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From Old Irish cert, from Latin certus. Cognate with Irish ceart.




  1. right, correct
    Abbyr dty vel oo kiart.
    Granted that you are right.
    Er lhiam nish dy vel oo kiart mychione echey.
    I have grown to think that you are right about him.
  2. true (real)
  3. exact, accurate, precise, level
    Cur eh kiart noi'n voalley.
    Put it flat against the wall.
    Inshym dhyt dy kiart.
    I'll tell you exactly.
  4. just, proper, due
  5. orthodox, undeviating




  1. just, right
    Abbyr dy beagh oo ayns Divlyn kiart nish.
    Imagine yourself in Dublin just now!
    By haittin lhiam cappan dy hey kiart nish!
    I could do with a cup of tea right now!
    Cha nel mee agh kiart er jeet.
    I have only just come.



kiart m

  1. title
    kiart glenclear title
  2. concession
  3. prerogative


Mutation of kiart
radical lenition eclipsis
kiart chiart giart

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Manx.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.