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From Middle English wardenship. Equivalent to warden +‎ -ship.



wardenship (countable and uncountable, plural wardenships)

  1. The state of being a warden.
    • 1771, Various, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1[1]:
      He was made one of the guardians of the young king James IV. but soon lost influence, being superseded by the Homes and Hepburns, and the wardenship of the marches was given to Alexander Home.
    • 1872, John Roby, Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)[2]:
      This, with other applications, led to his being presented with the wardenship of Manchester College, vacant by the removal of Dr William Chaderton to the see of Chester.
    • 1914, Edward Hutton, England of My Heart--Spring[3]:
      The King granted a small part, namely, one virgate to "Herbert the Forester," before 1086, and this Herbert is generally supposed to have been the ancestor of those Lyndhursts who for so long held the wardenship of the Forest.

Middle English


Alternative forms




From wardein, warden + -ship .



wardenship (plural wardenships)

  1. (Late Middle English) wardenship


  • English: wardenship

