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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-g

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
g {symbol} [physics] :: g
g {symbol} [texting slang] :: abbreviation of j'ai
GA {m} :: ATM (automated/automatic teller machine); abbreviation of guichet automatique
GAB {m} :: initialism of guichet automatique bancaire
gabar {m} :: Micronisus gabar, the gabar goshawk
gabardine {f} :: The woolen cloth gaberdine
gabardine {f} :: A long coat with sleeves, notably a raincoat
gabare {f} :: A barge or scow
gabaret {m} :: a small barge
gabari {m} :: alternative spelling of gabarit
gabariage {m} :: The action of gabarier
gabarieur {m} :: worker who cuts and especially who draws the templates
gabarit {m} :: template, pattern, mould
gabarit {m} :: gauge, standard, regulation
gabarit {m} :: build, size, calibre
gabarit {m} [of an arched space] :: clearance
gabarit {m} [computing] :: template
gabegie {f} :: chaos
gabegie {f} [pejorative] :: muddle
gabelage {m} [obsolete] :: A tax on salt
gabeler {v} [obsolete] :: To tax the production of salt
gabelle {f} [historical] :: gabelle, salt tax
gaber {vt} [obsolete] :: to ridicule; mock
gaber {vt} :: to speak clumsily; to blunder; to laugh
gabier {m} [nautical] :: topman
gabière {f} :: feminine noun of gabier
gâble {m} [architecture] :: gable (triangular area of wall)
Gabon {prop} {m} :: Gabon
gabonais {adj} :: of or relating to Gabon
Gabonais {m} :: person from Gabon
Gabonaise {f} :: feminine noun of Gabonais
Gabriel {prop} :: Gabriel (Archangel)
Gabriel {prop} :: given name
Gabrielle {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Gabriel
Gaby {prop} :: given name, a pet form of Gabrielle
Gaby {prop} :: given name, pet form of Gabriel
gâche {f} :: oar
gâche {f} :: trowel
gâche {f} [mechanical, of a door] :: keeper, strike
gâche {f} [regional, Vendée] :: A type of local brioche flavoured with orange
gâche {f} [regional, Normandy, Brittany] :: A type of flat, rounded local bread
gâché {adj} :: spoiled, ruined
gâché {adj} :: squandered, wasted
gacher {v} :: alternative form of gâcher
gâcher {v} :: to ruin, spoil, mar, wreck, waste
gâcher {v} :: to mess up, botch, bungle
gâchette {f} :: latch
gâchette {f} :: trigger (of a weapon)
gâcheur {m} :: spoiler
gâcheur {m} :: One who wastes
gâchis {m} :: waste, wastefulness
gâchis {m} :: mess, shambles
gade {m} :: cod (any fish of the Gadidae)
gadget {m} :: gadget
gadin {m} :: fall
gaditan {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Cadiz
gadji {f} :: feminine singular of gadjo
gadjo {m} :: gadje (non-Romani person)
gadoléique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: gadoleic
gadolinate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: gadolinate
gadolinium {m} :: gadolinium
gadoue {f} :: mud
gadoue {f} [archaic] :: slut, whore
gadoue {f} [Quebec] :: slush
gaduine {f} :: gaduin
Gaël {prop} :: given name
gaélique {m} :: The family of Goidelic languages
gaélique {adj} :: Gaelic
gaélique {adj} :: Goidelic
gaélique écossais {m} :: Scots Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic
gaélique irlandais {m} :: Irish (the language)
Gaëlle {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Gaël
Gaétan {prop} {m} :: given name
Gaëtan {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Gaétan
Gaétane {prop} {f} :: given name
Gaëtane {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Gaétane
gâfe {m} :: sentry, prison guard, jailer
gaffe {f} :: gaffe, blunder, goof-up [North American], cock-up [British]
gaffe {f} [nautical] :: boathook
gaffer {v} :: to make a gaffe; to mess up; botch up
gaffer {v} :: to gaffer tape
gaffeur {m} :: blunderer
Gaffiot {prop} :: surname
Gaffiot {prop} :: Félix Gaffiot (1870–1937), French philologist and teacher
Gaffiot {prop} [masculine] :: The 1934 Latin–French dictionary compiled by Félix Gaffiot (or any of its subsequent editions); the Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français
gag {m} :: joke
gaga {adj} [colloquial] :: gaga (senile)
gaga {adj} [colloquial] :: gaga (crazy)
gaga {adj} [colloquial] :: gaga (infatuated)
gage {m} :: pledge, guarantee
gage {m} [law, finance] :: deposit, security, guaranty (guarantee that debt will be paid; property relinquished to ensure this)
gage {m} :: forfeit (something deposited as part of a game)
gage {m} :: proof, evidence, assurance
gage {m} [plural] :: wages, salary
gager {v} :: to guarantee
gager {v} :: to wager or bet
gageure {f} [archaic] :: wager
gageure {f} :: challenge, impossible task
gageüre {f} :: post-1990 spelling of gageure
gagnable {adj} :: winnable
gagnant {m} :: winner, victor
gagnant {adj} :: winning, victorious
gagnante {f} :: feminine noun of gagnant
Gagne {prop} :: surname
Gagné {prop} :: surname
gagne-denier {m} :: day labourer
gagne-pain {m} :: livelihood
gagne-pain {m} :: breadwinner
gagne-petit {mf} [obsolete] :: (travelling) grinder, knife-grinder
gagne-petit {mf} :: low-wage earner
gagner {v} :: to win
gagner {v} :: to earn
gagner {v} :: to gain; to obtain
gagner au change {v} [colloquial] :: to be better off for it, to come out better off
gagner du temps {v} :: to save time, to gain time
gagner du temps {v} :: to buy time, to play for time, to stall for time, to use delaying tactics
gagner du terrain {v} [figuratively] :: to gain ground
gagner sa vie {v} [idiomatic] :: to earn a living, to make a living
gagner son bifteck {v} [idiomatic] :: to bring home the bacon
gagneur {m} :: winner (someone who habitually wins)
Gagnon {prop} :: surname of Québécois origin
Gagnon {prop} :: Gagnon (ghost town)
gai {adj} :: cheerful; merry
gai {adj} :: gay; homosexual
gaïac {m} :: guaiacum, lignum vitae
gaïacol {m} [organic compound] :: guaiacol
gai comme un pinson {adj} [simile] :: very happy; happy as a lark
gaiement {adv} :: gaily (in a happy, jovial way)
gaieté {f} :: gaiety
gaillac {m} :: A red wine from the Midi-Pyrénées
gaillacois {adj} :: Of or from Gaillac
Gaillacois {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Gaillac
Gaillacoise {f} :: feminine singular of Gaillacois
gaillard {adj} :: strong; sprightly, lively (of person)
gaillard {adj} :: bawdy, ribald
gaillard {m} :: forecastle, fo'c's'le
gaillard {m} :: fellow, guy
Gaillard {prop} :: surname, often associated with the Huguenots, from gaillard meaning strong
gaillard d'avant {m} [nautical] :: forecastle
gaillarde {f} [printing, dated] :: Galliard: the size of type between petit-texte and petit-romain, standardized as 9 Fournier points (3.06 mm) then as 8 Didot points (3.00 or 3.01 mm)
gaillarde {f} :: The galliard, a 16th-century European dance
gaillardement {adv} :: in a lively; sprightly way
gaillardise {f} :: boastful gaiety
gaillet {m} :: bedstraw (of genus Gallium), sweet woodruff
gaiment {adv} :: alternative spelling of gaiement
gaîment {adv} :: obsolete spelling of gaiement
gain {m} [usually, in the plural] :: winnings, earnings, takings
gain {m} [finance] :: gain, yield
gain de cause {m} [law] :: winning of the case (in a trial)
gain de cause {m} [figuratively] :: upper hand in a debate, victory
gaine {f} :: sheath (for dagger etc.)
gaine {f} [technology] :: casing, sheathing
gaine {f} [botany] :: sheath
gainer {v} :: to cover, sheathe
gaité {f} :: alternative form of gaieté
gaîté {f} :: gaiety, merriment
gal {m} :: A unit of acceleration equal to one centimetre per second per second
galactagogue {m} :: galactagogue
galactagogue {adj} :: galactagogic
galactique {adj} :: galactic; galactical
galactite {f} [mineral] :: synonym of natrolite
galactite {f} [botany] :: thistle of the family Galactites
galactophage {adj} :: feeding on milk; galactophagous
galactophage {mf} :: One who lives on milk
galactophore {adj} :: galactophorous
galactose {m} [carbohydrate] :: galactose
galacturonique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: galacturonic
galamment {adv} :: gallantly
galamment {adv} :: elegantly
galant {adj} :: gallant, courteous, gentlemanly
galant {adj} :: flirtatious, amorous; racy
galant {m} [archaic or humorous] :: suitor, admirer
galanterie {f} :: gallantry
galanterie {f} :: courteousness
galantin {m} :: A man who is excessively and ridiculously gallant towards women
galapiat {m} :: rascal, rogue
Galarneau {prop} :: surname
Galates {prop} {m} :: Galatians
Galatie {prop} :: Galatia
galatique {adj} :: Galatian; of or relating to Galatia
galaxie {f} :: galaxy
galbanum {m} :: galbanum (resin from plants of the genus Ferula, used to make incense)
galbe {m} :: curve; silhouette
galbé {adj} :: rounded
galbé {adj} :: curved
gale {f} :: scabies; mange
galéjade {f} :: tall story
galène {f} [mineralogy] :: galena
galénique {adj} :: Galenic
galer {v} :: To scratch
galère {f} [nautical] :: galley (kind of ship)
galère {f} [in the plural] :: torturous forced labor (long done at the oars of state galleys)
galère {f} [by extension, colloquial] :: a terrible task, drudge, ordeal
galère {f} :: oven type
galère {f} [historical] :: mason's cart, for loading building materials
galère {f} :: a group of people having a common interest, esp a coterie of undesirable people
galère {f} :: an unpleasant situation
galérer {vi} [colloquial] :: to have a hard time (be in difficulties)
galerie {f} :: gallery
galérien {m} [literally] :: A galley slave, notably as (often terminal) sentence
galérien {m} [by extension] :: A forced laborer
galeriste {mf} :: gallerist
galerne {f} :: A cold, humid northwesterly wind that affects the west of France
galet {m} :: pebble
galet {m} [by extension] :: disk-shaped object
galet {m} [technology] :: roller
galetas {m} :: garret
galetas {m} [Switzerland] :: attic
galette {f} :: galette
galette {f} [colloquial] :: dough, dosh, bread
galette {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: cookie
galette {f} [Métis] :: bannock, frybread
galette des rois {f} :: king cake
galeux {adj} :: mangy
Galfingue {prop} :: Galfingue (commune)
Galice {prop} {f} :: Galice (autonomous community)
Galicie {prop} {f} :: Galicia (area of Central/Eastern Europe)
galicien {adj} :: Galician (from either Galicia in Spain or Galicia in Eastern Europe)
galicien {m} :: Galician (language)
Galicien {m} :: Galician (person from either Galicia in Spain or Galicia in Eastern Europe)
Galicienne {f} :: feminine singular of Galicien
Galilée {prop} {f} :: Galilee (region)
Galilée {prop} {m} :: Galileo
galiléen {adj} :: Galilean
Galiléen {m} :: Galilean
Galiléenne {f} :: feminine singular of Galiléen
galimafrée {f} [archaic] :: gallimaufry
galimatias {m} :: nonsense, gobbledygook, galimatias
galion {m} [nautical] :: galleon (large sailing ship)
galiot {m} :: pirate
galiote {f} [nautical] :: galliot
galipette {f} :: somersault (the act of going head over heels)
galipette {f} :: roll
galipette {f} :: roll in the hay
Galissard {prop} :: surname
gallacétophénone {f} [organic compound] :: gallacetophenone
galle {f} :: gall
galléine {f} [organic compound] :: gallein
gallérie {f} :: A kind of wax-eating moth, Galleria mellonella
Galles {prop} {m} :: Wales
galleux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: gallium (attributive)
gallican {adj} :: Gallican
gallican {m} :: Gallican
gallicanisme {m} :: Gallicanism
gallicisme {m} :: gallicism (French phrase)
gallinacé {adj} :: gallinacean, gallinaceous
gallinule {f} :: gallinule
gallique {adj} [inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry] :: gallic
gallium {m} :: gallium
gallodrome {m} :: cockfighting pit
gallois {m} :: Welsh, the Welsh language
gallois {adj} :: Welsh (from, or pertaining to Wales)
Gallois {m} :: Welshman
Galloise {f} :: feminine noun of Gallois; Welshwoman
Gallopin {prop} :: surname
gallo-romain {adj} :: Gallo-Roman
gallotannique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: gallotannic
galochard {adj} :: cloglike
galoche {f} :: clog (shoe with a wooden sole)
galoche {f} :: a chin that is long and pointed
galoche {f} [slang] :: French kiss
galocher {v} [France, colloquial] :: to French kiss, make out (a kiss with contact between tongues)
Galois {prop} :: surname from Old French. More at Modern French Gallois
galoisien {adj} :: galoisian
galon {m} :: braid
galon {m} [military] :: stripe
galonner {v} :: To braid, galloon (trim with braid)
galonnier {m} :: braider
galop {m} :: gallop
galopade {f} :: galloping
galopade {f} :: stampede
galopant {adj} :: galloping (sometimes figurative)
galopant {adj} :: uncontrolled
galoper {v} :: to gallop
galopin {m} :: urchin, scamp, brat, ragamuffin
galopin {m} :: a half-sized Belgian beer-glass (ie 12.5cl) used for tastings
galurin {m} [colloquial] :: titfer (hat)
galvanique {adj} :: galvanic
galvaniquement {adv} :: galvanically
galvaniser {v} :: to galvanize
galvanisme {m} :: galvanism
galvanomagnétique {adj} :: galvanomagnetic
galvanomagnétisme {m} :: galvanomagnetism
galvanomètre {m} [physics] :: galvanometer
galvanoplastie {f} :: galvanoplasty, electrotyping
galvanoplastique {adj} :: galvanoplastic
galvanotype {f} :: electrotype
galvaudé {adj} :: depreciated
galvauder {v} [colloquial] :: to waste; to squander
galvauder {v} :: to overuse
galvauder {vp} :: to be lazy
gamache {f} [archaic] :: spat, gaiter, legging
gamahucher {v} [vulgar, slang] :: to perform oral sex on (man or woman); to go down on
gamahucheur {m} :: cunnilinguist or fellator
gamahucheuse {f} :: feminine singular of gamahucheur
gamba {f} :: large prawn
gambade {f} :: frolic, gambol
gambader {vi} :: to frolic, gambol, caper
gambe {f} :: alternative form of jambe
gamberger {v} [slang] :: to think hard
gambette {f} [colloquial] :: leg
gambette {m} :: redshank (bird)
Gambie {prop} {f} :: Gambie (country)
gambien {n} :: Gambian
Gambien {m} :: Gambian
Gambienne {f} :: feminine noun of Gambien
gambille {f} [slang] :: leg
gambille {f} [slang] :: dance
gambiller {vi} :: to jig about
gambiller {vi} :: to dance
gambison {m} :: Gambison
gambiste {mf} [music] :: A person who plays the viola da gamba
gambler {v} [Louisiana French] :: to gamble
gamelle {f} :: mess tin, mess kit, dixie
gamelle {f} :: billy, billycan
gamelle {f} [colloquial] :: a cropper, a fall, a tumble
gamer {m} :: A person whose hobby is video games
gamer {m} :: A high-end laptop designed to play video games
gamète {m} [biology] :: gamete (reproductive cell)
gamétique {adj} :: gametic
gamétogenèse {f} [biology] :: gametogenesis
-gamie {suffix} :: -gamy
gamin {m} [dated] :: street urchin, street kid
gamin {m} [colloquial] :: kid (a child, especially one who is mischievous or plays in the streets)
gamin {adj} :: mischievous, naughty
gamine {f} :: kid (child)
gaminement {adv} :: mischievously
gaminerie {f} :: prank
gamma {m} :: gamma (Greek letter)
gammaglobuline {f} :: gamma globulin
gamme {f} [music] :: musical scale
gamme {f} :: range, gamut, series
gammé {adj} :: Having branches in the form of an uppercase gamma (Γ)
gamos {m} [slang] :: hooptie, whip
ganache {f} [anatomy] :: jawbone
ganache {f} [figuratively, colloquial] :: face
ganache {f} [figuratively, colloquial] :: fool, numskull
ganache {f} [cooking] :: ganache (sauce made of chocolate and cream)
Ganassi {prop} :: Ganassi (surname)
Gand {prop} {m} :: Gand (caplc)
gandhisme {m} :: Gandhism
Gandiolle {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Gandiol, Gandiolle (town/and/municipality)
gandois {adj} :: from Ghent; Ghentian
Gandois {m} :: someone from Ghent; Ghentian
Gandoise {f} :: feminine singular of Gandois
gandoura {f} :: gandoura
Ganelon {prop} {m} :: A knight, in the Carolingian cycle, who betrayed Charlemagne's army to the Muslims
gang {m} :: gang, group of ill-doers
ganga {m} :: sandgrouse
gangan {m} [Antilles] :: mangrove cuckoo (Coccyzus minor)
Gange {prop} {m} :: Ganges
ganglion {m} :: ganglion
ganglion lymphatique {m} :: lymph node
ganglionnaire {adj} [anatomy] :: ganglial
gangræne {f} :: obsolete form of gangrène
gangrené {adj} :: gangrenous
gangrène {f} :: gangrene (the necrosis or rotting of flesh)
gangrène {f} [figuratively] :: gangrene (corrupting influence)
gangrener {vr} [medical] :: to develop gangrene
gangrener {v} [figuratively] :: to completely corrupt
gangréner {v} :: alternative form of gangrener
gangster {m} :: gangster
gangstérisme {m} :: gangsterism, organized crime
gangue {f} [geology, mining] :: gangue
ganse {f} [textiles] :: braid
ganser {v} :: to border (decorate with a border)
gansette {f} :: diminutive of ganse
gant {m} :: glove
gant de boxe {m} :: boxing glove
gant de toilette {m} :: washing mitt
ganté {adj} :: Gloved; wearing gloves
gantelet {m} :: gauntlet (armored glove)
gantelet {m} :: gauntlet (falconer's glove)
gantelet {m} :: gauntlet (challenge)
ganter {vt} :: to glove (cover with a glove)
ganterie {f} :: the glove trade; a glove shop
gantier {m} :: glover, glovemaker
gantière {f} :: feminine singular of gantier
gantois {adj} :: Of or from Gent
ganymède {m} :: bottom (passive homosexual partner)
Ganymède {prop} {m} :: Ganymede (in Greek mythology)
Ganymède {prop} {m} :: Ganymede (moon)
gaoulé {m} [slang] :: whispering
gaoulé {m} [slang, Creole] :: mischievous public behavior, or "dirty dancing" (i.e., sensual, licentious dancing)
Gap {prop} :: Gap (town/non-city capital)
garage {m} :: garage
garage à bites {m} [slang, vulgar, pejorative] :: a person who gets many penises in their orifices; a cum dumpster; a slutbag
garagiste {mf} :: owner or manager of a garage
garagiste {mf} :: car mechanic
garance {f} :: madder (plant)
garance {f} :: rose madder
Garand {prop} :: surname derived from garant (guarantor)
garant {m} :: guarantor
garant {m} :: surety
garanti {adj} :: guaranteed
garantie {f} :: guarantee
garantir {v} :: to guarantee (to assure that something will get done right)
garantir {v} :: to protect, preserve
garantissabilité {f} [rare] :: guaranteeability
garantissable {adj} :: guaranteeable
Garasse {prop} :: surname
garce {f} [archaic] :: girl
garce {f} [slang, derogatory] :: bitch, slut
garçon {m} :: boy
garçon {m} [by extension] :: young man; man
garçon {m} :: waiter
garçon d'honneur {m} :: usher (male escort at a wedding)
garçon manqué {m} :: tomboy; girl who behaves like a boy
garçonne {f} :: tomboy
garçonne {f} :: ladette
garçonne {f} [historical] :: flapper
garçonnet {m} :: little boy
garçonnier {adj} :: boyish, tomboyish
garçonnière {f} :: bachelor pad
garçonnière {f} [Louisiana] :: an attic, usually accessed from the front porch, where the male children of a household traditionally slept
Gard {prop} {m} :: Gard (department)
garde {mf} :: watch, guard
garde {f} :: handle [of a weapon]
garde {f} :: protection (act of protecting)
garde alternée {f} :: joint custody, shared custody
garde à vous {interj} :: stand at attention! (military command)
garde à vue {f} [legal] :: custody
garde-boue {m} :: mudguard
garde-chasse {m} :: gamekeeper
garde-côte {mf} :: coast guard (enforcer of maritime law)
garde des reins {f} :: Armor protecting the loins, hanging from the backpiece of the cuirass
garde du corps {m} :: bodyguard
garde forestier {m} :: park ranger, park warden, forest ranger
garde-fou {m} :: parapet
garde-fou {m} :: safeguard, guardrail
garde-magasin {m} [military] :: ≈ quartermaster
garde-manger {m} :: pantry, larder
gardénal {m} :: phenobarbital
gardénia {m} :: gardenia
garder {vt} :: to keep; to retain; to store; to save
garder {vt} :: to guard
garder {vp} :: to be careful (de faire not to do)
garder à l'esprit {vt} :: to bear in mind, to keep in mind
garderie {f} :: nursery, kindergarten, day care center
garder la boutique {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to hold the fort (to assume or take responsibility in another's absence)
garder la tête froide {v} [figuratively] :: to keep a cool head
garder la tête haute {v} [figuratively] :: to hold one's head high
garder les pieds sur terre {v} [figuratively] :: to keep one's feet on the ground, to keep one's head, to remain realistic, to remain practical
garde-robe {f} :: an armoire; a wardrobe (a piece of furniture for clothes)
garder pour soi {vt} :: to keep to oneself, to keep under one's hat
garder son calme {v} :: to keep one's cool, to stay calm
garder son sang-froid {v} [idiomatic] :: to keep one's cool; to keep a cool head
garder son sérieux {v} :: to keep a straight face
garder une poire pour la soif {v} [figuratively] :: to put some money aside, to save a bit of money for a rainy day
gardeur {m} :: cowherd, goatherd (or person in charge of other animals)
gardeuse {f} :: feminine noun of gardeur
gardian {m} :: An Occitan cowboy in the Camargue region
gardiateur {m} [obsolete] :: guardian (a royal officer with responsibilities for Lyon)
gardien {m} :: guard (someone who keeps guard of something)
gardien {m} :: guardian, warden (protector)
gardien {m} :: guardian (someone who looks after something else)
gardien {m} [legal] :: guardian
gardien {m} [sports] :: ellipsis of gardien de but (goalkeeper; goaltender; goalie;)
gardien {m} [Louisiana French] :: babysitter
gardien de but {m} :: goaltender, goalkeeper, goalie
gardien de la paix {m} :: peacekeeper
gardien de phare {m} :: lighthouse keeper
gardien d'urgence {m} [ice hockey] :: emergency goalie
gardiennage {m} :: caretaking
gardiennage {m} :: security (as a commercial venture)
gardiennage {m} [Quebec] :: baby sitting
gardienne {f} :: feminine noun of gardien
gardienne de but {f} :: feminine noun of gardien de but
gardienne de la paix {f} :: peacekeeper
gardienne de phare {f} :: feminine noun of gardien de phare
gardon {m} :: roach (freshwater fish)
gare {f} :: railway station
gare {interj} [à] :: beware (something)
gare ferroviaire {f} :: railway station
garenne {f} [obsolete] :: game-park
garenne {f} :: rabbit warren
garenne {m} :: wild rabbit
garennier {m} :: warrener
garennière {f} :: feminine singular of garennier
garer {v} :: to cover, to shelter
garer {vt} :: to park (a vehicle)
garer {vt} :: to dock (a vessel)
gare routière {f} :: bus station (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes)
gargantuesque {adj} :: In an incredibly huge proportion; gargantuan
gargantuesquement {adv} :: gargantuanly
gargariser {vr} :: to gargle
gargarisme {m} :: gargling
gargarisme {m} :: gargle (liquid)
gargote {f} [pejorative] :: cheap restaurant, greasy spoon
gargotier {m} :: innkeeper
gargotier {m} [pejorative] :: A bad cook
gargotière {f} :: feminine noun of gargotier
gargouille {f} :: gargoyle (of water pipe)
gargouille {f} :: gargoyle (of a building)
gargouillement {m} :: rumble, gurgle
gargouillement {m} :: rumbling, gurgling
gargouiller {v} :: to gargle
gargouiller {v} :: to rumble
gargouillis {m} :: rumble, rumbling
gargouillis {m} :: gurgle, gurgling
Garneau {prop} :: surname
garnement {m} :: brat, naughty kid
garni {adj} :: garnished (with vegetables etc)
garniérite {f} [mineral] :: garnierite
garnir {v} :: to furnish (a building, a room)
garnir {v} [military, dated] :: to arm
garnir {v} :: to decorate, to pretty, to garnish
garnison {f} :: garrison (fortified town or city)
garnison {f} :: garrison (body of troops)
garnissage {m} :: trim (decoration)
garnissage {m} :: lining
garnissage {m} :: stuffing
garnisseur {m} :: garnisher, trimmer
garnisseuse {f} :: feminine singular of garnisseur
garniture {f} :: garniture
garniture {f} [musical instruments, lutherie, bowmaking] :: lapping, winding
garocher {v} :: alternative form of garrocher
Garonne {prop} {f} :: Garonne (river)
garou {m} [archaic] :: werewolf
garou {m} [in combination] :: were-. Used like a suffix
garou {m} :: daphne, any Daphne species, particularly the spurge olive (Daphne mezereum) as well as Cneorum tricoccon and the flax-leaved daphne (Daphne gnidium)
garoupe {f} :: synonym of camélée
garoupe {f} :: A type of daphne (Daphne gnidium)
garrigue {f} :: garrigue
garrocher {v} [colloquial, Western France] :: to throw
garrocher {v} [Canada] :: to throw aimlessly or carelessly
garrot {m} :: tourniquet
garrot {m} :: garrot (small wooden cylinder)
garrot {m} :: garrote
garrot {m} :: goldeneye (duck)
garrot {m} :: withers
garroter {v} :: to kill by strangulation
garroter {v} :: to tighten using a garrot
garrotter {vt} :: to bind, fasten strongly
gars {m} :: lad, guy
gars {m} [in the plural] :: guys (usually all male)
gascher {v} [before circa 1800] :: archaic spelling of gâcher
Gascogne {prop} {f} :: Gascogne (former region)
gascon {adj} :: Gascon
gascon {m} :: Gascon
Gascon {m} :: Gascon person
gasconisme {m} :: A Gascon word or phrase used in French
Gasconne {f} :: feminine noun of Gascon
gasconnisme {m} :: alternative form of gasconisme
Gasly {prop} :: Gasly; surname
Gasmule {mf} :: Gasmoulos
gasoil {m} :: diesel fuel
gaspacho {m} :: gazpacho
gaspard {m} :: rat
Gaspard {prop} {m} :: Caspar of the Magi
Gaspard {prop} {m} :: given name
Gaspard {prop} {m} :: surname
gaspareau {m} [fish] :: alewife
gasparot {m} :: alternative form of gaspareau
Gaspé {prop} :: Gaspé
gaspereau {m} [Canada] :: An alewife (type of fish)
Gaspésie {prop} :: The Gaspé peninsula
gaspésien {adj} :: Of or from Gaspé
gaspésien {adj} :: Of or from Gaspésie
gaspi {m} [colloquial] :: rubbish, waste
gaspillage {m} :: waste
gaspiller {v} :: to waste
gaspilleur {m} :: spendthrift, wastrel, squanderer
gaspilleuse {f} :: feminine noun of gaspilleur
gastéropode {m} :: gastropod
Gaston {prop} :: given name
Gaston {prop} :: surname
gastrectomie {f} [surgery] :: gastrectomy
gastricité {f} :: an excess of saburra, a blockage of the alimentary canal
gastricité {f} :: gastricity
gastrinome {m} [pathology] :: gastrinoma
gastrique {adj} :: gastric
gastrite {f} [pathology] :: gastritis
gastro- {prefix} :: gastro- [of or relating to the stomach]
gastro {f} [colloquial] :: gastroenteritis, stomach flu
gastrocnémien {adj} [anatomy] :: gastrocnemious
gastroduodénal {adj} :: gastroduodenal
gastro-entérite {f} [pathology] :: gastroenteritis
gastro-entérologie {f} :: gastroenterology
gastroentérologie {f} :: alternative form of gastro-entérologie
gastro-entérologue {mf} :: gastroenterologist
gastroentérologue {mf} :: alternative form of gastro-entérologue
gastromancie {f} :: gastromancy
gastronomie {f} :: gastronomy (study of the relationship between food and culture)
gastronomique {adj} :: gastronomic; pertaining to all things humanly digestible
gastro-œsophagien {adj} [medicine] :: Gastro-esophageal; gastro-oesophageal; gastro-œsophageal
gastropode {m} :: gastropod
gastrosophie {f} :: gastrosophy
gastrotomie {f} [surgery] :: gastrotomy
gastruler {v} :: to gastrulate
-gate {suffix} :: -gate (forms names of scandals)
gâteau {m} :: A sponge cake, i.e. a cake made with a chemical leavening agent (e.g. baking powder), making it light and airy (as opposed to a denser torte)
gâteau {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: A cookie
gâteau de riz {m} :: rice cake
gâteau mille crêpes {m} :: thousand crêpe cake
gâteau sous la cerise {phrase} :: Exaggerated form of the icing on the cake
gâter {v} :: to spoil, ruin
gâter {vr} :: to go bad, go off
gâterie {f} :: little treat, titbit
gâterie {f} [euphemistic] :: fellatio
gâteux {adj} :: senile, gaga
gateway {m} [Internet] :: gateway
gâtine {f} :: wasteland; moor
gâtine {f} [obsolete] :: marshy, waterproof and sterile ground
Gatineau {prop} :: Gatineau, a city in Quebec, Canada
Gatineau {prop} :: ellipsis of rivière Gatineau Gatineau (river); tributary of the Ottawa River
gatinois {adj} :: Gatineauian; Pertaining to Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Gatinois {m} :: A male resident of Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Gatinoise {f} :: feminine noun of Gatinois; Female resident of Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
gâtisme {m} :: senility, dotage
gattopardisme {m} :: gattopardism
gau {m} [slang] :: louse
gauchard {m} :: A left-handed person
gaucharde {f} :: feminine singular of gauchard
gauche {adj} :: left
gauche {adj} :: awkward, gawky
gauche {adj} :: clumsy
gauche {f} :: the left, the left-hand side
gauche {m} [boxing] :: a left-hander, a southpaw
gauchement {adv} :: gauchely; maladroitly; awkwardly
gaucher {adj} :: left-handed
gaucher {adj} :: left-footed
gaucher {m} :: a left-handed or left-footed person; a southpaw
gauchère {f} :: feminine noun of gaucher
gauchir {vi} :: to dodge
gauchir {vi} :: to speak or act deceptively
gauchir {vit} :: to warp, buckle, distort, bend
gauchir {vt} :: to flavour with left-oriented political views
gauchisant {adj} [pejorative] :: lefty, pinko (having left-wing politics)
gauchisme {m} [politics] :: leftism. Most of the time, use by right wing, a bit pejorative. Very rarely used by lefties
gauchissement {m} :: evasion, dodge
gauchissement {m} :: deceptive action or speech
gauchissement {m} :: warpage, buckling, distortion
gauchiste {adj} [politics] :: leftist. Can be considered pejorative. Chiefly used by the right wing; very rarely assumed by leftists
gauchiste {mf} [politics] :: leftist
gaucho {m} :: gaucho (Argentine cowboy)
gaucho {m} [derogatory] :: leftist
gaude {f} :: weld (natural yellow dyestuff)
gauder {vt} :: to dye using weld (natural yellow dyestuff)
Gaudet {prop} :: surname
Gaudette {prop} :: surname
gaudir {v} [archaic] :: to rejoice
Gaudreau {prop} :: surname
Gaudreault {prop} :: surname
gaudriole {f} [colloquial] :: slap and tickle
gaudriole {f} [colloquial] :: dirty joke
Gaudry {prop} :: surname
gaufre {f} :: honeycomb
gaufre {f} :: waffle (flat pastry)
gaufrer {vt} :: to emboss
gaufrer {vt} :: to goffer
gaufrette {f} :: wafer
gaufrier {m} :: waffle iron
gaufrier {m} :: comics page grid
gaufrure {f} :: gauffering, a mode of plaiting or fluting
gaule {f} :: (long) pole
gaule {f} :: fishing pole
gaule {f} [slang] :: boner
Gaule {prop} {f} :: Gaul, former name of France
gaulé {adj} [slang, of a person] :: shaped, made (usually with qualifying word or phrase)
gauler {vt} :: to beat, beat down [with a pole]
gaullien {adj} :: Gaullist
gaullisme {m} :: Gaullism
gaulliste {adj} :: Gaullist
gaulliste {mf} :: Gaullist
gaulois {adj} :: Gaulish
gaulois {m} :: Gaulish language
Gaulois {m} :: Someone from Gaul
Gauloise {f} :: feminine noun of Gaulois
gauloisement {adv} [pejorative] :: simply; in the manner of a simpleton
gauloiserie {f} :: bawdiness
gaulthérine {f} [organic compound] :: gaultherin
gaupe {f} [archaic] :: trull, trollop
gaur {m} :: gaur
gauscisme {m} [politics, derogatory] :: A perceived fascist form of socialism
gausciste {adj} [politics] :: Relating to a perceived fascist form of socialism
gausser {vr} [se gausser, ~ de] :: to mock, to scorn, to criticize harshly
gausserie {f} [colloquial] :: mockery, ridicule
gausseur {m} :: mocker, someone who ridicules others
gaussien {adj} [mathematics] :: Gaussian
Gauthier {prop} {m} :: given name
Gauthier {prop} {m} :: surname
Gautier {prop} {m} :: given name
Gautier {prop} {m} :: surname
Gautreau {prop} :: surname
Gautreaux {prop} :: surname
gavage {m} :: gavage (all senses)
gavé {adj} [slang] :: stuffed (full of food)
gaver {vt} :: to force-feed
gaver {vt} [slang] :: to fill up, exasperate
gavroche {m} :: A young and resourceful, though usually poor, Parisian
gay {m} :: gay (homosexual person)
gay-friendly {adj} [anglicism] :: gay-friendly
Gaylord {prop} {m} [rare] :: given name
Gay-Lussac {prop} :: A surname
Gay-Lussac {prop} :: Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, French chemist and physicist
gaytitude {f} [slang] :: gayness (quality that makes somebody gay)
gaz {m} :: gas
gaz {m} [physics] :: gas
gaz {m} :: flatulence
gaz à effet de serre {m} :: greenhouse gas (literally, greenhouse effect gas)
gazage {m} :: gassing (extermination by gas)
gazaoui {adj} :: Gazan
gaz carbonique {m} [dated] :: carbon dioxide
gaz d'échappement {m} :: exhaust gas, exhaust
gaz de houille {m} :: coal gas
gaz de pétrole liquéfié {m} :: liquefied petroleum gas, LPG
gaze {f} :: gauze
gazé {m} [countable] :: black-veined white butterfly (Aporia crataegi)
gazé {m} [usually, uncountable] :: gauze
gazéifiable {adj} :: gasifiable
gazéificateur {m} :: gasifier
gazéification {f} :: gasification
gazéifié {adj} :: gasified, carbonated
gazéifier {v} [chemistry] :: to gasify
gazéifier {v} :: [water] to aerate
gazéifier {v} :: [with carbon dioxide] to carbonate
gazéifieur {m} :: gasifier
gazéiforme {adj} :: gasiform
gazéité {f} :: gaseousness
gazelle {f} :: gazelle
gazer {v} :: to gas (exterminate using gas)
gazer {v} [slang] :: to smoke (a cigarette)
gazer {vp} [se gazer] :: to rage, to become irate
gazer {v} [colloquial] :: to go well, to be well (feeling)
gazer {v} :: to gloss over; to cover up; to hush up
gazetier {m} :: gazetteer (journalist)
gazetière {f} :: feminine noun of gazetier
gazette {f} :: gazette
gazeux {adj} :: fizzy, gassy
gaz hilarant {m} :: laughing gas (nitrous oxide)
gazier {m} :: gasworker (a worker in a gasworks)
gazier {m} :: gasman
gazier {m} :: LNG carrier (a ship that transports natural gas)
gazier {adj} [attributive] :: gas (of, or relating to the natural gas industry)
gazière {f} :: feminine noun of gazier
gazinière {f} :: gas stove / cooker
gaz lacrymogène {m} :: tear gas
gaz naturel {m} :: natural gas
gaz naturel {m} :: Automobile fuel sold in petroleum stations in the Canadian province of Alberta
gaz naturel liquéfié {m} :: liquified natural gas
gaz noble {m} [chemistry] :: noble gas
gazoduc {m} :: gas pipeline
gazogène {m} :: gasifier
gazogène {m} :: gasogene
gazole {m} :: diesel fuel
gazomètre {m} :: gasometer, gasholder
gazon {m} :: lawn
gazon {m} :: turf; grass
gazonner {v} :: to cover with sod; to turf
gazouillement {m} :: chirping, tweeting
gazouillement {m} [Canada, internet] :: tweeting [microblogging]
gazouiller {v} [of a bird] :: to chirp, to twitter
gazouiller {v} [of a baby] :: to gurgle
gazouiller {v} [internet] :: to tweet (microblogging)
gazouillis {m} [of birds] :: chirping of birds, tweeting
gazouillis {m} [Canada, internet] :: tweet [microblogging, such as on Twitter]
gbaka {m} [Ivory Coast] :: minibus, marshrutka
gban {m} [nouchi] :: drug
gbra {vit} [nouchi] :: to fuck
{m} :: letter: g
geai {m} :: jay (bird)
geai des chênes {m} :: Eurasian jay
géant {m} :: giant
géant {m} [skiing] :: giant slalom
géant {adj} :: giant, huge, enormous
géante {f} :: female equivalent of géant
géante bleue {f} [astronomy] :: blue giant
géante rouge {f} [astronomy] :: red giant (star)
gecko {m} :: gecko
Gédéon {prop} :: Gideon
geek {mf} :: geek (all senses)
gégène {f} [military, slang] :: "genny", generator; dynamo
gégène {f} :: electroshock torture, gégène
géhenne {f} :: gehenna
Géhenne {prop} :: Gehenna
geignard {adj} :: whining, moaning
geignement {m} :: moaning, whining
geignement {m} :: whimper
geindre {v} :: to moan, groan
geindre {m} [obsolete] :: a worker who kneads dough in a bakery
geisha {f} :: geisha
Geispitzen {prop} :: Geispitzen (commune)
gel {m} :: frost
gel {m} :: gel (suspension of solid in liquid)
gel {m} :: gel (cosmetic preparation)
gélasime {m} [zoology] :: fiddler crab (of the genus Uca, formerly Gelasimus)
gélatine {f} [protein] :: gelatine
gélatineux {adj} :: gelatinous
gelé {adj} :: frozen
gelé {adj} [Quebec] :: stoned
gelée {f} :: frost
gelée {f} :: jelly (wobbly food)
gelée {f} :: jelly-like substance
gelée blanche {f} :: hoarfrost
gelée royale {f} :: royal jelly
geler {v} :: to freeze
geler {v} [impersonal, weather] :: to be very cold
geler à pierre fendre {v} [simile, impersonal, weather] :: to be extremely cold
gel hydroalcoolique {m} :: alcogel (hand sanitizer containing alcohol)
gélifiant {adj} :: gelling
gélifiant {adj} :: gelatinizing
gélifiant {m} :: gelling agent
gélifié {adj} :: jellified
gélifié {adj} :: gelled
gélifraction {f} [geology] :: gelifraction, congeliturbation, cryoclasty
gélinotte {f} :: grouse (one of a number species of grouse)
géliturbation {f} [geology] :: congeliturbation
gélose {f} :: gelose
gélosé {adj} [biology] :: composed of gelose
gélule {f} :: capsule
gelure {f} [often, in the plural] :: frostbite
gématrique {adj} :: gematric, gematrical
gématriquement {adv} :: gematrically
Gémeaux {prop} {mp} :: Gemini (constellation)
Gémeaux {prop} {mp} [astrology] :: Gemini (star sign)
gémellaire {adj} :: twin (attributive)
gémellité {f} :: twinship, twinness
géminal {adj} [chemistry] :: geminal
géminée {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: geminate (double consonant)
gémir {v} :: to moan; to groan
gémissant {adj} :: wailing, whining
gémissement {m} :: moan, groan
gemmacé {adj} :: gemmaceous
gemme {f} :: gemstone, gem
gémonies {fp} [pluralonly] :: The place in Ancient Rome where the bodies of executed people were exposed
gén. {adj} :: abbreviation of génitif
gén. {m} :: abbreviation of génitif
génal {adj} [anatomy] :: of the cheeks; genal
gênant {adj} :: embarrassing
gênant {adj} :: troublesome, inconvenient
gencive {f} [anatomy, usually, in the plural] :: gum
gendarme {m} :: A member of the gendarmerie, a military body charged with police duties
gendarme {m} :: firebug (the insect)
gendarmerie {f} :: The military branch of the French police service
Gendarmerie royale du Canada {prop} {f} [Canada, law enforcement] :: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
gendarmette {f} :: policewoman (specifically a female gendarme)
gendre {m} :: son-in-law
Gendron {prop} :: surname
-gène {suffix} :: -gen, -genic
gène {m} :: gene (unit of heredity)
gêne {f} :: embarrassment
gêne {f} :: discomfort, inconvenience
généalogie {f} :: genealogy (the study of family history)
généalogique {adj} :: genealogical
généalogiquement {adv} :: genealogically (with respect to genealogy)
généalogiste {mf} :: genealogist
génépi {m} :: wormwood
génépi {m} :: A liqueur similar to absinthe
gêner {v} :: to hinder, hamper, bother
gêner {v} :: to bother, annoy, irritate
gêner {v} :: to embarrass
gêner {vr} :: to be bothered about something
général {m} [military] :: general
général {adj} :: general, usual
généralat {m} :: generalship
généralement {adv} :: generally, in general
généralisable {adj} :: generalizable (generally applicable)
généralisateur {adj} :: generalizing
généralisation {f} :: generalisation
généralisé {adj} :: commonplace, ubiquitous, found everywhere
généraliser {v} :: to generalise (all senses)
généraliser {vr} :: to become standard; to spread
généralissime {adj} :: very general
généralissime {m} :: generalissimo
généraliste {mf} :: generalist (person with a broad general knowledge)
généraliste {mf} :: general practitioner
généralité {f} :: generality
généralité {f} :: majority
générateur {m} :: generator
génératif {adj} :: generative
génération {f} :: generation (act of generating)
génération {f} :: generation (rank in genealogy)
générationnel {adj} :: generational
génération spontanée {f} [historical, biology] :: spontaneous generation
génératrice {f} :: generator (electrical)
génératrice {f} [mathematics] :: generatrix
gêner aux entournures {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to embarrass, to inconvenience, to constrain; to make uncomfortable
générer {vt} :: to generate
généreusement {adv} :: generously
généreux {adj} :: generous, kind
générique {m} [cinema, television] :: opening credits or end/closing credits
générique {m} [pharmacology] :: a generic drug
générique {adj} :: genre (used attributively)
générique {adj} :: genericized, generic
générique de début {m} [cinema, television] :: opening credits
générique de fin {m} [cinema, television] :: closing credits, end credits
génériquement {adv} :: generically
générosité {f} :: generosity
Gênes {prop} {m} :: Genoa (town)
Gênes {prop} {m} :: Genoa (province)
-genèse {suffix} :: -genesis
genèse {f} :: genesis
Genèse {prop} {f} :: The Bible book Genesis
génèse {f} :: alternative form of genèse
génésique {adj} :: reproductive
génésique {adj} :: genetic
génésiquement {adv} :: reproductively
génésiquement {adv} :: genetically
genêt {m} :: broom (shrub)
généticien {m} :: geneticist
généticienne {f} :: feminine singular of généticien
génétique {adj} :: genetic
génétique {f} :: genetics
génétiquement {adv} :: genetically
genette {f} :: genet (mammal in genus Genetta)
gêneur {m} :: nuisance
gêneur {m} :: obstacle
gêneuse {f} :: feminine singular of gêneur
Genève {prop} {f} :: Genève (city)
Genève {prop} {f} :: Genève (canton)
Geneviève {prop} :: given name
genevois {adj} :: Genevan
Genevois {m} :: Genevan
genévrier {m} :: juniper (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus)
génial {adj} [literally] :: ingenious, characteristic of a genius
génial {adj} [colloquial] :: great, fantastic, awesome
génialement {adv} :: brilliantly, superbly
génialissime {adj} :: superlative of génial: supergreat
Genie {prop} {f} :: given name
-génie {suffix} :: -genesis
génie {m} :: genie
génie {m} :: genius
génie civil {m} :: civil engineering (technical design and construction of public works and/or equivalent private ones)
génie du mal {m} :: evil genius
génien {adj} [anatomy] :: genian
genièvre {m} :: juniper (Juniperus communis)
genièvre {m} :: jenever
génine {f} [organic chemistry] :: genin
génioglosse {adj} [anatomy] :: genioglossal
-génique {suffix} :: -genic
génique {adj} :: gene (attributive)
génisse {f} :: heifer
génital {adj} :: genital; serving generation
génitalement {adv} :: genitally
géniteur {m} :: progenitor, parent
génitif {adj} :: genitive (of or pertaining to the case of possession)
génitif {m} [grammar] :: genitive, genitive case
génitif absolu {m} [grammar] :: genitive absolute
génito- {prefix} :: genito-
génitofémoral {adj} :: genitofemoral
génitoires {mp} {fp} [archaic or jocular] :: testicles, genitories
génito-urinaire {adj} :: genitourinary
génitrice {f} :: feminine singular of géniteur
Genk {prop} :: Genk (city)
génocidaire {adj} :: genocidal
génocidaire {m} :: genocidaire
génocide {m} :: genocide
génois {adj} :: Genoese, Genovese, Genoan
génois {m} [nautical] :: genoa (sail)
Génois {m} :: Genoan
génoise {f} :: genoise
Génoise {f} :: feminine noun of Génois
génome {m} :: genome (complete genetic information of an organism)
génomique {adj} :: genomic
génotoxique {adj} [genetics] :: genotoxic
génotype {m} [genetics] :: genotype
genou {m} :: knee
genou {m} :: lap
genouillère {f} :: knee pad
genre {m} :: kind
genre {m} :: style
genre {m} [grammar] :: gender (of nouns)
genre {m} [grammar] :: voice (of verbs)
genre {m} [biology] :: genus
genre {m} :: look, type
genre {m} [archaic, colloquial] :: the done thing
genre {particle} [colloquial] :: like
genré {adj} :: genric
genre humain {m} :: humankind, mankind
gens {mp} :: set of people
gens de peu {mp} [often, pejorative] :: the little people, the lower orders (the lower class)
gens du voyage {mp} :: travellers, gypsies
gent {f} [obsolete] :: people, nation
gent {f} [obsolete] :: tribe
gent {f} :: company, those who are in accompaniment
gent {adj} [obsolete or jocular] :: nice, pleasant, or noble, speaking of a person or thing
gentamicine {f} [medicine] :: gentamicin
gentiamarine {f} [organic compound] :: gentiamarin
gentiane {f} :: gentian
gentil {adj} :: helpful, kind
gentil {adj} :: pleasant, amiable, nice
gentil {adj} :: attractive, pretty; also derogative, in the sense of superficial, esp. in the arts
gentil {adj} [idiomatic] :: all very well (c'est bien gentil tout ça, mais "that's all very well, but")
gentil {adj} :: well behaved, good (especially but not only about children, in the sense of good boy/girl)
gentil {adj} :: fairly large, nice, tidy
gentil {m} :: pagan, heretic
gentil {m} :: gentile
gentilé {m} :: demonym
gentilhomme {m} :: gentleman
gentilhommière {f} :: manor house
gentilhommière {f} :: country seat
gentilice {adj} :: gentilician
gentilistique {f} :: demonymy
gentilité {f} :: paganism
gentilité {f} :: idolatry
gentillâtre {m} :: lordling
gentillesse {f} :: kindness; niceness
gentillet {adj} [often, somewhat pejorative] :: pretty nice; nice little
gentiment {adv} :: friendly, kindly (in a friendly or kind manner)
gentiopicrine {f} [organic compound] :: gentiopicrin
gentisine {f} [organic compound] :: gentisin
gentleman {m} :: gentleman, especially an anglophone one
gentrification {f} :: gentrification
génuflexer {v} :: to genuflect
génuflexion {f} :: genuflection (the act of genuflecting, in the sense of bowing down)
génuflexionner {v} :: to genuflect
géo- {prefix} :: geo-
géo {f} [colloquial] :: geography course or exam
géoarchéologie {f} [geology, archaeology] :: geoarchaeology
géoblocage {m} [computing, internet] :: geoblocking, geo-blocking
géocentrique {adj} :: geocentric
géocentriquement {adv} :: geocentrically
géocentrisme {m} :: geocentrism
géochimie {f} [geology, chemistry] :: geochemistry
géochimique {adj} [geology, chemistry] :: geochemical
géochimiste {mf} [geology, chemistry] :: geochemist
géochronologie {f} [geology] :: geochronology
géoclimatique {adj} :: geoclimatic
géocoucou {m} :: roadrunner
géode {f} :: Geode
géodésie {f} :: geodesy (scientific discipline)
géodésique {adj} :: geodetic
géodésiquement {adv} :: geodetically
géodynamique {f} [geology] :: geodynamics
géodynamique {adj} [geology] :: geodynamic
géoéconomie {f} :: geoeconomy
géoéconomie {f} :: geoeconomics
Geoffroy {prop} {m} :: given name
Geoffroy {prop} {m} :: surname
géoglyphe {m} :: geoglyph
géognosie {f} [obsolete] :: geognosy
géognostique {adj} :: geognostic
géographe {mf} :: geographer
géographie {f} :: geography (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth)
géographique {adj} :: geographic
géographique {adj} :: geographical
géographiquement {adv} :: geographically
géohydrographie {f} :: geohydrography
géohydrographique {adj} :: geohydrographic
géohydrologie {f} [geology] :: geohydrology, hydrogeology
géoïde {m} :: geoid
geôle {f} :: jail, prison, gaol
geôlier {m} :: jailer, gaoler
geôlière {f} :: female equivalent of geôlier
géolinguistique {adj} :: geolinguistic
géolinguistiquement {adv} :: geolinguistically
géolocalisation {f} :: geolocalization
géolocaliser {v} :: To geolocate
géolocation {f} :: geolocation (coordinates)
géologie {f} :: geology
geologique {adj} :: alternative form of géologique
géologique {adj} :: geological
géologiquement {adv} :: geologically (with respect to geology)
géologue {mf} :: geologist
géomagnétique {adj} [geology, physics] :: geomagnetic
géomagnétisme {m} [geology, physics] :: geomagnetism
géomancie {f} :: geomancy
géomatériau {m} [geology] :: geomaterial
géomatique {adj} :: geomatic
géomatique {f} :: geomatics
géomécanique {adj} [geology] :: geomechanical
géomécanique {f} [geology] :: geomechanics
géométral {adj} :: geometral
géométralement {adv} :: geometrally
géomètre {mf} :: a surveyor
géométrie {f} [mathematics] :: geometry
géométrique {adj} :: geometric
géométriquement {adv} :: geometrically (with respect to geometry)
géométriser {v} :: to geometrize
géomorphologie {f} :: geomorphology
géomorphologique {adj} :: geomorphological
géomorphologue {mf} :: geomorphologist
géoneutrino {m} [physics] :: geoneutrino
géonomie {f} :: geonomy
géophysicien {m} [physics, geology] :: geophysicist
géophysicienne {f} :: feminine noun of géophysicien
géophysique {f} [geology, physics] :: geophysics
géophysique {adj} [geology, physics] :: geophysical
géopoliticien {m} :: geopolitician
géopolitique {adj} :: geopolitical
géopolitique {f} :: geopolitics
géopolitologue {mf} :: geopolitical political scientist
géopolymère {m} :: geopolymer
géoradar {f} :: ground-penetrating radar
Georges {prop} :: given name
Georges {prop} :: surname
Georgescu {prop} :: surname
Georgette {prop} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Georges
Géorgie {prop} {f} :: Georgia (The Caucasian country)
Géorgie {prop} {f} :: Georgia (U.S. state)
géorgien {m} :: Georgian, the Georgian language
géorgien {adj} :: Georgian (relating to the country Georgia)
géorgien {adj} :: Georgian (relating to the US State Georgia)
Géorgien {m} :: A Georgian, person from the Transcaucasian country Georgia
Géorgien {m} :: A Georgian, inhabitant of the US State
Géorgienne {f} :: feminine noun of Géorgien
géoscience {f} [geology] :: geoscience
géosphère {f} :: geosphere
géostationnaire {adj} :: geostationary
géostatistique {f} :: geostatistics
géostatistique {adj} :: geostatistic
géostratégie {f} :: geostrategy
géostratégique {adj} :: geostrategic
géostratégiste {mf} :: geostrategist
géosystème {m} :: geosystem
géotaxisme {m} [biology] :: geotaxis
géotechnicien {m} :: geotechnician
géotechnique {m} :: geotechnics, geotechnology
géotechnique {adj} :: geotechnical
géotechniquement {adv} :: geotechnically
géotectonique {adj} [geology] :: geotectonic
géothermal {adj} :: geothermal
géotherme {m} :: geotherm
géothermie {f} :: geothermal energy or science
géothermique {adj} :: geothermal
géotrope {adj} :: geotropic
géotropisme {m} [biology] :: geotropism
gérable {adj} :: manageable
Gérald {prop} :: given name
Géraldine {prop} {f} :: given name
gérance {f} :: management
géranial {m} [organic compound] :: geranial
géraniine {f} [organic compound] :: geraniin
géranine {f} [organic compound] :: geranin
géraniol {m} [organic compound] :: geraniol
géranium {f} :: geranium
gérant {m} [Quebec, business, sports] :: manager
gérante {f} :: feminine noun of gérant
géranyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: geranyl
Gérard {prop} {m} :: given name
Gérard {prop} {m} :: surname
gerbable {adj} :: stackable
gerbe {f} [agriculture] :: sheaf (of wheat)
gerbe {f} :: spray, bouquet (of flowers)
gerbe {f} :: collection, anthology (of pieces of literature)
gerbe {f} [heraldry] :: garb
gerbe {f} [historical] :: tithe on crops under the Ancien Régime
gerbe {f} [slang] :: puke, throw up (vomit)
gerber {v} :: to sheave
gerber {v} [slang] :: To puke, to throw up
gerbeuse {f} :: a female vomiter
gerbille {f} :: gerbil
gerboise {f} :: jerboa
gercé {adj} :: chapped
gercer {vit} :: to chap, become chapped
gerçure {f} :: crack
Gereaux {prop} :: surname
gérer {v} :: to manage
gérer {v} [slang] :: to rock
gerfaut {m} :: gyrfalcon
Gergovie {prop} :: Gergovia
gergovien {adj} :: Gergovian
Gergovien {m} :: Gergovian
Gergovienne {f} :: feminine noun of Gergovien
gériatrie {f} [medicine] :: geriatrics
gériatrique {adj} :: geriatric
germain {adj} :: german (having the same mother and father)
germain {adj} :: Germanic, German
Germain {prop} :: given name
Germain {m} [rare] :: German (someone from Germany)
Germaine {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Germain
germandrée {f} :: germander (of genus Teucrium)
germanène {f} :: germanene
Germanie {prop} [historical] :: Germania, a region inhabited by Germanic peoples
Germanie {prop} [rare] :: Germany
germanique {adj} :: Germanic
germanisation {f} :: Germanization (Making more German)
germaniser {v} :: To Germanize
germanisme {m} :: Germanism (a word or idiom of the German language)
germaniste {mf} :: Germanist
germaniste {adj} :: Germanist; Germanistic
germanité {f} :: Germanness
germanium {m} :: germanium
germano- {prefix} :: Germano-
germanomanie {f} :: Germanomania
germanophile {adj} :: Germanophile
germanophile {mf} :: Germanophile
germanophone {adj} :: German-speaking
germanophone {mf} :: German speaker
germanopratin {adj} :: pertaining to, or from Saint-Germain-des-Prés
Germanopratin {m} :: native or inhabitant of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
Germanopratine {f} :: feminine noun of Germanopratin
germe {m} :: germ (small mass of cells)
germe {m} :: seed
germe {m} :: bulb (of onion, garlic etc.)
germe {m} [figuratively] :: seed (the principle cause)
germer {v} :: to germinate
germinal {adj} :: germinal
germinal {m} [historical] :: Germinal (the seventh month of the French Republican Calendar)
germinatif {adj} :: germinative
Gérôme {prop} :: given name
gérondif {m} [grammar] :: a syntactical construction of French composed of the present participle preceded with the preposition en, used to express simultaneity or manner; an adverbial participle
gérondif {m} :: a Latin gerundive, a verbal adjective expressing necessity
gérondif {m} :: an English gerund
gérondif {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gérondif
géronto- {prefix} :: geronto-
gérontocratie {f} :: gerontocracy
gérontologie {f} :: gerontology (branch of science)
gérontologique {adj} :: gerontological
gérontologue {mf} :: gerontologist
Gers {prop} {m} :: Gers
Gervais {prop} {m} :: given name
Gervaise {prop} {f} :: given name, a rare feminine form of Gervais ( Gervase)
gerzeau {m} [obsolete] :: Agrostemma githago (common corn-cockle)
gerzeau {m} [obsolete] :: vetch
gerzeau {m} [obsolete] :: vetchling
GES {m} :: abbreviation of gaz à effet de serre (greenhouse gas)
gésier {m} :: gizzard
gésir {vi} [literary] :: to lie (to be in a horizontal position)
gésir {vi} :: to lie (to be left in a horizontal position)
gésir {vi} :: to be located
gésir {vi} :: to be buried, hidden
gesse {f} :: vetchling
gesse {f} :: sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
gessette {f} :: red vetchling (Lathyrus cicera)
gestation {f} :: gestation
geste {m} :: gesture
geste {m} :: move, motion
geste {f} :: saga, especially a cycle of poems in the epic, literary style of the Middle Ages
gesticulant {adj} :: gesticulating
gesticulation {f} :: gesticulation
gesticuler {v} :: to gesticulate (make gestures)
gestion {f} :: administration
gestion {f} :: management, control
gestionnaire {mf} :: manager
gestionnaire {adj} :: managerial, relating to management
gestuel {adj} :: gestural
gestuelle {f} :: gesture, gest, movement
Gethsémané {prop} :: Gethsemane
getter {m} [object-oriented] :: getter
gétule {mf} :: A member of a Berber tribe (the Gaetuli) that occupied Getulia in southern Morocco
GEU {f} [medicine] :: initialism of grossesse extra-utérine
gewurztraminer {m} :: Gewürztraminer (grape and wine)
geyser {m} [geology] :: geyser
GG {m} [politics] :: abbreviation of gouverneur-générale
GG {f} [politics] :: abbreviation of gouverneure-générale
Ghana {prop} {m} :: Ghana (country)
ghanéen {adj} :: Ghanaian
Ghanéen {m} :: Ghanaian (person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent)
Ghanéenne {f} :: feminine noun of Ghanéen
ghassoul {m} :: A kind of saponifying vulcanic clay used for hair and skin care
ghetto {m} :: ghetto
ghettoïsation {f} :: ghettoization
ghettoïser {vt} :: to ghettoize
Ghiolof {prop} {m} :: Ghiolof (former country)
Ghiolof {m} :: An inhabitant of the country of Ghiolof
Ghislain {prop} {m} :: given name, masculine of Ghislaine
Ghislaine {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine of Ghislain
ghourd {m} [geology] :: A type of pyramidal dune found in the Sahara (a star dune)
ghréline {f} [biochemistry] :: ghrelin
Ghyslaine {prop} {f} :: given name
gibbeux {adj} :: gibbous
gibbeux {adj} :: gibbose
gibbon {m} :: Gibbon
gibbosité {f} :: gibbosity
gibbsite {f} [mineral] :: gibbsite
gibecière {f} :: gamebag
gibecière {f} :: shoulder bag
gibelin {adj} :: Ghibelline
Gibelin {m} :: Ghibelline
giberne {f} :: cartridge box
gibet {m} [literary] :: gallows, gibbet
gibier {m} :: game (wild animal hunted for food)
gibier de potence {m} :: gallows bird (someone destined for or deserving punishment by hanging)
gibioctet {m} :: gibibyte
giboulée {f} [meteorology] :: downpour, cloudburst (sudden burst of rain)
gibouler {v} [rare, archaic, impersonal, ] :: to pour down
giboyeux {adj} :: full of game, game-filled
Gibraltar {prop} {m} :: Gibraltar: overseas territory of the United Kingdom at the southern end of the Iberian peninsula
gibraltarien {adj} :: Gibraltarian
Gibraltarien {m} :: A Gibraltarian
Gibraltarienne {f} :: female equivalent of Gibraltarien
gibranien {adj} :: Gibranian
giclée {f} :: squirt, spray (act of squirting)
giclée {f} :: burst of machine-gun fire
gicler {v} :: to squirt, to spurt
gicleur {f} :: jet (of water)
gicleur {f} :: nozzle
gicleur {f} :: sprinkler (for a building)
gifle {f} [archaic] :: cheek
gifle {f} :: slap; slap in the face
gifler {v} :: to slap (on the face)
giga- {prefix} :: giga-
gigaélectronvolt {m} :: gigaelectron volt
gigaflop {m} [computing] :: gigaflop
gigakatal {m} :: gigakatal
gigantesque {adj} :: gigantic
gigantesquement {adv} :: massively; hugely; enormously
gigantisme {m} :: gigantism
gigantisme abyssal {m} :: deep-sea gigantism
gigaoctet {m} [computing] :: gigabyte
Gigi {prop} {f} :: given name
GIGN {prop} :: initialism of Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale
Gignac {prop} :: surname
gigogne {adj} :: nesting (composed of many elements, each fitting in a bigger one)
gigolette {f} [cooking] :: shoulder of rabbit or thigh of poultry (when cooked)
gigolette {f} [dated, slang] :: young prostitute, or promiscuous young woman
gigolo {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: gigolo
gigot {m} :: leg (of lamb)
gigoter {vit} :: to wriggle (about)
gigue {f} [music] :: string instrument, roughly in the form of a mandoline (c. 1120–50)
gigue {f} [dancing] :: lively and gay dance originary from the British Isles, gigue, jig
gigue {f} [music] :: musical melody, to be danced in the way of a gigue
gigue {f} [familiar] :: long leg, tall and skinny girl, haunch of some animals especially venison (19th century)
gigue {f} [colloquial] :: disorderly way of dancing (danser la gigue), twerk of the hips (gigue des fesses; early 20th century)
gigue {f} :: a small boat, gig
gigue {f} [telecommunications] :: jitter
Gilbert {prop} :: given name
Gilberte {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Gilbert
gilet {m} :: waistcoat, vest
gilet {m} :: sweater
gilet de sauvetage {m} :: life jacket, life vest
gilet jaune {m} :: See: fr gilet jaune
gilet jaune {m} :: a yellow high-visibility safety vest
gilet jaune {m} [by extension, colloquial, metonymy] :: a motorway patroller, who wears such a vest
gilet jaune {m} [by extension, France, metonymy] :: a member of a French protest movement which started in late 2018 against rising fuel prices; members of the movement wore such vests
gilet pare-balles {m} :: bulletproof vest
Gilles {prop} :: given name
Gillette {prop} :: surname
gillotage {m} :: zincography
gimmick {m} :: gimmick
gin {m} :: gin
gineste {f} :: Spanish broom (Spartium junceum)
Ginette {prop} {f} :: given name, a diminutive of Geneviève
gingembre {m} :: ginger (spice)
gingeolier {m} :: lote tree, jujube tree
gingérol {m} [organic compound] :: gingerol
gingivite {f} [pathology] :: gingivitis
gingivostomatite {f} [pathology] :: gingivostomatitis
ginglyme {m} [anatomy] :: ginglymus, hinge joint
ginglymoïdal {adj} [anatomy] :: ginglymoid, ginglymoidal
Gingras {prop} :: Gingras; surname
ginseng {m} :: ginseng (plant)
girafe {f} :: giraffe
girafe {f} :: boom (pole supporting a microphone)
girafeau {m} :: baby giraffe
girafon {m} :: baby giraffe
Girard {prop} {m} :: surname based on the given name Gérard
Girardeau {prop} :: surname
Girardot {prop} :: surname
giratoire {adj} :: gyratory
giratoire {m} [Switzerland] :: roundabout
girer {vit} [rare, dated] :: to turn
girevoy {m} :: kettlebell (sport)
girobroyeur {m} [agriculture] :: rotary mower, rotary crusher, flail mower
girofle {m} :: clove (the plant)
giroflée {f} :: wallflower (plant)
giroflier {m} :: clove plant
Giroir {prop} :: surname
girolle {f} :: chanterelle (mushroom)
giron {m} :: lap (of a person)
giron {m} [figuratively] :: bosom
giron {m} [heraldry] :: gyron
giron {m} [architecture] :: tread, run (of a step)
girond {adj} :: fine, attractive (especially of a woman)
Gironde {prop} {m} :: Gironde
girondin {adj} :: of or from the department of Gironde
girondin {adj} :: connected with FC Girondins de Bordeaux, a football team in Bordeaux
Girondin {m} :: Girondist
Girondin {m} :: Someone from the department of Gironde
Girondin {m} :: Someone connected with FC Girondins de Bordeaux, a football team in Bordeaux
Girondine {f} :: feminine noun of Girondin
girophare {m} :: alternative form of gyrophare
Giroud {prop} :: surname
girouette {f} :: Weathercock, weather vane
girouette {f} [figurative] :: A fickle person
Giroux {prop} :: surname
gisant {adj} :: lying (in a horizontal position)
Giscard {prop} :: surname
giscardien {adj} :: Giscardian
Gisèle {prop} :: given name, a popular spelling variant of Giselle
Giselle {prop} :: given name
gisement {m} :: deposit (of oil, minerals); bed (of coal, ore etc.)
gitan {adj} :: gypsy
gitan {m} :: gypsy
gîte {m} :: shelter; lodging
gîte {m} :: gîte (self-catering holiday home)
gîte {m} :: beef shin
gîte {f} [nautical] :: list (inclination of a ship)
giter {v} :: alternative form of gîter
gîter {vi} [nautical] :: to list, heel over
gîter {vi} [archaic, literary] :: to (take) shelter, rest
gîte touristique {m} :: bed and breakfast
giton {m} :: male (homosexual) prostitute
Givenchy {prop} :: Part of the name of three communes in Pas-de-Calais
givrage {m} :: icing up
givre {m} :: frost (icy coating)
givre {m} :: hoarfrost, rime
givré {adj} :: frosted; covered with frost or a thin pale layer resembling frost
givré {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy, nuts
givrer {v} :: to ice up
givrer {v} :: to glaze
glabre {adj} :: hairless
glaçage {m} :: icing (sugary substance)
glace {f} :: ice
glace {f} :: ice cream
glace {f} :: glass
glace {f} :: mirror
glacé {adj} :: icy, frozen
glacé {adj} :: glazed, glacé
glace carbonique {f} :: dry ice, cardice
glacer {vt} :: to freeze; to turn to ice
glacer {vt} [figuratively] :: to freeze
glacer {v} :: to ice (cover with icing)
glacer {vr} [se glacer] :: to turn to ice (become ice)
glacerie {f} :: The manufacture and sale of ice-cream
glacerie {f} :: a gelateria, ice cream parlor
glacerie {f} :: The manufacture and sale of mirrors
glacer le sang {v} [figuratively] :: to make someone's blood run cold, to make someone's blood curdle
glace sèche {f} [Quebec] :: dry ice, cardice
glaciaire {adj} :: glacial
glacial {adj} :: glacial [all meanings]
glacialement {adv} :: glacially
glaciation {f} :: glaciation
glacier {m} :: glacier
glacier {m} :: ice cream parlor
glacière {f} :: icehouse (a deep cellar or outdoor building used for the storage of ice)
glacière {f} :: ice cave
glacière {f} :: icebox
glacière {f} :: ice chest, coolbox
glacière {f} [figuratively] :: freezer (a very cold place)
glaciologie {f} :: glaciology
glaciologique {adj} :: glaciological
glaciologue {mf} :: glaciologist
glaçon {m} :: icicle
glaçon {m} :: ice cube, block of ice
glaçure {f} :: glaze (on ceramics)
gladiateur {m} :: gladiator
gladiatrice {f} :: gladiatrix; feminine noun of gladiateur (female gladiator)
glagolitique {adj} :: Glagolitic
glaïeul {m} :: gladiolus (plant)
glaire {f} [archaic] :: egg white, glair
glaire {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: phlegm, mucus
glairine {f} :: glairin
glaise {f} :: clay
glaise {f} [figuratively] :: earth
glaiser {v} :: to clay, spread clay onto
glaiseux {adj} :: clayey
glaive {m} :: gladius, short sword
glaive {m} [figuratively] :: sword
glamour {m} :: glamour
glamour {adj} :: glamorous
glamouriser {v} :: to glamorize (make more glamorous)
glanage {m} :: a gathering, a gleaning
gland {m} :: acorn
gland {m} [anatomy] :: glans
gland {m} :: tassel
gland {m} [vulgar, slang] :: (of a person) prick, wanker, bell end
glande {f} [biology] :: gland
glande {f} [medicine, non-technical] :: swollen lymph node
glande {f} [medicine, non-technical] :: tumor, growth
glande {f} [slang] :: laze, lazing around, sloth
glande pinéale {f} :: pineal gland
glander {vt} [slang] :: to do
glander {vi} [slang] :: to loaf around, to bum around, to cabbage
glande salivaire {f} [anatomy] :: salivary gland
glande surrénale {f} [anatomy] :: adrenal gland
glandeur {m} :: layabout
glandeuse {f} :: feminine noun of glandeur
glandouiller {vi} :: to do nothing; to bum around all day
glandulaire {adj} :: glandular
glanduleux {adj} :: glandular
glane {f} :: the act of gleaning
glane {f} :: sheatfish, wels catfish
Glâne {prop} {f} [river] :: a tributary of the Saane
Glâne {prop} {f} [District de la Glâne] :: a district in the Canton of Fribourg in Switzerland
Glâne {prop} {f} [la Petite Glâne] :: one of two districts in either Payerne, Vaud or Broye_District, Fribourg
Glâne {prop} {f} [les Glânes] :: an ancient community associated with modern Romont
glaner {v} :: to gather, to glean
glaneur {m} :: picker, gatherer
glaneuse {f} :: female equivalent of glaneur
glapir {v} :: to yelp, bark
glapir {v} [of person] :: to shriek
glapissement {m} :: yelp; squeaking
glas {m} :: (funeral) bell
glas {m} [figuratively] :: death knell (omen)
glaucienne {f} :: synonym of glaucier
glaucier {m} :: A type of poppy of the genus Glaucium
glaucière {f} :: alternative form of glaucier
glaucique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glaucic
glaucome {m} [pathology] :: glaucoma
glaucophane {mf} [mineral] :: glaucophane
glauque {adj} [color] :: glaucous (of a pale green colour)
glauque {adj} [figuratively] :: sinister, ominous, worrying
glauquement {adv} :: glaucously
glauquement {adv} :: ominously
glaviot {m} [slang] :: expectoration, gob
glèbe {f} [archaic] :: glebe
glèbe {f} :: turf, territory
glène {f} [anatomy] :: glenoid
glénoïdal {adj} :: glenoid, glenoidal
glénoïde {adj} :: glenoid
glénoïdien {adj} :: glenoid
glie {f} [anatomy] :: glia
gliome {m} [medicine] :: glioma
glissade {f} :: slip, slide, skid
glissando {m} [music] :: glissando
glissant {adj} :: slippery (which tends to cause slipping)
glisse {f} [colloquial] :: skiing
glisse {f} [skiing] :: glide
glissement {m} :: slip, slide
glissement de terrain {m} :: landslide
glisser {vi} :: to slip, to slide, to skid
glisser {vi} :: to glide
glisser {v} [music] :: to slide
glisseur {m} :: slider (person who slides)
glisseur {m} [physics] :: couple (turning force, masculine only)
glisseuse {f} :: feminine singular of glisseur
glissière {f} :: slide, chute
glissoire {f} :: slide (made of ice, normally by children to slide for fun)
global {adj} [originally] :: global, spherical; (hence) concerning the whole world
global {adj} :: as a whole, on the whole; total
globalement {adv} :: overall
globalement {adv} :: globally
globalisation {f} :: globalization
globaliste {adj} :: globalist
globaliste {mf} :: globalist
globalité {f} :: entirety, totality
globe {m} :: globe
globetrotteur {m} :: globetrotter (person who travels often to faraway places)
globine {f} [protein] :: globin
globish {m} :: Globish
globulaire {adj} :: globular
globule {m} :: globule
globule {m} :: blood cell
globule blanc {m} [cytology] :: white blood cell, leukocyte
globule rouge {m} [cytology] :: red blood cell
globuleux {adj} :: globular
globuleux {adj} :: protruding (eyes)
globuline {f} [protein] :: globulin
gloire {f} :: glory
glomaline {f} [protein] :: glomalin
glomérule {m} [botany] :: glomerule
glomérule {m} [anatomy] :: glomerulus
gloriette {f} [architecture] :: gloriette (pavilion or similar structure in an elevated position)
glorieusement {adv} :: gloriously
glorieux {adj} :: glorious
Glorieux {prop} [Quebec, ice hockey, slang] :: the Montreal Canadiens (a professional ice hockey club in Montreal)
glorificateur {adj} :: glorifying, aggrandising
glorification {f} :: glorification
glorification {f} :: aggrandizement
glorifier {v} :: laud, glorify
gloriole {f} :: Vainglory derived from small things
glose {f} :: gloss (explanatory note)
gloser {v} :: to annotate, gloss
gloser {v} :: to ramble on (sur about)
glossaire {m} :: glossary (list of words with their definitions)
glossectomie {f} [surgery] :: glossectomy
glossien {adj} :: glossal
glossographie {f} :: glossography
glossolalie {f} :: glossolalia
glottal {adj} [anatomy] :: pertaining to the glottis, glottal
glottal {adj} [phonetics] :: articulated with the glottis, glottal
glotte {f} [anatomy] :: glottis
glottique {adj} :: glottal (of or relating to the glottis)
glottochronologie {f} :: glottochronology
glou {interj} :: glug
gloubi-boulga {m} [colloquial] :: Something unorganized, shapeless, having nothing recognizable
gloubi-boulga {m} [colloquial] :: Gibberish, gobbledygook
glouglou {m} :: gurgle
glougloutant {adj} :: gobbling
glougloutant {adj} :: gurgling
glougloutement {m} :: gurgling (sound)
glouglouter {vi} :: to gobble [like a turkey]
glouglouter {vi} :: to gurgle
glouglouteur {m} :: fermentation lock
gloussement {m} :: cluck (sound made by a chicken)
gloussement {m} :: gobble (sound made by a turkey)
glousser {v} :: to cluck (make the noise of a chicken)
glousser {v} :: to gobble (make the noise of a turkey)
glousser {v} :: to chortle, to giggle
glouton {adj} [of a man or animal] :: gluttonous; devouring or engulfing one's food greedily
glouton {adj} [figuratively] :: gluttonous; having a great greed toward something
glouton {m} :: Glutton or wolverine, a mammalian carnivore of the Arctic regions resembling a small bear with a hairy tail
glouton {m} :: Glutton; a person or animal who eats his food greedily
gloutonnement {adv} :: gluttonishly; in the manner of a glutton
gloutonnerie {f} :: gluttony
glu {f} :: glue
glu {f} :: birdlime (sticky substance to catch birds)
gluant {adj} :: sticky, gummy
glucane {m} [carbohydrate] :: glucan
glucide {m} [chemistry] :: carbohydrate, saccharide
glucidique {adj} :: saccharidic; carbohydrate (attributive)
gluckien {adj} :: Gluckian
glucocorticoïde {m} :: glucocorticoid
glucogalline {f} [organic compound] :: glucogallin
glucogénique {adj} [biochemistry] :: glucogenic
glucomètre {m} :: glucometer
gluconéogenèse {f} [biochemistry] :: gluconeogenesis
gluconique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: gluconic
glucosane {m} :: synonym of glucane
glucosazone {f} [organic compound] :: glucosazone
glucose {m} :: glucose
glucoser {v} :: to glucose (add glucose)
glucuroconjugaison {f} [biochemistry] :: glucuronidation
glucuronique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glucuronic
gluino {m} :: gluino
glumacé {adj} :: glumaceous
gluon {m} [physics] :: gluon
glutamate {m} :: glutamate
glutamique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glutamic
glutaraldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: glutaraldehyde
glutarique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glutaric
glutathion {m} [biochemistry] :: glutathione
glutathiosélénol {m} [biochemistry] :: glutathioselenol
glutéal {adj} [anatomy] :: gluteal
gluten {m} :: gluten
gluténine {f} [protein] :: glutenin
glutineux {adj} :: glutinous
glycémie {f} [pathology] :: glycemia; blood sugar level
glycémique {adj} :: glycemic
glycéraldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: glyceraldehyde
glycérate {f} [organic chemistry] :: glycerate
glycéride {m} [organic chemistry] :: glyceride
glycérine {f} [organic compound] :: glycerine (the compound glycerol)
glycérique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glyceric
glycérol {m} [organic compound] :: glycerol
glycérophosphate {m} [organic chemistry] :: glycerophosphate
glycérophosphatide {m} [organic chemistry] :: glycerophosphatide, phosphoglyceride
glycérophospholipide {m} [biochemistry] :: glycerophospholipid
glycérophosphorique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glycerophosphoric
glycérose {m} [carbohydrate] :: glycerose
glycéryle {m} [organic chemistry] :: glyceryl
glycine {f} [botany, usually, uncountable] :: wisteria
glycine {f} [amino acid] :: glycine
glycinémie {f} [pathology] :: glycinemia
glyco- {prefix} :: glyco-
glycocholique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glycocholic
glycocolle {f} [organic compound] :: glycocoll
glycogène {m} :: glycogen
glycogenèse {f} :: glycogenesis
glycogénie {f} :: glycogenesis
glycogénique {adj} :: glycogenic
glycogénolyse {m} [biochemistry] :: glycogenolysis
glycogénose {m} [pathology] :: glycogenosis
glycolaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: glycolaldehyde
glycolase {f} [enzyme] :: glycosylase
glycolipide {m} [biochemistry] :: glycolipid
glycolique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glycolic
glycolyse {f} [biochemistry] :: glycolysis
glycoprotéine {f} [biochemistry] :: glycoprotein
glycosaminoglycane {m} [biochemistry] :: glycosaminoglycan
glycosidique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glycosidic
glycosphingolipide {m} [biochemistry] :: glycosphingolipid
glymphatique {adj} [biology] :: glymphatic
glyoxylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glyoxylic
glyphe {m} [typography] :: glyph
glyphosate {m} :: glyphosate
glyptique {f} :: glyptics
glyptographie {f} :: glyptography
GN {m} :: abbreviation of gaz naturel
GN {m} :: abbreviation of groupe nominal
gnangnan {adj} [colloquial] :: soppy, namby-pamby
gnaphale {m} :: cudweed (of the genus Gnaphalium)
gnaque {f} :: competitive spirit, fighting spirit
gnaque {f} [colloquial] :: drive
gnard {m} [slang] :: kid
gnathosome {m} :: gnathosome
gniape {f} [Louisiana French] :: Something that is added, especially something that a merchant gives to a buyer to complete the amount requested, or something extra given as a bonus; a gratuity, lagniappe
gniard {m} :: alternative form of gnard
GNL {m} :: abbreviation of gaz naturel liquéfié (liquide de gaz naturel - LGN) - LNG (liquified natural gas)
gnocchi {m} :: gnocchi
gnochon {m} [Quebec] :: imbecile
gnochon {adj} [Quebec] :: imbecilic
gnognote {f} :: Something of little value, or obtained with little difficulty
gnognotte {f} :: alternative form of gnognote
gnôle {f} [slang] :: hooch
gnome {m} :: gnome
gnomon {n} :: gnomon
gnon {m} [slang] :: bash, blow
gnon {m} [slang] :: dent
gnoquer {vt} :: to grok
gnose {f} :: gnosis
gnosticisme {m} :: Gnosticism
gnostique {m} :: gnostic, an adherent of Gnosticism
gnou {m} :: gnu (large antelope)
gnouf {m} [slang] :: prison, jankers
go {m} :: go (board game)
go {m} :: alternative form of gau
go {f} :: kweng, girl
Go {symbol} :: Abbreviation of gigaoctet; GB (gigabyte)
goal {m} :: goalkeeper especially in soccer and polo
goal {m} [rare] :: target in those sports
Gobeil {prop} :: surname
gobelet {m} :: goblet, cup
gobelet {m} :: beaker
gobelet {m} :: tumbler
gobelin {m} :: a gnome, such as the evil goblin
gobe-mouche {m} :: flycatcher
gobe-mouche {m} :: A naive, gullible person
gobemouche {m} :: flycatcher
gobemouche {m} :: A naive, gullible person
gobemouche noir {m} :: European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
gober {v} :: to swallow whole
gober {v} [figuratively] :: to believe easily, without evidence; to buy
gober {v} [France, slang] :: to ingest drugs, especially ecstasy or LSD
goberge {f} :: slat of a bed
goberge {f} [Canada] :: saithe; coalfish; coley; pollock
gobeur {m} :: a swallower, someone who swallows
gobeur {m} [figurative] :: an easy and often gullible believer, someone who believes everything people say without their own judgment
gobeur {m} [France, slang] :: a drug user, especially one who uses hallucinogens
gobeuse {f} :: feminine noun of gobeur
Godard {prop} :: surname
godasse {f} [colloquial] :: shoe
Godbout {prop} :: surname
goddam {m} [chiefly in the plural, ethnic slur] :: an English person
gode {m} [slang] :: dildo
Godefroy {prop} {m} :: given name
Godeleine {prop} :: given name
Godeliève {prop} :: given name
godelureau {m} :: coxcomb, dandy
godemiché {m} :: a dildo in the shape of a penis with a scrotum
godemichet {m} :: dildo, godemiche
godet {m} :: godet
godiche {adj} :: clumsy, gawky
godille {f} [nautical] :: sculling oar
godille {f} :: wedeln
godiller {vt} :: to scull
godiller {vt} :: to wedeln
godillot {m} [archaic, military] :: combat boot
godillot {m} [colloquial] :: clodhopper
godmiché {m} :: alternative form of godemiché
goéland {m} :: gull, herring gull
goëland {m} :: [outdated] alternative spelling of goéland
goéland argenté {m} :: European herring gull (Larus argentatus)
goéland d'Arménie {m} :: Armenian gull (Larus armenicus)
goéland de la Véga {m} :: Vega gull (Larus vegae)
goéland hudsonien {m} :: American herring gull (Larus smithsonianus)
goéland leucophée {m} :: Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis)
goéland pontique {m} :: Caspian gull (Larus cachinnans)
goélette {f} :: schooner
goémon {m} :: wrack (seaweed)
goémon {m} :: kelp
goëmon {m} :: alternative spelling of goémon
goémonier {m} :: Ship that harvests kelp
goémonier {m} :: A member of the crew of such a ship
goëmonier {m} :: alternative spelling of goémonier
goethien {adj} :: Goethean
goethite {f} :: goethite
gogo {m} :: dupe
gogol {m} :: googol
gogol {m} [pejorative] :: idiot
gogole {f} :: feminine singular of gogol
gogolplex {m} :: googolplex
gogue {f} [regional, culinary] :: ragout made with sausages and herbs
gogue {f} [dated] :: joke; fun
goguenard {adj} :: mocking
goguette {f} :: spree
goguette {f} :: tipsiness
goguette {f} :: a playful mood
goguette {f} [historical, music] :: glee club, singing society
goguettier {m} :: singer of merry songs
goinfre {mf} :: pig (a gluttonous person)
goinfrer {vr} :: to pig out, to stuff oneself
goinfrerie {f} [slang] :: pigging out
goitre {m} :: goitre
goitreux {adj} :: goitrous
goja {f} [religion, obsolete] :: Christian woman
Goldfarb {prop} :: surname
Goldkopf {prop} :: surname
goldonien {adj} :: Goldonian
Goldstein {prop} :: surname
goléador {m} [football] :: goal scorer; attacker (who scores many goals)
golf {m} :: golf
golfe {m} [geography] :: gulf
golfe du Mexique {prop} {m} :: Gulf of Mexico (gulf between USA and Mexico)
golfer {v} :: to golf; play golf
golfeur {m} :: golfer
golfeuse {f} :: feminine noun of golfeur
golfique {adj} :: golf (attributive)
golgien {adj} :: Golgi (attributive)
goliard {m} :: Goliard
golri {v} [verlan, backslang] :: to laugh
golyèdre {m} [geometry] :: golyhedron
golygone {m} :: golygon
gombette {adj} [obsolete, legal] :: Relating to the old Burgundian system of law
gombo {m} :: okra
gombo {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: gumbo, a soup or stew made with okra
gombo {m} [Louisiana French] :: A name for the Louisiana Creole French language
gomi {f} {m} [nouchi] :: girlfriend (a female with a romantic relationship)
gomina {f} :: hair gel
gominé {adj} :: slicked-down
gominer {v} :: to apply hair gel, to style one's hair
gommage {m} :: erasing, rubbing-out
gommage {m} :: scouring
gommage {m} :: exfoliation, scrub that exfoliates the skin
gomme {f} :: rubber, eraser
gomme {f} [Canada, Louisiana French] :: gum, chewing gum
gomme {f} :: gum (adhesive on an envelope)
gommer {v} :: to gum
gommer {v} :: to erase, rub out
gommeux {adj} :: gummy
gommeux {adj} :: stylish, dandy
gommier {m} :: gum, gumtree
gomor {m} :: omer (measure)
Gomorrhe {prop} :: Gomorrah
gomphose {f} [anatomy] :: gomphosis
gonade {f} [anatomy] :: gonad
gonadotrophine {f} [hormone] :: gonadotrophin
gonarthrose {f} [pathology] :: gonarthrosis
gonçalviste {adj} :: Relating to José Gonçalves da Silva
gond {m} :: hinge (of a door)
gondi {m} :: Gondi (language)
gondoïque {adj} :: synonym of eicosénoïque
gondole {f} :: gondola
Gondwana {prop} {m} :: Gondwana (southern supercontinent)
-gone {suffix} :: -gon
gone {m} [Lyon dialect] :: kid (child)
gonflable {adj} :: inflatable
gonflage {m} :: inflating, inflation
gonflage {m} :: enlarging, blowing up
gonflé {adj} [colloquial] :: brazen, nervy (who has got some nerve), cheeky
gonflement {m} :: inflation
gonflement {m} :: swelling
gonfler {vt} :: to inflate, to blow up
gonfler {vi} :: to swell, to puff up
gonfler {vt} [colloquial] :: to get on someone's nerves
gonflette {f} [pejorative] :: bodybuilding
gonfleur {m} :: air pump
goniomètre {m} :: goniometer
goniométrie {m} :: goniometry
gonne {f} [historical, chiefly Middle Ages] :: a long gown worn by either sex
gonocoque {m} :: gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
gonorrhée {f} [pathology] :: gonorrhea
gonorrhœe {f} :: obsolete form of gonorrhée
gonosome {m} [genetics] :: synonym of allosome
gonosome {m} [zoology] :: gonosome
gonze {m} [slang, dated] :: guy, bloke
gonzesse {f} [slang] :: chick, bird, broad (woman)
googlage {m} [Internet] :: googling (the use of Google to find information on the Internet)
googler {v} :: to google (to search for on the Internet)
GOQ {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Ordre national du Québec
gord {m} :: crawl, a stake enclosure at a body of water to catch fish
gordien {adj} :: Gordian
goret {m} :: piglet
gorette {f} :: feminine noun of goret
gorfou {m} :: crested penguin
gorfou des Snares {m} :: Snares penguin
gorfou du Fiordland {m} [ornithology] :: Fiordland penguin
gorge {f} :: throat
gorge {f} :: breast
gorge {f} :: gorge
gorge-bleue à miroir {f} [ornithology] :: bluethroat
gorge-de-pigeon {adj} :: iridescent (like the colours of a pigeon's breast)
gorgée {f} :: sip; gulp
gorge profonde {f} [sex] :: deepthroating
gorger {v} :: to gorge oneself (eat greedily)
gorgerette {f} [historical] :: gorget, wimple
gorgerin {m} [historical] :: gorget (armor for throat)
gorgerin {m} [historical] :: gorget, wimple (piece of clothing)
gorgerin {m} [architecture] :: gorgerin
gorgerin {m} :: In Ancient Egypt, an heavy and rather bulky jewel which rested on the chest skin or a short-sleeved shirt, and tied at the back
gorgonzola {m} :: gorgonzola
gorille {m} :: gorilla (ape)
gorille {m} :: goon
gorlique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: gorlic
gorzien {adj} :: Gorzian
gosier {m} :: gullet, back of the throat, pharynx (the part of the throat leading to the esophagus)
gosier {m} [by analogy] :: larynx, voicebox
gospel {m} [music] :: gospel
gosse {mf} [colloquial] :: child, kid
gosse {f} [Canada, colloquial] :: testicle
gotha {m} :: aristocracy
gotha {m} :: high society
gothique {m} :: Gothic language
gothique {m} :: Gothic script
gothique {m} :: Gothic architecture
gothique {adj} :: Gothic
gothiquement {adv} :: Gothically (in a Gothic style or way)
gotique {m} :: alternative spelling of gothique
gotique {adj} :: alternative spelling of gothique
Gotland {prop} :: Gotland
goton {f} [obsolete] :: wench, doxy, slattern, slut
gouache {f} :: gouache
gouacher {v} [art] :: To paint with gouache
gouaille {f} :: banter (cheeky humour)
gouailler {v} :: to mock, to jeer at
gouaillerie {f} :: mockery
gouailleur {adj} :: mocking
goualant {adj} :: chanting
goualer {vt} :: to chant
goualeur {m} :: singer
goualeuse {f} :: female equivalent of goualeur
gouape {f} [dated] :: blackguard
gouda {m} :: gouda (semi-hard Dutch cheese)
Goudeau {prop} :: surname
goudjarati {m} :: alternative spelling of gujarati
Goudjarati {m} :: alternative spelling of Gujarati
Goudreau {prop} :: surname
goudron {m} :: tar (substance)
goudronnage {m} :: tarring
goudronner {vt} :: to tar; to tar up (to cover with tar)
goudronner {vt} :: to tarmac
goudronneux {adj} :: tarry
gouffre {m} :: pit or shaft cave, pothole
gouffre {m} :: chasm
gouge {f} :: gouge (groove)
gouge {f} :: gouge (tool)
gouge {f} [obsolete] :: female servant
gouge {f} [archaic] :: prostitute
gouger {vt} :: to work (a material) with a gouge
gouger {vt} :: to do (a soldered joint) again to eliminate roughness by deepening it
gougère {f} :: gougère
gougnafier {m} :: good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well
gougnafier {m} :: boorish person
gougoune {f} [Quebec, colloquial] :: flip-flop (footwear)
gouille {f} [Switzerland, Bugey, Savoie] :: puddle, pond
gouille {f} [by extension] :: sea, ocean
gouille {f} [figurative] :: low-quality alcohol
Gouin {prop} :: surname of Norman origin
gouine {f} [vulgar, slang, pejorative] :: dyke, lesbian
goujat {m} :: boor, churl
goujat {m} [archaic, military] :: dogsbody, lackey
goujat {adj} :: crude and offensive
goujatement {adv} :: crudely offensively
goujaterie {f} :: boorishness
goujon {m} :: gudgeon (fish)
goujon {m} :: dowel, pin
goulag {m} :: gulag
Goulart {prop} :: surname
goule {f} :: ghoul (spirit; ghost)
goule {f} [slang] :: nonstandard form of gueule
goulée {f} :: gulp, mouthful
goulet {m} :: bottleneck (obstruction)
goulet {m} [dated] :: bottleneck (narrow part of a bottle)
goulet d'étranglement {m} :: alternative form of goulot d'étranglement
gouleyant {adj} :: lively (of a wine)
goulot {m} :: bottleneck (narrow part of a bottle)
goulot d'étranglement {m} [figuratively] :: bottleneck
goulu {adj} :: gluttonous (given to excessive eating; prone to overeating)
goulu {m} :: glutton
goulument {adv} :: greedily, gluttonously
goulûment {adv} :: alternative form of goulument
goum {m} :: In North Africa, a squadron of the French army made up of native soldiers
goumier {m} [historical] :: In North Africa, a soldier in the French army recruited from the native population
goupil {m} [obsolete] :: fox
goupille {f} :: pin
goupille {f} :: cotter pin
goupiller {vtr} :: to pin (together)
goupillon {m} [religion] :: aspergillum, aspergil
goupillon {m} :: bottlebrush
gourami {m} :: gourami
gourbi {m} [North Africa] :: gourbi
gourbi {m} [colloquial] :: shack, hovel
gourd {adj} :: numb
gourd {adj} :: maladroit, gauche
gourde {f} :: gourd
gourde {f} [by extension] :: water bottle; flask; canteen (water bottle used by soldiers, camper etc.)
gourde {f} [colloquial] :: clot, dope; idiot
gourdement {adv} :: numbly
gourdement {adv} :: maladroitly
gourdin {m} [weapons] :: club, bat
gourer {vp} :: to goof up, to mess up, to screw up
gourer {vp} :: to doubt something, to be wary of something
gourgouran {m} :: grogram
gourmade {f} :: punch to the face
gourmand {adj} :: eating a lot
gourmand {adj} [more recently] :: having a love for good food, demanding of food quality
gourmand {m} :: a person who eats a lot, or who has refined tastes in food
gourmandement {adv} :: greedily
gourmander {vt} :: to scold
gourmander {vt} :: to lard [food]
gourmandise {f} :: delicacy (a pleasing food)
gourmandise {f} [uncountable] :: culinary taste; joie de manger
gourmandise {f} [uncountable] :: gluttony
gourmet {m} [of wines] :: a wine expert, especially one who is adept at determining the label, date, and sundry other qualities solely by smatch
gourmet {m} :: [more commonly] a culinary connoisseur, gourmet
gourmette {f} [equestrian] :: curb chain
gourmette {f} :: chain bracelet
gourou {m} :: guru
Goussainvillois {m} :: someone of or from Goussainville
Goussainvilloise {f} :: feminine noun of Goussainvillois
gousse {f} :: legume
gousse {f} :: clove (of garlic)
gousset {m} :: gusset
gout {m} :: alternative spelling of goût
goût {m} :: taste, flavour
goût {m} :: taste, discrimination
goût {m} :: taste (sense)
goût {m} :: appetite
gouter {v} :: alternative spelling of goûter
gouter {m} :: alternative spelling of goûter
goûter {v} :: to taste, to try (to sample something orally)
goûter {v} [Belgium, Quebec] :: to taste like
goûter {v} [figurative] :: to approve, to appreciate
goûter {m} :: nuncheon
goûter {m} [France] :: meal similar to breakfast taken around 4 P.M
goûter le ciel {v} [Quebec] :: to taste like heaven
gouteux {adj} :: alternative spelling of goûteux
goûteux {adj} [of food] :: tasty
goutte {f} :: droplet
goutte {f} [heraldiccharge] :: goutte
goutte {f} :: gout (disease)
goutte {f} [regional] :: rivulet; brook
goutte {f} [slang] :: eau de vie
goutte {adv} [obsolete, used with "ne"] :: not
goutte d'eau dans l'océan {f} [figuratively] :: a drop in the ocean, a drop in the bucket
goutteler {v} :: To drip (fall in droplets)
gouttelette {f} :: droplet
goutter {v} :: to drip (to fall one drop at a time)
goutte saturnine {f} :: saturnine gout
goutteux {adj} :: gouty
gouttière {f} :: gutter, eavestrough
gouttière {f} :: drainpipe
gouttière {f} :: mouthguard
gouttière {f} :: splint (to immobilise a body part)
gouttière {f} :: fuller (groove in a blade)
goutu {adj} :: tasty, yummy (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor)
gouvernable {adj} :: governable
gouvernail {m} :: rudder (underwater vane used to steer a vessel)
gouvernance {f} :: governance
gouvernant {adj} :: governing
gouverne {f} :: guide, guidance
gouverne {f} :: rudder
gouvernement {m} :: government
gouvernemental {adj} :: governmental
gouvernement de coalition {m} [politics] :: coalition government
gouvernement minoritaire {m} [politics] :: minority government
gouverner {v} :: to govern
gouverner {v} :: to steer
gouverneur {m} :: governor
gouverneure {f} :: female equivalent of gouverneur
gouverneure générale {f} [politics] :: (female) governor general
Gouverneure générale {prop} {f} [politics] :: gouverneure générale - the Governor General
gouverneur général {m} [politics] :: governor general
Gouverneur générale {prop} {m} [politics] :: gouverneur générale - the Governor General
gouvernment {m} :: obsolete form of gouvernement
gouvernorat {m} :: governorate; governorship
gow {f} [slang] :: a girl, chick
goyave {f} :: guava (fruit)
goyavier {m} :: guava, guava tree
goyesque {adj} :: Goyaesque
goyesquement {adv} :: Goyaesquely
Gozo {prop} :: Gozo
gp {n} :: abbreviation of glycoprotéine
GPA {f} :: (gestation pour autrui) surrogacy
GPL {n} :: initialism of gaz de pétrole liquéfié; liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
graal {m} :: Holy Grail
grabat {m} [archaic] :: dirty bed
grabat {m} :: pallet
grabataire {adj} :: bedridden
grabot {m} [Louisiana French] :: cotton ball
grabuge {m} [colloquial] :: scrap, ruckus; mayhem
grabuge {m} [colloquial] :: quarrel (discussion that turns violent)
grâce {f} :: grace, charm
grâce {f} :: favour
grâce {f} :: mercy
grâce à {prep} :: thanks to
gracier {v} :: to pardon, to issue a pardon to
gracieusement {adv} :: gracefully; elegantly
gracieuseté {f} :: courtesy
gracieux {adj} :: graceful
gracieux {adj} :: free of charge ("à titre gracieux")
gracile {adj} :: gracile
gracilement {adv} :: slenderly
gracilité {f} :: slenderness of voice, shrillness
gradation {f} :: gradation
grade {m} :: rank
grade {m} [geometry] :: gradian
gradé {adj} [military] :: NCO or officer (attributive)
gradé {m} [military] :: rank
gradin {m} :: tier (of hall etc.)
gradin {m} :: terrace (of arena)
gradin {m} :: bleachers
graduateur {m} :: dimmer, rheostat
gradué {adj} :: graduated (having graduations)
gradué {adj} :: graded
graduel {adj} :: gradual
graduellement {adv} :: gradually
graduer {vt} :: to graduate
Græc {m} :: obsolete form of Grec
Græce {f} :: obsolete form of Grèce
græco-latin {adj} :: obsolete form of gréco-latin
Græcque {f} :: feminine singular of Græc
graf {m} [slang] :: clipping of graffiti
graff {m} [slang] :: clipping of graffiti
graffer {v} :: To graffiti
graffeur {m} [slang] :: A graffiti artist
graffiteur {m} :: graffiti artist
graffiteuse {f} :: feminine noun of graffiteur
graffiti {m} :: graffiti
graffiti {m} :: graffito
grailler {vit} [colloquial] :: to nosh (eat)
grailler {vi} :: to blow the horn while hunting
grailler {vi} :: to screech [of a raven or crow]
grailler {vi} :: to charge a gun with ammunition
grain {m} :: grain
grain {m} [figurative] :: a small amount, a bit
grain {m} [nautical] :: squall, thunderstorm
grain de beauté {m} :: mole; beauty spot
graine {f} :: seed (fertilized grain)
graine {f} [Quebec, slang] :: dick, penis
grainer {v} :: to granulate
grainer {v} :: to seed
graines de paradis {fp} :: synonym of maniguettes: grains of paradise
graineterie {f} :: grain / seed selling (or shop)
grainetier {m} :: seed / grain merchant
grainetière {f} :: feminine noun of grainetier
graissage {m} :: greasing; lubrication
graisse {f} :: grease
graisse {f} :: fat
graisser {vt} :: to grease, oil, lubricate
graisser {vt} :: to smear
graisser la patte {v} [figuratively] :: to bribe, grease someone's palm
graisser sa caloquinte {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] :: to beat
graisseux {adj} :: greasy
graisseux {adj} :: fatty, oily
graminée {f} [botany] :: grass (true grass, species of Poaceae)
graminicide {m} :: graminicide
grammaire {f} [uncountable] :: grammar (the study of the morphological and syntactic rules of a language)
grammaire {f} :: a grammar textbook
grammaire de dépendance {f} [grammar] :: dependency grammar
grammaire universelle {f} [linguistics] :: universal grammar
grammairien {m} :: grammarian
grammairienne {f} :: feminine noun of grammairien
grammatical {adj} :: grammatical
grammaticalement {adv} :: grammatically
grammaticalisation {f} [grammar, linguistics] :: grammaticalization
grammaticaliser {v} :: To grammaticalize
grammatique {adj} [archaic] :: grammatical
-gramme {suffix} :: -gram, -gramme
gramme {m} :: gram (unit of mass)
Grammont {prop} :: Geraardsbergen
gramscisme {m} :: Gramscism, Gramscianism
grand {adj} :: big, great, grand
grand {adj} :: tall
grand {adj} [usually, capitalized] :: Great, an honorific title
grand {adj} :: great; big fat; an intensifier
grand {adj} :: extensive, large
grand air {m} :: open air
grand-bi {m} :: penny farthing (early bicycle)
grand bien te fasse {interj} :: good for you
grand bien vous fasse {interj} :: good for you
grand blanc {m} [Haiti, historical] :: a white person who is wealthy enough to own a plantation
grand blanc {m} :: synonym of grand requin blanc
grand chelem {m} [sports] :: grand slam (the winning of all the major or specified events)
grand chelem {m} [bridge] :: grand slam
grand-chelem {m} :: grand slam
Grand Chelem {prop} :: Grand Slam
grand chemin {m} [historical] :: main road (major road linking two cities under the Ancien Régime)
grand-chose {pron} :: a big deal; something or someone important
grand-chose {pron} :: a lot
grand clerc {m} [colloquial] :: rocket scientist
grand dauphin {m} :: bottlenose dolphin; especially the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
grand Dieu {interj} [dated] :: good heavens! good grief! goodness me!
grand-duc {m} :: grand duke
grand-duc {m} :: Eurasian eagle-owl
grand-ducal {adj} [attributive] :: grand duke
grand-duc d'Amérique {m} :: great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)
grand-duché {m} :: grand duchy
Grande Boucle {prop} {f} :: Tour de France
Grande-Bretagne {prop} {f} :: Great Britain
grand écart {m} :: the splits
Grande Comore {prop} {f} :: Grande Comore (island)
grande couronne {prop} {f} :: The zone consisting of the four departments (Seine-et-Marne, Yvelines, Essonne and Val-d'Oise) that form the boundaries of Île-de-France
grand écran {m} :: big screen
grande dame {f} :: great lady, grande dame
grande férule {f} :: giant fennel (Ferula communis)
grande finale {f} :: big final
grande finale {f} :: grand final
grande finale {f} :: grand finale
grande finale {f} :: big finish
grande gueule {f} [vulgar] :: bigmouth, blowhard
grande marée {f} :: springs; spring tide
grandement {adv} :: greatly, largely, deeply [to a great extent]
Grande Ourse {prop} {f} :: Ursa Major (large circumpolar constellation of the northern sky)
grande parure {f} :: full dress
grande personne {f} :: grownup
grande roue {f} :: Ferris wheel
Grande Russie {prop} {f} :: Great Russia
grandes lèvres {fp} :: labia majora
Grand Est {prop} :: Grand Est (administrative region)
Grand-Estois {m} :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Grand Est
grande surface {f} :: hypermarket
grandeur {f} :: size
grandeur {f} [physics, mathematics] :: magnitude, quantity
grandeur {f} [astronomy] :: magnitude
grandeur {f} :: grandeur
grandeur d'âme {f} :: magnanimity
grandeur nature {adj} :: full-size, life-size; full-scale
grandiloquence {f} :: grandiloquence
grandiloquent {adj} :: grandiloquent
grandiose {adj} :: grandiose
grandiosement {adv} :: grandiosely
grandir {vi} :: to grow, get bigger
grandir {vt} :: to magnify
grandissant {adj} :: growing, increasing
grandissime {adj} :: supersized; gigantic
grand largue {m} [nautical] :: broad reach
grand magasin {m} :: department store
grand-maman {f} :: granny, grandma
grand max {adv} [colloquial] :: tops, at most
grand maximum {m} :: absolute maximum
grand maximum {adv} [colloquial] :: tops, at most
grand-mère {f} :: grandmother
grand-messe {f} :: sung mass, High Mass
grand monde {pron} :: a lot of people
grand monde {m} [Louisiana French] :: adult
grand œuvre {m} :: magnum opus (most renowned achievement of an author or artist, representing their major life effort)
grand-oncle {m} :: great-uncle
grand ouvert {adj} :: wide open
Grand Pardon {prop} {m} [Judaism] :: the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
grand-parent {m} :: grandparent (parent of someone’s parent)
grand-père {m} :: grandfather
grand-peur {f} [literary] :: Great fear
grand'peur {f} :: alternative spelling of grand-peur
grand pingouin {m} :: great auk (Pinguinus impennis)
grand pont {m} [soccer] :: kick/pass around a player's legs (overplaying a player on the one side while overrunning him on the other)
grand prieur {m} :: grand prior
grand prix {m} :: alternative form of Grand Prix
Grand Prix {m} :: Grand Prix (literal translation Grand Prize)
grand public {m} :: general public
grand public {adj} :: mainstream, aimed at all audiences
Grand-Rabbin {m} :: Chief Rabbi
grand reporter {m} :: international correspondent, special correspondent
grand requin blanc {m} :: great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
grand roseau {m} :: giant cane, giant reed (Arundo donax)
grand-russien {adj} :: Great Russian
Grand-Russien {m} :: Great Russian
grand saut {m} [skiing, snowboarding] :: big air
grands dieux {interj} [dated] :: good heavens! good grief! goodness me!
grand singe {m} [zoology] :: great ape
Grands Lacs {mp} :: Great Lakes (a group of five lakes on the United States-Canada border)
grand-tante {f} :: great-aunt
grange {f} :: a barn
granit {m} :: granite (rock)
granité {m} :: granita (sorbet)
granitique {adj} :: granitic
granitiquement {adv} :: granitically
granulaire {adj} :: granular
granulé {m} :: granule
granulé {adj} :: granulated
granuler {v} :: to granulate, to grain
granuleux {adj} :: grainy, granular
granulie {f} [disease] :: granulitis (acute miliary tuberculosis)
granulome {m} [pathology] :: granuloma
granulométrie {f} :: granulometry
granulométrique {adj} :: granulometric
granvillais {adj} :: Of or from Granville
Granville {prop} :: A small town in the Manche department of Normandie
-graphe {suffix} :: -graph
-graphe {suffix} :: -grapher
graphe {m} [chiefly mathematics, physics] :: graph
graphème {m} [linguistics] :: grapheme
graphène {m} [chemistry] :: graphene
graphe pondéré {m} :: weighted graph
grapheur {m} [computing] :: graphics software
grapheur {m} :: graphic artist / designer
-graphie {suffix} :: -graphy
graphie {f} :: written form [of a word, etc.]
graphie {f} :: spelling
-graphique {suffix} :: -graphic
graphique {mf} :: graph (mathematical diagram)
graphique {mf} :: graphic
graphiquement {adv} :: graphically (with respect to graphics)
graphisme {m} :: graphic design
graphisme {m} :: drawing style
graphisme {m} [usually, in the plural] :: graphics
graphiste {mf} [arts] :: graphic artist
graphite {m} :: graphite (form of carbon)
graphitique {adj} :: graphitic
graphologie {f} :: graphology
graphologique {adj} :: graphological
graphologiquement {adv} :: graphologically
graphologue {mf} :: graphologist
graphomoteur {adj} :: graphomotor
graphomotricité {f} :: graphomotricity
graphosphère {f} :: graphosphere
grappe {f} :: bunch, cluster
grappillage {m} :: A second harvest
grappiller {v} :: to pick (grapes in a vine after the main harvest)
grappiller {v} :: to scrape together, rake together
grappin {m} :: grappling hook (a type of hook)
grappin {m} :: grappling irons
grappin {m} :: grapple
grappin {m} [slang] :: mitt, hand
gras {adj} :: fat
gras {adj} [typography] :: bold
gras {m} :: fat (animal tissue or substance resembling it)
gras-double {m} :: A tripe dish from Lyon, France
Grasse {prop} :: Grasse; surname
Grasse {prop} :: Grasse; A placename
Grasse {prop} :: Grasse (commune/and/town)
Grasse {prop} :: ellipsis of Pays de Grasse
grasse matinée {f} [idiomatic] :: sleep-in, lie-in (period spent lying in bed for longer than usual)
grassement {adv} :: luxuriously; in luxury
grassement {adv} :: generously
grasseyer {v} [of the phoneme /ʁ/, the letter R] :: to pronounce uvularly
grassmannien {adj} :: Grassmannian
grassouillet {adj} :: plump, podgy
gratifiant {adj} :: gratifying
gratification {f} :: gratification
gratifier {v} :: To gratify
gratifier {v} :: To reward
gratin {m} [cooking] :: gratin
gratin {m} [figurative] :: upper crust, elite
gratin dauphinois {m} :: A traditional dish based on potatoes and crème fraîche, from the Dauphiné region
gratiner {v} [cooking] :: to grill
gratiole {f} :: hedgehyssop (Gratiola officinalis)
gratioline {f} [organic compound] :: gratiolin
gratis {adv} :: free, without charge, gratis
gratis {adj} :: free; for free, without charge
gratitude {f} :: gratitude
gratos {adv} [colloquial] :: for free, without costing money
gratouiller {v} :: alternative form of grattouiller
grattage {f} :: scraping, scratching
grattage {f} :: erasure
grattage {f} :: grattage
gratte {f} [colloquial] :: guitar
gratte-ciel {m} :: skyscraper
grattement {m} :: scratching, scraping (sound)
gratte-papier {m} [pejorative] :: pencil pusher
gratte-papier {m} [pejorative] :: journo
gratter {v} :: to scrub
gratter {v} :: to scrape
gratter {vt} :: to scratch
gratter {vi} [colloquial] :: to itch
gratter {v} [colloquial] :: to play the guitar
gratteux {m} [Quebec, colloquial] :: scratchcard
gratteux {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: stingy
grattoir {m} :: scraper
grattouiller {vit} :: to itch, scratch
gratuit {adj} :: free of charge
gratuit {adj} :: gratuitous, for no reason
gratuité {f} :: gratuity; freebie
gratuitement {adv} :: freely, for free
gratuitement {adv} :: without cause, gratuitously
gravatif {adj} [archaic, of a pain] :: heavy; accompanied by a sense of weight
gravats {mp} :: rubble
grave {adj} :: serious
grave {adj} :: solemn
grave {adj} :: low-pitched
grave {adv} [colloquial, slang] :: much; a lot
gravé {adj} [computing] :: burned
gravé dans le marbre {adj} :: carved in stone, cast in concrete
graveleux {adj} :: gravelly, gritty
graveleux {adj} :: smutty
gravelle {f} [pathology] :: urinary calculus
gravelle {f} :: tartrate (precipitations in wine)
gravement {adv} :: seriously, badly
graver {v} :: to engrave
graver {v} :: to carve (wood)
graver {v} :: to burn (data, onto a CD)
gravette {f} :: ragworm, sandworm
graveur {m} :: engraver
graveur {m} [computing] :: burner (optical disc)
gravier {m} :: gravel (small fragments of rock)
gravier {m} [specifically] :: crushed rocks between 5 and 40 mm in diameter (used on unpaved roads, in gardens to increase drainage, etc.)
gravier {m} [archaic] :: gravel, kidney stones, gallstones
gravier {m} [Newfoundland] :: beach woman, shoreman (individual who spreads out and dries cod on a (gravel) beach)
gravifique {adj} :: gravitic, gravitational
gravillon {m} :: fine grit, grains of stone of between six and twenty millimeters diameter
gravimètre {m} :: gravimeter
gravimétrie {f} :: gravimetry
gravimétrique {adj} :: gravimetric
gravimétriquement {adv} :: gravimetrically
gravir {v} :: to climb up
gravissime {adj} :: very important, very serious, very grave
gravitaire {adj} :: gravity (attributive)
gravitation {f} [physics] :: gravitation
gravitationnel {adj} :: gravitational
gravitationnellement {adv} :: gravitationally
gravité {f} :: gravity
graviter {v} :: to orbit, gravitate
graviton {m} [physics] :: graviton
gravitonique {adj} [physics] :: gravitonic
gravois {mp} :: alternative form of gravats
gravure {f} :: engraving
gravure {f} [computing] :: burning (optical disc)
gravure {f} :: A printing method using as printing form an engraved cylinder
gray {m} :: gray (SI unit)
GRC {prop} {f} [law enforcement, Canada] :: initialism of Gendarmerie Royale du Canada (RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) - in English)
gré {m} [obsolete] :: satisfaction, pleasure
gré {m} :: will; liking
grèbe {m} :: grebe (bird)
grec {m} :: the Greek language
grec {m} [by ellipsis] :: the Ancient Greek language
grec {m} :: a kebab sandwich
grec {adj} :: Greek
Grec {m} :: Greek (someone from Greece)
grec ancien {m} :: Ancient Greek
Grèce {prop} {f} :: Greece
Grèce antique {prop} {f} :: Ancient Greece
gréciser {v} :: to Grecize (render Grecian)
gréciser {v} :: to Grecize (translate into Greek)
grécité {f} :: Greekness; Greek nature, culture or spirit
grec moderne {m} :: Modern Greek
gréco- {prefix} :: Greco-
gréco-romain {adj} :: Greco-Roman
grec-orthodoxe {adj} :: Greek Orthodox
Grecque {f} :: feminine noun of Grec
gredin {m} [obsolete] :: beggar
gredin {m} [dated] :: scoundrel, rascal
gredine {f} :: feminine noun of gredin
gréement {m} :: rigging (system of ropes, chains, and tackle)
gréement {m} :: rigging (act of rigging)
gréer {vt} [nautical] :: to rig
greeter {mf} [tourism, anglicism] :: greeter (volunteer who shows tourists around their home city or region for free)
greffage {m} :: grafting
greffage {m} :: transplantation
greffe {m} [legal] :: court clerk's office, court registrar's office
greffe {m} [obsolete] :: court clerk, court registrar
greffe {f} [horticulture] :: graft, scion
greffe {f} [medicine] :: organ transplant, autoplasty
greffe {f} [medicine] :: a piece of graft
greffé {adj} :: grafted
greffer {vt} :: to transplant, to graft
greffier {m} [legal] :: clerk of the court; registrar of the court, or similar role
greffier {m} [dated, slang] :: cat, malkin
greffier {m} [dated, slang] :: hag
greffière {f} :: feminine noun of greffier
greffon {m} [horticulture] :: graft, scion
greffon {m} [surgery] :: graft, piece of grafted tissue
greffon {m} [computing] :: plug-in
grégaire {adj} :: gregarious
grégariapte {adj} [zoology, esp. of grasshoppers] :: tending to become gregarious
grégarisme {m} :: gregariousness
grège {adj} :: raw (of silk)
grège {m} :: oatmeal (colour)
grégeois {adj} [obsolete] :: Greek
grégeois {adj} :: Of or from Grèges
Grèges {prop} :: Grèges (village)
Grégoire {prop} :: given name
Grégoire {prop} :: surname
grégorien {adj} :: Gregorian
Grégory {prop} :: given name, an English style variant of Grégoire
grègue {f} :: teapot
grêle {adj} :: spindly, lanky
grêle {f} [weather] :: hail
grêler {v} [impersonal, weather] :: To hail
grelin {m} [nautical] :: warp, hawser (cable)
grêlon {m} :: a hailstone
grelot {m} :: jingle bell, cascabel
greloter {v} :: alternative spelling of grelotter
grelottant {adj} :: shivering, trembling
grelotter {v} :: to shiver, tremble
greluche {f} [pejorative] :: bimbo (woman)
grémil {m} :: gromwell
grenache {m} :: grenache
grenade {f} :: pomegranate
grenade {f} :: grenade
grenade {f} :: insignia, badge
grenade {f} [heraldiccharge] :: pomegranate (Grenade de guerre is used in French to describe a grenade in English heraldry)
Grenade {prop} {f} :: Grenade (island/and/country)
Grenade {prop} {f} :: Grenade (city)
grenader {v} :: to grenade (attack with grenades)
grenadien {adj} :: Grenadian
Grenadien {m} :: Grenadian
Grenadienne {f} :: feminine noun of Grenadien
grenadier {m} :: pomegranate tree
grenadier {m} [military] :: grenadier
grenadin {adj} :: Grenadan
grenadine {f} :: grenadine
grenaille {f} :: granule
grenaille {f} :: (lead) shot
grenat {m} :: garnet
grenat {adj} :: garnet-coloured, dark-red
Grenelle {m} :: summit, committee meeting
grenier {m} :: attic (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof)
grenier {m} :: granary
grenier {m} :: garret
Grenier {prop} :: Grenier; surname
grenier d'abondance {m} [figuratively] :: public granary
Grenoble {prop} {f} :: Grenoble (a city in the French Alps)
grenoblois {adj} :: of or from Grenoble
Grenoblois {m} :: someone of or from Grenoble
Grenobloise {f} :: feminine noun of Grenoblois
grenouille {f} :: frog
grenouille de bénitier {f} [pejorative] :: a Holy Mary, a zealot, a bigot, a God botherer, a Jesus freak, a Bible thumper (an excessively pious woman, a woman who spends a lot of a time in the church)
grenouillère {f} :: marsh or similar, having many frogs
grenouillère {f} :: sleepsuit (for a baby)
grenouille-taureau {f} :: bullfrog
grenu {adj} :: granular
grès {m} [geology] :: sandstone
grès {m} :: stoneware
gréseux {adj} :: sandstone
grésil {m} [weather] :: sleet, ice pellet
grésillement {m} :: sizzling
grésillement {m} :: crackling (radio interference)
grésiller {vi} :: to crackle
grésiller {vi} :: to sizzle
grésiller {vi} [impersonal, weather] :: to sleet
gressin {m} :: breadstick
Gretzky {prop} :: Gretzky (surname)
Gretzky {m} [ice hockey, figuratively] :: Gretzky; ellipsis of Wayne Gretzky
grève {f} :: bank (of a river); shore, strand
grève {f} :: strike (cessation of work)
grève {f} :: greave
grève de la faim {f} :: hunger strike
grève du sexe {f} :: sex strike, sex boycott
grève générale {f} :: general strike
grever {vt} :: to burden; put a burden on
grever {vt} [figuratively] :: to put a weight on (someone's shoulders)
grever {vt} :: to hang over; weigh heavy over
grève sauvage {f} :: wildcat strike
grévillaire {m} [regional] :: southern silky oak (Grevillea robusta)
grévillée {f} :: silky oak (of genus Grevillea)
gréviste {m} :: striker, someone on strike
gribouillage {m} :: scribble
gribouillage {m} :: scrawl
gribouillage {m} :: doodle
gribouiller {v} :: to scribble (write something scruffily)
gribouiller {v} :: to doodle (to draw or scribble aimlessly)
gribouiller {v} :: to scribble on (cover with messy writing)
gribouillis {m} :: doodle (small mindless sketch)
grief {adj} [archaic, literary] :: grievous
grief {m} :: complaint
grief {m} :: grief
grief {m} :: grievance (formal complaint filed with an authority)
grièvement {adv} [of an injury] :: seriously
griffe {f} :: claw
griffe {f} :: talon
griffe {f} :: scratch mark
griffe {f} [figurative] :: signature (characteristic mark, e.g. of an artist)
griffe {f} [by extension] :: brand, designer label (especially fashion)
griffer {v} :: to scratch
griffoir {m} :: scratching post
griffoir {m} :: cat tree
griffon {m} :: griffin (legendary creature)
griffonnage {m} :: doodle, scribble
griffonnage {m} :: scrawl
griffonner {v} :: to scribble, scrawl (write something scruffily)
griffu {adj} :: clawed
griffure {f} :: scratch mark
Grignon {prop} :: surname
grignotage {m} :: nibbling
grignotage {m} :: snacking
grignoter {v} :: to nibble
grignoter {v} :: to snack
Grigorescu {prop} :: surname
grigou {m} :: scrooge (miser)
gri-gri {m} [Africa] :: alternative spelling of grigri
grigri {m} [Africa] :: charm, fetish, gris-gris
gril {m} :: grill (for cooking)
grillage {m} :: trellis (of wire or plastic); wire netting
grillage {m} :: grilling
grillager {vt} :: to enclose with wire netting
grille {f} :: gate
grille {f} :: grate
grille {f} :: grid
grille de départ {f} [motor sport] :: starting grid
grille-pain {m} :: toaster
griller {v} :: to toast (cook with a toaster)
griller {v} :: to grill (cook with a grill)
griller {vi} :: to toast (heat up, said of e.g. skin)
griller {v} [colloquial] :: to smoke (a cigarette)
griller {v} :: to run (a stop sign or red light)
grillon {m} :: cricket (insect)
grillon {m} [cuisine] :: culinary specialty of the West of France, made with pieces of pork fried in fat and served cold (also sometimes denotes rillettes with fatty pieces)
grimaçamment {adv} :: grimacingly
grimaçant {adj} :: grimacing
grimace {f} :: grimace
grimacer {vi} :: to grimace
grimacier {adj} :: grimacing
grimacier {adj} :: hypocritical
grimacier {m} :: grimacer
grimacier {m} :: hypocrite
grimer {v} :: to make up, to paint (apply make up or face paint to)
grimer {v} :: to make (someone's face) look older
grimoire {m} [occult] :: grimoire
grimpant {adj} :: climbing, rambling
grimper {vi} :: to climb, climb up
grimper au plafond {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get one's kicks, to get one's rocks off, to reach seventh heaven (to get a lot of sexual pleasure)
grimper au rideau {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get one's kicks, to get one's rocks off, to reach seventh heaven (to get a lot of sexual pleasure)
grimper aux rideaux {v} :: alternative spelling of grimper au rideau
grimpereau des bois {m} :: Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
grimpeur {m} [climbing] :: climber (someone who climbs)
grimpeur {m} [cycling] :: climber (expert in mountainous races)
grimpeur {m} :: social climber
grimpeuse {f} :: feminine noun of grimpeur
grinçant {adj} :: squeaky, creaky
grinçant {adj} :: rasping, grating
grincement {m} :: squeak, creak, rasp
grincement {m} [of teeth] :: gnash, gnashing
grincement {m} [of birds] :: squawk
grincer {v} :: to squeak (emit sound)
grincer {v} :: to creak, rasp, squeal
grincer {v} [of teeth] :: to gnash
grincer {v} [of birds] :: to squawk
grincheux {adj} :: ratty, grouchy
gringalet {m} :: weakling
gringue {m} :: seduction, wooing
griot {m} :: griot (African storyteller)
griot {m} [by extension, pejorative] :: Someone who tells stories to gullible people
griotique {adj} :: griotic
griotte {f} :: sour cherry
griotte {f} :: female griot
grippage {m} :: seizing (up)
grippal {adj} [attributive] :: flu; influenzal
grippe {f} :: influenza; flu
grippe aviaire {f} [pathology] :: avian influenza (strain of influenza)
grippe porcine {f} :: swine flu, swine influenza
gripper {v} :: to grab, to grasp
grippe-sou {m} :: A penny pincher, scrooge
grippe-sou {m} [colloquial] :: A skinflint
grippe-sou {m} [colloquial] :: Sommeone who like sordid gains
gris {adj} :: grey, gray
gris {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk, tipsy
gris {m} :: gray
grisaille {f} :: grisaille
grisaille {f} :: gloom (gloomy weather)
grisant {adj} :: heady, intoxicating, exhilarating
grisâtre {adj} :: greyish
grisâtrement {adv} :: greyishly
grisé {adj} [color] :: gray, grayish
grisé {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
grisé {m} [art] :: grayish shade given to a work of art
grisement {adv} :: greyly, grayly
grisement {adv} :: tipsily
griser {v} :: grey (to become grey)
griser {v} [computing, of a UI element] :: gray out, to make (a visual element) gray or lighter in color to indicate that it is disabled or unavailable
griser {vr} :: to get tipsy
griserie {f} :: intoxication, tipsiness
gris-gris {m} :: alternative spelling of grigri
grison {m} :: grey-haired man
grison {m} [dated, colloquial] :: ass, donkey
grison {adj} :: quite grey [especially of hair]
grisonnant {adj} :: grey, greying, grizzled
grisonner {vi} :: to (become) grey [especially of hair]
Grisons {prop} :: Grisons (canton)
grisou {m} :: firedamp
grisoutine {f} :: grisoutine
grisoutite {f} :: grisoutite
grive {f} :: thrush (bird)
grive {f} [Louisiana French] :: robin (Turdus migratorius)
grivois {adj} :: suggestive, bawdy
grivoiserie {f} :: suggestive remark, innuendo
grizzli {m} :: grizzly bear
grocerie {f} [Louisiana French] :: grocery store
grocerie {f} [Louisiana French, plural] :: groceries
Groenland {prop} {m} :: Greenland (A large self-governing island in North America)
groenlandais {adj} :: Greenlandic
groenlandais {m} :: Greenlandic (language)
Groenlandais {m} :: a Greenlander
Groenlandaise {f} :: feminine noun of Groenlandais
grog {m} :: grog (drink made from rum)
groggy {adj} :: groggy
grognard {m} :: a grumbler; one who grumbles
grognard {m} :: an old veteran soldier, specifically an old grenadier of the Imperial Guard (Grenadiers à pied de la Garde Impériale); an old complaining soldier
grognasse {f} :: a grouchy despicable woman
grogne {f} :: grunt (sound of a pig)
grogne {f} :: growl, grunt (snorting sound made by a human, e.g. in disapproval)
grognement {m} :: A grunt; snarl; growl
grogner {v} :: to grunt (for a pig, make the sound of a pig)
grogner {v} :: to grunt (for a person, to make a snorting sound e.g. of disapproval)
grogner {v} :: to growl, to snarl (for an animal, to make a growling or snarling sound)
grognon {adj} :: grumpy
grogue {m} :: Grog (alcoholic beverage)
groin {m} :: the snout of the pig
grolle {f} :: crow, rook
grolle {f} :: shoe
grommeler {v} :: to grumble
grommellement {m} :: grumbling
grondement {m} :: grumble; rumble (noise)
gronder {vi} :: to rumble, roar; to growl
gronder {vt} :: to tell off, scold
gronderie {f} :: scolding
grondeur {adj} :: rumbling, growling
grondeur {adj} :: scolding
grondeuse {f} :: a scolder; one who scolds
grondin {m} :: gurnard
Groningue {prop} :: Groningue (capital city)
Groningue {prop} :: Groningue (province)
groove {m} :: groove (fixed routine)
gros {adj} :: big, thick, fat
gros {adj} :: coarse, rough
gros {adj} [Louisiana French] :: famous
gros {m} :: A person in overweight
gros bonnet {m} [idiomatic] :: bigwig (a person of consequence)
gros chien {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: important person, big shot
gros comme une maison {adj} [colloquial, simile] :: ludicrously obvious, self-evident, plain as the nose on one's face, plain for all to see
groseille {f} :: redcurrant
groseille à maquereau {f} :: gooseberry (fruit)
groseille blanche {f} :: white currant
groseille de Chine {f} [dated] :: Chinese gooseberry, kiwi fruit
groseille rouge {f} :: redcurrant
groseillier {m} :: currant (bush)
gros-grain {m} :: grosgrain
gros intestin {m} :: large intestine
Grosjean {prop} {mf} :: surname
gros lot {m} :: jackpot (large cash prize)
gros mot {m} [colloquial] :: dirty word, swear word
gros orteil {m} :: big toe (the largest of the toes of the foot of a human)
gros plan {m} [photography, film] :: close-up
grosse {f} :: gross (twelve dozens)
grosse caisse {f} :: bass drum
grosse légume {f} [idiomatic, colloquial, colloquial] :: big cheese, bigwig
grosselle {f} [archaic] :: a currant or gooseberry
grossement {adv} :: coarsely, roughly
Grosse Pomme {prop} {f} [colloquial] :: Big Apple (nickname for New York City)
grossesse {f} :: pregnancy
Grosseto {prop} :: Grosseto (town/and/province)
grosseur {f} :: thickness, width
grossier {adj} :: coarse (physically, not fine)
grossier {adj} :: shoddy (not well-made)
grossier {adj} [of a person's character] :: coarse
grossier {adj} [of an error] :: gross
grossièrement {adv} :: shoddily, sloppily, scruffily (badly-made and hurriedly)
grossièrement {adv} :: coarsely (in a coarse manner)
grossièrement {adv} :: grossly
grossièrement {adv} :: roughly, more or less
grossièreté {f} :: coarseness
grossièreté {f} :: rudeness, profanity, obscenity
grossier merle {m} [colloquial] :: a rude and ill-mannered person, an impolite character
grossir {vt} :: to increase, to make larger
grossir {vt} :: to plump up
grossir {vi} :: to put on weight, to gain weight; to get fat
grossir le trait {v} [figuratively] :: to exaggerate, to caricature (often on purpose, so as to make something appear more clearly)
grossissant {adj} :: increasing
grossissant {adj} :: fattening
grossissement {m} :: magnification
grossiste {mf} :: wholesaler
grosso modo {adv} :: roughly, circa, approximately
grosso-modo {adv} :: alternative form of grosso modo
grossophobe {adj} :: fatphobic
grossophobie {f} :: fatphobia (fear, dislike or discrimination of obese people)
grossulaire {m} [mineral] :: grossular
grossuline {f} [carbohydrate] :: grossulin
gros temps {m} [nautical, idiomatic] :: dirty weather
gros titre {m} [journalism] :: headline (on the front page)
grotesque {adj} :: farcical (ridiculous)
grotesque {adj} :: grotesque
grotesque {m} :: grotesqueness
grotesquement {adv} :: grotesquely
grotte {f} :: cave (large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground)
grouillant {adj} :: swarming
grouillement {m} :: swarming; swarm
grouiller {vi} :: to mill about, swarm with people
grouiller {vi} :: to swarm or crawl
grouiller {vr} [colloquial] :: to hurry; to get a move on
grouillot {m} :: jack of all trades
grouillot {m} :: messenger boy
groupe {m} :: group
groupe de parole {m} :: support group
groupe de pression {m} :: pressure group, advocacy group
groupe de réflexion {m} :: think tank
groupe électrogène {m} :: generator
groupement {m} :: grouping
groupement {m} :: group
grouper {v} :: to group (to put together to form a group)
groupe sanguin {m} :: blood type (blood classification)
groupie {f} :: groupie
groupuscule {m} [pejorative] :: groupuscule (small political group)
gru {m} [Louisiana] :: grits
gruau {m} :: gruel
grue {f} :: crane (bird)
grue {f} :: crane (machine)
grue {f} [colloquial] :: prostitute, hooker
grue de Sibérie {f} :: Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus)
grugé {adj} :: eroded
gruger {v} [colloquial] :: to dupe, con; to rob
gruger {v} [colloquial] :: to devour, scoff
grume {f} :: log (wood)
grumeau {m} :: lump
grumeler {v} :: To become lumpy
grumeleux {adj} :: lumpy
grumeleux {adj} :: bumpy
Grumiaux {prop} :: surname
grurin {m} [regional] :: A local cheesemaker, especially of Gruyère
gruter {v} [construction] :: to move using a crane
grutier {m} :: crane operator
grutière {f} :: feminine noun of grutier
gruyère {m} :: Gruyère cheese
GSM {m} [Belgium] :: A mobile phone
guacamole {m} :: guacamole (dip)
Guadeloupe {prop} {f} :: Guadeloupe
guadeloupéen {adj} :: Guadeloupean
Guadeloupéen {m} :: A Guadeloupean
Guadeloupéenne {f} :: feminine noun of Guadeloupéen
guamien {adj} :: Guamian
guarani {adj} :: Guaraní (attributive)
guarani {m} :: Guaraní (language, singular only)
guarani {m} :: guaraní (currency)
Guatemala {prop} {m} :: Guatemala (country)
guatémalien {adj} :: Guatemalan
Guatémalien {m} :: Guatemalan
Guatémalienne {f} :: feminine noun of Guatémalien
guatémaltèque {adj} :: Guatemalan (of, from, or pertaining to Guatemala or its people)
Guatémaltèque {mf} :: Guatemalan (person)
gué {m} :: ford (crossing)
guéable {adj} :: fordable
guède {f} :: woad (plant Isatis tinctoria)
guède {adj} :: of a colour resembling the bluish tint extracted from woad; pastel blue
guéder {v} :: to dye with the tint from the woad plant, to woad
guéder {v} :: to sate, satiate
guéder {vr} :: to stuff oneself with food
guéder {v} :: to intoxicate
guèder {v} :: obsolete form of guéder
guédille {f} [Canada] :: lobster roll (or similar)
guedin {mf} [slang] :: hothead
guedin {mf} [slang] :: despicable person
guéer {v} :: To ford (a river etc)
guéer {v} :: To bathe
guéguerre {f} [colloquial] :: Squabble. A small dispute or an argument of little importance
guelfe {adj} :: Guelph
Guelfe {m} :: Guelph
Guenièvre {prop} {f} :: given name
Guenièvre {prop} {f} :: Guinevere (wife of King Arthur)
guenille {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: rag(s)
guenipe {f} [dated] :: loose woman
guenon {f} [obsolete] :: guenon
guenon {f} :: (female) monkey
guenon {f} :: hag, old bag (ugly woman)
guépard {m} :: cheetah
guêpe {f} :: wasp
Guépéou {prop} {f} :: GPU (Russian bolshevik police)
guêpe solitaire {f} [entomology] :: solitary wasp
guêpier {m} :: bee-eater
guêpier {m} :: trap
guêpier {m} :: wasp's nest
guêpier d'Europe {m} :: European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
guêpière {f} :: basque
guère {adv} [chiefly with "ne"] :: hardly, barely
guéridon {m} :: gueridon (small round table)
guérilla {f} :: guerrilla (guerrilla war)
guérillera {f} :: a female guerrilla soldier
guérillero {m} :: a male guerrilla soldier
guérir {vt} :: to cure, to heal
guérir {vi} :: to recover, to heal
guérison {f} :: recovery, healing
guérissable {adj} :: curable
guérisseur {m} :: healer
guérisseuse {f} :: feminine singular of guérisseur
guérite {f} [military] :: sentry-box
guérite {f} :: worker's hut
Guernesey {prop} {m} :: Guernsey
guernesiais {adj} :: of or relating to Guernsey
Guernesiais {m} :: person from Guernsey
Guernesiaise {f} :: feminine noun of Guernesiais
guerre {f} :: war
guerre civile {f} :: civil war
guerre commerciale {f} :: trade war
guerre d'Algérie {prop} {f} :: Algerian War
guerre d'attrition {f} :: war of attrition
guerre de Cent Ans {prop} {f} :: Hundred Years' War
guerre de Sécession {prop} {f} :: Secession War, American Civil War
guerre des nerfs {f} :: war of nerves
guerre d'usure {f} :: war of attrition
Guerre froide {prop} {f} :: The Cold War, partially proxy-fought conflict between the West and the Communist camp in 1945-1991
guerre mondiale {f} :: world war
guerre sainte {f} [religion] :: holy war
guerre sale {f} :: dirty war
guerrier {m} :: warrior
guerrier {adj} :: warlike, belligerent
guerroyer {v} :: to wage war
guerroyer {v} [figuratively] :: to hassle; to bother
guesdisme {m} :: Guesdism
guesdiste {adj} :: Guesdist
guesdiste {mf} :: Guesdist
guet {m} :: lookout
guet {m} [military, historical] :: watch
guet-apens {m} :: ambush
guet-apens {m} [figuratively] :: trap
guète {f} :: watching
guète {f} :: watchtower
guêtre {f} :: gaiter
guêtre {f} :: leggings
guêtré {adj} :: gaitered
guette {f} :: watchman, sentinel
guette {f} :: watchtower
guetter {vt} :: to watch (intently), to watch for, to lie in wait
guetter {v} [figurative] :: to seize (to await and take advantage of)
guetter {v} [figurative] :: to menace, to loom (to appear in a threatening form)
guetteur {m} [dated] :: watchman, guard
guetteuse {f} :: feminine noun of guetteur
gueulante {f} [colloquial] :: rant
gueulante {f} [colloquial] :: shouting, screaming
gueulard {adj} :: loud (person, music)
gueulard {adj} :: loudmouthed
gueulard {m} :: loudmouth
gueule {f} :: snout, face [of an animal]
gueule {f} [colloquial] :: mug (person's face)
gueule {f} [colloquial] :: mouth
gueule cassée {f} :: disfigured veteran of World War I
gueule de bois {f} [colloquial, idiom] :: hangover
gueule-de-loup {f} :: snapdragon (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum)
gueule d'enterrement {f} [very, colloquial, figuratively] :: long face, gloomy expression
gueule ferrée {phrase} :: iron stomach. Literally, “iron throat”
gueule noire {f} :: miner (someone who works in a mine)
gueuler {v} [slang, vulgar] :: to yell, to scream
gueuler comme un veau {v} [simile, colloquial] :: to scream one's head off, squeal like a stuck pig
gueuleton {m} [colloquial] :: blowout, feast
gueusard {m} :: rascal, crook, swindler
gueuse {f} :: feminine noun of gueux
gueuse {f} :: wench
gueuse {f} :: republic (Used by its monarchist opponents)
gueuserie {f} :: beggary, wretchedness
gueux {m} [dated or offensive] :: beggar
gueux {adj} [dated] :: poor
gueux comme un rat d'église {adj} [simile, colloquial] :: poor as a church mouse
guévarisme {m} :: Guevarism
guévariste {adj} :: Guevarist
guévariste {mf} :: Guevarist
guèze {m} :: Ge'ez language
guézette {f} :: box (Buxus sempervirens.)
gugusse {m} [France, colloquial] :: twit (foolish person)
gui {m} :: mistletoe
gui {m} [nautical] :: spar (pole that supports a sail)
gui blanc {m} :: European mistletoe (Viscum album)
guibole {f} [colloquial] :: pin, gam (a person's leg)
guibolle {f} :: alternative form of guibole
guiche {f} [archaic] :: a strap
guiche {f} :: a kiss-curl
guichet {m} [archaic] :: (small) door, gate (in wall, fort etc.); wicket
guichet {m} :: hatch, grill (in cell etc.)
guichet {m} :: ticket office, box office
guichet {m} :: counter (at post office, bank etc.)
guichet automatique {m} :: autoteller / automated teller (automated teller machine (ATM)) / automatic teller (automatic teller machine (ATM))
guichet automatique bancaire {m} :: automatic teller machine
guichetier {m} [archaic] :: turnkey
guichetier {m} [banking] :: counter clerk
guidage {m} :: guidance; the act of guiding
guide {m} :: guide person
guide {m} :: guidebook, or set itinerary
guider {v} :: to guide
gui des feuillus {m} :: European mistletoe (Viscum album)
guidon {m} :: handlebar (of a bicycle, etc)
guidon {m} :: guidon (pennant, banner)
guidoune {f} [Quebec, colloquial] :: prostitute, whore, slut
Guidry {prop} :: surname
guigne {f} :: wild cherry, gean
guigne {f} [colloquial] :: bad luck, rotten luck
guigner {m} :: wild cherry tree
guigner {vt} :: to eye (sneak a look at)
guignier {m} [chiefly before 1900] :: obsolete form of guigner
guignol {m} [theater] :: puppet
guignol {m} :: fool
guignolade {f} :: folly; foolishness
guignolet {m} :: A cherry liqueur
guignon {m} :: (persistent) bad luck
Guilan {prop} :: Gilan
guilde {f} :: guild
Guillaume {prop} {m} :: given name
Guillaume {prop} {m} :: surname
guillemet {m} :: quotation mark
guillemet {m} :: guillemet
Guillemette {prop} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Guillaume ( =William)
guillemin {m} :: A monk or hermit of the Ordre de Saint-Guillaume
Guillemin {prop} :: surname
guilleret {adj} :: jolly, upbeat, perky, cheerful
guillerettement {adv} :: perkily, cheerfully
Guillet {prop} :: surname
Guilliermond {prop} :: surname
Guilliermond {prop} :: André Alexandre Guilliermond (1812–1890), pharmacist and inventor of the cachet (a kind of pharmaceutical capsule with a solid shell consisting of starch mass)
Guilliermond {prop} :: Marie Antoine Alexandre Guilliermond (1876–1945), French botanist
guillon {m} [Switzerland] :: stopper for a barrel
Guillory {prop} :: surname
Guillot {prop} :: surname
guillotine {f} :: guillotine (machine)
guillotiner {vt} :: to guillotine, to execute with a guillotine
guimauve {f} :: marshmallow (plant)
guimauve {f} :: marshmallow (food)
guimbarde {f} [musical instruments] :: Jew's harp
guimbarde {f} [colloquial] :: banger [UK], old car
guimbler {v} :: to gamble
guimpe {f} [religion] :: wimple
guimpe {f} :: chemisette (UK), dickey (US)
guincher {v} [colloquial] :: To boogie (dance)
guindaille {f} [Belgium] :: Students' end of exams party
guindailler {vi} [Belgium] :: to carouse
guindé {adj} :: stuffy, staid; stilted
guinder {vt} :: to raise, erect; to hoist
guinder {vt} [nautical] :: to sway, hoist (a yard, mast etc.)
guinder {vt} :: to harden (someone), toughen (someone) up; to give (someone) strength
guinée {f} :: guinea (coin)
Guinée {prop} {f} :: Guinée (country)
Guinée-Bissau {prop} {f} :: Guinée-Bissau (country)
Guinée équatoriale {prop} {f} :: Equatorial Guinea
guinéen {adj} :: Guinean (from Guinea)
Guinéen {m} :: person from Guinea
Guinéenne {f} :: feminine noun of Guinéen
Guingamp {prop} :: Guingamp (commune)
guinguet {m} [dated, colloquial] :: A rough wine produced near Paris
guinguette {f} [historical] :: guinguette (sort of outdoor tavern that once existed in the in the suburbs of Paris)
guinille {f} [Louisiana French, Acadia] :: alternative form of guenille (a rag, a ragged garment)
guipure {f} :: guipure
guirlande {f} :: wreath
guirlande {f} :: festoon
guirlande {f} :: garland
guirlande {f} :: tinsel
guisarme {f} :: gisarme
guise {f} :: way
Guise {prop} {m} :: Guise (city)
guit {f} [colloquial, Quebec] :: guitar
guitare {f} :: guitar
guitare acoustique {f} :: acoustic guitar
guitare basse {f} :: bass guitar
guitare électrique {f} :: electric guitar
guitare rythmique {f} [musical instruments] :: rhythm guitar
guitare solo {f} [musical instruments] :: lead guitar
guitariste {mf} :: guitarist
guitaristique {adj} :: guitaristic
guitaristiquement {adv} :: guitaristically
Guiteau {prop} :: surname
guithare {f} :: obsolete form of guitare
guitoune {f} [military, colloquial] :: tent
guitoune {f} [military slang] :: dugout (in trench)
gujarati {m} :: Gujarati; language spoken in the state of Gujarat, India
gunnera {f} :: gunnera
Guomindang {prop} :: Kuomintang
guppy {m} :: guppy
guru {m} :: alternative spelling of gourou
gus {m} [colloquial] :: bloke, guy
gustatif {adj} :: gustatory
gustativement {adv} :: gustatorily
Gustave {prop} :: given name
guttural {adj} :: guttural (of a consonant)
guttural {adj} :: guttural (relating to the throat)
gutturalement {adv} :: gutturally
Guy {prop} :: given name
Guyana {prop} {m} :: Guyana (country)
guyanais {adj} :: Guianese (of or relating to French Guiana)
Guyanais {m} :: person from French Guiana, Guianese
Guyanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Guyanais
Guyane {prop} {f} :: French Guiana
Guyane française {prop} {f} :: French Guiana
guyanien {adj} :: Guyanese
Guyot {prop} :: given name, rare today
Guyot {prop} :: surname
Gwenaël {prop} :: given name
Gwenaëlle {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Gwenaël
Gwendoline {prop} :: given name derived from Gwendolen
gwerz {m} :: gwerz
gymnase {m} :: gymnasium (Roman hall)
gymnase {m} :: gymnasium (sports hall)
gymnaste {mf} :: gymnast
gymnastique {adj} :: gymnastic
gymnastique {f} [sports] :: gymnastics
gymnastique {f} [intellectual and artistic exercise] :: gymnastics
gymnastique {f} [school] :: PE, physical education
gymnastique acrobatique {f} :: acrobatic gymnastics
gymnastique aérobique {f} :: aerobic gymnastics
gymnastique artistique {f} :: artistic gymnastics
gymnastique rythmique {f} :: rhythmic gymnastics
gynæcée {m} :: obsolete form of gynécée
gynæcologie {f} :: obsolete form of gynécologie
gynæcologique {adj} :: obsolete form of gynécologique
gynæconome {m} :: obsolete spelling of gynéconome
gynandre {adj} :: gynandrous
gynandrie {f} :: gynandry
gynécée {m} :: gynæceum
gynécée {m} :: gynoecium
gynéco {mf} [colloquial] :: gyno
gynécologie {f} :: gynecology
gynécologique {adj} :: gynecological
gynécologue {mf} :: gynecologist
gynécomaste {m} :: gynecomast
gynécomastie {f} :: gynecomasty
gynécomorphe {adj} :: gynecomorphous
gyneconome {m} :: nonstandard spelling of gynéconome
gynéconome {m} [historical] :: a gyneconome
gynocide {f} :: femicide
gynophage {adj} [rare] :: woman-eating
gynophage {mf} [rare] :: woman-eater
gyoza {m} :: gyoza (dumplings)
gypaète {m} :: lammergeier, bearded vulture
gypse {m} [mineralogy] :: gypsum
gypser {vt} :: to plaster [with gypsum]
gypseux {adj} :: gypseous
gyrer {v} [astronautics] :: To turn, to rotate, to spin
gyro- {prefix} :: gyro- (rotating motion)
gyro {m} :: gyro; alternative spelling of gyros (Greek sandwich)
gyromagnétique {adj} [physics] :: gyromagnetic
gyromagnétisme {m} [physics] :: gyromagnetism
gyrophare {m} :: The rotating or flashing light on top of an emergency vehicle
gyropode {m} :: Segway
gyros {m} :: gyro (Greek sandwich)
gyroscope {m} :: gyroscope
gyroscopique {adj} :: gyroscopic
gyroscopiquement {adv} :: gyroscopically