User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/0500
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- अपराद्ध (aparāddha) (aparāddha)
- mfn. having missed
- having offended, sinned
- criminal, guilty
- erring.
- अपराध (aparādha) (aparādha)
- m. offence, transgression, fault
- mistake
- %{aparAdhaM} 1: %{kR}, to offend any one (gen.)
- अपराह्ण (aparāhṇa) (aparāhṇa)
- m. afternoon, the last watch of the day.
- अपरिग्रह (aparigraha) (aparigraha)
- m. not including Comm. on TPra1t.
- non-acceptance, renouncing (of any possession besides the necessary utensils of ascetics) Jain.
- deprivation, destitution, poverty
- (mfn.), destitute of possession
- destitute of attendants or of a wife Kum. i, 54.
- अपरिच्छेद (apariccheda) (apariccheda)
- m. want of distinction or division
- want of discrimination S3a1k., want of judgment, continuance. [51,2]
- अपरिमित (aparimita) (aparimita)
- mfn. unmeasured, either indefinite or unlimited AV. S3Br. &c.
- अपरिहार्य (aparihārya) (aparihārya)
- mfn. id. Gaut. &c.
- अपरीक्षित (aparīkṣita) (aparīkṣita)
- mfn. untried, unproved
- not considered, inconsiderate.
- अपर्याप्त (aparyāpta) (aparyāpta)
- mfn. ( %{Ap}), incomplete
- unable, incompetent, insufficient
- not enough
- unlimited, unbounded L.
- अपर्याप्तवत् (aparyāptavat) (aparyāptavat)
- mfn. not competent to (Inf.) Ragh. xvi, 28.
- अपवर्ग (apavarga) (apavarga)
- &c. see %{apa-vRj}. m. completion, end (e.g. %{paJcA7pavarga}, coming to an end in five days) Ka1tyS3r. &c.
- the emancipation of the soul from bodily existence, exemption from further transmigration
- final beatitude BhP. &c.
- gift, donation A1s3vS3r.
- restriction (of a rule) Sus3r. S3ulb.
- अपवाद (apavāda) (apavāda)
- m. evil speaking, reviling, blaming, speaking ill of (gen.)
- denial, refutation, contradiction
- a special rule setting aside a general one, exception (opposed to %{utsarga} Pa1n2. 3-1, 94 Sch.) RPra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.
- order, command Kir.
- a peculiar noise made by hunters to entice deer S3is3. vi, 9. &c. see %{apa-vad}.
- अपवित्र (apavitra) (apavitra)
- mf(%{A}) n. impure.
- अपव्रत (apavrata) (apavrata)
- mfn. disobedient, unfaithful RV.
- perverse RV. v, 40, 6
- (x, 103, additional verse,= ) AV. iii, 2, 6 = VS. xvii, 47.
- अपशब्द (apaśabda) (apaśabda)
- m. bad or vulgar speech
- any form of language not Sanskr2it
- ungrammatical language
- (%{apa-bhraMza}.)
- अपश्चिम (apaścima) (apaścima)
- mfn. not having another in the rear, last, not the last.
- अपस् (apas) (apas)
- 1 %{as} n. (fr. 1. %{a4p}), work, action, especially sacred act, sacrificial act RV. [Lat. %{opus}.]
- अपसद (apasada) (apasada)
- m. the children of six degrading marriages (of a Bra1hman with the women of the three lower classes, of a Kshatriya with women of the two lower, and of a Vais3ya with one of the S3u1dra Mn. x, 10 seqq., but cf. MBh. xiii, 2620 seqq. and %{apadhvaMsa-ja}), an outcast (often ifc.
- see %{brAhmaNA7pasada}).
- अपस्तम्ब (apastamba) (apastamba)
- m. a vessel inside or on one side of the chest containing vital air Bhpr.
- अपस्मार (apasmāra) (apasmāra)
- m. epilepsy, falling sickness Sus3r. &c.
- अपस्मारिन् (apasmārin) (apasmārin)
- mfn. epileptic, convulsed Mn. &c.
- अपहृत (apahṛta) (apahṛta)
- mfn. taken away, carried off, stolen, &c. %{-vijJAna} mfn. bereft of sense.
- अपाच् (apāc) (apāc)
- ( %{ac}), (Imper. %{-aca}) to drive away RV. ix, 9 7, 54.
- अपाकरण (apākaraṇa) (apākaraṇa)
- n. driving away, removal Ka1tyS3r.
- payment, liquidation. [54,1]
- अपाकरिष्णु (apākariṣṇu) (apākariṣṇu)
- mfn. (with acc.) `" outdoing "', surpassing.
- अपाङ्क्त्य (apāṅktya) (apāṅktya)
- mfn. id. Mn. Gaut.
- अपाङ्ग (apāṅga) (apāṅga)
- mfn. without limbs or without a body
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}, or %{I}) the outer corner of the eye S3a1k. &c.
- a sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead R.
- N. of Ka1ma (the god of love)
- = %{apA7mArga4} L.
- अपादान (apādāna) (apādāna)
- n. taking away, removal, ablation
- a thing from which another thing is removed
- hence the sense of the fifth or ablative case Pa1n2.
- अपान (apāna) (apāna)
- m. (opposed to %{prA7Na4}), that of the five vital airs which goes downwards and out at the anus
- the anus MBh. (in this sense also (%{am}) n. L.)
- N. of a Sa1man PBr.
- ventris crepitus L.
- अपाय (apāya) (apāya)
- see %{ape7}. m. going away, departure
- destruction, death, annihilation
- injury, loss
- misfortune, evil, calamity.
- अपार (apāra) (apāra)
- mfn. not having an opposite shore TS.
- not having a shore, unbounded, boundless (applied to the earth, or to heaven and earth, [%{ro4dasI}], &c.) RV. &c.
- m. `" not the opposite bank "', the bank on this side (of a river) MBh. viii, 2381
- (%{am}) n. (in Sa1n3khya phil.) `" a bad shore "', `" the reverse of %{pAra} "', a kind of mental indifference or acquiescence
- the reverse of mental acquiescence
- the boundless sea.
- अपीडयत् (apīḍayat) (apīḍayat)
- mfn. not paining.
- अपीडा (apīḍā) (apīḍā)
- f. id.
- (%{ayA}) ind. not unwillingly.
- अपुनर्भव (apunarbhava) (apunarbhava)
- m. not occurring again Car.
- exemption from further transmigration, final beatitude BhP.
- अपूर्व (apūrva) (apūrva)
- mf(%{A}) n. unpreceded, unprecedented S3Br. xiv, &c.
- not having existed before, quite new
- unparalleled, incomparable, extraordinary
- not first
- preceded by %{a} Pa1n2. 8-3, 17
- m. N. of a sacrifice (offered to Praja1pati) PBr. Vait.
- (%{am}) n. the remote or unforeseen consequence of an act (as heaven of religious rites) Nya1yam.
- a consequence not immediately preceded by its cause
- (%{e4Na}) ind. never before AV. x, 8, 33.
- अपेक्षा (apekṣā) (apekṣā)
- f. looking round or about, consideration of, reference, regard to (in comp.
- rarely loc.)
- dependence on, connection of cause with effect or of individual with species
- looking for, expectation, hope, need, requirement
- (%{ayA}) ind. with regard to (in comp.)
- अपेक्षिन् (apekṣin) (apekṣin)
- mfn. considering, respecting, regardful of, looking to (in comp.
- rarely gen.)
- looking for, expecting, requiring
- depending on.
- अपेक्षित (apekṣita) (apekṣita)
- mfn. considered
- referred to
- looked for, expected
- wished, required.
- अपेत (apeta) (apeta)
- mfn. escaped, departed, gone, having retired from, free from (abl. or in comp.)
- अपोगण्ड (apogaṇḍa) (apogaṇḍa)
- mfn. not under sixteen years of age Mn. viii, 148
- a child or infant
- timid
- flaccid
- having a limb too many or too few
- अपोह (apoha) (apoha)
- m. pushing away, removing
- (in disputation) reasoning, arguing, denying.
- अपउरुष (apaüruṣa) (apauruṣa)
- n. unmanliness
- superhuman power
- (mfn.), unmanly
- superhuman. [57,1]
- अपउरुषेय (apaüruṣeya) (apauruṣeya)
- mfn. not coming from men Shad2vBr.
- अप्यय (apyaya) (apyaya)
- m. joint, juncture Kaus3. S3ulb.
- pouring out (of a river) PBr., entering into, vanishing (the contrary of %{prabhava} or %{utpatti}) Up. &c. (cf. %{svA7pyaya4}.) [56,1] see 2. %{apI7}.
- अप्रकट (aprakaṭa) (aprakaṭa)
- mf(%{A})n. unmanifested, unapparent
- (%{am}) ind. without having been perceived Katha1s.
- अप्रकृत (aprakṛta) (aprakṛta)
- mfn. not principal, not relevant to the main topic under discussion, not chief
- occasional or incidental
- not natural.
- अप्रगल्भ (apragalbha) (apragalbha)
- mf(%{A})n. not arrogant, modest
- timid.
- अप्रज (apraja) (apraja)
- mf(%{A})n. ( %{jan}), without progeny, childless RV. i, 21, 5 Mn. &c.
- (%{A}) f. not bearing, unprolific MBh. i, 4491.
- अप्रज्ञात (aprajñāta) (aprajñāta)
- mfn. not known TS. Mn. i, 5.
- अप्रति (aprati) (aprati)
- mfn. without opponents, irresistible RV. BhP.
- (%{I}) n. irresistibly RV. vii, 83, 4 and 99, 5 AV.
- (%{A4}) ind. see s.v. above. -1.
- अप्रतर्क्य (apratarkya) (apratarkya)
- mfn. not to be discussed
- incomprehensible by reason, undefinable Mn. i, 5 & xii, 29 BhP. &c. [57,3]
- अप्रतिम (apratima) (apratima)
- mf(%{A})n. unequalled incomparable, without a match.
- अप्रतीत (apratīta) (apratīta)
- mfn. unapproached, unattackablevii, 25, 1
- not understood, uncommon (as an expression) Sa1h. &c. [58,2]
- not merry, sad R.
- अप्रत्त (apratta) (apratta)
- mfn. (for %{a-pradatta}), not given back PBr.
- (%{A}) f. `" not given away (in marriage) "', a girl Nir. Gaut.
- अप्रत्यक्ष (apratyakṣa) (apratyakṣa)
- mfn. not present to the sight, invisible, imperceptible.
- अप्रत्यय (apratyaya) (apratyaya)
- m. distrust, disbelief, doubt
- not an affix Pa1n2. 1-1, 69
- (mfn.), distrustful (with loc.) S3a1k.
- causing distrust
- having no affix.
- अप्रयुक्त (aprayukta) (aprayukta)
- mfn. not used or applied MaitrS.
- (of words) not in use Pat.
- unsuitable Pan5cat.
- अप्रयुच्छत् (aprayucchat) (aprayucchat)
- mfn. attentive
- अप्रवृत्ति (apravṛtti) (apravṛtti)
- f. not proceeding
- no further effect or applicability of a precept Ka1tyS3r.
- abstaining from action, inertion, non-excitement
- (in med.) suppression of the natural evacuations, constipation, ischury, &c. [59,1]
- अप्रस्तुत (aprastuta) (aprastuta)
- mfn. unconnected with, irrelevant, unsuitable to the time or subject
- not principal, not being the chief subject-matter
- indirect, accidental or extraneous
- not laudable R.
- अप्राप्त (aprāpta) (aprāpta)
- mfn. unobtained
- unarrived
- not accomplished Ya1jn5. ii, 243
- not yet full-grown Mn. ix, 88
- not resulting (from any rule) Pa1n2. 8-2, 33 Sch.
- अप्रामाण्य (aprāmāṇya) (aprāmāṇya)
- n. absence or insufficiency of proof or authority.
- अप्रिय (apriya) (apriya)
- mfn. disagreeable, disliked
- unkind, unfriendly
- m. a foe, an enemy Mn.
- N. of a Yaksha Buddh.
- (%{A}) f. a sort of skeat fish, Silurus Pungentissimus.
- अप्सरस् (apsaras) (apsaras)
- see s.v.
- अबल (abala) (abala)
- mf(%{A4})n. weak, feeble RV. v, 30, 9, &c.
- m. the plant Tapia Crataeva
- a king of Magadha VP.
- (%{A}) f. a woman S3a1k. &c.
- N. of a woman Katha1s.
- (= %{acalA}) one of the ten Buddhist earths
- (%{am}) n. want of strength, weakness.
- अबुद्धिमत् (abuddhimat) (abuddhimat)
- mfn. unwise, foolish. [60,2]
- अबोध (abodha) (abodha)
- m. non-perception
- ignorance, stupidity
- (mfn.), ignorant, stupid
- puzzled, perplexed.
- अब्ज (abja) (abja)
- mfn. (fr. 2. %{a4p} and %{jan}), born in water
- m. the conch
- the moon
- the tree Barringtonia Acutangula
- N. of Dhanvantari (physician of the gods, produced at the churning of the ocean)
- a son of Vis3a1la
- (%{am}) n. a lotus
- a milliard (cf. %{padma}).
- अब्द (abda) (abda)
- mfn. giving water
- m. a year
- a cloud Bhat2t2.
- the grass Cyperus Rotundus
- N. of a mountain
- (%{A4}) f. see %{abdayA4} below.
- अभक्ष्य (abhakṣya) (abhakṣya)
- mfn. not to be eaten by (instr. or gen. Mn.)
- अभद्र (abhadra) (abhadra)
- mfn. inauspicious, mischievous
- (%{am}) n. mischief.
- अभय (abhaya) (abhaya)
- mf(%{A})n. unfearful, not dangerous, secure
- (%{a-bha4ya}) mfn. fearless, undaunted S3Br. xiv
- m. N. of S3iva
- of a natural son of Bimbisa1ra
- of a son of Idhmajihva BhP.
- of a river in Kraun5cadvi1pa BhP.
- (%{A}) f. the plant Terminalia Chebula
- (%{a4-bhayam}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) absence or removal of fear, peace, safety, security RV. &c. (cf. %{a4bhaya-tama} below)
- `" safety "', (applied as proper name to) a child of Dharma and his reign in Plakshadvi1pa BhP.
- a kind of symbol procuring security Hcat.
- a sacrificial hymn recited to obtain personal security Kaus3.
- the root of a fragrant grass, Andropogon Muricatum.
- अभाव (abhāva) (abhāva)
- m. non-existence, nullity, absence
- non-entity, negation (the seventh category in Kana1da's system)
- proof from non-existence (one of the six prama1n2as in Veda1nta phil. [`" since there are no mice, therefore there must be cats here "'] see %{pramANa})
- annihilation, death. [61,1]
- अभाविन् (abhāvin) (abhāvin)
- mfn. what is not to be or will not be, not destined to be.
- अभी (abhī) (abhī)
- 1 mfn. fearless R. Ragh.
- अभिगर (abhigara) (abhigara)
- see %{abhi-} 1. %{grI} below. m. a calling out in approbation (part of the sacrificial ceremony) VS. Ka1tyS3r.
- the priest who calls out approvingly (to the other priests) MaitrS. La1t2y. (cf. %{apagara}.)
- अभिगुप्त (abhigupta) (abhigupta)
- mfn. guarded, protected.
- अभिचार (abhicāra) (abhicāra)
- m. exorcising, incantation, employment of spells for a malevolent purpose AV. &c.
- magic (one of the Upapa1takas or minor crimes).
- अभिचारिन् (abhicārin) (abhicārin)
- mfn. enchanting AV. x, 1, 9.
- अभिजात (abhijāta) (abhijāta)
- mfn. born in consequence of
- born, produced
- noble, well-born
- obtained by birth, inbred, fit, proper
- wise learned
- handsome R. Kum. i, 46
- (%{am}) n. nativity BhP.
- high birth, nobility.
- अभिजित् (abhijit) (abhijit)
- mfn. victorious VS. xv, 7
- born under the constellation Abhijit Pa1n2. 4-3, 36, (cf. %{Abhijita})
- (%{t}) m. N. of a Soma sacrifice (part of the great sacrifice Gava1m-ayana) AV. S3Br. &c.
- N. of a son [Hariv.] or of the father [VP.] of Punarvasu
- of Vishn2u
- N. of a star (a Lyrae)
- of the 20th (or 22nd) Nakshatra AV. &c.
- the eighth Muhu1rta of the day (about midday) Kaus3. &c.
- अभिजित (abhijita) (abhijita)
- m. N. of a Nakshatra (see %{abhiji4t}) MBh.
- of the eighth Muhu1rta (see %{abhi-ji4t}) MBh. Hariv.
- अभिज्ञ (abhijña) (abhijña)
- mf(%{A})n. knowing, skilful, clever
- understanding, conversant with (gen. or ifc.)
- (%{A}) f. remembrance, recollection Pa1n2. 3-2, 112
- supernatural science or faculty of a Buddha (of which five are enumerated, viz. 1. taking any form at will
- 2. hearing to any distance
- 3. seeing to any distance
- 4. penetrating men's thoughts
- 5. knowing their state and antecedents).
- अभिज्ञान (abhijñāna) (abhijñāna)
- n. remembrance, recollection
- knowledge
- ascertainment
- a sign or token of remembrance [62,3]
- any sign or token serving as a proof for (loc. or %{prati}) R.
- = %{abhijJAna-zakuntala} q.v. Sa1h.
- अभिद्रोह (abhidroha) (abhidroha)
- m. injuring RV. Mn. &c.
- अभिधा (abhidhā) (abhidhā)
- 1 %{-dadhAti}, to surrender any one to (dat.
- aor. Subj. 2. du. %{-dhAtam}) RV. i, 120, 8
- to bring upon (dat.) RV. ii, 23, 6: A1. (rarely P.) to put on or round, put on the furniture of a horse (cf. %{abhi4-hIta} below) RV. &c.
- to cover (a country) with an army MBh. ii, 1090
- to cover, protect RV. viii, 67, 5 (aor. Pot. 2. pl. %{-dhetana}), &c.
- (in classical Sanskr2it generally) to set forth, explain, tell, speak to, address, say, name (cf. %{abhi4-hita} below): Pass. %{-dhIyate}, to be named or called: Caus. %{-dhApayate}, to cause to name A1s3vGr2.: Desid. A1. %{-dhi4tsate}, to intend to cover one's self RV. x, 85, 30. 2 f. name, appellation
- the literal power or sense of a word Sa1h.
- a word, sound
- (%{A4s}) mf. surrounding VS. xxii, 3.
- अभिधर्म (abhidharma) (abhidharma)
- m. the dogmas of Buddhist philosophy or metaphysics.
- अभिधान (abhidhāna) (abhidhāna)
- n. telling, naming, speaking, speech, manifesting
- a name, title, appellation, expression, word
- a vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon
- putting together, bringing in close connection VPra1t.
- (compar. %{-tara}) KaushBr.
- (%{I}) f. see s.v.
- अभिधेय (abhidheya) (abhidheya)
- mfn. to be named or mentioned
- to be expressed, to be spoken of Pa1n2. 3-3, 51 Sch. &c.
- being, spoken of, being expressed Sa1h.
- (%{am}) n. signification, meaning
- `" that which is expressed or referred to "', the substantive.
- अभिध्या (abhidhyā) (abhidhyā)
- f. wish, longing for, desire.
- अभिध्यान (abhidhyāna) (abhidhyāna)
- n. desiring, longing for (loc.) Mn. xii, 5, &c.
- meditation Up. [63,3]
- अभिनन्द (abhinanda) (abhinanda)
- m. the delight, pleasure (of sensuality) S3Br. xiv ChUp.
- wish, desire for (ifc.) Sus3r.
- N. of the first month
- N. of a commentator on the Amara-kosha
- N. of the author of the Yoga-va1sisht2hasa1ra
- (%{A}) f. delight
- wish
- अभिनन्दन (abhinandana) (abhinandana)
- n. delighting
- praising, applauding
- wish, desire
- (%{as}) m. N. of the fourth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1.
- अभिनन्दिन् (abhinandin) (abhinandin)
- mfn. rejoicing at, wishing, desiring (ifc.)
- अभिनय (abhinaya) (abhinaya)
- see 1. %{abhi-nI}. m. (indication of a passion or purpose by look, gesture, &c.) acting, dramatic action (expressive of sentiment)
- अभिनव (abhinava) (abhinava)
- mf(%{A})n. quite new or young, very young, fresh
- modern (cf. %{-kAlidAsa} and %{-zAkaTAyana} below)
- N. of two men Ra1jat.
- not having experience L.
- अभिनिविष्ट (abhiniviṣṭa) (abhiniviṣṭa)
- mfn. entered or plunged into
- intent on (loc. or in comp.)
- endowed with Ragh. ii, 75
- determined, persevering.
- अभिनिवेश (abhiniveśa) (abhiniveśa)
- m. application, intentness, study, affection, devotion (with loc. or ifc.)
- determination (to effect a purpose or attain an object), tenacity, adherence to (loc.) Kum. v, 7, &c.
- अभिन्न (abhinna) (abhinna)
- mfn. ( %{bhid}), uncut, unbroken S3Br. &c.
- uninterrupted RV. vi, 28, 2
- (%{a-bhinna4}) AV.
- (in arithm.) `" undivided "', integer, whole (as numbers)
- unchanged, unaltered, not different from (abl. or in comp.)
- अभिपूर्ण (abhipūrṇa) (abhipūrṇa)
- mfn. full of (instr. or gen.)
- अभिप्राय (abhiprāya) (abhiprāya)
- see %{abhi-pre7}. m. aim Pa1n2. 1-3, 72
- purpose, intention, wish R. &c.
- opinion Mn. vii, 57, &c.
- meaning, sense (as of a word or of a passage).
- अभिभव (abhibhava) (abhibhava)
- see 1. %{abhi-bhU} below. mfn. overpowering, powerful AV. i, 29, 4 [67,1]
- m. prevailing, overpowering, predominance Bhag. &c.
- defeat, subjugation under (instr. or abl., or in comp.)
- disregard, disrespect
- humiliation, mortification.
- अभिभाषिन् (abhibhāṣin) (abhibhāṣin)
- mfn. addressing, speaking to.
- अभिभूत (abhibhūta) (abhibhūta)
- mfn. surpassed, defeated, subdued, humbled
- overcome, aggrieved, injured.
- अभिभूति (abhibhūti) (abhibhūti)
- f. superior power, overpowering RV. iv, 38, 9 S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
- disrespect, humiliation
- (mfn.), overpowering, superior
- अभिभूत्योजस् (abhibhūtyojas) (abhibhūtyojas)
- (6) mfn. having superior power RV.
- अभिमत (abhimata) (abhimata)
- mfn. longed for, wished, desired
- loved, dear
- allowed A1s3vGr2.
- supposed, imagined
- (%{am}) n. desire, wish.
- अभिमर्द (abhimarda) (abhimarda)
- see %{abhi-mRd}. m. devastation (of a country &c. by an enemy) MBh.
- battle
- spirituous liquor
- अभिमाति (abhimāti) (abhimāti)
- mfn. insidious RV. v, 23, 4 and x, 18, 9
- (%{is}) f. striving to injure RV.
- an enemy, foeS3Br. see %{abhi-man}.
- अभिमान (abhimāna) (abhimāna)
- m. intention to injure, insidiousness Ka1tyS3r.
- high opinion of one's self, self-conceit, pride, haughtiness
- (in Sa1n2khya phil.) = %{abhi-mati}, above
- conception (especially an erroneous one regarding one's self) Sa1h. &c.
- affection, desire
- N. of a R2ishi in the sixth Manvantara VP. see %{abhi-man}.
- अभिमुख (abhimukha) (abhimukha)
- mf(%{I}, rarely %{A})n. with the face directed towards, turned towards, facing (with acc. dat. gen.
- or ifc.)
- (ifc.) going near, approaching (as %{yauvanA7bhimukhI}, `" approaching puberty, marriageable "' Pan5cat.)
- (ifc.) disposed to, intending to, ready for
- taking one's part, friendly disposed (with gen. or instr.) R.
- (%{am}) ind. towards (often used in a hostile manner Kir. vi, 14, &c.), in the direction of, in front or presence of, near to (acc. gen.
- or ifc.)
- (%{e}) ind. in front or presence of (gen.
- or ifc.) R.
- (%{I}) f. one of the ten Bhu1mis to be passed by a Bodhisattva, before becoming a Buddha.
- अभिरक्षित (abhirakṣita) (abhirakṣita)
- mfn. protected, preserved, guarded
- governed, commanded Bhag. &c.
- अभिरत (abhirata) (abhirata)
- mfn. reposing Ya1jn5. i, 251
- pleased or contented with (loc.), satisfied
- engaged in, attentive to (loc.), performing, practising.
- अभिरति (abhirati) (abhirati)
- f. pleasure, delighting in (loc. or in comp.) Ragh. ix, 7, &c.
- N. of a world Buddh.
- अभिराम (abhirāma) (abhirāma)
- mf(%{A}) n. pleasing, delightful, agreeable, beautiful
- m. N. of Siva
- 1. (%{am}) ind. so as to be agreeable to (in comp.) S3a1k.
- (for 2. %{abhi-rAmam} see s.v. below.)
- अभिरामता (abhirāmatā) (abhirāmatā)
- f. loveliness, beauty S3is3. i, 16, &c.
- the state of being agreeable to (in comp.) Mcar.
- अभिरूप (abhirūpa) (abhirūpa)
- mf(%{A})n. corresponding with (dat.), conformable to S3Br. AitBr.
- pleasing, handsome, beautiful AV. viii, 9, 9 Mn. &c.
- wise, learned Mn. iii, 144 S3a1k.
- m. the moon
- S3iva
- Vishn2u
- Ka1madeva L.
- अभिलषित (abhilaṣita) (abhilaṣita)
- mfn. desired, wished
- (%{am}) n. desire, wish, will.
- अभिलाष (abhilāṣa) (abhilāṣa)
- or (less correctly)
- अभिवाद (abhivāda) (abhivāda)
- m. reverential salutation Mn. ii, 120 seqq. Gaut.
- (v.l. %{ati-vAda}) opprobrious or unfriendly speech, abuse MBh. xii, 9972.
- अभिवादन (abhivādana) (abhivādana)
- n. respectful salutation (including sometimes the name or title of the person so addressed and followed by the mention of the person's own name)
- salutation (of a superior or elder by a junior or inferior, and especially of a teacher by his disciple
- in generaI it is merely lifting the joined hands to the forehead and saying %{aham@abhivAdaye}, I salute).
- अभिवादिन् (abhivādin) (abhivādin)
- mfn. telling, enunciating, describing Nir.
- (%{I}) m. an explainer, interpreter MaitrUp.
- अभिवाद्य (abhivādya) (abhivādya)
- mfn. to be respectfully saluted MBh. &c.
- अभिविधि (abhividhi) (abhividhi)
- m. complete comprehension or inclusion Pa1n2. 2-1, 13
- (%{au}) loc. ind. inclusively Pa1n2. 3-3, 44 and v, 4, 53.
- अभिव्यक्त (abhivyakta) (abhivyakta)
- mfn. manifest, evident, distinct S3a1k. Ragh. &c.
- (%{am}) ind. manifestly Ya1jn5.
- N.
- अभिव्यक्ति (abhivyakti) (abhivyakti)
- f. manifestation, distinction Pa1n2. 8-1, 15 Sa1h. &c.
- अभिशप्त (abhiśapta) (abhiśapta)
- mfn. cursed, accursed, calumniated, reviled, defamed MBh. Hariv. &c. [often v.l. %{abhizasta}] (cf. %{mithyA7bhizapta}.)
- अभिशाप (abhiśāpa) (abhiśāpa)
- m. curse Nir. &c.
- charge, accusation Ya1jn5. ii, 12 and 99 (cf. %{abhI-zApa} and %{mithyA7bhizApa})
- false accusation, calumny L.
- अभिषिक्त (abhiṣikta) (abhiṣikta)
- mfn. sprinkled
- anointed, installed, enthroned (cf. %{mUrdhA7bhiSikta}.)
- अभिषेक (abhiṣeka) (abhiṣeka)
- m. anointing, inaugurating or consecrating (by sprinkling water), inauguration of a king, royal unction [71,2]
- the water or liquid used at an inauguration S3Br. &c.
- religious bathing, ablution MBh. &c.
- bathing of the divinity to whom worship is offered(cf. %{mahA7bhiSeka} and %{mUrdhA7bhiSeka}.)
- अभिषेचन (abhiṣecana) (abhiṣecana)
- n. sprinkling MBh. BhP.
- initiation, inauguration R. &c.
- अभिषेचनीय (abhiṣecanīya) (abhiṣecanīya)
- mfn. worthy of inauguration S3Br.
- belonging to inauguration (as vessels, &c.) S3Br. &c.
- m. N. of a sacrificial ceremony performed at the inauguration of a king S3Br. AitBr. &c.
- अभिसम्बन्ध (abhisambandha) (abhisambandha)
- m. connection with, relation to (instr.) Jaim.
- being connected with, belonging to Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.
- sexual connection MBh. xiii, 2924 Mn. v, 63.
- अभिसारिका (abhisārikā) (abhisārikā)
- f. a woman who goes to meet her lover or keeps an assignation Kum. vi, 43 Ragh. xvi, 12, &c.
- अभिहित (abhihita) (abhihita)
- mfn. ( %{dhA}), harnessed or put to (as a horse)S3Br.
- named, called Mn. iii, 141, &c.
- held forth, said, declared, spoken MBh. Mn. &c.
- spoken to Kum. &c.
- m. N. of a chief
- (%{am}) n. a name, expression, word.
- अभीत (abhīta) (abhīta)
- mf(%{A})n. id. R. &c. see 1. %{a-bhI}.
- अभीत (abhīta) (abhīta)
- mf(%{A})n. id. R. &c. see 1. %{a-bhI}.
- अभीप्सु (abhīpsu) (abhīpsu)
- mfn. id. (with acc.N. &c.
- with Inf. S3is3. i, 14).
- अभीष्ट (abhīṣṭa) (abhīṣṭa)
- mfn. wished, desired, dear TS. &c.
- m. a lover Pan5cat. Sa1h. (cf. %{-tama} below)
- (%{A}) f. a mistress
- betel
- (%{am}) n. wish.
- अभूत (abhūta) (abhūta)
- mfn. whatever has not been or happened.
- अभेद (abheda) (abheda)
- m. non-fracture, compactness, closeness of array RPra1t. &c.
- absence of difference or distinction, identity
- (mfn.) not different, identical VP.
- अभोज्यान्न (abhojyānna) (abhojyānna)
- mfn. one whose food is not allowed to be eaten Mn. iv, 221.
- अभ्यक्त (abhyakta) (abhyakta)
- mfn. oiled, anointed S3Br. Mn. iv, 44, &c.
- decorated AV. x, 1, 25.
- अभ्यधिक (abhyadhika) (abhyadhika)
- mf(%{A})n. surpassing (in number, power, kind) R.
- exceeding the common measure, pre-eminent, extraordinary MBh. &c.
- superior to, more excellent than, having more authority or power than, more than (abl. or instr. or in comp.) MBh. &c.
- augmented by (abl. [VarBr2S.] or instr. or in comp.)
- (%{am}) ind. exceedingly MBh. xiii, 580, &c.
- अभ्यनुज्ञा (abhyanujñā) (abhyanujñā)
- 1 to assent to, approve, allow, permit, concede MBh. &c.
- to authorize, direct MBh. ii, 1225
- to allow one to depart, dismiss MBh. &c.
- (ind. p. %{-jJaya}
- Inf. %{-jJAtum}) to take leave, ask for leave to depart MBh. xiv, 146 R.: Caus. (ind. p. %{-jJApya}
- fut. p. %{-jJApayiSyat}) to ask for leave to depart MBh.
- अभ्यन्तर (abhyantara) (abhyantara)
- mf(%{A})n. interior, being inside of, included in (loc.
- gen. or in comp. [cf. %{gaNA7bhyantara}]) MBh. ii, 2282, &c.
- initiated in, conversant with (loc.) R. Megh.
- next, nearly related, intimate Pan5cat.
- (%{am}) n. inner part, interior, inside, middle S3a1k. &c.
- (generally loc.
- ifc.) interval, space of time Mr2icch. Pan5cat. Hit.
- (%{am}) ind. (ifc.) into Katha1s. &c.
- अभ्यर्थित (abhyarthita) (abhyarthita)
- mfn. asked, invited Mn. ii, 189, &c.
- (%{am}) n. request Ya1jn5. ii, 88 (cf. %{yathA7bhyarthitam}.)
- अभ्यवहार्य (abhyavahārya) (abhyavahārya)
- mfn. eatable R. Pa1n2. Sch. and Comm.
- (%{am}) n. [Vikr.] or (%{ANi}) n. pl. [MBh.] food, eating.
- अभ्यात्म (abhyātma) (abhyātma)
- (in comp. for %{abhyAtma4m}).
- अभ्याश (abhyāśa) (abhyāśa)
- m. (also written 1.) m. see %{abhy-} 1. %{az}.
- अभ्यास (abhyāsa) (abhyāsa)
- reaching to, pervading Ya1jn5. iii, 114
- (with %{yad} and Pot.) prospect, any expected result or consequence ChUp.
- proximity (with gen. or abl.) R. &c.
- (mfn.) near Kum. vi, 2
- (%{am}) ind. near, at hand AitBr. PBr.
- (%{e}) loc. ind. near (with gen. or abl.) R. &c.
- (%{At}) abl. in comp. with (a perf. Pass. p., as) %{Agata}, &c., arrived from near at hand, &c. Pa1n2. 2-1, 39 Sch. & vi, 3, 2 Sch.2 m. the act of adding anything, S3ulb.
- (in Gr.) `" what is prefixed "', the first syllable of a reduplicated radical Pa1n2.
- reduplication Nir.
- repetition Mn. xii, 74, &c.
- (in poetry) repetition of the last verse of a stanza [Nir.] or of the last word of a chapter [Comm. on AitBr.]
- (in arithm.) multiplication
- repeated or permanent exercise, discipline, use, habit, custom [77,1]
- repeated reading, study
- military practice
- (in later Veda1nta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same passage
- (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva). see (%{abhy-} 1. %{az} and) 2. %{abhy-} 2. %{as}.
- अभ्युदय (abhyudaya) (abhyudaya)
- m. sunrise or rise of luminaries (during or with reference to some other occurrence) Ka1tyS3r. Jaim.
- beginning, commencing (as of darkness, &c.) R.
- elevation, increase, prosperity, happiness, good result Mn. iii, 254 R. &c.
- a religious celebration, festival Mn. ix, 84.
- अभ्युदित (abhyudita) (abhyudita)
- 1 mfn. risen (as the sun or luminaries) MBh. R. Mn. iv, 104
- one over whom (while sleeping) the sun has risen Mn. ii, 221 Comm. on TS.
- engaged in combat MBh. iii, 15362
- arisen, happened
- elevated, prosperous
- (%{abhyu4dita}) n. (said of the sun or the moon) rising (during some other occurrence) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
- (%{A}) f. N. of the ceremony (to be performed at the %{abhyu4dita}), KaushBr.2 mfn. ( %{vad}), expressed (in words), KenaUp. (%{an-} neg.)
- see %{abhi-vad}.
- अभ्युपेत (abhyupeta) (abhyupeta)
- mfn. approached, arrived at (acc.) MBh. i, 3592 Ragh. v, 14
- (with %{gRham}) staying in a house VarBr2S.
- furnished with (in comp. [VarBr2S.] or instr.)
- agreed upon, assented to Das3.
- promised Megh.
- अभ्र (abhra) (abhra)
- (sometimes spelt %{abbhra}, according to the derivation %{ab-bhra}, `" water-bearer "'
- cf. Comm. on ChUp. ii, 15, 1) n. (rarely m. AV. ix, 6, 47 and TS.) cloud, thunder-cloud, rainy weather RV. &c.
- sky, atmosphere S3is3. ix, 3
- (in arithmetic) a cypher
- [NBD.] dust AV. xi, 3, 6
- (in med.) talc, mica
- gold
- camphor
- the ratan (Calamus Rotang)
- Cyperus Rotundus
- [cf. Gk. $ & Lat. &24787[79,3] {imber}.]
- अभ्रित (abhrita) (abhrita)
- mf(%{A})n. covered with clouds, (g. %{tArakA7di} q.v.) Ragh. iii, 12.
- अमङ्गल (amaṅgala) (amaṅgala)
- mfn. inauspicious, unlukey, evil Ragh. xii, 43, &c.
- m. the castor oil tree, Ricinus Communis
- (%{am}) n. inauspiciousness, ill-luck Kum. Ven2is.
- अमद (amada) (amada)
- mfn. cheerless Bhat2t2.
- अमनीभाव (amanībhāva) (amanībhāva)
- m. the state of not having perception or intellect MaitrUp.
- अमन्तु (amantu) (amantu)
- mfn. silly, ignorant RV. x, 22, 8 and 125, 4.
- अमर (amara) (amara)
- mf(%{A} Mn. ii, 148
- %{I} R. i, 34, 16)n. undying, immortal, imperishable S3Br. xiv, &c.
- m. a god, a deity MBh. &c.
- hence (in arithm.) the number 33
- N. of a Marut Hariv.
- the plant Euphorbia Tirucalli Sus3r.
- the plant Tiaridium Indicum
- a species of pine
- quicksilver
- N. of Amarasin6ha
- of a mountain (see %{-parvata})
- mystical signification of the letter %{u}
- (%{A}) f. the residence of Indra[80,3]
- the umbilical cord
- after-birth
- a house-post
- N. of several plants, panicum Dactylon, Cocculus Cordifolius, &c.
- (%{I}) f. the plant Sanseviera Roxburghiana L.
- अमरावती (amarāvatī) (amarāvatī)
- f. (cf. Pa1n2. 6-3, 1i9), `" the abode of the immortals "', Indra's residence MBh. Hariv. &c.
- N. of a town in Berar.
- अमरोपम (amaropama) (amaropama)
- mfn. like an immortal MBh.
- अमर्त्य (amartya) (amartya)
- (4) mfn. immortalVS.
- imperishable, divine RV.
- m. a god L.
- अमर्ष (amarṣa) (amarṣa)
- m. ( %{mRS}), non-endurance Pa1n2. 3-3, 145
- impatience, indignation, anger, passion MBh. R. &c.
- m. N. of a prince VP.
- अमर्षण (amarṣaṇa) (amarṣaṇa)
- mfn. = %{amarSa@vat} MBh. &c., impatient (cf. %{raNA7marSaNa})
- m. (= %{amarSa})N. of a prince BhP.
- (%{am}) n. impatience of (gen.) MBh. xiii, 2159.
- अमर्षिन् (amarṣin) (amarṣin)
- mfn. id. MBh. &c.
- अमल (amala) (amala)
- mf(%{A})n. spotless, stainless, clean, pure, shining
- (%{as}) m. crystal (cf. %{amara-ratna}) BhP.
- N. of a poet
- of Na1ra1yan2a
- (%{A}) f. N. of the goddess Lakshmi1
- ( %{amarA} q.v.) the umbilical cord
- the tree Emblica Officinalis Gaertn.
- the plant Saptala1
- (%{am}) n. talc L.
- अमात्य (amātya) (amātya)
- (4) m. (fr. 1. %{amA4} cf. Pa1n2. 4-2, 104 Sch.) inmate of the same house, belonging to the same house or family RV. vii, 15, 3 VS. As3vGr2. Ka1tyS3r.
- `" a companion (of a king) "', minister MBh. Mn. &c. see 1. %{amA4}
- अमानुष (amānuṣa) (amānuṣa)
- mf(%{I})n. not human, anything but a man RV. x, 95, 8
- superhuman, divine, celestial R. &c.
- inhuman, brutal RV.
- (mf(%{A})n.), without men, not inhabited by men Katha1s.
- m. not a man S3Br. AitBr. Mn. ix, 284
- (%{I}) f. a female animal Gaut.
- अमावास्या (amāvāsyā) (amāvāsyā)
- see ib.
- अमित (amita) (amita)
- 1 or %{Anta} mfn. perf. Pass. p. %{am} Pa1n2. 7-2, 28. 1 see %{am}.
- अमिताभ (amitābha) (amitābha)
- %{As} m. pl., of unmeasured splendour "'N. of certain deities in the eighth Manvantara VP.
- (as) m. sg. = %{amitA7yus}.
- अमित्र (amitra) (amitra)
- %{as}, %{A} mf. (fr. %{am} [Un2. iv, 1 73] or perhaps %{a-mi4tra}, not a friend [Pa1n2. 6-2, 116, `" not having a friend "'], but see %{abhyamitrINa}, &c.) an enemy, adversary, foe RV. &c., (mfn.), not having a friend.
- अमित्रखाद (amitrakhāda) (amitrakhāda)
- mfn. `" devouring his enemies "'N. of Indra RV. x, 152, 1.
- अमित्रघात (amitraghāta) (amitraghāta)
- mfn. (Ved.) killing enemies Pa1n2. 6-2, 88 Sch. (as) m. (= $) N. of Bindusa1ra (the son of Candragupta).
- असउ (asaü) (asau)
- (nom.) and %{a4sau} (voc.)
- see %{ada4s} and %{amu} - 1.
- अमीमांस्य (amīmāṃsya) (amīmāṃsya)
- mfn. not to be reasoned about or discussed Mn. ii, 10.
- अमीव (amīva) (amīva)
- n. ( %{am}), pain, grief R. BhP.
- (%{a4mIvA}) f. distress, terror, frightVS.
- tormenting spirit, demon
- affliction, disease RV.
- अमीवहन् (amīvahan) (amīvahan)
- mfn. destroying pains, killing evil spirits RV. BhP.
- अमीवचातन (amīvacātana) (amīvacātana)
- mf(%{I})n. driving away pains, diseases, or tormenting spirits
- अमुक (amuka) (amuka)
- mf(%{A})n. such and such a person or thing, a thing or person referred to without name Ya1jn5.
- अमूल (amūla) (amūla)
- mf(%{A} cf. Pa1n2. 4-1, 64 Comm.)n. rootless, baseless S3Br. &c.
- without authority, not resting on authority Comm. on Ya1jn5.
- (a14) f. `" without root "', a bulbous plant [NBD.] AV. v, 31, 4
- the plant Methonica Superba[82,2]
- अमृत (amṛta) (amṛta)
- (cf. Pa1n2. 6-2, 116) mfn. not dead MBh.
- immortal RV. &c.
- imperishable RV. VS.
- beautiful, beloved
- m. an immortal, a god RV. &c.
- N. of S3iva
- of Vishn2u MBh. xiii
- of Dhanvantari
- the plant Phaseolus Trilobus Ait.
- the root of a plant
- (%{A}) f. a goddess RV. &c.
- spirituous liquor
- Emblica Officinalis, Terminalia Citrina Roxb., Cocculus Cordifolius, Piper Longum, Ocymum Sanctum
- N. of the mother of Parikshit MBh. i, 3794
- of Da1ksha1yan2i1 MatsyaP.
- of a sister of Amr2itodana Buddh.
- of a river Hcat.
- of the first %{kalA} of the moon BrahmaP.
- (%{am}) n. collective body of immortals RV.
- world of immortality, heaven, eternity RV. VS. AV.
- (also %{Ani} n. pl. RV. i, 72, 1 and iii, 38, 4)
- immortality RV.
- final emancipation
- the nectar (conferring immortality, produced at the churning of the ocean), ambrosia RV. (or the voice compared to itN. Ragh.)
- nectar-like food
- antidote against poison Sus3r.
- N. of a medicament S3is3. ix, 36, medicament in general Buddh.
- the residue of a sacrifice (cf. %{amReta-bhuj})
- unsolicited alms Mn. iv, 4 and 5, water Naigh.
- milkclarified butter(cf. %{paJA7mRta}), boiled rice
- anything sweet, a sweetmeat R. vii, 7,3
- a pear
- food L., property
- gold
- quicksilver
- poison
- a particular poison
- a ray of light Ragh. x, 59N. of a metre RPra1t.
- of a sacred place (in the north) Hariv. 14095, of various conjunctions of planets (supposed to confer long life)
- the number, `" four "' L.
- अमृतत्व (amṛtatva) (amṛtatva)
- n. = %{-ta}VS. &c.
- अमोघ (amogha) (amogha)
- mf(%{A}) n. unerring, unfailing, not vain, efficacious, succeeding, hitting the mark, productive, fruitful
- (%{a4-mogha},) %{as} m. the not erring, the not failing S3Br.
- N. of S3iva
- of Vishn2u MBh. xiii
- of Skanda MBh. iii, 14632
- of a minister of an Asura king at war with Karttikeya SkandaP.
- of a river
- (%{A}) f. trumpet flower, Bignonia Suaveolens, Roxb.
- a plant of which the seed is used as a vermifuge, Erycibe Paniculata Roxb.
- Terminalia Citrina Roxb.
- N. of a spear MBh. iii, 16990 and R. i, 29, 12
- (with or without %{rAtri}) `" the unfalling one "' a poetical N. of the night MBh.
- a mystical N. of the letter %{kS} (being the last one of the alphabet)
- N. of Durga1
- of the wife of Sa1ntanu
- of one of the mothers in Kanda's suite MBh. ix, 2639.
- अमोघसिद्धि (amoghasiddhi) (amoghasiddhi)
- m. N. of the fifth Dhya1nibuddha.
- अम्बा (ambā) (ambā)
- f. (Ved. voc. %{a4mbe} [VS.]or %{amba} [RV.], in later Sanskrit %{amba} only, sometimes a mere interjection A1s3vS3r.), a mother, good woman (as a title of respect)
- N. of a plant
- N. of Durga1 (the wife of S3iva)
- N. of an Apsaras
- N. of a daughter of a king of Ka1si MBh.
- N. of one of the seven Kr2ttika1s TS. Ka1t2h. TBr.
- a term in astrol. (to denote the fourth condition which results from the conjunction of planets?). In the South Indian languages, %{ambA} is corrupted into %{ammA}, and is often affixed to the names of goddesses, and females in general [Germ. {Amme}, a nurse
- Old Germ. {amma}, Them. {ammo7n}, {ammU7n}], .
- अम्बक (ambaka) (ambaka)
- n. S3iva's eye Ba1lar. (cf. %{try-ambaka})
- an eye
- copper
- अम्बर (ambara) (ambara)
- n. circumference, compass, neighbourhood RV. viii, 8,14
- (ifc. f. %{A}) clothes, apparel, garment MBh. &c.
- cotton
- sky, atmosphere, ether Naigh. MBh. &c.
- (hence) a cipher Su1ryas.
- N. of the tenth astrological mansion VarBr2.
- the lip
- saffron
- a perfume (Ambra)
- N. of a country MatsyaP.
- (a1s) m. pl.N. of a people VarBr2S.
- अम्बरीष (ambarīṣa) (ambarīṣa)
- %{as}, %{am} m. n. a frying pan TS. v, KstySr.
- m. N. of a hell Jain.
- remorse
- war, battle
- a young animal, colt
- the sun R. v, 3, 5, sky, atmosphere Comm. on Un2.
- the hog-plum plant (Spondias Magnifera)
- N. of a Ra1jarshi (son of the king Vr2ishagir, and composer of the hymns RV. i, 100 and ix, 98) RV. i, 100, 17, of a descendant of Manu Vasvasvata and son of Na1bha1ga (celebrated for his devotion to Vishn2u) MBh. &c.N. of a Ra1jarshi (descendant of Sagara and ancestor of Das3aratha) R.
- N. of a son of the patriarch Pulaha Va1yuP. &c.
- N. of Siva
- of Vishn2u
- of Gan2es3a Katha1s.
- अम्बष्ठ (ambaṣṭha) (ambaṣṭha)
- m. (fr. %{amba} and %{stha}? Pa1n2. 8-3, 97) N. of a country and of its inhabitants MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
- of the king of that country MBh. vii, 3399 seqq.
- the offspring of a man of the Bra1hman and a woman of the Vaisya caste (a man of the medical caste Mn. x, 47
- an elephant-driver BhP.) Mn. x Ya1jn5. &c.
- (%{A}) f. Jaiminum Auriculatum
- Clypea Hernandifolia Sus3r.
- Oxalis Corniculata Sus3r.
- (%{A}) f. an Ambasht2ha woman [Comm. on Mn.x, 15], (%{I}) f. [Mn. x, e 19] id.
- अम्बालिका (ambālikā) (ambālikā)
- f. (voc. %{a4mbAlike}), mother VS.
- of a plantN. of a daughter of a king of Ka1s3i (wife of Vicitravi1rya, and mother of Pa1n2d2u) MBh.
- अम्बिका (ambikā) (ambikā)
- f. (voc. %{a4mbike}), mother, good woman (as a term of respect) VS. and TS. (cf. Pa1n2. 6-1, 118) Pa1n2. 7-3, 107 Comm. (voc. %{-ke}) and Ka1s3. (in Veda voc. optionally %{-ka} and %{-ke}) [83,3]
- a N. applied to the harvest (as the most productive season) Ka1t2h.
- a sister of Rudra VS. S3Br.
- N. of Pa1rvati1 (the wife of Siva) Hariv. Ya1jn5. &c.
- of the wife of Rudra Ugraretas BhP.
- of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2630
- of a daughter of the king of Ka1s3i (wife of Vicitravi1rya, and mother of Dhr2itara1sht2ra) MBh. &c. (cf. %{ambAlikA})
- one of the female domestic deities of the Jairias
- N. of a place in Bengal
- N. of two rivers Hcat.
- the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica.
- अम्बु (ambu) (ambu)
- n. water Naigh. MBh. &c.
- a kind of Andropogon VarBr2S. Bhpr.
- N. of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables) RPra1t.
- the number, `" four "' VarBr2.
- अम्बुज (ambuja) (ambuja)
- mfn. produced in water, water born, aquatic, m. the plant Barringtonsa Acutangula Gaertn.
- a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo)
- a muscle-shell R. vii, 7, 10, the thunderbolt of Indra (`" cloud-born "') L.
- अम्बुवाची (ambuvācī) (ambuvācī)
- f. four days in A1sha1d2ha (the tenth to the thirteenth of the dark half of the month, when the earth is supposed to be unclean, and agriculture is prohibited) BrahmaP. ii, 77
- (%{ambuvAcI}) %{-tyaga} m. the thirteenth of the same
- %{-prada} n. the tenth in the second half of the month A1sha1d2ha.
- अम्भस् (ambhas) (ambhas)
- n. (cf. %{abhra4}, %{a4mbu}), water RV. &c., the celestial waters AitUp.
- power, fruit fulness VS. and AV.
- (%{AMsi}) n. pl. collective N. for gods, men, Manes, and Asuras TBr. and VP., (hence) (%{as}) sg. the number `" four "'
- mystical N. of the letter %{v}
- N. of a metre (consisting of 82 syllables) RPra1t., (%{asa}), instr. in comp. for %{ambhas} (e.g. %{ambhasAkRta} `" done by water "') Pa1n2. 6-3, 3
- (%{asI}) n. du. heaven and earth Naigh. [Gk. $ %{imber}].
- अम्भोज (ambhoja) (ambhoja)
- n. (ifc. f. (%{A}) `" water-born "', the day lotus
- (as) "' n. the plant Calamus Rotang L., the Sa1rasa or Indian crane-j a-khan2d2a n. a group of lotus flowers Pa1n2. 4-2, 5 i Ka1s3. -ja-janman m. N. of Brahma (born in a lotus).
- अम्ल (amla) (amla)
- mfn. sour, acid Mn. v, 114, &c.
- m. (with or without %{rasa}) acidity, vinegar Sus3r., wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata), Susr., (i1) f. Oxalis Corniculata.
- (am) n. sour curds Sus3r.
- अय (aya) (aya)
- m. going (only ifc. cf. %{abhyastam@aya})
- (with %{gavAm}) `" the going or the turn of the cowsN. of a periodical sacrifice MBh.
- a move towards the right at chess Pat. (cf. %{anA7naya})
- Ved. a die Rv. x 166, 9 AV. &c.
- the number `" four
- good luck, favourable fortune Nalo7d.
- अयन (ayana) (ayana)
- mfn. going VS. xxii, 7 Nir.
- (%{am}) n. walking a road a path RV. iii 33, 7 &c. (often ifc. cf. %{naimiSA7yana}, %{puruSA7yana}, %{prasamA7yana}, %{samudrA7yaNa}, %{svedA7yana}), (in astron) advancing, precession Su1ryas.
- (with gen [e.g. %{a4ngirasAm}, %{AdityA4nam}, %{gavAm}, &c.] or ifc.) `" course, circulation "'N. of various periodical sacrificial rites AV. S3Br. &c. the sun's road north and south of the equator, the half year Mn. &c., the equinoctial and solstitial points VarBr2S. &c.
- way, progress, manner S3Br.
- place of refuge Mn. i, 10
- a treatise (%{zAstra} cf. %{jyotiSAm-ayana}) L.
- अयस् (ayas) (ayas)
- iron, metal RV. &c.
- an iron weapon (as an axe, &c.) RV. vi, 3,5 and 47, 10
- gold Naigh.
- steel
- [cf. Lat. {aes}, {aer-is} for {as-is}
- Goth. {ais}, Thema {aisa}
- Old Germ. {e7r}, iron
- Goth. {eisarn}
- Mod. Germ. {Eisen}.]
- अयस्मय (ayasmaya) (ayasmaya)
- mf(%{I})n. Ved. made of iron or of metal RV. v, 30, 15, &c. BhP. m. N. of a son of Manu Sva1rocisha Hariv., (%{I}) f. N. of one of the three residences of the Asuras AitBr.
- %{ayasmayA7di}, a g. of Pa1n2. 1-4, 20.
- अयुज् (ayuj) (ayuj)
- mfn. id. S3Br. &c. Mn. iii, 277.
- अयुक्त (ayukta) (ayukta)
- mfn. ( %{yuj}), not yoked RV. x, 27, 9 S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
- not harnessed RV. ix, 97, 20 Shad2vBr.
- not connected, not united (as vowels)
- not added, not joined
- not applied or made use of (see %{-cAra} below)
- to be supplied (see %{-padA7rtha} below)
- not attentive, not devout RV. v, 33, 3 S3Br. &c.
- not suited, unfit, unsuitable MBh. &c.
- not dexterous, silly R. BhP.
- (%{a4-yuktam}) ind. not being yoked S3Br. xii.
- अयुत (ayuta) (ayuta)
- 1 mfn. (1. %{yu}), unimpeded AV. xix, 51, 1
- N. of a son of Ra1dhika BhP.
- अयुद्ध (ayuddha) (ayuddha)
- mfn. ( %{yudh}), unconquered, irresistible RV. viii, 45, 3 &x, 27, 10
- (%{am}) n. not war, absence of war, peace MBh. &c.
- अयोग (ayoga) (ayoga)
- 1 %{as}, ni. separation, disjunction
- separation from a lover Das3ar.
- unfitness, unsuitableness, nonconformity Ka1vya7d.
- impossibility Comm. on Kum. iii, 14
- inefficacy of a remedy Sus3r.
- medical treatment counter to the symptoms, non-application or mis-application of remedies Sus3r.
- vigorous effort, exertion
- inauspicious conjunction of planets
- N. of a certain conjunction of planets.
- अयोद्धृ (ayoddhṛ) (ayoddhṛ)
- m(nom. %{-ddhA4})fn. id. RV. i, 32, 6, not fighting.
- अयोध्य (ayodhya) (ayodhya)
- (3, 4) mf(%{A4})n. not to be warred a gainst, irresistible AV. R.
- (%{A4}) f. the capital of Ra1ma (the modern Oude on the river Sarayu described in R.i, 5).
- अयोनि (ayoni) (ayoni)
- m. f. any place other than the pudendum muliebre S3Br. Mn. xi, 173 Gaut.
- (%{a-yoni4}) mfn. = %{a-yoni-ja} below MaitrS.
- without origin or beginning (said of Brahma) Kum. ii, 9
- (= %{antya-yoni}) of an unworthy or unimportant origin MBh. xiii, 1885
- (in rhetoric) `" having no source that can be traced "', original
- (%{is}) m. N. of Brahma (see before)
- of S3iva PadmaP.
- अयोनिज (ayonija) (ayonija)
- mf(%{A})n. not born from the womb, not produced in the ordinary course of generation, generated equivocally MBh. &c.
- अयोनिसम्भव (ayonisambhava) (ayonisambhava)
- mfn. = %{a-yoni-ja} q.v.
- अर (ara) (ara)
- mfn. ( %{R}), swift, speedy
- little (only for the etym. of %{udara}) Comm. on TUp.
- ifc., `" going "' cf. %{samara4}
- (%{a4s}) m. the spoke or radius of a wheel RV. &c.
- the spoke of an altar formed like a wheel, S3ulb.
- a spoke of the timewheel, viz. a Jaina division of time (the sixth of an Avasarpin2i or Utsarpin2i)
- the eighteenth Jaina saint of the present Avasarpin2i1
- N. of an ocean in Brahma1's world (only for a mystical interpretation of %{araNya}) ChUp.
- (%{am}) n. the spoke of a wheel
- (%{a4ram}) ind. see s. v.
- अरण (araṇa) (araṇa)
- 1 mf(%{I}) n. ( %{R}), foreign, distantS3Br.
- (%{am}) n. (only for the etym. of %{araNi}) the being fitted (as a piece of wood) Nir.
- a refuge BhP.
- अरणि (araṇi) (araṇi)
- 1 f. `" being fitted into "' or `" turning round "', the piece of wood (taken from the Ficus Religiosa or Premna Spinosa) used for kindling fire by attrition RV. &c. (generally distinction is made between the lower one and the upper one, %{adharA7raNi4} and %{uttarA7raNi}, the former may also be meant by %{araNi} alone without %{adhara})
- (figuratively) a mother Hariv. (cf. %{pANDa4vA7raNi} and %{surA7raNi})
- (%{is}) m. the plant Premna Spinosa L., the sun L., (1) du. f. the two Aran2is (used for kindling the fire) RV. &c.
- अरण्य (araṇya) (araṇya)
- n. (fr. 1. %{a4raNa}
- fr. %{R} Un2.), a foreign or distant land RV. i, 163, 11 and vi, 24, 10
- a wilderness, desert, forest AV. VS. &c.
- m. the tree also called Kat2phala
- N. of a son of the Manu Raivata Hariv. 434
- of a Sa1dhya ib. 11536
- of a teacher (disciple of Pr2ithvidhara).
- अरण्यानी (araṇyānī) (araṇyānī)
- f. a, desert, large forest RV. x, 146, 4 AV. &c.
- the goddess of the wilderness and desert RV. x, 146, 1-6.
- अरति (arati) (arati)
- 1 %{is} f. dissatisfaction, discontent, dulness, languor Buddh. Jain. &c.
- anxiety, distress, regret MBh. BhP. &c.
- anger, passion
- a bilious disease
- (mfn.), discontented L.
- अरत्नि (aratni) (aratni)
- 1 mfn. `" disgusted, discontented "' [NBD.] RV. viii, 80, 8.
- अरपस् (arapas) (arapas)
- mfn. unhurt, safe
- not hurting, beneficial RV. viii, 18, 9.
- अरि (ari) (ari)
- m. v.l. for %{arin} below.
- अरु (aru) (aru)
- m. the sun
- the redblossomed Khadira tree
- for %{arus} n. only in comp. with %{-M-tuda} mf(%{A})n. (Pa1n2. 3-2, 35 and vi, 3, 67) `" beating or hurting a wound "', causing torments, painful Mn. ii, 161, &c. and see s.v.
- अरविन्द (aravinda) (aravinda)
- n. (fr. %{ara} and %{vinda} Pa1n2. 3-1, 138 Ka1s3.), a lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum or Nymphiea Nelumbo S3a1k. &c.
- m. the Indian crane
- copper L.
- अरस (arasa) (arasa)
- mf(%{A4})n. sapless, tasteless Nr2isUp.
- not having the faculty of tasting S3Br. xiv
- weak, effectless, having no strength RV. i 191 16 AV.
- m. absence of sap or juice L.
- अराजक (arājaka) (arājaka)
- mfn. having no king TBr. &c., (%{am}) n. want of a king, anarchy BhP.
- अराद्धि (arāddhi) (arāddhi)
- f. ill-success, mischance VS. xxx, 9.
- अरितृ (aritṛ) (aritṛ)
- %{tA4} m. ( %{R}), a rower RV. ii, 42, 1 and ix, 95, 2
- [cf. Gk. $ &c.
- Lat. {ratis}, &27336[88,1] {remex}, &c.]
- अरित्र (aritra) (aritra)
- mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-2, 184) propelling, driving RV. x, 46, 7
- (%{ari4tra}) m. an oar S3Br. iv
- (%{ari4tra} [RV. i, 46, 8] or %{a4ritra} [AV. v, 4, 5]), am, n. (ifc. f. %{A}) an oar (cf. %{da4zA7ritra}, %{ni4tyA7r-}, %{za4tA7r-}, %{sv-aritra4})
- [Lat. {aratrum}.]
- अरिष्ट (ariṣṭa) (ariṣṭa)
- mf(%{A}) n. unhurt RV. &c.
- proof against injury or damage RV.
- secure, safe RV.
- boding misfortune (as birds of ill omen, &c.), Adbh Br. Hariv.
- fatal, disastrous (as a house) R. ii, 42, 22
- m. a heron
- a crow
- the soapberry tree, Sapindus Detergens Roxb. (the fruits of which are used in washing Ya1jn5. i 186)
- cf. %{arI@STaka}
- Azadirachta Indica R. ii, 94, 9
- garlic
- a distilled mixture, a kind of liquor Sus3r.
- N. of an Asura (with the shape of an ox, son of Bali, slain by Kr2ishn2a or Vishn2u) Hariv. BhP.
- of a son of Manu Vaivasvata VP. (v.l. for %{deSTa})
- ill-luck, misfortune (see %{ariSTa} n.) MBh. xii, 6573, (%{A}), f. a bandage Sus3r.
- a medical plant
- N. of Durga1 SkandaP.
- N. of a daughter of Daksha and one of the wives of Kas3yapa Hariv.
- (%{am}) n. bad or ill-luck. misfortune
- a natural phenomenon boding approaching death
- good fortune, happiness MBh. iv, 2126, buttermilk
- vinous spirit
- a woman's apartment, the lying-in chamber (cf. %{ariSTagriha} and %{-zayyA} below) L.
- अरिष्टनेमि (ariṣṭanemi) (ariṣṭanemi)
- (%{a4riSTa-}) mfn. the felly of whose wheel is unhurt (N. of Ta1rkshya) RV., (%{is}) m. N. of a man (named together with Ta1rkshya) VS. xv, 18, (said to be the author of the hymn RV. x, 178) RAnukr.
- N. of various princes MBh. VP.
- of a Gandharva BhP.
- of the twenty-second of the twenty four Jaina Tirtham2karas of the present Avasarpin2i.
- अरुज (aruja) (aruja)
- mf(%{A})n. painless (as a tumour, &c.) Sus3r.
- free from disease, sound Sus3r. &c.
- brisk, gay R. vii, 84, 16
- m. the plant Cassia Fistula
- N. of a Da1nava Hariv. 14286.
- अरुण (aruṇa) (aruṇa)
- mf(%{A4} [RV. v, 63, 6, &c.] or %{I4} [RV. x, 61, 4, &, (nom. pl. %{aruNa4yas}) 95, 6]) n. ( %{R} Un2.), reddish-brown, tawny, red, ruddy (the colour of the morning opposed to the darkness of night) RV. &c.
- perplexed
- dumb
- m. red colour BhP.
- the dawn (personified as the charioteer of the sun) Mn. x, 33, &c.
- the sun S3a1k.
- a kind of leprosy (with red [cf. AV. v, 22, 3 and vi, 20, 3] spots and insensibility of the skin)
- a little poisonous animal Sus3r.
- the plant Rottleria Tinctoria
- molasses
- N. of a teacher TS. S3Br. TBr.
- of the composer of the hymn RV. x, 91 (with the patron. Vaitahavya) RAnukr.
- of the Na1ga priest At2a PBr.
- of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
- of the Daitya Mura ib.
- of an Asura MBh. xvi, 119 (v.1 %{varuNa}), of the father of the fabulous bird Jat2a1yu MBh. iii, 16045
- (%{a4ruNa}) m. pl.N. of a pupil of Upaves3i (cf. %{aruNa4} m. above) S3Br. xiv, (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a class of Ketus (seventy seven in number) VarBr2S.
- (named as the composers of certain Mantras). Ka1t2h.
- (%{a}) f. the plants Betula, madder (Rubia Manjith), Tori, a black kind of the same, Colocynth or bitter apple, the plant that yields the red and black berry used for the jewellers weight (called Retti)
- N. of a river MBh. iii, 7022 and ix, 2429 seq., (%{I4s}) f. red cow (in the Vedic myths) RV. and SV.
- the dawn RV.
- (%{a4m}) n. red colour RV. x, 168, 1, gold AV. xiii, 4, 51
- a ruby BhP.
- अरुन्धती (arundhatī) (arundhatī)
- f. a medicinal climbing plant AV.
- the wife of Vasisht2ha R. &c.
- the wife of Dharma Hariv.
- the little and scarcely visible star Alcor (belonging to the Great Bear, and personified as the wife of one of its seven chief stars, Vasishtha, or of all the seven, the so-called seven R2ishss
- at marriage ceremonies Arundhati1 is invoked as a pattern of conjugal excellence by the bridegroom) A1s3vGr2. &c.
- N. of a kind of super natural faculty (also called kun2d2alini1).
- अरुस् (arus) (arus)
- mfn. wounded, sore S3Br., (%{us}) n. a sore or wound AV. v, 5, 4 S3Br. &c.
- the sun Un2.
- ind. a joint L.
- अरुष (aruṣa) (aruṣa)
- 1 mf(%{a4ruSi} RV. i, 92, 1 and 2
- x 5, 5) n. red reddish (the colour of Agni and his horses, of cows, of the team of Ushas, the As3vins, &c.) RV.& VS.
- (%{a4s}) m. the sun, the, day RV. vi, 49, 3 and vii, 71, 1 (cf. %{arUSa})
- (%{A4s}, %{A4sas}) m. pl. the red horses of Agni , (%{a4ruSI}) f. the dawn RV.
- a red mare (a N. applied to the team of Agni and Ushas, and to Agni's flames) RV.
- (%{a4m}) n. shape Naigh.
- अरोग (aroga) (aroga)
- mf(%{A})n. free from disease, healthy, well Mn. &c. m. health Hit., (%{A}) f. N. of Diiksha1yan2i1 in Vaidyana1tha MatsyaP.
- अरोग्य (arogya) (arogya)
- mfn. healthy L.
- अरोग्यता (arogyatā) (arogyatā)
- f. health R. ii, 70, 7.
- अर्क (arka) (arka)
- m. ( %{arc}), Ved. a ray, flash of lightning RV. &c.
- the sun RV. &c.
- (hence) the number, twelve "' Su1ryas.
- Sunday
- fire RV. ix, 50, 4 S3Br. Br2A1rUp.
- crystal R. ii, 94, 6
- membrum viriIe AV. vi, 72, 1
- copper
- the plant Calotropis Gigantea (the larger leaves are used for sacrificial ceremonies
- cf. %{arka-kozI}, %{-parNa4}, %{palaza4}, &c. below) S3Br. &c., a religious ceremony S3Br. Br2A1rUp. (cf. %{arkA7zvamedha} below)
- praise hymn, song (also said of the roaring of the Maruts and of Indra's thunder) RV. and AV.
- one who praises, a singer RV.
- N. of Indra
- a learned man (cf. RV. viii, 63, 6)[89,2]
- an elder brother
- N. of a physician BrahmaP. (cf. %{arka-cikitsA} below)
- (%{as}, %{am}) m. n. (with %{agneH}, %{indrasya}, %{gautamasaH}, &c.) N. of different Sa1mans
- food Naigh. and Nir. (cf. RV. vii, 9, 2).
- अर्गल (argala) (argala)
- mfn. a wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door or the cover of a vessel Ragh. &c.
- a bar, check, impediment ib.
- a wave
- (%{as}, or %{am}) m. or n. N. of a hell PadmaP. v.
- अर्गलित (argalita) (argalita)
- mfn. fastened by a bolt Ka1d. Katha1s.
- अर्घ (argha) (argha)
- m. ( %{arh}), worth, value, price, Mn Ya1jn5.
- (often ifc. cf. %{dhanA7rgha4}, %{mahA7rgha}, %{zatA7rgha4}), %{sahasra7rgha4})
- (%{a4s}) m. respectful reception of a guest (by the offering of rice durva-grass, flowers, or often only of water) S3Br. xiv, &c. (often confounded with %{arghya} q.v.)
- a collection of twenty pearls (having the weight of a Dharan2a) VarBr2S.
- अर्घ्य (arghya) (arghya)
- mfn. `" valuable "' see %{an-arghya}, (g. %{daNDA7di} q.v., `" %{argham-arhati} "') deserving a respectful reception (as a guest) Pa1rGr2. Ya1jn5. &c.
- belonging to or used at the respectful reception of a guest Gobh. Ya1jn5. &c.
- (%{am}) n. (Pa1n2. 5-4, 25) water offered at the respectful reception of a guest A1s3vGr2. &c., (probably for %{Arghya} q.v.) a kind of honey L.
- अर्चक (arcaka) (arcaka)
- mfn. honouring, worshipping Mn. xi, 224 m. a worshipper BhP.
- अर्चन (arcana) (arcana)
- mf(%{I})n. ifc. honouring, praising Nir.
- (%{am}, %{A7}) n. f. homage paid to deities and to superiors MBh. &c. (cf. %{vibudhA7rcana} and %{surA7rcana}).
- अर्चनीय (arcanīya) (arcanīya)
- mfn. to be worshipped, venerable.
- अर्चि (arci) (arci)
- m. (chiefly Ved.) ray, flame RV. &c., (%{is}) m. (for %{aMza}) N. of one of the twelve A1dityas Comm. on KaushBr.
- अर्चित (arcita) (arcita)
- mfn. honoured, worshipped, respected, saluted MBh. Mn. &c.
- offered with reverence, Mn iv, 213 (%{an-} neg.) & 235 Ya1jn5. i, 167
- अर्जन (arjana) (arjana)
- n. (Pa1n2. 3-1, 20 Comm.) procuring, acquiring, gaining, earning Mn. xii, 79, &c.
- अर्जित (arjita) (arjita)
- mfn. acquired, gained, earned (cf. %{svA7rjita} and %{svayam@arjita}.)
- अर्जुन (arjuna) (arjuna)
- mfn. (cf. %{Rjra4} and %{raj}) white, clear (the colour of the day RV. vi, 9, 1
- of the dawn RV. i, 49, 3
- of the lightning
- of the milk
- of silver, &c.)
- made of silver AV. iv, 37, 4
- m. the white colour "'
- a peacock
- cutaneous disease Sa1y. on RV. i, 122, 5
- the tree Terminalia Arjuna W. and A.
- N. of a man RV. i, 122, 5
- of Indra VS. S3Br., of the third of the Pind2ava princes (who was a son of Kr2itavi1rya who was slain by Paras3ura1ma) ib.
- of a S3a1skya (known as a mathematician)
- of different other persons
- the only son of his mother
- (%{I}) f. a cow MBh. xiii, 3596
- a kind of serpent, (voc. %{a4ijuni}) "' AV. ii, 24, 7
- a procuress, bawd
- N. of Usha1 (wife of Aniruddha)
- of the river Ba1huda1 or Karatoys
- (%{-nyau}, or %{-nyas}) f. du. or Pl.N. of the constellation Phalguni1 RV. x, 85, 13 S3Br.
- (%{am}) n. silver AV. v, 28, 5 and 9
- gold
- slight inflammation of the conjunctiva or white of the eye Sus3r.
- a particular grass (used as a substitute for the Soma plant) PBr. &c.
- (= %{rUpa}) shape Naigh.
- (%{As}) m. pl. the descendants of Arjuna Pa1n2. 2-4, 66 Sch.
- अर्ण (arṇa) (arṇa)
- %{as}, %{am} m. n. a wave, flood stream RV. BhP.
- (figuratively applied to the) tumult of battle RV. v, 50, 4
- m. a letter, syllable Ra1matUp. N. of a metre (comprising ten feet, and belonging to the class called Dan2d2aka)
- the teak tree (see %{arjunA7pama} above)
- N. of a man (see %{arna@citra4ratha} below) (%{A}) f. a river L., m. pl.N. of a people BhP.
- अर्णव (arṇava) (arṇava)
- mfn. agitated, foaming, restless RV. VS. AV.
- (%{a4s}) m. a wave, flood RV.
- the foaming sea RV. VS.
- the ocean of air (sometimes personified as a demon with the epithet %{mahA4n} or %{ta@nayitnu4s})
- (%{as}, rarely %{am} [MBh. xiii, 7362]) m. n. the sea
- (hence) the number, `" four "' Su1ryas.
- N. of two metres (cf. %{a4rNa}, m.)N. of wk. on jurisprudence.
- अर्थ (artha) (artha)
- %{as}, %{am} m. n. [in RV. i-ix only n. [90,3]
- in RV. x six times n. and thrice m.
- in later Sanskr2it only m.] aim, purpose (very often %{artham}, %{arthena}, %{arthAya}, and %{arthe} ifc. or with gen., for the sake of. on account of. in behalf of. for "')
- cause, motive, reason Mn. ii, 213, &c.
- advantage, use, utility (generally named with ka1ma and dharma see %{tri-varga}
- used in wishing well to another dat. or gen. Pa1n2. 2-3, 73)
- thing, object (said of the membrum virile S3Br. xiv)
- object of the senses VarBr2S.
- (hence) the number, five "', Seiryas.
- substance, wealth, property, opulence, money
- (hence in astron.) N. of the second mansion, the mansion of wealth (cf, %{dhana}) VarBr2S.
- personified as the son of Dharma arid Buddhi BhP.
- affair, concern (Ved. often acc. a4rtham with %{i}, or gam, to go to one's business, take up one's work RV. &c.)
- (in law) lawsuit, action
- having to do with (instr.), wanting, needing anything (instr.), SBr, &c.
- %{sense}, meaning, notion (cf. %{artha-zabdau} and %{arthAt} s.v. below and %{vedatattvA7rtha-vid})
- manner, kind L., prohibition, prevention
- price (for %{argha} q.v.)
- (%{At}) abl. ind. see s.v. below
- (%{e}) loc. ind. with 1. %{kR} (g. %{sakSAd-Adi} q.v.)
- अर्थनीय (arthanīya) (arthanīya)
- mfn. to be requested, asked for.
- अर्थवत् (arthavat) (arthavat)
- mfn. wealthy
- full of sense, significant Pa1n2. 1-2, 45, &c.
- suitable to the object, fitting RPra1t. Ka1tyS3r.
- full of reality, real
- (%{An}) m. a man
- (%{artha-vat}) ind. according to a purpose Mn. v, 134 Ya1jn5. iii, 2.
- अर्थसाधक (arthasādhaka) (arthasādhaka)
- mf(%{ikA})n. promoting an aim, useful, profitable MBh. i, 4785, &c. (cf. %{svA7rthasAdhaka})
- m. the plant Putram2ji1va RoxburghiiN.
- N. of a minister of king Da4s3arathi R. i, 7, 3.
- अर्थित (arthita) (arthita)
- mfn. asked, desired, requested
- (%{am}), ii. wish, desire[91,3]
- अर्थिन् (arthin) (arthin)
- mfn. active, industrious RV.
- (cf %{arthe74t} above)
- one who wants or desires anything (instr. or in comp.
- cf. %{putrA7rthin}, %{balA7rthin})
- supplicating or entreating any one (gen.)
- longing for, libidinous R. i, 48, 18
- (%{I}) m. one who asks for a girl in marriage, a wooer Ya1jn5. i, 60 Katha1s.
- a beggar, petitioner, suitor Mn. xi, 1, &c.
- one who supplicates with prayers VarBr2S.
- a plaintiff, prosecutor Mn. viii, 62 and 79 Ya1jn5. ii, 6
- a servant
- a follower, companion
- अर्थ्य (arthya) (arthya)
- mf(%{A} Pa1n2. 4-4, 92) n. = %{arthanIya} q.v.
- proper, fit R. Ragh. Kum.
- rich Pan5cat. Katha1s.
- intelligent, wise
- = %{dhruva}
- (%{am}) n. red chalk
- अर्दन (ardana) (ardana)
- mfn. moving restlessly Nir. vi, 3
- ifc. (%{janA7rdana}) disturbing, distressing, tormenting R. BhP. &c.
- annihilating, destroying BhP. (cf. %{mahISA7rdana})
- (%{as}) m. a N. of S3iva MBh. xiii, 1147
- (%{A}) f. request
- (%{am}) n. pain, trouble, excitement Sus3r.
- अर्दित (ardita) (ardita)
- mfn. asked, requested, begged
- injured, pained, afflicted, tormented, wounded MBh. &c.
- killed, destroyed ib.
- (%{am}) n. N. of a disease (spasm of the jaw-bones, trismus, tetanus
- or hemiplegia i.e. paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face and neck) Sus3r.
- अर्ध (ardha) (ardha)
- 1 m. Ved. side, part
- place, region, country (cf. %{a4py-ardham}, %{abhy-ardha4}, %{parA7rdha4})
- [Lat. {ordo}
- Germ. {ort}.]
- अर्धनारीश्वर (ardhanārīśvara) (ardhanārīśvara)
- m. `" the lord who is half female (and half male) "', a form of S3iva.
- अर्धमागधी (ardhamāgadhī) (ardhamāgadhī)
- f. a variety of the Ma1gadhi1 dialect (being the language of the sacred Iiterature of the Jains).
- अर्धर्च (ardharca) (ardharca)
- (%{Rsc}
- cf. %{-Rca4} above) m. half a verse AV. ix, 10, 19 S3Br. &c.
- (%{ardharca) -za4s} ind. by hemistichs "' AV. xx, 135 5 S3Br. &c.
- %{-zasya} mfn. to be recited in hemistichs Vait.
- %{ardharcA7di}, a g. of Pa1sn2. (ii, 4, 31)
- %{ardharcA7ntara} n. another hemistich Ka1tyS3r.
- अर्धिक (ardhika) (ardhika)
- mf(%{I} Pa1n2. 5-1, 48) n. measuring a half. Ya1jn5. ii, 296
- (ifc. cf. Pa1n2. 4-3, 4 Comm.) forming the half of. Mn. iii, 1, &c.
- (= %{ardha-sIrin} above) receiving half the crop for his labour Vishn2us. (cf. %{Ardhika}).
- अर्धिन् (ardhin) (ardhin)
- mfn. forming a half. TS.
- giving half (the dakshin2a1) La1t2y.
- receiving half (the %{dakSiNA}) Mn. viii, 210.
- अर्पण (arpaṇa) (arpaṇa)
- mf(%{I})n. procuring MBh. xiii, 1007
- consigning, entrusting
- (%{a4rpaNa}) n. inserting, fixing R.
- piercing AV. xii, 3, 22
- placing in or upon Ragh. ii, 35
- offering, delivering, consigning, entrusting of (gen. or in comp.)
- giving back Hit.
- अर्पित (arpita) (arpita)
- [eight times in RV.
- cf. Pa1n2. 6-1, 209 seq.] or mfn. see p. 92, col. 3.
- अर्बुद (arbuda) (arbuda)
- m. Ved. a serpent-like demon (conquered by Indra, a descendant of Kadru1 therefore called Ka1draveya S3Br. AitBr.
- said to be the author of RV. x, 94 RAnukr.) RV. &c.
- (%{a4s}) RV.i, 51, 6 and x, 67, 12
- (%{am}) n. N. of the above-named hymn RV. x, 94 A1s3vS3r.
- (%{as}, %{am}) m. n. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month [Nir. xiv, 6] or in the second month [Ya1jn5. iii, 75 and 89])
- a swelling, tumour, polypus Sus3r. &c.
- (%{a4rbuda}), ri. (also m. L.) ten millions VS. xvii, 2, &c.
- (%{as}),m.N. of a mountain in the west of India (commonly called Abu1, a place of pilgrimage of the Jainas, and celebrated for its Jaina temples)
- m. pl.N. of a people VarBr2S. BhP. &c.
- अर्भ (arbha) (arbha)
- mf(%{A}) n. little, small, unimportant RV.
- (%{arbha4}) mfn. id. AV. vii 56, 3
- m. child, boy BhP. [Lat. {orbus}
- Gk. $]. &28835[93,1] %{As}, ruins, rubbish VS. xxx, 11 TS. &c., often ifc. in names of old villages half or entirely gone to ruin (e.g. %{guptA7rma}, %{kukkuTA7rma}, %{bRhad-arma}, &c., qq. vv.) Pa1n2. 6-2, 90 seq and viii, 2, 2 Sch.
- m. = %{arman} q.v. Un2.
- अर्भक (arbhaka) (arbhaka)
- mfn. small, minuteVS.
- weak RV. vii, 33, 6 AV.
- (used together with %{kumAraka4}) young, childish RV. viii, 30, 1 and 69, 15
- emaciated
- similar
- m. a boy, child Ragh. &c., the young of any animal S3ak. (v.l.) Ka1d. a fool, idiot
- अर्मक (armaka) (armaka)
- am, rubbish, ruins RV. i, 133, 3.
- अर्य (arya) (arya)
- 1 (2, once 3 RV. iv, 1, 7) mfn. ( %{R}) kind, favourable RV.
- attached to, true, devoted, dear RV.
- excellent
- (%{a4s}) m. a master, lord Naigh. Pa1n2. 3-1, 103 (cf. 3. %{a4rya}.)2 mf(%{A})n. ( = 1. %{arya4}) kind, favourable RV. i, 123, 1.
- अर्यमन् (aryaman) (aryaman)
- %{A} m. a bosom friend, play-fellow, companion, (especially) a friend who asks a woman in marriage for anotherS3Br. TBr.
- N. of an Aditya (who is commonly invoked together with Varun2a and Mitra, also with Bhaga, Br2ihaspati, and others
- he is supposed to be the chief of the Manes Bhag. &c., the milky way is called his path [%{aryamNa4H@pa4nthAH} TBr.]
- he presides over the Nakshatra Uttaraphalguni1 VarBr2S.
- his name is used to form different male names Pa1n2. 5-3, 84) RV. &c.
- the sun S3is3. ii, 39
- the Asclepias plant[93,2]
- अर्वत् (arvat) (arvat)
- mfn. running, hasting RV. v, 54, 14 and AV. iv, 9, 2
- low, inferior, vile Un2.
- (%{An}) m. a courser, horse RV. VS. AV. BhP.
- the driver of a horse RV. x, 40, 5 and 74, 1
- N. of a part of the sacrificial action RV. ii, 33, i and viii, 71, 12, (%{a4rvati}) f. a mare
- a bawd, procuress.
- अर्वाच् (arvāc) (arvāc)
- %{vA4G}, %{vA4cI}, %{vA4k}, Ved. (fr. %{aJc} with %{arva}, near or `" hither "') coming hitherward, coming to meet any one, turned towards RV. &c., being on this side (of a river) L., being below or turned downwards AV. S3Br. ChUp.
- (acc. %{arvAJcA4k}) with %{nud}, to push down RV. visi, 14, 8
- (%{A4k}) ind. see ss.vv. %{arvA4k} and %{arvA4g},
- अर्शस् (arśas) (arśas)
- n. piles, hemorrhoids VS. xii, 97, &c.
- अर्शस (arśasa) (arśasa)
- mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 127) afflicted with hemorrhoids Mn. iii, 7 Sus3r. [93,3]
- अर्ह (arha) (arha)
- mf(%{A})n. meriting, deserving (praise or blame cf. %{pUjA7rha}, %{nindA7rha}), worthy of. having a claim or being entitled to (acc. or Inf. or in comp.)
- being required, obliged, allowed (with Inf.)
- becoming, proper, fit (with gen. or ifc.) Pan5cat.
- worth (in money), costing R., (cf. %{satA7rha}, %{sahasrA7rha}), m. a N. of Indra L., (%{a}) f. or (%{ANi}) n. pl. worship ChUp. .
- अर्हत् (arhat) (arhat)
- mfn. deserving, entitled to (acc.) RV.
- used in a respectful address for %{arhasi} Pa1n2. 3-2, 133, able, allowed to (acc.) RV.
- worthy, venerable, respectable S3Br. AitBr. &c. (see %{arhat-tama} below)
- praised, celebrated
- (%{an}) m. a Buddha who is still a candidate for Nirva1n2a
- (= %{kSapaNaka}) a Jaina
- an Arhat or superior divinity with the Jainas
- the highest rank in the Buddhist hierarchy L.
- अल (ala) (ala)
- n. the sting in the tail of a scorpion (or a bee)(cf. %{ali@and@alin})
- (= %{Ala} q.v.) yellow orpiment L.
- अलक (alaka) (alaka)
- %{as}, %{am} m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a curl, lock Ragh. &c.
- (%{as}) m. (= %{alarka} q.v.) a mad dog
- (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a people VarBr2S.
- of the Inhabitants of Kubera's residence Alaka1 MBh. iii, 11813
- (%{A}) f. (g. %{kSipakA7di} q.v.) a girl from eight to ten years of age
- N. of the capital of Kubera (situated on a peak of the Hima1laya inhabited also by S3iva) Kum. vi, 37, &c.
- N. of a town in Nishadha Katha1s.
- अलक्त (alakta) (alakta)
- m. (said to be for %{arakta}), red juice or lac (obtained from the red resin of certain trees and from the cochineal's red sap) L.
- अलक्षण (alakṣaṇa) (alakṣaṇa)
- n. ( %{lakS}), a bad, inauspicious sign Mn. iv, 156
- (%{a-lakSaNa4}) mf(%{A})n. having no signs or marks, without characteristic S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. i, 5, having no good marks, inauspicious, unfurtunate Ragh. xiv, 5.
- अलक्षित (alakṣita) (alakṣita)
- mfn. unseen, unperceived, unobserved MBh.
- uncharacterized having no particular mark S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
- अलङ्घनीय (alaṅghanīya) (alaṅghanīya)
- mfn. insurmountable, impassable, not to be crossed
- not to be reached or caught (by hastening) S3a1k.
- not to be transgressed, inviolable. -.
- अलभमान (alabhamāna) (alabhamāna)
- mfn. not gaining, &c.
- अलि (ali) (ali)
- 1 m. (for %{alin}, fr. %{ala} q.v.) `" possessed of a sting "', a (large black) bee Ragh. &c.
- a scorpion
- a crow
- the Indian cuckoo
- spirituous liquor L.2 (in the Apabhran6sa dialect) for %{ari}, enemy (pl. %{alayas} for %{arayas}) Pat.
- also %{ala4vas} is mentioned as a corrupt pronunciation for %{a4ryas} S3Br.
- अलवण (alavaṇa) (alavaṇa)
- mfn. not salty Pa1n2. 5-1, 121.
- अलस (alasa) (alasa)
- mf(%{A})n. inactive, without energy, lazy, idle, indolent, tired, faint S3Br. AitBr.
- &c.
- m. a sore or ulcer between the toes Sus3r.
- (= %{a-lasaka} below) tympanitis Bhpr.
- N. of a small poisonous animal Sus3r.N. of a plant L., (%{A}), f. the climbing plant Vitis Pedata Wall L.
- अलाबु (alābu) (alābu)
- f. the bottle-gourd (Lagenaria Vulgaris Ser) Sus3r. &c.
- (%{us}, %{u}) m. n. a vessel made of the bottle-gourd AV. &c.
- (used by Bra1hmanical ascetics) Mn. vi, 54 Jain.
- (%{u}) n. the fruit of the bottle-gourd MBh. ii, 2196, &c.
- अलाभ (alābha) (alābha)
- m. non-acquirement Mn. vi, 57
- want, deficiency A1s3vGr2. &c.
- loss (in selling goods) Mn. ix "' 331
- loss (of life, %{prA7Na}) Mn. xi, 80
- अलिक (alika) (alika)
- %{as}, m.= %{alIka}, the forehead Ba1lar.
- N. of a Pra1krit poet.
- अलिङ्ग (aliṅga) (aliṅga)
- n. absence of marks Comm. on Nya1yad., (mfn.) having no marks Nir. Mun2d2Up. &c.
- (in Gr.) having no gender.
- अलिन् (alin) (alin)
- %{I} m. `" possessed of a sting "' (%{ala} q.v.), a (large black) bee BhP. &c.
- a scorpion
- the Scorpion (in the zodiac) VarBr2S.
- (%{inI}) f. a female bee S3is3. vi, 72, a swarm of bees BhP.
- अलिन्द (alinda) (alinda)
- m. (ifc. f. %{I} g. %{gaurA7di} q.v.) a terrace before a house-door S3a1k. &c.
- (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a people MBh. vi, 371 VP.
- अलिन्दक (alindaka) (alindaka)
- m. a terrace before a house-door
- अलीक (alīka) (alīka)
- mf(%{A} Naish.)n. unpleasing, disagreeable (as a serpent) AV. v, 13, 5
- untrue, false, pretended MBh. &c. little
- (%{am}) n. anything displeasing As3vS3r. R. ii, 52, 25
- falsehood, untruth Mn. xi, 55, &c.
- the forehead (cf. %{alika}), heaven L.
- अलोभ (alobha) (alobha)
- m. `" non-confusion "', steadiness AitBr.
- absence of cupidity, moderation Hit.
- अलउकिक (alaükika) (alaukika)
- mf(%{I})n. not current in the world, uncommon, unusual (especially said of words)
- not relating to this world, supernatural. see %{a-loka}.
- अल्प (alpa) (alpa)
- mf(%{A})n. (m. pl. %{e} or %{As} Pa1n2. 1-1, 33) small, minute, trifling, little AV. &c.
- (%{am}) ind. (opposed to %{bahu}) little Mn. ii, 149 and x, 60
- (%{ena}) instr. ind. (with a perf. Pass. p. Pa1n2. 2-3, 33) `" for little "', cheap Dal. [95,3]
- easily R. iv, 32, 7
- (%{At}) abl. ind. (with a perf. Pass. p.) without much trouble, easily Pa1n2. 2-3, 33
- (in comp. with a past Pass. p.) ii, 1, 39 and vi, 3, 2.
- अल्पक (alpaka) (alpaka)
- mf(%{ikA})n. small, minute, trifling Mn. &c.
- (%{a4m}) ind. little Naigh. S3Br.
- (%{A4t}) abl. ind. shortly after S3Br.
- m. the plants Hedysarum Alhagi and Premna Herbacea
- अल्पधी (alpadhī) (alpadhī)
- mfn. weakminded, having little sense, foolish Hit.
- अल्पाहार (alpāhāra) (alpāhāra)
- mfn. taking little food, moderate, abstinent Buddh. Jain.
- अल्पाहारिन् (alpāhārin) (alpāhārin)
- mfn. id. L.
- अल्पीयस् (alpīyas) (alpīyas)
- mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-3, 64 cf. %{alpa-tara} above) smaller, less Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c., very small.
- अल्ला (allā) (allā)
- f. (voc. %{alla}), a mother Pa1n2. 7-3, 107 Sch.
- अवकाश (avakāśa) (avakāśa)
- m. (ifc. f. %{A}) place, space
- room, occasion, opportunity, (%{avakAsA7M} 1. %{kR} or %{dA} to make room, give way, admit S3Br. &c.
- %{avakazaM} %{labh} or %{Ap}, to get a footing, obtain a favourable opportunity S3ak. &c.
- to find scope, happen take place
- %{avakAzaM} %{rudh}, not to, give way, hinder Megh.).
- aperture Sus3r. (%{-zena} instr. ind. between PBr.)
- intermediate time S3Br.
- `" a glance cast on anything "'N. of certain verses, during the recitation of which the eyes must be fixed on particular objects (which therefore are called %{avakAzya} q.v.) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
- अवकाश्य (avakāśya) (avakāśya)
- mfn. `" to be looked at "', admitted in the recitation of the Avaka1s3a verses Ka1tyS3r.
- अवकीर्णिन् (avakīrṇin) (avakīrṇin)
- mfn. ( = %{a4va-kIrNa}) who has violated his vow of chastity A1s3vS3r. &c.
- अवक्षेप (avakṣepa) (avakṣepa)
- m. blaming, reviling, scolding Pa1n2. 6-3, 73 Comm.
- अवक्षेपण (avakṣepaṇa) (avakṣepaṇa)
- n. throwing down, overcoming Pa1n2. 1-3, 32, &c.
- reviling, blame, despising Pa1n2. 5-3, 95 & vi, 2, 195
- (%{I}) f. bridle
- अवगण (avagaṇa) (avagaṇa)
- mfn. separated from one's companions, isolated MBh. iii, 4057
- (v.l. %{ava-guNa} MBh. xiii, 5207.) [97,2]
- अवगणित (avagaṇita) (avagaṇita)
- mfn. disregarded Pan5cat.
- despised
- अवगत (avagata) (avagata)
- mfn. conceived, known, learnt, understood, comprehended
- assented to, promised
- अवगन्तव्य (avagantavya) (avagantavya)
- mfn. to be known or understood, intended to be understood, meant.
- अवगाहन (avagāhana) (avagāhana)
- n. immersion, bathing.
- अवगुण्ठन (avaguṇṭhana) (avaguṇṭhana)
- n. hiding, veiling Mr2icch. Ka1d.
- (often %{kRtA7vaguNThana}, `" enveloped in "')
- a veil Sa1h. &c.
- a peculiar intertwining of the fingers in certain religious ceremonies
- sweeping L.
- अवगुण्ठनवत् (avaguṇṭhanavat) (avaguṇṭhanavat)
- mfn. covered with a veil Ma1lav. S3ak.
- अवग्रह (avagraha) (avagraha)
- m. separation of the component parts of a compound, or of the stem and certain suffixes and terminations (occurring in the Pada text of the Vedas) Pra1t. &c.
- the mark or the interval of such a separation Pra1t.
- the syllable or letter after which the separation occurs VPra1t. Pa1n2. 8-4, 26, the chief member of a word so separated Pra1t.
- obstacle, impediment, restraint PBr. &c.
- (= %{varSa@pratibandha} Pa1n2. 3-3, 51) drought Ragh. Katha1s.
- nature, original temperament
- `" perception with the senses "', a form of knowlege Jain.
- an imprecation or term of abuse
- an elephant's forehead
- a herd of elephants
- an iron hook with which elephants are driven L.
- अवचय (avacaya) (avacaya)
- m. gathering (as flowers, fruits, &c.) S3ak. &c.
- अवच्छिन्न (avacchinna) (avacchinna)
- mfn. separated, detached La1t2y. &c.
- (in logic) predicated (i.e. separated from everything else by the properties predicated), distinguished, particularised Sarvad. &c.
- अवच्छेद (avaccheda) (avaccheda)
- m. anything cut off (as from clothes) A1s3vS3r.
- part, portion (as of a recitation) ib.
- separation, discrimination
- (in logic) distinction, particularising, determining
- a predicate (the property of a thing by which it is distinguished from everything else).
- अवच्छेदक (avacchedaka) (avacchedaka)
- mfn. distinguishing, particularising, determining m. `" that which distinguishes "', a predicate, characteristic, property
- अवज्ञा (avajñā) (avajñā)
- 1 %{-jAnAti} (ind. p. %{-jJaya}
- perf. Pass. %{-jajJle} Bhat2t2.) to disesteem, have a low opinion of, despise, treat with contempt MBh. &c.
- to excel Ka1vya7d. 2 f. contempt, disesteem, disrespect (with loc. or gen.)
- (%{ayA}) instr. ind. with disregard, indifferently Katha1s. (cf. %{sA7vAjJam}.)
- अवस् (avas) (avas)
- 1 n. ( %{av}), favour, furtherance, protection, assistanceVS.
- refreshing RV.
- enjoyment, pleasure RV.
- wish, desire (as of men for the gods &c. RV., or of the waters for the sea RV. viii, 16, 2) (cf. %{-sv-a4vas}.)
- अवतप्त (avatapta) (avatapta)
- mfn. heated L.
- अवतर (avatara) (avatara)
- m. descent, entrance S3is3. i, 43
- opportunity Naish.
- अवतरण (avataraṇa) (avataraṇa)
- n. descending, alighting R. S3ak.
- `" rushing away, sudden disappearance "', or for %{ava-tAraNa} see %{bhArA7vat-} (cf. %{stanyA7vataraNa})
- translating L.
- अवतार (avatāra) (avatāra)
- m. (Pa1n2. 3-3, 120) descent (especially of a deity from heaven), appearance of any deity upon earth (but more particularly the incarnations of Vishn2u in ten principal forms, viz. the fish tortoise, boar, man lion, dwarf, the two Ra1mas, Kr2ishn2a, Buddha, and Kalki MBh. xii, 12941 seqq.)
- any new and unexpected appearance Ragh. iii, 36 & v, 24, &c., (any distinguished person in the language of respect is called an Avata1ra or incarnation of a deity)
- opportunity of catching any one Buddh.
- a Tirtha or sacred place
- translation L.
- अवत्त (avatta) (avatta)
- and %{ava-ttin} see %{ava-} mfn. cut off, divided VS. fli, 43, &c. (cf. %{catur-avatta4}, %{paJcA7vatta}, and %{yathA7vattam}.)
- अवदात (avadāta) (avadāta)
- mfn. ( %{das}), cleansed, clean, clear Pa1n2. Sch. Bhat2t2.
- pure, blameless, excellent MBh. &c., of white splendour, dazzling white ib.
- clear, intelligible Sa1h.
- %{as} m. white colour
- अवदान (avadāna) (avadāna)
- 1 n. a great or glorious act, achievement (object of a legend Buddh.) S3ak. Ragh. xi, 21 Kum. vii, 48. (For 2. %{ava-dA4na} see %{avado}.)
- अवदान (avadāna) (avadāna)
- 1 n. a great or glorious act, achievement (object of a legend Buddh.) S3ak. Ragh. xi, 21 Kum. vii, 48. (For 2. %{ava-dA4na} see %{avado}.)
- अवद्य (avadya) (avadya)
- mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-1, 101) `" not to be praised "', blamable, low, inferior RV. iv, 18, 5 and vi, 15, 12 BhP.
- disagreeable
- (a4m) n. anything blamable, want, imperfection, vice RV. &c.
- blame, censure ib.
- shame, disgrace
- अवधि (avadhi) (avadhi)
- %{iS} m. attention
- a term, limit S3Br. &c.
- conclusion, termination Kum. iv, 43 Katha1s. &c.
- surrounding district, environs, neighbourhood Pa1n2. 4-2, 124
- a hole, pit
- period, time
- (%{i}) ind. until, up to (in comp.) Katha1s.
- (%{es}) abl. ind. until, up to, as far as, as long as (gen. [Megh.], or in comp.) %{-jJAna} n. `" perception extending as far as the furthest limits of the world "' i.e. the faculty of perceiving even what is not within the reach of the sensesN. of the third degree of knowledge Jain.
- अवधान (avadhāna) (avadhāna)
- n. attention, attentiveness, intentness Kum.iv, 2 S3is3. ix, 11, &c., (cf. %{sA7vadhana}.)
- अवधानिन् (avadhānin) (avadhānin)
- mfn. `" attentive "', (gan2aisht2a7di, q.v.)
- अवधीरण (avadhīraṇa) (avadhīraṇa)
- n. or treating with disrespect, repudiating S3ak. Ragh. viii, 47.
- अवधीरित (avadhīrita) (avadhīrita)
- mfn. disrespected, disregarded, Sak. &c.
- surpassed, excelled Sa1h.
- अवधूत (avadhūta) (avadhūta)
- mfn. shaken off (as evil spirits) VS. i, i4
- removed, shaken away BhP. &c.
- discarded, expelled, excluded MBh. &c.
- disregarded, neglected, rejected Das3. &c.
- touched R. vi, 82, 62
- shaken, agitated (especially as plants or the dust by the wind), fanned MBh. &c.
- that upon which anything unclean has been shaken out or off (cf. %{avakSuta}) Mn. v, 125 MBh. xiii, 1577
- unclean BhP.
- one who has shaken, off from himself worldly feeling and obligation, a philosopher (%{brahma-vid}) BhP. Ra1jat.
- m. N. of a S3aiva philosopher
- (%{am}) n. rejecting, repudiating MBh. iv, 352 (= Hariv. 4717).
- अवध्य (avadhya) (avadhya)
- mfn. not to be killed, inviolable VS. viii, 46 Mn. ix, 249, &c. see %{a-vadha4}.
- अवनत (avanata) (avanata)
- mfn. bowed, bent down MBh. &c.
- bending, stooping, deepened, not projecting R. vi, 23, 12, &c.
- अवन्ति (avanti) (avanti)
- %{ayas} m. pl.N. of a country and its in habitants MBh. vi, 350 VarBr2S. &c.
- (%{is}) m. N. of a river.
- अवन्तिपुर (avantipura) (avantipura)
- n. id. Hariv. 4906
- N. of a town in Ka1s3mira, built by Avantivarman Ra1jat.
- (i1) f. Oujein Mr2icch.
- अवपात (avapāta) (avapāta)
- m. falling down Mr2icch.
- (%{an-} neg.) AitBr. (cf. %{zastrA7vap-})
- descent, descending upon
- flying down Hit.
- a hole or pit for catching game in Ragh. xvi, 78 [101,1]
- (%{am}) ind. with %{ava-patya} (ind. p.), falling or flying down like (in comp.)
- अवम (avama) (avama)
- mf(%{A4}) n. undermost, inferior, lowest base RV. &c.
- next, intimate RV.
- last, youngest RV. vi, 21, 5, (ifc. with numerals) less by RPra1t.
- (%{am}) n. (scil. %{dina}) or (%{Ani}) n. pl. the difference (expressed in days of twenty-four hours) existing between the lunar months and the corresponding solar ones VarBr2S. &c.
- अवमन्यक (avamanyaka) (avamanyaka)
- mfn. = %{-mantR} MBh. iii, 1176 (with gen.) VP. (ifc.)
- अवमर्श (avamarśa) (avamarśa)
- &c. see %{ava-} %{mRz}. m. (ifc. f. %{A}) touch, contact S3ak. (v.l.)
- reflecting upon Das3ar.
- अवमान (avamāna) (avamāna)
- m. (ifc. f. a1 Katha1s.) disrespect contempt Mn. ii, 162, &c.
- dishonour, ignominy MBh. iii, 226, &c. &c. see %{ava-man}.
- अवयव (avayava) (avayava)
- &c. see %{ava-yu}. m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a limb, member, part, portion Pa1n2. &c.
- a member or component part of a logical argument or syllogism Nya1yid. &c.
- अवयविन् (avayavin) (avayavin)
- mfn. having portions or subdivisions, a whole BhP. &c., (%{I}) m. a syllogism Nya1yad. &c.
- अवि (avi) (avi)
- mfn. ( %{av}), favourable, kindly disposed AV. v, 1, 9, (%{is}) mf. a sheep RV. (mentioned with reference to its wool being used for the Soma strainer) AV. &c.
- the woollen Soma strainer RV.
- (%{is}) m. a protector, lord
- the sun
- air, wind
- a mountain
- a wall or enclosure
- a cover made of the skin of mice L., (%{is}) f. an ewe AV. x, 8, 31, (= a-vi1 q.v.
- cf. also %{adhi}) a woman in her courses[cf. Lith. {awi-s}
- Slav. {ovjza}, Lat. {ovi-s}
- Gk. $-s
- Goth. {avistr}].
- अवरज (avaraja) (avaraja)
- mf(%{A})n. of low birth, inferior, younger, junior R. iii, 75, 10 BhP.
- m. a S3u1dra Mn. ii, 223
- a younger brother R. Ra1jat.
- (with abl.) MBh. iv, 1012, (%{A}) f. a younger sister Ragh. BhP.
- अवर (avara) (avara)
- mf(%{A})n. (fr. 2. %{a4va}), below inferiorVS.
- low, mean, unimportant of small value S3Br. Up. Mn. &c.
- posterior, hinder, later, last, younger RV. &c.
- nearer
- western S3Br.
- preceding (with abl., opposed to %{pa4ra}) S3Br. RPra1t.
- (%{A}) f. `" after-birth "' see %{avarA7vapatana} below
- (= %{aparA} q.v.) the hind quarter of an elephant
- N. of Durga1 L., (%{am}) n. ifc. (f. a1) the least, the lowest degree, lowest sum (cf. %{kArSApaNA7vara}, %{trirAtrA7vara}, %{try-avara}, %{dazA7vara}, %{saMvatsarA7vara}), the hind thigh of an elephant
- (%{eNa}) instr. ind. below (with acc.) S3Br.
- अवरोध (avarodha) (avarodha)
- 1 m. hindrance, obstruction, injury, harm Sus3r. &c.
- seclusion, imprisonment A1p. Comm. on Ya1jn5.
- an enclosure, confinement, besieging Hit.
- a covering, lid
- a fence, pen
- the inner apartments of a palace, the queen's or women's apartments MBh. i, 1812 R. &c.
- a palace
- (%{As}), (or in comp. %{avarodha-}) the women's apartments, the wives of a king S3ak. Ragh. &c.2 m. (1. %{rudh} = %{ruh}) `" moving down "', see 1. %{rodha}
- (= %{ava-roha} below) a shoot or root sent down by a branch (of the Indian fig-tree) AitBr.
- अवरोह (avaroha) (avaroha)
- m. descent
- (in music) descending from a higher tone to a lower one Comm. on Mr2icch.
- mounting
- a shoot or root sent down by a branch (especially of the Indian fig-tree
- cf. 2. %{ava-rodha}), Kaus. Pa1rGr2. R. ii, 52, 96
- (= %{lato7dgama}) a creeping plant climbing up to the top of a tree
- heaven L.
- अवलम्ब (avalamba) (avalamba)
- mf(%{A})n. hanging down from (loc. R.)or to (in comp. MBh. xiii, 982), (%{as}), m.hanging on or from Megh.
- depending, resting upon
- dependance, support, a prop, a stay Ragh.xix, 5o, &c. (cf. %{nir-avat-}), a perpendicular(cf. %{pRSThyA7vat-}.)
- अवलम्बित (avalambita) (avalambita)
- mfn. hanging down, hanging on, suspended from, clinging to S3ak. &c.
- crouching or settling down Hit.
- depending upon, resting upon as a support Ragh. ix, 69 Vikr. &c.
- placed upon Sus3r.
- supported or protected by
- (in Pass. sense) clung to, caught hold of S3is3. vi, 10
- (fr. Caus.) having been made to hang down, let down (as a basket by a string) Katha1s.
- अवलम्बितव्य (avalambitavya) (avalambitavya)
- mfn. to be caught hold of or grasped, to be clung to.
- अवलम्बिन् (avalambin) (avalambin)
- mfn. hanging down so as to rest upon, hanging on or from, depending on
- clinging to, reclining, resting upon.
- अवलिप्त (avalipta) (avalipta)
- mfn. smeared MBh. i, 6391
- viii, 2059 Sus3r. Vet.
- furred (as the tongue) Sus3r.
- (= %{a4pi-ripta} q.v.) blind (?) VS. xxiv, 3 Kaus3.
- proud, arrogant Mn. iv, 79 MBh. &c.
- अवलिप्तता (avaliptatā) (avaliptatā)
- f. or [R.] pride, arrogance.
- अवलुम्पन (avalumpana) (avalumpana)
- n. rushing upon (as of a wolf) MBh. i, 5586.
- अवलेप (avalepa) (avalepa)
- m. glutinousness (as of the mouth) Sus3r. [103,3]
- ointment
- ornament
- pride, haughtiness BhP. Ragh. &c. (cf. %{an-} neg.) &c. see %{ava-lip}.
- अवलोक (avaloka) (avaloka)
- m. looking upon or at, viewing Vikr. S3is3. ix, 71 Sa1h., look, glance BhP.
- (%{eSu}) loc. pl. ind. before the (looks or) eyes of(gen.) MBh. i, 7902.
- अवलोकन (avalokana) (avalokana)
- n. seeing, beholding, viewing, observing Ragh. xi, 60, &c.
- a look, glance Ragh. x, 14, &c.
- looking like "', appearance of (in comp.) BhP.
- (%{A}). the aspect (of planets) VarBr2S.
- अवलोकित (avalokita) (avalokita)
- mfn. seen viewed, observed, viewed by, i. e. being in sight of a planet VarBr2S. Ma1rkP.
- m. = %{avalokitezvara} below
- (%{A}) f. N. of a woman, Ma1latim.
- (%{am}) n. looking at, beholding L.
- अवश (avaśa) (avaśa)
- mf(%{A})n. unsubmissive to another's will, independent, unrestrained, free, Av. vi, 42, 3 & 43, 3, &c.
- not having one's own free will, doing something against one's desire or unwillingly Mn. v, 33 Bhag. &c.
- अवशिष्ट (avaśiṣṭa) (avaśiṣṭa)
- mfn. left, remaining.
- अवशेष (avaśeṣa) (avaśeṣa)
- n. leavings, remainder Mn. viii, 159, &c.
- often ifc. e.g. %{ardhA7v-}, %{kathA7v-}, %{pitA7v-} q.v.
- (%{am}) ind. ifc. so as to leave as a remnant Das3. (cf. %{nir-av}.) &c. see %{ava-ziS}.
- अवश्य (avaśya) (avaśya)
- in comp. with a fut. p.p. (and with some other words) for %{a-vazyam} Pa1n2. 6-1, 144, Conim.
- (%{avazyam}) ind necessarily, inevitably, certainly, at all events, by all means, %{avazyam@eva}, most surely (cf. %{Avazyaka}.)
- अवस (avasa) (avasa)
- n. Ved. refreshment, food, provisions, viaticum RV. i, 93, 4
- 119 6
- vi 61 &c.
- (with %{pad@va4t}) `" food that has feet "' i.e. cattle RV. x, 169, 1
- m. a king Un2.
- अवसर (avasara) (avasara)
- see %{ava-sR}. m. `" descent (of water) "', rain
- occasion, moment, favourable opportunity S3ak. &c.
- seasonableness, appropriate place for anything (gen.) Katha1s.
- any one's (gen.) turn Pan5cat.
- leisure, advantageous situation
- (= %{mantra}) consultation in private(?)
- a year
- (%{e}) loc. ind. at the right moment Katha1s.
- अवसान (avasāna) (avasāna)
- 1 mfn. ( %{vas}), not dressed RV. iii, 1, 6.
- अवसाय (avasāya) (avasāya)
- &c. see %{ava-so}. 2 m. (Pa1n2. 3-1, 141) `" taking up one's abode "' see %{yatra-kAmA7vasAya}
- termination, conclusion, end[105,3]
- remainder
- determination, ascertainment
- अवसिक्त (avasikta) (avasikta)
- mfn. sprinkled MBh. Hariv. R.
- अवस्था (avasthā) (avasthā)
- P. %{-tiSThati} (impf. %{-atiSThat}
- aor. Subj. %{-sthAt}
- perf. A1. 3. sg. %{-tasthe}
- perf. p. P. %{-tasthiva4s}) `" to go down into (acc.), reach down to (acc.) RV. S3Br.
- (aor. Subj. 2. pl. %{-sthAta}), to go away from (abl.) RV. v, 53, 8
- (aor. Subj. 1. sg. %{-stkam}) to be separated from or deprived of (abl.) RV. ii, 27, 17: A1. (Pa1n2. 1-3, 22
- rarely P. e.g. Bhag. xiv, 23 BhP. &c.) to take one's stand, remain standing A1s3vGr2. &c.
- to stay, abide, stop at any place (loc.) MBh. &c.
- to abide in a state or condition (instr.) MBh. i, 5080 BhP. &c.
- (with ind. p.) to remain or continue (doing anything) MBh. i, 5770
- iii, 187 (ed. Bomb.), &c.
- to be found, exist, be present MBh. Ya1jn5. i, 272, &c.
- (perf. 1 sg. %{-tasthe}) to fall to, fall into the possession of (dat.) RV. x, 48, 5
- to enter, be absorbed in in (loc.) Mn. vi, 81 [106,1]
- to penetrate (as sound or as fame) MBh. xiii, 1 845: Pass. %{-sthIyate}, to be settled or fixed or chosen S3ak.: Caus. (generally ind. p. %{-sthApya}) to cause to stand or stop (as a carriage or an army &c.), let behind MBh. &c.
- to place upon (loc.), fix, set, array A1s3vGr2. &c.
- to cause to enter or be absorbed in (loc.) MBh. iii, 12502
- to render solid or firm R. v, 35, 36
- to establish (by arguments) Comm. on Nya1yad.: Pass. Caus. %{-sthApyate}, to be kept firm [`" to be separated "' BR.] BhP.
- अवस्थान (avasthāna) (avasthāna)
- n. standing, taking up one's place R. v, 5, 18
- situation, condition Pan5cat. Hit.
- residing, abiding, dwelling Veda1ntas. Sa1h.
- stability Ra1jat. (cf. %{an-av-}.)
- अवस्थित (avasthita) (avasthita)
- mfn. standing near (sometimes with acc., e.g. Hariv. 147 28 R. v, 73, 26), placed, having its place or abode A1s3vS3r. MaitrUp. MBh., &c., (with a pr. p.) continuing to do anything R. iii, 30, 19
- engaged in, prosecuting, following, practising (with loc. [MBh. si, 1228 Mn. &c.] or in comp. [Bhag. iv, 23 Hit])
- obeying or following (the words or commands of
- loc.) BhP. Bhat2t2.
- giving one's self up to (e.g. to compassion or pride) MBh. xii, 272 R. v, 58, 13
- contained in (loc.) Mn. xii, 119 Bhag. ix, 4 and xv, 11: being incumbent upon (loc.) Kum. ii, 28, ready for (dat.) Pan5cat., firm, fixed, determined, Kath2hUp. R. &c.
- steady, trusty, to be relied on Mn. vii, 60, &c. (cf. %{an-av-}.)
- अवहित (avahita) (avahita)
- mfn. plunged into (loc.)
- fallen into (as into water or into a hole of the ground) RV. i, 105, 17 & x, 137, 1, &c.
- placed into, confined within S3Br. &c.
- (gan2apravr2iddha7di q.v.) attentive R. &c. see %{ava-dhA}.
- अवहित्थ (avahittha) (avahittha)
- n. (corrupted fr. %{abahiH-stha}?) dissimulation
- (%{A}) f. id. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c.
- अवाच् (avāc) (avāc)
- 1 mfn. id. S3Br. xiv VarBr2S.
- अवाच्य (avācya) (avācya)
- 1 mfn. not to be addressed Mn. ii, 128, improper to be uttered R. Katha1s.
- (%{a@vAcyaM@karma@maithunam}) Comm. on S3Br.
- not distinctly expressed "' see %{-tva}.
- अवान्तर (avāntara) (avāntara)
- mfn. intermediate TS. S3Br.
- respectively different, respective (generally said with regard to two things only), Veda1ntas Sa1h. &c., (%{a4m}) ind. differently from (abl.) MaitrS.
- (%{A4m}) ind. between S3Br.
- अवाप्त (avāpta) (avāpta)
- mfn. one who has attained or reached Kat2hUp.
- obtained, got, (%{am}) n. `" got by division, a quotient Comm. on VarBr2.
- अवी (avī) (avī)
- %{Is} f. ( %{vI}), a woman in her courses
- अविकार्य (avikārya) (avikārya)
- mfn. invariable Bhag. ii, 25.
- अविच्छिन्दत् (avicchindat) (avicchindat)
- mfn. not separating from each other, A13vGr2. [108,2]
- अविच्छिन्न (avicchinna) (avicchinna)
- mfn. uninterrupted, continual A1s3vGr2. S3a1n3khGr2. Hariv. &c.
- अविज्ञ (avijña) (avijña)
- mfn. ignorant.
- अविज्ञता (avijñatā) (avijñatā)
- f. ignorance.
- अविज्ञेय (avijñeya) (avijñeya)
- mfn. undistinguishable undiscernible Mn. i, 5 and xii, 29 Bhag. xiii, 15 Jaim.
- अविदासिन् (avidāsin) (avidāsin)
- mfn. not drying up (as a pond), perennial A1s3vGr2. Gobh. BhP.
- अविद्वस् (avidvas) (avidvas)
- mfn. (perf. p.) not knowing, ignorant&c. comp. %{a4-viduS-Tara} mfn. quite ignorant RV. x, 2, 4.
- अविद्य (avidya) (avidya)
- mfn. unlearned, unwise Mn. ix, 205, &c.
- (%{avidyA}) f. ignorance, spiritual ignorance AV. xi, 8, 23 VS. xl, 12-14 S3Br.xiv
- (in Veda1nta phil.) illusion (personified as Ma1ya1), ignorance together with non-existence Buddh.
- अविधवा (avidhavā) (avidhavā)
- f. not a widow RV. x, 18, 7, S3an3khGr2. &c.
- अविनय (avinaya) (avinaya)
- m. want of good manners or modesty, bad or rude behaviour Mn. vii, 40 & 41 S3ak. &c.
- (mf(%{A})n.) misbehaving Comm. on Kap.
- अविनीत (avinīta) (avinīta)
- mfn. badly trained or brought up, illmannered, misbehaving Mn. iv, 67 Ya1jn5. iii, 155 R. &c.
- (%{A}) f. an immodest or unchaste woman. see a %{vinaya}.
- अविप्लुत (avipluta) (avipluta)
- mfn. unviolated, observed without deviation Mn. iii, 2 Ya1jn5. i, 52 BhP. &c.
- undeviating, steadily observing (the vow of chastity) Mn. ii, 249 MBh. xii, 12033.
- अविभक्त (avibhakta) (avibhakta)
- mfn. undivided La1t2y. Bhag. xii, 16 Ra1jat.
- `" not shared "' see %{-tva} un-separated, Joint (as co-heirs who have not divided their inheritance) Mn. ix, 215 BhP.
- अविभक्तत्व (avibhaktatva) (avibhaktatva)
- n. the not being shared Jaim.
- the not being distinguished (from each other) ib.
- अविवेक (aviveka) (aviveka)
- m. absence of judgment or discrimination Pan5cat. Katha1s.
- non-separation, nondistinction Kap.
- (%{am}) ind. see %{a-vivecam}.
- अविवेकता (avivekatā) (avivekatā)
- want of judgment, inconsiderateness Pan5cat. Hit.
- अविशङ्क (aviśaṅka) (aviśaṅka)
- mfn. having no doubts, not hesitating MBh. iii, 2171 and xiii, 2747
- (%{A}) f. `" no hesitation "', (%{ayA}) instr. ind. undoubtingly without hesitation MBh. Hariv. &c.
- अविषय (aviṣaya) (aviṣaya)
- m. anything out of reach, anything impossible or improper MBh. xiii, 2207 S3ak. Katha1s.
- not a proper object for (gen.). Ma1lati1m. Ven2is.
- (mfn.) not having an object Nr2isUp.
- अवृक (avṛka) (avṛka)
- mfn. not hurting, inoffensive RV.
- unendangered, safe RV.
- (%{a4m}) n. safety RV.
- अवेक्षा (avekṣā) (avekṣā)
- f. observation, care, attention to (loc.) Mn. vii, 101 R. BhP.
- अवेक्ष्य (avekṣya) (avekṣya)
- mfn. to be attended to MBh. ii, 2591 Ya1jn5. iii, 63 R.
- अव्यक्त (avyakta) (avyakta)
- mfn. undeveloped, not manifest, unapparent, indistinct, invisible, imperceptible Up. Pa1n2. Mn. &c.
- (in alg.) unknown as quantity or number
- speaking indistinctly
- m. (= %{paramA7tman}) the universal Spirit Mn. ix, 50
- N. of Vishn2u
- of S3iva
- of Ka1ma
- a fool
- N. of an Upanishad
- (%{am}) n. (in Sa1n3khya phil.) `" the unevolved (Evolver of all things) "', the primary germ of nature, primordial element or productive principle whence all the phenomena of the material world are developed, Kat2haUp. Sa1n3khyak. &c.
- (%{am}) ind. indistinctly.
- अव्यग्र (avyagra) (avyagra)
- mf(%{A})n. unconfused, steady, cool, deliberate MaitrUp. MBh. &c.
- unoccupied Uttarar.
- not in danger, undisturbed, safe MBh. R.
- (%{am}) ind. coolly, deliberately Hariv. 9034 R. &c.
- अव्यपदेश्य (avyapadeśya) (avyapadeśya)
- mfn. not to be defined Ma1n2d2Up. Ra1matUp.
- अव्यय (avyaya) (avyaya)
- 1 or rarely %{a4vyaya} [only RV. viii, 97, 2 and ix, 86, 34] mfn. (%{a4vi}) made of sheep's skin (as the woollen Soma strainer) RV.
- belonging to or consisting of sheep RV. viii, 97, 2.
- अव्ययीभाव (avyayībhāva) (avyayībhāva)
- m. `" unchangeable state "', an indeclinable compound Pa1n2.
- (%{avyayIbhava}) %{-samAsa} m. id. Pa1n2. 1, 41 Sch.
- अव्याकृत (avyākṛta) (avyākṛta)
- mfn. undeveloped, unexpounded S3Br. xiv BhP.
- (%{am}) n. elementary substance from which all things were created, considered as one with the substance of Brahma
- अव्युत्पन्न (avyutpanna) (avyutpanna)
- mfn. not ensuing or following, Ven2is.
- underived (as a word), having no etymology Pa1n2. 7-2, 8 Pat.
- unaccomplished, inexperienced BhP. &c.
- अशक्ति (aśakti) (aśakti)
- f. inability, incapability.
- अशक्नुवत् (aśaknuvat) (aśaknuvat)
- mfn. (p. P.) unable to (Inf.) Mr2icch.
- अशक्य (aśakya) (aśakya)
- mfn. impossible, impractible Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c.
- impossible to be composed (as a book Mn. xii, 94) or to be executed (as an order Katha1s.), not to be overcome, invincible R. vi, 17, 8 Pan5cat.
- अशङ्क (aśaṅka) (aśaṅka)
- mfn. fearless Hit.
- secure, certain, to be relied on MBh. xii, 4169
- (%{am}) ind. without fear Das3. Katha1s.
- (%{ayA}) instr. f. ind. id. R. ii, 49, 17.
- अशन (aśana) (aśana)
- 1 mfn. reaching, reaching across Nir. 1 and 2 see 1. and 2. %{az}. 3 for 2. %{asana} q.v.
- अशरण (aśaraṇa) (aśaraṇa)
- mf(%{A})n. destitute of refuge, defenceless R. Megh. S3ak. &c.
- अशित (aśita) (aśita)
- mf(%{A4})n. eaten AV. xii, 5, 37 and 38 S3Br. i
- (%{am}) n. the place where anybody has eaten Pa1n2. 2-3, 68 Ka1s3. %{azitavyA7}, &c. see 2. %{az}. [113,2]
- अशिरस् (aśiras) (aśiras)
- mfn. headless Mn. ix, 237.
- अशिरस्क (aśiraska) (aśiraska)
- mfn. headless MBh. iii, 15745.
- अशिष्ट (aśiṣṭa) (aśiṣṭa)
- 1 mfn. ( %{zAs}), untrained, badly trained, ill-behaved, rude A1p. MBh. &c.
- अशीति (aśīti) (aśīti)
- f. eighty RV. ii, 18, 6 AV. &c.
- अशुचि (aśuci) (aśuci)
- mfn. (Pa1n2. 6-2, 161) impure, foul Mn. &c.
- अशुभ (aśubha) (aśubha)
- mfn. not beautiful or agreeable, disagreeable
- inauspicious Vet.
- bad, vicious (as thought or speech) MBh. i, 3077 seq. &c.
- m. N. of a lexicographer
- (%{a4-zubha}) n. a shameful deed, sin S3Br. ii Bhag. &c.
- misfortune, harm, mischief. Sus3r. VarBr2S. &c.
- अशेव (aśeva) (aśeva)
- mf(%{A})n. not causing pleasure, pernicious RV. vii, 34, 13
- x, 53, 8.
- अशेष (aśeṣa) (aśeṣa)
- mf(%{A})n. without remainder, entire, perfect, all
- m. non-remainder Ka1tyS3r.
- (%{am}) ind. entirely, wholly Kum. v, 82
- (%{eNa}) ind. id. MBh. &c.
- अशोक (aśoka) (aśoka)
- 1 mf(%{A})n. (1. %{zuc}), not causing sorrowN. Lalit.
- not feeling sorrow Nalo7d.
- m. the tree Jonesia Asoka Roxb. (a tree of moderate size belonging to the leguminous class with magnificent red flowers) MBh. &c.
- N. of a minister of king Das3aratha R. i, 7, 3
- of a well-known king (in Pa1t2aliputra) MBh. Buddh. &c.
- (%{A}) f. N. of a medicinal plant
- a female name, (g. %{zubhrA7di} q.v.)
- N. of one of the female deities of the Jainas
- (%{am}) n. the blossom of the As3oka plant Vikr., (cf. Pa1n2. 4-3, 166 Siddh.)
- quicksilver L.
- अशउच (aśaüca) (aśauca)
- n. (= %{Azauca} q.v. Pa1n2. 7-3, 30) impurity, contamination, defilement (contracted by the death of a relation, or by the commission of prohibited acts, &c.) Mn. xi, 183 [113,3]
- uncleanness Pan5cat. Vet. see %{a-zuci}.
- अश्नत् (aśnat) (aśnat)
- mfn. eating, consuming RV. vii, 67, 7 & viii, 5, 31, &c. (cf. %{a4n-aznat}.)
- अश्मक (aśmaka) (aśmaka)
- m. (g. %{RzyA7di} q.v.) N. of a son of Vasisht2ha and Madayanti MBh. VP.
- (%{As}), of a warrior tribe Pa1n2. 4-s, 173 R. &c. (cf. %{avanty-azmakAs})
- (%{I}) f. N. of several women Hariv. &c.
- अश्मन् (aśman) (aśman)
- 1 %{A} m. an eater AV. xviii, 4, 54.
- अश्मन्वत् (aśmanvat) (aśmanvat)
- (%{a4zman-}) mfn. stony RV. x, 53, 8 AV. xii, 2, [26 and ] 27 (cf. %{azma-vat}.)
- अश्मवत् (aśmavat) (aśmavat)
- mfn. (= %{a4zman-vat} q.v.) stony Sus3r.
- अस्र (asra) (asra)
- 1 mfn. (2. %{as}), throwing TBr.
- (%{am}) n. a tear Mn. R. &c. (often spelt %{azra}).
- अश्रि (aśri) (aśri)
- f. the sharp side of anything, corner, angle (of a room or house), edge (of a sword) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
- often ifc. e.g. %{aSTA7zri}, %{trir-a4zri}, %{ca4tur-azri}, %{zatA7zri} q.v. (cf. %{azra})
- [cf. Lat. {acies}, {acer}
- Lith. {assmu3}].
- अश्रु (aśru) (aśru)
- n. (%{us} m. only once S3Br. vi and once R.) a tear RV. x, 95, 12 and 13 AV. &c. with %{muc}, or %{kR} [MBh. xii, 12491] or %{vRt}, Caus. [R.] to shed tears [supposed to stand for %{dazru} fr. %{daMz}: cf. Gk. $
- Lat. {lacryma} for %{dacryma}
- &35742[114,3] Goth. {tagrs}
- Eng. {tear}
- Mod. Germ. {Zhre}].
- अश्रुत (aśruta) (aśruta)
- mfn. unheard S3Br. xiv, &c.
- not heard from the teacher, not taught Jaim.
- (hence) contrary to the Vedas
- untaught, not learned MBh. v, 1000 and 1369
- m. N. of a son of Kr2ishn2a, Kr2ishn2s Hariv. 6190
- of a son of Dyutimat VP.
- (%{A}) f. N. of the wife of An3giras Katha1s.
- अश्व (aśva) (aśva)
- 1 (2. rarely 3 RV.) m. (1. %{az} Un2.) ifc. f. %{A}, a horse, stallion RV. &c.
- the, horse (in the game of chess)
- the number `" seven "' (that being the number of the horses of the sun)
- the archer (in the zodiac) VarBr2.
- a particular kind of lover (horse-like in strength)
- N. of a teacher (with the patron. Sa1mudri) S3Br. xiii
- of a son of Citraka Hariv. 1921
- of a Da1nava MBh. i, 2532
- (%{A}) f. (g. %{ajA7di} q.v.) a mare RV. &c. [Zd. {aspa}
- Lat. {equus}
- Gk. $, &c.]
- अश्वतर (aśvatara) (aśvatara)
- see below s.v.
- अश्वत्थ (aśvattha) (aśvattha)
- अश्वत्थामन् (aśvatthāman) (aśvatthāman)
- see ss.vv. below.
- अश्वपति (aśvapati) (aśvapati)
- (%{a4zva-}) m. lord of horses RV. viii, 21, 3 (voc.
- said of Indra) VS. xvi, 24
- N. of a Kaikeya S3Br. x
- of a brother-in-law of Das3iratha R. ii, 1, 2
- of an Asura MBh. Hariv.
- of a king of Madras and father of Sa1vitri MBh.
- (%{azvapaty})%{-Adi}, a g. of Pa1n2. 4-1, 84.
- अश्वल (aśvala) (aśvala)
- m. N. of the Hotr2i-priest of Janaka king of Vaideha S3Br. xiv (cf. %{AzvalAyana}.)
- अश्वसेन (aśvasena) (aśvasena)
- m. N. of a Na1ga MBh. i, 803, 8237
- of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
- of the father of the twenty-third Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i L.
- अश्विन् (aśvin) (aśvin)
- mfn. possessed of horses, consisting of horses RV.
- mounted on horseback Ma1rkP.
- (%{I4}) m. a cavalier
- horse-tamer RV.
- (%{I4nA} or %{inau}) m. du., the two charioteers "'N. of two divinities (who appear in the sky before the dawn in a golden carriage drawn by horses or birds
- they bring treasures to men and avert misfortune and sickness
- they are considered as the physicians of heaven) RV. &c.
- a N. of the Nakshatra presided over by the As3vins VarBr2S.
- the number, `" two "' ib. Su1ryas.
- (for %{azvi-sutau}) the two sons of the As3vins, viz. Nakula and Sahadeva MBh. v, 1816
- (%{inI}) f. N. of the wife of the two As3vins (who in later times was considered as their mother
- cf. %{azvinI-putrau} below) RV. v, 46, 8
- the head of Aries or the first of the 28 Nakshatras Jyot. VarBr2S.
- (%{azvini}, shortened for the sake of metre) Su1ryas.
- (%{i}) n. (= %{azva-vat} n. q.v.) richness in horses RV. i, 53, 4.
- अश्व्य (aśvya) (aśvya)
- 1 (3, rarely 2) mfn. (g. %{apUpA7di} q.v.) belonging to or coming from horses RV. S3Br. xiv
- consisting of horses RV.
- (%{am}) n. a number of horses, possession of horses RV.
- अषाढ (aṣāḍha) (aṣāḍha)
- (or in RV. %{a4-SAlha}) mfn. not to be overcome, invincible RV. VS.
- born under the Nakshatra Asha1d2ha1 Pa1n2. 4-3, 34
- m. the month (generally called) A1sha1d2ha
- a staff made of Pala1s3a wood (carried by the student during the performance of certain vows)
- N. of a teacher Ka1t2h. S3Br. i (cf. %{ASADhi})
- (%{A}) f. N. of a brick (used for the sacrificial altar) S3Br.
- (%{A4@or@A4s}) f. sg. or pl.N. of two lunar mansions (distinguished as %{pinvA@and@uttara}, `" the former "' and the latter "', and reckoned either as the eighteenth and nineteenth [TBr.] or as the twentieth and twenty-first [VP.&c.]) AV. xix, 7, 4, &c. [116,2]
- अष्टक (aṣṭaka) (aṣṭaka)
- mf(%{A} or %{ikA}, S3ulb.
- cf. Pa1n2. 7-3, 45 Comm.) n. consisting of eight parts S3Br. RPra1t. &c. one who is acquainted with the eight books of Pa1n2ini's grammar Pa1n2. 4-2, 65 Sch.
- m. N. of a son of %{vizvAmitra} (author of the hymn RV. x, 104) AitBr. A1s3vS3r. MBh. &c.
- (%{A}) f. the eighth day after full moon (especially that in the months Hemanta and S3is3ira, on which the progenitors or manes are worshipped A1s3vGr2. Mn. &c.
- %{aSTakA} is therefore also a N. of the worship itself or the oblations offered on those days Kaus3. &c.) AV. xv, 16, 2 S3Br. &c.
- (%{A}) f. a N. of the Acchoda1 river, Matsya. P.
- (%{am}) n. a whole consisting of eight parts (as each of the eight Asht2akas of the RV., or as TS. i, or as Pa1n2ini's grammar &c.)
- अष्टन् (aṣṭan) (aṣṭan)
- %{aSTau4} [ &c.] or %{aSTA4} [RV. viii, 2, 41] or %{aSTa4} [RV. x, 27, 15 AV. &c.] pl. eight (other forms are: gen. %{aSTAnAm} Mn. &c.
- instr. %{aSTabhi4s} RV. ii, 18, 4 S3Br. &c.
- loc. %{aSTAsu4} S3Br. &c.)
- [Lat. {octo}
- Gk. $. &36233[116,2] Goth. {ahtau}
- Mod. Germ. {acht}
- Eng. {eight}
- Lith. {asztuni}
- Slav. {osmj}.]
- अष्टम (aṣṭama) (aṣṭama)
- mf(%{I4})n. the eighth RV. ii, 5, 2 x, 114, 9 AV. &c.
- m. (Pa1n2. 5-3, 51 seq.) the eighth part Mn. x, 120
- (mfn.) forming the eighth part of (gen.) Gaut. S3ulb.
- (%{I}) f. (i.e. %{rAtri}) the eighth day (night) in a half-month A1s3vGr2. Mn. iv, 128, &c.
- अष्टि (aṣṭi) (aṣṭi)
- 1 f. N. of a metre consisting of sixty-four syllables (like that in RV. ii, 22, 1 RPra1t.)
- the number, `" sixteen "' Su1ryas. 2 f. (1. %{az}), reaching AV. vi, 54, 1 (cf. %{jara4d-aSTi}, %{vya4STi}, %{sa4maSTi}.) 3 f. (= %{asthi} q.v.) the kernel or stone of a fruit BhP.
- अष्टविध (aṣṭavidha) (aṣṭavidha)
- mfn. eightfold, of eight kinds Mn. vii, 154, &c.
- अष्टाङ्ग (aṣṭāṅga) (aṣṭāṅga)
- mf(%{A})n. consisting of eight parts or members (as medical science [MBh. ii, 224 and 442] or a kingdom [MBh. xv, 177] &c.)
- (in comp.) the eight parts (as of an army [MBh. ii, 197]
- or of a court, viz. the law, the judge, assessors, scribe, and astrologer, gold, fire, and water L.)
- (%{aSTA7Gga})%{-naya} or %{-pAta} [see %{sA7STA7Gga-pAtam}] or %{-praNAma} m. prostration of the eight parts of the body (in performing very profound obeisance
- the eight parts are the hands, breast, forehead, eyes, throat, and middle of the back
- or the first four, with the knees and feet
- or these six, with the speech and mind)
- %{-hRdaya} n. N. of a medical work of Va1gbhat2a
- %{aSTA7GgA7rghya} n. an offering of eight articles (water, milk, Kus3a grass, curds, ghee, rice, barley, and mustard
- or honey, red oleander flowers, and sandal are substituted for the last three).
- अष्टाध्यायी (aṣṭādhyāyī) (aṣṭādhyāyī)
- f. `" a collection of eight books or chapters "'N. of S3Br. xi
- also of Pa1n2ini's grammar.
- असंयुत (asaṃyuta) (asaṃyuta)
- mfn. not combined, unmixed BhP.
- not put together (as the hands) PSarv.
- m. a N. of Vishn2u
- असंहत (asaṃhata) (asaṃhata)
- mfn. not coagulated (as blood) Sus3r.
- not formed into a ball (as faeces) Bhpr.
- unconnected BhP.
- having no acquaintances or relations, not living in common MBh. xiii, 5207
- disagreeing, disunited Pan5cat.
- m. a form of array (loose or open order of troops) Ka1m.
- असक्ति (asakti) (asakti)
- f. the being detached from worldly feelings or passions Bhag. xiii, 9.
- असत् (asat) (asat)
- mf(%{a4-satI})n. [in RV. seven times %{a4sat} and five times %{A4sat} with lengthening of the accentuated vowel] not being, not existing, unreal RV. vii, 134, 8 AV. Up. Kum. iv, 12
- untrue, wrong RV.
- bad S3Br. Mn. &c.
- (%{n}) m. Indra
- (%{tI}) f. see s.v. below
- (%{t}) n. non-existence, nonentity&c.
- untruth, falsehood RV. vii, 104, 8
- evil Ragh. i, 10
- (%{ntas}) m. pl. bad or contemptible men MBh. &c.
- असत्य (asatya) (asatya)
- mfn. untrue, false, lying. RV. iv, 5, 5 MBh. &c.
- (%{am}) n. untruth, falsehood Mn. &c.
- असत्यसन्ध (asatyasandha) (asatyasandha)
- mfn. treacherous, base R. iii, 57, 20 Hit.
- असद्वाद (asadvāda) (asadvāda)
- m. heterodoxy BhP.
- असन (asana) (asana)
- 1 n. (2. %{as}), throwing, sending, a shot RV. i, 112, 21
- 130, 4 AV.
- (mfn.) one who throws or discharges
- (%{A}) f. a missile, an arrow RV. 2 m. the tree Terminalia Tomentosa Jain. Sus3r.
- (ct 3. %{azana}.)
- असन् (asan) (asan)
- 1 (in comp. for %{asat}).
- असपिण्ड (asapiṇḍa) (asapiṇḍa)
- mfn. related more distantly than a %{sa-piNDa} q.v. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
- असभ्य (asabhya) (asabhya)
- mfn. unfit for an assembly, vulgar, low Nir. BhP. &c.
- असम (asama) (asama)
- mfn. uneven, unequal (either by birth or in surface or number) Mn. x, 73 Kis. v, 7, &c.
- odd
- (%{a4-sama}) mf(%{A})n. unequalled, without a fellow or equal&c.
- असमञ्जस (asamañjasa) (asamañjasa)
- mfn. unfit, unbecoming MBh. &c.
- m. a good-for-nothing fellow BhP.
- (%{am}) n. unconformity, impropriety, unbecomingness BhP. Pan5cat. &c.
- (%{am}) ind. unbecomingly Katha1s. &c.
- असमर्थ (asamartha) (asamartha)
- mf(%{A}) n. unable to (Inf. dat. loc., or in comp.)
- not having the intended meaning Kpr.
- असि (asi) (asi)
- m. (2. %{as}), a sword, scimitar, knife (used for killing animals)&c.
- (%{is}) f. N. of a river (near Benar2es) Va1mP. (cf. %{asI})
- [Lat. {ensi-s}.]
- असु (asu) (asu)
- m. (1. %{as}), Ved. breath, life&c.
- life of the spiritual world or departed spirits RV. x, 15, 1
- (in astron.) `" respiration "', = four seconds of sidereal time or one minute of arc Su1ryas.
- = %{prajJA} Naigh.
- (in later language only %{a4savas}) m. pl. the vital breaths or airs of the body, animal life AV. Mn. iii, 217, &c.
- (%{asu}) n. grief
- (= %{citta}) the spirit L.
- असह (asaha) (asaha)
- mfn. incapable of bearing (or producing young ones) Pa1rGr2.
- not bearing or enduring (ifc. or with gen.) Mudr. Katha1s.
- not able to, not capable of (Inf. or in comp.) Katha1s.
- intolerant, impatient ib.
- (%{am}) n. the middle of the breast L.
- असाधारण (asādhāraṇa) (asādhāraṇa)
- mf(%{I})n. not common, special, specifical Tarkas.
- quite uncommon, extraordinary Das3. Katha1s. &c.
- (%{am}) n. special property
- असाध्य (asādhya) (asādhya)
- mfn. not to be effected or completed, not proper or able to be accomplished Ya1jn5. ii, 196 Hariv. &c.
- incurable, irremediable MBh. iv, 395 Sus3r. &c.
- not to be overpowered or mastered Pan5cat. Ka1m.
- not susceptible of proof Comm. on Ya1jn5. ii, 6.
- असित (asita) (asita)
- 1 mfn. unbound TS. vii S3Br. xiv.
- असिद्ध (asiddha) (asiddha)
- mfn. imperfect, incomplete Nr2isUp.: unaccomplished, uneffected
- unproved
- (regarded as) not existing or (as) not having taken effect (as a rule or operation taught in grammar) Pa1n2.
- not possessed of magic power.
- असिद्धि (asiddhi) (asiddhi)
- f. imperfect accomplishment, failure TBr. Gaut. [121,1]
- (in logic) want of proof, conclusion not warranted by the premises
- (in Sa1n3khya phil.) incompleteness (eight forms of it are enumerated)
- असिलोमन् (asiloman) (asiloman)
- m. N. of a Da1nava MBh. i, 2531 Hariv.
- असुख (asukha) (asukha)
- mf(%{A})n. unhappy, sorrowful MBh. &c.
- painfulN.
- not easy to (Inf.) Kir. v, 49
- (%{am}) n. sorrow, pain, affliction Mn. MBh. &c.
- असुतृप् (asutṛp) (asutṛp)
- mfn. enjoying or profiting by (another's) life, bringing it into one's possession RV., (cf. %{pazu-tR4p})
- enjoying one's life, devoted to worldly pleasures BhP. (once %{asu-tRpa} in the same sense).
- असुन्व (asunva) (asunva)
- mf(%{A4})n. `" not pressing out the Soma juice "', not worshipping the gods RV. viii, 14, 15.
- असुर (asura) (asura)
- mfn. (2. %{as} Un2.), spiritual, incorporeal, divineVS.
- m. a spirit, good spirit, supreme spirit (said of Varun2a) RV. VS.
- the chief of the evil spirits RV. ii, 30, 4 and vii, 99, 5
- an evil spirit, demon, ghost, opponent of the gods RV. viii, 96, 9
- x AV. &c. [these Asuras are often regarded as the children of Diti by Kas3yapa see %{daitya}
- as such they are demons of the first order in perpetual hostility with the gods, and must not be confounded with the Ra1kshasas or imps who animate dead bodies and disturb sacrifices]
- a N. of Ra1hu VarBr2S. &c.
- the sun
- a cloud Naigh. (cf. RV. v, 83, 6)
- (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a warrior-tribe, (g. %{parzv-Adi}, q.v.)
- of a Vedic school
- (%{A}) f. night
- a zodiacal sign
- (%{I}) f. a female demon, the wife of an Asura, KaushBr. (cf. %{AsurI} and %{mahA7surI})
- the plant Sinapis Ramosa Roxb.[In later Sanskr2it %{sura} has been formed from %{asura}, as %{sita} from %{asita} q.v.] see %{a4su}.
- असूय (asūya) (asūya)
- 1 Nom. P. %{-yati}, rarely A1. %{-yate} (pr. p. %{-ya4t} RV. x, 135, 2 S3Br.
- aor. %{AsUyIt} S3Br. iii
- 3. pl. %{asUyiSuH} Ra1jat.) to murmur at, be displeased or discontented with (dat. [S3Br. Pa1n2. 1-4, 37, &c.] or acc. [MBh. R. &c.]): Caus. (ind. p. %{asUyayitvA}) to cause to be displeased, irritate MBh. iii, 2624 (N.) 2 mfn. grumbling at, displeased with (loc.) MBh. xiii, 513
- (%{A}) f. displeasure, indignation (especially at the merits or the happiness of another), envy, jealousy Nir. A1p. Mn. &c.
- असूर्य (asūrya) (asūrya)
- mfn. (said of %{ta4mas}) sunless RV. v, 32. 6 [(v.l. for I. %{asurya4} in S3Br. xiv) `" demoniacal "', Is3aUp.
- `" inaccessible, unknown "', (fr. %{sR} cf. %{a-sU4rta}) NBD.]
- (%{am}) ind. at right Shad2vBr.
- असृज् (asṛj) (asṛj)
- %{k}, (once %{d} TS. vii) n. (m. or f. only Hariv. 9296) blood RV. i, 164, 4 AV. &c. [for the weak cases see %{asa4n}
- besides, in later language, forms like instr. %{asRjA} (R. iii, 8, 4) and gen. %{asRjas} (Sus3r.) are found]
- saffron
- (%{k}) m. the planet Mars
- a kind of religious abstraction
- अस्त (asta) (asta)
- 1 mfn. (perf. Pass. p. 2. %{as}), thrown, cast Ragh. xii, 91
- (%{a4n-} neg.) S3Br. iii
- (only in comp.) thrown off, left off, set aside, given up (as grief. anger, a vow, &c.) VP. Katha1s. &c.
- (%{A4}) f. a missile, an arrow AV.
- अस्तृ (astṛ) (astṛ)
- mfn. (fut. p.) one who is about or intends to throw RV. i, 61, 7
- x, 133, 3
- (%{tA}) m. a thrower, shooter
- (with %{a-pa4d}) S3Br. see 1. %{asta}.
- अस्तेय (asteya) (asteya)
- n. not stealing Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
- अस्त्र (astra) (astra)
- n. (exceptionally m. Hariv. 10703, &c.), (2. %{as}), a missile weapon, bolt, arrow AV. xi, 10, 16 Mun2d2Up. &c.
- a weapon in general
- a sword
- a bow
- N. of a Mantra (pronounced, for instance, before reading a book or while kindling a fire &c.) BhavP. &c.
- N. of the mystical syllable %{phat} Ra1matUp. [cf. Gk. $ and $] that which throws &38165[122,3] out or emits rays of light "' (?)
- अस्थावर (asthāvara) (asthāvara)
- mfn. not fixed, moving, movable
- (in law, said of) movable (property, viz. money, cattle &c., as opposed to land)
- अस्थन् (asthan) (asthan)
- the base of the weak cases of %{a4sthi} q.v., e.g. instr. %{asthnA}, &c. (Ved. also instr. pl. %{astha4bhis} RV. i, 84, 13
- and n. pl. %{asthAni} Pa1n2. 7-i, 76):
- अस्पर्श (asparśa) (asparśa)
- mfn. not having the faculty of perception by touch S3Br. xiv
- intangible A1p. Nr2isUp.
- m. non-contact with (instr.) MBh. iii, 11087.