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User:Chuck Entz/Butterflies/Names without entries/Lycaenidae/Polyommatinae

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By general term



  1. Acmon blue
    Plebejus acmon
  2. Alcon blue
    Phengaris alcon
  3. Amanda's blue
    Polyommatus amandus
  4. Andean blue
    Pseudolucia andina
  5. Anna's blue
    Plebejus anna
  6. anticarmon blue
    Polyommatus anticarmon
  7. Argentine blue
    Pseudolucia argentinina
  8. arrowhead blue
    Glaucopsyche piasus
  9. Atlas blue
    Polyommatus atlantica
  10. Audeoud's blue
    Cacyreus audeoudi
  11. Bavius blue
    Pseudophilotes bavius
  12. Bernardino blue
    Euphilotes bernardino
  13. black-eyed blue
    Glaucopsyche melanops
  14. Boisduval's blue
    Aricia icarioides
  15. Bowker's blue
    Tarucus bowkeri
  16. brachystegia blue
    Eicochrysops eicotrochilus
  17. Brenton blue
    Orachrysops niobe
  18. blotched blue
    Candalides acasta
  19. Brinkman's blue
    Orachrysops brinkmani
  20. brown blue
    Euchrysops brunneus
  21. buckwheat blue
    Euphilotes battoides
  22. Buddhist blue
    Cupido buddhista
  23. Cassius blue
    Leptotes cassius
  24. central blue
    Euphilotes centralis
  25. Ceraunus blue
    Hemiargus ceraunus
  26. Chapman's blue
    Polyommatus thersites
  27. chequered blue
    Scolitantides orion
  28. clear-spotted blue
    Zetona delospila
  29. clover blue
    Zizina antanossa
  30. clover blue
    Zizina labradus
  31. consimilis blue
    Candalides consimilis
  32. cranberry blue
    Plebejus optilete
  33. Crawshay's blue
    Euchrysops crawshayi
  34. cupreous blue
    Eicochrysops messapus
  35. cyprotus blue
    Candalides cyprotus
  36. Damon blue
    Polyommatus damon
  37. Damonides blue
    Polyommatus damonides
  38. Dubi's blue
    Pseudolucia benyamini
  39. Dutch Alcon blue
    Phengaris alcon arenaria
  40. Eros blue
    Polyommatus eros
  41. Escher's blue
    Polyommatus escheri
  42. flashing blue
    Pseudolucia kinbote
  43. furry blue
    Polyommatus dolus
  44. fynbos blue
    Tarucus thespis
  45. Gaika blue
    Zizula hylax
  46. Galapagos blue
    Leptotes parrhasioides
  47. Gavarnie blue
    Agriades pyrenaicus
  48. geminus blue
    Candalides geminus
  49. ginger blue
    Oboronia bueronica
  50. Gisela blue
    Cupido gisela
  51. Glandon blue
    Agriades glandon
  52. Golden Gate blue
    Orachrysops montanus
  53. gram blue
    Euchrysops cnejus
  54. gray blue
    Agriades podarce
  55. greenish blue
    Aricia saepiolus
  56. green-underside blue
    Glaucopsyche alexis
  57. grizzled blue
    Orachrysops subravus
  58. Güssfeldt's blue
    Oboronia guessfeldti
  59. hanno blue
    Hemiargus hanno
  60. heather blue
    Agriades cassiope
  61. Hintza blue
    Zintha hintza
  62. Idas blue
    Plebejus idas
  63. iolas blue
    Iolana iolas
  64. Jamaican blue
    Cyclargus dominica
  65. Jeannel's blue
    Leptotes jeanneli
  66. Karkloof blue
    Orachrysops ariadne
  67. Kinbote's blue
    Pseudolucia kinbote
  68. large green-banded blue
    Danis danis
  69. lime blue
    Chilades lajus
  70. lupine blue
    Aricia lupini
  71. Lorquin's blue
    Cupido lorquinii
  72. Lucas's blue
    Cyclargus ammon
  73. Lompoc blue
    Philotiella speciosa purisima
  74. marbled blue
    Jameela palmyra
  75. Margarita's blue
    Candalides margarita
  76. marine blue
    Leptotes marina
  77. marsh blue
    Harpendyreus noquasa
  78. Masai blue
    Eicochrysops masai
  79. Mau blue
    Euchrysops mauensis
  80. Melissa blue
    Plebejus melissa
  81. Meleager's blue
    Polyommatus daphnis
  82. Miami blue
    Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri
  83. Mijburgh's blue
    Orachrysops mijburghi
  84. mirza blue
    Azanus mirza
  85. mocker blue
    Cacyreus virilis
  86. Mojave blue
    Euphilotes mojave
  87. mother-of-pearl blue
    Polyommatus nivescens
  88. mountain Alcon blue
    Phengaris rebeli
  89. Nina's blue
    Polyommatus ninae
  90. northern blue
    Plebejus idas
  91. nosy blue
    Orachrysops nasutus
  92. Osiris blue
    Cupido osiris
  93. pale blue
    Euphilotes pallescens
  94. pallid blue
    Euphilotes pallescens
  95. Palos Verdes blue
    Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis
  96. Panoptes blue
    Pseudophilotes panoptes
  97. pea blue
    Lampides boeticus
  98. pied blue
    Phlyaria cyara
  99. plumbago blue
    Leptotes plinius
  100. Ramon's blue
    Hemiargus ramon
  101. rayed blue
    Actizera lucida
  102. rayed blue
    Candalides heathi
  103. Reakirt's blue
    Hemiargus isola
  104. red-clover blue
    Actizera stellata
  105. restless blue
    Orachrysops lacrimosa
  106. Reverdin's blue
    Plebejus argyrognomon
  107. rita blue
    Euphilotes rita
  108. Rogers' blue
    Eicochrysops rogersi
  109. royal blue
    Orachrysops regalis
  110. salvia blue
    Harpendyreus notoba
  111. San Emigdio blue
    Plebejus emigdionis
  112. satin blue
    Zetona delospila
  113. silver-studded blue
    Plebejus argus
  114. silvery blue
    Lepidochrysops glauca
  115. silvery blue
    Glaucopsyche lygdamus
  116. Shasta blue
    Plebejus shasta
  117. short-toothed blue
    Leptotes brevidentatus
  118. Sierra de la Sagra blue
    Polyommatus sagratrox
  119. Sierra Nevada blue
    Agriades podarce
  120. Sierra Nevada blue
    Polyommatus golgus
  121. Sonoran blue
    Philotes sonorensis
  122. southern blue
    Pseudolucia sibyllia (Kirby
  123. South-Russian blue
    Polyommatus australorossicus
  124. Spalding's blue
    Euphilotes spaldingi
  125. square-spotted blue
    Euphilotes battoides
  126. Staudinger's blue
    Cupido staudingerii
  127. stonecrop blue
    Philotes sonorensis
  128. striped blue
    Leptotes marina
  129. Thomas's blue
    Cyclargus thomasi
  130. thorn-tree blue
    Azanus moriqua
  131. Tien Shan blue
    Agriades pheretiades
  132. tinktinkie blue
    Brephidium metophis
  133. tinted blue
    Thermoniphas micylus
  134. Fischer's blue
    Tongeia fischeri
  135. Tsomo blue
    Harpendyreus tsomo
  136. Tumbre blue
    Pseudolucia oligocyanea
  137. turquoise blue
    Polyommatus dorylas
  138. Valley Zap blue
    Polyommatus zapvadi
  139. veined blue
    Plebejus neurona
  140. violescent blue
    Orachrysops violescens
  141. vivid blue
    Tarucus thespis
  142. Warren's blue
    Orachrysops warreni
  143. water blue
    Cacyreus tespis
  144. white-tipped blue
    Eicochrysops hippocrates
  145. Xerces blue
    Glaucopsyche xerces
  146. yellow-spot blue
    Candalides xanthospilos
  147. Zarathustra blue
    Polyommatus zarathustra
  148. Zullich's blue
    Agriades zullichi

No general term

  1. albocerulean
    Celastrina albocoeruleus
  2. red forewing
    Anthene fulvus
  3. una (needs English section)
    Una usta

anomalous blue

  1. Andalusian anomalous blue
    Polyommatus violetae
  2. anomalous blue
    Polyommatus admetus
  3. Grecian anomalous blue
    Polyommatus aroaniensis
  4. Higgins's anomalous blue
    Polyommatus nephohiptamenos
  5. Piedmont anomalous blue
    Polyommatus humedasae
  6. Oberthür's anomalous blue
    Polyommatus fabressei
  7. Ripart's anomalous blue
    Polyommatus ripartii

Arctic blue

  1. arrowhead Arctic blue
    Agriades podarce
  2. Arctic blue
    Agriades glandon

No general butterfly sense

  1. alpine argus
    Plebejus orbitulus
  2. eastern brown argus
    Plebejus carmon
  3. geranium argus
    Eumedonia eumedon
  4. silvery argus
    Aricia nicias

  1. American holly azure
    Celastrina idella
  2. Appalachian azure
    Celastrina neglectamajor
  3. cherry gall azure
    Celastrina serotina
  4. echo azure
    Celastrina echo
  5. eastern spring azure
    Celastrina lucia
  6. hops azure
    Celastrina humulus
  7. lucia azure
    Celastrina lucia
  8. Mexican azure
    Celastrina gozora
  9. northern azure
    Celastrina lucia
  10. northern spring azure
    Celastrina lucia
  11. spring azure
    Celastrina ladon
  12. summer azure
    Celastrina neglecta
  13. western azure
    Celastrina echo

babul blue

  1. African babul blue
    Azanus jesous
  2. black-bordered babul blue
    Azanus moriqua
  3. bright babul blue
    Azanus ubaldus
  4. desert babul blue
    Azanus ubaldus
  5. dull babul blue
    Azanus uranus
  6. Indian babul blue
    Azanus uranus
  7. large Madagascar babul blue
    Azanus sitalces
  8. Natal babul blue
    Azanus natalensis
  9. pale babul blue
    Azanus mirza
  10. Siam babul blue
    Azanus urios
  11. small Madagascar babul blue
    Azanus soalalicus
  12. white-banded babul blue
    Azanus isis

baton blue

  1. baton blue
    Pseudophilotes baton
  2. eastern baton blue
    Pseudophilotes vicrama
  3. false baton blue
    Pseudophilotes abencerragus
  4. Sinai baton blue
    Pseudophilotes sinaicus


  1. black-patches
    Anthene lyzanius
  2. lesser black-patches
    Anthene lamprocles

branded blue

  1. Antinori's branded blue
    Uranothauma antinorii
  2. Belcastro's branded blue
    Uranothauma belcastroi
  3. black-heart branded blue
    Uranothauma nubifer
  4. Cameroon branded blue
    Uranothauma frederikkae
  5. light branded blue
    Uranothauma heritsia
  6. lowland branded blue
    Uranothauma falkensteini

No general butterfly sense

  1. bush bronze
    Cacyreus lingeus
  2. Dickson's geranium bronze
    Cacyreus dicksoni
  3. geranium bronze
    Cacyreus marshalli
  4. mocker bronze
    Cacyreus virilis
  5. water bronze
    Cacyreus tespis

bush blue

  1. bright bush blue
    Cacyreus audeoudi
  2. common bush blue
    Cacyreus lingeus
  3. eastern bush blue
    Cacyreus virilis

  1. amarauge cerulean
    Jamides amarauge
  2. Burmese caerulean
    Jamides philatus
  3. Ceylon cerulean
    Jamides coruscans
  4. common cerulean
    Jamides celeno
  5. dark cerulean
    Jamides bochus
  6. dark cerulean
    Jamides phaseli
  7. Ferrar's cerulean
    Jamides ferrari
  8. glistening cerulean
    Jamides elpis
  9. glistening cerulean
    Lampides kankena
  10. metallic cerulean
    Jamides alecto
  11. milky cerulean
    Lampides lacteata
  12. white cerulean
    Jamides cleodus
  13. white cerulean
    Jamides pura
  14. pale cerulean
    Jamides cyta
  15. royal cerulean
    Jamides caerulea
  16. Snellen's cerulean
    amides snelleni

chalk blue

  1. Alberic's chalk blue
    Thermoniphas alberici
  2. bright chalk blue
    Thermoniphas togara
  3. Cameroon chalk blue
    Thermoniphas bibundana
  4. common chalk blue
    Thermoniphas micylus
  5. smoky chalk blue
    Thermoniphas fumosa

chalk-hill blue

  1. Provence chalk-hill blue
    Polyommatus hispana

ciliate blue

  1. anomalous ciliate blue
    Anthene juba
  2. Atewa ciliate blue
    Anthene atewa
  3. black ciliate blue
    Anthene hades
  4. black-edged ciliate blue
    Anthene afra
  5. black-spotted ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes mimetica
  6. blotched ciliate blue
    Anthene lamias
  7. brown ciliate blue
    Anthene lychnides
  8. Butler's ciliate blue
    Anthene butleri
  9. ciliate blue
    Anthene emolus
  10. common ciliate blue
    Anthene definita
  11. common ciliate blue
    Anthene larydas
  12. common indigo ciliate blue
    Anthene sylvanus
  13. Crawshay's ciliate blue
    Anthene crawshayi
  14. creamy ciliate blue
    Anthene helpsi
  15. curious ciliate blue
    Anthene locuples
  16. dark ciliate blue
    Anthene seltuttus
  17. delicate ciliate blue
    Anthene lacides
  18. golden ciliate blue
    Anthene scintillula
  19. green ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes arescopa
  20. inconspicuous ciliate blue
    Anthene inconspicua
  21. indigo ciliate blue
    Anthene rubricinctus
  22. irrorated ciliate blue
    Anthene lucretilis
  23. Irumu ciliate blue
    Anthene irumu
  24. Jackson's ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes jacksoni
  25. jewelled ciliate blue
    Anthene gemmifera
  26. Kampala ciliate blue
    Anthene kampala
  27. Karsch's ciliate blue
    Anthene phoenicis
  28. Kersten's ciliate blue
    Anthene kersteni
  29. Kikuyu ciliate blue
    Anthene kikuyu
  30. Krokosua ciliate blue
    Anthene krokosua
  31. large ciliate blue
    Anthene lemnos
  32. large red-spot ciliate blue
    Anthene lusones
  33. leaden ciliate blue
    Anthene amarah
  34. leonine ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes leonina
  35. Leptines ciliate blue
    Anthene leptines
  36. lesser indigo ciliate blue
    Anthene ligures
  37. levis ciliate blue
    Anthene levis
  38. medium red-spot ciliate blue
    Anthene chryseostictus
  39. Mahota ciliate blue
    Anthene mahota
  40. mauve ciliate blue
    Anthene coerulea
  41. Mkpot ciliate blue
    Anthene emkopoti
  42. Nigerian ciliate blue
    Anthene nigeriae
  43. obscure ciliate blue
    Anthene obscura
  44. orange-patch ciliate blue
    Anthene rufoplagata
  45. pale ciliate blue
    Anthene lycaenoides
  46. pointed ciliate blue
    Anthene lycaenina
  47. precise ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes paralithas
  48. Punguse's ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes pungusei
  49. red-edged ciliate blue
    Anthene radiata
  50. red-spot ciliate blue
    Anthene lunulata
  51. robust ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes robusta
  52. Salvatore's ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes salvatoris
  53. Schouteden's indigo ciliate blue
    Anthene schoutedeni
  54. silky ciliate blue
    Anthene lachares
  55. Staudinger's ciliate blue
    Anthene staudingeri
  56. Talbot's ciliate blue
    Anthene talboti
  57. tiny ciliate blue
    Anthene fasciatus
  58. Trimen's ciliate blue
    Anthene otacilia
  59. versatile ciliate blue
    Anthene versatilis
  60. violet-spotted ciliate blue
    Anthene lysicles
  61. Volta ciliate blue
    Cupidesthes lithas
  62. western black-spot ciliate blue
    Anthene starki
  63. Wilson's ciliate blue
    Anthene wilsoni
  64. yellow-spot ciliate blue
    Anthene flavomaculatus
  1. African Cupid
    Euchrysops osiris
  2. Banyo Mountain Cupid
    Euchrysops banyo
  3. Barker's Cupid
    Euchrysops barkeri
  4. black Cupid
    Elkalyce kala
  5. Capronnier's Cupid
    Euchrysops albistriata
  6. Chapman's Cupid
    Elkalyce diporides
  7. Dudgeon's Cupid
    Eicochrysops dudgeoni
  8. dusky blue Cupid
    Celastrina dipora
  9. Indian Cupid
    Everes lacturnus
  10. hedge Cupid
    Bothrinia chennellii
  11. Jackson's Cupid
    Euchrysops reducta
  12. milky bean Cupid
    Euchrysops nilotica
  13. Moore's Cupid
    Shijimia moorei
  14. plains Cupid
    Chilades pandava
  15. Sagba Mountain Cupid
    Euchrysops sagba
  16. Sahel Cupid
    Euchrysops alberta
  17. sky-blue Cupid
    Chilades eleusis
  18. small Cupid
    Chilades parrhasius
  19. smoky bean Cupid
    Euchrysops malathana
  20. tailed Cupid
    Cupido argiades
  21. western brown-edged Cupid
    Euchrysops sahelianus


  1. Bauer's dotted-blue
    Euphilotes baueri
  2. dotted blue
    Euphilotes enoptes
  3. dotted blue
    Tarucus sybaris
  4. Ellis dotted-blue
    Euphilotes ellisi
  5. Mojave dotted blue
    Euphilotes mojave
  6. pallid dotted blue
    Euphilotes pallescens
  7. Rocky Mountain dotted blue
    Euphilotes ancilla


  1. small dusky-blue
    Candalides erinus
  2. varied dusky-blue
    Candalides hyacinthina


  1. silver forget-me-not
    Catochrysops lithargyria
  2. silver forget-me-not
    Catochrysops panormus

ginger white

  1. common ginger white
    Oboronia punctatus
  2. Güssfeldt's ginger white
    Oboronia guessfeldti
  3. Liberian ginger white
    Oboronia liberiana
  4. light ginger white
    Oboronia pseudopunctatus
  5. untailed ginger white
    Oboronia ornata

grass blue

  1. African grass blue
    Zizeeria knysna
  2. common grass blue
    Zizina labradus
  3. dark grass blue
    Zizina antanossa
  4. dark grass blue
    Zizeeria karsandra
  5. dark grass blue
    Zizeeria knysna
  6. grass blue
    Zizina labradus
  7. lesser grass blue
    Zizina otis
  8. pale grass blue
    Pseudozizeeria maha
  9. tiny grass blue
    Zizula hylax

green underwing

  1. dusky green underwing
    Albulina omphisa
  2. small green underwing
    Albulina metallica


  1. Arnold's hairtail
    Anthene arnoldi
  2. Barnes's hairtail
    Anthene barnesi
  3. Bjørnstad's hairtail
    Anthene bjoernstadi
  4. black-striped hairtail
    Anthene amarah
  5. black-spotted hairtail
    Anthene nigropunctata
  6. Chirinda hairtail
    Anthene chirinda
  7. common hairtail
    Anthene definita
  8. Crawshay's hairtail
    Anthene crawshayi
  9. cupreous hairtail
    Anthene princeps
  10. false hairtail
    Anthene nigeriae
  11. Hobley's hairtail
    Anthene hobleyi
  12. Hodson's hairtail
    Anthene hodsoni
  13. Juanita's hairtail
    Anthene juanitae
  14. Kersten's hairtail
    Anthene kersteni
  15. large hairtail
    Anthene lemnos
  16. Last's hairtail
    Anthene lasti
  17. leaden hairtail
    Anthene amarah
  18. Linda's hairtail
    Anthene lindae
  19. liodes hairtail
    Anthene liodes
  20. little hairtail
    Anthene minima
  21. long-tailed blue
    Lampides boeticus
  22. lunulated hairtail
    Anthene lunulata
  23. mashuna hairtail
    Anthene contrastata
  24. Millar's hairtail
    Anthene millari
  25. opal hairtail
    Anthene opalina
  26. otacilia hairtail
    Anthene otacilia
  27. pale hairtail
    Anthene butleri
  28. Pitman's hairtail
    Anthene pitmani
  29. Schouteden's hairtail
    Anthene schoutedeni
  30. spotted hairtail
    Anthene larydas
  31. Talbot's hairtail
    Anthene talboti
  32. Wilson's hairtail
    Anthene wilsoni
  33. Zimbabwe hairtail
    Anthene rhodesiana



hedge blue

  1. Ceylon hedge blue
    Udara lanka
  2. Jyntea hedge blue
    Celastrina iynteana
  3. large hedge blue
    Celastrina huegeli
  4. margined hedge blue
    Lycaenopsis marginata
  5. pale hedge blue
    Celastrina cardia
  6. plain hedge blue
    Celastrina lavendularis
  7. silvery hedge blue
    Celastrina ladonides
  8. Singhalese hedge blue
    Polyommatus singalensis
  9. white-banded hedge blue
    Lycaenopsis transpectus
  10. tiny hedge blue
    Lycaenopsis minima


  1. eastern grass jewel
    Chilades putli
  2. grass jewel
    Chilades trochylus

jewel blue

  1. small jewel blue
    Plebejus christophi
  2. large jewel blue
    Polyommatus loewii

large blue

  1. Alcon large blue
    Phengaris alcon
  2. dusky large blue
    Phengaris nausithous
  3. greater large blue
    Phengaris arionides
  4. scarce large blue
    Phengaris teleius

line blue

  1. Ceylon six-line blue
    Nacaduba sinhala
  2. dark Ceylon six-line blue
    Nacaduba calauria
  3. dingy lineblue
    Petrelaea dana
  4. double-spotted line blue
    Nacaduba biocellata
  5. hairy line blue
    Erysichton lineata
  6. large four-line blue
    Nacaduba pactolus
  7. opaque six-line blue
    Nacaduba beroe
  8. Pale Ceylon line blue
    Nacaduba sinhala
  9. pale four-line blue
    Nacaduba hermus
  10. rounded six-line blue
    Nacaduba berenice
  11. Singapore four-line blue
    Nacaduba pavana
  12. small four-line blue
    Nacaduba pavana
  13. tailed green-banded line-blue
    Nacaduba cyanea
  14. transparent six-line blue
    Nacaduba kurava
  15. white line-blue
    Nacaduba angusta
  16. Woodhouse's four-line blue
    Nacaduba ollyetti

mazarine blue

  1. Greek mazarine blue
    Polyommatus bellis
  2. Mazarine blue
    Polyommatus semiargus

meadow blue

  1. common meadow blue
    Cupidopsis cissus
  2. common meadow blue
    Polyommatus eros
  3. tailed meadow blue
    Cupidopsis iobates

mountain blue

  1. azure mountain blue
    Albulina asiatica
  2. central mountain blue
    Harpendyreus marungensis
  3. equatorial mountain blue
    Harpendyreus aequatorialis
  4. high mountain blue
    Agriades franklinii
  5. Jaloka mountain blue
    Agriades jaloka

odd-spot blue

  1. Anatolian odd-spot blue
    Turanana endymion
  2. odd-spot blue
    Turanana endymion
  3. Persian odd-spot blue
    Turanana cytis


  1. common pencil-blue
    Candalides absimilis
  2. copper pencil-blue
    Candalides cyprotus
  3. northern pencil-blue
    Candalides gilberti
  4. pencilled blue
    Candalides absimilis
  5. shining pencil-blue
    Candalides helenita


  1. black pie
    Tuxentius melaena
  2. white pie
    Tuxentius calice
  3. western pie
    Tuxentius hesperis

pied Pierrot

  1. blue pied Pierrot
    Zintha hintza
  2. dark pied Pierrot
    Tuxentius melaena
  3. forest pied Pierrot
    Tuxentius carana
  4. mountain pied Pierrot
    Tuxentius margaritaceus
  5. savanna pied Pierrot
    Tuxentius cretosus



  1. African Pierrot
    Tarucus theophrastus
  2. angled Pierrot
    Caleta caleta
  3. angled Pierrot
    Caleta decidia
  4. Assam Pierrot
    Tarucus waterstradti dharta
  5. Balkan Pierrot
    Tarucus balkanicus
  6. black Pierrot
    Tarucus grammicus
  7. black-spotted Pierrot
    Tarucus balcanicus nigra
  8. blue-eyed Pierrot
    Zintha hintza
  9. dark Pierrot
    Tarucus ananda
  10. dark Pierrot
    Tarucus grammicus
  11. elbowed Pierrot
    Pycnophallium elna
  12. Ertli's Pierrot
    Tuxentius ertli
  13. Gabriel's Pierrot
    Tuxentius gabrieli
  14. Himalayan Pierrot
    Tarucus venosus
  15. Indian Pierrot
    Tarucus indica
  16. Kiki's Pierrot
    Tarucus kiki
  17. Le Gras' Pierrot
    Tarucus legrasi
  18. Margarita's Pierrot
    Tuxentius margaritaceus
  19. Mediterranean Pierrot
    Tarucus rosacea
  20. pointed Pierrot
    Niphanda cymbia
  21. pointed Pierrot
    Tarucus theophrastus
  22. rounded Pierrot
    Tarucus extricatus
  23. rusty Pierrot
    Tarucus alteratus
  24. spotted Pierrot
    Tarucus callinara
  25. Stempffer's Pierrot
    Tuxentius stempfferi
  26. straight Pierrot
    Pycnophallium roxus
  27. striped Pierrot
    Tarucus nara
  28. Turkana Pierrot
    Tarucus kulala
  29. Ungemach's Pierrot
    Tarucus ungemachi
  30. veined Pierrot
    Tarucus venosus


  1. eastern pygmy-blue
    Brephidium pseudofea
  2. western pygmy blue
    Brephidium exile


  1. blue Quaker
    Pithecops fulgens
  2. forest Quaker
    Pithecops hylax

short-tailed blue

  1. Eastern short-tailed blue
    Cupido decolorata
  2. Lang's short-tailed blue
    Leptotes pirithous
  3. Provençal short-tailed blue
    Cupido alcetas
  4. short-tailed blue
    Cupido argiades

smoky blue

  1. ashen smoky blue
    Euchrysops subpallida
  2. Barker's smoky blue
    Euchrysops barkeri
  3. common smoky blue
    Euchrysops malathana
  4. Osiris smoky blue
    Euchrysops osiris
  5. Sabi smoky blue
    Euchrysops dolorosa

spotted blue

  1. great spotted blue
    Phengaris atroguttata
  2. Natal spotted blue
    Azanus natalensis
  3. topaz-spotted blue
    Azanus jesous
  4. velvet-spotted blue
    Azanus ubaldus

striped blue

  1. tropical striped blue
    Leptotes cassius


  1. western tailed-blue
    Cupido amyntula

tiger blue

  1. common tiger blue
    Tarucus theophrastus
  2. little tiger blue
    Tarucus balkanicus
  3. Mediterranean tiger blue
    Tarucus rosacea

zebra blue

  1. Adamson's zebra blue
    Leptotes adamsoni
  2. Babault's zebra blue
    Leptotes babaulti
  3. beautiful zebra blue
    Leptotes pulcher
  4. black-bordered zebra blue
    Leptotes marginalis
  5. common zebra blue
    Leptotes pirithous
  6. Tite's zebra blue
    Leptotes brevidentatus
  7. zebra blue
    Leptotes plinius

zephyr blue

  1. Alpine zephyr blue
    Plebejus trappi
  2. Spanish zephyr blue
    Plebejus hesperica
  3. zephyr blue
    Plebejus pylaon











































