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User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-o

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
o- {prefix} :: prefix indicating a perfective verb
o. {m pers} :: abbreviation of ojciec; Father, Fr.
o {prep} [+ locative] :: about (concerning)
o {prep} [+ locative] :: at [telling the time]
o {prep} [+ locative, used in descriptions] :: with
o {prep} [+ accusative] :: on, against
o {prep} [+ accusative] :: for
o {prep} [+ accusative] :: by [a difference]
o gustach się nie dyskutuje {proverb} :: there's no accounting for taste
o kant dupy potłuc {v pf} [vulgar, idiom] :: to dismiss something as worthless, useless or a waste of time
o nie {interj} :: oh no
o wilku mowa {phrase} [idiom] :: speak of the devil
o wilku mowa, a wilk tu {phrase} [idiom] :: speak of the devil and he appears
oaza {f} [geography] :: oasis (a spring of fresh water, surrounded by a fertile region of vegetation, in a desert)
oaza {f} :: oasis (a quiet, peaceful place or situation)
oba {num} :: both
obalać {v impf} :: to overthrow (to throw down to the ground)
obalać {v impf} :: to overthrow (to bring about the downfall of a government, etc.)
obalać {v impf} :: to disprove, to refute
obalanie {n} :: verbal noun of obalać
obalić {v pf} :: to overthrow [+ acc = someone/something]
obalić {v pf} :: to refute, to disprove [+ acc = something]
obalić {v pf} [colloquial] :: to down, to drink
obawa {f} :: worry; anxiety; trepidation
obcas {m inan} :: heel (part of a shoe)
obcasik {m inan} :: diminutive of obcas
obcęgi {m inanp} :: pincers
obcęgi {m inanp} :: pliers
obchodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of obchodzić
obciach {m inan} [slang] :: cringe; awkwardness, embarrassment
obciąg {m inan} [printing] :: rubber blanket
obciąg {m inan} [brewing] :: racking
obciąg {m inan} [sex, vulgar] :: blowjob
obciążać {v impf} :: to load (put a load on)
obciążenie {n} :: burden, encumbrance, liability
obciążenie {n} [mechanical engineering] :: encumbrance, load
obciążenie {n} [electrical engineering] :: load
obciążenie {n} [banking] :: withdrawal
obciążenie {n} :: verbal noun of obciążać
obco {adv} :: in a foreign manner (frequently used to describe the feeling of not belonging where one is, or doing something unnatural, unfamiliar for oneself)
obcokrajowiec {m pers} :: foreigner
obcosiewność {f} [botany] :: allochory
obcować {vi impf} :: to commune, consort, associate
obcować {vi impf} [archaic] :: to copulate
obcy {adj} :: unfamiliar
obcy {adj} :: foreign (not belonging)
obcy {adj} :: foreign (belonging to a different culture)
obcy {m pers} :: stranger
obcy {m pers} :: alien (extraterrestrial being)
obczyzna {f} [dated] :: overseas, abroad
obdarcie {n} :: verbal noun of obedrzeć
obecnie {adv} :: now (indicates this very moment in time)
obecność {f} :: presence (fact or condition of being present)
obecny {adj} :: present (of a person, in a particular place)
obecny {adj} :: present (existing or occurring now)
obejmować {v impf} :: to embrace
obejmować {v impf} :: to encompass
obejmowanie {n} :: verbal noun of obejmować
obejrzeć {vt pf} :: to look at, to view
obejrzeć {vt pf} :: to watch
obejrzeć {vt pf} :: to see, to visit
obejrzeć {vt pf} :: to examine, to inspect
obelga {f} :: insult
obelga {f} :: invective
obelga {f} :: affront
obelga {f} :: indignity
obelisk {m inan} [architecture] :: obelisk (tall, square, tapered, stone monolith topped with a pyramidal point)
obeliskowy {adj} [relational] :: obelisk
oberek {m inan} :: oberek (dance)
obertas {m inan} [colloquial] :: oberek (dance)
oberwanie {n} :: verbal noun of oberwać
oberwaniec {m pers} [colloquial] :: Someone wearing tattered clothes
oberża {f} :: auberge
oberżysta {m pers} :: innkeeper, publican
oberżystka {f} :: female innkeeper, publican
obeznany {adj} :: knowledgeable
obficie {adv} :: abundantly
obfitość {f} :: abundance
obfitszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of obfity
obfity {adj} :: abundant
obfity {adj} :: hearty
obfity {adj} :: plentiful, ample
obfity {adj} :: profuse
obfity {adj} :: copious
obgadać {v pf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to gossip [+ acc = about someone]
obgadać {v pf} [colloquial] :: to discuss, to sort out
obgadywać {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to gossip [+ acc = about someone]
obgięcie {n} :: verbal noun of obgiąć
obgryzienie {n} :: verbal noun of obgryźć
obiad {m inan} :: lunch, usually eaten around 1 or 2pm, and sometimes stretching as late as 4 or 5pm
obibok {m pers} [colloquial] :: One who is lazy or workshy; slacker; bum; shirker; lazybones
obicie {n} :: verbal noun of obić
obicie {n} :: bruise (mark on fruit)
obicie {n} :: upholstery, padding
obić {vt pf} :: to bruise (fruit)
obić {vt pf} :: to chip, to damage
obić {vt pf} :: to upholster, to pad
obiecać {vit pf} :: to promise (to commit to something or action)
obiecadło {n} :: obsolete form of abecadło
obiecanie {n} :: verbal noun of obiecać
obiecanki cacanki {fp} [idiom, colloquial, pejorative] :: promises which have no hope of being fulfilled
obiecywać {v impf} :: to promise
obiecywać gruszki na wierzbie {v impf} [idiom] :: to promise something impossible; to make a promise which one does not intend to fulfill
obiecywać złote góry {v impf} [idiom] :: to make wildly exaggerated, unrealistic promises, to promise the moon
obieg {m inan} :: circulation
obieg {m inan} :: cycle
obiekt {m inan} :: object (thing)
obiekt {m inan} :: facility
obiektyw {m inan} :: objective (lens)
obiektyw szerokokątny {m inan} :: wide-angle lens
obiektywny {adj} :: objective
obieraczka {f} :: peeler (device for peeling fruits or vegetables)
obieraczka {f} :: peeler (woman or girl who peels fruits or vegetables)
obieraczki {p} :: vechornytsi
obierać {vt impf} :: to peel, to shell
obieranie {n} :: verbal noun of obierać
obietnica {f} :: promise
obieżykraj {m pers} [archaic] :: One who travels constantly
obieżykraj {m pers} [archaic] :: A vagabond
obieżyświat {m pers} :: globetrotter
obijać {vt impf} :: to strike, to knock
obijać {vt impf} :: to chip, to damage
obijać {vt impf} :: to bruise (fruit)
obijać {vt impf} :: to upholster, to pad
obijać {vr impf} [colloquial] :: to loaf, to coast, to mess about, to dick around
obijanie {n} :: verbal noun of obijać
obiór {m inan} [archaic] :: selection, election
objaw {m inan} :: symptom
objazd {m inan} :: detour, diversion
objazd {m inan} :: tour
objąć {v pf} :: to embrace
objąć {v pf} :: to encompass
objęcie {n} :: verbal noun of objąć
objętość {f} :: volume (unit of three dimensional measure that consists of a length, a width and a height)
objętość skokowa {f} :: engine displacement
obkrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of obkroić
obkuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of obkuwać
oblak {m inan} :: oval-shaped piece of wood
oblak {m inan} :: tumor, especially a malignant tumor
oblech {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative] :: A repulsive man; a slimeball; a sleazebag
oblekać {vt impf} [archaic] :: to array, to clothe
obleśnie {adv} :: repulsively, repugnantly, abhorrently, grossly
obleśność {f} :: repulsiveness, repugnantness, abhorrence, grossness
obleśny {adj} :: repulsive, repugnant, abhorrent, gross
oblężenie {n} :: siege (military action)
oblicze {n} :: face
oblicze {n} :: character
obligacja {f} [usually plural] :: bond (financial instrument representing long-term debt)
obligatoryjny {adj} :: obligatory, mandatory, compulsory
obłączek {m inan} :: diminutive of obłąk
obłączek {m inan} [anatomy] :: lunula (crescent-shaped pale area at the base of the fingernail or toenail)
obłąk {m inan} [architectural elements] :: arch
obłąkany {adj} :: deranged, insane
obłęd {m inan} :: mental illness, madness, insanity
obłęd {m inan} :: something unearthly, eeriness
obłęd {m inan} [colloquial] :: chaos, turmoil, mayhem
obłęd {interj} :: wow
obłędnie {adv} :: derangedly
obłędnie {adv} :: amazingly, extraordinarily
obłędny {adj} :: deranged
obłędny {adj} :: amazing, extraordinary
obło {n} [nautical] :: bilge (rounded portion of a ship's hull)
obło {adv} :: ovally; in an oval shape
obłoczek {m inan} :: diminutive of obłok
obłok {m inan} :: cloud
obłość {f} :: ovalness
obłócznia {f} [mycology] :: hymenium
obłuda {f} :: hypocrisy, cant
obłudnica {f} :: female hypocrite
obłudnie {adv} :: duplicitously; in a duplicitous manner
obłudnik {m pers} :: hypocrite
obłudny {adj} :: false, duplicitous
obły {adj} :: oval
obmarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of obmarznąć
obmawiać {v impf} :: to badmouth; to backbite; to slander
obmawianie {n} :: verbal noun of obmawiać
obmówienie {n} :: verbal noun of obmówić
obniżać {vt impf} :: to decrease, to reduce
obniżać {vt impf} :: to lower
obniżać {vr impf} :: to decline, to decrease
obniżenie {n} :: verbal noun of obniżyć
obniżenie {n} :: decrease, dip, drop, decline
obniżenie {n} :: depression, hollow
obniżka {f} :: discount, reduction in price
obniżyć {vt pf} :: to reduce, to decrease
obniżyć {vt pf} :: to lower
obniżyć {vr pf} :: to decrease, to decline
obnosić {vt impf} :: to flaunt
oboczność {f} [linguistics] :: a spelling and pronunciation shift observed while declining a word, due to historical pronunciation shifts
obojczyk {m inan} [anatomy] :: collarbone, clavicle
obojczyk {m inan} :: bevor (plate armour protecting the lower face and neck)
oboje {num} [collective] :: both
obojętność {f} :: apathy, indifference, neutrality
obojętny {adj} :: indifferent, apathetic
obojętny {adj} [chemistry] :: inert
obojętny {adj} [physics] :: neutral (possessing no charge)
obojnak {m pers} {m anim} :: hermaphrodite (individual or organism having both male and female gonads)
obok {prep} :: beside, next to, near
obora {f} :: cowshed
obornik {m inan} :: manure (excrement)
obornik {m inan} [archaic] :: cowshed
oborny {adj} [obsolete, relational] :: cowshed
oborowy {adj} [relational] :: cowshed
oborowy {m pers} :: A person in charge of a cowshed
oborowy {adj} [obsolete, relational] :: selection, election
obosieczny {adj} :: double-edged (of a blade, such as a sword or knife, sharp on both edges)
obosieczny {adj} [figuratively] :: double-edged (as dangerous for the user as the one it is used on)
obowiązek {m inan} :: duty (that which one is morally or legally obligated to do)
obowiązkowy {adj} :: mandatory, obligatory
obowiązkowy {adj} :: dutiful, conscientious
obój {m inan} :: oboe
obór {m inan} [obsolete] :: alternative form of obiór
obóz {m inan} :: camp
obóz koncentracyjny {m inan} :: concentration camp
obrabianie {n} :: verbal noun of obrabiać
obrabiarka {f} :: machine tool
obrabować {v pf} :: to hold up, to heist
obracać {vt impf} :: to rotate, to turn
obracać {vr impf} :: to rotate, to turn, to swivel
obrać {vt pf} :: to peel, to shell
obradować {vi impf} :: to deliberate
obrady {fp} :: proceedings, deliberations
obranie {n} :: verbal noun of obrać
obraz {m inan} :: picture, image (a representation as in the imagination)
obraz {m inan} :: painting
obraz {m inan} [mathematics] :: image (something mapped to by a function)
obraza {f} :: insult, affront
obrazić {vt pf} :: to offend, to upset
obrazoburca {m pers} [historical, Christianity] :: iconoclast (one who destroys religious images or icons)
obrazoburca {m pers} :: nonconformist (someone who does not conform to accepted beliefs, customs or practices)
obrazoburstwo {n} [historical, Christianity] :: iconoclasm (belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons)
obrazoburstwo {n} :: nonconformity (rejection of or the failure to conform, especially to standards, rules, or laws)
obraźliwy {adj} :: offensive, insulting
obrażać {vt impf} :: to offend, to upset
obrażanie {n} :: verbal noun of obrażać
obrażenie {n} [usually plural] :: injury
obrażenie {n} :: verbal noun of obrazić
obrąbanie {n} :: verbal noun of obrąbać
obrąbek {m inan} :: diminutive of obręb
obrączka {f} :: diminutive of obręcz
obrączka {f} :: ring, wedding ring
obręb {m inan} :: clearly defined area
obręb {m inan} :: ambit, range, reach, sphere
obręb {m inan} [sewing] :: hem
obrębek {m inan} :: diminutive of obręb
obręcz {f} :: hoop
obręcz {f} :: rim
obrobienie {n} :: verbal noun of obrobić
obrok {m inan} :: fodder for horses
obrona {f} :: defence
obrońca {m pers} :: defender (someone who defends people or property; someone who seeks to repel an attack)
obrońca {m pers} [sports] :: defender
obrońca {m pers} [law] :: defender (someone who represents a defendant)
obrotnica {f} [rail transport, road transport] :: turntable
obrotnik {m inan} [skeleton] :: axis, epistropheus
obrotówka {f} [theater, colloquial] :: revolving stage; turntable
obrotówka {f} [fishing] :: spinnerbait
obrotówka {f} [accounting, colloquial] :: trial balance
obroża {f} :: dog collar, collar
obróbka {f} :: processing, treatment
obrót {m inan} :: turn, rotation, revolution (turning of an object around an axis)
obrus {m inan} :: tablecloth
obrusek {m inan} :: diminutive of obrus
obrusik {m inan} :: diminutive of obrus
obrzezać {v pf} :: to circumcise
obrzezanie {n} :: circumcision
obrzeże {n} :: edge, rim, periphery
obrzęd {m inan} :: rite
obrzęd {m inan} :: ritual
obrzęk {m inan} :: edema, oedema
obrzęk {m inan} :: dropsy
obrzęk {m inan} :: puffiness
obrzęk {m inan} :: swelling
obrzęk {m inan} :: swell
obrzęk {m inan} :: burl (tree growth)
obrzęknąć {vi pf} :: to swell
obrzęknąć {vi pf} :: to tumefy
obrzępała {m pers} [archaic] :: A male person who is scruffy or slovenly
obrzępała {f} [archaic] :: A female person who is scruffy or slovenly
obrzmienie {n} :: verbal noun of obrzmieć
obrzmienie {n} [symptom] :: swelling
obrzucać {vt impf} :: to pelt, to bombard
obrzucić {vt pf} :: to pelt, to bombard
obrzydliwie {adv} :: disgustingly
obrzydliwie bogaty {adj} [idiomatic] :: filthy rich
obrzydliwiej {adv} :: comparative of obrzydliwie
obrzydliwszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of obrzydliwy
obrzydliwy {adj} :: disgusting, repulsive
obsada {f} :: cast (group of actors performing together)
obsceniczny {adj} :: obscene
obserwacja {f} :: observation (the act of observing or being observed)
obserwator {m pers} :: observer
obserwatorium {n} :: observatory
obserwować {vt impf} :: to observe, to watch
obserwowanie {n} :: verbal noun of obserwować
obsesja {f} :: obsession
obsesyjnie {adv} :: obsessively
obsesyjny {adj} :: obsessive
obskrobanie {n} :: verbal noun of obskrobać
obskurny {adj} :: shabby, sleazy, sordid, squalid, raggedy, raunchy, insalubrious, scuzzy, slummy
obsługa {f} :: service (act of being of assistance to someone)
obsługiwać {vt impf} :: to serve, to wait on
obsługiwać {vt impf} :: to serve, to be used by
obsługiwać {vt impf} :: to man, to operate
obsłużyć {vt pf} :: to serve, to wait on
obsłużyć {vt pf} :: to serve, to be used by
obsłużyć {vt pf} :: to man, to operate
obstawa {f} [collective] :: bodyguards
obstrukcja {f} [colloquial, medicine] :: constipation
obstrukcja {f} [politics] :: nonviolent resistance
obsunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of obsunąć
obsuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of obsuwać
obsydian {m inan} :: obsidian
obszar {m inan} :: area
obszczymur {m pers} [vulgar, offensive] :: augmentative of obszczymurek
obszczymurek {m pers} [vulgar, offensive] :: bum, hobo, drunkard
obszczymurstwo {n} [vulgar] :: public urination
obszczymurstwo {n} [vulgar, offensive] :: scum, rabble
obszczymurstwo {n} [vulgar] :: scumminess, the quality of belonging to the scum or rabble
obszerniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of obszerny
obszerny {adj} :: vast, ample, spacious
obtarcie {n} :: verbal noun of obetrzeć
obtopienie {n} :: verbal noun of obtopić
obtulenie {n} :: verbal noun of obtulić
obuch {m inan} :: poll, butt (blunt end of an axe)
obuch {m inan} :: war hammer, hammer axe
obucie {n} :: verbal noun of obuć
obuć {vt pf} :: to boot, to shoe
obuć {vr pf} :: to boot oneself, to shoe oneself
obudowa {f} :: case; chassis; package (an enclosure for electrical or mechanical equipment)
obudzić {vt pf} :: to wake
obudzić {vt pf} :: to get someone up
obudzić {vr pf} [autocausative] :: to awake, to waken (stop sleeping)
obukierunkowy {adj} :: ambidirectional
obumarcie {n} :: verbal noun of obumrzeć
obunożny {adj} [sports] :: ambipedal, two-footed (having equal ability with either foot)
obunóg {m anim} :: amphipod (any crustacean of the taxonomic order Amphipoda)
obuoczny {adj} :: pertaining to or seeing with both eyes; binocular
obupłciowy {adj} [biology] :: hermaphroditic
oburęczny {adj} :: ambidextrous
oburzająco {adv} :: outrageously
oburzający {adj} :: outrageous
oburzenie {n} :: outrage, indignation
oburzenie {n} :: verbal noun of oburzyć
obustronny {adj} :: ambilateral, bilateral
obustronny {adj} :: double-sided
obustronny {adj} :: mutual, reciprocal
obuszek {m inan} :: diminutive of obuch
obuty {adj} :: shod (wearing shoes)
obuuszny {adj} :: pertaining to or using both ears; binaural; binotic
obuwie {n} [uncountable, collective] :: footwear, footgear (items of clothing worn on feet)
obuwie {n} [archaic] :: shoe
obuwik {m inan} :: lady's slipper, slipper-orchid, any plant of the genus Cypripedium
obuwniczy {adj} [relational] :: footwear, footgear
obwalenie {n} :: verbal noun of obwalić
obwąchanie {n} :: verbal noun of obwąchać
obwiniać {vt impf} :: to blame, incriminate, inculpate
obwinianie {n} :: verbal noun of obwiniać
obwinienie {n} :: verbal noun of obwinić
obwinięcie {n} :: verbal noun of obwinąć
obwodnica {f} :: ring road, beltway (circular road around a city)
obwodnica {f} :: bypass (road that passes around something, such as a residential area)
obwojnik {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Periploca
obwoluta {f} :: dust jacket
obwołanie {n} :: verbal noun of obwołać
obwód {m inan} [geometry] :: perimeter
obwód {m inan} [electricity] :: circuit
obwód {m inan} :: oblast
obyczaj {m inan} :: custom
obyczaj {m inan} :: habit
obyczaj {m inan} :: mores
obyty {adj} :: savvy, astute, aware, knowledgeable
obywatel {m pers} :: citizen (legal member of a state)
obywatelka {f} :: (female) citizen
obywatelstwo {n} :: citizenship
obżarcie {n} :: verbal noun of obeżreć
obżarciuch {m pers} [colloquial] :: big eater, glutton (one who eats voraciously)
obżarstwo {n} :: gluttony
obżartuch {m pers} [colloquial] :: big eater, glutton (one who eats voraciously)
ocalać {vt impf} :: to rescue, to save
ocalały {m pers} :: survivor
ocaleć {vi pf} :: to survive (avoid death or destruction)
ocalić {v pf} :: to rescue, to save
ocean {m inan} :: ocean
Ocean Arktyczny {prop} {m inan} :: Arctic Ocean
Ocean Atlantycki {prop} {m inan} :: Atlantic Ocean
Ocean Indyjski {prop} {m inan} :: Indian Ocean
Ocean Południowy {m inan} :: Southern Ocean
Ocean Spokojny {prop} {m inan} :: Pacific Ocean
Oceania {prop} {f} :: Oceania
oceaniczny {adj} :: oceanic
oceanografia {f} :: oceanography
ocelot {m anim} :: ocelot (mammal)
ocena {f} :: grade, mark (quality of something)
ocena {f} :: estimate, evaluation
oceniać {v impf} :: to rate, to evaluate
oceniać {v impf} [education] :: to mark, to grade (to rate the performance of students)
ocenianie {n} :: verbal noun of oceniać
ocenić {v pf} :: to rate, to evaluate
ocenić {v pf} [education] :: to mark, to grade (to rate the performance of students)
ocenienie {n} :: verbal noun of ocenić
ocenzurować {vt pf} :: to censor (remove questionable content)
ocet {m inan} :: vinegar
-och {suffix} :: Used with a verb to form a masculine noun that is derogatory or augmentative
-och {suffix} :: Used with an adjective to form a masculine noun that is derogatory or augmentative
ochlaj {m inan} [colloquial] :: drinking party; carousal
ochlapanie {n} :: verbal noun of ochlapać
ochlokracja {f} :: ochlocracy
ochłodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of ochłodzić
ochoczo {adv} :: willingly
ochoczo {adv} :: eagerly
ochoczy {adj} :: willing
ochoczy {adj} :: eager
ochota {f} :: willingness, readiness
ochotnicza straż pożarna {f} :: volunteer fire department
ochotniczka {f} :: female volunteer
ochotniczo {adv} :: of or pertaining to a volunteer
ochotniczy {adj} :: of or pertaining to a volunteer
ochotnik {m pers} :: volunteer
ochra {f} :: ochre (pigment)
ochra {f} :: ochre (colour)
ochrona {f} :: protection
ochrona {f} :: bodyguard (group of persons)
ochroniarz {m pers} [colloquial] :: A person responsible for protecting an individual or place; a guard or bodyguard
ochroniarz {m pers} [colloquial] :: An environmentalist (one who advocates for the protection of the biosphere)
ochronny {adj} :: protective
ochrowy {adj} :: ochre
ochryple {adv} :: hoarsely
ochrypły {adj} :: hoarse, croaky
ochrypnąć {vi pf} :: to hoarsen, to grow hoarse
ochrzęstna {f} :: perichondrium
ochwat {m inan} [veterinary medicine] :: laminitis
ochylenie {n} :: verbal noun of ochylić
ocieplać {vt impf} :: to warm
ocieplać {vt impf} :: to insulate
ocieplać {vr impf} :: to become warm
ocierać {v impf} :: to rub, to move against
ocierać {v impf} :: to rub off, to scrub
ociosywanie {n} :: verbal noun of ociosywać
ocipieć {v pf} [vulgar] :: lose one's mind, to go crazy
octan {m inan} [organic chemistry] :: acetate (salt or ester of acetic acid)
-ocz {suffix} [regional] :: alternative form of -acz
oczarować {vt pf} :: to charm, to beguile, to enchant, to enthrall, to captivate, to enrapture
oczarowywać {vt impf} :: to charm, to beguile, to enchant, to enthrall, to captivate, to enrapture
oczep {m inan} :: pile cap
oczepić {vt pf} :: to put a czepiec (bonnet worn by married women) on (somebody)
oczepić {vr pf} :: to don a czepiec (bonnet worn by married women)
oczeret {m inan} [botany] :: bulrush
oczeretniak {m anim} :: tench (Tinca tinca)
oczerniać {v impf} :: to besmirch, to denigrate, to vilify
oczęta {p} :: eyes
oczko {n} :: diminutive of oko
oczko {n} :: ocellus, simple eye in invertebrates
oczko {n} :: run; ladder (unraveled fabric)
oczko {n} :: A card game similar to blackjack
oczko {n} [colloquial] :: twenty-first birthday
oczko {n} [beekeeping] :: An opening through which bees enter and exit their hive
oczko {n} :: A small lake
oczko {n} :: A gemstone in a ring
oczko wodne {n} :: garden pond
ocznik {m anim} :: oscar (Astronotus ocellatus)
ocznik {m inan} [beekeeping] :: An opening through which bees enter and exit their hive
ocznik {m inan} :: One of the telescopes of a pair of binoculars
oczny {adj} :: ocular, ophthalmic (of or pertaining to the eyes)
oczobarwnica {f} :: Any damselfly of the genus Erythromma
oczodół {m inan} [skeleton] :: eye socket, orbit (bony cavity in which the eye is situated)
oczojebny {adj} [vulgar] :: Especially of colours: bright, vivid, catching attention, usually in a negative way
oczopląs {m inan} :: nystagmus
oczysko {n} :: augmentative of oko
oczyszczać {vt impf} :: to cleanse, to purify, to clean
oczyszczać {vt impf} :: to clear (remove from suspicion), to exonerate
oczyścić {vt pf} :: to cleanse, to purify, to clean
oczyścić {vt pf} :: to clear (remove from suspicion), to exonerate
oczywistość {f} :: obviousness (quality of being obvious)
oczywistość {f} :: triviality (something trivial)
oczywistszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of oczywisty
oczywisty {adj} :: obvious
oczywiście {adv} [comparable] :: obviously
oczywiście {adv} [not comparable] :: of course
od- {prefix} :: indicates undoing or countering some process; un-, re-
od- {prefix} :: indicates movement away; away
od- {prefix} :: indicates a routine or ritual activity
od {prep} :: from
od {prep} :: since
od {prep} :: for
od {prep} :: than
od czasu kiedy {conj} :: since
od razu {adv} [idiomatic] :: at once, right away, immediately; without waiting
od ręki {adv} [idiom] :: right away; without waiting
od wielkiego dzwonu {adv} :: once in a blue moon, very rarely
oda {f} :: ode
odarcie {n} :: verbal noun of odrzeć
odbić {vt pf} :: to reflect
odbić {v pf} :: to cut in (in dance)
odbić {vt pf} :: to win back (a city etc.)
odbiegać {v impf} :: to run away
odbiegać {v impf} :: to deviate
odbierać {v impf} :: to receive
odbierać {v impf} :: to take away (to remove something, so that a person no longer has it)
odbijacz {m inan} [nautical] :: fender
odbijać {vt impf} :: to reflect
odbijać {v impf} :: to cut in (in dance)
odbijać {vt impf} :: to win back (a city etc.)
odbijanie {n} :: verbal noun of odbijać
odbiorca {m pers} :: recipient
odbiorca {m pers} :: viewer, spectator, listener, audience member
odbiornik {m inan} :: receiver (electronic device that receives signals)
odbiór {m inan} :: reception
odblokować {vt pf} :: to unblock
odbudować {v pf} :: to rebuild
odbyt {m inan} [anatomy] :: anus
odbytnica {f} :: rectum (terminal part of the large intestine)
odc. {m inan} :: abbreviation of odcinek
odcedzać {vt impf} :: to strain, to sieve, to drain off (to strain, sift or sort using a sieve)
odcedzić {vt pf} :: to strain, to sieve, to drain off (to strain, sift or sort using a sieve)
odchody {m inanp} :: excrement
odchodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of odchodzić
odchodzić {vi impf} :: to leave; to walk away; to go away
odchodzić {vi impf} [euphemism] :: to pass away; to die
odchodzić {v impf} [colloquial] :: to happen
odchodzić od zmysłów {v impf} [idiom] :: to worry out of one's mind, to be extremely worried
odchylać {vt impf} :: to deflect (cause to deviate from a path)
odchylać {vr impf} :: to deviate
odchylenie {n} :: verbal noun of odchylić
odchylenie standardowe {n} [statistics] :: standard deviation
odchylić {vt pf} :: to deflect (cause to deviate from a path)
odchylić {vr pf} :: to deviate
odciąć {vt pf} :: to cut off, to sever, to detach
odciąć {vt pf} :: to cut off, to isolate
odcień {m inan} :: tinge, nuance, shade, hue (color or shade of color; tint; dye)
odcinać {vt impf} :: to cut off, to sever, to detach
odcinać {vt impf} :: to cut off, to isolate
odcinek {m inan} :: stretch, section (segment of a road, a river, etc.)
odcinek {m inan} [geometry] :: line segment
odcinek {m inan} :: episode (program in a television series)
odcisk {m inan} :: impression (indentation or depression made by pressure)
odcisk {m inan} :: corn (type of callus)
odczasownikowy {adj} :: deverbal, verbal
odczepiać {vt impf} :: to unhitch, to detach, to uncouple
odczepiać {vr impf} :: to sod off, to butt out, to get lost
odczepić {vt pf} :: to unhitch, to detach, to uncouple
odczepić {vr pf} :: to sod off, to butt out, to get lost
odczłowieczać {vt impf} :: to dehumanize
odczucie {n} :: verbal noun of odczuć
odczucie {n} :: feeling, sense
odczuć {vt pf} :: to feel, to sense
odczuwać {vt impf} :: to feel, to sense
odczynić {v pf} :: to dispel; to lift (to cancel a supernatural spell or curse)
odczynnik {m inan} [chemistry] :: reagent
odczytać {v pf} :: to read off, read out
oddać {v pf} :: give back
oddać {v pf} :: donate
oddać {v pf} :: pay back
oddać {v pf} :: convey
oddalać {vt impf} :: to move away, to move apart (cause something to become further away)
oddalać {vt impf} :: to put off, to delay
oddalać {vt impf} :: to dismiss, to reject
oddalać {vr impf} :: to retreat, to recede, to back away
oddalić {vt pf} :: to move away, to move apart (cause something to become further away)
oddalić {vt pf} :: to put off, to delay
oddalić {vt pf} :: to dismiss, to reject
oddalić {vr pf} :: to retreat, to recede, to back away
oddanie {n} :: verbal noun of oddać
oddany {adj} :: devoted, dedicated, committed
oddarcie {n} :: verbal noun of odedrzeć
oddawać {vt impf} :: to give back, to return
oddawać {vt impf} :: to hand in, to turn in
oddawać {vt impf} :: to convey, to portray, to capture
oddawać {vt impf} :: to donate
oddawać {vr impf} :: to indulge in, to devote oneself to
oddech {m inan} :: breath
oddychać {v impf} :: to breathe
oddychanie {n} :: verbal noun of oddychać
oddział {m inan} :: branch (location of an organisation with several locations)
oddział {m inan} :: unit, troop
oddział {m inan} :: ward (part of a hospital where patients reside)
oddziaływanie elektromagnetyczne {n} [physics] :: electromagnetic interaction
oddziaływanie grawitacyjne {n} [physics] :: gravitational interaction
oddziaływanie podstawowe {n} [physics] :: fundamental interaction
oddziaływanie silne {n} [physics] :: strong interaction
oddziaływanie słabe {n} [physics] :: weak interaction
oddzielać {vt impf} :: to separate
oddzielać {vr impf} :: to split off, to become separate
oddzielić {vt pf} :: to separate
oddzielić {vr pf} :: to split off, to become separate
oddzielnie {adv} :: separately
oddzielność {f} :: separateness
oddzielny {adj} :: separate
ode {prep} :: from, since
odebrać {v pf} :: to receive
odebrać {v pf} :: to take away (to remove something, so that a person no longer has it)
odegrać {v pf} :: to play, portray, play a role, reenact
odegrać {v pf} :: to win back in a game what was lost in a game
odegrać {v pf} [soccer] :: to pass properly
odejmować {vt impf} [arithmetic] :: to subtract
odejmowanie {n} :: subtraction
odejść {vi pf} :: to leave; to go away; to walk away
odejść {vi pf} [euphemism] :: to pass away; to die
odeń {contraction} :: contraction of od niego
odeń {contraction} :: contraction of od niej
oderwać {vt pf} :: to tear off, to rip off, to detach
oderwać {vt pf} [figurative] :: to tear away (to stop reluctantly)
oderwać {vr pf} :: to come off, to fall off
oderwać {vr pf} :: to secede, to break away
oderwany {adj} :: breakaway
odesłać {vt pf} :: to send away, to dismiss
odesłać {vt pf} :: to send back, to return
odetchnąć {vi pf} :: to breathe
odetchnąć {vi pf} :: to catch one's breath
odetchnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of odetchnąć
odezwa {f} :: message, proclamation
odfiltrować {vt pf} :: to separate by filtering
odfiltrowywać {vt impf} :: to separate by filtering
odfrunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of odfrunąć
odfruwanie {n} :: verbal noun of odfruwać
odgięcie {n} :: verbal noun of odgiąć
odgłos {m inan} :: sound
odgryzienie {n} :: verbal noun of odgryźć
odgrzewać {v impf} :: to reheat
odgrzewać {v impf} :: to rehash
odgrzewany kotlet {m inan} :: See: pl odgrzewany kotlet
odgrzewany kotlet {m inan} [often, in plural, pejorative] :: Something stale, in which someone attempts to revive interest; for example, rebroadcasts
odjazd {m inan} :: departure (of a vehicle)
odjazd {m inan} :: trip (period of drug-induced reverie)
odjazd {m inan} :: stoater (anything especially nice)
odjazdowy {adj} [relational] :: departure (of a vehicle)
odjazdowy {adj} [slang] :: cool, awesome, dope, groovy, sick
odjąć {vt pf} :: to subtract; to remove; to take away; to ablate
odjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to do something, also ill-advised or unexpected
odjebać {v pf} [vulgar, in neuter passive] :: to lose one's mind, to go crazy
odjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to cut, rip, take or throw sth off
odjebać {vr pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck off
odjebać {vr pf} [vulgar, sometimes, pejorative] :: to trick out, to overdress
odjechać {vi pf} :: to depart, to head off, to leave (in a vehicle)
odjeżdżać {vi impf} :: to depart, to head off, to leave (in a vehicle)
odjęcie {n} :: verbal noun of odjąć
odkąd {pron} :: whence, from where
odkąd {pron} :: since when
odkąd {pron} :: since
odkładać {vt impf} :: to put back, to replace
odkładać {vt impf} :: to put away, to set aside, to store
odkładać {vt impf} :: to put off, to postpone, to defer
odkładać {vt impf} :: to hang up, to replace (e.g. a telephone receiver)
odkładać {vr impf} :: to accumulate, to build up
odkrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of odkroić
odkrycie {n} :: discovery
odkryć {v pf} :: to discover, to find
odkryć {v pf} :: to uncover
odkryć Amerykę {v pf} [idiomatic, colloquial, pejorative] :: to rediscover common knowledge
odkryty {adj} :: discovered, found
odkryty {adj} :: uncovered
odkrywać {v impf} :: to discover, to find
odkrywać {v impf} :: to uncover
odkrywanie {n} :: verbal noun of odkrywać
odkupiciel {m pers} :: redeemer
odkurzacz {m inan} :: vacuum cleaner
odlanie {n} :: verbal noun of odlać
odleglejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of odległy
odległość {f} :: distance (between two points)
odległy {adj} :: distant, faraway
odlew {m inan} :: cast, mould
odlewanie {n} :: verbal noun of odlewać
odliczać {vt impf} :: to count down
odliczać {vt impf} :: to deduct, to take away
odliczać {vt impf} :: to count, to enumerate
odliczyć {vt pf} :: to count down
odliczyć {vt pf} :: to deduct, to take away
odliczyć {vt pf} :: to count, to enumerate
odlot {m inan} :: departure (of an aeroplane)
odlot {m inan} :: narcotic trip
odludek {m pers} [literary] :: recluse (reclusive person)
odludny {adj} :: lone, lonely, desolate, reclusive
odłączać {vt impf} :: to disconnect, to turn off, to cut off, to disengage
odłączać {vr impf} :: to break away, to hive off, to wander off
odłącznik {m inan} [electrical engineering] :: disconnector
odłączyć {vt pf} :: to disconnect, to turn off, to cut off, to disengage
odłączyć {vr pf} :: to break away, to hive off, to wander off
odłożyć {vt pf} :: to put back, to replace
odłożyć {vt pf} :: to put away, to set aside, to store
odłożyć {vt pf} :: to postpone, to put off, to defer
odłożyć {vt pf} :: to hang up, to replace
odłożyć {vr pf} :: to accumulate, to build up
odłóg {m inan} [agriculture] :: fallow (ground left unseeded for a year)
odłupek {m inan} :: lithic flake
odmarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of odmarznąć
odmęt {m inan} :: vortex
odmęt {m inan} :: whirl
odmęt {m inan} :: whirlpool
odmęt {m inan} :: chaos
odmiana {f} :: A variant, a type
odmiana {f} :: A change undergone by something
odmiana {f} [biology, taxonomy] :: variety
odmiana {f} [grammar] :: inflection
odmieniać {v impf} :: to transform (change greatly the appearance, form or nature)
odmieniać {v impf} [grammar] :: to inflect
odmieniać przez wszystkie przypadki {v impf} :: See: pl odmieniać przez przypadek
odmieniać przez wszystkie przypadki {v impf} [idiom] :: to talk about something at length; to repeatedly describe something in particular terms
odmienniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of odmienny
odmienny {adj} :: different, unlike, variant
odmienny {adj} :: distinct
odmienny {adj} :: other
odmienny {adj} :: separate
odmienny {adj} :: alien
odmowa {f} :: denial, refusal
odmrożenie {n} :: verbal noun of odmrozić
odmrożenie {n} :: frostbite
odnawiać {vt impf} :: to renovate, refurbish, furbish, recondition
odnawiać {vt impf} :: to renew
odnawialny {adj} :: renewable
odniesienie {n} :: verbal noun of odnieść
odniesienie {n} :: reference, regard
odnieść {vt pf} :: to bring back, to carry back
odnieść {vt pf} :: to sustain, to suffer (an injury)
odnieść {vr pf} [with preposition do] :: to reference, to refer to, to relate to
odnoga {f} :: limb
odnoga {f} :: fork, spur, offshoot
odnosić {vt impf} :: to bring back, to carry back
odnosić {vt impf} :: to sustain, to suffer (an injury)
odnosić {vr impf} [with preposition do] :: to reference, to refer to, to relate to
odnośnik {m inan} [typography] :: reference mark, cross-reference
odnośnik {m inan} [computing] :: link, hyperlink
odnowa {f} :: renovation, regeneration, restoration
odnowa {f} :: renewal
odnowiciel {m pers} :: restorer
odnóże {n} :: An arthropod limb
odnóże {n} [humorous] :: A human leg
odosiowy {adj} [botany] :: abaxial
odór {m inan} :: stink (strong bad smell)
odpad {m inan} :: waste product, byproduct
odpad {m inan} [plural only] :: waste, garbage, refuse
odpadać {vi impf} :: to fall off, to drop off
odpadać {vi impf} :: to drop out, to go out (exit a competition)
odpadanie {n} :: verbal noun of odpadać
odpady promieniotwórcze {nv} :: radioactive waste
odpasać {vt impf} :: to feed up
odpasać {vt pf} :: to remove something tied around the waist
odpaść {vi pf} :: to fall off, to drop off
odpaść {vi pf} :: to drop out, to go out (exit a competition)
odpaść {vt pf} :: to feed up
odpierać {v impf} :: to resist, to withstand
odpierać {v impf} :: to disprove or deny an allegation
odpierać {v impf} :: to retort; to respond
odpierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to do something carelessly
odpierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to do something inappropriate, surprising or funny
odpierdolić {vr pf} [vulgar] :: (odpierdolić się) to dress up fashionably
odpierdolić {vr pf} [vulgar] :: (odpierdolić się) to leave someone alone; to fuck off
odpierdolić {v pf} [vulgar, used with subject in dative case] :: to go mad; to behave haphazardly
odplątanie {n} :: verbal noun of odplątać
odpluskwiacz {m inan} [programming, rare] :: debugger (program that helps the programmer debug code)
odpływ {m inan} :: low tide
odpływ {m inan} :: drain, plughole
odpływ {m inan} :: outflow
odpocząć {vi pf} :: to have a rest, to relax
odpoczynek {m inan} :: rest (relief from exertion)
odpoczywać {v impf} :: to have a rest, to relax
odpoczywanie {n} :: verbal noun of odpoczywać
odporniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of odporny
odporność {f} :: resistance, resilience
odporność {f} :: immune system
-odporny {suffix} :: -proof
odporny {adj} :: resistant, immune
odpowiadać {v impf} :: to suit [+ dat = someone]; to be proper or suitable
odpowiadać {v impf} :: to answer [+ za (object) = acc = for something]; to be responsible for something
odpowiadać {v impf} :: to answer [+ przed (object) = ins = to someone]; to be accountable before someone
odpowiadać {v impf} :: to answer; to reply; to respond [+ dat = to someone]
odpowiadanie {n} :: verbal noun of odpowiadać
odpowiedni {adj} :: suitable, appropriate, proper, adequate, relevant
odpowiedniczka {f} :: equivalent, counterpart, analogue (female person)
odpowiedniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of odpowiedni
odpowiednik {m inan} :: equivalent, counterpart, analogue (thing)
odpowiednik {m pers} :: equivalent, counterpart, analogue (person)
odpowiedzialność {f} :: responsibility, liability, charge
odpowiedzialny {adj} :: responsible (answerable for an act performed or for its consequences)
odpowiedzieć {v pf} :: to answer, to reply
odpowiedzieć {v pf} :: to answer [+ za (object) = acc = for something]; to be held responsible or punished
odpowiedź {f} :: answer (response)
odprawa {f} :: briefing (meeting)
odprawa {f} :: check-in (at an airport)
odprawa {f} :: severance pay
odprawa {f} :: clearance
odpryskowiak {m inan} :: choristoma (mass of normal tissue in an abnormal location)
odprzymiotnikowy {adj} [grammar] :: deadjectival
odpust {m inan} [Roman Catholicism] :: indulgence (pardon or release from the expectation of punishment in purgatory)
odpust {m inan} [Roman Catholicism] :: parish festival
odpuszczać {vt impf} :: to absolve, to pardon, to remit
odpuszczać {vt impf} :: to let go
odpuścić {vt pf} :: to absolve, to pardon, to remit
odpuścić {vt pf} :: to let go
odpychanie {n} :: verbal noun of odpychać
odra {f} :: measles
Odra {prop} {f} :: Odra (river)
odrabianie {n} :: verbal noun of odrabiać
odraczać {v impf} [formal] :: to postpone
odraczanie {n} :: verbal noun of odraczać
odradzać {v impf} :: to dissuade, to advise against
odradzać {vt impf} :: to regenerate, to revive
odradzanie {n} :: verbal noun of odradzać
odrastać {vi impf} :: to grow back, grow again, grow anew, regenerate
odraza {f} :: disgust, aversion (an intense dislike or repugnance)
odrąbanie {n} :: verbal noun of odrąbać
odrębnie {adv} :: differently
odrębnie {adv} :: separately
odrębny {adj} :: different
odrębny {adj} :: separate
odrobienie {n} :: verbal noun of odrobić
odrobinę {adv} :: a little bit
Odrodzenie {prop} {n} :: Renaissance
odrosnąć {vti pf} :: to regrow, to grow back, to regenerate
odrośl {f} [botany] :: offshoot
odróżniać {vt impf} :: to distinguish
odróżnić {vt pf} :: to distinguish
odruch {m inan} :: reflex (involuntary movement in response to a stimulus)
odruchowo {adv} :: instinctively, reflexively, automatically
odruchowy {adj} :: instinctive, automatic, reflex
odrywać {vt impf} :: to tear off, to rip off, to detach
odrywać {vt impf} [figurative] :: to tear away (to stop reluctantly)
odrywać {vr impf} :: to come off, to fall off
odrywać {vr impf} :: to secede, to break away
odrzec {vt pf} :: to answer, to reply, to respond
odrzekać {vt impf} :: to answer, to reply, to respond
odrzucić {v pf} :: to reject
odrzucić {v pf} [medicine] :: to reject (e.g. a transplant)
odrzucić {v pf} :: to disavow; to abandon
odrzucić {v pf} :: to reply, to retort
odrzucić {v pf} :: to throw back
odrzucić {v pf} :: to throw away
odrzucić {v pf} :: to take aback
odrzut {m inan} :: recoil
odrzutowiec {m inan} :: jet plane
odsadzka {f} :: [fortifications] berm
odsalanie {n} :: verbal noun of odsalać
odsalanie {n} :: desalination (process of removing salt from sea water)
odsądzać od czci i wiary {v impf} [idiom, colloquial, humorous] :: to demonize, to harshly criticize in an over-the-top manner
odsiadka {f} [colloquial] :: porridge, stretch (prison sentence)
odsiecz {f} :: relief, relief force, succor
odskakiwać {vi impf} :: to jump away, to jump back, to recoil [+ od (object) = genitive = from something]
odskakiwać {vi impf} :: to bounce back [+ od (object) = genitive = off something]
odskakiwać {vi impf} :: to open suddenly, to pop open
odskakiwać {vi impf} :: to peel away, to distance oneself [+ od (object) = genitive = from something]
odskoczyć {vi pf} :: to jump away, to jump back, to recoil [+ od (object) = genitive = from something]
odskoczyć {vi pf} :: to bounce back [+ od (object) = genitive = off something]
odskoczyć {vi pf} :: to open suddenly, to pop open
odskoczyć {vi pf} :: to peel away, to distance oneself [+ od (object) = genitive = from something]
odskrobanie {n} :: verbal noun of odskrobać
odsłownik {m inan} [grammar] :: verbal noun, gerund
odstawić {v pf} :: to put back; to put something back in its place
odstawić {v pf} :: to cease taking a drug
odstawić {v pf} :: to cut out; to wean; to stop eating or drinking some foodstuff
odstawić {v pf} [colloquial] :: to give a lift; to convey someone or something to a place while taking responsibility
odstawić {v pf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to make a fuss; to make a scene; to do something that draws attention
odstawić {vr pf} [colloquial, often, pejorative] :: to overdress; to trick out; to wear a fancy outfit, especially when it is overdone
odstąpić {vt pf} :: to give, to yield, to relinquish
odstąpić {vt pf} :: to sell (especially on favourable terms)
odstąpić {vi pf} :: to back away, to back off, to retreat
odstąpić {vi pf} [with preposition od] :: to back out (of), to withdraw (from), to waive
odstąpić {vi pf} [with preposition od] :: to depart (from), to deviate (from), to abandon
odstąpienie {n} :: verbal noun of odstąpić
odstąpienie {n} :: waiver
odstęp {m inan} :: gap, space
odstępca {m pers} :: renegade
odstępować {vt impf} :: to give, to yield, to relinquish
odstępować {vt impf} :: to sell (especially on favourable terms)
odstępować {vi impf} :: to back away, to back off, to retreat
odstępować {vi impf} [with preposition od] :: to back out (of), to withdraw (from), to waive
odstępować {vi impf} [with preposition od] :: to depart (from), to deviate (from), to abandon
odstępstwo {n} :: deviation, departure, defection
odstępstwo {n} :: dissent
odsunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of odsunąć
odsuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of odsuwać
odsyłacz {m inan} [typography] :: reference mark
odsyłacz {m inan} [computing] :: link, hyperlink
odsyłać {vt impf} :: to send away, to dismiss
odsyłać {vt impf} :: to send back, to return
odszczepieniec {m pers} :: dissenter
odszkodowanie {n} [legal] :: damages; money awarded as legal remedy for material losses
odszukać {vt pf} :: to seek out, to track down
odszukać {vr pf} :: to find each other
odszukiwać {vt impf} :: to seek out, to track down
odszukiwać {vr impf} :: to find each other
odśnieżać {v impf} :: to clear of snow
odśnieżanie {n} :: verbal noun of odśnieżać
odświętny {adj} :: festive, festal, ceremonial
odświętny {adj} :: formal, special
odtwarzacz {m inan} :: player (electronic device)
odtwarzacz {m inan} :: player (software application)
odtwarzać {v impf} :: to reproduce, to recreate
odtwarzać {v impf} :: to play (to use a device to watch or listen to a recording)
odwach {m inan} [dated] :: guardhouse, watch house, guard building, guard booth, guard shack, security booth, security building, sentry building
odwach {m inan} [dated] :: guards
odwaga {f} :: courage, bravery
odwalenie {n} :: verbal noun of odwalić
odważniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of odważny
odważny {adj} :: brave, courageous
odwet {m inan} :: retaliation, reprisal
odwiedzać {v impf} :: to visit
odwiedzanie {n} :: verbal noun of odwiedzać
odwiedzić {v pf} :: to visit
odwilż {f} :: thaw (melting of ice, snow or other congealed matter)
odwilż {f} [politics] :: A relaxation of repression and censorship in an authoritarian state (see Khrushchev Thaw)
odwinięcie {n} :: verbal noun of odwinąć
odwłok {m inan} [arthropod anatomy] :: abdomen
odwodnienie {n} :: dehydration
odwodnienie {n} :: drainage, sewerage; system of draining rainwater from a structure
odwodnienie {n} :: verbal noun of odwodnić
odwołać {v pf} :: to cancel
odwołać {v pf} :: to dismiss
odwołanie {n} :: verbal noun of odwołać
odwoływać {v impf} :: to cancel
odwoływać {v impf} :: to dismiss
odwój {m inan} [rivers] :: stopper, hole
odwój {m inan} [rivers] :: towback
odwracanie {n} :: verbal noun of odwracać
odwrotność {f} :: inverse, opposite
odwrotność {f} [mathematics] :: reciprocal
odwrócenie {n} :: verbal noun of odwrócić
odwrót {m inan} :: retreat
odwyk {m inan} [colloquial] :: rehab, drug rehabilitation
odwyknąć {vi pf} :: to get out of a habit (of)
odwzajemnić {v pf} :: to reciprocate (e.g. a feeling, a gift); to return (e.g. a favor)
odyniec {m anim} :: boar
odziarniarka {f} :: cotton gin
odzienie {n} [dated] :: clothes
odzież {f} [usually singular] :: clothing, clothes
odznaczać {vt impf} :: to demarcate, to separate [+ accusative]
odznaczać {vt impf} :: to decorate, to honour, to give an award to [+ accusative]
odznaczać {vr impf} :: to be characterised by [+ instrumental]
odznaczać {vr impf} :: to stand out for, to be distinguished by [+ instrumental]
odznaczanie {n} :: verbal noun of odznaczać
odznaczenie {n} [uncountable] :: verbal noun of odznaczyć
odznaczenie {n} [countable] :: honour, award, medal
odznaka {f} :: badge
odzywka {f} [colloquial] :: line, call, statement, expression, speech (usually rude)
odzywka {f} [card games] :: bid
odźwiernik {m inan} :: pylorus (opening between the stomach and duodenum)
odźwierny {m pers} :: doorkeeper, doorman, porter
odżywiać {vt impf} :: to nourish
odżywiać {vr impf} :: to feed on, to eat
odżywić {vt pf} :: to nourish
odżywić {vr pf} :: to feed on, to eat
odżywka {f} :: conditioner
odżywka {f} [nutrition, bodybuilding] :: supplement (vitamin, herbal extract, or chemical compound)
oferma {f} [derogatory] :: dweeb, hacker, klutz, nebbish
oferta {f} :: offer
ofiara {f} :: victim
ofiara {f} :: sacrifice
ofiara losu {f} [idiom, derogatory] :: klutz, lame duck, clumsy and helpless person
ofiarny {adj} :: sacrificial
ofiarny {adj} :: generous
ofiarny {adj} :: large-hearted
ofiarować {v impf} :: to sacrifice, to offer to a deity
ofiarować {v impf} [literary] :: to give, to gift, to bestow
oficer {m pers} :: officer (person in a position of authority in the uniformed services)
oficjalnie {adv} :: officially
oficjalny {adj} :: official
oficyna {f} :: publishing house, publishing company
oficyna {f} [architecture] :: outbuilding, outhouse
oficyna {f} [architecture] :: annex (addition or extension to a building)
oficynka {f} :: diminutive of oficyna
oficynowy {adj} [relational] :: publishing house, publishing company
oficynowy {adj} [relational] :: outbuilding, outhouse
oficynowy {adj} [relational] :: annex
Ogaden {prop} {m inan} :: Ogaden (region)
ogar {m anim} :: hound; hunting dog
ogar {m pers} [slang] :: competent person
ogarniać {v impf} :: to grip; to engulf; to overwhelm
ogarniać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tidy up; to clean a space in a rudimentary manner
ogarniać {v impf} [slang] :: to get; to grok; to understand
ogarniać {v impf} [slang] :: to check out; to examine something
ogarnij się {v} :: get a grip
ogarnij się {v} :: calm down (most frequently)
ogień {m inan} :: fire (one of the four basic elements)
ogier {m anim} :: stallion (uncastrated male horse)
oglądać {v impf} :: watch (to look at for a period of time)
oglądalność {f} :: viewership
oglądanie {n} :: verbal noun of oglądać
ogłaszać {vt impf} :: to announce, to declare
ogłaszać {vt impf} :: to publish, to issue
ogłosić {vt pf} :: to announce, to declare
ogłosić {vt pf} :: to publish, to issue
ogłoszenie {n} :: announcement, notice
ogłoszenie {n} :: verbal noun of ogłosić
ogłowie {n} :: bridle (headgear with which a horse is directed)
ogłuszać {vt impf} :: to stun, to deafen, to strike deaf
ognia {interj} :: fire!
ognicha {f} :: Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard)
ogniczek {m anim} :: ruby-crowned kinglet (Regulus calendula)
ognioodporny {adj} :: fireproof
ognisko {n} :: bonfire, campfire
ognisko {n} [optics] :: focus
ogniskowa {f} [physics, photography] :: focal length
ognisty {adj} :: fiery
ogolić {vt pf} :: to shave
ogolić {vri pf} :: to shave (oneself)
ogon {m inan} :: tail
ogon {m inan} [colloquial] :: queue
ogonek {m inan} :: diminutive of ogon: a little tail
ogonek {m inan} :: queue
ogonek {m inan} [orthography] :: ogonek (diacritical mark)
ogoniak {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Nyctinomops
ogorzały {adj} :: tan, tanned (having a suntan)
ogorzenie {n} :: verbal noun of ogorzeć
ogólnie {adv} :: generally
ogólnie {adv} :: broadly
ogólność {f} :: generalness, generality
ogólny {adj} :: general, broad
ogólny {adj} :: overall
ogólny {adj} :: common, widespread
ogół {m inan} :: the whole, entirety
ogór {m inan} :: augmentative of ogórek
ogór {m inan} [slang] :: nose
ogóreczek {m inan} :: diminutive of ogórek
ogórek {m anim} :: cucumber
ogórek {m anim} :: gherkin
ogórkowy {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of cucumbers
ogr {m anim} :: ogre (brutish giant)
ograć {vt pf} :: to outplay
ogradzać {vt impf} :: to fence, to enclose
ograniczać {vt impf} :: to restrict, to limit
ograniczać {vt impf} :: to reduce (e.g., cost)
ograniczać {vt impf} :: to border (e.g., countries one another)
ograniczanie {n} :: verbal noun of ograniczać
ograniczenie {n} :: verbal noun of ograniczyć
ograniczenie {n} :: restriction, limit, limitation
ograniczony {adj} :: limited
ograniczony {adj} :: finite
ograniczyć {vt pf} :: to delimit
ograniczyć {vt pf} :: to restrict, to limit
ogrodniczka {f} :: female gardener
ogrodnik {m pers} :: gardener
ogrodzenie {n} :: fence
ogrodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of ogrodzić
ogrom {m inan} :: a large size of something
ogrom {m inan} :: large amounts of something
ogrom {m inan} :: a very large object
ogromnie {adv} :: hugely, immensely, greatly
ogromniej {adv} :: comparative of ogromnie
ogromny {adj} :: immense, huge
ogród {m inan} :: garden
ogrywać {vt impf} :: to outplay
ogryzek {m inan} :: core (central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds)
ogryzienie {n} :: verbal noun of ogryźć
ogrzać {vt pf} :: to heat, to warm
ogrzewacz {m inan} :: heater, warmer
ogrzewać {vt impf} :: to heat, to warm
ogrzewanie {n} :: verbal noun of ogrzewać
ogrzewanie {n} :: heating
ohar {m anim} :: common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)
ohel {m inan} [Judaism] :: ohel
Ohio {prop} {n} :: Ohio (state)
Ohio {prop} {n} :: Ohio (river)
ohm {m inan} [uncommon] :: ohm
ohyda {f} :: heinousness, odiousness
ohydniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of ohydny
ohydny {adj} :: disgusting, repulsive, odious, hideous, abominable
ojciec {m pers} :: father, male parent
ojciec {m pers} [figurative] :: father, originator
ojciec {m pers} :: Father (honorific used for Catholic priests)
ojciec chrzestny {m pers} :: godfather
ojciec dyrektor {prop} {m pers} :: title of Tadeusz Rydzyk, founder and director of the ultraconservative Catholic radio station Radio Maryja and TV station Telewizja Trwam
ojcobójca {m pers} :: patricide (person who commits patricide)
ojcostwo {n} :: fatherhood, paternity
ojcowizna {f} [dated] :: land inherited from one's father
Ojcze nasz {prop} :: Lord's Prayer
ojczulek {m pers} [colloquial, affectionate] :: dad, daddy
ojczulek {m pers} [affectionate or jocular] :: monk, friar
ojczym {m pers} :: stepfather
ojczysty {adj} :: native
ojczyzna {f} :: homeland, motherland, fatherland
ojebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to chow down
ojebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to drink
ojebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to deceive, to scam
ojebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to perform oral sex
ojebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to work something around, f.ex. cut, remove paint, hairs or bark
ojebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to put on paint or something similar
ojebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to dirty something
ojebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to beat
ojej {interj} :: oops
ok. {prep} :: abbreviation of około ca.
okantować {vt pf} :: to con, to swindle, to trick
okap {m inan} :: eaves
okaryna {f} :: ocarina (musical instrument)
okaz {m inan} :: specimen, especially a biological or mineralogical one
okaz {m inan} [figurative] :: epitome; exemplar
okazać {v perf} [dated, legal, literary] :: to show
Okazaki {prop} {n} :: Okazaki (city)
okazanie {n} :: verbal noun of okazać
okazanie {n} [legal] :: lineup
okaziciel {m pers} [rare] :: bearer of a document
okazja {f} :: chance, opportunity
okazja {f} :: bargain
okazja {f} :: occasion
okazja czyni złodzieja {proverb} :: most theft happens when it requires little effort, for example when valuables are left unattended in plain sight
okej {adj} [colloquial] :: OK
okej {adv} [colloquial] :: OK
okej {interj} [colloquial] :: OK
okienko {n} :: diminutive of okno
okienko {n} :: gap, slot (vacant space or time)
okienko {n} [botany] :: micropyle
okienko {n} [computing] :: window
okienko {n} :: window of a windowed envelope
okienko {n} [ear anatomy] :: window
okienko {n} [medicine] :: window period
okiennica {f} :: window shutter
okienny {adj} [relational] :: window
Oklahoma {prop} {f} :: Oklahoma (state)
oklaski {m inanp} :: applause
okłamywać {vt if} :: to lie (to tell an untruth) occasionally/habitually
okno {n} :: window (opening for light and air)
okno {n} [computing] :: window (area on a computer terminal or screen containing some kind of user interface)
oko {n} [anatomy] :: eye
oko {n} :: A drop of fat or oil floating on the surface of a liquid
oko {n} [meteorology] :: The eye of a cyclone
oko za oko, ząb za ząb {idiom} :: eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
okolica {f} :: surroundings, vicinity, neighbourhood
okolicznik {m inan} [grammar] :: adverbial
okoliczność {f} :: circumstance
okoliczny {adj} :: neighbouring, surrounding
około- {prefix} :: circum-, peri-; appended to adjectives to indicate location near or a circular motion around something
około {prep} :: near, about, around, circa
okołobiegunowy {adj} :: circumpolar
okołobiegunowy {adj} :: characteristic of a pole
okołoporodowy {adj} :: perinatal
okołorostek {m inan} [linguistic morphology] :: circumfix
okołosłoneczny {adj} :: circumsolar
okołoustny {adj} :: perioral
okonek {m anim} :: diminutive of okoń
okoniek {m anim} :: diminutive of okoń
okoń {m anim} :: perch (fish)
okop {m inan} :: trench (long, narrow ditch or hole)
okopanie {n} :: verbal noun of okopać
okostna {f} :: periosteum
okowiel {m anim} :: Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii)
okowy {nv} :: bonds, shackles, fetters, legcuffs (paired wrist or ankle restraints)
okowy {nv} [figuratively] :: bonds (that which limits freedom, enslaves)
okólny {adj} [dated] :: roundabout
okół {m inan} [obsolete] :: pen; corral; enclosure (a fenced area for keeping livestock)
okółek {m inan} [botany] :: whorl, verticil
okółkowy {adj} [botany] :: whorled
okradać {v impf} :: to rob, to mug (to steal using force or violence)
okradanie {n} :: verbal noun of okradać
okrasa {f} :: edible fat
okrasa {f} :: embellishment, decoration
okrasa {f} [obsolete] :: beauty
okraszać {vt impf} :: to embellish
okrąg {m inan} :: circle (two-dimensional outline geometric figure)
okrągły {adj} :: round, circular
okres {m inan} :: period (of time)
okres godowy {m inan} :: mating season
okresowo {adv} :: periodically
okresowy {adj} :: periodic, cyclic
określać {vt impf} :: to determine, to set, to define
określić {vt pf} :: to determine, to set, to define
określony {adj} :: specific, defined, given
okręt {m inan} :: ship (seafaring vessel)
okręt podwodny {m inan} :: submarine (undersea boat)
okrętnica {f} :: clusia (any plant of the genus Clusia)
okrętownictwo {n} :: shipbuilding
okrężnica {f} :: colon (part of the digestive system)
okrężnica {f} :: featherfoil (either member of the genus Hottonia)
okrężnica {f} :: A type of fishing net
okrężnica {f} :: A tube in an industrial furnace
okrężny {adj} :: roundabout
okrężny {adj} :: encircling
okrężny {adj} :: circuitous, indirect
okrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of okroić
okropnie {adv} :: terribly
okropnie {adv} :: very; extremely
okropniej {adv} :: comparative of okropnie
okropniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of okropny
okropny {adj} :: terrible
okrój {m inan} :: model, style, design
okrój {m inan} :: form, shape, cut
okruch {m inan} :: crumb
okruch {m inan} :: bit; tiny piece
okruch {m inan} :: fragment
okrucieństwo {n} :: cruelty
okrucieństwo {n} :: atrocity
okruszek {m inan} :: diminutive of okruch
okrutnie {adv} :: cruelly
okrutniej {adv} :: comparative of okrutnie
okrutniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of okrutny
okrutnik {m pers} :: cruel, ruthless man
okrutny {adj} :: cruel
okryć {vt pf} :: to cover
okrytonasienne {p} :: flowering plants, angiosperms
okrytozalążkowe {p} :: flowering plants, angiosperms
okrywa {f} :: wrapper, cover, encasement
okrywa {f} [botany] :: involucre
okrywać {vt impf} :: to cover
okrzemka {f} :: diatom (class of algae)
okrzyn {m inan} :: any of several umbelliferous plants of the genus Laserpitium; laserwort
oksymoron {m inan} :: oxymoron
oktan {m inan} :: octane (hydrocarbon)
oktan {m inan} [colloquial, usually plural] :: octane number
oktant {m inan} [nautical] :: octant
oktant {m inan} [geometry] :: octant
Oktant {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Octans
okulary {p} :: glasses
okulary przeciwsłoneczne {mp} :: sunglasses
okulista {m pers} :: ophthalmologist
okulistka {f} :: female ophthalmologist
okultyzm {m inan} :: occultism
okup {m inan} :: ransom
okupnik {m pers} :: tenant-farmer
okwiat {m inan} [botany] :: perianth
-ol {suffix} [organic chemistry] :: forms names of alcohols
-ol {suffix} :: forms derogatory masculine nouns referring to people
-ol {suffix} [regional] :: alternative form of -al
Ola {prop} {f} :: given name
olać {v pf} [colloquial] :: to ignore; to dismiss
Olaf {prop} {m} :: given name
olanie {n} :: verbal noun of olać
olbrzym {m anim} :: giant (mythical creature)
olbrzym {m anim} :: giant (a large person)
olbrzym {m anim} :: giant (a large object or animal)
olbrzymi {adj} :: huge, gigantic
olbrzymiej {adv} :: comparative of olbrzymio
olbrzymio {adv} :: hugely, gigantically, immensely
olbrzymka {f} :: giantess
olcha {f} :: alder, any tree of the genus Alnus
oleander {m inan} :: oleander
Oleg {prop} {m pers} :: given name
oleica {f} :: oil beetle (any member of the genus Meloe)
olej {m inan} :: oil (any highly viscous liquid)
Olek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
olewać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to ignore; to dismiss
olewanie {n} :: verbal noun of olewać
Olgierd {prop} {m pers} :: given name
oligarchia {f} [politics] :: oligarchy
Olimp {prop} {m} :: Olimp (mountain)
olimpiada {f} :: Olympiad
olimpiada {f} :: the Olympics
olimpijski {adj} :: Olympic (of or pertaining to the Olympic Games)
oliwa {f} :: olive oil
oliwczyk {m anim} :: sapayoa (Sapayoa aenigma)
Oliwer {prop} {m} :: given name
Oliwia {prop} {f} :: given name
Oliwier {prop} {m} :: given name
oliwka {f} :: olive tree
oliwka {f} :: olive (fruit)
oliwkowy {adj} :: olive (colour)
oliwkowy {adj} [relational] :: olive (fruit)
olsza {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: alder, any tree of the genus Alnus
Olsza {prop} {f} {m pers} :: A toponym; name of several settlements in Poland
olszowy {adj} :: of, or pertaining to, alders
Olsztyn {prop} {m} :: Olsztyn (city)
olsztyński {adj} :: Olsztyn (of, from or pertaining to Olsztyn in Lithuania)
olszyna {f} :: alder forest
olszyna {f} :: alder wood
olśnić {vt pf} :: to dazzle, to bedazzle
olśnienie {n} :: verbal noun of olśnić
olśnienie {n} :: brainwave, brainstorm, light-bulb moment
olśniewać {vt impf} :: to dazzle, to bedazzle
Olza {prop} {f} :: Olza (river in Poland and the Czech Republic, the right tributary of Odra)
Ołomuniec {prop} {m} :: Olomouc
ołomuniecki {adj} :: from; of; or pertaining to Olomouc
ołowian {m inan} [chemistry] :: plumbate
ołowiany {adj} :: lead, leaden (made of lead)
ołowiany {adj} :: leady (resembling or having properties of lead)
ołowica {f} :: lead poisoning (type of metal poisoning)
ołów {m inan} :: lead (chemical element)
ołówek {m inan} :: pencil
ołówek automatyczny {m inan} :: mechanical pencil
ołtarz {m inan} [religion] :: altar
ołtarzyk {m inan} :: diminutive of ołtarz; small altar
ołtarzyk {m inan} :: a painting or a figure in an apartment, decorated with flowers and/or candles
om {m inan} :: ohm
omal {adv} :: almost, nearly
omam {m inan} :: hallucination, delusion
oman {m inan} :: any of several flowering plants of the genus Inula, including elecampane and yellowheads
Oman {prop} {m} :: Oman
omanić {v pf} :: alternative form of omamić
omański {adj} :: Omani
omarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of omarznąć
ombrometr {m inan} :: rain gauge, pluviometer
ombudsman {m pers} :: ombudsman
omdlenie {n} :: verbal noun of omdleć
omdlenie {n} [medicine] :: syncope, fainting
omdlenie {n} :: faintness, light-headedness
omięk {m anim} :: Lagria hirta, a species of darkling beetle
ominięcie {n} :: verbal noun of ominąć
omknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of omknąć
omlecik {m inan} :: diminutive of omlet
omlet {m inan} :: omelette
omocznia {f} [anatomy, embryology] :: allantois
Omsk {prop} {m} :: Omsk (oblast)
Omsk {prop} {m} :: Omsk (city/administrative center)
omsknąć {vr pf} [colloquial] :: to slip
omszały {adj} :: mossy, moss-grown
omyk {m inan} [hunting] :: A hare's tail
omylny {adj} :: fallible
on {pron} :: he [for animate nouns], it [for inanimate nouns]
on {pron} [obsolete] :: this [demonstrative]
ona {pron} :: she
onania {f} :: masturbation
onanizm {m inan} :: masturbation
onegdaj {adv} [archaic] :: the other day
onegdaj {adv} [archaic] :: of yore
ongi {adv} [archaic] :: at one time, formerly, once
ongiś {adv} :: at one time, formerly, once
oni {pron} :: they (third-person masculine personal nominative)
oniryczny {adj} :: oneiric
oniryzm {m inan} :: oneirism
onkologia {f} [oncology] :: oncology
online {adv} :: online (performed over Internet)
ono {pron} :: it
onomastyka {f} [linguistics] :: onomastics
onomatopeja {f} :: onomatopoeia
onowodek {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Aponogeton
ontologiczny {adj} :: ontological
onuca {f} :: footwrap
-ony {suffix} :: Forms masculine adjectives or adjectival participles
{contraction} :: contraction of o niego
opactwo {n} [architecture] :: abbey (monastery headed by an abbot)
opad {m inan} [usually plural] :: precipitation
opadanie {n} :: verbal noun of opadać
opakowanie {n} :: verbal noun of opakować
opakowanie {n} :: packaging (materials used to pack something)
opal {m inan} [mineralogy] :: opal
opalanie {n} :: verbal noun of opalać
opalenie {n} :: verbal noun of opalić
opalenizna {f} :: tan (darkening of skin)
opalony {adj} :: tanned, suntanned
opalowy {adj} [relational] :: opal
opał {m inan} :: combustible, fuel used for heating
opał {m inan} :: heating
opały {m inanp} :: predicament, bind, pickle, dire straits
oparcie {n} :: verbal noun of oprzeć
oparcie {n} :: backrest (part of a chair used to support the sitter's back)
oparzelina {f} :: burn (physical injury)
oparzenie {n} :: verbal noun of oparzyć
oparzenie {n} :: burn (physical injury)
oparzyk {m anim} :: Any blister beetle of the genus Mylabris
opasły {adj} :: fattened
opasły {adj} :: obese
opasły {adj} :: thick, voluminous
opaślik {m anim} :: A katydid (bush cricket) of the genus Barbitistes
opat {m pers} [Christianity] :: abbot
opatentować {vt pf} :: to patent
opatentowanie {n} :: verbal noun of opatentować
opatka {f} [Christianity] :: abbess
opatrunek {m inan} :: dressing (a piece of material placed on a wound to protect it)
opatrzność {f} :: providence
opatrzność {f} [obsolete] :: care (provision of what is necessary)
opera {f} [music] :: opera (theatrical work)
opera {f} [architecture] :: opera house (building)
opera mydlana {f} [television] :: soap opera
operacja {f} :: operation
operacja {f} :: surgery (procedure involving major incisions)
operetka {f} [music] :: operetta
operetka {f} :: building where operetta is staged
operetkowy {adj} [relational] :: operetta
opętanie {n} :: possession (the state of being possessed by a spirit or demon)
opieka {f} :: protection, care
opieka {f} :: guardianship, patronage
opieka {f} :: tutelage, custody
opiekować {vr impf} :: to care for; look after [+ ins = somebody / something]
opiekowanie {n} :: verbal noun of opiekować
opiekun {m pers} :: carer, caregiver
opiekun {m pers} :: guardian (of a minor)
opiekun {m pers} :: keeper (a person charged with caring for animals, e.g. at a zoo)
opielanie {n} :: verbal noun of opielać
opieńka {f} :: Any member of the genus Armillaria, e.g. honey fungus
opieprz {m inan} [colloquial, mildly vulgar] :: A harsh reprimand
opieprzać {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to season with (black) pepper
opieprzać {vt impf} [colloquial, vulgar] :: to chew out, to berate
opieprzać {vr impf} [colloquial, vulgar] :: to piss about, to laze about, to mess around
opieprzyć {vt pf} [colloquial, vulgar] :: to chew out, to berate
opierdalać {v impf} [vulgar] :: to chew out, to reprimand
opierdalać {v impf} [vulgar] :: to chow down, to eat
opierdalać {v impf} [vulgar] :: to cut hair, to give a haircut
opierdalać {v impf} [vulgar, rare] :: to rob, to burglarize
opierdalać {vr impf} [vulgar] :: to fuck around; to avoid doing work
opierdalać {vr impf} [vulgar] :: to get a haircut
opierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to chew out, to reprimand, to lecture
opierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to chow down, to eat
opierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to work something, f.ex. remove paint, bark, to put paint on
opierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to cut hair, to give a haircut
opierdolić {v pf} [vulgar, rare] :: to rob, to burglarize
opierdolić {v pf} [vulgar] :: to perform oral sex
opierdolić {v pf} [vulgar, rare] :: to sell
opierdolić {vr pf} [vulgar] :: to get a haircut
opierzenie {n} :: verbal noun of opierzyć
opiewać {vt impf} :: to sing the praises of, laud, eulogize, extol
opiewać {vi impf} [followed by na] :: to amount to, total
opiłek {m inan} :: metal filing
opinia {f} :: opinion
opis {m inan} :: description
opis {m inan} :: account (of events)
opisać {vt pf} :: to describe (represent in words)
opisać {vt pf} [geometry] :: to circumscribe
opisywać {vt impf} :: to describe (represent in words)
opisywać {vt impf} [geometry] :: to circumscribe
oplątanie {n} :: verbal noun of oplątać
opłakać {vt pf} :: to mourn, to grieve
opłakanie {n} :: verbal noun of opłakać
opłakanie {adv} :: lamentably, miserably
opłakany {adj} :: lamentable, miserable
opłakiwać {vt impf} :: to mourn, to grieve
opłata {f} :: fee, charge, payment
opłatek {m inan} :: Christmas wafer
opłucna {f} [anatomy] :: pleura
opodatkować {vt pf} :: to tax (impose a tax)
opodatkowywać {vt impf} :: to tax (impose a tax)
Opole {prop} {n} :: Opole (city), the capital of the Opole Voivodeship
opolski {adj} :: Opole (of, from or pertaining to Opole in Poland)
Opolszczyzna {prop} {f} :: Opolian Silesia in Poland
opona {f} :: tyre, tire (wheel covering)
opona {f} [anatomy] :: mater
opończa {adj} :: a robe, an open gown with a hood
opornik {m inan} :: resistor (electric component)
opornik {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Pueraria
oportunista {m pers} :: opportunist
oporządzić {vt pf} :: to groom
opos {m anim} :: gray and black four-eyed opossum (Philander)
opos {m anim} [rare] :: large American opossum (Didelphis)
oposulek {m anim} :: Any opossum of the genus Marmosops; slender opossum
opowiadać {v impf} :: to tell, to narrate
opowiadanie {n} :: short story
opowiadanie {n} :: verbal noun of opowiadać
opowiastka {f} :: diminutive of opowieść
opowieści dziwnej treści {fp} [idiom, plural only] :: tall tale; nonsense; something obviously made up
opowieść {f} :: story, tale
opój {m pers} :: drunk, drunkard
opór {m inan} :: resistance; struggle
opór {m inan} [electricity] :: resistance
opór {adv} [slang] :: totally; very
opracować {vt pf} :: to develop, to devise, to put together
opracowywać {vt impf} :: to develop, to devise, to put together
opranie {n} :: verbal noun of oprać
oprata {f} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: rein
oprawa {f} :: binding
oprawa {f} :: frame
oprawa {f} :: setting
oprawca {m pers} :: torturer
oprawca {m pers} :: executioner, hangman
oprawiać {vt impf} :: to frame (add a decorative border to a picture)
oprawiać {vt impf} :: to bind (put together in a cover, as of books)
oprawiać {vt impf} :: to flay (remove the skin of animals)
oprawić {vt pf} :: to bind (e.g. a book)
oprawić {vt pf} :: to frame, to mount
oprawić {vt pf} :: to skin, to flay, to prepare for eating
oprocentowanie {n} :: verbal noun of oprocentować
oprocentowanie {n} [finance] :: discount rate, bank rate
oprogramowanie {n} [computing] :: software (encoded computer instructions)
oprogramowanie sprzętowe {n} [computing] :: firmware (software closely tied to the hardware on which it runs)
oprogramowanie układowe {n} [computing] :: firmware (software closely tied to the hardware on which it runs)
oprowadzać {v impf} :: to show (someone) around, to accompany, to go with, to go round with
oprowadzanie {n} :: verbal noun of oprowadzać
oprócz {prep} :: except, apart from, but
oprócz {prep} :: besides, beyond, other than
opróżnić {v pf} :: to empty
oprych {m pers} [Warsaw] :: petty criminal, hoodlum, brawler, or thug
opryskanie {n} :: verbal noun of opryskać
opryskliwy {adj} :: brusque, gruff
opryszczka {f} :: herpes
oprzeć {vt pf} :: to lean onto, to put onto
oprzeć {vt pf} :: to rest against, to place against
oprzeć {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to base [+ na (object) = locative = on something]
optometrysta {m pers} :: optometrist
optyczny {adj} :: optical
optyk {m pers} :: optician
optyka {f} :: optics
optymalizacja {f} :: optimization (the design and operation of a system or process to make it as good as possible in some defined sense)
optymalizacja {f} [mathematics] :: mathematical optimization
optymalnie {adv} :: optimally
optymalniej {adv} :: comparative of optymalnie
optymalniejszy {adj} :: comparative of optymalny
optymalny {adj} :: optimal, best
optymista {m pers} :: optimist
optymistka {f} :: optimist
optymistyczny {adj} :: optimistic
optymizm {m inan} :: optimism
opuchlizna {f} :: swelling
opust {m inan} :: discount, reduction in price
opuszczać {v impf} :: to abandon, to leave
opuszczać {v impf} :: to lower
opuszczać {v impf} :: to miss
opuścić {v pf} :: to abandon, to leave
opuścić {v pf} :: to lower
opuścić {v pf} :: to miss
opychanie {n} :: verbal noun of opychać
oracz {m pers} :: plower, plowman
orać {v impf} :: to plough, (US) plow
orać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to work hard; to work one's butt off
orać {v impf} [colloquial] :: (orać kogoś) to tire someone; to exhaust someone
orać {v impf} [slang] :: (orać kogoś) to have sex with someone
oralny {adj} [relational] :: oral (relating to the mouth)
oralny {adj} [relational] :: oral (spoken)
oranie {n} :: verbal noun of orać
oranżada {f} :: orangeade (orange-flavored soft drink)
oranżadowy {adj} [relational] :: orangeade
oranżeria {f} [horticulture] :: orangery
oranżeryjny {adj} [relational] :: orangery
oraz {conj} :: and, as well as
orbita {f} [astronomy] :: orbit
orbitrek {m inan} :: elliptical (workout machine)
orczyk {m inan} [colloquial] :: T-bar (ski lift)
order {m inan} :: order (decoration awarded by government or other authority)
ordynarny {adj} :: crude, tactless, uncouth
ordynować {vt impf} :: to prescribe (to order a drug or medical device for use by a particular patient)
ordynować {vt impf} :: to prescribe (to specify as a required procedure or ritual; to decree, to ordain)
oregano {n} :: oregano (plant)
oregano {n} :: oregano (leaves used to flavour food)
Oregon {prop} {m inan} :: Oregon (state)
orędzie {n} :: message
orędzie {n} :: proclamation
orędzie {n} :: missive
orędzie {n} :: manifesto
oręż {m inan} :: weapon
oręż {m inan} :: arms
orężny {adj} :: armed
organ {m inan} :: organ, part of an organism
organ {m inan} [by extension] :: unit of government dedicated to a specific function
organ {m inan} [politics] :: organ, official publication of a political organization
organiczny {adj} [chemistry] :: organic
organista {m pers} :: organist (musician who plays the organ)
organistka {f} :: organist
organizacja {f} :: organisation
organizacyjny {adj} [relational] :: organisation, organisational
organizator {m pers} :: organizer, one who organizes (person or institution)
organizm {m inan} :: organism
organizować {v impf} :: to organize
organizowanie {n} :: verbal noun of organizować
organy {p} :: organ (musical instrument)
orgazm {m inan} :: orgasm
orgia {f} [historical] :: orgy (secret rites or ceremonies, typically involving riotous and dissolute behaviour, including dancing, drunkenness and indiscriminate sexual activity, undertaken in honour of various pagan gods or goddesses (such as Attis, Bacchus, Ceres, Dionysus, Osiris, etc.))
orgia {f} :: orgy (sexual group activity)
orgia {f} :: variety, diversity
Orient {prop} {m inan} :: Orient
orientacja {f} :: orientation
orientacja seksualna {f} :: sexual orientation
orientalista {m pers} [humanities] :: orientalist
orientalistka {f} [humanities] :: female orientalist
orientalistyczny {adj} [humanities] :: of or pertaining to Oriental studies
orientalistyka {f} [humanities] :: Oriental studies
orientalnie {adv} :: orientally; in an oriental manner
orientalny {adj} :: Oriental, orient (of or relating to the Orient or Asia, especially the Far East)
origami {n} :: origami
Orisa {prop} {f} :: Orissa
ork {m anim} :: orc
orka {f} :: ploughing; tilling
orka {f} :: killer whale
Orkady {prop} {p} :: the Orkney Islands
orkiestra {f} :: orchestra
orkowy {adj} [relational] :: orc
orlątko {n} :: diminutive of orlę, eaglet
orleń {m anim} :: eagle ray (Myliobatidae), particularly Myliobatis aquila
orlę {n} :: eaglet, fledgling eagle
orli {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of eagles; aquiline
orlica {f} :: female eagle
orlica {f} :: Pallas's gull (Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus)
orlica {f} :: bracken (any fern of the genus Pteridium)
orliczka {f} :: Any fern of the genus Pteris
orlik {m anim} :: diminutive of orzeł; small or young eagle
orlik {m anim} :: certain species of eagle
orlik {m inan} :: columbine (plant of the genus Aquilegia)
orlik {m pers} [literary] :: A bold, clever young man
orła wrona nie pokona {proverb} [historic] :: anti-communist resistance will not be defeated by repressions and martial law
orłosęp {m anim} :: bearded vulture, lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus)
orłowy {adj} [obsolete] :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of eagles; aquiline
orm. {noun} :: abbreviation of ormiański
Ormianin {m pers} :: Armenian (person)
Ormianka {f} :: female Armenian person
ormiański {adj} :: Of, from, or pertaining to the Armenian people or the Armenian language; Armenian
ormiański {m inan} :: Armenian (language)
ornat {m inan} :: chasuble
ornitolog {m pers} :: ornithologist
ornitolog {f} :: ornithologist
ornitologia {f} :: ornithology
orny {adj} :: arable
ortodoksyjny {adj} :: Orthodox, orthodox
ortografia {f} :: orthography (study of correct spelling)
ortograficznie {adv} :: orthographically; in an orthographic manner
ortograficzny {adj} :: spelling-
ortopeda {m pers} :: orthopedist
orwellizm {m inan} :: Orwellianism
orwellowski {adj} :: Orwellian
oryginalniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of oryginalny
oryginalny {adj} :: original (first in a series or copies/versions; initial)
oryginalny {adj} :: original (fresh, different)
oryginalny {adj} :: original (unique)
oryktognozja {f} [historical] :: oryctognosy
-orz {suffix} [regional] :: alternative form of -arz
orzacha {f} :: Any plant of the genus Arachis
orzech {m inan} :: nut (seed)
orzech {m inan} :: walnut tree, any tree of the genus Juglans
orzech laskowy {m inan} :: hazelnut
orzechowy {adj} :: pertaining to, or containing nuts; nutty
orzechowy {adj} [color] :: golden brown
orzechówka {f} :: A nutcracker (bird of the genus Nucifraga)
orzechówka {f} :: A type of alcoholic beverage
orzechówka {f} :: Any fungus of the genus Encoelia
orzeczenie {n} [grammar] :: predicate
orzeczenie {n} [legal] :: verdict
orzeczenie {n} [legal] :: attestation, certificate
orzecznictwo {n} [law] :: case law, precedent
orzecznik {m inan} [linguistics] :: predicative
orzekać {vi impf} [law] :: to adjudicate, to rule
orzeł {m anim} :: eagle (Any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae)
orzeł {m anim} [heraldry] :: eagle
orzeł {m anim} :: heads, the side of a coin bearing a picture
Orzeł {prop} {m} {m pers} {f} [astronomy] :: Aquila constellation
orzełek {m anim} :: diminutive of orzeł; eaglet
orzeszek {m inan} :: diminutive of orzech
orzesznica {f} :: hazel dormouse (rodent of the species Muscardinus avellanarius)
orzesznica {f} :: Brazil nut (tree of the species Bertholletia excelsa)
osa {f} :: wasp (insect)
osaczyć {vt pf} :: to corner
osad {m inan} :: sediment
osad {m inan} [chemistry] :: residue
osada {f} :: settlement
osadka {f} :: diminutive of osada
osadka {f} [botany] :: rachis
osadka {f} [botany] :: chalaza
osadnik {m pers} :: settler, colonist
osadowy {adj} [relational] :: sediment
Osaka {prop} {f} :: Osaka (capital city)
Osaka {prop} {f} :: Osaka (prefecture)
osąd {m inan} [dated] :: judgement, opinion
oschle {adv} :: coldly (in a cold or uncaring manner)
oschlej {adv} :: comparative of oschle
oschły {adj} :: brusque, gruff
oschnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of oschnąć
osełedec {m inan} :: topknot (hairstyle favored by Ukrainian Cossacks)
osełka {f} :: hone, whetstone
osełka {f} :: butter with butterfat content above 90%
oset. {adj} :: abbreviation of osetyński
oset {m inan} :: Any thistle of the genus Carduus
oset {m inan} [colloquial] :: creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense)
Osetia {prop} {f} [geography] :: Ossetia
Osetia Południowa {prop} {f} :: South Ossetia
Osetia Północna {prop} {f} :: North Ossetia, North Ossetia-Alania
osetyński {adj} :: Ossetian
osęk {m inan} [fishing] :: gaff
osęk {m inan} [archaic] :: pike pole, boathook, firehook
osęka {f} [fishing] :: gaff
osęka {f} [archaic] :: pike pole, boathook, firehook
osiadać {vi impf} :: to settle (fix one's dwelling)
osiadać {vi impf} :: to settle (sink gradually to a lower level)
osiadać {vi impf} :: to plummet
osiadły {adj} :: permanently resident
osiadły {adj} :: sedentary
osiągać {vt impf} :: to achieve, to accomplish
osiągać {vt impf} :: to reach, to get to
osiągnąć {vt pf} :: to achieve, to accomplish
osiągnąć {vt pf} :: to reach, to get to
osiągnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of osiągnąć
osiągnięcie {n} :: achievement (act of achieving or performing)
osiąknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of osiąknąć
osiąść {vi pf} :: to settle (fix one's dwelling)
osiąść {vi pf} :: to settle (sink gradually to a lower level)
osiąść {vi pf} :: to plummet
osiedlać {vt impf} :: to settle (cause to take residence), to domiciliate
osiedlać {vr impf} :: to settle (to take residence), to domicile
osiedle {n} :: subdivision (housing development)
osiedle {n} :: housing estate
osiedle {n} :: settlement
osiedlenie {n} :: verbal noun of osiedlić
osiedleniec {m pers} :: settler
osiedlić {vt pf} :: to settle (cause to take residence), to domiciliate
osiedlić {vr pf} :: to settle (to take residence), to domicile
osiek {m inan} [dialectal] :: A flat, fertile area which was once a meadow
osiem {num} :: eight
osiemdziesiąt {num} :: eighty
osiemdziesiąty {num} :: eightieth
osiemnasty {num} :: eighteenth
osiemnaście {num} :: eighteen
osiemnaścioro {num} :: (collective) eighteen
osiemset {num} :: eight hundred
osiemsetny {num} :: eight-hundredth
osierdzie {n} :: pericardium
osierocać {vt impf} :: to orphan
osika {f} :: aspen
osioł {m anim} :: (male) donkey (Equus asinus)
osioł {m pers} [colloquial] :: a stubborn, obnoxious or foolish person; jackass
osiowy {adj} :: axial
osk. {adj} :: abbreviation of oskijski
Oskar {prop} {m} :: given name
oskard {m inan} :: pickaxe, pick, pickax
oskarżać {v impf} :: to accuse
oskarżanie {n} :: verbal noun of oskarżać
oskarżenie {n} :: verbal noun of oskarżyć
oskarżenie {n} :: accusation, charge, indictment
oskarżony {m pers} [law] :: defendant, (the) accused
oskarżyciel {m pers} :: accuser (one who accuses)
oskarżyć {vt pf} :: to accuse, to charge, to indict
oskijski {adj} :: Oscan
oskoła {f} :: birch sap
oskórek {m inan} :: cuticle of invertebrates
oskrobanie {n} :: verbal noun of oskrobać
oskrzele {n} :: bronchus
oskrzelowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to a bronchus; bronchial
Oslo {prop} {n} :: Oslo (county/and/municipality/capital city)
oslowski {adj} :: Oslo (of, from or pertaining to Oslo in Norway)
osłona {f} :: covering (that which covers something)
osłonka {f} :: diminutive of osłona
osłonka {f} [zoology] :: A type of cell membrane in animals
osłonka {f} [botany] :: integument
osłonka {f} :: sausage casing
osm {m inan} :: osmium (chemical element, Os, atomic number 76)
osmański {adj} :: Ottoman
osmańsko-turecki {adj} :: Ottoman Turkish
osmyk {m inan} [hunting] :: tail of a hare or rabbit
osnowa {f} :: warp (weaving)
osnowa {f} :: groundwork
osnowa {f} :: theme
osnówka {f} :: aril
osoba {f} :: person
osoba {f} [grammar] :: person
osoba fizyczna {f} [law] :: individual
osoba prawna {f} [law] :: legal person
osobisty {adj} :: personal (of or pertaining to a particular person)
osobiście {adv} :: personally, related to one's person
osobiście {adv} :: in person, being physically present
osobliwy {adj} :: peculiar, quaint, singular (being out of the ordinary)
osobnik {m anim} [biology] :: individual member of a species
osobnik {m pers} [sometimes, pejorative] :: individual (a particular person)
osobno {adv} :: separately
osobny {adj} :: separate
osobny {adj} [obsolete] :: unique
osobowość {f} :: personality
osobowość {f} :: individuality
osobowy {adj} :: personal (pertaining to human beings as distinct from things)
osocze {n} [hematology] :: plasma
osojad {m anim} [obsolete] :: European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
osoka {f} :: water soldier (plant of the genus Stratiotes)
OSP {f} :: initialism of ochotnicza straż pożarna (volunteer fire department)
ospa {f} :: chickenpox
ospa {f} [dated] :: smallpox
ospa {f} :: bran fodder
ospa {f} [obsolete] :: alternative form of osep
ospa prawdziwa {noun} :: smallpox
ospa wietrzna {f} :: chickenpox (childhood disease)
ospowaty {adj} :: pockmarked
osprzęt {m inan} :: equipment, fittings
ossuarium {n} :: ossuary
ostanie {n} :: verbal noun of ostać
ostaniec {m inan} [geology] :: outlier
ostateczność {f} :: extremity, ultimacy
ostateczny {adj} :: ultimate; final
ostateczny {adj} [law] :: final; not subject to appeal
ostatek {m inan} :: remainder, rest
ostatek {m inan} [plural] :: Shrovetide, Shrove Tuesday
ostatni {adj} :: last, final
ostatnio {adv} :: lately, recently
ostentacyjnie {adv} [derogatory] :: ostentatiously
ostentacyjny {adj} [derogatory] :: ostentatious
osteoporoza {f} [medicine] :: osteoporosis
ostew {f} :: hay pole
ostka {f} :: diminutive of ość
ostka {f} :: small fishbone
ostnica {f} :: feathergrass (any member of the genus Stipa)
ostoja {f} :: refuge, mainstay, support, prop
ostoja {f} :: witch alder (Fothergilla)
Ostrawa {prop} :: Ostrawa (city)
ostrawski {adj} :: Of, from, or pertaining to Ostrawa
ostro {adv} :: sharply
ostroga {f} :: spur
ostrokąt {m inan} [geometry, obsolete] :: acute angle
ostrokątny {adj} [geometry] :: acute-angled
ostrokół {m inan} [dated] :: palisade; an ancient fortification made of sharpened wooden stakes
ostrokół {m inan} [dated] :: sharpened stake
ostrokrzew {m inan} :: holly (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex)
ostrołódka {f} :: any of several plants of the genus Oxytropis in the pea family; locoweed
ostronos {m anim} :: mako shark (Isurus)
ostronos {m anim} :: coati of the genus Nasua
ostronos {m anim} :: toby, sharpnose puffer (Canthigaster)
ostronos {m anim} :: lesser spiny eel (Macrognathus aculeatus)
ostronosek {m anim} :: mountain coati (Nasuella)
ostronosek {m anim} :: diminutive of ostronos
ostronóg {m anim} :: honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus)
ostropest {m inan} :: milk thistle (any species or plant in Silybum and the whole genus, and particularly the species Silybum marianum and any plant of it)
ostropłetwiec {m anim} :: rock gunnel, butterfish (Pholis gunnellus)
ostrosłup {m inan} [geometry] :: pyramid
ostrosz {m anim} :: greater weever (Trachinus draco)
ostrosz {m anim} :: any weever (fish of the family Trachinidae)
ostrosz {m anim} :: gorse shield bug (Piezodorus lituratus)
ostrość {f} :: acuity
ostrość {f} :: sharpness
ostrouchy {adj} :: Having erect ears
ostrowiec {m anim} :: acrothoracican
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski {prop} {m inan} :: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski (town)
ostrożeń {m inan} :: A plant of the genus Cirsium
ostrożnie {adv} :: carefully, cautiously
ostrożniej {adv} :: comparative of ostrożnie
ostrożniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of ostrożny
ostrożny {adj} :: careful, cautious
Ostróda {prop} {f} :: Ostróda (town)
ostróg {m inan} :: ostrog
ostrów {m inan} :: A type of river island, with ground relatively high above the water level and usually covered with forest
ostróżka {f} :: larkspur; any plant of the genus Delphinium
ostruszyn {m inan} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Blasia
ostry {adj} :: sharp (able to cut easily)
ostry {adj} :: hot, spicy
ostry {adj} :: acute
ostryga {f} :: oyster (mollusk)
ostrzałka {f} :: sharpener
ostrzałka {f} :: pencil sharpener
ostrzałka {f} :: grinder
ostrze {n} :: blade (sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil)
ostrzec {vt pf} :: to warn, to caution
ostrzegać {v impf} :: to warn (to make aware of impending danger etc)
ostrzeganie {n} :: verbal noun of ostrzegać
ostrzejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of ostry
ostrzeń {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Cynoglossum
ostrzew {m inan} :: Blysmus
ostrzeżenie {n} :: verbal noun of ostrzec
ostrzeżenie {n} :: warning, notice
ostrzyca {f} :: Any plant of the genus Phalaris; canary grass
ostrzyć {v impf} :: to sharpen, to make sharp
ostrzytko {n} [Poznań] :: pencil sharpener
osunąć pf [reflexive] :: to drop (to suddenly assume a lower position such as kneeling or lying)
osunąć pf [reflexive] :: to fall down, to slide off
osunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of osunąć
osuszać {vt impf} :: to dry, to dry out
osuszać {vt impf} :: to drain
osuszać {vt impf} :: to blot
osuszyć {vt pf} :: to dry, to dry out
osuszyć {vt pf} :: to drain
osuszyć {vt pf} :: to blot
osutka {f} [symptom] :: rash, eruption
osuwać impf [reflexive] :: to drop (to suddenly assume a lower position such as kneeling or lying)
osuwać impf [reflexive] :: to fall down, to slide off
osuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of osuwać
osuwisko {n} :: landslide
oswobodziciel {m pers} [literary] :: liberator
oswobodzicielka {f} [literary] :: female liberator
osyp {m inan} [rare] :: alternative form of osypisko
osyp {m inan} [rare, historical] :: alternative form of osep
osypisko {n} :: talus, scree (heap of fallen rock fragments or similar debris)
oszacować {vt pf} :: to estimate
oszaleć {v pf} :: to go mad
oszałamiać {vt impf} :: to daze, to bewilder, to stupefy
oszczep {m inan} :: javelin
oszczepnik {m pers} [athletics] :: javelin thrower
oszczepnik {m pers} [historical] :: javelineer (warrior or soldier armed primarily with one or more javelins)
oszczerstwo {n} :: calumny, slander, defamation
oszczędny {adj} :: sparing, frugal, thrifty
oszczędzać {vt impf} :: to save, spare
oszczędzać {vi impf} :: to economize
oszczędzić {vt pf} :: to spare, to save
oszczędzić {vt pf} :: to conserve, to economise on
oszczędzić {vi pf} :: to economise, to skimp
oszkard {m inan} [archaic, rare] :: alternative form of oskard
oszołom {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: loon; fruitcake; crazy
oszołomić {vt pf} :: to daze, to bewilder, to stupefy
oszołomienie {n} :: verbal noun of oszołomić
oszołomienie {n} :: daze, bewilderment, stupefaction
oszukać {vt pf} :: to deceive
oszukańczy {adj} :: fraudulent
oszukańczy {adj} :: deceitful
oszukiwać {vt impf} :: to cheat, to deceive, to defraud, to trick someone
oszukiwać {vi impf} :: to cheat (e.g. in an exam)
oszust {m pers} :: fraud (one who performs fraud)
oszustwo {n} :: scam, fraud (act of deception for unfair, undeserved, and/or unlawful gain, especially financial gain)
{f} :: axis
{f} :: pivot
{f} :: axle
oścień {m inan} :: goad
oścień {m inan} [fishing] :: leister
ościeże {n} :: jamb, doorjamb
ościeżnica {f} [architectural elements] :: door frame, architrave
-ość {suffix} :: appended to adjectives to form names of abstract concepts, especially feelings; -ness, -hood
ość {f} :: fishbone
ośka {f} :: diminutive of
ośla łączka {f} :: bunny slope
oślada {f} [obsolete] :: trace, track
oślada {f} [hunting] :: marten tracks, especially in snow
oślepiać {vt impf} :: to blind
oślepiać {vt impf} :: to dazzle
oślepić {vt pf} :: to blind
oślepić {vt pf} :: to dazzle
oślepnąć {vi pf} :: to go (completely) blind
oślę {n} :: donkey foal
ośli {adj} :: asinine (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of donkeys)
oślica {f} :: she-ass
oślina {f} :: donkey meat
ośm {num} :: obsolete form of osiem
ośmiał {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Cerinthe
ośmielanie {n} :: verbal noun of ośmielać
ośmielenie {n} :: verbal noun of ośmielić
ośmiobitowy {adj} :: 8-bit
ośmiokąt {m inan} :: octagon
ośmiokrotny {adj} :: eight-time
ośmiokrotny {adj} :: eightfold
ośmioletni {adj} :: eight-year-old
ośmioletni {adj} :: eight-year-long; eight-year (lasting eight years)
ośmiornica {f} :: octopus (mollusc)
ośmioro {num} [collective] :: eight
ośmiotysięcznik {m inan} :: eight-thousander
ośnik {m inan} :: drawknife, drawing knife, drawshave
ośrodek {m inan} :: centre (place where some function or activity occurs)
oświadczać {vt impf} :: to declare, to announce
oświadczenie {n} :: verbal noun of oświadczyć
oświadczenie {n} :: declaration
oświadczenie {n} :: statement
oświadczyć {vt pf} :: to declare, to announce
oświadczyć {vr pf} :: to propose marriage, to pop the question
oświadczyny {p} :: marriage proposal
oświata {f} :: education
oświatowy {adj} [relational] :: education
oświecenie {f} :: verbal noun of oświecić
oświecenie {f} :: enlightenment (intellectual or spiritual)
oświecenie {f} :: Enlightenment, Age of Enlightenment (movement or period of history)
oświetlać {v impf} :: to illuminate (to shine light on something)
oświetlanie {n} :: verbal noun of oświetlać
oświetlenie {n} :: verbal noun of oświetlić
oświetlenie {n} :: lighting, illumination
oświetlić {vt pf} :: to illuminate
Oświęcim {prop} {m inan} :: Oświęcim (city)
-ot {suffix} :: Forms masculine nouns
-ota {suffix} :: noun suffix
otaczać {v impf} :: to surround
otaczać {v impf} :: to enclose
otaczanie {n} :: verbal noun of otaczać
otarcie {n} :: verbal noun of otrzeć
otawa {f} :: aftergrass, aftermath; grass that comes up after mowing
otchłań {f} :: abyss (a bottomless or unfathomed depth)
otchłań {f} [Roman Catholic theology, since circa 400 A.D.] :: limbo (place for innocent souls)
otępienie {n} :: verbal noun of otępieć
otępienie {n} :: dementia (progressive decline in cognitive function)
oto {particle} :: here it is, there it is/they are etc.; voilà
otocjon {m anim} :: bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis)
otoczak {m inan} :: pebble (rounded stone)
otok {m inan} :: cap band
otok {m inan} :: A type of leash for hunting dogs
otomana {f} :: ottoman (upholstered sofa, without arms or a back)
otomanka {f} :: diminutive of otomana
otręby {p} :: bran (hard outer layers of cereal grain)
otrucie {n} :: verbal noun of otruć
otruć {vt pf} :: to poison
otrzewna {f} :: peritoneum (type of serous membrane)
otrzymać {v pf} [formal] :: to receive
otrzymanie {n} :: verbal noun of otrzymać
otrzymywać {v impf} :: to receive
otucha {f} :: uplift, encouragement
otucha {f} [obsolete] :: good omen
otulanie {n} :: verbal noun of otulać
otulenie {n} :: verbal noun of otulić
otwarcie {adv} :: openly, plainly
otwarcie {n} :: opening; the act of something becoming open
otwarcie {n} :: opening; the initial part of a game such as bridge or chess
otwarty {adj} :: open (not closed)
otwarty {adj} :: open, outgoing, outspoken
otwieracz {m inan} :: opener
otwierać {v impf} :: open (to make something accessible)
otworzyć {v pf} :: to open (to make something accessible)
otwór {m inan} :: hole, opening, orifice, vent, gap
otwór {m inan} [anatomy] :: foramen
Otylia {prop} {f} :: given name
otyłość {f} :: obesity
otyły {adj} :: obese
Overijssel {prop} {n} :: Overijssel, a province of the Netherlands
-owa {suffix} [archaic] :: Feminization suffix used to form a female surname from the corresponding male surname (used for wives)
-owa {suffix} :: Possessive form, eg., Kuźnica Lechowa literally means "Lech's Hammer Mill "
-ować {suffix} :: Used to form verbs from nouns and adjectives
owad {m anim} :: insect
owadobójczy {adj} :: insecticidal
owadopodobny {adj} :: insectlike, insectoid
owadopylność {f} :: entomophily
owadopylny {adj} :: entomophilic
owadożer {m anim} :: A harrier-hawk of the genus Polyboroides
owadożerca {m anim} :: insectivore (insect-eating animal)
owadożerca {m inan} :: insectivore (insect-eating plant)
owadożerny {adj} :: insectivorous
owadzi {adj} [relational] :: insect (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of insects)
owadziarka {f} :: terebrantian thrips
owal {m inan} [mathematics] :: oval (in a projective plane, a set of points, no three collinear, such that there is a unique tangent line at each point)
owal {m inan} :: oval (shape like an egg or ellipse)
owca {f} :: sheep, ovine (Ovis gen. et spp.)
owca {f} :: ewe (female sheep)
owczarek {m anim} :: sheepdog
owczarek alzacki {m anim} :: German Shepherd
owczarek niemiecki {m anim} :: German Shepherd
owczarz {m pers} :: A man who raises or tends sheep; a sheep breeder; a shepherd
owczy {adj} [relational] :: sheep, ovine
Owernia {prop} {f} :: Owernia (region)
-owiec {suffix} [colloquial] :: appended to a name of a concept, person or organisation to form a name of a supporter or affiliate; -er
-owiec {suffix} :: appended to some fruit or seed names to form a tree name
-owiec {suffix} :: forms names of ship types
-owiec {suffix} :: forms nouns related to technology
owieczka {f} :: female lamb
owieczka {f} :: diminutive of owca
owies {m inan} :: oat (cereal, plant of genus Avena and its seeds)
owiewka {f} :: aircraft fairing
owijać {v impf} :: to wrap (enclose or coil around an object)
owijać w bawełnę {v impf} [idiomatic] :: beat around the bush
owinięcie {n} :: verbal noun of owinąć
owinnik {m anim} :: ovinnik
owłosiony {adj} :: hairy
owoc {m inan} :: fruit (part of plant)
owoc {m inan} :: fruit (food)
owoc {m inan} [figurative] :: fruit (positive end result or reward of labour or effort)
owocnie {adv} :: fruitfully (productively)
owocniej {adv} :: comparative degree form of owocnie
owocniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of owocny
owocnik {m inan} [mycology] :: sporocarp
owocnik {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Aethalops
owocny {adj} :: fruitful (productive, yielding benefits)
owocny {adj} [obsolete] :: fruit-bearing
owocojad {m anim} :: fruiteater (any bird belonging to Pipreola or Ampelioides)
owocostan {m inan} [botany] :: infructescence (ensemble of fruits derived from an inflorescence)
owocowy {adj} :: fruity
owocożer {m anim} :: fruit dove, fruit pigeon (any bird of the genus Ptilinopus)
owocożerny {adj} :: frugivorous
owodnia {f} [anatomy, embryology] :: amnion
owolaktarianizm {m inan} :: lacto-ovo vegetarianism
owowegetarianizm {m inan} :: ovo vegetarianism
owsianka {f} :: oat porridge (dish)
owsianka {f} :: oat fodder
owsianka {f} :: sunbleak, belica, moderlieschen (Leucaspius delineatus)
owsiany {adj} [relational] :: oat
owsica {f} :: pinworm infection, enterobiasis
owsica {f} :: alpine oatgrass (Helictotrichon)
owsik {m anim} :: pinworm, threadworm (Enterobius)
owsik {m inan} :: Certain members of the family Poaceae:
owsik {m inan} :: lopsided oat, bristle oat, black oat (Avena strigosa)
owsik {m inan} :: owsik złocisty ― yellow oatgrass, Trisetum flavescens
owsik {m inan} :: owsik wyniosły ― false oat-grass, Arrhenatherum elatius
-owski {suffix} :: Forms possessive surnames from given names
owszem {particle} :: certainly, yes, of course
owszem {particle} :: used with an additional sentence to contradict what an interlocutor has said
owszem {particle} [literary] :: an in-word used to confirm and intensify a subordinate clause
-owy {suffix} :: appended to nouns to form masculine adjectives; -y
owy {pron} :: obsolete form of ów
Oxford {prop} :: Oxford (city)
oz {m inan} :: esker
ozdabiać {vt impf} :: to decorate, to embellish, to adorn, to ornament
ozdoba {f} :: decoration, adornment
ozdobić {vt pf} :: to decorate, to adorn
ozdobnie {adv} :: decoratively; in a decorative manner
ozdobnik {m inan} [music] :: ornament
ozdobność {f} :: ornateness
ozdobny {adj} :: decorative
Ozeasz {prop} {m pers} :: Hosea (Biblical prophet)
ozębna {f} :: periodontal ligament
ozębnia {f} [botany] :: peristome
oziębienie {n} :: verbal noun of oziębić
oziębienie {n} :: cooling (decrease in temperature)
oziębienie {n} [relationships] :: estrangement
ozięble {adv} :: coldly (in a cold or uncaring manner)
oziębły {adj} :: cold (unfriendly)
ozimina {f} :: winter cereal
ozon {m inan} :: ozone
ozonowy {adj} :: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of ozone
ozorek {m inan} :: diminutive of ozór
ozorek {m inan} :: A fungus belonging to the genus Fistulina
ozór {m inan} :: animal tongue
ozór {m inan} [colloquial, pejorative or humorous] :: tongue of a person
Ozyrys {prop} {m pers} :: Osiris (Egyptian god)
Ożarów {prop} {m inan} :: town in southeast Poland, in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, near Częstochowa
Ożarów {prop} {m inan} :: urban-rural commune (gmina miejsko-wiejska) around that town
ożędka {f} :: Any plant of the genus Neslia; ball mustard
ożóg {m inan} :: primitive poker (rod used for stirring fire)
ożóg {m inan} :: firebrand (burning wood)
ożyna {f} [Kraków, Bukovina] :: blackberry, bramble
ożywiać {vt impf} :: to animate, quicken, vivify
ożywiać {vt impf} :: to enliven
ożywiać {vt impf} :: to invigorate, vitalise
ósemka {f} :: eight (digit)
ósemka {f} :: figure-of-eight
ósemka {f} [music] :: quaver
ósemka {f} :: wisdom tooth
ósemkowy {adj} :: octal
ósmoklasista {m pers} :: eighth-grader
ósmy {num} :: eighth
-ów {suffix} :: used to create village and town names, especially in south Poland
ów {pron} [literary] :: that, the aforementioned
ówczesny {adj} :: contemporaneous
-ówka {suffix} :: Forms feminine nouns; often shortenings of feminine noun phrases
-ówka {suffix} :: Forms names of liquors, usually strong spirits, from their flavor