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User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-l

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
l' {art} [before vowels] /l/ :: apocopic form of il/lo, la; the
l' {pron} [before vowels] :: apocopic form of lo, la; him, her, it
l {n} :: See under L
L {letter} /ˈɛlle/ :: letter: elle
la {art} /la/ :: the
la {pron} [accusative] :: her, it
la {pron} [accusative, formal] :: you (term of respect)
la {m} [music] :: la (musical note)
la {m} [music] :: A (musical note and scale)
La {pron} [formal] :: alternative case form of la
{adv} /la/ :: there
Labano {prop} [Biblical character] :: Laban
Labano {prop} :: given name
labarda {f} :: alternative form of alabarda
labaro {m} :: labarum
labaro {m} :: banner, standard
labbia {f} :: face
labbia {f} :: attitude, stance
labbo {m} :: Arctic skua
labbrata {f} [Tuscany] :: slap on the mouth
labbreggiante {v} :: present participle of labbreggiare
labbreggiare {v} :: to move the lips
labbreggiare {v} :: to murmur; to mumble
labbriforme {adj} :: lip-shaped
labbro {m} [anatomy] /ˈlab.bro/ :: lip, labium
labbro {m} [by extension] :: rim, edge
labbro leporino {m} [pathology] :: hare lip
labbruto {adj} :: thick-lipped
labdacismo {m} /lab.daˈt͡ʃis.mo/ :: alternative form of lambdacismo
labdano {m} :: labdanum
La Befana {prop} :: In Italian culture, a traditional Yuletide gift-bearing character, resembling an old witch and usually carrying a broomstick
labellato {adj} :: labellate
labello {m} [botany] :: labellum
labellofilia {f} [rare] :: The collecting of labels
la bemolle maggiore {m} :: A-flat major
labfermento {m} [enzyme] :: rennin
labiale {adj} [anatomy] /laˈbja.le/ :: labial, lip (attributive)
labiale {adj} [phonetics] :: labial (whose articulation involves the lips)
labiale {f} [phonetics] :: A labial consonant
labiale {m} :: lip move
labializzante {v} :: present participle of labializzare
labializzantesi {v} :: present participle of labializzarsi
labializzare {vt} /labjaliˈd͡ːzare/ :: To labialize
labializzarsi {vr} /la.bja.lidˈd͡zar.si/ :: To become labialized
labializzatosi {v} :: past participle of labializzarsi
labializzazione {f} [linguistics] /labjalid͡ːzaˈt͡sjone/ :: labialization
labiato {adj} [botany] :: labiate
labiato {adj} [phonetics] :: labialized
labile {adj} :: fleeting, ephemeral
labile {adj} :: fickle
labilità {f} :: fleetingness, transience
labilità {f} :: lability
labilmente {adv} :: fleetingly, ephemerally
labio- {prefix} :: labio-
labiodentale {adj} [phonetics] /la.bjo.denˈta.le/ :: labiodental (articulated with the lower lip and the upper teeth)
labiodentale {f} [phonetics] :: A labiodental speech sound
labiolettura {f} :: lipreading
labionasale {adj} [anatomy] :: labionasal
labiopalatale {adj} :: labiopalatal
labiovelare {adj} [phonetics] :: labiovelar
labirinteo {adj} :: labyrinthine
labirintico {adj} :: labyrinthine (all senses)
labirintiforme {adj} :: labyrinthiform
labirintite {f} [disease] :: labyrinthitis
labirinto {m} :: labyrinth, maze
labirinto {m} [anatomy] :: labyrinth
labirintopatia {f} [pathology] :: labyrinthopathy
labirintosi {f} [pathology] :: labyrinthosis
l'abito non fa il monaco {proverb} [literally] :: the habit [religious garment] doesn't make the monk
l'abito non fa il monaco {proverb} [idiomatic] :: It is not possible to judge things by external appearances alone; similar to the English idiom you can't judge a book by its cover or clothes don't make the man
laborantina {f} [Switzerland] :: laboratory assistant, worker or technician
laboratoriale {adj} :: laboratorial; laboratory (attributive)
laboratorio {m} :: laboratory, lab
laboratorio {m} :: workshop, workroom
laboratorista {mf} :: laboratory assistant, worker or technician
laboriosamente {adv} :: laboriously
laboriosamente {adv} :: industriously
laboriosissimo {adj} :: superlative of laborioso
laboriosissimo {adj} :: very laborious
laboriosissimo {adj} :: very industrious or hard-working
laboriosità {f} :: industriousness
laborioso {adj} :: hard-working, industrious
laborioso {adj} :: busy
laborioso {adj} :: laborious, difficult
labrace {m} :: sea bass
labronica {f} :: feminine noun of labronico
labronico {adj} [literary or soccer slang] /laˈbrɔ.ni.ko/ :: Livornian (of or pertaining to Livorno, especially to its football team)
labronico {m} [literary or soccer slang] :: Someone from Livorno or a member of its football team
laburismo {m} :: Labour political party or movement
laburista {adj} [politics] :: Labour (attributive)
laburista {mf} [politics] :: A member of the Labour Party
laburista {mf} [politics] :: A Labour MP
laburistico {adj} [politics] :: Labour (attributive)
laburno {m} :: laburnum
lacaniano {adj} :: Lacanian
lacanismo {m} :: Lacanianism
lacca {f} /ˈlak.ka/ :: hole, pit
lacca {f} [archaic or regional, rare] :: poplite muscle
lacca {f} [archaic or regional, rare] :: thigh (of a four-legged animal)
lacca {f} [archaic or regional, rare, by extension] :: (human) buttock
lacca {f} :: varnish, lacquer
laccamuffa {f} :: litmus
laccante {v} :: present participle of laccare
laccare {vt} :: to varnish, to lacquer
laccato {adj} :: lacquered, varnished, painted, polished
laccatore {m} :: lacquerer, varnisher (person)
laccatura {f} :: varnishing, lacquering
lacchè {m} :: lackey
lacchezzo {m} :: enticement, allurement
lacchezzo {m} :: imbroglio, mess
laccia {f} :: alternative form of alaccia
lacciaia {f} :: lasso (rope with a loop at the end)
laccifero {adj} /latˈt͡ʃi.fe.ro/ :: laciferous
laccio {m} :: lace (for a shoe etc)
laccio {m} :: string, bond
laccio {m} :: noose
laccio {m} :: snare
laccio {m} :: thong
laccio emostatico {m} [medicine] :: tourniquet
lacciola {f} :: alternative form of alaccia
lacciolo {m} :: small snare
laccolite {mf} [geology] :: laccolith
lacedemone {adj} :: Lacedaemonian (Spartan)
lacedemone {mf} :: Lacedaemonian (Spartan)
lacedemonico {adj} [historical] /la.t͡ʃe.deˈmɔ.ni.ko/ :: Lacedaemonian
lacedemonico {adj} [historical] :: Spartan
lacedemonio {adj} /la.t͡ʃe.deˈmɔ.njo/ :: Lacedaemonian
lacedemonio {adj} :: Spartan
lacedemonio {m} :: Lacedaemonian (inhabitant of Lacedaemonia)
lacedemonio {m} :: Spartan (inhabitant of Sparta)
lacerabile {adj} :: Subject to lacerating or tearing
lacerabilità {f} :: The property of being subject to lacerating or tearing
laceramento {m} :: lacerating, tearing, ripping, rending
laceramento {m} :: laceration, tear, rip, rent
laceramento {m} :: distress
lacerante {adj} :: piercing, shrill
lacerante {v} :: present participle of lacerare
lacerantesi {v} :: present participle of lacerarsi
lacerare {vt} :: to rip, tear
lacerare {vt} :: to lacerate
lacerarsi {v} :: reflexive of lacerare
lacerarsi {v} :: to rip, tear
lacerativo {adj} :: lacerative, lacerating
lacerato {adj} :: ripped, torn
lacerato {adj} :: lacerated
laceratosi {v} :: past participle of lacerarsi
lacerazione {f} :: tearing, ripping, scratching
lacerazione {f} :: tear, rip, scratch
lacerazione {f} :: laceration
lacerna {f} :: lacerna (cloak used by Romans)
lacero {adj} :: torn, ripped
lacero {adj} :: ragged
lacero {adj} :: lacerated
lacertide {m} :: lacertid (lizard of family Lacertidae)
lacertiforme {adj} :: lizardlike
lacerto {m} [archaic] /laˈt͡ʃɛr.to/ :: lizard
lacerto {m} [literary] :: muscular part of the upper arm
lacerto {m} [figurative] :: piece
lacertola {f} /laˈt͡ʃɛr.to.la/ :: Atlantic lizardfish (Synodus saurus)
lacertoso {adj} [literary] :: muscular
Lachesi {prop} [Greek god] :: Lachesis
la ciliegina sulla torta {f} [idiomatic] :: the icing on the cake
lacinia {f} :: lacina
lacinia {f} [pluralonly] :: wattles (of a goat)
lacinia {f} [entomology] :: internal region of the jaw in insects with chewing mouthparts
laciniato {adj} :: [of an anatomical formation or plant organ] having laciniae
laconicamente {adv} :: laconically
laconicismo {m} :: laconism
laconicità {f} :: conciseness
laconico {adj} :: laconic
laconico {adj} :: concise
laconismo {m} :: laconism
laconizzante {v} :: present participle of laconizzare
laconizzare {v} :: To laconize
lacrima {f} /ˈlakrima/ :: tear (drop of fluid secreted from the eyes)
lacrimabile {adj} [literary] :: heartrending, pitiful
lacrimale {adj} :: lachrymal, tear (attributive)
lacrimante {v} :: present participle of lacrimare
lacrimare {vi} :: to cry or weep
lacrimare {vt} :: to water
lacrimatoio {m} :: lachrymatory
lacrimatoio {m} [anatomy] :: lachrymal sac
lacrimatorio {adj} :: synonym of lacrimale
lacrimazione {f} [medicine] :: lachrymation
lacrimevole {adj} :: heartrending, pitiful
lacrimevolmente {adv} :: heartrendingly, pitifully
lacrimogeno {adj} :: lachrymose, lachrimatory
lacrimogeno {m} :: tear gas grenade
lacrimone {m} :: synonym of luccicone
lacrimone {m} :: synonym of lucciolone
lacrimosamente {adv} :: tearfully
lacrimosamente {adv} :: movingly
lacrimoso {adj} :: teary, tear-filled, wet
lacrimoso {adj} :: pathetic
lacrimoso {adj} :: weeping, whining
Lacroma {prop} :: Lacroma (island)
lacrosse {m} [sports] :: lacrosse
lactagogo {m} /lak.taˈɡɔ.ɡo/ :: alternative spelling of lattagogo
lactagogo {adj} :: alternative spelling of lattagogo
lacuale {adj} :: lake (attributive)
lacuna {f} /laˈkuna/ :: gap
lacuna {f} :: blank (space)
lacuna {f} :: lapse (of memory)
lacuna elettronica {f} [physics] :: electron hole
lacunare {m} [architecture] :: lacunar
lacunosamente {adv} :: incompletely
lacunosità {f} :: incompleteness
lacunoso {adj} :: Full of gaps, gappy; incomplete
lacunoso {adj} [botany] :: lacunose
lacustre {adj} :: lacustrine
ladano {m} :: alternative form of labdano
laddia {f} /ladˈdi.a/ :: lac dye
laddove {adv} :: In the place where
laddove {conj} :: while
ladino {m} :: the Ladin language, a Rhaetian tongue of Northeastern Italy
ladino {m} :: a native or inhabitant of this region, or speaker of this language
ladino {adj} :: of or pertaining to the language or people
ladinofono {adj} :: Ladin-speaking
Ladislao {prop} :: given name
ladra {f} :: female equivalent of ladro
ladramente {adv} :: dishonestly (as a thief)
ladreria {f} :: robbery
ladrescamente {adv} :: thievingly
ladresco {adj} :: thieving
ladro {m} :: thief, lift
ladro {m} :: burglar
ladro {adj} :: thieving, dishonest
ladrocinio {m} /la.droˈt͡ʃi.njo/ :: theft, robbery, larceny
ladron {m} :: apocopic form of ladrone
ladrona {f} /laˈdro.na/ :: augmentative of ladra; thief, robber [female]
ladronaia {f} :: A band of robbers
ladronata {f} :: thievery
ladroncella {f} /la.dronˈt͡ʃɛl.la/ :: diminutive of ladrona
ladroncello {m} /la.dronˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: diminutive of ladrone
ladroncello {m} :: A young thief
ladrone {m} :: thief; robber (especially a highwayman)
ladroneccio {m} /la.droˈnet.t͡ʃo/ :: robbery, theft (especially a series of thefts)
ladroneggiante {v} :: present participle of ladroneggiare
ladroneggiare {vi} :: to lead the life of a thief
ladroneria {f} :: robbery
ladronescamente {adv} :: dishonestly, as a thief
ladronesco {adj} :: thieving, dishonest
ladruncola {f} :: female equivalent of ladruncolo
ladruncolo {m} :: Petty thief
lady {f} :: lady (wife of a lord; important woman)
Laerte {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Laertes
Laerte {prop} :: given name
la fretta è una cattiva consigliera {proverb} :: synonym of la gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi
la fretta è una cattiva consigliera {proverb} :: synonym of presto e bene non vanno insieme
la fretta è una cattiva consigliera {proverb} :: synonym of chi va piano, va sano e va lontano
la gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi {proverb} :: more haste, less speed; haste makes waste
lagenorinco {m} :: dolphin
lagerstroemia {f} :: crape myrtle
laggione {m} :: A glazed earthenware tile, typical of Genoa
laggiù {adv} :: down there, down below
laggiù {adv} :: over there
laghetto {m} :: Small lake
laghetto {m} :: tarn
laghista {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: Lake poet
lagna {f} :: drag, bore
lagna {f} [in the plural] :: whining, moaning
lagnante {v} :: present participle of lagnarsi
lagnantesi {v} :: present participle of lagnarsi
lagnanza {f} :: complaint, grievance, grumble, bellyache, stink
lagnarsi {vr} :: To complain or grumble (about)
lagnatosi {v} :: past participle of lagnarsi
lagnio {m} :: A continuous lament
lagno {m} :: gripe, pain; sorrow
lagno {m} :: lament
lagnona {f} :: female equivalent of lagnone
lagnone {m} :: complainer, whiner, bellyacher
lagnosamente {adv} :: In a moaning way
lagnoso {adj} :: moaning, whining, querulous
lagnoso {adj} :: weepy
lago {m} :: lake
Lago Averno {prop} :: Lake Avernus
lago Erie {prop} :: lago Erie (lake)
lagoftalmo {m} [pathology] :: lagophthalmos, lagophthalmia
La Goletta {prop} :: La Goletta (port city)
lagomorfo {m} :: lagomorph
lagone {m} :: hot spring, fumarole (especially one associated with a geyser)
lagopo {m} :: red grouse (of genus Lagopus)
lagostoma {m} [pathology] :: hare lip
lagotrice {f} :: woolly monkey (of genus Lagothrix)
lagotto {m} :: A breed of dog, properly Lagotto Romagnolo
lagrangiana {f} [mathematics] :: Lagrangian
lagrangiano {adj} :: Lagrangian
lagrima {f} [archaic, poetic] /la.ˈɡri.ma/ :: alternative form of lacrima
lagrimabile {adj} [literary] :: heartrending, pitiful (Variant of lacrimabile)
lagrimante {v} :: present participle of lagrimare
lagrimare {v} :: alternative form of lacrimare
lagrimevole {adj} :: deplorable
lagrimevolmente {adv} :: deplorably
lagrimogeno {adj} :: Variant of lacrimogeno
lagrimosamente {adv} :: alternative form of lacrimosamente
lagrimoso {adj} :: alternative form of lacrimoso
Laguardia {prop} :: surname
laguna {f} :: lagoon
lagunare {adj} :: lagoon (attributive)
lagunare {adj} :: Venetian
lagunare {m} [military] :: Soldier belonging to the Lagunari regiment (amphibious troops of the Italian Army)
L'Aia {prop} /ˈl‿a.ja/ :: L'Aia (city)
Laiazzo {prop} :: Medieval name of Yumurtalık, a city of Turkey
laica {f} :: female equivalent of laico
laicale {adj} :: lay, secular, laic
laicamente {adv} :: secularly
laicato {m} :: laity (or the condition of being a lay person)
laicismo {m} :: laicism
laicista {adj} :: lay (attributive), laicistic
laicista {mf} :: supporter of laicism
laicistico {adj} :: lay (attributive), laical
laicità {f} :: secularism
laicità {f} [rare] :: laity
laicizzante {v} :: present participle of laicizzare
laicizzare {vt} :: to secularize
laicizzazione {f} :: laicization, secularization
laico {adj} :: lay
laico {adj} :: secular
laico {m} :: layman
laico {m} :: lay brother
laidamente {adv} :: filthily, foully
laidamente {adv} :: obscenely
laidezza {f} :: filthiness
laidità {f} :: filthiness
laido {adj} :: filthy, foul
laido {adj} :: obscene
laidume {m} :: filth, filthiness, dirt, dirtiness
laidume {m} :: corruption, depravity
la lingua batte dove il dente duole {phrase} :: discussion returns insistently on what is most emotionally pressing or important
lallà {interj} :: A tuneless hum
lallazione {f} :: lallation
lallera {interj} :: synonym of lallà (humming sound)
lalofobia {f} :: lalophobia
lalopatia {f} [pathology] :: lalopathy
laloplegia {f} [pathology] :: laloplegia
l'altr'ieri {adv} :: alternative form of l'altro ieri
l'altrieri {adv} :: alternative form of l'altro ieri
l'altro ieri {adv} :: the day before yesterday
lama {f} /ˈla.ma/ :: blade (of a razor or sword)
lama {m} :: lama (religious person)
lama {m} :: llama
lama {f} :: bog, fen
la maggiore {m} [music] :: A major
Lamagna {prop} :: medieval spelling of Alemannia
lamaico {adj} :: lamaistic
lamaismo {m} :: lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism)
lamaistico {adj} :: lamaistic
La Malfa {prop} :: surname
La Malfa {prop} :: Ugo La Malfa, Italian politician
lamantino {m} :: manatee, lamantin
lamarckiano {adj} :: Lamarckian
lamarckismo {m} :: Lamarckism
lamare {vt} /laˈma.re/ :: to smooth, to smooth out
lamaseria {f} :: lamasery
lamasseria {f} :: lamasery
lamatura {f} :: levelling
lamatura {f} :: scraping, sanding
lambda {mf} :: lambda (Greek letter)
lambda {m} [anatomy] :: lambda
lambdacismo {m} /lamb.daˈt͡ʃis.mo/ :: A form of dyslalia affecting the pronunciation of the letter L
lambdacismo {m} [linguistics] :: lambdacism
lambdoideo {adj} :: lambdoid
lambello {m} [heraldiccharge] :: lambel
lambente {v} :: present participle of lambire
lambente {adj} :: lambent
Lamberto {prop} :: given name
lambiccamento {m} :: pondering
lambiccante {v} :: present participle of lambiccare
lambiccantesi {v} :: present participle of lambiccarsi
lambiccare {vt} :: to distill [using an alembic]
lambiccare {vt} :: to examine carefully
lambiccarsi {v} :: reflexive of lambiccare
lambiccarsi {v} :: to reflect carefully
lambiccarsi il cervello {v} :: To rack one's brains
lambiccatore {adj} :: distillation [attributive]
lambiccatosi {v} :: past participle of lambiccarsi
lambiccatura {f} :: distillation
lambiccatura {f} :: refinement (all senses)
lambicco {m} :: alternative form of alambicco
lambimento {m} :: lapping (of water)
lambimento {m} :: licking (of a flame)
lambire {vt} [of an object] :: to skim
lambire {vt} [of water] :: to lap
lambire {vt} [of a flame] :: to lick
lambire {vt} [of a mass] :: to nudge
lambire {vt} :: to graze, glance
lamblia {f} :: lamblia
lambliasi {f} :: giardiasis
Lamborghini {prop} :: surname
lambrecchino {m} [heraldry, especially in plural] :: lambrequin, mantling
lambretta {f} :: scooter, motor scooter
Lambretta {prop} :: A formerly popular make of motor scooter
lambrettista {mf} :: scooterist
lambrì {m} [architecture] :: dado
lambris {m} [architecture] :: dado
Lambro {prop} :: Lambro (river)
lambrusca {f} :: A type of wild vine
lambrusco {m} /lam.ˈbru.sko/ :: A black grape variety from Emilia. Used to make the Lambrusco wine
Lambrusco {m} /lam.ˈbru.sko/ :: Lambrusco
lamburda {f} :: sprig (especially on an apple or pear tree)
La Mecca {prop} :: La Mecca (city)
Lamech {prop} [Biblical character] :: Lamech
lamed {mf} /la.med/ :: lamedh, specifically:
lamed {mf} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤋
lamed {mf} :: The name of the Hebrew script letter ל
la mela non cade lontano dall'albero {proverb} :: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
lamella {f} :: thin plate, lamella
lamella {f} [botany] :: gill, lamella
lamella {f} [electronics] :: wafer
lamellare {adj} :: lamellate, lamellated, lamellar
lamellibranco {m} :: lamellibranch
lamelliforme {adj} :: lamelliform
lamellipodio {m} [biology] :: lamellipodium
lamentabile {adj} :: plaintive, mournful
lamentabile {adj} :: painful
lamentabile {adj} :: lamentable
lamentabilmente {adv} :: plaintively, mournfully
lamentabilmente {adv} :: painfully
lamentabilmente {adv} :: lamentably
lamentantesi {v} :: present participle of lamentarsi
lamentanza {f} :: plaint, complaint
lamentare {vt} :: to lament
lamentarsi {v} :: ‎reflexive of lamentare
lamentarsi {v} :: to complain
lamentarsi {v} :: [figuratively] to grouch
lamentatore {m} :: lamenter
lamentatore {m} :: protester
lamentatorio {adj} :: lament (attributive)
lamentatosi {v} :: past participle of lamentarsi
lamentazione {f} :: lamentation
Lamentazioni {prop} [biblical] :: Lamentations, Book of Lamentations
lamentela {f} :: complaint, grumble, stink
lamentela {f} [in the plural] :: complaining, grumbling
lamentevole {adj} :: plaintive, mournful
lamentevole {adj} :: lamentable
lamentevolmente {adv} :: plaintively, mournfully
lamentevolmente {adv} :: lamentably
lamentio {m} :: wailing, lamenting (persistent)
lamento {m} :: moan, groan
lamento {m} :: lament
lamentosamente {adv} :: plaintively, mournfully
lamentoso {adj} :: plaintive, mournful
lametta {f} :: razor blade
lamiera {f} :: plate or sheet (of metal etc)
lamierino {m} :: lamination, sheet, latten
lamierista {mf} :: panel beater
lamina {f} :: thin sheet or layer; lamina
lamina {f} [botany] :: lamina, blade
lamina {f} [anatomy] :: lamina
laminante {v} :: present participle of laminare
laminare {adj} :: laminar
laminare {vt} :: to laminate, plate
laminaria {f} :: oarweed, kelp
laminarina {f} [carbohydrate] :: laminarin
laminato {adj} :: laminated
laminato {m} :: laminate (laminated material)
laminatoio {m} :: rolling mill
laminatore {m} :: rolling mill worker
laminatura {f} :: lamination
laminatura {f} :: rolling (metal process)
laminazione {f} :: rolling (process, of metal)
laminazione {f} :: lamination
laminectomia {f} [surgery] :: laminectomy
la minore {m} [music] :: A-minor
laminoso {adj} :: laminar
lamio {m} :: deadnettle
lammia {f} :: witch
Lamon {prop} :: Lamon (small town)
Lamone {prop} :: A river that flows through Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna
Lamone {prop} :: Lamone (small town)
lamonese {adj} :: Of or from Lamone
lamonese {adj} :: Of or from Lamon
lampa {f} :: lamp
lampa {f} :: light
lampada {f} :: lamp, light
lampada al neon {f} :: neon lamp
lampadario {m} :: chandelier
lampadedromia {m} :: torch runner, torchbearer
lampadina {f} :: light bulb
lampana {f} :: synonym of lampada
lampanaio {m} :: lamp maker
lampante {adj} :: blatantly obvious, crystal clear
lampante {adj} :: lamp (attributive)
lampara {f} [nautical] :: fishing lamp, fishing net
lampara {f} :: fishing boat fitted with such a lamp
lampascione {m} :: tassel hyacinth
lampassato {adj} [heraldry] :: langued
lampasso {m} :: lampas (fabric)
lampazza {f} :: synonym of schiaffo
lampazza {f} :: synonym of lapazza
Lampedusa {prop} :: An Italian island between Sicily and Tunisia
lampedusano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Lampedusa
lampedusano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Lampedusa
lampeggiamento {m} /lam.ped.d͡ʒaˈmen.to/ :: flashing (of lights)
lampeggiante {adj} :: flashing
lampeggiante {m} :: flashing light (on police cars and other emergency vehicles)
lampeggiante {m} :: blinker, indicator, flasher
lampeggiante {v} :: present participle of lampeggiare
lampeggiare {vi} :: to flash
lampeggiare {vi} :: to blink (flash on and off at regular intervals; flash headlights on a car)
lampeggiare {v} [impersonal, weather] :: to be lightning
lampeggiatore {m} :: indicator (on a car)
lampeggiatore {m} [photography] :: flash, flashgun
lampionaio {m} :: lamplighter (person employed to light streetlights)
lampioncino {m} :: Chinese lantern (paper lantern)
lampione {m} :: streetlight, streetlamp, lamppost
lampista {m} :: lampman, lamplighter
lampisteria {f} :: lamp room (in mines etc)
lampo {m} :: flash
lampo {m} :: lightning
lampo {adj} :: lightning (military)
lampone {m} :: raspberry
lampreda {f} /lamˈprɛ.da/ :: lamprey
lampredotto {m} :: A beef tripe dish from Florence, usually served with a green parsley sauce, pepper, olive oil and eaten with a bread roll
lampuga {f} /lamˈpu.ɡa/ :: The fish Stromateus fiatola
lampuga {f} :: synonym of corifena
lana {f} :: wool
lanaiolo {m} :: wool worker (or merchant)
lanametro {m} :: lanameter
lanara {f} :: tarbrush
lanario {m} :: lanner or lanner falcon
lanca {f} :: oxbow, oxbow lake, billabong
lancasteriano {adj} :: Lancastrian
lancastriano {adj} :: Lancastrian
lancella {f} :: ewer
lanceolato {adj} [botany] :: lanceolate
lancetta {f} :: hand (of a clock)
lancetta {f} :: needle (of a barometer or other instrument)
lancetta {f} :: lancet
lancetta {f} :: wild tulip
lancettare {v} :: To lance (with a lancet)
lancia {f} /ˈlant͡ʃa/ :: lance, spear
lancia {f} :: nozzle
lancia {f} :: skiff, launch (boat)
lanciabas {m} [military] /lan.t͡ʃaˈbas/ :: A kind of mortar for launching antisubmarine bombs
lanciabile {adj} :: throwable
lanciabilità {f} :: The property of being throwable
lanciabombe {m} [weaponry] /lan.t͡ʃaˈbom.be/ :: mortar
lanciaconigli {m} :: trap (device used in clay pigeon shooting)
lanciafiamme {m} :: flamethrower
lanciafuoco {m} :: flamethrower
lanciafuoco {m} :: Originally, an ordinance that threw Greek fire
lanciagranate {m} :: grenade launcher
lanciaio {n} :: cutler (manufacturer of knives etc)
lanciaio {n} :: Originally a manufacturer of spears
Lancialotto {prop} :: medieval spelling of Lancillotto
lanciamento {m} :: build-up, boost
lanciamento {m} :: trailer (TV, film)
lanciamine {m} :: alternative form of posamine
lanciamissili {m} [weapons] /lan.t͡ʃaˈmis.si.li/ :: missile launcher
lanciamissili {adj} :: missile-launching
Lanciano {prop} :: Lanciano (town)
lanciante {v} :: present participle of lanciare
lanciantesi {v} :: present participle of lanciarsi
lanciapiattelli {m} :: synonym of lanciaconigli
lanciar {v} :: apocopic form of lanciare
lanciarazzi {m} [weaponry] /lan.t͡ʃaˈrat.t͡si/ :: rocket launcher
lanciarazzi {f} :: ellipsis of pistola lanciarazzi: flare gun
lanciarazzi {adj} :: rocket-launching
lanciare {vt} /lanˈtʃare/ :: to throw; to chuck; to sling; to launch
lanciare {vt} [of animals] :: to set off or trigger at full speed
lanciare {vt} [figuratively] :: to launch [a new product, etc.]
lanciare {vt} :: to impetuously utter
lanciare {vt} :: to spotlight [someone] (or otherwise direct to the public eye)
lanciare {vt} :: to direct or address
lanciare {vt} :: to introduce someone to a new environment or field
lanciare {vt} :: to strongly or loudly propose
lanciare {vt} [archaic] :: to pierce
lanciare {vt} [archaic] :: to torment
lanciare la monetina {v} :: to toss a coin
lanciare la monetina {v} :: to flip a coin
lanciare una moneta {v} :: to toss a coin
lanciarpione {m} :: harpoon gun
lanciarsi {v} :: reflexive of lanciare
lanciarsi {vr} [~ (in)] :: to throw oneself (into)
lanciarsi {vr} [~ (in)] :: to launch (into), embark (upon)
lanciarsi {vr} [~ (contro)] :: to hurl oneself (at)
lanciasagola {m} [nautical] :: line-throwing gun
lanciasiluri {m} :: torpedo tube
lanciatissimo {adj} :: superlative of lanciato
lanciatissimo {adj} :: very excited, very enthusiastic
lanciatissimo {adj} :: very famous, very popular
lanciato {adj} :: famous, well-known
lanciato {adj} :: excited, enthusiastic
lanciato {adj} :: thrown
lanciato {adj} :: speeding (vehicle)
lanciatoia {f} :: A net, used in poaching, that is fired over a group of birds on the ground
lanciatore {m} [athletics] :: thrower
lanciatore {m} [baseball] :: pitcher
lanciatore {m} :: flipper
lanciatorpedini {m} :: alternative form of torpediniera
lanciatosi {v} :: past participle of lanciarsi
lanciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of lanciatore
lanciere {m} :: lancer (soldier)
lanciforme {adj} :: lanciform
Lancillotto {prop} :: Lancelot
lancinante {adj} :: stabbing, shooting, excruciating [pain]
lancinante {adj} :: piercing [noise]
lancinante {adj} :: painful [memory]
lancio {m} /ˈlantʃo/ :: throw, drop, shot
lancio del disco {m} [athletics] :: discus throw
lancio del giavellotto {m} [athletics] :: javelin throw
lancio del martello {m} [athletics] :: hammer throw
lancio del peso {m} [athletics] :: shot put
lancio di moneta {m} :: coin toss
lanciola {f} [archaic, weapons] /lanˈt͡ʃɔ.la/ :: A small spear
lanciola {f} [archaic, surgery] :: lancet
lanciola {f} [archaic] :: synonym of arnoglossa
lancione {m} :: Large spear
lancione {m} [nautical] :: Large motor boat (or other type of craft)
lanciotto {m} :: lance (type of spear)
lanciotto {m} :: lancer (soldier armed with a lance)
Lancisi {prop} :: surname
Lancisi {prop} :: Giovanni Maria Lancisi, Italian doctor
lanciuola {f} /lanˈt͡ʃwɔ.la/ :: alternative form of lanciola
landa {f} :: moor
landa {f} :: land
landa desolata {n} :: waste, moor
landa desolata {n} :: A waste land; an uninhabited desolate region; a wilderness or desert
landamano {m} :: landamman
landfogto {m} [Switzerland] :: bailiff
landgravio {m} :: alternative form of langravio
Lando {prop} :: given name
landò {m} :: landau
Landolfo {prop} :: given name
laneria {f} :: woolens
laneria {f} :: wool factory
laneria {f} :: woolens factory
lanetta {f} :: A light wool or fabric made from this wool
lanfa {f} :: alternative form of nanfa
Lanfranchi {prop} :: surname
langarolo {adj} /lan.ɡaˈrɔ.lo/ :: Relating to the Langhe, in Piedmont
langarolo {m} :: A native or inhabitant of the Langhe
langarolo {m} [uncountable, masculine only] :: A dialect of Piedmontese spoken in the Langhe
Langhe {prop} /ˈlan.ɡe/ :: Langhe (hilly area)
Langobardia {prop} :: Either of the two main regions of the Lombard kingdom, now Lombardy
langore {m} :: alternative form of languore
langraviale {adj} :: landgrave (attributive)
langraviato {m} :: landgraviate
langravio {m} :: landgrave
langueggiare {v} :: synonym of languire
languente {v} :: present participle of languire
languente {adj} :: languishing
languidamente {adv} :: languidly
languidezza {f} :: languor
languido {adj} :: languid
languido {adj} :: languishing
languire {vi} :: to languish
languire {vi} :: to pine
languire {vi} [of a conversation] :: to flag
languore {m} :: languor
languore {m} :: weakness, faintness
languorino {m} :: only in sentire un certo languorino
languorosamente {adv} :: languorously
languoroso {adj} :: languorous
laniccio {m} :: fluff, lint
laniere {m} :: wool or woollens manufacturer
laniere a testa rossa {m} :: synonym of averla capirossa
laniero {adj} :: woollen; wool (attributive)
lanificio {m} :: wool mill, wool factory
lanina {f} :: mixed wool (fabric)
lanista {m} [historical] /laˈnista/ :: owner and trainer of gladiators
lanizzare {vt} :: to make a textile wooly
lanolina {f} :: lanolin
lanosità {f} :: woolliness
lanoso {adj} :: wooly
lantana {f} :: wayfaring-tree, hoarwithy (plant of species Viburnum lantana)
lantanide {adj} :: lanthanide
lantanide {m} [chemistry] :: lanthanide
lantanidico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: lanthanide (attributive)
lantanio {m} [chemistry] /lanˈtanjo/ :: lanthanum
lanterna {f} /lanˈtɛr.na/ :: lantern (all senses)
lanterna {f} :: lighthouse
lanternaio {m} :: lantern manufacturer
lanternaio {m} [nautical] :: The person responsible for lanterns at a port
lanterna magica {f} :: magic lantern
lanternino {m} :: Small lantern, especially one having coloured glass
lanternone {m} :: A large lantern, carried on a pole in processions, often accompanying a crucifix etc
lanternuto {adj} :: gangling, lanky
lantionina {f} [amino acid] :: lanthionine
lanugine {f} :: down, pile (soft hair)
lanugine {f} :: fluff, fuzz
lanugine {f} :: pubarche
lanuginoso {adj} :: downy
lanugo {f} [biology] /laˈnu.ɡo/ :: lanugo
lanuto {adj} :: woolly, lanate
lanzafina {f} :: lanceleaf water plantain (Alisma lanceolatum)
lanzarda {f} :: Spanish mackerel (of genus Scomberomorus)
lanzardo {m} :: Spanish mackerel (of genus Scomberomorus)
Lanzi {prop} :: Landsknechts or lansquenets (In Italian: "lanzichenecchi", corrupted to Lanzi)
lanzichenecco {m} [historical] :: Landsknecht, lansquenet (German mercenary of the 15th or 16th century)
lanzichenecco {m} [card games] :: lansquenet (gambling card game)
Lao {prop} :: Lao (river)
Laocoonte {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Laocoön
laografia {f} [historical] :: census (for tax purposes)
laonde {adv} /la.ˈon.de/ :: so that
Laos {prop} :: Laos
laosiano {adj} [rare] /la.oˈsja.no/ :: alternative form of laotiano
laosiano {m} [rare] :: alternative form of laotiano
laotiana {f} :: female equivalent of laotiano
laotiano {adj} /la.oˈtja.no/ :: Laotian
laotiano {m} :: Laotian [male or unspecified gender]
laotiano {m} :: the Laotian language
lapalissianamente {adv} :: obviously, self-evidently
lapalissiano {adj} :: Lapalissian, obvious, self-evident
laparatomia {f} :: Variant of laparotomia
laparo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: laparo-
laparoscopia {f} [surgery] :: laparoscopy
laparoscopico {adj} :: laparoscopic
laparoscopio {m} [surgery] :: laparoscope
laparotomia {f} [surgery] :: laparotomy
laparotomico {adj} [surgery] :: laparotomic
laparotomista {mf} [surgery] :: laparotomist
la pazienza è la virtù dei forti {proverb} :: good things come to those who wait
lapazio {m} :: dock (plant of genus Rumex)
lapazza {f} :: A piece of wood used to reinforce a door or window
lapidabile {adj} :: lapidable
lapidamento {m} :: synonym of lapidazione
lapidante {v} :: present participle of lapidare
lapidare {vt} :: to stone (execute by stoning)
lapidare {vt} :: to lap (burnish or polish)
lapidariamente {adv} :: concisely
lapidario {adj} :: lapidary
lapidario {adj} :: concise
lapidario {m} :: lapidary
lapidario {m} :: stone-cutter
lapidatore {m} :: stoner (person)
lapidatore {m} :: polisher (person)
lapidatrice {f} :: polisher (machine used to polish gemstones or metal surfaces)
lapidatura {f} :: grinding and polishing of metal (or of gemstones)
lapidazione {f} :: lapidation, stoning
lapide {f} /ˈla.pi.de/ :: tombstone, gravestone
lapide {f} :: memorial
lapide {f} [obsolete] :: gemstone, precious stone
lapidello {m} :: grinder (tool used to grind metal surfaces)
lapidescente {adj} /la.pi.deʃˈʃɛn.te/ :: lapidescent
lapidicolo {adj} [biology] :: lapidicolous
lapidificare {v} :: To petrify (turn to stone)
lapidificarsi {vr} :: To petrify (turn to stone)
lapidificazione {m} :: petrification
lapidificazione {m} [geology] :: metamorphism (of sedimentary rocks)
lapidiforme {adj} :: stonelike
lapidoso {adj} [literary] :: lapideous, stony
lapillare {adj} :: lapillar
lapillo {m} :: lapillus (lava fragment)
lapin {m} :: rabbit skin or fur
La Pira {prop} :: surname
La Pira {prop} :: Giorgio La Pira, Italian politician
lapis {m} :: pencil
lapis {m} :: sanguine (red chalk)
lapislazzuli {m} [mineralogy] :: lapis lazuli
lapislazzulo {m} :: alternative form of lapislazzuli
laplaciano {adj} [mathematics] /laplaˈtʃano/ :: Laplacian
laplaciano {m} [mathematics] :: Laplacian
Lapo {prop} :: given name
lappa {f} :: burdock
lappante {v} :: present participle of lappare
lappare {vti} :: To lap or lap up
lappare {vt} :: To polish or burnish
lappatore {m} :: polisher (person)
lappatrice {f} :: lapping (polishing) machine
lappatura {f} :: lapping (polishing)
lappola {f} :: burdock
lappone {adj} :: Lapp, Sami
lappone {mf} :: Laplander
lappone {m} :: Sami (language)
Lapponia {prop} :: Lapland
la prima generazione fa i soldi, la seconda se li gode e la terza li finisce {proverb} :: clogs to clogs in three generations
lapsus {m} :: slip of the tongue
lapsus digitis {m} [colloquial] :: typo (typographical error)
lapsus freudiano {m} :: A Freudian slip
laqueario {m} :: laquearius
laqueatore {m} :: synonym of laqueario
L'Aquila {prop} /ˈl'ak.wi.la/ :: L'Aquila (town/and/province)
Lara {prop} :: given name
lardaceo {adj} :: lardaceous, lardy
lardante {v} :: present participle of lardare
lardare {vt} :: To lard
lardatoio {m} :: larding needle
lardatura {f} :: larding
lardellante {v} :: present participle of lardellare
lardellare {vt} :: To lard
lardellatura {f} :: larding
lardello {m} :: crackling (piece of fried bacon)
Larderello {prop} :: Larderello (village), near Pomarance
lardo {m} /ˈlar.do/ :: cured strips of fatback (for cooking)
lardoso {adj} :: fatty, fat
larenzia {f} :: geometer moth (of genus Larentia)
largamente {adv} :: abundantly
largatira {f} :: Slow, comfortable rowing, performed by lingering between one stroke of the oar and the next
largente {v} :: present participle of largire
largheggiamento {m} :: benevolence
largheggiante {v} :: present participle of largheggiare
largheggiare {vi} :: to be benevolent
largheggiare {vi} :: to be free (with) (money)
largheggiatore {adj} :: benevolent
largheggiatore {m} :: benefactor
larghezza {f} :: width, breadth
larghezza {f} [figuratively, abundance] :: abundance, largeness
larghezza {f} [figuratively, generosity] :: generosity, liberality
larghissimo {adj} :: superlative of largo
largire {vt} :: to give generously
largità {f} [obsolete] :: liberality
largizione {f} :: largess
largo {adj} /ˈlarɡo/ :: wide, broad
largo {adj} :: ample, wide, large
largo {adj} [of clothes] :: oversized, loose-fitting, too loose
largo {adj} [figurative] :: generous, free, open-handed
largo {m} :: open sea
largo {m} :: square, largo
largo {m} [music] :: largo
largo a {interj} :: make way for
lariano {adj} :: Of or relating to lake Como, also known as Lario
larice {m} :: larch (Larix, tree)
larice {m} :: the wood of that tree
lariceto {m} :: larch wood (forest)
laringale {adj} [anatomy] :: laryngeal
laringe {f} :: larynx
laringectomia {f} [surgery] :: laryngectomy
laringectomizzare {vt} [surgery] :: to laryngectomize
laringectomizzato {adj} :: laryngectomized
laringeo {adj} [anatomy] :: laryngeal
laringismo {m} :: laryngismus, laryngospasm
laringite {f} [disease] :: laryngitis
laringo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: laryngo-
laringofaringe {mf} [anatomy] :: laryngopharynx
laringofaringite {f} [pathology] :: laryngopharyngitis
laringofissura {f} [surgery] :: thyrotomy, laryngofissure
laringofono {m} :: throat microphone, laryngophone
laringografia {f} [medicine] :: laryngography
laringoiatra {mf} :: doctor who specializes in problems of the throat
laringoiatria {f} [medicine] :: Branch of medicine that specializes in problems of the throat
laringoiatrico {adj} [pathology] :: Of or relating to problems of the throat
laringologa {f} :: female equivalent of laringologo
laringologia {f} [medicine] :: laryngology
laringologico {adj} [medicine] :: laryngological
laringologo {m} :: laryngologist
laringopatia {f} [pathology] :: disease of the larynx; laryngopathy
laringoplegia {f} [pathology] :: paralysis of the larynx, laryngoplegia
laringorragia {f} [pathology] :: laryngorrhagia
laringoscopia {f} [medicine] :: laryngoscopy
laringoscopico {adj} [medicine] :: laryngoscopic
laringoscopio {m} [medicine] :: laryngoscope
laringospasmo {m} [pathology] :: laryngospasm
laringostenosi {f} [pathology] :: laryngostenosis
laringostenotico {adj} :: laryngostenotic
laringotomia {f} [surgery] :: laryngotomy
laringotomo {m} [surgery] :: laryngotome
laringotracheale {adj} [anatomy] :: laryngotracheal
laringotracheite {f} [pathology] :: laryngotracheitis
laringotracheotomia {f} [surgery] :: laryngotracheotomy
Larino {prop} :: Larino (town)
Lario {prop} :: Lake Como
Larissa {prop} :: given name
Larissa {prop} :: Larissa (city/regional capital)
larssoniano {adj} :: Larssonian
La Ruota Della Fortuna {prop} :: The Italian incarnation of the U.S. origin game show Wheel of Fortune
larva {f} :: larva, grub
larva {f} [figuratively] :: shadow, skeleton
larvale {adj} :: larval
larvare {v} :: To mask
larvatamente {adv} :: in a veiled manner
larvato {adj} :: veiled
larvicida {adj} :: larvicidal
larvicida {m} :: larvicide
larvicolo {adj} :: larvicolous
larviforme {adj} :: larviform
larviparità {f} [zoology] :: The condition of being larviparous; larviparity
larviparo {adj} [zoology] :: larviparous
larvivoro {adj} :: larvivorous
lasagna {f} [cooking, food] :: a food made of flat sheets of pasta alternated with condiments
lasagna {f} [cooking, chiefly in the plural] :: a dish of lasagna
lasagne alla bolognese {m} {p} [cooking, chiefly in the plural] :: lasagne with Bolognese and Béchamel sauces
lasagnolo {m} :: A wooden roller for making sheets of pasta
lasagnone {m} :: A large sheet of lasagna
lasagnuolo {m} :: alternative form of lasagnolo
lasalliano {adj} :: Lasallian
lasca {f} :: nase (fish of the family Cyprinidae)
lascante {v} :: present participle of lascare
lascare {vt} [nautical] :: alternative form of allascare
Lascari {prop} :: Lascari (town/and/commune)
lasciante {v} :: present participle of lasciare
lasciantesi {v} :: present participle of lasciarsi
lasciapassare {m} :: pass, permit
lasciar {v} :: apocopic form of lasciare
lasciarci le cuoia {v} [idiomatic] :: To bite the dust
lasciarci le cuoia {v} :: to give up the ghost
lasciare {v} /laʃʃˈare/ :: to leave (leave something behind)
lasciare {v} :: to let
lasciare {v} :: to leave somebody
lasciare a bocca aperta {v} :: to make someone's jaw drop
lasciare correre {v} [idiom] :: to turn a blind eye; to look the other way; to let it be
lasciare il passo {v} [idiom] :: synonym of cedere il passo
lasciare in eredità {v} :: to bequeath (To give or leave by will; to give by testament; especially of personal property)
lasciare posto {v} :: to give way
lasciare questa terra {v} [idiom] :: To die
lasciar perdere {v} :: to get off, let alone, leave alone, let go
lasciarsi {v} :: reflexive of lasciare
lasciarsi {v} :: to leave each other, part, separate
lasciarsi {v} :: [of a couple] to separate, split up
lasciarsi {v} :: to let oneself
lasciarsi andare {vr} :: to give in to a feeling or a vice; to neglect oneself; to let oneself go
lasciarsi sfuggire di mano {v} [idiom] :: to let get out of hand
lasciatosi {v} :: past participle of lasciarsi
lasciatura {f} :: bias tape (length of material inside a seam)
lasciatura {f} :: An accidentally omitted word in typesetting
lascibile {adj} [obsolete] :: lascivious
lascità {f} [obsolete] :: moral weakness, cowardice
lascito {m} :: legacy, bequest
lascivamente {adv} :: lasciviously, lustfully
lascivia {f} :: lasciviousness
lascività {f} :: lasciviousness
lascivo {adj} :: lascivious, wanton
lascivo {adj} :: prurient
lasco {adj} :: slack
lasco {adj} :: loose
lasco {m} :: slack
laser {m} [physics] /ˈla.zer/ :: laser
laserchirurgia {f} [surgery] :: laser surgery
laserista {mf} :: laser technician
laserista {mf} [nautical] :: A person who sails a Laser dinghy
laserterapia {f} :: laser therapy
La Spezia {prop} /la ˈspɛt.tsja/ :: La Spezia (province/and/city)
lassa {f} [obsolete, poetry] /ˈlasːa/ :: laisse, tirade
lassa {f} [obsolete] :: lead, leash
lassativo {adj} :: laxative
lassativo {m} :: laxative
lassezza {f} :: lassitude, lethargy
lassismo {m} :: laxity
lassista {adj} :: lax
lassista {mf} :: A tolerant of indulgent person
lassistico {adj} :: tolerant, indulgent
lassità {f} [medicine] :: laxity
lasso {adj} [obsolete, literary] /ˈlas.so/ :: tired, weary, fatigued, weak
lasso {adj} [obsolete, literary] :: miserable, unhappy, bleak
lasso {adj} [dated, literary] :: lax, loose
lasso {adj} [dated, literary, figuratively] :: lax, lenient, permissive
lasso {m} [only in the locution lasso di tempo] :: flow, passage, period (of time)
lasso {m} :: lariat, lasso
lasso {m} :: alternative form of lassa
lasso di tempo {n} :: A period of time; interval
lassù {adv} :: up there
lassù {adv} :: up above, in heaven
lassù {adv} :: up north
lasta {f} :: A unit of measurement of Northern Europe for dry goods
lastra {f} :: slab (of stone etc)
lastra {f} :: sheet (of ice etc)
lastra {f} :: pane (of a window)
lastra {f} :: plate (photographic etc)
lastra {f} :: X-ray
lastraio {m} :: panel beater
lastratura {f} :: steel bodywork of a car
lastricamento {m} :: paving
lastricante {v} :: present participle of lastricare
lastricare {vt} :: To pave
lastricato {m} :: paving
lastricato {m} :: causeway
lastricatore {m} :: paver
lastricatura {f} :: paving, flagging
lastrico {m} :: paving, pavement
lastrina {f} :: Small, glass plate
lastrone {m} :: sheer rock face
lastrone {m} :: floe
la sua {pron} :: his (that which belongs to him)
lasveghiano {adj} :: Las Vegas (attributive)
latamente {adv} /la.taˈmen.te/ :: widely, extensively
latamente {adv} [figuratively] :: in a broad sense; sensu lato
latebra {f} [literary] :: lair, den
latebroso {adj} [literary] :: With many hiding places, isolated, secluded
latente {adj} :: latent (all senses)
latente {adj} :: underthreshold
latentemente {adv} :: latently
latenza {f} :: latency
laterale {adj} :: side, lateral
lateralità {f} :: laterality
lateralizzazione {f} :: lateralization
lateralmente {adv} :: sideways
lateralmente {adv} :: laterally
lateranense {adj} :: Lateran
Laterano {prop} :: Lateran (Basilica of St. John Lateran)
latercolo {m} :: laterculus (type of tile)
laterina {f} :: alternative form of latrina
laterite {f} :: laterite
lateritico {adj} :: lateritic
laterizio {m} /la.teˈrit.tsjo/ :: brick (used for tiling etc)
laterizzazione {f} [geology] :: laterization
laterodorsale {adj} [anatomy] :: laterodorsal
lateroflessione {f} :: lateroflexion
laterogesso {m} :: breeze-block, cinder block
lateroversione {f} [pathology] :: lateroversion
Laterza {prop} :: Laterza (small town)
latibolo {m} :: hideout, den, recess
latice {m} :: latex
laticifero {adj} :: laticiferous
laticifero {m} :: laticifer
laticlavio {m} :: laticlave
latifloro {adj} [botany] :: That has wide leaves
latifoglia {f} :: broadleaf (broad-leaved tree)
latifoglio {adj} [botany] :: broad-leaved
latifondismo {m} :: latifundism
latifondista {mf} :: landowner (of a large agricultural estate)
latifondistico {adj} :: latifundial
latifondo {m} :: latifundium (large farm or agricultural estate)
latina {f} :: feminine noun of latino
Latina {prop} :: Latina (town/and/province)
latinamente {adv} :: in Latin
latinamente {adv} :: clearly; easily
latineggiante {v} :: present participle of latineggiare
latineggiante {adj} :: Latinizing
latineggiare {vi} :: to Latinize
latinense {adj} :: Latina (attributive)
latinense {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Latina
latinense {m} :: The local dialect of Latina
latinismo {m} :: Latinism
latinista {mf} :: Latin scholar; Latinist
latinità {f} :: Latinity
latinizzamento {m} :: synonym of latinizzazione
latinizzante {v} :: present participle of latinizzare
latinizzare {vt} :: To Latinize
latinizzazione {f} :: Latinization
latin lover {m} [colloquial] :: Casanova, Don Juan, playboy, lady's man
latino- {prefix} :: Latin- (meaning Spanish)
latino {adj} :: Latin
latino {adj} :: of or related to Lazio, Italy
latino {adj} :: of or related to the Latin language
latino {adj} :: of or related to the various Romance languages
latino {adj} :: of or related to Latin people; speakers of the Romance languages such as Italians, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanians, etc
latino {m} :: Latin [person]
latino {m} :: Latin [language]
latino-americana {f} :: feminine noun of latino-americano
latinoamericana {f} :: feminine noun of latinoamericano
latino-americano {adj} :: alternative spelling of latinoamericano
latino-americano {m} :: alternative spelling of latinoamericano
latinoamericano {adj} :: Latin American
latinoamericano {m} :: Latin American
latinofono {adj} :: Latinophone
latinorum {m} :: mumbo jumbo
latino volgare {m} :: Vulgar Latin (language)
latinuccio {m} :: Simple, elementary Latin
latipede {adj} :: wide-footed
latirina {f} :: The alkaloid oxalyldiaminopropionic acid responsible for lathyrism
latirismo {m} [medicine] /la.tiˈris.mo/ :: lathyrism (neurological disease)
latiro {m} [botany] /ˈla.ti.ro/ :: Any member of the Lathyrus taxonomic genus
latirostro {adj} :: Having a wide beak
latitante {adj} :: in hiding
latitante {adj} :: on the run
latitante {mf} :: fugitive
latitante {v} :: present participle of latitare
latitanza {f} :: hiding (condition of being in hiding, or on the run)
latitare {vi} :: To be absent
latitare {vi} :: To abscond
latitudinale {adj} :: latitudinal
latitudinalmente {adv} :: latitudinally
latitudinario {adj} :: latitudinarian
latitudinario {m} :: latitudinarian
latitudinarismo {m} :: latitudinarianism
latitudine {f} /la.tiˈtu.di.ne/ :: latitude
lato {m} /ˈla.to/ :: side
lato {adj} [literary, rare] :: wide, broad
lato {adj} [literary, figuratively, of a meaning] :: broad
latomia {f} :: A quarry once used as a prison
latomistico {adj} :: masonic
latomistico {adj} :: Pertaining to the pigpen cipher
Latona {prop} [Greek god] :: Leto
latore {m} :: bearer (of a message)
lato sbagliato della strada {phrase} :: wrong side of the tracks
latramento {m} :: howling
latrante {v} :: present participle of latrare
latrare {vi} :: to howl
latrato {m} :: howl, howling
latreutico {adj} :: latreutic
-latria {suffix} :: -latry
latria {f} :: latria
latrina {f} :: lavatory (public)
latrina {f} :: latrine, bog, shitter
latrina {f} :: outhouse
latrinaio {m} :: public toilet attendant
latrocinio {m} :: theft, robbery, larceny
latta {f} :: tin, can
lattagogo {m} /lat.taˈɡɔ.ɡo/ :: alternative form of galattagogo
lattagogo {adj} :: alternative form of galattagogo
lattaia {f} :: female equivalent of lattaio
lattaio {adj} /latˈta.jo/ :: Yielding milk; milky
lattaio {m} :: milkman
lattaio {m} :: tinsmith
lattaiola {f} [regional] /lat.taˈjɔ.la/ :: Used to indicate several plants of the family Asteraceae, such as Chondrilla juncea
lattaiola pungente {f} :: Picris hieracioides, hawkweed oxtongue
lattaiolo {adj} [rare] /lat.taˈjɔ.lo/ :: milk [attributive]
lattaiolo {m} [rare, chiefly in the plural] :: milk tooth
lattaiolo {m} [regional, Central Italian] :: A traditional dessert in areas of Tuscany and Marche
lattaiolo {m} [regional, Tuscany] :: Used to indicate some mushrooms of the Lactarius genus
lattamasi {f} [enzyme] :: lactamase
lattame {m} :: lactam
lattamico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: lactam (attributive)
lattante {adj} :: breast-fed, breastfed
lattante {mf} :: baby
Lattanzio {prop} :: Lactantius
Lattanzio {prop} :: given name
lattare {v} :: To lactate
lattario {m} [botany] /latˈta.rjo/ :: The Lactarius genus of mushrooms
lattasi {f} [enzyme] :: lactase
lattato {m} [organic chemistry] :: lactate
lattato {adj} :: milky, lactic
lattazione {f} :: lactation
latte {m} /ˈlat.te/ :: milk
latte artificiale {m} :: formula (food for infants)
latte condensato {m} :: condensed milk
latte di arachidi {n} :: peanut milk
latte di cocco {m} :: coconut milk
latte di galina {m} :: an invigorating drink, composed of egg yolk, sugar, boiled milk, and either brandy or rum
latte di galina {m} [figurative, by extension] :: food or nourishment that is costly and hard to find
latte di mandorla {m} :: almond milk
latte di mandorle {m} :: almond milk
latte di soia {m} :: soy milk
latteggiare {vi} [rare, art] :: to paint with a milky hue
latte in polvere {m} :: milk powder, powdered milk
latte intero {m} :: whole milk
latte materno {m} :: breast milk
latte materno {m} :: mother's milk
lattemiele {m} :: whipped cream
latteo {adj} /ˈlat.te.o/ :: milky (of or pertaining to milk)
latte parzialmente scremato {m} [foods] :: semi-skimmed milk
latteria {f} :: dairy (shop)
latteria {f} :: milk bar
latteria {f} :: dairy (place where milk is processed)
latterino {f} :: smelt (especially Atherina boyeri)
lattescente {adj} :: lactescent, milky, cloudy
lattescenza {f} :: milkiness, cloudiness, lactescence
latte scremato {m} [foods] :: skimmed milk
lattice {m} :: alternative form of latice
latticello {m} /lat.tiˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: buttermilk
latticemia {f} [pathology] :: lacticaemia
latticifero {adj} :: alternative form of laticifero
latticifero {m} :: alternative form of laticifero
latticinio {m} :: dairy product
latticino {m} :: dairy product
latticinoso {adj} :: alternative form of lattiginoso
lattico {adj} :: lactic
lattide {m} [organic chemistry] :: lactide
lattiera {f} :: milk jug
lattiero {adj} :: milk (attributive)
lattiero {adj} :: dairy (attributive)
lattifero {adj} :: lactiferous, milk (attributive)
lattifugo {adj} :: lactifugal
lattifugo {m} :: lactifuge
lattigeno {adj} :: lactogenic
lattiginoso {adj} :: milky
lattilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: lactylate
lattime {m} :: milk crust
lattimo {m} :: lattimo
lattina {f} :: diminutive of latta
lattivendolo {m} :: milkman
latto- {prefix} :: lacto-
lattoalbumina {f} [protein] :: lactalbumin
lattobacillo {m} :: lactobacillus
lattococco {m} [microbiology] :: lactococcus
lattodensimetro {m} :: lactometer, lactodensimeter
lattofermentatore {m} :: Equipment for making yoghurt or similar fermented milk products
lattoflavina {f} [organic compound] :: lactoflavin
lattogenesi {f} :: lactogenesis
lattogenetico {adj} :: lactogenic
lattogeno {adj} :: lactogenic
lattone {adj} [archaic, of animals] /latˈto.ne/ :: suckling
lattone {m} :: suckling pig
lattone {m} :: The silkworm in its last larval stage, when it becomes yellowish
lattone {m} [organic chemistry] :: lactone
lattone {m} [chiefly archaic, regional, uncountable] :: synonym of ottone
lattone {m} :: synonym of latta
lattoneria {f} :: A tinsmith's or sheet metal-worker's workshop or factory
lattoneria {f} :: The work of a tinsmith; fabrication using sheet metal
lattoniere {m} :: tinsmith, whitesmith
lattonzo {m} /latˈton.t͡so/ :: alternative form of lattonzolo
lattonzolo {m} /latˈton.t͡so.lo/ :: A suckling animal, particularly:
lattonzolo {m} :: a suckling pig
lattonzolo {m} [figurative] :: A naive and inexperienced boy; a milksop
lattoproteina {f} [protein] :: lactoprotein
lattoscopio {m} :: lactoscope
lattosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: lactose
lattovaro {m} :: synonym of elettuario
Lattuada {prop} :: surname
lattuca {f} :: alternative form of lattuga
lattucario {m} :: lactucarium
lattuccio {m} [term of endearment] /latˈtut.t͡ʃo/ :: diminutive of latte
lattuga {f} :: lettuce
lattugaccio {m} /lat.tuˈɡat.t͡ʃo/ :: The plant Chondrilla juncea; nakedweed
lattughella {f} /lat.tuˈɡɛl.la/ :: The plant Valerianella locusta; corn salad, lamb's lettuce
lattughetta {f} /lat.tuˈɡet.ta/ :: synonym of lattughella
lattughina {f} /lat.tuˈɡi.na/ :: diminutive of lattuga
lattughina {f} :: synonym of lattughella
lattugone {m} :: cardoon
lattume {m} :: milt of tuna, used in Sicilian gastronomy
lauda {f} [obsolete] /ˈlau̯.da/ :: praise
lauda {f} [historical] :: A medieval poetic work with religious themes
laudabile {adj} :: laudable, praiseworthy
laudante {v} :: present participle of laudare
Laudara {prop} :: Laudara (island)
laudare {vt} :: alternative form of lodare
laudario {m} :: hymnal (collection of lauda)
laudativamente {adv} :: in a laudatory manner
laudativo {adj} :: laudatory
laudazione {f} :: laudation, praise
laudazione {f} :: panegyric
laudemio {m} :: emphyteusis (payment for)
laudese {m} :: praiser, lauder
laudevole {adj} :: alternative form of lodevole
laudevolmente {adv} :: alternative form of lodevolmente
laudistico {adj} :: laudistic
launegildo {m} :: launegild
Laura {prop} :: given name
laurea {f} /ˈla.u.re.a/ :: degree (from university)
laureanda {f} :: female equivalent of laureando
laureando {m} :: a final year university student
laureante {v} :: present participle of laureare
laureantesi {v} :: present participle of laurearsi
laureare {vt} :: to confer a university degree
laureare {vt} [figuratively] :: to crown
laurearsi {v} :: reflexive of laureare
laurearsi {v} [education] :: to graduate, take a degree
laurearsi {v} [figuratively] :: to be crowned
laureata {f} :: female equivalent of laureato
laureato {adj} :: graduated, having a degree
laureato {m} :: graduate
laureatosi {v} :: past participle of laurearsi
laurenziano {adj} :: Laurentian
laurenziano {m} :: Laurentian (language)
laurenzio {m} [chemistry] /lauˈrɛntsjo/ :: lawrencium
lauretano {adj} :: Of, or from, Loreto
lauretano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Loreto
laureto {m} :: laurel thicket
laurico {adj} :: lauric
lauro {m} :: laurel
lauro {m} :: Any plant of the genus Laurus
lauroceraso {m} /lau.ro.t͡ʃeˈra.zo/ :: Prunus laurocerasus; cherry laurel
laurotino {m} :: laurestine (Viburnum tinus)
lautamente {adv} :: abundantly, profusely
lautezza {f} :: richness, abundance, lavishness
lauto {adj} :: rich, abundant, large, lavish
lava- {prefix} /la.va/ :: Used to derive nouns related to washing
lava {f} :: lava
lavaauto {m} :: car wash
lavabiancheria {f} /ˌla.va.bjan.keˈri.a/ :: washing machine
lavabicchieri {m} :: glass-washer (machine, in a bar, for washing glasses)
lavabile {adj} :: washable
lavabilità {f} :: washability
lavabo {m} :: washbasin, in particular of bathroom
lavabo {m} :: lavabo
lavabottiglie {m} :: bottle-washer (machine for washing bottles)
lavacapo {m} :: reprimand, scolding
lavaceci {m} :: scatterbrain
lavacristallo {m} :: windscreen washer (of a car)
lavacro {m} :: basin for washing
lavacro {m} :: washing (ritual cleansing or purification)
lavadita {m} :: finger bowl
lavafari {m} :: headlight washer (on a car)
lavafrutta {m} :: A bowl for washing fruit just before it is eaten
lavaggiatore {m} :: chief washerman
lavaggino {m} :: washer of yarn in the textile industry
lavaggio {m} :: washing, wash, scouring
lavaggio del cervello {m} :: brain-washing
lavaggista {mf} :: Person who works in a car wash
lavagna {f} [mineralogy] :: slate
lavagna {f} :: writing board, blackboard
lavagna pannografica {f} :: A board, covered in fabric on which figures can be applied, used as a teaching aid
lavaindossa {adj} :: non-iron
La Valletta {prop} :: La Valletta (capital city)
lavamacchine {m} :: car wash (or person who works in one)
lavamano {m} :: washstand
lavamoquette {f} :: carpet cleaner (domestic appliance)
lavanda {f} :: wash, washing
lavanda {f} [medicine] :: lavage
lavanda {f} :: lavender
lavanda gastrica {f} [medicine] :: gastric lavage (process of cleaning out the contents of the stomach)
lavandaia {f} :: washerwoman, washer, laundress
lavandaio {m} :: washer, laundryman
lavandara {f} :: alternative form of lavandaia
lavandaro {m} :: alternative form of lavandaio
lavanderia {f} :: laundry (Shop or room where the clothes are washed and ironed)
lavanderia {f} :: washhouse
lavandeto {m} :: lavender grove, lavender field
lavandino {m} :: A washbasin
lavandino {m} :: A kitchen sink, a sink
lavandula {f} :: lavender
lavante {v} :: present participle of lavare
lavantesi {v} :: present participle of lavarsi
lavapavimenti {m} :: mop (for washing the floor)
lavapiatti {mf} :: dishwasher (person)
lavapiatti {f} :: dishwasher (machine)
lavapiedi {m} :: foot bath, foot spa
lavare {vt} :: to wash
lavarello {m} :: lavaret (Coregonus lavaretus)
lavare via {v} :: to whitewash (To cover over errors or bad actions)
lavarsene le mani {v} [idiomatic] :: to wash one's hands of
lavarsi {v} :: reflexive of lavare
lavarsi {v} :: to wash (oneself)
lavascale {mf} :: Person who cleans the stairs in an apartment building
lavasciuga {f} :: washer-dryer (domestic appliance)
lavasciugatrice {f} :: alternative form of lavasciuga
lavascodelle {mf} :: synonym of lavapiatti
lavasecco {m} :: dry-cleaner's (shop)
lavasecco {f} :: dry-cleaning machine
lavastoviglie {f} /la.vas.toˈvi.ʎe/ :: dishwasher
lavata {f} :: wash
lavataccia {f} :: A quick wash, especially in communal surroundings
lavataccia {f} [colloquial] :: A situation in which people are forced into close proximity
lavatergifari {m} :: alternative form of lavatergifaro
lavatergifaro {m} :: headlight washer/wiper (on a car)
lavatesta {m} :: A shaped washbasin, in a hairdressers, on which the head rests while the hair is washed
lavativo {m} :: enema
lavativo {m} :: shirker, idler, good-for-nothing
lavativo {m} :: cop-out
lavatoio {m} :: Public washhouse
lavatore {m} :: washer (person)
lavatore {m} :: scrubber (equipment)
lavatosi {v} :: past participle of lavarsi
lavatrice {f} :: washing machine
lavatura {f} :: washing (act of)
lavatura {f} :: dirty water
lavavetri {m} /la.vaˈve.tri/ :: window cleaner (product used to clean windows)
lavavetri {m} :: windscreen washer (on a car)
lavavetri {m} :: squeegee
lavavetri {mf} :: window cleaner (person who cleans windows)
laveggio {m} [archaic] /laˈved.d͡ʒo/ :: (earthenware) vessel
laveggio {m} [archaic] :: A copper stockpot
lavello {m} :: A kitchen sink, a sink
la vendetta è un piatto che va servito freddo {proverb} :: revenge is a dish best served cold
la verità viene sempre a galla {phrase} :: truth will out
lavetta {f} :: small handtowel, typically reserved to guests
lavezzo {m} [archaic, regional] /laˈvet.t͡so/ :: alternative form of laveggio
lavico {adj} :: lava [attributive]
lavina {f} :: snowslide
Lavina {prop} :: Lavinia
Lavinia {prop} [Roman mythology] :: Lavinia
Lavinia {prop} :: given name
Lavino {prop} :: Lavino (small river)
lavorabile {adj} :: workable
lavorabilità {f} :: workability
lavorabilità {f} :: machinability
lavoracchiante {v} :: present participle of lavoracchiare
lavoracchiare {vi} :: To work little, or only now and again
lavoraccio {m} :: chore, fag, challenge
lavoraccio {m} :: pig's ear, mess-up, balls-up
lavorante {v} :: present participle of lavorare
lavorante {mf} :: worker
lavorantesi {v} :: present participle of lavorarsi
lavorar {v} :: apocopic form of lavorare
lavorare {vi} :: to work; to labor
lavorare {vi} :: to work; to function
lavorare {vi} :: To run or operate [a business, etc.]
lavorare {vt} :: to work or carve [a material]
lavorare {vt} :: to knead [dough]
lavorare {vt} :: to cultivate
lavorare {vt} [rare] :: to butter up or wheedle
lavorare come un mulo {v} :: to work like a horse (mule)
lavorare di malavoglia {v} :: to slog
lavorare di malavoglia {v} :: To work slowly and deliberately (overcoming significant boredom)
lavorare d'intaglio {v} :: to fret
lavorare fino allo stremo {v} :: to work one's fingers to the bone
lavorare sodo {v} :: to work hard
lavorare sodo {v} :: to keep one's nose to the grindstone
lavorarsi {v} :: reflexive of lavorare
lavorarsi {v} :: to work on something
lavorarsi {v} :: to butter up or wheedle
lavorativo {adj} :: working, work (attributive)
lavorativo {adj} [agriculture] :: tillable, arable
lavorato {adj} :: tooled
lavorato {adj} :: carved
lavorato {adj} :: wrought [iron, etc.]
lavorato {adj} :: worked [gold, etc.]
lavorato {adj} :: finished [product]
lavorato {adj} :: cultivated [land]
lavoratore {adj} :: working
lavoratore {m} :: worker, workman
lavoratorio {m} [rare] :: alternative form of laboratorio
lavoratosi {v} :: past participle of lavorarsi
lavoratrice {f} :: female equivalent of lavoratore
lavoratura {f} [uncommon] :: synonym of lavorazione
lavorazione {f} :: manufacturing, manufacture, working, work, workmanship, processing
lavorazione {f} :: tillage, cultivation
lavorazione in vimini {f} :: wickerwork
lavoretto {m} :: A simple piece of work, or one of little importance
lavoretto da nulla {m} :: synonym of lavoretto sporco
lavoretto sporco {m} [pejorative] :: dirty work
lavoretto sporco {m} :: One or more unpleasant tasks, assignments, or employment duties, especially those of a disreputable or illicit nature
lavoricchiante {v} :: present participle of lavoricchiare
lavoricchiare {vi} :: to potter about
lavoricchiare {vi} :: to do odd jobs
lavoriero {m} :: A V-shaped fishing net used in the Venetian lagoon to catch fish migrating to the sea
lavorio {m} :: Intense activity or work
lavorista {mf} [legal] /la.voˈris.ta/ :: Expert in labour law
lavoro {m} :: work (all senses)
lavoro {m} :: labour
lavoro {m} :: job, task
lavoro d'intaglio {m} :: fretwork
lavoro d'intarsio {m} :: fretwork
lavoro d'ornato {m} :: fretwork
lavorone {m} :: A heavy workload
lavoro occasionale {m} :: odd job
lavorucchiare {v} [rare] :: alternative form of lavoricchiare
lawrentio {m} :: alternative form of laurenzio
laziale {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Lazio
laziale {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the S.S. Lazio, the Italian football team based in Rome
laziale {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Lazio
laziale {mf} :: A S.S. Lazio player or supporter
laziale {m} :: The dialect of Lazio
lazio {adj} [poetic] /ˈlat.t͡sjo/ :: Latin, Latian
Lazio {prop} /ˈlattsjo/ :: Lazio (region)
Lazio {prop} [historical] :: Latium
lazo {m} /ˈlat͡so/ :: lariat, lasso
lazuleo {adj} [poetic] :: lapis lazuli (attributive)
lazulite {f} [mineralogy] :: lazulite
lazzare {vi} :: To joke
lazzaretto {m} :: A leper hospital
lazzaretto {m} :: A place of quarantine; a lazaretto
lazzarista {adj} :: Lazarist
lazzarista {mf} :: Lazarist
lazzaro {m} [obsolete] /ˈlad.d͡za.ro/ :: leper
lazzaro {m} [historical, derogatory] :: A supporter of the Bourbon monarchy in the south of Italy during the Risorgimento
Lazzaro {prop} :: Lazarus [biblical character]
Lazzaro {prop} :: given name
lazzaronata {f} :: The action of a scoundrel; a dirty trick
lazzarone {m} :: scoundrel, rogue
lazzarone {m} [obsolete] :: leper
lazzaronesco {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a lazzarone (in all senses)
lazzaronismo {m} :: The attitude and behaviour of a lazzarone (in all senses)
lazzaruola {f} :: alternative form of lazzeruola
lazzaruolo {m} :: alternative form of lazzeruolo
lazzeggiare {vi} [uncommon] :: alternative form of lazzare
lazzeretto {m} :: alternative form of lazzaretto
lazzero {m} :: alternative form of lazzaro
lazzerone {m} :: alternative spelling of lazzarone
lazzeruola {f} :: azarole, mosphilla, Mediterranean medlar (fruit of the plant Crataegus azarolus)
lazzeruolo {m} :: azarole, mosphilla, Mediterranean medlar (plant Crataegus azarolus)
lazzo {m} :: jest
lazzo {adj} [literary, of taste] :: sharp, tart, pungent
lazzo {adj} [rare, of sound] :: shrill, piercing
LC {prop} :: abbreviation of Lecco (Italian town in Lombardy)
LCD {m} :: LCD
le {art} /le/ :: the
le {pron} [accusative] :: them (third-person plural feminine)
le {pron} [dative] :: her, to her
le {pron} [dative] :: you, to you (term of respect)
Le {pron} [formal] :: alternative case form of le
LE {prop} [government, abbreviation] :: abbreviation of Lecce (Italian town in Puglia)
leader {mf} /ˈli.der/ :: leader (chief; one in front)
leaderanza {f} :: leadership
leaderino {m} :: A leader of an unimportant group (especially of a youth organization)
leaderismo {m} :: The behaviour or attitude of a leader
leaderistico {adj} :: Characteristic of a leader
leadership {f} :: leadership
leale {adj} :: loyal, faithful
leale {adj} :: honest
lealismo {m} :: loyalism
lealista {adj} :: loyalist
lealista {mf} :: loyalist
lealmente {adv} :: loyally, faithfully
lealmente {adv} :: honestly
lealtà {f} :: loyalty, faithfulness
lealtà {f} :: fairness, honesty
leandro {m} :: alternative form of oleandro
Leandro {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Leander
Leandro {prop} :: given name
leanza {f} :: synonym of lealtà
Learco {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Learchus
Learco {prop} :: given name
leardo {adj} :: grey (especially of horses)
lebbra {f} :: leprosy
lebbrosa {f} :: leper (female)
lebbrosario {m} :: leper colony
lebbroso {adj} :: leprous
lebbroso {m} :: leper (male)
Lebedo {prop} :: Lebedus
Leblanc {prop} :: surname
lecanomante {mf} :: lecanomantic
lecanomanzia {f} :: lecanomancy
leccaciuffi {f} [vulgar] :: rug muncher (lesbian)
leccaculo {mf} [pejorative, vulgar] :: ass-licker, arse-licker, brown-noser
leccaculo {mf} :: lackey
leccaculo {mf} :: toady
lecca lecca {m} :: alternative spelling of lecca-lecca
lecca-lecca {m} :: lollipop, lolly
leccalecca {m} :: alternative spelling of lecca-lecca
leccamento {m} :: lick, licking
leccante {v} :: present participle of leccare
leccantesi {v} :: present participle of leccarsi
leccapiatti {mf} :: A very greedy person (literally a plate-licker)
leccapiedi {mf} :: bootlicker, crawler, brown-noser, flunky
leccar {v} :: apocopic form of leccare
leccarda {f} :: dripping pan (under roasting meat)
leccardo {adj} :: greedy, gluttonous
leccardo {m} :: glutton
leccare {vt} :: To lick
leccarsi {vr} :: To lick oneself
leccarsi i baffi {v} :: lick one's chops
leccarsi i baffi {v} :: lick one's lips
leccasanti {mf} :: bigot (literally a saint-licker)
leccascodelle {mf} :: synonym of leccapiatti
leccata {f} :: lick
leccatamente {adv} :: affectedly
leccatina {f} :: lick / flick of a whip (to encourage a horse)
leccato {adj} :: affected
leccatore {m} :: licker
leccatore {m} :: glutton; scrounger
leccatore {m} :: brown-noser
leccatosi {v} :: past participle of leccarsi
leccatura {f} :: licking (especially repetitively)
leccazampe {mf} :: synonym of leccapiedi
Lecce {prop} :: Lecce (city/and/province)
leccese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Lecce
leccese {adj} :: Of or relating to Lecce or the Lecce people
lecceta {f} :: alternative form of lecceto
lecceto {m} :: holm oak wood (forest)
lecchese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Lecco
lecchese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Lecco
lecchetto {m} :: dainty morsel
lecchino {m} [pejorative, vulgar] :: arse-licker, brown-noser, lackey, toady
leccia {f} :: leerfish (Lichia amia)
leccia {f} :: greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili)
leccia {f} :: seal shark (Scymnorhinus licha)
leccia {f} :: holm oak acorn
leccio {m} :: holm oak, ilex (Quercus ilex)
Lecco {prop} :: Lecco (town/and/province)
leccone {m} :: glutton
leccone {m} :: lickspittle
leccornia {f} /lek.korˈni.a/ :: delicacy, dainty (food)
leccume {m} :: treat (morsel of good food)
leccume {m} :: allurement
lecere {v} :: alternative form of licere
lechitico {adj} :: Lechitic
lechito {m} :: Lechite
lecitamente {adv} :: lawfully
lecitamente {adv} :: rightly, correctly
lecitezza {f} :: alternative form of licitezza
lecitina {f} [organic chemistry] :: lecithin
lecito {adj} /ˈle.tʃi.to/ :: allowed
lecito {adj} [law] :: lawful, legal, licit
lecito {m} :: what is right, allowed
lectina {f} [protein] :: lectin
Leda {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Leda
Leda {prop} :: given name
ledente {v} :: present participle of ledere
ledere {vt} /ˈlɛ.de.re/ :: to hurt, infringe
ledere {vt} :: to injure, damage
leena {f} [poetic] :: synonym of leonessa
lega {f} :: league (politics, sport, distance), gang
lega {f} :: association, society
lega {f} [chemistry] :: alloy
lega {f} :: league (length)
Lega {prop} [politics] :: ellipsis of Lega Nord
Legabasket {prop} :: The Italian basketball league
legaccia {f} :: alternative form of legaccio
legaccio {m} :: shoelace
legaccio {m} :: bond (physical connection which binds)
legacciolo {m} :: synonym of legaccio
legale {adj} :: lawful, legitimate
legale {adj} [attribute] :: legal, law
legale {adj} :: juridical, juristic
legale {mf} :: lawyer, attorney
legalismo {m} :: legalism
legalista {adj} :: legalist
legalista {mf} :: legalist
legalistico {adj} :: legalistic
legalità {f} :: legality, lawfulness
legalitario {adj} :: law-abiding
legalitario {adj} :: legal
legalizzante {v} :: present participle of legalizzare
legalizzare {vt} /le.ɡa.lidˈd͡za.re/ :: to legalize
legalizzare {vt} :: to authenticate
legalizzazione {f} /le.ɡa.lid.d͡zaˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: legalization
legalmente {adv} :: legally, lawfully
legame {m} :: link, bond
legame {m} :: connection, relationship, tie
legame chimico {m} [chemistry] :: chemical bond
legame covalente {m} [chemistry] :: covalent bond
legame dativo {m} [chemistry] :: dative bond
legame idrogeno {m} [chemistry] :: hydrogen bond
legame ionico {m} [chemistry] :: ionic bond
legamento {m} :: tying, binding
legamento {m} :: link, connection
legamento {m} :: string, tape
legamento {m} :: liaison
legamento {m} :: ligament
legamento {m} [music] :: ligature, slur
legamentoso {adj} [anatomy] :: ligamental
legame peptidico {m} [biochemistry, chemistry] :: peptide bond
Lega Nord {prop} [politics] :: A rightist Italian political party that presses for the secession of Padania from Italy
legante {adj} :: bound, tied
legante {adj} :: connected, linked
legante {adj} [chemistry, of an orbital] :: bonding
legante {m} [chemistry] :: ligand
legante {m} :: thickener [for food sauces, etc.]
legantesi {v} :: present participle of legarsi
legare {vt} /leˈɡare/ :: to bind or tie
legare {vt} :: to unite
legare {vt} :: to connect
legare {vi} :: to get on (with someone)
legare {vi} :: to alloy
legarsi {v} :: reflexive of legare
legarsi {v} :: to become attached to
legata {f} :: tying up
legataria {f} :: female equivalent of legatario
legatario {m} :: legatee (the beneficiary of a legacy)
legatissimo {adj} :: superlative of legato
legatizio {adj} :: legate (attributive)
legato {adj} :: awkward, stiff
legato {adj} :: linked, connected, tied
legato {adj} :: close, attached, involved
legato {m} :: legate
legato {m} :: legacy, bequest, background
legato pontificio {m} :: papal legate
legatore {m} :: bookbinder
legatoria {f} :: bookbinding
legatoria {f} :: a bindery
legatosi {v} :: past participle of legarsi
legatrice {f} :: binder (agricultural machine)
legatrice {f} :: female equivalent of legatore
legatura {f} :: binding (of a book)
legatura {f} :: ligature
legatura {f} :: logotype
legatura {f} [orthography, typography] :: typographic ligature
legazia {f} :: legation (office of a legate)
legazione {f} :: legation
legenda {f} :: legend (text)
legenda {f} :: key (to a diagram etc)
legge {f} :: law
legge di conservazione {f} [physics] :: conservation law
legge di Hubble {f} [astronomy] :: Hubble's law
leggenda {f} :: legend (myth, and explanatory inscription)
leggenda {f} :: old wives' tale
leggendariamente {adv} :: legendarily
leggendario {adj} :: legendary
leggendario {m} :: A collection of legends, especially about the saints
leggente {v} :: present participle of leggere
leggentesi {v} :: present participle of leggersi
leggera {f} :: vagabond, gypsy
leggere {vti} /ˈlɛddʒere/ :: to read
leggere fra le righe {v} :: alternative form of leggere tra le righe
leggere tra le righe {v} [idiomatic] :: to read between the lines
leggerezza {f} :: lightness (having little weight)
leggerezza {f} :: lightness (agility)
leggerezza {f} :: blitheness, thoughtlessness
leggerezza {f} [rare] :: trifle
leggerissimo {adj} :: superlative of leggero
leggermente {adv} :: mildly, gently
leggermente {adv} :: slightly
leggermente {adv} :: lightly, nimbly
leggermente {adv} :: thoughtlessly
leggero {adj} /ledˈdʒɛro/ :: light (in weight)
leggero {adj} [music] :: pop
leggero {adj} :: slight
leggero {adj} :: thin (thicker than sottile)
leggerone {m} :: scatterbrain
leggersi {v} :: reflexive of leggere
leggersi {v} :: to be read [in a particular way]
leggersi {v} :: to read
leggiadramente {adv} :: prettily, gracefully
leggiadria {f} /led.d͡ʒaˈdri.a/ :: loveliness, prettiness
leggiadria {f} :: elegance
leggiadro {adj} /ledˈd͡ʒa.dro/ :: lovely, pretty
leggiadro {adj} :: elegant, graceful, sightly
leggibile {adj} :: legible, readable
leggibilità {f} :: legibility, readability, readableness
leggibilmente {adv} :: legibly, readably
leggicchiante {v} :: present participle of leggicchiare
leggicchiare {vt} :: To skim through (read in a cursory manner)
leggiera {f} :: alternative form of leggera
leggiere {m} :: alternative form of leggiera
leggieri {adj} :: alternative form of leggero
leggiero {adj} :: archaic spelling of leggero
leggina {f} [legal] :: bylaw
leggio {m} /ledˈdʒio/ :: bookrest
leggio {m} :: music stand
leggio {m} :: lectern
leggista {f} :: alternative form of legista
leggitore {m} :: alternative form of lettore
leggitore {m} [computing] :: punched card reader
leggiucchiante {v} :: present participle of leggiucchiare
leggiucchiare {vt} :: alternative form of leggicchiare
leghismo {m} :: A tendency to form associations between political parties and trade unions etc
leghista {adj} [attributive] :: league
leghista {adj} [politics] :: Of or pertaining to Lega / Lega Nord
leghista {mf} [politics] :: A member or supporter of the Lega / Lega Nord
legiferante {v} :: present participle of legiferare
legiferare {vi} :: to legislate; to pass laws
legiferazione {f} :: legislation
legionario {m} :: legionnaire
legione {f} /leˈd͡ʒo.ne/ :: legion (of troops)
legione {f} :: host, multitude
legione {f} [taxonomy] :: order (more normal is ordine)
legionella {f} :: bacteria of the genus Legionella
legionellosi {f} [pathology] :: legionellosis, Legionnaires' disease
legislativamente {adv} :: legislatively
legislativo {adj} :: legislative
legislatore {m} :: legislator, lawmaker, lawgiver
legislatura {f} :: legislature
legislazione {f} :: legislation
legismo {m} [philosophy] :: legalism (in Chinese philosophy)
legista {mf} [legal] :: jurist
legittima {f} [legal] :: dower
legittimabile {adj} :: That can be legitimized
legittimamente {adv} :: legitimately
legittimante {v} :: present participle of legittimare
legittimante {adj} :: legitimizing
legittimare {vt} :: To legitimize
legittimario {m} [legal] :: forced heir (one who cannot be disinherited)
legittimatorio {adj} :: legitimizing
legittimazione {f} :: legitimation
legittimismo {m} [legal] :: legitimism
legittimista {mf} [legal] :: legitimist
legittimistico {adj} :: legitimistic
legittimità {f} :: legitimacy
legittimizzante {v} :: present participle of legittimizzare
legittimizzare {v} :: to legitimize
legittimizzazione {f} :: legitimization
legittimo {adj} :: legitimate, legal, rightful
legittimo {adj} :: legitimate, proper, fair
legna {f} :: firewood
legnaceo {adj} :: ligneous
legnaggio {m} :: alternative form of lignaggio
legnaia {f} :: woodshed
legnaiolo {m} :: woodcutter
legname {m} :: timber, wood
legnamistico {adj} :: timber, wood (attributive)
legnanese {adj} :: Of or from Legnano
Legnano {prop} :: Legnano (town)
legnante {v} :: present participle of legnare
Legnante {prop} :: surname
legnantesi {v} :: present participle of legnarsi
legnare {vt} [familiar] :: to beat with a stick
legnare {vt} [familiar] :: to defeat overwhelmingly
legnare {vt} [archaic] :: to gather firewood
legnarsi {v} :: reflexive of legnare
legnarsi {v} [familiar, reciprocal] :: to beat one another with a stick
legnata {f} [familiar] :: blow or a beating with a stick
legnatico {m} :: The ancient right to collect firewood
legnatosi {v} :: past participle of legnarsi
legnatura {f} [uncommon] :: beating, spanking, hiding
legnetti {m} [musical instruments] :: claves
legno {m} /ˈleɲːo/ :: wood (the material, or a piece of wood)
legno {m} :: sailing ship
legno {m} :: (plural) woodwind instrument
legnolo {m} [nautical] :: strand (of a rope or cable)
legnosamente {adv} :: stiffly
legnosità {f} :: woodiness
legnosità {f} :: stiffness
legnoso {adj} :: woody
legnoso {adj} :: stiff, wooden
legnuolo {m} :: Variant of legnolo
leguleico {adj} :: pettyfogging
leguleio {m} :: pettyfogger
legume {m} :: legume (peas, beans, lentils and similar pulses)
legumiera {f} :: vegetable dish
leguminosa {f} :: legume (peas and beans)
lei {pron} /lɛːi/ :: she
lei {pron} :: her
lei {pron} :: it
lei {pron} [formal] :: you
Lei {pron} [formal, polite] :: alternative case form of lei
leibniziano {adj} :: Leibnizian
Leida {prop} /ˈlɛi.da/ :: Leida (city)
leishmaniosi {f} [pathology] :: Leishmaniasis
leitmotiv {m} :: leitmotif (musical or otherwise)
Lelio {prop} :: given name
lellare {vi} :: To linger, dawdle, hesitate
lemanico {adj} :: Lake Geneva (attributive)
Lemano {prop} :: Lake Geneva / Lake Léman
lembello {m} [heraldiccharge] :: lambel
lembo {m} :: hem
lembo {m} :: strip (of material or land)
Lemene {prop} :: A river that flows in Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia
lemma {m} [mathematics, linguistics, lexicography] /ˈlɛmːa/ :: lemma
lemma {m} :: entry (in a dictionary)
lemmario {m} :: A list of all the words in a dictionary
lemmatico {adj} :: lemmatic
lemmatizzante {v} :: present participle of lemmatizzare
lemmatizzare {vt} :: To list (a word) in a dictionary
lemmatizzazione {f} :: listing in a dictionary
lemme {adv} :: only in lemme lemme
lemme lemme {adv} :: Very slowly
lemna {f} :: duckweed
lemnisco {m} :: lemniscus
Lemno {prop} :: Lemno (island)
lemosina {f} :: alternative form of elemosina
Lemuele {prop} [Biblical character] :: Lemuel
Lemuele {prop} :: given name
lemure {m} :: lemur
lemure {m} [roman mytholgy] :: lemures (spirits of the restless)
lemure catta {m} :: Variant of lemure dalla coda ad anelli
lemure dalla coda ad anelli {m} :: ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)
lena {f} :: force, energy, vigour
lena {f} :: breath
lenci {m} :: A soft felt fabric used in the manufacture of dolls etc
Lendava {prop} :: A small town in the Oltremura statistical region of Slovenia
lendine {m} :: nit
lendinoso {adj} :: nitty (having nits in one's hair)
lene {adj} [literary] /ˈlɛ.ne/ :: mild, gentle, soft
lene {adj} [literary, poetic] :: smooth
lene {adj} [literary, phonetics] :: lenis
lenemente {adv} :: mildly, gently, softly
lenemente {adv} :: lightly
lenente {v} :: present participle of lenire
leneo {adj} :: dionysian, bacchic
lenimento {m} :: soothing, relief, alleviation
Leningrado {prop} [historical] :: Leningrado (city); former name of Saint Petersburg, used from 1924 to 1991
Leningrado {prop} :: Leningrado (oblast)
leniniano {adj} :: Leninian, Leninist
leninismo {m} [politics] /leniˈnismo/ :: Leninism
leninista {adj} /leniˈnista/ :: Leninist
leninista {mf} :: Leninist
leninistico {adj} :: Leninist, Leninistic
lenire {vt} :: to soothe, relieve
lenità {f} [literary] :: lenity
lenitivo {adj} [medicine] :: lenitive
lenitivo {m} [medicine] :: lenitive
lenizione {f} :: lenition
Lenno {prop} :: Lenno (small town)
lenone {m} [colloquial] :: pimp
lentaggine {f} :: laurestine (Viburnum tinus)
lentamente {adv} /len.taˈmɛn.te/ :: slowly
lentare {vt} [often, poetic] :: synonym of allentare
lentare {vt} [often, poetic] :: to release by loosening one's hold; to let go
lentare {vi} [literary] :: to diminish in vigor or intensity; to deenergize
lentarsi {v} :: reflexive of lentare
lentarsi {vi} [literary] :: to diminish in vigor or intensity; to deenergize
lente {f} :: lens
lente a contatto {f} :: contact lens
lente d'ingrandimento {f} :: magnifying glass
lenteggiare {vi} [rare] :: To be dull or slow
lentezza {f} :: slowness, sluggishness
lentezza {f} :: slow-wittedness
lentia {f} [nautical] :: A harness used to roll a cask or barrel along an inclined plane
lenticchia {f} :: lentil
lenticella {f} [botany] :: lenticel
lenticellare {adj} [botany] :: lenticellate
lenticolare {adj} :: lenticular, lentiform
lentiggine {f} :: freckle
lentigginoso {adj} :: freckled
lentina {f} :: contact lens
lentina {f} :: small lens
lentinese {adj} :: Of, or from, Lentini
lentinese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Lentini
Lentini {prop} :: Lentini (town)
lentischio {m} /lenˈtis.kjo/ :: uncommon form of lentisco
lentisco {m} /lenˈtis.ko/ :: mastic (Pistacia lentiscus)
lentissimamente {adv} /lenˈtis.si.maˌmɛn.te/ :: superlative of lentamente - very slowly
lentissimo {adj} /lenˈtis.ːi.mo/ :: superlative of lento
lento {adj} /ˈlɛn.to/ :: slow
lento come una lumaca {adj} :: slow as a snail
lento come una lumaca {adj} [simile] :: Extremely slow
lentocrazia {f} [colloquial] :: bureaucratic inefficiency
lenza {f} :: fishing line
lenzuolata {f} :: A long line of washing on a washing line
lenzuolata {f} [colloquial] :: A long list of things to be done: laundry list
lenzuolo {m} /lenˈt͡swɔ.lo/ :: sheet, bedsheet
leofante {m} :: synonym of elefante
leonardesca {f} :: feminine noun of leonardesco
leonardesco {adj} /le.o.narˈde.sko/ :: Of or pertaining to Leonardo da Vinci; Leonardesque
leonardesco {m} :: A member of the Leonardeschi
Leonardi {prop} :: surname
Leonardo {prop} /le.oˈnar.do/ :: given name
Leonardo {prop} :: Leonardo da Vinci, Italian polymath
leonato {adj} :: tawny, fawn (similar to the fur of a lion)
Leoncavallo {prop} :: surname
Leoncavallo {prop} :: Ruggero Leoncavallo, Italian composer
leoncello {m} :: Small or young lion
leoncino {m} :: lion cub
leoncino {m} :: small lion
leone {m} :: lion
leone {m} [astrology] :: Leo, the Zodiac sign for the lion, covering July 23 - August 22
leone {m} [heraldry] :: lion
Leone {prop} [astronomy, astrology] :: Leo (constellation)
Leone {prop} [astrology] :: Leo (star sign)
Leone {prop} :: surname
Leone {prop} :: Giovanni Leone, Italian politician and sixth President of Italy
leone da tastiera {m} [Internet, pejorative, slang] :: anonymous person who offends people online; hater
leone marino {m} :: sea lion
leone marino {m} :: eared seal
leone marino {m} :: otary
leone marino australiano {m} :: Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea)
leone marino della California {m} :: synonym of otaria della California
leone marino della Nuova Zelanda {m} :: New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri)
leone marino delle Galapagos {m} :: Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)
leone marino di Hooker {m} :: synonym of leone marino della Nuova Zelanda
leone marino di Steller {m} :: Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus)
leone marino giapponese {m} :: Japanese sea lion (Zalophus japonicus)
leone marino meridionale {m} :: synonym of leone marino sudamericano
leone marino sudamericano {m} :: South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens)
leonesco {adj} :: leonine
leonese {m} :: Leonese (language)
leonessa {f} :: lioness
Leonessa {prop} :: Leonessa (small town)
Leonetti {prop} :: surname
leonfante {m} :: synonym of elefante
leoniceno {adj} :: Of or from Lonigo
Leonida {prop} :: Leonidas
Leonida {prop} :: given name
Leonilde {prop} :: given name
leonino {adj} :: leonine
leonino {adj} :: lion [attributive]
Leonora {prop} :: given name; diminutive form of Eleonora
leontiasi {f} :: leontiasis
leontopetalo {m} :: lion’s leaf (Leontice leontopetalum)
leontopodio {m} :: edelweiss
Leonzio {prop} :: given name
leopardato {adj} :: leopard-skin (attributive)
leopardeggiare {vi} :: To write in the style of Giacomo Leopardi
Leopardi {prop} :: surname
Leopardi {prop} :: Giacomo Leopardi (1798–1837), Italian poet
leopardiano {adj} /le.o.parˈdja.no/ :: Leopardian (of or pertaining to Giacomo Leopardi)
leopardo {m} :: leopard
leopardo {m} [heraldry] :: leopard
leopoldino {adj} :: Leopold (attributive)
Leopoldo {prop} :: given name
Leopoli {prop} :: Leopoli (city/administrative center)
lepade {f} :: gooseneck barnacle
Lepanto {prop} :: Lepanto (town)
lepidamente {adv} /le.pi.daˈmen.te/ :: wittily
lepidezza {f} [literary] /le.piˈdet.t͡sa/ :: wit, wittiness
lepidio {m} :: lepidium
lepidità {f} [literary] :: wit, wittiness
lepido- {prefix} :: lepido-
lepido {adj} [literary] /ˈlɛ.pi.do/ :: witty
lepidoblastico {adj} [petrology] /le.pi.doˈblas.ti.ko/ :: Characterized by metamorphic rocks, with abundance of siliceous minerals with a lamellate surface
lepidolite {f} [mineral] :: lepidolite
lepidosirena {f} :: lepidosiren
lepidottero {m} :: lepidopter (butterfly or moth of the order Lepidoptera)
lepilemure {m} :: sportive lemur
lepilemure di Sahamalaza {m} :: Variant of lepilemure rosso
lepilemure rosso {m} :: Sahamalaza sportive lemur
lepilemure rosso {m} :: Variant of lepilemure di Sahamalaza (Lepilemur sahamalazensis)
lepisma {m} :: silverfish (a small wingless insect)
Leponzi {prop} :: Lepontii
leporino {adj} :: harelike; hare (attributive)
leppo {m} :: stench, stink (smelly gas)
lepra {f} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of lebbra
lepre {f} /ˈlɛp.re/ :: hare (mammal, meat)
lepre {f} :: symbol of speed, caution, or timidity
lepre {f} :: pacemaker
lepre artica {f} :: arctic hare
leprechaun {m} [Irish folklore] /ˈlɛ.pre.kon/ :: leprechaun
leprechaunismo {m} [genetic disorder, usually uncountable] /le.pre.kauˈni.zmo/ :: leprechaunism, Donohue syndrome
lepre in salmì {f} :: A ragout of hare in a rich sauce, a traditional dish of mountain areas in Northern Italy mainly Trentino, Veneto, Piemonte, Emilia-Romagna and Toscana (Lunigiana)
Lepre Marzolina {prop} [Alice in Wonderland] :: the March hare
lepre saltatrice del Capo {f} :: springhare (Petedes capensis)
leprino {adj} :: leporine
leprologia {f} [medicine] :: leprology
leproso {adj} [pathology] :: leprous (relating to the disease leprosy)
leprotto {m} :: leveret
leptina {f} [biochemistry] :: leptin
leptocefalo {m} :: leptocephalus (transparent larva of an eel)
leptoclasi {f} [geology] :: leptoclase
leptofonia {f} :: A lowering of the voice, typically due to damage to the vocal cords
leptomeninge {f} [anatomy] :: leptomeninges
leptomeningeo {adj} :: leptomeningeal
leptone {m} [physics] :: lepton
leptonico {adj} :: lepton (attributive)
leptorrinia {f} :: The condition of being leptorhine
leptorrino {adj} :: leptorhine
leptosomico {adj} :: leptosomatic
leptospirosi {f} [pathology] :: leptospirosis
l'erba cattiva non muore mai {proverb} :: a bad penny always turns up
l'erba del vicino è sempre più verde {proverb} :: the grass is always greener on the other side (the others' circumstances seem more desirable)
Lercari {prop} :: surname
lerciamente {adv} :: filthily, foully
lercio {adj} /ˈlɛr.t͡ʃo/ :: filthy, foul
lercioso {adj} :: synonym of lercio
lerciume {m} :: filth
lerneo {adj} :: Lernean
Lerner {prop} :: surname
Lerner {prop} :: Gad Lerner, Italian journalist and anchorman
lernia {f} :: A person who has finicky / picky food tastes
Lero {prop} :: Leros (Greek island)
lesbiaco {adj} :: Lesbian (Of or from Lesbos)
lesbica {f} :: lesbian
lesbico {adj} :: lesbian
lesbio {adj} :: Lesbian (of or from Lesbos)
lesbio {m} :: Lesbian (native of Lesbos)
lesbismo {m} :: lesbianism
Lesbo {prop} :: Lesbos
lesena {f} [architecture] :: lesene (shallow decorative pilaster on a wall)
lesina {f} /ˈle.zi.na/ :: bradawl
lesina {f} :: stinginess
lesina {f} :: avarice
Lesina {prop} :: Lesina (small town)
lesinante {v} :: present participle of lesinare
lesinare {v} :: to skimp
lesinare {v} :: to begrudge
lesinare {v} :: to be stingy
lesineria {f} :: Petty avarice
lesionante {v} :: present participle of lesionare
lesionantesi {v} :: present participle of lesionarsi
lesionare {vt} :: to damage
lesionare {vt} :: to lesion
lesionarsi {v} :: reflexive of lesionare
lesionarsi {v} :: to be damaged or lesioned
lesionato {adj} :: damaged
lesionato {adj} :: lesioned
lesionatosi {v} :: past participle of lesionarsi
lesione {f} /leˈzjo.ne/ :: damage
lesione {f} :: injury
lesione {f} :: lesion
lesivamente {adv} :: detrimentally, injuriously
lesività {f} :: harmfulness
lesivo {adj} /leˈzi.vo/ :: detrimental or damaging (to); injurious
leso {adj} /ˈle.zo/ :: damaged
leso {adj} :: injured
lesothiana {f} :: Woman from Lesotho
lesothiano {adj} :: Lesotho [attributive], of Lesotho
lesothiano {m} :: Mosotho, person from Lesotho
Lesotho {prop} :: Lesotho
lessamento {m} :: alternative form of lessatura
lessante {v} :: present participle of lessare
lessare {vt} :: to boil (to cook in boiling water), to stew, to poach
lessatura {f} :: boiling (cooking of food in boiling water)
lessema {m} :: lexeme
lessematica {f} :: lexematics
lessematico {adj} :: lexemic
lessemico {adj} :: alternative form of lessematico
lessepsiano {adj} :: Lessepsian
lessia {f} :: alternative form of lessema
lessicale {adj} :: lexical
lessicalizzare {v} :: To lexicalize
lessicalizzarsi {v} :: To be lexicalized
lessicalizzazione {f} :: lexicalisation
lessicalmente {adv} :: lexically
lessicista {mf} :: synonym of lessicografo
lessico {m} :: vocabulary, lexicon
lessico {m} :: dictionary, lexicon
lessicografa {f} :: female equivalent of lessicografo
lessicografia {f} :: lexicography (art or craft of writing dictionaries)
lessicografico {adj} :: lexicographic
lessicografo {m} :: lexicographer
lessicologa {f} :: lexicologist (female)
lessicologia {f} [linguistics] :: lexicology
lessicologicamente {adv} :: lexicologically
lessicologico {adj} [linguistics] :: lexicological
lessicologo {m} :: lexicologist
lessicometria {f} :: lexicometry
lessicometrico {adj} :: lexicometric
lessicostatistica {f} :: lexicostatistics
lesso {adj} :: boiled
lesso {m} :: boiled meat
lesso {m} :: boiling meat
lestamente {adv} :: quickly, nimbly
lestamente {adv} :: hastily
lestezza {f} :: speed, velocity
lestezza {f} :: promptness, readiness
lesto {adj} /ˈlɛsto/ :: quick, fast
lestofante {mf} :: swindler, con man
lestra {f} :: lair (of a wild animal)
lestra {f} :: Shepherd's hut (when moving animals to a new pasture)
le sue {pron} :: his (that which belongs to him)
letale {adj} :: lethal, deadly
letalità {f} :: lethality
letalmente {adv} :: lethally
letamaio {m} :: dunghill, dungheap, muckheap
letamaio {m} [figurative, by extension] :: pigsty, pigpen, piggery (dirty place)
letamare {vt} [rare] /le.taˈma.re/ :: to manure (to fertilize using manure)
letamaro {m} :: alternative form of letamaio
letamazione {f} :: manuring
letame {m} :: manure
letame {m} [figuratively] :: immorality, corruption
letana {f} :: alternative form of litania
letanía {f} :: alternative form of litania
letargia {f} [pathology] /le.tarˈdʒi.a/ :: lethargy
letargia {f} [by extension] :: drowsiness, sleepiness
letargico {adj} :: lethargic
letargo {m} :: hibernation
letargo {m} :: lethargy
Lete {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Lethe
Letè {prop} :: medieval spelling of Lete
leteo {adj} :: Lethean
leteo {adj} :: inducing death or oblivion
Leteo {prop} :: Lethe
leticare {v} :: synonym of litigare
letificare {v} :: To cheer up (make happy or joyful)
Letimbro {prop} :: Letimbro (small river)
letizia {f} :: joy, happiness
Letizia {prop} :: given name
letiziare {v} :: To gladden
letiziare {v} :: To rejoice
letta {f} :: A brief reading of a text; a glance
Letta {prop} :: surname
Letta {prop} :: Enrico Letta, Italian politician
lettera {f} :: letter (all senses)
lettera citatoria {f} [legal] :: subpoena, summons
letterale {adj} :: literal
letteralismo {m} :: literalism
letteralità {f} :: literalness
letteralmente {adv} :: literally
lettera maiuscola {f} :: capital letter; capital
lettera minuscola {f} :: lower case letter
letterariamente {adv} :: literarily
letterario {adj} /let.teˈra.rjo/ :: literary
letterata {f} :: female equivalent of letterato
letterato {adj} :: lettered, educated, cultured
letterato {adj} :: well-read
letterato {adj} :: literate
letterato {m} :: scholar
letteratume {m} :: men of letters (collectively)
letteratura {f} :: literature
letteratura {f} :: bibliography
lettereccio {adj} :: bedding (attributive)
letterina {f} :: Any of the young, female presenters of the Italian TV quiz show Passaparola
lettiera {f} :: litter (bedding material for animals or absorbent material for animal excrement)
lettiera per gatti {f} :: cat litter
Lettiere {prop} :: surname
lettiga {f} :: litter (wheel-less vehicle)
lettiga {f} :: stretcher, (rescue) litter
lettighiera {f} :: female equivalent of lettighiere
lettighiere {m} :: stretcher-bearer
lettime {m} :: litter (for animals in a stall)
lettino {m} :: A small bed, especially one for children
lettino {m} :: A camp bed or similar lightweight bed, especially one used for sunbathing
lettino da campo {m} :: cot, camp bed
lettisternio {m} :: lectisternium
letto {m} [furniture] :: bed
letto {m} [potamology, hydrology] :: riverbed
letto a baldacchino {m} [furniture] :: canopy bed, four-poster bed
letto a castello {m} [furniture] :: bunk, bunkbed, bunk bed
letto a due piazze {m} [furniture] :: double bed
letto ad una piazza {m} [furniture] :: single bed
letto matrimoniale {m} [furniture] :: double bed
lettone {adj} /ˈlɛttone/ :: Latvian
lettone {mf} :: Latvian
lettone {m} :: The Latvian language
lettone {m} :: [augmentative of letto] double bed
Lettonia {prop} :: Latvia
lettor {m} :: apocopic form of lettore
lettorato {m} :: lectorship, assistantship (at a university)
lettorato {m} :: lectorate
lettorato {m} :: course in foreign language
lettore {m} :: reader [person who reads]
lettore {m} :: player, reader, scanner [device]
lettore {m} :: lecturer, reader, lector [university]
lettore {m} [religion] :: lector
lettore CD {m} :: CD player
lettore della mano {m} :: fortuneteller
lettore DVD {m} :: DVD player
lettore MP3 {m} :: MP3 player
lettosi {v} :: past participle of leggersi
letto singolo {m} [furniture] :: single bed
lettrice {f} :: (person who reads) reader
lettrice {f} :: (university) lecturer, reader, lector
lettrice {f} [religion] :: lector
lettuccio {m} :: cot (child's bed)
lettura {f} :: reading (all senses)
lettura {f} :: lecture
lettura {f} [printing, dated] :: cicero, 12-point type
letturista {mf} :: meter reader
leucantemo {m} :: daisy (especially the oxeye daisy)
leucemia {f} [oncology] :: leukemia
leucemico {adj} [oncology] :: leukemic
leucemico {m} :: Person suffering from leukemia
leucina {f} [amino acid] :: leucine
Leucio {prop} :: given name
leucippeo {adj} :: Leucippean
leucismo {m} :: leucism
leuco- {prefix} :: leuco-, leuko- [all senses]
leucoblastico {adj} [medicine] /leu̯.koˈblas.ti.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to leukoblasts
leucoblasto {m} :: leukoblast
leucocita {m} :: Variant of leucocito
leucocitico {adj} [cytology] :: leukocytic
leucocito {m} :: leukocyte, white blood cell
leucocitolisi {f} [cytology] :: leukocytolysis
leucocitometria {f} :: leucocytometry
leucocitopoiesi {f} :: leucocytopoiesis / leukopoiesis
leucocitosi {f} [medicine] :: leukocytosis
leucocoria {f} [pathology] :: leukocoria
leucodermia {f} [medicine] :: leukoderma, vitiligo
leucoencefalopatia {f} [pathology] :: leukoencephalopathy
leucogeno {adj} :: leukogenic
leucoma {m} [pathology] :: leucoma
leucomielite {f} [pathology] :: poliomyelitis
leuconichia {f} :: leuconychia
leucopatia {f} [pathology] :: leucopathy, albinism
leucopenia {f} [pathology] :: leukopenia
leucoplachia {f} [pathology] :: leukoplakia
leucoplasia {f} :: leukoplasia / leukoplakia
leucoplasto {m} :: leucoplast
leucopoiesi {f} :: leukopoiesis
leucorrea {f} [pathology] :: leukorrhea
leucorroico {adj} :: leukorrhoeal
leucosi {f} :: leucosis
leucotriene {m} [medicine] :: leukotriene
leva {f} :: lever
leva {f} [military] :: call-up, conscription, draft, national service
leva {f} [military, called up soldiers] :: those called-up, conscripts
levabile {adj} :: removable
levacapsule {m} :: bottle opener (especially a crown cap remover)
levachiodi {m} :: pliers, crowbar (especially a tool for removing nails from wood)
leva del cambio {f} :: gear lever, gear shift
levafogli {m} :: Device on a printing press that removes and stacks the printed sheets
levame {m} :: yeast, leavening
levamento {m} :: lifting, raising
levamento {m} :: alleviation, mitigation
levanoccioli {m} :: fruit-stone remover
levante {adj} /leˈvan.te/ :: rising
levante {m} :: east
levante {m} :: levanter (easterly wind)
levante {v} :: present participle of levare
Levante {prop} :: Levant
Levante {prop} :: The eastern end of the Ligurian Riviera (see also Ponente)
levantesi {v} :: present participle of levarsi
levantino {adj} :: Levantine
levantino {adj} :: unscrupulous
levantino {m} :: Levantine
Levanzo {prop} :: One of the Egadi islands
levapunti {mf} :: staple remover
levar {v} :: apocopic form of levare
levare {vt} :: to take, take away, take off, move away, remove, have something out
levare {vt} :: to raise, put up, lift
levare {vt} :: to except
levare l'ancora {v} [nautical] :: to weigh anchor
levare le tende {v} :: to up sticks
levarsi {v} :: reflexive of levare
levarsi {v} :: to get up, stand up
levarsi {v} :: to take flight, take off
levarsi {v} :: to get out (of)
levarsi {v} :: to rise
levarsi {v} :: [of wind] to start to blow
levarsi dai piedi {v} :: to get out sb's way
levarsi il cappello {v} :: to tip one's hat
levarsi in volo {vr} :: to flush To take suddenly to flight, especially from cover
levata {f} :: rising (especially in the military)
levata {f} :: collection (postal)
levataccia {f} :: early rise
levata di scudi {f} [figuratively] :: outcry
levatartaro {m} [dentistry] :: scraper (for removing tartar from teeth)
levati di torno {interj} :: clear off
levati di torno {interj} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] :: Used to tell somebody to go away or leave one alone
levati di torno {interj} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] :: Used to tell somebody to go away or leave one alone
levatoio {adj} :: rising
levatore {adj} :: lifting (attributive)
levatosi {v} :: past participle of levarsi
levatrice {f} :: midwife
levatura {f} :: intellect
Leventina {prop} :: Leventina (district)
leventinese {adj} :: Of or from Leventina
leveraggio {m} :: compound lever
leveraggio {m} :: leverage
levetta {f} :: small lever, lever
Levi {prop} [Biblical character] :: Levi
Levi {prop} :: given name
leviatano {m} :: leviathan
Leviatano {prop} :: Leviathan
levigabile {adj} :: That can be smoothed, polishable
levigante {v} :: present participle of levigare
levigare {vt} :: to smooth
levigare {vt} :: to polish
levigatezza {f} :: smoothness (all senses)
levigatezza {f} :: polish
levigato {adj} :: smooth
levigato {adj} :: polished
levigato {adj} :: flawless
levigatore {m} :: polisher
levigatrice {f} :: lapping machine
levigatura {f} :: smoothing, dressing, polishing
levigatura {f} :: sandpapering
levigazione {f} :: smoothing, leveling
levigazione {f} :: flotation (method of separating heavy and light particles)
levirato {m} /le.viˈra.to/ :: levirate
levistico {m} :: lovage
Levita {m} :: Levite
levità {f} :: lightness, levity
levitante {v} :: present participle of levitare
levitare {vi} :: To levitate
levitazione {f} :: levitation
levitico {adj} :: levitical (all senses)
Levitico {prop} [biblical] :: Leviticus
levogiro {adj} /le.voˈd͡ʒi.ro/ :: going leftward
levogiro {adj} [chemistry] :: levorotatory
levotiroxina {f} [biochemistry] :: levothyroxine
Levrera {prop} :: Levrera (island)
levriere {m} :: Variant of levriero
levriero {m} :: greyhound (and similar dogs)
levulosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: levulose or laevulose
lezghiano {m} :: Lezgian (language)
lezio {m} [especially in plural] :: mawkishness, sentimentality
lezionaccia {f} [pejorative] :: lesson
lezionario {m} :: lectionary
lezioncella {f} [pejorative, rare] :: lesson
lezioncina {f} :: small lesson
lezione {f} :: lesson (also figuratively), class, lecture
lezionuccia {f} [pejorative, rare] :: lesson
leziosaggine {f} :: affectation
leziosamente {adv} :: affectedly
leziosità {f} :: affectation
lezioso {adj} :: affected (simulated to impress)
lezioso {adj} [archaic] :: graceful
lezzo {m} :: stink, stench
lezzone {m} :: A messy or smelly person
lezzoneria {f} :: slovenliness
lezzume {m} :: dirt, filth
li {pron} [accusative] /li/ :: them
{adv} :: there, in that place
Lia {prop} :: Leah [biblical character]
Lia {prop} :: given name
liale {adj} :: alternative form of leale
liana {f} /liˈana/ :: liana (vine)
liana {f} :: plot (complicated)
lianoso {adj} :: liana-like, vinelike, sarmentose
lianoso {adj} :: Rich in lianas
liasi {m} [enzyme] :: liase
libagione {f} :: libation
libame {m} :: libation
libamento {m} [rare] /li.baˈmen.to/ :: libation
libamento {m} :: The liquid poured out during a libation
libamento {m} :: The act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice
libanese {adj} :: Lebanese
libanese {mf} :: Lebanese
Libano {prop} :: Lebanon
libare {vt} :: to sip
libazione {f} :: Variant of libagione
libbra {f} :: pound (weight)
libecciale {adj} :: Relating to the southwest wind
libecciata {f} :: southwester (wind)
libeccio {m} :: southwest wind
libellista {mf} :: libeller
libellistica {f} :: The production and dissemination of political pamphlets
libello {m} :: libel
libellula {f} /liˈbɛl.lu.la/ :: dragonfly
libente {adj} :: willing
liberabile {adj} :: That can be vacated
liberalconservatore {adj} :: Liberal-Conservative
liberaldemocratico {adj} :: Liberal Democratic
liberaldemocratico {m} :: Liberal Democrat
liberaldemocrazia {f} :: liberal democracy
liberale {adj} :: liberal (all senses)
liberale {mf} [politics] :: liberal
Liberale {prop} :: given name
liberaleggiante {adj} :: liberalistic
liberalesco {adj} :: liberal (as a put down)
liberalismo {m} :: liberalism
liberalista {adj} :: liberalist
liberalistico {adj} :: liberalistic
liberalità {f} :: generosity
liberalizzante {v} :: present participle of liberalizzare
liberalizzare {vt} :: to liberalize
liberalizzatore {adj} :: liberalizing
liberalizzatore {adj} :: deregulatory
liberalizzazione {f} :: liberalization
liberalmente {adv} :: liberally, generously, freely
liberaloide {mf} :: A would-be or fair-weather liberal
liberalsocialismo {m} :: Liberal Socialism
liberalsocialista {mf} :: Liberal Socialist
liberamargine {mf} :: key on a typewriter that overrides the margin setting
liberamente {adv} :: liberally
liberamente {adv} :: freely
liberamento {m} [rare] :: liberation
liberante {v} :: present participle of liberare
liberantesi {v} :: present participle of liberarsi
libera professionista {f} :: female equivalent of libero professionista
liberare {vt} :: to free, set free, release, liberate, deliver, rid
liberare {vt} :: to clear, vacate, free
liberarsi {v} :: reflexive of liberare
liberarsi {vr} :: to free oneself, break free, shake off
liberarsi {vr} :: to get rid of, rid oneself
liberarsi {vr} :: to become free, become vacant, cut loose, break loose
liberarsi {vr} :: to defecate, urinate
liberativo {adj} :: liberative, liberational
liberatore {adj} :: liberating
liberatore {m} :: liberator
liberatoria {f} :: receipt
liberatoria {f} :: waiver
liberatorio {adj} :: liberating
liberatorio {adj} :: releasing, freeing
liberatosi {v} :: past participle of liberarsi
liberatrice {f} :: female equivalent of liberatore
liberazione {f} :: release, liberation, freeing, relief
libercolo {m} /liˈbɛr.ko.lo/ :: A cheap or worthless book
Liberia {prop} :: Liberia (country)
liberiana {f} :: feminine noun of liberiano
liberiano {adj} :: Liberian
liberiano {m} :: Liberian
liberico {adj} :: Liberian
liberismo {m} :: laissez-faire, liberism
liberissimo {adj} :: superlative of libero
liberista {adj} :: laissez-faire (attributive)
liberista {mf} :: an advocate of laissez-fair
liberistico {adj} :: laissez-faire (attributive)
libero {adj} /ˈlibero/ :: free [not imprisoned or enslaved]
libero {adj} :: clear, unobstructed [without blockages]
libero {adj} :: free [without obligations]
libero {adj} :: free [that does not have to be paid for]
libero {adj} :: free [as in "free software"]
libero {m} [football] :: sweeper
libero arbitrio {m} [philosophy] :: free will
libero professionista {m} :: self-employed professional; freelancer
liberoscambismo {m} :: free trade
liberoscambista {adj} :: free trade (attributive)
libertà {f} :: freedom; liberty
libertà provvisoria {f} [law] :: bail
libertaria {f} :: female equivalent of libertario
libertarianismo {m} :: libertarianism
libertarianista {adj} :: libertarian
libertarianista {mf} :: libertarian
libertariano {adj} :: libertarian
libertario {adj} :: libertarian
libertario {m} :: libertarian
libertarismo {m} [politics] :: libertarianism [typically left-wing]
liberticida {adj} :: liberticidal, liberticide
liberticida {mf} :: liberticide (one who causes the destruction of liberty)
liberticidio {m} :: liberticide (the destruction of liberty)
libertina {f} :: female equivalent of libertino
libertinaggio {m} :: libertinage, libertinism
libertinaggio {m} :: licentiousness
libertinismo {m} :: libertinism
libertino {n} :: libertine
libertino {n} :: lecher
liberto {m} :: A freed slave (in ancient Rome)
liberto {m} :: freedman, freedperson
liberty {m} :: art nouveau
Libia {prop} /ˈlib.ja/ :: Libia (country)
libica {f} :: female equivalent of libico
libico {adj} :: Libyan
libico {m} :: Libyan
Libicocco {prop} :: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
libidico {adj} :: libidinal
libidine {f} /liˈbi.di.ne/ :: lust, lechery
libidinosamente {adv} :: lustfully
libidinosità {f} :: libidinousness, lustfulness, lasciviousness
libidinoso {adj} :: libidinous, lustful, lewd, lecherous
libido {f} [psychoanalysis] :: libido
libito {m} /ˈli.bi.to/ :: That which pleases
libito {m} :: pleasure, desire, lust, volition
libra {f} :: pound
libraia {f} :: female equivalent of libraio
libraio {m} /liˈbra.jo/ :: bookseller
librale {adj} :: That weighs a pound
libramento {m} :: hovering
librantesi {v} :: present participle of librarsi
librario {adj} :: book (attributive)
librarsi {vr} :: To hover
libratile {adj} :: hovering
libratore {m} :: glider
libratosi {v} :: past participle of librarsi
librazione {f} [astronomy] :: libration
librazione {f} :: hovering
libreria {f} /li.breˈriː.a/ :: bookshop, bookstore, bookhouse, library
libreria {f} [furniture] :: bookcase, bookshelf, bookshelves
libreria {f} [computing] :: library
libresco {adj} :: bookish
librettine {f} :: elementary textbook
librettino {m} :: booklet
librettista {mf} [music] :: librettist
librettistica {f} [music] :: librettistics
librettistico {adj} [music] :: librettistic
libretto {m} :: booklet
libretto di risparmio {m} [banking] :: savings account
librettologia {f} :: librettology
libretto universitario {m} :: A booklet in which the activities, courses and grades of a university student are recorded
libriccino {m} :: Variant of libricino
libricino {m} :: A small book, a booklet
libriforme {adj} :: libriform
libro {m} :: book
libro {m} [botany] :: phloem; foliage
libro {m} :: omasum
libro bianco {m} :: white paper
librocassetta {f} :: audio cassette of the text of a book
libro contabile {m} [accounting] :: account book
Libro dei morti {prop} :: Book of the Dead
libro di bordo {m} :: synonym of giornale di bordo
libro di cassa {m} :: synonym of libro contabile
libro di testo {m} :: textbook
libro mastro {m} :: ledger, ledger book
libro mastro {m} [accounting] :: account book
libro nero {m} :: Black Book
libro nero {m} :: synonym of lista di proscrizione
libroso {adj} :: foliar
libro tascabile {m} :: pocketbook
liburnico {adj} :: Liburnian, Croatian
liburnio {adj} :: synonym of liburnico
Lica {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Lichas
licantropa {f} :: female equivalent of licantropo
licantropia {f} :: lycanthropy
licantropo {m} /liˈkan.tro.po/ :: lycanthrope
licantropo {m} :: werewolf
licaone {m} :: African hunting dog
Licata {prop} :: Licata (town)
licatese {adj} :: Of, or from, Licata
licatese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Licata
licciaio {m} :: A person who makes heddles / healds
licciaiola {f} :: saw set
liccio {m} :: heddle, heald
licciolo {m} :: alternative form of licciuolo
licciuolo {m} :: heddle hook
liceale {adj} :: [related to an Italian liceo or non-Italian equivalent] lyceum (attributive)
liceale {mf} :: pupil of a secondary school
liceità {f} :: allowability, legality, lawfulness
liceità {f} :: permission
liceità {f} :: liceity
licenza {f} /liˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: permission, leave, furlough
licenza {f} :: licence, permit
licenza {f} :: pass (military)
licenza {f} :: school-leaving certificate
licenziabile {adj} :: dismissible
licenziabilità {f} :: Property of being dismissible
licenziamento {m} :: dismissal, sack
licenziando {m} :: licentiate
licenziante {v} :: present participle of licenziare
licenziante {m} :: licensor
licenziantesi {v} :: present participle of licenziarsi
licenziare {vt} :: to dismiss, fire, give the sack, give someone the boot
licenziare {vt} :: to make redundant
licenziarsi {v} :: reflexive of licenziare
licenziarsi {vr} :: to take one's leave
licenziarsi {vr} :: to resign, give notice
licenziataria {f} :: female equivalent of licenziatario
licenziatario {m} :: licensee
licenziatosi {v} :: past participle of licenziarsi
licenziosamente {adv} :: licentiously
licenziosità {f} :: licentiousness
licenzioso {adj} :: licentious
liceo {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o/ :: A type of Italian secondary school/high school focused on the study of humanistic subjects; lyceum
liceo artistico {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o. arˈtis.ti.ko/ :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of art subjects; art lyceum
liceo classico {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o ˈklas.si.ko/ :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of humanistic subjects; classical lyceum
liceo linguistico {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o .linˈɡwis.ti.ko/ :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of humanistic subjects and foreign languages; linguistic lyceum
liceo moderno {m} [dated] /liˈt͡ʃe.o .moˈdɛr.no/ :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of humanistic subjects and foreign languages; linguistic lyceum; literally modern lyceum
liceo scientifico {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o ˈʃɛn.ti.fi.ko/ :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of humanistic subjects, mathematics and scientific subjects; scientific lyceum
licere {v} :: To allow
lichene {m} :: lichen
lichene islandico {m} :: The lichen Cetraria islandica: Iceland moss
lichenico {adj} :: lichen (attributive)
lichenificazione {f} [pathology] :: lichenification
lichenina {f} :: lichenin
lichenizzazione {f} [lichenology] /li.ke.nid.d͡zatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: lichenization
lichenografia {f} :: lichenography
lichenoide {adj} :: lichenoid
lichenologia {f} [botany] :: lichenology
lichenologo {m} :: lichenologist
lichenoso {adj} :: lichenous
lichi {n} :: lechwe, red lechwe, southern lechwe
Licia {prop} :: given name
Licida {prop} :: Lycidas
Licinio {prop} :: Licinius
Licisco {prop} :: Lyciscus
Licisco {prop} :: given name
licitazione {f} :: auction
licitazione {f} :: bid, bidding
licitezza {f} :: lawfulness, legality
licito {adj} /ˈli.t͡ʃi.to/ :: obsolete form of lecito
licnide {f} :: lychnis
licopene {m} [organic compound] :: lycopene
licopina {f} :: alternative form of licopene
licopodio {m} :: club moss, lycopodium
licore {m} :: alternative form of liquore
licoressia {f} [pathology] :: lycorexia
licosa {f} :: wolf spider
Licurgo {prop} :: Lycurgus
liddite {f} :: lyddite
lidense {adj} :: Of or from the Venice Lido
Lidia {prop} :: Lydia [biblical character]
Lidia {prop} :: given name
lidite {f} :: touchstone (form of jasper)
lido {m} :: shore
Lido {prop} [Venice] :: A long sandy island (a sandbar) in the Venice lagoon; it has many hotels and a long beach
Liechtenstein {prop} :: Liechtenstein
liechtensteinese {adj} :: Of or from Liechtenstein
liechtensteiniano {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to, Liechtenstein
liechtensteiniano {m} :: Liechtensteiner
liederistica {f} [music] :: lieder (genre of music)
liederistico {adj} [music] :: Relating to lieder
Liegi {prop} :: Liegi (capital city)
lieo {m} [poetic] :: synonym of vino
lietamente {adv} :: happily, gladly, joyously, joyfully
lietezza {f} [uncommon] :: happiness, joy, contentment
lietissimo {adj} :: superlative of lieto
lieto {adj} /ˈljɛ.to/ :: happy, cheerful, delighted, glad, joyous, joyful
lieto fine {m} :: happy ending (of a movie, etc.)
lievamente {adv} :: alternative form of lievemente
lievare {v} :: alternative form of levare
lieve {adj} /ˈljɛ.ve/ :: light
lieve {adj} :: light, delicate, gentle
lieve {adj} :: slight, minor
lieve {adj} :: mild [punishment, sentence]
lievemente {adv} /ˌljɛveˈmente/ :: slightly
lievissimo {adj} :: superlative of lieve
lievità {f} :: lightness, slightness, faintness
lievitante {v} :: present participle of lievitare
lievitare {vi} :: To rise (bread, etc.)
lievitare {vt} :: To leaven
lievitatura {f} :: leavening (process)
lievitatura {f} :: rise (e.g. in proces)
lievitazione {f} :: rising
lievito {m} :: yeast
lievito {m} :: leaven, leavening
lievito chimico {m} :: baking powder
lievito madre {m} :: sourdough
lievito naturale {m} :: sourdough
lievito per dolci {m} :: synonym of lievito chimico
Li Fonti {prop} :: surname
lift {m} :: lift / elevator operator
lift {m} [tennis] :: topspin
liftante {v} :: present participle of liftare
liftare {vt} [tennis] :: to hit the ball with topspin
lifting {m} [surgery] :: face-lift, lifting
ligando {m} [chemistry] :: ligand
ligasi {f} [enzyme] :: ligase
ligazione {f} :: ligation
liggera {f} :: alternative form of leggera
ligia {f} :: sea slater (Ligia oceanica)
ligio {adj} :: faithful, loyal or devoted (to)
lignaggio {m} :: descent, lineage
lignatico {adj} :: Handed down from the old to the young
ligneo {adj} [dated] /ˈliɲ.ɲe.o/ :: wooden
lignificante {v} :: present participle of lignificare
lignificantesi {v} :: present participle of lignificarsi
lignificare {vt} :: to lignify
lignificarsi {vr} :: To lignify
lignificatosi {v} :: past participle of lignificarsi
lignificazione {m} :: lignification
lignina {f} [biochemistry] :: lignin
ligninasi {f} [enzyme] :: ligninase
lignite {f} :: lignite
lignitico {adj} :: lignitic
lignitifero {adj} :: lignitiferous
lignocellulosico {adj} :: lignocellulosic
lignocerico {adj} :: lignoceric
l'ignoranza è una benedizione {proverb} :: ignorance is bliss
Ligorio {prop} :: surname
ligrittiere {m} :: The Siennese equivalent of rigattiere
ligroina {f} :: ligroin
ligulato {adj} :: ligulate
Liguori {prop} :: surname
liguorino {m} :: Redemptorist
ligure {adj} :: Ligurian
ligure {mf} :: Ligurian
Liguria {prop} :: Liguria (region)
ligurismo {m} :: Ligurian (vocabulary and dialect)
ligusta {f} :: lobster
ligustico {adj} [literary] /liˈɡus.ti.ko/ :: synonym of ligure
ligustico {m} :: lovage (Levisticum officinale)
ligustro {m} :: privet
liliacea {f} [botany] :: liliaceous plant
liliaceo {adj} [botany] :: liliaceous
liliale {adj} :: lily-white
Liliana {prop} :: given name
Lilibeo {prop} :: An ancient Roman city in western Sicily on the site of modern Marsala
lilibetano {adj} :: Of or from Lilibeo (modern Marsala)
lilla {m} :: the lilac (Syringa)
lilla {m} :: lilac
lilla {adj} :: lilac
Lilla {prop} /ˈlil.la/ :: Lilla (capital city)
lillà {f} :: lilac (plant)
lillà {f} :: lilac (color)
lillà {adj} :: lilac
lillipuziano {adj} :: lilliputian (very small)
lillipuziano {m} :: lilliputian
lillo {m} :: bauble, ornament
lima {f} /ˈli.ma/ :: file (cutting or smoothing tool)
lima {f} [fishing] :: A reinforced line at both ends of a dragnet
lima {f} :: Key lime (Citrus aurantiifolia)
limabile {adj} :: fileable
limabile {adj} :: polishable
limaccia {f} :: great slug
limaccio {m} :: sludge, slime, mud
limaccioso {adj} :: muddy
limaccioso {adj} :: slimy
limaciforme {adj} :: limaciform
limacologia {f} [zoology] :: study of slugs, limacology
limaglia {f} :: synonym of limatura
limanda {f} :: dab (fish)
limante {v} :: present participle of limare
limantria {f} :: nun moth, black-arched moth
limare {vt} :: to file
limare {vt} :: to polish, perfect [text]
limatore {m} :: filer (person of thing that files (metal))
limatrice {f} :: shaper (engineering machinem tool)
limatura {f} :: filing (operation)
limatura {f} [in the plural] :: filings (material)
limbello {m} :: A small flap, typically of leather
limbello {m} :: tongue
limbico {adj} [anatomy] :: limbic
limburghese {m} :: Limburgish (the Germanic language)
Limburgo {prop} :: Limburgo (province)
Limburgo {prop} :: Limburgo (province)
lime {m} /ˈli.me/ :: lime (citrus tree)
limegno {adj} /liˈmeɲ.ɲo/ :: Of or pertaining to Lima
limegno {m} :: One who is from Lima
Limentra {prop} :: The name of two rivers that flow in Emilia-Romagna
limetta {f} :: nailfile
limetta {f} :: lime (citrus tree or fruit)
limicolo {adj} :: limicolous (mud-dwelling)
limiere {m} :: bloodhound
liminare {adj} :: liminal
limine {m} :: limen
limio {m} :: A sound of filing
limio {m} :: anxiety
Limisso {prop} :: Limisso (city)
limitabile {adj} :: limitable
limitabilità {f} :: Property of being limitable
limitamento {m} :: alternative form of limitazione
limitante {v} :: present participle of limitare
limitante {adj} :: limiting
limitantesi {v} :: present participle of limitarsi
limitare {v} :: to limit or restrict
limitare {v} :: to bound
limitarsi {v} :: reflexive of limitare
limitarsi {vr} :: to limit or confine oneself to something
limitatamente {adv} :: To a limited extent
limitatezza {f} :: limitedness
limitatissimo {adj} :: superlative of limitato
limitativamente {adv} :: limitingly, restrictively
limitativo {adj} :: limiting, restrictive
limitato {adj} :: limited
limitato {adj} :: scarce
limitatore {m} :: limiter
limitatore {adj} :: limiting
limitatosi {v} :: past participle of limitarsi
limitazione {f} :: limitation
limite {m} /ˈli.mi.te/ :: limit, limitation, bounds
limite {m} :: boundary, border
limite {m} [geography] :: line
limitrofo {adj} /liˈmit.ro.fo/ :: neighbouring, neighboring, adjacent, bordering, adjoining
limivora {f} :: female equivalent of limivoro
limivoro {adj} :: limivorous
limivoro {m} :: limivore
limnea {f} :: snail (of the genus Limnea)
limnigrafo {m} :: limnograph
limnimetria {f} :: limnometry, limnimetry
limnimetro {m} :: limnimeter
limnobio {m} [biology] :: limnobios
limnobiologia {f} [biology] :: limnobiology
limnofauna {f} [biology] :: limnofauna
limnofilo {adj} :: limnophilous
limnofilo {m} :: limnophile
limnografo {m} :: alternative form of limnigrafo
limnologia {f} [ecology] :: limnology
limnologico {adj} :: limnological
limnologo {m} :: limnologist
limnometria {f} :: alternative form of limnimetria
limnometro {m} :: alternative form of limnimetro
limnonimo {m} :: limnonym
limnoplancton {m} [biology] :: limnoplankton
limo {m} /ˈli.mo/ :: mud, slime
limo {m} :: silt
limografo {m} [art] :: limograph
limola {f} :: A type of mechanical file used in metalworking
limolatrice {f} :: A type of rotary file (machine tool)
limonaia {f} :: lemonary
limonaia {f} :: female equivalent of limonaio
limonaio {m} :: lemon or lemonade seller
limonante {v} :: present participle of limonare
limonantesi {v} :: present participle of limonarsi
limonare {vi} [Northern Italy] :: to exchange amorous comments, caresses, etc. with someone; to flirt; to hit on
limonarsi {vr} :: To snog or make out
limonata {f} :: lemonade
limonata {f} :: flirting, hitting on
limonato {adj} :: lemon (coloured or flavoured)
limonatosi {v} :: past participle of limonarsi
limoncella {f} :: lemongrass
limoncella {f} :: A variety of cooking apple
limoncello {m} [also uncountable] /li.monˈtʃɛl.lo/ :: limoncello (Italian lemon-flavoured liqueur)
limoncina {f} :: lemon verbena
limoncino {m} [also uncountable] /li.monˈtʃi.no/ :: limoncello (Italian lemon-flavoured liqueur)
limone {m} :: lemon (fruit & tree)
limonea {f} :: alternative form of limonata
limonella {f} :: dittany, fraxinella (plant of genus Dictamnus)
limoneto {m} :: lemon orchard
limonicolo {adj} :: lemon-growing (attributive), lemon (attributive)
limonicoltore {m} [agriculture] :: lemon grower
limonicoltrice {f} :: female equivalent of limonicoltore
limonicoltura {f} :: lemon growing
limonite {f} [mineral] :: limonite
limonitico {adj} :: limonitic
limonitizzazione {f} :: limonitization
limosino {adj} :: Limousin (attributive)
Limosino {prop} :: Limousin
limosità {f} :: sliminess, muddiness
limoso {adj} :: slimy, muddy
limoso {adj} :: loamy
limpidamente {adv} :: clearly, limpidly
limpidezza {f} :: clearness, limpidity, limpidness
limpidissimo {adj} :: superlative of limpido
limpidità {f} :: clearness, limpidity, limpidness
limpido {adj} /lim.pi.do/ :: clear, limpid, bright, transparent
Limpopo {prop} :: Limpopo
Lina {prop} [colloquial] :: synonym of Carmela
linaio {m} :: A fishing net made from flax fibres
linaiolo {m} :: flax dresser
linaiolo {m} :: linen trader
lince {f} :: lynx, catamount
linceo {adj} :: lyncean, lynx (attributive); acute (of eyesight)
lince persiana {f} :: caracal
lince rossa {f} :: bobcat
linciaggio {m} :: lynching
linciante {v} :: present participle of linciare
linciare {vt} :: to lynch
linciatore {m} :: lyncher
lincurio {m} :: lyngurium
lindamente {adv} :: neatly, cleanly, tidily, prettily
lindano {m} :: lindane
lindezza {f} :: synonym of lindura
lindo {adj} :: neat
lindo {adj} :: clean
lindo {adj} :: tidy
lindore {m} :: synonym of lindura
lindura {f} :: cleanliness, tidiness
line {f} :: line management
line {f} :: editing (of a TV programme)
linea {f} /ˈlinea/ :: line
linea {f} :: dash (Morse code symbol)
linea acline {f} :: magnetic equator, aclinic line
linea d'arrivo {f} [sports] :: finish line
linea di arrivo {f} :: Variant of linea d'arrivo
linea di burrasca {f} [meteorology] :: squall line
linea di secco {f} [meteorology] :: dry line, Marfa front
linea guida {f} :: guideline
linea isochimena {f} [geology] :: A line joining points within the Earth that have the same mean winter temperature; isocheimal line
lineamento {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: feature, element
lineante {v} :: present participle of lineare
linea nucale {f} [anatomy] :: nuchal line
lineare {adj} :: linear, one-dimensional
lineare {adj} :: consistent (figurative)
lineare {vt} :: to plot, draw or trace with lines
lineare {vt} :: to delineate
lineare {vt} :: to represent, describe
linea retta {f} [geometry] :: straight line
linearismo {m} [arts] :: linearism (linear artistic style)
linearità {f} :: linearity
linearizzante {v} :: present participle of linearizzare
linearizzare {vt} :: [mathematics] to linearize
linearizzato {adj} :: linearized
linearmente {adv} :: linearly
linearmente {adv} :: consistently
lineatrice {f} :: A device used to line up the sheets of a book etc. when being printed
lineetta {f} [typography] :: dash
lineetta {f} [typography] :: hyphen
lineico {adj} :: lineic (per unit length)
lineria {f} :: linen (goods)
lineto {m} :: flax field
linetto {m} :: A type of fine, soft flax
linfa {f} [botany] :: sap
linfa {f} [anatomy] :: lymph
linfadenia {f} [pathology] :: lymphedema
linfadenite {f} [pathology] :: lymphadenitis
linfadenoma {m} [pathology] :: lymphadenoma, Hodgkin's disease
linfadenopatia {f} [pathology] :: lymphadenopathy
linfagogo {adj} /lin.faˈɡɔ.ɡo/ :: lymphagogic
linfagogo {m} :: lymphagogue
linfangioma {f} [pathology] :: lymphangioma
linfangite {f} [pathology] :: lymphangitis
linfatico {adj} :: lymphatic
linfatismo {m} [pathology] :: lymphatism
linfo- {prefix} :: lympho-
linfoadenia {f} :: alternative form of linfadenia
linfoadenite {f} :: alternative form of linfadenite
linfoadenoma {f} :: alternative form of linfadenoma
linfoadenopatia {f} :: Variant of linfadenopatia
linfoangioma {f} :: alternative form of linfangioma
linfoangite {f} :: alternative form of linfangite
linfoblastico {adj} /lin.foˈblas.ti.ko/ :: lymphoblastic
linfoblasto {m} [cytology, oncology] /lin.foˈblas.to/ :: lymphoblast
linfochina {f} [biochemistry] :: lymphokine
linfocita {m} :: lymphocyte
linfocitario {adj} :: lymphocyte (attributive)
linfocitico {adj} :: lymphocytic
linfocito {m} :: lymphocyte
linfocitosi {f} [medicine] :: lymphocytosis
linfodrenaggio {m} [medicine] :: lymphatic drainage
linfoghiandola {f} :: lymph gland
linfoghiandolare {adj} :: lymphoglandular
linfografia {f} :: lymphography, lymphangiography
linfogranuloma {m} :: lymphogranuloma
linfoide {adj} :: lymphoid
linfologia {f} [medicine] :: lymphology
linfoma {m} [oncology] :: lymphoma
linfonodo {m} [anatomy] :: lymph node
linfopatia {f} [pathology] :: lymphopathy
linfopenia {f} :: lymphopenia
linfopoiesi {f} :: lymphopoiesis
linforragia {f} [medicine] :: lymphorrhagia
linfosarcoma {m} :: lymphosarcoma
lingeria {f} :: alternative form of lingerie
lingerie {f} :: lingerie
lingerista {f} :: A seamstress who makes lingerie
lingotteria {f} :: The ingots used by a typesetting machine
lingottiera {f} :: mold / mould (for casting metal ingots)
lingottino {m} :: A small bar, a small ingot
lingotto {m} :: ingot, bar, bullion
Lingotto {prop} :: An industrial district of Turin
lingua {f} /ˈliŋ.ɡwa/ :: tongue
lingua {f} :: language, tongue
lingua {f} :: strip, tongue [of land]
lingua {f} [in the plural] :: foreign languages
lingua {f} :: the square horn of an anvil
lingua {f} [especially in plural] :: A type of Italian flatbread
lingua artificiale {f} :: constructed language, artificial language
lingua blu {f} :: bluetongue
linguaccia {f} :: spiteful gossip (words or person)
linguacciuto {adj} :: gossipy, loose-tongued
linguacciuto {m} :: gossip, windbag, chatterbox
lingua centum {f} :: centum (group of languages)
lingua di gatto {f} :: a cat's tongue: a buttery cookie shaped like a cat's tongue
Linguadoca {prop} :: Languedoc
lingua franca {f} :: The Mediterranean Lingua Franca, a common language spoken in Mediterranean ports in centuries past (consisting of Italian mixed with French, Spanish, Arabic and some Greek words and used by sailors of different countries to communicate with one another)
linguaggio {m} :: language
linguaio {m} :: alternative form of linguaiolo
linguaiolo {m} :: A pedantic scholar of languages
linguale {adj} [anatomy] :: lingual, tongue (attributive)
linguale {adj} [phonetics] :: lingual
lingua lunga {f} :: gossip, windbag, chatterbox
linguamadre {f} :: mother tongue
linguata {f} :: lick
linguattola {f} /linˈɡwat.to.la/ :: spotted flounder (Citharus linguatula)
linguattola {f} [Lazio] :: synonym of sogliola comune
lingueggiare {vi} :: to chat; to lick (move like tongues)
linguella {f} :: stamp hinge
linguellato {adj} :: hinged (of a postage stamp fixed with a stamp hinge)
linguetta {f} :: diminutive of lingua
linguetta {f} :: tongue [of a shoe]
linguetta {f} :: flap [of an envelope]
linguetta {f} :: ring pull
linguetta {f} [music] :: reed
linguetta {f} :: bootstrap
linguetta {f} :: languet
linguetta {f} :: cam, slider, slide (zip sliding cam)
linguetta {f} :: tang
linguiforme {adj} :: tongue-shaped, linguiform
linguina {f} [rare] /linˈɡwi.na/ :: diminutive of lingua
linguina {f} [usually in the plural] :: a single ribbon of linguine
linguista {mf} :: linguist
linguistica {f} /linˈɡwistika/ :: linguistics
linguisticamente {adv} :: linguistically
linguistico {adj} :: linguistic
lingula {f} [anatomy] :: lingula
lingula {f} :: ancient roman leaf-shaped sword
linguolabiale {adj} [phonetics] /lin.ɡwo.laˈbja.le/ :: linguolabial (articulated with the tongue and the upper lip)
linguolabiale {f} [phonetics] :: A linguolabial speech sound
linicolo {adj} :: linicolous
linicoltura {f} :: liniculture
liniero {adj} :: flax, linen (attributive)
linificio {m} :: flax mill, linen mill, linen factory
linimento {m} :: liniment
linizzare {vt} :: To treat fabric or yarn so that it looks like linen
linizzazione {f} :: The treatment of fabric or yarn so that it looks like linen
link {m} [computing] :: link (hyperlink)
linkante {v} :: present participle of linkare
linkare {vt} [computing] :: to link
linneano {adj} :: Linnaean
Linneo {prop} :: Linnaeus
linneone {m} [biology] :: determination or taxonomy of a species according to the Linnaeus classification criterion
lino {m} /ˈli.no/ :: flax (plant and fiber)
lino {m} :: linen (thread or cloth made from flax fiber)
lino {adj} :: of flax or linen; flaxen
Lino {prop} :: given name
linoleico {adj} :: linoleic
linoleina {f} [organic compound] :: linolein
linoleista {mf} :: a person who lays linoleum
linolenico {adj} :: linolenic
linoleografia {f} :: linocut (system)
linoleum {m} /li.ˈnɔ.leu̯m/ :: linoleum
linone {m} :: leno, lawn (textile weave)
linosa {f} :: linseed, flaxseed
Linosa {prop} :: A small island between Sicily and Lampedusa
linotipia {f} :: linotyping
linotipia {f} :: linotype workshop
linotipico {adj} :: linotype (attributive)
linotipista {mf} :: linotyper, linotypist
linotipo {m} :: linotype
linsango {m} :: linsang (Poiana richardsonii)
linseme {m} :: linseed
linterno {m} :: Italian or Mediterranean buckthorn (Rhamnus alaternus)
lintro {m} :: dugout canoe
liocorno {m} /ljoˈkɔr.no/ :: unicorn
liofante {m} :: synonym of elefante
liofilizzante {v} :: present participle of liofilizzare
liofilizzare {vt} :: to freeze-dry, to lyophilize
liofilizzato {adj} :: freeze-dried
liofilizzato {m} [often, in the plural] :: Freeze-dried products
liofilizzatore {m} :: freeze dryer
liofilizzazione {f} :: lyophilization, freeze-drying
liofilo {adj} :: lyophilic
liofobo {adj} :: lyophobic
lionato {adj} :: tawny
Lione {prop} :: Lione (capital city)
Lionello {prop} :: given name
lionese {adj} :: lyonnaise
lionessa {f} :: alternative form of leonessa
lionfante {m} :: synonym of elefante
liparese {adj} :: Of or relating to Lipari or the Lipari people
liparese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Lipari
Lipari {prop} :: Lipari
liparide {f} :: the widelip orchid (Liparis)
liparite {f} [geology] :: rhyolite
liparota {adj} :: of or relating to Lipari or the Lipari people
liparota {mf} :: a native or inhabitant of Lipari
lipasi {f} [enzyme] :: lipase
lipectomia {f} [surgery] :: lipectomy
lipemania {f} :: melancholia
lipemaniaco {adj} :: melancholic
lipemia {f} :: lipemia
lipemico {adj} :: lipemic
lipide {m} [biochemistry] :: lipid
lipidemia {f} [medicine] :: lipidemia
lipidico {adj} :: lipidic
Lipizza {prop} :: Lipica
lipizzano {m} :: Lipizzan, Lipizzaner
lipo- {prefix} :: lipo-
lipoadenoma {m} [medicine] :: lipoadenoma
lipoaspiratore {m} [surgery] :: aspirator used in liposuction
lipoaspirazione {f} :: synonym of liposuzione
lipoblasto {m} :: lipoblast
lipodistrofia {f} [pathology] :: lipodystrophy
lipofila {f} [chemistry] :: lipophile
lipofilia {f} :: lipophilicity
lipofilo {adj} :: lipophilic
lipogramma {m} :: lipogram
lipogrammatico {adj} :: lipogrammatic
lipoico {adj} :: lipoic
lipoide {m} [biology] :: lipoid
lipoideo {adj} :: lipoidal
lipoiperplasia {f} [medicine] :: lipohyperplasia
lipolisi {f} [biochemistry, organic chemistry] :: lipolysis
lipolitico {adj} :: lipolytic
lipoma {m} [oncology] :: lipoma
lipomatosi {f} :: lipomatosis, adiposis
lipomatoso {adj} :: lipomatous
lipopolisaccaride {m} [carbohydrate] :: lipopolysaccharide
lipopolisaccaridico {adj} :: lipopolysaccharide (attributive)
lipoproteico {adj} :: lipoprotein (attributive)
lipoproteina {f} [protein] :: lipoprotein
lipoproteina lipasi {f} [enzyme] :: lipoprotein lipase
lipoproteinemia {f} [medicine] :: lipoproteinemia
lipoproteinlipasi {f} :: Variant of lipoproteina lipasi
liposarcoma {m} [oncology] :: liposarcoma
liposclerosi {f} [pathology] :: liposclerosis
liposcultura {f} :: liposculpture
liposolubile {adj} :: liposoluble (fat-soluble)
liposoma {m} [biochemistry] :: liposome
liposomiale {adj} :: liposomal
liposuzione {f} [medicine] :: liposuction
lipotimia {f} [medicine] :: blackout, collapse, faint
lipotrapianto {m} [surgery] :: lipotransplant
lipotropico {adj} :: lipotropic
lipotropo {m} :: lipotrope
lippa {f} [games, uncountable] /ˈlip.pa/ :: tipcat (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick)
lippa {f} [countable] :: The cat used in the game of tipcat
lippo {adj} [archaic, literary, of eyes] /ˈlip.po/ :: having gound
lippo {adj} [archaic, literary, figuratively] :: purblind, half-sighted
Lippomano {prop} :: surname
lipsanoteca {f} :: A reliquary
Lipsia {prop} :: Leipzig
liquabile {adj} :: meltable
liquabilità {f} :: The property of being meltable
liquame {m} /liˈkwa.me/ :: liquid sewage
liquame {m} :: slurry
liquazione {f} :: liquation
liquefacente {v} :: present participle of liquefare
liquefacentesi {v} :: present participle of liquefarsi
liquefacibile {adj} :: liquefiable
liquefacimento {m} :: synonym of liquefazione
liquefare {vt} :: To liquefy
liquefarsi {vr} :: To liquefy or melt
liquefativo {adj} :: liquefactive
liquefattibile {adj} :: liquefiable (Variant of liquefacibile)
liquefatto {adj} :: liquefied
liquefatto {adj} :: melted
liquefattosi {v} :: past participle of liquefarsi
liquefazione {f} :: liquefaction
liquerizia {f} :: liquorice (plant, powder or sweet)
liquescente {adj} :: liquescent
liquescenza {f} :: liquescence
liquidabile {adj} :: That can be liquidated
liquidabile {adj} :: That can be gotten rid of
liquidabile {adj} :: That can be dismissed or relegated
liquidabilità {f} :: The property of what can be liquidated
liquidamente {adv} :: liquidly
liquidante {v} :: present participle of liquidare
liquidare {vt} :: To liquidate
liquidare {vt} :: To get rid of
liquidare {vt} :: To solve, to settle
liquidatore {m} :: liquidator
liquidatorio {adj} [legal] :: liquidation (attributive)
liquidazione {f} :: liquidation
liquidazione {f} :: settlement, payment
liquidazione {f} :: clearance (of goods)
liquidazione {f} :: severance (pay)
liquidezza {f} [uncommon] :: synonym of liquidità
liquidissimo {adj} :: superlative of liquido
liquidità {f} :: liquidity
liquido {adj} :: liquid (all meanings)
liquido {adj} :: runny
liquido {m} :: liquid, fluid
liquido {m} :: ready money
liquido amniotico {m} :: amniotic fluid
liquigas {m} :: liquefied natural gas in containers for domestic use; Calor gas [British]
liquiletame {m} :: slurry (liquid manure)
liquirizia {f} :: liquorice
liquore {m} :: liqueur
liquore {m} :: tincture
liquore {m} [in the plural] :: spirits
liquoreria {f} :: pub, bar
liquoreria {f} :: off-licence
liquoreria {f} :: distillery
liquoriero {adj} :: liqueur (attributive)
liquorino {m} :: A small glass of liqueur
liquorista {mf} :: distiller
liquorista {mf} :: spirit seller
liquoristico {adj} :: liquor, spirits (attributive)
liquorizia {f} :: alternative form of liquirizia
liquoroso {adj} :: Describing wine that has a higher alcoholic content and a denser aroma; often a dessert wine
lira {f} /ˈli.ra/ :: lira
lira {f} :: lyre
lira sterlina {f} :: pound sterling
Liri {prop} :: A river that flows in Lazio and Abruzzo
lirica {f} /ˈli.ri.ka/ :: lyric
lirica {f} :: lyric poetry
lirica {f} [music, ] :: opera
liricare {vt} :: To lyricize
liricità {f} :: lyricism
liricizzare {vt} :: synonym of liricare
lirico {adj} /ˈli.ri.ko/ :: lyrical, lyric
lirico {adj} [music] :: opera [attributive]
liriforme {adj} :: lyric (relating to a lyre)
liriodendro {m} :: tulip tree
lirismo {m} :: lyricism
lirista {mf} [literary, rare, music] /liˈris.ta/ :: lyrist
lirone {m} :: lirazza
lirone {m} [musici] :: lira da gamba (base lyre)
Lisa {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Elisabetta
Lisandro {prop} :: Lysander
lisante {v} :: present participle of lisare
lisantesi {v} :: present participle of lisarsi
lisare {vt} :: [biology] To lyse
lisarsi {vr} :: [biology] To lyse
lisato {adj} :: lysated
lisato {m} :: lysate
lisatosi {v} :: past participle of lisarsi
Lisbona {prop} :: Lisbona (capital city)
lisca {f} /ˈliska/ :: fishbone (individual, or the complete spine)
lisca {f} [textiles] :: shive, i.e. fragment of the woody core of flax or hemp
liscezza {f} :: smoothness
liscezza {f} :: sweetness
lisciadorsi {f} :: A type of machine used in bookbinding (to smooth the backs of books?)
lisciamente {adv} :: smoothly, sleekly
lisciamente {adv} :: simply
lisciamento {m} :: smoothing, stroking
lisciamento {m} :: flattery, fawning
lisciante {v} :: present participle of lisciare
lisciantesi {v} :: present participle of lisciarsi
lisciare {vt} :: to smooth
lisciare {vt} :: to flatter
lisciarsi {v} :: reflexive of lisciare
lisciarsi {v} :: to preen oneself
lisciatoio {m} :: smoothing tool
lisciatore {m} :: smoother (operator of smoothing machine)
lisciatore {m} :: flatterer
lisciatosi {v} :: past participle of lisciarsi
lisciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of lisciatore
lisciatrice {f} :: polisher (machine)
lisciatura {f} :: smoothing
lisciatura {f} :: honing
liscio {adj} /ˈliʃʃo/ :: smooth, sleek, polished
liscio {adj} [figuratively] :: simple
liscio {adj} [of an alcoholic beverage] :: neat, straight
liscio {adv} :: smoothly
liscio {m} :: ballroom dancing
liscio {m} :: country music
lisciola {f} :: A type of pruning shears
lisciva {f} :: Variant of liscivia
liscivia {f} :: lye (caustic soda)
lisciviante {v} :: present participle of lisciviare
lisciviare {vt} :: To leach or lixiviate
lisciviatore {m} :: digester
lisciviatrice {f} :: A machine used in laundry
lisciviatura {f} :: digesting, boiling (especially in the manufacture of paper from rags etc.)
lisciviazione {f} :: leaching
lisciviazione {f} :: lixiviation
liscivioso {adj} :: lixiviating
liscoso {adj} :: bony (of a fish)
lisergico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: lysergic
liseuse {f} :: a nightgown
-lisi {suffix} :: -lysis
lisi {f} :: lysis
lisiera {n} [textiles, weaving] :: synonym of cimosa
lisimachia {f} :: loosestrife (of the genus Lysimachia)
Lisimaco {prop} :: Lysimachus
lisina {f} [amino acid] :: lysine
Lisippo {prop} :: Lysippus
liso- {prefix} :: lyso-
liso {adj} :: worn (out), threadbare, ragged, tattered
lisoformio {m} [medicine] :: lysoform
lisogenia {f} :: lysogeny
lisogeno {adj} :: lysogenic
lisolo {m} :: Lysol
lisosoma {m} [cytology] :: lysosome
lisosomale {adj} :: lysosomal
lisosomiale {adj} [cytology] :: lysosomal
lisozima {f} [enzyme] :: lysozyme
Lissa {prop} :: Lissa (island)
lissofobia {f} :: lyssophobia (fear of going insane)
lissotrico {adj} :: lissotrichous
lista {f} :: list, pile
lista {f} :: strip, stripe
lista a cascata {f} [computing] :: drop-down list
lista civica {f} :: A list of candidates for election as mayor who do not belong to a political party
lista d'attesa {f} :: waiting list
lista di attesa {f} :: alternative spelling of lista d'attesa
lista di nozze {f} :: bridal registry, wedding registry
lista di proscrizione {f} :: Black Book
listante {v} :: present participle of listare
listare {vt} :: to border, edge
listare {vt} :: to list
listatura {f} :: bordering, edging
listatura {f} :: listing
listello {m} :: listel, fillet
listerella {f} :: listeria
l'istesso {adj} [music] :: The same
listino {m} :: list
listone {m} :: A long list
listone {m} :: An alliance of the fascists and Liberal Democrats in the 1924 Italian general election
litania {f} :: litany
litania {f} :: string (of names etc)
litaniare {v} :: To chant or sing litanies
litanico {adj} :: litanic
litantrace {m} :: bituminous coal
litargirio {m} [mineral] :: litharge (lead monoxide)
litchi {m} :: lychee (tree & fruit)
-lite {suffix} :: -lite
-lite {suffix} :: -lith
lite {f} :: A quarrel, row, altercation, fight
lite {f} [legal] :: A suit, lawsuit
litiasi {f} [medicine] :: lithiasis
litiasico {adj} :: litiatic
liticare {v} :: alternative form of litigare
liticine {m} [literary, rare, Ancient Rome] /liˈti.t͡ʃi.ne/ :: A military trumpeter
-litico {suffix} :: -lytic
-litico {suffix} :: -lithic
litico {adj} [biochemistry] :: lytic
litico {adj} [chemistry] :: lithic
litico {adj} :: lithic, stone (attributive)
litiemia {f} [pathology] :: lithaemia
litificato {adj} :: lithified
litigante {mf} :: quarreler
litigante {mf} :: litigant
litigante {v} :: present participle of litigare
litigare {vi} :: to quarrel, fight, fall out, argue, squabble
litigare {vi} [law] :: (with con or per) to litigate (with or for)
litigare {vi} [jocular] :: to fumble or rummage clumsily
litigare {vt} :: to contend or dispute
litigarsi {v} :: reflexive of litigare
litigarsi {v} :: to fight over
litigata {f} :: strife, toil, quarrel, row, tiff, squabble
litigatore {m} :: litigator
litighio {m} :: quarrelling, wrangling
litigio {m} :: quarrel, row, altercation, tiff, squabble, toil, strife
litigio {m} [legal] :: litigation
litigiosamente {adv} :: argumentatively, quarrelsomely
litigiosità {f} :: quarrelsomeness
litigioso {adj} :: quarrelsome
litigioso {adj} :: litigious, contentious
litigone {mf} :: A person who often litigates (or quarrels)
litio {m} [chemistry] /ˈli.tjo/ :: lithium
litiorganico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: organolithium
litioso {adj} :: Of, relating to, or containing lithium; lithic
litisconsorte {m} [legal] :: coplaintiff; codefendant
litisconsorzio {m} [legal] :: joinder of parties
litispendenza {f} [legal] :: simultaneous pendency of two identical suits; lis pendens
-lito {suffix} [physics, chemistry] :: -lyte
-lito {suffix} :: -lith (variant of -lite)
lito- {prefix} :: litho-
litocemento {m} :: A form of cement that contains small polished stones
litochelifopedio {m} [medicine] /li.to.ke.li.foˈpɛ.djo/ :: lithokelyphopedion
litoclasi {f} [geology] :: lithoclase
litocolla {f} :: A glue used in making mosaics etc
litocromia {f} :: synonym of cromolitografia
litodialisi {f} :: lithodialysis, lithoclysmia
litodialisi {f} :: litholysis
litofaga {f} /liˈtɔ.fa.ɡa/ :: Any member of the Lithophaga taxonomic genus
litofago {adj} :: lithophagous
litofania {f} :: lithophane
litofita {f} [botany] :: lithophyte
litofotografia {f} :: synonym of fotolitografia
litofotografico {adj} :: synonym of fotolitografico
litogenesi {f} [geology] :: lithogenesis
litogenetico {adj} :: lithogenic
litoglifia {f} :: lithoglyptics
litoglifo {m} :: lithoglyph
litografante {v} :: present participle of litografare
litografare {vt} :: to lithograph
litografia {f} :: lithography
litografia {f} :: lithograph
litograficamente {adv} :: lithographically
litografico {adj} :: lithographic
litografo {m} :: lithographer
litoide {adj} :: lithoid
litolatra {mf} :: litholater
litolatria {f} :: litholatry
litolatrico {adj} :: litholatric
litolisi {f} [medicine] :: litholysis
litologia {f} [geology] :: lithology
litologico {adj} :: lithological
litologo {m} :: lithologist
litonefrosi {f} :: lithonephrosis, lithonephritis
litopedio {m} [medicine] /li.toˈpɛ.djo/ :: lithopedion
litorale {m} :: coast, littoral
litoralizzazione {f} :: littoralization
litoranea {f} :: coast road
litoraneo {adj} :: littoral, coastal, coast (attributive)
litorano {adj} :: littoral
litoscopio {m} :: lithoscope
litosfera {f} :: lithosphere, earth's crust
litosferico {adj} :: lithospheric
litosoma {m} [geology] :: lithosome
litostratigrafia {f} [geology] :: lithostratigraphy
litostroto {m} :: mosaic pavement
litotamnio {m} :: lithotamnion (red alga of genus Lithothamnion)
litote {f} :: Litotes
litoteca {f} [geology] :: collection of rocks, minerals and fossils
litotecnica {f} :: The technology of working in stone
litotipia {f} :: lithotypy
litotipia {f} :: synonym of litografia
litotipo {m} [geology] :: lithotype
litotomia {f} [surgery] :: lithotomy
litotomista {mf} [surgery] :: lithotomist
litotripsia {f} [surgery] :: lithotripsy
litotritore {m} [surgery] :: lithotripter
litro {m} :: litre; liter [US]
Littizzetto {prop} :: surname
Littizzetto {prop} :: Luciana Littizzetto, Italian comedy actress
littorale {m} :: Variant of litorale
littoraneo {adj} :: alternative form of litoraneo
littore {m} :: lictor
littoriale {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the fasces (fascio littorio) of fascist Italy
littorina {f} :: winkle
littorina {f} :: A type of slow, lightweight, Diesel-powered railway (used especially around Etna)
littorio {adj} :: lictorial
lituana {f} :: female equivalent of lituano
Lituania {prop} :: Lithuania
lituano {adj} :: Lithuanian
lituano {m} :: Lithuanian
lituano {m} :: the Lithuanian language
liturgia {f} :: liturgy
liturgia {f} :: ritual
liturgicamente {adv} :: liturgically
liturgico {adj} :: liturgical
liturgista {mf} :: liturgist
liutaia {f} :: female equivalent of liutaio
liutaio {m} :: luthier
liuteria {f} :: lutherie
liuteria {f} :: A workshop where stringed instruments are made and repaired
liutista {mf} :: lutist
liuto {m} [musical instruments] :: lute
livarda {f} [nautical] :: The sprit that supports a spritsail
live {adj} :: Performed or recorded live
livella {f} :: level (tool for finding whether a surface is level)
livellabile {adj} :: levelable
livellamento {m} :: levelling
livellante {v} :: present participle of livellare
livellantesi {v} :: present participle of livellarsi
livellare {vt} :: to level
livellario {adj} :: level (attributive)
livellarsi {v} :: reflexive of livellare
livellarsi {vr} :: to become level; to level out
livellarsi {vr} :: to balance out
livellato {adj} :: levelled
livellatore {adj} :: levelling
livellatosi {v} :: past participle of livellarsi
livellatrice {f} :: road roller, steam roller, grader
livellatura {f} [uncommon] :: synonym of livellamento
livellazione {f} :: levelling (of ground)
livelletta {f} :: A stretch of road or railway line of constant slope between two sections at a different slope
livello {m} :: level
livello {m} :: (tier) level, tier
livello {m} [figuratively] :: level, standard
livello {m} :: plane
livello {m} [Education] :: grade
livello del mare {m} :: sea level
livello scolastico {m} [Education] :: grade
livellostato {m} :: A device that controls / maintains the level of a liquid
livello trofico {m} [ecology] :: trophic level
liventino {prop} :: a dialect of Venetian spoken in the north of Veneto
Livenza {prop} :: Livenza (river)
livermorio {m} [chemistry] /li.verˈmɔ.rjo/ :: livermorium
Liverotti {prop} :: surname
Livia {prop} /ˈli.vja/ :: given name
Livia {prop} [historical] :: Livia (former name of Forli, the <<capital city>> of the <<p:pref/Forlì-Cesena>>, <<r/Emilia-Romagna>>, <<c/Italy>>)
lividamente {adv} :: lividly
lividastro {adj} :: livid (in colour)
lividezza {f} :: lividness (ghastly pallor)
lividiccio {adj} :: Very livid or bruised
lividigno {adj} :: bruisable (tending to bruise)
livido {adj} /ˈli.vi.do/ :: livid
livido {adj} [of the sky] :: leaden
livido {m} :: bruise
lividore {m} :: synonym of lividezza
lividore {m} :: A livid bruise
lividore {m} :: venom
lividume {m} :: An extensive livid bruise
lividura {f} :: livid bruise
livignasco {adj} :: Of or from Livigno
livignese {adj} :: Of or relating to Livigno or the Livigno people
livignese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Livigno
Livigno {prop} :: Livigno (small town)
livinallese {m} :: A dialect of Ladin spoken in Livinallongo
livinallese {adj} :: Of or from Livinallongo
living {m} :: living room
Livio {prop} :: given name derived from Latin Livius
Livïo {prop} :: medieval spelling of Livio
livone {mf} :: Livonian; a person from Livonia
Livonia {prop} :: Livonia (historical region)
livoniano {m} :: Livonian (language)
livonio {m} :: Livonian (person)
livonio {m} :: Livonian (language)
livore {m} :: venom
livornese {adj} /li.vorˈne.se/ :: Livornian, relating to Livorno or its inhabitants
livornese {mf} :: a Livornian
livornese {f} [by ellipsis] :: leghorn (breed of chicken)
Livorno {prop} /liˈvor.no/ :: Livorno (province/and/city)
Livorno {prop} :: The letter L in the Italian phonetic alphabet
livorosamente {adv} :: enviously, resentfully
livoroso {adj} :: envious, resentful
livrea {f} :: livery
livrea {f} :: coat (of an animal)
livrea {f} :: plumage
livreato {adj} :: liveried
lizza {f} :: lists (in jousting)
lizza {f} :: A large sled used to transport large blocks of stone from a quarry; the track along which the sleds moved
lizzanese {adj} :: Of or from Lizzano
Lizzano {prop} :: Lizzano (small town)
lizzante {v} :: present participle of lizzare
lizzare {v} :: to drag large blocks of stone on sleds
lizzatura {f} :: The transportation of large blocks of stone from a quarry on large sleds
lo {art} :: The form of il that is used before the so-called impure consonants, that is, s+consonant (impure s), gn, pn, ps, x or z; before a vowel it becomes l'; the
lo {pron} [accusative] :: him
lo {pron} [accusative] :: it, this or that thing
lob {m} :: lob (in ball games)
lobare {adj} :: lobe (attributive)
lobare {adj} :: lobar; lobate
lobato {adj} :: lobate
lobbia {f} :: Homburg hat
lobbismo {m} :: lobbyism
lobbista {mf} :: lobbyist
lobbistico {adj} :: lobby, lobbying (political, attributive)
lobby {f} :: lobby (group of people; hall of a bank)
lobbysta {mf} :: alternative spelling of lobbista
lobbystico {adj} :: Variant of lobbistico
lobectomia {f} [surgery] :: lobectomy
lobelina {f} :: lobeline
lobo {m} [anatomy, botany, architecture] :: lobe
lobo parietale {m} [anatomy] :: parietal lobe
lobotomia {f} [surgery] :: lobotomy
lobotomia prefrontale {f} [surgery] :: prefrontal lobotomy
lobotomizzante {v} :: present participle of lobotomizzare
lobotomizzare {vt} :: To lobotomize
lobotomizzazione {f} :: lobotomization/lobotomisation
lobulare {adj} :: lobulate
lobulato {adj} :: lobulate
lobulo {m} :: lobule
locago {m} /loˈka.ɡo/ :: A military leader of an armed band
locale {adj} :: local
locale {m} :: room
localismo {m} :: localism
localistico {adj} :: localist
localistico {adj} :: localistic
località {f} :: locality
localizzabile {adj} :: localizable
localizzante {v} :: present participle of localizzare
localizzantesi {v} :: present participle of localizzarsi
localizzare {vt} :: to locate
localizzare {vt} :: to confine
localizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of localizzare
localizzarsi {vr} :: ‎ to become localized (in)
localizzativo {adj} :: locational
localizzato {adj} :: localized
localizzato {adj} :: confined
localizzatore {adj} :: locating
localizzatore {m} :: locator, detector
localizzatosi {v} :: past participle of localizzarsi
localizzatrice {f} :: female equivalent of localizzatore
localizzazione {f} :: localization (all senses)
localmente {adv} :: locally
locanda {f} :: simple hotel
locanda {f} :: inn (offering both food and accommodation)
locandiera {f} :: innkeeper, landlady
locandiere {m} :: innkeeper, landlord
locandina {f} :: poster (for a film etc)
locante {v} :: present participle of locare
locare {vt} :: to let, rent, hire
Locarno {prop} :: The Swiss town
locataria {f} :: female equivalent of locatario
locatario {m} :: tenant
locatario {m} :: lodger
locativo {adj} :: rentable
locatizio {adj} [legal] :: Relating to a lease
locatore {m} :: landlord (of rented property)
locatorio {adj} :: tenant, lessee (attributive)
locatrice {f} :: landlady (of rented property)
locavoro {m} :: locavore
locazione {f} :: lease
locazione {f} :: renting, leasing
l'occhio del padrone ingrassa il cavallo {proverb} :: a business thrives when the owner keeps his eye on it
l'occhio del padrone ingrassa il cavallo {proverb} :: the master's eye makes the horse fat
locco {m} :: sucker, fool
locello {m} :: alternative form of loculo
lochiano {adj} :: alternative form of lockiano
lochiazione {f} [physiology] :: lochia
lockiano {adj} :: Lockian; Locke (attributive)
lockismo {m} :: Lockian philosophy
locomotilità {f} :: locomotility
locomotiva {f} :: locomotive, engine (railway)
locomotiva a vapore {f} :: steam locomotive
locomotiva a vapore {f} :: steam engine
locomotiva a vapore {f} :: (informal, dated) pufferbelly
locomotivo {adj} :: locomotive (self-moving)
locomotore {adj} :: locomotive, locomotor
locomotore {m} :: locomotive, engine (of a train)
locomotorio {adj} [anatomy] :: locomotor, locomotory, locomotive
locomotorista {mf} :: engine driver (of a train)
locomozione {f} [engineering, mechanics] :: locomotion
locoregionale {adj} :: locoregional
locrese {adj} :: Of, or from, Locri
locrese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Locri
Locri {prop} :: Locri (town)
loculare {adj} :: locular
loculo {m} /ˈlɔ.ku.lo/ :: burial niche or recess; loculus
loculo {m} [literary] :: A small niche or cavity
loculo {m} [botany] :: cavity
locupletare {v} [literary] :: To enrich
locupletazione {f} :: enrichment, wealth
locupletazione {f} :: locupletation
locusta {f} :: locust
locustone {m} :: wart-biter (Decticus verrucivorus)
locutore {adj} :: speaking (a specified language, dialect etc)
locutore {m} :: speaker
locutore {m} :: announcer (radio, TV)
locuzione {f} /lo.kuˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: locution, phrase, expression
locuzione {f} [archaic] :: idiom (a mode of expression peculiar to an individual)
locuzione nominale {f} /lo.ku.ˌt͡sjo.ne no.mi.ˈna.le/ :: noun phrase
lodabile {adj} :: laudable, praiseworthy
lodabilità {f} :: laudableness, praiseworthiness
lodabilmente {adv} :: laudably, praiseworthily
lodante {v} :: present participle of lodare
lodantesi {v} :: present participle of lodarsi
lodare {vt} :: to praise, commend
lodare {vt} [religion] :: to praise, laud
lodarsi {v} :: reflexive of lodare
lodarsi {v} :: to praise oneself; to boast, brag
lodatissimo {adj} :: superlative of lodato
lodativo {adj} :: laudatory, laudative, eulogistic
lodatore {m} :: praiser, lauder
lodatosi {v} :: past participle of lodarsi
lode {f} :: praise
Loderingo {prop} [rare] :: given name
lodevole {adj} /loˈde.vo.le/ :: praiseworthy
lodevolezza {f} :: praiseworthiness
lodevolissimo {adj} :: superlative of lodevole
lodevolmente {adv} :: commendably, praiseworthily, laudably
Lodi {prop} :: Lodi (town/and/province)
lodigiano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Lodi
lodigiano {m} :: The dialect of Lodi
lodigiano {m} :: A cheese from Lodi
lodo {m} [legal] :: arbitrator’s award
lodolaio {m} :: the hobby or Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo)
Lodovico {prop} /lo.doˈvi.ko/ :: given name, alternative form of Ludovico.
Lo Duca {prop} :: surname
Lofaso {prop} :: surname
loffa {f} :: wind (flatulence)
loffio {adj} :: flabby
lofio {m} :: anglerfish
lofoforo {m} [zoology] :: lophophore
lofoforo {m} :: monal, a kind of pheasant
lofotrico {adj} :: lophotrichous
logaedico {adj} :: logaedic
logaedo {m} :: logaedic verse
logaritmico {adj} :: logarithmic
logaritmo {m} :: logarithm
loggante {v} :: present participle of loggare
loggare {v} [computing] :: to log in, log on
loggato {adj} [Internet] :: logged in, logged on
loggetta {f} :: A small loggia or lodge
loggia {f} [architecture] /ˈlɔd.d͡ʒa/ :: loggia (roofed, open gallery)
loggia {f} :: lodge (Masonic)
loggia {f} :: loge
Loggia {prop} :: surname
Loggia dei Lanzi {prop} :: A building on a corner of the Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy, adjoining the Uffizi Gallery
Loggia della Signoria {prop} :: synonym of Loggia dei Lanzi
loggiato {m} [architecture] :: arcade, open gallery
loggione {m} :: gallery, gods (in a theatre)
loggionista {mf} :: spectator in the gallery (of a theatre)
-logia {suffix} :: -logy
logica {f} :: logic
logica matematica {f} [maths, logic] :: mathematical logic
logicamente {adv} :: logically
logicamente {adv} :: naturally, obviously
logicismo {m} :: logicism
logicista {mf} :: logicist
logicistico {adj} :: logicist
logicità {f} :: logicality
-logico {suffix} :: -logical
logico {adj} :: logical
logismografia {f} :: logismography
logismografico {adj} :: logismographic
logista {m} :: logistician
logistica {f} /loˈd͡ʒis.ti.ka/ :: logistics
logisticamente {adv} :: logistically
logistico {adj} :: logistic
loglio {m} /ˈlɔʎ.ʎo/ :: darnel, tare
loglio {m} :: chaff
-logo {suffix} :: -logist, -ist, -er (member of a profession etc)
logo- {prefix} :: logo-
logo {m} {m} :: logo (symbol)
logo {m} {m} :: logotype
Logodoro {prop} :: medieval spelling of Logudoro
logografia {f} :: logography
logografico {adj} :: logographic
logografo {m} :: logographer
logogramma {m} :: logogram, logograph
logogrifo {m} :: logogriph
logomachia {f} :: logomachy (dispute over the meaning of a word)
logon {m} [computing] :: logon
logopatia {f} :: speech disorder; logopathy
logopatico {adj} :: logopathic
logopedia {f} :: speech therapy, logopedics
logopedico {adj} :: speech (therapy) (attributive)
logopedista {mf} :: speech therapist, logopedist
logoplegia {f} :: logoplegia
logorabile {adj} :: vulnerable to wear and tear
logorabilità {f} :: The property of what is vulnerable to wear and tear
logoramento {m} :: wear (of clothes etc)
logorante {v} :: present participle of logorare
logorante {adj} :: exhausting, wearing, trying
logorantesi {v} :: present participle of logorarsi
logorare {vt} :: to wear out, exhaust
logorare {vt} :: to wear away
logorare {vt} :: to wear down
logorare {vt} :: to ruin
logorarsi {v} :: reflexive of logorare
logorarsi {v} :: to wear out, exhaust
logorarsi {v} :: to ruin
logorato {adj} :: exhausted
logorato {adj} :: worn out, worn down, worn away
logoratore {m} :: ruination
logoratosi {v} :: past participle of logorarsi
logorio {m} :: strain
logorio {m} :: wear and tear
logorizia {f} /lo.ɡoˈrit.t͡sja/ :: obsolete form of liquirizia
logoro {adj} :: worn
logoro {adj} :: worn out, threadbare, shabby
logoro {adj} :: ruined
logoro {adj} :: exhausted
logorrea {f} [pathology] :: logorrhea (excessive and often uncontrollable speaking due to a mental disorder)
logorrea {f} :: logorrhea (excessive talkativeness)
logorroicamente {adv} :: logorrheically
logorroicamente {adv} :: verbosely
logorroico {adj} :: logorrheic
logorroico {adj} :: verbose
logos {m} :: logos
logosemeiotico {adj} :: logosemiotic
logoterapeuta {mf} :: speech therapist
logoterapia {f} :: logotherapy
logoterapista {mf} :: logotherapist
logoteta {f} :: logothete
logotipo {m} :: logotype, logo
logotipo {m} :: ligature (typographic)
logout {m} [computing] :: logout
logudorese {adj} :: of or from Logudoro
logudorese {n} :: Logudorese (dialect of Sardinian)
Logudoro {prop} :: Logudoro (region)
loia {f} [Tuscan] :: dirt, filth on clothes or skin
Loiano {prop} :: Loiano (small town)
loica {f} :: alternative form of logica
Loide {prop} [Biblical character] :: Lois
Loide {prop} :: given name
loiolescamente {adv} :: Jesuitically
loiolescamente {adv} :: hypocritically
loiolesco {adj} :: Jesuitic
loiolesco {adj} :: hypocritical
Loira {prop} :: Loire, Loire River
lokum {m} :: Turkish delight
lolita {f} :: A sexually provocative young girl; a Lolita
lolla {f} :: chaff, husk
lollardo {m} :: Lollard
Lollobrigida {prop} :: surname
Lollobrigida {prop} :: Gina Lollobrigida, Italian actress (and sex symbol)
lolloso {adj} [Internet] :: very funny
lolz {interj} [Internet slang] :: Used to express laughter
lombaggine {f} [pathology] :: lumbago
lombalgia {f} [pathology] :: lumbago, low back pain
lombarda {f} :: female equivalent of lombardo
lombardata {f} :: A chain of people (typically builders) who pass light material (typically bricks) along a line
lombardesco {adj} :: Lombard
Lombardi {prop} :: surname
Lombardia {prop} :: Lombardia (region)
lombardismo {m} :: The words and phrases of the Lombard dialect of Italian
lombardo {adj} :: Lombard
lombardo {m} :: Lombard
Lombardo {prop} :: surname
lombare {adj} [anatomy] :: lumbar
lombata {f} :: loin (of meat)
lombatina {f} :: sirloin steak
lombo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: Related to the lower back or loin; lumbo-
lombo {m} [anatomy] /ˈlom.bo/ :: loin
lombo {m} [by extension, in the plural] :: hips
lombo {m} :: loin (meat cut)
lombosacrale {adj} [anatomy] /lom.bo.saˈkra.le/ :: lumbosacral
lombotomia {f} [surgery] :: lumbotomy
lombricaio {m} /lom.briˈka.jo/ :: Moist ground where many earthworms live
lombricaio {m} [by extension] :: A filthy place
lombricaio {m} [figurative] :: A place teeming with people, especially filthy or dishonest people.
lombricicoltore {m} :: earthworm breeder
lombricicoltura {f} :: earthworm breeding
lombrico {m} :: earthworm
lombricoltore {m} :: earthworm breeder
lombricoltura {f} :: earthworm breeding
lombrosiano {adj} :: Lombrosian
Lombroso {prop} :: surname
Lombroso {prop} :: Cesare Lombroso, Italian anthropologist
Lomellina {prop} :: Lomellina (region)
lomellino {adj} :: Of or from Lomellina
Lomello {prop} :: Lomello (town)
lomento {m} [botany] :: loment
lompo {m} [zoology, ichthyology] :: lumpsucker
londinese {adj} [relational] /lon.diˈne.se/ :: London; Londonish (of, relating to, or from London)
londinese {mf} :: Londoner, Londonite (person from or inhabitant of London)
Londra {prop} /ˈlondra/ :: Londra (capital city)
longanime {adj} /lonˈɡa.ni.me/ :: forbearing
longanimemente {adv} :: forbearingly
longanimità {f} :: tolerance, indulgence
longanimità {f} :: patience
longanimo {adj} :: alternative form of longanime
longarina {f} :: sleeper (railway)
longarina {f} :: iron girder
longarone {m} :: longeron
longevità {f} :: longevity
longevo {adj} :: long-lived
Longhena {prop} :: Longhena (township)
Longhena {prop} :: surname
longheniano {adj} :: Relating to Baldassare Longhena or to Mario Longhena
longherina {f} :: sleeper (railway)
longherina {f} :: iron girder
longherone {m} :: longeron, stringer, stiffener
longicollo {adj} :: long-necked
longilineo {adj} :: rangy; long-limbed
longinquità {f} :: A great distance
longinquità {f} :: A long duration
longiremo {adj} :: long-oared
longità {f} [obsolete] :: length
longitipo {m} :: longitype, ectomorph
longitudinale {adj} :: longitudinal
longitudinalmente {adv} :: longitudinally
longitudine {f} :: longitude
longo {adj} /ˈlɔn.ɡo/ :: obsolete form of lungo
Longobardi {prop} :: Lombards
longobardico {adj} :: Lombard
longobardo {m} :: Lombard
longobardo {adj} :: Lombard
long play {m} :: LP; long-playing record
longuette {f} :: midi, midiskirt
Lonigo {prop} :: Lonigo (town)
lontanamente {adv} :: far away, distantly
lontanamente {adv} :: remotely
lontananza {f} :: distance
lontananza {f} :: absence
lontanare {v} :: alternative form of allontanare
lontanissimo {adj} :: superlative of lontano
lontano {adj} /lonˈtano/ :: distant
lontano {adv} :: far
lontano dagli occhi, lontano dal cuore {proverb} :: out of sight, out of mind
lontra {f} /ˈlon.tra/ :: otter
lontrato {adj} [of clothing] :: beaverskin made to look like that of otter
lonza {f} :: loin of pork
lonza {f} :: a term used in the Middle Ages to describe a type of wild cat, possibly a lynx or leopard (cf. onça)
Lonza {prop} :: Lonza (river) that is a tributary of the Rhone
lonzo {adj} :: floppy, flabby
lonzo {adj} :: weak
loppa {f} :: chaff, husk
loppa {f} :: rubbish, junk (items of little value)
loppa {f} :: slag of cast iron
loppide {m} :: dog, specifically any domestic animal descended from a wolf
loppio {m} :: maple, field maple (Acer campestre)
loppone {m} :: sycamore maple (tree or wood)
lopposo {adj} :: chaffy
Lopresti {prop} :: surname
loquace {adj} :: talkative; loquacious
loquace {adj} :: eloquent
loquacemente {adv} :: loquaciously, talkatively
loquacità {f} :: talkativeness, loquacity
loquela {f} :: loquacity
loquela {f} :: language
-loquio {suffix} /ˈlɔkwjo/ :: -loquy; used to forms nouns related to speech and talking
loranto {m} :: showy mistletoe (of genus Loranthaceae)
lord {m} :: lord [British aristocrat]
lord {m} :: gentleman
lordaggine {f} :: alternative form of lordezza
lordamente {adv} :: dirtily, filthily
lordamente {adv} :: grossly
lordante {v} :: present participle of lordare
lordantesi {v} :: present participle of lordarsi
lordare {vt} :: to dirty, soil
lordare {vt} :: to besmirch
lordarsi {v} :: reflexive of lordare
lordarsi {v} :: to dirty or soil oneself
lordatore {m} :: besmircher
lordatosi {v} :: past participle of lordarsi
lordezza {f} :: filth, dirt
lordezza {f} :: immorality, dishonesty
lordo {adj} :: dirty, filthy
lordo {adj} :: gross (all senses)
lordosi {f} [pathology] :: lordosis
lordotico {adj} :: lordotic
lordume {m} :: filth, dirt
lordura {f} :: dirtiness
lordura {f} :: Moral dirtiness: obscenity
Loredan {prop} :: surname
Loredan {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
Lorena {prop} :: Lorraine (region)
Lorena {prop} :: given name
lorenese {adj} :: Lorraine (attributive)
Loreno {prop} :: given name
lorentziano {adj} [maths] :: Lorentzian
Lorenza {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Lorenzo
Lorenzo {prop} /loˈrɛn.t͡so/ :: given name
Loreto {prop} :: Loreto (town), famous for its sanctuary
lornio {adj} :: cross-eyed
lornio {adj} :: one-eyed (blind in one eye)
loro {pron} /ˈlo.ro/ :: they
loro {pron} [dative, formal] :: them, to them
loro {adj} [possessive] :: their
loro {adj} [possessive, often capitalised] :: your (polite plural form)
loro {pron} :: theirs
loro {pron} [often, capitalised] :: your (polite plural form)
Loro {pron} [uncommon, very, formal or polite] :: you
Loro {adj} [uncommon, very, formal or polite, possessive] :: your
loro stesse {pron} :: themselves
loro stessi {pron} :: themselves
losanga {f} /loˈzan.ɡa/ :: lozenge, diamond, rhombus (shape)
losanga {f} [heraldiccharge] :: lozenge
losangato {adj} [heraldry] :: lozengy
losangeleno {m} :: Angelino
losangelino {adj} :: Of or from Los Angeles
losangelino {m} :: Angelino (native or inhabitant of Los Angeles)
Losanna {prop} :: Losanna (city)
loscamente {adv} :: sullenly
loscamente {adv} :: shadily, suspiciously
loschezza {f} [uncommon] :: surliness
loschezza {f} [uncommon] :: shadiness
losco {adj} /ˈlos.ko/ :: sullen, surly
losco {adj} :: shady, suspicious (person)
Losone {prop} :: Losone (small town)
lossodromia {f} :: rhumb line, loxodrome
lossodromico {adj} :: loxodromic
lo stesso {adj} [music] :: alternative spelling of l'istesso
Lot {prop} [Biblical character] :: Lot
Lotaringia {n} :: Lotharingia
lotaringio {adj} :: Lotharingian
Lotario {prop} :: given name
lotico {adj} [ecology] :: lotic
lotiforme {adj} :: lotiform
loto {m} /ˈlɔ.to/ :: lotus
lotofago {m} :: lotus eater
lotolento {adj} :: alternative form of lutulento
lotta {f} [literal or figurative] /ˈlɔt.ta/ :: fight, struggle
lotta {f} :: conflict
lotta {f} [sports] :: wrestling
lotta libera {f} [sports] :: wrestling
lottante {v} :: present participle of lottare
lottare {v} :: to fight
lottare {v} :: to spar
lottare {v} :: to struggle
lottatore {m} :: fighter
lottatore {m} [sports] :: wrestler
lottatrice {f} :: female equivalent of lottatore
lotteria {f} :: lottery
lotteria {f} :: sweepstake (horse racing)
lottista {mf} :: lottery worker (typically sells tickets)
lottista {mf} :: Manager of an illegal gambling den
lottizzabile {adj} :: divisable into lots
lottizzante {v} :: present participle of lottizzare
lottizzare {vt} :: to subdivide [divide into lots]
lottizzatorio {adj} :: subdivided
lottizzazione {f} :: subdivision [division into lots]
lotto {m} /ˈlɔtto/ :: lot
lotto {m} :: plot (of land)
lotto {m} :: lottery
lotto {m} :: stock
lotume {m} :: synonym of sudiciume
lotume {m} :: slush
Louisiana {prop} :: alternative spelling of Luisiana
Lousonna {prop} :: alternative form of Losanna
Lovanio {prop} :: Lovanio (capital city)
lovastatina {f} [biochemistry] :: lovastatin
Lovato {prop} /loˈva.to/ :: surname
lovecraftiano {adj} :: Lovecraftian
lozione {f} :: lotion
LT {prop} :: abbreviation of Latina (Italian town in Lazio)
Luana {prop} :: given name
lubbione {m} :: gallery (in a theater)
Lubecca {prop} :: Lübeck
lubecchio {m} :: A kind of cogwheel used in mills
Lubiana {prop} :: Lubiana (capital city)
Lublino {prop} :: Lublino (city)
lubricamente {adv} :: lewdly
lubricità {f} :: lubricity
lubrico {adj} [literary] /ˈlu.bri.ko/ :: slippery
lubrico {adj} [literary, of animals] :: slimy, slick
lubrico {adj} [archaic] :: That evacuates easily
lubrico {adj} [archaic, rare] :: laxative
lubrico {adj} [figurative] :: lewd, lubricious, lubricous
lubrificante {v} :: present participle of lubrificare
lubrificante {adj} :: lubricating
lubrificante {m} :: lubricant
lubrificare {vt} :: to lubricate
lubrificativo {adj} :: lubricated
lubrificatore {adj} :: lubricating
lubrificazione {f} :: lubrication
lubrorefrigerante {m} :: cutting fluid
Luca {prop} :: given name
Luca {prop} :: Luke [biblical character]
Luca {prop} :: the Gospel of Luke
Lucani {prop} :: An ancient tribe from Lucania
Lucania {prop} :: Lucania
lucano {adj} :: Of or from Lucania
lucano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Lucania
lucano {m} :: Dialect of the Lucania region (masculine only)
Lucano {prop} :: Lucan
Lucarelli {prop} :: surname
lucarino {m} :: alternative form of lucherino
Lucca {prop} :: Lucca (province)
Lucca {prop} :: Lucca (capital city)
lucchese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Lucca
lucchese {adj} :: Of or relating to Lucca or the Lucca people
Lucchese {m} :: Lucchese
Lucchesi {prop} :: surname
lucchesina {f} :: A heavy, white blanket
lucchesino {m} :: A bright red woolen cloth
lucchettante {v} :: present participle of lucchettare
lucchettare {vt} :: To padlock
lucchetto {m} :: padlock
Lucciano {prop} :: surname
luccicamento {m} :: sparkle, glitter
luccicante {v} :: present participle of luccicare
luccicante {adj} :: glittering, shiny, sparkling
luccicare {vi} /lut.tʃiˈka.re/ :: to sparkle, twinkle
luccicare {vi} :: to glitter, glisten, shimmer
luccichio {adj} :: sparkling, twinkling
luccichio {adj} :: glittering, glistening
luccichio {m} :: shimmer
luccichio {m} :: scintillation
luccicone {m} [usually, in the plural] :: tear, teardrop (big teardrop)
luccicore {m} :: sparkling, twinkling
luccicore {m} :: glittering
luccio {m} :: pike, Esox lucius (fish)
lucciola {f} /ˈluttʃola/ :: firefly, glowworm
lucciola {f} :: prostitute
lucciolaio {m} :: A cloud of fireflies
lucciolare {v} :: synonym of luccicare
lucciolio {m} :: A shimmering of fireflies
lucciolone {m} :: synonym of luccicone
luccioperca {f} :: alternative form of lucioperca
lucco {m} :: A hood for a falcon or similar bird used for hunting
luce {f} /ˈlut͡ʃe/ :: light [visible electromagnetic wave; electrical device providing light]
luce {f} :: clearance
luce {f} :: span (engineering)
luce di Drummond {f} :: Drummond light, limelight
lucente {v} :: present participle of lucere
lucente {adj} :: shining, bright, brilliant
lucentemente {adv} :: brilliantly
lucentezza {f} :: shine
Lucera {prop} :: Lucera (town)
lucere {vi} [obsolete] :: to shine
lucerna {f} :: oil lamp
Lucerna {prop} :: Lucerna (capital city)
Lucerna {prop} :: Lucerna (canton)
lucernaio {m} :: skylight
lucernare {m} :: alternative form of lucernario
lucernario {m} :: skylight
lucernata {f} :: lampful (quantity of oil in an oil lamp)
lucernese {adj} :: Of or from Lucerne
lucernetta {f} :: Small oil lamp
lucerniere {m} :: A form of candlestick with several holes for placing a candle at different heights
lucertiforme {adj} :: alternative form of lacertiforme
lucertola {f} /luˈt͡ʃɛr.to.la/ :: lizard
lucertola di mare {f} :: synonym of lacertola
lucertolo {m} [Tuscan] /luˈt͡ʃɛr.to.lo/ :: synonym of sottofesa
lucertolone {m} :: synonym of ramarro
lucertolone {m} :: iguana
lucetta {f} :: A small light, a small light source
lucherino {m} :: siskin, aberdevine
lucherino d'America {m} :: American goldfinch
lucherino dei pini {m} :: pine siskin
lucherino di yarrell {m} :: yellow-faced siskin (Spinus yarrellii)
lucherino dorso nero {m} :: lesser goldfinch
lucherino eurasiatico {m} :: Eurasian siskin or spruce siskin (Spinus spinus, formerly Carduelis spinus
lucherino testa nera {n} :: hooded siskin
Luchino {prop} :: given name
Lucia {prop} /ˈlu.tʃia/ :: given name
Luciana {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Luciano
Luciani {prop} :: surname
Luciano {prop} :: given name
Luciano {prop} :: Lucian, the Sophist
lucidabile {adj} :: polishable
lucidalabbra {m} :: lip gloss
lucidamente {adv} :: lucidly
lucidamento {m} :: polishing
lucidante {v} :: present participle of lucidare
lucidante {adj} :: polishing
lucidante {m} :: polish (material used for polishing)
lucidare {vt} :: to polish
lucidare {vt} :: to trace [a design]
lucidare {vt} :: to glaze [tanning]
lucidato {adj} :: polished
lucidatoio {m} :: tracing table
lucidatore {m} :: polisher (person)
lucidatrice {f} :: floor polisher
lucidatura {f} :: polishing
luci della ribalta {fp} :: footlights, limelights
lucidezza {f} :: shine, brightness, sheen, gloss
lucidista {mf} :: tracer (person)
lucidità {f} :: lucidity
lucido {adj} :: bright, shiny, glossy
lucido {adj} :: lucid
lucido {m} :: lustre, polish
lucido {m} :: shoe polish
luciferasi {f} [enzyme] /lu.t͡ʃi.feˈra.zi/ :: luciferase
luciferiano {adj} /lu.t͡ʃi.feˈrja.no/ :: Adherent of the schism of Lucifer of Cagliari
luciferiano {adj} :: Used to indicate the followers of several heretical movements linked to Catharism during the 11th and 12th centuries
luciferico {adj} :: Luciferic
luciferina {f} [biochemistry] /lu.t͡ʃi.feˈri.na/ :: luciferin
luciferino {adj} /lu.t͡ʃi.feˈri.no/ :: fiendish
luciferismo {m} :: Luciferianism
lucifero {adj} [literary] /luˈt͡ʃi.fe.ro/ :: bearing or giving off light
lucifero {m} [literary] :: name for the planet Venus as the morningstar, daystar
lucifero {m} [rare] :: alternative case form of Lucifero
Lucifero {prop} :: Lucifer
lucignolato {adj} :: twisted (like a wick)
lucignolo {m} :: wick
lucilia {f} :: greenbottle (Lucilia caesar)
luci, motore, azione {interj} :: lights, camera, action
lucina {f} :: A small light, a small light source
Lucio {prop} /ˈlu.tʃo/ :: given name
lucioperca {f} :: zander, perch
lucivago {n} [botany] :: heliophilous
luco {m} /ˈlu.ko/ :: A small grove, particularly:
luco {m} [Ancient Rome] :: A grove sacred to the gods
lucore {m} :: glow
lucrabile {adj} :: That can be gained
lucrabilità {f} :: The property of what can be gained
lucrante {v} :: present participle of lucrare
lucrare {vt} :: To gain, earn or profit
lucrativo {adj} :: lucrative, profitable, gainful
Lucrezia {prop} :: given name
lucreziano {adj} :: Lucretian
Lucrezio {prop} :: Lucretius
lucro {m} :: profit, gain
lucrosamente {adv} :: profitably, lucratively
lucroso {adj} :: lucrative, profitable
luculente {adj} :: luminous
luculente {adj} :: splendid
luculentemente {adv} :: luminously
luculentemente {adv} :: splendidly
luculento {adj} /lu.kuˈlɛn.to/ :: bright, shining, luculent
luculleo {adj} :: Relating to Lucullo
lucullianamente {adv} :: lavishly, sumptuously
luculliano {adj} :: lavish, sumptuous (feast)
Lucullo {prop} :: Lucullus
lucumone {m} /lu.kuˈmo.ne/ :: lucumo (Etruscan prince or priest)
lucumonia {f} /lu.kuˈmɔ.nja/ :: The rank or title of a lucumo; a region ruled by a lucumo
luddismo {m} :: Luddism
luddista {mf} :: Luddite
ludere {v} [obsolete] /ˈlu.de.re/ :: to play
ludibrio {m} /luˈdib.rjo/ :: mockery, scorn
ludibrio {m} :: laughing stock
ludicamente {adv} :: recreationally
ludico {adj} :: recreational
ludimagistro {m} :: schoolteacher (in Ancient Rome)
ludione {m} :: Cartesian diver, Cartesian devil
ludo {m} :: game, sport
ludo {m} :: pastime
ludobus {m} :: playbus
ludolinguistica {f} [linguistics] :: the branch of linguistics relating to word games
ludologo {m} :: play therapist
ludopatia {f} :: problem gambling
ludoteca {f} :: playroom
ludoteca {f} :: games room
ludotecario {m} :: The person in charge of a playroom
ludoterapia {f} [medicine] :: play therapy
Ludovica {prop} /lu.doˈvi.ka/ :: given name
Ludovico {prop} /lu.doˈvi.ko/ :: given name
Ludovisi {prop} :: surname
lue {f} [medicine] /ˈlu.e/ :: synonym of sifilide
lue {f} [figurative, literary] :: plague, misfortune
lue {f} [poetic] :: An evil person; evilist
luetico {adj} [disease] :: luetic
luffa {f} :: loofah (a kind of tropical vine)
luffo {m} :: synonym of batuffolo
lugana {m} :: A white wine made near Lake Garda
luganega {f} :: A thin pork sausage from the Veneto
luganese {adj} :: Of or from Lugano
luganiga {f} :: synonym of luganega
Lugano {prop} :: Lugano (town)
lugarino {m} :: siskin
lugliatico {adj} [of fruit etc.] :: that ripens in July
luglienga {f} :: A particular grape variety that ripens in July
luglio {m} /ˈlu.ʎo/ :: July
lugo {m} /ˈlu.ɡo/ :: alternative form of luogo
lugubre {adj} /ˈlu.ɡu-.bre/ :: gloomy, dismal, lugubrious
lugubremente {adv} :: mournfully, dismally, lugubriously
lui {pron} /ˈlui/ :: he
lui {pron} [disjunctive] :: him
lui {pron} :: it
luì {m} :: any of several warblers, including the chiffchaff
luì bianco {m} :: Bonelli's warbler
luigi {m} [historical numismatics] :: louis (any coin issued by the French Kingdom)
Luigi {prop} :: given name
Luigi {prop} :: historical given name
Luigiana {prop} :: obsolete form of Luisiana
luigi d'oro {m} [historical numismatics] /luˈi.dʒi ˈdɔ.ro/ :: louis d'or (any gold coin introduced in France by Louis XIII)
luigino {m} [historical numismatics] :: luigino (imitation coin)
luigino {m} [numismatics] :: luigino (currency of unrecognised Seborga)
luì grosso {m} :: willow warbler
luì piccolo {m} :: chiffchaff
Luisa {prop} /luˈi.za/ :: given name
Luisiana {prop} :: Luisiana (state)
luì verde {m} :: wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)
lumaca {f} /luˈmaka/ :: slug
lumaca {f} [familiar or regional] :: snail
lumaca {f} [figuratively] :: slowcoach
lumaca {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: type of pasta shaped like a snail's shell
lumacare {v} :: alternative form of allumacare
lumacatura {f} :: alternative form of allumacatura
lumachella {f} [rare] /lu.maˈkɛl.la/ :: diminutive of lumaca: small snail
lumachella {f} [mineralogy] :: lumachel, fire marble
lumachina {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: A small sluge or seashell
lumacone {m} :: slug (large)
lumacone {m} :: slowcoach
lumacoso {adj} /lu.maˈko.zo/ :: Marked by a trail of snail mucus
lumaio {m} :: A manufacturer, repairer or seller of lamps
lumare {v} :: synonym of illuminare
lumata {f} :: look, peek
lumbard {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Lega Nord
lumbard {mf} :: A member or supporter of the Lega Nord
lume {m} /ˈlu.me/ :: A light source
lume {m} [dated] :: A non-electrical light source (e.g. a candle or an oil lamp)
lume {m} [rare] :: An electrical light source
lume {m} [by extension, poetic] :: star
lume {m} [figuratively, poetic] :: God
lume {m} [figuratively, by extension, poetic] :: A blessed soul or entity
lume {m} [figuratively, by extension, literary, poetic] :: A notable person within a specific field or discipline
lume {m} :: light, specifically:
lume {m} [archaic, literary] :: (natural) light
lume {m} [dated] :: (artificial) light, [non-electrical]
lume {m} [painting] :: The manner in which the light strikes a picture; that part of a picture which represents those objects upon which the light is supposed to fall
lume {m} [figuratively] :: sight [sense]
lume {m} [in the plural] :: eyes
lume {m} [figuratively] :: Spiritual or mental illumination, enlightenment, light
lume {m} [in the plural] :: The culture founded on a rationalistic basis
lume {m} [figuratively, chiefly in the plural] :: Useful information, advice
lume {m} [by extension] :: discernment
lume {m} [anatomy] :: lumen
lume {m} [fishing] :: The size of a fishing net's meshes
lumeggiamento {m} :: highlighting
lumeggiante {v} :: present participle of lumeggiare
lumeggiare {v} :: to highlight
lumeggiare {v} :: to shade (a map etc)
lumeggiatura {f} [art] :: highlight
lumenometro {m} :: luminometer
lumenora {m} :: lumen-hour
lumera {f} :: alternative form of lumiera
lumia {f} :: citron (plant and fruit)
lumicino {m} :: A faint, distant light
lumicino {m} :: A funereal candle
lumiera {f} :: chandelier
luminaio {m} :: The person in charge of lighting in a theatre
luminanza {f} [physics] :: luminance
luminara {f} :: alternative form of luminaria
luminare {m} [obsolete] /lu.miˈna.re/ :: A shining heavenly body (especially said of the Sun and the Moon)
luminare {m} [figurative] :: One who has achieved success in their field; leading light, luminary
luminare {m} [archaeology] :: A vertical opening in a catacomb meant to let light and air inside
luminare {m} [obsolete, rare] :: illumination, luminary
luminare {vt} [obsolete] :: to illuminate, lighten, light up
luminare {vi} [literary, rare] :: to shine, glow
luminaria {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: illuminations
luminello {m} :: nipple of a percussion cap
luminescente {adj} :: luminescent
luminescenza {f} :: luminescence
luminescenza {f} :: glow
luminifero {adj} :: luminiferous
luminio {m} [literary, rare] /lu.miˈnio̯/ :: shimmer, glimmer
luminiscente {adj} :: alternative form of luminescente
luminismo {m} [arts] /lu.miˈnis.mo/ :: luminarism
luminista {mf} [art] /lu.miˈnis.ta/ :: luminarist
luministica {f} /lu.miˈnis.ti.ka/ :: lighting effects (art and practice of, on stage and in film/TV)
luministico {n} [art] /lu.miˈnis.ti.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to luminarism
lumino {m} :: Small lamp or light
Luminosa {prop} :: given name
luminosamente {adv} :: brightly
luminosamente {adv} :: clearly
luminosamente {adv} :: luminously
luminosissimo {adj} :: superlative of luminoso
luminosissimo {adj} :: very bright
luminosissimo {adj} :: very brilliant
luminosità {f} :: luminosity
luminosità {f} :: radiance
luminosità {f} :: brightness
luminoso {adj} :: luminous, light [attributive]
luminoso {adj} :: bright
luminoso {adj} :: clear
luna {f} [colloquial, astronomy, by extension of Luna] /ˈlu.na/ :: a natural satellite
luna {f} [archaic, literary] :: a month, moon
luna {f} [archaic, figuratively, by extension] :: a time of the year
luna {f} [alchemy] :: silver
luna {f} [heraldry] :: a full moon (as opposed to a crescent)
Luna {prop} [astronomy, astrology] /ˈlu.na/ :: the Moon
Luna {prop} [mythology, Roman god] :: Luna
Luna {prop} [heraldry] :: A full moon
Luna {prop} :: given name
Luna {prop} :: surname
luna calante {f} [astronomy] :: waning moon, old moon
luna crescente {f} [astronomy] :: waxing moon, crescent moon, young moon
luna di miele {f} :: honeymoon
lunale {f} :: lunula of the fingernail
lunamoto {m} :: moonquake
luna nuova {f} [astronomy] :: new moon
luna park {m} :: amusement park
luna piena {f} [astronomy] :: full moon
lunare {adj} :: lunar (of or pertaining to the moon)
lunaria {f} :: honesty [plant]
lunaria {f} :: moonstone
lunario {m} /luˈna.rjo/ :: almanac
lunarista {mf} :: compiler of almanacs
lunatica {f} :: female equivalent of lunatico
lunaticità {f} :: lunacy
lunatico {adj} :: quirky, temperamental and unstable
lunatico {adj} :: lunar
lunatico {m} :: A quirky or temperamental person
lunato {adj} :: lunate, crescent-shaped
lunato {m} [skeleton] :: lunate, lunate bone
lunauta {mf} :: An astronaut who has journeyed to the Moon
lunazione {f} :: lunation
Luneburgo {prop} :: Luneburgo (town/non-city capital)
lunedì {m} /luneˈdi/ :: Monday
lunedì dell'Angelo {prop} /luneˈdi ˈdeland͡ʒelo/ :: Easter Monday
lunedì di Pasqua {prop} /luneˈdi di ˈpaskua/ :: Easter Monday
Lunella {prop} :: given name
lunello {m} [heraldiccharge] :: A charge consisting of four crescents arrranged in a ring
lunense {adj} :: Of or from Luni
lunense {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Luni
lunetta {f} :: lunette, fanlight
Lunetta {prop} :: given name
lunettato {adj} :: Having lunettes (crescent-shaped recesses)
lunga {f} [linguistics, phonetics] :: long
lungadige {m} :: A street that follows the course of the Adige
lungaggine {f} :: slowness (especially of officialdom, etc.)
lungagnata {f} :: rigmarole
lungagnola {f} :: pitfall
lungagnone {m} :: slowcoach
lungamente {adv} :: at length
lungamente {adv} :: a long time, for a long time, for ages
lungargine {m} :: A path along the bank or embankment of a river
lungarina {f} :: alternative form of longherina
lungarno {m} :: Road or embankment along the Arno river
lungheria {f} :: synonym of lungaggine
lungherina {f} :: alternative form of longherina
lungherone {m} :: alternative form of longherone
lunghesso {prep} :: long next to
lunghezza {f} :: length
lunghezza d'onda {f} [physics] :: wavelength
lunghino {m} [Switzerland] :: white bread roll
lunghissimo {adj} /lunˈɡis.si.mo/ :: superlative of lungo
lungi {adv} [literary] /ˈlun.d͡ʒi/ :: distant, far
lungi {adv} [followed by da] :: far (from)
lungiforme {adj} :: Having a long, slender shape; long-shaped
lungimirante {adj} :: farsighted, farseeing
lungimiranza {f} :: farsightedness
lungisaettante {adj} :: shooting from afar
lungivedente {adj} :: synonym of lungimirante
lungo {adj} /ˈlunɡo/ :: long
lungo {m} :: length
lungo {prep} :: along
lungocosta {adj} :: coastal
lungocosta {m} :: coastline
lungodegente {mf} :: long-stay patient
lungodegenza {f} :: long-term hospitalization
lungo del collo {m} [muscle] :: longus colli, longus colli muscle
lungo della testa {m} [muscle] :: longus capitis, longus capitis muscle
lungofiume {m} :: Road or embankment along a river
lungolago {m} :: A road or promenade that winds around a lake
lungolinea {m} [tennis] :: A stroke that sends the ball along one of the lines at the side of the court
lungomare {m} :: A road or promenade that runs along a seashore
lungometraggio {m} :: a film that lasts about one to two hours
lungone {m} :: slowcoach
lungone {m} :: A tall thin person
lungosenna {m} /lun.ɡoˈsɛn.na/ :: Road or embankment along the Seine river
Lungosenna {m} :: alternative case form of lungosenna
lungotevere {m} /lun.ɡoˈte.ve.re/ :: Road or embankment along the Tiber river
Lungotevere {m} :: alternative case form of lungotevere
Luni {prop} :: Luni (town)
Lunigiana {prop} :: A historic region of Italy in parts of modern Tuscany and Liguria
lunigianese {adj} :: Of or from Lunigiana
Lunina {prop} :: given name
lunisolare {adj} [astronomy] :: lunisolar
lunotto {m} :: rear window (of a car)
lunula {f} :: lunette, half-moon, lunula
lunulare {adj} :: lunulate
luogo {m} /ˈlwɔ.ɡo/ :: place (location, position)
luogo comune {m} :: commonplace, cliché, platitude
luogo comune {m} :: the toilet
luogonatività {m} [statistics] :: The ratio of native-born people to the total population of a place
luogotenente {m} :: lieutenant
luogotenenza {f} :: lieutenancy
luogotenenziale {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or in the role of a lieutenant
lupa {f} :: feminine noun of lupo (she-wolf)
lupacchiotto {m} :: wolf cub (young wolf)
lupaia {f} :: alternative form of luparia
lupaia {f} :: den of wolves
lupanare {m} [literary] /lu.paˈna.re/ :: lupanar, brothel
lupanare {m} [literary, figurative] :: a corrupted or immoral place
lupara {f} /luˈpa.ra/ :: The content of a particular type of shotgun cartridge, consisting of 8–9 mm steel balls
lupara {f} [by extension] :: The shotgun employing such cartridges, especially a sawn-off shotgun
lupara bianca {f} :: A Mafia killing in which all traces of the body etc. are removed
luparia {f} [uncountable] /luˈpa.rja/ :: northern wolf's-bane (Aconitum lycoctonum)
luparia {f} :: A northern wolf's-bane plant
lupercale {adj} :: Lupercal
lupercale {m} :: Lupercalia
lupescamente {adv} :: wolfishly
lupesco {adj} :: wolfish, lupine, wolflike
lupetto {m} :: wolf cub (young wolf)
lupetto {m} :: cub scout
lupico {adj} :: lupus (attributive)
lupigno {adj} :: alternative form of lupesco
lupinaio {m} :: lupin grower or seller
lupinamente {adv} :: maliciously (literally, like a wolf)
lupinella {f} :: sainfoin
lupinellaio {m} :: A field of sainfoin
lupino {m} :: lupin
lupinosi {f} :: lupinosis
lupo {m} /ˈlu.po/ :: wolf
Lupo {prop} :: surname
lupo di mare {m} /ˌlu.po di ˈma.ɾe/ :: seadog (experienced sailor, old salt)
lupoide {adj} :: lupoid
lupo mannaro {m} :: werewolf
luppolato {adj} :: hoppy (having a flavour of hops)
luppolatura {f} :: hopping (addition of hops during beer brewing)
luppoleto {m} :: hop field
luppolina {f} :: lupulin
luppolino {m} :: alternative form of luppolina
luppolizzante {v} :: present participle of luppolizzare
luppolizzare {v} :: to hop (add hops as a flavouring agent during the production of beer)
luppolizzazione {f} :: hopping (addition of hops to beer)
luppolo {m} /ˈluppolo/ :: hop (Humulus lupulus)
lupus {m} [disease] :: lupus
Lura {prop} :: Lura (river)
Luria {prop} :: surname
Luria {prop} :: Salvatore Luria, Italian microbiologist, winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in Medicine
luridamente {adv} :: filthily, foully
luridezza {f} :: filth
lurido {adj} :: filthy, foul
luridume {m} :: filth
Lusazia {prop} :: Lusatia
lusaziano {adj} :: Lusatian
luscengola {f} :: three-toed skink (Chalcides chalcides)
lusco {m} /ˈlus.ko/ :: obsolete form of losco
lusco {m} :: Used in the phrase tra il lusco e il brusco
luscosità {f} [pathology, rare] :: eyesight defect
lusiade {adj} :: Lusitanian
lusignolo {m} /lu.ziˈɲɔ.lo/ :: nightingale
lusignolo {m} :: warbler
lusinga {f} :: flattery
lusingamento {m} :: continuous flattery
lusingante {v} :: present participle of lusingare
lusingar {v} :: apocopic form of lusingare
lusingare {vt} :: To flatter
lusingatore {m} :: flatterer
lusingatore {m} :: wheedler
lusingatore {adj} :: flattering
lusingheria {f} :: Prolonged and annoying flattery
lusinghevole {adj} :: flattering, satisfying
lusinghevolmente {adv} :: flatteringly, satisfyingly
lusinghieramente {adv} :: flatteringly
lusinghiero {adj} :: flattering
lusismo {m} :: lusism
lusitano {adj} :: lusitanian, Lusitanian
lusitano {m} :: Lusitanian
lusitano {m} :: Portuguese
lusorio {adj} :: lusorious, recreational
lussante {v} :: present participle of lussare
lussare {vt} :: To dislocate
lussatura {f} :: synonym of lussazione
lussazione {f} :: dislocation
lussemburghese {adj} :: Luxembourger, Luxembourgian, Luxembourgish
lussemburghese {mf} :: Luxembourger, Luxembourgian
lussemburghese {m} [singular only] :: The Luxembourgish language
Lussemburgo {prop} :: Luxembourg
Lussino {prop} :: Lussino (island)
lusso {m} :: luxury
lusso {m} :: excess, surplus
Lussu {prop} :: surname
Lussu {prop} :: Emilio Lussu, Italian politician, soldier and writer
lussuosamente {adv} :: luxuriously, sumptuously
lussuosissimo {adj} :: superlative of lussuoso
lussuoso {adj} :: luxurious, luxury, opulent
lussureggiamento {m} :: luxuriance
lussureggiante {adj} :: luxuriant, lush
lussureggiante {adj} :: rich
lussureggiare {vi} :: to luxuriate
lussuria {f} :: lust
lussuriare {v} :: To luxuriate
lussuriosa {f} :: lustful or lascivious woman
lussuriosamente {adv} :: lustfully
lussurioso {adj} :: lustful, lascivious, agog
lussurioso {m} :: lustful or lascivious person
lustrale {adj} :: lustral, purifying
lustramento {m} :: polish, shine, radiance
lustrante {v} :: present participle of lustrare
lustrantesi {v} :: present participle of lustrarsi
lustrare {vt} :: to polish, shine
lustrarsi {vr} :: Only used in the verbs lustrarsi gli occhi and lustrarsi la vista
lustrarsi gli occhi {vr} :: to be thrilled, to be captivated, to be delighted
lustrarsi la vista {vr} :: synonym of lustrarsi gli occhi
lustrascarpe {mf} :: shoeshine boy
lustrascarpe {mf} :: bootblack
lustrascarpe {mf} :: shoeblack
lustrascarpe {mf} :: shoeshiner
lustrastivali {mf} :: shoeblack, shoeshine
lustratore {m} :: polisher
lustratosi {v} :: past participle of lustrarsi
lustratura {f} :: polishing, shining
lustrazione {f} :: lustration
lustreggiare {vi} :: to shine
lustrente {adj} :: shiny
lustrezza {f} [uncommon] :: lucidity
lustrezza {f} [uncommon] :: shine, polish
lustrino {m} :: sequin, spangle
lustro {adj} :: shiny
lustro {adj} :: glossy
lustro {m} :: shine, gloss
lustro {m} :: prestige
lustro {m} :: five-year period; lustrum
lutare {v} :: To spread with mud
lutatura {f} :: lutation
Lutazio {prop} :: Lutatius
lutazione {f} :: lutation
lutazione {f} :: mud bath
luteale {adj} :: luteal
luteina {f} [organic chemistry] :: lutein
luteinico {adj} :: luteinic
luteinizzante {adj} [biochemstry] :: luteinizing
luteo {adj} :: saffron-coloured
luteolina {f} :: luteolin
luteolisi {f} [physiology] :: luteolysis
luterana {f} :: feminine noun of luterano
luteranesimo {m} :: Lutheranism
luteranismo {m} :: Lutheranism
luterano {adj} :: Lutheran
luterano {m} :: Lutheran
Lutero {prop} :: Luther
lutezia {f} [chemistry] :: lutecia
Lutezia {prop} /luˈtɛttsja/ :: Lutezia (ancient town)
lutezio {m} [chemistry] /luˈtɛttsjo/ :: lutetium
luto {m} [archaic] /ˈlu.to/ :: mud
luto {m} [archaic] :: clay
lutolento {adj} :: alternative form of lutulento
lutoterapia {f} :: fangotherapy (thermal mud treatment)
lutreola {f} :: mink (Neovison vison)
luttare {v} :: To mourn
lutto {m} :: mourning
luttuosamente {adv} :: mournfully, sorrowfully, dolefully
luttuoso {adj} :: mournful, sad, tragic
lutulento {adj} :: lutulent
Luxardo {prop} :: surname
Luxardo {prop} :: Franco Luxardo, Italian entrepreneur
luxmetro {m} :: luxmeter, light meter
Luzi {prop} :: surname
Luzi {prop} :: Mario Luzi, Italian writer
Luzzone {prop} :: A dam (and associated reservoir) in the Blenio district of Ticino