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  1. plural of past




 pasts on Latvian Wikipedia
Pasts Rīgā



Borrowed from German Post (itself a borrowing from Italian), first mentioned in 17th/18th-century dictionaries. [1]


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pasts m (1st declension)

  1. mail, post (organization that delivers letters and small packages; place, buildings where it works)
    pasta darbiniekspostal worker
    pasta krājkasepostal savings bank
    pasta stacijapostal station, post office
    pasts iekārtojās tajā pašā namā, kura vienu pusi bija aizņēmusi izpildu komitejathe post (office) was placed in the same building in which one half had been occupied by the Executive Committee
    pēc kādas nedēļas Nadīna paziņo, ka pāriešot dzīvot turpat pastāafter about a week Nadīna announced that she would go live right there in the post (office)
  2. mail, post (the regular delivery service of this organization)
    gaisa pastsair mail
    pasta sakarimail connections, communications
    pasta ceļšmail path
  3. mail, post (the letters or packages delivered by this organization)
    nosūtīt pastuto send the mail
    atnest pastuto get, fetch the mail
    pasta vagonsmail van
    pasta somamail bag
    pasts uz jūsu galda”, viņa sekretāre teica“the mail is on your desk,” his secretary said
    Florencē saņēmām no Rīgas pārsūtīto pastuin Florece we received the mail forwarded from Riga


Declension of pasts (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative pasts
genitive pasta
dative pastam
accusative pastu
instrumental pastu
locative pastā
vocative past

Derived terms


See also



  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “pasts”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN