User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-l
l' {art} [before vowels] /l/ | :: apocopic form of il/lo, la; the |
l' {pron} [before vowels] | :: apocopic form of lo, la; him, her, it |
l {n} | :: See under L |
L {letter} /ˈɛlle/ | :: letter: elle |
la {art} /la/ | :: the |
la {pron} [accusative] | :: her, it |
la {pron} [accusative, formal] | :: you (term of respect) |
la {m} [music] | :: la (musical note) |
la {m} [music] | :: A (musical note and scale) |
La {pron} [formal] | :: alternative case form of la |
là {adv} /la/ | :: there |
Labano {prop} [Biblical character] | :: Laban |
Labano {prop} | :: given name |
labarda {f} | :: alternative form of alabarda |
labaro {m} | :: labarum |
labaro {m} | :: banner, standard |
labbia {f} | :: face |
labbia {f} | :: attitude, stance |
labbo {m} | :: Arctic skua |
labbrata {f} [Tuscany] | :: slap on the mouth |
labbreggiante {v} | :: present participle of labbreggiare |
labbreggiare {v} | :: to move the lips |
labbreggiare {v} | :: to murmur; to mumble |
labbriforme {adj} | :: lip-shaped |
labbro {m} [anatomy] /ˈlab.bro/ | :: lip, labium |
labbro {m} [by extension] | :: rim, edge |
labbro leporino {m} [pathology] | :: hare lip |
labbruto {adj} | :: thick-lipped |
labdacismo {m} /lab.daˈt͡ʃ | :: alternative form of lambdacismo |
labdano {m} | :: labdanum |
La Befana {prop} | :: In Italian culture, a traditional Yuletide gift-bearing character, resembling an old witch and usually carrying a broomstick |
labellato {adj} | :: labellate |
labello {m} [botany] | :: labellum |
labellofilia {f} [rare] | :: The collecting of labels |
la bemolle maggiore {m} | :: A-flat major |
labfermento {m} [enzyme] | :: rennin |
labiale {adj} [anatomy] /laˈbja.le/ | :: labial, lip (attributive) |
labiale {adj} [phonetics] | :: labial (whose articulation involves the lips) |
labiale {f} [phonetics] | :: A labial consonant |
labiale {m} | :: lip move |
labializzante {v} | :: present participle of labializzare |
labializzantesi {v} | :: present participle of labializzarsi |
labializzare {vt} /labjaliˈd͡ːzare/ | :: To labialize |
labializzarsi {vr} /la.bja.lidˈd͡ | :: To become labialized |
labializzatosi {v} | :: past participle of labializzarsi |
labializzazione {f} [linguistics] /labjalid͡ːzaˈt͡sjone/ | :: labialization |
labiato {adj} [botany] | :: labiate |
labiato {adj} [phonetics] | :: labialized |
labile {adj} | :: fleeting, ephemeral |
labile {adj} | :: fickle |
labilità {f} | :: fleetingness, transience |
labilità {f} | :: lability |
labilmente {adv} | :: fleetingly, ephemerally |
labio- {prefix} | :: labio- |
labiodentale {adj} [phonetics] /la.bjo.denˈta.le/ | :: labiodental (articulated with the lower lip and the upper teeth) |
labiodentale {f} [phonetics] | :: A labiodental speech sound |
labiolettura {f} | :: lipreading |
labionasale {adj} [anatomy] | :: labionasal |
labiopalatale {adj} | :: labiopalatal |
labiovelare {adj} [phonetics] | :: labiovelar |
labirinteo {adj} | :: labyrinthine |
labirintico {adj} | :: labyrinthine (all senses) |
labirintiforme {adj} | :: labyrinthiform |
labirintite {f} [disease] | :: labyrinthitis |
labirinto {m} | :: labyrinth, maze |
labirinto {m} [anatomy] | :: labyrinth |
labirintopatia {f} [pathology] | :: labyrinthopathy |
labirintosi {f} [pathology] | :: labyrinthosis |
l'abito non fa il monaco {proverb} [literally] | :: the habit [religious garment] doesn't make the monk |
l'abito non fa il monaco {proverb} [idiomatic] | :: It is not possible to judge things by external appearances alone; similar to the English idiom you can't judge a book by its cover or clothes don't make the man |
laborantina {f} [Switzerland] | :: laboratory assistant, worker or technician |
laboratoriale {adj} | :: laboratorial; laboratory (attributive) |
laboratorio {m} | :: laboratory, lab |
laboratorio {m} | :: workshop, workroom |
laboratorista {mf} | :: laboratory assistant, worker or technician |
laboriosamente {adv} | :: laboriously |
laboriosamente {adv} | :: industriously |
laboriosissimo {adj} | :: superlative of laborioso |
laboriosissimo {adj} | :: very laborious |
laboriosissimo {adj} | :: very industrious or hard-working |
laboriosità {f} | :: industriousness |
laborioso {adj} | :: hard-working, industrious |
laborioso {adj} | :: busy |
laborioso {adj} | :: laborious, difficult |
labrace {m} | :: sea bass |
labronica {f} | :: feminine noun of labronico |
labronico {adj} [literary or soccer slang] /laˈbrɔ.ni.ko/ | :: Livornian (of or pertaining to Livorno, especially to its football team) |
labronico {m} [literary or soccer slang] | :: Someone from Livorno or a member of its football team |
laburismo {m} | :: Labour political party or movement |
laburista {adj} [politics] | :: Labour (attributive) |
laburista {mf} [politics] | :: A member of the Labour Party |
laburista {mf} [politics] | :: A Labour MP |
laburistico {adj} [politics] | :: Labour (attributive) |
laburno {m} | :: laburnum |
lacaniano {adj} | :: Lacanian |
lacanismo {m} | :: Lacanianism |
lacca {f} /ˈlak.ka/ | :: hole, pit |
lacca {f} [archaic or regional, rare] | :: poplite muscle |
lacca {f} [archaic or regional, rare] | :: thigh (of a four-legged animal) |
lacca {f} [archaic or regional, rare, by extension] | :: (human) buttock |
lacca {f} | :: varnish, lacquer |
laccamuffa {f} | :: litmus |
laccante {v} | :: present participle of laccare |
laccare {vt} | :: to varnish, to lacquer |
laccato {adj} | :: lacquered, varnished, painted, polished |
laccatore {m} | :: lacquerer, varnisher (person) |
laccatura {f} | :: varnishing, lacquering |
lacchè {m} | :: lackey |
lacchezzo {m} | :: enticement, allurement |
lacchezzo {m} | :: imbroglio, mess |
laccia {f} | :: alternative form of alaccia |
lacciaia {f} | :: lasso (rope with a loop at the end) |
laccifero {adj} /latˈt͡ʃ | :: laciferous |
laccio {m} | :: lace (for a shoe etc) |
laccio {m} | :: string, bond |
laccio {m} | :: noose |
laccio {m} | :: snare |
laccio {m} | :: thong |
laccio emostatico {m} [medicine] | :: tourniquet |
lacciola {f} | :: alternative form of alaccia |
lacciolo {m} | :: small snare |
laccolite {mf} [geology] | :: laccolith |
lacedemone {adj} | :: Lacedaemonian (Spartan) |
lacedemone {mf} | :: Lacedaemonian (Spartan) |
lacedemonico {adj} [historical] /la.t͡ʃe.deˈmɔ.ni.ko/ | :: Lacedaemonian |
lacedemonico {adj} [historical] | :: Spartan |
lacedemonio {adj} /la.t͡ʃe.deˈmɔ.njo/ | :: Lacedaemonian |
lacedemonio {adj} | :: Spartan |
lacedemonio {m} | :: Lacedaemonian (inhabitant of Lacedaemonia) |
lacedemonio {m} | :: Spartan (inhabitant of Sparta) |
lacerabile {adj} | :: Subject to lacerating or tearing |
lacerabilità {f} | :: The property of being subject to lacerating or tearing |
laceramento {m} | :: lacerating, tearing, ripping, rending |
laceramento {m} | :: laceration, tear, rip, rent |
laceramento {m} | :: distress |
lacerante {adj} | :: piercing, shrill |
lacerante {v} | :: present participle of lacerare |
lacerantesi {v} | :: present participle of lacerarsi |
lacerare {vt} | :: to rip, tear |
lacerare {vt} | :: to lacerate |
lacerarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lacerare |
lacerarsi {v} | :: to rip, tear |
lacerativo {adj} | :: lacerative, lacerating |
lacerato {adj} | :: ripped, torn |
lacerato {adj} | :: lacerated |
laceratosi {v} | :: past participle of lacerarsi |
lacerazione {f} | :: tearing, ripping, scratching |
lacerazione {f} | :: tear, rip, scratch |
lacerazione {f} | :: laceration |
lacerna {f} | :: lacerna (cloak used by Romans) |
lacero {adj} | :: torn, ripped |
lacero {adj} | :: ragged |
lacero {adj} | :: lacerated |
lacertide {m} | :: lacertid (lizard of family Lacertidae) |
lacertiforme {adj} | :: lizardlike |
lacerto {m} [archaic] /laˈt͡ʃɛ | :: lizard |
lacerto {m} [literary] | :: muscular part of the upper arm |
lacerto {m} [figurative] | :: piece |
lacertola {f} /laˈt͡ʃɛ | :: Atlantic lizardfish (Synodus saurus) |
lacertoso {adj} [literary] | :: muscular |
Lachesi {prop} [Greek god] | :: Lachesis |
la ciliegina sulla torta {f} [idiomatic] | :: the icing on the cake |
lacinia {f} | :: lacina |
lacinia {f} [pluralonly] | :: wattles (of a goat) |
lacinia {f} [entomology] | :: internal region of the jaw in insects with chewing mouthparts |
laciniato {adj} | :: [of an anatomical formation or plant organ] having laciniae |
laconicamente {adv} | :: laconically |
laconicismo {m} | :: laconism |
laconicità {f} | :: conciseness |
laconico {adj} | :: laconic |
laconico {adj} | :: concise |
laconismo {m} | :: laconism |
laconizzante {v} | :: present participle of laconizzare |
laconizzare {v} | :: To laconize |
lacrima {f} /ˈlakrima/ | :: tear (drop of fluid secreted from the eyes) |
lacrimabile {adj} [literary] | :: heartrending, pitiful |
lacrimale {adj} | :: lachrymal, tear (attributive) |
lacrimante {v} | :: present participle of lacrimare |
lacrimare {vi} | :: to cry or weep |
lacrimare {vt} | :: to water |
lacrimatoio {m} | :: lachrymatory |
lacrimatoio {m} [anatomy] | :: lachrymal sac |
lacrimatorio {adj} | :: synonym of lacrimale |
lacrimazione {f} [medicine] | :: lachrymation |
lacrimevole {adj} | :: heartrending, pitiful |
lacrimevolmente {adv} | :: heartrendingly, pitifully |
lacrimogeno {adj} | :: lachrymose, lachrimatory |
lacrimogeno {m} | :: tear gas grenade |
lacrimone {m} | :: synonym of luccicone |
lacrimone {m} | :: synonym of lucciolone |
lacrimosamente {adv} | :: tearfully |
lacrimosamente {adv} | :: movingly |
lacrimoso {adj} | :: teary, tear-filled, wet |
lacrimoso {adj} | :: pathetic |
lacrimoso {adj} | :: weeping, whining |
Lacroma {prop} | :: Lacroma (island) |
lacrosse {m} [sports] | :: lacrosse |
lactagogo {m} /lak.taˈɡɔ.ɡo/ | :: alternative spelling of lattagogo |
lactagogo {adj} | :: alternative spelling of lattagogo |
lacuale {adj} | :: lake (attributive) |
lacuna {f} /laˈkuna/ | :: gap |
lacuna {f} | :: blank (space) |
lacuna {f} | :: lapse (of memory) |
lacuna elettronica {f} [physics] | :: electron hole |
lacunare {m} [architecture] | :: lacunar |
lacunosamente {adv} | :: incompletely |
lacunosità {f} | :: incompleteness |
lacunoso {adj} | :: Full of gaps, gappy; incomplete |
lacunoso {adj} [botany] | :: lacunose |
lacustre {adj} | :: lacustrine |
ladano {m} | :: alternative form of labdano |
laddia {f} /ladˈdi.a/ | :: lac dye |
laddove {adv} | :: In the place where |
laddove {conj} | :: while |
ladino {m} | :: the Ladin language, a Rhaetian tongue of Northeastern Italy |
ladino {m} | :: a native or inhabitant of this region, or speaker of this language |
ladino {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the language or people |
ladinofono {adj} | :: Ladin-speaking |
Ladislao {prop} | :: given name |
ladra {f} | :: female equivalent of ladro |
ladramente {adv} | :: dishonestly (as a thief) |
ladreria {f} | :: robbery |
ladrescamente {adv} | :: thievingly |
ladresco {adj} | :: thieving |
ladro {m} | :: thief, lift |
ladro {m} | :: burglar |
ladro {adj} | :: thieving, dishonest |
ladrocinio {m} /la.droˈt͡ʃi.njo/ | :: theft, robbery, larceny |
ladron {m} | :: apocopic form of ladrone |
ladrona {f} /laˈ | :: augmentative of ladra; thief, robber [female] |
ladronaia {f} | :: A band of robbers |
ladronata {f} | :: thievery |
ladroncella {f} /la.dronˈt͡ʃɛ | :: diminutive of ladrona |
ladroncello {m} /la.dronˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ | :: diminutive of ladrone |
ladroncello {m} | :: A young thief |
ladrone {m} | :: thief; robber (especially a highwayman) |
ladroneccio {m} /la.droˈnet.t͡ʃo/ | :: robbery, theft (especially a series of thefts) |
ladroneggiante {v} | :: present participle of ladroneggiare |
ladroneggiare {vi} | :: to lead the life of a thief |
ladroneria {f} | :: robbery |
ladronescamente {adv} | :: dishonestly, as a thief |
ladronesco {adj} | :: thieving, dishonest |
ladruncola {f} | :: female equivalent of ladruncolo |
ladruncolo {m} | :: Petty thief |
lady {f} | :: lady (wife of a lord; important woman) |
Laerte {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Laertes |
Laerte {prop} | :: given name |
la fretta è una cattiva consigliera {proverb} | :: synonym of la gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi |
la fretta è una cattiva consigliera {proverb} | :: synonym of presto e bene non vanno insieme |
la fretta è una cattiva consigliera {proverb} | :: synonym of chi va piano, va sano e va lontano |
la gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi {proverb} | :: more haste, less speed; haste makes waste |
lagenorinco {m} | :: dolphin |
lagerstroemia {f} | :: crape myrtle |
laggione {m} | :: A glazed earthenware tile, typical of Genoa |
laggiù {adv} | :: down there, down below |
laggiù {adv} | :: over there |
laghetto {m} | :: Small lake |
laghetto {m} | :: tarn |
laghista {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: Lake poet |
lagna {f} | :: drag, bore |
lagna {f} [in the plural] | :: whining, moaning |
lagnante {v} | :: present participle of lagnarsi |
lagnantesi {v} | :: present participle of lagnarsi |
lagnanza {f} | :: complaint, grievance, grumble, bellyache, stink |
lagnarsi {vr} | :: To complain or grumble (about) |
lagnatosi {v} | :: past participle of lagnarsi |
lagnio {m} | :: A continuous lament |
lagno {m} | :: gripe, pain; sorrow |
lagno {m} | :: lament |
lagnona {f} | :: female equivalent of lagnone |
lagnone {m} | :: complainer, whiner, bellyacher |
lagnosamente {adv} | :: In a moaning way |
lagnoso {adj} | :: moaning, whining, querulous |
lagnoso {adj} | :: weepy |
lago {m} | :: lake |
Lago Averno {prop} | :: Lake Avernus |
lago Erie {prop} | :: lago Erie (lake) |
lagoftalmo {m} [pathology] | :: lagophthalmos, lagophthalmia |
La Goletta {prop} | :: La Goletta (port city) |
lagomorfo {m} | :: lagomorph |
lagone {m} | :: hot spring, fumarole (especially one associated with a geyser) |
lagopo {m} | :: red grouse (of genus Lagopus) |
lagostoma {m} [pathology] | :: hare lip |
lagotrice {f} | :: woolly monkey (of genus Lagothrix) |
lagotto {m} | :: A breed of dog, properly Lagotto Romagnolo |
lagrangiana {f} [mathematics] | :: Lagrangian |
lagrangiano {adj} | :: Lagrangian |
lagrima {f} [archaic, poetic] /la.ˈɡ | :: alternative form of lacrima |
lagrimabile {adj} [literary] | :: heartrending, pitiful (Variant of lacrimabile) |
lagrimante {v} | :: present participle of lagrimare |
lagrimare {v} | :: alternative form of lacrimare |
lagrimevole {adj} | :: deplorable |
lagrimevolmente {adv} | :: deplorably |
lagrimogeno {adj} | :: Variant of lacrimogeno |
lagrimosamente {adv} | :: alternative form of lacrimosamente |
lagrimoso {adj} | :: alternative form of lacrimoso |
Laguardia {prop} | :: surname |
laguna {f} | :: lagoon |
lagunare {adj} | :: lagoon (attributive) |
lagunare {adj} | :: Venetian |
lagunare {m} [military] | :: Soldier belonging to the Lagunari regiment (amphibious troops of the Italian Army) |
L'Aia {prop} /ˈl‿a.ja/ | :: L'Aia (city) |
Laiazzo {prop} | :: Medieval name of Yumurtalık, a city of Turkey |
laica {f} | :: female equivalent of laico |
laicale {adj} | :: lay, secular, laic |
laicamente {adv} | :: secularly |
laicato {m} | :: laity (or the condition of being a lay person) |
laicismo {m} | :: laicism |
laicista {adj} | :: lay (attributive), laicistic |
laicista {mf} | :: supporter of laicism |
laicistico {adj} | :: lay (attributive), laical |
laicità {f} | :: secularism |
laicità {f} [rare] | :: laity |
laicizzante {v} | :: present participle of laicizzare |
laicizzare {vt} | :: to secularize |
laicizzazione {f} | :: laicization, secularization |
laico {adj} | :: lay |
laico {adj} | :: secular |
laico {m} | :: layman |
laico {m} | :: lay brother |
laidamente {adv} | :: filthily, foully |
laidamente {adv} | :: obscenely |
laidezza {f} | :: filthiness |
laidità {f} | :: filthiness |
laido {adj} | :: filthy, foul |
laido {adj} | :: obscene |
laidume {m} | :: filth, filthiness, dirt, dirtiness |
laidume {m} | :: corruption, depravity |
la lingua batte dove il dente duole {phrase} | :: discussion returns insistently on what is most emotionally pressing or important |
lallà {interj} | :: A tuneless hum |
lallazione {f} | :: lallation |
lallera {interj} | :: synonym of lallà (humming sound) |
lalofobia {f} | :: lalophobia |
lalopatia {f} [pathology] | :: lalopathy |
laloplegia {f} [pathology] | :: laloplegia |
l'altr'ieri {adv} | :: alternative form of l'altro ieri |
l'altrieri {adv} | :: alternative form of l'altro ieri |
l'altro ieri {adv} | :: the day before yesterday |
lama {f} /ˈ | :: blade (of a razor or sword) |
lama {m} | :: lama (religious person) |
lama {m} | :: llama |
lama {f} | :: bog, fen |
la maggiore {m} [music] | :: A major |
Lamagna {prop} | :: medieval spelling of Alemannia |
lamaico {adj} | :: lamaistic |
lamaismo {m} | :: lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism) |
lamaistico {adj} | :: lamaistic |
La Malfa {prop} | :: surname |
La Malfa {prop} | :: Ugo La Malfa, Italian politician |
lamantino {m} | :: manatee, lamantin |
lamarckiano {adj} | :: Lamarckian |
lamarckismo {m} | :: Lamarckism |
lamare {vt} /laˈ | :: to smooth, to smooth out |
lamaseria {f} | :: lamasery |
lamasseria {f} | :: lamasery |
lamatura {f} | :: levelling |
lamatura {f} | :: scraping, sanding |
lambda {mf} | :: lambda (Greek letter) |
lambda {m} [anatomy] | :: lambda |
lambdacismo {m} /lamb.daˈt͡ʃ | :: A form of dyslalia affecting the pronunciation of the letter L |
lambdacismo {m} [linguistics] | :: lambdacism |
lambdoideo {adj} | :: lambdoid |
lambello {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: lambel |
lambente {v} | :: present participle of lambire |
lambente {adj} | :: lambent |
Lamberto {prop} | :: given name |
lambiccamento {m} | :: pondering |
lambiccante {v} | :: present participle of lambiccare |
lambiccantesi {v} | :: present participle of lambiccarsi |
lambiccare {vt} | :: to distill [using an alembic] |
lambiccare {vt} | :: to examine carefully |
lambiccarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lambiccare |
lambiccarsi {v} | :: to reflect carefully |
lambiccarsi il cervello {v} | :: To rack one's brains |
lambiccatore {adj} | :: distillation [attributive] |
lambiccatosi {v} | :: past participle of lambiccarsi |
lambiccatura {f} | :: distillation |
lambiccatura {f} | :: refinement (all senses) |
lambicco {m} | :: alternative form of alambicco |
lambimento {m} | :: lapping (of water) |
lambimento {m} | :: licking (of a flame) |
lambire {vt} [of an object] | :: to skim |
lambire {vt} [of water] | :: to lap |
lambire {vt} [of a flame] | :: to lick |
lambire {vt} [of a mass] | :: to nudge |
lambire {vt} | :: to graze, glance |
lamblia {f} | :: lamblia |
lambliasi {f} | :: giardiasis |
Lamborghini {prop} | :: surname |
lambrecchino {m} [heraldry, especially in plural] | :: lambrequin, mantling |
lambretta {f} | :: scooter, motor scooter |
Lambretta {prop} | :: A formerly popular make of motor scooter |
lambrettista {mf} | :: scooterist |
lambrì {m} [architecture] | :: dado |
lambris {m} [architecture] | :: dado |
Lambro {prop} | :: Lambro (river) |
lambrusca {f} | :: A type of wild vine |
lambrusco {m} /lam.ˈbru.sko/ | :: A black grape variety from Emilia. Used to make the Lambrusco wine |
Lambrusco {m} /lam.ˈbru.sko/ | :: Lambrusco |
lamburda {f} | :: sprig (especially on an apple or pear tree) |
La Mecca {prop} | :: La Mecca (city) |
Lamech {prop} [Biblical character] | :: Lamech |
lamed {mf} / | :: lamedh, specifically: |
lamed {mf} | :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤋 |
lamed {mf} | :: The name of the Hebrew script letter ל |
la mela non cade lontano dall'albero {proverb} | :: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree |
lamella {f} | :: thin plate, lamella |
lamella {f} [botany] | :: gill, lamella |
lamella {f} [electronics] | :: wafer |
lamellare {adj} | :: lamellate, lamellated, lamellar |
lamellibranco {m} | :: lamellibranch |
lamelliforme {adj} | :: lamelliform |
lamellipodio {m} [biology] | :: lamellipodium |
lamentabile {adj} | :: plaintive, mournful |
lamentabile {adj} | :: painful |
lamentabile {adj} | :: lamentable |
lamentabilmente {adv} | :: plaintively, mournfully |
lamentabilmente {adv} | :: painfully |
lamentabilmente {adv} | :: lamentably |
lamentantesi {v} | :: present participle of lamentarsi |
lamentanza {f} | :: plaint, complaint |
lamentare {vt} | :: to lament |
lamentarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lamentare |
lamentarsi {v} | :: to complain |
lamentarsi {v} | :: [figuratively] to grouch |
lamentatore {m} | :: lamenter |
lamentatore {m} | :: protester |
lamentatorio {adj} | :: lament (attributive) |
lamentatosi {v} | :: past participle of lamentarsi |
lamentazione {f} | :: lamentation |
Lamentazioni {prop} [biblical] | :: Lamentations, Book of Lamentations |
lamentela {f} | :: complaint, grumble, stink |
lamentela {f} [in the plural] | :: complaining, grumbling |
lamentevole {adj} | :: plaintive, mournful |
lamentevole {adj} | :: lamentable |
lamentevolmente {adv} | :: plaintively, mournfully |
lamentevolmente {adv} | :: lamentably |
lamentio {m} | :: wailing, lamenting (persistent) |
lamento {m} | :: moan, groan |
lamento {m} | :: lament |
lamentosamente {adv} | :: plaintively, mournfully |
lamentoso {adj} | :: plaintive, mournful |
lametta {f} | :: razor blade |
lamiera {f} | :: plate or sheet (of metal etc) |
lamierino {m} | :: lamination, sheet, latten |
lamierista {mf} | :: panel beater |
lamina {f} | :: thin sheet or layer; lamina |
lamina {f} [botany] | :: lamina, blade |
lamina {f} [anatomy] | :: lamina |
laminante {v} | :: present participle of laminare |
laminare {adj} | :: laminar |
laminare {vt} | :: to laminate, plate |
laminaria {f} | :: oarweed, kelp |
laminarina {f} [carbohydrate] | :: laminarin |
laminato {adj} | :: laminated |
laminato {m} | :: laminate (laminated material) |
laminatoio {m} | :: rolling mill |
laminatore {m} | :: rolling mill worker |
laminatura {f} | :: lamination |
laminatura {f} | :: rolling (metal process) |
laminazione {f} | :: rolling (process, of metal) |
laminazione {f} | :: lamination |
laminectomia {f} [surgery] | :: laminectomy |
la minore {m} [music] | :: A-minor |
laminoso {adj} | :: laminar |
lamio {m} | :: deadnettle |
lammia {f} | :: witch |
Lamon {prop} | :: Lamon (small town) |
Lamone {prop} | :: A river that flows through Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna |
Lamone {prop} | :: Lamone (small town) |
lamonese {adj} | :: Of or from Lamone |
lamonese {adj} | :: Of or from Lamon |
lampa {f} | :: lamp |
lampa {f} | :: light |
lampada {f} | :: lamp, light |
lampada al neon {f} | :: neon lamp |
lampadario {m} | :: chandelier |
lampadedromia {m} | :: torch runner, torchbearer |
lampadina {f} | :: light bulb |
lampana {f} | :: synonym of lampada |
lampanaio {m} | :: lamp maker |
lampante {adj} | :: blatantly obvious, crystal clear |
lampante {adj} | :: lamp (attributive) |
lampara {f} [nautical] | :: fishing lamp, fishing net |
lampara {f} | :: fishing boat fitted with such a lamp |
lampascione {m} | :: tassel hyacinth |
lampassato {adj} [heraldry] | :: langued |
lampasso {m} | :: lampas (fabric) |
lampazza {f} | :: synonym of schiaffo |
lampazza {f} | :: synonym of lapazza |
Lampedusa {prop} | :: An Italian island between Sicily and Tunisia |
lampedusano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Lampedusa |
lampedusano {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Lampedusa |
lampeggiamento {m} /lam.ped.d͡ʒaˈ | :: flashing (of lights) |
lampeggiante {adj} | :: flashing |
lampeggiante {m} | :: flashing light (on police cars and other emergency vehicles) |
lampeggiante {m} | :: blinker, indicator, flasher |
lampeggiante {v} | :: present participle of lampeggiare |
lampeggiare {vi} | :: to flash |
lampeggiare {vi} | :: to blink (flash on and off at regular intervals; flash headlights on a car) |
lampeggiare {v} [impersonal, weather] | :: to be lightning |
lampeggiatore {m} | :: indicator (on a car) |
lampeggiatore {m} [photography] | :: flash, flashgun |
lampionaio {m} | :: lamplighter (person employed to light streetlights) |
lampioncino {m} | :: Chinese lantern (paper lantern) |
lampione {m} | :: streetlight, streetlamp, lamppost |
lampista {m} | :: lampman, lamplighter |
lampisteria {f} | :: lamp room (in mines etc) |
lampo {m} | :: flash |
lampo {m} | :: lightning |
lampo {adj} | :: lightning (military) |
lampone {m} | :: raspberry |
lampreda {f} /lamˈprɛ.da/ | :: lamprey |
lampredotto {m} | :: A beef tripe dish from Florence, usually served with a green parsley sauce, pepper, olive oil and eaten with a bread roll |
lampuga {f} /lamˈpu.ɡa/ | :: The fish Stromateus fiatola |
lampuga {f} | :: synonym of corifena |
lana {f} | :: wool |
lanaiolo {m} | :: wool worker (or merchant) |
lanametro {m} | :: lanameter |
lanara {f} | :: tarbrush |
lanario {m} | :: lanner or lanner falcon |
lanca {f} | :: oxbow, oxbow lake, billabong |
lancasteriano {adj} | :: Lancastrian |
lancastriano {adj} | :: Lancastrian |
lancella {f} | :: ewer |
lanceolato {adj} [botany] | :: lanceolate |
lancetta {f} | :: hand (of a clock) |
lancetta {f} | :: needle (of a barometer or other instrument) |
lancetta {f} | :: lancet |
lancetta {f} | :: wild tulip |
lancettare {v} | :: To lance (with a lancet) |
lancia {f} /ˈlant͡ʃa/ | :: lance, spear |
lancia {f} | :: nozzle |
lancia {f} | :: skiff, launch (boat) |
lanciabas {m} [military] /lan.t͡ʃaˈbas/ | :: A kind of mortar for launching antisubmarine bombs |
lanciabile {adj} | :: throwable |
lanciabilità {f} | :: The property of being throwable |
lanciabombe {m} [weaponry] /lan.t͡ʃaˈ | :: mortar |
lanciaconigli {m} | :: trap (device used in clay pigeon shooting) |
lanciafiamme {m} | :: flamethrower |
lanciafuoco {m} | :: flamethrower |
lanciafuoco {m} | :: Originally, an ordinance that threw Greek fire |
lanciagranate {m} | :: grenade launcher |
lanciaio {n} | :: cutler (manufacturer of knives etc) |
lanciaio {n} | :: Originally a manufacturer of spears |
Lancialotto {prop} | :: medieval spelling of Lancillotto |
lanciamento {m} | :: build-up, boost |
lanciamento {m} | :: trailer (TV, film) |
lanciamine {m} | :: alternative form of posamine |
lanciamissili {m} [weapons] /lan.t͡ʃaˈ | :: missile launcher |
lanciamissili {adj} | :: missile-launching |
Lanciano {prop} | :: Lanciano (town) |
lanciante {v} | :: present participle of lanciare |
lanciantesi {v} | :: present participle of lanciarsi |
lanciapiattelli {m} | :: synonym of lanciaconigli |
lanciar {v} | :: apocopic form of lanciare |
lanciarazzi {m} [weaponry] /lan.t͡ʃaˈrat.t͡si/ | :: rocket launcher |
lanciarazzi {f} | :: ellipsis of pistola lanciarazzi: flare gun |
lanciarazzi {adj} | :: rocket-launching |
lanciare {vt} /lanˈtʃare/ | :: to throw; to chuck; to sling; to launch |
lanciare {vt} [of animals] | :: to set off or trigger at full speed |
lanciare {vt} [figuratively] | :: to launch [a new product, etc.] |
lanciare {vt} | :: to impetuously utter |
lanciare {vt} | :: to spotlight [someone] (or otherwise direct to the public eye) |
lanciare {vt} | :: to direct or address |
lanciare {vt} | :: to introduce someone to a new environment or field |
lanciare {vt} | :: to strongly or loudly propose |
lanciare {vt} [archaic] | :: to pierce |
lanciare {vt} [archaic] | :: to torment |
lanciare la monetina {v} | :: to toss a coin |
lanciare la monetina {v} | :: to flip a coin |
lanciare una moneta {v} | :: to toss a coin |
lanciarpione {m} | :: harpoon gun |
lanciarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lanciare |
lanciarsi {vr} [~ (in)] | :: to throw oneself (into) |
lanciarsi {vr} [~ (in)] | :: to launch (into), embark (upon) |
lanciarsi {vr} [~ (contro)] | :: to hurl oneself (at) |
lanciasagola {m} [nautical] | :: line-throwing gun |
lanciasiluri {m} | :: torpedo tube |
lanciatissimo {adj} | :: superlative of lanciato |
lanciatissimo {adj} | :: very excited, very enthusiastic |
lanciatissimo {adj} | :: very famous, very popular |
lanciato {adj} | :: famous, well-known |
lanciato {adj} | :: excited, enthusiastic |
lanciato {adj} | :: thrown |
lanciato {adj} | :: speeding (vehicle) |
lanciatoia {f} | :: A net, used in poaching, that is fired over a group of birds on the ground |
lanciatore {m} [athletics] | :: thrower |
lanciatore {m} [baseball] | :: pitcher |
lanciatore {m} | :: flipper |
lanciatorpedini {m} | :: alternative form of torpediniera |
lanciatosi {v} | :: past participle of lanciarsi |
lanciatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of lanciatore |
lanciere {m} | :: lancer (soldier) |
lanciforme {adj} | :: lanciform |
Lancillotto {prop} | :: Lancelot |
lancinante {adj} | :: stabbing, shooting, excruciating [pain] |
lancinante {adj} | :: piercing [noise] |
lancinante {adj} | :: painful [memory] |
lancio {m} /ˈlantʃo/ | :: throw, drop, shot |
lancio del disco {m} [athletics] | :: discus throw |
lancio del giavellotto {m} [athletics] | :: javelin throw |
lancio del martello {m} [athletics] | :: hammer throw |
lancio del peso {m} [athletics] | :: shot put |
lancio di moneta {m} | :: coin toss |
lanciola {f} [archaic, weapons] /lanˈt͡ʃɔ.la/ | :: A small spear |
lanciola {f} [archaic, surgery] | :: lancet |
lanciola {f} [archaic] | :: synonym of arnoglossa |
lancione {m} | :: Large spear |
lancione {m} [nautical] | :: Large motor boat (or other type of craft) |
lanciotto {m} | :: lance (type of spear) |
lanciotto {m} | :: lancer (soldier armed with a lance) |
Lancisi {prop} | :: surname |
Lancisi {prop} | :: Giovanni Maria Lancisi, Italian doctor |
lanciuola {f} /lanˈt͡ʃwɔ.la/ | :: alternative form of lanciola |
landa {f} | :: moor |
landa {f} | :: land |
landa desolata {n} | :: waste, moor |
landa desolata {n} | :: A waste land; an uninhabited desolate region; a wilderness or desert |
landamano {m} | :: landamman |
landfogto {m} [Switzerland] | :: bailiff |
landgravio {m} | :: alternative form of langravio |
Lando {prop} | :: given name |
landò {m} | :: landau |
Landolfo {prop} | :: given name |
laneria {f} | :: woolens |
laneria {f} | :: wool factory |
laneria {f} | :: woolens factory |
lanetta {f} | :: A light wool or fabric made from this wool |
lanfa {f} | :: alternative form of nanfa |
Lanfranchi {prop} | :: surname |
langarolo {adj} /lan.ɡaˈrɔ.lo/ | :: Relating to the Langhe, in Piedmont |
langarolo {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of the Langhe |
langarolo {m} [uncountable, masculine only] | :: A dialect of Piedmontese spoken in the Langhe |
Langhe {prop} /ˈlan.ɡe/ | :: Langhe (hilly area) |
Langobardia {prop} | :: Either of the two main regions of the Lombard kingdom, now Lombardy |
langore {m} | :: alternative form of languore |
langraviale {adj} | :: landgrave (attributive) |
langraviato {m} | :: landgraviate |
langravio {m} | :: landgrave |
langueggiare {v} | :: synonym of languire |
languente {v} | :: present participle of languire |
languente {adj} | :: languishing |
languidamente {adv} | :: languidly |
languidezza {f} | :: languor |
languido {adj} | :: languid |
languido {adj} | :: languishing |
languire {vi} | :: to languish |
languire {vi} | :: to pine |
languire {vi} [of a conversation] | :: to flag |
languore {m} | :: languor |
languore {m} | :: weakness, faintness |
languorino {m} | :: only in sentire un certo languorino |
languorosamente {adv} | :: languorously |
languoroso {adj} | :: languorous |
laniccio {m} | :: fluff, lint |
laniere {m} | :: wool or woollens manufacturer |
laniere a testa rossa {m} | :: synonym of averla capirossa |
laniero {adj} | :: woollen; wool (attributive) |
lanificio {m} | :: wool mill, wool factory |
lanina {f} | :: mixed wool (fabric) |
lanista {m} [historical] /laˈnista/ | :: owner and trainer of gladiators |
lanizzare {vt} | :: to make a textile wooly |
lanolina {f} | :: lanolin |
lanosità {f} | :: woolliness |
lanoso {adj} | :: wooly |
lantana {f} | :: wayfaring-tree, hoarwithy (plant of species Viburnum lantana) |
lantanide {adj} | :: lanthanide |
lantanide {m} [chemistry] | :: lanthanide |
lantanidico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: lanthanide (attributive) |
lantanio {m} [chemistry] /lanˈtanjo/ | :: lanthanum |
lanterna {f} /lanˈtɛ | :: lantern (all senses) |
lanterna {f} | :: lighthouse |
lanternaio {m} | :: lantern manufacturer |
lanternaio {m} [nautical] | :: The person responsible for lanterns at a port |
lanterna magica {f} | :: magic lantern |
lanternino {m} | :: Small lantern, especially one having coloured glass |
lanternone {m} | :: A large lantern, carried on a pole in processions, often accompanying a crucifix etc |
lanternuto {adj} | :: gangling, lanky |
lantionina {f} [amino acid] | :: lanthionine |
lanugine {f} | :: down, pile (soft hair) |
lanugine {f} | :: fluff, fuzz |
lanugine {f} | :: pubarche |
lanuginoso {adj} | :: downy |
lanugo {f} [biology] /laˈnu.ɡo/ | :: lanugo |
lanuto {adj} | :: woolly, lanate |
lanzafina {f} | :: lanceleaf water plantain (Alisma lanceolatum) |
lanzarda {f} | :: Spanish mackerel (of genus Scomberomorus) |
lanzardo {m} | :: Spanish mackerel (of genus Scomberomorus) |
Lanzi {prop} | :: Landsknechts or lansquenets (In Italian: "lanzichenecchi", corrupted to Lanzi) |
lanzichenecco {m} [historical] | :: Landsknecht, lansquenet (German mercenary of the 15th or 16th century) |
lanzichenecco {m} [card games] | :: lansquenet (gambling card game) |
Lao {prop} | :: Lao (river) |
Laocoonte {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Laocoön |
laografia {f} [historical] | :: census (for tax purposes) |
laonde {adv} /la.ˈ | :: so that |
Laos {prop} | :: Laos |
laosiano {adj} [rare] /la.oˈ | :: alternative form of laotiano |
laosiano {m} [rare] | :: alternative form of laotiano |
laotiana {f} | :: female equivalent of laotiano |
laotiano {adj} /la.oˈ | :: Laotian |
laotiano {m} | :: Laotian [male or unspecified gender] |
laotiano {m} | :: the Laotian language |
lapalissianamente {adv} | :: obviously, self-evidently |
lapalissiano {adj} | :: Lapalissian, obvious, self-evident |
laparatomia {f} | :: Variant of laparotomia |
laparo- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: laparo- |
laparoscopia {f} [surgery] | :: laparoscopy |
laparoscopico {adj} | :: laparoscopic |
laparoscopio {m} [surgery] | :: laparoscope |
laparotomia {f} [surgery] | :: laparotomy |
laparotomico {adj} [surgery] | :: laparotomic |
laparotomista {mf} [surgery] | :: laparotomist |
la pazienza è la virtù dei forti {proverb} | :: good things come to those who wait |
lapazio {m} | :: dock (plant of genus Rumex) |
lapazza {f} | :: A piece of wood used to reinforce a door or window |
lapidabile {adj} | :: lapidable |
lapidamento {m} | :: synonym of lapidazione |
lapidante {v} | :: present participle of lapidare |
lapidare {vt} | :: to stone (execute by stoning) |
lapidare {vt} | :: to lap (burnish or polish) |
lapidariamente {adv} | :: concisely |
lapidario {adj} | :: lapidary |
lapidario {adj} | :: concise |
lapidario {m} | :: lapidary |
lapidario {m} | :: stone-cutter |
lapidatore {m} | :: stoner (person) |
lapidatore {m} | :: polisher (person) |
lapidatrice {f} | :: polisher (machine used to polish gemstones or metal surfaces) |
lapidatura {f} | :: grinding and polishing of metal (or of gemstones) |
lapidazione {f} | :: lapidation, stoning |
lapide {f} /ˈ | :: tombstone, gravestone |
lapide {f} | :: memorial |
lapide {f} [obsolete] | :: gemstone, precious stone |
lapidello {m} | :: grinder (tool used to grind metal surfaces) |
lapidescente {adj} /la.pi.deʃˈʃɛn.te/ | :: lapidescent |
lapidicolo {adj} [biology] | :: lapidicolous |
lapidificare {v} | :: To petrify (turn to stone) |
lapidificarsi {vr} | :: To petrify (turn to stone) |
lapidificazione {m} | :: petrification |
lapidificazione {m} [geology] | :: metamorphism (of sedimentary rocks) |
lapidiforme {adj} | :: stonelike |
lapidoso {adj} [literary] | :: lapideous, stony |
lapillare {adj} | :: lapillar |
lapillo {m} | :: lapillus (lava fragment) |
lapin {m} | :: rabbit skin or fur |
La Pira {prop} | :: surname |
La Pira {prop} | :: Giorgio La Pira, Italian politician |
lapis {m} | :: pencil |
lapis {m} | :: sanguine (red chalk) |
lapislazzuli {m} [mineralogy] | :: lapis lazuli |
lapislazzulo {m} | :: alternative form of lapislazzuli |
laplaciano {adj} [mathematics] /laplaˈtʃano/ | :: Laplacian |
laplaciano {m} [mathematics] | :: Laplacian |
Lapo {prop} | :: given name |
lappa {f} | :: burdock |
lappante {v} | :: present participle of lappare |
lappare {vti} | :: To lap or lap up |
lappare {vt} | :: To polish or burnish |
lappatore {m} | :: polisher (person) |
lappatrice {f} | :: lapping (polishing) machine |
lappatura {f} | :: lapping (polishing) |
lappola {f} | :: burdock |
lappone {adj} | :: Lapp, Sami |
lappone {mf} | :: Laplander |
lappone {m} | :: Sami (language) |
Lapponia {prop} | :: Lapland |
la prima generazione fa i soldi, la seconda se li gode e la terza li finisce {proverb} | :: clogs to clogs in three generations |
lapsus {m} | :: slip of the tongue |
lapsus digitis {m} [colloquial] | :: typo (typographical error) |
lapsus freudiano {m} | :: A Freudian slip |
laqueario {m} | :: laquearius |
laqueatore {m} | :: synonym of laqueario |
L'Aquila {prop} /ˈl' | :: L'Aquila (town/and/province) |
Lara {prop} | :: given name |
lardaceo {adj} | :: lardaceous, lardy |
lardante {v} | :: present participle of lardare |
lardare {vt} | :: To lard |
lardatoio {m} | :: larding needle |
lardatura {f} | :: larding |
lardellante {v} | :: present participle of lardellare |
lardellare {vt} | :: To lard |
lardellatura {f} | :: larding |
lardello {m} | :: crackling (piece of fried bacon) |
Larderello {prop} | :: Larderello (village), near Pomarance |
lardo {m} /ˈ | :: cured strips of fatback (for cooking) |
lardoso {adj} | :: fatty, fat |
larenzia {f} | :: geometer moth (of genus Larentia) |
largamente {adv} | :: abundantly |
largatira {f} | :: Slow, comfortable rowing, performed by lingering between one stroke of the oar and the next |
largente {v} | :: present participle of largire |
largheggiamento {m} | :: benevolence |
largheggiante {v} | :: present participle of largheggiare |
largheggiare {vi} | :: to be benevolent |
largheggiare {vi} | :: to be free (with) (money) |
largheggiatore {adj} | :: benevolent |
largheggiatore {m} | :: benefactor |
larghezza {f} | :: width, breadth |
larghezza {f} [figuratively, abundance] | :: abundance, largeness |
larghezza {f} [figuratively, generosity] | :: generosity, liberality |
larghissimo {adj} | :: superlative of largo |
largire {vt} | :: to give generously |
largità {f} [obsolete] | :: liberality |
largizione {f} | :: largess |
largo {adj} /ˈlarɡo/ | :: wide, broad |
largo {adj} | :: ample, wide, large |
largo {adj} [of clothes] | :: oversized, loose-fitting, too loose |
largo {adj} [figurative] | :: generous, free, open-handed |
largo {m} | :: open sea |
largo {m} | :: square, largo |
largo {m} [music] | :: largo |
largo a {interj} | :: make way for |
lariano {adj} | :: Of or relating to lake Como, also known as Lario |
larice {m} | :: larch (Larix, tree) |
larice {m} | :: the wood of that tree |
lariceto {m} | :: larch wood (forest) |
laringale {adj} [anatomy] | :: laryngeal |
laringe {f} | :: larynx |
laringectomia {f} [surgery] | :: laryngectomy |
laringectomizzare {vt} [surgery] | :: to laryngectomize |
laringectomizzato {adj} | :: laryngectomized |
laringeo {adj} [anatomy] | :: laryngeal |
laringismo {m} | :: laryngismus, laryngospasm |
laringite {f} [disease] | :: laryngitis |
laringo- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: laryngo- |
laringofaringe {mf} [anatomy] | :: laryngopharynx |
laringofaringite {f} [pathology] | :: laryngopharyngitis |
laringofissura {f} [surgery] | :: thyrotomy, laryngofissure |
laringofono {m} | :: throat microphone, laryngophone |
laringografia {f} [medicine] | :: laryngography |
laringoiatra {mf} | :: doctor who specializes in problems of the throat |
laringoiatria {f} [medicine] | :: Branch of medicine that specializes in problems of the throat |
laringoiatrico {adj} [pathology] | :: Of or relating to problems of the throat |
laringologa {f} | :: female equivalent of laringologo |
laringologia {f} [medicine] | :: laryngology |
laringologico {adj} [medicine] | :: laryngological |
laringologo {m} | :: laryngologist |
laringopatia {f} [pathology] | :: disease of the larynx; laryngopathy |
laringoplegia {f} [pathology] | :: paralysis of the larynx, laryngoplegia |
laringorragia {f} [pathology] | :: laryngorrhagia |
laringoscopia {f} [medicine] | :: laryngoscopy |
laringoscopico {adj} [medicine] | :: laryngoscopic |
laringoscopio {m} [medicine] | :: laryngoscope |
laringospasmo {m} [pathology] | :: laryngospasm |
laringostenosi {f} [pathology] | :: laryngostenosis |
laringostenotico {adj} | :: laryngostenotic |
laringotomia {f} [surgery] | :: laryngotomy |
laringotomo {m} [surgery] | :: laryngotome |
laringotracheale {adj} [anatomy] | :: laryngotracheal |
laringotracheite {f} [pathology] | :: laryngotracheitis |
laringotracheotomia {f} [surgery] | :: laryngotracheotomy |
Larino {prop} | :: Larino (town) |
Lario {prop} | :: Lake Como |
Larissa {prop} | :: given name |
Larissa {prop} | :: Larissa (city/regional capital) |
larssoniano {adj} | :: Larssonian |
La Ruota Della Fortuna {prop} | :: The Italian incarnation of the U.S. origin game show Wheel of Fortune |
larva {f} | :: larva, grub |
larva {f} [figuratively] | :: shadow, skeleton |
larvale {adj} | :: larval |
larvare {v} | :: To mask |
larvatamente {adv} | :: in a veiled manner |
larvato {adj} | :: veiled |
larvicida {adj} | :: larvicidal |
larvicida {m} | :: larvicide |
larvicolo {adj} | :: larvicolous |
larviforme {adj} | :: larviform |
larviparità {f} [zoology] | :: The condition of being larviparous; larviparity |
larviparo {adj} [zoology] | :: larviparous |
larvivoro {adj} | :: larvivorous |
lasagna {f} [cooking, food] | :: a food made of flat sheets of pasta alternated with condiments |
lasagna {f} [cooking, chiefly in the plural] | :: a dish of lasagna |
lasagne alla bolognese {m} {p} [cooking, chiefly in the plural] | :: lasagne with Bolognese and Béchamel sauces |
lasagnolo {m} | :: A wooden roller for making sheets of pasta |
lasagnone {m} | :: A large sheet of lasagna |
lasagnuolo {m} | :: alternative form of lasagnolo |
lasalliano {adj} | :: Lasallian |
lasca {f} | :: nase (fish of the family Cyprinidae) |
lascante {v} | :: present participle of lascare |
lascare {vt} [nautical] | :: alternative form of allascare |
Lascari {prop} | :: Lascari (town/and/commune) |
lasciante {v} | :: present participle of lasciare |
lasciantesi {v} | :: present participle of lasciarsi |
lasciapassare {m} | :: pass, permit |
lasciar {v} | :: apocopic form of lasciare |
lasciarci le cuoia {v} [idiomatic] | :: To bite the dust |
lasciarci le cuoia {v} | :: to give up the ghost |
lasciare {v} /laʃʃˈare/ | :: to leave (leave something behind) |
lasciare {v} | :: to let |
lasciare {v} | :: to leave somebody |
lasciare a bocca aperta {v} | :: to make someone's jaw drop |
lasciare correre {v} [idiom] | :: to turn a blind eye; to look the other way; to let it be |
lasciare il passo {v} [idiom] | :: synonym of cedere il passo |
lasciare in eredità {v} | :: to bequeath (To give or leave by will; to give by testament; especially of personal property) |
lasciare posto {v} | :: to give way |
lasciare questa terra {v} [idiom] | :: To die |
lasciar perdere {v} | :: to get off, let alone, leave alone, let go |
lasciarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lasciare |
lasciarsi {v} | :: to leave each other, part, separate |
lasciarsi {v} | :: [of a couple] to separate, split up |
lasciarsi {v} | :: to let oneself |
lasciarsi andare {vr} | :: to give in to a feeling or a vice; to neglect oneself; to let oneself go |
lasciarsi sfuggire di mano {v} [idiom] | :: to let get out of hand |
lasciatosi {v} | :: past participle of lasciarsi |
lasciatura {f} | :: bias tape (length of material inside a seam) |
lasciatura {f} | :: An accidentally omitted word in typesetting |
lascibile {adj} [obsolete] | :: lascivious |
lascità {f} [obsolete] | :: moral weakness, cowardice |
lascito {m} | :: legacy, bequest |
lascivamente {adv} | :: lasciviously, lustfully |
lascivia {f} | :: lasciviousness |
lascività {f} | :: lasciviousness |
lascivo {adj} | :: lascivious, wanton |
lascivo {adj} | :: prurient |
lasco {adj} | :: slack |
lasco {adj} | :: loose |
lasco {m} | :: slack |
laser {m} [physics] /ˈla.zer/ | :: laser |
laserchirurgia {f} [surgery] | :: laser surgery |
laserista {mf} | :: laser technician |
laserista {mf} [nautical] | :: A person who sails a Laser dinghy |
laserterapia {f} | :: laser therapy |
La Spezia {prop} /la ˈspɛt.tsja/ | :: La Spezia (province/and/city) |
lassa {f} [obsolete, poetry] /ˈlasːa/ | :: laisse, tirade |
lassa {f} [obsolete] | :: lead, leash |
lassativo {adj} | :: laxative |
lassativo {m} | :: laxative |
lassezza {f} | :: lassitude, lethargy |
lassismo {m} | :: laxity |
lassista {adj} | :: lax |
lassista {mf} | :: A tolerant of indulgent person |
lassistico {adj} | :: tolerant, indulgent |
lassità {f} [medicine] | :: laxity |
lasso {adj} [obsolete, literary] /ˈ | :: tired, weary, fatigued, weak |
lasso {adj} [obsolete, literary] | :: miserable, unhappy, bleak |
lasso {adj} [dated, literary] | :: lax, loose |
lasso {adj} [dated, literary, figuratively] | :: lax, lenient, permissive |
lasso {m} [only in the locution lasso di tempo] | :: flow, passage, period (of time) |
lasso {m} | :: lariat, lasso |
lasso {m} | :: alternative form of lassa |
lasso di tempo {n} | :: A period of time; interval |
lassù {adv} | :: up there |
lassù {adv} | :: up above, in heaven |
lassù {adv} | :: up north |
lasta {f} | :: A unit of measurement of Northern Europe for dry goods |
lastra {f} | :: slab (of stone etc) |
lastra {f} | :: sheet (of ice etc) |
lastra {f} | :: pane (of a window) |
lastra {f} | :: plate (photographic etc) |
lastra {f} | :: X-ray |
lastraio {m} | :: panel beater |
lastratura {f} | :: steel bodywork of a car |
lastricamento {m} | :: paving |
lastricante {v} | :: present participle of lastricare |
lastricare {vt} | :: To pave |
lastricato {m} | :: paving |
lastricato {m} | :: causeway |
lastricatore {m} | :: paver |
lastricatura {f} | :: paving, flagging |
lastrico {m} | :: paving, pavement |
lastrina {f} | :: Small, glass plate |
lastrone {m} | :: sheer rock face |
lastrone {m} | :: floe |
la sua {pron} | :: his (that which belongs to him) |
lasveghiano {adj} | :: Las Vegas (attributive) |
latamente {adv} /la.taˈmen.te/ | :: widely, extensively |
latamente {adv} [figuratively] | :: in a broad sense; sensu lato |
latebra {f} [literary] | :: lair, den |
latebroso {adj} [literary] | :: With many hiding places, isolated, secluded |
latente {adj} | :: latent (all senses) |
latente {adj} | :: underthreshold |
latentemente {adv} | :: latently |
latenza {f} | :: latency |
laterale {adj} | :: side, lateral |
lateralità {f} | :: laterality |
lateralizzazione {f} | :: lateralization |
lateralmente {adv} | :: sideways |
lateralmente {adv} | :: laterally |
lateranense {adj} | :: Lateran |
Laterano {prop} | :: Lateran (Basilica of St. John Lateran) |
latercolo {m} | :: laterculus (type of tile) |
laterina {f} | :: alternative form of latrina |
laterite {f} | :: laterite |
lateritico {adj} | :: lateritic |
laterizio {m} /la.teˈrit.tsjo/ | :: brick (used for tiling etc) |
laterizzazione {f} [geology] | :: laterization |
laterodorsale {adj} [anatomy] | :: laterodorsal |
lateroflessione {f} | :: lateroflexion |
laterogesso {m} | :: breeze-block, cinder block |
lateroversione {f} [pathology] | :: lateroversion |
Laterza {prop} | :: Laterza (small town) |
latibolo {m} | :: hideout, den, recess |
latice {m} | :: latex |
laticifero {adj} | :: laticiferous |
laticifero {m} | :: laticifer |
laticlavio {m} | :: laticlave |
latifloro {adj} [botany] | :: That has wide leaves |
latifoglia {f} | :: broadleaf (broad-leaved tree) |
latifoglio {adj} [botany] | :: broad-leaved |
latifondismo {m} | :: latifundism |
latifondista {mf} | :: landowner (of a large agricultural estate) |
latifondistico {adj} | :: latifundial |
latifondo {m} | :: latifundium (large farm or agricultural estate) |
latina {f} | :: feminine noun of latino |
Latina {prop} | :: Latina (town/and/province) |
latinamente {adv} | :: in Latin |
latinamente {adv} | :: clearly; easily |
latineggiante {v} | :: present participle of latineggiare |
latineggiante {adj} | :: Latinizing |
latineggiare {vi} | :: to Latinize |
latinense {adj} | :: Latina (attributive) |
latinense {mf} | :: A native or inhabitant of Latina |
latinense {m} | :: The local dialect of Latina |
latinismo {m} | :: Latinism |
latinista {mf} | :: Latin scholar; Latinist |
latinità {f} | :: Latinity |
latinizzamento {m} | :: synonym of latinizzazione |
latinizzante {v} | :: present participle of latinizzare |
latinizzare {vt} | :: To Latinize |
latinizzazione {f} | :: Latinization |
latin lover {m} [colloquial] | :: Casanova, Don Juan, playboy, lady's man |
latino- {prefix} | :: Latin- (meaning Spanish) |
latino {adj} | :: Latin |
latino {adj} | :: of or related to Lazio, Italy |
latino {adj} | :: of or related to the Latin language |
latino {adj} | :: of or related to the various Romance languages |
latino {adj} | :: of or related to Latin people; speakers of the Romance languages such as Italians, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanians, etc |
latino {m} | :: Latin [person] |
latino {m} | :: Latin [language] |
latino-americana {f} | :: feminine noun of latino-americano |
latinoamericana {f} | :: feminine noun of latinoamericano |
latino-americano {adj} | :: alternative spelling of latinoamericano |
latino-americano {m} | :: alternative spelling of latinoamericano |
latinoamericano {adj} | :: Latin American |
latinoamericano {m} | :: Latin American |
latinofono {adj} | :: Latinophone |
latinorum {m} | :: mumbo jumbo |
latino volgare {m} | :: Vulgar Latin (language) |
latinuccio {m} | :: Simple, elementary Latin |
latipede {adj} | :: wide-footed |
latirina {f} | :: The alkaloid oxalyldiaminopropionic acid responsible for lathyrism |
latirismo {m} [medicine] /la.tiˈ | :: lathyrism (neurological disease) |
latiro {m} [botany] /ˈ | :: Any member of the Lathyrus taxonomic genus |
latirostro {adj} | :: Having a wide beak |
latitante {adj} | :: in hiding |
latitante {adj} | :: on the run |
latitante {mf} | :: fugitive |
latitante {v} | :: present participle of latitare |
latitanza {f} | :: hiding (condition of being in hiding, or on the run) |
latitare {vi} | :: To be absent |
latitare {vi} | :: To abscond |
latitudinale {adj} | :: latitudinal |
latitudinalmente {adv} | :: latitudinally |
latitudinario {adj} | :: latitudinarian |
latitudinario {m} | :: latitudinarian |
latitudinarismo {m} | :: latitudinarianism |
latitudine {f} /la.tiˈ | :: latitude |
lato {m} /ˈ | :: side |
lato {adj} [literary, rare] | :: wide, broad |
lato {adj} [literary, figuratively, of a meaning] | :: broad |
latomia {f} | :: A quarry once used as a prison |
latomistico {adj} | :: masonic |
latomistico {adj} | :: Pertaining to the pigpen cipher |
Latona {prop} [Greek god] | :: Leto |
latore {m} | :: bearer (of a message) |
lato sbagliato della strada {phrase} | :: wrong side of the tracks |
latramento {m} | :: howling |
latrante {v} | :: present participle of latrare |
latrare {vi} | :: to howl |
latrato {m} | :: howl, howling |
latreutico {adj} | :: latreutic |
-latria {suffix} | :: -latry |
latria {f} | :: latria |
latrina {f} | :: lavatory (public) |
latrina {f} | :: latrine, bog, shitter |
latrina {f} | :: outhouse |
latrinaio {m} | :: public toilet attendant |
latrocinio {m} | :: theft, robbery, larceny |
latta {f} | :: tin, can |
lattagogo {m} /lat.taˈɡɔ.ɡo/ | :: alternative form of galattagogo |
lattagogo {adj} | :: alternative form of galattagogo |
lattaia {f} | :: female equivalent of lattaio |
lattaio {adj} /latˈ | :: Yielding milk; milky |
lattaio {m} | :: milkman |
lattaio {m} | :: tinsmith |
lattaiola {f} [regional] /lat.taˈjɔ.la/ | :: Used to indicate several plants of the family Asteraceae, such as Chondrilla juncea |
lattaiola pungente {f} | :: Picris hieracioides, hawkweed oxtongue |
lattaiolo {adj} [rare] /lat.taˈjɔ.lo/ | :: milk [attributive] |
lattaiolo {m} [rare, chiefly in the plural] | :: milk tooth |
lattaiolo {m} [regional, Central Italian] | :: A traditional dessert in areas of Tuscany and Marche |
lattaiolo {m} [regional, Tuscany] | :: Used to indicate some mushrooms of the Lactarius genus |
lattamasi {f} [enzyme] | :: lactamase |
lattame {m} | :: lactam |
lattamico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lactam (attributive) |
lattante {adj} | :: breast-fed, breastfed |
lattante {mf} | :: baby |
Lattanzio {prop} | :: Lactantius |
Lattanzio {prop} | :: given name |
lattare {v} | :: To lactate |
lattario {m} [botany] /latˈta.rjo/ | :: The Lactarius genus of mushrooms |
lattasi {f} [enzyme] | :: lactase |
lattato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: lactate |
lattato {adj} | :: milky, lactic |
lattazione {f} | :: lactation |
latte {m} /ˈlat.te/ | :: milk |
latte artificiale {m} | :: formula (food for infants) |
latte condensato {m} | :: condensed milk |
latte di arachidi {n} | :: peanut milk |
latte di cocco {m} | :: coconut milk |
latte di galina {m} | :: an invigorating drink, composed of egg yolk, sugar, boiled milk, and either brandy or rum |
latte di galina {m} [figurative, by extension] | :: food or nourishment that is costly and hard to find |
latte di mandorla {m} | :: almond milk |
latte di mandorle {m} | :: almond milk |
latte di soia {m} | :: soy milk |
latteggiare {vi} [rare, art] | :: to paint with a milky hue |
latte in polvere {m} | :: milk powder, powdered milk |
latte intero {m} | :: whole milk |
latte materno {m} | :: breast milk |
latte materno {m} | :: mother's milk |
lattemiele {m} | :: whipped cream |
latteo {adj} /ˈlat.te.o/ | :: milky (of or pertaining to milk) |
latte parzialmente scremato {m} [foods] | :: semi-skimmed milk |
latteria {f} | :: dairy (shop) |
latteria {f} | :: milk bar |
latteria {f} | :: dairy (place where milk is processed) |
latterino {f} | :: smelt (especially Atherina boyeri) |
lattescente {adj} | :: lactescent, milky, cloudy |
lattescenza {f} | :: milkiness, cloudiness, lactescence |
latte scremato {m} [foods] | :: skimmed milk |
lattice {m} | :: alternative form of latice |
latticello {m} /lat.tiˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ | :: buttermilk |
latticemia {f} [pathology] | :: lacticaemia |
latticifero {adj} | :: alternative form of laticifero |
latticifero {m} | :: alternative form of laticifero |
latticinio {m} | :: dairy product |
latticino {m} | :: dairy product |
latticinoso {adj} | :: alternative form of lattiginoso |
lattico {adj} | :: lactic |
lattide {m} [organic chemistry] | :: lactide |
lattiera {f} | :: milk jug |
lattiero {adj} | :: milk (attributive) |
lattiero {adj} | :: dairy (attributive) |
lattifero {adj} | :: lactiferous, milk (attributive) |
lattifugo {adj} | :: lactifugal |
lattifugo {m} | :: lactifuge |
lattigeno {adj} | :: lactogenic |
lattiginoso {adj} | :: milky |
lattilato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: lactylate |
lattime {m} | :: milk crust |
lattimo {m} | :: lattimo |
lattina {f} | :: diminutive of latta |
lattivendolo {m} | :: milkman |
latto- {prefix} | :: lacto- |
lattoalbumina {f} [protein] | :: lactalbumin |
lattobacillo {m} | :: lactobacillus |
lattococco {m} [microbiology] | :: lactococcus |
lattodensimetro {m} | :: lactometer, lactodensimeter |
lattofermentatore {m} | :: Equipment for making yoghurt or similar fermented milk products |
lattoflavina {f} [organic compound] | :: lactoflavin |
lattogenesi {f} | :: lactogenesis |
lattogenetico {adj} | :: lactogenic |
lattogeno {adj} | :: lactogenic |
lattone {adj} [archaic, of animals] /latˈ | :: suckling |
lattone {m} | :: suckling pig |
lattone {m} | :: The silkworm in its last larval stage, when it becomes yellowish |
lattone {m} [organic chemistry] | :: lactone |
lattone {m} [chiefly archaic, regional, uncountable] | :: synonym of ottone |
lattone {m} | :: synonym of latta |
lattoneria {f} | :: A tinsmith's or sheet metal-worker's workshop or factory |
lattoneria {f} | :: The work of a tinsmith; fabrication using sheet metal |
lattoniere {m} | :: tinsmith, whitesmith |
lattonzo {m} /latˈton.t͡so/ | :: alternative form of lattonzolo |
lattonzolo {m} /latˈton.t͡so.lo/ | :: A suckling animal, particularly: |
lattonzolo {m} | :: a suckling pig |
lattonzolo {m} [figurative] | :: A naive and inexperienced boy; a milksop |
lattoproteina {f} [protein] | :: lactoprotein |
lattoscopio {m} | :: lactoscope |
lattosio {m} [carbohydrate] | :: lactose |
lattovaro {m} | :: synonym of elettuario |
Lattuada {prop} | :: surname |
lattuca {f} | :: alternative form of lattuga |
lattucario {m} | :: lactucarium |
lattuccio {m} [term of endearment] /latˈtut.t͡ʃo/ | :: diminutive of latte |
lattuga {f} | :: lettuce |
lattugaccio {m} /lat.tuˈɡat.t͡ʃo/ | :: The plant Chondrilla juncea; nakedweed |
lattughella {f} /lat.tuˈɡɛ | :: The plant Valerianella locusta; corn salad, lamb's lettuce |
lattughetta {f} /lat.tuˈɡet.ta/ | :: synonym of lattughella |
lattughina {f} /lat.tuˈɡ | :: diminutive of lattuga |
lattughina {f} | :: synonym of lattughella |
lattugone {m} | :: cardoon |
lattume {m} | :: milt of tuna, used in Sicilian gastronomy |
lauda {f} [obsolete] /ˈlau̯.da/ | :: praise |
lauda {f} [historical] | :: A medieval poetic work with religious themes |
laudabile {adj} | :: laudable, praiseworthy |
laudante {v} | :: present participle of laudare |
Laudara {prop} | :: Laudara (island) |
laudare {vt} | :: alternative form of lodare |
laudario {m} | :: hymnal (collection of lauda) |
laudativamente {adv} | :: in a laudatory manner |
laudativo {adj} | :: laudatory |
laudazione {f} | :: laudation, praise |
laudazione {f} | :: panegyric |
laudemio {m} | :: emphyteusis (payment for) |
laudese {m} | :: praiser, lauder |
laudevole {adj} | :: alternative form of lodevole |
laudevolmente {adv} | :: alternative form of lodevolmente |
laudistico {adj} | :: laudistic |
launegildo {m} | :: launegild |
Laura {prop} | :: given name |
laurea {f} /ˈ | :: degree (from university) |
laureanda {f} | :: female equivalent of laureando |
laureando {m} | :: a final year university student |
laureante {v} | :: present participle of laureare |
laureantesi {v} | :: present participle of laurearsi |
laureare {vt} | :: to confer a university degree |
laureare {vt} [figuratively] | :: to crown |
laurearsi {v} | :: reflexive of laureare |
laurearsi {v} [education] | :: to graduate, take a degree |
laurearsi {v} [figuratively] | :: to be crowned |
laureata {f} | :: female equivalent of laureato |
laureato {adj} | :: graduated, having a degree |
laureato {m} | :: graduate |
laureatosi {v} | :: past participle of laurearsi |
laurenziano {adj} | :: Laurentian |
laurenziano {m} | :: Laurentian (language) |
laurenzio {m} [chemistry] /lauˈrɛntsjo/ | :: lawrencium |
lauretano {adj} | :: Of, or from, Loreto |
lauretano {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Loreto |
laureto {m} | :: laurel thicket |
laurico {adj} | :: lauric |
lauro {m} | :: laurel |
lauro {m} | :: Any plant of the genus Laurus |
lauroceraso {m} /͡ʃeˈra.zo/ | :: Prunus laurocerasus; cherry laurel |
laurotino {m} | :: laurestine (Viburnum tinus) |
lautamente {adv} | :: abundantly, profusely |
lautezza {f} | :: richness, abundance, lavishness |
lauto {adj} | :: rich, abundant, large, lavish |
lava- {prefix} / | :: Used to derive nouns related to washing |
lava {f} | :: lava |
lavaauto {m} | :: car wash |
lavabiancheria {f} /ˌˈri.a/ | :: washing machine |
lavabicchieri {m} | :: glass-washer (machine, in a bar, for washing glasses) |
lavabile {adj} | :: washable |
lavabilità {f} | :: washability |
lavabo {m} | :: washbasin, in particular of bathroom |
lavabo {m} | :: lavabo |
lavabottiglie {m} | :: bottle-washer (machine for washing bottles) |
lavacapo {m} | :: reprimand, scolding |
lavaceci {m} | :: scatterbrain |
lavacristallo {m} | :: windscreen washer (of a car) |
lavacro {m} | :: basin for washing |
lavacro {m} | :: washing (ritual cleansing or purification) |
lavadita {m} | :: finger bowl |
lavafari {m} | :: headlight washer (on a car) |
lavafrutta {m} | :: A bowl for washing fruit just before it is eaten |
lavaggiatore {m} | :: chief washerman |
lavaggino {m} | :: washer of yarn in the textile industry |
lavaggio {m} | :: washing, wash, scouring |
lavaggio del cervello {m} | :: brain-washing |
lavaggista {mf} | :: Person who works in a car wash |
lavagna {f} [mineralogy] | :: slate |
lavagna {f} | :: writing board, blackboard |
lavagna pannografica {f} | :: A board, covered in fabric on which figures can be applied, used as a teaching aid |
lavaindossa {adj} | :: non-iron |
La Valletta {prop} | :: La Valletta (capital city) |
lavamacchine {m} | :: car wash (or person who works in one) |
lavamano {m} | :: washstand |
lavamoquette {f} | :: carpet cleaner (domestic appliance) |
lavanda {f} | :: wash, washing |
lavanda {f} [medicine] | :: lavage |
lavanda {f} | :: lavender |
lavanda gastrica {f} [medicine] | :: gastric lavage (process of cleaning out the contents of the stomach) |
lavandaia {f} | :: washerwoman, washer, laundress |
lavandaio {m} | :: washer, laundryman |
lavandara {f} | :: alternative form of lavandaia |
lavandaro {m} | :: alternative form of lavandaio |
lavanderia {f} | :: laundry (Shop or room where the clothes are washed and ironed) |
lavanderia {f} | :: washhouse |
lavandeto {m} | :: lavender grove, lavender field |
lavandino {m} | :: A washbasin |
lavandino {m} | :: A kitchen sink, a sink |
lavandula {f} | :: lavender |
lavante {v} | :: present participle of lavare |
lavantesi {v} | :: present participle of lavarsi |
lavapavimenti {m} | :: mop (for washing the floor) |
lavapiatti {mf} | :: dishwasher (person) |
lavapiatti {f} | :: dishwasher (machine) |
lavapiedi {m} | :: foot bath, foot spa |
lavare {vt} | :: to wash |
lavarello {m} | :: lavaret (Coregonus lavaretus) |
lavare via {v} | :: to whitewash (To cover over errors or bad actions) |
lavarsene le mani {v} [idiomatic] | :: to wash one's hands of |
lavarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lavare |
lavarsi {v} | :: to wash (oneself) |
lavascale {mf} | :: Person who cleans the stairs in an apartment building |
lavasciuga {f} | :: washer-dryer (domestic appliance) |
lavasciugatrice {f} | :: alternative form of lavasciuga |
lavascodelle {mf} | :: synonym of lavapiatti |
lavasecco {m} | :: dry-cleaner's (shop) |
lavasecco {f} | :: dry-cleaning machine |
lavastoviglie {f} /la.vas.toˈvi.ʎe/ | :: dishwasher |
lavata {f} | :: wash |
lavataccia {f} | :: A quick wash, especially in communal surroundings |
lavataccia {f} [colloquial] | :: A situation in which people are forced into close proximity |
lavatergifari {m} | :: alternative form of lavatergifaro |
lavatergifaro {m} | :: headlight washer/wiper (on a car) |
lavatesta {m} | :: A shaped washbasin, in a hairdressers, on which the head rests while the hair is washed |
lavativo {m} | :: enema |
lavativo {m} | :: shirker, idler, good-for-nothing |
lavativo {m} | :: cop-out |
lavatoio {m} | :: Public washhouse |
lavatore {m} | :: washer (person) |
lavatore {m} | :: scrubber (equipment) |
lavatosi {v} | :: past participle of lavarsi |
lavatrice {f} | :: washing machine |
lavatura {f} | :: washing (act of) |
lavatura {f} | :: dirty water |
lavavetri {m} /la.vaˈve.tri/ | :: window cleaner (product used to clean windows) |
lavavetri {m} | :: windscreen washer (on a car) |
lavavetri {m} | :: squeegee |
lavavetri {mf} | :: window cleaner (person who cleans windows) |
laveggio {m} [archaic] /laˈved.d͡ʒo/ | :: (earthenware) vessel |
laveggio {m} [archaic] | :: A copper stockpot |
lavello {m} | :: A kitchen sink, a sink |
la vendetta è un piatto che va servito freddo {proverb} | :: revenge is a dish best served cold |
la verità viene sempre a galla {phrase} | :: truth will out |
lavetta {f} | :: small handtowel, typically reserved to guests |
lavezzo {m} [archaic, regional] /laˈvet.t͡so/ | :: alternative form of laveggio |
lavico {adj} | :: lava [attributive] |
lavina {f} | :: snowslide |
Lavina {prop} | :: Lavinia |
Lavinia {prop} [Roman mythology] | :: Lavinia |
Lavinia {prop} | :: given name |
Lavino {prop} | :: Lavino (small river) |
lavorabile {adj} | :: workable |
lavorabilità {f} | :: workability |
lavorabilità {f} | :: machinability |
lavoracchiante {v} | :: present participle of lavoracchiare |
lavoracchiare {vi} | :: To work little, or only now and again |
lavoraccio {m} | :: chore, fag, challenge |
lavoraccio {m} | :: pig's ear, mess-up, balls-up |
lavorante {v} | :: present participle of lavorare |
lavorante {mf} | :: worker |
lavorantesi {v} | :: present participle of lavorarsi |
lavorar {v} | :: apocopic form of lavorare |
lavorare {vi} | :: to work; to labor |
lavorare {vi} | :: to work; to function |
lavorare {vi} | :: To run or operate [a business, etc.] |
lavorare {vt} | :: to work or carve [a material] |
lavorare {vt} | :: to knead [dough] |
lavorare {vt} | :: to cultivate |
lavorare {vt} [rare] | :: to butter up or wheedle |
lavorare come un mulo {v} | :: to work like a horse (mule) |
lavorare di malavoglia {v} | :: to slog |
lavorare di malavoglia {v} | :: To work slowly and deliberately (overcoming significant boredom) |
lavorare d'intaglio {v} | :: to fret |
lavorare fino allo stremo {v} | :: to work one's fingers to the bone |
lavorare sodo {v} | :: to work hard |
lavorare sodo {v} | :: to keep one's nose to the grindstone |
lavorarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lavorare |
lavorarsi {v} | :: to work on something |
lavorarsi {v} | :: to butter up or wheedle |
lavorativo {adj} | :: working, work (attributive) |
lavorativo {adj} [agriculture] | :: tillable, arable |
lavorato {adj} | :: tooled |
lavorato {adj} | :: carved |
lavorato {adj} | :: wrought [iron, etc.] |
lavorato {adj} | :: worked [gold, etc.] |
lavorato {adj} | :: finished [product] |
lavorato {adj} | :: cultivated [land] |
lavoratore {adj} | :: working |
lavoratore {m} | :: worker, workman |
lavoratorio {m} [rare] | :: alternative form of laboratorio |
lavoratosi {v} | :: past participle of lavorarsi |
lavoratrice {f} | :: female equivalent of lavoratore |
lavoratura {f} [uncommon] | :: synonym of lavorazione |
lavorazione {f} | :: manufacturing, manufacture, working, work, workmanship, processing |
lavorazione {f} | :: tillage, cultivation |
lavorazione in vimini {f} | :: wickerwork |
lavoretto {m} | :: A simple piece of work, or one of little importance |
lavoretto da nulla {m} | :: synonym of lavoretto sporco |
lavoretto sporco {m} [pejorative] | :: dirty work |
lavoretto sporco {m} | :: One or more unpleasant tasks, assignments, or employment duties, especially those of a disreputable or illicit nature |
lavoricchiante {v} | :: present participle of lavoricchiare |
lavoricchiare {vi} | :: to potter about |
lavoricchiare {vi} | :: to do odd jobs |
lavoriero {m} | :: A V-shaped fishing net used in the Venetian lagoon to catch fish migrating to the sea |
lavorio {m} | :: Intense activity or work |
lavorista {mf} [legal] /la.voˈris.ta/ | :: Expert in labour law |
lavoro {m} | :: work (all senses) |
lavoro {m} | :: labour |
lavoro {m} | :: job, task |
lavoro d'intaglio {m} | :: fretwork |
lavoro d'intarsio {m} | :: fretwork |
lavoro d'ornato {m} | :: fretwork |
lavorone {m} | :: A heavy workload |
lavoro occasionale {m} | :: odd job |
lavorucchiare {v} [rare] | :: alternative form of lavoricchiare |
lawrentio {m} | :: alternative form of laurenzio |
laziale {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Lazio |
laziale {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the S.S. Lazio, the Italian football team based in Rome |
laziale {mf} | :: Native or inhabitant of Lazio |
laziale {mf} | :: A S.S. Lazio player or supporter |
laziale {m} | :: The dialect of Lazio |
lazio {adj} [poetic] /ˈlat.t͡sjo/ | :: Latin, Latian |
Lazio {prop} /ˈlattsjo/ | :: Lazio (region) |
Lazio {prop} [historical] | :: Latium |
lazo {m} /ˈlat͡so/ | :: lariat, lasso |
lazuleo {adj} [poetic] | :: lapis lazuli (attributive) |
lazulite {f} [mineralogy] | :: lazulite |
lazzare {vi} | :: To joke |
lazzaretto {m} | :: A leper hospital |
lazzaretto {m} | :: A place of quarantine; a lazaretto |
lazzarista {adj} | :: Lazarist |
lazzarista {mf} | :: Lazarist |
lazzaro {m} [obsolete] /ˈlad.d͡ | :: leper |
lazzaro {m} [historical, derogatory] | :: A supporter of the Bourbon monarchy in the south of Italy during the Risorgimento |
Lazzaro {prop} | :: Lazarus [biblical character] |
Lazzaro {prop} | :: given name |
lazzaronata {f} | :: The action of a scoundrel; a dirty trick |
lazzarone {m} | :: scoundrel, rogue |
lazzarone {m} [obsolete] | :: leper |
lazzaronesco {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a lazzarone (in all senses) |
lazzaronismo {m} | :: The attitude and behaviour of a lazzarone (in all senses) |
lazzaruola {f} | :: alternative form of lazzeruola |
lazzaruolo {m} | :: alternative form of lazzeruolo |
lazzeggiare {vi} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of lazzare |
lazzeretto {m} | :: alternative form of lazzaretto |
lazzero {m} | :: alternative form of lazzaro |
lazzerone {m} | :: alternative spelling of lazzarone |
lazzeruola {f} | :: azarole, mosphilla, Mediterranean medlar (fruit of the plant Crataegus azarolus) |
lazzeruolo {m} | :: azarole, mosphilla, Mediterranean medlar (plant Crataegus azarolus) |
lazzo {m} | :: jest |
lazzo {adj} [literary, of taste] | :: sharp, tart, pungent |
lazzo {adj} [rare, of sound] | :: shrill, piercing |
LC {prop} | :: abbreviation of Lecco (Italian town in Lombardy) |
LCD {m} | :: LCD |
le {art} /le/ | :: the |
le {pron} [accusative] | :: them (third-person plural feminine) |
le {pron} [dative] | :: her, to her |
le {pron} [dative] | :: you, to you (term of respect) |
Le {pron} [formal] | :: alternative case form of le |
LE {prop} [government, abbreviation] | :: abbreviation of Lecce (Italian town in Puglia) |
leader {mf} /ˈli.der/ | :: leader (chief; one in front) |
leaderanza {f} | :: leadership |
leaderino {m} | :: A leader of an unimportant group (especially of a youth organization) |
leaderismo {m} | :: The behaviour or attitude of a leader |
leaderistico {adj} | :: Characteristic of a leader |
leadership {f} | :: leadership |
leale {adj} | :: loyal, faithful |
leale {adj} | :: honest |
lealismo {m} | :: loyalism |
lealista {adj} | :: loyalist |
lealista {mf} | :: loyalist |
lealmente {adv} | :: loyally, faithfully |
lealmente {adv} | :: honestly |
lealtà {f} | :: loyalty, faithfulness |
lealtà {f} | :: fairness, honesty |
leandro {m} | :: alternative form of oleandro |
Leandro {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Leander |
Leandro {prop} | :: given name |
leanza {f} | :: synonym of lealtà |
Learco {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Learchus |
Learco {prop} | :: given name |
leardo {adj} | :: grey (especially of horses) |
lebbra {f} | :: leprosy |
lebbrosa {f} | :: leper (female) |
lebbrosario {m} | :: leper colony |
lebbroso {adj} | :: leprous |
lebbroso {m} | :: leper (male) |
Lebedo {prop} | :: Lebedus |
Leblanc {prop} | :: surname |
lecanomante {mf} | :: lecanomantic |
lecanomanzia {f} | :: lecanomancy |
leccaciuffi {f} [vulgar] | :: rug muncher (lesbian) |
leccaculo {mf} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: ass-licker, arse-licker, brown-noser |
leccaculo {mf} | :: lackey |
leccaculo {mf} | :: toady |
lecca lecca {m} | :: alternative spelling of lecca-lecca |
lecca-lecca {m} | :: lollipop, lolly |
leccalecca {m} | :: alternative spelling of lecca-lecca |
leccamento {m} | :: lick, licking |
leccante {v} | :: present participle of leccare |
leccantesi {v} | :: present participle of leccarsi |
leccapiatti {mf} | :: A very greedy person (literally a plate-licker) |
leccapiedi {mf} | :: bootlicker, crawler, brown-noser, flunky |
leccar {v} | :: apocopic form of leccare |
leccarda {f} | :: dripping pan (under roasting meat) |
leccardo {adj} | :: greedy, gluttonous |
leccardo {m} | :: glutton |
leccare {vt} | :: To lick |
leccarsi {vr} | :: To lick oneself |
leccarsi i baffi {v} | :: lick one's chops |
leccarsi i baffi {v} | :: lick one's lips |
leccasanti {mf} | :: bigot (literally a saint-licker) |
leccascodelle {mf} | :: synonym of leccapiatti |
leccata {f} | :: lick |
leccatamente {adv} | :: affectedly |
leccatina {f} | :: lick / flick of a whip (to encourage a horse) |
leccato {adj} | :: affected |
leccatore {m} | :: licker |
leccatore {m} | :: glutton; scrounger |
leccatore {m} | :: brown-noser |
leccatosi {v} | :: past participle of leccarsi |
leccatura {f} | :: licking (especially repetitively) |
leccazampe {mf} | :: synonym of leccapiedi |
Lecce {prop} | :: Lecce (city/and/province) |
leccese {mf} | :: A native or inhabitant of Lecce |
leccese {adj} | :: Of or relating to Lecce or the Lecce people |
lecceta {f} | :: alternative form of lecceto |
lecceto {m} | :: holm oak wood (forest) |
lecchese {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Lecco |
lecchese {mf} | :: Native or inhabitant of Lecco |
lecchetto {m} | :: dainty morsel |
lecchino {m} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: arse-licker, brown-noser, lackey, toady |
leccia {f} | :: leerfish (Lichia amia) |
leccia {f} | :: greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) |
leccia {f} | :: seal shark (Scymnorhinus licha) |
leccia {f} | :: holm oak acorn |
leccio {m} | :: holm oak, ilex (Quercus ilex) |
Lecco {prop} | :: Lecco (town/and/province) |
leccone {m} | :: glutton |
leccone {m} | :: lickspittle |
leccornia {f} /lek.korˈni.a/ | :: delicacy, dainty (food) |
leccume {m} | :: treat (morsel of good food) |
leccume {m} | :: allurement |
lecere {v} | :: alternative form of licere |
lechitico {adj} | :: Lechitic |
lechito {m} | :: Lechite |
lecitamente {adv} | :: lawfully |
lecitamente {adv} | :: rightly, correctly |
lecitezza {f} | :: alternative form of licitezza |
lecitina {f} [organic chemistry] | :: lecithin |
lecito {adj} /ˈle.tʃ | :: allowed |
lecito {adj} [law] | :: lawful, legal, licit |
lecito {m} | :: what is right, allowed |
lectina {f} [protein] | :: lectin |
Leda {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Leda |
Leda {prop} | :: given name |
ledente {v} | :: present participle of ledere |
ledere {vt} /ˈlɛ | :: to hurt, infringe |
ledere {vt} | :: to injure, damage |
leena {f} [poetic] | :: synonym of leonessa |
lega {f} | :: league (politics, sport, distance), gang |
lega {f} | :: association, society |
lega {f} [chemistry] | :: alloy |
lega {f} | :: league (length) |
Lega {prop} [politics] | :: ellipsis of Lega Nord |
Legabasket {prop} | :: The Italian basketball league |
legaccia {f} | :: alternative form of legaccio |
legaccio {m} | :: shoelace |
legaccio {m} | :: bond (physical connection which binds) |
legacciolo {m} | :: synonym of legaccio |
legale {adj} | :: lawful, legitimate |
legale {adj} [attribute] | :: legal, law |
legale {adj} | :: juridical, juristic |
legale {mf} | :: lawyer, attorney |
legalismo {m} | :: legalism |
legalista {adj} | :: legalist |
legalista {mf} | :: legalist |
legalistico {adj} | :: legalistic |
legalità {f} | :: legality, lawfulness |
legalitario {adj} | :: law-abiding |
legalitario {adj} | :: legal |
legalizzante {v} | :: present participle of legalizzare |
legalizzare {vt} /le.ɡa.lidˈd͡ | :: to legalize |
legalizzare {vt} | :: to authenticate |
legalizzazione {f} /le.ɡa.lid.d͡zaˈt͡ | :: legalization |
legalmente {adv} | :: legally, lawfully |
legame {m} | :: link, bond |
legame {m} | :: connection, relationship, tie |
legame chimico {m} [chemistry] | :: chemical bond |
legame covalente {m} [chemistry] | :: covalent bond |
legame dativo {m} [chemistry] | :: dative bond |
legame idrogeno {m} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen bond |
legame ionico {m} [chemistry] | :: ionic bond |
legamento {m} | :: tying, binding |
legamento {m} | :: link, connection |
legamento {m} | :: string, tape |
legamento {m} | :: liaison |
legamento {m} | :: ligament |
legamento {m} [music] | :: ligature, slur |
legamentoso {adj} [anatomy] | :: ligamental |
legame peptidico {m} [biochemistry, chemistry] | :: peptide bond |
Lega Nord {prop} [politics] | :: A rightist Italian political party that presses for the secession of Padania from Italy |
legante {adj} | :: bound, tied |
legante {adj} | :: connected, linked |
legante {adj} [chemistry, of an orbital] | :: bonding |
legante {m} [chemistry] | :: ligand |
legante {m} | :: thickener [for food sauces, etc.] |
legantesi {v} | :: present participle of legarsi |
legare {vt} /leˈɡare/ | :: to bind or tie |
legare {vt} | :: to unite |
legare {vt} | :: to connect |
legare {vi} | :: to get on (with someone) |
legare {vi} | :: to alloy |
legarsi {v} | :: reflexive of legare |
legarsi {v} | :: to become attached to |
legata {f} | :: tying up |
legataria {f} | :: female equivalent of legatario |
legatario {m} | :: legatee (the beneficiary of a legacy) |
legatissimo {adj} | :: superlative of legato |
legatizio {adj} | :: legate (attributive) |
legato {adj} | :: awkward, stiff |
legato {adj} | :: linked, connected, tied |
legato {adj} | :: close, attached, involved |
legato {m} | :: legate |
legato {m} | :: legacy, bequest, background |
legato pontificio {m} | :: papal legate |
legatore {m} | :: bookbinder |
legatoria {f} | :: bookbinding |
legatoria {f} | :: a bindery |
legatosi {v} | :: past participle of legarsi |
legatrice {f} | :: binder (agricultural machine) |
legatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of legatore |
legatura {f} | :: binding (of a book) |
legatura {f} | :: ligature |
legatura {f} | :: logotype |
legatura {f} [orthography, typography] | :: typographic ligature |
legazia {f} | :: legation (office of a legate) |
legazione {f} | :: legation |
legenda {f} | :: legend (text) |
legenda {f} | :: key (to a diagram etc) |
legge {f} | :: law |
legge di conservazione {f} [physics] | :: conservation law |
legge di Hubble {f} [astronomy] | :: Hubble's law |
leggenda {f} | :: legend (myth, and explanatory inscription) |
leggenda {f} | :: old wives' tale |
leggendariamente {adv} | :: legendarily |
leggendario {adj} | :: legendary |
leggendario {m} | :: A collection of legends, especially about the saints |
leggente {v} | :: present participle of leggere |
leggentesi {v} | :: present participle of leggersi |
leggera {f} | :: vagabond, gypsy |
leggere {vti} /ˈlɛddʒere/ | :: to read |
leggere fra le righe {v} | :: alternative form of leggere tra le righe |
leggere tra le righe {v} [idiomatic] | :: to read between the lines |
leggerezza {f} | :: lightness (having little weight) |
leggerezza {f} | :: lightness (agility) |
leggerezza {f} | :: blitheness, thoughtlessness |
leggerezza {f} [rare] | :: trifle |
leggerissimo {adj} | :: superlative of leggero |
leggermente {adv} | :: mildly, gently |
leggermente {adv} | :: slightly |
leggermente {adv} | :: lightly, nimbly |
leggermente {adv} | :: thoughtlessly |
leggero {adj} /ledˈdʒɛro/ | :: light (in weight) |
leggero {adj} [music] | :: pop |
leggero {adj} | :: slight |
leggero {adj} | :: thin (thicker than sottile) |
leggerone {m} | :: scatterbrain |
leggersi {v} | :: reflexive of leggere |
leggersi {v} | :: to be read [in a particular way] |
leggersi {v} | :: to read |
leggiadramente {adv} | :: prettily, gracefully |
leggiadria {f} /led.d͡ʒaˈdri.a/ | :: loveliness, prettiness |
leggiadria {f} | :: elegance |
leggiadro {adj} /ledˈd͡ʒa.dro/ | :: lovely, pretty |
leggiadro {adj} | :: elegant, graceful, sightly |
leggibile {adj} | :: legible, readable |
leggibilità {f} | :: legibility, readability, readableness |
leggibilmente {adv} | :: legibly, readably |
leggicchiante {v} | :: present participle of leggicchiare |
leggicchiare {vt} | :: To skim through (read in a cursory manner) |
leggiera {f} | :: alternative form of leggera |
leggiere {m} | :: alternative form of leggiera |
leggieri {adj} | :: alternative form of leggero |
leggiero {adj} | :: archaic spelling of leggero |
leggina {f} [legal] | :: bylaw |
leggio {m} /ledˈdʒio/ | :: bookrest |
leggio {m} | :: music stand |
leggio {m} | :: lectern |
leggista {f} | :: alternative form of legista |
leggitore {m} | :: alternative form of lettore |
leggitore {m} [computing] | :: punched card reader |
leggiucchiante {v} | :: present participle of leggiucchiare |
leggiucchiare {vt} | :: alternative form of leggicchiare |
leghismo {m} | :: A tendency to form associations between political parties and trade unions etc |
leghista {adj} [attributive] | :: league |
leghista {adj} [politics] | :: Of or pertaining to Lega / Lega Nord |
leghista {mf} [politics] | :: A member or supporter of the Lega / Lega Nord |
legiferante {v} | :: present participle of legiferare |
legiferare {vi} | :: to legislate; to pass laws |
legiferazione {f} | :: legislation |
legionario {m} | :: legionnaire |
legione {f} /leˈd͡ʒ | :: legion (of troops) |
legione {f} | :: host, multitude |
legione {f} [taxonomy] | :: order (more normal is ordine) |
legionella {f} | :: bacteria of the genus Legionella |
legionellosi {f} [pathology] | :: legionellosis, Legionnaires' disease |
legislativamente {adv} | :: legislatively |
legislativo {adj} | :: legislative |
legislatore {m} | :: legislator, lawmaker, lawgiver |
legislatura {f} | :: legislature |
legislazione {f} | :: legislation |
legismo {m} [philosophy] | :: legalism (in Chinese philosophy) |
legista {mf} [legal] | :: jurist |
legittima {f} [legal] | :: dower |
legittimabile {adj} | :: That can be legitimized |
legittimamente {adv} | :: legitimately |
legittimante {v} | :: present participle of legittimare |
legittimante {adj} | :: legitimizing |
legittimare {vt} | :: To legitimize |
legittimario {m} [legal] | :: forced heir (one who cannot be disinherited) |
legittimatorio {adj} | :: legitimizing |
legittimazione {f} | :: legitimation |
legittimismo {m} [legal] | :: legitimism |
legittimista {mf} [legal] | :: legitimist |
legittimistico {adj} | :: legitimistic |
legittimità {f} | :: legitimacy |
legittimizzante {v} | :: present participle of legittimizzare |
legittimizzare {v} | :: to legitimize |
legittimizzazione {f} | :: legitimization |
legittimo {adj} | :: legitimate, legal, rightful |
legittimo {adj} | :: legitimate, proper, fair |
legna {f} | :: firewood |
legnaceo {adj} | :: ligneous |
legnaggio {m} | :: alternative form of lignaggio |
legnaia {f} | :: woodshed |
legnaiolo {m} | :: woodcutter |
legname {m} | :: timber, wood |
legnamistico {adj} | :: timber, wood (attributive) |
legnanese {adj} | :: Of or from Legnano |
Legnano {prop} | :: Legnano (town) |
legnante {v} | :: present participle of legnare |
Legnante {prop} | :: surname |
legnantesi {v} | :: present participle of legnarsi |
legnare {vt} [familiar] | :: to beat with a stick |
legnare {vt} [familiar] | :: to defeat overwhelmingly |
legnare {vt} [archaic] | :: to gather firewood |
legnarsi {v} | :: reflexive of legnare |
legnarsi {v} [familiar, reciprocal] | :: to beat one another with a stick |
legnata {f} [familiar] | :: blow or a beating with a stick |
legnatico {m} | :: The ancient right to collect firewood |
legnatosi {v} | :: past participle of legnarsi |
legnatura {f} [uncommon] | :: beating, spanking, hiding |
legnetti {m} [musical instruments] | :: claves |
legno {m} /ˈleɲːo/ | :: wood (the material, or a piece of wood) |
legno {m} | :: sailing ship |
legno {m} | :: (plural) woodwind instrument |
legnolo {m} [nautical] | :: strand (of a rope or cable) |
legnosamente {adv} | :: stiffly |
legnosità {f} | :: woodiness |
legnosità {f} | :: stiffness |
legnoso {adj} | :: woody |
legnoso {adj} | :: stiff, wooden |
legnuolo {m} | :: Variant of legnolo |
leguleico {adj} | :: pettyfogging |
leguleio {m} | :: pettyfogger |
legume {m} | :: legume (peas, beans, lentils and similar pulses) |
legumiera {f} | :: vegetable dish |
leguminosa {f} | :: legume (peas and beans) |
lei {pron} /lɛːi/ | :: she |
lei {pron} | :: her |
lei {pron} | :: it |
lei {pron} [formal] | :: you |
Lei {pron} [formal, polite] | :: alternative case form of lei |
leibniziano {adj} | :: Leibnizian |
Leida {prop} /ˈlɛi.da/ | :: Leida (city) |
leishmaniosi {f} [pathology] | :: Leishmaniasis |
leitmotiv {m} | :: leitmotif (musical or otherwise) |
Lelio {prop} | :: given name |
lellare {vi} | :: To linger, dawdle, hesitate |
lemanico {adj} | :: Lake Geneva (attributive) |
Lemano {prop} | :: Lake Geneva / Lake Léman |
lembello {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: lambel |
lembo {m} | :: hem |
lembo {m} | :: strip (of material or land) |
Lemene {prop} | :: A river that flows in Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
lemma {m} [mathematics, linguistics, lexicography] /ˈlɛmːa/ | :: lemma |
lemma {m} | :: entry (in a dictionary) |
lemmario {m} | :: A list of all the words in a dictionary |
lemmatico {adj} | :: lemmatic |
lemmatizzante {v} | :: present participle of lemmatizzare |
lemmatizzare {vt} | :: To list (a word) in a dictionary |
lemmatizzazione {f} | :: listing in a dictionary |
lemme {adv} | :: only in lemme lemme |
lemme lemme {adv} | :: Very slowly |
lemna {f} | :: duckweed |
lemnisco {m} | :: lemniscus |
Lemno {prop} | :: Lemno (island) |
lemosina {f} | :: alternative form of elemosina |
Lemuele {prop} [Biblical character] | :: Lemuel |
Lemuele {prop} | :: given name |
lemure {m} | :: lemur |
lemure {m} [roman mytholgy] | :: lemures (spirits of the restless) |
lemure catta {m} | :: Variant of lemure dalla coda ad anelli |
lemure dalla coda ad anelli {m} | :: ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) |
lena {f} | :: force, energy, vigour |
lena {f} | :: breath |
lenci {m} | :: A soft felt fabric used in the manufacture of dolls etc |
Lendava {prop} | :: A small town in the Oltremura statistical region of Slovenia |
lendine {m} | :: nit |
lendinoso {adj} | :: nitty (having nits in one's hair) |
lene {adj} [literary] /ˈlɛ.ne/ | :: mild, gentle, soft |
lene {adj} [literary, poetic] | :: smooth |
lene {adj} [literary, phonetics] | :: lenis |
lenemente {adv} | :: mildly, gently, softly |
lenemente {adv} | :: lightly |
lenente {v} | :: present participle of lenire |
leneo {adj} | :: dionysian, bacchic |
lenimento {m} | :: soothing, relief, alleviation |
Leningrado {prop} [historical] | :: Leningrado (city); former name of Saint Petersburg, used from 1924 to 1991 |
Leningrado {prop} | :: Leningrado (oblast) |
leniniano {adj} | :: Leninian, Leninist |
leninismo {m} [politics] /leniˈnismo/ | :: Leninism |
leninista {adj} /leniˈnista/ | :: Leninist |
leninista {mf} | :: Leninist |
leninistico {adj} | :: Leninist, Leninistic |
lenire {vt} | :: to soothe, relieve |
lenità {f} [literary] | :: lenity |
lenitivo {adj} [medicine] | :: lenitive |
lenitivo {m} [medicine] | :: lenitive |
lenizione {f} | :: lenition |
Lenno {prop} | :: Lenno (small town) |
lenone {m} [colloquial] | :: pimp |
lentaggine {f} | :: laurestine (Viburnum tinus) |
lentamente {adv} /len.taˈmɛn.te/ | :: slowly |
lentare {vt} [often, poetic] | :: synonym of allentare |
lentare {vt} [often, poetic] | :: to release by loosening one's hold; to let go |
lentare {vi} [literary] | :: to diminish in vigor or intensity; to deenergize |
lentarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lentare |
lentarsi {vi} [literary] | :: to diminish in vigor or intensity; to deenergize |
lente {f} | :: lens |
lente a contatto {f} | :: contact lens |
lente d'ingrandimento {f} | :: magnifying glass |
lenteggiare {vi} [rare] | :: To be dull or slow |
lentezza {f} | :: slowness, sluggishness |
lentezza {f} | :: slow-wittedness |
lentia {f} [nautical] | :: A harness used to roll a cask or barrel along an inclined plane |
lenticchia {f} | :: lentil |
lenticella {f} [botany] | :: lenticel |
lenticellare {adj} [botany] | :: lenticellate |
lenticolare {adj} | :: lenticular, lentiform |
lentiggine {f} | :: freckle |
lentigginoso {adj} | :: freckled |
lentina {f} | :: contact lens |
lentina {f} | :: small lens |
lentinese {adj} | :: Of, or from, Lentini |
lentinese {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Lentini |
Lentini {prop} | :: Lentini (town) |
lentischio {m} /lenˈtis.kjo/ | :: uncommon form of lentisco |
lentisco {m} /lenˈtis.ko/ | :: mastic (Pistacia lentiscus) |
lentissimamente {adv} /lenˈˌmɛn.te/ | :: superlative of lentamente - very slowly |
lentissimo {adj} /lenˈtis.ː | :: superlative of lento |
lento {adj} /ˈlɛ | :: slow |
lento come una lumaca {adj} | :: slow as a snail |
lento come una lumaca {adj} [simile] | :: Extremely slow |
lentocrazia {f} [colloquial] | :: bureaucratic inefficiency |
lenza {f} | :: fishing line |
lenzuolata {f} | :: A long line of washing on a washing line |
lenzuolata {f} [colloquial] | :: A long list of things to be done: laundry list |
lenzuolo {m} /lenˈt͡swɔ.lo/ | :: sheet, bedsheet |
leofante {m} | :: synonym of elefante |
leonardesca {f} | :: feminine noun of leonardesco |
leonardesco {adj} /le.o.narˈde.sko/ | :: Of or pertaining to Leonardo da Vinci; Leonardesque |
leonardesco {m} | :: A member of the Leonardeschi |
Leonardi {prop} | :: surname |
Leonardo {prop} /le.oˈ | :: given name |
Leonardo {prop} | :: Leonardo da Vinci, Italian polymath |
leonato {adj} | :: tawny, fawn (similar to the fur of a lion) |
Leoncavallo {prop} | :: surname |
Leoncavallo {prop} | :: Ruggero Leoncavallo, Italian composer |
leoncello {m} | :: Small or young lion |
leoncino {m} | :: lion cub |
leoncino {m} | :: small lion |
leone {m} | :: lion |
leone {m} [astrology] | :: Leo, the Zodiac sign for the lion, covering July 23 - August 22 |
leone {m} [heraldry] | :: lion |
Leone {prop} [astronomy, astrology] | :: Leo (constellation) |
Leone {prop} [astrology] | :: Leo (star sign) |
Leone {prop} | :: surname |
Leone {prop} | :: Giovanni Leone, Italian politician and sixth President of Italy |
leone da tastiera {m} [Internet, pejorative, slang] | :: anonymous person who offends people online; hater |
leone marino {m} | :: sea lion |
leone marino {m} | :: eared seal |
leone marino {m} | :: otary |
leone marino australiano {m} | :: Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) |
leone marino della California {m} | :: synonym of otaria della California |
leone marino della Nuova Zelanda {m} | :: New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) |
leone marino delle Galapagos {m} | :: Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) |
leone marino di Hooker {m} | :: synonym of leone marino della Nuova Zelanda |
leone marino di Steller {m} | :: Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) |
leone marino giapponese {m} | :: Japanese sea lion (Zalophus japonicus) |
leone marino meridionale {m} | :: synonym of leone marino sudamericano |
leone marino sudamericano {m} | :: South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) |
leonesco {adj} | :: leonine |
leonese {m} | :: Leonese (language) |
leonessa {f} | :: lioness |
Leonessa {prop} | :: Leonessa (small town) |
Leonetti {prop} | :: surname |
leonfante {m} | :: synonym of elefante |
leoniceno {adj} | :: Of or from Lonigo |
Leonida {prop} | :: Leonidas |
Leonida {prop} | :: given name |
Leonilde {prop} | :: given name |
leonino {adj} | :: leonine |
leonino {adj} | :: lion [attributive] |
Leonora {prop} | :: given name; diminutive form of Eleonora |
leontiasi {f} | :: leontiasis |
leontopetalo {m} | :: lion’s leaf (Leontice leontopetalum) |
leontopodio {m} | :: edelweiss |
Leonzio {prop} | :: given name |
leopardato {adj} | :: leopard-skin (attributive) |
leopardeggiare {vi} | :: To write in the style of Giacomo Leopardi |
Leopardi {prop} | :: surname |
Leopardi {prop} | :: Giacomo Leopardi (1798–1837), Italian poet |
leopardiano {adj} /le.o.parˈ | :: Leopardian (of or pertaining to Giacomo Leopardi) |
leopardo {m} | :: leopard |
leopardo {m} [heraldry] | :: leopard |
leopoldino {adj} | :: Leopold (attributive) |
Leopoldo {prop} | :: given name |
Leopoli {prop} | :: Leopoli (city/administrative center) |
lepade {f} | :: gooseneck barnacle |
Lepanto {prop} | :: Lepanto (town) |
lepidamente {adv} /le.pi.daˈmen.te/ | :: wittily |
lepidezza {f} [literary] /le.piˈdet.t͡sa/ | :: wit, wittiness |
lepidio {m} | :: lepidium |
lepidità {f} [literary] | :: wit, wittiness |
lepido- {prefix} | :: lepido- |
lepido {adj} [literary] /ˈlɛ | :: witty |
lepidoblastico {adj} [petrology] /le.pi.doˈblas.ti.ko/ | :: Characterized by metamorphic rocks, with abundance of siliceous minerals with a lamellate surface |
lepidolite {f} [mineral] | :: lepidolite |
lepidosirena {f} | :: lepidosiren |
lepidottero {m} | :: lepidopter (butterfly or moth of the order Lepidoptera) |
lepilemure {m} | :: sportive lemur |
lepilemure di Sahamalaza {m} | :: Variant of lepilemure rosso |
lepilemure rosso {m} | :: Sahamalaza sportive lemur |
lepilemure rosso {m} | :: Variant of lepilemure di Sahamalaza (Lepilemur sahamalazensis) |
lepisma {m} | :: silverfish (a small wingless insect) |
Leponzi {prop} | :: Lepontii |
leporino {adj} | :: harelike; hare (attributive) |
leppo {m} | :: stench, stink (smelly gas) |
lepra {f} [archaic] | :: alternative spelling of lebbra |
lepre {f} /ˈlɛ | :: hare (mammal, meat) |
lepre {f} | :: symbol of speed, caution, or timidity |
lepre {f} | :: pacemaker |
lepre artica {f} | :: arctic hare |
leprechaun {m} [Irish folklore] /ˈlɛ.pre.kon/ | :: leprechaun |
leprechaunismo {m} [genetic disorder, usually uncountable] /le.pre.kauˈni.zmo/ | :: leprechaunism, Donohue syndrome |
lepre in salmì {f} | :: A ragout of hare in a rich sauce, a traditional dish of mountain areas in Northern Italy mainly Trentino, Veneto, Piemonte, Emilia-Romagna and Toscana (Lunigiana) |
Lepre Marzolina {prop} [Alice in Wonderland] | :: the March hare |
lepre saltatrice del Capo {f} | :: springhare (Petedes capensis) |
leprino {adj} | :: leporine |
leprologia {f} [medicine] | :: leprology |
leproso {adj} [pathology] | :: leprous (relating to the disease leprosy) |
leprotto {m} | :: leveret |
leptina {f} [biochemistry] | :: leptin |
leptocefalo {m} | :: leptocephalus (transparent larva of an eel) |
leptoclasi {f} [geology] | :: leptoclase |
leptofonia {f} | :: A lowering of the voice, typically due to damage to the vocal cords |
leptomeninge {f} [anatomy] | :: leptomeninges |
leptomeningeo {adj} | :: leptomeningeal |
leptone {m} [physics] | :: lepton |
leptonico {adj} | :: lepton (attributive) |
leptorrinia {f} | :: The condition of being leptorhine |
leptorrino {adj} | :: leptorhine |
leptosomico {adj} | :: leptosomatic |
leptospirosi {f} [pathology] | :: leptospirosis |
l'erba cattiva non muore mai {proverb} | :: a bad penny always turns up |
l'erba del vicino è sempre più verde {proverb} | :: the grass is always greener on the other side (the others' circumstances seem more desirable) |
Lercari {prop} | :: surname |
lerciamente {adv} | :: filthily, foully |
lercio {adj} /ˈlɛr.t͡ʃo/ | :: filthy, foul |
lercioso {adj} | :: synonym of lercio |
lerciume {m} | :: filth |
lerneo {adj} | :: Lernean |
Lerner {prop} | :: surname |
Lerner {prop} | :: Gad Lerner, Italian journalist and anchorman |
lernia {f} | :: A person who has finicky / picky food tastes |
Lero {prop} | :: Leros (Greek island) |
lesbiaco {adj} | :: Lesbian (Of or from Lesbos) |
lesbica {f} | :: lesbian |
lesbico {adj} | :: lesbian |
lesbio {adj} | :: Lesbian (of or from Lesbos) |
lesbio {m} | :: Lesbian (native of Lesbos) |
lesbismo {m} | :: lesbianism |
Lesbo {prop} | :: Lesbos |
lesena {f} [architecture] | :: lesene (shallow decorative pilaster on a wall) |
lesina {f} /ˈ | :: bradawl |
lesina {f} | :: stinginess |
lesina {f} | :: avarice |
Lesina {prop} | :: Lesina (small town) |
lesinante {v} | :: present participle of lesinare |
lesinare {v} | :: to skimp |
lesinare {v} | :: to begrudge |
lesinare {v} | :: to be stingy |
lesineria {f} | :: Petty avarice |
lesionante {v} | :: present participle of lesionare |
lesionantesi {v} | :: present participle of lesionarsi |
lesionare {vt} | :: to damage |
lesionare {vt} | :: to lesion |
lesionarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lesionare |
lesionarsi {v} | :: to be damaged or lesioned |
lesionato {adj} | :: damaged |
lesionato {adj} | :: lesioned |
lesionatosi {v} | :: past participle of lesionarsi |
lesione {f} /leˈ | :: damage |
lesione {f} | :: injury |
lesione {f} | :: lesion |
lesivamente {adv} | :: detrimentally, injuriously |
lesività {f} | :: harmfulness |
lesivo {adj} /leˈzi.vo/ | :: detrimental or damaging (to); injurious |
leso {adj} /ˈle.zo/ | :: damaged |
leso {adj} | :: injured |
lesothiana {f} | :: Woman from Lesotho |
lesothiano {adj} | :: Lesotho [attributive], of Lesotho |
lesothiano {m} | :: Mosotho, person from Lesotho |
Lesotho {prop} | :: Lesotho |
lessamento {m} | :: alternative form of lessatura |
lessante {v} | :: present participle of lessare |
lessare {vt} | :: to boil (to cook in boiling water), to stew, to poach |
lessatura {f} | :: boiling (cooking of food in boiling water) |
lessema {m} | :: lexeme |
lessematica {f} | :: lexematics |
lessematico {adj} | :: lexemic |
lessemico {adj} | :: alternative form of lessematico |
lessepsiano {adj} | :: Lessepsian |
lessia {f} | :: alternative form of lessema |
lessicale {adj} | :: lexical |
lessicalizzare {v} | :: To lexicalize |
lessicalizzarsi {v} | :: To be lexicalized |
lessicalizzazione {f} | :: lexicalisation |
lessicalmente {adv} | :: lexically |
lessicista {mf} | :: synonym of lessicografo |
lessico {m} | :: vocabulary, lexicon |
lessico {m} | :: dictionary, lexicon |
lessicografa {f} | :: female equivalent of lessicografo |
lessicografia {f} | :: lexicography (art or craft of writing dictionaries) |
lessicografico {adj} | :: lexicographic |
lessicografo {m} | :: lexicographer |
lessicologa {f} | :: lexicologist (female) |
lessicologia {f} [linguistics] | :: lexicology |
lessicologicamente {adv} | :: lexicologically |
lessicologico {adj} [linguistics] | :: lexicological |
lessicologo {m} | :: lexicologist |
lessicometria {f} | :: lexicometry |
lessicometrico {adj} | :: lexicometric |
lessicostatistica {f} | :: lexicostatistics |
lesso {adj} | :: boiled |
lesso {m} | :: boiled meat |
lesso {m} | :: boiling meat |
lestamente {adv} | :: quickly, nimbly |
lestamente {adv} | :: hastily |
lestezza {f} | :: speed, velocity |
lestezza {f} | :: promptness, readiness |
lesto {adj} /ˈlɛsto/ | :: quick, fast |
lestofante {mf} | :: swindler, con man |
lestra {f} | :: lair (of a wild animal) |
lestra {f} | :: Shepherd's hut (when moving animals to a new pasture) |
le sue {pron} | :: his (that which belongs to him) |
letale {adj} | :: lethal, deadly |
letalità {f} | :: lethality |
letalmente {adv} | :: lethally |
letamaio {m} | :: dunghill, dungheap, muckheap |
letamaio {m} [figurative, by extension] | :: pigsty, pigpen, piggery (dirty place) |
letamare {vt} [rare] /le.taˈ | :: to manure (to fertilize using manure) |
letamaro {m} | :: alternative form of letamaio |
letamazione {f} | :: manuring |
letame {m} | :: manure |
letame {m} [figuratively] | :: immorality, corruption |
letana {f} | :: alternative form of litania |
letanía {f} | :: alternative form of litania |
letargia {f} [pathology] /le.tarˈdʒi.a/ | :: lethargy |
letargia {f} [by extension] | :: drowsiness, sleepiness |
letargico {adj} | :: lethargic |
letargo {m} | :: hibernation |
letargo {m} | :: lethargy |
Lete {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Lethe |
Letè {prop} | :: medieval spelling of Lete |
leteo {adj} | :: Lethean |
leteo {adj} | :: inducing death or oblivion |
Leteo {prop} | :: Lethe |
leticare {v} | :: synonym of litigare |
letificare {v} | :: To cheer up (make happy or joyful) |
Letimbro {prop} | :: Letimbro (small river) |
letizia {f} | :: joy, happiness |
Letizia {prop} | :: given name |
letiziare {v} | :: To gladden |
letiziare {v} | :: To rejoice |
letta {f} | :: A brief reading of a text; a glance |
Letta {prop} | :: surname |
Letta {prop} | :: Enrico Letta, Italian politician |
lettera {f} | :: letter (all senses) |
lettera citatoria {f} [legal] | :: subpoena, summons |
letterale {adj} | :: literal |
letteralismo {m} | :: literalism |
letteralità {f} | :: literalness |
letteralmente {adv} | :: literally |
lettera maiuscola {f} | :: capital letter; capital |
lettera minuscola {f} | :: lower case letter |
letterariamente {adv} | :: literarily |
letterario {adj} /let.teˈra.rjo/ | :: literary |
letterata {f} | :: female equivalent of letterato |
letterato {adj} | :: lettered, educated, cultured |
letterato {adj} | :: well-read |
letterato {adj} | :: literate |
letterato {m} | :: scholar |
letteratume {m} | :: men of letters (collectively) |
letteratura {f} | :: literature |
letteratura {f} | :: bibliography |
lettereccio {adj} | :: bedding (attributive) |
letterina {f} | :: Any of the young, female presenters of the Italian TV quiz show Passaparola |
lettiera {f} | :: litter (bedding material for animals or absorbent material for animal excrement) |
lettiera per gatti {f} | :: cat litter |
Lettiere {prop} | :: surname |
lettiga {f} | :: litter (wheel-less vehicle) |
lettiga {f} | :: stretcher, (rescue) litter |
lettighiera {f} | :: female equivalent of lettighiere |
lettighiere {m} | :: stretcher-bearer |
lettime {m} | :: litter (for animals in a stall) |
lettino {m} | :: A small bed, especially one for children |
lettino {m} | :: A camp bed or similar lightweight bed, especially one used for sunbathing |
lettino da campo {m} | :: cot, camp bed |
lettisternio {m} | :: lectisternium |
letto {m} [furniture] | :: bed |
letto {m} [potamology, hydrology] | :: riverbed |
letto a baldacchino {m} [furniture] | :: canopy bed, four-poster bed |
letto a castello {m} [furniture] | :: bunk, bunkbed, bunk bed |
letto a due piazze {m} [furniture] | :: double bed |
letto ad una piazza {m} [furniture] | :: single bed |
letto matrimoniale {m} [furniture] | :: double bed |
lettone {adj} /ˈlɛttone/ | :: Latvian |
lettone {mf} | :: Latvian |
lettone {m} | :: The Latvian language |
lettone {m} | :: [augmentative of letto] double bed |
Lettonia {prop} | :: Latvia |
lettor {m} | :: apocopic form of lettore |
lettorato {m} | :: lectorship, assistantship (at a university) |
lettorato {m} | :: lectorate |
lettorato {m} | :: course in foreign language |
lettore {m} | :: reader [person who reads] |
lettore {m} | :: player, reader, scanner [device] |
lettore {m} | :: lecturer, reader, lector [university] |
lettore {m} [religion] | :: lector |
lettore CD {m} | :: CD player |
lettore della mano {m} | :: fortuneteller |
lettore DVD {m} | :: DVD player |
lettore MP3 {m} | :: MP3 player |
lettosi {v} | :: past participle of leggersi |
letto singolo {m} [furniture] | :: single bed |
lettrice {f} | :: (person who reads) reader |
lettrice {f} | :: (university) lecturer, reader, lector |
lettrice {f} [religion] | :: lector |
lettuccio {m} | :: cot (child's bed) |
lettura {f} | :: reading (all senses) |
lettura {f} | :: lecture |
lettura {f} [printing, dated] | :: cicero, 12-point type |
letturista {mf} | :: meter reader |
leucantemo {m} | :: daisy (especially the oxeye daisy) |
leucemia {f} [oncology] | :: leukemia |
leucemico {adj} [oncology] | :: leukemic |
leucemico {m} | :: Person suffering from leukemia |
leucina {f} [amino acid] | :: leucine |
Leucio {prop} | :: given name |
leucippeo {adj} | :: Leucippean |
leucismo {m} | :: leucism |
leuco- {prefix} | :: leuco-, leuko- [all senses] |
leucoblastico {adj} [medicine] /leu̯.koˈblas.ti.ko/ | :: Of or pertaining to leukoblasts |
leucoblasto {m} | :: leukoblast |
leucocita {m} | :: Variant of leucocito |
leucocitico {adj} [cytology] | :: leukocytic |
leucocito {m} | :: leukocyte, white blood cell |
leucocitolisi {f} [cytology] | :: leukocytolysis |
leucocitometria {f} | :: leucocytometry |
leucocitopoiesi {f} | :: leucocytopoiesis / leukopoiesis |
leucocitosi {f} [medicine] | :: leukocytosis |
leucocoria {f} [pathology] | :: leukocoria |
leucodermia {f} [medicine] | :: leukoderma, vitiligo |
leucoencefalopatia {f} [pathology] | :: leukoencephalopathy |
leucogeno {adj} | :: leukogenic |
leucoma {m} [pathology] | :: leucoma |
leucomielite {f} [pathology] | :: poliomyelitis |
leuconichia {f} | :: leuconychia |
leucopatia {f} [pathology] | :: leucopathy, albinism |
leucopenia {f} [pathology] | :: leukopenia |
leucoplachia {f} [pathology] | :: leukoplakia |
leucoplasia {f} | :: leukoplasia / leukoplakia |
leucoplasto {m} | :: leucoplast |
leucopoiesi {f} | :: leukopoiesis |
leucorrea {f} [pathology] | :: leukorrhea |
leucorroico {adj} | :: leukorrhoeal |
leucosi {f} | :: leucosis |
leucotriene {m} [medicine] | :: leukotriene |
leva {f} | :: lever |
leva {f} [military] | :: call-up, conscription, draft, national service |
leva {f} [military, called up soldiers] | :: those called-up, conscripts |
levabile {adj} | :: removable |
levacapsule {m} | :: bottle opener (especially a crown cap remover) |
levachiodi {m} | :: pliers, crowbar (especially a tool for removing nails from wood) |
leva del cambio {f} | :: gear lever, gear shift |
levafogli {m} | :: Device on a printing press that removes and stacks the printed sheets |
levame {m} | :: yeast, leavening |
levamento {m} | :: lifting, raising |
levamento {m} | :: alleviation, mitigation |
levanoccioli {m} | :: fruit-stone remover |
levante {adj} /leˈvan.te/ | :: rising |
levante {m} | :: east |
levante {m} | :: levanter (easterly wind) |
levante {v} | :: present participle of levare |
Levante {prop} | :: Levant |
Levante {prop} | :: The eastern end of the Ligurian Riviera (see also Ponente) |
levantesi {v} | :: present participle of levarsi |
levantino {adj} | :: Levantine |
levantino {adj} | :: unscrupulous |
levantino {m} | :: Levantine |
Levanzo {prop} | :: One of the Egadi islands |
levapunti {mf} | :: staple remover |
levar {v} | :: apocopic form of levare |
levare {vt} | :: to take, take away, take off, move away, remove, have something out |
levare {vt} | :: to raise, put up, lift |
levare {vt} | :: to except |
levare l'ancora {v} [nautical] | :: to weigh anchor |
levare le tende {v} | :: to up sticks |
levarsi {v} | :: reflexive of levare |
levarsi {v} | :: to get up, stand up |
levarsi {v} | :: to take flight, take off |
levarsi {v} | :: to get out (of) |
levarsi {v} | :: to rise |
levarsi {v} | :: [of wind] to start to blow |
levarsi dai piedi {v} | :: to get out sb's way |
levarsi il cappello {v} | :: to tip one's hat |
levarsi in volo {vr} | :: to flush To take suddenly to flight, especially from cover |
levata {f} | :: rising (especially in the military) |
levata {f} | :: collection (postal) |
levataccia {f} | :: early rise |
levata di scudi {f} [figuratively] | :: outcry |
levatartaro {m} [dentistry] | :: scraper (for removing tartar from teeth) |
levati di torno {interj} | :: clear off |
levati di torno {interj} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] | :: Used to tell somebody to go away or leave one alone |
levati di torno {interj} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] | :: Used to tell somebody to go away or leave one alone |
levatoio {adj} | :: rising |
levatore {adj} | :: lifting (attributive) |
levatosi {v} | :: past participle of levarsi |
levatrice {f} | :: midwife |
levatura {f} | :: intellect |
Leventina {prop} | :: Leventina (district) |
leventinese {adj} | :: Of or from Leventina |
leveraggio {m} | :: compound lever |
leveraggio {m} | :: leverage |
levetta {f} | :: small lever, lever |
Levi {prop} [Biblical character] | :: Levi |
Levi {prop} | :: given name |
leviatano {m} | :: leviathan |
Leviatano {prop} | :: Leviathan |
levigabile {adj} | :: That can be smoothed, polishable |
levigante {v} | :: present participle of levigare |
levigare {vt} | :: to smooth |
levigare {vt} | :: to polish |
levigatezza {f} | :: smoothness (all senses) |
levigatezza {f} | :: polish |
levigato {adj} | :: smooth |
levigato {adj} | :: polished |
levigato {adj} | :: flawless |
levigatore {m} | :: polisher |
levigatrice {f} | :: lapping machine |
levigatura {f} | :: smoothing, dressing, polishing |
levigatura {f} | :: sandpapering |
levigazione {f} | :: smoothing, leveling |
levigazione {f} | :: flotation (method of separating heavy and light particles) |
levirato {m} /le.viˈ | :: levirate |
levistico {m} | :: lovage |
Levita {m} | :: Levite |
levità {f} | :: lightness, levity |
levitante {v} | :: present participle of levitare |
levitare {vi} | :: To levitate |
levitazione {f} | :: levitation |
levitico {adj} | :: levitical (all senses) |
Levitico {prop} [biblical] | :: Leviticus |
levogiro {adj} /le.voˈd͡ʒ | :: going leftward |
levogiro {adj} [chemistry] | :: levorotatory |
levotiroxina {f} [biochemistry] | :: levothyroxine |
Levrera {prop} | :: Levrera (island) |
levriere {m} | :: Variant of levriero |
levriero {m} | :: greyhound (and similar dogs) |
levulosio {m} [carbohydrate] | :: levulose or laevulose |
lezghiano {m} | :: Lezgian (language) |
lezio {m} [especially in plural] | :: mawkishness, sentimentality |
lezionaccia {f} [pejorative] | :: lesson |
lezionario {m} | :: lectionary |
lezioncella {f} [pejorative, rare] | :: lesson |
lezioncina {f} | :: small lesson |
lezione {f} | :: lesson (also figuratively), class, lecture |
lezionuccia {f} [pejorative, rare] | :: lesson |
leziosaggine {f} | :: affectation |
leziosamente {adv} | :: affectedly |
leziosità {f} | :: affectation |
lezioso {adj} | :: affected (simulated to impress) |
lezioso {adj} [archaic] | :: graceful |
lezzo {m} | :: stink, stench |
lezzone {m} | :: A messy or smelly person |
lezzoneria {f} | :: slovenliness |
lezzume {m} | :: dirt, filth |
li {pron} [accusative] /li/ | :: them |
lì {adv} | :: there, in that place |
Lia {prop} | :: Leah [biblical character] |
Lia {prop} | :: given name |
liale {adj} | :: alternative form of leale |
liana {f} /liˈana/ | :: liana (vine) |
liana {f} | :: plot (complicated) |
lianoso {adj} | :: liana-like, vinelike, sarmentose |
lianoso {adj} | :: Rich in lianas |
liasi {m} [enzyme] | :: liase |
libagione {f} | :: libation |
libame {m} | :: libation |
libamento {m} [rare] /li.baˈ | :: libation |
libamento {m} | :: The liquid poured out during a libation |
libamento {m} | :: The act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice |
libanese {adj} | :: Lebanese |
libanese {mf} | :: Lebanese |
Libano {prop} | :: Lebanon |
libare {vt} | :: to sip |
libazione {f} | :: Variant of libagione |
libbra {f} | :: pound (weight) |
libecciale {adj} | :: Relating to the southwest wind |
libecciata {f} | :: southwester (wind) |
libeccio {m} | :: southwest wind |
libellista {mf} | :: libeller |
libellistica {f} | :: The production and dissemination of political pamphlets |
libello {m} | :: libel |
libellula {f} /liˈbɛ | :: dragonfly |
libente {adj} | :: willing |
liberabile {adj} | :: That can be vacated |
liberalconservatore {adj} | :: Liberal-Conservative |
liberaldemocratico {adj} | :: Liberal Democratic |
liberaldemocratico {m} | :: Liberal Democrat |
liberaldemocrazia {f} | :: liberal democracy |
liberale {adj} | :: liberal (all senses) |
liberale {mf} [politics] | :: liberal |
Liberale {prop} | :: given name |
liberaleggiante {adj} | :: liberalistic |
liberalesco {adj} | :: liberal (as a put down) |
liberalismo {m} | :: liberalism |
liberalista {adj} | :: liberalist |
liberalistico {adj} | :: liberalistic |
liberalità {f} | :: generosity |
liberalizzante {v} | :: present participle of liberalizzare |
liberalizzare {vt} | :: to liberalize |
liberalizzatore {adj} | :: liberalizing |
liberalizzatore {adj} | :: deregulatory |
liberalizzazione {f} | :: liberalization |
liberalmente {adv} | :: liberally, generously, freely |
liberaloide {mf} | :: A would-be or fair-weather liberal |
liberalsocialismo {m} | :: Liberal Socialism |
liberalsocialista {mf} | :: Liberal Socialist |
liberamargine {mf} | :: key on a typewriter that overrides the margin setting |
liberamente {adv} | :: liberally |
liberamente {adv} | :: freely |
liberamento {m} [rare] | :: liberation |
liberante {v} | :: present participle of liberare |
liberantesi {v} | :: present participle of liberarsi |
libera professionista {f} | :: female equivalent of libero professionista |
liberare {vt} | :: to free, set free, release, liberate, deliver, rid |
liberare {vt} | :: to clear, vacate, free |
liberarsi {v} | :: reflexive of liberare |
liberarsi {vr} | :: to free oneself, break free, shake off |
liberarsi {vr} | :: to get rid of, rid oneself |
liberarsi {vr} | :: to become free, become vacant, cut loose, break loose |
liberarsi {vr} | :: to defecate, urinate |
liberativo {adj} | :: liberative, liberational |
liberatore {adj} | :: liberating |
liberatore {m} | :: liberator |
liberatoria {f} | :: receipt |
liberatoria {f} | :: waiver |
liberatorio {adj} | :: liberating |
liberatorio {adj} | :: releasing, freeing |
liberatosi {v} | :: past participle of liberarsi |
liberatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of liberatore |
liberazione {f} | :: release, liberation, freeing, relief |
libercolo {m} /liˈbɛr.ko.lo/ | :: A cheap or worthless book |
Liberia {prop} | :: Liberia (country) |
liberiana {f} | :: feminine noun of liberiano |
liberiano {adj} | :: Liberian |
liberiano {m} | :: Liberian |
liberico {adj} | :: Liberian |
liberismo {m} | :: laissez-faire, liberism |
liberissimo {adj} | :: superlative of libero |
liberista {adj} | :: laissez-faire (attributive) |
liberista {mf} | :: an advocate of laissez-fair |
liberistico {adj} | :: laissez-faire (attributive) |
libero {adj} /ˈlibero/ | :: free [not imprisoned or enslaved] |
libero {adj} | :: clear, unobstructed [without blockages] |
libero {adj} | :: free [without obligations] |
libero {adj} | :: free [that does not have to be paid for] |
libero {adj} | :: free [as in "free software"] |
libero {m} [football] | :: sweeper |
libero arbitrio {m} [philosophy] | :: free will |
libero professionista {m} | :: self-employed professional; freelancer |
liberoscambismo {m} | :: free trade |
liberoscambista {adj} | :: free trade (attributive) |
libertà {f} | :: freedom; liberty |
libertà provvisoria {f} [law] | :: bail |
libertaria {f} | :: female equivalent of libertario |
libertarianismo {m} | :: libertarianism |
libertarianista {adj} | :: libertarian |
libertarianista {mf} | :: libertarian |
libertariano {adj} | :: libertarian |
libertario {adj} | :: libertarian |
libertario {m} | :: libertarian |
libertarismo {m} [politics] | :: libertarianism [typically left-wing] |
liberticida {adj} | :: liberticidal, liberticide |
liberticida {mf} | :: liberticide (one who causes the destruction of liberty) |
liberticidio {m} | :: liberticide (the destruction of liberty) |
libertina {f} | :: female equivalent of libertino |
libertinaggio {m} | :: libertinage, libertinism |
libertinaggio {m} | :: licentiousness |
libertinismo {m} | :: libertinism |
libertino {n} | :: libertine |
libertino {n} | :: lecher |
liberto {m} | :: A freed slave (in ancient Rome) |
liberto {m} | :: freedman, freedperson |
liberty {m} | :: art nouveau |
Libia {prop} /ˈlib.ja/ | :: Libia (country) |
libica {f} | :: female equivalent of libico |
libico {adj} | :: Libyan |
libico {m} | :: Libyan |
Libicocco {prop} | :: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy |
libidico {adj} | :: libidinal |
libidine {f} /liˈ | :: lust, lechery |
libidinosamente {adv} | :: lustfully |
libidinosità {f} | :: libidinousness, lustfulness, lasciviousness |
libidinoso {adj} | :: libidinous, lustful, lewd, lecherous |
libido {f} [psychoanalysis] | :: libido |
libito {m} /ˈ | :: That which pleases |
libito {m} | :: pleasure, desire, lust, volition |
libra {f} | :: pound |
libraia {f} | :: female equivalent of libraio |
libraio {m} /liˈ | :: bookseller |
librale {adj} | :: That weighs a pound |
libramento {m} | :: hovering |
librantesi {v} | :: present participle of librarsi |
librario {adj} | :: book (attributive) |
librarsi {vr} | :: To hover |
libratile {adj} | :: hovering |
libratore {m} | :: glider |
libratosi {v} | :: past participle of librarsi |
librazione {f} [astronomy] | :: libration |
librazione {f} | :: hovering |
libreria {f} /li.breˈriː.a/ | :: bookshop, bookstore, bookhouse, library |
libreria {f} [furniture] | :: bookcase, bookshelf, bookshelves |
libreria {f} [computing] | :: library |
libresco {adj} | :: bookish |
librettine {f} | :: elementary textbook |
librettino {m} | :: booklet |
librettista {mf} [music] | :: librettist |
librettistica {f} [music] | :: librettistics |
librettistico {adj} [music] | :: librettistic |
libretto {m} | :: booklet |
libretto di risparmio {m} [banking] | :: savings account |
librettologia {f} | :: librettology |
libretto universitario {m} | :: A booklet in which the activities, courses and grades of a university student are recorded |
libriccino {m} | :: Variant of libricino |
libricino {m} | :: A small book, a booklet |
libriforme {adj} | :: libriform |
libro {m} | :: book |
libro {m} [botany] | :: phloem; foliage |
libro {m} | :: omasum |
libro bianco {m} | :: white paper |
librocassetta {f} | :: audio cassette of the text of a book |
libro contabile {m} [accounting] | :: account book |
Libro dei morti {prop} | :: Book of the Dead |
libro di bordo {m} | :: synonym of giornale di bordo |
libro di cassa {m} | :: synonym of libro contabile |
libro di testo {m} | :: textbook |
libro mastro {m} | :: ledger, ledger book |
libro mastro {m} [accounting] | :: account book |
libro nero {m} | :: Black Book |
libro nero {m} | :: synonym of lista di proscrizione |
libroso {adj} | :: foliar |
libro tascabile {m} | :: pocketbook |
liburnico {adj} | :: Liburnian, Croatian |
liburnio {adj} | :: synonym of liburnico |
Lica {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Lichas |
licantropa {f} | :: female equivalent of licantropo |
licantropia {f} | :: lycanthropy |
licantropo {m} /liˈkan.tro.po/ | :: lycanthrope |
licantropo {m} | :: werewolf |
licaone {m} | :: African hunting dog |
Licata {prop} | :: Licata (town) |
licatese {adj} | :: Of, or from, Licata |
licatese {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Licata |
licciaio {m} | :: A person who makes heddles / healds |
licciaiola {f} | :: saw set |
liccio {m} | :: heddle, heald |
licciolo {m} | :: alternative form of licciuolo |
licciuolo {m} | :: heddle hook |
liceale {adj} | :: [related to an Italian liceo or non-Italian equivalent] lyceum (attributive) |
liceale {mf} | :: pupil of a secondary school |
liceità {f} | :: allowability, legality, lawfulness |
liceità {f} | :: permission |
liceità {f} | :: liceity |
licenza {f} /liˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/ | :: permission, leave, furlough |
licenza {f} | :: licence, permit |
licenza {f} | :: pass (military) |
licenza {f} | :: school-leaving certificate |
licenziabile {adj} | :: dismissible |
licenziabilità {f} | :: Property of being dismissible |
licenziamento {m} | :: dismissal, sack |
licenziando {m} | :: licentiate |
licenziante {v} | :: present participle of licenziare |
licenziante {m} | :: licensor |
licenziantesi {v} | :: present participle of licenziarsi |
licenziare {vt} | :: to dismiss, fire, give the sack, give someone the boot |
licenziare {vt} | :: to make redundant |
licenziarsi {v} | :: reflexive of licenziare |
licenziarsi {vr} | :: to take one's leave |
licenziarsi {vr} | :: to resign, give notice |
licenziataria {f} | :: female equivalent of licenziatario |
licenziatario {m} | :: licensee |
licenziatosi {v} | :: past participle of licenziarsi |
licenziosamente {adv} | :: licentiously |
licenziosità {f} | :: licentiousness |
licenzioso {adj} | :: licentious |
liceo {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o/ | :: A type of Italian secondary school/high school focused on the study of humanistic subjects; lyceum |
liceo artistico {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o. arˈtis.ti.ko/ | :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of art subjects; art lyceum |
liceo classico {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o ˈ | :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of humanistic subjects; classical lyceum |
liceo linguistico {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o .linˈɡwis.ti.ko/ | :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of humanistic subjects and foreign languages; linguistic lyceum |
liceo moderno {m} [dated] /liˈt͡ʃe.o .moˈdɛ | :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of humanistic subjects and foreign languages; linguistic lyceum; literally modern lyceum |
liceo scientifico {m} /liˈt͡ʃe.o ˈʃɛ | :: A type of Italian secondary school focused on the study of humanistic subjects, mathematics and scientific subjects; scientific lyceum |
licere {v} | :: To allow |
lichene {m} | :: lichen |
lichene islandico {m} | :: The lichen Cetraria islandica: Iceland moss |
lichenico {adj} | :: lichen (attributive) |
lichenificazione {f} [pathology] | :: lichenification |
lichenina {f} | :: lichenin |
lichenizzazione {f} [lichenology] /͡zatˈt͡ | :: lichenization |
lichenografia {f} | :: lichenography |
lichenoide {adj} | :: lichenoid |
lichenologia {f} [botany] | :: lichenology |
lichenologo {m} | :: lichenologist |
lichenoso {adj} | :: lichenous |
lichi {n} | :: lechwe, red lechwe, southern lechwe |
Licia {prop} | :: given name |
Licida {prop} | :: Lycidas |
Licinio {prop} | :: Licinius |
Licisco {prop} | :: Lyciscus |
Licisco {prop} | :: given name |
licitazione {f} | :: auction |
licitazione {f} | :: bid, bidding |
licitezza {f} | :: lawfulness, legality |
licito {adj} /ˈli.t͡ʃ | :: obsolete form of lecito |
licnide {f} | :: lychnis |
licopene {m} [organic compound] | :: lycopene |
licopina {f} | :: alternative form of licopene |
licopodio {m} | :: club moss, lycopodium |
licore {m} | :: alternative form of liquore |
licoressia {f} [pathology] | :: lycorexia |
licosa {f} | :: wolf spider |
Licurgo {prop} | :: Lycurgus |
liddite {f} | :: lyddite |
lidense {adj} | :: Of or from the Venice Lido |
Lidia {prop} | :: Lydia [biblical character] |
Lidia {prop} | :: given name |
lidite {f} | :: touchstone (form of jasper) |
lido {m} | :: shore |
Lido {prop} [Venice] | :: A long sandy island (a sandbar) in the Venice lagoon; it has many hotels and a long beach |
Liechtenstein {prop} | :: Liechtenstein |
liechtensteinese {adj} | :: Of or from Liechtenstein |
liechtensteiniano {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to, Liechtenstein |
liechtensteiniano {m} | :: Liechtensteiner |
liederistica {f} [music] | :: lieder (genre of music) |
liederistico {adj} [music] | :: Relating to lieder |
Liegi {prop} | :: Liegi (capital city) |
lieo {m} [poetic] | :: synonym of vino |
lietamente {adv} | :: happily, gladly, joyously, joyfully |
lietezza {f} [uncommon] | :: happiness, joy, contentment |
lietissimo {adj} | :: superlative of lieto |
lieto {adj} /ˈljɛ.to/ | :: happy, cheerful, delighted, glad, joyous, joyful |
lieto fine {m} | :: happy ending (of a movie, etc.) |
lievamente {adv} | :: alternative form of lievemente |
lievare {v} | :: alternative form of levare |
lieve {adj} /ˈljɛ.ve/ | :: light |
lieve {adj} | :: light, delicate, gentle |
lieve {adj} | :: slight, minor |
lieve {adj} | :: mild [punishment, sentence] |
lievemente {adv} /ˌljɛveˈmente/ | :: slightly |
lievissimo {adj} | :: superlative of lieve |
lievità {f} | :: lightness, slightness, faintness |
lievitante {v} | :: present participle of lievitare |
lievitare {vi} | :: To rise (bread, etc.) |
lievitare {vt} | :: To leaven |
lievitatura {f} | :: leavening (process) |
lievitatura {f} | :: rise (e.g. in proces) |
lievitazione {f} | :: rising |
lievito {m} | :: yeast |
lievito {m} | :: leaven, leavening |
lievito chimico {m} | :: baking powder |
lievito madre {m} | :: sourdough |
lievito naturale {m} | :: sourdough |
lievito per dolci {m} | :: synonym of lievito chimico |
Li Fonti {prop} | :: surname |
lift {m} | :: lift / elevator operator |
lift {m} [tennis] | :: topspin |
liftante {v} | :: present participle of liftare |
liftare {vt} [tennis] | :: to hit the ball with topspin |
lifting {m} [surgery] | :: face-lift, lifting |
ligando {m} [chemistry] | :: ligand |
ligasi {f} [enzyme] | :: ligase |
ligazione {f} | :: ligation |
liggera {f} | :: alternative form of leggera |
ligia {f} | :: sea slater (Ligia oceanica) |
ligio {adj} | :: faithful, loyal or devoted (to) |
lignaggio {m} | :: descent, lineage |
lignatico {adj} | :: Handed down from the old to the young |
ligneo {adj} [dated] /ˈliɲ.ɲe.o/ | :: wooden |
lignificante {v} | :: present participle of lignificare |
lignificantesi {v} | :: present participle of lignificarsi |
lignificare {vt} | :: to lignify |
lignificarsi {vr} | :: To lignify |
lignificatosi {v} | :: past participle of lignificarsi |
lignificazione {m} | :: lignification |
lignina {f} [biochemistry] | :: lignin |
ligninasi {f} [enzyme] | :: ligninase |
lignite {f} | :: lignite |
lignitico {adj} | :: lignitic |
lignitifero {adj} | :: lignitiferous |
lignocellulosico {adj} | :: lignocellulosic |
lignocerico {adj} | :: lignoceric |
l'ignoranza è una benedizione {proverb} | :: ignorance is bliss |
Ligorio {prop} | :: surname |
ligrittiere {m} | :: The Siennese equivalent of rigattiere |
ligroina {f} | :: ligroin |
ligulato {adj} | :: ligulate |
Liguori {prop} | :: surname |
liguorino {m} | :: Redemptorist |
ligure {adj} | :: Ligurian |
ligure {mf} | :: Ligurian |
Liguria {prop} | :: Liguria (region) |
ligurismo {m} | :: Ligurian (vocabulary and dialect) |
ligusta {f} | :: lobster |
ligustico {adj} [literary] /liˈɡus.ti.ko/ | :: synonym of ligure |
ligustico {m} | :: lovage (Levisticum officinale) |
ligustro {m} | :: privet |
liliacea {f} [botany] | :: liliaceous plant |
liliaceo {adj} [botany] | :: liliaceous |
liliale {adj} | :: lily-white |
Liliana {prop} | :: given name |
Lilibeo {prop} | :: An ancient Roman city in western Sicily on the site of modern Marsala |
lilibetano {adj} | :: Of or from Lilibeo (modern Marsala) |
lilla {m} | :: the lilac (Syringa) |
lilla {m} | :: lilac |
lilla {adj} | :: lilac |
Lilla {prop} /ˈ | :: Lilla (capital city) |
lillà {f} | :: lilac (plant) |
lillà {f} | :: lilac (color) |
lillà {adj} | :: lilac |
lillipuziano {adj} | :: lilliputian (very small) |
lillipuziano {m} | :: lilliputian |
lillo {m} | :: bauble, ornament |
lima {f} /ˈ | :: file (cutting or smoothing tool) |
lima {f} [fishing] | :: A reinforced line at both ends of a dragnet |
lima {f} | :: Key lime (Citrus aurantiifolia) |
limabile {adj} | :: fileable |
limabile {adj} | :: polishable |
limaccia {f} | :: great slug |
limaccio {m} | :: sludge, slime, mud |
limaccioso {adj} | :: muddy |
limaccioso {adj} | :: slimy |
limaciforme {adj} | :: limaciform |
limacologia {f} [zoology] | :: study of slugs, limacology |
limaglia {f} | :: synonym of limatura |
limanda {f} | :: dab (fish) |
limante {v} | :: present participle of limare |
limantria {f} | :: nun moth, black-arched moth |
limare {vt} | :: to file |
limare {vt} | :: to polish, perfect [text] |
limatore {m} | :: filer (person of thing that files (metal)) |
limatrice {f} | :: shaper (engineering machinem tool) |
limatura {f} | :: filing (operation) |
limatura {f} [in the plural] | :: filings (material) |
limbello {m} | :: A small flap, typically of leather |
limbello {m} | :: tongue |
limbico {adj} [anatomy] | :: limbic |
limburghese {m} | :: Limburgish (the Germanic language) |
Limburgo {prop} | :: Limburgo (province) |
Limburgo {prop} | :: Limburgo (province) |
lime {m} /ˈ | :: lime (citrus tree) |
limegno {adj} /liˈmeɲ.ɲo/ | :: Of or pertaining to Lima |
limegno {m} | :: One who is from Lima |
Limentra {prop} | :: The name of two rivers that flow in Emilia-Romagna |
limetta {f} | :: nailfile |
limetta {f} | :: lime (citrus tree or fruit) |
limicolo {adj} | :: limicolous (mud-dwelling) |
limiere {m} | :: bloodhound |
liminare {adj} | :: liminal |
limine {m} | :: limen |
limio {m} | :: A sound of filing |
limio {m} | :: anxiety |
Limisso {prop} | :: Limisso (city) |
limitabile {adj} | :: limitable |
limitabilità {f} | :: Property of being limitable |
limitamento {m} | :: alternative form of limitazione |
limitante {v} | :: present participle of limitare |
limitante {adj} | :: limiting |
limitantesi {v} | :: present participle of limitarsi |
limitare {v} | :: to limit or restrict |
limitare {v} | :: to bound |
limitarsi {v} | :: reflexive of limitare |
limitarsi {vr} | :: to limit or confine oneself to something |
limitatamente {adv} | :: To a limited extent |
limitatezza {f} | :: limitedness |
limitatissimo {adj} | :: superlative of limitato |
limitativamente {adv} | :: limitingly, restrictively |
limitativo {adj} | :: limiting, restrictive |
limitato {adj} | :: limited |
limitato {adj} | :: scarce |
limitatore {m} | :: limiter |
limitatore {adj} | :: limiting |
limitatosi {v} | :: past participle of limitarsi |
limitazione {f} | :: limitation |
limite {m} /ˈli.mi.te/ | :: limit, limitation, bounds |
limite {m} | :: boundary, border |
limite {m} [geography] | :: line |
limitrofo {adj} /liˈ | :: neighbouring, neighboring, adjacent, bordering, adjoining |
limivora {f} | :: female equivalent of limivoro |
limivoro {adj} | :: limivorous |
limivoro {m} | :: limivore |
limnea {f} | :: snail (of the genus Limnea) |
limnigrafo {m} | :: limnograph |
limnimetria {f} | :: limnometry, limnimetry |
limnimetro {m} | :: limnimeter |
limnobio {m} [biology] | :: limnobios |
limnobiologia {f} [biology] | :: limnobiology |
limnofauna {f} [biology] | :: limnofauna |
limnofilo {adj} | :: limnophilous |
limnofilo {m} | :: limnophile |
limnografo {m} | :: alternative form of limnigrafo |
limnologia {f} [ecology] | :: limnology |
limnologico {adj} | :: limnological |
limnologo {m} | :: limnologist |
limnometria {f} | :: alternative form of limnimetria |
limnometro {m} | :: alternative form of limnimetro |
limnonimo {m} | :: limnonym |
limnoplancton {m} [biology] | :: limnoplankton |
limo {m} /ˈ | :: mud, slime |
limo {m} | :: silt |
limografo {m} [art] | :: limograph |
limola {f} | :: A type of mechanical file used in metalworking |
limolatrice {f} | :: A type of rotary file (machine tool) |
limonaia {f} | :: lemonary |
limonaia {f} | :: female equivalent of limonaio |
limonaio {m} | :: lemon or lemonade seller |
limonante {v} | :: present participle of limonare |
limonantesi {v} | :: present participle of limonarsi |
limonare {vi} [Northern Italy] | :: to exchange amorous comments, caresses, etc. with someone; to flirt; to hit on |
limonarsi {vr} | :: To snog or make out |
limonata {f} | :: lemonade |
limonata {f} | :: flirting, hitting on |
limonato {adj} | :: lemon (coloured or flavoured) |
limonatosi {v} | :: past participle of limonarsi |
limoncella {f} | :: lemongrass |
limoncella {f} | :: A variety of cooking apple |
limoncello {m} [also uncountable] /li.monˈtʃɛl.lo/ | :: limoncello (Italian lemon-flavoured liqueur) |
limoncina {f} | :: lemon verbena |
limoncino {m} [also uncountable] /li.monˈtʃ | :: limoncello (Italian lemon-flavoured liqueur) |
limone {m} | :: lemon (fruit & tree) |
limonea {f} | :: alternative form of limonata |
limonella {f} | :: dittany, fraxinella (plant of genus Dictamnus) |
limoneto {m} | :: lemon orchard |
limonicolo {adj} | :: lemon-growing (attributive), lemon (attributive) |
limonicoltore {m} [agriculture] | :: lemon grower |
limonicoltrice {f} | :: female equivalent of limonicoltore |
limonicoltura {f} | :: lemon growing |
limonite {f} [mineral] | :: limonite |
limonitico {adj} | :: limonitic |
limonitizzazione {f} | :: limonitization |
limosino {adj} | :: Limousin (attributive) |
Limosino {prop} | :: Limousin |
limosità {f} | :: sliminess, muddiness |
limoso {adj} | :: slimy, muddy |
limoso {adj} | :: loamy |
limpidamente {adv} | :: clearly, limpidly |
limpidezza {f} | :: clearness, limpidity, limpidness |
limpidissimo {adj} | :: superlative of limpido |
limpidità {f} | :: clearness, limpidity, limpidness |
limpido {adj} / | :: clear, limpid, bright, transparent |
Limpopo {prop} | :: Limpopo |
Lina {prop} [colloquial] | :: synonym of Carmela |
linaio {m} | :: A fishing net made from flax fibres |
linaiolo {m} | :: flax dresser |
linaiolo {m} | :: linen trader |
lince {f} | :: lynx, catamount |
linceo {adj} | :: lyncean, lynx (attributive); acute (of eyesight) |
lince persiana {f} | :: caracal |
lince rossa {f} | :: bobcat |
linciaggio {m} | :: lynching |
linciante {v} | :: present participle of linciare |
linciare {vt} | :: to lynch |
linciatore {m} | :: lyncher |
lincurio {m} | :: lyngurium |
lindamente {adv} | :: neatly, cleanly, tidily, prettily |
lindano {m} | :: lindane |
lindezza {f} | :: synonym of lindura |
lindo {adj} | :: neat |
lindo {adj} | :: clean |
lindo {adj} | :: tidy |
lindore {m} | :: synonym of lindura |
lindura {f} | :: cleanliness, tidiness |
line {f} | :: line management |
line {f} | :: editing (of a TV programme) |
linea {f} /ˈlinea/ | :: line |
linea {f} | :: dash (Morse code symbol) |
linea acline {f} | :: magnetic equator, aclinic line |
linea d'arrivo {f} [sports] | :: finish line |
linea di arrivo {f} | :: Variant of linea d'arrivo |
linea di burrasca {f} [meteorology] | :: squall line |
linea di secco {f} [meteorology] | :: dry line, Marfa front |
linea guida {f} | :: guideline |
linea isochimena {f} [geology] | :: A line joining points within the Earth that have the same mean winter temperature; isocheimal line |
lineamento {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: feature, element |
lineante {v} | :: present participle of lineare |
linea nucale {f} [anatomy] | :: nuchal line |
lineare {adj} | :: linear, one-dimensional |
lineare {adj} | :: consistent (figurative) |
lineare {vt} | :: to plot, draw or trace with lines |
lineare {vt} | :: to delineate |
lineare {vt} | :: to represent, describe |
linea retta {f} [geometry] | :: straight line |
linearismo {m} [arts] | :: linearism (linear artistic style) |
linearità {f} | :: linearity |
linearizzante {v} | :: present participle of linearizzare |
linearizzare {vt} | :: [mathematics] to linearize |
linearizzato {adj} | :: linearized |
linearmente {adv} | :: linearly |
linearmente {adv} | :: consistently |
lineatrice {f} | :: A device used to line up the sheets of a book etc. when being printed |
lineetta {f} [typography] | :: dash |
lineetta {f} [typography] | :: hyphen |
lineico {adj} | :: lineic (per unit length) |
lineria {f} | :: linen (goods) |
lineto {m} | :: flax field |
linetto {m} | :: A type of fine, soft flax |
linfa {f} [botany] | :: sap |
linfa {f} [anatomy] | :: lymph |
linfadenia {f} [pathology] | :: lymphedema |
linfadenite {f} [pathology] | :: lymphadenitis |
linfadenoma {m} [pathology] | :: lymphadenoma, Hodgkin's disease |
linfadenopatia {f} [pathology] | :: lymphadenopathy |
linfagogo {adj} /lin.faˈɡɔ.ɡo/ | :: lymphagogic |
linfagogo {m} | :: lymphagogue |
linfangioma {f} [pathology] | :: lymphangioma |
linfangite {f} [pathology] | :: lymphangitis |
linfatico {adj} | :: lymphatic |
linfatismo {m} [pathology] | :: lymphatism |
linfo- {prefix} | :: lympho- |
linfoadenia {f} | :: alternative form of linfadenia |
linfoadenite {f} | :: alternative form of linfadenite |
linfoadenoma {f} | :: alternative form of linfadenoma |
linfoadenopatia {f} | :: Variant of linfadenopatia |
linfoangioma {f} | :: alternative form of linfangioma |
linfoangite {f} | :: alternative form of linfangite |
linfoblastico {adj} /lin.foˈblas.ti.ko/ | :: lymphoblastic |
linfoblasto {m} [cytology, oncology] /lin.foˈ | :: lymphoblast |
linfochina {f} [biochemistry] | :: lymphokine |
linfocita {m} | :: lymphocyte |
linfocitario {adj} | :: lymphocyte (attributive) |
linfocitico {adj} | :: lymphocytic |
linfocito {m} | :: lymphocyte |
linfocitosi {f} [medicine] | :: lymphocytosis |
linfodrenaggio {m} [medicine] | :: lymphatic drainage |
linfoghiandola {f} | :: lymph gland |
linfoghiandolare {adj} | :: lymphoglandular |
linfografia {f} | :: lymphography, lymphangiography |
linfogranuloma {m} | :: lymphogranuloma |
linfoide {adj} | :: lymphoid |
linfologia {f} [medicine] | :: lymphology |
linfoma {m} [oncology] | :: lymphoma |
linfonodo {m} [anatomy] | :: lymph node |
linfopatia {f} [pathology] | :: lymphopathy |
linfopenia {f} | :: lymphopenia |
linfopoiesi {f} | :: lymphopoiesis |
linforragia {f} [medicine] | :: lymphorrhagia |
linfosarcoma {m} | :: lymphosarcoma |
lingeria {f} | :: alternative form of lingerie |
lingerie {f} | :: lingerie |
lingerista {f} | :: A seamstress who makes lingerie |
lingotteria {f} | :: The ingots used by a typesetting machine |
lingottiera {f} | :: mold / mould (for casting metal ingots) |
lingottino {m} | :: A small bar, a small ingot |
lingotto {m} | :: ingot, bar, bullion |
Lingotto {prop} | :: An industrial district of Turin |
lingua {f} /ˈliŋ.ɡwa/ | :: tongue |
lingua {f} | :: language, tongue |
lingua {f} | :: strip, tongue [of land] |
lingua {f} [in the plural] | :: foreign languages |
lingua {f} | :: the square horn of an anvil |
lingua {f} [especially in plural] | :: A type of Italian flatbread |
lingua artificiale {f} | :: constructed language, artificial language |
lingua blu {f} | :: bluetongue |
linguaccia {f} | :: spiteful gossip (words or person) |
linguacciuto {adj} | :: gossipy, loose-tongued |
linguacciuto {m} | :: gossip, windbag, chatterbox |
lingua centum {f} | :: centum (group of languages) |
lingua di gatto {f} | :: a cat's tongue: a buttery cookie shaped like a cat's tongue |
Linguadoca {prop} | :: Languedoc |
lingua franca {f} | :: The Mediterranean Lingua Franca, a common language spoken in Mediterranean ports in centuries past (consisting of Italian mixed with French, Spanish, Arabic and some Greek words and used by sailors of different countries to communicate with one another) |
linguaggio {m} | :: language |
linguaio {m} | :: alternative form of linguaiolo |
linguaiolo {m} | :: A pedantic scholar of languages |
linguale {adj} [anatomy] | :: lingual, tongue (attributive) |
linguale {adj} [phonetics] | :: lingual |
lingua lunga {f} | :: gossip, windbag, chatterbox |
linguamadre {f} | :: mother tongue |
linguata {f} | :: lick |
linguattola {f} /linˈɡ | :: spotted flounder (Citharus linguatula) |
linguattola {f} [Lazio] | :: synonym of sogliola comune |
lingueggiare {vi} | :: to chat; to lick (move like tongues) |
linguella {f} | :: stamp hinge |
linguellato {adj} | :: hinged (of a postage stamp fixed with a stamp hinge) |
linguetta {f} | :: diminutive of lingua |
linguetta {f} | :: tongue [of a shoe] |
linguetta {f} | :: flap [of an envelope] |
linguetta {f} | :: ring pull |
linguetta {f} [music] | :: reed |
linguetta {f} | :: bootstrap |
linguetta {f} | :: languet |
linguetta {f} | :: cam, slider, slide (zip sliding cam) |
linguetta {f} | :: tang |
linguiforme {adj} | :: tongue-shaped, linguiform |
linguina {f} [rare] /linˈɡ | :: diminutive of lingua |
linguina {f} [usually in the plural] | :: a single ribbon of linguine |
linguista {mf} | :: linguist |
linguistica {f} /linˈɡwistika/ | :: linguistics |
linguisticamente {adv} | :: linguistically |
linguistico {adj} | :: linguistic |
lingula {f} [anatomy] | :: lingula |
lingula {f} | :: ancient roman leaf-shaped sword |
linguolabiale {adj} [phonetics] /lin.ɡwo.laˈbja.le/ | :: linguolabial (articulated with the tongue and the upper lip) |
linguolabiale {f} [phonetics] | :: A linguolabial speech sound |
linicolo {adj} | :: linicolous |
linicoltura {f} | :: liniculture |
liniero {adj} | :: flax, linen (attributive) |
linificio {m} | :: flax mill, linen mill, linen factory |
linimento {m} | :: liniment |
linizzare {vt} | :: To treat fabric or yarn so that it looks like linen |
linizzazione {f} | :: The treatment of fabric or yarn so that it looks like linen |
link {m} [computing] | :: link (hyperlink) |
linkante {v} | :: present participle of linkare |
linkare {vt} [computing] | :: to link |
linneano {adj} | :: Linnaean |
Linneo {prop} | :: Linnaeus |
linneone {m} [biology] | :: determination or taxonomy of a species according to the Linnaeus classification criterion |
lino {m} /ˈ | :: flax (plant and fiber) |
lino {m} | :: linen (thread or cloth made from flax fiber) |
lino {adj} | :: of flax or linen; flaxen |
Lino {prop} | :: given name |
linoleico {adj} | :: linoleic |
linoleina {f} [organic compound] | :: linolein |
linoleista {mf} | :: a person who lays linoleum |
linolenico {adj} | :: linolenic |
linoleografia {f} | :: linocut (system) |
linoleum {m} /li.ˈnɔ.leu̯m/ | :: linoleum |
linone {m} | :: leno, lawn (textile weave) |
linosa {f} | :: linseed, flaxseed |
Linosa {prop} | :: A small island between Sicily and Lampedusa |
linotipia {f} | :: linotyping |
linotipia {f} | :: linotype workshop |
linotipico {adj} | :: linotype (attributive) |
linotipista {mf} | :: linotyper, linotypist |
linotipo {m} | :: linotype |
linsango {m} | :: linsang (Poiana richardsonii) |
linseme {m} | :: linseed |
linterno {m} | :: Italian or Mediterranean buckthorn (Rhamnus alaternus) |
lintro {m} | :: dugout canoe |
liocorno {m} /ljoˈkɔ | :: unicorn |
liofante {m} | :: synonym of elefante |
liofilizzante {v} | :: present participle of liofilizzare |
liofilizzare {vt} | :: to freeze-dry, to lyophilize |
liofilizzato {adj} | :: freeze-dried |
liofilizzato {m} [often, in the plural] | :: Freeze-dried products |
liofilizzatore {m} | :: freeze dryer |
liofilizzazione {f} | :: lyophilization, freeze-drying |
liofilo {adj} | :: lyophilic |
liofobo {adj} | :: lyophobic |
lionato {adj} | :: tawny |
Lione {prop} | :: Lione (capital city) |
Lionello {prop} | :: given name |
lionese {adj} | :: lyonnaise |
lionessa {f} | :: alternative form of leonessa |
lionfante {m} | :: synonym of elefante |
liparese {adj} | :: Of or relating to Lipari or the Lipari people |
liparese {mf} | :: A native or inhabitant of Lipari |
Lipari {prop} | :: Lipari |
liparide {f} | :: the widelip orchid (Liparis) |
liparite {f} [geology] | :: rhyolite |
liparota {adj} | :: of or relating to Lipari or the Lipari people |
liparota {mf} | :: a native or inhabitant of Lipari |
lipasi {f} [enzyme] | :: lipase |
lipectomia {f} [surgery] | :: lipectomy |
lipemania {f} | :: melancholia |
lipemaniaco {adj} | :: melancholic |
lipemia {f} | :: lipemia |
lipemico {adj} | :: lipemic |
lipide {m} [biochemistry] | :: lipid |
lipidemia {f} [medicine] | :: lipidemia |
lipidico {adj} | :: lipidic |
Lipizza {prop} | :: Lipica |
lipizzano {m} | :: Lipizzan, Lipizzaner |
lipo- {prefix} | :: lipo- |
lipoadenoma {m} [medicine] | :: lipoadenoma |
lipoaspiratore {m} [surgery] | :: aspirator used in liposuction |
lipoaspirazione {f} | :: synonym of liposuzione |
lipoblasto {m} | :: lipoblast |
lipodistrofia {f} [pathology] | :: lipodystrophy |
lipofila {f} [chemistry] | :: lipophile |
lipofilia {f} | :: lipophilicity |
lipofilo {adj} | :: lipophilic |
lipogramma {m} | :: lipogram |
lipogrammatico {adj} | :: lipogrammatic |
lipoico {adj} | :: lipoic |
lipoide {m} [biology] | :: lipoid |
lipoideo {adj} | :: lipoidal |
lipoiperplasia {f} [medicine] | :: lipohyperplasia |
lipolisi {f} [biochemistry, organic chemistry] | :: lipolysis |
lipolitico {adj} | :: lipolytic |
lipoma {m} [oncology] | :: lipoma |
lipomatosi {f} | :: lipomatosis, adiposis |
lipomatoso {adj} | :: lipomatous |
lipopolisaccaride {m} [carbohydrate] | :: lipopolysaccharide |
lipopolisaccaridico {adj} | :: lipopolysaccharide (attributive) |
lipoproteico {adj} | :: lipoprotein (attributive) |
lipoproteina {f} [protein] | :: lipoprotein |
lipoproteina lipasi {f} [enzyme] | :: lipoprotein lipase |
lipoproteinemia {f} [medicine] | :: lipoproteinemia |
lipoproteinlipasi {f} | :: Variant of lipoproteina lipasi |
liposarcoma {m} [oncology] | :: liposarcoma |
liposclerosi {f} [pathology] | :: liposclerosis |
liposcultura {f} | :: liposculpture |
liposolubile {adj} | :: liposoluble (fat-soluble) |
liposoma {m} [biochemistry] | :: liposome |
liposomiale {adj} | :: liposomal |
liposuzione {f} [medicine] | :: liposuction |
lipotimia {f} [medicine] | :: blackout, collapse, faint |
lipotrapianto {m} [surgery] | :: lipotransplant |
lipotropico {adj} | :: lipotropic |
lipotropo {m} | :: lipotrope |
lippa {f} [games, uncountable] /ˈ | :: tipcat (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick) |
lippa {f} [countable] | :: The cat used in the game of tipcat |
lippo {adj} [archaic, literary, of eyes] /ˈlip.po/ | :: having gound |
lippo {adj} [archaic, literary, figuratively] | :: purblind, half-sighted |
Lippomano {prop} | :: surname |
lipsanoteca {f} | :: A reliquary |
Lipsia {prop} | :: Leipzig |
liquabile {adj} | :: meltable |
liquabilità {f} | :: The property of being meltable |
liquame {m} /liˈ | :: liquid sewage |
liquame {m} | :: slurry |
liquazione {f} | :: liquation |
liquefacente {v} | :: present participle of liquefare |
liquefacentesi {v} | :: present participle of liquefarsi |
liquefacibile {adj} | :: liquefiable |
liquefacimento {m} | :: synonym of liquefazione |
liquefare {vt} | :: To liquefy |
liquefarsi {vr} | :: To liquefy or melt |
liquefativo {adj} | :: liquefactive |
liquefattibile {adj} | :: liquefiable (Variant of liquefacibile) |
liquefatto {adj} | :: liquefied |
liquefatto {adj} | :: melted |
liquefattosi {v} | :: past participle of liquefarsi |
liquefazione {f} | :: liquefaction |
liquerizia {f} | :: liquorice (plant, powder or sweet) |
liquescente {adj} | :: liquescent |
liquescenza {f} | :: liquescence |
liquidabile {adj} | :: That can be liquidated |
liquidabile {adj} | :: That can be gotten rid of |
liquidabile {adj} | :: That can be dismissed or relegated |
liquidabilità {f} | :: The property of what can be liquidated |
liquidamente {adv} | :: liquidly |
liquidante {v} | :: present participle of liquidare |
liquidare {vt} | :: To liquidate |
liquidare {vt} | :: To get rid of |
liquidare {vt} | :: To solve, to settle |
liquidatore {m} | :: liquidator |
liquidatorio {adj} [legal] | :: liquidation (attributive) |
liquidazione {f} | :: liquidation |
liquidazione {f} | :: settlement, payment |
liquidazione {f} | :: clearance (of goods) |
liquidazione {f} | :: severance (pay) |
liquidezza {f} [uncommon] | :: synonym of liquidità |
liquidissimo {adj} | :: superlative of liquido |
liquidità {f} | :: liquidity |
liquido {adj} | :: liquid (all meanings) |
liquido {adj} | :: runny |
liquido {m} | :: liquid, fluid |
liquido {m} | :: ready money |
liquido amniotico {m} | :: amniotic fluid |
liquigas {m} | :: liquefied natural gas in containers for domestic use; Calor gas [British] |
liquiletame {m} | :: slurry (liquid manure) |
liquirizia {f} | :: liquorice |
liquore {m} | :: liqueur |
liquore {m} | :: tincture |
liquore {m} [in the plural] | :: spirits |
liquoreria {f} | :: pub, bar |
liquoreria {f} | :: off-licence |
liquoreria {f} | :: distillery |
liquoriero {adj} | :: liqueur (attributive) |
liquorino {m} | :: A small glass of liqueur |
liquorista {mf} | :: distiller |
liquorista {mf} | :: spirit seller |
liquoristico {adj} | :: liquor, spirits (attributive) |
liquorizia {f} | :: alternative form of liquirizia |
liquoroso {adj} | :: Describing wine that has a higher alcoholic content and a denser aroma; often a dessert wine |
lira {f} /ˈli.ra/ | :: lira |
lira {f} | :: lyre |
lira sterlina {f} | :: pound sterling |
Liri {prop} | :: A river that flows in Lazio and Abruzzo |
lirica {f} /ˈli.ri.ka/ | :: lyric |
lirica {f} | :: lyric poetry |
lirica {f} [music, ] | :: opera |
liricare {vt} | :: To lyricize |
liricità {f} | :: lyricism |
liricizzare {vt} | :: synonym of liricare |
lirico {adj} /ˈli.ri.ko/ | :: lyrical, lyric |
lirico {adj} [music] | :: opera [attributive] |
liriforme {adj} | :: lyric (relating to a lyre) |
liriodendro {m} | :: tulip tree |
lirismo {m} | :: lyricism |
lirista {mf} [literary, rare, music] /liˈris.ta/ | :: lyrist |
lirone {m} | :: lirazza |
lirone {m} [musici] | :: lira da gamba (base lyre) |
Lisa {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Elisabetta |
Lisandro {prop} | :: Lysander |
lisante {v} | :: present participle of lisare |
lisantesi {v} | :: present participle of lisarsi |
lisare {vt} | :: [biology] To lyse |
lisarsi {vr} | :: [biology] To lyse |
lisato {adj} | :: lysated |
lisato {m} | :: lysate |
lisatosi {v} | :: past participle of lisarsi |
Lisbona {prop} | :: Lisbona (capital city) |
lisca {f} /ˈliska/ | :: fishbone (individual, or the complete spine) |
lisca {f} [textiles] | :: shive, i.e. fragment of the woody core of flax or hemp |
liscezza {f} | :: smoothness |
liscezza {f} | :: sweetness |
lisciadorsi {f} | :: A type of machine used in bookbinding (to smooth the backs of books?) |
lisciamente {adv} | :: smoothly, sleekly |
lisciamente {adv} | :: simply |
lisciamento {m} | :: smoothing, stroking |
lisciamento {m} | :: flattery, fawning |
lisciante {v} | :: present participle of lisciare |
lisciantesi {v} | :: present participle of lisciarsi |
lisciare {vt} | :: to smooth |
lisciare {vt} | :: to flatter |
lisciarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lisciare |
lisciarsi {v} | :: to preen oneself |
lisciatoio {m} | :: smoothing tool |
lisciatore {m} | :: smoother (operator of smoothing machine) |
lisciatore {m} | :: flatterer |
lisciatosi {v} | :: past participle of lisciarsi |
lisciatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of lisciatore |
lisciatrice {f} | :: polisher (machine) |
lisciatura {f} | :: smoothing |
lisciatura {f} | :: honing |
liscio {adj} /ˈliʃʃo/ | :: smooth, sleek, polished |
liscio {adj} [figuratively] | :: simple |
liscio {adj} [of an alcoholic beverage] | :: neat, straight |
liscio {adv} | :: smoothly |
liscio {m} | :: ballroom dancing |
liscio {m} | :: country music |
lisciola {f} | :: A type of pruning shears |
lisciva {f} | :: Variant of liscivia |
liscivia {f} | :: lye (caustic soda) |
lisciviante {v} | :: present participle of lisciviare |
lisciviare {vt} | :: To leach or lixiviate |
lisciviatore {m} | :: digester |
lisciviatrice {f} | :: A machine used in laundry |
lisciviatura {f} | :: digesting, boiling (especially in the manufacture of paper from rags etc.) |
lisciviazione {f} | :: leaching |
lisciviazione {f} | :: lixiviation |
liscivioso {adj} | :: lixiviating |
liscoso {adj} | :: bony (of a fish) |
lisergico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lysergic |
liseuse {f} | :: a nightgown |
-lisi {suffix} | :: -lysis |
lisi {f} | :: lysis |
lisiera {n} [textiles, weaving] | :: synonym of cimosa |
lisimachia {f} | :: loosestrife (of the genus Lysimachia) |
Lisimaco {prop} | :: Lysimachus |
lisina {f} [amino acid] | :: lysine |
Lisippo {prop} | :: Lysippus |
liso- {prefix} | :: lyso- |
liso {adj} | :: worn (out), threadbare, ragged, tattered |
lisoformio {m} [medicine] | :: lysoform |
lisogenia {f} | :: lysogeny |
lisogeno {adj} | :: lysogenic |
lisolo {m} | :: Lysol |
lisosoma {m} [cytology] | :: lysosome |
lisosomale {adj} | :: lysosomal |
lisosomiale {adj} [cytology] | :: lysosomal |
lisozima {f} [enzyme] | :: lysozyme |
Lissa {prop} | :: Lissa (island) |
lissofobia {f} | :: lyssophobia (fear of going insane) |
lissotrico {adj} | :: lissotrichous |
lista {f} | :: list, pile |
lista {f} | :: strip, stripe |
lista a cascata {f} [computing] | :: drop-down list |
lista civica {f} | :: A list of candidates for election as mayor who do not belong to a political party |
lista d'attesa {f} | :: waiting list |
lista di attesa {f} | :: alternative spelling of lista d'attesa |
lista di nozze {f} | :: bridal registry, wedding registry |
lista di proscrizione {f} | :: Black Book |
listante {v} | :: present participle of listare |
listare {vt} | :: to border, edge |
listare {vt} | :: to list |
listatura {f} | :: bordering, edging |
listatura {f} | :: listing |
listello {m} | :: listel, fillet |
listerella {f} | :: listeria |
l'istesso {adj} [music] | :: The same |
listino {m} | :: list |
listone {m} | :: A long list |
listone {m} | :: An alliance of the fascists and Liberal Democrats in the 1924 Italian general election |
litania {f} | :: litany |
litania {f} | :: string (of names etc) |
litaniare {v} | :: To chant or sing litanies |
litanico {adj} | :: litanic |
litantrace {m} | :: bituminous coal |
litargirio {m} [mineral] | :: litharge (lead monoxide) |
litchi {m} | :: lychee (tree & fruit) |
-lite {suffix} | :: -lite |
-lite {suffix} | :: -lith |
lite {f} | :: A quarrel, row, altercation, fight |
lite {f} [legal] | :: A suit, lawsuit |
litiasi {f} [medicine] | :: lithiasis |
litiasico {adj} | :: litiatic |
liticare {v} | :: alternative form of litigare |
liticine {m} [literary, rare, Ancient Rome] /liˈti.t͡ʃ | :: A military trumpeter |
-litico {suffix} | :: -lytic |
-litico {suffix} | :: -lithic |
litico {adj} [biochemistry] | :: lytic |
litico {adj} [chemistry] | :: lithic |
litico {adj} | :: lithic, stone (attributive) |
litiemia {f} [pathology] | :: lithaemia |
litificato {adj} | :: lithified |
litigante {mf} | :: quarreler |
litigante {mf} | :: litigant |
litigante {v} | :: present participle of litigare |
litigare {vi} | :: to quarrel, fight, fall out, argue, squabble |
litigare {vi} [law] | :: (with con or per) to litigate (with or for) |
litigare {vi} [jocular] | :: to fumble or rummage clumsily |
litigare {vt} | :: to contend or dispute |
litigarsi {v} | :: reflexive of litigare |
litigarsi {v} | :: to fight over |
litigata {f} | :: strife, toil, quarrel, row, tiff, squabble |
litigatore {m} | :: litigator |
litighio {m} | :: quarrelling, wrangling |
litigio {m} | :: quarrel, row, altercation, tiff, squabble, toil, strife |
litigio {m} [legal] | :: litigation |
litigiosamente {adv} | :: argumentatively, quarrelsomely |
litigiosità {f} | :: quarrelsomeness |
litigioso {adj} | :: quarrelsome |
litigioso {adj} | :: litigious, contentious |
litigone {mf} | :: A person who often litigates (or quarrels) |
litio {m} [chemistry] /ˈli.tjo/ | :: lithium |
litiorganico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: organolithium |
litioso {adj} | :: Of, relating to, or containing lithium; lithic |
litisconsorte {m} [legal] | :: coplaintiff; codefendant |
litisconsorzio {m} [legal] | :: joinder of parties |
litispendenza {f} [legal] | :: simultaneous pendency of two identical suits; lis pendens |
-lito {suffix} [physics, chemistry] | :: -lyte |
-lito {suffix} | :: -lith (variant of -lite) |
lito- {prefix} | :: litho- |
litocemento {m} | :: A form of cement that contains small polished stones |
litochelifopedio {m} [medicine] /ˈpɛ.djo/ | :: lithokelyphopedion |
litoclasi {f} [geology] | :: lithoclase |
litocolla {f} | :: A glue used in making mosaics etc |
litocromia {f} | :: synonym of cromolitografia |
litodialisi {f} | :: lithodialysis, lithoclysmia |
litodialisi {f} | :: litholysis |
litofaga {f} /liˈtɔ.fa.ɡa/ | :: Any member of the Lithophaga taxonomic genus |
litofago {adj} | :: lithophagous |
litofania {f} | :: lithophane |
litofita {f} [botany] | :: lithophyte |
litofotografia {f} | :: synonym of fotolitografia |
litofotografico {adj} | :: synonym of fotolitografico |
litogenesi {f} [geology] | :: lithogenesis |
litogenetico {adj} | :: lithogenic |
litoglifia {f} | :: lithoglyptics |
litoglifo {m} | :: lithoglyph |
litografante {v} | :: present participle of litografare |
litografare {vt} | :: to lithograph |
litografia {f} | :: lithography |
litografia {f} | :: lithograph |
litograficamente {adv} | :: lithographically |
litografico {adj} | :: lithographic |
litografo {m} | :: lithographer |
litoide {adj} | :: lithoid |
litolatra {mf} | :: litholater |
litolatria {f} | :: litholatry |
litolatrico {adj} | :: litholatric |
litolisi {f} [medicine] | :: litholysis |
litologia {f} [geology] | :: lithology |
litologico {adj} | :: lithological |
litologo {m} | :: lithologist |
litonefrosi {f} | :: lithonephrosis, lithonephritis |
litopedio {m} [medicine] /li.toˈpɛ.djo/ | :: lithopedion |
litorale {m} | :: coast, littoral |
litoralizzazione {f} | :: littoralization |
litoranea {f} | :: coast road |
litoraneo {adj} | :: littoral, coastal, coast (attributive) |
litorano {adj} | :: littoral |
litoscopio {m} | :: lithoscope |
litosfera {f} | :: lithosphere, earth's crust |
litosferico {adj} | :: lithospheric |
litosoma {m} [geology] | :: lithosome |
litostratigrafia {f} [geology] | :: lithostratigraphy |
litostroto {m} | :: mosaic pavement |
litotamnio {m} | :: lithotamnion (red alga of genus Lithothamnion) |
litote {f} | :: Litotes |
litoteca {f} [geology] | :: collection of rocks, minerals and fossils |
litotecnica {f} | :: The technology of working in stone |
litotipia {f} | :: lithotypy |
litotipia {f} | :: synonym of litografia |
litotipo {m} [geology] | :: lithotype |
litotomia {f} [surgery] | :: lithotomy |
litotomista {mf} [surgery] | :: lithotomist |
litotripsia {f} [surgery] | :: lithotripsy |
litotritore {m} [surgery] | :: lithotripter |
litro {m} | :: litre; liter [US] |
Littizzetto {prop} | :: surname |
Littizzetto {prop} | :: Luciana Littizzetto, Italian comedy actress |
littorale {m} | :: Variant of litorale |
littoraneo {adj} | :: alternative form of litoraneo |
littore {m} | :: lictor |
littoriale {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the fasces (fascio littorio) of fascist Italy |
littorina {f} | :: winkle |
littorina {f} | :: A type of slow, lightweight, Diesel-powered railway (used especially around Etna) |
littorio {adj} | :: lictorial |
lituana {f} | :: female equivalent of lituano |
Lituania {prop} | :: Lithuania |
lituano {adj} | :: Lithuanian |
lituano {m} | :: Lithuanian |
lituano {m} | :: the Lithuanian language |
liturgia {f} | :: liturgy |
liturgia {f} | :: ritual |
liturgicamente {adv} | :: liturgically |
liturgico {adj} | :: liturgical |
liturgista {mf} | :: liturgist |
liutaia {f} | :: female equivalent of liutaio |
liutaio {m} | :: luthier |
liuteria {f} | :: lutherie |
liuteria {f} | :: A workshop where stringed instruments are made and repaired |
liutista {mf} | :: lutist |
liuto {m} [musical instruments] | :: lute |
livarda {f} [nautical] | :: The sprit that supports a spritsail |
live {adj} | :: Performed or recorded live |
livella {f} | :: level (tool for finding whether a surface is level) |
livellabile {adj} | :: levelable |
livellamento {m} | :: levelling |
livellante {v} | :: present participle of livellare |
livellantesi {v} | :: present participle of livellarsi |
livellare {vt} | :: to level |
livellario {adj} | :: level (attributive) |
livellarsi {v} | :: reflexive of livellare |
livellarsi {vr} | :: to become level; to level out |
livellarsi {vr} | :: to balance out |
livellato {adj} | :: levelled |
livellatore {adj} | :: levelling |
livellatosi {v} | :: past participle of livellarsi |
livellatrice {f} | :: road roller, steam roller, grader |
livellatura {f} [uncommon] | :: synonym of livellamento |
livellazione {f} | :: levelling (of ground) |
livelletta {f} | :: A stretch of road or railway line of constant slope between two sections at a different slope |
livello {m} | :: level |
livello {m} | :: (tier) level, tier |
livello {m} [figuratively] | :: level, standard |
livello {m} | :: plane |
livello {m} [Education] | :: grade |
livello del mare {m} | :: sea level |
livello scolastico {m} [Education] | :: grade |
livellostato {m} | :: A device that controls / maintains the level of a liquid |
livello trofico {m} [ecology] | :: trophic level |
liventino {prop} | :: a dialect of Venetian spoken in the north of Veneto |
Livenza {prop} | :: Livenza (river) |
livermorio {m} [chemistry] /li.verˈmɔ.rjo/ | :: livermorium |
Liverotti {prop} | :: surname |
Livia {prop} /ˈli.vja/ | :: given name |
Livia {prop} [historical] | :: Livia (former name of Forli, the <<capital city>> of the <<p:pref/Forlì-Cesena>>, <<r/Emilia-Romagna>>, <<c/Italy>>) |
lividamente {adv} | :: lividly |
lividastro {adj} | :: livid (in colour) |
lividezza {f} | :: lividness (ghastly pallor) |
lividiccio {adj} | :: Very livid or bruised |
lividigno {adj} | :: bruisable (tending to bruise) |
livido {adj} /ˈ | :: livid |
livido {adj} [of the sky] | :: leaden |
livido {m} | :: bruise |
lividore {m} | :: synonym of lividezza |
lividore {m} | :: A livid bruise |
lividore {m} | :: venom |
lividume {m} | :: An extensive livid bruise |
lividura {f} | :: livid bruise |
livignasco {adj} | :: Of or from Livigno |
livignese {adj} | :: Of or relating to Livigno or the Livigno people |
livignese {mf} | :: A native or inhabitant of Livigno |
Livigno {prop} | :: Livigno (small town) |
livinallese {m} | :: A dialect of Ladin spoken in Livinallongo |
livinallese {adj} | :: Of or from Livinallongo |
living {m} | :: living room |
Livio {prop} | :: given name derived from Latin Livius |
Livïo {prop} | :: medieval spelling of Livio |
livone {mf} | :: Livonian; a person from Livonia |
Livonia {prop} | :: Livonia (historical region) |
livoniano {m} | :: Livonian (language) |
livonio {m} | :: Livonian (person) |
livonio {m} | :: Livonian (language) |
livore {m} | :: venom |
livornese {adj} /li.vorˈ | :: Livornian, relating to Livorno or its inhabitants |
livornese {mf} | :: a Livornian |
livornese {f} [by ellipsis] | :: leghorn (breed of chicken) |
Livorno {prop} /liˈ | :: Livorno (province/and/city) |
Livorno {prop} | :: The letter L in the Italian phonetic alphabet |
livorosamente {adv} | :: enviously, resentfully |
livoroso {adj} | :: envious, resentful |
livrea {f} | :: livery |
livrea {f} | :: coat (of an animal) |
livrea {f} | :: plumage |
livreato {adj} | :: liveried |
lizza {f} | :: lists (in jousting) |
lizza {f} | :: A large sled used to transport large blocks of stone from a quarry; the track along which the sleds moved |
lizzanese {adj} | :: Of or from Lizzano |
Lizzano {prop} | :: Lizzano (small town) |
lizzante {v} | :: present participle of lizzare |
lizzare {v} | :: to drag large blocks of stone on sleds |
lizzatura {f} | :: The transportation of large blocks of stone from a quarry on large sleds |
lo {art} | :: The form of il that is used before the so-called impure consonants, that is, s+consonant (impure s), gn, pn, ps, x or z; before a vowel it becomes l'; the |
lo {pron} [accusative] | :: him |
lo {pron} [accusative] | :: it, this or that thing |
lob {m} | :: lob (in ball games) |
lobare {adj} | :: lobe (attributive) |
lobare {adj} | :: lobar; lobate |
lobato {adj} | :: lobate |
lobbia {f} | :: Homburg hat |
lobbismo {m} | :: lobbyism |
lobbista {mf} | :: lobbyist |
lobbistico {adj} | :: lobby, lobbying (political, attributive) |
lobby {f} | :: lobby (group of people; hall of a bank) |
lobbysta {mf} | :: alternative spelling of lobbista |
lobbystico {adj} | :: Variant of lobbistico |
lobectomia {f} [surgery] | :: lobectomy |
lobelina {f} | :: lobeline |
lobo {m} [anatomy, botany, architecture] | :: lobe |
lobo parietale {m} [anatomy] | :: parietal lobe |
lobotomia {f} [surgery] | :: lobotomy |
lobotomia prefrontale {f} [surgery] | :: prefrontal lobotomy |
lobotomizzante {v} | :: present participle of lobotomizzare |
lobotomizzare {vt} | :: To lobotomize |
lobotomizzazione {f} | :: lobotomization/lobotomisation |
lobulare {adj} | :: lobulate |
lobulato {adj} | :: lobulate |
lobulo {m} | :: lobule |
locago {m} /loˈka.ɡo/ | :: A military leader of an armed band |
locale {adj} | :: local |
locale {m} | :: room |
localismo {m} | :: localism |
localistico {adj} | :: localist |
localistico {adj} | :: localistic |
località {f} | :: locality |
localizzabile {adj} | :: localizable |
localizzante {v} | :: present participle of localizzare |
localizzantesi {v} | :: present participle of localizzarsi |
localizzare {vt} | :: to locate |
localizzare {vt} | :: to confine |
localizzarsi {v} | :: reflexive of localizzare |
localizzarsi {vr} | :: to become localized (in) |
localizzativo {adj} | :: locational |
localizzato {adj} | :: localized |
localizzato {adj} | :: confined |
localizzatore {adj} | :: locating |
localizzatore {m} | :: locator, detector |
localizzatosi {v} | :: past participle of localizzarsi |
localizzatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of localizzatore |
localizzazione {f} | :: localization (all senses) |
localmente {adv} | :: locally |
locanda {f} | :: simple hotel |
locanda {f} | :: inn (offering both food and accommodation) |
locandiera {f} | :: innkeeper, landlady |
locandiere {m} | :: innkeeper, landlord |
locandina {f} | :: poster (for a film etc) |
locante {v} | :: present participle of locare |
locare {vt} | :: to let, rent, hire |
Locarno {prop} | :: The Swiss town |
locataria {f} | :: female equivalent of locatario |
locatario {m} | :: tenant |
locatario {m} | :: lodger |
locativo {adj} | :: rentable |
locatizio {adj} [legal] | :: Relating to a lease |
locatore {m} | :: landlord (of rented property) |
locatorio {adj} | :: tenant, lessee (attributive) |
locatrice {f} | :: landlady (of rented property) |
locavoro {m} | :: locavore |
locazione {f} | :: lease |
locazione {f} | :: renting, leasing |
l'occhio del padrone ingrassa il cavallo {proverb} | :: a business thrives when the owner keeps his eye on it |
l'occhio del padrone ingrassa il cavallo {proverb} | :: the master's eye makes the horse fat |
locco {m} | :: sucker, fool |
locello {m} | :: alternative form of loculo |
lochiano {adj} | :: alternative form of lockiano |
lochiazione {f} [physiology] | :: lochia |
lockiano {adj} | :: Lockian; Locke (attributive) |
lockismo {m} | :: Lockian philosophy |
locomotilità {f} | :: locomotility |
locomotiva {f} | :: locomotive, engine (railway) |
locomotiva a vapore {f} | :: steam locomotive |
locomotiva a vapore {f} | :: steam engine |
locomotiva a vapore {f} | :: (informal, dated) pufferbelly |
locomotivo {adj} | :: locomotive (self-moving) |
locomotore {adj} | :: locomotive, locomotor |
locomotore {m} | :: locomotive, engine (of a train) |
locomotorio {adj} [anatomy] | :: locomotor, locomotory, locomotive |
locomotorista {mf} | :: engine driver (of a train) |
locomozione {f} [engineering, mechanics] | :: locomotion |
locoregionale {adj} | :: locoregional |
locrese {adj} | :: Of, or from, Locri |
locrese {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Locri |
Locri {prop} | :: Locri (town) |
loculare {adj} | :: locular |
loculo {m} /ˈlɔ.ku.lo/ | :: burial niche or recess; loculus |
loculo {m} [literary] | :: A small niche or cavity |
loculo {m} [botany] | :: cavity |
locupletare {v} [literary] | :: To enrich |
locupletazione {f} | :: enrichment, wealth |
locupletazione {f} | :: locupletation |
locusta {f} | :: locust |
locustone {m} | :: wart-biter (Decticus verrucivorus) |
locutore {adj} | :: speaking (a specified language, dialect etc) |
locutore {m} | :: speaker |
locutore {m} | :: announcer (radio, TV) |
locuzione {f} /lo.kuˈt͡ | :: locution, phrase, expression |
locuzione {f} [archaic] | :: idiom (a mode of expression peculiar to an individual) |
locuzione nominale {f} /lo.ku.ˌt͡ no.mi.ˈna.le/ | :: noun phrase |
lodabile {adj} | :: laudable, praiseworthy |
lodabilità {f} | :: laudableness, praiseworthiness |
lodabilmente {adv} | :: laudably, praiseworthily |
lodante {v} | :: present participle of lodare |
lodantesi {v} | :: present participle of lodarsi |
lodare {vt} | :: to praise, commend |
lodare {vt} [religion] | :: to praise, laud |
lodarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lodare |
lodarsi {v} | :: to praise oneself; to boast, brag |
lodatissimo {adj} | :: superlative of lodato |
lodativo {adj} | :: laudatory, laudative, eulogistic |
lodatore {m} | :: praiser, lauder |
lodatosi {v} | :: past participle of lodarsi |
lode {f} | :: praise |
Loderingo {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
lodevole {adj} /loˈde.vo.le/ | :: praiseworthy |
lodevolezza {f} | :: praiseworthiness |
lodevolissimo {adj} | :: superlative of lodevole |
lodevolmente {adv} | :: commendably, praiseworthily, laudably |
Lodi {prop} | :: Lodi (town/and/province) |
lodigiano {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Lodi |
lodigiano {m} | :: The dialect of Lodi |
lodigiano {m} | :: A cheese from Lodi |
lodo {m} [legal] | :: arbitrator’s award |
lodolaio {m} | :: the hobby or Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo) |
Lodovico {prop} /lo.doˈvi.ko/ | :: given name, alternative form of Ludovico. |
Lo Duca {prop} | :: surname |
Lofaso {prop} | :: surname |
loffa {f} | :: wind (flatulence) |
loffio {adj} | :: flabby |
lofio {m} | :: anglerfish |
lofoforo {m} [zoology] | :: lophophore |
lofoforo {m} | :: monal, a kind of pheasant |
lofotrico {adj} | :: lophotrichous |
logaedico {adj} | :: logaedic |
logaedo {m} | :: logaedic verse |
logaritmico {adj} | :: logarithmic |
logaritmo {m} | :: logarithm |
loggante {v} | :: present participle of loggare |
loggare {v} [computing] | :: to log in, log on |
loggato {adj} [Internet] | :: logged in, logged on |
loggetta {f} | :: A small loggia or lodge |
loggia {f} [architecture] /ˈlɔd.d͡ʒa/ | :: loggia (roofed, open gallery) |
loggia {f} | :: lodge (Masonic) |
loggia {f} | :: loge |
Loggia {prop} | :: surname |
Loggia dei Lanzi {prop} | :: A building on a corner of the Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy, adjoining the Uffizi Gallery |
Loggia della Signoria {prop} | :: synonym of Loggia dei Lanzi |
loggiato {m} [architecture] | :: arcade, open gallery |
loggione {m} | :: gallery, gods (in a theatre) |
loggionista {mf} | :: spectator in the gallery (of a theatre) |
-logia {suffix} | :: -logy |
logica {f} | :: logic |
logica matematica {f} [maths, logic] | :: mathematical logic |
logicamente {adv} | :: logically |
logicamente {adv} | :: naturally, obviously |
logicismo {m} | :: logicism |
logicista {mf} | :: logicist |
logicistico {adj} | :: logicist |
logicità {f} | :: logicality |
-logico {suffix} | :: -logical |
logico {adj} | :: logical |
logismografia {f} | :: logismography |
logismografico {adj} | :: logismographic |
logista {m} | :: logistician |
logistica {f} /loˈd͡ʒis.ti.ka/ | :: logistics |
logisticamente {adv} | :: logistically |
logistico {adj} | :: logistic |
loglio {m} /ˈlɔʎ.ʎo/ | :: darnel, tare |
loglio {m} | :: chaff |
-logo {suffix} | :: -logist, -ist, -er (member of a profession etc) |
logo- {prefix} | :: logo- |
logo {m} {m} | :: logo (symbol) |
logo {m} {m} | :: logotype |
Logodoro {prop} | :: medieval spelling of Logudoro |
logografia {f} | :: logography |
logografico {adj} | :: logographic |
logografo {m} | :: logographer |
logogramma {m} | :: logogram, logograph |
logogrifo {m} | :: logogriph |
logomachia {f} | :: logomachy (dispute over the meaning of a word) |
logon {m} [computing] | :: logon |
logopatia {f} | :: speech disorder; logopathy |
logopatico {adj} | :: logopathic |
logopedia {f} | :: speech therapy, logopedics |
logopedico {adj} | :: speech (therapy) (attributive) |
logopedista {mf} | :: speech therapist, logopedist |
logoplegia {f} | :: logoplegia |
logorabile {adj} | :: vulnerable to wear and tear |
logorabilità {f} | :: The property of what is vulnerable to wear and tear |
logoramento {m} | :: wear (of clothes etc) |
logorante {v} | :: present participle of logorare |
logorante {adj} | :: exhausting, wearing, trying |
logorantesi {v} | :: present participle of logorarsi |
logorare {vt} | :: to wear out, exhaust |
logorare {vt} | :: to wear away |
logorare {vt} | :: to wear down |
logorare {vt} | :: to ruin |
logorarsi {v} | :: reflexive of logorare |
logorarsi {v} | :: to wear out, exhaust |
logorarsi {v} | :: to ruin |
logorato {adj} | :: exhausted |
logorato {adj} | :: worn out, worn down, worn away |
logoratore {m} | :: ruination |
logoratosi {v} | :: past participle of logorarsi |
logorio {m} | :: strain |
logorio {m} | :: wear and tear |
logorizia {f} /lo.ɡoˈrit.t͡sja/ | :: obsolete form of liquirizia |
logoro {adj} | :: worn |
logoro {adj} | :: worn out, threadbare, shabby |
logoro {adj} | :: ruined |
logoro {adj} | :: exhausted |
logorrea {f} [pathology] | :: logorrhea (excessive and often uncontrollable speaking due to a mental disorder) |
logorrea {f} | :: logorrhea (excessive talkativeness) |
logorroicamente {adv} | :: logorrheically |
logorroicamente {adv} | :: verbosely |
logorroico {adj} | :: logorrheic |
logorroico {adj} | :: verbose |
logos {m} | :: logos |
logosemeiotico {adj} | :: logosemiotic |
logoterapeuta {mf} | :: speech therapist |
logoterapia {f} | :: logotherapy |
logoterapista {mf} | :: logotherapist |
logoteta {f} | :: logothete |
logotipo {m} | :: logotype, logo |
logotipo {m} | :: ligature (typographic) |
logout {m} [computing] | :: logout |
logudorese {adj} | :: of or from Logudoro |
logudorese {n} | :: Logudorese (dialect of Sardinian) |
Logudoro {prop} | :: Logudoro (region) |
loia {f} [Tuscan] | :: dirt, filth on clothes or skin |
Loiano {prop} | :: Loiano (small town) |
loica {f} | :: alternative form of logica |
Loide {prop} [Biblical character] | :: Lois |
Loide {prop} | :: given name |
loiolescamente {adv} | :: Jesuitically |
loiolescamente {adv} | :: hypocritically |
loiolesco {adj} | :: Jesuitic |
loiolesco {adj} | :: hypocritical |
Loira {prop} | :: Loire, Loire River |
lokum {m} | :: Turkish delight |
lolita {f} | :: A sexually provocative young girl; a Lolita |
lolla {f} | :: chaff, husk |
lollardo {m} | :: Lollard |
Lollobrigida {prop} | :: surname |
Lollobrigida {prop} | :: Gina Lollobrigida, Italian actress (and sex symbol) |
lolloso {adj} [Internet] | :: very funny |
lolz {interj} [Internet slang] | :: Used to express laughter |
lombaggine {f} [pathology] | :: lumbago |
lombalgia {f} [pathology] | :: lumbago, low back pain |
lombarda {f} | :: female equivalent of lombardo |
lombardata {f} | :: A chain of people (typically builders) who pass light material (typically bricks) along a line |
lombardesco {adj} | :: Lombard |
Lombardi {prop} | :: surname |
Lombardia {prop} | :: Lombardia (region) |
lombardismo {m} | :: The words and phrases of the Lombard dialect of Italian |
lombardo {adj} | :: Lombard |
lombardo {m} | :: Lombard |
Lombardo {prop} | :: surname |
lombare {adj} [anatomy] | :: lumbar |
lombata {f} | :: loin (of meat) |
lombatina {f} | :: sirloin steak |
lombo- {prefix} [anatomy] | :: Related to the lower back or loin; lumbo- |
lombo {m} [anatomy] /ˈ | :: loin |
lombo {m} [by extension, in the plural] | :: hips |
lombo {m} | :: loin (meat cut) |
lombosacrale {adj} [anatomy] /ˈkra.le/ | :: lumbosacral |
lombotomia {f} [surgery] | :: lumbotomy |
lombricaio {m} /lom.briˈ | :: Moist ground where many earthworms live |
lombricaio {m} [by extension] | :: A filthy place |
lombricaio {m} [figurative] | :: A place teeming with people, especially filthy or dishonest people. |
lombricicoltore {m} | :: earthworm breeder |
lombricicoltura {f} | :: earthworm breeding |
lombrico {m} | :: earthworm |
lombricoltore {m} | :: earthworm breeder |
lombricoltura {f} | :: earthworm breeding |
lombrosiano {adj} | :: Lombrosian |
Lombroso {prop} | :: surname |
Lombroso {prop} | :: Cesare Lombroso, Italian anthropologist |
Lomellina {prop} | :: Lomellina (region) |
lomellino {adj} | :: Of or from Lomellina |
Lomello {prop} | :: Lomello (town) |
lomento {m} [botany] | :: loment |
lompo {m} [zoology, ichthyology] | :: lumpsucker |
londinese {adj} [relational] /lon.diˈ | :: London; Londonish (of, relating to, or from London) |
londinese {mf} | :: Londoner, Londonite (person from or inhabitant of London) |
Londra {prop} /ˈlondra/ | :: Londra (capital city) |
longanime {adj} /lonˈɡ | :: forbearing |
longanimemente {adv} | :: forbearingly |
longanimità {f} | :: tolerance, indulgence |
longanimità {f} | :: patience |
longanimo {adj} | :: alternative form of longanime |
longarina {f} | :: sleeper (railway) |
longarina {f} | :: iron girder |
longarone {m} | :: longeron |
longevità {f} | :: longevity |
longevo {adj} | :: long-lived |
Longhena {prop} | :: Longhena (township) |
Longhena {prop} | :: surname |
longheniano {adj} | :: Relating to Baldassare Longhena or to Mario Longhena |
longherina {f} | :: sleeper (railway) |
longherina {f} | :: iron girder |
longherone {m} | :: longeron, stringer, stiffener |
longicollo {adj} | :: long-necked |
longilineo {adj} | :: rangy; long-limbed |
longinquità {f} | :: A great distance |
longinquità {f} | :: A long duration |
longiremo {adj} | :: long-oared |
longità {f} [obsolete] | :: length |
longitipo {m} | :: longitype, ectomorph |
longitudinale {adj} | :: longitudinal |
longitudinalmente {adv} | :: longitudinally |
longitudine {f} | :: longitude |
longo {adj} /ˈlɔn.ɡo/ | :: obsolete form of lungo |
Longobardi {prop} | :: Lombards |
longobardico {adj} | :: Lombard |
longobardo {m} | :: Lombard |
longobardo {adj} | :: Lombard |
long play {m} | :: LP; long-playing record |
longuette {f} | :: midi, midiskirt |
Lonigo {prop} | :: Lonigo (town) |
lontanamente {adv} | :: far away, distantly |
lontanamente {adv} | :: remotely |
lontananza {f} | :: distance |
lontananza {f} | :: absence |
lontanare {v} | :: alternative form of allontanare |
lontanissimo {adj} | :: superlative of lontano |
lontano {adj} /lonˈtano/ | :: distant |
lontano {adv} | :: far |
lontano dagli occhi, lontano dal cuore {proverb} | :: out of sight, out of mind |
lontra {f} /ˈlon.tra/ | :: otter |
lontrato {adj} [of clothing] | :: beaverskin made to look like that of otter |
lonza {f} | :: loin of pork |
lonza {f} | :: a term used in the Middle Ages to describe a type of wild cat, possibly a lynx or leopard (cf. onça) |
Lonza {prop} | :: Lonza (river) that is a tributary of the Rhone |
lonzo {adj} | :: floppy, flabby |
lonzo {adj} | :: weak |
loppa {f} | :: chaff, husk |
loppa {f} | :: rubbish, junk (items of little value) |
loppa {f} | :: slag of cast iron |
loppide {m} | :: dog, specifically any domestic animal descended from a wolf |
loppio {m} | :: maple, field maple (Acer campestre) |
loppone {m} | :: sycamore maple (tree or wood) |
lopposo {adj} | :: chaffy |
Lopresti {prop} | :: surname |
loquace {adj} | :: talkative; loquacious |
loquace {adj} | :: eloquent |
loquacemente {adv} | :: loquaciously, talkatively |
loquacità {f} | :: talkativeness, loquacity |
loquela {f} | :: loquacity |
loquela {f} | :: language |
-loquio {suffix} /ˈlɔkwjo/ | :: -loquy; used to forms nouns related to speech and talking |
loranto {m} | :: showy mistletoe (of genus Loranthaceae) |
lord {m} | :: lord [British aristocrat] |
lord {m} | :: gentleman |
lordaggine {f} | :: alternative form of lordezza |
lordamente {adv} | :: dirtily, filthily |
lordamente {adv} | :: grossly |
lordante {v} | :: present participle of lordare |
lordantesi {v} | :: present participle of lordarsi |
lordare {vt} | :: to dirty, soil |
lordare {vt} | :: to besmirch |
lordarsi {v} | :: reflexive of lordare |
lordarsi {v} | :: to dirty or soil oneself |
lordatore {m} | :: besmircher |
lordatosi {v} | :: past participle of lordarsi |
lordezza {f} | :: filth, dirt |
lordezza {f} | :: immorality, dishonesty |
lordo {adj} | :: dirty, filthy |
lordo {adj} | :: gross (all senses) |
lordosi {f} [pathology] | :: lordosis |
lordotico {adj} | :: lordotic |
lordume {m} | :: filth, dirt |
lordura {f} | :: dirtiness |
lordura {f} | :: Moral dirtiness: obscenity |
Loredan {prop} | :: surname |
Loredan {prop} | :: A noble family of Venice |
Lorena {prop} | :: Lorraine (region) |
Lorena {prop} | :: given name |
lorenese {adj} | :: Lorraine (attributive) |
Loreno {prop} | :: given name |
lorentziano {adj} [maths] | :: Lorentzian |
Lorenza {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Lorenzo |
Lorenzo {prop} /loˈrɛn.t͡so/ | :: given name |
Loreto {prop} | :: Loreto (town), famous for its sanctuary |
lornio {adj} | :: cross-eyed |
lornio {adj} | :: one-eyed (blind in one eye) |
loro {pron} /ˈ | :: they |
loro {pron} [dative, formal] | :: them, to them |
loro {adj} [possessive] | :: their |
loro {adj} [possessive, often capitalised] | :: your (polite plural form) |
loro {pron} | :: theirs |
loro {pron} [often, capitalised] | :: your (polite plural form) |
Loro {pron} [uncommon, very, formal or polite] | :: you |
Loro {adj} [uncommon, very, formal or polite, possessive] | :: your |
loro stesse {pron} | :: themselves |
loro stessi {pron} | :: themselves |
losanga {f} /loˈzan.ɡa/ | :: lozenge, diamond, rhombus (shape) |
losanga {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: lozenge |
losangato {adj} [heraldry] | :: lozengy |
losangeleno {m} | :: Angelino |
losangelino {adj} | :: Of or from Los Angeles |
losangelino {m} | :: Angelino (native or inhabitant of Los Angeles) |
Losanna {prop} | :: Losanna (city) |
loscamente {adv} | :: sullenly |
loscamente {adv} | :: shadily, suspiciously |
loschezza {f} [uncommon] | :: surliness |
loschezza {f} [uncommon] | :: shadiness |
losco {adj} /ˈlos.ko/ | :: sullen, surly |
losco {adj} | :: shady, suspicious (person) |
Losone {prop} | :: Losone (small town) |
lossodromia {f} | :: rhumb line, loxodrome |
lossodromico {adj} | :: loxodromic |
lo stesso {adj} [music] | :: alternative spelling of l'istesso |
Lot {prop} [Biblical character] | :: Lot |
Lotaringia {n} | :: Lotharingia |
lotaringio {adj} | :: Lotharingian |
Lotario {prop} | :: given name |
lotico {adj} [ecology] | :: lotic |
lotiforme {adj} | :: lotiform |
loto {m} /ˈlɔ.to/ | :: lotus |
lotofago {m} | :: lotus eater |
lotolento {adj} | :: alternative form of lutulento |
lotta {f} [literal or figurative] /ˈlɔt.ta/ | :: fight, struggle |
lotta {f} | :: conflict |
lotta {f} [sports] | :: wrestling |
lotta libera {f} [sports] | :: wrestling |
lottante {v} | :: present participle of lottare |
lottare {v} | :: to fight |
lottare {v} | :: to spar |
lottare {v} | :: to struggle |
lottatore {m} | :: fighter |
lottatore {m} [sports] | :: wrestler |
lottatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of lottatore |
lotteria {f} | :: lottery |
lotteria {f} | :: sweepstake (horse racing) |
lottista {mf} | :: lottery worker (typically sells tickets) |
lottista {mf} | :: Manager of an illegal gambling den |
lottizzabile {adj} | :: divisable into lots |
lottizzante {v} | :: present participle of lottizzare |
lottizzare {vt} | :: to subdivide [divide into lots] |
lottizzatorio {adj} | :: subdivided |
lottizzazione {f} | :: subdivision [division into lots] |
lotto {m} /ˈlɔtto/ | :: lot |
lotto {m} | :: plot (of land) |
lotto {m} | :: lottery |
lotto {m} | :: stock |
lotume {m} | :: synonym of sudiciume |
lotume {m} | :: slush |
Louisiana {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Luisiana |
Lousonna {prop} | :: alternative form of Losanna |
Lovanio {prop} | :: Lovanio (capital city) |
lovastatina {f} [biochemistry] | :: lovastatin |
Lovato {prop} /loˈ | :: surname |
lovecraftiano {adj} | :: Lovecraftian |
lozione {f} | :: lotion |
LT {prop} | :: abbreviation of Latina (Italian town in Lazio) |
Luana {prop} | :: given name |
lubbione {m} | :: gallery (in a theater) |
Lubecca {prop} | :: Lübeck |
lubecchio {m} | :: A kind of cogwheel used in mills |
Lubiana {prop} | :: Lubiana (capital city) |
Lublino {prop} | :: Lublino (city) |
lubricamente {adv} | :: lewdly |
lubricità {f} | :: lubricity |
lubrico {adj} [literary] /ˈlu.bri.ko/ | :: slippery |
lubrico {adj} [literary, of animals] | :: slimy, slick |
lubrico {adj} [archaic] | :: That evacuates easily |
lubrico {adj} [archaic, rare] | :: laxative |
lubrico {adj} [figurative] | :: lewd, lubricious, lubricous |
lubrificante {v} | :: present participle of lubrificare |
lubrificante {adj} | :: lubricating |
lubrificante {m} | :: lubricant |
lubrificare {vt} | :: to lubricate |
lubrificativo {adj} | :: lubricated |
lubrificatore {adj} | :: lubricating |
lubrificazione {f} | :: lubrication |
lubrorefrigerante {m} | :: cutting fluid |
Luca {prop} | :: given name |
Luca {prop} | :: Luke [biblical character] |
Luca {prop} | :: the Gospel of Luke |
Lucani {prop} | :: An ancient tribe from Lucania |
Lucania {prop} | :: Lucania |
lucano {adj} | :: Of or from Lucania |
lucano {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Lucania |
lucano {m} | :: Dialect of the Lucania region (masculine only) |
Lucano {prop} | :: Lucan |
Lucarelli {prop} | :: surname |
lucarino {m} | :: alternative form of lucherino |
Lucca {prop} | :: Lucca (province) |
Lucca {prop} | :: Lucca (capital city) |
lucchese {mf} | :: A native or inhabitant of Lucca |
lucchese {adj} | :: Of or relating to Lucca or the Lucca people |
Lucchese {m} | :: Lucchese |
Lucchesi {prop} | :: surname |
lucchesina {f} | :: A heavy, white blanket |
lucchesino {m} | :: A bright red woolen cloth |
lucchettante {v} | :: present participle of lucchettare |
lucchettare {vt} | :: To padlock |
lucchetto {m} | :: padlock |
Lucciano {prop} | :: surname |
luccicamento {m} | :: sparkle, glitter |
luccicante {v} | :: present participle of luccicare |
luccicante {adj} | :: glittering, shiny, sparkling |
luccicare {vi} /lut.tʃiˈ | :: to sparkle, twinkle |
luccicare {vi} | :: to glitter, glisten, shimmer |
luccichio {adj} | :: sparkling, twinkling |
luccichio {adj} | :: glittering, glistening |
luccichio {m} | :: shimmer |
luccichio {m} | :: scintillation |
luccicone {m} [usually, in the plural] | :: tear, teardrop (big teardrop) |
luccicore {m} | :: sparkling, twinkling |
luccicore {m} | :: glittering |
luccio {m} | :: pike, Esox lucius (fish) |
lucciola {f} /ˈluttʃola/ | :: firefly, glowworm |
lucciola {f} | :: prostitute |
lucciolaio {m} | :: A cloud of fireflies |
lucciolare {v} | :: synonym of luccicare |
lucciolio {m} | :: A shimmering of fireflies |
lucciolone {m} | :: synonym of luccicone |
luccioperca {f} | :: alternative form of lucioperca |
lucco {m} | :: A hood for a falcon or similar bird used for hunting |
luce {f} /ˈlut͡ʃe/ | :: light [visible electromagnetic wave; electrical device providing light] |
luce {f} | :: clearance |
luce {f} | :: span (engineering) |
luce di Drummond {f} | :: Drummond light, limelight |
lucente {v} | :: present participle of lucere |
lucente {adj} | :: shining, bright, brilliant |
lucentemente {adv} | :: brilliantly |
lucentezza {f} | :: shine |
Lucera {prop} | :: Lucera (town) |
lucere {vi} [obsolete] | :: to shine |
lucerna {f} | :: oil lamp |
Lucerna {prop} | :: Lucerna (capital city) |
Lucerna {prop} | :: Lucerna (canton) |
lucernaio {m} | :: skylight |
lucernare {m} | :: alternative form of lucernario |
lucernario {m} | :: skylight |
lucernata {f} | :: lampful (quantity of oil in an oil lamp) |
lucernese {adj} | :: Of or from Lucerne |
lucernetta {f} | :: Small oil lamp |
lucerniere {m} | :: A form of candlestick with several holes for placing a candle at different heights |
lucertiforme {adj} | :: alternative form of lacertiforme |
lucertola {f} /luˈt͡ʃɛ | :: lizard |
lucertola di mare {f} | :: synonym of lacertola |
lucertolo {m} [Tuscan] /luˈt͡ʃɛ | :: synonym of sottofesa |
lucertolone {m} | :: synonym of ramarro |
lucertolone {m} | :: iguana |
lucetta {f} | :: A small light, a small light source |
lucherino {m} | :: siskin, aberdevine |
lucherino d'America {m} | :: American goldfinch |
lucherino dei pini {m} | :: pine siskin |
lucherino di yarrell {m} | :: yellow-faced siskin (Spinus yarrellii) |
lucherino dorso nero {m} | :: lesser goldfinch |
lucherino eurasiatico {m} | :: Eurasian siskin or spruce siskin (Spinus spinus, formerly Carduelis spinus |
lucherino testa nera {n} | :: hooded siskin |
Luchino {prop} | :: given name |
Lucia {prop} /ˈlu.tʃia/ | :: given name |
Luciana {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Luciano |
Luciani {prop} | :: surname |
Luciano {prop} | :: given name |
Luciano {prop} | :: Lucian, the Sophist |
lucidabile {adj} | :: polishable |
lucidalabbra {m} | :: lip gloss |
lucidamente {adv} | :: lucidly |
lucidamento {m} | :: polishing |
lucidante {v} | :: present participle of lucidare |
lucidante {adj} | :: polishing |
lucidante {m} | :: polish (material used for polishing) |
lucidare {vt} | :: to polish |
lucidare {vt} | :: to trace [a design] |
lucidare {vt} | :: to glaze [tanning] |
lucidato {adj} | :: polished |
lucidatoio {m} | :: tracing table |
lucidatore {m} | :: polisher (person) |
lucidatrice {f} | :: floor polisher |
lucidatura {f} | :: polishing |
luci della ribalta {fp} | :: footlights, limelights |
lucidezza {f} | :: shine, brightness, sheen, gloss |
lucidista {mf} | :: tracer (person) |
lucidità {f} | :: lucidity |
lucido {adj} | :: bright, shiny, glossy |
lucido {adj} | :: lucid |
lucido {m} | :: lustre, polish |
lucido {m} | :: shoe polish |
luciferasi {f} [enzyme] /lu.t͡ʃi.feˈra.zi/ | :: luciferase |
luciferiano {adj} /lu.t͡ʃi.feˈ | :: Adherent of the schism of Lucifer of Cagliari |
luciferiano {adj} | :: Used to indicate the followers of several heretical movements linked to Catharism during the 11th and 12th centuries |
luciferico {adj} | :: Luciferic |
luciferina {f} [biochemistry] /lu.t͡ʃi.feˈ | :: luciferin |
luciferino {adj} /lu.t͡ʃi.feˈ | :: fiendish |
luciferismo {m} | :: Luciferianism |
lucifero {adj} [literary] /luˈt͡ʃ | :: bearing or giving off light |
lucifero {m} [literary] | :: name for the planet Venus as the morningstar, daystar |
lucifero {m} [rare] | :: alternative case form of Lucifero |
Lucifero {prop} | :: Lucifer |
lucignolato {adj} | :: twisted (like a wick) |
lucignolo {m} | :: wick |
lucilia {f} | :: greenbottle (Lucilia caesar) |
luci, motore, azione {interj} | :: lights, camera, action |
lucina {f} | :: A small light, a small light source |
Lucio {prop} /ˈlu.tʃo/ | :: given name |
lucioperca {f} | :: zander, perch |
lucivago {n} [botany] | :: heliophilous |
luco {m} /ˈlu.ko/ | :: A small grove, particularly: |
luco {m} [Ancient Rome] | :: A grove sacred to the gods |
lucore {m} | :: glow |
lucrabile {adj} | :: That can be gained |
lucrabilità {f} | :: The property of what can be gained |
lucrante {v} | :: present participle of lucrare |
lucrare {vt} | :: To gain, earn or profit |
lucrativo {adj} | :: lucrative, profitable, gainful |
Lucrezia {prop} | :: given name |
lucreziano {adj} | :: Lucretian |
Lucrezio {prop} | :: Lucretius |
lucro {m} | :: profit, gain |
lucrosamente {adv} | :: profitably, lucratively |
lucroso {adj} | :: lucrative, profitable |
luculente {adj} | :: luminous |
luculente {adj} | :: splendid |
luculentemente {adv} | :: luminously |
luculentemente {adv} | :: splendidly |
luculento {adj} /lu.kuˈlɛ | :: bright, shining, luculent |
luculleo {adj} | :: Relating to Lucullo |
lucullianamente {adv} | :: lavishly, sumptuously |
luculliano {adj} | :: lavish, sumptuous (feast) |
Lucullo {prop} | :: Lucullus |
lucumone {m} /lu.kuˈ | :: lucumo (Etruscan prince or priest) |
lucumonia {f} /lu.kuˈmɔ.nja/ | :: The rank or title of a lucumo; a region ruled by a lucumo |
luddismo {m} | :: Luddism |
luddista {mf} | :: Luddite |
ludere {v} [obsolete] /ˈ | :: to play |
ludibrio {m} /luˈdib.rjo/ | :: mockery, scorn |
ludibrio {m} | :: laughing stock |
ludicamente {adv} | :: recreationally |
ludico {adj} | :: recreational |
ludimagistro {m} | :: schoolteacher (in Ancient Rome) |
ludione {m} | :: Cartesian diver, Cartesian devil |
ludo {m} | :: game, sport |
ludo {m} | :: pastime |
ludobus {m} | :: playbus |
ludolinguistica {f} [linguistics] | :: the branch of linguistics relating to word games |
ludologo {m} | :: play therapist |
ludopatia {f} | :: problem gambling |
ludoteca {f} | :: playroom |
ludoteca {f} | :: games room |
ludotecario {m} | :: The person in charge of a playroom |
ludoterapia {f} [medicine] | :: play therapy |
Ludovica {prop} /lu.doˈvi.ka/ | :: given name |
Ludovico {prop} /lu.doˈvi.ko/ | :: given name |
Ludovisi {prop} | :: surname |
lue {f} [medicine] /ˈlu.e/ | :: synonym of sifilide |
lue {f} [figurative, literary] | :: plague, misfortune |
lue {f} [poetic] | :: An evil person; evilist |
luetico {adj} [disease] | :: luetic |
luffa {f} | :: loofah (a kind of tropical vine) |
luffo {m} | :: synonym of batuffolo |
lugana {m} | :: A white wine made near Lake Garda |
luganega {f} | :: A thin pork sausage from the Veneto |
luganese {adj} | :: Of or from Lugano |
luganiga {f} | :: synonym of luganega |
Lugano {prop} | :: Lugano (town) |
lugarino {m} | :: siskin |
lugliatico {adj} [of fruit etc.] | :: that ripens in July |
luglienga {f} | :: A particular grape variety that ripens in July |
luglio {m} /ˈlu.ʎo/ | :: July |
lugo {m} /ˈlu.ɡo/ | :: alternative form of luogo |
lugubre {adj} /ˈlu.ɡu-.bre/ | :: gloomy, dismal, lugubrious |
lugubremente {adv} | :: mournfully, dismally, lugubriously |
lui {pron} /ˈlui/ | :: he |
lui {pron} [disjunctive] | :: him |
lui {pron} | :: it |
luì {m} | :: any of several warblers, including the chiffchaff |
luì bianco {m} | :: Bonelli's warbler |
luigi {m} [historical numismatics] | :: louis (any coin issued by the French Kingdom) |
Luigi {prop} | :: given name |
Luigi {prop} | :: historical given name |
Luigiana {prop} | :: obsolete form of Luisiana |
luigi d'oro {m} [historical numismatics] /luˈi.dʒi ˈdɔ.ro/ | :: louis d'or (any gold coin introduced in France by Louis XIII) |
luigino {m} [historical numismatics] | :: luigino (imitation coin) |
luigino {m} [numismatics] | :: luigino (currency of unrecognised Seborga) |
luì grosso {m} | :: willow warbler |
luì piccolo {m} | :: chiffchaff |
Luisa {prop} /luˈ | :: given name |
Luisiana {prop} | :: Luisiana (state) |
luì verde {m} | :: wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) |
lumaca {f} /luˈmaka/ | :: slug |
lumaca {f} [familiar or regional] | :: snail |
lumaca {f} [figuratively] | :: slowcoach |
lumaca {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: type of pasta shaped like a snail's shell |
lumacare {v} | :: alternative form of allumacare |
lumacatura {f} | :: alternative form of allumacatura |
lumachella {f} [rare] /lu.maˈkɛ | :: diminutive of lumaca: small snail |
lumachella {f} [mineralogy] | :: lumachel, fire marble |
lumachina {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: A small sluge or seashell |
lumacone {m} | :: slug (large) |
lumacone {m} | :: slowcoach |
lumacoso {adj} /lu.maˈko.zo/ | :: Marked by a trail of snail mucus |
lumaio {m} | :: A manufacturer, repairer or seller of lamps |
lumare {v} | :: synonym of illuminare |
lumata {f} | :: look, peek |
lumbard {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Lega Nord |
lumbard {mf} | :: A member or supporter of the Lega Nord |
lume {m} /ˈ | :: A light source |
lume {m} [dated] | :: A non-electrical light source (e.g. a candle or an oil lamp) |
lume {m} [rare] | :: An electrical light source |
lume {m} [by extension, poetic] | :: star |
lume {m} [figuratively, poetic] | :: God |
lume {m} [figuratively, by extension, poetic] | :: A blessed soul or entity |
lume {m} [figuratively, by extension, literary, poetic] | :: A notable person within a specific field or discipline |
lume {m} | :: light, specifically: |
lume {m} [archaic, literary] | :: (natural) light |
lume {m} [dated] | :: (artificial) light, [non-electrical] |
lume {m} [painting] | :: The manner in which the light strikes a picture; that part of a picture which represents those objects upon which the light is supposed to fall |
lume {m} [figuratively] | :: sight [sense] |
lume {m} [in the plural] | :: eyes |
lume {m} [figuratively] | :: Spiritual or mental illumination, enlightenment, light |
lume {m} [in the plural] | :: The culture founded on a rationalistic basis |
lume {m} [figuratively, chiefly in the plural] | :: Useful information, advice |
lume {m} [by extension] | :: discernment |
lume {m} [anatomy] | :: lumen |
lume {m} [fishing] | :: The size of a fishing net's meshes |
lumeggiamento {m} | :: highlighting |
lumeggiante {v} | :: present participle of lumeggiare |
lumeggiare {v} | :: to highlight |
lumeggiare {v} | :: to shade (a map etc) |
lumeggiatura {f} [art] | :: highlight |
lumenometro {m} | :: luminometer |
lumenora {m} | :: lumen-hour |
lumera {f} | :: alternative form of lumiera |
lumia {f} | :: citron (plant and fruit) |
lumicino {m} | :: A faint, distant light |
lumicino {m} | :: A funereal candle |
lumiera {f} | :: chandelier |
luminaio {m} | :: The person in charge of lighting in a theatre |
luminanza {f} [physics] | :: luminance |
luminara {f} | :: alternative form of luminaria |
luminare {m} [obsolete] /lu.miˈ | :: A shining heavenly body (especially said of the Sun and the Moon) |
luminare {m} [figurative] | :: One who has achieved success in their field; leading light, luminary |
luminare {m} [archaeology] | :: A vertical opening in a catacomb meant to let light and air inside |
luminare {m} [obsolete, rare] | :: illumination, luminary |
luminare {vt} [obsolete] | :: to illuminate, lighten, light up |
luminare {vi} [literary, rare] | :: to shine, glow |
luminaria {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: illuminations |
luminello {m} | :: nipple of a percussion cap |
luminescente {adj} | :: luminescent |
luminescenza {f} | :: luminescence |
luminescenza {f} | :: glow |
luminifero {adj} | :: luminiferous |
luminio {m} [literary, rare] /lu.miˈnio̯/ | :: shimmer, glimmer |
luminiscente {adj} | :: alternative form of luminescente |
luminismo {m} [arts] /lu.miˈ | :: luminarism |
luminista {mf} [art] /lu.miˈnis.ta/ | :: luminarist |
luministica {f} /lu.miˈnis.ti.ka/ | :: lighting effects (art and practice of, on stage and in film/TV) |
luministico {n} [art] /lu.miˈnis.ti.ko/ | :: Of or pertaining to luminarism |
lumino {m} | :: Small lamp or light |
Luminosa {prop} | :: given name |
luminosamente {adv} | :: brightly |
luminosamente {adv} | :: clearly |
luminosamente {adv} | :: luminously |
luminosissimo {adj} | :: superlative of luminoso |
luminosissimo {adj} | :: very bright |
luminosissimo {adj} | :: very brilliant |
luminosità {f} | :: luminosity |
luminosità {f} | :: radiance |
luminosità {f} | :: brightness |
luminoso {adj} | :: luminous, light [attributive] |
luminoso {adj} | :: bright |
luminoso {adj} | :: clear |
luna {f} [colloquial, astronomy, by extension of Luna] /ˈ | :: a natural satellite |
luna {f} [archaic, literary] | :: a month, moon |
luna {f} [archaic, figuratively, by extension] | :: a time of the year |
luna {f} [alchemy] | :: silver |
luna {f} [heraldry] | :: a full moon (as opposed to a crescent) |
Luna {prop} [astronomy, astrology] /ˈ | :: the Moon |
Luna {prop} [mythology, Roman god] | :: Luna |
Luna {prop} [heraldry] | :: A full moon |
Luna {prop} | :: given name |
Luna {prop} | :: surname |
luna calante {f} [astronomy] | :: waning moon, old moon |
luna crescente {f} [astronomy] | :: waxing moon, crescent moon, young moon |
luna di miele {f} | :: honeymoon |
lunale {f} | :: lunula of the fingernail |
lunamoto {m} | :: moonquake |
luna nuova {f} [astronomy] | :: new moon |
luna park {m} | :: amusement park |
luna piena {f} [astronomy] | :: full moon |
lunare {adj} | :: lunar (of or pertaining to the moon) |
lunaria {f} | :: honesty [plant] |
lunaria {f} | :: moonstone |
lunario {m} /luˈna.rjo/ | :: almanac |
lunarista {mf} | :: compiler of almanacs |
lunatica {f} | :: female equivalent of lunatico |
lunaticità {f} | :: lunacy |
lunatico {adj} | :: quirky, temperamental and unstable |
lunatico {adj} | :: lunar |
lunatico {m} | :: A quirky or temperamental person |
lunato {adj} | :: lunate, crescent-shaped |
lunato {m} [skeleton] | :: lunate, lunate bone |
lunauta {mf} | :: An astronaut who has journeyed to the Moon |
lunazione {f} | :: lunation |
Luneburgo {prop} | :: Luneburgo (town/non-city capital) |
lunedì {m} /luneˈdi/ | :: Monday |
lunedì dell'Angelo {prop} /luneˈdi ˈdeland͡ʒelo/ | :: Easter Monday |
lunedì di Pasqua {prop} /luneˈdi di ˈpaskua/ | :: Easter Monday |
Lunella {prop} | :: given name |
lunello {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: A charge consisting of four crescents arrranged in a ring |
lunense {adj} | :: Of or from Luni |
lunense {mf} | :: A native or inhabitant of Luni |
lunetta {f} | :: lunette, fanlight |
Lunetta {prop} | :: given name |
lunettato {adj} | :: Having lunettes (crescent-shaped recesses) |
lunga {f} [linguistics, phonetics] | :: long |
lungadige {m} | :: A street that follows the course of the Adige |
lungaggine {f} | :: slowness (especially of officialdom, etc.) |
lungagnata {f} | :: rigmarole |
lungagnola {f} | :: pitfall |
lungagnone {m} | :: slowcoach |
lungamente {adv} | :: at length |
lungamente {adv} | :: a long time, for a long time, for ages |
lungargine {m} | :: A path along the bank or embankment of a river |
lungarina {f} | :: alternative form of longherina |
lungarno {m} | :: Road or embankment along the Arno river |
lungheria {f} | :: synonym of lungaggine |
lungherina {f} | :: alternative form of longherina |
lungherone {m} | :: alternative form of longherone |
lunghesso {prep} | :: long next to |
lunghezza {f} | :: length |
lunghezza d'onda {f} [physics] | :: wavelength |
lunghino {m} [Switzerland] | :: white bread roll |
lunghissimo {adj} /lunˈɡ | :: superlative of lungo |
lungi {adv} [literary] /ˈlun.d͡ʒi/ | :: distant, far |
lungi {adv} [followed by da] | :: far (from) |
lungiforme {adj} | :: Having a long, slender shape; long-shaped |
lungimirante {adj} | :: farsighted, farseeing |
lungimiranza {f} | :: farsightedness |
lungisaettante {adj} | :: shooting from afar |
lungivedente {adj} | :: synonym of lungimirante |
lungo {adj} /ˈlunɡo/ | :: long |
lungo {m} | :: length |
lungo {prep} | :: along |
lungocosta {adj} | :: coastal |
lungocosta {m} | :: coastline |
lungodegente {mf} | :: long-stay patient |
lungodegenza {f} | :: long-term hospitalization |
lungo del collo {m} [muscle] | :: longus colli, longus colli muscle |
lungo della testa {m} [muscle] | :: longus capitis, longus capitis muscle |
lungofiume {m} | :: Road or embankment along a river |
lungolago {m} | :: A road or promenade that winds around a lake |
lungolinea {m} [tennis] | :: A stroke that sends the ball along one of the lines at the side of the court |
lungomare {m} | :: A road or promenade that runs along a seashore |
lungometraggio {m} | :: a film that lasts about one to two hours |
lungone {m} | :: slowcoach |
lungone {m} | :: A tall thin person |
lungosenna {m} /lun.ɡoˈsɛ | :: Road or embankment along the Seine river |
Lungosenna {m} | :: alternative case form of lungosenna |
lungotevere {m} /lun.ɡoˈ | :: Road or embankment along the Tiber river |
Lungotevere {m} | :: alternative case form of lungotevere |
Luni {prop} | :: Luni (town) |
Lunigiana {prop} | :: A historic region of Italy in parts of modern Tuscany and Liguria |
lunigianese {adj} | :: Of or from Lunigiana |
Lunina {prop} | :: given name |
lunisolare {adj} [astronomy] | :: lunisolar |
lunotto {m} | :: rear window (of a car) |
lunula {f} | :: lunette, half-moon, lunula |
lunulare {adj} | :: lunulate |
luogo {m} /ˈlwɔ.ɡo/ | :: place (location, position) |
luogo comune {m} | :: commonplace, cliché, platitude |
luogo comune {m} | :: the toilet |
luogonatività {m} [statistics] | :: The ratio of native-born people to the total population of a place |
luogotenente {m} | :: lieutenant |
luogotenenza {f} | :: lieutenancy |
luogotenenziale {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to, or in the role of a lieutenant |
lupa {f} | :: feminine noun of lupo (she-wolf) |
lupacchiotto {m} | :: wolf cub (young wolf) |
lupaia {f} | :: alternative form of luparia |
lupaia {f} | :: den of wolves |
lupanare {m} [literary] /lu.paˈ | :: lupanar, brothel |
lupanare {m} [literary, figurative] | :: a corrupted or immoral place |
lupara {f} /luˈpa.ra/ | :: The content of a particular type of shotgun cartridge, consisting of 8–9 mm steel balls |
lupara {f} [by extension] | :: The shotgun employing such cartridges, especially a sawn-off shotgun |
lupara bianca {f} | :: A Mafia killing in which all traces of the body etc. are removed |
luparia {f} [uncountable] /luˈpa.rja/ | :: northern wolf's-bane (Aconitum lycoctonum) |
luparia {f} | :: A northern wolf's-bane plant |
lupercale {adj} | :: Lupercal |
lupercale {m} | :: Lupercalia |
lupescamente {adv} | :: wolfishly |
lupesco {adj} | :: wolfish, lupine, wolflike |
lupetto {m} | :: wolf cub (young wolf) |
lupetto {m} | :: cub scout |
lupico {adj} | :: lupus (attributive) |
lupigno {adj} | :: alternative form of lupesco |
lupinaio {m} | :: lupin grower or seller |
lupinamente {adv} | :: maliciously (literally, like a wolf) |
lupinella {f} | :: sainfoin |
lupinellaio {m} | :: A field of sainfoin |
lupino {m} | :: lupin |
lupinosi {f} | :: lupinosis |
lupo {m} /ˈlu.po/ | :: wolf |
Lupo {prop} | :: surname |
lupo di mare {m} /ˌlu.po di ˈma.ɾe/ | :: seadog (experienced sailor, old salt) |
lupoide {adj} | :: lupoid |
lupo mannaro {m} | :: werewolf |
luppolato {adj} | :: hoppy (having a flavour of hops) |
luppolatura {f} | :: hopping (addition of hops during beer brewing) |
luppoleto {m} | :: hop field |
luppolina {f} | :: lupulin |
luppolino {m} | :: alternative form of luppolina |
luppolizzante {v} | :: present participle of luppolizzare |
luppolizzare {v} | :: to hop (add hops as a flavouring agent during the production of beer) |
luppolizzazione {f} | :: hopping (addition of hops to beer) |
luppolo {m} /ˈluppolo/ | :: hop (Humulus lupulus) |
lupus {m} [disease] | :: lupus |
Lura {prop} | :: Lura (river) |
Luria {prop} | :: surname |
Luria {prop} | :: Salvatore Luria, Italian microbiologist, winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in Medicine |
luridamente {adv} | :: filthily, foully |
luridezza {f} | :: filth |
lurido {adj} | :: filthy, foul |
luridume {m} | :: filth |
Lusazia {prop} | :: Lusatia |
lusaziano {adj} | :: Lusatian |
luscengola {f} | :: three-toed skink (Chalcides chalcides) |
lusco {m} /ˈlus.ko/ | :: obsolete form of losco |
lusco {m} | :: Used in the phrase tra il lusco e il brusco |
luscosità {f} [pathology, rare] | :: eyesight defect |
lusiade {adj} | :: Lusitanian |
lusignolo {m} /lu.ziˈɲɔ.lo/ | :: nightingale |
lusignolo {m} | :: warbler |
lusinga {f} | :: flattery |
lusingamento {m} | :: continuous flattery |
lusingante {v} | :: present participle of lusingare |
lusingar {v} | :: apocopic form of lusingare |
lusingare {vt} | :: To flatter |
lusingatore {m} | :: flatterer |
lusingatore {m} | :: wheedler |
lusingatore {adj} | :: flattering |
lusingheria {f} | :: Prolonged and annoying flattery |
lusinghevole {adj} | :: flattering, satisfying |
lusinghevolmente {adv} | :: flatteringly, satisfyingly |
lusinghieramente {adv} | :: flatteringly |
lusinghiero {adj} | :: flattering |
lusismo {m} | :: lusism |
lusitano {adj} | :: lusitanian, Lusitanian |
lusitano {m} | :: Lusitanian |
lusitano {m} | :: Portuguese |
lusorio {adj} | :: lusorious, recreational |
lussante {v} | :: present participle of lussare |
lussare {vt} | :: To dislocate |
lussatura {f} | :: synonym of lussazione |
lussazione {f} | :: dislocation |
lussemburghese {adj} | :: Luxembourger, Luxembourgian, Luxembourgish |
lussemburghese {mf} | :: Luxembourger, Luxembourgian |
lussemburghese {m} [singular only] | :: The Luxembourgish language |
Lussemburgo {prop} | :: Luxembourg |
Lussino {prop} | :: Lussino (island) |
lusso {m} | :: luxury |
lusso {m} | :: excess, surplus |
Lussu {prop} | :: surname |
Lussu {prop} | :: Emilio Lussu, Italian politician, soldier and writer |
lussuosamente {adv} | :: luxuriously, sumptuously |
lussuosissimo {adj} | :: superlative of lussuoso |
lussuoso {adj} | :: luxurious, luxury, opulent |
lussureggiamento {m} | :: luxuriance |
lussureggiante {adj} | :: luxuriant, lush |
lussureggiante {adj} | :: rich |
lussureggiare {vi} | :: to luxuriate |
lussuria {f} | :: lust |
lussuriare {v} | :: To luxuriate |
lussuriosa {f} | :: lustful or lascivious woman |
lussuriosamente {adv} | :: lustfully |
lussurioso {adj} | :: lustful, lascivious, agog |
lussurioso {m} | :: lustful or lascivious person |
lustrale {adj} | :: lustral, purifying |
lustramento {m} | :: polish, shine, radiance |
lustrante {v} | :: present participle of lustrare |
lustrantesi {v} | :: present participle of lustrarsi |
lustrare {vt} | :: to polish, shine |
lustrarsi {vr} | :: Only used in the verbs lustrarsi gli occhi and lustrarsi la vista |
lustrarsi gli occhi {vr} | :: to be thrilled, to be captivated, to be delighted |
lustrarsi la vista {vr} | :: synonym of lustrarsi gli occhi |
lustrascarpe {mf} | :: shoeshine boy |
lustrascarpe {mf} | :: bootblack |
lustrascarpe {mf} | :: shoeblack |
lustrascarpe {mf} | :: shoeshiner |
lustrastivali {mf} | :: shoeblack, shoeshine |
lustratore {m} | :: polisher |
lustratosi {v} | :: past participle of lustrarsi |
lustratura {f} | :: polishing, shining |
lustrazione {f} | :: lustration |
lustreggiare {vi} | :: to shine |
lustrente {adj} | :: shiny |
lustrezza {f} [uncommon] | :: lucidity |
lustrezza {f} [uncommon] | :: shine, polish |
lustrino {m} | :: sequin, spangle |
lustro {adj} | :: shiny |
lustro {adj} | :: glossy |
lustro {m} | :: shine, gloss |
lustro {m} | :: prestige |
lustro {m} | :: five-year period; lustrum |
lutare {v} | :: To spread with mud |
lutatura {f} | :: lutation |
Lutazio {prop} | :: Lutatius |
lutazione {f} | :: lutation |
lutazione {f} | :: mud bath |
luteale {adj} | :: luteal |
luteina {f} [organic chemistry] | :: lutein |
luteinico {adj} | :: luteinic |
luteinizzante {adj} [biochemstry] | :: luteinizing |
luteo {adj} | :: saffron-coloured |
luteolina {f} | :: luteolin |
luteolisi {f} [physiology] | :: luteolysis |
luterana {f} | :: feminine noun of luterano |
luteranesimo {m} | :: Lutheranism |
luteranismo {m} | :: Lutheranism |
luterano {adj} | :: Lutheran |
luterano {m} | :: Lutheran |
Lutero {prop} | :: Luther |
lutezia {f} [chemistry] | :: lutecia |
Lutezia {prop} /luˈtɛttsja/ | :: Lutezia (ancient town) |
lutezio {m} [chemistry] /luˈtɛttsjo/ | :: lutetium |
luto {m} [archaic] /ˈ | :: mud |
luto {m} [archaic] | :: clay |
lutolento {adj} | :: alternative form of lutulento |
lutoterapia {f} | :: fangotherapy (thermal mud treatment) |
lutreola {f} | :: mink (Neovison vison) |
luttare {v} | :: To mourn |
lutto {m} | :: mourning |
luttuosamente {adv} | :: mournfully, sorrowfully, dolefully |
luttuoso {adj} | :: mournful, sad, tragic |
lutulento {adj} | :: lutulent |
Luxardo {prop} | :: surname |
Luxardo {prop} | :: Franco Luxardo, Italian entrepreneur |
luxmetro {m} | :: luxmeter, light meter |
Luzi {prop} | :: surname |
Luzi {prop} | :: Mario Luzi, Italian writer |
Luzzone {prop} | :: A dam (and associated reservoir) in the Blenio district of Ticino |