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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-h

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
ha {interj} /hɑː/ (a representation of laughter) :: ah
Haapsalu {prop} (town) :: Haapsalu
Haarlem {prop} (city in North Holland) :: Haarlem
Haast's eagle {n} (An extinct giant eagle) :: aquila di Haast {f}
Habacuc {prop} (Habakkuk) SEE: Habakkuk ::
Habakkuk {prop} /həˈbæk.ək/ (book of the Bible) :: Habacuc {m}, Abacuc {m}, Abacucco {m}
Habakkuk {prop} (prophet) :: Abacuc
Habakkuk {prop} (male given name) :: Abacuc
habilitation {n} (postdoctoral academic qualification required for tenure) :: abilitazione {f}
habit {n} /ˈhæbɪt/ (an action done on a regular basis) :: abitudine {f}, consuetudine {f}
habit {n} (action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness) :: abitudine {f}
habit {n} (long piece of clothing worn by monks and nuns) :: tonaca {f}, abito monacale {m}, abito talare {m}, saio {m}
habit {n} (piece of clothing worn uniformly for a specific activity) :: uniforme {f}
habit {n} (addiction) :: abitudine {f}
habitable {adj} /ˈhæbɪtəbəl/ (where humans or other animals can live) :: abitabile
habitué {n} (devotee) SEE: devotee ::
habitual {adj} /həˈbɪ.tʃʊ.əl/ (of or relating to a habit; performed over and over again, see also: recurrent) :: ricorrente, ripetitivo, solito
habitual {adj} (regular or usual) :: persistente, usuale
habitual {adj} (engaging in some behaviour as a habit) :: abituale, corrente, solito
Habsburg {n} /ˈhæps.bɜːɹɡ/ (a member of the Habsburg noble family) :: Asburgo
Habsburg {adj} (relating to the Habsburg family and dynasty) :: asburgico, asburgica
hack {v} /hæk/ (to chop or cut down in a rough manner) :: aprirsi un varco
hack {v} (to cough noisily) :: tossire
hack {v} (to withstand or put up with a difficult situation) :: farcela
hack {v} (to gain illegal access to a computer network) :: accedere illegalmente, introdursi illegamente, penetrare abusivamente
hack {v} (to accomplish a difficult programming task) :: sbrogliare
hack {v} (to make a quick code change to patch a computer program) :: rattoppare, riprogrammare, riconfigurare, rimodulare, ricodificare
hack {n} (dry cough) :: tosse secca {f}
hack {n} (illegal attempt to gain access to a computer network) :: pirateria informatica {f}
hack {n} (computing: expedient, temporary solution) :: espediente {m}, accorgimento {m}, rimedio {m}, toppa {f}, rattoppo {m}
hack {n} (untalented writer) :: imbrattacarte {m} {f}, scribacchino {m}
hackberry {n} (plant) :: bagolaro, spaccasassi {m}
hacker {n} /hækə(ɹ)/ (expert at programming) :: smanettone {m}
hacker {n} (one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data) :: pirata informatico {m}, pirata informatica {f}
hacker {n} (one who is inexperienced or unskilled at a particular activity) :: principiante {m} {f}
hacker {n} (taxicab operator) :: tassista {m} {f}
hackle {n} /ˈhækəl/ (an instrument with pins) :: pettine {m}
hacksaw {n} (saw) :: seghetto per metalli {m}
hadal {adj} /ˈheɪdəl/ (of the deepest parts of the ocean) :: hadal
haddock {n} /ˈhædək/ (marine fish) :: eglefino {m}
Hades {prop} /ˈheɪdiːz/ (from Greek mythology) :: Ade {m}
Hades {prop} (the Greek translation of Sheol) :: Ade {m}
Hades {prop} (hell) :: Ade {m}
Hadrian {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adrian ::
Hadrian {prop} (the Roman emperor) :: Adriano
hadron {n} /ˈhæd.ɹɑn/ (composite particle composed of quarks) :: adrone {m}
hadrontherapy {n} (form of radiotherapy) :: adroterapia {f}
haecceity {n} /hɛkˈsiː.ə.tiː/ (essence of a particular thing) :: ecceità {f}
haematology {n} (scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs) :: ematologia {f}
haematopoietic {adj} (of or pertaining to haematopoiesis) SEE: hematopoietic ::
haemo- {prefix} (pertaining to blood) :: emo-
haemodialysis {n} (hemodialysis) SEE: hemodialysis ::
haemolacria {n} (shedding of tears containing blood) :: emolacria {f}
haemophilia {n} /ˌhiːməˈfɪliə/ (any of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body's ability to control bleeding) :: emofilia
haemophilic {adj} (of or pertaining to haemophilia) :: emofiliaco
haemorrhage {n} (hemorrhage) SEE: hemorrhage ::
haemorrhoids {n} /ˈhɛməɹɔɪdz/ (a pathological condition) :: emorroidi {f-p}
hafnium {n} /ˈhæfniəm/ (chemical element) :: afnio {m}
haft {n} /hæft/ (handle) :: elsa {f}, coccia {f}, impugnatura {f}, guardamano {m}, presa {f}, ansa {f}, maniglia {f}, manopola {f}
hag {n} /hæɡ/ (witch, sorceress, enchantress) :: strega {f}, fattucchiera, megera {f}
hag {n} (ugly old woman) :: megera {f}, befana {f} [expecially used in jokes and pranks], befana {f} [slang, often used in jokes and pranks]
Hagar {prop} /ˈheɪɡɑːɹ/ (mother of Ishmael) :: Agar {f}
hagfish {n} (eellike fish of the family Myxinidae) :: missina {f}
Haggai {prop} /ˈhæɡaɪ/ (book of The Bible) :: Aggeo
haggard {adj} /ˈhæɡ.ɚd/ (looking exhausted and unwell) :: emaciato, consunto, macilento, magro, mingherlino, smunto, tutta pelle
haggard {adj} (wild or untamed) :: selvatico, selvaggio
haggis {n} /ˈhæɡɪs/ (traditional Scottish dish) :: haggis
haggle {v} /ˈhæɡəl/ (to argue for a better deal) :: contrattare, tirare sul prezzo, mercanteggiare
hagio- {prefix} (pertaining to saints) :: agio-
hagiographer {n} /ˌheɪdʒiˈɑɡɹəfəɹ/ (someone who writes the biography of a saint) :: agiografo {m}
hagiographic {adj} /ˈhæɡioʊˌɡɹæfɪk/ (of or pertaining to hagiography) :: agiografico
hagiographically {adv} :: agiograficamente
hagiography {n} /ˌhæɡiˈɒɡɹəfi/ (study of saints) :: agiografía {f}
hagiography {n} (biography of a saint) :: agiografía {f}
hagiological {adj} :: agiologico
hagiotoponym {n} :: agiotoponimo {m}
haha {interj} (representation of laughter) :: ahah
hail {n} /heɪl/ (balls of ice) :: grandine {f}
hail {v} (to fall from the sky, of hail) :: grandinare
hail {v} (to greet) :: salutare
hail {v} (to call out loudly in order to gain the attention of) :: chiamare
hail {interj} (greeting) :: ave
hail from {v} (to be a native of) :: venire, essere originario (followed by di)
hail storm {n} (a storm characterized by lots of large hail) :: grandinata {f}
hair {n} /hɛ(ə)ɹ/ (a pigmented keratinaceous growth on the human head) :: capello {m} [individual], capelli {m-p} [usually plural]
hair {n} (the collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals) :: peli {m-p}
hair {n} (one of the above-mentioned filaments) :: pelo {m}
hairball {n} (wad of fur) :: borra {f}
hair-brush {n} (a brush used in hair care) SEE: hairbrush ::
hairbrush {n} (a brush used in hair care) :: spazzola
hair conditioner {n} (cosmetic product) :: dopo-shampoo {m}, balsamo per capelli {m}, balsamo {m}
haircut {n} (act of cutting of hair) :: taglio di capelli {m}, taglio {m}
haircut {n} (style into which hair is cut) :: taglio di capelli {m}, taglio {m}
hairdo {n} /ˈhɛəˌduː/ (hairstyle) :: capigliatura {f}
hairdresser {n} (professional for haircutting or hairstyling) :: parrucchiere {m}
hairdresser's {n} (hairdresser’s shop) SEE: hair salon ::
hairdressing salon {n} (hairdressing salon) SEE: hair salon ::
hair dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
hairdryer {n} (electrical appliance for drying hair) :: asciugacapelli {m}, fon {m}, phon {m}
hair dye {n} (any of various materials used to dye hair on the head) :: tintura per capelli {f}
hairgrip {n} (flat hairpin with two prongs) :: molletta {f}
hairiness {n} (the characteristic of being hairy) :: pelosità {f}, villosità {f}
hairless {adj} (bald) SEE: bald ::
hairnet {n} /ˈhɛɹˌnɛt/ (net designed to keep hair up) :: retina
hairpiece {n} (false substitute for a person's hair) :: parrucca {f}
hairpin {n} /ˈheɪɹpɪn/ (pin or fastener for the hair) :: forcina {f}
hairpin {n} (tight bend) SEE: hairpin bend ::
hairpin bend {n} (acute curve in a road on a steep incline) :: tornante {m}, curva a gomito {f}
hair roller {n} (a small tube that is rolled into a person's hair) :: bigodino
hair salon {n} (workplace of a beautician or barber) :: salone da parrucchiere {m}
hairstyle {n} (the style in which someone's hair has been cut and arranged) :: pettinatura, acconciatura {f}, taglio {m}
hairy {adj} /ˈhɛəɹi/ (of a person) :: peloso
hairy {adj} (of a body part other than the head) :: peloso
haitch {n} (name of the letter H) SEE: aitch ::
Haiti {prop} /ˈheɪ.ti/ (a country in the Caribbean) :: Haiti
Haitian {n} /ˈheɪ.ʃən/ (person from Haiti) :: haitiano {m}, haitiana {f}
Haitian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people, or language) :: haitiano
hajduk {n} (outlaw, highwayman or freedom fighter in the Balkans) :: aiducco {m}
hajj {n} /hɑʒ/ (pilgrimage to Mecca) :: hajj {m}
hake {n} /heɪk/ (fish) :: nasello {m}
Halacha {prop} /həˈlʌχə/ (the whole of Jewish law) :: Halakhah {f}
halberd {n} /ˈhælbəd/ (hand weapon) :: alabarda {f}
halberdier {n} (a soldier armed with a halberd) :: alabardiere
halcyon {adj} /ˈhælsiːən/ (pertaining to the kingfisher) :: alcionio
halcyon {adj} (calm) :: alcionio
halcyon days {n} /ˈhælsiːən deɪz/ (halcyon days) :: giorni alcionii {m-p}
half {n} /hæf/ (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided) :: metà {f}
half {n} (math: fraction) :: metà {f}
half {v} (halve) SEE: halve ::
half an hour {n} (thirty minutes) :: mezz'ora {f}
half-asleep {adj} (very sleepy) :: assonnato, insonnolito
half brother {n} /ˌhæfˈbɹʌðɚ/ (a male half-sibling) :: mezzo fratello, fratellastro {m}
half cadence {n} (a cadence that moves up from a tonic, supertonic, mediant, or subdominant chord to a dominant triad) :: semicadenza {f}
half columnar {adj} :: semicolonnale
half glove {n} (form of glove) :: manale {m}
halfhearted {adj} (lacking full energy) :: fiacco {m}, incerto {m}
halfheartedly {adv} (in a half-hearted manner) :: tiepidamente
half-integer {n} (number) :: semidispari {m}
half-landing {n} (small landing) :: interpiano {m}
half-life {n} /ˈhæfˌlaɪf/ (time in physics) :: emivita {f}, semivita {f}
half-life {n} (chemistry: time required for concentration to fall to half) :: emivita {f}, semivita {f}
half-life {n} :: tempo di dimezzamento {m}
half-light {n} (the soft, greyish light characteristic of dawn or dusk) :: semioscurità {f}
half-line {n} (ray) SEE: ray ::
half marathon {n} (running race) :: mezza maratona {f}
half-moon {n} (the moon in its first or last quarter) :: mezzaluna {f}
half-moon {n} (anything shaped like a crescent) :: mezzaluna {f}
half-naked {adj} (with very few clothes on) :: seminudo
half nephew {n} (son of a half sibling) :: nipote mezzo {m}
half-open {adj} (partially open) :: semiaperto
half-plane {n} (either half of an infinite plane) :: semipiano {m}
half-reaction {n} (either the oxidation or the reduction component of a redox reaction) :: semireazione {f}
half sister {n} (a female half sibling) :: sorellastra {f}, mezza sorella {f}
half time {n} (interval between halves) :: intervallo {m}
half title {n} (book title) :: occhiello, mezzotitolo {m}
half-track {adj} (half-tracked) :: semicingolato
half-uncle {n} (half-brother of one's parent) :: zio mezzo
halfway {adv} /hæfweɪ/ (midway) :: a metà strada
halfwidth {adj} (occupying half the width of a fullwidth character) :: a metà larghezza
half-witted {adj} (having a low intelligence) :: deficiente, mentecatto
halibut {n} /ˈhæ.lɨ.bət/ (fish of genus Hippoglossus) :: ippoglosso {m}
halite {n} /ˈheɪlaɪt/ (NaCl) :: alite {f}, salgemma {m}
halitosis {n} /hæl.ɪˈtoʊs.ɪs/ (condition of having foul-smelling breath) :: alitosi
Halki {prop} :: Chalki
hall {n} /hɔl/ (corridor or a hallway) :: corridoio {m}
hall {n} (meeting room) :: sala {f}
hallelujah {interj} /ˌhælɪˈl(j)uːjə/ (exclamation to praise God) :: alleluia
hallmark {n} /ˈhɔlmɑɹk/ (a distinct characteristic) :: segno caratteristico {m}, elemento caratteristico {m}
hall of fame {n} (hall which honors people of great importance to some field) :: corridoio di gloria {m}
hallow {n} /ˈhæloʊ/ (holy person) :: santo {m}, santa {f}
hallow {v} (to sanctify) :: santificare
Halloween {prop} /ˌhæləˈwiːn/ (October 31st) :: Halloween {m}, vigilia di Ognissanti {f}
hallows {n} (plural of hallow) SEE: hallow ::
hallows {n} /ˈhæloʊz/ (relics or remains of a saint, or the shrines in which they are kept) :: reliquiario {m}, reliquie {f-p}
halloysite {n} (a clay mineral) :: halloysite {f}
hallucination {n} /həˌluːsɪˈneɪʃən/ (sensory perception of something that does not exist) :: allucinazione
hallucinogenic {adj} /həˌlusənəˈdʒenɪk/ (producing hallucinations) :: allucinogeno {m}
hallux {n} (big toe) SEE: big toe ::
hallway {n} (corridor) SEE: corridor ::
halo {n} /ˈheɪloʊ/ (atmospheric phenomenon) :: nimbo {m}, alone {m}
halo {n} (anything resembling the phenomenon) :: alone {m}
halo {n} (luminous disc around the heads of saints) :: nimbo {m}, aureola {f}
halo {n} (metaphorical aura of glory, veneration or sentiment) :: aura {f}, alone {m}
halo {v} (encircle with a halo) :: aureolare
halogen {n} /ˈhæ.ləˌd͡ʒən/ (any element of group 17) :: alogeno {m}
halogenate {v} (to treat with, or react with, a halogen or a hydrohalic acid) :: alogenare
halogenation {n} (the reaction of a halogen with something) :: alogenazione {f}
halogenic {adj} :: alogenico
halohydric {adj} :: alogenidrico
halophyte {n} (plant) :: alofita {f}
halt {v} (limp (walk lamely)) SEE: limp ::
halt {v} /hɔːlt/ (to stop either temporarily or permanently) :: fermare
halt {v} (to cause something to stop) :: fermare
halter {n} /ˈhɔltɚ/ (animal's headgear) :: capestro {m}, cavezza {f}
halva {n} /hɑːlˈvɑː/ (confection) :: halva {m}
halve {v} /hæv/ (to reduce to half of original) :: dimezzare
halve {v} (to divide in two equal parts) :: dimezzare
halyard {n} (rope) :: drizza {f}
ham {n} /ˈhæm/ (thigh of a hog cured for food) :: prosciutto {m}
ham {n} (ham radio operator) :: radioamatore {m}
hamadryad {n} /hæməˈdɹaɪæd/ (a woodnymph) :: amadriade {f}
hamartia {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
Hamburg {prop} /ˈhæmbɝɡ/ (city and state of Germany) :: Amburgo {f}
hamburger {n} /ˈhæmˌbɝ.ɡɚ/ (sandwich) :: hamburger {m}
hamburger {n} (patty) :: hamburger {m}, svizzera {f}
Hamburger {n} /ˈhæmbɜːɡə/ (A person from Hamburg) :: amburghese
Hamilcar {prop} (given name) :: Amilcare
Hamitic {adj} (relative to the Hamites) :: camitico
hamlet {n} /ˈhæm.lət/ (small village) :: casale {m}, località {f}, villaggio {m}, frazione {f}, borgata {f}, borgo {m}
hamlet {n} (village without its own church) :: casale {m}
Hamlet {prop} /ˈhæm.lət/ (the main character of the play Hamlet) :: Amleto {m}
Hamletism {n} :: amletismo {m}
hammer {n} /ˈhæmɚ/ (tool) :: martello {m}
hammer {n} (part of a firearm) :: cane {m}, percussore {m}
hammer {v} (to strike repeatedly) :: martellare, colpire, picchiare
hammer {v} (figuratively: to emphasize a point repeatedly) :: martellare
hammer {v} (to strike internally, as if hit by a hammer) :: picchiare, picchiare in testa
hammer {v} :: martellare
hammer and sickle {n} (symbol of communism) :: falce e martello {f}
hammerhead shark {n} (shark of the genus Sphyrna) :: squalo martello {m}
hammer throw {n} (athletic event where a heavy steel ball with a handle attached is thrown) :: lancio del martello {m}
hammock {n} /ˈhæmək/ (swinging couch or bed) :: amaca {f}
hamper {n} /ˈhæmpɚ/ (large basket) :: cesta {f}, cesto {m}, canestro {m}, paniere {m}
hamper {v} (to put into a hamper) :: ingabbiare, rinchiudere
hamper {v} (to put a hamper or fetter on; to shackle; to ensnare; to inveigle) :: impedire, ostacolare, ostruire, bloccare, sbarrare, intralciare
hamper {n} (anything which impedes) :: ostacolo {m}, impedimento {m}, ingombro {m}
hamper {n} (articles ordinarily indispensable, but in the way at certain times) :: ingombro di coperta {m}
hamster {n} /ˈhæm(p)stɚ/ (small, short-tailed European rodent) :: criceto {m}
Han character {n} (Chinese character) SEE: Chinese character ::
hand {v} /hæ̃nd/ (to give, pass or transmit with the hand) :: dare, passare, consegnare
hand {n} (part of the fore limb) :: mano {f}
hand {n} (pointer of an analogue/analog clock) :: lancetta
handbag {n} /ˈhændˌbæɡ/ (small bag carried in the hand) :: borsetta {f}
handball {n} (team sport) :: pallamano {f}
handbook {n} (a book of reference) :: manuale {m}, guida {f}
handbrake {n} (hand-operated brake in a car) :: freno a mano {m}
handcar {n} (a light railroad car propelled by a hand-operated pumping mechanism) SEE: draisine ::
handcraft {n} (handicraft) SEE: handicraft ::
handcrafted {adj} (made by hand) :: artigianale
handcuff {n} /ˈhændˌkʌf/ (ring of a locking fetter for the hand) :: manetta {f}
handcuff {v} (to apply handcuffs) :: ammanettare
handcuff {v} (figuratively: to restrain) :: bloccare
handcuffs {n} (metal rings for fastening wrists) :: manette {f}
hand down {v} (transmit in succession) :: tramandare
hand dryer {n} (electric device in a restroom to dry hands) :: asciugamani elettrico {m}
handed {adj} (with hands joined) SEE: hand in hand ::
handful {n} /ˈhæn(d)fʊl/ (amount held in hand) :: manciata, pugno, manipolo {m}
handful {n} (breadth of hand) :: manipolo, gruppetto, pugno
handful {n} (small number) :: manciata {f}, pugno {m}, manipolo
handful {n} (handled with difficulty) :: indisciplinato, irrequieto, birichino
hand grenade {n} /ˈhænd.ɡɹəˈneɪd/ (explosive device) :: granata {f}, bomba a mano {f}
handicam {n} (camcorder) :: handycam
handicapped {adj} (having a handicap) :: handicappato {m}
handicraft {n} (trade requiring skill of hand) :: artigianato {m}
hand in {v} (to give to a responsible person) :: riconsegnare
hand-in-glove {adj} (closely cooperative) :: culo e camicia [slang]
hand in hand {adv} /ˌhændɪnˈhænd/ (holding or clasping hands) :: a mani giunte, mano nella mano
hand in hand {adv} (naturally together) :: mano nella mano
handiphobia {n} :: handifobia {f}
handkerchief {n} /ˈhæŋkɚtʃɪf/ (cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands) :: fazzoletto {m}
handle {n} /ˈhæn.dl/ (part of an object held in the hand when used or moved) :: impugnatura {f}, manico {m}
handle {n} (part of a door) :: maniglia {f}
handlebar {n} /ˈhændəlbɑːɹ/ (bar for steering) :: manubrio {m}
handler {n} /ˈhæn.dlɚ/ (one who handles) :: addetto, responsabile
handler {n} (one who handles a specified thing) :: addestratore
handling {n} /ˈhændl̩ɪŋ/ (touching, controlling, managing with the hands) :: gestione {f}, manipolazione {f}
handmade {adj} (made by hand) :: fatto a mano
hand out {v} (to distribute) :: distribuire
handout {n} (a worksheet, leaflet or pamphlet given out for a certain use) :: volantino {m}
handout {n} (a gift to the poor or needy) :: donazione {f}, regalia {f}
hand over {v} (to relinquish control or possession) :: cedere, trasferire
handrail {n} (rail which can be held) :: corrimano {m}, ringhiera {f}, balaustra {f}, parapetto {m}
handsaw {n} (saw small enough to be used by one hand) :: sega {f}
hands down {adv} (without much effort, easily) :: con una sola mano, ad occhi chiusi
hands down {adv} (without question) :: senza dubbio
handset {n} (the part of a telephone containing both receiver and transmitter, held in the hand) :: cornetta
handshake {n} (grasping of hands by two people) :: stretta di mano {f}
hands off {interj} (don't touch!) :: giù le mani!, giù le zampe!
hands off {adj} (not interfering with others' decisions and actions) :: lassista, permissivo
handsome {adj} /ˈhæn.səm/ (of man: attractive) :: bello
handstand {n} /ˈhændˌstænd/ (a movement or position in which a person is upside down) :: verticale {f}
hands up {interj} (surrender!) :: alza le mani!, mani in alto!
hand-to-hand {adj} (fighting done within reach rather than at range) :: corpo a corpo, all'arma bianca
hand towel {n} (towel used for drying the hands or face) :: asciugamano
hand truck {n} (box-moving handcart) :: carrello {m}
handwashing {n} (washing of one's hands) :: maniluvio {m}
handwrite {v} (write something manually) :: manoscrivere, scrivere a mano
handwriting {n} /ˈhændɹaɪtɪŋ/ (act or process of writing with the hand) :: scrittura {f}, grafia {f}
handwriting {n} (characteristic writing of a particular person) :: calligrafia {f}
handy {adj} /ˈhæn.di/ (easy to use) :: utile, pratico
handy {adj} (within reach) :: comodo
hang {v} /hæŋ/ (to be or remain suspended) :: pendere
hang {v} (to cause to be suspended) :: appendere
hang {v} (to place on a hook) :: appendere
hang {v} (to execute by suspension from the neck) :: impiccare, essere impiccato
hang {v} (computing: to cause (a program or computer) to stop responding) :: bloccarsi
hang {v} (chess: to cause to become vulnerable to capture) :: bloccarsi
hang {v} (chess: to be vulnerable to capture) :: bloccarsi
hangar {n} /ˈhæŋɚ/ (a large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept) :: hangar
hang by a thread {v} (to be in a precarious situation) :: essere appeso a un filo
hanger {n} /hæŋə(ɹ)/ (clothes hanger) :: gruccia, appendino {m}
hanger {n} (hangman) SEE: hangman ::
hanger-on {n} (Someone who hangs on, or sticks) :: tirapiedi {m} {f}, ruffiano {m}, scagnozzo {m}
hanger steak {n} (cut of beef steak) :: lombatello
hang glider {n} (aircraft) :: deltaplano {m}
hang glider {n} (rider) :: deltaplanista {m} {f}
hanging {adj} /ˈhæŋɪŋ/ (suspended) :: sospeso {m}, sospesa {f}
hanging {n} (means of execution) :: impiccagione
hangman {n} (executioner) :: boia {m}, carnefice {m}
hangnail {n} /heɪŋneɪ̯ɫ/ (protruding piece of nail tissue or skin near base of fingernail or toenail) :: pipita {f}
hang on {v} (to hold, grasp, or grip) :: afferrare
hang out {v} (to do nothing in particular) :: ciondolare, oziare, passare il tempo
hang out to dry {v} (abandon someone in need) :: stendere per asciugare
hangover {n} /ˈhæŋoʊvɚ/ (illness caused by heavy drinking) :: postumi
hangover {n} (unpleasant relic left from prior events) :: pendenza {f}, rimasuglio {m}
hang up {v} (put up to hang) :: appendere
hang up {v} (terminate a phone call) :: riagganciare, riattaccare
hang up {v} (emotionally trouble) :: tenere in sospeso, tenere in attesa, tenere sulle spine, rimuginare
hankering {n} (strong desire) :: desiderio, esigenza
Hannah {prop} /ˈhænə/ (mother of Samuel) :: Anna
Hannibal {prop} /ˈhænɪbəl/ (name) :: Annibale {m}
Hanover {prop} /ˈhænˌoʊvɚ/ (British royal family) :: l'Annover {m}
Hanover {prop} (German city) :: Annover {f}
Hansard {n} /ˈhænsəd/ (official report of debates and other proceedings in the British and some Commonwealth parliaments) :: resocontazione parlamentare {f}
hanse {n} (Hanseatic League) SEE: Hanseatic League ::
Hanse {n} (German commercial league) SEE: Hanseatic League ::
Hanseatic League {prop} (former commercial and military alliance) :: Lega anseatica {f}
Hansel {prop} (given name) :: Gianni {m}
Hansel {prop} (fictional character in Hansel and Gretel) :: Hansel {m}
Hansel and Gretel {prop} (the fairy tale) :: Hänsel e Gretel
Hanseong {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Hanukkah {prop} /ˈhɑː.nə.kə/ (the Jewish festival) :: Chanukah
Hanyang {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Hanzi {n} (Chinese character) SEE: Chinese character ::
haphazardly {adv} /hæpˈhæzɚdli/ (in a haphazard manner) :: a caso
hapless {adj} /ˈhæplɪs/ (very unlucky; ill-fated) :: sfortunato {m}
haplo- {prefix} /hæploʊ-/ :: aplo-
haplology {n} /hæˈplɒlədʒi/ (deleting syllables) :: aplologia {f}
haplotype {n} (group of alleles) :: aplotipo
haply {adv} (perhaps) SEE: perhaps ::
happen {v} /ˈhæpən/ (to occur) :: accadere, succedere, occorrere
happenstance {n} /ˈhæpənˌstæns/ :: per caso
happily {adv} /ˈhæ.pə.li/ (by good chance, fortunately) :: fortunatamente
happily {adv} (in a happy manner) :: felicemente
happily {adv} (willingly) :: volentieri
happily ever after {adv} (happily until one's death) :: e vissero per sempre felici e contenti
happiness {n} /ˈhæpinɪs/ (emotion of being happy) :: felicità {f}, gioia {f}
happiness {n} (good luck) :: gioia {f}, felicità {f}
happiness {n} (agreeable feeling) :: felicità {f}, allegria {f}
happy {adj} /ˈhæpiː/ (contented, joyous) :: felice, lieto
happy {adj} (fortunate, lucky) :: fortunato
happy {adj} (content (to do something); having no objection (to something)) :: contento
happy birthday {interj} /ˈhæpi ˈbɝθ.deɪ/ (good wishes for a birthday) :: buon compleanno
happy Easter {phrase} (an expression used during Easter) :: buona Pasqua, felice Pasqua
happy ending {n} (happy end) :: lieto fine {m}
Happy Holidays {phrase} (holiday greeting) :: buone feste {f-p}
happy hour {n} (pub discount drinking hours) :: happy hour
happy New Year {phrase} (Happy New Year) :: felice anno nuovo, buon anno
haptic {adj} /ˈhæptɪk/ (of or relating to the sense of touch) :: aptico
haptic {adj} (of or relating to haptics) :: aptico
hapticity {n} (measure of the number of atoms of a ligand that are coordinated to a central atom) :: apticità {f}
harangue {n} /həˈɹæŋ/ (impassioned speech) :: arringa {f}, concione {f}
haranguer {n} (one who harangues) :: arringatore {m}
harass {v} /həˈɹæs/ (to fatigue or tire) :: stancare, indebolire
harass {v} (to annoy; to molest) :: molestare, vessare, tormentare, infastidire, importunare
harass {v} (to put excessive burdens upon) :: assillare, incalzare, tartassare
harassment {n} /həˈɹæsmənt/ (persistent attacks and criticism causing worry and distress) :: molestia {f}, vessazione {f}
Haratin {n} (a member of a certain Berber people) :: Haratin
harbinger {n} /ˈhɑɹbɪndʒəɹ/ (that which foretells the coming of something) :: [person] messaggero {m}, araldo {m}, [thing] presagio {m}, precursore, foriero, profeta {m}, premonitore {m}, premonitrice {f}
harbinger {v} (to announce) :: annunciare, presagire, premonire, profetizzare
harbor {n} /ˈhɑɹbɚ/ (for ships) :: porto {m}
harbor {v} (to provide safe place) :: rifugiare
harbour {n} (harbor) SEE: harbor ::
hard {adj} /hɑɹd/ (resistant to pressure) :: duro {m}
hard {adj} (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand) :: duro {m}, difficile {m} {f}
hard {adj} (of water, high in dissolved calcium compounds) :: crudo
hardboard {n} (high-density chipboard) :: faesite {f}
hard-boiled {adj} (of an egg) :: sodo
hardcover {n} (a book with a rigid binding) :: copertina rigida {f}, libro con copertina rigida {m}
hard disk {n} (recording disk in a drive unit) :: disco fisso {m}, hard disk {m}, disco rigido {m}
hard disk {n} (unit and all the disks within it) :: disco fisso {m}, hard disk {m}, disco rigido {m}
hard drive {n} (device used for storing large amounts of data) :: disco rigido
hard-liner {n} (A person who takes a firm position on some policy) :: integralista, estremista, radicale
hardly {adv} /ˈhɑɹdli/ (barely, only just) :: appena
hardly {adv} :: quasi, mica
hardness {n} (quality of being hard) :: durezza {f}
hard-nosed {adj} (pragmatic) :: pragmatico
hard-on {n} (rigid state of the penis) SEE: erection ::
hard palate {n} (tissue) :: palato duro {m}, volta palatina {f}
hard roe {n} (roe) SEE: roe ::
hardship {n} /ˈhɑɹdˌʃɪp/ (difficulty or trouble) :: avversità, difficoltà
hard shoulder {n} (verge to the side of a highway) :: corsia di emergenza {f}
hard sign {n} (Cyrillic letter "Ъ/ъ") :: segno duro {m}
hardtack {n} (hard biscuit) :: galletta {f}
hardware {n} /ˈhɑɹdˌwɛɹ/ (material part of a computer) :: hardware {m}
hard wheat {n} (variety of wheat with hard grains ) SEE: durum wheat ::
hardy {adj} /ˈhɑɹdi/ (inured to fatigue or hardships) :: resistente, robusto
hare {n} /hɛɚ/ (animal) :: lepre {f}
harelike {adj} (characteristic of or like a hare) :: leporino
harem {n} /ˈhæɹəm/ :: harem
Hari {prop} (a Hindu god) :: Hari
haricot {n} (common bean) SEE: common bean ::
harlequin {n} /ˈhɑɹlɪkwɪn/ (pantomime fool) :: arlecchino {m}
harlequin {adj} (brightly colored) :: arlecchino
harlequin duck {n} (Histrionicus histrionicus) :: moretta arlecchina {f}
harlot {n} /ˈhɑːlət/ (a female prostitute) :: meretrice {f}, puttana {f}
harm {n} /hɑɹm/ (injury; hurt; damage) :: danno {m}, male {m}, ferita {f}
harm {n} (that which causes injury, damage, or loss) :: danno {m}, svantaggio
harm {v} (cause damage) :: danneggiare, ferire, far male
harmful {adj} /ˈhɑɹmfl̩/ (likely to be damaging) :: dannoso, nocivo
harmfulness {n} (the characteristic of being harmful) :: nocività {f}
harmlessly {adv} /ˈhɑɹmləsli/ (in a harmless manner) :: innocuamente
harmlessness {n} (the characteristic of being harmless) :: innocuità {f}
harmonic {adj} /hɑː(ɹ)ˈmɒnɪk/ (pertaining to harmony) :: armonico
harmonic {adj} (pleasant to hear) :: armonico
harmonic {adj} (mathematical attribute of mathematical entities) :: armonico
harmonica {n} /ˌhɑɹ.ˈmɑ.nɪ.kə/ (wind instrument) :: armonica {f}
harmonic analysis {n} (a branch of mathematics) :: analisi armonica {f}
harmonic function {n} (function) :: funzione armonica {f}
harmonic number {n} (number) :: numero armonico {m}
harmonic oscillator {n} (system) :: oscillatore armonico {m}
harmonograph {n} (mechanical device) :: armonografo {m}
harmony {n} /ˈhɑɹməni/ (agreement or accord) :: armonia {f}
harmony {n} (pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds) :: armonia {f}
harmony {n} (music: the academic study of chords) :: armonia {f}
harmony {n} (music: two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord) :: armonia {f}
harness {n} /ˈhɑː(ɹ).nəs/ (restraint or support) :: braca {f}, imbragatura {f}, imbrago {m}, imbracatura {f}
harness {v} (to place a harness on something) :: imbracare, imbragare, imbrigliare, frenare, trattenere
harness {v} (to control or put to use) :: imbrigliare
harp {n} /hɑɹp/ (musical instrument) :: arpa {f}
harpist {n} /ˈhɑɹpɪst/ (Person who plays the harp) :: arpista {m} {f}
harpoon {n} /hɑːɹˈpuːn/ (spearlike weapon) :: arpione {m}
harpoon {v} (to hunt with a harpoon) :: arpionare
harpoon gun {n} :: lanciarpione {m}
harpsichord {n} /ˈhɑɹp.sɪˌkɔɹd/ (musical instrument) :: clavicembalo {m}, cembalo {m}
harpsichordist {n} (one who plays the harpsichord) :: clavicembalista {m} {f}
harpy {n} /ˈhɑɹpi/ (Fabulous winged monster with the face of a woman) :: arpia
harpy eagle {n} (Harpia harpyja) :: aquila arpia {f}
harquebus {n} /ˈhɑɹkɨbʌs/ (obsolete matchlock firearm) :: archibugio {m}
harrier {n} /ˈhæɹi.ə(ɹ)/ (birds of prey) :: albanella {f}
harrow {n} /ˈhæɹoʊ/ (device) :: erpice {f}, frangizolle {m}
harrow {v} (drag a harrow over) :: erpicare
harrowing {adj} /ˈhæɹəʊiŋ/ (causing pain or distress) :: straziante
harrowing {n} (the process of breaking up earth with a harrow) :: erpicatura {f}
harsh {adj} /hɑɹʃ/ (rough) :: grossolano, ruvido, rude {m}, aspro (taste), accidentato, gibboso, discordante (sound)
harsh {adj} (severe or cruel) :: duro, severo, crudele, rigido, rigoroso
Harshad number {n} :: numero di Harshad {m}
harshly {adv} /ˈhɑːʃli/ (in a harsh manner; severely) :: aspramente, severamente, duramente
hart {n} /hɑɹt/ (male deer) :: cervo maschio
hartebeest {n} /ˈhɑːtəbiːst/ (Alcelaphus bucelaphus) :: kongoni {m}, alcelafo {m}, kaama {m}
Hartley County {prop} (county) :: contea di Hartley {f}
hartwort {n} (plant of Europe) :: silermontano {m} [archaic]
haruspex {n} (one who practices divination by inspecting entrails) :: aruspicina {f}
harvest {n} (autumn, fall) SEE: autumn ::
harvest {n} /ˈhɑɹ.vəst/ (season of gathering the ripened crop) :: stagione della mietitura
harvest {n} (process of gathering the ripened crop) :: mietitura {f}, messe {f}
harvest {n} (yield of harvesting) :: raccolto {m}
harvest {n} (product or result of any exertion) :: frutto, guadagno {m}
harvest {n} (pagan ceremony) :: festa del raccolto
harvest {v} (to bring in a harvest; reap) :: raccogliere, mietere, falciare
harvester {n} (person who gathers the harvest) :: mietitore, raccoglitore, vendemmiatore, falciatore
harvester {n} (machine that harvests) :: mietitrice {f}, fienatrice
harvesting {n} (the gathering of a mature crop) :: raccolta {f}, mietitura {f}
Hasdrubal {prop} /ˈhæz.dɹʊ.bəl/ (given name) :: Asdrubale
hash {n} /ˈhæʃ/ (chopped food, especially meat and potatoes) :: tritato {m}, spezzatino {m}
hash {n} (the # symbol) :: cancelletto {m}
hash browns {n} (chopped and fried potatoes) :: patatine fritte {f-p}
Hashemite {n} (one claiming to be a direct descendent of Hashim) :: hascemita
Hashemite {adj} (being or relating to descendants of Hashim) :: hascemita
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan {prop} (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) :: Regno Hascemita di Giordania {m}
hashish {n} (marijuana generally) SEE: cannabis ::
hash mark {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash ::
hashtag {n} /ˈhæʃˌtæɡ/ (a tag with a hash sign) :: hashtag {m}
Hasidism {prop} (Jewish movement) :: chassidismo {m}, ḥasidismo {m}, hassidismo {m}
Haskell {prop} /ˈhæskəl/ (language) :: Haskell
Haskell {prop} (of or relating to Haskell) :: Haskell
hasp {n} (a clasp) :: fermaglio
Hassidism {prop} (Hasidism) SEE: Hasidism ::
hassium {n} /ˈhæsiəm/ (chemical element with atomic number 108) :: hassio {m}
hassle {n} /ˈhæsl/ (trouble, bother, unwanted annoyances or problems) :: inconveniente {m}, problema {m}
hassock {n} /ˈhasək/ (grass) :: zolla {f}
hasta la vista {phrase} (see you later) SEE: see you later ::
haste makes waste {proverb} (being too hasty leads to wasteful mistakes) :: la gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi
hasten {v} /ˈheɪ.sən/ (to move in a quick fashion) :: affrettarsi, sbrigarsi
hasten {v} (to make someone/something speed up) :: affrettare
hasten {v} (to cause a scheduled event to happen earlier) :: anticipare
hastily {adv} /ˈheɪstɪli/ (in a hasty manner) :: frettolosamente
hasty {adj} /ˈheɪsti/ (acting in haste; being too hurried or quick) :: affrettato, frettoloso, precipitoso
hat {n} /hæt/ (a head covering) :: cappello {m}
hatband {n} (band about a hat) :: nastro (di cappello) {m}
hatbox {n} (a piece of luggage, case, or box for a hat) :: cappelliera {f}
hatch {n} /hætʃ/ (horizontal door) :: botola {f}
hatch {n} (opening for serving food) :: passavivande {m}
hatch {n} (narrow passageway between the decks) :: osteriggio
hatch {v} (to emerge from an egg) :: schiudersi
hatch {v} (of an egg, to break open) :: scoppiare, schiudersi
hatch {v} (to incubate eggs) :: incubare, covare
hatch {v} (to devise) :: tramare, complottare
hatch {n} (birds that emerged from eggs at a specified time) :: schiusa {f}, covata {f}
hatch {n} (trapdoor) SEE: trapdoor ::
hatch {v} (to shade an area) SEE: crosshatch ::
hatchback {n} (a car with a sloping, hinged rear door that opens upwards) :: portellone {m} (auto con portellone posteriore)
hatchet {n} /ˈhætʃɪt/ (small axe) :: accetta {f}
hatchet man {n} (professional killer) :: sicario
hatching {n} (method of shading) :: tratteggio {m}
hatching {n} (group which emerge from eggs at the same time) :: covata {f}
hatching {n} (act of egg hatching) :: schiusa {f}
hatchway {n} (doorway with hatch) :: boccaporto {m}
hate {v} /heɪt/ (to dislike intensely) :: odiare
hate {n} (hatred) SEE: hatred ::
hatefulness {n} (characteristic of being hateful) :: odiosità {f}, esecrabilità {f}
hatmaker {n} (someone who makes hats) SEE: hatter ::
hatpin {n} (pin used to secure a woman's hat to her hair) :: spillone {m}
hatred {n} /ˈheɪtɹɪd/ (strong aversion) :: odio {m}, risentimento {m}
hatter {n} (person who makes, sells, or repairs hats) :: cappellaio {m}, modista
hat trick {n} /ˈhætɹɪk/ (three achievements in a single game or similar) :: tripletta {f}
haughtily {adv} (in a haughty manner) :: altezzosamente, sprezzantemente
haughtiness {n} (the property of being haughty) :: superbia {f}, fierezza {f}, sufficienza {f}, sicumera {f}, sussiego {m}, supponenza {f}, albagia {f}, altezzosità {f}, alterezza {f}, boriosità {f}, burbanza {f}, orgogliosità {f}, iattanza {f}
haughty {adj} /ˈhɔːti/ (disdainful, supercilious; in demeanour conveying the assumption of superiority) :: superbo, orgoglioso, altero, altezzoso, arrogante, albagioso
haunch {n} /hɔntʃ/ (loin and leg of a quadruped, especially when used as food) :: coscia {f}
haunt {v} /hɔːnt/ (to make uneasy) :: tormentare
haunt {n} (place at which one is regularly found) :: ritrovo {m}
haunt {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
haunted {adj} /ˈhɔːntɪd/ (frequented by a ghost) :: stregata
haunted {adj} (obsessed) :: ossessionato
haunted house {n} (house believed to be a center for supernatural occurrences) :: casa stregata {f}, casa infestata {f}
Haute-Garonne {prop} (department of France) :: Alta Garonna {f}
Haute-Marne {prop} (department of France) :: Alta Marna {f}
Hautes-Alpes {prop} (department of France) :: Alte Alpi {f-p}
Hautes-Pyrénées {prop} (department of France) :: Alti Pirinei {m-p}
Hauts-de-France {prop} (region of France) :: Alta Francia {f}
Havana {prop} /həˈvænə/ (capital of Cuba) :: L'Avana {f}, L'Havana {f}
Havana {n} (cigar) :: avana {m}
Havana Brown {n} :: gatto Havana Brown
have {v} /hæv/ (to possess) :: avere, tenere
have {v} (auxiliary used in forming the perfect and the past perfect tenses) :: avere [for most verbs], essere [for some intransitive verbs and all reflexive verbs]
have {v} (engage in sexual intercourse with) :: farsi
have {v} (must) SEE: have to ::
have a crack at {v} (to attempt (something); to try to do) :: cimentarsi
have a look {v} (examine, observe) SEE: take a look ::
have a nice day {phrase} (goodbye) :: buona giornata, arrivederci, [formal] arrivederla, [informal] ciao
have another think coming {v} (be deluded) :: sbagliarsi di grosso, meglio che ci ripensi, pensaci due volte
have a screw loose {v} (to be insane, irrational, or eccentric) :: essere svitato, mancare di qualche rotella
have a wank {v} ((slang) masturbate) SEE: wank ::
have bats in one's belfry {v} (to be crazy or eccentric) :: mancare di qualche rotella, essere svitato
have butterflies in one's stomach {v} (be nervous) :: avere le farfalle nello stomaco
have eyes bigger than one's belly {v} (have eyes bigger than one's stomach) SEE: have eyes bigger than one's stomach ::
have eyes bigger than one's stomach {v} (take more food than one can eat) :: avere gli occhi più grandi del proprio stomaco
have eyes on {v} (observe) SEE: observe ::
have fun {v} (enjoy oneself) :: divertirsi
have fun {interj} (wish someone a good time) :: divertiti
have had it up to here {v} (To have reached the limit of one's patience) :: avere le tasche piene, essere stufo, non poterne più, averne fino alla cima dei capelli
have in mind {v} (consider, intend) :: avere in mente
haven {n} /ˈheɪvən/ (harbour) :: porto {m}
have-nots {n} (the poor or underprivileged) :: nullatenenti {m-p}, poveri {m-p}
have one foot in the grave {v} :: avere un piede nella fossa, avere un piede nella tomba, essere più di là che di qua, essere più morto che vivo
have one's cake and eat it too {v} (to seek to have two things which are mutually incompatible) :: avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca [have a full barrel and a drunk wife]
have one's eye on {v} (watch) SEE: watch ::
have one's head screwed on {v} :: avere la testa sulle spalle, avere la testa a posto
have one's way {v} (to obtain the circumstances one wishes for) :: averla vinta
have other fish to fry {v} (to have more important things to do) :: avere altre gatte da pelare
haves {n} (the wealthy or privileged) :: ricchi {m-p}
have sex {v} (take part in a sexual act) :: fare sesso, fare l'amore
have someone's back {v} (be prepared and willing to support or defend someone) :: spalleggiare, dare man forte, sostenere, fiancheggiare
have the foggiest {phrase} ("I haven't the foggiest": I don't know) :: non ne ho la più pallida idea
have to {v} /ˈhæf.tu/ (obligation) :: dovere
have to {v} :: dovere
having said that {conj} (that said) SEE: that said ::
havoc {n} /ˈhæv.ək/ (devastation) :: rovina {f}, distruzione {f}, strage {f}
Hawaii {prop} /həˈwaɪ(j)i/ (state of the United States) :: Hawaii {f-p}
Hawaii {prop} (chain of islands) :: Hawaii {f-p}
Hawaii {prop} :: le Hawaii {f-p}
Hawaiian {n} /hə.ˈwaɪ.ən/ (Hawaiian language) :: hawaiano
Hawaiian hawk {n} (Buteo solitarius) :: poiana delle Hawaii {f}
hawfinch {n} (finch) :: frosone {m}
hawk {n} /hɔk/ (predatory bird of Accipitridae) :: falco {m}, sparviero {m}, sparviere {m}
hawk {n} (advocate of aggressive politics) :: falco {m}
hawk {v} (to hunt with a hawk) :: cacciare col falco
hawk {n} (plasterer's tool) :: nettatoia {f}, sparviero {m}, vassoio {m}
hawk {v} (to sell) :: vendere per strada, vendere porta a porta
hawk {n} (an effort to force up phlegm) :: scatarrare,
hawk {v} (to attempt to cough up, to clear the throat) :: raschiare la gola
hawker {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
hawker {n} (falconer) SEE: falconer ::
hawser {n} (cable) :: canapo {m}, cima {f}
hawthorn {n} /ˈhɔ.θɔɹn/ (type of shrub) :: biancospino {m}
hay {n} /heɪ/ (grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder) :: fieno {m}
hay {v} (to cut green plants for fodder) :: fieno
haya {n} (beech) SEE: beech ::
hay fever {n} (allergy to pollen) :: raffreddore da fieno {m}, febbre da fieno {f}, pollinosi {f}
hayloft {n} (upper storey of a barn) :: fienile {m}
haymaking {n} (cutting and curing of grass) :: fienagione {f}
hayrack {n} (vertical drying-rack) :: rastrelliera
haystack {n} /ˈheɪˌstæk/ (a mound, pile, or stack of stored hay) :: pagliaio {m}, bica {f}
hay wagon {n} (vehicle) SEE: hay wain ::
hay wain {n} (vehicle) :: carro del fieno
haywire {adj} /ˈheɪ.waɪɚ/ (behaving erratically or uncontrollably) :: confuso {m}, impazzito {m}
hazard {n} (chance) SEE: chance ::
hazardous {adj} /ˈhæzəɹdəs/ (risky, dangerous, with the nature of a hazard) :: pericoloso, azzardato
haze {n} /heɪz/ (very fine particles suspended in the air) :: nebbia {f}, foschia {f}
haze {n} (loss of transparency in a clear solid or liquid) :: torbidezza {f}, torbidità {f}
haze {n} (dullness of finish on a highly reflective surface) :: patina {f}, cortina {f}, velo {m}, velatura {f}, opacità {f}
haze {n} (figurative haze, such as mental confusion) :: stato confusionale {m}
haze {n} (degree of cloudiness in a glass or plastic) :: torbidezza {f}, torbidità {f}, impurità {f}
haze {n} (substance causing turbidity in beer or wine) :: impurità {f}, sedimento {m}, ristagno {m}
haze {n} :: smog
hazel {n} /ˈheɪzəl/ (tree / shrub) :: nocciòlo {m}, nocciolo {m}
hazel {n} (wood) :: legno di nocciolo {m}
hazel {adj} (colour) :: nocciola
hazel {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut ::
hazel grouse {n} (bird) :: francolino di monte {m}
hazelnut {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel ::
hazelnut {n} /ˈheɪzəlnʌt/ (fruit) :: nocciola {f}
hazelnut milk {n} (milky liquid from hazelnuts) :: latte di nocciola {m}
hazzan {n} (Jewish cantor in a synagogue) :: chazzan {m}
hübnerite {n} (a mineral, manganese tungsten oxide) :: hübnerite {f}
he {pron} (personal pronoun "he") :: lui, egli
head {adj} /hɛd/ (of, relating to, or intended for the head) :: di testa
head {n} (antler of a deer) SEE: antler ::
head {n} (bow of a vessel) SEE: bow ::
head {n} (headache) SEE: headache ::
head {v} (to behead) SEE: behead ::
head {n} (headland) SEE: headland ::
head {n} (part of the body) :: testa {f}, capo {m}
head {n} (mental aptitude or skill) :: testa {f}
head {n} (leader, chief, mastermind) :: capo {m}
headache {n} /ˈhɛdeɪk/ (pain or ache in the head) :: mal di testa {m}
headband {n} /ˈhɛdˌbænd/ (horseshoe-shaped hair accessory) :: cerchietto
headboard {n} (vertical panel at the head of a bed) :: testiera del letto {f}
headbutt {n} /ˈhɛdbʌt/ (sharp blow) :: craniata {f}, testata {f}, capocciata {f}
headdress {n} (hairdo) SEE: hairdo ::
header {n} /ˈhɛdə/ (upper portion of a page layout) :: intestazione {f}
header {n} (headlong fall or jump) :: caduta di testa {f}, tuffo {m}
header {n} (soccer: act of hitting the ball with the head) :: colpo di testa {m}
headgear {n} (anything worn on the head) :: copricapo, cappuccio {m}, cappello {m}, bandana {f}
headgear {n} (harness that fits on a horse's head) :: imbragatura {f}, imbracatura {f}
headhunter {n} (savage) :: cacciare teste {m}
head in the clouds {n} (having fantastic or impractical dreams) :: avere la testa tra le nuvole
headlamp {n} (headlight) :: fanale {m}
headland {n} /ˈhɛdlənd/ (bit of coastal land that juts into the sea) :: promontorio {m}
headland {n} (unplowed boundary of a field) :: capitagna {f}
headlight {n} (bright light in front of vehicle) :: fanale {m}, faro {m}, abbaglianti {m-p}
headline {n} /ˈhɛd.laɪn/ (heading or title of an article) :: titolo {m}
head louse {n} (insect) :: pidocchio del capo {m}
head man {n} (leader of a village) :: capo villaggio {m}
head office {n} (main admin centre) :: amministrazione {f}, direzione {f}
head of government {n} (chief officer of the executive branch of a government) :: capo del governo {m}
head of hair {n} (hair on the scalp) :: chioma {f}, capigliatura {f}
head of household {n} (household role) :: capofamiglia {m} {f}
head of state {n} (the chief public representative of a nation) :: capo di stato
head-on {adj} (direct, abrupt) :: di petto
head-on {adj} (from the front) :: frontale, di petto
head-on {n} (collision from the front) SEE: head-on collision ::
head-on collision {n} (front end collision involving two vehicles) :: scontro frontale {m}
head over heels {adv} (tumbling upside down) :: gambe all'aria
head over heels {adv} (at top speed; frantically) :: a gambe levate
head over heels {adv} (hopelessly, madly (as in head over heels in love)) :: follemente, perdutamente, fuori di testa
headphones {n} (pair of speakers worn over or in the ears so only the wearer can hear the sound) :: cuffie {f}
headpiece {n} (helmet) SEE: helmet ::
headpiece {n} (something covering the head) SEE: headgear ::
headquarters {n} /ˈhɛd.ˌkwɔɹ.təz/ (the military installation) :: quartier generale {m}
headquarters {n} (center of organisation's activity) :: sede centrale {f}
headrest {n} (part of a seat) :: poggiatesta {m}
heads {n} /hɛdz/ (side of coin) :: testa {f}
headscarf {n} (piece of material worn over the head) :: foulard, copricapo {m}
head-shrinker {n} (slang: psychotherapist) SEE: shrink ::
heads or tails {n} (heads or tails) :: testa o croce {f}
headstone {n} (tombstone) SEE: tombstone ::
heads will roll {phrase} (some people will be fired for incompetence) :: cadranno delle teste
head-turner {n} (someone or something that catches the eye) :: da capogiro, ammaliatore {m}, ammaliatrice {f}, maliardo {m}, maliarda {f}
headwaiter {n} (main supervisory waiter) :: capocameriere {m}
headway {n} (clearance beneath an object) :: luce {f}, spazio {m}, altezza {f}
headway {n} (forward motion, or its rate) :: abbrivio {m}, impulso {m}, avvio {m}
headway {n} (time or distance interval between the fronts of two vehicles) :: intervallo {m}
headway {n} (progress toward a goal) :: progresso {m}, avanzamento {m}, evoluzione {f}
headwear {n} (headgear) SEE: headgear ::
headwind {n} /ˈhɛdˌwɪnd/ (wind that blows directly against the course of a vessel) :: vento di prua
heal {v} /hiːl/ (make better) :: guarire, sanare
healer {n} /ˈhilɚ/ (person who heals) :: guaritore {m}
healing {n} /ˈhiːlɪŋ/ (process of regeneration, see also: recovery) :: guarigione
health {n} /hɛlθ/ (state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) :: salute {f}, sanità {f}
health care {n} (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses) :: sanità {f}, assistenza sanitaria {f}, servizio sanitario {m}
healthcare {n} (health care) SEE: health care ::
health insurance {n} (insurance against incurring medical expenses among individuals) :: assicurazione malattia {f}
healthy {adj} /ˈhɛl.θi/ (enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: well) :: sano
healthy {adj} (conducive to health) :: sano
healthy {adj} :: sano
heap {n} /hiːp/ (crowd) :: folla {f}, massa {f}, moltitudine {f}
heap {n} (pile) :: pila, cumulo, catasta {f}, mucchio {m}
heap {n} (great number or large quantity of things) :: moltitudine {f}, massa {f}, marea {f}
heap {n} :: [1,2] mucchio {m}, [3] cumulo {m}
heap {v} (to pile in a heap) :: ammucchiare, ammassare, accatastare
heap {v} (to form or round into a heap) :: ricolmare, ricoprire
heap {v} (to supply in great quantity) :: colmare, ricolmare, coprire, sommergere, riempire
hear {v} /hɪə(ɹ)/ (to perceive with the ear) :: sentire, udire
hearing {adj} /ˈhɪɹ.ɪŋ/ (able to hear) :: udente
hearing {n} (sense) :: udito {m}
hearing {n} (proceeding) :: udienza {f}, audizione {f}, ascoltazione {f}, indagine conoscitiva {f}
hearing {n} (legal procedure) :: udienza {f}, indagine conoscitiva {f}, audizione {f}, ascoltazione {f}
hearing-impaired {adj} (hard of hearing) :: audioleso
hearken {v} /ˈhɑːk(ə)n/ (to listen; to attend or give heed to what is uttered) :: dare ascolto, ascoltare con attenzione, prestare orecchio
hearsay {n} (information that was heard by one person about another) :: sentito dire, diceria {f}, pettegolezzo {m}
hearsay {n} ((law) evidence based on the reports of others rather than on personal knowledge) :: sentita persona
hearse {n} /hɜɹs/ (hind on her second year) :: cerbiatta {f}, cerva {f}
hearse {n} (framework placed over coffin or tomb) :: baldacchino {m}, catafalco {m}
hearse {n} (bier or handbarrow for carrying the dead) :: cataletto {m}
hearse {n} (vehicle for transporting dead) :: carro funebre {m}, carrozza funeraria {f}
heart {n} (an organ) :: cuore
heart {n} (emotions or kindness) :: cuore {m}
heart {n} (a shape or symbol) :: cuore
heart {n} (a suit of cards) :: cuori
heart {n} (centre or core) :: nocciolo
heart attack {n} (death) SEE: death ::
heart attack {n} (failure) SEE: failure ::
heart attack {n} (acute myocardial infarction) :: infarto del miocardio
heartbeat {n} /ˈhɑɹtˌbit/ (one pulsation of the heart) :: battito {m}
heartbeat {n} (the rhythm at which a heart pulsates) :: battito cardiaco {m}, battito del cuore {m}, battito del polso {m}, pulsazione
heartbeat {n} :: batticuòre {m}, battito cardiaco {m}, battito del cuore {m}, battito del polso {m}, pulsazione
heartbreak {n} /hɑɹt.bɹeɪk/ (anguish) :: crepacuore {m}
heart-breaking {adj} (that causes extreme sorrow or grief) :: straziante
heartburn {n} (pain caused by stomach acid) :: bruciore di stomaco
hearten {v} /ˈhɑːtən/ (to give heart to, to encourage) :: rincuorare, incoraggiare
heartening {adj} (cheerfully encouraging) :: rincuorante
heart failure {n} (chronic inability of the heart) :: insufficienza cardiaca {f}, scompenso cardiaco {m}
heartfelt {adj} /ˈhɑːɹt.fɛlt/ (felt or believed deeply and sincerely) :: sentito {m}, sincero {m}
hearth {n} /hɑːθ/ (floor of fireplace) :: focolare {m}
hearth {n} (recess) :: focolare
hearth {n} (part of furnace) :: focolare {m}, letto della fornace
hearth {n} (home or family life) :: focolare domestico {m}
hearth tax {n} (tax based on the number of hearths) :: focatico {m}
heartily {adv} /ˈhɑːtɪli/ (in a hearty manner) :: caldamente, sentitamente, giovialmente
heart of palm {n} (a vegetable harvested from the inner core and growing bud of certain palm trees) :: palmito {m}
heart rate monitor {n} (wearable device) :: cardiofrequenzimetro {m}
hearts {n} /hɑː(ɹ)ts/ (the card suit (♥)) :: cuori
hearts {n} :: cuori {m-p}
hearts {n} (plural of "heart") SEE: heart ::
heart-shaped {adj} (having the supposed shape of a heart) :: in forma di cuore, cuoriforme
heartstrings {n} /ˈhɑːtstɹɪŋz/ (cord-like tendons in the heart) :: corda tendinea
heart surgeon {n} (surgeon of the heart) :: cardiochirurgo {m}
heart to heart {adj} (sincere, serious, or personal) :: col cuore in mano
heart valve {n} (valve in the heart) :: valvola cardiaca {f}
heartwood {n} (wood) :: durame {m}, cuore del legno {m}
hearty {adj} /ˈhɑɹti/ (proceeding from the heart) :: di cuore
heat {n} /çiːt/ (thermal energy) :: calore {m}
heat {n} (condition or quality of being hot) :: calore {m}, caldo {m}
heat {n} (attribute of a spice that causes a burning sensation in the mouth) :: gusto piccante {m} , sapore piccante {m}
heat {n} (period of intensity, particularly of emotion) :: fervore {m}, foga {f}, impeto {m}
heat {n} (undesirable amount of attention) :: pressione {f}
heat {n} (slang: the police) :: pula {f}, madama {f}
heat {n} (condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile) :: calore {m}, estro {m}
heat {n} (preliminary race, used to determine the participants in a final race) :: eliminatoria {f}, batteria {f}
heat {n} (one cycle of bringing metal to maximum temperature and working it until it is too cool to work further) :: infornata {f}, colata {f}
heat {n} (hot spell) :: caldo {m}, calura {f}, calore {m}
heat {v} (to cause an increase in temperature of an object or space) :: scaldare, riscaldare
heat {v} (to arouse, to excite (sexually)) :: scaldare, eccitare
heat {n} (heating system) SEE: heating ::
heat capacity {n} (the capability of a substance to absorb heat energy) :: capacità termica {f}
heated {adj} /ˈhiːtɪd/ (very agitated, angry or impassioned) :: riscaldato
heater {n} /ˈhitɚ/ (device that produces and radiates heat) :: riscaldatore {m}, radiatore {m}
heat exchanger {n} (device for transferring heat) :: scambiatore di calore {m}
heath {n} /hiːθ/ (type of land) :: brughiera {f}, landa {f}
heath {n} (shrub of the family Ericaceae) :: erica {f}
heathen {adj} /ˈhiːðən/ (not adhering to an Abrahamic religion) :: pagano {m}
heathen {adj} (savage) :: pagano
heathen {n} :: pagano {m}
heather {n} /ˈhɛðɚ/ (plant) :: erica {f}, brugo {m}
heather {n} (various species of the genus Erica) :: brugo {m}, erica {f}
heating {n} /ˈhiːtɪŋ/ (system) :: riscaldamento {m}
heating {adj} (causing heat) :: riscaldante, scaldante
heat pump {n} (device to transfer heat) :: pompa di calore {f}, termopompa {f}
heat sink {n} :: dissipatore {m}
heat up {v} (cause to become hotter) :: scaldare
heat wave {n} (heat wave) SEE: heatwave ::
heatwave {n} (period of very hot weather) :: ondata di caldo {f}
heave {n} /hiːv/ (An effort to raise something, as a weight, or oneself, or to move something heavy) :: sollevamento {m}
heave-ho {interj} /ˌhiv ˈhoʊ/ :: oh issa
heaven {n} /ˈhɛvən/ (sky) :: cielo {m}
heaven {n} (paradise and upper-world) :: cielo {m}, paradiso {m}
Heaven {prop} (All meanings) SEE: heaven ::
heaven helps those who help themselves {proverb} (a maxim encouraging people to attempt to solve their own problems) :: aiutati che Dio t'aiuta
heavenly {adj} /ˈhɛvənli/ (pertaining to heaven) :: divino, celeste
heavenly {adj} (pertaining to the kingdom of God; divine) :: divino
heavenly {adj} (extremely beautiful or pleasurable) :: divino
heavenly body {n} (natural celestial body) :: corpo celeste {m}
heavens {n} /ˈhɛvənz/ (the sky) :: cieli
heavily {adv} /ˈhɛvɪli/ (in a heavy manner) :: pesantemente
heavily {adv} (in a manner designed for heavy duty) :: fortemente
heavily {adv} (in a laboured manner) :: intensamente
heavy {adj} /ˈhɛ.vi/ (having great weight) :: pesante
heavy {n} (bad guy) :: cattivo {m}
heavy {n} (slang: doorman) :: buttafuori {m}, guardiano {m}, portinaio {m}
heavy cruiser {n} :: incrociatore pesante {m}
heavy metal {n} (type of music) :: heavy metal {m}
heavy water {n} (water containing deuterium instead of normal hydrogen) :: acqua pesante {f}
hebdomad {n} (period of seven days) SEE: week ::
hebdomadal {adj} (occurring once a week) SEE: weekly ::
hebdomadary {n} (holder of a week-long duty in a convent) :: ebdomadario {m}
hebetude {n} /ˈhɛb.ə.tuːd/ (mental lethargy or dullness) :: ebetudine, abbrutimento
Hebraic {adj} :: ebraico
Hebraist {n} (a scholar who specializes in the study of the Hebrew language) :: ebraicista {m} {f}, ebraista {m} {f}
Hebrew {adj} /ˈhiːbɹuː/ (pertaining to the people) :: ebraico, ebreo
Hebrew {adj} (pertaining to the language) :: ebraico
Hebrew {n} (person) :: ebreo {m}, ebrea {f}
Hebrew {n} (language, see also: Biblical Hebrew) :: ebraico {m}
Hebrews {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ebrei
Hebrides {prop} /ˈhɛbɹədiːz/ (group of islands) :: Ebridi {f}
Hebron {prop} (city in Palestine) :: Hebron
Hecatoncheires {n} (mythological giants with 100 arms) :: Ecatonchiri {m}
heckle {v} /ˈhɛkəl/ :: prendere in giro
hectic {adj} /ˈhɛktɪk/ (very busy with activity and confusion) :: febbrile, frenetico {m}
hecto- {prefix} (hundred) :: etto-
hectogram {n} (100 grams) :: ettogrammo {m}
hectolitre {n} (100 litres) :: ettolitro {m}
hectometer {n} (hectometre) SEE: hectometre ::
hectometre {n} (the length of 100 metres) :: ettometro
hectopascal {n} (unit of pressure) :: ettopascal {m}
Hector {prop} /ˈhɛktə/ (Trojan hero) :: Ettore {m}
Hector {prop} (male given name) :: Ettore {m}
Hecuba {prop} /ˈhɛkjʊbə/ (the wife of King Priam) :: Ecuba, Ecabe
heddle {n} (part of a loom) :: liccio {m}
heddle {v} (to thread individual strands of the warp through the eyes of heddles) :: allicciare
hedge {n} /hɛdʒ/ (thicket of bushes planted in a row) :: siepe {f}
hedgehog {n} /ˈhɛdʒhɒɡ/ (animal) :: riccio {m}, porcospino {m}
hedge trimmer {n} :: tagliasiepe {f}
hedonism {n} /ˈhiːdənɪzəm/ (philosophy) :: edonismo {m}
hedonist {n} /ˈhiːdənɪst/ (someone devoted to hedonism) :: edonista {m} {f}
-hedron {suffix} (solid figure) :: -edro {m}
Hedwig {prop} (female given name) :: Edvige {f}
heed {n} /hiːd/ (attention) :: considerazione {f}, riguardo {m}, cura {f}, ossequio {m}
heed {v} (to mind) :: importare, avere cura, accudire
heed {v} (to pay attention) :: fare attenzione
heedless {adj} /ˈhiːdləs/ (unaware, without noticing) :: sventato, disavveduto
heedlessness {n} (the state or character of being heedless) :: incuranza {f}, sventatezza {f}, sventataggine {f}, sbadataggine {f}, disavvertenza {f}, disavvedutezza {f}
heel {n} /hiːl/ (anatomy: part of the foot) :: tallone {m}, calcagno {m}
heel {n} (part of shoe) :: tacco {m}
heel {n} (firearms: back upper part of the stock) :: poggiaguancia {m}
heel {n} (end-piece of a loaf of bread) :: cantuccio {m} (di pane)
heel {n} :: calcagnolo {m}
heel over {v} (to tilt to one side) :: ingavonarsi
heels {n} (high heels) SEE: high heels ::
Heffalump {n} /ˈhɛfəlʌmp/ (fictional elephant-like creature) :: efelante {m}, effalumpo {m}
heft {n} /hɛft/ (weight) :: peso {m}
heft {v} (to lift) :: sollevare
Hegel {prop} /ˈheɪɡəl/ (surname) :: Hegel
Hegelian {adj} /həˈɡeɪli.ən/ (of or pertaining to Hegel's ideas) :: hegeliano
hegemonize {v} (subject to hegemony) :: egemonizzare
he-goat {n} (billy goat) SEE: billy goat ::
hegumen {n} (head of a monastery) :: egumeno {m}
heifer {n} /ˈhɛfɚ/ (young cow) :: giovenca {f}, scottona {f}
height {n} /haɪt/ (distance from bottom to top) :: altezza {f}
height {n} (height of a standing person or animal) :: altezza {f}
height {n} (highest point) :: apice {m}, culmine {m}, vetta {f}, cima {f}, sommità {f}
Heilongjiang {prop} (Amur) SEE: Amur ::
Heimlich maneuver {n} (first aid procedure used to treat choking) :: manovra di Heimlich {f}
heinous {adj} /ˈheɪnəs/ (totally reprehensible) :: efferato, abominevole, odioso
heir {n} /ɛəɹ/ (one who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another) :: erede {m}
heir {n} (one who inherits, or has been designated to inherit, a hereditary title or office) :: erede {m}
heir {n} (successor in a role) :: erede {m}, successore {m}
heir {n} :: ereditiero {m}, ereditiera {f}
heir apparent {n} (someone who will definitely inherit) :: erede apparente {m} {f}
heiress {n} (a woman who stands to inherit) :: ereditiera {f}
heirloom {n} /ˈɛəɹ.lum/ (valued possession passed down through the generations) :: patrimonio {m}, retaggio {m}, lascito {m}, bagaglio {m}
heir presumptive {n} (one who inherits if no better choice is born) :: erede presuntivo {m}, erede presuntiva {f}
Heisenberg uncertainty principle {prop} (physical principle) :: principio di indeterminazione di Heisenberg {m}
háček {n} /ˈhɑtʃɛk/ (háček diacritic) :: gancetto {m}, segno diacritico {m}, antiflesso {m}, pipa {f}, caron {m}, hatchek {m}, chevron {m}
Helen {prop} /ˈhɛlən/ ((Greek mythology) the daughter of Zeus and Leda) :: Elena
Helen {prop} (female given name) :: Elena
Helenus {prop} (the son of King Priam) :: Eleno
helical {adj} /ˈhɛlɪkəl/ (in the shape of a helix) :: elicoidale
heliciculture {n} (snail farming) :: elicicoltura {f}
helicity {n} (physics: quantized spin component) :: elicità {f}
helicoid {adj} (having the form of a flattened helix) :: elicoidale
helicoid {n} (minimal surface in form of flattened helix) :: elicoide {m}
helicon {n} (large tuba) :: elicone {m}
helicopter {n} /ˈhɛlɨˌkɑptɚ/ (aircraft) :: elicottero {m}
helicopter {v} (to transport by helicopter) :: elitrasportare
helio- {prefix} (related to the sun) :: elio-
heliocentric {adj} /ˌhiːlioʊˈsɛntɹɪk/ (having the sun at the center) :: eliocentrico
heliocentricism {n} (heliocentrism) SEE: heliocentrism ::
heliocentrism {n} (the theory that the sun is the center of the universe) :: eliocentrismo {m}
helioelectric {adj} (describing electric power generated by the rays of the sun) :: elioelettrico
Heliogabalus {prop} /ˌhiː.li.əˈɡæb.ə.ləs/ (a Roman emperor) :: Eliogabalo
heliographic {adj} (of or pertaining to heliography) :: eliografico
heliometer {n} (astronomical instrument for measuring the diameter of the sun) :: eliometro
helion {n} (nucleus of a helium-3 atom) :: elione {m}
heliopause {n} (boundary) :: eliopausa {f}
heliophilous {adj} (needing or tolerating a high level of sunlight) :: eliofilo
Helios {prop} /ˈhiːliɒs/ (god) :: Elio {m}
helioscope {n} (apparatus for viewing the sun) :: elioscopio {m}
helioseismological {adj} (pertaining to helioseismology) :: eliosismologico
helioseismology {n} (the study of the propagation of pressure waves in the Sun) :: eliosismologia {f}
heliospheric {adj} (of or pertaining to the heliosphere) :: eliosferico
heliostat {n} (device to continuously reflect sunlight toward a predetermined target, almost always in some fixed direction, despite the sun's motions in the sky) :: eliostato
heliosynchronous {adj} (describing an orbit around the Earth) :: eliosincrono
heliotheism {n} (worship of the sun as a god) :: elioteismo {m}
heliotropism {n} (the property of some plants of turning under the influence of light) :: eliotropismo {m}
helipad {n} (helicopter landing place) :: elisuperficie {f}
heliport {n} /ˈhɛlɪˌpoɹt/ (facility for helicopters) :: eliporto {m}
heli-skiing {n} :: elisci {m}, eliski {m}
helium {n} /ˈhiːli.əm/ (chemical element) :: elio {m}
helix {n} /ˈhiːlɪks/ (curve) :: elica {f}
hell {prop} /hɛl/ (abode for the condemned) :: inferno {m}
hell {n} (place of suffering in life) :: inferno {m}
hell-bent {adj} /ˈhɛlˌbɛnt/ (recklessly determined to do or achieve something) :: caparbio, ostinato {m}, determinato {m}
hellebore {n} /ˈhɛlɪbɔːɹ/ (Any species of genus Helleborus) :: elleboro {m}
Hellenic Republic {prop} (official name of Greece) :: Repubblica Ellenica {f}
Hellenist {n} /ˈhɛl.ɪ.nɪst/ (specialist in the study of Greek culture or history) :: ellenista {m} {f}
Hellenist {n} (person who adopted the Greek culture during the Hellenistic period) :: ellenista {m} {f}
Hellenistic {adj} /ˈhɛl.ən.ɪs.tɪk/ (of or relating to a period of Greek history) :: ellenista, ellenistico
Hellenistic {adj} (of or relating to a Hellenist) :: ellenista, ellenistico
hellfire {n} /ˈhɛlˌfaɪəɹ/ (fire of hell) :: fuoco d'inferno {m}, fiamme dell'inferno {f-p}
hellish {adj} /ˈhɛlɪʃ/ (causing pain, discomfort or distress) :: infernale
hello {interj} /hɛˈloʊ/ (greeting) :: ciao, salve, buongiorno, saluti {m-p}
hello {interj} (when answering the telephone) :: pronto
hello {interj} (is anyone there?) :: c'è nessuno? (there is no one here?), c'è qualcuno?
hello {interj} (sarcastic: that was foolish) :: ciao
hellspawn {n} (monster) SEE: monster ::
hellspawn {n} (fiend) SEE: fiend ::
helm {n} /hɛlm/ (steering apparatus of a ship) :: timone {m}
helm {n} (maritime: member of the crew in charge of steering) :: timoniere {m}
helm {n} (metaphor: position of leadership or control) :: al comando / at helm, alla guida, al timone, timoniere, condottiero {m}, duce {m}
helmet {n} /ˈhɛlmɪt/ (protective head covering) :: casco {m}, elmetto {m}
helmsman {n} (person responsible for steering a ship) :: timoniere {m}, nocchiero {m}, nocchiere {m}
helophyte {n} /ˈhɛləfaɪt/ (plant whose buds overwinter under water) :: elofita {m}
helot {n} (serf, slave) SEE: slave ::
helot {n} (Spartan serf) :: ilota {m}, servo della gleba {m}
help {n} /hɛlp/ (action given to provide assistance) :: aiuto {m}, ausilio {m}
help {v} (transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)) :: aiutare
help {v} (intransitive: provide assistance) :: aiutare
help {interj} (cry of distress) :: aiuto
helper {n} /ˈhɛlpɚ/ (one who helps) :: aiutante {m}, assistente, supporto {m}, apprendista
helpful {adj} /ˈhɛlp.fəl/ (furnishing help; giving aid; useful) :: disponibile, utile, di aiuto
helping {n} (serving) SEE: serving ::
helping verb {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb ::
helpless {adj} /ˈhɛlplɪs/ (unable to defend oneself) :: indifeso
helpless {adj} (uncontrollable) SEE: uncontrollable ::
helpmate {n} (A person who supplies help or companionship.) :: aiutante {m} {f}
help oneself {v} (take something freely) :: servirsi, favorire
help out {v} (provide assistance) :: essere d'aiuto
Helsinki {prop} /hɛlˈsɪŋ.ki/ (the capital city of Finland) :: Helsinki {f}
Helvetii {prop} (Gallic tribe) :: Elvezi
Helvetism {n} (Swiss phrase) :: elvetismo {m}
hem {n} /hɛm/ (border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together) :: orlo {m}
he-man {n} (virile man) :: fusto {m}
hematite {n} (mineral) :: ematite {f}
hematochemical {adj} (of or pertaining to the chemical characteristics of the blood) :: ematochimico
hematocrit {n} /hɪˈmæt.ək.ɹɪt/ :: ematocrito {m}
hematogenesis {n} (hematopoiesis) SEE: hematopoiesis ::
hematologic {adj} (of or relating to hematology) :: ematologico
hematology {n} (study of blood and related organs) SEE: haematology ::
hematoma {n} /ˌhiməˈtoʊmə/ (swelling of blood from broken vessel) :: ematoma {m}
hematopoiesis {n} /ˌhimətoʊ.pojˈisɪs/ (process by which blood cells are produced) :: emopoiesi {f}, ematopoiesi {f}
hematopoietic {adj} (of or pertaining to hematopoiesis) :: emopoietico
heme {n} /hiːm/ (component of hemoglobin) :: eme {m}
hemeprotein {n} (protein containing heme) :: emoproteina {f}
hemerodrome {n} (courier in Ancient Greece) :: emerodromo {m}
hemicycle {n} (semicircular architectural structure) :: emiciclo {m}
hemidemisemiquaver {n} (music) :: semibiscroma {f}
hemiola {n} (hemiola) :: emiolia {f}
hemiparesis {n} :: emiparesi
hemiplegic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or afflicted with hemiplegia) :: emiplegico
hemipter {n} (insect) :: emittero {m}
hemisphere {n} /ˈhɛmɪsfɪəɹ/ (half of the Earth) :: emisfero
hemisphere {n} (any half-sphere) :: emisfero
hemisphere {n} (lobe of cerebrum) SEE: cerebral hemisphere ::
hemispherectomy {n} (surgical removal of a brain hemisphere) :: emisferectomia {f}
hemistich {n} (approximate half-line of verse) :: emistichio {m}
hemistich {n} (unfinished line of verse) :: emistichio {m}
hemline {n} (line) :: orlo
hemlock {n} /ˈhɛmˌlɒk/ (poisonous plant of genus Conium) :: cicuta {f}
hemocathartic {adj} (serving to cleanse the blood) :: emocatartico
hemocyanin {n} (pigment) :: emocianine {f}
hemoderivative {n} (substance in blood) :: emoderivato {m}
hemodialysis {n} (extracorporeal dialysis) :: emodialisi {f}
hemodynamic {adj} /himoʊdaɪˈnæmɪk/ (Of or pertaining to the circulation of blood in the body) :: emodinamico
hemoglobin {n} (the iron-containing substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen) :: emoglobina {f}
hemolymph {n} (a circulating fluid in the bodies of some invertebrates) :: emolinfa {f}
hemopathology {n} (branch of pathology) :: emopatologia {f}
hemopathy {n} (disorder or disease of the blood) :: emopatia {f}
hemoptysis {n} (expectoration of blood) :: emottisi {f}
hemorheology {n} (science of the rheological properties of the blood) :: emoreologia {f}
hemorrhage {n} /ˈhɛməɹɪdʒ/ (release of blood; bleeding) :: emorragia
hemorrhoids {n} (haemorrhoids) SEE: haemorrhoids ::
hemosideric {adj} :: emosiderinico
hemosiderin {n} (abnormal microscopic pigment) :: emosiderina {f}
hemp {n} /hɛmp/ (Cannabis sativa) :: canapa {f}
hemp milk {n} (milky liquid from hemp) :: latte di canapa
hempseed {n} (seed of the hemp plant) :: canapuccia {f}
hen {n} /hɛn/ (female chicken) :: gallina {f}
hen {n} (female bird) :: gallina
hen {n} (hen-like woman) :: gallina
henbane {n} /ˈhɛnbeɪn/ (Hyoscyamus niger) :: giusquiamo {m}, dente di cavallo
hence {adv} /ˈhɛns/ (from here) :: da qui
hence {adv} (as a result, therefore) :: perciò, dunque, quindi
hence {adv} :: da ciò
henceforth {adv} /hɛnsˈfɔɹθ/ (from now on) :: d’ora in poi, d’ora in avanti
henceforward {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
henchman {n} /ˈhɛntʃ.mən/ (an assistant member of a criminal gang) :: sbirro {m}
hendecagon {n} (geometry) :: undecagono {m}
hendecagonal {adj} :: endecagonale
hendecasyllable {n} /ˌhɛndɪkəˈsɪləbl/ :: endecasillabo {m}
hendiadys {n} /hɛnˈdaɪ.ədɪs/ (figure of speech) :: endiadi {f}
hen harrier {n} (bird) :: albanella reale {f}
henhouse {n} (house for chickens to live in) :: pollaio {m}
henna {n} /hɛnə/ (shrub) :: alcanna {f}, henné {m}
henna {n} (dye) :: henné {m}
hen night {n} (party) SEE: bachelorette party ::
hennin {n} (medieval headgear) :: hennin
henotheism {n} /ˈhɛnəʊˌθiːɪz(ə)m/ (belief or worship) :: enoteismo {m}
hen party {n} (bachelorette party) SEE: bachelorette party ::
henpeck {v} /ˈhɛn.pɛk/ (to nag persistently) :: importunare, punzecchiare
henpecked {adj} /ˈhɛnpɛkt/ (plagued or overwhelmed by one's wife) :: soggiogato, sottomesso, plagiato, asservito
Henrietta {prop} /hɛnˈɹiː.ɛt.ə/ (feminine form of Henry) :: Enrica, Enrichetta {f}
Henriette {prop} (female given name) SEE: Henrietta ::
Henry {prop} /ˈhɛn.ɹi/ (given name) :: Enrico
hentai {n} (a work of anime that contains sexual art (esp. manga or anime)) :: hentai
heparin {n} (a glycosaminoglycan) :: eparina {f}
hepatectomy {n} (surgical removal of the liver) :: epatectomia {f}
hepatic {adj} /həˈpætɪk/ (relating to the liver) :: epatico
hepatic {n} (liverwort) SEE: liverwort ::
hepatic portal vein {n} (portal vein) SEE: portal vein ::
hepatite {n} (barite) SEE: barite ::
hepatitis {n} /ˌhɛpəˈtaɪ̯tɪs/ (liver inflammation) :: epatite {f}
hepatobiliary {adj} (pertaining to bile ducts) :: epatobiliare
hepatocellular {adj} (pertaining to the cells of the liver) :: epatocellulare
hepatologist {n} (person who works in hepatology) :: epatologo {m}
hepatology {n} (study or treatment of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas) :: epatologia {f}
hepatopancreatic {adj} :: epatico-pancreatico
hepatorenal {adj} (of or pertaining to the liver and the kidneys) :: epatorenale
hepatotoxic {adj} (toxic to the liver) :: epatotossico
Hephaestus {prop} /hɪˈfiːstəs/ (Greek god) :: Efesto
Hephthalite {n} (any of a Central Asian people who were in nomadic confederation during the 5th-6th centuries) :: unno bianco {m}, eftalito {m}
hepta- {prefix} /hɛptə-/ (seven) :: epta-, etta-
heptadic {adj} (sevenfold) :: eptadico
heptagon {n} /ˈhɛp.tə.ɡɒn/ (polygon with seven sides and seven angles) :: ettagono {m}, eptagono {m}
heptagonal {adj} /hɛpˈtæɡ ə nl/ (Having seven angles and sides) :: ettagono, ettagonale
heptahedron {n} (polyhedron with seven faces) :: eptaedro {m}
heptane {n} (saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon: C7H16) :: eptano {m}
heptarchy {n} (A group of seven states.) :: eptarchia {f}
heptatonic {adj} (heptatonic) :: eptatonico
her {determiner} /ɚ/ (belonging to) :: il suo m sing, la sua f sing, i suoi {m-p}, le sue {f-p}
her {pron} (she) :: [after preposition] lei, [indirect object] le, [indirect object, emphatic] a lei, [indirect object with an imperative verb; attached to the end of the verb and becoming glie- when used along with a direct object; the l is doubled with some verbs] le, [direct object; becoming l' before a vowel] la, [direct object, emphatic] lei
Hera {prop} /ˈhɪəɹə/ (queen of the gods, wife of Zeus) :: Era {f}
Heraclea {prop} /ˌhɛɹəˈkliːə/ (name of numerous Hellenistic cities) :: Eraclea
Heracles {prop} /ˈhɛɹəkliːz/ (the son of Zeus, see also: Hercules) :: Eracle
Heraclitean {adj} (relating to Heraclitus) :: eracliteo
Heraclitus {prop} /ˌhɛɹ.əˈklaɪ.təs/ (given name) :: Eraclito
herald {n} /ˈhɛɹəld/ (a messenger, especially one bringing important news) :: araldo {m}, messaggero {m}, messo {m}, banditore {m}, corriere {m}
herald {n} (a harbinger giving signs of things to come) :: foriero {m}, precursore {m}, premonitore {m}, annunciatore {m}
herald {n} (an official whose speciality is heraldry) :: araldo {m}
herald {v} (announce) :: annunciare, proclamare
heraldic {adj} (relating to the profession of devising and blazoning arms) :: araldico
heraldry {n} /ˈhɛɹ.əl.dɹi/ (the profession of devising and blazoning arms) :: araldica {f}
herb {n} /(h)ɝb/ (plant used to flavour food) :: erba aromatica {f}, erba {f}, odori
herb {n} (plant used in medicine) :: erba medicinale {f}
herb {n} (slang: marijuana) :: erba {f}
herbaceous {adj} /hɝˈbeɪ.ʃəs/ (botany: not woody) :: erbaceo
herbal {adj} /ˈɝbəl/ (made from or with herbs) :: vegetale
herbalism {n} ((obsolete) botany) SEE: botany ::
herbalist {n} (person who treats diseases by herbs) :: erborista {m} {f}, fitoterapeuta {m} {f}
herbarium {n} (collection of dried plants) :: erbario {m}
herbarium {n} (building or institution where a collection of plants is held) :: erbario {m}
Herbert {prop} /ˈhɝbɚt/ (male given name) :: Eriberto
herbicidal {adj} (relating to herbicides) :: erbicida
herbicide {n} (substance used to kill plants) :: diserbante {m}, erbicida {m}
herbivore {n} /ˈhɜːɹbɪvɔːɹ/ (plant-eating organism) :: erbivoro {m}
Herculaneum {prop} /ˌhɜɹkjəˈleɪni.əm/ (city in Italy) :: Ercolano
Hercules {prop} /ˈhɝːkjəliːz/ (The Roman name of Heracles, see also: Heracles) :: Ercole
Hercules {prop} (constellation) :: Ercole {m}
herd {n} /hɜːd/ (a number of domestic animals assembled together under the watch or ownership of a keeper) :: mandria {f}, armento {m}
herd {n} (any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company) :: mandria, branco, armento {m}, masseria
herd {n} (sheep assembled together under the watch or ownership of a keeper) :: gregge {m}
herd {n} (a crowd, a mass of people; now usually pejorative) :: masnada {f}, accozzaglia {f}, accolita {f}, cricca {f}, ciurma {f}
herd {v} (to unite or associate in a herd) :: radunare
herd {v} (to associate) :: unirsi
herd {v} (to act as a herdsman) :: imbrancare
herder {n} /ˈhɜːdə/ (one who herds) :: guardiano, guardiano di greggi, pecoraio, pastore {m}, porcaro {m}, vaccaro {m}, buttero {m}, capraio
herd immunity {n} /ˈhəːd ɪˈmjuːnɪti/ (form of indirect protection against a disease) :: immunità di gregge {f}
herdsman {n} (a person who tends livestock, especially cows and sheep) :: bovaro {m}
here {adv} (in, on, or at this place) :: qui, qua
here {n} :: [in the immediate vicinity; in this country/town, etc.] qua, [used for things further away than those indicated by "qua"] qui
hereafter {n} (existence after death) SEE: afterlife ::
hereafter {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
here and there {adv} (from time to time) SEE: from time to time ::
here below {adv} :: quaggiù
hereby {adv} /hɪɹˈbaɪ/ (formal phrase) :: per questo, dunque
hereditary {adj} /həˈɹɛdɪt(ə)ɹi/ (which is passed on as inheritance) :: ereditario
hereditary {adj} (of a title, honor or right: granted to somebody's descendant after that person's death) :: ereditario
hereditary {adj} (of a person: holding a hereditary title or rank) :: ereditario
hereditary {adj} (of a disease or trait: passed in the genes) :: ereditario
heredity {n} /həˈɹɛɾəɾi/ (hereditary transmission) :: eredità
here lies {phrase} (epitaph) :: qui giace, qui riposa
heresiarch {n} /hɛˈɹiːzɪɑːk/ (founder of a heresy) :: eresiarca {m}
heresy {n} /ˈhɛɹəsi/ (dissension from religious dogma) :: eresia {f}
heretic {n} /ˈhɛɹɨtɪk/ (someone who believes contrary to fundamentals) :: eretico {m}, eretica {f}
heretic {adj} (heretical) SEE: heretical ::
heretical {adj} /həˈɹɛtɪkəl/ (contrary to mainstream or accepted opinion) :: eretico
heretically {adv} (in a heretical way) :: ereticamente
hereto {adv} (so far) SEE: so far ::
heretofore {adv} /ˌhɪətəˈfɔː/ (up to the present time) :: prima d'ora
here we go again {interj} (expression of frustration upon something bad repeated) :: ci risiamo, risiamo alle solite
here you are {phrase} (said when handing something over) :: prego, ecco, ecco a te, ecco a Lei
heritage {n} (property) :: eredità {f}
heritage {n} (tradition) :: eredità {f}, retaggio {m}
herm {n} (rectangular pillar) :: erma {f}
Her Majesty {pron} (title of respect when referring to a queen) :: Sua Maestà
Herman {prop} /ˈhɝmən/ (given name) :: Ermanno {m}, Armando {m}
Hermaphroditus {prop} /hɚˌmæf.ɹəˈdaɪ.təs/ (Greek god) :: Ermafrodito {m}
hermeneutics {n} /hɜːɹməˈnjuːtɪks/ (art and science of text interpretation) :: ermeneutica {f}
Hermes {prop} /ˈhɝmiːz/ (Greek god Hermes) :: Ermes
hermetically {adv} (hermetically) :: ermeticamente
hermetically sealed {adj} (airtight) :: chiuso ermeticamente
Hermione {prop} /ˈhɝˈmaɪ.ə.ni/ (Daughter of Helen and Menelaus, wife of Orestes) :: Ermione
hermit {n} /ˈhɝmɪt/ (religious recluse; eremite) :: eremita {m}, anacoreta {m}
hermit {n} (recluse; someone who lives alone) :: eremita {m}
hermit {n} :: eremita {m}, anacoreta {m}
hermit {n} (hermit crab) SEE: hermit crab ::
hermitage {n} (dwelling place of hermit) :: eremo {m}
hermitage {n} (place of seclusion) :: eremo {m}
hermitage {n} (period of seclusion) :: eremitaggio {m}, isolamento {m}
hermit crab {n} (crustacean) :: paguro {m}, bernardo l’eremita {m}
Hermitian {adj} /hɜː(ɹ)ˈmɪʃən/ (equal to its transpose conjugate) :: hermitiano
Hermitian matrix {n} /hɝ.ˈmɪ.ʃən ˈmeɪ.tɹɪks/ (square matrix equal to its own conjugate transpose) :: matrice hermitiana {f}
hernia {n} (part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part) :: ernia {f}
herniorrhaphy {n} (repair of a hernia by means of sutures) :: ernorrafia {f}
hero {n} /ˈhɪɹoʊ/ (person of great bravery) :: eroe {m}
hero {n} (role model) :: eroe {m}, eroina {f}, protagonista {m}
hero {n} (main protagonist) :: eroe {m}, eroina {f}, protagonista {m}
Herod {prop} /ˈhɛɹəd/ (king) :: Erode {m}
Herodotean {adj} (Characteristic of Herodotus or his works) :: erodoteo
Herodotus {prop} /həˈɹɑːdətəs/ (ancient historian) :: Erodoto
heroic {adj} /hɪˈɹoʊ.ɪk/ (of or relating to a hero or heroine) :: eroico
heroically {adv} (in a heroic manner) :: eroicamente
heroin {n} /ˈhɛɹoʊ.ɪn/ (powerful and addictive drug) :: eroina
heroism {n} /ˈhɛɹəʊɪzəm/ (the qualities characteristic of a hero, the display of them) :: eroismo {m}
heron {n} /ˈhɛɹən/ (bird) :: airone {m}
Herostratus {prop} (ancient arsonist) :: Erostrato
herpes zoster {n} (acute viral inflammation) SEE: shingles ::
herpetological {adj} (of or relating to herpetology, the study of reptiles) :: erpetologico
herpetologist {n} (one who studies reptiles, a reptile specialist) :: erpetologo {m}
herpetology {n} /ˌhɜː.pɪ.ˈtɒ.lə.d͡ʒi/ (the branch of biology dealing with reptiles) :: erpetologia {f}
herring {n} /ˈhɛɹɪŋ/ (fish in Clupea) :: aringa {f}
herringbone {n} /ˈhɛɹɪŋˌboʊn/ (bone of a herring) :: ossatura dell'aringa {f}
herringbone {n} (pattern) :: a spina di pesce
hers {pron} /ɚz/ (that which belongs to her) :: il suo {m-s}, la sua {f-s}, i suoi {m-p}, le sue {f-p}
herself {pron} /hɝˈsɛlf/ ((as intensifier) she) :: lei stessa
hertz {n} /hɝts/ (the derived unit of frequency) :: hertz {m}
Hertzian {adj} (of or pertaining to Heinrich Hertz or his work) :: hertziano
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram {n} (plot of the absolute magnitude of stars) :: diagramma Hertzsprung-Russell {m}
Herzegovina {prop} /ˌhɛəɹtsəˈɡoʊvɪnə/ (Southern wedge of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Erzegovina {f}
Herzegovinian {n} (a person from Herzegovina) :: erzegovese {m} {f}, erzegovino {m}, erzegovina {f}
Herzegovinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Herzegovina and its inhabitants) :: erzegovese, erzegovino {m}, erzegovina {f}
Hesiod {prop} /ˈhiːsi.əd/ (Greek poet) :: Esiodo
hesitant {adj} /ˈhɛzɪtənt/ (tending to hesitate) :: esitante
hesitate {v} /ˈhɛzɪteɪt/ (to stop or pause respecting decision or action) :: esitare, titubare
hesitation {n} /hɛzɪˈteɪʃən/ (act of hesitating) :: esitazione {f}
Hesperia {prop} /hɛˈspɪəɹi.ə/ (literally "western land") :: Esperia
Hesperides {n} /hɛˈspɛɹɪdiːz/ (a group of nymphs) :: Esperidi {p}
Hesse {prop} (state) :: Assia {f}
Hestia {prop} /ˈhɛsti.ə/ (Greek goddess) :: Estia {f}
he's unconscious {phrase} (he's unconscious) :: è inconsciente
heta {n} (variant of the Ancient Greek letter eta when used to denote the consonant /h/) :: heta {m} {f}
hetero- {prefix} (other) :: etero-
heterocarpous {adj} (exhibiting heterocarpy) :: eterocarpo
heterocarpy {n} (production of multiple kinds of fruit on the same plant) :: eterocarpia {f}
heterocentrism {n} (heterosexism) :: eterocentrismo {m}
heterochromatinic {adj} (of or pertaining to heterochromatin) :: eterocromatinico
heterochromia {n} (heterochromia) :: eterocromia {f}
heteroclisis {n} (grammar: two or more inflection classes in a paradigm) :: eteroclisia {f}
heteroclitic {adj} :: eteroclito
heterocycle {n} (organic chemistry: a heterocyclic compound or ring) :: eterociclo {m}
heterocyclic {adj} (of cyclic compounds: containing one or more atoms other than carbon) :: eterociclico
heterodont {adj} (zoology: having teeth of different types) :: eterodonte
heterodont {n} (zoology: a heterodont animal) :: eterodonte {m}
heterodox {adj} /ˈhɛtɛɹədɒks/ (of or pertaining to creeds, beliefs, or teachings that are different from the norm) :: eterodosso, dissidente {m}, dissenziente {m}, eretico {m}, scismatico {m}
heterodoxy {n} /ˈhɛtɛɹədɒksi/ (the quality of being heterodox) :: eterodossia {f}
heterogamy {n} (anisogamy) SEE: anisogamy ::
heterogeneity {n} (composition of diverse parts) :: eterogeneità {f}
heterogeneity {n} (diversity) SEE: diversity ::
heterogeneous {adj} /hɛ.tə.ɹə.ˈdʒiː.niː.əs/ (diverse in kind) :: eterogeneo
heterogenous {adj} (heterogeneous) SEE: heterogeneous ::
heteromorphic {adj} (biology: having different forms in different stages of the life cycle) :: eteromorfo
heteromorphic {adj} (differing in size or structure from the normal) :: eteromorfo
heteronormativity {n} (heteronormativity) :: eteronormatività {f}
heteropatriarchy {n} (dominance of heterosexual males in society) :: eteropatriarcato {m}
heterophobe {n} :: eterofobo {m}, eterofoba {f}
heterophobia {n} (fear or resentment of heterosexuals or heterosexuality) :: eterofobia {f}
heterophobic {adj} :: eterofobo {m}, eterofoba {f}, eterofobico {m}, eterofobica {f}
heteropoly acid {n} (family of mixed oxyacids of metals) :: eteropoliacido {m}
heteropolyanion {n} (anion) :: eteropolianione {m}
heteroscedastic {adj} :: eteroschedastico
heteroscedasticity {n} /ˌhɛtɹoʊˈskɪdæsˈtɪsɪti/ :: eteroschedasticità {f}
heterosexual {adj} /ˌhɛtəɹəˈsɛkʃuəl/ (sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex) :: eterosessuale
heterosexual {n} (a heterosexual organism) :: eterosessuale {m} {f}
heterosexuality {n} (heterosexual orientation) :: eterosessualità {f}
heterosome {n} (sex chromosome) :: eterosoma {m}
heterosomic {adj} (of or pertaining to the heterosomes) :: eterosomico
heterotic {adj} (Of or pertaining to heterosis) :: eterotico
heterotopic {adj} :: eterotopico
heterozygote {n} (a diploid individual that has different alleles at one or more genetic loci) :: eterozigote {m}
heterozygous {adj} (Of an organism which has two different alleles of a given gene) :: eterozigote
hetman {n} (a historical military commander in various Eastern European countries) :: etmano {m}
Hettangian {prop} (age/stage of the Jurassic period/system) :: Hettangiano
hetty {n} /ˈhɛti/ (heterosexual) :: etero {m} {f}
hetty {adj} (heterosexual) :: etero {m} {f}
heuristic {adj} /hjuˈɹɪstɪk/ (relating to general strategies or methods for solving problems) :: euristico
heuristic {n} (heuristic method, heuristics) :: euristica {f}
he who laughs last laughs best {proverb} /ˈhi hu ˈlæfs ˈlæst ˈlæfs ˈbɛst/ (success is better after you've endured ridicule) :: ride bene chi ride ultimo
he who laughs last laughs hardest {proverb} (he who laughs last laughs best) SEE: he who laughs last laughs best ::
he-wolf {n} /ˈhiːˌwʊlf/ (male wolf) :: lupo {m}
hex {n} /hɛks/ (an evil spell or curse) :: sortilegio {?}
hex {n} (a witch) :: strega {f}
hexa- {prefix} (prefix for 6) :: esa-
hexachordal {adj} (hexachordal) :: esacordale
hexadecachoron {n} (four-dimensional object) :: ipertetraedro {m}, esadecacoro {m}
hexadecimal {n} /ˌhɛksəˈdɛsɪməl/ (number system with base sixteen) :: sistema numerico esadecimale {m}
hexadeuterated {adj} (deuterated with six atoms of deuterium per molecule) :: esadeuterato
hexadic {adj} /hɛkˈsædɪk/ (pertaining to a hexad) :: esadico
hexafluoride {n} (fluoride containing six fluroine atoms) :: esafluoruro {m}
hexagon {n} /ˈhɛk.sə.ɡɑn/ (A polygon with six sides and six angles) :: esagono {m}
hexagonal {adj} /hɛkˈsæɡənəl/ (geometry: having six edges, or having a cross-section in the form of a hexagon) :: esagonale
hexameter {n} (line in a poem) :: esametro
hexameter {n} (poetic metre) :: esametro
hexamethylenediamine {n} (hexamethylenediamine) :: esametilendiammina {f}
hexane {n} /ˈhɛkseɪn/ (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C6H14) :: esano {m}
hexanone {n} (isomer) :: esanone {m}
hexapod {n} (insect) SEE: insect ::
hexatomic {adj} (having six atoms per molecule) :: esatomico
hex head wrench {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key ::
hex key {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key ::
hexokinase {n} (enzyme) :: esochinasi {f}
hexosan {n} (any polysaccharide composed of hexoses) :: esosano {m}
hexose {n} (a sugar containing six carbon atoms) :: esoso {m}
hey {interj} /heɪ/ (exclamation to get attention) :: ehi, ou
hey {interj} (protest or reprimand) :: ehi
heyday {n} /ˈheɪdeɪ/ (a period of success, popularity or power) :: auge {f}
Heyting algebra {n} (bounded lattice equipped with operation called implies) :: algebra di Heyting {f}
Hezbollah {prop} (Lebanese Shia islamic organisation) :: Hezbollah
Hezekiah {prop} /ˌhɛzəˈkaɪə/ (biblical king) :: Ezechia
hi {interj} /haɪ/ (friendly, informal greeting) :: ciao
hiatus {n} /haɪˈeɪtəs/ (gap in a series) :: iato {m}, buco {m}, lacuna {f}
hiatus {n} (interruption, break or pause) :: pausa {f}, iato {m}, interruzione {f}, periodo sabbatico {m}
hiatus {n} (vacation) :: iato {m}, vacanza {f}, pausa {f}, periodo sabbatico {m}
hiatus {n} (gap in geological strata) :: breccia {f}, iato {m}
hiatus {n} (anatomy: opening in an organ) :: iato {m}
hiatus {n} :: iato {m}
hibakusha {n} /ˌhibəˈkuʃə/ (survivor of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) :: hibakusha {m} {f}
hibernate {v} /ˈhaɪbəˌneɪt/ (winter sleep) :: ibernare
hibiscus {n} /hɪˈbɪskəs/ (flower) :: ibisco {m}
hiccough {n} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccough {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccup {n} /ˈhɪkəp/ (spasm of the diaphragm) :: singhiozzo {m}, singulto {m}
hiccup {n} (minor setback) :: imprevisto {m}, contrattempo {m}
hiccup {v} (to hiccup) :: singhiozzare
hic et nunc {adv} :: qui ed ora
hick {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hick {n} /hɪk/ (country yokel or hillbilly) :: buzzurro {m}
hickey {n} /ˈhɪk.i/ (bruise-like mark) :: succhiotto {m}
hickory {n} /ˈhɪkəɹiː/ (tree of genus Carya or Annamocarya) :: noce americano
hidalgo {n} /hɪˈdælɡəʊ/ (member of the Spanish nobility) :: idalgo {m}
hidden {adj} /ˈhɪd(ə)n/ (out of sight; not visually apparent) :: nascosto, recondito
hidden {adj} (that has been hidden) :: nascosto, recondito, celato, occulto
hidden agenda {n} (wish (and plan) to implement a particular idea without telling anybody) :: agenda nascosta {f}
hide {v} /haɪd/ ((transitive)) :: nascondere
hide {v} ((intransitive)) :: nascondersi
hide {n} (skin of an animal) :: pelle {f}
hide and go seek {n} (hide and seek) SEE: hide and seek ::
hide and seek {n} (game) :: nascondino
hideous {adj} /ˈhɪd.i.əs/ (extremely ugly) :: orribile, orrendo {m}
hideous {adj} (hateful; shocking) :: odioso {m}, detestabile
hideousness {n} (being hideous) :: schifezza
hideout {n} /ˈhaɪdˌaʊt/ (A place to hide) :: nascondiglio
hiding place {n} /ˈhaɪdɪŋpleɪs/ (a place where something or someone may be hidden) :: nascondiglio {m}
hidradenitis {n} /haɪdɹədɪˈnaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of the sweat glands) :: idrosoadenite, idradenite {f}
hie {v} /haɪ/ (to go in haste) :: affrettarsi
hie {n} (haste) :: fretta
hierarchical {adj} /ˌhaɪˈɹɑːɹkɪkəl/ (Pertaining to a hierarchy) :: gerarchico {m}
hierarchical {adj} (Classified or arranged into successive ranks or grades) :: gerarchico {m}
hierarchy {n} /ˈhaɪ.ə.ɹɑː(ɹ).ki/ (body of authoritative officials organised by rank) :: gerarchia {f}
hierarchy {n} :: gerarchia {f}
hieratic {adj} /ˌhaɪ(ə)ˈɹætɪk/ (of or pertaining to priests) :: sacrale, ieratico, sacerdotale
hieratic {adj} (extremely stylized, restrained or formal) :: austero, solenne, ieratico
hierodule {n} (temple slave, often one performing religious prostitution) :: ierodulo {m}, ierodula {f}
hieroglyph {n} /ˈhaɪɹəˌɡlɪf/ (element of ideographic writing system) :: geroglifico {m}
hieroglyphic {n} /ˌhaɪɹəˈɡlɪfɪk/ (a writing system) :: geroglifico {m}
hieroglyphic {adj} (of, relating to, or written with this system of symbols) :: geroglifico
hierology {n} (comparative and historical study of religions) :: ierologia {f}
hieromonk {n} (monk of the Eastern Church who is also a priest) :: ieromonaco {m}
Hieronymus {prop} (male given name) :: Geronimo {m}
hierophant {n} /ˈhaɪəɹəˌfænt/ (ancient Greek priest) :: ierofante {m}
hierophany {n} /hɪ.əˈɹɒ.fə.ni/ (physical manifestation of the sacred) :: ierofania {f}
higgledy-piggledy {adv} /ˈhɪɡəldiˌpɪɡəldi/ (in a disordered way) :: alla rinfusa, a catafascio
high {adj} /haɪ/ (elevated; tall) :: alto, elevato, illustre
high {adj} (slang: stoned) :: fatto, eccitato, su di giri, schizzato, scoppiato, flippato, fuso, gasato
high {n} (anticyclone) SEE: anticyclone ::
high-beam {n} (automobile's headlights adjusted to brighten a longer distance) :: abbaglianti {m-p}
highbrow {adj} (highly cultured) :: intellettuale, [pejorative] intellettualoide
high card {n} (lowest possible winning hand in poker) :: carta alta {f}
High Commission {n} (embassy of a Commonwealth country) :: alto commissariato {m}
high commissioner {n} (high-ranking official) :: alto commissario {m}
high definition {n} (enhanced picture quality) :: alta definizione {f}
higher education {n} (education at university level or beyond) :: istruzione superiore {f}
higher learning {n} (higher education) SEE: higher education ::
high fashion {n} (haute couture) :: alta moda {f}
high five {n} /haɪ faɪv/ (gesture) :: batti cinque {m}
high five {v} (to slap high five) :: battere il cinque
high heels {n} (pair of shoes) :: scarpe con i tacchi alti {f-p}
high island {n} :: isola vulcanica {f}
high jump {n} (athletics event) :: salto in alto {m}
highland {n} /ˈhaɪlənd/ (mountainous land) :: altopiano {m}
highlands {n} (area of high land) :: acrocoro {m}
high-level {adj} (of or pertaining to a person of high rank) SEE: high-ranking ::
highlight {n} /ˈhaɪ.ˌlaɪt/ (strongly illuminated area in a drawing, painting, or photograph) :: bagliore, chiarore
highlight {n} (especially significant or interesting detail or event) :: evento {m}, piatto forte {m}, chicca {f}, momento saliente {m}
highlight {n} (hair dyed a different color) :: colpi di sole
highlight {n} :: risalto, evidenza, sottolineato
highlight {v} (to make prominent) :: mettere in evidenza, enfatizzare, sottolineare
highlight {v} (to mark with a fluorescent marker) :: evidenziare
highlighter {n} (pen for highlighting) :: evidenziatore {m}
highlighting {n} (emphasis of text) :: evidenziazione {f}
High Middle Ages {prop} (period of European history, between the Early Middle Ages and the Late Middle Ages, that saw great social and political change) :: pieno Medioevo, Medio Evo centrale
Highness {n} (form of address) :: altezza {f}
high-pitched {adj} /ˌhaɪˈpɪt͡ʃt/ (having a high pitch) :: acuto
high-priced {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive ::
high priest {n} (clergyman) :: sommo sacerdote {m}
high priest {n} (male person who was responsible for making the annual sacrifice on the Day of Atonement) :: sommo sacerdote {m}
high priestess {n} (high priestess) :: somma sacerdotessa {f}
high-ranking {adj} (at an important, elevated, or exalted level in a hierarchy or organization; high-level) :: di alto grado
high road {n} (main road or highway) SEE: highway ::
high school {n} /ˈhaɪ.skul/ (secondary school) :: liceo {m}, ginnasio {m}, liceo scientifico, liceo classico
high seas {n} (regions of ocean far from shore) :: alto mare {m}
high-speed rail {n} (type of rail transport) :: alta velocità ferroviaria
high-spirited {adj} (energetic) SEE: energetic ::
high-spirited {adj} (possessing a bold nature) :: indiavolato, effervescente, esuberante
high street {n} (the main street of any town) :: via principale {f}
hight {v} (call) SEE: call ::
hight {v} /haɪt/ (be called) :: chiamarsi
high tide {n} (the natural tide at its highest level) :: alta marea {f}, acqua alta {f}
high-voltage transmission line {n} /ˈhaɪvoʊltɪdʒ tɹænsˈmɪʃən laɪn/ (power transmission line) :: linea ad alta tensione {f}
highway {n} /ˈhaɪweɪ/ (main public road) :: strada maestra {f}, via maestra {f}, autostrada {f}
highwayman {n} /ˈhaɪˌweɪmən/ (a person who robbed travelers on roads) :: ladrone {m}, bandito {m}, brigante, masnadiere {m}, predone {m}
highwire walker {n} (acrobat who practices highwire walking) SEE: tightrope walker ::
hi-hat {n} (drum kit part) :: hi-hat {m}, charleston {m}
hijack {v} /ˈhaɪ.dʒæk/ (to seize control of a vehicle) :: dirottare
hijacking {n} (instance of such an act) SEE: hijack ::
Hijra {n} /ˈhɪd͡ʒɹə/ (Muhammad's departure from Mecca) :: egira {f}
Hijra {n} :: egira
hike {n} /haɪk/ (a long walk) :: camminata, passeggiata, escursione {f}
hike {n} (an abrupt increase) :: impennata {f}, balzo {m}, aumento {m}
hike {v} (to take a long walk for pleasure or exercise) :: fare un'escursione
hiker {n} /ˈhaɪkɚ/ (One who hikes, especially frequently) :: escursionista {m} {f}, gitante {m} {f}
hikikomori {n} (phenomenon) :: hikikomori {m}
hilarious {adj} /hɪˈleɹiəs/ (very funny; causing great merriment and laughter) :: esilarante, spassoso
hilarity {n} /hɪˈlæɹɪ.ti/ (happiness) :: ilarità {f}
Hilary {prop} /ˈhɪləɹi/ (male given name) :: Ilario
Hilary {prop} (female given name) :: Ilaria
Hilbert space {n} (a space in mathematics) :: spazio di Hilbert, spazio hilbertiano
Hilda {prop} /ˈhɪldə/ (female given name) :: Ilda
hill {n} /hɪl/ (elevated location) :: collina {f}, colle {m}
hillbilly {n} /ˈhɪlbɪli/ (someone who is from the hills) :: montanaro {m}, buzzurro
hillbilly {n} (white person from the rural southern United States) :: sudista {m}
hillock {n} /ˈhɪl.ək/ (small hill) :: collinetta {f}, monticello {m}
hilly {adj} /ˈhɪli/ (abounding in hills) :: collinoso
hilt {n} /hɪlt/ (grip of a sword) :: impugnatura {f}, elsa {f}, coccia {f}, guardamano {m}
hilum {n} /ˈhaɪ.ləm/ ((botany) eye of a seed) :: ilo {m}, ombelico {m}, occhio {m}
him {pron} /əm/ (dative / indirect object) :: gli
him {pron} (objective after preposition) :: lui
him {pron} (accusative / direct object) :: lo
him {pron} (himself) SEE: himself ::
him {pron} (he) SEE: he ::
Himalayas {prop} /ˌhɪməˈleɪəz/ (a mountain range of south-central Asia) :: Himalaja
himself {pron} /hɪmˈsɛlf/ :: lui stesso
hin {n} (Hebrew unit of measure) :: hin {m}
hind {adj} /haɪnd/ (located at the rear) :: posteriore {m}, didietro {m}
hind {n} (female deer) :: cerva {f}
hindbrain {n} (hindbrain) :: rombencefalo {m}
hinder {v} /ˈhɪndɚ/ (to make difficult to accomplish) :: impedire
hinder {v} (to keep back; to delay or impede) :: ostacolare, ritardare, intralciare, impedire
Hindi {n} /ˈhɪndi/ (language) :: hindi {m}
hind leg {n} /haɪnd.lɛɡ/ (either of two legs towards the rear) :: zampa posteriore {f}
hindrance {n} (something which hinders) :: impaccio {m}, ostacolo {m}, impedimento {m}
hindsight {n} /ˈhaɪndsaɪt/ (after-the-fact realisation or understanding) :: senno di poi {m}
hindsight is 20/20 {proverb} (in hindsight things are obvious that were not obvious from the outset) :: del senno di poi son piene le fosse
Hindu {adj} /ˈhɪnduː/ (of or relating to Hinduism) :: indù, induista
Hindu {n} (religious adherent) :: indù, induista
hinge {n} /ˈhɪndʒ/ (device for the pivoting of a door) :: cerniera, cardine {m}
hinge {n} (statistics: median of upper or lower half of a batch) SEE: quartile ::
hinge {n} (philately: paper rectangle for affixing postage stamps) SEE: stamp hinge ::
hinged {adj} (affixed with a stamp hinge) :: linguellato
hinny {n} /ˈhɪ.ni/ (hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey) :: bardotto {m}
hint {n} /hɪnt/ (clue) :: accenno {m}, allusione {f}, indizio {m}, aiuto {m}, dritta {f}, suggerimento {m}
hint {n} (tiny amount) :: pizzico {m}
hinterland {n} /ˈhɪntə(ɹ)ˌlænd/ (rural territory surrounding urban area) :: hinterland
hip {n} /hɪp/ (joint) :: anca {f}
hip hip hooray {interj} (an exclamation of congratulations) :: hip hip hip urrà, hip hip hip hurrà
hippocamp {n} (mythological creature) SEE: hippocampus ::
hippocampus {n} (mythological creature) :: ippocampo {m}
hippocampus {n} (brain region) :: ippocampo {m}
hippocaust {n} (hypocaust) SEE: hypocaust ::
Hippocrates {prop} /hɪˈpɒkɹəˌtiːz/ (an Ancient Greek male given name) :: Ippocrate
Hippocratic {adj} (of Hippocrates) :: ippocratico
hippogriff {n} (creature) :: ippogrifo {m}
hippopotamus {n} /ˌhɪp.əˈpɒt.ə.məs/ (large African mammal) :: ippopotamo {m}
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia {n} /ˌhɪ.pəˌpɒ.tə(ʊ)ˈmɒn.stɹə(ʊ)ˌsɛs.kwɪ.pɪˌdɑːl.ɪ.ə(ʊ)ˈfəʊ.bɪ.ə/ (the fear of long words) :: ippopotomostrosesquipedaliofobia {f}, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia {f}, sesquipedaliofobia {f}
hippuric {adj} (Of or pertaining to hippuric acid or its derivatives) :: ippurico
hire {v} /haɪə/ (to obtain the services of in return for fixed payment) :: assoldare, noleggiare
hire {v} (to employ) :: impiegare, ingaggiare, assumere
hire {v} :: noleggiare , assumere
Hirnantian {prop} :: Hirnantiano
hirola {n} (antelope) :: damalisco di Hunter {m}
Hiroshima {prop} /hɪˈɹoʊʃɪmə/ (a city in Honshu, Japan) :: Hiroshima, Iroscima
hirsute {adj} /hɚˈsut/ (hairy) :: irsuto
hirsutism {n} (excessive and increased hair growth) :: irsutismo {m}
his {determiner} /ˈhɪz/ (attributive: belonging to him) :: suo {m}, sua {f}, suoi {p}, sue {f-p}
His Holiness {n} (honorific title) :: Vostra Santità, Sua Santità
His Imperial Majesty {pron} (His Imperial Majesty) :: Sua Maestà Imperiale
His Majesty {pron} (title of respect used when referring to a king) :: Sua Maestà
Hispanic {adj} /hɪˈspænɪk/ (Of or relating to Spanish-speaking people or culture) :: ispanico
Hispaniola {prop} (island in the Caribbean) :: Hispaniola {f}, Ispaniola {f}
Hispanophone {adj} (Spanish-speaking) :: ispanoparlante, ispanofono {m}
hispid {adj} (covered in short, stiff hairs) :: ispido
His Royal Highness {pron} (royal title) :: Sua Altezza Reale
hiss {n} /hɪs/ (sound made by a snake, cat, escaping steam, etc.) :: sibilo {m}
hiss {n} (animal expression of disapproval) :: soffio {m}
hiss {n} :: sibilo, sibilio, fischio
hiss {v} (to make a hissing sound) :: sibilare, fischiare, soffiare
histochemistry {n} (the branch of histology dealing with the chemistry of cells and tissues) :: istochimica {f}
histological {adj} (pertaining to histology) :: istologico
histologically {adv} (histologically) :: istologicamente
histology {n} (study of microscopic structure) :: istologia {f}
histone {n} /ˈhɪstəʊn/ (water-soluble protein) :: istone {m}
historian {n} /hɪˈstɔːɹɪən/ (writer of history) :: storico {m}, storica {f}
historian {n} (person who studies history) :: storico {m}, storica {f}
historic {adj} (historical) SEE: historical ::
historic {adj} /(h)ɪˈstɔːɹɪk/ (having significance in history) :: storico, storica
historical {adj} /hɪˈstɔːɹɪkəl/ (pertaining to history) :: storico
historicalization {n} (the framing of something in an historical perspective) :: storicizzazione {f}
historical linguistics {n} (the scientific study of language change) :: linguistica storica {f}, linguistica diacronica {f}
historically {adv} (in a historic manner) :: storicamente
historicism {n} (theory that relates events to historical context) :: storicismo
historicize {v} :: storicizzare
historiographer {n} /hɪˌstɔɹiˈɑɡɹəfəɹ/ (historiography scholar) :: storiografo {m}
historiography {n} /hɪˌstɔɹiˈɑɡɹəfi/ :: storiografia {f}
history {n} /ˈhɪst(ə)ɹi/ (aggregate of past events) :: storia {f}
history {n} (branch of knowledge that studies the past) :: storia {f}
history {n} (record or narrative description of past events) :: storia {f}
history {n} (medicine: list of past and continuing medical conditions) :: precedenti {m-p}, anamnesi
history {n} (computing: record of previous user events) :: cronologia {f}
history repeats itself {proverb} (Translations) :: la storia si ripete
histrionic {adj} /hɪstɹiːˈɒnɪk/ (of or relating to actors or acting) :: istrionesco {m}, istrionesca {f}, istrionico {m}, istrionica {f}
hit {v} /hɪt/ (to give a blow) :: colpire, picchiare, battere
hit {n} (computing, Internet: positive result of a search) :: risultato
hit {n} ((baseball) complete play, when the batter reaches base) :: valida {f}, battuta {f} valida
hit {n} :: colpo {m}
hit {v} (to hit) SEE: strike ::
hitch {n} /hɪtʃ/ (knot) :: nodo {m}, nodi {m-p}
hitch {n} (connection point for trailer) :: gancio {m}, ganci {m-p}
hitch {n} (problem, delay or source of difficulty) :: inconveniente, intoppo {m}
hitchhike {v} /ˈhɪtʃhaɪk/ (to try to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road) :: fare l'autostop
hitchhiker {n} (a person who hitchhikes) :: autostoppista {m} {f}, gitante {m}, turista {m}
hither {adv} /ˈhɪðɚ/ (to here) :: qui, qua
hither {adj} (on this side) :: citeriore, al di qua
hither and thither {adv} (In a disorderly manner) :: qua e là
hitherto {adv} /ˈhɪðɚˌtu/ (up to this time) :: fin qui, fino a qui, fino ad ora, fino allora, finora
hit it and quit it {v} (to have a sexual encounter for physical gratification, and discard the company immediately thereafter) :: una botta e via {f}, sveltina {f}
Hitlerian {adj} (related to Adolf Hitler) :: hitleriano
Hitlerism {n} (political philosophy of Hitler) :: hitlerismo {m}
Hitler Youth {prop} :: Gioventù hitleriana {f}
hitman {n} (contract killer) :: sicario {m}, killer {m}
hit point {n} (A unit of damage) :: punto danno {m}
hitpoint {n} (hit point) SEE: hit point ::
hit the deck {v} (To drop to a lying or other low position, especially quickly) :: mettersi giù
hit the nail on the head {v} (identify something exactly) :: colpire nel segno
Hittite {n} /ˈhɪtaɪt/ (person) :: ittita {m}, ittito {m}, hittita {m}, hittito {m}, eteo {m}
hive {n} (structure for housing a swarm of honeybees) SEE: beehive ::
hive of activity {n} (very busy place) :: viavai {m}, andirivieni {m}, porto di mare {m}
hives {n} (medical condition) SEE: urticaria ::
hmm {interj} /hm̩/ (indicating thinking or pondering) :: mmh, uhm, hmm
Hmong {n} /h(ə)ˈmɑŋ/ (people) :: hmong
hnn {interj} (indicating thinking or pondering) SEE: hmm ::
hoard {n} /hɔɹd/ (hidden supply) :: scorta {f}, gruzzolo {m}
hoard {n} (archeology: cache of valuable objects) :: scoperta {f}, rinvenimento {m}, tesoro {m}
hoard {v} (to amass) :: accumulare, tesaurizzare, collezionare
hoarder {n} /ˈhɔɹdɚ/ (one who hoards) :: incettatore {m}, accaparratore {m}, accaparratrice {f}
hoarding {n} /ˈhɔːdɪŋ/ (anxiety disorder) :: disturbo da accumulo {m}
hoarfrost {n} (frozen dew drops) :: brina {f}, calaverna {f}
hoarse {adj} /hɔɹs/ (afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice) :: rauco, atono
hoarseness {n} (having dry harsh voice) :: arrochimento {m}, raucedine {f}, rochezza {f}, rocaggine {f}
hoary {adj} /hɔɹ.i/ (white or gray with age) :: canuto
hoax {v} /hoʊks/ (to deceive with a hoax) :: frodare
hoax {n} (anything deliberately intended to deceive or trick) :: frode {f}, inganno {m}, bufala {f}
hob {n} /hɑb/ (cooking surface) :: piano cottura {m}
hobbit {n} /ˈhɒbɪt/ (fictional small humanoid creature) :: hobbit {m}
hobble {n} /ˈhɒbəl/ (Short straps tied between the legs of unfenced horses) :: pastoia {f}, ceppi {m-p}, lacci {m-p}
hobble {n} (An unsteady, off-balance step) :: traballamento {m}, barcollamento {m}, vacillamento {m}, sbilanciamento {m}
hobby {n} /ˈhɑ.bi/ (activity done for enjoyment in spare time) :: hobby {m}, passatempo {m}
hobby {n} (Falco subbuteo) :: falco {m}, falcone {m}
hobby horse {n} (child's toy) :: cavalluccio di legno {m}
hobnob {n} /ˈhɒbnɒb/ (informal chat) :: chiacchierata {f}
hobo {n} /ˈhəʊ.bəʊ/ (homeless person) :: senzatetto
hobo {n} (tramp, vagabond; bum) :: vagabondo
hock {n} /hɑk/ (tarsal jount of a digitigrade quadruped) :: garretto {m}
hock {n} (meat from that part of a food animal) :: garretto {m}
hockey {n} /ˈhɒki/ (the sport) :: hockey
hockey puck {n} (puck used in hockey) :: disco di gomma {m}
hockey stick {n} (instrument used in ice hockey) :: bastone da hockey su ghiaccio {m}
hockey stick {n} (instrument used in field hockey) :: bastone da hockey su prato {m}
hod {n} /ˈhɑd/ (box) :: sparviere {m}
hodgepodge {n} /ˈhɑdʒˌpɑdʒ/ (collection of miscellaneous things; a jumble) :: pot-pourri {m}, accozzaglia {f}, zibaldone {m}, miscuglio {m}, pasticcio {m}, pastrocchio {m}, guazzabuglio {m}
hodograph {n} :: odografo {m}
hodographic {adj} :: odografo
hoe {n} /hoʊ/ (agricultural tool) :: zappa {f}
hoe {v} (to use the gardening tool) :: zappare
hoeing {n} :: smarratura {f}
hogherd {n} (swineherd) SEE: swineherd ::
hog millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet ::
hogwash {n} /ˈhɒɡwɒʃ/ (nonsense) :: cazzata {f}, stupidaggine {f}, corbelleria {f}, minchiata {f}
hogwash {n} (scraps fed to pigs) :: pastone {m}, intruglio {m}, avanzi {m-p}, sbobba {f}
hoiho {n} (yellow-eyed penguin) SEE: yellow-eyed penguin ::
hoi polloi {n} (elite) SEE: elite ::
hoist {v} /hɔɪst/ (transitive: to raise; to lift; to elevate) :: elevare, alzare, issare, innalzare, sollevare, brandire
hoist {n} (hoisting device) :: paranco {m}, puleggia {f}, carrucola {f}, gru {f}, elevatore {m}
hoist by one's own petard {adj} (be hurt by one's own plot) :: cadere nella propria trappola, darsi la zappa sui piedi, fare autogol, autogol
Hokkaido {prop} (a northern largest island of Japan, or a prefecture based in itself) :: Hokkaido, Hokkaidō
hold {v} /hoʊld/ (to grasp) :: tenere, imbracciare
hold {v} (to contain) :: contenere
hold {v} (to keep possession) :: mantenere, tenere, serbare
hold {v} (to reserve) :: tenere, prenotare
hold {v} (to cause to wait) :: trattenere
hold {v} (to maintain, to consider) :: trattenere, tenere
hold {v} (to bind to a consequence of one's actions) :: mantenere
hold {v} (to be or remain valid) :: ritenere
hold {v} :: [2] contenere
hold {n} (grasp) :: presa {f}
hold {n} (reserve) :: prenotazione {f}
hold {n} (wrestling grip) :: presa {f}
hold {n} (cargo area) :: stiva {f}
holder {n} /ˈhəʊldə/ (a thing that holds) :: contenitore {m}, sostegno {m}
holder {n} (a person who possesses something) :: possessore {m}, detentore {m}, proprietario {m}
holding {n} /ˈhoʊɫdɪŋ/ (something that one owns, especially stocks and bonds) :: possesso
hold off {v} (to delay someone or something) :: ritardare
hold off {v} (to delay commencing) :: posporre
hold off {v} (To delay commencing an action) :: attendere
hold on {v} (wait a minute) :: aspettare un po', aspettare un attimo, aspettare un momento, aspettare un istante, attendere
hold on {v} (to hold, grasp, or grip) :: tenersi, aggrapparsi
hold on {v} (to keep; to store something for someone) :: tenere, conservare
hold one's tongue {v} (refrain from talking about something, see also: shut up) :: tenere a freno la lingua
hold out {v} (endure) :: resistere, sopravvivere
hold out {v} (withhold something) :: aspettarsi
hold out {v} :: attendere, aspettare
hold sway {v} (dominate) :: dominare
hold to account {v} :: responsabilizzare
hold up {v} (to wait or delay) :: ritardare, rallentare, frenare, aspettare
hold up {v} (to support or lift) :: sollevare, alzare
hold up {v} (to withstand; to stand up to; to survive) :: sostenere, fronteggiare
hold up {v} (to fulfil / fulfill or complete one's part of an agreement) :: mantenere, attenersi
hold up {v} (to rob at gunpoint) :: rapinare
hold-up {n} (a robbery at gunpoint) :: rapina {f}, rapina a mano armata
hold-ups {n} (hold-up stockings) :: autoreggenti {f-p}
hole {n} (pit) SEE: pit ::
hole {n} /hoʊl/ (hollow in some surface) :: buco {m}, pertugio {m}, foro {m}, cunicolo {m}, fessura {f}
hole {n} (opening in a solid) :: buco {m}
hole {n} (weakness, flaw) :: falla {f}, crepa {f}, debolezza {f}
hole {n} (container) :: buca {f}
hole {n} (lack of an electron) :: lacuna {f}, lacuna elettronica {f}
hole {n} (security vulnerability) :: falla {f}
hole {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) :: orifizio {m}, pertugio {m}, cavità {f}
hole {n} (place where a prisoner is kept) :: cella di isolamento {f}
hole {n} (undesirable place) :: buco {m}, cesso {m}
hole {v} (to destroy) SEE: destroy ::
hole punch {n} (tool) :: perforatrice {f}
holiday {n} /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ/ (day on which a festival etc. is traditionally observed) :: giorno festivo {m}
holiday {n} (day declared free from work by the government) :: giorno festivo {m}
holiday {n} (period of one or more days taken off work for leisure and often travel) :: vacanza {f}, ferie {f-p}
holiday {n} (period during which pupils do not attend school) :: vacanza {f}
holiday {n} (unintentional gap) :: vacanza {f}
holidayer {n} (one who is on holiday) SEE: holiday-maker ::
holiday home {n} (second home) :: appartamento per vacanze {m}
holiday-maker {n} (somebody on holiday) :: turista {m}, villeggiante {m}, vacanziere {m}
holiness {n} /ˈhoʊlinəs/ (state or condition of being holy) :: santità {f}
Holiness {n} (used to address the pope) :: Santità {f}
holism {n} (theory or belief that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts) :: olismo {m}
holistic {adj} /hoʊˈlɪs.tɪk/ (relating to an analysis of the whole instead of a separation into parts) :: olistico {m}
holland {n} (linen cloth) :: olanda {f}
Holland {prop} /ˈhɒlənd/ (region of the Netherlands, see also: Netherlands) :: Olanda {f}
holler {n} /ˈhɑ.ləɹ/ (A yell, shout) :: urlo {m}, grido {m}
holler {v} (to yell, shout) :: sbraitare, urlare
hollow {n} (hollow in some surface) SEE: hole ::
hollow {n} /ˈhɑ.loʊ/ (sunken area) :: cavità {f}
hollow {adj} (having an empty space inside) :: cavo {m}
hollow {adj} (without substance) :: vacuo
hollowly {adv} (in a hollow manner) :: cavernosamente [cavernously], cupamente [in terms of sound]
hollowness {n} (the state or quality of being hollow) :: cavernosità
hollow of the knee {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit ::
hollow victory {n} (Pyrrhic victory) SEE: Pyrrhic victory ::
holly {n} /ˈhɑli/ (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex) :: agrifoglio {m}
hollyhock {n} (plant) :: malvarosa {f}, malvone {m}
holmium {n} /ˈhoʊmiəm/ (chemical element) :: olmio {m}
holm oak {n} /ˈhoʊm oʊk/ (evergreen tree, Quercus ilex) :: leccio {m}
holo- {prefix} (whole) :: olo-
Holocaust {prop} /ˈhɑləkɔst/ (the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany) :: Olocausto, Shoah
Holocaust {prop} :: olocausto {m}
Holocene {prop} / ˈhɒl.əˌsiːn/ (The Holocene epoch) :: olocene {m}
Holofernes {prop} /hɑːləˈfɝːniːz/ (character in the Book of Judith) :: Oloferne
hologenesis {n} (theory of evolution) :: ologenesi {f}
hologenetic {adj} :: ologenetico
hologramize {v} :: olografare
holographic {adj} (in the form of a hologram or holograph) :: olografico {m}
holography {n} (a technique for recording, and then reconstructing, the amplitude and phase distributions of a coherent wave disturbance) :: olografia {f}
holohedry {n} (condition of crystal) :: oloedria {f}
holomictic {adj} (having layers of water that intermix) :: olomittico
holotype {n} (single physical example or illustration of an organism used to describe the taxon) :: olotipo {m}
holster {n} (case for carrying a gun) :: fondina {f}
holster {n} (belt with loops or slots) :: cintura per attrezzi {f}
holus-bolus {adv} (all together, unmodified) :: in toto
holy {adj} /ˈhoʊli/ (dedicated to a religious purpose) :: sacro
holy {adj} (revered in a religion) :: santo
holy {adj} (flawless) :: immacolato
holy card {n} :: santino {m}, immaginetta {f}
Holy Communion {prop} (Christian sacrament) :: comunione {f}, viatico {m}, eucaristia {f}
Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Holy Trinity) SEE: Holy Spirit ::
holy grail {n} (distant, near impossible goal) :: Santo Graal {m}
Holy Grail {prop} (artifact in Christian mythology) :: Santo Graal {m}
Holy Prepuce {n} (Holy Prepuce) :: Santo prepuzio {m}
Holy Roller {n} (derogative: devoutly religious person) :: bigotto
Holy Roman Empire {prop} (state) :: Sacro Romano Impero {m}
Holy See {prop} /ˌhəʊli ˈsiː/ (episcopal see of the Catholic Church) :: Santa Sede {f}, Sede Apostolica {f}
holy shit {interj} /ˌhoʊli ˈʃɪt/ (expression of surprise or the like) :: porca puttana {f}, merda {f}, sticazzi
Holy Spirit {prop} (Christian: aspect of the Holy Trinity) :: Spirito Santo {m}
Holy Thursday {prop} (Maundy Thursday) SEE: Maundy Thursday ::
Holy Thursday {prop} (Ascension Day) SEE: Ascension Day ::
holy war {n} (primarily religious war) :: guerra santa {f}
holy water {n} (water, sanctified) :: acqua benedetta, acqua santa
Holy Week {prop} (week preceding Easter) :: Settimana Santa {f}
homage {n} /ˈhɒmɪdʒ/ (in feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to his or her lord) :: omaggio {m}
homage {n} (demonstration of respect) :: omaggio {m}
homage {n} (artistic work imitating another in a flattering style) :: omaggio {m}
Homburg hat {n} (a stiff felt hat similar to a fedora) :: lobbia {f}
home {n} /hoʊm/ (house or structure in which someone lives) :: casa {f}, focolare {m}
home {n} (someone’s native land) :: patria {f}, paese {m}
home {n} (habitat) :: habitat {m}, dimora {f}
home {n} (goal (sports)) :: meta {f}, traguardo {m}
home {v} (to home ("in on")) :: centrare
home {adv} (at home) :: a casa
home {adv} (homewards) :: a casa
home appliance {n} (household appliance) SEE: household appliance ::
home automation {n} :: domotica {f}
home base {n} (baseball) SEE: home plate ::
homebody {n} (person who likes to stay home) :: pantofolaio {m}
homebrewed {adj} (homemade) SEE: homemade ::
home cinema {n} (theatre-quality movie system at home) :: home theater {m}, home theatre {m}, home cinema {m}
home country {n} (country where a person was born and raised) :: patria {f}
homegrown {adj} (Grown at home) :: nostrano, fatto in casa
home help {n} (one who does chores and provides in-home care) :: colf {f}, collaboratrice familiare {f}
home is where the heart is {proverb} (One's true home is where one feels happiest) :: la casa è dove si trova il cuore
homeland {n} (country which one regards as home) :: patria {f}, suolo natio, paese {m}
homeless {adj} /ˈhoʊmlɪs/ (lacking a permanent residence) :: senzatetto
homemade {adj} (made at home) :: fatto in casa, casereccio, casalingo
homeoarchy {n} :: omeoarchia {f}
homeomorphism {n} (in topology) :: omeomorfismo {m}
homeomorphy {n} (biology: the evolution of similar external forms from very distant ancestors) :: omeomorfia {f}
homeopath {n} (a person who practices homeopathy) :: omeopata {m} {f}
homeopathic {adj} (of or pertaining to homeopathy) :: omeopatico
homeopathy {n} /ˌhomiˈɑpəθi/ (system of treating diseases with very small amounts) :: omeopatia {f}
homeostasis {n} /ˌhɒm.i.ə(ʊ)ˈsteɪ.sɪs/ (ability to stabilize internal environment) :: omeostasi {f}
homeostat {n} :: omeostato {m}
home page {n} /ˈhoʊmpeɪdʒ/ (main or first page of a website) :: pagina iniziale {f}, portale {m}
home page {n} (web page set to open in a web browser) :: pagina iniziale {f}
home plate {n} (pentagonal rubber object) :: casa base {f}
homer {n} /ˈhoʊməɹ/ (devoted supporter of a team) :: fanatico {m}
homer {n} (four-base hit) SEE: home run ::
homer {n} (homing pigeon) SEE: homing pigeon ::
Homer {prop} /ˈhoʊməɹ/ (Ancient Greek poet) :: Omero {m}
Homer {prop} (A male given name) :: Omero {m}
Homeric {adj} /həʊˈmɛɹɪk/ (resembling or relating to the epic poetry of Homer) :: omerico
Homerist {n} :: omerista
home run {n} ((baseball) four-base hit) :: fuoricampo
home school {n} (boarding school) SEE: boarding school ::
homesickness {n} (missing one's home or family) :: nostalgia {f}
homestead {n} /ˈhoʊmˌstɛd/ (house together with surrounding land and buildings) :: abitazione isolata {f}, casa isolata {f}
homestead {n} (place that is one's home) :: luogo natio, casolare {m}
home sweet home {n} /hoʊm swiːt hoʊm/ (Nice, comfortable home) :: casa, dolce casa
home theater {n} (home cinema) SEE: home cinema ::
hometown {n} (place of birth or residence) :: città di origine {f}
homework {n} /ˈhəʊmˌwɜːk/ (work that is done at home) :: compito {m} (compiti {p})
home wrecker {n} (one who becomes romantically involved with a married man or woman) :: rovinafamiglie {f}
homicide {n} /ˈhɑməsaɪd/ (the killing of one person by another) :: omicidio {m}, [manslaughter] omicidio colposo {m}, [murder] omicidio premeditato {m}, [murder] assassinio {m}
homicide {n} (a person who kills another) :: [male or female] omicida {m} {f}, [male murderer] assassino {m}, [female murderer] assassina {f}
homiletics {n} (art of preaching) :: omiletica {f}
homily {n} /ˈhɒmɪli/ (sermon) :: omelia
homily {n} (platitude) SEE: platitude ::
homination {n} :: ominazione {f}
homing pigeon {n} (domesticated rock pigeon with strong homing instinct) :: piccione viaggiatore {m}
hominid {n} (primate of the taxonomic family Hominidae) :: ominide {m}
homoatomic {adj} (describing a molecule, all of whose atoms are of the same element) :: omoatomico
Homocaust {prop} (mass murder or persecution of homosexuals) :: homocausto
homocentric {adj} :: omocentrico
homocentric {adj} (anthropocentric) SEE: anthropocentric ::
homocercal {adj} (of a fish tail) :: omocerco
homochromy {n} (the use of the same colour as its background) :: omocromia {f}
homocyclic {adj} (chemistry) :: omociclico
homocysteinemia {n} (presence of homocysteine) :: omocisteinemia
homocystinuria {n} (metabolic disorder) :: omocistinuria {f}
homodont {adj} (having teeth that are all of the same type) :: omodonte
Homo economicus {prop} (human being) :: homo oeconomicus
homoeoteleutic {adj} :: omeoteleuto
homoerotic {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
homogeneity {n} /ˌhoʊ.mə.dʒəˈniː.ə.ti/ (quality of being homogeneous) :: omogeneità {f}
homogeneous {adj} /ˌhoʊ.moʊˈdʒiː.njəs/ (of the same kind; alike, similar) :: omogeneo
homogeneous {adj} (having the same composition throughout) :: omogeneo
homogeneously {adv} (in a homogeneous manner) :: omogeneamente
homogenized milk {n} (treated milk) :: latte omogeneizzato {m}
homoiousia {n} :: omoiusia {f}
homokinetic {adj} (constant-velocity) :: omocinetico
homolateral {adj} (ipsilateral) :: omolaterale
homologously {adv} (in a homologous manner) :: omologamente
homologously {adv} (with regard to homology) :: omologamente
homology {n} (chemistry: relationship between the elements in the same group of the periodic table) :: omologia
homology {n} (genetics: presence of the same series of bases in related genes) :: omologia
homomorphism {n} (notion in mathematics) :: omomorfismo {m}
homonationalism {n} :: omonazionalismo {m}
homonymous {adj} (having the same name) :: omonimo
homonymous {adj} (pertaining to a homonym) :: omonimo
homonymy {n} (property of being a homonym) :: omonimia {f}
homopatriarchy {n} (dominance of homosexual males over other LGBTI people.) :: omopatriarcato {m}
homophobe {n} /ˈhɒməˌfəʊb/ (person who is prejudiced against homosexuals and homosexuality) :: omofobo {m}, omofoba {f}
homophobia {n} /ˌhɒ.məˈfəʊ.bi.ə/ (fear, dislike, or hate of homosexuals) :: omofobia {f}
homophobic {adj} (characteristic of homophobia) :: omofobico {m}, omofobica {f}, omofobo {m}, omofoba {f}
homophone {n} /ˈhɑːməfoʊ̯n/ (words with the same pronunciation) :: omofono {m}
homopter {n} (insect) :: omottero {m}
homorhythm {n} (style of music) :: omoritmia
homorhythmic {adj} (having a single rhythm) :: omoritimico
homoscedastic {adj} (having the same finite variance for all elements) :: omoschedastico
homoscedasticity {n} /hoʊmoʊsɪdæsˈtɪsɪti/ (property of a set of random variables) :: omoschedasticità {f}
homosexual {adj} /ˌhɒməʊˈsɛksjuːəl/ (sexually attracted solely or primarily to the same sex) :: omosessuale {m} {f}
homosexual {n} (person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex) :: omosessuale {m} {f}
homosexuality {n} (sexual orientation) :: omosessualità {f}
homosexualization {n} :: omosessualizzazione {f}
homosexualize {v} :: omosessualizzare
homosexually {adv} (in a homosexual way) :: omosessualmente
homothecy {n} (homothety) SEE: homothety ::
homothety {n} (scaling transformation) :: omotetia {f}
homozygote {n} /ˌhəʊməʊˈzaɪɡəʊt/ (a diploid individual that has equal alleles at one or more genetic loci) :: omozigote {m}
homozygous {adj} /ˌhəʊməʊˈzaɪɡəs/ (of an organism in which both copies of a given gene have the same allele) :: omozigote
Honduran {n} (Person from Honduras) :: onduregno {m}
Honduran {adj} (Pertaining to Honduras) :: honduriano, onduregno
Honduras {prop} /hɑnˈdʊɹ.əs/ (a country in Central America) :: Honduras
hone {n} /hoʊn/ (sharpening stone) :: mola {f}, cote {f}
hone {v} (to sharpen with a hone) :: affilare, molare, arrotare, affinare
hone {v} (to refine or master a skill) :: affinare
honest {adj} /ˈɑnɪst/ (scrupulous with regard to telling the truth) :: onesto {m}, onesta {f}
honestly {adv} /ˈɑnɪstli/ (in an honest manner) :: onestamente
honesty {n} /ˈɑːnəsti/ (quality of being honest) :: onestà {f}, lealtà {f}, correttezza {f}
honey {n} /ˈhʌni/ (sweet substance produced by bees) :: miele {m}
honey {n} (term of affection) :: carino {m}, tesoro {m}, gioia {f}
honey badger {n} (Mellivora capensis) :: tasso del miele {m}, ratele {m}, mellivora {f}
honeybadger {n} (honey badger) SEE: honey badger ::
honey bear {n} (kinkajou) SEE: kinkajou ::
honey bear {n} (sloth bear) SEE: sloth bear ::
honey bear {n} (sun bear) SEE: sun bear ::
honey bee {n} (honey bee) :: ape da miele {f}, ape domestica {f}
honeybee {n} (honey bee) SEE: honey bee ::
honey buzzard {n} (Pernis apivorus) :: falco pecchiaiolo {m}
honeycomb {n} /ˈhʌniːkəʊm/ (structure of cells made by bees) :: favo {m}, cella {f}, nido d'api {m}, nido {m}
honeycomb stomach {n} (reticulum) SEE: reticulum ::
honey fungus {n} (mushroom of the genus Armillaria) :: chiodino {m}
honey locust {n} (tree) :: spino di Giuda {m}
honeymoon {n} /ˈhʌn.iˌmun/ (period of time immediately following a marriage) :: luna di miele {f}
honeymoon {n} (trip taken by a newly wed married couple) :: viaggio di nozze {m}
honeysuckle {n} /ˈhʌniːsʌkəl/ (plant) :: caprifoglio {m}
honey wine {n} (mead) SEE: mead ::
Hong Kong {prop} /ˌhɒŋˈkɒŋ/ (coastal administrative region in south-east China) :: Hong Kong {f}
Hong Konger {n} (Hongkongese) SEE: Hongkongese ::
Hongkongese {adj} (relating to Hong Kong) :: hongkonghese
honk {v} /hɒŋk/ (to use a car horn) :: suonare il clacson
Honolulu {prop} /ˌhɒn.əˈluː.luː/ (the capital of Hawaii) :: Honolulu {f}
honor {n} /ˈɑn.ɚ/ (token of praise or respect) :: onore {m}
honor {v} (think of, respect highly) :: onorare
honorable {adj} /ˈɒnəɹəbl̩/ (worthy of respect) :: onorevole, onorabile
honorarium {n} /ˈɒ.nəˈɹɛɹ.i.əm/ (compensation for services) :: onorario {m}
honorary {adj} (given as an honor) :: honoris causa, ad honorem
Honorius {prop} (male given name) :: Onorio {m}
honour {n} (honour) SEE: honor ::
honour {v} (honour) SEE: honor ::
honourably {adv} /ˈɒnəɹəbli/ (in an honourable manner) :: onorevolmente, onorabilmente
honour killing {n} (murder as a cultural practice) :: delitto d'onore {m}
hood {n} /hʊd/ (headwear) :: cappuccio
hood {n} (university degree) :: cappuccio della toga universitaria
hood {n} (protective cover) :: cupola, cappa, schermo
hood {n} (soft top) :: cappotta, soffietto
hood {n} (car engine cover) :: cofano {m}
hood {n} (covering of a vent to suck away smoke or fumes) :: cappa
hood {v} (cover with a hood) :: incappucciare, nascondere
hood {adj} (Relating to inner-city everyday life, both positive and negative aspects) :: vicinato, quartiere
hood {n} (thug) SEE: thug ::
hooded crow {n} (Corvus cornix) :: cornacchia grigia {f}
hoodie {n} /ˈhʊdi/ (sweatshirt, with an integral hood) :: felpa {f}
hoodiecrow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
hoodwink {v} /ˈhʊd.wɪŋk/ (to deceive) :: ingannare, imbrogliare
hoof {n} /hʊf/ (tip of a toe of ungulates) :: zoccolo {m}
hoof {n} (slang: human foot) :: zampa {f}
hoofer {n} (professional dancer) :: ballerino, ballerina
hoo-ha {n} /ˈhuːˌhɑː/ (a fuss, commotion, uproar) :: brusio
hook {n} /hʊk/ (rod bent into a curved shape) :: gancio {m}, gancetto {m}, uncino {m}
hook {n} (catchy musical phrase) :: ritornello {m}, parte orecchiabile {f}
hook {n} (type of boxing punch) :: gancio
hook {v} (to attach a hook) :: agganciare
hook {v} (to catch with a hook) :: prendere all 'amo
hook {v} (to ensnare someone) :: agganciare, attirare
hook {v} (to connect) :: connettersi, inserire, agganciare
hook {v} (slang: to engage in prostitution) :: adescare
hook {n} (typography: háček) SEE: háček ::
hook {v} (to steal) SEE: steal ::
hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook ::
hookah {n} /ˈhʊ.kə/ (pipe) :: narghilè {m}
hooked {adj} /hʊkt/ (having a sharp curve at the end; resembling a hook) :: a uncino, a forma di uncino, adunco {m}, aquilino {m}
hooker {n} (prostitute) SEE: whore ::
hooker {n} /ˈhʊk.ɚ/ (rugby player) :: tallonatore {m}
Hooke's law {prop} (principle that stress applied to a solid is proportional to strain produced) :: legge di Hooke {f}
hooknose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose ::
hookup {n} (brief sexual relationship) SEE: fling ::
hookup {n} (connection) :: attacco
hooligan {n} /ˈhuː.lɪ.ɡən/ (person that causes trouble or violence) :: teppista, vandalo, hooligan {m}
hoopoe {n} /ˈhupu/ (bird Upupa epops) :: upupa {f}
hoopster {n} (basketball player) SEE: basketball player ::
hooray {interj} /həˈɹeɪ/ (elated expression of approval) :: urrà, evviva
hoot {n} /huːt/ (cry of an owl) :: ululo {m}
hooter {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick ::
hooter {n} (owl) SEE: owl ::
hooter {n} /ˈhu.tɚ/ (horn of a motor vehicle) :: clacson {m}
hooter {n} (slang: nose) SEE: schnozzle ::
hoover {v} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
hoover {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
hop {n} /hɑp/ (a short jump) :: saltello {m}
hop {v} (jump a short distance) :: saltellare
hop {v} (to suddenly take transport) :: saltàr su
hop {n} (the plant whose flowers are used in brewing) :: luppolo {m}
hop {n} ((plural) flowers of the hop plant) :: luppolo {m}
hope {v} /hoʊp/ (to want something to happen, with expectation that it might) :: sperare
hope {n} (belief that something wished for can happen) :: speranza {f}
hope {n} (person or thing that is a source of hope) :: speranza {f}
Hope {prop} /ˈhoʊp/ (female given name) :: Speranza {f}
hope against hope {v} :: Dio ce la mandi buona
hopeful {adj} /ˈhoʊpfəl/ (feeling hope) :: speranzoso
hopefully {adv} /ˈhoʊpfəli/ (it is hoped that) :: speranzosamente
hopefully {adv} (in a hopeful manner) :: con buone speranze
hopefulness {n} (property of being hopeful) :: speranzosità {f}
hopeless {adj} /ˈhoʊplɪs/ (destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing) :: disperato
hopeless {adj} (desperate) SEE: desperate ::
hopeless {adj} (incurable) SEE: incurable ::
hope springs eternal {proverb} (the feeling of hopefulness endlessly renews itself) :: la speranza è l'ultima a morire (hope is the last one to die)
hophornbeam {n} (Any species of the genus Ostrya) :: carpino {m}, carpinella {f}
hopper crystal {n} :: tramoggia {f}
hop to it {v} (hurry up) SEE: hurry up ::
Horace {prop} /ˈhɒɹəs/ (poet) :: Orazio {m}
Horace {prop} (male given name) :: Orazio {m}
horde {n} /hɔɹd/ (wandering troop or gang) :: orda {f}
horde {n} (a large number of people) :: orda {f}
hordeolum {n} (infection) SEE: stye ::
horehound {n} (Marrubium vulgare) :: marrubio {m}, marrobio {m}
horizon {n} /həˈɹaɪzən/ (line that appears to separate the Earth from the sky) :: orizzonte
horizontal {adj} /ˌhɔːɹəˈzɑːntəl/ (parallel to the plane of the horizon) :: orizzontale
horizontally {adv} (in a horizontal direction or position) :: orizzontalmente
hormonal {adj} /hɔɹˈmoʊnəl/ (pertaining to hormones) :: ormonale
hormone {n} /ˈhɔːɹmoʊn/ (substance produced by the body that effects physiological activity) :: ormone {m}
horn {n} (antler) SEE: antler ::
horn {n} /hɔɹn/ (growth on the heads of certain animals) :: corno {m}
horn {n} (substance) :: corno {m}
horn {n} (any of several musical wind instruments) :: corno {m}
horn {n} (instrument used to signal others) :: corno {m}
horn {n} (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle) :: clacson {m}
hornbeam {n} /ˈhɔɹnˌbim/ (tree of Carpinus) :: carpino
hornbill {n} /ˈhɔːɹn.bɪl/ (bird) :: bucero
hornblende {n} /ˈhɔɹnˌblɛnd/ (a green to black amphibole mineral) :: orneblenda {f}
horned {adj} /ˈhɔː(ɹ)nd/ (having horns) :: cornuto
horned lark {n} (Eremophila alpestris) :: allodola golagialla {f}
horned melon {n} (plant) :: kiwano {m}
hornet {n} /ˈhɔɹ.nɪt/ (a large wasp, of the genus Vespa, with a brown-and-yellow-striped body) :: calabrone {m}
Horn of Africa {prop} (peninsula in East Africa) :: Corno d'Africa {m}
horny {adj} /ˈhɔɹ.ni/ (hard or bony) :: corneo
horny {adj} (sexually aroused) :: arrapato
horologist {n} (a person who makes or repairs clocks) :: orologiaio {m}, orologiaia {f}
horology {n} (art, science and technology of timekeeping) :: orologia {f}
horoscope {n} /ˈhɒ.ɹə.skəʊp/ (astrological forecast) :: oroscopo {m}
horoscopy {n} (casting of horoscopes) :: oroscopia {f}
horrible {adj} /ˈhɔɹɪbəl/ (causing horror, terrible) :: orribile, terribile
horribly {adv} (in a horrible way) :: orribilmente
horrid {adj} /ˈhɔɹɪd/ (causing horror or dread) :: orrido
horror {n} /ˈhɔɹɚ/ (intense distressing fear or repugnance) :: orrore {m}
horse {n} /hɔːs/ (members of the species Equus ferus) :: cavallo {m}
horse archer {n} (a cavalryman armed with a bow) :: arciere a cavallo {m}
horsebox {n} (vehicle) :: box {m}
horse chestnut {n} /ˌhɔɹs ˈtʃɛsnʌt/ (tree) :: ippocastano {m}, castagno d'India {m}
horse chestnut {n} (seed) :: castagna d'India {f}
horsefly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) :: tafano {m}
horsehair {n} (hair of a horse, from its mane or tail) :: crine {m}
horseling {n} (foal) SEE: foal ::
horseling {n} (pony) SEE: pony ::
horseling {n} (a little horse) :: cavallino {m}, pony {m}
horse mackerel {n} (pilot fish) SEE: pilot fish ::
horse mackerel {n} (jack mackerel) SEE: jack mackerel ::
horseman {n} /ˈhɔrsmən/ (man who rides a horse) :: cavaliere {m}
horsemanship {n} (equestrianism) SEE: equestrianism ::
horsepower {n} /ˈhɔɹsˌpaʊɚ/ (non-metric) :: cavallo vapore {m}
horsepower {n} (metric) :: cavallo vapore {m}
horse racing {n} (a sport where horses and their jockeys compete to be fastest) :: corsa di cavalli {f}
horseradish {n} /ˈhɔɹsɹædɪʃ/ (plant) :: rafano {m}, cren {m}
horseradish {n} (condiment) :: rafano {m}, barbaforte {f}, cren {m}, rusticano {m}
horseshit {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
horseshoe {n} /ˈhɔːɹs.ʃuː/ (metallic shoe of a horse) :: ferro di cavallo {m}
horseshoe {n} (shape of a horseshoe) :: ferro di cavallo {m}
horsetail {n} (ponytail hairstyle) SEE: ponytail ::
horsetail {n} /ˈhɔː(ɹ)s.teɪl/ (plant of the order Equisetales) :: coda di cavallo {f}
horsewoman {n} (a female equestrian) :: amazzone {f}
hortensia {n} (hydrangea) SEE: hydrangea ::
horticulture {n} /ˈhɔː.tɪˌkʌl.tʃə(ɹ)/ (the science of caring for gardens) :: orticoltura {f}
hosanna {interj} /hoʊˈzænə/ (liturgical word) :: osanna
hose {n} /hoʊz/ (flexible tube) :: manichetta {f}
hose {n} (stocking-like garment) SEE: tights ::
Hosea {prop} /ˌhoʊˈziːə/ (book of the Bible) :: Osea
Hosea {prop} (prophet) :: Osea {m}
hospice {n} /ˈhɑspɪs/ (provision of palliative care for the terminally ill) :: ospizio {m}, casa di cura
hospice {n} (a facility or organization offering palliative care for the terminally ill) :: ospizio, casa di cura
hospitable {adj} /hɒsˈpɪtəbl̩/ (cordial and generous towards guests) :: ospitale
hospitably {adv} (in a hospitable manner) :: ospitalmente
hospital {n} /ˈhɑs.pɪ.tl̩/ (large medical facility) :: ospedale {m}
hospitality {n} /hɑs.pɪˈtæl.ɪ.ti/ (act or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests) :: ospitalità {f}
hospitality {n} :: ospitalità {f}
hospitalization {n} (hospitalizing of a patient) :: ospedalizzazione
hospodar {n} (title of the governors of Moldavia and Wallachia) :: ospodaro {m}
host {n} /hoʊst/ (person who receives or entertains a guest) :: ospitante, anfitrione {m} (at a meal)
host {n} (person or organisation responsible for running an event) :: organizzatore {m}
host {n} (moderator) :: moderatore {m}
host {n} (computing: computer attached to a network) :: host {m}
host {n} (biology: cell or organism which harbors another organism) :: ospite {m}
host {v} (perform the role of a host) :: ospitare
host {n} (consecrated bread) :: ostia {f}
hostage {n} /ˈhɒstɪdʒ/ (person given as a pledge or security) :: ostaggio {m}
hostel {n} /ˈhɑstəl/ (an affordable overnight lodging place) :: ostello {m}
hostel {n} (short for youth hostel) SEE: youth hostel ::
hostilely {adv} (in a hostile manner) :: ostilmente
hostility {n} /hɒˈstɪlɪti/ (state of being hostile) :: ostilità {f}
hot {adj} /hɑt/ (having a high temperature) :: (molto) caldo, bollente
hot {adj} (of the weather) :: caldo {m}
hot {adj} (feeling the sensation of heat) :: to be hot: avere caldo [the adjective cannot be translated alone in this sense]
hot {adj} (feverish) :: febbrile
hot {adj} (spicy) :: piccante
hot {adj} (slang: physically very attractive) :: figo {m}, figa {f}, gnocca {f}
hot air {n} (heated air) :: aria calda {f}
hot air {n} (empty, confused or exaggerated talk) :: aria fritta, fuffa {f}
hot-air balloon {n} (balloon-shaped aircraft filled with hot air) :: mongolfiera {f}
hot chocolate {n} (beverage) :: cioccolata calda
hotchpot {n} (blending together of property so as to achieve equal division in the case of inheritance; collation) :: collazione {f}
hotchpotch {n} (hodgepodge) SEE: hodgepodge ::
hot dog {v} (to perform a dangerous act as display) SEE: show off ::
hot dog {n} /ˈhɑt.dɔɡ/ (frankfurter in a bun) :: hot dog {m}
hot dog {n} (sausage) :: salsiccia {f}, würstel {m}
hotel {n} /hoʊˈtɛl/ (establishment providing accommodation) :: albergo {m}, hotel {m}
hotel {n} (red property in the game of Monopoly) :: albergo {f}
hotel {n} (the letter "H") :: hotel
hot flash {n} (sudden sensation of heat, symptom of the menopause) SEE: hot flush ::
hot flush {n} (sudden sensation of heat, symptom of the menopause) :: vampata di calore {f}, vampa {f}, caldana {f}, scalmana {f}
hothead {n} (one who angers easily or goes in search of arguments or fights) :: testa calda {f}
hothouse {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
hot on someone's heels {adj} (close behind) :: alle calcagna
hotplate {n} (semi-portable stove) :: fornello {m}, piastra {f}
hotplate {n} (the element of a stove) :: piastra {f}
hotplate {n} (low-powered heating device) :: piastra riscaldante {f}
hot potato {n} (child's game) :: patata calda {f}
hot potato {n} (awkward or delicate problem) :: patata bollente {f}
hot pursuit {n} (close and continuous pursuit) :: tallonamento {m}
hot spell {n} (heatwave) SEE: heatwave ::
hot spot {n} (place of violent political unrest) :: zona calda {f}
Hottentot {n} (a member of the Khoekhoe people, see also: Khoekhoe) :: ottentotto {m}, ottentotta {f}
Hottentot {prop} (language of the Khoekhoe, see also: Khoekhoe) :: ottentotto {m}
Hottentot teal {n} (Anas hottentota) :: alzavola ottentotta
hottie {n} (informal: hot-water bottle) SEE: hot water bottle ::
hot water bottle {n} (a flexible bottle for heat therapy) :: borsa dell'acqua calda {f}
hound {n} /haʊnd/ (dog, hunting dog) :: bracco {m}
hour {n} /ˈaʊɚ/ (time period of sixty minutes) :: ora {f}
hourglass {n} /ˈaʊəɡlɑːs/ (clock) :: clessidra {f}
houri {n} /ˈhʊəɹi/ ((Islam) a nymph in the form of a beautiful virgin) :: uri {f}
house {v} /haʊz/ (keep within a structure or container) :: collocare
house {v} (admit to residence) :: alloggiare
house {n} (bingo) SEE: bingo ::
house {n} (genre of music) SEE: house music ::
house {n} (human abode) :: casa {f}
house {n} (archetypal structure of a human abode) :: casa {f}
house {n} (theatre) :: teatro {m}
house {n} (debating chamber for government politicians) :: camera {f}
house arrest {n} (confinement of a person, by authorities, to his or her residence) :: arresti domiciliari {m-p}
house cat {n} (domestic cat) SEE: domestic cat ::
housefly {n} (fly) :: musca domestica {f}
household {n} /ˈhaʊshoʊld/ (those living in the same residence) :: famiglia {f}, nucleo familiare
household {n} :: nucleo familiare {m}
household {adj} (found in or having its origin in a home) :: domestico, casalinghi {m-p}
household appliance {n} (machine) :: elettrodomestico {m}
household deity {n} (patron saint) SEE: patron saint ::
household deity {n} (minor god or goddess who protects a home or family) :: penati {m-p}, lari {m-p}
house husband {n} (husband who remains in the homestead) SEE: househusband ::
househusband {n} (husband who remains in the homestead) :: uomo di casa {m}, [slightly humorous] casalingo {m}
housekeeper {n} /ˈhaʊskipɚ/ (someone employed to manage or look after a home) :: governante
housekeeper {n} (someone who manages the home, traditionally female head of household) :: casalinga
house martin {n} (bird in genus Delichon) :: balestruccio {m}
housemate {n} (someone living in the same house) :: coinquilino {m}, coinquilina {f}
house mouse {n} (mouse of the species Mus musculus) :: topo domestico {m}
house music {n} /ˈhaʊs ˌmjuːzɪk/ (type of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum) :: house music {f} , musica house {f}, house
house number {n} (street address) :: numero civico {m}
house of cards {n} /ˈhaʊs.ʌvˌkɑɹdz/ (structure made by stacking playing cards) :: castello di carte {m}
house of cards {n} (structure or argument built on a shaky foundation) :: castello di carte {m}
House of Commons {prop} (lower house in UK or Canadian parliament) :: Camera dei comuni {f}
house of ill fame {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
House of Lords {prop} (upper chamber of UK parliament) :: Camera dei lord {f}
houseplant {n} (plant grown indoors) :: pianta da appartamento
houseplant {n} (plant suited to such treatment) :: pianta da appartamento
house sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) :: passero {m}
housewife {n} /ˈhaʊs.waɪf/ (female head of household) :: massaia {f}, donna di casa {f}, padrona di casa {f}, casalinga {f}
house wine {n} (a relatively inexpensive wine sold in restaurants) :: vino della casa {m}
housing {n} /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ (container) :: alloggiamento {m}, contenitore {m}, scatola {f}
housing estate {n} :: immobili {m-p}
hovel {n} /ˈhɒvəl/ (open shed) :: riparo {m}, ricovero {m}, tettoia {f}
hovel {n} (poor cottage) :: stamberga {f}, buco {m}, fogna {f}, bicocca {f}, cesso {m}
hover {v} /ˈhʌ.vɚ/ (to float in the air) :: librarsi, volteggiare
hover {v} (to linger in one place) :: gironzolare, aggirarsi, attardarsi, indugiare, ronzare intorno
hover {v} (to waver, or be uncertain) :: essere indeciso, essere sospeso, essere in bilico, pencolare, esitare
hover {v} (to place the cursor over a hyperlink) :: passare il cursore sopra
hoverboard {n} /ˈhʌvɚbɔɹd/ (levitating board) :: hoverboard {m}, volopattino {m}
hovercraft {n} /ˈhʌvɚ.kɹæft/ (vehicle supported on a cushion of air) :: aeroscivolante {m}
hoverfly {n} (fly in the family Syrphidae) :: sirfidi {m}
how {adv} /haʊ/ (to what degree) :: quanto
how {adv} (in what manner) :: come
how {adv} (in what state) :: come
how {adv} (used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings) :: che
how {conj} (in which way) :: come
how are you {phrase} /haʊ ˈɑɹ ju/ (greeting) :: come stai? [informal], come sta? [formal]
how come {adv} /haʊ kʌm/ (why) :: come mai
how do I get to the airport {phrase} (how do I get to the airport?) :: come posso arrivare al aeroporto?
how do you do {phrase} (Phrase: how do you do) :: piacere di conoscerla {m} {f}, come va, tutto bene
how do you pronounce this word {phrase} /ˈhaʊ duː ˈjuː pɹəˈnaʊns ðɪs ˈwɝd/ (how do you pronounce this word?) :: come si pronuncia questa parola?
how do you say …… in English {phrase} (request for translation into English) :: come si dice …… in inglese?
howdy {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
howdy doody {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
however {adv} /haʊˈɛvɚ/ (nevertheless) :: però, nonostante, tuttavia
however {adv} (in whatever way or manner) :: comunque
howitzer {n} /ˈhaʊ.ɪts.əɹ/ (a cannon) :: obice {f}
howitzer {n} :: obice {f}
howl {n} /haʊl/ (protracted, mournful cry of a dog or a wolf) :: ululato, uggiolio {m}, latrato {m}
howl {n} (prolonged cry of distress or anguish) :: guaito {m}
howl {v} (To utter a loud, protracted, mournful sound or cry, as dogs and wolves often do) :: ululare, gannire
howler {n} /ˈhaʊlɚ/ (animal) :: urlatore {m}
howling {n} /ˈhaʊlɪŋ/ (act of producing howls) :: uggiolio {m}
how long {adv} (how long (length of time)) :: quanto tempo, da quando
how many {determiner} (what number) :: quanti {m-p}, quante {f-p}
how many languages do you speak {phrase} (how many languages do you speak?) :: [formal] quante lingue parla? [informal] quante lingue parli?
how much {determiner} (what quantity) :: quanto {m}, quanta {f}
how much {determiner} (what is the cost/price?) :: quanto costa?, quant'è
how much does it cost {phrase} (how much is it?) :: quanto costa?
how much do you charge {phrase} (how much do you charge?) :: quanto una botta?
how much is it {phrase} (how much does it cost) SEE: how much does it cost ::
how no {adv} (why not) SEE: why not ::
how old are you {phrase} /haʊ ˈoʊld ɑɹ ˌju/ (what is your age in years) :: quanti anni hai? [informal], quanti anni ha? [formal]
how's it going {phrase} (how's it going? - informal greetings) :: come va
hp {n} (horsepower) :: CV
HP {n} (horse power) SEE: hp ::
HTTP cookie {n} (packet of information sent by a server to a World Wide Web browser and then returned by the browser each time it accesses that server) :: cookie
Huang He {prop} (the Yellow River, a river in China) SEE: Yellow River ::
hub {n} /hʌb/ (central part of a wheel) :: mozzo {m}
hub {n} (point where many routes meet) :: incrocio {m}, punto di snodo {m}
hub {n} (computer networking device) :: concentratore {m}
hub {n} (stake with a nail in it) :: stadia {f}, mira {f}, asta graduata {f}
Hubble constant {prop} (number) :: legge di Hubble
Hubble law {prop} :: legge di Hubble
hubbub {n} /ˈhʌbʌb/ (A confused uproar, commotion, tumult or racket.) :: brusio {m}
Hubert {prop} /ˈhjubɚt/ (male given name) :: Uberto {m}
hubris {n} /ˈhjuːbɹɪs/ (excessive pride or arrogance) :: insolenza, arroganza, supponenza {f}
huchen {n} /ˈhuːkən/ (Hucho hucho) :: salmone del Danubio
huckster {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
huddle {n} /ˈhʌdəl/ (dense and disorderly crowd) :: calca {f}, folla {f}
huddle {adj} (crowd together) :: accalcarsi
Hudson {prop} /ˈhʌdsən/ (river in United States) :: Hudson {m}
Hudsonian godwit {n} (Limosa haemastica) :: pittima dell'Hudson
Hudson River {prop} (Hudson) SEE: Hudson ::
hue {n} /hju/ (color or shade of color; tint; dye) :: colore {m}, tinta {f}, sfumatura {f}, tonalità {f}, colorazione {f}, ombreggiatura {f}, sfumatura {f}, tratteggio {m}
hue {n} (character; aspect) :: colorito {m}
Huelva {prop} /ˈ(h)wɛlvɑ/ (city and province in Andalusia, Spain) :: Huelva {f}
hug {n} /hʌɡ/ (affectionate embrace) :: abbraccio {m}
hug {v} (cling closely together) :: abbracciare
hug {v} (embrace) :: abbracciare
hug {v} (sail close to a shoreline) :: tenersi vicino
huge {adj} /hjuːd͡ʒ/ (very large) :: enorme, gigante
hugely {adv} (hugely) :: vastamente
Hugh {prop} /hjuː/ (male given name) :: Ugo
Hugo {prop} (male given name) SEE: Hugh ::
Huguenot {n} /ˈhju.ɡə.nɒt/ (member of the Protestant Reformed Church of France during the 16th and 17th century) :: ugonotto {m}, ugonotta {f}
Huguenotism {n} :: ugonottismo {m}
huh {interj} /hʌ/ (expressing doubt or confusion) :: eh
hulk {n} /hʌlk/ (a big, (and possibly clumsy) person) :: omaccione {m}
hull {n} /hʌl/ (frame of a ship or plane) :: scafo {m}
huller {n} (machine for removing hulls from grain) :: sgranatrice {f}
hum {n} /ˈhʌm/ (indistinct sound resembling human humming) :: ronzio {m}
hum {v} (to make sound with lips closed) :: canticchiare, canterellare, mormorare, brontolare, sibilare, bofonchiare
hum {v} (to drone like certain insects naturally do in motion) :: ronzare
human {adj} /ˈ(h)ju.mən/ (of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens) :: umano
human {adj} (having the nature or attributes of a human being) :: umano
human being {n} (a human being) SEE: human ::
human being {n} (person) :: essere umano {m}, uomo {m}
human condition {n} (characteristics, key events and situations which compose the essentials of human experience) :: condizione umana {f}
human geography {n} (branch of geography) :: antropogeografia {f}
humanism {n} /ˈhjuːmənɪz(ə)m/ (ethical system) :: umanesimo {m}
humanism {n} :: umanesimo {m}
humanist {n} /ˈhjuːmənɪst/ (person who believes in the philosophy of humanism) :: umanista {m} {f}
humanities {n} /hjuˈmæn.ɪ.tiz/ (language, literature, etc.) :: scienze umanistiche {f-p}
humanities {n} (classical studies) SEE: classical studies ::
humanity {n} /hjuˈmænɪti/ (human beings as a group) :: umanità {f}
humanity {n} (human condition) :: umanità {f}
humanity {n} (quality of being benevolent) :: benevolenza {f}
humanize {v} /ˈhjuː.mə.naɪz/ (to make human) :: umanizzare
humankind {n} (human race) SEE: mankind ::
human milk {n} (breast milk) SEE: breast milk ::
humanness {n} (quality of being human) :: umanità {f}
human resource management {n} (process) :: amministrazione delle risorse umane
human resources {n} (the personnel department of an organization) :: risorse umane {m}
human resources {n} (the personnel employed in an organization) :: risorse umane {m}
human rights {n} (basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed) :: diritti umani {m-p}
human shield {n} (civilians placed in or around targets) :: scudo umano {m}
human trafficking {n} (criminal activity in which people are recruited, etc. to serve an exploitative purpose) :: traffico di esseri umani {m}
humanzee {n} (a hypothetical hybrid of a human and a chimpanzee) :: scimpanzuomo {m}
Humbert {prop} /ˈhʌm.bəɹt/ (male given name) :: Umberto
humble {adj} /ˈhʌmbəl/ (near the ground) :: umile, modesto, terra terra
humble {adj} (thinking lowly of oneself) :: umile, modesto
humble {v} (to bring low, etc.) :: sminuire
humbly {adv} /ˈhʌmbli/ (in a humble manner) :: umilmente
humbug {n} /ˈhʌmbʌɡ/ (fraud or sham) :: imbroglio {m}
humeral {adj} (of the humerus) :: omerale
humerus {n} /ˈhjuːməɹɪs/ (bone of the upper arm) :: omero {m}
humicolous {adj} :: umicolo
humid {adj} /ˈhjuːmɪd/ (slightly wet) :: umido
humidification {n} (process) :: umidificazione {f}
humidifier {n} (A device that is used to increase the humidity of the air) :: umidificatore {m}
humidify {v} /hjuːˈmɪdɪfaɪ/ ( To increase the humidity in the air.) :: umidificare
humidity {n} /hjuːˈmɪdɪti/ (dampness, especially that of the air) :: umidità
humiliate {v} /hjuːˈmɪliˌeɪt/ (to injure a person's dignity and self-respect) :: umiliare, avvilire
humiliating {adj} (liable to humiliate) :: avvilente
humiliation {n} /hjuːˌmɪliˈeɪʃən/ (the act of humiliating or humbling someone; abasement of pride; mortification) :: umiliazione {f}
humiliation {n} (the state of being humiliated, humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission) :: umiliazione {f}, smacco {m}
humility {n} /hjuːˈmɪlɪti/ (characteristic of being humble) :: umiltà {f}
hummingbird {n} /ˈhʌmɪŋˌbɝd/ (any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae) :: colibrì {m}, colibri {m}
hummock {n} (small hill) SEE: hillock ::
hummus {n} /ˈhʊməs/ (dip made of chickpea paste) :: hummus
humongous {adj} /ˌhjuːˈmʌŋɡəs/ (extremely large) :: gigantesco, enorme, disumano, mastodontico
humorist {n} (writer of humor) :: umorista {m} {f}
humorous {adj} /ˈhjuːməɹɪs/ (full of humor or arousing laughter; funny) :: umoristico, divertente, esilarante
humour {n} /ˈhjuː.mə(ɹ)/ (something funny) :: humour {m}, umorismo {m}
humour {n} (mood) :: umore {m}
humour {v} (to pacify by indulging) :: accontentare, assecondare
hump {n} /hʌmp/ (mound of earth) :: bozzo {m}
hump {n} (deformity of the human back) :: gobba {f}
hump {n} (rounded fleshy mass as in camel's back) :: gobba {f}, gibbo {m}
hump {n} (bad mood) :: paturnie
hump {n} :: gobba {f}
humpback whale {n} (Megaptera novaeangliae) :: megattera {f}
Hun {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Hun {n} /hʌn/ (member of nomadic tribe) :: unno
Hun {n} (derogatory: German) SEE: Fritz ::
hunch {n} /hʌntʃ/ (hump; protuberance) :: gibbo
hunch {n} (idea, theory) :: intuizione {f}, presentimento {m}
hundred {num} /ˈhʌndɹəd/ (cardinal number 100) :: cento {m}
hundred-and-first {adj} (ordinal number, see also: hundred-first) :: centounesimo
hundred-first {adj} (ordinal number, see also: hundred-and-first) :: centunesimo (abbreviations 101º)
hundred-first {n} (the person or thing in the hundred-first position) :: centunesimo
hundred-first {n} (one of a hundred one equal parts of a whole) :: centunesimo {m}
hundredth {adj} /ˈhʌndɹɛdθ/ (ordinal of 100, see also: 100th) :: centesimo
hundredth {n} (person or thing in the hundredth position) :: centesimo {m}, centesima {f}
hundredth {n} (one of a hundred equal parts of a whole) :: centesimo {m}
hundred thousand {num} (100,000) :: centomila
hundred-thousandth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number one hundred thousand) :: centomillesimo
hundred-thousandth {n} (one of one hundred thousand equal parts of a whole) :: centomillesimo {m}
hung {adj} (having a large penis) :: ben dotato
Hungarian {adj} /hʌŋˈɡɛə.ɹi.ən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Hungary) :: ungherese
Hungarian {n} (person from Hungary) :: ungherese {m} {f}
Hungarian {n} (the language) :: ungherese {m}
Hungarian hound {n} (hunting dog) :: segugio ungherese {m}
Hungarian notation {n} /hʌŋˈɡɛɹi.ən noʊˈteɪʃən/ (Hungarian notation) :: notazione ungara
Hungary {prop} /ˈhʌŋ.ɡəɹ.i/ (the country) :: Ungheria {f}
hunger {n} /ˈhʌŋɡə/ (need for food) :: fame {f}
hunger {v} (need food) :: avere fame
hunger is a good sauce {proverb} (hunger is the best sauce) SEE: hunger is the best sauce ::
hunger is the best sauce {proverb} (being hungry makes one less concerned about the taste of one's food) :: la fame è il miglior condimento
hunger strike {n} (a fast undertaken as a means of protest) :: sciopero della fame {m}
hungry {adj} /ˈhʌŋ.ɡɹi/ (affected by hunger; desirous of food) :: affamato
hunk {n} /hʌŋk/ (large piece of something) :: pezzo (di carne-pane), tozzo (di pane)
hunk {n} (sexually attractive man) :: gnocco {m}, fusto, marcantonio
hunt {v} /hʌnt/ (to chase down prey) :: cacciare
hunt {v} (to search for something) :: essere a caccia, essere alla ricerca
hunt {n} (the act of hunting, shooting) :: caccia {f}
hunt {n} (hunting expedition) :: caccia {f}, spedizione di caccia
hunter {n} /ˈhʌntɚ/ (person who hunts game) :: cacciatore {m}
hunter {n} (hunting dog) :: cane da caccia {m}
hunter {n} (hunting horse) :: cavallo da caccia {m}
hunter {n} (person who pursues someone) :: cacciatore
hunter {n} (person who searches for something) :: cercatore {m}, cercatrice {f}
hunter-gatherer {n} (person whose main food source is hunting and gathering) :: cacciatore-raccoglitore {m}
hunting {n} /ˈhʌntɪŋ/ (chasing and killing animals for sport or to use its parts) :: caccia {f}
hunting {n} (looking for something) :: caccia
hunting horn {n} (bugle used during a hunt) :: corno da caccia {m}
hunting jacket {n} (insulated outdoor jacket) :: cacciatora {f}
huntress {n} /ˈhʌntɹɪs/ (female who hunts) :: cacciatrice {f}
hurdle {n} /ˈhɝdəl/ (artificial barrier over which people or horses jump in a race) :: ostacolo {m}
hurdle {n} (perceived obstacle) :: ostacolo {m}, barriera {f}
hurdle {n} (movable frame of wattled twigs) :: recinto
hurdy-gurdy {n} /ˈhɝː.diˌɡɝː.di/ (stringed instrument) :: ghironda {f}
hurdy-gurdy {n} (barrel organ) SEE: barrel organ ::
hurl {v} /hɝl/ (throw with force) :: lanciare, tirare, slanciare
hurl {v} (vomit) :: vomitare, rimettere, rigurgitare
hurler {n} (pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
Huronian {adj} (all senses) :: huroniano
hurrah {interj} /həˈɹɑː/ (expressing approval, appreciation, or happiness) :: urrà, evviva
hurrah {n} (a cheer; a cry of hurrah) :: urrà {m}, evviva {m}
hurricane {n} /ˈhʌɹɪˌkeɪn/ (weather phenomenon) :: uragano {m}
hurricane {n} (meteorology: a wind scale for quite strong wind) :: uragano {m}
hurry {n} /ˈhʌ.ɹi/ (rushed action) :: fretta {f}, premura {f}, furia {f}
hurry {v} (to do things quickly) :: affrettarsi, precipitarsi
hurry {v} :: affrettarsi
hurry up {v} (go faster) :: affrettarsi, fai presto
hurt {v} /hɝt/ (to be painful) :: dolere, fare male
hurt {v} (to cause physical pain and/or injury) :: ferire
hurt {adj} (wounded, injured) :: ferito
Hus {prop} (A Czech surname​) :: Hus
husband {n} /ˈhʌz.bənd/ (male partner in marriage) :: marito {m}
husband {v} (to conserve) :: dosare
husband and wife {n} (husband and wife, see also: married couple) :: moglie e marito {m-p}, marito e moglie {m-p}
husbandry {n} /ˈhʌzb(ə)ndɹi/ (cultivation of crops and raising of livestock) :: agricoltura {f}
hush up {v} (to keep secret) :: mettere a tacere
husk {n} /hʌsk/ (exterior of certain vegetables or fruits) :: riccio {m}, buccia {f}, scorza {f}
husk {v} (remove husks from) :: sbucciare, scorticare, pelare, capare, sbaccellare, sgranare
husky {adj} /ˈhʌs.ki/ :: corpulento, robusto
hussar {n} (light cavalry of any of several European armies) :: ussaro {m}
Hussitism {prop} (religious reform movement of the Bohemian Reformation) :: ussitismo {m}, hussitismo {m}
hussy {n} ((obsolete) a housewife or housekeeper) SEE: housewife ::
hustle {v} /ˈhʌsəl/ (to rush or hurry) :: affrettarsi, darsi da fare
hustle {v} (to con or deceive) :: imbrogliare, truffare
hustle {n} (rush or hurry) :: fretta, spinta, trambusto, andirivieni
hustle and bustle {n} (activity) :: viavai {m}, andirivieni {m}, porto di mare {m}, vai e vieni {m}, girio {m}, tramestio {m}
hustler {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
hustler {n} /ˈhʌsləɹ/ (one who hustles) :: imbroglione {m}, approfittatore {m}, imbroglione {m}, ladro {m}, schizzato {m}, agitato {m}, frettoloso {m}, irrequieto {m}
hustler {n} (a pimp) :: protettore {m}, magnaccia {m}, lenone {m}, pappa {m}
hustler {n} (a male prostitute who sells his services to men) :: prostituto {m}
hut {n} /hʌt/ (small wooden shed) :: capanna {f}
hut {n} (primitive dwelling) :: capanna {f}
hutch {n} /hʌtʃ/ (cage for rabbits) :: gabbia {f}, conigliera {f}
hutong {n} (lane) SEE: lane ::
hutong {n} (alley) SEE: alley ::
hyacinth {n} /ˈhaɪəsɪnθ/ (plant of the genus Hyacinthus) :: giacinto {m}
Hyacinth {prop} (male given name) :: Giacinto
Hyacinth {prop} (female given name) :: Giacinta
Hyacinth {prop} (Hyacinthus) SEE: Hyacinthus ::
Hyacinthus {prop} /ˌhaɪəˈsɪnθəs/ (a Spartan youth loved and accidentally killed by Apollo) :: Giacinto
hyalite {n} (form of opal) :: ialite {f}
hyalomere {n} (clear part of blood platelet) :: ialomero {m}
hyaluronic {adj} (of or pertaining to hyaluronic acid or its derivatives) :: ialuronico
hyaluronic acid {n} (a mucopolysaccharide) :: acido ialuronico {m}
hybrid {n} /ˈhaɪ.bɹɪd/ (biology: offspring resulting from crossbreeding) :: ibrido {m}, incrocio {m}, meticcio {m}
hybrid {n} (something of mixed origin) :: ibrido {m}
hybrid {n} (word derived from different languages) :: ibrido {m}
hybrid {n} :: [4] ibrido {m}
hybrid {adj} (consisting of diverse components) :: ibrido
hybridism {n} (the state of being hybrid) :: ibridismo {m}
hybridity {n} (the state of being hybrid) :: ibridismo {m}
hybridization {n} /haɪ.bɹɪd.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (act of hybridizing) :: ibridizzazione {f}
hydathode {n} (tissue through which water is excreted) :: idatodo {m}
Hydra {prop} /ˈhaɪ̯dɹə/ (mythical serpent) :: Idra di Lerna
Hydra {prop} (constellation) :: Idra {f}
Hydra {prop} (one of Pluto's moons) :: Idra
hydracid {n} (chemistry: an acid that does not contain any oxygen) :: idracido {m}
hydrangea {n} /haɪˈdɹeɪnd͡ʒ(i)ə/ (shrub) :: ortensia {f}
hydrate {n} /ˈhaɪdɹeɪt/ (solid compound containing or linked to water molecules) :: idrato {m}
hydrate {v} (to absorb water) :: idratare
hydraulic {adj} /haɪˈdɹɔːlɪk/ (Having to do with water) :: idraulico
hydraulic {adj} (Related to hydraulics) :: idraulico
hydraulic engineering {n} (sub-discipline of civil engineering concerned with water and sewage) :: ingegneria idraulica {f}
hydraulic fracturing {n} (technique in which a mixture of water and sand is forced down an oil well) :: fratturazione idraulica {f}
hydraulics {n} /haɪˈdɹɔːlɪks/ (engineering science that deals with liquid in motion) :: idraulica {f}
hydrazoic {adj} :: azotidrico, idrazoico
hydricity {n} (combined power source) :: idricità {f}
hydride {n} (compound of hydrogen) :: idruro {m}
hydro- {prefix} /haɪdɹoʊ-/ (pertaining to water) :: idro-
hydroalcoholic {adj} (describing a solution in which the solvent is a mixture of water and alcohol) :: idroalcolico
hydrocephalus {n} (skull enlargement due to fluid) :: idrocefalo {m}, idrocefalia {f}
hydrochloric {adj} (relating to hydrochloric acid) :: cloridrico {m}
hydrochloric acid {n} (strong acid made by dissolving the gas, hydrogen chloride) :: acido cloridrico {m}
hydrochloride {n} (hydrochloric acid with an organic base) :: cloridrato {m}
hydrochory {n} (dispersal by water) :: idrocoria {f}
hydrocinnamic acid {n} (3-phenylpropanoic acid) :: acido idrocinnamico {m}
hydroculture {n} (type of hydroponics) :: idrocoltura {f}
hydrocyanic {adj} (of or pertaining to hydrocyanic acid or its compounds) :: cianidrico
hydrocyanic acid {n} :: acido cianidrico {m}
hydrodealkylation {n} :: idrodealchilazione {f}
hydrodegradation {n} (chemical degradation by water) :: idrodegradazione {f}
hydroextractor {n} (machine that removes excess water from textiles) :: idroestrattore {m}
hydrofluoric {adj} (containing hydrogen and fluorine) :: fluoridrico {m}
hydrofluoric acid {n} (hydrofluoric acid) :: acido fluoridrico {m}
hydrofluoroether {n} :: idrofluoroetere {m}
hydrofoil {n} /ˈhaɪ.dɹoʊˌfɔɪl/ (wing) :: ala portante
hydrofoil {n} (vessel) :: aliscafo {m}
hydrofracking {n} (hydraulic fracturing) SEE: hydraulic fracturing ::
hydrogamous {adj} (of or pertaining to hydrogamy) :: idrogamo
hydrogamy {n} (pollination by means of water) :: idrogamia {f}
hydrogen {n} /ˈhaɪdɹədʒ(ə)n/ (chemical element) :: idrogeno {m}
hydrogenase {n} :: idrogenasi {f}
hydrogenate {v} /haɪˈdrɑdʒəneɪt/ (treat or react with hydrogen) :: idrogenare
hydrogenation {n} (the chemical reaction of hydrogen with another substance) :: idrogenazione {f}
hydrogen bomb {n} (thermonuclear bomb) :: bomba all'idrogeno {f}, bomba H {f}
hydrogenous {adj} /haɪˈdɹɑdʒənəs/ (containing hydrogen) :: idrogenico
hydrogen peroxide {n} (H2O2) :: acqua ossigenata {f}, perossido di idrogeno {m}
hydrogeochemical {adj} :: idrogeochimico
hydrogeochemistry {n} :: idrogeochimica {f}
hydro-geothermal {adj} (that employs water heated geothermally) :: idrogeotermico
hydrographic {adj} (of or pertaining to hydrography) :: idrografico
hydrolat {n} :: idrolato {m}
hydrolipidic {adj} (pertaining to hydrolipids) :: idrolipidico
hydrologic {adj} (of or pertaining to hydrology) :: idrologico
hydrological {adj} (pertaining to hydrology) :: idrologico
hydrologically {adv} (with regard to hydrology) :: idrologicamente
hydrologist {n} /haɪˈdɹɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (one who is skilled in or practises hydrology) :: idrologo {m}, idrologa {f}
hydrolysate {n} /haɪˈdɹɒlɪsət/ (any product of a hydrolysis reaction) :: idrolizzato {m}
hydrolysis {n} (a chemical process of decomposition) :: idrolisi {f}
hydrolyzation {n} (the act of hydrolyzing) :: idrolizzazione {f}
hydrolyze {v} (subject to hydrolysis) :: [transitive] idrolizzare, [reflexive] idrolizzarsi
hydromancy {n} (divination by water or other liquid) :: idromanzia {f}
hydromassage {n} (massage using water) :: idromassaggio {m}
hydrometallurgy {n} (the field of extractive metallurgy involving the use of aqueous chemistry) :: idrometallurgia {f}
hydrometeor {n} (precipitation due to atmospheric condensation) :: idrometeora {f}
hydrometric {adj} (concering or applying hydrometry) :: idrometrico
hydrometry {n} (branch of hydrostatics) :: idrometria {f}
hydronautics {n} :: idronautica {f}
hydronium {n} (H3O+) :: idronio {m}, idrossonio {m}
hydronym {n} /ˈhʌɪdɹənɪm/ (name of a body of water) :: idronomo {m}
hydropericardium {n} (accumulation of serous fluid in the pericardium) :: idropericardio {m}
hydroperitoneum {n} (accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum) :: idroperitoneo {m}
hydrophile {n} (hydrophilic substance) :: idrofila {f}
hydrophilic {adj} (having an affinity for water) :: idrofilo
hydrophobe {n} (hydrophobic compound or material) :: idrofobo {m}
hydrophobia {n} /ˌhʌɪ.dɹə(ʊ)ˈfəʊ.bɪ.ə/ (rabies, see also: rabies) :: idrofobia {f}
hydrophobia {n} (fear of water, see also: aquaphobia) :: idrofobia {f}
hydrophobic {adj} (of, or having, hydrophobia) :: idrofobo {m}
hydrophobic {adj} (lacking an affinity for water) :: idrofobo {m}
hydropneumothorax {n} (presence of both fluid and air in the pleural cavity) :: idropneumotorace {m}
hydroponics {n} /ˌhaɪdɹə(ʊ)ˈpɒnɪks/ (cultivation of plants in a nutrient solution) :: idroponica {f}
hydrops {n} (accumulation of serous fluid) :: idrope {m}
hydrosaline {adj} (pertaining to water containing salts) :: idrosalino
hydrosanitary {adj} (describing any sanitary apparatus that employs water) :: idrosanitario
hydrosol {n} (sol in which the continuous phase is water) :: idrosol {m}
hydrosphere {n} (waters of the Earth) :: idrosfera {f}
hydrostatic {adj} /ˌhaɪdɹəʊˈstætɪk/ (of or relating to hydrostatics) :: idrostatico
hydrostationary {adj} (hydrostatic) SEE: hydrostatic ::
hydrosulfate {n} (sulfate of an organic base) :: idrosolfato {m}
hydrosulfuric {adj} (derived from hydrosulfuric acid) :: solfidrico {m}
hydrosulfuric acid {n} (hydrogen sulfide) :: acido solfidrico {m}
hydrosulfurous {adj} (hyposulfurous) :: idrosolforoso
hydrotaxis {n} (movement in response to water) :: idrotassi {f}
hydrotherapy {n} (technique that uses water for the treatment of disease) :: idroterapia {f}
hydrothorax {n} (presence of fluid in the pleural cavity) :: idrotorace {m}
hydrotimeter {n} (burette used for hydrotimetry) :: idrotimetro {m}
hydrotimetric {adj} (by means of hydrotimetry) :: idrotimetrico
hydrotimetry {n} (measurement of the hardness of water) :: idrotimetria {f}
hydrotropism {n} (the movement of an organism either towards or away from water) :: idrotropismo {m}
hydroxide {n} /haɪ.ˈdɹɒks.aɪd/ (univalent anion) :: idrossido {m}
hydroxychloroquine {n} /haɪ̯ˌdɹɒksɪˈklɔɹəkwɪn/ :: idrossiclorochina {f}
hydroxyethyl methacrylate {n} (ester of ethylene glycol and methacrylic acid) :: idrossietilmetacrilato {m}
hydroxyl {n} (-OH) :: ossidrile {m}, idrossile {m}
hydroxyquinol {n} (poisonous trihydroxy phenol) :: idrossiquinolo {m}
hyena {n} /haɪˈiːnə/ (mammal) :: iena {f}
hyetograph {n} /haɪˈɛtəɡɹæf/ :: ietografo {m}, ietogramma {f}
hygiene {n} /ˈhaɪˌdʒiːn/ (conditions and practices that promote and preserve health) :: igiene {f}
hygienic {adj} /haɪˈdʒiːnɪk/ (pertaining to hygiene) :: igienico
hygienist {n} (person skilled in hygienics) :: igienista
hygrograph {n} (any of several forms of automated hygrometer that record humidity) :: igrografo {m}
hygrometer {n} (instrument that measures humidity) :: igrometro {m}
hygrometry {n} (the measurement of the moisture content of gases) :: igrometria {f}
hygrophilous {adj} (adapted for growth in a damp or wet environment) :: igrofilo
hygroscope {n} (instrument that indicates changes in atmospheric humidity) :: igroscopio {m}
hygroscopic {adj} (readily taking up and retaining water) :: igroscopico
hygroscopicity {n} (the state of being hygroscopic) :: igroscopicità {f}
hygroscopicity {n} (the degree to which a substance is hygroscopic) :: igroscopicità {f}
hymen {n} /ˈhaɪmən/ (membrane which occludes the vagina) :: imene {m}
hymeneal {adj} /hʌɪməˈniːəl/ (pertaining to marriage) :: imeneo
hymenium {n} (spore bearing surface) :: imenio {m}
hymenoplasty {n} :: imenoplastica {f}
hymn {n} /hɪm/ (a song of praise or worship) :: inno {m}
hymnal {n} /ˈhɪmnəl/ (book or collection of hymns) :: innario {m}
hymnary {n} (book of hymns) SEE: hymnal ::
hymnbook {n} (book of hymns) SEE: hymnal ::
hypallage {n} /hɪˈpælədʒi/ (literary device) :: ipallage {f}
hyper- {prefix} /ˈhaɪpɚ/ :: iper-
hyperactivity {n} (Quality of being hyperactive) :: iperattività {f}
hyperacusic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or suffering from hyperacusis) :: iperacusico
hyperacusis {n} (heightened sensitivity to some sounds) :: iperacusia {f}
hyperacute {adj} (very acute) :: iperacuto
hyperaldosteronism {n} (condition in which too much aldosterone is produced) :: iperaldosteronismo {m}
hyperandrogenism {n} /haɪpəɹanˈdɹɒdʒənɪzəm/ :: iperandrogenismo {m}
hyperbaric {adj} (of, relating to, or utilizing greater than normal pressure) :: iperbarico
hyperbaric chamber {n} (vessel containing air at an elevated pressure) :: camera iperbarica {f}
hyperbass flute {n} (lowest pitched instrument in the flute family) :: flauto iperbasso
hyperbaton {n} /haɪˈpɜːbətɒn/ (grammar) :: iperbato {f}
hyperbola {n} /haɪˈpɝbələ/ (geometric curve) :: iperbole {f}
hyperbole {n} /haɪˈpɝːbəli/ (rhetorical device) :: iperbole {f}
hyperbolic {adj} /ˌhaɪpɚˈbɑlɪk/ (exaggerated) :: iperbolico
hyperbolical {adj} (hyperbolic) SEE: hyperbolic ::
hypercellularity {n} (presence of an abnormally large number of cells) :: ipercellularità {f}
hypercharge {n} (characteristic of particles) :: ipercarica {f}
hypercholesterolemia {n} (an excess of cholesterol in the blood) :: ipercolesterolemia {f}
hypercinnabar {n} (form of cinnabar) :: ipercinabro {m}
hypercomplex {adj} :: ipercomplesso
hyperconjugation {n} (a weak form of conjugation in which single bonds interact with a conjugated system) :: iperconiugazione {f}
hypercorrect {adj} (nonstandard because of a mistaken idea of standard usage) :: ipercorretto
hypercorrection {n} /ˌhaɪ.pɚ.kəˈɹɛk.ʃən/ (nonstandard language use that results from the over-application of a perceived prescriptive rule) :: ipercorrettismo {m}
hypercube {n} /ˈhaɪ.pɚ.kjuːb/ (a geometric figure) :: ipercubo {m}
hyperdensity {n} (unusually high density) :: iperdensità {f}
hyperesthesia {n} (unusual sensitivity) :: iperestesia
hyperfiltration {n} (an elevation of the rate of glomerular filtration of the kidneys) :: iperfiltrazione {f}
hyperfullerene {n} (allotropic form of carbon) :: iperfullerene {m}
hypergeometric {adj} (related to hypergeometric series) :: ipergeometrico
hypergeometric distribution {n} (probability distribution) :: distribuzione ipergeometrica {f}
hypergeometric function {n} (mathematics) :: funzione ipergeometrica {f}
hypergeometric series {n} (power series) :: serie ipergeometrica {f}
hyperglycemia {n} (unusually high concentration of sugar in the blood) :: iperglicemia {f}
hyperglycemic {adj} :: iperglicemico
hypergolic {adj} /hʌɪpəˈɡɒlɪk/ (igniting spontaneously on contact with an oxidiser) :: ipergolico {m}
hypergraph {n} (a generalization of a graph) :: ipergrafo {m}
hyperhidrosis {n} /haɪpəɹhaɪˈdɹoʊsɪs/ (a medical condition) :: iperidrosi {f}
hyperhomocysteinemia {n} (excessive presence of homocysteine) :: iperomocisteinemia
Hyperion {prop} /haɪˈpɪɹi.ən/ (a Titan, the son of Gaia and Uranus) :: Iperione {m}
Hyperion {prop} (moon) :: Iperione {m}
hyperkalemia {n} (the condition of having an abnormally high concentration of potassium ions in the blood) :: iperkaliemia {f}, iperpotassiemia {f}
hyperkinesis {n} /ˌhaɪpə(ɹ)kɪˈniːsɪs/ (abnormally increased and sometimes uncontrollable activity or muscular movements) :: ipercinesia {f}
hyperkinesis {n} (a condition characterized by hyperactivity) :: ipercinesia {f}
hyperkinetic {adj} (of, relating to, or affected with hyperkinesis or hyperactivity) :: ipercinetico
hyperkinetic disorder {n} (developmental disorder) :: ipercinesia {f}, sindrome ipercinetica {f}
hyperlink {n} (area on a Web page) :: collegamento ipertestuale
hypermetropia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness ::
hypernatremia {n} /ˌhaɪ.pɚ.nəˈtɹi.mi.ə/ (abnormally high concentration of sodium in blood plasma) :: ipernatriemia {f}
hypernatremic {adj} /ˌhaɪ.pɚ.nəˈtɹi.mɪk/ (having an abnormally high concentration of sodium in blood plasma) :: ipernatriemico
hypernova {n} (the gravitational collapse of a massive star to form a black hole) :: ipernova {f}
hypernuclear {adj} (of or pertaining to a hypernucleus) :: ipernucleare
hypernucleus {n} (nucleus with hyperon) :: ipernucleo {m}
hypernym {n} /ˈhaɪpɚnɪm/ (superordinate grouping word) :: iperonimo {m}
hyperon {n} (baryon with nonzero strangeness) :: iperone {m}
hyperonym {n} (hypernym) SEE: hypernym ::
hyperopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness ::
hyperostosis {n} (an excessive growth or thickening of bone) :: iperostosi {f}
hyperovulation {n} (the release of multiple eggs) :: iperovulazione {f}
hyperpathia {n} (exaggerated response to a painful stimulus) :: iperpatia {f}
hyperphosphaturia {n} (presence of excessive phosphate in the urine) :: iperfosfaturia {f}
hyperpituitarism {n} (condition) :: iperpituitarismo {m}
hyperplasia {n} /ˌhaɪ.pɚ.ˈpleɪ.ʒə/ (increase in the size of a tissue or organ) :: iperplasia {f}
hyperproductive {adj} (exceptionally productive) :: iperproduttivo
hyperpure {adj} :: iperpuro
hypersalivation {n} (excessive flow of saliva) :: ipersalivazione {f}
hypersecretion {n} (excessive secretion) :: ipersecrezione {f}
hypersensitivity {n} (heightened immune response to an antigen) :: ipersensibilità {f}
hypersensitized {adj} (made highly or abnormally sensitive to a stimulus) :: ipersensibile
hypersomnia {n} (a state of drowsiness or sleepiness) :: ipersonnia {f}
hypersonic {adj} (five times the speed of sound) :: ipersonico
hyperspace {n} (mathematics) :: iperspazio {m}
hyperspace {n} (notional space in science fiction) :: iperspazio {m}
hypersphere {n} (the points of a hyperspace at the same distance from a given point) :: ipersfera {f}
hypersplenism {n} (disorder) :: ipersplenismo {m}
hyperstatic {adj} (statically indeterminate) :: iperstatico
hyperstaticity {n} (condition of being hyperstatic) :: iperstaticità {f}
hypersthene {n} (inosilicate) :: iperstene {f}
hypertension {n} (abnormally high blood pressure) :: ipertensione {f}
hypertensive {adj} (of or pertaining to, or causing hypertension) :: ipertensivo
hypertext {n} /ˈhaɪpəɹˌtɛkst/ (uncountable: text for the Web) :: ipertesto {m}
hyperthermia {n} (medical condition) :: ipertermia {f}
hyperthymesia {n} /ˌhaɪ.pə.θaɪˈmiː.zi.ə/ (rare condition in which an individual possesses a superior autobiographical memory) :: ipertimesia {f}, sindrome ipertimesica {f}
hypertrophic {adj} /hʌɪpəˈtɹɒfɪk/ (pertaining to hypertrophy) :: ipertrofico
hypertrophy {n} /haɪˈpɝːtɹəfi/ (an increase in the size of an organ due to swelling of the individual cells) :: ipertrofia
hypervolemia {n} (abnormal increase in the volume of blood) :: ipervolemia {f}
hypervolemic {adj} (of or pertaining to hypervolemia) :: ipervolemico
hypha {n} (filament that forms the mycelium of a fungus) :: ifa {f}
hyphema {n} :: ifema {f}
hyphen {n} /ˈhaɪ.fən/ (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split) :: trattino {m}
hyphenation {n} /ˌhaɪfəˈneɪʃən/ (inclusion and location of hyphens) :: sillabazione, compitazione {f}
hypno- {prefix} /hɪpnoʊ-/ (sleep) :: ipno-
Hypnos {prop} /ˈhɪpnɒs/ (Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep) :: Ipno {m}
hypnosis {n} /hɪpˈnoʊsɪs/ (a trancelike state) :: ipnosi {f}
hypnosis {n} (art or skill of hypnotism) SEE: hypnotism ::
hypnotherapy {n} (treatment of disease through hypnotism) :: ipnositerapia {f}
hypnotise {v} (hypnotise) SEE: hypnotize ::
hypnotism {n} (hypnotism) :: ipnotismo {m}
hypnotist {n} /ˈhɪpnətɪst/ (person who uses hypnotism) :: ipnotizzatore {m}, ipnotizzatrice {f}
hypnotize {v} /ˈhɪpnətaɪ̯z/ (To induce somebody into a state of hypnosis) :: ipnotizzare
hypo- {prefix} /ˈhaɪpəʊ/ (Anatomical sense) :: ipo-
hypo- {prefix} (Medical sense) :: ipo-
hypo- {prefix} (Chemical sense) :: ipo-
hypoacidity {n} (having low stomach acidity) :: ipoacidità {f}
hypobromite {n} (any salt or ester of hypobromous acid) :: ipobromito {m}
hypobromous {adj} (pertaining to hypobromous acid) :: ipobromoso
hypocaloric {adj} :: ipocalorico
hypocapnia {n} (state of reduced carbon dioxide in the blood) :: ipocapnia {f}
hypocaust {n} (underground heating system for a bath) :: ipocausto {m}
hypochloridria {n} (hypoacidity) :: ipocloridria {f}
hypochlorite {n} (salt of hypochlorous acid) :: ipoclorito {m}
hypochlorous {adj} (having a lower valence than in cholrous compounds) :: ipocloroso
hypochondria {n} (psychological disorder) :: ipocondria {f}
hypochondriac {adj} /ˌhaɪpoʊˈkɑːndɹiæk/ (affected by hypochondria) :: ipocondriaco {m}
hypochondriac {n} (person affected with hypochondria) :: ipocondriaco {m}
hypochondriasis {n} (excessive fear of or preoccupation with a serious illness) :: ipocondria {f}
hypochylia {n} (low chyle) :: ipochilia {f}
hypocorism {n} /haɪˈpɒkəˌɹɪz(ə)m/ (term of endearment) :: ipocoristico {m}
hypocrisy {n} /hɪˈpɑkɹəsi/ (claim, pretense, or false representation of holding beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not actually possess) :: ipocrisia {f}
hypocrite {n} /ˈhɪ.pə.kɹɪt/ (person practising hypocrisy) :: ipocrita {m} {f}, collotorto {m}
hypocritical {adj} /hɪpəˈkɹɪtɪkəl/ (characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite) :: ipocrita
hypocycloid {n} (locus) :: ipocicloide {f}
hypodermic {adj} /ˌhaɪpəˈdɝmɪk/ (under the dermis) :: ipodermico
hypofluorous {adj} (pertaining to hypofluorous acid) :: ipofluoroso
hypogastric {adj} (of or pertaining the hypogastrium) :: ipogastrico
hypogeous {adj} (living underground) :: ipogeo
hypogeum {n} /hʌɪpəˈd͡ʒiːəm/ (underground vault) :: ipogeo {m}
hypoglobulia {n} :: ipoglobulia
hypohydration {n} (dehydration) SEE: dehydration ::
hypolipidemia {n} (lower than normal concentration of lipids in the blood) :: ipolipidemia {f}
hypomere {n} (a part that the walls of a pleuroperitoneal cavity grow) :: ipomero {m}
hyponatremia {n} /ˌhʌɪ.pəʊ.nəˈtɹiː.mi.ə/ (A low concentration of sodium) :: iponatriemia {f}, iposodiemia {f}
hyponutrition {n} (undernutrition) :: iponutrizione {f}
hyponym {n} /ˈhaɪ.poʊ.nɪm/ (more specific word) :: iponimo {m}
hypophosphate {n} (the oxyanion of phosphorus P2O64- derived from hypophosphoric acid; any salt containing this anion) :: ipofosfato {m}
hypophosphorous {adj} (of or pertaining to hypophosphorous acid or its derivatives) :: ipofosforoso
hypophysectomy {n} (the surgical removal of the pituitary gland) :: ipofisectomia {f}
hypophysial {adj} (related to hypophysis) :: ipofisario
hypophysis {n} /haɪˈpɒfɪsɪs/ (gland) :: ipofisi {f}
hypopituitarism {n} /ˌhaɪpəʊpɪˈt(j)uːɪtəˌɹɪzəm/ (decrease in secretion of one or more of the eight hormones normally produced by the pituitary gland) :: ipopituitarismo {m}
hypoplastic {adj} (pertaining to hypoplasia) :: ipoplastico, ipoplasico
hypopnea {n} :: ipopnea {f}
hypoproteinemia {n} (deficiency of protein in the blood) :: ipoproteinemia {f}
hyporchema {n} (choral song) :: iporchema {m}
hyporeflexia {n} (absence of normal reflexes) :: iporiflessia {f}
hyposecretion {n} (a secretion below the normal value) :: iposecrezione {f}
hyposmolality {n} (medicine: an abnormally low osmolality) :: ipoosmolalità {f}
hypospadias {n} /hʌɪpəˈspeɪdɪəs/ (medicine: a birth defect of the male urethra) :: ipospadia {f}
hypostomatic {adj} (having stomata underneath) :: ipostomatico
hypostyle {adj} (architecture: having a roof supported on a row of columns) :: ipostilo
hypostyle {n} (architecture: a building or chamber whose roof is supported on a row of columns) :: ipostilo {m}
hyposulfurous {adj} (of or pertaining to hyposulfurous acid) :: iposolforoso
hyposulfurous acid {n} (acid) :: acido iposolforoso {m}
hypotaurine {n} (amino sulfinic acid) :: ipotaurina {f}
hypotension {n} (disease of abnormally low blood pressure) :: ipotensione
hypotensive {adj} :: ipotensivo, ipoteso
hypotenuse {n} /haɪˈpɑt̬ənus/ (The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle) :: ipotenusa {f}
hypothalamic {adj} (pertaining to the hypothalamus) :: ipotalamico
hypothalamus {n} (a region of the brain, below the thalamus) :: ipotalamo {m}
hypothecate {v} /hʌɪˈpɒθɪkeɪt/ (pledge as surety) :: ipotecare
hypothermia {n} (medical condition) :: ipotermia {f}
hypothesis {n} /haɪˈpɒθɪsɪs/ (tentative conjecture in science) :: ipotesi {f}
hypothesis {n} (assumption taken to be true) :: ipotesi {f}
hypothesize {v} (to believe or assert) :: ipotizzare
hypothetical {adj} /ˌhaɪpəˈθɛtɪkl/ (based upon a hypothesis) :: ipotetico
hypothetically {adv} (in a hypothetical way) :: ipoteticamente
hypothyroidism {n} /ˌhaɪpəˈθaɪɹɔɪˌdɪzəm/ (disease state) :: ipotiroidismo {m}
hypotrochoid {n} /ˌhaɪ.poʊˈtɹoʊ.kɔɪd/ (geometric curve) :: ipotrocoide
hypovolemic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characterized by low volume of blood in the circulatory system) :: ipovolemico
hypoxia {n} (condition in which tissues are deprived of oxygen) :: ipossia
hypsometer {n} (instrument) :: ipsometro {m}
hypsometric {adj} (of or pertaining to hypsometry) :: ipsometrico
hypsometry {n} (measurement of elevation relative to sea level) :: ipsometria {f}
hyrax {n} /ˈhaɪ.ɹæks/ (mammal of the order Hyracoidea) :: irace {m}, procavia {f}
hyssop {n} /ˈhɪ.səp/ :: issopo {m}
hysterectomy {n} /hɪstəˈɹɛktəmi/ (surgical removal of the uterus or part thereof) :: isterectomia
hysteresis {n} (a property of a system) :: isteresi {f}
hysteria {n} /hɨˈstɛɹijə/ (behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion) :: isteria {f}
hysterical {adj} /hɪˈstɛɹɪkəl/ (arising from hysteria) :: isterico
hysteroscopy {n} (examination of the uterus) :: isteroscopia {f}