From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
From Latin dēfectiō (stem dēfectiōn-).
defection (countable and uncountable, plural defections)
- An act or incidence of defecting.
act or incidence of defecting
- Bulgarian: отстъпничество (bg) n (otstǎpničestvo)
- Catalan: defecció f
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 叛逃 (zh) (pàntáo), 變節 / 变节 (zh) (biànjié), 叛變 / 叛变 (zh) (pànbiàn)
- Dutch: overlopen (nl), desertie (nl)
- French: défection (fr) f
- Georgian: განდგომა (gandgoma), განდგომილება (gandgomileba)
- German: Abtrünnigkeit f, Treuebruch m, Überlaufen n (to the other party)
- Greek:
- Ancient: ἀποστασία f (apostasía)
- Indonesian: pembelotan (id)
- Irish: tréigean m
- Italian: defezione (it) f, diserzione (it) f
- Japanese: 変節 (へんせつ, hensetsu)
- Korean: 변절 (ko) (byeonjeol)
- Latin: transfugium n, dēfectiō f
- Portuguese: deserção (pt) f, defeção f
- Romanian: defectare (ro) f
- Russian: наруше́ние (ru) n (narušénije) (до́лга, ве́рности), дезерти́рство (ru) n (dezertírstvo) (desertion), изме́на (ru) f (izména) (treason), отсту́пничество (ru) n (otstúpničestvo) (apostasy)
- Turkish: ayrılma (tr), firar (tr) (from military service), ihanet (tr)
- Welsh: enciliad m, gwrthgiliad m