User:Embryomystic/to-do list (Manx)
[edit]- aahionn, aahionney - top up (aeronautics), reinflate
- aahogherys - rewind
- aahoiagh - rally
- aahoiaghey - reset, resettle, resettlement
- aahoilshagh - reflecting
- aahoilshaghey - reflect, republish, reflection, reflecting, republication
- aahoo - reabsorb, resorb
- aahraaue - replough
- aailagh f, aail - brood
- aalaanaghey - convalesce, convalescent, rehabilitation, convalescence
- aalaanee - restorative
- aalannaghey - rehabilitate
- aalheie - remelt
- aalhiasagh - requital
- aalhiasaghey - amend, requite, recultivate, reparation
- aalhiasit - requited, replenished
- aalistal - reengagement, reenlistment, re-enlist
- aalossey - inflammation
- aalostey - reburn
- aareggyrt - rejoinder, re-echo, respond, back answer
- aascellagh - refringent, refractive
- aascellaght - refraction
- aascellveihaghyn - refractometer
- aascrutaghey - re-examination, re-examine
- aaskinney - ricochet
- aaskyrraghtyn - relapse
- aaslaanid - pravity
- aastoyral - to restock
- aastudeyrys - revision
- aavestey - to mix up
- aavingyssagh - resonant
- aavlakey - to outstare
- aavreckey - to touch up
- aavreeagh - tonic
- aavrishey magh - recrudescence
- aavriwnys - reconsideration, review, revision
- aavuillagh - reflective
- aavuilley - tintinnabulation, reaction, return, cannon, resonance, recoil, counterblow
- aavuilltagh - resonant, reverberatory
- aavunnaghey - reconstitute, reestablish
- aawoalley - reverberate, backlash, react, kickback, reaction, repercussion
- aawoalltaagh - reactive, reactionary
- abane f, abanagh - ankle
- accrysssagh, accryssee - hungry
- aiee f, aae? - kiln
- aignagh - willing
- aileagh, ailee - fiery, flammable
- almoragh, almoree - ignorant
- ammyssagh, ammyssee - respectful
- angaaishagh, angaaishee - agonising
- anmagh, anmee - late
- anoayllagh, anoayllee - unaccustomed
- anveagh, anveaee - upsetting
- arganagh, arganee - contentious
- arkyssagh, arkyssee - distressed, afflicted
- arragh f, arree - spring
- arrey m - caution, care, guard, watch, vigilance, reserve, attention, guard post, look out, surveillance, invigilation, feeder
- arreydagh, arreydee - watchful, attentive, cautious, circumspect, alert, immigrant, caretaker
- arryltagh, arryltee - spontaneous, ready, willing, volunteer, voluntary
- arryltid m - alacrity, readiness, agreeableness
- arryltys m - alacrity, readiness, willingness
- arrymagh, arrymee - respectful
- arryssagh, arryssee - repentant
- ashlish f - revelation, make-believe, illusion, dream, apocalypse, vision
- atçhimagh, atçhimee - astonished, shocking
- att cuishley - aneurism
[edit]- baagh - [[
- baaghtagh - [[
- baair - [[
- baasoil, pl baasoiley - fatal
- baccagh, baccee - disabled
- baggyrtagh, baggyrtee - threatening
- baght - [[
- banganagh, banganee - branchy
- banglaneagh, banglanee - branching
- banjagh f, banjee - lea land
- bannaghey, bannee - blessing
- barragh f, barree - tow (flax fibre)
- bass f, bassey - palm of hand
- beaghey m, beaghee - dwelling
- beaynee f, beayney - reaper
- beisht - [[
- beishtagh, beishtee - beastly, brutish
- beysagh, beysee - compliant
- biallagh, biallee - submissive, docile
- binnid f, binjey ~ binshey - rennet
- bioagh - [[
- birragh, birree - pointed
- blaaagh, blaaee - flowery
- blennick - [[
- boirragh, boirree - worrying
- bollagh, bollee - absolute, entire
- bolvaneagh, bolvanee - foolish
- boult, boltee - bolt
- boynnagh f, boynnee - foot strap
- breb - [[
- breenagh, breenee - sultry
- breinnagh - [[
- brishtagh, brishtee - brittle
- broo - [[
- broutagh, broutee - savage
- bry f, braghey - malt
- bugganeagh, bugganee - frightening, scary
- bun m, binn - base
- bunney f, bunnee - sheaf
- bussal m, bussalagh - handkerchief
- bwaagh, pl bwaaghey, (comparative) bwaaie - handsome
- bwoaillee f, bwoaillagh - (sheep) fold
- bwoalley - [[
[edit]- caarjyssagh, caarjyssee - friendly
- cabdil f, cabdilagh - chapter
- caigney, caignee - chewing
- cainlere m, cainlereagh - candlestick
- cassey - [[
- cayr m, khyr - knot (in timber)
- cayrn f, cayrnee - trumpet
- ceau - to wear, consume, spend, run out, dart, carry, pass, last, loose, rake, shy; weather, rain, shower; launch, throw, aim, shoot, fall, hang, corner (on road)
- çhaagh – house
- çhaaghlagh – household, home circle
- çhaghney-ghaa – technicolour
- çhaghnid – technicality
- çhaghnoayllee – technologist
- çhaghnoaylleeagh – technological
- çhaghnoaylleeaght – technology
- çhaghnys – technics, technique
- çhaghnysseyr – technician
- çhaghtane – clot
- çhaghter – delegate, envoy, commissionaire, dispatch rider, go-between, emissary, herald
- çhaghter banc – bank messenger
- çhaghter coshey – runner
- çhaghter reeoil – king's messenger
- çhaghter reiltys – government messenger
- çhaghter rolaue – harbinger
- çhaghter shee – truce-bearer
- çhaghter yn Ainle – Annunciation
- çhaghter yn phaab – legate, nuncio
- çhaghter yn tushtal – missionary
- çhaghteraght – commission (message), communications, dispatch, embassy, deputation
- çhaghteraght radio – radio message
- çhaghterys – representation
- çhagleyder – collector, accumulator, gatherer
- çhagleyder clouagyn – stamp collector
- çhagleyder feeaghyn – debt collector
- çhagleyder keesh – tax collector, rate collector
- çhagleyder mail – rent collector
- çhagleyder tiggad – ticket collector
- çhaglym clouagyn – stamp collecting
- çhaglym cooidjagh – convoke, aggregate, agglomerate
- çhaglym garagh – garden party
- çhaglym padjeragh – prayer meeting
- çhaglym rollageagh – star cluster
- çhaglym ry cheilley – muster
- çhaglym voish – deduce
- çhaglymagh – accumulative
- çhaie – imperfect
- çhallaghan – height
- çhaplyn – chaplain
- çhaplynys – chaplaincy
- çharbaa – part (from mother), separate, wean
- çharbaa, çharbaaee - weaning
- çharbaa veih'n agglish – excommunication, excommunicate
- çharbaait – weaned, separated, diminished
- çhargysh – lenten
- çharroo – stag
- çharvaal – gulf, abyss, chasm, divide
- çharvaalagh – abyssal, abysmal
- çharval – bottomless pit
- çhass-dhoo – black-handled
- çhea – flee, run away, retreat, flight, abscondment
- çhea ny hobbyr – sluggard, loafer, dodger
- çhea voish – flee
- çheabane – twinkling
- çheadan – escapement (of clock)
- çheader – runaway, fugitive, absconder
- çheader obbyr – dodger
- çheb – guess, tender, bet, bid
- çhebbal – bid, bet, offer, bidding, betting
- çhebbal (er) – present
- çhebbal fo vun – underbid
- çhebballagh – punter, better, sacrificer, biddable
- çhebbeyder – profferer, bidder, tenderer, offerer
- çhebbit – offered, proffered
- çheddin – very, identical, same, ditto
- çheddinaght – identity
- çhee – seeking, thicker
- çheegyr – tiger
- çheegyr bwoirrin – tigress
- çheeid – thickness, density of smoke, thick of foot
- çheeid renaig – hair-breadth
- çheel – tile
- çheel laarey – floortile
- çheeley – tiling, tile
- çheeleyder – tiler
- çheelit – tiled
- çheelyn – tiling
- çheer çhooylloo – hinterland
- çheer coadit – protectorate
- çheer dooie – fatherland
- çheer eaynnee – bush country
- çheer ghooie – native shore, mother country
- çheer-ghraihagh – patriotic
- çheer ghraihder – jingo
- çheer injil – lowland
- çheer ny h-oie – dreamland
- çheer ny mooinjer veggey – fairyland
- çheer ny yindyssyn – wonderland
- çheer-oayllee – geographer
- çheer-oaylleeagh – geographic, geographical
- çheer-oaylleeaght – geography
- çheer rea – plain
- çheer sleitagh – hill country, wold
- çheer yalloo – landscape
- çheeragh – native
- çheeraght – rusticity
- çheeree – airing
- çheereyder – clothes drier, electric dryer
- çheereyder fuilt – hair drier
- çheerit – aired with heat, dried
- çheerit fo'n ghrian – sun-dried
- çheeroil – countrylike, countrified, agrarian, racy, homely
- çheeroilaght – raciness, homeliness
- çheeroydjagh – thyroid
- çheeroydjaght – thyroidism
- çheh-chreeagh – warm-hearted
- çheh gaalagh – steaming hot
- çheinjean – bonfire
- çhella-leensey – telelens
- çhella-oaylleeagh – teleological
- çhella-oaylleeaght – teleology
- çhellafotografeeaght – telephotography
- çhellamaghnys – telemechanics
- çhellameader – telemeter
- çhellapattagh – telepathic
- çhellapattys – telepathy
- çhellascreeu – teleprint
- çhellascreeuder – teleprinter
- çhellascreeudeyr – telewriter
- çhellechoraa – telecommunication
- çhellegonys – telegony
- çhellegraf – telegraph
- çhellegrafagh – telegraphic
- çhellegrafee – telegraphist, telegraph operator
- çhellegrafeeaght – telegraphy
- çhellegrafey – telegraph
- çhellegram – telegram
- çhellooish – televising
- çhellooishagh – video
- çhellvanaghey – ring up
- çhellvane jeeley – dial telephone
- çhellvane thie – interphone
- çhellvaney – ring up, telephone, phone
- çhellveeish chullyr – colour television
- çhellveeish hraghtee – commercial television
- çhellveeishagh – video
- çhellveeishee – televiewer
- çhellveeisher – televisor
- çhellveeishey – televising, televise
- çhengaghey – tongue
- çhengaghyn jeianagh – modern languages
- çhengaghyn Romanagh – Romance languages
- çhengey ard ynsee – literary language
- çhengey baa – common speedwell
- çhengey-chrooagh – linguiform
- çhengey ghear – sharp tongue
- çhengey ghooghyssagh – vernacular
- çhengey ghooie – vernacular
- çhengey hyckey – sycamore seed
- çhengey lhag – tell-tale
- çhengey lhiam lhiat – double-tongued, time-serving
- çhengey nieuagh – tongue full of venom
- çhengey ny çheerey – language of the country, vulgar tongue
- çhengey ny mayrey – mother tongue, native language
- çhengey ny moddee – hound's tongue
- çhengey ny mraane – aspen
- çhengey unjinagh – ash seed
- çhengey vaa – field speedwell, ox tongue
- çhengey veein – yellow archangel
- çhengey veen – archangel
- çhengey veg – uvula, little tongue, staphyle
- çhengey vio – spoken language
- çhengey vrisht – jargon
- çhengeylan – language laboratory
- çhengeyr çhyndaader – interpreter
- çhengleyr – wrangler, talkative person, arguer
- çhengleyr scammaltagh – scandalmonger
- çhengleyragh – argue, jabber, argumentative, talkative
- çhengleyraght – loquaciousness, argumentativeness
- çhengleyrys – jabber, wrangle, argument, talkativeness, babbling
- çhenjagh – oppressor, tyrant, exactor, extortioner, extortionate, austere
- çhenjaght – extortion, oppression
- çhenjean – beacon
- çhenjys – austerity, oppression
- çhenleyrys – wrangling
- çhenmynt – tenement
- çhennel – guillemot
- çhenney cheabane – ignis fatuus, Will-o'-the-Wisp
- çhenney chrowree – Bengal lights
- çhenney-ghruiaghtys – pyromancy
- çhenney Jee – ringworm, Anthony's fire
- çhenney taarnee – thunderbolt, flash of lightning
- çhennid – press, strain, tension, narrowness, tightness, drive, distress
- çhennid chree – heart strain
- çhennid chymmyltey – phimosis
- çhennid mooiney – strangury
- çhennid ushtey – prostatism
- çhennoil – fiery, vehement
- çhennoilid – vehemence, fieriness
- çhennoilys – fierceness, vehemence
- çhenntag – stove
- çhentag – firework
- çhentagh – igneous, lightninglike, fulgid
- çheorey – term, compass (boundary), circumscription
- çheorit – circumscribed, finite
- çherm – therm
- çhermagh – thermal
- çhermeeanagh – thermionic
- çhermey-lostey – thermocautery
- çhermostad – thermostat
- çhermostaddagh – thermostatic
- çhermys – thermos
- çherr – chirr
- çherub – cherub
- çherubagh – cherubic
- çheshvean – nucleus, orthocentre, epicentre, dead centre
- çheshvean trimmid – centre of gravity
- çheshveanagh – nuclear, dead centre, dead central
- çheshveanys – nucleonics
- çheu-aahley – side aisle
- çheu-altar – side altar
- çheu asstan – wrong side (of material), inside, side out of sight
- çheu-charr – sidecar
- çheu çheerey – countryside
- çheu-cheim – sidestep
- çheu chiare – port side, larboard, left side
- çheu chlee – port side, leftwing
- çheu-chooyl – behind
- çheu chooylloo – behind, rearside, rearward, aback
- çheu-chummey – improvisation
- çheu deiney – human factor
- çheu elley – obverse
- çheu elley jeh – trans
- çheu-ghorrys – side door, sidedoor
- çheu hansheragh – prompt side
- çheu-heear – behind, west side, westward
- çheu heese – underneath
- çheu heose jeh – above
- çheu hiar – east side, eastward
- çheu-hilley – sideglance
- çheu hoal – flip side
- çheu hoal (jeh) – beyond
- çheu hoal jeh'n theihll – The Beyond
- çheu-hoilshey – side lamp
- çheu hoshtal – near side, larboard, port side, left side
- çheu hwoaie (jeh) – north of
- çheu hwoaie ny purt – North Quay
- çheu jesh – dexter
- çheu lheirrym – larboard
- çheu lhiabbagh – bedside
- çheu-londeyr – sidelamp
- çheu mooie – çheumooie]]
- çheu-mooieys – objectivity
- çheu ny dailleyder – creditor side
- çheu ny geayee – weather conditions, luff, weather side, windward
- çheu ny Howe – South Quay
- çheu ny marrey – seaside, water front
- çheu ny mayrey – spindle side
- çheu ny mraane – distaff
- çheu-phoggaid – side pocket
- çheu raaidey – roadside
- çheu-reayrt – side view
- çheu ry heu – adjacent, side by side, broadside on, apposition
- çheu sthie – çheusthie
- çheu toshee – front page
- çheu-vaidjey – side bar
- çheu-vayr – side road, local road
- çheu vayrey – roadside
- çheu veealloo – forepart
- çheu-veoir – linesman
- çheu-voayrd – side table
- çheu wass – near side
- çheu y vayr – wayside
- çheu-yalloo – side elevation
- çheu yesh – right side, starboard, off side
- çheu yn aarkey – seaside, water front
- çheu yn astee – lee, leeward, lee side, sheltered side
- çheuagan – hypotenuse
- çheuagh – sided, partial, tendential
- çheuaghey (lesh) – espouse, espousal
- çheual – lateral
- çheualagh – lateral, adjoining
- çheuane – purlin
- çheufort – traverse
- çheughey – alignment, align, ally
- çheughey (rish) – side
- çheulagh – siding, sidetrack
- çheulinney – sideline, touchline, touch
- çheumooie – outside, without, outboard, alfresco, exterior
- çheumooie jeh – besides, save
- çheuraght – impromptu
- çheusthie – inside, within, indoor, interior, inland, inner; subjectivist
- çheusthieys – subjectivism
- çhiamblagh – Templar
- çhiamble argid – shrine
- çhiamble Ewanagh – synagogue
- çhiamble masoonagh – masonic temple
- çhiamble ny jeeghyn ooill – pantheon
- çhiamble Sheenagh – joss house
- çhiamble Yupiter – Capitol
- çhiark – scarce
- çhiarn beg thallooin – squireen
- çhiarn caggee – war lord
- çhiarn ny çheerey – lord of the manor, laird
- çhiarn thallooin – landlord, ground landlord, squire
- çhiarn-veoir – Lord Mayor
- çhiarn y lhuingys caggee – sea lord
- çhiarnagh – lordly
- çhiarnaghey harrish – overlord
- çhiarnaght – lordship, seigniority
- çhiarneen – lordling
- çhiarnid – lordliness
- çhiarnoil – lordlike
- çhiarnoilid – imperiousness
- çhiarnyn Thallooin – Landed Interest
- çhiarnyn y rheaym – Peers of the realm
- çhiarnyssagh – seigniorial, bossy, authoritative, dominating
- çhiarnyssaght – bossiness
- çhiarrey – clearance, clear (of weather), dry spell
- çhiass – heat, warmth
- yn çhiass – gonorrhoea, the clap
- çhiass bane – incandescence
- çhiass-chemmig – thermochemistry
- çhiass-chredjue – religious fervour
- çhiass-cubbyl – thermocouple
- çhiass er lheh – specific heat
- çhiass folley – blood heat
- çhiass follit – latent heat
- çhiass-gheintynagh – thermogenic
- çhiass-ghiennaghtyn – heat-producing
- çhiass-ghraih – ardour, fervent love
- çhiass goulragh – radiant heat
- çhiass greiney – solar heat
- çhiass-howshanagh – calorimetric, calorimetrical
- çhiass-jeeneyder – heat insulator
- çhiass lajer – ardent heat
- çhiass-lectragh – thermoelectric, thermoelectrical
- çhiass-lectraghys – thermoelectricity
- çhiass-lectraneagh – thermoelectronic
- çhiass-lostey – thermocautery
- çhiass-niartal – thermodynamic
- çhiass-niartallagh – thermodynamics
- çhiass (ny greiney) – fieriness
- çhiass-reilleyder – thermostat
- çhiass-veih fer lhee – clinical thermometer
- çhiassagh – febrile, feverish
- yn çhiassagh buigh – yellow fever
- çhiassagh inçhyn – brain fever
- yn çhiassagh jiarg – scarlet fever, scarlatina
- çhiassaghey – fever, pyrexia
- yn çhiassaghey breck – typhoid fever
- çhiassaghey curree – malaria, marsh fever, swamp fever
- çhiassaghey geinnee – sand fly fever
- çhiassaghey sheeintyn – mastitis
- çhiassaghey soalley – puerperal fever
- çhiassaght – feverishness
- çhiassan – calorie
- çhiassanagh – calorific
- çhiasseyder – radiator, heater, warmer
- çhiasseyder shamyr – room heater
- çhiasseyder ushtey – water heater
- çhiassid – hotness, temperature
- çhiassjeenaght – insulation
- çhiassmeadragh – thermoelectric, thermoelectrical
- çhiassveih – thermometer
- çhiassyeenaghey – insulate
- çhiassyeenit – insulated
- çhibbag – sex
- çhibbyr f, çhibbyragh - well, spring, fount
- çhibbyr arteeshagh – artesian well
- çhibbyr hayrnee – deep-draw well
- çhibbyr heh – thermal spring
- çhibbyr ooill – oil well, gusher
- çhibbyr sulfur – sulphur spring
- çhibbyragh – spring, of a well
- çhibbyrt – well, spring
- çhicada – cicada
- çhillee – chilli
- çhimlee – smoke stack, stack
- çhimlee aer – ventilation shaft
- çhimpansee – chimpanzee
- çhing – sore, painful, ill, disordered, nauseated, ulcer
- çhing aile – burn (scald)
- çhing-chreeagh – heartsick, heartbroken
- çhing lesh graih – lovesick
- çhing lhiabbagh – bedsore
- çhing 'sy chione – fatheaded
- çhing 'sy chree – sick of heart
- çhingey jee – ringworm
- çhingys – illness, disease, stroke, disorder
- çhingys aane – hepatitis
- çhingys aaney – liver disease
- çhingys aer – air sickness
- çhingys breinney – womb illness
- çhingys builg – belly-ache
- yn çhingys-buillee – apoplexy
- çhingys cadlee – sleepy sickness, lethargy
- çhingys cassee – vertigo
- çhingys çhab – neuralgia
- çhingys çhing veih'n volg – sick headache
- çhingys cleayshey – earache
- çhingys clienney – childbirth, travail (birth)
- çhingys craaee – ague
- çhingys curree – paludism
- çhingys drommey – lumbago, spinal disease
- çhingys 'eeackle – toothache
- çhingys gailley – stomach pain, nausea, gastric troubles
- çhingys ghailley – stomach ache, digestive trouble
- çhingys ghliooney – mallenders
- çhingys ghrommey – backache
- yn çhingys Injinagh – beriberi
- çhingys king – headache
- çhingys leoaie – lead colic
- çhingys marrey – seasickness
- yn çhingys millish – diabetes
- çhingys mooar y yiarrey – dysentery
- çhingys nearag – nervous troubles
- çhingys neayrag – neuropathy
- çhingys neulheiltagh – palsy
- çhingys ny coyin – rabies
- çhingys ny heayst – lunacy
- çhingys ny henneeyn – brain sickness
- çhingys ny meaineyderyn – phthisis
- çhingys ny mucyn – the purples
- çhingys ollee – cattle disease
- çhingys scoill – truantship
- çhingys sooilley – eye trouble
- yn çhingys tayrnee – convulsions
- çhingys theayagh – epidemic
- yn çhingys tuittymagh – epilepsy
- çhingys varrey – seasickness
- çhingys vreagagh – malingering
- çhingys y cleeau – tuberculosis
- çhingys y yiarrey – diarrhoea
- çhingys y yummallys – squandermania
- yn çhingys Yernagh – ulcerated dermal necrosis, salmon disease, Irish disease
- çhingys yn ollee – foot and mouth
- çhingys yn ree – scrofula
- çhingyssagh – painful, seedy
- çhinse – chintz
- çhiolg – stomach, tummy
- çhiollagh, çhiollee - ingle, hearth, fireplace
- çhiollagh çhiollee – chimney corner
- çhionn-chraitnagh – hidebound
- çhionn lesh moyrn – puffed up with pride
- çhionn rish y chrackan – skintight
- çhionnag – tendril, tentacle
- çhionnagagh – tentacular
- çhionnagh – thronging
- çhionnaghan – vice
- çhionnaghey – inflate, brace
- çhionnaghey crossagh (er) – interlace
- çhionnaghey glackanyn – brake
- çhionnchur – wooden tongs, forceps
- çhionnchuryn – pincers
- çhionneen fuilt – hairclip
- çhionney glackanyn – braking
- çhionney roish – press on
- çhionney ry-cheilley – close up, bunch
- çhionney stiagh – perforate, siege, press in
- çhionney stiagh (er) – mob, beseige, beleaguer, beset
- çhionneyder – inflater, nut, brace, strainer, tightener
- çhionneyder builg – bicycle pump
- çhionnid – compactness, tension, tenseness, austerity, strain, tautness, stiffness
- çhionnid aer – air pressure
- çhionnid eaghtyragh – surface tension
- çhionnid gas – gas pressure
- çhionnid ushtey – water pressure
- çhionnit – inflated, blown, tightened, pressurized
- çhionnit ry-cheilley – close-ranked
- çhionnraader – protester
- çhionnraaghey – protest
- çhionntane driaght – chain adjuster
- çhionntane pabyr – paper clamp
- çhionntane tessen – cross-brace
- çhioob aer – air tube
- çhioonaghey – tuning, tune up
- çhiooney – key, fastening
- çhiooneyder – tuner
- çhiow banglaneagh – central heating
- çhiowder – heater
- çhiowder coshey – foot-warmer
- çhiowder shamyr – room heater
- çhiowder ushtey – water heater
- çhiowdeyder lhiabbagh – bed-warmer
- çhioweyder – warmer
- çhioweyder moggaid – plate-warmer
- çhioweyder sheidee – fan heater
- çhiowt – warmed
- çhirmaghey – dry, dessicate, drain, cure
- çhirmee – desiccative
- çhirmeyder – curer, drier, absorbent
- çhirmeyder cassee – spin dryer
- çhirmid – aridity, drought, dryness
- çhirmit – dried, dried up, drained
- çhirrym-choshagh – dry-footed
- çhirrym-ghlenney – dry-cleaning, dry-clean
- çhirrym-ghlent – dry-cleaned
- çhirrym-hooillagh – dry-eyed
- çhirrymaght – prohibitionism
- çhit-veg – rock pipit
- çhiu-chrackanagh – thick-skinned (of fruit)
- çhiu-chraitnagh – pachydermatous
- çhiu-linney – thick-stroke
- çhiu reen – viscous
- çhiu-veeallagh – blubber-lipped
- çhiu-veillagh – blubber-lipped
- çhiuaghey – concentration
- çhiuder – concentrator, coagulant
- çhiughey – congeal, clot, thicken, concentrate, become heavy
- çhiughit – clotted
- çhiuid – stoutness, turbidness, intenseness, grossness, clot
- çhiuit – concentrated
- çhiulagh – cream, top of milk
- çhoarym – theorem
- çhoe – warmer, hotter
- çhoob – tube
- çhooraght – integration
- çhooyl – instant
- çhowder – chowder
- -chreeagh – -hearted
- chron-oayllee – chronologist, chronologer
- chron-oaylleeagh – chronological
- chron-oaylleeaght – chronology
- çhum - towards me, for
- çhutnee – chutney
- çhyle – chyle
- çhymbyl – roundabout
- çhymbyllagh – environmental, roundabout
- çhymbyllaght – girth, environment, surroundings
- çhymcheayrtagh – periodical
- çhymlee – chimney
- çhymloayrtys – circumlocution
- çhymmaghey – soften
- çhymmee – commiserative
- çhymmey – pity
- çhymmoil – pitying
- çhymmylit – circumcised
- çhymmyltagh – uncircumcised, Gentile, preputial, circumcised (male)
- çhymmyltey – circumcise, circumcision
- çhymmyltys – uncircumcision
- çhymnaghey – devise, bequeath, depute, dedicate, dedication
- çhymnaghey (da) – devolve
- çhymnee - [[
- çhymsagh – hoarding, gather, saving
- çhymsagh croiyn – nutting
- çhymsagh vaa – rodeo
- çhymsaght – set, family, inflammation, accumulation
- çhymsaght yn 'ooillagh – remainder set
- çhymseyder – gatherer, accumulator
- çhymshal – cycle, circuit
- çhymshal Carnot – Carnot cycle
- çhymshal lectragh – electric circuit
- çhymshallagh – cyclic, cyclical
- çhymshallys – circuitry
- çhymysyn – foundation
- çhyndaa buird – table-turning
- çhyndaa coorse – cast about
- çhyndaa er ash – turn back (as persons)
- çhyndaa er shaghryn – pervert
- çhyndaa ergooyl – volte face
- çhyndaa ersooyl – divert, turn away
- çhyndaa gys vondeish – avail
- çhyndaa mygeayrt – turn round, turn about
- çhyndaa ry lhiattee – turn aside
- çhyndaa seose – turn up
- çhyndaa uillinagh – U-turn
- çhyndaa yn cheusthie magh – eversion
- çhyndaader – translator, changer
- çhyndaader clagh – turnstone
- çhyndaaee – rotational
- çhyndaait – converted, twisted, translated
- çhyndaays – conversion
- çhynskyl – industries, industry
- çhynskyl coadit – sheltered industry
- çhynskyl eddrym – heavy industry
- çhynskyl ny feederaght – textile industry
- çhynskyl yn ghas – gas industry
- çhynskylagh – industrial
- çhynskylaghey – industrialize
- çhynskylaght – industrialism
- çhynskyleyr – industrialist
- çhyrrys – errand, tour
- çhyrrysagh – courier
- çhyrrysid – intelligence
- çhysagh – gathering sore
- claare - stave, board, playbill, table (list), batten, platter, bar counter, programme
- cleiy m, cleiyee - hedge
- cliaght - to rehearse, exercise, train, practise, acclimatize, prosecute, profess, follow (as trade)
- coardailagh - agreer, congruent, concordant, compromising
- coardailys m - harmony, concord, compromise, agreement of figures
- coayl m, cailjey - loss
- colbagh f, colbee - heifer
- collagh m, collee - stallion
- Colloo f, Kylloo ~ Keylliu - (The) Calf (of Man)
- coloinagh - [[
- coloinaghey - [[
- coloinaght - [[
- cooill f, cooilley - hiding place
- coolley f, coollee - leaf of a door
- cooney m, coonee - help
- coonlagh f, coonlee - straw
- coontey m, coontee - count
- cooyrt f, cooyrtey - court
- cosney m, cosnee - gain
- cosoyl - [[
- couyr - [[
- couyral - [[
- cowrey m, cowree - sign
- craa m, craaee - shaking
- cray, craie ~ crayee - clay
- cuillee f, cuillagh - back room, closet
- cuir, correy - sowing
- cuishlagh - vascular
- cuishley f - syphon, pipe, thread of tow, flute in column
- cuishley chorrym f - steady pulse
- cuishleyr - blood letter
- cuishlin f - lode, vein, reef
- cuishlin gheayil f - coal bed, coal seam
- cuishlin scoarnee f - jugular
- cuishlin vooar f - artery
- cuishlin y chree f - aorta
- curnaght f, curnee - wheat
- custhey m, custhee - whipping
[edit]- deamey m, deamee - projection
- deyrey m, deyree - condemnation
- dress f, dressee - bramble
- drone m, dronney - hump
- duilley - [[
[edit]- eab - essay, attempt, trial, try, effort, push
- eayl f, eayil - lime
- eaynagh m, eaynnee - wilderness
- eayney
- eaynin m, eaynnee - precipice
- eeassaght m, eeassee - lending, borrowing
- eeasteyr m, eeasteyragh - fisherman
- ellyn
- ennaghtyn
- entreilys
- er çheu
- er gerrey
- er-yn-oyr
- etlagh
- ettyl
[edit]- faarnagh - leaky, pervious, drippy, dripping
- fainey abaneagh f - anklet
- fainey airh, fainey airhey f - golden ring
- fainey argid f - silver ring
- fainey condughtys f - slip ring
- fainey croanagh f - parrel
- fainey ghas f - gas ring
- fainey ghreiney f - anthelion, sun halo
- fainey hooaghan f - piston ring
- fainey naishtee f - engagement ring
- fainey noo f - halo
- fainey ogheragh f - keyring
- fainey ooill f - oil-ring
- fainey phaggal f - packing ring
- fainey phoosee f - wedding ring
- fainey scoltit f, fainey skeilt f - split ring
- fainey screebey f - scraper ring
- fainey sealal f - seal ring, signet ring
- fainey shee f - fairy ring
- fainey sollys f - halo, aureola
- fainey sthie f - bull's eye
- fainey stroaney f - nose ring
- fainey veg f - ringlet, circlet
- fainey vleeaney f - annual ring
- fainey yn laa f - aurora
- faineyder m - wagoner, charioteer
- fainnag f - annulet
- fainnagh - cyclic, cyclical, circinate
- fainoil - annular
- faishnagh m, faishnee - fortune-telling
- faitys m - trepidation, shyness, timidity, cowardice, irresolution
- fanney, fannee - flaying
- farkiaght, farkee - waiting
- farrane, farraneagh - fountain
- fasney m, fasnee - winnowing
- feayraght m, feayree - cold
- feayslagh - soluble, solvable, redeemable, laxative
- feaysley m, feayslee - releasing
- feeu - worthwhile, valuable
- feiy - fathom, during
- femoil - essential, necessary, beggarly, destitute, requisite, needy
- fenish m, fenee - presence
- feoilt - open-handed, bountiful, benevolent, generous, munificent
- feoiltagh - ungrudging, bountiful, bounteous, munificent, benevolent, liberal, hospitable, lavish, generous
- fidder m, fidderagh - weaver
- filley m, fillee - folding
- foays - improvement, welfare, benefit, well-being, quality, betterment, utility, goodness
- foghan m, foghanagh - bud
- foiljeydagh - critical
- foldyr m, foldyragh - mower
- folliaghtagh - stealthy, secret, esoteric, mysterious, confidential, secretive, classified
- fondagh - solid, impregnable, sufficient, firm, efficacious, substantial, efficient, perfect, effectual, of good standing, stable
- fondaghey - perfect, ground, establishment, prove
- foster m, fosteragh - forester
- freoagh m, freoaie - heather
[edit]- gaal
- gaer
- garey m, garagh - garden
- gearey
- geddyn
- geintyn
- gerjagh m, gerjee - comfort
- giat f, giattey - gate
- giense - festival, junket, ceilidh, house party, social, do, entertainment, revel, feasting, feast, carousal, get-together
- gientynagh - reproductive, creative, conceptual, generative, imaginable
- gioal m, gioaldee - mortgage, pledge
- giucklagh m, giucklee - broom
- glenney, glennee - cleaning
- gob m, gib - beak
- gollrish - like, resemble, resembling
- gorley - festering, disease, malady
- gortee, gortaghey - to acidulate, pain, hurt, maim
- gounagh f, gounee - stripper
- greimmey
[edit]- imbyl, imlee - brewing
- ingagh f, ingee - train of nets
- ingyr f, ingyragh - pus
- injil f, inshley - lowness
[edit]- jantagh - achiever, performer, perpetrator, agent, producer, manufacturer, actor, (grammar) active
- jeeas f, jeish - ear of corn
- jeig
- jeir f, jeirree - tear
- jiole
- juist ~ jyst m, juistey - dish
[edit]- kaartey, kaartee - carding
- kairdee f, kairdagh - forge
- keeayl f, keiley ~ keilley - sense
- keeil f, keeilley - jaw
- kialter m, kialteragh - unmilled woollen cloth
- kiebbey m, kiebbagh - spade
- koinney m, koinnee - ling (heather)
[edit]- laaragh - centric, centrical; stage, centre, venue, site
- leih - to absolve, pardon, excuse, forgive; absolution, forgiving, forgiveness, remission
- lhargagh f, lhargee - slope down
- lheim
- lhesh f, lheshey - hip
- lhiasagh(ey) m, lhiasee - ransom
- lhiassagh(ey), lhiassee - feigning
- lhie
- lhieuan m, lhieuanagh - elm
- lhoamey ~ lommey, lhoamee - baring
- lhoau, lhoauee - rot
- lhongey m, lhongee - meal
- lhune m, lhionney - ale
- lieckan f, lieckanagh - cheek
- loaght(ey), loaghtee - handling
- loau - rotten, putrid, stale, decayed, gangrenous, bad (as meat), corrupt, putrefactive, putrescent, foul, rotted, carious, stagnate
- londeyr f, londeyragh - lantern
- loo m, looee - oath
- losht(ey), loshtee - burning
- losserey f, losseree - herb
- lossey, lossee - blazing
[edit]- maail ~ maill m, maillee - rent
- maase m, maaish - cattle
- magher m, magheragh - field
- mark, markish - mark
- mastey, mastee - mixing
- mayrn
- meeaarlit - ill-qualified
- meeaccrys - inappetence, inappetency
- mee-aigh - ill luck
- mee-aighar - unfortunate
- mee-aighoil - ill-starred
- mee'aishnys - misrepresentation
- meeammys - irreverence
- meeammyssagh - irreverent, disrespectful, revolutionary
- mee-anraa - misquotation
- meearrey - recklessness
- meearreydagh - reckless
- meearryltagh - disobliging
- meearrym - impiety, slight, disrespect, impertinence
- meearrymagh - disrespectful
- meearrys - lack of contrition, impenitence
- meearrysagh - impenitent, impenitent person, uncontrite
- meechaaoil - inconvenient
- meechaays - inconvenience
- meechairagh - iniquitous
- meechairailagh - incautious, improvident
- meechairys - unfairness, injustice, improbity, iniquity
- meechairysagh - iniquitous
- meechaitnyssagh - distasteful
- meecheimagh - impassable
- meecheimneeaght - impassableness
- meechiaddey - misshape
- mee-chiaddit - misshapen
- meechiangle - misalliance
- meechiarail - carelessness
- meechleaynagh - unattractive
- meechleaynoil - charmless
- meechliaghtit rish - unadapted
- meechlou - misprint
- meechoardailagh - discordant, contradictory, disagreeing, incompatible
- meechoardailys - incompatibility, variance, disagreement, discord, dissent, clashing, disagreeableness
- meechooie - undue, malapropos, unbeseeming
- meechooieid - tasteless (as dress)
- mee-choontey - miscount, misreckon
- mee-chooyrtoil - discourteous, impolite
- mee-chooyrtoilid - impoliteness, discourtesy
- mee-choraaghey - mispronunciation, mispronounce
- meechordail - clash
- meechorrym - inequitable, uneven, imbalanced, unbalanced, bumpy
- meechorrymid - imbalance, unevenness
- meechoyrlaghey - misadvise
- meechoyrle - misadvice
- meechrauee - impious, undevout, irreligious, ungodly
- meechraueeaght - impiety, agnosticism, ungodliness
- meechraueeys - ungodliness
- meechredjal - discredit, disbelieve
- meechredjoilagh - superstitious
- meechredjuagh - sceptic, sceptical, infidel, unbeliever, disbeliever, agnostic, unbelieving
- meechredjue - faithlessness, scepticism, incredulity, disbelief, agnosticism, unbelief
- meechronneydagh - ill-fated
- meechummal - detinue
- mee-chummey - asymmetry, malformation, blur, deformity, misshape, deformation, deform
- mee-chummit - deformed, misshapen, malformed, ill-designed
- meechurrym - neglect, negligence
- meechurrymagh - neglectful
- meechyndagh - unblamable, blameless, inculpable (person)
- meechyndid - blamelessness, inculpability
- mee-earroo - miscalculation
- mee-ellynagh - ill-mannered
- meefollan - unhealthy (of climate)
- meefollanid - unhealthiness (climate)
- meefortanagh - unfortunate, ill-fated, ill-starred
- meefuillaghtagh - intolerant
- meegheill - inobservance
- meegherjagh - disconsolate, discomfort, uncomfortableness, distress
- meegherjoilagh - disconsolate, uncomfortable, distressed
- meegherjoilid - disconsolateness
- meegherjoilys - discontent, unhappiness
- meeghiastyllagh - uncharitable
- meeghiastyllys - uncharitableness
- mee-ghooghysagh - degenerate
- meeghraysoil - ungracious, graceless
- meeghraysoilid - ungraciousness
- meehaghyrtagh - unfortunate
- meehaitnys - dislike, disagreeableness, unacceptability, repugnance, displeasure, unattractiveness, emptiness
- meehaitnyssagh - unattractive, displeased, unacceptable, objectionable, unenjoyable, charmless, uncongenial (as job), disagreeable, displeasing
- meehastagh - absent-minded person, absent (of landlord), inattentive, absent-minded, heedless
- meehastey - neglect, inattention
- meehastid - absenteeism (landlord), oversight, heedlessness, thoughtlessness, inattention
- meehioonaghey - mistune
- mee-houyr - comfortless
- meehowse - mistime
- meehowshit - mistimed
- meehraaoil - ill-timed, inopportune, misplaced, out of place, inapt, inexpedient, incongruous, inept
- meehraaoilid - inaptitude, infelicity
- meehreisht - diffidence
- meehreishteil - despair
- meehreishteilagh - despairing, hopeless (person)
- meehreisteil - distrust, mistrust
- meehreisteilagh - distrustful, mistrustful, diffident, mistrusting
- meehreisteilys - hopelessness
- meehroccairagh - inclement
- meehurransagh - impatient
- meehurransaght - impatience
- meehurranse - impatience
- meehushtagh - stupid, ignorant, undiscerning, injudicious
- meehushtey - ignorance, simplicity
- mee-hyndaa - mistranslation
- meein
- meenearagh - bold, brazen, imprudent, ribald, audacious, unblushing, immodest, shameless, glaring (of injustice), unashamed
- meenearey - boldness, imprudence, shamelessness, audaciousness, brazenness, immodesty, glaringness, indelicacy, audacity
- meeneareydagh - imprudent
- meennearagh - indelicate
- meenoo - unhallowed, unholy, impious
- meenooaghey - profanation, profane
- mee-oardagh - derangement, disarray
- meeoardreilys - disorderliness
- meeoardyr - disorder
- meeobbraghey - misfunction
- meeobbraghys - misfunction
- mee-ockleymagh - mispronunciation
- meeonnor - dishonour
- meeonnoragh - dishonour, dishonourable, dishonest (person)
- meeonnorid - dishonesty
- meeonnoroilid - dishonourableness
- mee-ooashlaghey - despise, profane
- meeooasle - undignified, ignoble
- meeostyllagh - unapostolic
- mee-ourys - misgiving
- meepholitickagh - apolitical
- meephrisagh - unappreciative
- mee-rah - ill-success, insuccess
- meereaghys - maladjustment
- meereggyragh - irresponsible, ill-matched, incongruous, disparate
- meereggyraght - disparity, irresponsibility, incongruity
- meereill - misgovernment, misgovern, misrule
- meereilley - misrule, misgovern
- meereiltagh - lawless, anarchist, turbulent person, anarchic, anarchical, ungovernable (as country), disorderly, irregular, turbulent
- meereiltys - lawlessness, disorder, irregularity, anarchy, disloyalty, misrule, turbulence
- meereiragh - refractory
- meereirey - maladministration
- meereirey (obbyr) - misconduct
- meeresoon - illogicality
- meeresoonagh - senseless, preposterous, illogical, incoherent
- meeresoonaght - incoherence, preposterousness
- mee-rheynn - misdeal
- mee-roonagh - ill-intentioned
- meeslayntoil - unhygienic
- mee-staartaght - unemployment
- meestiuragh - misguiding, misleading
- meestiurey - misconduct, mismanagement, misguidance, mismanage
- meestiurit - misguided
- meestoamey - undiplomatic
- mee-unnaneys - disunity, disunion
- mee-unnaneyssagh - disuniting
- mee-unnaneyssit - disunited
- mee-vaght - misinterpretation
- meevaynragh - unhappy person
- meevaynrey - infelicitous, unhappy, miserable, dismal
- meevaynrys - misery, unhappiness
- meeveasagh - indecorous, uncivil, mannerless, badly-behaved, indelicate
- meeveasaght - incivility, indelicacy
- mee-veays - ill-breeding, incivility
- mee-veaysagh - ill-bred
- mee-veeaghey - malnutrition
- meeviallagh - rebel, uncomplying, rebellious, disobedient, undutiful (person)
- meeviallys - noncompliance, rebellion, disobedience, rebelliousness
- mee-ving - discordant, cacophonous, tuneless
- mee-vingys - disharmony, discord, cacophony
- meevlasstal - unappetizing
- meevlaystal - distasteful
- mee-vluckan - no ball
- meevreihagh - malcontent
- meevriwnys - misjudgement, misreckoning
- meevriwnyssagh - indiscriminating
- meevunraghtoil - unconstitutional
- meewooiagh - dissatisfied
- meewooisagh - ungrateful
- meewooisal - ungrateful, unappreciative
- meewooise - ungratefulness
- meewoyagh - unhandsome
- mee-yeelys - disaffectionate, disaffected
- mee-yeelysaght - infidelity, disaffection
- mee-yesh - dingy
- mee-yeshid - dinginess
- mee-ymmyd - misapplication
- mee-ynrick - disingenuous, morally crooked, faithless, dishonest
- mee-ynricks - disingenuousness, insincerity, faithlessness, imperfection
- mee-yss - misinformation
- mee-yssoil - misinformed
- meinn f, meinney - meal
- meoir m, meoiryn - supervisor, mayor, curator, keeper, prefect, taskmaster, manager, custodian, steward, bailiff
- meoir shee
- messghart
- mhilley, mhillee - spoiling
- moal
- mwyllar m, mwyllaragh - miller
- mwyllin f, mwyljey - mill
[edit]- naishtey ~ nastey, nashtee - betrothal
- neugheill - inattention
- neugherjagh - uncomfortable, depression, miserableness, discomfort
- neu-gholl ry cheillid - dissimilarity
- neu-ghreinnagh - disincentive
- neuloayrtagh - ineffability, inexpressible, ineffable, uncommunicative, reserved
- niaul
- noid m, noidey - enemy
[edit]- oardagh m, oardaghyn - ritual, ordinance, dispensation, directive, decree, behest, order, arrangement, sequence, commission, rite, array, decretory, direction, fiat
- oayll m, uyll - haunt
- ollan f, olley - wool
- ooashley m, ooashlee - worship
- ooig f, ooigey - pit
- ordaag f, ordaagagh - thumb
- ornaidagh - ornate, flowery, colourful, decorative, flashy
- osney m, osnee - sigh
- oural m, ourallagh - sacrifice
[edit]- pabyr m, pabyrey - paper
- pardoon m - grace, pardon, condonation, remission
- peedyr m, peedyragh - pewter
- peesh f - piece, cutting, length (of thread), patch, bit
- pesson m, pessonagh - rector
- phadeyr m, phadeyragh - prophet
- pishyr f, pishyragh - pea
- plooghey, plooghee - suffocating
- poht m, puyt - pot
- prash f, prashey - brass
- preaban caggee m - amphitheatre
- preaban coshee m - pedestrian precinct
- preaban gammanagh m - funfair
- preaban geinnee m - arena
- preaban thie m - ground plot
- preabanagh - patchy
- preabanee m - patcher (owner of a small piece of land)
- purt f, purtey - port
[edit]- quiggal f, quiggalagh - distaff
[edit]- raa - phrase, saying, dictum, remark, expression, sentence
- raadey, raadee - anchoring
- raipey m, raipee - tearing
- reagh - playful, frolicsome, mirthful, sportive, blithe, frisky, amorous, lecherous, randy
- reaghey m, reaghee - sorting out
- reih - to choose, opt, elect, single out, correct (as behaviour), champion, discrimination, preferred, favourite, choice, option
- reilt - normal
- reiltagh - ruling, decisive, ordinal, according to rule, regular; ruler, director, president, rector
- resoon m - reason, cause, rationality, logic, reasonableness
- reuyr, reuyrey, reuyrit - to dig
- rieugh - real, true, actual, material
- rimlagh f, rimlee - fishing line
- roie folley - to bleed, hemorrhage; bleeding, hemorrhage
- ronney - division, of a division, share, portion, quota, lot, part, category, beat, parcel or claim of land, verse, political ward; departmental
- ronsoil - exploratory
- roshtyn - to attain, reach, arrive; arriving, reaching, accession to power
- ruillick f, ruillickey - graveyard
[edit]- saagh m, siyn - holder, container, utensil, vase, vial, trough, feeder, ship
- sack m, saick ~ seick - sack
- sallaghey - soiling, dirty
- saualtys m - salvation, redemption
- scaa - cover, hood, fire guard, screen, fence, fencing, pretence, guise, ghost, apparition, a very thin person, shadow, shadiness, adumbration, shade, timidity, blight; thirds
- scansh - respect, regard, importance, consequence, momentousness, moment
- scanshoil - impressive, noticeable, regardful, momentous, important
- scapail - to escape, elude, avoid, abscond; absconding, abscondment
- scarrey m, scarree - separation
- scoarnagh f, scoarnee - throat
- scoldey m, scoldee - scalding
- scooirey m, scooiree - scrubbing
- scraig f, scraaee - scraw (turf for thatching)
- scughee - to move, remove, displace, dislodge, shift, budge, evict, scoot, quit, shift about
- scughee - dislodgement, removal, eviction, moving, shifting, displacement
- seiy
- seyir m, seyirey - carpenter
- shaghyn
- shallidagh
- sharragh m, sharree - foal
- shaslagh f, shaslee - bent-grass
- sheean
- sheeidey m, sheeidagh - silk
- sheid - to breathe, puff, honk, gust, fill out, breeze, blow (of whale), toot (on horn), spout
- sheillagh f, sheillee - black willow
- sheiltynagh - conjectural, theorist, theoretical, notional, imaginable, imaginative, presumable, speculator, putative, speculative, imaginary, fanciful, thinkable
- shelley
- shesheraght f, shesheree - plough team
- shiaull m, shiauihll - sail
- shilley m, shillagh - sight
- shimmey
- shlingan f, shlinganagh - shoulder
- shune f, shunagh - rush
- shymley, shymlee - pining
- skah f, skahee - shedding, shaking
- skeay
- skeeah
- skeeal giare
- skeeal paitçhey
- skeiltey
- skielleydagh - malefic, deleterious, injurious, nocuous
- skielleydys m - maleficence, injuriousness
- skihlley m, skihllee - shelling
- slaanee - to recover, pull through, indemnify, integrate
- slaanaghey - recuperation, recovery, integration
- slaanaghey - sanative
- sluggey, sluggee - swallowing
- smale f, smalee - spark
- smooinaghtagh - thoughtful, imaginable, pensive, notional, serious, thinking
- smooinaghtyn - imagination, thought, reflecting, cogitation, thinking
- snaie m, snaa - thread
- soailley, soaillee - wrapping
- so-ghleashagh - accommodating of morals, ductile, floating, temperamental
- so-ghleayshagh - biddable, malleable
- so-veashagh - complaisant
- so-veaysaght f - complaisance
- sollagh - dirty
- sonnys - fortune, plentitude, affluence, good luck, satiety, felicity, luckiness
- sonnys f, sonney - plenty
- soogh - substantial, plenteous, plentiful, complete, plenary, plenty
- soost f, sooisht - flail
- souyr - well-off, comfortable, affluent, snug, well-to-do
- speyr f - sky
- spooilley m, spooillee - plunder
- staait m - commonwealth
- stainney m, stainnagh - tin
- stiuragh - steerable
- stiurey m, stiuree - rudder
- stiurt m, stiurtey - steward
- streean - bridle, rein, fraenum, curb
- streebagh f, streebee - prostitute
- sunder m, sunderagh - sexton
- surranse f, surranssee - suffering
[edit]- taarnagh f, taarnee - thunder
- tallagh - murmuring, grumbling, grumble, disgruntled, reproach, murmur
- tarragh m, tarree - girth
- tashtey m, tashtee - treasure
- thannid
- thoo m, thooee - thatch
- thooilley
- thoyn f, thoanney - arse
- tingleyr m, tingleyragh - tinker
- toghtey, toghtee - choking
- toshtal
- towshanagh - surveyor; dimensional; standard
- toyrtyssagh m - donor, donator, bestower, giver
- traaue, traauee - ploughing
- traie f, straie - shore
- trostey m, trostee - fast
- traart - to waste, destroy
- traaue - to plough, furrow, plough up, cleave; tilling, ploughing; leisured
- trooagh - envious, begrudging
- tuarymagh - speculative, speculator
- tuitt, tuittym - fall
- tuittym m, tuittymagh - fall
- tuittymmagh - crumbling, tottering, falling, accidental, caducous, epileptic; m disagreement, accident
- tullagh f, tullee - instant
- turneir m, turneiragh - attorney
- tushtagh - knowing, versed, intelligent, knowledgeable, clever; m intelligence
[edit]- U-volt - U-bolt
- uail - fine, penalty, privation, ruination, injury, disservice
- uailagh - prejudicial
- uddan - node, lump
- uddanagh - nodose, knotty, knobby, nodal, lumpy
- uddane - knuckle
- uddanys - knottiness, nodosity
- uddreen - utricle
- udlan - swivel
- ugh cha nee! - alack! alas!
- ughan - interjection
- ught - lap, ridge cut at one sweep
- ught-lhiannoo - affiliation, foster-child
- ught-neen - foster-daughter
- ughtagh f, ughtee - slope up, ramp, ascent, hill, hillside, rising ground, shelving, bluffness, high-pitched
- uhllin f, uhlley - stackyard
- ughtagh gheyre - steep slope
- ughtaghey - differentiation, differentiate
- ughtaght - precipitousness
- ughtar - author
- ughtar branchloie - tragedian
- ughtaragh - authoritative
- ughtarys - authorship, sanction, authorization
- ughtee - sloping upwards, sheer, bluff (of coast)
- ughtid - bluffness
- ughtvoalley - parapet
- uhlley - of the stackyard, stackyard
- uhllin f - farmyard, haggard, rickyard, stackyard, cornyard
- uilk - evils
- uinnag chasemint f, uinnag oslee f, uinnag yeushanagh f - casement window
- uinnag chlea f - dormer window, skylight
- uinnag chleeah f - lattice window
- uinnag far-ghorrys f, uinnag hrasnane f - transom window
- uinnag gharrad f - garret window
- uinnag happ f - shop window
- uinnag hash f - sash window
- uinnag hostynagh f, uinnag vowagh f - bow window
- uinnag lattagh f - louvre
- uinnag lhuingey f - porthole
- uinnag ny sooilley f - cornea
- uinnag sleaystagh f - fanlight
- uinnag sterrym f - storm window
- uinnag veg f - eyehole
- ulican - place of devotion
- ullaagagh - honeysuckle, woodbine
- Ullabol - Ullapool
- ullag f - monkey-block, trochlea, pulley
- ullag chughlinagh f - cone-pulley
- ullag electraghys f - trolley
- ullag fidlee f - fiddle-block
- ullag hreoragh f - idler, idle pulley
- ullag immanagh f - driving pulley
- ullag voandey f - band pulley
- ullagagh - trochoid
- ullaghan - step of turf spade
- ulleeys - virtuosity
- ulley - charnel house
- ullid - preparedness, readiness
- ullinagh - cornered
- ullish - ullage
- ullymar - wormwood
- ullymar varrey - sea wormwood
- ullys - preparedness
- ulnagh - ulnar
- ulney - ulna
- ultramontaanagh - ultramontane
- un - sole, one
- un chassagh - single-stemmed
- un cheayrt ynrican - once only
- uncheillagh - monogamist, monogamous
- uncheillaghys - monogamy
- unchesmadagh - monophase
- un-cheuagh - unilateral
- unchlouder - monotype
- un-chovreneenagh - monomolecular
- un-chullyragh - isochromatic
- un-chummey - uniformity
- undaagagh - stinging nettle, jenny nettles
- undaagagh ghreagagh - fenugreek
- undaagagh rangagh - small stinging nettle
- undaagagh veein - dead nettle
- undaagagh, undaagaghoil - urticaceous
- undinagh - basic, fundamental, intrinsic, cardinal, staple, firsthand
- un-eairkagh marrey, un-eairkan marrey - sea unicorn
- un-hrawagh - one way, unidirectional
- unjin frangagh - whitebeam
- unjin sheeley - weeping ash
- un-laaragh - single-storied
- un-leagh - one price
- unnane ny lomarcan - only one
- unnaneagh - unanimous, particular, singular
- unnaneaght - particularity
- unnaneys aigney - unanimity
- unnid-hiass goaldagh - BTU (British Thermal Unit)
- unnid-phooar - power unit
- unnish feie - moly
- unnish varrey - spring squill
- unns mooar - ounce avoirdupois
- unnysup - reward, fee at Christmas
- un-raadagh - unidirectional
- unraghey - isolation
- yn un' red - ditto
- unreyder - isolator
- unrick - only
- un-rollian - one-cylinder
- un-rollianagh - single-cylinder
- unshagh - uncial
- unsheean - monotony
- unsheeanagh - monotonous
- unskelfagh - monorail
- unskianagh - monoplane
- un soiag - single-seater
- un strengagh - single-wire
- untermagh - monomial
- untowlagh - monotreme
- untowlee - monotremata
- un-troagh - unidirectional
- un-varryl - single-barrelled
- unvunnagh - monobasic
- uragh - uric
- urraghys marrey - underwriting
- urraghys treeoo persoon - third party insurance
- urree hene - coy (of girl), reserved
- urrey - delight
- urrym - allegiance
- urrymagh - great
- urrysagh - secure
- urrysaght da'n treeoo fer - third party insurance
- urrysaght heihill - life insurance
- urrysaght lhuingey, urryssaght varrey - marine insurance
- urryssaght ashoonagh - national insurance
- urryssaght seihill - life assurance
- urryssaghteyr - insurer
- urryssaghtoil - insurable
- urticaarey - urticaria
- use derrey yn laa t'ayn - interest to date
- useree - interest payer
- useyr - moneylender, usurer, scrivener
- ushag airhey f - golden oriole
- ushag awiney f - kingfisher
- ushag chaaidje f - cagebird
- ushag chiaullee f - song bird
- ushag chonvayrtagh f - vulture
- ushag chraidoil f - mockingbird
- ushag fo chlooie f - fledgling
- ushag happagh f - lark
- ushag ny boob f - bittern
- ushag ny hawin f - kingfisher
- ushag ny hoie f - nightingale
- ushag ny keylljyn f - wood lark
- ushag ny lheeanagyn f - meadow pipit
- ushag ny shast f - water rail
- ushag ny shellanyn f - bee-eater
- ushag ny shellee f - willow warbler
- ushag ny Sheltyn f - red-necked phalarope
- ushag ny thorran f - hoopoe
- ushag ny thoyn bane f - wheatear
- ushag reaisht f - plover, golden plover
- ushag rhennee f - woodcock
- ushag roauyr ny hoarn f - corn bunting
- ushag roo f - ruff
- ushag varrey f - sea bird
- ushag veealeraght f - babbler bird
- ushag veg ruy f - robin
- ushag vieau f - swift
- ushag voltee f - pied wagtail, grey wagtail
- ushag vreck f - wagtail
- ushag vuitchooragh f - red-backed shrike
- ushag wee f - yellow hammer, yellow bunting
- ushag wuigh f - yellow bunting, yellow hammer
- ushag y cheirn f - mountain finch, brambling
- ushag y chloau f - chaffinch
- ushag y freoaie f - whinchat
- ushag y ghob vooar f - pelican
- ushag y juys f - goldcrest
- ushag y lhieen f - linnet
- ushag y sniaghtee f - fieldfare
- ushag y tappee f - lark
- ushag y traghtee f - fieldfare
- ushag y wannal cam f - wryneck
- ushagyn gyn skian f pl - aptera
- ushlagh - wet, liquid, swampy, marshy, watery
- ushlaghey - slobber, watering
- ushlaght - fluid, liquidity, fluidity, swampiness
- ushtey aeragh - aerated water
- ushtey bea - whisky, scotch, usquebaugh
- ushtey bea braghey - malt whisky
- ushtey bio - aqua vitae
- ushtey chibbyragh - well water
- ushtey drigit - distilled water
- ushtey eayil - lime water
- ushtey farraneagh - spring water
- ushtey-feayrit - water-cooled
- ushtey fliaghee - rainwater
- ushtey fo-halloo - conspiracy
- ushtey fyseidagh - tap water
- ushtey-ghaa - water colour
- ushtey-ghleashaght - hydrodynamics
- ushtey-ghlonney - water glass
- ushtey giallee - bleaching water
- ushtey-hassooagh - hydrostatic
- ushtey-hassooaght - hydrostatics
- ushtey-hooill - hydroscope
- ushtey-hooillagh - hydroscopic
- ushtey-howse - hydrometry
- ushtey-howsheyder - hydrometer
- ushtey jeeigey - ditch water
- ushtey king - hydrocephalus
- ushtey lavander - lavender water
- ushtey-lectragh - hydroelectric
- ushtey-lheihys - hydrotheraphy, hydropathy
- ushtey-lheihyssagh - hydrotherapeutic, hydropathic
- ushtey meainagh - table water
- ushtey millish - fresh water
- ushtey noa - spring tide after neap
- ushtey-obbragh - hydraulic
- ushtey-obbraghys - hydraulics
- ushtey potash - potash water
- ushtey reise - rice water
- ushtey rose - rose water
- ushtey rummee - bilge water
- ushtey saagh - dish water
- ushtey sallagh - foul water
- ushtey soda - soda water
- ushtey stangit - dam
- ushtey sulfur - sulphur water
- ushtey thanney - shallow water
- ushtey vea er e vlass - undiluted whisky
- ushtey y yannoo - let in
- ushtey-yiooldagh - water-repellant
- ushtey yn chruinney - hydrosphere
- ushteydane - aquarium
- ushteyder - waterer
- ushylagh - a very thin person, skeleton, cadre
- ushylagh mooie - exoskeleton
- ushylagh-oayllee - orthopaedist
- ushylagh-oaylleeagh - orthopaedic
- ushylagh-oaylleeaght - orthopaedy
- uyll - haunt
[edit]- V-ghear - V-gear
- vacseen - vaccine
- vacseenaghey - vaccinate, vaccination
- vacseeneyder - vaccinator
- 'vagh - eternally
- 'vaght - ever
- vaghtoor - vector
- vaghtooragh - vectorial
- vaidjin - a while ago
- vaidjyn - just now
- Yn Vaie Vooar f - Niarbyl Bay
- vaikys - shall see?
- vaives - vives
- valeese - valise
- valoor - velour(s)
- van chooid-hie - furniture van, pantechnicon
- van ny meoiryn shee - black maria
- van y phrysoon - black maria
- vanaadiu - vanadium
- Yn Vannag - Hop tu Naa song
- var a mish - I warrant
- y varkal - to mark
- varnish ingney - nail varnish
- varrey mish - I warrant
- vasleen - vaseline
- v'ayn roie - pre-existent
- ve arryltagh - volunteer
- ve boi - live
- ve cooie (da) - beseem
- ve er mayrn - survive
- ve jymmoosagh rish - resent
- ve myskidagh rish - resent
- ve ny s'earrooee (na) - outnumber
- ve torragh - teem (of female)
- veagh - would be
- yn vee - alimentary
- veeoiley - viola
- veerys - virus
- veesey - visa
- veg - nothing, none, anything, duck, love
- veggan as ny veggan - little by little, gradually, by degrees
- veign - I would be
- veih hen! - lo! look!
- veih-my-cheilley - asunder, apart
- veih Sauin gys Boaldyn - long-winded
- veih shen - from there, therefrom, thence, lo
- veih shen magh - thenceforth, thereafter
- veih shid - thence
- veih shoh - hence
- veih shoh magh - henceforth, hence, ever
- veih toshiaght gys jerrey - fore and aft
- veih vean - just then
- veih'n aarkey - onshore (wind)
- veih'n chree - implicitly, heart-to-heart
- veih'n fraue - fundamentally
- veih'n ghooghys - constitutional
- veih'n Tauin magh - from Hollantide
- veih'n toshiaght - from the outset
- veih'n traa shen - thence
- veih'n traa shen magh - thenceforth
- veih'n traa shoh - hence
- veih'n veeal - viva voce, verbal
- veih'n vrein - congenital
- veir - vair
- velvad f - velvet
- velvadagh - velvety
- velvadeen - velveteen
- Yn Ven Gheulit f - Andromeda
- Yn Ven Seyr ain f - Our Lady
- Vendeanagh - Vendean
- venee - revenge, maliciousness, spite
- Veneeshagh - Venetian
- ventreil - venture
- ventyr - venture, undertaking
- ventyragh - venturesome
- verandey m, pl verandaghyn - verandah
- vermiçhelli m - vermicelli
- veroanagh - veronal
- verragh - would give
- yn verre-chaggee (er) - berserk
- verrin - I would give
- vertebragh - vertebrate, vertebral
- vervine - vervain, verbena
- vest - vest, waistcoat
- vest whuinneelagh - sleeved vest
- vestagh - vestal
- veyge - voyage
- Yn Vible Chasherick - The Holy Bible
- viburnum - viburnum
- yn vie chadjin - commonweal
- yn vieauid y hayrn - to set the pace
- viggar - vicar
- Yn Ving Vooar f - The Great Enquest
- Yn Vink Hoshee f - The Front Bench
- vint - spite
- viol - violin
- vise ordaag - thumb-screw
- viseer - vizier
- vitamyn - vitamin
- vitriol - vitriol
- Yn Vlein Noa f - Hogmanay, New Year
- yn vlein ry heet f, yn vlein shoh çheet f - next year
- yn vlein scoill f - the scholastic year
- voee - from her
- voghe - would find?
- yn voidjyn - corn dolly
- Yn Voidyn Moirrey f - Madonna, The Blessed Virgin
- Yn Voidyn Vannee f - The Blessed Virgin
- voil - voile
- voin - would I find
- Voirrey s'treih! - woe is me!
- voish bun gys baare - from top to bottom
- voish Jee - heaven-sent
- voish king gys coshey - cap-a-pie
- voish madran dys yn astyr - the livelong day
- voish shen - consequently
- voish traa dy hraa - between-times, periodic, intermittent
- voish y chree - heartfelt
- vole - vole
- yn volgagh - smallpox
- yn volgagh rangagh - syphilis
- yn volgagh vreck - smallpox
- y volgey - abdominal
- y volley - lead on
- volt - volt
- voltameih - voltameter
- voltmeih - potentiometer
- voltys - voltage
- vondeish cheillit - fringe benefit
- vondeish jee-chiartaght - unemployment benefit
- vondeish ny geay - weather gauge
- vondeish peiagh ennagh - behoof
- vondeish-rheynn - profit-sharing
- vondeishaght - utilitarianism
- vondeishaghys - utilitarianism
- vondeishal - benefit, profit, avail
- vondeisheyder - profiteer
- yn vonney - the many, particle
- yn vooar chooid - the majority
- vooar rish y cheilley - thick
- yn vooar-vooir - the high seas
- Yn Vooir Yiass f - The South Sea
- Yn Vooiragh f - The Mooragh
- vow - shall get?
- voylt - hem
- y vrah - inform
- yn vreck - smallpox
- yn vreck wooar - smallpox
- Yn Vriwnys Yerrinagh - The Last Judgement
- y vrooinney - abdominal
- y vuighid - biliary
- yn vuinnaght vooar - amoebic dysentry
- vulcaaneit - vulcanite
- vummig - mother
- yn vunchooid - the bare necessaries
[edit]- waa! - whoa! (to horse)
- wagaanagh - stroll
- wagaantagh - ramble, stroll, rambling, stroller, vagabond, vagrant
- wagaantagh keiy - wharf rat
- wagaantys - rambling, vagabondage, vagrancy
- waggan tashtee - ammunition wagon
- waggon ronsee - forage wagon
- waggyn - coach
- waiteil - attendance, wait on, waiting
- waiteilagh - waiter, attendant (of person)
- walkal - stroll, fulling, to the full
- walkeyder - fuller, tucker
- wandrail - wander
- wandreilagh - wanderer, wandering
- wandreilys - wandering
- wapeetee - wapiti
- wappin - weapon, instrument
- wappin follit - secret weapon
- wappinagh - having weapons
- war m, pl warryn - stroke (of oar)
- wardoon m, pl wardoonyn - warden
- wardoon killagh - churchwarden
- wardoonagh - warden
- wardoonys - wardenship
- wardoor m, pl wardooryn - prison officer, warder, jailer
- wardoor-ben f, pl wardoor mraane - wardress
- wardys - ward
- warp - trio (of herrings), warp
- warpal - bind, bandaging, wrap
- warpit - wrapped
- warrag - humorist, wit (person)
- warrag wyllin - hop (of mill)
- warree - wary, knowing, facetious, witty
- wass - over here, across, side
- wass ayns shoh - this side
- watt - watt
- watt-oor - watt-hour
- wattaght - wattage
- wattmeih - wattmeter
- wed - wadding, wad
- wenskad - wainscot
- whaalag - little stitch
- whaal chemmal er - hem stitch
- whaal er - stitch on
- whaal ry cheilley - sew up, stitch up
- whaaley chribbylagh - garter stitch
- whaaley cooyl - back stitch
- whaaley ergooyl - back stitch
- whaaley frangagh - herring-bone stitch
- whaaley ny kirkey - moss stitch
- whaaleyder m - seamtress, sewer (person)
- whaalt, whaalit - sewed, sutured, stitched
- whaig - thrum
- ny whaiyl - towards him
- yn whaiyl ghiare - petty sessions
- whale feeacklagh - narwhal
- whale sheelymagh - sperm whale
- wheddyr - barb
- wheddyragh - barbed
- wheesh - so much, as much
- wheesh cheddin - so much
- wheesh elley - as much more
- wheesh jiu as - as many of you as
- wheesh shen - as much as that, as large as that
- wheesh shen smoo - all the more
- wheesh smoo - so much more
- yn wheiggoo jeig - fifteenth
- wherree - wherry
- whilleen - as much as, so many, as many
- whillin - as much as
- whinclagh - whinstone
- Yn Whing - Perseus
- yn whingjeear - leading horse
- whipp - immature conger
- whippad - whippet
- whoam - untidy stitch
- whomm - seam
- whommit - seamy
- whumm - muddle
- whush! - hush!
- whyndyl - three bushels
- Wiggynnagh - Viking
- winlass cabbil - whim
- wistad - worsted
- wistadagh - worsted
- Yn Witwatersand - The Reef
- woa! - whoa! (to horse)
- yn woirrinagh - hen bird
- woish - from
- wollad - wallet
- woogh! - bow-wow! woof! (of dog)
- wooishal - desire
- wooishlagh - navelwort, pennywort
- wullee wuss - Dyer's mignonette
- wynlass - windlass
[edit]- Y-chrooagh - y-shaped
- Y-olt - Y-joint
- Yahvey - Jehovah
- yappal - yap
- yarnaig - hank
- Yeaman - Teddy
- yearree eh! - beg! (to dog)
- Yee Chasherick! - Holy God!
- yeeal - thong, leash, lead, lash, lace
- yeeal abaneagh - ankle strap
- yeeal chassee - flail band
- yeeal chleeau - breast strap
- yeeal edd - hat strap
- yeeal ghrommey - back strap
- yeeal orraghey - catapult
- yeeal shleeuee - razor strop
- yeeal smeggin - chin strap
- yeeal streeaney - rein
- yeeal vraag - bootlace
- yeeal vraagey - leather bootlace, shoelace
- yeeall - strap, tie (of shoe)
- yeeall gheaylin - shoulder strap
- yeealley - whip, beat, strap, lash
- yeealley ny boynyn jeh - bastinado
- yeealleyder - beater, lasher
- yeeallt - strapped
- yeealt - whipped, lashed
- yeearlys - deposit, handsel
- yeearree - to wish, yearn, fancy, request, solicit, importune; prayer, aspiration, intention, application, soliciting
- yeearree - wish, yearn, fancy, request, solicit, importune; prayer, aspiration, intention, application, soliciting
- yeearree (er) - ask (for), intreat, aspire, beseech
- yeearree ny foalley - sexual desire, lust
- yeearree ry-phoosey - propose
- yeearreeagh - soliciting, yearning, wistful, importunate
- yeearreeaght - petition, appeal
- yeearreeoilid - desirability
- yeearreyder - applicant, candidate, entrant
- yeearreydys - candidature, application
- yeeasaght - loan, issue (of loan), lending
- yeeassaghey - borrow, lend, second
- yeeassee - lending
- yeeasseyder - borrower
- yeeassit - borrowed, lent, seconded
- yeeilley - satiety
- yeeilleyragh - satiated
- yeeillym - produce
- yeelt - beaten
- Yeesey - Jesus
- Yeesey Chreest - Jesus Christ
- Yeeseynagh - Jesuit
- ny yei - however, otherwise, anyrate; succeeding, after (time), ensuing, abaft, after him
- ny yei ry cheilley - in series
- ny yei shen - thereafter, consequently, subsequently, notwithstanding, nevertheless
- ny yei shen as ooilley - still, nevertheless
- ny yei shoh - hereupon, after this, hereafter
- ny yei y cheilley - rotation, succession, successive, succeeding
- yesh - right-hand
- yiarn banney - strip iron
- yiarn bwoaillt - wrought iron
- yiarn caardee - smith's iron
- yiarn calkee - calking iron
- yiarn cassee - crisping iron
- yiarn-chlou - ferrotype
- yiarn-choncraid - ferroconcrete
- yiarn cooyl - back iron
- yiarn coshey - leg iron
- yiarn crampagh - cramp iron
- yiarn craplit - corrugated iron
- yiarn cummit - wrought iron, cast iron
- yiarn essyl - linchpin
- yiarn figganagh - hoop iron
- yiarn foldyragh - scythe
- yiarn garroo - pig iron
- yiarn giarree - an edged tool
- yiarn greimmee - grappling iron
- yiarn immanagh - driving iron
- yiarn jeenee - caulking iron
- yiarn jiarg - brand (for cattle)
- yiarn lhean - sheet iron
- yiarn lockeragh - plane iron
- yiarn lostee - searing iron
- yiarn oalanagh - waffle iron
- yiarn plaitagh - plate iron
- yiarn roaganagh - corrugated iron
- yiarn roit - casting iron
- yiarn rollit - rolled iron
- yiarn seiyee - rabble
- yiarn shesheree - plough irons
- yiarn smoodal - flat iron
- yiarn stiuree - pintle
- yiarn streipey - stirrup iron
- yiarn T - T-section
- yiarn thalleyragh - goose
- yiarn tilgit - cast iron
- yiarn uillinagh - angle iron
- yiarnaghey, yiarney - cover with iron
- yiarnait - ferrate
- yiarnal - ironing, iron
- yiarneyder - ironmonger
- yiarneydys - ironmongery
- yiarnghlass - iron gray
- yiarnit - ironclad, ironshod
- yiarnoil - ferrous]
- yiarnyn bolgane - calipers
- yiarragh - would say
- y yiarrey - hew out
- yiarrin - I would say
- yiaryn slieau - climbing irons
- yindys ny yindyssyn! - lo and behold!
- y yingey neese - to prize
- yinnagh - would do
- yinnin - I would do
- yiogh - would find
- yioin - I would find
- yiow kied! - I don't agree with you!
- yl-ablid-chioanglee - multivalence
- yl-cheeaght - gang plough, multiple plough
- yl-chioneagh - many-headed
- yl-chostys - contingencies
- yl-filltagh - multiplex
- yl-fogragh - multitone
- yl-ghleckey - all-in wrestling
- yl-ghreiagh - multi-engined
- yl-hamyragh - many-roomed
- yl-heiy - plural vote
- yl-hooillagh - multi-ocular, many-eyed
- yl-lioar - book of many volumes
- yl-phiobagh - multitubular
- yl-pholasee - all-in policy (insurance)
- yl-strengagh - multi-wire
- yllagh - call, shout, cry, exclamation, acclaim, vocation
- yllagh ardlinney - trunk call
- yllagh as eam - hue and cry, outcry
- yllagh cayrn - trumpet call
- yllagh (er) - barrack, page, call upon
- yllagh fo vree - undercall
- yllagh gys shirveish - call up
- yllagh rolley - call over
- yllagh ushag - bird call
- yllaghey - shout, acclaim, exclaim, bawl
- yllaghey magh - turn out
- yllee - exclamatory
- yllee er ard - shout out
- ylleyder - caller, shouter, exclaimer
- ylleyderyn moghey - waits
- ymmodagh - abundant, infinite, plural
- ymmodaghey - multiplication, multiply
- ymmodaght - manifoldness
- ymmodee-cheintagh - variegated
- ymmodee-daahagh - varied, variegated
- ymmodee dy leih - multitude
- ymmodee-filley - multiple, various, manifold
- ymmodee fillit - complex
- ymmodee keayrtyn - many a time, dozens of times
- ymmodee mooar - a great many
- ymmodee sleih - horde
- ymmodee-taishbynagh - flamboyant
- ymmodys - abundance
- ymmyd jeant (jeh) - used, employed
- ymmydagh - useful
- ymmyder - utilize
- ymmydeyr - user
- ymmydit - used
- ymmydoil - useful, handy, valuable
- ymmydoilid - utility, usefulness
- ymmydoilid hraa - value of time
- ymmydoilys - usefulness
- ymmydys - usefulness
- ymmyl - periphery
- ymmyllagh - peripheral
- ymmylt - wallow, roll over, tumble
- ymmyltagh - tumbler, wallower
- ymmyltagh cheeree - tumble drier
- ymmyltey - wallow, roll over, tumble
- ymmyltit - rolled
- ymmyrch - necessity, destitution, exigence, want, require
- ymmyrch vian bee - anorexia
- ymmyrchagh - need, necessary, destitute, needful, indigent
- ymmyrk çhiarnys (er) - boss
- ymmyrk eayn - yean
- ymmyrk er ash - carry back
- ymmyrk er sleayd - sledge
- ymmyrk ersooyl - carry off, bear off, carry away
- ymmyrk feanish - depose, attest, testify
- ymmyrk lesh - carry along
- ymmyrk magh - bear out, carry out
- ymmyrk mess - fruit
- ymmyrk neose - carry down
- ymmyrk roish y traa - miscarry
- ymmyrk seose - carry up
- ymmyrk stiagh - import
- ymmyrkagh - bearer, carrier (person), porter, conveyor, transporter, vehicle, haulier, haulage contractor; sustaining, portable
- ymmyrkagh brattagh - colour-bearer
- ymmyrkagh bunniag - germ carrier
- ymmyrkagh cliwe - sword-bearer
- ymmyrkagh doagan - torch-bearer
- ymmyrkagh doghan - carrier
- ymmyrkagh eilley - armour-bearer
- ymmyrkagh feanish - testifier
- ymmyrkagh gorley - vector
- ymmyrkagh stiagh - importer
- ymmyrkagh ushtey - water bearer, water carrier, bhisti
- ymmyrkaght - portability
- ymmyrkane - bearing
- ymmyrkane cughlinagh - cone-bearing
- ymmyrkane rolley - roller bearing
- ymmyrkee - conductive
- ymmyrkey bayrey - road transport
- ymmyrkey bea - manner of life
- ymmyrkey er ushtey - water carriage
- ymmyrkey nastee - carriage free
- ymmyrkey roish y traa - miscarriage
- ymmyrkey ry-eeck - carriage forward
- ymmyrkey sidooryn - trooping
- ymmyrkey stiagh - importing
- ymmyrkit er y cheayn - seaborne
- ymmyrkit er yn ushtey - waterborne
- ymmyrkys - behaviourism
- ymmyrt - row, oar, rowing
- ymmyrt (ayns cloie) - match play
- ymmyrt magh - pull out
- ymmyrtagh - rower, oarsman, waterman, ferryman, rowing, rowing man
- ymmyrtagh ruy - galleyworm
- ymmyrtit - rowed
- ymmyrtys - oarsmanship, effects
- yn-cheeayllit - constructive
- yn-cherree - chargeable (of land)
- yn-chionnagh - redeemable
- yn-choagyrey - culinary
- yn-chraplagey - retractile
- yn-chur er chreck - realizable
- yn-chur ny host - confutable
- yn-churrit sheese da - assignable
- yn-eeck - dischargeable, defrayable, due
- yn-ghlackey - assumable (opinion)
- yn-ghoaill noi - controvertible
- yn-haglym - leviable
- yn-hirkaghey - retractile
- yn-lostagh - combustibility
- yn-obbragh dreeym er ash - reversible
- yn-obbree - practical
- yn-phooseydys - nubility
- yn-roie - tensile
- yn-tayrn er ash - revocable
- yn-vaghey ayn - habitable
- yn-vaylartaght - commutability
- yn-vaylartley - transposable, exchangeable
- yn-veighagh - ponderable
- yn-yiense - variety
- yndyr - browse, pasture, graze
- yndyragh - grazier
- yndyrit - grass-fed
- ynennalleyr - inhaler
- yngin - fingernail
- yngynagh - ungulate
- yngyr - suppuration
- yngyragh - suppurating
- yngyraghey - suppurate, suppurating
- yngyraght - fester, suppurating, inflammation
- yngyragh, yngyraght - festering
- yngyrit - festered
- ynlaare - in-centre
- ynlagh - lotion
- ynnyd aer f - air base
- ynnyd baghee f - billet
- ynnyd boayl f - pitch
- ynnyd caaoil f - vantage
- ynnyd casherick f - sanctuary
- ynnyd chruinnee f - rendezvous
- ynnyd coshey f - footmark, foothold
- ynnyd cowrey f - impress, imprint, impression
- ynnyd faagee f - point of departure
- ynnyd faishnagh f - oracle
- ynnyd fea f - resting place
- ynnyd haishbynys f - show place
- ynnyd hassoo f - bus stop
- ynnyd hellan f - apiary
- ynnyd jeihoil f - decimal place
- ynnyd keayrtey f - sojourn
- ynnyd lheeys f - ambulatory
- ynnyd lheie ersooyl f - vanishing point
- ynnyd loght f - venue
- ynnyd mooie f - location
- ynnyd ny merriu f - morgue, mortuary
- ynnyd oanluckee f - catacombs, burial place
- ynnyd phlaihagh f - plague spot
- ynnyd scrutee f - check point
- ynnyd seyrey f - holiday resort
- ynnyd tarlheimagh f - landing ground
- ynnyd toshee f - jumping off place
- ynnyd traieagh f - landing place
- ynnyd vaghee f - dwelling place, domicile, habitation
- ynnyd valjagh f - civic centre
- ynnyd vargee f - marketplace
- ynnyd vashtee f - baptistry
- ynnyd veaghee f - mansion, abode, residence
- ynnyd vingey f - venue
- ynnyd vondeish f - vantage
- ynnyd whaiyllee f - rendezvous
- ynnyd wheeylagh f - wheel track, wheel rut
- ynnyd y vreck f - pockmark
- ynnyd ymmyrt f - ferry
- ynnydagh - delegate, deputy, representative, attorney, local
- ynnydaght - lieutenancy
- ynnydee - substitute, locum tenens, commissary, procurator, proxy, assignee
- ynnydeyr - stand in
- ynnydoil - local, district
- ynnydys - locality
- ynoklaghey - inoculate, inoculation
- ynphossan - admass
- ynragh - tent
- ynrican - alone, absolute, only, single, particular, sole
- ynricanys - absoluteness, particularity
- ynrick - earnest, honest, righteous, undeviating, frank, genuine, straightforward, openhearted, forthcoming, intrinsic, outright, faithful, truthful, just, sincere, correct (as behaviour)
- ynrickys - honesty, sincerity, faithfulness, correctness, downrightness, integration, trustiness, directness, straightforwardness, truthfulness, straightness, guilelessness, probity, frankness, faith, truth
- ynsagh blaa - anthology
- ynsagh crauee - doctrine
- ynsagh keayin - nautical knowledge
- ynsagh lioaragh - book-learning
- ynsagh magh da hene - self-educated
- ynsagh ny h-emshir - weather lore
- ynsagh sodjey - further education
- ynsagh-yesheeneyr - pedant
- ynsagh-yesheeneyragh - pedantic
- ynsagh-yesheeneyraght - pedantry
- ynsaghey er lheh - coach
- ynsaghey lessoon da - lesson
- ynsaghey liorish - moralize
- ynsee er dty hengey - learn by heart
- ynseydagh Creestee - catechumen
- ynseydagh laa - day pupil
- ynseydaght - scholarship
- ynseyder keirdey - craft teacher
- ynseyder kiaull - music teacher
- ynseyder rinkys - dance teacher
- ynseyder scoill - schoolteacher
- ynseyder skeeandys - science master
- ynsheelteyr - infuser
- ynshellooee, ynshellooaghey - induction, induct
- ynshellooeyr m - inductor
[edit]Verbal nouns
[edit]- brasn((agh)ey), brasnee - provocation
- clo(ghey), cloee - chasing
- cormagh(ey), cormee - equalising
- oonl(agh)ey m, oonlee - washing
- ooragh(ey), ooree - refreshing
- rubb(ey), rubbee - rubbing
- slaanagh(ey), slaanee - healing
- teaum(ey) m, teaumee - pouring out
Adjective forms
[edit]- accrysssagh, accryssee - hungry
- aileagh, ailee - fiery, flammable
- almoragh, almoree - ignorant
- ammyssagh, ammyssee - respectful
- anchasherick, anchasherickey - profane
- anchasley, anchasley - different
- anchiart, anchiartey - incorrect, unequal
- angaaishagh, angaaishee - agonising
- anmagh, anmee - late
- annoon, annooney - feeble
- anoayllagh, anoayllee - unaccustomed
- anveagh, anveaee - upsetting
- anvennick, anvenkey - infrequent
- anvio, anvio - inanimate, extinct
- arganagh, arganee - contentious
- arkyssagh, arkyssee - distressed, afflicted
- arreydagh, arreydee - watchful
- arryltagh, arryltee - willing
- arrymagh, arrymee - respectful
- arryssagh, arryssee - repentant
- atçhimagh, atçhimee - astonished, shocking
[edit]- baasoil, comp./pl baasoiley - fatal
- baccagh, baccee - disabled
- baggyrtagh, baggyrtee - threatening
- balloo, balloo - dumb
- banganagh, banganee - branchy
- banglaneagh, banglanee - branching
- beeit, beeit - fed, plump
- beishtagh, beishtee - beastly, brutish
- beysagh, beysee - compliant
- biallagh, biallee - submissive, docile
- bieau, bieau - quick
- billagh, billee - wooded
- bing, pl/comp. bingey - tuneful
- bioal, bioal - lively
- biooil, biooil - lively
- bioyr, bioyrey - brisk, animated
- birragh, birree - pointed
- blaaagh, blaaee - flowery
- bog, buiggey - soft
- boggoil, boggoil - joyful
- boght, boghtey - poor
- boirragh, boirree - worrying
- bollagh, bollee - absolute, entire
- bolvaneagh, bolvanee - foolish
- booiagh, booiee - pleased
- bouyr, bouyrey - deaf
- braew, braewey - fine
- breck, pl breckey - spotted
- breenagh, breenee - sultry
- breen, breeney - sultry
- breeoil, breeoiley - dynamic
- breinn, breinney - stinking
- brishtagh, brishtee - brittle
- broie, comp. broie ~ broiey - boiled
- broigh, pl broighey, comp. broiee - dirty
- broutagh, broutee - savage
- bugganeagh, bugganee - frightening, scary
- buigh, buighey - yellow
- bwaagh, pl bwaaghey, comp. bwaaie - handsome
- bwoailtagh, bwoailtee - percussive, quarrelsome
[edit]- caarjyssagh, caarjyssee - friendly
- cabbagagh, cabbagee - abounding in docks
- cadjin, cadjinee - common, ordinary
- cadlagh, cadlee - sleepy
- cairagh, cairee - fair
- cairailagh, cairailee - careful
- cam, comp./pl cammey - crooked
- camlaagagh, camlaagee - perverse, illicit
- carnaneagh, carnanee - heaped
- carragh, carree - scabby
- casherick, casherickey - holy
- cassanagh, cassanee - passable
- caulgagh, caulgee - bristly, barbed
- çhelleeragh, çhelleeree - immediate
- çhing, comp./pl çhingey - ill
- çhionn, comp. çhienney, pl çhionney - stiff, tight
- çhirrym, çhirmey - dry
- çhiu, çhee, pl çheey - thick
- çhymsagh, çhymsee - cumulative
- çhyrrym, pl çhyrmey - dry
- clabbinagh, clabbinee - squally
- claghagh, claghee - stony
- cliaghtal, cliaghtal - habitual, (complacent ?)
- clugagh, clugee - cunning, crafty
- coayr, coir ~ coyr - odd
- condaigagh, condaigee - contrary, stubborn
- cooie, cooieey - suitable, apt
- cooinidagh, cooinidee - retentive
- cooinsheansagh, cooinsheansee - conscientious
- coon, cooney - narrow
- corragh, corragh - unstable
- corree, corree - angry
- corrym, cormey - equal, level
- cossylagh, cossylee - middling, tolerable
- costalagh, costalee - expensive
- craidoilagh, craidoilee - derisive
- craitnagh, craitnee - skinlike
- craiuaigagh, craiuaigee - ruinous
- crammanagh, crammanee - lumpy
- craplagh, craplee - wrinkled
- craueagh, craueagh - bony
- crauee, crauee - devout
- creaynagh, creaynee - shivering
- creen, pl creeney, comp. creen - ripe, dried up
- creeney, creeney - wise
- creeoil, creeoil - hearty
- creggagh, creggee - rocky
- cregganagh, cregganee - rugged
- creoï, creoï - hard
- creoidey, creoidey - hardy
- cribbidjagh, cribbidjee - stingy
- croaganagh, croaganee - importunate
- cronganagh, cronganee - hillocky
- cronnal, cronnal - conspicuous, notable
- croobagh, croobee - lame
- croutagh, croutee - wily
- croym, croym - bent
- cruittagh, cruittee - humpbacked
- cuilleigagh, cuilleigee - recessed
- cuishlinagh, cuishlinee - veined
- cumrailagh, cumrailee - obstructive, tedious
- curneeinagh, curneeinee - huffy
[edit]- danjeyragh, danjeyree - dangerous
- debejagh, debejee - desperate
- deinagh, deinee - weary, laborious
- dendeysagh, dendeysee - delicate
- deyr, deyrey - dear
- dholtaneagh, dholtanee - doltish
- dhone, dhoaney - brown
- dhonnanagh, dhonnanee - duncelike
- doaieagh, doaieagh - civil
- doal, doaley - blind
- doaltattymagh, doaltattymee - sudden
- doccaragh, doccaree - arduous
- doghanagh, doghanee - ill
- doillee, doillee - difficult
- doo, dooey - black
- doogh, doogh - bad
- doogh, dooghey - bad
- dooie, dooie - good-natured, natural
- dooisht, dooishtey - awake
- dooishtit, dooishtit - awakened
- dorraghey, dorree - dark
- dorrinagh, dorrinee - stormy
- dourinagh, dourinee - diseased, contagious
- dree, dree - boring
- dressagh, dressee - brambly
- drineagh, drinee - thorny
- drollaneagh, drollanee - indolent
- dronnagh, dronnee - convex
- drughaigagh, druighaigee - full of hips
- druightoilagh, druightoilee - dewy
- duillagagh, duillagee - leafy
- dunnal, comp. dunnal ~ dunnallee, pl dunnalley ~ dunnal - bold
- dunveragh, dunveree - murderous
- dwoaiagh, dwoaiagh - hateful
[edit]- eadolagh, eadolee - jealous
- eairkagh, eairkee - horned
- eajee, eajee - odious, abominable
- earrooagh, earrooee - numerous
- eddrym, eddrym - light
- eignagh, eignee - obligatory, necessary
- elgyssagh, elgyssee - spiteful
- ennaghtagh, ennaghtee - sensitive
- ennoil, ennoiley - endearing, popular
- erreeishagh, erreeishee - sympathetic
- eulyssagh, eulyssee - indignant
- eunyssagh, eunyssee - delightful
[edit]- faasaagagh, faasaagee - bearded
- fadaneagh, fadanee - remote, reclusive
- faggys, (s)niessey - near
- faghidagh, faghidee - contemptible, insulting
- faitagh, faitee - timid, shy
- fammanagh, fammanee - tail-like
- fardalagh, fardalee (s’ardalee) - trivial, vain
- fastagh, fastee - pensive, uncommunicative
- fasteeagh, fasteeagh ~ fastee - sheltered
- feagh, feaee - still, quiet
- feayn, feayney - wide
- feayr, feayrey - cold
- fedjagagh, fedjagee - feathery
- feeacklagh, feeacklee - toothed, snappish
- feeagh, feeagh - valuable
- feeu, pl/comp. feeuey - worth, worthy
- feillagh, feillee - meaty, fleshy
- feiyragh, feiyree - noisy
- femoil, femoiley - necessary
- fendeilagh, fendeilee - defensive
- feohdagh, feohdee - disgusting
- feoiltagh, feoiltee - liberal
- feoilt, feoiltey - generous
- feoisagh, feoisee - slight
- fergagh, fergee - ferocious
- firrinagh, firrinee - true
- flaaoil ~ floaoil, flaaoiley ~ floaoiley - fluent
- flaunyssagh, flaunyssee - heavenly
- fliaghagh, fliaghee - rainy
- fliugh, fliughey - wet
- floutagh, floutee - slanderous, scurrilous
- foalsey, foalsey (s’oalsey) - false
- foayroil, foayroiley - favourable
- foddey, (s)odjey - far
- foiljagh, foiljee - culpable
- follym, follymey ~ folmey - empty
- fondagh, fondee - valid, effective
- fowanagh, fowanee - blasting
- foyin, foyiney - fine
- foyragh, foyree - sharp-edged
- frappagh, frappee - popping
- frassagh, frassee - showery
- frauagh, frauee - primordial
- frauaigagh, frauaigee - fibrous
- freaynagh, freaynee - turbulent, surging
- freggyrtagh, freggyrtee - responsive
- freoaghagh, freoaghee - heathery
- freoaghanagh, freoghanee - abundant in bilberries
- frioganagh, frioganee - bristly
- frioosagh, frioosee - attentive, mindful
- fritlagh, fritlee - ragged
- frogh, froghey - perished
- frowartagh, frowartee - perverse
- fuirraghtagh, fuirraghtee - tardy
- fynneigagh, fynneigee - podded
[edit]- gaaigagh, gaaigee - chapped
- Gaeligagh, Gaeligee - favourable to Gaelic
- gallagh, gallee - gusty
- gammanagh, gammanee - sporty
- ganglanagh, ganglanee - bickering
- gannidagh, gannidee - derisive
- gargagh, gargee - acrimonious
- garg, comp. garg, pl gargey - bitter
- garroo, girroo - rough
- gastey, gastey - agile
- gaueagh, gauee - dangerous
- geayeeagh, geayee - windy
- geayney, geayney - green
- geayr ~ gyere, comp./pl geayrey ~ gyerey - sour, sharp
- gennal, gennal - merry, glad
- gennish, gennish - barren
- gerjoilagh, gerjoilee - comfortable
- gerrid, gerjey - soon, (recent)
- geuragh, geuree - wintry
- gewagh, gewee - painful
- gial, pl gialley, comp. gilley - bright
- giare, pl giarey, comp. girrey - short
- giastyllagh, giastyllee - benevolent
- gibbagh, gibbee - pointed
- giuagagh, giuagee - in gullets, creeks
- glass, comp./pl glassey - green
- glen, glenney - clean
- glib, glib - glib
- gloyroil, gloyroiley - glorious
- goan, comp. genney, pl gonney - rare
- goanlyssagh, goanlyssee - malicious
- gonnagh, gonnee - sore
- gorrym, gormey ~ gorrymey - blue
- gort, gortey - sour, stale
- graihagh, graihee - loving
- graihoil, graihoiley - lovely
- graney, graney - ugly
- graysoil, graysoiley - graceful
- griaghtagh, griaghtee - gregarious
- grianagh, grianee - sunny
- grinderagh, grinderee - taunting
- grineagh, grinee - granular, grainy
- groamagh, groamee - sullen
- guirragh, guirree - broody, ready to hatch
[edit]- imlee, imlee - humble
- imneagh, imneaee - anxious
- injil, inshley ~ injilley - low
- jaaghagh, jaaghee - smoky
- jarroodagh, jarrooddee - forgetful
- jeantagh, jeantee - practical
- jeean, jeeaney - keen
- jeeassagh, jeeassee - in ear
- jeebinagh, jeebinee - netlike, reticulated
- jeeigagh, jeeigee - ditched
- jeeragh, jeeree - direct
- jerrinagh, jerrinee - last, ultimate
- jesh, jeshey - right, nice
- jiarg, jiargey - red
- jiooldagh, jiooldee - nauseating, squeamish
- joanagh, joanee - dusty
- jollyssagh, jollyssee - insatiable
- jooigh, jooighey - greedy
- jouyllagh, jouyllee - diabolical
- jummalagh ~ jummaltagh, jummalee ~ jummaltee - wasteful
- jymmoosagh, jymmoosee - angry
[edit]- kayeeagh, kayeeagh - foggy
- keeayllagh, keeayllee - sensible, witty
- keeir, keeirey - dark grey, sable
- kenjal, kenjaley - kind
- keoie, keoiey - mad
- keshagh, keshee - frothy
- keyl, pl keyley, comp. keylley - slender, slim
- khyrloghe, khyrloghey - infirm
- khyrloghe, pl khyrloghey - infirm
- kialgagh, kialgee - tricky, deceitful
- kiarkylagh, kiarkylee - circular
- kiart ~ cairt, kiartey ~ cairtey - right, even
- kicklagh, kicklee - ticklish
- kinjagh, kinjee - constant, regular
- kiune, kiuney - calm
- kyndagh, kyndee - guilty
[edit]- laaghagh, laaghee ~ laaghey - muddy
- laatçhagh, laatçhee - lacy
- lajer, pl lajerey, comp. (s)troshey - strong
- lane, laney - full
- lauee, lauee - handy
- leah, leaïe - early, soon
- leoaie, leoaiey - leaden
- lhag, laggey - loose
- lhean, pl lheaney, comp. lhea (shlea) - wide
- lheeah, lheeah - grey
- lheibbeidjagh, lheibbeidjee - unwieldy
- lhiantagh, lhiantee - sticky
- lhiastey, lhiastey - lazy, reluctant
- liauyr, comp. lhiurey, pl liauyrey - long
- lickly, lickly - likely
- litçheragh, litçheree - lazy, idle
- loam ~ lhome, loamey - bare
- loau, loauey - rotten
- loghanagh, loghanee - full of lakes
- loghtal, loghtaley - severe
- lossanagh, lossanee - luminous, bright
- louraanagh, louraanee - leprous
- lowal, lowaley - permissible
[edit]- maaigagh, maaigee - clumsy (with the hand)
- magganeagh, magganee - numb
- marroo, marroo - dead
- marvanagh, marvanee - mortal
- maynrey, maynrey - happy
- mea, mea - fat
- meein, meeiney - fine, soft
- meekagh, meekee - winking, peeping
- meen, comp./pl meeney - dear, patient
- meeylagh, meeylee - lousy
- meiygh, meiyghey - tender, sentimental
- mennick, menkey ~ mennickey - frequent
- mergagh, mergee - rusty
- merg, mergey - woeful
- messoil, messoil - fruitful
- mhenoyragh, mhenoyree - mellow, rich
- mhenoyr, pl/comp. mhenoyrey - mellow, rich
- mhollim, mholmey - crumbly
- miandagh, miandee - fond; desirable
- mie, pl mieey, comp. share - good
- millish, comp./pl miljey - sweet
- mirrilagh, mirrilee - miraculous
- mitçhooragh, mitçhooree - mischievous
- moal, comp. melley, pl moalley ~ moaldey - slow, poor
- moanagh, moanee - turfy, boggy
- moandagh, moandee - blunt; hesitant
- moghey, moghey - early
- mollagh, mollee - shaggy
- mollaghtagh, mollaghtee - accursed, damned
- molteyragh, molteyree - deceptive, fraudulent
- mooaralagh, mooaralee - haughty
- mooar, pl mooarey, comp. (s)moo - big
- moughaneagh, moughanee - coughing
- mow, mowey - waste, destroyed
- moyrnagh, moyrnee - proud
- myghinagh, myghinee - compassionate
- myn, myney - tiny
[edit]- naareydagh, naareydee - shameful, bashful
- naarildagh, naarildee - shameful, bashful
- niartal, niartal - powerful
- nieunagh, nieunee - poisonous
- noa, pl noaey, comp. noa - new
[edit]- oayllagh, oayllee - habitual, knowledgeable
- olk, pl olkey, comp. (s)messey - bad
- olkyssagh, olkyssee - wicked
- oltooanagh, oltooanee - censorious, critical
- ommidjagh, ommidjee - stupid
- oney, oney - innocent
- onneragh, onneree - honest
- onnoroil, onnoroil - honourable
- ooasle, comp. ooasle, pl ooasley - noble
- ooiganagh, ooiganee - pitted
- ooirragh, ooirree - earthy
- ooriltagh, ooriltee - refreshing
- oor, comp./pl oorey - fresh
- ostylagh, ostylee - apostolic
- ouryssagh, ouryssee - suspicious
- ouyr, ouyrey - dun-coloured
[edit]- paa, paa - thirsty
- paittoil, paittoil - pestilent
- palçhey, palçhey - abundant
- peajeogagh, peajogee - mean
- peccoil, peccoil - sinful
- piandagh, piandee - painful
- pishagagh, pishagee - magical; superstitious
- plooghanagh, plooghanee - suffocating
- pooaragh, pooaral - powerful
[edit]- rank, rankey ~ rank - luxuriant
- rastagh, rastee - squally
- rastanagh, rastanee - uncultivated
- reagh, reaie - randy
- reamyssagh, reamyssee - spacious
- rea, rea - level
- reeastagh, reeastee - coarse, rough
- reen, reeney - tough
- reeoil, reeoil - regal, royal
- resoonagh, resoonee - reasonable
- rimmeigagh, rimmeigee - striped
- roauyr, comp. riurey, pl roauyrey - thick, plump
- rollageagh, rollagee - starry
- rooisht, rooishtey - naked
- roonagh, roonee - vicious
- rouailagh, rouailee - wandering, rambling
- rouanagh, rouanee - lewd, riotous
- ruishagh, ruishee - ruddy
- runt, runtey - round
- ruy, ruyey - red-haired
[edit]- samarkagh, samarkee - shamrock-covered
- sampleyragh, sampleyree - typical, exemplary
- saveenagh, saveenee - drowsy
- sayntoilagh, sayntoilee - lustful, covetous
- scaaillagh, scaaillee - scaly
- scadooagh, scadooee - shady
- schimmeigagh, schimmeigee - streaky
- screbbagh, screbbee - scabby
- seihlltagh, seihlltee - secular, worldly
- seyr, pl seyrey - free
- shanglanagh, shanglanagh - empty-bellied
- shang, shangey - lean
- sharroo, sharroo ~ shirroo - bitter
- sheeabinagh, sheeabinee - soapy
- sheelt, sheeltey - sober
- sheeoil, sheeoil - peaceful
- shenn, shinney - old
- shiast, shiastey - barren, dry
- shickyr, pl shickyrey, comp. shickyree - sure
- shliggagh, shliggee - shelly
- sie, siey - bad
- siyrragh, siyrree - hasty
- skeealagh, skeealee - anecdotal
- skee, skeey - tired
- skeetagh, skeetee - nosey
- skeltagh, skeltee - apt to squat
- skeoigh ~ schoigh, skeoighey ~ schoighey - neat, snug
- skibbylt, skibbyltey - nimble
- skilleigagh, skilleigee - striated
- skyrraghtagh, skyrraghtee - liable to slip
- slane, slaney - whole
- slayntoil, slayntoiley - healthy
- sleaydagh, sleaydee - trailing, dragging
- sleetçhagh, sleetçhee - furtive
- sleitagh, sleitee - mountainous
- slibbinagh, slibbinee - slovenly
- sluhtagh, sluhtee - sluttish
- smarageagh, smaragee - glowing
- smiddagh, smiddee - smutty
- smoghanagh, smoghanee - stinking
- smuggagh, smuggee - snotty
- smuiragh, smuiree - greasy, marrowy
- sneggagh, sneggee - carping, peevish
- sneihagh, sneihee - vexing, piqued
- sockeragh, sockeree - easy-going, plain
- soilsheanagh, soilsheanee - radiant
- sollys, sollysey - bright
- sondagh, sondee - selfish, miserly
- sonnaasagh, sonnaasee - arrogant, ambitious
- sonnyssagh, sonnyssee - abundant
- sooeeagh, pl sooeey - sooty
- soo-oil, soo-oil - juicy
- soor, soorey - sour
- sou-aignagh, sou-aignee - despondent
- spaagagh, spaagee - flat-footed
- spaarailagh, spaarailee - frugal
- speeikeenagh, speeikeenee - having spires
- speeineigagh, speeineigee - thick-skinned (fruit)
- spollagagh, spollagee - having chips
- spyrrydoil, spyrrydoil - spiritual
- staghylagh, staghylee - awkward
- stappanagh, stappanee - stumpy
- stark, starkey - stiff
- sterrymagh, sterrymee - stormy
- sthanganagh, sthanganee - indebted
- sthurneishagh, sthurneishee - stubborn
- streeuailtagh, streeuailtee - contentious
- striggagh, striggee - slow to give milk
- stronnagh, stronnee - nasal
- strooanagh, strooanee - streaming
- stuitt, stuittey - trim; stout
- surdremagh, surdremee - trustworthy
- surransagh, surransee - patient, tolerant
[edit]- taghyssagh, taghyssee - itchy
- taitnyssagh, taitnyssee - pleasing
- tammyltagh, tammyltee - occasional, temporary
- tannaghtagh, tannaghtee - enduring
- tappagagh, tappagee - tufty
- tarmaynagh, tarmaynee - economical, well-managed
- tarroogh, tarroogh - busy
- tash, tashey - damp
- tastagh, tastee - intelligent, acute
- teaymagh, teaymee - fanciful, capricious
- tessen, tessen - diagonal, transverse
- thallooinagh, thallooinee - earthly
- thammagagh, thammagee - bushy
- thanney, theinney - thin
- thanvaneagh, thanvanee - amazing
- thartagh, thartee - constipated
- thollaneagh, thollanee - dizzy
- thorranagh, thorranee - full of dungheaps
- thummidagh, thummidee - bulky
- toilçhinagh, toilçhinee - deserving
- tootagh, tootee - silly
- torcanagh, torcanee - with choking smoke
- torragh, torree - pregnant
- traartyssagh, traartyssee - devastating, catastrophic
- tramman, trammaney - entangled
- tramylt, pl tramyltey - sturdy
- tranlaasagh, tranlaasee - tyrannical, oppressive
- trean, treaney - heroic, valiant
- treih, treih - pitiful, pale
- treishteilagh, treishteilee - trustworthy, trusting
- treoghe, treoghey - orphaned, widowed
- trimshagh, trimshee - sad
- trochoil, trochoiley - lenient
- trooagh, trooee - envious
- troshagh, troshey - strong
- troshtagh, troshtee - strong
- tushtagh, tushtee - knowledgeable
[edit]- ushlagh ~ ushtlagh, ushlee ~ ushtlee - watery
- wagaantagh, wagaantee - vagrant
- warree, warree - witty
- ynrick, ynrick - upright, genuine