcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決定簇 |
juédìngquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決定權 |
juédìngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決定性 |
juédòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決鬥 |
juédòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 角鬥 |
juéduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決斷 |
juéduànlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決斷力 |
juéduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕對 |
juéduì fēncí zǐjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕對分詞子句 |
juéduì língdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕對零度 |
juéduì lǐngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕對領域 |
juéduìzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕對值 |
juéduìzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕對主義 |
juéduó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攫奪 |
juéfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕乏 |
juéfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕非 |
juéhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕活 |
juéjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決計 |
juéjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕跡 |
juéjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕跡 |
juéjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倔強 |
juéjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕交 |
juéjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𠄑𠄍 |
juéjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𡳾𠄍 |
juéjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𡳾𠂈 |
juéjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕境 |
juéjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕經 |
juéjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕句 |
juékǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決口 |
juékǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕口 |
juélì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 角力 |
juélì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕粒 |
juéliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決裂 |
juélù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕路 |
juélún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕倫 |
juémì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕密 |
juémiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕妙 |
juémiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕滅 |
juémíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決明 |
juémíngzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決明子 |
juépèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕配 |
juépèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕轡 |
juéqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崛起 |
juéqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倔起 |
juéqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掘起 |
juéqiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訣竅 |
juéqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕情 |
juéqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攫取 |
juérán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決然 |
juérán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絶然 |
juérán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矍然 |
juérán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹶然 |
juérè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕熱 |
juésài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決賽 |
juésài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕塞 |
juésè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 角色 |
juésè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腳色 |
juésè bànyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 角色扮演 |
juésèjiārén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕色佳人 |
juéshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕食 |
juéshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺識 |
juéshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抉拾 |
juéshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爵士 |
juéshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕世 |
juéshìgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爵士鼓 |
juéshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 角黍 |
juéshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺書 |
juéshuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矍鑠 |
juésì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕嗣 |
juésuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決算 |
juétóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噱頭 |
juétǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爵土 |
juétǔjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掘土機 |
juéwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕望 |
juéwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觖望 |
juéwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爵位 |
juéwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺悟 |
juéwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕物 |
juéwújǐnyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕無僅有 |
juéxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決心 |
juéxǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺醒 |
juéxiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 角宿 |
juéxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕續 |
juéxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕緒 |
juéyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決議 |
juéyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決意 |
juéyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕藝 |
juéyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕詣 |
juéyì'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決議案 |
juéyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱖魚 |
juéyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕育 |
juéyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決獄 |
juéyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕域 |
juéyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕緣 |
juézǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕早 |
juézé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抉擇 |
juézhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 決戰 |
juézhāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕招 |
juézhe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覺著 |
juézhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絕種 |
juézhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掘冢 |
juézhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 角逐 |
juězi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹶子 |
juēzuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撅嘴 |
juēzuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噘嘴 |
jùfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 句法 |
jǔfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉發 |
jǔfán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉凡 |
jùfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颶風 |
jùfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨风 |
jùfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨富 |
jùfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉅富 |
jùfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拒付 |
jùgé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 具格 |
júgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞠躬 |
jūgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞠躬 |
jūgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居功 |
jūgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狙公 |
jùguài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨怪 |
jūguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居官 |
jǔguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉國 |
jùhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚合 |
júhóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橘紅 |
júhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菊花 |
Júhuā Wángcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菊花王朝 |
jùhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚會 |
jùhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拒賄 |
jùhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨禍 |
jùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚集 |
jùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇集 |
jùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨集 |
jùjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚積 |
jūjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘忌 |
jūjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 車騎 |
jūjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居家 |
jǔjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉薦 |
jūjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居間 |
jùjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨匠 |
jǔjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒟醬 |
jùjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚焦 |
jùjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋸鮫 |
jūjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘禁 |
jūjǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘謹 |
jùjīnghuìshén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚精會神 |
jūjiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雎鳩 |
jūjiǔwū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居酒屋 |
jújù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菊苣 |
jǔjǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踽踽 |
jǔjǔdúxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踽踽獨行 |
jùjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拒絕 |
jǔjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咀嚼 |
jǔjuéjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咀嚼肌 |
jùjué wǎnglái hù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拒絕往來戶 |
jújùgēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菊苣根 |
jùkuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨款 |
jùkuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉅款 |
jùlàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨浪 |
jùlèbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俱樂部 |
jùlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 距離 |
jūlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘禮 |
jūlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居里 |
jùliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚斂 |
jùliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚斂 |
jùliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇烈 |
jùlǐ lìzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 據理力爭 |
jùliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨流 |
jūliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘留 |
jūliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居留 |
jūliúquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居留權 |
jūliúsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘留所 |
jūliúzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘留證 |
jūliúzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居留證 |
jùlǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚攏 |
jùluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚落 |
júmá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局麻 |
júmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局面 |
jūmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居民 |
jùmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 具名 |
jūmínqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居民區 |
jùmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋸末 |
jùmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇目 |
jùmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋸木 |
jǔmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫸木 |
jun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of jūn |
jun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of jǔn |
jun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of jùn |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俊 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儁 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呁 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寯 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峻 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懏 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捃 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攈 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攟 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晙 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殾 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浚 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濬 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焌 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狹 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珺 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畯 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睃 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竣 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箘 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箟 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菌 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菍 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葰 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔨 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訁 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逡 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郡 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陔 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隽 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餕 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駿 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵐 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵘 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵔 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑺 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒞 |
jùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓴 |
jǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𢉦 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 军 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姰 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桾 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汮 |
jūn {rom} | :: 皲, 皸, 皹: crack, chap |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碅 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 策 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莙 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菆 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚐 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袀 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覠 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈞 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銁 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銞 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钧 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頵 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮶 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲪 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麇 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麏 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麕 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龚 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龝 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龟 |
jūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龜 |
jun1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of jūn |
jun3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of jǔn |
jun4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of jùn |
jūnbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍備 |
jūnbèi jìngsài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍備競賽 |
jùncái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俊才 |
jūnchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君臣 |
jùndácài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莙薘菜 |
jūndácài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莙薘菜 |
jūndāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍刀 |
jùndé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俊德 |
jūnděng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均等 |
jūndù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君度 |
jūnduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍隊 |
jūnfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍閥 |
jūnfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍法 |
jūnfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍方 |
jūnfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均方 |
jūnfānggēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均方根 |
jūnfázhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍閥主義 |
jūnfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均分 |
jūnfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍服 |
jūngē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍歌 |
jùngōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竣工 |
jùngōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郡公 |
jūngōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍功 |
jūngōngchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍工廠 |
jūnguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍官 |
jūnguózhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍國主義 |
jūnhéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均衡 |
jūnhéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈞衡 |
jūnhóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君侯 |
jūnhuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍火 |
jūnì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘泥 |
jūnjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍籍 |
jūnjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍紀 |
jūnjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍艦 |
jùnjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俊傑 |
jùnjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峻節 |
jūnjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍階 |
jùnlèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菌類 |
jūnlèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菌類 |
jūnlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍力 |
jūnliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皸裂 |
jūnliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龜裂 |
jūnliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍列 |
jūnlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君臨 |
jùnlǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峻嶺 |
jūnlìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍令 |
jūnlìngrúshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍令如山 |
jūnlìngzhuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍令狀 |
jūnlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍旅 |
jùnmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駿馬 |
jùnmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郡馬 |
jùnměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俊美 |
jùnmiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菌苗 |
jūnmiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菌苗 |
jūnmínfǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍民府 |
jūnqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍旗 |
jūnqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍棋 |
jùnqiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俊俏 |
jùnqiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峻峭 |
jūnqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍區 |
jūnrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍人 |
jūnshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍實 |
jūnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍事 |
jūnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍士 |
jūnshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍師 |
jūnshì fǎtíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍事法庭 |
jūnshìhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍事化 |
jūnshìjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍事家 |
jūnshì jiānyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍事監獄 |
jūnshì kēxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍事科學 |
jūnshìxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍事學 |
jūnshì yǎnxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍事演習 |
jùnshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郡守 |
jūntān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均攤 |
jūntuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍團 |
jūnwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君王 |
jùnwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俊偉 |
jūnwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍威 |
jùnxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郡縣 |
jūnxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍銜 |
jùnxiànzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郡縣制 |
jūnxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍械 |
jūnxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍心 |
jùnxiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俊秀 |
jūnxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍需 |
jūnxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍訓 |
jūnxūpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍需品 |
jūnyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍演 |
jūnyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍醫 |
jūnyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍衣 |
jūnyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均一 |
jūnyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍營 |
jūnyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍用 |
jūnyòng jīcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍用機場 |
jūnyòng jīchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍用機場 |
jūnyòngpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍用品 |
jūnyòng shuǐhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍用水壺 |
jūnyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍樂 |
jūnyuèduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍樂隊 |
jūnyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均勻 |
jūnzhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均沾 |
jūnzhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均霑 |
jūnzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍政 |
jūnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 均值 |
jūnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍職 |
jūnzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍制 |
jūnzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍種 |
jūnzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菌種 |
jūnzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君主 |
jūnzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軍裝 |
jūnzhǔ lìxiànzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君主立憲制 |
jūnzhǔzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君主制 |
jūnzhǔzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君主主義 |
jūnzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 君子 |
jùpà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懼怕 |
jūpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居品 |
jǔqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉旗 |
jǔqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉起 |
jùqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拒簽 |
jǔqíbùdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉棋不定 |
jùqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇情 |
jùqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 據情 |
jùqíng tòulù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇情透露 |
jūrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居然 |
jùrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨人 |
jǔrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉人 |
jǔruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒟蒻 |
jùsàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚散 |
jǔsàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沮喪 |
jūsāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居喪 |
júshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局勢 |
jǔshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉世 |
jǔshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉事 |
jǔshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉士 |
jūshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居士 |
jūshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居室 |
jūshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居室 |
Jùshízhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨石陣 |
jǔshìzhǔmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉世矚目 |
jùshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨獸 |
jùshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚首 |
jǔshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉手 |
jūshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘束 |
jùshuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拒霜 |
jùshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 據說 |
jūsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居所 |
jùtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 具體 |
jùtǐ láodòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 具體勞動 |
jùtǐ míngcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 具體名詞 |
jùtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨頭 |
jùtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚頭 |
jùtòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇透 |
jùtuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇團 |
júwàirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局外人 |
jùwàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨萬 |
jùwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 距違 |
jùwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 句尾 |
jùwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇務 |
jùwúbà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨無霸 |
jùwúbà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨毋霸 |
jūwúdìngsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居無定所 |
jùxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 據悉 |
júxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局限 |
júxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侷限 |
jūxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘限 |
júxiànxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局限性 |
jùxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋸屑 |
jūxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居心 |
jùxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨型 |
jùxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 句型 |
jùxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚形 |
jùxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨星 |
jùxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚星 |
jǔxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 举行 |
jǔxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矩形 |
jūyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘押 |
jǔyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉業 |
jǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉義 |
jùyīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨嬰 |
jùyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 具有 |
jùyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俱有 |
jùyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 據有 |
jùyōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚麀 |
júyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菊芋 |
júyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局域 |
jǔyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齟齬 |
jūyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居於 |
jùyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇院 |
Júyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菊月 |
júyùwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局域網 |
júzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局長 |
jǔzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矩陣 |
jǔzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉證 |
jǔzhèng zérèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉證責任 |
jǔzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉止 |
jǔzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沮止 |
jùzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聚眾 |
jùzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇終 |
jùzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇中 |
jǔzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉重 |
jūzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居中 |
jǔzhòngruòqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉重若輕 |
Jǔzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矩州 |
jùzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨著 |
jùzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉅著 |
jūzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居住 |
jūzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拘住 |
jūzhùchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 居住船 |
júzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橘子 |
júzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桔子 |
júzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局子 |
júzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 局子 |
jùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 句子 |
jùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋸子 |
jùzī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨資 |
jùzī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醵資 |
jùzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劇作 |
jùzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巨作 |
jǔzúqīngzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舉足輕重 |
k {def} SEE: K | :: |
K {v} | :: alternative form of *剋 |
K {n} /kēi,kèi/ | :: abbreviation of 卡拉OK |
K {v} [internet slang] | :: to repost |
K {n} [slang] /kēi,kèi/ | :: ketamine |
K {num} /kēi,kèi/ | :: thousand; kilo |
K {classifier} [computing, colloquial] /kēi,kèi/ | :: kilobyte |
K {n} /kāi/ | :: karat |
K2 {prop} [chiefly Taiwan] /kēi-èr,kèi-èr/ | :: K2; alternative name for 喬戈里峰 |
K2峰 {prop} [chiefly Taiwan] /kēi-èr fēng,kèi-èr fēng/ | :: alternative name for 喬戈里峰 |
ka {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kā |
ka {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǎ |
ka {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kà |
kǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佧 |
kǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡 |
kǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咔 |
kǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咭 |
kǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胩 |
kǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉲 |
kā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖 |
kā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喀 |
kā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啸 |
ka1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kā |
ka3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǎ |
kǎbùqínuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡布奇諾 |
kǎchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡車 |
kǎdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡帶 |
Kǎ'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡爾 |
Kǎ'ěrjiālǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡尔加里 |
kāfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡 |
kāfēibā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡吧 |
kāfēibēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡杯 |
kāfēibiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡婊 |
kāfēichún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡醇 |
kāfēidiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡店 |
kāfēi fěnsuìjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡粉碎機 |
kāfēiguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡館 |
kāfēiguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡果 |
kāfēihú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡壺 |
kāfēijiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡鹼 |
kāfēijīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡精 |
kāfēi lāhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡拉花 |
kāfēi lǜyāhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡濾壓壺 |
kāfēishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡室 |
kāfēishǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡室 |
kāfēishī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡師 |
kāfēitīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡廳 |
kāfēiwū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡屋 |
kāfēiyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖啡因 |
kai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kāi |
kai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǎi |
kai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kài |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勓 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咲 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘅 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忾 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愒 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愾 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欬 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渴 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溔 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炌 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炏 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烗 |
kài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礚 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凯 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剀 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剴 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垲 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塏 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岀 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恺 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慨 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暟 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒈 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豂 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輆 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍇 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎧 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铠 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閝 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闓 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闿 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 集 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颽 |
kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楷 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奒 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 开 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揩 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痎 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐦 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锎 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闐 |
kāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闼 |
kai1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kāi |
kai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǎi |
kai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kài |
kāibàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開辦 |
kāicā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揩擦 |
kāicǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開採 |
kāicǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開彩 |
kāicáoxiāngxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開槽鑲線 |
kāichà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開叉 |
kāichā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開叉 |
kāicháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開場 |
kāichǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開場 |
kāichángbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開場白 |
kāichǎngbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開場白 |
kāichē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開車 |
Kāichéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開城 |
kāichú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開除 |
kāichú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開鋤 |
kāichū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開初 |
kāichū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開出 |
kāichuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開船 |
kāichuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開創 |
kāidǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開打 |
kāidāngkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開襠褲 |
kāidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開道 |
kāidǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開導 |
kāidāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開刀 |
kāidiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開店 |
kāidòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開動 |
kāidòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開凍 |
kāiduān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開端 |
Kǎi'ēnsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凱恩斯 |
kāi'ěrwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開爾文 |
kāifā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開發 |
kāifàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開飯 |
kāifáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開房 |
kāifàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開放 |
kāifāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開方 |
kāifàngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開放式 |
kāifàngshì guānxi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開放式關係 |
kāifàng shíjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開放時間 |
kāifāqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開發區 |
kāifā rényuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開發人員 |
kǎifēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凱風 |
kāifēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開封 |
Kāifēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開封 |
kāifǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開府 |
kāigōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開工 |
kāigōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開弓 |
kāigōng méiyǒu huítóu jiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開弓沒有回頭箭 |
kāiguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開館 |
kāiguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開關 |
kāiguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開棺 |
kāiguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開光 |
kāiguànqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開罐器 |
kāiguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開國 |
kāiháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開航 |
kāihēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開黑 |
kāihù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開戶 |
kāihuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開化 |
kāihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開花 |
kāihuājiéguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開花結果 |
kāihuājiēguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開花結果 |
kāihuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開荒 |
kāihuā zhíwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開花植物 |
kāihuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開會 |
kāihūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開葷 |
kāihuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開火 |
kāi huǒchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開火車 |
kāijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開機 |
kāijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開基 |
kǎijiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎧甲 |
kāijiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開建 |
Kāijiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開建 |
kāijīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開金 |
kāijú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開局 |
kāijù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開具 |
kāijuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開卷 |
kāijué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開掘 |
kāikè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開課 |
kāikě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開可 |
kāikěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開墾 |
kāikēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開坑 |
kāikǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開口 |
kāikuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開闊 |
kāilǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開朗 |
kāiliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開列 |
kāiliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開裂 |
kāi lǜdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開綠燈 |
Kāiluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開羅 |
kāimén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開門 |
kāiméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開蒙 |
kāiméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開萌 |
kāiménhóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開門紅 |
kāimíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開明 |
kǎimó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楷模 |
kāimù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開幕 |
kāimùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開幕式 |
kāipāi | :: pinyin reading of 開拍 |
kāipán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開盤 |
kāipì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開闢 |
kāipì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開辟 |
kāipiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開票 |
Kāipíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開平 |
Kāipǔdūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開普敦 |
kāiqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開啟 |
kāiqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開啓 |
kāiqiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開槍 |
kāiqiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開腔 |
kāiqiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開竅 |
kāiqiàoyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開竅藥 |
kāisēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開森 |
kāishān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開山 |
kāishān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開衫 |
kāishè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開設 |
kāishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開市 |
kāishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開釋 |
kāishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揩拭 |
kāishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開示 |
kāishǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開始 |
kāishǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開駛 |
kǎishū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楷書 |
kāishuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開涮 |
kāishuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開水 |
kāisī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開撕 |
kāitáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開膛 |
kāitáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開堂 |
kāití {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開題 |
kāití bàogào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開題報告 |
kāitíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開庭 |
kāitong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開通 |
kāitōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開通 |
kāitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開頭 |
kāitóur {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開頭兒 |
kāituò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開拓 |
kāituō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開脫 |
kāituòzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開拓者 |
kāi wánxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開玩笑 |
Kǎiwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凱文 |
kāiwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開悟 |
kāixiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開銷 |
kāixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開心 |
kāixīnguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開心果 |
kǎixuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凱旋 |
kǎixuánmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凱旋門 |
kāixué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開學 |
kāiyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開演 |
kāiyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開眼 |
kāiyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開業 |
kāiyèchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開夜車 |
kāiyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揩油 |
kāiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開源 |
Kāiyuán Tiānbǎo yíshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開元天寶遺事 |
kāizáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開鑿 |
kāizhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開戰 |
kāizhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開綻 |
kāizhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開站 |
kāizhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開展 |
kāizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開仗 |
kāizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開帳 |
kāizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開賬 |
kāizhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開張 |
kāizhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開支 |
kāizuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開罪 |
kāizuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 開鑿 |
kǎjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咔嘰 |
kǎjièmiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡介苗 |
kāla {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哈喇 |
Kǎlābùlǐyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉布里亞 |
Kǎlākǎsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉卡斯 |
kǎlǎ'ōukēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of null |
kǎlā'ōukèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉OK |
kǎlā'ōukēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉OK |
kǎlā'ōukèijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉OK機 |
kǎlā'ōukēijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉OK機 |
kǎlā'ōukèi tīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉OK廳 |
kǎlā'ōukēi tīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉OK廳 |
Kǎlāqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡拉奇 |
kālǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咖哩 |
kǎlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咔啉 |
kǎlùlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡路里 |
kan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kān |
kan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǎn |
kan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kàn |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勓 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墈 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞰 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磡 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竷 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薝 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衎 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譺 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闞 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餜 |
kàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬪 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侃 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偘 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冚 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坎 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埳 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塪 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崁 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惂 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 様 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檶 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欿 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歁 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歞 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砍 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莰 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輡 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轀 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轗 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顑 |
kǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬪 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刈 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勓 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堪 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵁 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戡 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栞 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看 |
kān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龕 |
kan1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kān |
kan3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǎn |
kan4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kàn |
kànbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看板 |
kānběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊本 |
kànbiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看扁 |
kànbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看病 |
kānbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊布 |
kānbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堪布 |
kànbudé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看不得 |
kànbùdǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看不懂 |
kànbùguàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看不慣 |
kànbujiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看不見 |
kànbuqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看不起 |
kāncè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘測 |
kànchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看茶 |
kānchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘查 |
kānchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘察 |
kǎnchái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砍柴 |
Kānchájiā Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堪察加半島 |
kànchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看成 |
kànchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看承 |
kānchēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堪稱 |
kànchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看出 |
kànchuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看穿 |
kànchūlai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看出來 |
kàndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看待 |
kàndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看淡 |
kàndào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看到 |
kǎndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砍倒 |
kàndedǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看得懂 |
kàndejiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看得見 |
kāndēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊登 |
kàndiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看點 |
kāndìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘定 |
kàndǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看懂 |
kǎnduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砍斷 |
kànfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看法 |
kǎnfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砍伐 |
kǎnfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砍伐 |
kānfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊發 |
kànfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看房 |
kang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kāng |
kang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of káng |
kang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǎng |
kang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kàng |
káng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扛 |
káng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 投 |
káng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摃 |
káng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邖 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亢 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伉 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匟 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囥 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沃 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炕 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犺 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砊 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邟 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈧 |
kàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閌 |
kǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慶 |
kǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肮 |
kǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骩 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫝 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忼 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慷 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杭 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槺 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漮 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砊 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穅 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粇 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糠 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荒 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躿 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏮 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閇 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱇 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵻 |
kāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𡐓 |
kang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kāng |
kang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of káng |
kang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǎng |
kang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kàng |
Kāngbāshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康巴什 |
kàngbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗辯 |
kàngbǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗捕 |
kàngcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗潮 |
Kāngdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康德 |
kàngfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亢奮 |
kāngfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康復 |
kànghàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗旱 |
kànghàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亢旱 |
kànghéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗衡 |
Kānghuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康回 |
kàngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗擊 |
kàngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炕几 |
kàngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗擊 |
kāngjiāgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康加鼓 |
kàngjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亢進 |
kàngjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗拒 |
Kāngjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康居 |
kāngkǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慷慨 |
kāngkǎijī'áng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慷慨激昂 |
kānglè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康樂 |
kànglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伉儷 |
kànglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗力 |
Kānglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康利 |
kāngnǎixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康乃馨 |
kàngnìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗逆力 |
Kāngpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康坪 |
Kāngqiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康橋 |
kàngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗生 |
kàngshēngsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗生素 |
kàngshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗濕 |
kāng tārén zhī kǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慷他人之慨 |
kàngtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗體 |
kànguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看官 |
kānguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看管 |
Kāngxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康熙 |
Kāngxī Zìdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 康熙字典 |
kàngyǎnghuàjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗氧化劑 |
kàngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗議 |
kàngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗疫 |
kàngyìyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗抑鬱 |
kàngyìyùyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗抑鬱藥 |
kàngyìzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗議者 |
kàngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗原 |
kǎngzǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骯髒 |
kàngzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抗戰 |
kānhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看護 |
kǎnjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砍價 |
kǎnjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侃價 |
kānjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看家 |
kànjian {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看見 |
kànjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看見 |
kǎnjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坎肩 |
kǎnjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坎阱 |
kànkan {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看看 |
kànkàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看看 |
kǎnkǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侃侃 |
kǎnkǎn'értán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侃侃而談 |
kǎnkǎn'éryán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侃侃而言 |
kǎnkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坎坷 |
kǎnkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轗軻 |
kǎnkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堿坷 |
kānkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊刻 |
kànlai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看來 |
kànlái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看來 |
kànliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看臉 |
kānluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戡亂 |
kānluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘亂 |
kānmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看門 |
kānméngǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看門狗 |
Kānpéilā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堪培拉 |
kànpò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看破 |
kānpò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘破 |
kànqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看齊 |
kànqilai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看起來 |
kànqǐlai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看起來 |
kànqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看清 |
kànqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看輕 |
kàn qíngkuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看情況 |
kànrènao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看熱鬧 |
kǎnrjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坎兒井 |
kànshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看上 |
kànshàngqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看上去 |
kānshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看守 |
kānshǒusuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看守所 |
kànshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看書 |
kànsì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看似 |
kàntái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看臺 |
kāntàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘探 |
kàntou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看頭 |
kàntòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看透 |
kǎntóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砍頭 |
kǎnwán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莰烷 |
kànwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看望 |
kànwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看旺 |
kànwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞰望 |
kānwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊物 |
kānwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘誤 |
kānwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊誤 |
kānwùbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘誤表 |
kānwùbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊誤表 |
kànxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看戲 |
kǎnxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莰烯 |
kànxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看相 |
kānxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊行 |
kānyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看押 |
kànyàngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看樣子 |
kānyìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊印 |
kànyīshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看醫生 |
kānzài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊載 |
kānzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刊載 |
kānzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勘正 |
kànzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看中 |
kànzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看重 |
kànzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看作 |
kànzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看做 |
kànzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 看座 |
kao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kāo |
kao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of káo |
kao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǎo |
kao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kào |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槁 |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犒 |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秼 |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藳 |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銬 |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铐 |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠 |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮯 |
kào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲒 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丂 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拷 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攵 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栲 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槀 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洘 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燺 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稁 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薧 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮳 |
kǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲓 |
kāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尻 |
kāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髛 |
kāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷱 |
kao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kāo |
kao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǎo |
kao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kào |
kàobèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠背 |
kǎobèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拷貝 |
kǎobiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考辨 |
kǎochá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考察 |
kǎochá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考查 |
kǎocháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考場 |
kǎochǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考場 |
kǎochéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考成 |
kàodezhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠得住 |
kàodiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠墊 |
kǎodìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考訂 |
kǎogǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考古 |
kāogǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尻骨 |
kǎoguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考官 |
kǎogǔxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考古學 |
kǎogǔxuéjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考古學家 |
kǎohé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考核 |
kǎohuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拷花 |
kǎojí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考級 |
kǎojì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考績 |
kǎojī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考績 |
kàojìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠近 |
kǎojiu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考究 |
kǎojiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考究 |
kǎojiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考究 |
kǎojù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考據 |
kǎojuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考卷 |
kàojūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犒軍 |
kǎokuān miàntiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤寬麵條 |
kǎolā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考拉 |
kàoláo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犒勞 |
kàolào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犒勞 |
kǎoliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考量 |
kàolǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠攏 |
kǎolú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤爐 |
kǎolǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考慮 |
kǎolùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考論 |
kǎomǎlíngshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤馬鈴薯 |
kǎomiànbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤麵包 |
kǎomiànbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤麪包 |
kǎomiànbǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤麵餅 |
kǎopáigǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤排骨 |
kàopǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠譜 |
kàopǔr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠譜 |
kǎoqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考勤 |
kǎoqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考取 |
kǎoròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤肉 |
kǎoròuchā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤肉叉 |
kǎoròujiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤肉醬 |
kǎorù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考入 |
kàoshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠山 |
kàoshǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犒賞 |
kǎoshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考上 |
kǎoshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考生 |
kǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考試 |
kǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考釋 |
kǎotǔdòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤土豆 |
kǎowén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考文 |
kǎowèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拷問 |
kǎowèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考問 |
Kǎowénchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考文垂 |
kǎoxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤箱 |
kǎoyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烤鴨 |
kǎoyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考研 |
kǎoyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考驗 |
kǎoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考異 |
kǎozhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 考證 |
kàozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靠子 |
kàozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銬子 |
kǎpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡片 |
kǎqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡其 |
kǎqíbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡其布 |
kǎqísè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡其色 |
kǎsāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡桑 |
Kǎsāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡桑 |
Kāshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喀山 |
Kāshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喀什 |
kǎshìdá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡士達 |
Kǎtǎ'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡塔爾 |
kǎtǎnà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡塔納 |
kǎtè'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡特爾 |
kǎtōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡通 |
Kātǔmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喀土穆 |
kǎwāyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡哇伊 |
kǎxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咔戲 |
kǎxīnuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡西諾 |
kāyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揩油 |
kǎzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卡住 |
kǎzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咔唑 |
ke {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kē |
ke {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ké |
ke {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kě |
ke {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kè |
ké {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咳 |
ké {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殼 |
ké {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揢 |
ké {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頦 |
ké {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頢 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 课 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兓 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兜 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剋 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勀 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勊 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叮 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喀 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗑 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垎 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堁 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娔 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尅 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恪 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愘 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愙 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揢 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搕 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枖 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榼 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氪 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溘 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碢 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碦 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秎 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緙 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚵 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衉 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醘 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋽 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锝 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騍 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龎 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒆 |
kè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䶗 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哽 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坷 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岢 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶱 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敤 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棳 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渇 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渴 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炣 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盆 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磒 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礍 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閙 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頼 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颒 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒞 |
kě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閜 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匼 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坴 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峇 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柯 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棵 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樖 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犐 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珂 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疴 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痽 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞌 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砡 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磕 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礍 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稞 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窠 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簻 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胢 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苛 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荰 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萪 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薖 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝌 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趷 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軻 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈯 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉼 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錎 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铤 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頢 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顆 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颍 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颗 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髁 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呵 |
kē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坷 |
ke1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kē |
ke2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ké |
ke3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kě |
ke4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kè |
kě'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可愛 |
kě'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渴愛 |
kèbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻板 |
kèbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻版 |
kèbǎn yìnxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻板印象 |
kěbēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可悲 |
kèběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課本 |
kèběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻本 |
kěbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可變 |
kèbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課表 |
kèbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻薄 |
kěbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可不 |
kěbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可怖 |
kèbùrónghuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻不容緩 |
kěbù shì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可不是 |
kēcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科場 |
kēchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科場 |
kèchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客車 |
kèchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課程 |
kèchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻成 |
kèchéngbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課程表 |
kěchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可恥 |
kěchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可吃 |
kěchíxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可持續 |
kěchíxù fāzhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可持續發展 |
kèchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客船 |
kèchuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客串 |
kědá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可達 |
kēdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科大 |
kēdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苛待 |
kědàiyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可待因 |
kědé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可得 |
kědéxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可得性 |
kèdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客店 |
kědǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可懂 |
kědǒngdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可懂度 |
kēdǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝌蚪 |
kědú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可讀 |
kěduàn zhùtiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可鍛鑄鐵 |
kě'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岢峨 |
kēfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科罰 |
kèfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客房 |
kèfáng fúwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客房服務 |
kèfēi'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克非爾 |
kèfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克服 |
kèfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客服 |
kèfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克復 |
kègǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻骨 |
kèguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客觀 |
kěguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可觀 |
kěguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可貴 |
kěgùyōngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可僱傭性 |
kèhán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可汗 |
kèhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客戶 |
kèhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻畫 |
kèhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻劃 |
kèhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剋化 |
kēhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科幻 |
kèhùduān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客戶端 |
kèhù jīchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客戶基礎 |
kèhùqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客戶群 |
kēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻 |
kēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剋 |
kēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尅 |
kèi-èr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of K2 |
kēi-èr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of K2 |
kēifěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of K粉 |
kèjǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克己 |
kèjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客機 |
kějí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可及 |
kējì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科技 |
kējì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科際 |
kèjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客家 |
kèjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克家 |
kějiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可嘉 |
Kèjiāhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客家話 |
kèjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課件 |
kějiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可見 |
kějiànguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可見光 |
kějiǎnkòngzuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可檢控罪 |
kējiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科教 |
Kèjiārén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客家人 |
Kèjiāyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客家語 |
kějiēshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可接受 |
kějiēshòuxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可接受性 |
kèjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課金 |
kějìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可敬 |
kějíxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可及性 |
kējǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科舉 |
Kējǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科舉 |
kējuānzáshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苛捐雜稅 |
kějué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可決 |
kějùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岢峻 |
kěkào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可靠 |
kěkàoxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可靠性 |
kěkǎyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可卡因 |
kèkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻刻 |
kèkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溘溘 |
kěkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可可 |
kēkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苛刻 |
kěkědòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可可豆 |
kěkěfěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可可粉 |
kěkěsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可可色 |
kěkěshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可可樹 |
kěkěyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可可油 |
kěkězhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可可脂 |
kèkòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剋扣 |
kěkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可口 |
Kěkǒukělè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可口可樂 |
kèkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻苦 |
kèkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剋苦 |
kēkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻苦 |
kěkuòzhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可擴展 |
kěkuòzhǎnxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可擴展性 |
kèlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克拉 |
Kèlái'àopàtèlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克萊奧帕特拉 |
Kèlàisītèchèqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克賴斯特徹奇 |
Kèlāmǎyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克拉瑪依 |
Kělán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可蘭 |
kèlǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克朗 |
Kělánjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可蘭經 |
Kèlāsīnuòyà'ěrsīkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克 |
kělè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可樂 |
Kēlè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呵叻 |
kělèbǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可樂餅 |
kēlesù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頦勒嗦 |
kēlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顆粒 |
kēlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苛吏 |
kělián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可憐 |
kěliánbābā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可憐巴巴 |
kèlǐkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客里空 |
Kèlǐmǐyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克里米亞 |
Kèlǐmǐyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克里米亞 |
Kèlǐmǐyà Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克里米亞半島 |
Kèlǐmǐyǎ Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克里米亞半島 |
kèlóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克隆 |
Kēlóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科隆 |
Kēlóng xiāngshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科隆香水 |
kèlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客輪 |
Kèluó'āixīyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克羅埃西亞 |
Kèluó'āixīyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克羅埃西亞 |
kēluóbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珂羅版 |
Kèluódìyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克羅地亞 |
Kèluódìyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克羅地亞 |
Kèluòyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克洛伊 |
kèmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻面 |
kēmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科目 |
ken {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kén |
ken {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kěn |
ken {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kèn |
kèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掯 |
kèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珢 |
kèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硍 |
kèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裉 |
kèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啃 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啃 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垦 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恳 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肎 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肯 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肻 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豤 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錹 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頍 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颀 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齗 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齦 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龂 |
kěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龈 |
kēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𩎤 |
ken1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kēn |
ken3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kěn |
ken4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kèn |
Kēnàkèlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科納克里 |
Kěndéjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肯德基 |
kěndìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肯定 |
kěnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可能 |
kěnéngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可能性 |
keng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kēng |
keng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kěng |
kěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忐 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劥 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吭 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坈 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坑 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奟 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妔 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挳 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摼 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牼 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硁 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硍 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硜 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硻 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胦 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脛 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誗 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉯 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銵 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍞 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏗 |
kēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阬 |
keng1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kēng |
keng3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kěng |
kěngdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忐忑 |
kēngdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坑道 |
kēngdiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坑爹 |
kēnghài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坑害 |
kēngkengwāwā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坑坑窪窪 |
kēngkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坑口 |
kēngkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坑苦 |
kēngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吭氣 |
kēngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坑氣 |
kēngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吭聲 |
kěnhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墾荒 |
kěnlǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啃老 |
kěnlǎozú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啃老族 |
kěnqiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懇切 |
kěnqìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肯綮 |
kěnqǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肯綮 |
kěnqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懇求 |
kěnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墾殖 |
kěpà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可怕 |
kēpǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科普 |
Kēpǔtè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科普特 |
Kēpǔtèrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科普特人 |
Kēpǔtèyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科普特語 |
kèqi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客氣 |
kèqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客氣 |
kēqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苛求 |
kěqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可取 |
kěrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可燃 |
kèrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客人 |
kěrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可人 |
kèshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客舍 |
kèshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課時 |
kèshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剋食 |
kèshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻石 |
kèshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課室 |
kèshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課室 |
kěshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可是 |
kěshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可視 |
kěshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可事 |
kěshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可恃 |
kěshìhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可視化 |
kèshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恪守 |
kèshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課稅 |
kēshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞌睡 |
késou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咳嗽 |
késòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咳嗽 |
kěsùsòngzuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可訴訟罪 |
kětǎduǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可塔朵 |
kètāmìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克他命 |
kètáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課堂 |
kètáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客堂 |
kètào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客套 |
kètí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課題 |
kètǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客體 |
kètǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客體化 |
kètīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客廳 |
kètízǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課題組 |
kētóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磕頭 |
kētóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科頭 |
kētóuchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磕頭蟲 |
kèwài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課外 |
kěwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渴望 |
kěwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可望 |
kèwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客位 |
kěwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可謂 |
kèwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課文 |
kěwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可惡 |
kěxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可惜 |
kěxǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可喜 |
kěxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可惜 |
kěxiǎng'érzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可想而知 |
kē xiǎngtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磕響頭 |
kěxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可笑 |
kèxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻寫 |
kěxìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可信 |
kěxìndù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可信度 |
kěxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可行 |
kěxíngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可行性 |
kěxìnxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可信性 |
kēxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學 |
kēxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窠穴 |
kēxué fāngfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學方法 |
kēxué fāngfǎlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學方法論 |
kēxué fāzhǎnguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學發展觀 |
kēxué huànxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學幻想 |
kēxuéjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學家 |
kēxuéjiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學界 |
kēxué jìshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學技術 |
kēxué pǔjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學普及 |
kēxuéxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學性 |
kēxué yánjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學研究 |
kēxué yánjiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學研究 |
kēxuéyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學院 |
kēxué yuánqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學園區 |
kēxuézhìshàngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學至上主義 |
kēxuézhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科學主義 |
kěyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可言 |
kēyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科研 |
kèyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗑藥 |
kēyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗑藥 |
kèyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課業 |
kèyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻意 |
kèyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剋意 |
kěyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可疑 |
kěyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可移 |
kěyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可以 |
kéyìngdànbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殼硬蛋白 |
kěyìxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可譯性 |
kěyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可用 |
kěyòngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可用性 |
kěyǒukěwú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可有可無 |
kèyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課餘 |
kězǎzhěngya {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可咋整呀 |
kèzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客棧 |
kèzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客站 |
kēzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 科長 |
kèzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻正 |
kēzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苛政 |
kēzhèng měng yú hǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苛政猛於虎 |
kèzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克制 |
kèzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 克治 |
kèzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻志 |
kězhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可知 |
kèzhìhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客製化 |
kèzhōuqiújiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刻舟求劍 |
kèzhuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 課桌 |
kězī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 可資 |
kèzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客座 |
kèzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 客坐 |
khang-khòe {def} SEE: 空課 | :: |
kheh-khì {def} SEE: 客氣 | :: |
khiáu {def} SEE: 巧 | :: |
khiū {def} SEE: 𩚨 | :: |
kin-á-ji̍t {def} SEE: 今仔日 | :: |
kin-á-li̍t {def} SEE: 今仔日 | :: |
KN95 {n} | :: KN95; an air particulate filtration standard requiring 95% filtration of particules sized 0.3 microns across and larger |
kong {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kōng |
kong {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǒng |
kong {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kòng |
kong {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kõng |
kòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控 |
kòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空 |
kòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腐 |
kòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞚 |
kǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 値 |
kǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔 |
kǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐 |
kǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空 |
kǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑋 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倥 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埪 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崆 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悾 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涳 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硿 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穹 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箜 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錓 |
kōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵼 |
kong1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kōng |
kong3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǒng |
kong4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kòng |
kǒng'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐艾 |
kòngbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空白 |
kòngbáidiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空白點 |
kǒngbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怖 |
kǒngbù diànyǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怖電影 |
kǒngbùfènzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怖分子 |
kǒngbùpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怖片 |
kǒngbù xíjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怖襲擊 |
kǒngbù xíjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怖襲擊 |
kǒngbùzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怖症 |
kǒngbùzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怖主義 |
kōngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空乘 |
kōngchèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空乘 |
kǒngdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔道 |
kòngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空地 |
kǒngdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔洞 |
kōngdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空洞 |
kǒngduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔多 |
kōng'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空耳 |
kòngfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空乏 |
kōngfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空乏 |
kōngfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空泛 |
kōngfān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空翻 |
kōngfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空費 |
kōngfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空腹 |
kōngfúyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空服員 |
Kǒng Fūzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔夫子 |
kōnggǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空港 |
kònggào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控告 |
kǒnggāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐高 |
kònggé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空格 |
kònggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控股 |
kònggǔ gōngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控股公司 |
kōnghào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空號 |
kǒnghè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐嚇 |
kōnghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空話 |
kǒnghuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐慌 |
kǒnghūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐婚 |
kǒngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔急 |
kǒngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔亟 |
kōngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空集 |
kōngjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空間 |
kōngjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空降 |
kōngjiàngbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空降兵 |
kōngjiān jìshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空間技術 |
kōngjiān kēxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空間科學 |
kōngjiān shíyànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空間實驗室 |
kōngjiān suìpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空間碎片 |
kōngjiān tàncèqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空間探測器 |
kōngjiānzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空間站 |
kōngjiānzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空間主義 |
kǒngjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔教 |
kōngjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空姐 |
kōngjíhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空集合 |
kǒngjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐懼 |
kōngjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空軍 |
kōngjūn jīdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空軍基地 |
kǒngjùzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐懼症 |
kōngkōngrúyě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空空如也 |
kōngkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空口 |
kōngkuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空曠 |
kōngkuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空闊 |
Kǒng-Lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔老 |
kōnglíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空靈 |
kǒnglóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐龍 |
Kǒng-Mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔孟 |
kōngméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空濛 |
kōngméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涳濛 |
Kǒng-Mèng zhī dào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔孟之道 |
Kǒngmiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔廟 |
kǒngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔明 |
kǒngpà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐怕 |
kōngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空氣 |
kōngqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空前 |
kōngqì jìnghuàqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空氣淨化器 |
kōngqì qīngxīnjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空氣清新劑 |
kōngqì wūrǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空氣污染 |
kōngqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空闃 |
kòngquē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空缺 |
kǒngquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔雀 |
kǒngquènǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔雀女 |
Kǒngquè Wángcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔雀王朝 |
kòngr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空兒 |
kōngsǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空嫂 |
kōngshào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空少 |
kōngshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空身 |
kōngshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空手 |
kōngshǒudào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空手道 |
kòngsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控訴 |
kōngtán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空談 |
kòng-thûi-á {def} SEE: 摃槌仔 | :: |
kōngtiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空調 |
kǒngtóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐同 |
Kōngtóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崆峒 |
kǒngtóngzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐同者 |
kōngwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空文 |
kōngwú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空無 |
kòngxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空隙 |
kǒngxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恐襲 |
kōngxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空襲 |
kòngxiá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空暇 |
kòngxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空閒 |
kòngxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空閑 |
kòngxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控弦 |
kōngxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空想 |
kōngxiǎng shèhuìzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空想社會主義 |
kòngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空心 |
kōngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空心 |
kōngxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空虛 |
kōngxuéláifēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空穴來風 |
kōngxuèláifēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空穴來風 |
kōngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空域 |
kōngyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空運 |
kōngyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空韻 |
kòngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制 |
kòngzhìgǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制桿 |
kòngzhì gōngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制公司 |
kòngzhìlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制論 |
kòngzhìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制人 |
kòngzhìtǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制塔 |
kòngzhìtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制臺 |
kòngzhì wùzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制物質 |
kòngzhì wùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 控制物質 |
kōngzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空中 |
kōngzhōng chéngwùyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空中乘務員 |
kōngzhōng fēichē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空中飛車 |
kōngzhōng fúwùyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空中服務員 |
kōngzhōng shàoyé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空中少爺 |
kōngzhōng xiǎojiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空中小姐 |
kōngzhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空轉 |
kòngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 空子 |
Kǒngzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔子 |
Kǒngzǐmiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔子廟 |
Kǒngzǐ Xuéyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孔子學院 |
kǒngzǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倥傯 |
kou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kōu |
kou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǒu |
kou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kòu |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佝 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冦 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宼 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寇 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怐 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敂 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溝 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滱 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞉 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窛 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筘 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簆 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔲 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔻 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釦 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷇 |
kòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓂 |
kǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劶 |
kǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口 |
kǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔚 |
kōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剾 |
kōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彄 |
kōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摳 |
kōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按 |
kōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芤 |
kōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袧 |
kōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎰 |
kou1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kōu |
kou3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǒu |
kou4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kòu |
kǒu'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口岸 |
kòubài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩拜 |
kǒuběi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口北 |
kǒubēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口碑 |
kǒubēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口杯 |
kǒubǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口筆譯 |
kōubízi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摳鼻子 |
kǒucái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口才 |
kǒuchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口齒 |
kǒuchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口吃 |
kòuchóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寇仇 |
kòuchóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寇讎 |
kòuchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣除 |
kǒuchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口傳 |
kǒuchuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口瘡 |
kǒudai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口袋 |
kǒudài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口袋 |
kǒu'ěrxiāngchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口耳相傳 |
kòufēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣分 |
kǒufēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口風 |
kǒufú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口服 |
kǒufú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口福 |
kǒufù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口腹 |
kǒugān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口乾 |
kǒugòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口供 |
kǒugōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口供 |
kǒuhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口號 |
kǒuhóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口紅 |
kǒuhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口胡 |
kǒuhuángqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口簧琴 |
kǒuhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口活 |
kǒují {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口吃 |
kǒujì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口技 |
kǒujiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口角 |
kǒujiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口交 |
kǒujǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口緊 |
kǒujìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口徑 |
kǒujué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口訣 |
kǒujué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口角 |
kǒukě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口渴 |
kòukòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔻蔻 |
kòukòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩叩 |
kǒukoushēngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口口聲聲 |
kǒukǒushēngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口口聲聲 |
kòulán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣籃 |
kǒulìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口令 |
kòuliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣留 |
kòumén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩門 |
kòumén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣門 |
kōumén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摳門 |
kōuménr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摳門兒 |
kǒunèiyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口內炎 |
kǒuqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口氣 |
kǒuqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口器 |
kǒuqiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口腔 |
kǒuqiāng kuìyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口腔潰瘍 |
kǒuqiāng wèishēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口腔衛生 |
kǒuqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口琴 |
kòuqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣球 |
kǒuruòxuánhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口若懸河 |
kǒushào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口哨 |
kǒushé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口舌 |
kǒushí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口實 |
kǒushì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口試 |
kòushǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩首 |
kǒushù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口述 |
kǒushuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口水 |
kǒushuǐzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口水戰 |
kǒushù lìshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口述歷史 |
kòutóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩頭 |
kòutóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣頭 |
kǒutou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口頭 |
kǒutóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口頭 |
kǒutóuchán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口頭禪 |
kòutóuchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩頭蟲 |
kǒutóu chuántǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口頭傳統 |
kǒutǔbáimò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口吐白沫 |
kǒuwài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口外 |
kǒuwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口味 |
kòuwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩問 |
kòuwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣問 |
kǒuwěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口吻 |
kǒuwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口誤 |
kǒuwúzhēlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口無遮攔 |
kǒuxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口涎 |
kǒuxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口弦 |
kǒuxiāngtáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口香糖 |
kǒuxìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口信 |
kǒuxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口型 |
kǒuxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口形 |
kòuyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣押 |
kòuyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣壓 |
kǒuyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口譯 |
kǒuyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口淫 |
kǒuyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口音 |
kòuyìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叩應 |
kǒuyìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口譯員 |
kǒuyìzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口譯者 |
kǒuyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口語 |
kǒuyǔhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口語化 |
kǒuzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口罩 |
kòuzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扣子 |
kòuzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釦子 |
kǒuzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 口子 |
ku {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kū |
ku {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǔ |
ku {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kù |
kú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𦛏 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俈 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喾 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚳 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 库 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焅 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘔 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矻 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秙 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絝 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綯 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绔 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绹 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袴 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裤 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趶 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷 |
kù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒂 |
kǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楘 |
kǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刳 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哭 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圐 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圣 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堀 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扝 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挎 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桍 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矹 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窉 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窟 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胐 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跍 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軲 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轱 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郀 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顝 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骷 |
kū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮬 |
ku1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kū |
ku2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kú |
ku3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǔ |
ku4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kù |
kua {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuā |
kua {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuǎ |
kua {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuà |
kuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 按 |
kuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胯 |
kuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨 |
kuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骻 |
kuǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侇 |
kuǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垮 |
kuǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恗 |
kuǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胭 |
kuǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨 |
kuǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銙 |
kuǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錁 |
kuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侉 |
kuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咵 |
kuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夸 |
kuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姱 |
kuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晆 |
kuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荂 |
kuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇 |
kuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨 |
kua1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuā |
kua3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuǎ |
kua4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuà |
kuàbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挎包 |
kuàbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨步 |
kuādà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇大 |
kuàdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨度 |
Kuā Fù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夸父 |
Kuā Fǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夸父 |
kuāfù-zhuīrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夸父追日 |
kuāfǔ-zhuīrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夸父追日 |
kuāfùzhúrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇父逐日 |
kuāfǔzhúrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇父逐日 |
kuàguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨國 |
kuàguò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨過 |
kuàguó gōngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨國公司 |
kuai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuāi |
kuai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuǎi |
kuai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuài |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 会 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侩 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凷 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哙 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 块 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墤 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巜 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廥 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旐 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 替 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 會 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栝 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桧 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檜 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欳 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浍 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狦 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獪 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禬 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筷 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糩 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脍 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葸 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒨 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕠 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郐 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駃 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬠 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬼 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱠 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲙 |
kuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔞 |
kuǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擓 |
kuǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒯 |
kuāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呙 |
kuāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咼 |
kuāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喎 |
kù'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷愛 |
kǔ'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦艾 |
kuai1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuāi |
kuai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuǎi |
kuai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuài |
kuàibǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快板 |
kuàibān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快班 |
kuàibù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快步 |
kuàicān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快餐 |
kuàichēdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快車道 |
kuàidāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快刀 |
kuàidì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快遞 |
kuàidiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快點 |
kuàigǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快感 |
kuàihuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快活 |
kuàijì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 會計 |
Kuàijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 會稽 |
kuàijì chéngběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 會計成本 |
kuàijié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快捷 |
kuàijìshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 會計師 |
kǔ'àijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦艾酒 |
kuàijìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 會計員 |
kuàijìzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 會計證 |
kuàilè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快樂 |
kuàilè yuánzé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快樂原則 |
kuàilèzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快樂主義 |
kuàimàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快慢 |
kuàimén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快門 |
kuàipǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快跑 |
kuàiqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快取 |
kuàir {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筷兒 |
kuàir {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塊兒 |
kuàishǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快閃 |
kuàishǎndié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快閃碟 |
kuàishǎn jìyìtǐpán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快閃記憶體盤 |
kuàishǎn suíshēndié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快閃隨身碟 |
kuàishǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快手 |
kuàisù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快速 |
kuàisù gōnglù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快速公路 |
kuàitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塊頭 |
kuàitóur {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塊頭兒 |
kuàiwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快慰 |
kuàiyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快要 |
kuàiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快意 |
kǔ'àiyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦艾油 |
kuàizhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快照 |
kuàizhìrénkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膾炙人口 |
kuàizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筷子 |
kuàizǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快子 |
kuàizijià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筷子架 |
kuàizishǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劊子手 |
kuàizǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 快走 |
kuājiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇獎 |
kuàjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨境 |
kuākè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夸克 |
kuākǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇口 |
kuàlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨欄 |
kuàlán bèixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挎籃背心 |
kuàlán bèixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨欄背心 |
kuan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuān |
kuan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuǎn |
kuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 條 |
kuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棳 |
kuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欵 |
kuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 款 |
kuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歀 |
kuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窾 |
kuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頼 |
kuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颒 |
kuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬 |
kuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寛 |
kuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臗 |
kuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髋 |
kuan1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuān |
kuan3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuǎn |
kuānchang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬敞 |
kuānchàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬暢 |
kuānchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬敞 |
kuānchuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬綽 |
kuāndà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬大 |
kuǎndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 款待 |
kuāndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬待 |
kuāndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬貸 |
kuāndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬帶 |
kuāndù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬度 |
kuang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuāng |
kuang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuáng |
kuang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuǎng |
kuang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuàng |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抂 |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂 |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誄 |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誑 |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 诏 |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 诳 |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迈 |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逛 |
kuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵟 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儣 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 况 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卝 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圹 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壙 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岲 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懬 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懭 |
kuàng {rom} | :: 旷, 昿, 曠: extensive, wide, broad; empty |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 況 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湟 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爌 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眖 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眶 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矌 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矿 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磸 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穞 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絖 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纊 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誄 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 诏 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 诮 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貺 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躀 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邝 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉱 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黊 |
kuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔞 |
kuǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俇 |
kuǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夼 |
kuǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黋 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俇 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劻 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匡 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匩 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哐 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恇 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桅 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洭 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硄 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筐 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誆 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軭 |
kuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邼 |
kuang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuāng |
kuang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuáng |
kuang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuǎng |
kuang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuàng |
kuángbēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂奔 |
kuàngcáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦藏 |
kuàngchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦產 |
kuángcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂潮 |
kuàngdá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠達 |
kuàngdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框定 |
kuāngdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框定 |
kuángfàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂放 |
kuàngfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠廢 |
kuàngfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠夫 |
kuàngfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦夫 |
kuànggōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦工 |
kuànggōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠工 |
kuànggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠古 |
kuángháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂嗥 |
kuánghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誑話 |
kuánghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂話 |
kuánghuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂花 |
kuánghuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂歡 |
kuánghuānjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂歡節 |
kuàngjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框架 |
kuāngjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框架 |
kuàngjià gùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框架故事 |
kuāngjià gùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框架故事 |
kuángjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂叫 |
kuàngjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦井 |
kuàngjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框景 |
kuàngkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠課 |
kuàngkuang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框框 |
kuàngkuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廣廣 |
kuāngkuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 框框 |
kuànglǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠朗 |
kuángluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂亂 |
kuàngqiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 況且 |
kuàngqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦區 |
kuàngquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦泉 |
kuàngquánshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦泉水 |
kuángrè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂熱 |
kuángrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂人 |
kuàngshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦山 |
kuàngshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦石 |
kuàngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠世 |
kuàngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠士 |
kuàngshíliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦石量 |
kuàngshìyìcái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠世逸才 |
kuānguǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬廣 |
kuángwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂妄 |
kuángwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誑妄 |
kuàngwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦物 |
kuàngwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦務 |
kuàngwùxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦物學 |
kuángxǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂喜 |
kuángxiǎngqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂想曲 |
kuángyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誑言 |
kuángyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂言 |
kuángyě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂野 |
kuàngyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦業 |
kuàngyě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曠野 |
kuángyǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狂飲 |
kuángyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誑語 |
kuāngzhěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匡拯 |
kuàngzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礦脂 |
kuāngzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匡助 |
kuānhóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬宏 |
kuānhóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬洪 |
kuānhóng dàdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬宏大度 |
kuānhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬厚 |
kuànián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨年 |
kuānkuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬闊 |
kuānmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬免 |
kuānpín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬頻 |
kuānróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬容 |
kuǎnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 款式 |
kuānshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬恕 |
kuānsōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬鬆 |
kuānwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬慰 |
kuānwěn hǎitún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬吻海豚 |
kuānxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬心 |
kuānyāodài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬腰帶 |
kuǎnyé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 款爺 |
kuānyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬裕 |
Kuānzā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬扎 |
Kuānzājié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬扎節 |
kuānzòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寬縱 |
kuàpíngtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨平臺 |
kuāshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇示 |
kuāshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇飾 |
kuǎtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垮臺 |
kuàwénhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨文化 |
kuàwénhuà jiāojì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨文化交際 |
kuàxìngbié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨性別 |
kuàxuékē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨學科 |
kuāyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇耀 |
kuàyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨語 |
kuàyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨越 |
kuàyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跨月 |
kuāzhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誇張 |
kùbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷斃 |
kǔbī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦屄 |
kǔbī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦逼 |
kū bízi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哭鼻子 |
kùcáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庫藏 |
kūcǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯草 |
kūcǎorè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯草熱 |
kùchǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褲衩 |
kùchǎr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褲衩兒 |
kǔchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦處 |
kǔchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦楚 |
kùcún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庫存 |
kǔdǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦膽 |
kùdāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褲襠 |
kūdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哭點 |
kǔdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦讀 |
kù'ér {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷兒 |
kù'ěrdéyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庫爾德語 |
Kù'ěrlè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庫爾勒 |
kù'ér lǐlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷兒理論 |
kùfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庫房 |
kǔgàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦幹 |
kūgān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯乾 |
kūgǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯槁 |
kǔguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦瓜 |
kǔhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦旱 |
kùhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷好 |
kui {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuī |
kui {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuí |
kui {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuǐ |
kui {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuì |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喹 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夔 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奎 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戣 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揆 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晆 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暌 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楏 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楑 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫆 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湀 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犪 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睽 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聧 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葵 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘷 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虁 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝧 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踨 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躨 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逵 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄈 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍨 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闈 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隖 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頄 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馗 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騤 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骙 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魁 |
kuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮭 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匫 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匯 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘳 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媿 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尯 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彋 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愦 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愧 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憒 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撌 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槶 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樻 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歱 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溃 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞆 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞶 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籄 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聩 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聭 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聵 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腃 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臻 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔮 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕢 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觔 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謉 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐀 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑎 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餽 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饋 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騩 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簣 |
kuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喟 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偾 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尩 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楏 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煃 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磆 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窷 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跬 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹞 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闗 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頂 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頍 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顬 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬼 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒑 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窤 |
kuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傀 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亏 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刲 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岿 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盔 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窥 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窺 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茥 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藈 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘬 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覎 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觃 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍷 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闚 |
kuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悝 |
kui1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuī |
kui2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuí |
kui3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuǐ |
kui4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuì |
kuìbài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潰敗 |
Kuíběikè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魁北克 |
kuīběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧本 |
kuǐbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跬步 |
kuǐbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹞步 |
kuīcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窺測 |
kuīdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧待 |
kuīde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧得 |
kuìduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愧對 |
kuìfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匱乏 |
kuīfù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧負 |
kuíhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葵花 |
kuíhuāzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葵花籽 |
kuíhuāzǐyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葵花籽油 |
kuījiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盔甲 |
kuījiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窺見 |
kuìjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愧疚 |
kuìjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潰決 |
kuīkong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧空 |
kuíkuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睽睽 |
kuìlàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潰爛 |
kuǐlěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傀儡 |
kuǐlěijūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傀儡軍 |
kuílí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奎藜 |
kuílín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喹啉 |
kuílínsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喹啉酸 |
kuílóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夔龍 |
kuìluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潰亂 |
kuìluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憒亂 |
kuí'ōlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喹喔啉 |
kuīpò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窺破 |
kuìrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喟然 |
kuīruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧弱 |
kuìsàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潰散 |
kuìsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愧色 |
kuíshàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葵扇 |
kuīshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窺視 |
kuīshìjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窺視鏡 |
kuíshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魁首 |
kuīsì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窺伺 |
kuīsǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧損 |
kuītàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窺探 |
kuìtáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潰逃 |
kuìtuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潰退 |
Kuítún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奎屯 |
kuíwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睽違 |
kuíwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暌違 |
kuíwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魁偉 |
kuíwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夔紋 |
kuíwú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魁梧 |
kuīxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虧心 |
kuìyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潰瘍 |
kuìzèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饋贈 |
kuìzèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餽贈 |
kuízuòlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喹唑啉 |
kūjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哭叫 |
kūjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯竭 |
kǔkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦苦 |
kǔlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦力 |
kǔliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦練 |
kǔliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦戀 |
kǔliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦楝 |
kūlong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窟窿 |
kūlong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窟籠 |
kūlong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窟櫳 |
kūlong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窟弄 |
kǔmèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦悶 |
kun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kūn |
kun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kǔn |
kun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kùn |
kùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困 |
kùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涃 |
kùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睏 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壸 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壼 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悃 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捆 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梱 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硱 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祵 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稇 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稛 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綑 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裍 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閫 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閸 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阃 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麇 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齫 |
kǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齲 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坤 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堃 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婫 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崐 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崑 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巎 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惃 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晜 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淵 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焜 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猑 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琨 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑻 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菎 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜫 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裈 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褌 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貇 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醌 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錕 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 預 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餙 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騉 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髠 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髡 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髨 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯤 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰠 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鲲 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵾 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶢 |
kūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹍 |
kun1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kūn |
kun3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kǔn |
kun4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kùn |
kǔnàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦難 |
kǔnǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦惱 |
kǔnbǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捆綁 |
kǔnbǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綑綁 |
kūnbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆布 |
kūnbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綸布 |
kǔnchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悃誠 |
kūnchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆蟲 |
kūnchóngxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆蟲學 |
kùndùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困頓 |
kùn'è {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困厄 |
kùnfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困乏 |
kùnhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困惑 |
kùnjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困急 |
kùnjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睏覺 |
kùnjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困境 |
kùnjiǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困窘 |
kùnjuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睏倦 |
kùnkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困苦 |
Kūnlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崑崙 |
Kūnlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆侖 |
Kūnlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崐崘 |
Kūnlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崑崘 |
Kūnmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆明 |
Kūnmíng Hú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆明湖 |
kùnnan {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困難 |
kùnnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困難 |
kūnnuò'ālí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆諾阿藜 |
kūnpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯤鵬 |
kùnqióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困窮 |
kùnrǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困擾 |
Kūnshìlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆士蘭 |
Kūnshìlánguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆士蘭果 |
Kūnshìlánlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆士蘭栗 |
kǔnzā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捆扎 |
kǔnzhá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捆紮 |
kǔnzhā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捆扎 |
kūnzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昆仲 |
kùnzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 困住 |
kuo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of kuò |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噂 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姡 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廓 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彉 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彍 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扩 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拪 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挄 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栝 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漷 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濶 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秬 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笾 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛞 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迾 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄺 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闊 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霨 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞟 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髵 |
kuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬌 |
kuo4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of kuò |
kuòbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闊步 |
kuòchōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴充 |
kuòchuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闊綽 |
kuòdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴大 |
kuòdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闊大 |
kuòdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廓大 |
kuò'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴耳 |
kuò'ěrqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴耳器 |
kuòhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 括號 |
kuòhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 括弧 |
kuòjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴建 |
kuòjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闊劍 |
kuòqi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闊氣 |
kuòqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闊氣 |
kuòqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廓清 |
kuòsàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴散 |
Kuòshítǎgé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闊什塔格 |
kuòyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛞蝓 |
kuòzhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴展 |
kuòzhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴張 |
kuòzhāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廓張 |
kuòzhāngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴張主義 |
kuòzhǎnwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴展塢 |
kuòzhǎnxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴展性 |
kuòzhāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擴招 |
kūqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哭泣 |
kǔqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦情 |
kūqióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哭窮 |
kùqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褲裙 |
kùrè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷熱 |
kǔsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦澀 |
kūshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哭聲 |
kùshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷暑 |
kǔsǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦死 |
kǔsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦思 |
kūsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哭訴 |
kǔtòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦痛 |
kǔtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦頭 |
kūwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯萎 |
kūwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯萎 |
kǔxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦笑 |
kǔxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦心 |
kùxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷刑 |
kǔxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦刑 |
kǔxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦行 |
kǔxíngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦行主義 |
kùxuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酷炫 |
kǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦役 |
kǔyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦於 |
kùzàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庫藏 |
kūzào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯燥 |
kǔzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦戰 |
Kǔzhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦盞 |
kūzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枯枝 |
kǔzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苦衷 |
kùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褲子 |
K房 {n} [colloquial] /kēifáng,py/ | :: karaoke room |
K粉 {n} [pharmaceutical drug, colloquial] /kēifěn/ | :: ketamine |
K歌 {n} /kēigē/ | :: karaoke |
K歌 {v} [colloquial] /kēigē/ | :: to go to karaoke |
K金 {n} /kēijīn/ | :: alternative name for 開金 |
K书 {def} SEE: K書 | :: |
K書 {v} [Taiwan Mandarin] /kēishū,py/ | :: to cram; to study |
K他命 {n} [colloquial] /kēitāmìng,kèitāmìng,py/ | :: ketamine |
K線 {n} [economics] /kèixiàn,py/ | :: pattern in the candlestick chart |
K线 {def} SEE: K線 | :: |
la {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啦 |
la {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚹 |
la {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞡 |
la {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𤷟 |
la {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𩋷 |
la {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lā |
la {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lá |
la {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǎ |
la {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of là |
lá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉 |
lá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揦 |
lá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旯 |
lá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砬 |
lá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磖 |
lá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邋 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剌 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘑 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揧 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擶 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攋 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楋 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爉 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓎 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘌 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癞 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癤 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翂 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腊 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臈 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臘 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萺 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜛 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝋 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝲 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠟 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辢 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑞 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬎 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯻 |
là {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜡 |
lǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喂 |
lǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇 |
lǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉 |
lǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藞 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啣 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚹 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搕 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摹 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柆 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磖 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翋 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菈 |
lā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邉 |
la0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of la |
la1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lā |
la2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lá |
la3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǎ |
la4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of là |
la5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of la |
Làbā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臘八 |
lǎba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇叭 |
lǎbā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇叭 |
lāba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉巴 |
Làbājié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臘八節 |
lǎbakù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇叭褲 |
lǎbaqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇叭裙 |
Lābāsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉巴斯 |
Lābātè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉巴特 |
làbāzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臘八粥 |
làbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠟筆 |
lābǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉比 |
làbǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠟筆畫 |
lābù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉布 |
Lābùlāduō Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉布拉多半島 |
làcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臘腸 |
lācháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉長 |
lāche {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉扯 |
lāchě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉扯 |
lādǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉倒 |
lādīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁 |
Lādīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁 |
lādīnghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁化 |
Lādīnghuà Xīn Wénzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁化新文字 |
Lādīng Jiàohuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁教會 |
Lādīnglǐ Jiàohuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁禮教會 |
Lādīng Měizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁美洲 |
lādīngyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁語 |
Lādīngyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁語 |
lādīng zìmǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉丁字母 |
lādòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉動 |
lā dùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉肚子 |
lāfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉風 |
lāgōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉鉤 |
lāgōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉勾 |
làgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臘鼓 |
làgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝲蛄 |
làgū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝲蛄 |
lāguǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉呱 |
lāguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉呱 |
lag机 {def} SEE: lag機 | :: |
lāhēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉黑 |
lā hòutuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉後腿 |
lāhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉花 |
lai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lái |
lai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǎi |
lai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lài |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俫 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倈 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婡 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孻 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崃 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庲 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徕 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徟 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徠 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 来 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梾 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棶 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涞 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猍 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琜 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筙 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箂 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莱 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逨 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郲 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錸 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騋 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯠 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶆 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麳 |
lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黧 |
Lái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侀 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俪 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倇 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勑 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娕 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徟 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 条 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫴 |
lài {rom} | :: 濑, 瀨, 瀬: swift current; rapids |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癞 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睐 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籁 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籟 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藾 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襰 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賚 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賴 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赉 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赖 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顂 |
lài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵣 |
lǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唻 |
lai2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lái |
lai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǎi |
lai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lài |
lái'ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶆䴈 |
láibīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來賓 |
Láibīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來賓 |
láibují {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來不及 |
láibùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來不及 |
láicháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來潮 |
láicháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來朝 |
láidào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來到 |
láidejí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來得及 |
láidiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來電 |
láifǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來訪 |
láifú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊菔 |
láifúzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊菔子 |
láifúzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莱服子 |
Láiguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊國 |
làiháma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癩蛤蟆 |
láihán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來函 |
láihuá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來華 |
láihuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來回 |
láihuípiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來回票 |
láijìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來勁 |
láijìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來勁 |
láikàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來看 |
láikè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來客 |
láilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來歷 |
láilìbùmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來歷不明 |
láilín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來臨 |
láilù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來路 |
láiméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊檬 |
láiméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來檬 |
láimǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊姆 |
láimǔbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊姆病 |
láimǔjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊姆酒 |
láinián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來年 |
làipí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賴皮 |
láiqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來去 |
láirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來人 |
láirì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來日 |
láisài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊塞 |
láishēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來生 |
láishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來勢 |
láishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來世 |
láishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來事 |
láishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來示 |
láishǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來使 |
láishuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來說 |
láisuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來歲 |
láitou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來頭 |
láiwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來往 |
láixí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來襲 |
láixiang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來項 |
láixiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來項 |
láixìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來信 |
láiyāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶆䴈 |
láiyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來由 |
láiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來源 |
láiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來緣 |
láiyuányú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來源於 |
làizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賴帳 |
làizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賴賬 |
làizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賴仗 |
láizhāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來朝 |
láizhe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來著 |
láizhěbújù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來者不拒 |
láizhībùyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來之不易 |
Láizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萊州 |
láizì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來自 |
láizìyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 來自於 |
làjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣雞 |
lājī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾 |
lājiācháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉家常 |
làjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣椒 |
làjiāofěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣椒粉 |
làjiāojiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣椒鹼 |
làjiāojiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣椒硷 |
làjiāosù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣椒素 |
lājīchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾鏟 |
lājīchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾車 |
lājīdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾袋 |
lājīduī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾堆 |
lājī huíshōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾回收 |
lājī jìn, lājī chū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾進,垃圾出 |
lājī shípǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾食品 |
lājītǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾桶 |
lājīxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾箱 |
lājù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉鋸 |
lākai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉開 |
lālā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉拉 |
lālāduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉拉隊 |
lālāduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啦啦隊 |
lālāduìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉拉隊員 |
lālāduìyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啦啦隊員 |
lālì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉力 |
lālìsài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉力賽 |
lālong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉攏 |
lālǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉攏 |
lǎma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇嘛 |
Lǎmajiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇嘛教 |
lǎmamiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇嘛廟 |
lǎmasì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喇嘛寺 |
làméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠟梅 |
làmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣妹 |
Lā-Měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉美 |
lāmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉麵 |
Lāmǔ Ānlā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉姆安拉 |
lan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lán |
lan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǎn |
lan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of làn |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儖 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兰 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厱 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啉 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噸 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囒 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婪 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岚 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵐 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幱 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惍 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懢 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拦 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斕 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暎 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栏 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欄 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欗 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漣 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澜 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濪 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀾 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灆 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灡 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燣 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燷 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璼 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礛 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礷 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篮 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籃 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籣 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糷 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繿 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葻 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘫 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襕 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襤 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襴 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譋 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讕 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谰 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躝 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郮 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑬 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钄 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镤 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闌 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阑 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韊 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑣 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔋 |
lán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚂 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壏 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爛 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煈 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爁 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燗 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爤 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓓 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纜 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 缆 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覻 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑭 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镧 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闌 |
làn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔋 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壈 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬾 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孄 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孏 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廩 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懒 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揽 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擥 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擽 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榄 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浨 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漤 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濪 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灠 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罬 |
lǎn {rom} | :: 覧, 覽, 览: look at, inspect; perceive |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醂 |
lǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顲 |
lan2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lán |
lan3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǎn |
lan4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of làn |
lǎn'ái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶癌 |
lánbǎoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍寶石 |
lánběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍本 |
láncài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍菜 |
lǎnchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纜車 |
lān-chiáu {def} SEE: 𡳞鳥 | :: |
lándǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔擋 |
lǎnde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶得 |
làndiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫調 |
lándīngjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍丁膠 |
lǎnduò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶惰 |
lǎnduòchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶惰蟲 |
lang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lāng |
lang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of láng |
lang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǎng |
lang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of làng |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俍 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勆 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哫 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啵 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫏 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廊 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桹 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榔 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樃 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欴 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑯 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硞 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稂 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筤 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 義 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羹 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艆 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莨 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓈 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓢 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜋 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螂 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踉 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躴 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郎 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郞 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋃 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎯 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锒 |
láng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阃 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埌 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崀 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莨 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒗 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踇 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郌 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郞 |
làng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阃 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塱 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朖 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朤 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榒 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烺 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硠 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誏 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閬 |
lǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓪 |
lāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啷 |
lang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lāng |
lang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of láng |
lang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǎng |
lang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of làng |
lángān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欄杆 |
lángān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欄干 |
lángān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闌干 |
Làngbái'ào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪白澳 |
Làngbáijiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪白滘 |
Làngbáizào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪白竈 |
lángbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼狽 |
lǎngchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朗敞 |
làngcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪潮 |
lángchuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼瘡 |
lángdāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋃鐺 |
lángdāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅璫 |
lángdāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郎當 |
lángdāngrùyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋃鐺入獄 |
lángdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廊道 |
lǎngdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朗讀 |
làngfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪費 |
làngfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪峰 |
lángháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼毫 |
lànghuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪花 |
lángjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼藉 |
làngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪跡 |
làngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪跡 |
Lángjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑯嶠 |
lángjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郎君 |
lǎnglǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朗朗 |
làngmàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪漫 |
làngmànzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪漫主義 |
lǎngmǔjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朗姆酒 |
Lángpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榔坪 |
lángqiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廊橋 |
lángrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼人 |
lǎngrùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朗潤 |
Lángshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼山 |
lǎngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朗聲 |
lǎngsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朗誦 |
làngtáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪濤 |
làngtāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪濤 |
lángtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榔頭 |
lángtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎯頭 |
lángtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼頭 |
làngtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪頭 |
làngtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浪頭 |
lángtūnhǔyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼吞虎嚥 |
lǎngǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覽古 |
lángxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼心 |
lángyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅琊 |
lángyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅玡 |
lángyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅邪 |
lángyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑯琊 |
lángyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼牙 |
Lángyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑯琊 |
lángyé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅琊 |
lángyé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅玡 |
lángyé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琅邪 |
lángyé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑯琊 |
Lángyé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑯琊 |
lángzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郎中 |
Lángzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閬中 |
Làngzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閬中 |
lángzhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狼蛛 |
lángzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廊子 |
lánhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍海 |
lánhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭花 |
lánhuāyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍花楹 |
lánhuāzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭花指 |
lánjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔擊 |
lánjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔擊 |
lànjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫交 |
lǎnjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶覺 |
lánjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔截 |
lánjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔劫 |
lánjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍鯨 |
lánjīngjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍晶晶 |
lánkuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籃筐 |
lánlǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍領 |
lánlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔路 |
lánlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襤褸 |
lánlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍褸 |
lánlùhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔路虎 |
lànmàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爛漫 |
lánmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欄目 |
lánmǔjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭姆酒 |
lánqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍青 |
lànqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫情 |
lánqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籃球 |
lánqiúcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籃球場 |
lánqiúchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籃球場 |
lánquān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欄圈 |
lànquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫權 |
lànquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫泉 |
lánrě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭若 |
lǎnrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶人 |
lǎnrénbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶人包 |
lánruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭若 |
lǎnsǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶散 |
lánsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍色 |
lànshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫殺 |
lánshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闌珊 |
lánshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍衫 |
lánshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讕衫 |
lànshāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫觴 |
lǎnshéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纜繩 |
lánshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍瘦 |
lǎnsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纜索 |
Lántián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍田 |
lántiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍天 |
lántú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍圖 |
Lánxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭辛 |
lànxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫刑 |
lánxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭學 |
lányán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讕言 |
lǎnyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶癌 |
lǎnyāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懶腰 |
lányíngyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藍瑩瑩 |
lànyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫用 |
lànyòng yàowù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫用藥物 |
Lányǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭嶼 |
lànyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫竽 |
lànyúchōngshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濫竽充數 |
Lánzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘭州 |
lánzhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔住 |
lánzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔住 |
lánzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籃子 |
lǎnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵子 |
lǎnzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵子 |
lánzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攔阻 |
lao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lāo |
lao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of láo |
lao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǎo |
lao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lào |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僗 |
láo {rom} | :: 劳, 労, 勞: labor, toil, do manual work |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哰 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唠 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崂 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憥 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栊 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫜 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浶 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涜 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潣 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澇 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痨 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磱 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窂 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簩 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟧 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轑 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醪 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐒 |
láo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铹 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劳 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫪 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憦 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橯 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潣 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澇 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烖 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牡 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癃 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絟 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绚 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耢 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耮 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萺 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軂 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪 |
lào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髝 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佬 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咾 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姤 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恅 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栳 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橑 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潣 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狫 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獠 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簙 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荖 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓳 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轑 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銠 |
lǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铑 |
lāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撈 |
lao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lāo |
lao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of láo |
lao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǎo |
lao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lào |
lǎo'ǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老媼 |
lǎobà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老爸 |
lǎobǎixìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老百姓 |
lǎobǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老闆 |
lǎobǎnniáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老闆娘 |
láobǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞保 |
lǎobèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老輩 |
làobǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烙餅 |
làobǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪餅 |
lǎobóbo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老伯伯 |
lǎochén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老臣 |
lǎochéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老成 |
lǎodà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老大 |
lǎodàmā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老大媽 |
lǎodàniáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老大娘 |
láodao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘮叨 |
lǎodàye {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老大爺 |
lǎodàyé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老大爺 |
làodì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落地 |
lǎodǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老底 |
lǎodiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老調 |
lǎodiàoyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老掉牙 |
láodong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動 |
láodòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動 |
láodòng gǎizào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動改造 |
láodòng jiàoyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動教養 |
láodòngjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動節 |
láodòng jiējí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動階級 |
láodònglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動力 |
láodòng mìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動密集 |
láodòng mìjíxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動密集型 |
láodòng mófàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動模範 |
láodòngrénmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動人民 |
láodòng shìcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動市場 |
láodòng shìchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動市場 |
lǎodōngxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老東西 |
láodòngzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動者 |
láodòng zǔhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞動組合 |
lǎodòufu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老豆腐 |
láodùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞頓 |
lǎo'èr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老二 |
lǎofān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老番 |
láofáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢房 |
lǎofū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老夫 |
láogǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞改 |
láogōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞工 |
lǎogong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老公 |
lǎogōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老公 |
láogōng shìcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞工市場 |
láogōng shìchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞工市場 |
láogù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢固 |
lǎoguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老鴰 |
lǎogǔdǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老古董 |
lǎoguīnǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老閨女 |
lǎoguīnü {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老閨女 |
lǎogùkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老顧客 |
lǎogūniang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老姑娘 |
Lǎoguóyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老國音 |
lǎohǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老海 |
lǎohàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老漢 |
lǎohǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老虎 |
lǎohuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老化 |
lǎohuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老話 |
lǎohuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老花 |
lǎohuājìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老花鏡 |
lǎohuāyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老花眼 |
lǎohǔjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老虎機 |
lǎohútu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老糊塗 |
lǎohútú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老糊塗 |
láojì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢記 |
láojì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞績 |
láojī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞績 |
láojià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞駕 |
lǎojiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老家 |
lǎojiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老繭 |
làojiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪漿 |
lǎojiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老將 |
láojiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞教 |
lǎojiāzéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老家賊 |
lǎojiāzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老家子 |
lǎojiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老街 |
lǎojìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老境 |
lǎojiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老舊 |
lǎojiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老酒 |
láojūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞軍 |
láojūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞均 |
làojūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞軍 |
Lǎojūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老君 |
láokào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢靠 |
làokē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘮嗑 |
làokē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落科 |
láokǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞苦 |
làokǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞苦 |
lǎolài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老賴 |
láoláo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢牢 |
lǎolao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姥姥 |
lǎo le {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老了 |
láolèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞累 |
lǎoliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老練 |
lǎolín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老林 |
lǎolíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老齡 |
lǎolínghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老齡化 |
lǎoliúli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老琉璃 |
láolóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢籠 |
láolù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞碌 |
lǎomā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老媽 |
lǎomài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老邁 |
lǎomàiwúnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老邁無能 |
lǎoměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老美 |
lāomiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撈麵 |
láomó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞模 |
lǎonà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老衲 |
lǎoní {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老泥 |
lǎonián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老年 |
lǎonián bǎojiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老年保健 |
lǎonián chī'áizhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老年癡呆症 |
lǎonián chīdāizhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老年痴呆症 |
lǎoniang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老娘 |
lǎoniáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老娘 |
lǎoniánqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老年期 |
lǎoniánqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老年期 |
lǎoniánrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老年人 |
láonóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞農 |
làonóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪農 |
làonóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞農 |
lǎonóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老農 |
làopǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落跑 |
lǎopéngyou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老朋友 |
lǎopéngyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老朋友 |
lǎopényǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老盆友 |
lǎopo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老婆 |
lǎopó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老婆 |
lǎopópo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老婆婆 |
lǎoqìhéngqiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老氣橫秋 |
lǎoqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老區 |
lǎoqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老屈 |
lǎorén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老人 |
lǎorenjia {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老人家 |
lǎorénjia {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老人家 |
lǎorénjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老人家 |
lǎorén shànyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老人贍養 |
lǎorén shīzhìzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老人失智症 |
làorǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪乳 |
lǎoruòbìngcán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老弱病殘 |
lǎoruòbìngcányùn zhuānzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老弱病殘孕專座 |
láosāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢騷 |
lǎosēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老僧 |
lǎoshào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老少 |
lǎoshàoxiányí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老少咸宜 |
láoshén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞神 |
lǎoshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老生 |
lǎoshēngchángtán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老生常談 |
lǎoshēngchángtán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老生常譚 |
lǎoshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老是 |
lǎoshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老實 |
lǎoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老實 |
lǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老式 |
lǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老事 |
lǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老視 |
lǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老是 |
lǎoshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老師 |
lǎoshishuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老實說 |
lǎoshíshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老實說 |
lǎoshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老手 |
lǎoshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老鼠 |
lǎosǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老死 |
lǎosījī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老司機 |
láosǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞損 |
lǎotàipó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老太婆 |
lǎotàitai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老太太 |
lǎotào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老套 |
lǎotàozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老套子 |
lǎotiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老鐵 |
lǎotóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老頭 |
lǎotóur {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老頭兒 |
lǎotóuzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老頭子 |
lǎotǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老土 |
lǎowài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老外 |
Lǎowō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老撾 |
láowù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞務 |
lǎoxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老鄉 |
lǎoxiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老小 |
lǎoxiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老兄 |
lǎoxuéjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老學究 |
lǎoxuéjiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老學究 |
lǎoyàngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老樣子 |
lǎoyāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老么 |
lǎoyāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老幺 |
lǎoye {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老爺 |
lǎoye {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姥爺 |
lǎoyér {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老爺兒 |
lǎoyēr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老爺兒 |
láoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞役 |
láoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞逸 |
lǎoyībèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老一輩 |
làoyìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烙印 |
lǎoyīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老鷹 |
lǎoyītào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老一套 |
lǎoyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老友 |
láoyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牢獄 |
lǎoyuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老遠 |
lǎoyùmi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老玉米 |
lǎoyùmǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老玉米 |
láozāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醪糟 |
lǎozhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老者 |
Lǎozhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老撾 |
láozī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞資 |
lǎozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老子 |
lǎozì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老字 |
Lǎozǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老子 |
láozī guānxi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勞資關係 |
lǎozìtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老字頭 |
lǎozǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老總 |
lǎozǔzong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老祖宗 |
lǎozǔzōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 老祖宗 |
lāpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉皮 |
lāpīlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉坯輪 |
Lāsà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉薩 |
lāshāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉傷 |
lāshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉伸 |
lāshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉屎 |
làshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣手 |
lāshou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉手 |
lāshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉手 |
lāta {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邋遢 |
làtiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣條 |
Lātuōwéiyàyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉脫維亞語 |
Lātuōwéiyǎyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉脫維亞語 |
lāu-bú {def} SEE: 老母 | :: |
lāu-pē {def} SEE: 老爸 | :: |
lāyángpiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉洋片 |
Làyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臘月 |
làzhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠟燭 |
lāzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拉住 |
làzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辣子 |
làzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠟子 |
làzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剌子 |
le {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了 |
le {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餎 |
le {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lē |
le {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lè |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乐 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仂 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勒 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叻 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哷 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屰 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忇 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 扐 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捋 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朵 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朸 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楽 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氻 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泐 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玏 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砳 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竻 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簕 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肋 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脟 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艻 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阞 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韷 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頱 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰳 |
lè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔀 |
lē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肊 |
lē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乿 |
le0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of le |
le1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lē |
le4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lè |
le5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of le |
leang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liáng |
leang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liǎng |
leang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liàng |
lèbùsīshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂不思蜀 |
lèchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂成 |
lècǐbùpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂此不疲 |
lèdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂道 |
lèdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂得 |
lēde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肋脦 |
lègǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肋骨 |
lèguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂觀 |
lèguānzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂觀主義 |
lei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘞 |
lei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lēi |
lei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of léi |
lei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lěi |
lei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lèi |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垍 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壔 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壨 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫘 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擂 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攀 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樋 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檑 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫏 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欙 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓃 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畾 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礌 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礜 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縲 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纍 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纝 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 缧 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罍 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羸 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘲 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虆 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠝 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轙 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐳 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑘 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镭 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靁 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼺 |
léi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒍 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垍 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埒 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壔 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擂 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攂 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檑 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泪 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涙 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淚 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礌 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礧 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禷 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 类 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纃 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纇 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肊 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘱 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酹 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銇 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錑 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靀 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頪 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颣 |
lèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑍 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傫 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儡 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儽 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垒 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壘 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樏 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫐 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫑 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洡 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漯 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灅 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘣 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癗 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磊 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磥 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礌 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礜 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礨 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絫 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纃 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耒 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕌 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕾 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藟 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘽 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠛 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誄 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讄 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 诔 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轠 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑸 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 頛 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸓 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑍 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒍 |
lěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒦 |
lēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勒 |
lēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚽 |
lēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擂 |
lēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厽 |
lei0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lei |
lei1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lēi |
lei2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of léi |
lei3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lěi |
lei4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lèi |
lei5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lei |
léibào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷暴 |
lèibǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類比 |
lèibié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類別 |
léibō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擂缽 |
léichá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擂茶 |
léichí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷池 |
Léichí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷池 |
léidá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷達 |
lěidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累代 |
lèidiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淚點 |
Léi Fēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷鋒 |
lèifēngshīxìng guānjiéyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類風濕性關節炎 |
léigēnzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷根主義 |
léigōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷公 |
léigǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擂鼓 |
lèigǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肋骨 |
lèigùchún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類固醇 |
lěijì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累計 |
lěijī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累積 |
lěijiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累加 |
Léikèyǎwéikè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷克雅維克 |
léiléi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累累 |
lěilěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累累 |
lěilěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磊磊 |
lěilěiluòluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磊磊落落 |
lěiluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磊落 |
léimíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷鳴 |
lèirényuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類人猿 |
léiruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羸弱 |
lèirúquányǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淚如泉湧 |
léishēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷聲 |
lěishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累世 |
lèishuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淚水 |
lèisì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類似 |
lèi sǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累死 |
lěisī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕾絲 |
lěisībiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕾絲邊 |
lěisǐlěihuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累死累活 |
lèitiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肋條 |
lèitiáoròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肋條肉 |
léitíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷霆 |
léitóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷同 |
lèituī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類推 |
lèixíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 類型 |
léiyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷雨 |
Léizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷州 |
Léizhōu Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雷州半島 |
léizhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累贅 |
léizhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累墜 |
léizhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纍贅 |
léizhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纍墜 |
léizhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累贅 |
léizhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累墜 |
léizhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纍贅 |
léizhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纍墜 |
lěizhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累贅 |
lěizhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累墜 |
lěizhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纍贅 |
lěizhui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纍墜 |
lèmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勒馬 |
lèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啉 |
Lèná Hé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勒拿河 |
leng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lēng |
leng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of léng |
leng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lěng |
leng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lèng |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倰 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塄 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崚 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愣 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棱 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楞 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碍 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稜 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薐 |
léng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輖 |
lèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倮 |
lèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堎 |
lèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愡 |
lèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棱 |
lèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楜 |
lèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睖 |
lèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稏 |
lèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踜 |
lěng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷 |
lēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棱 |
leng1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lēng |
leng2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of léng |
leng3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lěng |
leng4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lèng |
lěngbīngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷兵器 |
lěngbùfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷不防 |
lěngcān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷餐 |
lěngchǔlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷處理 |
lěngdàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷淡 |
lěngdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷凍 |
lěngdòngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷凍劑 |
lěngdòngkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷凍庫 |
lěngdòngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷凍室 |
lěngdòngshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷凍室 |
lěngdòng shípǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷凍食品 |
lěngfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷敷 |
lěngguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷櫃 |
léngjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稜角 |
lěngjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷靜 |
lěngjìng xiàlai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷靜下來 |
lěngjìngxiàlai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷靜下來 |
lěngkù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷酷 |
lènglèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怔怔 |
lěngluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷落 |
lěngmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷門 |
lěngmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷麵 |
lěngmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷麪 |
lěngmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷漠 |
lěngnuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷暖 |
lěngpán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷盤 |
lěngpì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷僻 |
lěngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷氣 |
lěngqìjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷氣機 |
lěngqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷清 |
lěngquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷泉 |
lěngquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷卻 |
lěngrè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷熱 |
lěngròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷肉 |
lěngshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷水 |
lěngshuǐyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷水浴 |
lěngxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷笑 |
lěngyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷豔 |
lěngyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷艷 |
lěngyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷眼 |
lěngyǎnpángguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷眼旁觀 |
lěngyǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷飲 |
lěngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷遇 |
lěngzhan {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷戰 |
lěngzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷戰 |
lěngzhīshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷知識 |
lěngzhīshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冷知識 |
lèngzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愣住 |
lèqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂趣 |
lèsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾 |
lèsèchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾鏟 |
lèsèchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾車 |
lèsèdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾袋 |
lèsèduī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾堆 |
lèsè huíshōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾回收 |
lèsè jìn, lèsè chū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾進,垃圾出 |
lèsè shípǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾食品 |
lèsètǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾桶 |
lèsèxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垃圾箱 |
lèshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂事 |
Lèshīhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂施會 |
lèsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勒索 |
lēte {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肋脦 |
lètiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂天 |
lètòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂透 |
lèyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂業 |
lèyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂意 |
lèyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂易 |
lèyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勒抑 |
lèyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂於 |
lèyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂園 |
lèzàiqízhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樂在其中 |
li {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哩 |
li {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裏 |
li {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡 |
li {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里 |
li {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lī |
li {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lí |
li {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǐ |
li {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lì |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刕 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剓 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剺 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劙 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喱 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚟 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囄 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫠 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孋 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孷 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廲 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悡 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摙 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攡 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斃 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杙 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梨 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梩 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梸 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棃 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樆 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氂 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漓 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漦 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灍 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灕 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牥 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犁 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犛 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狸 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琋 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璃 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睝 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秙 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穲 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篱 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粍 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粚 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糎 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縭 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纗 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罹 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艃 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莇 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菞 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓠 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔾 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薶 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藜 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘺 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜊 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟍 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟰 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠞 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠢 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褵 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謧 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貍 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邌 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酈 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酶 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醨 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釁 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釐 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋫 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錅 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏫 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑗 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霽 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騹 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驪 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髣 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯬 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱺 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵹 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸝 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麖 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黎 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黐 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黧 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒿 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓯 |
lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浬 |
Lí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黎 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丽 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俐 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俪 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傈 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儮 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儷 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凓 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 励 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 历 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厤 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厯 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 叒 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吏 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呖 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唳 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚦 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囇 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坜 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塛 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壢 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婯 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屴 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岦 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巁 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悧 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悷 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慄 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戻 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戾 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 换 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搮 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擼 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攊 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攦 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攭 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斄 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暦 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曞 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朸 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栎 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栗 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栛 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栵 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棙 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫔 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫟 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫪 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欐 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歴 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沥 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沴 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泣 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浭 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涖 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淚 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溧 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濼 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濿 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀝 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爄 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爏 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犡 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猁 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珊 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珕 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琍 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑮 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓅 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓑 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓥 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疠 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疬 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痢 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癘 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癧 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皪 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盭 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矋 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砅 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砬 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砺 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硆 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磿 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礪 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礫 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礰 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禲 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 离 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秝 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笠 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 筣 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篥 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 类 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粒 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粝 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糲 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綟 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纅 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翬 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脷 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苈 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苙 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茘 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荔 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莅 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莉 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒞 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藶 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚸 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛎 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛠 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜧 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝑 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝷 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟰 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠇 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠞 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠣 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠫 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詈 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 讈 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赲 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跞 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轢 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轣 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轹 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郦 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉝 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎘 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑛 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锹 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隶 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隷 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隸 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雠 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雳 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雴 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靂 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靋 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顝 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颯 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬁 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬲 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱱 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱳 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳨 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴗 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷅 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷑 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麗 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麜 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑦 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒧 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒿 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔏 |
lì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捩 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俚 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兣 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娌 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峛 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峢 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峲 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悘 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欐 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欚 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浬 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澧 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盠 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礼 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粴 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纗 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟸 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠡 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裏 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豊 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逦 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醴 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋰 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯉 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱧 |
lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱱 |
Lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李 |
Lǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理 |
lī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哩 |
lī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唎 |
li0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of li |
li1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lī |
li2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lí |
li3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǐ |
li4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lì |
li5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of li |
lia {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liǎ |
liǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倆 |
lia3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liǎ |
lian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liān |
lian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lián |
lian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liǎn |
lian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liàn |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亷 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僆 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劆 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匲 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匳 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗹 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 噒 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奁 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奱 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫾 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帘 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怜 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慩 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憐 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槤 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫣 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涟 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溓 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漣 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濂 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濓 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熑 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燫 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琏 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璉 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞳 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磏 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稴 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簾 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籢 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籨 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縺 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羯 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翴 |
lián {rom} | :: 联, 聫, 聮, 聯: connect, join; associate, ally |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膁 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臁 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苒 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莲 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莴 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔸 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薕 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薝 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘗 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘞 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螊 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠊 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裢 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覝 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謰 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譧 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹥 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 连 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄻 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎌 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏈 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐮 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬑 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰱 |
lián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓎 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僆 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堜 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娇 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媡 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孆 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恋 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戀 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捗 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撿 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敛 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栏 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楝 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫿 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歛 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 殓 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浰 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湅 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潋 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澰 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀲 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炼 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煉 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑓 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 練 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纞 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 练 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萰 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔹 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘝 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘞 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裣 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錬 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍊 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏈 |
liàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰊 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僆 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬚 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摙 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敚 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斂 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涊 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淭 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溌 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琏 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璄 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碼 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羷 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脸 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膦 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莶 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓭 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔸 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薟 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘗 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘞 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裗 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襘 |
liǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連 |
lí'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離岸 |
lian2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lián |
lian3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liǎn |
lian4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liàn |
lián'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憐愛 |
liàn'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戀愛 |
lián'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯氨 |
liánbài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連敗 |
liánbāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯邦 |
liánbāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連邦 |
Liánbāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮邦 |
Liánbāng chúbèi Xìtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯邦儲備系統 |
Liánbāng chǔbèi Xìtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯邦儲備系統 |
liánbāng zhèngfǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯邦政府 |
liànbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 練兵 |
liánbò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯播 |
liánbò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連播 |
liánbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯播 |
liánbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連播 |
liǎnbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉部 |
liǎnbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斂步 |
Liáncāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎌倉 |
liàncāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 練操 |
liánchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉察 |
liánchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉查 |
liànchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 練成 |
liánchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉恥 |
liánchuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連串 |
liànchuándòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏈傳動 |
liándài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連帶 |
liándài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯帶 |
liǎndàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉蛋 |
liǎndànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉蛋子 |
liándāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐮刀 |
lián...dōu... {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連……都…… |
liándú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連讀 |
liánduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連隊 |
liánduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯隊 |
liánfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯防 |
liánfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮房 |
liang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liáng |
liang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liǎng |
liang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liàng |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凉 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墚 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惊 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梁 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椋 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樑 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粮 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粱 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糧 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綡 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莨 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諐 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谄 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踇 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輬 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辌 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 野 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量 |
liáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駺 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丕 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丢 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亮 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 候 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 全 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凈 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哴 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喨 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悢 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晾 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涹 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湸 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諒 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踇 |
liàng {rom} | :: 輌, 輛, 辆: numerary adjunct for vehicles |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍄 |
liàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靗 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丕 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 两 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俢 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倄 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唡 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掚 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緉 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脼 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜽 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裲 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹣 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阃 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魉 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魎 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒳 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔝 |
liǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倆 |
liang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liáng |
liang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liǎng |
liang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liàng |
liǎng'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩岸 |
liàngāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煉鋼 |
liǎngbàijùshāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩敗俱傷 |
liángbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼拌 |
liángbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良伴 |
liàngbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量變 |
liǎngbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩邊 |
liǎngbùpà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩不怕 |
liángcāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糧倉 |
liángchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼茶 |
liàngchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量產 |
liángchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良辰 |
liàngcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量詞 |
liǎngdiǎnshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩點水 |
liàngdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亮度 |
liángduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良多 |
liàngē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戀歌 |
liángfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良方 |
liángfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼風 |
liànggān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晾乾 |
liàngguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亮光 |
Liǎngguǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩廣 |
Liángguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梁國 |
Liǎng-Hàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩漢 |
liánghǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良好 |
Liǎnghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩河 |
liànghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亮話 |
liànghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量化 |
liànghuà kuānsōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量化寬鬆 |
liánghuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糧荒 |
liǎngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩極 |
liángjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良將 |
liàngjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諒解 |
Liǎng-Jìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩晉 |
liàngjīngjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亮晶晶 |
liángjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良久 |
liǎngkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩可 |
liǎngkǒuzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩口子 |
liángkuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼快 |
liànglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量力 |
liànglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亮麗 |
liángliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼涼 |
liànglì'érwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量力而為 |
liànglì'érxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量力而行 |
liángmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼麵 |
liángmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良民 |
Liáng-Mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梁岷 |
liǎngnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩難 |
liàngnǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靚女 |
liǎngpáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩旁 |
liángpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良朋 |
liángpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼棚 |
liángpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼皮 |
liángpiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糧票 |
liángpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良品 |
Liǎngpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩坪 |
liǎngqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩棲 |
liǎngqīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩親 |
liǎngquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩全 |
liángshàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良善 |
Liángshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼山 |
Liáng Shānbó yǔ Zhù Yīngtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梁山伯與祝英台 |
liàngshǎnshǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亮閃閃 |
liángshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糧食 |
liángshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糧食 |
liángshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良史 |
liángshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良師 |
liǎngshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩手 |
liǎngshǒukōngkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩手空空 |
liángshuǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼爽 |
liángshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼水 |
Liǎng-Sòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩宋 |
liángtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼臺 |
liángtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼台 |
liàngtáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亮堂 |
liángtíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼亭 |
liánguàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯貫 |
liánguànxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連貫性 |
liángxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼蓆 |
liángxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼席 |
liǎngxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩下 |
liángxié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼鞋 |
liángxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良心 |
liángxīnfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良心犯 |
liángxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良性 |
liàngxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量刑 |
liǎngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩性 |
liǎngxìng guānxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩性關係 |
liángxìng xúnhuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良性循環 |
liángxīn tóupiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良心投票 |
liángyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良言 |
liángyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 涼意 |
liàngyījià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晾衣架 |
liǎngyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩用 |
liángyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良緣 |
Liángyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良月 |
liàngzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靚仔 |
liǎngzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兩者 |
liángzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良知 |
liángzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良種 |
liángzhǒngcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 良種場 |
Liáng-Zhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梁祝 |
liángzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梁子 |
liàngzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量子 |
liàngzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靚子 |
liàngzǐ jiūchán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量子糾纏 |
liàngzǐ lìxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 量子力學 |
liánhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯合 |
liánhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連合 |
liánhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮荷 |
Liánhéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯合國 |
Liánhéguó Ānlǐhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯合國安理會 |
Liánhéguó Ānquán Lǐshìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯合國安全理事會 |
Liánhéguó Dàhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯合國大會 |
liánhéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連橫 |
liánhéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連衡 |
liánhé shōugējī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯合收割機 |
liánhétǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯合體 |
Liánhé Wángguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯合王國 |
liǎnhóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉紅 |
liánhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮花 |
liánhuājiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮花腳 |
liánhuālào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮花落 |
liánhuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連環 |
liánhuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯歡 |
liánhuán chēhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連環車禍 |
liánhuánhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連環畫 |
liánhuānhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯歡會 |
liánhuánjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連環計 |
liánjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉價 |
liànjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戀家 |
liǎnjiá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉頰 |
lí'ànjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離岸價 |
liànjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戀腳 |
liánjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯結 |
liánjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連結 |
liánjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉潔 |
liánjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉節 |
liánjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連接 |
liánjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯接 |
liànjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏈接 |
liánjiē dòngcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連接動詞 |
liǎnjīní {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉基尼 |
liànjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戀舊 |
liànjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 練就 |
liánlei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連累 |
liánlèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連累 |
liánlěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連累 |
liánlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連理 |
liánlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連連 |
liánlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漣漣 |
liánlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬑鬑 |
lí'ànliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離岸流 |
liân...lóng... {def} SEE: 連……攏…… | :: |
liánlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮履 |
liánluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯絡 |
liánluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連絡 |
liánluòshénjīngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯絡神經元 |
liánmài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連麥 |
liánmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連忙 |
liánmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯袂 |
liánmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連袂 |
liánméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯盟 |
liánméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連盟 |
liánmián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連綿 |
liánmián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯綿 |
liǎnmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉面 |
liánmǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憐憫 |
liánmǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憐閔 |
liánmǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憐愍 |
liánmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯名 |
liánmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連名 |
liánmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉明 |
liànnǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煉奶 |
liánnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連年 |
lián'ǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮藕 |
liǎnpán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉盤 |
liǎnpáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉龐 |
liǎnpén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉盆 |
liánpeng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮蓬 |
liánpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮蓬 |
liánpengzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮蓬子 |
liǎnpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉皮 |
liànrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煉乳 |
liǎnsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉色 |
Liánshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連山 |
liánshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連上 |
liánshèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連勝 |
liánshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯手 |
liánshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連手 |
liánshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連署 |
liánshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連署 |
liànshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楝樹 |
Liǎnshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉書 |
liánsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連鎖 |
liánsuǒdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連鎖店 |
liánsuǒ fǎnyìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連鎖反應 |
liánsuǒ shāngdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連鎖商店 |
liàntiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏈條 |
liántǐfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連體服 |
liántóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連同 |
liántōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連通 |
liántōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯通 |
Liánwān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連灣 |
liànwùpì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戀物癖 |
liànwùpǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戀物癖 |
liánxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憐惜 |
liánxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯繫 |
liánxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連繫 |
liánxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憐惜 |
liànxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 練習 |
liánxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連線 |
liánxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯線 |
liánxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯想 |
liánxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連想 |
liǎnxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉相 |
liánxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連寫 |
liánxì fāngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯繫方式 |
liànxíqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 練習曲 |
liánxìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯繫人 |
liánxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連續 |
liánxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憐恤 |
liánxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮須 |
liánxùbùduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連續不斷 |
liánxùjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連續劇 |
liánxùtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連續體 |
liánxùtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連續統 |
liànyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀲灩 |
liányè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連夜 |
liányè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮葉 |
liányí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯誼 |
liányì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯誼 |
liányī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漣漪 |
liányī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連衣 |
liányìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯誼會 |
liányīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯姻 |
liányīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連音 |
liányīntiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連陰天 |
liányīnyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連陰雨 |
liányīqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連衣裙 |
liànyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煉獄 |
liánzài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連載 |
liánzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連載 |
liánzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連長 |
liánzhànjiējié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連戰皆捷 |
liǎnzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臉照 |
liánzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉政 |
liánzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廉正 |
liánzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簾政 |
liánzhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連綴 |
liánzhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連綴 |
liánzhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連濁 |
liánzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簾子 |
liánzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮子 |
liànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏈子 |
liánzìhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連字號 |
liánzǐxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓮子心 |
liánzòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連奏 |
liánzòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聯奏 |
liánzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 連坐 |
liao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liāo |
liao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liáo |
liao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liǎo |
liao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liào |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僚 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘹 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫽 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寥 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寮 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尛 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屪 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵺 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶚 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶛 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廫 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憀 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憤 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摎 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摾 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撩 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敹 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斘 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暸 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楽 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橑 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漻 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潦 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熮 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燍 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獠 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璙 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疗 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窷 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簝 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繚 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膋 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膫 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藔 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟟 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豂 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賿 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹘 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辽 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐐 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镣 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顟 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飂 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飉 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髎 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷚 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷯 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹨 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹩 |
liáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𠺕 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘷 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尞 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尥 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尦 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廖 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摾 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撨 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炓 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燎 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爒 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞦 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翌 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟉 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釔 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐌 |
liào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镢 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憭 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暵 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潣 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燍 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞭 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繆 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓼 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轑 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄝 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釔 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钊 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钌 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镽 |
liǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乿 |
liāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摾 |
liāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撨 |
liāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹽 |
liao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liāo |
liao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liáo |
liao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liǎo |
liao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liào |
liáobō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撩撥 |
liǎobùde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了不得 |
liǎobùdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了不得 |
liǎobùqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了不起 |
liáocǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潦草 |
Liáocháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼朝 |
Liáodài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼代 |
liǎodàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了當 |
liáodǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潦倒 |
liàodào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料到 |
liǎodé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了得 |
liáodelái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊得來 |
liàodiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釕銱 |
liǎodiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釕銱 |
Liáodōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼東 |
Liáodōng Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼東半島 |
liǎoduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了斷 |
liáofǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 療法 |
liáogē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷯哥 |
liáogē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了哥 |
Liáoguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寮國 |
liǎojié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了結 |
liǎojiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了解 |
liǎojiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞭解 |
Liáo-Jīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼金 |
liàojiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料酒 |
liǎojú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了局 |
liàojuězi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尥蹶子 |
liàojuězi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撂蹶子 |
liáokào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐐銬 |
liàokào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐐銬 |
liáokuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼闊 |
liáokuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寥廓 |
liǎolán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓼藍 |
liàolǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料理 |
liáoliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘹亮 |
liáoliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘹喨 |
liáoliao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊聊 |
liáoliáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寥寥 |
liáoliáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼遼 |
liáoliáowújǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寥寥無幾 |
liàolǐdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料理店 |
liáoluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繚亂 |
liáoluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撩亂 |
liáomèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撩妹 |
liàomèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撩妹 |
liāomèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撩妹 |
Liàonèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廖内 |
Liáoníng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼寧 |
liàopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撂皮 |
liàoqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料器 |
liàoqiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料峭 |
liǎoquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了卻 |
liǎorán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞭然 |
liáorào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繚繞 |
liáorén xīnxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撩人心弦 |
liǎorúzhǐzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞭如指掌 |
liáosāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊騷 |
liáoshāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 療傷 |
liáoshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊生 |
liǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 了事 |
liáotiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊天 |
liáotiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寥天 |
liáotiānr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊天兒 |
liáotiānshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊天室 |
liáotiānshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聊天室 |
liàowàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞭望 |
Liáowángguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寮王國 |
liàowàngtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞭望臺 |
liǎowù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞭悟 |
liàoxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料想 |
liáoxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 療效 |
liáoyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 療養 |
liáoyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撩痒 |
liáoyǎngyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 療養院 |
liáoyuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遼遠 |
liàozhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料中 |
liàozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 料子 |
líba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籬笆 |
líba {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犁耙 |
líbā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籬笆 |
lǐbài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮拜 |
lǐbàirì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮拜日 |
lǐbàitáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮拜堂 |
lǐbàitiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮拜天 |
lìbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利弊 |
lìbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力臂 |
lìbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力避 |
lìbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利便 |
lìbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隸變 |
lǐbian {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡邊 |
lǐbian {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裏邊 |
lǐbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡邊 |
lǐbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裏邊 |
lìbǐduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力比多 |
líbié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離別 |
Lìbǐyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利比亞 |
Lìbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吏部 |
Lǐbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮部 |
Lǐbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李埠 |
lìbùcóngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力不從心 |
líbùkāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離不開 |
lǐcái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理財 |
lǐcǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理睬 |
lícháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離場 |
líchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離場 |
lìcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立場 |
lìchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立場 |
lìchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力場 |
lìchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒞場 |
lìcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立朝 |
lìcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷朝 |
lìchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷程 |
lǐchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里程 |
lǐchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮成 |
lǐchéngbēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里程碑 |
lǐchéngyǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮成詠 |
líchóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離愁 |
lìchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立儲 |
lìchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立儲 |
Lìchūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立春 |
lìcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力促 |
lìcù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轢蹙 |
lìdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷代 |
lǐdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡帶 |
lǐdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮待 |
lǐdāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理當 |
lǐdāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮當 |
lídǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離島 |
Lídǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離島 |
lìdāopáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立刀旁 |
lìdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立地 |
lǐdiànchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋰電池 |
lídìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釐定 |
lìdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立定 |
lìdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力度 |
lìduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利多 |
lǐ duō rén bù guài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮多人不怪 |
lie {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咧 |
lie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liē |
lie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lié |
lie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liě |
lie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liè |
lié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𧞪 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儠 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冽 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劽 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埓 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姴 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戺 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栵 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挒 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捩 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擸 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洌 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浖 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烈 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煭 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爈 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犣 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猈 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獵 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睙 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聗 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脟 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膂 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茢 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛚 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛶 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裂 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趔 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躐 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迾 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邉 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颲 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬛 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬣 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮤 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱲 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴷 |
liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猎 |
liě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咧 |
liě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袽 |
liě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裂 |
liē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咧 |
lie0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lie |
lie1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liē |
lie2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lié |
lie3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liě |
lie4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liè |
lie5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lie |
lièbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裂變 |
lièbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列表 |
lièchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列車 |
lièchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列出 |
lièdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列島 |
lièděng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣等 |
lièděngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣等生 |
lièduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列隊 |
lièfèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裂縫 |
lièfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烈夫 |
liègǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獵狗 |
liègǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬣狗 |
lièguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列國 |
lièhén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裂痕 |
lièhóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列侯 |
lièhuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烈火 |
lièjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣跡 |
lièjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣跡 |
lièjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裂教 |
lièjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烈酒 |
lièjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣酒 |
lièjǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列舉 |
lièjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趔趄 |
lièkāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裂開 |
liēlie {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咧咧 |
Lièníng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列寧 |
lièqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獵奇 |
lièqiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列強 |
lièqie {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趔趄 |
lièqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獵取 |
lièquǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獵犬 |
lièrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獵人 |
lièrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列入 |
lièshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獵殺 |
lièshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣勢 |
lièshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烈士 |
lièwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列王 |
Lièwángjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列王紀 |
Lièwángjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列王記 |
lièwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列為 |
lièwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列位 |
lièwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裂紋 |
lièxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列席 |
lièxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躐席 |
lièyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烈焰 |
lièyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獵豔 |
lièzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列陣 |
lièzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣質 |
lièzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劣質 |
lièzhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列傳 |
Lièzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 列子 |
liězuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咧嘴 |
lìfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立法 |
lìfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曆法 |
lǐfà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理髮 |
lǐfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理髮 |
lǐfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮法 |
lǐfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理法 |
lǐfàdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理髮店 |
lǐfǎdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理髮店 |
lìfǎhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立法會 |
lìfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立方 |
lìfāngmǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立方米 |
lǐfàshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理髮師 |
lǐfǎshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理髮師 |
Lìfǎyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立法院 |
lìfǎzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立法者 |
lǐfú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮服 |
lígǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離港 |
lígāotáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梨膏糖 |
lìgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立功 |
lìgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力攻 |
lǐgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理工 |
lìguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷觀 |
lìguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒞官 |
Lǐ Guǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李鬼 |
lìhai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲害 |
lìhai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利害 |
lìhài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲害 |
lìhài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利害 |
Lǐ Hǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裏海 |
lìhài chōngtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利害衝突 |
lìhài chōngtū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利害衝突 |
líhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離合 |
líhēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黧黑 |
líhuá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犁鏵 |
lǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理化 |
líhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罹患 |
lìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例會 |
lǐhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理會 |
líhūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離婚 |
líhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藜藿 |
lìji {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痢疾 |
lìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立即 |
lìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲疾 |
lìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痢疾 |
lìjǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利己 |
Lǐjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮記 |
líjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離家 |
lìjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例假 |
Lǐjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里加 |
líjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離間 |
lìjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力薦 |
lìjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利劍 |
lìjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立見 |
Lìjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麗江 |
lìjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立腳 |
lǐjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮教 |
lìjiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力戒 |
lìjiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷屆 |
lǐjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮節 |
lǐjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理解 |
lǐjiělì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理解力 |
líjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厘金 |
lìjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利金 |
líjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離境 |
líjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犁鏡 |
lǐjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮經 |
lìjǐzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利己主義 |
líkāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離開 |
lìkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立刻 |
lìkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力克 |
lǐkē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理科 |
lìkèbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立刻白 |
lìkěbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立可白 |
lìkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利口 |
lǐkuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理虧 |
lìlái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷來 |
lìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷歷 |
lìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栗栗 |
lìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚦嚦 |
lìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀝瀝 |
lìliang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力量 |
lìliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俐亮 |
lǐliáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理療 |
lǐliáoshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理療師 |
lìlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒞臨 |
lǐlòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里弄 |
lìlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利祿 |
lìlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栗碌 |
lìlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轣轆 |
lìlǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利率 |
lǐlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理路 |
lìlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立論 |
lǐlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理論 |
lǐlùnjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理論家 |
lìluo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利落 |
lìluo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俐落 |
lìmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立馬 |
lìmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫪馬 |
Lìmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利馬 |
límài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藜麥 |
límāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狸貓 |
límāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貍貓 |
lìmào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笠帽 |
lǐmào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮貌 |
lǐmào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮帽 |
límǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釐米 |
lǐmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡面 |
límín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黎民 |
lìmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利民 |
lìmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲民 |
lìmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒞民 |
límíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黎明 |
Lìmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栃木 |
lin {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of līn |
lin {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lín |
lin {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǐn |
lin {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lìn |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 临 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亃 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啅 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壣 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶙 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惏 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斴 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 晽 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暽 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滰 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潾 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀶 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燐 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獜 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琳 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璘 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甐 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疄 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痳 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞵 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矝 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碄 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磵 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箖 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粦 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粼 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綝 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繗 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罧 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翷 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轔 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遴 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邻 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏻 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隣 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霖 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驎 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱗 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麐 |
lín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㔂 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丳 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吝 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恡 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悋 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橉 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淇 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焛 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞳 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磷 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粦 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膣 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔺 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藺 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賂 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贿 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹸 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躏 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躧 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躪 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轒 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轥 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 辚 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遳 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄬 |
lìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閵 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僯 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凛 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凜 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廩 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廪 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懍 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懔 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撛 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檁 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澟 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癛 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癝 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磵 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祶 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稟 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粺 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菻 |
lǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㐭 |
līn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厸 |
lin1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of līn |
lin2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lín |
lin3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǐn |
lin4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lìn |
Lín'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨安 |
línbā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋巴 |
línbājié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋巴結 |
línbāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰邦 |
línbā xìtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋巴系統 |
línběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨本 |
línbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰比 |
línbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰邊 |
línbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林邊 |
línbié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨別 |
línbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋病 |
lìnbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋病 |
líncháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林場 |
líncháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨場 |
línchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林場 |
línchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨場 |
línchánggǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨場感 |
línchǎnggǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨場感 |
líncháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨朝 |
línchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨床 |
línchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨牀 |
línchuáng shìyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨床試驗 |
línchuáng xīnlǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨床心理學 |
línchuáng xīnlǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨牀心理學 |
línchuáng yīshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨床醫生 |
línchuáng yīshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨牀醫生 |
línchuáng yīxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨床醫學 |
línchuáng yīxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨牀醫學 |
ling {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of līng |
ling {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of líng |
ling {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǐng |
ling {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lìng |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仢 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伶 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倮 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刢 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囹 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坽 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夌 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姈 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孁 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岭 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朎 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柃 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棂 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棱 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫺 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欞 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泠 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淩 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澪 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燯 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爧 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狑 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玲 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琌 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓴 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皊 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睖 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砱 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碐 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磵 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祾 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秢 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稏 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竛 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笭 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紷 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綾 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羚 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翎 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聆 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舲 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苓 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菱 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔆 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕶 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘦 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛉 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衑 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裬 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詅 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跉 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軨 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輘 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酃 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醽 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釖 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈴 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錂 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閝 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陵 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霊 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霛 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霝 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駖 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魿 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯪 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴒 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹷 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麢 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齡 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齢 |
líng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龗 |
lìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另 |
lìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令 |
lìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呤 |
lìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炩 |
lìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掕 |
lìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈 |
lǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令 |
lǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呤 |
lǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶺 |
lǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彾 |
lǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袊 |
lǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 阾 |
lǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領 |
līng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拎 |
līng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昤 |
ling1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of līng |
ling2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of líng |
ling3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǐng |
ling4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lìng |
Língāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨高 |
língbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈便 |
lǐngbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領兵 |
língbùjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零部件 |
língchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌晨 |
língchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淩晨 |
língchí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌遲 |
lǐngdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領帶 |
lǐngdàijiá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領帶夾 |
lǐngdàijiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領帶夾 |
língdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈丹 |
língdang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈴鐺 |
língdānmiàoyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈丹妙藥 |
lǐngdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領導 |
lǐngdǎo bānzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領導班子 |
língdàolóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伶盜龍 |
lǐngdǎoquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領導權 |
lǐngdǎorén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領導人 |
lǐngdǎozhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領導者 |
lǐngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領地 |
língdiǎnwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 0.5 |
língdīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伶仃 |
Língdīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伶仃 |
língdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈動 |
língdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零度 |
língfēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零分 |
línggǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈感 |
línggōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零工 |
línggōng jīngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零工經濟 |
língguàncí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零冠詞 |
lǐnghǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領海 |
Lìnghé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令和 |
Línghú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令狐 |
Lìnghú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令狐 |
lǐnghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領會 |
línghún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈魂 |
línghún bànlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈魂伴侶 |
línghúnyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈魂樂 |
línghuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈活 |
línghuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零活 |
língjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淩駕 |
língjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌駕 |
língjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零件 |
língjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翎箭 |
língjiao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菱角 |
lǐngjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領教 |
lǐngjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領巾 |
língjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈柩 |
lǐngjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領軍 |
língkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌空 |
lǐngkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領空 |
lìnglèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另類 |
línglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伶俐 |
línglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淩厲 |
línglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌厲 |
línglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈利 |
línglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈力 |
línglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌轢 |
línglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陵轢 |
línglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯪鯉 |
lìnglìménhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另立門戶 |
línglínghòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 00後 |
línglóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玲瓏 |
lǐnglù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領路 |
lǐnglù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領陸 |
língluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌亂 |
língluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淩亂 |
língluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零亂 |
lǐngluè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領略 |
lǐnglüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領略 |
língluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零落 |
língmāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈貓 |
língmǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈敏 |
lìngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令名 |
língmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陵墓 |
Língmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈴木 |
Lǐngnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶺南 |
língniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羚牛 |
lìngpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令牌 |
língqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈氣 |
língqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零錢 |
lǐngqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領錢 |
língqiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈巧 |
língqǐdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零起點 |
Língqíjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈棋經 |
língqǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陵寢 |
língqǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈寢 |
lǐngqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領情 |
lìngqǐnggāomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另請高明 |
Líng Qú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈渠 |
lǐngqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領取 |
lìngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令人 |
lìngrénfàzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令人髮指 |
lìngrénfǎzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令人髮指 |
lìngrénzǎshé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令人咋舌 |
língrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凌日 |
lìngrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另日 |
língròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈肉 |
língrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淩辱 |
língrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陵辱 |
língrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淩辱 |
língrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陵辱 |
língsàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零散 |
língsǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零散 |
língshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈴聲 |
língshēngmǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零聲母 |
lǐngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領事 |
lǐngshìguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領事館 |
língshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零售 |
lǐngshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領受 |
língshòudiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零售店 |
língshòujià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零售價 |
língshòuyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零售業 |
língsuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零碎 |
língtì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陵替 |
língtīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聆聽 |
língtōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈通 |
língtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零頭 |
lǐngtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領頭 |
lǐngtǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領土 |
Línguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨桂 |
línguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰國 |
línguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隣國 |
lìngwài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另外 |
língwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈物 |
Língwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈武 |
lǐngwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領悟 |
lǐngxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領銜 |
lǐngxiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領先 |
língxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菱形 |
língxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈性 |
língxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零星 |
língxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笭箵 |
lìngxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另行 |
lǐngxiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領袖 |
língxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈學 |
língyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈驗 |
língyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羚羊 |
língyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈異 |
lìngyībàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另一半 |
lìngyīfāngmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另一方面 |
língyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈴音 |
lìngyǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令尹 |
língyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零用 |
língyòng xiànjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 零用現金 |
lìngyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 另有 |
lìngyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令友 |
lǐngyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領有 |
língyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯪魚 |
língyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囹圄 |
língyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈雨 |
língyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陵雨 |
lǐngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領域 |
língyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈園 |
lǐngzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領證 |
língzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靈芝 |
lǐngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 領子 |
lìngzūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 令尊 |
línhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林海 |
línhuàqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磷化氫 |
línhuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磷火 |
lìnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷年 |
lǐniàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理念 |
lìniào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利尿 |
líniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犛牛 |
líniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氂牛 |
líniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髦牛 |
líniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犁牛 |
línjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰家 |
línjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰角 |
línjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麟角 |
línjiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨界 |
línjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨街 |
línjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰接 |
línjièdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨界點 |
línjièzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨界值 |
línjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨近 |
línjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰近 |
línjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱗莖 |
línjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麟經 |
Línjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麟經 |
línjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰居 |
línjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隣居 |
línjùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋菌 |
lìnjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋菌 |
Línkěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林肯 |
línlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋漓 |
línlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋離 |
línlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋灕 |
línlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林立 |
línlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轔轢 |
línlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惏慄 |
línlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惏悷 |
línlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霖瀝 |
línlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰里 |
línliǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨了 |
lǐnliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凜冽 |
lǐnlǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凜凜 |
lǐnlǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懍懍 |
lǐnlǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廩廩 |
línmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨門 |
línmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨摹 |
línnàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨難 |
línnàngǒumiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨難苟免 |
lǐnòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里弄 |
línpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱗片 |
línpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林片 |
línqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林檎 |
línqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林區 |
lǐnrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凜然 |
lìnsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吝嗇 |
línshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄰舍 |
línshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨時 |
línshígōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨時工 |
línshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨睡 |
línshuì jīyuèzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨睡肌躍症 |
línsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磷酸 |
líntóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨頭 |
líntóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林投 |
líntù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林兔 |
lìnxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吝惜 |
lìnxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吝惜 |
Línxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨湘 |
línxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨刑 |
línxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遴選 |
línxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林學 |
línxún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶙峋 |
línyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林業 |
línyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱗葉 |
línyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋浴 |
línyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋雨 |
línyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霖雨 |
línyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琳宇 |
línyùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淋浴露 |
línzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磷脂 |
línzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麟趾 |
línzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磷脂 |
línzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨終 |
línzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林鐘 |
línzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 林子 |
línzǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臨走 |
lio̍k-kun {def} SEE: 陸軍 | :: |
lǐpào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮炮 |
lǐpéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理賠 |
lǐpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮品 |
lípǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離譜 |
lípǔr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離譜 |
líqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離奇 |
líqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離棄 |
lìqi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力氣 |
lìqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利器 |
lìqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立契 |
lìqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利氣 |
lìqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戾氣 |
lìqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沴氣 |
lǐqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮器 |
lǐqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理氣 |
Líqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驪靬 |
lìqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利錢 |
lìqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力錢 |
líqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釐清 |
lìqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀝青 |
lǐ qīng qíngyì zhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮輕情意重 |
lìqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力求 |
líqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離去 |
lǐqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理屈 |
lǐr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理兒 |
lǐr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡兒 |
lǐràng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮讓 |
lìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麗人 |
lìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隸人 |
lìrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利刃 |
lìrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷任 |
lìrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莅任 |
lìrú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例如 |
lìrùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利潤 |
lìrùnlǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利潤率 |
lísàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離散 |
lìsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲色 |
lìsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栗色 |
lǐshàngwǎnglái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮尚往來 |
lìshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲聲 |
líshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離世 |
lìshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷時 |
lìshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立時 |
lìshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礫石 |
lìshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礪石 |
lìshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糲食 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力士 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立誓 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立式 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例釋 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例示 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利市 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立室 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利是 |
lìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷世 |
lìshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷史 |
lǐshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理事 |
lǐshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李詩 |
lǐshìguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理事國 |
lìshǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷史化 |
lǐshìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理事會 |
lìshǐjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷史家 |
lìshǐ shèhuìxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷史社會學 |
lìshǐxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷史性 |
lìshǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷史學 |
lìshǐxuéjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷史學家 |
lǐshìzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理事長 |
lìshǐzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷史主義 |
lǐshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡手 |
líshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梨樹 |
líshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黎庶 |
lìshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫟樹 |
lìshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷述 |
lìshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隸屬 |
lìshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷數 |
lìshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栗鼠 |
lìshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曆書 |
lìshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隸書 |
lǐshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李樹 |
lǐshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮數 |
Líshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麗水 |
lìshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀝水 |
Lìshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麗水 |
lǐshùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理順 |
lìshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立說 |
lìsì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立嗣 |
Lǐ Sī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李斯 |
lǐsú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮俗 |
lǐsú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俚俗 |
lìsuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利索 |
lìsuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俐索 |
lìsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利索 |
lìsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俐索 |
lǐsuǒdāngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理所當然 |
lìsuǒnéngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力所能及 |
lǐtáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮堂 |
lìtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立體 |
lìtǐgǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立體感 |
lìtǐhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立體化 |
lìtǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力挺 |
lìtǐzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立體主義 |
lǐtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡頭 |
li̍t-thâu {def} SEE: 日頭 | :: |
lìtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力圖 |
lìtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例圖 |
liu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liū |
liu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liú |
liu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liǔ |
liu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of liù |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刘 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚠 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媹 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵧 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懰 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摅 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 斾 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旈 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旒 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榴 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橊 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沠 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泲 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浏 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渵 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溙 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漹 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澏 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀏 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琉 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑠 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑬 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璢 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畄 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畱 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疁 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘤 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癅 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硫 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翌 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聃 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膡 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒥 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓅 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藰 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟉 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裗 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遛 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎏 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎦 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏐 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐁 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镏 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飀 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飅 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飗 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餴 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饾 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駠 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駵 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騮 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驑 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骝 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰡 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶹 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹠 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麍 |
liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㐬 |
liú {rom} | :: 䰘 |
Liú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劉 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坴 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塯 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廇 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溙 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澑 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熓 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畂 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畘 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硽 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磂 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磛 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 翏 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹓 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遘 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎤 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐂 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镊 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 际 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陷 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雡 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霤 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飀 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 餾 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬸 |
liù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷚 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬼 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栁 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桺 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橮 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 法 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珋 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畘 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畭 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綹 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罶 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒌 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓳 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔛 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉚 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋶 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铆 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锍 |
liǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 飹 |
liū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚝 |
liū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜 |
liū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澏 |
liū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀌 |
liū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熘 |
liū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹓 |
liū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𠺕 |
liu1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liū |
liu2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liú |
liu3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liǔ |
liu4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of liù |
Liù'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六安 |
liǔ'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳安 |
liǔ'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳桉 |
liúbān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留班 |
liúbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流弊 |
liúbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流變 |
liūbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜邊 |
liūbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜冰 |
liú bítì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流鼻涕 |
liúbò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流播 |
liúbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流播 |
liúbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留步 |
liúbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流布 |
Liùbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六部 |
liúchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流產 |
liúchàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流暢 |
Liùcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六朝 |
liúchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流程 |
liúchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留呈 |
liúchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留成 |
liǔchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳橙 |
liúchéngtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流程圖 |
liúchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流出 |
liúchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留出 |
liùchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六畜 |
liúchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流傳 |
liúchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留傳 |
liúcún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留存 |
liùda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜達 |
liùda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遛達 |
liùda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜躂 |
liùda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遛躂 |
liūda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜達 |
liūda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遛達 |
liūda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜躂 |
liūda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遛躂 |
liúdàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流蕩 |
liùdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六道 |
liúdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流動 |
liúdòng diànhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流動電話 |
liúdòng rénkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流動人口 |
liúdòng zīchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流動資產 |
liúdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流毒 |
liúfàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流放 |
liúfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流芳 |
liúfàngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流放地 |
liùfēnyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六分儀 |
liúgǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流感 |
liùgǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遛狗 |
liùgǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹓狗 |
liùguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六國 |
liúhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀏海 |
liúhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劉海 |
liúhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留海 |
liúhǎir {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劉海兒 |
liúhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流汗 |
Liúhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀏河 |
liúhuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硫黃 |
liúhuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硫磺 |
liúhuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流黃 |
liújí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留級 |
liùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六級 |
liùjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六甲 |
liùjiǎoxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六角形 |
Liùjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六經 |
liúkòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流寇 |
liúlǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀏覽 |
liúlǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流覽 |
liúlàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流浪 |
liúlànggǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流浪狗 |
liúlànghàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流浪漢 |
liúlàngmāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流浪貓 |
liúlǎnqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀏覽器 |
liúlèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流淚 |
liúli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琉璃 |
liúlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流离 |
liúlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琉璃 |
liúlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流利 |
liúlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留利 |
liúlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流麗 |
liúlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流連 |
liúlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留連 |
liúlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榴蓮 |
liúlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留連 |
liúlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榴槤 |
liúliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留戀 |
liúliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流量 |
liúliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留量 |
liúliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀏亮 |
liúliánguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榴連果 |
liúliánguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榴槤果 |
liúliánguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榴蓮果 |
liúlíshīsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流離失所 |
liùliu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜溜 |
liūliū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜溜 |
liúlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流露 |
liúluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流落 |
liúmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流氓 |
liúmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流民 |
liúmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留名 |
liúmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流明 |
liúnǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流腦 |
liúnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流年 |
liúniàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留念 |
liúniǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留鳥 |
liúniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘤牛 |
liúpài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流派 |
liùqīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六親 |
liúqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留情 |
Liúqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流求 |
Liúqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琉求 |
Liúqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琉球 |
Liúqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留求 |
Liúqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑠求 |
liùqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六趣 |
liúrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留任 |
liúshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流沙 |
liúshén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留神 |
liúshēngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留聲機 |
liúshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流逝 |
liúshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流勢 |
liúshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流失 |
liúshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流師 |
liùshíjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 69 |
liúshīshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流失生 |
liúshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留守 |
liúshǒu értóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留守兒童 |
liùshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六書 |
liǔshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳樹 |
liúshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流水 |
liúshuǐbùfǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流水不腐 |
liúshuǐbùfǔ, hùshūbúdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流水不腐,戶樞不蠹 |
liúshuǐ bùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流水簿子 |
liúshuǐxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流水線 |
Liǔshùquān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳樹𨟠 |
Liù-Sì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六四 |
Liúsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劉宋 |
liúsú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流俗 |
liúsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留宿 |
liúsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硫酸 |
liútǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流淌 |
Liùtāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六韜 |
liútèqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琉特琴 |
liútì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流涕 |
liútǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流體 |
liǔtiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳條 |
liútōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流通 |
liúwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流亡 |
liúxia {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留下 |
liúxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留下 |
liúxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流下 |
liùxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六線 |
liúxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流血 |
liúxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留心 |
liúxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行 |
liúxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流形 |
liúxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流刑 |
liúxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流星 |
liúxíngbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行病 |
liúxíngbìngxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行病學 |
liúxīngchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流星錘 |
liúxíng wénhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行文化 |
liúxíngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行性 |
liúxíngxìng gǎnmào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行性感冒 |
liúxíngxìng nǎomóyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行性腦膜炎 |
liúxíngxìng nǎomòyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行性腦膜炎 |
liúxíngzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行組 |
liúxíng zǔhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流行組合 |
liúxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留學 |
liúxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流學 |
liúxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流血 |
liúxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流血 |
liúxuéshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留學生 |
liúyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留言 |
liúyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流言 |
liúyánfēiyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流言蜚語 |
liú yǎnlèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流眼淚 |
liúyán zhǐ yú zhìzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流言止於智者 |
liúyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留遺 |
liúyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流移 |
liúyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留夷 |
liúyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留意 |
Liùyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六藝 |
liúyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流淫 |
liǔyìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳蔭 |
liǔyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳蔭 |
liǔyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柳陰 |
liúyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流螢 |
liúyǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留影 |
liúyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流域 |
liúyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留寓 |
liúyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 流寓 |
Liúyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榴月 |
liùyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六月 |
liùyuè jiǎchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六月甲蟲 |
liùzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六指 |
liùzhǐr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六指兒 |
liùzhou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碌碡 |
liùzhou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磟碡 |
liúzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 留住 |
liúzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘤子 |
liūzǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溜走 |
lìwài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例外 |
lǐwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮物 |
líxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離席 |
lìxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利息 |
lìxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利息 |
lìxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫪㯕 |
lìxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立夏 |
lìxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立下 |
Lìxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立夏 |
líxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離線 |
lìxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立憲 |
lìxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力線 |
lìxiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歷險 |
Lǐxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮縣 |
lìxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立項 |
lìxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立像 |
lìxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曆象 |
lǐxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理想 |
lǐxiǎnghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理想化 |
lǐxiǎngjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理想家 |
lǐxiǎngxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理想鄉 |
lǐxiǎngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理想主義 |
lìxílǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利息率 |
lìxīlǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利息率 |
líxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離心 |
lìxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例行 |
lìxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力行 |
lìxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲行 |
lìxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勵行 |
lǐxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理性 |
lìxínggōngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例行公事 |
lǐxìngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理性主義 |
líxīnjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離心機 |
líxīnlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離心力 |
líxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離休 |
lìxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力學 |
lǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理學 |
lǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮學 |
lǐxuéshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理學士 |
Lìyǎdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利雅得 |
Lìyǎdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利雅德 |
lìyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立業 |
líyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離異 |
lìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利益 |
lìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立意 |
lìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立異 |
lìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力役 |
lǐyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮儀 |
lǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮義 |
lǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理義 |
lǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮異 |
lìyì chōngtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利益衝突 |
lìyì chōngtū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利益衝突 |
lǐyīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理應 |
lìyì tuántǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利益團體 |
lìyì xiàngguān zhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利益相關者 |
lǐyízhībāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮儀之邦 |
lìyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利用 |
lìyòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利誘 |
lǐyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理由 |
lìyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利於 |
lìyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荔芋 |
lǐyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯉魚 |
lǐyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮遇 |
lǐyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理喻 |
lǐyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俚語 |
líyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梨園 |
líyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籬垣 |
líyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黎元 |
Líyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梨園 |
lǐyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮樂 |
Lǐyuē Rènèilú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里約熱內盧 |
lízǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梨棗 |
lízǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狸藻 |
lǐzé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理則 |
lìzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力戰 |
lízhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藜杖 |
lǐzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 里長 |
lìzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立正 |
lìzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例證 |
lìzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力證 |
lìzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒞政 |
lìzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力爭 |
lìzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力征 |
lízhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離職 |
lízhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離枝 |
Lízhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離枝 |
lìzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立志 |
lìzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吏治 |
lìzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勵志 |
lìzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麗質 |
lìzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立治 |
lìzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒞治 |
lìzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荔枝 |
lǐzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理直 |
lǐzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理智 |
lǐzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮制 |
lǐzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禮治 |
lǐzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 理致 |
lìzhìshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勵志書 |
lìzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立柱 |
lìzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立住 |
lìzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力主 |
lìzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麗矚 |
lìzhuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粒狀 |
lìzhuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力壯 |
lízi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梨子 |
lízi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狸子 |
lízǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 離子 |
lìzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 例子 |
lìzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栗子 |
lìzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粒子 |
lìzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粒子 |
lìzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 利子 |
lìzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荔子 |
lǐzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李子 |
lǐzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裡子 |
lǐzi bùdīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 李子布丁 |
lìzǐ wùlǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粒子物理學 |
lìzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 立足 |
lìzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隸卒 |
lìzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 力作 |
lìzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒞阼 |
LKK {adj} [Taiwanese Mandarin] | :: old and senile |
LKK {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin] | :: an old geezer; geriatric |
lm {v} [internet slang] /liúmíng/ | :: abbreviation of 留名 |
lo {n} [neologism, mostly in compounds] /lō/ | :: Lolita fashion |
lo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咯 |
lo0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lo |
lo5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lo |
long {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lōng |
long {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lóng |
long {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǒng |
long {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lòng |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咙 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屸 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶐 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巃 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巄 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昽 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曨 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朧 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栊 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泷 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湰 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滝 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漋 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀧 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爖 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珑 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癃 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眬 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矓 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砻 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礲 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窿 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竜 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笼 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簼 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籠 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聋 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胧 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茏 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕯 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘢 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝑 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠪 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠬 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襱 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豅 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躘 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏧 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑨 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霳 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靇 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸗 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龒 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龓 |
lóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哢 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 异 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徿 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挵 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梇 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硦 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘟 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衖 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贚 |
lòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑝 |
lǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儱 |
lǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壟 |
lǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壠 |
lǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攏 |
lǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竉 |
lǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隴 |
lōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隅 |
long1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lōng |
long2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lóng |
long3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǒng |
long4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lòng |
lóngchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍船 |
lóngcōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘢蔥 |
lóngdōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆冬 |
lǒngduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壟斷 |
lóngfān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍翻 |
lóngfèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍鳳 |
lóngfèngtāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍鳳胎 |
lǒnggòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攏共 |
lónggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍骨 |
lónggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆古 |
lónggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礱穀 |
Lónghǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍海 |
lónghāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍蒿 |
Lóngjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍江 |
Lóngjǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍井 |
lóngjīnghǔměng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍精虎猛 |
lóngjuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍捲 |
lóngjuǎnfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍捲風 |
lónglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍鯉 |
lónglín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍鱗 |
lónglóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆隆 |
lǒngluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籠絡 |
lóngmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍馬 |
lóngmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍門 |
Lóngmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍門 |
lóngménzhèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍門陣 |
lóngmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍目 |
Lóngmù Dǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍目島 |
lóngniǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籠鳥 |
lóngniǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆鳥 |
Lóngpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍坪 |
lóngqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆起 |
lóngrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆乳 |
Lóngshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍山 |
Lǒngshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隴山 |
lóngshé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍蛇 |
lóngshéhùnzá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍蛇混雜 |
lóngshèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆盛 |
lòngtáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弄堂 |
lǒngtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籠統 |
lóngtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍頭 |
Lóngwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍王 |
lóngwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍文 |
Lǒngxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隴西 |
lóngxiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍蝦 |
lóngxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍涎 |
lóngxiánxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍涎香 |
lóngxiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆胸 |
Lǒngxīxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隴西縣 |
lóngxū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍鬚 |
lóngxūtáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍鬚糖 |
lóngyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍眼 |
lóngzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籠罩 |
lǒngzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籠罩 |
lóngzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 隆重 |
lóngzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍舟 |
Lóngzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍州 |
lóngzhūguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍珠果 |
lóngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籠子 |
lóngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 聾子 |
lóngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龍子 |
lǒngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籠子 |
lǒngzǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攏總 |
Lō͘-se-a {def} SEE: 露西亞 | :: |
lou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘍 |
lou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𡀔 |
lou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lōu |
lou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lóu |
lou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǒu |
lou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lòu |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偻 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剅 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喼 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘍 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囅 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娄 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寝 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廔 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慺 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搂 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楼 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溆 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漃 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熡 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牡 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窭 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 窴 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耧 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膡 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艛 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒌 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝼 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謱 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軁 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 遱 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞻 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髅 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷜 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傺 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漊 |
lóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僂 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屚 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘖 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘶 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘺 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏤 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陋 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霪 |
lòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露 |
lǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塿 |
lǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶁 |
lǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搂 |
lǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甊 |
lǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簍 |
lǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耥 |
lōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搂 |
lōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞜 |
lou0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lou |
lou1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lōu |
lou2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lóu |
lou3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǒu |
lou4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lòu |
lou5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lou |
lòubǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏤版 |
lòubǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏤板 |
lóucéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓層 |
lòuchǐ'érxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露齒而笑 |
lòuchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露出 |
lòuchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏出 |
lóudào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓道 |
lòudiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏掉 |
lòudòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏洞 |
lòudǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏斗 |
lóudǒucài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耬斗菜 |
Lóufán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓煩 |
lóufáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓房 |
lòufēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏風 |
lóugé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓閣 |
lóugū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螻蛄 |
lóuhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓花 |
lòujiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陋見 |
lòujiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏箭 |
lòujiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏件 |
lòukōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏤空 |
lòumiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露面 |
lòumiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露苗 |
lóupán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓盤 |
lòupiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏票 |
lóushàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓上 |
lòusháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏勺 |
lóushì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓市 |
lòushuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏稅 |
lòushuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏水 |
lòusú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陋俗 |
lóutái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓臺 |
lóutī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓梯 |
lòuxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陋習 |
lóuxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樓下 |
lòuxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陋巷 |
lòuxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露相 |
lóuyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔞葉 |
lóuyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螻蟻 |
lóuyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螻螘 |
lòuyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏譯 |
lòu yīshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露一手 |
lòuzìbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏字版 |
lòuzuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漏嘴 |
low {adj} [slang] | :: Of low stature; uncivilized; uncouth |
lo娘 {n} [slang] /lōniáng/ | :: a girl who regularly dresses in lolita fashion |
LP {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin] | :: cojones; courage; machismo; chutzpah |
LP {v} | :: to brownnose; to kiss up to |
lu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氇 |
lu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lū |
lu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lú |
lu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǔ |
lu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lù |
lu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǘ |
lu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǚ |
lu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǜ |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚧 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垆 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庐 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攎 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曥 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栌 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泸 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炆 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炉 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獹 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玈 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璷 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓐 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矑 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籚 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纑 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罏 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胪 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舻 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芦 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠦 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轤 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑪 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顱 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髗 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魲 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱸 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸕 |
lú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黸 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侓 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僇 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勎 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勠 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圥 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垏 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娽 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峍 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廘 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戮 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摝 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椂 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樚 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淕 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淥 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漉 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潞 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熝 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琭 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璐 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甪 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盝 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睩 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硉 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碌 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磟 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祿 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稑 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箓 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簏 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簬 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簴 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簶 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籙 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粶 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膔 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菉 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔍 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕗 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虂 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螰 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觊 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觮 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 觻 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賂 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 趢 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踛 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹗 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輅 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轆 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逯 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醁 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錴 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏕 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏴 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騄 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騼 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯥 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵦 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵱 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷺 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麓 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓐 |
lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠 |
Lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸 |
Lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯 |
Lù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卤 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塷 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掳 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撸 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擄 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擼 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樐 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橹 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫓 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氇 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滷 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀂 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硵 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磠 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 舻 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艣 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艪 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芦 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓾 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虏 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏀 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐪 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑥 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯 |
lǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹵 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榈 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樐 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫖 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫚 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氀 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爈 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘘 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膢 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藘 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏝 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閭 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馿 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驢 |
lǘ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹾 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勴 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垍 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壔 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寽 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵂 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彔 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慮 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滤 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 率 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箻 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 累 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膟 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葎 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虑 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋀 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錰 |
lǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑢 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侶 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偻 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儢 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吕 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屡 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 履 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵕 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵾 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挔 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捅 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捛 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攞 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梠 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溇 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漊 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祣 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稆 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穞 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穭 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簊 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絽 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縷 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膂 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膐 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臖 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔛 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褛 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謰 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郘 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋁 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞵 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯 |
lǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侣 |
lü {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǘ |
lü {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǚ |
lü {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǜ |
lū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚕 |
lū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謢 |
lu0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lu |
lu1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lū |
lu2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lú |
lü2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǘ |
lu3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǔ |
lü3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǚ |
lu4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lù |
lü4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǜ |
lu5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lu |
luan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of luán |
luan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of luǎn |
luan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of luàn |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圝 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娈 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孌 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孪 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峦 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挛 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曫 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栾 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滦 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灓 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灤 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癵 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羉 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脔 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脟 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臠 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虊 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銮 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵉 |
luán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸞 |
luàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乱 |
luàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂 |
luàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薍 |
luàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釠 |
luàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䜌 |
luǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵 |
luǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覶 |
luǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𡡗 |
Lù'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六安 |
luan2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of luán |
luan3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of luǎn |
luan4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of luàn |
luǎnbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵白 |
luànbāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂邦 |
luǎncháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵巢 |
luànchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂臣 |
luànchénzéizǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂臣賊子 |
luàncuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂竄 |
Lú'āndá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧安達 |
luánfèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸞鳳 |
luàngǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂搞 |
luànguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂國 |
luǎnhuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵黃 |
luánjià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑾駕 |
luànjiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂講 |
luànjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂交 |
luànlái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂來 |
luànlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂離 |
luǎnliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵裂 |
luǎnlínzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵磷脂 |
luǎnlínzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵磷脂 |
luànlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂倫 |
luànmá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂麻 |
luànmà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂罵 |
luànmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂碼 |
luànnì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂逆 |
luànpǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂跑 |
luànpéngpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂蓬蓬 |
luànqībāzāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂七八糟 |
luànr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂兒 |
luánshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孿生 |
luǎnshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵生 |
lüánshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孿生 |
luànshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂石 |
luànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂世 |
luànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂視 |
luànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂事 |
luànshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂說 |
luǎntāishēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵胎生 |
luàntán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂彈 |
luàntào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂套 |
luántóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孌童 |
lǜ'àntóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯胺酮 |
lüǎntóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孌童 |
lǜ'āntóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯胺酮 |
luànxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂象 |
luànxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂性 |
luǎnxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵形 |
luànxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂序 |
luànyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂言 |
luǎnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵翼 |
luànyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂用 |
luányú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑾輿 |
luányú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸞輿 |
luǎnyuánxìbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵原細胞 |
luànzá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂雜 |
luànzhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂真 |
luànzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂政 |
luànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亂子 |
luǎnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵子 |
luǎnzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卵子 |
lúbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧比 |
lùbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路邊 |
lùbò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄播 |
lùbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄播 |
lúbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧布 |
lǔbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹵簿 |
Lúbù'ěryǎnà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧布爾雅那 |
lǜcàihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠菜花 |
lǜchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠茶 |
lǜchábiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠茶婊 |
lǜcháliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠茶臉 |
lùchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路程 |
lǚchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅程 |
lùchǐ'érxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露齒而笑 |
lùchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露出 |
lūchuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擼串 |
lúcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸕鶿 |
lǚcì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屢次 |
lǚcì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅次 |
lǚdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 履帶 |
lǜdǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠黨 |
lùdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸稻 |
Lǜdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠島 |
lùdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路燈 |
lǜdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠燈 |
lùdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸地 |
lùdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露地 |
lǜdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠地 |
lǚdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅店 |
lǜdòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠豆 |
lǜdòushā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠豆沙 |
lǜdòutāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠豆湯 |
lùdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碌碡 |
lùdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磟碡 |
lùdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祿蠹 |
lùduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路段 |
lüe {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lüě |
lüe {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lüè |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 剞 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圙 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掠 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 撂 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擽 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 率 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畧 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稤 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藡 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋝 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋢 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 锊 |
lüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑼 |
lüě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稡 |
lüe3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lüě |
lüe4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lüè |
lüèchēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略稱 |
lüèduó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掠奪 |
lüèduó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略奪 |
lüèguò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掠過 |
lüèguò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略過 |
lüèlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略論 |
lüèqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掠取 |
Lù'érdǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿兒島 |
lüètóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略同 |
lüètú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略圖 |
lüèwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略為 |
lüèwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略微 |
lüèwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 略微 |
lùfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路費 |
lǚfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅費 |
lùfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸風 |
lùfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露鋒 |
lùfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路風 |
lùfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓼風 |
Lùfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸豐 |
Lùfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祿豐 |
Lúgōu Qiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧溝橋 |
Lúgōu Qiáo shìbiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧溝橋事變 |
lùgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露骨 |
lǚguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅館 |
lǚguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋁管 |
lūguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擼管 |
Lǔguǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯廣 |
lùguò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路過 |
Lǔguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯國 |
lǜguò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濾過 |
Lùhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 六合 |
lǜhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠化 |
lǜhuàbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯化鋇 |
lǜhuàjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯化鉀 |
lǜhuànà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯化鈉 |
lǜhuàwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯化物 |
lǜhuāyécài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠花椰菜 |
lǜhuāyēcài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠花椰菜 |
lǜhuàyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯化銀 |
lúhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘆薈 |
lúhuī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爐灰 |
lúhuǒchúnqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爐火純青 |
lùjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路基 |
lǜjǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律己 |
lùjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿角 |
lùjiǎodāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿角刀 |
lùjiǎojiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿角膠 |
lùjiǎotù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿角兔 |
lùjiǎshuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿角霜 |
lǚjìnbùzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屢禁不止 |
lùjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路徑 |
lǚjìnnánjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屢禁難絕 |
lǚjìnnánzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屢禁難止 |
lǚjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅居 |
lùjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸軍 |
lùkǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路考 |
Lúkǎsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧卡斯 |
lǚkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅客 |
lùkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路口 |
lùkuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路況 |
lùkuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路礦 |
lùlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸離 |
lùlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勠力 |
lùlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戮力 |
lùlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僇力 |
lǜlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律例 |
lǚlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 履歷 |
lǚlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膂力 |
lǚlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅力 |
lǘlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閭里 |
Lǚliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呂梁 |
lǚlìbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 履歷表 |
Lúlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廬陵 |
lǜlìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律令 |
lǜlǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠領 |
lǚlìshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 履歷書 |
lùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸路 |
lùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碌碌 |
lùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逯逯 |
lùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 轆轆 |
lùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淥淥 |
lùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄錄 |
lùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓼蓼 |
lǚlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屢屢 |
lǚlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縷縷 |
lǔlüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擄掠 |
lǔlüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹵掠 |
lǘluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驢騾 |
lùlùxùxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸陸續續 |
lǔmǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯莽 |
lǔmǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹵莽 |
lǜmàozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠帽子 |
lùmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露面 |
lùmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路面 |
lúmǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壚坶 |
lun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lūn |
lun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lún |
lun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǔn |
lun {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lùn |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仑 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 伦 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侖 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囵 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婨 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崘 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惀 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抡 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棂 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沦 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溣 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綸 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腀 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菕 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜦 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踚 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錀 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陯 |
lún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯩 |
lùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埥 |
lùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碖 |
lùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菕 |
lùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論 |
lǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埨 |
lǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悷 |
lǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淣 |
lǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 稐 |
lǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耣 |
lūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抠 |
lūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 掄 |
lun1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lūn |
lun2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lún |
lun3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lǔn |
lun4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of lùn |
lúnbā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫巴 |
lúnbān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪班 |
lúnbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫比 |
lúnbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪埠 |
lúncháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫常 |
lúnchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪船 |
lùncóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論叢 |
lùndiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論點 |
lùndiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論調 |
lùnduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論斷 |
Lúndūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫敦 |
Lúndūnhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫敦會 |
Lúndūnrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫敦人 |
lǜnèizhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠內障 |
lúnfān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪番 |
lùngāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論綱 |
Lùn Héng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論衡 |
lúnhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪換 |
lúnhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪奐 |
lúnhuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪迴 |
lúnhuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪回 |
lúnhuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淪回 |
lǘniánmǎyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驢年馬月 |
lùnjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論及 |
lùnjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論集 |
lúnjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪姦 |
lùnjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論據 |
lúnkuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪廓 |
lúnlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫理 |
lùnlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論理 |
lúnliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪流 |
lúnlǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倫理學 |
lùnlǐxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論理學 |
lúnluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淪落 |
lúnpán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪盤 |
lùnshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論述 |
lùnshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論說 |
lùnshuōwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論說文 |
lúntāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪胎 |
lùntán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論壇 |
lùntánbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論壇報 |
lùntí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論題 |
Lúnú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廬奴 |
lúnwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淪亡 |
lúnwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淪為 |
lùnwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論文 |
lùnwénjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論文集 |
lúnxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淪陷 |
lúnxiànqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淪陷區 |
lúnyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪椅 |
lúnyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論語 |
Lúnyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論語 |
lùnzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論戰 |
lùnzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論證 |
lùnzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論政 |
lùnzhēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論爭 |
lùnzhènghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論證會 |
lúnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪值 |
lúnzhóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪軸 |
lùnzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 論著 |
lúnzhuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪轉 |
lúnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 輪子 |
luo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of luō |
luo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of luó |
luo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of luǒ |
luo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of luò |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儸 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啧 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摞 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 椤 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欏 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氇 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猡 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玀 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箩 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籮 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罗 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脰 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腟 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萝 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔂 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘿 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝷 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟰 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠂 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠞 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覙 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覶 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覼 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逻 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏍 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑼 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镙 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饠 |
luó {rom} | :: 騾, 驘, 骡: mule |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸁 |
luó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑩 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乏 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗠 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峈 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摜 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擼 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楽 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橐 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洜 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泸 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洛 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漭 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濼 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炻 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烙 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爍 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犖 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珞 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硌 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硽 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礨 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笿 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絡 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纙 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 络 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荦 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袼 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詺 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跜 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 躎 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 逻 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邌 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉻 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雒 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駱 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮥 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴼 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鵅 |
luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓢 |
Luò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洛 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 倮 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攞 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曪 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枖 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欅 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猓 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘰 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 癳 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砢 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臝 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓏 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜽 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟰 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠃 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠞 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎯 |
luǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒩 |
luō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啰 |
luō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囉 |
luō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捅 |
luō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攞 |
luō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罗 |
luō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羀 |
luō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萺 |
luo1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of luō |
luo2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of luó |
luo3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of luǒ |
luo4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of luò |
Luó'āndá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅安達 |
luòbài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落敗 |
luòbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落筆 |
Luóbīn Hàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅賓漢 |
luóbo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘿蔔 |
luóbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘿蔔 |
luóbotóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘿蔔頭 |
luóchà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅剎 |
luòchā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落差 |
luòcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落潮 |
luòchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落成 |
luǒchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸裎 |
luǒdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸貸 |
luòdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落單 |
luòdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落地 |
luòdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落第 |
luòdìchuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落地窗 |
Luódìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅定 |
luóhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅漢 |
luóhànbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅漢病 |
luóhànguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅漢果 |
luòhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落後 |
luòhòu jiù yào áidǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落後就要挨打 |
luòhòu jiù yào āidǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落後就要挨打 |
luòhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落戶 |
luòhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落花 |
luòhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落荒 |
luòhuāng'értáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落荒而逃 |
luòhuāngérzǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落荒而走 |
luòhuāshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落花生 |
luòhuā yǒuyì, liúshuǐ wúqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落花有意,流水無情 |
luǒhūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸婚 |
luóji {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏輯 |
luójí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏輯 |
luòjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪漿 |
Luòjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洛江 |
luòjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落腳 |
luòjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落角 |
luóji fēnxīyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏輯分析儀 |
luójí fēnxīyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏輯分析儀 |
luójixué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏輯學 |
luójíxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏輯學 |
luójizhá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏輯閘 |
luójízhá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邏輯閘 |
luǒkǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸考 |
luòkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落空 |
luókuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籮筐 |
luòkuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落葵 |
luólè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅勒 |
luòlèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落淚 |
luólì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘿莉 |
luóliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅列 |
luǒlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸露 |
luòluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落落 |
luòluòdàfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落落大方 |
luómǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騾馬 |
Luómǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅馬 |
luòmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駱馬 |
Luómǎ Dìguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅馬帝國 |
Luómǎ Gōngjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅馬公教 |
luómǎhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅馬化 |
luǒmài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸麥 |
luómàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅曼 |
Luómànyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅曼語 |
luómào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺帽 |
luómǎ shùzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅馬數字 |
luómǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺母 |
luòmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落幕 |
luòmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落木 |
luónèizhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺內酯 |
luònóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪農 |
luópán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅盤 |
Luópánzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅盤座 |
luòpǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落跑 |
Luópíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騾坪 |
luòrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落入 |
luòrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酪乳 |
luòshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落實 |
luòshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絡石 |
luóshuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺栓 |
luòshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落水 |
luǒshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸睡 |
luòshuǐ de fènghuáng bùrú jī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落水的鳳凰不如雞 |
luósi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺螄 |
luósī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺螄 |
Luósī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅斯 |
luósòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅宋 |
Luósòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅宋 |
Luósòngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅宋人 |
luósòngtāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅宋湯 |
Luósòng tāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅宋湯 |
Luósù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅素 |
luōsū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囉囌 |
luōsuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囉唆 |
luōsuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 啰唆 |
luōsuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囉嗦 |
luōsuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囉囌 |
luòtāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落胎 |
luǒtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸體 |
luǒtǐzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸體主義 |
luòtuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駱駝 |
luòtuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駱駞 |
luòtuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落拓 |
luòtuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落魄 |
luówǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅網 |
luòwǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落伍 |
luòxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落下 |
luóxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺線 |
luóxuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螺旋 |
luòxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落選 |
Luòyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洛陽 |
luòyángzhǐguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洛陽紙貴 |
luòyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落葉 |
luòyèguīgēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落葉歸根 |
luòyèsōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落葉松 |
luòyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絡繹 |
luòyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駱驛 |
luōyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囉音 |
luòyīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落英 |
luòyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落雨 |
luòzàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 落葬 |
luózhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羅致 |
luózi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騾子 |
luǒzǐzhíwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 裸子植物 |
lùpáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路旁 |
lǜpíchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠皮車 |
lǜqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濾器 |
lǜqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯氣 |
lǚqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅簽 |
lùqiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸橋 |
lùqízhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露臍裝 |
lùqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄取 |
lùqǔ tōngzhīshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄取通知書 |
lùrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路人 |
lǚrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅人 |
lùrénjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路人甲 |
lùróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿茸 |
lùròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹿肉 |
lùrù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄入 |
Lúsàkǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧薩卡 |
lǜsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠色 |
Lúsēnbǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盧森堡 |
lǜsè shípǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠色食品 |
lǜsè zhíwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠色植物 |
Lúshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廬山 |
lùshang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路上 |
lùshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路上 |
lùshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸上 |
lúshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廬舍 |
lǔshé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯蛇 |
lǚshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅社 |
lǚshè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅舍 |
lùshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸生 |
lùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄事 |
lùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路試 |
lǜshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律師 |
lǜshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律詩 |
lǜshī shìwùsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律師事務所 |
lùshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路數 |
lùshui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露水 |
lùshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露水 |
lǔshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹵水 |
lǔshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滷水 |
lǜshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠水 |
lùsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷺鷥 |
Lǚsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呂宋 |
lǔsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹵素 |
lǜsuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氯酸 |
lǜsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律所 |
lùtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露臺 |
lùtái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸臺 |
lǔtèqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯特琴 |
Lǔtèwéigéshì yānxiáyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魯特維格氏咽峽炎 |
lùtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露體 |
lùtiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露天 |
lǜtóujīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠頭巾 |
lùtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路途 |
lǚtú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅途 |
lǚtǔkuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋁土礦 |
lúwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘆葦 |
lǔwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹵味 |
lúxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘆蓆 |
lúxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘆席 |
lùxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路線 |
lùxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路綫 |
lùxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄像 |
lùxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸相 |
lùxiàngdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄像帶 |
lùxiàngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄像機 |
lǚxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅行 |
lǚxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 履行 |
lǚxíngchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅行車 |
lǚxíngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 履行地 |
lǚxíngjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅行家 |
lǚxíngtuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅行團 |
lǚxíngxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅行箱 |
lǚxíngxuē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅行靴 |
lǚxíngzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅行者 |
lǚxíng zhīpiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅行支票 |
Lùxīyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露西亞 |
lùxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸續 |
lùxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷺序 |
lǜyā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濾壓 |
lǜyāhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濾壓壺 |
lǜyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠葉 |
Lùyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路易 |
lǜyì'àngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠意盎然 |
Lùyìgǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路易港 |
lùyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄音 |
lǜyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠陰 |
lǜyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠蔭 |
lǜyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠茵 |
lǜyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律音 |
lùyīndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄音帶 |
lùyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露營 |
lùyǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄影 |
lùyíngchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露營車 |
lùyǐngdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄影帶 |
lùyīnjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄音機 |
lùyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄用 |
lǚyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅遊 |
lùyóuqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路由器 |
lǚyóuyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅游業 |
lǚyóuyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅遊業 |
lǜyóuyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠油油 |
lǚyóuzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅遊者 |
lǚyóuzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旅游者 |
lúyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱸魚 |
lùyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路緣 |
lùyuánhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陸緣海 |
lǚyuē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 履約 |
lúzhā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爐渣 |
lùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錄製 |
lǔzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滷汁 |
lǔzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹵汁 |
lǜzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綠洲 |
lùzhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 露珠 |
lùzhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戮誅 |
lúzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爐子 |
lúzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑪子 |
lùzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 路子 |
lǘzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驢子 |
Lǜzōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 律宗 |
lv {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǘ |
lv {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǚ |
lv {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lǜ |
lv2 {rom} | :: nonstandard form of lǘ |
lv3 {rom} | :: nonstandard form of lǚ |
lv4 {rom} | :: nonstandard form of lǜ |
lve {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lüě |
lve {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of lüè |
lve3 {rom} | :: nonstandard form of lüě |
lve4 {rom} | :: nonstandard form of lüè |
lz {n} [internet slang] /lóuzhǔ/ | :: alternative form of 樓主 |
LZ {n} [internet slang] /lóuzhǔ/ | :: alternative form of 樓主 |
m {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of m̄ |
m {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ḿ |
m {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of m̀ |
m̀ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呣 yeah; uh-huh; a response in the affirmative |
m̄ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姆 |
ḿ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呣 |
ḿ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘸 |
m2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ḿ |
m4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of m̀ |
ma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 么 |
ma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗎 |
ma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘛 |
ma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㕰 |
ma {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mā |
ma {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of má |
ma {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǎ |
ma {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mà |
má {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吔 |
má {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗍 |
má {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犘 |
má {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痲 |
má {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菺 |
má {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔴 |
má {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟆 |
má {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㐷 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑻 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㜫 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㨸 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㾺 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䠋 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䠨 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䧞 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䯦 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傌 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘜 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帓 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杩 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榪 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犸 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獁 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睰 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祃 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禡 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罵 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虿 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 融 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貇 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貉 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閁 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駡 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 騼 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 骂 |
mà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚂 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吔 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗍 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杧 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榧 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溤 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犵 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猽 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玛 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 码 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚂 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎷 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰢 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷌 |
mǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 傌 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妈 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬤 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孑 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抵 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摨 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擳 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虿 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚂 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵 |
mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹 |
Mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽 |
ma0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ma |
ma1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mā |
ma2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of má |
ma3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǎ |
ma4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mà |
ma5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ma |
mǎ'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鞍 |
Mǎ'ānshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鞍沙 |
mábāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻包 |
mǎbèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬背 |
mábì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻痺 |
mábì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻痹 |
mábì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痲痹 |
mábì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痲痺 |
mǎbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鞭 |
mǎbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬錶 |
mǎbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碼表 |
mǎbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碼錶 |
mábù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻布 |
mǎbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬步 |
mābù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹布 |
mǎbùtíngtí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬不停蹄 |
mǎcáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬槽 |
mǎcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬場 |
mǎchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬場 |
mǎchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬車 |
mǎchēfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬車夫 |
mǎcì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬刺 |
mǎdá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬達 |
Mǎdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬大 |
mádài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻袋 |
Mǎdájiāsījiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬達加斯加 |
mǎdāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬刀 |
māde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽的 |
Mǎdélǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬德里 |
mǎdèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鐙 |
mǎdèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬蹬 |
māde zhìzhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽的智障 |
mǎ'ěrdōngfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬耳東風 |
máfan {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻煩 |
mǎfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吗啡 |
máfēngbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻風病 |
máfēngbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痲瘋病 |
máfēngbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻瘋病 |
Mǎguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬關 |
Mǎguān Tiáoyuē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬關條約 |
Mǎhán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬韓 |
mǎhóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬猴 |
mǎhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬虎 |
mǎhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬糊 |
mǎhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬虎 |
mǎhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬糊 |
máhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻花 |
Mǎhuá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬華 |
máhuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻黃 |
mǎhuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螞蟥 |
máhuángjiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻黃鹼 |
máhuángsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻黃素 |
mai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mái |
mai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǎi |
mai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mài |
mái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埆 |
mái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狷 |
mái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薶 |
mái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貊 |
mái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霾 |
mái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佅 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劢 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卖 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 派 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眿 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脆 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脉 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝐 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衃 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迈 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霞 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霢 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麦 |
mài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘜 |
mǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 买 |
mǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘪 |
mǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 荬 |
mǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕒 |
mǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買 |
mǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鷶 |
mai2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mái |
mai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǎi |
mai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mài |
Mài'āmì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邁阿密 |
màibà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥霸 |
mǎibàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買辦 |
mǎibàn zīchǎn jiējí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買辦資產階級 |
màibó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈搏 |
màibù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邁步 |
mǎicài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買菜 |
máicáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋藏 |
màichōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈衝 |
màichū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣出 |
màichū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邁出 |
màichūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣春 |
máidān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋單 |
mǎidān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買單 |
Màidāngláo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥當勞 |
Màidāngnà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥當娜 |
màidiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣點 |
mǎi dōngxi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買東西 |
mǎiduàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買斷 |
màifáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣房 |
mǎifáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買房 |
màifěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥粉 |
máifu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋伏 |
máifú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋伏 |
màifǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣腐 |
màigōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣功 |
mǎiguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買官 |
màiguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣國 |
màiguózéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣國賊 |
màijiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣家 |
Màijiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥加 |
mǎijiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買家 |
màijiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥秸 |
màijiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥稭 |
màijìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邁進 |
màijìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣勁 |
mǎijìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買進 |
màijìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣勁 |
màijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥酒 |
màikāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邁開 |
màikèbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥克筆 |
màikèfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥克風 |
màilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣力 |
màilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥粒 |
mài lìqi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣力氣 |
màilún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈輪 |
màiluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈絡 |
màiluòmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈絡膜 |
màiluòmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈絡膜 |
mǎimai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買賣 |
mǎimài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買賣 |
mǎimàirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買賣人 |
màiméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣萌 |
máimò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋沒 |
Màinàmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥納瑪 |
Màinàmài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥納麥 |
màinong {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣弄 |
màinòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣弄 |
màipiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥片 |
màipiànzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥片粥 |
mǎipiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買票 |
màiqílín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥淇淋 |
màishōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥收 |
máitai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋汰 |
màitián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥田 |
mǎitōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 買通 |
máitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋頭 |
màitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘜頭 |
màiyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥芽 |
màiyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣淫 |
màiyǒuqiúróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賣友求榮 |
máizàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋葬 |
màizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥子 |
mǎjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬甲 |
Mǎjiādān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬加丹 |
májiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻將 |
májiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻醬 |
mǎjiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬腳 |
mǎjiǎxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬甲線 |
màjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罵街 |
mǎjiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬厩 |
mǎkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬克 |
mǎkèbēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬克杯 |
mǎkèbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬克筆 |
Mǎkèsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬克思 |
Mǎkèsīlièníngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬克思列寧主義 |
Mǎkèsīzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬克思主義 |
Mǎkèsīzhǔyì zhéxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬克思主義哲學 |
Mǎkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬口 |
mǎkǒutiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬口鐵 |
málà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻辣 |
Mǎlái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬來 |
Mǎlái Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬來半島 |
Mǎláixīyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬來西亞 |
Mǎláixīyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬來西亞 |
Mǎláixīyà Huárén Gōnghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬來西亞華人公會 |
mālang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螞螂 |
málàtàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻辣燙 |
málà xiāngguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻辣香鍋 |
mǎlè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬勒 |
Mǎlěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬累 |
máli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻利 |
máli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻俐 |
máli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻力 |
málì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻利 |
málì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻俐 |
málì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻力 |
mǎlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬力 |
mǎliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鬣 |
Mǎ-Liè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬列 |
Mǎlièzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬列主義 |
mǎlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗎啉 |
mǎlínbāqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬林巴琴 |
mǎlíngshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鈴薯 |
mǎlíngshǔní {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鈴薯泥 |
mǎlíngshǔpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鈴薯片 |
mǎlíngshǔtiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鈴薯條 |
mǎlìyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑪利亞 |
Mǎlìyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑪麗亞 |
Mǎlìyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑪麗亞 |
Mǎlǐyànà Hǎigōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬里亞納海溝 |
Mǎlǐyǎnà Hǎigōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬里亞納海溝 |
Mǎlóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬龍 |
mǎlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬路 |
mǎlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鹿 |
mǎlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬陸 |
mǎluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬騾 |
mamá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽媽 |
mámá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻麻 |
mǎmá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽媽 |
māma {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽媽 |
mǎmahūhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬馬虎虎 |
mǎmǎhǔhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬馬虎虎 |
mǎmǎhūhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬馬虎虎 |
mǎmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑪門 |
māmi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽咪 |
màmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罵名 |
mámù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻木 |
man {adj} [slang] | :: manly; masculine |
man {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mān |
man {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mán |
man {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǎn |
man {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of màn |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埆 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姏 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悗 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慲 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摱 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曵 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槾 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 標 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漪 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璊 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞒 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔋 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛮 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謾 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蹒 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞌 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顢 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饅 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馒 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬘 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰻 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒼 |
mán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㗄 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僈 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墁 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫚 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幔 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曼 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槾 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㵘 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澫 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澷 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熳 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獌 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縵 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔄 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔓 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謽 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谧 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄤 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏝 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬗 |
màn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㗈 |
mǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屘 |
mǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 满 |
mǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矕 |
mǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螨 |
mǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟎 |
mǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 襔 |
mǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏋 |
mǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮸 |
mān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫚 |
mān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顢 |
mān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顡 |
mān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 颙 |
mān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 屘 |
man1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mān |
man2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mán |
man3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǎn |
man4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of màn |
mǎnǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗎哪 |
mánǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻奶 |
mǎnǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑪瑙 |
mànbān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢班 |
mánbào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞞報 |
mànbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曼波 |
mànbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫步 |
mànbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢步 |
mánbùjiǎnglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠻不講理 |
màncǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔓草 |
màncháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫長 |
mǎncháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿場 |
mǎnchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿場 |
Mànchèsītè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曼徹斯特 |
mǎnchóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟎蟲 |
màndài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢待 |
màndāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏝刀 |
mǎndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿地 |
màndùnguō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢燉鍋 |
mang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of māng |
mang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of máng |
mang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǎng |
mang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of màng |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厖 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吂 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哤 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奀 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娏 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尨 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 庫 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恾 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杗 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杧 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氓 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汒 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浝 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牤 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牻 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狵 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痝 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盳 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞡 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矊 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硭 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笀 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芒 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茫 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 获 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒕 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘉 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛖 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邙 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釯 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铓 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 駹 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼆 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龉 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 龖 |
máng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䵨 |
màng {rom} | :: 䙪 |
mǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 壾 |
mǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漭 |
mǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硥 |
mǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茻 |
mǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莽 |
mǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莾 |
mǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟒 |
māng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牣 |
mang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of māng |
mang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of máng |
mang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǎng |
mang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of màng |
mángàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠻幹 |
mǎngcǎosuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莽草酸 |
mángcì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芒刺 |
mángcóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲從 |
mángdāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙叨 |
mángdiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲點 |
mángfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲風 |
mángguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芒果 |
mángguǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杧果 |
mángguǒ bùdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芒果布甸 |
mánghuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙活 |
mánghuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙活 |
mánglǐtōuxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙里偷閒 |
mánglù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙碌 |
mángluàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙亂 |
mángluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋩鑼 |
mángmán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲鰻 |
mángmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茫茫 |
mángmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙忙 |
mángmáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芒芒 |
mángmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲目 |
mángqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲區 |
mángrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茫然 |
mángrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲人 |
mángrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙人 |
mángrén ànmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲人按摩 |
mǎngshé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟒蛇 |
Màngǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曼谷 |
mángwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲文 |
mángxìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲信 |
Mángxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芒新 |
mángxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲選 |
mángyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忙於 |
mángzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芒種 |
mǎngzhuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莽撞 |
mángzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盲字 |
Mànhādùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曼哈頓 |
mánhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顢頇 |
mánhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠻憨 |
mānhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 顢頇 |
mánhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠻橫 |
mánhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞞哄 |
mànhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫畫 |
mànhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫話 |
mànhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢化 |
mànhuàcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫畫冊 |
mǎnhuái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿懷 |
mànhuàjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫畫家 |
mànhuàshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫畫書 |
Māniáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽娘 |
mánlí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰻鱺 |
mǎnliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿臉 |
mànmà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謾罵 |
mànmà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫罵 |
mànmà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫚罵 |
mànmàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢慢 |
mànmān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢慢 |
mǎnmǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿滿 |
mànmàn chī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢慢吃 |
mǎnmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿門 |
mǎnmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿面 |
mànpǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢跑 |
mǎnqiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿腔 |
Mǎnqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿清 |
mànrè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢熱 |
mánrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠻人 |
mǎnshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿身 |
mǎnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿是 |
mànsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢速 |
màntán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫談 |
mǎntáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿堂 |
mǎntánghóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿堂紅 |
mànténg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔓藤 |
màntiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫天 |
mántou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饅頭 |
mántóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饅頭 |
mǎntóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿頭 |
màntúluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曼荼羅 |
màntūntūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢吞吞 |
mànxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢性 |
mànxìngbìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢性病 |
mànxìngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢性子 |
mànyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔓延 |
mànyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曼延 |
mànyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫延 |
mànyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫言 |
mányí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠻夷 |
mǎnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿意 |
mǎnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿溢 |
mǎnyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿盈 |
mányí róngdí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠻夷戎狄 |
mànyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢用 |
mànyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漫遊 |
mànyōuyōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢悠悠 |
mányú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰻魚 |
mányuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 埋怨 |
mǎnyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿員 |
mǎnyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿圓 |
mǎnyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿月 |
mànyuèjú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔓越橘 |
mànyuèméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔓越莓 |
mànzhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幔帳 |
mǎnzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿紙 |
Mǎnzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿洲 |
Mǎnzhōuguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿洲國 |
Mǎnzhōulǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿洲里 |
mǎnzhōurén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿洲人 |
Mǎnzhōurén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿洲人 |
Mánzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠻子 |
mànzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢子 |
mànzǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慢走 |
mǎnzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿足 |
mǎnzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿族 |
Mǎnzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿族 |
mǎnzúgǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿足感 |
mǎnzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滿座 |
mao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of māo |
mao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of máo |
mao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǎo |
mao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mào |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兞 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堥 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫹 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旄 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枆 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毺 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 法 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渵 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牦 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犎 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猦 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矛 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罞 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耒 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芹 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝥 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覒 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軞 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酕 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錨 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髦 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髳 |
máo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶜 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貌 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冃 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冐 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媢 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帽 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懋 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暓 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柕 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楙 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毕 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毞 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毷 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牛 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑁 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眊 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睿 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞐 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耄 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耒 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艒 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芼 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萺 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓩 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袤 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 贸 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄮 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒵 |
mào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒻 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冇 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卯 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峁 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泖 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昴 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笷 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茆 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉘 |
mǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉚 |
māo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓 |
māo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸 |
māo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𤚜 |
mao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of māo |
mao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of máo |
mao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǎo |
mao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mào |
Māoběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓本 |
máobǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛筆 |
Māobí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓鼻 |
máobing {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛病 |
máobìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛病 |
māobòhe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓薄荷 |
màocài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒菜 |
máocao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛糙 |
máocao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛草 |
máocāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛糙 |
máocè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅廁 |
máochóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛蟲 |
màochōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒充 |
mǎodīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉚釘 |
máodòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛豆 |
màodú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒瀆 |
máodùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矛盾 |
máodùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅盾 |
Máo Dùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅盾 |
máo'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛額 |
máofà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛髮 |
máofǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛髮 |
màofàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒犯 |
máofáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅房 |
mào fēngxiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒風險 |
Máogài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛概 |
máogèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛茛 |
máogǔsǒngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛骨悚然 |
máogǔsǒngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛骨聳然 |
máogǔsǒngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛骨竦然 |
màohàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒汗 |
màohào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒號 |
màohuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒火 |
Máojiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅箭 |
máojīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛巾 |
màojìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒進 |
máojùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髦俊 |
máokǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛孔 |
māo kū hàozi jiǎ cíbēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓哭耗子假慈悲 |
màolín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂林 |
màolǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒領 |
màolínxiūzhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂林修竹 |
mǎoluómǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉚螺母 |
máomáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛毛 |
máomaochóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛毛蟲 |
máomáochóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛毛蟲 |
máomáoyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛毛雨 |
màomèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒昧 |
màomì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂密 |
māomī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓咪 |
màomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒名 |
màomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿名 |
màomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂名 |
Màomíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂名 |
máonáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛囊 |
máoní {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛呢 |
māonì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓膩 |
māonì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓匿 |
màonián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂年 |
máoniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 犛牛 |
máoniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氂牛 |
máoniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髦牛 |
màopái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒牌 |
màopào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒泡 |
máopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛皮 |
máopiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛片 |
máopiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛片 |
Máopíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅坪 |
máoqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛錢 |
màorán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿然 |
màorán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒然 |
máoróngróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛茸茸 |
máorōngrōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛茸茸 |
māoròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓肉 |
máoshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛衫 |
máoshānr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛衫兒 |
màoshèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂盛 |
màoshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒失 |
màoshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒失 |
mǎoshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 卯時 |
māoshǐ kāfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓屎咖啡 |
màoshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂樹 |
máoshǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矛盾 |
máosi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅廁 |
màosì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貌似 |
máosuìzìjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛遂自薦 |
Máotái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅臺 |
Máotáijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茅臺酒 |
máotǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛毯 |
mào tiānxià zhī dà bùwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒天下之大不韙 |
máotóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矛頭 |
máotóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛頭 |
Māowáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓王 |
máoxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛細 |
máoxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛線 |
màoxiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒險 |
máoxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛象 |
màoxiǎnjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒險家 |
máoxiànyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛線衣 |
máoxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛蟹 |
máoxìguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛細管 |
màoxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茂行 |
máoxì xiěguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛細血管 |
máoxì xuèguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛細血管 |
máoxì xuěguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛細血管 |
Máoxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛選 |
màoyān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒煙 |
māoyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貓眼 |
màoyāndiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒煙點 |
máoyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛衣 |
màoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿易 |
màoyìfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿易風 |
màoyì huǒbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿易伙伴 |
màoyì huǒbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿易夥伴 |
màoyìyín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿易銀 |
màoyìzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貿易戰 |
màoyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒雨 |
máozào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛躁 |
Máo Zédōng sīxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛澤東思想 |
máozédōngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛澤東主義 |
máozéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟊賊 |
máozéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝥賊 |
máozéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛賊 |
máozhān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛氈 |
máozhāntái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛氈苔 |
máozhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛重 |
Máo zhǔxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛主席 |
Máo Zhǔxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛主席 |
máozhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毛主義 |
màozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帽子 |
máozìtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髦字頭 |
màozi xìfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帽子戲法 |
mǎpéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬棚 |
mǎpì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬屁 |
mǎpǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬匹 |
mǎpī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬匹 |
mǎpìjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬屁精 |
mápó dòufu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻婆豆腐 |
Mǎqídùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬其頓 |
mǎqíduǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑪奇朵 |
mǎqílín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑪琪琳 |
Mǎqìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑪沁 |
mǎqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬球 |
máquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻雀 |
màrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罵人 |
màrénhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罵人話 |
mǎròu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬肉 |
Mǎsài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬賽 |
mǎsàikè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬賽克 |
mǎshājī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬殺雞 |
mǎshàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬上 |
Mǎshào'ěr Qúndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬紹爾群島 |
màshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罵聲 |
Mǎsīkātè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬斯喀特 |
mǎtí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬蹄 |
mǎtí nèifānzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬蹄內翻足 |
mǎtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬桶 |
mǎtǒngshuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬桶刷 |
màtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘜頭 |
mǎtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碼頭 |
mǎtóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬頭 |
Mǎtuóshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬馱沙 |
Mǎwángduī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬王堆 |
mǎxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬戲 |
mǎxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬銜 |
mǎxìcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬戲場 |
mǎxìchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬戲場 |
mǎxióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬熊 |
mǎxìtuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬戲團 |
Mǎxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬修 |
máyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻藥 |
máyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻衣 |
Mǎyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬邑 |
mǎyǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螞蟻 |
mǎyǐshàngshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螞蟻上樹 |
máyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻油 |
mǎzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬仔 |
mǎzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬掌 |
mázhěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻疹 |
mázhěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痲疹 |
mǎzhīlián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬芝蓮 |
mázi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻子 |
mǎzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碼子 |
mǎzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬子 |
mǎzōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬鬃 |
Māzǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媽祖 |
mázuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻醉 |
mázuìjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻醉劑 |
mǎzuìmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 馬醉木 |
mázuìshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻醉師 |
mázuìyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麻醉藥 |
MB {n} [slang] | :: moneyboy; rentboy; male prostitute |
me {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 么 |
me {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚜 |
me {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末 |
me {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麼 |
me {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚒 |
me {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mē |
mē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚒 |
me0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of me |
me1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mē |
me5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of me |
mei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of méi |
mei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of měi |
mei {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mèi |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莓 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梅 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苺 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 栂 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 没 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呅 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堳 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塺 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媒 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵋 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 徾 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攗 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枚 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楣 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楳 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 槑 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湄 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湈 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煗 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煤 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猸 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玫 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珻 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑂 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睂 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禖 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穈 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篃 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糕 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脄 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脢 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腜 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葿 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 郿 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酶 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鋂 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎇 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霉 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靟 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶥 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹛 |
méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黴 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妹 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媚 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寐 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昧 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毎 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煝 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑀 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痗 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眛 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睸 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祙 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苺 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莏 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝏 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝞 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袂 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謎 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 跊 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迯 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 韎 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬽 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魅 |
mèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䵢 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侊 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凂 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媄 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媺 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬍 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嵄 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挴 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毎 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浼 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渼 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燘 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎂 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黣 |
měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美 |
mei2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of méi |
mei3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of měi |
mei4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mèi |
měibái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美白 |
měibùshēngshōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美不勝收 |
méicài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梅菜 |
méicài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霉菜 |
měicān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美餐 |
méicéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煤層 |
měichēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美稱 |
měicì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每次 |
méicuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒錯 |
méicuòr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒錯兒 |
méidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煤袋 |
méidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煤帶 |
méidài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉黛 |
méidàméixiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒大沒小 |
měidāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每當 |
Měidāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美刀 |
měidé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美德 |
měidì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美帝 |
Měidì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美的 |
Měi-dìguózhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美帝國主義 |
měifāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美方 |
měifēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美分 |
mèifū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妹夫 |
méigāncài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梅乾菜 |
méigāncài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霉乾菜 |
měigé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每隔 |
měigōngdāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美工刀 |
měiguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美觀 |
méi guānxi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒關係 |
méigui {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玫瑰 |
méiguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玫瑰 |
méiguī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玫瑰 |
méiguihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玫瑰花 |
méiguìhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玫瑰花 |
méiguī huā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玫瑰花 |
méiguīhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 玫瑰花 |
Měiguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美國 |
měiguǒlǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美果欖 |
Měiguó Mínquán Liánméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美國民權聯盟 |
měiguórén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美國人 |
Měiguó Xìnxí Jiāohuàn Biāozhǔn Dàimǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美國信息交換標準代碼 |
Měiguó Xìnxī Jiāohuàn Biāozhǔn Dàimǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美國信息交換標準代碼 |
Měiguó Yīngyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美國英語 |
Měiguó Zīxùn Jiāohuàn Biāozhǔn Dàimǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美國資訊交換標準代碼 |
měihǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美好 |
měihēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美黑 |
měihēichuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美黑床 |
méihuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梅花 |
měihuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美化 |
mèihuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魅惑 |
měijiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美甲 |
méi jiànguo shìmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒見過世面 |
méijié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉睫 |
méijiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媒介 |
méijìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒勁 |
měijīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美金 |
méijìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒勁 |
měijǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美景 |
méijīngdǎcǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒精打采 |
méijīngdǎcǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒精打彩 |
méijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梅酒 |
měijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美酒 |
méijǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枚舉 |
měijù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美劇 |
méijùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黴菌 |
méijūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黴菌 |
Měilāníxīyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美拉尼西亞 |
mèilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魅力 |
mèilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媚力 |
měilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美麗 |
Měiliánchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美聯儲 |
Měiliánchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美聯儲 |
méiliángxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒良心 |
Měilìjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美利堅 |
Měilìjiān hézhòngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美利堅合眾國 |
méilín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梅林 |
méiluǎnyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒卵用 |
měimǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美滿 |
méimao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉毛 |
méimáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉毛 |
méiméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枚枚 |
méiméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒沒 |
mèimei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妹妹 |
mèimèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昧昧 |
měiméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美眉 |
měiméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妹妹 |
měiměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每每 |
měiměi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 浼浼 |
méimén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒門 |
měimèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美夢 |
měimiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美妙 |
měimíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美名 |
méimu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉目 |
méimù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉目 |
měinǎizī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美乃滋 |
měinǎizījiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美乃滋醬 |
měinán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美男 |
měinánzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美男子 |
měinián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每年 |
Měinóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美濃 |
měinǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美女 |
méi píqi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒脾氣 |
méipó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媒婆 |
méiqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煤氣 |
méiqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霉氣 |
méiqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒氣 |
méiqīngmùxiù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉清目秀 |
méiqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒趣 |
méiqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒去 |
méiren {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媒人 |
méirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媒人 |
měirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每人 |
měirén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美人 |
měirénjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美人計 |
měirénjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美人髻 |
měirénjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美人尖 |
měirényú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美人魚 |
měirì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每日 |
měirì yī píngguǒ, yīshēng yuǎnlí wǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每日一蘋果,醫生遠離我 |
měiróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美容 |
měiróngshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美容師 |
měiróngshuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美容霜 |
měiróng tǐcāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美容體操 |
měiróng wàikēxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美容外科學 |
měiróngyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美容院 |
měisè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美色 |
měishāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美商 |
méishénme {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒什麼 |
méishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 没事 |
mèishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媚世 |
měishí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美食 |
měishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美事 |
měishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每事 |
měishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美式 |
měishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美謚 |
měishíjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美食家 |
měishíjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美食街 |
měishì kāfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美式咖啡 |
méishìr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒事兒 |
Měishì Yīngyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美式英語 |
měishù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美術 |
měishùguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美術館 |
méishuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媒妁 |
méishuōde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒說的 |
měishùpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美術片 |
měishùpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美術品 |
měishùshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美術史 |
měishù shǐxuéjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美術史學家 |
měishùzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美術字 |
měishù zuòpǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美術作品 |
mèisú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媚俗 |
Měisuǒbùdámǐyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美索不達米亞 |
méitàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煤炭 |
méitǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媒體 |
měitiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每天 |
měitóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美瞳 |
méitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉頭 |
méitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒頭 |
méitóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霉頭 |
měiwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美味 |
měiwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美文 |
méiwèntí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒問題 |
méixiǎngdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒想到 |
Měixìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美信 |
méixué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酶學 |
měixué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美學 |
měiyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美言 |
měiyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美顏 |
měiyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美意 |
méiyìsi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒意思 |
méiyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒用 |
méiyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煤油 |
méiyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒有 |
méiyǒu jīngāngzuàn, bié lǎn cíqìhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒有金剛鑽,別攬瓷器活 |
méiyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梅雨 |
méiyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霉雨 |
méiyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉宇 |
méiyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眉語 |
měiyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美玉 |
měiyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美育 |
měiyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美譽 |
Měiyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美語 |
méiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒緣 |
méiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酶原 |
měiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美元 |
měiyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美圓 |
měiyuánhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美元化 |
Méiyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梅月 |
měiyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每月 |
méiyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霉運 |
méizhā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 煤渣 |
měizhài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美債 |
méizhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒轍 |
mèizhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妹紙 |
měizhōngbùzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美中不足 |
měizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 每週 |
měizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美洲 |
Měizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美洲 |
měizhōubào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美洲豹 |
Měizhōu hàntǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美洲旱獺 |
Měizhōu jùchánchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美洲巨蟾蜍 |
měizhōu xiǎotuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美洲小鴕 |
Měizhōu yěniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美洲野牛 |
méizhǔnr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒準兒 |
mèizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妹子 |
Měizuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 美作 |
meme {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麼麼 |
memedā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麼麼噠 |
men {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 們 |
men {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mēn |
men {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mén |
men {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of měn |
men {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mèn |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亷 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捫 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樠 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汫 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 璊 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞒 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞓 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穈 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 菛 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虋 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍆 |
mén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閅 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㥃 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㦖 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㱪 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㵍 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懣 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暪 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 燜 |
mèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𧴺 |
mēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶 |
men0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of men |
men1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mēn |
men2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mén |
men4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mèn |
men5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of men |
ménbiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門匾 |
ménbír {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門鼻兒 |
ménchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門齒 |
méndānghùduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門當戶對 |
méndao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門道 |
méndào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門道 |
méndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門第 |
méndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門地 |
ménfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門房 |
ménfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門扉 |
ménfèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門縫 |
ménfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門風 |
ménfèngr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門縫兒 |
meng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mēng |
meng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of méng |
meng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of měng |
meng {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mèng |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儚 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冡 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夘 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尣 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幪 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懞 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曚 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朦 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梤 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橗 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檬 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氋 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濛 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獴 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甍 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 甿 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞇 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞢 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矇 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矒 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礞 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艨 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苎 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莔 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萌 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蕄 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 虻 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟊 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄳 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄸 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雺 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霢 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霿 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靀 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饛 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯍 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸏 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹲 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黼 |
méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黾 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夣 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孟 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懜 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 梦 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溕 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盜 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞡 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矊 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜢 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霥 |
mèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霿 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勐 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幩 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懯 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獲 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓾 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艋 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒕 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜢 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟋 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠄 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠓 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錳 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鯭 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黼 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黾 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼃 |
měng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙 |
mēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒕 |
mēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙 |
meng1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mēng |
meng2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of méng |
meng3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of měng |
meng4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mèng |
méngbì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙蔽 |
méngbī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵屄 |
méngbī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵逼 |
měngbī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵屄 |
měngbī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵逼 |
mēngbī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵屄 |
mēngbī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵逼 |
méngchōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艨艟 |
měngdǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛打 |
Méngdéwéidíyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙得維的亞 |
méngdòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萌動 |
méngfā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萌發 |
Ménggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古 |
Měnggǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古 |
ménggǔbān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古斑 |
měnggǔbān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古斑 |
ménggǔbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古包 |
měnggǔbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古包 |
Ménggǔ Dìguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古帝國 |
Měnggǔ Dìguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古帝國 |
Ménggǔ Gāoyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古高原 |
Měnggǔ Gāoyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古高原 |
méngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟國 |
ménggǔrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古人 |
měnggǔrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古人 |
ménggǔwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古文 |
měnggǔwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古文 |
ménggǔyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古語 |
měnggǔyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙古語 |
mènghuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢話 |
mènghuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢幻 |
ménghùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙混 |
měnghuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛火 |
měngjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛擊 |
měngjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛擊 |
Měngjiǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艋舺 |
Mèngjiālā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孟加拉 |
mèngjiālāhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孟加拉虎 |
Mèngjiālā Rénmín Gònghéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孟加拉人民共和國 |
mèngjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢見 |
měngjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛將 |
mèngjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢境 |
méngjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟軍 |
měngkuàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錳礦 |
měngliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛烈 |
ménglóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曚曨 |
ménglóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朦朧 |
ménglóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矇矓 |
Mènglù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢露 |
Méngluówéiyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙羅維亞 |
měngmà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛獁 |
měngmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛獁 |
Mèngmǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孟買 |
měngmǎxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛獁象 |
méngmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙昧 |
méngmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矇昧 |
méngmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞢昧 |
mèngmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢寐 |
mèngmèiyǐqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢寐以求 |
méngmèizhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙昧主義 |
méngméngda {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萌萌噠 |
měngnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛男 |
mēngpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矇騙 |
mēngpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙騙 |
měngqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛禽 |
méngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵然 |
měngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛然 |
měngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵然 |
mēngrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懵然 |
méngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萌生 |
méngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟誓 |
méngshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙受 |
měngshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛獸 |
méngtàiqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙太奇 |
méngtóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙童 |
méngtóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艨艟 |
méngxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙席 |
Mèngxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孟夏 |
Měngxiá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艋舺 |
mèngxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢想 |
mèngxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢鄉 |
Mèng Xī Bǐtán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢溪筆談 |
méngxiōngdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟兄弟 |
Mèng-Xún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孟荀 |
méngyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萌芽 |
mèngyǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢魘 |
mèngyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢遺 |
méngyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟友 |
mèngyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢遊 |
mèngyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢游 |
mèngyóuzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢遊症 |
mèngyóuzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢游症 |
méngyuē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟約 |
méngzàigǔlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙在鼓裡 |
méngzàigǔlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙在鼓裏 |
měngzēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猛增 |
mèngzhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢中 |
mèngzhōng qíngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夢中情人 |
méngzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟主 |
Méngzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒙自 |
Mèngzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孟子 |
ménhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門戶 |
ménhù kāifàng zhèngcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門戶開放政策 |
mènhúlu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶葫蘆 |
mènhúluguàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶葫蘆罐 |
mènhúluguànr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶葫蘆罐兒 |
ménhù wǎngzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門戶網站 |
ménjiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門階 |
ménjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門禁 |
ménjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門鏡 |
ménjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門徑 |
ménjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門逕 |
ménkǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門卡 |
ménkǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門檻 |
ménkǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門坎 |
ménkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門客 |
ménkěluóquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門可羅雀 |
ménkòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門釦 |
ménkòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門扣 |
ménkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門口 |
ménláng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門廊 |
ménlèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門類 |
ménliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門臉 |
ménlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門鈴 |
ménlóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門樓 |
ménlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門路 |
Ménluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門羅 |
Ménluózhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門羅主義 |
ménméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門楣 |
mēnpì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶屁 |
ménpiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門票 |
mènqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶氣 |
mēnqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶氣 |
ménqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門球 |
mēnrè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶熱 |
ménrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門人 |
mēnsāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶騷 |
ménshàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門扇 |
mēnshāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悶燒 |
ménshén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門神 |
ménshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門生 |
ménshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門市 |
ménshìbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門市部 |
ménshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門樞 |
ménshuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門閂 |
ménshuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門栓 |
méntú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門徒 |
ménwài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門外 |
ménwàihàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門外漢 |
ménwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門衛 |
ménxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門限 |
ményá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門牙 |
ménzhěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門診 |
ménzhěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捫診 |
ménzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 門柱 |
ménzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捫住 |
mi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mī |
mi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mí |
mi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǐ |
mi {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mì |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冞 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弥 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戂 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擟 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擳 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攠 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檷 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 河 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濐 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀰 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爢 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狙 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猕 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獮 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獼 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瓕 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眮 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祢 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 禭 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 籋 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糜 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縻 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罙 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒾 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘪 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘼 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詸 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謎 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醚 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醾 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醿 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釄 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镾 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靟 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸍 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麊 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麋 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麍 |
mí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麛 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冖 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冪 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘧 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塓 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宓 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宻 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峚 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幂 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幦 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旤 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榓 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 樒 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫁 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汨 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沔 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淧 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淿 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溞 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滵 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漞 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濗 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熐 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眮 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簚 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糸 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羃 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔤 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藌 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠠 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覓 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覔 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覛 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謎 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謐 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谜 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谧 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迯 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑑 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼏 |
mì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓂 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㝥 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侎 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孊 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 弭 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敉 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沵 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洣 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渳 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濔 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀨 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灖 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眫 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眯 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脒 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芇 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葞 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔝 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䋛 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銤 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靡 |
mǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羋 |
mī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咪 |
mī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘧 |
mī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眮 |
mī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞇 |
mi1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mī |
mi2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mí |
mi3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǐ |
mi4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mì |
mian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mián |
mian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miǎn |
mian {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miàn |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婂 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 媔 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬵 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 宀 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 檰 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫋 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眠 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞇 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矈 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矊 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 矏 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緜 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緞 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绵 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臱 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 芇 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝒 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 醎 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㐷 |
mián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒙 |
miàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泮 |
miàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞇 |
miàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糆 |
miàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面 |
miàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靣 |
miàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麨 |
miàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麫 |
miàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 丏 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 俈 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 偭 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冕 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勉 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勔 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厷 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喕 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娩 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愐 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 汅 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沔 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渑 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湎 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澓 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眄 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眝 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絻 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緬 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腼 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莬 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 葂 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鮵 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麪 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麫 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黼 |
miǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黾 |
mian2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mián |
mian3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miǎn |
mian4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miàn |
miànbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵包 |
miànbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麪包 |
miànbāofáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵包房 |
miànbāolán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵包籃 |
miànbāopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵包皮 |
miànbāopí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麪包皮 |
miànbāoshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵包樹 |
miánbó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿薄 |
miánbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉布 |
miànbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面部 |
miànbùgǎisè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面不改色 |
miǎnbùliǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免不了 |
miáncháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿長 |
miǎnchú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免除 |
miánchuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眠床 |
miǎnde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免得 |
Miǎndiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緬甸 |
miǎndiànyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緬甸語 |
miándòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉豆 |
miànduì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面對 |
miànduìmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面對面 |
miǎnfèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免費 |
miànfěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵粉 |
miànfěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麪粉 |
miángèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿亙 |
miànguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵館 |
miǎnguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免冠 |
miǎnguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免官 |
miànhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵糊 |
miànhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵糊 |
miànhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵糊 |
miánhua {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉花 |
miánhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉花 |
miǎnhuái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緬懷 |
miánhuātáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉花糖 |
miànhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面會 |
miànjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面積 |
miànjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面基 |
miànjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面巾 |
miànjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵筋 |
miànjīnzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面巾紙 |
miànjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面具 |
miànkǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面孔 |
miánlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿力 |
miánlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿歷 |
miǎnlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勉勵 |
miǎnlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勉力 |
miànliào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面料 |
miànlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面臨 |
miánmán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿蠻 |
miànmào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面貌 |
miànmiànxiāngqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面面相覷 |
miànmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面目 |
miánnóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉農 |
miànpáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面龐 |
miànpào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面皰 |
miànpén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵盆 |
miànpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵皮 |
miànpí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麪皮 |
miánqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉籤 |
miánqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉簽 |
miànqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面前 |
miǎnqiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免簽 |
miǎnqiáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勉強 |
miǎnqiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勉強 |
miǎnqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免去 |
miànr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面兒 |
miánróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉絨 |
miànróng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面容 |
miánruǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿軟 |
miànsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面色 |
miánshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉紗 |
miánshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿紗 |
miànshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面紗 |
miànshàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面善 |
miànshénjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面神經 |
miànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面試 |
miànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面世 |
miànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面飾 |
miànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面市 |
miànshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眄視 |
miǎnshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免試 |
miànshóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面熟 |
miànshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面首 |
miànshú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面熟 |
Miànshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面書 |
miànshuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面霜 |
miǎnshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免稅 |
miǎnshuìdiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免稅店 |
miǎnsǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免死 |
miántǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉毯 |
miàntán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面談 |
miàntān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面癱 |
miàntān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵攤 |
miǎntán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免談 |
miǎntí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免提 |
miǎntiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靦腆 |
miàntiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵條 |
miàntiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麪條 |
miàntiáor {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵條兒 |
miàntuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵團 |
miàntuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麵糰 |
miánwěitù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉尾兔 |
miǎnxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免席 |
miànxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面相 |
miànxiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面向 |
miǎnxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緬想 |
miànxiàngxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面相學 |
miǎnxiū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免修 |
miányán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿延 |
Miányáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 綿陽 |
miányī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 棉衣 |
miǎnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫 |
miǎnyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免役 |
miǎnyì fùhéwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫複合物 |
miǎnyìlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫力 |
miǎnyì quēxiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫缺陷 |
miǎnyì xiěqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫血清 |
miǎnyì xìtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫系統 |
miǎnyìxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫學 |
miǎnyì xuèqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫血清 |
miǎnyì xuěqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免疫血清 |
miǎnyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免於 |
miǎnyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湎於 |
miǎnzé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免責 |
miǎnzé shēngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免責聲明 |
miànzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面罩 |
miǎnzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 免職 |
miànzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面子 |
miànzǐ gōngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 面子工程 |
miao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miāo |
miao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miáo |
miao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miǎo |
miao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miào |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婿 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猦 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞄 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緢 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜯 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邅 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱙 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鶓 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹋 |
miáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑤 |
miào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙 |
miào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廟 |
miào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眂 |
miào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繆 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訬 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劰 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 杪 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淼 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渺 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眇 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秒 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 竑 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篎 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 紗 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緲 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藐 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訧 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 邈 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈓 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 钙 |
miǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㦝 |
miāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喵 |
miao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miāo |
miao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miáo |
miao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miǎo |
miao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miào |
miàobǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙筆 |
miǎobiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秒錶 |
miàocè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙策 |
miǎochājù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秒差距 |
miàochù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙處 |
miáochuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗床 |
miáochuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗牀 |
Miàodǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廟島 |
miǎodǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秒懂 |
miàofǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙法 |
miàofāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙方 |
miàohào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廟號 |
miáohóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描紅 |
miáohóngběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描紅本 |
miáohóngbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描紅簿 |
miáohuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描畫 |
miáohuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描繪 |
miàohuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廟會 |
miàohuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廟諱 |
miàojì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙計 |
miǎománg {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渺茫 |
miáomó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描摹 |
miáomù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗木 |
miáopǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗圃 |
miàoqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙趣 |
miàoshàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙善 |
miǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藐視 |
miǎoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渺視 |
miǎoshì fǎtíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藐視法庭 |
miáoshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描述 |
miàotáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廟堂 |
miáotiao {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗條 |
miáotiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗條 |
miáotou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗頭 |
miáotú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描圖 |
miáotúzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描圖紙 |
miàowù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙悟 |
miàowǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙舞 |
miǎoxiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渺小 |
miǎoxiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藐小 |
miǎoxiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眇小 |
miáoxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 描寫 |
miàoyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙藥 |
miáoyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗裔 |
miáoyìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗胤 |
miàoyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙音 |
miàoyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙用 |
miàoyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廟宇 |
miàoyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妙語 |
miǎozhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秒鐘 |
miáozhǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞄準 |
miáozú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗族 |
Miáozú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苗族 |
mǐbǎobāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米堡包 |
míbǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彌補 |
míbǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀰補 |
mìbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密布 |
mǐbùdīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米布丁 |
mídié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷迭 |
mídiéxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷迭香 |
mìdìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘧啶 |
mìdù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密度 |
mie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miē |
mie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mié |
mie {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miè |
mié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𥄲 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幭 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懱 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 搣 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 櫗 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 烐 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眚 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礣 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篾 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔑 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 薎 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠛 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衊 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覕 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鑖 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鱴 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴓 |
miè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒝 |
miē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乜 |
miē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吀 |
miē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咩 |
miē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哶 |
miē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孭 |
miē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 羋 |
mie1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miē |
mie2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mié |
mie4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miè |
mièchēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔑稱 |
mièdǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅頂 |
mièhuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅火 |
mièhuǒqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅火器 |
mièjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 篾匠 |
mièjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅絕 |
mièjué shītài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅絕師太 |
mièjué yǔyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅絕語言 |
mièjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅菌 |
mièkǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅口 |
mièmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅門 |
mièshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蔑視 |
mièwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅亡 |
mièzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 滅族 |
mǐfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米飯 |
mìfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘方 |
mífèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靡費 |
mǐfěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米粉 |
mìfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜蜂 |
mìfēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密封 |
mīfeng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞇縫 |
mīfèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞇縫 |
mìfēngdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密封袋 |
mìgān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜柑 |
mǐgānshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米泔水 |
mìgào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密告 |
Mǐ-Gāo-Méi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米高梅 |
mígōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷宮 |
mìguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜瓜 |
Mǐguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米國 |
mǐhànbǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米漢堡 |
míhóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獼猴 |
míhóutáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獼猴桃 |
míhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷糊 |
míhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷糊 |
míhuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷幻 |
míhuànjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷幻劑 |
míhuàn mógu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷幻蘑菇 |
míhuàn mógū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷幻蘑菇 |
míhuàn mógū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷幻蘑菰 |
míhuànyào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷幻藥 |
mìhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密會 |
míhuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷惑 |
míhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷惑 |
mìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密集 |
mìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘笈 |
mìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕笈 |
mìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘籍 |
mìjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕籍 |
mìjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜餞 |
mìjiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密件 |
mǐjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米漿 |
mìjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘境 |
mìjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕境 |
mǐjiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米酒 |
mìjíxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密集型 |
mìjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘訣 |
mǐkāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米糠 |
Mìkèluóníxīyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密克羅尼西亞 |
mílàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糜爛 |
Mǐlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米蘭 |
mílí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷離 |
mílí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麋黎 |
míliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷戀 |
mìlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密林 |
mílù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麋鹿 |
mílù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷路 |
Mìlǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘魯 |
Mìlǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕魯 |
mìluójǐngǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密鑼緊鼓 |
mìmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密碼 |
mímàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彌漫 |
mímàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀰漫 |
mímàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷漫 |
mímáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷茫 |
mìmǎsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密碼鎖 |
mìmǎxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密碼學 |
míméng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷濛 |
mìmi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘密 |
mìmi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕密 |
mìmì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘密 |
mìmì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕密 |
mìmì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密密 |
mìmì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謐謐 |
mǐmǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靡靡 |
mǐmǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 濔濔 |
mīmī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咪咪 |
mìmì jǐngchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘密警察 |
mìmì jǐngchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕密警察 |
mǐmǐzhīyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靡靡之音 |
mǐmǐzhīyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靡靡之樂 |
mìmóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密謀 |
min {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厸 |
min {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mín |
min {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǐn |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姄 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岷 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 崏 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忞 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 忟 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怋 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捪 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敯 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旻 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 旼 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暉 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 珉 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 琘 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑉 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 痻 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盿 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砇 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碈 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緍 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緡 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 缗 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罠 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苠 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 賬 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈱 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錉 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍲 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閔 |
mín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閺 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僶 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冺 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 刡 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 勄 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 悯 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愍 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慜 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憫 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抿 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敃 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敏 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昇 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昬 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暋 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泯 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渑 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湣 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 潣 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澠 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皿 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眝 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笢 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 簢 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 緞 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繩 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 绱 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閔 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闽 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鰵 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黽 |
mǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黾 |
min0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of min |
min2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mín |
min3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǐn |
min5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of min |
mínbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民辦 |
mínbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民兵 |
Mínbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民部 |
mínbùliáoshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民不聊生 |
míncái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民財 |
mínchū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民初 |
míncuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民粹 |
míncuìzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民粹主義 |
míndiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民調 |
míndōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩東 |
mǐndōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩東 |
Mǐn Dōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩東 |
mínfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民法 |
mínfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民房 |
mínfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民防 |
ming {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mīng |
ming {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of míng |
ming {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǐng |
ming {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mìng |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茗 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眳 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 佲 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫇 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暝 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 朙 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洺 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溟 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猽 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盜 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眀 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞑 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萇 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蓂 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螟 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覭 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄍 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酩 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銘 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 铭 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴 |
míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鸣 |
Míng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明 |
mìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命 |
mìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詺 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 凕 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姳 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慏 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暗 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 溞 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皻 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眳 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞇 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茗 |
mǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酩 |
mīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榠 |
ming1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mīng |
ming2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of míng |
ming3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǐng |
ming4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mìng |
Míng'ài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明愛 |
míng'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明暗 |
míng'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥暗 |
mìng'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命案 |
mǐngǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敏感 |
míngbai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明白 |
míngbái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明白 |
míngbǎizhe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明擺著 |
míngbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名筆 |
míngbiǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名錶 |
míngcài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名菜 |
míngcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名冊 |
míngchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名產 |
míngcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明朝 |
Míng cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明朝 |
Míngcháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明朝 |
míngchè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明澈 |
míngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名城 |
míngchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明澄 |
míngchēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名稱 |
míngcí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名詞 |
míngcì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名次 |
míngcì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名刺 |
míngcúnshíwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名存實亡 |
Míngdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明代 |
míngdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名單 |
míngdé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明德 |
míngdēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明燈 |
mǐngdǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 酩酊 |
míng'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名額 |
míng'é {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螟蛾 |
míngē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民歌 |
míngfán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明礬 |
míngfàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴放 |
míngfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名分 |
míngfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名份 |
míngfèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明分 |
míngfúqíshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名符其實 |
míngfùqíshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名副其實 |
míngfùqíshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名符其實 |
mínggào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明告 |
mìnggēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命根 |
mìnggēnzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命根子 |
míngguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴管 |
mìngguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命官 |
míngguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名貴 |
Mínggǔwū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名古屋 |
mínghào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名號 |
mínghào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴號 |
mínghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明慧 |
mínghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名諱 |
mínghuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥會 |
mínghuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明火 |
míngjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銘記 |
míngjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名家 |
míngjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名將 |
míngjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名叫 |
míngjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴叫 |
míngjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名教 |
míngjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明教 |
míngjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明膠 |
míngjiǎoxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴角鴞 |
míngjiǎoxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴角梟 |
míngjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明淨 |
míngjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明鏡 |
míngjūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明君 |
míngkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銘刻 |
mìngkǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命苦 |
mínglǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明朗 |
mínglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名利 |
mínglì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明麗 |
mínglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明理 |
mínglǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明禮 |
míngliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明亮 |
míngliàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名量 |
míngliǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明瞭 |
míngliè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名列 |
mínglièqiánmáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名列前茅 |
mínglíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名伶 |
mínglíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螟蛉 |
mínglíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明陵 |
mìnglìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命令 |
mìnglìngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命令主義 |
míngliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名流 |
mínglù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名錄 |
míngmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明碼 |
míngmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名馬 |
mìngmài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命脈 |
míngmèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明媚 |
míngmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名門 |
mìngmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命門 |
míngménwàngzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名門望族 |
míngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明明 |
mìngmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命名 |
mìngmíngfǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命名法 |
míngmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名模 |
míngmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明末 |
míngmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞑目 |
míngmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明目 |
míngmù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名目 |
míngmùzhāngdǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明目張膽 |
míngnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明年 |
míngpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名牌 |
míngpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銘牌 |
míngpái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明牌 |
míngpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名片 |
míngpiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名篇 |
míngqi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名氣 |
míngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名氣 |
míngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明器 |
míngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥器 |
míngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥契 |
míngqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名器 |
míngqiánchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明前茶 |
Míng-Qīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明清 |
míngqú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明渠 |
míngqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名曲 |
míngquè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明確 |
míngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名人 |
míngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明人 |
míngrén xiàoyìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名人效應 |
míngrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明日 |
míngrú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名儒 |
míngshèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名勝 |
míngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名聲 |
míngshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴聲 |
míngshèng gǔjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名勝古跡 |
míngshèng gǔjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名勝古蹟 |
míngshèng gǔjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名勝古迹 |
míngshèng gǔjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名勝古跡 |
míngshèng gǔjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名勝古蹟 |
míngshèng gǔjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名勝古迹 |
míngshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名實 |
míngshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銘石 |
míngshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明時 |
míngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名士 |
míngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明示 |
míngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 盟誓 |
míngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明誓 |
míngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名世 |
míngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明室 |
míngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名氏 |
míngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明世 |
míngshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名師 |
míngshìlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明事理 |
Míng Shísānlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明十三陵 |
míngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥思 |
Míngsīkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明斯克 |
míngsīkǔsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥思苦索 |
míngsīkǔxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥思苦想 |
míngtang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名堂 |
míngtáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名堂 |
mìngtí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命題 |
míngtiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明天 |
míngtiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名帖 |
míngtiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名帖 |
mìngtúduōchuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命途多舛 |
mínguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民國 |
Mínguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民國 |
míngwǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明晚 |
míngwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥王 |
míngwáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明王 |
míngwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名望 |
Míngwángxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥王星 |
míngwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名位 |
mìngwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命危 |
mìngwēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命危 |
míngwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明文 |
míngwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銘文 |
míngwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名物 |
míngwùhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名物化 |
míngxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明晰 |
míngxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名銜 |
míngxián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名賢 |
míngxiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明顯 |
míngxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥想 |
míngxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞑想 |
míngxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴響 |
míngxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名校 |
míngxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明效 |
míngxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴謝 |
míngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銘心 |
míngxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明心 |
míngxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名姓 |
míngxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明星 |
míngxīngliǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明星臉 |
míngxìnpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明信片 |
míngxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名學 |
míngyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名言 |
míngyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明言 |
míngyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明豔 |
míngyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明艷 |
míngyǎnrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明眼人 |
míngyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名義 |
míngyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冥衣 |
míngyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名醫 |
míngyōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名優 |
míngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名譽 |
míngyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明喻 |
míngyuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名媛 |
míngyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名媛 |
míngyuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鳴冤 |
míngyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明月 |
mìngyùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命運 |
míngyùquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名譽權 |
míngzǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明早 |
míngzhāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明朝 |
míngzhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明哲 |
míngzhébǎoshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明哲保身 |
míngzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明證 |
míngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明智 |
míngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明志 |
míngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銘志 |
Míngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明治 |
míngzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明知 |
míngzhīgùfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明知故犯 |
míngzhīgùwèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明知故問 |
míngzhījiùlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明知就裡 |
míngzhī shān yǒu hǔ, piān xiàng hǔ shān xíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行 |
Míngzhì Wéixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明治維新 |
mìngzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 命中 |
Míngzhōurén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明州人 |
míngzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明主 |
míngzhū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明珠 |
míngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名字 |
míngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明子 |
míngzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名字 |
míngzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 明子 |
míngzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 名作 |
mínháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民航 |
mǐnhuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敏慧 |
mínǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷你 |
mìniào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌尿 |
mìniàodào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌尿道 |
mìniàodào gǎnrǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌尿道感染 |
mìniàoguǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌尿管 |
mìniàokē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌尿科 |
mìniàoqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌尿器 |
mìniàoqìxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌尿器學 |
mìniào wàikē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泌尿外科 |
mínǐqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷你裙 |
mínjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民間 |
mínjiān chuánshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民間傳說 |
mínjiān gùshi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民間故事 |
mínjiān gùshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民間故事 |
mínjiān kēxuéjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民間科學家 |
mínjiān xìnyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民間信仰 |
mǐnjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敏捷 |
Mínjìndǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民進黨 |
mínjū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民居 |
mǐnjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泯絕 |
mínkē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民科 |
mínlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民力 |
mínlǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民虜 |
Mín-Méng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民盟 |
mǐnmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僶俛 |
mǐnmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 僶勉 |
mǐnmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閔免 |
mǐnmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黽勉 |
mǐnmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 黽俛 |
mǐnmiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 泯滅 |
mínnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩南 |
mǐnnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩南 |
Mǐnnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩南 |
mǐnnánhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩南話 |
mínnányǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩南語 |
mǐnnányǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩南語 |
Mǐnnányǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閩南語 |
mínnǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民女 |
mínqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民情 |
mínquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民權 |
mínquánzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民權主義 |
mínrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民人 |
mǐnruì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敏銳 |
Mínshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 岷山 |
mínshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民生 |
mínshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民聲 |
mínshēngguójì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民生國計 |
mínshēngzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民生主義 |
mínshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民事 |
mínshì fánghù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民事防護 |
mínshì hūnyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民事婚姻 |
mínshì jiéhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民事結合 |
mínshì zérèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民事責任 |
mínsú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民俗 |
mínsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民宿 |
mínsú liáofǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民俗療法 |
mínsúxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民俗學 |
Mín-wěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民委 |
mínxì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民系 |
mínxiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民享 |
mínxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民心 |
mínxuǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民選 |
mínyáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民謠 |
mínyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民意 |
mínyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民藝 |
mínyì cèyàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民意測驗 |
mínyì diàochá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民意調查 |
mínyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民營 |
mínyòng hángkōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民用航空 |
mínyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民有 |
mínyuàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民怨 |
mínyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民樂 |
mínzhái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民宅 |
mínzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民政 |
mínzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民智 |
mínzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民治 |
mínzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民眾 |
mínzhòngguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民眾國 |
mínzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民主 |
mínzhǔ gémìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民主革命 |
mínzhǔ guójiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民主國家 |
mínzhǔhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民主化 |
mínzhǔ rénshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民主人士 |
mínzhǔ shèhuìzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民主社會主義 |
mínzhǔzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民主主義 |
mínzhǔzhǔyìzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民主主義者 |
mǐnzìdǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皿字底 |
mínzú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族 |
mínzú gòngtóngyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族共同語 |
mínzú guójiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族國家 |
mǐnzuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抿嘴 |
mínzú qūyù zìzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族區域自治 |
mínzú xíngshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族形式 |
mínzúxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族學 |
mínzú yīngxióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族英雄 |
mínzú yùndòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族運動 |
mínzúzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族主義 |
mínzú zīchǎn jiējí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族資產階級 |
mínzú zìjuéquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 民族自決權 |
mìqiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密切 |
Mǐqílín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米其林 |
mírén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷人 |
mísā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彌撒 |
Mísàiyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彌賽亞 |
Mísàiyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彌賽亞 |
Mìshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密山 |
míshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷失 |
mìshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覓食 |
mìshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密實 |
mìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密室 |
mìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘事 |
mìshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘室 |
mìshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘史 |
mìshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕史 |
mìshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密使 |
mìshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密室 |
mìshǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘室 |
mǐshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米壽 |
mìshu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘書 |
mìshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘書 |
mìshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密書 |
mìshū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕書 |
mìshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜水 |
mìsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密送 |
mìtàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密探 |
mǐtang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米湯 |
mǐtāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米湯 |
mìtáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜桃 |
mìtōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密通 |
mítú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷途 |
mǐtù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米兔 |
mítuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謎團 |
mìtuósēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密陀僧 |
miu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miǔ |
miu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of miù |
miù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繆 |
miù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 缪 |
miù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謬 |
miù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 谬 |
miǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𨱯 |
miu3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miǔ |
miu4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of miù |
miùjiǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謬獎 |
miùlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謬論 |
miùshuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謬說 |
Miùsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繆斯 |
Miùsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繆思 |
miùwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謬誤 |
míwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷惘 |
míwǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷罔 |
mìwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘聞 |
mìwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 祕聞 |
mìwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密文 |
mìwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秘文 |
míwú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘼蕪 |
míwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷霧 |
míwù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷誤 |
míxìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷信 |
mìxióng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜熊 |
mìyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密議 |
míyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷因 |
mìyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密友 |
míyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謎語 |
mìyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密語 |
mìyuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜月 |
mízhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷之 |
mìzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蜜汁 |
mǐzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米紙 |
mízhōngmí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謎中謎 |
mǐzhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米粥 |
mízhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷住 |
mǐzìpáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 米字旁 |
mìzōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 密宗 |
mízuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迷醉 |
mǐzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咪唑 |
mízúzhēnguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 彌足珍貴 |
ML {v} [internet slang] | :: to make love |
m̌m {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 我們 |
MM {n} [internet slang] /měiméi/ | :: alternative form of 美眉 |
m̄mā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姆媽 |
MMC卡 {n} /áimu-áimu-sēi kǎ/ | :: MultiMediaCard |
m̌me {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 我們 |
mo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mō |
mo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mó |
mo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǒ |
mo {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mò |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 無 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劘 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚤 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚰 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫫 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摷 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摹 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 擵 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攟 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橅 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 焝 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 糢 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膜 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藦 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘑 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謧 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謨 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謩 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靟 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饃 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饝 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of ⿸麻食 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髍 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 尛 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麼 |
mó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬤 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 万 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗼 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嘿 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚜 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 圽 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塹 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 塻 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妺 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫼 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 寞 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帒 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 帞 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慔 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抵 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 昩 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暯 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枺 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歾 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歿 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沐 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沚 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沫 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洦 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湐 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漠 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀎 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 爅 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獋 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瘼 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 皌 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眜 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眽 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞙 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砞 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磥 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 礳 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 秣 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 粖 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 絈 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縸 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 纆 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耱 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膜 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茉 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莈 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驀 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藐 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 藦 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛨 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟅 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟔 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衇 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袙 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袹 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 覙 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謩 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貃 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貇 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貉 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貊 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貘 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鄚 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 銆 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鏌 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陌 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霡 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靺 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞦 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬕 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魩 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默 |
mò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麥 |
mǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 么 |
mǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 懡 |
mǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹 |
mǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麼 |
mō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸 |
mo1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mō |
mo2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mó |
mo3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǒ |
mo4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mò |
mò'āi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默哀 |
móbài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膜拜 |
móbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模板 |
móbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模版 |
móběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摹本 |
móběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模本 |
mòbǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨筆 |
móbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨剝 |
móbō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨缽 |
mǒbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹布 |
mócā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩擦 |
mócāyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩擦音 |
mòcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫測 |
mòcègāoshēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫測高深 |
móceng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨蹭 |
mócèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨蹭 |
mòchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末茶 |
mǒchá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹茶 |
mòdà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫大 |
mòdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末代 |
mòdài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨帶 |
módào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔道 |
módāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨刀 |
mòde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驀地 |
módēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩登 |
módī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩的 |
mòdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驀地 |
mòdǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒頂 |
mòdǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨鬥 |
mòdòufu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨豆腐 |
Módū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔都 |
mòdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默讀 |
Mòdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒頓 |
Module:zh-new {def} SEE: ' .. .. (' | :: |
mó'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩爾 |
Mò'ěrběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨爾本 |
mó'ěrrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩爾人 |
Mò'ěrzībǐ gǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫爾茲比港 |
mófǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔法 |
mófǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膜法 |
mófàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模範 |
mófǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模仿 |
mófāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔方 |
mòfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨坊 |
mòfáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨房 |
mòfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨坊 |
mófǎshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔法師 |
mófǎshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膜法師 |
mòfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫非 |
Mògān Shān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫干山 |
Mògāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫高 |
Mògāokū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫高窟 |
mógu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘑菇 |
mógū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘑菇 |
móguǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔鬼 |
mó gū jī piàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘑菇鸡片 |
mógū jīpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘑菇雞片 |
móguo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘑菇 |
mòguòyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫過於 |
móguyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘑菇雲 |
mógūyún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蘑菇雲 |
móhá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 膜蛤 |
móhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨耗 |
móhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨合 |
móhē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩訶 |
mòhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨盒 |
mòhēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨黑 |
mǒhēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹黑 |
mōhēir {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸黑兒 |
Móhēpóluóduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩訶婆羅多 |
móhēsàduǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩訶薩埵 |
mòhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末後 |
mòhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 没後 |
móhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模糊 |
móhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模糊 |
mōhu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模糊 |
móhúbùqīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模糊不清 |
mòjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨跡 |
mòjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默記 |
mòjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末技 |
mòjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末季 |
mòjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨跡 |
Mòjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨家 |
Mójiādíshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩加迪沙 |
mòjiǎolán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨角蘭 |
mòjié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末節 |
mòjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨鏡 |
mòjítuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫吉托 |
mójù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨具 |
mójù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模具 |
mòjù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默劇 |
mókǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩卡 |
mókǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模考 |
mókǎsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩卡色 |
mókǎwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩卡味 |
mòkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨客 |
Mòkè'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默克爾 |
mókuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模塊 |
Mòlěi-Dálìng Liúyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨累-達令流域 |
móléng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模稜 |
móléng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸稜 |
mōléng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸稜 |
móléngliǎngkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模稜兩可 |
móléngliǎngkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模棱兩可 |
móléngliǎngkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸稜兩可 |
móléngliǎngkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模稜两可 |
mōléngliǎngkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸稜兩可 |
mōléngliǎngkě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸棱兩可 |
mólì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔力 |
mólì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩厲 |
mólì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨礪 |
mòlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茉莉 |
mòlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨吏 |
mòlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末利 |
móliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨煉 |
móliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨鍊 |
móliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨練 |
móliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩煉 |
móliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩鍊 |
móliàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩練 |
mòlìhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茉莉花 |
mòlìhuā chá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茉莉花茶 |
Mòlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默林 |
Mòlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨林 |
Mólíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔靈 |
mòliú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末流 |
mòlì xiāngmǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 茉莉香米 |
mòlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陌路 |
mòlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末路 |
mòlǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨綠 |
móluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔羅 |
móluó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩羅 |
mòluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒落 |
mòluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈絡 |
Móluògē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩洛哥 |
mòlǜsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨綠色 |
mómiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨滅 |
mòmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫名 |
mòmíngqímiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫名其妙 |
mòmíngqímiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫明其妙 |
mómo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饃饃 |
mòmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默默 |
mòmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脈脈 |
mòmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眽眽 |
mòmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒沒 |
mòmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漠漠 |
mōmō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸摸 |
mònàihé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒奈何 |
mónàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨難 |
Móní {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩尼 |
mónǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模擬 |
mónǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摹擬 |
mònián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末年 |
mòniàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默念 |
mòniàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默唸 |
Móníjiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩尼教 |
mónǐqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模擬器 |
mónǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔女 |
mópò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨破 |
mópòzuǐpízǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨破嘴皮子 |
mòqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 万俟 |
mòqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末期 |
Mòqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 万俟 |
mòqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默契 |
mòqī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末期 |
mǒqù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹去 |
móquáncāzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩拳擦掌 |
móquáncāzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨拳擦掌 |
mòrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漠然 |
mòrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默然 |
mòrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 驀然 |
mòrèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默認 |
mòrì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末日 |
mòrú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫如 |
mòruò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫若 |
Mòsāngbǐkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫桑比克 |
Mòsāngbǐkè Rénmíngònghéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫桑比克人民共和國 |
mǒshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹殺 |
mǒshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹煞 |
mǒshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹摋 |
mòshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陌生 |
mòshēngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 陌生人 |
móshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨石 |
móshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨蝕 |
móshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模式 |
mòshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 漠視 |
mòshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默示 |
mòshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末世 |
mòshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沒世 |
mòshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默視 |
mòshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫是 |
mòshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 歿世 |
mòshìlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末世論 |
móshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔術 |
móshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模數 |
mòshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨水 |
mòshuǐr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨水兒 |
móshùshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔術師 |
Mòsīkē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莫斯科 |
mósǔn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨損 |
mōsuo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸索 |
mōsuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸索 |
mótài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模態 |
mótè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模特 |
mótèr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模特兒 |
mótiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩天 |
mótiān dàlóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩天大樓 |
mótiānlóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩天樓 |
mòtiáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨條 |
mótuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨跎 |
mótuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩托 |
mótuō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩托 |
mótuóchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩托車 |
mótuōchē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩托車 |
mótuōchē yuèyěsài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩托車越野賽 |
mótuóchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩托船 |
mótuōchuán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩托船 |
mótuō yuèyěsài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩托越野賽 |
mou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mōu |
mou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of móu |
mou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǒu |
mou {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mòu |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侔 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 劺 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恁 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桙 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毇 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 洠 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牟 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眸 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞴 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繆 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蛑 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝥 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟱 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袣 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉾 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鍪 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞩 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鴾 |
móu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 麰 |
mòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 冒 |
mòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 愗 |
mòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 敀 |
mòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瞀 |
mòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霿 |
mǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厲 |
mǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 厶 |
mǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 某 |
mǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 踇 |
mōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哞 |
mou1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mōu |
mou2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of móu |
mou3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǒu |
mou4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mòu |
móuchén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀臣 |
mǒuchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 某處 |
mǒugè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 某個 |
móuhài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀害 |
móuhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀和 |
móuhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀劃 |
móulì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牟利 |
móulǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀慮 |
móulüè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀略 |
móupàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀叛 |
móuqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀求 |
móuqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀取 |
móuqǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牟取 |
mǒurén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 某人 |
móushā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀殺 |
móushēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀生 |
móushì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀士 |
móushì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀事 |
mǒushì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 某事 |
mǒuxiē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 某些 |
móuzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 謀職 |
mǒuzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 某種 |
móuzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 眸子 |
mówáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔王 |
mòwěi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 末尾 |
mǒxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹香 |
mǒxiāngjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹香鯨 |
mǒxiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹消 |
móxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模寫 |
móxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摹寫 |
mòxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默寫 |
mòxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沫血 |
Mòxīgē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨西哥 |
Mòxīgēchéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨西哥城 |
móxíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模型 |
móxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔性 |
Móxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩星 |
mòxiōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 抹胸 |
Mòxīyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默西亞 |
Mòxīyǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默西亞 |
mòxǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默許 |
móyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 磨牙 |
móyá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩崖 |
móyái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摩崖 |
móyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模樣 |
móyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模因 |
móyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔芋 |
mòyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨魚 |
mōyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摸魚 |
móyùsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔芋絲 |
mózhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔障 |
mózhàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔杖 |
mózhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魔掌 |
mòzhèng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默證 |
mòzhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨汁 |
mózi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模子 |
Mòzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墨子 |
mózǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模組 |
mòzuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 默坐 |
MP3 {n} /áimu-pì-sān/ | :: MP3 |
MP3 {n} /áimu-pì-sān/ | :: abbreviation of MP3播放器 |
MP3 {n} /áimu-pì-sān/ | :: abbreviation of MP3播放機 |
MP3播放机 {def} SEE: MP3播放機 | :: |
MP3播放機 {n} /áimu-pì-sān 播fàngjī/ | :: MP3 player |
MP3播放器 {n} /áimu-pì-sān 播fàngqì/ | :: MP3 player |
MP4 {n} /áimu-pì-sì/ | :: MP4 |
MP4 {n} /áimu-pì-sì/ | :: abbreviation of MP4播放器 |
MP4播放器 {n} /áimu-pì-sì 播fàngqì/ | :: MP4 player |
MS卡 {n} /áimu-áisi kǎ/ | :: memory stick |
mtf {n} | :: alternative case form of MtF |
MtF {n} | :: trans woman |
MTF {n} | :: alternative case form of MtF |
mtx {n} | :: alternative case form of MtX |
MtX {n} | :: MAAB genderqueer person |
MTX {n} | :: alternative case form of MtX |
mu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mū |
mu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mú |
mu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mǔ |
mu {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of mù |
mú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 恈 |
mú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模 |
mú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橂 |
mú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毌 |
mú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毪 |
mú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氁 |
mú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獏 |
mú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譕 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仫 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 募 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 坶 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幕 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幙 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慕 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暮 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楘 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 毣 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沐 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 炑 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牛 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 狇 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睦 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穆 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 縵 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繆 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艅 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苜 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莪 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莯 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蚞 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉬 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雮 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 霂 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鞪 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鹜 |
mù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒇 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 亩 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姆 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姥 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峔 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拇 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牡 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牳 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畂 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畆 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畝 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畞 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畮 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 砪 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胟 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鉧 |
mǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𧿹 |
mū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姆 |
mu1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mū |
mu2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mú |
mu3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mǔ |
mu4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of mù |
mua {interj} [Mainland, neologism, slang, onomatopoeic] /mua/ | :: mwah |
múbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模板 |
múbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模版 |
mùbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木板 |
mùbǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木版 |
mùbēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓碑 |
mùběn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木本 |
mùbiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目標 |
mùbiāoxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目標性 |
mùbīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 募兵 |
mùbīngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 募兵制 |
mùbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幕布 |
mùcái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木材 |
mùcǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧草 |
mùchái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木柴 |
mùcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧場 |
mùchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧場 |
mùchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓場 |
mùchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木槌 |
mùchuí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木錘 |
Mùchūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暮春 |
mùcì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目次 |
mǔdan {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牡丹 |
mǔdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牡丹 |
Mǔdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牡丹 |
Mǔdānjiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牡丹江 |
mùdào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓道 |
mùdèngkǒudāi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目瞪口呆 |
mùdi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目的 |
mùdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目的 |
mùdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓地 |
mùdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧地 |
mùdìdì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目的地 |
mùdìlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目的論 |
mùdìxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目的性 |
mùdìxìng lǐlùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目的性理論 |
mùdìyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目的語 |
mùdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木牘 |
mùdǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目睹 |
mù'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木耳 |
mù'ěrcài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木耳菜 |
mùfá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木筏 |
mǔfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母範 |
mùfǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幕府 |
Mùgāngshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木岡山 |
mùgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木工 |
mùgōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧工 |
mǔgōngsī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母公司 |
mǔgǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母狗 |
mùgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 募股 |
mùgǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慕古 |
mùguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木瓜 |
mùguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目光 |
mùguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暮光 |
mùguāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慕光 |
mùgùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木棍 |
mǔguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母國 |
mùhēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穆黑 |
mùhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幕後 |
mǔhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母后 |
mǔhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母虎 |
mùhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 募化 |
mùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 募集 |
mùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目疾 |
mùjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目擊 |
mùjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目擊 |
mùjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木屐 |
mùjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木雞 |
mǔjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母雞 |
mǔjī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母機 |
mùjiā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木枷 |
mùjiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木簡 |
mùjiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幕間 |
mùjiang {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木匠 |
mùjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木匠 |
mùjiàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木強 |
mùjǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木槿 |
mùjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目鏡 |
mùjìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暮境 |
mùjítā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木吉他 |
mùjízhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目擊者 |
mùjīzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目擊者 |
mújù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模具 |
mùjuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 募捐 |
mùkè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慕課 |
mùkēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓坑 |
mùlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木蘭 |
Mùlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木蘭 |
mùlánhuā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木蘭花 |
Mùlǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 仫佬 |
mǔlǎohǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母老虎 |
mùlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目力 |
mùlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木立 |
mǔlì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牡蠣 |
mùliáo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幕僚 |
mùliào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木料 |
mùliáozhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 幕僚長 |
mùlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 睦鄰 |
mùlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穆林 |
Mùlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穆林 |
Mùlíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穆稜 |
mùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目錄 |
mùlǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木驢 |
mùlùxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目錄學 |
mùmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木馬 |
mùmǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧馬 |
mūmā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 姆媽 |
mùmǎ bìngdú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木馬病毒 |
mùméi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木莓 |
mùmián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木棉 |
mùnǎiyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木乃伊 |
mùnǎiyī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木乃伊 |
mùnè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木訥 |
mùnián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暮年 |
Mùníhēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慕尼黑 |
mùpiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木片 |
mùqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木器 |
mùqì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暮氣 |
mùqián {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目前 |
mùqín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木琴 |
mǔqīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母親 |
mǔqīnhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母親河 |
mùqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧區 |
mùqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧群 |
mùqún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓群 |
mùrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木然 |
mùrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穆然 |
mǔrǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母乳 |
mǔrǔ wèiyǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母乳喂養 |
mùsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暮色 |
mùsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目色 |
mùshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧師 |
mùshī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木蝨 |
mùshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧守 |
mùshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木薯 |
mùsīlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 穆斯林 |
mùsīlín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 慕斯林 |
mùsòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目送 |
mùsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木素 |
mùsù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苜蓿 |
mùtàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木炭 |
mùtángchún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木糖醇 |
mùtángchún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木醣醇 |
mùtànhuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木炭畫 |
mǔtǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母體 |
mùtǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木桶 |
mùtǒngfàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木桶飯 |
mùtou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木頭 |
mùtourén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木頭人 |
mùtourénr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木頭人兒 |
mùwǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木瓦 |
mùwúzūnzhǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目無尊長 |
mùxi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木樨 |
mùxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木樨 |
mùxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木箱 |
mùxiāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木香 |
mǔxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母校 |
mùxié {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木鞋 |
mùxiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木屑 |
Mùxīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木星 |
mǔxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母性 |
mùxu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 苜蓿 |
mùxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧畜 |
mùxué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓穴 |
mùxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓穴 |
múyàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模樣 |
mùyángrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧羊人 |
mùyánsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木顏色 |
mùyàorì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木曜日 |
mùyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暮夜 |
mùyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧業 |
mùyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木業 |
mùyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木葉 |
mǔyí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母儀 |
mǔyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母音 |
mùyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木魚 |
mùyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目魚 |
mùyù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沐浴 |
mǔyǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母語 |
mùyùlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沐浴露 |
mǔyǔ rénshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母語人士 |
mùzǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧宰 |
mùzàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓葬 |
mùzào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木造 |
mùzhí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木質 |
mùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓誌 |
mùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木質 |
mùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 沐櫛 |
mùzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木製 |
mùzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目指 |
mǔzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拇指 |
mǔzhǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拇趾 |
mǔzhǐ dàzhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拇指大戰 |
mùzhìmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 墓誌銘 |
mùzhōngwúrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 目中無人 |
mùzhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木竹 |
mùzhù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木柱 |
mùzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木樁 |
múzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 模子 |
mùzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 牧子 |
mùzī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 募資 |
mǔzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 母子 |
mùzìpáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 木字旁 |
M记 {def} SEE: M記 | :: |
n {num} /ēn/ | :: alternative spelling of N |
n {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ń |
n {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ň |
n {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ǹ |
N {num} /ēn/ | :: countless, several |
ń {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 咹 |
ń {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 唔 |
ń {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗯 |
ǹ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗯 |
ǹ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 𠮾 |
ň {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗯 |
ň {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㕶 |
n0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of n |
n2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ń |
n3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ň |
n4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ǹ |
n5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of n |
na {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吶 |
na {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪 |
na {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nā |
na {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of ná |
na {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nǎ |
na {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nà |
ná {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嗱 |
ná {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拏 |
ná {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿 |
ná {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挏 |
ná {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訣 |
ná {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 誽 |
ná {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鎿 |
ná {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 镎 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 兤 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吳 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呇 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呐 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妠 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娏 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 捺 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 笝 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 箬 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 肭 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蒳 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 衲 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 袦 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 訥 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 豽 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 貀 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 軜 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鈉 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 靹 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 魶 |
nà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娜 |
nǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乸 |
nǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪 |
nǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那 |
nǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 雫 |
nā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那 |
nā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南 |
Nā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那 |
na0 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of na |
na1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nā |
na2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of ná |
na3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nǎ |
na4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nà |
na5 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of na |
Nàbà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那霸 |
nàbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那邊 |
nábùchūshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿不出手 |
nàcuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納粹 |
Nàcuì Déguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納粹德國 |
nàcuìzhǔyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納粹主義 |
nádào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿到 |
nàdòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納豆 |
nàge {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那個 |
nǎge {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪個 |
nǎge {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那個 |
nàgòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納貢 |
nàhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吶喊 |
nàhǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納罕 |
Nàhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納河 |
nàhuìr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那會兒 |
nàhuǐr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那會兒 |
náhuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿獲 |
nai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nái |
nai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nǎi |
nai {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nài |
nái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 摨 |
nái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 熋 |
nái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胼 |
nái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 釢 |
nái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 能 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奈 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柰 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 榒 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 渿 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耍 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 胼 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萘 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 螚 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 褦 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 錼 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鼐 |
nài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 能 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乃 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儒 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 妳 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嬭 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 廼 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 疓 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 艿 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 迺 |
nǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 氖 |
nai2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nái |
nai3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nǎi |
nai4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nài |
nǎibà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶爸 |
Nàibǐduō {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奈比多 |
nǎichá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶茶 |
nàichī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐吃 |
nǎichūn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乃春 |
nàidìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萘啶 |
nàifán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐煩 |
nàifán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奈煩 |
nǎifěn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶粉 |
nàihán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐寒 |
nàihé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奈何 |
nàihé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奈河 |
nǎihuáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶黃 |
nǎihuángbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶黃包 |
nǎihuángbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶皇包 |
nàijiǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐久 |
nàiláo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐勞 |
nǎilào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶酪 |
nàilì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐力 |
Nàiliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奈良 |
nǎilǜ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶綠 |
nǎiluò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶酪 |
nǎimā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶媽 |
nǎimǎzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乃瑪子 |
nǎimen {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乃們 |
nàimǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奈米 |
nǎimíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶名 |
nǎinai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶奶 |
nǎinái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶奶 |
nǎiniú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶牛 |
nǎiniúcháng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶牛場 |
nǎiniúchǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶牛場 |
nǎinóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶農 |
nǎipǐn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶品 |
nàirénxúnwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐人尋味 |
nǎishì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乃是 |
nǎishuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶水 |
nǎisī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶思 |
nàisuān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐酸 |
nǎitáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶糖 |
nǎiwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪位 |
nǎixí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶昔 |
nǎixī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶昔 |
Nǎixī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶西 |
nàixīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐心 |
nàixìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐性 |
nàiyòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 耐用 |
nǎiyóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶油 |
nǎiyóubāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶油包 |
nǎiyóu chádiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶油茶點 |
nǎiyóudòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶油凍 |
nǎiyóu yuándàngāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶油圓蛋糕 |
nǎizhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶罩 |
nǎizhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乃至 |
nǎizhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶汁 |
nǎizhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶脂 |
nǎizhìyú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乃至於 |
nǎizuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奶嘴 |
nàli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那裡 |
nàlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那裡 |
nàlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那裏 |
nǎli {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪裡 |
nǎlǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪裡 |
nàliáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納涼 |
nàme {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那麼 |
nàmèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納悶 |
nàmènr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納悶兒 |
nàmezhe {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那麼著 |
nàmǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納米 |
Nàmǐbǐyà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納米比亞 |
nàmǐ jìshù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納米技術 |
nàmǐ kējì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納米科技 |
námówēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿摩溫 |
nan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nān |
nan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nán |
nan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nǎn |
nan {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nàn |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 侽 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喃 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 奻 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 娚 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 暔 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枏 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 枬 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 柟 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楠 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 畘 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 莮 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 萳 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諵 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 难 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㓓 |
nán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䶲 |
nàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 婻 |
nàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灒 |
nàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 难 |
nàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 䶲 |
nǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 戁 |
nǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 揇 |
nǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 湳 |
nǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 罱 |
nǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腩 |
nǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蝻 |
nǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赧 |
nān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囑 |
nān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囡 |
nan1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nān |
nan2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nán |
nan3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nǎn |
nan4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nàn |
nànà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 吶吶 |
nán'àn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南岸 |
Nán'ān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南安 |
nánbàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難辦 |
nánbāngzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南梆子 |
nánbànqiú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南半球 |
nánbǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難保 |
nánběi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南北 |
Nán-Běi Cháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南北朝 |
nánbiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南邊 |
Nánbīngyáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南冰洋 |
nánbù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南部 |
náncè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男廁 |
náncè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南側 |
nánchán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難纏 |
nánchǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難產 |
nánchāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男娼 |
Nánchāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南昌 |
Náncháo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南朝 |
Nán Cháoxiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南朝鮮 |
nánchī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難吃 |
nánchǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男寵 |
Nánchōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南充 |
nánchù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難處 |
nánchǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難處 |
Nándà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南大 |
nándào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難道 |
nánde {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男的 |
nándé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難得 |
nándiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難點 |
nándīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男丁 |
nándù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難度 |
nándù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南渡 |
nánduān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南端 |
nǎnéng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪能 |
nán'ér {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男兒 |
nán'ér xīxià yǒu huángjīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男兒膝下有黃金 |
nán'ér yǒu lèi bù qīng tán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男兒有淚不輕彈 |
nánfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南方 |
nánfāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男方 |
nánfāngrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南方人 |
nang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nāng |
nang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of náng |
nang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nǎng |
nang {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nàng |
náng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乪 |
náng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嚢 |
náng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孃 |
náng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 欜 |
náng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蠬 |
náng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饢 |
nàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 儾 |
nàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 齉 |
nàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㒄 |
nǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 攮 |
nǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曩 |
nǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 灢 |
nǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 饢 |
nǎng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瀼 |
nāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 乪 |
nāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囔 |
nang1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nāng |
nang2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of náng |
nang3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nǎng |
nang4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nàng |
nángāoyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男高音 |
nāngchuài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囊揣 |
nángdìshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囊地鼠 |
nángguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囊括 |
nángkuò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囊括 |
nángshǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囊鼠 |
nánguā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南瓜 |
nánguài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難怪 |
nánguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難關 |
nánguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南關 |
nànguān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難關 |
nánguāpài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南瓜派 |
nánguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南國 |
nánguò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難過 |
nǎngxí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曩昔 |
nǎngxī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 曩昔 |
nángzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囊腫 |
nánhái {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男孩 |
Nánhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南海 |
Nán Hǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南海 |
nánháizi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男孩子 |
Nánhán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南韓 |
Nánhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南河 |
nánhú {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南胡 |
Nánhuòbùxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南霍布遜 |
Nánhuòlǔxùn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南霍魯遜 |
Nánhú Shānzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南湖山莊 |
Nánjí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南極 |
nánjì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男妓 |
nánjiāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南郊 |
Nánjí Bàndǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南極半島 |
nánjiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難解 |
Nánjíhǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南極海 |
nánjìn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南進 |
Nánjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南京 |
nánjìn zhèngcè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南進政策 |
Nánjíquān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南極圈 |
Nánjízhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南極洲 |
nánjué {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男爵 |
nánkàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難看 |
nánkān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難堪 |
nánkē {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男科 |
nánlán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男籃 |
Nánlè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南樂 |
Nánlǐng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南嶺 |
Nánmán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南蠻 |
nánmàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男漫 |
Nán Měi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南美 |
nánměizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南美洲 |
Nán Měizhōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南美洲 |
nánmén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南門 |
nánmiàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南面 |
nánmiǎn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難免 |
nànmín {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難民 |
nánmíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難明 |
nànmínyíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難民營 |
nánnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喃喃 |
nánnán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 諵諵 |
nānnān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 囡囡 |
nánnéngkěguì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難能可貴 |
nánnǚ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男女 |
nánnǚlǎoshào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男女老少 |
nánnǚ shòushòubùqīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男女授受不親 |
nánnǚ tóngxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男女同校 |
Nán-Ōu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南歐 |
nánpéngyou {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男朋友 |
nánpéngyǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男朋友 |
nánpényǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男盆友 |
nánpiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男票 |
Nánpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南坪 |
Nánpíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南平 |
Nánqí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南圻 |
nánqiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男妾 |
nánqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南區 |
nánquán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男權 |
nǎnrán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 赧然 |
nánren {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男人 |
nánrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男人 |
nánrénpó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男人婆 |
nánsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難色 |
nánsè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男色 |
Nánshā {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南沙 |
Nánshān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南山 |
nánshàngwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男上位 |
nánshě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難捨 |
nánshén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男神 |
nánshēng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男生 |
nánshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男式 |
nánshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難事 |
nánshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男士 |
nánshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男仕 |
nánshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南式 |
nánshòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難受 |
Nánsīlāfū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南斯拉夫 |
Nánsīlāfū Shèhuìzhǔyì Liánbāng Gònghéguó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南斯拉夫社會主義聯邦共和國 |
Nán Sòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南宋 |
Nán Sūdān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南蘇丹 |
Nántáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南唐 |
nántí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難題 |
nántiān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南天 |
nántóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男童 |
nántóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男同 |
nántóngzhì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男同志 |
Nántóu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南投 |
nánwàng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難忘 |
nánwei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難為 |
nánwei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難爲 |
nánwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難為 |
nánwéi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難爲 |
nánwéiqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難為情 |
nánwéiqíng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難爲情 |
nánwén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難聞 |
nánwū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南屋 |
nánwū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男巫 |
nánxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南下 |
nánxìng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男性 |
nánxiōngnándì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難兄難弟 |
nànxiōngnàndì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難兄難弟 |
Nányà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南亞 |
Nányǎ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南亞 |
Nányà Cìdàlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南亞次大陸 |
Nányǎ Cìdàlù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南亞次大陸 |
Nányādǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南丫島 |
Nányā Dǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南丫島 |
Nányáng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南洋 |
nányǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難以 |
nányīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男嬰 |
nányǐqǐchǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 難以啟齒 |
nányǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男友 |
nányuánběichè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南轅北轍 |
nányuánběizhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南轅北轍 |
nányuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南樂 |
Nányuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南越 |
Nánzhào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南詔 |
nánzhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南針 |
nánzhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南鍼 |
nánzhēn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 楠珍 |
Nán Zhōngguó Hǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 南中國海 |
nánzhōngyīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男中音 |
nánzhǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男主 |
nánzhuāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男裝 |
nánzì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 喃字 |
nánzǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男子 |
nánzǐhàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男子漢 |
nánzǐ zǔhé {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男子組合 |
nánzūnnǚbēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 男尊女卑 |
nao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nāo |
nao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of náo |
nao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nǎo |
nao {rom} | :: nonstandard spelling of nào |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 呶 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 夒 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 峱 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嶩 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巎 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 巙 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 怓 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 憹 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 挠 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 桡 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 猱 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獶 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 獿 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 硇 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 繷 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟭 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 詉 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 譊 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐃 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 髐 |
náo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟯 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淖 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 澅 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腘 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腢 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 臋 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐃 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 閙 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 闹 |
nào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧 |
nǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 匘 |
nǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 垴 |
nǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 堖 |
nǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 嫐 |
nǎo {rom} | :: 恼, 悩, 惱: angered, filled with hate |
nǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 瑙 |
nǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 碯 |
nǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 脑 |
nǎo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 㑎 |
nāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孬 |
nao1 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nāo |
nao2 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of náo |
nao3 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nǎo |
nao4 {rom} | :: alternative spelling of nào |
náobá {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐃鈸 |
náobài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 橈敗 |
náobó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鐃鈸 |
nǎobù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦部 |
nǎobǔ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦補 |
nǎocán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦殘 |
náochóng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 蟯蟲 |
nǎochūxiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦出血 |
nǎochūxuè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦出血 |
nǎochūxuě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦出血 |
nǎocù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦卒 |
nǎocùzhòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦卒中 |
nǎodai {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦袋 |
nǎodài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦袋 |
nǎodaiguāzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦袋瓜子 |
nǎodei {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦袋 |
nǎodeiguāzi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦袋瓜子 |
nǎodòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦洞 |
nào'ěr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 淖爾 |
nàofān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧翻 |
nǎogàn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦幹 |
nàoguǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧鬼 |
nǎohǎi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦海 |
nǎohèn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惱恨 |
nǎohuǒ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惱火 |
nǎojǐmó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦脊膜 |
nǎojǐmò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦脊膜 |
nǎojīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦筋 |
nǎojīn jízhuǎnwān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦筋急轉彎 |
nǎojīshuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦積水 |
nǎojǐyè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦脊液 |
nǎojǐyì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦脊液 |
nǎoké {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦殼 |
nǎokù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦庫 |
nǎolì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦力 |
nǎolìhuó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦力活 |
nǎolì láodòng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦力勞動 |
nǎolì láodòngzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦力勞動者 |
nǎomén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦門 |
nǎomó {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦膜 |
nǎomò {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦膜 |
nǎomóyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦膜炎 |
nǎomòyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦膜炎 |
nǎonù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惱怒 |
nào qíngxù {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧情緒 |
nàoqū {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧區 |
nàorè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧熱 |
nǎorén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 惱人 |
nǎoshénjīng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦神經 |
nàoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧市 |
nàoshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧事 |
nǎoshuǐzhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦水腫 |
nǎosuǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦髓 |
nǎosǔnshāng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦損傷 |
nǎotān {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦癱 |
nàoteng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧騰 |
nào wánxiào {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧玩笑 |
nǎoxiàchuítǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦下垂體 |
nào xiàohuà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧笑話 |
nǎoxìbāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦細胞 |
nàoxīn {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧心 |
nǎoyán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦炎 |
nàozhewán {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧著玩 |
nàozhewánr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧著玩兒 |
nǎozhī {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦汁 |
nàozhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧鐘 |
nàozhōng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 鬧鍾 |
nāozhǒng {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 孬種 |
nǎozi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 腦子 |
nǎpà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪怕 |
nǎpà {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那怕 |
Nápòlún {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿破侖 |
náqǐ {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿起 |
nàqiè {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納妾 |
nǎr {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪兒 |
Násāo {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿騷 |
náshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿事 |
nàshí {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那時 |
nàshì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那是 |
nàshíhòu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那時候 |
náshǒu {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿手 |
náshǒucài {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿手菜 |
nàshuì {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納稅 |
nàshuìrén {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納稅人 |
nàshuìzhě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 納稅者 |
nátiě {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿鐵 |
nátiě kāfēi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿鐵咖啡 |
nàwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 那位 |
nǎwèi {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 哪位 |
náxià {rom} | :: pinyin reading of 拿下 |