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See also: 罗定


to collect; to gather; to catch
to collect; to gather; to catch; to shift; gauze
to set; to fix; to determine
to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to stabilize; to order
trad. (羅定)
simp. (罗定)
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Coined in 1577 during the Ming dynasty after the Yao rebellion in Luopang, Guangdong had been quashed in 1577, intended to convey the meaning 羅旁平定/罗旁平定 (“Luopang pacified”).

The first syllable is possibly borrowed from a Kra-Dai substrate word. Shao (2015) proposes that is cognate with either Zhuang laj (low; down; bottom), as in lajbya (foothill), or Proto-Kam-Sui *ra (field; farmland), whence Southern Kam jav, Sui qxgas, Maonan yras. Note that places with as the first character in their names are widespread in Guangdong.



Proper noun



  1. () Luoding (a county-level city in Yunfu, Guangdong, China)