User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-d
d10 {n} | :: d10 |
d12 {n} | :: d12 |
d20 {n} | :: d20 |
d4 {n} | :: d4 |
d6 {n} | :: d6 |
d8 {n} | :: d8 |
dab {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint | :: |
dab {n} (flatfish of the family Pleuronectidae) | :: limanda {f} |
dacha {n} (Russian villa or summer house) | :: datxa {f} |
dachshund {n} (breed of dog) | :: teckel {m}, dachshund {m}, dackel {m} |
Dacia {prop} (ancient kingdom and Roman province) | :: Dàcia {f} |
Dacian {n} (member of an ancient Indo-European ethnic group of Dacia) | :: daci {m} |
Dacian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Dacia or the Dacians) | :: daci |
dacite {n} (an igneous, volcanic rock with a high iron content) | :: dacita {f} |
dactylology {n} (The use of the fingers and hands to communicate ideas, especially by the deaf) | :: dactilologia {f} |
dad {n} (informal: a father) | :: papa {m} |
Dada {n} (cultural movement, see also: dadaism) | :: dadà {m}, dadaisme {m} |
dadaism {n} (cultural movement, see also: Dada) | :: dadaisme {m}, dadà {m} |
Daedalus {prop} (Greek mythological figure) | :: Dèdal {m} |
daffodil {n} (flower) | :: narcís {m} |
Daffy Duck {prop} (comic duck) | :: Ànec Daffy |
Dagestan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) | :: Daguestan |
Dagestani {n} (someone from Dagestan) | :: daguestànic |
dagga {n} (cement) SEE: cement | :: |
dagger {n} (a stabbing weapon) | :: daga {f}, punyal {m} |
dahlia {n} (any plant of the genus Dahlia) | :: dàlia {f} |
daikon {n} (large white radish) | :: daikon, rave blanc, rave japonès, rave xinès, lo bok, mooli |
daily {adj} (that occurs every day) | :: diari |
daily {n} (newspaper) | :: diari {m} |
daily {adv} (every day) | :: diàriament |
dairy {n} (shop selling dairy products) | :: lleteria, vaqueria (specifically, cows), cabreria (specifically goats) |
dairy {n} (products produced from milk) | :: lactis |
dairyman {n} (man who works in a dairy) SEE: milkman | :: |
dais {n} (raised platform) | :: estrada {f} |
daisy {n} (Bellis perennis) | :: margarida {f} |
dalet {n} (Semitic letter) | :: dàlet {f} |
Daliesque {adj} (relating to Salvador Dalí) | :: dalinià {m}, daliniana {f} |
Dalmatia {prop} (region in Croatia) | :: Dalmàcia {f} |
Dalmatia {prop} (Roman province) | :: Dalmàcia {f} |
Dalmatian {adj} (relating to Dalmatia or its people) | :: dàlmata |
Dalmatian {n} (person from Dalmatia) | :: dàlmata {m} {f} |
Dalmatian {n} (breed of dog) | :: dàlmata {m} |
Dalmatian {prop} (extinct Romance language of Croatia) | :: dàlmata {m} |
dalmatic {n} (ecclesiastical garment) | :: dalmàtica {f} |
daltonic {adj} (color blind) SEE: color blind | :: |
dam {n} (structure placed across a flowing body of water) | :: presa {f} |
damage {n} (abstract measure of something not being intact; harm) | :: dany {m} |
damage {v} (to make something less intact or even destroy it; to harm or cause destruction) | :: danyar |
damaging {adj} (harmful, injurious, that damages) | :: perjudicial |
Damascus {prop} (the capital city of Syria) | :: Damasc |
damask {n} (fabric) | :: domàs {m} |
damask {v} (decorate or weave in damascene patterns) | :: endomassar, adomassar |
Dammam {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) | :: Dammam |
damn {v} (theology: to condemn to hell) | :: maleir |
damn {v} (to put a curse upon) | :: maleir |
damn {adj} (generic intensifier) | :: maleït |
damn {adv} (awfully, extremely) | :: malaïdament |
damn {interj} (non-vulgar expression of contempt etc.) | :: cagondena |
damp {adj} (Being in a state between dry and wet) | :: humit |
damp {n} (moisture) | :: humitat {f} |
damselfly {n} (insect) | :: cavallet del diable, damisel·la |
damsel in distress {n} (young woman perceived as being in a dangerous situation.) | :: donzella en perill {f} |
Danbo {n} (cheese originating in Denmark) | :: danbo {m} |
dance {n} (movements to music) | :: ball {m}, dansa {f} |
dance {v} (move rhythmically to music) | :: ballar, dansar |
dancer {n} (person who dances) | :: ballador {m}, ballarí {m} [professional] |
dandelion {n} (plant, wild flower of the genus Taraxacum) | :: dent de lleó {f} |
dandruff {n} (skin flakes) | :: caspa {f}, arna {f} [Balearic] |
Dane {n} (person from Denmark or of Danish descent) | :: danès {m}, danesa {f}; [Valencian] danés {m}, danesa {f} |
danewort {n} (Sambucus ebulus) | :: évol {m} |
dang {adj} (damn) SEE: damn | :: |
danger {n} (exposure to likely harm) | :: perill {m} |
dangerous {adj} (full of danger) | :: perillós |
dangerously {adv} (in a dangerous manner) | :: perillosament |
dangerousness {n} (state or quality of being dangerous) | :: perillositat |
dangle {v} (hang loosely) | :: penjar |
Danian {prop} (a subdivision of the Paleocene epoch) | :: Danià |
Daniel {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Daniel |
Daniel {prop} (biblical person) | :: Daniel |
Daniel {prop} (male given name) | :: Daniel |
Danish {prop} (language) | :: danès {m}; [Valencian] danés {m} |
Danish {adj} (of Denmark) | :: danès; [Valencian] danés |
Danish {n} (native of Denmark) SEE: Dane | :: |
Danish crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow | :: |
dank {adj} (dark, damp and humid) | :: humit |
Danny {prop} (Diminutive of Dan, Daniel) | :: Dani {m} |
danse macabre {n} (a conventional subject of artistic painting or drawing) | :: dansa de la mort |
Dantean {adj} (of or pertaining to Dante or his style) SEE: Dantesque | :: |
Dantesque {adj} (of or pertaining to Dante or his style, with elevated tone and somber focus) | :: dantesc |
Danube {prop} (river of Europe that flows to the Black Sea) | :: Danubi {m} |
darbuka {n} (goblet drum) SEE: goblet drum | :: |
Dardanelles {prop} (strait) | :: Dardanels {m-p} |
dare {v} (to have courage) | :: gosar, atrevir-se |
daredevil {adj} (recklessly bold; adventurous) | :: temerari |
Dari {prop} (Eastern Persian) | :: dari {m} |
Daria {prop} (female given name) | :: Dària |
daring {adj} (willing to take on risks) | :: agosarat, atrevit |
Darius {prop} (any of several Persian kings) | :: Darios |
dark {adj} (having an absolute or relative lack of light) | :: fosc, obscur |
dark {adj} (not bright or light, deeper in hue) | :: fosc, obscur |
dark {n} (a complete or partial absence of light) | :: foscor {f}, obscuritat {f} |
dark {n} | :: fosca {f} |
dark elf {n} (a Dǫkkálfar) | :: elf fosc |
dark magic {n} (black magic) SEE: black magic | :: |
dark matter {n} (particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation) | :: matèria fosca {f} |
darkness {n} (state of being dark) | :: foscor {f} |
darkness {n} (gloom) | :: tenebres {f-p} |
darkness {n} (state of reflecting little light; tending to blackish or brownish) | :: negror {f} |
dark-skinned {adj} (having dark skin) | :: bru |
darling {n} (person who is dear to one) | :: estimat {m}, estimada {f} |
darmstadtium {n} (transuranic chemical element with atomic number 110) | :: darmstadti {m} |
darn {adj} (damn) SEE: damn | :: |
darn {interj} (damn) SEE: damn | :: |
darn {v} (damn) SEE: damn | :: |
darnel {n} (type of ryegrass found in wheatfields) | :: jull {m}, zitzània {f} |
darning needle {n} (damselfly) SEE: damselfly | :: |
Darriwilian {prop} | :: Darriwilià |
dart {n} (sharp-pointed missile weapon) | :: dard {m} |
Darwinian {n} (adherent of Darwin's theory) | :: darwinista {m} {f} |
Darwinian {adj} (relating to the theory of evolution) | :: darwinià |
Darwinism {n} (principles of natural selection) | :: darwinisme {m} |
dash {n} (colloquial: hyphen) SEE: hyphen | :: |
dash {n} (typographic symbol) | :: guió |
dash {n} (Morse code symbol) | :: ratlla {f} |
dash {v} (to run short distance) | :: esprintar |
dash {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard | :: |
dashboard {n} (panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft) | :: davantal {m} |
dashcam {n} (digital video recorder mounted on the dashboard of a vehicle or elsewhere inside the vehicle) | :: dashcam |
data {n} (information) | :: informació {f}, dades {f-p} |
databank {n} (database) SEE: database | :: |
database {n} (collection of information) | :: base de dades {f} |
database {n} (software program) | :: base de dades {f} |
data processing {n} (operations on data) | :: processament de dades {m} |
data set {n} (modem) SEE: modem | :: |
data structure {n} (organization of data) | :: estructura de dades {f} |
date {n} (fruit of the date palm) | :: dàtil {m} |
date {n} (that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.) | :: data {f} |
date {n} (point of time at which a transaction or event takes place) | :: data {f} |
date {n} (pre-arranged social meeting) | :: cita {f} |
date {v} (to take (someone) on a series of dates) | :: sortir, quedar (amb algú) |
date {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm | :: |
date of birth {n} (birthday) SEE: birthday | :: |
date of birth {n} (date and year when something was born) | :: data de naixement {f} |
date palm {n} (Phoenix dactylifera) | :: palmera datilera {f} |
date tree {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm | :: |
dating {n} (process of estimating the age of something) | :: datació {f} |
dating {n} (setting of a date) | :: datació {f} |
dative {adj} (grammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object) | :: datiu |
dative {adj} (given by a judge) | :: datiu |
dative {n} (dative case) SEE: dative case | :: |
dative case {n} (case used to express direction towards an indirect object) | :: datiu {m} |
datum {n} (single piece of information) | :: dada {f} |
daub {v} (to apply something in hasty or crude strokes) | :: empastifar |
daughter {n} (female offspring) | :: filla {f} |
daughter-in-law {n} (wife of one's child) | :: nora {f} |
dauphin {n} (eldest son of king of France) | :: delfí {m} |
Dauphiné {prop} (former province of France) | :: Delfinat {m} |
David {prop} (male given name) | :: David {m} |
Davidic {adj} (of or relating to David) | :: davídic |
daw {n} (Coloeus monedula) SEE: jackdaw | :: |
daw {v} (dawn) SEE: dawn | :: |
dawn {v} (to begin to brighten with daylight) | :: clarejar |
dawn {v} (to start to appear, to be realized) | :: néixer |
dawn {n} (morning twilight period) | :: aurora {f} |
dawn {n} (rising of the sun) | :: alba {m} |
dawn {n} (time) | :: albada {f} |
dawn {n} (beginning) | :: albors {f-p} |
day {n} (period of 24 hours) | :: dia {m}, jorn {m} |
day {n} (period from midnight to the following midnight) | :: dia {m}, jorn {m} |
day {n} (rotational period of a planet) | :: dia {m}, jorn {m} |
day {n} (part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.) | :: jornada {f} |
day {n} (period between sunrise and sunset) | :: dia {m}, jorn {m} |
day after {n} (next day) | :: endemà {m} |
day after tomorrow {n} (day after tomorrow - translation entry) | :: demà passat, despús-demà |
day before yesterday {n} (day before yesterday - translation entry) | :: abans-d'ahir |
day before yesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday - translation entry) | :: abans-d'ahir |
daybook {n} (A daily chronicle; a diary) SEE: diary | :: |
daybreak {n} (dawn) | :: alba {f} |
daydream {n} (a spontaneous and fanciful series of thoughts) | :: ensomni {m} |
daydream {v} (to have such a series of thoughts) | :: somiar despert |
daydreamer {n} (one who daydreams) | :: somiador {m}, somiatruites {m} |
day lark {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird | :: |
daylight {n} (light from the Sun) | :: llum del dia {f} |
daylight {n} (period of time between sunrise and sunset) | :: dia {m} |
daylight {n} (daybreak) SEE: daybreak | :: |
daylight savings time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time | :: |
daylight saving time {n} (an adjustment of the official time during summer) | :: horari d'estiu {m} |
daytime {n} (the time of daylight) | :: dia {m} |
dazed {adj} (in a state of shock or confusion) | :: estabornit |
dazed {adj} (stunned) | :: atordit |
dazzle {v} (confuse the sight) | :: enlluernar |
dazzle {v} (figuratively) | :: enlluernar |
dazzling {adj} (splendid) | :: enlluernador |
décolletage {n} (low neckline) | :: escot {m} |
de- {prefix} (reversal, undoing or removing) | :: de- |
deacon {n} (a designated minister of charity in the early Church) | :: diaca {m} |
deacon {n} (a clergyman ranked directly below a priest) | :: diaca {m} |
deacon {n} (lay leader of a Protestant congregation) | :: diaca {m} |
deactivate {v} (to make something inactive or no longer effective) | :: desactivar |
deactivate {v} (to prevent the action of a biochemical agent) | :: desactivar |
dead {adj} (no longer alive) | :: mort |
dead {adj} (sports: not in play) | :: mort {m} |
dead {n} (those who have died) | :: morts {m} |
dead duck {n} (person or project that is in serious trouble or doomed to fail) | :: ser home mort (to be a dead man) |
deaden {v} (To make soundproof) | :: insonoritzar |
dead end {n} (street or path that goes nowhere) | :: cul-de-sac {m} atzucac {m}, carreró sense sortida {m}, carreró sense eixida {m} |
dead-end {n} (position) SEE: impasse | :: |
dead-end {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end | :: |
deadfall {n} (cheap, rough bar or saloon) SEE: dive | :: |
deadly {adj} (lethal) | :: mortal, letal, mortífer |
deadly nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade; Atropa belladonna) | :: belladona {f} |
deadly sin {n} (any of the seven deadly sins) | :: pecat capital {m} |
Dead Sea {prop} (lake in the Middle East) | :: Mar Morta {f} |
deaf {adj} (unable to hear) | :: sord |
deaf {n} (deaf people considered as a group) | :: els sords {p} |
deaf aid {n} (hearing aid) SEE: hearing aid | :: |
deaf as a doorpost {adj} (stone deaf) SEE: stone deaf | :: |
deaf as a post {adj} (stone deaf) SEE: stone deaf | :: |
deafblind {adj} (unable to see and hear) | :: sordcec |
deafblindness {n} (condition of being deaf and blind) | :: sordceguesa {f} |
deafen {v} (to make deaf) | :: ensordir |
deafening {adj} (loud enough to cause hearing loss) | :: ensordidor |
deaf-mute {adj} (unable to hear or speak) | :: sordmut |
deaf-mute {n} (person who is unable to hear or speak) | :: sordmut {m}, sordmuda {f} |
deafness {n} (condition of being deaf) | :: sordesa {f} |
deal {v} (to give out as one’s portion or share) | :: repartir |
deal {v} (to distribute (cards)) | :: repartir |
deal {v} (to trade) | :: comerciar, vendre, comprar |
deal {v} (to be concerned with) | :: tractar |
deal {n} (agreement, arrangement) | :: tracte {m} |
dealer {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer | :: |
dean {n} (senior official in college or university) | :: degà {m} |
dean {n} (church dignitary) | :: degà {m} |
dean {n} (senior member of a group) | :: degà {m} |
dear {adj} (loved; lovable) | :: estimat, benvolgut |
dear {adj} (precious to or greatly valued by someone) | :: benvolgut |
dear {adj} (formal way of addressing) | :: estimat, benvolgut |
dear {adj} (an informal way of addressing the recipient in a letter's opening line) | :: estimat |
dear {adj} (a formal way to start (often after my) addressing somebody one likes or regards kindly) | :: estimat |
dear {adj} (high in price; expensive) SEE: expensive | :: |
dear {n} (beloved#noun) SEE: beloved | :: |
dear {adj} (sore) SEE: sore | :: |
death {n} (cessation of life) | :: mort {f} |
death {n} (Tarot) | :: la mort |
death camp {n} (facility) | :: camp d'extermini {m} |
deathlike {adj} (deadly) SEE: deadly | :: |
death penalty {n} (state punishment of death) | :: pena de mort {f} |
death seat {n} (the front passenger seat of an automobile) SEE: shotgun | :: |
deathwatch {n} (a deathwatch beetle) | :: escarabat del rellotge de la mort {m} |
deathwatch beetle {n} (beetle of the family Anobiidae) | :: escarabat del rellotge de la mort {m} |
deauthorize {v} (revoke permission) | :: desautoritzar |
debark {v} (to disembark) SEE: disembark | :: |
debatable {adj} (controversial) | :: discutible |
debate {n} (argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting) | :: debat {m} |
debate {v} (participate in a debate) | :: debatre |
debauch {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy | :: |
debauchery {n} (debauchery) | :: disbauxa {f}, llibertinatge {m} |
debit card {n} (card taking money directly from the bank account) | :: targeta de dèbit {f} |
debone {v} (remove the bones from something) | :: desossar |
debris {n} (rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed) | :: restes {f-p} |
debt {n} (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) | :: deute {m} |
debt {n} (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) | :: deute |
debtor {n} (a person or firm that owes money) | :: deutor {m}, deutora {f} |
debug {v} (to search for malfunctioning elements) | :: depurar |
debut {n} (a performer's first-time performance to the public) | :: debut {m} |
debut {v} (to make one's initial formal appearance) | :: debutar |
Dec {prop} (abbreviation of December) | :: des. |
decade {n} (period of ten years) | :: dècada {f}, decenni {m} |
decade {n} (series of ten things) | :: dècada {f} |
decadence {n} (state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration) | :: decadència {f} |
decadent {adj} (characterized by moral or cultural decline) | :: decadent |
decaffeinated {adj} (From which caffeine has been removed) | :: descafeïnat |
decagon {n} (polygon with ten sides) | :: decàgon {m} |
decagonal {adj} (shaped like a decagon) | :: decagonal |
decahedron {n} (polyhedron with ten faces) | :: decaedre {m}, decàedre {m} |
Decalogue {prop} (the Ten Commandments) SEE: Ten Commandments | :: |
Decalogue {n} (set of rules) | :: decàleg {m} |
Decameron {prop} (collection of 100 novellas by Boccaccio) | :: Decameró {m} |
decane {n} (decane) | :: decà {m} |
decangle {n} (decagon) SEE: decagon | :: |
decantation {n} (act of decanting) | :: decantació {f} |
decanter {n} (vessel for decanting) | :: decantador {m} |
decapitate {v} (remove the head of) SEE: behead | :: |
decapitation {n} (beheading) | :: decapitació {f} |
decathlon {n} (athletic contest) | :: decatló {m} |
decease {n} (departure, especially departure from this life; death) | :: defunció {f} |
deceased {adj} (no longer alive) | :: difunt, mort |
deceased {n} (dead person) | :: difunt, mort |
deceive {v} (trick or mislead) | :: enganyar, decebre |
decelerate {v} (reduce the acceleration of something) | :: descelerar, desaccelerar |
decelerate {v} (reduce the rate of advancement of something) | :: descelerar, desaccelerar |
December {prop} (twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: desembre {m} |
decency {n} (quality of being decent) | :: decència {f} |
decently {adv} (in a decent manner) | :: decentment |
decentralization {n} (the action of decentralizing) | :: descentralització {f} |
decentralize {v} (cause to change from being concentrated) | :: descentralitzar |
decentralize {v} (reduce the authority of a governing body) | :: descentralitzar |
deception {n} (instance of actions fabricated to mislead) | :: engany {m} |
deceptive {adj} (misleading, attempting to deceive) | :: enganyós, decebedor, deceptiu |
deceptive advertising {n} (exaggerated advertising that attempts to deceive) | :: publicitat enganyosa {f} |
deceptively {adv} (in a deceptive manner) | :: enganyosament |
decibel {n} (a common measure of sound intensity) | :: decibel {m} |
decide {v} (to resolve or settle) | :: decidir |
decide {v} (give judgement) | :: decidir |
decidedly {adv} (in a decided manner) | :: decididament |
decidedly {adv} (in a manner which leaves no question) | :: decididament |
decidua {n} (a mucous membrane that lines the uterus) | :: decídua {f} |
deciduous {adj} (describing a part that falls off, or is shed) | :: caduc, decidu |
deciduous {adj} (of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season) | :: caducifoli |
deciduous tooth {n} (baby tooth) SEE: milk tooth | :: |
decimal {adj} (concerning numbers expressed in decimal or calculations using decimal) | :: decimal |
decimate {v} (Roman history: to kill one out of ten men) | :: delmar |
decimate {v} (to reduce by one-tenth) | :: delmar |
decimate {v} (to severely reduce) | :: delmar |
decimate {v} (to collect or pay a tithe) SEE: tithe | :: |
decipher {v} (to decode or decrypt a code or cipher) | :: desxifrar |
decipher {v} (to read illegible or obscure text) | :: desxifrar |
decipherment {n} (the analysis of documents written in ancient languages) | :: desxifratge {m} |
decisecond {n} (a unit of time) | :: decisegon {m} |
decision {n} (choice or judgement) | :: decisió {f} |
decision {n} (result arrived at by the judges) | :: decisió {f} |
decision making {n} (process of reaching a decision) | :: presa de decisions {f} |
decision-making {n} (alternative form of decision making) SEE: decision making | :: |
decisive {adj} (having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy) | :: decisiu |
decisive {adj} (marked by promptness and decision) | :: decisiu |
decisively {adv} (in a decisive manner) | :: decisivament |
deck {n} (any raised flat surface walked on) | :: terra {m} |
deck {n} (pack of playing cards) | :: baralla {f} |
deck {n} (floorlike covering on a ship) | :: coberta {f} |
deck {v} (decorate) SEE: decorate | :: |
deck chair {n} (a folding chair with a wooden frame) | :: gandula {f} |
deck out {v} (decorate) SEE: decorate | :: |
declarant {n} (a person who makes a formal declaration or statement) | :: declarant {m} {f} |
declaration {n} (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief) | :: declaració {f} |
declaration {n} (list of items for various legal purposes) | :: declaració {f} |
declaration {n} (act or process of declaring) | :: declaració {f} |
declare {v} (to make a declaration) | :: declarar |
declare {v} (to announce one's support, choice, opinion, etc) | :: declarar |
declare war {v} (initiate a state of war) | :: denunciar la guerra |
declension {n} (act) | :: declinació {f} |
declension {n} (way of categorizing) | :: declinació {f} |
declination {n} (declension) SEE: declension | :: |
decline {n} (downward movement, fall) | :: declivi {m}, caiguda {f} |
decline {n} | :: declinació {f} |
decline {v} (move downwards) | :: declinar-se |
decline {v} (become weaker or worse) | :: debilitar-se |
decline {v} (refuse) | :: declinar, refusar |
decline {v} | :: declinar |
decollate {v} (behead) SEE: behead | :: |
decolonization {n} (freeing of a colony from dependent status) | :: descolonització {f} |
decolonize {v} (to release from the status of colony) | :: descolonitzar |
decompose {v} (to separate) | :: descompondre |
decompose {v} (to decay) | :: descompondre |
decomposition {n} (biological process) | :: descomposició {f} |
decongest {v} (free from congestion) | :: descongestionar |
decontamination {n} (process of removing contamination) | :: descontaminació {f} |
decorate {v} (to furnish with decorations) | :: decorar |
decoration {n} (act of adorning) | :: decoració {f} |
decoration {n} (that which adorns) | :: decoració {f} |
decorative {adj} (that serves to decorate) | :: decoratiu |
decorticate {v} (peel or remove the bark, husk or outer layer from something) | :: escorxar |
decouple {v} (to unlink) | :: desacoblar |
decoy {n} (person or object meant to lure something to danger) | :: esquer {m}, cimbell {m} |
decrease {v} (become smaller) | :: decréixer, disminuir |
decrease {v} (make smaller) | :: disminuir |
decrease {n} (amount of decrease) | :: disminució {f}, decreixença {f} |
decriminalize {v} (to change the laws so something is no longer a crime) | :: despenalitzar |
decryption {n} (decoding) | :: desencriptació {f} |
dectuple {adj} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold | :: |
dectuple {v} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold | :: |
decubitus {n} (bedsore) SEE: bedsore | :: |
decuple {adj} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold | :: |
decuple {v} (tenfold) SEE: tenfold | :: |
dedicate {v} (to set apart for a deity or for religious purposes; consecrate) | :: dedicar |
dedicate {v} (to set apart for a special use) | :: dedicar, destinar |
dedicate {v} (to commit (oneself) to a particular course of thought or action) | :: dedicar-se |
dedicate {v} (to address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection) | :: dedicar |
dedicate {v} (to open (a building, for example) to public use) | :: inaugurar |
dedicate {v} (to show to the public for the first time) | :: inaugurar |
dedication {n} (note prefixed to a work of art) | :: dedicatòria {f} |
deduce {v} (reach conclusion by logic) | :: deduir |
deducible {adj} (capable of being deduced) | :: deduïble |
deductible {n} (excess) SEE: excess | :: |
deduction {n} (that which is subtracted or removed) | :: deducció {f} |
deduction {n} (sum that can be removed from tax calculations) | :: deducció {f} |
deduction {n} (process of reasoning) | :: deducció {f} |
dee {n} (name of the letter D, d) | :: de {f} |
deed {n} (action) | :: fet {m}, acte {m} |
deed {n} (legal instrument) | :: escriptura {f}, acta {f} |
deem {n} (an opinion, judgment) SEE: opinion | :: |
deen {n} (religion) SEE: religion | :: |
deen {n} (Islam) SEE: Islam | :: |
deep {adj} (having its bottom far down) | :: profund |
deep {adj} (profound) | :: profund |
deep {adj} (seriously or to a significant extent, not superficial) | :: profund |
deep {adj} (thick in a vertical direction) | :: profund |
deep {adj} (voluminous) | :: pregon |
deep {adj} (of a sound or voice, low in pitch) | :: greu |
deep {adj} (of a color, dark and highly saturated) | :: intens |
deep {adj} (in a number of rows or layers) | :: fondo |
deep {adj} (difficult to awake) | :: profund |
deep blue {adj} (dark blue) SEE: navy | :: |
deepen {v} (to make deep or deeper) | :: profunditzar |
deepen {v} (to become deeper) | :: profunditzar-se |
deep freeze {n} (freezer) SEE: freezer | :: |
deep-fried {adj} (cooked in deep fryer) | :: fregit |
deeply {adv} (profoundly) | :: profundament |
deer {n} (animal of the family Cervidae) | :: cérvol {m} |
deer {n} (meat from the animal) SEE: venison | :: |
deer meat {n} (venison) SEE: venison | :: |
deerslaughter {n} (killing of deer) | :: cervicidi |
de-escalate {v} (to decrease in intensity or magnitude) | :: desescalar |
de-escalation {n} (a decrease in scope, extension or severity) | :: desescalada {f} |
defacement {n} (marring, disfiguring) | :: desfiguració {f} |
defacement {n} (voiding, nullification) | :: devaluació {f} |
defamation {n} (act of injuring another's reputation by any slanderous communication) | :: difamació {f} |
defamatory {adj} (damaging to someone's reputation) | :: difamador, difamant, difamatori |
defame {v} (to harm, to diminish the reputation of) | :: difamar |
defame {v} (to disgrace, bring into disrepute) | :: difamar |
defeat {v} (to overcome in battle or contest) | :: vèncer, derrotar, batre |
defeat {n} (the act of being defeated, of losing) | :: derrota {f} |
defeat {n} (the act of defeating, of overcoming or winning against) | :: venciment {m} |
defect {n} (fault or malfunction) | :: defecte {m} |
defective {adj} (having one or more defects) | :: defectiu, defectuós |
defective {adj} (having only some forms) | :: defectiu |
defence {n} (defence) SEE: defense | :: |
defenceless {adj} (defenceless) SEE: defenseless | :: |
defend {v} (ward off attacks against) | :: defensar, defendre |
defender {n} (sports term) | :: defensor {m} |
defenestrate {v} (eject from a window) | :: defenestrar |
defenestration {n} (act of throwing out a window) | :: defenestració {f} |
defense {n} (action of protecting from attack) | :: defensa {f} |
defenseless {adj} (lacking any form of defense; vulnerable; open to attack) | :: indefens |
defense mechanism {n} (psychological strategy) | :: mecanisme de defensa {m} |
defensive zone {n} (zone) | :: zona de defensa {f} |
deference {n} (great respect) | :: deferència {f} |
defibrillator {n} (device) | :: desfibril·lador {m} |
deficiency {n} (inadequacy or incompleteness) | :: deficiència {f} |
deficiency {n} (insufficiency) | :: dèficit {m} |
deficient {adj} (lacking something essential) | :: deficient |
deficient {adj} (insufficient or inadequate in amount) | :: deficient |
deficit {n} (situation wherein spending exceeds government revenue) | :: dèficit {m} |
deficit {n} (deficiency) SEE: deficiency | :: |
defile {v} (to make impure or dirty) | :: embrutar, contaminar, pol·luir |
define {v} (state meaning of) | :: definir |
defined {adj} (having a definition or value) | :: definit |
definite {adj} (having distinct limits) | :: definit |
definite {adj} ((linguistics) designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing) | :: definit |
definite article {n} (article introducing a noun and specifying it as the particular noun considered) | :: article definit {m}, article determinat {m} |
definitely {adv} (without question and beyond doubt) | :: definitivament |
definitely {adv} (in a definite manner) | :: decididament |
definition {n} (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol) | :: definició {f} |
definition {n} (action or process of defining) | :: definició {f} |
definition {n} (product of defining) | :: definició {f} |
definition {n} (clarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail) | :: definició {f} |
definition {n} (clarity, especially of musical sound in reproduction) | :: definició {f} |
definition {n} (bodybuilding: the degree to which individual muscles are distinct) | :: definició {f} |
definitive {adj} (explicitly defined) | :: definitiu |
definitive {adj} (conclusive or decisive) | :: definitiu |
definitive {adj} (definite, authoritative and complete) | :: definitiu |
definitively {adv} (in a decisive, conclusive and final manner) | :: definitivament |
deflation {n} (decrease in the general price level) | :: deflació {f} |
deflect {v} (to make deviate) | :: desviar |
deflect {v} (to deviate) | :: desviar-se |
deforest {v} (to clear an area of forest) | :: desboscar, desforestar |
deforestation {n} (process of destroying a forest) | :: desforestació {f} |
deformation {n} (act of deforming, or state of being deformed) | :: deformació {f} |
deformity {n} (The state of being deformed) | :: deformitat {f} |
deformity {n} (Something which is deformed) | :: deformitat {f} |
defraud {v} (to obtain money or property by fraud) | :: estafar, defraudar |
defrost {v} (to remove frost from) | :: descongelar |
defrost {v} (to thaw) | :: descongelar, desglaçar, desgelar |
deftly {adv} (in a deft manner) | :: hàbilment |
defunct {adj} (deceased) | :: difunt |
defunction {n} (death) | :: defunció {f} |
defy {n} (challenge) SEE: challenge | :: |
degeneracy {n} (degeneration) SEE: degeneration | :: |
degenerate {v} (to lose good or desirable qualities) | :: degenerar |
degeneration {n} (process or state of growing worse) | :: degeneració {f} |
degeneration {n} (condition of a tissue or an organ in which its vitality has become diminished) | :: degeneració {f} |
degenerative {adj} (characterized by or causing degeneration) | :: degeneratiu |
degradable {adj} (that which can be degraded) | :: degradable |
degrade {v} (to lower in value or social position) | :: degradar |
degrade {v} (to reduce in quality or purity) | :: degradar |
degree {n} (in geometry: unit of angle) | :: grau {m} |
degree {n} (unit of temperature) | :: grau {m} |
degree {n} (amount, proportion, extent) | :: grau {m} |
degree {n} (academic award) | :: títol {m}, diploma {m} |
degrowth {n} (negative growth) | :: decreixement {m} |
degustation {n} (tasting) SEE: tasting | :: |
dehiscence {n} ((botany) opening of an organ by its own means) | :: dehiscència {f} |
dehorn {v} (remove the horns from) | :: escornar |
dehumanization {n} (the act or process of dehumanizing) | :: deshumanització {f} |
dehumanize {v} (to take away humanity) | :: deshumanitzar |
dehumidifier {n} (device for removing moisture from air) | :: deshumidificador {m} |
dehusk {v} (remove the husk) | :: desclovellar |
dehydrate {v} (to lose or remove water) | :: deshidratar |
dehydration {n} (act or process of freeing from water) | :: deshidratació {f} |
deification {n} (Act of deifying) | :: deïficació {f} |
deify {v} (to make a god of) | :: deïficar |
Dei gratia {adv} (by the Grace of God) SEE: by the Grace of God | :: |
deindustrialization {n} | :: desindustrialització {f} |
deindustrialize {v} | :: desindustrialitzar |
deism {n} (belief) | :: deisme {m} |
deist {adj} (of or relating to deism) | :: deista |
deist {n} (person who believes in deism) | :: deista {m} {f} |
deity {n} | :: deïtat {f}, divinitat {f} |
deity {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity | :: |
deixis {n} (reference relying on context) | :: dixi {f} |
dejected {adj} (sad and dispirited) | :: capbaix |
de jure {adj} (by right) | :: de iure |
delay {n} (period of time before an event occurs) | :: retard {m}, demora {f}, endarreriment {m} |
delay {v} (put off until a later time) | :: endarrerir, demorar |
delegate {n} (deputy, envoy, representative) | :: delegat {m}, delegada {f} |
delete {v} (to remove) | :: esborrar |
deleterious {adj} (harmful) | :: deleteri |
Delhi {prop} (city in India) | :: Delhi |
deliberate {adj} (intentional) | :: deliberat |
deliberately {adv} (intentionally) | :: deliberadament |
deliberately {adv} (slowly and carefully) | :: prudentment |
deliberation {n} (the act of deliberating, or of weighing and examining the reasons for and against a choice or measure) | :: deliberació {f} |
deliberation {n} (careful discussion and examination of the reasons for and against a measure) | :: deliberació {f} |
delicate {adj} (easily damaged or requiring careful handling) | :: delicat |
delicate {adj} (characterized by a fine structure or thin lines) | :: delicat |
delicate {adj} (of weak health, easily sick) | :: delicat |
delicately {adv} (in a delicate manner) | :: delicadament |
delicateness {n} (the characteristic of being delicate) | :: delicadesa {f} |
delicious {adj} (pleasing to taste) | :: deliciós, gustós, saborós |
deliciously {adv} (delicious manner) | :: deliciosament |
delight {n} (joy, pleasure) | :: delit {m}, plaer {m} |
delighted {adj} (Greatly pleased) | :: encantat |
delightful {adj} (pleasant; pleasing) | :: encantador |
Delilah {prop} (biblical mistress of Samson) | :: Dalila {f} |
delimitation {n} (the act of delimiting something) | :: delimitació {f} |
delinquency {n} (misconduct) | :: delinqüència {f} |
delinquency {n} (a criminal offense) | :: delinqüència {f} |
deliquescent {adj} (chemistry) | :: deliqüescent |
delirium {n} (mental state of confusion) | :: deliri {m} |
deliver {v} (to bring or transport something to its destination) | :: entregar, lliurar |
delivery {n} (act of conveying something) | :: lliurament {m}, entrega {f} |
dell {n} (valley) SEE: valley | :: |
Delphic {adj} (of or relating to Delphi) | :: dèlfic |
delta {n} (fourth letter of modern Greek alphabet) | :: delta {f} |
delta {n} (landform at the mouth of a river) | :: delta {f} |
deltoid {adj} (of or connected with deltoid muscle) | :: deltoïdal |
delude {v} (to deceive) | :: enganyar |
deluge {n} (a great flood) | :: diluvi {m} |
demagnetize {v} (to make something nonmagnetic) | :: desmagnetitzar |
demagogic {adj} (of or pertaining to demagogy or a demagogue) | :: demagògic |
demagogue {n} ((pejorative) a political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience rather than by using rational argument) | :: demagog {m} |
demagogy {n} (demagogism) | :: demagògia |
demand {v} (to request forcefully) | :: exigir |
demanding {adj} (requiring much endurance, strength, or patience) | :: exigent |
demarcation {n} (act of marking off a boundary or setting a limit) | :: demarcació {f} |
demarcation {n} (thus fixed limit) | :: demarcació {f} |
demeanor {n} (outward way in which a person behaves) | :: comportament {m}, conducta {f} |
Demeter {prop} (Greek goddess of the harvest) | :: Demèter {f}, Demetra {f} |
demethylate {v} (to remove methyl groups) | :: desmetilar |
demigod {n} (a half-god or hero) | :: semidéu {m}, semideessa {f} |
demigod {n} (a lesser deity) | :: semidéu {m}, semideessa {f} |
demijohn {n} (bottle) | :: damajoana {f} |
demilitarisation {n} (removal of a military force) | :: desmilitarització {f} |
demilitarization {n} (demilitarisation) SEE: demilitarisation | :: |
demilitarize {v} (remove troops from an area) | :: desmilitaritzar |
demiurge {n} (being that created the universe) | :: demiürg {m} |
Demiurge {prop} (subordinate deity) | :: demiürg {m} |
Demiurge {prop} (Inferior creator deity in Gnosticism) | :: demiürg {m} |
demobilization {n} (disorganization or disarming of troops) | :: desmobilització {f} |
demobilize {v} (to release someone from military duty) | :: desmobilitzar |
democracy {n} (rule by the people) | :: democràcia {f} |
democracy {n} (government under the rule of its people) | :: democràcia {f} |
democrat {n} (supporter of democracy) | :: demòcrata {m} {f} |
democratic {adj} (pertaining to democracy) | :: democràtic |
democratically {adv} (in a democratic way) | :: democràticament |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea {prop} (country in East Asia (official name)) | :: República Popular Democràtica de Corea {f} |
Democratic Republic of the Congo {prop} (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire) | :: República Democràtica del Congo {f} |
democratic socialism {n} (socialism based on democratic principles) | :: socialisme democràtic {m} |
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka {prop} (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) | :: República Democràtica Socialista de Sri Lanka {f} |
democratism {n} (principles or spirit of democracy) | :: democratisme {m} |
democratization {n} (the introduction of democracy) | :: democratització {f} |
democratize {v} (to make democratic) | :: democratitzar |
Democritus {prop} (Greek philosopher) | :: Demòcrit |
demographer {n} (person who studies demography) | :: demògraf {m} |
demographic {adj} (of or pertaining to demography) | :: demogràfic |
demographical {adj} (demographic) SEE: demographic | :: |
demographically {adv} (in a demographic manner) | :: demogràficament |
demography {n} (study of human populations) | :: demografia {f} |
demon {n} (evil spirit) | :: dimoni, diable |
demoniacal {adj} (of a demon, evil, devilish) SEE: demonic | :: |
demonic {adj} (Pertaining to evil spirits) | :: demoníac |
demonize {v} (describe or represent as evil) | :: demonitzar |
demonology {n} (study of demons) | :: demonologia {f} |
demonstrate {v} (to show how to use something) | :: demostrar |
demonstrate {v} (to show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation) | :: demostrar |
demonstration {n} (public display of opinion) | :: manifestació {f} |
demonstrative {adj} (that serves to demonstrate, show or prove) | :: demostratiu |
demonstrative {adj} ((grammar) that specifies the thing or person referred to) | :: demostratiu |
demonstrator {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
demonym {n} (name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place) | :: gentilici {m} |
demoralize {v} (to destroy morale; to dishearten) | :: desmoralitzar |
demotion {n} (An act of demoting; a lowering of rank or status) | :: degradació {f} |
demyelination {n} (removal of the myelin sheath) | :: desmielinització {f} |
den {n} (home of certain animals) | :: cau {m} |
Dena'ina {prop} (language) | :: dena'ina |
denarius {n} (silver coin) | :: denari {m} |
denatured alcohol {n} (ethyl alcohol unfit for consumption) | :: alcohol desnaturalitzat {m} |
dendrite {n} (projection of a nerve cell) | :: dendrita {f} |
dendritic {adj} (of or possessing dendrites) | :: dendrític |
dendrochronology {n} (science of counting tree rings) | :: dendrocronologia {f} |
dendrology {n} (the study of trees) | :: dendrologia {f} |
dendrometer {n} (device) | :: dendròmetre {m} |
dendron {n} (dendrite) SEE: dendrite | :: |
denial {n} (negation in logic) | :: negació {f} |
denial {n} (refusal to comply with a request) | :: negació {f} |
denial {n} (assertion of untruth) | :: desmentiment {m} |
denialist {n} (one who denies an assertion in a controversial debate) | :: negacionista {m} {f} |
denialist {adj} (relating to denial in a controversial debate) | :: negacionista {m} {f} |
denier {n} (coin) | :: diner {m} |
denigratory {adj} (tending to denigrate) | :: denigrant |
Denmark {prop} (country in Northern Europe) | :: Dinamarca {f} |
Dennis {prop} (male given name) | :: Dionís {m} |
denomination {n} (act of naming, designation) | :: denominació {f} |
denominative {adj} (deriving from a noun) | :: denominatiu |
denominator {n} (number or expression written below the line in a fraction) | :: denominador |
denotation {n} (act of denoting) | :: denotació {f} |
denotation {n} (primary or explicit meaning) | :: denotació {f} |
denounce {v} (to criticize or speak out against) | :: denunciar |
denounce {v} (to make a formal or public accusation against) | :: denunciar |
de novo {adv} (anew) SEE: anew | :: |
dense {adj} (having relatively high density) | :: dens |
densely {adv} (in a dense manner) | :: densament |
density {n} (physics: amount of matter contained by a given volume) | :: densitat {f} |
dent {n} (shallow deformation in the surface) | :: bony {m} |
dent {v} (produce a dent) | :: abonyegar |
dental {adj} (of or concerning the teeth) | :: dental |
dental {adj} (of or concerning dentistry) | :: dental |
dental {adj} (phonetics) | :: dental |
denticity {n} (number of donor groups from a ligand to the central atom of a coordination compound) | :: denticitat {f} |
denticulate {adj} ((botany, zoology) finely dentate) | :: denticulat |
dentin {n} (material of a tooth) | :: dentina {f} |
dentist {n} (specialized tooth doctor) | :: dentista |
dentition {n} (process of growing teeth) SEE: teething | :: |
denuclearization {n} (act or process of denuclearizing) | :: desnuclearització {f} |
denuclearize {v} (reduce number of nuclear weapons) | :: desnuclearitzar |
Denver boot {n} (wheel clamp) SEE: wheel clamp | :: |
deny {v} (disallow) SEE: forbid | :: |
deny {v} (to assert that something is not true) | :: negar |
deodorant {n} (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm) | :: desodorant {m} |
deodorize {v} (mask or eliminate odor) | :: desodorar, desodoritzar |
deontic {adj} (pertaining to necessity, duty or obligation) | :: deòntic |
deontological {adj} (of or relating to deontology) | :: deontològic |
Deo volente {interj} (God willing) SEE: God willing | :: |
deoxygenate {v} (to remove oxygen from something) | :: desoxigenar |
deoxygenation {n} (the removal of oxygen) | :: desoxigenació {f} |
deoxyribonucleic acid {n} (deoxyribonucleic acid) | :: àcid desoxiribonucleic |
deoxyribose {n} (derivative of ribose) | :: desoxiribosa |
depart {v} (to leave) | :: departir, deixar |
depend {v} (be contingent or conditioned) | :: dependre |
dependable {adj} (able to be depended on) | :: fiable |
dependence {n} (state of being dependent) | :: dependència {f} |
dependent {adj} (relying upon; depending upon) | :: dependent |
dependently {adv} (in a dependent manner) | :: dependentment |
dependent variable {n} (in algebra) | :: variable dependent {f} |
depiction {n} (lifelike image) | :: representació {f} |
depilate {v} (to remove hair from the body) | :: depilar |
depletion {n} (exhaustion) | :: exhauriment {m} |
deplorably {adv} (in a deplorable manner) | :: deplorablement |
deployment {n} (distribution of military forces prior to battle) | :: desplegament {m} |
depoliticization {n} | :: despolitització {f} |
depoliticize {v} (remove from political influence) | :: despolititzar |
deport {v} (to evict, especially from a country) | :: deportar |
deportation {n} (act of deporting or exiling) | :: deportació {f} |
deposit {n} (sediment or rock different from the surrounding material) | :: jaciment {m} |
deposit {n} (asset that was left to the care of the other) | :: dipòsit {m} |
deposit {n} (money placed in an account) | :: dipòsit {m} |
deposit {v} (to lay down) | :: dipositar |
deposit {v} (to put money or funds into an account) | :: dipositar |
depot {n} (warehouse or similar storage facility) | :: dipòsit {m} |
deprecated {adj} (strongly disapproved of) | :: desaprovat |
deprecated {adj} (belittled) | :: rebaixat |
deprecated {adj} (computing: obsolescent) | :: desaprovat |
depress {v} (to make depressed, sad or bored) | :: deprimir |
depressed {adj} (severely despondent and unhappy) | :: deprimit |
depressed {adj} (suffering from clinical depression) | :: deprimit |
depressed {adj} (suffering damaging effects of economic recession) | :: deprimit |
depressing {adj} (causing depression or sadness) | :: depriment |
depression {n} (geography: low area) | :: depressió {f} |
depression {n} (psychology: state of mind) | :: depressió {f} |
depression {n} (economics: period of major economic contraction) | :: depressió {f} |
depressive {adj} (dispiriting) | :: depressiu {m} |
deprive {v} (take something away; deny someone of something) | :: desposseir, privar |
depth {n} (vertical distance below a surface) | :: profunditat |
depths {n} (plural of depth) SEE: depth | :: |
derange {v} (to cause someone to go insane) | :: pertorbar |
derby {n} (local derby) SEE: local derby | :: |
Derek {prop} (given name) | :: Teodoric |
derivation {n} (act of tracing origin or descent) | :: derivació {f} |
derive {v} (obtain (something) from something else) | :: derivar |
derive {v} (create (a compound) from another by means of a reaction) | :: derivar |
derive {v} (originate (from)) | :: derivar |
dermatitis {n} (inflammation of the skin) | :: dermatitis {f} |
dermatologic {adj} (dermatological) SEE: dermatological | :: |
dermatological {adj} (of or pertaining to dermatology) | :: dermatològic |
dermatologist {n} (one who is skilled, professes or practices dermatology) | :: dermatòleg {f} |
dermatology {n} (the study of the skin and its diseases) | :: dermatologia {f} |
dermis {n} (skin layer underlying epidermis) | :: derma {m}, dermis {f} |
dernier {adj} (final, last) SEE: final | :: |
derogate {v} (to take away or detract from) | :: derogar |
derogatory {adj} (tending to lessen the value of) | :: pejoratiu, despectiu |
derogatory {adj} (legal clause) | :: derogatori |
dervish {n} (a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism) | :: dervix {m} {f} |
Dervish {n} (a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity) | :: dervix {m} |
desalinate {v} (remove the salt from something) | :: dessalar, dessalinitzar |
descend {v} (to pass from a higher to a lower place) | :: descendir |
descendant {n} (one who is the progeny of someone) | :: descendent {m} |
descending colon {n} (part of colon) | :: còlon descendent {m} |
descent {n} (way down) | :: baixada {f} |
describe {v} (to represent in words) | :: descriure |
describer {n} (person who describes) | :: descriptor {m} |
description {n} (account in words) | :: descripció {f} |
description word {n} (adjective) SEE: adjective | :: |
descriptive {adj} (of, or relating to description) | :: descriptiu |
descriptive {adj} (describing a language) | :: descriptiu |
descriptively {adv} (in a descriptive manner) | :: descriptivament |
descriptivism {n} (describing realistic language forms) | :: descriptivisme {m} |
descry {v} (see) SEE: see | :: |
desensitize {v} (cause to become insensitive) | :: insensibilitzar |
desert {n} (barren area) | :: desert {m} |
desert {adj} (Abandoned, deserted, or uninhabited) | :: desert |
desert {v} (to abandon) | :: desertar |
desert {v} (to leave military service) | :: desertar |
deserter {n} (person who leaves a military or naval unit) | :: desertor {m} |
desertification {n} (process by which a region becomes a desert) | :: desertificació {f} |
desertion {n} (deserting) | :: deserció {f} |
deserve {v} (to merit) | :: merèixer, meritar |
deserving {adj} (meriting, worthy) | :: mereixedor |
design {n} (plan) | :: disseny {m} |
design {v} (to plan an artwork etc.) | :: dissenyar |
designer {n} (person who designs) | :: dissenyador {m} |
desinence {n} (inflectional word-ending) | :: desinència {f} |
desirable {adj} (suitable to be desired) | :: desitjable |
desirably {adv} (in a manner likely to arouse desire) | :: desitjablement |
desire {v} (desire) SEE: want | :: |
desire {v} (wish for earnestly) | :: desitjar |
desire {v} (want emotionally or sexually) | :: desitjar |
desire {n} (something wished for) | :: desig {m} |
desire {n} (strong attraction) | :: desig {m} |
desire {n} (feeling of desire) | :: desig {m} |
desirous {adj} (Feeling desire; eagerly wishing; solicitous; eager to obtain; covetous) | :: desitjós |
desk {n} (lectern) SEE: lectern | :: |
desktop {n} (the top surface of a desk) | :: escriptori {m} |
desktop {n} (a desktop computer) | :: sobretaula {m} |
desktop {n} (on-screen background) | :: escriptori {m} |
despair {n} (loss of hope) | :: desesperació |
desperate {n} (filled with despair) | :: desesperat |
desperate {n} (having reckless abandon) | :: desesperat |
desperately {adv} (in a desperate manner) | :: desesperadament |
desperation {n} (the act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving up of hope) | :: desesperació {f} |
desperation {n} (a state of despair, or utter hopelessness) | :: desesperació {f} |
despicable {adj} (deserving to be despised) | :: menyspreable |
despise {v} (to regard with contempt or scorn) | :: menysprear |
despite {prep} (in spite of) | :: malgrat, tot i que, encara que, tot i |
despot {n} (ruler with absolute power; tyrant) | :: dèspota {m} {f} |
despotic {adj} (of or pertaining to a despot) | :: despòtic |
despotic {adj} (acting or ruling as a despot) | :: despòtic |
despotically {adv} (in a despotic manner) | :: despòticament |
despotism {n} (government by a singular authority) | :: despotisme {m} |
dessert {n} (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal) | :: postres {f-p}, darreries {f-p} |
dessert wine {n} (sweet wine) | :: vi dolç {m} |
destabilise {v} (destabilise) SEE: destabilize | :: |
destabilize {v} (to make something unstable) | :: desestabilitzar |
destination {n} (the place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent) | :: destinació {f} |
destiny {n} (predetermined condition; fate; fixed order of things) SEE: fate | :: |
destitute {adj} (lacking something, devoid; poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken) | :: indigent |
destitution {n} (extreme state of poverty) | :: indigència {f} |
destroy {v} (to damage beyond use or repair) | :: destruir |
destroyer {n} (that who/which destroys) | :: destructor {m} |
destroyer {n} (type of warship) | :: destructor {m} |
destructible {adj} (liable to destruction) | :: destructible |
destruction {n} (act of destroying) | :: destrucció {f} |
destruction {n} (results of a destructive event) | :: destrucció {f} |
destructive {adj} (causing destruction; damaging) | :: destructiu |
destructively {adv} (in a destructive manner) | :: destructivament |
destructure {v} (dismantle) SEE: dismantle | :: |
detail {n} (something small enough to escape casual notice) | :: detall {m} |
detail {v} (to explain in detail) | :: detallar |
detailed {adj} (characterized by attention to detail and thoroughness of treatment) | :: detallat |
detain {v} (to detain) SEE: hold | :: |
detain {v} (put under custody) | :: detenir, detindre |
detainee {n} (one who is detained) | :: detingut {m} |
detect {v} (to detect) SEE: notice | :: |
detect {v} (to discover or find by careful search, examination, or probing) | :: detectar |
detection {n} (act of detecting or sensing something) | :: detecció {f} |
detective {n} (police officer who looks for evidence) | :: detectiu {m} |
detective {n} (person employed to find information) | :: detectiu {m} |
detergent {n} (any non-soap cleaning agent, especially a synthetic surfactant) | :: detergent {m} |
deterioration {n} (process of making or growing worse) | :: deterioració {f}, deteriorament {m} |
determinative {n} (determiner) SEE: determiner | :: |
determine {v} (to set the limits of) | :: determinar |
determine {v} (to ascertain definitely) | :: determinar |
determined {adj} (decided or resolute) | :: determinat |
determinedly {adv} (in a determined manner) | :: determinadament |
determiner {n} (class of words) | :: determinant |
detest {v} (to dislike intensely) | :: detestar |
dethrone {v} (forcibly remove a monarch) | :: destronar |
dethronize {v} (dethrone) SEE: dethrone | :: |
detour {n} (diversion or deviation) | :: marrada {f} |
detriment {n} (harm, hurt, damage) | :: detriment {m} |
detritivore {n} (organism that feeds on detritus) | :: detritívor |
detritus {n} (debris or fragments of disintegrated material) | :: detritus {m}, detrit {m} |
dette {n} (debt) SEE: debt | :: |
deuce {n} (tennis: tie, both players able to win by scoring two additional points) | :: iguals {m-p} |
deuteragonist {n} (second most important character) | :: deuteragonista {m} |
deuteragonist {n} (second actor) | :: deuteragonista {m} |
deuterium {n} (isotope of hydrogen, see also: heavy hydrogen) | :: deuteri {m} |
Deuteronomy {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Deuteronomi |
deutoxide {n} (the chemical compound) | :: deutòxid {m} |
Devanagari {prop} (abugida alphabet of India and Nepal) | :: devanagari {m} |
devastate {v} (to ruin many or all things over a large area) | :: devastar |
devastating {adj} (causing devastation) | :: devastador |
develop {v} (to progress) | :: desenvolupar |
develop {v} (to progress through stages) | :: desenvolupar |
develop {v} (to create) | :: desenvolupar |
developed {adj} ((of a country) not primitive; not third world) | :: desenvolupat |
developer {n} (someone engaged in product creation and improvement) | :: desenvolupador {m} |
developer {n} (software programmer) | :: desenvolupador {m} |
development {n} (process of developing) | :: desenvolupament {m} |
deverbal {adj} (related to something that is derived from a verb) | :: deverbal |
deverbative {n} (deverbal) SEE: deverbal | :: |
deviation {n} (act of deviating) | :: desviació {f} |
deviation {n} (statistical deviation) | :: desviació {f} |
device {n} (piece of equipment) | :: dispositiu {m}, mecanisme {m} |
device {n} (computing) SEE: peripheral device | :: |
device driver {n} (software that communicates between operating system and hardware) | :: controlador de dispositiu {m} |
devil {n} (a creature of hell) | :: dimoni {m}, diable {m} |
devil {n} | :: diable {m} |
devil's advocate {n} (debater) | :: advocat del diable {m} |
devil's advocate {n} (canon lawyer) | :: advocat del diable {m} |
devil's beating his wife {interj} (interjection uttered when it rains while the sun is shining) | :: lo diable tupa la dona [literally "the Devil is beating his wife", Mallorca], plou i fa sol, les bruixes es pentinen [literally "it rains and the sun shines, the witches are combing themselves"] |
devise {v} (use the intellect to plan or design) | :: divisar, copçar, preveure |
devote {v} (to commit oneself for a certain matter) | :: consagrar |
devotion {n} (the act or state of devoting or being devoted) | :: devoció {f} |
devotion {n} (religious veneration, zeal, or piety) | :: devoció {f} |
devour {v} (to eat greedily) | :: devorar |
devout {adj} (devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties) | :: devot |
dew {n} (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc) | :: rosada {f}, rou {m} |
dew {v} (moisten) | :: enrosar |
dexamethasone {n} | :: dexametasona {f} |
dexterity {n} (skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands) | :: destresa {f} |
dexterous {adj} (skillful in some specific thing) | :: destre |
dexterously {adv} (in a dexterious manner) | :: destrament |
dextrin {n} (polymers of glucose) | :: dextrina {f} |
dextromanual {adj} (right-handed) SEE: right-handed | :: |
dextrose {n} (naturally-occurring form of glucose) | :: dextrosa {f} |
dholak {n} (North Indian hand drum) | :: dholaka {m} |
di- {prefix} (two, twice double) | :: di- |
diabetes {n} (A group of metabolic diseases) | :: diabetis {f} |
diabetes mellitus {n} (medical disorder) | :: diabetis mellitus {f} |
diabetic {adj} (of diabetes) | :: diabètic |
diabetic {adj} (having diabetes) | :: diabètic |
diabetic {n} (person suffering from diabetes mellitus) | :: diabètic {m} |
diabolical {adj} (Of, or concerning the devil; satanic) | :: diabòlic |
diabolical {adj} (Extremely wicked or cruel) | :: diabòlic |
diabolically {adv} (In a diabolical manner) | :: diabòlicament |
diachronic {adj} (changing with time) | :: diacrònic |
diachronic linguistics {n} (historical linguistics) SEE: historical linguistics | :: |
diacritic {adj} (distinguishing) SEE: diacritical | :: |
diacritic {adj} (denoting a distinguishing mark) SEE: diacritical | :: |
diacritic {n} (diacritical mark) SEE: diacritical mark | :: |
diacritical {adj} (capable of distinguishing) | :: diacrític {m} |
diacritical {adj} (of, pertaining to, or serving as a diacritic) | :: diacrític {m} |
diacritical mark {n} (symbol) | :: signe diacrític {m}, diacrític {m} |
diadem {n} (ornamental headband) | :: diadema {f} |
diaeresis {n} (diacritic placed over a vowel letter) | :: dièresi {m} |
diagnose {v} (determine the root cause of) | :: diagnosticar |
diagnosis {n} (identification of the nature and cause of an illness) | :: diagnòstic {m}, diagnosi {f} |
diagnostic {adj} (of, or relating to diagnosis) | :: diagnòstic |
diagonal {adj} (geometry: joining two nonadjacent vertices) | :: diagonal |
diagonal {adj} (having a slanted or oblique direction) | :: diagonal |
diagonal {n} (geometry: diagonal line or plane) | :: diagonal {f} |
diagonally {adv} (in a diagonal manner) | :: diagonalment |
diagram {n} (plan, drawing, sketch or outline to show workings or parts relationships) | :: diagrama {m} |
diagram {n} (graph or chart) | :: diagrama {m} |
dial {n} (sundial) SEE: sundial | :: |
dialect {n} (particular variety of a language) | :: dialecte {m} |
dialectal {adj} (relating to a dialect) | :: dialectal |
dialectal {adj} (peculiar to a nonstandard dialect) | :: dialectal |
dialectical {adj} (peculiar to a nonstandard dialect) SEE: dialectal | :: |
dialectically {adv} (in a dialectical manner) | :: dialècticament |
dialectology {n} (the study of dialects) | :: dialectologia {f} |
dialog {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) SEE: dialogue | :: |
dialog {n} (verbal part of a literary or dramatic work) SEE: dialogue | :: |
dialog {n} (literary form resembling a conversation) SEE: dialogue | :: |
dialog {n} (computing: dialogue box) SEE: dialogue | :: |
dialog {v} (discuss) | :: dialogar |
dialogue {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) | :: diàleg {m} |
dialogue {v} (discuss) | :: dialogar |
dialysis {n} (chemical method) | :: diàlisi {f} |
dialysis {n} (medicine: artificial removal of waste products from the blood) | :: diàlisi {f} |
dialysis {n} (rhetoric: asyndeton) SEE: asyndeton | :: |
diamantiferous {adj} (yielding diamonds) SEE: diamondiferous | :: |
diameter {n} (line) | :: diàmetre {m} |
diameter {n} (length of this line) | :: diàmetre {m} |
diametral {adj} | :: diametral |
diametrically {adv} (on exactly the opposite side) | :: diametralment |
diamond {n} (rhombus) SEE: rhombus | :: |
diamond {n} (uncountable: mineral) | :: diamant {m} |
diamond {n} (gemstone) | :: diamant {m} |
diamond {n} (something that resembles a diamond) | :: diamant {m} |
diamond {n} (baseball: entire baseball field) | :: diamant {m} |
diamond {n} (baseball: infield of a baseball field) | :: camp interior {m} |
diamondiferous {adj} (yielding diamond) | :: diamantífer |
diamonds {n} (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦) | :: diamants {m-p} |
diapedesis {n} (migration of blood cells) | :: diapedesi {f} |
diaper {n} (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent) | :: bolquer {m}, bolcall {m}, llençolet {m} |
diaphanous {adj} (transparent; allowing light to pass through) | :: diàfan, transparent |
diaphanousness {n} (the quality of being diaphanous) | :: diafanitat {f} |
diaphragm {n} (anatomy: sheet of muscle separating thorax from abdomen) | :: diafragma {m} |
diaphragm {n} (contraceptive device) | :: diafragma {m} |
diaphragm {n} (mechanics: flexible membrane) | :: diafragma {m} |
diaphragm {n} (acoustics: vibrating membrane in a speaker) | :: diafragma {m} |
diapositive {n} (photography: slide) | :: diapositiva {f} |
diarchy {n} (form of government) | :: diarquia {f} |
diarrhea {n} (medical condition) | :: cagarrines {f-p} |
diarthrosis {n} (a joint that can move freely in various planes) | :: diartrosi {f} |
diary {n} (daily log of experiences) | :: diari {m} |
diaspora {n} (dispersion of a group of people) | :: diàspora {f} |
Diaspora {prop} (dispersion of a group of people) SEE: diaspora | :: |
diastole {n} (relaxation of the heart) | :: diàstole {f} |
diastyle {n} (intercolumnation) | :: diàstil {m} |
diatom {n} (grouping of minute algae) | :: diatomea |
diatomaceous earth {n} (soil consisting of siliceous diatom remains) | :: diatomita {f} |
diatomic {adj} (consisting of two atoms) | :: diatòmic |
diatomite {n} (A fine, powdery earth formed from the skeletons of diatoms) | :: diatomita {f} |
diatonic {adj} (diatonic) | :: diatònic |
dibble {n} (pointed implement) | :: plantador {m} |
dice {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) SEE: die | :: |
dichotomy {n} (separation or division into two) | :: dicotomia {f} |
dichroic {adj} (Exhibiting dichroism) | :: dicroic {m} |
dichroism {n} (the property of some crystals of transmitting different colours of light in different directions) | :: dicroisme {m} |
dick {n} (slang: penis) | :: carall {m}, cigala {f}, titola {f} |
dickhead {n} ((slang) glans penis) | :: fava {f} |
dickhead {n} (glans penis) SEE: glans penis | :: |
dicotyledon {n} (in botany) | :: dicotiledoni {m} |
dictatorial {adj} (of or pertaining to a dictator) | :: dictatorial |
dictatorial {adj} (in the manner of a dictator) | :: dictatorial |
dictatorially {adv} (in a dictatorial manner) | :: dictatorialment |
dictatorship {n} (a government led by a dictator) | :: dictadura {f} |
diction {n} (clarity of word choice) | :: dicció {f} |
dictionary {n} (publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words) | :: diccionari {m} |
didactic {adj} (instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate) | :: didàctic |
didactic {adj} (teaching from textbooks rather than laboratory demonstration and application) | :: didàctic |
didactically {adv} (in didactic manner) | :: didàcticament |
didgeridoo {n} (Australian musical instrument) | :: didjeridú {m} |
Didymoteicho {prop} (city) | :: Demòtica |
die {v} (to stop living) | :: morir |
die {n} (embossed device used in stamping) | :: encuny {m} |
die {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) | :: dau {m} |
diencephalon {n} (region of the human brain) | :: diencèfal {m} |
diesel {n} (fuel) | :: dièsel {m} |
diet {n} (food a person or animal consumes) | :: dieta {f} |
diet {n} (controlled regimen of food) | :: dieta {f} |
dietary {n} (of, or relating to diet) | :: dietètic |
dietetics {n} (study of diet and nutrition) | :: dietètica {f} |
dietitian {n} (person who studies or practices dietetics) | :: dietista {m} {f} |
differ {v} (not to have the same characteristics) | :: diferir |
difference {n} (quality of being different) | :: diferència {f} |
difference {n} (characteristic of something that makes it different from something else) | :: diferència {f} |
difference {n} (disagreement or argument about something important) | :: diferència {f} |
different {adj} (not the same) | :: diferent |
different {adj} (unlike most others) | :: diferent |
differential equation {n} (equation involving the derivatives of a function) | :: equació diferencial {f} |
differently {adv} (in a different way) | :: diferentment |
difficult {adj} (hard, not easy) | :: difícil |
difficultly {adv} (in a difficult manner) | :: difícilment |
difficulty {n} (state of being difficult) | :: dificultat {f} |
difficulty {n} (obstacle) | :: dificultat {f} |
diffuse {v} ((transitive) to spread over or through) | :: difondre |
diffuse {adj} (not focused or concentrated) | :: difús |
diffusion {n} ((physics) the intermingling of the molecules) | :: difusió {f} |
dig {v} (to move hard-packed earth out of the way) | :: cavar, excavar |
dig {n} (archeological investigation) | :: excavació {f} |
digamma {n} (letter of the Old Greek alphabet) | :: digamma {f} |
digest {v} (to separate food in the alimentary canal) | :: digerir |
digestibility {n} (digestibility) | :: digestibilitat {f} |
digestible {adj} (capable of being digested) | :: digerible |
digestive {adj} (of, relating to, or functioning in digestion) | :: digestiu |
digestive {adj} (that causes or promotes digestion) | :: digestiu |
digestive {n} (substance that aids digestion) | :: digestiu {m} |
digger {n} (spade (playing card)) SEE: spade | :: |
digger {n} (tool for digging) | :: excavadora {f} |
digger {n} (one who digs) | :: excavador {m} |
digit {n} (finger or toe) | :: dit {m} |
digit {n} (numeral) | :: xifra {f} |
digital {adj} (having to do or performed with a finger) | :: digital |
digital {adj} (representing discrete values) | :: digital |
digital {adj} (of or relating to computers) | :: digital |
digital footprint {n} (digital evidence of a person's activities on the Internet) | :: petjada digital {f} |
digitalization {n} (digitization) SEE: digitization | :: |
digitalize {v} (make digital) | :: digitalitzar |
digitally {adv} (in a digital manner) | :: digitalment |
digital watermark {n} (embedded auxiliary data) | :: filigrana {f}, marca d'aigua {f} |
digitization {n} (conversion of data from digital) | :: digitalització {f} |
dignified {adj} (respectable) | :: digne |
dignitary {n} (important or influential person) | :: dignatari {m} |
dignity {n} (quality or state) | :: dignitat {f} |
digraph {n} (pair of letters) | :: dígraf {m} |
digress {v} (to deviate) | :: desviar-se |
digression {n} (a departure from the main subject in speech or writing) | :: digressió {f} |
digs {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes | :: |
dilate {v} (to enlarge; to make bigger) | :: dilatar |
dilate {v} (to become wider or larger; to expand) | :: dilatar-se |
dilation {n} (delay) SEE: delay | :: |
dilation {n} (act of dilating) | :: dilatació {f} |
dildo {n} (artificial phallus) | :: consolador {m}, olisbe {m}, godomací {m} |
dilemma {n} (circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives) | :: dilema {m} |
dilemma {n} (difficult circumstance) | :: dilema {m} |
dilettante {n} | :: diletant |
dilettantism {n} (the act of behaving like a dilettante, of being an amateur) | :: diletantisme {m} |
diligence {n} (qualities of a hard worker, including conscientiousness, determination, perseverance) | :: diligència {f} |
diligent {adj} (hard-working and focused) | :: diligent |
diligently {adv} (in a diligent manner) | :: diligentment |
dill {n} (fool) SEE: fool | :: |
dill {n} (herb of the species Anethum graveolens) | :: anet {m} |
dilute {v} (to add more of a solvent to a solution; especially to add more water) | :: diluir |
dilution {n} (process of making something dilute) | :: dilució {f} |
dim-bulb {adj} (slow-witted, stupid) SEE: stupid | :: |
dimension {n} (measure of spatial extent) | :: dimensió {f} |
dimension {n} (in physics) | :: dimensió {f} |
dimension {n} (in science fiction) | :: dimensió {f} |
dimensional {adj} (having a stated number of dimensions) | :: dimensional |
dimer {n} (a molecule consisting of two identical halves) | :: dímer {m} |
dimerous {adj} (in two parts) | :: dímer |
diminish {v} (To make smaller) | :: disminuir |
diminish {v} (To become smaller) | :: disminuir |
diminutive {adj} (very small) | :: diminut |
diminutive {adj} (grammar) | :: diminutiu |
diminutive {n} (grammar: word form expressing smallness) | :: diminutiu {m} |
dimorphism {n} (biology: occurrence of two distinct forms of any part) | :: dimorfisme {m} |
dimple {n} (skin depression, especially at corners of the mouth) | :: clotet {m} |
dinar {n} (official currency of several countries) | :: dinar {m} |
dine {v} (to eat; to eat dinner or supper) | :: sopar |
ding-a-ling {n} (dick) SEE: dick | :: |
dinghy {n} (small boat) | :: bot {m} |
dinghy {n} (inflatable boat) | :: bot pneumàtic {m} |
dingo {n} (wild dog native to Australia) | :: dingo {m} |
dining room {n} (room, in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten) | :: menjador {m} |
dinner {n} (main meal of the day) | :: sopar {m} |
dinner {n} (a meal given to an animal) | :: menjar {m} |
dinner {n} (midday meal) | :: dinar {m} |
dinner {n} (a formal meal) | :: banquet {m} |
dinosaur {n} (extinct reptile) | :: dinosaure {m} |
dinosaur {n} | :: dinosaure {m} |
diocesan {adj} (pertaining to a diocese) | :: diocesà |
diocese {n} (region administered by a bishop) | :: diòcesi {m} |
Diocletian {prop} (Roman cognomen) | :: Dioclecià {m} |
diode {n} (electronic device) | :: díode {m} |
dionysian {adj} (wild, irrational, and undisciplined) | :: dionisíac |
Dionysian {adj} (of or pertaining to Dionysus) | :: dionisíac |
Dionysius {prop} (Ancient Greek male given name) | :: Dionís |
Dionysus {prop} (Greek god of wine) | :: Dionís {m} |
dioptase {n} (Mineral) | :: dioptasa {f} |
diopter {n} (unit of measure) | :: diòptria {f} |
diopter {n} (speculum) SEE: speculum | :: |
diorite {n} (Igneous rock) | :: diorita {f} |
dioxane {n} (heterocycle) | :: dioxà {m} |
dioxide {n} (any oxide containing two oxygen atoms in each molecule) | :: diòxid {m} |
dip {n} (lower section of a road or geological feature) | :: gual {m} |
dip {v} (to lower into a liquid) | :: sucar |
diphtheria {n} (infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract) | :: diftèria {f} |
diphthong {n} (complex vowel sound) | :: diftong {m} |
diplegia {n} (paralysis) | :: diplegia {f} |
diploë {n} (thin layer of tissue) | :: díploe {m} |
diplodocus {n} (dinosaur) | :: diplodoc {m} |
diploid {adj} (of a cell, having a pair of each type of chromosome) | :: diploide |
diploidy {n} (state of being diploid) | :: diploïdia {f} |
diploma {n} (certificate) | :: diploma {m}, títol {m} |
diplomacy {n} (art of conducting international relations) | :: diplomàcia {f} |
diplomacy {n} (tact and subtle skill in dealing with people) | :: diplomàcia {f} |
diplomat {n} (person who is accredited to represent a government) | :: diplomàtic {m}, diplomàtica {f} |
diplomatic {adj} (concerning relationships between governments) | :: diplomàtic |
diplomatic {adj} (exhibiting diplomacy) | :: diplomàtic |
diplomatically {adv} (in a diplomatic manner) | :: diplomàticament |
diplomatics {n} (science of authenticating, dating, and interpreting old official documents) | :: diplomàtica |
diplomatist {n} (diplomat) SEE: diplomat | :: |
dipper {n} (bird) | :: merla d'aigua {f} |
dipper {n} (vessel) | :: cassó {m} |
diptych {n} (writing tablet consisting of two leaves of rigid material) | :: díptic {m} |
diptych {n} (picture or series of pictures painted on two tablets) | :: díptic {m} |
diptych {n} (double catalogue of ecclesiastics and benefactors of the church) | :: díptic {m} |
direct {adj} (Straight, constant, without interruption) | :: directe |
direct {v} (to manage, control, steer) | :: dirigir |
direct {v} (to aim at) | :: adreçar |
direct free kick {n} (soccer) | :: tir lliure directe {m} |
direction {n} (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) | :: direcció {f} |
direction {n} (work of the director (manager)) | :: direcció {f} |
direction {n} (work of the director in cinema or theater) | :: direcció {f} |
directions {n} (direction) SEE: direction | :: |
directly {adv} (in a direct manner) | :: directament |
directly {adv} (in a straightforward way) | :: directament |
directly {adv} (plainly, without circumlocution or ambiguity) | :: directament |
directly {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately | :: |
direct object {n} (the noun a verb is directly acting upon) | :: objecte directe {m} |
director {n} (supervisor, manager, see also: film director) | :: director {m}, directora {f} |
directory {n} (simulated folder) | :: directori {m} |
directress {n} (a female director) | :: directora {f} |
directrix {n} (a female who directs) SEE: directress | :: |
dirge {n} (mournful poem or piece of music) | :: complanta {f}, plany {m}, cant fúnebre {m} |
dirham {n} (unit of currency) | :: dírham {m} |
dirigible {n} (a self-propelled airship that can be steered) | :: dirigible {m} |
dirt {n} (soil or earth) | :: terra {f} |
dirtily {adv} (in a dirty manner) | :: brutament, sutzament, llordament |
dirtiness {n} (state or quality of being dirty) | :: brutícia {f} |
dirty {adj} (covered with or containing dirt) | :: brut |
dirty {v} (to make dirty) | :: embrutar |
dirty {v} (to stain or tarnish with dishonor) | :: embrutar |
dirty {v} (to become soiled) | :: embrutar-se |
dirty money {n} (Money illegally gained) | :: diner negre {m} |
disabled {adj} (made incapable of use or action) | :: invàlid |
disabled {adj} (having a disability) | :: minusvàlid, discapacitat |
disabled {adj} (for the use of people with physical disabilities) | :: minusvàlid |
disaccharide {n} (a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides) | :: disacàrid {m} |
disadvantage {n} (weakness) | :: desavantatge {m} |
disadvantage {n} (setback or handicap) | :: desavantatge {m} |
disadvantageously {adv} (in a disadvantageous manner) | :: desavantatjosament |
disagreeable {adj} (exciting repugnance) | :: desagradable |
disagreement {n} (A condition of not agreeing or concurring) | :: desacord {m} |
disallow {v} (to refuse to allow) SEE: forbid | :: |
disambiguation {n} (removal of ambiguity) | :: desambiguació |
disappear {v} (to vanish) | :: desaparèixer |
disappearance {n} (action of disappearing or vanishing) | :: desaparició |
disappoint {v} (to displease by underperforming etc.) | :: decebre |
disappointed {adj} (defeated of hope or expectation) | :: decebut |
disappointment {n} (emotion) | :: decepció {f} |
disapprove {v} (to refuse to approve) SEE: reject | :: |
disarm {v} (to deprive of arms) | :: desarmar |
disaster {n} (unexpected catastrophe causing physical damage, etc.) | :: desastre {m} |
disastrous {adj} (of the nature of a disaster; calamitous) | :: desastrós |
disastrously {adv} (in a disastrous way) | :: desastrosament |
disbelieve {v} (not believe) | :: descreure |
disc {n} (disk) SEE: disk | :: |
discard {v} (to discard, set aside) SEE: remove | :: |
disciple {n} (person who learns from another) | :: deixeble {m} |
disciple {n} (active follower or adherent) | :: deixeble {m} |
disciplinary {adj} (Having to do with discipline, or with the imposition of discipline) | :: disciplinari |
disciplinary {adj} (For the purpose of imposing punishment) | :: disciplinari |
discipline {n} (controlled behaviour, self-control) | :: disciplina {f} |
discipline {n} (specific branch or knowledge or learning) | :: disciplina {f} |
discipline {v} (to train someone by instruction and practice) | :: disciplinar |
disc jockey {n} (disc jockey) | :: discjòquei {m} {f} |
disclose {v} (physically expose to view) | :: revelar |
disclose {v} (make known) | :: divulgar |
discography {n} (complete collection of the releases of a musical act) | :: discografia {f} |
discomfort {n} (mental or bodily distress) | :: malestar {m} |
disconcerting {adj} (tending to cause discomfort, uneasiness or alarm; unsettling; troubling; upsetting) | :: desconcertant |
disconcertingly {adv} (in a disconcerting way) | :: desconcertantment |
disconnect {v} (to sever or interrupt a connection) | :: desconnectar |
disconnect {v} (to remove the connection between an appliance and an electrical power source) | :: desconnectar |
disconsolately {adv} (In a cheerless, dreary manner; in a manner which suggests that one is beyond consolation) | :: desconsoladament |
discontent {n} (dissatisfaction) SEE: dissatisfaction | :: |
discontinuity {n} (lack of continuity) | :: discontinuïtat {f} |
discord {n} (lack of agreement) | :: discòrdia {f} |
discord {n} (musical dissonance) | :: dissonància {f} |
discordant {adj} (serodiscordant) SEE: serodiscordant | :: |
discount {v} (to take into consideration beforehand) | :: descomptar |
discount {n} (reduction in price) | :: descompte {m}, rebaixa {f} |
discourse {n} (expression in (spoken or written) words) | :: discurs {m} |
discover {v} (expose something previously covered) | :: descobrir |
discover {v} (find something for the first time) | :: descobrir |
discoverer {n} (one who discovers) | :: descobridor {m} |
discovery {n} (something discovered) | :: descobriment {m} |
discovery {n} (the discovering of new things) | :: descobriment {m} |
discreet {adj} (respectful of privacy or secrecy; quiet; diplomatic) | :: discret |
discreet {adj} (not drawing attention, anger or challenge; inconspicuous) | :: discret |
discreetly {adv} (Acting in a discreet manner) | :: discretament |
discreetly {adv} (Inconspicuously) | :: discretament |
discrete {adj} (Separate; distinct; individual) | :: discret |
discriminate {v} (to make decisions based on prejudice) | :: discriminar |
discrimination {n} (distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage) | :: discriminació {f} |
discriminatory {adj} (pertaining to discrimination) | :: discriminatori |
discriminatory {adj} (showing prejudice) | :: discriminatori |
discursion {n} (digression) | :: digressió {f} |
discus {n} (round plate-like object for throwing) | :: disc {m} |
discuss {v} (to converse or debate concerning a particular topic) | :: discutir, debatre |
discussion {n} (conversation or debate) | :: discussió {f} |
discus throw {n} (athletic event where a discus is thrown) | :: llançament de disc {m} |
disdainfully {adv} (in a disdainful manner) | :: desdenyosament |
disease {n} (an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction) | :: malaltia {f} |
disembark {v} (remove from on board a vessel) | :: desembarcar |
disembark {v} (to go ashore, to leave a train or airplane) | :: desembarcar |
disembarkation {n} | :: desembarcament {m}, desembarcada {f} |
disfigure {v} (change appearance to the negative) | :: desfigurar |
disguise {n} (attire to hide/assume an identity) | :: disfressa {f} |
disguise {v} (to change the appearance) | :: disfressar |
disgust {v} (to cause an intense dislike for something) | :: fer fàstic |
disgust {n} (an intense dislike or repugnance) | :: fàstic {m} |
disgusting {adj} (repulsive, distasteful) | :: fastigós, repugnant, menyspreable |
disgustingly {adv} (in a disgusting manner) | :: fastigosament |
dish {n} (vessel for holding/serving food) | :: vaixella {f} |
dish {n} (contents of such a vessel) | :: plat {m} |
dish {n} (specific type of food) | :: plat {m} |
dish {n} (tableware to be/being washed) | :: vaixella {f} |
dish {n} (type of antenna) | :: antena parabòlica {f} |
dishes {n} (dishwashing) | :: escurada {f} |
dishonest {adj} (not honest) | :: deshonest |
dishonestly {adv} (in a dishonest manner) | :: deshonestament |
dishware {n} (crockery) | :: vaixella {f} |
dishwasher {n} (machine) | :: rentaplats {m} |
dishwashing {n} (dishwashing) SEE: dishes | :: |
dishwater {n} (washing water) | :: aigua de fregar {f} |
disinfect {v} (sterilize by the use of cleaning agent) | :: desinfectar |
disinfectant {adj} (of a substance which kills germs and/or viruses) | :: desinfectant |
disinfectant {n} (A substance which kills germs and/or viruses) | :: desinfectant {m} |
disinfection {n} (treatment) | :: desinfecció {f} |
disinformation {n} (intentionally false information) | :: desinformació {f} |
disintegration {n} (a process by which anything disintegrates) | :: desintegració {f} |
disinter {v} (To take out of the grave or tomb; to unbury; to exhume; to dig up) | :: desenterrar |
disinterest {n} (a lack of interest) | :: desinterès {m} |
disinterested {adj} (having no stake in the outcome) | :: desinteressat |
disinterested {adj} (lacking interest) | :: desinteressat |
disinterestedly {adv} (in a disinterested manner) | :: desinteressadament |
disinterment {n} (act of disinterring) | :: desenterrament {m} |
disk {n} (a thin, flat, circular plate) | :: disc {m} |
disk {n} (something resembling a disk) | :: disc {m} |
disk {n} (a vinyl phonograph/gramophone record) | :: disc {m} |
disk {n} (a computer's hard disk) | :: disc dur {m} |
diskette {n} (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data) SEE: floppy disk | :: |
dislike {v} (not to like something) | :: desagradar, no agradar |
dislocate {v} (to dislodge a bone) | :: dislocar, luxar |
disloyal {adj} (without loyalty) | :: deslleial |
disloyally {adv} (in a disloyal manner) | :: deslleialment |
disloyalty {n} (quality of being disloyal) | :: deslleialtat {f} |
dismantle {v} (take apart) | :: desmuntar |
dismiss {v} (to discharge) | :: destituir, acomiadar, despedir |
dismiss {v} (to reject, refuse to accept) | :: rebutjar |
dismount {v} (to get off) | :: descavalcar , desmuntar |
disobedience {n} (refusal to obey) | :: desobediència {f} |
disobedient {adj} (not obedient) | :: desobedient |
disobey {v} (to refuse to obey an order) | :: desobeir |
disorder {n} (absence of order) | :: desordre {m} |
disorder {n} (physical or psychical malfunction) | :: trastorn {m} |
disorderly {adj} (not in order) | :: desordenat |
disorganised {adj} (disorganized) SEE: disorganized | :: |
disorganization {n} (act of disorganizing) | :: desorganització {f} |
disorganization {n} (state of being disorganized) | :: desorganització {f} |
disorganized {adj} (lacking order) | :: desorganitzat |
disparity {n} (the state of being unequal; difference) | :: disparitat {f} |
dispel {v} (to drive away by scattering) | :: dissipar |
disperse {v} (to scatter) | :: dispersar |
displace {v} (to move something or someone) | :: desnonar |
displace {v} (to supplant, or take the place of something or someone; to substitute) | :: suplantar |
displace {v} (have a weight equal to that of the water displaced) | :: desplaçar, desallotjar |
displacement {n} (the state of being displaced) | :: desplaçament {m} |
displacement {n} (the quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship) | :: desplaçament {m} |
displacement {n} (physics: vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component) | :: desplaçament {m} |
displacement current {n} (change of the electric displacement field) | :: corrent de desplaçament {m} |
display {n} (spectacle) | :: espectacle {m} |
display {n} (electronic screen) | :: monitor {m} |
display {v} (to show conspicuously) | :: exhibir |
displeasure {n} (feeling of being displeased with someone or something) | :: disgust {m} |
disposable {adj} (available to be used) | :: disponible |
disposable income {n} (amount of a person's income which is available to be saved or spent) | :: renda disponible {f} |
disproportion {n} (the state of being out of proportion) | :: desproporció {f} |
disproportionate {adj} (not proportionate) | :: desproporcionat |
disproportionate {adj} (out of proportion) | :: desproporcionat |
disproportionately {adv} (in a disproportionate manner) | :: desproporcionadament |
dispute {v} (to argue against) | :: disputar |
dispute {v} (to argue pro and con; to discuss) | :: disputar |
dispute {v} (to oppose by argument or assertion, to controvert) | :: disputar |
dispute {v} (to strive or contend about; to contest) | :: disputar |
disqualification {n} (act of disqualifying) | :: desqualificació {f} |
disqualify {v} (make ineligible) | :: desqualificar |
disregard {v} (disregard) SEE: neglect | :: |
disruption {n} (interruption) | :: interrupció {f} |
disruption {n} (disorder) | :: desordre {m} |
dissatisfaction {n} (unhappiness or discontent) | :: insatisfacció {f}, descontentament {m} |
dissatisfactory {adj} (causing dissatisfaction) SEE: unsatisfactory | :: |
dissatisfied {adj} (feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment) | :: insatisfet |
dissatisfied {adj} (not satisfied (with the quality of something)) | :: insatisfet |
dissect {v} (to study a dead animal's anatomy by cutting it apart) | :: dissecar, disseccionar |
dissect {v} (to analyze an idea in detail by separating it into its parts) | :: dissecar, disseccionar |
dissection {n} (the act of dissecting, of cutting a dead body apart) | :: dissecció {f} |
disseminate {v} (to disseminate) SEE: disperse | :: |
dissent {n} (disagreement with the ideas of an authority) | :: dissensió {f}, dissentiment {m} |
dissertation {n} (formal exposition of a subject) | :: dissertació {f} |
dissident {n} (person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws) | :: dissident {m} {f} |
dissident {n} (ecclesiastical: one who disagrees) | :: dissident {m} {f} |
dissipate {v} (to dissipate) SEE: disperse | :: |
dissociate {v} (to make unrelated) | :: dissociar |
dissociate {v} (to part, stop associating) | :: dissociar |
dissociate {v} (chemistry: to separate compounds into simpler parts) | :: dissociar |
dissociate {v} (chemistry: to undergo dissociation) | :: dissociar |
dissonance {n} (conflicting notes that are not overtones of the note or chord sounding) | :: dissonància {f} |
dissonance {n} (a state of disagreement or conflict) | :: dissonància {f} |
dissonant {adj} (music) | :: dissonant |
dissuasive {adj} (tending to dissuade) | :: dissuasiu |
distaff {n} (device to which fibres are attached for temporary storage) | :: filosa {f} |
distal {adj} (remote from the point of attachment or origin) | :: distal |
distance {n} (amount of space between two points) | :: distància |
distance {n} (remoteness of place; a remote place) | :: llunyania {f} |
distance {v} (move away) | :: distanciar-se, allunyar-se |
distance education {n} (distance learning) SEE: distance learning | :: |
distance learning {n} (education obtained remotely) | :: educació a distància {f} (distance education), ensenyament a distància {m} (distance teaching) |
distant {adj} (far off) | :: distant |
distant {adj} (emotionally unresponsive) | :: distant |
distend {v} (To extend or expand) | :: distendre |
distil {v} (to subject a substance to distillation) | :: destil·lar |
distil {v} (to undergo distillation) | :: destil·lar |
distil {v} (to make by means of distillation) | :: destil·lar |
distil {v} (to exude in small drops) | :: destil·lar |
distil {v} (to trickle down in small drops) | :: destil·lar |
distill {v} (subject to distillation) SEE: distil | :: |
distill {v} (undergo distillation) SEE: distil | :: |
distill {v} (make by distillation) SEE: distil | :: |
distill {v} (exude in small drops) SEE: distil | :: |
distill {v} (trickle down in small drops) SEE: distil | :: |
distillation {n} (separation of a substance) | :: destil·lació {f} |
distilled water {n} (water that has been purified by distillation) | :: aigua destil·lada |
distillery {n} (a place where distillation takes place) | :: destil·leria {f} |
distinct {adj} (very clear) | :: distint |
distinct {adj} (different from one another) | :: distint |
distinct {adj} (noticeably different) | :: distint |
distinction {n} (that which distinguishes) | :: distinció {f} |
distinction {n} (the state of being distinguishable) | :: distinció {f} |
distinctive {adj} (distinguishing) | :: distintiu |
distinctly {adv} (in a distinct manner) | :: distintament |
distinguish {v} (to see someone or something as different from others) | :: distingir |
distinguish {v} (to see someone or something clearly or distinctly) | :: distingir |
distinguishable {adj} (able, or easily able to be distinguished) | :: distingible |
distinguished {adj} (celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious) | :: distingit |
distinguished {adj} (having a dignified appearance or demeanor) | :: distingit |
distort {v} (to bring something out of shape) | :: deformar |
distort {v} (to give false account of) | :: tergiversar, distorsionar |
distortion {n} (act of distorting) | :: distorsió {f} |
distortion {n} (result of distorting) | :: distorsió {f} |
distortion {n} (misrepresentation of the truth) | :: distorsió {f} |
distract {v} (To divert the attention of) | :: distreure |
distracted {adj} (having one's attention diverted; preoccupied) | :: distret |
distraction {n} (something that distracts) | :: distracció {f} |
distraction {n} (the process of being distracted) | :: distracció {f} |
distribute {v} (to distribute) SEE: disperse | :: |
distribute {v} | :: distribuir |
distribution {n} (act of distribution or being distributed) | :: distribució {f} |
distribution {n} (statistics: set of relative likelihoods, see also: probability distribution) | :: distribució {f} |
distributor {n} (one who distributes, a thing that distributes) | :: distribuïdor {m} |
district {n} (administrative division) | :: comarca {f}, districte |
district {n} (area or region) | :: comarca {f} |
district attorney {n} (the title of the local public official who represents the government in the prosecution of alleged criminals) | :: fiscal {m} {f} |
District of Columbia {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) | :: Districte de Colúmbia {m} |
disturb {v} (confuse or irritate) | :: molestar |
disturbance {n} (act of disturbing, being disturbed) | :: pertorbació {f}, destorb {m} |
disturbing {adj} (causing distress or worry) | :: inquietant, pertorbador |
disyllabic {adj} (comprising two syllables) | :: disíl·lab, disil·làbic |
ditch {n} (trench) | :: sèquia {f} |
dittany {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant | :: |
diuresis {n} (excessive production of urine, see also: polyuria) | :: diüresi {f} |
diuretic {adj} (increasing urination) | :: diürètic |
diurnal {adj} (happening during daylight; primarily active during the day) | :: diürn |
diurnal {adj} (botany; of flowers open or releasing perfume during the day) | :: diürn |
dive {v} (to jump into water) | :: capbussar-se |
dive {n} (deliberate fall after a challenge) | :: estirada {f} |
diver {n} (someone who dives) | :: bus {m} {f} |
diver {n} (the loon (bird)) SEE: loon | :: |
diverge {v} (to run apart) | :: divergir |
divergence {n} (the degree of divergence) | :: divergència {f} |
diverse {adj} (various) | :: divers |
diverse {adj} (different) | :: divers |
diversification {n} (act of diversifying) | :: diversificació {f} |
diversify {v} (To make diverse) | :: diversificar |
diversity {n} (quality of being diverse; difference) | :: diversitat {f} |
divert {v} (turn aside) | :: desviar |
diverticulitis {n} (infection of the diverticulum) | :: diverticulitis {f} |
diverticulum {n} (small growth off an organ) | :: diverticle {m} |
divide {v} (split into two or more parts) | :: dividir |
divide {v} (divide up; share by dividing) | :: dividir |
divide {v} (calculate quotient) | :: dividir |
dividend {n} (arithmetic: a number or expression) | :: dividend {m} |
dividend {n} (finance: a payment of money by a company to its shareholders) | :: dividend {m} |
divination {n} (act of divining) | :: endevinació {f} |
divine {n} (a deity) SEE: deity | :: |
divine {adj} (of or pertaining to a god) | :: diví |
divine {adj} (beautiful, heavenly) | :: diví |
diving {n} (sport of jumping head first into water) | :: salts {m-p} |
diving board {n} (springboard) SEE: springboard | :: |
divinity {n} (deity) SEE: deity | :: |
divinity {n} (godhood, state of being God or a god) | :: deïtat {f}, divinitat {f} |
divisibility {n} (property of being divisible) | :: divisibilitat {f} |
divisible {adj} (capable of being divided) | :: divisible |
divisible {adj} (of an integer, that when divided leaves no remainder) | :: divisible |
divisim {adv} (formal: separately) SEE: separately | :: |
division {n} (act or process of dividing anything) | :: divisió {f} |
division {n} (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another) | :: divisió {f} |
division {n} (large military unit) | :: divisió {f} |
division {n} (section of a large company) | :: divisió {f} |
division of labour {n} (separation of work) | :: divisió del treball {f} |
divisor {n} (arithmetic: a number or expression) | :: divisor |
divorce {n} (legal dissolution of a marriage) | :: divorci {m} |
divorce {n} (separation of connected things) | :: divorci {m} |
divorce {v} (to legally dissolve a marriage) | :: divorciar |
divorce {v} (to end one's own marriage) | :: divorciar-se |
divorce {v} (to separate something that was connected) | :: divorciar |
divorce {v} (to obtain a legal divorce) | :: divorciar-se |
divorced {adj} (separated) | :: separat |
divorced {adj} (legally dissolved) | :: divorciat |
divorced {adj} (having had one's marriage legally dissolved) | :: divorciat |
divot {n} (piece of turf) | :: gleva {f} |
divulge {v} (to make public) | :: divulgar |
divulge {v} (to indicate publicly; to proclaim) | :: divulgar |
divvy up {v} (divide) SEE: divide | :: |
dizziness {n} (state of being dizzy) | :: mareig {m} |
dizzy {adj} (having a sensation of turning around) | :: marejat |
dizzy {adj} (producing giddiness) | :: vertiginós |
dizzyness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness | :: |
DJ {n} (person who selects and plays recorded music) SEE: disc jockey | :: |
djellaba {n} (robe worn by men in North Africa) | :: gel·laba {f} |
Djibouti {prop} (Republic of Djibouti) | :: Djibouti |
DNA {n} (abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid (see deoxyribonucleic acid for full forms)) | :: ADN |
Dnieper {prop} (river to the Black Sea) | :: Dnièper {m} |
Dönmeh {n} (Sabbatean crypto-Jews) | :: Dönme, Dönmeh |
do {v} (in questions) | :: Not used in Catalan |
do {v} (in negations) | :: Not used in Catalan |
do {v} (referring to an earlier verb (pro-verb)) | :: Not used in Catalan |
do {v} (perform, execute) | :: fer |
do {v} (have as an effect) | :: fer |
do {v} (fare) | :: anar |
do {v} (have as one's job) | :: fer |
do {v} (perform tasks) | :: fer |
do {v} (cook) | :: fer |
do {v} (visit) | :: fer |
do {v} (slang: have sex with) | :: fer-ho |
do {n} (tonic of the C major scale) | :: do {m} |
do {n} | :: do {m} |
doable {adj} (possible to do) SEE: feasible | :: |
do away with {v} (abolish; put an end to) | :: desfer-se |
dobra {n} (official currency of São Tomé and Príncipe) | :: dobra |
Dobruja {prop} (region) | :: Dobrudja {f} |
do business {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
docent {n} (teacher or lecturer in university) | :: docent {m} {f} |
docile {adj} (yielding to control) | :: dòcil |
docile {adj} (accepting instructions) | :: dòcil |
docileness {n} (docility) SEE: docility | :: |
docility {n} (the quality of being docile) | :: docilitat {f} |
doctor {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian | :: |
doctor {n} (medical doctor) SEE: physician | :: |
doctorate {n} (highest degree awarded by a university faculty) | :: doctorat {m} |
doctrinal {adj} (of or relating to a doctrine) | :: doctrinal |
doctrinally {adv} (in a doctrinal manner) | :: doctrinalment |
doctrine {n} (belief) | :: doctrina {f} |
doctrine {n} (body of beliefs or teachings) | :: doctrina {f} |
document {n} (original or official paper) | :: document {m} |
document {v} (to record in documents) | :: documentar |
documentary {adj} (of, related to or based on documents/that serves to document something) | :: documental |
documentary {n} (programme or publication of fact) | :: documental |
documentary {n} (documentary film) | :: documental {m} |
documentation {n} (documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program) | :: documentació {f} |
docuseries {n} (a documentary presented as a series) | :: docusèrie {f} |
dodder {n} (parasitic plant (of about 100-170 species) of the genus Cuscuta) | :: cuscuta {f}, cúscuta {f} |
dodecagon {n} (geometry) | :: dodecàgon {m} |
dodecagonal {adj} (having twelve sides and twelve angles) | :: dodecagonal |
dodecahedron {n} (a polyhedron with 12 faces) | :: dodecàedre, dodecaedre {m} |
Dodecanese {prop} (an island chain consisting of twelve main islands) | :: Dodecanès {m} |
dodecaphonic {adj} (of or pertaining to dodecaphony) | :: dodecafònic {m} |
dodge {v} (to avoid by moving out of the way) | :: esquivar |
dodgeball {n} (a sport) | :: baló presoner {m} |
does anyone here speak English {phrase} (does anyone here speak English?) | :: que hi ha algú que parli anglès? |
dog {n} (metal support for logs) SEE: andiron | :: |
dog {n} (slang: man) SEE: guy | :: |
dog {n} (animal) | :: gos, ca {m}, gossa {f}, cutxu [Algherese] |
dogfish {n} (shark in family Dalatidae) SEE: kitefin shark | :: |
doghouse bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
dogma {n} (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion) | :: dogma {m} |
dogma {n} (doctrine) | :: dogma {m} |
dogmatic {adj} (asserting beliefs in an arrogant way) | :: dogmàtic |
dogmatically {adv} (in a dogmatic manner) | :: dogmàticament |
dogmatism {n} (arrogance in stating opinion) | :: dogmatisme {m} |
do-gooder {n} (one who has a conviction of their own moral superiority) | :: bonista {m} {f} |
do-goodism {n} (action of a do-gooder) | :: bonisme {m} |
dog shit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) SEE: bullshit | :: |
Dog Star {prop} (Sirius) SEE: Sirius | :: |
dogtooth tuna {n} (Gymnosarda unicolor) | :: bonítol oriental |
dogwood {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Cornus) | :: sanguinyol {m} |
dogwood winter {n} (blackberry winter) SEE: blackberry winter | :: |
do ill {v} (to harm, to injure) SEE: harm | :: |
do it yourself {n} (practice of doing home improvements and maintenance oneself) | :: bricolatge {m} |
doldrum {adj} (boring, uninteresting) SEE: boring | :: |
dolichocephaly {n} (quality or condition of being dolichocephalic) | :: dolicocefàlia {f} |
doline {n} (any sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole | :: |
doll {n} (a toy in the form of a human) | :: nina {f} |
dollar {n} (designation for specific currency) | :: dòlar {m} |
dollhouse {n} (miniature house for dolls) SEE: doll's house | :: |
doll's house {n} (miniature house for dolls) | :: casa de nines {f} |
dolly {n} (doll) SEE: doll | :: |
dolomite {n} (mineral) | :: dolomita {f} |
Dolomites {prop} (section of the Alps) | :: Dolomites {f-p} |
dolor {n} (sorrow) | :: dolor |
dolphin {n} (aquatic mammal) | :: dofí {m} |
dolphin {n} (dauphin) SEE: dauphin | :: |
dolphinarium {n} | :: delfinari {m} |
dome {n} (architectural element) | :: cúpula |
Dome of the Rock {prop} (shrine in Jerusalem) | :: Cúpula de la Roca |
domestic {adj} (of or relating to the home) | :: domèstic |
domestic {adj} (of or relating to activities normally associated with the home, wherever they actually occur) | :: domèstic |
domestic {adj} ((of a domesticated animal) kept by someone) | :: domèstic |
domestic {adj} (internal to a specific country) | :: interior |
domesticate {v} (to make domestic) | :: domesticar |
domesticate {v} ((transitive) to adapt to live with humans) | :: domesticar |
domesticated {adj} (tame) | :: domesticat {m} |
domestication {n} (The act of domesticating the action of taming) | :: domesticació {f} |
domesticity {n} (affection for the home) | :: domesticitat {f} |
domestic policy {n} (government's policy) | :: política interna {f} |
domestic violence {n} (violence committed in a domestic setting) | :: violència domèstica {f} |
domicile {n} (home or residence) | :: domicili {m} |
dominate {v} (to govern, rule or control by superior authority or power) | :: dominar |
Dominic {prop} (male given name) | :: Domènec {m} |
Dominica {prop} (Commonwealth of Dominica) | :: Dominica |
dominical {adj} (of or pertaining to Sunday) | :: dominical |
Dominican {n} (person from Dominican Republic) | :: dominicà {m} |
Dominican {n} (person from Dominica) | :: dominiquès {m} |
Dominican {n} (member of religious order) | :: dominic {m}, dominicà {m} |
Dominican {adj} (from the Dominican Republic) | :: dominicà |
Dominican {adj} (from Dominica) | :: dominiquès |
Dominican {adj} (of or belonging to the religious order) | :: dominic, dominicà |
Dominican Republic {prop} (country in the Caribbean) | :: República Dominicana {f} |
dominion {n} (a kingdom, nation, or other sphere of influence) | :: domini {m} |
domino {n} (block used in dominoes) | :: dòmino {m}, dominó {m} |
domino {n} (masquerade costume) | :: dominó {m} |
domino {n} (mask) | :: dominó {m} |
domino {n} (person wearing the costume) | :: dominó |
domotics {n} (technology) | :: domòtica {f} |
don {n} (professor) SEE: professor | :: |
Donald Duck {prop} (Disney character) | :: Ànec Donald {m} |
donation {n} (a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause) | :: donació {f}, donatiu {m} |
Donatism {n} (Christian belief) | :: donatisme {m} |
done for {adj} (without hope) | :: haver begut oli |
Donetsk People's Republic {prop} (secessionist state) | :: República Popular de Donetsk |
dongle {n} (A hardware device utilized by a specific application for purposes of copy protection) | :: motxilla {f} |
dongle {n} (Any short wired connector) | :: connector {m} |
donjon {n} (fortified tower) SEE: keep | :: |
donkey {n} (a domestic animal, see also: ass) | :: ase {m}, somera {f}, burro {m}, burra {f}, ruc {m}, ruca {f} |
donor {n} (one who donates) | :: donador {m}, donadora {f}, donant {m} {f} |
do not enter {phrase} (do not enter) | :: no entreu |
Don Quixote {prop} (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel) | :: Don Quixot {m} |
Don Quixotesque {adj} (Resembling or characteristic of the fictional character Don Quixote.) | :: quixotesc |
don't {v} (do not) | :: no |
don't count your chickens before they're hatched {proverb} (don't count on things if you don't have them yet) | :: no diguis blat fins que no sigui al sac i ben lligat |
don't let the door hit you on the way out {phrase} (good riddance) SEE: good riddance | :: |
don't look a gift horse in the mouth {proverb} (a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely) | :: a cavall regalat, no li miris el dentat |
don't mention it {phrase} (it is too trivial to warrant thanks) | :: de res, no és res |
don't worry {phrase} (indicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something) | :: no et preocupis, no es preocupi |
donut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough) SEE: doughnut | :: |
doodad {n} (thingy) SEE: thingy | :: |
doodah {n} (thingy) SEE: thingy | :: |
doodle {n} (small mindless sketch) | :: gargot {m} |
doofer {n} (remote control for a television) SEE: remote control | :: |
doofer {n} (object the name of which the speaker or writer cannot remember or does not know) SEE: thingy | :: |
doom {v} (to condemn) | :: damnar |
doom {n} (Last Judgment) SEE: Last Judgment | :: |
doomed {adj} (certain to suffer death, failure, or a similarly negative outcome) | :: condemnat |
doomsday {n} (day when God is expected to judge the world) | :: Judici Final {m} |
door {n} (portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle) | :: porta {f} |
doorbell {n} (device on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence) | :: timbre |
doorknocker {n} (door knocker) | :: picaporta {f}, balda {f} |
dopamine {n} (the neurotransmitter) | :: dopamina {f} |
dope fiend {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict | :: |
Dorcas {prop} (biblical woman) | :: Dorques {f} |
Dordogne {prop} (department) | :: Dordonya {f} |
Doric {prop} (Greek dialect) | :: dòric {m} |
Doric order {n} (one of the three styles of classical Greek architecture) | :: ordre dòric {m} |
dormant {adj} (inactive, asleep, suspended) | :: latent |
dormer {n} (dormer-window) SEE: dormer-window | :: |
dormer-window {n} (upright window in a roof) | :: claraboia |
dormitory {n} (room for sleeping) | :: dormitori {m} |
dormouse {n} (rodent) | :: liró, rata dormidora {f} |
dorsal {adj} (relating to the side in which the backbone is located) | :: dorsal |
dorsal {adj} | :: dorsal |
dorsal fin {n} (fin on a marine animal's back) | :: aleta dorsal {f} |
dose {n} (measured portion of medicine) | :: dosi {f} |
dose {n} (quantity of an agent administered at any one time) | :: dosi {f} |
dossier {n} (a collection of papers and/or other sources) | :: dossier {m}, expedient {m} |
dot {n} (small spot or mark) | :: punt {m} |
dot {n} (decimal point) | :: punt {m} |
do the dishes {v} (to wash up dishes) | :: escurar, rentar els plats |
double {adj} (made up of two matching or complementary elements) | :: doble |
double {adj} (twice the quantity) | :: doble |
double {v} (to multiply by two) | :: doblar |
double barrel vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) SEE: groin vault | :: |
double bass {n} (largest instrument of violin family) | :: contrabaix {m} |
double bed {n} (a bed designed for two adults) | :: llit doble |
double chin {n} (a layer of fat under the chin) | :: papada {f} |
double dribble {n} (violation in basketball) | :: dobles {m-p} |
double entendre {n} (phrase with two meanings) | :: doble sentit {m} |
double fault {n} (missing of both the first serve and second serve) | :: doble falta |
double flat {n} (music: an accidental that indicates that a note should be played a whole step lower) | :: doble bemoll {m} |
double penetration {n} (The simultaneous penetration of one or more orifices of one person by two other people) | :: doble penetració {f} |
doubles {n} (a game between pairs of players) | :: dobles {m-p} |
double star {n} (double star) | :: estrella doble {f} |
doublet {n} (article of men's clothing) | :: gipó |
double taxation {n} (levying of tax by two or more jurisdictions on the same income) | :: doble imposició {f} |
double-u {n} (name of the letter W, w) | :: ve doble {f} |
doubloon {n} (former Spanish gold coin) | :: dobló {m}, dobler {m} |
doubly {adv} (in a double manner) | :: doblement |
doubt {v} (to lack confidence in) | :: dubtar |
doubt {n} (disbelief or uncertainty (about something)) | :: dubte {m} |
doubtful {adj} (subject to, or causing doubt) | :: dubtós |
doubtful {adj} (experiencing or showing doubt) | :: dubtós |
doubtfully {adv} (doubtful manner) | :: dubtosament |
douche {n} (a syringe) | :: clister {m}, ènema {m}, clisteri {m} |
douche {n} (jerk, idiot) SEE: douchebag | :: |
douchebag {n} (container for a douche) | :: clister {m}, irrigador {m}, lavativa {f} |
douchebag {n} (slang: jerk, idiot) | :: cretí {m} |
dough {n} (mix of flour and other ingredients) | :: pasta {f}, massa {f} |
dough {n} (money (slang)) | :: pasta {f}, calés {m-p} |
doughnut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough or batter) | :: dònat {m} |
doum palm {n} (Hyphaene thebaica) | :: palmera tebaica {f} |
dour {adj} (expressing gloom or melancholy) | :: depriment |
Douro {prop} (river in northern Portugal and Spain) | :: Duero {m} |
dove {n} (bird of the family Columbidae) | :: colom {m} |
dove's-foot {n} (columbine) SEE: columbine | :: |
down {adv} (from a high to a low position, downwards) | :: avall |
down {adv} | :: avall |
down {adj} (depressed) | :: deprimit, moix |
down {adj} (on a lower level than before) | :: baix |
down {n} (American football – a single play) | :: intent {m} |
down {n} | :: plomissol {m}, plomissa {f} |
down {n} (soft, immature feathers) | :: plomissol {m}, plomís {m}, borrissol {m} |
down {n} (the pubescence of plants) | :: borrissol {m} |
downhill {adj} (easy) SEE: easy | :: |
downing {n} (defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
download {n} (file transfer to the local computer) | :: baixada |
download {v} (to transfer data from a remote computer to a local one) | :: baixar, descarregar |
downloadable {adj} (capable of being downloaded) | :: descarregable |
downpour {n} (heavy rain) | :: xàfec {m} |
Down's syndrome {prop} (condition caused by chromosomal deficiency) SEE: Down syndrome | :: |
downstairs {adv} (downstairs (adverb)) | :: a baix, escala avall [where to] |
Down syndrome {prop} (condition caused by chromosomal deficiency) | :: síndrome de Down {f} |
downtrodden {adj} (oppressed, persecuted or subjugated) | :: oprimit {m} |
downturn {n} (a downward trend, or the beginnings of one) | :: daltabaix {m} |
down with {interj} (away with) | :: a baix |
dowry {n} (property or payment given at time of marriage) | :: dot {f} |
doxology {n} (expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn) | :: doxologia {f} |
do you believe in God {phrase} (do you believe in God?) | :: creus en déu? |
do you have a menu in English {phrase} (phrase) | :: teniu un menú en anglès?, hi ha un menú en anglès? |
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak English? (English specifically)) | :: parles anglès?, [formal] parleu anglès, parla anglès |
dozen {n} (twelve) | :: dotzena {f} |
DPRK {prop} (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) SEE: Democratic People's Republic of Korea | :: |
drachma {n} (currency) | :: dracma {f} |
Draco {prop} (Athenian lawgiver) | :: Dracó |
draconian {adj} (severe, oppressive or strict) | :: draconià |
draft {n} (current of air coming in) | :: tiro {m}, corrent {f}, correntia {f} |
draft {n} (depth of water needed to float ship) | :: calat {m} |
draft {n} (early version of a written work) | :: esborrany {m} |
draft {n} (preliminary sketch or outline) | :: esbós {m} |
draft animal {n} (draught animal) SEE: draught animal | :: |
drag {n} (street) SEE: street | :: |
drag {n} (puff on cigarette) | :: pipada {f} |
drag {v} (to pull along a surface) | :: arrossegar |
dragon {n} (mythical creature) | :: drac {m}, víbria {f} |
dragon {n} (Komodo dragon) SEE: Komodo dragon | :: |
dragon {n} (lizard of the genus Draco) SEE: Draco | :: |
dragon {n} (constellation Draco) SEE: Draco | :: |
dragonfly {n} (insect of the infraorder Anisoptera) | :: libèl·lula {f}, cavall de serp {m}, espiadimonis {m}, tallanassos {m}, teixidor {m}, barratgina {f}. |
dragon's wort {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon | :: |
dragonwort {n} (a perennial herb of Greece and the Balkans, Dracunculus vulgaris) | :: dragoneta {f}, colobra {f}, dragontina {f}, dragontea {f} |
dragoon {n} (horse soldier) | :: dragó {m} |
drainage {n} (removal of fluid) | :: drenatge {m} |
drainage basin {n} (topographic region in which all water drains to a common outlet) | :: conca {f} |
dram {n} (Greek weight) SEE: drachma | :: |
drama {n} (composition) | :: drama {m} |
dramatic {adj} (of or relating to the drama) | :: dramàtic |
dramatically {adv} (in a dramatic manner) | :: dramàticament |
dramatism {n} (dramatic speech or writing) | :: dramatisme {m} |
dramatist {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright | :: |
drape {n} (curtain, drapery) SEE: curtain | :: |
drapery {n} (countable: a piece of cloth, hung vertically as a curtain) | :: cortina {f} |
drastic {adj} (extreme, severe) | :: dràstic |
draught {n} (game piece) | :: dama {f} |
draught animal {n} (animal used to pull heavy objects) | :: animal de càrrega |
draughts {n} (game for two players) | :: dames |
draughtsman {n} (person skilled at drawing engineering or architectural plans) | :: delineant {m} {f} |
Dravidian {prop} (family of languages) | :: dravídic {m} |
Dravidian {adj} | :: dravídic |
draw {v} (to produce a picture) | :: dibuixar |
draw {v} (to end a game with neither side winning) | :: empatar |
draw {v} (to cause) SEE: cause | :: |
draw {v} (to inhale) SEE: inhale | :: |
draw attention {v} (to rouse someone to notice something, to cause someone to focus on something) | :: cridar l'atenció |
draw attention to {v} (to rouse someone to notice something, to cause someone to focus on something) | :: cridar l'atenció |
drawbridge {n} (bridge which can be raised) | :: pont llevadís {m} |
drawer {n} (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing) | :: calaix {m} |
drawer {n} (one who draws something) | :: dibuixant {m} {f} |
drawers {n} (plural of drawer) SEE: drawer | :: |
drawing {n} (picture, likeness, diagram or representation) | :: dibuix {m} |
drawing knife {n} (a tool for woodworking) | :: cutxef {m} |
drawing pin {n} (tack for attaching paper) SEE: thumbtack | :: |
draw near {v} (to approach) | :: acostar-se, apropar-se, atansar-se |
draw up {v} (to compose a document) | :: redactar |
draw up {v} (to arrange in order or formation) | :: formar |
dread {v} (to fear greatly) | :: témer |
dreadfully {adv} (in a dreadful manner) | :: espantosament |
dreadnought {n} (battleship) | :: cuirassat {m}, dreadnought |
dream {n} (imaginary events seen while sleeping) | :: somni {m} |
dream {n} (hope or wish) | :: somni {m}, il·lusió {f} |
dream {v} (see imaginary events while sleeping) | :: somiar |
dream {v} (to hope, to wish) | :: somiar |
dream {v} (daydream) SEE: daydream | :: |
dreamcatcher {n} (decorative Native American object) | :: atrapasomnis {m}, caçador de somnis {m} |
dreamer {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird | :: |
dreamer {n} (one who dreams) | :: somiador {m} |
dredge {n} (dredging machine) | :: draga {f} |
dredge {v} (to make a channel deeper) | :: dragar |
dredge {v} (to bring something to the surface with a dredge) | :: dragar |
dredge {v} (to unearth) | :: dragar |
dreggy {adj} (muddy) SEE: muddy | :: |
dregs {n} (settled sediment) | :: pòsit {m}, solatge {m} |
drenched {adj} (completely wet; sodden) | :: xop |
Drenthe {prop} (province of the Netherlands) | :: Drenthe |
dress {v} (to clothe (something or somebody)) | :: vestir |
dress {v} (to clothe oneself) | :: vestir-se |
dress {n} (item of clothing worn by a woman) | :: vestit {m} |
dressed to the nines {adj} (very fancily or formally dressed) | :: [to be dressed in 21 buttons] anar vestit de vint-i-un botons |
dresser {n} (kitchen furniture) | :: escudeller {m} |
dressing gown {n} (item of clothing) | :: batí {m}, bata {f} |
dribble {v} (to move (with) a ball by kicking or bouncing it) | :: conduir, driblar |
dribble {n} (act of kicking or bouncing a ball) | :: driblatge {m}, conducció {f} |
dried fruit {n} (small fruit that have been preserved by drying) | :: fruit sec {m} |
drift {n} (shallow place in a river) SEE: ford | :: |
drift {n} (anything driven at random) | :: vagar, vagarejar |
drill {v} (to make a hole) | :: perforar, foradar |
drill {n} (tool) | :: trepant {m} |
Drina {prop} (river that flows northward 160 miles along the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) | :: Drina {f} |
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) | :: beure |
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages) | :: beure |
drink {n} (served beverage) | :: beguda, glop |
drink {n} (type of beverage) | :: beguda |
drink {n} (served alcoholic beverage) | :: beguda, glop |
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) | :: beure |
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages) | :: beure |
drinkable {adj} (safe to drink) | :: potable |
drinker {n} (one that drinks) | :: bevedor {m}, bevedora {f} |
drinker {n} (regular drinker of alcohol) | :: bevedor {m}, bevedora {f} |
drinker {n} (a device) | :: abeurador {m}, bevedor {m} |
drinking straw {n} (a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk) | :: palla, canya |
drip {v} (to fall one drop at a time) | :: degotar, gotejar |
drive {v} (operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle)) | :: conduir |
drivel {n} (senseless talk) | :: ximpleries {f-p} |
drivel {v} (to have saliva drip from the mouth) | :: bavejar |
drive-off {n} (the act of leaving someplace without paying) | :: partir sense pagar |
driver {n} (one who drives something, e.g. cattle) | :: conductor {m} |
driver {n} (something that drives something) | :: conductor {m} |
driver {n} (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus) | :: conductor {m} |
driver {n} (person who drives some other vehicle) | :: conductor {m} |
driver {n} (program acting as interface between an application and hardware) | :: controlador de dispositiu {m} |
driver's licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license | :: |
driver's license {n} (documenting permitting a person to drive) | :: permís de conduir {m} |
drive someone crazy {v} (cause insanity) | :: embogir |
driving licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license | :: |
driving school {n} (institution where people learn to drive) | :: autoescola {f} |
drizzle {v} (to rain lightly) | :: plovisquejar, espurnejar |
drizzle {n} ((physics, weather) numerous small and uniformly dispersed water drops) | :: plovisqueig {m} |
Drôme {prop} (département) | :: Droma {f} |
droll {adj} (oddly humorous; whimsical) | :: estranyament divertit {m} |
-drome {suffix} | :: -drom {m}, -droma {f} |
dromedary {n} (single-humped camel) | :: dromedari {m} |
drone {n} (male bee) | :: abellot {m} |
drool {v} (secrete saliva) | :: salivar |
drop {n} (small mass of liquid) | :: gota {f} |
drop-ball {n} (method of restarting play) | :: servei neutral {m} |
drop in the bucket {n} (an effort or action having very little influence, especially as compared to a huge problem) | :: una gota en un mar d'aigua |
drop in the ocean {n} (drop in the bucket) SEE: drop in the bucket | :: |
drop kick {n} (drop kick in rugby) | :: xut de sobrebot {m} |
droplet {n} (very small drop) | :: goteta {f} |
drop shot {n} (a lightly struck shot that lands just in play) | :: deixada {f} |
dropwort {n} (perennial herb) | :: filipèndula {f} |
drought {n} (period of unusually low rain fall) | :: sequera {f}, secada {f}, seca {f} |
drown {v} (to be suffocated in fluid) | :: ofegar |
drown {v} (to deprive of life by immerson in liquid) | :: ofegar |
drown {v} (to overwhelm in water) | :: submergir |
drowning {n} (an instance of someone drowning) | :: ofegament |
drowse {v} (to be sleepy and inactive) | :: endormiscar-se |
drowsiness {n} (State of being drowsy) | :: somnolència {f}, son {f} |
drug {n} (substance used as a medical treatment, see also: medicine) | :: fàrmac {m} |
drug {n} (psychoactive substance ingested for recreational use, especially illegal and addictive one) | :: droga {f} |
drug addict {n} (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs) | :: drogoaddicte {m}, drogoaddicta {f}, drogodependent {m} {f}, toxicòman {m}, toxicòmana {f}, ionqui {m} {f} |
drug addiction {n} (dependency on illegal drugs) | :: drogoaddicció {f}, drogodependència {f}, toxicomania {f} |
drug dealer {n} (person who illegally sells drugs) | :: narcotraficant {m} {f}, camell {m}, passant {m} |
drugstore {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
drug trafficker {n} | :: narcotraficant {m} {f} |
drug trafficking {n} (smuggling, distribution and sale of drugs) | :: narcotràfic {m} |
druid {n} (an order of priests) | :: druida {m} |
druidic {adj} (of or relating to the druids) | :: druídic |
druidism {n} (religion of the druids) | :: druïdisme {m} |
drum {n} (musical instrument) | :: tambor {m}, timbal {m} |
drum {n} (hollow, cylindrical object) | :: tambor {m} |
drum {n} (barrel etc. for liquid) | :: barril {m} |
drum {v} (to beat a drum) | :: tamborinejar |
drum {v} (to beat with a rapid succession of strokes) | :: tamborinejar |
drunk {adj} (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol) | :: borratxo, embriac, begut |
drunk {adj} (elated by emotion) | :: borratxo, embriac |
drunk {n} (habitual drinker) | :: borratxo {m}, embriac {m} |
drunkard {n} (person who is habitually drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
drunkenness {n} (state of being drunk) | :: embriaguesa {f}, [colloquial] turca {f}, borratxera {f} |
drunkness {n} (drunkenness) SEE: drunkenness | :: |
drupe {n} (stone fruit) SEE: stone fruit | :: |
dry {adj} (free from liquid or moisture) | :: eixut, sec |
dry {v} (to become dry) | :: assecar-se, eixugar |
dry {v} (to make dry) | :: eixugar, assecar |
dryad {n} (female tree spirit) | :: dríada {f} |
dry cleaning {n} (process of cleaning without water) | :: neteja en sec {f} |
drydock {n} (dock that can be drained of water) | :: dic sec {m}, escar {m} |
dryer {n} (household appliance for drying clothing) | :: assecadora {f} |
dryer {n} (hairdryer) SEE: hairdryer | :: |
dryly {adv} (in a dry manner) | :: eixutament, secament |
dry mouth {n} (dry mouth) | :: xerostomia {f} |
dryness {n} (a lack of moisture) | :: sequedat {f}, eixutesa {f}, secor {f}, eixutor {f} |
drywall {n} (building material) | :: cartró-guix {m} |
dual {adj} (having two components) | :: dual |
dual {adj} (double) | :: doble |
dualism {n} (the view that the world consists of two fundamental principles) | :: dualisme {m} |
dualism {n} (the belief that the world is ruled by a pair of antagonistic forces) | :: dualisme {m} |
dual number {n} (grammatical number denoting a quantity of exactly two) SEE: dual | :: |
dub {v} (to replace soundtrack of a film with translation) | :: doblar |
dub {n} (dubbing) SEE: dubbing | :: |
dubbing {n} (replacement of voice) | :: doblatge {m} |
dubiously {adv} (in a dubious manner) | :: dubtosament |
dubitation {n} (process of doubting) | :: dubte {m} |
Dublin {prop} (the capital of the Republic of Ireland) | :: Dublín |
Dubliner {n} (Someone from Dublin) | :: dublinès {m}, dublinesa {f} |
dubnium {n} (chemical element) | :: dubni {m} |
Dubrovnik {prop} (Croatian port-city) | :: Dubrovnik |
ducat {n} (historical gold coin) | :: ducat {m} |
duchess {n} (female spouse or widow of a duke) | :: duquessa {f} |
duchess {n} (female ruler of a duchy) | :: duquessa {f} |
duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess) | :: ducado, ducat {m} |
duck {v} (to quickly lower the head or body (intransitive)) | :: ajupir-se |
duck {n} (aquatic bird of the family Anatidae) | :: ànec {m} |
duckling {n} (young duck) | :: aneguet {m} |
duck soup {n} (something which is easy) SEE: piece of cake | :: |
duckweed {n} (plant) | :: llentilla d'aigua {f} |
ductile {adj} (capable of being pulled or stretched into thin wire) | :: dúctil |
ductus deferens {n} (vas deferens) SEE: vas deferens | :: |
dud {n} (broken or nonfunctional device that does not perform its intended function) | :: fracàs {m}, pífia {f} |
dude {n} (colloquial: man) | :: paio {m}, tio {m} |
duel {n} (combat between two persons) | :: duel {m} |
duel {n} (struggle between two parties) | :: duel {m} |
duel {v} (engage in a duel) | :: batre's en duel |
dueler {n} (dueler) SEE: duelist | :: |
duelist {n} | :: duelista {m} {f} |
duet {n} (a musical composition for two performers) | :: duo {m}, duet {m} |
due to {prep} (caused by) | :: degut a |
duffel coat {n} (hooded coat made from duffel) | :: trenca {f} |
duke {n} (male ruler of a duchy) | :: duc {m} |
duke {n} (male holder of a dukedom) | :: duc |
dulce de leche {n} (sweet dairy spread) | :: almívar de llet {m} |
dulcian {n} (A Renaissance bass woodwind instrument) | :: baixó {m} |
dulcimer {n} (musical instrument) | :: dulcimer {m} |
dulcour {n} (sweetness; dulcitude; suavitude) SEE: sweetness | :: |
dull {adj} (boring) | :: insuls, fat |
dull {adj} (cloudy, overcast) | :: ennuvolat |
duly {adv} (properly) | :: degudament |
duly {adv} (regularly) | :: degudament |
dulzaina {n} (musical instrument) | :: dolçaina {f} |
dumb {adj} (unable to speak) SEE: mute | :: |
dumb {adj} (extremely stupid) | :: estúpid |
dumbass {n} (stupid or foolish person) | :: ninot {m} |
dumbledore {n} (beetle) SEE: beetle | :: |
dumbledore {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee | :: |
dumbledore {n} (dandelion) SEE: dandelion | :: |
dummy {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier | :: |
dumpling {n} (food) | :: mandonguilla {f}, nyoqui {m} |
dunch {n} (meal between lunch and dinner) | :: berenar {m} |
dune {n} (a ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind) | :: duna {f} |
dung {n} (manure) | :: adob {m}, fem {m}, femta {f} |
dungarees {n} (heavy denim pants or overalls) | :: mico |
dung beetle {n} (insect of the family Scarabaeidae) | :: escarabat piloter {m} |
dungeon {n} (underground prison or vault) | :: calabós {m}, tàvega {f} |
dungeon {n} (the main tower of a motte or castle; a keep or donjon) | :: masmorra {f}, tàvega {f} |
dunk {v} (basketball) | :: esmaixar |
dunk {n} (basketball dunking) | :: esmaixada {f} |
dunnock {n} (bird) | :: pardal de bardissa {m} |
duodecimal {adj} (expressed in a base-twelve number system) | :: duodecimal |
duodecimo {n} (paper size) | :: dotzè {m} |
duodecimo {n} (book size) | :: dotzè {m} |
duodenal {adj} (of or pertaining to the duodenum) | :: duodenal |
duodenum {n} (first part of the small intestine) | :: duodè {m} |
duopoly {n} (market situation in which two companies exclusively provide a particular product or service) | :: duopoli {m} |
duplicate {v} (to make a copy of) | :: duplicar |
duplicate {n} (an identical copy) | :: duplicat {m} |
duplication {n} (duplicating) | :: duplicació {f} |
durability {n} (Permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force) | :: durabilitat {f} |
durable {adj} (able to resist wear; enduring) | :: durable, durador |
dura mater {n} (anatomy: outermost layer of the meninges) | :: duramàter {f} |
duration {n} (amount of time) | :: durada {f}, duració {f} |
Durex {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
Durex {prop} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
durian {n} (fruit) | :: durian {m} |
during {prep} (for all of a given time interval) | :: durant |
during {prep} (within a given time interval) | :: durant |
Dushanbe {prop} (capital of Tajikistan) | :: Duixanbe |
dusk {n} (period of time at the end of day when sun is below the horizon but before full onset of night) | :: crepuscle {m}, capvespre {m} |
dusky {adj} (dark-skinned) SEE: dark-skinned | :: |
dust {n} (fine, dry particles) | :: pols {f} |
dust {v} ((intransitive) to clean by removing dust) | :: desempolsar |
dust {v} ((transitive) to remove dust from) | :: espolsar |
dust {v} (to spray something with fine powder or liquid) | :: empolsar |
dustcart {n} (rubbish collection vehicle) SEE: garbage truck | :: |
dustpan {n} (flat scoop for assembling dust) | :: recollidor {m} |
Dutch {adj} (of the Netherlands, people, or language) | :: neerlandès, [dated] holandès; [Valencian] neerlandés, [dated] holandés |
Dutch {prop} (the Dutch language) | :: neerlandès {m}, [dated] holandès {m}; [Valencian] neerlandés {m}, [dated] holandés {m} |
Dutch {n} (people from the Netherlands) | :: neerlandès {m}, neerlandesa {f}, [dated] holandès {m}, holandesa {f}; [Valencian] neerlandés {m}, neerlandesa {f}, [dated] holandés {m}, holandesa {f} |
Dutch clover {n} (Trifolium repens) SEE: white clover | :: |
Dutch elm disease {n} (disease of elm trees) | :: malaltia holandesa de l'om {f} |
Dutchman {n} (a Dutch man) | :: neerlandès {m}; [dated] holandès {m}; [Valencian] neerlandés {m}; [dated] holandés {m} |
Dutchwoman {n} (a Dutch woman) | :: neerlandesa {f}; [dated] holandesa {f} |
duty {n} (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do) | :: obligació, deure {m} |
duty {n} (period of time) | :: servei |
duty {n} (tax; tariff) | :: taxa |
dwarf {n} (being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit) | :: nan {m}, nano {m} |
dwarf {n} (small person) | :: nan {m}, nano {m} |
dwarf {n} (something much smaller than the usual of its sort) | :: nan {m}, nano {m} |
dwarf {n} (astronomy: relatively small star) | :: nana {f} |
dwarf elder {n} (Sambucus ebulus) | :: évol {m} |
dwarf galaxy {n} (small galaxy) | :: galàxia nana {f} |
dwarfism {n} (condition of being a dwarf) | :: nanisme {m} |
dwarf planet {n} (a type of celestial body) | :: planeta nan {m} |
dwell {v} (to linger on as thoughts) | :: capficar-se |
dweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant | :: |
dwelling {n} (house or place in which a person lives) | :: habitatge, vivenda |
dwindle {v} ((intransitive) to decrease, shrink, vanish) | :: disminuir, afeblir-se |
dye {n} (a colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied) | :: tint {m} |
dye {v} (to colour with dye) | :: tenyir |
dye {n} (die) SEE: die | :: |
dyed {adj} (colored with dye) | :: tenyit |
dyer {n} (one whose occupation is to dye) | :: tintorer {m} |
dyke {n} (ditch) SEE: ditch | :: |
dyke {n} (barrier to prevent flooding) | :: dic {m} |
dynamic {adj} (not steady; in motion) | :: dinàmic {m} |
dynamic {adj} (powerful) | :: dinàmic {m} |
dynamic {n} (a behavior) | :: dinàmica {f} |
dynamically {adv} (of a dynamic nature) | :: dinàmicament |
dynamics {n} (branch of mechanics) | :: dinàmica {f} |
dynamic system {n} (system) | :: sistema dinàmic {m} |
dynamite {n} (class of explosives) | :: dinamita {f} |
dynamite {v} (to blow up with dynamite or other high explosive) | :: dinamitar |
dynastic {adj} (pertaining to a dynasty) | :: dinàstic |
dynasty {n} (A series of rulers or dynasts from one family) | :: dinastia {f} |
dyne {n} (unit of force) | :: dina {f} |
dysarthria {n} (difficulty in articulating) | :: disàrtria {f} |
dysentery {n} (disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines) | :: disenteria {f} |
dysfunction {n} (failure to function) | :: disfunció {f} |
dysfunctional {adj} (functioning incorrectly or abnormally) | :: disfuncional |
dysgraphia {n} (language disorder) | :: disgrafia |
dyskinesia {n} (impairment of voluntary movement) | :: discinèsia {f} |
dyslexia {n} (learning disability) | :: dislèxia {f} |
dysmenorrhea {n} (painful menstruation) | :: dismenorrea {f} |
dyspareunia {n} (painful sexual intercourse) | :: disparèunia {f} |
dysphagia {n} (difficulty in swallowing) | :: disfàgia {f} |
dysphasia {n} (pathology) | :: disfàsia {f} |
dysphoria {n} (state of feeling unwell, unhappy, restless or depressed) | :: disfòria {f} |
dyspnea {n} (difficult respiration) | :: dispnea {f} |
dysprosium {n} (chemical element) | :: disprosi |
dyssomnia {n} (sleep disorder) | :: dissòmnia |
dysthymia {n} (tendency to be depressed) | :: distímia {f} |
dysthymia {n} (form of clinical depression) | :: distímia {f} |
dystrophic {adj} (affected with dystrophy) | :: distròfic |
dystrophy {n} (dystrophy) | :: distròfia {f} |
dysuria {n} (condition of experiencing pain while discharging urine) | :: disúria {f} |