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A user suggests that this Turkish entry be cleaned up, giving the reason: “Please check the example sentences, which were added by non-native speaker User:Cat234971. I may be mistaken, but the use of "quiz" in sentence 2 for "school test" looks dubious. Other languages usually borrow this word only in the sense of "guessing game".”
Please see the discussion on Requests for cleanup(+) for more information and remove this template after the problem has been dealt with.



Inherited from Ottoman Turkish قیرمق (kırmak, to break), from Proto-Turkic *kïr-.





kırmak (third-person singular simple present kırar)

  1. to break
    Kedim vazomu kırdı.
    My cat broke my vase.
  2. to hurt someone's feelings
  3. to skip (school)
    Synonym: kaçmak
    Bugün sınav olduğunu farkettiğimde okulu kırmaya karar verdim.
    When I realised there was a quiz today at school, I decided to skip school.

