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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-vi-p

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
paan {n} (psychoactive preparation of betel leaf) :: trầu
pablum {n} (nourishment) SEE: nourishment ::
Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water) :: Thái Bình Dương (太平洋)
pacifier {n} (for a baby) :: núm vú giả
pacifism {n} (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence) :: chủ nghĩa hoà bình (主義和平)
pack {n} (bundle to be carried) :: bao, chồng, xấp, tập
package {n} (something which is packed) :: kiện hàng, gói, bưu kiện
packet {n} (small pack) :: gói
pack horse {n} (horse used for carrying luggage) :: ngựa thồ, ngựa thồ hàng
packhorse {n} (packhorse) SEE: pack horse ::
pad {v} (to stuff) SEE: stuff ::
paddle {n} (two-handed, single-bladed oar) :: chèo
paddle {n} (double-bladed oar used for kayaking) :: chèo
paddleboat {n} (pedalo) SEE: pedalo ::
paddy {n} (wet land where rice grows) :: ruộng lúa
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy ::
page {n} (one side of a leaf of a book) :: trang
page {n} (Internet: web page) SEE: web page ::
pageant {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant ::
pager {n} (device) :: máy nhắn tin
pagoda {n} (a tiered tower with multiple eaves) :: chùa, chùa chiền
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket ::
pain {n} (ache or bodily suffering) :: đau, sự đau đớn
pain {n} (suffering or anguish, especially mental) :: khổ
painful {adj} (suffering with pain) :: đau đớn
painkiller {n} (a drug that numbs the pain in the body) :: thuốc giảm đau
paint {n} (substance) :: nước sơn
paint {v} (apply paint to) :: sơn
painted dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painted hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painted wolf {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painter {n} (artist) :: họa sĩ
painter {n} (one who paints surfaces using a paintbrush) :: thợ sơn
painting {n} (an illustration or artwork using paint) :: bức tranh, bức vẽ
pair {n} (number of things resembling one another, or belonging together) SEE: set ::
pair {n} (two similar or identical things) :: đôi, cặp
pair {n} (two people in a relationship) :: cặp
pair {n} :: đôi, cặp
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars ::
pair of compasses {n} (tool used to draw circles) :: com-pa
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of pincers {n} (pincers) SEE: pincers ::
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors ::
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of tongs {n} (tongs) SEE: tongs ::
pair of tweezers {n} (tweezers) SEE: tweezers ::
pajamas {n} (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in) :: pijama, quần áo ngủ
Pakistan {prop} (country in South Asia) :: Pa-ki-xtan
palace {n} (large, lavish residence) :: cung điện (宮殿)
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords) :: cung điện Westminster
palaeoclimatology {n} (science) :: cổ khí hậu học
palaeogeography {n} (the study of historical geography) :: cổ địa lý học
palanquin {n} (a covered type of litter) :: kiệu (), cáng
palate {n} (roof of the mouth) :: vòm miệng
Palau {prop} (Republic of Palau) :: Pa-lau
paleobotany {n} (branch of paleontology) :: cổ thực vật học
paleoclimatology {n} (palaeoclimatology) SEE: palaeoclimatology ::
paleography {n} (study of old forms of writing) :: cổ văn tự học
paleontology {n} (study of prehistoric forms of life) :: cổ sinh vật học (古生物學)
Paleozoic {prop} (Paleozoic era) :: đại Cổ Sinh
Palestine {prop} (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively) :: Palestine
palladium {n} (chemical element) :: palađi
palm {n} (inner, concave part of hand) :: gan bàn tay, lòng bàn tay
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree ::
palm sugar {n} (sugar made from the sap of the palm tree) :: đường thốt nốt
palm tree {n} (tropical tree) :: cọ,
pan {n} (flat vessel used for cooking, see also: frying pan) :: cái chảo [frying pan], khay nướng, khuôn nướng [sheet pan]
pan {n} (cylindrical receptacle with one long handle) :: cái nồi, cái xoong, cái soong
pan {n} (wide receptacle used in gold washing) :: cái giần
pan {n} (geography: type of lake, natural depression or basin) :: cái lòng chảo
pan {n} (strong criticism) :: sự chỉ trích, sự đả kích
pan {n} (loaf of bread) ::
Panama {prop} (country) :: Pa-na-ma
Panama Canal {prop} (Canal) :: kênh đào Panama
pancake {n} (thin batter cake) :: bánh nướng chảo
Panchen Lama {n} (second-highest ranking lama of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism) :: Ban-thiền Lạt-ma
pancreas {n} (gland near the stomach) :: tụy, lá mía
panda {n} (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda) :: gấu trúc
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda ::
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general ::
pandemic {adj} (epidemic over a wide geographical area and affecting a large proportion of the population) :: (thuộc) đại dịch
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population) :: đại dịch
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp ::
Pangaea {prop} (supercontinent prior to Triassic) :: Pangaea
pangolin {n} (mammal) :: (con) tê tê, (con) trút
panic {n} (overpowering fright) :: hốt hoảng
panic buying {n} (buying of commodities earlier than normal) :: mua sắm do sợ hãi, mua sắm do lo sợ
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants ::
pantheism {n} (belief that the universe is divine) :: thuyết phiếm thần
panther {n} (big cat with black fur) :: báo đen
panties {n} (underpants for women or girls) :: quần trẻ con, xi-líp
pants {n} (garment covering the body from the waist downwards) :: quần lót dài, quần
panty {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
Pao-t'ou {prop} (Baotou) SEE: Baotou ::
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge ::
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad ::
paparazzi {n} (paparazzo) SEE: paparazzo ::
paparazzo {n} (freelance photographer of celebrities) :: thợ săn ảnh
papaya {n} (tree) :: cây đu đủ
papaya {n} (fruit) :: đu đủ
paper {n} (sheet material) :: giấy ()
paper {n} (written document shorter than a book) :: bài văn
paper {adj} (made of paper) :: bằng giấy
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper ::
paper {n} (wallpaper) SEE: wallpaper ::
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document ::
paper money {n} (a form of banknotes) :: tiền giấy
paperweight {n} (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object) :: bàn thẩm, chặn giấy
papier-mâché {n} (paper mixed with glue to create a sculptural object) :: pa-pi-ê-ma-sê
Papua New Guinea {prop} (country in Oceania) :: Pa-pua Niu Ghi-nê
papyrus {n} (plant in the sedge family) :: chỉ thảo
papyrus {n} (material made from this plant) :: giấy cói
parabola {n} (a conic section) :: parabôn
Paracel Islands {prop} (group of islands) :: Quần đảo Hoàng Sa (群島黃沙), Tây Sa Quần đảo (西沙群島)
parachute {n} (a device designed to control the fall of an object) :: cái dù
parade {n} (organized procession) :: sự phô trương
paradise {n} (heaven) :: thiên đường (天堂)
paradox {n} (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true) :: nghịch lý
paradox {n} (in logic: a self-contradictory statement) :: nghịch lý
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene ::
paragraph {n} (passage in text) :: đoạn
Paraguay {prop} (country in South America) :: Pa-ra-goay
parakeet {n} (various species of small parrots) :: vẹt, két
parallax {n} :: thị sai (視差)
parallelogram {n} (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length) :: hình bình hành
parameter {n} (name in a function or subroutine definition) :: tham số, thông số
paramita {n} (perfection (Buddhism)) :: ba-la-mật-đa
paranoia {n} (A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution) :: hoang tưởng ảo giác
paranormal {adj} (can not be explained by scientific methods) :: siêu tâm linh, huyền bí
paraphyletic {adj} (Excluding some descendants of the most recent common ancestor) :: cận ngành
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism) :: ký sinh trùng, vật ký sinh
parasitise {v} (parasitize) SEE: parasitize ::
parasitism {n} (interaction between two organisms) :: sự ký sinh, ký sinh trùng
parasitize {v} (live off a host) :: kí sinh
parasitology {n} (study of parasites) :: kí sinh trùng học
parcel {n} (package wrapped for shipment) :: gói, bưu kiện
pardon {v} (to forgive) :: tha thứ
parent {n} (person from whom one is descended) :: cha mẹ [parents], bố mẹ [parents]
parenteral {adj} (Intravenously or by injection) :: ngoài ruột
parenthesis {n} (either of a pair of brackets ( )) :: ngoặc, ngoặc đơn
parents {n} (one's parents) :: bố mẹ, cha mẹ, ba mẹ, phụ huynh
Paris {prop} (capital of France) :: Pa-ri, Ba Lê [dated]
parish {n} (part of a diocese) :: giáo xứ
parish {n} (members of the parish) :: giáo xứ, họ đạo
parish {n} (civil subdivision of a county) ::
parish priest {n} (main priest serving a parish) :: cha xứ, cha chính xứ, cha chánh xứ
park {n} (ground for recreation) :: công viên (公園)
park {v} (bring to a halt) :: đậu, đỗ
parking {n} (space) :: bãi đỗ xe
parking lot {n} (open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use) :: bãi đậu xe, khu vực đỗ xe
parking space {n} (space in which a vehicle can be parked) :: chỗ đậu xe, chỗ đỗ xe
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease) :: bệnh Parkinson
parliament {n} (institution with elected or appointed members) :: nghị viện, nghị trường, quốc hội
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament ::
parliamentarian {n} (member of parliament) :: nghị sĩ
parliamentary {adj} (of, relating to, or enacted by a parliament) :: quốc hội
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous ::
parochial vicar {n} (priest) :: cha phó
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb ::
parrot {n} (kind of bird) :: vẹt, két
parsley {n} (plant Petroselinum crispum) :: mùi tây
part {n} (fraction of a whole) :: phần
part {adj} (partial) SEE: partial ::
Parthia {prop} ((historical) region) :: Parthia, Parthava
partial {adj} (existing in part) :: một phần, bán phần
partial {adj} (biased) :: thiên vị
partial differential equation {n} (equation) :: phương trình vi phân riêng phần
participant {n} (one who participates) :: người tham gia
participate {v} (to join in, to take part, to involve oneself) :: tham gia
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle ::
participle {n} (verb form) :: phân từ
particle {n} (body with very small size) :: hạt
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech) :: trợ từ
particle accelerator {n} (a device that accelerates electrically charged particles to extremely high speeds) :: máy gia tốc hạt
particular {adj} (partial) SEE: partial ::
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla ::
partiture {n} (score (music)) SEE: score ::
partner {n} (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest) :: đồng liêu, đồng nghiệp
partner {n} (a member of a business or law partnership) :: đối tác
partnership {n} (association of two or more people to conduct a business) :: công ty hợp danh (公司合名)
part of speech {n} (the function a word or phrase performs) :: từ loại
part-time {adj} (involving less than the normal time) :: làm thêm
party {n} (law: particular side in a contract or legal action) :: bên
party {n} (group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.) :: phe, phe đảng, bên
party {n} (military: discrete detachment of troops) :: đội
party {n} (social gathering) :: tiệc
party {n} (group of people travelling or attending an event together) :: nhóm
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party ::
paska {n} (paskha) SEE: paskha ::
paskha {n} (Easter dessert) :: món pa-xơ-kha
pass {n} (opening, road, or track, available for passing) :: đèo [mountain pass], đèo núi [mountain pass]
pass {n} (password) SEE: password ::
pass away {v} (to die (euphemistic)) :: qua đời, (fall in battle:) từ trần
passenger {n} (one who rides or travels in a vehicle) :: hành khách
passion {n} (any great emotion) :: đam mê
passion {n} (suffering of Jesus) :: thương khó, khổ nạn
passionate {adj} (fired with intense feeling) :: đam mê, dể giận
passion fruit {n} (edible fruit) :: chanh dây, chanh leo
passion fruit {n} :: trái mác mác
passive {adj} (not active, but acted upon) :: bị động
passive {adj} (taking no action) :: thụ động
passive {adj} (grammar: being in the passive voice) :: bị động
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die ::
Passover {prop} (Jewish festival) :: lễ Vượt Qua, lễ Quá Hải
passport {n} (official document) :: hộ chiếu (護照)
pass the buck {v} (to transfer responsibility or blame from oneself) :: đổ trách nhiệm [lit.: to pour responsibility], chuồi trách nhiệm [lit.: to sneak in responsibility], đổ tội [lit.: to pour blame], đổ lỗi [lit.: to pour blame], đổ quanh [lit.: to pour it around]
password {n} (word used to gain admittance) :: mật khẩu
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago ::
past {n} (period of time that has already happened) :: quá khứ (過去)
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd ::
pastor {n} (a minister or priest) :: mục sư
pastor {n} (main priest serving a parish) :: cha xứ, cha chính xứ, cha chánh xứ
past tense {n} (grammatical form) :: thời quá khứ, thì quá khứ
pasture {v} (graze) SEE: graze ::
pasture {n} (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding) :: bãi chăn
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool ::
patch {n} (piece of cloth used to repair a garment) :: mảnh vá, miếng vá
patch {n} (computing: file describing changes made to source code) :: bản vá
patch {n} (computing: patch file) SEE: patch file ::
patch file {n} (patch) SEE: patch ::
patch file {n} (input to a patch program) :: bản vá
paternal grandfather {n} (one's father's father) :: ông nội
paternal grandmother {n} (one's father's mother) :: bà nội
paternal uncle {n} (brother of one's father) :: bác [father’s elder brother], chú [father’s younger brother]
paternoster {n} (a rosary) SEE: rosary ::
path {n} (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians) :: đường mòn
path {n} (a course taken) :: đường đi, đường lối, lối, lối đi
path {n} (a metaphorical course) :: con đường, nẻo, lối đi
path {n} (a method or direction of proceeding) :: con đường, nẻo, lối đi
path {n} (computing: a specification for a location within a hierarchical or tree-like structure) :: đường dẫn
path {n} (graph theory: a sequence of vertices from one vertex to another) :: bước, đường đi
path {n} (topology: a continuous map) :: quỹ đạo
pathogen {n} (an organism or substance that causes disease) :: mầm bệnh
pathology {n} (branch of medicine) :: bịnh lý học (病理學), bệnh học (病學)
pathology {n} (abnormality) :: bệnh, bệnh tật, bệnh lý (病理)
patient {adj} (not losing one's temper while waiting) :: kiên nhẫn
patient {n} (someone who receives treatment from a doctor) :: bệnh nhân
Patrick {prop} (given name) :: Patriciô
patriot {n} (person who loves, supports and defends their country) :: người yêu nước, nhà ái quốc
patriotism {n} (love of one's own country) :: lòng ái quốc, chủ nghĩa yêu nước
patronising {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending ::
patronizing {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending ::
patronymic {n} (patronymic (noun)) :: phụ danh, tên gọi theo tên cha
Paul {prop} (the Apostle) :: Phao-lô, Phaolô, Bảo Lộc
pavement {n} (footpath) :: vỉa hè
pavement {n} (surface of road) :: vỉa hè (㙔𡏘)
pavilion {n} (ornate tent) :: lều, bạt, nhà bạt
pavilion {n} (structure erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc) :: rạp
pavilion {n} (cartiliginous part of the outer ear) SEE: pinna ::
paw {n} (soft foot of an animal) :: chân, cẳng
pawnshop {n} (business premises of a pawnbroker) :: tiệm cầm đồ
pay {v} (to give money in exchange for goods or services) :: trả, thanh toán
pay back {v} (to repay) :: trả
pay one's last respects {v} :: phát tang
pea {n} (plant) :: đậu, cây đậu
peace {n} (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence) :: hoà bình (和平), thái bình (太平), bình an
peace {n} (state of mind) :: yên tĩnh
peace {n} (harmony; lack of conflict in personal relations) :: hòa bình, hoà bình
peace {n} (state of being free from war) :: hòa bình, hoà bình
peaceful {adj} (not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil) :: hòa bình
peacetime {n} (period of peace) :: thời bình
peach {n} (fruit) :: đào, cây đào
peach blossom {n} (flower) :: hoa đào
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach ::
peacock {n} (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo) :: công
peak {n} (mountain top) :: đỉnh
peak hour {n} (rush hour) SEE: rush hour ::
peanut {n} (a legume resembling a nut) :: đậu phộng, đậu phụng, lạc
pear {n} (fruit) :: , quả lê, trái lê
pear {n} (tree) :: cây lê
pearl {n} (mother-of-pearl) SEE: mother-of-pearl ::
pearl {n} (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks) :: ngọc trai, trân châu (珍珠)
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher ::
pearl tapioca {n} (edible balls made from tapioca) SEE: tapioca pearl ::
peasant {n} (member of the agriculture low class) :: nông dân (農民)
peasantry {n} (impoverished rural farm workers) :: nông dân (農民)
peck {v} (to strike or pierce with the beak or similar) :: mổ
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick ::
pecker {n} (slang for woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker ::
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage ::
peckerwood {n} (woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker ::
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian ::
pedagogy {n} (profession of teaching) :: phương pháp giáo dục
pedal {n} (lever operated by one's foot) :: bàn đạp
pedal {v} (to operate a pedal) :: đạp
pedalo {n} (small boat propelled by pedals) :: thuyền đạp
pedestal {n} (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like) :: bệ
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle) :: bằng chân
pediatrician {n} (physician who specialises in pediatrics) :: bác sĩ khoa nhi, bác sĩ nhi
pedicab {n} (vehicle) :: xích lô [from "cyclo"], xe xích lô
pedicure {n} (superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails) :: sửa móng chân
pedophilia {n} (sexual feeling or desire by adults towards children) :: ái nhi
pee {n} :: nước đái, nước tiểu
pee {v} :: đái, tiểu
pee {n} (name of the letter P, p) :: , pờ
peel {v} (to remove skin) :: gọt
Pe̍h-ōe-jī {n} (a Latin alphabet-based orthography for Min Nan) :: Phiên âm Bạch thoại, Bạch thoại tự
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing ::
pekan {n} (fisher) SEE: fisher ::
Pekin duck {n} (breed of domestic duck) :: vịt Bắc Kinh
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing ::
Peking duck {n} (dish consisting of duck and pancake) :: vịt quay Bắc Kinh
Peking opera {n} (form of Chinese theatre) :: Kinh kịch (京劇), kinh hí
Peking willow {n} (Salix babylonica) SEE: weeping willow ::
pelican {n} (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae) :: bồ nông
pelmeni {n} (Russian dumplings) :: mằn thắn
pelvic inflammatory disease {n} (disease) :: viêm vùng chậu
pelvis {n} (bone) :: khung chậu
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing ::
pen {n} (writing tool) :: bút mực, bút bi [ballpoint pen], bút máy [fountain pen], viết mực, viết máy
penalty {n} (punishment for violating rules of procedure) :: trừng phạt
penalty {n} (penalty kick) SEE: penalty kick ::
penalty kick {n} ((soccer) a form of direct free kick) :: đá phạt, đá phạt đền, phạt đền
Pen-ch'i {prop} (Benxi) SEE: Benxi ::
pencil {n} (graphite writing-instrument) :: bút chì
pencil box {n} (container for stationery) SEE: pencil case ::
pencil case {n} (object purposed to contain stationery) :: hộp bút
pencil sharpener {n} (device used to sharpen pencils) :: cái gọt bút chì, đồ chuốt viết chì
pen drive {n} (flash drive) SEE: flash drive ::
penfriend {n} (person with whom one exchanges letters) SEE: pen pal ::
penguin {n} (flightless sea bird) :: chim cánh cụt, chim cụt cánh
penicillin {n} (penicillin) :: penicillin
peninsula {n} (piece of land projecting into water) :: bán đảo (半島)
penis {n} :: chim, dương vật (陽物), ngọc hành (玉莖)
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member ::
penmanship {n} (art of good handwriting) :: thư pháp
pen name {n} (writer's pseudonym) :: biệt hiệu, bút danh, tên chữ, tên tự
penny {n} (one-cent coin in US and Canada) SEE: cent ::
pen pal {n} (friend with whom one communicates using letters) :: bạn qua thư
pension {n} (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services) :: hưu bổng, lương hưu
pentagon {n} (a polygon with five sides and five angles) :: ngũ giác, hình năm cạnh
Pentagon {prop} (headquarters of the United States of America's Department of Defense) :: Lầu Năm Góc, Ngũ Giác Đài
pentaquark {n} (subatomic particle consisting of five quarks) :: ngũ quark
peony {n} (Paeonia genus of flowering plants) :: mẫu đơn
people {n} (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons) :: người
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.) :: nhân dân (人民), dân tộc (民族)
people {n} (a group of persons regarded as being employees etc.) :: dân [not employees], nhân viên [employees]
people {n} (a person's ancestors, relatives or family) :: gia đình
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria) :: Cộng hòa Dân chủ Nhân dân Algérie
People's Liberation Army {prop} (army branch) :: Giải phóng quân Nhân dân Trung Quốc
people's republic {n} (self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments) :: cộng hòa nhân dân
People's Republic of China {prop} (official name of China) :: Cộng hòa Nhân dân Trung Hoa, CHNDTH
pepper {n} (plant) :: tiêu
pepper {n} (spice) :: tiêu
pepper spray {n} (non-lethal riot-control agent) :: bình xịt hơi cay
per capita {adj} (per person) :: đầu người
percent {n} (a part or other object per hundred) :: phần trăm
perception {n} (conscious understanding of something) :: tri giác
perestroika {prop} (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s) :: perestroika
perfect {adj} (fitting its definition precisely) :: hoàn toàn
perfect {adj} (without fault or mistake) :: hoàn hảo (完好)
perfect {adj} (grammar: of a tense or verb form: representing a completed action) :: hoàn thành
perfect {adj} (music: interval or any compound interval of a unison, octave, or fourths and fifths that are not tritones.) :: đúng
perfume {n} (pleasant smell) :: mùi thơm, hương thơm, hương vị
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell) :: nước thơm, nước hoa
perfume {v} (to apply perfume to) :: xịt nước thơm (vào)
perfunctory {adj} (performed out of routine, with little care) :: qua loa, hời hợt, đại khái
perhaps {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: có lẽ, có thể
pericarp {n} (outermost layer of a ripe fruit or ovary) :: vỏ quả
perigee {n} :: điểm cận địa (點近地)
perihelion {n} (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the Sun) :: điểm cận nhật (點近日)
perilla {n} (East Asian herb) :: tía tô
perineum {n} (anatomical term) :: hội âm (會陰)
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity) :: giai đoạn
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation ::
periodic table {n} (tabular chart of the chemical elements) :: bảng tuần hoàn, bảng tuần hoàn các nguyên tố hóa học
periodization {n} (process of categorizing something (e.g. history) into named periods) :: thời đại hóa, phân chia thời đại
peripheral {n} (computing device) SEE: peripheral device ::
peripheral device {n} (device that is outside the computer's system unit) :: thiết bị ngoại vi
perish {v} :: diệt vong
peristalsis {n} (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract) :: sự nhu động
peritoneum {n} (serous membrane in mammals) :: màng bụng (𦛿䏾)
Perm {prop} (city in Russia) :: Pecmi
permanence {n} (the state of being permanent) :: sự thường xuyên
Permian {prop} (Permian period) :: kỉ Péc-mi
permille {n} (per thousand) :: phần nghìn, phần ngàn
permission {n} (authorisation) :: sự cho phép
permit {v} (allow (something) to happen) :: cho phép
persecution {n} (the act of persecuting) :: sự khủng bố
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran ::
Persia {prop} (region of ancient Iran) :: Ba Tư (波斯)
Persian {n} (the Persian language) :: tiếng Ba Tư
Persian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Persia) :: Ba Tư
Persian Gulf {prop} (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula) :: Vịnh Ba Tư, Vịnh Ả Rập, Vịnh Péc-xích
persimmon {n} (fruit) :: quả hồng vàng, hồng
persimmon {n} (tree) :: hồng
persist {v} (continue to exist) :: kiên trì
persistent {adj} (refusing to give up) :: kiên trì (堅持), dai dẳng
person {n} (individual) :: người
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category) :: ngôi
personal computer {n} (small computer for use by one person at a time, see also: PC) :: máy tính cá nhân
personality {n} (set of qualities that make a person distinct from other people) :: tính cách (性格), nhân cách /人格/
persona non grata {n} (a person who is not welcome) :: nhân vật không được hoan nghênh
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
persuade {v} (convince) :: thuyết phục
Perth {prop} (city in Western Australia) :: Perth
pertussis {n} (whooping cough) SEE: whooping cough ::
Peru {prop} (country in South America) :: Pê-ru
pervasive {adj} (manifested throughout) :: lan toả, rộng khắp
Pesach {prop} (Passover) SEE: Passover ::
pestle {n} (instrument used with a mortar to grind things) :: chày
pet {n} (an animal kept as a companion) :: thú cưng, vật cưng
petal {n} (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower) :: cánh hoa
Peter {prop} (the Apostle) :: Phêrô [Roman Catholic], Phierơ [Protestant]
Peter {prop} (one of the epistles of Peter) :: Phêrô [Roman Catholic], Phierơ [Protestant]
petiole {n} (stalk of a leaf) :: cuống
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline ::
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil ::
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
petrol tank {n} (petrol tank) SEE: gas tank ::
phallicism {n} (phallus-worship) :: sự tôn thờ dương vật
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
Phan Thiết {prop} (city of Vietnam) :: Phan Thiết
pharaoh {n} (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt) :: pha-ra-ông
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
pharmacist {n} (professional who dispenses prescription drugs) :: dược sĩ
pharmacist {n} (one who studies pharmacy) :: dược sĩ, dược sĩ bào chế
pharmacology {n} (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals) :: dược lý học (藥理學), dược học
pharmacovigilance {n} (detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects of medicines) :: cảnh giác dược
pharmacy {n} (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed) :: dược khoa, khoa bào chế, nhà thuốc
pharyngitis {n} (inflammation of the pharynx) :: viêm họng
phase {n} (distinguishable part of a sequence) :: giai đoạn
phenomenon {n} (observable fact or occurrence) :: hiện tượng
phenomenon {n} (unusual, curious, or astonishing fact or event) :: hiện tượng
phenomenon {n} (wonderful or very remarkable person or thing) :: người phi thường, người kỳ lạ, vật phi thường, vật kỳ lạ, sự việc phi thường
phenomenon {n} (philosophy: experienced object structured by the mind) :: hiện tượng
phew {interj} (Used to show relief, fatigue, or surprise) :: phù
phial {n} (glass vessel) SEE: vial ::
philander {n} (lover) SEE: lover ::
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra ::
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra ::
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship ::
Philip {prop} (biblical persons) :: Philípphê
Philippine {adj} (Filipino) SEE: Filipino ::
Philippine eagle {n} (species of eagle endemic to the Philippines) :: Đại bàng Philippines
Philippines {prop} (Republic of the Philippines) :: Phi-líp-pin, Phi Luật Tân (菲律賓)
philology {n} (historical linguistics) :: bác ngữ học, môn ngữ văn, ngôn ngữ học
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone) :: hòn đá phù thủy, đá tạo vàng
philosophy {n} (academic discipline) :: triết học (哲學)
philtrum {n} (shallow groove running down the centre of the outer surface of the upper lip) :: nhân trung (人中)
phlegm {n} (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages) :: đờm
Phnom Penh {prop} (capital city of Cambodia) :: Phnôm Pênh, Nam Vang (南榮), Nam Vinh [rare], Kim Biên [rare]
pho {n} (Vietnamese soup) :: phở
phone {v} (to call (someone) on the telephone) :: gọi điện thoại, gọi điện, kêu điện thoại
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
phone call {n} (telephone call) SEE: telephone call ::
phonecard {n} (a chargecard used to pay for telephone calls) :: card điện thoại, thẻ điện thoại
phoneme {n} (indivisible unit of sound) :: âm vị (音位)
phone number {n} (telephone number) SEE: telephone number ::
phonetics {n} (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols) :: ngư âm học (語音學)
phonics {n} (phonetics) SEE: phonetics ::
phonics {n} (acoustics) SEE: acoustics ::
phonograph {n} (archaic record player) SEE: gramophone ::
phonology {n} (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages) :: âm vị học
phosphorescence {n} (emission of light without heat) :: lân quang
phosphorus {n} (element) :: photpho, phốtpho
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph ::
photocell {n} (photoelectric cell) SEE: photoelectric cell ::
photocopier {n} (machine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates) :: máy sao chụp, máy sao chụp tự động
photocopy {n} (copy made using a photocopier) :: photocopy
photoelectric cell {n} (transducer) :: tế bào quang điện
photograph {n} (picture) :: hình (), ảnh ()
photograph {v} (to take a photograph) :: chụp ảnh (𨄴影), chụp hình (𨄴形), chụp (𨄴)
photographer {n} (one who takes photographs) :: nhà nhiếp ảnh, thợ nhiếp ảnh
photography {n} (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces) :: nhiếp ảnh
photon {n} (quantum of light) :: quang tử (光子)
photopaper {n} (paper for photographic prints) :: giấy ảnh
photosynthesis {n} (biological process) :: quang hợp (光合)
phrase {n} (short written or spoken expression) :: cụm từ, câu
phrase {n} (grammar: group of two or more words that express an idea but do not form a complete sentence) :: cụm từ
Phú Thọ {prop} (province of Vietnam) :: Phú Thọ
phycology {n} (study of algae) :: thuộc tảo
phylogenetics {n} (study of organism relationships) :: phân loại theo tiến hóa
phylum {n} ((biology, taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class) :: ngành
Phú Yên {prop} (province of Vietnam) :: Phú Yên
physical culture {n} (bodybuilding) SEE: bodybuilding ::
physical education {n} (curriculum component) :: thể dục (體育), giáo dục thể chất
physician {n} (medical doctor) :: bác sĩ y khoa, bác sĩ, đốc-tờ, y sinh, thầy thuốc
physicist {n} (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics) :: nhà vật lý
physics {n} (branch of science) :: vật lý học (物理學)
physiology {n} (branch of biology) :: sinh lý học (生理學)
phytopathology {n} (study of plant diseases) :: bệnh học thực vật
piano {n} (a keyboard musical instrument) :: dương cầm
piccolo {n} :: sáo nhỏ
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose ::
pickaxe {n} (heavy iron tool) :: cuốc chim
pickle {n} (any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish) :: dưa
pick one's nose {v} (insert a finger into one's nostril) :: ngoáy mũi, cạy rỉ mũi
pickpocket {n} (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby) :: kẻ móc túi
pickpocket {v} (to steal) :: móc túi
pick up {v} (to lift; to grasp and raise) :: nhặt, lượm, lụm
pick up {v} (to collect a passenger) :: đón
pickup {n} (pickup truck) SEE: pickup truck ::
pickup truck {n} (truck with an open cargo bed) :: xe bán tải
picnic {n} (a meal eaten outdoors) :: du ngoạn
pictorial {n} (magazine) :: họa báo
picture {n} (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc) :: hình ảnh
picture {n} (photograph) :: hình, tấm hình
picture {n} (painting) SEE: painting ::
Pi Day {prop} (March 14th, an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi)) :: Ngày số pi
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza ::
piece {n} (part of a larger whole) :: miếng, mảnh, mẩu
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance ::
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle ::
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
piemontite {n} (mineral) :: piemontit
pig {n} (mammal of genus Sus) :: heo, lợn, cúi
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet ::
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork ::
pigeon {n} (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae) :: bồ câu
piggyback {v} (to carry someone on the back or shoulders) :: cõng
piggy bank {n} (small container to store small saved coins in) :: ống heo
piglet {n} (young pig) :: lợn con
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet ::
pigment {n} (any color in plant or animal cells) :: sắc tố (色素)
pigment {n} (dry colorant) :: chất màu
pigweed {n} (plant of genus Amaranthus) SEE: amaranth ::
pika {n} (furry mammal of the family Ochotonidae) :: thỏ cộc
Pikachu {n} (Pokémon) :: Pikachu
Pilate {prop} (Pontius Pilate) :: Philatô [Roman Catholic], Phi-lát [Protestant]
pile {n} (hemorrhoid) SEE: hemorrhoid ::
pile {n} (obsolete: reverse of a coin) SEE: tails ::
piles {n} (haemorrhoids) SEE: haemorrhoids ::
pile up {v} (to form a pile etc.) :: vun
pill {n} (small object for swallowing) :: viên, viên thuốc
pillar {n} (large post, often used as supporting architecture) :: cột
pillow {n} (soft cushion used to support the head in bed) :: gối
pilot {n} (controller of aircraft) :: phi công
pimp {n} (prostitution solicitor) :: kẻ mối lái
pimple {n} (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin) :: mụn nhọt, mụn
pin {n} (needle without an eye, used for fastening) :: ghim, đinh ghim
pin {n} (jewellery attached with a pin) SEE: brooch ::
pincers {n} (gripping tool) :: kềm, kìm
pinch {v} (to squeeze a small amount of skin) :: véo, béo, nhéo
pine {n} (tree of the genus Pinus) :: thông ()
pineal gland {n} (small endocrine gland) :: tuyến tùng
pineapple {n} (plant) :: (cây) dứa, (cây) thơm
pineapple {n} (fruit) :: (trái) dứa, (quả) thơm, khóm, huyền nương
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine ::
pingo {n} (flexible pole with a load suspended from each end) SEE: carrying pole ::
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis ::
pink {n} (pale red colour) :: hồng
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white) :: màu hồng
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger ::
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger ::
pinky swear {v} (swear (promise) with the pinky fingers entwined) :: móc nghéo
pinna {n} (visible part of the ear) :: loa tai
pinwheel {n} (fake flower for children) :: chong chóng
Pinyin {prop} (romanization of Mandarin Chinese) :: bính âm (拼音)
pipe {n} (wind instrument) :: ống sáo, ống tiêu, kèn túi [bagpipes]
pipe {n} (organ pipe) :: ống đàn ống
pipe {n} (high-pitched sound, especially of a bird) :: tiếng hát, tiếng hót
pipe {n} (rigid tube) :: ống
pipe {n} (water pipe) :: ống nước
pipe {n} (contents of such a vessel as a liquid measure) :: thùng
pipe {n} (elongated or irregular body of ore) :: mạch ống
pipe {n} (the character <nowiki>) :: dấu sổ thẳng
pipe {n} (smoking implement) SEE: tobacco pipe ::
piper {n} (baby pigeon) SEE: squab ::
piranha {n} (South American fish) :: cá răng đao, cá piranha
pirate {n} (one who plunders at sea) :: cướp biển, hải tặc
Pisces {prop} (constellation) :: Cung song ngư
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant ::
piss {v} :: đái
pissaladière {n} (pizza-like pie from southern France) :: bánh hỏi
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
pistachio {n} (fruit) :: hạt dẻ
pistol {n} (handgun) :: súng ngắn
pit {n} (hole in the ground) :: hố
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine ::
pit {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit ::
pitaya {n} (dragon fruit) SEE: dragon fruit ::
pitch-black {adj} (of the blackest black) :: tối om, tối thui, tối đen
pitchfork {n} (farm tool with tines) :: chĩa
pith {n} (albedo) SEE: albedo ::
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord ::
pitter-patter {n} (soft percussive sound) :: lộp độp, bôm bốp
pituitary gland {n} (endocrine gland) :: tuyến yên
pity {v} :: tội nghiệp, tội
pity {interj} (what a pity) SEE: what a pity ::
pixel {n} (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory) :: điểm ảnh
pizza {n} (baked Italian dish) :: bánh pizza, pizza
placate {v} (to calm) :: xoa dịu
place {n} (location, position) :: nơi, chỗ
place {n} (open space, courtyard, market square) :: quảng trường
place {v} (to put in a specific location) :: đặt, để
placename {n} (the name of a place) :: địa danh
placenta {n} (anatomy: placenta) :: nhau, thực giá noãn, nhau thai
plagiarism {n} (copying of someone's ideas) :: đạo văn
plague {n} (specific disease "the Plague") :: dịch hạch
plague {n} :: bệnh dịch
plaice {n} :: bơn sao
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) :: đồng bằng
plainchant {n} (plainsong) SEE: plainsong ::
plainsong {n} (monophonic chant) :: bình ca
plaintiff {n} (party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant) :: nguyên cáo
plait {n} (braid) SEE: braid ::
plait {v} (to interweave) SEE: braid ::
plan {n} (set of intended actions) :: kế hoạch
Planck's constant {n} (constant) :: hằng số Planck
plane {adj} (of a surface: flat or level.) :: bằng, phẳng, bằng phẳng
plane {n} (math: flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) :: mặt phẳng
plane {n} (level of existence) :: trình độ, mức
plane {n} (a tool) :: bào
plane {v} (to smooth with a plane) :: bào ()
plane {n} (airplane) :: máy bay, [poetic] tàu bay
plane {n} (deciduous tree) :: cây tiêu huyền
planet {n} (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky) :: hành tinh (行星)
planetarium {n} (museum which displays images of space) :: cung thiên văn
planetary system {n} (a group of various non-stellar objects orbiting a star or star system) :: hệ hành tinh
planetree {n} (plane) SEE: plane ::
Planet X {prop} (hypothetical planet) :: hành tinh X
plankton {n} (generic term for all the organisms that float in the sea) :: sinh vật phù du
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory ::
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis) :: thực vật, cây
plant {v} (place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow) :: trồng
plantation {n} (large farm) :: đồn điền
plasma {n} (component of blood) :: huyết tương (血漿)
plasma membrane {n} (cell membrane) SEE: cell membrane ::
plastic {n} (synthetic thermoplastic polymer) :: nhựa, chất dẻo
plastic bag {n} (type of packaging) :: túi ni-lông, túi bóng, túi nhựa, bịch ni-lông
plat {n} (a braid; a plait) SEE: braid ::
plat {v} (to braid, plait) SEE: braid ::
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot ::
plate {n} (flat dish) :: dĩa
plateau {n} (level expanse) :: cao nguyên (高原)
platelet {n} (particle found in the blood of mammals) :: tiểu cầu
platform {n} (computing: particular type of operating system or environment) :: nền tảng
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers) :: sân ga
platform shoe {n} (type of footwear) :: giày bánh mì
platinum {n} (metal) :: platin, bạch kim
platinum {n} (colour) :: màu bạch kim, màu xám trắng
platoon {n} (unit of 30-40 soldiers) :: trung đội, tiểu đội
platypus {n} (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) :: thú mỏ vịt /duck-beaked mammal/
play {v} (act in a manner such that one has fun) :: chơi
play {n} (playful activity) :: chơi, trò chơi
play {n} (literary composition intended to be represented) :: vở kịch
play {n} (theatrical performance) :: kịch nói
player {n} (one who plays any game or sport) :: cầu thủ
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater ::
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card) :: bài
playwright {n} (writer of plays for the theatre) :: nhà soạn kịch
playwriter {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright ::
plaza {n} (a towns' public square) :: quảng trường (廣場)
pleasant {adj} (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner) :: dễ chịu
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request) :: xin, vui lòng
please {adv} (expression of annoyance or impatience) :: thôi , trời ơi
pleased {adj} (happy, content) :: hân hạnh
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody) :: rất vui được gặp bạn [generic, replace bạn with an appropriate pronoun]
please sit down {phrase} (please sit down) :: làm ơn ngồi xuống, hãy ngồi xuống
please speak more slowly {phrase} (please speak more slowly) :: làm ơn nói chậm hơn
please turn left {phrase} (please turn left) :: làm ơn rẽ trái
please turn right {phrase} (please turn right) :: làm ơn rẽ phải
pleasure {n} (a state of being pleased) :: niềm vui thích
pledge {v} (to make a solemn promise) :: cam kết, thề
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy) :: Tua Rua
Pleiku {prop} (city in Vietnam) :: Pleiku
pleonastic {adj} (redundant) SEE: redundant ::
pleura {n} (serous membrane that covers the lungs and thorax) :: màng phổi
pleurisy {n} (inflammation of lung pleura) :: viêm màng phổi
pliers {n} (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand) :: cái kìm, kềm
plot {n} (course of a story) :: cốt truyện
plough {n} (device pulled through the ground) :: cày
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting) :: cày
Plough {prop} (brightest seven stars of the constellation Ursa Major) SEE: Big Dipper ::
plover {n} (wading bird of the family Charadriidae) :: choi choi
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough ::
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough ::
pluck {v} (to remove feathers from a bird) :: nhổ
plucky {adj} (having or showing pluck) :: can đảm
plug {n} (electric connecting device) :: phích
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus domestica) :: mận, quả mận, trái mận
plum {n} (tree) :: cây mận
plum {n} (colour) :: màu mận
plum {n} (desirable thing) :: (noun +) chọn lọc, món bở
plum {adj} (colour) :: màu mận
plum {adj} (choice) :: chọn lọc
plum {adv} (completely; utterly) :: quá sức (tưởng tượng)
plum {n} (raisin when used in pudding or cake) SEE: raisin ::
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus mume) SEE: ume ::
plumber {n} (one who fits, etc, pipes for water, gas or drainage) :: thợ sữa ống nước
plum blossom {n} (the blossom of the Prunus mume) :: hoa mơ, mai hoa
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum ::
plural {n} (the plural number) :: số nhiều
plural {n} (word in plural form) :: số nhiều
plus {prep} (arithmetic: sum) :: cộng
Pluto {prop} (Kuiper belt object - a dwarf planet) :: Diêm Vương Tinh
plutocracy {n} (government by the wealthy) :: chế độ tài phiệt
plutonium {n} (chemical element) :: plutoni
Pluviôse {prop} (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: tháng mưa
plywood {n} (construction material) :: ván ép
pneumatic drill {n} (pneumatic drill) SEE: jackhammer ::
pneumonia {n} (inflammation of the lungs) :: viêm phổi (炎𦟊), sưng phổi, phế viêm [dated]
pocket {n} (bag stitched to an item of clothing) :: túi, túi áo [shirt, jacket], túi quần [pants]
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook ::
Podgorica {prop} (capital city of Montenegro) :: Podgorica
poem {n} (literary piece written in verse) :: bài thơ, thơ
poem {n} (piece of writing in the tradition of poetry) :: bài thơ
poem {n} (piece of poetic writing) :: bài thơ
poet {n} (person who writes poems) :: thi sĩ, nhà thơ
poetry {n} (literature composed in verse) :: thơ ca, thi ca, thơ
poetry {n} :: thơ
point {n} (location or place) :: nơi
point {n} (geometry: zero-dimensional object) :: điểm
point {v} (to extend finger) :: trỏ, chỉ
pointed {adj} (sharp at one end) :: nhọn
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice ::
pointer {n} (anything that points or is used for pointing) :: que chỉ
pointer {n} (computing: icon indicating mouse position) SEE: cursor ::
point of tangency {n} (the point where a tangent line and its curve meet) :: tiếp điểm
point of view {n} (position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint) :: góc nhìn
point of view {n} (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs) :: quan điểm
poison {n} (substance harmful to a living organism) :: chất độc, thuốc độc
POJ {n} (a Latin alphabet-based orthography for Min Nan) SEE: Pe̍h-ōe-jī ::
Poland {prop} (European country) :: Ba Lan (波蘭)
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus) :: gấu trắng Bắc Cực, gấu Bắc Cực, gấu trắng
Polaris {prop} (star) :: Polaris
Pole {n} (person from Poland) :: người Ba Lan
polecat {n} (Mustela putorius) :: triết
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk ::
police {n} (an organisation that enforces the law) :: cảnh sát (警察), công an (公安)
policeman {n} (a member of a police force) :: cảnh sát (警察)
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency) :: cảnh sát
police state {n} (nation whose government controls people by police) :: nhà nước cảnh sát
policewoman {n} (a female police officer) :: nữ cảnh sát
policy {n} (principle of conduct) :: chính sách
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance ::
policymaking {n} (the formulation of policies) :: hoạch định chính sách
Polish {adj} (of Poland or its language) :: Ba Lan
Polish {n} (the language of Poland) :: tiếng Ba-lan
politburo {n} (the governing Communist council) :: bộ chính trị
polite {adj} (well-mannered) :: lịch sự, lễ phép
political {adj} (concerning or relating to politics) :: chính trị
political party {n} (political organization) :: chánh đảng (政黨), đảng ()
political prisoner {n} (person) :: tù nhân chính trị
political science {n} (study of politics) :: chính trị học
political scientist {n} (political science expert) :: nhà chính trị học
political system {n} (set of institutions) :: chế độ chính trị
politician {n} (one engaged in politics) :: chính khách (政客), nhà chính trị (家政治), chính trị gia
politics {v} (a methodology and activities associated with running a government) :: chính trị (政治)
politology {n} (political science) SEE: political science ::
pollen {n} (fine granular substance produced in flowers) :: phấn, phấn hoa
pollinate {v} (To apply pollen to) :: thụ phấn
pollution {n} (the contamination of the environment by harmful substances) :: sự ô nhiễm
polo {n} (ball game) :: mã cầu, pô-lô
polonium {n} (chemical element) :: poloni
poltergeist {n} (a disruptive ghost) :: yêu tinh
polyethene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene ::
polyethylene {n} (polyethylene) :: polyetylen
polygon {n} (plane figure bounded by straight edges) :: đa giác
polyhedron {n} (geometry: solid figure) :: đa diện
polymer {n} (molecule) :: hợp chất cao phân tử
polymeride {n} (polymer) SEE: polymer ::
Polynesian {n} (person from Polynesia) :: người Pô-li-nê-di
Polynesian {prop} (language group of Polynesia) :: (thuộc) Pô-li-nê-di
Polynesian rat {n} (Rattus exulans) :: chuột lắt
polynomial {n} (algebraic expression) :: đa thức
polynomial {adj} (in algebra) :: đa thức
polyphyletic {adj} (having multiple ancestral sources) :: đa ngành
polysyllabic {adj} (having more than one syllable) :: đa âm tiết, nhiều âm tiết
polytheism {n} (belief in the existence of multiple gods) :: thuyết đa thần /說多神/
polythene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene ::
polyunsaturated fatty acid {n} (fatty acid) :: axit béo không no nhiều nối đôi, đa axit béo không bão hòa nhiều nối đôi
pomegranate {n} (shrub/tree) :: lựu, thạch lựu
pomegranate {n} (fruit) :: lựu, thạch lựu
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit ::
pomelo {n} (large fruit of the C. maxima or grandis) :: bưởi
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay ::
pond {n} (small lake) :: ao
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense ::
Pondicherry {prop} (Puducherry) SEE: Puducherry ::
pony {n} (small horse) :: ngựa pôni
poo {n} :: phân
pood {n} (Russian unit of mass) :: pút
pool {n} (body of water) :: bể
pool {n} (small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle) :: vũng
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool ::
poop {v} (to poop) SEE: poo ::
poop {n} (feces) SEE: poo ::
poor {adj} (with little or no possessions or money) :: nghèo, khó
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill ::
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit ::
pop {v} (to ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate ::
popcorn {n} (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating) :: bắp rang, bỏng ngô
pope {n} (head of the Roman Catholic Church) :: giáo hoàng, giáo hoàng ở La Mã
popiah {n} (a kind of spring roll) :: bò bía, bía, bánh bía
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot ::
poplar {n} (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus) :: dương
popsicle {n} (serving of frozen juice on a stick) :: kem que
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population ::
popular {adj} (of or pertaining to the common people) :: nhân dân, bình nhân
popular {adj} (aimed at the general public) :: đại chúng, phổ cập
popular {adj} (liked by many people) :: phổ biến, nổi tiếng
popular music {n} (genre that has wide appeal amongst the general public) :: nhạc đại chúng, nhạc phổ thông
popular opinion {n} (public opinion) SEE: public opinion ::
population {n} (all people living within a political or geographical boundary) :: dân số, dân cư, cư dân
population {n} (number of residents in a given area) :: dân số (民數), số dân (數民)
population density {n} (average number of people per area) :: mật độ dân số
populous {adj} (having a large population) :: đông, đông đảo
porcelain {n} (hard white translucent ceramic) :: sứ, đồ sứ
porcelain {n} (items (esp. dishware or objets d'art) made of porcelain) :: đồ sứ
porcupine {n} (large rodent) :: nhím
pore {n} (a tiny opening in the skin) :: lổ chân lông
pork {n} (meat of a pig) :: thịt heo
pork rind {n} (food made from pork skin) :: tóp mỡ
pork scratching {n} (pork rind) SEE: pork rind ::
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity) :: khiêu dâm
porpoise {n} (cetacean) :: cá heo
porridge {n} (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal) :: cháo
port {n} (dock or harbour) :: cảng ()
port {n} (left-hand side of a vessel when facing the front) :: mạn trái
port {adj} (of or relating to port, the left-hand side of a vessel) :: trái
port {n} (opening where a connection is made) :: cửa tàu
port {n} (computing: logical or physical construct into and from which data are transferred) :: cổng
port {v} (computing: to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform) :: chuyển, chuyển đổi
port {n} (computing: program adapted to work on a different platform; act of adapting) :: phiên bản chuyển đổi
Port-au-Prince {prop} (capital of Haiti) :: Port-au-Prince
port authority {n} (public authority) :: cảng vụ
portion {n} (allocated amount) :: phần ()
portion {n} (wife's fortune) SEE: dowry ::
portmanteau {n} (case) :: va li
portmanteau {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word ::
portmanteau word {n} (word which combines the meaning of two words) :: từ kết hợp
Port Moresby {prop} (capital of Papua New Guinea) :: Port Moresby
portrait {n} (painting of a person) :: ảnh chân dung, hình ảnh
portrait {n} (an accurate depiction of a person, a mood, etc.) :: điển hình
Portugal {prop} (country) :: Bồ Đào Nha (葡萄牙)
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the region of Portugal) :: Bồ Đào Nha
Portuguese {n} (person native to Portugal) :: người Bồ-đào-nha
Portuguese {n} (the language) :: tiếng Bồ-đào-nha, tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal) :: Cộng hòa Bồ Đào Nha
portyanki {n} (footwrap) SEE: footwrap ::
position {n} (place, location) :: vị trí
positive {adj} (mathematics: greater than zero) :: dương
positive {adj} (physics: having more protons than electrons) :: dương
positive number {n} (positive number) :: số dương
positivism {n} (philosophical doctrine) :: chủ nghĩa thực chứng
possess {v} (to have; to have ownership of) :: sở hữu
possibility {n} (quality of being possible) :: sự có thể, khả năng
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps ::
possum {n} (opossum) SEE: opossum ::
post {n} (long dowel or plank protruding from the ground) :: cột, trụ
post {v} (to hang a notice in a conspicuous manner) :: dán
post {v} (to hold up to public blame or reproach) :: yết
post {v} (to send to an electronic forum) :: đăng
post {n} (method of delivering mail) :: bưu điện
post {n} (individual message in a forum) :: bài đăng
post {v} (to send mail) :: gửi, gởi
post {v} ((Internet) to publish a message) :: đăng
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid) :: tem
postal code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode ::
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox ::
postcard {n} (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope) :: bưu thiếp
postcode {n} (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) :: mã bưu chính, mã thư tín
poster {n} (picture intended to be attached to a wall) :: bích chương, áp phích
poster {n} (advertisement, see also: placard) :: bích chương
postgraduate {adj} (of studies taking place after completing a degree) :: cao học
posthumous name {n} (posthumous title of a Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese emperor) :: thụy hiệu, hiệu bụt, tên hèm, tên cúng cơm [informal]
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman ::
post office {n} (place) :: sở bưu điện (所郵電), phòng bưu điện (房郵電), bưu cục, bưu điện
postscript {n} (addendum to a letter) :: tái bút
post-traumatic stress disorder {n} (condition that develops following some stressful situation) :: rối loạn stress sau sang chấn
pot {n} (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.) :: nồi
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage ::
potassium {n} (the chemical element) :: kali
potato {n} (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable) :: khoai tây
potayto, potahto {interj} (to suggest a distinction without a difference) SEE: tomayto, tomahto ::
pot calling the kettle black {n} (situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser) :: chó chê mèo lắm lông (the dog calling the cat hairy)
potential {n} (currently unrealized ability) :: tiềm năng
potentiometer {n} (user-adjustable variable resistor) :: biến trở, chiết áp
pothole {n} (a hole in a road) :: ổ gà
potto {n} (small primate) :: vượn gấu
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom ::
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
potty {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
potty {adj} (insane) SEE: insane ::
poultry {n} :: gà vẹt, chim nuôi, qué
pound {n} (US: symbol #) SEE: hash ::
pound sign {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash ::
pound sterling {n} (currency of the UK) :: bảng Anh
pour {v} (to cause to flow in a stream) :: đổ, rót, giội, trút
pour gasoline on the fire {v} (add fuel to the fire) SEE: add fuel to the fire ::
pout {v} (push out one’s lips) :: chu môi, chu mỏ, dẩu môi, dẩu mỏ
poverty {n} (quality or state of being poor) :: sự nghèo nàn
powder {n} (fine particles of any dry substance) :: bột, bụi
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder ::
power {n} (capability or influence) :: quyền lực
power {n} (electricity, electricity supply) :: điện lực
power {v} (to enable or provide the impetus for) :: nhờ
power {n} (set theory: cardinality) SEE: cardinality ::
powerbank {n} (portable device used to charge mobile phones and tablet computers) :: pin sạc dự phòng
powerful {adj} (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence) :: mạnh mẽ, hùng mạnh, hùng cường
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station ::
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced) :: trạm phát điện, nhà máy điện
practice {n} (repetition of an activity to improve skill) :: sự luyện tập
practise {v} (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill) :: luyện tập
Prague {prop} (capital of the Czech Republic) :: Praha
Prairial {prop} (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar) :: tháng đồng cỏ
prairie {n} (An extensive area of relatively flat grassland) :: thảo nguyên
praise {v} (to give praise to) :: khen ngợi
prajna {n} ((Buddhism) wisdom; understanding; insight) :: 般若 /bát nhã/
pramana {n} (means of knowledge) :: lượng ()
praseodymium {n} (chemical element) :: prazeođim
prawn {n} (large shrimp) :: tôm
pray {v} (to petition a higher being) :: cầu nguyện
pray {v} (to talk to God) :: cầu, cầu nguyện
prayer {n} (practice of communicating with one's God) :: kinh cầu nguyện (求願), kinh nguyện (), ý nguyện (意願)
prayer beads {n} (string of beads, see also: rosary) :: tràng hạt
preacher {n} (one who preaches) :: người thuyết giáo
preamble {n} (short statement or remark, especially an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute) :: biện ngôn (弁言)
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very ::
precious {adj} (of high value or worth) :: quý, quý báu
precious stone {n} (gem) :: đá quý
precipitation {n} (weather: water falling from the atmosphere) :: giáng thủy
predicate {n} ((grammar) part of sentence that states something about its subject) :: thuộc từ, vị ngữ
preface {n} (introduction before the main text) :: lời tựa
prefecture {n} (The district governed by a prefect) :: tỉnh ()
prefer {v} (to favor) :: thích hơn
prefix {n} (morpheme at the beginning of a word) :: tiền tố
pregnancy {n} (condition) :: sự có thai
pregnant {adj} (fertile) SEE: fertile ::
pregnant {adj} (carrying developing offspring within the body) :: có thai, có mang thai, có chửa
prehistory {n} (study of events and conditions before written records) :: thời tiền sử
prelude {n} (short piece of music) :: khúc dạo dầu, dạo đầu
premature ejaculation {n} (premature ejaculation) :: xuất tinh sớm
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister ::
premise {n} (proposition antecedently supposed or proved) :: tiền đề
premise {n} (either of the first two propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced) :: tiền đề
prepare {v} (to make ready for a specific future purpose) :: chuẩn bị
preposition {n} (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by") :: giới từ (介詞)
prepositional {n} (the prepositional case) SEE: prepositional case ::
prepositional case {n} (case serving as object of a preposition) :: giới cách
preposterous {adj} (absurd, or contrary to common sense) :: vô lý
prepuce {n} (foreskin of certain animals) SEE: sheath ::
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin ::
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right ::
presbyopia {n} (inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects) :: lão thị
prescription {n} (written order for the administration of a medicine) :: toa thuốc
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift ::
present {n} (present tense) SEE: present tense ::
present {adj} (pertaining to the current time) :: hiện tại
present {n} (current time) :: hiện tại (現在)
present tense {n} (form of language) :: thì hiện tại
preservative {n} (any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve) :: chất bảo quản
president {n} (the head of state of a republic) :: tổng thống [of a capitalist state], chủ tịch [of a socialist state]
president {n} (the primary leader of a corporation) :: chủ tịch, chủ tịch hội đồng quản trị
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House ::
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear ::
press {n} (printed media) :: báo chí
press {v} (to apply pressure) :: ấn, ép, nhấn
press {n} (publisher) SEE: publisher ::
press conference {n} (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media) :: họp báo
press release {n} (official written media statement) :: thông cáo báo chí
pressure {n} (physics: amount of force divided by area) :: áp lực
pressure cooker {n} (cooking vessel) :: nồi áp suất
pretend {v} (to allege falsely) :: giả vờ
pretty {adj} (especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive) :: xinh xắn, xinh
pretty {adv} (somewhat) :: khá
prevalent {adj} (widespread, preferred) :: thịnh
prevent {v} (to keep from happening) :: ngăn, ngăn chặn
previous {adj} (prior) :: qua
Prey Nokor {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City ::
Prey Nokor {prop} (Saigon) SEE: Saigon ::
priapism {n} (medical condition) :: chứng cương đau
price {n} (cost required to gain possession of something) :: giá, giá cả
pride comes before a fall {proverb} (Translations) :: trèo cao ngã đau
priest {n} (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson)) :: linh mục
primary education {n} (basic schooling) :: tiểu học
primate {n} (mammal) :: động vật tay, động vật linh trưởng
primate {n} (archbishop or bishop) :: tổng giám mục
prime meridian {n} (reference line) :: kinh tuyến gốc
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government) :: thủ tướng
prime number {n} (natural number) :: số nguyên tố
primer {n} (introductory textbook) :: sách vỡ lòng
prince {n} (male ruler or head of a principality) :: hoàng tử, vương tử
prince {n} (son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch) :: vương tử, hoàng tử
Prince Charming {n} (romantically ideal man) :: bạch mã hoàng tử
princess {n} (female member of royal family) :: công chúa, bà chúa
princess {n} (female monarch, or wife of a ruler) :: công chúa, công nữ
princess {n} :: công chúa
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle ::
principal {adj} (primary, main) :: chủ yếu, chính
principal {n} (chief administrator of a school) :: hiệu trưởng (校長)
principality {n} (region) :: công quốc (公國)
principate {n} (principality) SEE: principality ::
principle {n} (fundamental assumption) :: nguyên lí (原理), nguyên tắc (原则)
print {v} (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine) :: in, chư in
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images) :: máy in
printing house {n} (commercial company) :: nhà in, xưởng in
printshop {n} (printing house) SEE: printing house ::
prior {adj} (former) SEE: former ::
prison {n} (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes) :: , nhà tù
prison {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison ::
prisoner {n} (person incarcerated in a prison) :: tù nhân
prisoner of war {n} (soldier or combatant captured by the enemy) :: tù binh
Pristina {prop} (city) :: Priština
private {adj} (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group) :: riêng tư
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
privilege {n} (particular benefit, advantage, or favor) :: đặc quyền
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet ::
privy {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
probability {n} (mathematical probability) :: xác suất
probably {adv} (in all likelihood) :: có lẽ, có thể
probe {n} (spacecraft) :: thăm dò
problem {n} (difficulty) :: vấn đề
procedure {n} (method for performing a task) :: phương pháp
procedure mask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask ::
process {n} (series of events to produce a result) :: qui trình, quá trình
produce {v} (to make or manufacture) :: sản xuất
product {n} (commodity for sale) :: sản phẩm (商品), hàng hoá (行貨)
product {n} (multiplication result) :: tích ()
production {n} (the act of producing) :: sự sản xuất
profession {n} (occupation) :: nghề, nghề nghiệp
professional {adj} (expert) :: chuyên gia
professor {n} (a higher ranking for a teacher or faculty member at a college or university) :: giáo sư (教師)
profit {n} (benefit) :: lợi ích (利益), lợi
prognosis {n} (forecast of the future course, or outcome, of a situation) :: dự đoán, chẩn đoán
program {n} (set of structured activities) :: chương trình (章程), kế hoạch (計畫)
program {n} (performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television) :: chương trình (章程)
program {n} (software application) :: chương trình
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program ::
programmer {n} (one who writes computer programs) :: lập trình viên
programming {n} (act of writing a computer program) :: lập trình
programming language {n} (code of reserved words and symbols) :: ngôn ngữ lập trình
progress {n} (advancement to a more developed state) :: tiến bộ
progress {n} (movement onwards or forwards) :: tiến bộ (進步)
progressive {adj} (continuous) SEE: continuous ::
progressivism {n} (political ideology) :: chủ nghĩa tiến bộ (主義進步)
prohibition {n} (act of prohibiting) :: sự cấm, cấm chỉ
project {n} (planned endeavor) :: kế hoạch (計畫), đề án, dự án
proletarian {n} (member of the proletariat) :: vô sản (無產), người vô sản (𠊛無產)
proletariat {n} (working class or lower class) :: giai cấp vô sản
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long ::
promethium {n} (chemical element) :: prometi
prominent {adj} (eminent, distinguished above others) :: nổi bật
promise {n} (vow) :: lời hứa
promise {v} (to commit to something) :: hứa
prone {adj} (lying face downward; prostrate) :: úp, sấp
pronoun {n} (type of noun) :: đại từ (代詞)
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say ::
pronounce {v} (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate) :: phát âm (發音)
pronunciation {n} (sound of a word) :: cách phát âm (發音), cách đọc
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced) :: cách phát âm (發音)
proof {n} (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth) :: bằng chứng
propeller {n} (mechanical device used to propel) :: cánh quạt
propelling pencil {n} (mechanical pencil) SEE: mechanical pencil ::
property {n} :: quyền sở hữu
prophecy {n} (prediction) :: tiên tri
prophet {n} (one who speaks by divine inspiration) :: nhà tiên tri
propiska {n} (system of mandatory registration in ex-USSR) :: đăng ký, đăng ký cư trú
propiska {n} (stamp) :: dấu đăng kí
propolis {n} (glue-like substance) :: keo ong
proportion {n} (quantity that is part of the whole) :: tỉ lệ
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size ::
propose {v} (to suggest a plan or course of action) :: đề nghị (提議)
proposition {n} (uncountable: act of offering for consideration) :: kiến nghị , đề án , đề nghị
proposition {n} (idea or plan offered) :: kiến nghị , đề nghị
proposition {n} (an assertion which is provably true, but not important enough to be a theorem) :: mệnh đề
prose {n} (written language not intended as poetry) :: văn xuôi
prosecutor {n} (a person instituting criminal prosecution) :: công tố viên (公訴員), người khởi tố (𠊛起訴), bên nguyên (邊原), biện lý (邊理)
prostate {n} (prostate gland) :: nhiếp hộ tuyến, tuyến tiền liệt
prostate gland {n} (prostate) SEE: prostate ::
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit) :: đĩ, điếm, gái mại dâm
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore ::
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit) :: sự mại dâm
prostokvasha {n} (soured milk) :: sữa chua, sữa chua đặc
prostrate {v} (to lie flat or face-down) :: nằm úp, nằm sấp
protactinium {n} (chemical element) :: protactini
protect {v} (to keep safe) :: bảo vệ
protein {n} (biochemistry: complex molecule) :: protein, prô-tê-in, chất đạm
protein {n} (class of food) :: chất đạm, protein, prô-tê-in
Protestant {n} (someone who is a member of such a denomination) :: người phản kháng
Protestantism {n} (faith) :: Tin Lành
Protestantize {v} (make Protestant) :: Tin Lành hóa, Tin Lành hoá
Protestantize {v} (become Protestant) :: Tin Lành hóa, Tin Lành hoá
protist {n} (eukaryotic unicellular organisms) :: sinh vật đơn bào
proto-language {n} (common ancestor language) :: ngôn ngữ nguyên thủy, ngôn ngữ tổ tiên chung
proton {n} (positively charged nucleon) :: proton
prove {v} (to demonstrate that something is true; to give proof for) :: chứng minh
Provence {prop} (region in France) :: Provence
proverb {n} (phrase expressing a basic truth) :: tục ngữ
province {n} (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level) :: tỉnh, tỉnh bang
province {n} (area under the jurisdiction of an archbishop) :: giáo tỉnh
province {n} (area under the jurisdiction of a provincial) :: giáo tỉnh
provincial {n} (monastic superior who directs a province of an order) :: giám tỉnh
Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam {prop} (underground government in South Vietnam) :: Chính phủ Cách mạng lâm thời Cộng hòa miền Nam Việt Nam, Chính phủ Cách mạng lâm thời Cộng hòa Miền Nam Việt Nam, Cộng hòa Miền Nam Việt Nam
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum ::
Prussia {prop} (geographical area) :: Phổ, Phổ Lỗ Sĩ [obsolete]
Prussianize {v} (to make Prussian) :: Phổ hóa
psalm {n} (sacred song) :: thánh ca, thánh thi
psalterium {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
pseudonym {n} (fictitious name) :: biệt hiệu, bút danh, tên chữ, tên tự
pseudoscience {n} (purported science) :: ngụy khoa học (偽科學), giả khoa học (假科學)
pshaw {interj} (indicating disapproval, scoffery, irritation, impatience or disbelief) ::
psst {interj} (implying secrecy) :: suỵt, xuỵt
psychically {adv} (in a psychical or psychic manner) :: siêu linh
psychologist {n} (expert in the field of psychology) :: bắc sĩ tâm lý, nhà tâm lý học
psychology {n} (study of the human mind) :: tâm lý học
psychotherapy {n} (treatment of those with mental illness) :: tâm lý trị liệu
pâté {n} (finely-ground paste of meat, fish or vegetables) :: ba tê
pétanque {n} (form of boules) :: bi sắt
pub {n} (public house) :: quán rượu, tiệm rượu, tửu quán
puberty {n} (age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction) :: dậy thì
pubic hair {n} (collectively) :: lông mu
pubic louse {n} (crab louse) SEE: crab louse ::
public {adj} (pertaining to people as a whole) :: công cộng
public {adj} (open to all members of a community) :: công cộng
public {n} (people in general) :: công chúng, xã hội
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub ::
public opinion {n} (opinion of the public) :: ý kiến công chúng (意見公眾)
public school {n} :: trường công
public transit {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport ::
public transport {n} (form of transport) :: giao thông công cộng (交通公共)
public transportation {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport ::
public works {n} (projects carried out by the government) :: công chính
publish {v} (to issue a medium (e.g. publication)) :: xuất bản
publish {v} (to issue something (usually printed work) for sale and distribution) :: xuất bản
publish {v} (to announce to the public) :: công bố
publish {v} ((Internet) to convert data of a Web page to HTML) :: đăng, xuất bản
publish {v} ((Internet) to disseminate publicly via a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc.) :: đăng
publisher {n} (One who publishes, especially books) :: [person] người xuất bản (𠊛出版), [company] nhà xuất bản (茹出版)
publishing house {n} (company that produces books) :: nhà xuất bản
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert ::
puddle {n} (a small pool of water) :: vũng, hũm
Puducherry {prop} (Puducherry, India) :: Puducherry
puffer {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
pufferfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
puff pastry {n} (light, flaky pastry) :: bột nhào nở
puffy {adj} (inflated) :: sưng vù
pull {v} (transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one) :: kéo, giật, lôi
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken ::
pulley {n} (one of simple machines) :: ròng rọc
pullover {n} (sweater) :: áo len có nón, áo len chui đầu, áo pu-lơ-vơ
pulmonary tuberculosis {n} (tuberculosis infecting the lungs) :: lao phổi
pulpit {n} (raised platform in church) :: tòa giảng, toà giảng, giảng đài, bục giảng
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star) :: sao xung
pumice {n} (pumice) :: đá bọt
pump {n} (device for moving liquid or gas) :: bơm
pumpkin {n} (plant) :: bí ngô, bí đỏ
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant) :: bí ngô, bí đỏ
punch {v} (to strike something or someone with one's fist) :: đấm
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd ::
punctuation {n} (set of symbols) :: chấm câu
pungent {adj} (having a strong odour) :: hăng, gắt
punish {v} (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct) :: phạt, trừng phạt
punishment {n} (the act of punishing) :: hình phạt, trừng trị, sự phạt
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
pupa {n} (insect) :: nhộng ()
pupil {n} (learner) :: học sinh, học trò
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye) :: con ngươi, đồng tử
puppet {n} (movable model of a person or animal) :: con rối
puppet {n} (person or country controlled by another) :: con rối, bù nhìn
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll ::
puppy {n} (young dog) :: chó con, cún, cún con
purchasing power parity {n} (long-term equilibrium) :: sức mua tương đương
pure land {n} (celestial realm) :: tịnh độ
purely imaginary number {n} (imaginary number) SEE: imaginary number ::
purple {n} (colour) :: tía
purple {adj} (colour) :: đỏ tía, màu tím
purr {v} (cat to make a vibrating sound in its throat) :: gừ gừ, rừ rừ, khò khò
purse {n} (small bag for carrying money) :: ví tiền
purslane {n} (Portulaca oleracea) SEE: common purslane ::
pus {n} (fluid found in regions of infection) :: mủ
Pusan {prop} (Busan) SEE: Busan ::
push {v} (to apply a force to something so that it moves away) :: , đẩy
push {v} (to thrust the points of the horns against) SEE: gore ::
pushchair {n} (stroller) SEE: stroller ::
push scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter ::
pushup {n} (push-up) SEE: push-up ::
push-up {n} (exercise performed by resting on one's toes and hands and pushing one's weight off the floor) :: hít đất [dirt-inhaling]
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia) :: lồn
put {v} (to place something somewhere) :: để, đặt
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill ::
put away {v} (to send (someone) to prison) SEE: imprison ::
Putin {prop} (surname) :: Putin
Putinism {prop} (the political policies of Vladimir Putin) :: chủ nghĩa Putin
put on {v} (to don clothing) :: mặc vào, [spectacles, earrings, etc.] đeo vào, [shoes] đi vào
Putonghua {prop} (the official language of the People's Republic of China, see also: Mandarin) :: tiếng Phổ thông (tiếng + 普通), phổ thông thoại
puttee {n} (strip of cloth wound round the leg for protection) :: cạp
puzzle {n} (anything difficult to understand or make sense of) :: sự bối rối , sự khó xử , vấn đề khó xử , vấn đề khó giải quyết , vấn đề nan giải
puzzle {n} (game for one person) :: trò chơi đố , câu đố
puzzle {n} (riddle) :: câu đố
pyinkado {n} (Xylia xylocarpa) :: căm xe
Pyongyang {prop} (capital of North Korea) :: Bình Nhưỡng (平壤)
pyramid {n} (ancient construction) :: kim tự tháp
pyramid {n} (in geometry, a solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base) :: kim tự tháp
pyrotechnics {n} (firework) SEE: firework ::
Pythagoras {prop} (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher) :: Pytago
Pythagorean theorem {prop} (mathematical theorem) :: định lí Pi-ta-go
python {n} (constricting snake) :: trăn