User:Chuck Entz/Butterflies/Names without entries/Lycaenidae/Polyommatinae
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By general term
[edit]- Acmon blue
Plebejus acmon - Alcon blue
Phengaris alcon - Amanda's blue
Polyommatus amandus - Andean blue
Pseudolucia andina - Anna's blue
Plebejus anna - anticarmon blue
Polyommatus anticarmon - Argentine blue
Pseudolucia argentinina - arrowhead blue
Glaucopsyche piasus - Atlas blue
Polyommatus atlantica - Audeoud's blue
Cacyreus audeoudi - Bavius blue
Pseudophilotes bavius - Bernardino blue
Euphilotes bernardino - black-eyed blue
Glaucopsyche melanops - Boisduval's blue
Aricia icarioides - Bowker's blue
Tarucus bowkeri - brachystegia blue
Eicochrysops eicotrochilus - Brenton blue
Orachrysops niobe - blotched blue
Candalides acasta - Brinkman's blue
Orachrysops brinkmani - brown blue
Euchrysops brunneus - buckwheat blue
Euphilotes battoides - Buddhist blue
Cupido buddhista - Cassius blue
Leptotes cassius - central blue
Euphilotes centralis - Ceraunus blue
Hemiargus ceraunus - Chapman's blue
Polyommatus thersites - chequered blue
Scolitantides orion - clear-spotted blue
Zetona delospila - clover blue
Zizina antanossa - clover blue
Zizina labradus - consimilis blue
Candalides consimilis - cranberry blue
Plebejus optilete - Crawshay's blue
Euchrysops crawshayi - cupreous blue
Eicochrysops messapus - cyprotus blue
Candalides cyprotus - Damon blue
Polyommatus damon - Damonides blue
Polyommatus damonides - Dubi's blue
Pseudolucia benyamini - Dutch Alcon blue
Phengaris alcon arenaria - Eros blue
Polyommatus eros - Escher's blue
Polyommatus escheri - flashing blue
Pseudolucia kinbote - furry blue
Polyommatus dolus - fynbos blue
Tarucus thespis - Gaika blue
Zizula hylax - Galapagos blue
Leptotes parrhasioides - Gavarnie blue
Agriades pyrenaicus - geminus blue
Candalides geminus - ginger blue
Oboronia bueronica - Gisela blue
Cupido gisela - Glandon blue
Agriades glandon - Golden Gate blue
Orachrysops montanus - gram blue
Euchrysops cnejus - gray blue
Agriades podarce - greenish blue
Aricia saepiolus - green-underside blue
Glaucopsyche alexis - grizzled blue
Orachrysops subravus - Güssfeldt's blue
Oboronia guessfeldti - hanno blue
Hemiargus hanno - heather blue
Agriades cassiope - Hintza blue
Zintha hintza - Idas blue
Plebejus idas - iolas blue
Iolana iolas - Jamaican blue
Cyclargus dominica - Jeannel's blue
Leptotes jeanneli - Karkloof blue
Orachrysops ariadne - Kinbote's blue
Pseudolucia kinbote - large green-banded blue
Danis danis - lime blue
Chilades lajus - lupine blue
Aricia lupini - Lorquin's blue
Cupido lorquinii - Lucas's blue
Cyclargus ammon - Lompoc blue
Philotiella speciosa purisima - marbled blue
Jameela palmyra - Margarita's blue
Candalides margarita - marine blue
Leptotes marina - marsh blue
Harpendyreus noquasa - Masai blue
Eicochrysops masai - Mau blue
Euchrysops mauensis - Melissa blue
Plebejus melissa - Meleager's blue
Polyommatus daphnis - Miami blue
Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri - Mijburgh's blue
Orachrysops mijburghi - mirza blue
Azanus mirza - mocker blue
Cacyreus virilis - Mojave blue
Euphilotes mojave - mother-of-pearl blue
Polyommatus nivescens - mountain Alcon blue
Phengaris rebeli - Nina's blue
Polyommatus ninae - northern blue
Plebejus idas - nosy blue
Orachrysops nasutus - Osiris blue
Cupido osiris - pale blue
Euphilotes pallescens - pallid blue
Euphilotes pallescens - Palos Verdes blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis - Panoptes blue
Pseudophilotes panoptes - pea blue
Lampides boeticus - pied blue
Phlyaria cyara - plumbago blue
Leptotes plinius - Ramon's blue
Hemiargus ramon - rayed blue
Actizera lucida - rayed blue
Candalides heathi - Reakirt's blue
Hemiargus isola - red-clover blue
Actizera stellata - restless blue
Orachrysops lacrimosa - Reverdin's blue
Plebejus argyrognomon - rita blue
Euphilotes rita - Rogers' blue
Eicochrysops rogersi - royal blue
Orachrysops regalis - salvia blue
Harpendyreus notoba - San Emigdio blue
Plebejus emigdionis - satin blue
Zetona delospila - silver-studded blue
Plebejus argus - silvery blue
Lepidochrysops glauca - silvery blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus - Shasta blue
Plebejus shasta - short-toothed blue
Leptotes brevidentatus - Sierra de la Sagra blue
Polyommatus sagratrox - Sierra Nevada blue
Agriades podarce - Sierra Nevada blue
Polyommatus golgus - Sonoran blue
Philotes sonorensis - southern blue
Pseudolucia sibyllia (Kirby - South-Russian blue
Polyommatus australorossicus - Spalding's blue
Euphilotes spaldingi - square-spotted blue
Euphilotes battoides - Staudinger's blue
Cupido staudingerii - stonecrop blue
Philotes sonorensis - striped blue
Leptotes marina - Thomas's blue
Cyclargus thomasi - thorn-tree blue
Azanus moriqua - Tien Shan blue
Agriades pheretiades - tinktinkie blue
Brephidium metophis - tinted blue
Thermoniphas micylus - Fischer's blue
Tongeia fischeri - Tsomo blue
Harpendyreus tsomo - Tumbre blue
Pseudolucia oligocyanea - turquoise blue
Polyommatus dorylas - Valley Zap blue
Polyommatus zapvadi - veined blue
Plebejus neurona - violescent blue
Orachrysops violescens - vivid blue
Tarucus thespis - Warren's blue
Orachrysops warreni - water blue
Cacyreus tespis - white-tipped blue
Eicochrysops hippocrates - Xerces blue
Glaucopsyche xerces - yellow-spot blue
Candalides xanthospilos - Zarathustra blue
Polyommatus zarathustra - Zullich's blue
Agriades zullichi
No general term
[edit]- albocerulean
Celastrina albocoeruleus - red forewing
Anthene fulvus - una (needs English section)
Una usta
anomalous blue
[edit]- Andalusian anomalous blue
Polyommatus violetae - anomalous blue
Polyommatus admetus - Grecian anomalous blue
Polyommatus aroaniensis - Higgins's anomalous blue
Polyommatus nephohiptamenos - Piedmont anomalous blue
Polyommatus humedasae - Oberthür's anomalous blue
Polyommatus fabressei - Ripart's anomalous blue
Polyommatus ripartii
Arctic blue
[edit]- arrowhead Arctic blue
Agriades podarce - Arctic blue
Agriades glandon
No general butterfly sense
- alpine argus
Plebejus orbitulus - eastern brown argus
Plebejus carmon - geranium argus
Eumedonia eumedon - silvery argus
Aricia nicias
- American holly azure
Celastrina idella - Appalachian azure
Celastrina neglectamajor - cherry gall azure
Celastrina serotina - echo azure
Celastrina echo - eastern spring azure
Celastrina lucia - hops azure
Celastrina humulus - lucia azure
Celastrina lucia - Mexican azure
Celastrina gozora - northern azure
Celastrina lucia - northern spring azure
Celastrina lucia - spring azure
Celastrina ladon - summer azure
Celastrina neglecta - western azure
Celastrina echo
babul blue
[edit]- African babul blue
Azanus jesous - black-bordered babul blue
Azanus moriqua - bright babul blue
Azanus ubaldus - desert babul blue
Azanus ubaldus - dull babul blue
Azanus uranus - Indian babul blue
Azanus uranus - large Madagascar babul blue
Azanus sitalces - Natal babul blue
Azanus natalensis - pale babul blue
Azanus mirza - Siam babul blue
Azanus urios - small Madagascar babul blue
Azanus soalalicus - white-banded babul blue
Azanus isis
baton blue
[edit]- baton blue
Pseudophilotes baton - eastern baton blue
Pseudophilotes vicrama - false baton blue
Pseudophilotes abencerragus - Sinai baton blue
Pseudophilotes sinaicus
[edit]- black-patches
Anthene lyzanius - lesser black-patches
Anthene lamprocles
branded blue
[edit]- Antinori's branded blue
Uranothauma antinorii - Belcastro's branded blue
Uranothauma belcastroi - black-heart branded blue
Uranothauma nubifer - Cameroon branded blue
Uranothauma frederikkae - light branded blue
Uranothauma heritsia - lowland branded blue
Uranothauma falkensteini
No general butterfly sense
- bush bronze
Cacyreus lingeus - Dickson's geranium bronze
Cacyreus dicksoni - geranium bronze
Cacyreus marshalli - mocker bronze
Cacyreus virilis - water bronze
Cacyreus tespis
bush blue
[edit]- bright bush blue
Cacyreus audeoudi - common bush blue
Cacyreus lingeus - eastern bush blue
Cacyreus virilis
- amarauge cerulean
Jamides amarauge - Burmese caerulean
Jamides philatus - Ceylon cerulean
Jamides coruscans - common cerulean
Jamides celeno - dark cerulean
Jamides bochus - dark cerulean
Jamides phaseli - Ferrar's cerulean
Jamides ferrari - glistening cerulean
Jamides elpis - glistening cerulean
Lampides kankena - metallic cerulean
Jamides alecto - milky cerulean
Lampides lacteata - white cerulean
Jamides cleodus - white cerulean
Jamides pura - pale cerulean
Jamides cyta - royal cerulean
Jamides caerulea - Snellen's cerulean
amides snelleni
chalk blue
[edit]- Alberic's chalk blue
Thermoniphas alberici - bright chalk blue
Thermoniphas togara - Cameroon chalk blue
Thermoniphas bibundana - common chalk blue
Thermoniphas micylus - smoky chalk blue
Thermoniphas fumosa
chalk-hill blue
[edit]- Provence chalk-hill blue
Polyommatus hispana
ciliate blue
[edit]- anomalous ciliate blue
Anthene juba - Atewa ciliate blue
Anthene atewa - black ciliate blue
Anthene hades - black-edged ciliate blue
Anthene afra - black-spotted ciliate blue
Cupidesthes mimetica - blotched ciliate blue
Anthene lamias - brown ciliate blue
Anthene lychnides - Butler's ciliate blue
Anthene butleri - ciliate blue
Anthene emolus - common ciliate blue
Anthene definita - common ciliate blue
Anthene larydas - common indigo ciliate blue
Anthene sylvanus - Crawshay's ciliate blue
Anthene crawshayi - creamy ciliate blue
Anthene helpsi - curious ciliate blue
Anthene locuples - dark ciliate blue
Anthene seltuttus - delicate ciliate blue
Anthene lacides - golden ciliate blue
Anthene scintillula - green ciliate blue
Cupidesthes arescopa - inconspicuous ciliate blue
Anthene inconspicua - indigo ciliate blue
Anthene rubricinctus - irrorated ciliate blue
Anthene lucretilis - Irumu ciliate blue
Anthene irumu - Jackson's ciliate blue
Cupidesthes jacksoni - jewelled ciliate blue
Anthene gemmifera - Kampala ciliate blue
Anthene kampala - Karsch's ciliate blue
Anthene phoenicis - Kersten's ciliate blue
Anthene kersteni - Kikuyu ciliate blue
Anthene kikuyu - Krokosua ciliate blue
Anthene krokosua - large ciliate blue
Anthene lemnos - large red-spot ciliate blue
Anthene lusones - leaden ciliate blue
Anthene amarah - leonine ciliate blue
Cupidesthes leonina - Leptines ciliate blue
Anthene leptines - lesser indigo ciliate blue
Anthene ligures - levis ciliate blue
Anthene levis - medium red-spot ciliate blue
Anthene chryseostictus - Mahota ciliate blue
Anthene mahota - mauve ciliate blue
Anthene coerulea - Mkpot ciliate blue
Anthene emkopoti - Nigerian ciliate blue
Anthene nigeriae - obscure ciliate blue
Anthene obscura - orange-patch ciliate blue
Anthene rufoplagata - pale ciliate blue
Anthene lycaenoides - pointed ciliate blue
Anthene lycaenina - precise ciliate blue
Cupidesthes paralithas - Punguse's ciliate blue
Cupidesthes pungusei - red-edged ciliate blue
Anthene radiata - red-spot ciliate blue
Anthene lunulata - robust ciliate blue
Cupidesthes robusta - Salvatore's ciliate blue
Cupidesthes salvatoris - Schouteden's indigo ciliate blue
Anthene schoutedeni - silky ciliate blue
Anthene lachares - Staudinger's ciliate blue
Anthene staudingeri - Talbot's ciliate blue
Anthene talboti - tiny ciliate blue
Anthene fasciatus - Trimen's ciliate blue
Anthene otacilia - versatile ciliate blue
Anthene versatilis - violet-spotted ciliate blue
Anthene lysicles - Volta ciliate blue
Cupidesthes lithas - western black-spot ciliate blue
Anthene starki - Wilson's ciliate blue
Anthene wilsoni - yellow-spot ciliate blue
Anthene flavomaculatus
- African Cupid
Euchrysops osiris - Banyo Mountain Cupid
Euchrysops banyo - Barker's Cupid
Euchrysops barkeri - black Cupid
Elkalyce kala - Capronnier's Cupid
Euchrysops albistriata - Chapman's Cupid
Elkalyce diporides - Dudgeon's Cupid
Eicochrysops dudgeoni - dusky blue Cupid
Celastrina dipora - Indian Cupid
Everes lacturnus - hedge Cupid
Bothrinia chennellii - Jackson's Cupid
Euchrysops reducta - milky bean Cupid
Euchrysops nilotica - Moore's Cupid
Shijimia moorei - plains Cupid
Chilades pandava - Sagba Mountain Cupid
Euchrysops sagba - Sahel Cupid
Euchrysops alberta - sky-blue Cupid
Chilades eleusis - small Cupid
Chilades parrhasius - smoky bean Cupid
Euchrysops malathana - tailed Cupid
Cupido argiades - western brown-edged Cupid
Euchrysops sahelianus
[edit]- Bauer's dotted-blue
Euphilotes baueri - dotted blue
Euphilotes enoptes - dotted blue
Tarucus sybaris - Ellis dotted-blue
Euphilotes ellisi - Mojave dotted blue
Euphilotes mojave - pallid dotted blue
Euphilotes pallescens - Rocky Mountain dotted blue
Euphilotes ancilla
[edit]- small dusky-blue
Candalides erinus - varied dusky-blue
Candalides hyacinthina
[edit]- silver forget-me-not
Catochrysops lithargyria - silver forget-me-not
Catochrysops panormus
ginger white
[edit]- common ginger white
Oboronia punctatus - Güssfeldt's ginger white
Oboronia guessfeldti - Liberian ginger white
Oboronia liberiana - light ginger white
Oboronia pseudopunctatus - untailed ginger white
Oboronia ornata
grass blue
[edit]- African grass blue
Zizeeria knysna - common grass blue
Zizina labradus - dark grass blue
Zizina antanossa - dark grass blue
Zizeeria karsandra - dark grass blue
Zizeeria knysna - grass blue
Zizina labradus - lesser grass blue
Zizina otis - pale grass blue
Pseudozizeeria maha - tiny grass blue
Zizula hylax
green underwing
[edit]- dusky green underwing
Albulina omphisa - small green underwing
Albulina metallica
[edit]- Arnold's hairtail
Anthene arnoldi - Barnes's hairtail
Anthene barnesi - Bjørnstad's hairtail
Anthene bjoernstadi - black-striped hairtail
Anthene amarah - black-spotted hairtail
Anthene nigropunctata - Chirinda hairtail
Anthene chirinda - common hairtail
Anthene definita - Crawshay's hairtail
Anthene crawshayi - cupreous hairtail
Anthene princeps - false hairtail
Anthene nigeriae - Hobley's hairtail
Anthene hobleyi - Hodson's hairtail
Anthene hodsoni - Juanita's hairtail
Anthene juanitae - Kersten's hairtail
Anthene kersteni - large hairtail
Anthene lemnos - Last's hairtail
Anthene lasti - leaden hairtail
Anthene amarah - Linda's hairtail
Anthene lindae - liodes hairtail
Anthene liodes - little hairtail
Anthene minima - long-tailed blue
Lampides boeticus - lunulated hairtail
Anthene lunulata - mashuna hairtail
Anthene contrastata - Millar's hairtail
Anthene millari - opal hairtail
Anthene opalina - otacilia hairtail
Anthene otacilia - pale hairtail
Anthene butleri - Pitman's hairtail
Anthene pitmani - Schouteden's hairtail
Anthene schoutedeni - spotted hairtail
Anthene larydas - Talbot's hairtail
Anthene talboti - Wilson's hairtail
Anthene wilsoni - Zimbabwe hairtail
Anthene rhodesiana
[edit]- black heart
Uranothauma nubifer - blue heart
Uranothauma antinorii - pale heart
Uranothauma vansomereni - striped heart
Uranothauma poggei
hedge blue
[edit]- Ceylon hedge blue
Udara lanka - Jyntea hedge blue
Celastrina iynteana - large hedge blue
Celastrina huegeli - margined hedge blue
Lycaenopsis marginata - pale hedge blue
Celastrina cardia - plain hedge blue
Celastrina lavendularis - silvery hedge blue
Celastrina ladonides - Singhalese hedge blue
Polyommatus singalensis - white-banded hedge blue
Lycaenopsis transpectus - tiny hedge blue
Lycaenopsis minima
[edit]- eastern grass jewel
Chilades putli - grass jewel
Chilades trochylus
jewel blue
[edit]- small jewel blue
Plebejus christophi - large jewel blue
Polyommatus loewii
large blue
[edit]- Alcon large blue
Phengaris alcon - dusky large blue
Phengaris nausithous - greater large blue
Phengaris arionides - scarce large blue
Phengaris teleius
line blue
[edit]- Ceylon six-line blue
Nacaduba sinhala - dark Ceylon six-line blue
Nacaduba calauria - dingy lineblue
Petrelaea dana - double-spotted line blue
Nacaduba biocellata - hairy line blue
Erysichton lineata - large four-line blue
Nacaduba pactolus - opaque six-line blue
Nacaduba beroe - Pale Ceylon line blue
Nacaduba sinhala - pale four-line blue
Nacaduba hermus - rounded six-line blue
Nacaduba berenice - Singapore four-line blue
Nacaduba pavana - small four-line blue
Nacaduba pavana - tailed green-banded line-blue
Nacaduba cyanea - transparent six-line blue
Nacaduba kurava - white line-blue
Nacaduba angusta - Woodhouse's four-line blue
Nacaduba ollyetti
mazarine blue
[edit]- Greek mazarine blue
Polyommatus bellis - Mazarine blue
Polyommatus semiargus
meadow blue
[edit]- common meadow blue
Cupidopsis cissus - common meadow blue
Polyommatus eros - tailed meadow blue
Cupidopsis iobates
mountain blue
[edit]- azure mountain blue
Albulina asiatica - central mountain blue
Harpendyreus marungensis - equatorial mountain blue
Harpendyreus aequatorialis - high mountain blue
Agriades franklinii - Jaloka mountain blue
Agriades jaloka
odd-spot blue
[edit]- Anatolian odd-spot blue
Turanana endymion - odd-spot blue
Turanana endymion - Persian odd-spot blue
Turanana cytis
[edit]- common pencil-blue
Candalides absimilis - copper pencil-blue
Candalides cyprotus - northern pencil-blue
Candalides gilberti - pencilled blue
Candalides absimilis - shining pencil-blue
Candalides helenita
[edit]- black pie
Tuxentius melaena - white pie
Tuxentius calice - western pie
Tuxentius hesperis
pied Pierrot
[edit]- blue pied Pierrot
Zintha hintza - dark pied Pierrot
Tuxentius melaena - forest pied Pierrot
Tuxentius carana - mountain pied Pierrot
Tuxentius margaritaceus - savanna pied Pierrot
Tuxentius cretosus
[edit]- African Pierrot
Tarucus theophrastus - angled Pierrot
Caleta caleta - angled Pierrot
Caleta decidia - Assam Pierrot
Tarucus waterstradti dharta - Balkan Pierrot
Tarucus balkanicus - black Pierrot
Tarucus grammicus - black-spotted Pierrot
Tarucus balcanicus nigra - blue-eyed Pierrot
Zintha hintza - dark Pierrot
Tarucus ananda - dark Pierrot
Tarucus grammicus - elbowed Pierrot
Pycnophallium elna - Ertli's Pierrot
Tuxentius ertli - Gabriel's Pierrot
Tuxentius gabrieli - Himalayan Pierrot
Tarucus venosus - Indian Pierrot
Tarucus indica - Kiki's Pierrot
Tarucus kiki - Le Gras' Pierrot
Tarucus legrasi - Margarita's Pierrot
Tuxentius margaritaceus - Mediterranean Pierrot
Tarucus rosacea - pointed Pierrot
Niphanda cymbia - pointed Pierrot
Tarucus theophrastus - rounded Pierrot
Tarucus extricatus - rusty Pierrot
Tarucus alteratus - spotted Pierrot
Tarucus callinara - Stempffer's Pierrot
Tuxentius stempfferi - straight Pierrot
Pycnophallium roxus - striped Pierrot
Tarucus nara - Turkana Pierrot
Tarucus kulala - Ungemach's Pierrot
Tarucus ungemachi - veined Pierrot
Tarucus venosus
[edit]- eastern pygmy-blue
Brephidium pseudofea - western pygmy blue
Brephidium exile
[edit]- blue Quaker
Pithecops fulgens - forest Quaker
Pithecops hylax
short-tailed blue
[edit]- Eastern short-tailed blue
Cupido decolorata - Lang's short-tailed blue
Leptotes pirithous - Provençal short-tailed blue
Cupido alcetas - short-tailed blue
Cupido argiades
smoky blue
[edit]- ashen smoky blue
Euchrysops subpallida - Barker's smoky blue
Euchrysops barkeri - common smoky blue
Euchrysops malathana - Osiris smoky blue
Euchrysops osiris - Sabi smoky blue
Euchrysops dolorosa
spotted blue
[edit]- great spotted blue
Phengaris atroguttata - Natal spotted blue
Azanus natalensis - topaz-spotted blue
Azanus jesous - velvet-spotted blue
Azanus ubaldus
striped blue
[edit]- tropical striped blue
Leptotes cassius
[edit]- western tailed-blue
Cupido amyntula
tiger blue
[edit]- common tiger blue
Tarucus theophrastus - little tiger blue
Tarucus balkanicus - Mediterranean tiger blue
Tarucus rosacea
zebra blue
[edit]- Adamson's zebra blue
Leptotes adamsoni - Babault's zebra blue
Leptotes babaulti - beautiful zebra blue
Leptotes pulcher - black-bordered zebra blue
Leptotes marginalis - common zebra blue
Leptotes pirithous - Tite's zebra blue
Leptotes brevidentatus - zebra blue
Leptotes plinius
zephyr blue
[edit]- Alpine zephyr blue
Plebejus trappi - Spanish zephyr blue
Plebejus hesperica - zephyr blue
Plebejus pylaon
[edit]- Acmon blue
Plebejus acmon - Adamson's zebra blue
Leptotes adamsoni - Adonis blue
Polyommatus bellargus - African babul blue
Azanus jesous - African Cupid
Euchrysops osiris - African grass blue
Zizeeria knysna - African Pierrot
Tarucus theophrastus - Alberic's chalk blue
Thermoniphas alberici - albocerulean
Celastrina albocoeruleus - Alcon blue
Phengaris alcon - Alcon large blue
Phengaris alcon - alpine argus
Plebejus orbitulus - Alpine zephyr blue
Plebejus trappi - Amanda's blue
Polyommatus amandus - amarauge cerulean
Jamides amarauge - American holly azure
Celastrina idella
[edit]- Anatolian odd-spot blue
Turanana endymion - Andalusian anomalous blue
Polyommatus violetae - Andean blue
Pseudolucia andina - angled Pierrot
Caleta caleta - angled Pierrot
Caleta decidia - Anna's blue
Plebejus anna - anomalous blue
Polyommatus admetus - anomalous ciliate blue
Anthene juba - anticarmon blue
Polyommatus anticarmon - Antinori's branded blue
Uranothauma antinorii - Appalachian azure
Celastrina neglectamajor - Arctic blue
Agriades glandon - Argentine blue
Pseudolucia argentinina - Arnold's hairtail
Anthene arnoldi - arrowhead Arctic blue
Agriades podarce - arrowhead blue
Glaucopsyche piasus - ashen smoky blue
Euchrysops subpallida - Assam Pierrot
Tarucus waterstradti dharta - Atewa ciliate blue
Anthene atewa - Atlas blue
Polyommatus atlantica - Audeoud's blue
Cacyreus audeoudi - azure mountain blue
Albulina asiatica
[edit]- Babault's zebra blue
Leptotes babaulti - Balkan Pierrot
Tarucus balkanicus - Banyo Mountain Cupid
Euchrysops banyo - Barker's Cupid
Euchrysops barkeri - Barker's smoky blue
Euchrysops barkeri - Barnes's hairtail
Anthene barnesi - baton blue
Pseudophilotes baton - Bauer's dotted-blue
Euphilotes baueri - Bavius blue
Pseudophilotes bavius - beautiful zebra blue
Leptotes pulcher - Belcastro's branded blue
Uranothauma belcastroi - Bernardino blue
Euphilotes bernardino - Bjørnstad's hairtail
Anthene bjoernstadi
[edit]- black-bordered babul blue
Azanus moriqua - black-bordered zebra blue
Leptotes marginalis - black Cupid
Elkalyce kala - black ciliate blue
Anthene hades - black-edged ciliate blue
Anthene afra - black-eyed blue
Glaucopsyche melanops - black heart
Uranothauma nubifer - black-heart branded blue
Uranothauma nubifer - black-patches
Anthene lyzanius - black pie
Tuxentius melaena - black Pierrot
Tarucus grammicus - black-spotted ciliate blue
Cupidesthes mimetica - black-spotted Pierrot
Tarucus balcanicus nigra - black-striped hairtail
Anthene amarah - black-spotted hairtail
Anthene nigropunctata - blotched blue
Candalides acasta - blotched ciliate blue
Anthene lamias - blue-eyed Pierrot
Zintha hintza - blue heart
Uranothauma antinorii - blue pied Pierrot
Zintha hintza - blue Quaker
Pithecops fulgens
[edit]- Boisduval's blue
Aricia icarioides - Bowker's blue
Tarucus bowkeri - brachystegia blue
Eicochrysops eicotrochilus - Brenton blue
Orachrysops niobe - bright babul blue
Azanus ubaldus - bright bush blue
Cacyreus audeoudi - bright chalk blue
Thermoniphas togara - Brinkman's blue
Orachrysops brinkmani - brown blue
Euchrysops brunneus - brown ciliate blue
Anthene lychnides - buckwheat blue
Euphilotes battoides - Buddhist blue
Cupido buddhista - Burmese caerulean
Jamides philatus - bush bronze
Cacyreus lingeus - Butler's ciliate blue
Anthene butleri
[edit]- Cameroon branded blue
Uranothauma frederikkae - Cameroon chalk blue
Thermoniphas bibundana - Capronnier's Cupid
Euchrysops albistriata - Cassius blue
Leptotes cassius - central blue
Euphilotes centralis - central mountain blue
Harpendyreus marungensis - Ceraunus blue
Hemiargus ceraunus - Ceylon cerulean
Jamides coruscans - Ceylon hedge blue
Udara lanka - Ceylon six-line blue
Nacaduba sinhala - Chapman's blue
Polyommatus thersites - Chapman's Cupid
Elkalyce diporides - Chirinda hairtail
Anthene chirinda - chequered blue
Scolitantides orion - cherry gall azure
Celastrina serotina - ciliate blue
Anthene emolus - clear-spotted blue
Zetona delospila - clover blue
Zizina antanossa - clover blue
Zizina labradus
[edit]- common smoky blue
Euchrysops malathana - common bush blue
Cacyreus lingeus - common cerulean
Jamides celeno - common chalk blue
Thermoniphas micylus - common ciliate blue
Anthene definita - common ciliate blue
Anthene larydas - common ginger white
Oboronia punctatus - common grass blue
Zizina labradus - common hairtail
Anthene definita - common indigo ciliate blue
Anthene sylvanus - common meadow blue
Cupidopsis cissus - common meadow blue
Polyommatus eros - common pencil-blue
Candalides absimilis - common Pierrot
Castalius rosimon - common tiger blue
Tarucus theophrastus - common zebra blue
Leptotes pirithous - consimilis blue
Candalides consimilis - copper pencil-blue
Candalides cyprotus - cranberry blue
Plebejus optilete - Crawshay's blue
Euchrysops crawshayi - Crawshay's ciliate blue
Anthene crawshayi - Crawshay's hairtail
Anthene crawshayi - creamy ciliate blue
Anthene helpsi - Cretan argus
Plebejus psylorita - cupreous blue
Eicochrysops messapus - cupreous hairtail
Anthene princeps - curious ciliate blue
Anthene locuples - cycad blue
Chilades pandava - cyprotus blue
Candalides cyprotus
[edit]- Damon blue
Polyommatus damon - Damonides blue
Polyommatus damonides - dark cerulean
Jamides bochus - dark cerulean
Jamides phaseli - dark Ceylon six-line blue
Nacaduba calauria - dark ciliate blue
Anthene seltuttus - dark grass blue
Zizina antanossa - dark grass blue
Zizeeria karsandra - dark grass blue
Zizeeria knysna - dark pied Pierrot
Tuxentius melaena - dark Pierrot
Tarucus ananda - dark Pierrot
Tarucus grammicus - delicate ciliate blue
Anthene lacides - desert babul blue
Azanus ubaldus - desert blue
Euchrysops nilotica - desert buckwheat blue
Euphilotes rita - Dickson's geranium bronze
Cacyreus dicksoni - dingy lineblue
Petrelaea dana - dotted blue
Euphilotes enoptes - dotted blue
Tarucus sybaris - double-spotted line blue
Nacaduba biocellata - Dubi's blue
Pseudolucia benyamini - Dudgeon's Cupid
Eicochrysops dudgeoni - dull babul blue
Azanus uranus - dusky blue Cupid
Celastrina dipora - dusky green underwing
Albulina omphisa - dusky large blue
Phengaris nausithous - Dutch Alcon blue
Phengaris alcon arenaria
[edit]- eastern baton blue
Pseudophilotes vicrama - eastern brown argus
Plebejus carmon (Gerhard - eastern bush blue
Cacyreus virilis - eastern grass jewel
Chilades putli - eastern pygmy-blue
Brephidium pseudofea - Eastern short-tailed blue
Cupido decolorata - eastern spring azure
Celastrina lucia - eastern tailed blue
Cupido comyntas - eastern tailed-blue
Cupido comyntas - echo azure
Celastrina echo - elbowed Pierrot
Pycnophallium elna - Ellis dotted-blue
Euphilotes ellisi - equatorial mountain blue
Harpendyreus aequatorialis - Eros blue
Polyommatus eros - Ertli's Pierrot
Tuxentius ertli - Escher's blue
Polyommatus escheri - false baton blue
Pseudophilotes abencerragus - false hairtail
Anthene nigeriae - Ferrar's cerulean
Jamides ferrari - flashing blue
Pseudolucia kinbote - forest pied Pierrot
Tuxentius carana - forest Quaker
Pithecops hylax - furry blue
Polyommatus dolus - fynbos blue
Tarucus thespis
[edit]- Gabriel's Pierrot
Tuxentius gabrieli - Gaika blue
Zizula hylax - Galapagos blue
Leptotes parrhasioides - Gavarnie blue
Agriades pyrenaicus - geminus blue
Candalides geminus - geranium argus
Eumedonia eumedon - geranium bronze
Cacyreus marshalli - ginger blue
Oboronia bueronica - Gisela blue
Cupido gisela - Glandon blue
Agriades glandon - glistening cerulean
Jamides elpis - glistening cerulean
Lampides kankena - golden ciliate blue
Anthene scintillula - Golden Gate blue
Orachrysops montanus - gram blue
Euchrysops cnejus - grass blue
Zizina labradus - grass jewel
Chilades trochylus - gray blue
Agriades podarce - greater large blue
Phengaris arionides - great spotted blue
Phengaris atroguttata - Grecian anomalous blue
Polyommatus aroaniensis - Greek mazarine blue
Polyommatus bellis - green ciliate blue
Cupidesthes arescopa - green-underside blue
Glaucopsyche alexis - greenish blue
Aricia saepiolus - grizzled blue
Orachrysops subravus - Güssfeldt's blue
Oboronia guessfeldti - Güssfeldt's ginger white
Oboronia guessfeldti
[edit]- hairy line blue
Erysichton lineata - hanno blue
Hemiargus hanno - heather blue
Agriades cassiope - hedge Cupid
Bothrinia chennellii - Higgins's anomalous blue
Polyommatus nephohiptamenos - high mountain blue
Agriades franklinii - Himalayan Pierrot
Tarucus venosus - Hintza blue
Zintha hintza - Hobley's hairtail
Anthene hobleyi - Hodson's hairtail
Anthene hodsoni - hops azure
Celastrina humulus - Idas blue
Plebejus idas - inconspicuous ciliate blue
Anthene inconspicua - Indian babul blue
Azanus uranus - Indian Cupid
Everes lacturnus - Indian Pierrot
Tarucus indica - indigo ciliate blue
Anthene rubricinctus - iolas blue
Iolana iolas - irrorated ciliate blue
Anthene lucretilis - Irumu ciliate blue
Anthene irumu - Jackson's ciliate blue
Cupidesthes jacksoni - Jackson's Cupid
Euchrysops reducta - Jaloka mountain blue
Agriades jaloka - Jamaican blue
Cyclargus dominica - Jeannel's blue
Leptotes jeanneli - jewelled ciliate blue
Anthene gemmifera - Juanita's hairtail
Anthene juanitae - Jyntea hedge blue
Celastrina iynteana - Kampala ciliate blue
Anthene kampala - Karkloof blue
Orachrysops ariadne - Karsch's ciliate blue
Anthene phoenicis - Kersten's ciliate blue
Anthene kersteni - Kersten's hairtail
Anthene kersteni - Kiki's Pierrot
Tarucus kiki - Kikuyu ciliate blue
Anthene kikuyu - Kinbote's blue
Pseudolucia kinbote - Krokosua ciliate blue
Anthene krokosua
[edit]- Lang's short-tailed blue
Leptotes pirithous - large ciliate blue
Anthene lemnos - large four-line blue
Nacaduba pactolus - large green-banded blue
Danis danis - large hairtail
Anthene lemnos - large hedge blue
Celastrina huegeli - large jewel blue
Polyommatus loewii - large Madagascar babul blue
Azanus sitalces - large red-spot ciliate blue
Anthene lusones - Last's hairtail
Anthene lasti - leaden ciliate blue
Anthene amarah - leaden hairtail
Anthene amarah - Le Gras' Pierrot
Tarucus legrasi - leonine ciliate blue
Cupidesthes leonina - Leptines ciliate blue
Anthene leptines - lesser black-patches
Anthene lamprocles - lesser grass blue
Zizina otis - lesser indigo ciliate blue
Anthene ligures - levis ciliate blue
Anthene levis - Liberian ginger white
Oboronia liberiana - light branded blue
Uranothauma heritsia - light ginger white
Oboronia pseudopunctatus - lime blue
Chilades lajus - Linda's hairtail
Anthene lindae - liodes hairtail
Anthene liodes - little tiger blue
Tarucus balkanicus - lowland branded blue
Uranothauma falkensteini - lucia azure
Celastrina lucia - lupine blue
Aricia lupini - medium red-spot ciliate blue
Anthene chryseostictus - little hairtail
Anthene minima - Lompoc blue
Philotiella speciosa purisima - long-tailed blue
Lampides boeticus - Lorquin's blue
Cupido lorquinii - lunulated hairtail
Anthene lunulata - Lucas's blue
Cyclargus ammon
[edit]- Mahota ciliate blue
Anthene mahota - marbled blue
Jameela palmyra - Margarita's blue
Candalides margarita - Margarita's Pierrot
Tuxentius margaritaceus - margined hedge blue
Lycaenopsis marginata - marine blue
Leptotes marina - marsh blue
Harpendyreus noquasa - Masai blue
Eicochrysops masai - mashuna hairtail
Anthene contrastata - Mau blue
Euchrysops mauensis - mauve ciliate blue
Anthene coerulea - Mazarine blue
Polyommatus semiargus - Mediterranean Pierrot
Tarucus rosacea - Mediterranean tiger blue
Tarucus rosacea - Meleager's blue
Polyommatus daphnis - Melissa blue
Plebejus melissa - metallic cerulean
Jamides alecto - Mexican azure
Celastrina gozora - Miami blue
Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri - Mijburgh's blue
Orachrysops mijburghi - milky bean Cupid
Euchrysops nilotica - milky cerulean
Lampides lacteata - Millar's hairtail
Anthene millari - mirza blue
Azanus mirza - Mkpot ciliate blue
Anthene emkopoti - mocker blue
Cacyreus virilis - mocker bronze
Cacyreus virilis - Mojave blue
Euphilotes mojave - Mojave dotted blue
Euphilotes mojave - Moore's Cupid
Shijimia moorei - mother-of-pearl blue
Polyommatus nivescens - mountain Alcon blue
Phengaris rebeli - mountain pied Pierrot
Tuxentius margaritaceus
[edit]- Natal babul blue
Azanus natalensis - Natal spotted blue
Azanus natalensis - Nigerian ciliate blue
Anthene nigeriae - Nina's blue
Polyommatus ninae - northern azure
Celastrina lucia - northern blue
Plebejus idas - northern pencil-blue
Candalides gilberti - northern spring azure
Celastrina lucia - nosy blue
Orachrysops nasutus - Oberthür's anomalous blue
Polyommatus fabressei - obscure ciliate blue
Anthene obscura - odd-spot blue
Turanana endymion - opal hairtail
Anthene opalina - opaque six-line blue
Nacaduba beroe - orange-patch ciliate blue
Anthene rufoplagata - Osiris blue
Cupido osiris - Osiris smoky blue
Euchrysops osiris - otacilia hairtail
Anthene otacilia
[edit]- pale babul blue
Azanus mirza - pale blue
Euphilotes pallescens - pale cerulean
Jamides cyta - Pale Ceylon line blue
Nacaduba sinhala - pale ciliate blue
Anthene lycaenoides - pale four-line blue
Nacaduba hermus - pale grass blue
Pseudozizeeria maha - pale hairtail
Anthene butleri - pale heart
Uranothauma vansomereni - pale hedge blue
Celastrina cardia - pallid blue
Euphilotes pallescens - pallid dotted blue
Euphilotes pallescens - Palos Verdes blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis - Panoptes blue
Pseudophilotes panoptes - pea blue
Lampides boeticus - pencilled blue
Candalides absimilis - Persian odd-spot blue
Turanana cytis - pied blue
Phlyaria cyara - Piedmont anomalous blue
Polyommatus humedasae - Pitman's hairtail
Anthene pitmani - plain hedge blue
Celastrina lavendularis - plains Cupid
Chilades pandava - plumbago blue
Leptotes plinius - pointed ciliate blue
Anthene lycaenina - pointed Pierrot
Niphanda cymbia - pointed Pierrot
Tarucus theophrastus - precise ciliate blue
Cupidesthes paralithas - Provençal short-tailed blue
Cupido alcetas - Provence chalk-hill blue
Polyommatus hispana - Punguse's ciliate blue
Cupidesthes pungusei
[edit]- Ramon's blue
Hemiargus ramon - rayed blue
Actizera lucida - rayed blue
Candalides heathi - Reakirt's blue
Hemiargus isola - red-clover blue
Actizera stellata - red-edged ciliate blue
Anthene radiata - red forewing
Anthene fulvus - red-spot ciliate blue
Anthene lunulata - restless blue
Orachrysops lacrimosa - Reverdin's blue
Plebejus argyrognomon - Ripart's anomalous blue
Polyommatus ripartii - rita blue
Euphilotes rita - robust ciliate blue
Cupidesthes robusta - Rocky Mountain dotted blue
Euphilotes ancilla - Rogers' blue
Eicochrysops rogersi - rounded Pierrot
Tarucus extricatus - rounded six-line blue
Nacaduba berenice - royal cerulean
Jamides caerulea - royal blue (false positive)
Orachrysops regalis - rusty Pierrot
Tarucus alteratus
[edit]- Sabi smoky blue
Euchrysops dolorosa - Sagba Mountain Cupid
Euchrysops sagba - Sahel Cupid
Euchrysops alberta - Salvatore's ciliate blue
Cupidesthes salvatoris - salvia blue
Harpendyreus notoba - San Emigdio blue
Plebejus emigdionis - satin blue
Zetona delospila - savanna pied Pierrot
Tuxentius cretosus - scarce large blue
Phengaris teleius - Schouteden's hairtail
Anthene schoutedeni - Schouteden's indigo ciliate blue
Anthene schoutedeni - Shasta blue
Plebejus shasta - shining pencil-blue
Candalides helenita - short-tailed blue
Cupido argiades - short-toothed blue
Leptotes brevidentatus - Siam babul blue
Azanus urios - Sierra de la Sagra blue
Polyommatus sagratrox - Sierra Nevada blue
Agriades podarce - Sierra Nevada blue
Polyommatus golgus - silky ciliate blue
Anthene lachares - silver forget-me-not
Catochrysops lithargyria - silver forget-me-not
Catochrysops panormus - silver-studded blue
Plebejus argus - silvery argus
Aricia nicias - silvery blue
Lepidochrysops glauca - silvery blue
Glaucopsyche lygdamus - silvery hedge blue
Celastrina ladonides - Sinai baton blue
Pseudophilotes sinaicus - Singapore four-line blue
Nacaduba pavana - Singhalese hedge blue
Polyommatus singalensis
[edit]- sky-blue Cupid
Chilades eleusis - small Cupid
Chilades parrhasius - small dusky-blue
Candalides erinus - small four-line blue
Nacaduba pavana - small green underwing
Albulina metallica - small jewel blue
Plebejus christophi - small Madagascar babul blue
Azanus soalalicus - smoky bean Cupid
Euchrysops malathana - smoky chalk blue
Thermoniphas fumosa - Snellen's cerulean
amides snelleni - Sonoran blue
Philotes sonorensis - southern blue
Pseudolucia sibyllia (Kirby - South-Russian blue
Polyommatus australorossicus - Spalding's blue
Euphilotes spaldingi - Spanish zephyr blue
Plebejus hesperica - spotted hairtail
Anthene larydas - spotted Pierrot
Tarucus callinara - spring azure
Celastrina ladon - square-spotted blue
Euphilotes battoides - Staudinger's blue
Cupido staudingerii - Staudinger's ciliate blue
Anthene staudingeri - Stempffer's Pierrot
Tuxentius stempfferi - stonecrop blue
Philotes sonorensis - straight Pierrot
Pycnophallium roxus - striped blue
Leptotes marina - striped heart
Uranothauma poggei - striped Pierrot
Tarucus nara - summer azure
Celastrina neglecta
[edit]- tailed Cupid
Cupido argiades - tailed green-banded line-blue
Nacaduba cyanea - tailed meadow blue
Cupidopsis iobates - Talbot's ciliate blue
Anthene talboti - Talbot's hairtail
Anthene talboti - Thomas's blue
Cyclargus thomasi - thorn-tree blue
Azanus moriqua - Tien Shan blue
Agriades pheretiades - Tite's zebra blue
Leptotes brevidentatus - tinktinkie blue
Brephidium metophis - tinted blue
Thermoniphas micylus - tiny ciliate blue
Anthene fasciatus - tiny grass blue
Zizula hylax - tiny hedge blue
Lycaenopsis minima - Fischer's blue
Tongeia fischeri - topaz-spotted blue
Azanus jesous - transparent six-line blue
Nacaduba kurava - Trimen's ciliate blue
Anthene otacilia - tropical striped blue
Leptotes cassius - Tsomo blue
Harpendyreus tsomo - Tumbre blue
Pseudolucia oligocyanea - Turkana Pierrot
Tarucus kulala - turquoise blue
Polyommatus dorylas
[edit]- una (needs English section)
Una usta - Ungemach's Pierrot
Tarucus ungemachi - untailed ginger white
Oboronia ornata - Valley Zap blue
Polyommatus zapvadi - varied dusky-blue
Candalides hyacinthina - veined blue
Plebejus neurona - veined Pierrot
Tarucus venosus - velvet-spotted blue
Azanus ubaldus - versatile ciliate blue
Anthene versatilis - violescent blue
Orachrysops violescens - violet-spotted ciliate blue
Anthene lysicles - vivid blue
Tarucus thespis - Volta ciliate blue
Cupidesthes lithas - Warren's blue
Orachrysops warreni - water blue
Cacyreus tespis - water bronze
Cacyreus tespis - western azure
Celastrina echo - western black-spot ciliate blue
Anthene starki - western brown-edged Cupid
Euchrysops sahelianus - western pie
Tuxentius hesperis - western pygmy blue
Brephidium exile - western tailed-blue
Cupido amyntula - white-banded babul blue
Azanus isis - white-banded hedge blue
Lycaenopsis transpectus - white cerulean
Jamides cleodus - white cerulean
Jamides pura - white line-blue
Nacaduba angusta - white pie
Tuxentius calice - white-tipped blue
Eicochrysops hippocrates - Wilson's ciliate blue
Anthene wilsoni - Wilson's hairtail
Anthene wilsoni - Woodhouse's four-line blue
Nacaduba ollyetti - Xerces blue
Glaucopsyche xerces - yellow-spot blue
Candalides xanthospilos - yellow-spot ciliate blue
Anthene flavomaculatus - Zarathustra blue
Polyommatus zarathustra - zebra blue
Leptotes plinius - zephyr blue
Plebejus pylaon - Zimbabwe hairtail
Anthene rhodesiana - Zullich's blue
Agriades zullichi