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From ominous +‎ -ly.





ominously (comparative more ominously, superlative most ominously)

  1. In an ominous manner; with sinister foreboding.
    • 1868 January 4 – June 6, [William] Wilkie Collins, “Second Period. The Discovery of the Truth. (1848–1849.) [] [Fourth Narrative. Extracted from the Journal of Ezra Jennings.]”, in The Moonstone. A Romance. [], volume III, London: Tinsley Brothers, [], published 1868, →OCLC, page 195:
      From first to last he was ominously polite, and ominously silent.
    • 1983, Patricia Hagan, Golden Roses:
      His nostrils flared ominously and his fists opened and closed at his sides.
    • 1999, Harish Kapadia, “Accident and Rescue in the Nanda Devi Sanctuary”, in Across Peaks & Passes in Kumaun Himalaya, New Delhi: Indus Publishing Company, →ISBN, page 70:
      However, the next day dawned ominously with an overcast sky and we postponed our start till 8 o'clock.

