User:User123o987name/5 letter words 2
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[edit]- leaze - lease
- leban - a liquid food made from curdled milk
- lebda - a town in ancient Libya
- leben - a first name; a liquid food made from curdled milk
- lebes - a metal basin or bowl used in ancient Greece
- Lebzy - a first name
- lecce - a town in Italy
- lecco - a town in Italy
- leche - a water buck, a large heavy antelope
- lechy - letcherous
- Lecia - a first name
- lecky - electrical; electricity
- Ledah - a first name
- leddy - lady
- leden - a language; a voice
- ledes - plural of "lede", the leading lines of a newspaper article
- ledge - a ridge; a shelf
- ledgy - full of ledges
- Ledis - a first name
- ledol - a crystalline sesquiterpenoid alcohol
- ledum - a genus of shrubs with white flowers; Labrador tea
- Ledvi - a first name
- Leeah - a first name
- Leean - a first name
- leear - a liar
- Leeba - a first name
- Leece - a first name
- leech - a bloodsucking creature; a doctor; the edge of a sail
- Leeda - a first name
- leede - a cauldron; a copper kettle
- leeds - a city in Yorkshire, England
- leeks - plural of "leek", a relative of the onion, symbolic of Wales
- leeky - containing or tasting of leeks
- Leela - a first name
- leeme - leme
- Leena - a first name
- leeps - plasters with cow dung
- leere - tape or braid; an ornament
- leers - plural of "leer", a lewd stare
- leery - apprehensive; wary
- Leesa - a first name
- leese - a first name; to lose
- leets - plural of "leet", a former English court for petty offenses
- leeve - lief; live
- Leevi - a first name
- Leeza - a first name
- lefse - a thin potato pancake, common in Norway
- lefte - lifted
- lefts - plural of "left", a louie, a bend sinister
- lefty - a first name; a southpaw; a leftist
- leful - leveful
- legal - allowed by law
- legat - a legal attache
- legba - a first name; an African and Haitian deity guarding the passage to the underworld
- leger - a race; light; small; ledger; a coal merchant who gives short weight
- leges - plural of "lex", Latin for "law"
- legge - to alleviate; to allay
- leggo - slang for "let go"
- leggy - with long or admirable legs
- legit - legitimate
- legno - in musical notation, "wood", hence, in some cases, the bow of an instrument
- legoa - a unit of measure in Brazil
- legos - plastic interlocking blocks for children
- Legra - a first name
- legua - a unit of measurement in Argentina
- Lehel - a first name
- lehrs - plural of "lehr", an oven for glassware
- lehua - a first name; a tropical tree with red flowers
- Leial - a first name
- Leian - a first name
- Leiba - a first name
- Leida - a first name
- Leidy - a first name
- leigh - a first name; an English town
- Leila - a first name
- leirs - teaches
- Leisa - a first name
- leise - in musical notation, "lightly" or "softly"
- leish - active, supple
- leith - a first name; a seaport city in Scotland
- lejay - a town in Afghanistan
- Lekel - a first name
- Lekha - a first name
- lekhe - a unit of measure in Bulgaria
- lekin - likin
- Leksi - a first name
- Lelah - a first name
- Lelan - a first name
- Lelia - a first name
- Lelie - a first name
- Lelio - a first name
- Lella - a first name
- Lelya - a first name
- Lemae - a first name
- leman - an illicit lover; a European lake
- Lemar - a first name
- lemba - an African tribe, purported to be a lost tribe of Israel
- lemed - gleamed
- lemel - metal filings
- lemes - plural of "leme", a ray or glimmer of light
- lemgo - a town in Germany
- lemma - a subsidiary mathematical theorem; a bract in a grass spikelet
- lemme - slang for "let me"
- Lemmy - a first name
- lemna - a genus of duckweed plants
- lemon - a sour yellow fruit; a bad car
- lemur - a ghost; a kind of monkey
- lenad - a contracted form of "leucite" and "nephalite", a suggested name for the feldspathoid minerals
- Lenah - a first name
- lenas - plural of "lena", a procuress
- lenca - a Honduran Indian tribe
- Lenci - a first name
- Lenda - a first name
- lends - loans
- lendu - a people of Uganda and Congo
- Lenea - a first name
- Lenee - a first name
- lenes - plural of "lene", a speech sound pronounced with little aspiration
- lengs - lengthens
- Lenia - a first name
- lenis - a first name; a speech sound pronounced with little aspiration
- lenje - a language
- Lenka - a first name
- Lenly - a first name
- Lenna - a first name
- Lenno - a first name
- Lenny - a first name
- lenok - a Siberian fish
- Lenon - a first name
- Lenor - a first name
- lenos - a first name; plural of "leno", a fabric similar to muslin
- lenox - a first name; a town in Massachusetts
- lense - lens
- lensk - a Siberian town prone to flooding
- lenti - plural of "lento", a notation meaning "slowly"
- lento - "slowly" in musical notation
- lents - plural of "Lent", a period of fasting before Easter
- Leoda - a first name
- leods - plural of "leod", a people or nation
- Leola - a first name
- Leoma - a first name
- Leona - a first name
- leone - a first name; a monetary unit of Sierra Leone
- Leoni - a first name
- leons - plural of "leon", a lion
- Leora - a first name
- Leory - a first name
- Leota - a first name
- lepal - a sterile stamen that is transformed into a scale
- lepas - a genus of goose barnacles
- Lepel - a first name
- leper - one afflicted with leprosy
- lepid - jocose; witty; pleasant
- lepis - a scale
- lepra - leprosy
- lepre - leprosy
- lepry - leprosy
- lepta - plural of "lepton", a Greek coin
- lepti - plural of "leptus", any of several six-legged mites
- lepto - leptospirosis
- lepus - the constellation of the hare
- Lerai - a first name
- lered - learned
- leres - plural of "lere", a lesson
- lergi - a vaguely defined illness like cooties
- Lerka - a first name
- lerky - a children's game of hide and seek, in which kicking a can makes you safe
- lerma - a town in Spain
- lerna - a marshy district near Argos, the lare of the Hydra
- lerne - a marshy district near Argos, the lare of the Hydra
- Leroi - a first name
- Leron - a first name
- leros - a Greek island
- lerot - the garden dormouse
- Leroy - a first name
- lerps - a scale-like secretion left on leaves by plant lice
- lerry - a first name; a lecture
- lerwa - the genus of the snow partridge
- Leryn - a first name
- lesbo - slang for "lesbian"
- lesce - a town in Slovenia
- lesed - damaged
- leses - damages
- lesgh - a people of the Caucasus
- Lesha - a first name
- Lesia - a first name
- Lesje - a first name
- Leska - a first name
- lesko - a town in Poland
- lesky - a lesbian
- Lesli - a first name
- Lesly - a first name
- lesok - a village in Macedonia
- lesse - a river in Belgium
- lessn - slang for "less than" or "unless"
- lesso - lesbian
- lesto - in musical notation, "lively"
- lests - listens
- lesya - a first name; one of 6 colors the karma imparts to the soul, dark or light reflecting evil or good
- letch - a lecher; a craving; to separate by percolation
- leten - past participle of "lete"
- letes - lets; leaves
- Letha - a first name
- lethe - a first name; the river of forgetfulness in Greek mythology
- lethy - lethean; of the river Lethe
- Letif - a first name
- Letta - a first name
- lette - a first name; to let; to hinder
- Letti - a first name
- letts - plural of "Lett", a Lithuanian
- letty - a first name; a place to sleep, often rented
- letup - a pause
- leuch - laugh
- leuco - white
- leuds - plural of "leud", a feudal vassal
- leugh - lauch
- leuke - a town in Turkey; a variant of "leukeness", meaning moderate warmth
- leuma - shipping fever
- leupp - a town in Arizona
- levan - a first name; any of a group of levorotatory polysaccharides
- Levar - a first name
- levee - an embankment; a reception
- level - flat; a stage; to be honest with
- leven - levin, lightning; a lawn; a lake in east Scotland; eleven; an English town
- lever - a jemmy
- leves - leaves
- levet - a trumpet blast
- Levey - a first name
- Levia - a first name
- Levie - a first name
- levin - a first name; lightning
- levir - the husband's brother, who may be called upon to marry his brother's wife if he dies childless
- levis - blue jeans made by Levi Strauss & Co.
- Levka - a first name
- Levko - a first name
- Levon - a first name
- Levya - a first name
- lewes - a first name; a town in England
- Lewie - a first name
- Lewin - a first name
- lewis - a first name; a grip for masonry
- lewth - warmth
- Lewyn - a first name
- lexed - carried out lexical analysis
- lexer - a program which performs lexical analysis on a text
- lexes - plural of "lexis", the vocabulary of a group
- Lexey - a first name
- lexia - a first name; a soft light-colored raisin
- lexic - pertaining to words
- lexie - a first name; a maker of dictionaries or word lists
- lexis - a first name; the vocabulary of a group
- lexor - a "tokenizer", which organizes a string of symbols into "words"
- Leyla - a first name
- Leyly - a first name
- leyre - a European rive
- leyte - one of the Philippine Islands
- Leyti - a first name
- lezes - plural of "lez", a lesbian
- lezgi - a Caucausian language
- lezhe - a town in Albania
- Lezli - a first name
- Lezly - a first name
- lezzo - a lesbian
- lezzy - a lesbian
- lhasa - the capital city of Tibet
- lhoke - the Tibeto-Burman language of Bhutan
- lhota - one of the Naga peoples of the Assam-Burma region
- liady - a town in Russia which Napoleon passed through
- liage - a union by league or alliance
- liana - a first name; a tropical climbing plant
- liane - a first name; a tropical climbing plant
- liang - a first name; a tael, a Chinese unit of weight of about 1 ounce or 1/16 catty
- liant - an Asian cape
- liard - dapple gray; a French copper coin, worth a fourth of a sou
- liars - plural of "liar", a prevaricator; a person for whom truth is tiresome
- liart - dapple gray
- libau - the German name of the Latvian port of Liepaja
- Libba - a first name
- Libbi - a first name
- Libby - a first name
- libel - a slanderous story
- liben - a district in Prague
- liber - bast; the inner bark of a tree; a book
- Libet - a first name
- Libia - a first name
- libor - a first name; an interest rate charged for short term loans between banks (London interbank offered rate)
- libra - a Zodiac sign; the constellation of the scales; a unit of weight of about 1 pound; Peruvian coin
- libri - plural of "liber", a book of public records
- libya - a north African country
- licca - a West Indian tree
- Licha - a first name
- lichi - a Chinese fruit tree, the litchi
- licht - to light
- Licia - a first name
- licit - legal
- licks - passes the tongue over a surface
- licky - like a lick; involving many licks
- Lidah - a first name
- lidar - a sort of radar that uses laser light
- liddy - a first name; crazy
- Lider - a first name
- lidge - a variant of "ledge"
- Lidia - a first name
- Lidio - a first name
- Lidka - a first name
- lidos - plural of "lido", a fashionable beach resort
- Lidya - a first name
- Liebe - a first name
- liefs - plural of "lief", beloved one
- liege - a vassal; a city in Belgium
- Liena - a first name
- Liene - a first name
- liens - plural of "lien", a legal right to hold or sell a debtor's property
- lienz - a town in Austria
- liers - plural of "lier", one who reclines
- Liesa - a first name
- Liese - a first name
- Liesl - a first name
- liest - Biblical "lies"
- lieth - Biblical "lies"
- lieto - in musical notation, "joyful"
- lieue - a unit of length in Switzerland, about 3 miles
- lieus - plural of "lieu", the place, or stead, of something else
- lieut - a lieutenant
- lieuy - expectorated phlegm
- lieve - a first name; gladly
- lifed - controlled by a maintenance program that replaces parts after their expected life
- lifen - to enliven
- lifer - a prisoner convicted for a life term
- lifes - controls by a maintenance program that replaces parts after their expected life; an occasional plural of "life", as in "still lifes"
- lifey - full of life
- lifts - raises up; plural of "lift", an elevator
- lifty - an elevator attendant
- ligan - flotsam; lagan
- ligas - a poisonous Philippine tree
- ligbi - a language
- ligby - a mistress
- Ligda - a first name
- liger - the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger; (go ahead! ask!)
- ligge - to recline; to lie
- light - a first name; illumination; not heavy
- ligia - a first name; in Greek mythology, a siren; a genus of crustaceans
- ligne - an archaic French unit of length
- ligny - a town in Belgium, site of a famous Napoleonic battle
- ligor - a town in southern Thailand
- Lihle - a first name
- lihue - a town on the island of Kauai, Hawaiia
- Liisa - a first name
- liked - preferred
- liken - to compare
- liker - one who likes; more similar
- likes - prefers; plural of "like", a preference
- likhu - a river in Nepal
- likin - a Chinese tax imposed on items being transported
- likud - an Israeli political party
- lilac - a first name; a flower; a purple blue color
- Lilah - a first name
- lilas - a first name; in Buddhism, the futile pursuit of the trivial
- Lilia - a first name
- Lilie - a first name
- lilin - a first name; the male children of Lilith
- Lilis - a first name
- Lilja - a first name
- Lilla - a first name
- lille - a city in northern France
- Lilli - a first name
- Lillo - a first name
- lills - plural of "lill", a very small pin
- Lilly - a first name
- lilos - plural of "lilo", an inflatable mattress or cushion
- lilts - sings or speaks rhythmically
- lilty - like a song that is light and swinging
- Lilya - a first name
- limal - a town in Bolivia
- liman - a lagoon
- limas - plural of "lima", the edible seed of an American plant
- limax - a genus of snails
- limay - a river in Argentina; a town in the Philippines
- limba - an African tree
- limbe - a town in Haiti
- limbi - plural of "limbus", a border or edge or limb
- limbo - a dance; a waiting room in the afterworld; a state of uncertainty
- limbs - plural of "limb", an arm, leg, branch or segment
- limbu - a Mongoloid people of Nepal
- limby - having many large branches; a person who has lost a limb
- limed - treated with lime; cemented
- limen - a sensory threshhold; a border or boundary
- limer - one who snares birds with birdlime; a hanger-on
- limes - plural of "lime", a green citrus fruit
- limey - an Englishman
- limit - a bound or constraint
- limma - a semitone
- limmo - a limousine
- limmu - an eponym
- limmy - a jimmy, or housebreaking tool
- limns - depicts in painting or drawing
- limon - a fruit that is a cross between a lemon and a lime; a port in Costa Rica
- Limor - a first name
- limos - plural of "limo", a limousine
- limpa - a rye bread made with molasses
- limps - walks lamely
- limpy - like a limp; characterized by a limp
- limsy - limping from lack of exercise
- linac - a linear accelerator used for particle physics
- Linah - a first name
- Linal - a first name
- Linas - a first name
- linch - a first name; a ledge
- Linda - a first name
- lindi - a first name; a town in Tanzania
- lindo - a South American tanager
- linds - plural of "lind", a linden tree
- lindy - a first name; a lively dance named for Charles Lindbergh
- Lindz - a first name
- linea - a first name; an anatomical line or streak
- lined - care-worn; with lines; formed a line; bordered
- Linek - a first name
- Linel - a first name
- linen - a fabric made from flax
- liner - a shim; a vessel; a lining
- lines - plural of "line", a queue; a geometric object; 1/12 of an inch
- Linet - a first name
- liney - resembling a line
- linga - a lingam
- linge - to strike or flog
- lingo - language; argot; slang; cant; jargon
- lings - plural of "ling", a heath plant; a gadoid food fish
- lingy - active; covered with heather
- linhe - a town in China
- linin - a substance in the cell nucleus
- linje - a Swedish unit of length, about 3 millimeters
- links - a golf course; plural of "link", a part of a chain; a cuff-link; a unit of length
- linky - full of interlocking rings
- Linly - a first name
- linne - flax; a lunar crater
- linns - plural of "linn", a waterfall; a linden tree
- linny - a first name; a linhay, a shed that is open in front
- linon - the fabric lawn
- linos - plural of "lino", a linotype; linoleum
- Linsi - a first name
- Linsy - a first name
- lints - plural of "lint", an accumulation of fiber bits
- linty - covered with lint
- linum - a genus of herbs that includes flax
- Linus - a first name
- linux - a first name; a computer operating system of vexed pronunciation
- linyu - a city in northeast China, in Hopeh province
- Linzi - a first name
- Linzy - a first name
- Liola - a first name
- Liona - a first name
- lions - plural of "lion", a predatory African feline
- Liora - a first name
- lipan - an Apache people of eastern New Mexico; a river in New Guinea
- lipau - a town in Bohemia, site of a famous battle
- lipic - pertaining to fat
- lipid - any of a class of fatty substances
- lipin - a complex lipid
- lippe - a former state in northwest Germany
- Lippo - a first name
- lipps - plural of "lipp", a crimson fish
- lippy - half a gallon; impudent; lipstick
- lipse - to lisp
- lipsi - a Greek island
- lipyl - a hypothetical radical of glycerin
- Liran - a first name
- liras - plural of "lira", an imaginary monetary unit of Italy, Turkey, etc
- Liraz - a first name
- Lirel - a first name
- lirey - a town in north central France
- Liris - a first name
- lirks - plural of "lirk", a fold or wrinkle
- Liron - a first name
- lirot - an Israel coin denomination
- lirps - snaps the fingers
- lisas - a bay in Trinidad
- Lisby - a first name
- lisca - a town in Slovenia
- lisec - a village in Macedonia
- Liset - a first name
- Lisha - a first name
- Lishe - a first name
- Lisia - a first name
- liska - a first name; the Russian city that was formerly Georghiu Dezh
- liski - a town in Romania
- lisks - plural of "lisk", the groin
- lisle - a first name; a thread; a cloth; the former name of Lille, France
- lisne - a cavity
- Lison - a first name
- lisps - pronounces the letter "S" incorrectly
- lissa - a first name; site of a famous naval battle; a town in Nigeria
- lisse - tapestry warp threads; a town in the Netherlands
- Lissi - a first name
- Lissy - a first name
- lists - plural of "list", a field of competition; a table; a tilt
- litae - the Roman name of the Greek Litai
- Litah - a first name
- litai - in Greek mythology, the elderly female personifications of prayer
- litas - a Lithuanian coin
- litch - a mass of tangled hair
- lited - alighted
- liter - a unit of volume in the metric system
- lites - alights; plural of "lite", something lower in calories
- lithe - thin; active
- lithi - a village on the island of Chios
- litho - a lithograph
- liths - plural of "lith", a joint or segment
- lithy - active; flexible; supple
- Litia - a first name
- Liton - a first name
- litra - an ancient silver coin worth a pound of bronze; a unit of weight in Greece
- litre - variant of "liter", a unit of volume
- Litsa - a first name
- Litto - a first name
- litui - plural of "lituus", a shepherd's crook; a mathematical curve
- litus - a man of a class between slave and freeman
- litva - an early people of northwestern Russian, ancestors of the Lithuanians
- Liuka - a first name
- liuku - a town in China, on the Nu river
- Livan - a first name
- lived - was alive; had a residence
- liven - to make lively
- liver - an organ of the body that removes alcoholics from the gene pool
- lives - resides; plural of "life"
- Livia - a first name
- livid - a black and blue color; purple with rage
- Livie - a first name
- Livio - a first name
- Liviu - a first name
- Livna - a first name
- livor - a livid color or discoloration
- livre - an old French monetary unit; a unit of weight of Greece of about 1 pound
- Livvi - a first name
- Livvy - a first name
- Livya - a first name
- Livye - a first name
- liwan - a town in Afghanistan
- lixin - a town in China
- lixus - a town in Morocco
- Liyan - a first name
- Liysa - a first name
- Lizan - a first name
- lizas - plural of "liza", the American white mullet fish
- Lizka - a first name
- Lizou - a first name
- Lizzy - a first name
- Ljube - a first name
- Ljubo - a first name
- llama - a South American hoofed mammal
- llano - a South American treeless plain
- llata - a town in Peru
- llave - a market town in Peru
- llica - a town in Bolivia
- lloid - to unlock a door using a celluloid card
- Lloyd - a first name
- lludd - a mythical Welsh king who freed his kingdom of three plagues
- Lluis - a first name
- lluta - a river in Chile
- Lnard - a first name
- loach - a river fish
- loads - plural of "load", a burden; a large quantity
- loady - a heavy drinker (who gets loaded often)
- loafs - idles; plural of "loaf", a baked bread
- loams - plural of "loam", a rich soil
- loamy - containing loam
- loans - lends
- loasa - a genus of tropical prickly herbs
- loast - lost
- loath - averse to
- loave - a loaf
- lobal - lobed
- lobar - divided into lobes
- lobby - a foyer; to pressure
- lobed - divided into lobes
- lobes - plural of "lobe", a rounded projecting anatomical part
- Lobie - a first name
- lobos - one of the Canary Islands; plural of "lobo", a timber wolf
- lobus - a lobe
- locac - a mighty southern continent reported by Marco Polo
- local - nearby; an inn
- locao - a green vegetable dye used in China
- loced - stressed out
- loche - a loach; a lake in North America
- locho - a Venezuelan coin
- lochs - plural of "loch", a lake or arm of the sea
- lochy - containing lochs; a British river
- locie - a locomotive
- Locke - a first name
- locks - plural of "lock", a strand of hair; a security device; a navigational dam
- locky - having or characterized by locks
- locos - plural of "loco", a locoweed; a locomotive; a crazy person or animal
- locri - an ancient Greek colony in southern Italy
- locum - a deputy, from "locum tenens" meaning "place holder"
- locus - a locality; a geometric set of points
- lodar - a device that receives and records loran signals
- lodde - the capelin
- loddy - laudanum
- loden - a thick woolen fabric
- lodes - plural of "lode", a deposit of ore
- lodge - a cottage; to stick; to register
- lodha - a low Indian caste
- Lodie - a first name
- lodur - a god in Norse mythology
- loess - a fine loamy soil, produced by glacial scraping, deposited by the wind
- lofar - a system for detecting the underwater sounds of submarines
- loffe - to laugh
- lofts - throws in the air; plural of "loft", an attic
- lofty - high; noble
- logan - a first name; a rocking stone; a berry; a stretch of still water in a bay or river
- logar - a town and province in Afghanistan
- Logen - a first name
- loges - plural of "loge", a box in a theater or opera
- logge - miner's thumb; a small fish
- loggy - sluggish
- logia - plural of "logion", an oracle; a dictum; a saying
- logic - reasoning
- logie - a piece of mock jewelry
- login - to start a computer session; a stretch of still water in a bay or river
- logoi - plural of "logos", a word; a meaning
- logon - to start a computer session
- logos - the divine word; plural of "logo", a logotype; a colophon
- lohan - an arhat; a Buddhist who has attained nirvana
- lohar - an ironworking Hindu caste; a carpenter
- lohja - a town in Finland
- loibl - an Austrian mountain pass
- loica - a town in Chile
- Loida - a first name
- loids - opens a door by sliding a thin strip of celluloid into the jamb
- loins - plural of "loin", the side, between the ribs and the hips
- loipe - a track used for cross-country skiing
- loire - a river in France
- loirs - plural of "loir", a large European dormouse
- Loise - a first name
- loiza - a town in Puerto Rico
- lojar - a cape in Borneo
- lokao - a green dye obtained from the Eurasian buckthorn
- lokes - plural of "loke", a grassy road; a location
- loket - a town in Czechoslovakia
- lokey - a locomotive
- lokie - a locomotive
- loksh - an Italian
- lokum - Turkish delight
- lolan - a first name; a town in Sinkiang
- Lolee - a first name
- Lolek - a first name
- Lolli - a first name
- lolls - lounges
- lolly - a first name; a lollipop; money
- lolog - loglog; the logarithm of a logarithm; the plotting of one logarithm versus another
- lolos - a Chinese aboriginal race
- Loman - a first name
- lomas - a bay in Chile; plural of "loma", a lobe or fringe; a broad-topped hill
- lombo - a language
- lomed - loamed
- lomes - loams
- lomps - plural of "lomp", the lump fish
- lomza - a town in Poland
- Lonan - a first name
- londs - plural of "lond", variant of "land"
- Lonee - a first name
- loner - a solitary person
- Lones - a first name
- longa - a note equal to two breves; Latin for long or enduring, as in "ars longa, vita brevis"; a British island
- longe - to thrust; a long rope used to train a horse
- longi - plural of "longus", a long structure in the body
- longs - desires
- Longy - a first name
- Lonie - a first name
- lonks - plural of "lonk", a sheep from Lancashire
- lonky - a small wall gap allowing sheep but not cattle to pass
- Lonna - a first name
- Lonni - a first name
- Lonny - a first name
- Lonso - a first name
- lonya - a first name; a village in Hungary
- Lonzo - a first name
- lonzu - a kind of Italian prepared ham
- loobs - plural of "loob", the clay washed from tin ore in dressing
- looby - a large awkward person
- looch - a kind of medicine to be taken by licking with the tongue
- looed - subjected to a forfeit in the card game of loo
- looes - is subjected to a forfeit in the card game of loo
- looey - a lieutenant; a left turn
- loofa - a brush; a plant
- loofs - plural of "loof", the palm of the hand
- looie - a lieutenant; a left turn
- looks - observes; plural of "look", an appearance; an observation
- looky - an exclamation, urging another to look at some sight
- lools - plural of "lool", a vessel used to receive the washings from ores
- looms - appears large; plural of "loom", a weaving frame
- loons - plural of "loon", a bird; a crazed person
- loony - nutty; unhinged; deranged; a Canadian dollar coin
- loops - plural of "loop", a cycle
- loopy - dotty; unsound; full of loops
- loord - a dull witless person
- loose - unbound
- loots - rifles, plunders
- loped - ran easily
- loper - one who lopes
- lopes - runs easily
- lopez - an African cape
- loppa - a town in Norway
- loppy - hanging limply
- Lorah - a first name
- loral - a first name; of the space between the eyes and bill of a bird; of the lorum
- loran - a long range navigation system comparing signal delay from two stations
- Loray - a first name
- lorca - a city in southeast Spain
- lords - a cricket ground; plural of "lord", a noble; a master
- lordy - an exclamation of surprise or astonishment
- lored - having lores
- Loree - a first name
- lorel - a worthless person
- Loren - a first name
- lores - the region between eye and bill on a bird; plural of "lore", a body of tradition
- Loret - a first name
- Lorey - a first name
- Loria - a first name
- loric - a leather corslet
- Lorie - a first name
- Lorin - a first name
- loris - a first name; a small slender tailless large-eyed nocturnal lemur
- Lorna - a first name
- Lorne - a first name
- Lorra - a first name
- Lorri - a first name
- lorry - a first name; a van or truck
- lorum - a transverse piece in the proboscis of a bee; a piercing between the penis and scrotum
- Loryn - a first name
- losal - a town in India
- losar - a town in northern India
- losat - an acronym, a line-of-sight anti-tank weapon
- losau - a town in Germany
- losel - a worthless person
- losen - to loose
- loser - one who loses a game; a person with a flair for failure
- loses - doesn't win; misplaces
- losse - cast off
- lossy - characterized by loss; referring to a irreversible compression scheme
- lotah - a small water vessel used in India and Pakistan for post-defecation cleaning
- lotas - plural of "lota", a small water vessel used in India
- lotes - plural of "lote", a lotus
- Lotfi - a first name
- lotic - pertaining to moving water
- Lotie - a first name
- Lotje - a first name
- lotos - a lotus
- lotsa - slang for "lots of"
- lotta - a first name; slang for "lot of"
- lotte - a first name; a monkfish
- Lotti - a first name
- lotto - a lottery game
- Lotty - a first name
- lotus - a first name; a water lily
- Louai - a first name
- Louay - a first name
- Louba - a first name
- louch - to slouch
- Loudy - a first name
- louey - looey; a lieutenant
- loufa - the loofa plant
- lough - a lake
- louie - a first name; a lieutenant; a left turn
- louis - a first name; an obsolete French coin
- Louka - a first name
- louks - plural of "louk", an accomplice
- loulu - any Oceanian palm
- Louly - a first name
- lound - lown
- louns - plural of "loun", a loon
- loupe - a small magnifying glass; a jewel of perfect luster
- loups - leaps
- Loura - a first name
- lourd - a stupid worthless person; dull; sluggish
- loure - an old slow dance; a musical instrument; money
- louri - a lory, a kind of small parrot
- lours - lowers; scowls
- loury - lowery; overcast
- louse - a parasite; an uncouth person
- lousy - louse-ridden; miserable; undesirable
- louth - a county in Northern Ireland; a town in England
- louts - bows in respect; plural of "lout", an unprepossessing person
- louty - loutish; ill-mannered; boorish
- lovas - a town in Croatia
- lovat - a tweed
- loved - adored
- lovee - one who is loved
- Lovel - a first name
- lover - one who loves
- loves - adores; holds dear
- lovey - a first name; a term of endearment
- Lovie - a first name
- Lovon - a first name
- lowan - leipoa; an Australian bird
- lowed - mooed
- Lowel - a first name
- lower - below; one who lows
- lowes - blazes
- lowgh - a variant of "lowh"
- lowie - a prostitute; a low person
- lowks - plural of "lowk", a variant of "louk", an accomplice
- lowly - humble
- lownd - sheltered, calm, quiet
- lowne - a loon
- lowns - plural of "lown", a loon
- lowre - money
- lowry - a first name; a kind of open boxcar
- lowse - loose
- lowts - louts
- loxed - supplied with liquid oxygen
- loxes - supplies with liquid oxygen
- loxia - a genus of cross-bill birds
- loxie - a natural blonde
- loyal - a first name; devoted; true
- Loyce - a first name
- Loyda - a first name
- Loyde - a first name
- Loyer - a first name
- lozel - a worthless person
- lozen - a lozenge
- Luana - a first name
- Luane - a first name
- Luann - a first name
- luaus - plural of "luau", a Hawaiian cookout
- Lubba - a first name
- lubed - lubricated
- Luben - a first name
- luber - one who lubricates
- lubes - lubricates a car
- lubey - covered in lubrication; a lubricated condom
- lubie - a lubricated condom
- Lubna - a first name
- lubny - a town in Ukraine
- Lubos - a first name
- Lubov - a first name
- lubra - an Australian aboriginal woman
- lucan - a first name; a town in Eire; of the evangelist Luke or his gospel
- Lucas - a first name
- lucca - a first name; a city in northwest Italy
- lucci - money
- luces - plural of "luce", the pike fish; plural of "lux", a unit of illumination
- lucet - a horn-shaped tool made of wood, for braiding
- Lucho - a first name
- Lucia - a first name
- lucid - clear; allowing the passage of light
- Lucie - a first name
- Lucil - a first name
- lucin - a "town" in Utah, actually empty desert, site of various land frauds
- Lucio - a first name
- Lucka - a first name
- lucks - plural of "luck", fortune
- lucky - a first name; fortunate
- lucre - money
- Lucus - a first name
- Lucya - a first name
- Lucza - a first name
- ludby - a mistress
- luded - feeling the effects of a dose of quaaludes
- Ludek - a first name
- ludes - plural of "lude", a methaqualone pill, "quaalude"
- ludic - aimlessly playful
- Ludie - a first name
- Ludis - a first name
- Ludka - a first name
- Ludko - a first name
- ludos - plural of "ludo", a board game with pieces moved by dice throws
- luego - goodbye
- luena - a small town in Angola
- luffa - a loofah; a genus of tropical climbing herbs
- luffs - steers a sailing vessel nearer into the wind
- lugan - a Lithuanian
- lugen - a Lithuanian
- luged - used a luge
- luger - a German pistol; someone who rides a luge
- luges - plural of "luge", a small sled
- luggy - a wooden pail with a handle
- lugie - a Lithuanian
- lugoj - a town in Romania
- lugos - a town in Papua New Guinea
- lugow - to fasten; to place
- lugun - a Lithuanian
- luhot - luah
- luhya - a language and a tribe of Kenya
- luian - luwian; of the Luites or their language
- Luigi - a first name
- luing - a breed of beef cattle that is a Shorthorn/Highland cross; a British island
- Luisa - a first name
- Luise - a first name
- luish - of the Luites or their language
- luite - referring to a people of Luya in southeast Asia minor
- Luiza - a first name
- lujan - a town in Argentina
- Lujza - a first name
- lukan - lucan, of the evangelist Luke or his gospel
- Lukas - a first name
- Luken - a first name
- Lukes - a first name
- lukla - a town in Nepal
- Lukus - a first name
- lulab - variant of "lulav", a palm branch for use with the etrog during Sukkoth.
- lulav - a palm branch for use with the etrog during Sukkoth.
- lulea - a town in Sweden
- lules - a town in Argentina
- Lulie - a first name
- Lulio - a first name
- Lulla - a first name
- lulls - causes to sleep or rest
- lully - wet or drying linen
- lulua - a first name; a river in the Congo
- luluh - a gangster's girlfriend
- lulus - plural of "lulu", a remarkable thing or event; a benefit in lieu of other expenses
- lumbo - marijuana from Columbia
- lumbu - a language
- lumen - a unit of measurement of luminous flux; an opening or passageway; a soy product that imitates meat
- lumio - a town in Corsica
- lumme - "love me", used as shorthand for the phrase "Lord love me"
- lummi - a tribe of Indians in Washington State
- lummy - "love me", used as shorthand for the phrase "Lord love me"
- lumps - plural of "lump", a shapeless mass
- lumpy - a first name; full of lumps
- lunan - a woman; a British bay
- lunar - of the moon
- lunas - plural of "luna", an alchemical designation for silver
- lunch - a noontime meal
- lunda - a Bantu-speaking people on the border of Congo and Angola
- lundu - a language
- lundy - a first name; a traitor; an island and pseudo-country in the Bristol channel
- lunel - a variety of muscatel wine
- lunes - plural of "lune", a crescent moon shaped figure; one thirtieth of a lunar month
- lunet - a lunette
- lunga - a British island
- lunge - to thrust; a long rope used to train a horse
- lungi - a loincloth worn by men in India
- lungo - in musical notation, "long"; a town in Sweden
- lungs - plural of "lung", an organ of breathing
- lungy - consumptive
- lunik - a Russian satellite with a dog passenger
- lunka - a town in Ukraine
- lunks - plural of "lunk", a lunkhead, a stupid person
- lunky - like a lunk; a small wall gap allowing sheep but not cattle to pass
- lunns - plural of "lunn", a tea cake
- lunts - plural of "lunt", a light, a slow-match
- lupid - a meteor originating in the Lupus constellation
- lupin - a flower
- lupis - the finest quality of abaca
- luppa - cloth of gold
- lupus - a chronic skin disease; the constellation of the wolf
- luque - a town in Paraguay
- lural - pertaining to the lura
- Luray - a first name
- lurch - to stagger
- lured - enticed
- lurer - one who entices
- lures - entices; plural of "lure", an enticement
- lurex - a synthetic fabric
- lurey - like a lure
- lurgi - a vaguely defined illness like cooties
- lurgs - plural of "lurg", a large marine annelid
- lurgy - a vaguely defined illness like cooties
- lurid - sensational; seamy
- lurin - a town in Peru
- lurks - waits in concealment
- lurky - seedy; untrustworthy
- lurps - rangers engaging in long range reconnaissance patrols
- lurry - drag; a lorry; something repeated by rote; a confused inarticulate utterance; money
- lurve - sentimentalized love
- lushy - tipsy; drunk
- lusia - a first name; an epithet of Demeter, "The Bather"
- Lusio - a first name
- lusks - lazes
- lusts - desires sexually
- lusty - randy; robust
- lusus - a freak; a deformed person
- lutao - a first name; a town in the Philippines
- lutea - plural of "luteum"
- luted - sealed with luting
- luteo - in chemistry, referring to a series of coordination complexes
- luter - a lute player
- lutes - plural of "lute", a musical instrument
- luths - plural of "luth", the leatherback
- lutie - a town in Missouri
- lutin - the name of a goblin in Normandy
- luton - a town in England
- lutra - the genus to which the otter belongs
- lutsk - a town in Ukraine
- luvvy - a first name; an affectionate or affected term of address
- luvya - slang for "love you"
- luxer - a handsome fellow
- luxes - plural of "lux", a unit of illuminance; luxury
- luxon - any particle that moves at the speed of light; compare "tardyon" and "tachyon"
- luxor - a city in Egypt, site of ancient Thebes
- luxur - an alternate spelling of "Luxor"
- luxus - luxury
- Luzca - a first name
- Luzia - a first name
- luzon - the chief island of the Philippines
- lwala - a language
- lwara - a town in eastern Afghanistan
- lweis - plural of "lwei", a monetary unit of Angola
- lwena - a language
- Lyall - a first name
- lyams - plural of "lyam", a dog leash
- lyard - streaked with gray
- lyart - streaked with gray
- lyase - an enzyme
- Lybov - a first name
- lycea - plural of "lyceum", a school
- lycee - a French secondary school
- lyche - like
- lycia - a first name; a country in southwest Asia minor, later a Roman province
- lycid - a beetle of the family Lycidae
- Lycon - a first name
- lycra - an artificial fabric
- lycus - a king of Thebes, husband of Dirce, the rescuer of Antiope from Epopeus
- Lydah - a first name
- lydda - a biblical place
- Lyddy - a first name
- lyden - a first name; leden
- Lyder - a first name
- lydia - a first name; an ancient kingdom in west Asian minor
- Lydie - a first name
- Lydon - a first name
- lyele - a language
- Lyell - a first name
- lyery - of cattle having little fat in the flesh
- Lygia - a first name
- Lygie - a first name
- lygus - a genus of plant-sucking mirid bugs
- lying - mendacious; recumbent
- lyken - to please
- Lylah - a first name
- lyles - a town in Tennessee
- Lylle - a first name
- Lyman - a first name
- lymes - plural of "lyme", a coarse grass
- lymph - an internal body fluid
- Lynaa - a first name
- Lynae - a first name
- Lynah - a first name
- lynch - a first name; to execute in a lawless mob
- Lynda - a first name
- lynde - a first name; the linden
- Lyndy - a first name
- Lynea - a first name
- lynes - plural of "lyne", linen
- Lynna - a first name
- Lynne - a first name
- lynse - a first name (a demented spelling of "Lindsay")
- Lynsy - a first name
- Lynzi - a first name
- Lynzy - a first name
- lyons - the English name for Lyon, France
- Lypsy - a first name
- lyrae - plural of "lyra", the middle portion of the ventral surface of the fornix of the brain
- lyres - plural of "lyre", a musical instrument
- lyric - a short poem
- lyrid - a meteor from Lyra
- lyrie - a Manx shearwater gull
- Lyris - a first name
- Lyron - a first name
- lysed - caused to undergo lysis
- lyses - causes to undergo lysis
- lysin - a substance in bacteria capable of disintegrating cells
- lysis - recovery; the disintegration of cells by lysin
- Lysle - a first name
- Lyson - a first name
- lyssa - a first name; rabies
- Lyssi - a first name
- lysyl - an acid radical of lysine
- lyted - lighted
- lytes - lights
- lythe - the pollack; lithe
- lytic - pertaining to lysis
- Lytie - a first name
- lytta - a wormlike cartilage in the tongue of a dog, once thought to cause rabies
- Lyuba - a first name
- Lyusa - a first name
- Lyvon - a first name
- maadi - a town in Egypt which is now a suburb of Cairo
- maaed - bleated
- Maaik - a first name
- Maaja - a first name
- maars - plural of "maar", a volcanic crater
- maban - a language
- mabas - plural of "maba", a tropical tree with wood like ebony
- mabby - a liquor made in Barbados, distilled from potatoes
- Mabel - a first name
- mabes - plural of "mabe", a cultured hemispherical pearl
- mabis - plural of "mabi", a nakedwood with orange brown bark
- Mable - a first name
- Mabry - a first name
- Mabyn - a first name
- macal - a river in Belize
- macao - a Chinese port city ruled by Portugal for 500 years; a card game like baccarat
- macas - plural of "maca", a bonefish; a people of Gran Chaco in Paraguay and Argentina;
- macau - an alternate spelling of "Macao"
- macaw - a long-tailed parrot
- macca - a medicinal root; a nickname for Paul McCartney
- macco - a card game like baccarat, but only one card per player is dealt
- maced - struck with a mace; sprayed with Mace
- macer - a first name; a court usher
- Maceo - a first name
- maces - plural of "mace", a medieval weapon; symbol of governance; herb; chemical spray
- Macey - a first name
- macha - a first name; a town in Peru
- mache - papier mache; a unit of measurement of radioactive concentration
- machi - a Japanese town or commercial center
- macho - exaggerated masculinity; a massive compact halo object
- machs - plural of "mach", a unit of speed
- machu - a river in Bhutan
- Macia - a first name
- Macie - a first name
- macka - amphetamines
- Macke - a first name
- DUPLICATE:m macks - a first name; makes
- DUPLICATE:m macks - plural of "mac" or "mack", a mackintosh raincoat
- macky - a first name; makeup
- macle - a twin crystal
- macon - a first name; a city in Georgia, USA; a town in France; a French burgundy wine; mutton prepared like bacon; marijuana
- macos - plural of "maco", an Egyptian cotton
- macro - a complex computer instruction invoked by a simple name
- Madah - a first name
- madal - a double-headed Nepali drum
- madam - a term of address to a woman; the proprietor of a brothel
- Madan - a first name
- madar - a medicinal herb
- madda - an Arabic accent mark
- Maddi - a first name
- maddy - a first name; crazy
- Madea - a first name
- Madee - a first name
- Madel - a first name
- Maden - a first name
- madge - a first name; a lead hammer; a magpie
- Madgi - a first name
- Madhu - a first name
- madia - the tar-weed, a coarse hairy plant of Chile
- madid - a first name; moist
- Madie - a first name
- madly - unreasoningly
- Madna - a first name
- Madoc - a first name
- Madog - a first name
- madoi - a town in China
- madoo - a village in Afghanistan
- Madox - a first name
- Madra - a first name
- madre - a mother
- madza - one half
- Maeby - a first name
- Maeda - a first name
- maedi - a first name; ovine progressive pneumonia
- Maeko - a first name
- Maels - a first name
- Maemi - a first name
- Maeon - a first name
- maerl - a lime-producing red seaweed
- Maeva - a first name
- Maeve - a first name
- Maevi - a first name
- Maevy - a first name
- mafey - an old expression of astonishment
- Maffy - a first name
- mafia - a criminal organization; a Tanzanian island
- mafic - describing minerals containing iron and magnesium; elements associated with the sea floor
- mafoo - a Chinese stable boy
- mafra - a town in Brazil
- Magan - a first name
- magar - a first name; an Indian crocodile
- magas - a kind of bridge; the capital of Ingushetia; plural of "maga", a member of the priestly caste among the Sauras of India
- Magda - a first name
- Magdy - a first name
- Maged - a first name
- Magee - a first name
- magen - a first name; a star, used in the Hebrew phrase "magen David"
- mages - plural of "mage", a wizard
- Magge - a first name
- Maggi - a first name
- maggs - chatters; teases; pilfers
- Maggy - a first name
- magia - white magic
- magic - a supernatural force; witchcraft; anything that Arthur C Clarke can't understand
- Magid - a first name
- Maglo - a first name
- magma - molten rock
- magna - a first name; Latin for "great", used in the phrases "Ars magna, vita brevis" and "magna cum laude"
- Magni - a first name
- magog - a cryptic Biblical creature who hangs out with Gog; a biblical place; a town in Quebec
- magoo - a custard or cream pie intended to be thrown; an important person
- magot - the Barbary ape; a small grotesque porcelain figure
- Magui - a first name
- magus - a wizard
- Maguy - a first name
- magwe - a division of Burma
- mahal - a first name; a summer house; a mansion
- mahar - a scheduled tribe of India
- mahas - plural of "maha", a kind of baboon
- Mahda - a first name
- mahdi - a first name; a prophesied Islamic leader who will bring righteousness
- Maher - a first name
- mahes - an Egyptian god with the head of a lion
- Mahin - a first name
- Mahir - a first name
- mahoe - a tropical tree with strong fibers
- mahog - a bar countertop
- mahon - a first name; a Mediterranean port; a kind of cheese
- mahos - plural of "maho", a tropical tree with strong bast fibers
- mahra - a first name; a native of the Mahra region of the Arabian peninsula
- mahri - a native of the Mahra region of the Arabian peninsula
- Mahsa - a first name
- Mahsi - a first name
- Mahta - a first name
- mahua - trees of the genus Madhuca; the butter tree
- mahwa - variant of "mahua", the East Indian butter tree
- Maiah - a first name
- maian - a crab; maioid, of the Maia genus
- maiao - a South Pacific island near Bora-Bora and Tahiti
- maias - plural of "maia", an American bombycid moth
- Maida - a first name
- maids - plural of "maid", a maiden; a cleaning woman
- maidu - an American Indian people of California
- maidy - a first name; a little maid; a young girl
- Maiga - a first name
- maiid - majid, relating to the Majidae
- Maija - a first name
- Maika - a first name
- Maike - a first name
- maiko - a first name; an apprentice geisha
- maiks - makes
- maile - a first name; a Pacific Island vine used to make leis; a monetary unit
- maili - a glacier in Northern Ossetia
- maill - a payment
- mails - sends; armors
- maily - speckled
- Maime - a first name
- maims - injures severely
- maina - a first name; a mountainous peninsula of the Peloponnesus
- maine - an American state
- mains - the electricity supply; plural of "main", a large water pipe
- maint - many
- mainz - a city in Germany
- maipo - a river and a volcano in Chile
- maipu - a town and mountain in Argentina
- Maira - a first name
- maire - a first name; a tree of New Zealand
- Mairi - a first name
- mairs - plural of "mair", more
- Maisa - a first name
- maise - a mease; 500 herrings
- maisi - a cape in Cuba
- maist - most
- Maisy - a first name
- Maita - a first name
- Maite - a first name
- Maive - a first name
- Maiya - a first name
- Maiza - a first name
- maize - corn
- Majak - a first name
- majal - a first name; low grade marijuana
- Majan - a first name
- majar - a first name; a town in Iraq
- Majca - a first name
- Majdi - a first name
- Majed - a first name
- Majel - a first name
- Majer - a first name
- Majib - a first name
- majid - a first name; relating to the Majidae; a crab
- majig - a thingamajig; a whatsit
- majli - a kind of parliament
- majon - a town in North Korea
- major - a first name; main; a military rank; describing any motion picture
- majos - plural of "majo", a Spanish lower-class dandy
- majun - a confection of hemp, sugar and honey
- makah - an Indian tribe of Washington state
- Makai - a first name
- makar - a poet; the Indian name for the sign of Capricorn
- Makda - a first name
- makea - a European cape
- maker - a creator; a former
- makes - creates; builds; models
- Makey - a first name
- Makie - a first name
- Makin - a first name
- makis - plural of "maki", a Malagasy lemur
- makki - a machine gun
- Makoa - a first name
- makos - plural of "mako", a large shark
- Maksa - a first name
- makua - a first name; a Bantu-speaking people of Portuguese East Africa
- makuk - a unit of measurement in Arabia
- makwa - a Chinese jacket
- malaa - a town in Sweden
- Malak - a first name
- malam - a village in Sudan
- malan - a first name; an Asian cape
- malar - of the cheek bone
- Malav - a first name
- malax - malaxate; to rub or knead to softness
- malay - a native of Malaya
- malco - short for "malcoordinated", an awkward, clumsy person
- Malea - a first name
- Malee - a first name
- maleo - the megapode mound bird of Celebes that lays its eggs in holes in sandy beaches
- males - plural of "male", a man
- Maley - a first name
- malfi - a town in Italy
- Malha - a first name
- malia - a first name; a town in Crete
- malic - of apples
- Malie - a first name
- malik - a first name; an Indian village headman
- malin - a first name; a town in Ireland
- Maliq - a first name
- malis - plural of "Mali", an inhabitant of Mali
- Maliz - a first name
- Malka - a first name
- Malki - a first name
- malky - a first name; a gang weapon that is not a bomb or a firearm
- Malle - a first name
- Malli - a first name
- malls - mauls; plural of "mall", a long public lawn; a shopping center
- mally - a first name; foolishly fond
- malma - a spotted North American trout
- malmo - a city in Sweden
- malms - plural of "malm", a soft limestone; a blend of clay and chalk used for bricks
- malmy - like malm; soil that is full of clay and chalk
- maloo - a plant of the genus Bauhinia
- malos - Hawaiian breechcloths
- malse - a river in the Czech Republic
- malta - a Mediterranean island and country
- Malte - a first name
- malto - a Dravidian people of Bengal
- malts - plural of "malt", a germinated grain; a malted milkshake
- malty - containing malt
- malum - an offence; an evil; to understand
- Malur - a first name
- malus - the genus to which the apple belongs
- malva - a first name; the genus to which the mallow belongs
- malvi - a first name; a language
- Malye - a first name
- mamas - plural of "mama", a mother
- mamba - a poisonous South African snake
- mambo - a syncopated dance of Latin American origin
- Mamed - a first name
- mamee - a tree of the West Indies or its fruit
- mamey - a tree of the West Indies or its fruit
- mamie - a first name; a tropical tree
- mamma - mother; the anatomical name of the breast
- mammy - mother; a nursemaid
- mamou - something big and important
- mampy - ugly
- mamre - a biblical place
- mamri - a European lake
- Mamta - a first name
- mamul - a town in Afghanistan
- manak - an Eskimo implement of a wooden ball with hooks used to catch seals
- manal - a first name; pertaining to the hand
- Manan - a first name
- manao - an Arawakan people of northwest Brazil
- manas - a first name; a river in Bhutan; a town in Kyrgyzistan; plural of "mana", a supernatural force, described in certain Pacific Island religions
- manat - a monetary unit of Azerbaijan
- Mance - a first name
- manch - an old-fashioned sleeve with long hanging ends
- Manci - a first name
- Manco - a first name
- manda - a first name; an Indian language
- mande - a branch of the Niger-Congo language family
- mandi - a first name; a town in India
- Mando - a first name
- mands - plural of "mand", a demand
- Mandy - a first name
- maneb - a carbamate fungicide
- maned - having a mane
- Manee - a first name
- maneh - a Hebrew weight of 50 shekels or 1/60 of a talent
- Manei - a first name
- Manel - a first name
- manes - in ancient Rome, the deified dead; a town in Cuba; plural of "mane", a ring of hair around the neck
- manet - a stage direction meaning "remain"
- maney - like a mane
- Manfo - a first name
- Manfu - a first name
- manga - a covering for a cross; violent Japanese comic books; a mango
- mange - a parasitic skin disease
- mango - a first name; a citrus fruit
- mangs - speaks or talks
- mangy - mange-ridden
- mania - a craze
- manic - crazed
- manid - one of the Manidae, an anteater
- Manie - a first name
- manik - a first name; the seventh day of the Mayan religious month
- Manin - a first name
- manis - the scaly ant-eater; plural of "mani", a manicure or a groundnut
- manit - a unit of measurement of work, the work done by one man in one minute
- maniu - a Patagonian timber tree
- manju - a first name; a kind of bean
- Manka - a first name
- manks - Manx
- manky - rotten; inferior; defective
- manly - a first name; masculine
- manna - the miraculous nourishment supplied to the Hebrews wandering in the desert
- Manni - a first name
- Manno - a first name
- manny - a male nanny; a first name
- manoc - a town in the Philippines
- Manoj - a first name
- Manol - a first name
- Manon - a first name
- Manop - a first name
- manor - a stately home
- manos - a first name; plural of "mano", a stone used for grinding food; a Liberian ethnic group
- manpy - ugly
- mansa - a first name; a town in Zambia
- manse - the minister's house
- mansi - a first name; a Uralic language
- manso - a Tanoan people of the southwestern United States; a river in Brazil
- Mansy - a first name
- manta - the ox-ray; a sea-fish; a Spanish cloak or wrap; a town in Ecuador
- manti - a town in Utah; Turkish dumplings
- manto - a first name; a body of ore; a black shawl worn by Spanish or Latin American women
- mantu - a native of the Congo
- manty - a mantua, a loose outer gown
- manua - a town in India
- Manue - a first name
- manul - a small Mongolian wild cat
- manur - a kind of cheese
- manus - a first name; the hand, hoof or claw; an Australian island; control over one's wife
- Manya - a first name
- Manzi - a first name
- Manzo - a first name
- maori - a South Pacific ethnic group
- mapau - a New Zealand tree
- maple - a tree whose sap is used to make syrup and whose leaf is on the Canadian flag
- mapou - a New Zealand tree; a city in Haiti
- maqam - an improvisational style of Arabic music
- maqui - a Chilean evergreen shrub
- marae - a Polynesian temple enclosure used for worship
- marah - a first name; a well or stream of bitter water
- maral - an Asiatic red deer
- maran - a French breed of domestic fowl
- Marar - a first name
- maras - a town in Turkey; plural of "mara", a rodent with long legs and ears; a Buddhist evil spirit
- maray - a moray eel
- marba - a language
- Marca - a first name
- Marce - a first name
- march - a first name; the third month; to walk with determination; a border
- Marci - a first name
- marco - a first name; a unit of weight in Spain
- marcs - plural of "marc", a pressed fruit residue
- Marcy - a first name
- marda - a first name; a village in the West Bank
- mardi - a first name; an early tribe of northern Persia
- mardu - an aboriginal tribe of Australia
- mardy - a first name; spoiled
- Marea - a first name
- mareb - a river on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea
- Maree - a first name
- Marei - a first name
- Marek - a first name
- Maren - a first name
- mares - plural of "mare", a female horse
- Maret - a first name
- marfa - a town in Texas, named for a Dostoyevsky character, where "Giant" was filmed, near where Ambrose Bierce disappeared
- Marga - a first name
- marge - a first name; a border
- margi - a first name; a language
- Margo - a first name
- margs - plural of "marg", a shortened form of "margarine"
- margu - a satrapy of the ancient Achaemenid empire
- Margy - a first name
- maria - a first name; plural of "mare", a lunar "sea"
- marib - a town and province in Yemen
- marid - a first name; a powerful jinn
- Marie - a first name
- Marii - a first name
- marin - a first name; a town in Spain
- Mario - a first name
- Maris - a first name
- Marit - a first name
- marja - a first name; an Israeli Arab village; a high-ranking Shiite theologian
- Marje - a first name
- Marji - a first name
- Marjy - a first name
- marka - a first name; a monetary unit of Bosnia; real money for a fictitious country
- Marke - a first name
- Marko - a first name
- marks - plural of "mark", a German coin; an insignia; a frontier land
- Marla - a first name
- marle - a marvel
- marli - a first name; an ornamented raised border on a plate or dish
- Marlo - a first name
- marls - plural of "marl", a clay, sand and lime mixture
- Marlu - a first name
- marly - a first name; clay-like
- marms - plural of "marm", a school mistress
- Marna - a first name
- marne - a first name; a river and region in France, site of a WWI battle
- Marni - a first name
- Marny - a first name
- maroc - another name for Morocco
- marok - a Hungarian unit of length of about 10 centimeters
- maron - camaron
- maror - the bitter herb used in the Passover seder, often horseradish
- maros - plural of "maro", a Polynesian loin cloth
- marps - marbles; the game of marbles
- Marra - a first name
- marry - to wed; to join
- marse - master
- marsh - a first name; a bog
- marsi - a first name; a people of ancient Italy
- Marsy - a first name
- Marta - a first name
- Marth - a first name
- Marti - a first name
- marts - a first name; plural of "mart", a market or fair
- martu - an aboriginal tribe of western Australia
- Marty - a first name
- marua - ragi
- maruf - a first name; a town in Afghanistan
- marum - cat thyme
- Marva - a first name
- Marve - a first name
- Marvi - a first name
- marvy - marvelous
- Marwa - a first name
- Marya - a first name
- Maryk - a first name
- Maryl - a first name
- marys - a first name; plural of "mary", a homosexual
- marzo - a cape in Colombia
- Masae - a first name
- masai - an African ethnic group
- masan - a town in Korea
- Masao - a first name
- masas - plural of "masa", a dough made from ground dried maize
- mased - emitted microwave laser energy
- maser - a microwave laser
- mases - emits microwave laser energy; plural of "mase", a variant of "maze"
- masha - a first name; a unit of weight in Calcutta
- mashi - a town in Cameroon
- mashy - a golf club; affectionate
- Masia - a first name
- Masim - a first name
- maska - a town in Turkey
- masks - hides; plural of "mask", a facial disguise
- masky - full of masks; like a mask
- Masna - a first name
- mason - a first name; a stone worker; a Freemason, who gets to run the world and wear aprons
- Masou - a first name
- massa - master; a native of a tribe in Chad; a town in Italy
- masse - a billiard stroke
- Massi - a first name
- massy - massive; bulky
- masts - plural of "mast", a long pole on a ship that supports sails
- masty - fattened on mast; yielding mast
- Masud - a first name
- masus - plural of "masu", a Japanese salmon
- matai - a first name; a hereditary Samoan chief; a New Zealand conifer
- Matak - a first name
- matan - a first name; an Israeli town
- matar - the star Eta Pegasus
- matax - a combination ax and mattock
- match - to compare; a fire starter
- Matea - a first name
- mated - joined; copulated with; checkmated
- Matei - a first name
- Matej - a first name
- Matek - a first name
- Matel - a first name
- Mateo - a first name
- mater - the mother of a twit; one who mates
- mates - joins; copulates with; checkmates; plural of "mate", a companion or counterpart
- matey - friendly
- Mathe - a first name
- Mathi - a first name
- maths - mathematics
- Mathu - a first name
- mathy - like mathematics; containing mathematics
- Matia - a first name
- matie - a young fat herring
- matin - morning; a morning song
- Matis - a first name
- matka - a first name; a female fur seal
- Matko - a first name
- matlo - a sailor
- matra - a poetic metric unit equal to a short syllable in Sanskrit
- matsu - a trophy island between Taiwan and mainland China; a timber pine
- matta - matto, a dense tropical American forest; a kind of cotton
- matte - a first name; a crude black copper; a dull finish
- Matti - a first name
- matto - a dense tropical American forest
- matts - produces a dull finish
- Matty - a first name
- matun - a town in Afghanistan
- Matuq - a first name
- Matus - a first name
- Matya - a first name
- Matyi - a first name
- matza - matzo
- matzo - unleavened bread
- Maude - a first name
- Maudo - a first name
- mauds - plural of "maud", a Scottish plaid
- Maudy - a first name
- mauer - a town in Germany
- maues - a town in Brazil
- maugh - a brother-in-law; a friend
- mauka - inland; upland
- maula - a recent convert to Islam
- maule - the common mallow plant; a river and province in Chile
- Mauli - a first name
- mauls - badly damages
- mauma - mamma
- maund - to beg; a unit of weight of India of about 82 pounds; a handbasket or hamper
- Mauni - a first name
- mauns - must (a form of the Scottish "maun"); plural of "maun", a man
- maupe - mawp
- Maura - a first name
- Maure - a first name
- mauri - a first name; the Moorish people
- Mauro - a first name
- Maury - a first name
- Mausi - a first name
- mauts - plural of "maut", malt
- mauve - a mallow color
- mauvy - of a mauve color
- mauzy - a town in Virginia
- maven - an expert
- mavie - a first name; a songbird
- mavin - a first name; variant of "maven", an expert
- mavis - a first name; an old World thrush
- Mavon - a first name
- Mavra - a first name
- mawed - mowed
- mawks - plural of "mawk", a maggot
- mawky - crotchety; maudlin; maggoty
- mawnd - to beg
- mawrs - plural of "mawr", mauther
- Maxcy - a first name
- maxed - used to the maximum
- Maxey - a first name
- Maxie - a first name
- maxim - a first name; a proverb; an early machine gun
- maxis - plural of "maxi", a maxiskirt, a long skirt
- Maxna - a first name
- Maxon - a first name
- Mayam - a first name
- mayan - of the Mayas
- mayas - plural of "Maya", a Central American Indian
- maybe - perhaps, possibly, could be, I'm not really sure though
- mayda - a first name; a lengendary Atlantic island, west of Brittany and southwest of Ireland
- mayed - went maying
- mayen - a town in Germany
- mayer - a first name; one who goes maying; a unit of measurement of specific heat
- mayes - a first name; a variety of dewberry common to northern Texas
- mayey - of or like the month of May
- Mayim - a first name
- Mayin - a first name
- Mayme - a first name
- Mayne - a first name
- mayon - a Philippine volcano
- mayor - a first name; the governor of a city
- mayos - plural of "mayo", mayonnaise
- Mayra - a first name
- Maysa - a first name
- mayst - Biblical "may"
- Mayte - a first name
- Mayur - a first name
- Mayve - a first name
- Mayya - a first name
- Mazal - a first name
- mazar - a province in Afghanistan; the Afghan town Mazar-i-Sharif
- mazda - a first name; the supreme god of the Zend-Avesta, usually "Ahura Mazda"
- mazed - bewildered; formed into a puzzle
- mazeh - a gorgeous guy
- mazel - a first name; good luck
- Mazen - a first name
- mazer - a large drinking bowl or goblet
- mazes - plural of "maze", a labyrinth
- mazic - placental
- Mazie - a first name
- mazik - a term in Jewish tradition for someone who has caused damages
- Mazin - a first name
- mazoo - money
- mazur - a southeast Prussian Protestant Pole
- mazus - a genus of creeping herbs
- mazut - a viscous residue of petroleum distillation, used as fuel oil
- mazza - a Middle Eastern buffet of small tasty morsels
- mbala - a town in Zambia
- mbale - a town in Uganda
- mbare - a township near Harare, Zimbabwe
- mbari - a river in the Central African Republic
- mbati - a language
- mbaya - an Indian tribe of northern Paraguay
- mbete - a language
- mbimu - a language
- mbira - an African musical instrument, the thumb piano
- Mbiya - a first name
- mbole - a language
- mbora - an African musical instrument, the thumb piano
- mbori - a mild form of surra affecting camels
- mbour - a town in Senegal
- mbuba - the language of Bambula
- mbuti - a pygmy people of Uganda and Zaire
- mccoy - a first name; the real or genuine thing
- mcfly - a stupid person
- Mcgee - a first name
- mcjob - a low paying job with a large corporation
- mckay - a first name; referring to a process for sewing together the parts of a shoe
- mdina - a town in Malta
- meach - to meech, to skulk or sneak about
- Meade - a first name
- meads - plural of "mead", a beverage brewed from fermented honey
- meals - plural of "meal", a serving of food
- mealy - farinaceous
- meane - to lament
- means - intends; a method; wealth; plural of "mean", an average
- meant - implied; intended
- meany - an unkind person
- meaow - meow
- Meara - a first name
- meare - mere
- Meari - a first name
- mears - plural of "mear", a boundary
- mease - a group of 500 (particularly used to count herrings); a British river; to pacify or mitigate
- meath - mead; a county in Leinster, Ireland
- meats - plural of "meat", animal flesh used as food
- meaty - substantial; fleshy
- meaux - a town in France
- Meave - a first name
- meavy - an English river near Plymouth
- meawl - to mewl; to miaow
- meaws - plural of "meaw", the sea mew
- mebbe - slang for "maybe"
- mebos - plural of "mebo", a salted apricot
- mecca - a city in Saudi Arabia; a sacred site; an attraction, goal or ideal
- mecha - anime involving giant autonomous robots or piloted armored suits
- Mechi - a first name
- mechs - plural of "mech", a large battle robot, a character in various video games
- Mecir - a first name
- Mecki - a first name
- mecks - wines and spirits
- mecon - the poppy; the truncated octahedron
- mecox - a town in New York
- mecum - Latin for "with me", used in the phrase "vade mecum"
- Mecys - a first name
- medak - a town in Croatia; a town in India
- medal - a token of honor
- medan - a first name; a son of Abraham; a city in Indonesia
- meddy - a first name; a huge mass of warm water that moves across an ocean (from "Mediterranean eddy")
- medea - a first name; wife of Jason; a sorceress
- Medel - a first name
- meden - a British river
- medes - plural of "Mede", a native of Media
- Medha - a first name
- media - a first name; an ancient country in western Asia; a star in Sagittarius; plural of "medium", a channel; a news or entertainment source
- medic - a doctor; the language of the Medes; clover, lucerne, etc
- Medie - a first name
- medii - plural of "medius"
- medio - a Venezuelan coin
- medja - a town in Serbia
- medle - to meddle; to mix
- medly - to mix; to mingle
- medoc - a red French wine; a region of the Gironde department
- medza - one half
- meech - to skulk or sneak about
- meeds - plural of "meed", a deserved award
- meeja - a mocking pronunciation of "media"
- Meeka - a first name
- meeko - a first name; a town in Australia
- Meeku - a first name
- Meema - a first name
- meena - a first name; the Indian name for the sign of Pisces
- Meera - a first name
- meers - a town in Oklahoma; plural of "meer", a pool or lake
- meese - a British river; a comic plural for "mouse"
- meeth - meed
- meets - encounters; plural of "meet", an athletic competition
- Megan - a first name
- Megen - a first name
- Meggi - a first name
- meggs - a first name; marijuana
- Meggy - a first name
- Megha - a first name
- Megin - a first name
- Megon - a first name
- Megun - a first name
- Megyn - a first name
- Mehdi - a first name
- mehra - a scheduled tribe of India
- mehri - a first name; a mahri, a native of the Mahra region of the Arabian peninsula
- Mehry - a first name
- Mehta - a first name
- Mehti - a first name
- Mehul - a first name
- Meier - a first name
- meiji - the reign style of the Japanese emperor Mutsuhito
- Meika - a first name
- Meike - a first name
- Meiko - a first name
- Meila - a first name
- meile - a unit of distance in Germany, of about 7.5 kilometers
- Meilo - a first name
- meine - a household retinue
- meins - laments; plural of "mein", a chow mein
- meint - mixed
- meiny - a household retinue
- meira - a first name; a kind of cheese
- meism - a self-centered attitude
- meist - a self-centered person
- meith - a landmark; a measurement; a navagational marker
- Meizi - a first name
- Mekal - a first name
- mekan - a language
- mekes - plural of "meke", a Fijian dance
- mekka - the city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia
- Melak - a first name
- melam - an amorphous compound obtained by heating ammonium thiocyanate
- Melan - a first name
- melas - plural of "mela", an Indian religious festival
- melba - a first name; a kind of toast, thinly sliced and narrow
- Melby - a first name
- melch - yielding easily to pressure
- Melda - a first name
- melds - combines
- Melea - a first name
- melee - a riot
- meles - a first name; the badger genus
- melia - a first name; a genus of East Indian and Australian deciduous trees; an exclamation of surprise
- melic - lyric; pertaining to song; a grass
- Melie - a first name
- Melih - a first name
- melik - malik
- Melky - a first name
- Mella - a first name
- melle - a first name; a town in Germany
- Melli - a first name
- mello - a town in northern France
- mells - combines; meddles; a town in England
- mellu - an island in the south Pacific
- melly - a first name; mellay
- melne - a mill
- meloe - a widely distributed genus of oil beetles
- melol - a village in Papua New Guinea
- melon - a vegetable grown on a vine and best left there
- melos - an island of the Cyclades group; plural of "melo", a melodrama; a cymbium
- melts - dissolves
- melty - like melting; reminiscent of melting; causing melting
- melun - a town in France
- Melva - a first name
- Melya - a first name
- Melyn - a first name
- memba - a town in Mozambique
- memel - a seaport city and surrounding territory in Lithuania
- memes - plural of "meme", a hypothetical unit of cultural DNA
- memex - Vannevar Bush's proposed name for the personal computer, in 1945
- memos - plural of "memo", a memorandum
- menad - a first name; a maenad; a frenzied or raging female devotee of Bacchus
- menai - a channel of the British Isles
- menam - a river in Thailand
- mench - a mensch, a substantial human being, a warm and personable soul
- menda - a town in Colorado
- mende - an African ethnic group; a town in Greece; a town in France
- mendi - a first name; a language
- mends - repairs
- Mendy - a first name
- mened - lamented
- menen - a town in Belgium
- menes - a first name; laments
- menge - to mix
- mengs - mixes
- menin - a town in France
- Menja - a first name
- Menke - a first name
- menko - a Japanese game played with round cards having pictures on them
- Menna - a first name
- Menno - a first name
- Menon - a first name
- menow - a minnow
- mensa - a table; the grinding part of a tooth; an egghead group; a southern constellation
- mense - to honor
- mensh - a mensch, a substantial human being, a warm, personable soul
- mensk - a town in Belarus, also known as "Minsk"
- menta - plural of "mentum", the chin
- mente - an inflected form of "menge"
- mento - a tradition ballad form of Jamaica
- mentu - an ancient Egyptian falcon-headed deity
- menus - plural of "menu", a list of choices
- Menza - a first name
- meows - plural of "meow", a cat sound
- Merah - a first name
- merai - a Maori club
- merak - a star in the constellation of the Big Dipper; a port town in Indonesia
- Meral - a first name
- Merav - a first name
- merca - a town in Somalia
- Merce - a first name
- merch - merchandise
- Merci - a first name
- merck - a first name; cocaine
- mercs - plural of "merc", a mercenary; a Mercury
- mercy - a first name; clemency
- merds - plural of "merd", manure
- mered - a first name; bounded, marked off
- Merek - a first name
- merel - a first name; a counter in the game of merels
- merer - more mere
- meres - plural of "mere", a pond
- merge - to combine
- mergh - marrow
- Meric - a first name
- Merie - a first name
- meril - a first name; a counter
- meris - a first name; an isolated colony of cells; plural of "meri", a Maori war club
- merit - a first name; to deserve
- Merja - a first name
- merka - a first name; a town in Somalia
- merke - murky
- merks - plural of "merk", a Scottish coin
- Merla - a first name
- merle - a first name; a blackbird
- merlo - a town in Argentina
- merls - plural of "merl", a blackbird
- merms - plural of "merm", a pseudohermaphrodite with testes
- Merna - a first name
- meroe - an ancient kingdom of southern Egypt; a town in Sudan
- merom - a biblical place
- Meron - a first name
- merop - a dependent peasant in Serbia; the foster mother of Oedipus
- meros - the plain surface between the channels of a triglyph; the thigh
- merou - a grouper fish
- meroz - a biblical place
- Merri - a first name
- merry - a first name; cheerful
- merse - to immerse in liquid; a marsh
- mersh - financially profitable; commercial
- Merta - a first name
- Merti - a first name
- merus - the meropodite of a chela, consisting of the enlarged palm of the hand
- Merva - a first name
- mervs - plural of "merv", a silk dress material
- Meryl - a first name
- mesad - toward or on the side toward the mesial plane
- mesai - a river in Colombia
- mesal - mesial; median
- mesas - plural of "mesa", a plateau
- mesco - a European cape
- mesel - a loathsome person; a leper
- mesem - mesembry-anthemum
- mesen - another name for Messines, Belgium; myself
- meses - plural of "mese", the middle string of the lyre
- mesha - a first name; the Indian name for the sign of Aries
- meshy - reticulated
- mesic - a climate with a medium amount of moisture
- mesne - intermediate; an intermediate feudal lord
- meson - a subatomic particle
- messy - disarranged
- mesta - kenaf, an East Indian plant; a river in Bulgaria
- mesto - in musical notation, sad and pensive
- mesua - a genus of tropical Asiatic resinous trees
- Mesum - a first name
- Mesut - a first name
- mesyl - methyl-sulfonyl
- metad - a small field rat
- metae - plural of "meta", a Roman chariot racing pylon or turning post
- metal - bullion; courage; ore; a loud, repetitive, guitar-based style of music
- metan - a town in Argentina
- metas - plural of "meta", a Roman chariot racing pylon or turning post
- meted - measured out
- metel - the thorn apple
- meter - a measurement device; metric unit of length
- metes - doles (out); measures
- methi - an Indian vegetable
- metho - methylated spirits
- meths - methylated spirits used as an illicit beverage
- methy - methylated spirits
- metic - alien
- metif - an octaroon
- Metin - a first name
- metis - a first name; a person of mixed French and American Indian ancestry; a moon of Jupiter
- Metje - a first name
- Metka - a first name
- metol - a white soluble powder used as a photographic developer
- metra - a measuring device; the uterus
- metre - meter
- metro - a subway
- Metsy - a first name
- Metta - a first name
- Mette - a first name
- metze - an Austrian unit of measurement
- meums - plural of "meum", a thing that is mine
- meuse - a French river; a gap or hole in a hedge or wall used by a wild animal
- meute - a mew; a cage for hawks
- meved - moved
- meves - moves
- mewed - made cat sounds; confined
- mewer - one that mews
- mewls - whines
- mexal - a variant of "mexical" or "mescal"
- mexia - a town in Texas
- Meyer - a first name
- meyne - meinie
- meynt - mixed
- Meyta - a first name
- mezen - a town in Russia
- mezes - plural of "meze", a Turkish or Greek appetizer
- mezza - the feminine form of "mezzo"
- mezze - a Middle Eastern buffet of small tasty morsels
- mezzo - middle; medium; half
- mfuwe - a town in Zambia
- Mhari - a first name
- Mhina - a first name
- mhorr - a mohr, a west African gazelle
- miami - a first name; a city in Florida
- miaou - a cat sound
- miaow - a cat sound
- miasm - a miasma; noxious exhalations from putrescent matter; any of three chronic diseases, according to homeopathy
- miass - a town in the Soviet Union
- Miata - a first name
- miaul - to make a cat sound
- miaus - makes a cat sound
- Micah - a first name
- Mical - a first name
- micas - plural of "mica", a mineral; a mentally ill chemical abuser
- Micci - a first name
- micco - a town in Florida
- Miccy - a first name
- Micha - a first name
- miche - a first name; to hide; to skulk; a loaf of bread
- Michi - a first name
- Micho - a first name
- micht - might
- Micil - a first name
- Micke - a first name
- Micki - a first name
- micks - plural of "Mick", a denigrating name for an Irishman
- micky - a first name; an Irish lad
- Micol - a first name
- micos - plural of "mico", a vegetable butter
- micra - plural of "micron"
- micro - a personal computer; a scandalously short skirt
- midas - the king with the golden touch; the larvae of the bean fly
- middy - a midshipman; a kind of blouse
- midge - a first name; a gnat; one of Barbie's sycophant cronies
- midgy - infested with midges
- midis - plural of "midi", a mid-length skirt
- midon - a cricket position
- midst - among
- Mieke - a first name
- Mieko - a first name
- miens - plural of "mien", a manner
- mieny - a group of coworkers
- mieso - a town in Ethiopia
- mieve - move
- miffs - annoys
- miffy - a first name; easily annoyed; the devil
- mifty - a first name; miffy; easily annoyed; quick to take offence
- migas - a Tex-Mex breakfast dish of eggs, cheese, peppers, tomatoes, tortilla chips
- Migel - a first name
- Miggi - a first name
- miggs - plural of "migg", a sort of marble
- might - possibly would; strength
- migod - a variant of "my God", an exclamation
- Migul - a first name
- Mihai - a first name
- Mihri - a first name
- Miiko - a first name
- mijak - a village in Kosovo
- Mikah - a first name
- Mikal - a first name
- miked - supplied with a microphone
- Mikee - a first name
- Mikel - a first name
- Miken - a first name
- mikes - plural of "mike", a microphone; a microgram
- Mikey - a first name
- Mikia - a first name
- Mikie - a first name
- Mikio - a first name
- mikir - the Tibeto-Burman language of the Mikir people
- Mikis - a first name
- Mikka - a first name
- Mikki - a first name
- Mikko - a first name
- Mikol - a first name
- mikra - a miqra; the Hebrew text of the Bible
- Miksa - a first name
- Milah - a first name
- milan - a first name; a city in Italy
- milas - a first name; a town in Turkey; plural of "mila", a Polish unit of measurement of volume
- milch - referring to a cow used for giving milk
- Milda - a first name
- milds - plural of "mild", mild ale
- miled - ran a mile
- Milek - a first name
- milen - a first name; maslin
- miler - a mile runner
- miles - a first name; plural of "mile", a unit of distance of 5,280 feet
- milev - a town in Algeria
- Miley - a first name
- milha - a unit of measure in Brazil; an African cape
- milia - a first name; plural of "milium", millet; a whitehead
- Milka - a first name
- milko - a first name; a milkman
- milks - draws milk from a cow
- milky - lacteal
- milla - a first name; a genus of cormose herbs; a unit of distance of Nicaragua of about 1.1 miles
- mille - a first name; one thousand
- Milli - a first name
- millo - millo maize, a variety of sorghum
- mills - a first name; churns; grinds; plural of "mill", a factory
- milly - a first name; a town in France
- Milne - a first name
- milor - a form of "milord", a term of address for an English aristocrat
- milos - a first name; an island; plural of "milo", a cereal
- milpa - a cleared jungle area used for farming
- Milsa - a first name
- milts - plural of "milt", fish sperm; the spleen
- milty - a first name; containing milt
- miltz - stuffed spleen; the milky egg sacs of herring
- milya - a first name; a town in Israel
- mimas - a satellite of Saturn
- mimed - silently indicated
- mimeo - a mimeograph
- mimer - one who mimes
- mimes - silently indicates
- mimic - one who mimes
- mimir - in Norse myth, a giant who guards the spring of wisdom
- mimis - a first name; hysterical fear
- Mimma - a first name
- Mimmo - a first name
- mimps - speaks in a prissy manner; makes a face
- mimsy - an aspect of borogroves, ala Charles Dodgson; prudish or prim
- mimus - a genus of birds that includes mockingbirds
- Mimzy - a first name
- minae - plural of "mina", an ancient unit of weight; 50 shekels
- Minal - a first name
- minar - an Islamic lighthouse, tower or minaret
- minas - a town in Uruquay; plural of "mina", an ancient unit of weight; 50 shekels
- minbu - a town in Burma
- mince - to cut finely; to walk with preposterously small steps
- minch - a channel of the British Isles
- mincy - affected
- Minda - a first name
- Mindi - a first name
- mindo - a town in Ecuador
- minds - watches over; is displeased by
- Mindy - a first name
- mined - dug; containing mines
- Minel - a first name
- miner - a first name; one who mines
- mines - plural of "mine", an explosive device; an extensive underground excavation
- minge - a midge or biting fly; the female genitals
- mingo - a first name; an Iroquois
- mings - plural of "Ming", a piece of Chinese porcelain
- mingy - stingy, mean, measly
- minho - a river flowing from northwest Spain into the Atlantic
- Minhy - a first name
- minie - a first name; an old style conical bullet with hollow base, expands to fit the rifling of the barrel
- Minik - a first name
- minim - a unit of volume of 1/60 of a fluid drachm; a dwarf; a half-note
- minis - plural of "mini", a miniskirt; a minivan
- Minka - a first name
- minke - a first name; a kind of whale
- minks - plural of "mink", a fur; an unpleasant animal
- Minna - a first name
- Minne - a first name
- minni - a first name; the ancient name of Armenia
- minny - a first name; a minnow
- Minoo - a first name
- minor - a first name; lesser; an under-age person
- minos - a mythical king of ancient Crete; plural of "mino", a Japanese raincoat made of grass or straw
- minot - a city in North Dakota
- Minou - a first name
- minow - a minnow
- minsk - a city in Belarus
- Minta - a first name
- minto - a lake in North America; a town in Scotland
- mints - plural of "mint", an herb; a coin factory
- minty - a first name; tasting of mint
- minuf - a town in Egypt
- minum - minim
- minus - a drawback; less by a certain amount
- minxy - like a minx; devious; crafty; scheming
- Minya - a first name
- miola - a town in Pennsylvania
- miqra - the Hebrew text of the Bible
- Mique - a first name
- miraa - khat, a mild narcotic
- mirac - the abdomen
- Mirae - a first name
- Mirah - a first name
- mirak - a town in Armenia
- Miram - a first name
- Miran - a first name
- Mirar - a first name
- Mirav - a first name
- Mirco - a first name
- mirds - attempts; flirts
- mired - stuck in; a unit of measurement of reciprocal color temperature
- Mirek - a first name
- Mirel - a first name
- Miren - a first name
- mires - plural of "mire", a bog
- mirex - an insecticide
- mirey - miry, boggy
- mirid - of or relating to the Miridae family of leaf bugs; capsid
- mirik - an African cape
- mirim - a palindromic lake in Brazil
- mirin - a first name; a Japanese sweet rice wine
- Mirit - a first name
- Mirja - a first name
- Mirko - a first name
- mirks - plural of "mirk", murk
- mirky - gloomy; obscure
- mirly - marbled
- Mirna - a first name
- mirny - a diamond mining town in Siberia
- Miron - a first name
- mirow - a fishing village near Berlin
- Mirra - a first name
- Mirsa - a first name
- Mirta - a first name
- mirth - a first name; cheerfulness
- Mirto - a first name
- mirvs - plural of "MIRV", multiple independently-targeted reentry vehicles
- mirza - a first name; a Persian royal prince
- misdo - to err; to sin
- miser - a skinflint
- mises - plural of "mise", an agreement or settlement
- misgo - to go wrongly or badly
- Misha - a first name
- Mishi - a first name
- Misho - a first name
- Miska - a first name
- misky - foggy
- misle - to rain in small drops
- misli - to rain in small drops
- misly - drizzly
- mison - a town in central Indochina
- misos - plural of "miso", a food paste
- Misra - a first name
- missa - a musical version of the Mass
- Missi - a first name
- missy - a first name; sentimental; namby-pamby
- misti - a first name; el Misti, a volcano in South America
- mists - plural of "mist", a fog or fine rain
- misty - a first name; foggy
- mitau - a town in Latvia
- mitch - a first name; to play hooky from school
- miter - an angle of 45 degrees; an ecclesiastical cap
- mites - plural of "mite", a small amount; a tiny parasite; a unit of measurement of 1/24 grain
- Mitio - a first name
- mitis - a kind of wrought iron; a form of disease tending to be less serious than usual
- Mitja - a first name
- mitla - a town in Mexico
- mitra - a first name; a Persian sun god; a genus of mollusks with turreted shells
- mitre - an angle of 45 degrees; an ecclesiastical cap; an island
- Mitri - a first name
- mitts - plural of "mitt", a thick glove; a hand
- mitty - the little petrel; charactonymic nickname for a daydreamer (Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty")
- mitua - the mitu, a gallinaceous Brazilian bird; a genus of insects
- Mitul - a first name
- mitus - plural of "mitu", a South American currasow
- Mitya - a first name
- Mitzi - a first name
- Miura - a first name
- Mivan - a first name
- mivvy - a marble; a person who is adept at a task
- miwok - an Indian people of central California
- mixed - combined
- mixen - a dung hill or midden
- mixer - an implement for mixing; a dance for the unpaired
- mixes - combines
- Mixie - a first name
- mixte - a kind of cheese
- mixto - tequila made from the minimum of 51% agave
- mixum - an apothecary
- mixup - a misunderstanding
- mizar - a star; a biblical place
- mizen - a type of sail used on the mizzenmast; a British cape
- mizer - a miser
- mizos - plural of "Mizo", a member of a Tibetan-Burmese tribe
- mizzy - a bog
- mjosa - a European lake
- Mlada - a first name
- mlawa - a town in Poland
- mlini - a town in Croatia
- mljet - an island in Croatia
- mneme - the persistent effect of past experience on a person or race
- mnium - a genus of mosses
- mnong - a language
- Moabi - a first name
- moabs - plural of "moab", a kind of turban-shaped hat
- Moala - a first name
- moana - the Pacific goat fish
- moano - the Pacific goat fish
- moans - groans
- moany - full of moans; like a moan
- moate - to defecate; a town in Eire
- moats - plural of "moat", a water-filled trench
- moaty - like a moat
- mobad - a Parsi priest of the second rank
- mobay - Montego Bay, Jamaica
- mobby - an alcoholic drink made from fermented fruit juice
- mobed - a Parsi priest of the second rank; a Zoroastrian priest
- mober - a language
- moble - to wrap the head in a hood; to dress grossly; movable property
- mobot - a mobile robot, usually self-guided
- mobus - a motor bus
- mocap - a shortened form of "motion capture", an animation technique
- mocha - a chocolatey coffee; a seaport in Yemen; agate; an island in Chile
- moche - a packet of silk; an ancient Peruvian civilization
- mochs - plural of "moch", misty, humid weather
- mochy - moist and warm
- mocka - clothing
- mocks - disdainfully imitates
- mocky - a young mare; a Jew
- mocoa - coche; a town in Colombia
- mocos - plural of "moco", the rock cavy
- modal - moody; a term from logic
- moded - caught, found out, or humiliated; carried out the arithmetic "mod" operation
- model - an example
- modem - a computer communication module ("modulator/demodulator")
- moder - the matrix of an astrolabe; a layer of humus between mor and mull
- modes - plural of "mode", a manner; a style; a most common value in a data set
- modii - plural of "modius", a Roman dry measure
- modoc - a Lutuamian people of southwestern Oregon; a person who became a pilot for the glamor; a carnival knockdown dummy
- modon - a port in Greece
- modul - the modulus or base of a mathematical congruence
- modus - a style, method or procedure
- Moeen - a first name
- moeve - to move
- moffs - plural of "moff", a Caucasian silk fabric
- mofos - plural of "mofo", Oedipus
- mogen - a star, used in the Hebrew phrase "mogen David"; a clamp used by a mohel for circumcision
- moggs - censors
- moggy - a cow or calf; a cat of doubtful ancestry; a north country person; a slattern
- mogol - an Altaic language
- mogul - a Mongolian; a rich or prominent person
- Mohan - a first name
- mohar - a silver coin of Nepal
- mohas - plural of "moha", a kind of millet
- mohel - a circumciser
- Mohen - a first name
- moher - a town in Ireland with famous seaside cliffs
- Mohit - a first name
- Mohja - a first name
- mohms - plural of "mohm", a measure of mechanical mobility
- mohoe - mahoe
- Mohon - a first name
- mohos - a genus of honey eating birds
- mohrs - plural of "mohr", a west African gazelle
- mohur - an Indian gold coin
- mohwa - trees of the genus Madhuca; the butter tree
- Moico - a first name
- Moien - a first name
- moika - a river in Russia, near St Petersburg
- moile - a kind of high shoe worn in ancient times
- moils - toils incessantly
- Moina - a first name
- moine - of or relating to an epic of the Precambrian era
- moira - a first name; fate in Greek mythology
- moire - a first name; a watered silk fabric
- Moise - a first name
- moism - a variant of "Mohism", a Chinese philosophy founded by Mozi
- moist - slightly wet; a follower of Moism
- moits - plural of "moit", a mote; a fragment of stick or dirt in wool
- moity - full of moits
- moiva - a food fish of the Arctic Ocean
- Moiwa - a first name
- mojos - a south American tribe; plural of "mojo", a magical charm
- moken - a coastal tribe of Burma and Thailand
- mokes - plural of "moke", a donkey; a fool
- mokey - the female genitals
- mokis - plural of "moki", a Hopi; a trumpeter fish; a Maori raft
- mokos - plural of "moko", a Maori tattooing
- mokpo - of or from the city of Mokpo, Korea
- moksa - salvation from the bondage of finite existence
- mokum - a Japanese alloy used in decorative work on gold or silver objects
- mokus - drunk; alcohol; a depressed state
- molal - referring to a chemical mole
- molar - a tooth; a term from chemistry
- molas - a marine fish; plural of "mola", a colorful fabric panel, or a blouse
- molbo - a kind of cheese
- molde - a town in Norway
- molds - fashions; fungi; casting forms
- moldy - containing molds; smelling of mold
- moled - to make or traverse underground passages
- molee - a Syrian fish "preparation" (prepare yourself!)
- molek - a variant of "Moloch"
- moles - plural of "mole", a burrowing animal; a skin defect; a jetty; a specific number of molecules
- molet - mullet
- moley - a potato; a gang weapon of a potato studded with razors
- Molga - a first name
- molge - triturus; the newt genus
- Molia - a first name
- molid - of or relating to the Molidae family of fish
- molka - a town in Australia
- molla - a first name; a mullah
- molle - the pepper tree
- Molli - a first name
- mollo - drunk
- molls - plural of "moll", a mobster mistress
- molly - a first name; a pet fish; the wagtail bird
- molpe - a town in Sri Lanka
- molto - musical notation for "very much"
- molts - sheds old skin
- molty - molten; molting; referring to shed skin
- Momen - a first name
- momes - plural of "mome", a fool; a clown
- momma - mother
- momme - a Japanese unit of weight equal to 3.75 grams
- mommy - mother
- Momoe - a first name
- Momoh - a first name
- momot - a motmot, a long-tailed passerine bird
- momus - the Greek god of ridicule; a complainer; a carping critic
- momza - a general term of address, abusive or familiar
- monad - a singleton; a single cell organism; the subject of an essay by Leibniz
- Monae - a first name
- Monah - a first name
- monal - a pheasant
- monas - a monad; plural of "mona", a small long-tailed monkey
- monax - the yaffle, or green woodpecker; the woodchuck
- Monay - a first name
- Monca - a first name
- monde - society; the world; a coterie
- mondo - a Zen question and answer method; extreme
- Mondy - a first name
- Monea - a first name
- Monee - a first name
- monel - a nickel-copper-iron-manganese alloy
- moner - a hypothetical simplest protozoan; a non-nucleated protoplasmic body
- mones - moans
- monet - a first name; anything that looks good til you get up close to it
- money - evil's root; large rocks found in Yap Island
- mongi - a river in New Guinea
- mongo - a first name; a Mongolian coin; a dimwit in "Blazing Saddles"; the realm of Ming the Merciless; mungo; greatly; a town in Chad; salvagable trash
- mongs - plural of "mong", an idiot
- mongu - a town in Zambia
- mongy - stupid; idiotic
- Monia - a first name
- monic - a first name; in mathematics, characterized by a coefficient of 1.
- monie - many
- Monja - a first name
- monks - plural of "monk", a member of a fraternal religious order; a printing inkstain
- Monna - a first name
- monos - plural of "mono", an infectious disease
- monox - the crowberry
- Monro - a first name
- monte - a first name; a game like faro; a quickie three-card gambling game
- month - a unit of time of about 30 days, slightly longer than a paycheck
- Monti - a first name
- monto - the run-down low-life section of Dublin near Montgomery Street
- Montu - a first name
- monty - a first name; part of the phrase "the full monty", meaning "everything"
- Monya - a first name
- monza - a city in northern Italy
- monze - an Asian cape; a town in Zambia
- mooca - marijuana
- mooch - to sponge off another person
- moods - plural of "mood", an emotional state
- moody - emotional; gloomy
- mooed - made cow sounds
- mooer - a cow
- mooey - rotten; the face; the mouth
- mooka - a town in Japan
- mooks - plural of "mook", a lower class angry young white rap metal fan; a book produced in the form of a magazine
- moola - money
- mooli - a long white carrot-like root found in Asia
- mools - plural of "mool", a soft fertile soil
- mooly - muley, hornless
- moons - bares the buttocks; plural of "moon", a satellite
- moony - dreamy
- moops - nibbles, browses
- Moore - a first name
- Mooro - a first name
- moors - plural of "moor", a fen; a Spanish Arab
- moory - sterile; boggy; a cloth; like a moor
- moosa - a unit of weight in Cyprus
- moose - the elk
- moosh - the face
- moota - marijuana or a marijuana cigarette
- mooth - a mouth
- moots - brings up for debate; makes moot
- moove - move
- mopan - an Indian people of northeast Guatemala
- moped - a motorized scooter; was dejected
- moper - one who mopes
- mopes - is dejected
- mopey - in a dejected mood
- mophy - a homosexual
- mopla - a group of Islamic inhabitants of southwest India
- moppy - tipsy; befuddled; like a mop
- Mopsa - a first name
- mopsy - a first name; an untidy or homely woman; a moppet
- mopti - a town in Mali
- mopup - a final cleaning up
- mopus - someone who mopes; a drone; cash; a small coin; a half penny
- moqor - a city in Afghanistan
- moqui - moki, a Hopi
- Morad - a first name
- morae - the 113 Japanese syllables; plural of "mora", a unit of prosodic metrical time; inexcusable and blameable delay
- morag - a first name; a Celtic worm-like monster; an Israeli settlement in Gaza
- moral - ethical
- moran - a first name; a town in Papua New Guinea
- morar - a town in Scotland
- moras - plural of "mora", a unit of prosodic metrical time; inexcusable and blameable delay
- morat - a beverage made of honey flavored with mulberry juice; a town in Switzerland
- moray - a first name; a type of eel
- morbi - plural of "morbus", a disease; a town in India
- morbs - a morbid mood
- morda - a British river
- Mordi - a first name
- Mordy - a first name
- morea - a first name; a modern name for the Peloponnesus
- mored - filtered through the "more" program
- moree - a town in Australia
- moreh - a town in India
- morel - a first name; a cherry; a nightshade mushroom
- mores - manners or morals; larger quantities
- Morey - a first name
- morga - a Polish unit of land area of about 1.4 acres
- moria - a first name; folly
- moric - of or obtained from fustic
- Morie - a first name
- moril - a morel; a mushroom
- morin - a yellow coloring matter obtained from the fustic tree
- Morio - a first name
- Moris - a first name
- Morit - a first name
- Moriz - a first name
- Morla - a first name
- Morly - a first name
- mormo - a bugbear
- Morna - a first name
- morne - a blunted lance used for tilting; mournful, dreary; an Asian cape
- morns - plural of "morn", a morning
- moroc - the honey guide
- moron - a dimwit; a town in Argentina; a town in Venezuela
- moros - plural of "Moro", a Muslim people of the southern Philippines
- morph - to transform from one shape to another; morphine; a hermaphrodite
- morra - a first name; mora, an Italian finger-matching game
- Morri - a first name
- morro - a rounded hill
- Morry - a first name
- morse - a first name; a telegraph code; any code; a walrus; a seahorse; the clasp of a cope
- morta - one of the Roman goddesses of fate
- morth - in Teutonic law, a murder without extenuation, such as by poisoning or witchcraft
- morts - plural of "mort", a signal played on a hunting horn to denote a kill; a stick entangled in wool
- Morty - a first name
- morum - a clever trick
- morus - a genus of trees of the nettle family; plural of "Moru", a people of the Sudan
- morwe - morrow
- mosed - the past tense of "mose", found only in Shakespeare's phrase "mose in the chine"
- mosel - the Moselle river
- Mosen - a first name
- moser - a huge number, defined by repeated exponentiation, due to Leo Moser
- moses - a first name; a lawgiver; the present tense of "mose"
- mosey - to amble or stroll
- mosgu - musgu, a people of the central Sudan
- Mosha - a first name
- Moshe - a first name
- moshi - a town in Tanzania
- Mosie - a first name
- mosks - plural of "mosk", a mosque
- mosky - marijuana
- mossi - a people of the west central Sudan
- mosso - a musical notation meaning "quickly"
- mossy - covered with moss
- mosta - a town in Malta
- moste - past tense of "may"
- mosts - plural of "most", the largest quantity
- mosul - a town in northern Iraq opposite the ruins of Nineveh; light brown to yellow brown
- mosuo - a tribal people of southwestern China
- Mosya - a first name
- Mosze - a first name
- motch - to eat little, slowly and quietly
- moted - dusty
- motel - a motor hotel
- moten - a dialect plural participle of "might"
- motes - plural of "mote", a small particle
- motet - a vocal composition in polyphonic style for church service
- motey - containing many small particles
- moths - plural of "moth", a drab night-flying insect
- mothy - moth-ridden
- motif - a theme
- Motoo - a first name
- motor - an engine
- motos - plural of "moto", one of the heats in a cross-country motorcycle race
- motsa - a big gambling win; a certainty
- motte - a first name; a small group of trees on the prairie; part of a motte-and-bailey castle
- Motti - a first name
- motto - a byword; a slogan
- motts - plural of "mott", a small group of trees; a hoople; the female genitals
- motty - a first name; having motes
- motus - plural of "motu", a Polynesian reef islet with vegetation
- motza - a certainty
- motzi - a Hebrew blessing over bread
- mouch - to mooch; to skulk
- moudy - mole
- moued - made a moue; pouted
- mouer - one who moues
- moues - makes a moue; plural of "moue", a pout
- Mouin - a first name
- Mouki - a first name
- moula - moola, money
- mould - a blight; rotted leaves; a casting form
- moule - a mussel
- mouli - to chop marijuana in a parsley grinder
- mouls - covers with soil
- moult - to cast off feathers
- Mouna - a first name
- mound - a heap; a swelling
- mount - to climb upon; a steed; a mountain
- moups - nibbles; munches
- mouri - an early Dutch settlement in west Africa
- mourn - to lament
- Mousa - a first name
- mouse - a cheese lover; a computer input device
- moust - musk
- mousy - quiet; mouselike
- mouth - an oral cavity; a debouchment of a river
- moved - changed position
- mover - one who moves
- moves - changes position
- movie - a motion picture
- mowas - plural of "mowa", a mahua
- mowed - cut down
- mowen - mown
- mower - a person or instrument that cuts down
- mowes - mows
- mowha - mahua
- mowie - mool
- mowra - trees of the genus Madhuca; the butter tree
- mowth - a mowing
- moxas - plural of "moxa", a Chinese plant
- moxie - nerve; spunk; a defunct Coca Cola rival
- moyas - plural of "moya", a volcanic mud
- moyen - means; medium in position or size
- Moyez - a first name
- moyhu - a town in Australia
- moyle - a kind of shoe; a mining wedge or drill; a mule
- moyls - plural of "moyl", a mule
- Moyna - a first name
- Moyra - a first name
- mozed - raised the nap on cloth
- mozes - a first name; raises the nap on cloth
- mozia - an island off Sicily
- mozos - plural of "mozo", a manual laborer
- mozza - good fortune
- mozzy - a mosquito
- mpika - a town in Zambia
- mpoko - a river in the Central African Republic
- mpoto - a language
- mpret - an Albanian ruler, back when they had them
- msasa - a tree of southern Rhodesia
- mtawa - a first name; a hermit
- muang - a tribe in Southeast Asia
- Muath - a first name
- muces - plural of "muce", a muse; a muset
- mucho - very; much
- mucic - a dibasic crystalline acid
- mucid - musty, moldy, slimy
- mucin - a mucous membrane protein
- Mucip - a first name
- mucks - manures; clears out stables
- mucky - filthy
- mucor - moldiness; a genus of mold fungi
- mucro - a stiff sharp point
- mucus - a thick watery sticky biological fluid
- mudar - madar; a medicinal herb
- muddy - full of mud
- mudge - a low-crowned circular woman's hat
- mudir - an Eastern governor
- mudki - a town in India, site of a famous battle
- mudra - a Yoga hand gesture symbolizing a specific psychospiritual quality
- mudzi - a district in Zimbabwe
- Mueen - a first name
- muffs - bungles; plural of "muff", a warmer made of fur
- Muffy - a first name
- Mufid - a first name
- mufti - civilian clothes; a Muslim priest
- mufty - civilian clothes
- muggo - a tea break
- muggs - makes funny faces, perhaps in honor of a television monkey of the 50's
- muggy - warm and damp; drunk
- mugil - the genus of the mullet fish
- mugla - a town in Turkey
- Mugur - a first name
- muhly - a perennial grass
- muick - a British river
- muids - plural of "muid", a hogshead
- muike - a first name; a town in Estonia
- muils - plural of "muil", a mule
- Muire - a first name
- muirs - plural of "muir", a variant of "moor"
- muist - musk
- Mujab - a first name
- mujik - a muzhik, a Russian peasant
- mukah - a town in Indonesia
- mukri - an ancient Kurdish people of Persia
- Mukta - a first name
- mukti - moksha
- Mukul - a first name
- mukur - a town in Afghanistan
- Mulat - a first name
- mulch - manure; grass clippings, wood chips and other detritus used in gardening
- mulct - to penalize; to defraud
- mulde - a river in eastern Germany that empties into the Elbe
- muled - a kind of coin striking
- mules - plural of "mule", a beast of burden; a slipper
- muley - stubborn; hornless; a hornless cow
- mulga - an Australian acacia tree; the bush or outback; an unpleasant situation; a town in Alabama
- mulla - a mullah; money
- mulls - considers
- mulms - plural of "mulm", the organic odoriferous sediment found in fish tanks
- mulse - mulled wine
- mulsh - mulch
- mults - plural of "mult", a fee for corn-grinding
- multy - bad, unpleasant
- muluc - the ninth day of the Mayan religious month
- Mumbi - a first name
- mumbo - obfuscation
- mumby - a town in England
- mumms - performs or parades in disguise
- mummy - a preserved corpse; a bituminous drug
- mumps - a viral infection commonly caught in childhood
- mumsy - a mother
- mumus - plural of "mumu", a muumuu
- munch - to chew on
- muncy - a town in Pennsylvania
- munda - a group of languages of central India; the Latin name of Mantua, Spain
- Mundo - a first name
- Mundy - a first name
- munga - the bonnet monkey; food; a smoke during work
- munge - to munch
- mungo - a first name; mung bean; urd; shoddy; a Mongolian coin; a poor type of wool, similar to but superior to shoddy!
- mungs - plural of "mung", a crowd; chickenfeed
- mungy - gloomy; messy
- munia - a first name; a passerine bird
- Munib - a first name
- munin - in Norse mythology, one of two raven companions of Odin, representing memory
- Munio - a first name
- Munir - a first name
- munis - plural of "muni", a state or local goverment security; a Hindu hermit sage
- munja - a tough Asiatic grass; a meal
- Munna - a first name
- munne - the face
- Munni - a first name
- munns - the mouth
- munnu - romance
- Munny - a first name
- munro - a first name; any mountain in Scotland over 3,000 feet high
- munta - a black African
- munts - plural of "munt", a muntu
- muntu - a black person
- muogh - a pig
- muong - an ethnic group from Vietnam
- muons - plural of "muon", a subatomic particle
- muppy - an acronym: "Medical Urban Professional" or "Mature Urban Professional"
- Murad - a first name
- mural - a wall painting
- muran - the language of the Mura people of Brazil
- muras - plural of "mura", a Japanese village
- murat - a first name; a river of eastern Turkey
- muray - an eel-like fish
- murch - a fat woman
- murdo - a first name; a town in South Dakota
- mured - immured
- mures - immures; provides with a wall; a river in Romania
- murex - Tyrian purple dye; a snail which, when crushed, yields a purple dye
- Murfy - a first name
- murga - a popular musical theater style in Uruguay
- muria - a Gond hill people of India
- murid - a small rodent
- murks - plural of "murk", obscurity; gloom
- murky - dark; turbid
- murle - a first name; a language
- Murli - a first name
- murlo - an Etruscan archeological site near Siena, Italy
- murls - crumbles
- murly - crumbly
- murmi - a people living on the boundary of Nepal and Sikkim
- murol - a kind of cheese
- muron - myron
- murph - a first name; sleep
- murra - fluorspar, a mineral used by the ancient Romans for fine vases and cups
- murre - the razorbilled auk, a diving bird
- murrs - plural of "murr", a diving bird
- murry - a first name; an eel-like fish; merry
- murth - plenty; abundance
- Murti - a first name
- murup - moorup
- murut - a tribe of Indonesian Borneo
- murva - an Asiatic bowstring hemp
- murwa - a first name; a town in the Himalayas
- murza - one of the hereditary nobility among the tatars
- musae - plural of "musa", a genus of large perennial plants
- musaf - an additional morning service on the Jewish Sabbath
- musal - of or pertaining to the Muses
- musan - a town in North Korea
- musar - a Jewish religious and ethical movement stressing discipline and piety; a wandering musician
- musas - plural of "musa", a genus of large perennial plants
- musca - the fly genus; the constellation of the fly
- musci - a class including the mosses
- mused - imagined; pondered
- musei - a language
- muser - one who muses
- muses - imagines; plural of "muse", one of 9 Greek goddesses associated with the arts
- muset - a gap in a fence or hedge
- musgu - a people of the central Sudan
- musha - an interjection expressing surprise; the owner of a new taxi; a town in Egypt
- mushe - a Syrian or Chinese person
- mushy - pulpy; sentimental
- music - the food of love
- Musie - a first name
- Musin - a first name
- musit - a gap in a fence, through which an animal can pass
- muski - muscatel
- musks - plural of "musk", a strong perfume derived from certain animals
- musky - smelling of musk; muscatel; variant of "muskie", a fish
- musos - plural of "muso", a humorless pedantic music enthusiast
- Mussa - a first name
- musse - a scramble, a disturbance
- musso - lahu
- mussy - messy
- musta - a slang form of "must have"; a pattern or design
- musth - a very dangerous state of sexual frenzy occurring in male elephants
- musts - plural of "must", a thing that has to be done; unfermented grape juice
- musty - unaired
- Mutaa - a first name
- mutah - a marijuana cigarette
- mutas - plural of "muta", a musical direction meaning "change"; a Moslem usufruct marriage
- mutch - a close-fitting cap worn by babies and old women
- muted - muffled; diminished
- muter - a first name; a muffler; more mute
- mutes - muffles; plural of "mute", a person who cannot speak
- mutex - the primary synchronization object in the Posix threads form of parallel programming
- mutha - a fan of heavy metal rock music; a contemptuous reference to a person
- Mutia - a first name
- mutic - muticate; pointless; blunt
- mutie - a skate-boarding adept, short for "mutant"
- mutis - plural of "muti", traditional African medicine or witch doctoring
- muton - the smallest section of genetic material that, when changed, results in a mutation
- mutsu - a town in Japan
- mutts - plural of "mutt", a dog of doubtful descent
- mutul - another name for Tikal, a Mayan city-state
- mutur - a town in Sri Lanka
- mutzu - a Japanese variety of apple
- muxed - spoiled; multiplexed
- muxes - multiplexes; plural of "mux", a drill for making wampum
- muzak - a trademarked background music wallpaper company; bland deracinated syrup music
- muzed - mused
- muzes - muses
- muzon - a Central American cape
- Muzzi - a first name
- muzzy - a first name; dazed; confused; blurred; drunk
- mvule - a huge African timber tree
- Mwaka - a first name
- mwami - the king of Ruanda
- Mwepu - a first name
- mwera - a language
- mweru - a lake in the Congo
- Mwila - a first name
- myall - an Australian hardwood tree; an uncivilized native; a person in an unfamiliar environment
- Myarn - a first name
- Mycah - a first name
- mydan - maidan
- Myers - a first name
- myips - a myope, a person having myopy
- Mykal - a first name
- Mykel - a first name
- myken - a town in Norway
- mylae - the Latin name for Milazzo, Italy
- Mylan - a first name
- mylar - a kind of synthetic membrane
- Mylee - a first name
- Mylen - a first name
- Myles - a first name
- Mylon - a first name
- mynah - an Asian bird
- mynas - plural of "myna" or "mynah", an Asian bird
- Myndy - a first name
- myner - an Australian seal
- Mynga - a first name
- Mynor - a first name
- myoid - like muscle
- myoma - a benign muscle tumor
- myope - a short-sighted person
- myops - plural of "myop", a short-sighted person
- myopy - myopia
- Myrah - a first name
- Myran - a first name
- Myria - a first name
- Myrka - a first name
- Myrle - a first name
- Myrna - a first name
- myron - a first name; a famous Greek sculptor
- myrrh - a kind of incense
- Myrta - a first name
- Myrth - a first name
- mysel - myself
- mysia - an ancient country in northwest Asia Minor
- mysid - a small crustacean
- mysis - the opossum shrimp
- Mysti - a first name
- Mytch - a first name
- mythi - plural of "mythos", a fundamental mythical story
- myths - plural of "myth", a legend
- mythy - resembling or containing myths
- myxae - plural of "myxa", the end of a bird mandible
- myxie - the disease myxomatosis
- myxon - a fish of the mullet family
- mzees - plural of "mzee", in Africa, an old person
- Myzel - a first name
- mzina - a North African desert tribe
- mzuri - all right
- Mzuzi - a first name
- naafi - the British Naval Army and Air Force Institute
- Naama - a first name
- naams - plural of "naam", distraint of chattels
- naans - plural of "naan", a round flat Indian bread
- nabak - a language of Papua, New Guinea
- nabal - a first name; a man who refused tribute to King David
- nabam - a crystalline fungicide
- nabby - an open sailboat
- nabee - aconite poison
- nabel - the navel
- nabes - plural of "nabe", a neighborhood movie theater
- nabid - referring to the Nabidae
- Nabih - a first name
- Nabil - a first name
- nabis - plural, a group of four French artists of the 19th century
- nabit - crushed candy
- nabks - plural of "nabk", the Christ's thorn plant
- nabla - a mathematical symbol of an inverted delta; an ancient triangular musical instrument
- nabob - a wealthy individual
- nacfa - an Eritrean monetary unit
- nache - the rump
- nacho - a tortilla chip
- Nacia - a first name
- Nacim - a first name
- nacks - a disease of chickens, similar to croup
- nacky - ingenious
- nacre - mother-of-pearl
- nacry - pearly
- nacul - referring to architectural design that strives for integration with the environment
- nadab - a first name; a son of Aaron, father of Appaim
- nadas - plural of "nada", meaning "nothing"
- Nadav - a first name
- nadde - didn't have
- Nadea - a first name
- Nader - a first name
- Nadey - a first name
- Nadia - a first name
- Nadif - a first name
- Nadim - a first name
- nadir - a first name; a low point
- Nadja - a first name
- Nadje - a first name
- nador - a town in Morocco
- Nadya - a first name
- Naeem - a first name
- naeve - a birthmark; a blemish
- naevi - plural of "naevus", a birthmark
- Nafas - a first name
- naffs - plural of "naff", an incompetent person
- naffy - from "NAAFI", the canteen
- nafka - a prostitute
- nafta - the North American Free Trade Association
- nafud - an Arabian desert
- nagar - a region of Pakistan
- nagas - plural of "naga", a people of the Naga hills in Burma; a Hindu race of spirits; a naked holy man
- naggy - querulous
- Nagib - a first name
- nagid - a first name; a Jewish ruler in medieval Spain and Egypt
- Nagji - a first name
- Nagla - a first name
- nagor - a Senegal antelope
- nagqu - a town and district in Tibet
- Nagwa - a first name
- Nahab - a first name
- nahal - a people of the central hills of India; an Israeli army corps doing frontier settlement
- Nahda - a first name
- Nahed - a first name
- Nahid - a first name
- Nahin - a first name
- Nahit - a first name
- Nahla - a first name
- Nahma - a first name
- nahor - a first name; a brother of Abraham
- nahua - Nahuatl, various people of ancient origin in central America
- nahum - a first name; a biblical prophet
- nahya - a village in Egypt
- naiad - a first name; a water nymph
- naiak - a town in Afghanistan
- naias - a genus of submerged aquatic plants; plural of "naia", a venomous snake
- Naida - a first name
- Naide - a first name
- naids - plural of "naid", a small freshwater annelid
- Naief - a first name
- naifs - plural of "naif", a naive person
- naiki - an Indian language
- naiks - plural of "naik", an Indian corporal
- Naila - a first name
- Naile - a first name
- nails - plural of "nail", a metal fastener; a fingernail; a unit of length of 2.25 inches
- naily - full of nails
- Naima - a first name
- Naina - a first name
- Naini - a first name
- nains - plural of "nain", a Negrille, a tribe living in the Congo
- naios - plural of "naio", the ngaio, or bastard sandalwood tree
- naipo - an island in Colombia
- naira - a first name; a monetary unit of Nigeria
- Nairm - a first name
- nairn - a first name; a resort town, and historic county of northern Scotland; a town in Louisiana
- Nairo - a first name
- nairs - plural of "nair", a begti; an Indian otter
- nairy - nary; not any
- Naisa - a first name
- naish - nesh
- naive - artless; having little wisdom or experience
- Naiym - a first name
- najaf - a town in Iraq
- Najah - a first name
- Najai - a first name
- Najam - a first name
- najas - plural of "naja", a venomous snake
- Najat - a first name
- najdi - an Arab people living in the region of Kuwait
- Najee - a first name
- Najeh - a first name
- Najia - a first name
- Najib - a first name
- Najim - a first name
- najin - a port city in North Korea, near Russia
- najis - something unclean under Islamic law
- Najja - a first name
- Najji - a first name
- Najla - a first name
- Najma - a first name
- Najwa - a first name
- Nakea - a first name
- naked - unclothed; bare
- naker - a kettle drum
- nakes - makes naked
- nakfa - an Eritrean monetary unit, and excuse for a war with Ethiopia
- nakhe - a town in Egypt
- nakhi - a mount people of southwest China
- Nakia - a first name
- nakir - an Islamic examiner of the dead
- Nakki - a first name
- nakoo - the gavial
- Nakos - a first name
- Nalan - a first name
- nalas - plural of "nala", a nulla, a ravine
- Naldo - a first name
- naled - an insecticide
- nales - plural of "nale", an ale
- Nalin - a first name
- nalka - a border town in India
- nalla - a variant of "nullah", a ravine
- nalls - plural of "nall", an awl
- namad - variant of "numdah"
- Namal - a first name
- naman - a first name; in Vedism and Hinduism, the characteristic sign or mark of an object
- namas - a first name; plural of "nama", a Hottentot people of Namibia
- namaz - Islamic worship or prayer
- namba - a traditional Japanese walking style, right arm with right foot (!)
- nambe - a Tanoan people of New Mexico
- namby - in the phrase "namby pamby", babyish, excessively cute, effeminate; a weak cowardly person
- namcy - a town in Yakutia
- namda - a kind of carpet
- named - called; identified by name
- namer - a first name; one who names
- names - plural of "name", a title; an identifier
- Namia - a first name
- namib - a desert in southwest Africa
- Namid - a first name
- Namir - a first name
- Namit - a first name
- namki - a Chinese island
- nammy - an award for Native American music
- namoi - an Australasian river
- nampa - a town in Idaho
- nampo - a first name; a city in North Korea
- namur - a city in southern Belgium, on the Meuse river
- nanae - a village in Japan
- nanai - a Tungusic people of Siberia and Manchuria
- nanao - a town in Japan
- nanas - plural of "nana", a grandmother
- nanay - a first name; a Tungusic people of Siberia and Manchuria
- Nance - a first name
- Nanci - a first name
- nancy - a first name; a city in northeast France
- Nanda - a first name
- nande - a tribe of the Congo
- nandi - a type of bear; the bull companion of Shiva; an African tribe, and its language
- Nando - a first name
- nands - performs the logical operation of an exclusive or
- nandu - a rhea or American ostrich
- nanga - a small Nubian harp
- nanmu - a durable lumber of western China
- nanna - a first name; in Norse mythology, the wife of Balder; the Sumerian god of the moon
- Nanni - a first name
- Nannu - a first name
- nanny - a first name; a child minder; a female goat
- Nanon - a first name
- Nanor - a first name
- Nansi - a first name
- nanti - no; none; nothing
- nanto - a horse
- nants - no; none; nothing
- nanty - no; none; nothing; an exclamation meaning "Be quiet!"
- nantz - brandy
- Nanuk - a first name
- Nanxy - a first name
- Naoji - a first name
- Naoki - a first name
- Naoko - a first name
- Naoma - a first name
- naomi - a first name; the biblical mother-in-law of Ruth
- Naomy - a first name
- Naoto - a first name
- Naoya - a first name
- napas - plural of "napa", a soft leather
- Napea - a first name
- naped - having a particular kind of nape
- napes - plural of "nape", the back of the neck
- napha - a perfume distilled from orange flowers
- napoo - finished; to put an end to; nothing
- nappa - a kind of soft leather for clothing; Chinese cabbage
- nappe - a rock formation; one half of a double cone
- nappy - a first name; a diaper; drowsy; kinky
- napus - plural of "napu", a Javanese muskdeer
- Narah - a first name
- naras - a first name; a spiny South African desert shrub
- narbo - a dull uninteresting person; a former name for Narbonnes, in southern France
- narco - a narcotics dealer
- narcs - narks
- Narda - a first name
- narde - spikenard
- nardo - a first name; a town in Italy
- nards - plural of "nard", spikenard; an unguent; a testicle
- nardu - clover
- nardy - smelling of nard
- Naren - a first name
- nares - plural of "naris", a nostril
- narew - a river in northeast Poland
- Narfi - a first name
- naric - of the nostrils
- naris - a first name; a nostril
- narka - a town in Kansas
- narks - snitches on; nitrogen narcosis; plural of "nark", a narcotics agent
- narky - irritable; a narcotic drug
- narly - a first name; gnarly
- narok - a town in Kenya
- naros - one of the Cyclades Islands
- narra - a Philippine mahogany tree
- narre - near
- narva - a seaport in Estonia
- narwe - narrow
- narym - a town in western Siberia
- nasab - a town in Afghanistan
- nasal - of the nose, its intonations, or temporary contents
- nasat - a hazard
- nasca - variant of "nazca", an Indian culture of Peru that preceded the Incas
- nasch - a unit of weight in Arabia
- Naser - a first name
- Nasha - a first name
- nashi - na-khi; a variety of Japanese pear
- nasho - national service
- Nasia - a first name
- Nasif - a first name
- nasik - a town in India; an elaborate magic square formed there
- Nasim - a first name
- Nasir - a first name
- Nasit - a first name
- nason - a kind of flute
- Nasry - a first name
- nassa - a dog whelk or its shell
- nasty - unpleasant; mean; foul
- nasua - a genus of mammals including the coati
- nasus - the nose; a prolongation of the front of the head in cranes and termites
- Nasya - a first name
- natal - a first name; nascent; initial; a province of South Africa; a seaport in Brazil
- Natan - a first name
- natch - slang for "naturally"; the rump
- nates - plural of "natis", a buttock
- nathe - a nave
- Natia - a first name
- Natie - a first name
- natis - a single buttock, though usually found in pairs
- Natja - a first name
- Natka - a first name
- Natko - a first name
- natsh - a thorny plant of the Middle East
- natte - interlaced ornamentation; a woven basket
- Natti - a first name
- natto - a Japanese breakfast food of odiferous slimy beans
- natty - a first name; well dressed
- Natya - a first name
- nauha - a ritual Shia lamentation
- nauky - resourceful
- Nauns - a first name
- naunt - an aunt
- nauru - an island in Micronesia
- nause - to nauseate; a nauseating unpleasant person; a disgusting problem
- nausy - nauseating
- nauta - a town in Peru
- naval - of the navy
- navan - a town in Ireland
- navar - an air navigation system
- Navek - a first name
- navel - the belly button, which Adam and Eve might not have had
- naven - a town in Sweden
- naver - a British river
- naves - plural of "nave", the main part of a church; the central part of a wheel
- navet - the rape plant
- navew - the wild turnip
- Navia - a first name
- Navid - a first name
- Navin - a first name
- Navit - a first name
- navon - a first name; a psychological test picture of a large letter made of smaller letters
- Navot - a first name
- navus - a spot or birthmark
- navvy - an excavating machine; a manual laborer
- nawab - an Eastern viceroy
- Nawaf - a first name
- Nawal - a first name
- Nawaq - a first name
- Nawar - a first name
- Nawat - a first name
- nawky - resourceful
- nawls - plural of "nawl", an awl
- naxis - plural of "Naxi", a culture of Yunnan province, near Burma and Tibet
- naxos - a Greek island in the Aegean Sea, where Iphigenia was sacrificed
- Nayab - a first name
- Nayad - a first name
- Nayan - a first name
- nayar - a people of the Malabar coast of India
- naybo - no
- nayed - said no; refused
- Nayef - a first name
- Nayla - a first name
- nayts - refuses; denies
- Nazan - a first name
- nazar - a first name; a gift, given upon introduction, to one's superior
- nazca - an Indian culture of Peru that preceded the Incas; a town in Peru
- nazes - plural of "naze", a cape; a headland
- nazie - drunk
- Nazih - a first name
- Nazik - a first name
- nazim - a first name; a military governor in India
- nazir - an Indian bailiff
- nazis - plural of "Nazi", a member of an infamous German political party; an irrational tyrant
- Nazli - a first name
- Nazmi - a first name
- nazra - a village in Afghanistan
- nazwa - a town in Oman
- Nazyf - a first name
- ndali - a language
- ndara - a town in Kenya
- ndele - a town in the Central African Republic
- Ndeye - a first name
- Ndiri - a first name
- ndola - a town in Zambia, near where Dag Hammarskjold's plane crashed
- ndora - a town in east Africa
- ndoua - a Pacific cape
- Ndudi - a first name
- neafe - nieve
- neafs - plural of "neaf", the fist
- neagh - a British island
- Neala - a first name
- Neale - a first name
- Neall - a first name
- neals - anneals
- Nealy - a first name
- neaps - plural of "neap", a tide at its lowest range
- nears - approaches
- Neary - a first name
- neath - below; a town in Wales
- neato - an exclamation of excitement and anticipation
- neats - plural of "neat", a bovine
- neaty - nifty; neat
- nebby - saucy; overly inquisitive; nosey
- nebek - a nabk
- nebel - a Jew's harp
- Nebes - a first name
- nebra - a town in Germany
- Necha - a first name
- nechi - a river in Colombia
- necho - a first name; the Egyptian pharoah killed by Josiah
- Necia - a first name
- Necie - a first name
- Necip - a first name
- necks - makes out; plural of "neck", the part that connect the head to the body
- Necla - a first name
- necro - necrotic enteritis
- nedao - a battle site where the Germans defeated the Romans in 454 AD
- Nedda - a first name
- Neddi - a first name
- neddy - a first name; a donkey
- Nedim - a first name
- Nedra - a first name
- needs - requires
- needy - lacking; indigent; whining
- Neefy - a first name
- Neeka - a first name
- Neela - a first name
- neeld - a needle
- neele - a needle; darnel, an annual grass
- Neeli - a first name
- Neely - a first name
- Neema - a first name
- neemb - an East Indian tree
- Neeme - a first name
- neems - plural of "neem", an East Indian tree
- Neena - a first name
- neeps - plural of "neep", a turnip
- Neera - a first name
- Neeru - a first name
- neese - to sneeze
- Neeta - a first name
- Neeti - a first name
- Neetu - a first name
- neeze - to sneeze
- Nefen - a first name
- neffs - a town in Pennsylvania
- neffy - a nephew
- nefud - an Arabian desert
- nefyn - a town in England
- Negad - a first name
- Negar - a first name
- negat - a first name; no
- negba - a town in the West Bank
- neger - English dialect for "negro"
- negev - a Middle Eastern desert
- Negla - a first name
- negoi - a mountain peak in Romania
- negre - black
- negro - a black person; a river in South America
- negus - a alcoholic drink of wine, sugar, nutmeg and lemon; an Abyssinian king
- nehru - a first name; a collarless jacket
- Neicy - a first name
- neife - a female serf
- Neifi - a first name
- neifs - plural of "neif", a fist
- neigh - a horse sound
- Neihl - a first name
- Neila - a first name
- Neile - a first name
- Neili - a first name
- Neill - a first name
- Neils - a first name
- neira - an island in Indonesia
- neist - next
- neiva - a first name; a town in Colombia
- neive - a nieve; a neif; a fist
- Nejat - a first name
- nejdi - an inhabitant of the inland state of Nejd in Saudi Arabia
- Nejib - a first name
- Nelda - a first name
- Neleh - a first name
- Nelek - a first name
- Nelia - a first name
- Nelie - a first name
- nelis - a winter pear
- Nelja - a first name
- Nelka - a first name
- Nella - a first name
- Nelle - a first name
- Nelli - a first name
- Nello - a first name
- Nellu - a first name
- nelly - a first name; effeminate
- nelma - a first name; inconnu; a Siberian fish
- Nelse - a first name
- Nelva - a first name
- neman - a river on the border of Lithuanian and Kaliningrad
- nemas - plural of "nema", a nematode
- Nemat - a first name
- nembe - a town in Nigeria
- nemea - a city in ancient Greece, home of the biennial Nemean Games
- Nemer - a first name
- nemic - referring to nematodes
- nemns - names
- nempt - named
- Nenad - a first name
- Neneh - a first name
- nenes - plural of "nene", a Hawaiian goose
- Nenet - a first name
- nenia - an elegy; a funeral song
- Nenno - a first name
- nenta - a chronic nervous disease of grazing animals
- neoid - the curve made by a ship at the waterline
- Neola - a first name
- Neoma - a first name
- Neomi - a first name
- Neomy - a first name
- Neona - a first name
- neons - plural of "neon", a gaseous element; a dead fish found in aquariums
- neony - like neon; full of neon
- neoza - a tall Himalayan pine
- nepal - an Asian country
- nepas - plural of "nepa", an animal of a genus of aquatic hemipterous insects
- neper - a first name; a power ratio unit
- Nephi - a first name
- nepid - the water scorpion
- nepit - a nit, a unit of information equal to 1.44 bits (a "Naperian digit")
- nerds - plural of "nerd", an unimaginative misfit
- nerdy - like an unimaginative misfit who slightly alters one definition to get another for free
- Nerea - a first name
- nerfs - plural of "nerf", a sponge toy
- Neria - a first name
- Nerin - a first name
- Nerio - a first name
- neris - a river in Lithuania
- nerka - an important kind of sockeye salmon
- nerks - plural of "nerk", a fool
- Nerly - a first name
- Nerma - a first name
- nerol - a fragrant unsaturated alcohol
- Neron - a first name
- nerre - nearer
- nerts - an interjection expressing exasperation; nonsense
- nertz - nerts
- nerve - pluck; impudence; an organ of sensation
- nervi - plural of "nervus", a nerve
- nervy - vigorous; impudent
- neryn - a town in Kyrgyzstan
- Nerys - a first name
- Nesar - a first name
- nesco - a town in New Jersey
- neses - plural of "nese", variant of "nose"
- Nesha - a first name
- Nesia - a first name
- Nesim - a first name
- neski - an Arabic cursive script used in scientific and religious texts
- Nesma - a first name
- Nesri - a first name
- Nessa - a first name
- Nessi - a first name
- nessy - a first name; a nickname for the spurious Loch Ness monster
- Nesta - a first name
- nests - plural of "nest", a bird nursery
- nesty - of, like, or containing nests; nasty
- neter - a unit of weight in Ethiopia
- netes - plural of "nete", the highest string of the lyre
- nethe - a river in Belgium
- Netia - a first name
- Netie - a first name
- Netis - a first name
- netop - a crony; a term of address meaning "friend", employed by early Americans to Indians
- Netta - a first name
- Netti - a first name
- netts - plural of "nett", a net
- netty - a first name; meshy; reticulated; funny
- neuck - an unimportant person
- neuks - plural of "neuk", a nook; a corner or end of a coal face
- neuma - a musical phrase
- neume - a musical phrase; a medieval musical pitch notation
- neums - plural of "neum", a musical phrase
- neura - plural of "neuron"
- neuro - neurology
- neuse - a river in North Carolina
- neuss - a town in Germany
- Neuza - a first name
- neval - referring to a nevus or birthmark
- Nevan - a first name
- nevat - a unit of weight in Arabia
- nevel - to punch
- Neven - a first name
- never - not ever
- neves - plural of "neve", a grainy snow
- nevew - nephew
- Nevia - a first name
- Nevil - a first name
- Nevin - a first name
- nevis - one of the Leeward Islands
- nevoy - a nephew
- Nevra - a first name
- Nevsa - a first name
- nevus - a birthmark
- nevvy - a nephew
- newar - a Mongoloid people of Nepal
- newbs - plural of "newb", a new user of a computer system or game, whose ceaseless questions become annoying
- newed - renewed
- newel - a first name; a staircase finial
- newer - more recently
- newie - something new; a new student
- newky - Newcastle Brown Ale
- newly - recently; lately
- newry - a town in Maine; a town in Northern Ireland
- newsy - full of news
- newts - plural of "newt", a salamander
- nexal - referring to the contract of nexum
- Nexcy - a first name
- nexin - a protein found in the axoneme of flagella and cilia
- nexon - a town in southwest France
- nexts - plural of "next", the succeeding thing
- nexum - in ancient Roman law, a formal contract of loan and coin before five witnesses
- nexus - a connecting link
- Neyda - a first name
- Neyla - a first name
- neyne - meine
- Neyra - a first name
- Neysa - a first name
- Neyva - a first name
- Nezha - a first name
- Nezih - a first name
- Nfana - a first name
- ngaio - a first name, at least for a New Zealand mystery writer; a small New Zealand tree
- ngaju - a language
- ngala - a Bantu people of French Equatorial Africa
- ngami - a lake in Botswana
- ngamo - a language
- ngana - nagana, a disease of horses and cattle
- ngari - a province in Tibet
- Ngava - a first name
- Ngave - a first name
- ngege - an African cichlid food fish
- Ngila - a first name
- ngiti - a tribe in the Congo
- ngogo - a town in South Africa
- ngoko - a dialect of Japanese used for speaking to inferiors; a river in the Congo
- ngola - a language
- ngong - a town in Kenya
- ngoni - an African ethnic group
- ngoto - a town in the Central African Republic
- ngozi - a first name; a town in Burundi
- Ngugi - a first name
- ngulu - an African language
- nguni - an African ethnic group
- ngwee - a monetary unit of Zambia
- nhang - giai
- Nhean - a first name
- nhill - a town in Australia
- Nhork - a first name
- Niabi - a first name
- Niall - a first name
- Niamh - a first name
- niami - a town in western Africa
- Niara - a first name
- niari - a river in the Congo
- niata - a dwarf cattle breed; a town in Greece
- Nibaw - a first name
- nibby - a hooked shepherd's staff
- nibso - oneself
- nicad - nickel cadmium (a kind of battery)
- Nicci - a first name
- Nicco - a first name
- Niccy - a first name
- nicen - to make nice
- nicer - more nice
- nicey - used in the phrase "nicey nice"; a nice person; the attribute of being nice
- niche - an alcove
- nicho - a first name; a small niche in an adobe wall
- Nicia - a first name
- Nicki - a first name
- nicks - plural of "nick", an indentation; a jail
- nicky - a first name; having many nicks
- nicol - a first name; of a polarizing light
- Nicos - a first name
- nidal - of a nidus
- nides - plural of "nide", a brood of pheasants
- nidge - to dress stones; to shake or quiver
- Nidha - a first name
- Nidhi - a first name
- Nidia - a first name
- nidor - the smell of cooking
- nidus - a nest, especially of insects; a focus of bacterial infection
- Nidya - a first name
- Nieca - a first name
- niece - the daughter of one's sibling
- Niecy - a first name
- Nieem - a first name
- niefs - plural of "nief", a fist
- Niele - a first name
- Niels - a first name
- niepa - an East Indian tree
- nieve - a first name; a fist; a woman born a serf
- nifes - plural of "nife", the hypothetical core of the earth
- niffs - plural of "niff", a smell
- niffy - smelly
- nific - pertaining to nife, a nickel-iron mixture that forms the earth's core
- nifle - a trivial or worthless person
- nifty - classy; stylish
- Nigal - a first name
- nigde - a town in Turkey
- Nigel - a first name
- niger - an African country
- nigga - an epithet whose cachet is unfathomable
- nighs - approaches, comes near
- night - the time between sundown and sunup
- nigia - a river in New Guinea
- Nigil - a first name
- nigit - a fool
- Nigle - a first name
- nigra - a black color, as in the phrase "substantia nigra", a region of the brain
- nigre - a dark colored solution formed during the creation of soap
- nigua - chigoe
- nigun - a traditional folk or synagogue melody
- Nihad - a first name
- nihal - the traditional name of the star Beta Leporis
- Nihat - a first name
- nihau - a Hawaiian island
- nihil - nothing
- nihoa - a Hawaiian island
- nihua - an island of Hawaiia
- Niilo - a first name
- niiza - a town in Japan
- Nijel - a first name
- nikab - an Islamic veil
- nikau - a New Zealand palm
- Niket - a first name
- nikey - a fool
- Nikia - a first name
- nikin - a very soft creature; a fool
- Nikka - a first name
- nikki - a first name; a town in Dahomey
- nikko - a first name; a city in Japan, on the island of Honshu, famous for its shrines and temples
- Nikky - a first name
- Nikol - a first name
- Nikos - a first name
- Niksa - a first name
- Nilas - a first name
- Nilce - a first name
- Nilda - a first name
- Niles - a first name
- nilin - a town in the West Bank
- nilky - an acronym: "No Income, Lots of Kids"
- nills - is unwilling
- nilly - part of the phrase "willy nilly"
- Nilos - a first name
- nilot - a native of the upper Nile region
- Niloy - a first name
- Nilya - a first name
- Nimaa - a first name
- Nimah - a first name
- Nimai - a first name
- nimaj - a town in Rajasthan, India
- Nimal - a first name
- nimar - the south-west region of Madhya Pradesh in India
- nimba - a people of Nepal
- nimbi - plural of "nimbus", a luminous cloud
- nimbs - plural of "nimb", a neem tree
- nimby - an acronym: "Not in My Back Yard"; a nembutol
- nimes - a French cathedral city
- Nimet - a first name
- Nimit - a first name
- nimla - a town in Afghanistan
- Nimmy - a first name
- nimpy - pert, fresh
- nimue - a first name; the damsel who imprisoned Merlin
- Ninca - a first name
- niner - nine, pronounced as two syllables to distinguish it from "five"; a convict serving nine years
- nines - plural of "nine", a group of nine
- ninfa - a first name; a town in Italy between Rome and Naples, with a famous garden
- Ninia - a first name
- ninja - a first name; a Japanese assassin
- Ninka - a first name
- Ninna - a first name
- ninny - a moron
- ninon - a first name; a silk voile fabric
- Ninor - a first name
- ninox - a genus of owls
- ninth - an ordinal number
- nintu - Sumerian mother-god
- ninus - a first name; the husband of Semiramis, and founder of the city of Nineveh
- ninut - the magpie
- Ninya - a first name
- niobe - a first name; in Greek mythology, a woman noted for her crying
- niolo - a kind of cheese
- niopo - a kind of snuff made from roasted seeds
- niort - a town in France
- niota - niepa, an East Indian tree
- nipah - a virus, and the Indonesian village associated with it
- nipas - plural of "nipa", a palm tree
- Nipon - a first name
- nipps - the shears used to clip the edges from coins
- nippy - sharply cold; a waitress; apt to bite
- niqab - a Muslim veil
- Nique - a first name
- Niraj - a first name
- Niran - a first name
- Nirav - a first name
- Nirel - a first name
- Nirin - a first name
- Nirit - a first name
- nirls - herpes
- nirly - knotty
- nisan - a first name; the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar
- Nisao - a first name
- nisei - an American born child of Japanese immigrants
- nisey - a fool
- Nisha - a first name
- nisht - nothing
- nisin - a polypeptide antibiotic
- niska - a people of British Columbia
- Nissa - a first name
- nisse - a first name; a friendly Scandinavian goblin or kobold
- Nissi - a first name
- Nisso - a first name
- Nissy - a first name
- niste - didn't know
- nisty - very ugly
- nisus - a mental or physical effort, such as that required by defecation
- nitab - a mountain near Manila
- niter - saltpeter
- nites - plural of "nite", a night
- nithe - envy, hatred
- nitid - gleaming
- Nitin - a first name
- Nitis - a first name
- niton - radon, a radioactive gas
- nitor - brightness
- nitra - a town in Slovakia
- nitre - saltpeter
- nitro - a nitrated product
- nitry - full of niter
- Nitsa - a first name
- nitso - nothing
- nitta - an African legumaceous tree
- nitto - nothing; to stop
- nitty - containing nits
- nitus - a graph or drawing that can be traced in a single continuous line
- Nitya - a first name
- Nitza - a first name
- Nitzi - a first name
- niuan - of the island or people of Niue, a Polynesian island
- Niura - a first name
- Niuta - a first name
- nival - a first name; snowy
- Niven - a first name
- niver - never
- Nivia - a first name
- niwar - variant of "Newar", a Mongoloid people of Nepal
- nixed - vetoed
- nixen - a first name; plural of "nix", a river sprite
- nixer - work carried out during one's free time
- nixes - vetoes
- nixey - no
- nixie - a first name; a water elf; a kind of lighted numeral; mail with an incorrect or illegible address
- nixon - a first name; a fraudulent deal
- Niyal - a first name
- Nizah - a first name
- nizam - a first name; an Indian prince; a Turkish soldier
- nizey - a fool or simpleton
- nizip - a town in Turkey
- nizwa - a town in Oman
- nizza - another name for Nice
- njave - a large African timber tree
- Njoki - a first name
- njora - a town in Kenya
- njord - in Norse mythology, the god of winds, navigation and prosperity, father of Frey and Freya
- nkisi - a wooden power figure used in Africa
- nkole - a Bantu language
- nkosi - a first name; an African tribe
- nkoya - a language
- Nneka - a first name
- Noach - a first name
- Noady - a first name
- Noami - a first name
- nobba - a ninepence; nine
- nobbo - a fool
- nobby - a first name; smart; ornate; high class
- nobel - a first name; a prize
- Nobie - a first name
- noble - a first name; an aristocrat; an old English coin worth 6 shillings and 8 pence
- nobly - grandly; selflessly
- nobob - an acronym for ocean-going tankers, "No Ballast On Board"
- nobos - plural of "nobo", a non-hobo; a northbound Appalachian Trail hiker
- Nobuo - a first name
- nocal - northern California
- nochy - night
- nocks - plural of "nock", the notch of an arrow
- nocky - a fool
- nodal - knotty
- noddy - a first name; a fool; a sea-mew; a carriage
- noded - made of or containing nodes
- nodes - plural of "node", a knot; a knob; an intersection
- Nodin - a first name
- nodis - a security classification for documents indicating "no distribution"
- nodus - a knotty point; a musical canon
- Noela - a first name
- Noell - a first name
- noels - plural of "Noel", yule, Christmas
- Noemi - a first name
- Nofit - a first name
- nogai - a people of the Caucasus region
- nogal - a walnut, pecan, or hickory tree
- nogay - a people of the Caucasus region
- noggs - plural of "nogg", a strong ale
- noggy - an Asian person
- noght - not
- nohow - in no way
- noida - a town in India
- noids - plural of "noid", a paranoid person
- noier - one who annoys
- noies - annoys
- noils - plural of "noil", a short fiber combed out of longer fibers
- noily - of, like, or containing short fibers
- noint - to anoint
- noirs - plural of "noir", from "film noir", a type of suspense or crime film
- noise - a sonic disturbance; the music of the young
- noisy - blatant; vociferous; clangorous
- nokes - a fool
- nokia - a town and river in Finland
- nokta - a mark in a logarithm table indicating a change of the figure in a decimal place
- nokur - a town in Turkmenistan
- nokyo - a Japanese agricultural cooperative
- Nolan - a first name
- nolde - would not
- Nolee - a first name
- Nolen - a first name
- noles - nolls; plural of "nole", the nickname for a Florida State Seminole
- Nolia - a first name
- Nolin - a first name
- nolle - nol-pros
- nolls - plural of "noll", the head
- Nolly - a first name
- nolos - plural of "nolo", a legal plea of "nolo contendere" (no contest)
- Nolyn - a first name
- nomad - a wanderer
- Nomar - a first name
- nomas - plural of "noma", an ulceration of the mouth or genitals
- nomen - a first name; the second name, or "gens", of an ancient Roman (as in "Caius Julius Caesar" )
- nomes - plural of "nome", a tract of land in Greece or Egypt; exp(-pi*K(1-m)/K(m)) where K is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind
- nomia - a bee
- nomic - customary
- nomoi - plural of "nomos", a law
- nomos - a Greek province; a law; a coin
- Nonah - a first name
- nonan - something that happens on the ninth day
- nonas - plural of "nona", a viral sleeping sickness
- nonce - the present; a "nonce" word is one that is a momentary coinage; a prisoner guilty of sex crimes against children
- noncy - descriptive of a nonce word, an adjective coined by William Safire
- nonda - an Australian edible fruit that resembles a plum
- nondo - a perennial herb with an aromatic root
- nones - the ninth day before the ides on the Roman calendar; a period of daily prayer
- nonet - a piece for nine singers; a musical group of nine players
- nongs - plural of "nong", a fool
- Nonia - a first name
- nonic - in mathematics, something of the ninth order
- Nonie - a first name
- Nonna - a first name
- nonne - a nun
- nonny - a first name; a Shakespearean interjection, as in "hey nonny nonny"
- nonse - a prisoner guilty of sex crimes against children
- Nonso - a first name
- nonus - plural of "nonu", a rubiaceous tree
- Nonya - a first name
- nonyl - an alkyd radical
- noobs - plural of "noob", a "newbie" or new user of a computer system
- nooks - plural of "nook", a niche or alcove
- nooky - sexual gratification
- Noola - a first name
- noons - plural of "noon", midday
- noony - like noon; around noon-time
- noops - the cloud berry; the sharp point of the elbow
- Noori - a first name
- noosa - an ocean resort town in Australia
- noose - a loop of rope
- noove - a nouveau riche person
- noovo - a nouveau riche person
- noovs - plural of "noov", a nouveau riche person
- nopal - the prickly pear cactus
- nopes - plural of "nope", a slang form of "no"
- norad - the military missile defense command
- Norah - a first name
- Noraj - a first name
- norak - a town in Tajikistan
- norap - a village in Hungary
- noras - a Norse goddess
- Norby - a first name
- nordo - aeronautical slang for "no radar" or "no radio"
- nords - plural of "Nord", a member of the Nordic race
- Noren - a first name
- norge - a first name; Norway
- noria - a first name; a Persian water wheel
- noric - a breed of horse
- norie - a first name; the cormorant
- noris - a first name; plural of "nori", a sheet of pressed dried seaweed
- norka - a town in Russia; also, the reverse of Akron!
- norks - plural of "nork", a breast
- norma - a first name; a rule; the constellation of the square and ruler; one of several standard views of the skull
- Normi - a first name
- norms - plural of "norm", a standard, rule, or law
- Normy - a first name
- Norna - a first name
- norns - plural of "norn", in Norse mythology, one of three goddesses of fate
- Norri - a first name
- norry - a first name; a foster child
- norse - nordic; Scandinavian
- norsk - the Norwegian language
- norte - a South American cape
- north - a first name; a compass direction
- Norty - a first name
- Norvo - a first name
- nosed - snooped
- nosel - to nurse; to lead; to teach
- noser - an inquisitive or snoopy person; an informer
- noses - snoops; sniffs for; that pointy thing in the middle of many faces
- nosey - overly curious; to poke one's nose into private matters
- nosir - a form of "no, sir" written thus to emphasize its compressed expression
- nosle - a nozzle
- nosob - a river in Botswana
- Noson - a first name
- notae - notes
- notal - of a notum, the back of an insect
- notam - a notice providing pilots with general safety information
- notan - the combination of lights and darks in Japanese art
- notar - a notary
- notch - an indentation
- noted - observed; famed
- noten - a form of "note", meaning to use or make use of something
- noter - one who makes notes
- notes - plural of "note", a musical tone; a written observation
- Noton - a first name
- Notra - a first name
- notts - shears; plural of "nott", a cow
- notum - the back of an insect
- notus - the ancient Greek name for the south wind
- nouch - an ouch; a jewel
- nould - would not
- noule - the top of the head
- nouls - plural of "noul", the top of the head
- Nouni - a first name
- nouns - plural of "noun", a word referring to a thing
- nouny - full of nouns; like a noun
- noups - plural of "noup", a steep promontory
- Noura - a first name
- nouve - a nouveau riche person
- novae - a town in Bulgaria; plural of "nova", a kind of star
- Novak - a first name
- novas - plural of "nova", a kind of star
- novel - new; a long story
- Novia - a first name
- Novka - a first name
- novum - a dice game in which the chief throws are 9 and 5
- noway - in no manner
- nowed - tied in a knot, a heraldric term
- nowel - a first name; foundry loam; variant spelling of "Noel"; the inner part of a mold for a hollow object
- nowes - the wedding vows
- nowls - plural of "nowl", the top of the head
- nowts - plural of "nowt", for "naught" or "nothing"
- noxae - agents capable of exerting a harmful effect on the body
- noxal - in Roman law, related to a wrongful injury by an object or animal belonging to another
- noxen - a town in Pennsylvania
- noxes - plural of "nox", a unit of measurement for dark adaptation in vision
- noxon - a town in Montana
- noyau - a liqueur of brandy flavored by almonds or peach pits
- noyed - annoyed
- noyer - an annoyer
- noyes - annoys
- noyls - noils
- nozle - a nozzle
- nrita - a purely abstract type of bharata natya dance
- Nsaba - a first name
- Ntare - a first name
- ntolo - a village in Gabon
- Nuala - a first name
- nuban - of the Nuba region in Sudan
- Nubar - a first name
- nubby - full of protuberances
- nubia - a woman's scarf; a region of Africa south of Egypt
- nuble - a province in Chile
- nucal - pertaining to nuts
- Nucci - a first name
- nucha - the nape of the neck; the spinal cord; the rear part of an insect's middle section
- nucin - juglone
- nucky - nooky, sexual gratification
- nucle - a nutlet, or small nut
- nuddy - naked; a nudie
- nuder - more naked (I suppose this is possible)
- nudes - plural of "nude", a naked portrait
- nudge - to jostle or bump into; nudzh
- nudgy - like a nudge; full of nudges; constantly nudging
- nudie - a first name; a movie with nude actors
- nudzh - to nag
- Nuela - a first name
- nueva - an island in Chile
- nuffs - plural of "nuff", enough
- nugae - trifles
- nuggy - a noogie; a hug or kiss
- Nuhra - a first name
- nukak - a tribe of Indians in Colombia
- nuked - attacked with nuclear weapons
- nuker - one who attacks with nuclear weapons
- nukes - microwaves; plural of "nuke", a nuclear weapon
- nukus - a town in Uzbekistan
- nulla - a gully
- nullo - a game
- nulls - plural of "null", a special character in computing
- nully - a fool
- Numan - a first name
- numbs - anesthetizes
- numby - a stupid person
- numda - a thick felted Indian or Persian rug
- numen - a deity associated with a natural object
- numms - a detachable collar that can be worn over a dirty shirt
- nummy - delicious
- numps - a fool; a stupid person
- nunch - a light snack of bread, cheese and beer
- nunez - an island in Chile
- nungs - plural of "nung", a bale of cloves
- nunki - a star in the constellation Sagittarius
- nunky - a pawnbroker; an affectionate term of address for an uncle
- nunni - blesbok
- nunoa - a town in Peru
- nunty - an exclamation meaning "Be quiet!"
- nuoro - a town in Italy
- Nupur - a first name
- nuque - the back of the neck
- nuqui - a town in Colombia
- Nuran - a first name
- nurbs - nonuniform rational B-splines, used in computer graphics (never singular!)
- nurds - plural of "nurd", a nerd
- Nurdi - a first name
- nurdy - of or like a nurd
- nurek - a town in Tajikistan
- nuria - a first name; a town in Spain
- Nurin - a first name
- Nuris - a first name
- Nurit - a first name
- nurls - mills; indents
- nurrs - plural of "nurr", a knur
- nurry - the head; a foster child
- nurse - to tend; an attendant
- nursy - a nickname for a nurse
- nurts - nonsense
- Nurul - a first name
- nushu - a Chinese syllabic script used only by women as a code
- nusus - unwillingness to cohabit, on the part of one marital partner
- Nutsa - a first name
- nutso - an insane or irrational person
- nutsy - irrational
- nutty - madcap; tasting of nuts
- Nuvia - a first name
- nyack - a town in New York
- nyaff - an irritating person; a variant of "naff", meaning "fuck"
- nyala - a first name; an African antelope; a town in Sudan
- Nyama - a first name
- nyams - an idiot
- nyaya - a Hindu philosophical system of logic and epistemology
- Nydia - a first name
- nyeri - a town in Kenya
- nyets - plural of "no", a Russian no
- Nygel - a first name
- nyiha - a language
- Nyiko - a first name
- nying - nighing, coming closer
- Nyire - a first name
- Nyjah - a first name
- Nyjer - a first name
- nyles - plural of "nyle", a fog or mist
- nylon - an artificial fabric
- nymil - a Swedish unit of measurement of distance, equal to 10 kilometers
- nymph - a maiden; an immature stage in the life of certain insects
- nymss - an ichneumon
- Nynke - a first name
- Nyoia - a first name
- Nyoka - a first name
- Nyoko - a first name
- nyole - a language
- Nyome - a first name
- Nyomi - a first name
- nyons - a region of France famous for its black olives
- nyoro - a Bantu-speaking people of Uganda
- Nyree - a first name
- Nyrie - a first name
- nysot - a wanton girl
- nyssa - a first name; a small genus of trees; an early bishopric in west Anatolia
- nyuck - a boisterous laugh; an unimportant person
- nyula - a parasitic insect
- nyule - a language
- nyuya - a town in Siberia
- nyxis - a pricking; paracentesis
- nzere - a local name for the Congo river
- oaked - make of oak
- oaken - made of oak
- oaker - ochre
- Oakes - a first name
- oakey - tasting of oak
- oakie - a first name; a kind of cake
- Oakly - a first name
- oakum - tarred rope; picking apart oakum was a jolly chore in English prison
- oared - rowed; having oars
- oasal - oasitic, resembling an oasis
- oased - formed an oasis
- oases - plural of "oasis", a green area in a desert
- oasis - a green area in a desert
- oasts - plural of "oast", a kiln for drying hops or malt
- oaten - of oats
- oater - a cowboy movie (a word now seen only in crossword puzzles, the elephant's graveyard of words)
- Oates - a first name
- oaths - plural of "oath", a vow, a curse
- oatie - full of oats; tasting of oats
- oatsy - full of energy and self-importance
- oaves - plural of "oaf", a dolt
- obama - a town in Japan
- obang - an old Japanese gold coin
- obbas - plural of "obba", a Western Nigerian ruler
- obbes - plural of "obbe", a variant of "obi"
- Obbie - a first name
- obeah - West African magic
- obeke - a village in Sudan
- obeli - plural of "obelus", used to mark uncertain passages in old texts
- obera - a town in Argentina
- Obert - a first name
- Obery - a first name
- obese - excessively fat
- obeys - hearkens to; submits to authority
- obias - plural of "obia", or "obeah"
- obied - bewitched
- obies - bewitches; sherry; plural of "obie", a Broadway award, a graduate of Oberlin College
- obiit - Latin for "died", usually followed by the date of death
- obits - plural of "obit", an obituary
- objet - something much more expensive than an object
- oblat - oblate; a crippled soldier given the benefit or pay of a monk in an abbey
- obley - a small flat cake or wafer
- obnoc - obnoxious; an obnoxious person
- obock - a town in Djibouti
- oboes - plural of "oboe", a musical instrument
- obole - a unit of weight of 10 or 12 grains; a small French coin
- oboli - plural of "obol", an ancient Greek coin, 1/6 of a drachma; plural of "obolus", the sign for division
- obolo - a copper coin, used in the Ionian Islands
- obols - plural of "obol", an ancient Greek coin, 1/6 of a drachma
- Obrad - a first name
- obrok - a yearly tax paid by Russian peasants engaged in trade
- ocala - a city in Florida
- ocale - a Florida Indian tribe
- ocana - a town in Colombia
- occam - a programming language
- occur - to happen; to enter the mind
- ocean - a first name; a sea
- Oceon - a first name
- ocher - a yellow brown color; a natural pigment of this color
- oches - plural of "oche", the line behind which a dart player must stand
- ochna - a genus of African and Asiatic trees and shrubs
- ochos - plural of "ocho", a tango step in which the dancer's foot describes a figure eight
- ochre - variant of "ocher", a yellow brown color; a natural pigment of this color
- ochry - of a yellow brown color; containing or like ocher
- ocker - a rough boorish Australian male
- ocoee - a town in Florida
- ocona - a town in Peru
- ocote - a resinous Mexican pine
- ocque - a unit of weight in Arabia of about 3 pounds
- ocras - plural of "ocra", a variant of "okra"
- ocrea - a shin-guard; a plant part that forms a sheath
- ocros - a town in Peru
- octad - a series or group of eight
- octal - a base eight numeration system
- octan - a fever that recurs every eight days
- octas - plural of "octa", okta
- Octav - a first name
- octet - a group of eight
- octic - of the eighth degree
- octyl - an organic radical
- ocuba - a vegetable wax
- oculi - plural of "oculus", an eye, a leaf bud
- ocuri - a town in Bolivia
- odahs - plural of "odah", a room in a harem; an odalisque
- Odair - a first name
- Odall - a first name
- odals - plural of "odal", land held in absolute tenure
- odams - plural of "odam", a son in law
- odate - a town in Japan
- odder - more odd
- oddly - strangely
- Oddur - a first name
- Odela - a first name
- Odele - a first name
- Odell - a first name
- odeon - an ancient Greek music hall
- Odera - a first name
- odesa - the preferred spelling for "Odessa", in Ukraine
- odeum - an ancient Greek music hall
- odics - plural of "odic", an odylic force
- Odila - a first name
- Odile - a first name
- Odili - a first name
- Odilo - a first name
- odina - a medieval hamlet in Italy
- Odine - a first name
- Odion - a first name
- odism - a theory involving a hypothetical force of nature called "odyl"
- odist - one who composes odes; a proponent of odism
- Odith - a first name
- odium - obloquy; public hatred
- odize - to charge with od
- odmyl - a volatile liquid obtained by boiling sulfur with linseed oil
- Odnei - a first name
- Odolf - a first name
- odori - a live Japanese folk or theater dance with rapid footwork
- odors - plural of "odor", a smell, rarely pleasant
- odour - the British spelling of "odor"
- Odran - a first name
- odsos - plural of "odso", an interjection of surprise
- odums - plural of "odum", iroko
- odyle - a supposed force of nature that caused magnetism, mesmerism, and so on
- odyls - plural of "odyl", a hypothetical force of nature
- oecus - an apartment in a Roman dwelling house, often with columns
- oelet - an eye, bud or shoot of a plant
- oenin - a pigment occurring in the skin of the blue grape
- oenoe - a town in Greece
- oesel - a Baltic island
- ofays - plural of "ofay", a white person
- ofbit - devil's bit; scabious
- Ofemi - a first name
- ofena - a town in Italy, 90 miles east of Rome
- offal - carrion; "variety meats"; the hot dog
- offed - killed
- offen - off; to turn off
- offer - a proposal
- offie - an off-licence establishment (where you can buy liquor to go); a stupid person who is always "off the subject"
- ofira - a town in Egypt
- oflag - a German POW camp for officers ("Offizier Lager")
- ofqui - an isthmus in Chile
- Ofrat - a first name
- often - frequently; (pronouncing the "T" is a bizarre regionalism)
- ofter - more often; a regular attender
- oftly - frequently
- ofuro - a short deep Japanese bathtub
- ogaki - a town in Japan
- ogama - a village in Japan
- ogams - plural of "ogam", variant of "ogham", an Irish alphabet
- Ogdan - a first name
- ogden - a first name; a city in Utah
- Ogdon - a first name
- ogeed - constructed with ogees
- ogees - plural of "ogee", an "S" shaped molding
- ogens - breasts
- oggie - a Cornish pasty
- oggin - the sea
- oggle - to ogle
- ogham - an old Irish alphabet that used lines and notches
- oghma - in Irish mythology, the fundamental god
- oghuz - ghuz; an ancient Turkish nation
- Ogier - a first name
- Ogisi - a first name
- ogive - a pointed arch
- ogled - stared at
- ogler - one who stares
- ogles - stares at
- oglio - a dish made by mingling several kinds of meat; a European river
- ogmic - oghamic, of or related to the Irish alphabet
- Ognen - a first name
- ogoni - an African ethnic group
- ogoun - the Haitian voodoo god of war and fire
- ogres - plural of "ogre", a monster
- ogwen - a British river
- Ogyen - a first name
- ohara - a modern school of Japanese flower arranging
- ohelo - a Hawaiian blueberry
- ohian - a resident of Ohio, usually spelled "Ohioan"
- ohias - lehua, a tropical tree
- Ohmed - a first name
- ohmic - pertaining to electrical resistance
- ohone - an exclamation used in lamentation
- ohrid - a resort in Macedonia, and a lake between Macedonia and Albania
- oiled - applied oil
- oiler - one who oils
- oinks - plural of "oink", a pig sound
- oinky - making pig sounds
- oints - anoints
- oirat - a people of northwest Asia
- oirot - an Altaic language
- Oisin - a first name
- Ojana - a first name
- Ojara - a first name
- Ojars - a first name
- ojime - a carved bead used as a clasp
- ojito - a town in Mexico
- ojiya - a town in Japan
- okapi - a type of short-necked giraffe
- okays - approves
- Okbar - a first name
- okehs - plural of "okeh", an approval
- Okeke - a first name
- okers - plural of "oker", a variant of "ocher"
- okieh - a unit of weight of about 1 ounce
- okies - plural of "okie", an Oklahoman
- Okley - a first name
- okobo - traditional Japanese high wooden thongs
- okole - the buttocks
- okote - variant of "ocote", a resinous Mexican pine
- Okoth - a first name
- okoyo - a town in the Congo
- okras - plural of "okra", a vegetable which, when cooked, resembles snot
- okrug - in Slavic countries, an administrative district
- oktas - plural of "okta", one eighth of the area of the sky, used in weather reporting
- Oktay - a first name
- okume - Gaboon
- okvik - an early phase of the Old Bering Sea culture
- Okwui - a first name
- Olaff - a first name
- Olafs - a first name
- oland - a Swedish island in the Baltic Sea
- Olatz - a first name
- Olaus - a first name
- Olave - a first name
- Olavi - a first name
- olbia - an ancient city on the Black Sea; a town in Sardinia
- Olcay - a first name
- olcha - a Tungusic people living near the mouth of the Amur river
- olchi - variant of "Olcha", a Tungusic people living near the mouth of the Amur river
- olden - ancient; antique
- older - more aged
- oldie - a vampire song that cannot die, doomed to wander the radio forever
- olean - a town in New York
- oleas - plural of "olea", a tree of a genus that includes the olive tree
- Oleda - a first name
- oleic - pertaining to or derived from oil
- oleim - an oil
- olein - a fatty oil
- Olena - a first name
- Olene - a first name
- olent - odorous; fragrant
- oleon - a fatty oil
- oleos - plural of "oleo", a margarine; a type of picture
- Oleta - a first name
- oleum - a fuming sulphuric acid; an oil
- Oleus - a first name
- Olgen - a first name
- olhao - a town in Portugal
- Olida - a first name
- Oliff - a first name
- oligo - referring to a particular kind of nucleotide
- Olina - a first name
- Oline - a first name
- oling - a lake in China
- olios - plural of "olio", a dish of many ingredients
- Olisa - a first name
- oliva - a first name; a genus of carnivorous marine snails; a town in Argentina
- olive - a first name; a dark green color; the fruit of a tree
- olivy - like an olive; having a moderately dark complexion
- ollam - an Irish doctor
- ollas - plural of "olla", a wide-mouthed jar
- ollav - a learned man among the ancient Irish
- Olley - a first name
- ollie - a first name; a marble
- Ollye - a first name
- olmec - a prehistoric Central American Indian tribe
- olmos - a desert; a town in Peru
- Olner - a first name
- olney - a first name; a town in Texas
- ology - the theory, apparently, of theory (is there "ismism"?)
- olona - a Hawaiian shrub
- olpes - plural of "olpe", a Greek leather oil flask
- Olrik - a first name
- olten - a town in Switzerland, on the Aare river
- olton - a town in Texas
- Olvan - a first name
- Olwen - a first name
- Olwin - a first name
- Olwyn - a first name
- omagh - a town in Northern Ireland
- omaha - a city in Nebraska; an American Indian tribe
- Omair - a first name
- omana - an early port on the Persian Gulf
- omani - a native of Oman
- Omara - a first name
- Omari - a first name
- Omarr - a first name
- omate - a town in Peru
- omati - a Mexican Indian
- omber - variant of "umber"; a 3 person card game using 40 cards ( no 8's, 9's or 10's )
- Ombra - a first name
- ombre - shaded or dyed; a 3 person card game using 40 cards ( no 8's, 9's or 10's )
- ombus - plural of "ombu", a large South American tree with soft, spongy wood
- omdas - plural of "omda", the leader of an Egyptian village
- omdeh - the leader of an Egyptian village
- Omeed - a first name
- omega - a first name; a Greek letter, literally the "big O"
- omens - plural of "omen", a portent
- Omero - a first name
- omers - plural of "omer", a Hebrew unit of dry measure, one tenth of an ephah; the period after Passover
- Omesh - a first name
- Omina - a first name
- omino - a tile made of connected squares, backformation from "domino", "triomino", and so on
- omits - leaves out
- omiya - a town in Japan
- omlah - a staff of officials in India
- omogo - a town in Uganda
- omori - a town in Japan
- omrah - a Muslim lord
- omuls - plural of "omul", a fish still found alive in what is still lake Baikal
- omura - a town in Japan
- omuta - a seaport in southwest Japan
- onaga - the ruby snapper fish
- onaye - an arrow poison
- oncer - someone who does a thing once only, a trait discouraged by natural selection; a one pound note
- onces - plural of "once", a single time
- oncet - dialect for "once"
- oncia - a unit of weight in Italy
- oncin - a medieval weapon with a hooked iron head
- oncus - a variant of "onkus", disordered or bad; good or profitable
- ondes - plural of "onde", hatred
- ondit - a bit of gossip
- Oneal - a first name
- oneco - a town in Florida
- onega - a lake in Finland; a town in Russia
- onegs - plural of "oneg", a meal after Jewish services
- Oneil - a first name
- Oneka - a first name
- onely - only
- Onene - a first name
- oners - plural of "oner", a single occurrence
- onery - ornery; irritable
- onesy - a one-piece outfit, usually for babies
- Onfre - a first name
- ongar - an English town
- ongle - a claw
- Onice - a first name
- Onida - a first name
- Oniel - a first name
- onion - a bulbed vegetable
- onish - latish, (as in, "it's getting onish")
- onium - characterized by complex cation
- Onkar - a first name
- onkas - plural of "onka", a finger
- onkos - a topknot worn on the mask in ancient Greek tragedy
- onkus - out of order
- onlay - a dental filling that partially overlays a tooth (so brush! floss!)
- onmun - the Hankul alphabet
- onned - went on and on
- Onnie - a first name
- onoda - a town in Japan
- Onora - a first name
- onsen - a Japanese public bath
- onset - a beginning
- ontal - pertaining to or having existence
- ontic - pertaining to or having existence
- Onwin - a first name
- onyar - a river in Spain
- Onyda - a first name
- onyms - plural of "onym", a species or zoological group
- onymy - group nomenclature
- onzas - plural of "onza", a leopard-like animal sighted in South America
- ooaas - plural of "ooaa", a Hawaiian honeyeater bird found on Kauai
- oobit - a woubit, a hairy caterpillar
- oodle - backformation from "oodles", a large amount
- oofay - ofay; a white person
- oofus - an oaf
- oogle - to ogle
- oohed - expressed wonder
- ooids - plural of "ooid", an egg-shaped concretion of calcium carbonate
- oojah - a thingamajig; a whatsit
- oojar - a thingamajig; a whatsit
- oojas - plural of "ooja", a thingamajig; a whatsit
- ookey - dangerous or difficult
- oolak - an Eskimo boat; an East Indian river freight boat
- oolly - a lump of iron, as wootz, when taken from a crucible
- ooman - woman
- oomph - a magnetic personality
- Oonah - a first name
- oones - once
- Oonie - a first name
- oonts - plural of "oont", a camel
- oopak - a kind of black tea
- ooped - bound with thread
- oopod - a part of the ovipositor or sting of an insect
- oorey - hung over
- oorie - shivering with cold; dingy; hung over
- oosed - oozed
- oosic - a walrus penis bone
- oosik - a walrus penis bone
- oosta - a lake in North America
- ootch - to scootch over
- ootid - one of four sections into which a human ovum divides
- oozed - seeped out
- oozel - a water bird
- oozes - seeps out
- oozoa - the lowest group of animals, with no nervous system
- opahs - plural of "opah", the king fish
- opake - a variant of "opaque"
- Opale - a first name
- opals - plural of "opal", a jewel
- opata - a people of Sonora, Mexico
- opchu - a river in Tibet
- opelu - the Pacific mackerel
- opens - becomes unobstructed; begins
- opepe - a west African tree
- opera - a tedious form combining the worst of music and drama
- ophel - a biblical place
- ophic - of or relating to snakes
- ophir - the son of Joktan; a Biblical region containing gold
- ophis - the name for the biblical serpent, created by Lilith
- Ophra - a first name
- opies - plural of "opie", a variant of "opium"
- opime - abundance
- opine - to deliver an opinion
- oping - an opening
- opium - a narcotic derived from poppies
- Opiyo - a first name
- opole - a town in Poland
- oppos - plural of "oppo", an opposite number, a mate
- Oprah - a first name
- opsin - a protein component of the visual pigment
- opted - chose
- opter - one who chooses
- optic - of the eye; of vision; of visible light
- opuwo - a town in Namibia
- opyes - plural of "opye", a variant of "opium"
- Orabi - a first name
- orach - a kind of spinach, with red or green leaves
- oracy - the ability to express and understand oral language
- Oraib - a first name
- orale - a Papal veil, a fanon, a napkin, a scarf
- Orali - a first name
- orals - plural of "oral", an oral examination
- Orane - a first name
- orang - an orangutan
- orani - a town in the Philippines
- orans - an orant
- orant - a female figure in the posture of prayer
- oraon - Kurukh; a language
- orapa - a town in Botswana
- orata - a fish
- orate - to speak formally
- orbal - circular
- orbed - formed in spheres
- Orbel - a first name
- orbic - orbicular
- orbit - a repeated path around another object; an eye socket
- orcas - plural of "orca", a killer whale
- orcha - a town in India; a town in Russia
- orchy - a British river
- orcia - a river in Italy
- orcin - a purple dye
- orcus - an abode of the dead
- ordal - a trial by ordeal
- ordam - first name
- order - to demand; to arrange;
- ordos - a language; a desert in China; plural of "ordo", a calendar of religious directions
- oread - a Greek mythological mountain nymph
- oreas - a Greek mythological mountain nymph
- Orela - a first name
- Orene - a first name
- oreos - plural of "oreo", a cookie; black on the outside, white on the inside
- Orest - a first name
- Oreta - a first name
- oreti - a river in New Zealand
- orewa - a town in New Zealand
- orfeo - a first name; an opera by Glueck
- orfes - plural of "orfe", a gold fish
- orgal - argal; crude tartar
- organ - a musical instrument; a body structure
- orgia - an orgy
- orgic - pertaining to an orgy
- orgie - an orgy
- orgue - a row of long thick pointed timbers suspended in a passageway to be let down during an attack
- orgun - a town in Afghanistan
- Orhan - a first name
- Orian - a first name
- orias - a demon, the great Marquis of Hell
- oribi - a small South African straight-horned antelope
- orick - a town in California
- oriel - a first name; a mullioned window
- Orien - a first name
- Orina - a first name
- oring - computing the logical sum of two possibilities
- Orino - a first name
- oriol - a variant of "oriel"
- orion - a first name; the constellation of the hunter
- DUPLICATE:o oriya - an Indian language
- Orjan - a first name
- orjen - a mountain in Montenegro
- DUPLICATE:o oriya - an Indian language
- orkey - a coin
- Orkun - a first name
- Orkut - a first name
- orkyn - a coin
- orlam - a South African people
- Orlan - a first name
- Orlee - a first name
- orles - plural of "orle", a heraldic border
- Orley - a first name
- Orlie - a first name
- Orlin - a first name
- orlon - an artificial fabric
- orlop - the lowest deck of a ship, smelly, dark and wet, unpopular except during a battle
- orlos - plural of "orlo", a flat plinth
- Orlyn - a first name
- Orman - a first name
- ormer - an ear-shell or abalone
- ormia - a kind of fly
- Ormon - a first name
- ormuz - a Persian town, also known as Hormuz
- Ornan - a first name
- Orney - a first name
- Ornia - a first name
- ornis - the avifauna or birds of a region
- oroch - an Altaic language
- oromo - a Cushite language and a people of Ethiopia
- orono - a first name; a town in Maine
- Orpah - a first name
- Orpha - a first name
- orpin - a yellow pigment
- orpit - fretful
- Orran - a first name
- Orrea - a first name
- Orren - a first name
- Orrey - a first name
- Orric - a first name
- Orrie - a first name
- orrin - a first name; a British river
- orris - a first name; gold or silver lace; a flowering plant
- orrow - odd, occasional, miscellaneous
- orsat - an apparatus for gas analysis
- orsay - a district of Paris
- Orsel - a first name
- Orsen - a first name
- orsha - a town in Belarus which Napoleon passed through
- Orsin - a first name
- orson - a first name; a rough or uncouth fellow
- ortet - the original plant from which members of a clone have descended
- ortho - concerning full color reproduction; derived from an acid in the highest hydrated form
- Ortis - a first name
- orton - a first name; a river in Bolivia
- ortyx - an American quail
- oruro - a city in western Bolivia, the ancient capital
- orval - a first name; the herb clary; a town in Belgium
- Orvie - a first name
- Orvil - a first name
- Orvin - a first name
- Orvon - a first name
- Orwin - a first name
- oryal - a variant of "oriel"
- oryna - a firstname
- oryza - a grass genus; rice
- orzos - plural of "orzo", a rice-shaped pasta
- osage - an American Indian tribe
- osaka - a Japanese seaport
- Osama - a first name
- osann - a kind of stitch
- osars - plural of "os", an eskar of great length
- Osbia - a first name
- Osbon - a first name
- oscan - an early Italian people and their language
- oscar - a first name; a film award; a kind of aquarium fish
- osela - a medal of a bird, awarded by the doge to nobles on New Year's Day
- Oseye - a first name
- oshac - a gum plant
- Oshai - a first name
- Oshay - a first name
- Oshea - a first name
- osher - an Islamic tax payable as a part of the harvest
- Oshri - a first name
- oside - glycoside
- Osiel - a first name
- osier - a willow
- Oskar - a first name
- Osker - a first name
- oskie - in football, an interception
- osman - a first name; a Turkish sultan, founder of the Ottoman dynasty
- Osmar - a first name
- Osmel - a first name
- Osmen - a first name
- Osmer - a first name
- osmia - a family of solitary bees
- osmic - of osmium
- Osmin - a first name
- osmol - a unit of osmotic pressure
- Osner - a first name
- osney - a town close to Oxford
- osone - soluble compounds obtained by hydrolyzing osazones with HCl
- osram - a mixture of osmium and wolfram
- Osred - a first name
- Osric - a first name
- ossal - osteal
- osseo - a town in Minnesota; a town in Wisconsin
- osses - plural of "osse", a prophetic utterance
- osset - a native of Ossetia
- ossia - "or else", used in musical directions to indicate an alternative passage
- ossie - a first name; an East German
- Ostad - a first name
- Ostap - a first name
- Osten - a first name
- ostia - the port city of Rome, plural of "ostium", a body organ opening
- ostic - pertaining to an American Indian language of the Iroquois, Wyandots, and others
- Ostin - a first name
- ostra - a town in Italy
- Ostyn - a first name
- Osubi - a first name
- osumi - a Japanese island
- Osvin - a first name
- Oswin - a first name
- Oswyn - a first name
- Osyth - a first name
- otago - a town in New Zealand
- otaku - a person with an all-consuming enthusiasm, such as for computers or anime
- otamy - a surgical operation
- otaru - a Japanese seaport on the west coast of Hokkaido
- otary - a genus of seals
- otata - an island in New Zealand
- otate - a giant grass used for making baskets
- otava - a river in the Czech Republic
- Oteil - a first name
- otero - a county in Colorado
- Otess - a first name
- Otger - a first name
- other - different
- othin - a variant of "Odin"
- Othon - a first name
- Othor - a first name
- otics - plural of "otic", a medicine for the ear
- Otila - a first name
- otkon - an indwelling spirit in the Iroquois tradition
- Otman - a first name
- Otmar - a first name
- otoes - plural of "Otoe", a Sioux Indian
- otomi - an indigenous people of Mexico
- otomo - a first name; a clan territory of western Japan
- otrar - a town in central Asia
- Ottah - a first name
- ottar - a first name; attar; an aromatic oil
- otter - a sea mammal; a fishing device
- Ottey - a first name
- Ottie - a first name
- ottis - a first name; plural of "otti", attar
- Ottla - a first name
- Otton - a first name
- ottos - plural of "otto", attar
- otuke - a people of Paraguay
- otway - a bay in Chile
- oubit - a hairy caterpillar
- oucht - ought
- oudad - an African sheep
- ought - should; nought
- ouham - a river in the Central African Republic
- Ouida - a first name
- ouija - a planchette or the necromantic board associated with it
- Ouisa - a first name
- oujda - a town in Morocco
- oukia - a unit of weight in Arabia
- oulap - a penny
- oulks - plural of "oulk", a week
- ouman - a veteran
- Oumar - a first name
- oumas - plural of "ouma", an American Indian tribe
- ounce - a unit of weight; a unit of volume; snow-leopard
- ounds - zounds
- oundy - wavy; scalloped
- ouped - bound with thread
- ouphe - an oaf; an elf, sprite or goblin
- ouphs - plural of "ouph", an oaf; an elf
- oural - a light yellowish green color
- ouray - a town in Colorado
- oureq - a river in northern France
- ourie - shivering with cold; depressing; dismal
- ousel - a blackbird
- ouses - plural of "ouse", bark for tanning
- ousia - true being
- ousts - ejects from office
- outas - an outcry
- outby - outdoor
- outdo - to do better than
- outed - exposed; ejected
- Outel - a first name
- outen - Pennsylvania Dutch for "turn off" a light; slang for "out of"
- outer - on the outside
- outgo - total expenditure
- outie - a belly button that protrudes
- outjo - a town in Africa
- outly - to lie outside
- outre - bizarre
- outro - the companion to an "intro", a postscript or exit piece
- outsy - a protruding belly button
- outta - slang for "out of"
- ouvre - a body of artistic work
- ouzai - a town in Lebanon
- ouzel - a blackbird; a British river
- ouzes - oozes
- ouzos - plural of "ouzo", a vile Greek liqueur and paint remover
- ovale - relating to a malarial parasite
- ovals - plural of "oval", an ellipse
- ovant - triumphant
- ovary - an egg-producing organ
- ovate - egg-shaped; to give an ovation
- ovens - plural of "oven", a furnace or stove
- overs - a cricket term
- overt - unhidden; explicit
- ovest - an acorn
- Oveta - a first name
- Ovide - a first name
- ovile - relating to sheep
- ovine - relating to sheep
- ovism - a biological doctrine that the egg contains all the organs of the future animal
- ovist - one who believes in ovism
- ovoid - shaped like an egg
- ovolo - an architectural convex molding
- ovula - a genus of marine snails
- ovule - a rudimentary seed
- ovums - plural of "ovum", an egg
- Owain - a first name
- Owais - a first name
- owche - a variant of "ouch", an expression of pain; a jewel socket
- owego - a town in New York
- Owena - a first name
- Owens - a first name
- owest - a Biblical form of "owe"
- oweth - a Biblical form of "owe"
- owght - an obsolete form of "ought"
- owher - anywhere
- owing - in debt to another; due to
- owled - smuggled wool or sheep from England
- owler - a person or ship who smuggles wool or sheep from England; one who hoots or stares
- owlet - a young owl
- owned - possessed
- owner - a possesser
- Owney - a first name
- owres - plural of "owre", the wild fox
- owrie - dingy
- owsen - a variant form of "oxen"
- owser - "liquor" or oozings from a tanner's vat
- owses - plural of "owse", a variant of "owser"
- Owuor - a first name
- Owynn - a first name
- owzel - a bird
- oxala - a first name; a god of Candomble, a Brazilian Macumba sect
- oxalm - a sour sauce
- Oxana - a first name
- oxane - a first name; a chemical compound
- oxbot - a botfly that preys on cattle
- oxbow - a yoke; a riverbend
- oxboy - a boy who tends oxen
- oxers - plural of "oxer", a stiff fence and hedge to contain livestock
- oxeye - a flower; a shoebird
- oxfly - a fly that pesters cattle
- oxide - a first name; a chemical compound
- oxido - a chemical compound
- oxids - plural of "oxid", an oxide
- oxime - a chemical compound
- oxims - plural of "oxim", an oxime
- oxine - 8-hydroxyquinoline
- oxlip - a species of primrose
- oxman - a man who tends oxen
- oxmen - plural of "oxman", a man who tends oxen
- oxted - a town in England
- oxter - the armpit
- oyabe - a town in Japan
- Oyama - a first name
- oyami - a town in Japan
- oyana - a town in Congo; a tribe in Surinam
- oyers - plural of "oyer", a legal writ
- oylet - an eyelet; an oillet
- oyrat - an Altaic language
- ozada - an abandoned mining town in the Canadian Rockies
- ozala - a town in Congo
- ozama - a first name; a river in the Dominican Republic
- ozana - a first name; a river in South America
- Ozara - a first name
- ozark - an American mountain chain
- Ozcan - a first name
- Ozdil - a first name
- ozeki - a Sumo champion just below the grand champion
- Ozell - a first name
- ozena - an ulcer; a discharge of fetid matter from the nostril
- Ozgur - a first name
- Ozias - a first name
- Oziel - a first name
- ozier - a molded basket-weave pattern in tableware
- Ozkan - a first name
- Ozker - a first name
- Ozlem - a first name
- ozone - a form of oxygen
- Ozora - a first name
- Ozrad - a first name
- Ozzie - a first name
- paage - a toll for passage over another person's land
- Paani - a first name
- paard - the zebra
- paarl - a town in South Africa
- Paata - a first name
- paauw - a South African bustard
- Paavo - a first name
- Pable - a first name
- Pablo - a first name
- pacas - plural of "paca", a large South American spotted rodent
- pacay - a small arboreal guama
- paced - walked back and forth; regulated one's effort
- pacer - one who paces
- paces - plural of "pace", a tempo; a step; a unit of length, about 18 inches
- pacey - a first name; pace-setting, trendy
- pacha - a pasha; an Iraqi liquor made by boiling goat heads until the bones dissolve into a creamy froth
- pacho - a town in Colombia
- Pachy - a first name
- packs - puts in containers; plural of "pack", a knapsack
- packy - a first name; the head
- pacoh - a language
- pacos - plural of "paco", the alpaca
- pacta - plural of "pactum", a pact or treaty
- pacts - plural of "pact", a treaty
- pacus - plural of "pacu", a South American freshwater fish
- Padad - a first name
- padaf - a town in Senegal
- padag - a town in Pakistan
- padah - a town in Afghanistan
- Padak - a first name
- Padan - a first name
- padar - coarse flour or meal
- padas - a river in Borneo
- padaw - a town in Burma
- padda - a genus of birds including the Java sparrow
- paddo - Paddington, a suburb of Sydney
- paddy - a first name; an Irishman; a rice field
- paden - a first name; a town in Oklahoma
- padge - a barn owl
- padle - a hoe
- padma - a first name; a lotus
- Pados - a first name
- padow - a paddock; a toad
- padra - black tea
- padre - a priest
- padri - plural of "padre", a priest
- padua - a city in Italy
- padus - a genus of shrubs and trees; the ancient name of the Po river
- paean - a song of praise, joy, or triumph
- paeon - a poetical foot containing four syllables, one long and three short
- paffs - plural of "paff", jargon
- pagan - a heathen; a town in central Burma
- paged - turned pages in a book; called one's name
- Pagen - a first name
- pager - an electronic message device
- pages - turns pages in a book; plural of "page", an attendant; a leaf of a book
- Paget - a first name
- pagle - a cowslip or oxlip
- pagne - an African article of clothing
- pagod - a pagoda; an Indian idol
- pagri - an Indian head covering
- pagus - a county division
- pahis - plural of "pahi", a large war canoe used in the Society Islands
- pahit - a drink made from 1/2 ounce bitters and 1 1/2 ounces of gin
- pahmi - a bobac; a ferret-badger
- pahos - plural of "paho", a Hopi prayer stick
- pahra - a town in Afghanistan
- pahua - a kind of clam
- paien - pagan
- Paige - a first name
- paiks - beats
- Paili - a first name
- pails - plural of "pail", a bucket
- paine - a first name; a town in Chile
- pains - plural of "pain", an ache
- paint - a coloring
- paipa - a town in Colombia
- paire = appair
- pairk - a park
- pairs - plural of "pair", a group of two
- paisa - a Pakistani coin; money
- paise - plural of "paisa", a Pakistani coin
- paita - a seaside town in Peru
- paiza - a medallion used in the Yuan dynasty as a passport
- pajan - a town in Ecuador
- pakis - plural of "Paki", a denigrating term
- pakka - pukka
- pakri - a town in Estonia
- pakse - a city in southern Laos
- palar - resembling a stake
- palas - a Punjab bean; an East Indian tree known as the dhak
- palau - a group of Pacific islands
- palay - the ivory tree; rice at any stage prior to husking
- palca - a town in Bolivia
- palea - an inner husk; a small chaffy bract or scale
- paled - became fainter
- Palek - a first name
- palen - a lake in North America
- paleo - anything ancient; anything decrepit; anything extremely out-of-date
- paler - fainter
- pales - becomes fainter; the Roman goddess of cattle; plural of "pale", a vertical heraldic division; a boundary; a fence post
- palet - a small chaffy bract
- Paley - a first name
- palio - a horse-racing festival in Ferrara
- palki - a palanquin
- palla - a first name; an ancient Roman full outer robe or wrap worn outdoors by women
- Palle - a first name
- palli - a member of a Sudra caste of field laborers
- palls - loses flavor or meaning
- pallu - a first name; Joseph's nephew
- pally - like good friends; a unit of weight in Calcutta
- palma - a first name; a city in Majorca; one of the Canary Islands
- palmi - a town in Italy
- palmo - a unit of measure in Brazil
- palms - plural of "palm", a tree; the flat of the hand; a unit of measurement of 3 inches
- palmy - flourishing; full of palms
- palos - a port city in southwest Spain
- palpa - a town in Nepal; a town in Peru
- palpi - plural of "palpus", a jointed feeler
- palps - plural of "palp", a sensory organ of an arthropod
- palpy - like an insect's organ of touch
- palsa - a mound of earth pushed up near a glacier's edge
- palsy - paralysis; friendly
- palta - an avocado
- palts - plural of "palt", rubbish
- palus - a slender upright calcareous process that is part of some corals; a French wine
- palux - a river in Washington state
- Palvi - a first name
- pamby - in the phrase "namby pamby", babyish, excessively cute, effeminate
- pamir - a mountainous area in Tajikistan and Kirghizstan
- Pammi - a first name
- Pammy - a first name
- pampa - a first name; a South American grassland; a town in Texas
- panao - a town in Peru
- Panas - a first name
- panax - ginseng; a genus of trees and shrubs
- panay - an island in the Philippines
- pance - the pansy flower
- panch - a thick mat
- pancy - the pansy flower
- panda - a Chinese bear; a Chinese one ounce gold coin
- Pandi - a first name
- pando - a department of Bolivia; a town in Uruquay
- pands - plural of "pand", a narrow curtain over a bed
- Pandu - a first name
- pandy - a first name; a slap on the open hand; to strike with the hand; a mutinous native soldier
- paned - variegated; glazed
- panel - a list; a committee; a sheet of material; a schedule
- panem - bread
- panes - plural of "pane", a sheet of glass
- panga - a large knife; a machete; a village in Indonesia
- pangi - a Malayan tree
- pangs - plural of "pang", a sharp pain
- pania - a Belizian of Spanish descent
- panic - a sudden and violent fear or madness
- panie - a mountain peak in New Caledonia
- panim - paynim
- panis - bread
- Panka - a first name
- panks - pants; breathes heavily
- panna - a first name; a town in India
- panne - a lustrous velvet fabric with a loose flat nap
- panni - plural of "pannus", a vascular tissue that can obscure the cornea
- panno - a minor boss
- panny - the highway
- Panom - a first name
- Panos - a first name
- pansy - a first name; a flower; a homosexual
- panto - a pantomime performance (the highlight of a British Christmas)
- pants - trousers; plural of "pant", a short, labored breath
- panty - a pair of women's underpants
- panxi - a region of China's Sichuan province
- panya - a first name; a Spanish person
- panym - panim
- panyu - a town in China, near Hong Kong, with a crocodile park
- Paola - a first name
- paoli - plural of "paolo", an obsolete papal coin
- paolo - a first name; an old Italian silver coin
- paoua - a town in the Central African Republic
- papad - a sort of tortilla made from lentil flour
- papal - of the pope
- papar - a town in Borneo
- papas - a European cape; plural of "papa", a father
- papaw - the pawpaw, a North American fruit tree
- papel - a language
- paper - a journal; a sheet; an essay
- papes - money; plural of "pape", a pope; painted bunting
- papey - an Icelandic island
- papio - a genus consisting of the typical baboon; a Hawaiian fish
- Papni - a first name
- pappi - plural of "pappus"
- Pappu - a first name
- pappy - a father; succulent; like pap
- papua - a large island north of Australia
- papun - a town in Burma
- parab - a parabolic reflector, often used to gather ambient or background noise
- parae - plural of "para", a woman delivered of a specific number of children
- Parag - a first name
- parah - a unit of volume of about 15 gallons
- paran - a town in Israel
- parao - one of the Caroline islands
- paras - a first name; plural of "para", a monetary unit of Yugoslavia or Turkey; a paramilitary soldier; a woman delivered of a specific number of children
- parca - a Roman goddess of fate and childbirth
- parch - to dry out or desiccate
- parde - a variant of "perdieu", meaning "by God", an oath
- pardi - perdieu, "by God", an oath
- pardo - pardao, a half rupiah coin of Portuguese India; a river in Brazil
- pards - plural of "pard", a leopard
- pardy - perdieu, "by God", an oath
- pared - cut; shaved; trimmed
- paree - a first name; a humorous spelling of the French pronunciation of "Paris"
- parel - apparel; an egg preparation used to clarify wine
- paren - a parenthesis
- pareo - a pareu, a Polynesian wrap
- parer - trimmer
- pares - trims
- pareu - a Polynesian wrap or lavalava
- parge - to cover with plaster
- pargo - a food fish, the porgy
- paria - a tributary of the Colorado river; a bay in Tobago
- Parin - a first name
- paris - a first name; a city in France; a European herb; the abductor of Helen
- parit - an Asian cape
- parji - a language
- parka - a fur coat with hood
- Parke - a first name
- parki - an article of clothing
- parks - a first name; plural of "park", a recreational woodland
- parky - cold; chilly
- Parla - a first name
- parle - a first name; to parley; to talk or negotiate
- parly - a group of owls
- parma - a city in Italy
- parme - a Parma violet
- parni - a body of water
- parnu - a town in Estonia
- parol - oral; by word of mouth
- paroo - a river in Australia
- paros - one of the Cyclades Islands
- parps - sounds a car horn
- parra - jacana; Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney
- parro - paranoid
- parrs - plural of "parr", a young salmon
- parry - a first name; to ward off an attack
- parsa - an ancient satrapy, also called Persis
- parse - to analyze
- parsi - a Parsee
- parti - an eligible suitor; the basic scheme of an architectural design
- parto - a unit of weight in Malta
- parts - pieces; separates
- party - a festival; a faction
- Parul - a first name
- parus - the type genus of Paridae, including the titmouse
- parva - Latin meaning "small" or "lesser"
- parve - not containing meat or milk products
- parvo - parvovirus, a disease of dogs
- Parys - a first name
- pasan - a besoar goat; an oryx
- pasay - a town in the Philippines
- pasch - Passover
- pasco - a first name; a town in the state of Washington
- paseo - a leisurely walk
- pases - plural of "pase", a movement of a matador's cape
- pasha - a first name; a Turkish governor
- Pashe - a first name
- pashm - the underfur of upland goats of Kashmir
- pasig - a river passing through Manila in the Philippines
- Pasko - a first name
- pasks - plural of "pask", a variant of "Pasch"
- pasmo - a fungal disease of flax
- pasni - a town in Pakistan
- paspy - passepied
- passe - out of fashion
- passi - a section of Paris
- passo - a unit of measure in Brazil
- passy - a pacifier
- pasta - noodles
- paste - a glue
- pasto - a city in southwest Colombia
- pasts - plural of "past", history; bygone time
- pasty - glutinous; a patty; a pie
- pasuk - a first name; a verse of the Torah
- pasul - declared unfit for Jewish ceremonial use by rabbinic law
- patan - Lalitpur, a town in Nepal
- patao - a town in the Dominican Republic
- patas - a reddish colored long-tailed West African monkey
- patay - a town in France, site of a famous battle
- patch - a small area; to repair; a jester
- pated - having a head
- patee - in heraldry, describing a cross whose arms get wider as they extend
- Patek - a first name
- patel - the headman of an Indian village
- paten - a first name; a patin; a eucharistic plate
- pater - the father of a twit
- pates - plural of "pate", a head
- paths - plural of "path", a walkway
- pathy - containing many paths; a pathologist
- patia - a first name; a city and river in Colombia
- patin - a first name; a eucharistic plate
- patio - a courtyard
- patka - a head scarf used by Sikh men
- patly - aptly; fitly; in a self-satisfied way
- patna - a city in northeast India, on the Ganges
- Paton - a first name
- patos - a South American cape; a town in Brazil; a town in Albania
- Patra - a first name
- Patsi - a first name
- patsy - a first name; a stooge or cat's paw
- patta - a town in India
- patte - a first name; a decorative sash-band; in heraldry, describing a cross whose arms get wider as they extend
- Patti - a first name
- pattu - a homespun woolen fabric
- patty - a first name; a small pie
- Patxi - a first name
- Patzi - a first name
- pauas - plural of "paua", the abalone
- pauca - an interjection meaning "Be quiet!"
- paugy - the porgy, or scup
- pauky - pawky
- Paula - a first name
- Paule - a first name
- Pauli - a first name
- Paulo - a first name
- pauls - a first name; plural of "paul", a variant of "pawl"
- Pauly - a first name
- paums - palms off by fraud
- paune - pone
- pauri - a town in India
- pausa - in musical notation, a rest
- pause - an interruption; a delay
- pausy - full of pauses
- paute - a town in Ecuador
- pauto - a river in Colombia
- pauts - paws the ground
- pauws - plural of "pauw", the South African bustard
- pauxi - a currasow
- pavan - a stately dance that was all the rage in the 16th century
- pavas - plural of "pava", a kind of hat popular in Puerto Rico
- paved - build a road surface
- pavee - an itinerant Jewish merchant
- Pavel - a first name
- paven - a variant of "pavan", a dance
- paver - a builder of road surfaces
- paves - builds a road surface
- pavia - a first name; a city in northern Italy, with 100 towers
- pavid - timid
- pavie - a neat trick
- pavin - a variant of "pavan", a dance
- pavis - a whole-body shield used in the Middle Ages
- Pavit - a first name
- Pavla - a first name
- Pavle - a first name
- Pavol - a first name
- pavon - a lance pennon; a town in Mexico
- pavos - plural of "pavo", a peacock
- pawan - a first name; a river in Borneo
- pawas - plural of "pawa", the abalone
- Pawat - a first name
- pawaw - a powwow
- pawed - fingered
- Pawel - a first name
- pawer - a fingerer
- pawks - plural of "pawk", a small lobster
- pawky - clumsy, thickwitted; cunning, artful (explain this!)
- pawls - plural of "pawl", a check stop mechanism
- pawns - obtains a loan with a pledge; plural of "pawn", a patsy; a chess piece
- paxes - in Christian worship, the kiss of peace
- paxke - a town in Laos
- Paxon - a first name
- paxos - a Greek island
- Payal - a first name
- Payam - a first name
- Payao - a first name
- payas - plural of "paya", a Honduran Indian
- Payat - a first name
- payed - remunerated
- payee - one who is remunerated
- payen - a pagan
- payer - one who remunerates
- Payge - a first name
- Payne - a first name
- payni - a month in the old Egyptian calendar
- payns - plural of "payn", bread
- payol - a mixed race person
- payor - a payer
- payre - a European cape
- paysd - poised
- payse - poise
- payta - a town in Peru
- Pazia - a first name
- pazin - a town in Croatia
- Pazit - a first name
- pazna - a town in Bolivia
- peace - a first name; tranquility
- peach - to divulge; a hairy juicy fruit of no known use save for the production of cyanide
- peage - wampum; a toll paid to pass
- peags - plural of "peag", wampum
- peaks - plural of "peak", a summit
- peaky - sickly, weak; piqued
- peals - rings loudly and clearly
- pealy - full of peals; like a peal
- peamy - a pea seller
- peans - plural of "pean", a paean
- peard - a bay in Alaska
- peare - to peer
- pearl - a first name; a gem; a type size of 5 points
- pears - a first name; plural of "pear", an unpleasant, insipid, allegedly edible fruit
- peart - lively; perky
- peary - like a pear; full of pears
- Pearu - a first name
- pease - peas
- peats - plural of "peat", decayed vegetable matter used as fuel
- peaty - containing peat
- peaus - plural of "peau", a fabric similar to skin, and easier to obtain in stores
- peavy - a lumberman's cant hook
- peaze - peise
- peban - a South American tribe
- pebas - plural of "peba", an armadillo
- pecal - picul
- pecan - a nut
- pecco - pekoe
- Pecha - a first name
- pechs - plural of "pech", a short labored breath
- pecht - a Pict
- pecin - a town in Albania
- pecke - to pitch or jerk
- pecks - pokes at with the mouth or beak; plural of "peck", a unit of volume
- pecky - decaying with fungus
- pecos - a Texas river; to shoot a man and roll his body into a river
- pects - plural of "pect", a pectoral muscle
- pecul - a unit of weight of about 133 pounds
- pedal - a foot lever; of the foot
- pedee - a Siouan people of the Pee Dee river; a serving boy
- Peder - a first name
- pedes - plural of "pes", a foot, and an ancient Roman unit of length, about 29.57 cm
- pedis - plural of "pedi", a pedicure
- Pedja - a first name
- pedro - a first name; a card game that is a variety of seven-up
- pedum - a shepherd's crook
- peece - a variant of "piece"
- peeko - a brief glance around
- peeks - sneaks a look at
- peeky - worn out, tired, weak
- peele - a South African antelope with straight, sharp horns
- peels - removes the outer covering
- peene - a river in northeast Germany
- peens - plural of "peen", the rounded end of a hammer
- peeoy - a cone of damp gunpowder used as a firework
- peepe = pip
- peeps - sneaks a look at; chirps; baby chicks; marshmallow chickens
- peepy - sleepy
- peers - a first name; looks at intently; plural of "peer", one of equal rank
- peert - peart, lively
- peery - a peg-top; prying or inquisitive; suspicious; sly; shy
- peety - cheerful
- peeve - to annoy
- peevy - a lumberman's cant hook
- Peggi - a first name
- peggy - a first name; a warbler
- peghs - breathes heavily
- peght - a Pict
- pegms - plural of "pegm", a moving machine once used in pageants
- pegos - plural of "pego", a penis
- Pehry - a first name
- peibo - a river in China
- Peigi - a first name
- peiho - a river in China
- peine - a form of torture in which the victim is slowly pressed to death; a town in Germany
- peins - plural of "pein", a peen
- peise - to weigh; to measure; to press on
- peixe - a lake in South America
- peize - a weight; a balance; to press
- Pejan - a first name
- Pekah - a first name
- pekan - the fisher-martin
- pekes - plural of "Peke", a Pekinese dog
- pekin - a fine soft silk fabric; a hardy yellow-white duck developed in China; an old name for Beijing, China; a town in Illinois
- Pekka - a first name
- pekoe - a kind of black tea
- pelas - plural of "pela", white wax from a scale insect
- pelee - a volcano that erupted in 1902
- Peleg - a first name
- peles - a fortified tower, common in the Middle Ages
- pelew - another name for Palau
- pelfs - plural of "pelf", money or possessions or spoils
- Pelin - a first name
- pella - a ruined city in north Greece, capital of ancient Macedonia, birthplace of Alexander
- Pello - a first name
- pells - plural of "pell", a parchment roll
- pelly - a town in Saskatchewan
- pelma - the sole of the foot
- pelon - hairless
- pelta - a light Greek shield; an apothecium
- pelts - throws or falls in great amounts; plural of "pelt", an animal skin
- pelty - pelting; like a pelt
- pelym - a town in western Siberia
- pemba - a first name; an island near the east coast of equatorial Africa
- penal - relating to punishment
- penan - a Malay people
- penas - a gulf in Chile
- pence - plural of "penny", an English coin
- penco - a town in Chile
- penda - a first name; an Australian timber tree
- pende - a language; a town in the Central African Republic
- pends - is due to happen
- pened - peened
- Penee - a first name
- penes - plural of "penis", an organ of the male reproductive system
- penge - a town in England, site of the infamous Penge Bungalow murders
- pengo - a monetary unit of Hungary; an Indian language
- pengu - Pescadores
- penie - a penny
- penis - an organ of the male reproductive system
- penki - a town in China also known as Benxi
- penks - plural of "penk", a minnow
- Penly - a first name
- penna - a first name; a feather
- penne - a kind of hollow cylindrical pasta
- penni - a kind of pastry; a Finnish coin
- penny - a first name; an English coin
- pensy - pensive; thoughtful
- pents - plural of "pent", a penthouse
- penza - a town in western Russia
- peola - a light skinned black person
- peons - plural of "peon", an unskilled laborer
- peony - a first name; like a peon; a kind of flower
- Pepes - a first name
- pepin - a first name; the father of Charlemagne
- pepos - plural of "pepo", a gourdlike fruit with a hard exterior and pulpy interior
- Peppe - a first name
- Peppi - a first name
- peppy - a first name; energetic
- pepst - drunk
- peqin - a town in Albania
- peque - a town in Spain
- perai - pirai, Piranha
- perak - a state of Malaysia
- Peral - a first name
- Peran - a first name
- perau - a coin
- perca - the type genus of Percidae
- perce - a first name; to pierce
- perch - a pole; a unit of measurement of length of 5.5 yards; a fish
- Percy - a first name
- perdu - lost; hidden; a soldier sent on a suicidal mission
- perdy - a first name; perdieu, "by God", an oath
- perea - the aperea, or South American cavy
- Perec - a first name
- perel - apparel
- peres - plural of "pere", a father
- perfs - plural of "perf", a perforation; a performance
- perga - a town in Turkey
- perge - an ancient Greek town in Anatolia
- perhe - a town in Burma
- perie - a soft capsule containing medicine
- peril - danger
- perim - a Yemeni island
- peris - plural of "peri", a paradisiacal nymph
- perit - a moneyer's unit of weight equal to 1/20 droit or 1/9600 grain
- Perka - a first name
- perks - plural of "perk", a perquisite; a tablet of Percodan
- perky - smart; lively
- perla - a first name; a town in Arkansas
- perle - a first name; a soft gelatin capsule for enclosing medicine
- Perli - a first name
- perlo - a first name; a pilaf, or savory stew
- Perly - a first name
- perms - plural of "perm", a "permanent" curling treatment to hair
- perns - plural of "pern", the honey buzzard
- perps - plural of "perp", short for "perpetrator", meaning criminal
- Perri - a first name
- perry - a first name; pear cider; a blast of wind; a British river
- perse - a first name; the mother of Circe; a dark blue color; a dark blue fabric
- Persi - a first name
- persp - perspiration
- perst - pierced
- perth - a first name; a city in Scotland; a city in Australia
- perts - plural of "pert", an impudent person
- perty - cowboy slang for "pretty"
- perun - a Slavic storm god
- perve - a pervert
- pervo - a pervert
- pervs - plural of "perv", a pervert
- pervy - a pervert; perverted
- pesah - a first name; the Jewish feast of Passover
- pesco - "fish", used in the phrase "pesco vegetarian"
- pesky - bothersome
- pesos - plural of "peso", a monetary unit of Mexico
- pessa - a coin
- pesto - an Italian sauce; another name for Posidonia
- pests - plural of "pest", a varmint; an annoyance
- pesty - annoying
- Petah - a first name
- petal - a part of a flower
- petar - a first name; a petard
- peter - a first name; a blue flag; to diminish to nothing; a penis
- Petey - a first name
- Petie - a first name
- petit - mignon; petty; little
- petou - a first name; a town in French Polynesia; an Afghan cloak
- petra - a first name; a city carved in rock, in Jordan
- petre - a first name; saltpeter
- petri - a first name; a shallow glass dish used in biology
- petro - a first name; petroleum
- Petru - a first name
- Petta - a first name
- petti - a first name; a petticoat; plural of "petto", the breast
- petto - literally, the breast, figuratively the heart, in the phrase "in petto"
- petty - minor; small-minded
- Petur - a first name
- Petya - a first name
- peuhl - the Fulani tribe of Niger
- peumo - a town in Chile
- peura - afraid of
- pevas - a town in Peru
- pevek - a town in Siberia
- pewee - a small flycatching bird
- pewit - the lapwing
- peyes - the uncut forelocks of an Orthodox Jewish man
- peyot - sidelocks
- peyre - a town in France
- peyse - peise
- peyye - variant of "peye", an uncut forelock of an Orthodox Jewish man
- pezzo - an Italian coin (literally, a "piece")
- pfalz - the Palatinate, a region of Germany
- pffft - suggesting the sound of air rushing out, or a sudden collapse
- pfiff - an Austrian unit of measurement
- pfotz - the vagina
- pfund - a German monetary unit, cognate to the "pound"
- phaet - a second-magnitude star, Alpha Columbae
- phage - an organism that consumes bacteria
- phane - a variant of "fane"
- phang - fang
- Phani - a first name
- phano - a fanon, a napkin, a scarf
- phant - a sheet of glass used in the theater for projected ghost illusions
- phaon - a first name; a boatman
- phare - a lighthouse
- phari - a town in Tibet
- pharm - a place where genetically modified plants and animals are produced for pharmaceutical use
- pharo - faro, a game of chance
- pharr - a town in Texas
- phase - a stage, level, or station
- phasm - an apparition; a phantom; a meteor
- pheal - the cry of a jackal
- Pheba - a first name
- phebe - a first name; the small American flycatcher
- Pheby - a first name
- pheer - a companion
- Phemy - a first name
- phene - benzene
- pheno - phenobarbitol
- Pheny - a first name
- Pheof - a first name
- pheon - the broad arrow, used in heraldry
- phese - feeze
- phewa - a lake in northern India
- phewy - pfui, an exclamation of disgust
- phfft - done for; finished; kaput
- phial - a vial; a small glass medicine bottle
- Phila - a first name
- Phili - a first name
- Phill - a first name
- Philo - a first name
- phils - a shortening of the name of the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team
- phish - to pose as a customer service representative, attempting to get user ID's
- phlox - a flower
- phlug - a foolish old married woman
- phoby - the phoby cat, the little spotted skunk; a dread of water
- phoca - the seal genus
- Phoef - a first name
- phohs - plural of "phoh", an interjection of disgust
- phoma - a large form genus of imperfect fungi
- phone - the telephone
- phono - the phonograph
- phons - plural of "phon", a unit of loudness
- phony - fake; insincere
- phool - a first name; a dish of fava beans, tomatoes and onions
- phora - a genus of small flies
- phose - a subjective visual sensation
- phoss - phosphorus, as used by burglars in the early 19th century for illumination
- photo - a photograph
- phots - plural of "phot", a unit of luminous flux per area
- phpht - an expression of annoyance
- phrag - the common term for the phragmipedium plant
- Phred - a first name
- phren - the mind
- phrog - a double rotor helicopter used during the Vietnam War
- phtia - a variant spelling of "Phthia", a town in Greece
- Phuoc - a first name
- Phuok - a first name
- phuts - plural of "phut", a dull abrupt sound
- phutz - to rob; to swindle
- phuza - to drink
- Phyfe - a first name
- phyla - plural of "phylum", a classification of living things
- phyle - an ancient Greek political division
- Phyll - a first name
- phyma - a tubercle
- physa - a genus of air-breathing snails
- pials - plural of "pial", a spinal cord membrane
- piana - a town in Corsica
- piano - a musical instrument, originally "piano-forte"; quiet
- pians - plural of "pian", a tropical disease
- piask - a town in Poland
- piast - a member of the native Polish nobility
- piats - plural of "piat", an anti-tank mortar
- piaui - a mountain and state in Brazil
- piave - an Italian river
- piawe - a town in Papua New Guinea
- piber - a town in Austria, home of the Lippizzaner horses
- picae - an order of birds
- pical - similar to a pica
- picas - plural of "pica", a craving to eat dirt, clay, chalk or other matter
- piccy - a picture
- picea - a spruce genus
- pices - plural of "pice", a small copper coin of the East Indies
- picey - mean
- pichi - a Peruvian shrub
- picke - a small plot of land enclosed with a hedge
- picks - plural of "pick", a choice; a digging tool; a guitar implement
- picky - choosy
- picol - a picul, a unit of weight of 133 pounds or 100 catties
- picot - an ornamental lace border
- picra - powdered aloe
- picts - plural of "pict", an ancient Scottish people
- picul - a unit of weight of 133 pounds or 100 catties
- picus - a woodpecker; an ancient Italian agricultural god
- pidan - duck eggs preserved in brine, lime, ashes and tea (presumably...for eating?)
- pidie - a town in Indonesia
- piece - a portion; a fragment
- piede - a unit of length of about 11 inches
- Piedy - a first name
- piend - a hammer-point; a salient angle
- pieno - all performing
- Piero - a first name
- piers - a first name; plural of "pier", a structure from the land out over water
- piert - peart
- piesa - money
- pieta - a depiction of the removal of Christ from the cross
- piets - plural of "piet", the magpie
- piety - deep religious feeling
- pieze - a unit of measurement of pressure, a metric ton per meter - second squared
- piezo - produced by pressure; a piezoelectric crystal
- piffy - dubious
- piggs - plural of "pigg", a piggin
- piggy - a little pig; a glutton
- pight - pitched
- pigmy - a dwarf
- pigna - a town in Corsica
- pigot - a flagrant lie
- pigue - a town in Argentina
- piing - jumbling or disordering
- pijao - an Indian tribe in Colombia
- pijaw - pious talk or moralizing
- pikas - plural of "pika", a small rodent similar to a rabbit
- piked - pointed
- pikel - a pitchfork
- piker - a tramp; one who does things in a small, cheap or slow way
- pikes - plural of "pike", a turnpike or toll road; a predatory fish
- pikey - a vagrant
- pikie - a vagrant
- pikis - plural of "piki", a cornmeal bread
- pikit - a town in the Philippines
- Pikke - a first name
- pikle - pightle
- pikol - a pecul, a unit of weight of about 133 pounds
- pikul - a picul
- pilaf - a savory stew
- Pilan - a first name
- pilar - a first name; hairy; a town in the Philippines; a town in Argentina
- pilau - a pilaf, or savory stew
- pilaw - a pilaf, or savory stew
- pilch - a fur or flannel gown; one's residence; a triangular flannel wrapper worn over a baby's diaper
- pilea - plural of "pileum"
- piled - heaped
- pilei - plural of "pileus"
- piler - a gatherer
- piles - plural of "pile", a heap; a hemorrhoid
- Pilib - a first name
- pilin - a kind of protein
- pilis - plural of "pili", a Philippine nut tree
- pills - plural of "pill", a bolus
- pilly - covered with little fabric knots (such as a sweater)
- pilmy - dusty
- pilon - a bonus given with a large purchase; lagniappe
- pilos - another name for Pylos
- pilot - a guide; a captain
- pilow - a pilaf, a highly spiced dish of rice and meat
- pilum - an ancient Roman heavy javelin
- pilus - a botanical hair
- pilwe - a pillow
- piman - a language family of the Uto-Aztecan phylum
- pimas - plural of "pima", a kind of cotton
- Pimen - a first name
- Pimmi - a first name
- pimps - plural of "pimp", a panderer; a whore master
- pimpy - ostentatious, garish, tasteless, expensive
- pinag - a temporary lake formed by floodwater
- pinal - a band of San Carlos Apaches
- pinar - a first name; a unit of weight in Persia
- pinas - a North American cape; a town in Ecuador; plural of "pina", a pineapple
- pinax - a kind of Greek vase
- pinch - to squeeze between the fingers; to steal; a difficult situation
- pinda - a ball of rice offered to one's ancestors in a Hindu ceremony
- pindi - Rawalpindi
- pindy - gone bad
- pined - yearned for
- piner - one who yearns; one who harvests pine trees
- pines - yearns for; plural of "pine", an evergreen
- piney - a first name; forested with pines; a peony
- pinga - a first name; the penis
- pingo - a hill thrust up by frost
- pings - an Internet "are you there?" query; plural of "ping", a sudden sharp ringing sound
- pinic - an acid
- pinko - a communist sympathizer
- pinks - cuts with serrated scissors; plural of "pink", a pale red color
- pinky - a first name; the little finger; a small boat
- pinna - the external portion of the ear; a wing
- pinny - a pinafore
- pinon - a first name; a kind of pine that bears edible nuts
- pinot - a kind of grape
- pinoy - a nickname for a Filipino
- pinsk - a city in Belarus
- pinta - a disease of the skin that results in loss of pigment; one of Columbus's ships; playing hookey
- pinte - an obsolete unit of volume in France
- pinto - a kidney bean variety; a spotted horse; a town in Chile
- pints - plural of "pint", a unit of volume
- pinup - an erotic picture suitable for worship
- pinus - a genus of coniferous trees
- pinyl - a univalent hydrocarbon radical
- piong - an enthusiast, especially of food or game
- pions - plural of "pion", a subatomic particle
- piony - a peony
- piora - a kind of cheese
- Piotr - a first name
- pioue - vexation
- pious - religious; reverent
- pioxe - an Indian living in the area of Colombia and Ecuador
- pioye - peeoy, a homemade firework
- pioys - plural of "pioy", a variant of "peeoy", a homemade firework
- pipal - a sacred fig tree
- pipas - plural of "pipa", the Surinam toad
- piped - hollow; transported through pipes; played the pipes
- piper - a first name; one who plays the pipes
- pipes - plural of "pipe", a long tube; a musical instrument; a smoking implement
- pipet - a pipette
- pipey - suggestive of a pipe; a nickname for a piper
- pipil - a Nahuatlan people of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
- pipis - plural of "pipi", an Australasian shellfish; a Brazilian tree
- pipit - a tit-lark
- Pippa - a first name
- Pippi - a first name
- Pippo - a first name
- pippy - a first name; an acronym: "Person Inheriting Parental Property"
- pipra - a genus of birds that includes the manakin
- pipsy - easily accomplished
- pipul - a sacred fig tree
- piqua - a city in western Ohio
- pique - annoyance; a stiff durable corded fabric
- pirai - Piranha
- piran - a first name; an Adriatic Sea port in Slovenia
- pirie - a pear tree; a pirry
- pirin - a mountain chain in Bulgaria
- Pirjo - a first name
- Pirke - a first name
- pirls - spins like a top
- pirna - a town in Switzerland
- pirns - plural of "pirn", a bobbin or weaver's shuttle
- pirog - a Russian pastry; a pirogie
- pirol - the golden oriole
- Pirro - a first name
- pirry - a variant of "pirrie", a rough wind
- pisac - a town in Peru
- pisae - the ancient name of Pisa, in Italy
- pisan - of or relating to Pisa
- pisay - building material of rammed earth between molds
- pisco - a Peruvian brandy; a town in Peru
- pisek - a town south of Prague
- pisel - to work lazily
- pises - plural of "pise", a wall made of clay or mud rammed between molds
- pishu - the Canada lynx
- pisky - a pixie; an Episcopalian
- pismo - a kind of clam
- pison - one of the rivers that flowed from the Garden of Eden
- pisos - plural of "piso", a Philippine peso
- pisso - a drunkard
- pissy - sour, unpleasant, distasteful, spiteful; tasting or smelling like piss
- Pista - a first name
- piste - a track; a footprint; a downhill ski trail
- pists - plural of "pist", a variant of "piste"
- pisum - a small genus of Eurasian herbaceous vines
- pital - a town in Costa Rica
- pitas - plural of "pita", a Middle Eastern sandwich
- pitau - a silver tree fern
- pitch - to toss; tar; a musical level
- Piter - a first name
- piths - plural of "pith", a light porous material; severs the spinal cord
- pithy - meaty; terse
- Pitin - a first name
- pitom - the stem at the end of the etrog, which must be unbroken for ritual use
- piton - a metal climbing spike
- pitot - a tube recording air pressure
- pitri - the legendary progenitor of any Hindu family
- pitta - a large genus of Asian and Australian birds; pita bread
- Pitte - a first name
- pitty - messy, untidy
- piums - plural of "pium", an almost invisible stinging fly of Brazil
- piura - a town in Peru
- piuri - Indian yellow
- piute - a variant of "Paiute", a tribe of Indians
- pivas - plural of "piva", an ancient Italian bagpipe
- Pivio - a first name
- pivot - to turn
- pixel - a square or rectangular subunit of a digital picture
- pixes - plural of "pix", a box for communion wafers
- pixie - a sprite
- piyut - a religious poem recited in the synagogue in addition to the usual liturgy
- pizes - plural of "pize", a curse
- pizol - a town in Switzerland, site of the Heidi festival
- pizza - a baked Italian dish
- Pjotr - a first name
- plaba - an argument
- placa - one's street name
- place - a site; to assign
- plack - a small Scottish four penny coin
- plaga - a spot or streak of color
- plage - a beach; country; a bright solar region of helium and calcium clouds, seen during sunspots
- plaid - a pattern on cloth
- plain - not pretty; obvious; a prairie
- plait - to weave
- plaka - an Athenian market; a European cape
- plana - plural of "planum", a flat surface of bone
- plane - an airplane; a level surface; a smoothing tool
- plang - a town in Switzerland
- plank - a board
- plano - a city in northern Texas
- plans - plural of "plan", a blueprint; a scheme
- plant - an inanimate life form; an industrial facility
- planu - a river in Romania
- plaps - splashes
- plash - a pool; to weave; to splash
- plasm - a mold or matrix
- plast - plastid
- plata - a South American river
- plate - a dish; a stiff sheet of material; to coat; a river in South America
- plato - a first name; a Greek philosopher; a fight; a town in Colombia
- plats - plaits
- platt - a first name; an ore dump
- platy - to split into thin slabs; plate-like
- plaud - to applaud
- playa - a desert basin; a womanizer; someone using wit or charm to gain objectives
- plays - sports; dramas
- plaza - a large open assembly area
- plead - to entreat
- pleas - begs
- pleat - a fold
- plebe - plebian; a first-year student
- plebs - the people
- pleep - an enemy pilot who refuses a challenge of aerial combat
- plein - plan; full; to complain; French for "full" or "open", as in "plein air", meaning outdoors
- plena - plural of "plenum", a space full of matter, the opposite of "vacuum"
- plene - full; complete; plenary
- pleno - a musical term
- pleon - the abdomen of a crustacean
- plesh - to splash
- plete - to plead
- plewd - one of the stylized drops of sweat displayed by a cartoon character under stress
- plews - plural of "plew", a beaver skin
- plexi - plexiglass
- pleys - plays
- pleyt - a river boat
- plica - twisted, matted, and crusted hair, as a result of neglect or fashion; a fold of tissue
- plied - folded; carried on
- Plien - a first name
- plier - one who plies
- plies - carries on; plural of "plie", a ballet movement
- plims - swells
- pling - a name for the exclamation mark "!"; to beg or panhandle
- plink - to shoot at random; a sharp high-pitched sound
- pliny - a first name; a Roman historian who witnessed the eruption of Vesuvius
- plitt - a torture instrument similar to the knout
- ploat - to pluck feathers from a bird
- ploba - an argument
- ploce - a town in Croatia; the emphatic repetition of a word: "More Irish than the Irish"
- plock - a town in Poland
- plocs - plural of "ploc", a mixture of hair and tar used to cover the bottom of a ship
- plods - walks slowly
- ploms - an acronym: "Poor Little Old Me Syndrome"
- plong - to plunge
- plonk - a cheap wine, favored by Rumpole
- plook - a plouk, a pimple
- ploot - a slut
- plops - drops or falls suddenly
- plore - a museum exhibit that demonstrates some scientific principle in action
- plosh - to plash or splash
- plots - plural of "plot", a plan; an area of land
- ploty - a town in Poland
- plotz - to burst with emotion
- plouk - a pimple
- plout - a sudden heavy rainfall
- plows - tills
- ploys - plural of "ploy", a ruse
- pluck - courage; to pull out
- pluff - to puff; a small bellows
- pluge - "Picture Line-Up Generation Equipment", a test pattern for video monitors
- plugs - stops up; endorses; shoots
- pluke - a pimple, spot or boil
- pluma - a contour feather; a coffee variety
- plumb - vertical; sheer; to gauge a depth
- plume - a feather; a crest
- plump - fat; to opt for
- plums - plural of "plum", a fruit
- plumy - feathered
- plunk - to fall or drop down
- pluot - a cross between a plum and an apricot
- plush - luxorious; a thickly textured material
- plute - a plutocrat
- pluto - the ninth planet; the Roman god of the Underworld and Wealth; Mickey's dog
- plyer - a transport worker
- plzen - a town in the Czech Republic, formerly known as Pilsen
- Pnina - a first name
- poach - to hunt illegally; to cook eggs
- poaka - a New Zealand bird, one of the stilts
- poake - waste material from the processing of leather and other skins
- poaks - plural of "poak", a variant of "poake"
- poali - a coin
- poalo - a coin
- pobby - puffed up; swollen
- poboy - "po' boy", a kind of Cajun sandwich
- pocan - the pokeweed
- pocha - a person who speaks a mixture of English and Spanish
- poche - the black portion of an architectural plan representing walls
- pocho - a first name; a person who speaks a mixture of English and Spanish
- pocks - plural of "pock", a scar or indentation
- pocky - pitted
- pocus - part of the magic phrase "hocus pocus"
- podal - of the foot
- poddy - a domestic animal just taken from its mother
- podex - the anal region; the rump
- podge - a fat man; a puddle
- podgy - short and fat
- podia - the pedantic plural of "podium", a platform on which a speaker stands
- poems - plural of "poem", a verse
- poemy - a first name; like a poem
- poena - an academic exercise imposed as a punishment
- poesy - poetry
- poets - plural of "poet", one who writes poetry
- poger - a passive male homosexual
- pogey - welfare; a charitable institution, poorhouse, or workhouse
- pogge - the armed bull-head fish
- poggy - a small whale
- pogie - the menhaden; the black perch; a home for the aged; a poorhouse
- pogos - plural of "pogo", a pogo stick
- pogoy - a town in Russia
- pogue - some term of abuse whose exact application I haven't determined yet
- pohai - an arm of the Yellow Sea on the north east coast of China
- Pohla - a first name
- pohna - a town in India
- poilu - a French common soldier; a man of courage and strength
- poind - to distrain; to seize and sell property of a debtor under a warrant
- point - to indicate; a small dot; a spit of land
- poipu - a town on the island of Kauai, Hawaiia
- poise - self-assurance; a unit of measurement of dynamic viscosity
- poize - poise
- pokal - a large silver drinking cup
- poked - struck with a stick
- poker - a card game; a metal rod for stirring a fire; the pochard duck
- pokes - strikes with a stick; plural of "poke", a bag
- poket - a variant of "pocket"
- pokey - a jail; slow; Gumby's horse
- pokie - a slot machine
- pokot - a tribe and language of Kenya
- polab - a Slavic tribe that lived along the Elbe
- polak - balsa; a disparaging term for a Polish person
- polar - of the poles; opposite
- Poldi - a first name
- poled - propelled with a pole
- poler - one who poles
- poles - plural of "pole", a rod; a native of Poland; a unit of length of 5.5 yards
- poley - polled; hornless; a dehorned animal; wanted by the police
- polgi - an island near New Guinea
- polie - one of the researchers living and working at the South Pole
- polio - a paralytic disease
- polis - the city; the police
- polje - a large flat plain of karst
- polka - a dance; a convulsion caused by the sound of an accordion
- polks - dances the polka
- Polla - a first name
- Polli - a first name
- pollo - "chicken", used in the phrase "pollo vegetarian"
- polls - opinion samples; clips
- polly - a first name; a parrot
- polos - a crown; plural of "polo", a game played on horseback
- polts - plural of "polt", a blow
- polur - a mountain resort near Tehran, Iran
- polvo - heroin
- polyg - a polygamist
- polyp - a many-limbed animal; a tissue bud; a growth protruding from a mucous membrane
- polys - plural of "poly", a white blood cell
- pomak - a Muslim who is an ethnic Slav
- pombe - an alcoholic drink made of fermented bananas; a Tibetan chief
- pombo - a Tibetan chief
- pomel - a variant of "pommel"
- pomes - plural of "pome", a fleshy fruit with a core
- pomey - a figure representing an apple, a roundel
- pomme - a roundel vert
- pommy - an Englishman; a pomace
- pomps - plural of "pomp", an ostentatious display
- ponca - a Siouan people of the Missouri river
- ponce - a first name; a pimp; a seaport in Puerto Rico
- ponch - a general term of address for a man
- poncy - like a pimp
- pondo - a Bantu-speaking people of the eastern Cape province
- ponds - plural of "pond", a small body of water; a unit of measurement of gram force
- pondy - containing many ponds
- pones - plural of "pone", cornbread
- poney - containing or tasting like cornpone; money or a wager
- ponga - a New Zealand tree fern
- ponge - beer, especially pale ale.
- pongo - an African ape; a sailor
- pongs - stinks; responds to an Internet "ping"
- pongy - smelly
- ponka - a Siouan people of the Missouri river
- ponks - plural of "ponk", a nocturnal spirit
- ponor - a steep-sided sinkhole
- ponta - a European cape
- ponte - one pound sterling
- Ponti - a first name
- ponto - punto
- ponts - plural of "pont", a small ferryboat running along a rope or cable
- ponty - a pontee, an iron rod used by glassmakers for manipulating molten glass
- ponza - an Italian island
- ponzi - a pyramid scheme
- ponzu - a tropical citrus fruit; a Japanese dipping sauce
- pooch - a dog
- poods - plural of "pood", a Russian unit of weight, about 36 pounds
- pooed - baby talk for "defecated"
- pooer - Scottish dialect for "power"
- pooey - an expression of disgust
- poofs - plural of "poof", an effeminate man; a homosexual
- poofy - of a pooftah
- poohs - dismisses
- poohy - disgusting; unpleasant
- pooja - a first name; a Hindu ritual; an act of obeisance or worship
- pooka - a mischievous goblin of Irish folklore
- pooks - plucks
- poole - a town in England
- pooli - a tropical African timber tree
- pools - plural of "pool", a small body of water
- pooly - containing many pools
- poona - a city in India; terribly stuffy; marijuana; one pound sterling; badminton
- poons - plural of "poon", an East Indian tree
- poopo - a town and lake in Bolivia
- poops - poopdecks; tires out; defecates
- poopy - impregnated with feces
- poori - a flat wheatcake
- poort - a col or pass
- poosa - to drink
- poosk - to search for vermin on the person
- poots - farts
- poove - poof, pooftah, an effeminate man, a homosexual
- poovy - of a pooftah; effeminate
- poped - was made pope; became Catholic
- poper - a Catholic
- popes - plural of "pope", the bishop of Rome
- popet - a puppet
- Popie - a first name
- popla - beer
- poppa - father
- Poppi - a first name
- poppy - a first name; a flower; of popular culture or music
- popsy - a girlfriend
- popup - an advertisement that appears in a separate browser window; a recessed item which emerges when activated
- poque - a French card game, the ancestor of poker
- poral - referring to body pores
- porch - a portico; a stoa
- porco - a town in Bolivia
- porec - a town in Croatia
- pored - examined carefully; containing pores
- porer - a student; one who examines carefully
- pores - reads carefully; small openings
- porge - to purify a slaughtered animal by removing fat, veins and sinews
- porgy - porgie; the sea-bream or the scup fish
- poria - a genus of pore fungi
- porks - plural of "pork", pigmeat
- porky - a first name; fat; tasting of pork
- porno - pornography
- porns - plural of "porn", pornography; a pornographic movie
- porny - pornographic
- poroj - a village in Macedonia
- poros - a coarse limestone found in the Peloponnesus; a town in Greece
- poroy - a town in Peru
- porra - someone of Portuguese descent
- porta - a transverse fissure; the entrance for nerve ducts into an organ
- porte - the Turkish government
- porth - a town in South Wales
- porto - the Portuguese name of Oporto
- ports - plural of "port", distilled wine; a transport; a left; a harbor
- porty - a first name; tasting of port wine
- porus - a first name; a body pore; an ancient kingdom of northwestern India
- posed - stood still; pretended; situated
- posen - another name for Poznan, Poland
- poser - a puzzling question; one who puzzles; one who poses
- poses - stances; puts forward; pretends
- poset - a mathematical set
- posey - a flower
- poshy - ostentatiously fashionable or stylish; masturbation using a condom
- posit - to affirm; to postulate
- posse - power; a force of deputies
- possy - a position or job
- poste - a position or station
- posts - publicly displays; mails; plural of "post", a stake; a station
- posty - a postman
- potah - a river in California
- potch - to thrust; to trample; a light blow with the open hand; to poach or boil; to bleach
- poted - pushed; shoved
- potes - pushes; shoves
- potin - a Roman coin
- potoo - a type of bird, a large South American goatsucker
- potro - a mountain in Argentina; a colt
- potsy - a children's game
- potto - a West African lemur
- potts - plural of "pott", a size of paper
- potty - a child's chamber pot; petty; eccentric
- potus - an acronym: "President Of The United States"
- pouah - a unit of weight in Calcutta
- pouce - a unit of measurement of length, once common in France, of about an inch.
- pouch - a bag
- pouff - a loose roll of hair; a pooftah
- poufs - plural of "pouf", a loose roll of hair; a large cushion
- poufy - puffed out
- pouke - a puck, a mischievous goblin or sprite
- pouks - plucks
- poule - a hen, especially one for boiling; a square dancing position; a loose woman
- poulp - a cephalopod, such as the octopus
- poult - a young bird; a child
- pound - a monetary unit of England; a measurement of weight; hit hard; a jail for dogs
- poupe - to befool
- poups - poops
- poupt - befooled
- pours - flows out; rains down
- pouts - sulks
- pouty - sulky
- Pouya - a first name
- pouze - the refuse from cider-making
- powan - a rare Loch Lomond fish
- poway - a town in California
- Powel - a first name
- powen - a rare Loch Lomond fish
- power - strength; ability
- powin - a peacock
- pownd - pound
- powns - plural of "pown", a pawn
- powny - a pony
- powps - poops
- powre - to pour
- powys - a town in Wales
- poxed - afflicted with the pox
- poxes - plural of "pox", a plague
- poynd - to point
- poynt - to point
- poyou - an Argentinian armadillo
- poyse - poise
- pozzo - a well or cistern
- pozzy - a position
- praam - a barge
- prado - a renowned Madrid art gallery
- prads - plural of "prad", a horse
- praha - Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic
- prahu - a Malay boat
- praia - a capital city of Africa
- prame - a flat-bottomed boat
- prams - plural of "pram", a perambulator
- prana - the life breath or vital force in Vedic and Hindu religion
- prang - a crash landing of an aircraft
- prank - a humorous trick
- praos - plural of "prao", a prau, a Malay boat
- prase - a light green variety of quartz
- prate - to chatter
- prato - a town in Italy
- prats - the buttocks, hence "pratfall"; plural of "prat", a fool
- pratt - a fool; the buttocks; cream-colored earthenware painted in high-temperature colors
- praty - a potato
- praus - plural of "prau", a Malay boat
- prawn - a shrimp-like crustacean
- praya - a beach; an embankment forming a carriageway and promenade
- prays - entreats
- prede - to prey; to plunder
- predo - to do in advance
- predy - a nautical term, meaning ready for action
- preed - taste-tested
- preef - proof
- preem - a premiere performance
- preen - to groom
- prees - taste-tests
- prego - pregnant
- preif - proof
- prels - plural of "prel", a table of Preludin
- Premo - a first name
- prems - premises
- premy - preemie
- prent - a first name; to print
- preop - preoperative
- preps - prepares
- presa - a musical symbol
- prese - plural of "presa", a musical symbol
- presh - favorable
- press - to push upon; journalism
- prest - poetic form of "pressed"; at hand; ready money; a forced loan to the king
- preta - in Hinduism, a wandering or disturbed ghost
- preto - a river in Brazil
- preux - chivalrous
- preve - to prove
- prexy - a president
- preys - hunts for food
- prial - three cards of the same denomination; a pair royal
- priam - a first name; in Greek mythology, the king of Troy and father of Paris
- prian - a fine white friable clay
- price - a first name; cost
- prich - a town in Vietnam, also known as "Prieh"
- prick - a sharp point; an unpleasant person; penis
- pricy - expensive
- pride - a lion group; self-respect
- pridy - proud
- pried - peeped; forced open
- prief - proof
- prien - a town in Germany
- prier - a pryer; a nosey person
- pries - inquires into; forces open using leverage
- prigg - an itinerant country thief of drying clothes and chicken
- prigs - plural of "prig", someone more prudish than ourselves
- Priit - a first name
- prill - a brill; a birt or turbot; the more promising part of mining ore; to flow; to pelletize
- prima - a first name; first; leading
- prime - first rate; indivisible; original; to make ready; a canonical hour of prayer
- primi - plural of "primo", the first or leading part
- primm - a town in Nevada
- primo - a first name; in music the first or leading part
- primp - dresses up fastidiously
- prims - gives a prim expression to
- primy - a first name; at the prime of life
- Prina - a first name
- prine - the bar-tailed godwit
- prink - a prank; to dress up; to walk in a mincing manner
- print - to stamp; to brand; to impress; to put into type
- Prinz - a first name
- prion - a hypothetical disease vector that captured a very real Nobel prize
- prior - a first name; before; an officer of a monastery
- prise - to lever
- Prisi - a first name
- prism - a geometric shape; a translucent solid with triangular cross-section
- priss - a first name; prudish
- Priti - a first name
- prius - something that takes precedence
- privy - secret; an outhouse
- Priya - a first name
- prize - an award; to forcibly separate
- proal - effected by forward motion
- proas - plural of "proa", a swift South Pacific sailing vessel
- probe - to examine
- probs - plural of "prob", a problem
- prodd - a crossbow for hurling stones
- prods - jabs; pokes; Protestants
- proem - a preface
- profs - plural of "prof", a professor; a professional
- progs - plunders; proctors
- proin - to trim or cut back; to prune; a fruit
- projo - an artillery projectile
- proke - to poke or stir
- prole - a proletarian
- proll - to prowl; to rob
- prome - a town in central Burma
- promo - a promotional spot or advertisement
- proms - plural of "prom", a high school dance, once associated with promotion
- prone - face down; susceptible
- prong - the tine of a fork
- pronk - an idiot; a rare type of gait in which all four limbs move together
- proof - a demonstration; a test; a measure of alcoholic content
- Propa - a first name
- props - plural of "prop", a supporter; a propeller; a theatrical accessory
- prore - the prow of a ship
- prose - the unrhymed talk preferred by bourgeiose gentlemen
- proso - millet
- pross - a prostitute; to put on airs
- prost - variant of "prosit", a German drinking toast
- prosy - wordy
- proud - vain; imperious
- proul - to prowl
- prove - to demonstrate; to verify; to test
- provo - a member of a provisional army
- prowl - to sneak about
- prows - plural of "prow", a ship front
- proxy - substitute
- proyn - a fruit
- pruce - Prussia
- pruck - anything gained for free, or illicitly
- prude - a person of exaggerated sexual modesty
- Prudi - a first name
- Prudy - a first name
- prugh - anything gained for free, or illicitly
- Pruit - a first name
- prune - a dried plum
- prunk - proud, vain
- prunn - a town in Germany
- pruno - fermented prune juice; contraband alcohol brewed in prison
- prunt - a small mass of glass fused to the body of a glass piece
- pruny - like a prune; wrinkled
- prusa - the ancient name of the town of Bursa, in western Anatolia
- pruta - a monetary unit of Israel
- pruth - a river in south central Europe
- pruve - to prove
- pryan - a felspathic clay
- Pryce - a first name
- pryer - a snooper
- Pryor - a first name
- pryse - a prize; a blast on a horn
- psalm - a Biblical song of praise
- pseud - a pseudointellectual; a poser who'd prefer to be a poseur
- pshav - a mountain people of the Caucasus
- pshaw - an exclamation of disbelief
- psion - the Psi subatomic particle
- pskov - a city in the former western USSR, where Alexander Nevsky beat the Teutonic Knights
- psoae - plural of "psoas", a muscle of the loin
- psoai - plural of "psoas", a muscle of the loin
- psoas - tenderloin; a muscle of the loin
- psora - psoriasis; one of the three homeopathic miasms
- pssst - a signaling sound
- psych - to use psychological insight; a bridge convention; psychiatrist
- psyop - short for "psychological operation", a tactic in psychological warfare
- ptere - an alate (wingy) organ
- ptoot - the buttocks
- pubby - like a pub; containing many pubs
- pubes - the body surface over the pubic bone; plural of "pube", a pubic hair
- pubic - referring to puberty
- pubie - a colloquial term for a pubic hair
- pubis - a pelvic bone
- pucca - authentic, genuine
- pucel - a maid or virgin
- pucer - of a darker shade of puce
- puces - plural of "puce", a dark red color
- Pucho - a first name
- pucka - variant of "pukka", for "real" or "genuine"
- pucks - plural of "puck", an item used in hockey
- pucky - a first name; manure, as in "horse pucky"; puckered
- pucon - a town in Chile
- puddy - pudgy
- pudge - the fatty flesh that makes one pudgy
- pudgy - fat; fleshy
- pudic - concerning the pudendum
- pudor - modesty
- pudsy - plump; the hand
- pudus - plural of "pudu", a small deer of the Andes
- puelo - a river in Chile
- puers - plural of "puer", the dung of a dog
- puets - plural of "puet", a variant of "pewit"
- puffa - a heavily padded and puffed up jacket
- puffs - plural of "puff", a brief gust of wind or breath
- puffy - tumid; swollen
- puggy - stubby; clammy; a monkey
- pugil - a pinch of something
- pugry - a light turban, and one of the mystical words ending in "gry"
- puica - a town in Peru
- puing - making a low whistling sound
- puist - in comfortable surroundings
- puits - plural of "puit", a well
- pujah - a Hindu prayer ritual
- pujas - plural of "puja", a Hindu prayer ritual
- pujia - a town in China
- pukas - plural of "puka", a small perforated white shell used for necklaces; a small private spot
- puked - vomited
- puker - one who vomits
- pukes - vomits
- pukey - disgusting
- pukka - veritable; true; genuine
- pukow - a town in eastern China
- pukus - plural of "puku", an antelope of southern central Africa
- Pulak - a first name
- pulas - palas, a Punjab bean; plural of "pula", a monetary unit of Botswana
- puled - whined
- puler - a whiner
- pules - whines
- pulex - a genus of fleas
- puley - whiney
- pulik - pulis
- pulis - plural of "puli", a long-haired sheep dog
- pulka - a Lapland sled
- pulks - plural of "pulk", a Lapland sled; a plastic sled for dragging kids while hiking or skiing
- pulli - plural of "pullus"
- pulls - draws towards oneself
- pulmo - a lung
- pulog - a mountain peak in the Philippines
- pulps - plural of "pulp", soft matter; a publication printed on cheap paper
- pulpy - mealy
- pulse - heartbeat; a lentil
- pults - puts
- pulus - plural of "pulu", a Hawaiian tree fern fiber
- pumas - plural of "puma", a mountain lion
- pumes - plural of "pume", a stint
- pumex - pumice
- pumie - a pebble or stone
- pummy - pomace; pumice
- pumps - plural of "pump", an evening shoe; a water drawing device
- punan - a Dayak people of Borneo
- punas - plural of "puna", a cold dry mesa of the Andes
- punce - an effeminate man; the vagina
- punch - a drink; to hit; to perforate
- punct - a point
- punda - a woman, regarded as a sex object
- pundu - the buttocks
- punee - a movable couch
- punga - a tall tree fern of New Zealand
- pungi - a Hindu reed pipe or nose flute
- pungs - plural of "pung", a boxy sleigh; 3 of a kind in mah-jongg
- pungy - a two-masted schooner used for oyster dredging
- punic - Carthaginian
- punie - puny
- punka - an Indian fan
- punke - a harlot
- punks - plural of "punk", a young thug; a butt boy; a punk rocker; tinder
- punky - short; resembling a punk; a small fly; dirty
- punny - full of puns
- punse - the vagina
- punta - in musical notation, "the point", that is, the point of the bow
- punti - the Cantonese-speaking population of Guangdong province
- punto - a thrust or pass in fencing; a Cuban dance; the ace of trumps
- punts - propels with a pole; in football, kicks the ball
- punty - a glass-blower's iron used to hold glass in a high temperature chamber
- punuk - an Eskimo culture of northeast Siberia
- punya - in Jainism, the good
- Punyo - a first name
- puoys - plural of "puoy", a variant of "poy", a support; a long boathook
- pupae - plural of "pupa", an intermediate quiescent stage of an insect
- pupal - in the chrysalis state
- pupas - plural of "pupa", an intermediate metamorphic stage of insects
- pupes - plural of "pupe", a pupa
- pupil - a student; a region of the eye
- puppy - a young dog
- Puran - a first name
- purau - majagua
- purby - the Preraphaelite Brotherhood
- purda - a curtain used in India to seclude women
- purdy - a first name; disagreeably self-important
- pured - purified; refined
- puree - a thick soup
- puren - a town in Chile
- purer - more pure
- pures - makes pure
- purex - plutonium reduction by solvent extraction
- purey - a clear marble
- purga - an intense Siberian or Arctic snowstorm
- purge - to eliminate
- purie - a clear marble
- purim - a Hebrew festival
- purin - purine
- puris - plural of "puri", a light flat wheatcake
- purko - beer
- purls - plural of "purl", a knitting stitche; a ripple
- Purly - a first name
- Purna - a first name
- purpy - purpie
- purre - the dunlin bird
- purrs - makes satisfied cat sounds
- purry - like a purr; full of purrs
- purse - a handbag; to compress the lips
- pursy - fat; asthmatic; short-winded
- purty - cowboy slang for "pretty"
- purus - a South American river
- Purvi - a first name
- pusad - a town in India
- pusan - a port city in Korea, very near Japan
- pusey - a small town in England
- pushy - insistent; unwilling to be denied; from New York
- pusil - very little
- pusle - a puzzle
- Puspa - a first name
- Puspo - a first name
- pussy - a cat
- putao - a town in Burma
- puted - a computer barbarism denoting the past tense of "put"
- putid - putrid; mean, worthless, or rotten
- putin - a place on the riverbank where canoers or kayakers start their trips
- putis - a town in Peru
- Putli - a first name
- putna - a town in Romania
- puton - a fraud; a pretence
- putoo - nut-meal
- putre - a town in Chile
- putry - putage, prostitution
- putti - plural of "putto", a fat naked cherub appearing in Italian art
- putto - a fat naked cherub appearing in Italian art
- putts - makes a short golf stroke
- putty - a patching cement with linseed oil
- putzi - a first name; a Chinese game; an African fly, also known as the tumbu
- putzy - like a putz
- puxis - plural of "puxi", an edible caterpillar (yum!)
- puzel - pucelle
- pweto - a town in Katanga Province, Congo
- pwyll - the Welsh god of the dead
- pyats - plural of "pyat", a pyot, the magpie
- pyaka - tricky, dishonest
- pydna - a town in Macedonia, site of a famous battle
- pyelo - a pyelogram
- Pyeng - a first name
- pyets - plural of "pyet", a magpie
- pygal - relating to the backside
- pygia - pain in the rump
- pygmy - a dwarf
- Pyhis - a first name
- pyiba - a pear-shaped Chinese lute with four strings
- pyins - plural of "pyin", a protein contained in pus
- pykar - a kind of fishing boat
- pylae - plural of "pyla", an opening in the third ventricle
- pylar - referring to the pyla
- pylas - plural of "pyla", an opening in the third ventricle
- pylic - referring to a portal vein
- pylon - a gateway; a tower
- pylos - a seaport in southwestern Greece
- pyned - pined
- pynes - pines
- pyoid - pus-like
- pyote - a town in Texas
- Pyotr - a first name
- pyots - plural of "pyot", the magpie
- pyral - of a funeral pyre
- pyran - a chemical compound
- pyres - plural of "pyre", a fire used to incinerate the dead
- pyrex - a heat resistant glass
- pyrgi - a village on the island of Chios
- pyric - pertaining to combustion
- pyros - plural of "pyro", a pyromaniac
- pyrus - the apple or pear genus
- pysma - a rhetorical device of asking a series of short questions
- pyxed - placed in a pyx
- pyxes - plural of "pyx", a eucharistic box
- pyxie - an evergreen shrub
- pyxis - a pyx; a Greek vase; a sacred box; a pyxidium; the constellation of the mariner's compass
- pyxle - a pixy
- pzazz - pizzazz
- qabab - kebab
- Qabil - a first name
- qadhi - a qadi, an Islamic judge
- Qadim - a first name
- Qadir - a first name
- qadis - plural of "qadis", an Islamic judge
- Qadri - a first name
- Qahar - a first name
- qahen - a Biblical unit of measurement equal to the reed, or 6 cubits
- qaids - plural of "qaid", a qadi, an Islamic judge
- qajar - of or pertaining to a particular Iranian dynasty famous for art and porcelain
- qalat - a town in Afghanistan; a town in Pakistan
- Qamar - a first name
- Qamra - a first name
- qanat - underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East
- qaneh - a Hebrew measurement of about 10.25 feet
- qanon - a musical instrument similar to a dulcimer
- qarah - a town in Syria
- qarun - a lake in Africa
- qasab - an Arabic measurement of about 12.6 feet
- qasim - a first name; a town in Iraq
- qatar - a Middle Eastern country
- qatif - a Saudi Arabian town
- qatna - a town in Syria
- qawms - plural of "qawm", the leader of a group in Afghanistan
- Qayum - a first name
- qazaq - a kazak
- qazis - plural of "qazi", an Islamic judge
- qcepo - a parasitic skin infection, a form of leishmaniasis
- qhwom - an obsolete spelling of "whom"
- Qiana - a first name
- qibla - the direction of the shrine in Mecca toward which Moslems pray
- qibli - a sirocco, a strong harsh wind
- qibya - a town in Jordan
- qilin - a town in China
- Qimat - a first name
- qinah - a kinah, a Hebrew dirge
- qingu - a god in Babylonian mythology
- qinot - plural of "qinah", a Hebrew dirge
- qirat - a unit of area of about 209 square yards
- qishr - a drink made from the husks of coffee beans and ginger
- qiyan - an Arabic courtesan
- qiyas - the principle of analogy in Moslem law
- qlaia - a town in Lebanon
- qobar - a dry fog of the upper Nile
- qomul - a town in Asia
- qophs - plural of "qoph", alternate form of "koph", a Hebrew letter
- qoran - the Koran
- qormi - a town in Malta
- quabs - trembles
- quack - a duck sound; an incompetent or fraudulent doctor
- quade - a first name; evil; bad; baffling
- quadi - an ancient Germanic people
- quads - plural of "quad", the quadriceps muscle; a quadruplet; a quadrangle
- quaff - to gulp
- quaft - variant of "quaffed", drank
- quags - plural of "quag", a quagmire
- quaid - quelled; crushed or dejected
- quail - a bird; to tremble
- quair - a quire; a book
- quais - plural of "quai", a quay
- quait - a quoit
- quaka - a river in the Central African Republic
- quake - to tremble; an earthquake
- quaky - unstable; shaky
- quale - a property considered abstractly from the items having the property
- qualm - a mental reservation
- quals - plural of "qual", a qualifying examination
- Quana - a first name
- quant - a first name; a punt or jumping pole; a quantitative analyst
- quaps - trembles; plural of "quap", a hypothetical particle made of a positron and a quark
- quara - a language
- quare - queer; unusual; good
- quark - a subatomic particle; to croak; a kind of cheese
- quarl - a curved segment of fireclay; a large brick or tile; a jelly-fish
- quart - a unit of volume, one fourth of a gallon
- quash - to suppress
- quasi - as it were; virtually; pseudo
- quass - kvass; a kind of Russian beer
- quata - a coaita, a South American monkey
- quate - quiet
- quats - plural of "quat", a nonentity; a small boil; a quaternary ammonium compound used in shampoo
- quauk - to quake
- quave - to quaver
- quawk - to quack or squawk
- quaws - plural of "quaw", a quagmire
- quawy - a stupid, ugly person
- quayd - daunted
- quays - plural of "quay", a wharf
- Qubad - a first name
- qubba - a small domed Muslim shrine
- qubit - a quantum bit, supposedly a superposition of states between 0 and 1
- queak - to squeak
- quean - a saucy girl
- quech - a variant of "queck"
- queck - to shrink; to stir or move
- queeb - any minor problem
- queef - a vaginal fart
- queem - queme, pleasant, agreeable, handy
- queen - a female hereditary sovereign; the wife of a king
- queer - strange; homosexual
- queet - an ankle; a gaiter; a coot
- quegh - a drinking vessel
- quell - to put out; to extinquish; to suppress
- quelt - a variant of "kilt"
- queme - pleasant; agreeable; handy
- quena - cuena, a primitive vertical reed flute
- Quent - a first name
- querk - to throttle; a quirk
- querl - to twirl; a coil
- quern - a primitive stone handmill for grinding grain
- query - a question
- quest - a search
- Queta - a first name
- quete - a collection of money for street performers
- quets - plural of "quet", the common guillemot
- queue - a line; a hair braid; a sort of waiting area for computer jobs
- queux - a confederation
- queyn - a quean, a saucy girl
- queys - plural of "quey", a young cow
- Quian - a first name
- quibs - plural of "quib", a quip; a jest
- quica - an Indian people of Guatemala; the four-eyed opossum
- quice - the queest, the European ringdove
- quich - to stir, to move
- quick - fast; alive
- Quico - a first name
- quids - plural of "quid", an English pound; a tobacco chew
- quien - a dog
- quiet - silent
- quiff - a curly lock; a girl
- quihi - an Anglo-Indian
- quila - a South American grass similar to bamboo
- quile - a coil
- quilk - a town in Austria
- quill - a first name; a feather; a pen
- quilp - a hideous dwarf
- quilt - a counterpane
- quime - a town in Bolivia
- quimp - a total jerk; a social outcast; the planet Saturn, one of several signs used in cartoon characters's maledicta balloons
- quims - plural of "quim", slang for the vagina
- quina - quinine; cinchona
- quine - a quean
- quink - a brant, a small dark wild goose
- Quinn - a first name
- quins - plural of "quin", a quintuplet; a scallop
- quint - a first name; a quintuplet; a musical fifth; five of a kind in mah-jongg
- quipo - an Incan knot language
- quips - plural of "quip", a retort; a witty saying
- quipu - an Incan knot language for sending the latest dope on a rope
- quira - a tropical American tree
- quire - a choir; 24 sheets of paper
- quirk - an oddity; a sudden twist
- quirl - a curl of hair
- quirt - a riding whip
- quish - cuish, defensive armor for the thighs
- quist - queest, the ringdove or woodpigeon
- Quita - a first name
- quite - very; exactly
- quito - a first name; the capital city of Ecuador
- quits - leaves; abandons; is clear of debt; is even
- quitu - a South American tribe
- qukes - a town in Albania
- qungs - plural of "Qung", a southern African people
- quoad - as far as; as to
- quobs - trembles
- Quock - a first name
- quods - plural of "quod", a prison
- quoib - a wombat
- quoif - a coif
- quoil - a coil
- quoin - a wedge
- quoit - a discus; a flat iron ring used in a game like horseshoes
- quoke - quaked
- quoll - a catlike longtailed carnivorous marsupial of Australia and New Guinea
- quonk - a disturbance near a television microphone or camera that disrupts recording
- quoob - an eccentric fool; a misfit
- quook - quaked
- quops - trembles; throbs
- quorn - a village in England; a synthetic food made from fungus
- quota - a limit
- quote - to cite
- quoth - a poetic form of "said"
- quott - an angel fish
- quran - the Koran
- qurna - a village in Iraq, locally reputed to be the location of Eden
- qursh - a Saudi Arabian coin worth 1/22 of a riyal
- quruq - a town in Afghanistan
- Qusai - a first name
- Qusay - a first name
- qutbs - plural of "qutb", an Islamic saint
- Quyen - a first name
- quyte - quit
- qvint - a Danish weight
- Qwinn - a first name
- qyshk - a town in Kosovo
- raads - plural of "raad", a South African parliament; an electric catfish
- raahe - a town in Finland
- raash - the electric catfish
- Rabaa - a first name
- rabab - a first name; a two-stringed spike fiddle
- Rabah - a first name
- rabak - a town in Sudan
- rabat - the capital city of Morocco; a sleeveless backless vestment; unglazed pottery
- rabbi - a first name; a Hebrew priest
- rabbo - a rabbit
- Rabea - a first name
- Rabee - a first name
- Rabei - a first name
- Rabel - a first name
- rabia - a first name; a village in Iraq
- rabic - pertaining to rabies
- rabid - infested with rabies
- Rabih - a first name
- rabis - plural of "rabi", the spring harvest in India and Pakistan
- rabot - a block for polishing marble or other rocks
- Rabri - a first name
- rabta - a town in Libya
- racas - plural of "raca", a term of contempt
- raced - ran; participated in a competitive running match; hurried
- Racel - a first name
- racer - one who races
- races - plural of "race", a competition; a genetic variety
- Racha - a first name
- rache - a dog that hunts by scent; a clue in "A Study in Scarlet"
- rachs - plural of "rach", a variant of "rache", a dog that hunts by scent
- racke - a dog that hunts by scent
- racks - plural of "rack", a grating; a display case; something that goes with a pinion
- racon - a kind of radio beacon used as a navigational aid
- radar - an electronic tracking device, "Radio Detection and Range"
- Raddy - a first name
- Radek - a first name
- rades - plural of "rade", a raid
- Radey - a first name
- radge - a gray duck; a psychotic
- radgy - stupid
- Radha - a first name
- Radhi - a first name
- Radhu - a first name
- radii - plural of "radius", an arm bone; a line from the center to the circumference of a circle
- Radik - a first name
- Radim - a first name
- Radia - a first name
- radio - an electronic transmitting device or receiver
- radix - a root; a numerical base
- Radka - a first name
- Radly - a first name
- radna - a town in Estonia
- radom - a city in east Poland
- radon - a radioactive gaseous element found only in middle class basements
- Rados - a first name
- Radue - a first name
- radyr - a town in Wales
- Radzi - a first name
- Raeda - a first name
- Raede - a first name
- Raeed - a first name
- Raela - a first name
- Raena - a first name
- Raene - a first name
- rafah - a first name; a town in the Gaza strip, near Egypt
- rafai - a town in the Central African Republic
- Rafal - a first name
- Rafat - a first name
- Rafee - a first name
- Rafel - a first name
- Rafer - a first name
- raffe - a three-cornered sail
- Raffi - a first name
- raffs - plural of "raff", riff-raff, rabble
- Raffy - a first name
- rafha - a town in Saudi Arabia
- rafia - a nickname for the Irish Republican Army (RA), associating it with the Mafia
- Rafic - a first name
- Rafiq - a first name
- rafte - a past tense of "reave"
- rafts - plural of "raft", a flat floating framework for transportation; a large quantity
- rafty - damp; rancid
- Raful - a first name
- ragae - a town in ancient Iran
- Ragan - a first name
- ragas - plural of "raga", a Hindu musical form
- ragay - a town in the Philippines
- ragde - ragged
- raged - fumed; stormed
- ragee - an East Indian cereal grass
- Rageh - a first name
- rager - one who rages; a bad-tempered cow
- rages - another name for Rai, a town in northern Persia; plural of "rage", anger; fury
- ragga - a town in Syria; a pop music style derived from reggae, incorporating faster electronic styles
- raggi - an East Indian cereal grass
- raggs - plural of "ragg", a sandstone
- raggy - an East Indian cereal grass; ragged; like a rag
- Raghd - a first name
- Raghu - a first name
- ragis - plural of "ragi", an East Indian cereal grass
- Ragna - a first name
- Rahab - a first name
- Raham - a first name
- Rahav - a first name
- Raheb - a first name
- rahed - hurrahed
- Rahel - a first name
- Rahil - a first name
- Rahim - a first name
- Rahna - a first name
- Rahni - a first name
- rahue - a river in Chile
- Rahul - a first name
- rahus - plural of "rahu", the dark planet in Hindu mythology
- rahzo - a red-nosed man
- raiae - the order of elasmobranch fishes that includes the skate and the sawfish
- Raiah - a first name
- raias - plural of "raia", a Turkish non-Muslim
- Raica - a first name
- Raico - a first name
- Raida - a first name
- raids - plural of "raid", a foray or attack
- raihu - a river in New Guinea
- raiks - goes; ranges
- Raila - a first name
- raile - to flow; to gush
- rails - a respiratory disease; long guiding rods
- Raimo - a first name
- Raina - a first name
- raine - a first name; to reign
- Raini - a first name
- Rainn - a first name
- rains - plural of "rain", precipitation
- rainy - a first name; characterized by rain
- Raiph - a first name
- raips - plural of "raip", a measure of one rod; a rope
- raird - reird
- Raisa - a first name
- raise - to increase; to lift up; to rear
- raita - Indian yoghurt
- raith - a period of three months
- raits - exposes to moisture
- Raiza - a first name
- Rajaa - a first name
- rajab - the seventh month of the Moslem calendar
- rajae - a first name, the order of elasmobranch fishes that includes the skate and the sawfish
- rajah - a first name; an Indian ruler
- Rajai - a first name
- rajas - a guna of Sankhya philosophy; plural of "raja", an Indian ruler
- Rajat - a first name
- Rajee - a first name
- Rajen - a first name
- rajer - a village in Lebanon
- rajes - plural of "raj", a dominion
- Rajia - a first name
- Rajib - a first name
- rajii - the order of elasmobranch fishes that includes the skate and the sawfish
- Rajin - a first name
- Rajiv - a first name
- Rajko - a first name
- rajma - an Indian bean dish
- Rajni - a first name
- Rakaa - a first name
- rakah - a fixed series of ritual movements in Muslim daily prayers
- rakan - an Asian cape
- raked - searched; combed
- rakee - variant of "raki", a Turkish liqueur
- Rakel - a first name
- raker - a ransacker; a scraper
- rakes - plural of "rake", a garden implement; a roue
- rakhi - a woven Indian bracelet
- rakia - a first name; a Yugoslavian brandy
- Rakin - a first name
- rakis - plural of "raki", a Turkish liqueur
- rakka - a town in Syria
- rakus - plural of "raku", a kind of coarse-grained Japanese pottery
- Raldy - a first name
- Raleb - a first name
- Ralee - a first name
- rales - plural of "rale", an abnormal respiratory sound frequently preceding death
- Raley - a first name
- rally - a first name; to recover; a celebratory party
- Ralna - a first name
- ralph - a first name; a mischievous raven
- ramah - a first name; a biblical place
- ramal - branching; pertaining to a ramus
- raman - a first name; of or related to Rama
- ramas - plural of "Rama", a heroic incarnation of Vishnu
- Ramaz - a first name
- rambo - a first name; per the French, the "bad" American film character, as opposed to the good Jerry Lewis
- ramed - a shipbuilding term, meaning framed on the stocks
- ramee - ramie, an Asiatic plant yielding a rope fiber
- ramen - a kind of noodle
- rames - bones; a skeleton
- ramet - a plant that results from cloning
- ramex - a hernia
- Ramey - a first name
- Ramez - a first name
- ramie - a first name; an Asiatic shrub; a rope fiber; a strong lustrous fabric
- ramil - a first name; a town in Iraq
- ramin - a first name; a Malaysian tree
- ramis - plural of "rami", a plant of the nettle family
- Ramit - a first name
- Ramiz - a first name
- ramla - a first name; a town in Israel
- rammy - strongly scented; randy; having the delicate aroma of a rutting goat
- ramon - a first name; the breadnut
- Ramos - a first name
- Rampa - a first name
- rampe - the cuckoopint
- ramps - plural of "ramp", a slope; a rampion
- Ramsy - a first name
- ramus - a branch; a twig; a barb; part of the connection between the lower and upper jaws
- Ramya - a first name
- Ramza - a first name
- Ramzi - a first name
- Ranae - a first name
- ranal - similar to the family of ranunculaceous plants
- ranas - plural of "rana", a Rajput prince; a genus of frogs
- Ranat - a first name
- rance - a first name; a rocket trough; Belgian marble; a river in France
- ranch - a cattle farm; an unpleasantly overwhelmingly creamy salad dressing
- Ranci - a first name
- ranco - a lake in Chile
- Rancy - a first name
- Randa - a first name
- Rande - a first name
- Randi - a first name
- rands - plural of "rand", a South African coin; a strip of leather; a border
- randy - a first name; lusty
- ranee - a first name; an Indian queen
- Ranen - a first name
- Ranga - a first name
- range - a first name; a gamut; a mountain chain; a cooking stove
- Rangi - a first name
- rangy - long limbed and slender; having highs and lows
- Rania - a first name
- ranid - a kind of frog
- Ranie - a first name
- Ranil - a first name
- ranis - plural of "rani", an Indian queen
- Ranit - a first name
- Ranja - a first name
- Ranji - a first name
- ranke - a jog-trot
- Ranko - a first name
- ranks - plural of "rank", an ordering; a row
- Ranna - a first name
- ranny - a shrew; a poor-quality calf; an emaciated person
- Ranon - a first name
- rants - argues or disputes wildly
- ranty - boisterous; vociferous
- raobs - plural of "raob", a meteorological observation made by radiosonde
- Raouf - a first name
- Raoul - a first name
- rapan - a native of Rapa, a Polynesian island
- raped - sexually assaulted
- rapee - the victim of a rape
- rapel - a river in Chile
- raper - a rapist
- rapes - sexually assaults
- Rapha - a first name
- raphe - an anatomical seam, such as that between the upper lip and nose; a rib; a partition; a dice game
- Raphy - a first name
- rapid - quick, except when used in the phrase "rapid transit system"
- rapin - a devouring animal
- rappe - a coin
- rarau - a town in Romania
- rared - rose up on the hind legs
- raree - a street show; a peep show
- rarer - more rare; one who rares
- rares - rises up on the hind legs
- raron - a town in Switzerland
- rarzo - a red-nosed man
- rasae - part of "tabulae rasae", the plural of "tabula rasa", a "cleaned slate"
- rased - demolished
- raser - one who demolishes
- rases - demolishes; plural of "ras", an Ethiopian prince
- Rasha - a first name
- Rasho - a first name
- rasht - a town in Iran
- rashy - like a rash; covered in rashes
- Rasia - a first name
- Rasim - a first name
- Rasja - a first name
- rason - rhason; a town in North Korea
- raspa - a Mexican dance which includes shuffling and a polka pivot; a Cuban percussion instrument
- rasps - abrades; speaks hoarsely
- raspy - hoarse; rough
- rasse - a small civet
- rasta - a Rastafarian
- rasty - unattractive; harsh-looking
- Rasul - a first name
- Rasya - a first name
- ratal - the amount on which a tax rate is assessed
- ratan - a first name; rattan; a cane
- ratas - plural of "rata", a New Zealand ironwood tree
- ratch - a pawl; a ratchet; a dog
- rateb - a town in Egypt
- rated - valued; ranked; scolded
- ratel - a honey-badger; a unit of weight in Arabia
- rater - an assessor
- rates - scolds; deserves; plural of "rate", a speed; a cost
- ratha - a first name; a car; a chariot
- rathe - early; quick; eager
- Rathi - a first name
- raths - plural of "rath", a prehistoric hill fort; a horse carriage; a creature given to outgrabing, of Charles Dodgson
- Ratih - a first name
- Ratik - a first name
- ratio - a fraction
- Ratip - a first name
- Ratka - a first name
- ratly - like a rat
- Ratna - a first name
- raton - a small rat; a town in New Mexico
- ratoo - a local chief or ruler in Indonesia
- ratos - plural of "RATO", a rocket assisted takeoff (compare JATOS)
- Ratse - a first name
- ratso - drunk
- ratsy - like a rat
- ratta - a bulging bicep
- ratti - ruttee; a unit of weight in India
- ratty - infested with rats; irascible; an affectionate address for one's rat
- Ratul - a first name
- ratus - plural of "ratu", a local chief or ruler in Indonesia
- ratwa - a muntjac
- rauch - a town in Argentina
- Raula - a first name
- rauli - a first name; a large Chilean timber tree
- Raulo - a first name
- rauma - a town in Finland
- rauns - plural of "raun", a mass of eggs carried by a fish
- raupo - a common cattail
- rauti - a town in Romania
- Ravan - a first name
- ravat - a village in Afghanistan
- raved - praised extravagantly; carried on
- Ravee - a first name
- ravel - to entangle; to untwist
- raven - a first name; a black bird, often quothing "Nevermore"
- raver - one who raves
- raves - praises extravagantly; plural of "rave", an ecstatic dance and drug celebration
- Ravia - a first name
- Ravid - a first name
- Ravil - a first name
- ravin - a first name; a raven; a prey; plunder
- Raviv - a first name
- ravne - a town in Slovenia
- Ravon - a first name
- rawah - a town in Iraq
- rawai - an African cape
- Rawan - a first name
- Rawda - a first name
- rawer - more raw
- Rawhi - a first name
- Rawia - a first name
- rawin - a radar wind speed measurement performed by tracking a balloon
- rawly - a first name; unskillfully; unartfully; not cooked
- Rawna - a first name
- rawns - plural of "rawn", a variant of "rowen"
- raxed - stretched out, as on awakening
- raxes - stretches out
- rayah - a first name; a Christian agricultural laborer in the Ottoman society
- rayak - a town in Lebanon
- Rayan - a first name
- rayas - plural of "raya", a Christian agricultural laborer in the Ottoman society
- Raych - a first name
- rayed - shone; arrayed; having rays
- Rayel - a first name
- rayle - rail
- rayls - plural of "rayl", a unit of measurement of specific acoustic resistance
- Rayma - a first name
- Rayna - a first name
- rayne - a first name; to reign
- rayon - an artificial fabric
- Rayya - a first name
- razed - tore down
- razee - to cut down; a ship reduced in height by removing the upper deck
- Razel - a first name
- razer - a demolisher
- razes - tears down
- Razia - a first name
- Razie - a first name
- Raziq - a first name
- Razne - a first name
- razon - an aerial bomb guided by radio
- razoo - a small amount of money
- razor - a sharp cutting instrument; an instrument for removing facial skin and occasional bits of hair
- razzo - the nose
- Razzy - a first name
- Reaad - a first name
- reach - an expanse; a stretch; a scope
- react - to respond to
- readd - to add again
- Reade - a first name
- reads - extracts information visually; peruses
- ready - prepared
- reage - to restore the effects of ageing
- reaim - to aim again
- reair - to air again
- reais - plural of "real", a monetary unit of Brazil
- reaks - plural of "reak", a prank or practical joke
- realm - a kingdom; a domain
- realo - a "realistic" member of the Green Party
- reals - plural of "real", a real number; a monetary unit of Brazil
- reame - a realm
- reams - bores out; plural of "ream", 500 sheets of paper
- reamy - a first name; creamy; frothy
- Reana - a first name
- reans - rines; rones; runes; ditches
- reaps - harvests
- rearm - to arm again
- rears - raises; plural of "rear", the backside
- reask - to ask again
- reast - to dry by smoke; a rally of strokes between two tennis players
- Reasy - a first name
- reata - a riata; a lariat
- reate - a water-crowfoot; the Latin name for Rieti, Italy
- reats - plural of "reat", an offense
- reave - a first name; to bereave; to deprive; to rob
- rebab - an ancient short-necked fiddle with two strings, of Oriental origin
- rebag - to bag again
- Rebah - a first name
- reban - to ban again
- rebar - a steel reinforcing bar used in concrete; to bar again
- rebat - to bat again
- Rebaz - a first name
- Rebba - a first name
- rebbe - a rabbi; a Jewish religious teacher
- rebec - a rebeck; a medieval Moorish fiddle with three or four strings
- rebed - to put to bed again; to replace in a bed
- rebee - to replace bees
- rebeg - to beg again
- rebel - a first name; to oppose; to rise up against
- rebet - to bet again
- rebia - a coin
- rebid - to bid again
- rebin - to bin again
- rebis - an Algerian unit of measurement
- rebit - bit again
- rebob - to bob, or cut short, again
- rebop - a first name; a kind of music
- rebox - to box again
- rebra - to repace a bra; to replace into a bra
- rebud - to bud again
- rebug - to bug again
- rebun - to form back into a bun
- rebus - a puzzle in which pictures stand for words or syllables
- rebut - to argue against
- rebuy - to buy again
- recal - recall
- recam - to change the cams
- recan - to can again
- recap - to recapitulate
- recar - to repack into cars again
- recce - reconnaisance; to reconnoiter
- recco - reconnaisance; to reconnoiter
- reccy - reconnaisance; to reconnoiter
- recif - a reef or bar
- recit - a narrative in a book
- recks - is concerned about
- recog - to supply with cogs again
- recon - reconnaissance
- recta - plural of "rectum", the terminal part of the intestine
- recti - plural of "rectus", any of several straight muscles
- recto - the front (right, odd-numbered) side of a page in a book
- recup - to put back into a cup; to add cups to; to reform into a cup
- recur - to happen again
- recut - to cut again
- redan - an earthwork; a redoubt
- reddi - a Munda-speaking agricultural people of central India
- redds - puts in order; plural of "redd", a salmon spawning pit
- reded - advised
- redes - advises
- redge - gold; money
- Redha - a first name
- redia - a flatworm larva
- redid - did again
- redie - to die again
- redif - a reserve force in the Turkish army
- redig - to dig again
- redin - a mysterious prehistoric people thought to have populated the Maldives
- redip - to dip again
- redly - a first name; blushingly; of a red color
- redos - plural of "redo", a thing that is done again
- redot - to dot again
- redox - acronym: "REDuction OXidation", a kind of chemical reaction
- redry - to dry again
- redub - to dub again; to name again
- redue - due again
- redug - dug again
- redux - a reappearance; a return
- redye - to dye again
- Reeba - a first name
- Reece - a first name
- reech - to reek
- Reeda - a first name
- reede - a reed
- reeds - plural of "reed", a swamp plant; a musical implement; a unit of measurement of 6 cubits
- reedy - a first name; filled with reeds; a thin tone
- reefs - reduces sail area; plural of "reef", an underwater ridge of rock or coral
- reefy - full of rocks
- reeks - gives off a disgusting smell
- reeky - smoky; vaporous
- reels - staggers; plural of "reel", a spool; a dance
- Reema - a first name
- reems - plural of "reem", the unicorn of the Bible
- Reena - a first name
- reens - plural of "reen", a variant of "rhine"
- Reeny - a first name
- reepo - a repossesion man
- Reese - a first name
- reesk - rank grass; a waste land
- reest - to resist; to arrest; to smoke or cure meat
- Reeta - a first name
- reeth - a town in England
- Reeva - a first name
- reeve - a first name; a steward
- refab - to fabricate again
- refan - to fan again
- refar - to repeat; to go over again
- refat - a first name; to make fat again
- refax - to fax again
- refed - fed again
- refel - to refute; to reject
- refer - to submit; to advert
- Refet - a first name
- refez - to restore a fez
- reffo - a refugee, particularly from the Nazis
- refib - to tell a fib again
- refin - to supply with fins again
- refir - to supply with firs again
- refit - to fit again; to repair
- refix - to fix again
- refly - to fly again
- Refna - a first name
- refog - to fog again
- refry - to fry again
- refts - plural of "reft", a chink or rift
- refur - to supply with fur again
- refut - refuge
- regag - to apply a gag again
- Regai - a first name
- regal - royal; a portable reed organ
- regan - a first name; the younger wicked daughter in "King Lear"
- regap - reset the gap in sparkplugs
- regar - regur, rich black cotton soil
- regas - to refill with gas
- regay - a town in Afghanistan
- regel - to gel again
- regem - to supply with gems again
- regen - a first name; to regenerate
- reges - plural of "rex", a king
- reget - to regain
- regex - a "regular expression", a computer science term for a pattern
- regga - a Bantu-speaking people
- Reggi - a first name
- reggo - automobile registration
- Reggy - a first name
- Regia - a first name
- regie - a governmental monopoly
- Regin - a first name
- Regis - a first name
- regle - a groove for a sliding door
- regma - any fruit of 3 or more carpels that separate from the axis at maturity
- regna - plural of "regnum"
- regne - reign
- regos - plural of "rego", a car registration
- regot - got back
- regum - to apply gum again
- regur - a rich black loam of India
- rehab - rehabilitation
- rehad - had again
- rehat - to supply with hats again; to modify the insignia of a military force
- rehem - to hem again
- rehew - to hew again
- rehid - to hide again
- rehip - to perform a tilling operation on a field
- rehit - to hit again
- Rehna - a first name
- rehoe - to hoe again
- rehop - to hop again
- rehti - a town in India
- rehub - to devise a new hub; to change hubs
- rehue - to add color, or change the color of something
- rehug - to hug again
- rehum - a first name; to hum again
- reice - a first name; to ice again
- reich - an empire
- Reida - a first name
- Reide - a first name
- reidh - a British cape
- Reies - a first name
- reifs - plural of "reif", a robbery
- reify - to materialize; to objectify
- reign - to rule
- Reijo - a first name
- reiki - a Japanese spa treatment
- Reiko - a first name
- reiks - reaks
- reims - a French cathedral city; plural of "reim", a leather rope
- reina - a first name; a California rockfish
- Reine - a first name
- reink - to ink again
- Reino - a first name
- reins - restrains; the kidneys
- Reiny - a first name
- reird - an uproar
- reist - to baulk; to arrest
- reits - plural of "reit", a sedge or seaweed
- reive - to ravage; to reave
- rejet - to jet again
- rejig - to rejigger; to adjust; to modify
- rejon - a lance with a wooden handle used in bullfighting
- reked - recked
- rekes - recks
- rekey - to key again, as when an untrustworthy tenant leaves an apartment
- Rekha - a first name
- rekne - to reckon
- relag - to lag again
- relap - to pass someone yet again on a circular track
- relax - to abate; to slacken
- relay - to lay again; to pass along
- reled - led again
- releg - to restore legs
- relet - to lease again
- relex - reverse lexicographic orderc
- relic - a memento; a souvenir
- relid - to place a lid on something again
- relie - to assemble; to collect together; to lie again
- relik - a relic
- relip - to reform the lips
- relit - lit again
- Relja - a first name
- rello - a relative
- relob - to lob again
- relog - to log again
- relop - to lop again
- relot - to redivide into lots
- relug - to lug again
- Remah - a first name
- reman - to get a fresh crew
- remap - to map again
- remar - a first name; to mar again
- remat - to mat again
- Remee - a first name
- remen - an Egyptian measure, a royal cubit divided by the square root of 2
- remes - plural of "reme", a realm
- remet - met again
- remex - a flight feather
- Remie - a first name
- remit - to replace; to diminish; to release; to pay
- remix - to mix again; a bird feather
- Remmy - a first name
- remob - to mob again; to remobilize
- remop - to mop again
- remow - to mow again
- remud - to reapply plaster or joint compound
- remue - to remove
- remug - to restore to a mug; to resupply with mugs
- remus - a first name; the twin of Romulus
- Remzi - a first name
- renab - to nab again
- Renae - a first name
- renag - to nag again
- renal - of the kidneys
- Renan - a first name
- renap - to restore or replace the nap of a fabric
- Renat - a first name
- renay - a first name; to renounce
- renca - a town in Chile
- rends - tears apart
- Rendy - a first name
- rened - a variant of "reined"
- Renee - a first name
- reneg - to renege
- renes - the kidneys
- renet - to net again
- renew - to make new again; to extend the life of something
- reney - a first name; to renounce
- renga - a series of linked poems, beginning with a hokku
- rengo - a town in Chile
- rengs - plural of "reng", a rung, a rank, a row
- Renia - a first name
- renib - to replace the nib
- Renie - a first name
- renig - to renege
- renin - an enzyme produced by the kidney in response to stress
- renip - to nip again
- renix - to deny something again
- Renke - a first name
- Renna - a first name
- renne - a first name; to run
- Renny - a first name
- renod - to nod again
- Renos - a first name
- rente - a government pension
- rents - tears; leases
- Renzo - a first name
- reoil - to oil again
- reorg - a reorganization
- reown - to reassert ownership
- repad - to pad again
- repan - to pan again
- repat - to repatriate; a repatriate
- repaw - to paw again
- repay - to pay back; to pay again
- repeg - to place on a peg again; to fix a currency that was floating
- repel - to push away
- repen - to put into a pen again
- repet - to repeat
- repew - to place into a pew again
- repin - to pin again
- repit - to pit again
- repla - plural of "replum", a plant part
- reply - to answer
- repod - to place into a pod again
- repop - to pop again
- repos - plural of "repo", a repossessed item
- repot - to pot again; to transplant
- repps - plural of "repp", a cross-ribbed fabric
- repro - to reproduce
- rerag - to supply again with rags; to tease again
- reran - ran again
- rerat - to betray again (used by Winston Churchill)
- reree - a catail
- reref - to reassign referees; to change a reference
- rereg - reregulation, that is, to restore regulation that had been lifted
- rerep - to change one's representative
- rerib - to provide with new ribs; to tease again
- rerid - to rid again
- rerig - to rig again
- rerim - to put new rims on a tire
- rerip - to rip again
- rerob - to rob again
- rerod - a reinforcing rod, a construction material
- rerot - to rot again
- rerow - to row again, as in a rowing competition
- rerub - to rub again
- rerug - to replace rugs
- rerun - to run again
- rerut - to cause ruts again
- Resad - a first name
- resag - to sag again
- resai - rezai
- resat - sat again
- resaw - saw again
- resay - to say again
- resee - to see again
- reses - shakes; trembles
- reset - to set again
- resew - to sew again
- resex - to sex again
- resid - a type of fuel oil
- resin - a sticky plant sap
- resip - to sip again
- resit - to sit again
- resko - a town in Poland
- resod - to sod again
- resow - to sow again
- resps - plural of "resp", a respiration; a disease of sheep
- resta - a town in Sweden
- resto - a restaurant; a restored car, often used as a hot rod
- rests - relaxes; ceases work
- Restu - a first name
- resty - indolent; restive
- resue - to sue again
- resup - to sup again
- retab - to tabulate again; to reassign TAB positions
- retag - to tag again
- retan - to tan again
- retap - to tap again
- retar - to tar again
- retax - to tax again
- retch - to vomit; to reach
- retee - to tee again
- retem - a desert shrub
- retes - plural of "rete", a plexus; a network of vessels
- retet - to again subdivide a volume into tetrahedrons
- retex - to annul
- Retha - a first name
- retia - plural of "rete", an anatomical mesh
- retie - to tie again
- retin - to cover with tin again
- retip - to tip again; to change the tip; to rearm a missile
- Retno - a first name
- retog - to reclothe
- retop - to top again
- retow - to tow again
- retox - to retoxify something (perhaps oneself, perhaps with alcohol)
- retro - referring to the past; pointing backwards
- retry - to try again
- Retta - a first name
- rette - a cigarette
- retti - a unit of weight in India
- retub - to replace into a tub
- Reuel - a first name
- reule - rule
- reume - realm
- reune - to hold a reunion
- reups - signs up again; enlists again
- reuse - to use again
- reuss - a river in Switzerland
- reval - a Baltic seaport
- revar - river
- revel - to feast; to carouse; another name for Reval
- rever - revers
- reves - plural of "reve", a dream; a reverie
- revet - a revetment; to face with stone
- Revia - a first name
- revie - to outdo; to bandy words
- revue - a variety entertainment
- revvs - steps up the revolutions
- rewad - to wad again
- rewan - a town in Iraq
- rewax - to wax again
- rewed - to wed again; rued
- rewer - a ruer
- rewes - rues
- rewet - a part of a wheel-lock; to wet again
- rewig - to replace a wig
- rewin - to win again
- rewle - rule
- rewme - realm
- rewon - won again
- rewth - ruth
- Rexan - a first name
- rexes - plural of "rex", an animal with a single layer of wavy hair
- Reyba - a first name
- Reyde - a first name
- reyes - a first name; a North American cape; a town in Bolivia
- Reyna - a first name
- Reyne - a first name
- reyns - plural of "reyn", a measurement of poundals per square foot
- reyse - to go on a military expedition; to raise
- rezai - a cotton-filled coverlet
- Rezin - a first name
- Rezso - a first name
- rhamn - a bramble
- Rhawn - a first name
- rheae - a suborder of the Rheidae family
- Rheah - a first name
- rheas - plural of "rhea", a flightless bird
- Rheba - a first name
- rheem - part of Moraga
- rheic - of rhubarb
- rhein - chrysophanic acid; a German river
- rheme - a part of a sentence that conveys new information
- Rheta - a first name
- Rhett - a first name
- rheum - rhubarb; a watery discharge from the mucous membranes; a genus of Asian herbs
- Rhian - a first name
- rhime - rhyme
- rhina - squatina; an angel fish
- rhine - a German river; a rine; a ditch
- rhino - a rhinoceros; money; acronym: "Really Here In Name Only" (of a student)
- Rhoan - a first name
- Rhoda - a first name
- rhode - a first name; an island; one's best friend
- rhodo - a rhododendron
- rhody - a first name; a nickname for the state of Rhode Island; a rhododendron
- rhoeo - an oyster plant
- rhoid - a bothersome person (from "hemorrhoid")
- rhomb - a rhombohedron, an equilateral parallelogram
- rhoms - plural of "rhom", a parallelogram brick
- Rhona - a first name
- rhone - a French river; an eaves gutter; a rone
- rhumb - a loxodromic curve; a point of the compass
- Rhyan - a first name
- rhyme - to sound similar
- rhymy - containing many rhymes
- rhyne - a first name; Russian hemp
- rhyta - ancient Greek drinking horns
- riach - hair (from backslang)
- Riadh - a first name
- rials - plural of "rial", a monetary unit of Iran
- Riana - a first name
- Riane - a first name
- Riann - a first name
- riant - laughing
- riata - a lariat; a lasso
- Riayn - a first name
- riban - ribbon
- ribat - an Islamic monastery
- ribby - containing prominent ribs; a baseball slang term for "run batted in"
- ribes - the currant genus
- ribit - an imitation of the sound of a frog
- ribky - a Russian town that Napoleon passed through
- rican - part of the phrase "Puerto Rican" or "Costa Rican"
- Ricca - a first name
- Ricci - a first name
- Ricco - a first name
- Riccy - a first name
- riced - processed through a ricer
- ricer - a rice processor; an implement for ricing potatoes
- rices - plural of "rice", a grain
- ricey - containing rice; tasting of rice
- Richa - a first name
- riche - a North American cape; rich, as in "nouveau riche"
- Richi - a first name
- richt - right
- Richy - a first name
- ricin - a toxic protein from the bean of the castor-oil plant
- Ricka - a first name
- Ricke - a first name
- Ricki - a first name
- ricks - a first name; plural of "rick", a haystack
- Ricky - a first name
- Ricou - a first name
- Ricsi - a first name
- Riczi - a first name
- Ridar - a first name
- riden - a variant past perfect of "ride"
- rider - a first name; one who rides; an addition to a bill or contract
- rides - travels upon a conveyance
- ridge - a first name; an edge; a crest
- ridgy - a first name; furrowed
- Ridha - a first name
- ridic - ridiculous
- Ridly - a first name
- Rieca - a first name
- riefs - plural of "rief", a robbery
- Rieka - a first name
- Rieko - a first name
- riels - plural of "riel", a monetary unit of Cambodia
- riems - plural of "riem", a leather strap
- Rienk - a first name
- riesa - a first name; a town in Germany
- Riess - a first name
- Rieta - a first name
- rieti - a town in Italy, site of a famous battle
- rieve - reave
- Rifai - a first name
- Rifat - a first name
- rifer - more abundant
- riffi - the Berbers who inhabit the Rif mountains of northern Morocco, or their language
- riffs - riffles; plural of "riff", a showy piece of guitar work
- Rifha - a first name
- Rifka - a first name
- Rifki - a first name
- rifle - a long bore gun with a rifled barrel; to ransack
- rifte - a past tense of "rive
- rifts - plural of "rift", a cleft
- rifty - containing many rifts
- rigas - plural of "riga", a deal, a kind of balsam
- rigby - a first name; a town in Idaho
- rigel - a first name; a star
- riggs - plural of "rigg", the dogfish
- right - correct; the direction opposite to left; an inalienable privilege
- rigid - stiff; unyielding
- rigil - a star
- rigmo - rigor mortis
- rigol - a diadem; a crown; a circle
- rigor - stiffness; preciseness
- Rihab - a first name
- Rihat - a first name
- Rikia - a first name
- rikka - a first name; an early form of Japanese flower arranging
- Rikki - a first name
- Rikky - a first name
- riled - stirred up
- riles - stirs up
- Riley - a first name
- Rilie - a first name
- Rilla - a first name
- rille - a lunar valley
- rills - plural of "rill", a small brook
- rilly - containing many brooks
- Rilya - a first name
- Rilye - a first name
- rimac - a river in Peru that goes through Lima
- rimae - plural of "rima", a long narrow aperture or cleft
- rimal - referring to the passage in the glottis between the true vocal cords
- rimas - breadfruit; plural of "rima", a wood nymph
- Rimaz - a first name
- rimed - frosted
- rimer - an enlarged tool
- rimes - plural of "rime", a rhyme; hoar frost
- rimey - to write verse in rhyme; covered in hoar frost
- Rimma - a first name
- rimpi - a village in Finland
- rimus - plural of "rimu", the imou pine
- Rinaa - a first name
- Rinah - a first name
- Rinat - a first name
- rinca - an Indonesian island
- rince - a drink
- Rinde - a first name
- rinds - plural of "rind", a peel; a husk
- rindy - a first name; containing many rinds, pieces of rinds, or a thick rind
- rined - having a rind
- rines - plural of "rine", a rind; a rone; a rune; a watercourse
- ringe - a first name; a heather whisk
- ringo - a first name; a treat (?) made from sea holly
- rings - sounds a bell; plural of "ring", a circlet; an item of finger jewelry
- ringy - resembling a ring
- Rinko - a first name
- rinks - plural of "rink", a skating arena
- Rinku - a first name
- rinky - used in the phrase "rinky dink", meaning little, cheap, worthless
- Rinna - a first name
- Rinne - a first name
- rinse - to clean; to wash quickly with water
- Rinus - a first name
- rioja - a town in Spain; a town in Peru; a red Spanish wine
- Riona - a first name
- rioni - a river in the republic of Georgia
- riots - plural of "riot", a melee; an uprising
- Ripal - a first name
- riped - ripened
- ripen - to mature
- riper - more mature
- ripes - ripens
- ripey - indicative of ripeness
- Riply - a first name
- ripon - a spur; a town in Wisconsin; an English town
- ripps - plural of "ripp", a handful
- rippy - excellent; exciting
- Ripsi - a first name
- Riqua - a first name
- Riqui - a first name
- risan - a town in Montenegro
- risen - ascended; awakened
- riser - a rebel; someone getting up from sleep; a stair-board
- rises - ascends
- Risha - a first name
- rishi - a first name; a poet; a Vedic seer
- Riska - a first name
- risks - plural of "risk", a danger
- risky - dangerous; uncertain
- Risly - a first name
- rison - a town in Arkansas
- risor - a town in Norway
- risps - rasps; grates; plural of "risp", a notched bar
- rissa - a first name; the kittiwake genus
- Risto - a first name
- risus - a grin, often in an unpleasantly medical context
- Ritch - a first name
- rited - initiated; having passed through a ritual
- rites - plural of "rite", a ritual
- Ritha - a first name
- rithe - a small stream
- Rithy - a first name
- ritmo - in musical notation, "rhythm"
- Ritsa - a first name
- Ritsi - a first name
- Ritsy - a first name
- Ritta - a first name
- Ritti - a first name
- ritts - scores; scratches
- ritzy - fancy; ostentatious
- riura - a town in Kenya
- Rivah - a first name
- rival - a competitor
- rivas - plural of "riva", a rift, a cleft
- Rivca - a first name
- rived - tore apart; referring to wood that was split, not sawn
- rivel - to wrinkle; to shrivel
- riven - rent; split
- river - a first name; a stream; a torrent; one who tears apart
- rives - a first name; tears apart
- rivet - a metal fastener
- rivie - a Buick Riviera
- Rivka - a first name
- rivne - a city in Ukraine
- rivos - plural of "rivo", a drinking cry
- Rivvy - a first name
- rixle - to rule
- Riyad - a first name
- riyal - a Sudanese coin
- Riyaz - a first name
- Rizal - a first name
- rizas - plural of "riza", a overlay for an icon
- rizom - a head of corn or oats
- Rizus - a first name
- Rizza - a first name
- roach - an immortal ubiquitous insect; a marijuana cigarette
- roads - plural of "road", a path; a street
- roady - an assistant to a traveling band or show; travel-worn
- roaky - hazy, nebulous
- Roald - a first name
- roams - wanders
- Roana - a first name
- Roann - a first name
- roans - plural of "roan", a horse with white spots
- Roark - a first name
- roars - bellows
- roart - any kind of trick or deception
- roary - a first name; noisy; dewy
- roast - to cook over a high flame
- roate - rote
- Robbi - a first name
- robbo - a horse and trap; a cab
- Robby - a first name
- robed - attired
- Robee - a first name
- Roben - a first name
- rober - a first name; one who helps another to put on formal robes
- robes - plural of "robe", a long loose outer garment
- robey - a first name; like a robe
- Robhy - a first name
- Robie - a first name
- robin - a first name; a bird
- roble - a Californian white oak
- robot - a mechanical humanoid
- robug - a remotely controlled climbing machine with suckers on the end of legs
- robur - an English oak; the best of anything
- robyn - a first name; a robin
- rocca - a fortress; one of the Canary Islands
- Rocco - a first name
- rocha - a town in Uruquay
- roche - a first name; any of various rocks or geological strata; the drug Rohypnol
- Rocio - a first name
- rocks - shakes; lulls; plural of "rock", a stone
- rocky - a first name; unsteady; stony
- rocoa - the orange pulp covering the seeds of the plant from which annotto is made
- rocta - a medieval violin
- Rodas - a first name
- rodby - a town in Denmark
- rodda - a Cadillac
- rodds - plural of "rodd", a crossbow for shooting stones
- roddy - a first name; full of rods; ruddy
- roded - performed a regular evening flight
- rodel - a first name; a town in the Outer Hebrides
- roden - a town in the Netherlands; a British river
- rodeo - a cowboy festival
- rodes - plural of "rode", a cable, chain or rope attached to the anchor of a small boat
- rodey - a first name; a rodeo rider
- rodez - a town in southern France
- rodge - a first name; a gray duck
- Rodgy - a first name
- Rodie - a first name
- rodna - a town in Romania
- roers - plural of "roer", a heavy long-barreled elephant gun
- rogan - a first name; as in "rogan josh", a kind of stew; a bowl
- Rogda - a first name
- roger - a first name; to have sexual intercourse; yes
- rogue - a rascal
- roguy - roguish
- rohan - a first name; redwood mahogany
- Rohin - a first name
- Rohit - a first name
- rohob - an inspissated juice
- rohri - a town in northern India
- rohun - an East Indian tree
- rohus - plural of "rohu", a small mouthed Indian cyprinid fish
- roial - a variant of "royal"
- Roice - a first name
- roids - plural of "roid", a hemorrhoid
- roils - stirs up
- roily - muddy
- roins - roynes, whispers, mutters
- roint - aroint
- roist - to bluster
- rojas - a town in Argentina
- Rojay - a first name
- rojis - plural of "roji", a form of Japanese garden design
- roked - reeked; smoked
- rokee - parched Indian corn
- roker - the thornback ray; a marijuana smoker
- rokes - reeks; smokes; mists
- rokey - reeking; smoky; misty
- rokha - a town in Afghanistan
- rokko - an Asian cape
- rolag - a roll of combed sheep's wool ready for spinning
- Rolah - a first name
- Rolan - a first name
- Roldy - a first name
- Rolek - a first name
- roleo - a log-rolling tournament
- roles - plural of "role", a part in a play
- Roley - a first name
- Rolfe - a first name
- Rolin - a first name
- rolla - a first name; a town in Missouri
- Rolle - a first name
- Rollo - a first name
- rolls - turns over; plural of "roll", a bun
- rolly - a first name; a suitcase with wheels
- Rolon - a first name
- Rolph - a first name
- romal - a handkerchief or headcloth; a silk or cotton fabric; a whip made from a horse's reins
- roman - a first name; a native of Rome; a British river
- romas - a first name; plural of "Roma", a gypsy
- Romel - a first name
- Romen - a first name
- romeo - a first name; a lover
- romic - a phonetic notation
- Romie - a first name
- Romke - a first name
- romny - a town in Ukraine
- romos - plural of "romo", a romantic pop musician
- romps - plays unconstrainedly
- rompu - a heraldic fracture
- rompy - rampageous
- Ronak - a first name
- Ronal - a first name
- Ronan - a first name
- Ronat - a first name
- ronay - a British island
- ronco - any grunt of the genus Haemulon
- ronda - a first name; a city in Spain
- ronde - a first name; a round-hand type; a whole note
- Rondi - a first name
- rondo - a kind of music in several strains, with a recurring theme
- Rondy - a first name
- Ronee - a first name
- Ronel - a first name
- Ronen - a first name
- roneo - to mimeograph
- rones - plural of "rone", a rine; a rune; a rean; a gutter
- ronga - a Bantu people of southern Mozambique
- ronge - a lake in North America
- rongs - plural of "rong", variant of "rung", a step on a ladder
- Ronia - a first name
- Ronie - a first name
- ronin - a Japanese outcast
- Ronit - a first name
- ronkh - a town in Senegal
- ronks - stinks
- Ronli - a first name
- Ronna - a first name
- ronne - a first name; to run
- Ronni - a first name
- Ronny - a first name
- ronse - a town in Belgium
- Ronsy - a first name
- ronte - a first name; a runt
- ronts - plural of "ront", a runt
- Ronya - a first name
- roods - plural of "rood", a crucifix; 1/4 of an acre
- roody - a first name; coarse; luxuriant
- roofs - plural of "roof", the upper covering of a building
- roofy - having roofs, like a roof; a knockout drug
- rooks - cheats; plural of "rook", a chess piece; a bird
- rooky - inhabited by rooks
- rools - ruffles; raggles
- rooms - plural of "room", a space; an apartment
- roomy - spacious
- Roone - a first name
- roons - plural of "roon", a rim, a border
- Roopa - a first name
- roops - roars
- roopy - hoarse; roupy
- roosa - an Indian grass
- roose - to extol or praise
- roost - to perch
- rooti - bread
- roots - plural of "root", an underground plant tendril
- rooty - radical; abounding in roots; sexually aroused; bread
- roove - rove
- ropar - a town in India
- roped - tied; lashed
- roper - a first name; one who ropes
- ropes - plural of "rope", a line of twisted fiber
- ropey - like rope; difficult; tricky; confusing; second-rate
- roque - a first name; a modified form of croquet that actually requires skill
- roral - dewy; roscid
- rores - roars
- Rorey - a first name
- roric - moist with dew
- rorid - dewy
- rorie - a first name; roary
- Rorke - a first name
- roros - a town in Norway
- Rorry - a first name
- rorts - plural of "rort", a loud party
- rorty - exuberant; fine and jolly
- rosal - rosy; a town in Colombia
- Rosan - a first name
- rosas - a coastal town in Spain
- Rosby - a first name
- Rosco - a first name
- rosed - made the color of a rose
- rosel - a first name; a resin
- rosen - consisting of roses; rosy
- roser - a rosier; a rose bush
- roses - plural of "rose", a flower
- roset - a red color; a rosin
- rosey - a first name; a town in Switzerland
- roshi - a Zen master
- Rosie - a first name
- rosin - a block of resin applied to the strings of a musical instrument
- Rosio - a first name
- rosit - rosin
- Rosle - a first name
- Rosli - a first name
- Rosse - a first name
- Rossi - a first name
- rosso - a town in Mauritania
- Rossy - a first name
- rosts - rousts
- rotal - according to the roster
- rotan - rattan; any kind of wheeled vehicle, especially a cart
- rotas - plural of "rota", a roster
- rotch - a seabird, the dovekite
- roted - fixed by rote
- Rotem - a first name
- rotes - plural of "rote", a routine
- rotge - the rotch
- rotic - romantic
- rotis - plural of "roti", a loaf of unleavened bread
- rotls - plural of "rotl", a unit of weight in Muslim countries
- rotor - a spinning part
- rotos - plural of "roto", a rotogravure section of a newspaper
- rotse - lozi
- rotta - rote; a medieval plucked string instrument like a lyre
- rotte - a stringed instrument of the middle ages
- rotto - drunk; bad liquor
- rotts - plural of "rott", short for "Rottweiler"
- rouad - another name for Arwad
- Rouda - a first name
- rouen - a French city
- roues - plural of "roue", a rake
- rouet - a small wheel fixed to the pan of firelocks
- rouge - face powder
- rough - unfinished
- rougy - covered with rouge
- rouks - reeks; smokes
- rouky - foggy
- Roula - a first name
- roule - a kind of cheese; to roll
- rouls - rolls
- roums - plural of "roum", a room; a deep blue dye
- round - circular
- rouns - whispers
- roups - plural of "roup", an auction
- roupy - hoarse; making that disgusting phlegm-harvesting sound
- roura - a town in French Guiana
- Roury - a first name
- rouse - to waken; to carouse
- roust - to rouse; to stir up
- rousy - noisy
- route - a path
- routh - plentiful; an abundance
- routs - drives away
- routt - a county in Colorado
- Rouza - a first name
- roved - wandered
- roven - fastened by tying around something
- rover - a first name; one who roves
- roves - wanders
- rovey - roving; wandering
- rovno - a town in Ukraine
- rowan - a first name; the mountain ash
- Rowdi - a first name
- rowdy - a first name; unruly
- Rowea - a first name
- rowed - propelled via oars; argued
- rowel - the wheel of a spur; to insert a leather circle with a hole in the center into a wound, for draining
- rowen - a first name; a second hay crop
- rower - one who rows
- rowet - aftermath
- Rowly - a first name
- rowme - a room
- rownd - round
- rowns - whispers
- rowse - to haul in slack
- rowte - to roar or bellow
- rowth - an abundance
- rowts - variant of "rowtes", roars or bellows
- roxas - a town in the Philippines
- Roxcy - a first name
- Roxey - a first name
- roxie - a first name; a town in Mississippi
- roxle - to grunt
- royal - a first name; kingly; regal
- Royce - a first name
- royet - unruly; wild
- royle - to rile; to salt fish
- royne - to bite; to gnaw
- royst - to roist
- rozet - rosin
- rozis - plural of "rozi", a Lozi, a Bantu people
- rozit - rosin
- Rozsa - a first name
- Rozsi - a first name
- rozwi - a Lozi, a Bantu people
- Rozzi - a first name
- Rozzy - a first name
- ruade - a preparatory movement for a parallel turn in skiing
- ruala - rwala
- ruana - a first name; a woolen covering resembling a poncho
- Ruari - a first name
- Ruark - a first name
- rubai - a quatrain, as in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
- rubbs - plural of "rubb", a Greenland seal or sea dog
- rubby - a public house
- Rubee - a first name
- Rubem - a first name
- Ruben - a first name
- rubes - plural of "rube", a hick
- Rubey - a first name
- rubha - a cape
- rubia - a first name; the madder genus
- rubic - a town in Albania
- Rubie - a first name
- rubin - a first name; a ruby
- rubio - a town in Venezuela
- ruble - a monetary unit of Russia
- rubor - redness of the skin
- rubus - the bramble genus
- Rubye - a first name
- rucar - a town in Romania
- ruche - a folded or gathered piece of fabric used as a trimming in clothes
- Ruchi - a first name
- rucks - plural of "ruck", a wrinkle; a racehorse that falls behind; a brawl; a rucksack
- rucky - wrinkly
- rucus - a ruckus; a commotion
- rudas - a hag; a virago; bedlam
- Ruddi - a first name
- rudds - plural of "rudd", a carp-like freshwater fish
- ruddy - a first name; reddish
- Rudee - a first name
- Rudek - a first name
- ruden - a German island in the Baltic Sea
- ruder - more rude
- rudes - plural of "rude", a rude boy
- Rudey - a first name
- rudge - a partridge; a coarse cloth
- rudie - a first name; a sex act; a gang member; a young agressive Jamaican male
- Rudin - a first name
- rudna - a town in Romania; a town in Poland; a town in Latvia
- rudow - a suburb of Berlin, Germany
- rudra - a first name; the Vedic god of storms
- ruely - ruefully
- ruers - plural of "ruer", one who rues
- ruffe - a ruff; a fresh-water perch
- ruffs - trumps; plural of "ruff", a collar
- Rufin - a first name
- rufus - a first name; reddish
- rugae - plural of "ruga", an anatomical fold
- rugal - ridged; folded
- rugby - a first name; a style of football; a town, and a public school in England
- rugen - a German island
- ruggy - rugged, rough; like a rug; fusty
- rugin - a nappy cloth
- Ruhal - a first name
- ruihi - a language
- ruili - a town in China near the border with Burma
- ruing - regretting
- ruins - destroys; remnants
- rukhs - plural of "rukh", a jungle
- rukum - a town in Nepal
- rukwa - a lake in Africa
- Rulan - a first name
- ruled - governed; judged; decided; lined
- ruler - a governor; a measuring stick
- rules - governs; plural of "rule", a regulation
- ruley - a slang term meaning "excellent"
- Rulon - a first name
- rumal - a romal; a shawl
- ruman - Romanian
- rumba - a Cuban dance in 2/4 time
- rumbo - a rum punch
- rumen - a first name; the stomach of a ruminant
- Rumer - a first name
- rumes - plural of "rume", a rheum
- rumex - a genus of herbs and shrubs that includes sorrel
- rumly - strangely
- rummy - odd; a card game; a drunkard
- rumoi - a town in Japan
- rumor - an item of gossip
- rumpf - core
- rumpo - sex
- rumps - plural of "rump", butt
- rumpy - like a rump; involving the rump; a Manx cat with no tail whatsoever, (there's rumpy, bumpy, and stumpy ones!)
- runby - the overhead clearance between the elevator frame and the car
- runch - crunch; the wild charlock
- runcy - a woman of bad manners and doubtful character
- rundi - a Bantu people of Urundi
- runds - plural of "rund", roon
- runed - inscribed with runes
- runer - a bard
- runes - plural of "rune", a Norse glyph
- runey - like runes; covered in runes
- Rungi - a first name
- rungs - plural of "rung", a step on a ladder
- rungu - a language; a traditional Kenyan wooden club
- runic - written in runes
- runns - plural of "runn", a low lying area
- runny - semi-liquid
- runon - run together; of a sentence with two poorly connected parts
- runts - plural of "runt", a small or undernourished individual; the last of a litter
- runty - small; poorly nourished
- runup - the time before an event
- runza - a Nebraska delicacy of oblong pastry with beef, cabbage and onions
- ruote - pasta formed into a wheel shape
- rupar - a town in northern India
- rupee - a monetary unit of India
- rupel - a river in Belgium
- rupia - a ulcerative skin disease occurring in tertiary syphilis
- rupie - the currency of German East Africa
- Ruppa - a first name
- rupps - plural of "rupp", a road that is a public right of way, acronym: "Road Used as Public Path")
- rural - of the country
- Rurik - a first name
- rurps - plural of "rurp", a very small hook-like piton
- rurus - plural of "ruru", mopoke
- rusas - plural of "rusa", an Indian grass; an Indian deer
- ruses - plural of "ruse", a ploy
- Rusha - a first name
- Rushi - a first name
- rushy - a first name; full of rushes; rushing
- rusin - a Carpatho-Rusyn
- rusks - plural of "rusk", a sweet biscuit
- rusky - a rude straw basket; a Russian
- rusma - rhusma; a depilatory of orpiment and quicklime
- Rusol - a first name
- rusot - a wood or shrub extract mixed with opium and applied to infected eyelids
- russe - Russian, as in "charlotte russe"
- russo - Russian, as in "Russo-Japanese war"
- Rusti - a first name
- rusts - oxidates; plural of "rust", a grain disease
- rusty - a first name; oxidating; unpracticed
- rusyn - a Carpatho-Rusyn; the Ruthenian language
- rutab - one of four stages of ripening
- rutal - derived from rue
- rutan - a town in Pennsylvania
- rutba - a town in Iraq
- rutch - to move with a crunching or shuffling noise
- Rutha - a first name
- Ruthe - a first name
- Ruthi - a first name
- ruths - plural of "ruth", compassion; pity
- Ruthy - a first name
- rutic - derived from rue
- rutin - a chemical compound
- Rutka - a first name
- rutog - a town in Tibet
- rutty - uneven, full of ruts
- rutul - a Caucausian language
- rutyl - a term in chemistry
- Ruven - a first name
- ruvid - rough
- Ruvim - a first name
- ruwer - a small tributary of the Mosel river, and host to a number of vineyards
- Ruzha - a first name
- Ruzia - a first name
- Ruzsa - a first name
- Ruzya - a first name
- rwala - a member of a powerful Arabian people supposed to be descended from Abraham
- Ryaad - a first name
- Ryale - a first name
- ryals - plural of "ryal", a variant of "rial"
- Ryana - a first name
- Ryane - a first name
- Ryann - a first name
- rybat - a dressed stone at the side of a door
- Rycca - a first name
- rydem - the buttocks
- ryder - a first name; an old gold coin of the Netherlands
- Ryfka - a first name
- rygge - a town in Norway
- rygin - angry
- rykes - reaches
- Rylan - a first name
- Rylee - a first name
- Ryley - a first name
- Rylie - a first name
- Rylin - a first name
- Rylly - a first name
- rylsk - a town in central Russia
- Rylyn - a first name
- Ryman - a first name
- rymme - a rim
- rynds - plural of "rynd", an iron support for a millstone
- rynge - a town in Sweden
- rynok - a town in Russia
- Ryogo - a first name
- Ryoji - a first name
- Ryoko - a first name
- Ryota - a first name
- ryots - plural of "ryot", an Indian tenant farmer
- Ryozo - a first name
- ryper - the ptarmigan
- rypes - plural of "rype", the ptarmigan
- Rysio - a first name
- Ryssa - a first name
- ryths - plural of "ryth", a ford
- Rytis - a first name
- ryton - a first name; a British river
- Ryuan - a first name
- Ryuhi - a first name
- ryves - rives; pierces
- rzhev - a town in Russia, site of a huge battle in World War II
- saadh - a sadh, a monotheistic Hindu sect
- Saadi - a first name
- saale - a river in Germany
- saali - attractive; well-dressed
- saami - a native language of Finland
- Saamy - a first name
- Saara - a first name
- saave - a Balkan river
- sabae - a town in Japan
- sabah - a first name; a Malaysian state
- sabal - a fan palm genus; the partly dried fruit of a saw palmetto
- Saban - a first name
- sabbe - savvy
- sabby - savvy
- sabed - savvied
- Sabel - a first name
- Saben - a first name
- saber - a first name; a fencing weapon
- sabes - savvies
- sabha - a public meeting in India
- sabia - a first name; a genus of shrubs
- sabik - a star in the constellation Ophiuchus
- sabin - a first name; a unit of sound absorption
- sabir - a first name; a French-based pidgin language
- Sabit - a first name
- sable - a first name; an antelope; a marten; a fur; a Nova Scotian island
- sably - blackly; darkly
- sabot - a wooden shoe; a shoe-shaped projectile casing
- sabra - a first name; Middle Eastern cactus; native born Israeli
- sabre - a first name; a fencing weapon, as spelled by the English
- Sabri - a first name
- Sabry - a first name
- sabuk - a town in South Korea
- sabya - a town in Saudi Arabia
- sabzi - a green Indian vegetable
- sacae - an ancient people of eastern Iran
- sacar - saker
- sacbe - a Mayan raised roadway
- sacci - plural of "saccus", an anatomical pouch or bag
- saced - a shortened form of "sacrificed", as in, "killed a laboratory animal"
- sacer - a sacre; a saker; a European hawk
- Sacha - a first name
- Sachi - a first name
- sacks - fires; plural of "sack", a paper bag
- sacra - an artery; plural of "sacrum", the part of the spinal column that meets the pelvis
- sacre - a saker; a falcon; a cannon; to consecrate
- sacri - a cannon
- sacro - part of medical phrases such as "sacro occipital" and "sacro iliac", meaning "related to the sacrum"
- sadad - a first name; a town in Syria
- Sadaf - a first name
- Sadah - a first name
- sadda - an abbreviated version of the Zendavesta
- saddo - an inadequate, unfashionable person, unlike us
- Sadee - a first name
- Sadek - a first name
- Sadeq - a first name
- sades - plural of "sade", a Hebrew letter
- sadhe - variant of "sade", a Hebrew letter
- sadhs - plural of "sadh", a member of a monotheistic Hindu sect
- sadhu - an Indian ascetic
- Sadia - a first name
- sadic - sadistic
- Sadie - a first name
- Sadik - a first name
- Sadiq - a first name
- sadis - plural of "sade", a Hebrew letter
- Sadja - a first name
- sadly - with sadness; unfortunately
- sadoc - a first name; the biblical Zadok, in the Douay version
- sadoo - a carriage
- sados - plural of "sado", a Javanese carriage
- Sadra - a first name
- Sadri - a first name
- sadrs - plural of "sadr", a plant of the genus Ziziphus
- Sadun - a first name
- Sadye - a first name
- Sadyk - a first name
- sadza - a porridge made of ground maize or millet of Zimbabwe
- Saeed - a first name
- Saeid - a first name
- Saeko - a first name
- Saemi - a first name
- safad - a town in Israel
- Safak - a first name
- safar - a first name; the second month of the Moslem calendar
- safed - a city in Israel; made safe
- safen - to reduce the phototoxic effect by adding a safener
- safer - more safe
- safes - plural of "safe", a strongbox
- Safet - a first name
- Saffi - a first name
- saffo - a bailiff
- Safia - a first name
- Safra - a first name
- safwa - a language
- sagai - a Turkic people
- sagan - a Hebrew priest; a Butt-Head Astronomer
- sagar - a first name; a town in India
- sagas - plural of "saga", an epic
- saged - seasoned with sage
- sager - wiser
- sages - plural of "sage", a wise person; an herb
- sagey - smelling of sage
- saggy - sagging, baggy
- Sagia - a first name
- Sagit - a first name
- sagos - plural of "sago", a tropical palm tree
- sagra - a beetle genus
- sagum - a Roman soldier's cloak
- sagus - the genus of plants that includes the palm
- sahab - a town in Jordan
- Sahag - a first name
- Sahan - a first name
- Sahar - a first name
- saheb - a term of respect
- sahel - an African desert
- Sahen - a first name
- sahib - a term of respect
- Sahim - a first name
- Sahin - a first name
- Sahir - a first name
- Sahla - a first name
- Sahmi - a first name
- Sahra - a first name
- sahui - a marmoset
- sahul - the ancient landmass of Australia and New Zealand
- sahur - a predawn Ramadan meal
- saice - syce
- saick - a Levantine vessel
- saics - plural of "saic", a Levantine ketch
- saida - a first name; a seaport in Lebanon; a town in Algeria
- Saidi - a first name
- saids - plural of "said", sayid
- saidu - a first name; the capital of Swat
- Saied - a first name
- Saifa - a first name
- Saifo - a first name
- saiga - a puff-nosed sheep-like antelope
- Saige - a first name
- Saija - a first name
- saiki - a town in Japan
- sails - plural of "sail", a sheet of canvas used on boats for locomotion
- saily - like a sail
- Saima - a first name
- saims - lards; greases
- saimy - lardy
- saine - a past participle of "say"
- sains - makes the sign of the cross on something
- saint - a holy person
- Saioa - a first name
- Saion - a first name
- saiph - a star in the constellation Orion
- Saira - a first name
- saire - a European cape
- sairs - serves
- sairy - sorry
- saist - sayest
- saite - a native of the ancient city of Sais, in Egypt
- saith - Biblical "says"; the mature coal fish
- saito - a town in Japan
- saiva - a votary of Shiva
- Saiyf - a first name
- Sajad - a first name
- Sajah - a first name
- Sajed - a first name
- sajen - a unit of length of about 7 feet
- Sajid - a first name
- Sajit - a first name
- sajou - an American monkey
- sakai - a seaport in Honshu, Japan
- sakar - an island near New Guinea
- sakas - plural of "Saka", a people of the ancient Crimea
- sakau - a nonalcoholic intoxicating Polynesian drink made from pepper roots
- Sakda - a first name
- sakel - a kind of cotton
- saker - a sacre; a hawk; an old gun
- sakes - plural of "sake", benefit; a Japanese liquor
- sakha - Yakut; a regional language of Siberia
- sakia - a Persian water wheel
- sakis - plural of "saki", Japanese liquor
- sakka - a town in Syria
- sakta - "shakta", in Hinduism, the female principle
- sakti - a first name; "shakti", in Hinduism, the female principle; a consort
- salad - a serving of raw greens; a mixture of things
- Salah - a first name
- salal - an evergreen shrub
- salam - a first name; a penis
- salar - a first name; a salt-encrusted depression; a town in Afghanistan
- salas - plural of "sala"
- salat - a salad; a ritual prayer of Muslims performed five times daily
- salay - a unit of measure in Burma
- salbe - King Solomon wine
- salda - a bug genus
- saleb - a variant of "salop"
- Saleh - a first name
- salem - a first name; a witch killing city in Massachusetts
- salep - salop; the dried orchis root; a dessert
- sales - plural of "sale", a transaction for money
- salet - salad
- salia - a Pacific cape
- salic - refers to the Salic Law of male succession, or the Salian Franks
- salif - a first name; a port city in Yemen
- salih - a first name; a town in Iraq
- salii - the ancient Roman college of priests of Mars and Quirinus, who invoked the god of war
- Salil - a first name
- Salim - a first name
- salin - a first name; saline
- salit - an Israeli settlement in the West Bank
- salix - the willow genus; a town in Pennsylvania
- Salka - a first name
- salle - a salon; a hall
- Salli - a first name
- sallo - calico
- sally - a first name; a foray; a bell rope; a stone-fly; a wren
- salma - a first name; a unit of weight in Malta
- Salme - a first name
- salmi - a ragout of hashed game
- salmo - the salmon genus
- salms - plural of "salm", a variant of "psalm"
- salmy - a town in Kuwait
- salol - phenyl salicylate, a relative of aspirin
- salon - a saloon; a hall; a town in France
- salop - salep; dried orchis root; Shropshire
- salou - a seaside resort in Spain
- salpa - a genus of sea-squirts
- salps - plural of "salp", a free swimming tunicate
- salsa - a relish of tomatoes, peppers and onions; a Latin American music style
- salse - volcanic mud; a mud volcano
- salsk - a town in Russia
- salta - a city and province in Argentina
- salto - a city in Uruguay; a European lake; a musical notation indicated a passage should be skipped
- salts - plural of "salt", a sailor; an ionic compound
- salty - briny; profane
- salud - a drinking toast
- salue - salute
- salum - a town in Egypt
- salus - the Roman goddess of health
- Salva - a first name
- salve - an ointment
- salvo - a first name; an exception; a volley
- Salvu - a first name
- salvy - resembling salve
- Salwa - a first name
- Salye - a first name
- salza - an Austrian river
- samac - a town in Bosnia Herzegovina
- Samad - a first name
- Samah - a first name
- samaj - an Islamic religious council
- samal - a Moro people of Mindanao
- saman - the rain tree
- samar - one of the Philippine Islands
- samas - plural of "sama", a muttonfish
- samat - a mountain near Manila
- samba - a first name; a Brazilian dance in 2/4 time
- sambo - a first name; a Latin American of mixed ancestry; a Russian version of judo and wrestling
- Sameh - a first name
- samek - a Hebrew letter that corresponds to "S"
- samel - soft and crumbling brick
- samen - the same
- sames - plural of "same", an identical thing
- Samet - a first name
- samey - a first name; identical; having no variety; boring
- samfi - a confidence trickster
- samfu - a jacket and trouser set worn by Chinese women
- samia - a first name; the silkworm genus
- samic - of the Sami, the Laplanders
- Samie - a first name
- Samih - a first name
- Samil - a first name
- Samir - a first name
- samis - plural of "Sami", an aboriginal people of northern Norway, Sweden and Finland
- samit - a cape in Cambodia
- Sammi - a first name
- sammo - a sandwich
- sammy - a first name; a US soldier in World War I; water-logged
- samoa - a Pacific island; a cookie humorously named from a slurred "give me some more"
- samos - a Greek island in the Aegean Sea
- samou - a Palestinian town
- Sampa - a first name
- sampi - an obsolete Greek letter
- samps - plural of "samp", coarsely ground corn porridge
- Samra - a first name
- samso - a kind of cheese
- samua - a town in the West Bank
- Samya - a first name
- samye - a first name; a village in Tibet, site of a monastery
- sanaa - a first name; the capital of Yemen
- sanad - an Indian government charter
- Sanah - a first name
- Sanam - a first name
- sanap - a strip of cloth placed over a table cloth
- sanas - plural of "sana", a hemp plant
- Sanat - a first name
- Sanaz - a first name
- sanct - an old form of "saint"
- sanda - a first name; a British island; a town in Japan
- Sande - a first name
- Sandi - a first name
- sands - varieties of sand; smooths with sandpaper
- Sandu - a first name
- sandy - a first name; covered with sand; a yellowish red color; an English town
- saned - made the sign of the cross on
- saner - more sane
- sanes - sains
- sanft - in musical notation, "softly"
- sanga - a temporary fortification; any of various African cattle; a town in Mali; a river in the Congo
- sangh - a Hindu unity association
- sango - a trade language of French Equatorial Africa; a central African tribe; a sandwich
- sangs - plural of "sang", heraldic blood; a Persian harp; a ginseng plant; a song
- sangu - a language; any of various African cattle
- Sanja - a first name
- sanjo - a town in Japan
- sanko - a first name; a west African guitar; to walk quietly and aimlessly
- Sanna - a first name
- Sanne - a first name
- sanno - a sanitary inspector
- sanny - a sanitary towel
- sansa - a tambourine; an mbira
- sansi - the language of a tribe in northwest Pakistan
- sants - plural of "sant", a devout person or saint
- santa - Santa Claus, the supreme deity of America, especially because he doesn't even expect you to believe in him; a language
- Sante - a first name
- santo - a first name; a wooden image of a saint; an island
- santy - Santa Claus
- sanur - a town on the island of Bali; an Israeli settlement in the West Bank
- sanya - a first name; a town on the island of Hainan
- Sanyu - a first name
- saola - a very rare sort of Vietnamese antelope
- saone - a river in France
- saora - a forest people of the Eastern Ghats, India
- Saori - a first name
- Saoud - a first name
- sapan - the heartwood of sappanwood
- sapfu - an acronym: "Surpasses All Previous Foul Ups", more or less
- sapid - savory; tasty
- sapin - fir
- sapka - a mountain in Bulgaria
- saple - sable
- Sapna - a first name
- sapor - flavor, taste
- sapos - plural of "sapo", the toad fish; soap
- sappy - sentimental; resinous
- saque - a coat
- sarab - a mirage; deceit
- Sarad - a first name
- Saraf - a first name
- Sarah - a first name
- sarai - a first name; the name of the biblical Sarah before the covenant; an Islamic metropolis
- Saral - a first name
- saran - a thermoplastic resin; a Hindu violin; a mountain in Borneo
- sarat - a cotton cloth
- sarco - a first name; a bay in Chile
- sarda - a mackerel
- sardo - a kind of cheese
- sards - plural of "sard", an orange-red variety of quartz or agate
- sared - a variant of "sored"
- saree - a first name; a sari
- saret - a town in Afghanistan
- Sarey - a first name
- sarge - a first name; sergeant
- sargo - a sparid fish
- Sarie - a first name
- Sarif - a first name
- sarin - a nerve gas
- sarip - a Moro high priest
- sarir - a town in Libya
- saris - plural of "sair", an Indian garment
- Sarit - a first name
- Sarka - a first name
- sarks - plural of "sark", a shirt
- sarky - sarcastic
- sarma - a town in the former SSR of Georgia
- sarmi - a town in Indonesia
- sarna - a town in Sweden
- sarno - a river in Italy
- sarns - plural of "sarn", a pavement
- sarny - a town in Ukraine
- sarod - an Indian lute similar to a cello, with strings that are plucked
- Sarog - a first name
- saroh - an Indian guitar
- Saroj - a first name
- saron - a metallophone of seven bronze plates used in the Javanese gamelan; a convent of the Ephrata Cloister; a biblical place
- saros - an astronomical cycle of 6,581.33 days or about 19 years; an Aegean gulf
- sarov - a town in Russian, where nuclear research was done
- sarpo - a large toadfish of the southern United States
- sarra - a first name; to serve
- sarre - an English town; another name for Saar
- Sarri - a first name
- sarsa - sarsaparilla
- sarse - a fine sieve; sarsasparilla
- sarsi - a Native American tribe
- sarte - a town in Ethiopia
- saruk - a Persian carpet of fine, compact weave
- sarum - an old name for Salisbury, England
- sarus - a crane
- sarvo - this afternoon
- Saryn - a first name
- sarza - sarsaparilla
- sasak - an Indonesian people
- Sasan - a first name
- Sasha - a first name
- Sasho - a first name
- sasia - pygmy woodpeckers
- Sasie - a first name
- sasin - an Indian antelope
- Sason - a first name
- sasse - a Dutch weir with floodgates
- sassy - a first name; impudent
- satan - the devil
- satay - a spicy Indonesian sauce
- satch - a man with a large mouth; a large mouth
- sated - satisfied
- sateh - a variant of "satay", a spicy Indonesian sauce
- satem - an IndoEuropean language in which palatal stops became fricatives
- sates - satisfies
- satin - a first name; a fine fabric
- satis - enough; plural of "sati", a variant of "suttee", self-immolation
- satle - to settle
- satna - a town in India
- satta - to rejoice
- satte - a town in Japan
- Satur - a first name
- Satya - a first name
- satyr - a half man, half goat; a sexually insatiable man
- sauba - a South American leaf-carrying ant
- sauce - impudence; a condiment; a town in Argentina
- sauch - the willow; sallow
- saucy - impudent
- sauda - a town in Norway
- saudi - a native of Saudi Arabia; a Saudi Arabian coin
- saugh - the willow; sallow
- sauks - sacs
- sauld - sold
- Sauli - a first name
- Saulo - a first name
- sauls - plural of "saul", a soul; an Indian tree
- sault - a rapid
- sauna - a steam bath
- saunt - a saint
- saura - a first name; a forest people of the Eastern Ghats, India
- sauri - a town in Kenya
- Sauro - a first name
- saurs - plural of "saur", soil, dirt, dirty water
- saury - the skipper fish
- sausi - a town in Papua New Guinea
- saute - to fry in fat
- sauts - salts
- sauty - a town in Russia
- sauve - salve; a town in France
- Savas - a first name
- saved - preserved; spared
- savee - savvy
- saveh - a town in Iran
- saver - a hoarder; a preserver
- saves - preserves; keeps; rescues
- savey - savvy
- Savil - a first name
- savin - an evergreen conifer
- Savio - a first name
- Savji - a first name
- savor - to enjoy the taste of
- savoy - a curly cabbage; a former duchy of Sardinia; a province in France
- Savva - a first name
- savvy - knowledgeable; sharp-witted; uncommon sense
- Sawad - a first name
- sawah - a wet or irrigated rice field in Indonesia
- Sawai - a first name
- sawan - a month of the Hindu year
- sawat - a town in Papua New Guinea
- sawed - cut with a saw
- sawer - one who saws
- Sawna - a first name
- sawny - a first name; a Scotsman
- Saxbe - a first name
- Saxby - a first name
- Saxen - a first name
- saxes - plural of "sax", a saxophone; plural of "saxe", a kind of paper
- saxin - saccharin
- saxon - a first name; a native of Saxony
- sayal - sackcloth
- sayan - a first name; a range of mountains in the south Soviet Union; a town in Peru
- sayda - another name for Sidon
- Sayed - a first name
- Sayen - a first name
- sayer - a first name; one who says
- Sayge - a first name
- sayid - a first name; a Muslim title of respect
- sayil - a site of Mayan ruins in the Yucatan peninsula
- Sayma - a first name
- saynd - singed
- sayne - an obsolete form of "saying"
- sayon - a medieval jacket
- sayre - a first name; a town in Oklahoma
- sayso - a dictum
- sayst - Biblical "say"
- sazen - a traditional unit of length in Poland
- sazes - plural of "saz", a musical instrument similar to a bouzouki or oudh;
- scabs - plural of "scab", a replacement worker; a natural temporary protective skin layer
- scads - many; plural of "scad", a horse mackerel
- scaff - food; to beg or scavenge for food
- scags - plural of "scag", heroin
- scail - to scatter
- scala - a surgical instrument; one of the spiral canals of the cochlea
- scald - to burn by contact with liquid; the dodder plant
- scale - to climb; a flake; a measurement system
- scall - leprosy; a scab
- scalp - the skin on the top of the head
- scalt - scalded
- scaly - covered with scales
- Scama - a first name
- scamp - a rogue
- scams - plural of "scam", a swindle
- scand - an archaic form of "scanned"
- scank - an ugly woman
- scans - searches through
- scant - scarce
- scapa - to run away
- scape - to escape; a vista (landscape); a shaft of a column; a bird
- scapi - plural of "scapus", a stem, shaft or column
- scard - a shard, a fragment
- scare - to frighten
- scarf - a muffler; to eat rapidly
- scarn - scorn; dung
- scarp - a heraldic scarf; a rampart slope; to escape; a British island
- scars - plural of "scar", a mark of injury left after healing
- scart - to scratch; scared; a cormorant
- scary - frightening
- scate - a skate; a fish; to waste; heroin
- scath - to scathe; to damage
- scats - leaves quickly; plural of "scat", animal excrement
- scatt - a tax
- scaud - to scald
- scaum - to burn; to scorch; insincere talk
- scaup - a sea-duck; the scalp
- scaur - a riverbank; a scar
- scawd - having bare patches
- scaws - plural of "scaw", a promontory
- sceat - a small Anglo-Saxon coin
- scelp - skelp; iron for gun barrels
- scena - the stage of an ancient theater; a scene in an opera
- scend - to ascend; the upward heaving of a ship
- scene - a show; a pageant; a view
- scent - an odor
- scern - to discern; to perceive
- schah - a shah
- schav - a cold soup
- sched - schedule
- schie - a river in Amsterdam
- schin - a Hebrew letter
- schio - a town in Italy
- schiz - a schizophrenic
- schmo - an unintelligent person
- schul - a synagogue
- schut - a cattle-pound
- schwa - a sort of upside down lowercase "e", symbol for an indistinct vowel
- scian - chian, a native of Chios
- scind - a town in Pakistan, now called "Sindh"
- scink - a skink
- scion - a descendant
- sciot - a native of Chios
- scise - to cut
- scive - to skive
- sclav - a Slav
- sclaw - a claw
- sclim - to climb
- scoad - a trashy person
- scoat - to wedge; to brake a wheel with a wedge of rock or stone
- scobe - a black person
- scobs - plural of "scob", a shaving
- scoby - the chaffinch
- scoff - to sneer; to mock; to deride
- scogs - skugs
- scoke - pokeweed
- scold - to berate
- scomm - a buffoon
- scone - a pastry; a coronation stone; a town in Scotland
- scons - scuns; skims; skips
- scoob - to snack or eat; marijuana
- scood - a slurred form of "it's good"
- scoog - skug
- scook - to skulk
- scoon - to skim along the water; to skip rocks across water
- scoop - to dig; to hollow out; a ladle
- scoot - to decamp; to bolt; to travel lightly and easily
- scopa - the stiff hairs of moths and bees
- scope - room; space; liberty; a microscope; a telescope; to observe
- scops - a screech owl; plural of "scop", an old English bard
- score - a record; a mark; twenty
- scorf - to gobble up
- scorn - to show disdain
- scorp - a colloquial term for a scorpion
- scosh - a skosh, a small amount
- Scota - a first name
- scote - a wedge; a wheel block
- scoth - to clothe or cover up
- scots - plural of "Scot", a native of Scotland
- Scott - a first name
- scoug - skug
- scouk - to skulk
- scoup - to run; to scamper
- scour - to scrub; to scrape
- scout - a first name; to reconnoiter
- scove - to tamp; to enclose in a kiln
- scovy - smeared; blotched
- scowk - to skulk
- scowl - a hostile facial expression
- scowp - to bound; to caper
- scows - plural of "scow", a flat-bottomed boat
- scrab - to scratch; a crab apple
- scrae - an old worn-out shoe; a skinny animal
- scrag - to throttle; to beat up; an odd lean bit; a very thin person; a stunted tree
- scram - to exit hastily
- scran - scraps of food; payment for food at an inn
- scrap - a small piece; to fight; to discard
- scrat - a devil; a hermaprodite; an insignificant amount
- scraw - a piece of turf; a sod
- scray - a sea-swallow; a tern; a container
- scree - a steep stony slope
- screw - to twist; to distort; to have sexual intercourse
- scrid - a screed; a shred
- scrim - a durable plain-woven cotton fabric used for lining
- scrin - a small vein of ore
- scrip - a wallet; temporary monetary bills
- scrit - writing; a document; a scroll
- scrod - to shed; a young codfish; something you can get in Boston
- scrog - a stunted bush; to have sex with
- scrow - the sky; to scram; hide clippings used to make glue
- scrub - to clean; to cancel; underbrush
- scrud - a venereal disease; a mythical disease
- scrum - a football or rugby skirmish
- scrut - to eat voraciously
- scuba - self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
- scudi - plural of "scudo", an Italian silver coin
- scudo - an Italian silver coin
- scuds - moves quickly and smoothly
- scuff - scurf; to scrape with the feet; to shuffle
- scuft - the nape of the neck
- scugs - skugs; shelters; expiates
- sculs - plural of "scul", a school
- sculk - to lurk
- scull - an oar; a skua gull
- sculp - to engrave; to flay; to break slate
- scult - a bailiff
- scums - plural of "scum", an undesirable semiliquid matter
- scuns - scons; skims
- scunt - bankrupt; broke
- scupi - another name for Skopje
- scups - plural of "scup", a marine food fish; a swing
- scurb - a suburban skateboarder
- scurf - dandruff; scum; the bull-trout
- scurs - grazes; jerks
- scuse - slang for "excuse" as in "scuse me"
- scuta - plural of "scutum", a horny plate
- scute - a shield; an escutcheon; a scale of a fish; a coin
- scuts - plural of "scut", a short tail; a mean, contemptible person
- scutt - a mean, contemptible person
- scuzz - dirt; a dirty person; a disreputable person
- scyes - plural of "scye", an armhole
- scyld - the father of Beowulf
- scyle - to hide; to conceal
- scyth - an ancient people of central Asia
- sdain - to disdain
- sdayn - to disdain
- sdein - to disdain
- seage - the yellow iris
- seahs - plural of "seah", a Hebrew unit of dry measure, about 14 pints
- seaks - plural of "seak", a soap prepared for use in milling cloth
- seals - plural of "seal", a sea mammal; an insignia
- sealy - a town in Texas
- seame - grease; lard
- seams - plural of "seam", a joint; a vein of ore or coal
- seamy - dark; sordid
- Seana - a first name
- Seane - a first name
- Seann - a first name
- seans - plural of "sean", a seine or fish net
- Seany - a first name
- Seara - a first name
- seare - an obsolete form of "sear"
- sears - burns the surface
- sease - to seize
- seato - the South East Asia Treaty Organization
- seats - plural of "seat", a chair or sitting place
- seaus - plural of "seau", a pottery pail used in 18th century dinner servings
- seave - a wick made of rush
- seavy - overgrown with rushes
- seaze - to seize
- sebat - the fifth month of the Hebrew calendar
- Sebby - a first name
- sebec - a town in Maine
- seben - a fast improvisatory section in soukous dance music
- sebes - a town in Romania
- sebha - a town in Libya
- sebic - sebacic, of or pertaining to fat
- sebka - one of the salt marshes of northern Africa; a dried lake bed
- Sebra - a first name
- sebta - another name for Ceuta
- sebum - an oily gland secretion
- secco - a fresco; dry; unaccompanied by ornamentation; a sexual pervert
- seccy - a tablet of Seconal
- seche - to seek
- secko - a sexual pervert
- secle - a century
- secre - a secret; secretive
- sects - the one true religions
- secus - to the contrary
- sedan - a kind of chair; a kind of car; a city in France
- Sedat - a first name
- sedda - a town in Iraq
- Sedef - a first name
- seder - a Passover meal
- sedes - a seat
- sedge - a flock of herons; a primitive grass
- sedgy - rife with sedge
- sedna - a minor planetoid of the Solar System
- sedra - a weekly portion of the Pentateuch read in synagogues
- sedum - a flowering plant
- seeds - plural of "seed", a reproductive capsule produced by plants
- seedy - shabby; unwell; past its prime; full of seeds
- seeer - one who sees
- seege - a crest of a breaking wave
- seeha - a town in Iraw
- seeks - searches for
- seeld - seld, rare, uncommon, seldom
- seels - sews the eyes shut (as done when raising hunting birds)
- seely - a first name; frail
- Seema - a first name
- seems - appears
- Seena - a first name
- seeps - oozes out
- seepy - leaky
- Seera - a first name
- seers - plural of "seer", a prophet or visionary
- seest - Biblical "see"
- Seeta - a first name
- seeth - Biblical "see"
- segar - a first name; a cigar
- Seger - a first name
- segge - the hedge sparrow
- seggy - a tablet of Seconal
- segni - plural of "segno", a musical sign indicating repetition
- segno - a musical term meaning "sign", and often indicating the end of a repeated passage
- segol - seghol; a vowel mark in Hebrew
- segos - plural of "sego", a herb
- segou - a town in Mali
- segre - a European river
- segue - a musical transition; a smooth transition without a break
- Seham - a first name
- Sehba - a first name
- Sehed - a first name
- Seher - a first name
- sehri - a Ramadan meal eaten before sunrise
- seids - plural of "seid", a descendent of Mohammed
- Seidy - a first name
- seifs - plural of "seif", a long narrow sand dune
- seigh - an obsolete past tense of "see"
- Seiji - a first name
- Seila - a first name
- seils - plural of "seil", a sieve
- seine - a river in France; a fishing net
- seint - a girdle; a saint
- Seira - a first name
- seirs - plural of "seir", a scombroid fish
- seise - to seize
- seism - an earthquake
- seity - selfhood
- seiza - a classic Japanese position, sitting on the heels, knees apart, and back straight
- seize - to take forcefully
- Sejal - a first name
- Sejdi - a first name
- Sejdo - a first name
- sejny - a town in Poland
- seked - an ancient Egyptian measurement of slope, the horizontal run for a drop of seven palms
- seker - a variant of "Sokar", a god of ancient Egypt
- sekes - a place in an ancient temple where the images of deities were kept
- Sekka - a first name
- sekos - a Greek sanctuary
- Sekou - a first name
- sekts - plural of "sekt", a German wine
- selah - a word used to indicate a pause or stop in the Psalms
- Selam - a first name
- selby - a first name; an English town
- selce - a village in Macedonia
- selch - a seal
- Selda - a first name
- Selde - a first name
- Selen - a first name
- seleo - an island in Papua New Guinea
- seles - plural of "sele", variant of "seel", luck, good fortune
- selfs - variant plural of "self", an individual
- Selia - a first name
- Selie - a first name
- Selig - a first name
- Selim - a first name
- Selin - a first name
- sella - Sella Turcica, a saddle-shaped area of the sphenoid bone
- selle - a saddle
- Sello - a first name
- sells - conveys for money
- selma - a first name; a city in Alabama
- seltz - a town in Germany, home of Seltzer water
- selva - a tropical rainforest; a kind of cheese
- selve - self; same
- Selwa - a first name
- seman - a river in Albania
- sembe - a town in the Congo
- semee - in heraldry, strewn or covered with small figures, such as stars
- semen - a fluid that contains sperm
- Semer - a first name
- semes - plural of "seme", an ornamental design
- semey - the new name of Semipalatinsk, Russia
- semga - a Russian dish of marinated salmon
- semic - pertaining to a sign
- semie - a first name; a semi-bajan
- Semir - a first name
- semis - an ancient Roman unit of measurent of 6 uncia; plural of "semi", a tractor-trailer
- Semon - a first name
- Semou - a first name
- Semra - a first name
- Senad - a first name
- senal - a landmark
- senam - one of a type of dolmen in Algiers and Tripoli used by the Romans as oil presses
- senas - plural of "sena", a paramilitary army
- Senay - a first name
- sence - a British river
- sench - to cause to founder
- sends - transmits
- seneb - a first name; a noted Egyptian dwarf
- Sener - a first name
- senex - a South American hawk
- seney - a town in Michigan
- Senga - a first name
- senge - to singe
- sengi - a monetary unit of Zaire
- Senia - a first name
- Senih - a first name
- senja - a Norwegian island
- Senka - a first name
- senna - dried cassia leaves
- senne - a river in Belgium
- Senol - a first name
- Senon - a first name
- senor - a Spanish title of address
- sensa - plural of "sensum"
- sense - to perceive; wisdom; reason; feeling
- senso - a Chinese dropsy medicine made from the dried skin secretion of a native toad
- sensu - in the sense of; as understood or defined by
- Senta - a first name
- sente - a monetary unit of Lesotho
- senti - a monetary unit of Tanzania
- sento - a Japanese public bath
- sents - plural of "sent", an Estonian coin worth 1/100 kroon
- senvy - the mustard plant
- senza - in musical notation, "without"
- Seodi - a first name
- seona - an Indian tribe in Colombia
- seoni - a town in India
- seoul - the capital city of South Korea
- sepad - to suppose; to warrant
- sepal - a calyx segment
- sepan - supawn, an Indian dish of boiled meat
- sepia - a genus of cuttlefish; a pigment
- sepic - done in sepia
- sepoy - a native Indian soldier
- Seppi - a first name
- seppo - a first name; a septic tank; Australian rhyming slang for an American (seppo = septic tank = Yank)
- septa - the Philadelphia bus and subway system; plural of "septum", an anatomical dividing wall;
- septi - used in medical language, meaning "of a septum"
- septs - plural of "sept", an Irish clan; an enclosed area of a building set aside for special use
- sequa - a Latin American dance
- serab - a mirage
- serac - glacial ice; a kind of cheese
- seraf - a town in Sudan
- serai - a caravanserai; a Persian inn; a Turkish palace
- seral - referring to a series of ecological changes
- seram - an Indonesian island
- seras - plural of "sera", a lock
- serat - a kind of cheese
- serau - a town in Indonesia
- serba - a town in Germany; a town in Tibet
- serbo - a fragment used in compound words, meaning "of Serbia"
- serbs - plural of "Serb", a native of Serbia
- sered - dried
- Seref - a first name
- sereh - citronella grass
- Seren - a first name
- serer - drier; a language
- seres - dries; ancient Chinese
- Seret - a first name
- serfs - plural of "serf", a Russian peasant
- serge - a first name; a strong twilled worsted fabric
- Sergi - a first name
- Sergo - a first name
- seria - a first name; a town in Borneo
- seric - Chinese; silken
- serie - series
- serif - a first name; an ornamental doodad on a printed character
- serik - a first name; a town in Turkey
- serin - a European finch; a canary
- serio - a seriocomic; a European river
- seris - plural of "seri"
- Serko - a first name
- serks - plural of "serk", a variant of "sark"
- Serle - a first name
- sermo - Sermo Generalis
- seron - a bale of exotic produce; a crate or hamper; a unit of weight in Guinea
- serov - a town in the Soviet Union
- serow - a southeast Asian goat antelope
- serpa - a town in Brazil; a town in Portugal
- serra - a first name; a saw; the saw of a saw fish; sierra; a mountain ridge
- serre - to press close
- serrs - crowds together; presses together
- serry - to crowd together
- serta - the Syriac cursive script; a town in Tibet
- Serug - a first name
- serum - whey; a vaccine
- serut - seroot
- serve - to wait upon; to present an item to; to function in some capacity
- servo - a robotic device or servomechanism
- serye - a series
- Seryl - a first name
- Serzh - a first name
- Sesar - a first name
- sesey - a Shakespearean exclamation meaning "Hurry"
- sesha - a Hindu serpent king
- sesia - clear-winged moths; a river in Italy, site of a famous battle
- Seska - a first name
- sesma - a town in northern Spain
- sessa - a first name; a Shakespearean exclamation meaning "Hurry!"
- sesti - a unit of volume in Thailand of about 12 liters
- Sesto - a first name
- setae - plural of "seta", a bristle
- setal - relating to a seta
- setar - a Persian lute
- setat - an ancient Egyptian unit of area, 100 khets on a side
- setee - settee
- seten - an obsolete past tense of "sit"
- seter - saeter
- Sethe - a first name
- setif - a town in Algeria
- setim - shittim
- setit - a river on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea
- seton - a first name; a dresser; a medical treatment in which a thread was passed through a pinch of skin and tied in a knot
- setra - a town in Indonesia
- Setsu - a first name
- setto - a skirmish or brief dispute
- setts - plural of "sett", a squared block; a pattern of Scottish tartan; a badger den
- settu - a town in Burman
- setup - an arrangement; a trap
- seuch - an open trench or drainage ditch
- seugh - an open trench or drainage ditch
- Seula - a first name
- Sevag - a first name
- sevan - a first name; a Caucasian rug style; a lake in Armenia
- seven - a number; a British river
- sever - to cut; to separate
- Sevgi - a first name
- Sevim - a first name
- sevin - a preparation of carbaril
- sevum - tallow
- sewan - wampum; beads
- sewed - stitched; attached
- sewee - an extinct Indian tribe of South Carolina
- sewel - a scarecrow
- sewen - a type of salmon
- sewer - an underground gutter; one who sews
- sewes - performs the duties of a sewer
- sewin - a type of salmon
- sexed - determined the sex of
- sexer - one who determines sex
- sexes - plural of "sex", a gender
- sexly - pertaining to sex
- sexoh - a sexual offender
- sexte - a sixth hour service
- sexto - a size of book
- sexts - plural of "sext", one of seven (!) periods of daily prayer
- Seydi - a first name
- Seyed - a first name
- seyen - an obsolete past tense of "to see"
- seyid - sayyid
- Seyla - a first name
- seynd - an obsolete past tense of "to singe"
- seynt - a girdle
- Sezar - a first name
- sezze - a town in Italy
- sfiha - a kind of lamb pie
- sfoot - to have sex
- Shaan - a first name
- shaba - a province of the Congo, formerly called Katanga
- Shabi - a first name
- Shabo - a first name
- shabs - gets rid of
- shabu - methylamphetamine
- shack - a shed; a rundown house
- Shada - a first name
- Shadd - a first name
- shade - a first name; partial illumination; a light screen; a tint; the spirit of a dead person
- Shadi - a first name
- shads - plural of "shad", a food fish
- shady - a first name; partially lit; doubtful;
- shaft - a long rod; a mine
- shags - fornicates; plural of "shag", a long hairstyle; a thick carpet
- Shaha - a first name
- shahi - a Persian copper coin
- Shahn - a first name
- shahs - plural of "shah", a Persian ruler
- Shaia - a first name
- shaik - sheik
- shail - to walk sideways
- Shaka - a first name
- shake - to jar; to jolt; a milk shake
- shako - a military cap
- shakt - a variant of "shaked"
- shaku - a unit of length of Japan of about 11.9 inches
- shaky - tottering; unsure
- shala - a first name; a mountain in Albania
- shale - a sedimentary rock
- shali - a former town in former Chechnya
- shall - will or ought to
- shalm - a type of oboe
- shalt - Biblical "shall"
- shaly - containing shale
- shama - an Indian songbird; a town in western Africa
- shame - to abash; to mortify
- Shami - a first name
- shamo - the Chinese name of the Gobi desert
- shams - a first name; plural of "sham", a pretence
- Shamu - a first name
- Shana - a first name
- shand - shame; a base coin; counterfeit money
- Shane - a first name
- shang - relating to the Shang dynasty; a catapult
- Shani - a first name
- shank - the tibia
- Shann - a first name
- shans - plural of "Shan", a shame; a member of an Indochinese ethnic group
- shant - a first name; a quart or a pot; an alcoholic drink
- shape - a form; an outline
- Shapi - a first name
- shapo - a wild sheep of Tibet; a hat
- shaps - chaps; cowboy britches
- shara - a first name; one of a group of people living in Outer Mongolia
- shard - a sherd; a fragment; a wing case
- share - a quota; a part; a portion
- shari - a first name; a river in central Africa flowing into Lake Chad
- shark - a sea predator; a cheat
- sharn - cow dung
- sharp - pointed; sudden; quick-witted; having a strong taste; a musical symbol
- Sharr - a first name
- Shary - a first name
- shash - a sash; noisy interference
- shasi - a port city in China
- shatt - Shatt al Arab, an inlet and river dividing Iran and Iraq
- Shaud - a first name
- shaul - a first name; a shoal
- Shaun - a first name
- shave - to cut closely; to trim hair
- Shavo - a first name
- shawl - a wrap
- shawm - a type of high-pitched medieval oboe with a conical bore
- shawn - a first name; shown
- shaws - shows; plural of "shaw", a thicket
- shaya - a first name; chay
- Shaye - a first name
- Shayn - a first name
- shays - plural of "shay", a chaise
- shcha - a Cyrillic letter
- shchi - a kind of Russian cabbage soup
- sheaf - a bundle; a British river
- sheal - to shell; to husk; a shepherd's hut or shelter
- Shean - a first name
- shear - to clip; to cut
- sheas - plural of "shea", an African butter tree
- sheba - a first name; the Biblical name of Saba
- sheds - removes; plural of "shed", a small wooden building
- shedu - a Babylonian semidivine being, with a human head and the body of a bull or lion
- sheel - variant of "sheal", a hiding place
- sheen - gloss; luster
- sheep - a wooly ruminant
- sheer - pure; transparent
- sheet - a bedcloth; a piece of paper
- Sheff - a first name
- shego - a hamlet in northern India
- Shehu - a first name
- sheik - an Arab chief
- sheil - a hut or small cottage used by a shepherd
- sheko - a language
- Shela - a first name
- sheld - spotted; variegated
- shelf - a ledge
- Sheli - a first name
- shell - a first name; a hard covering; to bombard
- shema - a Jewish prayer involving a declaration of faith
- Shems - a first name
- Shena - a first name
- shend - to disgrace; to blame; to injure
- Shene - a first name
- sheng - a Japanese or Chinese mouth organ
- shent - disgraced; kept in at school
- sheol - the Hebrew afterworld
- Shepp - a first name
- Shera - a first name
- Sherb - a first name
- sherd - a shard; a fragment
- shere - a first name; sheer
- Sheri - a first name
- sherk - a sponger
- Sherm - a first name
- shern - shearn, dung or excrement
- shesh - a long cloth wrapped around the head and face for desert protection
- shete - to shoot
- sheth - the part of a plough projected down from the beam; a wagon bar
- shets - gets rid of
- sheva - a first name; a Hebrew vowel point
- shewa - a schwa
- shewe - an obsolete form of "show"
- shewn - shown
- shews - shows
- shewy - showy
- Sheye - a first name
- shiah - an Islamic sect
- shias - plural of "Shia", a member of an Islamic sect
- Shiba - a first name
- shice - to abscond; nothing; something worthless
- shick - drunk
- shida - an Eritrean sandal
- shide - a thin board
- shied - avoided
- Shiek - a first name
- shiel - a shelter for sheep
- shier - more shy; a horse that tends to shy
- shies - avoids
- Shifa - a first name
- shife - one who purports to be more than they are
- shiff - to divide; to change
- shift - a work period; a woman's undergarment; to move
- shiga - a biological toxin; a prefecture in central Japan
- Shiho - a first name
- shihr - a town in southern Arabia
- Shika - a first name
- shiko - in Hinduism, the bowing of the body to show respect
- Shila - a first name
- Shile - a first name
- shilf - a soft slaty rock
- shill - a conman's assistant
- Shilo - a first name
- Shilu - a first name
- shily - coyly; timidly
- Shimo - a first name
- shims - plural of "shim", a piece of wood used to level and trim
- shina - a first name; a language of the Pisaca group
- shine - a first name; to emit light; to polish
- Shing - a first name
- shino - a first name; money
- shins - plural of "shin", the front of the lower leg
- shiny - emitting or reflecting light
- Shipp - a first name
- ships - plural of "ship", a boat
- shira - a first name; a British river
- shire - a first name; an English county; an African river
- Shiri - a first name
- shirk - to evade
- shirl - a first name; to slide
- Shiro - a first name
- shirr - to pucker
- shirs - shirrs
- shirt - a blouse
- shish - a hissing sound; something worthless
- shiso - some kind of fancy vegetable
- shiss - the scratchy background noise of a portable CD player in use
- shist - schist; crystalline rock
- shita - a unit of measure in Burma
- shite - a shit; a despicable person
- shits - defecates
- shiur - in Judaism, a sort of sermon
- shiva - a first name; an Indian god; a Hebrew funeral vigil
- shive - a slice of bread; a thin wood stopper; a knife
- shivs - harries; plural of "shiv", a homemade knife...when home is prison
- shivy - containing shives
- shiya - a town in Lebanon
- Shizu - a first name
- shkin - an Afghan border town
- shlep - to haul
- shlub - a schlub; a dull, unpolished person
- shluh - a Berber people of southern Morocco
- shmee - heroin
- shmeg - an idiot
- shmek - a variant of "schmek", a taste
- shmen - freshmen
- shmoe - a foolish naive person
- shmoo - a race of cartoon characters created by Al Capp, crude blobs that liked to be eaten
- shnor - a beggar or parasite
- Shoab - a first name
- shoad - to examine a stream bed for ore
- shoah - reverent reference to the persecution of the Jews in WWII
- shoal - shallow water
- shoar - a prop or support
- shoat - a piglet; a sheep/goat hybrid (!)
- Shoba - a first name
- shoch - a draw at a pipe of tobacco
- shock - a sheaf; a sudden jolt; an overwhelming emotion
- shode - a part in the hair; variant of "shoad", to examine a stream bed for ore
- shoed - placed shoes on
- shoer - one who shoes
- shoes - plural of "shoe", foot gear
- shoey - a shoesmith in a cavalry regiment
- Shofi - a first name
- shogi - a kind of Japanese chess on a board of 81 squares with 40 pieces
- shogs - moves along
- shoji - a first name; a Japanese paper screen
- shojo - a Japanese anime subvariety featuring sexualized teen-age girls
- Shoko - a first name
- shola - a first name; a wood; a thick Afghan stew of rice and carrots
- shole - a ground plank
- sholl - to crush someone's hat over their ears
- sholt - a cur
- Shoma - a first name
- shona - a first name; a Bantu ethnic group
- shone - a first name; shined
- shong - a catapult
- Shoni - a first name
- shonk - a nose; underhanded
- shont - a foreigner
- shoob - to shove
- shood - the husk of oats after threshing
- shooi - the Richardson's skua
- shook - a set of staves for one barrel; trembled
- shool - to beg; to grimace; a shovel; to drag or scrape along
- shoon - shoes; a fool
- shoop - hip; to have sex
- shoor - shower
- shoos - whisks away
- shoot - to emit; to dart; a sprout; a mild expletive
- shope - an obsolete past participle of "to shape"
- shops - small stores; browses in a store
- shore - a beach; to prop up
- shorl - tourmaline
- shorn - a first name; cut off
- short - brief in time; not tall
- Shota - a first name
- shote - a piglet
- shots - plural of "shot", a small drink; a picture; a gun firing; an injection
- shott - a salt lake
- shouf - a region of Lebanon
- Shoun - a first name
- shout - to yell
- shove - to push
- shown - presented; revealed
- shows - plural of "show", a presentation
- showy - gaudy; pretentious
- Shoya - a first name
- shoyu - soy
- shpos - an obnoxious or despicable patient; an acronym: "SubHuman Piece of Shit"
- shrab - a shrub; a plain drink containing alcohol
- shrag - a twig cut from a tree
- shram - to shrivel from cold
- shrap - wine used to weaken the will of a con man's victim; fishbait
- shred - to tear into small pieces
- Shree - a first name
- shrew - a nasty mouse-like creature; a vicious wife
- shris - plural of "shri", more commonly "sri", a Hindu title of respect
- shrof - an Indian moneylender
- shrog - a bush
- shrow - a shrew; a dormouse
- shrub - a bush; a cordial
- shrug - a shoulder gesture
- shtik - variant of "schtick", a humorous bit or routine
- shtip - a town in Macedonia
- shtum - quiet; silent
- shtup - to have sexual intercourse
- shuah - a first name; a son of Abraham
- shual - a biblical place
- shuar - an Indian tribe of Ecuador
- shuba - a long Russian fur coat
- shuck - to remove the husks from corn
- shude - the husk of oats after threshing
- shuff - a cracked brick
- shufu - Kashgar, a city in western China
- shugs - shrugs
- shuka - a first name; a town in the Gaza strip
- Shuki - a first name
- Shula - a first name
- shule - shool
- Shuli - a first name
- shuln - plural of "shul", a synagogue
- shuls - plural of "shul", a synagogue
- Shuma - a first name
- Shumi - a first name
- shuna - a first name; a British island
- shune - plural of "shoe", a foot covering
- shuns - avoids
- shunt - to divert; an electrical device
- shura - a first name; an Afghan local council
- shure - a past tense of "to shear"
- shurk - a pickpocket
- shusa - a Japanese team leader in a factory or business operation
- shush - to admonish to silence
- shute - a chute
- shuts - closes
- shuya - a town in Russia
- shvat - a Hebrew month
- shwas - plural of "shwa", a variant of "schwa"
- Shwon - a first name
- Shyam - a first name
- Shyan - a first name
- shyer - more shy
- Shyla - a first name
- shyly - coyly; bashfully
- Shyra - a first name
- siafu - the biting red ant of Kenya
- siaga - the ahu or jairou
- Siaka - a first name
- sialk - an ancient trading outpost in Iran
- sials - plural of "sial", a rock formation
- Siana - a first name
- siane - a language
- siang - an Asian river
- Siara - a first name
- Siaya - a first name
- Sibai - a first name
- sibbe - sib; akin
- sibbs - plural of "sibb", a sibling
- Sibby - a first name
- Sibel - a first name
- Sibie - a first name
- sibiu - a town in Romania
- sibyl - a first name; a prophetess
- sican - a people of ancient Sicily
- sicca - newly coined; a rupee
- sicel - the Italic language of the Siculi
- sicer - cider; a strong drink
- sices - plural of "sice", a male servant in India; the six on a die
- sicht - sight
- sicko - a mentally sick or deviant person
- sicks - unleashes for attack
- sicky - a sicko
- sicle - a shekel
- siclo - a pedicab
- sicut - as if
- sidas - plural of "sida", a fibrous plant with small yellow or white flowers
- siddi - marijuana
- Siddy - a first name
- sided - applied siding to; agreed with
- sider - a partisan
- sides - supports; adds siding; plural of "side", a lateral part
- sidey - a first name; conceited
- sidha - someone who has attained perfection
- sidhe - a banshee; plural of "sidh", an underground fort where Gaelic fairies live
- sidhi - a town in India
- Sidik - a first name
- sidle - to walk sideways, like a crab
- sidon - a first name; a city in Lebanon
- sidra - a first name; a weekly portion of the Pentateuch read in synagogues
- Sidse - a first name
- siege - to besiege
- Siegi - a first name
- sield - ceiled; plastered
- siena - a first name; a city in west central Italy
- siens - plural of "sien", a variant of "scion"
- sient - a variant of "scion"
- Siera - a first name
- siest - a hamlet in France; to take a siesta
- sieth - a variant of "scythe"
- sieur - a title of respect
- sieva - a kind of bean similar to the lima bean
- sieve - to sift
- sievy - like a sieve; full of holes
- sifac - a diurnal lemur
- sifts - strains; refines
- sifus - plural of "sifu", a Kung Fu teacher
- Sigal - a first name
- sigel - a town in Illinois
- Siggi - a first name
- Siggy - a first name
- sighs - plural of "sigh", a breathy sound of regret
- sight - to see; to view; to observe
- sigil - a signature; an occult mark
- sigla - signs and abbreviations on coins and medals
- sigli - a town in Indonesia
- sigma - a Greek letter related to "S"
- signa - a first name; medical prescription Latin for "to mark" or "to label"
- Signe - a first name
- signs - subscribes; plural of "sign", an indication; a message board
- Signy - a first name
- Sigue - a first name
- sigyn - the wife of Loki, who caught the falling acid drops in a cup to spare his face
- Siham - a first name
- Sihar - a first name
- Sihem - a first name
- Sihon - a first name
- siida - a Sami family cooperative for reindeer herding
- siirt - a town in Turkey
- sijil - a register; in the Koran, the recording angel
- sijos - plural of "sijo", a Korean poem in a classic three-line form
- sikar - shikara; a town in India
- sikas - plural of "sika", a deer
- sikel - Siculian
- siker - secure; sicker
- sikes - plural of "sike", a small stream, a gully, a ditch
- sikhs - plural of "Sikh", a believer in Sikhism
- sikka - sicca
- sikra - sikhara
- Silas - a first name
- Silda - a first name
- silds - plural of "sild", a young herring
- siled - strained; ran heavily
- silen - a woodland god or elder satyr; silenus
- siler - one who strains; one who runs heavily
- siles - plural of "sile", a sieve; a beam or rafter; strains; runs heavily
- silex - flint, silica; heat resistant glass
- Silja - a first name
- Silje - a first name
- Silka - a first name
- Silke - a first name
- silks - plural of "silk", a fine fabric
- silky - smooth; silken
- silla - an ancient name for Korea
- sills - plural of "sill", a ledge
- silly - ludicrous
- silod - siloed, stored in a silo
- Siloo - a first name
- silos - plural of "silo", an agricultural storage tower
- silpi - a Hindu temple stone mason
- silts - plural of "silt", an alluvial deposit
- silty - containing silt
- silva - a first name; forest trees
- Silvi - a first name
- Silvy - a first name
- silyl - a chemical derived from monosilane
- Simah - a first name
- simal - an East Indian silk cotton tree
- Simao - a first name
- simar - a scarf; a cymar; a loose dress
- simas - plural of "sima", an igneous rock
- Simba - a first name
- simec - a private currency briefly introduced in Italy
- Simen - a first name
- simha - the Indian name for the sign of Leo
- simia - the genus of the Barbary ape
- Simin - a first name
- simis - plural of "simi", a short two-edged sword
- simla - a city in India, in east Punjab, the summer capital of India during British rule
- Simma - a first name
- Simmi - a first name
- Simms - a first name
- Simmy - a first name
- Simon - a first name
- simps - plural of "simp", a simpleton
- simpy - like a simpleton
- simul - a chess match of simultaneous games; medical prescription Latin for "together"
- Sinae - a first name
- sinai - a first name; a Middle Eastern mountain, peninsula and desert
- sinal - referring to a sinus
- Sinan - a first name
- since - from that point; because; a town in Colombia
- sinch - a saddle girth
- Sinda - a first name
- sindh - a Pakistani state
- Sindi - a first name
- sinds - rinses
- Sindy - a first name
- sined - rinsed
- sines - a town in Portugal; rinses; plural of "sine", a trigonometric ratio (opposite over hypotenuse)
- sinew - a tendon
- singe - to burn lightly
- singh - meaning "lion", and used in the name of every Sikh
- sings - uses a musical form of speech
- sinhs - plural of "sinh", the mathematical hyperbolic sine function
- sinic - Seric; Chinese
- sinks - descends; plural of "sink", a water basin
- sinky - yielding underfoot
- Sinna - a first name
- sinny - a first name; cinema; sinful
- sinon - a first name; a treacherous or perfidious betrayer (Sinon persuaded the Trojans to take the horse)
- sinop - a town in Turkey
- sinpo - a town in North Korea; a radio transmission code, acronym: (Strength, Interference, Noise, Propagation, Overall)
- sinpu - a town in Taiwan
- sinti - a name by which the Gypsies are known
- sinto - Shinto
- sintu - a Shintoist
- sinus - a cavity; a bay
- Siona - a first name
- sioux - a first name; an American Indian tribe
- siped - oozed
- sipes - oozes
- Sipho - a first name
- sipid - having a fine taste; savory
- sippy - an acronym: "Senior Independent Pioneer", a healthy, independent retired person; a child's spill-proof cup
- siraf - an ancient trading city located on the seacoast of modern Iran
- sirah - a wine grape
- Siraj - a first name
- sirat - in Islam, a bridge from earth to heaven which only the righteous can cross
- siraz - a kind of cheese
- sirba - a town in Sudan
- sired - begot; fathered
- siree - sirree
- siren - a seducer; a sound alarm
- sires - begets; lords; fathers
- siret - a river flowing from the Carpathians into the Danube
- sirex - a type of wasp
- sirih - the betel leaf
- sirik - an Asian cape
- Sirio - a first name
- siris - the lebbek; an acacia tree of the Albizzia genus; a Babylonian god
- sirki - the culms of munj
- sirky - the culms of munj
- siroc - the sirocco
- siroe - the first name
- siron - "S iron", an "S" shaped iron driven into railroad ties to keep them from splitting
- sirop - a syrup of fruit juice, sugar and water
- siros - a Greek Island in the Aegean Sea
- sirra - a form of address
- sirte - a town in Libya, site of a famous naval battle
- sirts - plural of "sirt", a quicksand
- sirup - syrup
- sisak - a town in Croatia
- sisal - a fibrous plant
- sisel - suslik
- siser - cider; sicer
- sises - plural of "sise", an assize; the six on a die
- Sishi - a first name
- sison - stone parsley
- Sissi - a first name
- sissu - an East Indian tree whose leaves are used for fodder
- sissy - a first name; a coward; effeminate
- sists - summons to court
- Sitah - a first name
- sitao - a long podded cowpea of the Philippines
- sitar - a long-necked Indian lute with movable frets
- sited - located; placed
- siter - one who places or assigns locations
- sites - plural of "site", a location
- Sitha - a first name
- sithe - chive; a journey; a sigh
- sitia - a town in Crete
- sitio - a subdivision of a barrio in the Philippines; a clearing
- sitka - a town in southeastern Alaska
- sitra - a town in Bahrain
- sitta - the nuthatch
- situk - a river in Alaska
- situp - an exercise in which one lies on the floor and sits up
- situs - the location of a thing
- siuai - a people of Papua New Guinea
- Siuli - a first name
- siums - plural of "sium", the water parsnip
- siusi - an Arawak people of northwest Brazil
- sivan - a first name; a month of the Hebrew calendar
- sivas - an ancient city in central Turkey
- siver - a sewer
- Sivia - a first name
- Sivie - a first name
- siwah - an ancient north African town
- siwan - a month of the Hebrew calendar
- Siwei - a first name
- siwin - a sewen, a type of salmon
- sixer - a leader of a group of six in the Brownie scouts; a six pack of beer; a six month prison term
- sixes - plural of "six", a group of six
- sixmo - a size of paper that is one sixth of a sheet
- Sixta - a first name
- sixte - a fencing parry
- sixth - one part in six
- Sixto - a first name
- sixty - a number
- sizal - sisal hemp
- sizar - a student receiving a scholarship at Cambridge or Trinity College
- sized - graded
- sizel - scissel; a metal clipping
- sizer - a sizing machine; a sizar
- sizes - plural of "size", a magnitude
- Sjaak - a first name
- Sjohn - a first name
- Sjure - a first name
- skads - scads
- skags - plural of "skag", heroin
- skaif - a wheel on which gems are ground or polished
- skail - to scail; to disperse
- skain - a skein; a coil of yarn
- skair - to scare
- skait - skate
- skala - a town in Greece
- skald - scald; an ancient Scandinavian bard
- skall - to scale; to mount
- skane - a region of southern Sweden
- skank - an unpleasant, unclean, or undesirable person; to dance in a loose-limbed manner
- skare - wild, timid or shy
- skarn - a meromorphic rock
- skart - scart
- skate - a fish; a rollerskate
- skats - plural of "skat", a card game
- skatt - a blow; a spell; a sudden rainshower
- skaws - plural of "skaw", a promontory
- skean - a skene; a dagger used in Ireland and Scotland
- skear - to scare
- Skeat - a first name
- skeds - plural of "sked", an airline with regularly scheduled flights
- skeed - skied
- skeeg - to lash; to flog; to slap
- skeel - a milking pail
- skeen - a type of dagger
- skeer - excited; wild
- skees - skis
- skeet - a first name; the pollack; a long scoop; a form of trapshooting
- skeez - a despicable person
- skegg - a short length of keel that protects the rudder
- skegs - slashes with the fin of a surfboard; plural of "skeg", a beam connecting the keel and sternpost
- skeif - a lapidary's polishing wheel
- skein - a ball of yarn; to tangle; wild geese in flight
- skelb - a splinter; a slice
- skelf - a shelf; a chip
- skell - a first name; a homeless person; a slovenly person; a river in England; a villain
- skelm - a rogue; a fake
- skelp - an open-handed slap; a large portion
- skene - a skean; a dagger; the background scene in ancient Greek theater
- skeng - a ghetto weapon
- skens - squints
- skeos - plural of "skeo", a hut in the Orkneys
- skeps - plural of "skep", a conical beehive; a basket of wicker or wood
- skers - skirrs; plural of "sker", a nickname for the Nebraska Cornhuskers team
- skete - a community of monks of the Greek Church
- skews - bends; distorts
- skewy - skewed; aslant
- skeys - plural of "skey", a wedge-shaped bar of an ox yoke
- skice - to scurry about
- skidi - a tribe of the Pawnee
- skids - slides after applying the brakes
- skied - lofted; elevated
- skien - a town in Norway
- skier - one who skis; a lofted shot in cricket
- skies - plural of "sky", the firmament
- skiey - like the sky
- skiff - a light boat
- skift - shift
- Skila - a first name
- skill - a well-developed ability or craft
- skilo - a game of rolling balls into depressions in a grid
- skime - a town in Minnesota
- skimo - a ski-mobile
- skimp - to stint; to be stingy or abstemious
- skims - takes from the top; glides along the top
- skink - an African lizard; a liquid food of simmered beef bones
- skins - plural of "skin", a pelt
- skint - out of money
- skios - plural of "skio", a hut in the Orkneys
- Skipp - a first name
- skips - omits; jumps over
- skirl - a shrill cry; to play the bagpipes
- skirp - to mock or deride
- skirr - to scurry
- skirt - to avoid; a half dress
- skite - to glide or dip; a quick oblique blow; to boast; a braggart; a monastic hermitage
- skits - plural of "skit", a short play
- skitz - to go crazy; a schizophrenic
- skive - to pare; to split; to cut thin strips from; a dodge or ruse; to malinger, a town in Denmark
- skivy - a female servant
- sklim - to climb
- skoal - a drinking toast
- skoff - to scoff; to eat one's food rapidly
- skole - a town in Ukraine
- skoob - a quantity of books assembled for public burning ( = "books" backwards )
- skook - to skulk
- skort - a combination of shorts and a skirt
- skosh - a small amount
- skots - plural of "skot", a unit of measurement of dark adaptation in vision
- Skott - a first name
- skout - a guillemot
- skowk - to skulk
- skrag - to murder
- skran - scran; scraps
- skrik - a sudden panic or fear
- skrim - scum; refuse
- skuas - plural of "skua", an Antarctic bird
- skues - skews
- skugs - plural of "skug", a squirrel
- skuik - to skulk
- skuld - in Norse mythology, the Norn concerned with the future
- Skule - a first name
- skulk - to lurk
- skull - the head bone that is connected to the neck bone
- skuna - a river in Mississippi
- skunk - an odoriferous animal
- skuns - scums
- skuon - a town in Cambodia
- skurf - to use a skateboard
- skuse - a colloquial form for "excuse"
- skute - a boat or other small vessel
- skutt - a low, contemptible person
- skuzz - dirt; a dirty person; a low person
- skyed - hit towards the sky; hung an objectionable picture high and out of view
- skyer - a bowled ball; a ball hit into the air
- skyes - plural of "skye", a terrier
- skyey - blue like the sky
- Skyla - a first name
- Skyra - a first name
- skyre - to shine in a gaudy manner
- skyrs - plural of "skyr", a curd cheese similar to yogurt
- skyte - to skite; to glide or dip
- slabs - plural of "slab", a thick piece
- slack - loose
- slade - a first name; a valley; a marsh; a spade with an L-shaped blade
- slaes - plural of "slae", a blackthorn
- slags - plural of "slag", waste ore left after smelting; a loose woman
- slaid - a past tense of "slide"
- slaie - a weaver's reed
- slain - killed
- slake - to quench
- slaky - miry; muddy
- slams - shuts violently; denounces; denigrates; plural of "slam", a bridge triumph
- slane - a first name; a long-handled peat spade
- slang - argot; jargon; cant; lingo
- slank - slinked
- slant - to tilt
- slape - slippery; smooth
- slaps - strikes with an open hand
- slare - to make a noise by scuffing the feet on the floor
- slart - bits and fragments
- slash - to cut; to gash
- slask - the Polish name for Silesia
- slate - to reprimand; a flat sedimentary rock; a blackboard; one's record
- slath - the center of a basket bottom where weaving is begun
- slats - plural of "slat", a crosspiece
- slatt - a slat; a lath
- slaty - like slate
- Slava - a first name
- slave - an involuntary servant or worker
- Slavi - a first name
- slavs - plural of "Slav", an East European
- slaws - plural of "slaw", a cabbage salad, said to be edible
- slays - kills
- slazy - sleazy
- slead - a sled
- sleck - ooze; soft mud
- sleds - plural of "sled", a vehicle with flat runners for conveyance over snow
- sleef - a cigarette containing a mixture of marijuana and tobacco
- sleek - smooth
- sleep - to hibernate
- sleer - to mock; to sneer
- slees - slays; plural of "slee", a cradle for a ship
- sleet - frozen rain
- sleez - a low or despicable person
- sleid - to sley, or prepare for use in a weaver's sley
- slent - slope; pitch
- slept - hibernated
- slete - to set a dog upon
- slews - moves sideways
- slewy - intoxicated
- sleys - plural of "sley", the reed of a weever's loom
- sliac - a town in Slovakia
- slice - a thin flat section; a sample
- slich - slick
- slick - slippery; polished
- slicy - apt to slice
- slide - to glide; to skid
- slier - more crafty
- sligo - a port city, and a county in northwestern Ireland
- slily - artfully
- slime - mire; ooze
- slims - gets thinner
- slimy - containing slime
- sline - a natural transverse cleavage in rock
- sling - a drink; to hurl; to hang; to cast; a support
- slink - to skulk; to lurk
- slipe - a mining skip; to peel
- slips - plural of "slip", a mistake; a bit of paper; an underdress
- slipt - poetic "slipped"
- slish - a slice; a slash
- slite - wear and tear; a village in Sweden
- slits - plural of "slit", a thin cut or opening
- slive - to slide; to skulk
- sloam - a layer of clay between coal-beds
- sloan - a first name; a snub; to balk or hinder
- sloat - a slot; a bar; a bolt; a crossbar of a door
- slobs - plural of "slob", an untidy person
- slock - a drink; a swallow
- sloes - plural of "sloe", a fruit
- slogs - plods, often through muddy or wet terrain
- sloid - a Swedish handicrafts training system
- slojd - a Swedish handicrafts training system
- sloka - a distich of two lines of 16 syllables each
- sloke - various edible marine algae
- slomo - slow motion in film
- slone - sloe
- sloom - to slumber
- sloop - a kind of ship
- sloos - plural of "sloo", a variant of "slue"
- sloot - variant of "sluit", a deep dry ditch washed out by heavy rain
- slope - slant; a hillside or mountainside
- slops - ready-made clothes; garbage fed to pigs
- slopy - sloping
- slorp - to slurp
- slosh - slush; sludge; a splashing sound of water; a nickname for the backslash character
- slote - a device for moving people above or below a theater stage
- sloth - indolence; a marsupial
- slots - plural of "slot", a long narrow opening; a gambling machine
- slour - to lock up
- slove - past tense of "slive"
- slowh - a past tense of "to slay"
- slows - reduces speed
- sloyd - a Swedish handicrafts training system
- slubb - to twist fiber after carding
- slubs - draws out and twists a fiber in carding
- sludd - to suffer from a chemical attack; an acronym: "Salivate, Lachrimate, Urinate, Defecate, Die"
- sluds - oozes
- sludy - miry; slushy
- slued - turned around; intoxicated
- slues - moves sideways; plural of "slue", a marsh, a slough
- sluff - to discard; to slough
- slugs - hits; shell-less snails; units of force; lines of type; false coins; bullets
- sluis - another name for Sluys
- sluit - a deep dry ditch washed out by heavy rain
- slump - to collapse; to be depressed
- slums - plural of "slum", rundown housing
- slung - flung; thrown
- slunj - a town in Croatia
- slunk - lurked
- slurb - a run-on formation meaning "slum suburb"
- slurf - to slurp
- slurp - to drink noisily
- slurs - plural of "slur", defamatory language
- sluse - a sluice
- slush - wet snow
- sluts - plural of "slut", a promiscuous woman
- sluys - a port in Flanders, opposite England, site of a naval victory by Edward III over the French
- slyer - craftier
- slyly - craftily
- slyne - the face of a jointed rock; a British cape
- slype - a narrow passage in a cathedral, between the deanery and transept
- smaak - to like or enjoy
- smack - a fishing boat; to strike; an emphasis word, as in "smack in the middle"
- smaik - a scoundrel; a rascal
- Smajo - a first name
- small - little; short
- smalm - smarm
- smalt - blue grass; a deep blue dye
- smarm - excessive sentimentality; an unctuous bearing
- smart - clever; to sting with pain
- smash - to break violently; a big success
- smaze - a mixture of smoke and haze
- smear - to spread thickly
- smeck - heroin
- smeek - smoke; to clean with smoke (!?)
- smees - plural of "smee", a widgeon; a pintail
- Smeet - a first name
- smeir - a salt glaze on pottery
- smell - to detect an odor; to emit an odor; an odor
- smelt - smelled; a fish
- smerk - smirk
- smews - plural of "smew", a Eurasian duck
- smice - a bribe
- smich - the stonechat
- smick - a kiss
- Smidt - a first name
- smift - a fuse
- smile - a cheerful expression
- smilt - to melt
- smily - alternative spelling for "smiley"
- smirk - a selfish smile
- smirr - a smur, a fine misty rain
- smirs - plural of "smir", variant of "smur", a fine misty rain
- smish - a shirt
- Smita - a first name
- smite - to strike
- smith - a first name; a hammer craftsman
- smits - plural of "smit", a stain; an infection
- smitt - a first name; ore used for marking sheep
- smizz - heroin
- smock - a frock
- smogs - plural of "smog", for smoke and fog
- smoke - to fume; to reek; to consume a cigarette
- smoko - a coffee and cigarette break
- smoky - fumy
- smolt - a young river salmon
- smoor - smore; smur
- smoot - a journeyman printer; a smout; a unit of measurement = ( Harvard Bridge - ear ) / 364.4
- smore - another; to smother; a cookie, humorously named from a slurred "give me some more"
- smote - struck
- smous - an itinerant peddler; a German Jew
- smout - a speckled trout
- smowt - a small person or child
- smuce - a disgusting place
- smuck - a crowd of jellyfish
- smugs - confiscates
- smurf - a blue cartoon creature; a kind of Internet attack; to transport illegal drugs
- smurr - a drizzly fog
- smurs - plural of "smur", a fine misty rain
- smush - to crush down, also spelled "smoosh"; the mouth
- smuts - plural of "smut", a plant disease
- Smyth - a first name
- snabs - plural of "snab", the brow of a hill
- snack - a small informal meal
- snafu - an acronym: "Situation Normal, All Fouled Up", so to speak
- snags - plural of "snag", a hold up; a catch; a sausage
- snail - a slug with a portable home
- snake - a serpent
- snaky - long and coiling
- snape - a bevel
- snaps - breaks suddenly
- snare - a trap; a kind of drum
- snarf - to take opportunistically; to fall asleep while clothed; to eat or devour
- snark - an animal worth hunting, according to Charles Dodgson
- snarl - to tangle; to growl
- snars - snarls
- snary - insidious
- snash - insolence; abuse
- snast - a candlewick
- snath - the curved handle of a scythe
- snawk - to smell
- snaws - snows
- snazz - class or style
- snead - the curved handle of a scythe
- sneak - to lurk; to slink
- sneap - to check; to rebuke; to reprimand; to nip; a blight
- snebs - snibs; snubs; checks
- sneck - a snick; a cut; a latch
- sneds - plural of "sned", the curved handle of a scythe
- sneed - a snath, the curved handle of a scythe
- sneek - a town in the northern Netherlands, source of the Anna Kournikova virus
- sneer - to make a disdainful expression
- snees - plural of "snee", a large knife
- snell - keen; sharp; severe; active; a fishing line
- snelt - a sneak thief
- snerf - to sniff or snort cocaine
- snerp - to snurp
- snert - a pound sterling
- snets - clears one's nose of mucus; plural of "snet", the fat of a deer
- snews - abounds; snows
- snibs - latches; snubs; snibs
- snick - to cut; a latch; a sharp cutting sound
- snide - disdainful
- snidy - contemptible
- sniff - to smell; to inhale
- snift - sort; a sniff; to blow off steam
- snigg - a small eel
- snigs - cuts; plural of "snig", an eel
- snipe - to take potshots at; make cutting remarks to or about; a bird; a pretext for a prank hunt
- snips - cuts little pieces
- snipy - making cutting remarks
- snirl - to twist; to snarl; to wrinkle
- snirp - to shrivel
- snirt - a smothered laugh; a combination of snow and dirt that falls after winter duststorms
- snite - to snipe; to blow the nose without a handkerchief
- snits - plural of "snit", a pout party; a state of imaginary emotional justification
- snitz - schnitz; dehydrated sections of fruit
- snobs - plural of "snob", a disdainful person
- snode - a horse's bit
- snods - plural of "snod", a fillet, headband or snood
- snoek - a South African fish; a barracuda
- snoep - mean; greedy
- snoff - a weekend girl friend
- snogs - kisses; cuddles
- snoke - to snook
- snood - a hair ribbon; a fillet; a 100% addictive computer game
- snook - to lurk; to snoop; a fish; a part of the idiom "to cock a snook", thumb to nose and fingers extended
- snool - to cringe; a sniveller
- snoop - to pry; to investigate
- snoot - to treat with disdain; the nose
- snops - gin
- snore - to take loudly resonant somnambulistic nasal breaths
- snork - a snoring sound; to smoke marijuana; a baby or child; to drink
- snort - to make a loud sound by breathing through the nostrils
- snots - nasal mucuses; the burnt parts of candlewicks
- snouk - to lurk; to snoop
- snout - a nose; a nozzle
- snowk - to sniff, or smell about
- snowl - the hooded merganser
- snows - plural of "snow", pretty for a short time in small quantities
- snowy - covered with snow
- snubs - slights socially
- snuck - colloquial past tense of "sneak"
- snuff - powdered tobacco; to extinguish; to kill
- snugs - makes comfortable and cozy
- Snuki - a first name
- snums - declares
- snurl - to snirl; to turn up one's nose in scorn
- snurp - to contract into a shriveled form
- snurt - to expel mucus during a sneeze (stand back!)
- snush - snuff
- snyes - plural of "snye" or "sny", a side channel of a river
- snypy - like a snipe
- soaks - bathes in water
- soaky - sopping wet; drenched
- soals - plural of "soal", a dirty pond; a variant of "sole"
- soams - plural of "soam", a chain by which a lead horse draws a plow
- soaps - plural of "soap", a material used for cleaning
- soapy - containing soap; unctuous
- soare - sorrel
- soars - rises high
- soary - tending to soar; humorous dialect for "sorry"
- soata - a town in Colombia
- soave - in musical notation, "sweetly"
- sobby - soaked, as with water; sentimental; weepy
- sobek - the Egyptian crocodile god
- sober - unable to afford alcohol at the moment; solemn; serious
- Sobhe - a first name
- Sobhi - a first name
- sobol - the Russian sable
- sobor - an ecclesiastical synod of the Eastern Orthodox Church
- sobos - plural of "sobo", acronym of "SOuth BOund", a southbound Appalachian Trail hiker
- socal - southern California
- socas - plural of "soca", a kind of calypso music of the Caribbean
- sochi - a Black Sea resort
- socht - an obsolete form of "sought"
- sochu - a Japanese distilled liquor similar to whiskey
- socii - plural of "socius"
- socio - a combining prefix meaning "social"
- socko - outstanding
- socks - woven footwear; hits
- socky - wet; drenched; like a sock
- socle - a plinth or base
- socoa - a town in France
- sodar - an acronym (Sound Detection and Ranging)
- sodas - plural of "soda", a carbonated drink
- soddy - covered with sod; a sod house
- Sodek - a first name
- soder - an older spelling of "solder"
- sodic - of or containing sodium
- sodio - containing sodium in place of hydrogen
- sodom - where they coveted their neighbor's ass, and not his wife
- soest - a Hanseatic town in Germany
- sofar - a system for locating underwater noises, an acronym (Sound Fixing And Ranging)
- sofas - plural of "sofa", a couch
- sofee - an ascetic
- sofer - a Hebrew scribe
- Soffi - a first name
- sofia - a first name; the capital city of Bulgaria
- Sofie - a first name
- sofis - plural of "sofi", a variant of "Sufi", a dervish
- Sofka - a first name
- softa - a Muslim theological student
- softs - plural of "soft", a soft thing
- softy - a person with elastic principles
- Sofya - a first name
- soger - a shirker
- soggy - wet; saturated
- soham - a town in England
- Sohan - a first name
- Sohar - a first name
- sohos - plural of "soho", a huntsman's cry
- Soile - a first name
- soils - earths; dirties
- soily - covered with dirt; like dirt
- sojas - plural of "soja", the soybean
- sojer - a variant of "soldier"
- sojns - plural of "sojn", a county in Norway
- sokah - variant of "soka", a kind of calypso music of the Caribbean
- sokas - plural of "soka", a kind of calypso music of the Caribbean
- soken - a socage district
- sokes - plural of "soke", the right to administer justice in a fief
- sokol - a Czech governmental organization
- sokos - plural of "soko", an African anthropoid ape
- solah - solar; sola; sponge-wood
- solan - a gannet; a town in India
- solar - of the sun
- solas - plural of "sola", the hat plant
- solay - to cut a bream into serving portions (none for me thanks)
- solde - pay; remuneration
- soldi - plural of "soldo", an Italian half penny
- soldo - an Italian half penny
- solds - plural of "sold", pay or remuneration
- solea - the type genus of Soleidae; a platform in a church
- soled - formed the base of a shoe
- solen - the razor fish genus
- soler - one who soles shoes
- soles - plural of "sole", the base of a shoe or a foot
- Soley - a first name
- solfa - the musical scale representation "Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do"
- solid - integral; not hollow
- solin - a town in Croatia
- solis - a first name; a town in Uruquay
- Solje - a first name
- Solly - a first name
- solms - a former county of central Germany
- solna - a town in Sweden
- solod - an intrazonal group of dealkalized compacted clay soil
- soloi - an ancient province of Cilicia, whose "bad" Greek dialect spawned the word "solecism"
- solok - a town in Indonesia
- solon - a first name; a Greek lawgiver; a wise legislator
- solos - flies an airplane alone; plays an instrument alone
- Solow - a first name
- solta - a Croatian island
- solum - a piece of ground; soil
- solus - a stage direction meaning "alone"; a legal term meaning "sole" or "exclusive"
- solve - to elucidate; to unravel
- Solvi - a first name
- somaj - a Hindu society
- Somak - a first name
- somal - of the body
- soman - a poisonous gas created for use in chemical warfare
- somas - plural of "soma", a body
- somba - a language
- Somer - a first name
- somis - a town in California
- somji - a town in Nigeria
- somma - the rim of a volcanic crater
- somme - a river that passes by Amiens; the location of a battle in WWI
- somne - to summon
- Somya - a first name
- Sonal - a first name
- Sonam - a first name
- sonar - an underwater detection system (Sound Navigation Ranging)
- Sonay - a first name
- sonce - good luck, abundance
- soncy - buxom; jolly; lucky
- sonde - an upper atmospheric probe; a message or messenger; a visit
- sonds - sondes, visits
- Sonei - a first name
- sonem - a river in New Guinea
- Soner - a first name
- sones - plural of "sone", a unit of loudness
- songe - a language
- songo - a river, giving its name to "Songo fever"; a language
- songs - plural of "song", a musical composition commonly including words
- songy - a town in France
- Sonia - a first name
- sonic - of sound
- Sonie - a first name
- Sonja - a first name
- Sonke - a first name
- sonly - like or of a son
- Sonna - a first name
- sonne - an obsolete form of "sun" or "son"
- Sonni - a first name
- sonno - a term of address for a younger man or boy
- sonny - a first name; a term of endearment
- sonse - good luck; abundance
- sonsy - buxom; jolly; of attractive and healthy appearance; something that is lucky
- sonty - sanctity
- Sonya - a first name
- sooey - "yoo hoo" to a pig
- Soogy - a first name
- sooja - the soya bean
- sooke - a town on Vancouver Island
- Sooki - a first name
- sooks - plural of "sook", a female crab
- sooky - a first name; sulky; a cry-baby; cowardly
- soola - a kind of clover
- soole - to pull someone by the ears
- sools - incites a dog
- sooms - swims
- Sooni - a first name
- soony - sentimental
- soops - sweeps
- soord - bacon skin
- soote - sweetly
- sooth - truth
- soots - plural of "soot", fine black residue from burning
- sooty - covered with soot
- Sooze - a first name
- soper - a drinker; a sedative
- sopes - plural of "sope", a variant of "soap"
- sopha - a sofa; the seat of a king
- Sophe - a first name
- sophi - a first name; a Persian king
- sophs - plural of "soph", a sophomore
- sophy - a first name; a Persian ruler
- Sopon - a first name
- sopor - a deep sleep; a sedative
- soppo - fashionable
- soppy - moist; wet; silly
- sopra - in musical notation, "above"
- Sorah - a first name
- soral - relating to a sorus
- Soran - a first name
- soras - plural of "sora", a marsh bird
- sorbo - porous rubber
- sorbs - holds by absorption or adsorption (remember them?); a Slavic ethnic group
- Sorca - a first name
- sorda - damped with a mute
- sordo - a musical notation meaning muted or damped
- sords - plural of "sord", a flight of mallards
- sored - made sore
- soree - a North American short billed rail
- sorek - a biblical place
- sorel - a first name; a buck of the third year
- Soren - a first name
- sorer - more sore
- sores - plural of "sore", an ulcer
- sorex - a genus including shrew-mice
- sorge - a feeling bordering on anxiety
- sorgo - any sweet variety of sorghum
- soria - a town in Spain
- Sorin - a first name
- sorns - sponges off of others
- sorra - not; never; sorrow
- sorry - regretful; run down or slipshod
- sorta - slang for "sort of"
- sorte - a town in Venezuela
- sorts - arranges in order; kinds
- sorus - a cluster of capsules on ferns
- sorva - couma, a tropical South American tree
- sorve - a town in Estonia
- sorwe - sorrow
- soshi - a kind of decorative screening
- Sosia - a first name
- sosie - a first name; a person having an exact likeness with another
- sotel - subtle
- soter - a first name; the first king of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt
- sothe - sooth
- sotho - Basuto; a Bantu language group
- soths - plural of "soth", sooth
- sotie - a short topical farcical play of medieval France
- sotik - a town in Kenya
- sotil - subtle
- sotol - a flowering plant similar to yucca; a Mexican distilled liquor
- sotto - in musical notation, "below", "lower", "beneath"
- Souad - a first name
- souce - a souse
- souct - soused
- souda - a town in Crete
- sough - a low moan
- souir - to throw with a jerk
- souke - to suck
- souks - plural of "souk", a marketplace
- Soula - a first name
- soule - the ball used in a traditional French game
- souls - plural of "soul", a spirit
- soulx - an obsolete plural of "sou", a French coin
- souly - soulful
- soulz - an obsolete plural of "sou", a French coin
- soums - plural of "soum", pasturage
- sound - a noise; healthy; a waterway; a probe
- soune - to sound
- souns - plural of "soun", a variant of "sound"
- soups - plural of "soup", a broth
- soupy - watery; murky
- soure - a town in Brazil
- sours - becomes sour; plural of "sour", a sour candy; a sour drink
- sourt - a violent liquid ejection; a shoot or bud
- soury - sour; unpleasant
- souse - a pickle; a sauce; to steep in brine; a drunkard
- sousy - like a drunkard
- south - a compass direction
- souts - plural of "sout", soot
- Souza - a first name
- sovok - a cynical, lazy person who has adapted to Soviet society
- sowan - a town in Jordan, also known as "Sawwan"
- sowar - an Indian cavalryman
- sowce - a souse
- sowed - planted
- sowei - a tribe in Sierra Leone
- sower - a propagator; a disseminator
- sowff - to hum; to sing softly; south
- sowfs - whistles or hums
- sowle - to pull by the ears
- sowls - pulls by the ears
- sowms - plural of "sowm", pasturage
- sownd - to wield
- sowne - to sound
- sowps - plural of "sowp", a sip
- sowre - sour
- sowse - souse
- sowth - to whistle softly
- soyas - plural of "soya", a Japanese bean
- Soyeb - a first name
- soyle - a body or prey
- soyot - a Tatar people
- sozal - a crystalline salt of aluminum
- Sozar - a first name
- sozin - a type of protein
- spaad - a kind of spar; earthflax
- space - volume; room; extent
- spack - spoke
- spacy - dazed; flighty
- spade - a garden tool; a card suit
- spado - a spade; a sword; an impotent person, or one unable to reproduce
- spads - plural of "spad", a nail one or two inches long with a hook at the head
- spaed - foretold
- spaer - a diviner
- spaes - foretells
- spags - plural of "spag", an Italian person
- spahi - an Algerian cavalryman of the Ottoman army
- spahy - a cavalryman of the Ottoman army
- spaid - a hart or stag that is three years old
- spaik - spoke
- spail - a splinter
- spain - a European country; spane
- spait - a spate
- spake - Biblical "spoke"
- spaky - speckled
- spald - to split under pressure, such as bricks
- spale - a splinter; a brace; to break up
- spall - to break; to split
- spalt - a flux; a foolish person; brittle; to split
- spams - sends massive amounts of EMAIL; forges a return address
- spane - to wean
- spang - a spangle; to leap; to hurl; an emphasis word, as in "spang in the middle"
- spank - to slap the buttocks
- spans - to cross; plural of "span", a bridge; a unit of length of 9 inches
- spard - spared
- spare - extra; to withhold punishment; thin
- spark - a first name; to flash
- sparr - a town in Florida
- spars - fights; plural of "spar", a timber
- spart - esparto; Spanish broom grass
- spary - parsimonious; thrifty
- spash - a town in Albania
- spasm - a tic; a throe; a paroxysm
- spaso - a spastic person
- spata - a town in ancient Greece
- spate - a sudden flood
- spath - the mineral spar
- spats - plural of "spat", an argument; a shoe cover; 10^12 meters
- spaul - to spawl
- spave - to geld
- spawl - to split; to slaver; to spit copiously
- spawn - offspring
- spaws - plural of "spaw", a variant of "spa"
- spayd - a male deer in its third year
- spays - neuters
- spaza - an illicit grocery store in South Africa
- spazz - a clumsy, awkward person
- speak - to say
- speal - speel; spule
- spean - to wean
- spear - a first name; a lance
- speat - a spate
- spece - a species or kind
- speck - a stain; a blemish; a small spot
- specs - plural of "spec", a specification; a spectacle
- speed - a first name; the magnitude of velocity
- speel - to climb; a splinter; to run away
- speen - a village in England
- speer - a first name; to ask; a screen
- speet - to stab
- speil - climb
- speir - to ask
- speke - to speak
- speks - specks
- speld - a chip; a splinter
- spelk - a rod; a switch; a long piece of wood
- spell - a short time; to specify the spelling of; a magical hex
- spelt - poetic "spelled"; German wheat
- spend - to expend; to ejaculate
- speng - a gun
- spent - consumed; worn; expended
- speos - an ancient Egyptian cave temple
- spere - to ask
- sperm - spawn; semen
- Spero - a first name
- spers - bolts
- spess - a specification
- spets - spits
- spews - vomits
- spewy - wet; boggy; awful; furious
- sphex - the wasp genus
- spial - a spy; a scout
- spica - a star; a spur; a spike; a bandage wound spirally around a limb
- spice - a tasty herb
- spick - a spike; a nail; tidy
- spics - a slur
- spicy - containing spices
- spide - spied
- spied - observed
- spiel - a routine or bit of business
- spier - to ask; one who spies
- spies - plural of "spy", a secret agent
- spiff - to make spiffy; a dandy; money paid to a salesman to push merchandise
- spike - a first name; a large nail; a thorn
- spiks - a slur, and not even spelled correctly
- spiky - covered with spikes
- spile - a spigot; a peg; slang for "spoil"
- spill - a fall; the escape of liquid from a container; a stick or paper used for lighting
- spilt - poetic "spilled"
- spims - plural of "spim", an unwanted message sent through an instant message system
- spina - a spine
- spine - a backbone; a thorn
- spink - a chaffinch; a primrose
- spins - rotates; explains a presidential action
- spiny - covered with spines
- spire - a high church tower; a curl; a sedge
- Spiro - a first name
- spirt - a spout; to spurt
- Spiru - a first name
- spiry - spiral; having many spires; like a spire
- spiss - thick, dense
- spite - petty malevolence
- spity - spiteful
- spiti - a region in northern India; a Tibetan river
- spits - expectorates; skewers
- spitz - a Pomeranian dog
- spivs - plural of "spiv", a petty criminal
- spiza - a finch genus
- splat - a sound effect of wet collision; part of a chair-back
- splaw - splay
- splay - wide; to slant; to slope
- splib - a black person
- splim - marijuana
- split - to divide; a champagne bottle of 200 milliliters; a town in Yugoslavia
- splog - a "spam blog" or "spam web log", a web page designed to attract browser
- hits, followed by clicks on associated ads
- spode - fine china-ware
- spogh - to boast
- spoil - to ruin; booty
- spoke - said; a part of a wheel
- spoky - like a spoke; long and thin
- spole - a spool; a small wheel
- spong - an irregular narrow projection portion of a field
- sponk - infatuation; a match
- spons - money
- spoof - a parody
- spook - a ghost; a spy; to frighten
- spool - a small wheel or spindle; to transfer to a peripheral device
- spoom - to scud downwind
- spoon - an eating utensil; to cuddle
- spoor - a first name; the track of an animal
- spoot - the razor shell clam
- spore - a reproductive cell of some plants
- sport - game
- spose - a slang spelling of "suppose"
- sposh - slush
- spots - notices; a leopard; plural of "spot", a small mark or blotch
- spout - to gush; a nozzle
- sprad - a past tense of "spread"
- sprag - a braking pole on the rear axle of a cart; a young salmon; to obstruct; a dandy
- sprat - a small sea-fish
- spray - foam; a sprig; to diffuse
- spred - spread
- spree - a carousal; a river that goes through Berlin
- spret - sprat
- sprew - the disease thrush; sprue
- sprig - a shoot; a twit
- sprit - a boom; a spar
- sprod - a sophomore salmon; a sea trout
- sprog - a new recruit; a child
- sprot - a sprat, a small sea-fish
- sprue - the disease thrush
- sprug - an English sparrow
- spuds - a first name; plural of "spud", a potato
- spued - spewed
- spues - spews
- spuff - semen
- spuke - a spook
- spule - a spool; the shoulder
- spume - froth; spray
- spumy - foaming
- spung - to rob
- spunk - nerve; pluck
- spurl - to scramble; to sprawl; the helix displayed above a fainting cartoon character
- spurn - to reject
- spurr - a mountain in Alaska
- spurs - urges
- spurt - to spout; a rush; speed
- sputa - plural of "sputum", spit
- spute - to dispute
- spyal - a spy; a scout
- spyer - one who spies
- Spyke - a first name
- spyne - a pinnace
- spyre - a spire
- squab - clumsy; curt; unfledged; a pigeon
- squad - a team; a crew
- squam - a waterproof oilskin hat
- squat - to crouch; short and wide
- squaw - an Indian woman
- squeg - to oscillate irregularly
- squff - to eat heavily; to stuff oneself
- squib - a firework; a short round; a lampoon
- squid - a sea creature with ten tentacles
- squit - a person of little consequence; silly talk
- squiz - to look at
- sqush - a colloquial word meaning to crush and squash
- Sreta - a first name
- srifa - a town in Lebanon
- Srini - a first name
- sruti - a Hindu class of shastras
- staad - a town in Switzerland
- Staas - a first name
- stabs - strikes with a knife
- Stace - a first name
- stach - to stop; to refrain
- Staci - a first name
- stack - a pile; a chimney
- Stacy - a first name
- stade - a stadium; an arena; a period of time represented by a glacial deposit; a town in Germany
- staff - personnel; a rod
- stage - to produce; to present; a platform
- stags - plural of "stag", a male deer
- stagy - theatrical; histrionic
- staia - plural of "staio", a unit of volume in medieval Italy
- staid - steady; grave; sedate
- staig - a colt
- stail - a long straight wooden handle for a tool
- stain - to sully; to taint
- staio - a unit of volume in medieval Italy
- stair - a step; a stairway
- stake - a picket; a wager
- stale - no longer fresh
- stalk - to hunt stealthily; to walk away angrily; a stem
- stall - a booth; to hold off
- stamp - to impress; to brand; to mark
- stams - confounds
- Stana - a first name
- stand - to provide; to stay; to be erect
- stane - a first name; stone
- stang - a wooden pole; a perch; to throb
- stank - smelled badly; was one of my shoes
- Stano - a first name
- stans - a town in Switzerland
- stant - a variant of "stont"
- staph - the staphylococcus bacterium; a bacterial infection
- stapp - a unit of force caused by acceleration of one G acting for one second
- staps - chokes; obstructs
- stara - a town in Bulgaria; a woolen cloth
- stare - a long look; the starling
- starf - starved
- stark - bare
- starn - a star; the buttocks
- starr - a first name; a Jewish bond or deed
- stars - plural of "star", an asterisk; a heavenly body; a leading actor
- start - a beginning; a sudden twitch
- stary - a first name; given to staring
- Stasa - a first name
- stash - to hide away
- stasi - the East German state security police
- Stasy - a first name
- state - to aver; a nation; a condition
- stats - plural of "stat", a statistic
- staup - a town in Norway
- stave - to avert; to fend off; to burst; a wooden slat
- staws - stands still
- stays - remains; plural of "stay", an elastic garment supporter
- stchi - a Russian soup
- stead - place
- steak - a cut of beef
- steal - to take secretly and illicitly
- steam - water vapor; to fume in anger
- stean - a stone container with two handles
- stear - steer
- stech - gormandize
- stedd - steed
- stede - steed
- steds - steeds
- steed - a first name; a riding horse
- Steef - a first name
- steek - to stitch; to pierce; to shut
- steel - a first name; to brace; to nerve; a manufactured metal
- steem - to esteem
- steen - a first name; a stone container with two handles; a number between 13 and 19
- steep - veering abruptly up or down; to brew; an English town
- steer - to guide; to pilot; a deballocked bullock
- stees - plural of "stee", a ladder
- Stefa - a first name
- Stefi - a first name
- Stefo - a first name
- stegh - stech
- stegs - plural of "steg", a gander
- steid - base; foundation
- Steig - a first name
- steik - to pierce with a sharp instrument
- steil - a handle or shaft
- stein - a first name; a beer mug
- steiu - a town in Romania
- stela - an inscribed column; sap system
- stele - an inscribed column; sap system
- stelk - an Irish dish of onions and mashed potatoes
- stell - a first name; to fix; to establish
- steme - to evaporate
- stems - stalks; stops
- stend - to leap; to walk with long strides
- steno - a stenographer
- stens - plural of "sten", a tommy-gun
- stent - to stint; to restrain; to limit; a medical device for opening arteries and lawsuits
- Steny - a first name
- Steph - a first name
- steps - plural of "step", a measure; a pace
- stept - a poetic variant of "stepped"
- stera - a town in Yemen
- stere - a unit of volume equal to a cubic meter
- steri - a prefix that means "sterilizing"
- stern - a first name; fierce; the rear of a ship
- stert - started
- stetl - a Jewish ghetto
- stets - plural of "stet", an editorial mark ("let it stand")
- Steva - a first name
- steve - a first name; to stow
- Stevi - a first name
- Stevo - a first name
- Stevy - a first name
- stews - simmers; plural of "stew", a ragout; a stewardess
- stewy - a first name; simmering; steaming; reeking; like a stew
- steyn - to line an excavation with stone or brick to prevent cave-ins
- steyr - an Austrian town
- steys - plural of "stey", a variant of "stee", a ladder
- Stian - a first name
- stica - a small Saxon coin
- stich - a row of trees; a stave; a brioche; a verse or line of poetry
- stick - a piece of wood; to remain; to stab
- stied - penned like pigs
- Stieg - a first name
- sties - ascends; plural of "sty", a pig pen
- stife - a stifling smell
- stiff - rigid; a corpse; to refuse to pay or repay
- stift - one who does not work
- stike - stanza
- stilb - a unit of measurement of luminance
- stile - the gnomon of a sundial; steps for getting over a fence
- stili - plural of "stylus", an instrument for writing or marking
- still - quiet; up to now; not moving; a distillery
- stilp - to go on crutches; to walk on stilts
- stilt - a pole for elevated walking; a snipe
- stime - a glimmer; a ray
- stimy - to stymie
- Stina - a first name
- Stine - a first name
- sting - a first name; a sharp local pain; a bee's defensive mechanism; a vampiric celebrity
- stink - to smell badly
- stint - a short time; a sandpiper; a dunlin; a stent
- stion - a plant consisting of a stock and scion
- stipa - the feather grasses
- stipe - a first name; a stalk; a stem; a stipendiary magistrate
- stire - to steer; to stir
- stirk - a young ox or cow
- stirp - a line of descent
- stirs - wakes up; mixes
- stirt - started; leaped
- stith - stithy; an anvil or smithy
- stive - to stew; to stuff up; floating dust
- stivy - stuffy; close
- stoae - plural of "stoa", a porch
- stoai - plural of "stoa", a porch
- stoak - to stop; to choke
- stoas - plural of "stoa", a porch
- stoat - an ermine; a weasel
- stobi - a town in southern Yugoslavia
- stobs - plural of "stob", a stub; a stump; a wooden stake strummed by worm grunters to attract worms (shades of Dune!)
- stock - a cravat; a store; a family line; a punishment device; to garner; a fund
- stoep - a stoop; a veranda
- stoer - a British cape
- stogs - stirs up mud
- stogy - a cigar
- stoic - unemotional
- stoit - to stagger; to lurch; to jump up
- stoke - a first name; to add fuel to; a unit of measurement of kinematic viscosity
- stola - a Roman woman's long robe
- stole - a fur piece; took illicitly
- stoln - stolen
- stoma - a breathing pore; a simple bodily opening
- stomp - to stamp; stump
- stond - stand
- stone - a first name; a rock; a unit of weight of 14 pounds
- stong - stung
- stonk - a heavy concentration of artillery fire; a marble
- stonn - to stun
- stont - an obsolete inflected past form of "to stand"
- stony - a first name; rocky; unemotional
- stood - was erect; withstood
- stook - a pillar of coal left as a mine support; a shock of grain; a hiding place; a pocket handkerchief
- stool - a backless seat; a mass of feces
- stoom - stum; to renew fermentation; to ruin financially; to strengthen
- stoon - stound
- stoop - to bend over; a porch; a flagon
- stoor - a tumult; a paroxysm
- stoot - stout
- stopa - a Czech unit of measure
- stope - a mining ledge
- stops - plural of "stop", a halt
- stopt - poetic "stopped"
- store - a shop; to preserve
- stork - a bird that lives in chimneys in Europe, and delivers babies in the US
- storm - a first name; a tempest
- Storn - a first name
- Storr - a first name
- stort - a British river
- story - a first name; a tale; a floor of a building
- stosh - a first name; fish offal
- stoss - the direction from which a glacier descends
- stote - a stoat
- stots - plural of "stot", a young ox
- stott - a town in Norway
- stouk - a stook; a sheaf of corn
- stoun - stolen
- stoup - a stoop; a flagon; a tankard; a basin for holy water
- stour - a stoor; a tumult; a paroxysm; a stiff breeze; a British river
- stout - fat; an alcoholic brew
- stove - an oven; broken in
- stowe - a first name; a town in Vermont
- stown - stolen
- stowp - a stoup
- stows - packs; arranges
- strad - a Stradivarius violin
- strae - straw
- strag - a strip bag
- strak - to strike
- stram - to walk with ungraceful strides
- strap - a long thin piece of leather or fabric
- strat - a British river; a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar
- straw - dried grass; a drinking tube
- stray - to wander
- stree - straw
- strel - a banjo
- strep - a streptococcus infection
- strew - to scatter
- stria - a stripe; a streak; a strip; a stretch; a strap; a strop; a strand; a string;...
- strib - a prison warden
- strid - a narrow ravine
- strig - stalk
- strip - a long thin piece; to remove clothing
- strit - a town in Slovenia
- strix - a screech-owl
- strob - a unit of angular velocity, one radian per second
- Strom - a first name
- strop - a leather strip
- strow - to strew
- stroy - to destroy
- strub - to rob; a prison warder
- strum - thrum
- strut - a support; to swagger
- struv - an obsolete past tense of "strive"
- stryn - a town in Norway
- stubs - strikes a toe accidentally against an unseen obstacle; plural of "stub", a short, squat thing
- stuck - set; fixed; adhered
- studa - a town in Pennsylvania
- Studd - a first name
- stude - a nickname for the Studebaker car
- studs - a first name; plural of "stud", a knob; a nail; a breeding male
- study - to examine; a reading room
- Stuey - a first name
- stufa - a jet of steam that emerges from the ground
- stuff - to fill; things
- stugs - plural of "stug", a thorn
- stuka - a German dive bomber of World War II
- stuke - a pocket handkerchief
- stull - a mining cross-timber
- stulm - a mine drain shaft
- stulp - a stump
- stuma - a fraudulent check
- stumm - shtoom, silent
- stump - to puzzle; the remains of a felled tree
- stums - plural of "stum", an unfermented wine; a barbiturate
- stung - made a sharp local pain
- stunk - smelled badly
- stuns - dazes; astounds
- stunt - to dwarf; an exploit
- stupa - a Buddhist monumental pagoda
- stupe - a hot bandage; fomentation; a stupid person
- stupp - a black deposit obtained in distilling mercury ores
- stups - has sexual intercourse with
- sturb - to disturb
- sture - stoor
- sturk - a young ox
- sturt - strife; wrath; a desert; a bargain in mining
- Stush - a first name
- stuss - a gambling game resembling faro
- stuts - stutters
- styan - a stye or boil
- styca - a small Anglo-Saxon coin
- styed - kept in a sty
- styes - plural of "stye", an inflamed eyelid
- style - a manner; a pen; to dub
- styli - plural of "stylo", a pen; a stylograph
- stylo - a pen; a stylograph
- styme - to stime; to stimie; a glimmer or glimpse
- stymy - to thwart
- styre - to set in motion, to stir up
- styro - styrofoam
- Suada - a first name
- suade - to persuade
- suage - to assuage; to calm
- Suann - a first name
- suant - suent; neat and tidy; consistent
- Suany - a first name
- suapi - a town in Bolivia
- suave - smooth; bland
- subah - a province
- subas - province
- subby - a submarine sandwich; a subcontractor
- subei - a town in China
- suber - phellem; a cork
- Subhi - a first name
- subic - a town in the Philippines
- Subir - a first name
- subka - a hard salty layer over desert sand, on which it is easy to travel
- Subra - a first name
- subum - a town in Cameroon
- succi - plural of "succus"
- sucio - a river of Colombia
- sucka - a sucker or dupe
- sucks - draws into the mouth; is to be denigrated
- sucky - bad, disgusting, undesirable
- sucre - an Ecuadorean monetary unit worth approximately nothing; a town in Bolivia
- sucua - a town in Ecuador
- sudak - the pike-perch; a Crimean port city
- sudan - an African country south of Egypt
- sudds - plural of "sudd", a floating mass of vegetation
- suddy - choked with floating vegetation
- Sudeb - a first name
- Sudha - a first name
- Sudib - a first name
- sudic - sweaty
- sudid - sweaty
- Sudie - a first name
- Sudin - a first name
- Sudip - a first name
- sudor - sweat
- Sudou - a first name
- sudra - the lowest Hindu caste
- sudsy - full of suds
- suebi - another name for Sueves
- suede - an unglazed leather
- Suege - a first name
- Sueko - a first name
- Suela - a first name
- Suely - a first name
- suent - neat and tidy
- suers - plural of "suer", a plaintiff in a lawsuit
- suets - plural of "suet", fatty tissue
- suety - containing suet
- Sueva - a first name
- sueve - Suevian
- suevi - Suevians
- suffs - plural of "suff", a suffragist
- sufic - referring to a form of Islamic mysticism
- sufis - plural of "Sufi", an Islamic mystic
- sugai - a village in China
- sugan - a straw rope; a quilt
- sugar - a sweet substance
- sughs - soughs
- Suhad - a first name
- suhar - a town in eastern Arabia
- Suhas - a first name
- suhur - the predawn meal during Ramadan
- suids - plural of "suid", any member of the pig family
- suina - a division of Artiodactyla comprising swine and peccaries
- suine - a butter substitute, a mixture of oleomargarine with lard
- suing - bringing a legal action against
- suint - lanoline; dried sheep sweat (sorry, we sold our last bottle)
- suiri - a river in New Guinea
- suist - self-seeking
- suita - a town in Japan
- suite - a collection; a set of rooms
- suits - pleases; plural of "suit", an outfit; a legal action
- suity - like a suit; prone to wearing suits
- Sujal - a first name
- Sujay - a first name
- sujee - a mixture of soap and caustic soda for cleaning painted surfaces on ships
- Sujin - a first name
- sujis - plural of "suji", an Indian wheat, granulated but not pulverized
- Sujit - a first name
- Sujka - a first name
- Sukee - a first name
- sukey - a first name; a teakettle
- sukhs - plural of "sukh", a souk
- sukie - a first name; a teakettle
- sukka - a temporary dwelling for the feast of Sukkoth
- sukun - an Arabic accent mark
- sulas - plural of "sula", a genus of seabirds
- sulby - a British river
- sulci - plural of "sulcus", a brain groove or fold
- sulfa - an antibiotic
- sulfo - sulfonic
- Sulia - a first name
- sulid - the family of boobies and gannets
- Sulim - a first name
- Suljo - a first name
- sulka - a Papuan people of New Britain island
- sulks - broods
- sulky - a light vehicle; sullen
- sulla - a European herb valued for forage
- sulls - plural of "sull", a plow
- sully - a first name; to tarnish
- Sulma - a first name
- sulph - amphetamine sulphate
- sulus - plural of "Sulu, a tribe of Moros in the Philippines
- sumac - a wild bush
- sumak - a carpet
- suman - a first name; relating to the Sumo people
- sumas - a town in Washington state; plural of "Suma", a Nicaraguan Indian
- sumba - one of the islands of Indonesia
- Sumed - a first name
- sumer - a first name; an ancient Middle Eastern civilization
- Sumia - a first name
- Sumie - a first name
- Sumil - a first name
- Sumio - a first name
- Sumir - a first name
- Sumit - a first name
- summa - a summation of all knowledge on some subject; a "summa cum laude" degree
- Sumon - a first name
- sumos - plural of "sumo", a Japanese wrestler
- sumph - a dunce; a blockhead
- sumps - plural of "sump", a pit; a morass
- sumpy - like a sump
- Sumya - a first name
- Sunay - a first name
- sunck - an Indian chief
- Sundi - a first name
- Sundy - a first name
- Sunee - a first name
- sungi - an Asian cape
- Sunil - a first name
- Sunit - a first name
- sunks - plural of "sunk", a pad, a turf seat
- sunna - the body of Islamic social and legal customs
- sunne - a first name; a town in Sweden
- sunni - a first name; a branch of Islam
- sunns - plural of "sunn", an Indian fiber plant similar to hemp
- sunny - a first name; bright; cheerful
- Sunta - a first name
- sunup - dawn
- Sunya - a first name
- suoid - pig-like
- suomi - Finland
- supai - a town in Arizona; an Indian people
- super - excellent; a superintendent
- supes - plural of "supe", a supernumerary; a toady
- Suphi - a first name
- supra - above
- supsa - a Black Sea port in Georgia
- surah - a soft twilled Indian silk
- surai - a town on the Volga river
- sural - pertaining to the calf of the leg
- suras - plural of "Sura", a chapter of the Koran, (arranged longest to shortest)
- surat - a coarse Indian cotton; a port city in India
- Suray - a first name
- surds - plural of "surd", an irrational number
- sured - stood security for
- Suree - a first name
- surer - more sure
- sures - stands security for
- Suret - a first name
- surfs - waves; rides the waves; browses on the Internet
- surfy - covered with surf
- surge - to swell; to increase
- surgy - swirling
- surif - a Palestinian town
- surly - rude
- surma - native antimony sulfide used in India to darken the eyelids; a people of Ethiopia
- surra - a first name; a Oriental disease of horses and camels, infectious anemia
- surui - a Brazilian Indian tribe
- Suruj - a first name
- surya - a first name; a Hindu sun-god
- Susan - a first name
- Susen - a first name
- Susey - a first name
- sushi - live parasites and beach detritus, served in an uncooked fish
- Susie - a first name
- Susil - a first name
- Suson - a first name
- Susse - a first name
- Sussi - a first name
- susso - state government unemployment benefits
- Sussy - a first name
- susto - a psychological affliction, occurring in Latin America, in which one believes one's soul has split from one's body
- Susur - a first name
- susus - plural of "susu", a dolphin native to the Ganges river
- Sutan - a first name
- Suten - a first name
- Sutki - a first name
- sutor - a cobbler
- sutra - a Brahminical ritual; a collection of rules
- sutso - a town in Tibet
- sutta - a Hindu aphorism; a collection of rules
- Suvam - a first name
- suvar - a town in eastern Russia
- Suvir - a first name
- suwon - a city in Korea
- Suyen - a first name
- suzak - a town in Kyrgyzstan
- Suzan - a first name
- Suzie - a first name
- Suzon - a first name
- Suzue - a first name
- Suzyn - a first name
- Svata - a first name
- svava - a first name; in Norse mythology, one of the Valkyries
- Svein - a first name
- Svend - a first name
- Sveta - a first name
- Sveva - a first name
- swabs - mops; soaks up
- swack - active; nimble; to beat; a penis
- swads - plural of "swad", a pod; a podgy person; a clump
- swage - to assuage; to soften; to shape metal by hammer and anvil; an ornamental molding
- swags - plural of "swag", a hanging decoration; plunders
- swail - a first name; a tract of low marshy ground
- swain - a first name; a peasant; a country lover
- swaip - to walk proudly; to sweep along
- swaka - a language
- swale - a first name; a shady spot; a gully filled with erosive debris; a British river
- swaly - shady; marshy
- swami - a Hindu religious teacher
- swamp - a bog; to flood
- swamy - a Hindu religious teacher
- Swane - a first name
- swang - a swamp; a greensward; past perfect of "swing"
- swank - fancy; high class; ritzy
- swans - plural of "swan", a water fowl
- swape - a handle; an oar
- swaps - exchanges; trades
- swapt - an obsolete variant of "swapped"
- sward - turf; bacon
- sware - testified; cursed
- swarf - to swoon; the accumulation of fine metal particles from a grinder
- swarm - a horde; a mob
- swart - swarthy; tawny
- swash - a town in Iraq; dash; frothy sea surf
- swate - a past tense form of "to sweat"
- swath - swathe; the sweep of a scythe; a small waterline area twin hull boat
- swati - a first name; a resident of the Sultanate of Swat
- swats - new ale; smacks
- swave - fine; wonderful; a mock mispronunciation of "suave"
- swayl - sweal
- sways - oscillates; influences
- swazi - a native of Swaziland; a Bantu ethnic group
- swazz - to swagger
- sweal - to scorch
- swear - to affirm; to curse
- sweat - to perspire
- swede - a first name; a native of Sweden; a turnip
- sweel - sweal
- sweep - to brush away; an oar
- sweer - a bend; slothful; loth
- swees - sways
- sweet - luscious; honeyed
- sweir - sweer, a bend; slothful; loth
- swell - wonderful; to expand; a self-important person
- swelp - a miserable complainer
- swelt - to swelter; a course
- swept - brushed away
- swerd - a sword
- swerf - swarf
- sweys - sways
- swich - such
- swift - rapid; a bird
- swigs - takes a big swallow
- swile - seal
- swill - dregs; to wash; to rinse
- swims - propels oneself through water
- swine - pigs
- swing - to sway; to vibrate
- swink - to labor; to work hard
- swins - plural of "swin", a sea river or channel
- swint - suint
- swipe - to steal; to brush across
- swips - to down a drink in one gulp
- swipy - of or related to an electronic reader through which a card is "swiped"
- swire - a col; a hollow between two hills
- swirl - to whirl; to gyrate
- swish - to thrash; to emit a soft whistling sound
- swiss - of Switzerland; a kind of cheese
- swith - "quickly"
- swits - a Shakespearean form of "switch"
- swive - to fornicate with
- swizz - something unfair or disappointing
- swobs - mops
- swole - swelled
- swoln - swollen
- swonk - labored; worked hard
- swoon - to faint
- swoop - to rush; to stoop; a descent
- swope - swoop
- swops - swaps
- swopt - swapped
- sword - a rapier; a cutlass
- swore - used profanity; took an oath
- sworn - attested to
- swosh - to move with a hissing or whistling sound
- swote - sweetly
- swots - plural of "swot", an earnest student
- swoun - to swoon
- swung - rocked
- swyve - to fornicate with
- sybbe - sib
- Sybel - a first name
- sybil - a first name; a sibyl
- Syble - a first name
- syboe - a cibol
- sybos - plural of "sybo", an onion or cibol
- sybow - a cibol
- Sybyl - a first name
- sycee - small Chinese silver ingots
- syces - plural of "syce", a chauffeur; a groom; a male servant in India
- sycon - a genus of calcareous sponges
- Sydel - a first name
- Sydna - a first name
- Sydni - a first name
- Sydny - a first name
- Syeda - a first name
- syene - a town in Egypt, where the sun shines straight down a well on the summer solstice, now Aswan
- syens - plural of "syen", a scion
- Sying - a first name
- syker - surely
- sykes - plural of "syke", a rivulet; a rill
- Sylas - a first name
- syles - plural of "syle", a young herring
- sylis - plural of "syli", a monetary unit of Guinea
- Sylke - a first name
- sylph - an airy fairy; a bird
- sylva - a first name; silva; forest trees
- Sylvi - a first name
- Syman - a first name
- symar - a woman's light, loosely hanging garment with full skirt and train
- Symia - a first name
- Symin - a first name
- Symms - a first name
- Symmy - a first name
- Symon - a first name
- synch - synchrony
- syncs - synchronizes
- Syndi - a first name
- synds - rinses
- Syndy - a first name
- syned - rinsed; washed
- synes - rinses; washes
- synod - an ecclesiastical council
- syped - siped
- sypes - sipes
- sypho - syphilis
- syrah - a first name; a wine grape
- syren - a siren; an enticer
- syria - a middle Eastern country
- Syrie - a first name
- Syril - a first name
- syrma - a trailing rope worn by tragic actors in ancient Greece
- syros - a Greek island
- syrts - plural of "syrt", a quicksand or bog
- syrup - a sweet thick liquid
- Syrus - a first name
- Sysky - a first name
- sysop - a computer system operator
- sythe - a scythe
- syths - plural of "syth", a variant of "scythe"
- syver - a first name; a drain
- taars - plural of "taar", an Arabian tambourine
- Taavo - a first name
- tabac - snuff-colored; a French tobacconist
- Taban - a first name
- Tabbi - a first name
- tabby - a first name; a cat; brindled; a plain-woved watered silk taffeta
- Tabea - a first name
- taber - a first name; to beat on a small drum
- tabes - emaciation; atrophy
- tabet - the sense of feeling
- Tabia - a first name
- Tabib - a first name
- tabic - a variant of "tabetic", meaning of or pertaining to tabes.
- tabid - consumptive
- tabis - plural of "tabi", a sock worn with Japanese sandals
- tabla - a small conical Indian drum
- table - an index; a list; to schedule; a board; a piece of furniture
- tabog - a town in the Philippines
- taboo - a ban
- tabor - a first name; a camp; a laager; a small snare drum; a town in Moravia
- tabot - a sacred Ethiopian image of the Ark of the Covenant
- tabuk - a town in Saudi Arabia
- tabun - a liquid organic phosphorous ester used as a nerve gas
- tabus - plural of "tabu", a taboo
- tabut - an Islamic bier or tomb
- tabwe - an African tribe
- tacan - a system of air navigation, acronym: "TACtical Air Navagation"
- tacca - a tropical herb genus that includes arrowroot
- taces - plural of "tace", a piece of plate armor for the upper thigh
- tacet - a musical rest or silence
- Tacey - a first name
- Tacha - a first name
- tache - a catch; a buckle; a stain; a freckle; a mustache; a bad habit; a lake in North America
- tacho - tachometer
- tachs - plural of "tach", a tachometer or speed measuring device
- Tacia - a first name
- Tacie - a first name
- tacit - silent; implicit
- tacks - maneuvers into the wind; plural of "tack", a fastener
- tacky - of little taste; viscous; gummy
- tacna - a town in Peru
- tacos - plural of "taco", a Mexican food
- tacts - plural of "tact", the sense to read and speak in implicit signs
- Tacye - a first name
- Tadan - a first name
- Tadao - a first name
- Taddy - a first name
- Tadej - a first name
- Tadek - a first name
- Tadeo - a first name
- Tades - a first name
- Tadey - a first name
- Tadgh - a first name
- Tadhg - a first name
- Tadio - a first name
- tadji - a town in Papua New Guinea
- Tadra - a first name
- Tadzi - a first name
- taean - a city in Korea
- taegu - a city in Korea
- Taeke - a first name
- taels - plural of "tael", money on account; a Chinese unit of weight of about an ounce
- taepo - a vicious horse
- taffy - a first name; a chewy candy; a native of Wales
- tafia - an inferior Malay rum made of sugarcane juice
- tafts - plural of "taft", a plumbing joint
- tagal - Filipino
- taggy - full of tags or matted locks of hair
- Taghi - a first name
- tagma - any of the distinct body regions of an arthropod
- tagua - the ivory palm
- tagum - a town in the Philippines
- tagus - a river flowing through Spain and Portugal
- tahaa - a South Pacific island near Bora-Bora
- tahar - a province in Afghanistan
- tahas - plural of "taha", the African weaver bird
- tahat - a mountain peak in Algeria
- Taher - a first name
- tahil - a unit of weight in the old Straits Settlements
- tahin - ground-up sesame seeds used in a sweet candy
- Tahir - a first name
- Tahji - a first name
- tahli - a first name; a Hindu gold ornament
- Tahni - a first name
- tahoe - a resort city in Nevada city; a once-crystal clear lake in Nevada
- tahrs - plural of "tahr", a Himalayan goat
- tahua - a Tahitian open space used for public assembly; a battlefield
- taian - a town in China
- taibe - a town in Lebanon
- Taibi - a first name
- taics - plural of "Taic", an Indo-Chinese
- Taieb - a first name
- Taies - a first name
- taiga - a Siberian coniferous region
- taigs - plural of "Taig", a disparaging term for an Irish Roman Catholic
- Taija - a first name
- taiji - a town in Japan
- Taika - a first name
- taiko - a Japanese drum
- tails - follows; evening dress; plural of "tail", an end
- taily - having or growing tails, such as grain
- taima - a first name; marijuana
- Taimy - a first name
- Taina - a first name
- taino - an extinct tribe of the West Indies
- tains - plural of "tain", a thin plate
- taint - to contaminate; the perineum ('taint one, 'taint the other)
- Taipa - a first name
- taipo - a vicious New Zealand animal; a nocturnal Maori demon
- taira - a first name; a town in Japan; an animal of the weasel family, common to Mexico and tropical South America
- tairn - a tarn
- Taisa - a first name
- taish - the ghost of a person about to die
- Taite - a first name
- taits - plural of "tait", a tate, a fiber, a lock of hair
- Taitt - a first name
- Taiva - a first name
- Taiwo - a first name
- taizz - an Arabian town
- tajes - plural of "taje", a tall conical cap
- tajik - a native of Tajikistan
- tajin - an extinct culture centered at Vera Cruz, Mexico
- Tajma - a first name
- Takao - a first name
- takar - a town in Niger
- takas - plural of "taka", a Bengali coin
- taken - removed
- takeo - a first name; a town in Cambodia
- taker - one who takes
- takes - removes; accepts
- takhi - a species of wild horse
- takht - a small Arabic music ensemble
- takia - a first name; a Sufi shrine
- takin - a Tibetan goat antelope
- takis - a first name; plural of "taki", a Mongolian wild horse
- takka - a monetary unit of Bangladesh
- takla - a first name; a lake in North America
- takle - a town in Norway
- Takra - a first name
- Takuo - a first name
- takyr - a tract of clay in a sandy area
- Talad - a first name
- talai - a town in China
- talak - an Islamic divorce performed by the husband rejecting the wife
- Talal - a first name
- Talan - a first name
- talao - lot flat ground
- talaq - an Islamic divorce
- talar - a long cloak or robe that reaches the ankles; a town in Spain
- talas - a river in central Asia; a town in Kyrgyzstan; plural of "tala", an Indian musical rhythm
- Talat - a first name
- talca - talca gum, or talha gum; a town and province in Chile
- talcs - plural of "talc", a talcum powder
- talcy - like talc; containing talc
- talea - a first name; a rhythmic pattern that recurs in medieval motets
- taled - a quadrangular piece of cloth worn while reciting prayers in the synagogue
- Talei - a first name
- taler - a first name; an old Austrian coin made of silver from Joachimstal
- tales - equals in kind; plural of "tale", a story
- talha - a first name; a brittle commercial gum acacia
- Talia - a first name
- talib - a first name; a member of the Taliban, a group of Afghani religious students who took power
- talil - a town in Iraq
- Talin - a first name
- talis - a woolen or silken Hebrew prayer shawl
- talit - a woolen or silken Hebrew prayer shawl
- talks - speaks
- talky - talkative; a motion picture with sound
- Talli - a first name
- Tallu - a first name
- tally - a first name; to count; to agree
- talma - a first name; a loose hooded cloak
- Talna - a first name
- talok - a town in Borneo
- talon - a first name; a claw; a concave molding
- Talor - a first name
- talos - a first name; in Greek mythology, the inventive nephew and slayer of Daedalus
- talpa - the mole genus; a town in Mexico
- taluk - a subdivision of a revenue district in India
- taluq - a subdivision of a revenue district in India
- talus - a slope; the ankle bone
- Talya - a first name
- Talye - a first name
- Tamaa - a first name
- Tamah - a first name
- tamal - a first name; a tamale
- Tamam - a first name
- Taman - a first name
- tamar - a first name; Absalom's sister; of the last of four stages of ripening; a British river
- tamas - a first name; inertia, one of three gunas of Sankhya philosophy
- tamba - a first name; a town in Japan
- Tambi - a first name
- tambo - a first name; an end man in a minstrel show; an Inca inn; a corral
- tambu - tamboo; taboo; ostracism
- tamed - made tame
- tamen - a carrier
- tamer - a first name; more tame; one who tames
- tames - makes tame
- tamga - a village in Kyrgyzstan
- Tamia - a first name
- Tamie - a first name
- tamil - a South Indian
- tamim - a first name; a name once used for the Iraqi province of Kirkuk
- tamin - a thin glazed worsted fabric
- tamir - a first name; a town in Afghanistan
- tamis - a straining cloth; a thin wool fabric
- Tamma - a first name
- Tammi - a first name
- tammy - a first name; tamis; a tam-o-shanter
- Tamor - a first name
- tampa - a city in Florida
- tampi - marijuana
- tamps - packs in
- Tamra - a first name
- tamul - a Tamil
- Tamur - a first name
- tamus - a genus of tuberous rooted vines, such as black briony
- tamuz - Tammuz
- Tamya - a first name
- Tamye - a first name
- Tanae - a first name
- tanah - a first name; an Asian cape
- tanak - the Hebrew bible
- tanan - a Thai unit of capacity and volume
- tanas - a first name; plural of "tana", an Indian police station
- tanat - a British river
- Tanaz - a first name
- Tancy - a first name
- Tanda - a first name
- Tandi - a first name
- Tandy - a first name
- Tanea - a first name
- Tanee - a first name
- Tanek - a first name
- Taner - a first name
- Taney - a first name
- tanga - a silver Indian coin; a skimpy bathing suit bottom; a town in Tanzania
- tangi - a first name; a Maori funeral gathering; a narrow gorge
- tango - a strident Argentine dance
- tangs - plural of "tang", a sharp flavor, an aquarium fish, part of a knife blade
- tangy - spicy
- tanha - in Buddhism, an intense desire for life
- tanhs - plural of "tanh", the hyperbolic tangent function
- tania - a first name; an African farinaceous tuber
- Tanie - a first name
- tanis - a first name; an ancient city in lower Egypt
- Tanja - a first name
- Tanji - a first name
- tanka - a first name; Chinese boat population; a Japanese 5 line verse, lines 1 and 3 have 5 syllables, the rest 7; a silver Indian coin; a large soft drink
- tanks - fails in strength; plural of "tank", a container; an armored battle wagon
- tanky - intoxicated; a navigator's assistant
- tanna - a first name; tana; an Indian police station; a rabbi of Palestine of the first two centuries; an island of Vanuatu
- Tanno - a first name
- Tanny - a first name
- tanoa - a bowl used in Fiji for kava
- tanos - a New Mexican Indian tribe
- Tansu - a first name
- tansy - a first name; an Easter cake; a bitter herb
- tanta - a city in northern Egypt; an aunt
- tante - an aunt
- tanti - a first name; a Hindu caste of weavers
- tanto - in musical notation, so much, too much, or many
- tants - plural of "tant", a small scarlet spider
- tantu - a city in eastern China
- tanty - a Hindu loom
- Tanun - a first name
- Tanya - a first name
- tanza - a town in the Philippines
- tapas - Spanish cooking; a conditioning Yoga; plural of "tapa", a Polynesian fiber cloth
- taped - measured; sized up; recorded on tape; bound with tape
- tapen - made of tape
- taper - a candle; to become more narrow; one who records on tape
- tapes - binds with tape; records on tape
- tapet - a tapestry
- tapia - a building material of clay or earth
- tapin - a simple basket
- Tapio - a first name
- tapir - a large hoglike mammal; a kind of rhinoceros
- tapis - a tapet; a tapestry
- tapoa - a Tasmanian phalanger
- tappa - tapa; a mat fiber
- tappi - an Asian cape
- tappy - a poor tennis serve
- tapti - an Asian river
- tapui - a lush flat mesa common in South America
- tapul - a town in the Philippines
- tapus - plural of "tapu", a taboo
- Tarah - a first name
- Tarai - a first name
- Tarak - a first name
- Taran - a first name
- taras - plural of "tara", an edible New Zealand fern
- taraz - a town in Kazakhstan
- Tarcy - a first name
- tardo - a musical notation meaning slowly
- tards - plural of "tard", an abbreviation for "retard", a disparaging term
- tardy - late
- tarea - a first name; a unit of measure in Cuba
- tared - recorded tare allowance
- Taree - a first name
- Tarek - a first name
- Tareq - a first name
- tares - plural of "tare", a weed
- tarfa - a town in Egypt
- tarfe - a hat brim
- tarfu - an acronym: "Things Are Really Fouled Up", so to speak
- targe - a target; a light shield or buckler
- Targo - a first name
- Tarha - a first name
- Taria - a first name
- Tarie - a first name
- Tarif - a first name
- Tarik - a first name
- tarim - a river in northwestern China, and an extensive surrounding basin
- tarin - a first name; the European siskin
- Tariq - a first name
- Tarir - a first name
- Taris - a first name
- Tarja - a first name
- tarma - a town in Peru
- Tarmo - a first name
- tarns - plural of "tarn", a mountain pool
- taroc - tarot
- tarok - tarot
- taron - a first name; an isolate tribe of northern Burma
- taros - plural of "taro", an edible plant of the arum type
- tarot - a deck of divining cards
- tarps - plural of "tarp", a tarpaulin
- Tarra - a first name
- tarre - to urge to action
- tarri - a first name; an Algerian unit of measurement
- tarrs - a town in Pennsylvania
- tarry - a first name; to linger; covered in tar
- tarse - the penis; the first part of the foot
- tarsi - plural of "tarsus", a part of the foot
- Tarso - a first name
- tarte - a French pastry
- tarts - plural of "tart", a pastry; a prostitute
- tartu - a city in Estonia
- tarty - tart or sour; like a prostitute
- Tarun - a first name
- tarve - a curve
- tarwi - an Andean legume
- Taryl - a first name
- Taryn - a first name
- tasar - tusser; a kind of fabric
- tasco - a kind of clay for melting pots
- tased - applied a taser to
- taser - a device that emits electrically charged pellets; acronym: "Thomas A Swift Electric Rifle"
- tases - applies a taser to
- Tasha - a first name
- Tashi - a first name
- Tasho - a first name
- Tasia - a first name
- Tasja - a first name
- Taska - a first name
- tasks - plural of "task", a chore or duty
- tasky - full of tasks; like a task
- Tasos - a first name
- tasse - thigh armor
- Tassi - a first name
- tasso - a first name; an Italian poet; some kind of Cajun sauce
- tassy - a first name; Tasmania
- taste - to savor; to smack; to experience
- tasto - a key that must be touched to produce a tone
- tasty - pleasant tasting
- Tasya - a first name
- tatar - a native of Tatary; also "Tartar"
- tatas - plural of "tata", slang for a breast
- tatch - a spot or stain
- Tateo - a first name
- tater - a potato
- tates - plural of "tate", a tuft of hair
- taths - plural of "tath", cattle dung
- Tatia - a first name
- tatie - a first name; a potato
- tatog - a language
- tatoo - a tattoo
- tator - a potato
- tatou - a tatu; a peba; an armadillo
- tatow - a tattoo
- tatra - a mountain range in Slovakia
- tatta - an Indian screen
- tatts - false teeth; plural of "tatt", a tattoo
- tatty - cheaply made
- tatui - a town in Brazil
- Tatum - a first name
- tatur - a potato
- tatus - plural of "tatu", a tatou; a peba; an armadillo
- Tauba - a first name
- taube - a first name; a monoplane with wings shaped like a pigeon's
- taula - an ancient massive stone structure found in the Balearic Islands
- tauld - told
- Tauna - a first name
- taung - a town in South Africa
- Tauni - a first name
- Tauno - a first name
- taunt - to tease or mock
- tauon - a subatomic particle
- taupe - a dark gray color
- taupo - a ceremonial hostess selected by a high chief of a Samoan village; a lake in Australia
- taura - a first name; a sterile cow sacred to ancient Roman gods of the underworld
- tauri - an ancient people of the southern Crimea
- taurs - plural of "taur", the constellation Taurus
- tauts - makes taut or tense
- tavah - a first name; an Indian cooking griddle
- tavas - plural of "tava", an Indian cooking griddle
- tavda - a river of the USSR
- taver - a first name; to wander; to talk foolishly
- Tavey - a first name
- tavgi - the Uralic language of the Nganasani people
- tavgy - the Uralic language of the Nganasani people
- Tavia - a first name
- Tavie - a first name
- Tavis - a first name
- tavoy - a town in Burma
- tawas - plural of "tawa", an Indian cooking griddle
- tawau - a town in Borneo
- tawed - treated with alum
- tawer - a leather dresser; someone who shoots a marble
- tawes - a whipping strap
- tawgi - the Uralic language of the Nganasani people
- Tawia - a first name
- tawie - tame, easy to manage
- Tawni - a first name
- Tawno - a first name
- tawny - a first name; fulvous; fulvid; tanned
- tawpi - a foolish or thoughtless girl
- tawpy - a foolish or thoughtless girl
- tawse - taws; a leather strap, often used for punishment
- tawts - makes taut
- taxad - a tree or shrub of the family Taxaceae
- taxco - a city in Mexico
- taxed - levied a tax
- taxel - the North American badger
- taxer - an inspector of taxes
- taxes - plural of "tax", a governmental monetary levy
- taxic - of or relating to taxis
- taxin - a yew extract
- taxis - classification; plural of "taxi", a car and driver for hire
- taxol - a drug made from yew extracts
- taxon - a unit of scientific classification
- taxor - a university official empowered to regulate student board rates
- taxus - the yew genus
- Tayah - a first name
- tayal - a Malaysian people on Formosa
- Tayib - a first name
- Tayir - a first name
- Tayla - a first name
- Tayna - a first name
- tayos - plural of "tayo", an apron-like garment
- tayra - a first name; an animal of the weasel family, common to Mexico and tropical South America
- Tayte - a first name
- Tayva - a first name
- tazel - the teasel
- tazia - a first name; a Muslim passion play; a replica of the tomb of Hussain
- tazin - a lake in North America
- Tazio - a first name
- tazza - a shallow saucerlike bowl on a pedestal
- tazze - plural of "tazza", a shallow bowl on a pedestal
- tcawi - a variant spelling of "Chaui", one of the four bands of the Pawnee Confederacy
- tchad - a variant spelling of "Chad", an African country
- tchat - khat, a mild narcotic
- tchai - tea; overpriced tea sold to overpaid drudges and overeducated drones
- tchem - a town on the West Bank
- tchwi - an African tribe of the Gold Coast
- teach - to educate
- teade - a torch
- teads - torches
- teaed - high on marijuana; past tense of "tea"
- teaey - of tea; like tea
- Teako - a first name
- teaks - plural of "teak", a wood
- Teala - a first name
- Teale - a first name
- teals - plural of "teal", a small waterfowl; a color
- teams - plural of "team", a crew
- Teana - a first name
- Teann - a first name
- teans - vexes
- Teara - a first name
- tears - rends; crying fluid
- teart - tart; sour
- teary - weepy; tear-filled
- tease - to mock; to work out
- teasy - inclined to tease
- Teata - a first name
- teate - a city in central Italy whose modern name is Chieti
- teats - plural of "teat", a nipple
- teaty - like a teat
- teaze - to tease
- tebay - a town in England
- tebet - the fourth month of the Hebrew calendar
- Tecca - a first name
- teche - a bayou in Louisiana
- Techi - a first name
- techs - plural of "tech", a technician
- techy - touchy; testy; peevish; having a technological air
- tecks - plural of "teck", a detective
- Tecla - a first name
- tecta - plural of "tectum", a bodily structure resembling a roof
- tecum - tucum
- tedas - plural of "teda", a tibbu
- Tedda - a first name
- Tedde - a first name
- Teddi - a first name
- teddy - a first name; a stuffed bear; lingerie
- Tedek - a first name
- tedes - plural of "tede", a torch
- tedge - an ingate
- tedhi - fire
- Tedik - a first name
- Tedor - a first name
- Tedra - a first name
- Teeah - a first name
- Teedy - a first name
- teeks - plural of "teek", a variant of "teak"
- teels - plural of "teel", sesame
- teems - abounds
- Teemu - a first name
- Teena - a first name
- teend - kindled
- teene - an injury; an affliction
- teens - plural of "teen", a teenager
- teeny - small; used in the phrase "teeny weeny" to mean tiny
- teers - stirs; sifts
- teesa - a first name; an Indian buzzard
- Teese - a first name
- teest - a small anvil
- teeth - plural of "tooth", a cog
- Teeya - a first name
- teffs - plural of "teff", an Abyssinian cereal grass
- Tegan - a first name
- tegea - an important religious center of ancient Greece
- teggs - plural of "tegg", a two year old unshorn sheep
- Tegin - a first name
- tegua - a moccasin
- tegus - plural of "tegu", a South American lizard
- Tehar - a first name
- tehee - to titter
- Tehra - a first name
- tehri - a first name; a town in India soon to be under water
- tehrs - plural of "tehr", a tahr, a Himalayan goat
- Tehry - a first name
- Tehue - a first name
- teian - Ionian
- teide - a volcano on the island of Tenerife
- teifi - a kind of cheese; a river in Wales
- Teige - a first name
- teign - a river in southwest England
- teiid - an American lizard
- Teiji - a first name
- teils - plural of "teil", a lime tree
- Teina - a first name
- teind - a tithe
- teine - a teyne, a thin plate of metal
- teint - tint
- Teion - a first name
- Teira - a first name
- teise - to stretch or bend a bow; a British river
- Teita - a first name
- teith - a British river
- teize - to tease
- Tejah - a first name
- Tejal - a first name
- Tejan - a first name
- Tejas - a first name
- tejon - the coati
- tekax - a site of Mayan ruins in the Yucatan peninsula
- tekke - a town in southwestern Anatolia; a dervish monastery; a carpet
- Tekla - a first name
- Tekle - a first name
- Tekli - a first name
- tekoa - a biblical place
- tekya - a town in Azerbaijan
- telae - plural of "tela", an anatomical tissue or layer of tissue
- telar - weblike
- Telca - a first name
- telco - a verbal abbreviation for "telephone company"
- telea - a town in Chad
- telei - a Papuan people of the Solomon Islands
- Telek - a first name
- Telem - a first name
- teles - plural of "tele", a television set
- telex - teleprinter exchange
- telia - plural of "telium"
- telic - purposive; denoting an end or purpose
- telis - plural of "teli", a Hindu caste of oil makers and merchants
- Telka - a first name
- Telle - a first name
- telli - a lake in China
- tells - recites; divulges; plural of "tell", an archaeological mound
- telly - a first name; a television set, often surmounted by a penguin
- Telma - a first name
- Telmo - a first name
- teloi - plural of "telos", an ultimate purpose
- telos - an ultimate purpose; a Greek island
- Telsa - a first name
- telyn - an old Celtic harp
- teman - a first name; a unit of measurement in Arabia
- temas - plural of "tema", a theme
- tembe - a Malay people
- Tembo - a first name
- tembu - a Bantu speaking people of Tembuland
- temed - teamed
- temen - a language
- temes - teams
- Temma - a first name
- temne - an African language
- tempe - an amusement park in Thessaly; a town in Arizona
- tempi - plural of "tempo", a musical rhythm
- tempo - musical rhythm or pace
- temps - plural of "temp", a temporary worker; a temperature
- tempt - to entice
- temse - to sift; bread made of finely sifted flour
- Temur - a first name
- Tenae - a first name
- tenai - a town in Bangladesh
- Tenaz - a first name
- tenby - a town in Wales
- tench - a European freshwater fish; the convict barracks at Hobart, Tasmania
- tenda - the Italian name for the village of Tende
- tende - a first name; a village in France
- tendo - a tendon; a town in Japan
- tends - inclines; verges; minds
- tendu - extended in a taut manner, referring to ballet moves
- Tenea - a first name
- tenes - a town in Algeria; plural of "tene", an injury
- tenet - an article of faith
- Teney - a first name
- tenge - a monetary unit of Kazakhstan
- tengs - plural of "teng", a Burmese measure
- tengu - a fabulous being
- tenia - a tapeworm; a flat ribbonlike anatomical structure
- tenio - a timber tree
- tenja - a village in Croatia
- tenko - a muster call for prisoners in a Japanese POW camp
- tenne - an orange-brown color
- tenno - an emperor of Japan regarded as a religious leader
- tennu - the tapir
- tenny - a first name; a tawny heraldic color
- tenon - a projection that fits into a mortise
- tenor - purport; a trend; a singing voice
- tenos - one of the Cyclades Islands
- tense - taut; tight; nervous; the time sense of a verb
- tenth - one part in ten
- tents - plural of "tent", a fabric shelter
- tenty - attentive; like a tent
- tenue - bearing, carriage or deportment
- Teona - a first name
- tepal - a perianth leaf
- tepas - plural of "tepa", a chemical compound; a South American timber tree
- tepee - an Indian tent
- tepic - a town in Mexico
- tepid - lukewarm
- tepor - lukewarmness
- tepoy - a teapoy
- Teppo - a first name
- tepui - a lush flat mesa common in South America
- tepuy - a lush flat mesa common in South America
- terah - a first name; a daughter of Abraham
- terai - a wide-brimmed sun hat; Nepalese lowlands; a bamboo-like plant
- Teral - a first name
- Teran - a first name
- terap - a tall Malayan tree
- teras - (singular) an organism that is grossly abnormal in structure; plural of "tera", a Buddhist church
- Teraz - a first name
- terce - a unit of volume of about 42 gallons; the third canonical hour of prayer
- teree - a first name; a cattail
- terek - a sandpiper; a river in Chechnya
- Terel - a first name
- Teren - a first name
- teres - either of two shoulder muscles from the scapula to the humerus
- teret - round; terete
- tereu - the cry of the nightingale, according to Shakespeare
- Terez - a first name
- terfe - turf
- terfs - plural of "terf", turf
- terga - plural of "tergum", the back of an arthropod
- Terhi - a first name
- Teria - a first name
- Terie - a first name
- Teril - a first name
- terin - a first name; the European siskin
- Teris - a first name
- Terje - a first name
- terka - a village in Ukraine
- terma - the terminal lamina of the brain
- terms - plural of "term", a period of time; a condition; a phrase
- terna - a first name; a list of three nominees to a benefice or bishopric
- terne - an inferior kind of tin plate
- terni - a town in Italy
- terns - plural of "tern", a sea bird
- terps - liquore; plural of "terp", a University of Maryland "Terrapin"
- terra - a first name; the earth; an area on the moon
- Terre - a first name
- terri - a first name; coal
- terro - a terrorist
- terry - a first name; a kind of piled fabric of uncut loops
- tersa - a first name; a town in Russia
- terse - brief
- terts - tetrachloroethylene
- Terun - a first name
- Teruo - a first name
- Teryl - a first name
- Teryn - a first name
- Terza - a first name
- terzo - third; a brigade
- Tesha - a first name
- Tesia - a first name
- tesin - another name for Teschen
- tesla - a unit of measurement of magnetic flux density, named for Nicola Tesla
- Tessa - a first name
- Tessi - a first name
- Tessy - a first name
- testa - a husk; a seed covering
- teste - the witnessing of a writ
- tests - plural of "test", a trial, an examination
- testy - irritable
- tetas - a South American cape
- tetch - a dialect variant of "touch"
- tetel - a large African antelope
- tetes - plural of "tete", a head with an elaborate hair treatment
- teths - plural of "teth", a Hebrew letter
- teton - a western division of the Dakota peoples
- tetra - a tropical fish
- Tetsu - a first name
- Tetsy - a first name
- tetts - plural of "tett", a plait; a theme
- Tetty - a first name
- tetum - the native language of East Timor
- tetun - the native language of East Timor
- teuch - tough
- teuco - a river in Argentina
- teugh - tough
- teuks - plural of "teuk", the redshank
- Teuku - a first name
- Teuvo - a first name
- Tevel - a first name
- tevet - variant of "Tebet", a Hebrew month
- Tevin - a first name
- Tevis - a first name
- Tevya - a first name
- Tevye - a first name
- tewan - of a tribe of American Indians of New Mexico
- tewas - plural of "Tewa", a tribe of American Indians of New Mexico
- tewed - worked hard
- tewel - a chimney flue; the anus of a horse
- tewit - the tewhit, the common lapwing or pewit
- texan - a native of Texas
- texas - one of the smaller states of the United States, except in area
- texel - a river in the Netherlands; an island; in graphics, a single texture element
- texts - plural of "text", a document
- teyde - a mountain on the Canary Islands
- Teyna - a first name
- teyne - a thin plate of metal
- Tezia - a first name
- Thabo - a first name
- thack - thatch
- Thada - a first name
- Thadd - a first name
- Thady - a first name
- thagi - the practices of the Indian thugee sect
- thaim - a dialect form of "them"
- Thain - a first name
- Thair - a first name
- thais - a first name; plural of "Thai", a native of Thailand
- thaks - thwacks
- thale - a town in Germany
- Thama - a first name
- thame - a town in Oxfordshire, England
- thana - a first name; a British military post in India; tana
- thane - a first name; an Anglo-Saxon title
- thang - a first name; slang for "thing"
- Thanh - a first name
- thank - to express gratitude
- thann - a town in Germany
- Thanu - a first name
- thanx - a slang written version of "thanks"
- thara - a town in northern Persia
- tharf - heavy, stiff, unbending
- tharm - twisted gut, a deadly problem in horses
- thars - plural of "thar", a Nepalese goat antelope
- tharu - a low caste indigenous group in Nepal
- thatn - a slurred form of "that one"
- Thato - a first name
- thats - plural of "that", indicating a particular and remote object
- thave - a theave, a ewe lamb of the first year
- Thavi - a first name
- thawl - a small wall gap allowing sheep but not cattle to pass
- thaws - unfreezes
- thawy - inclined to thaw
- thaya - an Austrian river
- theak - to cover a roof with thatch
- theas - plural of "thea", the tea plant
- thebe - a first name; a monetary unit of Botswana
- thebs - plural of "theb", an ancient Egyptian unit of measurement of about 3/4 inch
- theca - a seed or spore case; a sheath of surrounding tissue
- Theda - a first name
- thedi - fire
- theed - used "thee" as a form of address
- theek - to cover a roof with thatch
- thees - plural of "thee", an obsolete pronoun
- theft - illegal taking; robbery
- thegn - a first name; a thane
- theia - a first name; the hypothetical Mar-sized planet that collided with Earth to form the moon
- theic - a devotee of tea
- thein - a stimulant in tea
- their - belonging to them
- Thela - a first name
- thelf - the elf
- thema - a first name; a subject for discussion
- theme - a motif; an essay
- thens - plural of "then", a past time
- Theon - a first name
- theow - a servant or slave
- thera - a first name; the island of Santorini, which was devastated by a volcanic explosion
- there - at a remote place
- therf - not fermented; unleavened
- therm - a unit of measurement of heat
- these - referring to a group of nearby objects
- thesp - a thespian; an actor with airs
- theta - a first name; a Greek letter
- thete - in ancient Athens, a free man of the lowest class
- theth - a town in Albania
- thews - plural of "thew", a muscle; a sinew
- thewy - muscular
- Theys - a first name
- Thiab - a first name
- Thian - a first name
- thick - dense; stupid
- thief - one who steals
- Thien - a first name
- thigh - the upper leg
- thigs - begs; beseeches
- Thijs - a first name
- thika - a town in Kenya
- thilk - the same ("the ilk")
- thill - the shaft of a cart; a bed of fire clay
- Thilo - a first name
- thine - belonging to you
- thing - an object
- think - to cogitate
- thins - gets slimmer; culls
- thiol - a sulfur compound
- thira - another name for Thera, a Greek island
- third - one part in three
- thirl - a restriction; to bind by lease; to pierce
- thisn - a slurred form of "this one"
- thiva - a town in Greece
- thobe - an ankle-length shirt worn in Saudi Arabia
- Thoby - a first name
- thoft - a rowing bench
- thoke - to lie in bed
- thole - a support for an oar
- tholi - plural of "tholos", a classical Greek round building
- Thoma - a first name
- Thomi - a first name
- Thomy - a first name
- thong - a strap; a beach sandal; butt floss underwear
- thonk - to make a thudding sound; to bump against
- Thora - a first name
- Thord - a first name
- thore - a European river
- thorn - a first name; a sticker; an obsolete English letter
- thoro - thorough, for the less-than-thorough
- thorp - a first name; a homestead
- those - referring to a group of remote objects
- thoth - an Egyptian god and best-selling author
- thous - an African jackal genus; plural of "thou", a thousand; plural of "thou", a formal "you"
- thowl - thole
- thowt - thought
- thrae - frae
- thrap - to fasten; to masturbate
- thraw - to wrench; a cross
- three - a number
- threp - threepence
- threw - flung
- thria - a town in Greece
- thrid - to thread; to slide through a narrow passage
- thrip - threepence; to snap one's fingers; a plant pest
- thris - a fabulous beast
- throb - to palpitate; to pulse
- throe - a pang; a spasm
- throg - to drink alcohol
- throp - to masturbate
- throt - a throat
- throw - to cast
- thrum - yarn; a low repetitious murmur; a woolen cap
- thuds - plural of "thud", the sound of a falling object hitting the ground
- thugs - plural of "thug", a hoodlum
- thuja - arbor vitae
- thule - Ultima Thule; a town in Greenland
- thumb - the big finger; to hitchhike
- thump - a dull thud; to strike on the back
- thunk - a humorous past perfect tense of "think"; a hollow thumping sound
- thuoc - a unit of measure in Burma
- Thure - a first name
- thurl - a first name; a restriction
- thurm - a first name; to work with saw and chisel across the grain
- thuya - arbor vitae
- thwap - to whip; to strike at; the sound of a blow
- Thyge - a first name
- thyme - a herb
- thymi - plural of "thymus"
- thymy - fragrant with thyme
- Thyra - a first name
- Tiago - a first name
- Tiana - a first name
- tiang - a small Senegalese topi
- Tiani - a first name
- tians - plural of "tian", a vegetable gratin
- Tiaon - a first name
- tiaos - plural of "tiao", Chinese money on account
- tiara - a first name; a light crown, often in the shape of a half circle
- Tiare - a first name
- Tiaya - a first name
- tibbu - a people of the Tibesti mountains near Lake Chad in Africa
- tibby - a first name; a cat
- tiber - a river that runs through Rome
- tibet - an Asian country or province of China, depending; a kind of cheese
- tibey - plants of the genus Isotoma
- tibia - the shinbone; a Greek musical instrument, the aulos, made of bone
- Tibor - a first name
- tibur - the Latin name for Tivoli, a town in central Italy
- tibus - plural of "Tibu", a Saharan ethnic group
- tical - a monetary unit of Thailand; a unit of weight in Burma
- ticca - hired
- ticcy - a South African 3 penny piece; referring to a tic
- ticed - enticed
- ticer - enticer
- tices - entices
- ticey - a South African 3 penny piece
- Tichi - a first name
- Ticho - a first name
- tichy - like a very small person
- ticks - plural of "tick", a clock sound; a crawling parasite
- ticky - infested with ticks
- ticul - the right time for some agricultural activity; a unit of weight in Burma; a site of Mayan ruins in the Yucatan peninsula
- tidal - of the tides
- tidde - an obsolete form of "tide"
- tiddy - the wren; slightly drunk; babyish
- tided - ebbed and flowed; bore news
- tides - the ebb and flow of the ocean surface
- Tiege - a first name
- tielt - a town in Belgium
- Tiena - a first name
- tiend - teind
- tiers - plural of "tier", a row
- tierz - a town in Spain
- tiete - a river in Brazil
- tieum - an ancient Greek colony in northern Anatolia
- Tiffi - a first name
- tiffs - plural of "tiff", an argument
- tiffy - a first name; an artificer; peevish
- Tifni - a first name
- tifts - plural of "tift", a tiff
- Tigan - a first name
- tiger - a first name; a predatory animal
- tiges - plural of "tige", the shaft of a column; a steel pin in the breech of very old guns
- tiggy - a hedgehog; a version of the children's game of tag; a detective
- tighs - plural of "tigh", a close or a croft
- tight - not loose; drunk
- tigon - the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion (see "liger"!)
- tigre - a Semitic language of northern Ethiopia; a town in Argentina
- tigua - tiwa; a tribe of Indians in Texas
- tihua - a town in China
- Tiina - a first name
- tiini - a language
- Tijan - a first name
- Tijeh - a first name
- tikal - the seat of Mayan power in Guatemala; a unit of weight in Burma
- tikar - a language
- tikas - plural of "tika", a red mark on a Hindu woman's forehead
- tikes - plural of "tike", a small child
- Tikia - a first name
- tikis - plural of "tiki", the statue of a Polynesian god
- tikka - a first name; a leaf spot disease of the peanut
- tikor - a starch made from the tubers of an East Indian herb
- tiksi - an Arctic seaport in Siberia
- tikug - a tall coarse Philippine sedge
- tikul - an Indian tree
- tikur - a variant of "tikoor", an east Indian tree
- tikus - the bulau
- tilak - a bindi, a dot on the forehead of Hindu married women
- Tilar - a first name
- Tilda - a first name
- tilde - a first name; a diacritical mark
- Tildi - a first name
- Tildy - a first name
- tiled - tessellated
- tiler - one who tiles
- tiles - lays tile; plural of "tile", a tessellation piece
- tilia - the genus that includes the lime-tree
- tilka - a Hindu caste mark
- Tilli - a first name
- tills - plows; plural of "till", a cash register
- tilly - a first name; like till, a stiff clay
- tilos - a Greek island
- tilth - cultivation
- tilts - slants; jousts
- tilty - slanted; out of kilter; rocking back and forth
- Timae - a first name
- timal - the blue titmouse
- timar - a Turkish fief formerly held by a spahi under condition of military service
- timba - a Cuban musical style
- timbe - the bark or root of Mexican acacia trees and shrubs used to make tepache
- timbo - an Amazonian woody vine
- timed - measured the time
- timer - one who times
- times - measures the time; plural of "time", an occasion
- timey - used in the phrase "old timey", of old times
- timia - a first name; a large town in northern Niger, home of the Tuaregs
- timid - bashful
- Timie - a first name
- Timin - a first name
- Timka - a first name
- Timmi - a first name
- Timmy - a first name
- Timna - a first name
- timne - variant of "Temne", an African language
- Timok - a first name
- timon - a first name; an Athenian misanthrope, portrayed by Shakespeare
- timor - an East Asian island
- Timot - a first name
- timps - timpani
- timra - a town in Sweden
- Timur - a first name
- Tinai - a first name
- tinct - to color
- tindi - a Caucausian language
- tinds - kindles
- tinea - a moth genus; ringworm; a fungal infection
- tined - pronged
- tinef - junk; the name of Einstein's boat
- tines - plural of "tine", a point of a fork
- tinet - brushwood and thorns for repairing hedges
- Tiney - a first name
- tinge - a hue; a tint
- tingi - a Brazilian soap tree
- tings - plural of "ting", a sharp sudden metallic sound
- Tinho - a first name
- Tinka - a first name
- tinks - tinkles
- Tinku - a first name
- tinne - a Dene Indian
- Tinni - a first name
- tinny - like tin; sharp in sound
- tinos - a Greek island
- tinto - a first name; a red Madeira wine
- tints - plural of "tint", a hue; a dye
- tinty - crudely tinted
- tioga - a town in North Dakota
- tiona - a town in Pennsylvania
- tiout - a town in Morocco
- tioux - a Tunican people of northwestern Mississippi
- tipai - an American Indian language
- tipee - the receiver of insider information
- tipin - in basketball, a case where the basketball is diverted into the basket by a slight touch
- tipis - plural of "tipi", an Indian tent
- tiple - a soprano guitar
- Tippe - a first name
- Tippi - a first name
- tippy - unstable; wobbly
- tipsy - slightly drunk
- tipup - a propped-up rod used in ice fishing
- Tiqua - a first name
- Tirah - a first name
- tiraz - a Moorish silk fabric
- Tirea - a first name
- tired - exhausted; attired
- tiree - a British island
- tireh - a town in Lebanon
- Tirel - a first name
- tires - becomes exhausted; plural of "tire", a rubber wheel
- tirey - suggestive of a tire; containing tires
- tirio - an Amazon tribe
- tirls - quivers; vibrates
- tirma - the oyster catcher
- Tirna - a first name
- tirol - another name for Tyrol, an area shared by Italy and Austria
- tiron - a webbed bar
- tiros - plural of "tiro", a beginner
- tirrs - tears; strips off
- tirry - a British river
- Tirsa - a first name
- Tirso - a first name
- Tirza - a first name
- Tisah - a first name
- tisar - a square fireplace to heat the annealing arch (don't I know my stuff!)
- Tisha - a first name
- tishy - drunk
- tisic - consumptive
- tisks - makes a "tsk" sound
- Tison - a first name
- tisri - variant of "Tishri", a month of the Hebrew calendar
- Tissa - a first name
- tista - a river in Sikkim
- tisza - a river in Hungary
- titan - in Greek mythology, a race of giants
- titar - a francolin of southern Asia
- titch - a small amount
- Titek - a first name
- titer - chemical solution strength
- titfa - a hat (from rhyming slang, "tit for tat = hat")
- tithe - a tenth part, given as religious dues
- tithi - a Hindu astonomical measure, the time it takes for the sun-moon angle to increase by 12 degrees.
- Titia - a first name
- titis - plural of "titi", a South American squirrel monkey; a fruit
- title - a name; a document of ownership; an honorific
- Titos - a first name
- titre - titer
- titty - a breast
- titup - to skip; to canter; to prance; the correct or fashionable thing
- Titus - a first name
- tiuni - a town in India
- tivat - a town in Montenegro
- tiver - an ocher sheep dye; a town in Papua New Guinea
- Tivon - a first name
- tivvy - the vagina
- tiwaz - a Nordic rune shaped like a vertical arrow
- Tiyah - a first name
- tizas - plural of "tiza", ulexite
- tizri - Tishri, a Hebrew month
- tizzy - a frenzy; a sixpence
- Tjark - a first name
- tlaco - a small copper coin used in Mexico in the 19th century
- tmema - a section; a cell
- tnaim - a formal prenuptial agreement made at a Jewish betrothal
- toads - plural of "toad", an amphibian
- toady - a sycophant
- Toaha - a first name
- toast - toasted bread; to drink in honor of; to be kaput
- toats - plural of "toat", the handle of a joiner's plane
- toaze - to tease out
- Tobal - a first name
- Tobar - a first name
- tobas - plural of "toba", a member of a tribe native to Argentina and Bolivia
- Tobby - a first name
- Tobee - a first name
- Tobei - a first name
- tober - the site occupied by a circus
- Tobey - a first name
- Tobia - a first name
- Tobie - a first name
- Tobin - a first name
- tobit - a first name; an apocryphal Biblical book
- tobol - a river of the USSR
- tobur - the site occupied by a circus
- Tobye - a first name
- tocks - plural of "tock", a telecommunications code for the letter "T"
- tocos - plural of "toco", a punishment
- today - this day
- todde - a unit of weight, about 28 pounds
- toddy - a first name; a cordial
- todea - a genus of ferns
- todge - to beat
- Todor - a first name
- todos - plural of "todo", bustle or fuss
- todus - the type genus of the family Todidae
- toeas - plural of "toea", a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea
- Tofer - a first name
- toffs - plural of "toff", a fop, a dandy
- toffy - toffee; taffy
- Tofik - a first name
- Tofiq - a first name
- tofts - plural of "toft", a grove
- tofua - a Polynesian island, near where the mutiny on the Bounty took place
- tofus - plural of "tofu", bean curd
- togad - wearing a toga
- togae - plural of "toga", a Roman robe
- togas - plural of "toga", a Roman robe
- toged - arrayed in a toga; gowned
- toges - plural of "toge", a variant of "toga"
- togge - an outer garment
- toggy - a cloak; a beaverskin coat
- toght - taut
- togue - a mackinaw; a large American trout
- tohew - to hew into pieces
- Tohon - a first name
- tohor - an Asian cape
- tohos - plural of "toho", a dog call
- Tohti - a first name
- toile - a simple twilled fabric
- toils - labors; snares
- toily - like toil
- toing - moving towards a place, usually paired with "froing"
- toise - an old French unit of length
- toits - plural of "toit", a cushion
- toity - part of the phrase "hoity toity" meaning haughtiness
- tokar - a town in Tibet; a town in Sudan
- tokat - a town in Turkey
- tokay - a Hungarian wine
- tokdo - a group of islands claimed by South Korea and Japan
- toked - drew on a cigarette
- token - a sign; a symbol; a sort of non-governmental coin
- toker - one who draws on a cigarette
- tokes - draws on a cigarette
- tokin - a tocsin
- Tokio - a first name
- tokis - the buttocks
- tokol - a town in Hungary
- tokos - plural of "toko", a drubbing
- tokto - a group of islands claimed by South Korea and Japan
- tokus - the buttocks
- tokyo - a first name; the capital city of Japan
- tolai - apeople of the Rabaul area of new Britain
- tolan - a first name; a chemical compound
- tolar - a town in Texas; the currency of Slovenia before the euro
- tolas - plural of "tola", an Indian unit of weight, 180 grains troy
- toldo - a South American canopy shelter
- toled - allured
- Tolek - a first name
- toles - allures
- toley - a piece of excrement
- tolfa - a town in Italy
- Tolga - a first name
- Tolia - a first name
- tolls - rings (a bell); plural of "toll", a charge
- tolly - a candle; toluene, an inhalant
- tolts - plural of "tolt", an old English writ
- tolus - plural of "tolu", a fragrant resin
- tolyl - a chemical radical
- tomah - a town in Wisconsin
- toman - a Persian gold coin; a weight in Arabia
- Tomar - a first name
- Tomas - a first name
- Tomaz - a first name
- tombe - a first name; a ballet movement involving falling down (I'm good at these)
- tombo - a policeman
- tombs - plural of "tomb", a burial crypt
- Tomcy - a first name
- Tomek - a first name
- Tomer - a first name
- tomes - plural of "tome", a large book
- Tomey - a first name
- tomia - plural of "tomium", the cutting edge of a bird's bill
- Tomie - a first name
- Tomik - a first name
- tomin - a unit of weight of 12 grains; a silver coin of Bolivia; a town of Bolivia
- Tomio - a first name
- tomis - a town near the mouth of the Danube, and the site of Ovid's exile
- Tomma - a first name
- Tomme - a first name
- Tommi - a first name
- tommy - a first name; a British soldier
- tomsa - a river on the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea
- tomsk - a Russian city
- tonal - accented; harmonious
- Tonci - a first name
- Tonda - a first name
- tonde - a unit of volume of Denmark of about 3.9 bushels
- tondi - a town in India
- tondo - a circular painting or carving
- toned - moderated; shaded
- Tonee - a first name
- Tonek - a first name
- tonel - a unit of measure in Brazil
- toner - one who tones; dry powder used in copiers and printers
- tones - modulates; plural of "tone", a musical sound, a color shade
- toney - a first name; tony; a town in Alabama
- tonga - an Eastern cart; a South Pacific island ("the friendly islands"!); a swimsuit style; a neuralgia drug
- tonge - the tongue
- tongi - a town in Bangladesh
- tongo - the mangrove
- tongs - a pair of graspers
- Tonho - a first name
- Tonia - a first name
- tonic - bracing; a musical key-note; tonic water
- Tonie - a first name
- Tonik - a first name
- Tonio - a first name
- Tonis - a first name
- Tonja - a first name
- tonka - a kind of bean from a tree
- tonks - plural of "tonk", a mighty smite; a Tonkinese cat
- tonky - smart or fashionable
- tonna - a first name; a genus of large marine gastropods
- tonne - a unit of measurement of weight, 1000 kilograms
- Tonni - a first name
- Tonny - a first name
- Tonse - a first name
- tonti - a town in Illinois
- tonto - the Lone Ranger's companion; a Spanish word for "stupid"
- tonus - the normal state of partial contraction of a muscle
- Tonya - a first name
- Tonye - a first name
- tonys - plural of "Tony", a Broadway award
- tooey - Tuinal
- tooie - Tuinal
- tools - plural of "tool", an instrument
- toome - a town in Northern Ireland
- tooms - plural of "toom", a rubbish heap
- toona - a Mexican tree that is a minor source of rubber
- toons - plural of "toon", a cartoon; an Asian tree
- toony - the Canadian two dollar coin
- toosh - a sovereign
- tooth - a prong; a fang; a tusk
- toots - honks; a familiar address
- topau - the rhinoceros bird
- topaz - a first name; a gem
- toped - drank
- topee - a sun helmet
- topek - tupik, an Inuit tent made of animal skins
- toper - a drinker
- topes - drinks
- topet - the crested titmouse
- tophe - a first name; tufa
- tophi - plural of "tophus", a deposit of urates in tissue, characteristic of gout
- tophs - plural of "toph", tufa
- topia - a Roman mural decoration
- topic - a theme
- topis - an African antelope; plural of "topi", a sun helmet
- topoi - plural of "topos", a common rhetorical device
- topos - a common rhetorical device; in mathematics, a generalized topological space
- toppo - topo
- toppy - tipsy
- topsl - topsail
- topsy - a first name; referring to the top, as in "topsy turvy"
- toque - a tuque; a bonnet
- torah - the first five books of the Bible
- toral - referring to the torus of a flower
- toran - a Buddhist porch
- toras - plural of "tora", torah
- torch - a fire brand
- torcs - plural of "torc", a metallic collar
- torea - a town in Tibet
- tored - a past tense of "tear"
- Toren - a first name
- tores - plural of "tore", a torus
- toret - a turret; a ring for fastening a hawk's leash to the jesses
- Torey - a first name
- Toria - a first name
- toric - a type of lens; shaped like a torus
- Torie - a first name
- torii - a first name; a Japanese temple gateway
- toril - a first name; the corral from which a bull enters the ring; a cell
- Torin - a first name
- Torio - a first name
- torit - a town in Sudan
- torki - a people of southern Russia
- torma - one of a pair of small sclerites lying between the clypeus and labrum of a higher dipteran
- torne - a British river
- toros - plural of "toro", a bull
- torot - plural of "torah"
- torpa - a village in Nepal
- Torre - a first name
- Torri - a first name
- torrs - plural of "torr", a unit of pressure measurement, named for Torricelli
- Torry - a first name
- torse - a heraldic wreath
- torsi - plural of "torso", the human trunk
- torsk - a cod
- torso - the human trunk
- torta - a flat cake of moist crushed silver ore
- torte - a dessert
- torts - plural of "tort", a civil wrong
- torty - tortie
- torun - a town in Poland; another name for Thorn
- torup - a town in Sweden
- torus - a doughnut shape
- torve - stern, grim, fierce-looking
- Torya - a first name
- Torye - a first name
- tosas - plural of "tosa", a Japanese dog
- tosca - a soft dark brown limestone; marijuana; a North American cape
- tosco - a town in Louisiana
- toscs - plural of "tosc", one of the southern Albanians
- tosed - teased
- toses - teases
- Tosha - a first name
- Toshi - a first name
- toshy - nonsensical; trashy
- Tosia - a first name
- Tosin - a first name
- Toska - a first name
- tosks - plural of "tosk", one of the southern Albanians
- tossa - a grayish or brown fiber obtained from jute
- tossy - contemptuous; arrogant
- tosto - a musical term meaning "at a rapid tempo"
- tosyl - the para isomer of toluene sulfonyl
- total - to sum; to destroy
- totas - plural of "tota", the grivet
- toted - carried
- totem - a tribal emblem
- toter - a carrier; a counter
- totes - carries
- totly - to walk in an unsteady manner
- Totsi - a first name
- Totti - a first name
- totty - a woman; a high class prostitute; dazed, fuddled, unsteady
- totum - teetotum
- touat - another name for Tuat
- touba - an autonomous Senegalese municipality, home to an Islamic brotherhood
- touch - to impinge on; a small amount
- tough - hardened
- touho - a Pacific cape
- touks - strokes; taps
- tould - an obsolete form of "told"
- touns - plural of "toun", a variant of "town"
- toure - to see
- tourn - the circuit of an English sheriff to hold a court of record twice a year
- tours - visits; a city in France
- touse - to tousle; to pull; to haul; to tease; ado
- tousy - disarranged
- touts - plural of "tout", a tipster; an agent
- touze - to touse; to tousle
- touzy - tousled
- Tovah - a first name
- tovar - a unit of weight in Bulgaria; a town in Venezuela
- toves - plural of "tove", a slithy creature of Charles Dodgson
- tovet - a half bushel
- Tovia - a first name
- Tovya - a first name
- towai - kamahi
- towan - a dune
- towed - pulled
- towee - a person or thing being towed
- towel - a thick cloth for bathing and drying
- tower - a tall building; one who pulls
- towie - a three player form of bridge; a tow-truck operator
- towns - plural of "town", a small city
- towny - a first name; one who lives in town
- towre - to see
- towse - to haul; to dishevel
- towsy - unkempt
- towts - touts
- towyn - a town in Wales
- towze - to haul; to dishevel
- towzy - disheveled
- toxic - poisonous; unhealthful
- toxin - any poison
- toxon - a hypothetical bacterial product, of feeble toxicity, and weak affinity for antitoxin
- toyed - played with
- toyer - a trifler
- Toyia - a first name
- toyon - an ornamental evergreen shrub
- toyos - plural of "toyo", a smooth straw
- tozed - plucked by the ears
- tozee - a curling tee
- tozer - one who combs or teases
- tozes - plucks by the ears
- tozie - a shawl made from a goat's inner coat
- trabu - trubu, an East India herring
- trace - a first name; a slight hint; to follow
- trach - a plastic breathing tube, to be inserted into a patient's throat
- Traci - a first name
- track - to trail
- tracs - plural of "trac", a tractor
- tract - an area of land; a pamphlet
- Tracy - a first name
- trade - to exchange
- trads - plural of "trad", a mountain-climbing traditionalist
- trafe - unclean or unfit, according to Jewish law
- traff - a fart (backslang)
- tragi - plural of "tragus", part of the external ear opening
- trago - a drink
- traik - to wander or stroll; to fall ill; to break down
- trail - a path; to follow
- train - to teach; a railroad vehicle; a group of followers
- trais - a variant of "trays"
- trait - a characteristic
- trama - the loosely woven hyphal tissue in certain fungi
- Tramm - a first name
- tramp - a hobo; to walk heavily; to march through rough ground
- trams - plural of "tram", a streetcar
- trani - a town in Italy
- trank - skin for glovecutting; a tranquilizer
- tranq - a tranquilizer
- trans - a variant molecular form; a transexual
- trant - to hawk; to peddle; odd jobs
- tranx - tranquilizers
- trapa - the water-chestnut
- trape - to traipse; to run about idly
- traps - luggage; plural of "trap", a snare; a kind of drum; the (yapping) mouth
- trapt - poetic "trapped"
- trash - refuse; to vandalize; to disparage
- trass - volcanic earth
- Trasy - a first name
- trats - plural of "trat", a trattoria
- tratt - a trattoria
- traun - an Austrian river
- Trava - a first name
- trave - a beam; a structure that restrains an animal while it is being shoed
- Travo - a first name
- trawl - a dragnet
- trayf - unclean or unfit, according to Jewish law
- trays - plural of "tray", a flat shallow receptacle
- trdat - a first name; a king of Armenia
- tread - the ridges on a tire; to walk heavily
- treap - a binary search tree that orders the nodes by adding a priority attribute
- treat - a first name; a small reward; to handle
- treck - a trek
- treed - chased up a tree
- treen - wooden; wooden dishes and utensils
- trees - things you can't see the forest for; chases up a tree
- treey - full of trees
- trefa - ritually unclean according to Jewish law
- treff - a clandestine meeting for illegal business
- trefs - plural of "tref", a clandestine meeting for illegal business
- treif - ritually unclean according to Jewish law
- treks - plural of "trek", an arduous journey
- trema - a genus of tropical shrubs; a French dieresis
- trend - to tend; to incline
- trent - a first name; [the English name of] a city in Italy; a river in England
- Tresa - a first name
- Trese - a first name
- tress - a first name; a lock of hair
- trest - a beam
- trets - plural of "tret", a wastage allowance
- Treva - a first name
- Treve - a first name
- trewe - true
- trews - trousers
- treys - plural of "trey", a three in cardplaying
- Treza - a first name
- triac - a three-terminal semiconductor
- triad - a group of three
- trial - a test; a legal proceeding
- trias - sandstone
- tribe - a clan, family, ethnic group, kinship class
- Tribi - a first name
- tribs - plural of "trib", a colloquial shortening of "tribulation" or "tribune"
- trica - a first name; apothecium
- trice - a first name; an instant
- trich - trichomoniasis
- trick - a round in cards; deception; a prostitute's customer
- trico - a strong, light, elastic synthetic fabric
- Tricy - a first name
- tride - tried
- tried - attempted
- trier - an experimentalist; a German city; a judge
- tries - attempts; prosecutes a case in court
- triff - teriffic; a clandestine meeting for illegal business
- trifs - plural of "trif", a clandestine meeting for illegal business
- triga - a chariot
- Trigg - a first name
- trigo - wheat
- trigs - trims; secures
- trike - a tricycle
- trild - trilled
- trill - to warble; to quaver
- trime - a coin
- trims - cuts down; decorates; adjusts
- Trina - a first name
- trine - a first name; a triple; a favorable planetary aspect
- tring - an English town
- Trini - a first name
- Trink - a first name
- trinq - a trading index on the stock market
- trins - plural of "trin", a triplet
- triol - a chemical compound
- trior - an examiner
- trios - plural of "trio", a threesome
- tripe - offal; rubbish; a dainty delicacy of cow stomach
- Tripp - a first name
- trips - plural of "trip", a journey; a misstep
- tripy - like tripe
- Trisa - a first name
- Trish - a first name
- triss - a three-penny piece
- trist - sorrowful
- trite - cliched
- trits - plural of "trit", a ternary digit
- Trixi - a first name
- Trixy - a first name
- trizz - a three-penny piece
- trnje - a town in Kosovo
- troad - an area of Asia Minor that includes the territory around Troy; trod
- troak - to exchange
- troas - a first name; the city of Troy; a biblical place
- troat - to make the cry of a rutting buck
- troca - a top shell used for making buttons
- troch - trough
- trock - exchange; truck
- troco - a ball game
- trode - "trod"
- trods - the feet
- troft - trough
- trogg - a troglodyte
- trogs - troth; plural of "trog", a troglodyte
- Troia - a first name
- troic - Trojan
- trois - three
- troke - to exchange, barter, or traffic
- Trola - a first name
- troll - a gnome; to fish
- tromp - a tramp; to tread heavily; an apparatus which draws air into a furnace by using falling water
- troms - a town in Norway; plural of "trom", a trombone
- trona - Egyptian soda; a mining town in California
- tronc - a collection of tips to be divided out later
- Trond - a first name
- trone - a steelyard; a drain; a large set of scales in a public marketplace
- tronk - a prison
- trons - plural of "tron", an ancient beam balance
- trony - a stylized Dutch portrait style, often used by Rembrandt
- troon - a first name; a Scottish port; a town in Arizona
- troop - a throng; a cluster
- troot - a trout
- trooz - tartan tights
- trope - a metaphor; a figure of speech
- troth - a first name; to plight; confidence; faith
- trots - runs at a moderate gait
- trout - a mountain stream fish
- trove - a treasure horde
- trowl - a troll
- trows - supposes; trusts
- Troya - a first name
- Troye - a first name
- troys - plural of "troy", a system of weights
- trubs - plural of "trub", a truffle
- trubu - an East India herring
- Truby - a first name
- truce - a lull; a respite
- truck - commerce; a van
- Truda - a first name
- Trude - a first name
- Trudi - a first name
- Trudy - a first name
- trued - brought to conformity with a standard
- truel - a duel among three contestants, studied in mathematical game theory
- truer - more true
- trues - lines up; makes correct
- truff - a bull trout; a purse
- trugs - plural of "trug", a hod for mortar, a wooden gardening basket
- Trula - a first name
- trull - a vagrant; a drab; a low prostitute
- truly - honestly; correctly; verily
- trump - the highest valued suit in cards; to outplay
- trunk - a coffer; the middle of the body; an elephant snout; a tree part
- truro - a town in Massachusetts, England, and Nova Scotia
- trush - a town in Albania
- truss - a support; a unit of weight in England
- trust - credit; reliance
- truth - fact; honesty
- truva - the name of the town that sits on the ruins of Troy
- tryer - someone who is assiduous in trying to win
- tryma - a stone fruit
- Tryna - a first name
- trypa - a pore in the front wall of the zooecium of a bryozoan
- tryps - plural of "tryp", a shortened form of "trypanosome"
- Trysh - a first name
- tryst - a lovers's meeting
- tsade - variant of "sade", a Hebrew letter
- tsadi - variant of "sade", a Hebrew letter
- tsana - a lake in Ethiopia
- tsane - a town in Botswana
- tsang - money
- tsars - plural of "tsar", variant of "czar", a Russian hereditary ruler
- tsavo - a town in Kenya
- tsebe - the springbok
- tsena - a village in Finland
- Tsend - a first name
- tsera - a town in Burma
- tsere - a vowel mark in Hebrew
- tsfat - a town in Israel
- tsine - a wild ox of the Malay peninsula
- Tsion - a first name
- tsked - tut-tutted
- tsker - one who makes a "tsk" sound
- tsuba - a Japanese sword hilt
- tsubo - a unit of area of Japan, of about 4 square yards
- tsuga - a genus of coniferous tree
- tsuma - a village in Japan
- tsuns - plural of "tsun", a Chinese measurement of length, about an inch
- Tsuru - a first name
- Tsvia - a first name
- tuans - plural of "tuan", a title of respect in China and Malaysia
- tuapa - a town on the Polynesian island of Niue
- Tuari - a first name
- tuarn - a town in Ireland
- tuart - an Australian white gum tree
- tuath - a state; an ancient division of territory
- tubac - a town in Arizona
- tubae - plural of "tuba"
- tubal - a first name; tubular
- tubar - tubular; an American Indian language
- tubas - a Palestinian village; plural of "tuba", a musical instrument
- tubby - fat; obese; a nickname
- tubed - piped
- tuber - a bulbous growth
- tubes - plural of "tube", a long hollow cylinder
- tucan - a Mexican pouched rat
- tucet - a tucket, a steak
- tuchi - a town in northern China
- tuchs - plural of "tuch", a dark marble; a touchstone
- tucks - folds under
- tucky - a first name; a water lily; the common spatterdash
- tucum - a South American palm
- tudeh - an Iranian political party
- tudes - plural of "tude", a slang word for "attitude"
- tudor - a first name; an English royal dynasty; an architectural style
- tuets - plural of "tuet", the lapwing
- tufah - a town on the West Bank
- tufan - a violent storm
- tufas - plural of "tufa", a kind of limestone
- tuffe - tuft
- tuffs - plural of "tuff", volcanic rock
- Tuffy - a first name
- tufts - plural of "tuft", an outgrowth, clump, or bunch
- tufty - feathery
- tugan - the toucan
- tugen - a people of Kenya
- tugra - an ornamental monogram used by the Turkish sultan
- tugui - a town in the Philippines
- tugun - a town in Australia
- Tuhin - a first name
- tuica - a Romanian liquor
- tuies - Tuinal
- tuifu - an acronym" "The Ultimate In Foul Ups", so to speak
- Tuija - a first name
- tuile - tuille; armor plates
- tuina - a Chinese massage therapy
- tuism - the use of "you" in prose
- tuist - one who uses "you" in prose
- Tukie - a first name
- tukra - a disorder of the leaves and shoots of the mulberry tree
- Tukun - a first name
- Tulah - a first name
- tulak - a town in Afghanistan
- tules - plural of "tule", a tall marsh plant
- Tulga - a first name
- tulia - a first name; a town in Texas
- Tulio - a first name
- tulip - a flower
- tulla - a first name; a town in Eire
- tulle - a sheer delicate silk fabric; a village in France
- tulls - allures
- Tully - a first name
- tulsa - a first name; a city in Oklahoma
- tulsi - a first name; holy basil
- tulua - a town in Colombia
- tulum - a town in Mexico, on the coast of the Yucutan peninsula
- tulun - a group of islands in the South Pacific
- tulup - a Russian coat
- Tuluy - a first name
- tuman - toman; any Baluchistani village
- tumba - a musical instrument of Santa Domingo; a city in Sweden
- tumbu - an African fly that can burrow under the skin, also known as the putzi
- tumen - a town in China; a river separating Korea from China
- tumid - swollen
- tummy - a childish name for the stomach
- tumor - an unnatural growth
- tumps - turns over; clumps
- tumpy - lumpy; uneven
- tumut - a river and town in Australia
- tunas - plural of "tuna", a large food fish
- tunca - a town in Chile
- Tunde - a first name
- tunds - thumps; beats
- tuned - attuned; harmonized
- tuner - one who tunes
- tunes - another name for Tunis; plural of "tune", a melody
- tuney - like a tune; full of tunes
- tunga - a genus of sand fleas
- tungo - the rat kangaroo
- tunic - a shirt
- tunis - the capital city of Tunisia
- tunja - a town in Colombia
- tunka - the wax gourd
- tunks - taps with a hammer, looking for flaws
- tunku - a Malay prince
- tunna - a unit of volume of Sweden, of about 4.2 bushels
- tunny - a tuna fish
- Tunya - a first name
- tupai - an island near Bora-Bora; any one of the Tupaiids
- tupan - a Chinese magistrate
- tupek - an Eskimo tent made of sealskin
- tupik - an Eskimo tent made of sealskin
- tupis - plural of "tupi", an Indian of the Tupian tribe
- tuple - a sequence of items regarded as a unit
- tuply - multiply; manifold
- tuque - a toque; a Canadian knitted cap
- Tural - a first name
- turbe - a Muslim tomb
- turbo - the whelk and winkle genus; a top; more powerful; a town in Colombia
- turbs - plural of "turb", a number of individuals crowded together
- turco - a native Algerian serving in the French army; a South American bird
- turda - a town in Romania
- turds - feces
- turdy - covered in feces; disgusting
- turen - a town in Venezuela
- turfs - covers with turf; pieces of turf used as fuel or construction material
- turfy - swardy; grassy; cespitose
- turgy - a town in France
- turia - a river in Spain
- turin - an Italian city, properly "Turino"
- turio - a sprout or shoot from the ground
- turis - plural of "turi", a Pathan people of northwest Pakistan
- turki - a central Asian people; a Turkic language
- turko - an Algerian tirailleur in the French army
- turks - plural of "Turk", a native of Turkey
- turku - a seaport in southwest Finland
- Turlo - a first name
- turme - a troop
- turmi - a village in Ethiopia
- turms - plural of "turm", a troop
- turns - revolves; plural of "turn", a revolution
- turny - turning; full of turns
- turps - liquor; plural of "turp", turpentine
- turrs - plural of "turr", a three-stringed Burmese violin
- turse - a bundle, a load
- turus - a town in Syria
- turvo - a river in Brazil
- turvy - referring to the bottom, as in "topsy turvy"
- tusch - a flourish of brass with musical instruments and drums
- tushe - a variant of "tousche", a lithographic drawing material
- tushy - the buttocks
- tusks - plural of "tusk", a long exposed tooth
- tusky - with long teeth
- tussi - the cattle-owning class of the Rundi in east Africa
- tussy - a drunkard
- tutee - one who is taught by a tutor
- tutel - a beak
- tutin - a poisonous crystalline glucoside
- tutly - a town in Uzbekistan
- tutor - a private teacher
- tutsi - a people of Burundi and Rwanda
- Tutte - a first name
- tutti - all in; an Italian word meaning "all" as in "tutti frutti"
- tutto - a musical notation meaning "entire" or "all"
- tutty - an impure oxide of zinc; a small bunch of flowers
- tutub - a town in Mesopotamia
- tutun - a town in Egypt
- tutus - plural of "tutu", a ballerina skirt
- tutze - a town in China
- Tuula - a first name
- tuvan - of the Siberian/Mongolian border area of Tuva
- Tuvia - a first name
- tuvin - an Altaic language
- Tuvya - a first name
- tuxes - plural of "tux", a tuxedo
- Tuyen - a first name
- tuyer - tuyere
- tuyun - a town in China
- tuzas - plural of "tuza", a tucan
- tuzla - a Bosnian city
- tuzzy - a tuft
- twack - a 12-pack of beer
- twaes - plural of "twae", a group of two
- twain - a first name; a couple
- twait - a species of shad
- twall - twelve
- twals - plural of "twal", twelve
- twana - a first name; a Salishan people of Washington state
- twang - a tang; a flavor; a reverbrating sound
- twank - a nasal note; an older man who is a voyeur
- twant - a twenty dollar bag of marijuana
- twats - plural of "twat", a vulgarism
- Twayn - a first name
- tways - plural of "tway", a couple, two
- tweag - to tweak
- tweak - to pinch; to make minor improvements
- tweeb - a dweeb
- tweed - a cloth pattern; a British river
- tweeg - a hellbender
- tweek - electronic interference, a clear, brief, falling tone like a bird chirp
- tweel - a woven fabric
- tween - between; to generate intermediate data, as in a computer animation; 11-15 year olds
- tweer - a blast furnace
- tweet - a bird sound
- twell - till
- twere - slang for "if it were" or "it were", as in "As twere...", or "Twere otherwise..."
- twerp - an idiot; a fool; an unpleasant or unattactive person
- tweys - plural of "twey", a couple, two
- twice - two times
- twier - a blast furnace
- twigs - plural of "twig", a little branch
- Twila - a first name
- twill - a diagonally woven fabric
- twilt - a quilt
- twimp - a foolish insignificant person
- twine - string
- twink - to twinkle; a chaffinch; a conventionally attractive person; a homosexual
- twins - the constellation Gemini; plural of "twin", one of a pair, often identical
- twiny - like twine
- twire - to gleam; to twist; a glance
- twirl - to whirl; to rotate
- twirp - an annoying nitwit
- twisp - a town in the state of Washington
- twiss - a kind of Irish chamberpot
- twist - to writhe; to turn
- twite - a mountain linnet
- twits - plural of "twit", an insufferable idiot; someone who fills a much needed vacuum
- twixt - between
- twock - to steal a car; an acronym: "Taken Without Owner's Consent"
- twoer - something that counts as two
- twosy - a two-piece outfit, usually for babies
- twrch - a British river
- twyer - a blast furnace
- Twyla - a first name
- Txema - a first name
- tyana - a first name; a town in ancient Asia Minor
- Tyann - a first name
- Tyara - a first name
- tybee - an island near Savannah, Georgia
- Tybie - a first name
- tyche - in Greek mythology, the goddess of fortune
- Tycho - a first name
- tychy - a town in Poland
- tydie - a small bird
- tyees - plural of "tyee", a Chinook salmon
- tyers - plural of "tyer", one who ties
- Tyesn - a first name
- tyger - a first name; a term in heraldry
- Tyghe - a first name
- tyhee - a person of distinction; an Indian chief
- tyigh - a Shahaptian people of Oregon
- tying - fastening; combining
- tyiyn - a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan
- tykes - plural of "tyke", a young one
- Tykia - a first name
- Tylai - a first name
- Tylar - a first name
- Tylda - a first name
- Tyldy - a first name
- Tylea - a first name
- Tylee - a first name
- tyler - a first name; a tiler; a Masonic doorkeeper; a lake in North America
- Tylia - a first name
- Tylor - a first name
- tylus - a head bump on some hemipterons
- Tymon - a first name
- tymps - tympani; plural of "tymp", the mouth of a blast furnace hearth
- Tynan - a first name
- tynde - kindled
- tynds - shuts; closes
- tyned - lost
- tynes - loses
- Tynka - a first name
- typal - typical
- typed - characterized; entered on a keyboard
- typer - one who types
- types - uses a typewriter; plural of "type", a kind
- typey - typy
- typha - a bulrush
- typhi - typhoid bacteria
- typic - emblematic; typical
- typos - plural of "typo", a typographical error
- typps - plural of "typp", a unit of yarn thickness, how many thousand yards weigh a pound
- typto - to work at Greek grammar
- Tyraa - a first name
- Tyrae - a first name
- Tyrah - a first name
- tyran - a first name; a tyrant
- tyras - a town in southern Russia
- Tyray - a first name
- Tyrea - a first name
- tyred - variant of "tired", wheeled
- Tyree - a first name
- Tyrel - a first name
- tyres - plural of "tyre", variant of "tire", a rubber automotive wheel
- Tyria - a first name
- Tyrie - a first name
- Tyrik - a first name
- Tyrin - a first name
- Tyriq - a first name
- Tyrod - a first name
- tyrol - a mountainous region of southern Austria and northern Italy
- Tyron - a first name
- tyros - plural of "tyro", a beginner
- tyrus - a first name; another name for Tyre, a biblical place
- Tysha - a first name
- Tysie - a first name
- Tysne - a first name
- Tyson - a first name
- Tyssa - a first name
- Tytan - a first name
- tythe - a tithe
- Tytus - a first name
- Tywan - a first name
- Tywon - a first name
- tywyn - a town in Wales
- Tzahi - a first name
- Tzaly - a first name
- tzars - plural of "tzar", variant of "czar", a Russian ruler
- tzepo - variant of "Zibo", a town in China
- Tzevi - a first name
- Tzion - a first name
- Tzipi - a first name
- tzupo - variant of "Zibo", a town in China
- tzute - a cotton blanket or cloth from Guatemala
- Uaine - a first name
- uangs - plural of "uang", an Asian rhinoceros beetle
- uarus - plural of "uaru", a type of cichlid found in South America
- uatsi - a town in Costa Rica
- uaupe - South American Indian tribe; a river in South America
- uayeb - the 19th month of the Mayan civil calendar, only five days long, and very unlucky
- ubaid - a Mesopotamian folk
- ubate - a town in Colombia
- ubeth - unethes
- ubian - a member of a Germanic tribe of Roman times
- ubina - a town in Bolivia
- ubity - place or location
- ubykh - a nearly extinct Caucasian language
- uccle - a town in Belgium
- uchee - yuchi, an Indian people of the south eastern United States
- uckia - a unit of weight in North Africa
- ucles - a town in Spain, site of a famous battle
- Udale - a first name
- Udall - a first name
- udals - plural of "udal", a freehold estate
- udasi - a sect within Sikhism
- Udaya - a first name
- udder - a mammary gland
- Udele - a first name
- Udell - a first name
- udihe - an Altaic language
- udine - a city in Italy
- udish - Udi, a north Caucasic language
- udney - an old friend one has outgrown
- Udolf - a first name
- udong - a city in Cambodia
- uelen - a town in Siberia
- ufers - plural of "ufer", a fir pole
- uffda - an exclamation of Norwegian origin, meaning roughly "darn" or "oops" or "duh"
- Uford - a first name
- ugali - a starchy Kenyan food
- ugged - aroused disgust
- uggin - disgusting
- uggit - disgusted
- uglis - plural of "ugli", a citrus hybrid, the tangelo
- ugric - of Finns and Magyars; a Uralic language
- ugrug - the bearded seal
- Ugutz - a first name
- Ugyen - a first name
- uhhuh - yes
- uhlan - a Prussian cavalryman
- uhllo - an abalone
- uhtua - a village in Finland
- uhuru - freedom for African countries from European rule
- uigur - a variant of "Uighur"
- uinal - a Mayan month of 20 days
- uinta - a mountain range in Utah
- uised - used
- uisst - used (to)
- ujiji - a town in Tanzania, where Stanley met Livingstone
- Ujjal - a first name
- ukase - a decree in Czarist Russia
- Ukasz - a first name
- ukiah - a city in California
- ukies - plural of "Ukie", a Ukrainian
- ukkle - a town in Belgium
- ulama - in Muslim culture, a group of learned elders; Aztec basketball
- Ulana - a first name
- Ulane - a first name
- Ulani - a first name
- ulans - plural of "ulan", an uhlan or Prussian cavalryman
- ulawa - an island that is part of Guadalcanal
- ulcer - a sore, often in the stomach
- ulcus - an ulcer
- Uldis - a first name
- uledi - a town in Pennsylvania
- ulema - Muslim scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law
- Ulger - a first name
- Ulick - a first name
- Ulima - a first name
- Uliva - a first name
- uljin - a town in South Korea
- Ullah - a first name
- Ullas - a first name
- uller - the Norse god of winter
- ullet - a European owl
- ulloa - a kind of cheese
- Ulmar - a first name
- Ulmer - a first name
- ulmic - referring to elm exudations
- ulmin - humus; a brown pigment
- ulmus - the elm genus
- ulnad - toward the ulna
- ulnae - plural of "ulna", an arm bone
- ulnar - of the ulna
- ulnas - plural of "ulna", an arm bone
- uloid - of or like a scar
- ulpan - an Israeli school for teaching Hebrew
- ulric - a first name; a medieval saint
- Ulrik - a first name
- ulsan - a port city in southwest South Korea
- Ultan - a first name
- ultra - extreme
- uluas - plural of "ulua", a people of Nicaragua and Honduras; a Hawaiian fish
- uluhi - a town in Hawaii
- ulula - a genus of owls
- ululu - a wailing cry; the aboriginal name of Ayer's Rock
- uluru - the aboriginal name of Ayers Rock in Australia; a town in Australia
- ulvan - a town in Norway
- ulvas - plural of "ulva", an edible seaweed
- ulyie - oil
- ulzie - oil
- Umair - a first name
- umala - a town in Bolivia
- umami - a fifth taste, after salty, sour, bitter, and sweet, supposedly of glutamate
- Umang - a first name
- Umarr - a first name
- Umaru - a first name
- umaua - a tribal language of South America
- Umayr - a first name
- umbay - a bum (Pig Latin)
- umbel - a flower cluster in which the individual stalks arise from a single spot
- umber - a brown pigment
- umble - referring to low quality meat, and usually spelled "humble", as in "humble pie"
- umboi - an island near New Guinea
- umbos - plural of "umbo", the rounded elevation in the center of a shield
- umbra - a shadow; a shade
- umbre - a bird; variant of "umber", a brown pigment
- umdel - a flower cluster
- Umeko - a first name
- Umesh - a first name
- Umeyo - a first name
- umiac - an Eskimo boat
- umiak - an Eskimo boat
- umiaq - an Eskimo boat
- Umida - a first name
- umiri - a fragrant balsam tree
- umiry - a fragrant balsam tree
- ummah - the Muslim community
- umnak - an island in Alaska
- umoja - a town in Kenya
- umped - refereed
- umpty - used in the phrase "umpty ump", to refer to a large indefinite quantity
- umrah - a visit to Mecca or Medina outside of the annual pilgrimage time
- Umran - a first name
- umred - a town in India
- unadd - to delete
- unage - to remove the effects of ageing
- unais - plural of "unai", a two-toed sloth
- unami - a Delaware Indian people
- unamo - a South American palm
- unapt - inept; irrelevant
- unarc - a computer program to "un-archive" a file
- unark - to debark from the ark
- unarm - to disarm
- unary - operating on a single object
- unask - to take back a question; to take back an invitation
- unass - to get up quickly from a sitting position; to correct a bad situation
- unate - a property of a combinatorial function: f(...,0,...) <= f(...,1,...) for any index
- unaus - plural of "unau", a two-toed sloth
- unbag - to remove from a bag
- unban - to remove a ban
- unbar - to open; to permit
- unbat - not batted
- unbay - to open up
- unbed - to arouse
- unbee - to remove bees
- unbes - causes not to be
- unbet - not wagered
- unbid - uninvited
- unbin - to remove from a bin
- unbit - not bitten
- unbog - to extract from a bog; to drain bogs from a land
- unbow - to unbend
- unbox - to remove from a box
- unboy - to divest of the traits of a boy (ouch)
- unbra - to remove a bra; to remove from a bra
- unbud - not to bud
- unbun - to disrupt the bun-like shape of something
- unbuy - to cancel a purchase
- uncab - to remove cabs; to remove the cab
- uncal - relating to the uncus
- uncam - to remove cams
- uncan - to remove from a can
- uncap - to remove the cap from
- uncar - to remove cars
- uncas - a first name, the last Mohican
- uncat - to remove cats
- unces - plural of "unce", a claw; an ounce
- uncia - a coin of ancient Rome, weighing an ounce; an ancient Roman inch; a weight of 1/12 a libra; a town in Bolivia
- uncle - the brother of one's parent
- uncog - to remove cogs from
- uncop - to remove cops
- uncos - plural of "unco", a stranger
- uncot - to remove cots
- uncow - to fail to frighten; to remove cows
- uncoy - not coy
- uncub - to remove cubs
- uncud - to remove cud
- uncup - to remove from a cup; to disrupt the cup-like shape of something
- uncur - to remove curs
- uncus - a hook or claw; the anterior hooked end of the hippocampal gyrus
- uncut - not cut
- uncya - a unit of weight in Poland
- undam - to release
- undee - wavy
- unden - to free from a den
- under - beneath
- undid - not done; unfastened
- undie - a singular form of "undies"
- undig - to dig out
- undim - to brighten
- undog - to free from followers; to stop following relentlessly
- undos - plural of "undo", the reversal of a change or modification
- undot - to remove dots
- undry - not dry; to make wet
- undub - to unlock
- undue - not due
- undug - not dug
- undye - to remove the dye from a cloth
- Uness - a first name
- uneth - uneath, difficult, distressing
- uneye - to remove eyes
- unfab - not fabulous
- unfad - not a fad
- unfan - a person who disparages someone whom others admire
- unfar - not far
- unfat - not fat
- unfed - not fed
- unfen - to remove fens; to drain an area
- unfew - not few
- unfez - to remove a fez
- unfig - to remove figs
- unfin - to remove fins
- unfir - to remove firs
- unfit - not fit
- unfix - to loosen
- unfob - to remove fobs
- unfog - to remove fog
- unfop - to remove foppishness
- unfox - to remove foxes
- unfug - to remove fug, a heavy unpleasant odor
- unfun - not fun; unenjoyable; unpleasant
- unfur - to remove the fur from an animal
- ungag - to remove a speaking restraint
- ungay - not gay
- ungel - to remove gels
- unget - to deny the begetting of; to disown
- ungka - the siamang, or ungka ape
- ungod - to strip of divinity
- ungot - not gotten
- ungul - a unit of length, about 1 inch
- ungum - to unstick
- ungut - to remove guts
- unguy - not chararacteristic of guys
- unhad - not had
- unhap - ill luck; misfortune
- unhat - to remove the hat
- unhay - to remove hay
- unhep - not hep; not cool
- unhex - to remove a curse
- unhid - not hidden
- unhip - not hip; not cool; not with it
- unhit - not hit
- unhot - not hot; not stylish
- unhue - to remove the color from something
- unhug - to remove hugs
- uniao - a town in Brazil
- uniat - a Russian Christian
- Unica - a first name
- Unice - a first name
- unify - to join; to make one
- Unika - a first name
- union - a coalition
- unios - plural of "unio", a fresh water mussel
- Uniss - a first name
- Unita - a first name
- unite - to bring together
- units - plural of "unit", an individual; a single group; a quantity used for measurement
- unity - a first name; concord; oneness
- unjam - to remove an obstruction
- unjar - to remove jars
- unjew - to discard one's Jewish nature
- unkar - of or relating to the lower division of the Algonkian rocks in the Grand Canyon region
- unked - unkid; strange; unkempt
- unkes - plural of "unke", a European aquatic toad
- unket - unkempt
- unkey - to remove the key from (as in an arch)
- unkid - unknown; strange; unkempt
- unkie - morphine
- unkin - not related by blood
- unkle - a variant of "uncle"
- unlap - to unfold
- unlaw - to impose a fine upon
- unlax - to relax; not lax
- unlay - to untwist; to remove settings from a table
- unled - not led
- unleg - to remove the legs
- unlet - not leased; vacant; tenantless
- unlib - unliberated
- unlid - to take the lid off
- unlie - to remove lies; to stop lying
- unlip - to remove lips
- unlit - not lit
- unmad - not mad
- unman - to dishearten; to unnerve
- unmap - to remove from the map
- unmar - to remove blemishes or dents from
- unmat - to remove the mat from
- unmen - plural of "unman", a misfigured or defective man
- unmet - not met
- unmew - to release from confinement
- unmix - to separate
- unmob - to remove mobs
- unmop - to fail to mop
- unmow - to fail to mow
- unner - under
- unnet - to remove nets
- unnew - not new
- unnub - to remove nubs
- unnun - to defrock a nun
- unnut - to remove nuts
- unode - a geometric conception
- unoil - to free from oil
- unold - not old
- unona - a genus of Asian and African trees
- unpad - to remove padding
- unpan - to remove pans
- unpax - a child's call that undoes a temporary truce
- unpay - to make (a rope) undone
- unpeg - to release from a peg
- unpen - to release
- unpet - to remove pets
- unpig - to remove pigs
- unpin - to release from a pin
- unpip - to remove pips
- unpit - to remove pits
- unpod - to remove pods; to remove a thing from its pod
- unpop - to restore a flexible popper to its unpopped position
- unpot - to remove from a pot
- unpry - to pry off; to loosen
- unpun - to remove puns
- unput - not put
- unrag - to remove rags
- unrat - to rid of rats
- unred - unread
- unrib - to remove ribs
- unrid - disordered
- unrig - to dismantle; to strip
- unrim - to remove rims
- unrip - to rip open
- unrub - to undo a rubbing
- unrug - to remove rugs
- unrum - to remove rum
- unrun - not run
- unrut - to remove ruts
- unsad - not sad; unstead; fickle
- unsag - to remove the sag from something
- unsan - a town in North Korea
- unsap - nonsaponifiable
- unsat - not sat through
- unsaw - to remove saws
- unsay - to retract; to disavow
- unsee - to fail to see; to forget the sight of
- unseg - to remove segments
- unsel - a bad, unhappy or useless person
- unset - unmounted; runny; not set
- unsew - to undo the sewing of
- unsex - to geld
- unshy - not shy
- unsin - to cancel a sin by subsequent actions
- unsit - to remove a person's seating assignment
- unsly - not sly
- unsob - to remove sobs
- unsod - unboiled; not soaked; to remove sod from
- unson - to disinherit
- unsty - to release from a sty
- unsub - to cancel a substitution
- Unsun - a first name
- unsus - unsuspicious; plausible
- untab - to remove TAB characters
- untag - to remove tags
- untan - pale; not tanned
- untap - to remove an electronic tap
- untar - to remove tar from; to extract files from a tape archive
- untax - to remove a tax
- untie - to undo; to unbind
- until - till
- untin - to uncan
- untip - not to tip; to retract a tip
- untit - to remove a tit
- untog - to remove clothes
- untop - to remove the top
- untoy - a first name; something that is not a toy
- untub - to remove from a tub
- untug - to tug away; to break a connection
- unurn - to remove from an urn; to remove urns
- unuse - not to use
- unvat - to remove from a vat; to remove vats
- unwan - a large ornamented superscription in Islamic manuscripts
- unwax - to remove wax from
- unweb - to unweave; to unravel
- unwed - not married
- unwet - not wet
- unwig - to remove a wig
- Unwin - a first name
- unwit - to make crazy
- unwon - not won
- unwow - to fail to impress
- Unwyn - a first name
- unzen - a town in Japan; one of the most active volcanos in Japan; not Zenlike
- unzha - a river in Russia
- unzip - to undo a zipper
- upata - a town in Venezuela
- upbar - to fasten with a bar; to remove the bars from
- upbay - referring to movement, in a bay, away from the ocean
- upbid - an offer to buy at a higher price
- upbow - a stroke towards the handle of the bow of a violin
- upbuy - the purchasing of an enhanced membership
- upbye - a little farther on
- upcry - an outcry
- upcut - to cut something while the cutting tool is moving upwards; to trim a show so more ads can be inserted
- updos - plural of "updo", in which hair is piled high on the head
- updry - to completely dry
- upend - to set on end
- upfly - to fly up
- upful - hopeful; positive
- uphaf - a past tense of "upheave"
- upher - a fir pole used for scaffoldings
- upice - "upstream" in a glacier
- upjet - to spout up
- upjut - to jut upwards
- uplay - to hoard; to lay up
- upled - led up
- upleg - the part of a graph that is trending upwards
- upmug - a coffee break
- upolu - an island in western Samoa, where Robert Louis Stevenson died
- upped - increased
- upper - located above the center
- uppie - exhilarating; a narcotic stimulant; a student at the University of Port Elizabeth
- upran - ran up; ascended
- uprun - to run up; to ascend
- upsal - a town in Sweden
- upsee - in the manner of
- upset - to capsize; to disturb
- upsey - in the manner of
- upski - a ski lift that is pulled uphill like a sled by a cable
- upsun - the time between sun up and sun down
- uptak - intelligence
- upter - useless
- uptie - to tie up
- upton - a first name; an English town
- upupa - the hoopoe genus
- upway - a town in England
- upyer - an oath or epithet, a slurring of "Up yours!"
- upzip - the motion of zipping up
- uqban - a Yemeni island near the Red Sea
- uraba - a bay in Venezuela
- uraei - plural of "uraeus", the snake figure on Egyptian headdresses
- urali - oorali, a poison used on arrows
- urals - a mountain chain in Russia
- uraos - plural of "urao", American soda
- urare - curare
- urari - curare
- urase - urease
- urate - a salt of uric acid
- urawa - a town in Japan
- urban - a first name; of the city
- urbia - cities considered collectively
- urbic - an anthropological term referring to soil containing signs of human settlement
- urcos - a town in Peru
- urdee - referring to a cross whose arms expand like a lozenge at the ends
- ureal - pertaining to urea
- ureas - plural of "urea", a chemical compound
- uredo - a fungus genus
- ureic - referring to urea
- ureid - a derivative of urea
- Ureli - a first name
- urena - an Indian mallow
- urent - burning; stinging
- urewe - a town in eastern Africa
- urgan - a town in Afghanistan
- urged - impelled
- urger - one who urges; a tipster
- urges - plural of "urge", a drive or impulse
- urgup - a town in Turkey
- Uriah - a first name
- urial - an Asiatic wild sheep
- Urian - a first name
- Urias - a first name
- urica - a town in Venezuela
- Uriel - a first name
- Urien - a first name
- Urika - a first name
- urile - a cormorant
- urims - plural of "urim", a sacred Hebrew religious object
- urine - liquid body waste
- urins - plural of "urin"
- urisk - a Scottish brownie that lives in waterfalls
- urite - the tail of an insect
- urith - the bindings of a hedge
- urlar - a town in Ireland
- urled - dwarfed, not growing
- urman - a Siberian forest land
- Urmas - a first name
- urmia - a lake in Armenia
- urnae - the plural of "urna", a Roman measurement of liquid volume of about 13 liters
- urnal - urn-shaped
- urned - stored in an urn; decorated with urns
- urner - one who makes urns
- urped - burped; belched (used by Faulkner in "The Wild Palms", so there!)
- urper - one who urps
- urrao - a town in Colombia
- ursae - the feminine plural of "ursa", a bear
- ursal - bearish; boorish
- Ursei - a first name
- Ursel - a first name
- Ursey - a first name
- ursid - a member of the bear family
- Ursie - a first name
- urson - a first name; a Canadian porcupine
- ursuk - a bearded seal
- ursus - the genus of bears; a town in Poland
- Urtzi - a first name
- urubu - the American turkey buzzard; a river in Brazil
- urucu - annatto; a town in Brazil
- urutu - a South American pit viper
- Urvan - a first name
- urvas - plural of "urva", an ichneumon
- urved - curved upward
- usage - a habit or custom
- Usain - a first name
- Usama - a first name
- usant - using; accustomed
- usara - a variant of "uzara", a South African woody herb
- usbeg - a variant of "Uzbek"
- usbek - a variant of "Uzbek"
- Uschi - a first name
- users - plural of "user", one who uses
- ushak - a heavy woolen Oriental rug; a Turkish city famous for its carpets
- ushas - Hindu aura
- ushed - conducted people to seats
- usher - a first name; to conduct to a seat
- ushes - conducts people to seats
- Ushma - a first name
- using - employing; making use of
- usino - a language of Papua New Guinea
- uskok - a Slav of Dalmation origin
- Usman - a first name
- usnea - a genus of lichens and tree moss
- usnic - a kind of acid obtained from various lichens
- usque - whiskey
- Ustad - a first name
- Ustaz - a first name
- uster - a town in Switzerland
- Ustin - a first name
- ustka - a town in Poland
- usual - typical
- usura - interest paid on borrowed money
- usure - usury
- usurp - to displace illegally or unfairly
- usury - a first name; the lending of money at unfair interest
- usutu - a river in Swaziland
- utahn - a native of Utah
- Utako - a first name
- utchy - an obsolete form of "I"
- utena - a town in Lithuania
- uteri - plural of "uterus", a womb
- utero - Latin for the womb, used in the phrase "in utero"
- uther - a first name; the father of King Arthur
- Utibe - a first name
- utica - a city in central New York; an ancient North African city
- utile - useful
- Utina - a first name
- Utkan - a first name
- utoru - a town in Japan
- Utpal - a first name
- utrum - an assize, to discover whether land was held by lay fees or fee alms such as praying for souls
- Uttam - a first name
- utter - to say; complete
- Uttra - a first name
- uvate - grape jam
- uveal - referring to the uvea, the iris, choroid and ciliary body
- uveas - plural of "uvea", a layer in the eye
- uvero - a town in Cuba
- uviol - a glass transparent to ultraviolet rays
- uvira - a town in the Congo
- uvrou - euphroe
- uvula - the soft palate
- uvver - a humorous indication of the Cockney pronunciation of "other"
- uxmal - an ancient ruined Mayan city in Mexico
- uxter - money
- uyezd - any Russian district
- uygur - alternative spelling for "Uighur" (one spelling wasn't enough?)
- uyuni - a town in Bolivia
- Uzair - a first name
- uzara - a South African woody herb
- uzbak - variant of "Uzbek", a native of Uzbekistan
- uzbeg - variant of "Uzbek", a native of Uzbekistan
- uzbek - a native of Uzbekistan
- uzice - a town in Serbia
- Uziel - a first name
- uzkoe - a suburb of Moscow
- Uzzah - a first name
- vaasa - a Baltic port of western Finland
- vache - a first name; a beast
- vacky - an evacuee
- vacoa - the screw pine
- vacua - plural of "vacuum", a space devoid of matter
- vacuo - Latin for a vacuum, used in the phrase "in vacuo", in a vacuum
- vaded - faded
- vades - fades; plural of "vas"
- vadge - the vagina
- Vadim - a first name
- Vadin - a first name
- Vadit - a first name
- vadso - a town in Norway
- vaduy - a minuscule country that formed the nucleus of Liechtenstein
- vaduz - the capital of the tax haven theme park called Liechtenstein
- Vadym - a first name
- vagal - pertaining to the vagus nerve
- Vagit - a first name
- vague - indistinct
- vagus - the cranial nerve
- Vahan - a first name
- Vahap - a first name
- Vahib - a first name
- Vahic - a first name
- Vahid - a first name
- Vahig - a first name
- Vahik - a first name
- Vahil - a first name
- Vahiq - a first name
- Vahit - a first name
- Vaidy - a first name
- Vaile - a first name
- Vaill - a first name
- vails - plural of "vail", a veil, a tip
- Vaira - a first name
- vaire - charged with heraldic fur
- vairs - plural of "vair", a fur used for lining medieval garments
- vairy - a first name; charged with heraldic fur
- Vaiva - a first name
- Vajna - a first name
- vajra - adamantine
- vakes - is vacant
- vakia - a unit of weight in Arabia
- vakil - an Indian attorney or ambassador
- vakky - an evacuee
- valan - a first name; a town in Norway
- Valda - a first name
- Valde - a first name
- Valdi - a first name
- Valdo - a first name
- valed - lowered; receded
- Valen - a first name
- vales - vails; pourboire
- valet - a personal attendant
- valga - a town in Estonia
- Valia - a first name
- valid - legitimate; lawful; true
- Valin - a first name
- valis - plural of "vali", a governor-general of a vilayet
- valka - a town in Latvia
- valla - a first name; plural of "vallum", a rampart or wall
- valle - a first name; a province in Colombia
- Valli - a first name
- vally - a first name; Valium
- Valma - a first name
- valmy - a village in France, site of a French Revolutionary defeat of Prussians
- Valon - a first name
- valor - bravery
- Valri - a first name
- Valry - a first name
- valsa - a first name; a genus of fungi
- valse - a waltz
- value - worth; usefulness; desirability
- valun - a town in Croatia
- valva - an anatomical valve
- valve - a mechanical device to control flow
- Valya - a first name
- valyl - a radical of valine
- Valyn - a first name
- Vamik - a first name
- vamps - short hose; poses seductively
- vampy - theatrically seductive
- Vanae - a first name
- Vance - a first name
- vanda - a first name; a tropical orchid
- Vandi - a first name
- vandy - a first name; a nickname for Vanderbilt University
- vaned - having vanes or blades
- Vanek - a first name
- vanes - plural of "vane", a device for showing the direction of the wind
- vanga - an ancient country of eastern India
- vange - a first name; an English town
- vangs - plural of "vang", a rope on a ship
- Vangy - a first name
- Vania - a first name
- vanie - canny
- vanir - three Norse deities
- Vanja - a first name
- Vanjo - a first name
- Vanka - a first name
- Vanko - a first name
- Vanna - a first name
- Vanni - a first name
- Vanno - a first name
- Vanny - a first name
- vants - vaunts; plural of "vant", a vanguard
- Vanya - a first name
- vapes - plural of "vape", a vaporizer; a vapor trail from a plane
- vapid - gassy; of little substance
- vapor - gas
- Vaqif - a first name
- varak - thin silver foil applied as a sort of ornamental glaze to Indian sweets
- varan - the Monitor lizard
- varaq - thin silver foil applied as a sort of ornamental glaze to Indian sweets
- varas - plural of "vara", a Spanish unit of length
- varda - a first name; to look at
- varde - a town in Denmark
- vardi - a first name; to look at
- vardo - to look at; a town in Norway
- vardy - to look at
- varec - a kind of seaweed
- varel - a first name; a town in Germany
- vares - a European cape; plural of "vare", a wand of authority
- Varga - a first name
- varia - a collection of various literary works
- varis - a first name; plural of "vari", a Madagascar monkey
- varix - uneven dilation; a varicose vein
- varks - plural of "vark", the bush hog
- varna - any of the four main Hindu social classes; a seaport and resort in Bulgaria
- Varro - a first name
- Varun - a first name
- varus - a first name; knock-kneed; any deformity of the hand or foot towards the midline
- varve - a sedimentary deposit, often exhibiting annual behavior and used for chronology
- Varya - a first name
- Varys - a first name
- vasal - of a blood vessel
- Vasan - a first name
- Vasco - a first name
- Vasek - a first name
- vases - plural of "vase", an urn
- vashi - a town in India
- Vasif - a first name
- Vasil - a first name
- Vasin - a first name
- vasio - a bishopric of southern France
- Vasko - a first name
- Vasos - a first name
- Vasti - a first name
- vasto - a town in Italy
- vasts - plural of "vast", a great open space
- vasty - spacious
- vasum - a genus of large marine gastropods
- Vasya - a first name
- Vasyl - a first name
- vates - a bard
- vatia - a Pacific cape
- vatic - prophetic
- vatoa - an island in the Pacific
- vatos - the Latino verions of "dude"; a village in Corfu, Greece;
- vatsa - an early kingdom of northern India
- vatus - plural of "vatu", a monetary unit of Vanuatu
- vaude - Vaudeville
- vaudy - cheerful; gaudy
- vault - a ceiling; a strong box; to leap
- vaunt - to boast
- vause - a vase
- vaute - vault
- vauts - plural of "vaut", a vault or leap
- vawte - vault
- vaxjo - a town in Sweden
- Vayle - a first name
- Vazul - a first name
- veale - veil
- veals - plural of "veal", calf meat
- vealy - calflike; tasting of veal
- vecke - an old woman
- Vedad - a first name
- vedas - plural of "veda", Hindu sacred scripture
- Vedat - a first name
- vedda - a member of the Sri Lankan race
- veddy - a mock upper class English pronunciation of "very"
- vedge - to vegetate
- vedia - a town in Argentina
- vedic - according to the Vedas
- Vedis - a first name
- vedro - a unit of volume of Russia, of about 3.2 gallons
- Veeda - a first name
- veena - a first name; vina
- veeno - cheap wine
- veeps - plural of "veep", a vice president
- Veera - a first name
- veere - a town in the Netherlands
- veers - turns sharply
- veery - a North American thrush
- Veeta - a first name
- Veeva - a first name
- veeve - bright, clear
- vegan - stricter than a vegetarian, laxer than a fruititarian; a star
- Vegar - a first name
- vegas - Las Vegas, a gambling resort in Nevada; plural of "vega", a Cuban tobacco field; an open tract of ground
- veges - plural of "vege", a colloquial term for a vegetable
- vegie - a vegetable
- vehme - a medieval German secret tribunal
- vehms - plural of "vehm", a variant of "vehme"
- Veida - a first name
- veige - a voyage
- Veiko - a first name
- veils - plural of "veil", a piece of sheer fabric worn over the face
- veily - like a veil
- veins - plural of "vein", a small blood vessel
- veiny - full of veins
- Veira - a first name
- vejce - a village in Macedonia
- vejer - a Spanish fishing village near Trafalgar
- vejoz - an Indian of a Matacan tribe
- velar - guttural
- velas - a cape in Costa Rica
- Velda - a first name
- velds - plural of "veld", variant of "veldt", a South African grassland
- veldt - a South African grassland
- veles - plural of "vele", a veil
- velez - a town in Colombia
- velia - a first name; the modern name for Elea, Italy; water bugs
- velic - relating to the narrow passage between the pharynx and the nasal passages
- vells - plural of "vell", rennet
- velly - a humorous mispronounciation of "very"
- Velma - a first name
- velos - plural of "velo", a unit of speed of one foot per second
- velte - a measure of volume, about 7.5 liters
- velum - the soft palate; a veil-like covering
- venae - plural of "vena", a vein
- venal - base
- venas - plural of "vena", a vein
- vence - a first name; a town in France where D H Lawrence died
- venda - a people of the northern Transvaal
- vends - sells
- vened - to vend
- venew - a thrust in fencing
- veney - a thrust in fencing; a bout
- venge - to avenge
- venie - a supplication for pardon
- venin - a toxin found in snake venom
- Venis - a first name
- Venky - a first name
- Venla - a first name
- venlo - a town in the Netherlands
- Venna - a first name
- venom - a poison
- venta - a Spanish wayside inn
- venti - one of those high priced coffees
- vents - plural of "vent", an opening; a slit
- venue - a location
- venus - a first name; the Roman goddess of love; the second planet from the sun; beauty; a mollusc
- Venya - a first name
- Veola - a first name
- vepse - a Finnish people of Russia
- Veran - a first name
- verbs - plural of "verb", a word indicating an action
- verby - full of verbs
- Verda - a first name
- verde - a first name; a river in Arizona; an African cape
- Verdi - a first name
- verds - plural of "verd", the privilege of cutting green wood in the forest
- Vered - a first name
- verek - an acacia tree
- verey - a signal light
- verga - an African cape
- verge - a first name; an edge
- Vergi - a first name
- Veria - a first name
- verio - a town in Greece, west of Salonika
- Verka - a first name
- Verla - a first name
- verle - a river in northern France
- Verly - a first name
- verme - a Ganges fish that could seize and eat elephants (!)
- Verna - a first name
- Verne - a first name
- verny - a town in Kazakhstan
- Veron - a first name
- verpa - a genus of fungi
- verra - Scottish dialect for "very"
- verry - heraldic "vairy", that is, "furry"
- versa - against
- verse - poetry; a line of poetry
- verso - the back (left, even-numbered) side of a page
- verst - a Russian unit of distance, about 1,166 yards
- Verta - a first name
- verts - plural of "vert", a heraldic green color; a vertical surface in ski jumping
- vertu - virtu; rarity in art
- verve - dash; style
- vervy - full of verve
- Veryl - a first name
- veses - plural of "vese", an onset, rush, or violent wind
- vesic - a blister
- vesle - a European river
- Vesna - a first name
- vespa - a wasp genus
- Vessa - a first name
- Vessy - a first name
- vesta - a first name; an asteroid; Roman goddess of the hearth; a friction match
- Vesto - a first name
- vests - endows; plural of "vest", a waistcoat
- vesty - a first name; like a vest
- vetch - the tare
- Vetha - a first name
- Veton - a first name
- vette - a Corvette
- vetus - plural of "vetu", a lozenge
- veuve - the whidah bird; a widow
- vevay - a first name; a town in Indiana
- vevey - a first name; a Swiss resort town
- vexed - to anger or annoy
- vexer - one who vexes
- vexes - annoys; irritates
- vexil - a banner; a petal
- Veysi - a first name
- vezir - a first name; a vizier
- viage - a voyage
- viale - a town in France; a town in Argentina
- viali - a town in Cameroon
- vials - plural of "vial", a small bottle
- viana - a first name; a town in Brazil
- viand - a food item
- Viann - a first name
- viary - of or pertaining to roads
- vibes - vibrations; atmosphere
- vibex - a blood spot
- vibey - emitting "vibes; resonant
- Vibha - a first name
- Vibhu - a first name
- vibix - a linear subcutaneous extravasation of blood
- vibro - a vibrator
- vicar - a parish parson
- Vicci - a first name
- Viccy - a first name
- viced - vised
- vices - plural of "vice", an evil; a failing
- vichy - a city in France, home of a puppet government in WWII
- vicia - a genus of climbing herbs
- Viciu - a first name
- Vicke - a first name
- Vicki - a first name
- Vicky - a first name
- Victa - a first name
- vidal - a first name; an island in Chile
- vidar - a first name; in Norse mythology, the son of Odin, who will kill Fenris and survive Ragnarok
- Videl - a first name
- video - recorded television film
- Vidia - a first name
- vidin - a town in Bulgaria on the Danube
- Vidor - a first name
- vidua - a genus of weaverbirds
- vidya - a first name; transcendent knowledge leading to Brahman
- Vieda - a first name
- viena - a town in Finland
- viera - a first name; a town in Florida
- Vieri - a first name
- viers - plural of "vier", one who vies
- viets - plural of "Viet", a southeast Asian people
- Vieva - a first name
- views - looks at
- viewy - visionary; speculative
- vifda - dried meat
- vigas - plural of "viga", a ceiling beam in Spanish architecture
- Viggo - a first name
- vigia - a marked rock or shoal on a nautical map; a town in Brazil
- vigil - a night watch
- vigor - robustness
- vigso - a coastal town in Denmark
- Vijai - a first name
- vijao - a tropical herb used as a black dye
- Vijay - a first name
- Vikas - a first name
- vikes - plural of "vike", a member of the Vikings football team
- Vikie - a first name
- Vikki - a first name
- Vikky - a first name
- Vilas - a first name
- Vilay - a first name
- vilde - an variant of "vile"
- viled - abusive; scurrilous
- Vilek - a first name
- Vilem - a first name
- Vilen - a first name
- viler - more vile
- Vilis - a first name
- Viliy - a first name
- Viljo - a first name
- villa - a country house
- ville - a first name; a city or town
- villi - plural of "villus", small fibers
- vills - plural of "vill", a village
- Vilma - a first name
- vilna - a first name; the Russian name of the city of Vilnius
- Vimal - a first name
- vimen - a slender shoot
- Vimka - a first name
- Vimla - a first name
- vinal - a synthetic textile fiber
- vinas - plural of "vina", a stringed musical instrument of India
- Vinay - a first name
- vinca - the periwinkle
- Vince - a first name
- Vinci - a first name
- vinco - a first name; a town in Pennsylvania
- Vincy - a first name
- vinea - a shedlike structure used to protect besiegers
- vined - with tendrils
- viner - a machine to separate peas from their pods and the pea vine
- vines - plural of "vine", a climbing plant
- vinew - to make or become moldy
- vinga - a town in Sweden
- Vinia - a first name
- vinic - alcoholic
- Vinie - a first name
- Vinko - a first name
- Vinna - a first name
- Vinni - a first name
- vinny - a first name; vinnewed
- Vinod - a first name
- vinos - plural of "vino", a wine
- vinta - a dugout canoe with double outriggers
- vints - makes wine
- vinum - wine, a term used in pharmacy
- vinyl - an artificial fabric
- viola - a first name; a musical instrument; a plant genus
- viold - vialled
- Viole - a first name
- viols - plural of "viol", a stringed musical instrument
- Viona - a first name
- viore - a town in Albania
- viper - a snake
- Vipin - a first name
- Vipul - a first name
- Viraf - a first name
- viral - relating to a virus
- Virat - a first name
- vired - transferred surplus funds to cover a deficit in another account
- vireo - an American song bird
- vires - plural of "vis"; plural of "vire", a crossbow bolt
- virga - wisps of precipitation that evaporate before reaching the ground
- virge - a first name; verge
- virgo - a Zodiac sign; the constellation of the virgin
- Virgy - a first name
- virid - green
- virls - plural of "virl", a metal ring on a shaft to prevent splitting
- Virna - a first name
- viron - a circuit
- Virpi - a first name
- virtu - rarity in art
- virus - poison; an infectious agent
- visas - plural of "visa", permission to enter a country
- visby - a Swedish seaport, member of the Hanseatic League
- visca - a village in Bosnia
- vised - clamped
- vises - plural of "vise", a clamp
- viseu - a city in Portugal
- visie - a searching glance
- visit - to drop in
- visna - ovine progressive pneumonia
- visne - the place of a crime, from which the jury is called
- vison - the American mink
- visor - the movable part of a helmet that covers the eyes
- vista - a view
- visto - vista
- vitae - plural of "vita", a brief autobiographical sketch
- vital - a first name; important; of life
- vitas - a first name; plural of "vita", a brief autobiographical sketch
- Vitel - a first name
- vitex - verbena, a herb
- Vitia - a first name
- vitim - a city in southeastern Siberia; a river in the USSR
- Vitin - a first name
- vitis - a first name; the vine
- Vitit - a first name
- Vitka - a first name
- Vitke - a first name
- vitoe - a durukuli, a small nocturnal South American monkey
- vitor - a first name; a river in Chile
- vitro - glass; "in vitro" means "in the test tube" or "in the glass dish"
- vitta - a headband; a streak or band of color
- vitty - fitting
- Vitus - a first name
- Vitya - a first name
- viure - a heraldic ribbon
- viuva - a California rockfish
- Vivan - a first name
- vivas - plural of "viva", an (Italian) shout of approval
- vivat - a cheer
- vivax - the tertian malaria parasite
- vivda - dried meat
- Vivee - a first name
- Vivek - a first name
- viver - a fiber
- vives - a disease of horses; plural of "vive", a French shout of approval
- Vivia - a first name
- vivid - startlingly clear; lifelike
- Vivie - a first name
- vivor - a survivor
- vivre - French for "life", used in the phrase "joie de vivre"
- Vivva - a first name
- Vivvy - a first name
- vixen - a female fox
- vizen - to scold
- vizir - a vizier
- Vizma - a first name
- vizor - a movable face mask that is part of a helmet
- vlach - a Wallachian
- Vlada - a first name
- Vlade - a first name
- Vlado - a first name
- vlaie - a low-lying area that collects water in the rainy season
- Vlasa - a first name
- vleis - plural of "vlei", an artificial lake
- vlone - a town in Albania
- vlore - a town in Albania
- voars - plural of "voar", seed time
- vocab - vocabulary
- vocal - articulate; spoken
- voces - plural of "vox", a voice
- vocin - a town in Croatia
- voddy - vodka
- vodka - a liquor
- vodou - voodoo, a Haitian supernatural belief
- vodun - a primitive religion of the West Indies
- vogad - telephony
- vogel - a town in Slovenia
- vogie - vain; messy
- vogle - vugg
- vogue - a fashion
- vogul - a Finno-Ugric tribe and language spoken east of the Ural mountains
- voice - to express
- voids - cancels; plural of "void", a vacuum
- voies - a town in Greece
- voila - an exclamation of pleasure at skewering one's opponent in fencing
- voile - a soft fine sheer gauzy fabric; a musical term meaning "veiled"
- voils - plural of "voil", a town
- Vojta - a first name
- vokau - a town in Papua New Guinea
- voker - to speak
- volae - plural of "vola", the sole of the foot or the palm of the hand
- volar - of the palm of the hand
- volas - plural of "vola", a rapid series of musical notes
- volci - an Etruscan city in central Italy
- voled - won all the tricks in a card game
- volee - a rapid musical phrase
- voles - wins all the tricks in a card game; plural of "vole", a rodent
- volet - a part of a triptych
- volga - a first name; a river in Russia
- volge - the common sort of people; the crowd
- volks - plural of "volk", a people
- volle - that little circle over certain Scandinavian vowels
- volos - a town in Greece
- volow - to baptize
- volta - an old dance; a lake in Africa; a musical term meaning "occurrence"
- volte - old dances; turns
- volti - to turn over; a musical term meaning "turn the page"
- volts - plural of "volt", a unit of electrical potential difference
- volty - electric; charged; tingling
- volva - a membranous sac enclosing certain immature mushrooms
- volve - to ponder; to turn over
- Volya - a first name
- volyn - a town in Ukraine
- vomer - a ploughshare; a bone separating the nostrils
- vomit - to regurgitate
- Vonda - a first name
- Vonna - a first name
- Vonni - a first name
- Vonny - a first name
- voomy - sexy, attractive
- vorab - a mountain in Switzerland
- Voros - a first name
- vorst - a town in Belgium
- vorts - a European lake
- vosay - a town in Tajikistan
- votal - votive
- voted - cast a ballot
- voter - one who votes
- votes - casts a ballot
- votic - a Uralic language
- vouch - to attest
- vouge - a long handled medieval weapon with an axe blade at the top
- vouli - a town in Chad
- voulu - deliberate; studied
- vowed - swore; promised
- vowel - a type of speech sound
- vower - one who vows
- voxel - a volume element of a 3 dimensional image
- voyas - plural of "voya", an anchor cable
- Voyne - a first name
- voyol - a block and pulley device that, in an emergency, can be used to lift a cable
- vozhd - a supreme leader in Russia, often applied to Stalin
- vrack - wrack
- vraic - a kind of seaweed used for fuel and manure in the Channel Islands
- Vraja - a first name
- vrana - an alternate spelling of "Varna", a seaport in Bulgaria
- vrils - plural of "vril", a force
- vroom - a race car sound
- vrouw - a Dutch woman
- vrows - plural of "vrow", a Dutch woman
- vudon - voodoo
- vuggs - plural of "vugg", a small cavity in a rock
- vuggy - full of cavities
- vughs - plural of "vugh", a small cavity in a rock
- vulci - an Etruscan town
- vulgo - commonly
- vulns - wounds
- vulva - the external female genital organ
- vuzak - a system for the public display of kaleidoscopic images
- vying - contending
- Vyron - a first name
- Vytas - a first name
- waags - plural of "waag", the grivet
- waaia - a town in Australia
- waapa - a short broad Hawaiian canoe
- Waban - a first name
- wabby - the red-throated loon
- wacke - basalt; rock similar to sandstone but formed of partially decomposed rock
- wacko - a crazy person
- wacky - crazy
- wadai - an early state of central Africa
- wadan - another name for Ouadane
- wadds - plural of "wadd", manganese ore
- waddy - an Australian war club
- waded - walked through shallow water
- wader - one who wades; a wading boot
- wades - walks through shallow water
- wadge - a thick dense lump; a slice
- Wadie - a first name
- wadis - plural of "wadi", the bed of a usually dry watercourse
- wadja - slang for "what did you"
- Wadly - a first name
- wadna - slang for "would not"
- wadts - plural of "wadt", an earthy ore of manganese
- wadya - slang for "what do you" or "what did you"
- waefu - sorrowful
- waegs - plural of "waeg", the kittiwake
- Wafaa - a first name
- wafer - a thin crisp cake
- waffs - waves
- Wafik - a first name
- Wafiq - a first name
- wafts - carries lightly over air or water
- wafty - short for "wafty crank", a spoonerism for "crafty wank", or surreptitious masturbation
- wagah - a town in India, on the border with Pakistan
- waged - carried out
- wagel - the black gull
- wager - to bet
- wages - pay; salary; carries out a battle, war, or conflict
- wagga - a blanket made by sewing together two sacks; an Australian town
- waggy - tending to wag
- wagha - a town in Pakistan
- wagon - a lorry; a cart
- Wahbi - a first name
- Wahib - a first name
- wahoo - a shrubby North American tree; a University of Virginia Cavalier
- waiau - an Australasian river
- waica - a South American Indian language
- waide - a first name; weighed
- Waiel - a first name
- waifs - plural of "waif", a helpless infant or child
- waift - a waif
- waify - like a waif
- wails - cries dramatically; bemoans
- waily - full of dramatic crying
- wains - plural of "wain", a large open wagon
- waird - guard
- wairs - spends; planks
- waist - the part of the body between the ribs and the hips
- waite - a first name; to wait
- waits - a first name; tarries; plural of "wait", a Yule minstrel
- waive - to remit; to dispense with
- wajan - a prostitute
- Wajia - a first name
- wajib - an Islamic Arabic term for acts of religious duty
- Wajid - a first name
- Wajih - a first name
- wajir - a town in Kenya
- wakan - a supernatural force of Sioux mythology
- wakas - plural of "waka", a Maori canoe
- wakde - an island near New Guinea
- wakea - a unit of weight in Ethiopia
- waked - aroused
- waken - to arouse
- waker - one who wakes
- wakes - arouses; plural of "wake", a private ceremony for the dead
- wakey - a childish form of "wake"
- wakfs - plural of "wakf", an Islamic charitable institution
- wakhi - an Indo-European people of the Hindu Kush
- wakie - a childish form of "wake"
- wakif - in Islamic law, the person creating a wakf
- Wakil - a first name
- wakon - a variant of "wakan", a supernatural force of Sioux mythology
- walan - the amboyna tree
- walcz - a town in Poland
- Walda - a first name
- Waldi - a first name
- waldo - a first name; a device for remote controlled manipulation of objects
- walds - welds
- Waldy - a first name
- waled - striped
- waler - an Australian horse; a native of New South Wales
- wales - a first name; a British principality; weals
- Walid - a first name
- Walie - a first name
- walis - plural of "wali", a ruler of Swat
- walks - goes by foot; plural of "walk", a path
- walky - a childish form of "walk"
- walla - a person engaged in a particular activity
- Walle - a first name
- Walli - a first name
- walls - plural of "wall", a barrier
- Wally - a first name
- walms - rolls; spouts; boils up
- Walon - a first name
- Walsh - a first name
- walth - wealth
- Waltr - a first name
- walty - a first name; unstable; likely to roll
- waltz - a dance and music form
- walwe - to wallow
- walyo - a young man
- wamba - money; a river in the Congo
- wamed - having a wame
- wamel - a town in Holland
- wames - plural of "wame", the belly
- Wamid - a first name
- wampa - a hopeful starlet
- wampo - beer slops recovered and served as new
- wamps - plural of "wamp", the American eider
- wampy - insane
- wamus - a heavy knitted jacket or cardigan; a fringed buckskin shirt
- Wanda - a first name
- Wandi - a first name
- wando - a river in South Carolina; a town in South Korea
- wands - plural of "wand", a baton
- wandy - a first name; wandlike
- waned - decreased
- waner - something that decreases
- wanes - decreases
- waney - waning
- wanga - voodoo sorcery; a wanker, or masturbator
- wango - a boomerang
- wangs - plural of "wang", the cheek bone
- Wanja - a first name
- wanji - a language
- wanks - masturbates
- wanky - meager; disappointing; objectionable; like a wanker
- wanle - wandle
- wanly - weakly
- wanna - a first name; slang for "want to"
- wannd - a wand or stick
- wanni - a region in northern Sri Lanka
- Wanny - a first name
- wanta - slang for "want to"
- wants - desires; lacks
- wanty - a loading strap, belly band, or surcingle
- Wanye - a first name
- wanze - to decrease or waste away
- waped - dejected
- wapil - a town in Papua New Guinea
- wappo - an American Indian people of northwest California
- wapps - plural of "wapp", a shroud tightener (who wants to look baggy AND dead?)
- wappy - sentimental
- Waqar - a first name
- Waqas - a first name
- waqfs - plural of "wakf", an Islamic charitable institution
- warao - a tribe of Venezuelan Indians
- warap - a cheap tasteless meal
- warau - an Indian tribe of South America
- warby - filthy; defective; shabby
- Warda - a first name
- Warde - a first name
- wards - turns aside; plural of "ward", a person under guardianship, a division of a town or hospital
- wared - was wary of
- waren - a town in Germany
- wareo - a town in Papua New Guinea
- wares - plural of "ware", an item for sale
- warez - pirated software
- Waris - a first name
- warka - a first name; a town in Poland; an ancient Sumerian town
- warks - endures pain; plural of "wark", a bulwark
- warld - world
- warly - warlike
- warms - heats up
- warna - weren't
- warns - admonishes
- Warny - a first name
- warps - distorts; not the wefts
- warre - worse
- warri - a region of Nigeria
- warry - warye
- warse - worse
- warsh - tasteless
- warst - worst
- warta - a Polish river
- warth - a shore; a flat meadow
- warts - plural of "wart", a skin defect; a verruca
- warty - wart-ridden
- warua - a town in Fiji
- Warus - a first name
- warye - to curse; to condemn
- wasat - a constellation
- wasco - a Native American language family; a town in California
- waser - a young woman
- wases - plural of "wase", a straw head pad
- washa - an American Indian language
- washo - an American Indian people of the vicinity of Lake Tahoe
- washt - washed
- washy - watery; washed out
- Wasim - a first name
- wasir - a variant spelling of "vizier"
- wasit - an ancient trading city in modern Iraq
- waske - a river in New Guinea
- wasms - plural of "wasm", an "ism" that isn't any more
- wasnt - "wasn't", that is, "was not"
- wasps - plural of "wasp", a hornet; a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant
- waspy - resembling a wasp
- wassa - slang for "what's the"
- waste - rubbish; to kill
- wasto - utterly overcome by indulgence in drink or drugs
- wasty - wasteful
- wasum - a town in Papua New Guinea
- watab - a town in Minnesota
- watap - a thread made from the roots of various trees
- watau - a town in Sudan
- watch - observe; portable timepiece
- waten - wetted
- water - H2O; to irrigate
- watsa - slang for "what's the"
- watsu - "water shiatsu", a spa treatment
- watts - plural of "watt", a unit of measurement of power, a joule per second
- wauff - to waff, to bark
- waugh - damp
- wauks - wakes
- waulk - to walk
- wauls - cries like a cat
- waura - a tribe of Indians in South America
- waurs - worse
- waved - fluctuated; greeted
- waver - one who greets; to vacillate; a British river
- waves - undulates
- wavey - the snow goose; wavy
- wavre - a town in Belgium, site of a famous battle
- wawes - plural of "wawe", a wave
- wawls - cries like a cat
- waxed - grew; applied wax to
- waxen - made of wax
- waxer - one who waxes
- waxes - applies wax to; grows
- Wayan - a first name
- wayao - a tribe in Malawi and Mozambique
- Wayde - a first name
- wayed - journeyed
- Wayee - a first name
- wayer - further or more, as in "wayer out"
- Wayne - a first name
- Waynn - a first name
- Wayte - a first name
- wazir - a first name; a vizier
- wazoo - a mythical bodily orifice up which or out of which amazing things fly
- wazzu - the nickname for the University of Washington
- weaky - wet, damp; a weakling
- weald - a woodland
- weals - plural of "weal", a welt; a person's well-being or benefit
- weamb - a wame
- weans - withhold's mother's milk, and diverts to prepared food
- weare - a town in New Hampshire
- wears - uses as attire; runs down
- weary - tired
- weasy - gluttonous; given to indulgence
- weave - intertwine
- webby - reticulated; related to the World Wide Web
- weber - a first name; a unit of measurement of magnetic flux
- Webly - a first name
- wecht - weight
- Wedad - a first name
- wedel - to perform a skiing technique; a town in Germany
- weder - weather
- wedge - coign
- wedgy - resembling a wedge; the act of pulling another's underwear so tightly it get wedged in their butt-crack
- weeds - undesirable plants; to remove weeds; widow's clothes
- weedy - full of weeds; weak and lanky
- weeke - a wick
- Weeko - a first name
- weeks - plural of "week", a period of seven days
- weels - plural of "weel", a fish trap
- weely - a wicker fish trap
- weems - plural of "weem", an underground abode or cave
- weeng - a wing
- weens - supposes; thinks
- weent - a course
- weeny - a runt; a hot dog; used in the phrase "teeny weeny" to mean tiny
- weeps - cries
- weepy - teary; crying
- weest - smallest
- weete - to know
- weets - knows
- weety - rainy
- weeze - to ooze
- wefte - a past participle of "waive"
- wefts - not the warps
- wefty - interwoven
- weida - a town in Germany
- weids - plural of "weid", a sudden illness
- weigh - to balance; to ponder
- weigo - an island near New Guinea
- weiho - a river in China
- weils - plural of "weil", a whirlpool
- weipa - a town in Papua New Guinea
- weipe - a town in South Africa
- weird - strange; eerie
- weirs - plural of "weir", a fish-catching fence in a stream
- weise - to guide in a certain direction
- weism - excessive use of the word "we"
- weive - waive
- weize - to guide in a certain direction
- wekas - plural of "weka", a flightless bird of New Zealand
- wekau - a small New Zealand owl
- Welby - a first name
- welch - a first name; a native of Wales; to renounce a debt
- Welda - a first name
- welds - joins by applying heat
- welew - to welk or wither
- welke - to wither
- welks - withers
- welkt - twisted
- wello - a town in Ethiopia
- wells - a first name; rises to the surface and flows forth; an English town; plural of "well", a shaft dug down to the water level
- welly - well nigh; a Wellington boot; force or power
- welme - to cover
- welsh - a first name; a native of Wales; to renounce a debt
- welte - an obsolete past tense of "to wield"
- Welti - a first name
- welts - plural of "welt", a ridge or lump on the skin
- welty - covered in welts; like a welt
- wembs - plural of "wemb", a wame
- wench - a maid
- Wenda - a first name
- wende - a first name; a bend
- Wendi - a first name
- wends - proceeds along; a Slavic ethnic group
- Wendy - a first name
- wenes - weans
- wenny - ridden with sebaceous cysts; unlikely to be busy on Saturday night
- wenro - an American Indian language
- wents - plural of "went", a path; a trail
- wenxi - a county in China
- Wenza - a first name
- wepen - a weapon
- weres - plural of "were", a weir
- werfs - plural of "werf", the area near a farm house and barn
- werke - work
- werns - refuses
- werre - war
- wersh - tasteless; unrefreshing
- werst - variant of "verst", a Russian unit of distance
- Werth - a first name
- werts - plural of "wert", variant of "wart"
- wesak - the Buddhist New Year festival
- Wesam - a first name
- wesel - a town in Germany
- wesen - a star in the constellation Canis Major
- weser - a river in Germany which goes past Hameln
- wesil - the weasand, the windpipe
- Wesla - a first name
- Wesly - a first name
- Weste - a first name
- wests - plural of "west", a direction
- westy - dizzy or giddy
- wetar - a Timorese island
- wetas - plural of "weta", a New Zealand grasshopper
- wetly - moistly
- wevet - a cobweb
- wevil - a weevil
- wewak - a town in New Guinea
- wexed - a dialect form of "vexed"
- wexes - a dialect form of "vexes"
- weyle - to wail
- weyve - to waive
- wezen - a constellation
- wezet - a town in Belgium
- whaal - a whale
- whaap - the European curlew
- whack - to thwack
- whala - to lash with stripes
- whale - a sea mammal
- whall - wall-eye; a light color of the eye in horses
- whalm - to cover
- whalp - to whelp
- whaly - marked in streaks
- whame - the burrel-fly
- whamo - the sound of an impact
- whamp - a wasp
- whams - hits with a loud impact
- whang - a bang; a leather thong; to shoot; a shive; the penis
- whaps - whops
- whare - a Maori hut
- wharf - a quay, dock, pier
- wharl - whorl
- wharp - a fine sand from the banks of the river Trent, used for polishing
- whase - whose
- whats - plural of "what", the matter in question; the true nature of things
- whatt - whittled
- whauk - a whack; a cut; a great number
- whaul - wall-eye
- whaup - the curlew
- whaur - where
- wheal - weal; a temporary red area of the skin
- whear - where
- wheat - a grain
- wheek - to steal
- wheel - a disk on an axle; to revolve
- wheem - a whim
- wheen - a small quantity; the high pitched sound of wind
- wheep - to give forth a prolonged whistle; a small glass of beer
- wheft - a knotted flag
- wheip - to squeak
- wheki - a New Zealand fern
- whelk - a gastropod
- whelm - to overwhelm; to rise above
- whelp - a puppy
- whens - plural of "when", the time when an event occurs
- where - in what place
- whets - sharpens
- whewl - to whine or howl
- whews - plural of "whew", a whistling sound; an exclamation of relief
- wheys - plural of "whey", the watery part of milk
- which - what particular one
- whick - to squeal like a pig
- whids - moves rapidly and quietly; lies; quarrels
- whiff - a faint smell
- whift - a breath; a glimpse
- whigs - plural of "Whig", a member of an English or American political party
- while - at the same time
- whilk - the sea duck; which
- whimp - a wimp
- whims - plural of "whim", a caprice
- whine - to whimper; to complain about minor problems
- whing - a sharp high-pitched ringing sound
- whins - plural of "whin", furze
- whiny - tending to whine
- whips - scourges
- whipt - poetic "whipped"
- whirl - to twirl
- whirr - to move with a buzzing sound
- whirs - moves with a buzzing sound
- whish - to move with a hissing sound
- whisk - a brush or small broom
- whisp - a wisp
- whiss - to hiss or whistle
- whist - a card game; to keep silence
- white - pale, wan, chalky; Caucasian
- whits - plural of "whit", a particle or small amount
- Whitt - a first name
- whity - whitish
- whizz - whiz
- whoas - plural of "whoa", a command to stop
- Whoda - a first name
- whole - entire; in one piece
- whomp - to defeat decisively; to hit heavily
- whoof - a snort, a blow
- whoop - a shout of joy
- whoot - to hoot
- whops - strikes forcibly
- whore - a prostitute
- whorl - a convolution
- whort - the whortleberry
- whory - whorish
- whose - belonging to what person
- whoso - a word meaning "any person that"
- whowe - wow
- whuff - to blow noisily
- whule - to whine or howl
- whump - to thump; to defeat decisively
- whurs - plural of "whur", a noise
- whurt - whort
- whush - a word suggestive of the soft sound of wind or waves
- whyms - plural of "whym", a member of the YMCA
- Whyte - a first name
- Wiatt - a first name
- Wibbe - a first name
- wicca - witchcraft; a witch
- wicht - a person
- wicke - wicked
- wicks - plural of "wick", a twisted fiber that burns in a lamp or candle
- wicky - a mountain ash; "wicked", hence excellent
- Widad - a first name
- widdy - a widow; a withy
- widen - to broaden
- wider - more broad
- wides - plural of "wide", a kind of bowled ball in cricket
- widow - a woman whose husband has died
- width - breadth
- widwe - a widow
- Wiebe - a first name
- wiehl - a town in Germany
- wield - to brandish
- wiels - plural of "wiel", a fish trap
- wiers - plural of "wier", a variant of "weir"
- wiery - wet
- wiese - an island
- wifey - an affectionate name for one's wife
- wifie - an affectionate name for one's wife
- wigan - a stiff plain-woven cotton; an English city
- wigga - a white person who emulates a particular kind of ghetto attitude and dress
- wiggs - plural of "wigg", a cake
- wiggy - weird; wacky; wild; formal
- wight - a living creature; strong and nimble
- wijaw - a language
- wikes - plural of "wike", a temporary mark or boundary
- Wikie - a first name
- wikis - plural of "wiki", an online document that can be cooperatively edited
- wikke - wicked
- Wilba - a first name
- wilco - a response used to indicate that a received message WILL be COMPLIED with
- Wilda - a first name
- wilds - plural of "wild", an area that has not been developed or settled
- Wildy - a first name
- wiled - beguiled
- Wilek - a first name
- wiles - plural of "wile", an art of enticement
- Wiley - a first name
- wilga - an Australian tree with aromatic hardwood
- wilis - plural of "wili", the ghost of a girl who dies before her marriage
- wilja - an Aboriginal shelter or hut
- Wilko - a first name
- wilks - plural of "wilk", a whelk
- Willa - a first name
- Wille - a first name
- Willi - a first name
- Willo - a first name
- wills - a first name; plural of "will", a desire; a testament
- willy - a first name; a wool cleaning device; a penis
- Wilma - a first name
- Wilna - a first name
- wilne - to wish; to desire
- wilno - the Polish name of the city of Vilnius
- wilts - droops
- wilty - wilting; drooping
- wilwe - willow
- Wimar - a first name
- wimby - slang for "Wimbledon", site of an important tennis tournament
- wimpo - weak, ineffectual
- wimps - plural of "wimp", an unaggressive, easily manipulated person; a weakly interacting massive particle
- wimpy - unaggressive; a friend of Popeye
- wince - to flinch
- winch - a hoisting device
- winco - a wing commander
- Winda - a first name
- Windi - a first name
- winds - gusts of air; turns or coils
- windy - a first name; gusty; having many turns
- wined - served wine to
- winer - one who drinks considerable wine
- wines - plural of "wine", a fermented grape juice
- winey - resembling wine
- winge - to whinge
- wings - a first name; plural of "wing", an organ of flight; an auxilliary
- wingy - rapid; winglike; a one-armed man
- winie - a wine enthusiast
- winji - sickly; frail
- winko - a wing commander
- winks - closes and opens an eye quickly; nictitates
- winky - a first name; a device for smoking free-base cocaine
- winna - a first name; a dialect variant of "will not"
- winnd - wind
- Winne - a first name
- Winni - a first name
- winns - plural of "winn", a penny
- Winny - a first name
- winos - plural of "wino", an alcoholic; a supersymmetric partner for the W boson
- Wintr - a first name
- wintu - an American Indian tribe
- winze - a ventilating shaft in a mine; a curse
- wioot - without; except
- wiped - rubbed; cleansed; defeated; intoxicated
- wiper - one who wipes; a windshield cleaner
- wipes - rubs lightly to clean
- wipey - suggestive of a wipe, or of being wiped
- wired - telegraphed; snared; very tense
- wirer - one who wires
- wires - plural of "wire", a metal cable; a telegram
- wirey - suggestive of a wire; containing many wires
- wirls - plural of "wirl", a stunted creature
- wirra - an interjection expressing sorrow
- wirth - worth
- Wisam - a first name
- wisby - Visby, a seaport in Sweden
- wised - became aware
- wisen - to get wise
- wiser - more wise
- wises - becomes aware
- wisha - an interjection expressing surprise
- wisht - poetic "wished"
- wishy - full of wishes; like a wish
- Wisia - a first name
- wisla - a European river
- wisly - a first name; certainly
- wisna - wasn't
- wisps - plural of "wisp", a strand; a small indistinct mass
- wispy - flocculent
- wisse - to teach; to inform; to show
- wisst - wished
- wiste - knew
- wists - knows
- witan - a Norse or Anglo-Saxon parliament; the Witanagemote
- witch - a crone; a sibyl
- wited - blamed
- Witek - a first name
- witen - known
- wites - blames
- Witha - a first name
- withe - a willow twig
- withs - plural of "with", a variant of "withe", a twig
- withy - a species of willow
- witts - tin ore separated from earth by stamping
- witty - a first name; clever
- wived - married a woman
- wiver - a two-legged dragon
- wives - plural of "wife", a married woman
- Wiwid - a first name
- wixom - a town in Michigan
- wiyat - an American Indian tribe
- wiyot - a people of the coast of northern California
- wizen - to shrivel
- wizes - plural of "wiz", a wizard, an expert, a maven
- wizzo - the nickname for a weapons systems officer, who sits behind the pilot
- wlite - beauty; to gaze or look
- wnion - a British river
- woads - plural of "woad", a plant yielding a blue dye suitable for daubing Britons
- woady - like or containing woad
- woald - a yellow pigment
- Woana - a first name
- wocks - plural of "wock", a wok
- woden - the Norse chief god, also known as Odin
- wodes - plural of "wode", wood
- wodge - a bulky bulging object; a thick dense lump; a slice
- wodgy - bulky and bulging
- woema - power; energy
- woful - woeful
- Wogan - a first name
- wogul - a tribe of Ugrian stock
- woibe - a unit of measurement in Arabia
- wokam - an island near New Guinea
- wokas - a western American spattercock; plural of "woka", a Chinook helicopter
- woken - awakened
- wolde - an obsolete form of "would"
- wolds - plural of "wold", an upland plain
- woldy - of or like a wold
- Wolfe - a first name
- Wolff - a first name
- wolfs - eats rapidly
- wolfy - a first name; like a wolf
- wolle - wool
- wolly - a young and inexperienced uniformed policeman; an unfashionable person from suburbia
- wolof - an ethnic group and language of Africa
- wolve - a wolf; to produce a howl like a wolf with a pipe organ
- woman - a human female
- womba - money
- wombs - plural of "womb", a uterus
- womby - capacious; like a womb
- women - plural of "woman", a female
- womps - whomps; defeats decisively
- wompy - something that will make you ill
- womyn - a faddish spelling of "woman" that avoids "man"
- Wonda - a first name
- woned - dwelt; abided
- wones - dwells; abides; plural of "wone", a custom or habit
- Woney - a first name
- wonga - an Australian pigeon; a cattail; a heap of money
- wongi - a chat
- wongs - plural of "wong", a common meadowland
- wonju - a town in South Korea
- wonks - plural of "wonk", an overly studious student
- wonky - overly studious; unreliable
- wonna - will not; won't
- wonne - a variant past tense of "win"
- wonts - plural of "wont", a custom or habit
- woods - an area covered in trees; a forest; plural of "wood", a piece of lumber
- woody - a first name; forested; made of wood; an erection
- wooed - courted
- wooer - a suitor
- woofs - utters a barking sound; not the warps
- woofy - densely woven; a stylish person
- woola - a cigarette of crack cocaine, mixed with marijuana and rolled in a cigar leaf
- woold - to twist; a dyer's weed
- Woolf - a first name
- wools - plural of "wool", a fleece
- wooly - woolly
- wooms - plural of "woom", beaver fur
- woons - a mild oath; plural of "woon", a dwelling
- woont - the mole
- woops - an exclamation; plural of "woop", an inhabitant of "Woop Woop", a mythical rural backwater
- woosh - a swooping sound effect
- woosy - woozy
- wootz - Bengali steel
- wooze - marshy ground
- woozy - groggy; dizzy
- wopen - wept
- words - plural of "word", a meaningful speech sound
- wordy - verbose
- Worie - a first name
- works - deeds; operates
- world - universe
- worms - plural of "worm", a small limbless invertebrate
- wormy - containing worms
- Worom - a first name
- worry - to fret
- worse - badder; more not good
- worst - baddest; the mostest not good
- worth - a first name; value
- worts - plural of "wort", a plant
- wotan - Odin, CEO of the Norse gods
- wough - a wall or partition of a house; a steep bank
- would - past tense of "will"
- wouls - howls
- wound - coiled; hurt
- woups - plural of "woup", a simple metal ring
- woven - interlaced
- wowed - impressed
- wowee - an exclamation of amazement
- wower - one who amazes
- wowes - woos
- wowie - an exclamation of amazement
- wowke - a week
- woxen - waxed; made of wax
- wrack - ruin; seaweed
- wrake - wrack
- wramp - a twist or strain
- wrang - wrung; wrong; a fight
- wraps - plural of "wrap", an envelope; a coat
- wrapt - poetic "wrapped"
- wrast - a past participle of "wrest"
- wrate - a past participle of "write"
- wrath - anger
- wraul - to caterwaul
- wrawl - to caterwaul
- wrays - reveals
- wreak - to inflict
- wreat - a Scottish dialect form of "write"
- wreck - to ruin
- wreil - a covering
- wreke - to wreak
- wrens - plural of "wren", a small bird
- wrest - to wrench
- wreys - reveals
- wrick - to sprain
- wried - contorted
- wrier - more contorted
- wries - contorts
- wrigs - wriggles
- wrine - a deep line or wrinkle in the face; to cry like a pig
- wring - to extort; to twist
- wrist - the joint connecting the hand and arm
- write - to indite; to scribble
- writs - plural of "writ", a summons or judicial order
- wroke - a past participle of "to wreak"
- wrong - incorrect; to injure
- wroot - an obsolete past tense of "to write"
- wrote - penned
- wroth - angry
- wrung - tormented
- wryer - more contorted
- wryly - distorted
- wuddy - widdy
- Wudeh - a first name
- wudge - a clump
- wuhan - a city in China
- wuhsi - a city in China
- wuish - washed
- wukka - a very attractive person
- wulik - a river in Alaska
- wulls - wills
- wumph - a sound caused by a heavy falling object
- wunna - a dialect variant of "would not"
- wurps - plural of "wurp", a stone's throw; a glance
- wurst - a sausage
- wuses - plural of "wus", a companion or buddy
- wushu - a Chinese martial art popularized by Bruce Lee
- wusih - a city in China
- wussy - an unaggressive unmanly male
- wuste - an obsolete past tense of "to wit"
- wusun - usun; a nomadic people of the Fergana valley
- wuwei - a city in China
- wuzzy - a girl
- wyano - a town in Pennsylvania
- Wyant - a first name
- Wyatt - a first name
- Wyche - a first name
- Wyeth - a first name
- wykes - plural of "wyke", a week
- wylas - plural of "wyla", a helmeted Australian cockatoo
- Wylda - a first name
- wyles - beguiles
- Wylie - a first name
- Wylma - a first name
- wylye - a British river
- Wyman - a first name
- Wymer - a first name
- wynau - a town in Switzerland
- Wyndi - a first name
- wynds - plural of "wynd", a narrow lane
- Wyndy - a first name
- wynne - a first name; a town in Arkansas
- wynns - plural of "wynn", the rune for "W"
- Wynny - a first name
- wypes - plural of "wype", the wipe, or lapwing
- wyson - a town in England
- wysox - a town in Pennsylvania
- wyten - an obsolete past tense of "to wit"
- wytes - blames
- wythe - a first name; withe
- xalle - an obsolete form of "shall"
- Xandy - a first name
- Xanne - a first name
- xaraf - an Oriental money-changer
- Xaver - a first name
- Xavia - a first name
- Xavon - a first name
- xebec - an Algerian pirate ship
- xegar - a town in Tibet
- xemes - plural of "xeme", a fork-tailed arctic gull
- xenia - a first name; the effect of pollen on certain plant structures; dainty food offered to a passing prince
- xenic - pertaining to a type of culture medium
- xenon - a gaseous element
- xenos - a first name; a genus of wasp parasites
- xenyl - a chemical
- xeque - a variant of "sheik"
- xeres - sherry; a town in Spain, site of a famous battle
- xerga - a saddle blanket
- xeric - requiring only very small amounts of moisture
- xerif - a shereef
- xerox - to photocopy; this is a trademark in danger of becoming generic
- xertz - to gulp or swallow rapidly
- xerus - a genus of African ground squirrels
- Xever - a first name
- Xewat - a first name
- xhosa - a South African ethnic group
- xiahe - a town in China
- Xiang - a first name
- xiapu - a village in China
- xicak - jicaque
- xijia - a town in China
- xinca - an extinct people of south eastern Guatemala
- xingu - a tributary of the Amazon river; a region in Brazil
- xisti - plural of "xystus"
- xoana - plural of "xoanon", a wood-stump carving in ancient Greece
- xored - applied the logical operation of "exclusive or"
- xowyn - an obsolete word meaning to shove
- xrays - plural of "xray", a high energy light wave
- xtina - an abbreviation for "Christina"
- xulde - an obsolete form of "should"
- xurel - a variant spelling of "jurel", a blue runner fish
- xylan - a substance found in cell walls of plants
- xylem - woody tissue
- xylia - a first name; a genus of Asiatic trees
- xylic - benzoic acid
- xylol - xylene, an aromatic fluid
- Xylon - a first name
- xylyl - xylene
- xyrid - an herb similar to the sedge
- xyris - a genus of marsh plants
- xysma - white specks and bits of matter in human feces (who's looking?)
- xysta - scraped decorative designs on the facades of houses
- xysti - plural of "xystus", a long open portico used for athletics in bad weather
- xysts - plural of "xyst", a roofed area where athletes trained in ancient Greece; a garden walk bordered by trees
- Yaani - a first name
- yabbi - an indigenous name for the thylacine
- yabby - an indigenous name for the thylacine; a small freshwater crayfish; a wicket keeper
- yabim - jabim
- yacal - a Philippine tree with durable yellow brown wood
- yacca - a Jamaican tree
- Yacef - a first name
- Yachi - a first name
- yacht - a luxury boat
- yacka - work
- yacks - chatters; talks persistently
- yacoo - a white person, regarded as devilish
- yacou - the guan, a large Brazilian game bird
- Yacov - a first name
- yacub - the devil figure in Black Muslim mythology
- yaddo - an artist's colony in upstate New York, to which I have not yet been invited
- Yaeko - a first name
- Yaeli - a first name
- Yaffa - a first name
- yaffs - barks
- Yafit - a first name
- Yagel - a first name
- yager - a northern bird; a jager, a light infantryman
- Yagil - a first name
- yagis - plural of "yagi", a shortwave radio antenna
- yagua - a Puerto Rican palm
- yagul - an ancient city of the Mexican Teotihuacan civilization
- Yahia - a first name
- Yahir - a first name
- yahoo - a hooligan; an exclamation; cocaine
- yahve - Jehovah or Yahweh
- yahwe - Jehovah or Yahweh
- Yahya - a first name
- Yaile - a first name
- Yaima - a first name
- yaini - a town in Papua New Guinea
- yaird - a garden; a yard
- yairn - a story; yarn
- yairs - plural of "yair", a salmon trap
- Yaisy - a first name
- yaiza - a town on the island of Lanzarote
- yaizu - a town in Japan
- yajna - a Vedic ritual of sacrifice
- Yajur - a first name
- yakan - a member of a Moro people of the Philippines
- yakas - plural of "yaka", a member of a Bantu people known for their carved masks
- Yakez - a first name
- yakin - a takin, a Tibetan goat antelope
- yakir - a first name; a town in Palestine
- yakka - Australian slang for work or labor
- yakky - talkative
- Yakob - a first name
- yakoo - a white racist
- Yakov - a first name
- yakow - a hybrid yak-cow
- yaksa - a guardian angel
- yakut - a first name; a people living in Yakutsk
- yalah - the oil of the mahwa tree
- yalda - a first name; a Zoroastrian festival of December 21
- yales - plural of "yale", a mythical animal of heraldry; a lock
- yalie - a Yale student
- yalta - a Crimean resort, site of a controversial meeting in WWII
- yamel - a first name; a Kalapooian people of the Yamhill river valley
- yamen - a mandarin's office or house
- yameo - an extinct language of Peru
- Yamie - a first name
- yamit - a former Israeli settlement on the Sinai peninsula
- Yamka - a first name
- yamma - the llama
- yampa - a western North American plant with fleshy edible roots; a river in Colorado
- yamph - to bark like a small dog
- yamps - plural of "yamp", an umbelliferous plant
- yamun - a mandarin's house
- yanae - a first hane
- Yanah - a first name
- yanan - a language family of the Hokan stock
- Yanar - a first name
- yanbo - a port in Saudi Arabia
- yanbu - a port in Saudi Arabia
- Yance - a first name
- Yanci - a first name
- Yancy - a first name
- Yanek - a first name
- Yanet - a first name
- Yaney - a first name
- yanga - a first name; ostentation
- yangs - plural of "yang", the masculine active principle
- Yania - a first name
- Yanik - a first name
- Yanil - a first name
- Yanis - a first name
- Yaniv - a first name
- yanji - a town in China, near the Korean border
- Yanka - a first name
- yanks - plural of "yank", a jerk; a Northerner; an American
- yanky - like a yank; with many yanks; jerky
- Yanna - a first name
- Yanni - a first name
- Yanno - a first name
- yanqi - an oasis in western China
- yanta - a town in Lebanon
- Yanti - a first name
- yaply - eagerly; hungrily
- yapok - a South American aquatic oppossum
- yapon - an evergreen shrub
- yapps - plural of "yapp", a limp leather binding
- yappy - given to yapping
- yaqui - a Taracahitian people of Sonora, Mexico
- yarak - good flying conditions for falconry
- yaray - a Puerto Rican fan palm
- yards - plural of "yard", an enclosed lawn; a unit of length of 3 feet
- Yarek - a first name
- yarer - nimbler
- yares - [of a ship] responds easily
- Yarey - a first name
- yarfa - a peaty soil
- yargs - plural of "yarg", a mild white moist cheese from Cornwall
- yarim - a town in Yemen
- Yariv - a first name
- yarka - a town in Israel
- yarke - a saki of the genus Pithecia
- yarks - yerks
- Yarma - a first name
- yarms - shrieks
- yarns - plural of "yarn", a story; knitting material
- Yaron - a first name
- yarra - insane; a river in Australia
- yarrs - snarls
- yarta - a term of endearment
- yarto - a term of endearment
- yarty - a British river
- Yasar - a first name
- Yaser - a first name
- Yasha - a first name
- yasht - a Zend-Avesta prayer book
- yasin - a first name; a political district in Pakistan
- Yasir - a first name
- Yasma - a first name
- yasna - the primary liturgical collection of the Avesta
- Yassi - a first name
- yasuf - a village on the West Bank
- yasun - a European cape
- Yasuo - a first name
- yasur - a volcano on Tanna Island in Vanuatu
- yater - a town in Lebanon
- yates - a first name; plural of "yate", a gate
- Yatin - a first name
- yatta - a Palestinian town
- yauca - a town in Peru
- yauds - plural of "yaud", an old worn-out mare; a jade
- yauld - vigorous; active
- yauli - a town in Peru
- yaulp - to yaup
- yauls - yawls
- yaups - utters a loud harsh cry
- yaupy - drunk
- yauri - a town in Peru
- yauza - a river that runs into Moscow
- Yavin - a first name
- yavne - an Israeli town
- Yavuz - a first name
- yawds - plural of "yawd", a jade; an old horse
- yawed - turned to the left or right
- yawey - like the yaws, a tropical disease
- yawky - harsh-sounding; uncultured
- yawls - utters a loud long mournful cry; plural of "yawl", a small boat
- yawns - gapes; opens the mouth wide for a deep inhalation
- yawny - boring
- yawps - utters a loud harsh cry
- yaxha - a town in eastern Mexico
- yayoi - a first name; a Japanese culture the followed the Jomon period
- Yazan - a first name
- Yazen - a first name
- Yazid - a first name
- yazoo - a river in western Mississippi
- ybore - a past participle of "bear"
- yclad - clothed
- ycled - variant of "yclad", clothed
- ycond - a past participle of "con"
- ycore - chosen, elect
- ydrad - a past participle of "dread"
- ydred - a past participle of "dread"
- yeads - goes
- yeaho - cocaine
- yeahs - plural of "yeah", a colloquial form of "yes"
- Yeala - a first name
- yealm - a British river; a yelm
- Yeana - a first name
- yeans - bears young
- yeara - a poison oak
- yeard - variant of "yird", earth
- yearn - to crave
- years - plural of "year", a unit of time of 365 days
- yeast - leaven
- Yeats - a first name
- yecch - an exclamation of disgust
- yedda - a first name; a natural unsplit straw for hats
- yeddo - the former name of Tokyo; a natural unsplit straw for hats
- yedes - goes
- Yedil - a first name
- Yedit - a first name
- yeeds - goes
- yeels - plural of "yeel", an eel
- yeens - bears young
- yeesh - an exclamation of disgust, impatience, or exasperation
- Yefat - a first name
- Yefim - a first name
- yeggs - plural of "yegg", a burglar; a hobo
- Yegor - a first name
- yegua - a river in Texas
- Yehed - a first name
- Yehia - a first name
- Yehor - a first name
- Yehua - a first name
- yehud - the province of the Jews who returned from Babylon
- Yeily - a first name
- Yeira - a first name
- Yeisi - a first name
- yeisk - Eisk
- yekke - a German Jew
- Yelba - a first name
- yelds - plural of "yeld", a cow not giving milk because of age or calfing
- yelek - a Turkish vest
- yelks - plural of "yelk", an egg yolk
- Yella - a first name
- yello - a humorous form of "hello"
- yells - shouts
- yelly - characterized by yelling
- yelms - plural of "yelm", a quantity of combed, bound straw used for thatching
- yelps - utters a sharp shrill cry
- yelts - plural of "yelt", a young sow
- yelve - a dung fork
- yelwa - a town in Nigeria
- yeman - a yeoman
- yemen - a Middle Eastern country
- yenan - a city in northern Shensi province, China
- yenbo - an Arabian town
- yench - to swindle or cheat
- yends - throws; casts
- Yenih - a first name
- yenki - a town in China
- Yenni - a first name
- Yenny - a first name
- Yensy - a first name
- yenta - a talkative, gossipy person
- Yentl - a first name
- yentz - to cheat; to fleece; to fornicate
- yerba - Spanish for "herb", used in the names of several plants; Paraguay tea
- yerds - beats with a rod; plural of "yerd", a less aggressive nerd-yuppie mix
- yerga - coarse material used for horse blankets
- yerks - beats vigorously; jerks; arouses; cracks (a whip)
- yerne - briskly
- yerns - yearns
- yernt - a socially inept person
- yerra - a mild oath
- yerst - erst
- yerth - an obsolete form of "earth"
- yerva - yerba
- yesca - a first name; marijuana
- yeses - plural of "yes", a word of agreement
- Yeshi - a first name
- Yesim - a first name
- Yeska - a first name
- yesks - plural of "yesk", a yex, or hiccup
- yesso - an old name for Hokkaido
- yests - plural of "yest", yeast
- yesty - yeasty
- Yeter - a first name
- yetis - plural of "yeti", the abominable snowman (he's so bad!)
- Yetta - a first name
- yette - a first name; to concede
- yetts - plural of "yett", a gate
- Yetty - a first name
- yeuch - to gag; to make disgusted sounds
- yeuks - itches
- yeuky - itchy
- yeven - a dialect form of "given"
- yeves - gives
- Yevno - a first name
- yevul - a town in Israel
- yewen - made of yew
- yewie - a U-turn
- yewks - itches
- yewky - itchy
- yexed - hiccupped
- yexes - hiccups
- yeysk - a town in Russia
- Yezad - a first name
- yezdi - a Mesopotamian sect accused of worshipping the devil
- Yezzy - a first name
- yfere - together; in company
- ygapo - a swamp
- yghes - plural of "yghe", an eye
- Yhaya - a first name
- Yhuda - a first name
- yibal - a town in Oman
- yibin - a town in China
- yibir - a Somali tribe traditionally related to the Hebrews
- yibna - a destroyed Palestinian vilalge
- yield - to submit
- Yifan - a first name
- yifts - plural of "yift", a gift
- Yigel - a first name
- yigil - a town in South Korea
- Yigit - a first name
- Yihye - a first name
- yikes - an exclamation
- yills - plural of "yill", an ale
- Yinal - a first name
- yince - once
- Yinka - a first name
- Yinki - a first name
- yipes - an interjection of surprise or amazement
- yippy - a member of the Youth International Party
- Yipsi - a first name
- yirds - earths
- yirks - beats vigorously; jerks; arouses; cracks (a whip)
- yirms - frets; whines
- yirol - a town in Sudan
- yirrs - snarls
- yirth - earth
- yisel - a hostage
- yisse - to covet
- yites - plural of "yite", the yellow bunting
- Yitro - a first name
- Yitta - a first name
- yiver - eager; greedy
- yives - gives
- Yizak - a first name
- Ylana - a first name
- ylems - plural of "ylem", a material from which all others were made
- ylide - a neutral molecule with positive and negative charges on adjacent atoms
- ylike - alike
- ylkes - plural of "ylke", ilk
- ymolt - molten
- ympes - plural of "ympe", an imp
- Yngve - a first name
- ynoir - a town in Belgium
- Yoana - a first name
- Yoani - a first name
- Yoash - a first name
- yobbo - a hooligan
- Yobie - a first name
- yobos - plural of "yobo", a hooligan
- yocco - a South American shrub whose leaves can be brewed to make a caffeine drink
- yocks - variant of "yucks", laughs or jokes
- yodel - a kind of Tyrolese singing
- yoder - a town in Kansas
- yodhs - plural of "yodh", the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- Yodit - a first name
- yodle - to yodel
- yodok - a town in North Korea
- yogas - plura of "yoga", a Hindu philosophy
- yogee - a yogi
- yoghs - plural of "yogh", a Middle English letter
- yogic - pertaining to yoga
- yogin - a Hindu philosopher or ascetic
- yogis - plural of "yogi", a person who practices yoga
- Yohji - a first name
- yoick - to encourage
- yoiks - plural of "yoik", a hoodlum
- yoits - plural of "yoit", the yellow bunting
- yojan - a Hindu unit of length, of about 5 miles
- yoked - coupled
- yokel - a hick; a rube; a redneck
- yoker - one who yokes together; one who robs with violence
- yokes - ties together
- Yokie - a first name
- yokin - a spell; a day's work
- yokos - plural of "yoko", a Japanese woodblock
- yokul - jokol
- Yoley - a first name
- Yolie - a first name
- yolks - plural of "yolk", the nucleus of an egg
- yolky - of the consistency of egg yolks
- yolls - yells
- Yolly - a first name
- yomps - carries heavy equipment on foot over difficult terrain
- yomud - a Turkoman people
- Yonah - a first name
- Yonas - a first name
- Yonat - a first name
- Yonca - a first name
- yonda - a town in the Congo
- Yones - a first name
- yongi - a town in Korea
- yonic - of or referring to the yoni
- yonis - plural of "yoni", the female counterpart of the lingam
- Yonit - a first name
- yonks - ages, as in the phrase, "haven't seen you for yonks!"
- Yonna - a first name
- yonne - a French river; a department of France
- yoofs - plural of "yoof", a playful spelling of a lower class pronunciation of "youth"
- yoofy - of or like a yoof
- yoops - plural of "yoop", an onomatopoetic sob
- yoots - plural of "yoot", slurred slang for a "youth", a teenage hoodlum
- yopal - a town in Colombia
- yopon - youpan
- Yoram - a first name
- Yorck - a first name
- yorer - an egg
- yores - plural of "yore", time long past
- Yorga - a first name
- Yorgo - a first name
- yorii - a town in Japan
- Yorke - a first name
- yorks - vomits; yells out
- yorky - slate with a curved cleave
- yoros - a European cape
- Yosef - a first name
- Yoshi - a first name
- Yosif - a first name
- Yosik - a first name
- Yosor - a first name
- Yosri - a first name
- Yossi - a first name
- Yosyf - a first name
- Yotam - a first name
- yotes - pours water on
- youch - a humorous interjection suggesting pain
- youee - a U-turn
- youff - bark
- youie - a U-turn
- Youki - a first name
- youks - yukes, vomits
- youls - yells
- young - a first name; juvenile
- youns - you (severally); you guys; youse; y'all
- Youri - a first name
- yourn - yours
- yours - not mine (yet)
- yourt - a yurt
- youse - you, severally; a cheetah
- youth - early life; a juvenile
- youve - "you've", that is, "you have"
- youya - a town in China
- youze - an Asian cheetah
- Yovan - a first name
- yowed - to yowl
- yowes - plural of "yowe", a ewe
- yowie - a small ewe; a fir cone
- yowls - howls
- yowsa - an exclamation
- yowza - an exclamation of appreciation or excitement much repeated in "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?"
- yoyos - plural of "yoyo", a child's toy
- ypane - a town in Paraguay
- ypres - a city in Belgium, site of a WWI battle, and nicknamed "Wipers"
- yquem - a fine, very rich, sweet white wine
- yraft - bereft
- yrapt - rapt
- yrast - any level of nuclear energy which is lowest for some value of spin
- yrens - plural of "yren", iron
- yrent - a past participle of "rend"
- yrivd - a past participle of "rive"
- yrneh - the unit of reciprocal electrical inductance, an inverse "henry"
- Ysaac - a first name
- ysame - together
- Ysann - a first name
- Ysaye - a first name
- Ysbel - a first name
- yscir - a British river
- Yseut - a first name
- Ysolt - a first name
- yssel - a river, also called the Ijssel, in the Netherlands
- Ystad - a first name
- ythan - a first name; a British river
- ytost - a past participle of "toss"
- Yuana - a first name
- yuans - plural of "yuan", a monetary unit of China
- Yuber - a first name
- Yubin - a first name
- yucca - a genus of desert plants
- Yucel - a first name
- yuchi - an Indian people of the south eastern United States
- yucks - itches; laughs; jokes
- yucky - disgusting
- Yudah - a first name
- Yudel - a first name
- Yudit - a first name
- yuens - plural of "yuen", the crowned gibbon of Siam
- yufts - plural of "yuft", a Russian leather protected from insects
- yugas - plural of "yuga", a unit of time in Hinduism; one of four ages in history
- yugra - a tribe of northern Russia
- Yuhua - a first name
- Yuiki - a first name
- yuked - vomited
- yukes - vomits
- Yukie - a first name
- yukky - yucky; full of laughs ("yuks")
- yukon - a Canadian province; a Canadian and Alaskan river
- yukos - plural of "yuko", a score in judo worth five points
- yulan - the Chinese magnolia
- yulee - a town in Florida
- yules - plural of "yule", the Christmas celebration
- Yulia - a first name
- Yulie - a first name
- yulin - a town and Han commanderie in southern China
- Yulla - a first name
- yuman - a North American Indian stock; Patayan
- yumas - plural of "Yuma", a Native American people inhabiting the lower Colorado basin
- yumbo - a town in Colombia
- yumen - a town and mountain pass in northwest China
- Yumie - a first name
- yummy - delicious
- yumps - (of a car) loses contact with the ground while cresting a hill
- Yunas - a first name
- yunca - a group of Indian peoples of the coast of Peru
- Yunes - a first name
- Yunia - a first name
- Yunus - a first name
- yupik - an Eskimo people of northeast Siberia and western Alaska
- yupon - an evergreen shrub
- yuppy - an acronym: "Young Urban Professional"
- yurak - one of the Samoyeds of the Arctic coast region
- yurev - the Russian name of Tartu, Estonia
- Yuria - a first name
- Yurii - a first name
- Yurij - a first name
- yurik - a first name; a Uralic language
- Yuriy - a first name
- Yurko - a first name
- yurky - itchy
- yurok - a Californian Native American tribe
- Yurri - a first name
- yurta - a yurt, a portable tent used by nomads
- yurts - plural of "yurt", a portable tent used by nomads
- yuruk - a Californian Native American tribe
- Yusef - a first name
- Yusha - a first name
- yusho - a disease caused by ingestion of PCB's, characterized by acne, palsy, swelling
- Yusif - a first name
- Yusra - a first name
- Yusri - a first name
- yuste - a town in Spain
- Yusuf - a first name
- Yusup - a first name
- Yuuki - a first name
- Yuval - a first name
- Yvana - a first name
- Yvens - a first name
- Yvone - a first name
- Zaber - a first name
- zabid - a town in Yemen
- Zabit - a first name
- zabol - a town in eastern Iran
- zabra - a Spanish sailing vessel
- zabti - items seized or confiscated by the government
- zabul - a province in Afghanistan
- zacco - zocco
- Zacha - a first name
- Zachy - a first name
- zacks - variant of "zax", a slate-cutting tool
- Zacky - a first name
- zadar - a Croatian seaport on the Dalmatian coast, formerly the Italian city of Zara
- Zadie - a first name
- Zadik - a first name
- Zadoc - a first name
- zadok - a first name; a priest in Jerusalem during David's reign
- Zafar - a first name
- Zafer - a first name
- Zafir - a first name
- zafra - a sugar harvest
- zafus - plural of "zafu", a flat, round cushion commonly used when meditating
- zaggy - crooked; having many bends
- Zaher - a first name
- Zahik - a first name
- Zahir - a first name
- Zahit - a first name
- zahle - a town in Lebanon
- Zahra - a first name
- Zahur - a first name
- Zahwa - a first name
- Zaiba - a first name
- zaida - a first name; a Shiite sect of northern Yemen
- Zaide - a first name
- zaims - plural of "zaim", a Turkish military chief
- zains - plural of "zain", a horse of a dark color
- Zaira - a first name
- zaire - a first name; an African country; a monetary unit of Zaire
- zaita - a town in Syria
- zakah - one of the five pillars of Islam, involving charitable giving of a portion of one's wealth
- zakat - one of the five pillars of Islam, involving charitable giving of a portion of one's wealth
- Zakes - a first name
- Zakey - a first name
- zakho - a town in northern Iraq
- zakhu - variant of "Zakho", a town in northern Iraq
- Zakia - a first name
- Zakir - a first name
- Zakri - a first name
- zakro - a city in eastern Crete
- Zakry - a first name
- zalau - a town in Romania
- Zaleh - a first name
- Zalfa - a first name
- Zalin - a first name
- zalma - a town in Missouri
- Zamah - a first name
- zaman - a first name; a rain tree
- zambi - marijuana; a town in the Congo
- zambo - a cross-bred Indian
- zamia - a genus of palms
- zamie - a lesbian
- Zamir - a first name
- Zanda - a first name
- zande - an African people of the Congo-Sudan border
- Zandy - a first name
- Zaned - a first name
- zanga - a river in Armenia
- zanis - a first name; plural of "Zani", an African tribe
- zanja - in Latin America, an irrigation canal, ditch or trench; an arroyo
- zanje - a South American irrigation canal
- Zanna - a first name
- Zanne - a first name
- zanni - a first name; a clown
- Zanny - a first name
- zante - satin-wood; one of the Ionian Islands
- Zanth - a first name
- zanza - an African musical instrument
- zanze - an African musical instrument
- Zanzu - a first name
- zanzy - attractive
- zapas - an old Russian reserve army made up of conscripts
- zappy - zippy
- zapus - a genus
- zaque - a town in Mozambique
- zarah - a first name; a kazoo
- Zarai - a first name
- zarda - a sweet rice dish of Pakistan
- Zareb - a first name
- Zared - a first name
- Zaree - a first name
- zareh - a first name; a king of Armenia
- Zarek - a first name
- Zarfa - a first name
- zarfs - plural of "zarf", a metal coffee-cup holder
- Zarha - a first name
- zaria - a first name; a town in Nigeria
- Zarin - a first name
- zarit - a town in Israel
- Zarja - a first name
- Zarko - a first name
- zarma - a Nilo-Saharan language of Niger
- Zarna - a first name
- zarqa - a first name; a city in northwest Jordan
- zarra - a town in Valencia, Spain
- Zarwa - a first name
- Zarya - a first name
- Zasha - a first name
- zatar - a paste of thyme and sesame seeds
- zatch - the buttocks; the vagina
- zatis - plural of "zati", an Indian parrot
- zawai - a town in Libya
- zaxed - uses a zax
- zaxer - one who wields a zax
- zaxes - plural of "zax", a tool for cutting roof slates
- Zayan - a first name
- zayat - a Burmese inn
- Zayda - a first name
- Zayed - a first name
- zayin - a Hebrew letter
- Zayit - a first name
- Zayle - a first name
- Zayna - a first name
- Zayne - a first name
- zayse - a language
- Zayta - a first name
- Zayya - a first name
- Zazai - a first name
- zazen - a form of sitting meditation in Zen Buddhism
- Zazie - a first name
- zazoo - a fellow
- zazzy - flashy, colorful, sexy
- zeals - plural of "zeal", fervor
- Zealy - a first name
- zebec - an Algerian ship
- zebra - a striped African animal
- zebub - a zimb; a large Ethiopian fly
- zebus - plural of "zebu", a humped domestic ox
- Zeeba - a first name
- Zeena - a first name
- zeera - jeera, black cumin
- Zeeta - a first name
- Zeeva - a first name
- Zeevi - a first name
- zefat - a town in Israel
- zeffa - a wedding procession
- Zefir - a first name
- zeguo - a town in China
- Zeheb - a first name
- Zehra - a first name
- Zeida - a first name
- zeila - a Muslim colony in Somalia
- Zeina - a first name
- zeine - the gluten of maize
- zeins - plural of "zein", a protein found in maize
- zeism - any medical condition attributable to excessive maize in the diet
- zeist - a town in the Netherlands
- zeitz - a bishopric in central Germany
- Zekir - a first name
- Zelah - a first name
- Zelda - a first name
- Zelde - a first name
- Zelfa - a first name
- Zelia - a first name
- Zelie - a first name
- Zelig - a first name
- Zelik - a first name
- Zella - a first name
- Zelma - a first name
- zelva - a town in Belarus
- zelve - a town in Turkey
- Zemah - a first name
- Zemar - a first name
- zemes - plural of "zeme", an idol or tutelary spirit of the Caribs
- zemio - a town in the Central African Republic
- zemis - plural of "zemi", an idol or tutelary spirit of the Caribs
- zemmi - a large mole rat
- zemni - the blind mole rat
- zemun - a town in Serbia
- Zenab - a first name
- Zenah - a first name
- Zenan - a first name
- Zenas - a first name
- zenda - a first name; a fictional country with a prisoner
- zendo - a Zen Buddhist meditation center
- zends - plural of "zend", a Persian dialect
- Zenea - a first name
- zener - a semiconductor current
- zengg - a Dalmatian seaport, more commonly called Senj
- Zenia - a first name
- zenik - a South African burrowing mammal
- Zenna - a first name
- zenny - Zen-like; apothegmatic
- Zenon - a first name
- Zenos - a first name
- zenta - a town in Hungary, site of a famous battle
- Zenya - a first name
- zeppo - a first name; one of the Marx brothers
- zepps - plural of "zepp", a zeppelin
- Zerah - a first name
- zerda - an African fox
- zerks - plural of "zerk", a grease fitting
- Zerla - a first name
- zerma - a tribe of Niger
- Zerom - a first name
- zeros - plural of "zero", null, nothing
- zests - plural of "zest", gusto; a lemon peel flavoring
- zesty - marked by zest
- zetas - plural of "zeta", a Greek letter; the sixth brightest star in a constellation
- Zetes - a first name
- Zetta - a first name
- Zevie - a first name
- zexes - plural of "zex", a variant of "sax" or "zax"
- zezes - plural of "zeze", a stringed musical instrument resembling a zither
- Zeyno - a first name
- Zhana - a first name
- zheng - a Chinese stringed instrument, the ancestor of the koto
- zhiqr - a Sufi ceremony
- zhlub - a dull, unpolished person
- zhmud - a tribe of northwest Russia
- zhoba - a yak-cow hybrid
- zhobo - a male yak-cow hybrid
- zhomo - a female yak-cow hybrid
- Zhora - a first name
- Zhvie - a first name
- Ziama - a first name
- ziara - the tomb of a Muslim saint
- Ziaur - a first name
- Zibby - a first name
- zibeb - a raisin
- zibet - an Asiatic civet cat
- zibib - a strong clear Egyptian liquor made from raisins
- Zidan - a first name
- Zidki - a first name
- zidon - a biblical place
- ziega - a kind of cheese
- ziffs - plural of "ziff", a beard
- zifta - a town in Egypt
- zigan - tzigany
- ziger - a cheese made from whey consisting primarily of albumin
- Ziggy - a first name
- Zigor - a first name
- zihar - an Islamic form of divorce
- Zihna - a first name
- Zilah - a first name
- zilas - plural of "zila", a political division of Bangladesh
- zilch - nothing
- zilia - a town in Corsica
- Zilka - a first name
- Zilla - a first name
- zills - plural of "zill", a finger cymbal
- Zilya - a first name
- zimba - an American Indian game; a lnaguage
- zimbi - a cowry shell used as money
- zimbs - plural of "zimb", an Abyssinian tsetse fly
- zimme - a gem
- zimmi - dhimmi; a Christian or Jew in a Moslem country
- zimmy - a kind of bicycle
- Zimra - a first name
- Zimri - a first name
- Zinah - a first name
- Zinat - a first name
- zinco - a zincograph
- zincs - coats with zinc
- zincy - partly zinc
- zineb - a first name; an organic fungicide and insecticide used on cereal grasses
- zines - plural of "zine", an underground or informal magazine
- zings - moves with a high pitched humming sound
- zingy - enjoyably exciting
- Zinia - a first name
- Zinka - a first name
- zinke - an old type of cornet, made of wood or horn
- zinks - plural of "zink", an old type of cornet
- zinky - partly zinc
- Zinna - a first name
- Zinny - a first name
- Zinon - a first name
- zinos - plural of "zino", a supersymmetric partner of the Z boson
- Zinya - a first name
- zions - plural of "Zion", a heavenly place
- zippo - a lighter; nothing
- zippy - full of energy; the name of a pinhead
- zipup - being closable by a zipper
- Ziral - a first name
- ziram - a white chemical salt used as a fungicide
- Zirel - a first name
- Zishe - a first name
- Ziska - a first name
- zitis - plural of "ziti", a kind of pasta
- Zitto - a first name
- Ziven - a first name
- Zivia - a first name
- Zivie - a first name
- Zivit - a first name
- Zivka - a first name
- Zivko - a first name
- Zivon - a first name
- ziway - a lake in Africa
- zizel - a marmot; the chipmunk
- zizia - a genus of herbs
- zizit - the tassels on the corners of a Jewish prayer shawl
- Zizou - a first name
- Zizzi - a first name
- zizzy - having a stylish or showy dress or manner; a nap
- Zlata - a first name
- Zlate - a first name
- zlote - a zloty
- zloty - a monetary unit of Poland
- zmudz - a Lithuanian dialect
- zoaea - a larval crustacean
- zoara - insomnia
- zoars - plural of "zoar", a place of refuge
- zobah - a biblical place
- zobbs - plural of "zobb", a hand signal made by a pilot
- zobos - plural of "zobo", a hybrid yak-zebu
- zobus - plural of "zobu", a male zo
- zocco - a square base; a socle
- Zocha - a first name
- zocle - a square base
- zoeae - plural of "zoea", a larval crustacean
- zoeal - early crustacean life
- zoeas - plural of "zoea", a larval crustacean
- Zoela - a first name
- Zofer - a first name
- Zofia - a first name
- Zofka - a first name
- zofra - a Moorish carpet
- zogan - Japanese inlay work
- zohak - in Persian mythology, a cruel king
- zohar - a first name; a sacred Jewish book
- Zohra - a first name
- zoide - a Meride, a permanent colony of cells or plastids
- Zoila - a first name
- Zoilo - a first name
- zoism - a theory of life origin
- zoist - a believer in zoism
- zoite - an infective stage, especially a spore or cyst
- zokor - a burrowing rodent resembling the mole rat
- zolas - plural of "zola", a borax hardener
- zolle - a town in Congo
- Zolly - a first name
- zomba - a former capital city in Malawi
- zombi - variant of "zombie", a reanimated corpse
- zombo - dash; spirit; excitement
- zomos - plural of "zomo", a hybrid zebu-yak
- zonae - plural of "zona", an astronomical girdle or belt
- zonal - zonic, of or having to do with zones
- zonar - like a girdle
- zonda - the dry wind from the Andes that blows across the pampas
- zoned - arranged in zones
- zoner - one who arranges in zones; one who is "in the zone" (and presumably, not here)
- zones - plural of "zone", an area or subdivision
- zongo - a town in Bolivia; a town in Africa
- Zonia - a first name
- zonic - of or having to do with zones
- zonko - a boring, dull person, perhaps one who compiles a word list
- zonks - stupefies
- zonky - odd, weird
- zonta - an organization of service clubs made of executive women, each representing a single field
- zooea - a larval crustacean
- zooey - a first name; confusing; the heroine of a precious J D Salinger novella
- zooid - an organism
- zooie - confusing
- zooks - an interjection, a shortening of "gadzooks"
- zooms - swoops; changes magnification
- zoomy - zooming; futuristic; produced using a zoom lens
- zoons - plural of "zoon", a product of a fertilized ovum
- zooty - flashy in manner or style
- zopes - plural of "zope", a European freshwater bream
- zoppa - a musical notation indicating syncopation
- zoppo - a musical notation indicating syncopation
- zoque - a people of Chiapas and Tabasco, Mexico
- zorah - a first name; a biblical place
- Zoran - a first name
- Zorba - a first name
- zorbs - hurtles down a slope inside a large plastic ball
- zorch - to transfer computer data very quickly
- Zorie - a first name
- zoril - an African skunk
- zoris - plural of "zori", a sandal
- Zorka - a first name
- Zorna - a first name
- zorra - a first name; an American skunk; a coarse tropical grass
- zorro - a South American fox wolf
- Zorya - a first name
- Zosia - a first name
- zosma - a star in the constellation Leo
- zouks - plural of "zouk", a style of dance music
- Zouri - a first name
- zowee - an interjection expressing surprise
- zowie - a first name; an interjection expressing surprise; see "wowie"
- Zoyya - a first name
- Zozan - a first name
- zsars - plural of "zsar", variant of "czar"
- Zsolt - a first name
- Zubah - a first name
- Zubin - a first name
- zuche - a tree stump
- zudda - a unit of measurement in Arabia
- zufim - an Israeli settlement in the West Bank
- zufin - a Palestinian town in the West Bank
- Zuhoo - a first name
- zuila - a town in Libya
- Zuill - a first name
- Zulal - a first name
- Zulay - a first name
- zulia - a first name; a western state of Venezuela
- Zully - a first name
- Zulma - a first name
- zulus - plural of "Zulu", a South African ethnic group
- zumba - a town in Ecuador; a fitness program based on Latin American dance
- zumic - a zumometer, for measuring the degree of fermentation in a liquid mixture
- zunas - plural of "zuna", an Angolan sheep
- zungo - an African roadside inn, surrounded by a wall
- zunis - plural of "Zuni", an American Indian
- zupan - a Serbian rural council
- zupas - plural of "zupa", an administrative district in the Slavic lands
- zuppo - a musical notation indicating syncopation
- Zurab - a first name
- zurfs - plural of "zurf", variant of "zarf", a coffee cup holder
- Zuria - a first name
- zurna - a Kurdish clarinet
- zushi - a town in Japan
- zuzax - a town in New Mexico
- zuzim - plural of "zuz", a fourth of a silver shekel
- zveno - an experimental collective farm in the Soviet Union
- Zviad - a first name
- Zvika - a first name
- zygal - shaped like an "H" or a yoke
- zygon - a connecting bar; a rower's bench
- Zyler - a first name
- Zylla - a first name
- Zymer - a first name
- zymes - plural of "zyme", a disease germ
- zymic - relating to fermentation
- zymie - repellent
- zymin - pancreatin prepared as a powder
- Zytka - a first name
- zzyzx - a town in California
Five letter words - not seen above
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5 letters: