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See also: 滥竽充数


filling a position without having the necessary qualifications to add unqualified members to a group of experts; to pad the numbers; to make up the number
trad. (濫竽充數) 濫竽 充數
simp. (滥竽充数) 滥竽 充数
Literally: “to pretend to play the yu in order to make up the numbers”.



Based on a story in Han Feizi:

[Classical Chinese, trad.]
[Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Han Feizi, circa 2nd century BCE
Qí Xuānwáng shǐ rén chuī bì sān bǎi rén.
Nánguō chǔshì qǐng wèi wáng chuī , Xuānwáng yuè zhī, lǐnshí yǐ shù bǎi rén.
Xuānwáng sǐ, Mǐnwáng lì, hào yīyī tīng zhī, chǔshì táo.
Whenever King Xuan of Qi had men play the yu [a mouth organ], there had to be 300 men playing simultaneously.
A reclusive scholar, by the name of Nanguo [lit. southern wall of a city], who was unable to play the instrument, asked if he could join the ensemble and play the yu for the king. King Xuan was delighted by this, and dispensed enough food rations for several hundred musicians.
Then, King Xuan died, and King Min took the throne. He preferred to listen to the yu players one-by-one, so the reclusive scholar fled. (Wiktionary translation)






  1. (figurative, derogatory or humble) to fill a position without having the necessary qualifications; to be a token member of a group; to masquerade as having an ability; to sell seconds at best-quality prices