User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-t
ta {interj} (thanks) SEE: thanks | :: |
tab {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette | :: |
tab {v} /tæb/ (small flap or strip of material attached to something) | :: lengüeta {f} |
tab {v} (navigational widget in a GUI) | :: pestaña {f} |
tab {v} (restaurant bill) | :: cuenta {f} |
tab {n} (tablature) SEE: tablature | :: |
Tabasco {prop} (state of Mexico) | :: Tabasco {m} |
tabbouleh {n} /təˈbuːli/ (Middle Eastern salad) | :: tabule {m} |
tabby {n} /ˈtæb.i/ (cat) | :: gato atigrado {m} |
tabernacle {n} /ˈtæbɚnækl̩/ (portable tent used before the construction of the temple) | :: tabernáculo {m} |
tabernacle {n} (sukkah) | :: tabernáculo {m} |
tabernacle {n} (small ornamented cupboard or box used for the sacrament of the Eucharist) | :: tabernáculo {m} |
tabla {n} (an Indian drum) | :: tabla {m} |
tablature {n} /ˈtæblətʃɜ/ (form of musical notation) | :: tablatura {f} |
table {n} /ˈteɪbəl/ (item of furniture) | :: mesa {f} |
table {n} (grid of data in rows and columns) | :: tabla {f} |
table {n} (collection of arithmetic calculations) | :: tablas {f-p} |
table {v} (to put on a table) | :: poner sobre la mesa |
table {v} (to propose for discussion) | :: traer a discusión |
table {v} (to tabulate) | :: tabular |
table {v} | :: posponer |
tableau {n} /tæˈbloʊ/ (a picture) | :: cuadro |
tableau {n} (a vivid scene arranged as in a painting) | :: retablo {m}, cuadro vivo {m} |
tablecloth {n} (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table) | :: mantel {m} |
table football {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball | :: |
table of contents {n} (organized list summarizing book or document) | :: tabla de contenidos {f} |
table setting {n} (place setting) SEE: place setting | :: |
table soccer {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball | :: |
tablespoon {n} /ˈteɪbəlˌspuːn/ (a large spoon, used for eating food) | :: cuchara de sopa {f}, cuchara {f} |
tablespoon {n} (a unit of measure) | :: cucharada {f} |
tablespoonful {n} (measure of volume) SEE: tablespoon | :: |
tablespoonful {n} (the amount contained in a tablespoon) | :: cucharada {f} |
tablet {n} (pill) SEE: pill | :: |
tablet {n} /ˈtæblət/ (slab of clay) | :: placa {f} |
tablet {n} (tablet computer) SEE: tablet computer | :: |
tablet computer {n} (a type of computer) | :: tableta {m} |
table tennis {n} (game similar to tennis) | :: tenis de mesa {m}, ping-pong {m} |
tableware {n} (cutlery, crockery and glassware) | :: vajilla {f}, cubertería {f} |
table wine {n} (ordinary wine, which is neither fortified nor sparkling) | :: vino de mesa {m} |
tabloid {n} (A newspaper that favours stories of sensational nature) | :: tabloide {m} |
taboo {n} /təˈbuː/ (inhibition or ban) | :: tabú {m} |
taboo {n} (in Polynesia: something which may not be used) | :: tabú {m} |
taboo {adj} (excluded or forbidden from use, approach or mention) | :: tabú |
tabor {n} (small drum) | :: tamboril {m} |
taboret {n} /ˈtæbəɹɛt/ (a low stool) | :: taburete {m} |
tabular {adj} (organized as a table or list) | :: tabular |
tabulator {n} (person who tabulates) | :: tabulador {m} |
tabun {n} (toxic nerve agent) | :: tabun {m} |
tachistoscope {n} (device) | :: taquistoscopio {m} |
tachocline {n} /ta.ko.klaɪn/ | :: tacoclina {f} |
tachometer {n} /təˈkɒmətə(ɹ)/ (device for measuring rpm) | :: tacómetro {m}, cuentarrevoluciones |
tachometer {n} (device for measuring velocity) SEE: speedometer | :: |
tachycardia {n} /tæ.kɪˈkɑː(ɹ).di.ə/ (rapid resting heart rate) | :: taquicardia {f} |
tachygraphy {n} /tæˈkɪɡɹəfi/ (the art and practice of rapid writing) | :: taquigrafía {f} |
tachyon {n} /ˈtæki.ɒn/ (hypothetical particle) | :: taquión {m} |
tacit {adj} /ˈtæsɪt/ (Done or made in silence; implied, but not expressed; silent) | :: tácito, implícito |
tacitly {adv} (in a tacit manner) | :: tácitamente |
taciturn {adj} /ˈtæsɪtɝn/ (untalkative, silent) | :: taciturno |
taciturnity {n} (The state of being taciturn) | :: taciturnidad {f} |
taciturnous {adj} (taciturn) SEE: taciturn | :: |
Tacitus {prop} /ˈtæsɪtʊs/ (Roman cognomen) | :: Tácito {m} |
tack {n} (nautical: distance between these maneuvers) SEE: board | :: |
tack {n} /tæk/ (small nail) | :: tachuela {f} |
tack {n} (nautical: course or heading) | :: rumbo {m}, curso |
tack {n} (course of action) | :: curso de acción {m} |
tack {n} (nautical: maneuver) | :: virar |
tack {v} (to nail with tacks) | :: sujetar con tachuelas |
tack {v} (nautical: to turn the bow through the wind) | :: voltejear |
tack {v} (to add onto, to tack one thing onto another) | :: agregar, añadir |
tack {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack | :: |
tack {n} (hardtack) SEE: hardtack | :: |
tackle {n} /ˈtækəl/ (fishing: angling gear) | :: equipo {m}, aparejo {m} |
tackle {n} (sports: attempt to take control over the ball) | :: entrada {m} |
tackle {n} (American football, rugby: play where a defender brings the ball carrier to the ground) | :: tacleada {f}, placaje {m} |
tackle {v} (to face or deal with) | :: afrontar, abordar, emprender, atajar |
tackle {v} (sports: to attempt to take away a ball) | :: taclear |
tackle {v} (Rugby, American football: to bring a ball carrier to the ground) | :: placar, taclear |
tackle {n} (nautical: system of ropes and blocks) SEE: block and tackle | :: |
tacky {adj} /ˈtæki/ (slightly sticky) | :: pegajoso {m} |
tacky {adj} /ˈtæki/ (colloquial: of low quality) | :: chopo [Dominican Republic], cutre [Spain], chafa [Mexico], patito [Mexico] |
tacky {adj} (colloquial: in bad taste) | :: chopo [Dominican Republic], naco [Mexico], cursi, cutre, hortera [Spain] |
tacky {adj} (gaudy, flashy, showy, garish) | :: naco [Mexico], ordinario, hortera [Spain] |
taco {n} /ˈtɑkoʊ/ (Mexican snack food) | :: taco {m} |
taconite {n} (flint-like iron ore) | :: taconita {f} |
tact {n} /tækt/ (sensitive mental touch) | :: tacto {m}, tiento, mano izquierda |
tactful {adj} (possessing tact) | :: discreto, diplomático, de mucho tacto |
tactfully {adv} (in a tactful manner) | :: discretamente; con mucho tacto |
tactic {n} /ˈtæktɪk/ (action to achieve some end) | :: táctica {f} |
tactical {adj} (of or relating to tactics) | :: táctico, estratégico |
tactician {n} /tækˈtɪʃən/ (person skilled in tactics) | :: estratega {m} {f} |
tactics {n} /ˈtæktɪks/ (the employment of forces) | :: táctica {f}; estratégico {m} |
tactile {adj} /ˈtæktaɪl/ (tangible) | :: táctil |
tactile {adj} (of, or relating to the sense of touch) | :: táctil |
tactility {n} (condition of being tactile) | :: tactilidad |
tactless {adj} /ˈtæktləs/ (without tact) | :: indiscreto; poco delicado, desatinado |
tactlessly {adv} (in a tactless manner) | :: rudamente; sin tacto |
tad {n} /tæd/ (a little bit) | :: tanto {m} |
ta-da {interj} (behold!) | :: tachán |
tadpole {n} /ˈtædpoʊl/ (toad or frog larva) | :: renacuajo {m}, ranacuajo {m} |
taekwondo {n} /ˌtaɪkwɑnˈdoʊ/ (a martial art) | :: taekwondo {m} |
tael {n} (any of various related East Asian units of weight) | :: tael {m} |
taffeta {n} /ˈtæ.fɨ.tə/ (woven fabric) | :: tafetán {m}; tafeta {f} |
taffy {n} /ˈtæ.fi/ (soft, chewy candy) | :: caramelo de melaza {m}; chicloso {m} [Mexico] |
tag {n} /tæɡ/ (small label) | :: etiqueta {f} marbete {m} |
tag {n} (game) | :: pilla pilla, pillarse {m} |
tag {v} (to label) | :: etiquetar |
tag {n} (skin tag) SEE: skin tag | :: |
Tagalog {n} /tɑˈɡɑːloɡ/ (language) | :: tagalo {m} |
Tagalog {adj} (of or relating to the Tagalogs) | :: tagalo |
tag along {v} (To accompany, join, or follow; to go with) | :: acompañar, ir con |
tagasaste {n} (tree) | :: tagasaste {m} |
tagatose {n} (ketohexose) | :: tagatosa {f} |
tag on {v} (smartcard) | :: pasar, bipear |
Tagus {prop} (Iberian river) | :: Tajo |
tahini {n} /tɑːˈhiː.ni/ (sesame paste) | :: tahina |
Tahiti {prop} /təˈhiːti/ (island) | :: Tahití |
Taibei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei | :: |
tai chi {n} /ˌtaɪˈtʃiː/ (form of martial art) | :: taichí {m} |
Taichung {prop} (a large city in Taiwan) | :: Taichung |
taiga {n} /ˈtaɪɡə/ (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) | :: taiga {f} |
taikonaut {n} (Chinese astronaut) | :: taikonauta {m} {f} |
tail {n} /teɪl/ (appendage of an animal) | :: cola {f}, rabo {m} |
tail {n} (tail-end of a creature) | :: nalgas {f} |
tail {n} (rear of an aircraft) | :: cola {f} |
tail {n} (comet tail) | :: cola {f} |
tail {n} (slang for the phallus) | :: cola {f} [coll.] |
tail between one's legs {adv} (defeated; in a cowardly or miserable manner) | :: con la cola entre las piernas |
tailboard {n} (tailgate) SEE: tailgate | :: |
tailbone {n} (coccyx) SEE: coccyx | :: |
tailcoat {n} /ˈteɪlkoʊt/ (formal evening jacket) | :: frac {m} |
tailed {adj} /teɪld/ (having a tail) | :: que tiene cola |
tailgate {n} /ˈteɪlˌɡeɪt/ (hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle) | :: puerta trasera {f} |
tailgate {v} (drive dangerously close behind another vehicle) | :: chupar rueda, conducir pegado a, conducir muy cerca de otro vehículo, conducir sin distancia de seguridad |
tailings {n} (waste that remains after the minerals have been extracted from an ore) | :: relave {m} |
taillight {n} (rear mounted lights on a vehicle) | :: luz trasera {f}; calavera {f} [Mexico] |
tailor {n} /ˈteɪlɚ/ (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession) | :: sastre {m} {f}, modisto {m}, modista {m} {f} |
tailor {v} (make, repair, or alter clothing) | :: confeccionar |
tailor {v} (restrict something to particular need) | :: adaptar, entallar |
tailor {n} (Pomatomus saltatrix) SEE: bluefish | :: |
tailored {adj} (adjusted by a tailor, fitted) | :: a medida |
tailoring {n} (work of a tailor) | :: confección |
tailpiece {n} (secures strings on a musical instrument) | :: cordal {m} |
tailpipe {n} /ˈteɪlpaɪp/ (exhaust pipe) | :: tubo de escape {m} |
tails {n} /teɪlz/ (side of coin) | :: cruz {f}, [Argentina] ceca {f}, [Mexico] águila |
tails {n} (tailcoat) SEE: tailcoat | :: |
tailsitter {n} (A vertical-takeoff aircraft) | :: posacola {m} |
tailspin {v} (Of an aircraft: to go into a rapid, uncontrollable descent in a steep spiral) | :: entrar en barrena |
tailspin {v} (To go into a sharp, sustained, often uncontrollable descent or decline) | :: tomber en chute libre |
tailwind {n} (a wind that blows in the same direction as the course of an aircraft or ship) | :: viento en popa {m} |
Taimyr {prop} (large peninsula) | :: península de Taymyr {f}, Taymyr {m} |
Tainan {prop} (a city in Taiwan) | :: Tainan |
Taino {n} /ˈtaɪnoʊ/ (person) | :: taíno |
taint {n} /teɪnt/ (contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food) | :: corrupción {f}, impureza {f} |
taint {v} (To contaminate or corrupt something with an external agent, either physically or morally) | :: contaminar, corromper |
taint {n} (slang: the perineum) | :: nies, frontón, sartén |
Tʻai-pei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei | :: |
Taipei {prop} /taɪˈpeɪ/ (Taipei) | :: Taipéi {m} |
Taiwan {prop} /ˌtaɪˈwɑn/ (East Asian country) | :: Taiwán |
Taiwanese {adj} /ˌtaɪwɑˈniːz/ (relating to Taiwan) | :: taiwanés |
Taiwanese {n} (person from Taiwan) | :: taiwanés {m}, taiwanesa {f} |
Taiwan Strait {prop} (the channel of water between mainland China and Taiwan) | :: estrecho de Taiwán {m} |
T'ai-yüan {prop} (Taiyuan) SEE: Taiyuan | :: |
Taiyuan {prop} (a prefecture-level city in northern China) | :: Taiyuan |
Taizhong {prop} (Taichung) SEE: Taichung | :: |
Tajik {n} /ˈtɑːdʒɪk/ (person) | :: tayiko {m} |
Tajik {prop} (language) | :: tayiko {m} |
Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) | :: tayiko {m} |
Tajiki {prop} (dialect of Persian) SEE: Tajik | :: |
Tajikistan {prop} (Republic of Tajikistan) | :: Tayikistán {m} |
Tajikistani {adj} (person of Tajik origin) SEE: Tajik | :: |
Tajikistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Tajik language) SEE: Tajik | :: |
tajine {n} /təˈʒiːn/ (stew originally from Morocco) | :: tajín {m} |
Takayasu's arteritis {n} (an inflammatory disease of unknown cause affecting the aorta) | :: arteritis de Takayasu {f} |
take {v} /teɪk/ (to get into one's hands or control) | :: tomar, coger, prender [obsolete] |
take {v} (to get into one's possession) | :: tomar |
take {v} (to grab and move to oneself) | :: tomar |
take {v} (to gain a position by force) | :: tomar |
take {v} (to have sex with) | :: violar |
take {v} (to carry) | :: llevar |
take {v} (to choose) | :: tomar |
take {v} (to support or carry without failing or breaking) | :: soportar |
take {v} (to endure) | :: soportar, aguantar |
take {v} (to ingest medicine) | :: tomar |
take {v} (to last or expend [an amount of time]) | :: durar, llevar |
take {v} (a photo, film, fingerprints, etc) | :: tomar |
take {n} (profit) | :: recompensa |
take {n} (interpretation or view) | :: punto de vista |
take {n} (film: attempt to record a scene) | :: toma |
take {v} (to exact) SEE: exact | :: |
take aback {v} (to surprise or shock) | :: agarrar en curva, sorprender, pasmar, asombrar, dejar pasmado, dejar estupefacto, agarrar de sorpresa |
take a bath {v} (to bathe) SEE: bathe | :: |
take a breather {v} (to take a break) | :: hacer una pausa |
take action {v} (to act, especially decisively) | :: tirar por la calle de en medio [colloquial] |
take a dump {v} (defecate) SEE: defecate | :: |
take advantage {v} (profit from a situation) | :: aprovechar, aprovecharse |
take advantage {v} (make use of something) | :: aprovecharse |
take advantage of {v} (make use of) | :: aprovecharse, aprovechar |
take advantage of {v} (exploit) | :: aprovecharse |
take after {v} (to resemble in appearance or habit) | :: parecerse a |
take a hint {v} (to understand an indirect suggestion) | :: darse por aludido |
take aim {v} (position oneself and/or one's weapon) | :: apuntar |
take a look {v} (to examine or observe) | :: echar un vistazo, echar una mirada, echar una ojeada |
take apart {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
take apart {v} (disassemble) SEE: disassemble | :: |
take a picture {v} (capture an image) | :: hacer una fotografía |
take a powder {v} (to run away) | :: dar la espantada [colloquial] |
take a risk {v} (to do something risky) | :: arriesgarse |
take a seat {v} (sit down) | :: tomar asiento |
take away {v} (to take away) SEE: remove | :: |
take away {v} (to remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it) | :: quitar |
take a wife {v} ((of a man) to marry a woman) | :: tomar mujer |
take back {v} (take back) SEE: withdraw | :: |
take back {v} (retract an earlier statement) | :: retirar |
take back {v} (to return something to a vendor for a refund) | :: devolver, retrovender |
take care {v} (be cautious, careful) | :: tener cuidado |
take care {v} (to be in charge of something) | :: hacerse cargo, ocuparse de, cuidar |
take care {interj} (good-bye) | :: ten cuidado, cuídate [informal], cuídese [formal] |
take care of {v} (look after) | :: cuidar |
take care of {v} (deal with) | :: ocuparse de, encargarse de, cuidar de, tener a su cuidado |
take care of {v} (kill) | :: encargarse de |
take down {v} (remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed) | :: descolgar |
take down {v} (write a note, usually recording something that is said) | :: anotar, apuntar |
take down {v} (remove a temporary structure such as scaffolding) | :: desmontar |
take down {v} (lower an item of clothing without removing it) | :: bajarse |
take down {v} (combat sports) | :: derribar |
takedown {n} (martial arts) | :: derribe {m} |
take flight {v} (to become airborne) | :: alzar el vuelo, levantar el vuelo |
take for a ride {v} (to deceive someone) | :: vender la moto |
take for granted {v} (assume something to be true without verification or proof) | :: dar por supuesto, dar por sentado, dar por hecho |
take for granted {v} (give little attention to or to underestimate the value of) | :: dar por descontado, menospreciar |
take French leave {v} (take French leave) | :: irse a la francesa |
take-home {n} (take-home pay) SEE: take-home pay | :: |
take-home {n} (examination or assignment to be completed outside the classroom) | :: deber {m}, tarea {f} [Chile, Cuba, Ven.] |
take-home pay {n} (net earnings of a wage earner) | :: salario neto {m} |
take-home vehicle {n} (company car) SEE: company car | :: |
take ill {v} (to become ill) SEE: take sick | :: |
take into account {v} | :: tomar en cuenta |
take it or leave it {phrase} (accept the situation without change) | :: lentejas, si quieres las comes y si no, las dejas |
take it out on {v} (unleash one's anger) | :: desahogarse con |
take its toll {v} (to affect negatively) | :: cobrarse el peaje, pasar factura |
take lightly {v} (approach casually) | :: tomar a la ligera |
take no notice of {v} (to ignore) | :: no prestar atención |
take notice {v} (to notice) | :: darse cuenta |
take off {v} (to remove) | :: quitarse |
take off {v} (to begin flight) | :: despegar |
take off {v} (to imitate) SEE: imitate | :: |
take off {v} (to quantify) SEE: quantify | :: |
takeoff {n} (start of flight) | :: despegue {m} |
takeoff {n} (parody) | :: parodia {f} |
take on {v} (To obtain the services of (a person) in exchange for remuneration; to give someone a job) SEE: employ | :: |
take on {v} (To assume responsibility for) | :: hacerse cargo, encargarse |
take on {v} (To attempt to fight or compete) | :: desafiar |
take one's ball and go home {v} | :: romper la baraja |
take one's leave {v} (depart) SEE: depart | :: |
take one's own life {v} (commit suicide) SEE: commit suicide | :: |
take one's pick {v} (choose) | :: ¡escoja lo que quiera! {m} (lit. choose what you want) |
take out {v} (to remove) | :: sacar |
take out {v} (to escort someone on a date) | :: sacar |
take out {v} (slang: to kill or destroy) | :: cepillar, apiolar |
takeout {n} (Food purchased from a takeaway) | :: comida para llevar {f} |
take over {v} (to assume control) | :: usurpar, tomar, apoderarse, enseñorearse, adueñarse |
take over {v} (to adopt a further responsibility) | :: asumir |
take over {v} (to relieve someone temporarily) | :: reemplazar |
take over {v} (to appropriate without permission) | :: apropiar |
take over {v} (to annex a territory) | :: anexar, anexionar, anexionarse |
take part {v} (participate or join) | :: participar, tomar parte, terciar |
take part {v} (share or partake) | :: tomar parte |
take place {v} (to happen) | :: tener lugar, acaecer, acontecer, ocurrir |
take pleasure {v} (to have enjoyment) | :: complacerse, regodearse |
take refuge {v} (shelter, hole up) | :: parapetarse |
take revenge {v} (to avenge; to get back at) | :: vindicar, vengar, vengarse, reivindicarse, reivindicar, desquitarse |
take root {v} (to grow roots into soil) | :: radicar, echar raíces, arraigar |
take root {v} (to become established, to take hold) | :: radicar |
take seriously {v} (take seriously) | :: tomar en serio |
take sick {v} (become ill) | :: caer enfermo |
take someone's word for it {v} (to believe what someone claims) | :: tomar la palabra |
take steps {v} (to initiate a course of action) | :: tomar medidas |
take the bait {v} (to nibble at bait on a hook) | :: entrar al trapo |
take the bull by the horns {v} (to deal directly with a matter; to confront a difficulty) | :: coger el toro por los cuernos |
take the cake {v} (to be especially good) | :: llevarse la palma |
take the law into one's own hands {v} (punish someone according to one's own idea of justice) | :: tomarse la justicia por su mano |
take the piss {v} (to mock or ridicule (transitive)) | :: vacilar, tomar el pelo |
take the reins {v} (to assume control) | :: tomar las riendas |
take the wrong way {v} (to misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand | :: |
take time {v} (to require a long period of time) | :: llevar tiempo |
take to heart {v} (to feel keenly) | :: tomar a la tremenda, tomar a pecho |
take to one's heels {v} (to flee or run away) | :: apretar los talones, salir en carrera, poner pies en polvorosa |
take to task {v} (hold sb. accountable) SEE: hold to account | :: |
take to the hills {v} (idioms meaning "to run away") | :: poner tierra de por medio, echarse al monte |
take turns {v} (do the same thing one after another) | :: turnarse |
take up {v} (to begin doing (an activity) on a regular basis) | :: iniciarse en, dedicarse a |
take up {v} (to address (an issue)) | :: aceptar, participar |
take up {v} (to occupy, to consume (space or time)) | :: ocupar |
take up {v} (to shorten by hemming) | :: coger a, agarrar a |
take up {v} (to accept (a proposal, offer, request, etc.) from) | :: aceptar |
take up {v} (to resume) | :: comenzar, empezar |
take up the gauntlet {v} (accept a challenge) | :: recoger el guante |
takin {n} (goat-antelope) | :: takín {m} |
talaje {n} | :: talaje |
talalgia {n} (pain in the ankle or heel) | :: talalgia {f} |
talc {n} /tælk/ (soft mineral) | :: talco {m} |
talc {n} (talcum powder) SEE: talcum powder | :: |
talcum {n} (powdered and perfumed talc for toilet use) | :: talco {m} |
talcum powder {n} (perfumed talc) | :: talco {m}, polvos de talco {m-p} |
tale {n} /ˈteɪl/ (type of story) | :: cuento {m}, historia {f} |
talent {n} /ˈtælənt/ (unit of weight and money) | :: talento {m} |
talent {n} (marked ability or skill) | :: talento {m} |
talent {n} (people of talent collectively) | :: talentosos {m-p} |
talent {n} (talented person) | :: talentoso {m} |
talented {adj} (endowed with talents) | :: talentoso, dotado |
talent scout {n} (person) | :: cazatalentos {m} {f}, ojeador {m}, ojeadora {f} |
talent show {n} | :: concurso de talentos {m}, talent show {m} |
Taliban {n} (militia) | :: Talibán {m} |
talisman {n} /ˈtæl.ɪsˌmæn/ (magical protective charms) | :: talismán {m} |
talismanic {adj} /ˌtælɪzˈmænɪk/ (of, relating to, or like, a talisman) | :: talismánico |
talk {v} /tɔk/ (to communicate by speech) | :: hablar, conversar |
talk {n} (conversation) | :: conversación {f} |
talk {n} (lecture) | :: conferencia {f} |
talk {n} (meeting, negotiation) | :: negociación {f} |
talk {n} | :: conversación {f} |
talk {v} ((transitive) to discuss) SEE: discuss | :: |
talk around {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
talkative {adj} /ˈtɑːkədɪv/ (tending to talk or speak freely or often) | :: hablador, conversador |
talkativeness {n} (the state of being talkative) | :: locuacidad {f} |
talking book {n} (audiobook) SEE: audiobook | :: |
talking shop {n} | :: mentidero |
talk of the town {n} (a topic or person discussed by many people) | :: comidilla, estar en boca de todos, vox populi |
talk out of turn {v} (speak when not allowed to) | :: hablar fuera de tono |
talk over {v} (discuss) SEE: discuss | :: |
talk over {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
talk shop {v} (discuss one's work) | :: hablar de negocios |
talk someone's ear off {v} (talk to someone excessively) | :: enrollarse como las persianas |
talk through one's hat {v} (to speak lacking knowledge) | :: hablar por boca de ganso |
talk to oneself {v} (to converse with oneself) | :: hablar solo, hablar para sí, hablar para sus adentros |
tall {adj} /tɔl/ (of a person) | :: alto |
tall {adj} (of a building) | :: alto |
Tallinn {prop} /ˈtɑːlɪn/ (Capital of Estonia) | :: Tallin |
tallness {n} (quality of being tall) | :: altura {f}; estatura {f} |
tallow {n} /tæləʊ/ (hard animal fat obtained) | :: sebo {m} |
tall poppy syndrome {n} (tendency to disparage successful people) | :: síndrome de alta exposición {m} |
tall tale {n} (a greatly exaggerated, fantastic story) | :: cuento chino {m} |
tally {n} /ˈtæli/ (any account or score kept by notches or marks) | :: marca {f} |
tally {v} (to count something) | :: contar |
tally {v} (to record something) | :: tarjar |
tally {n} (tally stick) SEE: tally stick | :: |
tally stick {n} (piece of wood with notches or scores) | :: palo tallado {m}, palo de cómputo {m} |
Talmud {prop} /ˈtɑlmʊd/ (collection of Jewish writings) | :: Talmud {m} |
Talmudic {adj} /tɑlˈmʊdɪk/ (related to the Talmud) | :: talmúdico |
talon {n} (remaining stock of undealt cards) SEE: stock | :: |
talon {n} /ˈtælən/ (hooked claw) | :: garra {f} |
talose {n} (2-epimer of galactose) | :: talosa {f} |
Talossan {prop} (the language) | :: talosano {m} |
talus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone | :: |
tamada {n} /ˈtɑːmədə/ ((chiefly Georgia) toastmaster) | :: tamada |
tamale {n} (Mexican dish) | :: tamal {m} |
Tamara {prop} /təmæɹə/ (female given name) | :: Tamara |
tamaraw {n} (Bubalus mindorensis) | :: tamarao {m} |
tamarind {n} /ˈtæməɹɪnd/ (tropical tree) | :: tamarindo {m} |
tamarind {n} (fruit) | :: tamarindo {m} |
Tamaulipas {prop} (state of Mexico) | :: Tamaulipas {m} |
tambour {n} (drum) SEE: drum | :: |
tambourine {n} /ˌtæm.bəˈɹiːn/ (percussion instrument) | :: pandereta {f}, pandero {m} |
Tambov {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Tambov {m} |
tame {adj} /teɪm/ (not wild) | :: domesticado, manso {m} |
tame {v} (to make something tame) | :: amansar, domar, domeñar |
tameness {n} (state or quality of being tame) | :: insipidez {f} |
tamer {n} /ˈteɪmɚ/ (one who tames or subdues) | :: domador {m}, domadora {f}, amaestrador {m} |
Tamil {adj} /ˈtæmɪl/ (of or pertaining to the Tamil people, culture, or language) | :: tamil |
Tamil {n} (person) | :: tamil |
Tamil {n} (language) | :: tamil {m} |
Tamilian {n} (a person of Tamil ethnicity) SEE: Tamil | :: |
Tamil Nadu {prop} (state in southern India) | :: Tamil Nadu {m} |
Tamil Tigers {prop} (guerrilla organization) | :: Tigres tamiles {m} |
tamp {v} /tæmp/ (pack down) | :: apisonar |
tamp {v} | :: apisonar |
Tampeño {n} | :: tampeño {m}, tampeña |
tamper {v} /ˈtæm.pə(ɹ)/ (alter by making unauthorized changes) | :: alterar, manipular |
tampon {n} /ˈtʰæmpɒn/ (A plug of cotton or other absorbent material) | :: tampón {m} |
tamponade {n} (A stoppage in the flow of blood in a vessel, caused either by the insertion of a tampon or by outside constriction.) | :: taponamiento {m} |
tamponade {v} (To plug or stop with a tampon.) | :: taponar |
tan {n} /tæn/ (colour) | :: bronce {m}, tostado |
tan {n} (darkening of skin) | :: bronceado {m}, tostado |
tan {n} (bark of tree) | :: corteza de roble; corteza tánica |
tan {adj} (colour) | :: bronce {m}, tostado |
tan {adj} (dark skin) | :: bronceado (por el sol) {m}, tostado |
tan {v} (to become tan due to exposure to sun) | :: broncearse |
tan {v} (to turn animal hide into leather) | :: curtir |
tanager {n} /ˈtænədʒə(ɹ)/ (American passerine birds) | :: tángara {f} |
Tanakh {prop} /tɑˈnɑx/ (body of Jewish scripture) | :: tanaj |
Tancred {prop} /ˈtæŋkɹɪd/ (male given name) | :: Tancredo |
tandem {n} /ˈtæn.dəm/ (bicycle) | :: tándem {m} |
tandoor {n} /tænˈdʊə(ɹ)/ (cylindrical clay oven) | :: horno de barro |
tang {n} (tongue) SEE: tongue | :: |
tang {n} /tæŋ/ (part of small instrument inserted into handle) | :: espiga |
tang {n} | :: sabor fuerte; acidez {f}, sabor ácido; olor penetrante |
Tanganyika {prop} /tæŋɡənˈjiːkə/ (lake) | :: Lago Tanganica |
Tanganyika {prop} (territory, former country) | :: Tanganica {f} |
Tang dynasty {prop} (Chinese dynasty) | :: dinastía Tang {f} |
tangent {n} /ˈtæn.dʒənt/ (in geometry) | :: tangente {f} |
tangent {n} (in trigonometry) | :: tangente {f} |
tangential {adj} /tænˈdʒɛnt.ʃəl/ (referring to a tangent) | :: tangencial |
tangentially {adv} /tænˈd͡ʒɛnʃi.əli/ (in a tangential manner or direction) | :: tangencialmente |
tangent plane {n} (differential geometry) | :: 35 |
tangerine {n} /ˈtæn.dʒəˌɹin/ (fruit) | :: mandarina {f} |
tangerine {n} (colour) | :: naranja {m} |
tangerine {adj} (colour) | :: anaranjado |
tangible {adj} /ˈtæn(d)ʒɪb(ə)l/ (touchable, palpable) | :: tangible |
Tangier {prop} (a port city in northern Morocco) | :: Tánger {m} |
tanginess {n} (quality of being tangy) | :: agrura {f} |
tangle {v} /ˈtæŋ.ɡəl/ (to become mixed together or intertwined) | :: enmarañarse |
tangle {v} (to mix together or intertwine) | :: enmarañar |
tangle {n} (tangled twisted mass) | :: maraña {f} |
tango {n} /ˈtæŋɡoʊ/ (ballroom dance) | :: tango {m} |
tango {n} (letter T in ICAO spelling alphabet) | :: Tarragona, Teruel |
tangram {n} /ˈtænˌɡɹæm/ (the Chinese puzzle) | :: tangram {m} |
tangy {adj} /ˈtæŋiː/ (having a sharp, pungent flavor) | :: agrio |
Tania {prop} (female given name) | :: Tania |
tanist {n} /ˈtænɪst/ (heir presumptive to the chieftainship or kingship of a Celtic clan in ancient Ireland, Scotland or Mann) | :: tanista {m} |
tank {n} /tæŋk/ (closed container for fluids) | :: tanque {m} |
tank {n} (open container for liquids) | :: tanque {m} |
tank {n} (armoured fighting vehicle) | :: tanque {m}, carro de combate {m} |
tank {n} (muscular and physically imposing person) | :: tanque {m} |
tank {v} (video games: to attract the attacks of an enemy target in cooperative team-based combat) | :: tanquear |
tank {v} (to put into a tank) | :: tanquear |
tank {n} (reservoir or dam) SEE: reservoir | :: |
tankard {n} /ˈtæŋkɚd/ (drinking vessel) | :: jarra {f} |
tank destroyer {n} | :: cazacarros {m} |
tanked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
tanker {n} (vessel) | :: buque cisterna {m} (tanker ship), camión cisterna {m} (tank truck), avión cisterna {m} (tanker plane) |
tanker {n} (tank truck) | :: camión cisterna {m} |
tankini {n} (tank top and the lower half of a bikini) | :: tanquini {m} |
tank top {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet | :: |
tanned {adj} (having a suntan) | :: bronceado |
tanner {n} /ˈtænɚ/ (person whose occupation is to tan) | :: curtidor {m}, curtidora {f} |
tannery {n} /ˈtænəɹi/ (place where people tan hides to make leather) | :: curtiduría, tenería {f} |
tannin {n} /ˈtænɪn/ (tannic acid) | :: tanino {m} |
tanning bed {n} (tanning device) | :: solárium {m}, cama de bronceado {f} |
tantalize {v} /ˈtæntəlaɪz/ (to tease someone by offering something desirable but keeping it out of reach) | :: tentar |
tantalizing {adj} (teasing, desirable, but out of reach) | :: tentador {m} |
tantalum {n} /ˈtæntələm/ (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) | :: tántalo {m} |
tantamount {adj} /ˈtæntəˌmaʊnt/ (equivalent in meaning or effect) | :: equivalente |
tantrum {n} /ˈtæntɹəm/ (often childish display of bad temper) | :: rabieta {f}, berrinche {m}, pataleta {f}, cortón, corajina {f}, ataque de rabia {m} |
Tanya {prop} (female given name) SEE: Tania | :: |
Tanzania {prop} /ˌtænzəˈniːə/ (United Republic of Tanzania) | :: Tanzania {f} |
Tanzanian {n} /ˌtænzəˈniən/ (a person from Tanzania or of Tanzanian descent) | :: tanzano, tanzana {f} |
Tanzanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tanzania and its people) | :: tanzano |
tanzanite {n} /ˈtænzəˌnaɪt/ (gemstone mined in Tanzania) | :: tanzanita {f} |
Taoism {n} (Chinese philosophy founded by Lao-tzu) | :: taoísmo {m} |
Taoism {n} (religion developed from Taoist philosophy) | :: taoismo {m} |
Taoist {adj} (relating to Taoism) | :: taoísta {m} {f} |
Taoist {n} (a follower of Taoism) | :: taoísta {m} {f} |
Taos {prop} (pueblo) | :: Taos, San Gerónimo de los Taos, San Miguel, Brada , Valladolid , Tayberon , Tayberin |
tap {n} /tæp/ (spigot) | :: tapón {m}, espiche {m} |
tap {n} (device to dispense liquid) | :: grifo {m}, llave {f} [Bolivia, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela], canilla {f} [Argentina, Northern Central Spain, Paraguay, Uruguay], paja {f} [Nicaragua], pluma {f} [Colombian Atlantic Coast] |
tap {n} (device to cut internal threads) | :: machuelo {m} |
tap {n} (connection of a system to the main distribution) | :: derivación {f} |
tap {v} (to intercept communication) | :: intervenir, pinchar [colloquial], chuzar [Colombia, colloquial] |
tap {v} (to touch something, often repeatedly) | :: dar golpecitos |
tap {v} ((slang) to have sexual intercourse (with)) | :: taper |
tap {v} (to submit) | :: palmear |
tap {n} (act of touching a touch-screen) | :: toque {m} |
tapas {n} /ˈtæp.əs/ (variety of small foods) | :: tapas {f-p} |
tape {n} /teɪ̯p/ (video or audiocassette tape) | :: cinta {f} |
tape {v} (to bind with adhesive tape) | :: atar |
tape {v} (to record, particularly onto magnetic tape) | :: grabar |
tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape | :: |
tape measure {n} (graduated ribbon for length measurement) | :: cinta métrica {f} |
taper {v} /ˈteɪpɚ/ (to make thinner or narrower at one end) | :: adelgazar |
taper {v} (to diminish gradually) | :: estrecharse |
taper {v} | :: estrechar |
tape recorder {n} (an electromechanical device use to record and play back sound) | :: grabadora {f} |
tapestry {n} /ˈtæpəstɹi/ (heavy woven cloth) | :: tapiz {m} |
tapeworm {n} /ˈteɪpˌwɝm/ (parasitical worm of the class Cestoda) | :: tenia {f}, lombriz solitaria {f}, cestodo {m}, céstodo {m} |
tapioca {n} /tæpiˈoʊkə/ (starchy food from cassava) | :: tapioca |
tapir {n} /ˈteɪpiːə(ɹ)/ (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae) | :: tapir {m}, anta {f} [Bolivia, Northern Argentina], anteburro {m} [Southern Mexico], danta {f} [Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Southern Mexico, Venezuela], danto {m} [Honduras, Nicaragua], macho de monte {m} [Panamá, Colombian Pacific Coast], mboreví {m} [Paraguay], sachavaca {f} [Peru], vaca de monte {f} [Ecuador] |
taproot {n} /ˈtæpˌɹuːt/ (long tapering root) | :: raíz pivotante {f} |
tap water {n} (water from a tap) | :: agua del grifo {f} |
taqueria {n} (restaurant specializing in tacos) | :: taquería {f} |
tar {n} /tɑː/ (substance) | :: alquitrán {m} |
tar {n} (coal tar) | :: alquitrán {m} |
tar {n} (byproduct of tobacco smoke) | :: alquitrán {m} |
tar {v} (to coat with tar) | :: alquitranar |
Tarantian {prop} | :: Tarantiense |
Tarantino {n} (dialect of Neapolitan) | :: tarentino {m} |
Tarantino {n} (native or inhabitant of Taranto) | :: tarentino {m}, tarentina {f} |
Taranto {prop} (city and province) | :: Tarento {f} |
tarantula {n} /tə.ˈɹæn.t͡ʃʊ.lə/ (spider of the family Theraphosidae) | :: tarántula {f} |
tarantula {n} (wolf spider of the species Lycosa tarantula) | :: tarántula {f} |
tardigrade {n} (water bear) SEE: water bear | :: |
tare {n} /tɛɚ/ (the empty weight of a container) | :: tara {f} |
tare {v} (to take into account the weight of a container) | :: tarar |
tare {v} (to set a zero value on an instrument) | :: tarar |
target {n} /ˈtɑɹɡɪt/ (butt or mark to shoot at) | :: blanco {m} |
target {n} (goal or objective) | :: objetivo {m} |
targeted killing {n} (intentional killing) | :: asesinato selectivo {m} |
target practice {n} (exercise in which projectiles are fired at a specific target) | :: tiro al blanco {m} |
tariff {n} /ˈtæɹɪf/ (duties imposed) | :: tarifa {f}, arancel {m} |
tariff {n} (a schedule of rates, fees or prices) | :: tarifa {f}, arancel {m} |
Tarim Basin {prop} (basin) | :: Cuenca del Tarim {f} |
tarmac {n} /ˈtɑː(ɹ)mæk/ (bituminous road surface) | :: asfalto {m} |
tarn {n} /tɑːn/ (small mountain lake) | :: laguna (de montaña) {f} |
tarnish {v} /ˈtɑɹnɪʃ/ (to oxidize or discolor due to oxidation) | :: oxidar |
tarnish {v} (to soil, sully, damage or compromise) | :: deslustrar, empañar, tiznar, desdorar |
taro {n} /ˈtæɹəʊ/ (Colocasia esculenta) | :: taro {m}, [Colombia] achín {m}, [Costa Rica] ñampí {m}, [Spain's Canary Islands] ñame {m}, [Venezuela] ocumo chino {m}, [Colombia, Ecuador] papa china {f}, [Peru] pituca {f}, [Dominican Republic] yautía coco {f} |
taro {n} (food from the taro plant) | :: taro {m}, [Colombia] tubérculo de achín {m}, [Costa Rica] ñampí {m}, [Spain's Canary Islands] ñame {m}, [Venezuela] ocumo chino {m}, [Colombia, Ecuador] papa china {f}, [Peru] pituca {f}, [Dominican Republic] yautía coco {f} |
tarp {n} /tɑɹp/ (tarpaulin) | :: lona {f} |
tarpaulin {n} /ˈtɑːɹpəlɪn/ (heavy, waterproof sheet of material) | :: lona alquitranada {f}, lona impermeable {f}, lona {f} |
tarpon {n} (fish) | :: sábalo |
tarragon {n} /ˈtæɹəɡɑn/ (perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus) | :: estragón {m} |
tarragon {n} (the leaves of Artemisia dracunculus) | :: estragón {m} |
Tarragona {prop} (city and port) | :: Tarragona {f} |
Tarragona {prop} (province of Catalonia) | :: Tarragona {f} |
tarry {v} /ˈtæ.ɹi/ (to delay or be tardy) | :: demorar |
tarsier {n} /ˈta(ɹ)si.ə(ɹ)/ (insectivorous primate) | :: tarsero {m}, tarsio {m} |
tarsometatarsal {adj} (of or pertaining to the tarsus and metatarsus) | :: tarsometatarsiano |
Tarsus {prop} (city in modern Turkey) | :: Tarso |
tart {adj} /tɑɹt/ (with sharp taste, sour) | :: ácido, amargo |
tart {n} (pie, pastry) | :: tarta {f}, tartaleta {f} |
tart {n} (woman with loose sexual morals) | :: guarra [Spain], pelandusca [Spain] |
tartan {n} /tɑɹtən/ (woollen cloth with a distinctive pattern) | :: tartán {m} |
tartan {n} (one-masted lateen sailed vessel used in the Mediterranean) | :: tartana {f} |
tartar {n} /ˈtɑɹ.tɚ/ (red compound deposited during wine making) | :: tártaro {m} |
tartar {n} (hard yellow deposit on the teeth) SEE: dental calculus | :: |
tartaric acid {n} | :: ácido tartárico {m} |
Tartarus {prop} (dark part of Hades) | :: Tártaro {m} |
tartness {n} (characteristic of being tart) | :: ácido, sinsabor, agudo |
Tartu {prop} /ˈtɑɹtu/ (second-largest city in Estonia) | :: Tartu |
tar with the same brush {v} (characterize using the same undesirable attribute, especially unjustly) | :: meter en el mismo saco |
Tarzan {prop} /ˈtɑɹzæn/ (fictional character) | :: Tarzán {m} |
tashkil {n} (vocalization) SEE: vocalization | :: |
task {n} /tæsk/ (piece of work done as part of one’s duties) | :: tarea {f}, quehacer {m} |
task {n} (difficult or tedious undertaking) | :: incumbencia {f} |
task {n} (objective) | :: cometido |
task {v} (assign a task to) | :: atarear |
Tasmania {prop} /tæzˈmeɪniə/ (Australian state) | :: Tasmania {f} |
Tasmania {prop} (island comprising majority of state) | :: Tasmania {f} |
Tasmanian devil {n} (Sarcophilus harrisii) | :: diablo de Tasmania {m}, demonio de Tasmania {m} |
Tasman Sea {prop} /ˈtæzmən ˈsiː/ (part of the Pacific Ocean) | :: mar de Tasmania {m} |
Tasquillo {prop} (town) | :: Tasquillo |
Tasquillo {prop} (municipality) | :: Tasquillo |
tassel {n} /ˈtæsəl/ (ball-shaped bunch of plaited or otherwise entangled threads) | :: borla {f} |
taste {n} /teɪst/ (one of the sensations produced by the tongue) | :: gusto |
taste {n} (implicit set of preferences) | :: gusto {m}, gustos {m-p} |
taste {n} ((figuratively) a small amount of experience) | :: muestra {f} |
taste {n} | :: gusto {m} |
taste {v} (to sample the flavor of something) | :: gustar, probar, catar |
taste {v} (to have a taste) | :: saber |
taste {v} (to experience) | :: saborear |
tastebud {n} (a small organ on the tongue used for tasting) | :: papila gustativa {f} |
tasteful {adj} /ˈteɪstfəl/ (exhibiting good taste) | :: sabroso |
tasteless {adj} (having no flavour) | :: insípido {m}, insaboro {m}, desabrido, soso {m} |
tasteless {adj} (lacking refinement) | :: vulgar {m} {f}, corriente {m} {f} |
tastelessness {n} (quality, state, or characteristic of being tasteless) | :: insipidez {f} |
taste of one's own medicine {n} | :: probar de su propia medicina, una dosis de su propia medicina, una cucharada de su propia medicina |
tasting {n} /ˈteɪstɪŋ/ (small amount of food or drink) | :: cata {f} |
tasting {n} (taking of a small amount of food or drink in order to taste it) | :: degustación {f}, cata {f} |
tasty {adj} (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor) SEE: delicious | :: |
tasty {adj} /ˈteɪsti/ (having or showing good taste) | :: de buen gusto |
tat {v} (slang: tattoo) SEE: tattoo | :: |
tat {n} (vulgar tastelessness) SEE: sleaze | :: |
ta ta {interj} (bye) SEE: bye | :: |
tatami {n} (straw matting in Japanese houses) | :: tatami {m} |
Tatar {prop} /ˈtætɑː(ɹ)/ (language) | :: tártaro {m} |
Tatarstan {prop} (Tatarstan, Russia) | :: Tartaristán {m} |
tatt {n} (tattoo) SEE: tattoo | :: |
tattered {adj} /ˈtætəd/ (ragged and torn) | :: andrajoso {m} |
tatters {n} /ˈtætɚz/ (ragged clothing, fabric, paper etc) | :: jirones |
tattle {n} (tattletale) SEE: tattletale | :: |
tattle {v} /ˈtæt(ə)l/ (to chatter, see also: chatter; gossip) | :: charlotear |
tattle {v} (to report incriminating information or wrongdoing) | :: charlotear, delatar, soplar |
tattler {n} (one who tattles) | :: delator {m}, acusica {f} {m}, acusete |
tattler {n} (device that records mileage, speed etc.) | :: cuentakilómetros {m}, velocímetro {m} |
tattletale {n} (one who tattles) | :: acusica {f} {m}, cuentero {m}, soplón {m}, hocicón {m}, correveidile |
tattletale {n} (one who gossips) | :: chismoso {m}, hocicón {m}, gacetilla |
tattoo {n} /tæˈtu(ː)/ (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle) | :: tatuaje {m} |
tattoo {v} (to apply a tattoo) | :: tatuar |
tattoo {n} (signal) | :: retreta {f} |
tattoo {n} (military display or pageant) | :: parada {f} |
tattoo artist {n} (tattoo artist) | :: tatuador {m}, tatuadora {f} |
tattooer {n} (tattooer) SEE: tattoo artist | :: |
tattooist {n} (tattooist) SEE: tattoo artist | :: |
tau {n} /taʊ/ (Greek letter) | :: tau {f} |
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu {prop} (a hill in New Zealand) | :: Taumataguacatanguijangacoauauotamateaturipucacapiquimaungahoronucupocaiguenuaquitanataju {m} |
taunt {v} /tɔnt/ (to make fun of (someone); to goad into responding) | :: mofarse |
taunt {n} (a scornful or mocking remark) | :: mofa |
taupe {n} /toʊp/ (a dark brownish-gray colour) | :: talpa, pardo {m} |
taupe {adj} (of a dark brownish-gray colour) | :: pardo |
taurine {adj} /ˈtɔːɹaɪn/ (bull-like) | :: taurino {m}, taurina {f} |
taurokathapsia {n} (bull-leaping) | :: taurocatapsia {f} |
tauromachy {n} (bullfighting) | :: tauromaquia {f} |
Taurus {prop} /ˈtɔːɹəs/ (constellation) | :: Tauro {m} |
Taurus {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Tauro {m} |
taut {adj} /tɔːt/ (under tension) | :: tenso, tirante |
taut {adj} (containing only relevant parts; brief and controlled) | :: conciso {m} |
taut {adj} (experiencing anxiety or stress) | :: tenso |
tautness {n} (the property of being taut) | :: tesura {f} |
tautological {adj} (of, relating to, or using tautology) | :: tautológico |
tautologically {adv} (in a tautological manner) | :: tautológicamente |
tautology {n} /tɔˈtɒl.ə.d͡ʒi/ (uncountable: redundant use of words) | :: tautología {f} |
tautology {n} (expression that features tautology) | :: redundancia {f}, pleonasmo {m}, tautología {f} [rhetoric] |
tautology {n} (in logic) | :: tautología {f} |
tavern {n} /ˈtævɚn/ (bar) | :: taberna {f} |
tawdry {adj} /ˈtɔːdɹi/ (gaudy) | :: hortera, chabacano, charro |
tawny {adj} /ˈtɔːni/ (of a light brown to brownish orange colour) | :: pardo, beige, leonado |
tawny owl {n} /ˈtɔːni aʊl/ (Strix aluco) | :: cárabo {m} |
tax {n} /tæks/ (money paid to government) | :: impuesto {m}, tasa {f}, gabela |
taxable income {n} (base upon which an income tax system imposes tax) | :: base imponible {f} |
taxation {n} /tækˈseɪ.ʃən/ (act of imposing taxes and the fact of being taxed) | :: tasación {f} |
taxation {n} (particular system of taxing people or companies) | :: régimen fiscal |
tax authority {n} (government organization responsible for tax collection) | :: agencia tributaria {f} |
tax collector {n} (one who has the responsibility for collecting taxes) | :: recaudador de impuestos {m} |
tax-deductible {adj} (exempt from payment of income tax) | :: desgravable |
tax evasion {n} (illegal avoidance of tax) | :: evasión de impuestos {f} |
tax haven {n} (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) | :: paraíso fiscal {m} |
taxi {n} /ˈtæ (vehicle) | :: taxi {m}, taxímetro {m} [Uruguay], libre {m} [Venezuela, colloquial] |
taxi {v} (move an aircraft) | :: carretear |
taxidermist {n} (one who practices taxidermy) | :: taxidermista {m} {f} |
taxidermy {n} /ˈtæksɪdɚmi/ (art of stuffing dead animals) | :: taxidermia {f} |
taxi driver {n} (person who drives a taxicab) | :: taxista {m} {f}, taximetrista {m} {f} [Uruguay] |
taximeter {n} (device in a taxicab that calculates the fare) | :: taxímetro {m} |
taxine {n} (alkaloid extracted from yew trees) | :: taxina {f} |
taxiway {n} (road or path on an airport for taxiing) | :: calle de rodaje |
taxon {n} /ˈtæksɑːn/ (taxonomic group) | :: taxón {m} |
taxonomic {adj} (of, or relating to taxonomy) | :: taxonómico |
taxonomy {n} /tækˈsɑːnəmi/ (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms) | :: taxonomía {f} |
taxpayer {n} (person who pays tax) | :: contribuyente de impuestos {m} |
tax relief {n} (reduction in tax) | :: desgravación fiscal {m} |
tax return {n} (declaration of income to the tax authority) | :: declaración de impuestos {f}, declaración de la renta {f} |
tax stamp {n} (revenue stamp) SEE: revenue stamp | :: |
tayberry {n} (cross between the blackberry and raspberry) | :: teyberi {f}, tayberry |
Taylor {prop} /ˈteɪlɚ/ (surname associated with "tailor") | :: Sastre |
Tayma {prop} (oasis) | :: Taima {f}, Teima {f} |
tayra {n} /ˈtaɪ.ɹə/ (Eira barbara) | :: tayra {m}, irará {m}, viejo de monte {m}, humayro {m}, |
tazziberry {n} (ugniberry) SEE: ugniberry | :: |
Tbilisi {prop} /t(ə)ˈbi.lə.si/ (the capital city of Georgia (the country)) | :: Tiflis |
T-bone steak {n} (the beek steak) | :: filete T-bone {m}, T-bone {m} |
T cell {n} (lymphocyte that can recognise specific antigens and can activate or deactivate other immune cells) | :: célula T {f}, linfocito T {m} |
Tchaikovsky {prop} /tʃaɪˈkɑfski/ (surname) | :: Chaikovski |
tea {n} (main evening meal) SEE: dinner | :: |
tea {n} (dried leaves of tea plant) | :: hoja de té {f} |
tea {n} (drink made from leaves of tea plant) | :: té {m} |
tea {n} (cup of this drink) | :: taza de té {f} |
tea {n} (drink made from other plants) | :: [other plants] té {m} |
tea {n} (light afternoon meal) | :: merienda {f}, [Peru] lonche {m}, [Chile, Colombia] onces {m-p} |
teabag {n} (sachet of tea) | :: bolsita de té {f} |
teabag {v} (lower testicles into or onto another person) | :: bajar los huevos |
teaberry {n} (shrub Gaultheria procumbens and its berry) | :: gaulteria {f}, axocopaque {m} |
tea ceremony {n} (detailed ritual in Japan or Asia for preparing, serving and drinking tea) | :: ceremonia del té {f} |
teach {v} /tiːt͡ʃ/ (to pass on knowledge) | :: enseñar |
teachable {adj} (capable of being taught) | :: enseñable |
teacher {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
teacher {n} /ˈtit͡ʃɚ/ (person who teaches) | :: maestro {m}, profesor {m}, docente {m} |
teacher {n} (a female person who teaches) | :: maestra {f}, profesora {f}, docente {f} |
teacher's desk {n} (pulpit) SEE: pulpit | :: |
teacher's desk {n} (lectern) SEE: lectern | :: |
teacher's desk {n} (rostrum) SEE: rostrum | :: |
teach grandma how to suck eggs {v} (teach an expert) | :: dar clases a tu maestro (give classes to your master) |
teaching {n} /ˈtiːtʃɪŋ/ (something taught) | :: enseñanza {f} |
teaching {n} (the profession of teaching) | :: enseñanza {f}, docencia {f} |
teach someone a lesson {v} (punish (informal)) | :: dar una lección |
tea cosy {n} (cloth covering a teapot) | :: cubretetera {f} |
teahouse {n} (a cafe that sells tea) | :: casa de té {f}, salón de té {m} |
teak {n} /tiːk/ (timber) | :: teca {f} |
teak {n} (tree) | :: teca {f} |
teakettle {n} (a vessel for boiling water for tea) | :: tetera {f} |
teal {n} (duck) | :: cerceta {f}, barraquete {m} |
teal {n} (colour) | :: azul petróleo {m} |
teal {adj} (colour) | :: azul petróleo |
tea leaf {n} (leaf of the tea plant) | :: hoja de té {f} |
tea leaf {n} (thief) SEE: thief | :: |
tealight {n} (small, typically circular candle encased in thin metal cup) | :: velita de taza {f} |
team {n} /tiːm/ (set of draught animals) | :: tiro {m} [of horses], yunta {f} [of oxen] |
team {n} (group of people) | :: equipo {m}, [of workers] cuadrilla {f} |
team deathmatch {n} /ˈti(ː)m ˈdɛθ.mætʃ/ (competitive mode) | :: duelo de equipo |
teammate {n} /ˈtiːmˌmeɪt/ (one who is on the same team) | :: compañero (de equipo) {m} |
team pursuit {n} (Cycling discipline) | :: persecución equipos {f} |
team spirit {n} (camaraderie) | :: espíritu de equipo {m} |
team sport {n} (sport competed between two teams each with two or more players) | :: deporte de equipo {m} |
teamster {n} /ˈtim.stɚ/ (driver of oxen) | :: tayacán {m} [Hond.] |
teamwork {n} (cooperative effort of a team) | :: trabajo en equipo {m} |
tea oil {n} (oil contained in species of Camellia) | :: aceite de Camelia {m} |
tea plant {n} (Camellia sinensis) | :: planta de té {f} |
teapot {n} (vessel for tea) | :: tetera {f} |
tear {v} /tɛɚ/ (rend) | :: rasgar |
tear {v} (remove by tearing) | :: arrancar |
tear {v} (to demolish; to tear down) | :: demoler |
tear {v} (become torn) | :: desgarrarse |
tear {n} /tɪə/ (drop of clear salty liquid from the eyes) | :: lágrima {f} |
tear {v} (to produce tears) | :: lagrimear |
tearaway {n} /ˈtɛəɹəweɪ/ (impetuous and reckless person who is difficult to control; a hothead) | :: alborotador {m}, elemento {m} [Spain] |
teardown {n} (The process of opening and disassembling a device to show its components) | :: desmontaje {m} |
teardrop {n} /ˈtɪədɽɒp/ (single tear) | :: lágrima {f} |
teardrop {n} (shape of a drop of liquid) | :: lagrima {f} |
tear gas {n} /ˈtɪəɡæs/ (chemical compound) | :: gas lacrimógeno {m} |
tear gland {n} (lacrimal gland) SEE: lacrimal gland | :: |
tearjerker {n} (emotionally charged dramatic work) | :: lacrimoso {m}, lacrimógeno {m} |
tear one's hair out {v} (react with extreme agitation) | :: rasgarse las vestiduras, mesarse los cabellos |
tearoom {n} (teahouse) SEE: teahouse | :: |
tear up {v} (To damage) SEE: damage | :: |
tease {v} /tiːz/ (to separate the fibers) | :: cardar, peinar |
tease {v} (to comb) | :: peinar |
tease {v} (to poke fun at) | :: burlarse de, molestar, tomar el pelo, embromar, mofarse, pitorrearse, recochinearse, vacilar |
tease {v} (to provoke or disturb) | :: chinchar, provocar, alborotar, embromar |
tease {v} (to entice) | :: tentar, provocar, incitar |
teaser {n} /ˈtizɚ/ (preview of a product) | :: avance, adelanto {m} |
tea shop {n} (a shop where tea or coffee is served) SEE: teahouse | :: |
teaspoon {n} /ˈtiˌspun/ (small spoon) | :: cucharilla {f} |
teaspoon {n} (unit of measure) | :: cucharada de té {f}, cucharadita {f} |
teaspoonful {n} (unit of capacity) | :: cucharadita |
teat {n} /tiːt/ (projection of mammary gland) | :: pezón {m} |
teat {n} (feeding bottle top) | :: chupete {m} |
tea towel {n} (cloth for drying dishes and glassware) SEE: dishcloth | :: |
tea tree {n} (Camellia sinensis) SEE: tea plant | :: |
technetium {n} /tɛkˈni.ʃi.əm/ (chemical element) | :: tecnecio {m} |
technical {adj} /ˈtɛk.nɪk.əl/ (pertaining to the useful or mechanic arts) | :: técnico {m} |
technical {n} (pickup truck-based fighting vehicle) | :: artillado {m} |
technical drawing {n} (depiction) | :: dibujo técnico {m} |
technical drawing {n} (act) | :: dibujo técnico {m} |
technical drawing {n} (art) | :: dibujo técnico {m} |
technical foul {n} (basketball rules violation) | :: falta técnica {f} |
technically {adv} /ˈtɛknɪkəli/ (based on precise facts) | :: en realidad |
technically {adv} (having certain skills) | :: técnicamente |
technical support {n} (services providing assistance with technology) | :: soporte técnico |
technical term {n} (word that has a specific meaning within a specific field of expertise) | :: tecnicismo {m}, término técnico {m} |
technician {n} /tekˈnɪʃən/ (occupation) | :: técnico {m} |
technique {n} /tɛkˈniːk/ (practical aspects of a given art) | :: técnica {f} |
techno {n} /ˈtɛknoʊ/ (style of music) | :: techno {m} |
techno- {prefix} /tɛknoʊ/ (used to form words relating to technology) | :: tecno- |
technocracy {n} /tɛkˈnɒkɹəsi/ (a system of governance where people who are skilled or proficient govern in their respective areas of expertise) | :: tecnocracia {f} |
technocrat {n} /ˈtɛknə(ʊ)kɹat/ (advocate of technocracy) | :: tecnócrata {m} {f} |
technocratic {adj} /tɛk.nəˈkɹæt.ɪk/ (of or relating to a technocrat or technocracy) | :: tecnocrático |
technological {adj} (of, relating to, or involving technology) | :: tecnológico {m} |
technologically {adv} (in a technological manner) | :: tecnológicamente |
technologist {n} /tɛkˈnɑləd͡ʒɪst/ (a scientist or engineer who specializes in a particular technology) | :: tecnólogo {m}, tecnóloga {f} |
technology {n} /tɛkˈnɑlədʒi/ (the study of or a collection of techniques) | :: tecnología {f}, técnica {f} |
technology {n} (a particular technological concept) | :: tecnología {f} |
technology {n} (body of tools) | :: tecnología {f} |
technosexual {n} | :: tecnosexual |
Tecpatán {prop} (town) | :: Tecpatán |
Tecpatán {prop} (municipality) | :: Tecpatán |
tectonic {adj} (relating to construction or architecture) | :: tectónico |
tectonic {adj} ((geology) relating to large-scale movements) | :: tectónico |
tectonic plate {n} (large piece of Earth's lithosphere) | :: placa tectónica {f} |
tectosilicate {n} (mineral) | :: tectosilicato {m} |
teddy bear {n} (a stuffed toy bear) | :: osito de peluche {m} |
teddy bear {n} (lovable man) | :: papi chulo {m}, osito {m} |
tedious {adj} /ˈti.di.əs/ (boring, monotonous) | :: tedioso, prolijo {m} |
tediously {adv} (in a tedious manner) | :: tediosamente |
tediousness {n} (quality of being tedious) | :: prolijidad {f} |
tedium {n} /ˈtiː.di.əm/ (boredom or tediousness; ennui) | :: tedio {m} |
tee {n} /tiː/ (name of the letter T, t) | :: te {f} |
teem {v} /tiːm/ (overflowing with) | :: rebosar de, hervir de, bullir |
teem {v} (to be prolific; to abound) | :: proliferar |
teem {v} (to bring forth young or to produce fruit) | :: fructificar |
teen {adj} (teenager) SEE: teenager | :: |
-teen {suffix} (to form numbers 13 - 19) | :: -ce [11 to 15], dieci- [16 to 19] |
teenager {n} /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒə(ɹ)/ (person aged between thirteen and nineteen) | :: adolescente, puberto {m} [colloquial, Mexico] |
teepee {n} /ˈtiːpi/ (cone-shaped tent) | :: tipi {m} |
teetan {n} (pipit) SEE: pipit | :: |
teeter {v} /ˈtiːtə/ (tilt back and forth on an edge) | :: tambalearse |
teeter-totter {n} (seesaw) | :: balancín {m} |
teethe {v} /tiːð/ (grow teeth) | :: endentecer, echar los dientes, dentar |
teething {n} /ˈtiːðɪŋ/ (eruption of milk teeth) | :: dentición {f} |
teething ring {n} (object for a baby to chew) | :: mordedor |
teetotal {adj} (abstinent from alcohol) | :: abstemio {m} |
teetotal {adj} (opposed to the drinking of alcohol) | :: abstemio {m} |
teetotal {adj} (total) | :: total {m} |
teetotaler {n} /ˈtitoʊtəlɚ/ (person who completely abstains from alcohol) | :: abstemio {m}, abstemia {f} |
teetotaller {n} /ˈtitoʊtəlɚ/ (person who completely abstains from alcohol) | :: abstemio {m}, abstemia {f} |
teff {n} /tɛf/ (grain) | :: teff {m} |
Tegucigalpa {prop} /tɛˌɡuːsɪˈɡælpə/ (capital of Honduras) | :: Tegucigalpa {f} |
Teheran {prop} (Tehran) SEE: Tehran | :: |
Tehran {prop} /ˈtɛ.ɹæn/ (capital of Iran) | :: Teherán {m} |
Tehuantepec {prop} (city) | :: Tehuantepec, Santo Domingo Tehuantepec |
Tehuantepec {prop} (municipality) | :: Tehuantepec, Santo Domingo Tehuantepec |
Teide {prop} (mountain) | :: Teide {m} |
tečka {n} (tečka diacritic) SEE: dot | :: |
tektite {n} (a glassy object formed from a meteor hitting the earth) | :: tectita |
telamon {n} /ˈtɛləməʊn/ (male figure as pillar) | :: telamón {m}, atlante {m} |
Tel Aviv {prop} /ˈtɛl.əˈviːv/ (city in Israel) | :: Tel Aviv {m} |
tele- {prefix} (over a distance) | :: tele- |
telecommunication {n} (science and technology of communication over distance) | :: telecomunicación {f} |
telecommuting {n} (practice of using telecommunications technology to work from a remote location) | :: teletrabajo {m} |
teleconference {n} (telephone conference) SEE: telephone conference | :: |
telegram {v} (telegraph) SEE: telegraph | :: |
telegram {n} /ˈtɛləˌɡɹæm/ (message sent by telegraph) | :: telegrama {m} |
telegraph {n} /ˈtɛl.ə.ɡɹæf/ (apparatus, or a process, for communicating) | :: telégrafo |
telegraph {v} (to send a message by telegraph) | :: telegrafiar |
telegraphic {adj} (of, or relating to the telegraph) | :: telegráfico |
telegraphic {adj} (brief or concise, resembling a telegram) | :: telegráfico |
telegraphy {n} (communication by means of the telegraph) | :: telegrafía {f} |
telekinesis {n} /ˌtɛləkɪˈniːsɪs/ (ability to move objects with the power of one's thoughts) | :: telequinesia {f}, telequinesis {f} |
Telemachus {prop} /təˈlɛməkəs/ (the son of Odysseus) | :: Telémaco {m} |
telemarketing {n} (selling products or services by making calls to potential customers) | :: telemercadotecnia {f} |
telematic {adj} /tɛləˈmætɪk/ (pertaining to telematics) | :: telemático |
telematics {n} /tɛləˈmætɪks/ (science of sending, receiving and storing information via telecommunication devices) | :: telemática {f} |
telemedicine {n} (transfer of medical information via telecommunication technologies) | :: telemedicina {f} |
telemetry {n} (the science, and associated technology, of automatic recording) | :: telemetría {f} |
telencephalon {n} /ˌtɛlənˈsɛfələn/ (the anterior part of the forebrain) | :: telencéfalo {m} |
teleological {adj} /tɛliːəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ (pertaining to teleology) | :: teleológico |
teleology {n} /ˈtiːl.iˌɒl.ə.dʒi/ (study of the purpose of occurrences) | :: teleología {m} |
telepathic {adj} /ˌtɛlɪˈpæθɪk/ (of, relating to, or using telepathy) | :: telepático |
telepathically {adv} (by means of telepathy) | :: telepáticamente |
telepathy {n} /tɛˈlɛpəθi/ (communication by psychic means) | :: telepatía {f} |
telephone {n} /ˈtɛləfoʊn/ (a device used for two-way talking with other people) | :: teléfono {m} |
telephone {v} (to call someone) | :: telefonear, llamar por teléfono |
telephone {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers | :: |
telephone book {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory | :: |
telephone booth {n} (a small enclosure housing a public telephone) | :: cabina telefónica {f} |
telephone box {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth | :: |
telephone call {n} (connection) | :: llamada |
telephone card {n} (phonecard) SEE: phonecard | :: |
telephone conference {n} (conference held by telephone) | :: teleconferencia {f}, conferencia telefónica {f} |
telephone directory {n} (a listing of telephone subscribers) | :: directorio telefónico {m} |
telephone exchange {n} (equipment) | :: central telefónica {f} |
telephone exchange {n} (rooms) | :: central telefónica {f} |
telephone kiosk {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth | :: |
telephone number {n} (digits assigned to a telephone) | :: número de teléfono {m} |
telephone operator {n} (a person who operates a telephone switchboard) | :: telefonista {m} {f} |
telephone operator {n} (a person who provides assistance in establishing a connection, or who provides information or takes messages via the telephone) | :: telefonista {m} {f} |
telephonic {adj} (of or relating to telephony) | :: telefónico |
telephony {n} /təˈlɛf.ə.ni/ (act of sound transmission via the electromagnetic spectrum) | :: telefonía {f} |
teleportation {n} (process of moving matter from one point to another) | :: teleportación, teletransporte |
teleporter {n} (truck-mounted lift) SEE: cherry picker | :: |
telescope {n} /ˈtɛləˌskoʊp/ (optical instrument that magnifies) | :: telescopio {m} |
telescopic {adj} /tɛlɪˈskɒpɪk/ (of or relating to a telescope) | :: telescópico |
telescopic sight {n} (aiming device) | :: mira {f} |
Telescopium {prop} (small faint constellation of the southern winter sky) | :: Telescopium |
teleshow {n} (television show) SEE: television show | :: |
Telesphoros {prop} (Son of Asclepius) | :: Telesforo {m} |
telestial {adj} /təˈlɛst͡ʃəl/ (of or pertaining to the lowest degree of glory) | :: telestial {m} {f} |
telethon {n} /ˈtɛl.əˌθɒn/ (television event) | :: teletón {m} |
teletsunami {n} /tɛlə-tsuˈnɑːmi/ (tsunami that travels 1000 kilometres) | :: teletsunami {m} |
televise {v} (broadcast, or be broadcast, by television) | :: televisar |
television {n} /ˈtɛlɪˌvɪʒən/ (medium) | :: televisión {f} |
television {n} (device for receiving television signals) | :: televisor {m}, televisión {f}, tele {f} |
television {n} (program broadcasting) | :: televisión {f}, tele {f} |
television channel {n} (a specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television) | :: canal de televisión {m} |
television program {n} (the content of an individual television broadcasting) | :: programa de la televisión {m} |
television series {n} (series) SEE: series | :: |
television set {n} (television) SEE: television | :: |
television show {n} (live or recorded TV broadcast or program) | :: programa de televisión {m} |
television station {n} (studio from where a television channel is broadcasted) | :: estación de televisión {f} |
televisual {adj} (suitable for broadcasting on television) | :: televisual |
televisual {adj} (telegenic) | :: televisual |
televoting {n} (a form of advertising) | :: televoto {m} |
telework {n} (telecommuting) SEE: telecommuting | :: |
telicity {n} /tiːˈlɪsɪti/ (presenting an action or event as complete) | :: telicidad {f} |
tell {v} /tɛl/ (to pass information) | :: decir, contar |
tell {v} (to say) | :: decir |
tell {v} (to instruct) | :: decir |
tell {v} (to discern, notice, identify or distinguish) | :: distinguir |
tell {v} | :: decir, contar |
tell {v} (narrate) SEE: narrate | :: |
teller {n} /ˈtɛləɹ/ (bank clerk who receives and pays out money) | :: cajero {m}, cajera {f} |
teller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
tell it to Sweeney {phrase} (expression of disbelief) SEE: tell it to the marines | :: |
tell it to the marines {phrase} (expression of disbelief) | :: a otro perro con ese hueso |
tell off {v} (to rebuke) | :: reprender, regañar, amonestar, cantar las cuarenta, leer la cartilla, poner a caldo, poner a parir, poner verde, poner como chupa de dómine |
telltale {n} (one who divulges private information) | :: correveidile {m} {f}, gacetilla |
telltale {n} (tattletale; squealer) | :: soplón {m}, soplona {f} |
telltale {n} (something that serves to reveal) | :: indicador {m} |
telltale {n} (nautical: yarn that indicates relative direction of airflow) | :: grímpola {f} |
telltale {adj} | :: delator |
telltale {n} (tattler) SEE: tattler | :: |
tell the truth {phrase} (asserting frank honest of associated statement) | :: decir la verdad |
Tellurian {n} (inhabitant of the earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
telluric {adj} (pertaining to the Earth) | :: telúrico |
telluric {adj} (containing tellurium in a lower valency than in tellurous compounds) | :: telúrico |
tellurium {n} /tɪˈljʊəɹiəm/ (chemical element) | :: teluro {m} |
tellurometer {n} (surveying instrument) | :: telurómetro {m} |
telly {n} /ˈtɛli/ (television (medium), see also: television) | :: tele {f} |
telomerase {n} /teˈlɑməɹeɪs/ (enzyme in eukaryotic cells) | :: telomerasa {f} |
telomere {n} /ˈtɛləmɪəɹ/ (either of the sequences of DNA at each end of a eukaryotic chromosome) | :: telómero {m} |
telophase {n} (final stage of mitosis or meiosis) | :: telofase {f} |
Telugu {prop} /ˈtɛl.ə.ɡuː/ (Dravidian language of India) | :: idioma telugú |
Telugu {n} (member of the people who speak it) | :: telugú |
Telychian {prop} | :: Telychiense |
temblor {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake | :: |
temerity {n} /təˈmɛɹəti/ (reckless boldness) | :: temeridad {f} |
Temminck's stint {n} (Calidris temminckii) | :: correlimos de Temminck {m} |
tempeh {n} /ˈtɛmpeɪ/ (food) | :: tempeh {m} |
temper {n} /ˈtɛmpɚ/ (tendency to be of a certain type of mood) | :: temperamento {m} |
temper {n} (heat treatment) | :: temple {m} |
temper {v} (to moderate or control) | :: templar, temperar, atemperar |
temper {v} (to strengthen or toughen by heat treatment) | :: templar |
tempera {n} /ˈtɛmpəɹə/ (painting medium, artistic technique) | :: témpera {f}, temple {f} |
temperament {n} /ˈtɛmpəɹəmənt/ (a person's normal manner of thinking, behaving or reacting) | :: temperamento {m} |
temperament {n} (a tendency to become irritable or angry) | :: temperamento {m} |
temperance {n} (state with regard to heat or cold) SEE: temperature | :: |
temperance {n} (habitual moderation) | :: templanza {f}, temperancia |
temperance {n} (moderation of passion) | :: templanza {f}, temperancia |
temperance {n} (one of seven virtues) | :: templanza {f}, temperancia |
temperance {n} (Tarot card) | :: templanza, temperancia |
temperate {adj} /ˈtɛmpəɹət/ (moderate; not excessive heat, climate) | :: templado |
temperate rainforest {n} (a forest in a temperate climate with high annual rainfall) | :: bosque templado húmedo {m} |
temperature {n} /ˈtɛmp(ə)ɹətʃə(ɹ)/ (a measure of cold or heat) | :: temperatura {f} |
temperature {n} (elevated body temperature) | :: fiebre {f} |
temperature {n} (the temperature of the immediate environment) | :: temperatura {f} |
temperature coefficient {n} (physical coefficient) | :: coeficiente de temperatura {m} |
temper tantrum {n} (fit of bad temper) SEE: tantrum | :: |
tempest {n} /ˈtɛmpəst/ (storm) | :: tempestad {f}, temporal {m} |
tempest {v} (To storm) | :: tempestear |
tempest in a teapot {n} (big fuss made in a small context) | :: tormenta en un vaso de agua |
tempestuous {adj} (of or resembling a tempest; stormy) | :: tempestuoso, proceloso |
tempestuously {adv} (in a tempestuous manner) | :: tempestuosamente |
Templar {n} (one of the Knights Templar) | :: templario {m} |
template {n} /ˈtɛm.plɪt/ (physical object) | :: plantilla {f} |
template {n} (generic model) | :: patrón {m} |
temple {n} /ˈtɛmp(ə)l/ (place of worship, see also: church; mosque; synagogue) | :: templo {m} |
temple {n} (region of skull) | :: sien {f} |
Temple Mount {prop} (hill of Jerusalem) | :: Explanada de las Mezquitas {f}, Monte del Templo {m} |
temple name {n} (posthumous title of a Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese emperor) | :: nombre de templo {m} |
tempo {n} /ˈtɛm.pəʊ/ (chess: type of move) | :: tempo {m} |
tempo {n} (music: number of beats per minute) | :: tempo {m} |
temporal {adj} /ˈtɛm.pəɹ.əl/ (of or relating to time) | :: temporal |
temporal {n} (temples of the head) | :: temporal {m}, sienes {f-p} |
temporal bone {n} (either of two compound bones at the sides of the skull) | :: hueso temporal {m}, temporal {m} |
temporal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum) | :: lóbulo temporal {m} |
temporarily {adv} /ˌtɛmpəˈɹɛɹəli/ (for a limited period of time) | :: temporalmente |
temporary {adj} /ˈtɛmpəɹəɹi/ (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) | :: temporal |
temporary tooth {n} (milk tooth) SEE: milk tooth | :: |
temporoparietalis {n} (muscle) | :: músculo temporoparietales {m}, temporoparietales {m} |
tempt {v} /tɛmpt/ (to provoke someone to do wrong) | :: tentar |
temptation {n} /tɛmpˈteɪʃən/ (act of tempting) | :: tentación {f} |
temptation {n} (condition of being tempted) | :: tentación {f} |
temptation {n} (something attractive, tempting or seductive) | :: tentación {f} |
temptation {n} (pressure applied to one's thinking) | :: tentación {f} |
temptation {n} | :: tentación {f} |
tempt fate {v} (To take an extreme risk) | :: tentar al diablo, tentar a la suerte |
tempting {adj} /ˈtɛmp.tɪŋ/ (attractive, appealing, enticing) | :: tentador |
tempting {adj} (seductive, alluring, inviting) | :: tentador |
tempura {n} /ˈtɛmpʊɹə/ (dish made by deep-frying food in a light batter) | :: tempura |
tempus fugit {proverb} (time flies) SEE: time flies | :: |
ten {n} /tɛn/ | :: diez |
ten {num} (the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11) | :: diez |
tenable {adj} /ˈtɛn.ə.bəl/ (of a theory, argument etc: capable of being maintained or justified; well-founded) | :: sostenible |
tenable {adj} (of a defensive structure: capable of being defended) | :: defendible |
tenacious {adj} /təˈneɪʃəs/ (clinging to an object or surface; adhesive) | :: aferrado {m} |
tenacious {adj} (unwilling to yield from a point of view etc; dogged) | :: tenaz {m} {f}, tesonero |
tenaciously {adv} /təˈneɪʃəsli/ (in a tenacious manner) | :: tenazmente |
tenacity {n} /təˈnæs.ɪ.ti/ (quality or state of being tenacious) | :: tenacidad, tesón |
tenacity {n} | :: tenacidad {f} |
tenamaste {n} (stone) | :: tenamaste, tenamastle, tenamaxtle |
tenancy in common {n} | :: comunidad romana {f}, proindivisión {f} |
tenant {n} /ˈtɛ.nənt/ (one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.) | :: inquilino, arrendatario {m} |
tenant {n} (one who has possession of any place; a dweller; an occupant) | :: habitante {m}, residente {m} |
tenant {n} (law: one who holds property) | :: propietario {m}, dueño {m} |
tenant farmer {n} (a person who farms land rented from a landlord) | :: inquilino {m} |
tenate {n} | :: tenate, tanate, tompeate, tompiate |
tench {n} /tɛnt͡ʃ/ (species of freshwater game fish) | :: tenca {f} |
Ten Commandments {prop} (religious ten commandments) | :: Diez Mandamientos {m-p}, Diez Palabras {f-p}, Decálogo {m}, decálogo {m} |
tend {v} /tɛnd/ (to make a tender of; to offer or tender) | :: ofrecer |
tend {v} (to be probable or likely) | :: tender |
tend {v} (to look after) | :: cuidar de, ver por, velar por |
tendency {n} /ˈtɛndənsi/ (likelihood of behaving in a particular way) | :: tendencia {f} |
tendentious {adj} /tɛnˈdɛnʃəs/ (biased opinion) | :: tendencioso |
tender {adj} /ˈtɛn.dɚ/ (sensitive or painful) | :: tierno, dolorido |
tender {adj} (soft and easily chewed) | :: tierno |
tender {adj} (fond, loving, gentle, sweet) | :: tierno, cariñoso |
tender {n} (fuel-carrying railroad car) | :: vagón nodriza {m}, ténder {m} |
tender {n} (nautical: a boat used for transportation btw a ship and the shore) | :: esquife |
tender {n} (means of payment) | :: medio de pago {m} |
tender {n} (law: an offer to buy or sell something) | :: propuesta {f}, oferta {f} |
tender {v} (formal: to offer, give) | :: ofrecer |
tenderize {v} (make tender) | :: ablandar |
tenderloin {n} (tenderest part of a loin of meat) | :: lomo {m} |
tenderloin steak {n} (Any of several steaks cut from the tenderest part of the loin of beef) | :: bisté fino |
tenderly {adv} /ˈtɛn.dɚ.li/ (in a tender manner) | :: tiernamente |
tenderness {n} /ˈtɛn.dɚ.nɪs/ (a tendency to express warm, compassionate feelings) | :: ternura {f} |
tendinitis {n} /ˈtɛndn̩ˌaɪ.tɪs/ (inflammation of a tendon) | :: tendinitis {f} |
tendon {n} /ˈtɛndən/ (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment) | :: tendón {m} |
tendonitis {n} (inflammation of the tendon) SEE: tendinitis | :: |
tendovaginitis {n} (tenosynovitis) SEE: tenosynovitis | :: |
tendril {n} /ˈtɛn.dɹəl/ (thin, spirally coiling stem) | :: zarcillo {m} |
tenebrous {adj} /ˈtɛ.nə.bɹəs/ (dark and gloomy) | :: tenebroso |
tenement {n} /ˈtɛnɪmənt/ (a building that is rented to multiple tenants, especially a low-rent, run-down one) | :: casa de vecindad {f}, vecindad {f}, bloque de viviendas {m}, inquilinato, [Peru] solar {m}, conventillo {m} |
Tenerife {prop} (one of the Canary Islands) | :: Tenerife {f} |
tenet {n} /ˈtɛnɪt/ (an opinion, belief or principle) | :: creencia {f}, principio {m}, dogma {m} |
tenfold {v} (increase to ten times as much) | :: decuplicar, decuplar |
Tengmalm's owl {n} (species) | :: mochuelo boreal {m}, lechuza de Tengmalm {f} |
ten million {num} (10,000,000) | :: diez millones |
Tennessee {prop} /ˌtɛn.əˈsi/ (state) | :: Tennessee {m} |
tennessine {n} /ˈtɛn.əˌsiːn/ (chemical element with atomic number 117) | :: teneso {m} |
tennis {n} /ˈtɛ.nɪs/ (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets) | :: tenis {m} |
tennis ball {n} (ball for tennis) | :: bola de tenis |
tennis court {n} (surface on which tennis is played) | :: cancha de tenis {f} |
tennis player {n} (a person who plays tennis) | :: tenista {m} {f} |
tennis racket {n} (tennis bat) | :: raqueta de tenis {f} |
Teno {prop} (Teno) | :: Teno {m} |
Tenochtitlan {prop} /təˈnɔtʃtɪtˌlæn/ (capital of the Aztec empire) | :: Tenochtitlán |
ten o'clock {n} (the start of the eleventh hour) | :: las diez {f-p} |
tenolysis {n} (surgical procedure) | :: tenolisis {f} |
tenosynovitis {n} (inflammation) | :: tenosinovitis {f} |
tenpin bowling {n} (bowling) SEE: bowling | :: |
tense {n} /tɛns/ (verb forms distinguishing time) | :: tiempo {m}, tiempo gramatical {m} |
tense {adj} (showing stress or strain) | :: tenso |
tense {adj} (pulled taut) | :: tenso |
tense {v} (make or become tense) | :: tensar |
tensegrity {n} (tensional integrity (of a structure)) | :: tensegridad {f} |
tenside {n} (surfactant) SEE: surfactant | :: |
tensile {adj} /ˈtɛn.saɪ(ə)l/ (capable of being stretched; ductile) | :: dúctil |
tension {n} /ˈtɛnʃən/ (psychological state) | :: tensión {f} |
tension {n} (state of an elastic object) | :: tensión {f} |
tension {n} (voltage) | :: tensión {f} |
tension {v} (to place in tension) | :: tensionar |
tensome {n} (group of ten) | :: decena {f} |
tensorial {adj} | :: tensorial |
tensor tympani {n} (muscle) | :: tensor del tímpano {m}, músculo tensor del tímpano {m} |
tent {n} /tɛnt/ (portable lodge) | :: tienda {f}, toldo {m}, carpa {f} |
tentacle {n} /ˈtɛntəkəl/ (elongated, boneless, flexible appendage) | :: tentáculo {m} |
tentacular {adj} /tɛnˈtækjuːlə(ɹ)/ (resembling a tentacle or tentacles) | :: tentacular |
tentative {adj} /ˈtɛntətɪv/ (of or pertaining to a trial or trials; essaying; experimental) | :: tentativo, provisional, experimental, de tanteo |
tentative {adj} (uncertain) | :: provisional, provisorio, preliminar, indeciso, tentativo {m} |
tenth {adj} /tɛnθ/ (ordinal form of ten, see also: 10th) | :: décimo |
tenth {n} (something in the tenth position) | :: décimo {m}, décima {f} |
tenth {n} (a tenth; one of ten equal parts of a whole) | :: décimo {m} |
ten thousand {num} (10,000) | :: diez mil |
tent peg {n} (peg, to hold a rope that supports a tent) | :: estaca {f}, piqueta {f} |
tenuous {adj} /ˈtɛn.ju.əs/ (thin in substance or consistency) | :: tenue |
tenure {n} /ˈtɛn.jɚ/ (status of possessing a thing or an office) | :: tenencia |
tenure {n} (period of time possessed) | :: antigüedad |
tenure {n} (status of having a permanent post) | :: titularidad {f} |
tenure {n} | :: arrendamiento {m} |
Teotihuacan {prop} /ˈteɪ.oʊˌti.wɑˈkɑn/ (archeological site) | :: Teotihuacán |
TEOTWAWKI {n} /ti.ɑt.wɑk.i/ ((acronym) The end of the world as we know it) | :: el fin del mundo tal como lo conocemos |
tepa {n} (tree) | :: tepa {f} |
tepache {n} (alcoholic beverage) | :: tepache {m} |
tepal {n} /ˈtiːp(ə)l/ (botany) | :: tépalo {m} |
Tepelenë {prop} (town) | :: Tepelenë |
Tepenixtlahuaca {prop} | :: Tepenixtlahuaca, Santa Cruz Tepenixtlahuaca |
tepetate {n} (soil type) | :: tepetate {m}, talpetate {m}, duripan {m}, hardpán {m}, cangagua {f}, moromoro {m} |
tepid {adj} /ˈtɛpɪd/ (lukewarm) | :: tibio, templado |
tepid {adj} (uninterested) | :: tibio, flojo, blandengue, lacio, indiferente |
tepid {adj} | :: tibio |
tepidness {n} (property of being tepid) | :: tibieza {f} |
Teposcolula {prop} (district) | :: Tepscolula |
Teposcolula {prop} (town (San Pedro y San Pablo)) SEE: San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula | :: |
Teposcolula {prop} (municipality (San Pedro y San Pablo)) SEE: San Pedro y San Pablo Teposcolula | :: |
tequesquite {n} (salt) | :: tequesquite |
tequila {n} /ˌtəˈkiː.lə/ (liquor) | :: tequila {f} |
Tequixquiac {prop} (Mexican town) | :: Tequixquiac, Tequisquiac |
tera- {prefix} /ˈtɛ.ɹə/ (SI prefix) | :: tera- |
teramorphous {adj} (having the shape of a monster) | :: teramorfo |
teraphim {n} /ˈtɛɹəfɪm/ (An idol or other image) | :: terafim {m} |
terato- {prefix} (pertaining to birth defects and similar abnormalities) | :: terato- |
teratological {adj} (elating to teratology) | :: teratológico |
teratoma {n} /tɛɹəˈtəʊmə/ (type of tumour) | :: teratoma {m} |
terbium {n} /ˈtɜːɹbiəm/ (chemical element) | :: terbio {m} |
terbium oxide {n} (oxide of terbium) | :: óxido de terbio {m} |
tercentenary {n} (300th anniversary) | :: tricentenario {m} |
tercet {n} (three-line stanza in a poem) | :: terceto {m} |
terebinth {n} (a Mediterranean tree) | :: terebinto {m} |
Teresa {prop} /təˈɹiː.sə/ (female given name) | :: Teresa {f} |
tergiversate {v} /tɝˈdʒɪvɝseɪt/ | :: tergiversar |
teriyaki {n} /ˌtɛɹiˈjɑki/ (a cooking technique) | :: teriyaki |
term {n} /tɝm/ (limitation, restriction or regulation) | :: términos {m-p} |
term {n} (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge) | :: término {m} |
term {n} (period of time, time limit) | :: plazo {m} |
term {n} (one of the addends in a sum or in another mathematical operation) | :: término {m} |
termes {n} (a termite) SEE: termite | :: |
terminal {n} /ˈtɚmɪnəl/ (airport building) | :: terminal {m} |
terminally ill {adj} (having an incurable condition that will lead to death) | :: desahuciado {m}, enfermo terminal {m} |
terminate {v} /ˈtɝmɪneɪt/ (to end incompletely) | :: terminar |
terminate {v} (to kill) | :: acabar |
termination {n} /tɚmɪˈneɪʃən/ (the process of terminating or the state of being terminated) | :: terminación {f} |
termination {n} (an end in time; a conclusion) | :: terminación {f}, final {m}, fin {m} |
termination {n} (an end in space; an edge or limit) | :: final {m}, terminación {f} |
termination {n} (the last part (or morpheme) of a word, see also: suffix) | :: terminación {f}, desinencia {f} |
termination {n} (ending up of a polypeptid chain) | :: terminación {f} |
termination {n} | :: terminación {f} |
terminological {adj} /ˌtɜɹmənəlˈɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (of, or relating to terminology) | :: terminológico |
terminology {n} /ˌtɚməˈnɑləd͡ʒi/ (the doctrine of terms; a theory of terms or appellations; a treatise on terms, a system of specialized terms) | :: terminología |
terminology {n} (terms used in any business, art, etc) | :: terminología |
termite {n} /ˈtɜː(ɹ).maɪt/ (insect) | :: termes {m}, comején {m}, termita {f} |
term of address {n} (word or phrase used to address or refer to someone) | :: término de tratamiento {m} |
term of art {n} (term specific to a particular field) SEE: technical term | :: |
term of endearment {n} (word, phrase, or nickname expressing affection) | :: palabra de afecto {f}, palabra tierna {f}, palabra afectuosa {f}, palabra cariñosa {f} |
terms and conditions {n} (legal restriction on use) | :: términos y condiciones |
tern {n} /tɝn/ (bird of family Sternidae) | :: charrán {m}, fumarel {m}, gaviotín {m} |
ternary {adj} (Made up of three things) | :: ternario |
terpene {n} | :: terpeno {m} |
Terpsichore {prop} /ˌtəːpˈsɪkəɹi/ (Greek mythology: one of the nine muses) | :: Terpsícore {f}, Terpsícora {f} |
Terra {prop} (the Planet Earth) SEE: Earth | :: |
terrace {n} /ˈtɛɹəs/ (platform that extends outwards from a building) | :: terraza {f}, terrado {m} |
terrace {n} (raised, flat-topped bank of earth with sloping sides) | :: bancal {m} |
terrace {v} (to provide with a terrace) | :: terraplenar |
terrace {v} (to form something into a terrace) | :: aterrazar |
terraced house {n} (type of house) SEE: rowhouse | :: |
Terracotta Army {prop} (the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor of China) | :: Guerreros de terracota {m-p} |
Terracotta Warriors {prop} (Terracotta Army) SEE: Terracotta Army | :: |
terra firma {n} /tɛɹəˈfɜːmə/ (land, as opposed to water or air) | :: tierra firme {f} |
terraforming {n} (planetary engineering) | :: terraformación {f} |
terrain {n} /tə.ˈreɪn/ (area) | :: terreno {m} |
terramare {n} /ˌtɛɹəˈmɑːɹɪ/ (prehistoric settlements of the Po valley) | :: terramaras {f-p} |
Terran {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
terrapin {n} /ˈtɛɹəpɪn/ (small turtle) | :: terrapene {f} |
terraqueous {adj} (Comprising land and water) | :: terráqueo {m} |
terrarium {n} /tə.ˈɹɛɹ.i.əm/ (an enclosure where very small animals are displayed) | :: terrario {m} |
Terrassa {prop} (city) | :: Tarrasa {f} |
terrestrial {adj} /təˈɹɛstɹi.əl/ (of, relating to, or inhabiting the Earth or its inhabitants) | :: terrestre |
terrestrial {adj} (living or growing on land; not aquatic) | :: terrestre |
Terrestrial {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling | :: |
terrible {adv} /ˈtɛ.ɹə.bl̩/ (dreadful; causing alarm or fear) | :: terrible |
terrible {adv} | :: terrible |
terribly {adv} /ˈtɛɹ.ɪ.bli/ (very; extremely) | :: rematadamente |
terrific {adj} /təˈɹɪfɪk/ (extremely good) | :: estupendo |
terrify {v} /ˈtɛɹɪfaɪ/ (to frighten greatly; to fill with terror) | :: aterrar |
terrifying {adj} /ˈtɛɹɪfaɪ.ɪŋ/ (frightening or intimidating) | :: terrorífico {m}, aterrador {m}, aterrorizante |
territorial {adj} /ˌtɛ.ɹɪˈtɔː.ɹi.əl/ (of, relating to, or restricted to a specific geographic area, or territory) | :: territorial |
territorial waters {n} (belt of coastal waters) | :: mar territorial {m} |
territory {n} /ˈtɛɹɪˌtɔɹi/ (large tract of land) | :: territorio {m} |
territory {n} (administrative unit) | :: territorio {m} |
territory {n} (area which an animal defends) | :: territorio {m} |
terror {n} /ˈtɛɚ/ (extreme fear) | :: terror {m} |
terror {n} (something causing fear) | :: terror {m} |
terrorism {n} /ˈtɛɹəɹɪzəm/ (use of terror as a means of coercion) | :: terrorismo {m} |
terrorist {n} /ˈtɛɹəɹɪst/ (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle) | :: terrorista {m} {f} |
terrorist {adj} (of or relating to terrorism) | :: terrorista |
terse {adj} /tɜːs/ (brief, concise, to the point, see also: brief; concise) | :: conciso {m}, concisa {f}, lacónico {m}, lacónica {f} |
terse {adj} (abruptly or brusquely short) | :: brusco {m}, brusca {f}, lacónico, lacónica {f} |
tertiary {adj} /ˈtɜː.ʃi.ə.ɹiː/ (of third rank or order) | :: terciario |
Teruel {prop} (city) | :: Teruel |
terza rima {n} /ˌtɝtsə ˈɹimə/ (arrangement of triplets rhyming aba bcb cdc) | :: terceto encadenado {m} |
tesla {n} /ˈtɛslə/ (Unit of measurement of magnetic flux density) | :: tesla {m} |
tesseract {n} (four-dimensional analogue of a cube) | :: teseracto {m} |
test {n} /tɛst/ (challenge, trial) | :: prueba {f}, probatura |
test {n} (academics: examination) | :: examen {m}, test {m} |
test {n} (product examination) | :: prueba {f}, test {m} |
test {v} (to challenge) | :: probar, testear |
test {v} (to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions) | :: examinar, probar, testear |
test {v} | :: examinar, probar |
testament {n} /ˈtɛst.ə.mənt/ (part of the Bible) | :: testamento {m} |
testamentary {adj} (of or pertaining to a will or testament) | :: testamentario |
testicle {n} /ˈtɛstɪkəl/ (male sex gland) | :: testículo {m}, cojón {m} [vulgar], pelota {f} (vulgar, generally in plural +-s), huevo {m} (vulgar), bola {f} (vulgar, generally in plural +-s), cataplines {m-p} [Spain, colloquial] |
testicular {adj} /tɛsˈtɪkjələ/ (pertaining to the testicles) | :: testicular |
testify {v} /ˈtɛstɪfaɪ/ (to make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath) | :: testificar |
testify {v} (to make a statement based on personal knowledge or faith) | :: atestiguar, aseverar |
testimonial {n} (statement given under oath) SEE: testimony | :: |
testimonial {n} (tribute of someone's service) | :: referencias {f-p} |
testimony {n} /ˈtɛstɪmoʊni/ (statement in court) | :: testimonio {m} |
testing {n} /ˈtɛstɪŋ/ (the act of conducting a test) | :: prueba |
testosterone {n} /tɛsˈtɒstəˌɹəʊn/ (steroid hormone) | :: testosterona {f} |
test pilot {n} (aviator who flies new and modified aircraft in specific maneuvers) | :: piloto de prueba {m} |
test the waters {v} (explore or probe) | :: tantear el terreno, catar el melón |
test tube {n} (glass tube) | :: tubo de ensayo {m} |
test tube baby {n} (baby who was conceived by in vitro fertilisation) | :: niño probeta {m}, niña probeta {f} |
tetanus {n} /ˈtɛt.ən.əs/ (disease) | :: tétanos {m} |
tetchily {adv} /ˈtɛtʃ.ɪ.li/ (in an annoyed or irritated manner) | :: rabiosamente, enojadosamente, iracundosamente, impetuosamente |
tether {n} (rope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement) | :: soga {f} |
tether {v} (to restrict something with a tether) | :: amarrar, acordonar |
Tethys {prop} /ˈtɛθɪs/ (moon of Saturn) | :: Tetis |
tetragon {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral | :: |
Tetragrammaton {prop} (the four Hebrew letters י-ה-ו-ה, used as the ineffable name of God) | :: tetragrámaton {m} |
tetrahedron {n} /tɛtɹəˈhiːdɹən/ (polyhedron) | :: tetraedro {m} |
tetrahydrocannabinol {n} /tɛtɹəhaɪdɹə(ʊ)ˈkænəbɪnɒl/ (THC) | :: tetrahidrocannabinol {m} |
tetrahydropyran {n} (six-membered heterocyclic ether) | :: tetrahidropirano {m} |
tetralogy {n} /tɛˈtɹælədʒi/ (A series of four related works) | :: tetralogía {f} |
tetralogy of Fallot {n} (congenital heart defect) | :: tetralogía de Fallot {f} |
tetrameter {n} (a line in a poem having four metrical feet (poetry)) | :: tetrámetro {m} |
tetraplegia {n} (paralysis of all four limbs) | :: tetraplejia {f}, tetraplejía {f} |
tetraplegic {n} (quadriplegic) SEE: quadriplegic | :: |
tetrapod {n} (any vertebrate with four limbs) SEE: quadruped | :: |
tetrarchy {n} (government by four people) | :: tetrarquía {f} |
tetrasyllabic {adj} /ˌtɛ.tɹə.sɪˈlæ.bɪk/ | :: tetrasílabo |
Tetris {prop} /ˈtɛtɹɪs/ (game in which falling shapes must be manipulated) | :: Tetris |
tetrose {n} (sugar containing four carbon atoms) | :: tetrosa {f} |
tetroxide {n} (oxide containing four oxygen atoms) | :: tetróxido {m} |
Tetum {prop} (language) | :: tetun |
Teuton {n} /ˈt(j)u.tən/ (member of a Germanic tribe) | :: teutón {m}, teutona {f} |
Teuton {n} (German) | :: teutón {m}, teutona {f} |
Teutonic Knights {prop} (order) | :: Orden Teutónica {m} |
Teutonism {n} (German idiom) SEE: Germanism | :: |
Texan {adj} /ˈtɛksən/ (of or pertaining to Texas) | :: texano, tejano |
Texan {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of Texas) | :: texano {m}, tejano {m} |
Texas {prop} /ˈtɛk.səs/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Texas, Tejas {m} |
text {n} /tɛkst/ (a written passage) | :: texto {m} |
text {n} (a book, tome or other set of writings) | :: texto |
text {n} (a brief written message transmitted between mobile phones) | :: mensaje de texto {m} |
text {v} (to send a text message to) | :: textear, mensajear |
textbook {n} /ˈtɛkst.bʊk/ (formal manual of instruction) | :: libro de texto {m}, texto {m} |
textbook {adj} (of or pertaining to textbooks or their styles) | :: libro |
text box {n} (widget that accepts textual input) | :: casilla {f} |
text editor {n} (something used to edit text in computers) | :: editor de texto {m} |
texting {n} | :: textear, mandar texto, textar, escribir texto |
text message {n} (a brief electronic message) | :: mensaje de texto, texto {m} |
textual {adj} /ˈtɛk.stju.əl/ (of or pertaining to text) | :: textual |
textual criticism {n} (discipline for reconstructing old text forms) | :: crítica textual {f} |
texture {n} /ˈtɛkstʃə(ɹ)/ (feel or shape of a surface or substance) | :: textura {f} |
texture {n} | :: textura {f} |
-th {suffix} /-θ/ (used to form the ordinal numeral) | :: -ero [1, 3, 11, 13, 21, 23, 31, 33, ...], -to [4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, ...], -avo [8, 18, 28, ...], -imo [7, 10, 11, 12], -ésimo [20, 30, 40, 50, ... 100, ...] |
Thaddaeus {prop} (the Apostle) | :: Tadeo |
Thaddaeus {prop} (male given name) | :: Tadeo |
Thai {adj} /taɪ/ (of or pertaining to Thailand) | :: tailandés |
Thai {n} (person from Thailand or of Thai origin) | :: tailandés {m} |
Thai {n} (language) | :: tailandés {m} |
Thai boxing {n} (Muay Thai) SEE: Muay Thai | :: |
Thaification {n} (assimilation) | :: taificación {f} |
Thailand {prop} /ˈtaɪ̯lænd/ (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Tailandia {f} |
Thais {prop} (female given name) | :: Taís |
thalamic {adj} (of or pertaining to the thalamus) | :: talámico |
thalamo- {prefix} (thalamus) | :: talamo- |
thalamostriate {adj} (relating to the corpus striatum and the thalamus) | :: talamoestriado |
thalamus {n} (botany:receptacle of a flower) SEE: receptacle | :: |
thalamus {n} (anatomy: structure within forebrain) | :: tálamo {m} |
thalassemia {n} | :: talasemia {f} |
Thales {prop} /ˈθeɪliːz/ (philosopher) | :: Tales |
thallium {n} /ˈθæliəm/ (chemical element) | :: talio {m} |
thalweg {n} /ˈtɑl.vɛɡ/ (line that connects the lowest points in a valley or river channel) | :: vaguada {f} |
Thames {prop} /tɛmz/ (river through London) | :: Támesis {m} |
than {prep} /ðæn/ (Introduces a comparison) | :: que |
thanato- {prefix} (forming compound words indicating "death") | :: tanato- |
thanatology {n} (deathlore) SEE: deathlore | :: |
thanatophobia {n} (fear of death) | :: tanatofobia {f} |
Thanatos {n} /ˈθænəˌtɒs/ (Thanatos, the god of death) | :: Tánatos {m} |
thane {n} /θeɪn/ (A rank of nobility in pre-Norman England, roughly equivalent to baron) | :: thane {m} |
Thanetian {prop} | :: Thanetiense |
thank {v} /θæŋk/ (express gratitude or appreciation to someone) | :: agradecer |
thank {v} | :: agradecer |
thankful {adj} /ˈθæŋkfəl/ (showing thanks) | :: agradecido |
thankfulness {n} (state of showing thanks) | :: gratitud {f}, agradecimiento {m} |
thank God {interj} (exclamation of gratitude or relief) | :: gracias a Dios |
thank goodness {interj} (express gratitude) | :: ¡gracias a dios!, menos mal |
thankless {adj} (unappreciated) | :: ingrato {m}, despreciado {m} |
thankless {adj} (ungrateful) | :: malagradecido {m} |
thank one's lucky stars {v} (to be grateful) | :: darse con un canto en los dientes |
thanks {interj} /θæŋks/ (used to express appreciation or gratitude) | :: gracias |
thanks {n} (expression of gratitude) | :: gracias {f-p} |
thanks {n} (grateful feelings) | :: agradecimiento |
thanks a lot {interj} (emphatic thanks) | :: muchas gracias |
thanks a lot {interj} | :: [when sarcastic] gracias un montón |
thanks a million {interj} (thanks a great many times) | :: un millón de gracias |
thanks for nothing {interj} (unhappy for actual unhelpfulness) | :: gracias por nada |
thanks for your help {phrase} (thanks for your help) | :: gracias por su ayuda, gracias por tu ayuda |
thanksgiving {n} /ˌθæŋksˈɡɪv.ɪŋ/ (expression of gratitude, see also: gratitude) | :: acción de gracias {f} |
thanksgiving {n} (short prayer said at meals) | :: acción de gracias |
Thanksgiving {prop} (Thanksgiving Day) | :: Día de Acción de Gracias {m} |
Thanksgiving Day {n} (Thanksgiving) SEE: Thanksgiving | :: |
thanks in advance {interj} (thanks in advance) | :: gracias de antemano |
thanks to {prep} (because of) | :: gracias a, merced a |
thank you {interj} /ˈθæŋk juː/ (an expression of gratitude) | :: gracias, muchas gracias |
thank you all {interj} (thank you all) | :: gracias a todos {m-p}, gracias a todas {f-p} |
thank you very much {interj} (greater gratitude than "thank you") | :: muchas gracias, muchísimas gracias |
that {conj} /ˈðæt/ (connecting a noun clause) | :: que |
that {conj} (connecting a clause indicating purpose ("final")) | :: para que |
that {determiner} (what is being indicated) | :: ese {m}, esa {f}, eso {n} [near], aquel {m}, aquella {f}, aquello {n}, [far] |
that {pron} (that thing) | :: [near] ése {m}, ésa {f}, [far] aquél {m}, aquélla {f} |
that {pron} (which) | :: que |
that {adv} (to a given extent or degree) | :: tan, así de |
that {adv} (to a great extent or degree, very) | :: tan |
that being said {adv} (that said) SEE: that said | :: |
thatch {n} /θætʃ/ (straw for covering roofs or stacks) | :: techo de paja {m} |
Thatcherism {prop} (political ideology of Thatcher's governments) | :: thatcherismo {m} |
Thatcherist {n} (proponent of Thatcherism) SEE: Thatcherite | :: |
Thatcherite {n} /ˈθætʃəɹaɪt/ (advocate of Thatcherism) | :: thatcherista {m} {f} |
that is {adv} (in other words) | :: es decir, o sea |
that is to say {adv} (in other words) SEE: that is | :: |
that'll be the day {phrase} (said in reply to something that one believes will never happen) | :: el día que la vaca vuele |
that one {pron} (specified object) | :: ése {m}, aquél {m}, ésa {f}, aquélla {f}, ésos {m-p}, aquéllos {m-p}, ésas {f-p}, aquéllas {f-p} |
that said {phrase} (even so) | :: ahora bien, dicho lo cual |
that's all {phrase} (that's all) | :: para de contar, ya está |
that's a relief {phrase} (that's a relief) | :: ¡qué alivio! |
that ship has sailed {phrase} (that opportunity has passed) | :: ese barco ya zarpó, se te fue el tren |
that's it {phrase} (There is nothing more to the issue) | :: para de contar, ya está, eso es todo, no hay más |
that's it {phrase} (Yes!, exactly!) | :: eso es |
that's life {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life | :: |
that's that {phrase} (there is nothing more to say or to do concerning the matter) | :: y santas pascuas, sanseacabó, y punto |
that's what she said {phrase} (retort) | :: eso fue lo que ella dijo |
that train has left the station {phrase} (that opportunity has passed) SEE: that ship has sailed | :: |
that was it {phrase} | :: eso fue todo |
thaumaturge {n} (performer of thaumaturgy) | :: taumaturgo {m}, taumaturga {f} |
thaw {v} /θɔː/ (to melt, dissolve, or become fluid) | :: descongelar, derretir |
thaw {v} (to cause frozen things to melt, soften, or dissolve) | :: descongelar, derretir |
thaw {n} (the melting of ice, snow or other congealed matter) | :: deshelar, deshielo {m}, descongelación {f}, derretimiento {m} |
the {article} /ˈðiː/ (article) | :: el {m}, la {f}, los {m-p}, las {f-p} |
the {article} (used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts) | :: el |
the {article} (with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”) | :: los,las |
the {article} (with a superlative) | :: el |
the {article} (used with the name of a member of a class to refer to all things in that class) | :: el |
the {adv} (the + comparative, the + comparative) | :: cuanto + comp., comp. |
the apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to its parents) | :: de tal palo, tal astilla |
theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
theater {n} /ˈθi(ə)tɚ/ (place or building) | :: teatro {m} |
theater {n} (region) | :: zona |
theater {n} (drama or performance as a profession or artform) | :: teatro {m} |
theater {n} (medicine: operating theatre) SEE: operating theatre | :: |
theatre {n} (theater) SEE: theater | :: |
theatrical {adj} /θiˈæt.ɹɪ.kəl/ (of or relating to the theatre) | :: teatral |
theatrical {adj} (fake and exaggerated) | :: teatral |
theatrically {adv} (in a theatrical manner) | :: teatralmente |
Theban {adj} (pertaining to Thebes) | :: tebano |
the bee's knees {n} (something excellent, outstanding) | :: la mamá de Tarzán (referring to people, Hispano America), lo más, la hostia (colloquial, Spain), la leche (colloquial, Spain), la polla (vulgar, Spain), la repera (colloquial, Spain), la neta (colloquial, Mexico), las perlas de la virgen (colloquial, Mexico) |
Thebes {prop} /θibz/ (Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.) | :: Tebas {f} |
the bigger they are, the harder they fall {proverb} (proverb) | :: más dura será la caída |
the bill, please {phrase} (the bill, please) | :: la cuenta, por favor |
The Call of South Africa {prop} (a former national anthem of South Africa) | :: La Llamada de Sudáfrica |
the cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet {proverb} (some sacrifices must for something to be achieved) | :: quien quiera peces, que moje el culo |
the chickens come home to roost {proverb} (a person's past wrongdoings will always return to negatively affect them (idiom)) | :: la cabra siempre tira al monte, de aquellos polvos, estos lodos |
the coast is clear {phrase} (there is no danger) | :: no hay moros en la costa |
the cowl does not make the monk {proverb} (superficial trappings) | :: el hábito no hace al monje |
the cure is worse than the disease {phrase} (The solution to a problem produces a worse net result) | :: es peor el remedio que la enfermedad, el remedio es peor que la enfermedad |
the customer is always right {proverb} (proverb) | :: el cliente siempre tiene la razón |
thede {n} (nation) SEE: nation | :: |
the devil looks after his own {phrase} (bad people often prosper unfairly) | :: bicho malo nunca muere |
the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined) | :: la suerte está echada |
the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on {proverb} (life goes on even if some will try to stop progress) | :: los perros ladran, pero la caravana pasa |
thee {pron} (thou) SEE: thou | :: |
thee {pron} /ðiː/ (Objective case of 'thou') | :: te, ti |
the early bird catches the worm {proverb} (be motivated so you can accomplish what you want, in the morning) SEE: the early bird gets the worm | :: |
the early bird gets the worm {proverb} (whoever arrives first has the best chance of success) | :: a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda |
The End {n} /ði ɛnd/ (end of a story) | :: fin {m} |
the end justifies the means {proverb} (morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary) | :: el fin justifica los medios |
the finger {n} (obscene gesture) | :: peineta {f}, corte de manga {m} |
the fox may grow grey but never good {proverb} (one cannot change one's own nature) | :: el lobo muere lobo |
theft {n} /θɛft/ (act of stealing property) | :: robo {m}, hurto {m} |
the fuck {phrase} (vulgar: intensifier used after interrogative pronouns) | :: coño {m} |
The Game {prop} (mind game) | :: El Juego |
the grass is always greener on the other side {proverb} (others' circumstances seem more desirable) | :: la hierba siempre es más verde del otro lado, el pasto siempre es más verde del otro lado |
The Groyne {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña | :: |
The Hague {prop} /ðə ˈheɪɡ/ (Dutch city) | :: La Haya {f} |
the icing on the cake {n} (something that intensifies the appreciation of something else) | :: la guinda del pastel {f} (the cherry on the cake) |
their {determiner} /ðɛɚ/ (belonging to them (plural)) | :: su {s}, sus {p} |
their {determiner} (belonging to someone of unspecified gender (singular)) | :: su |
theirs {pron} /ðɛɚz/ (that which belongs to them) | :: suyo {m}, suya {f}, suyos {m-p}, suyas {f-p} |
theism {n} /ˈθiɪzəm/ (belief in existence of at least one deity) | :: teísmo {m} |
theist {n} /ˈθiːɪst/ (believer) | :: teísta {m} {f} |
theistic {adj} /θiˈɪstɪk/ (of or relating to theism) | :: teísta |
the lady doth protest too much {phrase} (because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite must be true) | :: la dama protesta mucho |
Thelema {prop} (spiritual and social philosophy) | :: telema {f} |
thelytoky {n} /θəˈlɪt.ə.ki/ (form of parthenogenesis) | :: telitoquia {f} |
them {pron} /ðɛm/ (third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb) | :: a ellos {m-p}, a ellas {f-p} |
them {pron} | :: [direct object] les, a ellos {m} , [indirect object] a ellas {f} , ellos {m}, [after preposition] ellas {f} |
the man {n} (the best person for the job) | :: el hombre {m} |
thematic {adj} /θɪˈmætɪk/ (relating to, or having a theme or a topic) | :: temático |
theme {n} /θiːm/ (subject of a talk or an artistic piece) | :: tema {m} |
theme {n} (recurring idea) | :: tema {m} |
theme {n} (music: main melody of a piece of music) | :: tema {m} |
theme {n} (grammar: stem of a word) | :: tema {m} |
theme {n} (linguistics: topic, what is generally being talked about) | :: tema {m} |
theme {n} (regional unit of organisation in the Byzantine empire) | :: thema {m} |
theme song {n} (a song accompanying a program) | :: tema musical {m} |
the more the merrier {proverb} (it is more fun with more people) | :: cuantos más, mejor |
the more the merrier {proverb} (a greater amount of something is better) | :: cuanto más, mejor; cuantos más, mejor |
themselves {pron} /ðɛmˈsɛlvz/ (the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun) | :: se |
themselves {pron} (emphatic: they) | :: ellos mismos {m}, ellas mismas {f} |
then {adv} /ðɛn/ (at that time) | :: entonces, en aquel entonces |
then {adv} (soon afterward) | :: luego |
then {adv} (next in order) | :: después |
then {adv} (in that case) | :: entonces |
then {adv} (at the same time; on the other hand) | :: también |
then {adj} (being so at that time) | :: de entonces |
then {n} (that time) | :: entonces |
thenar {adj} /θiːnə/ (relating to the palm or sole) | :: tenar |
thence {adv} /ðɛns/ (from there) | :: desde ahí |
the night is young {phrase} (it's not very late) | :: la noche es joven |
Theobald {prop} /ˈtɪbəɫd/ (male given name) | :: Teobaldo {m} |
theocracy {n} /θiːˈɒkɹəsɪ/ (government under the control of a Church) | :: teocracia {f} |
theocracy {n} (rule by God or gods) | :: teocracia {f} |
theocrat {n} (advocate) | :: teócrata {m} {f} |
theocratic {adj} (pertaining to theocracy) | :: teocrático |
theodicy {n} /θiːˈɒd.ɪ.si/ (justification of a deity) | :: teodicea {f} |
theodolite {n} /θiːˈɒdəlaɪt/ (instrument) | :: teodolito {m} |
Theodora {prop} (female given name) | :: Teodora |
Theodore {prop} (male given name) | :: Teodoro {m} |
theogony {n} /θɪˈɒɡənɪ/ (origination of gods or a narrative describing the origin of gods) | :: teogonía |
theologian {n} /θi.əˈloʊdʒən/ (one who studies theology) | :: teólogo {m}, teóloga {f} |
theologic {adj} (theological) SEE: theological | :: |
theological {adj} /θi.əˈlɑd͡ʒɪkl/ (of or relating to theology) | :: teológico |
theologically {adv} (in a theological manner) | :: teológicamente |
theologist {n} (theologian) SEE: theologian | :: |
theology {n} /θi.ˈɒ.lə.dʒi/ (study of God, or a god, or gods) | :: teología {f} |
the one {n} (person destined to save the universe or world, also called the Chosen One) | :: el elegido {m}, la elegida {f} |
theophany {n} /θiːˈɒfəni/ (a visible manifestation of a deity) | :: teofanía {f} |
Theophilus {prop} (biblical character) | :: Teófilo {m} |
Theophilus {prop} (male given name) | :: Teófilo {m} |
theorbo {n} /θi.ˈɔɹ.boʊ/ (theorbo) | :: tiorba {f} |
theorem {n} /ˈθiː.ə.ɹəm/ (proved mathematical statement) | :: teorema {m} |
theorem {n} (mathematical statement that is expected to be true) | :: teoría {f}, conjetura {f}, suposición {f}, especulación {f}, |
theoretic {adj} /ˌθiːəˈɹɛtɪk/ (concerned with theories or hypotheses) | :: teórico |
theoretic {adj} (existing only in theory) | :: teórico |
theoretical {adj} /ˌθi.əˈɹɛtɪkəl/ (of or relating to theory) | :: teórico |
theoretically {adv} (in theory) | :: teóricamente, en teoría |
theorist {n} /ˈθɪəɹɪst/ (someone who constructs theories) | :: teórico {m}, teórica {f} |
theorize {v} (formulate theories) | :: teorizar |
theory {n} /ˈθɪəɹi/ (a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena) | :: teoría {f} |
theory {n} (an unproven conjecture) | :: teoría {f} |
theory {n} (a field of study in mathematics) | :: teoría {f} |
theory {n} (in logic: a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them) | :: teoría {f} |
theory of relativity {n} (special and general relativity) | :: teoría de la relatividad {f} |
theosophic {adj} /ˌθi.əˈsɑ.fɪk/ (of, or relating to theosophy) | :: teosófico |
theosophist {n} (an advocate of, or believer in theosophy) | :: teósofo {m} |
theosophy {n} /θi.ˈɒs.ə.fi/ (doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism) | :: teosofía {f} |
the other day {adv} (lately) | :: el otro día, recientemente |
the other way around {adv} (same but with things reversed) | :: al revés |
the other way round {adv} (same but with mentioned things reversed) | :: al revés |
the pen is mightier than the sword {proverb} (more power can achieved writing than fighting) | :: la pluma es más poderosa que la espada |
the penny drops {phrase} (understanding is reached, one comprehends) | :: cayó el veinte (the twenty dropped), cayó la ficha (the token dropped), cayó en la cuenta |
the proof of the pudding is in the eating {proverb} (the only real test of something is as what it is intended to be used for) | :: el algodón no engaña, en la cancha se ven los pingos, no sabes la calidad de algo hasta que lo has experimentado., al freír de los huevos lo verá |
therapeutic {adj} /θɛɹəˈpjuːtɪk/ (of, or relating to therapy) | :: terapéutico |
therapeutical {adj} (therapeutic) SEE: therapeutic | :: |
therapist {n} (one who provides therapy) | :: terapeuta {m} {f} |
therapy {n} /ˈθɛɹ.ə.pi/ (treatment of disease) | :: terapia {f} |
therapy {n} (healing power) | :: terapia {f} |
there {adv} /ðɛəɹ/ (in or at that place) | :: allí, ahí, allá |
there {adv} (to or into that place; thither) | :: por allí, hacia allá |
there {n} (that place) | :: ahí, allí |
there {pron} | :: no pronoun, but use the verb haber for "be" in this sense |
thereabout {adv} (near that place, time, or date) | :: algo por ahí |
thereafter {adv} /ˌðeəɹˈæf.tə(ɹ)/ (after that) | :: tras lo cual, tras lo que |
there are {phrase} | :: hay [singular and plural] |
there are none so blind as those who will not see {proverb} | :: no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver |
there are plenty of fish in the sea {proverb} (there are more opportunities available) | :: hay más peces en el mar |
there be {v} (to exist) | :: haber |
thereby {adv} /ðɛɹˈbaɪ/ (by that) | :: así, de ese modo |
therefor {adv} (therefore) SEE: therefore | :: |
therefore {adv} /ˈðɛəɹfɔɹ/ (for that or this reason; for that) | :: por eso |
therefore {adv} (consequently; by consequence) | :: por eso |
therefore {adv} | :: por consiguiente, por lo tanto, por eso |
therein lies the rub {phrase} | :: la madre del cordero |
there is {v} (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be) | :: hay [singular and plural] |
there is an exception to every rule {proverb} (every rule has an exception) | :: no hay regla sin excepción |
there is nothing new under the sun {proverb} (there is nothing new) | :: nada nuevo bajo el sol |
theremin {n} /ˈθɛə.ɹəˌmɪn/ (electronic musical instrument) | :: theremín {m} |
thereof {adv} /ðɛˈɹʌv/ (of this, that or it) | :: de esta, de esto, de ella, de ello |
thereon {adv} /ðɛəˈɹɒn/ (within this content or context) | :: al respecto |
Theresa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Teresa | :: |
there's been an accident {phrase} (there's been an accident) | :: ha habido un accidente |
there's life in the old dog yet {phrase} | :: el que tuvo, retuvo, gallina vieja hace buen caldo [dated] |
there's many a slip twixt cup and lip {proverb} (in any situation something can always go wrong) | :: de la mano a la boca desaparece la sopa, del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho |
there's more than one way to skin a cat {proverb} (a problem generally has more than one solution) | :: cada quien tiene su manera de matar pulgas, cada maestrillo tiene su librillo |
there's no accounting for taste {proverb} (people's tastes differ) | :: para gustos hay colores, sobre gustos no hay nada escrito |
there's no fool like an old fool {proverb} (no wisdom with age) | :: la cabeza blanca y el seso por venir |
there's no place like home {proverb} (one feels most comfortable at home) | :: mi casa y mi hogar cien doblas val |
the rest is history {phrase} (used to indicate that one does not need to continue a story) | :: lo demás es historia |
thereto {adv} /ˌðɛɚˈtuː/ (translation) | :: al respecto |
thereupon {adv} /ˌðɛɹəˈpɑn/ (following that/it) | :: entonces |
there you go {phrase} (here you are) SEE: here you are | :: |
therianthrope {n} /ˈθɛɹiənˌθɹoʊp/ (any mythical being which is part human, part animal) | :: hombre bestia {m} |
thermal {adj} /ˈθɝməl/ (pertaining to heat or temperature) | :: termal |
thermal {adj} (providing efficient insulation so as to keep the body warm) | :: termal |
thermal {adj} (caused, brought about by heat) | :: térmico |
thermal conductivity {n} (measure of the ability to conduct heat) | :: conductividad térmica {f} |
thermal imaging {n} (thermography) SEE: thermography | :: |
thermalism {n} (therapeutic use of hot-water springs) | :: termalismo {m} |
thermal radiation {n} (electromagnetic radiation emitted from a body) | :: radiación térmica {f} |
thermal spring {n} (hot spring) SEE: hot spring | :: |
thermic {adj} /ˈθɜː(ɹ)mɪk/ (related to heat) | :: térmico |
Thermidor {prop} /ˈθɝmədɔɹ/ (the eleventh month of the French Republican Calendar) | :: termidor {m} |
thermionic {adj} (concerning the emission of electrons from a heated electrode) | :: termoiónico |
thermistor {n} (resistor) | :: termistor {m} |
thermite {n} /ˈθɜː(ɹ).maɪt/ (mixture of aluminum and ferric oxide) | :: termita {f} |
thermo- {prefix} /θɝmoʊ-/ (heat) | :: termo- |
thermochemistry {n} (the study of the thermodynamics of chemical reactions) | :: termoquímica {f} |
thermocouple {n} (a transducer consisting of two different metals welded together at each end) | :: termocupla {f} |
thermodynamic {adj} /ˌθɝmoʊdaɪˈnæmɪk/ (relating to the conversion of heat) | :: termodinámico |
thermodynamic {adj} (relating to thermodynamics) | :: termodinámico |
thermodynamics {n} (science of heat-energy conversion) | :: termodinámica {f} |
thermoelectric {adj} (of, pertaining to, or exhibiting thermoelectricity) | :: termoeléctrico |
thermoelectricity {n} (physics: direct conversion of heat into electricity) | :: termoelectricidad {f} |
thermogram {n} (image produced with thermography) | :: termografía {f} |
thermography {n} (practice of creating images produced by infrared radiation) | :: termografía {f} |
thermojet {n} (motorjet) SEE: motorjet | :: |
thermometer {n} /θɚˈmɑmɪtɚ/ (apparatus used to measure temperature) | :: termómetro {m} |
thermonuclear {adj} (of, or relating to the fusion of atomic nuclei at high temperatures) | :: termonuclear |
thermonuclear weapon {n} (weapon) | :: bomba termonuclear {f} |
thermophile {n} (organism that lives and thrives at relative high temperatures) | :: termófilo |
thermoplastic {adj} (softening when heated) | :: termoplástico |
thermoplastic {n} (plastic with this property) | :: termoplástico {m} |
Thermopylae {prop} /θɚˈmɑpɪli/ (narrow pass in eastern Greece) | :: Termópilas {f-p} |
thermos {n} /ˈθɜː.mɒs/ (vacuum flask) | :: termo {m} |
thermosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) | :: termosfera {f} |
thermostat {n} /ˈθɝməstæt/ (device which maintains the desired temperature) | :: termostato {m} |
thermotherapy {n} (the use of heat to treat disease) | :: termoterapia {f} |
the road to hell is paved with good intentions {proverb} (well-intended acts can lead to disasters) | :: el infierno está lleno de buenas intenciones, el camino al infierno está empedrado de buenas intenciones, el infierno está empedrado de buenas intenciones |
Theron {prop} /ˈθɛɹən/ (5th century BC tyrant of Akragas) | :: Terón {m} |
thesaurus {n} /θɪˈsɔːɹəs/ (book of synonyms) | :: diccionario de sinónimos {m} |
these {determiner} /ðiːz/ (plural of this) | :: estos {m}, estas {f} |
these {pron} (plural of this) | :: éstos |
these days {adv} (currently) | :: hogaño |
Theseus {prop} /ˈθiːsiːəs/ (hero) | :: Teseo |
the shoemaker's children go barefoot {proverb} (one often neglects those closest to oneself) | :: en casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo (in a blacksmith's house the knife is made of wood) |
thesis {n} /ˈθiːsɪs/ (statement supported by arguments) | :: tesis {f} |
thesis {n} (written essay submitted for a university degree) | :: tesis doctoral {f} |
thesis defense {n} (final step in earning a doctorate) | :: defensa doctoral {f} |
thespian {adj} /ˈθɛspi.ən/ (of, or relating to drama and acting) | :: actoral |
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak {proverb} (achieving something is made impossible by frailty) | :: el espíritu está presto, mas la carne enferma |
Thessalonians {prop} /θɛsəˈloʊni.ənz/ (books of the Bible) | :: Tesalonicenses |
Thessaloniki {prop} /ˌθɛsələˈniːki/ (city in Greece) | :: Salónica {f} |
Thessaly {prop} /ˈθesəli/ (region of Greece) | :: Tesalia {f} |
the straw that broke the camel's back {n} (small additional burden which causes failure) | :: la gota que colmó el vaso, ser la gota que colma el vaso, la gota que derramó el vaso |
the streets are paved with gold {phrase} (place where it is easy to live well) | :: los perros se atan con longaniza |
theta {n} /ˈθeɪtə/ (Greek letter) | :: zeta {f}, theta {f}, tita {f} |
theta wave {n} (electrical activity in the brain) | :: onda theta {f} |
the terrorists will have won {phrase} | :: los terroristas han vencido |
the thing is {phrase} (introduce main point) | :: es que, el caso es que |
thetic {adj} (pertaining to a thesis) | :: tético |
thetic {adj} (dogmatic) | :: tético |
Thetis {prop} /ˈθɛtɪs/ (the mother of Achilles) | :: Tetis {f} |
the whole nine yards {n} ((And) everything) | :: y toda la pesca |
the whole while {n} (always) | :: todo el tiempo |
the wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature {proverb} (one cannot change one's own nature) | :: el lobo muere lobo |
the world is one's oyster {proverb} (all opportunities are open to someone) | :: el mundo es tuyo, te vas a comer el mundo {m} |
the world is one's oyster {proverb} | :: el mundo es tuyo, te vas a comer el mundo |
they {pron} /ðeɪ/ (third-person plural pronoun) | :: ellos {m}, ellas {f} |
they {pron} (third-person singular, of unknown, irrelevant or non-binary gender) | :: se [reflexive] |
they {pron} (one, people, some people) | :: se, uno {m}, una {f} |
thick {adj} /θɪk/ (relatively great in extent from one surface to another) | :: grueso, espeso |
thick {adj} (having a viscous consistency) | :: espeso |
thick and thin {n} | :: a las duras y a las maduras |
thick as a plank {adj} | :: no tener dos dedos de frente, más bruto que un arado, más simple que el mecanismo de un botijo |
thick as thieves {adj} (intimate, close-knit) | :: como uña y mugre |
thick-billed murre {n} (Uria lomvia) | :: arao de Brünnich {m} |
thicken {v} /ˈθɪkən/ ((transitive) to make more viscous) | :: espesar |
thickening {n} (the process of making something, or becoming, thick or viscous) | :: espesamiento {m} |
thickening {n} (a substance, usually a source of starch, used to thicken a sauce) | :: espesante {m} |
thicket {n} /ˈθɪkɪt/ (copse) | :: matorral, bosquecillo {m} |
thickness {n} (layer) SEE: layer | :: |
thickness {n} /ˈθɪknəs/ (property of being thick in dimension) | :: grosor {m}, espesura {f} |
thickness {n} (measure) | :: grosor {m} |
thickness {n} (informal: property of being stupid) | :: torpeza {f} |
thick-skinned {adj} (insensitive) | :: insensible |
thief {n} /θiːf/ (one who carries out theft) | :: ladrón {m}, caco {m} [colloquial], chorizo {m} [colloquial], mangante {m} [colloquial], amigo de lo ajeno [colloquial] |
thieve {v} /θiːv/ (commit theft) | :: robar |
thigh {n} /θaɪ/ (upper leg) | :: muslo {m}, muslamen [colloquial, esp. of a woman], tuto [Chile] |
thighbone {n} (femur) | :: fémur {m} |
thimble {n} /ˈθɪmbəl/ (a protective cap for the finger) | :: dedal {m}, dedo {m} |
thimblerig {n} /ˈθɪmbəlɹɪɡ/ (Sleight-of-hand betting game) | :: trile {m} |
thimblerig {n} (Person operating such a game) | :: trilero {m} |
Thimphu {prop} /tɪmˈpuː/ (capital of Bhutan) | :: Timbu {m} |
thin {adj} /ˈθɪn/ (having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite) | :: fino |
thin {adj} (having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt) | :: flaco, delgado |
thin {adj} (of low viscosity or low specific gravity) | :: ralo |
thin {adj} | :: [objects] fino {m}, flaco {m}, [people] enjuto {m}, delgado {m} |
thin {v} (to make thinner) | :: adelgazar |
thin {v} (to become thinner) | :: adelgazar |
thin {v} (to dilute) | :: diluir |
thin {v} (to remove plants) | :: entresacar |
thine {determiner} /ðaɪn/ (possessive determiner) | :: tuyo {m}, tuya {f} |
thine {pron} (possessive pronoun) | :: el tuyo {m}, la tuya {f} |
thing {n} /θɪŋ/ (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept) | :: cosa {f} |
Thing {n} /θɪŋ/ (public assembly) | :: thing |
thingamabob {n} (placeholder word) | :: chingadera |
thing-in-itself {n} (thing as it is independent of any conceptualization, see also: noumenon) | :: cosa en sí {f} |
thingy {n} /ˈθɪŋi/ (a thing) | :: chisme {m}, chirimbolo {m}, coso {m} [Argentina, Chile] |
think {v} /θɪŋk/ (to ponder, to go over in one's head) | :: pensar |
think {v} (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) | :: pensar |
think {v} (be of the opinion that) | :: pensar, creer, opinar |
think {v} (guess, reckon) | :: suponer, pensar |
think {v} (consider, judge, regard something as) | :: creer |
think {n} (an act of thinking) | :: pensada {f}, pensamiento {m} |
thinkable {adj} (able to be thought or imagined; conceivable) | :: pensable |
think about {v} /θɪŋk ə.ˈbaʊt/ (ponder) | :: pensar en alguien, ponderar |
think aloud {v} (utter one's thoughts) | :: pensar en voz alta |
thinker {n} /ˈθɪŋ.kɚ/ (one who spends time thinking) | :: pensador {m}, pensadora {f} |
thinker {n} (intellectual) | :: pensador {m} |
thinking cap {n} /ˈθɪŋkɪŋ ˌkæp/ (metaphorical piece of headgear for solving a problem) | :: gorra de pensar {f} |
think nothing of it {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome | :: |
think of {v} (think) SEE: think | :: |
think of {v} (To create in one's mind; to originate an idea through thought) | :: pensar en |
think over {v} (ponder or reflect) | :: ponderar, recapacitar |
think tank {n} (group producing research and recommendations) | :: tanque de pensamiento {m}, centro de reflexión {m} |
think through {v} (to fully consider an action) | :: cavilar |
think twice {v} (to reconsider, use judgement) | :: pensar dos veces, tentarse la ropa [colloquial] |
think up {v} (create in one's mind; invent) | :: imaginar |
thinness {n} (the state of being thin) | :: delgadez {f} [all contexts], flaqueza {f} [of a person], flacura {f} [of a person] |
thinning scissors {n} (type of scissors) | :: tijeras de entresacar {f-p} |
thin out {v} (to make sparse) | :: dispersar |
thin out {v} (to become sparse) | :: dispersar [pronominal] |
thin-skinned {adj} (overly sensitive to criticism) | :: picajón {m}, picajoso {m} |
thioether {n} (analogue of an ether in which the oxygen has been replaced by sulfur) | :: tioéter {m} |
thiomersal {n} (compound) | :: thiomersal {m} |
thiosulfate {n} (salt or ester of thiosulfuric acid) | :: tiosulfato {m} |
thiosulphate {n} (thiosulfate) SEE: thiosulfate | :: |
thioxanthene {n} (tricyclic heterocycle) | :: tioxanteno {m} |
third {adj} /θɝd/ (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd) | :: tercero, tercer |
third {n} (person or thing in the third position) | :: tercero |
third {n} (one of three equal parts of a whole) | :: tercio {m} |
third {n} (interval) | :: tercera {f} |
third estate {n} (caste of commoners in France prior to 1789) | :: tercer estamento {m} |
third estate {n} (commoners) | :: tercer estamento {m} |
third party {n} (someone not directly involved in a transaction.) | :: terceros {m-p} |
third person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement) | :: tercera persona {f} |
third person {n} (law: third party) SEE: third party | :: |
third-person plural {n} | :: tercera persona del plural |
third-person singular {n} | :: tercera persona del singular |
third rail {n} (the electrified rail that runs beside or between train tracks to power electric trains) | :: tercer riel {m} |
Third Reich {prop} (Germany under the Nazi regime) | :: tercer Reich {m} |
third time's a charm {proverb} | :: a la tercera va la vencida |
third wheel {n} (unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date) | :: sujetavelas {m} {f} [Spain], mal tercio {m} [Mexico], sapo {m} [Cuba], violinista {m} {f} [Latin America], chaperón, paleta |
third-world {adj} | :: tercermundista {m} {f} |
Third World {prop} (countries not alligned with the west or east during the cold war) | :: tercer mundo {m} |
Third World {prop} (developing countries) | :: tercer mundo {m} |
Third World War {prop} (World War III) SEE: World War III | :: |
thirst {n} /θɝst/ (dryness) | :: sed {f} |
thirst {n} (figuratively) | :: sed {f}, hambre {f}, ambición {f}, ansias {p} {f} |
thirst {v} (to be thirsty) | :: tener sed |
thirst {v} (to desire) | :: desear, ansiar, ambicionar |
thirsty {adj} /ˈθɜː(ɹ)st.i/ (needing to drink) | :: sediento |
thirteen {num} /ˌθɜːˈtiːn/ (the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen) | :: trece |
thirteenth {adj} /ˌθɝˈtiːnθ/ (ordinal form of thirteen, see also: 13th) | :: decimotercero |
thirteenth {n} (one of thirteen equal parts of a whole) | :: treceavo {m} |
thirties {n} (1930s) | :: años treinta |
thirtieth {adj} /ˈθɝti.əθ/ (the ordinal form of the number thirty, see also: 30th) | :: trigésimo |
thirtieth {n} (the person or thing in the thirtieth position) | :: trigésimo |
thirtieth {n} (one of thirty equal parts of a whole) | :: treintavo |
thirty {num} /ˈθɝti/ (cardinal number) | :: treinta |
thirty-eight {num} (38) | :: treinta y ocho |
thirty-fifth {adj} (35th) | :: trigésimo quinto |
thirty-fifth {n} (35th part) | :: trigésimo quinto |
thirty-five {num} (35) | :: treinta y cinco |
thirty-four {num} (34) | :: treinta y cuatro |
thirty-nine {num} (39) | :: treinta y nueve |
thirty-one {num} (31) | :: treinta y uno |
thirty-second note {n} (demisemiquaver) SEE: demisemiquaver | :: |
thirty-seven {num} (37) | :: treinta y siete |
thirty-six {num} (36) | :: treinta y seis |
thirtysomething {n} (tricenarian) SEE: tricenarian | :: |
thirty-three {num} (33) | :: treinta y tres |
thirty-two {num} (32) | :: treinta y dos |
this {determiner} /ðɪs/ (the (thing) here) | :: este,esta |
this {determiner} (known (thing) just mentioned) | :: este {m} |
this {determiner} | :: este |
this {pron} (The thing, item, etc. being indicated) | :: esto |
this evening {adv} (during the evening of today) | :: esta tarde, esta noche |
this is the life {phrase} (an expression of bliss) | :: eso es vida |
this morning {n} /ðɪs ˈmɔɹnɪŋ/ (during the morning of today) | :: esta mañana |
this one {pron} (a specified object) | :: éste {m}, ésta {f} |
this time {n} (now, today, on this occasion) | :: esta vez |
thistle {n} /θɪsl̩/ (plant) | :: cardo {m} |
thistledown {n} (pappus attached to the seeds of a thistle) | :: vilano {m}, vilano de cardo {m} |
thistletail {n} (bird) | :: piscuiz {m} |
this way {adv} (as follows) SEE: thus | :: |
this year {adv} (during the current year) | :: este año, hogaño |
thither {adv} /ˈðɪðəɹ/ (to that place) | :: por allí, hacia allá |
thixotropic {adj} (becoming a fluid when agitated but solid or semi-solid when allowed to stand) | :: tisotrópico |
thole {v} (to suffer) SEE: suffer | :: |
thole {v} (to endure, to put up with) SEE: endure | :: |
thole {n} (cupola, dome, rotunda) SEE: cupola | :: |
thole {n} (ability to bear or endure something) SEE: endurance | :: |
Thomas {prop} /ˈtɑm.əs/ (biblical Apostle) | :: Tomás {m} |
Thomas {prop} (given name) | :: Tomás {m} |
Thomism {n} (the philosophy and theology of Thomas Aquinas) | :: tomismo {m} |
Thomist {n} (follower or advocate of Thomism) | :: tomista {m} {f} |
Thomson's gazelle {n} (species of gazelle) | :: gacela de Thomson {f} |
thong {n} /θɒŋ/ (footwear) | :: [Dominican Republic] calipso {m}, [Spain's Canary Islands, Venezuela] chola {f}, [Chile, Peru] hawaiana {f}, [Argentina] ojota {f}, [Peru] sayonara {f}, [Peru] slap {m}, [El Salvador, Guatemala] yina {f}, bamba, chancla {f} |
thong {n} (G-string) SEE: G-string | :: |
Thor {prop} /θɔɹ/ (thunder god) | :: Thor {m} |
thoracic {adj} (of the thorax) | :: torácico |
thoracic cage {n} (rib cage) SEE: rib cage | :: |
thoracic cavity {n} (chamber of the human body) | :: cavidad torácica {f} |
thoracic vertebra {n} (any vertebrae in the chest region) | :: vértebra torácica {f} |
thoraco- {prefix} (thorax) | :: toraco- |
thoracoacromial {adj} (relating to the thorax and acromion) | :: toracoacromial |
thoracodorsal {adj} (relating to the thorax and back) | :: toracodorsal |
thoracoepigastric {adj} | :: toracoepigástrico |
thoracotomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: taracotomía {f} |
thorax {n} /ˈθɔɹæks/ (region of the mammalian body) | :: tórax {m} |
thorax {n} (middle of three distinct divisions in an insect, crustacean or arachnid body) | :: tórax {m} |
thorium {n} /ˈθɔːɹiəm/ (chemical element) | :: torio {m} |
thorn {n} /θɔɹn/ (sharp protective spine of a plant) | :: espina {f} |
thorn {n} (letter of the Latin alphabet (Þ, þ)) | :: thorn {m} |
thorn apple {n} (Datura stramonium) SEE: jimsonweed | :: |
thornbush {n} (thorny shrub or bush) | :: zarzal {m}, brezo {m} |
thorny {adj} /ˈθɔɹni/ (having thorns) | :: espinoso, espinudo [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua] |
thorny {adj} (troublesome) | :: espinoso, espinudo [colloquial, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala], peliagudo |
thorough {adj} /ˈθʌɹə/ (detailed) | :: minucioso |
thorough {adj} (utter; complete; absolute) | :: exhaustivo |
thoroughbred {adj} (bred from pure stock) | :: purasangre |
thoroughbred {n} (thoroughbred horse (breed)) | :: purasangre |
thoroughfare {n} /ˈθʌɹəfɛː/ (way through) | :: pasaje {m} |
thoroughfare {n} (road open at both ends) | :: vía pública {f}, vía de comunicación {f} gran rua {f} |
thoroughfare {n} (waterway) | :: canal {m} |
thoroughly {adv} /θɜːɹ.ə.lɪ/ (in a thorough or complete manner) | :: cabalmente, a cabalidad, a fondo, detenidamente, completamente |
thoroughness {n} /ˈθʌɹənəs/ (state of being thorough) | :: meticulosidad {f} |
thoroughness {n} (attention to detail) | :: detallismo {m}, minuciosidad {f}, detenimiento |
thorp {n} /θɔɹp/ (a hamlet, a village) | :: aldea {f} |
thorybism {n} (poltergeist activity) | :: toribismo |
those {determiner} /ðoʊz/ (plural of that) | :: esos {m} {n}, esas {f}, aquéllos, aquellas {f} |
Thoth {prop} /θəʊθ/ (Egyptian god) | :: Tot {m} |
thou {pron} /ðaʊ/ (singular nominative form of you) | :: tú {m} {f} |
thou {v} /ðaʊ/ (to address (a person) using the familiar second-person pronoun) | :: tutear |
though {adv} /ðəʊ/ (however) | :: no obstante |
though {conj} (although) | :: sin embargo, a pesar de |
thought {n} /θɔt/ (form created in the mind) | :: pensamiento {m} |
thought {n} (process) | :: pensamiento {m} |
thought {n} | :: pensamiento {m} |
thought experiment {n} (attempt to solve a problem using human imagination) | :: experimento mental {m}, experimento pensado |
thoughtful {adj} /ˈθɔːtfʊl/ (demonstrating thought or careful consideration) | :: detallista, minicioso, meticuloso |
thoughtful {adj} (demonstrating kindness or consideration) | :: detallista, cortés, atento |
thoughtlessly {adv} /ˈθɔt.lɪ (done without thinking) | :: desconsideradamente, a las bravas |
thought police {n} (a group that aims to control what other people think) | :: policía del pensamiento {f} |
thousand {num} /ˈθaʊz(ə)nd/ (cardinal number 1000) | :: mil {m} |
thousandth {adj} /ˈθaʊzəntθ/ (ordinal form of 1000, see also: 1000th) | :: milésimo |
thousandth {n} (the person or thing in the thousandth position) | :: milésimo {m}, milésima {f} |
thousandth {n} (one of a thousand equal parts of a whole) | :: milésimo {m} |
Thrace {prop} /θɹeɪs/ (historical and geographic area in southeast Europe) | :: Tracia {f} |
Thracian {adj} /ˈθɹeɪs.iː.ən/ (of or pertaining to Thrace, Thracians of the Thracian language) | :: tracio, traciano |
Thracian {n} (Inhabitant of Thrace) | :: tracio {m}, traciano {m} |
thrash {v} (to thresh) SEE: thresh | :: |
thrash {v} /θɹæʃ/ (to beat mercilessly) | :: vapulear |
thrashing {n} /ˈθɹæʃɪŋ/ (a beating, especially a severe one) | :: paliza, jarabe de palo, golpiza, zurra [colloquial], tunda [colloquial], tollina [colloquial] |
thread {n} /θɹɛd/ (long, thin and flexible form of material) | :: hilo {m}, hebra {f} |
thread {n} (long, thin and flexible form of material) | :: tema {m}, argumento {m} |
thread {n} ((computing): a unit of execution) | :: subproceso {m}, proceso ligero {m} |
thread {n} ((Internet): a series of messages) | :: hilo {m}, tema {m}, tópico {m} |
thread {v} (put thread through) | :: enhebrar, enjaretar |
thread {v} (to pass) | :: pasar |
thread {n} (a screw thread) SEE: screw thread | :: |
threadbare {adj} /ˈθɹɛdbɛə(ɹ)/ (cloth) | :: raído {m} |
threading {n} /ˈθɹɛdɪŋ/ (depilatory method) | :: depilación con hilo {f} |
Threadneedle Street {prop} (Bank of England) SEE: Bank of England | :: |
threads {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes | :: |
threads {n} (thread) SEE: thread | :: |
threadworm {n} (pinworm) SEE: pinworm | :: |
threat {n} /θɹɛt/ (expression of intent to injure or punish another) | :: amenaza {f} |
threat {n} (indication of imminent danger) | :: amenaza {f} |
threat {n} (person regarded as a danger) | :: amenaza {f} |
threaten {v} /ˈθɹɛt.n̩/ (to make a threat against someone; to use threats) | :: amenazar |
threaten {v} (to menace, or be dangerous) | :: amenazar |
threaten {v} (to portend, or give a warning) | :: amenazar |
threatened {adj} /ˈθɹɛt.n̩d/ (at risk of becoming endangered) | :: amenazado |
threatening {adj} /ˈθɹɛt.n̩.ɪŋ/ (presenting a threat) | :: amenazador |
threateningly {adv} (In a threatening manner) | :: amenazadoramente |
three {num} /θɹiː/ (cardinal number 3) | :: tres |
three {num} (describing set or group with three components) | :: trío {m} |
three {n} (digit/figure 3) | :: tres {m} |
Three Amigos {prop} (North America) | :: Tres Amigos |
three days ago {adv} (three days ago - translation entry) | :: trasanteayer, trasantier, antes de antayer, antes de antier |
three-dimensional {adj} (existing in three dimensions) | :: tridimensional |
three-dimensional {adj} (having depth (or the illusion of depth) as well as height and width) | :: tridimensional |
threefold {adj} (triple) | :: triple |
threefold {adv} (by a factor of three) | :: por triplicado |
threefold law {n} (religious bylaw) | :: la ley de tres |
three-headed {adj} /ˈθɹiːˌhɛdəd/ (having three heads) | :: tricéfalo |
three hundred {num} /ˈθɹiː ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 300) | :: trescientos {m}, trescientas {f} |
three marks of existence {n} (three characteristics of all phenomena) | :: tres características de la existencia {f-p} |
three o'clock {n} (the start of the fourth hour) | :: las tres {f-p} |
three-piece suit {n} (suit consisting of matching jacket, trousers and waistcoat) | :: terno {m} |
three-piece suite {n} (set of sofa and matching chairs) | :: tresillo {m} |
three-pronged {adj} (having three prongs) | :: trifurcado |
threesome {n} /ˈθɹiːsəm/ (a group of three people) | :: trío {m} |
threesome {n} (a sexual activity involving three people) | :: trío {m} |
three stops short of Dagenham {adj} (crazy; mad) SEE: crazy | :: |
threnody {n} /ˈθɹɛn.ə.di/ (a song or poem of lamentation) | :: treno {m}, canto fúnebre {m} |
threonine {n} (an essential amino acid) | :: treonina {f} |
threose {n} (aldotetrose) | :: treosa {f} |
thresh {v} /θɹɛʃ/ (to separate the grain from the straw or husks) | :: trillar, desgranar, apalear, azotar |
thresher {n} /ˈθrɛʃə(r)/ (farm machine) | :: trilladora {f}, aventadora {f}, beldadora {f} |
thresher {n} (shark of the genus Alopias) SEE: thresher shark | :: |
thresher shark {n} (any of three species of sharks) | :: azotador {m} |
threshing floor {n} (floor of a threshing house) | :: era {f} |
threshing sledge {n} (rectangular table of wood used to separate grain from straw) | :: trillo {m}, trilla {f} |
threshold {n} /ˈθɹɛʃ(h)oʊld/ (bottom-most part of a doorway) | :: umbral {m} |
threshold {n} (entrance) | :: umbral {m}, entrada {f} |
threshold {n} (point at which an action is triggered) | :: umbral {m} |
threshold {n} (income at which income tax becomes due) | :: límite {m} |
threshold {n} | :: umbral {m} |
thrice {adv} /θɾ̪̊äɪs/ (three times) | :: tres veces |
thrift {n} /θɹɪft/ (characteristic of using a minimum of something) | :: parsimonia {f}, parquedad {f}, economía {f}, ahorro {m} |
thrift {n} (savings bank) | :: caja de ahorros {f} |
thrift shop {n} (shop which sells used goods) | :: tienda de segunda mano {f} |
thrifty {adj} /ˈθɹɪfti/ (given to, or evincing, thrift) | :: ahorrador, ahorrativo |
thrifty {adj} | :: económico {m} |
thrill {v} /θɹɪl/ (suddenly excite someone, or to give someone great pleasure; to electrify) | :: emocionar, excitar, entusiasmar |
thrill {n} (trembling or quivering, especially one caused by emotion) | :: escalofrío {m} |
thriller {n} /ˈθɹɪlɚ/ (a suspenseful, sensational genre of fiction) | :: suspense {m}, thriller {m} |
thrill-seeker {n} (person who enjoys thrilling situations) | :: amante de las emociones fuertes |
thrip {n} (insect in the order Thysanoptera) SEE: thrips | :: |
thrips {n} (insect of the order Thysanoptera) | :: tisanóptero {m} |
thrive {v} /θɹaɪv/ (to increase in bulk or stature) | :: prosperar, crecer, medrar |
thrive {v} (to prosper by industry) | :: prosperar, medrar |
thriving {adj} /θɹaɪvɪŋ/ (flourishing) | :: boyante |
throat {n} /ˈθɹoʊt/ (front part of the neck) | :: garganta {f} |
throat {n} (gullet or windpipe) | :: tráquea {f} |
throat {n} (narrow opening in a vessel) | :: cuello {m} (of a bottle) |
throb {v} /θɹɒb/ (to pound or beat rapidly or violently) | :: palpitar |
throb {n} (beating, vibration or palpitation) | :: palpitar |
throe {n} /θɹəʊ/ (severe spasm of pain, especially near the moment of death) | :: agonía {f} |
thrombocyte {n} (platelet) SEE: platelet | :: |
thrombocytopenia {n} (abnormally low platelet count) | :: trombocitopenia {f} |
thromboembolism {n} (embolism) | :: tromboembolismo {m} |
thrombogenesis {n} (the formation of clots) | :: trombogénesis {f} |
thromboplastin {n} (enzyme) | :: tromboplastina {f} |
thrombosis {n} /θɹɑmˈboʊsɪs/ (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) | :: trombosis {f} |
thrombotic {adj} (of or pertaining to thrombosis) | :: trombótico |
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura {n} | :: púrpura trombótica trombocitopénica {f} |
thrombus {n} (blood clot formed in blood vessels that leads to thrombosis) | :: coágulo {m}, trombo {m} |
throne {n} /θɹoʊn/ (ornate seat) | :: trono {m} |
throne {n} (position) | :: trono {m} |
throne {v} (enthrone) SEE: enthrone | :: |
throne room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
throng {n} /θɹɔŋ/ (group of people) | :: muchedumbre {f}, gentío {m}, caterva |
throng {n} (group of things; host or swarm) | :: multitud {f}, montón {m}, caterva, hervidero, turba, recua {f} |
throng {v} (to crowd into a place, especially to fill it) | :: abarrotar, llenar |
throng {v} (to congregate) | :: congregarse, reunirse |
throttle {n} /ˈθɹatəl/ (valve) | :: acelerador {m} |
throttle {n} (the lever or pedal that controls this valve) | :: acelerador {m} |
throttle {v} (to cut back speed) | :: ralentizar |
throttle {v} (to strangle someone) | :: estrangular, ofocar |
through {prep} (to or up to, until (and including)) SEE: to | :: |
through {prep} /θɹuː/ (from one side of an opening to the other) | :: a través de |
through {prep} (entering, then later exiting) | :: a través de |
through {prep} (by means of) | :: mediante |
through and through {adv} (entirely) | :: a carta cabal, por los cuatro costados [Spain], en toda regla, de los pies a la cabeza |
throughout {prep} /θɹuːˈʷaʊt/ (in every part of; all through) | :: a lo largo de, durante |
throughout {adv} (everywhere) | :: de arriba abajo, por todo/a el/la/lo |
throuple {n} /ˈθɹʌpl̩/ (three partners) | :: trieja {f} |
throw {v} /θɹoʊ/ (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air) | :: lanzar, tirar, arrojar |
throw {v} | :: arrojar |
throw {n} (flight of a thrown object) | :: lanzamiento {m} |
throw away {v} (discard or dispose of) | :: tirar, echar, desechar, botar |
throwback {n} (atavism) SEE: atavism | :: |
throw down the gauntlet {v} (issue a challenge) | :: arrojar el guante |
throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick {proverb} (If enough accusations are made, reputation will suffer) | :: calumnia, que algo queda |
throw in the towel {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) | :: tirar la toalla, botar la toalla |
throw off {v} (lose a pursuer) | :: librarse de, deshacerse de, dar esquinazo a |
throw out {v} /ˈθɹəʊ ˌaʊt/ (dismiss or expel someone from duty or attending) | :: echar, expulsar, poner de patitas en la calle [colloquial] |
throw someone a curve {v} (to surprise with something unexpected) | :: pescar en curva (a alguien) |
throw up {v} (to vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
throw up {v} (to produce something new or unexpected) | :: lanzar |
throw up {v} (to cause something such as dust or water to rise into the air) | :: levantar |
throw up {v} (to erect, particularly hastily) | :: construir rápidamente y mal |
throw up {v} (to give up, abandon) | :: dejar, abandonar, parar |
throw up {v} (to display a gang sign using the hands) | :: echar barrio |
throw up one's hands {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) SEE: throw in the towel | :: |
thru {prep} (through) SEE: through | :: |
thrush {n} /θɹʌʃ/ (one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) | :: tordo {m}, mirlo {m}, zorzal {m} |
thrust {n} /θɹʌst/ (an attack with a sword) | :: estocada {f} |
thrust {n} (a lunge forward) | :: empuje {m}, envión {m} |
thrust {n} (force due to propulsion) | :: empuje {m}, envión {m}, impulso {m} |
thrust {n} ((figurative) primary effort) | :: énfasis {m} |
thrust {v} (make an advance with force) | :: propulsar |
thrust {v} (force something upon someone) | :: asestar, forzar |
Thucydides {prop} /θjuːˈsɪdɪdiːz/ (historian) | :: Tucídides |
thud {n} /ˈθʌd/ (the sound of a dull impact) | :: golpe sordo {m} |
thud {v} (to make the sound of a dull impact) | :: darse un batacazo |
thug {n} /θʌɡ/ (someone who treats others violently or roughly) | :: matón {m}, macarra {m} {f}, rufián {m}, perdonavidas |
thulium {n} /ˈθuːliəm/ (chemical element) | :: tulio {m} |
thumb {n} /θʌm/ (digit) | :: pulgar {m} |
Thumbelina {prop} /ˌθʌmbəˈliːnə/ (a thumb-sized girl, the main character of a fairy tale) | :: Pulgarcita {f}, Almendrita {f} |
thumbnail {n} /ˈθʌm.neɪl/ (small picture) | :: miniatura {f} |
thumbnail {v} (describe concisely) | :: pormenorizar |
thumbscrew {n} (torture instrument) | :: empulgueras {f-p} |
thumbtack {n} /ˈθʌm.tæk/ (nail-like tack) | :: chinche {f}, chicheta {f} |
thumbtack {v} (to attach something with a thumbtack) | :: tachonar |
thump {n} /θʌmp/ (blow) | :: golpe sordo {m} |
thump {n} (sound) | :: ruido sordo {m} |
thump {v} (to hit someone or something so as to make a thump) | :: golpear, azotar |
thump {v} (to thud or pound) | :: golpear, azotar |
thump {v} (to throb with a muffled rhythmic sound) | :: tamborilear, golpetear |
thunder {n} /ˈθʌndə/ (sound caused by lightning) | :: trueno {m} |
thunder {n} (deep, rumbling noise) | :: estruendo {m}, fragor {m} |
thunder {v} (to make a noise like thunder) | :: tronar |
thunderbird {n} /ˈθʌndə.bɜːd/ (mythological bird) | :: pájaro del trueno {m} |
thunderbolt {n} /ˈθʌndə(ɹ)ˌboʊlt/ (flash of lightning accompanied by thunder) | :: rayo {m} |
thundercloud {n} (cloud) | :: nubarrón {m} |
thunderous {adj} /ˈθʌn.dəɹ.əs/ (very loud; suggestive of thunder) | :: atronador {m}, tonante, tonitronante, tronitoso {m}, estruendoso {m}, tronitonante |
thunderstorm {n} /ˈθʌn.ə(ɹ)ˌstɔː(ɹ)m/ (storm with thunder and lightning) | :: tormenta {f}, tormenta electrica {f}, tronada |
thunderstruck {adj} /ˈθʌn.dɚ.stɹʌk/ (astonished, amazed or so suddenly surprised as to be unable to speak) | :: estupefacto |
thurible {n} (censer) SEE: censer | :: |
thurifer {n} (acolyte who carries a thurible) | :: turiferario |
Thuringia {prop} /θəˈɹɪndʒiə/ (state) | :: Turingia {f} |
Thursday {n} /ˈθɝzdeɪ/ (day of the week) | :: jueves {m} |
thus {adv} /ˈðʌs/ (in this way or manner) | :: de esta manera, por lo tanto, así |
thus {adv} (as a result) | :: así |
thus far {adv} (so far) | :: hasta ahora |
thwart {v} /θwɔːt/ (to prevent; to halt; to cause failure) | :: frustrar, contrariar |
thwart {n} (seat across a boat) | :: banco (de remeros) {m}, bancada {f} |
thy {determiner} /ðaɪ/ (possessive determiner) | :: tu, tuyo |
thylacine {n} (extinct carnivorous marsupial) | :: tilacino {m}, lobo de Tasmania {m}, tigre de Tasmania |
thylakoid {n} (membrane within plant chloroplasts) | :: tilacoide {m} |
thyme {n} /taɪm/ (plant of the genus Thymus, see also: wild thyme) | :: tomillo {m} |
thymol {n} /timɔl/ (a monoterpene phenol) | :: timol {m} |
thymosin {n} | :: timosina {f} |
thymus {n} /ˈθaɪməs/ (ductless gland located behind the breastbone) | :: timo {m} |
thyristor {n} (semiconductor diode) | :: tiristor {m} |
thyro- {prefix} (thyroid) | :: tiro- |
thyrocervical {adj} (relating to the thyroid and cervix) | :: tirocervical |
thyroid {n} /ˈθaɪ̯ɹɔɪ̯d/ (referring to the gland situated in the neck) | :: tiroides |
thyroid cartilage {n} (the largest cartilage in the larynx) | :: cartílago tiroides {m} |
thyroidectomy {n} (surgical removal of the thyroid gland) | :: tiroidectomía {f} |
thyroid gland {n} (large butterfly-shaped endocrine gland) | :: tiroides {f}, glándula tiroides |
ti {n} (seventh note of a major scale) SEE: si | :: |
Tianjin {prop} (city in China) | :: Tianjin {m} |
Tiber {prop} /ˈtaɪbəɹ/ (river) | :: Tíber {m} |
Tibet {prop} /tɪˈbet/ (region in Inner Asia) | :: Tíbet {m} |
Tibetan {adj} /tɪˈbɛtn̩/ (of or pertaining to Tibet) | :: tibetano |
Tibetan {n} (a person) | :: tibetano {m}, tibetana {f} |
Tibetan {n} (a language) | :: tibetano {m} |
Tibetan antelope {n} (Pantholops hodgsonii) | :: antílope tibetano {m}, chirú {m}, chirú {m} |
Tibetan Buddhism {prop} (body of Buddhist religious doctrine characteristic of Tibet) | :: budismo tibetano {m} |
Tibetan Mastiff {n} (Tibetan Mastiff) | :: mastín tibetano {m}, mastín del Tíbet {m}, dogo del Tíbet {m}, dogo del Tíbet {m} |
Tibetan Plateau {prop} (plateau north of the Great Himalaya ranges) | :: Meseta tibetana {f} |
Tibet Plateau {prop} (Tibetan Plateau) SEE: Tibetan Plateau | :: |
tibia {n} (bone of the leg) SEE: shinbone | :: |
tibia {n} (segment of insect's leg) SEE: shinbone | :: |
tibial {adj} /ˈtɪbi.əl/ (Of or pertaining to a tibia) | :: tibial |
tibicen {n} (flute-player) SEE: flautist | :: |
tibio- {prefix} (tibia) | :: tibio- |
tibioastragalar {adj} (relating to the tibia and astragalus) | :: tibioastragalino |
tibiocalcaneal {adj} (relating to the tibia and calcaneus) | :: tibiocalcáneo |
tibiofibular {adj} (pertaining to the tibia and the fibula) | :: tibioperoneo |
tic {n} /tɪk/ (local and habitual convulsive motion) | :: tic {m} |
tick {n} (unit of time defined by timer frequency) SEE: jiffy | :: |
tick {n} /tɪk/ (arachnid) | :: garrapata {f}, rezno {m} |
tick {n} (quiet but sharp, repeated sound) | :: tictac {m} [clock] |
tick bite {n} | :: picadura de garrapata {f} |
ticket {n} /ˈtɪkɪt/ (admission to entertainment) | :: entrada {f}, boleto {m} |
ticket {n} (pass for transportation) | :: pasaje {f}, billete {m}, boleto {m} |
ticket {n} (traffic citation) | :: parte {f}, multa {f} |
ticket {n} | :: boleto {m}, tique, [Costa Rica] tiquete {m} |
ticket booth {n} (a booth that sells tickets) | :: ventanilla {f}, boletería {f}, taquilla {f} |
ticket collector {n} (ticket validity checker) SEE: ticket inspector | :: |
ticket inspector {n} (person who checks passengers have a valid ticket) | :: revisor {m} |
ticket machine {n} (ticket vending machine) | :: máquina de billetes {f} |
ticket office {n} (an office where tickets may be purchased) | :: taquilla {f} |
ticket stamping machine {n} (ticket validating machine) | :: validadora {f} |
ticket tout {n} (person who resells tickets) SEE: scalper | :: |
ticking {n} /ˈtɪkɪŋ/ (a strong cotton or linen fabric) | :: terliz {m} |
tickle {v} /ˈtɪkl̩/ (to touch in a manner that causes tingling sensation) | :: hacer cosquillas, cosquillear |
tickler {n} (conundrum) SEE: conundrum | :: |
tickler {n} (reminder) SEE: reminder | :: |
ticklish {adj} /ˈtɪk(ə)lɪʃ/ (sensitive or susceptible to tickling) | :: cosquilloso |
tick tock {interj} (sound of a ticking clock) | :: tictac, tic tac, tic-tac |
tick-tock {v} (make clicking sounds) | :: tictaquear |
tic-tac-toe {n} (game) | :: tres en raya {m}, ta-te-ti {m}, [Mexico] gato {m} |
tidal {adj} /ˈtaɪd(ə)l/ (relating to tides) | :: mareal |
tidal locking {n} | :: rotación sincrónica, acoplamiento de marea |
tidal wave {n} /ˈtaɪdəlweɪv/ (figurative: sudden, powerful surge) | :: maremoto {m} |
tidal wave {n} | :: ola de marea {f}, tsunami |
tiddlywinks {n} (game in which the objective is to shoot winks into a cup) | :: juego de la pulga |
tide {n} /taɪd/ (periodic change of sea level) | :: marea |
tide {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide | :: |
tide {n} (low tide) SEE: low tide | :: |
tió de Nadal {n} /tiˌoʊ dɛ nəˈdɑl/ (a wooden Christmas character that is beaten until it poops gifts) | :: tió de Nadal {m}, [colloquial] caga tió {m} |
tidepool {n} | :: poza de marea {f}, charco intermareal {m} |
tidiness {n} (the quality of being tidy) | :: aseo {m} |
tiding {n} /ˈtaɪdɪŋ/ (news, new information) | :: noticia |
tidy {adj} /ˈtaɪdi/ (arranged neatly) | :: ordenado, pulcro {m}, prolijo {m} |
tidy {v} (to make tidy) | :: ordenar |
tidy up {v} (to make clean (a small room or small space)) | :: arreglar, adecentar |
tie {n} /taɪ/ (tie score) | :: empate {m} |
tie {n} (strong connection between people) | :: lazo {m}, vínculo {m}, atadura |
tie {n} (curved line connecting two notes of the same pitch, combining their lengths) | :: ligadura {f} |
tie {v} (to attach or fasten with string) | :: atar, ligar, amarrar |
tie {v} (to secure something by tying a string or the like) | :: atar, ligar, amarrar, asegurar |
tie {n} (sleeper) SEE: sleeper | :: |
tie {n} (necktie) SEE: necktie | :: |
tie {v} (to achieve the same score) SEE: equalize | :: |
tiebreaker {n} /ˈtaɪˌbɹeɪkɚ/ (something that is used to pick a winner) | :: desempate {m} |
tie clip {n} (clip to hold tie) | :: alfiler de corbata {m} |
T'ien-chin {prop} (Tianjin) SEE: Tianjin | :: |
tier {n} /ˈtɪɚ/ (layer or rank) | :: piso {m} |
Tierra del Fuego {prop} /tiˌɛɹə dɛl ˈfweɪɡoʊ/ (archipelago between Chile and Argentina) | :: Tierra del Fuego {f} |
tie tack {n} (pin to hold necktie) SEE: tie clip | :: |
Tiffany {prop} /ˈtɪfəni/ (female given name) | :: Teofania {f} |
tiger {n} /ˈtaɪɡɚ/ (The mammal Panthera tigris) | :: tigre {m} |
tiger's eye {n} (chatoyant gemstone) | :: ojo de tigre {m} |
tiger shark {n} (Galeocerdo cuvier) | :: tiburón tigre {m} |
tight {adj} (narrow) SEE: narrow | :: |
tight {adj} /taɪt/ (pushed/pulled together) | :: apretado, ajustado |
tight {adj} (under high tension) | :: tensado, tensionado, tenso |
tighten {v} /ˈtaɪ.tən/ (to make tighter) | :: apretar, tensar |
tighten {v} (to become tighter) | :: tensarse |
tighten {v} (to make money harder to obtain) | :: endurecer la política monetaria |
tighten one's belt {v} | :: apretarse el cinturón |
tight-knit {adj} (tightly knit) | :: muy unido |
tightly {adv} /ˈtaɪtli/ (in a tight manner) | :: herméticamente |
tightrope walker {n} (acrobat who practices tightrope walking) | :: funámbulo {m}, volatinero {m} |
tightrope walking {n} (acrobatic feat of walking on a tightrope) | :: funambulismo |
tights {n} /taɪts/ (women's garment) | :: panti {m} {f}, pantimedia {f} |
tights {n} (dancer's garment) | :: malla {f} |
tigon {n} /ˈtaɪɡən/ (cross between a male tiger and a lioness) | :: tigrón {m} |
tigress {n} (female tiger) | :: tigresa {f} |
Tigrinya {prop} /tɪˈɡɹiːnjə/ (language) | :: tigriña {f} |
Tigris {prop} /ˈtaɪɡɹɪs/ (river in Southwest Asia) | :: Tigris {m} |
Tijuana {prop} /tiˈhwɑnə/ (city in Baja California, Mexico) | :: Tijuana {f} |
Tijuanan {adj} /tiˈhwɑnən/ (of Tijuana) | :: tijuanense |
Tijuanan {n} (person from Tijuana) | :: tijuanense {m} {f} |
tiki-taka {n} (style of play) | :: tiki-taka {m}, tiqui-taca {m}, tiquitaca {m} |
tilapia {n} /təˈlɑːpiə/ (any fish of the genus Tilapia) | :: tilapia {f} |
tilde {n} /ˈtɪldə/ (diacritical mark) | :: tilde {m} {f} |
tilde {n} (character) | :: tilde |
tile {n} /taɪl/ (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces) | :: [glazed tile] azulejo {m}, alicatado {m}, [floor tile] baldosa {f}, [roof tile] teja {f} |
tile {v} (to cover with tiles) | :: alicatar, azulejar, poner azulejos a, embaldosar, tejar [roof], embaldosinar [Colombia] |
tiler {n} (a person who sets tile) | :: embaldosador {m}, solador {m} |
tilery {n} (a place where tiles are made) | :: tejar {m}, tejería {f} |
tilework {n} (the tiled surfaces of something, or the arrangement of tiles on a surface) | :: trabajo de azulejo {m} |
tiling {n} /ˈtaɪlɪŋ/ (covering of tiles) | :: embaldosado {m} |
tiling {n} (act of applying tiles) | :: embaldosado {m} |
till {prep} /tɪl/ (until) | :: hasta, hasta que |
till {conj} (until) | :: hasta que |
till {n} (cash register) | :: caja {f} |
till {v} (to work or cultivate) | :: arar, roturar {m} |
tillage {n} /ˈtɪlɪdʒ/ (cultivation of arable land) | :: labranza {f} |
till death do us part {adv} (phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment) | :: hasta que la muerte nos separe. |
tiller {n} /ˈtɪlə/ (machine) | :: arado cincel {m}, cultivador {m}, motoarado {m} |
tiller {n} (part of the rudder) | :: caña del timón {f} |
tillering {n} (botanical property) | :: ahijamiento {m} |
till point {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk | :: |
tilt {v} /tɪlt/ (to slope or incline (something); to slant) | :: ladear, ladearse, inclinar |
tilt {n} (inclination of part of the body) | :: inclinación |
Tilt-A-Whirl {n} (amusement ride) | :: Undulatadora |
timber {n} /ˈtɪˑmˌbəː/ (trees considered as a source of wood) | :: madera {f}, leña {f} |
timber {n} (wood that has been cut ready for construction) | :: leño {m}, madero {m} |
timber {n} (beam used to support something such as a roof or a ship) | :: madero {m}, viga {f} |
timber {n} | :: polín {m} |
timber {interj} (warning shout used by loggers) | :: fuera abajo! |
timbre {n} /ˈtæm.bɚ/ (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume) | :: timbre {m} |
Timbuktu {prop} /tɪm.bʌkˈtuː/ (city) | :: Tombuctú |
Timbuktu {prop} (distant place) | :: en el quinto pino, en el quinto infierno, el culo del mundo, en la otra punta, en la quinta puñeta, donde Cristo perdió el gorro |
time {v} /taɪm/ (to measure time) | :: cronometrar |
time {v} (to choose the time for) | :: programar |
time {n} (inevitable passing of events) | :: tiempo {m} |
time {n} (quantity of availability in time) | :: tiempo {m} |
time {n} (measurement of a quantity of time) | :: tiempo {m}, hora {f} |
time {n} (time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc) | :: hora {f}, hora del día {f} |
time {n} (particular moment or hour) | :: hora {f}, momento {m} |
time {n} (measurement under some system of the time of day or moment in time) | :: hora {f}, tiempo {m} |
time {n} (numerical indication of a particular moment in time) | :: hora {f} |
time {n} (instance or occurrence) | :: vez {f}, tanda {f} |
time {n} (ratio of comparison) | :: veces, por |
time {n} (era) | :: era {f} |
time after time {adv} (again and again) | :: una y otra vez |
time and again {adv} (often; repeatedly) | :: una y otra vez, repetidas veces, una vez tras otra |
time bomb {n} (bomb with a timeout mechanism) | :: bomba de relojería {f} |
time capsule {n} (sealed container) | :: cápsula del tiempo {f}, caja del tiempo {f} |
time dilation {n} (slowing of the passage of time at relativistic speeds) | :: dilatación del tiempo {f} |
time flies {phrase} (time seems to pass quickly) | :: el tiempo vuela |
time heals all wounds {proverb} (negative feelings eventually fade away) | :: el tiempo cura todas las heridas, el tiempo lo cura todo |
time immemorial {n} (time that extends beyond memory or record) | :: tiempo inmemorial {m} |
time is money {proverb} (time is money) | :: el tiempo es dinero, el tiempo es oro {m} |
time is of the essence {phrase} (haste is necessary) | :: el tiempo es esencial, el plazo es esencial |
time-lapse {adj} (photographic technique) | :: time-lapse {m} |
timeless {adj} (ageless) SEE: ageless | :: |
time limit {n} (time by which something must finish) | :: plazo {m}, tiempo límite {m} [literally "maximum or minimum time", not due date] |
timeline {n} /ˈtaɪmˌlaɪn/ (graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events) | :: cronología {f}, línea de tiempo {f}. |
timeline {n} (schedule of activities) | :: calendario {m}, cronograma {m} |
timeliness {n} (the state of being timely) | :: puntualidad {f} |
timely {adj} /ˈtaɪmli/ (done at the proper time) | :: oportuno |
timely {adj} (happening or appearing at the proper time) | :: oportuno |
time machine {n} (device used to travel in time) | :: máquina del tiempo {f} |
time of arrival {n} (the time when an airplane etc. is scheduled to arrive) | :: hora de llegada {f} |
time of day {n} (time according to the clock) SEE: time | :: |
time of departure {n} (the time when an airplane etc. is scheduled to depart) | :: hora de salida {f} |
time off {n} (time without work) | :: vacaciones {f-p} |
time-out {n} /ˈtaɪm.aʊt/ (in sports) | :: tiempo muerto {m}, tiempo fuera |
timer {n} /ˈtaɪmɚ/ (device) | :: temporizador {m} |
times {prep} /taɪmz/ (multiplied by) | :: por |
time-share {n} (property) | :: multipropiedad {f} |
Times Square {prop} (wide intersection in New York City) | :: Times Square {m} |
timestamp {n} /ˈtaɪmˌstæmp/ (date and time of an event) | :: cronomarcador {m}, marca de tiempo {f} |
timestamp {v} (record date and time of) | :: cronomarcar |
timetable {n} /ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl/ (a structured schedule of events) | :: horario {m} |
time travel {n} (hypothetical or fictional travel to the past or future) | :: viaje en el tiempo {m}, viaje a través del tiempo {m} |
time trial {n} (race in cycling) | :: contrarreloj {f}, contra reloj {f} |
time trial {n} (competitive event in which competitors are timed rather than racing against each other) | :: contrarreloj {f}, contra reloj {f} |
time will tell {phrase} (results of an action cannot be known beforehand) | :: el tiempo dirá |
time zone {n} (range of longitudes where a common standard time is used) | :: zona horaria {f}, huso horario {m} |
timezone {n} (time zone) SEE: time zone | :: |
timid {adj} /ˈtɪmɪd/ (lacking in courage or confidence) | :: tímido |
timidly {adv} (in a timid manner) | :: tímidamente |
timing {n} /ˈtaɪmɪŋ/ (instance of recording the time) | :: cronometraje {m} |
timing belt {n} (a part of an internal combustion engine) | :: correa de distribución {f}, banda de distribución {f}, banda dentada {f} |
Timișoara {prop} /ˌtimiˈʃwɑɹɑ/ (city in Romania) | :: Timișoara |
timolol {n} (kind of beta-adrenergic receptor blocker) | :: timolol {m} |
Timor-Leste {prop} (East Timor) SEE: East Timor | :: |
timorous {adj} /ˈtɪməɹəs/ (fearful, timid) | :: tímido, espantadizo, timorato |
Timor Sea {prop} | :: mar de Timor {m} |
timothy {n} (type of grass) | :: fleo {m} |
Timothy {prop} /ˈtɪməθi/ (books in the New Testament) | :: Timoteo {m} |
Timothy {prop} (companion of Paul) | :: Timoteo {m} |
Timothy {prop} (male given name) | :: Timoteo {m} |
timpani {n} /ˈtɪmpəni/ (kettledrums) | :: tímpano {m}, tímpanos {m-p} |
timpanum {n} (musical instrument) SEE: kettledrum | :: |
timpanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear | :: |
timpanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
timps {n} (timpani) SEE: timpani | :: |
Timurid {n} (a member of the dynasty founded by Tamerlane) | :: timúrida {m} |
tin {n} /tɪn/ (element) | :: estaño {m} |
tin {n} (airtight container) | :: lata {f} |
tin {v} (to place into a tin in order to preserve) | :: enlatar |
tin {v} (to cover with tin) | :: estañar |
tin {v} (to coat with solder) | :: estañar |
tinamou {n} (bird of the family Tinamidae) | :: tinamú {m} |
tinder {n} /ˈtɪndəɹ/ (dry sticks etc.) | :: yesca {f} |
tinderbox {n} (small container containing flint, steel, and tinder) | :: yesquero {m} |
tinderbox {n} (potentially dangerous situation) | :: polvorín {m} |
tine {n} /taɪn/ (prong) | :: diente {m}, púa {f} (on a pitchfork) |
tinea {n} (ringworm) SEE: ringworm | :: |
tinfoil {n} (tinfoil) | :: papel de estaño {m} |
tin foil hat {n} (tin foil hat) | :: sombrero de aluminio |
tinfoil hat {n} (tinfoil hat) | :: sombrero de aluminio |
tinge {n} /tɪn(d)ʒ/ (small added amount of colour; (by extension) small added amount of some other thing) | :: toque {m} |
tinge {n} (degree of vividness of a colour, see also: hue; shade; tint) | :: toque {m}, tinte {m}, matiz {m} |
tinge {v} (to add a small amount of colour, see also: tint) | :: retocar, matizar |
tingling {n} (a tingling sensation) | :: hormigueo {m} |
Tinguiririca {prop} (Tinguiririca) | :: Tinguiririca {m} |
tinker {v} /tɪŋkə(ɹ)/ (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it) | :: cacharrear |
Tinkerbell {n} (fictional fairy) | :: [South America] Campanita {f}, [Spain] Campanilla {f} |
tinkerer {n} (meddler) SEE: meddler | :: |
tinkle {v} (to urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
tinnitus {n} /ˈtɪn.ɪ.təs/ (perception of nonexistent noise) | :: tinnitus {m}, acúfenos {m} |
tin opener {n} (tin opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
tin-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
tinsel {n} /ˈtɪn.səl/ (thin strips of a glittering, metallic material used as a decoration) | :: oropel {m}, espumillón {m} |
tinsmith {n} (a person who makes or repairs things with tin) | :: hojalatero {m}, hojalatera {f} |
tint {n} /tɪnt/ (slight coloring) | :: tinta {f}, coloración {f}, colorido {m} |
tint {n} (pale or faint tinge of any color) | :: matiz {m}, tinte {m}, coloración {f}, colorido {m} |
tint {n} (color considered with reference to other similar colors) | :: tono {m}, matiz {m} |
tint {v} (to shade, color) | :: teñir, colorir, matizar |
tinted {adj} (slightly colored, having tint) | :: colorido, teñido, con un tinte, coloreado, polarizado |
tintinnabulation {n} /ˌtɪntɪnˌnæbjəˈleʃən/ (tinkling sound) | :: tintineo {m}, tañido {m} |
tiny {adj} /ˈtaɪni/ (very small) | :: diminuto, minúsculo, pequeñito |
-tion {suffix} /-ʃən/ (producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb) | :: -ción (unless previous letter was "s", when "t" remains as is, like in "digestión", "cuestión", etc.) |
tip {n} /tɪp/ (extreme end of something) | :: punta {f}, ápice {m} |
tip {v} (give a small amount of money to someone for a service provided) | :: dar propina |
tip {n} (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) | :: propina {f} |
tip {n} (piece of private information) | :: consejo {m}, dato {m} |
tipcat {n} (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick) | :: tala {f}, toña {f} |
tipcat {n} (wooden piece used in tipcat) | :: tala {f}, toña {f} |
tipi {n} (teepee) SEE: teepee | :: |
tip-off {n} (A report of suspicious behaviour, especially to an authority) | :: chivatazo {m}, soplo {m} |
tip of the iceberg {n} /ˈtɪp əv ðiː ˈaɪsbɜːɡ/ (small indication of a larger possibility) | :: punta del iceberg {f}, solo el inicio |
tip one's hand {v} ((idiomatic) to inadvertently reveal any secret) | :: revelar sus cartas, vérsele el plumero |
Tippex {n} (brand of correction fluid) | :: típex {m} |
tipping point {n} (the point at which a slow, reversible change becomes irreversible) | :: punto de inflexión {m} |
tipple {n} /ˈtɪpəl/ (area near the entrance of mines used to load and unload coal) | :: era |
tipple {n} (apparatus for unloading railroad freight cars by tipping them) | :: volquete |
tipple {n} (slang: any alcoholic drink) | :: copa, trago, botella, chiquito, chato, bebistrajo |
tipple {v} (To drink too much alcohol) | :: beber como un cosaco |
tipple {v} (to drink alcohol regularly, but not to excess) | :: pimplar, copear, empinar el codo, mojar la canal maestra, tomar, trincar, soplar |
tipsy {adj} /ˈtɪ (slightly drunk) | :: achispado |
tip the scales {v} (to turn a balanced situation to one side) | :: declinar la balanza, inclinar la balanza |
tiptoe {v} /ˈtɪpˌtoʊ/ (to walk quietly) | :: caminar de puntillas |
tip-top {adj} (excellent) SEE: excellent | :: |
tirade {n} /ˈtaɪɹeɪd/ (long, angry or violent speech) | :: diatriba {f}, invectiva {f}, catilinaria {f} |
tiramisu {n} /ˌtɪɹəˈmisu/ (semifreddo dessert) | :: tiramisú {m} |
Tirana {prop} /tɪˈɹɑː.nə/ (capital city of Albania) | :: Tirana |
Tiranan {adj} (from Tirana) | :: tiranés {m} |
Tiranan {n} (someone from Tirana) | :: tiranés {m} |
Tiraspol {prop} (capital of Transnistria) | :: Tiráspol {m} |
tire {n} (rubber covering on a wheel) SEE: tyre | :: |
tire {v} /ˈtaɪ̯ə(ɹ)/ (to become sleepy) | :: cansar, cansarse |
tire {v} (to make sleepy) | :: cansar, fatigar |
tire {v} (to become bored) | :: cansarse, aburrirse, hartarse |
tired {adj} /taɪɚd/ (in need of rest or sleep) | :: cansado, fatigado |
tired {adj} (fed up) SEE: fed up | :: |
tiredly {adv} (in a tired manner) | :: cansadamente |
tiredness {n} (state of being tired) | :: fatiga {f}, cansancio {m} |
tireless {adj} (indefatigable) | :: incansable, infatigable |
tirelessly {adv} (in a tireless manner) | :: incansablemente, a destajo |
tiresome {adj} /ˈtaɪɹsəm/ (causing fatigue or boredom) | :: fatigoso, cansador, agotador |
tiring {adj} (that tires or tire) | :: agotador, cansado, cansador, fatigoso, pesado, agobiante, cansino |
Tirzah {prop} (biblical woman) | :: Tirsá |
Tirzah {prop} (biblical place) | :: Tirsá |
tisane {n} (herbal tea) SEE: herbal tea | :: |
tissue {n} /ˈtɪʃu/ (woven fabric) | :: tejido {m} |
tissue {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) | :: tejido {m}, pañuelo {m} |
tissue {n} (aggregation of cells) | :: tejido {m} |
tissue paper {n} (thin, translucent paper) | :: papel de seda {m}, papel tisú {m} |
tissular {adj} (of or pertaining to tissue) | :: tisular |
tit {n} /tɪt/ (a mammary gland, teat) | :: teta {f} |
tit {n} ((slang, vulgar) a woman's breast) | :: macoca {f}, melón {m}, teta |
tit {n} (chickadee) SEE: chickadee | :: |
titan {n} /ˈtaɪtən/ (something or someone large in stature, greatness or godliness) | :: titán {m} |
Titan {n} /ˈtaɪtən/ (mythological giant) | :: Titán |
Titan {prop} (moon of Saturn) | :: Titán {m} |
Titania {prop} /tɪˈtɑːni.ə/ (moon of Uranus) | :: Titania |
titanic {adj} /taɪˈtæn.ɪk/ (titanic) | :: titánico |
titanite {n} (mixed calcium and titanium neosilicate) | :: titanita {f} |
titanium {n} /tɪˈteɪni.əm/ (chemical element) | :: titanio {m} |
titanium oxide {n} (binary compound of titanium and oxygen) | :: óxido de titanio {m} |
titer {v} (titrate) SEE: titrate | :: |
titfer {n} (hat) SEE: hat | :: |
tit for tat {n} (hat) SEE: hat | :: |
tit for tat {n} /ˈtɪt fə(ɹ) ˈtæt/ (act of returning exactly what one gets) | :: ojo por ojo |
tit fuck {n} (stimulation of a penis by breasts) | :: cubana {f} |
tithe {n} (tenth) SEE: tenth | :: |
tithe {n} /taɪð/ (tax paid to the Church) | :: diezmo {m} |
Tithonian {prop} (age 152.1-145Ma ago) | :: Titonico |
titian {n} /ˈtɪʃən/ (bright auburn colour) | :: castaño cobrizo {m} |
titian {adj} (of a bright auburn colour) | :: castaño cobrizo |
Titian {prop} /ˈtɪʃən/ (sixteenth century Italian painter) | :: Ticiano {m}, Tiziano {m} |
titillate {v} (to excite pleasantly) | :: titilar |
titin {n} /ˈtaɪtɪn/ (protein) | :: titina {f} |
titivate {v} /ˈtɪt.ɪ.veɪt/ (to make small improvements to) | :: arreglar, afeitar, adornar, vestirse de gala |
title {n} /ˈtaɪtl̩/ (prefix or suffix added to a name) | :: título |
title {n} (right to ownership) | :: tutela {f}, título {m} |
title {n} (name of a book, etc) | :: título {m} |
title {n} | :: título {m} |
titled {adj} | :: titulado |
title deed {n} (deed by which the title to property is conveyed) | :: escritura de propiedad {f}, título traslativo de dominio {m} |
titling {n} (stockfish) SEE: stockfish | :: |
titling {n} (Anthus pratensis) SEE: meadow pipit | :: |
titmouse {n} /ˈtɪtmaʊs/ (Any bird of the family Paridae) | :: carbonero {m} |
titrate {v} /ˈtɪtɹeɪt/ (to ascertain the concentration of a solution) | :: titrar |
titration {n} /taɪˈtɹeɪʃən/ (determination of concentration, by addition of reagent until completion of reaction) | :: valoración {f}, titulación {f} |
tits and ass {n} (entertainment involving scantily clad women) | :: tetas y culo {f} |
tits and bums {n} (tits and ass) SEE: tits and ass | :: |
titty {n} (kitty) SEE: kitty | :: |
titular {adj} /ˈtɪtʃəlɚ/ (referred to in the title) | :: titular |
titular {n} (of a title) | :: titular {m} {f} |
Titus {prop} /ˈtaɪtəs/ (book of the Bible) | :: Tito {m} |
Titus {prop} (biblical character) | :: Tito |
Titus {prop} (male given name) | :: Tito |
Tivoli {prop} /ˈtɪvəli/ (city in Lazio, Italy) | :: Tívoli {f} |
T-junction {n} (junction in the shape of a T) | :: unión en T {m} |
T-junction {n} (similarly shaped section in a pipe, etc.) | :: unión en T {m} |
Tōkyō {prop} (Tokyo) SEE: Tokyo | :: |
Tlacoachistlahuaca {prop} (city) | :: Tlacoachistlahuaca |
Tlacoachistlahuaca {prop} (municipality) | :: Tlacoachistlahuaca |
Tlaloc {prop} /tləˈloʊk/ (Aztec rain god) | :: Tláloc |
tlaquimilolli {n} (a sacred bundle) | :: tlaquimilolli |
Tlaxcala {prop} (state of Mexico) | :: Tlaxcala {m} |
Tlaxiaco {prop} (city) | :: Tlaxiaco, Heroica Ciudad de Tlaxiaco |
Tlaxiaco {prop} (municipality) | :: Tlaxiaco, Heroica Ciudad de Tlaxiaco |
Tlaxiaco {prop} (district) | :: Tlaxiaco |
TM {symbol} (trademark) | :: MR |
tmesis {n} /t(ə)ˈmiːsɪs/ (insertion of one or more words between the components of a word) | :: tmesis {f} |
to {particle} /tu/ (infinitive-marker) | :: -ar [1st conjugation], -er [2nd conjugation], -ir [3rd conjugation] |
to {prep} | :: a; para |
to {prep} (in the direction of, and arriving at) | :: a hacia |
to {prep} (used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship) | :: a |
to {prep} (used to indicate ratios) | :: a |
to {prep} (used to indicated exponentiation) | :: a |
to {prep} (time: preceding) | :: menos [Spain], para [South America] |
toad {n} /toʊd/ (amphibian similar to a frog) | :: sapo {m} |
toad {n} (very unpleasant man) | :: sapo {m} |
toadstool {n} /ˈtoʊdˌstu(ə)l/ (an inedible or poisonous mushroom) | :: seta venenosa |
toady {n} (sycophant flattering others to gain personal advantage) | :: [Latin America] arrastrado {m}, [Colombia] cepillero {m}, [River Plate region] chupamedias {m}, [Mexico] lambiscón {m}, lameculos, [Spain] pelotillero {m}, [Latin America] sobon {m}, [Miami, Latin America] come mierda {m}, [Peru] franelero {m} |
to and fro {adv} (back and forth) | :: de ceca en meca, palante y patrás |
Toarcian {prop} | :: Toarciense |
to arms {prep} (to arms) | :: ¡a las armas! |
toast {n} /toʊst/ (toasted bread) | :: pan tostado {m}, tostada {f} |
toast {n} (salutation) | :: brindis {m} |
toast {v} (to lightly cook by browning over fire) | :: tostar |
toast {v} (to lightly cook in a kitchen appliance) | :: tostar |
toast {v} (to engage in a salutation) | :: brindar por, brindar |
toaster {n} /ˈtoʊstɚ/ (device for toasting bread) | :: tostadora {f} |
toastmaster {n} (person who proposes toasts, etc.) SEE: master of ceremonies | :: |
tobacco {n} /təˈbækoʊ/ (any plant of the genus Nicotiana) | :: tabaco {m} |
tobacco {n} (leaves of certain varieties of tobacco plant) | :: tabaco {m} |
tobacconist {n} (smoker) SEE: smoker | :: |
tobacconist {n} (person who sells tobacco) | :: tabaquero {m}, estanquero {m}, tabaquera {f}, estanquera {f} |
tobacconist {n} (tobacconist's shop) SEE: tobacconist's | :: |
tobacconist's {n} (shop that sells tobacco products) | :: tabaquería {f} |
tobacco pipe {n} (smoking tool) | :: pipa {f} |
to be continued {phrase} (continues in next episode) | :: continuará |
to be honest {phrase} (frankly) | :: para ser honesta [by a female], para ser honesto [by a male], si me apuras |
Tobias {prop} /təˈbaɪəs/ (biblical character) | :: Tobías {m} |
Tobias {prop} (male given name) | :: Tobías {m} |
to boot {adv} (in addition, besides, also) | :: además |
to boot {adv} (in addition) SEE: in addition | :: |
tobramycin {n} (antibiotic) | :: tobramicina {f} |
toccata {n} /təˈkɑːtə/ (musical piece) | :: tocata {f} |
Tocharian {prop} /təuˈkɛəɹi.ən/ (language) | :: tocario {m} |
Tocharian {adj} (related to Tocharians) | :: tocario {m}, tocaria {f} |
Tocharian A {prop} (eastern member of Tocharian branch) | :: tocario A {m}, tocario oriental {m}, turfanio {m}, arsi {m} |
Tocharian B {prop} (western member of Tocharian branch) | :: tocario B {m}, tocario occidental {m}, kucheano {m} |
Tochigi {prop} (Tochigi, Japan) | :: Tochigi {f} |
tocsin {n} /ˈtɒksɪn/ (an alarm or other signal sounded by a bell) | :: rebato {m} |
to date {prep} (until now) | :: hasta la fecha |
today {adv} /təˈdeɪ/ (on the current day) | :: hoy |
today {adv} (nowadays) | :: hoy, hoy en día, hoy día, actualmente |
today {n} (today (noun)) | :: hoy {m}, hoy día {m} |
toddle {v} (walk unsteadily) | :: tambalearse |
toddler {n} (young human child) | :: niño |
to death {prep} (to a great degree) | :: a muerte |
to-do {n} (task) | :: pendientes {m-p}, encargos {m-p} |
to-do list {n} (list of errands) | :: lista de quehaceres {f} |
to do with {prep} (relate or relevant to) | :: [to have to do with]: tener algo que ver con, tener que ver con |
toe {n} /toʊ/ (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) | :: dedo del pie {m}, ortejo {m} [Chile] |
toe {n} (any equivalent part in an animal) | :: dedo del pie {m} |
to each his own {proverb} (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences) | :: cada quién a su gusto, cada loco con su tema |
toenail {n} /ˈtəʊˌneɪl/ (the plate covering the end of a toe) | :: uña del dedo del pie {f} |
to err is human {proverb} (Everybody makes mistakes) | :: errar es humano |
toff {n} (2. (Britain, derogatory) A person of the upper class, or with pretensions to it) | :: gente de arriba {f}, ricachón {m}, pijo [Spain], concheto [Argentina] |
toffee {n} /ˈtɔfi/ (uncountable: type of confectionery) | :: caramelo {m} |
toffee apple {n} (candy apple) SEE: candy apple | :: |
tofu {n} /ˈtoʊfu/ (protein-rich food made from curdled soy milk) | :: tofu {m} |
tofu skin {n} (food product made from soybeans) | :: yuba {f} |
toga {n} /ˈtoʊɡə/ (loose outer garment worn by the citizens of Ancient Rome) | :: toga {f} |
toga {n} (loose wrap gown) | :: toga {f} |
together {adv} /tʊˈɡɛðɚ/ (at the same time, in the same place) | :: junto |
together {adv} (into one place) | :: junto |
togetherness {n} (state or quality) | :: unión |
toggle {v} /ˈtɑ.ɡəl/ (to alternate between two positions using a single switch or lever) | :: alternar, conmutar |
toggle {v} (to switch between alternate states) | :: alternar |
toggle {n} (toggle switch) SEE: toggle switch | :: |
toggle switch {n} | :: conmutador |
to go {adj} (served in a takeout container) | :: para llevar |
Togo {prop} /ˈtoʊɡoʊ/ (Togolese Republic) | :: Togo {?} |
Togolese {n} (A person from Togo or of Togolese descent) | :: togolés {m}, togolesa {f} |
Togolese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Togo or its people) | :: togolés |
toil {n} /tɔɪl/ | :: esfuerzo {m} |
toil {v} (to labour, to work) | :: labrar, trabajar |
toilet {n} /ˈtɔɪ.lət/ (personal grooming) | :: aseo {m}, arreglo {m} |
toilet {n} (dressing room) | :: vestidor {m} |
toilet {n} (room used for urination and defecation, see also: bathroom; men's room; ladies' room; outhouse; portable toilet; latrine; shitter) | :: baño {m}, inodoro {m}, común {m}, retrete {m}, servicio {m} [Spain], excusado {m} [chiefly Mexico], sanitario {m} [Colombia, Mexico], poceta {f} [Venezuela, informal], váter {m} [Spain, informal], wáter {m}, watercló {m} [Latin America, informal], lavabo {m} [Catalonia] |
toilet {n} (fixture used for urination and defecation, see also: flush toilet; squat toilet; chemical toilet; urinal; latrine) | :: inodoro {m}, excusado {m}, taza del baño {f} [Mexico], retrete {m} |
toilet {n} (place resembling a filthy toilet) | :: chiquero {m}, muladar {m} |
toilet bowl {n} (receptacle designed to receive the dejections of humans) | :: taza {f}, taza del baño {f} |
toilet brush {n} (brush to clean toilet bowl) | :: escobilla de baño {f} |
toilet humour {n} (a scatological or vulgar phrase intended to be amusing) | :: chiste verde |
toilet paper {n} (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) | :: papel higiénico {m}, confort {m} [Chile] |
toilet roll {n} (roll of toilet paper) | :: rollo de papel higiénico |
toilet seat {n} (seat of a toilet) | :: asiento del sanitario {m}, asiento de la taza, asiento del inodoro {m} |
toilet water {n} (perfumed mixture of water and alcohol) SEE: eau de toilette | :: |
tokamak {n} /ˈtəʊkəmæk/ (A torus-shaped chamber in which a plasma is magnetically confined) | :: Tokamak {m} |
Tokelau {prop} /ˈtoʊkəlaʊ/ (a territory of New Zealand in the Pacific) | :: Tokelau |
Tokelauan {n} /toʊkəˈlaʊən/ (Person from Tokelau or of Tokelauan descent) | :: tokelaués |
Tokelauan {prop} (Language) | :: tokelaués |
Tokelauan {adj} (Pertaining to Tokelau, the Tokelauan people or language) | :: tokelaués |
token {n} /ˈtoʊkən/ (something serving as an expression of something else) | :: seña {m} |
token {n} (keepsake or souvenir) | :: recuerdo |
token {adj} (merely symbolic) | :: simbólico {m} |
toke tube {n} /təʊk tuːb/ (marijuana cigarette) | :: bate {m} [Honduras], canuto {m}, carruco {m} [Honduras], leño {m} [Honduras], porro {m} |
Toki Pona {prop} (constructed language) | :: toki pona |
Tokyo {prop} /toʊ.ki.oʊ/ (capital of Japan) | :: Tokio {m}, [rare] Tokyo {m}, Tokío |
Tokyoite {adj} (relating to Tokyo) | :: tokiota |
Tokyoite {n} (person from Tokyo) | :: tokiota {m} {f} |
tolar {n} (currency of the Republic of Slovenia) | :: tólar {m} |
told {v} /toʊld/ (simple past tense) | :: dijo |
told {v} (past participle) | :: dicho |
tolerable {adj} /ˈtɑləɹəbl̩/ (Capable of being borne, tolerated or endured; bearable or endurable) | :: tolerable |
tolerable {adj} | :: soportable, tolerable, aceptable |
tolerance {n} /ˈtɒləɹəns/ (ability to endure pain or hardship) | :: tolerancia {f} |
tolerance {n} (ability to tolerate) | :: tolerancia {f} |
tolerance {n} (permitted deviation from standard) | :: tolerancia {f} |
tolerant {adj} /ˈtɑːləɹənt/ (tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something) | :: tolerante |
toleratable {adj} (tolerable) SEE: tolerable | :: |
tolerate {v} /ˈtɑl.ə.ɹeɪt/ (something difficult) | :: tolerar, soportar |
toll {n} /toʊɫ/ (fee for using roads and bridges) | :: peaje {m} |
toll {v} (to make the noise of a bell) | :: tocar |
toll {v} (entice) SEE: entice | :: |
toll booth {n} (a booth on a toll road or toll bridge where the toll is collected) | :: caseta de cobro {f} |
Toluca {prop} (city of Mexico) | :: Toluca, Toluca de Lerdo |
toluene {n} /ˈtɒl.juː.iːn/ (liquid hydrocarbon) | :: tolueno {m} |
Tolyatti {prop} /tɔlˈjɑti/ (city) | :: Toliatti {f} |
tom {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute | :: |
tom {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian | :: |
tom {n} /tɑm/ (male cat) | :: gato {m} |
tom {n} (male of other animals) | :: macho {m} |
tom {n} (drum type) | :: tamtan {m} |
tomahawk {n} /ˈtɑ.mə.hɔk/ (American Indian axe) | :: tomahawk {m} |
tomatillo {n} (Physalis philadelphica) | :: tomatillo {m} |
tomato {n} /tʰə̥ˈmɑɾoʊ/ (tomato plant) | :: tomate {m} |
tomato {n} (fruit) | :: tomate {m} |
tomato juice {n} (juice made from tomatoes) | :: jugo de tomate {m} |
tomato purée {n} (concentrated sauce made from tomatoes) | :: concentrado de tomate {m} |
tomato sauce {n} (pasta sauce) | :: salsa de tomate {f} |
tomato sauce {n} (ketchup) SEE: ketchup | :: |
tomb {n} /tum/ (small building or vault for the remains of the dead) | :: tumba {f} |
tomboy {n} /ˈtɒmbɔɪ/ (girl who acts as a typical boy would) | :: marimacha {f}, marimacho {m}, machorra {f}, chicazo {m}, varonera {f} [Argentina, Uruguay] |
tombstone {n} /tuːmstoʊn/ (stone on grave) | :: lápida |
tomcat {n} (tom) SEE: tom | :: |
Tom, Dick and Harry {n} (anybody or everybody; random or unknown people) | :: Fulano, Mengano y Sotano {m}, cualquiera, Fulano, Zutano, Mengano y Perengano/Perensejo [usually the first three only], cada hijo de vecino |
tome {n} /toʊm/ (one in a series of volumes) | :: tomo {m} |
tomfoolery {n} /ˌtɒmˈfuːl.ə.ɹi/ (foolish behaviour) | :: payasada {f} |
tomnoddy {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin | :: |
tomnoddy {n} /tɒmˈnɒdɪ/ (a fool or dunce) | :: burro {m}, imbécil {m} {f} |
tomography {n} (imaging by sections or sectioning) | :: tomografía {f} |
tomorrow {adv} /təˈmɑɹoʊ/ (on the day after the present day) | :: mañana |
tomorrow {n} (the day after the present day) | :: mañana {f} |
tomorrow is another day {proverb} /təˈmɑɹoʊ ɪz əˈnʌðɚ deɪ/ (a phrase indicating that tomorrow will bring new opportunities) | :: mañana será otro día |
tomorrow night {adv} (during the night of the day after) | :: mañana por la noche |
tomorrow night {n} (night after the present day) | :: mañana por la noche |
Tom Thumb {prop} (the thumb-sized hero of a fairy tale) | :: Pulgarcito {m} |
-tomy {suffix} /-təmi/ (cutting, incision, section) | :: -tomía {f} |
ton {n} /tʌn/ (unit of weight) | :: tonelada {f} |
ton {n} (large amount) | :: a base de bien, a cholón, a cascoporro, a porrillo, a espuertas, a mansalva, a punta de pala, a patadas |
tonal {adj} /ˈtoʊnəl/ (of or relating to tones or tonality) | :: tonal |
tonal {adj} (employing tones that have a predictable relationship to some tonic) | :: tonal |
tone {n} /toʊn/ (specific pitch, quality and duration; a note) | :: tono {m} |
tone {n} (interval of a major second) | :: tono {m} |
tone {n} (character of a sound, especially the timbre of an instrument or voice) | :: tono {m} |
tone {n} (pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning) | :: tono {m} |
tone {n} (manner in which speech or writing is expressed) | :: tono {m} |
tone {n} (shade or quality of a colour) | :: tono {m} |
tone-deaf {n} (unable to distinguish differences in pitch) | :: sin oído musical |
tone mark {n} (tone mark) | :: marca de tono {f} |
toneme {n} (phoneme) | :: tonema {m} |
tone poem {n} (piece of symphonic music which has a narrative) SEE: symphonic poem | :: |
toner {n} /ˈtoʊnɚ/ (powder used in laser printers and photocopiers) | :: tóner {m} |
toner {n} (cosmetic lotion designed to cleanse the skin and shrink pores) | :: tónico {m} |
tone sandhi {n} (change of tone) | :: sandhi tonal |
tong {n} /tɒŋ/ (tool) | :: tenaza {f} |
tong {v} (to use tongs) | :: usar tenaza |
tong {v} (to grab, manipulate or transport something using tongs) | :: usar tenaza |
Tonga {prop} /ˈtɑŋ.ɡə/ (country) | :: Tonga |
Tongan {n} /ˈtɒŋən/ (Austronesian language) | :: tongano {m} |
Tongan {n} (person from Tonga or of Tongan descent) | :: tongano {m}, tongana {f} |
Tongan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tonga, Tongans or their language) | :: tongano {m} |
tongs {n} /tɔŋz/ (an instrument) | :: pinzas {f-p} |
tongue {n} /tʌŋ/ (organ) | :: lengua {f}, sinhueso {f} [colloquial] |
tongue {n} (flap in a shoe) | :: lengüeta {f} |
tongue {n} (language) SEE: language | :: |
tongue and groove {n} (joint, in flooring or panelling) | :: machihembrado, machimbre |
tongue-twister {n} (phrase which is difficult to say) | :: trabalenguas {m} |
tonic {n} (soda pop) SEE: soda pop | :: |
tonic {adj} /ˈtɒnɪk/ (curative) | :: tónico |
tonic {n} (substance) | :: tónico {m} |
tonic {n} (tonic water) SEE: tonic water | :: |
tonic water {n} (carbonated beverage) | :: tónica {f}, agua tónica {f}, [Latin America] aguaquina {f} |
tonify {v} | :: tonificar |
tonight {adv} /təˈnaɪt/ (during today's evening) | :: esta noche, esta tarde |
tonight {adv} (during today's nighttime) | :: esta noche |
tonight {n} (nighttime today) | :: esta noche |
tonne {n} /tʌn/ (1000 kilograms) | :: tonelada {f}, tonelada métrica {f} |
tonsil {n} /ˈtɑn.səl/ (palatine tonsil) | :: amígdala {f}, amígdala palatina {f} |
tonsil {n} (any of the lymphoid masses) | :: amígdala |
tonsillectomy {n} (surgical removal of tonsils) | :: amigdalectomía {f} |
tonsillitis {n} /tɒnsəˈlaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of the tonsils) | :: amigdalitis {f} |
tonsillolith {n} (calculus) | :: tonsilolito {m} |
tonsorial {adj} | :: barberil, tonsoril |
tonsure {v} /ˈtɒn.ʃə(ɹ)/ (shave the crown of the head) | :: tonsurar |
tonsure {n} (ritual shaving of this kind) | :: tonsura {f} |
tonsure {n} (bald patch resulting from being tonsured) | :: tonsura {f} |
tontine {n} /tɒnˈtiːn/ | :: tontina {f} |
too {adv} /tu/ (likewise) | :: también |
too {adv} (more than enough; as too much) | :: demasiado |
too bad {phrase} (that's a pity) | :: que lástima, ni modo [familiar, Mexico] |
too bad, so sad {phrase} (expression of mocking sympathy) | :: qué pena me das |
toodeloo {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
tool {n} /tuːl/ (mechanical device intended to make a task easier) | :: herramienta {f} |
tool {n} (equipment used in a profession) | :: herramienta {f}, utensilio {m} |
tool {n} (penis) | :: instrumento {m} |
toolbar {n} (row of icons in a graphical user interface) | :: barra de herramientas {f} |
toolbox {n} /ˈtuːlˌbɑks/ (storage case for tools) | :: caja de instrumento |
toolkit {n} (assembly of tools) | :: herramental, instrumental |
toolset {n} (collection of tools) | :: herramental, instrumental |
tooltip {n} (an element of a graphical user interface) | :: tooltip {m} |
too many {determiner} (excessive) | :: demasiado |
too many cooks spoil the broth {proverb} (with too many people a task won't be done very well) | :: muchas manos en un plato causan arrebato |
too much {adv} /tu ˈmʌtʃ/ (excessively) | :: demasiado, en demasía |
toon {n} (town) SEE: town | :: |
to one's knowledge {prep} (to one's knowledge) | :: que yo sepa, por lo que sepa |
to one's way of thinking {prep} (in one's opinion) SEE: in one's opinion | :: |
tooth {n} /tuːθ/ (biological tooth) | :: diente {m} |
tooth {n} (saw tooth) | :: diente {m} |
tooth {n} (gear tooth) | :: diente {m} |
tooth and nail {adv} (viciously) | :: con uñas y dientes (with nails and teeth), a brazo partido, a capa y espada |
toothbrush {n} /ˈtuːθbɹʌʃ/ (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) | :: cepillo de dientes {m}, escobilla de dientes {f} [Chile, Peru] |
tooth decay {n} (dental caries) SEE: dental caries | :: |
tooth enamel {n} (substance) SEE: enamel | :: |
tooth fairy {n} /tuːθ ˈfɛəɹɪ/ (a figure of modern myth) | :: ratoncito Pérez {m} (little mouse Pérez), ratón Pérez {m} |
toothless {adj} (Having no teeth) | :: desdentado, edéntulo |
toothpaste {n} /ˈtuːθpeɪst/ (paste for cleaning the teeth) | :: crema dental {f}, pasta de dientes {f}, dentífrico {m} |
toothpick {n} /tuːθ.pɪk/ (stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) | :: palillo {m}, escarbadientes {m}, mondadientes {m} |
top {n} /tɑp/ (uppermost part) | :: cima {f}, parte superior {f}, parte de más arriba {f} |
top {n} (uppermost part of a visual field) | :: cabecera {f} |
top {n} (lid, cap, cover) | :: tapa {f}, cubierta {f}, tapadera {f} |
top {n} (garment worn to cover the torso) | :: top {m} |
top {n} (child’s spinning toy) | :: trompo {m}, pirinola {f}, peonza {f} |
top {n} (top of a ship's mast) | :: cofa {f} |
top {n} (BDSM: dominant partner in a BDSM relationship or roleplay) | :: dominador {m}, dominadora {f} |
top {n} (gay sexual slang: gay man who likes to penetrate in sex) | :: activo {m}, hombre penetrador {m}, camote {m} [Mexico], mayate {m} [Mexico] |
top {v} (to cover on the top or with a top) | :: cubrir |
top {v} (to cut or remove the top) | :: despuntar |
top {v} (excel) | :: ser exitoso, ser un éxito, rendir, sobresalir, rematar |
top {adj} (on the top) | :: superior |
top {adj} (informal: best) | :: máximo |
topaz {n} /ˈtoʊpæz/ (gem) | :: topacio {m} |
top brass {n} (group of people who are the leaders) | :: plana mayor {f} |
tope {n} /toʊp/ (Galeorhinus galeus) | :: cazón {m} |
top hat {n} (cylindrical hat) | :: sombrero de copa {m}, sombrero de copa alta {m}, galera {f}, chistera {f} [Spain] |
topic {n} (discussion thread) SEE: thread | :: |
topic {n} /ˈtɒpɪk/ (subject; theme) | :: tema {m} |
topical {adj} /ˈtɒp.ɪ.kəl/ (medicine: applied to a localized part of the body) | :: tópico |
top it off {v} (emphasize) | :: para colmo |
topless {adj} | :: en topless, de topless |
top notch {adj} (Of the highest quality) | :: excelente, de primera clase |
topnotch {adj} (of the highest level) SEE: top notch | :: |
top-notch {adj} (of the highest quality) SEE: top notch | :: |
topographer {n} (A person who studies or records topography) | :: topógrafo {m}, topógrafa {f} |
topographic {adj} (of, or relating to topography) | :: topográfico |
topography {n} /təˈpɑɡɹəfi/ (the features themselves (the terrain)) | :: topografía {f} |
topolect {n} (speech-form or lect of a particular place) | :: topolecto {m} |
topologic {adj} (topological) SEE: topological | :: |
topological {adj} (of or relating to topology) | :: topológico |
topological group {n} (group with topological structure) | :: grupo topológico {m} |
topologically {adv} (in a topological manner) | :: topológicamente |
topological space {n} (a set with its topology) | :: espacio topológico {m} |
topology {n} /təˈpɑlədʒi/ (study of geometric properties that are not changed by stretching etc.) | :: topología {f} |
topos {n} /ˈtɒpɒs/ (literary theme) | :: tópico {m} |
topping {n} /ˈtɑpɪŋ/ (food on top) | :: guarnición {f} |
topple {v} /ˈtɑpl̩/ (to push, throw over, overturn or overthrow something) | :: derribar |
topple {v} (to totter and fall, or to lean as if about to do so) | :: recargar |
topple over {v} (fall over) | :: caerse |
top quark {n} (top quark) | :: quark cima {m} |
topsail {n} /ˈtɑp.seɪl/ (sail above the course sail) | :: gavia {f} |
top secret {adj} (information classified at the highest level) | :: ultrasecreto {m} |
topsy-turvily {adv} (disorderly, chaotically) | :: desordenadamente |
topsy-turvy {adj} (backwards or upside down) | :: al revés |
topsy-turvy {adj} (disorderly, chaotic) | :: desordenado, caotico |
topsy-turvy {adv} (disorderly, chaotically) | :: desordenadamente, caótico |
top up {v} (to fill) | :: rellenar |
top up {v} (to extend credit) | :: recargar |
toque {n} (knitted hat) SEE: beanie | :: |
toque {n} (chef) SEE: chef | :: |
toqui {n} /ˈ (Mapuche war chief) | :: toqui {m} |
tor {n} /tɔɹ/ (outcrop of rock) | :: risco {m} |
tor {n} (hill) SEE: hill | :: |
Torah {prop} /tɔːɹə/ (the Five Books of Moses - the full body of Jewish law) | :: Torá {f}, Toráh {f} |
torch {n} (flashlight) SEE: flashlight | :: |
torch {n} /tɔɹtʃ/ (stick with flame at one end) | :: antorcha {f} |
torch {v} (set fire to) | :: incendiar |
toreador {n} (a bullfighter) | :: torero, toreador {m} |
torero {n} (bullfighter) SEE: toreador | :: |
TORFL {n} (TORFL) | :: TORFL {m}, examen de ruso como lengua extranjera {m} |
toric {adj} /tɔːɹɪk/ (pertaining to or shaped like a torus) | :: tórico |
torment {n} /ˈtɔː(ɹ)mɛnt/ (extreme pain) | :: tormento |
torment {v} (to cause severe suffering) | :: atormentar |
tormentor {n} (someone who torments) | :: atormentador {m} |
tornadic {adj} (having the ability to produce a tornado) | :: tornádico |
tornado {n} /tɔː(ɹ)ˈneɪ.dəʊ/ (violent windstorm) | :: tornado {m} |
toroid {n} (surface generated by a closed curve (especially a circle) rotating about, but not intersecting or containing, an axis in its own plane) | :: toroide |
Toronto {prop} /təˈɹɒn(t)oʊ/ (city in Canada) | :: Toronto {m} |
Torontonian {n} /təˈɹɑn.toʊ.ni.ən/ (native or inhabitant of Toronto) | :: habitante de Toronto |
torpedo {n} /ˌtɔɹˈpi.doʊ/ (underwater weapon) | :: torpedo {m} |
torpedo {n} (fish) | :: torpedo {m}, raya eléctrica {f} |
torpedo {v} (to send a torpedo) | :: torpedear |
torpedo {v} (to sink a ship with one of more torpedoes) | :: torpedear |
torpedo {v} (to undermine or destroy any endeavor with a stealthy, powerful attack) | :: torpedear |
torpedo bomber {n} (aircraft) | :: torpedero {m} |
torpid {adj} (unmoving) | :: inmóvil |
torpid {adj} (lazy, lethargic, apathetic) | :: torpe |
torpor {n} /ˈtɔɹpɚ/ (being inactive or stuporous) | :: torpor {m} |
torpor {n} ((biology) a state similar to hibernation characterised by energy-conserving, very deep sleep) | :: torpor {m} |
torque {n} /tɔː(ɹ)k/ (a rotational or twisting force) | :: par de torsión {m}, par motor {m}, momento de fuerza {m}, par de fuerzas {m}, par {m} |
torrefy {v} /ˈtɔ.ɹɪ.faɪ/ (to subject to intense heat) | :: asar, torrefacer |
Torrejón de Ardoz {prop} (city) | :: Torrejón de Ardoz |
torrent {n} /ˈtɔɹ.ənt/ (violent flow, as of water etc.) | :: torrente {m} |
torrential {adj} /tɔˈɹɛnt.ʃəl/ (coming or characterized by torrents; flowing heavily or in large quantities) | :: diluviano, torrencial |
Torrevieja {prop} (city to the southwest of Madrid) | :: Torrevieja |
torrid {adj} /ˈtɔɹɪd/ (very hot and dry) | :: torrido {m} |
torrid {adj} (full of intense emotions...) | :: torrido {m} |
torsalo {n} (Dermatobia hominis) | :: tórsalo {m} |
torsion {n} /ˈtɔː.ʃən/ (the act of turning or twisting) | :: torsión {f} |
torsion {n} (that force with which a thread, wire, or rod tends to return to a state of rest after it has been twisted) | :: elasticidad {f} |
torso {n} /ˈtɔɹ.soʊ/ (body excluding the head and limbs) | :: torso {m} |
tort {n} /tɔːt/ (law: wrongful act causing injury) | :: delito civile {m} |
tortfeasor {n} /ˈtɔːtˌfiːzə/ (person who commits a tort) | :: agraviador {m}, agresor {m}, injuriador {m} |
tortilla {n} /tɔɹˈti.ə/ (a flat round bread) | :: tortilla de harina de trigo {f}, tortilla de harina {f}, tortilla de trigo {f}, tortilla {f} |
tortilla {n} (Spanish omelette) SEE: Spanish omelette | :: |
tortilla chip {n} (chip made from corn tortilla) | :: totopo {m} |
tortoise {n} /ˈtɔːɹ.təs/ (land-dwelling reptile) | :: [tortoise or turtle] tortuga {f}, tortuga terrestre {f}, morrocoy {m} [Venezuela] |
tortoise shell {n} (shell of a tortoise) | :: caparazón de tortuga {m} |
tortoiseshell {n} /ˈtɔː(ɹ)tə.ˌʃɛl/ (covering of carapace of hawksbill turtle) | :: carey {m} |
tortoiseshell {adj} (made of covering of carapace of hawksbill turtle) | :: de carey {m} |
Tortonian {n} | :: Tortoniense |
tortuosity {n} ((physics) property of curve being tortuous) | :: tortuosidad {f} |
tortuous {adj} /ˈtɔɹt͡ʃuəs/ (twisted) | :: tortuoso |
torture {n} /ˈtɔɹt͡ʃɚ/ (intentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony) | :: tortura {f} |
torture {n} ("suffering of heart" imposed by one on another, in personal relationships) | :: suplicio |
torture {v} (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims) | :: torturar |
torturer {n} (one who tortures) | :: torturador {m} |
torus {n} /ˈtɔːɹəs/ (topological space) | :: toro {m} |
torus {n} (shape in 3-dimensional Euclidean space) | :: toro {m} |
to scale {prep} (such that each dimension has the same proportion to the original) | :: a escala |
Tosk {prop} (Tosk) | :: tosco |
toss {n} /tɔs/ (throw, a lob, of a ball) | :: tiro {m}, lanzamiento {m} |
toss {n} (toss of a coin before a match) | :: lanzar una moneda al aire, echar un volado |
toss {v} (to throw with an initial upward direction) | :: lanzar |
toss {v} (to discard) | :: tirar, desechar |
toss {v} (to stir or mix (a salad)) | :: mezclar, revolver |
toss a coin {v} (to flick a coin for making a decision) | :: lanzar una moneda |
toss and turn {v} (unable to lie still) | :: dar vueltas en la cama |
tosser {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker | :: |
tostone {n} (Mexican dish of fried, sliced plantain) | :: tostón |
tot {n} (small child) | :: infante |
total {n} /ˈtəʊ.təl/ (amount) | :: total {m}, montante |
total {n} (sum) | :: suma {f} |
total {adj} (entire) | :: total |
total {adj} (complete) | :: total |
total eclipse {n} (eclipse in which the eclipsed body is completely obscured to the viewer) | :: eclipse total {m} |
totalitarian {adj} /ˌtoʊtəlɪˈtɛəɹiən/ (related to the system of government) | :: totalitario |
totalitarianism {n} (system where state wields absolute control) | :: totalitarismo |
totality {n} /toʊˈtælɨti/ (state of being total) | :: totalidad {f} |
totalizer {n} (person or object that totals) | :: totalizador {m} |
totally {adv} /ˈtoʊt.əl.i/ (In a total manner; completely) | :: totalmente |
total order {n} (partial order that applies an order to any two elements) | :: orden total {m} |
total war {n} (warfare where all of a country's resources are employed) | :: guerra total {f} |
to taste {prep} (depending on personal taste) | :: al gusto |
Totatiche {prop} (town) | :: Totatiche |
totem {n} /ˈtoʊtəm/ (natural object or living creature that serves as an emblem of a tribe) | :: tótem {m} |
totemic {adj} (serving as, or relating to, a totem) | :: totémico |
totem pole {n} (sculpture) | :: tótem {m} |
to that end {prep} (therefore) SEE: therefore | :: |
to the full {prep} (fully, completely) | :: a tope |
to the letter {adv} (idiomatic for “literally”, following the rules as they're written) | :: a la letra, al pie de la letra, a pies juntillas, al dedillo, a rajatabla, a la ley |
to the max {prep} (very) SEE: very | :: |
to the max {prep} (to the maximum possible degree or extent) | :: a tope |
to the point {prep} (relevant or pertinent, succinct) | :: preciso, hasta el punto (en/de que) |
to the power of {prep} (indicating an exponent) | :: a la, elevado a la |
to thine own self be true {proverb} (proverb) | :: sé sincero contigo mismo |
totipotent {adj} (exhibiting totipotency) | :: totipotente |
toto caelo {adv} (By diametrical opposition, as far apart as possible) | :: ser algo totalmente distinto, ser algo completamente distinto, diferir totalmente, ser algo totalmente diferente |
Totonicapán {prop} (city) | :: Totonicapán |
totter {v} /ˈtɑːtɚ/ (move or stand unsteadily) | :: tambalearse, bascular, dar tumbos |
Tottori {prop} (Tottori, Japan) | :: Tottori |
tot up {v} /ˌtɒt ˈʌp/ (to calculate the sum of) | :: adicionar |
toucan {n} /ˈtuːˌkæn/ (Ramphastid) | :: tucán {m} |
touch {v} /tʌt͡ʃ/ (make physical contact with) | :: tocar |
touch {v} (affect emotionally) | :: conmover |
touch {n} (act of touching) | :: toque |
touch {n} (sense of perception by physical contact) | :: toque {m}, tacto {m} |
touch {n} (style or technique) | :: toque {m} |
touch {n} (distinguishing feature) | :: toque {m} |
touch {n} (small amount) | :: pizca {f} |
touch {n} | :: [1] toque {m}, [1] tacto {m}, [2] contacto {m} |
touché {interj} /tuːˈʃeɪ/ (fencing hit) | :: touché |
touché {interj} (acknowledgement) | :: touché |
touchable {adj} (Capable of being touched) | :: tocable {m} {f} |
touchdown {n} /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/ (football score) | :: touchdown {m} |
touched {adj} (mentally deficient) SEE: touched in the head | :: |
touched in the head {adj} (slightly mentally deficient) | :: tocado de la cabeza |
touchily {adv} (in a touchy manner) | :: irritablemente |
touching {adj} /ˈtʌtʃɪŋ/ (provoking sadness and pity) | :: enternecedor, conmovedor |
touch-me-not {n} (Ecballium elaterium) SEE: squirting cucumber | :: |
touch on {v} (mention briefly) | :: tocar |
touchpad {n} (flat surface which is sensitive to touch) | :: touchpad {m} |
touch screen {n} (input/output device) | :: pantalla táctil {f} |
touchstone {n} (stone used to test the quality of gold alloys) | :: piedra de toque {f}, toque {m} |
touchstone {n} (standard of comparison or evaluation) | :: norma {f} |
touch-up {n} (a finishing touch) | :: retoque |
touch wood {v} (to make contact with wood or another material to avert bad luck) SEE: knock on wood | :: |
touch wood {interj} (hopefully; said when touching something wooden) SEE: knock on wood | :: |
touchy {adj} /ˈtʌtʃi/ (easily offended; oversensitive) | :: quisquilloso, picajoso, picajón |
tough {v} (endure) SEE: endure | :: |
tough {adj} /tʌf/ (rugged or physically hardy) | :: resistente |
tough {adj} (harsh or severe) | :: severo |
tough {adj} (difficult or demanding) | :: de mano dura {mf} |
tough {interj} (lack of sympathy) | :: ni modo |
tough {adj} (stubborn) SEE: stubborn | :: |
tough {adj} (resilient) SEE: resilient | :: |
tough nut to crack {n} (challenging problem to solve) | :: hueso duro de roer {m} |
tough out {v} (endure) SEE: endure | :: |
Toulon {prop} (city in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France) | :: Tolón |
Toulouse {prop} /təˈluːz/ (a city in France) | :: Toulouse {m}, Tolosa {f} [traditional] |
toupe {n} (hairpiece) SEE: toupee | :: |
toupee {n} /tuːˈpeɪ/ (wig) | :: peluca de hombre {f}, peluquín, bisoñé {m} |
tour {n} /tɔː(ɹ)/ (journey) | :: recorrido {m}, tour {m} |
tour {n} (guided visit) | :: tour {m} |
tour {n} (journey through given list of places) | :: gira {f}, tour {m} |
tour {n} (cycling: multistage street and road race) | :: vuelta |
tour {v} (to make a journey) | :: recorrer |
tour {v} (to make a circuit) | :: recorrer |
tour de force {n} /ˌtuɹ.dəˈfoɹs/ (Feat demonstrating brilliance or mastery in a field) | :: hazaña {f}, proeza {f} |
Tour de France {prop} /ˌtʊɹ də ˈfɹæns/ (annual long-distance cycling race through France) | :: Tour de Francia {m} |
Tourette syndrome {n} (disorder characterized by tics) | :: síndrome de Tourette {m} |
tour guide {n} (guide on organised tours) | :: guía turístico {m} {f} |
tourism {n} /tɔːɹɪz(ə)m/ (the act of travelling or sightseeing) | :: turismo {m} |
tourism {n} (collectively, the tourists visiting a place or landmark) | :: turismo {m} |
tourist {n} /ˈtʊɹ.ɪst/ (someone who travels for pleasure) | :: turista {m} {f} |
touristic {adj} (catering to tourists) | :: turístico |
touristification {n} (the process of touristifying) | :: turistificación {f} |
touristify {v} (to make suitable for tourists, especially by adding superficial frills at the expense of authenticity) | :: turistificar |
tourist office {n} (office which provides information for tourists) | :: oficina de turismo {f} |
touristy {adj} (catering to tourists) | :: turístico |
tourmaline {n} /ˈtʊəɹməliːn/ (both senses) | :: turmalina {f} |
tournament {n} /ˈtʊɹnəmənt/ ((historical) series of battles) | :: torneo {m}, justa {f} |
tournament {n} (series of games) | :: torneo {m}, campeonato {m} |
tourniquet {n} /ˈtɝ.nɪ.kɪt/ (a tightly compressed bandage used to stop bleeding) | :: torniquete {m} |
tour of duty {n} (period of time spent on a specific assignment, especially on an overseas mission) | :: misión {f} |
tour operator {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency | :: |
tout {v} /taʊt/ (To flaunt, to publicize/publicise; to boast or brag; to promote) | :: presumir |
tovarish {n} (comrade) SEE: comrade | :: |
tow {v} /toʊ/ (pull something using a line) | :: remolcar |
tow {n} (act of towing) | :: remolque {m} |
tow {n} (something that tows) | :: remolque {m}, remolcador {m} (boat) |
tow {n} (something that is towed) | :: remolque {m} |
tow {n} (cable used in towing) | :: remolque {m}, cable {m}, cabo {m} |
toward {prep} /tʊ.ˈwɔɹd/ (in the direction of) | :: hacia |
toward {prep} (in relation to) | :: sobre, hacia |
toward {prep} (for the purpose of) | :: para |
toward {prep} (located near) | :: hacia |
towards {prep} (toward) SEE: toward | :: |
towboat {n} (boat designed to push barges) | :: remolcador {m} |
towel {n} /taʊl/ (cloth used for wiping) | :: toalla {f} |
towel rail {n} (a rail, sometimes heated, in a bathroom on which towels are hung to dry) | :: toallero {m} |
tower {n} /ˈtaʊɚ/ (structure) | :: torre {f} |
tower {n} ((figuratively) any item that is higher than it is wide) | :: torre {f} |
tower {n} (Tarot card) | :: la casa de dios |
Tower of Babel {prop} (tower erected at Babel) | :: Torre de Babel {f} |
Tower of London {prop} (a fortress in London) | :: Torre de Londres {f} |
Tower of Pisa {prop} (Leaning Tower of Pisa) SEE: Leaning Tower of Pisa | :: |
tower over {v} (to be considerably taller than) | :: sobresalir |
tow-haired {adj} (having almost white blond hair) SEE: towheaded | :: |
towheaded {adj} (Having pale blond hair, resembling tow) | :: claro {m}, de pelo claro, de cabello claro, aclarado {m} |
towhee {n} /ˈtaʊhiː/ (bird) | :: toquí {m} |
to whom it may concern {phrase} (phrase used to begin a formal letter to an unknown recipient) | :: a quien corresponda, a quien pueda concernir |
to whom this may concern {phrase} (salutation) SEE: to whom it may concern | :: |
to wit {adv} (namely, specifically) | :: a saber |
town {n} /taʊn/ (settlement) | :: ciudad {f}, pueblo {m} |
town crier {n} (town crier) | :: pregonero {m} |
town gas {n} (manufactured gas supplied to consumers) | :: gas ciudad {m} |
town hall {n} (a building that houses the local government offices of a town) | :: ayuntamiento {m} |
townhouse {n} (town hall) SEE: town hall | :: |
townhouse {n} (row house) SEE: rowhouse | :: |
township {n} /ˈtaʊnʃɪp/ (territory of a town) | :: municipio {m} |
township {n} (a subdivision of a county) | :: municipio {m} |
town square {n} (an open area in a town) | :: plaza {f} |
towpath {n} (path alongside a canal or river) | :: camino de sirga {m} |
towrope {n} (a rope for towing) | :: sirga {f} |
tow truck {n} /ˈtoʊ.tɹʌk/ (motor vehicle for towing) | :: grúa {f}, remolque {m} |
toxic {adj} /ˈtɑk.sɪk/ (having a harmful chemical nature) | :: tóxico |
toxicity {n} /tɒkˈsɪsəti/ (degree) | :: toxicidad {f} |
toxicological {adj} (of or pertaining to toxicology) | :: toxicológico |
toxicologist {n} (scientist or physician who speciality is toxicology) | :: toxicólogo {m}, toxicóloga {f} |
toxicology {n} (scientific study of poisons and poisoning) | :: toxicología {f} |
toxicomania {n} /ˌtɑksɪkoʊˈmeɪniə/ (desire for intoxicants) | :: toxicomanía {f} |
toxic shock syndrome {n} (acute infection) | :: síndrome del shock tóxico {m} |
toxin {n} /ˈtɒksɪn/ (a toxic or poisonous substance) | :: toxina {f} |
toxoplasmosis {n} (disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii) | :: toxoplasmosis {f} |
toy {n} /tɔɪ/ (something to play with) | :: juguete {m} |
toy {v} (to play with) | :: jugar con alguien |
toy {v} (to ponder or consider) | :: darle vueltas a una idea |
Toyama {prop} (a city in Japan) | :: Toyama |
toybox {n} (box for storing toys) | :: jugetero {m} |
toymaker {n} (craftsman who makes toys) | :: jugetero {m} |
toyon {n} (evergreen shrub) | :: tollón {m} |
Trabzon {prop} (port in Turkey) | :: Trebisonda |
trace {n} /tɹeɪs/ (act of tracing) | :: calcar |
trace {n} (mark left as a sign of passage) | :: huella {f}, rastro {m}, traza {f} |
trace {n} (one of two straps, chains, or ropes of a harness, extending from the collar or breastplate to a whippletree attached to a vehicle or thing to be drawn) | :: tirante {m} |
trace {n} ((mathematics) sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix) | :: traza {f} |
trace {v} (to draw or sketch) | :: trazar |
trace {v} (to copy onto a sheet of superimposed paper) | :: calcar |
traceability {n} /ˌtɹeɪsəˈbɪlɪti/ (ability to trace a process) | :: trazabilidad {f}, rastreabilidad {f} |
trace element {n} (chemical element in an organism’s diet) | :: oligoelemento {m}, microelemento {m} |
trace fossil {n} (a geological record of an organism's activity, rather than the physical remains of the organism itself) | :: icnofósil {m} |
trachea {n} /ˈtɹeɪki.ə/ (thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi) | :: tráquea {f} |
tracheal {adj} (of or pertaining to the trachea) | :: traqueal |
tracheitis {n} (inflammation of the trachea) | :: traqueítis {f} |
tracheophyte {n} (plant possessing vascular tissue) SEE: vascular plant | :: |
tracheotomy {n} (surgery to insert a tube into the neck) | :: traqueotomía |
trachoma {n} (infectious disease) | :: tracoma {m} |
trachyte {n} /ˈtɹeɪkʌɪt/ (pale igneous rock) | :: traquita {f} |
tracing paper {n} (translucent paper) | :: papel de calco {m} |
track {n} /tɹæk/ (mark left by something that has passed along) | :: rastro, huella |
track {n} (mark or impression left by the foot) | :: huella |
track {n} (permanent way; the rails) | :: vía {f} |
track {n} (sound stored on a record) | :: pista {f} |
track {n} (physical track on a record) | :: surco {m} |
track {n} (circular data storage unit on a side of magnetic or optical disk) | :: pista |
track {v} (to observe the (measured) state of an object over time) | :: seguir |
track {v} (to follow the tracks of) | :: rastrear |
track and field {n} (group of athletic sports) | :: atletismo {m} |
track down {v} (to search, hunt) | :: rastrear, localizar |
tracker {n} (agent noun of track) | :: rastreador {m} |
tracking {n} /ˈtɹækɪŋ/ (consistent adjustment of space between individual letters) | :: interletraje, interletrado |
trackless {adj} (not running on tracks) | :: destraciado, destraciada {f} |
trackpad {n} (touchpad) SEE: touchpad | :: |
tracksuit {n} (garment) | :: buzo {m} [Chile, Peru], chándal {m} [Spain], jogging {m} [Argentina, Uruguay – pronounced 'yoguin'], mono {m} [Venezuela], pants {m-p} [Mexico], sudadera {f} [Colombia], chándal {m} |
tract {n} /tɹækt/ (area) | :: extensión {f} |
tract {n} (series of connected body organs) | :: tracto {m}, aparato |
tract {n} (small booklet) | :: folleto {m} |
tract {n} (brief treatise) | :: tratado {m} |
traction {n} /ˈtɹæk.ʃən/ (act of pulling something along a surface using motive power) | :: tracción {f} |
traction {n} (mechanically applied sustained pull, especially to a limb) | :: tracción {f} |
tractor {n} /ˈtɹæktə/ (farm vehicle) | :: tractor {m} |
tractor {n} (truck (or lorry) for pulling a trailer) | :: cabezal {m} |
tractor beam {n} (science fiction device) | :: rayo tractor {m} |
tractor driver {n} (one who drives a tractor) | :: tractorista {m} {f} |
tractrix {n} (curve) | :: tractriz {f} |
trade {n} /tɹeɪd/ (buying and selling) | :: comercio {m}, gremio {m} |
trade {v} (to engage in trade) | :: comerciar, mercadear |
trade {v} (to give in exchange) | :: trocar, intercambiar |
trade away {v} (to relinquish) | :: renunciar a, abandonar, entregar |
trade deficit {n} (negative balance of trade) | :: déficit comercial {m} |
trade fair {n} (exhibition for a particular field) | :: feria {f}, feria de muestras {f} |
trade in {v} (to give a piece of merchandise as part of the payment) | :: intercambiar |
trademark {adj} /ˈtɹeɪdmɑː(ɹ)k/ (distinctive, characteristic) | :: marca de la casa, consabido |
trademark {n} (identification of a company's product) | :: marca registrada {f}, marca {f} |
trade name {n} (name used to identify a commercial product or service) | :: nombre comercial {m} |
trade name {n} (business or firm) | :: nombre comercial {m} |
tradeoff {n} (advantage that necessitates loss) SEE: trade-off | :: |
trade-off {n} (situation in which one thing must be decreased for another to be increased) | :: dilema |
trader {n} /ˈtɹeɪdɚ/ (one who earns a living by trading) | :: comerciante {m} {f} |
trade secret {n} (formula, practice, process, design) | :: secreto comercial {m} |
tradesman {n} (skilled male manual worker) | :: artesano {m} |
trade surplus {n} (positive balance of trade) | :: superávit comercial {m} |
trade union {n} (organization) | :: sindicato {m} |
trade unionist {n} (a member of a trade union) SEE: unionist | :: |
trade war {n} (practice of nations creating mutual tariffs) | :: guerra comercial {f} |
trade wind {n} /ˈtɹeɪdˑwɪnd/ (steady wind) | :: vientos alisios {m-p} |
trading card {n} /ˈtɹeɪd.ɪŋ ˌkɑɹd/ (collectible card featuring information of interest to purchasers) | :: cromo {m}, lámina {f} |
trading floor {n} | :: piso de remates {m} |
trading partner {n} (country that another country does business with) | :: socio comercial {m} |
trading post {n} (place where trading of goods takes place) | :: puesto comercial {m} |
tradition {n} /tɹəˈdɪʃən/ (a part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation) | :: tradición {f} |
traditional {adj} /tɹəˈdɪʃənəl/ (of or pertaining to tradition) | :: tradicional |
Traditional Chinese {prop} (Chinese written using traditional characters) | :: chino tradicional {m} |
traditional Chinese medicine {n} (medical practices of Chinese culture) | :: medicina china tradicional {f} |
traditionalism {n} (adherence to traditional views) | :: tradicionalismo {m} |
traditionalist {n} (one who adheres to tradition) | :: tradicionalista {m} {f} |
traditionally {adv} /tɹəˈdɪʃəˌnəli/ (traditional manner) | :: tradicionalmente |
traduce {v} /tɹəˈdus/ (to malign by making malicious and false or defamatory statements) | :: calumniar, difamar |
traduce {v} (to pass on; to transmit) | :: legar |
traduce {v} (to pass into another form of expression) | :: traducir |
traductology {n} (translation studies) SEE: translation studies | :: |
Trafalgar {prop} /tɹəˈfælɡə(ɹ)/ (A headland in Province of Cádiz) | :: Trafalgar |
traffic {n} /ˈtɹæfɪk/ (pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air) | :: tráfico {m}, tránsito {m} [Latin America], circulación {f} |
traffic {n} (illegal trade or exchange of goods, often drugs) | :: trata {f} |
traffic {n} | :: tráfico {m} |
traffic {v} (To trade meanly or mercenarily;) | :: traficar |
trafficator {n} (blinking light) SEE: indicator | :: |
traffic circle {n} (an intersection with a circular shape and, usually, a central island) | :: glorieta {f}, redondel {m}, rotonda {f} |
traffic cone {n} (cone-shaped marker) | :: cono de tráfico {m} |
traffic island {n} (stretch of raised concrete) | :: camellón {m}, mediana {f} [Spain] |
traffic jam {n} (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) | :: embotellamiento {m}, atasco {m} [Spain], caravana {f} [Spain], cola {f} [Venezuela], fila {f} [Guatemala], presa {f} [Costa Rica], taco {m} [Chile], tapón {m} [Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico], trabazón {m} [El Salvador], tranca {f} [Venezuela], trancón {m} [Colombia, Ecuador], tráfico {m} [Ecuador], tranque {m} [Cuba, Panama] |
trafficking {n} (human trafficking) SEE: human trafficking | :: |
trafficking {n} (the distributing of illegal drugs) SEE: drug trafficking | :: |
traffic light {n} (signalling device) | :: semáforo {m} |
traffic sign {n} (traffic sign) | :: señal de tráfico {f} |
tragacanth {n} (milk-vetch gum) | :: alquitira {f}, tragacanta {f}, adraganta {f}, adraganto {m} |
tragedy {n} /ˈtɹæd͡ʒɪdi/ (drama or similar work) | :: tragedia {f} |
tragedy {n} (genre of such works, and the art of producing them) | :: tragedia {f} |
tragedy {n} (disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or injury) | :: tragedia {f} |
tragic {adj} /ˈtɹædʒɪk/ (causing great sadness) | :: trágico {m} |
tragic {adj} (relating to tragedy) | :: trágico {m} |
tragically {adv} (in a tragic manner) | :: trágicamente |
tragicomedy {n} (drama that combines elements of tragedy and comedy) | :: tragicomedia {f} |
tragicomic {adj} (related to tragicomedy) | :: tragicómico |
tragicomical {adj} (related to tragicomedy) SEE: tragicomic | :: |
tragus {n} (small piece of thick cartilage of the external ear) | :: trago |
trail {v} /tɹeɪl/ (follow behind) | :: seguir |
trail {v} (drag behind) | :: arrastrar |
trail {n} (footprints or signs of something/someone has passed previously) | :: rastro {m} |
trail {n} (track followed by a hunter) | :: pista {f}, rastro {m} |
trail {n} (route for travel over land) | :: sendero {m} |
trailblaze {v} | :: asenderear |
trailblazer {n} (innovative leader) | :: pionero {m}, colonizador {m}, colono {m} |
trailer {n} /ˈtɹeɪlɚ/ (unpowered wheeled vehicle that is towed behind another, and used to carry equipment, with the exception of a caravan) | :: remolque {m}, acoplado {m} |
trailer {n} (furnished vehicle towed behind another, used as a dwelling when stationary) | :: caravana {f}, casa rodante {f}, [Spain] rulota {f} |
trailer {n} (vehicle towed behind another, used for carrying equipment) | :: tráiler {m}, acoplado {m} |
trailer {n} (preview of a film) | :: avance {m}, tráiler {m} |
train {n} /tɹeɪn/ (the elongated back portion of a dress or skirt which drags along the ground) | :: cola |
train {n} (line of connected cars or carriages) | :: tren {m} |
train {n} (group of animals, vehicles, or people) | :: caravana {f} |
train {n} (that which is drawn along) | :: cola {f} |
train {v} (to practice an ability) | :: entrenar, entrenarse |
train {v} (to teach a task) | :: entrenar |
train {v} (to improve one's fitness) | :: entrenar |
train-bearer {n} (attendant who supports the train) | :: caudatario {m}, caudataria {f} |
train crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing | :: |
trainee {n} /tɹeɪˈni/ (someone being formally trained in a workplace) | :: practicante {m} {f} |
trainer {n} /ˈtɹeɪnɚ/ (person who trains another; coach) | :: entrenador {m}, amaestrador {m} |
trainer {n} (running shoe) | :: tenis {f} |
train ferry {n} (ferry for rail vehicles) | :: ferrobarco {m} |
training {n} /ˈtɹeɪnɪŋ/ (the activity of imparting and acquiring skills) | :: capacitación {f}, entrenamiento {m} |
training wheels {n} (pair of small wheels attached to a child's bicycle) | :: ruedines [Spain], llantas de entrenamiento [Mexico], rueditas [Argentina] |
train of thought {n} (flow of thinking) | :: tren de pensamiento |
train of thoughts {n} (train of thought) SEE: train of thought | :: |
train station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station | :: |
train wreck {n} (disaster) | :: desastre total {m} |
trait {n} /tɹeɪt/ (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend) | :: rasgo {m}, característica {f}, [biology] carácter {m} |
traitor {n} /ˈtɹeɪtɚ/ (one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country) | :: traidor {m}, traidora {f} |
traitor {n} (a betrayer) | :: traidor {m}, traidora {f} |
traitor {adj} (traitorous) | :: traidor |
traitorous {adj} /ˈtɹeɪtəɹəs/ (characteristic of a traitor) | :: traicionero, traidor |
Trajan {prop} /ˈtɹeɪd͡ʒən/ (the Roman emperor) | :: Trajano {m} |
trajectory {n} /tɹəˈdʒɛktəɹɪ/ (path of a body) | :: trayectoria {f} |
tram {n} /tɹam/ (passenger vehicle) | :: tranvía {m} |
tramcar {n} (streetcar) SEE: tram | :: |
trammel {n} /ˈtræməl/ (something that impedes activity, freedom, or progress) | :: traba |
trammel {n} (device to suspend cooking pots over a fire) | :: llares |
trammel {v} (to entangle, as in a net) | :: trabar |
trammel {v} (to hamper) | :: trabar |
tramp {n} /tɹæmp/ (homeless person) | :: vagabundo {m}, vagabunda {f} |
tramp {n} (promiscuous woman) | :: golfa {f}, ramera {f}, puta {f}, prostituta {f} |
tramp {v} (to hitchhike) SEE: hitchhike | :: |
tramper {n} (recreational walker) SEE: hiker | :: |
trample {v} /ˈtɹæmpəl/ ((transitive) to crush something by walking on it) | :: pisotear, hollar |
trample {v} (to treat someone harshly) | :: pisotear, maltratar, humillar |
trample {v} ((intransitive) to walk heavily and destructively) | :: pisotear |
trample {v} ((intransitive) to cause emotional injury as if by trampling) | :: ofender, humillar |
trample {n} (the sound of heavy footsteps) | :: pisoteada {f}, pisoteo {m} |
trampoline {n} /ˈtɹæmpəliːn/ (gymnastic and recreational device) | :: cama elástica {f}, brincolín {m} |
trance {n} /tɹɑːns/ (genre of electronic dance music) | :: trance {m} |
tranche {v} (slice) SEE: slice | :: |
tranche {v} /tɹæntʃ/ (finance) | :: tramo {m} |
tranny {n} /ˈtɹæ.ni/ ((colloquial) a transsexual, transgender or transvestite person) | :: travelo |
tranquil {adj} /ˈtɹæŋ.kwɪl/ (free from emotional disturbance) | :: tranquilo |
tranquil {adj} (calm; without motion or sound) | :: tranquilo, apacible |
tranquillity {n} /træŋˈkwɪlɪti/ (the state of being tranquil) | :: tranquilidad {f} |
tranquillity {n} (the absence of disturbance; peacefulness) | :: tranquilidad {f} |
tranquillity {n} (the absence of stress; serenity) | :: tranquilidad {f} |
trans- {prefix} (across, through, over, beyond, to or on the other side of, outside of) | :: trans-, tras- |
transacetylase {n} (transacetylase) | :: acetiltransferasa {f} |
transaction {n} /tɹænˈzækʃən/ (exchange or trade, as of ideas, money, goods, etc.) | :: transacción {f} |
transaction {n} | :: transacción {f} |
transaminase {n} (biochemistry: any of a group of enzymes that catalyze transamination) | :: aminotransferasa {f}, transaminasa {f} |
transatlantic {adj} (spanning or crossing the Atlantic) | :: transatlántico |
Transcaucasia {prop} (region of southwest Asia) SEE: South Caucasus | :: |
transceive {v} /tɹænˈsiv/ (transmit and receive) | :: transceptar |
transcend {v} /tɹæn(t)ˈsɛnd/ (to pass beyond the limits of something) | :: trascender |
transcendental {adj} /ˌtɹænsɛnˈdɛntəl/ (independent of experience) | :: trascendental |
transcendental {adj} (supernatural) | :: trascendental |
transcendental {adj} (not algebraic; containing elements that are not algebraic) | :: trascendental |
transcendentalism {n} | :: trascendentalismo {m}, transcendentalismo {m} |
transcendentally {adv} (in a transcendental manner) | :: trascendentalmente, transcendentalmente |
transclude {v} (substitute input) | :: transcluir |
transclusion {n} (the inclusion of part of one hypertext document in another one by means of reference rather than copying) | :: transclusión {f} |
transcontinental {adj} (crossing a continent) | :: transcontinental |
transcreation {n} (adaptation) | :: transcreación {f} |
transcribe {v} /trænˈskɹaɪb/ (to convert a representation of language into another) | :: transcribir, desgrabar [Argentina] |
transcribe {v} (music: to adapt a composition) | :: transcribir |
transcribe {v} (linguistics: to represent speech by phonetic symbols) | :: transcribir |
transcriber {n} (person who transcribes) | :: transcriptor |
transcript {n} /ˈtɹænskɹɪpt/ (something which has been transcribed) | :: transcripción |
transcript {n} (written version of what was said orally) | :: transcripción |
transcript {n} (sequence of RNA produced by transcription) | :: transcrito |
transcript {n} (inventory of courses and grades) | :: expediente académico {m} |
transcription {n} /tɹænˈskɹɪpʃən/ (in linguistics) | :: transcripción {f} |
transcription {n} (in genetics) | :: transcripción {f} |
transcriptional {adj} (Of or pertaining to transcription) | :: transcripcional |
transculturation {n} | :: transculturación |
transcutaneous {adj} (passing through intact skin) | :: transcutáneo |
transect {n} (a path along which a researcher moves to count and record observations) | :: transecto {m} |
transept {n} | :: transepto {m} |
transfected {adj} (Infected with nucleic acid) | :: transfectado |
transfer {v} /tɹænsˈfɝ/ (to move or pass from one place, person or thing to another) | :: transferir |
transfer {v} (to convey the impression of something from one surface to another) | :: calcar, imprimir |
transfer {v} (to be or become transferred) | :: transferir |
transfer {n} (act) | :: transferencia {f} |
transfer {n} (design) | :: calco {m}, impreso {m} |
transfer {n} (genetics) | :: transferencia |
transferase {n} (enzyme which catalyses the transfer of a functional group) | :: transferasa {f} |
transference {n} /tɹænsˈfəɹəns/ (the act of conveying or transferring) | :: transferencia {f} |
transference {n} (term used in psychology) | :: transferencia {f} |
transfer RNA {n} (short-chain RNA) | :: ARN de transferencia {m} |
transfer tax {n} (a transaction fee imposed on the transfer of title to property) | :: impuesto de transferencia {m} |
transfer window {n} (period during which transfers can be made) | :: ventana de transferencias {f} |
transfigure {v} (transform the outward appearance) | :: transfigurar |
transform {v} /tɹænzˈfɔɹm/ (change greatly the appearance or form of) | :: trasformar, transformar |
transformable {adj} (able to be transformed) | :: transformable {m} {f} |
transformation {n} /ˌtɹæns.fɔɹˈmeɪ.ʃən/ (act of transforming) | :: transformación {f} |
transformer {n} /tɹænsˈfɔɹmɚ/ (something that transforms) | :: transformador, transformadora |
transformer {n} (device that changes the characteristics of AC electricity) | :: transformador {m} |
transformism {n} (the doctrine that living organisms have evolved from previously existing forms of living matter) | :: transformismo {m} |
transfuge {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter | :: |
transfuge {n} (turncoat) SEE: turncoat | :: |
transfuse {v} (transfuse (all senses)) | :: transfundir |
transfusion {n} (medicine: the transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another) | :: transfusión {f} |
transgender {adj} /tɹænzˈdʒɛndɚ/ (not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles) | :: transgénero {m}, transgénera {f} |
transgender {n} (a transgender person) | :: transgénero {m}, transgénera {f} |
transgenerational {adj} | :: transgeneracional {m} {f} |
transgenic {adj} /tɹɑːnzˈdʒɛnɪk/ (genetically modified) | :: transgénico |
transgress {v} /tɹænzˈɡɹɛs/ (to act in violation of some law) | :: transgredir |
transgression {n} /tɹænsˈɡɹɛʃən/ (violation of a law, command or duty) | :: transgresión {f} |
transgressor {n} (someone who transgresses) | :: transgresor {m}, transgresora {f} |
transhumance {n} /tɹænzˈhjuːməns/ (the movement of people with their grazing animals to new pastures) | :: trashumancia {f} |
transidentity {n} | :: transidentidad {m} |
transient {adj} (passing or disappearing with time; transitory) | :: transitorio |
transient {n} (traveller) | :: trotamundo, transeúnte |
transistor {n} (solid-state semiconductor device, with three terminals) | :: transistor {m} |
transit {n} /ˈtɹæn.zɪt/ (act of passing over, across, or through something) | :: tránsito {m} |
transit {n} (conveyance of people or goods from one place to another) | :: transporte {m} |
transit {n} (astronomy: passage of a celestial body) | :: pasaje {m} |
transit {v} (to pass over, across or through something) | :: atravesar |
transit {v} (to revolve an instrument about its horizontal axis so as to reverse its direction) | :: girar |
transit {v} (astronomy: to make a transit) | :: transitar |
transition {n} /tɹænˈzɪʃən/ (process of change from one form, state, style or place to another) | :: transición {f} |
transition element {n} (in chemistry) | :: elemento de transición {m} |
transition metal {n} (transition element) | :: metal de transición {m} |
transitive {adj} /ˈtɹænzɪtɪv/ (making a transit or passage) | :: transitivo |
transitive {adj} (grammar, of a verb: taking an object or objects) | :: transitivo |
transitive {adj} (set theory, of a relation on a set) | :: transitivo |
transitively {adv} (in a transitive manner) | :: transitivamente |
transitive verb {n} (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object) | :: verbo transitivo {m} |
transitory {adj} /ˈtɹæn.zɪˌtɔɹ.i/ (lasting only a short time) | :: transitorio, pasajero |
translatable {adj} (capable of being translated into another language) | :: traducible |
translate {v} /tɹɑːnzˈleɪt/ (to change text from one language to another) | :: traducir |
translate {v} (to change from one medium to another) | :: traducir, trasladar |
translation {n} /tɹænzˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of translating between languages) | :: traducción {f} |
translation {n} (result of translating between languages) | :: traducción {f} |
translation {n} (of forces in a gearbox) | :: transmisión {f} |
translation {n} (math, physics: motion without deformation or rotation) | :: traslación {f} |
translation {n} (genetics: process for producing proteins) | :: traducción |
translationary {adj} (translation of language) | :: traduccional |
translationary {adj} (shifting of coordinate axes) | :: traslacional |
translation dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides translations between two or more languages) | :: diccionario de traducciones |
translation memory {n} (database that stores previously translated content) | :: memoria de tradución {f} |
translation studies {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) | :: traductología {f} |
translatology {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) SEE: translation studies | :: |
translator {n} /ˈtɹænzleɪtɚ/ (someone who translates) | :: traductor {m}, traductora {f} |
translator {n} (language interpreter) | :: traductor {m}, traductora {f} [proscribed] |
translator {n} (machine translator) | :: traductor {m}, traductora {f} |
translatress {n} (A woman who translates) | :: traductora {f} |
translingual {adj} (Existing in multiple languages) | :: interlingüe {m} |
transliterate {v} /tɹænzˈlɪtəɹeɪt/ (to represent letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script) | :: transliterar |
transliteration {n} /ˌtɹænzlɪtəˈɹeɪʃən/ (product of transliterating) | :: transcripción {f}, transliteración {f} |
translocation {n} (displacement, substitution) | :: traslado, translocación |
translocation {n} (genetics: transfer of chromosomal segment) | :: traslocación |
translucent {adj} /tɹænzˈlu.sənt/ (allowing light to pass through, but diffusing it) | :: translúcido {m}, translúcida {f} |
translucent {adj} (clear, lucid, or transparent) | :: claro |
trans man {n} (a transgender or transsexual man) | :: hombre transgénero {m}, hombre trans {m} |
transmembranal {adj} (occurring across a membrane) | :: transmembranal |
transmembrane {adj} (Traversing a cellular membrane) | :: transmembranal |
transmigrate {v} (to migrate to another country) | :: transmigrar |
transmigrate {v} (to pass into another body after death) | :: transmigrar |
transmigration {n} (departure) | :: migración {f} |
transmigration {n} (movement of a soul) | :: transmigración {f} |
transmissible spongiform encephalopathy {n} (any fatal, degenerative disease transmitted by prions) | :: encefalopatía spongiforma transmisible {f} |
transmission {n} /tɹænsˈmɪʃən/ (assembly of gears) | :: caja de cambios {f} |
transmission {n} (passing of a communicable disease) | :: transmisión |
transmission {n} | :: transmisión {f} |
transmit {v} /tɹænsˈmɪt/ | :: transmitir |
transmitter {n} (one who or that which transmits something) | :: transmisor |
transmitter {n} (electronic device) | :: transmisor |
transmontane {adj} /ˌtɹænz.mɑnˈteɪn/ (of or relating to the other side of the mountains) | :: transmontano |
transmutation {n} (change) SEE: alteration | :: |
transmutation {n} (transformation) SEE: transformation | :: |
transmute {v} (to convert one thing into another) | :: transmutar, trasladar; transmutarse, trasladarse |
transnational {adj} (between or beyond national boundaries) | :: transnacional, trasnacional |
Transnistria {prop} /tɹænzˈnɪsˌtɹi.ə/ (Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova) | :: Transnistria {f} |
transom {n} /ˈtɹænsəm/ (crosspiece over a door) | :: travesaño {m} |
transom {n} (transom window) SEE: transom window | :: |
transom window {n} (window above a door) | :: montante {m} |
transpacific {adj} | :: transpacífico |
transparency {n} /tɹænsˈpɛɹənsi/ (quality of being transparent; transparence) | :: transparencia {f} |
transparency {n} (transparent object) | :: transparencia {f} |
transparent {adj} /tɹæn(t)sˈpæɹənt/ (see-through, clear) | :: transparente |
transparent {adj} (open, publicly visible) | :: transparente |
transparent {adj} (obvious) | :: transparente |
transparent {adj} | :: transparente |
transparently {adv} (in a transparent manner) | :: transparentemente |
transphobe {n} (person who fears or has a negative perception of trans people) | :: tránsfobo {m}, tránsfoba {f}, transfóbico {m}, transfóbica {f} |
transphobia {n} (fear or hatred of transsexuality or transgenderism) | :: transfobia {f} |
transphobic {adj} (relating to or characteristic of transphobia) | :: tránsfobo, transfóbico |
transpire {v} (to happen, take place) SEE: happen | :: |
transplant {v} /tɹænzˈplænt/ (uproot and replant (a plant)) | :: trasplantar |
transplant {v} (resettle or relocate (something)) | :: trasplantar |
transplant {v} (medicine: transfer (tissue/organ)) | :: trasplantar |
transplant {n} (medicine: operation) | :: trasplante {m} |
transplant {n} (medicine: organ/tissue transplanted) | :: trasplante {m} |
transplantation {n} (A surgical operation) | :: trasplante |
transponder {n} (transceiver that transmits a signal in response to another) | :: transpondedor {m}, transponder {m} |
transport {v} /tɹænzˈpɔɹt/ (carry or bear from one place to another) | :: transportar |
transport {v} (historical: deport to a penal colony) | :: exiliar |
transport {n} (act of transporting) | :: transporte {m} |
transport {n} (vehicle used to transport passengers, mail or freight) | :: transporte {m} |
transport {n} (historical: deported convict) | :: deportado {m} |
transport {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport | :: |
transportable {adj} /tɹænsˈpɔɹtəbəl/ (Capable of being transported; easily moved) | :: transportable |
transportation {n} /tɹænspɚˈteɪʃən/ (act of transporting) | :: transporte {m} |
transportation {n} | :: transporte {m} |
transporter {n} (one who, or that which transports) | :: transportista {m} {f} |
transpose {v} /tɹænzˈpəʊz/ (to reverse or change the order of two) | :: transponer, reversar |
transpose {v} (music: to write or perform (a piece) in another key) | :: transportar |
transpose {v} (algebra: to move (a term) to the other side of an equation) | :: cambiar de miembro, transponer |
transpose {n} /ˈtɹænzpəʊz/ (matrix) | :: matriz traspuesta {f} |
transrealism {n} (literary mode) | :: transrealismo {m} |
transsexual {adj} /tɹæn(z)ˈsɛkʃuəl/ (being a transsexual) | :: transexual |
transsexual {n} (person whose gender identity did not match his/her birth sex, and who therefore is changing or has changed sex) | :: transexual {m} {f} |
transsexualism {n} (transsexuality) SEE: transsexuality | :: |
transsexuality {n} (the state, condition, or properties of being transsexual) | :: transexualidad {f} |
transshipment {n} (The transfer of goods) | :: transbordo {m} |
transubstantiation {n} (conversion of one substance into another) | :: transubstanciación {f} |
transubstantiation {n} (Roman Catholic dogma) | :: transubstanciación {f} |
transverse {adj} (lying across) | :: transverso |
transverse wave {n} (type of wave) | :: onda transversal {f} |
transvestism {n} (condition of being a transvestite) | :: travestismo |
transvestite {n} /tɹænzˈvɛstaɪt/ (cross-dresser, see also: cross-dresser) | :: travesti {m} {f}, transformista {m} {f} [Venezuela] |
trans woman {n} (a transgender or transsexual woman) | :: chica trans {f}, transexual {f} |
Transylvania {prop} /tɹænslˈveɪni.ə/ (Transylvania) | :: Transilvania {f} |
trap {n} /tɹæp/ (device designed to catch or kill animals) | :: trampa {f}, cepo {m} |
trap {n} (trick or arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense) | :: trampa {f} |
trap {n} (covering over a hole or opening; a trapdoor) | :: trampa {f} |
trap {n} (bend, sag, or other device in a waste-pipe to prevent the escape of noxious gases) | :: sifón {m} |
trap {n} | :: trampa {f}, cepo {m} |
trap {v} (to catch in a trap or traps) | :: atrapar |
trap {v} | :: atrapar |
trapdoor {n} (door set into floor or ceiling) | :: trampa, escotillón {m} |
trapeze {n} (trapezium) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trapeze {n} /tɹəˈpiːz/ (swinging horizontal bar) | :: trapecio {m} |
trapeze artist {n} (trapezist) SEE: trapezist | :: |
trapezist {n} (gymnast who performs on a trapeze) | :: trapecista {m} {f} |
trapezium {n} /tɹəˈpiː.zi.əm/ (polygon with two parallel sides) | :: trapecio {m} |
trapezium {n} (polygon with no parallel sides and no equal sides) | :: trapezoide {m} |
trapezium {n} (bone) | :: trapecio {m} |
trapezoid {n} /ˈtɹæpəzɔɪd/ (trapezoid bone) | :: trapezoide {m} |
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with two sides parallel) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with no sides parallel) SEE: trapezium | :: |
trapezoidal {adj} (in the shape of a trapezoid) | :: trapezoidal |
trapped {adj} (caught in a trap) | :: atrapado |
trapper {n} /ˈtɹæpɚ/ (one who traps animals) | :: trampero {m} |
Trappist {n} (a monk or nun of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance) | :: trapista {m} {f} |
trash {n} /tɹæʃ/ (things to be discarded) | :: basura |
trash {n} (container) | :: caneca {f} [Colombia], papelera {f} |
trash {n} (something of poor quality) | :: basura {f} |
trash {n} (computer terminology) | :: papelera {f} |
trash can {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can | :: |
trashman {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector | :: |
trash TV {n} | :: telebasura {f} |
trauma {n} /ˈtɹɔ.mə/ (serious injury to the body) | :: traumatismo {m} |
trauma {n} (emotional wound) | :: trauma {m} |
trauma {n} (event) | :: trauma {m} |
trauma {n} | :: trauma {f} |
traumatic {adj} (of, caused by, or causing trauma) | :: traumático |
traumatic brain injury {n} (traumatic injury to the brain) | :: traumatismo craneoencefálico {m} |
traumatize {v} (to injure) | :: traumatizar |
traumatize {v} (to cause a trauma) | :: traumatizar |
traumatology {n} (branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of trauma) | :: traumatología {f} |
travel {v} /ˈtɹævəl/ (be on a journey) | :: viajar |
travel {v} (travel throughout) | :: viajar por , recorrer |
travel {n} (act of traveling) | :: viaje {m} |
travel agency {n} (company) | :: agencia de viajes {f} |
travel agent {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency | :: |
travel agent {n} (consultant who arranges travel) | :: agente de viajes {m} {f} |
travelator {n} (moving walkway) SEE: moving walkway | :: |
traveler {n} (one who travels) SEE: traveller | :: |
traveler's check {n} (check draft) SEE: traveller's cheque | :: |
traveler's diarrhea {n} | :: diarrea del viajero {f} |
travel guide {n} (book designed to give tourists information) | :: guía de viaje {f} |
traveling {n} /ˈtɹæv.l̩iŋ/ (basketball rule violation) | :: dobles, pasos, cámino {m} |
traveling expenses {n} | :: viáticos {m-p} |
traveller {n} /ˈtɹævəlɚ/ (one who travels) | :: viajero {m} |
traveller's cheque {n} (preprinted cheque for a fixed amount) | :: cheque de viajero {m} |
travelling salesman {n} (itinerant salesperson) | :: viajante {m} {f} |
travel sickness {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness | :: |
traverse {v} /tɹəˈvɝs/ (to travel across, often under difficult conditions) | :: atravesar |
traverse {v} (computing: to visit all parts of; to explore thoroughly) | :: recorrer |
travertine {n} /ˈtɹavətɪn/ | :: travertino {m} |
trawl {v} /tɹɔl/ | :: rastrear |
trawler {n} (fishing boat) | :: jábega {f}, arrastrero {m}, barco de arrastre {m} |
trawling {n} (fishing technique) | :: pesca de arrastre {f} |
tray {n} /tɹeɪ/ (object on which things are carried) | :: bandeja {f}, charola {f} [Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico, Peru] |
treacherous {adj} /ˈtɹɛtʃəɹəs/ (exhibiting treachery) | :: traicionero {m} |
treacherous {adj} (unreliable; dangerous) | :: traicionero {m} |
treachery {n} (treason) SEE: treason | :: |
treachery {n} /ˈtɹɛtʃəɹi/ (the act of violating the confidence of another) | :: alevosía {f} |
treacle {n} /ˈtɹiː.kəl/ (molasses or golden syrup) | :: melaza {f} |
tread {v} /tɹɛd/ (to step on) | :: pisar, hollar |
tread {v} (to beat with one's feet; to trample) | :: zapatear |
tread {n} (step) | :: pisada {f} |
tread {n} (grooves in tire) | :: banda de rodadura {f}, dibujo {m} [colloquial], banda de rodamiento {f} |
tread {n} (grooves in a sole) | :: dibujo {f} |
treadle {n} /ˈtɹɛdl̩/ (pedal or lever) | :: pedal {m} |
treadmill {n} /ˈtɹɛd.mɪl/ (piece of indoor sporting equipment) | :: cinta ergométrica {f}, máquina de caminar {f}, andadora {f}, caminadora {f}, cinta de correr {f} |
treason {n} /ˈtɹiː.zən/ (crime of betraying one’s country) | :: traición {f} |
treason {n} (providing aid and comfort to the enemy) | :: colaboración con el enemigo {f}, colaboracionismo {m} |
treason {n} (act of treachery) | :: traición {f} |
treasure {n} /ˈtɹɛʒɚ/ (collection of valuable things) | :: tesoro {m} |
treasure {n} (any single thing one values greatly) | :: tesoro {m} |
treasure {n} (term of endearment) | :: tesoro {m} |
treasure {v} (consider to be precious) | :: atesorar |
treasure chest {n} (chest filled with treasure) | :: cofre del tesoro {m} |
treasure hunt {n} (search for a treasure (game or real)) | :: búsqueda del tesoro {f} |
treasure map {n} (map on which is marked the location of a treasure) | :: mapa del tesoro {m} |
treasurer {n} /ˈtɹɛʒəɹə(ɹ)/ (official entrusted with the funds and revenues of an organisation) | :: tesorero {m}, tesorera {f} |
treasurer {n} | :: tesorero {m} |
treasury {n} /ˈtɹɛʒəɹi/ (place where treasure is stored safely) | :: tesorería {f} |
treasury {n} (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored) | :: tesorería {f}, erario {m} |
treasury {n} (collection of artistic or literary works) | :: tesoro {m} |
treat {v} /tɹiːt/ (to negotiate) | :: tratar, negociar |
treat {v} (to discourse, conduct a discussion) | :: tratar |
treat {v} (to handle a subject in writing or speaking) | :: tratar |
treat {v} (to entreat or beseech) | :: rogar |
treat {v} (to handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way) | :: tratar |
treat {v} (to entertain with food or drink) | :: invitar, convidar |
treat {v} (to care for medicinally or surgically) | :: tratar |
treat {v} (to subject to a chemical or other action) | :: tratar |
treat {n} (An unexpected gift, event etc., which provides great pleasure) | :: sorpresa {f} |
treat {n} ((obsolete) An entreaty) SEE: entreaty | :: |
treat {n} ((obsolete) A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation) SEE: negotiation | :: |
treatise {n} /ˈtɹiːtɪs/ (systematic discourse on some subject) | :: tratado {m} |
treatment {n} /ˈtɹiːtmənt/ (process or manner of treating) | :: trato {m} |
treatment {n} (medical care for an illness or injury) | :: tratamiento {m} |
treatment {n} (preserving or giving particular properties) | :: tratamiento {m} |
treaty {n} /ˈtɹiːti/ (a binding agreement under international law) | :: tratado {m} |
treble {n} /ˈtɹɛbəl/ (The highest singing voice (especially as for a boy) or part in musical composition) | :: tiple {m} |
treble {v} (to multiply by three) | :: triplicar |
trebuchet {n} /ˈtɹɛb.juˌʃɛt/ (trebuchet) | :: fundíbulo {m}, trabuquete {m} |
tree {proverb} /tɹiː/ (large woody plant) | :: árbol {m} |
tree {proverb} (the structure or wooden frame used in the construction of a saddle used in horse riding) | :: fuste {m} |
tree {v} (chase up a tree) | :: enarbolar |
tree bark {n} | :: corteza |
treecreeper {n} (any of various small passerine birds of the family Certhidae) | :: agateador {m} |
tree farm {n} (farm for trees) | :: vivero {m} |
tree fork {n} (bifurcation in the trunk of a tree) | :: horca {f} |
tree frog {n} (frog of the family Hylidae) | :: rana arborícola {f} |
tree ring {n} (annual growth ring in the trunk of a tree) | :: capa anual {f} |
treetop {n} (crown or uppermost branches of a tree) | :: copa {f} |
tree trunk {n} (the main structural member of a tree) | :: tronco {m} |
trefoil {n} /ˈtɹɛ.fɔɪl/ (plant) | :: trébol {m} |
trefoil {n} (symbol) | :: trébol {m} |
trehalose {n} (disaccharide formed from two glucose units) | :: trehalosa {f} |
trek {v} /tɹɛk/ | :: jornada {f} |
trekking {n} (Walking, hiking) | :: senderismo {m} |
trellis {n} /ˈtɹɛlɪs/ (An outdoor garden frame which can be used for partitioning a common area) | :: enrejado {m} |
trellis {n} (An outdoor garden frame which can be used to grow vines or other climbing plants) | :: espaldar {m} |
trema {n} (the diacritical mark) SEE: diaeresis | :: |
tremble {v} /ˈtɹɛmbl̩/ (to shake) | :: tiritartemblar |
tremble {n} (a shake) | :: temblor, vibración, temblequera {f} [colloquial] |
tremendous {adj} /tɹɪˈmɛndəs/ (awe-inspiring) | :: tremendo |
tremendous {adj} (notable for size, power or excellence) | :: tremendo |
tremendous {adj} (extremely large (in amount, extent, degree etc.) or great; enormous; extraordinary) | :: tremendo |
tremolite {n} (amphibole mineral) | :: tremolita {f} |
tremor {n} /ˈtɹɛmɚ/ (shake, quiver, or vibration) | :: temblor |
tremor {n} (earthquake) | :: terremoto |
tremulous {adj} /ˈtɹɛmjuləs/ (trembling or shaking) | :: trémulo |
trench {n} /tɹɛntʃ/ (long, narrow ditch or hole) | :: trinchera {f} |
trench warfare {n} (warfare in which opposing sides occupy trenches) | :: guerra de trincheras {f} |
trend {n} /tɹɛnd/ (an inclination in a direction) | :: tendencia {f}, tónica {f} |
trend {n} (A fad) | :: moda {f} |
trend {v} | :: tender |
Trento {prop} (city) | :: Trento {f} |
trepan {v} /tɹɪˈpæn/ (mining: create hole) | :: trepanar |
trepan {n} (trephine) SEE: trephine | :: |
trepanation {n} /tɹɛpəˈneɪʃən/ (practice of drilling a hole in the skull) | :: trepanación {f} |
trepang {n} (sea cucumber) SEE: sea cucumber | :: |
trephine {n} /tɹɪˈfaɪn/ (surgical instrument to remove a circular section from the skull) | :: trépano {m} |
trepidation {n} /ˌtɹɛp.ɪˈdeɪ.ʃən/ (fearful state) | :: preocupación, duda, aprensión, ansiedad, inquietud, desazón, azoramiento, trepidación |
treprostinil {n} (analog of the biological compound prostacyclin) | :: treprostinil {m} |
trespass {n} /ˈtɹɛspæs/ (law) | :: allanamiento {m}, traspaso {m}, invasión {f}, incursión {f} |
trespass {v} (to commit an offence) | :: ofender, pecar |
trespass {v} (to offend against) | :: ofender |
trespass {v} | :: violar, traspasar |
trespass {n} (sin) SEE: sin | :: |
tress {n} /tɹɛs/ (A braid, knot, or curl, of hair; a ringlet) | :: trenzada {f}, trenza {f} |
trestle {n} /ˈtɹɛsəl/ (a horizontal member supported near each end by a pair of divergent legs) | :: caballete {m} |
tretrigintillion {num} (10102, see also: septendecillion) | :: septendecillón {m} |
tri- {prefix} /tɹaɪ/ (three) | :: tri- |
triage {n} /ˈtɹi.ɑʒ/ (assessment or sorting according to quality) | :: sorteo; seleccion |
triage {n} (the process of sorting patients) | :: triaje {m}, triage {m} [barbarism] |
triage {v} (to assess or sort according to quality) | :: seleccionar |
trial {n} /ˈtɹaɪəl/ (chance to test something out) | :: ensayo {m}, prueba {f}, experimento {m} |
trial {n} (appearance at judicial court) | :: juicio {m}, proceso {m} |
trial {n} (difficult experience) | :: tribulación {f} |
trial {adj} (pertaining to a language form referring to three of something) | :: trial |
trial and error {n} (solution by learning from mistakes) | :: ensayo y error, tanteo {m} |
trial by fire {n} (test in which a person is exposed to flames) | :: prueba de fuego {f} |
trial by fire {n} (idiomatic: any ordeal which tests one's strength, endurance, or resolve) | :: prueba de fuego {f} |
trial by media {n} (process by which media coverage affects a person's reputation) | :: juicio mediático {m} |
triangle {n} /ˈtɹaɪˌæŋɡəl/ (polygon) | :: triángulo {m} |
triangle {n} (percussion instrument) | :: triángulo {m} |
triangle {n} (love triangle) SEE: love triangle | :: |
triangle inequality {prop} (the triangle inequality) | :: desigualdad del triángulo {f} |
triangular {adj} /tɹaɪˈæŋ.ɡjə.lɚ/ (shaped like a triangle) | :: triangular |
triangular {adj} (of or pertaining to triangles) | :: triangular |
triangularis muscle {n} (muscle) | :: depresor del ángulo de la boca {m} |
triangulate {v} /tɹaɪˈæŋɡjəleɪt/ (to locate by triangulation) | :: triangular |
triangulene {n} | :: trianguleno |
Triangulum {prop} (constellation) | :: Triangulum |
Triangulum {prop} (spiral galaxy) SEE: Triangulum Galaxy | :: |
Triangulum Australe {prop} (constellation) | :: Triangulum Australe |
Triangulum Galaxy {prop} (spiral galaxy) | :: Galaxia del Triángulo {f} |
triarius {n} (rank in the early Roman military) | :: triario {m} |
Triassic {adj} /tɹaɪˈæsɪk/ (relating to the Triassic period) | :: triásico |
Triassic {prop} (the geologic period) | :: Triásico {m} |
triathlete {n} (An athlete who competes in the triathlon) | :: triatleta {m} {f} |
tribadism {n} /ˈtɹɪbədɪz(ə)m/ (sexual practice) | :: tribadismo {m} |
tribal {adj} /ˈtɹaɪbəl/ (of or relating to tribes) | :: tribal |
tribal {adj} (based on or organized according to tribes) | :: tribal |
tribe {n} /tɹaɪb/ (group of people) | :: tribu {f} |
triboelectricity {n} (electricity produced by the triboelectric effect) | :: triboelectricidad {f} |
tribology {n} /tɹaɪˈbɒləd͡ʒi/ (science and technology of lubrication) | :: tribología {f} |
triboluminescence {n} (production of light) | :: triboluminiscencia {f} |
tribulation {n} /ˌtɹɪbjʊˈleɪ̯ʃən/ (adversity) | :: tribulación {f} |
tribunal {n} /tɹaɪˈbjunəl/ (assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business) | :: tribunal {m} |
tribune {n} /ˈtɹɪbjuːn/ (place or an opportunity to speak; platform) | :: tribuna {f} |
tributary {n} /ˈtɹɪbjʊtəɹi/ (stream which flows into a larger one) | :: afluente {m} |
tributary {adj} (subordinate, inferior) SEE: subordinate | :: |
tribute {n} /ˈtɹɪbjuːt/ (acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift) | :: tributo {m}, homenaje {m} |
tricameralism {n} (tricameralism) | :: tricameralidad |
tricenarian {n} (a person between age thirty and thirty-nine) | :: treintañero {m}, treintañera {f} |
tricentennial {n} (300th anniversary) | :: tricentenario {m} |
triceps {n} (triceps brachii) SEE: triceps brachii | :: |
triceps brachii {n} (the triceps in the upper arm) | :: tríceps braquial {m}, triceps brachii, triceps extensor cubiti |
triceratops {n} /tɹaɪˈsɛɹətɒps/ | :: tricerátops {m} |
trichlorofluoromethane {n} (chlorofluorocarbon CFCl3) | :: triclorofluorometano {m} |
trichloromethane {n} (chloroform) | :: triclorometano {m} |
trichotillomania {n} (disorder) | :: tricotilomanía {f} |
trichromatic {adj} (involving three colours) | :: tricrómico |
trick {n} /tɹɪk/ (something designed to fool) | :: truco {m}, artimaña {f}, engañifa, treta, triquiñuela, cancamusa [dated], candonga |
trick {n} (magic trick) | :: truco {m} |
trick {n} (effective, clever or quick way of doing something) | :: truco {m} |
trick {n} (winning sequence in cards) | :: truco {m} |
trick {v} (to fool; to cause to believe something untrue) | :: engañar, engrupir |
trickery {n} /tɹɪ.kə.ɹi/ (underhanded behavior) | :: triquiñuela {f}, superchería, trapisonda |
trickle {n} /ˈtɹɪkəl/ (a very thin river) | :: riachuelo {m} |
trickle {v} (to pour a liquid in a very thin stream, or so that drops fall continuously) | :: instilar |
trickle {v} (to flow in a very thin stream or drop continuously) | :: chorrear, gotear |
trickle-down {adj} (That flows, especially in limited quantity, from the highly placed to others) | :: repercute {m} |
trick or treat {interj} (extortion) | :: truco o trato |
trickster {n} (mythological or literary figure) | :: trasgo |
trickster {n} (fraud) SEE: fraud | :: |
trick up one's sleeve {n} (ace up one's sleeve) SEE: ace up one's sleeve | :: |
tricky {adj} /tɹɪki/ (hard to deal with) | :: difícil, dificultoso, chungo [colloquial], se las trae [colloquial], tener su intríngulis [colloquial] |
tricolor {adj} (having three colors) | :: tricolor |
tricolour {n} (A flag with three stripes of different colours) | :: tricolor |
tricorn {n} (three-sided hat) | :: tricornio {m} |
tricycle {n} /ˈtɹaɪsɪkəl/ (cycle with three wheels) | :: triciclo {m} |
trident {n} /ˈtɹaɪ̯dənt/ (three-pronged spear) | :: tridente {m} |
Trieste {prop} (city) | :: Trieste |
trifecta {n} /tɹaɪˈfɛktə/ (A bet on the first three places of a race in the order) | :: trifecta {f} [Arg., Chile] |
triffid {n} (a fictional plant) | :: trífido {m} |
trifle {n} /ˈtɹaɪfəl/ (dessert) | :: sopa inglesa {f} |
trifle {n} (insignificant amount) | :: pizca |
trifle {n} (thing of little importance or worth) | :: nadería, nimiedad, zarandaja, friolera, menudencia {f} |
trifle {v} (To deal with something as if it were of little importance or worth) | :: tratar a la ligera |
trifling {adj} /ˈtɹaɪfliŋ/ (trivial) | :: trivial, de pitiminí, de chichinabo |
triforce {n} (Shape composed of three triangles in a specific alignment) | :: Trifuerza |
trigeminal {adj} (of or pertaining to the trigeminal nerve) | :: trigémino |
trigeminal nerve {n} (nerve responsible for sensation and motor function in the face and mouth) | :: nervio trigémino {m} |
trigger {n} /ˈtɹɪɡə/ (finger-operated lever used to fire a gun) | :: gatillo {m} |
trigger {n} (event that initiates others, or incites a response) | :: detonador {m} |
trigger {n} (pulse in an electronic circuit that initiates some component) | :: desencadenante {m} |
trigger {n} | :: gatillo {m}, disparador {m} |
trigger {v} (to fire a weapon) | :: apretar el gatillo, detonar, gatillar |
trigger {v} (to initiate something) | :: desencadenar |
trigger finger {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger | :: |
trigger-happy {adj} (having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm irresponsibly) | :: gatillo fácil {m} |
triglyceride {n} /tɹaɪˈɡlɪsəɹaɪd/ (lipid, ester of glycerol and three fatty acids) | :: triglicérido {m} |
trigon {n} (rare: triangle) | :: trígono {m} |
trigonometric {adj} /ˌtɹɪɡ ə nəˈmɛ tɹɪk/ (of or relating to trigonometry) | :: trigonométrico |
trigonometric function {n} (a function of an angle) | :: función trigonométrica {f} |
trigonometry {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: trigonometría {f} |
trijet {n} (aircraft powered by three jet engines) | :: trirreactor |
trikini {n} /tɹaɪˈkiːni/ (trikini) | :: trikini {m} |
trilemma {n} /tɹaɪˈlɛmə/ (circumstance in which a choice must be made between three options) | :: trilema |
trilingual {adj} (able to read or speak three languages) | :: trilingüe {m} {f} |
trilingual {adj} (expressed or written in three languages) | :: trilingüe {m} {f} |
trilingualism {n} (the speaking of three languages) | :: trilingüismo {m} |
trill {n} /tɹɪl/ (rapid alternation of notes) | :: trino {m} |
trillion {num} /ˈtɹɪljən/ (a million million, 1012, see also: billion) | :: billón {m} |
trillion {num} (a million million million, 1018, see also: quintillion) | :: trillón {m} |
trilobite {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.ləˌbaɪt/ (member of the class Trilobita) | :: trilobite |
trilogy {n} /ˈtɹɪlədʒi/ (collection of three works) | :: trilogía {f} |
trim {v} /tɹɪm/ (to reduce slightly) | :: recortar |
trimaran {n} (type of boat) | :: trimarán {m} |
trimer {n} (molecule) | :: trímero {m} |
trimester {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.mɛs.təɹ/ (period of three months) | :: trimestre |
trimethoprim {n} (antibiotic) | :: trimetoprima {f} |
trimethylation {n} ((organic chemistry)) | :: trimetilación {f} |
trimotor {adj} (that has three motors) | :: trimotor |
trimotor {n} (aircraft with three piston motors) | :: trimotor {m} |
Trinidad {prop} (an island of the Caribbean) | :: Trinidad {f} |
Trinidad and Tobago {prop} /ˌtɹɪn.ɪ.dæd ænd toʊˈbeɪ.ɡoʊ/ (country) | :: Trinidad y Tobago, Trinidad y Tabago |
Trinidadian {n} /tɹɪ.nɪ.ˈdæ.diː.ən/ (a person from Trinidad) | :: trinitense {m} {f} |
Trinidadian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Trinidad or to the people or language of that country) | :: trinitense {m}/{f}, trinitario {m} [Venezuela], trinitaria {f} [Venezuela] |
Trinidadian and Tobagonian {n} (A person from Trinidad and Tobago or of descent of Trinidad and Tobago) | :: trinitense {m} {f}, trinitario {m} [Venezuela] |
Trinidadian and Tobagonian {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Trinidad and Tobago or to the people or language of that country) | :: trinitense {m}/{f}, trinitario {m} [Venezuela], trinitaria {f} [Venezuela] |
Trinitarian {adj} (believing in the Trinity) | :: trinitario |
trinity {n} /ˈtɹɪnɪti/ (group or set of three people or things) | :: trío {m}, trinidad {f} |
Trinity {prop} (Christianity: three persons of the Godhead) | :: trinidad |
Trinity {prop} (female given name) | :: Trinidad |
trinket {n} (a small showy ornament or piece of jewelry) | :: perendengue {m}, oropel |
trinket {n} (a mere trifle) | :: perendengue, baratija, chácharas {p} |
trinomial {n} (an expression consisting of three terms) | :: trinomio {m} |
trio {n} /ˈtɹioʊ/ (a piece of music written for three musicians) | :: trío |
trio {n} (passage in the middle of minuet) | :: trío |
trio {n} | :: trío |
triose {n} (sugar containing three carbon atoms) | :: triosa {f} |
trioxide {n} (oxide containing three oxygen atoms in each molecule) | :: trióxido {m} |
trip {n} /tɹɪp/ (journey) | :: viaje {m} |
trip {n} (stumble or misstep) | :: tropezar |
trip {n} (act of tripping someone) | :: zancadilla {f} |
trip {v} (fall over or stumble over an object) | :: tropezar |
trip {v} (to cause to stumble) | :: hacer topezar, hacer trastabillar, poner la zancadilla, meter la zancadilla, zancadillear |
trip {v} (to experience a state of reverie or to hallucinate) | :: tripear |
tripe {n} /tɹaɪp/ (stomach lining of animal for food) | :: tripa {f}, menudos {m-p} |
tripe {n} (entrails) | :: tripa {f}, entraña {f} |
tripe {n} (something valueless) | :: menudo |
triphthong {n} /ˈtɹɪfθɔŋ/ (monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vowel to another) | :: triptongo {m} |
triple {adj} /ˈtɹɪpəl/ (made up of three related elements) | :: triple |
triple {adj} (three times the quantity) | :: triple |
triple {n} (sequence of three elements) | :: triple {m} |
triple {v} (to multiply by three) | :: triplicar |
triple {v} (to become three times as large) | :: triplicar |
triple goddess {n} (female triune deity) | :: diosa triple {f} |
Triple Goddess {prop} (Wicca: the trinity of the Goddess) | :: triple diosa {f} |
triple jump {n} (athletics field event) | :: triple salto {m} |
triple point {n} (the temperature and pressure at which a substance is in equilibrium) | :: punto triple {m} |
triplet {n} (group of three) | :: trío {m}, tríada {f}, triplete {m} |
triplet {n} (one of a group of three) | :: uno del trío |
triplet {n} (one of three siblings born at the same time of the same mother) | :: trillizo {m}, triate {m} |
triplet {n} ((music): group of three notes played in place of two) | :: tresillo {m} |
triplet {n} | :: terceto {m} |
tripod {n} /ˈtɹaɪpɑd/ (a three-legged stand or mount) | :: trípode {m} {mf} |
Tripoli {prop} /ˈtɹɪpəli/ (capital of Libya) | :: Trípoli |
Tripolitan {adj} | :: tripolitano |
Tripolitan {n} (someone from Tripoli) | :: tripolitano |
triptych {n} /ˈtɹɪptɪk/ (art: a picture or series of pictures painted on three tablets connected by hinges) | :: tríptico |
triquetra {n} /tɹaɪˈkwɛtɹə/ (shape formed of three vesica piscis) | :: triqueta {f}, triquetra {f} |
triquetral bone {n} (one of the carpal bones of the wrist) | :: piramidal {m} |
triquetrous {adj} /tɹaɪˈkwɛtɹəs/ | :: triquetro {m} |
triquetrum {n} (anatomy) SEE: triquetral bone | :: |
trireme {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.ɹiːm/ (galley with three banks of oars) | :: trirreme {m} {f} |
trisect {v} (to cut into three pieces) | :: trisecar |
trisect {v} ((mathematics) to divide into three equal parts) | :: trisecar |
triskaidekaphobia {n} /ˌtɹɪskaɪdɛkəˈfəʊbi.ə/ (fear or dislike of the number 13) | :: triscaidecafobia {f} |
trismus {n} (lockjaw) SEE: lockjaw | :: |
Tristan {prop} /ˈtɹɪstən/ (male given name) | :: Tristán |
trisyllable {n} | :: trisílabo |
tritagonist {n} (third role) | :: tritagonista {m} |
trite {adj} /tɹaɪt/ (used so many times that it is commonplace, or no longer interesting or effective; worn out, hackneyed) | :: manido, trillado, trivial, tópico {m}, estereotipado {m} |
triticale {n} /ˌtɹɪtɪˈkeɪli/ (grain crop) | :: triticale {m} |
tritium {n} (radioactive isotope of hydrogen) | :: tritio |
Triton {prop} /ˈtɹaɪtən/ (god of the sea) | :: Tritón |
Triton {prop} (seventh moon of Neptune) | :: Tritón |
triumph {n} /ˈtɹaɪ.əmf/ (conclusive success; victory; conquest) | :: triunfo {m} |
triumph {n} | :: triunfo {m} |
triumph {v} (to prevail over rivals) | :: triunfar |
triumph {n} (trump card) SEE: trump | :: |
triumphal {adj} (of or relating to a triumph) | :: triunfal {m} {f} |
triumphal {adj} (that celebrates or commemorates a triumph or victory) | :: triunfal {m} {f} |
triumphal arch {n} (monumental arch that commemorates a victory) | :: arco de triunfo {m} |
triumphalism {n} (attitude) | :: triunfalismo {m} |
triumphalist {adj} (having a feeling of superiority) | :: triunfalista {m} {f} |
triumphant {adj} /tɹaɪˈʌmfənt/ (celebrating victory) | :: triunfante, triunfador |
triune {adj} (having three components that are both separate and united) | :: triuno {m} |
triune {adj} (having three hypostases that are perfectly united) | :: triuno {m} |
triunity {n} /tɹaɪˈjuːnɪti/ (the fact or state of being three in one) | :: triunidad {f} |
trivia {n} (quiz) SEE: quiz | :: |
trivial {adj} /ˈtɹɪ.vi.əl/ (of little significance or value) | :: trivial |
trivial {adj} (common, ordinary) | :: trivial |
trivialise {v} (trivialize) SEE: trivialize | :: |
trivialization {n} (act of trivializing) | :: trivialización {f} |
trivialize {v} (make something appear trivial) | :: trivializar |
tRNA {n} (transfer RNA) | :: ARNt {m} |
troak {v} /tɹoʊk/ (exchange goods or services without involving money) | :: trocar |
troat {n} (the cry of a deer) | :: balido {m} |
trocar {n} (medical instrument) | :: trócar {m} |
trochanter {n} (anatomy:end of femur) | :: trocánter {m} |
trochanter {n} (second segment of the leg of some arthropods) | :: trocánter {m} |
trochee {n} /ˈtɹəʊki/ (a metrical foot) | :: troqueo {m} |
trochlea {n} /ˈtɹɒklɪə/ (a structure resembling a pulley) | :: tróclea {f} |
trochlear {adj} /ˈtɹɒklɪə(ɹ)/ (shaped like, or resembling, a pulley; related to, or connected with, a trochlea) | :: troclear |
trodden {adj} /ˈtɹɑdən/ (crushed by being walked on) | :: hollado, pisoteado |
troglodyte {n} /ˈtɹɑɡlədaɪt/ (member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves) | :: cavernícola {m}, troglodita {m} {f} |
troglodyte {n} (anything that lives underground) | :: troglodita {m} {f} |
troglodyte {n} (reclusive or out-of-date person) | :: troglodita {m} {f} |
trogon {n} (species of bird) | :: trogón {m} |
troika {n} /ˈtɹɔɪ.kə/ (carriage) | :: troica {f} |
Trojan {n} (computer malware) SEE: Trojan horse | :: |
Trojan {n} /ˈtɹoʊd͡ʒən/ (person from Troy) | :: troyano {m} |
Trojan {adj} (relating to the city Troy) | :: troyano |
Trojan {adj} (relating to a malware) | :: troyano |
Trojan horse {prop} (epic wooden horse) | :: caballo de Troya {m} |
Trojan horse {n} (computing: malicious program) | :: troyano {m}, caballo de Troya {m} |
Trojan War {prop} (mythological war) | :: guerra de Troya {f} |
Trojan Wicca {prop} (branch of wicca) | :: wicca troyana {f} |
troll {n} /tɹoʊl/ (supernatural being) | :: trol {m} |
troll {v} (internet: to attempt to lure others into combative argument) | :: trolear |
troll {v} (internet: to incite anger) | :: trolear |
troll {n} ((Internet slang) A person on internet who provokes others amusement or to cause disruption) | :: trol {m} {f} |
troll {n} (person who provokes others) | :: trol {m} |
troll {v} (to saunter) SEE: saunter | :: |
trolley {n} (cart or shopping cart) | :: carrito {m} |
trolley {n} (light rail system) | :: trolebus, tranvía {m} |
trolley {n} (hand truck) SEE: hand truck | :: |
trolley bus {n} (bus powered via overhead electric cables) | :: trolebús {m} |
trolling {n} (an instance of trolling - provoking others) | :: trollaje {m} |
trollism {n} (internet: practice of trolling) | :: troleo {m}, troleada {f} |
trollop {n} /ˈtɹɒl.əp/ (woman of a vulgar and discourteous disposition) | :: puta {f}, golfa {f}, ramera {f} |
trollop {n} (strumpet) | :: puta {f}, golfa {f}, ramera {f} |
trombone {n} /ˌtɹɑmˈboʊn/ (a musical instrument in the brass family) | :: trombón {m} |
trombonist {n} /tɹɑmˈboʊ.nɪst/ (person who plays the trombone) | :: trombonista {m} {f} |
Tromsø {prop} (municipality in Norway) | :: Tromsø |
troops {n} /tɹuːps/ (military personnel in uniform) | :: tropas {f-p}, soldados {m-p} |
trope {n} /tɹəʊp/ (art, literature: something recurring across a genre or type of art or literature) | :: tópico {m} |
trope {n} (rhetoric: figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning) | :: tropo |
trope {n} (music, Roman Catholicism: phrase or verse added to the Mass) | :: tropo {m} |
trophozoite {n} (feeing stage in the life cycle of a protozoan) | :: trofozoito {m} |
trophy {n} /ˈtɹoʊfi/ (object rewarding success) | :: trofeo {m} |
tropic {adj} (tropical) SEE: tropical | :: |
tropic {n} (either of the two parallels) | :: trópico {m} |
Tropic {n} (one of the two Tropics) SEE: tropic | :: |
tropical {adj} (dated: metaphorical, figurative) SEE: figurative | :: |
tropical {adj} /ˈtɹoʊ.pɪ.kəl/ (of or pertaining to the tropics) | :: tropical |
tropical {adj} (from or similar to a hot humid climate) | :: tropical |
tropical depression {n} (region of low pressure) | :: depresión tropical {f} |
tropical geometry {n} (branch of geometry) | :: geometría tropical {f} |
tropicalize {v} /ˈtɹɑpɪkəlaɪz/ (modify something for use in the tropics) | :: tropicalizar |
tropical rainforest {n} (forest) | :: pluviselva tropical {f} |
tropical storm {n} | :: tormenta tropical {f} |
Tropic of Cancer {prop} (the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator) | :: trópico de Cáncer {m} |
Tropic of Capricorn {prop} (parallel of latitude 23°30' S) | :: trópico de Capricornio {m} |
tropics {n} (region of the Earth) | :: trópicos |
tropism {n} ((biology) turning of an organism) | :: tropismo {m} |
troponin {n} (regulatory protein of skeletal and cardiac muscle) | :: troponina {f} |
tropopause {n} (zone of transition between troposphere and stratosphere) | :: tropopausa {f} |
troposphere {n} (lower levels of the atmosphere) | :: troposfera {f}, tropósfera {f} |
trot {n} (toddler) SEE: toddler | :: |
trot {n} /tɹɑt/ (gait of an animal between walk and canter) | :: trote |
trot {n} (ugly old woman) | :: bruja {f}, arpía {f} |
trot {n} (a gait of a person faster than a walk) | :: trote {m} |
trot {n} (moderately rapid dance) | :: foxtrot {m} |
trot {n} (run of luck or fortune) | :: racha {f} |
trot {v} (walk rapidly) | :: trotar |
trot {v} ((of a horse) move at a gait between a walk and a canter) | :: trotar |
troth {n} (truth) SEE: truth | :: |
Trotskyism {n} (left-wing political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky) | :: trotskismo {m} |
Trotskyist {n} (a supporter of Trotskyism) SEE: Trotskyite | :: |
Trotskyite {n} (an advocate of the communist doctrines of Leon Trotsky) | :: trotskista {m} {f} |
troubadour {n} (an itinerant performer of songs) | :: trovador {m}, trovadora {f} |
trouble {n} /ˈtɹʌb(ə)l/ (distressful or dangerous situation) | :: marrón, berenjenal |
trouble {n} (difficulty) | :: dificultad {f}, problema {m} |
trouble {n} (effort) | :: molestia {f}, costo {m} [Costa Rica] |
trouble {n} | :: problema {f}, pena {f} |
trouble {v} (to bother; to annoy) | :: molestar, fastidiar, agobiar |
trouble in paradise {n} (unexpected problem in a supposedly positive situation) | :: problema en el paraíso {f} |
troublemaker {n} (one who causes trouble, especially deliberately) | :: alborotador {m}, bullanguero {m}, camorrista {m} {f}, embrollón {m}, enredador {m}, gamberro {m}, provocador {m}, liante {m} {f}, buscapleitos {m} {f}, pendenciero {m}, broncas [colloquial] |
troubleshoot {v} /ˈtɹʌbl̩ˌʃuːt/ (to analyze or diagnose a problem to the point of determining a solution) | :: solucionar problemas |
troubleshooter {n} (person skilled at solving problems) | :: apagafuegos [colloquial] |
troublesome {adj} /ˈtɹʌbəlsəm/ (giving trouble) | :: problemático {m}, prolijo {m} |
trough {n} /tɹɔf/ (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) | :: comedero {m}, abrevadero {m} |
trough {n} (a gutter under the eaves of a building) | :: canaleta {f} |
trough {n} (a long, narrow depression between waves or ridges) | :: valle {m} |
trough {n} (a linear atmospheric depression associated with a weather front) | :: vaguada {f} |
trounce {v} /tɹaʊns/ (to beat thoroughly, to defeat heavily) | :: aplastar |
trounce {n} (act of trouncing) SEE: thrashing | :: |
trouser {v} (to pocket) SEE: pocket | :: |
trousers {n} (article of clothing for the lower body) SEE: pants | :: |
trousseau {n} /ˈtɹuːsəʊ/ (bridal clothes) | :: ajuar {m} |
trout {n} /tɹaʊt/ (fish) | :: trucha {f} |
trout {v} (Internet. To figuratively slap someone with a slimy, stinky, wet trout; to admonish jocularly.) | :: truchear |
trowel {n} /ˈtɹaʊ.əl/ (mason's tool) | :: paleta de albañil {f}, cuchara de albañil {f}, trulla {f} |
trowel {n} (scoop-like gardening tool) | :: pala de jardinería {f}, desplantador {m} |
Troy {prop} /tɹɔɪ/ (an ancient city) | :: Troya {f} |
troy ounce {n} | :: onza troy {f} |
truancy {n} (the act of shirking from responsibilities and duties) | :: absentismo, ausentismo |
truant {adj} /ˈtɹʊənt ~ ˈtɹuː.ənt/ (Describing one who is truant, absent without permission) | :: truante |
truant {n} (One who is absent without permission) | :: novillero {m}, novillera {f}, absentista {m} {f} |
truce {n} /tɹus/ (a period of time in which no fighting takes place) | :: tregua {f} |
Trucial States {prop} (Trucial Oman) | :: Estados de la Tregua |
truck {v} (trade) SEE: trade | :: |
truck {n} /t͡ʃɹʌk/ (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) | :: camión {m}, camioneta {f} (small truck, pickup) |
truck {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon | :: |
truck driver {n} (person employed to drive a truck) | :: camionero {m}, camionera {f} |
trucker {n} (one who drives a truck) SEE: truck driver | :: |
truculent {adj} /ˈtɹʌkjʊlənt/ (cruel or savage) | :: truculento {m} |
truculent {adj} (deadly or destructive) | :: truculento {m} |
true {adj} /tɹu/ (concurring with a given set of facts) | :: cierto, verdadero |
true {adj} (A state in Boolean logic that indicates an affirmative or positive result) | :: verdadero |
true {adj} (Loyal, faithful) | :: verdadero |
true {adj} (Genuine) | :: auténtico |
true {adj} | :: verdadero |
true believer {n} (strict follower of a doctrine) | :: creyente verdadero {m} |
true believer {n} (one who believes in something dogmatically even if it is proven false; a sufferer of true-believer syndrome) | :: creyente verdadero {m} |
true seal {n} (earless seal) SEE: earless seal | :: |
truffle {n} /ˈtɹʌ.fəl/ (tuber) | :: trufa {f} |
truffle {n} (chocolate truffle) SEE: chocolate truffle | :: |
truism {n} (self-evident or obvious truth) | :: obviedad {f}, [colloq.] perogrullada {f}, [less common] truismo {m} |
truism {n} (banality or cliché) | :: banalidad {f}, lugar común {m}, tópico {m}, cliché {m} |
truly {adv} /ˈtɹuːli/ (in accordance with the facts) | :: verdaderamente |
truly {adv} (honestly, genuinely) | :: verdaderamente |
truly {adv} (very) | :: realmente |
truly yours {phrase} (yours truly) SEE: yours truly | :: |
trump {n} /tɹʌmp/ (suit that outranks all others) | :: pinte {m}, triunfo {m} |
trump {n} (playing card of that suit) | :: pinte {m}, triunfo {m} |
trump {n} (something that gives one an advantage) | :: as bajo la manga {m} [colloquial], baza |
trump card {n} (trump) SEE: trump | :: |
trumpet {n} /ˈtɹʌmpɪt/ (brass instrument) | :: trompeta {f} |
trumpet {n} (elephant noise) | :: barrito {m}, berrido {m} |
trumpet {v} (sound loudly) | :: trompetear |
trumpet {v} (play the instrument) | :: trompetear, tocar a la trompeta |
trumpet {v} (make an elephant call) | :: barritar |
trumpeter {n} /ˈtɹʌmpɪtɚ/ (person who plays the trumpet) | :: trompetista {m} {f}, trompetero {m}, trompeta {m} |
trumpeter swan {n} (Cygnus buccinator) | :: cisne trompetero {m} |
Trumpism {prop} (the philosophy and politics espoused by Donald Trump) | :: trumpismo {m} |
Trumpist {adj} | :: Trumpista |
Trumpist {n} | :: trumpista {m} {f} |
truncate {v} /ˈtɹʌŋˌkeɪt/ (shorten something as if by cutting off part of it) | :: truncar |
truncate {v} (shorten a decimal number by removing trailing (or leading) digits; to chop) | :: truncar |
truncate {adj} (truncated) | :: truncado |
truncated {adj} (Deprived of one of its parts or of its end) | :: truncado |
truncated icosahedron {n} (polyhedron) | :: icosaedro truncado {m} |
truncheon {n} /ˈtɹʌntʃən/ (short club) | :: porra {f} |
truncheon {n} (a baton, or military staff of command, now especially the stick carried by a police officer) | :: porra {f} |
trundle {n} (low bed on wheels) SEE: trundle bed | :: |
trundle bed {n} (low bed under a higher bed) | :: cama nido |
trunk {n} /tɹʌŋk/ (tree trunk) | :: tronco {m} |
trunk {n} (large suitcase or chest) | :: baúl {m} |
trunk {n} (extended nasal organ of an elephant) | :: trompa |
trunk {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) | :: baúl {m} [Argentina, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Eastern Venezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Puerto Rico], cajuela {f} [Costa Rica, Ecuador, México], joroba {f} [Costa Rica], maleta {f} [Chile, Venezuelan standard usage], maletera {f} [Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela], maletero {m} [especially Cuba, Eastern Bolivia and Spain], valija {f} [Uruguay], valijera {f} [Nicaragua, Paraguay] |
trunk {n} (torso) SEE: torso | :: |
trunk {n} (swimming trunks) SEE: swimming trunks | :: |
trunk road {n} (important main road) | :: carretera troncal {f} |
trunks {n} /tɹʌŋks/ (swimwear) | :: bermuda {m} |
truss {n} /tɹʌs/ (bandage and belt) | :: faja para hernia {f} |
truss {n} (framework of beams) | :: cercha {f} |
trust {n} /trʌst/ (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) | :: confianza {f} |
trust {n} (confidence in the future payment for goods or services supplied; credit) | :: crédito {m}, fiar {m} |
trust {n} (a group of businessmen or traders) | :: consorcio {m}, trust {m} |
trust {n} | :: fideicomiso {m}, fe {f}, deber {m}, obligación {f} |
trust {v} (to place confidence in) | :: confiar, fiarse |
trust {v} (to give credence to) | :: creer |
trust {v} (to hope confidently) | :: esperar |
trust {v} (to show confidence in a person by intrusting (him) with something) | :: confiar |
trust {v} (to commit; to intrust) | :: confiar |
trust {v} (to give credit to) | :: creer, fiar |
trust deed {n} (deed conveying property to a trustee) | :: escritura fiduciaria {f}, contrato de fideicomiso {m} |
trustee {n} (person to whom property is legally committed in trust) | :: fiduciario {m}, fiduciaria {f} |
trustworthiness {n} /ˈtɹʌst.wɜɹ.ði.nɛs/ (the state or quality of being trustworthy or reliable) | :: integridad |
trustworthy {adj} /ˈtɹʌst.wɜɹ.ði/ (reliable) | :: fidedigno, fiable, de confianza, confiable, de fiar |
truth {n} /tɹuːθ/ (state or quality of being true to someone or something) | :: verdad {f} |
truth {n} (conformity to fact or reality) | :: verdad {f} |
truth {n} (true facts) | :: verdad {f} |
truth {n} (that which is real) | :: verdad {f} |
truth {n} (something acknowledged to be true) | :: verdad {f} |
truth {n} | :: verdad {f} |
truth be told {interj} (when admitting something one might otherwise lie about) | :: la verdad sea dicha, a decir verdad, en puridad |
truthful {adj} /ˈtɹuːθ.f(ə)l/ (honest, and always telling the truth) | :: veraz |
truthful {adj} (accurately depicting what is real) | :: fiel |
truth is stranger than fiction {proverb} | :: la realidad supera a la ficción |
truth or dare {n} (game where players perform a dare or answer a question) | :: verdad o reto |
try {v} /tɹaɪ/ (to attempt) | :: intentar, tratar |
try {v} (to make an experiment) | :: tratar, intentar |
try {v} (to work on something) | :: esforzarse |
try {v} (to put to test) | :: probar |
try {v} (to taste, sample, etc) | :: probar |
try {v} (to put on trial) | :: juzgar |
try {n} (an attempt) | :: intento {m} |
try {n} (an act of tasting or sampling) | :: prueba {f} |
try {n} (a score in rugby) | :: try {m}, ensayo {m} [Spain] |
try-hard {n} (person of little talent) SEE: tryhard | :: |
tryhard {n} (person of little talent) | :: arrastrado {m}, esforzado {m} |
trying {adj} /ˈtɹaɪ.ɪŋ/ (Difficult to endure; arduous) | :: desafiador, arduo, riguroso |
trying {adj} (irritating, stressful or bothersome) | :: hostigoso, irritante, molestoso |
try on {v} (to test the look of) | :: probar |
try out {v} (to test something) | :: probar, ensayar, experimentar |
trypanosomiasis {n} (disease caused by a trypanosome) | :: tripanosomiasis {f} |
trypophobia {n} /ˌtɹɪpəˈfəʊbi.ə/ (fear of holes) | :: tripofobia |
trypsin {n} (digestive enzyme) | :: tripsina {f} |
tryptophan {n} /ˈtɹɪptə(ʊ)fan/ (essential amino acid) | :: triptófano {m} |
tryst {n} /tɹɪst/ (prearranged meeting, now especially between lovers) | :: cita {f} |
tryst {n} ((obsolete) a mutual agreement, a covenant) | :: convenio {m} |
tsar {n} /(t)sɑɹ/ (an emperor) | :: zar {m} |
tsardom {n} /ˈ(t)sɑː(ɹ)dəm/ (the territory ruled by a tsar) | :: zarismo {m} |
tsarina {n} /tsaˈɹiːnə/ (empress or wife of a tsar) | :: zarina {f} |
tsarism {n} (system of government) | :: zarismo {m} |
tsaritsa {n} (tsarina) SEE: tsarina | :: |
T-shirt {n} /ˈtiːʃɜːt/ (type of shirt) | :: camiseta {f}, [Venezuela] franela {f}, [Mexico] playera {f}, [Peru] polo {m}, [Bolivia, Chile] polera {f}, [Cuba] pulóver {m}, [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] remera {f} |
Tskhinvali {prop} /ˈtskɪnvali/ (A city in Georgia) | :: Tsjinval |
Tsonga {n} /ˈtsɒŋɡə/ (person) | :: tsonga {m} |
Tsonga {prop} (language) | :: tsonga {m} |
tsunami {n} /suˈnɑmi/ (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) | :: tsunami {m}, maremoto {m} |
tsuris {n} /tsʊɹɪs/ (problems or troubles) | :: lío, embrollo |
TTBOMK {adv} (to one's knowledge) | :: que yo sepa, por lo que sepa |
Tuareg {n} /ˈtwɑɹ.ɛɡ/ (member of the Tuareg people) | :: tuareg {m} {f} |
Tuareg {prop} (various Berber languages) | :: targuí {m}, tuareg {m} |
tuatara {n} /tuːəˈtɑːɹə/ (reptile) | :: tuátara {m} |
tub {n} /tʌb/ (broad, flat-bottomed vessel) | :: cuba {f}, tina {f} |
tub {n} (bathtub) SEE: bathtub | :: |
tuba {n} /ˈtu.bə/ (a large brass musical instrument) | :: tuba {f} |
tubaist {n} (one who plays the tuba) | :: tubista {m} {f} |
tubby {adj} /ˈtʌbi/ (stout, rotund) | :: gordito |
tube {n} /tjuːb/ (a pipe) | :: tubo {m}, canuto {m} |
tube {n} (cylindrical container) | :: tubo {m} |
tube {n} (the London underground) SEE: Tube | :: |
Tube {prop} (informal: the London underground) | :: metro {m} |
tuber {n} /tjuːbə(ɹ)/ (fleshy underground stem) | :: tubérculo |
tubercle {n} (round nodule on a bone) | :: tubérculo {m} |
tubercle {n} (wartlike protuberance on the roots of some plants) | :: tubérculo {m} |
tubercle {n} (characteristic lesion of tuberculosis) | :: tubérculo {m} |
tubercule {n} (tubercle) SEE: tubercle | :: |
tuberculin {n} (an antigen used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis) | :: tuberculina {f} |
tuberculosis {n} /tjuːˌbɜː(r)kjʊˈləʊsɪs/ (infectious disease) | :: tuberculosis {f} |
tubular {adj} /ˈtubjəlɚ/ (shaped like a tube) | :: tubular |
tubular {adj} (of or pertaining to a tube) | :: tubular |
tubular {adj} (consisting of tubes) | :: tubular |
tubulin {n} (proteins used as the material for microtubules) | :: tubulina |
Tucana {prop} (constellation) | :: Tucana |
tuck {v} /tʌk/ (push the end of fabric out of sight) | :: hacer dobladillo |
tuck {v} (place somewhere safe or hidden) | :: resguardar |
tuck {v} (fit neatly) | :: encajar |
tuck {v} | :: meter |
tuck {n} (short sword) SEE: rapier | :: |
tucker {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub | :: |
tuck in {v} (to pull the blankets or duvet up over (someone in bed); to put (someone) to bed) | :: arropar |
Tucson {prop} /ˈtuːsɒn/ (Arizona city) | :: Tucsón |
Tucumán {prop} (province) | :: Tucumán |
Tuesday {n} /ˈt(j)uzdeɪ/ (day of the week) | :: martes {m} |
Tuesday {adv} (on Tuesday) | :: martes {m} |
tufa {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: tuff | :: |
tufa {n} (calcareous deposit of lime found near hot springs) | :: toba (calcárea) {f} |
tuff {n} /tʌf/ (a rock composed of compacted volcanic ash) | :: toba {f}, tufo {m} |
tuft {n} /tʌft/ (bunch) | :: mechón {m} [hair], penacho {m} [feathers], manojo {m} [grass], haz [twigs], champa {f} |
tufted antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antibird family) | :: batará copetón |
tufted capuchin {n} (species of monkey) | :: maicero {m} [Colombia], mono negro {m} [Venezuela], mono silbador {m} [Ecuador], mono caí {m} [Argentina], mono maicero {m} |
tufted duck {n} (species of duck) | :: porrón moñudo {m} |
tufted puffin {n} /ˈtʌftɪd ˈpʌfɪn/ (Fratercula cirrhata) | :: frailecillo coletudo {m} |
tufted titmouse {n} (Baeolophus bicolor) | :: herrerillo bicolor {m}, carbonero cresta negra {m} |
tug {v} /tʌɡ/ (to pull with great effort) | :: tirar, halar, [colloquial] jalar |
tug {v} (to pull repeatedly) | :: tironear |
tug {v} (to tow by tugboat) | :: remolcar |
tug {n} (tugboat) SEE: tugboat | :: |
tugboat {n} /ˈtʌɡboʊt/ (small, powerful boat) | :: remolcador {m} |
tughra {n} (signature of an Ottoman sultan) | :: tughra |
tug of war {n} (game) | :: tira y afloja {f} |
tuition {n} /tuˈɪʃən/ (sum of money paid for instruction) | :: colegiatura {f} |
tuition {n} (training or instruction provided by a teacher or tutor) | :: enseñanza {f}, clases {f-p} |
Tula {prop} (town in Mexico) | :: Tula |
tularemia {n} /ˌt(j)uːləˈɹiːmɪə/ (infectious disease) | :: tularemia {f} |
tulip {n} /ˈt(j)uːlɪp/ (plant) | :: tulipán {m} |
tulle {n} /tuːl/ (kind of silk lace) | :: tul {m} |
tumble {n} /ˈtʌmbl̩/ (a fall) | :: caída {f} |
tumble {v} (to fall end over end) | :: caer, revolverse |
tumbledown {adj} (in disrepair, poorly maintained) | :: ruinoso |
tumble dryer {n} (electrical device) | :: secadora {f} |
tumblelog {n} (microblog on Tumblr) | :: tumblr {m} |
tumbler {n} (acrobat) SEE: acrobat | :: |
tumbler {n} /ˈtʌmblɚ/ (movable obstruction in lock) | :: seguro |
tumbler {n} (drinking glass without stem) | :: vaso de lados rectos {m}, tumbler {m}, volatinero {m} |
tumbleweed {n} /ˈtʌmbəlwiːd/ (plant which breaks loose and is driven by the wind) | :: estepicursor {m}, planta rodadora {f} |
tummy {n} /tʌmi/ (childish language for stomach) | :: bidón {m} |
tummy {n} (belly) | :: barriga {f}, [diminutive] barriguita {f}, bola {f} |
tumor {n} /tuː.məɹ/ (oncology, pathology: an abnormal growth) | :: tumor {m} |
tumoral {adj} (of or pertaining to a tumor) | :: tumoral |
tumour {n} (tumor) SEE: tumor | :: |
tumult {n} /ˈtjuː.mʌlt/ (noise as made by a crowd) | :: clamor {m}, bullicio {m}, alboroto {m} |
tumult {n} (riot or uprising) | :: tumulto {m} |
tumultuous {adj} /tjʊˈmʌl.tjʊ.əs/ (characterized by loud, confused noise) | :: tumultuoso {m}, tumultuosa {f} |
tumultuous {adj} (causing or characterized by tumult) | :: tumultuoso {m}, tumultuosa {f}, bullicioso {m}, bulliciosa {f}, tempestuoso {m}, tempestuosa {f} |
tumultuously {adv} (in a tumultuous manner) | :: tumultuosamente |
tumulus {n} /ˈtuːmjələs/ (mound of earth) | :: túmulo {m} |
tuna {n} /ˈtu.nə/ (fish) | :: atún {m} |
tuna {n} (type of cactus) | :: nopal {f} |
tuna {n} (fruit of the cactus) | :: tuna {f} |
tundra {n} /ˈtʌndɹə/ (flat treeless arctic region) | :: tundra {f} |
tune {n} /t(j)un/ (melody) | :: melodía {f} |
tune {n} (song, short musical composition) | :: tonada {f} |
tune {v} (to adjust a musical instrument) | :: afinar |
tune {v} (to adjust (e.g. a mechanical or electrical device) so that it functions optimally) | :: afinar |
tune {v} (to adjust the frequency on a radio or TV set, so as to receive the desired channel) | :: sintonizar |
tune {v} (to make more precise, intense, or effective) | :: afinar |
tune in {v} (to select a channel, station, etc., as on television or radio) | :: sintonizar |
tuner {n} /ˈtuː.nɚ/ (person who tunes a piano or organ) | :: afinador {m} |
tuner {n} (device that shows the deviation of the played pitch from the desired pitch) | :: afinador {m} |
tuner {n} (the component of an audio system that receives radio broadcasts.) | :: sintonizador {m} |
tungsten {n} /ˈtʌŋstən/ (chemical element) | :: wolframio {m}, tungsteno {m} |
tungsten carbide {n} (Very hard grey compound used as an abrasive) | :: carburo de tungsteno {m} |
Tungusic {adj} (of or pertaining to these languages) | :: tungús |
tunic {n} /tjuːnɪk/ (garment) | :: túnica {f} |
tuning fork {n} /tjʉːnɪŋ foːk/ (fork-shaped object which emits a tone) | :: diapasón {m} |
Tunis {prop} /ˈtuːnəs/ (capital of Tunisia) | :: Túnez |
Tunisia {prop} /tjuːˈnɪzi.ə/ (Republic of Tunisia) | :: Túnez |
Tunisian {n} (person from Tunisia) | :: tunecino |
Tunisian {adj} (pertaining to Tunisia) | :: tunecino |
Tunisian Arabic {prop} (Tunisian dialect of Arabic) | :: árabe tunecino {m} |
tunnel {n} /ˈtʌn(ə)l/ (an underground or underwater passage) | :: túnel {m} |
tunnel vision {n} (restricted field of vision) | :: visión de túnel {f} |
tup {v} (fuck) SEE: fuck | :: |
tup {n} (ram) SEE: ram | :: |
Tupi {prop} /ˈtuːpɪ/ (a Tupian language) | :: tupí {m} |
Tupinambá {prop} (language) | :: tupinambá {m} |
turban {n} /ˈtɜː(ɹ)bən/ (man's head-dress) | :: turbante {m} |
turbid {adj} (having the lees or sediment disturbed; roiled; muddy; thick; not clear) | :: turbio |
turbidity {n} (the state of being turbid) | :: turbiedad {f} |
turbine {n} /ˈtɜ(ɹ)baɪn/ (rotary machine) | :: turbina {f} |
turbojet {n} (type of jet engine) | :: turborreactor {m} |
turboprop {n} (type of gas-turbine aircraft engine) | :: turbohélice {f}, turbopropulsor {m} |
turboshaft {n} (gas-turbine engine designed to transmit power by means of a geared shaft) | :: turboeje {m} |
turbot {n} /ˈtɜːbət/ (any of various flatfishes of family Scophthalmidae) | :: rodaballo {m} |
turbulence {n} (disturbance in gas, fluid) | :: turbulencia {f} |
turbulent {adj} /ˈtɜːbjələnt/ (violently disturbed or agitated) | :: tempestuoso {m}, agitado {m}, accidentado {m}, turbulento {m} |
turbulent {adj} (being in disturbance or unrest) | :: tempestuoso {m}, agitado {m}, accidentado {m}, turbulento {m} |
turd {n} /tɜːd/ (piece of solid feces) | :: mojón {m}, zurullo {m}, bojote {m} [Honduras], cerote {m} [Nicaragua], boñiga {f}, truño {m} |
tureen {n} /təˈɹiːn/ (broad deep serving dish for soup or stew) | :: sopera {f} |
turf {n} /tɝf/ (a layer of earth covered with grass; sod) | :: césped {m}, terreno {m}, territorio {m} |
turf {n} (a piece of such a layer cut from the soil and used to make a lawn) | :: tepe {m} |
turf {n} (a racetrack; or the sport of racing horse) | :: hipódromo |
turf accountant {n} (bookmaker) SEE: bookmaker | :: |
turgid {adj} /ˈtɜːdʒɪd/ (distended beyond natural state) | :: turgente, túrgido [poetic] |
turgid {adj} (pompous or bombastic) | :: ampuloso {m} |
Turin {prop} /tjʊəˈɹɪn/ (city) | :: Turín {m} |
Turinese {adj} (of or relating to Turin) | :: turinés |
Turinese {n} (a person from Turin) | :: turinés {m}, turinesa {f} |
Turing machine {n} (abstract machine) | :: máquina de Turing {f} |
Turk {n} /tɝk/ (a person from Turkey) | :: turco {m}, turca {f} |
Turk {n} (a speaker of the various Turkic languages) | :: turco {m} |
Turk {n} (Muslim) SEE: Muslim | :: |
turkey {n} /ˈtɜː(ɹ)ki/ (bird) | :: pavo {m}, chompipe {m} [Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua], chumpe {m} [El Salvador], cócono {m} [Northern Central Mexico], guajolote {m} [Mexican standard usage], guanajo {m} [Cuba], pisco {m} [Colombia], pípila {f} [Mexico], güíjolo {m} [Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico] |
turkey {n} (failure) | :: fracaso {m}, fiasco {m} |
turkey {n} (stupid person) | :: [vulgar] pendejo {m} |
Turkey {prop} /ˈtɝ.ki/ (country at intersection of Europe and Asia) | :: Turquía {f} |
turkey hen {n} | :: pava {f}, guajolota {f}, totola {f}, cócona {f}, güila {f}, pípila {f}, cune {f} |
turkey vulture {n} (a common North American vulture, Cathartes aura) | :: jote {m}, zopilote {m}, gallinazo {m} |
turkey vulture {n} | :: aura {f} [Mexico, ], aura tiñosa {f} [Caribbean Islands], aura zunchiche {f} [El Salvador], cuervo de cabeza roja {m} [Uruguay], cute {f} [Honduras], gallinazo cabecirrojo {m} [Panama], gallinazo de cabeza roja {m} [Ecuador, Peru], guala {f} [Colombia], jote {m} [Bolivia], jote de cabeza colorada {m} [Argentina, Chile], noneca {f} [Panama], oripopo {m} [Venezuela], zonchinche {m} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua], zopilote cabecirrojo [Costa Rica, Nicaragua], zopilote de cabeza roja {m} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua], zunchiche {m} [El Salvador] |
Turkic {adj} (of or relating to this language group or the people who speak it) | :: túrquico {m}, túrcico {m} |
Turkish {n} /ˈtɝ.kɪʃ/ (official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) | :: turco {m} |
Turkish {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) | :: turco |
Turkish alphabet {prop} (the alphabet used in the Turkish language) | :: alfabeto turco {m} |
Turkish bath {n} (establishment) | :: baño turco {m}, hammam {m} |
Turkish delight {n} (confection) | :: lokum {m}, delicias turcas {f-p} |
Turkman {n} /ˈtɜɹkmən/ (person from Turkmenistan) | :: turcomano {m}, turcomana {f} |
Turkmen {n} /ˈtɝk.mən/ (language spoken in Turkmenistan) | :: turcomano {m} |
Turkmen {adj} (of or pertaining to Turkmenistan, the Turkmen people or the Turkmen language) | :: turcomano |
Turkmen {n} (Turkman) SEE: Turkman | :: |
Turkmenistan {prop} /ˌtɜːkmɛn.ɪˈstɑːn/ (Central Asian country) | :: Turkmenistán {m} |
Turkmenistani {adj} (person of Turkmen origin) SEE: Turkmen | :: |
Turks and Caicos Islands {prop} /ˈtɜː(ɹ)ks ən ˈkeɪkəs ˌaɪləndz/ (a British overseas territory in the Caribbean) | :: islas Turcas y Caicos {f} |
Turku {prop} (A city in Finland) | :: Turku, Abo |
turmeric {n} /ˈtɜɹ.məɹ.ɪk/ (plant) | :: cúrcuma |
turmeric {n} (spice) | :: cúrcuma {f} |
turmoil {n} /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ (a state of great disorder or uncertainty) | :: desorden {m}, turbulencia {f}, dificultad {f} |
turn {v} /tɜːn/ (move around an axis through itself) | :: girar |
turn {v} (change the direction or orientation of (something)) | :: girar, virar |
turn {v} (change one's direction of travel) | :: girar, tornar, doblar |
turn {v} (become) | :: volver [pronominal] |
turn {v} (reach a certain age) | :: cumplir |
turn {v} (metamorphose) | :: tornar [pronominal], mutar, transformar, metamorfar |
turn {v} (rebel) | :: rebelar [pronominal] |
turn {v} (shape (something) on a lathe) | :: tornear |
turn {v} (of leaves, to change color in autumn) | :: estivescer |
turn {v} | :: doblar |
turn {n} (movement about an axis ending up with the same orientation) | :: giro {m} |
turn {n} (chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others) | :: turno {m} |
turn {n} (poker, obsolete: flop) SEE: flop | :: |
turn a blind eye {v} (to ignore or deliberately overlook) | :: hacer la vista gorda, hacerse de la vista gorda |
turn a deaf ear {v} (to refuse to listen or hear something) | :: hacerse el sordo, hacer oídos sordos |
turn around {v} (to physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees) | :: girar, dar vuelta, rotar |
turn around {v} (to change to the opposite opinion or position) | :: voltear |
turn back {v} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return | :: |
turncoat {n} /ˈtɝn.koʊt/ (a traitor) | :: tránsfuga, rajeta, veleta, renegado, chaquetero |
turn down {v} (refuse, decline, deny) | :: rechazar |
turn down {v} (reduce amount) | :: disminuir, reducir |
turn in {v} (submit something) | :: entregar |
turn in {v} (to relinquish; to tell on someone to the authorities) | :: entregar |
turning {n} /ˈtɝ.nɪŋ/ (A turn or deviation from a straight course) | :: bocacalle [into a street] |
turning point {n} (decisive point) | :: punto de inflexión {m} |
turn in one's grave {v} (be appalled, offended or disgusted by something, despite being deceased) | :: revolverse en su tumba |
turn into {v} (intransitive: become) | :: convertirse |
turnip {n} /ˈtɜ˞.nɪp/ (white root of Brassica rapa) | :: nabo {m} |
turnip greens {n} (leaves of the turnip plant) | :: grelo |
turnkey {adj} (ready to use without further assembly) | :: llave en mano |
turnkey {n} (slang: warder) | :: llavero {m} |
turn of events {n} (deviation from the expected) | :: giro de los acontecimientos {m} |
turn off {v} (switch off appliance or light) | :: apagar |
turn off {v} (rotate a tap or valve to stop outflow) | :: cerrar |
turn off {v} (leave a road) | :: salir |
turn off {v} (repulse) | :: repugnar |
turn-off {n} (something that repulses, disgusts, or discourages) | :: antierótico {m} |
turn on {v} (to set a flow of fluid or gas running by rotating a tap or valve) | :: abrir |
turn on {v} ((transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.) | :: encender, prender |
turn on {v} ((intransitive) to power up) | :: encender |
turn out {v} (to result; end up) | :: resultar |
turn out {v} (to attend; show up) | :: asistir |
turn out {v} (to extinguish a light or other device) | :: apagar |
turn out {v} (to become apparent or known) | :: resultar |
turn out {v} (to produce; make) | :: producir, hacer |
turn out {v} (to remove from a mould, bowl etc.) | :: desmoldar |
turnout {n} (number of people who attend or participate in an event) | :: concurrencia, asistencia |
turn over {v} (to transfer) SEE: transfer | :: |
turnover {n} (sales transacted) | :: cifra de negocios {f} |
turnover {n} (rate of change or replacement) | :: movimiento de mercancías, rotación {m} |
turnover {n} (act of overturning something) | :: vuelco {m} |
turn signal {n} (turn signal) SEE: indicator | :: |
turnstile {n} /ˈtɝnstaɪl/ (rotating mechanical device) | :: molinete {m}, torniquete {m} |
turnstone {n} (coastal wading bird) | :: vuelvepiedras {m} |
turntable {n} /ˈtɜːnteɪb(ə)l/ (circular rotating platform of a record player or a disk jockey's console) | :: tocadiscos {m}, tornamesas {m} {f} |
turn the other cheek {v} (accept injury without revenge) | :: poner la otra mejilla |
turn to {v} (to consult for advice) | :: acudir |
turn turtle {v} (to fail, go belly up) SEE: fail | :: |
turn up {v} (to appear unexpectedly) | :: aparecer |
turn up {v} (increase volume etc.) | :: subir (el volumen) |
turn up {v} (reposition) | :: doblar, dar vuelta |
turpentine {n} /ˈtɜː.pən.ˌtaɪn/ (volatile essential oil) | :: aguarrás {m}, trementina |
turquoise {n} /ˈtɚ.k(w)ɔɪz/ (gemstone) | :: turquesa {f} |
turquoise {n} (colour) | :: turquesa {m} |
turquoise {adj} (having a pale greenish-blue colour) | :: turquesa |
turret {n} /ˈtʌɹət/ (a revolving tower constructed of thick iron plates) | :: torreta {f} |
turtle {n} /ˈtɝtəl/ (land or marine reptile with a shell) | :: tortuga {f}, peta {f} [Bolivia] |
turtle {v} (to flip over onto the back or top; to turn upside down) | :: volcar, dar una vuelta de campana |
turtle {n} (turtle dove) SEE: turtle dove | :: |
turtle dove {n} /ˈtɝtəldʌv/ (bird in the genus Streptopelia) | :: tórtola {f} |
Tuscan {adj} /ˈtʌs.kən/ (of or relating to Tuscany or its inhabitants) | :: toscano |
Tuscan {n} (person from or inhabitant of Tuscany) | :: toscano {m}, toscana {f} |
Tuscany {prop} /ˈtʌskəni/ (region in Italy) | :: Toscana |
tush {n} /tʊʃ/ (buttocks) | :: trasero |
tusk {n} /ˈtʌsk/ (pointed tooth) | :: colmillo {m} |
tussis {n} (cough) SEE: cough | :: |
tussive {adj} (related to, caused by, or accompanied by a cough) | :: tusígeno [cough-producing] |
tussock {n} /ˈtʌs.ək/ (tuft or clump of grass or verdure) | :: tussok |
Tutankhamon {prop} /ˌtu.tɑŋˈkɑ.mən/ (Egyptian Pharaoh) | :: Tutanjamón, Tutankhamon, Tutankamón |
tutelage {n} /ˈtjuːtɪlɪdʒ/ (The act of guarding or protecting; guardianship; protection) | :: tutela {f} |
tutelary {adj} /ˈtjuːtɪləɹɪ/ (having guardianship or protection of) | :: tutelar |
tutelary {n} (a guardian) | :: tutor {m}, guardián {m} |
tutelary deity {n} /ˈtjuːtɪləɹɪ ˈdiːɪti/ (minor protective or otherwise helpful deity) | :: genio {m}, musa {f} |
tutor {n} /ˈtutɚ/ (one who teaches another) | :: tutor {m} |
tutor {v} (to instruct or teach, especially to an individual or small group) | :: enseñar, instruir |
tutorial {n} /tjuːˈtɔːɹɪəl/ (self-paced learning exercise) | :: tutoría {f}, tutorial |
tutorial {n} (interactive class taught by a tutor) | :: cursillo {m} |
tutoy {v} (tutoyer) SEE: tutoyer | :: |
tutoyer {v} | :: tutear |
tutu {n} (ballet skirt) | :: tutú {m} |
Tuvalu {prop} /tuːˈvɑː.luː/ (country in Oceania) | :: Tuvalu |
Tuvaluan {n} /tuːˈvɑluːən/ (A person from Tuvalu or of Tuvaluan descent) | :: tuvaluano {m}, tuvaluana {f} |
Tuvaluan {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Tuvalu, the Tuvaluan people or the Tuvaluan language) | :: tuvaluano {m} |
Tuvan {adj} /ˈtuːvən/ (pertaining to Tuva or its people or culture) | :: tuvano |
Tuvan {n} (person) | :: tuvano {m}, tuvana {f} |
Tuvan {prop} (language) | :: tuvano {m} |
tuxedo {n} /tʌkˈsidoʊ/ (formal jacket) | :: smoking {m}, esmoquin {m} |
tuxedo {n} (formal suit) | :: smoking {m}, esmoquin {m} |
Tuyuca {prop} (language) | :: tuyuca {m} |
Tuzla {prop} (a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina) | :: Tuzla |
TV {n} /ˈtiːˈviː/ (abbreviation for television) | :: tele, tv {f} |
TVaholic {n} (one addicted to watching television) | :: teleadicto {m} |
TV guide {n} (television listing) | :: guía TV {f} |
TV series {n} (series) SEE: series | :: |
twaddle {n} /ˈtwɒdəl/ (Empty or silly idle talk or writing) | :: chorrada {f} |
twat {n} /twɑt/ (vulgar slang, vagina) | :: coño {m}, chocho |
twat {n} (idiot) | :: gilí {m} {f} |
tweak {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: prostitute | :: |
tweak {n} /twiːk/ (a slight adjustment or modification) | :: retoque |
Tweedledum and Tweedledee {n} /ˌtwiːdəlˈdʌm ən ˌtwiːdəlˈdiː/ (people who spend a lot of time together, and look and act similarly) | :: Patachunta y Patachún {m-p}, Tararí y Tarará {m-p} |
tweedy {adj} (preppy) SEE: preppy | :: |
tweet {n} /twiːt/ (sound) | :: pío {f}, piada {f}, silbada {f} |
tweet {n} (internet: entry) | :: tuit {m}, tuiteo {m} |
tweet {v} (to make a short high-pitched sound) | :: piar |
tweet {v} (internet: to post an update to Twitter) | :: tuitear, twittear |
tweeze {v} /twiz/ (use tweezers) | :: pinzar |
tweezers {n} (small pincer-like instrument, usually made of metal, used for handling small objects) | :: pinzas {f-p} |
twelfth {adj} /twɛlfθ/ (ordinal form of twelve) | :: duodécimo, décimo segundo |
twelfth {n} (one of twelve equal parts of a whole) | :: doceavo {m} |
Twelfth cake {n} (cake eaten on Twelfth Night) SEE: king cake | :: |
twelve {num} /twɛlv/ (cardinal number 12) | :: doce |
Twelve Days of Christmas {n} (the season or time made up of the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany) | :: Doce días de Natal |
twelve o'clock {n} (the first hour of the day) | :: las doce {f-p} |
twelveth {adj} (twelfth) SEE: twelfth | :: |
twelve-tone technique {n} (system of musical composition) | :: música dodecafónica {f} |
twenties {n} (the decade of the 1920s) | :: años veinte |
twentieth {adj} /ˈtwɛnti.əθ/ (ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th) | :: vigésimo, veinteno |
twentieth {n} (ordinal object) | :: vigésimo |
twentieth {n} (portion of whole) | :: veinteavo, vigésimo |
twenty {num} /ˈtwɛnti/ (cardinal number) | :: veinte |
twenty-eight {num} (number) | :: veintiocho |
twenty-eighth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty-eight) | :: vigésimo octavo, vigesimoctavo |
twenty-eighth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-eighth position) | :: vigésimo octavo |
twenty-eighth {n} (one of twenty-eight equal parts of a whole) | :: veintiochoavo |
twenty-fifth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-five) | :: vigesimoquinto |
twenty-fifth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-fifth position) | :: vigésimo quinto |
twenty-fifth {n} (one of twenty-five equal parts of a whole) | :: vigésimo quinto |
twenty-first {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-one) | :: vigesimoprimero, vigésimo primero |
twenty-first {n} (ordinal) | :: vigésimo primero |
twenty-first {n} (portion of a whole) | :: veintiunavo |
twenty-five {num} /ˌtwɛntiˈfaɪv/ (twenty-five) | :: veinticinco {m} |
twenty-five/eight {adv} (colloquial, hyperbolic: unceasingly) | :: sin cesar, sin respiro, sin aflojar |
twenty-four {num} /ˌtwɛntiˈfɔɹ/ (cardinal number) | :: veinticuatro |
twenty-fourth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-four) | :: vigesimocuarto |
twenty-fourth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-fourth position) | :: vigésimo cuarto |
twenty-fourth {n} (one of twenty-four equal parts of a whole) | :: vigésimo cuarto |
twenty-nine {num} (cardinal number) | :: veintinueve |
twenty-ninth {adj} (ordinal form of the number twenty-nine) | :: vigésimo noveno |
twenty-ninth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-ninth position) | :: vigésimo noveno |
twenty-ninth {n} (one of twenty-nine equal parts of a whole) | :: veintinueveavo |
twenty-one {num} /ˌtwɛntiˈwʌn/ (cardinal number) | :: veintiuno {m} |
twenty-second {n} (person or thing in the twenty-second position) | :: vigésimo segundo |
twenty-second {n} (one of twenty-two equal parts of a whole) | :: vigésimo segundo |
twenty-seven {num} (twenty-seven) | :: veintisiete |
twenty-seventh {adj} /ˌtwɛn(t)iˈsɛvənθ/ (ordinal for of twenty-seven) | :: vigesimoséptimo |
twenty-seventh {n} (person or thing in the twenty-seventh position) | :: vigésimo séptimo |
twenty-seventh {n} (one of twenty-seven parts) | :: vigésimo séptimo |
twenty-six {num} (cardinal number) | :: veintiséis |
twenty-sixth {adj} (ordinal number) | :: vigesimosexto |
twenty-sixth {n} (the person or thing in the twenty-sixth position) | :: vigésimo sexto |
twenty-sixth {n} (one of twenty-six equal parts of a whole) | :: vigésimo sexto |
twentysomething {n} (aged between twenty and twenty-nine) | :: veintitantos {m}, veinteañero {m}, veinteañera {f} |
twenty-third {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-three) | :: vigésimo tercero |
twenty-third {n} (person or thing in the twenty-third position) | :: vigésimo tercero |
twenty-third {n} (one of twenty-three equal parts of a whole) | :: vigésimo tercero |
twenty-three {num} (twenty-three) | :: veintitrés |
twenty two {num} (22) | :: veintidós |
twenty-two {num} /ˌtwɛntiˈtuː/ (twenty-two) | :: veintidós |
twerk {v} /twɛɹk/ (to move the body in a suggestive manner) | :: perrear, sandunguear |
twerp {n} /twɜɹp/ (a small or puny person; one regarded as insignificant, contemptible) | :: pendejo {m} |
twerp {n} (a person who can be bullied playfully, or easily teased) | :: pendejo {m} |
twice {adv} /twaɪs/ (two times) | :: dos veces, doblemente |
twig {n} /twɪɡ/ (a small thin branch) | :: ramita {f}, ramilla {f}, vara {f} |
twilight {n} /ˈtwaɪlaɪt/ (light before rising and after the setting of the Sun) | :: crepúsculo {m} |
twilight {n} (evening twilight) | :: crepúsculo {m} |
twilight {n} (faint light; dubious medium) | :: penumbra {f} |
twilight years {n} (old age) SEE: golden years | :: |
twill {n} /twɪl/ (weaving pattern) | :: sarga {f} |
twin {n} /twɪn/ (either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects) | :: gemelo {m} [identical], gemela {f} [identical], mellizo {m} [dizygotic], melliza {f} [dizygotic], chachagua {m} [Nicaragua], chacho {m} [El Salvador, Honduras], cuache {m} [Guatemala, dizygotic sibling], cuape {m} [Nicaragua], cuate {m} [Mexico, dizygotic sibling], cuata {f} [Mexico, dizygotic sibling], guacho {m} [Honduras], guape {m} [Costa Rica], guápil {m} [Costa Rica], guares {m-p} [Puerto Rico], jimagua {m} [Cuba], mello {m} [Colombian Caribbean Coast, dizygotic sibling], morocho {m} [Venezuela, dizygotic sibling] |
twine {v} (to mutually twist together; to become mutually involved; to intertwine) SEE: intertwine | :: |
twine {n} /twaɪn/ (a twist; a convolution) | :: circunvolución {f}, torsión {f} |
twine {n} (strong thread) | :: cordel {m}, cuerda {f}, guita {f} |
twine {n} (the act of twining) | :: entrelazar |
twine {v} (to wind about; to embrace; to entwine) SEE: entwine | :: |
twin-engine {adj} | :: bimotor |
twink {v} /twɪŋk/ (twinkle, sparkle) | :: chispear {m}, pestañear, guiñar |
twinkle {v} /ˈtwɪŋkl̩/ (to shine with a flickering light; to glimmer) | :: titilar |
twinkle {v} (to be bright with delight) | :: fulgurar, refulgir |
twin prime {n} (either of a pair of prime numbers that differ by two) | :: primo gemelo {m} |
Twin Towers {prop} (the two main buildings of the World Trade Center) | :: Torres Gemelas {f-p} |
twin town {n} (sister city) SEE: sister city | :: |
twirl {n} /ˈtwɜː(ɹ)l/ (Movement where one spins round elegantly; a pirouette) | :: pirueta {n} |
twirl {v} (to rotate rapidly) | :: girar |
twist {n} (twig) SEE: twig | :: |
twist {v} /twɪst/ (to turn the ends in opposite directions) | :: torcer |
twist {v} (to distort or change the truth or meaning) | :: sacar punta a [colloquial] |
twist drill {n} | :: broca {f} |
twisted {adj} /ˈtwɪstɪd/ (contorted) | :: torcido |
twisted {adj} (mentally disturbed or unsound) | :: retorcido |
twisty {adj} (curly) SEE: curly | :: |
twit {n} /twɪt/ (a foolish or annoying person) | :: gilí {m} {f} |
twitch {n} /twɪt͡ʃ/ (brief, small (sometimes involuntary) movement out of place and then back again) | :: tic {m} |
twitch {n} ((farriery)) | :: aciar {m}, acial {m} |
twitch {n} (Elymus repens) SEE: couch grass | :: |
Twitter {v} (tweet) SEE: tweet | :: |
two {num} /tu/ (numerical value) | :: dos |
two {n} (digit or figure) | :: dos {m} |
two beers, please {phrase} (two beers, please) | :: dos cervezas, por favor |
two-bit {adj} (insignificant or worthless) | :: de tres al cuarto |
two cents {n} (one's opinion) | :: granito de arena {m-p} |
two-cylinder {adj} (having two cylinders) | :: bicilíndrico |
two days after tomorrow {n} | :: traspasadomañana |
two days after tomorrow {adv} | :: traspasadomañana |
two-dimensional {adj} (existing in two dimensions) | :: bidimensional |
two-edged sword {n} (double-edged sword) SEE: double-edged sword | :: |
twofold {adj} (double) | :: doble |
twofold {adv} (in a double degree) | :: doblemente |
two heads are better than one {proverb} (joint thinking pays) | :: cuatro ojos ven más que dos [four eyes see better than two], dos cabezas piensan mejor que una [two heads think better than one] |
two hundred {num} /ˈtuː ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 200) | :: doscientos {m}, doscientas {f} |
two-line double pica {n} (meridian) SEE: meridian | :: |
two-move checkmate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) SEE: fool's mate | :: |
two o'clock {n} (the start of the third hour) | :: las dos {f-p} |
two-piece {n} (garment consisting of two separate parts) | :: dos piezas {m} |
Two Rivers {prop} (2 rivers) | :: Dos Rios |
two-sided {adj} (reversible) SEE: reversible | :: |
twosome {n} (a group of two people; two individuals or components) | :: pareja |
two-spirit {n} /tuːˈspɪɹɪt/ (gender-variant Native American, see also: berdache) | :: dos espíritus |
two-spirited {adj} (of or pertaining to two-spirit) SEE: two-spirit | :: |
two-stroke engine {n} (an engine in which the pistons perform two strokes per engine cycle) | :: motor de dos tiempos {m}, motor de dos ciclos {m} |
two thousand {num} (cardinal number) | :: dos mil {m} |
two-tone {adj} (having two colours / shades) SEE: bicolour | :: |
two-wheel tractor {n} (tractor with one axle) | :: motocultor {m} |
-ty {suffix} (-ity) SEE: -ity | :: |
Tyche {prop} (Greek goddess of luck/fortune) | :: Tique {f} |
tycoon {n} /taɪˈkuːn/ (wealthy, powerful business person) | :: magnate {m}, magnata {f} |
tympanic membrane {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
tympanites {n} (distended abdomen) | :: meteorismo {m} |
tympanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear | :: |
tympanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum | :: |
type {n} (blood group) SEE: blood type | :: |
type {n} /taɪp/ (grouping based on shared characteristics) | :: clase {f}, tipo {m} |
type {n} (individual considered typical of its class) | :: arquetipo {m} |
type {n} (individual that represents the ideal for its class) | :: tipo |
type {n} (biology: individual representative of its taxonomic group) | :: tipo {m} |
type {n} (computing theory: tag indicating data type) | :: tipo {m} |
type {v} (to use a typewriter) | :: escribir a máquina, mecanografiar, tipear |
type {v} (to enter characters into a computer using keyboard) | :: teclear, tipear |
type {v} (to determine blood group) | :: identificar el tipo de |
typeface {n} (font family) | :: familia tipográfica {f} |
type II error {n} (accepting the null hypothesis when false) | :: error de tipo II {m} |
type metal {n} (a metal alloy that is used in traditional typefounding and mechanical typesetting) | :: metal tipográfico {m} |
typescript {n} /ˈtʌɪpskɹɪpt/ (typewritten material, especially such a copy of a manuscript) | :: mecanuscrito {m}, mecanoscrito {m}, mecanografiado {m}, tapuscrito {m}, impreso {m} |
typesetter {n} (a typesetter) | :: cajista {m} {f} |
typesetting {n} (setting or composition) | :: composición {f}, composición tipográfica {f} |
typewriter {n} /ˈtaɪpˌɹaɪtə(ɹ)/ (machine used to print text by pressing keys) | :: máquina de escribir {f} |
typewritten {adj} (written using a typewriter) | :: dactilografiado {m} |
typhlitis {n} (inflammation) | :: tiflitis {f} |
typhoid {n} (typhoid fever) SEE: typhoid fever | :: |
typhoid fever {n} (illness) | :: fiebre tifoidea {f} |
Typhonomachy {prop} /ˌtaɪfəˈnɑməki/ (battle between Zeus and Typhon) | :: Tifonomaquia {f} |
typhoon {n} /taɪˈfun/ (hurricane in the Pacific) | :: tifón {m} |
typhous {adj} (of or pertaining to typhus) | :: tifoideo, tífico |
typhus {n} /ˈtaɪfəs/ (disease) | :: tifus {m} |
typical {adj} /ˈtɪpɪkl̩/ (capturing the overall sense of a thing) | :: típico |
typically {adv} (in a typical manner) | :: típicamente |
typing {n} /ˈtaɪpɪŋ/ (the act of typing) | :: tecleado {m} |
typist {n} /ˈtaɪpɪst/ (person who types) | :: mecanógrafo {m}, mecanógrafa, dactilógrafo {m}, dactilógrafa {f} |
typo {n} /ˈtaɪpəʊ/ (error) | :: gazapo {m}, errata {f}, dedazo {m}, error tipográfico {m}, error de dedo {m}, error dactilográfico {m}, error de tecleo {m} |
typo {n} (compositor) SEE: typesetter | :: |
typographer {n} (typewriter) SEE: typewriter | :: |
typographer {n} (person skilled in typography) | :: tipógrafo {m} |
typographic {adj} (typographic) SEE: typographical | :: |
typographical {adj} (printed) SEE: printed | :: |
typographical {adj} (pertaining to typography or printing) | :: tipográfico |
typographical error {n} (typing error) | :: errata {f} |
typographically {adv} (in a typographical manner) | :: tipográficamente |
typography {n} /taɪˈpɑːɡɹəfi/ (art and technique) | :: tipografía {f} |
typological {adj} (of or relating to typology) | :: tipológico |
typology {n} /taɪˈpɒl.ə.d͡ʒi/ (systematic classification of the types of something according to their common characteristics) | :: tipología {f} |
tyrannical {adj} /tɪˈɹæ.nɪ.kəl/ (of, or relating to tyranny, of a tyrant) | :: tiránico, tirano |
tyrannical {adj} (despotic, oppressive, authoritarian) | :: tiránico, tirano, de ordeno y mando |
tyrannically {adv} (in a tyrannical manner) | :: tiránicamente |
tyrannize {v} (to oppress someone) | :: tiranizar |
tyrannosaur {n} (large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur) | :: tiranosaurio {m} |
tyrannosaurus {n} /tɪˌɹænəˈsɔːɹəs/ (dinosaur) | :: tiranosaurio {m} |
tyranny {n} /ˈtɪɹəni/ (government in which a single ruler has absolute power) | :: tiranía {f} |
tyranny {n} (absolute power, or its use) | :: tiranía {f} |
tyrant {n} /ˈtaɪɹənt/ (absolute ruler) | :: tirano {m} |
tyrant {n} (harsh and cruel ruler) | :: tirano {m} |
tyrant flycatcher {n} (group of birds) | :: atrapamoscas {m} |
tyre {n} /taɪə(ɹ)/ (wheel covering) | :: neumático {m} [especially Chile and Spain - formal usage in other countries], caucho {m} [Venezuela], cubierta {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay], goma {f} [Caribbean Islands], llanta {f} [Latin America], rueda {f} [Spain] |
Tyre {prop} /ˈtaɪə(ɹ)/ (an ancient sea port and city state of Phoenicia) | :: Tiro |
tyro {n} /ˈtaɪɹəʊ/ (a beginner, a novice) | :: principiante {m} {f}, novato {m} |
Tyrol {prop} /tɪˈɹoʊl/ (state in the west of Austria) | :: Tirol |
Tyrolean {n} /tɪˈɹoʊl.i.ən/ (someone from Tyrol) | :: tirolés {m} |
tyrosine {n} (nonessential amino acid) | :: tirosina {f} |
Tyrrhenian Sea {prop} (Part of the Mediterranean Sea) | :: mar Tirreno {m} |
Tyumen {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Tiumén {m} |
tzitzit {n} (knots on a tallit) | :: tzitzit |
Tzotzil {prop} (one of Mayan languages) | :: tsotsil {m} |