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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-d

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
dab {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint ::
dabble {v} (to cause splashing by moving a body part in soft mud, water, etc.) :: sıçratmak
dabble {v} (to participate in a casual or superficial way) :: takılmak [slang]
dachshund {n} (breed of dog) :: dakhund
Dacia {prop} (ancient kingdom and Roman province) :: Daçya
dad {n} (informal: a father) :: baba
dadaism {n} (cultural movement, see also: Dada) :: dadaizm
daddy {n} (father) :: baba
Daegu {prop} (city in South Korea) :: Tegu
daemon {n} (computing: a process that does not have a controlling terminal) :: artalan süreci
Daesh {prop} (translations of the term "Daesh" only, see also: ISIS) :: Daeş, Deaş
daffodil {n} (flower) :: nergis
Daffy Duck {prop} (comic duck) :: Arsız Daffy
daft {adj} (crazy, insane, see also: crazy; insane; mad) :: deli
Dagestan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Dağıstan
Dagestani {n} (someone from Dagestan) :: Dağıstanlı
dagga {n} (cement) SEE: cement ::
dagger {n} (a stabbing weapon) :: hançer
Dagon {prop} (main god of the Phoenicians) :: Dagon
daikon {n} (large white radish) :: daikon, Beyaz Turp, Japon turpu, Oryantal turp, Çin turp,
daily {adj} (that occurs every day) :: günlük, gündelik
daily {n} (newspaper) :: günlük gazete
daily {n} (cleaner) :: gündelikçi
daily {adv} (every day) :: günlük
daintiness {n} (characteristic of being dainty) :: lezzet
dairy {n} (products produced from milk) :: mandıra ürünleri {p}, süt ürünleri {p}
dairyman {n} (man who works in a dairy) SEE: milkman ::
daisy {n} (Bellis perennis) :: papatya, yoğurt çiçeği
daisy {n} (commonly used term for related flowers) :: papatya
Dakar {prop} (the capital city of Senegal) :: Dakar
dale {n} (valley) :: vadi
Dallas {prop} (city in Texas) :: Dallas
dam {n} (structure placed across a flowing body of water) :: baraj, set
damage {n} (abstract measure of something not being intact; harm) :: zarar, hasar
damage {v} :: zarar
Damascus {prop} (the capital city of Syria) :: Şam
damask {n} (fabric) :: damasko
damma {n} (an Arabic diacritic denoting the vowel point "u") :: damma, ötre
dammit {interj} (expression of anger or disappointment) :: kahrolsun, lanet olsun
damn {v} (to put a curse upon) :: lanetlemek
damn {adj} (generic intensifier) :: kahrolasıca
damn {interj} (non-vulgar expression of contempt etc.) :: lanet olsun
damned if one does and damned if one doesn't {prep} (dilemma with bad outcomes) :: aşağı tükürsen sakal, yukarı tükürsen bıyık
damnify {v} (law: to cause injury or loss) :: zarar vermek
damp {adj} (Being in a state between dry and wet) :: nemli, rutubetli
damp {n} (moisture) :: nem, rutubet
Danbo {n} (cheese originating in Denmark) :: Danbo
dance {n} (movements to music) :: dans, raks
dance {v} (move rhythmically to music) :: dans etmek
dance floor {n} (an area for dancing) :: dans pisti
dancer {n} (person who dances) :: dansçı
dandelion {n} (plant, wild flower of the genus Taraxacum) :: karahindiba
dandruff {n} (skin flakes) :: kepek
Dane {n} (person from Denmark or of Danish descent) :: Dan, Danimarkalı
dang {adj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
danger {n} (exposure to likely harm) :: tehlike
dangerous {adj} (full of danger) :: tehlikeli
dangerousness {n} (state or quality of being dangerous) :: tehlikelilik
Danish {prop} (language) :: Danca
Danish {adj} (of Denmark) :: Danimarkalı
Danish {n} (native of Denmark) SEE: Dane ::
danse macabre {n} (a conventional subject of artistic painting or drawing) :: iskeletlerin dansı
Danube {prop} (river of Europe that flows to the Black Sea) :: Tuna nehri, Tuna
Daphne {prop} (mythological dryad) :: Dafni
darbuka {n} (goblet drum) SEE: goblet drum ::
Dardanelles {prop} (strait) :: Çanakkale Boğazı
Darius {prop} (any of several Persian kings) :: Darius
dark {adj} (having an absolute or relative lack of light) :: karanlık
dark {adj} (hidden, secret) :: karanlık
dark {adj} (not bright or light, deeper in hue) :: koyu
dark {n} (a complete or partial absence of light) :: karanlık
dark energy {n} (hypothetical form of energy which, it is supposed, is spread uniformly throughout space and time and has anti-gravitational properties) :: karanlık enerji
dark-haired {adj} (brunette) SEE: brunette ::
dark magic {n} (black magic) SEE: black magic ::
dark matter {n} (particles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation) :: karanlık madde
darkness {n} (state of being dark) :: karanlık
darling {n} (person who is dear to one) :: sevgili, sevdicek
darling {adj} (dear, cherished) :: sevgili, biricik, canım
darling {adj} (charming) :: hoş, tatlı
darn {adj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {interj} (damn) SEE: damn ::
darn {v} (damn) SEE: damn ::
Darwinism {n} (principles of natural selection) :: Darvinizm, Darvincilik
dash {n} (colloquial: hyphen) SEE: hyphen ::
dash {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard ::
dashboard {n} (panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft) :: gösterge panosu, gösterge tablosu
data {n} (information) :: veri
databank {n} (database) SEE: database ::
database {n} (collection of information) :: veritabanı
database {n} :: veri tabanı
data path {n} (computing) :: veriyolu
data record {n} :: veri kaydı
data set {n} (modem) SEE: modem ::
data set {n} (file of related records) :: veri grubu
data set {n} (set of data to analyze) :: veri grubu
data store {n} (data repository of a set of integrated objects) :: veri deposu
data type {n} (classification or category of data) :: veri tipi
date {n} (fruit of the date palm) :: hurma
date {n} (that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.) :: tarih, günlemeç
date {n} (point of time at which a transaction or event takes place) :: tarih
date {n} (pre-arranged social meeting) :: randevu, buluşma
date {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm ::
date of birth {n} (birthday) SEE: birthday ::
date of birth {n} (date and year when something was born) :: doğum tarihi
date palm {n} (Phoenix dactylifera) :: hurma
date tree {n} (date palm) SEE: date palm ::
dating {n} (a form of romantic courtship) :: randevulaşma
dating {n} (process of estimating the age of something) :: tarih atma
dating {n} (setting of a date) :: zaman tespiti
dative {adj} (grammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object) :: -e hâli, datif
dative {n} (dative case) SEE: dative case ::
dative case {n} (case used to express direction towards an indirect object) :: -e hâli, datif, yönelme hâli/durumu, -e hâli/durumu
daub {n} (soft coating of mud, plaster etc) :: çamur, harç, leke
daub {n} (crude or amateurish painting) :: acemice boyanmış resim
daub {v} (to apply something in hasty or crude strokes) :: acemice boyamak, beceriksizce boyamak, sıvamak [literally]
daughter {n} (female offspring) :: kız, kız evlat
daughter-in-law {n} (wife of one's child) :: gelin
daughter language {n} (language which genetically descends from earlier, parent language) :: yavru dil
daunting {adj} (discouraging; inspiring fear) :: göz korkutucu
daunting {adj} (intimidatingly impressive, see also: awe-inspiring; overwhelming) :: cesaret kırıcı, sindirici
dauntless {adj} (invulnerable to fear or intimidation) :: yılmaz
David {prop} (king of Israel) :: Davut
David {prop} (male given name) :: Davut
Davutoğlu {prop} (surname) :: Davutoğlu
daw {n} (Coloeus monedula) SEE: jackdaw ::
daw {v} (dawn) SEE: dawn ::
dawdle {v} (to spend time idly and unfruitfully, to waste time) :: oyalanmak
dawdle {v} (to spend (time) without haste or purpose) :: boşa geçirmek
dawdle {v} (to move or walk lackadaisically) :: aylakça dolaşmak
dawn {n} (morning twilight period) :: seher, şafak, tan
dawn {n} (rising of the sun) :: şafak
dawn prayer {n} (fajr) SEE: fajr ::
day {n} (period of 24 hours) :: gün
day {n} (period from midnight to the following midnight) :: gün
day {n} (rotational period of a planet) :: gün
day {n} (part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.) :: gün
day {n} (period between sunrise and sunset) :: gündüz
day after tomorrow {n} (day after tomorrow - translation entry) :: öbür gün, yarından sonraki gün
day after tomorrow {adv} (on the day after tomorrow; in two days - translation entry) :: öbür gün
day and night {adv} (all the time) :: gece gündüz (night and day)
day before yesterday {n} (day before yesterday - translation entry) :: dünden önceki gün
daybook {n} (A daily chronicle; a diary) SEE: diary ::
daybook {n} (A logbook) SEE: logbook ::
day lark {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird ::
daylight {n} (light from the Sun) :: gün ışığı
daylight {n} (period of time between sunrise and sunset) :: gündüz, gün
day of reckoning {n} (the final and eternal judgment by God) :: Hesap Günü
daytime {n} (the time of daylight) :: gündüz
DBMS {n} (database management system) :: VTYS
deacon {n} (a designated minister of charity in the early Church) :: diyakoz
dead {adj} (no longer alive) :: ölü, ölmüş
dead center {n} (position of the crank of a piston when it is in line with the connecting rod) :: ölü nokta
dead code {n} (instructions that have no effect on the running of the program) :: ölü kod
dead end {n} (street or path that goes nowhere) :: çıkmaz sokak
dead-end {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end ::
deadfall {n} (cheap, rough bar or saloon) SEE: dive ::
dead language {n} (language with no native speakers) :: ölü dil
deadpan {adj} (deliberately impassive or expressionless (as a face or look)) :: anlamsız, duygusuz, manasız
Dead Sea {prop} (lake in the Middle East) :: Lut Gölü
deaf {adj} (unable to hear) :: sağır
deaf {n} (deaf people considered as a group) :: sağırlar {p}
deaf-mute {adj} (unable to hear or speak) :: sağır dilsiz
deaf-mute {n} (person who is unable to hear or speak) :: sağır dilsiz
deal {v} (to distribute (cards)) :: dağıtmak
deal {v} (baseball slang: to pitch) :: atmak
deal {n} (distribution of cards) :: el
deal {n} (agreement, arrangement) :: anlaşma
deal {v} (to conduct oneself) SEE: behave ::
dean {n} (senior official in college or university) :: dekan
dear {adj} (loved; lovable) :: sevgili, sevimli
dear {adj} (formal way of addressing) :: sayın
dear {adj} :: sevgili, sayın, değerli
dear {adj} (high in price; expensive) SEE: expensive ::
dear me {interj} (good heavens) SEE: good heavens ::
dearth {n} (period when food is rare) :: kıtlık
dearth {n} (scarcity) :: kıtlık, yokluk, darlık, azlık
death {n} (cessation of life) :: ölüm, mevt, memat [archaic], vefat, irtihal [archaic]
death {n} (personification of death) :: Erlik [mythological]
death {n} (Tarot) :: ölüm
death {n} (collapse or end) :: son, çöküş, bitim
deathbed {n} (the bed on which someone dies) :: ölüm döşeği
death note {n} (suicide note) SEE: suicide note ::
death penalty {n} (state punishment of death) :: idam cezası, ölüm cezası
death seat {n} (the front passenger seat of an automobile) SEE: shotgun ::
death sentence {n} (sentence) :: ölüm cezası
death warrant {n} (warrant that authorizes capital punishment) :: ölüm cezası, idam cezası
debar {v} (To exclude or shut out; to bar) :: engel olmak, menetmek, yasaklamak
debark {v} (to disembark) SEE: disembark ::
debate {n} (argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting) :: müzakere
debate {n} (informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views) :: tartışma
debate {n} (discussion of opposing views) :: tartışma
debate {n} :: münazara
debate {v} (participate in a debate) :: müzakere, tartışma
debauch {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy ::
debauchery {n} (debauchery) :: çapkınlık
debris {n} (rubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed) :: enkaz
debris {n} (ruins of a broken-down structure) :: yıkıntı
debt {n} (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) :: borç
debt {n} (state or condition of owing something to another) :: borç
debt {n} (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) :: borç
debug {v} (to search for malfunctioning elements) :: hata ayıklama, hatasızlaştırmak, yanlış ayıklama
decade {n} (period of ten years) :: onyıl
decade {n} (series of ten things) :: onlu
decaf {n} (a decaffeinated drink) :: kafeinsiz içecek
decaffeinated {adj} (From which caffeine has been removed) :: kafeinsiz
Decalogue {prop} (the Ten Commandments) SEE: Ten Commandments ::
decapitate {v} (remove the head of) SEE: behead ::
decare {n} (unit of surface area) :: dekar
decay {v} (to deteriorate) :: fenalaşmak
decay {v} (to rot) :: çürümek
deceive {v} (trick or mislead) :: kandırmak, ayartmak, aldatmak
December {prop} (twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: aralık, kanunuevvel [obsolete], yeldoksan
decent {adj} (appropriate, suitable for the circumstances) :: uygun, onat
decent {adj} (showing integrity, fairness, moral uprightness) :: saygın, terbiyeli, onat
decent {adj} (sufficiently clothed) :: edepli, giyinik, müsait
decent {adj} (fair; good enough; okay) :: makul, yeterli
decent {adj} (significant; substantial) :: [colloquial] adam gibi, yeterli
deception {n} (instance of actions fabricated to mislead) :: kandırma, yanıltma, aldatma
decibel {n} (a common measure of sound intensity) :: desibel
decide {v} (to resolve or settle) :: karar vermek
deciduous {adj} (describing a part that falls off, or is shed) :: geçici
deciduous {adj} (of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season) :: yaprak döken, yapraklarını döken
deciduous {adj} (transitory, ephemeral, not lasting) :: geçici
decimal {n} (number system) :: ondalık sistem
decimal system {n} (numerical system of counting in tens) :: ondalık sistem
decimate {v} (to severely reduce) :: kırmak, biçmek, azaltmak
decipher {v} (to decode or decrypt a code or cipher) :: deşifre etmek
decision {n} :: karar
decision making {n} (process of reaching a decision) :: karar verme
decision-making {n} (alternative form of decision making) SEE: decision making ::
deck {n} (pack of playing cards) :: Modern: deste
deck {n} (floorlike covering on a ship) :: güverte
deck {v} ((slang) to knock someone to the floor with a single punch) :: yere sermek
deckhand {n} (a member of the crew) :: tayfa, deniz eri; miço
declaration {n} (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief) :: açıklama, deklarasyon, bildiri
declaration {n} (list of items for various legal purposes) :: beyanat, bildirge
declaration {n} (specification of a variables type) :: açıklayıcı deyim
declaration of will {n} (manifestation of intent aimed at creating a legal effect) :: niyet mektubu [when by letter]
declension {n} (act) :: gerileme
declension {n} (way of categorizing) :: çekim
declination {n} (declension) SEE: declension ::
decollate {v} (behead) SEE: behead ::
decommission {v} (to take out of service or to render unusable) :: devreden çıkarmak
decompose {v} (to decay) :: sasımak
decorator {n} (one who decorates) :: bezekçi, bezeyici, boyacı, dekoratör, nakkaş
decrease {v} (become smaller) :: azalmak, düşmek
decrease {v} (make smaller) :: azaltmak, düşürmek
decree {n} (edict or law) :: kararname, emir, ferman
dee {n} (name of the letter D, d) :: de
deed {n} (action) :: , hareket
deed {n} (legal instrument) :: vesika, senet
deem {n} (an opinion, judgment) SEE: opinion ::
deen {n} (religion) SEE: religion ::
deen {n} (Islam) SEE: Islam ::
deen {n} ((Islam) religion; religiosity; the way of life of a pious Muslim) :: din
deep {adj} (having its bottom far down) :: derin
deep blue {adj} (dark blue) SEE: navy ::
deep freeze {n} (freezer) SEE: freezer ::
deep learning {n} :: derin öğrenme
deep sea {n} (deeper part of sea) :: derin deniz
deep state {n} (large group of people believed to have long-lasting political influence) :: derin devlet
deer {n} (animal of the family Cervidae) :: geyik
default {n} ((finance) condition of failing to meet an obligation) :: temerrüt
default {n} ((electronics, computing) original settings) :: standart
default {n} (value used when none has been given.) :: standart değer
default {n} ((law) failure of defendant to appear) :: gıyap, yokluk
defeat {v} (to overcome in battle or contest) :: yenmek, mağlup etmek
defeat {n} :: yenilgi, mağlubiyet
defeated {adj} (subjugated, beaten, overcome) :: mağlup, yenik
defecation {n} (act or process of voiding excrement) :: dışkılama
defection {n} (act or incidence of defecting) :: ayrılma, firar (from military service), ihanet
defence {n} (defence) SEE: defense ::
defend {v} (ward off attacks against) :: savunmak, korumak
defender {n} (someone who defends) :: savunucu
defender {n} (sports term) :: savunucu
defenestration {n} (act of throwing out a window) :: defenestrasyon
defense {n} (action of protecting from attack) :: savunma, koruma
defense mechanism {n} (psychological strategy) :: savunma mekanizması
defense mechanism {n} (reaction of the body) :: savunma mekanizması
defer {v} ((transitive) to delay) :: geciktirmek, tehir etmek, bekletmek, yubatmak
defer {v} ((intransitive) to delay) :: gecikmek
defer {v} :: ertelemek
deference {n} (great respect) :: hürmet
deferment {n} (act or instance of deferring) :: erteleme, tehir etme, tehir
deferment {n} (postponement of military service) :: tecil
deferrable {adj} (that can be deferred) :: ertelenebilir, tecil edilebilir
deferred {adj} (delayed) :: ertelenmiş, gecikmeli
deferred {adj} (accounting: value not realized) :: vadeli
defiance {n} (the feeling of being defiant) :: meydan okuma
defiant {adj} (defying) :: küstah, serkeş
define {v} (describe, explain, make definite and clear) :: tanımlamak
defined {adj} (having a definition or value) :: tanımlanan, tanımlanmış, tarif edilen, tarif edilmiş
definite article {n} (article introducing a noun and specifying it as the particular noun considered) :: belirli harfitarif, belirli tanımlık
definite integral {n} (integral of a function) :: belirli integral, sınırlı integral
definitely {adv} (without question and beyond doubt) :: kesinlikle
definition {n} (statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol) :: tarif, tanım
defrauder {n} :: dolandırıcı
defunct {adj} (deceased) :: ölen, ölmüş [learned past tense], vefat eden, vefat etmiş [learned past tense]
defunct {adj} (no longer in use) :: feshedilmiş, geçersiz, kullanılmayan, ölü
defy {n} (challenge) SEE: challenge ::
degenerate {adj} (having deteriorated, degraded or fallen from normal) :: dejenere, yoz, yozlaşmış, soysuz
degenerate {adj} (having lost good or desirable qualities) :: dejenere, yozlaşmış, soysuz
degenerate {n} (one is degenerate, who has fallen from previous stature) :: soysuz, dejenere
degenerate {v} (to lose good or desirable qualities) :: dejenere olmak, yozlaşmak, bozulmak, soysuzlaşmak
degenerate {v} (to cause to lose good or desirable qualities) :: dejenere etmek, yozlaştırmak, bozmak, soysuzlaştırmak
degree {n} (in geometry: unit of angle) :: derece
degree {n} (unit of temperature) :: derece
degree {n} (amount, proportion, extent) :: derece
degree {n} :: [1, 2, 3, 4] derece
degree of comparison {n} :: karşılaştırma derecesi, karşılaştırma dereceleri {p}
degree of freedom {n} (mathematics: unrestricted variable) :: serbestlik derecesi
degrowth {n} (negative growth) :: küçülme
deify {v} (to make a god of) :: tanrılaştırmak, ilahlaştırmak
deism {n} (belief) :: deizm, yaradancılık
deism {n} :: deizm {m}
deist {adj} (of or relating to deism) :: deist
deist {n} (person who believes in deism) :: deist
Delaware {prop} (US state) :: Delaware
delay {n} (period of time before an event occurs) :: gecikme, rötar
delay {v} (put off until a later time) :: ertelemek
delegate {n} (deputy, envoy, representative) :: delege
delegation {n} (act of delegating) :: görevlendirme
delegation {n} (a group of delegates) :: delegasyon
delegation {n} ((law) a contract whereby the original debtor substitutes a new debtor in his stead) :: vekâlet verme, yetki devri, yetkilendirme
delete {v} (to remove) :: silmek
Delhi {prop} (city in India) :: Delhi
delicious {adj} (pleasing to taste) :: lezzetli, tatlı
deliciousness {n} (state or quality of being delicious) :: lezzetlilik
delight {n} (joy, pleasure) :: sevinç, neşe, mutluluk
delineate {v} (depict, represent with pictures) :: resmetmek
delineate {v} (describe or depict with words or gestures) :: betimlemek, tasvir etmek, tarif etmek
delirious {adj} (being in the state of delirium) :: delirmek
delirious {adj} (having uncontrolled excitement; ecstatic) :: delice
delirium {n} (mental state of confusion) :: sayıklama, deliriyum
dell {n} (valley) SEE: valley ::
delta {n} (fourth letter of modern Greek alphabet) :: delta
delusion {n} (act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind) :: delüzyon
delusional {adj} (Suffering from or characterized by delusions) :: kuruntulu, sarıntılı, vesveseli, hayalî
demagogue {n} ((pejorative) a political orator or leader who gains favor by pandering to or exciting the passions and prejudices of the audience rather than by using rational argument) :: demagog
demand {v} (to request forcefully) :: istek, talep
dementia {n} (progressive decline in cognitive function) :: demans
Demeter {prop} (Greek goddess of the harvest) :: Demeter
demigod {n} (a half-god or hero) :: yarıtanrı
demijohn {n} (bottle) :: Modern Turkish: damacana {f}
demobilization {n} (disorganization or disarming of troops) :: terhis
democracy {n} (rule by the people) :: demokrasi
democrat {n} (supporter of democracy) :: demokrat
democratic {adj} (pertaining to democracy) :: demokratik
Democratic Republic of the Congo {prop} (large central African nation, formerly called Zaire) :: Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste {prop} (official name of East Timor) :: Demokratik Doğu Timor Cumhuriyeti
democratic socialism {n} (socialism based on democratic principles) :: demokratik sosyalizm
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka {prop} (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka) :: Demokratik Sosyalist Sri Lanka Cumhuriyeti
demographic {adj} (of or pertaining to demography) :: demografik
demographical {adj} (demographic) SEE: demographic ::
demolish {v} (to destroy) :: yıkmak
demon {n} (evil spirit) :: demon, iblis, şeytan, cin
demonology {n} (study of demons) :: demonoloji, iblis bilimi
demonstration {n} (public display of opinion) :: gösteri, protesto
demonstrator {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
demyelinating {adj} :: demiyelinizan
den {n} (home of certain animals) :: in
dendrochronology {n} (science of counting tree rings) :: dendrokronoloji
dendrology {n} (the study of trees) :: dendroloji
denigrate {v} (to criticise so as to besmirch) :: karalatmak, siyahlatmak
denigrate {v} (to treat as worthless) :: aşağılamak, iftira etmek, kara çalmak
denigrate {v} (blacken) :: karalatmak, siyahlatmak
denigrate {v} :: küçümsemek, kötülemek
denim {n} (textile with diagonal pattern) :: denim, kot, blucin
denizen {n} (an inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in) :: sakin
Denmark {prop} (country in Northern Europe) :: Danimarka
denominator {n} (number or expression written below the line in a fraction) :: payda
de novo {adv} (anew) SEE: anew ::
dense {adj} (having relatively high density) :: yoğun, sık, kalın
dense {adj} :: yoğun
density {n} (physics: amount of matter contained by a given volume) :: yoğunluk
density {n} :: yoğunluk
density function {n} (function) :: yoğunluk fonksiyonu
dent {n} (shallow deformation in the surface) :: çökme, göçük, oyuk
dental floss {n} (cord of thin filaments used to clean the areas between the teeth) :: diş ipi
denticity {n} (number of donor groups from a ligand to the central atom of a coordination compound) :: dişlilik
dentist {n} (specialized tooth doctor) :: diş tabibi, diş hekimi, dişçi, diş doktoru
denude {v} (divest of all covering) :: çıplaklaştırmak
deny {v} (disallow) SEE: forbid ::
deny {v} (to assert that something is not true) :: inkâr etmek
deodorant {n} (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm) :: deodorant
deoxyribonucleic acid {n} (deoxyribonucleic acid) :: deoksiribonükleik asit
department store {n} (store containing many departments) :: büyük mağaza
dependency injection {n} (a process of supplying an external dependency to a software component) :: bağımlılık enjeksiyonu, dependency injection
dependent {adj} (relying upon; depending upon) :: bağımlı, bağlı
dependent {n} (one who relies on another for support) :: bağımlı
dependent clause {n} (subordinate clause) SEE: subordinate clause ::
dependent variable {n} (in algebra) :: bağımlı değişken
depilation {n} (epilation) SEE: epilation ::
deplorable {adj} (deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad) :: içler acısı
deplorable {adj} (lamentable, to be felt sorrow for, worthy of compassion) :: acınacak durumda, acınacak halde
depolymerization {n} (decomposition of a polymer) :: depolimerizasyon
deport {v} (to evict, especially from a country) :: sınırdışı etmek
deportation {n} (act of deporting or exiling) :: sınırdışı, sınır dışı etme
deposit {v} (to put money or funds into an account) :: yatırmak
depot {n} (warehouse or similar storage facility) :: depo
deprecated {adj} (strongly disapproved of) :: kınanan, kınanmış, reddedilen, reddedilmiş
depredator {n} :: çapulcu
depressed {adj} (severely despondent and unhappy) :: çökkün, keyifsiz, üzgün, morali bozuk
depressed {adj} (suffering from clinical depression) :: debrese [medicine], bunalımlı, depresyonlu
depression {n} (psychology: state of mind) :: depresyon
deprived {adj} (subject to deprivation) :: yoksun
depth {n} (vertical distance below a surface) :: derinlik
depths {n} (plural of depth) SEE: depth ::
deputize {v} (to make (someone) a deputy) :: atamak, tayin etmek
deputize {v} (to make/name as a substitute) :: vekâlet etmek
deputy {n} (representative) :: milletvekili, delege
deranged {adj} (insane) :: deli
derby {n} (local derby) SEE: local derby ::
derivative {n} (in analysis: value) :: türev
derivative {n} (in analysis: function) SEE: derived function ::
derive {v} (obtain (something) from something else) :: sağlamak, türemek
derive {v} (deduce (a conclusion) by reasoning) :: elde etmek
derived function {n} (calculus: a function) :: türev, türev fonksiyonu
derogatory {adj} (tending to lessen the value of) :: aşağılayıcı
dervish {n} (a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism) :: derviş
Dervish {n} (a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity) :: derviş
descend {v} (to pass from a higher to a lower place) :: alçalmak, inmek
descend {v} (to make an attack, or incursion, as if from a vantage ground) :: saldırmak, üşüşmek
descend {v} (to come down as from source or original) :: soyundan gelmek
descendant {n} (one who is the progeny of someone) :: döl, neslinden olan
descendant {n} (later evolutionary type) :: feri
descendant {n} :: evlat, torun, altsoy
describe {v} (to represent in words) :: tanımlamak
description {n} (account in words) :: tanım, tavsif
description {n} (set of characteristics) :: vasif
description word {n} (adjective) SEE: adjective ::
descry {v} (see) SEE: see ::
desert {n} (barren area) :: çöl
deserve {v} (to merit) :: hak etmek
desiccate {v} (to remove moisture from, see also: dry) :: kurumak
desiccate {v} (to preserve by drying) :: kurutmak
design {n} (plan) :: dizayn, tasarım
design {n} (pattern) :: desen
design {n} (composition) :: bileşim, kompozisyon
design {n} (intention) :: niyet
design {n} (appearance) :: tasarım
design {n} (art of designing) :: tasarım, dizayn
design {v} (to plan an artwork etc.) :: tasarlamak
designation {n} (indication) :: adlandırma, isimlendirme
designation {n} (distinguishing mark or name) :: adlandırma, isimlendirme
designee {n} (one who has been designated) SEE: assignee ::
designer {n} (person who designs) :: tasarımcı, dizayncı
design pattern {n} (general solution to a variety of similar problems) :: (architecture) tasarım şablonu, (software) tasarım deseni, tasarım örüntüsü
desire {v} (desire) SEE: want ::
desire {n} (something wished for) :: arzu
desire {n} (feeling of desire) :: arzu hissi
desk {n} (table for writing and reading) :: masa, sıra, çalışma masası, çalışak, büro
desk {n} (lectern) SEE: lectern ::
desktop {n} (the top surface of a desk) :: masaüstü
desktop {n} (a desktop computer) :: masaüstü bilgisayar
desktop {n} (on-screen background) :: masaüstü
despair {n} (loss of hope) :: umutsuzluk
despise {v} (to regard with contempt or scorn) :: hor görmek, aşağılamak, küçümsemek
despite {prep} (in spite of) :: rağmen, karşın
despond {v} (to give up the will, courage, or spirit) :: bedbin olmak, umut kesmek, ümidini kaybetmek
despotism {n} (government by a singular authority) :: despotizm
dessert {n} (sweet confection served as the last course of a meal) :: tatlı
destiny {n} (predetermined condition; fate; fixed order of things) SEE: fate ::
destroy {v} :: yok etmek
destruct {v} (to cause the destruction of) :: yıkmak
destruction {n} (act of destroying) :: izmihlal [archaic], harap etme, tahribat, yıkma, yok etme
destruction {n} (results of a destructive event) :: yıkım, harabiyet
destructive {adj} (causing destruction; damaging) :: yıkıcı, tahripkâr
detailed {adj} (characterized by attention to detail and thoroughness of treatment) :: ayrıntılı, detaylı
detain {v} (to detain) SEE: hold ::
detain {v} (put under custody) :: gözaltına almak
detect {v} (to detect) SEE: notice ::
detectable {adj} (That which can be detected) :: ortaya çıkarılabilir, keşfedilebilir
detective {n} (police officer who looks for evidence) :: dedektif
detergent {n} (any non-soap cleaning agent, especially a synthetic surfactant) :: deterjan, arıtıcı
deteriorate {v} (make worse) :: bozmak
deteriorate {v} (grow worse) :: bozulmak, kötüleşmek
deteriorating {adj} :: kötülemek, kötüleşmek
determiner phrase {n} (phrase headed by a determiner) :: belirleyici öbeği
detriment {n} (harm, hurt, damage) :: zarar
detrimental {adj} (causing damage or harm) :: zararlı
Detroit {prop} (largest city and former capital of Michigan) :: Detroit
dette {n} (debt) SEE: debt ::
deuce {n} (tennis: tie, both players able to win by scoring two additional points) :: beraberlik
deuteragonist {n} (second most important character) :: ikincil oyuncu
deuteragonist {n} (second actor) :: ikincil oyuncu
deuterium {n} (isotope of hydrogen, see also: heavy hydrogen) :: döteryum
Deuteronomy {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Yasanin Tekrari
develop {v} (to progress) :: gelişmek
develop {v} (to progress through stages) :: gelişmek
develop {v} (to create) :: geliştirmek
develop {v} (to bring out photographic images) :: develope etmek
developed {adj} ((of a country) not primitive; not third world) :: gelişmiş, inkişaf etmiş [obsolete]
developed {adj} (mature) :: gelişmiş, inkişaf etmiş [obsolete]
developer {n} (someone engaged in product creation and improvement) :: geliştirici
developer {n} (liquid used in chemical film processing) :: developman maddesi
developer {n} (film developer) :: film banyosu ilacı
developer {n} (software programmer) :: yazılım uzmanı, geliştirici
development {n} (process of developing) :: ilerleme, kalkınma, gelişme, gelişim
device {n} (piece of equipment) :: aygıt, alet, cihaz
devil {n} (a creature of hell) :: İblis, şeytan
devil {n} :: Şeytan
devil is in the details {proverb} (specific provisions of something may be complicated) :: şeytan ayrıntıda gizlidir
devise {v} (use the intellect to plan or design) :: tasarlamak
devise {v} (leave in a will) :: miras bırakmak
devote {v} (to commit oneself for a certain matter) :: adamak
devotion {n} (the act or state of devoting or being devoted) :: fedakarlık, özveri
devotion {n} (feelings of strong or fervent affection; dedication) :: bağlılık
devshirme {n} (collection of non-Muslim children to be converted to Islam) :: devşirme
dew {n} (moisture in the air that settles on plants, etc) :: şebnem, çiy, çiğ, kırağı, jale
dewdrop {n} (a droplet of water formed as dew) :: çiy damlası
dewlap {n} (pendulous skin under neck) :: gerdan, gıdık
dewlap {n} (The sagging flesh on the human throat of an old person) :: gıdık
dexterous {adj} (skillful with one's hands) :: eli çabuk
dexterous {adj} (skillful in some specific thing) :: becerikli, hünerli, mahâhretli, mâhir, mârifetli
dexterous {adj} (agile; flexible) :: atik, çevik
dhikr {n} ((Islam) an Islamic prayer whereby a phrase or expression of praise is repeated continually) :: zikir
Dhivehi {n} (an Indo-Aryan language) :: Divehi dili
Dhul Hijjah {prop} (12th month of the Islamic calendar) :: zilhicce
diabase {n} (a fine-grained igneous rock) :: diyabaz
diabetes {n} (A group of metabolic diseases) :: diyabet, şeker hastalığı
diagnosis {n} (identification of the nature and cause of an illness) :: tanı, teşhis
diagnostic {adj} (of, or relating to diagnosis) :: tanılayıcı, tanısal, teşhise ait, teşhisle alakalı/ilgili
diagnostics {n} (the process of determining the state of or capability of a component) :: teşhis
diagonal {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
diagram {n} :: çizge, diyagram
dial {n} (sundial) SEE: sundial ::
dialect {n} (particular variety of a language) :: lehçe, ağız, şive, diyalekt
dialog {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (verbal part of a literary or dramatic work) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (literary form resembling a conversation) SEE: dialogue ::
dialog {n} (computing: dialogue box) SEE: dialogue ::
dialogue {n} (conversation or other discourse between individuals) :: diyalog, sohbet, konuşma
dialogue {n} (computing: dialogue box) :: sorgu kutusu
diameter {n} (line) :: çap
diamond {n} (rhombus) SEE: rhombus ::
diamond {n} (uncountable: mineral) :: elmas
diamond {n} (gemstone) :: pırlanta
diamonds {n} (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦) :: karo
diaper {n} (absorbent garment worn by a baby, or by someone who is incontinent) :: kundak, çocuk bezi
diarist {n} (one who keeps a diary) :: anı defteri yazan kimse, anı defteri yazarı, günlük tutan kimse, hatıra defteri yazan kimse, hatıra defteri yazarı
diarrhea {n} (medical condition) :: ishal
diary {n} (daily log of experiences) :: günlük
diaspora {n} (dispersion of a group of people) :: diaspora
Diaspora {prop} (dispersion of a group of people) SEE: diaspora ::
dice {v} (to cut into small cubes) :: küp şeklinde doğramak, zar şeklinde kesmek
dice {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) SEE: die ::
dichotomy {n} (separation or division into two) :: diktomi, çatallanma
dick {n} (slang: penis) :: yarak [also yarrak], sik, çük, kobra, pipi, kuş
dickhead {n} (glans penis) SEE: glans penis ::
dicotyledon {n} (in botany) :: çift çenekli, dikotiledon
dicotyledonous {adj} (having two dicotyledons) :: çift çenekli, dikotiledon
dictaphone {n} (dictation machine) SEE: dictation machine ::
dictation machine {n} (sound recording device) :: diktafon, ünalga
dictator {n} (totalitarian leader of a dictatorship) :: diktatör
dictatorship {n} (a government led by a dictator) :: diktatörlük
diction {n} (clarity of word choice) :: söyleyim
dictionarist {n} (a person who creates dictionaries) :: sözlükçü
dictionary {n} (publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words) :: sözlük, lügat [obsolete]
didactic {adj} (instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate) :: eğitici, eğitsel, didaktik, öğretici, öğretsel
didactic {adj} (teaching from textbooks rather than laboratory demonstration and application) :: öğretici
Didymoteicho {prop} (city) :: Dimetoka
die {v} (to stop living) :: ölmek
die {n} (polyhedron used in games of chance) :: zar
diencephalon {n} (region of the human brain) :: ara beyin
diesel {n} (fuel) :: mazot, motorin
diet {n} (food a person or animal consumes) :: perhiz
diet {n} (controlled regimen of food) :: perhiz
diethyl {n} (diethyl) :: dietil
diethyl ether {n} (diethyl ether) :: dietil eter
difference {n} (quality of being different) :: fark, ayrım
difference {n} (characteristic of something that makes it different from something else) :: fark
difference {n} (arithmetic: result of a subtraction) :: fark, kalan
different {adj} (not the same) :: ayrı, farklı, değişik
different {adj} (unlike most others) :: başka
different {adj} :: farklı, çeşitli, değişik, başka
differential {adj} (relating to differentiation or differential calculus) :: diferansiyel
differential equation {n} (equation involving the derivatives of a function) :: diferansiyel denklem
differentiation {n} (act of differentiating) :: farklılaştırma, türev
different strokes for different folks {proverb} (there's no accounting for taste) SEE: there's no accounting for taste ::
difficult {adj} (hard, not easy) :: zor, güç
difficulty {n} (state of being difficult) :: zorluk
diffuse {adj} (not focused or concentrated) :: dağınık
dig {v} (to move hard-packed earth out of the way) :: kazmak
digest {v} (to distribute or arrange methodically) :: düzenlemek, tertip etmek
digest {v} (to separate food in the alimentary canal) :: sindirmek
digest {v} (to think over and arrange methodically in the mind) :: tekrak düşünmek, hazmetmek [colloquial]
digest {v} (to undergo digestion) :: hazmedilir olmak
digest {n} (that which is digested) :: hazmedilmiş olan
digestion {n} (process in gastrointestinal tract) :: sindirim
digestive system {n} (system of organs) :: sindirim sistemi
digger {n} (spade (playing card)) SEE: spade ::
digit {n} (finger or toe) :: parmak
digit {n} (numeral) :: rakam
digital {adj} (representing discrete values) :: dijital
digital rights management {n} :: dijital haklar yönetimi
digits {n} (slang: telephone number) :: numara
dignity {n} (quality or state) :: haysiyet, şeref
digression {n} (a departure from the main subject in speech or writing) :: arasöz, uzaklaşma
digs {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
dilate {v} (to enlarge; to make bigger) :: büyültmek
dilation {n} (delay) SEE: delay ::
dilatory {adj} (intentionally delaying) :: erteleyici, geciktirici, oyalayıcı
dilatory {adj} (slow or tardy) :: ağırdan alan, üşengeç, yavaş
dildo {n} (artificial phallus) :: dildo, zıbık [obsolete]
dilemma {n} (circumstance in which a choice must be made between two alternatives) :: ikilem
diligence {n} (qualities of a hard worker, including conscientiousness, determination, perseverance) :: çalışkanlık, hamaratlık, özen, sebat
dill {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
dill {n} (herb of the species Anethum graveolens) :: dereotu
dim-bulb {adj} (slow-witted, stupid) SEE: stupid ::
dimension {n} (in geometry) :: boyut
dimension {n} (in science fiction) :: boyut, evren
diminish {v} :: azaltmak
diminutive {adj} (very small) :: küçücük, minik
dimity {n} (light strong fabric with woven stripes or squares) :: dimi
dimmer {n} (Rheostat) :: dimmer
dimple {n} (skin depression, especially at corners of the mouth) :: gamze
dinar {n} (official currency of several countries) :: dinar
diner {n} (a small and inexpensive type of restaurant which may be modelled to resemble a dining car) :: lokanta, vagon restoran
ding-a-ling {n} (dick) SEE: dick ::
dining room {n} (room, in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten) :: yemek odası, yemek salonu, salamanje
dining table {n} (table in the dining room on which meals are served) :: yemek masası
dinner {n} (main meal of the day) :: akşam yemeği
dinner jacket {n} (type of formal suit) SEE: tuxedo ::
dinner table {n} (table on which dinner is served) :: sofra, desterhan
dinosaur {n} (extinct reptile) :: dinozor
dinosaur {n} :: dinozor
diocese {n} (region administered by a bishop) :: başpiskoposluk
Diocletian {prop} (Roman cognomen) :: Diocletianus
diode {n} (electronic device) :: diyot
diphtheria {n} (infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract) :: difteri
diploid {adj} (of a cell, having a pair of each type of chromosome) :: diploit
diploma {n} (certificate) :: diploma
diplomacy {n} (art of conducting international relations) :: diplomasi
diplomat {n} (person who is accredited to represent a government) :: diplomat
diplomatics {n} (science of authenticating, dating, and interpreting old official documents) :: belgebilim
diplomatist {n} (diplomat) SEE: diplomat ::
dipsomaniac {n} (An alcoholic) :: içkici, ayyaş
direct {adj} (Straight, constant, without interruption) :: doğrudan doğruya
direction {n} (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) :: yön
directions {n} (direction) SEE: direction ::
directly {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
director {n} (supervisor, manager, see also: film director) :: yönetmen
dirt {n} (soil or earth) :: kum, toprak
dirt {n} (stain or spot (on clothes etc)) :: leke
dirt {n} (previously unknown negative information, kompromat) :: dedikodu, pislik
dirtiness {n} (state or quality of being dirty) :: kirlilik
dirty {adj} (covered with or containing dirt) :: kirli
dirty {adj} (that makes one dirty) :: pis
dirty {adj} (morally unclean, obscene or indecent) :: müstehcen
dirty {adj} (illegal, improper) :: kirli
dirty {adv} (in a dirty manner) :: pis pis
dirty {v} (to make dirty) :: kirletmek, pisletmek
dirty {v} (to stain or tarnish with dishonor) :: lekelemek
dirty laundry {n} (Unflattering facts or questionable activities) :: kirli çamaşır
dirty laundry {n} (Laundry that is unclean or soiled) :: kirli çamaşır
dirty laundry {n} (A clothes hamper or other container used to place unclean or soiled laundry) :: kirli sepeti
dirty word {n} (word that is considered vulgar) :: kötü söz
disability {n} (legal incapacity or incompetency) :: sakatlık
disability {n} :: sakatlık
disable {v} (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) :: devre dışı bırakmak
disaccharide {n} (a sugar consisting of two monosaccharides) :: disakkarit
disallow {v} (to refuse to allow) SEE: forbid ::
disappear {v} (to vanish) :: gözden kaybolmak (to be lost from the eye)
disappear {v} :: yoğalmak
disappointed {adj} (defeated of hope or expectation) :: hayal kırıklığına uğramış
disappointment {n} (emotion) :: hayal kırıklığı
disapprove {v} (to refuse to approve) SEE: reject ::
disarm {v} (to deprive of arms) :: silahsızlanmak
disastrous {adj} (of the nature of a disaster; calamitous) :: feci
disc {n} (disk) SEE: disk ::
discharge {v} (to expel or let go) :: tahliye etmek
discipline {n} (controlled behaviour, self-control) :: disiplin
discipline {n} (punishment) :: disiplin, ceza
discipline {n} (specific branch or knowledge or learning) :: bilim dalı
discipline {n} (category in which a certain activity belongs) :: disiplin
disclaimer {n} (law: denial, disavowal, or renunciation (as of a title, claim, interest, estate, or trust; relinquishment or waiver of an interest or estate)) :: sorumluluk reddi
disco {n} (discotheque) :: disko, diskotek
discontinue {v} (to stop a process) :: ara vermek
discord {n} (lack of agreement) :: anlaşmazlık, ihtilaf
discord {n} (strife resulting from lack of agreement; dissension) :: anlaşmazlık, fikir ayrılığı
discord {n} (harsh or confused sound) :: ahenksizlik
discord {n} (musical dissonance) :: kakofoni
discount {n} (reduction in price) :: indirim, iskonto
discourage {v} (to dishearten) :: şevkini kırmak
discourage {v} (to persuade somebody not to do something) :: vazgeçirmek
discover {v} (find something for the first time) :: keşfetmek
discrimination {n} (the act of making a distinction, noting differences between things) :: ayrımcılık
discrimination {n} (distinct treatment of an individual or group to their disadvantage) :: ayrımcılık
discus {n} (round plate-like object for throwing) :: disk
discus {n} (athletics sport of throwing the discus) :: disk atma
discuss {v} (to converse or debate concerning a particular topic) :: tartışmak
discussion {n} (conversation or debate) :: münakaşa, tartışma, bahıs
discus throw {n} (athletic event where a discus is thrown) :: disk atma
disease {n} (an abnormal condition of the body causing discomfort or dysfunction) :: hastalık, sayrılık
disembark {v} (remove from on board a vessel) :: karaya çıkmak
disfavour {n} (the state of being out of favour) :: gözden düşme
disgruntled {adj} (unhappy, dissatisfied) :: gücenmiş, hoşnutsuz, keyifsiz, şikâyetçi
disgust {v} (to cause an intense dislike for something) :: iğrendirmek, tiksindirmek
disgust {v} :: bikkinlik
disgust {n} (an intense dislike or repugnance) :: iğrenme, iğrenti, tiksinme, tiksinti
disgusting {adj} (repulsive, distasteful) :: iğrenç, mide bulandırıcı
dish {n} (vessel for holding/serving food) :: tanner
dishwasher {n} (machine) :: bulaşık makinesi
dishwasher {n} (person) :: bulaşıkçı
dishwater {n} (washing water) :: bulaşık suyu
disinfectant {n} (A substance which kills germs and/or viruses) :: dezenfektan
disinformation {n} (intentionally false information) :: dezenformasyon
disk {n} (a thin, flat, circular plate) :: disk
disk {n} (something resembling a disk) :: disk
disk {n} (a vinyl phonograph/gramophone record) :: plak
disk {n} (a computer's hard disk) :: sabit disk
diskette {n} (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data) SEE: floppy disk ::
disobedient {adj} (not obedient) :: asi
disorganization {n} (act of disorganizing) :: örgütsüzlük
disown {v} (to refuse to own) :: evlatlıktan reddetmek
disparaging {adj} (insulting) :: aşağlayıcı, hor gören, kötüleyici, küçümseyici
disparate {adj} (composed of inherently different elements) :: apayrı, bambaşka, farklı, kıyaslanmaz, kıyaslanamaz
dispatch {v} (To send with promptness) :: gönderme, sevk etme, yollama
dispatch {v} (To hurry) :: acele etme
dispatch {v} (To defeat) :: yenme
dispatch {v} (To deprive) :: mahrum etme, yoksun bırakma
dispatch {n} (A message sent quickly) :: çabuk yollama
dispatch {n} (The act of dispatching) :: yollama
dispatching {n} (sending) :: dağıtım, sevkiyat
dispense {v} (to issue, distribute, or give out) :: dağıtmak, tevzi etmek, vermek
dispense {v} (to supply or make up a medicine or prescription) :: ilaç hazırlamak
dispense {v} :: bırakmak
disperse {v} (to distribute) :: dağıtık
displacement {n} (physics: vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component) :: yer değiştirme
dispose {v} (to get rid of something) :: kurtulmak
disprefer {v} :: tercih etmemek
disputed {adj} (argued) :: tartışılan, tartışmalı
disregard {v} (disregard) SEE: neglect ::
disregard {n} (not paying attention or caring about) :: aldırmazlık, takmama, umursamama, uymama
disruptive {adj} (causing disrupt or unrest) :: rahatsız edici
disseminate {v} (to disseminate) SEE: disperse ::
dissident {n} (person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws) :: muhalif
dissipate {v} (to dissipate) SEE: disperse ::
distance {n} (amount of space between two points) :: ara, mesafe
distance function {n} :: mesafe fonksiyonu, uzaklık fonksiyonu
distant {adj} (far off) :: uzak
distant {adj} (emotionally unresponsive) :: uzak, soğuk, mesafeli
distended {adj} (extended or expanded) :: şişmiş
distended {adj} ((biology) gravid) :: gebe, hamile
distinction {n} (that which distinguishes) :: ayrım, fark, farklılık
distinguish {v} (to see someone or something as different from others) :: ayırt etmek, ayırmak, seçmek
distract {v} (To divert the attention of) :: dikkati dağıtmak
distraught {adj} (deeply hurt, saddened, or worried) :: aklı başından gitmiş, çıldırmış, çılgına dönmüş, çok endişeli, çok sinirli, çok üzgün, kendinden geçmiş, perişan, şaşırmış
distressed {adj} (anxious or uneasy) :: sıkıntılı
distribute {v} (to distribute) SEE: disperse ::
distribute {v} (to divide into portions and dispense) :: dağıtmak, paylaştırmak
distribute {v} (to deliver or pass out) :: dağıtmak
distributor {n} (device that distributes current to the spark plugs) :: distribütör
distro {n} (set of software components) :: dağıtım
disturb {v} (confuse or irritate) :: rahatsız etmek
disturbing {adj} (causing distress or worry) :: rahatsız edici
ditch {n} (trench) :: hendek
dittany {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant ::
ditto {adv} (likewise) SEE: likewise ::
ditto {n} (informal: duplicate) :: kopya
diurnal {adj} (happening during daylight; primarily active during the day) :: gündüzcül
diurnal {adj} (done once every day) :: günlük, gün be gün
divan {n} (sofa) :: divan, kanepe
divan {n} (council) :: divan
divan {n} (collection of poems) :: divan
dive {v} (to swim under water) :: dalmak
diver {n} (someone who dives) :: dalgıç
diver {n} (the loon (bird)) SEE: loon ::
divest {v} (undress) SEE: undress ::
dividend {n} (arithmetic: a number or expression) :: bölünen
dividend {n} (finance: a payment of money by a company to its shareholders) :: kâr payı
divider {n} (object that separates) :: pergel
divination {n} (act of divining) :: kehanet, önbili
divine {adj} (of or pertaining to a god) :: ilahi
divine {adj} (eternal, holy or otherwise godlike) :: lahuti
divine {adj} :: ilahi
divisible {adj} (capable of being divided) :: bölünebilir, taksim edilebilir [dated]
divisible {adj} (of an integer, that when divided leaves no remainder) :: bölünebilir, taksim edilebilir [dated]
division {n} (act or process of dividing anything) :: bölme, bölüm
division {n} (each of the parts resulting from division) :: bölüm, pay
division {n} (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another) :: bölme
division {n} (arithmetic: calculation involving this process) :: bölme, bölme işlemi
division {n} (large military unit) :: tümen
division {n} (disagreement; a difference of viewpoint) :: anlaşmazlık
division sign {n} (Symbol) :: bölme işareti
divisor {n} (arithmetic: a number or expression) :: bölen
divorce {n} (legal dissolution of a marriage) :: boşanma
divorce {v} (to legally dissolve a marriage) :: boşamak
divorce {v} (to end one's own marriage) :: boşanmak
divulge {v} (to make public) :: yaymak
divulge {v} (to indicate publicly; to proclaim) :: açığa vurmak, ifşa etmek
Diwali {prop} (Hindu festival of lights) :: Divali
Diyarbakır {prop} (city, see also: Amida) :: Diyarbakır
Djibouti {prop} (Republic of Djibouti) :: Cibuti
Djiboutian {n} (person) :: Cibutili
déjà vu {n} (something which one has or suspects to have seen or experienced before) :: dejavu, dejavü
DNA {n} (abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid (see deoxyribonucleic acid for full forms)) :: DNA
Dnieper {prop} (river to the Black Sea) :: Dinyeper, Özi
do {v} (in questions) :: acaba
do {v} (perform, execute) :: yapmak, etmek, kılmak
do {v} (work, suffice) :: yeterli olmak
do {v} (be reasonable or acceptable) :: uygun olmak
do {v} (slang: have sex with) :: yatmak
do {v} :: yapmak, etmek
doable {adj} (possible to do) SEE: feasible ::
dobra {n} (official currency of São Tomé and Príncipe) :: dobra
Dobrich {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: Dobriç
Dobruja {prop} (region) :: Dobruca
do business {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
docile {adj} (yielding to control) :: yumuşak başlı, uysal
docile {adj} (accepting instructions) :: uysal, uslu
doctor {n} (person who has attained a doctorate) :: doktor
doctor {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
doctor {n} (medical doctor) SEE: physician ::
doctoral {adj} (relating to a doctorate) :: doktora
doctorate {n} (highest degree awarded by a university faculty) :: doktora
doctrine {n} (belief) :: doktrin, öğreti, ilke
doctrine {n} (body of beliefs or teachings) :: doktrin, öğreti
document {n} (original or official paper) :: belge, doküman
document {v} (to record in documents) :: belgelemek
documentary {n} (programme or publication of fact) :: belgesel
documentary {n} (documentary film) :: belgesel
documentation {n} (documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program) :: belgebilim
dodder {n} (parasitic plant (of about 100-170 species) of the genus Cuscuta) :: küsküt
Dodecanese {prop} (an island chain consisting of twelve main islands) :: Onikiada
dodgeball {n} (a sport) :: yakartop, yakantop
dodo {n} (Raphus cucullatus) :: dodo, Mauritius dodosu
doe {n} (female deer) :: maral
does anyone here speak English {phrase} (does anyone here speak English?) :: burada İngilizce bilen kimse var mı?
dog {n} (metal support for logs) SEE: andiron ::
dog {n} (animal) :: köpek, it
dog {n} (morally reprehensible person, See also scoundrel) :: köpek, it
dog cart {n} (cart drawn by a dog) :: köpek arabası
doge {n} (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa) :: doj
dog food {n} (food eaten by dogs) :: köpek yemi, köpek maması
doggy style {adv} (in a position) :: köpek pozisyonunda
doggy style {n} (position for such intercourse) :: köpek pozisyonu
dogless {adj} (without a dog) :: köpeksiz
dogmatism {n} (arrogance in stating opinion) :: dogmatizm, dogmacılık
dog meat {n} (dog eaten as meat) :: köpek eti
Dogrib {prop} (language) :: Tlınçonca
dog shit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) SEE: bullshit ::
Dog Star {prop} (Sirius) SEE: Sirius ::
Doha {prop} (capital of Qatar) :: Doha
do I know you {phrase} (do I know you?) :: tanışıyor muyuz
do ill {v} (to harm, to injure) SEE: harm ::
doing {n} (a deed or action) :: etme
doldrum {adj} (boring, uninteresting) SEE: boring ::
doline {n} (any sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole ::
doll {n} (a toy in the form of a human) :: oyuncak bebek, kukla, bebek, ninik, kavırçak [may mean 'statue' as well]
dollar {n} (designation for specific currency) :: dolar
dolly {n} (doll) SEE: doll ::
dolma {n} (any of a family of stuffed vegetable dishes) :: dolma
dolmen {n} (tomb consisting of a capstone supported by two or more upright stones) :: dolmen
dolphin {n} (aquatic mammal) :: yunus, delfin, ırgay
dombra {n} (musical instrument) :: dombıra
dome {n} (architectural element) :: kubbe, kümbet
dome {n} (anything shaped like an upset bowl) :: kubbe
domestic {adj} (of or relating to the home) :: evcil
dominate {v} (to govern, rule or control by superior authority or power) :: hükmetmek
Dominica {prop} (Commonwealth of Dominica) :: Dominika
Dominican Republic {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Dominik Cumhuriyeti
domino effect {n} (chain of events) :: domino etkisi
domino effect {n} (theory of encroaching communism) :: domino kuramı
don {n} (professor) SEE: professor ::
Donald Duck {prop} (Disney character) :: Donald Amca
donation {n} (a voluntary gift or contribution for a specific cause) :: bağişlama, bağış
doner kebab {n} (Turkish dish of grilled meat served with pita) :: döner kebap, döner
Donetsk People's Republic {prop} (secessionist state) :: Donetsk Halk Cumhuriyeti
donjon {n} (fortified tower) SEE: keep ::
donkey {n} (a domestic animal, see also: ass) :: eşek, merkep
donkey work {n} (hard, boring, routine work) :: angarya
do not disturb {phrase} (do not disturb) :: rahatsız etmeyin
Don Quixote {prop} (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel) :: Don Kişot
don't let the door hit you on the way out {phrase} (good riddance) SEE: good riddance ::
don't look a gift horse in the mouth {proverb} (a phrase referring to unappreciatively questioning of a gift or handout too closely) :: üzümünü ye bağını sorma, hediye atın dişine bakılmaz
don't shoot the messenger {proverb} (the bearer of bad news should not be held accountable for the bad news) :: elçiye zeval olmaz
don't try to teach grandma how to suck eggs {proverb} (don't teach an expert) :: tereciye tere satılmaz
don't worry {phrase} (indicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something) :: endişelenme
donut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough) SEE: doughnut ::
doodle {n} (small mindless sketch) :: karalama
doodle {n} (penis) :: penis, [vulgar] sik
doofer {n} (remote control for a television) SEE: remote control ::
doogh {n} (yogurt drink) :: ayran
door {n} (portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle) :: kapı
doorbell {n} (device on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence) :: zil, kapı zili
doorknob {n} (circular device attached to a door, the rotation of which permits the unlatching of a door) :: tokmak
doorknocker {n} (door knocker) :: kapı tokmağı
doorless {adj} (doorless) :: kapısız
doormat {n} (coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house) :: paspas
do over {v} (to repeat; to start over) SEE: start over ::
dopamine {n} (the neurotransmitter) :: dopamin
dope fiend {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict ::
doping {n} (use of drugs to improve athletic performance) :: doping
dork {n} (vulgar, slang: penis) :: penis, sik
dormitory {n} (room for sleeping) :: yatakhane, yurt
dormitory {n} (building or part thereof) :: yatakhane, yurt
dormouse {n} (rodent) :: kakırca
dormouse {n} (A person who sleeps a great deal) :: yediuyuklayangiller
dose {n} (measured portion of medicine) :: doz
dot {n} (small spot or mark) :: nokta
dot {n} (punctuation mark) :: nokta
dot {n} (diacritical mark) :: nokta
dot {n} (decimal point) :: ondalık virgül ["comma", not a "dot"!]
dot {n} (morse code symbol) :: kısa işaret
dot {n} (dot in URL's or email addresses) :: nokta
dot-com bubble {n} :: dot-com balonu
dote {v} (to act in a foolish manner) :: hariflemek
double {adj} (made up of two matching or complementary elements) :: çift
double chin {n} (a layer of fat under the chin) :: Modern Turkish: gerdan
double-click {n} (action or event of pushing mouse-button twice) :: çift tık, çift tıklama
double-click {v} (to push a mouse-button twice) :: çift tıklamak
double-decker {n} (bus with two decks) :: çift katlı otobüs
double Dutch {n} (incomprehensible language) :: saçmalık, anlaşılmaz, deli saçması
double room {n} (hotel room with two beds or one double bed) :: iki kişilik oda
double standard {n} (the situation of groups one of which is excused from following a standard) :: çifte standart
doubt {v} (to lack confidence in) :: şüphelenmek, kuşkulanmak
doubt {n} (disbelief or uncertainty (about something)) :: kuşku, şüphe
dough {n} (mix of flour and other ingredients) :: hamur
doughnut {n} (deep-fried piece of dough or batter) :: donut
doughnut {n} (tire) :: lastik
dove {n} (bird of the family Columbidae) :: güvercin, [collared dove or laughing dove] kumru
dove's-foot {n} (columbine) SEE: columbine ::
dowdy {adj} (plain and unfashionable in style or dress) :: hırpani, pejmürde, yırtık pırtık
dowdy {adj} (lacking stylishness or neatness; shabby) :: eski püskü, pejmürde
do without {v} (manage) :: idare etmek
downbeat {adj} (sad) :: karamsar, kötümser
downhill {adj} (easy) SEE: easy ::
downing {n} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
download {v} (to transfer data from a remote computer to a local one) :: indirmek
downloader {n} (Person who downloads) :: indirmeci
download manager {n} (download program) :: indirme yöneticisi
down payment {n} (payment representing a fraction of the price) :: depozit, depozito
downpour {n} (heavy rain) :: sağanak, sağnak
down quark {n} (down quark) :: aşağı kuark
downside {n} (disadvantageous aspect of something that is normally advantageous) :: dezavantaj
downside {n} (downward tendency) :: zarar, zarar beklentisi
down the line {prep} (further along) SEE: down the track ::
down the road {prep} (further along) SEE: down the track ::
down the track {prep} (further along, in terms of time or progress) :: yol boyunca
downtown {n} (either the lower, or the business center of a city or town) :: şehir merkezi, kent merkezi
down with {interj} (expressing disapproval of or encouraging actions against) :: kahrolsun
dowry {n} (property or payment given at time of marriage) :: çeyiz, başlık, drahoma [for Jews and Christians in Turkey]
doxology {n} (expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn) :: doksoloji
do you accept American dollars {phrase} (do you accept American dollars?) :: [formal] Amerikan doları kabul ediyor musunuz?, [informal] Amerikan doları kabul ediyor musun?
do you accept credit cards {phrase} (do you accept credit cards?) :: kredi kartı geçiyor mu?, [formal] kredi kartı kabul ediyor musunuz?, [informal] kredi kartı kabul ediyor musun?
do you believe in God {phrase} (do you believe in God?) :: Allah'a inanıyor musun?
do you come here often {phrase} (do you come here often?) :: [informal] buraya sık gelir misin?, [formal] buraya sık gelir misiniz?
do you have a boyfriend {phrase} (do you have a boyfriend?) :: [informal] erkek arkadaşın var mı?, [informal] sevgilin var mı?, [formal] erkek arkadaşınız var mı?, [formal] sevgiliniz var mı?
do you have a girlfriend {phrase} (do you have a girlfriend?) :: Kız arkadaşın var mı
do you have a menu in English {phrase} (phrase) :: İngilizcede menü sahip oluyor musun?
do you have children {phrase} (do you have children?) :: [informal] çocuğun var mı?, [formal] çocuğunuz var mı?
do you love me {phrase} (do you love me?) :: beni seviyor musun?, beni seviyor musunuz? {p}
do you need help {phrase} (Do you need help?) :: yardıma ihtiyacınız var mı?, yardıma ihtiyacın var mı?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak English? (English specifically)) :: [informal] İngilizce biliyor musun?, [formal] İngilizce biliyor musunuz?, [informal] İngilizce konuşabiliyor musun?, [formal] İngilizce konuşabiliyor musunuz?
do you speak English {phrase} (do you speak...? (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) :: [informal] Türkçe biliyor musun?, [informal] Türkçe konuşuyor musun?, [formal] Türkçe biliyor musunuz?, [formal] Türkçe konuşuyor musunuz?
dozen {n} (twelve) :: düzine
Dr {n} (Doctor) :: Dr.
drachma {n} (currency) :: drahmi
Draco {prop} (constellation) :: Ejderha
draft {n} (early version of a written work) :: taslak
drag {n} (street) SEE: street ::
drag {n} (resistance of the air or some other fluid) :: sürükleme
drag {n} (puff on cigarette) :: fırt
drag {v} (to pull along a surface) :: çekmek, sürüklemek
drag {v} (computing: to move a cursor while holding down a button on the mouse) :: çekmek
dragée {n} (a sweet or confection, originally used to administer drugs, medicine, etc.) :: draje
dragline excavator {n} (any of several very large vehicles used for lifting) :: dragline
dragoman {n} (an interpreter, especially for the Arabic and Turkish languages) :: tercüman
dragon {n} (mythical creature) :: ejderha, ejder, dragon, büke
dragon {n} (Komodo dragon) SEE: Komodo dragon ::
dragon {n} (lizard of the genus Draco) SEE: Draco ::
dragon {n} (constellation Draco) SEE: Draco ::
dragonfly {n} (insect of the infraorder Anisoptera) :: kızböceği, yusufçuk, helikopter böceği, çamcarı, dambıra
dragon fruit {n} (fruit) :: pitaya
dragoon {n} (horse soldier) :: ağır süvari
drainage {n} (removal of fluid) :: drenaj
draining {n} :: akıtma, süzdürme
draisine {n} (light auxiliary rail vehicle) :: drezin
dram {n} (Greek weight) SEE: drachma ::
dramatic {adj} (of or relating to the drama) :: dramatik
dramatic {adj} (striking in appearance or effect) :: dramatik
dramaturgy {n} (art of dramaturgic composition) :: dramaturji
drape {n} (curtain, drapery) SEE: curtain ::
draughts {n} (game for two players) :: dama
draw {v} (to produce a picture) :: çizmek
draw {v} (to drag, pull) :: çekmek
draw {v} (to pull out) :: çekmek
draw {n} :: çekmek, çizmek
draw {v} (to cause) SEE: cause ::
drawer {n} (open-topped box in a cabinet used for storing) :: çekmece, göz
drawer {n} (artist who primarily makes drawings) :: çizer
drawers {n} (plural of drawer) SEE: drawer ::
drawing {n} (picture, likeness, diagram or representation) :: çizim, resim
drawing pin {n} (tack for attaching paper) SEE: thumbtack ::
dreaded {adj} (Causing fear, dread or terror) :: korkunç, ürkütücü
dreadnought {n} (battleship) :: dretnot
dream {n} (imaginary events seen while sleeping) :: rüya, düş
dream {n} (hope or wish) :: hayal, düş
dream {v} (see imaginary events while sleeping) :: rüya görmek, düş görmek
dream {v} (to hope, to wish) :: hayali olmak, ummak
dreamcatcher {n} (decorative Native American object) :: düşkapanı, rüya yakalayan, rüya avcısı
dreamer {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird ::
dreamish {adj} (resembling a dream) SEE: dreamlike ::
dreamlike {adj} (like something from a dream) :: dalgın, hayalperest, rüya dolu, rüya gibi, masalsı
dreamy {adj} (resembling a dream) SEE: dreamlike ::
Dresden {prop} (capital city of the German Federal State of Saxony) :: Dresden
dress {n} (item of clothing worn by a woman) :: elbise, giysi
dressing gown {n} (item of clothing) :: ropdöşambır
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) :: içmek
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages) :: içmek
drink {n} (served beverage) :: içecek, meşrubat [without alcohol]
drink {n} (type of beverage) :: içecek, meşrubat [without alcohol]
drink {n} (served alcoholic beverage) :: alkollü içecek, içki
drink {n} (action of drinking) :: içmek
drink {v} (consume liquid through the mouth) :: içmek
drink {v} (consume alcoholic beverages) :: içmek
drinker {n} (one that drinks) :: içici
drinker {n} (regular drinker of alcohol) :: içici
drinker {n} (a device) :: sulak
drinking-bout {n} (period of drinking) :: sarhoşluk
drinking straw {n} (a long plastic or paper tube through which a drink is drunk) :: kamış, pipet
drip {n} (an apparatus that slowly releases a liquid) :: serum
drive {v} (herd (animals) in a particular direction) :: sürmek
drive {v} (move something by hitting it with great force) :: vurmak
drive {v} (cause a mechanism to operate) :: çalıştırmak
drive {v} (operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle)) :: kullanmak, sürmek, haydamak
drive {v} (to motivate) :: harekete geçirmek, motive etmek, sevk etmek
drive {v} (compel (to do something)) :: icbar etmek [dated], mecbur etmek, zorlamak
drive {v} (to travel by operating a motorized vehicle) :: gitmek
drive {v} (convey (a person, etc) in a wheeled motorized vehicle) :: götürmek
drive off {v} (force to leave or go away) :: kovmak
driver {n} (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus) :: sürücü, şoför
driver {n} (program acting as interface between an application and hardware) :: sürücü
driver {n} :: şöför {m}
driver's licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license ::
driver's license {n} (documenting permitting a person to drive) :: ehliyet, sürücü belgesi
drive someone crazy {v} (cause insanity) :: çıldırtmak
driving licence {n} (document) SEE: driver's license ::
drizzle {v} (to rain lightly) :: çiselemek
drizzle {n} (light rain) :: ahmakıslatan, çiseleme
DRM {n} :: DRM
dromedary {n} (single-humped camel) :: hecin, tek hörgüçlü deve
drone {n} (male bee) :: saka, bodat, hordan, haradan, boruzan, puları
drone {n} (unmanned aircraft) :: dron, insansız uçak
drone {n} (a low-pitched hum or buzz) :: vızıldamak, cızırdamak
drone {n} (hum or buzz) :: vızıltı, cızırtı
drone {n} (drudge) :: köle
drop {n} (small mass of liquid) :: damla
dropdown {n} (computing: selection object) SEE: dropdown list ::
drop-down list {n} (computing: selection object) SEE: dropdown list ::
dropdown list {n} (user interface element) :: açılır liste
droplet {n} (very small drop) :: damlacık
drop-off {n} (sudden decrease) :: azalma, gerileme
dropsy {n} (swelling) :: hidrops
drosera {n} (Any of several plants) :: drosera
drought {n} (period of unusually low rain fall) :: kuraklık
drown {v} (to be suffocated in fluid) :: boğmaya
drown {v} :: boğulmak
drowsiness {n} (State of being drowsy) :: bilinçsizlik, gaflet, rehavet, uyuşukluk
drudge {n} (person who works in a low job) :: köle
drug {n} (psychoactive substance ingested for recreational use, especially illegal and addictive one) :: uyuşturucu, narkotik
drug {n} :: drog
drug abuse {n} (substance abuse) SEE: substance abuse ::
drug addict {n} (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs) :: keş, esrarkeş, eroinman
drugstore {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
drum {n} (musical instrument) :: davul
drum kit {n} (collection of drums and other percussion instruments played together) :: bateri takımı
drum set {n} (drum kit) SEE: drum kit ::
drunk {adj} (intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol) :: sarhoş, esrik
drunk {n} (one who is drunk) :: sarhoş, esrik
drunk {n} (habitual drinker) :: ayyaş, içkici
drunk {n} (drunken state) :: sarhoşluk
drunk {n} (drinking-bout) SEE: drinking-bout ::
drunkard {n} (person who is habitually drunk) SEE: drunk ::
drunken {adj} (In the state of alcoholic intoxication) :: sarhoş, esrik, içkili, küplü [slang]
drunkenness {n} (state of being drunk) :: sarhoşluk
drunkness {n} (drunkenness) SEE: drunkenness ::
dry {adj} (free from liquid or moisture) :: kuru
dry {adj} (free of water in any state) :: kuru, [for alcoholic drinks] sek
dry {v} (to become dry) :: kurumak
dry {v} (to make dry) :: kurutmak
dry cell battery {n} :: kuru pil
drydock {n} (dock that can be drained of water) :: havuz
dryer {n} (household appliance for drying clothing) :: kurutucu
dry mouth {n} (dry mouth) :: xerostomi
du'a' {n} ((Islam) private prayer by an individual, see also: prayer) :: dua
dual {adj} (double) :: çift
dualism {n} (the view that the world consists of two fundamental principles) :: düalizm, ikicilik
dual number {n} (grammatical number denoting a quantity of exactly two) SEE: dual ::
dub {n} (dubbing) SEE: dubbing ::
Dubai {prop} (one of the emirates of the United Arab Emirates) :: Dubai
dubbing {n} (replacement of voice) :: seslendirme
dubbing {n} :: seslendirme, dublaj
dubious {adj} (arousing doubt) :: şüpheli
dubious {adj} (in disbelief, uncertain) :: kararsız
dubitation {n} (process of doubting) :: şüphe, tereddüt
Dublin {prop} (the capital of the Republic of Ireland) :: Dublin
Dubrovnik {prop} (Croatian port-city) :: Dubrovnik
duchess {n} (female spouse or widow of a duke) :: düşes {f}
duchess {n} (female ruler of a duchy) :: düşes
duck {v} (to quickly lower the head or body (intransitive)) :: eğilmek
duck {n} (aquatic bird of the family Anatidae) :: ördek
ducklike {adj} (similar to a duck) :: ördek gibi
duckling {n} (young duck) :: [dialectal] badi
duck soup {n} (something which is easy) SEE: piece of cake ::
ductile {adj} (capable of being pulled or stretched into thin wire) :: sünek
ductility {n} (ability of material) :: süneklik
ductus deferens {n} (vas deferens) SEE: vas deferens ::
dud {n} (loser) SEE: loser ::
dude {n} (colloquial: term of address for a young man) :: kakaş
duduk {n} (Armenian musical instrument) :: düdük
duel {n} (combat between two persons) :: düello
duel {n} (struggle between two parties) :: düello
duet {n} (a musical composition for two performers) :: düet
due to {prep} (caused by) :: [-den] ötürü
duke {n} (male ruler of a duchy) :: dük
duke {n} (male holder of a dukedom) :: dük
dukhan {n} (a small restaurant, tavern or a shop in the Caucasus and Crimea) :: dükkân
dulcimer {n} (musical instrument) :: santur
dulcour {n} (sweetness; dulcitude; suavitude) SEE: sweetness ::
dull {adj} (lacking the ability to cut easily; not sharp) :: kör
dull {adj} (boring) :: sıkıcı
dull {adj} (not shiny) :: mat
duly {adv} (properly) :: gereken şekilde, hakkıyla, nizamî, usulen, usulünce, usulüne uygun
duma {n} (lower house of Russian national parliament) :: duma
dumb {adj} (unable to speak) SEE: mute ::
dumb {adj} (extremely stupid) :: aptal
dumb {adj} (pointless or unintellectual) :: saçma
dumbbell {n} (a weight with two disks attached to a short bar) :: hanter
dumb blonde {n} (neutral) :: aptal sarışın
dumb blonde {n} (female) :: aptal sarışın
dumb blonde {n} (male) :: aptal sarışın
dumbledore {n} (beetle) SEE: beetle ::
dumbledore {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
dumbledore {n} (dandelion) SEE: dandelion ::
dumbness {n} (the state of being dumb) :: dilsizlik
dummy {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
dumpling {n} (food) :: mantı
dun {n} (colour) :: kula
dun {adj} (of a brownish grey colour) :: boz
dune {n} (a ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind) :: kumul
dung {n} (manure) :: dışkı, tezek, gübre
dung beetle {n} (insect of the family Scarabaeidae) :: bok böceği
dungeon {n} (underground prison or vault) :: zindan
dunite {n} (rock) :: dünit
duodenum {n} (first part of the small intestine) :: oniki-parmak bağırsağı
duotheism {n} (belief) :: duoteizm {m}
duotheist {n} :: duoteist {m}
dupe {v} (to swindle, deceive, or trick) :: aldatmak, kandırmak, keklemek [slang], söğüşlemek [slang]
duplicity {n} (intentional deceptiveness) :: düzenbazlık, ikiyüzlülük
durability {n} (Permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force) :: dayanıklılık
durable good {n} (good that yields utility over time) :: dayanıklı tüketim malı
duration {n} (amount of time) :: süre
Durex {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
Durex {prop} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
durian {n} (fruit) :: durian
during {prep} (for all of a given time interval) :: süresince, sırasında
Durrës {prop} (Adriatic port city in Albania) :: Dıraç
Dushanbe {prop} (capital of Tajikistan) :: Duşanbe
dust {n} (fine, dry particles) :: toz
dustbin {n} (container for trash) SEE: garbage can ::
dustcart {n} (rubbish collection vehicle) SEE: garbage truck ::
dustman {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector ::
dustpan {n} (flat scoop for assembling dust) :: faraş
duststorm {n} (A storm of dust) :: toz fırtınası
dusty {adj} (covered with dust) :: tozlu
Dutch {adj} (of the Netherlands, people, or language) :: Hollandalı
Dutch {prop} (the Dutch language) :: Hollandaca
Dutch {n} (people from the Netherlands) :: Hollandalı
Dutchman {n} (a Dutch man) :: Hollandalı
duty {n} (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do) :: görev
DVD {n} (digital video disc) :: DVD
DVD player {n} (DVD player) :: DVD oynatıcısı
dwarf {n} (being from folklore, underground dwelling nature spirit) :: cüce
dwarf {n} (small person) :: cüce
dwarf {n} (something much smaller than the usual of its sort) :: cüce, minik, ufak
dwarf {n} (astronomy: relatively small star) :: cüce
dwarf galaxy {n} (small galaxy) :: cüce gökada
dwarfism {n} (condition of being a dwarf) :: cücelik
dwarf planet {n} (a type of celestial body) :: cüce gezegen
dwell {v} (live, reside) :: oturmak, ikamet etmek, eğleşmek, kalmak
dweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant ::
dwelling {n} (house or place in which a person lives) :: ev, konut
dye {n} (a colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied) :: boya
dye {v} (to colour with dye) :: boyamak
dye {n} (die) SEE: die ::
dyed {adj} (colored with dye) :: boyalı
dyke {n} (ditch) SEE: ditch ::
dyke {n} :: sevici, ablacı [slang]
dynamically-typed {adj} :: dinamik yazılan/yazılmış
dynamic language {n} :: dinamik dil
dynamics {n} (branch of mechanics) :: dinamik
dynamite {n} (class of explosives) :: dinamit
dyne {n} (unit of force) :: din
dysentery {n} (disease characterised by inflammation of the intestines) :: dizanteri
dysfunctional {adj} (functioning incorrectly or abnormally) :: işlevsiz, disfonksiyonel
dyslexia {n} (learning disability) :: disleksi
dysphagia {n} (difficulty in swallowing) :: Yutkunma zorluğu
dyspnea {n} (difficult respiration) :: nefes darlığı
dysprosium {n} (chemical element) :: disprosyum
dzhigit {n} (a brave equestrian in the Caucasus and Central Asia) :: atlı, yiğit
dzud {n} (a summer drought followed by a severe winter, generally causing serious loss of livestock) :: zud