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User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-f

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
f. {adj} :: abbreviation of folyó
f {letter} :: letter: eff
F {letter} :: letter: eff
fa {n} :: tree (large woody plant)
fa {n} :: wood (substance beneath the bark of the trunk or branches of a tree)
fa {n} [graph theory] :: tree (connected graph with no cycles)
fa {n} [computing theory] :: tree (recursive data structure)
fa {n} [attributive] :: wooden (made of wood)
{n} :: fa, a syllable used in solfège to represent the fourth note of a major scale
faág {n} :: branch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing)
faanyag {n} :: wood (substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree)
fából vaskarika {n} [idiomatic] :: attempt at a logical impossibility
fából vaskarika {n} [idiomatic, exaggeration] :: an essential contradiction, absurdity
faburkolat {n} :: panelling, wainscot (the panels with which a surface - especially an indoor wall - is covered, considered collectively)
fácán {n} :: pheasant
facebookozik {vi} :: to Facebook (to use the social-networking site Facebook)
facsavar {n} :: wood screw
fád {adj} :: dull (person)
fád {adj} :: insipid (food)
faeper {n} :: mulberry (fruit)
faggat {vt} :: to interrogate
faggatás {n} :: interrogation, questioning
fagott {n} [musical instruments] :: bassoon
fagy {n} :: frost
fagy {vi} :: to freeze
fagyal {n} :: privet (any of various shrubs and small trees in the genus Ligustrum)
fagyaszt {vt} :: to freeze, refrigerate
fagyasztás {n} :: freezing
fagyasztó {adj} :: freezing, refrigerating
fagyasztó {n} :: freezer
fagyi {n} [colloquial] :: ice cream
fagyizik {vi} :: to eat ice cream
fagyizó {n} :: ice cream shop, ice cream parlor (a retail business that sells ice cream and related products)
fagyizó {n} :: a person who is eating ice cream
fagylal {v} [archaic] :: to freeze
fagylalt {n} :: ice cream (sold by scoops, in an ice-cream cone)
fagylaltozik {vi} :: to eat ice cream
fagylaltozó {n} :: ice cream shop, ice cream parlor (a retail business that sells ice cream and related products)
fagylaltozó {n} :: a person who is eating ice cream
fagyos {adj} :: wintry, frosty, chilly, icy
fagyos {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: chilly (sensitive to cold)
fagyos {adj} [figuratively] :: chilling, chilly, cold (distant and cool; unfriendly)
fagyöngy {n} :: mistletoe
fagypont {n} :: the freezing point of water; 0°C
fagypont {n} [rare, physics] :: freezing point
fahéj {n} :: cinnamon (spice)
fahéjas {adj} :: cinnamon (flavour)
fahéjasabb {adj} :: comparative of fahéjas
fahéjfa {n} :: cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum)
fahíd {n} :: wooden bridge, timber bridge (a bridge that uses timber or wood as its principal structural material)
fáin {adj} [folksy, colloquial, slightly, humorous] :: alternative form of fájin
fair {adj} :: fair (just, equitable)
faj {n} :: race
faj {n} :: species
fáj {vi} [impersonal] :: to hurt, ache
fáj {v} [colloquial] :: to cost something ( ba)
fajansz {n} :: faience (a type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic)
fajansz {n} [arts] :: a decorative object made from faience
fajansz {n} [attributively] :: made from faience
fájás {n} :: ache, hurt, pain
fajd {n} :: grouse (any of various game birds from the order Galliformes, in the family Phasianidae)
fájdalmas {adj} :: painful (full of pain)
fájdalmasabb {adj} :: comparative of fájdalmas
fájdalmasabban {adv} :: comparative of fájdalmasan
fájdalmasan {adv} :: painfully
fájdalom {n} :: pain (ache or bodily suffering)
fájdalomcsillapító {adj} :: analgesic
fájdalomcsillapító {n} :: analgesic, painkiller
fájdalommentes {adj} :: painless
fajgyűlölet {n} :: race hatred
faji {adj} :: racial
fájin {adj} [folksy, colloquial, slightly, humorous] :: fine
fájl {n} [computing] :: file
fájlal {vt} :: to complain of physical pain
fájlal {vt} [literary] :: to regret, bemoan, be/feel sorry (for something), pain, distress (to render uneasy in mind)
fájlnév {n} :: filename
fájlrendszer {n} [computing] :: file system
fájó {adj} :: painful, aching
fájóbb {adj} :: comparative of fájó
Fajsz {prop} :: Fajsz (village)
-fajta {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] :: sort, kind (having the same type, quality, attribute as the base word)
fajta {n} :: sort, kind
fajta {n} :: breed
fajul {vi} :: to degenerate (into something: ; to a specified extent: ig), to deteriorate, to get bad
FÁK {n} :: CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
fakad {vi} :: to arise, originate, source
fakad {vi} :: to break into, burst, spring, blossom
fakanál {n} :: wooden spoon
fakaszt {vt} :: to cause something to burst
fakaszt {vt} :: to squeeze
fakasztó {adj} :: provoking, raising, bringing, making
fakír {n} :: fakir, faqir
fakít {vt} :: to cause to fade or discolour
fáklya {n} :: torch
fáklyafény {n} :: torchlight
fakó {adj} :: pale, wan (having a light color of low saturation)
fakó {adj} :: faded, discolored (that has lost some of its former color)
fakóbb {adj} :: comparative of fakó
fakopáncs {n} :: woodpecker
faktoriális {n} [mathematics] :: factorial
faktum {n} [archaic] :: fact
fakul {vi} :: to fade, lose colour, discolour
fakultatív {adj} :: optional, elective, discretionary, facultative, not mandatory
fakultatívabb {adj} :: comparative of fakultatív
fakutya {n} :: A chair with runners, driven by sticks, used, mostly by young persons, for sliding on ice
fal {n} :: wall
fal {vt} :: to devour, gorge, wolf, scarf (eat greedily, voraciously, or ravenously)
falánk {adj} :: gluttonous, ravenous
falat {n} [of food] :: mouthful, bite
falaz {v} :: to wall
falaz {v} [colloquial] :: to cover for someone (mislead people in order to help someone who does something that he is not supposed to do)
falcsont {n} [anatomy] :: parietal bone (either of two bones that together form the sides and top of the skull)
falevél {n} [plant] :: leaf (of a tree)
falfehér {adj} [said of a human's complexion] :: white as a sheet, white as a ghost (very white or pale, as if suffering from shock)
fali {adj} :: wall (placed on the wall)
fali {adj} [anatomy] :: parietal
fali lebeny {n} [anatomy] :: parietal lobe (one of the four major divisions of the cerebrum of the brain, located behind the temples)
falióra {n} :: wall clock (a clock mounted on a wall)
falka {n} :: pack (of dogs, wolves)
falka {n} :: flock (of sheeps, birds)
falka {n} :: herd (of pigs)
falka {n} :: pride (of lions)
Falkland-szigetek {prop} [plural only] :: Falkland Islands (overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic)
fallikus {adj} :: phallic
fallosz {n} :: phallus
faló {n} :: hobby horse, cockhorse, stick horse (a child's toy consisting of a [usually wooden or cloth] horse's head mounted on a stick)
faló {n} :: synonym of trójai faló
falra hányt borsó {phrase} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: like talking to a wall, like water off a duck's back, wasted breath (wasted words)
fals {adj} :: false (not well-founded; not firm or trustworthy; erroneous)
fals {adj} [music] :: out of tune, off-key, wrong
fals {n} [billiards] :: spin
falu {n} :: village
falucska {n} :: hamlet
falusi {adj} :: of the village, rural
falusi {n} :: villager
falusias {adj} :: countrylike (characteristic of someone who lives in a rural area)
falusias {adj} :: countrylike, rustic, rural, bucolic, countrified (resembling or characteristic of the country)
falusiasabb {adj} :: comparative of falusias
família {n} :: family
famózus {adj} [rare, archaic] :: famous, noted, famed
famózus {adj} [rare] :: infamous, notorious
fan {n} [obsolete] :: pubis
fanatikus {adj} :: fanatic
fanatikusabb {adj} :: comparative of fanatikus
fanatikusan {adv} :: fanatically
fanatizmus {n} :: fanaticism
fánk {n} :: doughnut, donut
fanszőrzet {n} :: pubic hair
fantasztikus {adj} :: fantastic
fantasztikusabb {adj} :: comparative of fantasztikus
fantázia {n} :: fantasy, imagination
fantázia {n} [music] :: fantasia (form of instrumental composition)
fantáziál {vi} :: to fantasize (to imagine things in the mind)
fantáziál {vi} [music] :: to improvise (to play music extemporaneously)
fanyar {adj} :: tart, sour, acid (not too sour but sharp to the taste, like an unripe apple)
fanyar {adj} :: wry (smile), dry (sense of humor)
fanyarabb {adj} :: comparative of fanyar
faputtony {n} :: wooden basket, wooden bucket (a container made of wood carried on the back, often used to carry grapes in a vineyard)
far {n} :: buttock, posterior
far {n} :: stern (ship)
far {n} :: tail, rear (vehicle)
fárad {vi} :: to tire, get tired (to become sleepy or weary)
fárad {vi} :: to take pains to do something
fárad {vi} :: to take pains to do something on someone's behalf ( ért)
fárad {vi} [formal] :: to take the trouble to go/proceed somewhere ( hoz or ra)
fáradékony {adj} :: tired, fatigued, defatigable (easily tired or wearied; capable of being fatigued)
fáradhatatlan {adj} :: untiring, indefatigable
fáradhatatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of fáradhatatlan
fáradság {n} :: effort, trouble, hassle
fáradságos {adj} :: exhausting, tiring, fatiguing, laborious, toilsome, cumbersome, arduous, wearisome
fáradt {adj} :: tired, fatigued, exhausted (in need of rest or sleep)
fáradt {adj} [of face] :: drawn, tired, haggard
fáradt {adj} [military] :: spent, used up, exhausted
fáradt {adj} [of steam, oil, etc.] :: exhaust, waste
fáradtabb {adj} :: comparative of fáradt
fáradtság {n} :: tiredness, weariness
farag {vt} :: to carve (wood), sculpt, sharpen (pencil)
faragás {n} :: act of carving, hewing, cutting
faragás {n} :: carving, carved work
faragatlan {adj} [of stone, wood] :: undressed, uncut
faragatlan {adj} [of a person] :: rough, rude, ill mannered
faragatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of faragatlan
faragcsál {vt} :: to whittle (to cut or shape wood with a knife)
faragott {adj} [of stone, wood] :: carved, hewn
faragvány {n} :: carving, carved work
fáraó {n} :: pharaoh
fáraszt {vt} :: to tire (to make sleepy or weary)
fárasztó {adj} :: tiring
fárasztó {adj} :: tedious, boring
fárasztóbb {adj} :: comparative of fárasztó
farba {n} [archaic, cards] :: colour (used only in expressions)
farész {n} :: xylem
farkas {n} :: wolf
Farkas {prop} :: given name
farkaséhes {adj} [idiomatic] :: hungry as a hog (very hungry)
farkaséhes vagyok {phrase} :: I could eat a horse
farkaséhség {n} :: ravenous appetite
farkasember {n} :: werewolf
farkaskölyök {n} :: wolf cub, wolfkin, wolfling, wolf whelp
farkatlan {adj} :: tailless
farkú {adj} :: -tailed, with a …… tail or tails (having a specific kind of tail[s] or a specific number of tail[s])
farkú {adj} [slang] :: with a …… penis
farm {n} :: farm
farmer {n} :: farmer
farmer {adj} :: denim
farmer {n} :: blue jeans
farmernadrág {n} :: jeans (denim trousers)
farok {n} :: tail
farok {n} [colloquial or slang] :: penis
farokcsont {n} [anatomy] :: tailbone, coccyx (the final fused vertebrae at the base of the spine)
farol {v} :: to skid
farol {v} :: to swerve
farsang {n} :: carnival
farzseb {n} :: hip pocket, back pocket
fás {adj} :: treed, wooded, woody, tree-lined, tree-shaded (planted or covered with trees)
fás {adj} [botany] :: woody, ligneous, non-herbaceous
fás {adj} [of vegetables] :: stringy, fibrous (resistant to chewing)
fasíroz {vt} :: to chop, hash, mince (meat fine)
fasírt {n} :: frikadelle, rissole, meatball (flat, pan-fried meatballs of minced meat)
fasiszta {adj} :: fascist
fasiszta {n} :: fascist
fasizmus {n} :: fascism (extreme totalitarian political regime)
fásult {adj} :: apathetic, listless, lethargic
fásultabb {adj} :: comparative of fásult
fásultan {adv} :: apathetically, listlessly
fásultság {n} :: apathy, indifference, lethargy, deadness
fasz {n} [vulgar] :: dick, dork (penis)
fasz {n} [vulgar] :: dick, dork (a highly contemptible person)
faszén {n} :: charcoal (impure carbon obtained by heating wood)
faszfej {n} [vulgar] :: dickhead
fáta {n} [dialectal] :: Romanian girl
fatális {adj} :: fatal
fátlan {adj} :: treeless (having no trees)
fatörzs {n} :: trunk (tree trunk)
fátum {n} [archaic] :: fate
fátyol {n} :: veil (gauze, crape, or similar material spread out to hide the face)
fátyol {n} [photography] :: fog (silver deposit or other blur on a negative or developed photographic image)
fátyolfelhő {n} :: veil cloud, cirrostratus
fátyolos {adj} :: veiled, foggy
fátyoloz {vt} :: to veil, to cover with a veil
fattyú {n} :: bastard (a child who was born out of wedlock; can be used attributively, as well)
fattyúsor {n} [typography] :: an orphan or a widow (the first or last line of a paragraph separated from the rest by a page break or column break)
favágó {n} :: lumberjack, woodcutter
favorit {n} :: favourite, front runner (contestant or competitor thought most likely to win)
fax {n} :: fax
faxpapír {n} :: fax paper
fazék {n} :: pot (a flat-bottomed vessel used for cooking food)
fazekas {n} :: potter (one who makes pots and ceramic wares)
fázékony {adj} :: chilly (easily shivering with cold; capable of feeling cold quickly; not tolerating cold temperatures)
fázik {vi} :: to be cold, to feel cold, to feel chilly
fázik {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to shy away from, to be averse to, to shrink from, to get cold feet (followed by tól) (to become nervous or anxious about an upcoming event when thinking about it)
fázis {n} :: phase, stage
fázis {n} [electricity] :: live wire
fázisceruza {n} [electricity] :: voltage tester, mains tester, test light, test lamp
F-dúr {n} [music] :: F major
febr. {n} :: Feb, Feb. (February)
február {n} :: February
februári {adj} :: February, in February, of February
fecsérel {vt} [literary] :: to squander, waste
fecske {n} :: swallow (the bird)
fecskendő {n} :: syringe
fecskesirály {n} :: Sabine's gull (Xema sabini)
fed {vt} :: to cover
fedd {vt} :: [literary] to reprimand, reprove, rebuke, reproach
feddhetetlen {adj} :: irreproachable, blameless, impeccable
fedél {n} :: lid (top or cover of a container)
fedeles {adj} :: covered, lidded
fedélzet {n} [nautical] :: deck
fedélzet {n} [aviation] :: deck
fedélzeti {adj} :: onboard
fédervejsz {n} [folksy, dated] :: talc, French chalk (type of steatite, used in powder as a lubricant in shoes, gloves etc.)
fedett {adj} :: covered, sheltered, roofed
fedez {vt} :: to cover, protect
fedez {vt} :: to indemnify
fedezet {n} :: escort (an armed guard accompanying a criminal)
fedezet {n} [banking] :: credit, funds, cover, assets (financial backing, available assets)
fedő {adj} :: covering
fedő {n} :: cover, lid, cap, top
fegyelem {n} :: discipline
fegyver {n} :: weapon
fegyveres {adj} :: armed
fegyverhordozó {n} :: squire (a shield-bearer or armor-bearer who attended a knight)
fegyverkezés {n} :: armament (the process of building up military capacity)
fegyverkezési {adj} :: arms (relating to weapons)
fegyverkezési verseny {n} :: arms race (a competition for military supremacy between two powers, especially for the most weapons and the best military technology)
fegyverkezik {vi} :: to arm oneself, to build up military capacity
fegyvernök {n} [historical] :: squire (a shield-bearer or armor-bearer who attended a knight)
fegyverpiac {n} :: arms market
fegyverszünet {n} :: armistice, ceasefire, truce
fegyvertelen {adj} :: unarmed (defenceless and lacking weapon)
fegyvertelenebb {adj} :: comparative of fegyvertelen
fegyverzet {n} :: armour
fehér {adj} :: white
fehér {adj} :: Caucasian
fehér {n} :: white (the color of snow or milk, the color of light containing equal amounts of all visible wavelengths)
fehér {n} :: a Caucasian person
fehérarany {n} :: white gold
fehérbor {n} :: white wine
fehércsőrű búvár {n} :: yellow-billed loon, white-billed diver (Gavia adamsii)
fehérebb {adj} :: comparative of fehér
fehéregyensúly {n} [photography] :: white balance (global adjustment of the colors to render neutral tones correctly)
fehérfarkú hófajd {n} :: white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura)
fehér gólya {n} :: white stork (Ciconia ciconia)
Fehér Ház {prop} :: White House
fehérít {vt} :: to bleach, whiten (to make something white or whiter)
fehérítő {n} :: bleach (chemical)
fehérje {n} [biochemistry] :: protein
fehérje {n} :: egg white
fehérjetartalom {n} :: protein content
fehér kenyér {n} :: white bread (bread made from white flour)
fehér, mint a fal {adj} [simile] :: white as a sheet, white as a ghost
fehérnemű {n} :: underwear, undergarments, underclothing
fehérnemű {n} :: lingerie, undies
Fehéroroszország {prop} :: Fehéroroszország (country)
fehéroroszországi {adj} :: Belarusian, Bielorussian
Fehér-tenger {prop} :: White Sea
fehér törpe {n} [astronomy] :: white dwarf
fehér üröm {n} :: absinth (Artemisia absinthium)
fehérvérsejt {n} [hematology, cytology] :: white blood cell, leukocyte
fehérvérű {adj} :: leukaemic
fehérvérűség {n} :: leukemia (cancer of blood forming tissue)
fej. {n} :: ch. (chapter)
fej {n} :: head (part of the body)
fej {n} :: head, mind, brain, intellect
fej {n} :: head (principal operative part of a machine or tool)
fej {n} :: heads, obverse (side of a coin that bears the picture of the head of state)
fej {n} [formal] :: head (leader, chief)
fej {n} :: head, capitulum (clump of seeds, leaves or flowers)
fej {n} [rare] :: foliage, crown (top of a tree)
fej {vt} :: to milk
fejbólintás {n} :: nod of the head
fejből {adv} :: by heart
fejdísz {n} :: headdress
fejében {postp} :: in return for something, in exchange, as a means of reciprocating
fejébe száll a dicsőség {v} [idiomatic] :: to become swell-headed by success, to go to one's head (to become overconfident and self-conceited by one's own success)
fejedelem {n} :: prince (male ruler or head of a principality)
fejék {n} [dated, literary] :: headdress, tiara, diadem, coronet (a decorative ornament worn on the head)
fejék {n} [literary, of a woman] :: corona of hair
fejenállás {n} :: headstand
fejenként {adv} :: per head, per capita, per person
fejenkénti {adj} :: per capita, per head
fején találja a szöget {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit the nail on the head (to identify something exactly; to arrive at exactly the right answer)
Fejér {prop} :: Fejér (administrative county)
fejes {adj} :: with a head, having a head
fejes {adj} [anatomy] :: capitate (having a distinct globular tip)
fejes {n} :: top dog, bigwig, boss (a person of importance to a group or organization)
fejes {n} :: dive (a jump or plunge into water with head first)
fejés {n} :: milking (act of removing milk from a mammal)
fejés {n} :: extortion
fejescsont {n} [anatomy] :: capitate bone, capitate (the largest of the bones in the human wrist)
fejes saláta {n} :: head lettuce (an edible plant, Lactuca sativa var. capitata)
fejetlen {adj} :: headless
fejetlen {adj} [rare] :: anarchic, confused, chaotic
fejetlenség {n} :: disorder, anarchy, confusion, chaos
fejez {vt} :: to behead (to remove the head of someone or something)
fejezet {n} :: chapter (a section in a book, life, history)
fejfájás {n} [pathology] :: headache (a pain or ache in the head)
fejfájás {n} [figuratively] :: headache (a nuisance or unpleasant problem)
fejfedő {n} :: headgear, headwear, headdress
fejhallgató {n} :: headphones (a pair of speakers worn over the ears so only the wearer can hear the sound)
feji {adj} :: head- (of or relating to the head)
fejjel lefelé {adv} :: upside down
fejkendő {n} :: headscarf, kerchief
fejléc {n} :: header (upper portion of a page, often containing the title or chapter title)
fejlemény {n} :: development, news
fejleszt {vt} :: to develop
fejleszt {vt} :: to generate (power, gas etc.)
fejlesztés {n} :: development
fejlesztési {adj} :: developmental
fejlesztésű {adj} :: developed, designed
fejlesztő {n} :: developer
fejlesztői {adj} :: development [attributive usage]
fejletlen {adj} :: undeveloped, immature, backward, underdeveloped
fejletlenség {n} :: underdevelopment, immaturity, backwardness
fejlett {adj} :: developed
fejlettebb {adj} :: comparative of fejlett
fejlett ország {n} [economics] :: developed country (a country with an advanced, high-income, industrialized and dynamic economy)
fejlik {vi} [archaic, poetic, of a flower] :: to burst, unfold
fejlik {vi} [archaic, poetic, of clothing] :: to become unstitched
fejlik {vi} [archaic, poetic] :: to develop, turn into someone or something
fejlődés {n} :: development, evolution
fejlődési {adj} :: developmental
fejlődésregény {n} :: bildungsroman
fejlődéstan {n} :: embryology
fejlődik {vi} :: to develop, evolve, progress
fejlődő {adj} :: developing
fejlődő ország {n} [economics] :: developing country (a poorer country which is seeking to expand its economy)
fejő {n} :: milker (person)
fejőlány {n} :: milkmaid, dairymaid
fejős {adj} :: milking, in milk, milk-yielding, milch
fejős {n} :: a dairy farmer who milks the cows
fejőstehén {n} :: milk-yielding cow, milch cow
fejőszék {n} :: milking stool
fejpályaudvar {n} :: terminal (railway terminal)
fejsze {n} :: axe, ax
fejt {vt} :: to unstitch, untack (to take out stitches from a fabric)
fejt {vt} :: to husk, shell, hull, pod (to remove the outer covering of a fruit or seed)
fejt {vt} [mining] :: to mine, quarry (to remove (ore, stone) from the ground)
fejt {vt} [of wine] :: to decant, draw off
fejt {vt} [of dreams] :: to interpret, explain
fejt {vt} [of puzzles or riddles] :: to do, solve, decipher
fejű {adj} :: -headed (having a specific kind or head or a specific number of head[s])
fejvadász {n} [historical] :: headhunter (savage who hunts and beheads humans)
fejvadász {n} [business] :: headhunter (recruiter involved in executive search)
fejvadászat {n} [historical] :: headhunting (the act of hunting and beheading humans)
fejvadászat {n} [business] :: headhunting, executive search (recruitment of senior personnel)
fej vagy írás {n} [idiomatic] :: heads or tails (the practice of flipping a coin in the air, to choose between two alternatives based on which side lands face up)
fék {n} :: brake (a mechanical device that inhibits motion by absorbing energy from a moving system)
fék {n} [figuratively] :: obstacle
fekély {n} [diseases] :: ulcer
fekély {n} [figuratively] :: evil, plague
féken tart {vt} :: to keep in check, keep under control, curb, restrain
fekete {adj} :: black (absorbing all light and reflecting none)
fekete {adj} :: black (pertaining to a dark-skinned ethnic group)
fekete {adj} :: black (darker than other varieties, especially of fruits and drinks)
fekete {adj} [figurative] :: tragic, mournful, black (causing great sadness or suffering)
fekete {adj} [figurative] :: black (derived from evil forces, or performed with the intention of doing harm)
fekete {adj} [figurative, in compounds] :: illegal (contrary to or forbidden by criminal law)
fekete {n} :: black (color perceived in the absence of light)
fekete {n} :: black clothes (especially as mourning attire)
fekete {n} :: black person (member of a dark-skinned ethnic group)
fekete {n} :: dark-haired person (especially a woman with dark hair)
fekete {n} [colloquial] :: black coffee (coffee without cream or milk)
fekete áfonya {n} :: bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
feketébb {adj} :: comparative of fekete
feketebors {n} :: black pepper (Piper nigrum)
feketedoboz {n} [aviation] :: black box (recorders in an aircraft)
Fekete-erdő {prop} :: Black Forest
Fekete-erdő torta {n} :: Black Forest gâteau [UK], Black Forest cake [US]
fekete-fehér {adj} :: black-and-white, monochrome
fekete harkály {n} :: black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
fekete hattyú {n} :: black swan (Cygnus atratus)
feketekávé {n} :: black coffee
feketéllik {vi} :: to appear in black color
fekete lyuk {n} [astronomy] :: black hole
feketepiac {n} :: black market (trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls)
fekete rigó {n} :: blackbird (Turdus merula)
feketerigó {n} :: alternative spelling of fekete rigó
fekete szeder {n} :: blackberry (shrub and its fruit)
Fekete-tenger {prop} :: Black Sea
fékez {vt} :: to brake, put the brakes on
fékez {vt} :: to control, bridle, restrain, moderate
fékfolyadék {n} :: brake fluid
fékpedál {n} :: brake pedal (the pedal in a vehicle, usually a car, which operates the brakes)
fekszik {vi} :: to lie (to be in a horizontal position)
féktelen {adj} :: unrestrained, unbridled, wild
féktelenebb {adj} :: comparative of féktelen
fektet {vt} :: to lay (to place down in a position of rest, or in a horizontal position)
fekvés {n} :: lying (the act of one who lies, or keeps low to the ground)
fekvés {n} :: locality, location, position
fekvésű {adj} :: situated, located
fekvésű {adj} :: -pitched
fekvő {adj} :: lying (being in bed)
fekvő {adj} :: reclining, lying
fekvő {adj} :: landscape-format (oriented so that the horizontal sides are longer than the vertical sides)
fekvőhely {n} :: bed, couch (a piece of furniture on which to rest or sleep)
fekvőrendőr {n} :: speed bump, sleeping policeman
fekvőtámasz {n} :: push-up
fel- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: up (indicates actions with upward direction)
fel {adv} :: up
fél {vi} :: to fear, to be afraid of something ( tól)
fél {vt} [archaic or literary] :: to fear something ( t)
fél {n} :: half; either part of something divided into two
fél {n} :: side, party, participant (e.g. at court etc.)
fél {num} :: half (1/2)
fél {n} [rare, only in some compounds] :: post (like in doorpost)
felad {vt} :: to hand up something (to reach up in order to pass an object)
felad {vt} :: to post (to send an item of mail)
felad {vt} :: to give up, to surrender
felad {vt} :: to give as an exercise
felad {vt} :: to help someone ( re) with their coat
feladat {n} :: task, problem, exercise (schoolwork)
feladó {n} :: sender
feladvány {n} :: (mathematical) problem, puzzle, riddle
felajánl {vt} :: to offer
felakaszt {vt} :: to hang (to cause something to be suspended)
felakaszt {vt} :: to hang (to execute someone)
feláldoz {vt} :: to sacrifice
feláll {vi} :: to stand up (rise from a lying or sitting position)
feláll {vi} [figuratively] :: to give one's notice, to quit a job
felállít {vt} :: to set up, establish, build, elevate, erect
félautomata {adj} :: semi-automatic
felbecsül {vt} :: to appraise, assess, estimate (to determine the monetary value or worth of something)
felbecsül {vt} :: to appraise, consider, size up (to think about and estimate the role, significance, importance of something)
felbecsülhetetlen {adj} :: priceless, inestimable, invaluable (beyond calculable or appraisable value)
félbeszakít {vt} :: to interrupt someone, to break in (on a conversation), to break off
félbevág {vt} :: to cut in half
felbont {vt} :: to open
felbont {vt} :: to dissolve, cancel
felbontás {n} :: resolution, definition
felbontás {n} :: opening
felbontás {n} :: dissolution, cancellation, dissolving
felbontású {adj} :: -resolution (of a certain resolution)
felbujtó {n} :: instigator
felbukkan {vi} :: to emerge (to come out of a situation)
felcser {n} [archaic] :: barber surgeon
felcser {n} [archaic, military] :: army doctor
felcser {n} [archaic, pejorative] :: sawbones, bonesetter, leech, quack doctor
felcsinál {vt} [vulgar] :: to knock up (to impregnate out of wedlock)
feldob {vt} :: to throw up something in the air
feldob {vt} [colloquial] :: to make someone or something cheerful, cheer up
feldobja a bakancsot {v} [idiomatic, slang] :: to kick the bucket, to die
feldolgoz {vt} :: to process, prepare (into something: ) (to put a material through a process in order to create articles for personal use)
feldolgoz {vt} [of a living organism] :: to process, digest (to separate the food in its passage through the alimentary canal into the nutritive and nonnutritive elements)
feldolgoz {vt} [computing] :: to process (to manipulate data using computer techniques)
feldolgoz {vt} [of a topic] :: to adapt a topic into a written or musical work
feldolgoz {vt} :: to cover (to make a cover version of a song that was originally recorded by another artist)
feldolgoz {vt} :: to process, digest, come to terms with, sort out (to think about a piece of information, or a concept, in order to assimilate it, and perhaps accept)
feldolgoz {vtr} [with magát] :: to work one's way up (to something: ba) (to gradually ascend to a higher professional position with hard work and accomplishments)
feldolgozás {n} :: processing
feldolgozó {n} :: processing plant
feldolgozó {n} [computing] :: parser
fele {postp} [dialectal] :: alternative form of felé
fele {adj} :: half (of the)
felé {postp} :: to, towards, in the direction of
felé {postp} :: nearby, around
felé {postp} :: near, towards (a short but undetermined time before an event or time in question)
felé {postp} :: into, -way (dividing/cutting something into a defined number of portions)
felé {postp} [dialectal, rare] :: to above (variant of fölé)
felé {pron} :: towards someone or something
felé {pron} [plural only] :: here, over here (in the area, city, country where the person comes from or lives)
-féle {suffix} :: sort of, type of
-féle {suffix} :: related to someone, created by someone
-féle {suffix} [taxonomy] :: ending of family names
felébred {vi} :: to wake up, awake (to become conscious after having slept)
felébreszt {vt} :: to wake up, arouse, awaken, awake (to cause somebody to stop sleeping)
feled {v} [literary] :: alternative form of felejt
feledékeny {adj} :: forgetful
feledékenyebb {adj} :: comparative of feledékeny
feledés {n} :: oblivion, forgetting
feledhetetlen {adj} :: unforgettable
feledhető {adj} :: forgettable
feledhetőbb {adj} :: comparative of feledhető
feléje {pron} :: synonym of felé
felejt {vt} :: to forget
felejt {vt} :: to leave something unintentionally (somewhere or in some state), because of forgetting about it
felejthetetlen {adj} :: unforgettable
felejthetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of felejthetetlen
felejthető {adj} :: forgettable
felejthetőbb {adj} :: comparative of felejthető
feléjük {pron} [colloquial] :: in their neighborhood, region, or culture (especially speaking of local customs)
felel {vt} :: to answer, to reply
felel {vt} :: to be responsible (for something ért)
felel {vt} [education] :: to take an oral test in class (to be called upon at random, at a regular class in primary or secondary school, to recite a previous lesson and get assessment with a grade)
félelem {n} :: fear
felelés {n} [rare] :: verbal noun of felel, answering, replying
felelés {n} [education] :: oral test
felelet {n} :: reply, response
felelet {n} [education] :: oral test (especially in terms of its result, sometimes qualified by an adjective indicating the grade received for it)
félelmetes {adj} :: frightening
felelős {adj} :: responsible
felelős {n} :: chief, head (a person who is responsible or is in charge)
felelősebb {adj} :: comparative of felelős
felelősség {n} :: responsibility
felelősségre von {v} [idiomatic] :: to hold someone responsible, hold to account, call to account, take to task (to require a person to explain or to accept responsibility for his or her actions; to blame or punish someone for what has occurred)
felelősségteljes {adj} :: responsible
felelősségtudat {n} :: sense of responsibility
félemlít {vt} :: to intimidate, terrify, terrorize (normally used with the verbal prefix meg-)
felénk {pron} [colloquial] :: in our neighborhood, region, or culture (especially speaking of local customs)
félénk {adj} :: shy, timid, bashful, tremulous, self-conscious
félénkebb {adj} :: comparative of félénk
felépít {vt} :: to build, construct, erect
felépítés {n} :: construction, building (the act or process of building)
felépítés {n} :: structure, makeup (an item's composition)
felépítés {n} :: structure (the overall form or organization of something)
felépítésű {adj} :: of a certain build / structure / design, built, formed
feleség {n} :: wife (a married woman)
feleségül kér {vt} [idiomatic, of a man] :: to propose (to ask for a woman's hand in marriage)
feleségül megy {v} [idiomatic, of a woman] :: to get married, marry, wed (with hoz) (to be joined to a man as spouse according to law or custom)
feleségül vesz {vt} [idiomatic, of a man] :: to marry (to be joined to a woman as spouse according to law or custom)
felesel {vi} :: to talk back, to respond insolently, to answer repeatedly with temper (to someone val)
felesleges {adj} :: superfluous, unnecessary, redundant, wasted
feleslegesebb {adj} :: comparative of felesleges
feleslegesebben {adv} :: comparative of feleslegesen
feleslegesen {adv} :: unnecessarily, needlessly, superfluously, redundantly
féleszű {adj} :: half-witted, crazy
féleszű {n} :: half-wit
féleszűbb {adj} :: comparative of féleszű
felétek {pron} [colloquial] :: in your neighborhood, region, or culture (plural, informal) (especially speaking of local customs)
felett {postp} :: above
felette {pron} :: above him/her/it
felette {adv} [literary] :: very, exceedingly, extremely, rather
feletti {adj} :: above
félév {n} [education] :: term, semester, one of the two halves of a school year
féléves {adj} :: half-yearly, six-month
felez {vt} :: to halve, bisect (to divide into two halves)
felezési idő {n} [physics] :: half-life
felező {adj} :: bisecting
felező {n} [geometry] :: bisector (a line or curve that bisects or divides a line segment, angle, or other figure into two equal parts)
felezőpont {n} [geometry] :: midpoint (a point which divides a line segment into two lines of equal length)
felfedez {vt} :: to explore, discover, detect
felfedezés {n} :: discovery
felfedező {adj} :: of discovery, exploratory
felfedező {n} :: discoverer, explorer
felfelé {adv} :: upwards
felfog {vt} :: to understand
felfog {vt} :: to conceive
felfogás {n} :: perception (conscious understanding of something)
felfogású {adj} :: -witted, of …… intellect
felfoghatatlan {adj} :: incomprehensible, unintelligible
felfrissít {vt} :: to refresh (to renew or revitalize)
felfújódik {vi} :: to bloat, swell up, balloon, inflate (to become distended/inflated with gas)
felfúvódás {n} [of an object] :: inflation, puffing out (the process or state of becoming inflated like a balloon when air or gas is pushed into it)
felfúvódás {n} :: wind, bloating, distension, distention (the process of expanding, as from internal pressure)
felfúvódik {vi} :: alternative form of felfújódik
felfüggeszt {vt} :: to hang (to cause something to be suspended, as from a hook, hanger or the like)
felfüggeszt {vt} :: to suspend (to temporarily halt)
félgömb {n} [geography] :: hemisphere (half of the Earth)
félgömb {n} [geometry] :: hemisphere (any half-sphere, formed by a plane intersecting the center of a sphere)
felgyorsít {vt} :: to speed up, accelerate
felgyorsul {vi} :: to accelerate, to speed up, to quicken (to become faster)
felháborít {vt} :: to incense, infuriate, enrage
felháborító {adj} :: outrageous
felháborítóbb {adj} :: comparative of felháborító
felháborodik {vi} :: to anger, to become indignant
felhalmoz {vt} :: to accumulate, aggregate, amass
felhalmozás {n} :: accumulation (the act of amassing or gathering, as into a pile)
felhalmozott {adj} :: accumulated, stored-up, accrued
felhám {n} [anatomy] :: epidermis (skin's outer layer in animals)
felhasznál {vt} :: to use
felhasznál {vt} :: to use up, consume
felhasználás {n} :: usage, utilization
felhasználású {adj} :: of …… usage/utilization
felhasználható {adj} :: usable, useable, utilizable, consumable, available (can be used)
felhasználó {n} [computing] :: user
felhasználóbarát {adj} :: user-friendly
felhasználóbarátabb {adj} :: comparative of felhasználóbarát
felhasználói {adj} :: user
felhasználói felület {n} [computing] :: user interface
felhasználónév {n} [computing] :: username
felhatalmaz {vt} :: to empower, authorize
felhatalmazás {n} :: authorization, authority (as a written document)
felhív {vt} :: to call on the telephone, call up
felhívás {n} :: call, invitation
felhívás {n} :: notice (a formal notification or warning)
félhivatalos {adj} :: semi-official
félhold {n} :: half-moon
félholt {adj} :: halfdead
félhomály {n} :: half-light (the soft, greyish light characteristic of dawn or dusk)
felhő {n} :: cloud (a visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air)
felhő {n} [figuratively] :: cloud (a group or swarm, especially suspended above the ground or flying)
felhőcske {n} :: cloudlet, cloudling (a small cloud)
felhőkarcoló {n} :: skyscraper (tall building)
felhős {adj} [of sky, weather] :: cloudy, overcast (covered with or characterised by clouds)
felhős {adj} [figuratively, literary, of mood] :: overcast, gloomy, melancholy
felhősebb {adj} :: comparative of felhős
felhőszakadás {n} :: rainstorm
felhőtlen {adj} [of sky] :: cloudless, unclouded, clear (without any clouds)
felhőtlen {adj} [figuratively, literary] :: unclouded, unmitigated, true, perfect (not disturbed by anything)
felhőtlenebb {adj} :: comparative of felhőtlen
felhőtlenség {n} :: cloudlessness, uncloudedness
felhúz {vt} :: to pull up, to raise, to hoist
felhúz {vt} :: to put on (clothes or shoes)
felhúz {vt} :: to change (bedlinen)
felhúz {vt} :: to wind (a clock)
felhúz {vt} :: to put up (a wall)
felhúz {vt} :: to cock (a gun)
felhúz {vt} [colloquial] :: to wind up (to upset, anger, distress)
felhúzás {n} [weightlifting] :: deadlift (a weight training exercise where one lifts a loaded barbell off the ground from a stabilized bent-over position)
felhúzókötél {n} [nautical] :: whip
felidegesít {vt} :: to set someone's nerves on edge
felidéz {vt} :: to recall, evoke
felidéz {vt} :: to conjure
félidézőjel {n} [typography] :: single quotation mark (one of a pair of quotation marks in the shape of a single upright or inverted comma, like ’this’, used as a tertiary quotation mark in Hungarian, as well as to indicate the sense or meaning in linguistic works)
félidő {n} :: half time (the interval between the two halves of a sports match)
félig {adv} :: half, semi-
félig-meddig {adv} :: half, halfway, partly, partially, somewhat, more or less, to some extent
felír {vt} :: to make a note of something, to note down
felír {vt} [of medicine] :: to prescribe
felirat {n} :: inscription, notice (text with information written on any material)
felirat {n} :: subtitle (textual versions of the dialog in films)
felirat {n} [colloquial] :: caption (a piece of text appearing on screen as subtitle or other part of a film or broadcast, transcribing or describing all significant dialogue and sound for viewers who cannot hear it)
felirat {n} :: label, tag (a small piece of informational text)
felirat {n} [archaic, formal] :: petition (formal, written request made to an official person or organized body)
feliratkozás {n} :: registration, subscription (the act of entering one’s name on a list)
feliratkozik {vi} :: to register, to sign up, to subscribe (to enter one's name on a list)
felismer {vt} :: to recognize (to match in memory; to know from a previous encounter)
felismer {vt} :: to realize, to understand
felismerés {n} :: recognition
felismerés {n} :: realization, epiphany
felismerhetetlen {adj} :: unrecognizable
felismerhetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of felismerhetetlen
felismerhetetlenség {n} :: unrecognizableness
felismerhető {adj} :: recognizable
felismerhetőbb {adj} :: comparative of felismerhető
felismerhetően {adv} :: recognizably
félisten {n} :: demigod
fel is út, le is út {phrase} [dismissal] :: you are free to go (used to tell somebody to go away)
feljavít {vt} :: to improve, to upgrade
feljebb {adv} :: higher
feljelent {vt} [law] :: to press charges, inform against, denounce, report (to formally notify the relevant authorities of a particular illegality, misconduct, etc.)
feljelentés {n} [law] :: complaint, charges (the reporting of a person to the authorities for possible criminal prosecution)
felkapott {adj} :: hyped
felkar {n} [anatomy] :: upper arm
felkarcsont {n} [anatomy] :: humerus, armbone (the bone of the upper arm)
félkarú {adj} :: one-armed
félkarú rabló {n} [gambling] :: one-armed bandit (a gaming machine having a long handle at one side that one pulls down to make reels spin)
felkavaró {adj} :: unsettling
felkel {vi} :: to get up (to rise from one's bed after sleeping)
felkel {vi} :: to stand up, to get up (to rise from a lying or sitting position)
felkel {vi} :: to rise, to revolt (to rebel against authority)
felkel {vi} :: to rise, to come up (of a celestial body, to move upwards from behind the horizon)
felkelés {n} :: standing up (the act of rising from a lying or sitting position)
felkelés {n} :: getting up, waking up, rising (the act of rising from one's bed after sleeping or after illness)
felkelés {n} [figuratively] :: revolt, uprising, insurgency, insurrection, riot, rebellion (a popular revolt that attempts to overthrow a government or its policies)
felkelt {vt} :: to arouse, awake (to wake from sleep)
felkelt {vt} :: to arouse (to stimulate feelings, interest, attention)
felkér {vt} :: to ask, request, invite (to do something ra)
felkeres {vt} :: to seek out, to call on, to visit someone, to see someone about something
felkérés {n} :: invitation, request
felkészít {vt} :: to prepare (for something ra), to make ready for a specific future purpose
felkészítés {n} :: preparation (the act of making someone or something ready for a future purpose)
felkészül {vi} :: to prepare oneself for something ( ra)
felkészülés {n} :: preparation, getting ready (for something ra)
felkészült {adj} :: well prepared
felkészültebb {adj} :: comparative of felkészült
félkezű {adj} :: one-handed (having only one hand)
felkiált {vi} :: to cry out, exclaim (followed by ban) (to cry out suddenly, from some strong emotion)
felkiált {vi} :: to yell, shout up to (from a lower place up to someone on a higher place)
felkiált {vt} [rare, literary] :: to wake up someone from sleep with a loud cry
felkiáltójel {n} :: exclamation mark, exclamation point
felkínál {vt} :: to offer (to place at someone’s disposal; to present something to be either accepted or turned down)
felkopik az álla {v} [colloquial] :: to go hungry, to go unfed (to go without food and left starving)
félkövér {adj} [typography] :: bold (having thicker strokes than the ordinary form of the typeface)
félkövér {adj} [typography] :: semibold (thicker than the regular weight, but not as thick as the bold)
félkövérít {vt} [typography] :: to embolden (to format text in boldface)
félkvirt {n} [typography] :: en, en quad, nut (quad which has a fixed width equal to half the height of the type in use)
félkvirtmínusz {n} [typography] :: en dash (punctuation mark –, which is used, for instance, to indicate a range)
fellebbez {vi} [legal] :: to appeal
felleg {n} :: cloud
fellegekben jár {v} [idiomatic] :: to have one's head in the clouds (to have fantastic or impractical dreams; to think impractically)
fellépés {n} :: appearance, style, manner, presence
fellépés {n} :: action, fight
fellépés {n} :: gig, performance (a performing engagement by a musical group, etc.)
felmászik {vi} :: to climb up (to something: ra or ba)
felmegy {vi} :: to ascend, to go up
felmelegedés {n} :: warming, warming up
felmérés {n} :: survey
felmerül {vi} :: to emerge (to come into view)
félmeztelen {adj} :: half-naked (with very few clothes on)
félmillió {num} :: half a million
felmond {vt} :: to say one's lessons
felmond {vt} :: to rehearse (a poem)
felmond {vit} :: to resign from (a job, office, position, etc.), to quit, to give one's notice
felmondás {n} :: saying, repetition, recitation (of lesson, poem)
felmondás {n} :: notice (of leaving)
felmondja a szolgálatot {v} [idiomatic, of a machine] :: to break down (to cease to function)
felmos {vt} :: to mop, to scrub (floor)
felmosó {n} :: mop, swab
felmosórongy {n} :: mop (implement for washing floors)
felnagyít {vt} :: to magnify (to make an object appear larger)
felnéz {vi} :: to look up, to direct one's gaze upward at ( ra)
felnéz {vi} :: to look up to, to hold something in high regard ( ra)
felnő {vi} :: to grow up (to mature and become an adult)
felnőtt {adj} :: grown-up, adult
felnőtt {n} :: adult, grownup
felnőttképzés {n} :: andragogy
felnyergel {vt} :: to saddle (to put a saddle on an animal)
felnyit {vt} :: to split open, open up
felnyúló szár {n} [typography] :: ascender (portion of a lowercase letter that extends above the midline)
feloldójel {n} [music] :: the natural sign, the symbol (an accidental sign used to cancel a flat or sharp from either a preceding note or the key signature)
feloszlat {vt} :: to disband, to dissolve
felosztás {n} :: subdivision
félő {adj} [predicative] :: (to be) feared (having unfavorable prospects of success)
felől {postp} :: from (the direction of), fromward#Preposition
felőle {pron} :: from the direction of him/her/it
felőle {pron} :: about, concerning, from
felőle {pron} :: as far as someone is concerned, for all someone cares
felöltözik {vi} :: to dress, to get dressed
felperes {n} :: plaintiff (party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant)
félre- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: mis-
félre- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: aside
félre {adv} [as imperative] :: out of the way (telling someone to move from one's path)
félre {adv} [as imperative, with val] :: aside (telling someone to intentionally disregard or cease doing something)
félre {adv} [theater] :: aside (instruction to make a brief comment unheard by other characters)
félreáll {vi} :: to step aside (to move out of one's way)
félreáll {vi} :: to be lopsided
félrebeszél {vi} :: to be delirious
félrebeszél {vi} :: to rave
félreért {vt} :: to misunderstand, miscomprehend, mistake
félreértelmez {vt} :: to misinterpret, to misconstrue
félreértés {n} :: misunderstanding, misapprehension, misconception
félreérthetetlen {adj} :: unambiguous, unmistakable, clear cut
félreérthető {adj} :: ambiguous, mistakable, easy to misunderstand, easily misunderstood
félreismerhetetlen {n} :: unmistakable (unique, such that it cannot be mistaken for something else)
félrevezet {vt} :: to mislead, deceive, misguide someone
félrevezetés {n} :: fallacy, red herring, smokescreen, deception (deceptive or false appearance; that which misleads the eye or the mind)
félrevezető {adj} :: misleading
felriad {vi} :: to start up, rouse
felrobban {vi} :: to explode
felrobbant {vt} :: to blow up, explode, detonate, blast (to cause something or someone to explode)
felruház {vt} :: to clothe (to supply clothes or clothing)
felruház {vt} :: to clothe, invest, endow, vest (with power, authority or right) ( val)
felruház {vt} :: to endow, furnish (with attributes, qualities or knowledge) ( val)
fel s alá {adv} [idiomatic] :: up and down, back and forth (alternately forwards and backwards along a path)
felség {n} :: majesty, sire, highness (the style of emperor or king)
felséges {adj} :: superb, fabulous, delicious
felségesebb {adj} :: comparative of felséges
félsík {n} [mathematics] :: half-plane
felsorol {vt} :: to list, to enumerate, to recite
félsorompó {n} :: half gate, half boom barrier, half boom gate (a half gate in front of the direction of traffic, a bar, or pole that can be lowered to block vehicular access through a controlled location, or raised to allow traffic to pass)
felső {adj} :: top, upper
felső {n} :: top (a garment worn to cover the torso)
felső állcsont {n} [anatomy] :: maxilla (the upper jawbone formed from the fusion of two maxillary bones)
felsőbb {adj} :: comparative of felső
felsőbbrendű {adj} :: superior, higher
felsőfok {n} [grammar] :: superlative, superlative degree (form of adjective expressing "most")
felsőfokú {adj} :: expert level, college, university
felsőfokú {adj} [grammar] :: superlative
felsőház {n} [politics] :: upper house (the senior legislative chamber of a bicameral parliament)
felső index {n} [typography] :: superscript (type of lettering form that appears in small size above the normal line of type)
felsőoktatás {n} :: higher education
felsőoktatási {adj} :: higher education, higher learning [attributive usage]
Felső-tó {prop} :: Lake Superior
felsül {vi} :: to sunburn (to receive a sunburn)
felsül {vi} [figuratively] :: to fail
félsz {n} :: synonym of félelem
felszabadít {vt} :: to liberate, free, enfranchise, manumit (to release from restraint or bondage)
felszabadít {vt} :: to liberate, free (to free an occupied territory of the enemy) (followed by alól or tól)
felszabadítás {n} :: liberation, emancipation
felszabadítás {n} [chemistry, physics] :: discharge
felszabadítás {n} [football] :: clearing, clearance
felszabadító {adj} :: liberating
felszabadító {n} :: liberator, emancipator
felszabadított {adj} :: liberated, emancipated
felszáll {vi} :: to fly up, soar (to mount upward on wings, or as on wings)
felszáll {vi} [of fog, smoke] :: to lift
felszáll {vi} [aviation, space] :: to take off, lift off (to leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air)
felszáll {vi} :: to mount (to place oneself on a horse, a bicycle, etc.; to bestride)
felszáll {vi} [transportation] :: to board, get on (to step or climb onto or otherwise enter a ship, aircraft, train or other conveyance) (followed by ra)
felszállás {n} :: ascension, takeoff, liftoff (the rising or ascent of an aircraft or rocket into flight)
felszállás {n} :: getting on, embarking, boarding, embarkation (the act of people getting aboard a ship, aircraft, train, bus or mounting a riding animal)
felszálló {adj} :: rising, ascending
felszálló {n} :: boarder (one who boards a vehicle)
felszálló vastagbél {n} [anatomy] :: ascending colon
félszemű {adj} :: one-eyed
felszerel {vt} :: to equip, stock, supply, provide with
felszerel {vt} :: to install (machinery, objects)
felszerelés {n} :: equipment, gear
félsziget {n} :: peninsula (a piece of land projecting into water)
felszín {n} :: surface
felszínes {adj} :: superficial
felszínesebb {adj} :: comparative of felszínes
felszíni {adj} :: aboveground, superficial, surface (on or above the surface of the ground)
felszív {vt} :: to absorb, to suck up, to soak up (to take in fluid)
felszív {vt} :: to sniff, snort, inhale (to inhale drugs in powder form through the nose)
félszoba {n} :: small-sized (living) room (in a private flat/apartment; before 2008, officially with a size between 6 m² [7.2 yd²] and 12 m² [14.4 yd²]; since 2008, outdated, having a bottom limit of 8 m² [9.6 yd²] for any room)
felszólal {vi} :: to speak, to make/give/deliver a speech (to make a verbal contribution to a discussion or debate, especially in a deliberative forum)
felszólít {vt} :: to call on (to request or ask someone to do something) (followed by ra)
felszólít {vt} [of a teacher] :: to call on (to select a student in a classroom to provide an answer)
felszólító mód {n} [grammar] :: imperative mood
félt {vt} :: to fear for, to be afraid for, to feel concern for (to worry about [the safety of] someone or something)
feltalál {vt} :: to invent
feltalálja a spanyolviaszt {v} [idiomatic] :: to reinvent the wheel
feltaláló {n} :: inventor (one who invents, either as a hobby or as an occupation)
feltámadás {n} [Christianity] :: resurrection
feltámadás {n} :: resurgence, renewal, raising
feltámaszt {vt} [religion] :: to resurrect (to raise from the dead)
feltámaszt {vt} [rare] :: to prop (to support or shore up something)
feltámaszt {vt} :: to evoke, revive (to recover from a state of oblivion, obscurity, neglect)
feltár {vt} :: to reveal, disclose
feltár {vt} :: to excavate, explore
feltárás {n} :: exploration, exposure, excavation
feltárás {n} :: disclosure, revealing, revelation
feltart {vt} :: to impede, obstruct, arrest, block
feltart {vt} :: to hold up, raise, lift
feltart {vt} [archaic] :: to maintain, keep up, preserve
feltartóztathatatlan {adj} :: unstoppable, that which cannot be impeded, obstructed, detained, checked, or blocked
feltehető {adj} :: likely
feltehetőleg {adv} :: supposedly, presumably
félteke {n} [geometry, anatomy, neuroanatomy] :: hemisphere (of a planet, brain)
féltékeny {adj} :: jealous
féltékenykedés {n} :: jealousy (a repetitive, renewing state of suspicious guarding)
féltékenykedik {vi} :: to be jealous of (followed by ra) (to often or repetitively feel jealousy)
féltékenység {n} :: jealousy
féltékenységi {adj} :: of jealousy
féltestvér {n} :: half sibling, half brother, half sister (a sibling sharing a single parent)
feltesz {vt} :: to place on, to put on, to put up
feltesz {vt} :: to pose (a question), to ask (a question)
feltesz {vt} :: to suppose, to assume
feltétel {n} :: condition, term, stipulation, caveat, proviso, provision
feltételes {adj} :: conditional, hypothetical, contingent on something
feltételesebb {adj} :: comparative of feltételes
feltételes mód {n} [grammar] :: conditional mood
feltételez {vt} :: to suppose, assume
feltételezés {n} :: assumption, presumption, surmise, supposition, hypothesis
feltételezés {n} [sciences] :: hypothesis
feltételezhetően {adv} :: presumably (able to be sensibly presumed)
feltétlen {adj} :: unconditional, absolute
feltétlenül {adv} :: unconditionally, absolutely, definitely, by all means
feltevés {n} :: assumption, hypothesis, presumption
félti a bőrét {v} [idiomatic] :: to fear for one's life
feltölt {vt} :: to fill up with
feltölt {vt} [of supplies] :: to replenish
feltölt {vt} [computing] :: to upload (to transfer data from a local computer to a remote one)
feltölt {vt} [agriculture] :: to earth up (to cover the root of a plant with soil)
feltölt {vt} [of a balance] :: to top-up
feltöltés {n} :: upload
feltűnő {adj} :: conspicuous, prominent, striking, bold
feltűnően {adv} :: strikingly, conspicuously, prominently, remarkably
feltüntet {vt} :: to indicate, list, mark, record
feltüntetés {n} :: indication, representation
feltüntetett {adj} :: indicated
felújít {vt} :: to renew, to furbish
felújítás {n} :: renovation, renewal, restoration, refurbishment, modernization, overhaul
felújított {adj} :: remodeled, renewed, upgraded
felügyel {vi} [slightly, literary] :: to see after, look after, take care of (followed by ra) (to watch someone or something in order to protect, to keep safe)
felügyel {vi} :: to supervise, oversee (to review and direct a task or organization)
felügyelet {n} :: supervision, control, charge
felügyeleti {adj} :: supervisory, surveillance, custody, monitoring, inspection
felügyelő {adj} :: supervising (of a person who is employed to supervise something)
felügyelő {n} :: inspector (a person employed to inspect something)
felügyelő {n} [law enforcement] :: inspector (a police officer)
felügyelőbizottság {n} :: supervisory board, supervisory committee
felül- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: above, over
felül {adv} :: above, over
felül {postp} [often figuratively] :: above, superior to, surpassing, in addition to (with on)
felül {vi} :: to sit up (to assume a sitting position from a position lying down)
felül {vi} :: to get on, to mount, to bestride (to place oneself on something, as a horse or vehicle) (followed by ra)
felül {vi} :: to be taken in, to fall for (to be deceived, to be fooled)
felület {n} :: surface, face (of a wall)
felületes {adj} [of a person] :: superficial, shallow
felületes {adj} :: superficial, cursory (not deep and thorough)
felületesebb {adj} :: comparative of felületes
felületesség {n} :: superficiality
felületi {adj} :: surface, peripheral, external
felületű {adj} :: -surfaced, of surface (having a named surface)
felüli {adj} :: over, above
felülír {vt} :: to overwrite
felüljáró {n} :: overpass (a section of a road or path that crosses over an obstacle, especially another road, railway, etc.)
felülkerekedik {vi} :: to overcome (difficulty), surmount
felülkerekedik {vi} :: to get the upper hand, overpower (to subdue someone by superior force)
felülmúl {vt} :: to surpass, outdo, outshine, excel, overshadow (to go beyond in performance)
felülmúl {vt} :: to surpass, exceed (in something: ban) (to go beyond in quality or degree)
felülmúl {vt} :: to surpass, to be beyond (to be beyond the capacity, power, ability of something or someone)
felülvizsgálat {n} :: review (judicial reassessment of a case or an event)
felvág {vt} :: to slice, to cut into smaller pieces (+ ra)
felvág {vi} [colloquial] :: to show off, to brag (about something: val)
félvállról {adv} [rare] :: over one's shoulder while turning one's head to the side
félvállról {adv} [figuratively, idiom] :: belittlingly, lightly, halfheartedly, carelessly, dismissively
felvált {vt} [of money] :: to change (to give the equivalent amount of money in lower denominations)
felvált {vt} [of sentinel, guard] :: to change, relieve
felvált {vt} [of task, obligation, place, duty] :: to take over, replace (in something: ban)
felvált {vt} [figuratively, of time, phenomenon, action] :: to replace, give way, succeed
felváltva {adv} :: alternately, by turns (one after the other; successively; alternating)
felvarr {vt} :: to sew on (to fasten by stitching)
felvarr {vt} :: to hem (to put hem on an article of clothing)
felver {vt} :: to fasten on, nail up (to fix to another object)
felver {vt} :: to pitch, assemble (a temporary building)
felver {vt} :: to whip, whisk, beat (eggs, cream etc.)
felver {vt} :: to whirl, churn up, kick up (dust)
felver {vt} :: to awaken, rouse, wake up, knock up
felver {vt} :: to disturb, alarm, to break (calm, peace, silence etc.)
felver {vt} :: to raise, increase, jack up (a price)
felver {vt} [of weeds] :: to overgrow, to grow over
félvér {adj} :: half-blood, half-breed (of mixed race)
félvér {n} :: half blood, half-breed (person of mixed race)
felvesz {vt} :: to pick up, lift (to grasp and raise)
felvesz {vt} [of telephone] :: to pick up, answer
felvesz {vt} [of clothing] :: to put on, don
felvesz {vt} :: to accept
felvesz {vt} :: to admit to a place or a group
felvesz {vt} :: to record (video or sound)
felvétel {n} :: record (information such as imagery, sound, etc. stored on a physical medium)
felvétel {n} :: recording, shooting (the act of creating a record)
felvétel {n} :: admission (the act of granting admittance to an institution, organisation, etc.)
felvétel {n} :: uptake, absorption (of energy, nutrients, etc.)
felvételi {adj} [attributive] :: admission
felvételi {n} [education] :: entrance examination, entrance exam (an examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to)
felvételi vizsga {n} [education] :: entrance examination, entrance exam (an examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to)
felvilágosítás {n} :: information, instruction
felvon {vt} :: to raise upwards, lift, elevate (to rise something: curtains, anchors, flags, eyes, eyebrows, shoulders)
felvonó {n} [dated] :: lift (UK), elevator (US) (mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people)
felvonóhíd {n} :: drawbridge (a hinged bridge which can be raised to prevent its being crossed, as across a moat, or to allow watercraft to travel beneath it)
fém {n} [chemistry] :: metal (any of a number of chemical elements in the periodic table that form a metallic bond with other metal atoms; generally shiny, somewhat malleable and hard, often a conductor of heat and electricity)
fémérzékelő {adj} :: metal detector (able to detect/sense a metal object)
fémérzékelő {n} :: metal detector
fémes {adj} :: metallic (related to metal)
fémfűrész {n} :: hacksaw (a saw used for cutting metal)
fémhalogénlámpa {n} :: metal halide lamp
fémháromszög {n} [musical instrument] :: triangle (percussion instrument)
feminizmus {n} :: feminism
fémpénz {n} :: coin (money)
fen {vt} :: to sharpen, to whet, to hone
fen {v} [dialectal] :: to rub, to smear
fen {n} :: unit of currency in China, one-hundredth of a yuan
fene {adv} [as an intensifier] :: damned, bloody, helluva
fene {n} [vulgar or colloquial] :: damn, hell
fene {n} [archaic] :: ulcer, canker, gangrene, sore
fenébe {interj} :: damn!, shit!
fenék {n} :: bottom, buttock (of a living thing)
fenék {n} :: bottom, seat (the lower part of an object)
feneketlen {adj} :: bottomless
feneketlenebb {adj} :: comparative of feneketlen
fenekű {adj} :: -bottomed, -buttocked, with a …… bottom or buttocks (having a specific kind of bottom or buttocks)
fenevad {n} :: beast
fenn- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: up, above
fenn {adv} :: alternative form of fent
fennállás {n} :: existence, life
fennhangon {adv} :: aloud, out loud, vocally (using the voice; not silently)
fennhangon {adv} :: loudly (at a high volume)
fennmarad {vi} :: to remain (to be left after a number or quantity has been subtracted or cut off)
fennmarad {vi} :: to survive, last (to continue to exist, to not become forgotten)
fennmaradó {adj} :: remaining
fennsík {n} :: plateau, mesa
fenntart {vt} :: to maintain (to keep up)
fenntartás {n} :: maintenance, keeping, upkeep, sustenance
fenntartás {n} :: reservation (a limiting qualification)
fenntartható {adj} :: sustainable, maintainable
fenntarthatóbb {adj} :: comparative of fenntartható
fenntarthatóság {n} :: sustainability
fenntartó {n} :: supporter, maintainer
fenség {n} :: grandeur, majesty, sublimity
fenség {n} :: Highness
fenséges {adj} :: majestic, grand, sublime, magnificent
fenséges {adj} [formal, before 1945] :: Used in a title of respect when addressing a member of the royal dynasty
fenségesebb {adj} :: comparative of fenséges
fent {adv} :: above, up
fent {adv} :: upstairs
fent {adv} :: up, awake
fentebb {adv} :: above
fentebb {adv} :: comparative of fent
fenti {adj} :: above
fény {n} :: light
fény {n} :: shine
fény az alagút végén {n} [idiomatic] :: light at the end of the tunnel (a better situation after long hardship)
fényceruza {n} [computer hardware] :: light pen (a computer input device)
fénycsapda {n} :: light trap (a trap to attract certain insects)
fénycső {n} :: fluorescent lamp
fenyeget {vt} :: to threaten (to make a threat against someone; to use threats)
fenyeget {vt} :: to menace, be dangerous
fenyegetés {n} :: threat
fenyegető {adj} :: threatening, menacing, minatory
fenyegetőzik {vi} :: to threaten someone repeatedly (with something val)
fényelektromos {adj} [physics] :: photoelectric
fényelektromos jelenség {n} [physics] :: photoelectric effect (the emission of electrons from the surface of a material following the absorption of electromagnetic radiation)
fényellenző {n} [photography] :: lens hood, lens shade (lampshadelike device put on the lens to prevent lens flare)
fényerő {n} [photography] :: f-number (ratio of the focal length of a lens to its diameter)
fényérzékeny {adj} :: photosensitive (able to be affected by light)
fényes {adj} :: bright
fényesebb {adj} :: comparative of fényes
fényes nappal {adv} :: in broad daylight (during the daytime)
fényes nappal {adv} [figuratively] :: in a blatant and visible manner
fényév {n} :: light year
fényforrás {n} :: light source
fénykard {n} :: lightsaber
fénykép {n} :: photograph, photo, picture
fényképalbum {n} :: photo album
fényképész {n} :: photographer
fényképez {vt} :: to photograph (to take a photograph)
fényképezés {n} :: photography (the act and process of taking photographs)
fényképezőgép {n} :: photographic camera
fénykibocsátó dióda {n} :: light-emitting diode
fénykor {n} :: heyday, prime (time of greatest success, prestige or flourishing)
fénylik {vi} :: to shine, glitter
fénymásol {vt} :: to photocopy, copy, xerox (to make a paper copy or copies by means of a photocopier)
fénymásolás {n} :: photocopying
fénymásoló {n} :: photocopier
fénymérő {n} [photography] :: light meter, exposure meter (instrument that measures the intensity of the light reflected from or falling on a subject)
fenyő {n} :: pine (tree of the genus Pinus)
fenyő {n} :: fir (tree)
fenyőtoboz {n} [plant] :: pine cone
fényreklám {n} :: neon sign
fényrúd {n} :: glow stick
fénysebesség {n} [physics] :: speed of light, lightspeed
fénysorompó {n} :: traffic signal operated level crossing
fénysugár {n} :: ray of light
fényszennyezés {n} :: light pollution
fényszóró {n} :: headlight, headlamp
fénytan {n} [physics] :: optics (the physics of light and vision)
fér {vi} :: to have enough room (space), to find place
férc {n} :: tacking (loose temporary stitches in dressmaking etc.)
fércel {vt} :: to tack (to sew/stich with a tack - loose seam used to temporarily fasten pieces of cloth)
fércelés {n} :: tacking (loose temporary stitches in dressmaking)
fércelés {n} :: tacking (the process of making such stitches)
ferde {adj} :: slanting, inclined, oblique
ferde {adj} :: leaning (to one side), tilted, crooked
ferde {adj} :: sideways (glance)
ferde {adj} :: perverted (view), awkward (behavior)
ferdén {adv} :: obliquely, askew, askance
ferdül {vi} :: to bend, twist, warp
ferdülés {n} :: deformation, bending, twisting, warping
féreg {n} :: worm, maggot
féreg {n} [zoology] :: worm, namely a member of Annelida, Platyhelminthes, Platyzoa, Sipunculida, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Nemathelminthes, or Acanthocephala (any of various tubular invertebrates resembling annelids but not closely related to them, all having the element -férgek in their Hungarian names)
féreg {n} [folksy] :: parasite, vermin, pest, insect, bug, bedbug, chinch
féreg {n} [archaic] :: wolf or another large beast of prey
féregnyúlvány {n} [anatomy] :: appendix, vermiform appendix, vermix (organ)
Ferenc {prop} :: given name
Ferencváros {prop} :: The 9th district of Budapest, Hungary
férfi {n} :: man
férfias {adj} :: manly (having the characteristics of a man)
férfiasabb {adj} :: comparative of férfias
férfiasság {n} :: masculinity, virility
férfiasság {n} [euphemistic] :: manhood (the male genitals)
férfinév {n} :: male given name, man's name
fergeteg {n} [weather, literary] :: storm, blizzard
fergeteges {adj} :: sensational
fergetegesebb {adj} :: comparative of fergeteges
Feri {prop} :: given name
férj {n} :: husband
férjezett {adj} :: married (with a man)
férjhez megy {v} [idiom] :: to get married with a man, marry, wed (with hoz) (to take a husband)
Ferkó {prop} :: given name
fermentál {vt} :: to ferment
fermentálás {n} :: fermentation
fermentálási {adj} :: fermentation [attributive usage]
feromon {n} [biology] :: pheromone
feröeri {adj} :: Faroese (of, or relatinging to the Faroe Islands, Faroese people or the Faroese language)
feröeri {n} :: Faroese (a person from the Faroe Islands)
feröeri {n} [singular only] :: Faroese (the language of the Faroe Islands)
Ferrari {prop} :: Ferrari S.p.A., an Italian sports car manufacturer
Ferrari {prop} :: a car manufactured by Ferrari
fertály {n} [archaic] :: quarter
fertály {n} [archaic] :: quarter of an hour
fertelmes {adj} :: alternative form of förtelmes
fertő {n} [dated] :: morass, quagmire, swamp, marsh
fertő {n} [figuratively, literary] :: slough, filth (moral)
fertőtlenít {vt} :: to disinfect (to sterilize by the use of cleaning agent)
fertőtlenítés {n} :: disinfection (destruction or removal of microorganisms)
fertőz {vt} :: to infect, contaminate (to transmit pathogens to someone or something)
fertőz {vi} [rare, figuratively] :: to infect, contaminate (to corrupt or negatively influence morally)
fertőzés {n} [medicine] :: infection
fertőző {adj} [pathology, of an illness, person] :: contagious, infectious
fertőző {adj} [figuratively] :: contagious, infectious
fertőzőbb {adj} :: comparative of fertőző
fertőződik {vi} :: to become infected
fertőzőség {n} :: contagiousness (the state or condition of being contagious)
fertőzött {adj} :: infected, contaminated
fess {adj} [colloquial, dated] :: smart, stylish, chic
fest {vt} :: to paint
fest {vt} :: to dye
fest {vi} :: to look in some way
festék {n} :: paint
festék {n} :: dye
festékes {adj} :: painty, of paint (covered or smeared with paint)
festékes {adj} :: paint, of paint (<container> for storing paint)
festékes {n} :: a merchant who sells paints, a paint store
festékszóró {n} :: paint spray
festés {n} :: paintwork
festés {n} :: dyeing
festészet {n} :: painting (an art form)
festett {adj} :: painted
festmény {n} :: painting (an illustration or artwork)
festő {n} :: painter
festőállvány {n} :: easel
festői {adj} :: picturesque, scenic (resembling a picture or painting)
festői {adj} [literature, figuratively] :: graphic, evocative, vivid (presenting in writing a fresh, lifelike appearance)
festői {adj} :: pictorial, artistic (of or relating to painting as an art form)
festőibb {adj} :: comparative of festői
festőművész {n} :: painter, artist (one who paints as an artist)
fésű {n} :: comb
fésül {vt} :: to comb
fésületlen {adj} :: uncombed, unkempt
fésületlenebb {adj} :: comparative of fésületlen
fésülködik {vir} :: to comb oneself
fesz {n} [music] :: F-flat, F♭ (a tone one semitone lower than an F)
fészek {n} :: nest
feszély {n} [archaic] :: discomfort, unease
feszélyező {adj} :: embarrassing, awkward
feszeng {vi} :: to fidget, squirm (to be restless)
feszeng {vi} :: to feel embarrassed/uncomfortable (to be ill at ease, to feel uneasy)
feszes {adj} :: tight, taut, stiff, tense
feszít {vt} :: to tighten, to strain (to make tighter)
feszítés {n} :: strain, stretch, stretching
fészkelődik {vi} :: to squirm, fidget (to move around restlessly while sitting on a chair or staying in bed)
fesztelen {adj} :: relaxed, at ease, comfortable, casual, colloquial
fesztelenebb {adj} :: comparative of fesztelen
fesztivál {n} :: festival
feszül {vi} :: to tighten (to become tighter)
feszült {adj} :: tense
feszültebb {adj} :: comparative of feszült
feszültebben {adv} :: comparative of feszülten
feszülten {adv} :: tensely
feszültség {n} :: tension
feszültség {n} [electricity] :: voltage
fetisizál {vt} :: to fetishize
fetisizmus {n} [sexuality] :: fetishism
fetva {n} [Islam] :: fatwa
feudális {adj} :: feudal
fi {n} [archaic, today only in compounds] :: son, child, offspring (of a human or an animal)
fi {n} [archaic, today only in compounds] :: a smaller part of a building or a piece of furniture, cf. fiók, ’drawer’
fi {interj} [rare, literary] :: yuck, ugh, boo (expression of disgust or contempt, sometimes like a symbolic spitting)
fi {n} :: Phi; the Greek letter Φ (lowercase φ)
fiáker {n} :: fiacre
fiastyúk {n} [dialectal, archaic] :: broody hen, mother hen
Fiastyúk {prop} [constellation] :: Pleiades (an open cluster of hot blue stars in the constellation Taurus, and the most easily visible such cluster from Earth)
fiatal {adj} :: young
fiatal {n} :: young person, youth
fiatalabb {adj} :: comparative of fiatal
fiatalasszony {n} :: young lady
fiatalember {n} :: youth, young man
fiatalkor {n} :: youth (the part of life following childhood)
fiatalkori {adj} :: juvenile, (of) youth
fiatalos {adj} :: youthful, youngish (young or seeming young)
fiatalság {n} :: youth (quality or state of being young)
fibrilláció {n} [cardiology] :: fibrillation (the rapid, irregular, and unsynchronized contraction of the muscle fibers of the heart)
fibrillál {vi} [medicine] :: to fibrillate
fickó {n} [colloquial] :: fellow, fella, chap, lad, guy (a male person, a male)
ficsúr {n} [pejorative] :: dandy, fop, dude
Fidesz {prop} :: Originally, a youthful libertarian, anti-communist party founded in 1988 by young democrats. After 1994, it changed its political position from liberal to conservative. Today it is a major national conservative political party in Hungary named Fidesz – Magyar Polgári Szövetség (Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Alliance)
fideszes {adj} :: of or relating to Fidesz
fideszes {n} :: a member or supporter of Fidesz
Fidzsi-szigetek {prop} [plural only] :: Fidzsi-szigetek (country)
figura {n} :: character, personage
figura {n} [chess] :: piece
figura {n} [dance, skating] :: figure
figyel {vt} :: to watch, to observe, to pay attention (to something ra)
figyelem {n} :: attention (mental focus)
figyelembe vesz {vt} [idiom] :: to take into consideration, take into account
figyelemre méltó {adj} :: remarkable
figyelemre méltóbb {adj} :: comparative of figyelemre méltó
figyelmen kívül hagy {v} [idiom] :: to ignore, neglect, bypass, discount, disregard (to leave out of account)
figyelmes {adj} :: attentive
figyelmesebb {adj} :: comparative of figyelmes
figyelmesen {adv} :: attentively
figyelmesség {n} :: attentiveness, consideration, thoughtfulness
figyelmetlen {adj} :: careless, thoughtless, inconsiderate
figyelmetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of figyelmetlen
figyelmeztet {vt} :: to warn
figyelmeztetés {n} :: warning
figyelmeztető {adj} :: warning
figyelmeztető {n} :: warning, reminder
figyelő {n} :: watcher, observer
figyelőlista {n} :: watchlist
fika {n} [dialectal or colloquial] :: snot, booger (a piece of solid or semisolid mucus in or removed from a nostril)
fika {n} [dialectal] :: little child or young student
fika {n} [dialectal, archaic, disparaging] :: common soldier
fikció {n} :: fiction
fiktív {adj} :: fictive, fictional, fanciful, invented
fiktívebb {adj} :: comparative of fiktív
filantróp {adj} :: philanthropic, philanthropical
filantróp {n} :: philanthropist
filc {n} :: felt (cloth made of matted fibres of wool)
filc {n} :: felt-tip pen, marker pen, magic marker (pen which has its own ink source and a tip made of felt)
filctoll {n} :: felt-tip pen, marker pen, magic marker (pen which has its own ink source and a tip made of felt)
filiszter {n} :: Philistine (person lacking appreciation of culture)
filiszteus {n} :: Philistine (person from ancient Philistia)
filkó {n} [archaic, pejorative] :: dolt, blockhead
filkó {n} [dialectal, cards] :: jack, knave
fillér {n} :: A subdenomination of the forint, 100 fillér = 1 forint. It became obsolete on 3/31/2000 due to inflation
fillér {n} [figurative] :: money, penny, cent (a monetary unit of very small value, in phrases comparable to it won't cost you a penny or I haven't got a cent on me.)
fillérekből {adv} [idiom] :: on a shoestring, on a budget
film {n} [photography] :: film (a medium used to capture images in a camera)
film {n} :: film, movie, motion picture, picture (a recorded sequence of images displayed on a screen at a rate sufficiently fast to create the appearance of motion)
film {n} :: film, cinematic art, cinema, cinematography (the art of making films and movies)
filmes {adj} :: movie [attributive usage]
filmes {n} :: filmmaker
filmez {vt} :: to film (to record a motion picture on photographic film)
filmez {vi} :: to film (to shoot scenes for a movie)
filmezés {n} :: filming
filmfesztivál {n} :: film festival
filmgyártás {n} :: film production, moviemaking, filmmaking
filmkazetta {n} [photography] :: cartridge, film cassette (film holder for 35 mm or sheet film)
filmművészet {n} :: cinema, cinematography (the art of making films and movies)
filmpremier {n} :: film premiere
filmrendező {n} :: film director
filmsorozat {n} [film] :: film series, movie series
filmsorozat {n} [TV, loosely] :: television series
filmszínész {n} :: movie actor
filmsztár {n} :: film star, movie star (a leading actor in movies, a celebrity)
filológia {n} :: philology
filozofál {vi} :: to philosophize (to ponder or reason out philosophically)
filozofál {vi} [colloquial, often, humorous, sarcastic] :: to speculate (to ponder in an abstract, lengthy way without arriving to a practical solution)
filozófia {n} :: philosophy (academic discipline)
filozófiai {adj} :: philosophical
filozofikus {adj} :: philosophical
filozófus {n} :: philosopher (person devoted to studying philosophy)
filter {n} :: filter (any device that separates one substance from another)
filter {n} :: cigarette filter
finanszíroz {vt} :: to finance, sponsor, support (to support by donating money)
finanszíroz {vt} :: to fund, pay for (to provide funding for an undertaking)
finanszírozás {n} :: financing
fincsi {adj} [colloquial, lighthearted, often, childish] :: yummy
fincsibb {adj} :: comparative of fincsi
findzsa {n} :: cup, demitasse
fing {n} [slang, vulgar] :: fart
fingik {vi} :: to fart (to emit flatulent gases)
finn {adj} :: Finnish (of or relating to Finland, its people or language)
finn {n} :: Finn (person)
finn {n} [singular only] :: Finnish (language)
Finn Köztársaság {prop} :: Republic of Finland
Finnország {prop} :: Finnország (country)
finnországi {adj} :: Finnish
Finn-öböl {prop} :: Gulf of Finland
finnugor {adj} :: Finno-Ugric
finnugor {n} :: Finno-Ugric (person)
finnugor {n} [singular only] :: Finno-Ugric (language)
finnül {adv} :: in Finnish, Finnish
finom {adj} :: fine, delicate (made up of particularly small pieces)
finom {adj} :: delicious, tasty (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor)
finom {adj} [of taste, manners, character] :: refined, fine, delicate, gentle, polished
finom {adj} [of humor, hint, distinction] :: refined, gentle, tactful, subtle
finomabb {adj} :: comparative of finom
finoman {adv} :: gently
finomhangolás {n} :: fine-tuning
fintor {n} :: grimace, frown, pout, mop (a contorted facial expression indicating disparagement, contempt, disgust)
fiók {n} :: drawer (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing)
fiók {n} :: branch, subsidiary, affiliate (office of an organization with several locations)
fiók {n} :: post office box (a uniquely addressable lockable box located on the premises of a post office)
fiók {n} :: account (an authorization to use a service)
fiók {n} [archaic, poetic] :: nestling, young (of a bird)
fióka {n} :: nestling, young (of a bird)
firkál {vit} :: to scribble, scrawl
firkant {vt} :: to scribble, scrawl, jot (to write hurriedly)
fiskális {adj} :: fiscal
fiskális {n} [archaic] :: lawyer
fisz {n} [music] :: F-sharp, F♯ (a tone one semitone higher than an F)
fityeg {vi} [pejorative or humorous] :: to dangle
fityma {n} :: prepuce, foreskin
fiú {n} :: boy
fiú {n} :: son
fiú {n} [colloquial] :: boyfriend
Fiume {prop} :: Fiume (city)
fiútestvér {n} :: brother (a son of the same parents as another person; a male sibling)
fivér {n} :: brother (male sibling)
fix {adj} :: fixed, steady
fix {adj} :: immovable
fix {adj} :: sure, certain
fix {n} :: a steady salary
fixál {vt} :: to fixate, to fix (to make something fixed and stable)
fixál {vt} :: to fixate (to stare fixedly at someone or something)
fixír {n} [photography] :: fixer (chemical that stabilizes developed photographs)
fixírsó {n} [chemistry] :: sodium thiosulphate (an inorganic compound with the formula Na2S2O3.xH2O)
fix objektív {n} [photography] :: prime lens (fixed focal length photographic lens)
fixpont {n} [mathematics, computing] :: fixed point
fizet {vt} :: to pay
fizetés {n} :: verbal noun of fizet, paying, payment
fizetés {n} :: salary (fixed amount of money paid on a monthly or annual basis)
fizetésemelés {n} :: raise, rise (increase in wages or salary)
fizetési {adj} :: of or relating to payment or salary
fizetett {adj} :: paid
fizető {adj} :: paying
fizető {adj} [in some compounds] :: pay, paid, nonfree (requiring payment)
fizető {n} :: payer (one who pays)
fizetség {n} :: payment
fizika {n} :: physics (branch of science)
fizikai {adj} :: physical (having to do with the material world)
fizikailag {adv} :: physically
fizikus {n} :: physicist (a person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics, especially at a professional level)
fizikus {n} [obsolete] :: doctor, physician
fiziológia {n} :: physiology (a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved)
fiziológiai {adj} :: physiological (of or relating to physiology)
fjord {n} :: fjord (a long, narrow, deep inlet between cliffs)
flakon {n} [archaic] :: perfume bottle
flakon {n} :: plastic bottle
flamand {adj} :: Flemish
flamand {n} :: Fleming (a native or inhabitant of Flanders in Belgium)
flamand {n} [singular only] :: Flemish (the Dutch language as it is spoken in Flanders)
flambíroz {vt} [cooking] :: to flambé (to cook with a showy technique where an alcoholic beverage, such as brandy, is added to hot food and then the fumes are ignited)
flamingó {n} :: flamingo
Flandria {prop} :: Flanders
flaska {n} [dated] :: flask, bottle
flastrom {n} [archaic] :: plaster, patch
flegmatikus {adj} :: phlegmatic (not easily excited to action or passion)
flexibilitás {n} :: flexibility
flopi {n} [computer hardware] :: floppy disk
flopilemez {n} [computer hardware] :: floppy disk
flotta {n} [nautical] :: fleet
fluktuáció {n} :: fluctuation
fluktuál {vi} :: to fluctuate
fluor {n} :: fluorine (symbol: F)
fluoreszkál {vi} :: to fluoresce
fluoreszkáló {adj} :: fluorescent
fluoreszkálóbb {adj} :: comparative of fluoreszkáló
fluorit {n} :: fluorite
fluxus {n} [electricity] :: flux
f-moll {n} [music] :: F minor
fn. {n} :: abbreviation of főnév
fóbia {n} :: phobia (an irrational or obsessive fear)
fóbiás {adj} :: phobic (relating to a phobia)
fóbiás {n} :: phobic (person)
foci {n} [colloquial] :: soccer
focilabda {n} :: football (ball), soccer ball
focipálya {n} :: soccer field, football field, field, football pitch
focista {n} [colloquial] :: footballer
focizik {vi} [colloquial] :: to play soccer
fodor {n} :: frill, ruffle (clothing)
fodor {n} :: curl, wave (hair)
fodor {n} :: ripple (water)
fodormenta {n} :: spearmint (herb, Mentha spicata)
fodrász {n} :: hairdresser, hairstylist, friseur (a person who cuts or styles hair as an occupation or profession)
fodrászat {n} [singular only] :: hairdressing, hairstyling
fodrászat {n} :: hairdressing salon, hair salon, hairdresser's shop
fodrászinas {n} :: hairdresser's apprentice
fodrásznő {n} :: woman hairdresser
fodrászszalon {n} :: hairdressing salon, hair salon
fodrászüzlet {n} :: hair salon, hairdressing salon, hairdesser's shop
fog {vt} :: to hold (to keep in one's hands)
fog {vt} :: to take (to get into one's hands)
fog {vt} :: to catch, to capture (to seize by force, especially to grab or trap an animal)
fog {vt} [broadcasting] :: to receive (to detect a signal from a transmitter)
fog {vt} [by extension, slang] :: to listen to, to hear, to understand (to pay attention to someone)
fog {vit} [_, followed by rajta] :: to affect, to harm (to have an effect on, especially detrimentally)
fog {vi} :: to write (of a pen or other writing instrument, to leave a mark)
fog {vi} :: to transfer (of ink or dye, to leave a stain upon contact)
fog {vt} [ball games] :: to mark (to follow a player not in possession of the ball when defending)
fog {v} [auxiliary, with an infinitive, only in indicative present] :: will, going to (used to form the future tense)
fog {vr} [followed by és] :: to up and (to do something abruptly or unexpectedly)
fog {n} :: [anatomy] tooth
fog {n} :: tooth, cog
fog {n} :: tooth (a sharp projection on a saw or similar implement)
fogad {vt} [with val] :: to welcome (to affirm or greet the arrival of someone or something)
fogad {vi} :: to bet, wager (with someone: val, on something: be) (to stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event)
fogadalom {n} :: pledge, resolution (solemn promise)
fogadás {n} :: reception (social engagement)
fogadás {n} :: wager, bet
fogadás {n} :: vow, pledge
fogadjisten {n} [dialectal] :: Answer to the greeting adjonisten
fogadó {adj} :: receiving, hosting, welcoming
fogadó {adj} :: adopting
fogadó {adj} :: betting
fogadó {n} :: inn, hostelry
fogadó {n} :: punter
fogadó {n} [tennis] :: receiver
fogadós {n} :: innkeeper, landlord
fogadósné {n} :: hostess, landlady (female innkeeper)
fogadott {adj} :: adopted (e.g. child or country)
fogadtatás {n} :: welcome (act of greeting someone’s arrival)
fogához veri a garast {v} [idiomatic] :: to be close-fisted, tight-fisted, miserly, stingy, cheap (to be excessively stingy with money)
fogalmaz {vt} :: to compose a text
fogalmazvány {n} :: draft (an early version of a written work)
fogalmazvány {n} [public administration] :: the original copy of a decision, resolution
fogalom {n} :: concept, notion, idea
fogamzás {n} :: conception, conceiving (initiation of an embryonic animal life)
fogamzásgátló {adj} :: contraceptive
fogamzásgátló {n} :: contraceptive
fogantatás {n} :: conception (initiation of an embryonic animal life)
fogas {adj} :: toothed
fogas {adj} :: cogged, serrate
fogas {adj} :: dentate (plant)
fogas {adj} :: difficult, thorny (used only in the expression fogas kérdés)
fogas {n} :: coat hanger, coat rack, coat stand
fogas {n} :: pike-perch (a type of fish)
fogas {n} [colloquial] :: rack railway, cog railway (short form of fogaskerekű)
fogás {n} :: grip, grasp, catch
fogás {n} :: trick, knack, technique
fogás {n} :: course, dish
fogaskerék {n} :: cog, cogwheel, gear, gear wheel (a wheel with a toothed rim)
fogász {n} :: dentist
fogászat {n} :: dentistry
fogat {n} :: team (of animals drawing a carriage)
fogat {n} :: equipage, carriage
fogat {vt} :: to have someone catch something
fogatlan {adj} :: edentulous, toothless
fogat mos {v} :: to brush one's teeth (to clean one's teeth, especially by using a toothbrush and toothpaste)
fog az esze, mint a borotva {v} [simile] :: to be as sharp as a tack, to be quick-witted
fogda {n} :: jail (a place for the confinement of persons held in lawful custody or detention, especially for minor offenses or with reference to some future judicial proceeding)
fogékony {adj} :: susceptible
fogékonyabb {adj} :: comparative of fogékony
fogékonyabban {adv} :: comparative of fogékonyan
fogékonyan {adv} :: susceptibly
fogékonyság {n} :: susceptibility
foggal-körömmel {adv} [idiomatic] :: tooth and nail, might and main, with all one's might (with all one's strength or power)
fogható {adj} :: comparable, like (followed by hoz)
fogható {adj} :: tangible
fogható {adj} :: detectable
fogkefe {n} :: toothbrush (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue)
fogkrém {n} :: toothpaste (paste for cleaning the teeth)
foglal {vt} :: to reserve, book
foglal {vt} :: to occupy, seize
foglal {vt} :: to include, insert, incorporate, fit in, put [one thing inside a bigger entity, such as a system]
foglalatosság {n} :: activity, occupation
foglalkozás {n} :: occupation (activity or task with which one occupies oneself)
foglalkozási {adj} :: occupational, professional
foglalkozik {vi} :: to attend (to something val), be engaged in something, deal with something, handle
foglalkoztat {vt} :: to employ someone
foglalkoztat {v} :: to be occupied by something, to occupy one's mind, to engage or employ one's mind, energy, or attention
foglalkoztatás {n} :: employment
foglalkoztatási {adj} :: employment
foglalkoztató {n} :: employer
foglalkoztatott {n} :: employee
foglaló {n} :: down payment, deposit, earnest
foglalt {adj} :: occupied, engaged, busy, taken
foglyuk {n} :: dental cavity (a small or large hole in a tooth caused by caries)
foglyul ejt {vt} [idiomatic] :: to take someone prisoner, to capture someone
fogmeder {n} [anatomy] :: tooth socket, dental alveolus (sockets in the jaws in which the roots of teeth are held)
fogmedernyúlvány {n} [anatomy] :: alveolar process, alveolar bone (the thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on bones that hold teeth)
fogó {n} :: pincers, pliers
fogó {n} :: tongs
fogó {n} :: tagger, it (in a tag game)
fogócska {n} :: tag (a children's game)
fogoly {n} :: partridge (Perdix perdix)
fogoly {n} :: prisoner, captive
fogolycsere {n} :: prisoner exchange, prisoner swap (exchange of prisoners)
fogorvos {n} :: dentist
fogpiszkáló {n} :: toothpick
fogság {n} :: captivity, imprisonment
fogselyem {n} :: floss (a thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth)
fogszabályzó {n} [orthodontics] :: braces
fogtündér {n} :: tooth fairy
fogú {adj} :: -toothed, with a …… tooth or teeth (having some specific type of tooth or teeth)
fogva {postp} :: from
fogva {postp} :: by
fogva tart {vt} :: to detain, to hold prisoner (to keep someone captive)
fogvatartott {n} :: detainee, prisoner
fogzománc {n} [anatomy] :: tooth enamel, enamel (the hard covering on the exposed part of a tooth)
fogy {vi} :: to lessen, decrease, diminish
fogy {vi} :: to lose weight (become thinner)
fogyaszt {vt} :: to consume
fogyaszt {vt} [formal] :: to eat
fogyasztás {n} :: consumption
fogyasztási {adj} :: of or related to consumption, consumer
fogyasztási cikk {n} :: consumer good
fogyasztó {n} [economics] :: consumer, customer (person)
fogyasztó {n} [electricity] :: consumer (electric appliance)
fogyasztói {adj} :: consumer
fogyasztóvédelem {n} :: consumer protection
fogyatékos {adj} :: deficient, insufficient
fogyatékos {adj} :: disabled (person)
fogyatékos {n} :: disabled (one who is disabled)
fogyatékosság {n} :: insufficiency, deficiency, scantiness (the lack of something)
fogyatékosság {n} :: shortcomings, fault, blemish (moral)
fogyatékosság {n} :: disability, impairment (mental or physical)
fogyatkozás {n} :: shortcoming, blemish, fault (in character)
fogyatkozás {n} :: defect (in physical body)
fogyatkozás {n} :: decrease, lessening, diminution (of quantity)
fogyatkozás {n} [astronomy] :: eclipse
fogyatkozik {vi} :: to lessen, decrease, diminish
foggyökér {n} :: root of tooth
fogyóhold {n} :: old moon
fohász {n} :: supplication, prayer
fojt {vt} :: to choke, stifle, strangle
fojtott {adj} [of a sound] :: muffled (stifled or covered up)
fojtottabb {adj} :: comparative of fojtott
fok {n} :: degree, grade, level (step or stage in any scale of values)
fok {n} :: degree, extent (amount that an entity possesses a certain property)
fok {n} :: step, rung (one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder)
fok {n} [geography] :: cape (piece or point of land, extending beyond the adjacent coast)
fok {n} [geometry] :: degree (unit of measurement of angle)
fok {n} [physics] :: degree (unit of measurement of temperature)
fóka {n} :: seal (animal)
fokhagyma {n} :: garlic (plant)
fokos {n} :: a tomahawk-like weapon
fokos {adj} :: -degree, of certain degrees
fokoz {vt} :: to increase, heighten, raise, boost
fokozás {n} :: increase
fokozás {n} :: heightening, enhancement, aggravation
fokozás {n} [grammar] :: comparison
fokozat {n} :: degree (one of a series of steps in a process)
fokozat {n} :: degree, grade, class, rank (a level in an organization)
fokozatos {adj} :: gradual
fokozatosabb {adj} :: comparative of fokozatos
fokozatosabban {adv} :: comparative of fokozatosan
fokozatosan {adv} :: gradually
fokozódik {vi} :: to intensify, grow, to be on the increase
fokozott {adj} :: increased
fokozottan {adv} :: increasingly
fokú {adj} :: having a certain kind of degree, grade, scale, level
fókusz {n} [optics] :: focus (point at which reflected or refracted rays of light converge)
fókusz {n} [photography] :: focus (convergence of light on the photographic medium)
fókusz {n} [figurative] :: center (of attention etc.)
fókuszál {vt} :: to focus (to cause rays of light, etc. to converge at a single point)
fókuszcsoport {n} :: focus group
fókusztávolság {n} [optics, photography] :: focal length (the distance at which a lens, mirror, etc. is in focus)
Fokváros {prop} :: Fokváros (legislative capital)
fóliasátor {n} :: polytunnel
folklór {n} :: folklore (the tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population)
folklór {n} :: folklore, folkloristics (the formal academic study of folklore)
folklorista {n} :: folklorist (a person who studies or collects folklore)
folklorisztika {n} :: folkloristics (the formal academic study of folklore)
folklorizáció {n} :: folklorisation, folklorization (the inclusion or application of non‑folklore in folklore)
folklorizmus {n} :: folklorism (invention or adaptation of folklore by professional artists)
folpack {n} :: plastic wrap, cling film (transparent plastic film used to cover and preserve foodstuffs)
folsav {n} :: folic acid
folt {n} :: stain, spot, blotch
folt {n} :: patch
folt {n} :: blemish
foltos {adj} :: stained, spotted
foltos {adj} :: patched
foltosabb {adj} :: comparative of foltos
foltos kontyvirág {n} :: cuckoopint (Arum maculatum)
folyadék {n} :: liquid
folyam {n} :: big river
folyamán {postp} :: during, in the course of
folyamat {n} :: process
folyamatábra {n} :: flow chart
folyamatjelző {adj} [computing] :: progress-indicating
folyamatjelző {n} [computing] :: progress indicator, progress bar
folyamatjelző sáv {n} [computing] :: progress bar (a graphical control element used to visualize the progression of an extended computer operation)
folyamatos {adj} :: continuous (without break, cessation, or interruption in time)
folyamatos {adj} [linguistics] :: continuous (expressing an ongoing action or state)
folyamatosabb {adj} :: comparative of folyamatos
folyamatosabban {adv} :: comparative of folyamatosan
folyamatosan {adv} :: continuously, flowingly
folyamatos melléknévi igenév {n} [grammar] :: present participle
folyamkilométer {n} :: river kilometer (a measure of distance in kilometers along a river from its mouth; the corresponding English unit is river mile)
folyamodvány {n} :: application, petition
folyékony {adj} :: liquid
folyékonyabb {adj} :: comparative of folyékony
folyékonyabban {adv} :: comparative of folyékonyan
folyékonyan {adv} :: fluently
folyik {vi} :: to flow
folyik {vi} :: to go on (to continue in extent)
folyó {adj} :: flowing, running
folyó {adj} :: leaky
folyó {adj} :: current (e.g. price, year)
folyó {n} :: river
folyóirat {n} :: periodical
folyomány {n} [dated, literary] :: consequence, outcome, result
folyópart {n} :: riverbank
folyós {adj} :: fluid, liquid, runny (said of a thick material capable of flowing such as honey, grease, resin, etc.)
folyósabb {adj} :: comparative of folyós
folyosó {n} :: corridor, hallway
folyószámla {n} :: charge account
folyótorkolat {n} :: mouth (of river)
folytán {adv} :: in consequence of, as a result of
folytat {vt} :: to continue
folytatás {n} :: continuation, sequel
folytatódik {vi} :: to continue
folyton {adv} :: always, incessantly, perpetually
folyton-folyvást {adv} [slightly, pejorative] :: on and on, incessantly, all the time
folytonos {adj} :: continuous, continued, unbroken (without break, cessation, or interruption in time)
folytonos {adj} [of quarrel, complaint] :: continual, neverending, unceasing
folytonos {adj} [mathematics] :: continuous
folytonosabb {adj} :: comparative of folytonos
folytonosabban {adv} :: comparative of folytonosan
folytonosan {adv} :: continuously, constantly
folyvást {adv} [folksy, archaic] :: always, incessantly, perpetually, continually, on and on
folyvást {adv} [archaic] :: fluently
fon {vt} :: to spin (to make thread by twisting fibers)
fon {vt} :: to weave
fon {vt} :: to weave something (into something ba)
fon {vt} :: to braid, plait (to interweave three or more strands, strips)
fón {n} :: phone (speech segment that possesses distinct physical or perceptual properties)
fonal {n} :: alternative form of fonál
fonál {n} :: yarn, string
font {n} :: pound (weight)
font {n} :: pound (currency unit)
font {n} [typography] :: digital font (set of glyphs of unified design contained in a computer file)
fontos {adj} :: important
fontos {adj} [after a numeral] :: -pound, of the value or weight of a given pounds
fontosabb {adj} :: comparative of fontos
fontoskodás {n} :: officiousness, pompousness, self-importance
fontoskodik {vi} [pejorative] :: to be officious, to look/act important, to put on airs (to make something or oneself appear more important than it is in reality)
fontosság {n} :: significance, importance, relevance
fontosságú {adj} :: of a certain importance, priority
font sterling {n} :: pound sterling (currency of the UK)
fonnyad {vi} [of a plant] :: to droop, wilt, shrivel (to dry and shrink from loss of moisture)
fonnyad {vi} [of a woman] :: to wither (to lose youth)
fonnyaszt {vt} [of a plant] :: to cause something wilt / wither
ford. {v} :: abbreviation of fordította
fordít {vt} :: to turn (change the direction or orientation of something)
fordít {vt} :: to change the course of, to adapt ( ra)
fordít {vt} :: to translate ( ra)
fordít {vi} :: to turn the page, to turn over (mainly used in the imperative fordíts, also abbreviated in handwriting as ˙⁄.)
fordítás {n} :: translation (act of translating between languages)
fordítás {n} [computing] :: compilation (the translation of source code into object code)
fordítási {adj} :: translation
fordítási {adj} [computing] :: compiler
fordítható {adj} :: translatable (capable of being translated into another language)
fordító {n} :: translator
fordítóiroda {n} :: translation agency
fordított {adj} :: reverse, reversed, inverse
fordított {adj} [knitting] :: purl (stitch that passes through the previous loop from above, creating a wavy horizontal line)
fordítva {adv} :: reversed, the other way round, vice versa
fordul {vi} :: to turn
fordul a kocka {v} [idiomatic] :: the tables are turning, the shoe is on the other foot
fordulat {n} :: turn, revolution, rotation (the turning of an object around an axis)
fordulat {n} :: (sudden) change
fordulat {n} :: phrase, expression, figure of speech
fordulatszámmérő {n} :: tachometer
forduló {n} :: turn
forgalmas {adj} :: busy
forgalmaz {vt} :: to market, to distribute
forgalmazás {n} :: distribution
forgalmazó {n} [business] :: distributor, retailer, dealer (one that engages in distribution of commodities)
forgalmi {adj} :: traffic
forgalmi dugó {n} :: traffic jam
forgalom {n} :: traffic
forgalom {n} :: turnover, trade
forgalom {n} :: circulation
forgás {n} :: rotation, revolution, spin, turn
forgás {n} [figuratively] :: passage (the advance of something that is changing: the time, the world, etc.)
forgáspont {n} [mathematics] :: fulcrum (center of rotation)
forgástengely {n} [geometry] :: axis of rotation
forgástest {n} [mathematics] :: solid of revolution
forgat {vt} :: to rotate
forgat {vt} [film, television] :: to film, shoot
forgatás {n} :: shooting of a film
forgatás {n} [mathematics] :: rotation
forgatókönyv {n} :: screenplay, scenario
forgatókönyvíró {n} :: screenwriter, scriptwriter
forgatónyomaték {n} [mechanics] :: moment of force, torque
forgó {adj} :: turning, revolving, rotating, whirling, circulating
forgó {n} [anatomy] :: joint
forgó {n} :: tuft, plume (a cluster of feathers worn as an ornament, especially on a helmet)
forgólant {n} :: hurdy-gurdy
forgolódik {vi} :: to toss and turn (to turn from one side to the other while asleep or while attempting to fall asleep)
forgolódik {vi} :: to turn this way and that way, squirm, fidget, wiggle, unable to stay still
forgolódik {vi} :: to busy oneself, bustle about
forgószél {n} [weather] :: whirlwind
forint {n} :: forint
forintnyi {adj} :: as much as, equal
forintos {adj} :: worth ... forint/forints
forma {n} :: form
forma {n} :: shape
formáció {n} :: formation
formai {adj} :: formal, relating to form, of/in (the) form
formájú {adj} :: shaped (having some kind of shape)
formál {vt} :: to form (to give a shape)
formál {vt} [figuratively] :: to claim
formálás {n} :: forming, shaping
formálható {adj} :: formable, shapeable, moldable, plastic (able to be shaped)
formális {adj} :: formal
formalizmus {n} :: formalism
formálódik {vi} :: to be formed, to take shape
formatál {n} :: mold (a hollow form for shaping a fluid substance)
formatál {vt} [computing] :: to format
formatervezés {n} :: design (art and profession of designing functional objects such as furniture, vehicles, household appliances, etc.)
formatervező {n} :: designer (person who designs functional objects such as furniture, vehicles, household appliances, etc. as a profession)
formátlan {adj} :: shapeless, deformed, formless
formátlanság {n} :: shapelessness, deformity, formlessness, malformation
formátum {n} :: format
formátumú {adj} :: of a certain format, form, formation, shape, stature, in the shape of
formula {n} :: formula (an established form of words for use in a procedure)
formula {n} :: formula (a plan or method for dealing with a problem or for achieving a result)
formula {n} [archaic] :: spell, charm, incantation (words or a formula supposed to have magical powers)
forog {vi} :: to revolve, rotate (continuously)
forr {vi} :: to boil, be on the boil, simmer
forr {v} [by extension] :: to be seething (with rage, anger)
forr {v} [obsolete] :: to spring up (emerges from the ground like springwater)
forrad {vi} :: to heal
forradalmár {n} :: revolutionary
forradalmasít {vt} :: to revolutionise [UK], revolutionize [US]
forradalmi {adj} :: revolutionary
forradalmibb {adj} :: comparative of forradalmi
forradalom {n} :: revolution
forradás {n} :: scar
forral {vt} :: to boil something, to bring to boil, parboil, scald (milk), mull (wine)
forral {vt} :: to contemplate something, plot, meditate (mischief, revenge)
forralt {adj} :: boiled
forralt {adj} :: mulled
forralt bor {n} :: mulled wine
forrás {n} :: boiling
forrás {n} :: spring, source (place where water emerges from the ground)
forrás {n} :: source
forráskód {n} [computing] :: source code
forráskódú {adj} [computing] :: of source code (having a certain type of source code)
forrásnyelv {n} [linguistics] :: source language (in translation, the language from which a translation is done)
forráspont {n} [physics] :: boiling point
forrásvíz {n} :: springwater
forraszt {vt} :: to solder
forrasztópáka {n} :: soldering iron
forró {adj} :: boiling
forró {adj} [temperature] :: very hot
forróbb {adj} :: comparative of forró
forró csokoládé {n} :: hot chocolate (prepared from chocolate, as opposed to from the cocoa powder which is used for kakaó)
fortély {n} :: trick, ruse
fortélyos {adj} :: tricky, smart
fortélyosabb {adj} :: comparative of fortélyos
fortélyoskodik {vi} :: to practice guile
fortélyosság {n} :: trickery, wiliness, craftiness, artfulness
fórum {n} :: forum
fos {adj} [slang] :: shitty, worthless
fos {n} [vulgar] :: liquid excrement
fosik {v} [vulgar] :: to excrete thin or liquid feces, to have diarrhea
fosik {v} [vulgar] :: to fear something ( tól)
foszfor {n} :: phosphorus (symbol: P)
foszlány {n} [of material] :: shred, fragment, strip
foszlány {n} [figuratively] :: bit, snatch, trace, scrap (a very small amount of something, a sound, conversation, etc.)
foszlik {vi} [of material] :: to fray, unravel (to come apart)
foszlik {vi} [figuratively] :: to vanish, disappear, dissolve (dreams, plans, hope, etc.)
fosszilis {adj} :: fossile
foszt {vt} :: to strip, shell, husk (maize)
foszt {vt} [of feather] :: to pick, pluck
fosztogat {vt} :: to plunder (to take by force or wrongfully), loot, pillage, maraud
fosztogatás {n} :: looting, pillage
fosztogató {n} :: looter, pillager, plunderer
fosztóképző {n} :: privative suffix (a suffix indicating the absence of something, e.g. -talan/-telen, -tlan/-tlen)
fosztóképzős {adj} [grammar] :: formed with a privative suffix
fotel {n} :: armchair
foto- {prefix} :: photo-
fotó {n} :: photograph, photo
fotóalbum {n} :: photo album
fotóállvány {n} [photography] :: camera stand, tripod (mount used for maintaining the stability of the camera)
fotóautomata {n} :: photo booth (coin-operated kiosk used to take ID-size photographs)
fotóblog {n} :: photoblog (blog designed primarily to showcase photographs)
fotogén {adj} :: photogenic (looking good when photographed)
fotogénebb {adj} :: comparative of fotogén
fotográfus {n} :: photographer (one who takes photographs, typically as an occupation)
fotogram {n} [photography] :: photogram (photograph made by placing an object on photosensitive paper and exposing it to light)
fotómontázs {n} [photography] :: photomontage (composite image combining two or more photographs)
foton {n} [particle] :: photon (quantum of light and other electromagnetic energy)
fotópapír {n} [photography] :: photographic paper (paper coated with light-sensitive chemicals, used for making photographic prints)
fotópapír {n} :: photo paper (glossy inkjet paper designed for photographic prints when used in an inkjet printer)
fotóriporter {n} :: photojournalist (professional photographer who takes photos covering news events)
fotós {n} :: photographer
fotóstúdió {n} :: photo studio (workspace to take, develop, print and duplicate photographs)
fotoszintézis {n} [biology] :: photosynthesis
fotózás {n} :: photo shoot (session in which a photographer takes shots of an individual or group)
fotózás {n} :: photography (the act and process of taking photographs)
Foucault-inga {n} [physics] :: Foucault's pendulum
Fourier-sor {n} [mathematics] :: Fourier series
foxtrott {n} :: foxtrot (dance)
foxtrottozik {v} :: to foxtrot
{adj} :: main, principal, key, chief, cardinal, core, most important
{n} :: [archaic] head
{n} [formal] :: head(s), person(s), capita (counter for people)
{n} :: the main thing
{n} :: head (leader of a group or an organisation; usually in compounds)
{n} :: head (foremost part; usually in compounds)
{vi} :: to boil, to cook (normally in water, as opposed to oil)
főbb {adj} :: comparative of
főbejárat {n} :: main entrance
födém {n} :: ceiling (the supporting structure dividing the floors, the ceiling of the floor below and the flooring of the one above it)
föderáció {n} :: federation (array of nations or states that are unified under one central authority)
föderáció {n} :: federation (any society or organisation formed from separate groups or bodies)
fő ellenség {n} :: archenemy
fő ellenség {n} [video games] :: boss
főherceg {n} :: archduke
főidény {n} :: high season (the period of highest demand in the tourist industry, sports, etc.)
főigazgató {n} :: director-general
főiskola {n} :: college
főiskolai {adj} :: collegiate, college (of or relating to college)
főispán {n} [historical] :: count (leader of a county in the Kingdom of Hungary)
főként {adv} [literary] :: mainly, chiefly
főképp {adv} [literary] :: mostly, mainly, chiefly, largely
főképpen {adv} :: alternative form of főképp
főkör {n} [geometry] :: great circle
főkötő {n} :: bonnet, mob-cap
föl- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: It indicates actions with upward direction
föl {adv} :: alternative form of fel
föl {n} :: cream as milk product
föl {n} :: cream as best part of something
föl {n} :: film, membrane
fölbecsül {vt} :: alternative form of felbecsül
föld {n} :: earth
föld {n} :: soil
föld {n} :: land
föld {n} :: land surface
föld {n} :: dirt
föld {n} [electricity] :: ground
Föld {prop} :: Earth
föld alatti {adj} :: underground, subterranean
földalatti {adj} :: underground, clandestine, illicit
földalatti {n} :: metro, underground, Tube [UK], subway [US] (underground railway)
földbirtokos {n} :: landowner
földcsuszamlás {n} :: landslide (natural disaster)
földel {vt} :: to ground (to connect an electrical conductor)
földel {vt} :: to earth, bury
földelés {n} [electricity] :: ground
földes {adj} :: covered in dirt, mixed/contaminated with dirt/soil/earth
földes {adj} :: earthy, of the earth, dirt, soil
földes {adj} [dialectal, rare, of a person] :: with/having land (owning a land)
földesebb {adj} :: comparative of földes
földesúr {n} [before 1945] :: feudal lord (a landowner aristocrat in a feudal system)
földgáz {n} :: natural gas
földi {adj} :: ground- (growing in the earth)
földi {adj} :: earthly, worldly
földi {n} :: fellow countryman
földi eper {n} :: wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
földieper {n} :: superseded spelling of földi eper
földimalac {n} :: aardvark (Orycteropus afer)
földimogyoró {n} :: peanut (a legume resembling a nut, the fruit of the plant Arachis hypogaea)
földkéreg {n} [geology] :: crust (the outermost layer of the lithosphere of the Earth)
Földközi-tenger {prop} :: Mediterranean Sea
földművelésügyi {adj} :: agricultural (of or relating to agriculture)
földnyelv {n} :: isthmus (narrow strip of land connecting two larger landmasses)
földnyelv {n} :: headland (long, narrow peninsula)
földönkívüli {adj} :: extraterrestrial (originating from outside of the Earth)
földrajz {n} :: geography
földrajzi {adj} :: geographical
földrajztudós {n} :: geographer
földrengés {n} :: earthquake
földrész {n} :: continent (large contiguous landmass)
földszín {n} :: earth color
földszín {n} :: surface of the Earth
földszint {n} :: ground floor, first floor [US] (the floor of a building at the level of the street or surrounding ground)
földszint {n} [archaic] :: on the ground level
földszoros {n} :: isthmus (a narrow strip of land connecting two larger landmasses)
földtan {n} :: geology
földtani {adj} :: geological
földteke {n} :: globe
földterület {n} :: land (real estate or landed property)
földtudomány {n} :: earth science
földút {n} :: dirt road, dirt track (an unpaved road consisting solely of subgrade material)
fölé {postp} :: above, over (in or to a higher place)
fölé {pron} :: synonym of föléje
fölé {n} [education] :: plus (slightly better result than the preceding grade)
főleg {adv} :: chiefly, mainly
föléje {pron} :: (to) above/over him/her/it
fölény {n} :: superiority, advantage, mastery, ascendancy (the state of being superior)
fölény {n} :: disdain, disparagement (a belittling demeanor that makes one superior to others)
fölfelé {adv} :: upwards
fölfújódik {vi} :: alternative form of felfújódik
fölfúvódik {vi} :: alternative form of felfújódik
fölír {vt} :: alternative form of felír
följebb {adv} :: alternative form of feljebb
fölkeres {vt} :: to seek out, to call on, to visit someone, to see someone about something
fölmegy {vi} :: alternative form of felmegy
fölösleges {adj} :: superfluous, unnecessary, redundant, wasted
fölött {postp} :: alternative form of felett
fölötte {pron} :: alternative form of felette
fölötte {adv} :: alternative form of felette
fölötti {adj} :: above, over
fölszáll {vi} :: alternative form of felszáll
fölszállás {n} :: alternative form of felszállás
fölül- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: alternative form of felül-
fölül {adv} :: alternative form of felül#Adverb
fölül {postp} :: alternative form of felül#Postposition, used with n
fölül {postp} [rare] :: from above
fölül {v} :: alternative form of felül#Verb
fölüle {pron} :: from above him/her/it (from a location above the subject)
fölületes {adj} :: alternative form of felületes
fölülír {vt} :: alternative form of felülír
fölülmúl {vt} :: alternative form of felülmúl
fölvált {vt} :: alternative form of felvált
főmufti {n} [humorous] :: big gun, big shot, big wheel
főn {n} [weather] :: foehn (a warm dry wind blowing down the north sides of the Alps)
főnév {n} [grammar] :: substantive, noun (strict sense)
főnévi {adj} [grammar] :: substantival (of or relating to a noun)
főnévi igenév {n} [grammar] :: infinitive
főni {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: boss, chief
Fönícia {prop} :: Phoenicia
föníciai {adj} :: Phoenician (of, from, or related to the country or civilisation of Phoenicia)
föníciai {n} [historical] :: Phoenician (an inhabitant of Phoenicia, a country located on the shores of North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean Sea around the year 1000 BCE)
föníciai ábécé {n} :: Phoenician alphabet
főnix {n} :: phoenix (a mythological bird)
főnixmadár {n} :: phoenix (a mythological bird)
fönn {adv} :: alternative form of fent
főnök {n} :: chief, boss
főnökösködik {vi} [pejorative] :: to boss around (to act in a bossy manner with another person, ordering them to do things, whether or not one is actually their superior)
főnökösködik {vi} :: to work as a boss
fönt {adv} :: alternative form of fent
főnyeremény {n} :: main prize, first prize
főoldal {n} :: home page, main page
főoltár {n} :: high altar
főorvos {n} :: chief physician (the leading physician of a health department)
főpap {n} :: high priest
főpénztáros {n} :: senior cashier
főpénztáros {n} :: cashier of the principal account or main cash register
főpolgármester {n} :: mayor (of a major city), Lord Mayor (the title of the mayor of a major city)
főposta {n} :: general post office
förgeteg {n} [weather, literary] :: storm
förgeteges {adj} :: alternative form of fergeteges
förmed {vi} :: to snap (at someone ra) (to speak with someone abruptly or sharply, in an irritated voice)
förmedvény {n} :: invective (a biased writing, intended to cast shame, disgrace, censure, or reproach on another)
förmedvény {n} [by extension] :: abomination (an object or person that excites disgust and hatred)
förtelmes {adj} :: abominable, heinous, hideous
förtelmesebb {adj} :: comparative of förtelmes
fős {adj} :: -strong (having a certain number of people)
fösvény {adj} :: stingy (covetous, meanly avaricious)
fösvény {n} :: miser (a person who hoards money rather than spending it; one who is cheap or extremely parsimonious)
fösvényebb {adj} :: comparative of fösvény
főszerep {n} :: lead, title role (the leading role in a film or play)
főszereplés {n} :: starring (the act of appearing as a featured performer or headliner, especially in an entertainment program)
főszereplő {n} :: protagonist, lead (the main character in a story)
főszerkesztő {n} :: editor in chief
főtér {n} :: main square (a central open area in a city, town or village)
főtitkár {n} :: General Secretary, Secretary General, secretary general (chief officer or leader of a political party or organization)
főtt {adj} :: boiled, cooked
főtt tojás {n} :: boiled egg
főút {n} :: main road
főutca {n} :: main street, high street (the main street of any town)
fővállalkozó {n} :: main contractor
főváros {n} :: capital (main city of a country)
fővárosi {adj} :: of or relating to the capital city, metropolitan
fővárosi {n} :: inhabitants of the capital city, city-dweller
főz {vt} :: to cook (to prepare food for eating)
főz {vt} :: to brew (e.g. beer)
főzelék {n} :: A Hungarian boiled seasoned vegetable dish thickened with sour cream and flour, often eaten with stew, egg and bread
főzés {n} :: cooking (the process of preparing food by using heat)
főzet {n} :: decoction, concoction, brew, infusion
főzet {vt} :: to order something to be cooked/made/prepared
főző {adj} :: boiling
főző {adj} :: cooking
főző {adj} :: brewing
főző {adj} :: distilling
főző {n} [rare, dialectal] :: cook (one who cooks or who is familiar with cooking)
főző {n} [mostly in compounds] :: cooker (a pot used for cooking)
főző {n} [rare] :: boiler (a kitchen vessel for steaming, boiling or heating food)
főző {n} [rare, except in compounds] :: cooker, stove, hotplate (an appliance used for cooking)
főző {n} [mostly in compounds] :: distiller
főzőcske {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: cooking, cookery
főzőcske {n} [pretend play] :: cooking
főzőcske {n} [colloquial, figuratively] :: flirtation, wooing
főzőcskézik {v} [colloquial, humorous] :: to cook
főzőcskézik {v} [pretend play] :: to cook
főzőkanál {n} :: wooden spoon
főzőkanál {n} :: stirrer
főzőkanál {n} :: spatula (a kitchen utensil consisting of a round flat surface attached to a long handle, used for stirring food)
főzőkanál {n} [obsolete] :: pot-ladle
főztje {n} :: cooking (one's ability to prepare food or one's style of food preparation) (only in possessive forms)
főztje {n} :: the meal cooked by someone (only in possessive forms)
Fradi {prop} :: The nickname of Ferencvárosi Torna Club, a Hungarian professional sports club based in Ferencváros, Budapest
frakció {n} [politics] :: a parliamentary caucus
frakció {n} [chemistry] :: fraction
franc {adj} [obsolete] :: French
franc {n} [obsolete] :: French
franc {n} [archaic] :: syphilis
franc {n} [slang or vulgar] :: damn, hell
franc {n} [slang or vulgar] :: the heck, the hell (expletive used for emphasis after an interrogative term)
francba {interj} :: damn!, shit!
francia {adj} :: French (of or relating to France, its people or language)
francia {n} :: French (person)
francia {n} [singular only] :: French (language)
franciaágy {n} :: double bed
franciakrémes {n} :: A popular Hungarian dessert. It is a custard cake consisting of five layers:
Franciaország {prop} :: Franciaország (country)
franciaországi {adj} :: French (of, from, or relating to France)
Francia Polinézia {prop} :: Francia Polinézia (territory)
franciasaláta {n} :: A cold salad with cooked vegetables dressed with mayonnaise, mustard, and sour cream. Similar to Olivier salad but without meat
franciául {adv} :: in French, French
Franciska {prop} :: given name
Frankfurt {prop} :: Frankfurt (largest city)
frazeológia {n} :: phraseology
frazeológiai {adj} :: phraseological
frázis {n} :: phrase
frázis {n} :: platitude, cliché
frázis {n} [music] :: phrase (small section of music in a larger piece)
frekvencia {n} :: frequency
frekventált {adj} :: popular
frenetikus {adj} :: frantic
frenetikusabb {adj} :: comparative of frenetikus
frenológia {n} :: phrenology
freskó {n} :: fresco
freskófestés {n} :: fresco painting
freskófestő {n} :: fresco painter
Freud {prop} :: Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist, psychotherapist, and founder of psychoanalysis
freudi {adj} :: Freudian
freudi elszólás {n} [psychology] :: Freudian slip (a mistake in speech or action in which a person supposedly shows their true subconscious desires)
freudizmus {n} :: Freudianism
fridzsider {n} :: refrigerator
frigy {n} :: alliance, covenant, league
frigy {n} :: matrimony
Frigyes {prop} :: given name
friss {adj} :: fresh
friss {adj} :: recent
frissebb {adj} :: comparative of friss
frissen {adv} :: freshly, newly, fresh
frissesség {n} :: freshness
frissít {vt} :: to refresh
frissít {vt} [computing] :: to update
frissítés {n} :: refreshment, renewal
frissítés {n} [computing] :: update
frissítés {n} [computing] :: refresh, reload
frissítő {adj} :: refreshing
frissítő {n} :: refreshment
frissül {vi} :: to be refreshed, restored, updated
friuli {adj} :: Friulian (of, or relating to Friuli)
friuli {n} :: Friulian (native, inhabitant or a resident of Friuli)
friuli {n} :: Friulian (a language spoken in Friuli)
frizíroz {vt} [archaic] :: to dress and style hair (to frizzle, curl and comb someone's hair)
frizőr {n} [archaic] :: hairdresser
frizura {n} :: hairstyle, haircut, hairdo
frizsider {n} :: superseded spelling of fridzsider
front {n} [military] :: front (an area where armies are engaged in conflict)
front {n} [military] :: a unit composed of several, normally three, army groups, cf. German Front, [2a]
front {n} [meteorology] :: front (the interface or transition zone between two airmasses of different density)
front {n} [architecture] :: front, face (the side of a building with the main entrance)
frontális {adj} :: frontal
fröccs {n} :: spritzer (drink made by mixing wine (either red or white) with soda water (carbonated water))
fröcsköl {vit} :: to splatter, to sprinkle
frufru {n} :: bangs (hair hanging over the forehead)
fruktóz {n} [carbohydrate] :: fructose
frusztráció {n} :: frustration
früstök {n} [archaic, dialectal] :: breakfast
früstököl {vi} [archaic, dialectal] :: to have breakfast
f-szám {n} [photography] :: f-stop (any of the discrete steps for adjusting the aperture of a lens)
fszt. {n} :: abbreviation of földszint
Ft {n} :: abbreviation of forint
Ft-os {adj} :: abbreviation of forintos
{vit} :: [archaic, literary] to blow (wind)
{interj} [colloquial] :: wow!
Fudzsi {prop} :: Fudzsi (mountain)
fuga {n} :: joint (the vertical and horizontal gap between elements in brick/stone walls)
fuga {n} :: grout, caulk, pointing (filling material)
fúga {n} [music] :: fugue
fuj {interj} :: yuck, ew, phew (uttered to indicate disgust)
fúj {vt} :: to blow
fújdogál {vit} :: to breeze, to blow gently for a long time, with occasional pauses
fújódik {vi} :: to bloat, swell up, balloon, inflate (to become distended/inflated with gas; usually with the verbal prefix fel-)
fúl {vi} [archaic] :: to drown
fullad {vi} :: to choke, drown, suffocate (to suffer from reduced oxygen)
fulladás {n} :: drowning, suffocation
fullaszt {vt} :: to choke, suffocate, stifle (to cause someone to suffer from reduced oxygen)
fundamentális {adj} :: fundamental
fundamentalizmus {n} :: fundamentalism
funkció {n} :: function (what something does or is used for)
funkció {n} [computing] :: feature (a beneficial capability of a piece of software)
funkcionál {vi} :: to function
funkcionál {n} [mathematics] :: functional (function that takes a function as its argument)
funkcionális {adj} :: functional
funkcionalitás {n} :: functionality
funkcionalizmus {n} :: functionalism
funktor {n} :: functor (a mapping between categories)
fúr {vt} :: to drill
fúr {vit} :: to intrigue, scheme (to engage in secret schemes to harm someone)
fura {adj} :: strange, odd, weird
furább {adj} :: comparative of fura
furakodik {vi} :: to shoulder, elbow, press, squeeze, bustle, muscle (to push with the elbow or shoulders to move ahead, e.g. in a crowd)
furakszik {vi} :: alternative form of furakodik
furán {adv} :: oddly, strangely, peculiarly
furcsa {adj} :: strange (not normal), odd, peculiar, curious, weird, funny, funny-looking
furcsább {adj} :: comparative of furcsa
furcsáll {vt} :: to find strange or peculiar
furcsán {adv} :: oddly, strangely
furcsaság {n} :: strangeness, weirdness, oddity (state or quality of being strange)
furcsaság {n} :: oddity, oddment (odd or strange thing or opinion)
furcsaság {n} :: curiosity, curio (strange rarity)
furdal {vt} [archaic] :: to prick, to stick, to prod, to poke, to dig (repeatedly or multiple times)
furfangos {adj} [of a person] :: shrewd, tricky, artful, cunning, vulpine
furfangos {adj} [of a thing] :: tricky, intricate, complicated
furfangos {adj} [of a device] :: smart, clever, ingenious (showing inventiveness)
furfangosabb {adj} :: comparative of furfangos
fúr-farag {vi} :: to whittle, carve (to be busy doing woodwork as a hobby)
fúr-farag {vit} [figuratively, rare] :: to correct, polish (to keep refining some work, a piece of writing, in order to remove imperfections)
furgon {n} :: van (a small covered vehicle used for carrying goods)
fúró {adj} :: drilling
fúró {n} :: drill (a tool used to remove material so as to create a hole)
fúrófej {n} :: drill bit
fúrógép {n} :: drill (a tool used to remove material so as to create a hole)
fúrólyuk {n} :: drill hole (a hole or passage made by a drill)
furulya {n} :: flute, recorder
fuser {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: bungler, botcher (a clumsy or incompetent worker)
fuser {n} [colloquial, derogatory, attributive usage] :: botched, bungled
fusizik {v} :: to turn out private projects during one's official/state work time using factory machines and materials (from the Communist period)
fut {vi} :: to run (to move forward quickly on the feet)
fut {vt} [impersonal] :: to be able to afford to buy something ( ra)
futam {n} :: race, heat
futár {n} :: courier, messenger
futár {n} [chess] :: bishop
futás {n} :: run, running, bolt, fleeing
futball {n} :: soccer
futballista {n} :: footballer (a person who plays football)
futballpálya {n} :: soccer field, football field, field, football pitch
futkározik {vi} :: to run around, run hither and thither
futkározik {vi} :: to run around (to go to different places and devote a lot of effort and time to get something done)
futkározik {vi} [figuratively, of emotions] :: to run/pass through someone repeatedly
futó {adj} :: running
futó {adj} :: momentary, hasty, superficial
futó {n} :: runner (somebody who runs)
futó {n} [chess] :: bishop
futóáramlás {n} [weather] :: jet stream
futómű {n} :: undercarriage (the supporting structural framework of a vehicle)
futómű {n} :: landing gear (the undercarriage of an aircraft)
futópad {n} :: treadmill (indoor sporting equipment)
futószalag {n} :: conveyor belt
futószár {n} :: longe line [US], lunge line [UK], lungeing rein, longe (a rope-like piece of equipment attached to the bridle, longeing cavesson, or halter of a horse to provide control while training)
futótűz {n} :: wildfire
futótűzként terjed {v} [simile] :: to spread like wildfire (to spread or disseminate rapidly or uncontrollably)
futóverseny {n} :: race (a running event)
futtat {vt} :: to make someone or something run
futtat {vt} [computing] :: to execute, to run (a program)
futurisztikus {adj} :: futuristic (advanced so far beyond that which is current as to appear to be from the future)
futurizmus {n} :: futurism
fuvall {vi} [archaic, poetic] :: to blow (gently), breathe, waft
fuvallat {n} [weather] :: waft, whiff (a light breeze)
fuvalom {n} [literary, weather] :: whiff, waft (gentle breeze)
fúvódik {vi} :: alternative form of fújódik (usually with the verbal prefix fel-)
fuvola {n} [music] :: flute (a woodwind instrument)
fúzió {n} :: fusion
{n} :: grass
{n} [slang] :: pot, grass, marijuana
fű-fa {adv} [idiomatic] :: everybody, everyone and their brother, the whole world, all and sundry
füge {n} :: fig (fruit)
függ {vi} :: to hang on something
függ {vi} :: to depend on someone or something
függelék {n} :: appendix (in a book)
függelemsértés {n} [law] :: (act of) insubordination
függeszkedik {vi} :: to hang by arms or feet (on something: on) (to be suspended on something by holding onto it with hands or feet)
függeszt {vt} :: to hang (on something ra) (to cause something to be suspended, as from a hook, hanger or the like)
függeszt {vt} :: to gaze, look, keep an eye on (to stare intently, to fix one's eyes onto something)
független {adj} :: independent
Független Államok Közössége {prop} :: Commonwealth of Independent States (an alliance and confederation of nine former Soviet republics)
függetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of független
függetlenség {n} :: independence (state or quality of being independent)
függetlenül {adv} :: independently
független változó {n} [mathematics] :: independent variable
függő {adj} :: hanging, suspended
függő {adj} :: pending
függő {adj} :: aerial (taking place in the air)
függő {adj} :: addicted (having a biochemical addiction)
függő {n} :: pendant
függő {n} :: addict (a person who is addicted)
függőágy {n} :: hammock (a swinging couch or bed)
függőben {adv} :: in a pending state, in abeyance
függően {postp} :: depending (on something tól), according to
függőhíd {n} :: suspension bridge
függőkosár {n} :: hanging basket (a container filled with decorative plants, suspended on a structure)
függőleges {adj} :: vertical
függőlegesen {adv} :: vertically
függöny {n} :: curtain
függő változó {n} [mathematics] :: dependent variable
függvény {n} [mathematics] :: function
függvény {n} [abstractly, with possessive suffixes] :: depending on, (be) subject to, (be) the function of
fül {n} :: ear (organ of hearing in humans and animals)
fül {n} [figurative] :: ear (acuteness of hearing or skill in music)
fül {n} :: handle in a semicircle shape, such as that of a bag, pot, mug, etc
fül {n} :: flap (anything broad and flexible that hangs loose)
fül {n} [computing] :: tab (navigational widget for switching between documents or panels)
fülbemászó {adj} [of a tune] :: catchy (instantly appealing and memorable)
fülbemászó {n} :: earwig (any of various insects of the order Dermaptera)
fülbemászóbb {adj} :: comparative of fülbemászó
fülbevaló {n} :: earring
fülcimpa {n} :: earlobe
fülcsepp {n} [medicine] :: eardrop (medicine to be administered to the ear)
fülemüle {n} :: nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
füles {adj} :: eared, having ears
füles {adj} :: with a handle, with handles (container)
füles {n} [colloquial] :: donkey, assGB
füles {n} [colloquial] :: clout, slap, smack, facer (a slap on the face with a hand)
füles {n} [colloquial] :: dirt, dope, tip-off (news, information)
füles {n} [colloquial] :: headphone, earphone
fülesbagoly {n} :: Any of various owls of the genus Asio that have prominent ear tufts
fülész {n} :: aurist, ear doctor, otologist, audiologist
fülész {n} [colloquial] :: otorhinolaryngologist
fülészet {n} [medicine] :: otology (the branch of medicine that deals with the ear)
fülészet {n} :: department of otology (the hospital department specialized in treating disorders of the ear)
fülészeti {adj} :: otologic, otological, otiatric, auricular, ear (of or relating to otology, of diseases of the ear and their treatment)
fülgyógyászat {n} :: otology (the branch of medicine that deals with the ear)
fülhallgató {n} :: earphones (a pair of small loudspeakers worn inside each outer ear or covering all or part of the ear, without a connecting band worn over head)
fülig ér a szája {v} [idiomatic] :: to grin like a Cheshire cat, to smile from ear to ear (to smile broadly and happily)
fülig szerelmes {adj} [idiomatic] :: head over heels in love, over head and ears in love (with someone: ba)
fülkagyló {n} [anatomy] :: auricle, pinna, outer ear
fülke {n} :: cabin, booth, compartment
fülorvos {n} :: aurist, ear doctor, otologist, audiologist
Fülöp {prop} :: given name
Fülöp-szigetek {prop} [plural only] :: Fülöp-szigetek (country)
fülszöveg {n} :: blurb (short description of a book printed on the flap of its dust jacket)
fültanú {n} :: earwitness
fültisztító {adj} :: ear cleaning
fültisztító {n} :: ear cleaner (a device or substance used for cleaning the ears)
fültisztító pálcika {n} :: cotton buds [UK], cotton swab [US], Q-tip [US] (a small wad of cotton wrapped around the end of a small rod, made of wood, rolled paper, or plastic often used in aural hygiene and cosmetics)
fültő {n} :: the base of the ear, behind the ear, parotid region
fültő {n} [medical, attributive usage] :: parotid
fültőmirigy {n} [anatomy] :: parotid gland (either of a pair of salivary glands located in front of, and below each ear in humans)
fültőmirigy-gyulladás {n} [diseases] :: parotitis (inflammation of one or both parotid glands)
fülű {adj} :: -eared, with a …… ear or ears (having a specific kind of ear[s])
fülzúgás {n} [pathology] :: tinnitus
fülzsír {n} :: earwax (waxy substance secreted by the ear)
fűnek-fának {adv} [idiomatic] :: to everybody, to everyone and their brother, to the whole world
fűnyíró {adj} [attributive] :: lawnmower
fűnyíró {n} :: lawnmower (a device used for cutting grass)
fűnyíró {n} :: lawnmower (a person who mows lawns)
fűnyíró gép {n} :: lawnmower (a device used for cutting grass to a chosen height, typically of landscaped lawns of residences or institutions)
fürdés {n} :: bath, bathing, tub (in a bathtub)
fürdés {n} :: bathe, bathing, dip, swim (outside, in a body of water)
fürdet {v} :: to bath
fürdik {vi} :: to have a bath, bathe (especially in a bathtub)
fürdik {vi} :: to dip, bathe (outside, especially for recreation)
fürdő {adj} :: bathing
fürdő {n} :: public bath
fürdő {n} [housing] :: bathroom (short for fürdőszoba)
fürdőkád {n} :: bathtub
fürdőköpeny {n} :: bathrobe
fürdőruha {n} :: swimsuit, bathing suit
fürdőszoba {n} :: bathroom
fürdőszobás {adj} :: with a bathroom, having a bathroom
fűrész {n} :: saw (tool)
fűrészel {vt} :: to saw (to cut with a saw)
fűrészgép {n} :: sawing machine
fűrészpor {n} :: sawdust
fürge {adj} :: nimble (quick and light in movement or action)
fürgébb {adj} :: comparative of fürge
fürj {n} :: quail (a small game bird)
füröszt {vt} :: to bathe someone
fürt {n} [of hair] :: tress, ringlet, curl, lock
fürt {n} [botany] :: cluster (more than one flower on an axis)
fürt {n} [of fruits, flowers] :: bunch
fürt {n} [of people or animals] :: cluster (people or animals grouped together or collected in one place)
füst {n} :: smoke
füstbe megy {v} [idiom] :: to come to nothing, end in smoke, go up in smoke, go up in flames, fall to the ground, fall through (of hope, plans, projects: to be cancelled or ruined)
füstike {n} :: fumitory
füstjelző {adj} :: smoke-detecting
füstjelző {n} :: smoke alarm, smoke detector
füstoszlop {n} :: smoke column, smoke plume, column/pillar/plume of smoke
füstöl {vi} :: to smoke (to give off smoke)
füstöl {vt} :: to smoke (food, in order to conserve and flavor)
füstölő {adj} :: smoking (giving off smoke)
füstölő {n} :: incense
füstölög {vi} :: to smoke, to give off smoke continuously (e.g. a chimney etc.)
fűszer {n} :: spice
fűszeres {adj} :: spicy
fűszeres {n} :: grocer
fűszeresebb {adj} :: comparative of fűszeres
fűszerez {vt} [of food] :: to season, flavour, spice something
fűszerez {vt} [by extension] :: to spice, embellish something (with something val)
fűt {vt} :: to heat (to increase the temperature of a space)
fűtés {n} :: heating
fűtési {adj} :: of or relating to heating
fűtésszerelő {n} :: heating engineer
fűtetlen {adj} :: unheated (without heating)
fűtő {adj} :: heating
fűtő {n} :: stoker, fireman (a person who keeps the fire going, originally, shoveling coal by hand on a steamship, on a railroad locomotive, etc.)
fűtőtest {n} :: radiator, heater (a finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room)
fütty {n} :: whistle (a shrill, high-pitched sound made by whistling)
fütty {n} :: song, call (a melodious sound made by a bird)
füttyent {vi} [of human, animal, machine] :: to whistle (to someone nak) (to give a brief, sharp whistle)
fütyül {vit} :: to whistle
fütyül {vi} [figurative] :: not to care (about something: ra)
füves {adj} :: grassy, grass-covered, swardy (covered with grass)
fűz {vt} :: to lace (to fasten a shoe with laces)
fűz {vt} :: to thread (to put thread through a needle)
fűz {vt} :: to string (to put items on a string)
fűz {vt} :: to sew, to stitch (to bind a book by sewing the pages together)
fűz {vt} :: to weave, to intertwine, to lock (to twist or twine around something or one another)
fűz {vt} [_, with hoz, figurative] :: to bind, to attach (to strongly connect someone)
fűz {vt} [_, with hoz, figurative] :: to add (to say further information)
fűz {vt} [colloquial] :: to wheedle, to sweet-talk (to attempt to persuade using flattery, especially to court a woman)
fűz {n} :: willow
füzér {n} :: garland, string
füzet {n} :: exercise book
fűzfa {n} :: willow
fűzfapoéta {n} [literary, pejorative] :: poetaster, rhymester, versemonger
fűző {n} :: corset
fűző {n} :: lace (shoe)
fűződik {vi} :: to be connected, to be attached (to something hoz)
fűzöld {adj} :: grass-green (of a bright green colour, like that of grass)