User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-k
K {letter} | :: The eleventh letter of the German alphabet |
K1 {prop} | :: abbreviation of Kommune 1 |
Kaaba {f} | :: Kaaba (cubical stone building in Mecca) |
Kabache {f} | :: alternative form of Kabacke |
Kabacke {f} [Prussia] | :: deranged house, ramshackle building, shack |
Kabacke {f} [Russia] | :: pub, boozing ken |
Kabale {f} | :: intrigue, deceit |
Kabale {f} | :: cabal |
Kabarett {n} | :: cabaret; review (satirical) |
kabbalistisch {adj} | :: kabbalistic |
Kabbelei {f} [Northern Germany, colloquial] | :: tiff, quarrel, squabble |
kabbeln {vr} [regional, chiefly northern Germany] | :: to tease each other, to fight with each other in a not dangerous way |
käbbeln {v} [nonstandard] | :: alternative spelling of kebbeln, itself an alternative form of kabbeln |
Kabel {n} | :: cable (electronic wire) |
Kabel {n} [archaic] | :: telegram |
Kabel {n} [nautical, not general] | :: thick rope |
Kabelbinder {m} | :: cable tie (a type of fastener) |
Käbelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kabel |
Kabelfernsehen {n} | :: cable television |
Kabeljau {m} | :: Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua |
kabellos {adj} | :: wireless |
kabeln {v} [dated] | :: to cable (send a telegram by cable) |
Kabine {f} | :: cabin, cubicle |
Kabinett {n} | :: cabinet |
Kabinett {n} | :: closet |
Kabinett {n} [wine] | :: a classification (Prädikat) of wine made from fully ripened grapes |
Kabinettskrieg {m} | :: cabinet war |
Kabinettsrat {m} | :: cabinet committee |
Kabloona {noun} [rare, dated] | :: a kabloona; a non-Inuit person, especially a European, in Canada or Greenland |
Kabluna {noun} | :: alternative form of Kabloona |
Kabotage {f} [law] | :: cabotage |
Kabriolett {m} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of Cabriolet |
Kabuff {n} | :: a small room or separated corner, typically dark and dusty, used for storage |
Kabuki {n} | :: kabuki, Kabuki |
Kabul {prop} {n} | :: Kabul (capital city) |
kabylisch {adj} | :: Kabyle (related to the Kabyle, their country or their language) |
Kabylisch {n} | :: Kabyle (the Kabyle language) |
Kachel {f} | :: tile (on walls or floors, not roof tile) |
kacheln {vt} [auxiliary verb haben] | :: to tile |
kacheln {vi} [colloquial, auxiliary verb sein] | :: to get going |
Kachelofen {m} | :: tiled stove, cockle stove |
Kackbratze {f} [derogatory, vulgar, colloquial] | :: ugly person |
kackbraun {adj} [pejorative] | :: An ugly type of brown, similar in color to feces |
Kacke {f} [slightly, vulgar] | :: crap (something of poor quality; feces) |
kacken {v} [slightly, vulgar] | :: to shit |
Kackvogel {m} [vulgar, offensive] | :: shit-bird (term of abuse, primarily used as an insult against other humans) |
Kackwurst {f} [vulgar] | :: a piece of feces that has roughly the form of a sausage |
Kadaver {m} | :: carcass, cadaver, carrion, corse |
Kadavergehorsam {m} | :: blind obedience, fanatical or excessive loyalty |
Kaddig {m} [dialectal, originally, Prussian] | :: juniper (Juniperus communis) |
Kaddisch {n} [Judaism] | :: kaddish |
Kadenz {f} | :: a cadenza |
Kader {n} {m} [sports] | :: squad (body of the players of a team or club) |
Kader {n} {m} [military] | :: cadre (body of officers forming a new regiment) |
Kader {n} {m} [Marxism] | :: cadre (the ideologically trained elite, which is to fill all public and economic leadership positions) |
Kader {n} {m} [Marxism, more commonly] | :: cadre; leader (an individual in the above elite) |
Kader {n} {m} [figuratively] | :: a highly skilled or highly motivated person or group of persons |
Kadett {m} | :: cadet (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kadmierung {f} | :: cadmium-plating |
Kadmium {n} | :: alternative form of Cadmium |
kadscharisch {adj} | :: Qajar |
kaduk {adj} | :: decayed |
Kaempfer {prop} | :: surname |
Käfer {m} | :: beetle |
Käfer {m} [slang] | :: young girl, wench |
Käfer {m} | :: Volkswagen Type 1 “beetle” (car) |
Käferchen {n} | :: diminutive of Käfer |
Kaff {n} [derogatory, colloquial] | :: backwater, Hicksville, bumfuck (a backwards, boring rural town or village) |
Kaff {n} {m} [Northern Germany] | :: chaff |
Kaff {n} {m} [by extension, derogatory] | :: junk, rubbish |
Käffchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kaffee |
Kaffee {m} | :: coffee (beverage made by infusing the beans of the coffee plant in hot water) |
Kaffee {m} [regional] | :: afternoon coffee, coffee and cake (afternoon meal in northern and central Germany, particularly on Sundays) |
Kaffeebohne {f} | :: coffee bean |
kaffeebraun {adj} | :: coffee-coloured |
Kaffeefilter {m} | :: coffee filter |
Kaffeehaus {n} [chiefly Austria] | :: coffeehouse |
Kaffeehausliteratur {f} | :: literature produced in coffeehouses, especially in Vienna at the close of the 19th c |
Kaffeekanne {f} | :: coffee pot (pot for coffee) |
Kaffeeklatsch {m} | :: coffee klatch |
Kaffeelöffel {m} | :: coffee spoon |
Kaffeemaschine {f} | :: coffeemaker |
Kaffeemühle {f} | :: coffee grinder |
Kaffeepause {f} | :: coffee break (a rest period during the business day providing the opportunity to drink coffee) |
Kaffeesatz {m} | :: coffee dregs, coffee grounds |
Kaffeesatzlesen {n} | :: tasseography; coffee ground reading; tea leaf reading (predicting the future by reading the grounds left in a cup, especially of coffee) |
Kaffeesatzlesen {n} [figurative] | :: pointless speculation or prediction about future events |
Kaffeestube {f} | :: coffee shop, coffee bar, small café |
Kaffeetafel {f} | :: coffee table (table laid out with various accoutrements for afternoon coffee) |
Kaffeetasse {f} | :: coffee cup |
Kaffeeweißer {m} | :: creamer (coffee whitener) |
Kaffein {n} | :: obsolete form of Koffein |
Kaffer {m} [South Africa, offensive, derogatory] | :: kaffir |
Kaffer {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: idiot |
Käfig {m} | :: cage |
Käfigläufer {m} | :: squirrel cage (rotor device) |
Kafir {m} [Islam] | :: kafir |
Kafka {prop} {m} | :: surname most notably of Franz Kafka |
kafkaesk {adj} | :: Kafkaesque |
Kaftan {m} | :: kaftan |
Käfter {n} | :: little chamber, closet |
Käfterchen {n} | :: diminutive of Käfter |
Kagawa {prop} {mf} | :: Kagawa (prefecture) |
KAGB {prop} {n} [law] | :: initialism of Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch |
Kahba {f} [derogatory, slang] | :: bitch |
kahl {adj} | :: bald, hairless |
kahl {adj} [figurative, of land etc.] | :: barren, bleak, empty, stark, bland |
Kahlkopf {m} | :: bald head |
Kahlkopfwürger {m} | :: Bornean bristlehead (Pityriasis gymnocephala) |
kahlscheren {v} | :: to shave bald |
Kahlschlag {m} | :: clearcutting |
Kahn {m} | :: small boat used on inland waters |
Kai {m} | :: wharf, quay |
Kai {prop} {mf} | :: given name (mostly in Northern Germany) |
Kai {prop} {mf} [rare] | :: given name, diminutive of Katharina |
Kaiman {m} | :: caiman |
Kaimeister {m} | :: master of the docks, wharfinger |
Kain {prop} {m} | :: Cain (Biblical character) |
Kainit {m} [mineral] | :: kainite |
Kainsmal {n} [biblical or figuratively] | :: mark of Cain |
Kainszeichen {n} [biblical or figuratively] | :: mark of Cain |
Kairiner {m} | :: Cairene (inhabitant of Cairo) |
Kairiner {adj} [invariable] | :: Cairene (pertaining to Cairo) |
Kairo {prop} {n} | :: Kairo (capital city) |
Kaiser {m} | :: emperor (ruler of certain monarchies; highest monarch) |
Kaiser {prop} {mf} | :: surname originating as a nickname |
Käiser {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Kaiser |
Kaiserbrötchen {n} | :: Kaiser roll |
Kaiserdom {m} | :: A cathedral commissioned by a Kaiser |
Kaiserhaus {n} | :: imperial family |
Kaiserin {f} | :: empress (wife or widow of an emperor) |
Kaiserkrone {f} | :: Imperial crown |
Kaiserkrone {f} | :: crown imperial (Fritillaria imperialis, a plant of the lily family) |
kaiserl. {adj} | :: abbreviation of kaiserlich |
kaiserlich {adj} | :: imperial (pertaining to an emperor) |
kaiserlich {adj} | :: imperial, regal: very grand or fine |
kaiserlicher {adj} | :: comparative of kaiserlich |
kaiserlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of kaiserlich |
kaiserlich und königlich {phrase} | :: which refers to the Court of the Habsburgs (Austria-Hungary) |
Kaiserpinguin {m} | :: emperor penguin |
Kaiserreich {n} [history] | :: empire (state ruled by an emperor) |
Kaiserreich {prop} {n} | :: the Second Reich |
Kaisers {prop} | :: Kaisers (municipality) |
Kaiserschnitt {m} | :: Caesarean section |
Kaisersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Kaisersdorf (municipality) |
Kaisersemmel {f} | :: Kaiser roll |
Kaiserslautern {prop} {n} | :: Kaiserslautern (city) |
Kaiserthum {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Kaisertum |
kaisertreu {adj} | :: loyal to the emperor |
Kaisertum {n} | :: empire (a state ruled by an emperor) |
Kaisertum {n} | :: emperorship (the rank or office of an emperor) |
Kaiserwetter {n} [colloquial] | :: clear, sunny weather |
Kaiserzeit {f} | :: imperial era |
Kajak {n} {m} | :: kayak (small boat) |
Kajal {n} | :: kohl |
Kajetan {prop} {m} | :: given name |
kajolen {vi} | :: alternative form of karriolen |
Kajüte {f} | :: cabin on a ship, for sailors |
Kakadu {m} | :: cockatoo |
Kakao {m} | :: cocoa (unsweetened brown powder made from roasted, ground cocoa beans) |
Kakao {m} [beverage] | :: cocoa, hot chocolate (hot drink made with milk, cocoa powder, and sugar) |
Kakao {m} | :: cacao (plant, Theobroma cacao; cocoa bean) |
Kakaobaum {m} | :: cacao (cacao tree) |
Kakaobohne {f} | :: cocoa bean (seed of the cocoa plant) |
Kakaobutter {f} | :: cocoa butter |
Kakaomasse {f} | :: cocoa mass |
Kakaopulver {n} | :: cocoa (powder) |
Kakerlak {m} [now, rare] | :: alternative form of Kakerlake |
Kakerlake {f} | :: cockroach (insect) |
kaki {adj} [indeclinable] | :: khaki (color) |
Kaki {f} | :: kaki, persimmon (fruit) |
kakifarben {adj} | :: khaki (in colour) |
Kakofonie {f} | :: alternative form of Kakophonie |
Kakophonie {f} | :: cacophony |
kakophonisch {adj} | :: cacophonous |
Kaktus {m} | :: cactus |
Kaktusfeige {f} | :: the fruit of Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian fig opuntia) a species of cactus, "prickly pear", Indian fig |
Kalabrien {prop} {n} | :: Kalabrien (region) |
kalabrisch {adj} | :: Calabrian (of or pertaining to Calabria) |
Kalamität {f} | :: calamity (an event resulting in great loss) |
Kalauer {m} | :: corny joke, groaner (particularly egregious joke, especially a pun) |
kalauern {v} | :: to joke; to pun |
Kalb {n} | :: calf (young cow) |
Kälbchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kalb |
Kalberei {f} | :: boisterousness, rowdiness |
Kalbfleisch {n} | :: veal |
kälbrig {adj} | :: childish, silly |
Kalbsbraten {m} | :: veal roast, roast veal |
Kalbsfilet {n} [cooking] | :: veal fillet, veal tenderloin |
Kalbshaxe {f} | :: knuckle of veal |
Kalbskeule {f} | :: leg of veal |
Kalbsleber {f} | :: calf's liver |
Kalbsleberwurst {f} | :: veal liverwurst |
Kalbsmilch {f} [rare] | :: calf's milk |
Kalbsmilch {f} | :: sweetbread (thymus gland) |
Kaleb {prop} | :: Caleb [biblical character] |
Kaleb {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Kaleidoskop {n} | :: kaleidoscope |
kalendarisch {adj} | :: calendrical |
Kalender {m} | :: calendar (means to determine the date consisting of a document containing dates and other temporal information) |
Kalender {m} | :: agenda, scheduler, planner (notebook used to organize and maintain plans or lists of appointments, events, etc.) |
Kalender {m} | :: omasum (third part of the stomach of a ruminant) |
kalendertäglich {adj} | :: daily (even on Sundays and holidays) |
Kalenderwoche {f} | :: A date term mainly used in German business that specifies the week of a year by its number, each week beginning on a Monday |
Kalesche {f} | :: calèche, carriage |
kalfatern {v} | :: to caulk (to seal joints with caulk) |
Kali {n} | :: potash (Short form of Kalisalz) |
Kaliämie {f} [pathology] | :: kalaemia |
Kaliber {n} | :: calibre |
Kalibergbau {m} | :: potash mining |
Kalibergbau {m} | :: potash-mining industry |
kalibrieren {v} | :: to calibrate |
Kalibrierung {f} | :: calibration |
Kalif {m} | :: caliph |
Kalifat {n} [Islam] | :: caliphate |
Kalifeldspat {m} [mineral] | :: potassium feldspar |
Kalifornien {prop} {n} | :: Kalifornien (state) |
Kalifornier {m} | :: Californian (native or inhabitant of California) |
Kalifornierin {f} | :: Californian (a female native or inhabitant of California) |
kalifornisch {adj} | :: Californian |
kalifornischer Kondor {m} | :: California Condor |
Kaliglimmer {m} [mineral] | :: muscovite |
kalihaltig {adj} | :: potassic |
Kalilauge {f} | :: caustic potash |
Kalisalz {n} | :: potash |
Kalium {n} | :: potassium |
Kaliumaluminiumsulfat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium aluminium sulfate (potassium alum) |
Kaliumamalgam {n} | :: potassium amalgam |
Kaliumarsenit {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium arsenite |
Kaliumbromat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium bromate |
Kaliumbromid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium bromide |
Kaliumcarbonat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium carbonate |
Kaliumchlorat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium chlorate |
Kaliumchlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium chloride |
Kaliumchromat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium chromate |
Kaliumcitrat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium citrate |
Kaliumcyanid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium cyanide |
Kaliumdichromat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium dichromate |
Kaliumfluorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium fluoride |
Kaliumhexachloroplatinat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium hexachloroplatinate |
Kaliumhexacyanoferrat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium hexacyanoferrate (potassium ferricyandie or potassium ferrocyanide) |
Kaliumhexafluoridozirconat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium hexafluorozirconate |
Kaliumhydrid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium hydride |
Kaliumhydrogencarbonat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium hydrogen carbonate, potassium bicarbonate |
Kaliumhydrogentartrat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium hydrogen tartrate, potassium bitartrate (cream of tartar) |
Kaliumhydroxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium hydroxide |
Kaliumhyperoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium hyperoxide |
Kaliumiodat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium iodate |
Kaliumiodid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium iodide |
Kaliummangel {m} [pathology] | :: potassium deficiency |
Kaliumniobat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium niobate |
Kaliumnitrat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium nitrate |
Kaliumoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium oxide |
Kaliumperchlorat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium perchlorate |
Kaliumpermanganat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium permanganate |
Kaliumpermanganatlösung {f} [chemistry] | :: potassium permanganate solution |
Kaliumperoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium peroxide |
Kaliumphosphat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium phosphate |
Kaliumpyrosulfit {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium pyrosulfite, potassium metabisulfite |
Kaliumsalz {n} | :: potassium salt |
Kaliumsilicat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium silicate |
Kaliumstannat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium stannate |
Kaliumsulfat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium sulfate |
Kaliumthiocyanat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: potassium thiocyanate |
Kaliumverbindung {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: potassium compound |
Kalk {m} | :: lime (general term for inorganic materials containing calcium) |
Kalk {m} | :: limescale, scale (calcium deposit) |
Kalk {m} [Geology] | :: chalk |
Kalk {m} | :: limestone (calcium rock) |
Kalkausfällung {f} | :: limescale |
kalken {v} | :: to whitewash |
kalken {v} | :: to lime (treat with lime) |
kalkhaltig {adj} | :: chalky, limy, calcareous |
kalkig {adj} | :: calcareous, chalky |
Kalkspat {m} [mineral] | :: calcite, calcspar |
Kalkstein {m} | :: limestone |
Kalkstickstoff {n} | :: nitrolime |
Kalkül {m} {n} [mathematics, only m] | :: calculus |
Kalkül {m} {n} [general, n or m] | :: calculations |
Kalkulation {f} | :: calculation |
Kalkulation {f} | :: costing |
kalkulatorisch {adj} | :: calculatory; calculated (rather than actually measured) |
kalkulieren {v} | :: to calculate |
kalkulieren {v} | :: to reckon |
Kalkung {m} | :: liming |
Kalkutta {prop} {n} | :: Kalkutta (capital city) |
kalkweiß {adj} | :: chalky-white |
kalkweiß {adj} | :: ashen |
Kalle {f} [dated slang] | :: bride |
Kalle {f} [dated slang] | :: lover |
Kalle {f} [dated slang] | :: prostitute |
Kallham {prop} {n} | :: Kallham (municipality) |
Kalligraphie {f} | :: calligraphy (art of writing with decorative strokes) |
kalligraphisch {adj} | :: calligraphic |
Kalmar {m} | :: squid |
Kalmus {m} | :: sweet flag, Acorus calamus, an herbal water plant |
Kalorie {f} [colloquial] | :: kilocalorie |
Kalorie {f} | :: calorie |
kalorienarm {adj} | :: low-calorie |
kalorienbewusst {adj} | :: calorie-conscious |
Kalorimeter {n} | :: calorimeter |
Kalorimetrie {f} | :: calorimetry |
kalorimetrisch {adj} | :: calorimetric |
kalorisch {adj} | :: caloric |
Kalotte {f} | :: calotte |
Kalotte {f} | :: cranial vault |
Kalotte {f} | :: dome |
kalt {adj} | :: cold, chilly; the physical perception of something (objects, weather, body etc.) to have a low temperature |
kalt {adj} | :: calm, restrained, passionless |
kalt {adj} | :: cold, frigid (especially when referring to emotions) |
kaltblütig {adj} [zoology or figuratively] | :: cold-blooded |
Kälte {f} | :: coldness; cold |
kalte Füße bekommen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to get cold feet |
kälteliebend {adj} | :: cryophilic |
Kältemittel {n} | :: refrigerant |
Kältemittel {n} | :: cryogen |
Kaltenberg {prop} {n} | :: Kaltenberg (municipality) |
Kaltenleutgeben {prop} {n} | :: Kaltenleutgeben (municipality) |
kälter {adj} | :: comparative of kalt |
kalter Bauer {m} [idiomatic, vulgar, regional] | :: ejaculate, especially resulting from ejaculation while sleeping |
kalter Entzug {m} | :: cold turkey |
Kalter Krieg {prop} {m} | :: Cold War (a period of history from 1945-1991) |
Kälteschauer {m} | :: shiver |
Kalte Schnauze {f} | :: a type of cold (non-baked) cake made of butter biscuits, chocolate and coconut fat |
kältesten {adj} | :: superlative of kalt |
Kältewelle {f} [weather] | :: cold wave, cold spell |
Kaltfront {f} | :: cold front |
kaltgemäßigt {adj} | :: cold-temperate (in climate) |
kaltherzig {adj} | :: cold-hearted |
kaltmachen {v} [slang] | :: To off someone |
Kaltmiete {f} [rent for dwelling without heating and side costs] | :: base rent |
Kaltphase {f} [physics] | :: cold phase |
Kaltschale {f} | :: a soup, served cold, composed of beer, wine, and bread |
kaltschnäuzig {adj} | :: callous, cold-hearted |
Kaltumformen {f} | :: cold forming (work hardening) |
Kaltumformung {f} | :: cold forming |
Kaltverfestigung {f} | :: work hardening |
Kaltwalzen {n} | :: cold rolling |
Kalvinismus {m} | :: alternative spelling of Calvinismus |
Kalvinist {m} | :: Alternative spelling of Calvinist |
kalvinistisch {adj} | :: alternative spelling of calvinistisch |
Kalwang {prop} {n} | :: Kalwang (municipality) |
Kalzämie {f} [pathology] | :: calcemia |
kalziniert {v} | :: past participle of kalzinieren |
kalziniert {adj} | :: calcined |
Kalzium {n} | :: calcium |
kalziumhaltig {adj} | :: calcium-containing |
Kamacit {m} [mineral] | :: kamacite |
Kambodscha {prop} {n} | :: Cambodia |
Kambodschaner {m} | :: Cambodian (a person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent) |
Kambodschanerin {f} | :: Cambodian (a female person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent) |
kambodschanisch {adj} | :: Cambodian (of, from, or pertaining to Cambodia, the Cambodian people, or the Khmer language) |
kambrisch {adj} | :: Cambrian |
Kambrium {prop} | :: the Cambrian |
Kamel {n} | :: a camel |
Kamel {n} [uncommon, dated] | :: a dumb person |
Kamelhalsfliege {f} | :: snakefly |
Kamelie {f} | :: camellia |
Kamelle {f} [regional, in the Rhineland] | :: candy, sweets (usually those given away during carnival parades) |
Kamelziege {f} | :: a llama |
Kamen {prop} {n} | :: Kamen (municipality) |
Kamera {f} | :: camera (device for taking photographs or filming) |
Kamerad {m} [military] | :: comrade, a fellow soldier |
Kamerad {m} | :: comrade, a fellow, a companion |
Kamerad {m} [colloquial] | :: a guy, a fellow |
Kamerad {m} [slang] | :: a neo-nazi, a right-wing extremist |
kameradschaftlich {adj} | :: comradely, companionable |
Kameramann {m} | :: (male) cameraman |
Kameramodell {n} | :: camera model |
kamerascheu {adj} | :: camera-shy |
kameraüberwacht {adj} | :: camera-monitored (monitored by CCTV) |
Kamerun {prop} {n} | :: Cameroon |
Kameruner {m} | :: Cameroonian (male or of unspecified sex) (person from Cameroon or of Cameroonian descent) |
Kameruner {m} [Berlin] | :: A doughnut-like pastry having an oblong or figure-eight shape |
Kamerunerin {f} | :: Cameroonian (female) (person from Cameroon or of Cameroonian descent) |
kamerunisch {adj} | :: Cameroonian (pertaining to Cameroon) |
Kamikaze {f} [uncountable, military or figurative] | :: a risky, seemingly suicidal course of action |
Kamikaze {m} [historical] | :: kamikaze (kind of Japanese fighter pilot) |
Kamille {f} | :: camomile (plant) |
Kamin {m} | :: fireplace |
Kamin {m} [regional] | :: chimney |
Kaminaufsatz {m} | :: mantelpiece |
Kaminecke {f} | :: fireside |
Kamm {m} | :: comb |
Kamm {m} | :: crest (of various animals), comb (of rooster) |
Kamm {m} [cooking] | :: shoulder (of pork), neck (of mutton/beef) |
Kamm {m} | :: ridge (of hills, mountains) |
kämmen {vt} | :: to comb; to brush (hair) |
kämmen {vt} | :: to comb or brush someone’s hair |
kämmen {vr} | :: to brush one’s own hair |
Kammer {f} | :: chamber |
Kämmerchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kammer |
Kammerdiener {m} | :: valet |
Kämmerer {m} [historical] | :: chamberlain |
Kammerjäger {m} | :: exterminator; someone practicing pest control in buildings (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kammerjäger {m} [obsolete] | :: personal huntsman of a prince |
Kämmerlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kammer |
Kammermädchen {n} | :: lady's maid |
Kammermusik {f} | :: chamber music |
Kammeroper {f} | :: chamber opera |
Kammerspiel {n} | :: intimate play |
Kammerspiel {n} | :: chamber play |
Kammerstück {n} [historical] | :: a canon from a particular class of artillery including howitzers and mortars |
Kamp {m} [archaic or dialectal, regional, chiefly northern Germany] | :: piece of land; field; grassland |
Kampagne {f} | :: campaign |
Kämpe {m} [chiefly literary] | :: an experienced fighter (or activist); a warhorse |
Kampf {m} | :: fight, struggle |
Kampfausrüstung {f} | :: combat equipment |
Kampfbegriff {m} | :: a term which is often and polemically used by adherents of some opinion or ideology, particularly in order to claim that term and give it a partisan definition |
Kampfeinsatz {m} | :: combat mission |
kämpfen {v} | :: to fight, to struggle |
Kampfer {m} | :: camphor |
Kämpfer {m} | :: agent noun of kämpfen; fighter |
Kämpferin {f} | :: a female fighter |
kampfeslustig {adj} | :: combative, pugnacious, bellicose, aggressive, warlike |
Kampfflieger {m} | :: combat pilot |
Kampfflugzeug {n} | :: combat aircraft |
Kampfflugzeug {n} [WWII] | :: bomber (aircraft) |
Kampfgeschwader {noun} [obsolete, WWI aviation] | :: bomber squadron |
Kampfgeschwader {noun} [obsolete, WWII aviation] | :: bomber wing |
Kampfgeschwader {noun} [military aviation] | :: bomber group |
Kampfhund {m} | :: attack dog |
Kampfjet {m} [slightly, colloquial] | :: fighter jet |
Kampfkunst {f} | :: martial art |
Kampfläufer {m} [zoology] | :: ruff (Calidris pugnax) |
kampflos {adj} | :: peaceful; without argument |
kampflustig {adj} | :: belligerent, pugnacious |
Kampfmittel {n} | :: means of warfare [weapons, munitions, ordnance, etc.] |
Kampfspiel {n} | :: contact sport |
Kampfsport {m} | :: combat sport, martial art |
Kampfstoff {m} | :: chemical-, biological- or nuclear-weapon material |
Kampfverband {m} | :: battle unit, combat unit |
kampieren {v} | :: to camp (live in a temporary accommodation) |
Kamtschatka {prop} {n} [geography] | :: Kamchatka (a long peninsula in the Far East of Russia) |
Kamtschatka {prop} {n} | :: a krai of Russia (in the Russian Far East) |
Kamtschatka {prop} {f} [geography] | :: Kamchatka River (The river runs eastward for 758 kilometers (471 mi) through Kamchatka Krai towards the Pacific Ocean) |
Kamurke {f} | :: chamber, a room for abode mediocrely furnitured |
Kanacke {m} | :: alternative spelling of Kanake [only for the sense "wog"] |
Kanada {prop} {n} | :: Kanada (country) |
Kanadier {m} | :: Canadian (person from Canada) |
Kanadier {m} | :: Canadian canoe, canoe |
Kanadierin {f} | :: Canadian (female) (a woman or girl from Canada) |
kanadisch {adj} | :: Canadian, Canuck |
kanadischsten {adj} [rare, nonstandard] | :: superlative of kanadisch |
Kanaillie {f} | :: scoundrel, rascal |
Kanaillie {f} [dated] | :: vermin, mob |
Kanake {m} [derogatory, ethnic slur] | :: wog (person of Middle Eastern or North African looks, particularly a Turk) |
Kanake {m} | :: Kanak or Canaque, a member of the indigenous Melanesian inhabitants of New Caledonia in the southwest Pacific |
Kanal {m} | :: channel |
Kanal {m} | :: canal |
Kanaldeckel {m} | :: manhole cover |
Kanalisation {f} | :: sewer |
kanalisieren {v} | :: to channel |
kanalisieren {v} | :: to canalise, to canalize |
Kanalreinigung {f} | :: sewer cleaning |
Kanapee {n} [food] | :: canapé; hors d'oeuvre |
Kanapee {n} [furniture, dated] | :: canapé; sofa; couch |
kanariengelb {adj} | :: canary yellow |
Kanarienvogel {m} | :: canary (bird) |
kanarisch {adj} | :: Canarian |
Kanarische Inseln {prop} {p} | :: Kanarische Inseln (archipelago/and/autonomous community) |
Kandare {f} | :: curb, curb bit |
Kandidat {m} | :: candidate (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kandidatin {f} | :: female candidate |
Kandidatur {f} | :: candidacy, candidature |
kandidieren {v} | :: to be a candidate |
Kandidose {f} | :: candidiasis |
kandieren {v} | :: to candy |
kandiert {v} | :: past participle of kandieren |
Kaneel {m} [specialist, cooking] | :: cinnamon in the form of sticks; collective: cinnamon sticks |
Kaneel {m} [archaic, dialectal] | :: cinnamon (in any form) |
kanevassen {adj} | :: canvas (attributive) |
Kangchendzönga {prop} {m} | :: Kangchenjunga |
Känguru {n} | :: kangaroo |
Känguruh {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Känguru |
Kanin {n} | :: rabbit fur |
Kanin {n} [dated, dialectal, parts of northern Germany] | :: alternative form of Kaninchen |
Kaninchen {n} | :: rabbit |
Kaninchendraht {m} | :: chicken wire |
Kaninchendrahtzaun {m} | :: chicken wire fence |
kaninchenfrei {adj} | :: rabbit-free |
Kaninchenjagd {f} [hunting] | :: rabbiting, rabbit hunt |
kaninchensicher {adj} | :: rabbit-proof |
Kanister {m} | :: jerrycan |
Kanji {n} | :: kanji |
KanJPz {m} | :: abbreviation of Kanonenjagdpanzer (gun-based tank destroyer) |
Kannada {n} | :: one of the languages of India; Kannada |
Kännchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kanne |
Kanne {f} | :: can, jug, pot |
Kannibale {m} | :: cannibal |
Kannibalismus {m} | :: cannibalism |
kanns {contraction} | :: contraction of kann es |
kannste {contraction} | :: contraction of kannst du |
Kanon {m} [literature, religion] | :: canon (selection of texts considered accepted and/or authentic) |
Kanon {m} [law] | :: canon; code (collectivity of laws, particularly concerning a certain field) |
Kanon {m} [Christianity, law] | :: canon (ecclesiastical norm forming part of Canon Law) |
Kanon {m} [Roman Catholicism] | :: canon (catalogue of saints) |
Kanon {m} [Roman Catholicism] | :: canon (eucharistic prayer) |
Kanon {m} [music] | :: canon; round (song sung by groups of singers starting at different times) |
Kanone {f} | :: cannon |
Kanone {f} [slang] | :: gun |
Kanonenfutter {n} | :: cannon fodder |
Kanonenjagdpanzer {m} | :: cannon-based tank destroyer |
Kanonenkugel {f} | :: cannonball (spherical projectile fired from a smoothbore cannon) |
Kanonier {m} | :: cannoneer |
kanonisch {adj} | :: canonic, canonical (all senses) |
Känozoikum {prop} | :: the Cenozoic |
Kant {prop} | :: surname, notably borne by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant |
Kantate {f} [music] | :: cantata (a vocal composition in several movements accompanied by instruments) |
Kante {f} | :: edge (sharp boundary line) |
Kante {f} [graph theory] | :: edge |
Kantenlänge {f} | :: edge length |
Kanther {prop} | :: surname |
kantianisch {adj} [philosophy] | :: Kantian |
kantig {adj} | :: angular |
Kantillation {f} | :: cantillation |
Kantine {f} | :: canteen |
Kanton {m} | :: canton (state of Switzerland) |
Kanton {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: canton |
Kanton {prop} {n} | :: Kanton (former name of Guangzhou, the <<caplc>> of < > in southeastern <<c/China>>) |
kantonesisch {adj} | :: Cantonese (all senses) |
Kantonesisch {prop} {n} | :: Cantonese language |
kantoniert {adj} [architecture] | :: cantoned |
Kantonist {m} [historical] | :: cantonist |
Kanu {n} | :: canoe or kayak |
Kanufahrer {m} | :: canoeist |
Kanüle {f} [medicine] | :: cannula |
Kanute {m} | :: [sports] canoeist |
Kanzel {f} | :: pulpit; raised, enclosed platform in a church from which a preacher preaches |
Kanzel {f} [aviation] | :: cockpit |
Kanzel {f} [archaic] | :: pulpit, raised desk or stand of a teacher |
Kanzel {f} | :: small, raised, enclosed observation post for a hunter, a police officer observing an intersection, etc |
kanzerogen {adj} | :: cancerogenic |
Kanzerogenität {f} | :: carcinogenicity |
Kanzlei {f} | :: (law) office |
Kanzlei {f} | :: chancellery |
Kanzleisprache {f} | :: written language of a medieval chancery |
Kanzleisprache {f} [uncommon] | :: officialese |
Kanzler {m} | :: chancellor (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kanzler {m} | :: short for Bundeskanzler |
Kanzler {m} [historical] | :: short for Reichskanzler |
Kanzleramt {n} | :: chancellery / chancellory |
Kanzleramt {n} | :: chancellorship |
Kanzlerin {f} | :: chancellor (female) |
Kanzlerin {f} | :: short for Bundeskanzlerin |
Kanzlist {m} | :: [office] clerk |
Kaolin {n} [mineral] | :: kaolin |
Kaolinit {m} [mineral] | :: kaolinite |
Kap {n} | :: cape (headland) |
Kapaun {m} | :: capon (a cockerel which has been gelded and fattened for the table) |
Kapazität {f} | :: capacity |
kapazitiv {adj} | :: capacitive |
Kapelle {f} [religion, Christianity] | :: chapel |
Kapelle {f} [music] | :: band, ensemble |
Kapellmeister {m} | :: kapellmeister |
Kapente {f} | :: Cape teal (Anas capensis) |
Kaper {f} [pickled flower bud] | :: caper |
kapern {v} [nautical, aviation] | :: to capture, to seize, to hijack (a ship or airplane) |
Kapfenberg {prop} {n} | :: Kapfenberg (municipality) |
Kapfenstein {prop} {n} | :: Kapfenstein (municipality) |
Kap Hoorn {prop} {n} | :: Cape Horn |
Kapi {m} [colloquial, sports] | :: clipping of Kapitän |
kapieren {v} [colloquial] | :: to understand intellectually; to get |
kapital {adj} | :: capital |
Kapital {n} | :: (economics) capital |
Kapitalabfluss {m} [finance] | :: capital drain |
Kapitälchen {n} [typography] | :: small caps |
kapitalisieren {v} [finance] | :: to capitalize |
kapitalisiert {v} | :: past participle of kapitalisieren |
Kapitalismus {m} | :: capitalism |
Kapitalist {m} | :: A capitalist / Capitalist [person] |
Kapitalist {m} [archaic] | :: someone whose income (predominantly) consists of interests |
kapitalistisch {adj} | :: capitalist, capitalistic |
kapitalkräftig {adj} [economics] | :: well-funded |
Kapitalverbrechen {n} | :: capital crime |
Kapitalverkehr {m} [finance, economics] | :: capital movement, capital movements, capital transactions |
Kapitalverkehrskontrolle {f} [finance, economics] | :: capital control |
Kapitalversicherung {f} | :: endowment insurance |
Kapitalzufluss {m} [finance] | :: capital inflow |
Kapitän {m} | :: captain (male or of unspecified sex) (on a vessel) |
Kapitänskajüte {f} | :: Captain's cabin, the captain's private room on a ship |
Kapitel {n} | :: chapter (section of a text) |
Kapitel {n} [Christianity] | :: chapter (clerical body) |
Kapitelhaus {n} | :: chapter house |
Kapitell {n} | :: capital (uppermost part of a column) |
Kapitelldeckplatte {f} [architecture] | :: An abacus, solid stone slate acting as a cover on top of the capital of a column |
Kapitulantentum {n} | :: defeatism |
Kapitulation {f} | :: capitulation |
kapitulieren {v} [military] | :: to surrender, to capitulate |
kapitulieren {v} [by extension] | :: to surrender, to give up |
kapituliert {v} | :: past participle of kapitulieren |
Kaplan {m} | :: chaplain |
Kaplöwe {m} | :: Cape lion [Panthera leo melanochaita] |
Kapo {m} | :: kapo |
Kapo {m} | :: capo |
Kapo {m} | :: foreman |
kapores {adj} | :: broken, damaged |
kapores {adj} | :: defective |
Kappa {n} | :: kappa (Greek letter) |
Kappadokien {prop} {n} | :: Cappadocia (ancient region) |
Kappadozien {prop} {n} | :: Cappadocia |
Käppchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kappe |
Kappe {f} | :: cap, hood |
kappen {v} | :: to cut down so as to make unusable; to cut off; to interrupt |
Kappengibbon {m} | :: pileated gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) |
Kappert {prop} | :: surname |
Kappes {m} [regional, colloquial] | :: cabbage, Brassica oleracea |
Kappes {m} [regional, colloquial] | :: nonsense |
Käppi {n} {f} | :: kepi |
Käppi {n} {f} | :: cap (head covering) |
kapriziös {adj} | :: capricious |
Kaprun {prop} {n} | :: Kaprun (municipality) |
Kapsel {f} | :: capsule |
kapseln {v} | :: to encapsulate |
kapseln {v} [software, object-oriented] | :: to encapsulate |
Kapstachelbeere {f} | :: goldenberry |
Kapstadt {prop} {f} | :: Cape Town (city in South Africa) |
kaputt {adj} | :: broken |
kaputt {adj} | :: out of order |
kaputtgehen {v} [colloquial] | :: to break, break down, fall to pieces, go to pot |
kaputtlachen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to crack up |
kaputtmachen {v} [colloquial] | :: to break |
kaputtreißen {v} | :: to break by tearing |
kaputtreparieren {v} [colloquial] | :: To break something in an attempt to repair or improve it, particularly when such improvement was not really necessary |
kaputtsparen {vt} | :: to break something by saving too much money on maintenance |
Kapuze {f} | :: a hood (headwear) |
Kapuzenameisenwürger {m} | :: black-hooded antshrike |
kapuzenförmig {adj} | :: hood-shaped |
Kapuziner {m} | :: Capuchin |
Kapuzineraffe {m} | :: capuchin monkey, capuchin a New World monkey of the Cebusa genus |
Kap Verde {prop} {n} | :: Kap Verde (archipelago/and/country) |
kapverdisch {adj} | :: Cape Verdean |
Kar {n} [geology] | :: cirque (curved depression in a mountainside) |
Kar {n} [obsolete] | :: bowl, vat, trough |
Kar {n} [obsolete] | :: a regionally varying certain unit of measure for grain |
Karabach {prop} {n} | :: Karabakh (Armenian speaking region in the Caucasus) |
Karabiner {m} | :: carbine |
Karabiner {m} [Austria] | :: short for Karabinerhaken: carabiner |
Karabinerhaken {m} | :: carabiner, snap hook, snap-link (metal link with a gate) |
Karacho {n} | :: high speed |
Karambolage {f} [chiefly colloquial] | :: collision (kind of car accident, especially a more spectacular one of it) |
Karamel {m} {n} | :: alternative spelling of Karamell |
Karamell {m} {n} | :: caramel |
karamellfarben {adj} | :: caramel-coloured |
Karaoke {n} {f} | :: karaoke (form of entertainment; an individual performance or session of it) |
Karat {n} | :: carat, karat |
Karate {n} | :: karate |
Karatschi {prop} | :: Karatschi (capital city) |
Karausche {f} | :: crucian carp (Carassius carassius) |
Karawane {f} | :: caravan |
Karawanserei {f} | :: caravanserai |
Karbatsche {f} | :: a kind of plaited whip or lash |
Karbolsäure {f} [dated, organic compound] | :: carbolic acid, phenol |
Karbon {prop} | :: the Carboniferous |
Karbonade {f} [regional] | :: cutlet, roasted ribs |
Karbonade {f} [Austria, otherwise dated] | :: meatball |
Karbonatit {m} [mineral] | :: carbonatite |
Karbunkel {m} | :: carbuncle (abscess) |
Kardanwelle {f} | :: driveshaft, driving shaft, cardan shaft |
Karde {f} | :: teasel [plant] |
Karde {f} | :: card (textile thing) |
Kardinal {m} | :: cardinal (official in Catholic Church) |
Kardinale {n} | :: cardinal (numerale cardinale) |
Kardinalskollegium {n} | :: (Catholic Church) the College of Cardinals |
Kardinaltugend {f} [Christianity] | :: cardinal virtue |
Kardinalzahl {f} | :: cardinal number (word that expresses a countable quantity) |
Kardinalzahl {f} | :: cardinal number (generalized kind of number used to denote the size of a set, including infinite sets) |
kardio- {prefix} | :: cardio- |
Kardiologe {m} | :: cardiologist (male or of unspecified sex) (physician) |
Kardiologie {f} | :: cardiology |
Kardiologin {f} | :: cardiologist (female) (physician) |
Kardiomyopathie {f} [pathology] | :: cardiomyopathy |
kardiovaskulär {adj} | :: cardiovascular |
karel. {adj} | :: abbreviation of karelisch |
Karelien {prop} {n} | :: Karelia (region) |
karelisch {adj} | :: Karelian: from or pertaining to Karelia or its (Finnic) people and culture |
karelisch {adj} | :: in or relating to the Karelian language |
Karelisch {prop} {n} | :: the Karelian language |
Karen {prop} | :: given name |
Karenz {f} [especially insurance] | :: waiting period, grace period |
Karenz {f} [medicine] | :: abstinence |
Karenz {f} [Austria] | :: parental leave |
Karer {m} | :: Carian (male native or inhabitant of ancient Caria) |
Karerin {f} | :: Carian (female native or inhabitant of ancient Caria) |
Karfiol {m} [Austria] | :: cauliflower |
Karfreitag {m} | :: Good Friday |
karg {adj} | :: [of a room] poor, scarce, not well equipped, not decorated |
karg {adj} | :: [of land] barren, not lush, with little vegetation |
kargen {v} | :: to be stingy, miserly |
kärglich {adj} | :: meager |
Karibik {prop} {f} | :: Caribbean |
karibisch {adj} | :: Caribbean (Pertaining to the sea and region bounded by the American continent and the West Indies) |
Karien {prop} {n} | :: Caria (historical region) |
kariert {adj} | :: checkered |
Karies {f} | :: caries |
kariespräventiv {adj} | :: preventive of caries, preventing caries |
Karikatur {f} | :: caricature |
karikaturartig {adj} | :: cartoonish, caricatural |
Karikaturist {m} | :: caricaturist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Karikaturistin {f} | :: caricaturist (female) |
karikaturistisch {adj} | :: caricatural |
karikieren {v} | :: to caricature |
Karin {prop} | :: given name |
Karina {prop} | :: given name |
kariogen {adj} | :: cariogenic |
kariös {adj} | :: caried |
karisch {adj} | :: Carian (related to the Carians, their country of Caria or their language) |
Karisch {n} | :: Carian (the Carian language) |
karitativ {adj} | :: caritative |
Karius {prop} | :: surname |
karjolen {vi} | :: alternative spelling of karriolen |
Karl {prop} | :: given name |
Karla {prop} | :: given name |
Karlchen {n} | :: A diminutive of the German male given name Karl |
Karlchen {n} | :: A Jack of Clubs (dubbed Karlchen, i.e. Charlie) winning the last trick in a game of Doppelkopf (German card game) |
Karlheinz {prop} | :: given name, a combination of Karl + Heinz |
karlistisch {adj} | :: Carlist |
Karlsruhe {prop} {n} | :: Karlsruhe (city). The court ruling on cases concerning the Grundgesetz, Germany's æquivalent of a constitution |
Karlsruhe {prop} {n} | :: [pars pro toto] The court ruling on cases concerning the Grundgesetz, Germany's æquivalent of a constitution, which is situated in said city |
Karlsruhe {prop} {n} [historical] | :: One of the four districts of the Grand Duchy of Baden |
Karlsruher {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Karlsruhe |
Karlstetten {prop} {n} | :: Karlstetten (municipality) |
Karma {n} | :: karma |
Karmel {prop} {m} | :: Karmel (mountain) |
Karmin {n} | :: carmine, crimson (colour) |
karminativ {adj} | :: carminative |
karminrot {adj} | :: carmine-red |
karmisch {adj} | :: karmic |
Karneid {prop} {n} | :: Karneid (municipality) |
Karneol {m} [mineral] | :: carnelian |
Karneval {m} | :: carnival |
karnevalistisch {adj} | :: carnivalistic |
karnevalistischsten {adj} [rare] | :: superlative of karnevalistisch |
Karnickel {n} [Northern Germany] | :: rabbit |
Kärnten {prop} {n} | :: Kärnten (state) |
kärntisch {adj} | :: alternative form of kärntnerisch |
kärntnerisch {adj} | :: Carinthian |
Karo {n} | :: rhombus |
Karo {n} [card games] | :: diamonds |
Karoass {n} | :: ace of diamonds |
Karobube {m} | :: jack of diamonds, knave of diamonds (playing card) |
Karolin {prop} | :: given name |
Karoline {prop} | :: given name |
Karolinger {m} | :: Carolingian |
karolingisch {adj} | :: Carolingian |
Karosserie {f} [of a car] | :: body |
Karosseriebauunternehmen {noun} | :: coachbuilder (a company which builds bodies for vehicles) |
Karotte {f} | :: carrot |
Karpaltunnel {m} [anatomy] | :: carpal tunnel |
Karpaltunnelsyndrom {n} | :: carpal tunnel syndrome |
Karpaten {prop} | :: Carpathians |
karpatisch {adj} | :: Carpathian |
Karpfen {m} | :: carp |
Karpfenteich {m} | :: carp pond |
Karre {f} [regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] | :: cart, barrow |
Karre {f} [colloquial] | :: car, automobile |
Karree {n} | :: square, block |
Karree {n} | :: (culinary) rib cut |
karren {v} | :: to wheelbarrow |
Karren {m} [regional, chiefly southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland] | :: alternative form of Karre |
Karres {prop} {n} | :: Karres (municipality) |
Karriere {f} | :: career |
karrieregeil {adj} [derogatory] | :: career-mad, career-obsessed, career-bent |
Karriol {n} | :: alternative form of Karriole |
Karriole {f} | :: a kind of slim two-wheeled cart |
karriolen {vi} | :: to drive about |
Karrösten {prop} {n} | :: Karrösten (municipality) |
Karsamstag {m} | :: Holy Saturday |
Karsee {m} | :: tarn, cirque lake |
Karst {m} [geology] | :: karst (type of land formation) |
Karst {m} [regional, Switzerland] | :: mattock (agricultural tool) |
Karsten {prop} | :: given name |
Kartätsche {f} | :: canister shot, a form of cartridge to spread hailshot bypassing its thin wall |
Kartätsche {f} | :: plasterer's float, a kind of plane to whoosh plaster smooth |
Kärtchen {n} | :: diminutive of Karte |
Karte {f} | :: card |
Karte {f} | :: map, chart |
Karte {f} | :: ticket |
Kartei {f} | :: card index, card catalog |
Karteikarte {f} | :: index card |
Karteikasten {m} | :: card catalog box |
Karteileiche {f} | :: nominal member |
Kartell {n} | :: cartel |
Karten {noun} [plurale tantum] | :: card game |
Kartenhaus {n} | :: house of cards |
Kartenspiel {n} | :: card game |
Kartenspiel {n} | :: pack [of cards] |
Kartenspieler {m} | :: cardplayer (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kartenstapel {m} | :: deck (of playing cards) |
kartesisch {adj} [also maths] | :: Cartesian |
Karthager {m} | :: Carthaginian, person from Carthage |
Karthagerin {f} | :: female Carthaginian, female person from Carthage |
karthagisch {adj} | :: Carthaginian, related to Carthage |
Karthago {prop} {n} | :: Karthago (ancient city) |
Karthago {prop} {n} | :: Karthago (ancient civilisation) |
Kartoffel {f} | :: potato |
Kartoffel {f} [derogatory] | :: a German; particularly an ethnic German from the perspective of allochthone populations in Germany |
Kartoffelbrei {m} | :: mashed potatoes |
Kartoffelchip {m} | :: crisp; chip (fried strip of potato) |
kartoffelig {adj} | :: potatoey |
Kartoffelkäfer {f} | :: Colorado potato beetle |
Kartoffelpuffer {m} | :: potato pancake |
Kartoffelpüree {n} | :: mashed potatoes (potatoes that have been boiled and mashed) |
Kartoffelsack {m} | :: potato sack, potato bag |
Kartoffelsalat {m} | :: potato salad |
Kartoffelschale {f} | :: potato peel |
Kartoffelschäler {m} | :: potato peeler |
Kartoffelstampfer {m} | :: potato masher |
Kartoffelsuppe {f} | :: potato soup |
Kartoffelteig {m} | :: potato dough |
Kartograf {m} | :: cartographer (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kartografie {f} | :: cartography |
kartografieren {v} [to create a visual representation of a territory, etc. via cartography] | :: to map |
Kartografin {f} | :: cartographer (female) |
kartografisch {adj} | :: cartographic |
Kartograph {m} | :: alternative spelling of Kartograf |
Kartographie {f} | :: alternative spelling of Kartografie |
kartographieren {v} | :: alternative spelling of kartografieren |
Kartographin {f} | :: alternative spelling of Kartografin |
kartographisch {adj} | :: alternative spelling of kartografisch |
Karton {m} [countable] | :: carton; cardboard box (e.g. a moving box) |
Karton {m} [uncountable, especially southern] | :: cardboard, paperboard |
Karton {m} [countable, art] | :: cartoon (preliminary sketch) |
Kartusche {f} [firearms] | :: cartridge case, casing (parts of a round of ammunition exclusive of the projectile) |
Kartusche {f} [printing] | :: ink cartridge |
Kartusche {f} [gas cooker] | :: canister |
Karussell {n} | :: carousel |
Karwoche {f} | :: Holy Week |
Karyopse {f} | :: caryopsis (a type of fruit) |
karzinogen {adj} | :: carcinogenic |
Karzinom {n} [pathology] | :: carcinoma |
Kasache {m} | :: Kazakh (male person from Kazakhstan) |
Kasachin {f} | :: Kazakh (female person from Kazakhstan) |
kasachisch {adj} | :: Kazakh (pertaining to country, people, or language of Kazakhstan) |
Kasachisch {prop} {n} | :: Kazakh (language) |
Kasachstan {prop} {n} | :: Kasachstan (country) |
Kaschemme {f} | :: dive; run-down pub |
kaschieren {v} | :: to cover up |
Kaschmir {prop} {n} | :: the region of Kashmir |
Kaschmir {m} | :: cashmere (wool) |
kaschubisch {adj} | :: Kashubian (related to the Kashubians or to the Kashubian language) |
Kaschubisch {prop} {n} | :: Kashubian (Slavic language spoken in the Pomeranian region of Poland) |
Käse {m} | :: cheese |
Käse {m} [colloquial] | :: nonsense |
Käseaufschnitt {m} | :: assorted cheese slices |
Käseblatt {n} [degoratory] | :: a (mostly local) newspaper of lesser importance; local rag |
Käseblatt {n} | :: yellow press |
Käseblättchen {n} | :: diminutive of Käseblatt |
Käsebrot {n} | :: cheese sandwich |
Käsegabel {f} | :: cheese fork |
Käseglocke {f} | :: cheese cover |
Käsehobel {m} | :: cheese slicer |
Käseigel {m} | :: (lit. cheese hedgehog) party snack made of fruit and cheese on sticks in the shape of a hedgehog |
Käsekästchen {n} | :: the game of Dots and Boxes |
Käsekästchen {n} [loosely, colloquial] | :: synonym of Tic-Tac-Toe |
Käsemacher {m} | :: cheesemaker (male or of unspecified sex) |
Käsemacherin {f} | :: cheesemaker (female) |
Käsemesser {n} | :: cheese knife |
Käsemesser {n} [regional] | :: a knife that cuts poorly |
Käsemesser {n} [military slang] | :: bayonet |
Käsemilbe {f} | :: cheese mite |
Käseplatte {f} | :: cheese platter |
Käsereibe {f} | :: cheese grater |
Kaserne {f} [military] | :: barracks |
kasernieren {v} [military] | :: to barrack |
Kashmiri {n} | :: one of the languages spoken in India; Kashmiri |
käsig {adj} | :: cheesy |
käsig {adj} | :: pale |
käsig {adj} | :: touchy |
Kasimir {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Kasino {n} [gambling] | :: casino |
Kasino {n} [military] | :: officers' mess |
Kasino {n} [by extension] | :: a cafeteria or lunchroom in an office building (originally one specific to the executives of a company, but now sometimes used merely as a grandiloquent word for Kantine) |
Kaskade {f} [hydrology] | :: cascade (a series of waterfalls, often artificial) |
Kaskade {f} [figurative] | :: cascade (a sequence of events or things) |
Kaskade {f} [juggling] | :: cascade (a juggling pattern) |
Kaskade {f} [acrobatics] | :: a daredevil stunt (a sequential series of daring leaps and jumps performed by acrobats) |
Kaskadelle {f} [archaic, obsolete] | :: small waterfall, small cascade |
Kaskadenschaltung {f} | :: cascade connection |
Käskopp {m} [dialectal] | :: simpleton |
Käskopp {m} [pejorative] | :: Dutch person |
Kaspar {prop} | :: Caspar of the Magi |
Kaspar {prop} | :: given name |
Kasper {m} | :: clown (normally a puppet) |
kaspisch {adj} | :: Caspian |
Kaspisches Meer {prop} {n} | :: Caspian Sea |
Kassa {f} [Austria] | :: cash desk |
Kassandraruf {m} | :: warning of impending doom |
Kassava {n} | :: cassava |
Kasse {f} | :: cash register, cash box |
Kasse {f} [supermarket] | :: cash desk, checkout, [cinema etc.] box office |
Kasse {f} | :: (Short for Krankenkasse) health insurance institution, health insurance company |
Kassel {prop} {n} | :: A city of central Germany south-southwest of Hanover |
Kassenbeleg {m} | :: till receipt, cash voucher |
Kassenbon {m} | :: sales slip or receipt |
Kassenpatient {m} [Germany, healthcare, colloquial] | :: A patient who is a member of a health insurance scheme that belongs to the national health insurance system, as opposed to private health insurance |
Kassenpatientin {f} | :: feminine noun of Kassenpatient |
Kassenschein {m} [colloquial] | :: health insurance voucher |
Kassenschlager {m} | :: blockbuster |
Kassenzettel {m} | :: sales slip, receipt |
Kasserolle {f} | :: casserole, saucepan |
Kassette {f} | :: cassette |
Kassette {f} [architecture] | :: coffer |
Kassettenrekorder {m} | :: tape recorder, cassette deck |
kassieren {v} | :: to take away |
kassieren {v} | :: to collect (money) in exchange for the goods or services one has provided |
kassieren {v} | :: to nought, to nullify, to quash, to cassate |
kassieren {vit} [colloquial] | :: to take against one’s own will |
kassieren {vt} [colloquial] | :: to take something away from someone against his will |
kassieren {vt} [archaic] | :: to discharge, to relieve from office |
Kassierer {m} | :: cashier, (bank) teller, treasurer (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kassiererin {f} | :: (female) cashier |
Kassiterit {m} [mineral] | :: cassiterite |
Kastanie {f} | :: chestnut, tree of genus Castanea |
Kastanie {f} | :: chestnut, nut of such trees |
Kastanie {f} [colloquial, short for Rosskastanie] | :: horse-chestnut, tree of genus Aesculus |
Kastanie {f} [colloquial, short for Rosskastanie] | :: horse-chestnut, nut of such trees |
Kastanienbaum {m} | :: chestnut tree (a tree that bears chestnuts) |
kastanienbraun {adj} | :: having a colour like that of chestnuts: brownish maroon, auburn |
Kastanienente {f} | :: chestnut teal (Anas castanea) |
kastanienfarbig {adj} | :: chestnut-colored, chestnut |
Kastanienholz {n} | :: chestnut wood |
Kästchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kasten; a small box (usually made out of wood) |
Kaste {f} | :: caste |
kasteien {v} [religion, chiefly Christianity] | :: to chasten (purify spiritually through austerity, asceticism, and/or bodily pain) |
Kasteiung {f} [religion] | :: mortification |
Kastelruth {prop} {n} | :: Kastelruth (municipality) |
Kasten {m} | :: crate (e.g. for bottles) |
Kasten {m} [regional, Germany] | :: box, case |
Kasten {m} [regional, Austria and parts of southern Germany] | :: cupboard |
kastenförmig {adj} | :: boxy |
Kastenwagen {m} | :: box wagon |
Kastilien {prop} {n} | :: Castile |
Kästlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kasten |
Kastration {f} | :: castration |
Kastrationskomplex {m} [psychoanalysis] | :: castration anxiety |
kastrieren {v} | :: to castrate |
Kasuar {m} | :: cassowary |
kasuistisch {adj} | :: casuistic |
Kasus {m} [grammar] | :: (grammatical) case (specific inflection of a word depending on its function in the sentence) |
Kasus {m} [linguistics] | :: case (grammatical cases and their meanings taken either as a topic in general or within a specific language) |
Kat {m} [auto part] | :: clipping of Katalysator |
Kat {n} | :: khat |
Katabolismus {m} | :: catabolism |
Katachrese {f} [rhetoric] | :: catachresis |
Katafalk {m} | :: catafalque (platform to display or convey a coffin) |
Katakana {n} | :: katakana (Japanese syllabary) |
Katakana {n} | :: katakana (a character thereof) |
Katakana {f} | :: katakana (Japanese syllabary) |
Katakombe {f} | :: catacomb [often used in plural] |
Katalane {m} | :: Catalan, (male) person from or inhabitant of Catalonia |
Katalanin {f} | :: Catalan (female person from or inhabitant of Catalonia) |
katalanisch {adj} | :: Catalan (related to the Catalan language or to the people of Catalonia) |
Katalanisch {n} | :: Catalan language |
Katalase {f} [enzyme] | :: catalase |
katalektisch {adj} | :: catalectic |
Katalog {m} | :: catalogue (systematic list of names, books, pictures, etc.; complete list of items; university calendar) |
katalogisieren {v} | :: to catalogue (to put into a catalogue) |
Katalonien {prop} {n} | :: Katalonien (autonomous community) |
Katalysator {m} [chemistry] | :: catalyst (substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process) |
Katalysator {m} [automotive] | :: catalyst, catalytic converter |
Katalysatoraktivität {f} | :: catalytic activity (a measure of the catalytic power of a catalyst) |
Katalysatorgift {n} [chemistry] | :: catalyst poison (material that prevents the action of a catalyst) |
Katalyse {f} | :: catalysis (chemistry: the increase of the rate of a chemical reaction induced by a catalyst) |
Katalysemechanismus {m} | :: catalysis mechanism |
katalysieren {v} | :: To catalyze / catalyse |
katalysiert {v} | :: past participle of katalysieren |
katalysiert {adj} | :: catalyzed |
katalytisch {adj} | :: catalytic |
Katamaran {m} | :: catamaran (twin-hulled yacht) |
Katapult {n} | :: catapult, trebuchet |
katapultieren {vt} | :: to catapult |
Katar {prop} {n} | :: Qatar |
Katarakt {m} | :: waterfall |
Katarakt {m} | :: rapid (water) |
Katarakt {m} | :: part of a steam engine |
Katarakt {f} [medicine] | :: cataract |
Katarina {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Katharina |
katarisch {adj} | :: Qatari (Of, from, or pertaining to Qatar, the Qatari people or the Qatari language) |
Katarr {m} [pathology] | :: catarrh |
Katarrh {m} [pathology] | :: alternative form of Katarr |
Kataster {m} | :: cadastre |
Katastralgemeinde {f} [Austria] | :: Cadastral community |
katastrophal {adj} | :: catastrophic [disastrous; ruinous] |
Katastrophe {f} | :: catastrophe, disaster |
Katastrophenmedizin {f} [medicine] | :: disaster medicine |
Katastrophenschutz {m} | :: disaster relief |
Katatonie {f} | :: catatonia |
katatonisch {adj} | :: catatonic (of, relating to, or suffering from catatonia) |
Kate {f} [regional, northern Germany] | :: cottage, hut |
Käte {prop} | :: given name, a diminutive of Katharina |
Katechismus {m} | :: catechism |
Kategorie {f} | :: category |
Kategorientheorie {f} [category theory] | :: category theory |
kategorisch {adj} | :: categorical |
kategorisieren {v} | :: to categorize |
katenativ {adj} | :: catenative |
Kater {m} | :: tomcat, tom, male cat |
Kater {m} | :: hangover |
Kater {m} | :: sore muscle |
Katerfrühstück {n} | :: first meal of the day after a night of heavy drinking, believed to cure the hangover, usually consisting of marinated herring (rollmops), pickled gherkins or cucumber or similar, normally sour-tasting food |
Katerstimmung {f} | :: hangover |
Katerstimmung {f} | :: depression |
kath. {adj} | :: abbreviation of katholisch |
Katharina {prop} | :: given name |
Katharinenpflaume {f} [dated] | :: Prunus domestica ssp. insititia var. pomariorum |
katharisch {adj} | :: Cathar (attributive) |
Katharsis {f} | :: catharsis (in drama, a release of emotional tension) |
Käthe {prop} | :: given name, a pet form of Katharina |
Kathedrale {f} | :: cathedral |
katherinoslawisch {adj} [rare] | :: of or pertaining to Katerynoslav |
Kathete {f} | :: cathetus |
Katheter {m} | :: catheter (small tube inserted into a body cavity) |
Kathode {f} | :: cathode |
Kathodenreaktion {f} [chemistry] | :: cathode reaction |
Kathodenstrahlröhre {f} | :: cathode ray tube |
kathodisch {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: cathodic |
Katholik {m} | :: Catholic (A member of a Catholic church.) |
katholisch {adj} | :: catholic |
katholisch {adj} | :: Catholic |
katholisch {adj} | :: Roman Catholic |
Katholische Kirche {prop} {f} | :: Roman Catholic Church |
Katholische Kirche {prop} {f} | :: Catholic Church |
Katholizismus {m} | :: Catholicism |
Kathrin {prop} | :: given name |
Kation {n} | :: cation |
Kationenaustausch {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: cation exchange |
kationisch {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: cationic |
Katja {prop} | :: given name |
Katmandu {prop} {n} | :: alternative spelling of Kathmandu |
Katode {f} | :: cathode |
Katoforite {f} [mineralogy] | :: katophorite |
katotherm {adj} | :: katothermal: having an increasing temperature with increasing water depth |
Katrin {prop} | :: given name, a short form of Katharina |
Katsdorf {prop} {n} | :: Katsdorf (municipality) |
Kattun {m} | :: a kind of cotton fabric, calico |
kattunen {adj} | :: calico (attributive) |
Katz {f} | :: alternative form of Katze |
katzbuckeln {v} | :: to grovel |
Kätzchen {n} | :: diminutive of Katze: kitten; little cat; endearing cat |
Kätzchen {n} | :: catkin (type of blossom) |
Katze {f} | :: house cat, Felis silvestris catus |
Katze {f} [specifically] | :: female house cat |
Katze {f} | :: cat (any member of the genus Felis) |
Katze {f} [constellation, historic] | :: the obsolete constellation Felis |
Katzenbuckel {m} [literally] | :: arched back of a cat |
Katzenbuckel {m} [figuratively] | :: bow [gesture of respect] |
Katzencafé {n} | :: cat café |
Katzenfutter {n} | :: cat food |
Katzengold {n} | :: pyrite; fool's gold; a mineral from the class of sulfides with the chemical formula FeS2 |
katzenhaft {adj} | :: catlike, cattish; slinky, feline |
Katzenjammer {m} | :: dejection, frustration, depression |
Katzenjammer {m} [dated] | :: hangover |
Katzenjammer {m} [obsolete] | :: caterwaul; yowling of a cat |
Katzenjunges {n} | :: kitten |
Katzenklappe {f} | :: cat flap (small hinged panel where a cat can enter and exit) |
Katzenklo {n} | :: litter box, cat box |
Katzenminze {f} | :: catnip, plant of the genus Nepeta |
Katzensprung {noun} | :: A short distance; a stone's throw |
Katzenstreu {f} | :: kitty litter |
Katzentür {f} | :: cat flap (small hinged panel where a cat can enter and exit) |
Katzenwelpe {m} [rare] | :: kitten, cat puppy |
Katzenzunge {f} | :: a cat's tongue, the tongue of a cat |
Katzenzunge {f} | :: a cat's tongue, a small chocolate bar or chocolate-covered cookie/biscuit which is shaped somewhat like the tongue of a cat |
Kätzin {f} [technical or poetic] | :: female house cat |
Kätzlein {n} | :: diminutive of Katze |
Katz-und-Maus-Spiel {n} [idiomatic] | :: cat and mouse game |
kaudal {adj} | :: caudal |
kauderwelsch {adj} [of speech] | :: gibberish |
Kauderwelsch {n} | :: gibberish, double Dutch |
Kauderwelsch {n} | :: gobbledygook |
Kauderwelsch {n} | :: Rhaeto-Romance language originally spoken in the Swiss town Chur (Kauder) in canton Graubünden |
kaudinisch {adj} | :: humiliating |
kaudinisch {adj} | :: Caudine |
kauen {v} | :: to chew |
kauern {v} | :: to crouch; to cower |
Kauf {m} | :: purchase |
Kaufbeuren {prop} | :: Kaufbeuren (independent city) |
kaufen {v} | :: to buy, to purchase |
käufen {v} [regional, nonstandard] | :: alternative form of kaufen |
Käufer {m} | :: agent noun of kaufen; shopper, buyer |
Kauffrau {f} | :: merchant, businessman, trader (female) |
Kaufhalle {f} [DDR] | :: supermarket |
Kaufhaus {n} | :: department store |
Kaufkraft {f} | :: purchasing power |
Kaufkraft {f} | :: spending power |
kaufkräftig {adj} | :: possessing purchasing power |
käuflich {adj} | :: buyable, for sale, purchasable, available |
käuflich {adj} | :: venal, corrupt, bribable (willing to do illegal things for money) |
Kaufmann {m} | :: merchant, businessman, trader (male or of unspecified gender) |
Kaufmann {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Kaufmann {symbol} [German, military] | :: The letter K from the Deutschland Buchstabiertafel, the phonetic alphabet of Germany |
kaufmännisch {adj} | :: commercial, business |
kaufmännischer {adj} | :: comparative of kaufmännisch |
kaufmännischsten {adj} | :: superlative of kaufmännisch |
Kaufmanns-Und {n} | :: ampersand (the sign “&”) |
Kaufpreis {m} | :: purchase price |
Kaufrausch {m} | :: spending spree |
Kaufreue {f} | :: buyer's remorse |
Kaufsucht {f} | :: shopping addiction, shopaholism |
kaufsüchtig {adj} | :: shopaholic (attributive) |
Kaugummi {n} {m} | :: chewing gum |
Kaugummikugel {f} | :: gumball |
kaukasisch {noun} | :: Caucasian |
Kaukasus {prop} {m} | :: Caucasus (mountain range, geographic region) |
Kaule {f} [dated] | :: alternative form of Kuhle |
Kaulquappe {f} | :: tadpole, polliwog |
kaum {adv} | :: barely, hardly |
kaum {adv} | :: little |
Kaumberg {prop} {n} | :: Kaumberg (municipality) |
Kaunerberg {prop} {n} | :: Kaunerberg (municipality) |
Kaunertal {prop} {n} | :: Kaunertal (municipality/and/valley) |
Kauns {prop} | :: Kauns (municipality) |
kausal {adj} | :: causal |
Kausalität {f} | :: causality |
kausieren {v} [dated] | :: to cause |
kautelarjuristisch {adj} [legal] | :: pertaining to cautelary jurisprudence |
Kaution {f} [legal] | :: bail |
Kaution {f} [renting] | :: security deposit, damage deposit |
Kautsch {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Couch |
Kautschuk {m} | :: rubber, caoutchouc |
Kautschukindustrie {f} | :: rubber industry |
Kautzen {prop} {n} | :: Kautzen (municipality) |
Kauz {m} | :: owl; [specifically] strigid |
Kauz {m} | :: crank, odd fellow, codger |
Kavalier {m} [slightly, dated] | :: gentleman |
Kavalier {m} [dated, colloquial] | :: boyfriend; sweetheart of a girl |
Kavaliersdelikt {n} [law, colloquial] | :: petty offense, peccadillo |
Kavaliersschmerzen {mp} [colloquial] | :: blue balls |
Kavallerie {f} | :: cavalry |
Kaventsmann {m} | :: rogue wave |
Kaverne {f} | :: manmade cavern |
Kaviar {m} | :: caviar |
Kaviar {m} [paraphiliac slang, vulgar] | :: feces |
Kaviarlöffel {m} | :: caviar spoon |
Kavität {f} | :: cavity |
Kay {prop} | :: given name |
Kayser {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Kaiser |
Käyser {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Kaiser |
kayserlich {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of kaiserlich |
Kazike {m} [historical] | :: cacique |
Kb. {noun} [music] | :: abbreviation of Kontrabass |
KBC {adj} [weapons, DDR] | :: initialism of Kern-, biologische und chemische |
KBC-Waffen {p} [DDR] | :: NBC weapons |
Kea {m} | :: kea (bird of New Zealand) |
Kebab {n} | :: Kebab; any Oriental-style grilled meat, or a dish containing this |
kebbeln {vr} [regional, chiefly western Germany] | :: alternative form of kabbeln |
Kebse {f} | :: paramour, concubine |
Kebsweib {n} [dated] | :: paramour |
keck {adj} | :: sassy; cheeky (bold and spirited) |
Keckheit {f} | :: cheekiness |
Kees {n} | :: glacier (regional in Bavaria and parts of Austria for Gletscher) |
Kefe {f} [Swiss] | :: snow pea (Pisum sativum) |
Kefermarkt {prop} {n} | :: Kefermarkt (municipality) |
Kefir {m} | :: kefir |
Kegel {m} | :: skittle, ninepin, bowling pin; pin |
Kegel {m} [by extension] | :: any heap or peak of conical or pyramidal shape, especially of feces, hay, brushwood, of mountains and of the tip of a helmet |
Kegel {m} [mathematics] | :: cone |
Kegel {m} [obsolete] | :: ruffian, bastard (illegitimate son) |
Kegelbahn {f} | :: bowling alley |
kegelförmig {adj} | :: conical, cone-shaped |
kegeln {v} | :: to skittle, to bowl |
Kegelstumpf {m} | :: frustum of a cone, truncated cone (a cone with the tip cut off) |
Kegelverein {m} | :: bowling club |
Kehle {f} | :: throat |
kehlig {adj} | :: guttural, throaty |
Kehlkopf {m} [anatomy] | :: larynx |
Kehlkopf {m} [colloquial, totum pro parte] | :: Adam's apple |
Kehllaut {m} [phonetics] | :: A “throaty” consonant, i.e. one produced deep in the mouth: a uvular, pharyngeal, or glottal |
Kehllaut {m} [phonetics, strictly, less common] | :: synonym of Glottal or Kehlkopflaut |
Kehr {m} [Switzerland] | :: tour, rounds |
Kehre {f} | :: a U-turn |
kehren {v} | :: to sweep |
kehren {v} [archaic, still in Switzerland] | :: to turn (change the direction of movement) |
kehren {vr} | :: to care about |
Kehrer {m} | :: anyone and anything that performs the action of kehren |
Kehricht {m} {n} | :: dust, grime, soil spreading the ground in a flat fashion and attainable by the besom |
Kehricht {m} {n} [Switzerland] | :: garbage, trash in general |
Kehrmaschine {f} | :: street sweeper (vehicle) |
Kehrreim {m} [poetry, music] | :: chorus, refrain (repeated part of a song or poem) |
Kehrseite {f} | :: other side, contrary, flipside |
kehrtmachen {v} | :: to turn back |
Kehrtwende {f} [chiefly figuratively] | :: about-face |
Kehrwert {m} [math] | :: reciprocal |
keifen {v} | :: to rail or nag in a sharp voice (in such a way as, according to the stereotype, is typical of an enraged older woman) |
Keil {m} | :: a wedge |
Keil {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: a pile |
Keile {f} [colloquial] | :: beating |
Keile {f} | :: cotter |
Keiler {m} | :: a male wild boar |
Keiler {m} [Austria] | :: aggressive canvasser |
Keilerei {f} | :: a brawl; a beating; a melee |
keilförmig {adj} | :: cuneiform, wedge-shaped, V-shaped |
Keilinschrift {f} | :: cuneiform inscription |
Keilschrift {f} | :: cuneiform writing |
Keim {m} | :: germ |
Keim {m} | :: seed |
Keim {m} | :: sprout |
Keimbildner {noun} [physics] | :: nucleation agent |
Keimdrüse {f} [anatomy] | :: gonad |
keimen {v} | :: to sprout, germinate |
keimen {v} | :: to stir (e.g. hope) |
keimen {v} | :: to form (e.g. thought, decision) |
keimen {v} | :: to awaken (e.g. love, yearning) |
keimfrei {adj} | :: germfree, sterile, aseptic |
Keimling {m} | :: embryo |
Keimling {m} | :: seedling |
keimtötend {adj} | :: germicidal, antiseptic, antibacterial |
Keimzelle {f} [biology] | :: gamete |
kein {pron} | :: no; not a(n); not one; not any |
kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be outspoken; not to mince words; to call a spade a spade |
keine {art} | :: accusative and nominative feminine and plural forms of kein (not a) |
keine {pron} | :: none, not any, neither (feminine and plural form of keiner) |
keine Ahnung {phrase} | :: no idea |
keine Hand rühren {v} [idiom] | :: to not lift a finger |
keinen Finger rühren {v} [idiom] | :: to not lift a finger |
keinen Groschen wert sein {v} [idiom] | :: to not be worth a dime |
keinen Heller wert sein {v} [idiom] | :: to not be worth a dime |
keinen Pfennig wert sein {v} [idiom] | :: to not be worth a dime |
keinen Pfifferling wert sein {v} [idiom] | :: to not be worth a dime |
keiner {pron} | :: none |
keiner {pron} | :: no one, nobody |
keiner {pron} | :: neither |
keinerlei {adj} | :: no … whatsoever, no … at all |
keine Rolle spielen {idiom} | :: to not matter, to not be important |
keinesfalls {adv} | :: under no circumstances, no way |
keineswegs {adv} | :: in no way, by no means |
keine Ursache {interj} | :: Used to acknowledge thanks; you are welcome; ritual reply to “thank you”; literally: no cause (for it/that)! |
keine zehn Pferde {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: literally: no ten horses; wild horses |
kein Jota {adv} | :: not one iota; not a jot |
kein Kommentar {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: no comment |
keinmal {adv} | :: not once |
kein Problem {phrase} | :: no problem |
kein unbeschriebenes Blatt sein {v} [idiom] | :: to be a known quantity |
kein Wässerchen trüben können {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: wouldn't hurt a fly |
kein Wunder {adv} [idiomatic] | :: no wonder |
-keit {suffix} | :: alternative form of -heit |
Keiter {prop} | :: surname |
Keks {m} {n} | :: cookie [US], biscuit [UK] |
Keksdose {f} | :: cookie jar [US]; biscuit tin [UK] |
Keksteig {m} | :: cookie dough |
Kelch {m} | :: chalice |
Kelch {m} [botany] | :: calyx |
Kelchblatt {n} [botany] | :: sepal |
kelchförmig {adj} | :: caliciform, calyceal |
Kelle {f} | :: ladle (kitchen utensil) |
Kelle {f} | :: traffic paddle (Paddle-shaped signalling device used by police, traffic wardens, airport ground staff etc.) |
Kelle {f} | :: trowel (as used by builders) |
Keller {m} | :: cellar |
Keller {m} | :: basement |
Keller {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Kellerassel {f} | :: rough woodlouse (Porcellio scaber); [more generally] pill bug, woodlouse |
Kellerbier {n} | :: A kind of German beer which is typically neither clarified nor pasteurised |
Kellergeschoss {n} | :: basement |
Kellerkind {n} [colloquial] | :: socially disadvantaged child |
Kellerspeicher {m} | :: (computing) stack |
Kellerwirtschaft {f} | :: a restaurant, tavern, or pub located in a cellar |
Kellerwirtschaft {f} | :: wine production in the cellar, i.e. between harvest and bottling; the study thereof |
Kellner {m} | :: waiter (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kellnerin {f} | :: waitress, waiter (female) |
Kelte {m} | :: Celt |
Keltenkreuz {n} | :: Celtic cross |
Keltentum {n} | :: the culture, history, religion, and traditions of the Celtic peoples |
Kelter {m} | :: winepress |
keltern {v} | :: to press (to extract juice from fruits, especially grapes) |
Keltiberer {m} | :: Celtiberian (a male member of the Celtiberian people) |
Keltibererin {f} | :: Celtiberian (a female member of the Celtiberian people) |
keltiberisch {adj} | :: Celtiberian (related to the ancient Celtiberians) |
Keltiberisch {n} | :: Celtiberian (an extinct ancient language) |
keltisch {adj} | :: Celtic (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts) |
Keltisch {prop} {n} | :: The Celtic branch of languages |
keltischer {adj} | :: comparative of keltisch |
keltischsten {adj} | :: superlative of keltisch |
Kelvin {n} | :: kelvin (unit) |
Kemalismus {m} | :: Kemalism |
Kemeten {prop} {n} | :: Kemeten (municipality) |
Kempf {prop} | :: surname |
Kempten {prop} | :: Kempten (independent city) |
-ken {suffix} [colloquial, regional, northern Germany, Westphalia] | :: used to make diminutives |
Kenia {prop} {n} | :: Kenya |
Kenia {n} | :: short for Kenia-Koalition |
Kenia-Koalition {f} [politics] | :: a coalition of Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, and Greens (e.g. in Germany: CDU/CSU, SPD, Grüne; in Austria: ÖVP, SPÖ, Grüne) |
Kenianer {m} | :: Kenyan (A male person from Kenya or of Kenyan descent) |
Kenianerin {f} | :: Kenyan (female person from Kenya or of Kenyan descent) |
kenianisch {adj} | :: Kenyan (Of, from, or pertaining to Kenya or the Kenyan people) |
Kennelbach {prop} {n} | :: Kennelbach (municipality) |
kennen {vt} | :: to know; to be acquainted with; to be familiar with |
kennen gelernt {v} | :: past participle of kennen lernen |
kennengelernt {v} | :: past participle of kennenlernen |
kennen lernen {vt} | :: to get to know, become acquainted with (a person, place, thing); to befriend |
kennen lernen {vt} | :: to meet; introduce oneself to; to present |
kennenlernen {v} | :: alternative spelling of kennen lernen |
Kenner {m} | :: expert |
Kenner {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
kennerisch {adj} | :: knowledgeable |
kennerisch {adj} [Switzerland, otherwise rare] | :: expert |
Kenning {f} | :: kenning |
Kennleuchte {f} | :: marker light |
Kennmal {n} | :: feature, characteristic mark |
Kenntnis {f} | :: knowledge |
Kenntnis {f} | :: awareness |
Kenntnis {f} | :: science (knowledge gained through study or practice) |
Kennwort {n} | :: password |
Kennzahl {f} | :: ratio |
Kennzahl {f} | :: index, coefficient |
Kennzahl {f} | :: key figure [chiefly plural] |
Kennzeichen {n} | :: characteristic, mark |
Kennzeichen {n} | :: earmark, marking, tag |
Kennzeichen {n} [automotive] | :: registration identifier |
kennzeichnen {v} | :: to flag, to mark |
Kennzeichnung {f} | :: flagging, marking |
Kennzeichnung {f} [logic] | :: definite description |
kentern {v} [nautical] | :: to capsize |
Kepler {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Ker {interj} [colloquial, regional, Westphalia, especially, Ruhrgebiet] | :: man; jeez; expresses surprise, agitation, irritation |
Keramik {f} | :: ceramic, pottery |
Keramik {f} | :: ceramics |
Keramikglasur {f} | :: ceramic glaze |
keramisch {adj} | :: ceramic, pottery |
Keratin {n} | :: keratin (protein that hair and nails are made of) |
Kerbe {f} | :: dent, groove, nick, notch |
Kerbe {f} | :: kerf |
Kerbe {f} | :: bullseye (nautical) |
Kerbel {m} | :: garden chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) |
Kerbholz {n} | :: tally stick |
Kerbtier {n} [rare] | :: insect |
Kerf {m} [rare] | :: insect |
Kerker {m} | :: dungeon (underground prison or vault) |
Kerkerstrafe {f} | :: a punishment during imprisonment |
Kerkerstrafe {f} [Austria, dated officialese, otherwise colloquial] | :: imprisonment |
Kerl {m} | :: fellow, guy, chap, bloke |
Kerl {m} [obsolete] | :: freeman |
Kerlchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kerl |
Kerlchen {n} | :: little boy |
Kermesit {m} [mineral] | :: kermesite |
Kern {m} [also maths] | :: kernel |
Kern {m} | :: grain |
Kern {m} | :: core, nucleus |
Kern {m} [physics, chemistry] | :: nucleus |
Kern {m} | :: pit, pip, stone (of a fruit) |
Kernbaustein {m} [physics] | :: nuclear component (subatomic particle) |
Kernbeißer {m} | :: hawfinch |
Kernbindungsenergie {f} [physics] | :: nuclear binding energy |
Kernbrennstoff {m} | :: nuclear fuel |
Kernchemie {f} | :: nuclear chemistry |
Kernenergie {f} | :: nuclear energy |
Kernfamilie {f} | :: nuclear family (a family unit consisting of at most a father, mother and dependent children) |
Kernfusion {f} | :: nuclear fusion |
Kernfusionsanlage {f} | :: nuclear fusion plant |
Kernfusionsreaktor {m} | :: nuclear fusion reactor |
Kerngebiet {n} [geography] | :: core area, central area, core region, core zone, heartland |
Kerngebiet {n} [figuratively] | :: main area, core theme |
Kerngehäuse {n} | :: core of a fruit (like the apple core) |
kerngesund {adj} | :: very healthy, fit as a fiddle |
Kernikterus {m} [pathology] | :: kernicterus |
Kernisomer {n} [physics] | :: (nuclear) isomer |
Kernit {m} [mineral] | :: kernite |
Kernkraft {f} | :: nuclear power (power from nuclear reactions) |
Kernkraft {f} [physics] | :: nuclear force, nuclear interaction (strong interaction as well as weak interaction and nucleon-nucleon interaction) |
Kernkraftwerk {n} | :: nuclear power plant |
Kernladungszahl {f} | :: atomic number |
kernlos {adj} | :: seedless |
Kernmasse {f} [physics] | :: nuclear mass |
Kernmaterial {n} [physics] | :: nuclear material |
Kernöl {n} | :: seed oil |
Kernphysik {f} | :: nuclear physics (nuclear physics) |
kernphysikalisch {adj} | :: nuclear physics (attributive) |
Kernpunkt {m} | :: central point |
Kernreaktion {f} | :: nuclear reaction |
Kernreaktor {m} | :: nuclear reactor |
Kernreaktorunfall {m} | :: nuclear reactor accident |
Kernresonanz {f} | :: nuclear magnetic resonance |
Kernresonanzspektroskopie {f} | :: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
Kernschmelze {f} | :: nuclear meltdown |
Kernseife {f} [hygiene] | :: curd soap, hard soap |
Kernspaltung {f} [radioactivity] | :: nuclear fission |
Kernspin {noun} | :: MRI (abbreviation of Kernspinuntertomographie) |
Kernspinresonanz {f} [physics] | :: nuclear magnetic resonance |
Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie {f} | :: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
kernspintomografisch {adj} | :: MRI (attributive) |
Kernspintomograph {m} | :: MRI scanner |
Kernspintomographie {f} | :: MRI |
Kernstück {n} | :: centerpiece |
Kerntechnik {f} | :: nuclear technology / engineering |
Kernthema {n} | :: core topic, key issue, core subject, central theme |
Kernverschmelzung {f} [physics] | :: nuclear fusion |
Kernwaffe {f} | :: nuclear weapon |
Kernwaffentest {m} | :: nuclear weapon test |
Kernwaffenversuch {m} | :: nuclear weapon test |
Kerosin {n} | :: kerosene as fuel for airplanes |
Kerstin {prop} | :: given name |
Kertsch {prop} {n} | :: Kertsch (a <<city>> on the <<pen:Suf/Kerch>> in eastern <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>) |
Kerwe {f} [regional, Hessia, Palatinate] | :: synonym of Kirchweih |
Kerzchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kerze |
Kerze {f} | :: candle |
Kerzenfisch {m} | :: eulachon, hooligan, ooligan, or candlefish (Thaleichthys pacificus) |
Kerzenflamme {f} | :: candle flame |
kerzengerade {adj} | :: bolt upright |
kerzengrade {adj} | :: alternative form of kerzengerade |
Kerzenhalter {m} | :: candlestick |
Kerzenlicht {n} | :: candlelight |
Kerzenständer {m} | :: candle holder, candle bearer |
Kerzlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kerze |
Kescher {m} | :: hand net |
kess {adj} | :: saucy, cheeky |
Kessel {m} | :: a solid metal container or pot, often large, used to boil liquids: a kettle, cauldron, boiler, etc |
Kessel {m} [military, hunting] | :: an area in which the enemy (or game) is encircled; a pocket or besieged area (by extension also the siege itself) |
Kessel {m} [hunting] | :: the lair of certain animals such as fox, badger, rabbit, and wild boar |
Kesselchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kessel |
Kesselhaus {n} | :: boilerhouse |
Kesselring {prop} | :: surname |
Kesselschlacht {f} | :: battle of encirclement, cauldron battle |
Kesselstein {m} | :: scale |
Kesselwagen {m} | :: tanker (road vehicle), tank wagon |
kesser {adj} | :: comparative of kess |
kessesten {adj} | :: superlative of kess |
Kestel {prop} | :: surname |
Ketchup {m} {n} | :: ketchup |
Ketogruppe {f} [organic chemistry] | :: keto group (functional group) |
Keton {n} [organic chemistry] | :: ketone |
Ketschup {m} {n} [proscribed] | :: alternative form of Ketchup |
Kettchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kette |
Kette {f} | :: chain (series of interconnected rings, usually of metal) |
Kette {f} | :: necklace, bracelet, anklet (thin chain worn as jewelry) |
Kette {f} [often plural] | :: chain, shackle, fetter (chain used to bind a person or animal) |
Kette {f} [figurative] | :: chain, series (number of following items or events) |
Kette {f} [figurative] | :: chain of businesses; company with several chain stores |
ketten {v} | :: to chain |
Ketten {prop} {n} | :: Ketten (village) |
Kettenblatt {n} | :: chainring |
kettenförmig {adj} | :: catenary, chainlike |
kettenförmig {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aliphatic |
Kettenhemd {n} | :: coat of mail |
Kettenhund {m} | :: guard dog, watchdog, bandog |
Kettenmolekül {n} [chemistry] | :: chain molecule |
Kettenraucher {m} | :: chain smoker |
Kettenreaktion {f} | :: chain reaction |
Kettensäge {f} | :: chainsaw (saw with a power driven chain) |
Kettenschutz {m} | :: chain guard |
-kettig {suffix} | :: Used to form adjectives to describe molecules which contain specified kinds of chains |
Kettlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kette |
Ketwurst {f} | :: A dish invented in the German Democratic Republic in the late 1970s made by sticking a sausage with ketchup into a specially prepared bread roll, similar to a hot dog |
Ketzer {m} [Christianity] | :: heretic (male or of unspecified sex) |
Ketzerei {f} [Christianity] | :: heresy |
Ketzerin {f} [Christianity] | :: heretic (female) |
ketzerisch {adj} | :: heretical (contrary to the teachings of the Catholic church) |
ketzerisch {adj} | :: heretical (contrary to mainstream or accepted opinion) |
keuchen {v} | :: to gasp |
keuchen {v} | :: to pant |
Keuchhusten {m} | :: whooping cough |
Keule {f} | :: club (weapon or for juggling) |
Keule {f} | :: pestle |
Keule {f} | :: leg (of animal, eaten as meat) |
Keule {f} [colloquial, regional] | :: dude, mate |
keulen {v} [sick animals] | :: to cull |
keulenartig {adj} | :: clublike |
Keulenschlag {m} [literally] | :: blow with a club |
Keulenschlag {m} [figuratively] | :: terrible event; thunderbolt |
Keulung {f} [sick animals] | :: culling |
keusch {adj} [religion] | :: chaste; sexually pure (abstaining from any sexual activity considered immoral, or from any sexual activity at all) |
Keuschheit {f} | :: chastity |
Keuschheitsgürtel {m} | :: chastity belt |
Kevin {prop} | :: given name recently borrowed from English |
Keyboard {n} [music] | :: keyboard (electronic musical instrument with keys of a musical keyboard) |
Keyser {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Kaiser |
keyserlich {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of kaiserlich |
Keyword-Driven Testing {n} [seldom, software testing] | :: keyword-driven testing |
K-Frage {f} [colloquial, German politics] | :: short for Kanzlerkandidatenfrage |
K-Frage {f} [by extension, sports, humorous] | :: short for Kapitänfrage |
Kfz. {n} | :: alternative form of KFZ; abbreviation of Kraftfahrzeug |
Kfz {n} | :: alternative spelling of KFZ |
KFZ {n} | :: motor vehicle (any land-based means of transportation) |
Kfz-Kennzeichen {n} | :: [short for Kraftfahrzeugkennzeichen] license plate, number plate |
KG {noun} | :: abbreviation of Kellergeschoss |
KG {noun} | :: abbreviation of Kammergericht |
KG {noun} | :: abbreviation of Kommanditgesellschaft |
kgV {n} [mathematics] | :: abbreviation of kleinstes gemeinsames Vielfaches |
khaki {adj} [indeclinable] | :: khaki (color) |
khakifarben {adj} | :: alternative form of kakifarben |
Khan {m} | :: khan |
Khanat {n} | :: khanate |
Khartum {prop} {n} | :: Khartum (capital) |
KI {f} | :: AI, (short for künstliche Intelligenz) |
Kiba {m} | :: cherry banana juice, a nonalcoholic mixed drink |
Kibbuz {m} | :: kibbutz (a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture) |
Kibibyte {n} | :: kibibyte (1,024 bytes) |
Kichererbse {f} | :: chickpea |
kichern {v} | :: to giggle, snicker |
Kichern {n} | :: giggle, snicker |
Kick {m} | :: thrill; kick |
Kick {m} | :: a kick, a strike with the foot, chiefly in the context of martial arts |
Kick {m} | :: a football match (sometimes neutral, but especially one were both teams are uninspired and inept) |
kicken {vti} | :: to kick (strike with one’s foot; usually in the context of sports) |
kicken {vi} | :: to play football (soccer) |
kicken {vt} | :: to kick (remove someone from an online activity) |
Kicker {m} [football, colloquial] | :: soccer player [US], footballer, football player [UK] (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kicker {m} [ball games] | :: placekicker (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kicker {m} | :: foosball table [US], football table [UK] |
Kicker {m} | :: alternative form of Kickern |
kidnappen {v} [colloquial] | :: to abduct, kidnap |
Kidnapper {m} [colloquially] | :: kidnapper |
Kidneybohne {f} | :: kidney bean (variety of common bean) |
kiebig {adj} [regional] | :: irritable, quarrelous, cantankerous |
Kiebitz {m} | :: northern lapwing [Vanellus vanellus] |
Kiebitz {m} | :: any bird of the Vanellus subfamily of medium-sized wading birds belonging to the family Charadriidae |
Kiebitz {m} | :: a type of ultralight airplane, Platzer Kiebitz |
Kiebitz {m} | :: a type of biplane, Focke Wulf S 24 Kiebitz |
Kiebitz {m} | :: kibitz, kibitzer: person who watches a card or chess game, often disturbing those playing |
Kiebitz {prop} {m} | :: a natural recreational area around the lake Kiebitz in Brandenburg, Germany |
Kiefer {f} | :: pine (tree of genus Pinus) |
Kiefer {m} {n} | :: jaw |
Kiefergelenk {n} [anatomy] | :: temporomandibular joint |
Kiefergelenkserkrankung {f} [pathology] | :: temporomandibular joint dysfunction |
kiefern {adj} | :: pine (wood, attributive) |
kiefernartig {adj} | :: pinelike |
Kiefernholz {n} | :: pinewood (The wood of a pine tree.) |
Kiefernnadel {f} | :: pine needle |
Kiefernwald {m} | :: pinewood (A forest or grove of pine trees.) |
Kiefernwäldchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kiefernwald |
Kiefernzapfen {m} | :: pine cone |
Kiefernzweig {m} | :: pine branch |
kieken {v} [colloquial, regional, Northern Germany, particularly north-east] | :: to look; to glance |
Kiel {m} | :: keel (beam at the underside of a ship) |
Kiel {m} | :: quill (shaft of a feather) |
Kiel {prop} {n} | :: Kiel (city) |
Kielburger {prop} | :: surname |
Kieler {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Kiel |
kielholen {v} [nautical, historical] | :: to keelhaul |
kielholen {v} [nautical] | :: to careen |
Kielnagelgalago {m} | :: needle-clawed bushbaby, one of two species in the genus Euoticus |
Kielschwein {n} [nautical] | :: keelson |
Kielwasser {n} | :: wake |
Kieme {f} [fish organ] | :: gill |
Kien {m} | :: resinous wood, fit for firing |
Kiens {prop} | :: Kiens (municipality) |
Kienspan {m} | :: fatwood |
Kiepe {f} | :: a large wicker basket, typically to be carried on the back |
Kies {m} | :: gravel; shingle (small pebbles collectively) |
Kies {m} | :: ore (technical language), containing sulphur or arsenic, being hard in consistency and hard to break apart, bright in color and with strong metallic brilliance |
Kies {m} [slang] | :: dosh, dough |
Kiesel {m} | :: pebble |
Kieselalge {f} | :: diatom |
Kieselerde {f} [uncountable] | :: silica |
Kieselerde {f} | :: diatomaceous earth |
Kieselsäure {f} [inorganic compound] | :: silicic acid, silica |
kieselsäurehaltig {adj} | :: siliceous |
Kieselstein {m} | :: pebble (stone) |
kiesen {vt} [archaic, partly obsolete] | :: to choose; to select |
Kieserit {m} [mineral] | :: kieserite |
kieshaltig {adj} | :: gravely |
kiesig {adj} | :: gravely, pebbly |
Kiew {prop} {n} | :: Kiew (capital city) |
Kiez {m} [East Germany, Berlin] | :: neighbourhood, quarter (of a city) |
Kiez {m} [North Germany, Hamburg] | :: red-light district, nightclub district |
Kiezdeutsch {n} | :: a variety of German spoken in ethnically diverse urban neighbourhoods (vernacular variety of German) |
kiffen {v} | :: to smoke marijuana |
Kiffer {m} [colloquial] | :: one who smokes marijuana, especially regularly; a pothead, stoner |
Kifferin {f} | :: a female pothead or stoner, woman consuming marijuana |
kikeriki {interj} | :: cock-a-doodle-doo (the cry of the rooster) |
Kilb {prop} {n} | :: Kilb (municipality) |
Kilian {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Kilimandscharo {prop} {m} | :: Kilimanjaro |
Kilima-Ndscharo {prop} {m} | :: obsolete form of Kilimandscharo |
kille, kille {interj} [colloquial, regional] | :: used when tickling someone |
killen {v} [nautical] | :: to shiver |
killen {v} [slang] | :: to frag, kill |
Killer {m} [colloquial] | :: A killer, murderer (male or of unspecified sex) (usually either a paid killer, contract killer, gunman, hitman or a serial killer, often in proper nouns, e.g., in tabloids) |
Killer {m} [colloquial] | :: an ink eradicator, ink eraser |
Killerin {f} | :: A paid killer or contract killer, murderer (female), gunwoman, hitwoman |
killern {v} [colloquial, regional] | :: to tickle |
killern {v} [colloquial] | :: to erase ink with an ink eraser |
Killerspiel {n} | :: derogative term for action computer games, especially first-person shooters, in which the main objective is killing, mainly used by people who want that kind of games to be banned |
kilo- {prefix} | :: kilo- |
Kilo {n} | :: kilo |
Kilobyte {n} | :: kilobyte (1024 bytes) |
Kiloelektronenvolt {n} | :: kiloelectronvolt |
Kilogramm {n} | :: kilogram (unit of mass equal to 1000 grams) |
Kilojoule {n} | :: kilojoule |
Kilometer {m} | :: kilometer (unit of measure) |
Kilometergeld {n} | :: mileage allowance, kilometric allowance |
kilometerhoch {adj} | :: kilometre-high |
kilometerlang {adj} | :: kilometre-long |
Kilometerstand {m} | :: kilometrage |
Kilometerstand {m} | :: odometer reading |
Kilometerstein {m} | :: milestone (marked with kilometer units) |
Kilometerzähler {m} | :: odometer |
Kiloparsec {n} | :: kiloparsec |
Kilowatt {n} | :: kilowatt |
Kilowattstunde {f} | :: (unit) kilowatt-hour (kWh) |
Kilt {m} | :: kilt |
kiltbekleidet {adj} [rare] | :: kilted, bekilted |
Kim {prop} | :: given name |
Kim {prop} | :: given name |
Kimberlit {m} [mineral] | :: kimberlite |
Kimme {f} | :: a notch, particularly in the sight of a firearm |
Kimme {f} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: crack (space between the buttocks) |
kimmerisch {adj} | :: Cimmerian [all senses] |
Kinase {f} [enzyme] | :: kinase |
kinästhetisch {adj} | :: kinesthetic |
Kind {n} | :: kid; child (young person) |
Kind {n} | :: child; offspring (person with regard to his or her parents; also a baby animal or young animal, especially as the second component in numerous compound nouns) |
Kindberg {prop} {n} | :: Kindberg (municipality) |
Kindbett {n} [medicine] | :: puerperium |
Kindchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kind |
Kindelbier {n} [southern Germany, Lower Saxony, somewhat archaic] | :: baptism; the ceremony of consuming beer to mark a baptism |
Kindelein {n} [archaic] | :: diminutive of Kind |
Kinderarzt {m} | :: paediatrician [UK], pediatrician [US] (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kinderärztin {f} | :: pediatrician (female) |
Kinderbetreuung {f} | :: childcare |
Kinderbuch {n} | :: children's book |
Kinderehe {f} | :: child marriage |
Kinderfahrrad {n} | :: Children bycicle (a bycicle adapted for children's necessities) |
Kinderfeindlichkeit {f} | :: Official/institutionalized hostility or coldness towards children; kinderfeindlichkeit |
Kinderficker {m} [vulgar, offensive] | :: person who has sex with a child |
Kinderfrau {f} | :: nanny |
Kindergarten {m} | :: nursery school; kindergarten; day care center (institution where children below school age play and are looked after during the day) |
Kindergartenkind {n} | :: kindergartner |
Kindergartenpädagoge {m} [Austria] | :: kindergarten teacher that has completed a degree in early childhood education |
Kindergartenpädagoge {m} [dated] | :: academic in the early childhood education field |
Kindergärtner {m} | :: kindergarten teacher, kindergartner (kindergartener) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kindergeld {n} | :: child benefit (state payment to people with children) |
Kinderheim {n} | :: children's home, protectory, orphanage |
Kinderkrankheit {f} | :: childhood disease |
Kinderkrankheit {f} [idiomatic] | :: teething problem |
Kinder, Küche, Kirche {phrase} [literally] | :: "children, kitchen, church"; the traditional woman's realm |
Kinderlähmung {f} | :: polio, poliomyelitis |
kinderleicht {adj} | :: dead easy, child's play (attributive) |
Kinderlied {n} | :: nursery rhyme |
kinderlos {adj} | :: childless |
Kinderlosigkeit {f} | :: childlessness |
Kindermädchen {n} [dated] | :: nanny (female) (cf. männliches Kindermädchen) |
Kindermesser {n} | :: A kitchen knife specifically designed to be used by children |
Kindermord {m} | :: infanticide, child murder |
Kindermörder {m} | :: child murderer |
Kindermund {m} | :: child's mouth |
Kindermund tut Wahrheit kund {proverb} | :: out of the mouths of babes comes truth |
Kinderrad {n} | :: clipping of Kinderfahrrad |
Kinderschänder {m} | :: child molester, child abuser (one who performs sexual acts on a minor) |
Kinderschänderin {f} | :: female Kinderschänder |
Kinderschuh {m} | :: children's shoe |
Kinderschwester {f} | :: nanny |
Kindersoldat {m} | :: child soldier |
Kinderspiel {n} | :: children’s game |
Kinderspiel {n} [figuratively] | :: child’s play, piece of cake |
Kinderspital {n} | :: A children's hospital |
Kindersprache {f} [linguistics] | :: child language, childspeak |
Kindersterblichkeit {f} | :: child mortality |
Kinderstube {f} | :: nursery |
Kinderstube {f} | :: manners |
Kindertagesstätte {f} | :: day care center; nursery school; kindergarten [for preschool children] |
Kindertransport {m} | :: The transportation of children |
Kindertransport {m} [historical] | :: The organized rescue of (predominantly Jewish) children from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Free City of Danzig, placing them in British foster homes, shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War |
Kinderwagen {m} | :: a carriage for a baby or small child, especially a pram [UK] or baby carriage [US], but also a pushchair [UK] or stroller [US] |
Kinderwunsch {m} | :: wish or desire to have children |
Kinderwurst {f} [colloquial] | :: a kind of Fleischwurst sausage from finely ground meat scraps which is similar to mortadella without the fat cubes; contains a high amount of gelatin to give a soft, moist texture that makes it appealing to children |
Kinderzeit {f} | :: childhood |
Kinderzimmer {n} | :: child's room, children's room, nursery |
Kindeskind {n} | :: grandchild |
Kindesnot {f} [often plural] | :: labour, travail |
Kindeswohl {n} [uncountable] | :: children’s well-being (preservation of the physical and mental integrity and sufficient support (for the development) of a child) |
kindgemäß {adj} | :: child-friendly (suitable for children) |
kindgerecht {adj} | :: child-friendly (suitable for children) |
Kindheit {f} | :: childhood |
kindisch {adj} | :: childish |
kindischer {adj} | :: comparative of kindisch |
kindischsten {adj} | :: superlative of kindisch |
Kindklasse {f} [software, object-oriented] | :: synonym of Unterklasse |
Kindlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kind |
kindlich {adj} | :: childlike |
Kindstod {m} | :: cot death, crib death, sudden infant death syndrome (unexplained death of a baby, usually while sleeping) |
Kinematograph {m} | :: kinematograph |
kinematographisch {adj} | :: cinematographic |
Kinetik {f} | :: kinetics |
kinetisch {adj} | :: kinetic |
Kinkel {prop} | :: surname |
Kinn {n} | :: chin |
Kinnbacke {f} [Southern German] | :: jowl, mandible |
Kinnbart {m} | :: the portion of the beard on the chin, especially (but not exclusively) when trimmed in the form of a goatee |
Kinnlade {f} | :: jaw, lower jaw, mandible |
Kino {n} | :: cinema |
Kinobesucher {m} | :: moviegoer, cinemagoer |
Kinofassung {f} [cinematography] | :: theatrical version |
Kiosk {m} | :: kiosk |
Kiosk {m} | :: convenience store |
Kipfel {n} | :: alternative spelling of Kipfl |
Kipfl {n} [regional, Unterfranken, Bavaria, Austria] | :: croissant |
Kippa {f} | :: kippah (also called: yarmulke, skullcap) (Jewish head covering) |
Kippah {f} | :: alternative spelling of Kippa |
Kippe {f} | :: stub, butt (remnant of a smoked cigarette) |
Kippe {f} [colloquial] | :: cigarette |
Kippe {f} | :: dump (pile of refuse) |
Kippe {f} [chiefly in auf der Kippe] | :: spot where something is tilted or tips over |
Kippelement {m} | :: tipping element |
kippeln {v} | :: to wobble |
kippen {vt} [auxiliary haben] | :: to tilt |
kippen {vt} [auxiliary haben] | :: to dump; to pour |
kippen {vi} [auxiliary sein] | :: to tip over |
Kipper {m} | :: dumper |
Kipper {m} | :: kipper |
Kipper {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Kirche {f} | :: church (building) |
Kirche {f} | :: church (organised religion, especially Catholicism) |
Kirche {f} [obsolete] | :: an assembly |
Kirchelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kirche |
Kirchenasyl {n} | :: church asylum |
Kirchenbank {f} | :: pew (a bench in a church, often long and wooden, and (especially in Catholic churches) with a protrusion at the back which serves as a kneeler for the next row) |
Kirchenbann {m} | :: anathema |
Kirchenfenster {n} [architecture] | :: church window, stained glass window |
Kirchenfürst {m} | :: church leader |
Kirchengemeinde {f} | :: parish |
Kirchengemeinde {f} | :: parish church or its congregation |
Kirchengestühl {n} | :: pews |
Kirchenlatein {n} | :: Ecclesiastical Latin (language), Church Latin |
kirchenlateinisch {adj} | :: Church Latin |
Kirchenmaus {m} | :: mouse (living) in a church [nearly exclusively used in the idiom arm wie eine Kirchenmaus] |
Kirchenmusiker {m} | :: church musician (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kirchenorgel {f} [music] | :: church organ |
Kirchenpolitik {f} | :: policy (of a state) towards the or a church |
Kirchenprovinz {f} | :: an ecclesiastical province |
Kirchenschiff {n} [architecture] | :: nave |
kirchenslawisch {adj} | :: Church Slavonic |
Kirchenstaat {m} [historical, with definite article] | :: the Papal States |
Kirchenstaat {m} [uncommon, with definite article] | :: Vatican City |
Kirchenstaat {m} [by extension] | :: state controlled by a church, theocracy |
Kirchensteuer {f} | :: church tax |
Kirchenvater {m} | :: Church Father (authoritative Christian author) |
Kirchgänger {m} | :: churchgoer |
Kirchham {prop} {n} | :: Kirchham (municipality) |
Kirchham {prop} {n} | :: A municipality in Lower Bavaria, Germany |
Kirchhof {m} [dated, regional, Northern Germany] | :: graveyard |
Kirchhoff {prop} | :: surname |
Kirchlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kirche |
kirchlich {adj} | :: ecclesiastical, ecclesiastic |
kirchlicher {adj} | :: comparative of kirchlich |
kirchlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of kirchlich |
Kirchner {prop} | :: surname |
Kirchschlag {prop} {n} | :: Kirchschlag (municipality) |
Kirchstetten {prop} {n} | :: Kirchstetten (municipality) |
Kirchturm {m} [architecture] | :: steeple |
Kirchturmpolitik {f} | :: parish pump politics |
Kirchturmuhr {f} | :: church tower clock |
Kirchweih {f} | :: fair, fête |
Kirchweihe {f} [Catholicism] | :: dedication |
Kirgise {m} | :: Kyrgyz (man from Kyrgyzstan) |
Kirgisien {prop} {n} | :: alternative form of Kirgisistan |
Kirgisin {f} | :: Kyrgyz (woman from Kyrgyzstan) |
kirgisisch {adj} | :: Kyrgyz (of, from, or pertaining to Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz people or the Kyrgyz language) |
Kirgisisch {prop} {n} | :: Kyrgyz (language) |
Kirgisistan {prop} {n} | :: Kyrgyzstan |
Kirgistan {prop} {n} | :: alternative form of Kirgisistan |
Kiribati {prop} {n} | :: Kiribati |
kiribatisch {adj} | :: Kiribatian (of, from, or pertaining to Kiribati) |
Kirmes {f} [regional] | :: fair, funfair |
Kirn {prop} {n} | :: Kirn (municipality) |
kirre {adj} | :: tame |
kirre {adj} | :: crazy |
Kirschbaum {m} | :: cherry tree |
Kirschblüte {f} | :: cherry blossom |
Kirsche {f} | :: cherry |
Kirsche {f} [colloquial, possibly, regional] | :: a ball, especially a football |
Kirsche {f} [slang] | :: bullet |
Kirschenwasser {n} | :: alternative form of Kirschwasser |
Kirschkern {m} | :: cherry pit, cherry stone |
Kirschkuchen {m} | :: cherry pie, cherry cake cherry tart |
Kirschpflaume {f} | :: cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera) |
kirschrot {adj} | :: cherry red |
Kirschwasser {n} | :: A distilled spirit made from cherries, usually of the variety Cerasus avium; kirsch |
Kirsten {prop} | :: given name of Danish and Norwegian origin |
Kissen {n} | :: cushion; pillow (bag filled with soft material used to sit or rest one’s head on) |
Kissen {n} [by extension, in the plural] | :: all the soft parts of a bed, i.e. mattress, duvet, and pillow collectively |
Kissenschlacht {f} | :: pillow fight |
Kistchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kiste |
Kiste {f} | :: chest, box |
Kiste {f} [colloquial] | :: bed, sleeping furniture |
Kiste {f} [colloquial] | :: old banger, hooptie |
Kiste {f} [colloquial] | :: television set |
Kiste {f} [colloquial] | :: computer tower |
Kiste {f} [colloquial, regional] | :: affair, matter |
Kiste {f} [colloquial, now uncommon] | :: coffin wherein one is interred |
Kiste {f} [colloquial, uncommon] | :: fundament, buttocks |
Kistlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kiste |
Kisuaheli {prop} {n} | :: Swahili (language) |
Kita {f} | :: day care center |
Kitsch {m} [derogatory] | :: kitsch |
Kitsche {f} [regional, Western Germany] | :: core of a fruit, e.g. an apple or a pear (left over after eating or cutting it) |
kitschig {adj} | :: kitschy, corny |
Kitt {m} | :: putty |
Kitt {m} | :: cement |
Kittchen {n} [colloquial] | :: jail, gaol |
Kittel {m} | :: overall, smock; white coat |
Kittelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kittel |
Kittelschürze {f} | :: sleeveless smock (adult garment, typically worn by older women for housework tasks and cleaning) |
kitten {v} | :: to putty, to cement |
Kittsee {prop} {n} | :: Kittsee (municipality) |
Kitz {n} | :: fawn (a baby deer, goat, chamois or ibex) |
Kitzbühel {prop} {n} | :: Kitzbühel (municipality) |
Kitzel {n} {m} | :: titillation |
Kitzel {n} {m} | :: thrill |
kitzelig {adj} | :: alternative spelling of kitzlig |
kitzeln {v} | :: to tickle |
Kitzler {m} | :: agent noun of kitzeln; tickler |
Kitzler {m} [slang] | :: clit, clitoris |
kitzlig {adj} | :: ticklish |
Kiwi {m} | :: kiwi (bird) |
Kiwi {f} | :: kiwi (fruit) |
Kjeldahlsch {adj} | :: Kjeldahl (attributive) |
Kl. {noun} [music] | :: abbreviation of Klarinette |
KL {noun} | :: abbreviation of Konzentrationslager |
Klabautermann {m} [nautical] | :: Klabautermann (a two-faced goblin believed to be both helpful and inauspicious to a ship's crew) |
Klabusterbeere {f} [slang] | :: dingleberry (US English) / clingon (British English) (dried fecal matter adhering to anal hair) |
Klacks {m} | :: something unimportant or easy |
Klacks {m} | :: blob, dab |
Kladde {f} | :: notebook, writing pad |
Kladde {f} [military] | :: notebook used as a register during collective target practices (of ammunition spent as well as participants’ results) |
Kladderadatsch {m} [colloquial] | :: chaos; junk, stuff |
klaffen {v} | :: to gape |
klaffen {v} | :: to yawn |
kläffen {v} | :: to yap |
Klaffmuschel {f} | :: clam |
Klafter {m} {n} {f} [historical] | :: fathom (regionally dependent unit of length approximately equal to 1.90 meters) |
Klafter {m} {n} {f} [historical] | :: regionally dependent unit of volume approximately equal to 3 cubic meters |
Klage {f} | :: complaint |
Klage {f} | :: lawsuit, action, charge |
klageberechtigt {adj} [legal] | :: Having the right to prosecute |
Klagelied {n} | :: lament, lamentation |
Klagemauer {f} | :: Wailing Wall, Western Wall, Kotel in Jerusalem |
klagen {v} | :: to complain (to express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment) |
klagen {v} | :: to wail, lament |
klagen {v} [legal] | :: to sue |
klagend {adj} | :: wailing, complaining, lamenting, bewailing |
Kläger {m} | :: plaintiff (male or of unspecified sex) (party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant) |
Klägerin {f} | :: feminine noun of Kläger |
Klageweib {n} | :: female professional mourner |
kläglich {adj} | :: pitiful, pathetic; miserable |
kläglich {adj} | :: despicable, deplorable |
klaglos {adj} | :: uncomplaining |
klaglos {adj} [legal] | :: non-actionable |
Klam {prop} {n} | :: Klam (municipality) |
klamm {adj} | :: clammy |
klamm {adj} | :: cash-strapped |
Klamm {f} | :: ravine (valley or gorge worn by running water) |
Klammer {f} | :: clamp |
Klammer {f} | :: bracket, parenthesis, , , () and the like characters |
Klammer {f} [orthodontics] | :: braces |
Klammeraffe {m} | :: spider monkey [Ateles] |
Klammeraffe {m} [jocular] | :: stapler (device which binds together sheets of paper) |
Klammeraffe {m} | :: at sign (@) |
klammern {v} | :: to cling |
klammheimlich {adj} | :: clandestine (done or kept in secret) |
Klamotte {f} [colloquial, in the plural] | :: clothes, outfit, wardrobe, gear |
Klamotte {f} [colloquial] | :: a piece of junk, useless stuff |
Klamotte {f} [colloquial] | :: lowbrow film or play |
Klamotte {f} [dialectal, regional] | :: piece of brick; broken brick |
Klampfe {f} [colloquial] | :: guitar |
Klampfe {f} [Austria] | :: clamp (tool) |
Klan {m} | :: alternative spelling of Clan |
klandestin {adj} | :: clandestine |
Klang {m} | :: sound, tone |
Klang {m} | :: tune, melody |
Klang {m} | :: reputation |
Klangbild {n} | :: sound, sound pattern (A distinctive style and sonority of a particular musician, orchestra etc.) |
Klangfarbe {f} | :: timbre (sound quality/colour) |
Klanglehre {f} | :: acoustics (science of sounds) |
Klangtiefe {f} | :: depth of sound |
klangvoll {adj} | :: sonorous |
klappbar {adj} | :: foldable, collapsible |
Klappe {f} | :: flap, every technical or natural implement that is bound in front of something or a body part of someone or a beast to obstruct leakage or immissions in either direction and is removed under preintended conditions |
Klappe {f} | :: ellipsis of Schiffsklappe |
Klappe {f} | :: any technical piece of equipment bound in front of a beast to obstruct its movement or vision, as a muzzle or twitch or barnacle (tendentially a muzzle, while a twitch preferredly bears the form Kluppe or Knuppe) |
Klappe {f} [rude] | :: gob, mouth |
Klappe {f} [gay slang] | :: cottage, tea room (public toilet or similar place used by men seeking sex with other men, for cottaging) |
Klappe {f} [obsolete] | :: whip, scourge |
Klappe {f} | :: ellipsis of Fliegenklappe |
Klappe {f} | :: [obsolete] buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata); also Ziegenklappe and both as a plurale tantum |
klappen {vi} | :: to clap (make a soft clapping sound, particularly of something being closed) |
klappen {vt} | :: to fold; to flip; to bend (to close or open a hinge) |
klappen {vi} [chiefly colloquial] | :: to work (out) |
Klappentext {m} | :: blurb, back cover copy |
Klappentext {m} | :: [sensu stricto] flap copy (on the inside flap of a book's dustjacket) |
Klapper {f} | :: rattle, cog ratchet |
klapperig {adj} | :: alternative spelling of klapprig |
klappern {v} | :: to clatter (make a rattling or clapping sound) |
Klapperschlange {f} | :: rattlesnake |
Klappertopf {m} | :: rattle, any plant of the genus Rhinanthus |
Klapprad {n} | :: folding bicycle; collapsible bicycle |
klapprig {adj} | :: rattly, ramshackle |
Klappspaten {m} | :: entrenching tool (short shovel) |
Klappstuhl {m} | :: folding chair |
Klaproth {prop} | :: surname |
Klaproth {prop} | :: Martin Heinrich Klaproth, German chemist |
Klaps {m} | :: clap (sound) |
Klapse {f} [colloquial] | :: loony bin |
klapsen {v} | :: to clap |
klapsen {v} | :: to slap |
Klapsmühle {f} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: loony bin |
klar {adj} | :: clear; transparent; bright |
klar {adj} | :: clear; unambiguous; understood |
klar {adv} [colloquial] | :: obviously, surely |
klar {interj} | :: okay!; sure!; all right! |
klar {interj} [sarcastically] | :: yeah, right! (sarcastic expression of disbelief) |
Klara {prop} | :: given name |
Kläranlage {f} | :: wastewater treatment plant |
klären {v} | :: to clarify, free from obscurities |
klären {v} | :: to clarify, remove contaminants |
klargestellt {v} | :: past participle of klarstellen |
Klarheit {f} | :: clarity |
Klarheit {f} | :: brightness, glory |
Klarheit {f} | :: lucidity |
Klarheit {f} | :: serenity |
Klarheit {f} | :: clarification |
Klarinette {f} | :: clarinet |
Klarinettenkonzert {n} | :: clarinet concerto (musical composition) |
Klarinettist {m} | :: clarinetist (musician) |
Klarinettistin {f} | :: clarinetist (female musician) |
klarkommen {v} [colloquial] | :: to cope; to come to terms, to deal with, to manage, to get along, to get on, to get by |
klarlegen {v} | :: to explain [clearly] |
klarmachen {vt} | :: to make clear |
klarmachen {vt} | :: to get ready (a ship) |
klarmachen {vt} | :: to clear (an airplane) |
klarmachen {vt} [derb] | :: to seduce, to get into the bed |
Klarname {m} | :: real name |
klarspülen {v} | :: to rinse |
klarstellen {v} | :: to get (something) straight, to put (something) straight, to clarify |
Klarstellung {f} | :: clarification |
Klartext {m} | :: cleartext |
Klartext {m} | :: straight talk |
Klartraum {m} | :: lucid dream |
Klärung {f} | :: clarification |
Klärung {f} [of waste water] | :: treatment |
klasse {adj} [colloquial] | :: great, awesome |
Klasse {f} | :: a class; a grouping |
Klasse {f} [school] | :: form; grade; year |
Klasse {f} [sociology, economics] | :: class (grouping based on upbringing, job, wealth, etc.) |
Klasse {f} [object-oriented programming] | :: class |
Klasse {f} | :: class; excellence |
Klassenarbeit {f} [school] | :: written class test, exam |
Klassenerhalt {m} [sports] | :: staying up (in the same league or class) |
Klassenkamerad {m} [formal] | :: classmate |
Klassenkameradin {f} | :: A female classmate |
Klassenkampf {m} | :: class struggle |
Klassenlehrer {m} | :: form tutor; form master (teacher who is responsible for a particular form) |
klassenlos {adj} | :: classless |
Klassenpfad {m} [programming in Java] | :: classpath |
Klassentreffen {n} | :: class reunion |
Klassenvariable {f} [software, object-oriented] | :: class variable |
Klassenzimmer {n} | :: classroom |
Klassifikation {f} | :: classification |
klassifizieren {v} | :: to classify |
Klassifizierung {f} | :: classification |
Klassik {f} | :: classical music, classical literature or another classical thing, the noun form of classical |
Klassiker {m} | :: A classic |
klassisch {adj} | :: classical |
klassischer {adj} | :: comparative of klassisch |
klassischerweise {adv} | :: classically |
klassischsten {adj} | :: superlative of klassisch |
Klassismus {m} | :: classism |
Klassizismus {m} | :: a neoclassical style in architecture, Neoclassical architecture |
klassizistisch {adj} | :: classicistic |
Klathrat {n} [chemistry] | :: synonym of Clathrat |
Klatsch {m} | :: a smacking/slapping sound, made (for example) by hitting, palm down, a flat, wet surface |
Klatsch {m} [slang] | :: meeting at which people gossip |
Klatsch {m} [slang] | :: gossip |
Klatsche {f} | :: swatter, flyswatter, clipping of Fliegenklatsche |
klatschen {v} | :: to clap |
klatschen {v} | :: to gossip |
klatschnass {adj} | :: sopping wet, wringing wet, soaking wet |
klatschsüchtig {adj} | :: gossipy |
Klaue {f} | :: claw |
klauen {v} [somewhat, colloquial] | :: to steal |
Klauen {n} | :: (the act of) stealing |
Klaugemauer {prop} {f} | :: Wailing Wall |
Klaus {prop} | :: given name derived from Nikolaus |
Klaus {prop} | :: surname |
Klaus {prop} {n} | :: Klaus (municipality) |
Klause {f} | :: hermitage (dwelling of a hermit, or a similar place of seclusion or small room) |
Klausel {f} | :: term (limitation, restriction or regulation) |
Klausel {f} [law] | :: clause (separate part of a contract) |
Klausen {prop} {n} | :: Klausen (municipality) |
Klausen {prop} {n} | :: Klausen (municipality) |
Klausenburg {prop} {n} | :: Klausenburg (town) |
Klaustrophobie {f} | :: claustrophobia |
klaustrophobisch {adj} | :: claustrophobic |
klaustrophobischer {adj} | :: comparative of klaustrophobisch |
klaustrophobischsten {adj} | :: superlative of klaustrophobisch |
Klausur {f} | :: a state of enclosure |
Klausur {f} [colloquial] | :: an exam or test written in seclusion |
Klaviatur {f} | :: keyboard (a component of many instruments) |
Klavier {n} | :: piano |
Klavierbegleitung {f} | :: piano accompaniment |
Klavierkonzert {n} | :: piano concert (musical event) |
Klavierkonzert {n} | :: piano concerto (musical composition) |
Klavierlehrer {m} | :: piano teacher |
Klavierlehrerin {f} | :: female piano teacher |
Klavierschüler {m} | :: piano student |
Klavierspiel {n} | :: piano playing |
Klavierspieler {m} | :: piano player, pianist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Klavierstunde {f} | :: piano lesson |
Klebeband {n} | :: adhesive tape (in general) |
Klebeband {n} [slightly, formal] | :: narrow, transparent adhesive tape as commonly used in household and office contexts |
kleben {vt} [with an + accusative] | :: to glue (onto) |
kleben {vi} [with an + dative] | :: to stick (to) |
kleben {vi} | :: to be sticky |
Kleber {m} [somewhat, colloquial] | :: glue |
Kleber {m} | :: gluten |
Kleberand {m} | :: adhesive edge, border, rim |
Klebereiweiß {n} | :: gluten |
Klebestift {m} | :: glue stick |
Klebestreifen {n} | :: adhesive tape |
Klebrand {m} | :: rare form of Kleberand |
klebrig {adj} | :: gluey |
klebrig {adj} | :: sticky |
Klebstoff {m} | :: glue |
Klebstoff {m} | :: adhesive, gum |
Klebstoff {m} | :: goo |
kleckern {vi} | :: to dribble |
kleckern {vt} | :: to drip, spill |
kleckern {vi} | :: to fiddle about |
Klecks {m} | :: blot, stain |
Klecks {m} | :: blob, dab |
Klee {m} | :: clover |
Kleeblatt {n} | :: cloverleaf |
Kleeblatt {n} | :: cloverleaf interchange |
Kleeblättchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kleeblatt |
Kleeblattschädel {noun} | :: cloverleaf skull |
Klei {m} | :: clay |
Klei {m} [in particular] | :: the somewhat dried-out ooze or mud that makes the ground of marshland |
Kleiber {m} | :: nuthatch |
Kleiber {m} | :: Eurasian nuthatch |
Kleiber {prop} | :: surname |
Kleid {n} | :: dress, gown |
Kleid {n} [dated or archaic] | :: garment |
Kleid {n} [in the plural, formal] | :: clothes |
Kleidchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kleid |
kleiden {v} | :: to dress, to clothe |
Kleiderbügel {m} | :: coat hanger |
Kleiderbürste {f} | :: clothes brush |
Kleiderhaken {m} | :: coat peg, coathook, clothes hook |
Kleidermotte {f} | :: clothes moth |
Kleiderschrank {m} | :: wardrobe (cabinet in which clothes may be stored) |
Kleiderständer {m} | :: coat rack, coat stand, clothes tree |
Kleiderstange {f} | :: clothes rail |
Kleiderstoff {m} | :: clothing material |
Kleidung {f} [countable] | :: clothing; apparel |
Kleidung {f} [uncountable, rather formal] | :: clothes |
Kleidungsstück {n} | :: garment (single item of clothing) |
Kleie {f} | :: bran |
kleiehaltig {adj} | :: wholemeal (containing bran) |
klein {adj} | :: small, little, tiny, wee, small-scale |
klein {adj} | :: little, young (in age) |
klein {adj} | :: insignificant |
Klein {prop} | :: surname |
Kleinanzeige {f} | :: classified ad, classified advertisement |
Kleinarl {prop} {n} | :: Kleinarl (municipality) |
kleinasiatisch {adj} | :: Of ir from Asia Minor |
Kleinasien {prop} {n} | :: Asia Minor |
Kleinbauer {m} | :: small farmer, peasant |
Kleinbritannien {prop} {n} | :: Brittany |
Kleinbuchstabe {m} | :: minuscule letter, lowercase letter |
Kleinbürger {m} | :: member of the petite bourgeoisie |
kleinbürgerlich {adj} | :: petty bourgeois |
kleindeutsch {adj} | :: Relating to a small Germany without union with Austria and other German-speaking areas |
Kleine {f} | :: girl; young woman |
kleiner {adj} | :: comparative of klein |
Kleiner {m} | :: boy, young man |
kleiner Finger {m} | :: little finger, pinky |
kleiner Freund {m} | :: little friend |
kleiner Freund {m} [vulgar] | :: penis |
kleine Sünden bestraft der liebe Gott sofort {proverb} | :: Said when someone does or says something rude, or something one does not like, and that person experiences a mishap shortly after. Comparable to the English phrase instant karma |
kleine Unreinheit {f} [Islam] | :: the state of minor ritual impurity, which results e.g. from farting, excretion, bleeding, or contact with impure things and beings |
kleine Waschung {f} [Islam] | :: wudu, abdest (washing required after minor ritual impurity) |
Kleinfleckkatze {f} | :: Geoffroy's cat, Leopardus geoffroyi |
Kleingedrucktes {n} | :: fine print |
Kleingeist {m} [derogatory] | :: narrow-minded, dumb person; bigot |
kleingeistig {adj} | :: small-minded |
Kleingeld {n} [money] | :: small change, change |
kleingläubig {adj} [religion] | :: of little faith; of weak faith |
kleinhalten {vt} | :: to keep down |
Kleinhirn {n} | :: cerebellum (part of the hindbrain in vertebrates) |
Kleinholz {n} | :: kindling |
Kleinigkeit {f} | :: bagatelle, trifle, little something, minor thing (insignificant, minor, or little thing) |
kleinkalibrig {adj} | :: small-caliber |
kleinkariert {adj} | :: gingham (having small checks) |
kleinkariert {adj} | :: narrow-minded |
kleinkariert {adj} | :: exhibiting an obsessive tendency, figuratively OCD |
Kleinkind {n} | :: toddler |
Klein-Klein {n} [colloquial] | :: trifle; odds and ends |
Kleinkram {m} | :: trivialities, trivial matters |
kleinkrämerisch {adj} | :: petty, small-minded |
Kleinkrieg {m} | :: feud |
Kleinkrieg {m} | :: guerrilla war |
kleinkriegen {vt} | :: to break [psychologically] |
Kleinkriminalität {f} | :: petty crime |
kleinlaut {adj} | :: petty; abashed, sheepish |
Kleinlibelle {f} | :: damselfly |
kleinlich {adj} | :: petty, small-minded |
Kleinlichkeit {f} | :: pettiness |
kleinmaschig {adj} | :: fine-meshed |
Kleinmürbisch {prop} {n} | :: Kleinmürbisch (municipality) |
Kleinmut {m} | :: lack of self-confidence |
kleinmütig {adj} | :: faint-hearted |
Kleinod {n} | :: jewel (anything considered precious or valuable) |
Kleinplanet {m} [astronomy] | :: minor planet |
Kleinpudel {m} | :: miniature poodle, a poodle between 35 and 44 cm |
kleinrechnen {vt} | :: to undercalculate |
kleinreden {vt} | :: to downplay |
kleinschreiben {v} | :: to lowercase [first letters of words] |
kleinschreiben {v} [colloquial] | :: to hold as unimportant |
Kleinschreibung {f} | :: lower-case printing |
kleinschrittig {adj} | :: using small steps |
kleinschrittig {adj} | :: step-by-step |
Kleinstaat {m} | :: microstate |
Kleinstaaterei {f} [political, pejorative] | :: political fragmentation of a country into many small polities with a large degree of autonomy, often in relation to the Holy Roman Empire or modern German federalism |
Kleinstadt {f} | :: small town |
Kleinstadt {f} | :: township |
kleinsten {adj} | :: superlative of klein |
kleinstes gemeinsames Vielfaches {n} [mathematics] | :: least common multiple |
kleinteilig {adj} | :: detailed |
kleinteilig {adj} | :: compartmentalized |
Kleintier {n} | :: small animal |
Kleinwagen {m} | :: a small car |
Kleinwohnung {f} | :: small apartment |
kleinwüchsig {adj} | :: short in stature |
Kleinzell {prop} {n} | :: Kleinzell (municipality) |
Kleister {m} | :: adhesive paste |
Klemens {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Clemens ( =Clement) |
Klemmbrett {n} | :: clipboard (physical object) |
Klemme {f} | :: clamp |
Klemme {f} | :: grip |
Klemme {f} [colloquial] | :: difficult situation |
klemmen {vt} | :: to jam, to clamp (make something stuck in a tight place) |
klemmen {vi} | :: to be jammed, to be stuck |
klemmen {vt} [usually with reflexive dative, colloquial, slang] | :: to steal |
Klemmer {m} [regional] | :: pince-nez |
Klempner {m} [chiefly northern and central Germany] | :: plumber, tinsmith (male or of unspecified sex) |
Klempnerin {f} | :: plumber (female) |
Kleptokratie {f} | :: kleptocracy (a corrupt and dishonest government characterised by greed) |
Kleptomanie {f} | :: kleptomania (proclivity to steal) |
klerikal {adj} | :: clerical |
Kleriker {m} | :: clergyman (male Christian minister belonging to the clergy) |
Klerisei {f} [uncommon] | :: clergy |
Klerus {m} | :: clergy (mainly used for the Christian clergy, sometimes for the clergy of other religions) |
Klette {f} | :: burdock |
Klette {f} | :: a burr (a seed pod with sharp features that stick in fur or clothing) |
Klette {f} [figuratively] | :: a clingy person |
Klettergarten {m} | :: climbing garden |
klettern {v} | :: to climb |
Klettern {n} | :: climbing |
Kletterschuh {m} | :: climbing shoe |
Klettverschluss {m} [uncountable] | :: Velcro (the mechanism as such) |
Klettverschluss {m} [countable] | :: Velcro (a pair of both strips, as on a shoe) |
Kletze {f} [Austria, Bavaria] | :: dried pear |
Klick {m} | :: The act of pressing a button on a computer mouse; a click |
klicken {vi} | :: to click (a computer mouse button) |
Klicker {m} [regional, western Germany, dated] | :: marble (small glass ball) |
Klickibunti {n} [derisive] | :: A graphical user interface that looks clickable, colorful, and ridiculous or childish; an overblown user interface; "angry fruit salad" |
Klicklaut {m} [phonetics] | :: click |
Klickzahl {f} [internet] | :: number of clicks |
Klient {m} | :: client |
Klientel {n} | :: clientele |
Klientel {n} | :: customers, clients (collectively) |
Kliff {n} | :: cliff (steep rock face) |
Kliff {n} [in particular] | :: steep coast |
Klima {n} | :: climate |
Klimaanlage {f} | :: air conditioner |
Klimaerwärmung {f} | :: climate warming |
Klimaforschung {f} | :: climate research |
Klimaleugner {m} [derogatory] | :: climate denier, climate denialist (a supporter of climate denialism (male or of unspecific sex)) |
Klimastreik {m} | :: climate strike |
klimatisch {adj} | :: climatic |
klimatisieren {v} | :: to air-condition |
Klimatisierung {f} | :: air conditioning, climate control |
Klimatologie {f} | :: climatology |
klimatologisch {adj} [climatology] | :: climatological |
Klimaveränderung {f} | :: climate change |
Klimawandel {m} | :: climate change |
Klimbim {m} [colloquial, dated] | :: ado, bustle |
Klimbim {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: junk, odds and ends |
klimpern {v} | :: to jingle; jangle; tinkle |
Klinge {f} | :: blade (of a weapon or tool) |
Klinge {f} | :: a bladed weapon, sword, saber, etc |
Klingel {f} | :: bell |
klingeln {v} | :: to ring (to produce the sound of a bell or a similar sound) |
Klingelton {m} | :: ring tone |
klingen {vi} | :: to ring; to clink |
klingen {vi} [also, figuratively] | :: to sound |
Klingenbach {prop} {n} | :: Klingenbach (municipality) |
Klingone {m} | :: Klingon (male or of unspecified sex) |
Klingonisch {n} | :: Klingon (the language) |
Klinik {f} | :: clinic |
klinisch {adj} | :: clinical |
klinisch {adv} | :: clinically |
klinische Chemie {f} [chemistry] | :: clinical chemistry |
Klinke {f} | :: doorhandle |
Klinke {f} [obsolete] | :: latch |
Klinker {m} | :: clinker (very hard brick) |
Klinoklas {m} [mineral] | :: clinoclase |
Klinopyroxen {m} [mineral] | :: clinopyroxene |
Klinsmann {prop} | :: surname |
klipp {adj} | :: see: klipp und klar |
Klippdachs {m} | :: rock hyrax, Hyrax capensis |
Klippe {f} | :: rock that is partly covered by (sea) water |
Klippe {f} | :: cliff (steep rock face) |
Klippe {f} [in particular] | :: steep coast |
klippenreich {adj} | :: Having many cliffs |
klippig {adj} | :: craggy |
klipp und klar {adj} | :: plain and clear; very clear |
klirren {vi} | :: to clink, to clank, to clash, to jingle, to clatter |
Klirrfaktor {m} [acoustics] | :: distortion factor, harmonic distortion |
Klischee {n} | :: cliché |
Klischee {n} | :: printing plate |
Klitikon {n} [linguistics] | :: clitic |
Klitoris {f} | :: clitoris |
klitschig {adj} | :: underbaked (still soft in the middle) |
klitschnass {adj} | :: soaking wet; soaked |
klitzeklein {adj} | :: teeny-weeny |
Klo {n} [colloquial] | :: toilet, loo [UK] |
Kloake {f} | :: sewer |
Kloake {f} [zoology] | :: cloaca |
Kloakenräumer {m} | :: sewer inspector |
Kloakentier {n} | :: monotreme |
Klobassi {f} | :: Burenwurst |
klobig {adj} | :: bulky, chunky |
klobig {adj} | :: clumsy, rough, uncouth |
Klobrille {f} | :: toilet seat |
Klobürste {f} | :: toilet brush |
Klöch {prop} {n} | :: Klöch (municipality) |
Klodeckel {m} | :: toilet lid |
Klon {m} | :: clone |
klonen {v} | :: to clone |
klönen {v} [regional, northern Germany] | :: to chat |
klonisch {adj} | :: clonic |
Klönschnack {m} [North Germany] | :: smalltalk, chat |
Klonus {m} | :: clonus |
Klopapier {n} | :: toilet paper (paper on a roll) |
Klopapierrolle {f} | :: toilet paper roll |
Klopfbank {f} | :: hammer bench (child's toy) |
klopfen {v} | :: to knock, to rap (strike rather gently with something hard) |
klopfen {v} [of the heart] | :: to throb; to beat quickly or audibly |
Klopfer {m} | :: agent noun of klopfen |
Klopfer {m} | :: doorknocker |
Klopfer {m} | :: carpetbeater |
Klöppel {m} | :: clapper (the tongue of a bell) |
Klöppel {m} | :: lace bobbin |
kloppen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to fight, to engage in a fistfight |
kloppen {vti} [colloquial or + auf] | :: to thump, to hit hard |
Klops {m} [regional, north-eastern Germany] | :: meatball |
Klosett {n} | :: toilet |
Kloß {m} | :: thickish lump |
Kloß {m} [cooking, especially, northern and central Germany] | :: dumpling |
Kloß {m} [colloquial, offensive] | :: fatso; overweight person |
Klößchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kloß |
Kloster {n} | :: monastery |
Klösterle {prop} {n} | :: Klösterle (municipality) |
Klösterle {prop} {n} [historical] | :: Klášterec nad Orlicí, Czechia |
klösterlich {adj} | :: cloistral, monastic |
Klosterneuburg {prop} {n} | :: Klosterneuburg (municipality) |
Klöten {p} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: testicles |
Klotz {m} | :: block |
Klötzchen {n} | :: diminutive of Klotz |
Klötze {prop} {n} | :: Klötze (town) |
klotzig {adj} | :: bulky |
Klub {m} | :: alternative spelling of Club |
Klubchef {m} [Austria] | :: faction leader; group leader |
Klubchef {m} | :: chairman of an association |
Klubchefin {f} [Austria] | :: (female) faction leader; group leader |
Klubchefin {f} | :: chairwoman of an association |
Kluft {f} | :: cleft, fissure, joint |
Kluft {f} | :: gap, gulf, rift |
klug {adj} | :: intelligent, prudent, wise, smart |
klüger {adj} | :: comparative of klug |
klugerweise {adv} | :: wisely, prudently, cleverly |
Klugheit {f} | :: prudence, intelligence |
klugreden {v} | :: To speak as a know-it-all |
Klugscheißer {m} [pejorative] | :: smart ass |
klügsten {adj} | :: superlative of klug |
Klümpchen {n} | :: diminutive of Klumpen |
Klümpchen {n} | :: blob, globule |
Klümpchen {n} | :: nodule |
klumpen {v} | :: to lump |
Klumpen {m} | :: lump |
Klumpen {m} | :: clod |
klumpig {adj} [of material] | :: lumpy |
klumpig {adj} [of a person] | :: clumsy |
Klüngel {m} [derogatory] | :: clique |
Klüngel {m} [by extension] | :: cronyism (favoritism to friends or relatives) |
Klüngel {m} [botany] | :: panicle, raceme |
klüngeln {v} [western Germany] | :: to be slow; to delay; to dawdle |
klüngeln {v} [western Germany] | :: to chatter (often in confidence, or seemingly so) |
klüngeln {v} | :: to engage in nepotism and corruption |
Klütz {prop} {n} | :: Klütz (town) |
Kl.-Whg. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Kleinwohnung |
Kl.-Whgn. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Kleinwohnungen |
km {noun} | :: initialism of Kilometer (American: kilometer, British: kilometre) |
KM {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Kaltmiete |
knabbern {v} | :: to nibble |
Knabberzeug {n} | :: snack food, munchies |
Knäbchen {n} | :: diminutive of Knabe |
Knabe {m} [dated, now literary, humorous or South German, Austria and Swiss] | :: boy |
Knäbelein {n} | :: diminutive of Knabe |
Knabenficker {m} [vulgar, offensive] | :: man who has sex with an underage boy |
knabenhaft {adj} | :: boyish, gamine |
Knabenschändung {f} [dated, pejorative, uncountable] | :: pederasty |
Knabenschändung {f} [dated, pejorative, countable] | :: an act or instance of pederasty |
Knäblein {n} | :: diminutive of Knabe |
knäblich {adj} | :: boyish |
Knackarsch {m} [colloquial] | :: a firm, sexy ass |
Knäckebrot {n} | :: crispbread |
knacken {vi} | :: to make a cracking sound |
knacken {vt} | :: to crack |
knacken {vt} [figuratively] | :: to crack |
knacken {vt} | :: to pick (a lock) |
knacken {vi} [colloquial] | :: to sleep |
Knacker {m} | :: "alter Knacker": geezer, old codger |
knackfrisch {adj} | :: fresh and crisp / crunchy |
knackig {adj} | :: crisp, crunchy |
Knacklaut {m} [phonetics] | :: glottal stop |
Knackwurst {f} | :: knackwurst, knockwurst |
Knäkente {f} | :: garganey (Anas querquedula) |
Knall {m} | :: crack |
Knall {m} | :: bang |
Knallbonbon {m} {n} | :: Christmas cracker |
knallen {v} | :: to bang, to pop |
knallen {v} | :: to fuck (vulg) |
knalleng {adj} | :: skintight, pencil-thin |
Knallfolie {f} [humorous] | :: bubble wrap |
Knallfrosch {m} | :: (literally, "bang frog") a type of firecracker that jumps on the ground and is usually green |
Knallgas {n} | :: (gas) oxyhydrogen |
Knallgasprobe {f} | :: oxyhydrogen test |
knallhart {adj} | :: tough (all senses) |
knallrot {adj} | :: scarlet (intensely red) |
Knallsilber {n} | :: fulminating silver |
Knan {m} [obsolete, regional] | :: dad, da, pops |
knapp {adj} | :: scarce |
knapp {adj} | :: lean (having little extra) |
knapp {adj} | :: somewhat less (than) |
knapp {adj} [clothes] | :: short or tight |
knapp {adv} | :: narrowly; just |
knapp {adv} | :: somewhat less than, almost |
knapp daneben ist auch vorbei {proverb} | :: close, but no cigar; a miss is as good as a mile |
Knappe {m} | :: squire |
Knappheit {f} | :: scarcity, shortage |
Knappschaft {f} | :: miners' guild, an organization of mine workers |
Knarre {f} [slightly, dated] | :: ratchet, gragger, noisemaker |
Knarre {f} [colloquial] | :: a gun, especially a pistol |
Knarre {f} | :: socket wrench |
knarren {v} | :: to creak |
Knast {m} [colloquial] | :: jail |
Knast {m} [colloquial] | :: hunger |
Knaster {m} [colloquial, dated, derogatory] | :: weed, cheap tobacco |
Knaster {m} [dated] | :: short for Canastertobac |
knatschig {adj} | :: grumpy, cranky |
knatschig {adj} | :: muddy |
knattern {v} | :: to rattle |
Knäuel {n} {m} | :: ball of yarn |
Knäuel {n} {m} | :: tangle; mass of something entangled |
Knäuel {n} {m} | :: knawel [plant] |
Knauf {m} | :: knob, doorknob, stud |
Knauserei {f} | :: stinginess |
knauserig {adj} | :: stingy |
knausern {v} | :: to skimp |
knautschen {v} | :: to squeeze; to crumple |
Knautschzone {f} | :: crumple zone |
Knebel {m} | :: gag (a device to restrain speech) |
knebeln {vt} | :: to gag (tie a piece of cloth around someone’s mouth to prevent them from shouting) |
knebeln {vt} [less common] | :: to hog-tie (tie up someone’s arms and legs to prevent them from moving) |
knebeln {vt} [figurative] | :: to hog-tie; to render helpless; to oppress; to enslave |
Knecht {m} | :: male servant, especially on a farm |
Knecht {m} | :: labourer |
Knecht {m} | :: menial |
knechten {v} | :: to enslave (to make a person an indentured Knecht) |
knechtisch {adj} | :: servile, subservient, menial |
Knecht Ruprecht {prop} {m} | :: A farmhand or servant character who accompanies St. Nicholas to help him and, traditionally, to punish naughty children with his rod |
Knechtschaft {f} | :: servitude |
Knechtschaft {f} | :: slavery |
Knechtschaft {f} | :: bondage |
Knechtschaft {f} | :: serfdom |
kneifen {vti} | :: to pinch, to squeeze |
kneifen {vi} | :: to chicken out; to back out; to shirk |
Kneifzange {f} | :: pliers |
Kneipe {f} [obsolete] | :: a student’s cramped dwelling |
Kneipe {f} | :: pub, bar |
kneipen {vti} | :: alternative form of kneifen |
kneipen {vi} | :: to booze, to treat oneself in the pub (Kneipe) |
Kneipensterben {n} | :: the socio-economic phenomenon of the declining number of pub goers and the resulting closing of many pubs, in Germany and other European countries, in the second half of the 20th century and since, due to the spread of television and other factors |
Kneipier {m} | :: owner of a pub |
Knete {f} | :: plasticine, modeling clay |
Knete {f} [slang] | :: money |
kneten {v} | :: to knead |
Knetlegierung {f} | :: wrought alloy |
Knetmasse {f} | :: plasticine, modeling clay |
knibbeln {v} [regional, chiefly western Germany] | :: to scrape with one’s fingernails so as to remove something (e.g. a price tag) |
Knick {m} | :: crease |
Knick {m} | :: A wall of shrubberies, dividing a rural area |
knicken {vt} [auxiliary haben] | :: to crease; to fold; to bend (something that is stable, but not hard, e.g. paper) |
knicken {vi} [auxiliary sein] | :: to be creased; to be folded; to be bent |
knicken {v} [colloquial] | :: to (deliberately) forget, put out of one's mind |
knickern {v} | :: to be stingy |
Knicks {m} | :: curtsey |
knicksen {v} | :: to curtsey |
Knie {n} | :: knee |
Kniebank {f} | :: kneeler (small, low bench to kneel on, especially in a church, often protruding from the back of a pew) |
knieen {v} | :: alternative spelling of knien |
knieend {adj} | :: kneeling |
Kniefall {m} | :: genuflection, kneeling |
Kniefall {m} | :: kowtow, bow, show of obeisance |
Kniegelenk {n} | :: knee joint |
Kniekehle {f} | :: poplit |
knien {v} | :: to kneel |
kniepen {v} [regional, northern Germany, chiefly colloquial] | :: to blink |
Kniescheibe {f} | :: kneecap |
knietief {adj} [literally or figuratively] | :: knee-deep |
Kniff {m} | :: crease |
Kniff {m} | :: trick |
knifflig {adj} | :: tricky, fiddly |
Knifte {f} [military slang] | :: rifle |
Knifte {f} [colloquial, regional] | :: thick slice of bread |
Knigge {m} | :: Any guideline on good etiquette, not necessarily written |
knipsen {v} | :: to nip; to pinch (particularly so as to pluck or cut off) |
knipsen {v} | :: to perforate (particularly a ticket, so as to invalidate) |
knipsen {v} | :: to photograph |
Knipser {m} | :: clipper (for cutting finger nails, etc) |
Knipser {m} [colloquial] | :: remote control (for TV) |
Knipser {m} | :: snapshooter, amateur photographer |
Knipser {m} | :: poacher |
Knipserin {f} | :: snapshooter, amateur photographer (female) |
Knirps {m} | :: little chap |
knirschen {v} [sound] | :: to scrunch, to crunch |
knirschen {v} [one's teeth] | :: to gnash, to grind |
knirschen {v} [figurative] | :: to be wrathful, to pent-up anger |
knistern {v} | :: to sizzle; to crackle; to creak; chiefly referring to the sound of fire, or of paper, aluminium, etc., being crumpled |
Knistern {n} | :: crackle (The fizzing, popping sound of paper, fire etc.) |
Knittelfeld {prop} {n} | :: Knittelfeld (municipality) |
Knitter {m} | :: crease |
knitterfrei {adj} | :: crease-resistant, wrinkle-free |
knittern {v} | :: to crease |
knittern {v} | :: to crumple |
knittern {v} | :: to crinkle |
Knittern {n} | :: crinkling (The act or sound or something being crinkled) |
knittrig {adj} | :: crinkled, wrinkled |
knitz {adj} | :: useless, rotten, corrupt |
knitz {adj} | :: clever, savvy |
Knoblauch {m} | :: garlic |
Knoblauchbrot {n} | :: garlic bread |
Knoblauchbutter {f} | :: garlic butter |
Knoblauchpresse {f} | :: garlic press |
Knoblauchpulver {noun} | :: garlic powder |
Knoblauchzehe {f} | :: clove of garlic |
Knöchel {m} | :: ankle |
Knöchel {m} | :: knuckle |
knöchelfrei {adj} | :: having the ankle uncovered |
knöcheltief {adj} | :: ankle-deep |
Knochen {m} | :: bone |
Knochenarbeit {f} | :: backbreaking work |
Knochenbau {m} | :: bone structure |
Knochenbildung {f} | :: osteogenesis |
Knochenbruch {m} | :: fracture (of a bone) |
Knochenbrüchigkeit {f} | :: bone fragility / brittleness |
Knochendichte {f} | :: bone density |
knochendürr {adj} | :: all skin and bones (very thin) |
Knochenentkalkung {f} [pathology] | :: osteoporosis |
Knochenfisch {m} | :: bony fish |
Knochengerüst {n} | :: skeleton |
Knochengewebe {n} | :: bone tissue |
Knochenhand {f} | :: bony hand |
Knochenjob {m} | :: backbreaking job |
Knochenkrebs {m} | :: bone cancer |
Knochenmark {n} | :: bone marrow |
Knochenmasse {f} | :: bone mass |
Knochenmetastase {f} | :: bone metastasis |
Knochenmühle {f} | :: bone mill, bone grinder |
Knochenmühle {f} | :: bone crusher |
Knochenmühle {f} [colloquial, figurative] | :: boneshaker (old, rickety vehicle) |
Knochenmühle {f} | :: slave labor, sweatshop |
Knochenschwund {m} | :: osteoporosis |
Knochenstruktur {f} | :: bone structure |
knochentrocken {adj} | :: bone-dry |
Knochentumor {f} [pathology] | :: bone tumour |
Knochenwachstum {n} | :: bone growth |
knöchern {adj} | :: bony, osseous |
knöchern {adj} | :: cold, unfeeling |
knochig {adj} | :: bony |
Knöchlein {n} | :: diminutive of Knochen |
Knock-out {m} | :: knock-out |
Knödel {m} [cooking, especially, southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland] | :: dumpling |
Knofel {m} [colloquial, regional, southern Germany, Austria] | :: garlic |
Knofi {m} [colloquial] | :: garlic |
Knöllchen {n} | :: diminutive of Knolle |
Knöllchen {n} [colloquial] | :: parking ticket |
Knöllchenbakterium {n} | :: rhizobium |
Knolle {f} | :: bulb |
Knolle {f} | :: tuber |
Knollenblätterpilz {m} | :: death cap, poisonous mushroom of the Amanita genus |
knollenförmig {adj} | :: bulbous |
knollig {adj} | :: bulbous, tuberous |
knollig {adj} | :: knobbly, gnarled |
Knop {prop} | :: surname |
Knopf {m} | :: button (fastener) |
Knopf {m} | :: button (mechanical device) |
Knopf {m} | :: stud, knob, e.g. a doorknob |
Knopf {prop} | :: surname |
Knopfdruck {m} | :: touch of a button, push of a button, press of a button |
knöpfen {v} | :: to button |
Knopfloch {n} | :: buttonhole |
Knopfzelle {f} | :: button cell, coin cell |
Knopp {m} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] | :: alternative form of Knopf |
Knör {prop} | :: surname |
knorke {adj} [colloquial] | :: great, very good |
Knorpel {m} | :: cartilage |
Knorpelfisch {m} | :: cartilaginous fish |
Knospe {f} [botany] | :: bud |
Knospe {f} | :: eye of a potato |
knospen {v} | :: to bud |
knospend {adj} | :: budding (all senses) |
Knoten {m} | :: knot (looping) |
Knoten {m} | :: knot (swelling) |
Knoten {m} [Austria] | :: interchange (motorway junction) |
Knoten {m} [nautical] | :: knot (unit of speed) |
Knoten {m} [graph theory] | :: vertex, node |
Knoten {m} [obsolete, pejorative] | :: craftsman; journeyman; farmhand |
Knoten {m} [in compounds] | :: a person of some specified quality or practice; chiefly in Furzknoten, but sometimes other colloquial formations |
Knotenpunkt {m} | :: junction |
Knotenschrift {f} | :: quipu (a recording device used by the Incas) |
Knöterich {m} | :: plant of the Persicaria genus in the Polygonaceae family |
Know-how {n} | :: know-how |
Knowhow {n} | :: alternative spelling of Know-how |
Knubbel {m} [regional, northern and central Germany] | :: knob, knot (a swollen or thick spot on something) |
Knubbel {m} [regional, western Germany] | :: knot (of people) |
Knübbelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Knubbel |
knuddelig {adj} | :: cuddly |
knuddeln {v} | :: to cuddle |
knüddeln {v} [regional, western Germany] | :: to rumple (fabric, paper, etc.) |
knüddeln {v} [regional, western Germany] | :: to stuff something somewhere (e.g. clothes in a bag) thereby causing it to rumple |
knuffen {v} | :: to nudge; to jab; to pinch (usually playfully or even tenderly) |
knuffig {adj} | :: cuddly |
knülle {adj} | :: bombed (very drunk) |
knüllen {vt} | :: to crumple |
Knüller {m} | :: big hit |
knüpfen {v} | :: to tie |
Knüppel {m} | :: cudgel |
Knüppeldamm {m} | :: corduroy road |
knüppeln {v} | :: to bludgeon, to thrash, to hit with a stick |
knüppeln {v} [metal music] | :: describes that a song is defined by a noticeably loud drum beat in a simple and steady uptempo rhythm |
knuppern {v} [dialectal] | :: to nibble |
knurren {v} | :: to growl |
Knurrhahn {m} | :: gurnard (marine fish of the family Triglidae) |
knuspern {v} | :: to crackle; to crunch (make the sound of crisp food) |
knusprig {adj} | :: crispy, crisp, crunchy |
knusprig {adj} [colloquial, humorous, usually with noch or nicht mehr] | :: in one's right mind; of full mental capacity |
Knust {m} [regional, northern Germany] | :: heel of bread |
Knute {f} | :: knout |
knutschen {vtir} | :: to kiss passionately; to neck; to make out; to smooch |
Knutschfleck {m} | :: hickey, love bite |
Knüttel {m} | :: club |
koagulieren {vi} [auxiliary "sein"] | :: to coagulate |
koagulieren {vt} [auxiliary "haben"] | :: to coagulate |
koaguliert {v} | :: past participle of koagulieren |
Koala {m} | :: koala |
Koalition {f} | :: coalition |
Koalitionspartner {m} | :: coalition partner |
Koalitionsregierung {f} [politics] | :: coalition government |
koalitionstreu {adj} | :: faithful to the conditions of a coalition |
Koalitionsvertrag {m} [politics] | :: coalition agreement |
koaxial {adj} | :: coaxial |
Kobalt {n} | :: cobalt |
kobaltblau {adj} | :: cobalt blue |
kobaltblau {adj} | :: cyan |
Kobaltblau {n} | :: cobalt blue |
Kobaltglanz {m} [mineral] | :: cobalt glance, cobaltite |
Kobel {m} | :: The space under the feet in carriages |
Kobel {m} [Oberrheinic] | :: A hood or fascinator (once) worn by women |
Kobel {m} | :: A dovecot(e) |
Kobel {m} | :: A little stable for animals |
Kobel {f} [obsolete] | :: mare (adult female horse) |
Kobel {f} [obsolete] | :: horse of inferior quality, nag |
Koben {m} [rather dated or dialectal] | :: a (little) stable, shed, nook, especially for pigs, a pigsty (shelter where pigs are kept) |
Kobenz {prop} {n} | :: Kobenz (municipality) |
Kobersdorf {prop} {n} | :: Kobersdorf (municipality) |
Koblach {prop} {n} | :: Koblach (municipality) |
Koblenz {prop} {n} | :: Koblenz, an independent city in northern Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany |
koblenzisch {adj} | :: Of or from Koblenz |
Kobold {m} | :: kobold, goblin |
Koboldmaki {m} | :: tarsier |
Kobra {f} | :: cobra (snake) |
Koch {m} | :: cook, a cooker (male or of unspecified sex) |
Koch {prop} | :: surname |
Koch {n} [Austria, Bavaria] | :: mush, porridge |
Kochbanane {f} | :: plantain |
Kochbuch {n} | :: cookbook |
köcheln {v} | :: to simmer |
kochen {vi} [of a person] | :: to cook, to prepare food (chiefly hot food for lunch or supper) |
kochen {v} | :: to boil |
kochen {vi} [of a liquid] | :: (to reach the boiling point) |
kochen {vt} | :: (to heat a liquid until it boils) |
kochen {vt} | :: (to prepare something in such a liquid) |
kochen {vi} [figuratively] | :: to be stirred up or agitated, especially with anger |
Kochen {n} | :: cooking, cookery |
Köcher {m} | :: quiver |
Kocherei {f} | :: cooking |
Köcherfliege {f} | :: caddis fly |
Kochfeld {n} [chiefly specialist] | :: hob; cooktop; stovetop |
Köchin {f} | :: cook, a cooker (female) |
Kochlöffel {m} | :: wooden spoon for cooking |
Kochmesser {n} | :: chef's knife |
Kochnische {f} | :: small kitchen-like area that's too small to be called a real kitchen, a kitchenette |
Kochplatte {f} | :: a hot plate |
Kochplatte {f} | :: a ring on a hob / burner on a stovetop |
Kochrezept {n} | :: recipe: instructions for making or preparing food dishes |
Kochsalz {n} | :: common salt (sodium chloride); table salt |
kochsalzhaltig {adj} | :: saline, salty (containing salt) |
Kochtopf {m} [cookware] | :: cooking pot |
Kode {m} | :: code |
Kode {prop} | :: Kode (town) |
Kode {prop} | :: surname |
Köder {m} | :: bait |
ködern {v} | :: to bait |
Kodex {m} [law] | :: code (compilation of written law) |
Kodex {m} [by extension, imprecise] | :: code (system of unwritten but binding rules) |
Kodex {m} [literature] | :: codex (book) |
kodieren {v} | :: to encode |
kodiert {v} | :: past participle of kodieren |
Kodierung {noun} | :: the act of encoding/coding something |
Kodierungsrichtlinie {f} [computing] | :: coding convention |
Koedukation {f} [no plural] | :: coeducation |
koedukativ {adj} | :: coeducational |
Koeffizient {m} | :: coefficient |
Koenzym {n} | :: coenzyme |
Koerzitivität {f} [physics] | :: coercivity |
Koexistenz {f} | :: coexistence |
koexistieren {v} | :: to coexist, to co-exist |
Kofaktor {m} | :: cofactor |
Koffein {n} | :: caffeine |
koffeinfrei {adj} | :: decaffeinated |
koffeinhaltig {adj} | :: caffeinated |
Koffer {m} | :: a case; a suitcase or briefcase |
Kofferradio {n} | :: transistor radio (a portable radio receiver) |
Kofferraum {m} | :: boot, trunk (luggage storage compartment of a car) |
Kofferwort {n} | :: portmanteau word (a word formed which combines the meaning of two words) |
Köflach {prop} {n} | :: Köflach (municipality) |
Kogel {f} [archaic] | :: a kind of voluminous head finery (Kopfputz) of varying appearance throughout the centuries and regions but later more often for women, cowl |
Kogel {m} [rare, Allgäu?] | :: alternative form of Kobel |
Kogge {f} | :: cog (a ship of the Hanse) |
Kognak {m} | :: brandy (liquor) |
Kognition {f} | :: cognition |
kognitiv {adj} | :: cognitive (mental functions) |
kohärent {adj} | :: coherent |
Kohärenz {f} | :: coherence |
Kohelet {prop} | :: Ecclesiastes (book of the Bible) |
Kohl {m} | :: cabbage (plant of the genus Brassica) |
Kohl {prop} | :: surname for a grower or seller of cabbages |
Kohl {m} [possibly dated] | :: nonsense; idle talk |
Kohle {f} [uncountable] | :: coal (material; either stone coal or charcoal) |
Kohle {f} [countable] | :: a coal; a piece of coal |
Kohle {f} [uncountable, colloquial] | :: money; dough; dosh |
Kohleabbau {m} | :: coal mining |
Kohlebergbau {m} | :: coalmining |
Kohlebergbau {m} | :: coal-mining industry |
Kohlebergwerk {n} | :: coalmine |
Kohlebürste {f} | :: carbon brush |
Kohlechemie {f} [chemistry] | :: carbochemistry |
Kohlefaser {f} | :: carbon fibre |
kohlehaltig {adj} | :: carboniferous; containing coal |
Kohlekraftwerk {n} | :: coal-fired power station |
Kohlenchemie {f} | :: alternative form of Kohlechemie |
Kohlendioxid {n} [chemistry] | :: carbon dioxide |
Kohlendioxidlaser {m} | :: carbon dioxide laser |
Kohlenhydrat {n} [organic chemistry] | :: carbohydrate |
Kohlenhydrathaushalt {m} [biochemistry] | :: carbohydrate metabolism |
kohlenhydratreich {adj} | :: high-carb |
Kohlenhydratsynthese {f} [biochemistry] | :: carbohydrate synthesis |
Kohlenmonoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: carbon monoxide |
Kohlensäure {f} [inorganic compound] | :: carbonic acid (H2CO3) |
kohlensäurehaltig {adj} | :: carbonated (fizzy, gassy) |
Kohlenstoff {m} | :: carbon |
Kohlenstoffatom {n} | :: carbon atom |
Kohlenstoffchemie {f} [chemistry] | :: carbon chemistry; organic chemistry |
Kohlenstoffdioxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: carbon dioxide |
Kohlenstoffdiselenid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: carbon diselenide |
Kohlenstoffdisulfid {n} [organic compound] | :: carbon disulfide |
Kohlenstofffaser {f} | :: carbon fibre |
kohlenstofffaserverstärkt {adj} | :: carbon fibre reinforced |
kohlenstofffrei {adj} | :: carbon-free |
Kohlenstoffgehalt {m} | :: carbon content |
Kohlenstoffgruppe {f} [chemistry] | :: carbon group (of the periodic table) |
kohlenstoffhaltig {adj} | :: carbonaceous |
kohlenstoffhaltig {adj} | :: carbonic |
Kohlenstoffkreislauf {m} | :: carbon cycle |
Kohlenstoffmonoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: carbon monoxide |
Kohlenstoffnanoröhre {f} | :: carbon nanotube |
Kohlenstoffnanoschaum {m} | :: carbon nanofoam |
kohlenstoffreich {adj} | :: carbon-rich (high in carbon) |
Kohlenstoffverbindung {f} [chemistry] | :: carbon compound |
Kohlenstoffzyklus {m} | :: carbon cycle |
Kohlenwasserstoff {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hydrocarbon |
Kohlenwasserstoffrest {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hydrocarbyl (radical) |
Kohlenzeche {f} [mining] | :: colliery |
Köhler {m} | :: charcoal burner (person) |
Köhler {m} | :: coalfish, coley, pollock, Pollachius virens (food fish related to cod) |
Köhler {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Köhlerglaube {m} | :: blind loyalty |
Kohlevorkommen {n} | :: coal deposit(s) |
Kohlmeise {f} | :: great tit [Parus major] |
kohlpechrabenschwarz {adj} | :: Intense, non-reflective black |
kohlrabenschwarz {adj} | :: pitch black |
Kohlrabi {m} | :: kohlrabi |
Kohlrübe {f} | :: rutabaga, swede |
kohlschwarz {adj} | :: coal black |
Kohlsuppe {f} | :: cabbage soup |
Kohorte {f} [military] | :: cohort (division of a Roman legion) |
Kohorte {f} [sociology] | :: cohort (set of individuals) |
Kohyponym {n} | :: cohyponym (a word or phrase that shares the same hypernym as another word or phrase) |
Koinzidenz {f} | :: coincidence (state of events appearing to be connected when they are not) |
Koitus {m} | :: coitus |
Koje {f} | :: cabin; berth (sleeping room on a ship) |
Koje {f} | :: bunk (built-in bed on a ship) |
Koje {f} [colloquial] | :: bed |
Kojote {m} | :: coyote, Canis latrans (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kokain {n} | :: cocaine |
kokainsüchtig {adj} | :: addicted to cocaine |
kokeln {v} | :: to handle fire unsafely |
kokeln {v} | :: to be burnt |
kokett {adj} | :: coquettish, flirtatious |
Koketterie {f} | :: coquetry |
kokettesten {adj} | :: superlative of kokett |
kokettieren {v} [with a person] | :: to flirt |
kokettieren {v} [with an idea] | :: to toy |
kokettieren {v} | :: to play, to show off |
Kokille {f} | :: mold / mould (to make metal ingots) |
Kokolores {m} [colloquial] | :: nonsense, balderdash |
Kokolores {m} [colloquial] | :: gibberish |
Kokon {m} | :: cocoon |
Kokos {n} [collective] | :: the flesh of the coconut; its taste |
Kokos {n} [collective] | :: coir; the fibres won from the shells of coconuts |
Kokosmilch {f} | :: coconut milk |
Kokosnuss {f} | :: coconut |
Kokosöl {n} | :: coconut oil |
Kokospalme {f} | :: coconut (coconut palm) |
Koks {m} | :: coke |
Koks {n} {m} [colloquial, slang] | :: cocaine |
koksen {v} [colloquial] | :: to do coke, to do lines |
Koksgrus {m} | :: coke culm, coke breeze |
Koksnase {f} [derogatory] | :: habitual user of cocaine |
Koksofengas {n} | :: coke oven gas |
Kolatsche {f} [Austria, food] | :: type of pastry that holds a portion of fruit or cheese, surrounded by a puffy cushion of supple dough; kolach |
Kölbchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kolben |
Kolbeckit {m} [mineral] | :: kolbeckite |
Kolben {m} [weaponry] | :: butt of a rifle |
Kolben {m} [mechanics] | :: piston |
Kolben {m} [botany] | :: spadix |
Kolben {m} [sciences] | :: flask |
Kolbenente {f} | :: red-crested pochard (Netta rufina) |
Kolchos {m} {n} | :: kolkhoz |
Kolibri {m} | :: hummingbird (Trochilidae) |
Kolik {f} | :: colic (pain) |
Kolk {m} | :: bog pond |
Kolk {m} | :: underwater vortex |
Kolkrabe {m} | :: common raven or northern raven, Corvus corax |
kollabieren {v} | :: to collapse |
Kollaborateur {m} [with the enemy during a war] | :: collaborator, collaborationist |
Kollaboration {f} | :: collaboration; collaborationism (with the enemy during a war) |
Kollaboration {f} [rare, certain scientific jargons] | :: cooperation; collaboration (in general) |
Kollagen {n} [protein] | :: collagen |
Kollaps {m} | :: collapse |
Kollaps {m} | :: fainting, syncope |
kollateral {adj} | :: collateral |
Kollateralschaden {m} | :: collateral damage |
kollationieren {v} | :: to collate |
Kollationierung {f} | :: collation |
Kollege {m} [slang] | :: colleague, buddy, mate, workmate, fellow member, fellow student, fellow worker, co-worker, homie (male or of unspecified sex) |
kollegial {adj} | :: collegial |
kollegial {adj} | :: cooperative [between colleagues] |
Kollegin {f} | :: colleague, buddy, mate, workmate, fellow member, fellow student, fellow worker, co-worker (female) |
Kollegium {noun} | :: A governing or overseeing board (for example, "board of editors" = "redaktionskollegium"); a college; the faculty of a college or school; teaching staff |
Kollekte {f} [money collected during a church service] | :: collection |
Kollektion {f} | :: collection, set of items |
kollektiv {adj} | :: collective |
Kollektiv {n} | :: collective |
Kollektivbildung {f} | :: formation of a collective |
Kollektivbildung {f} [linguistics] | :: collective formation |
Kollektivismus {m} | :: collectivism |
Kollektivschuld {f} | :: collective guilt |
Kollektivum {n} | :: collective noun (noun referring to a group of similar things) |
Kollektor {m} [electronics] | :: collector |
Koller {m} | :: tantrum, paddy, fit |
Koller {m} [veterinary medicine] | :: staggers, megrim |
Koller {m} [colloquial] | :: an unwell feeling one has after having drunk too much alcohol the evening before |
Koller {n} | :: yoke (part of an item of clothing which fits around the shoulders) |
Koller {n} [archaic] | :: jerkin |
kollern {v} | :: to gobble (to make a sound resembling grudge particularly ascribed to the turkey) |
kollern {v} | :: alternative form of kullern |
Kollerschlag {prop} {n} | :: Kollerschlag (municipality) |
kollidieren {v} | :: to collide |
Kollier {n} | :: alternative spelling of Collier |
Kollision {f} | :: collision |
Kolloid {n} | :: colloid |
kolloidal {adj} | :: colloidal |
Kolloidchemie {f} [chemistry] | :: colloid chemistry |
Kollokation {f} | :: collocation ((linguistics) grouping or juxtaposition of words that commonly occur together) |
Köln {prop} {n} | :: Köln (largest city) |
Kölner {m} | :: a man from the city of Cologne |
Kölner {adj} | :: from, of, or pertaining to Cologne |
Kölnerin {f} | :: a woman from Köln ("Cologne") |
kölnisch {adj} [dated] | :: of or pertaining to the city of Cologne |
Koloman {prop} | :: given name |
Kolon {n} | :: colon (:) |
Kolon {n} | :: colon (digestive system) |
kolonial {adj} | :: colonial |
Kolonialismus {m} | :: colonialism |
Kolonialmacht {f} | :: colonial power |
Kolonialwarenladen {m} [historical] | :: colonial goods shop/store (a shop/store, especially a grocery, with goods imported from German or other European colonies) |
Kolonie {f} | :: colony |
kolonisieren {v} | :: to colonize |
Kolonne {f} | :: platoon |
Kolonne {f} [chemistry] | :: fractionating column |
Koloquinte {f} | :: colocynth |
Koloratursopranstimme {f} [music] | :: coloratura soprano (pitch) |
kolorieren {v} [a black and white film or photograph] | :: to colorize |
Kolorierung {f} [of a black and white film or photograph] | :: colorization |
Kolorimetrie {f} | :: colourimetry |
kolorimetrisch {adj} | :: colourimetric |
Kolorit {n} [painting] | :: colouring, palette |
Kolorit {n} [music] | :: timbre |
Kolorit {n} [figuratively] | :: mood, character |
Koloss {m} | :: colossus |
kolossal {adj} | :: colossal, huge |
kolossal {adj} [colloquial] | :: awesome |
kolossaler {adj} | :: comparative of kolossal |
kolossalsten {adj} | :: superlative of kolossal |
Koloss von Rhodos {prop} | :: the Colossus of Rhodes |
kolportieren {vt} | :: to spread [news, information, gossip, etc.] |
Kolsass {prop} {n} | :: Kolsass (municipality) |
Kolsassberg {prop} {n} | :: Kolsassberg (municipality) |
kölsch {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Cologne |
kölsch {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Kölsch, the dialect of Cologne |
Kölsch {n} | :: Kölsch (dialect) |
Kölsch {n} | :: Kölsch (beer) |
Kölscher Kaviar {m} | :: a dish from Cologne, Germany, consisting of blood sausage (Flönz in Kölsch) and raw onion |
Kölschkranz {m} | :: A round tray with a long handle in the middle, carrying up to twenty 200 ml glasses of beer, used by waiters in pubs in Cologne and the Rhineland |
Kolumbianer {m} | :: Colombian |
Kolumbianerin {f} | :: female Colombian |
kolumbianisch {adj} | :: Colombian |
Kolumbien {prop} {n} | :: Kolumbien (country) |
Kolumbienralle {f} | :: Colombian crake |
Kolumbus {prop} {m} | :: Columbus |
Kolumne {f} [newspaper] | :: column |
Kolumnentitel {m} | :: page header |
Kolumnist {m} | :: columnist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kolumnistin {f} | :: columnist (female) |
Koma {n} | :: coma |
Komasaufen {n} [colloquial] | :: binge drinking to an excess frequently leading to (normally unintentional) loss of consciousness (though not actual coma) |
komatös {adj} | :: comatose |
Kombi {m} | :: station wagon, [UK] estate car |
Kombination {f} | :: combination |
Kombinationsfeld {n} [graphical user interface] | :: combo box |
Kombinationsfeldchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kombinationsfeld |
kombinatorisch {adj} | :: combinatorial |
kombinatorische Chemie {f} [chemistry] | :: combinatorial chemistry |
Kombine {f} [DDR] | :: combine harvester |
kombinierbar {adj} | :: combinable |
kombinieren {v} | :: to combine |
kombinieren {v} | :: to deduct |
Kombüse {f} | :: galley (kitchen of a vessel or aircraft) |
Komet {m} | :: comet |
kometenhaft {adj} | :: meteoric (rapidly rising) |
Kometenschweif {m} | :: tail of a comet |
Komfort {m} | :: comfort |
komfortabel {adj} | :: comfortable |
komfortabelsten {adj} | :: superlative of komfortabel |
komfortabler {adj} | :: comparative of komfortabel |
Komfortzone {f} | :: comfort zone |
Komiker {m} | :: comedian (male or of unspecified sex) |
komisch {adj} | :: funny (comical) |
komisch {adj} | :: funny (strange) |
komisch {adj} | :: peculiar |
komisch {adj} | :: weird, strange, bizarre |
komischer {adj} | :: comparative of komisch |
komischerweise {adv} | :: [informal] funnily enough |
komischerweise {adv} | :: [informal] strangely enough |
komischsten {adj} | :: superlative of komisch |
Komitativ {m} [grammar] | :: comitative |
Komitee {n} | :: committee |
Komitologie {f} | :: comitology (art of resolving issues by committees) |
Komm. {m} | :: abbreviation of Kommentar |
komma {contraction} [colloquial, nonstandard spelling] | :: contraction of komm mal |
Komma {n} | :: comma |
Kommandant {m} [military] | :: commander (of small or medium-sized units) |
Kommandant {m} [Austria] | :: commander (of any unit) |
Kommandeur {m} | :: commander |
kommandieren {vi} [military] | :: to command; to be in command, in charge |
kommandieren {vt} [military] | :: to command (a unit); to be the commanding officer of |
kommandieren {vt} [military, with some specifying adverb] | :: to command (a soldier) to go to some place or assume some position |
Kommandite {f} [legal, business, dated] | :: a commandite, a limited partnership in some countries like Canada. (Note: More common in German just to use the French word.) |
Kommandite {f} [legal, business, rare, historical] | :: now-defunct/replaced legal entities in Prussia and elsewhere which were the antecedents of the modern Kommanditgesellschaft |
Kommanditgesellschaft {f} [law, business] | :: limited partnership |
Kommando {n} | :: command |
Kommando {n} | :: commando |
Kommando {n} [computing] | :: command pattern |
Kommandozeile {f} [computing] | :: command line |
Kommandozeile {f} [computing] | :: command line interface |
kommen {vi} | :: to come; to arrive |
kommen {vi} | :: to come to; to come over (go somewhere so as to join someone else) |
kommen {vi} | :: to get; to make it (go somewhere in a way that implies an obstacle or difficulty to be overcome) |
kommen {vi} | :: to go to; to be put in (go somewhere in a way that is predetermined or prearranged) |
kommen {vi} | :: to come on |
kommen {vi} [impersonal] | :: to occur; to happen; to come to be |
kommen {vi} | :: to be played (of a song or film) |
kommen {vi} [with von or durch] | :: to be due to; to be the result of |
kommen {vi} [with aus + dative] | :: to come from (to have a social or geographic background) |
kommen {vi} [personal or impersonal + dative] | :: to orgasm; to cum |
kommen {vi} [with auf + accusative] | :: to be statistically equivalent to; to be there for |
kommen {vi} [with auf + accusative] | :: to obtain (a solution or result) |
kommen {vi} [with auf + accusative] | :: to get an idea; to think of; to remember; to imagine |
kommen {vi} [with um] | :: to lose; to forfeit; not to get |
kommen {vi} [with an or gegen + accusative] | :: to touch inadvertently |
kommen {vi} [with an + accusative] | :: to manage to reach (something high up etc.) |
Kommen {n} | :: "coming", "arrival" |
kommend {adj} | :: coming, next |
kommend {adj} | :: future |
kommend {adj} | :: of the future |
Komment {m} [student slang] | :: custom, decency |
Kommentar {m} | :: comment |
Kommentar {m} | :: commentary |
kommentarlos {adj} | :: lacking commentary |
Kommentator {m} | :: commentator |
kommentieren {v} | :: to comment, to comment on |
Kommen und Gehen {noun} | :: coming and going |
Kommers {m} [dated, student slang] | :: jamboree, a wingding in the beer hall after the tasks of the day have been finished; commercium |
kommersieren {v} [dated, student slang] | :: to partake in a jamboree, to have a wingding in the beer hall after the tasks of the day have been finished |
kommerzialisieren {v} | :: to commercialize |
kommerziell {adj} | :: commercial |
komme, was da wolle {adv} | :: come what may, come rain or shine |
komme was wolle {adv} | :: alternative form of komme, was da wolle |
komme, was wolle {adv} | :: come what may |
Kommilitone {m} | :: fellow student, classmate (at college or university), uni mate, schoolmate (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kommilitonin {m} | :: fellow student, classmate (at college or university), uni mate, schoolmate (all female) |
Kommis {m} | :: commis, clerk |
Kommiss {m} [colloquial] | :: military service |
Kommissar {m} | :: commissioner |
Kommissariat {n} | :: office of a commissar |
Kommissariat {n} [Austria] | :: police station |
kommissarisch {adj} [of an office holder or administration] | :: provisional, temporary |
kommissarisch {adj} [of a substitutional or representative office holder] | :: deputy |
kommissarisch {adj} [of a head of a department, etc.] | :: acting |
Kommissbrot {n} | :: army bread |
Kommission {f} | :: commission [a body or group of people, officially tasked with carrying out a particular function] |
kommissiv {adj} | :: commissive |
kommod {adj} [dated, except, Austria] | :: comfortable, commodious |
Kommode {f} | :: chest of drawers |
Kommodore {m} | :: commodore (the lowest flag rank in English-speaking countries, or in the merchant marine) |
Kommodore {m} [historical] | :: commodore (the lowest flag rank in historical German-speaking navies) |
kommunal {adj} | :: municipal |
kommunal {adj} | :: local |
Kommunalrecht {n} | :: municipal law |
Kommunalwahl {f} | :: local (council) election |
Kommunarde {m} | :: male person living in a (politically motivated) commune |
Kommune {f} | :: commune |
Kommune 1 {prop} {f} | :: Kommune 1 or K1 was the first politically-motivated commune in Germany |
Kommunikation {f} | :: communication |
Kommunikationsanlage {f} | :: communications system |
kommunikativ {adj} | :: communicative |
Kommunikee {n} | :: alternative spelling of Kommuniqué |
Kommunion {f} [Roman Catholicism] | :: communion (ecclesiastical unity) |
Kommunion {f} [Roman Catholicism] | :: Communion (sacrament) |
Kommunion {f} [Roman Catholicism, colloquial] | :: First Communion (celebration) |
Kommuniqué {n} | :: communiqué |
Kommunismus {m} | :: communism, Communism |
Kommunist {m} | :: communist / Communist (male or of unspecified sex) [person] |
Kommunistin {f} | :: communist / Communist (female) (person who follows a communist or Marxist-Leninist philosophy) |
kommunistisch {adj} | :: communist, communistic |
kommunistischer {adj} | :: comparative of kommunistisch |
kommunistischsten {adj} | :: superlative of kommunistisch |
kommunizieren {v} | :: to communicate, to exchange information |
kommunizieren {v} | :: to communicate, to receive Communion |
kommutativ {adj} [mathematics] | :: commutative |
Komödie {f} | :: comedy |
Komodowaran {m} | :: Komodo dragon |
komorbid {adj} | :: comorbid |
Komore {prop} {f} [very, rare] | :: one of the Comoros islands, especially Grande Comore |
Komoren {prop} {p} | :: Comoros |
komorisch {adj} | :: Comorian (pertaining to the Comoros, the Comorian people or the Comorian language) |
Kompagnon {m} | :: companion, partner |
kompakt {adj} [also mathematics] | :: compact |
kompakter {adj} | :: comparative of kompakt |
kompaktesten {adj} | :: superlative of kompakt |
Kompanie {f} [military] | :: company |
komparabel {adj} | :: comparable |
Komparation {f} [grammar] | :: comparison |
Komparativ {m} [grammar] | :: comparative |
Kompass {m} | :: compass (navigational instrument) |
kompatibel {adj} | :: compatible |
kompatibilistisch {adj} | :: compatibilistic, compatible |
Kompatibilität {f} | :: compatibility |
Kompendium {n} | :: compendium |
Kompensation {f} | :: compensation |
kompensieren {v} | :: to compensate |
kompetent {adj} | :: competent |
Kompetenz {f} | :: competence |
kompetitiv {adj} | :: competitive |
kompilieren {v} [often pejorative] | :: to compile or assemble information (without e.g. performing original research) |
kompilieren {v} [computing] | :: to compile; to produce assembly or binary code from a program written in a higher-level language |
komplektisch {adj} | :: complected; complex |
komplementär {adj} | :: complementary |
komplementär {adj} | :: supplementary |
komplett {adj} | :: complete (with everything included) |
komplettieren {v} | :: to complete |
Komplettierung {f} | :: completion |
komplex {adj} | :: complex, sophisticated, involved |
Komplex {m} | :: complex (all senses) |
Komplexbildner {m} [chemistry] | :: chelating agent |
Komplexbildung {f} [chemistry] | :: complexation (complex formation) |
Komplexbildungsreaktion {f} [chemistry] | :: complexation (reaction) |
komplexe Zahl {f} [mathematics] | :: complex number |
komplexgebunden {adj} [chemistry] | :: complexed (bound as a complex) |
komplexieren {v} [chemistry] | :: To complex (form a complex with) |
komplexiert {v} | :: past participle of komplexieren |
Komplexierung {f} [chemistry] | :: complexation (complex formation) |
Komplexion {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: complex ion |
Komplexität {f} | :: complexity |
Komplexometrie {f} | :: complexometry |
komplexometrisch {adj} | :: complexometric |
Komplexverbindung {f} [chemistry] | :: complex compound |
Komplikation {f} | :: complication |
Kompliment {n} | :: compliment |
Komplize {m} | :: accomplice |
Komplizenschaft {f} | :: complicity |
komplizieren {v} | :: to complicate |
kompliziert {adj} | :: complicated, complex |
kompliziert {adj} | :: sophisticated |
Kompliziertheit {f} | :: complicatedness |
Komplott {n} {m} | :: plot (conspiracy against a person) |
Komponente {f} | :: component |
Komponententest {m} [software, testing] | :: unit test |
komponieren {v} [music] | :: to compose |
Komponist {m} | :: composer (male or of unspecified sex) |
Komponistin {f} | :: composer (female) |
Komposition {f} [music or arts or mathematics or linguistics] | :: composition |
Komposition {f} | :: creation |
Kompositionsglied {n} [grammar, linguistics] | :: a component part of a composition; each individual element in a compound word |
kompositorisch {adj} | :: compositional |
Kompositum {n} [linguistics] | :: compound, compound word |
Kompositum {n} [software, design] | :: The composite pattern |
Kompost {m} | :: compost |
kompostierbar {adj} | :: compostable |
kompostieren {v} | :: to compost |
Kompott {n} | :: compote (dessert made of fruit cooked in sugary syrup) |
Kompresse {f} [medicine] | :: compress |
komprimierbar {adj} | :: compressible |
komprimieren {v} | :: to compress |
komprimiert {adj} | :: compressed |
komprimiert {adj} | :: packed |
Kompromiss {m} {n} | :: compromise |
Kompromiß {noun} | :: alternative form of Kompromiss |
kompromissbereit {adj} | :: ready to compromise |
kompromisslos {adj} | :: uncompromising, intransigent |
kompromisslos {adv} | :: uncompromisingly |
kompromittieren {vt} | :: to compromise |
Komproportionierung {f} [chemistry] | :: comproportionation |
kompulsiv {adj} | :: compulsive |
komputativ {adj} | :: computative (computational) |
Komurke {f} | :: alternative form of Kamurke |
Kon {f} | :: wife |
konativ {adj} | :: conative |
Kondensat {n} | :: condensate |
Kondensation {f} | :: condensation (all senses) |
Kondensationskeim {m} [meteorology] | :: condensation nucleus (in clouds) |
Kondensator {m} | :: capacitor |
Kondensatorbelag {m} [physics] | :: capacitor plate |
kondensieren {v} | :: to condense (to decrease size or volume) |
Kondensmilch {f} | :: condensed milk |
Kondensstreifen {m} [meteorology] | :: contrail |
Kondiment {n} [cooking] | :: condiment |
Kondition {f} | :: condition |
konditional {adj} | :: conditional |
Konditional {m} | :: conditional (mode/mood) |
Konditor {m} | :: confectioner, pastry cook (male or of unspecified sex) |
Konditorei {f} | :: pastry shop, cake shop |
Konditorei {f} | :: Konditorei, confectionery shop |
Kondolenz {f} | :: condolence (sympathy when someone has died) |
Kondom {n} | :: condom |
Kondominium {n} [politics] | :: condominium |
Kondor {m} | :: condor |
Kone {f} [obsolete] | :: wife |
Konfabulation {f} [psychology] | :: confabulation |
Konferenz {f} | :: conference |
Konferenzzimmer {n} | :: conference room |
Konferenzzimmer {n} [Austria] | :: teacher's lounge |
Konfession {f} [religion] | :: denomination |
konfessionell {adj} | :: confessional |
konfessionslos {adj} [religion] | :: nondenominational |
Konfetti {n} | :: confetti |
Konfident {m} [obsolete] | :: confidant, trusted friend |
Konfident {m} [Austria, dated] | :: informer, police informer |
Konfiguration {f} | :: configuration |
konfigurieren {v} | :: to configure |
Konfirmation {f} [Protestantism] | :: confirmation (ceremony of conscious acknowledgement of the faith) |
Konfirmation {f} [rare, archaic] | :: confirmation; verification |
konfirmatorisch {adj} | :: confirmatory |
Konfiskation {f} | :: confiscation |
konfiszieren {v} | :: to confiscate |
Konfiszierung {f} | :: confiscation |
Konfitüre {f} [especially, Switzerland] | :: jam, confiture |
Konfix {n} | :: a non-standalone bound morpheme, with lexical meaning, used to make words; a combining form |
Konflikt {m} | :: conflict |
konfliktär {adj} | :: conflicting |
Konfliktherd {m} | :: conflict centre |
konfliktträchtig {adj} | :: likely to cause conflict |
konfluent {adj} | :: confluent, converging |
Konföderation {f} | :: confederation, confederacy (a union or alliance of (largely) self-governing political entities, such as sovereign states or countries) |
konform {adj} | :: compliant |
konform {adj} | :: conformal |
Konformation {f} [chemistry] | :: conformation |
Konformationsisomer {n} [chemistry] | :: conformational isomer |
Konformationsisomerie {f} [chemistry] | :: conformational isomerism |
Konformismus {m} | :: conformism |
Konformist {m} | :: conformist (male or of unspecified sex) |
konformistisch {adj} | :: conformist |
konformistischer {adj} | :: comparative of konformistisch |
konformistischsten {adj} | :: superlative of konformistisch |
Konformität {f} | :: conformity |
Konfrontation {f} | :: confrontation (the act of confronting or challenging another, especially face-to-face) |
Konfrontationskurs {m} | :: collision course |
konfrontativ {adj} | :: confrontational |
konfrontieren {v} | :: To confront |
Konfusion {f} | :: confusion |
konfuzianisch {adj} | :: Confucian |
Konfuzianismus {m} | :: Confucianism |
Konfuzius {n} | :: Confucius |
kongenial {adj} [formal] | :: equally brilliant; on the same mental or intellectual level |
kongenital {adj} [medicine, specialist] | :: congenital (present since birth) |
Konglomerat {n} [geology or business or cluster of heterogeneous things] | :: conglomerate |
Kongo {prop} {m} | :: Congo (country with Brazzaville as capital) |
Kongo {prop} {m} | :: Congo (river) |
Kongo {n} | :: Kongo (a Bantu language) |
Kongolese {m} | :: Congolese (person from Republic of Congo) |
Kongolesin {f} | :: Congolese (female person from Republic of Congo) |
kongolesisch {adj} | :: Congolese (people or language of Republic of Congo) |
Kongress {m} | :: congress, Congress |
Kongress {m} | :: conference, convention |
Kongreß {noun} | :: alternative spelling of Kongress |
kongruent {adj} [geometry] | :: congruent (with difference divisible by modulus) |
Kongruenz {f} [grammar, linguistics] | :: agreement (grammatical agreement) |
Kongruenz {f} [geometry] | :: congruence |
Kongsbergit {m} [mineral] | :: kongsbergite |
Konifere {f} [botany, specialist or literary] | :: a conifer (kind of tree) |
Konifere {f} [erroneous or jocular] | :: malapropism for Koryphäe |
König {m} [monarch, chess, card games] | :: king |
König {prop} {mf} | :: surname originating as a nickname |
Königin {f} | :: queen |
Königin {f} [dated, now, rare] | :: queen (chess piece) |
königlich {adj} | :: royal, regal, kingly |
Königreich {n} | :: kingdom |
Königsbauer {m} [chess] | :: king's pawn |
Königsberg {prop} {n} [historical] | :: Königsberg (city) |
Königsberger Klopse {p} | :: Königsberger Klopse (East Prussian dish of meatballs) |
königsblau {adj} | :: royal blue |
Königsdorf {prop} {n} | :: Königsdorf (municipality) |
Königsdorf {prop} {n} | :: Königsdorf (municipality) |
Königsfamilie {f} | :: royal family |
Königsflügel {m} [chess] | :: kingside |
Königsgeier {m} | :: king vulture |
Königsgelb {n} | :: Any of several bright yellow pigments |
Königskerze {f} | :: mullein (plants of the genus Verbascum) |
Königskind {n} | :: king's child, prince or princess |
Königskobra {f} | :: king cobra |
Königslachs {m} | :: a chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha |
Königsmord {m} | :: regicide |
Königspinguin {m} | :: king penguin |
Königsschloss {n} | :: royal castle, royal palace |
Königsschloß {n} | :: alternative spelling of Königsschloss |
Königsschlösschen {n} | :: diminutive of Königsschloss |
Königssohn {m} | :: prince, king's son |
Königstetten {prop} {n} | :: Königstetten (municipality) |
Königstiger {m} | :: Bengal tiger |
Königstochter {f} | :: princess, king's daughter |
Königswasser {n} | :: aqua regia (extremely powerful mixture of acids) |
Königswasserlösung {f} | :: aqua regia solution |
Königsweg {m} [idiomatic] | :: silver bullet, royal road |
Königswetter {n} | :: synonym of Kaiserwetter |
Königswiesen {prop} {n} | :: Königswiesen (municipality) |
Königthum {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Königtum |
Königtum {n} [dated] | :: kingdom |
Königtum {n} [dated] | :: kingship |
konisch {adj} | :: conical, conic |
konjugal {adj} | :: conjugal |
Konjugation {f} [grammar, mathematics (usually accompanied by an adjective)] | :: conjugation |
konjugieren {v} | :: to conjugate (list the inflected forms of a verb for each person) |
Konjunktion {f} [grammar] | :: conjunction |
Konjunktion {f} [astronomy] | :: conjunction |
Konjunktiv {m} [grammar] | :: subjunctive mood; conjunctive mode |
Konjunktivitis {f} | :: conjunctivitis (inflammation) |
Konjunktur {f} | :: current economic situation, current trend in the business/economic/trade cycle |
Konjunktur {f} | :: business outlook |
Konjunktur {f} | :: (economic) boom, upward trend, expansion |
konjunkturell {adj} [pertaining to the business cycle or economic situation] | :: economic, cyclical |
konkav {adj} | :: concave |
Konklave {n} | :: conclave |
konkludent {adj} | :: conclusive |
konkludent {adj} | :: implicit |
konkomitant {adj} | :: concomitant |
konkordant {adj} | :: concordant |
Konkordat {n} | :: concordat (formal agreement between a nation and the Vatican) |
Konkordat {n} [Austria, Swiss] | :: Formal agreement between a nation's federal government and its subdivisions, e.g. states or cantons |
Konkordia {f} | :: harmony |
konkret {adj} | :: concrete (particular, perceivable, real) |
konkret {adv} | :: definitely, specifically |
Konkretion {f} | :: concretion |
konkretisieren {v} | :: to concrete (to solidify) |
konkretistisch {adj} | :: concretistic |
Konkubine {f} | :: concubine |
Konkurrent {m} | :: competitor |
Konkurrenz {f} [action of competing] | :: competition |
Konkurrenz {f} [no plural] | :: competitors |
konkurrenzfähig {adj} | :: competitive |
konkurrenzlos {adj} | :: unrivaled, unrivalled |
konkurrieren {v} | :: to compete |
Konkurs {m} | :: bankruptcy |
konkursreif {adj} [economics] | :: heading for bankruptcy |
konnatal {adj} | :: congenital, connatal |
können {v} [auxiliary, with an infinitive, past participle: “können”] | :: to be able (to do something); can |
können {v} [auxiliary, with an infinitive, past participle: “können”] | :: to be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may |
können {vt} [past participle: “gekonnt”] | :: to know how to do (something); to know; to understand; to be able to do (something); to be capable of; can do (something) |
können {vi} [past participle: “gekonnt”] | :: to be able to do something implied; can |
können {vi} [colloquial, usually in negation] | :: to be possible, to make sense |
Können {n} | :: skill, ability |
Konnexion {f} | :: connection |
Konnotation {f} [semantics] | :: connotation (suggested or implied meaning) |
Konnotation {f} [logic] | :: connotation (aggregate of attributes connoted by a term) |
konnotieren {v} | :: To connote (to signify beyond principal meaning), to consignify |
konphas {adj} | :: in phase |
Konrad {prop} {m} | :: given name, origin of the English Conrad |
konsanguin {adj} | :: consanguineous |
konsekutiv {adj} | :: consecutive |
Konsens {m} | :: consensus |
konsensual {adj} | :: consensual |
konsensuell {adj} | :: alternative form of konsensual |
konsequent {adj} | :: consistent |
konsequent {adj} | :: firm, uncompromising |
Konsequenz {f} | :: consequence (that which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause) |
Konservatismus {m} | :: conservatism |
konservativ {adj} | :: conservative |
konservativer {adj} | :: comparative of konservativ |
Konservativismus {m} | :: conservativism |
konservativsten {adj} | :: superlative of konservativ |
Konservator {m} | :: conservator |
Konservatorium {n} [school of music] | :: conservatory |
Konserve {f} | :: preserved food |
Konserve {f} | :: tin, can |
Konservenbüchse {f} | :: tin [airtight container] |
Konservendose {f} | :: tin / can (airtight container for conserving food) |
konservieren {v} | :: to conserve, to preserve |
konserviert {adj} | :: conserved, preserved |
Konservierung {f} | :: preservation, conservation |
Konservierungsmittel {n} | :: preservative |
konsistent {adj} | :: consistent (not logically contradictory) |
Konsistenz {f} | :: consistency |
Konsole {f} | :: console |
konsolidieren {v} | :: to consolidate |
Konsolidierung {f} | :: consolidation |
Konsonant {m} [linguistics, phonetics] | :: consonant |
Konsonantenstamm {m} [linguistics] | :: consonant stem |
konsonantisch {adj} | :: consonant (attributive) |
Konsortium {n} | :: consortium |
Konspiration {f} | :: conspiration |
Konspirationstheoretiker {m} | :: conspiracy theorist |
Konspirationstheoretikerin {f} | :: feminine noun of Konspirationstheoretiker |
Konspirationstheorie {f} [rather rare] | :: conspiracy theory |
konspirativ {adj} | :: conspirative, conspiratory |
Kons.-Stamm {m} | :: abbreviation of Konsonantenstamm |
konstant {adj} [also mathematics] | :: constant (unchanged through time or space) |
Konstante {f} | :: constant |
Konstantin {prop} | :: given name |
Konstantinopel {prop} {n} | :: Constantinople |
Konstanz {f} | :: constancy, permanence |
Konstanz {prop} {n} | :: Constance (city) |
Konstanz {prop} {n} [historical] | :: One of the four districts of the Grand Duchy of Baden |
Konstanze {prop} | :: given name |
Konstanzer {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Konstanz |
konstatieren {v} | :: to state |
konstatierend {adj} | :: stating |
konstatierend {adj} [linguistics] | :: constative |
Konstellation {f} | :: constellation |
konsterniert {adj} [literary] | :: with consternation |
konstituieren {v} | :: to constitute |
Konstitution {f} | :: constitution |
konstitutionelle Monarchie {f} | :: constitutional monarchy (monarchy in which the monarch's power is limited by a codified or uncodified constitution) |
konstitutiv {adj} | :: constitutive |
konstruieren {v} | :: to design |
konstruieren {v} | :: to construct or fabricate |
konstruierend {adj} | :: constructing |
konstruierend {adj} | :: construing |
konstruiert {v} | :: past participle of konstruieren |
konstruiert {adj} | :: artificial |
konstruiert {adj} | :: constructed |
Konstrukteur {m} | :: designer, draftsman |
Konstruktion {f} | :: construction |
Konstruktionswerkstoff {m} | :: construction material |
konstruktiv {adj} | :: constructive (carefully considered and meant to be helpful) |
Konstruktivismus {m} | :: constructivism |
Konsul {m} | :: consul |
Konsulat {n} | :: consulate |
Konsulin {f} | :: a female consul |
Konsulin {f} | :: a consul's wife |
Konsultation {f} | :: consultation |
Konsultent {m} [dated] | :: legal advisor |
Konsultent {m} [Austria, Swiss] | :: consultant for a firm |
konsultieren {v} | :: to consult |
Konsum {m} | :: consumption |
Konsument {m} [also biology] | :: consumer |
Konsumentin {f} | :: consumer |
Konsumgut {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: consumer good(s) |
konsumierbar {adj} | :: consumable |
konsumieren {v} | :: to consume |
kontagiös {adj} | :: contagious |
Kontainer {m} | :: container |
Kontakt {m} | :: contact |
Kontakt {m} | :: junction |
Kontaktdruck {m} [photography] | :: contact print |
Kontaktfeder {f} | :: contact spring |
Kontaktfeder {f} | :: spring clip |
kontaktfreudig {adj} | :: sociable, extrovert |
kontaktieren {v} | :: to contact (establish communication with) |
Kontaktieren {n} | :: contacting |
Kontaktierung {f} | :: contacting |
Kontaktierung {f} | :: bonding |
Kontaktjonglage {f} | :: contact juggling |
Kontaktlinse {f} | :: contact lens |
kontaktscheu {adj} | :: unsociable, introvert |
Kontaktverbot {m} [law] | :: restraining order |
Kontaktverfahren {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: contact process |
Kontamination {f} | :: contamination |
Kontamination {f} [linguistics] | :: blend |
kontaminieren {v} | :: to contaminate |
kontaminiert {adj} | :: contaminated |
kontemplativ {adj} | :: contemplative |
kontemporär {adj} | :: contemporaneous, simultaneous |
Konter {m} [sports] | :: counter-attack |
Konter {m} [figurative] | :: repartee; comeback (witty answer) |
Konteradmiral {m} | :: rear admiral (a two-star rank in the modern German navy) |
Konteradmiral {m} [historical] | :: counter admiral, Konteradmiral (a one-star rank in various historical German-speaking navies) |
Konterbier {n} | :: hair of the dog |
Konterfei {n} [dated] | :: portrait |
konterfeien {v} [dated] | :: to portrait |
konterkarieren {v} | :: to thwart |
kontern {v} | :: to counter |
Konterrevolution {f} [Marxism] | :: counterrevolution (activities intended to hamper the Communist revolution; the forces behind these activities; anti-Marxists collectively) |
Konterrevolution {f} [rare] | :: counterrevolution (a revolution that aims to reverse the outcomes of a previous one) |
konterrevolutionär {adj} | :: counterrevolutionary |
Kontext {m} | :: context |
kontextfrei {adj} | :: context-free |
kontextsensitiv {adj} | :: context-sensitive |
Kontinent {m} | :: continent |
kontinental {adj} | :: continental |
kontinental {adv} | :: continentally |
kontingent {adj} | :: contingent |
Kontingenz {f} [philosophy, psychology, sociology, statistics] | :: contingency (quality of being contingent; unpredictability) |
kontinuierlich {adj} | :: continuous |
Kontinuität {f} | :: continuity |
Kontinuum {n} | :: continuum |
Konto {n} | :: account |
Konto {n} | :: bank account |
Konto {n} | :: internet account |
Kontoauszug {m} | :: bank statement |
Kontor {n} | :: branch office |
kontra- {prefix} | :: counter- (in opposition to) |
kontra- {prefix} | :: double (in music, of an instrument, sounding an octave lower) |
Kontra {n} | :: con (disadvantage) |
Kontra {n} [uncountable, card games] | :: double |
Kontrabass {m} | :: double bass (a large stringed instrument) |
Kontrabaß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Kontrabass |
kontradiktorisch {adj} | :: contradictory |
kontrafaktisch {adj} | :: counterfactual |
Kontrahent {m} | :: opponent, rival |
Kontrahent {m} | :: antagonist |
kontrahieren {v} [formal, learned] | :: to contract |
Kontraindikation {f} [medicine] | :: contraindication |
kontraindiziert {adj} | :: contraindicatory |
Kontrakt {m} | :: contract |
Kontraktion {f} [formal, learned] | :: contraction |
Kontraktion {f} [mathematics] | :: contraction |
Kontraktionsfähigkeit {f} | :: contractility |
Kontraktur {f} [medicine] | :: contracture |
kontraproduktiv {adj} | :: counterproductive |
Kontrapunkt {m} [music] | :: counterpoint (melody added to an existing one) |
konträr {adj} | :: contrarian, contrary |
Kontrast {m} | :: contrast |
kontrastarm {adj} | :: low-contrast |
kontrasterhöhend {adj} | :: contrast-enhancing |
Kontrasterhöhung {f} | :: contrast enhancement |
kontrastieren {v} | :: to contrast |
Kontrastmittel {n} | :: contrast medium, contrast agent (radiopaque material) |
kontrastreich {adj} | :: high-contrast, contrasty |
Kontrollbox {f} [graphical user interface] | :: checkbox |
Kontrolle {f} | :: inspection |
Kontrolle {f} | :: control |
Kontrolleur {m} | :: inspector |
Kontrollgruppe {f} | :: control group |
kontrollierbar {adj} | :: controllable, manageable |
kontrollierbar {adj} | :: verifiable |
kontrollieren {v} | :: to control |
kontrollieren {v} | :: to check |
kontrolliert {adj} | :: controlled |
kontrolliert {adj} | :: checked, monitored |
Kontrollkästchen {n} | :: checkbox |
kontrolllos {adj} | :: controlless |
Kontrollpunkt {m} | :: Checkpoint |
Kontrollraum {m} | :: control room |
Kontrollstab {m} | :: control rod |
Kontrolluhr {f} | :: telltale clock, time clock |
Kontrollverlust {m} | :: loss of control |
Kontrollwahn {m} | :: control mania |
Kontrollzwang {m} | :: compulsion to control |
kontrovers {adj} | :: controversial |
Kontroverse {f} | :: controversy |
Kontumaz {f} [Austria officialese, dated] | :: [[Austrian] quarantine |
Kontur {f} | :: outline |
Kontur {f} | :: contour |
konturlos {adj} | :: shapeless |
konturlos {adj} | :: faceless |
Konvektion {f} | :: convection |
Konvektionsströmung {f} | :: convection current |
konvenient {adj} | :: convenient |
Konvention {f} [protocol; preferred method of accomplishing a task] | :: convention |
konventionell {adj} | :: conventional |
konventionell {adj} | :: normal |
konvergieren {v} | :: converge (to approach each other) |
konvergieren {v} [mathematics] | :: converge |
konvers {adj} | :: converse |
Konversation {f} | :: conversation (talking) |
Konversationsmaxime {f} [linguistics] | :: Grice's maxims |
Konversion {f} [religion] | :: conversion |
Konversion {f} [construction] | :: conversion, repurposing |
Konversion {f} [linguistics] | :: conversion, zero derivation |
Konverter {m} | :: converter |
konvertieren {v} | :: to convert |
Konvertierung {f} | :: conversion |
konvex {adj} | :: convex |
konvexer {adj} | :: comparative of konvex |
konvexesten {adj} | :: superlative of konvex |
Konvikt {n} | :: seminary |
Konvikt {n} [Austria] | :: Catholic boarding school |
konvivial {adj} | :: convivial |
Konvoi {m} | :: convoy |
konvulsiv {adj} | :: convulsive |
konvulsivisch {adj} | :: alternative form of konvulsiv |
Konz {prop} {n} | :: Konz (municipality) |
Konzentrat {n} | :: concentrate |
Konzentration {f} | :: concentration |
Konzentrationslager {n} | :: concentration camp |
Konzentrationsmangel {m} | :: lack of concentration |
konzentrieren {vr} | :: to concentrate [one's mind or attention] |
konzentrieren {vt} | :: to concentrate [something] |
konzentriert {adj} | :: concentrated |
konzentriert {adj} | :: focused |
Konzentrierung {f} | :: concentration (act of concentrating) |
Konzentrierung {f} | :: massing |
konzentrisch {adj} | :: concentric |
Konzept {n} | :: blueprint, draft |
Konzept {n} | :: concept [something understood, and retained in the mind] |
Konzeption {f} | :: conception |
Konzeption {f} | :: doctrine |
Konzeption {f} | :: concept |
konzeptionell {adj} | :: conceptual |
konzeptuell {adj} | :: conceptual |
Konzern {m} | :: business group, corporate group |
Konzernumsatz {m} | :: group sales |
Konzert {n} | :: concert (musical event) |
Konzert {n} | :: concerto |
konzertant {adj} [music] | :: concert (attributive); concerto (attributive) |
Konzertflügel {m} [music] | :: concert grand, grand |
Konzertgitarre {f} | :: concert guitar |
Konzerthaus {n} | :: concert hall (building) |
konzertiert {adj} | :: concerted |
Konzertmeister {m} [music] | :: concertmaster |
Konzertsaal {m} | :: concert hall (large room) |
Konzertstück {n} | :: concertino |
Konzession {f} | :: franchise |
konzessionieren {v} | :: to franchise, to grant (a company) the right to operate |
konzessiv {adj} | :: concessive |
Konzessivsatz {m} [grammar] | :: concessive clause |
Konzil {n} | :: church council, synod |
konziliant {adj} | :: conciliatory |
konzipieren {v} | :: to conceptualise, to design |
konzipiert {v} | :: past participle of konzipieren |
konzis {adj} | :: concise; brief |
Koofmich {m} [regional, colloquial, derogatory] | :: businessman |
Koog {m} [chiefly northern Germany] | :: polder (land reclaimed from the sea by means of dikes) |
Kooperation {f} | :: cooperation |
kooperativ {adj} | :: cooperative |
Kooperator {m} [dated] | :: employee |
Kooperator {m} [Austria, Roman Catholicism] | :: coadjutor (assistant to a bishop) |
kooperieren {v} | :: to cooperate |
Koordinate {f} | :: coordinate |
Koordinatenachse {f} [mathematics, geometry] | :: coordinate axis |
Koordinatensystem {n} | :: coordinate system |
Koordination {f} | :: coordination |
Koordinationsstörung {f} [pathology] | :: coordination disorder |
Koordinationszahl {f} [chemistry] | :: coordination number |
koordinieren {v} [to synchronize activities] | :: to coordinate |
Koordinierung {f} | :: coordination |
Kopenhagen {prop} {n} | :: Kopenhagen (capital city) |
Köpenickiade {f} | :: con game involving pretending to be in a position of authority |
Kopf {m} [anatomy] | :: head |
Kopf {m} | :: crown, top |
Kopf {m} | :: heading, title |
Kopf {m} | :: person; individual; fellow (referring to one's intellect or mentality) |
Kopf {m} [linguistics] | :: head |
Kopf {m} | :: [numismatics] heads (side of a coin) |
Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen {n} | :: neck and neck race |
Kopfarbeit {f} | :: intellectual work, "mental math" |
Kopfarbeiter {m} | :: intellectual person |
Kopfball {m} [football] | :: header |
kopfballstark {adj} [football] | :: Good at heading the ball |
Kopfbedeckung {f} | :: headgear |
Kopfbewegung {f} | :: a movement of the head |
Kopfbruststück {noun} | :: cephalothorax |
Köpfchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kopf |
Köpfchen {n} [colloquial] | :: brain; wit; intellect |
Köpfchen {n} [botany] | :: capitulum |
köpfen {v} [death] | :: to behead |
köpfen {v} [football] | :: to head |
Kopfentscheidung {f} | :: a decision made after reflection, or rational thought [as opposed to a gut decision] |
Kopfform {f} | :: shape of head |
Kopfgeld {n} | :: bounty (reward) |
Kopfgeldjäger {m} | :: bounty hunter (male or of unspecified sex) (person who catches criminals) |
Kopfgrind {m} | :: scalp ringworm |
Kopfhaut {f} | :: scalp (skin on the head where the hair grows) |
Kopf hoch {phrase} | :: Chin up!, Cheer up! |
Kopfhörer {m} | :: headphones |
-köpfig {suffix} | :: Pertaining to the head count of a group |
-köpfig {suffix} | :: headed (having a certain type or number of heads) |
Kopfjäger {m} | :: headhunter |
Kopfkino {n} | :: inner cinema |
Kopfkissen {n} | :: pillow |
Kopfkissenbezug {m} | :: pillowcase |
kopflastig {adj} | :: top-heavy |
Kopflaus {f} | :: head louse |
kopflos {adj} | :: headless |
kopflos {adj} | :: absent-minded |
Kopflosigkeit {f} | :: headlessness |
Kopflosigkeit {f} | :: absentmindedness |
Kopfnuss {f} | :: clout (blow on the head) |
Kopfnuss {f} | :: riddle, brain-teaser |
Kopfputz {m} | :: A headdress, head finery, especially of women, or regal finery like a crown |
Kopfsalat {m} | :: lettuce |
Kopfsatz {m} [music] | :: first movement |
kopfscheu {adj} | :: anxious, agitated |
Kopfschmerz {m} | :: headache |
Kopfschütteln {n} | :: headshaking |
Kopfstand {m} | :: headstand |
Kopfsteinpflaster {n} | :: cobblestone pavement |
Kopfsteinpflastersträsschen {n} | :: alternative spelling of Kopfsteinpflastersträßchen |
Kopfsteinpflastersträßchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kopfsteinpflasterstraße |
Kopfsteinpflasterstrasse {f} | :: alternative spelling of Kopfsteinpflasterstraße |
Kopfsteinpflasterstraße {f} [traffic, roads] | :: cobblestone road (a street or road paved with cobblestones) |
Kopfsteinsträsschen {n} | :: alternative spelling of Kopfsteinsträßchen |
Kopfsteinsträßchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kopfsteinstraße |
Kopfsteinstrasse {f} | :: alternative spelling of Kopfsteinstraße |
Kopfsteinstraße {f} [traffic, roads] | :: cobblestone road (a street or road paved with cobblestones) |
Kopfstütze {f} | :: headrest, head restraint |
Kopftuch {n} | :: headscarf |
Kopftuchmädchen {n} [derogatory] | :: girl wearing a hijab |
kopfüber {adv} | :: headfirst, headlong, head over heels |
Kopf und Kragen {noun} | :: danger |
Kopfverletzung {f} | :: head injury |
Kopfweh {n} | :: headache |
Kopfwort {n} [morphology] | :: final clipping; apocope |
Kopfzerbrechen {n} | :: headfuck |
Kopie {f} | :: a copy, the result of copying something, a duplicate |
kopieren {v} | :: to copy |
kopieren und einfügen {v} [computing] | :: to copy and paste |
Kopierer {m} | :: copier (a machine that copies) |
Kopiergerät {n} | :: copier (machine) |
kopiergeschützt {adj} | :: copy-protected |
Kopierschutz {m} | :: copy protection |
Kopilot {m} | :: copilot |
Kopp {m} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] | :: alternative form of Kopf |
Kopp {m} [colloquial, regional, northern and central Germany] | :: used to make all kinds of humorous, somewhat negative words for people |
Koppel {f} | :: paddock |
Koppel {f} | :: coupler |
koppeln {v} | :: To connect or interconnect |
koppeln {v} | :: To couple or interlink |
Koppelprodukt {n} | :: coproduct |
Köpper {m} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] | :: header (jump into water with one's head and arms ahead) |
Kopplung {f} | :: coupling |
Koproduktion {f} | :: coproduction |
Koproduzent {m} | :: coproducer |
Koproduzentin {m} | :: feminine noun of Koproduzent |
koproduzieren {v} | :: to coproduce |
Kopte {m} | :: Copt (man who belongs to the Coptic Church) |
Koptin {f} | :: Copt (woman who belongs to the Coptic Church) |
koptisch {adj} | :: Coptic (related to the Coptic language or to the Copts) |
Koptisch {n} | :: Coptic (language) |
Kopula {f} [grammar] | :: copula (linking kind of word) |
kopulativ {adj} | :: copulative |
Kopulativkompositum {n} [linguistics] | :: dvandva |
kopulieren {v} | :: to copulate |
Kor. {noun} [music] | :: abbreviation of Kornett |
Kor {n} | :: cor [unit of measure] |
Koralle {f} | :: coral |
korallen {adj} [attributive] | :: coral |
Korallenfisch {m} | :: butterfly fish |
Korallenotter {f} | :: coral snake |
Korallenriff {n} | :: coral reef |
Koran {m} | :: Qur'an |
koranisch {adj} | :: Qur'anic, Koranic |
Korb {m} | :: basket; creel |
Korb {m} [botany] | :: anthodium (inflorescence of a compound flower) |
Korb {m} [aviation] | :: nacelle |
Korb {m} [legal] | :: a set of laws around a certain theme |
Korb {m} [colloquial] | :: rejection of a request, typically romantic, such as a proposal or asking for a date |
Korbblüte {f} | :: A cluster of small flowers (florets) that has the overall appearance of a single flower, made up of marginal ray flowers (ray florets) and tiny disc flowers (tubular florets) at the center. A type of pseudanthium that occurs in many species of the family Asteraceae |
Korbblütengewächs {n} | :: any plant of the composite family (Asteraceae) |
Korbblütengewächs {n} [plural] | :: collective noun for plants of the composite family (Asteraceae) |
Korbblütler {m} | :: any plant of the composite family (Asteraceae) |
Körbchen {n} | :: diminutive of Korb |
Körbchen {n} | :: bra cup |
Körbchengröße {f} | :: cup size |
Korbflechter {m} | :: basketweaver |
Korbmacher {m} | :: basketweaver |
Korbware {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: wicker item, wickerwork |
Kordel {f} | :: cord (length of twisted strands) |
Kordel {f} [regional] | :: twine |
Kordel {f} [Austria] | :: cord (decorative cord for dresses or as a barrier in museums) |
Kordilleren {fp} | :: cordillera |
Kordon {m} [line of people or things placed around an area to enclose or protect it] | :: cordon |
Kore {f} | :: kore |
Korea {prop} {n} | :: Korea |
Koreakrieg {prop} {m} | :: Korean War (war lasting from 1950 to 1953) |
Koreaner {mf} | :: Korean (person, male) |
Koreanerin {f} | :: Korean (female person from Korea) |
koreanisch {adj} | :: Korean |
Koreanisch {n} [language] | :: Korean |
Koreanische Volksdemokratische Republik {prop} {f} [DDR] | :: Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
Koreanistik {f} | :: Korean studies (academic study of Korean language and literature) |
kören {v} | :: to choose individual animals for breeding |
Korfu {prop} {f} | :: Korfu (island) |
Korfu {prop} {f} | :: Korfu (city) |
Koriander {m} | :: coriander, cilantro |
Korinthenkacker {m} [derogatory, offensive] | :: nitpicker, stickler for detail |
Kork {m} {n} | :: cork (material) |
Korken {m} | :: cork (bottle stopper, usually but necessarily made of cork) |
Korkenzieher {m} | :: corkscrew |
korkig {adj} | :: corky (both senses) |
Kormoran {m} | :: cormorant (seabird of the family Phalacrocoracidae) |
Korn {n} [countable] | :: kernel; single grain |
Korn {n} [countable, firearm] | :: bead (knob on a gun barrel used for aiming) |
Korn {n} [uncountable] | :: cereal; corn; grain (type of plant and its fruit) |
Korn {n} [uncountable, dated or regional] | :: rye (as the commonest kind of grain in German-speaking Europe) |
Korn {m} | :: Korn (liquor) |
Korn {prop} {f} | :: Chiers (river) |
Kornblume {f} | :: cornflower |
kornblumenblau {adj} | :: cornflower blue |
Körnchen {n} | :: diminutive of Korn |
Körnchen Wahrheit {n} | :: kernel of truth |
Kornelkirsche {f} | :: cornel |
körnerfressend {adj} | :: granivorous |
Kornett {n} [musical instruments] | :: cornet |
Korneuburg {prop} {n} | :: Korneuburg (municipality) |
Kornfeinung {f} | :: grain refining / grain-boundary strengthening |
Korngrösse {f} | :: alternative spelling of Korngröße |
Korngröße {f} | :: grain / particle size |
körnig {adj} | :: grainy, granular, granulous |
körnig {adj} | :: sandy |
Körnigkeit {f} | :: granularity, graininess |
kornisch {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Cornwall; Cornish |
kornisch {adj} | :: Native to Cornwall |
kornisch {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Cornish language |
Kornisch {n} | :: Cornish (language) |
Kornkammer {f} [literally and figuratively] | :: granary |
Kornkreis {m} | :: crop circle |
Körnlein {n} | :: diminutive of Korn |
Kornnatter {f} | :: corn snake, Pantherophis guttatus, formerly Elaphe guttata |
Kornrade {f} | :: corncockle (plant of the genus Agrostemma) |
Körnung {f} | :: granulation, granularity |
Korollar {n} | :: corollary (proposition which follows easily) |
Korona {f} [including, astronomy] | :: corona |
koronal {adj} | :: coronal |
koronar {adj} | :: coronary |
Körper {m} | :: body (of a person, animal, etc.) |
Körper {m} [physics] | :: body |
Körper {m} [geometry] | :: body, solid (three-dimensional object) |
Körper {m} [algebra] | :: field (algebraic structure with addition and multiplication) |
Körperbau {m} | :: build; physique; figure (of the body, particularly the bones and muscles) |
Körperchen {n} | :: diminutive of Körper |
Körperchen {n} [medicine] | :: corpuscle |
körpereigen {adj} | :: endogenous |
Körperfett {n} | :: body fat |
Körperflüssigkeit {f} | :: body fluid |
Körperflüssigkeit {f} | :: humour (archaic) |
Körpergeruch {m} | :: body odour |
Körpergewicht {n} | :: bodyweight |
Körperhälfte {f} | :: body half |
Körperhaltung {f} | :: posture, position of the body |
körperlich {adj} | :: bodily, physical |
Körperlichkeit {f} | :: corporeality, physicality |
körpernah {adj} | :: close to the body, close-fitting |
Körperschaft {f} | :: corporation |
Körpersprache {f} | :: body language |
Körperteil {m} | :: body part |
Körpertemperatur {f} | :: body temperature |
Körperübung {f} [sports] | :: physical exercise |
Körperverletzung {f} | :: bodily injury, bodily harm, battery (crime) |
Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge {f} [law] | :: A killing where the perpetrator intended physical harm to the victim but did not intend their death, often considered a form of manslaughter in Anglophone jurisdictions; for example, the death of someone who hit their head on a sharp edge after having been punched in the face |
Körperzelle {f} | :: somatic cell |
Korporal {m} | :: non-commissioned officer |
Korporal {m} [Austria, Swiss] | :: synonym of Rekrut |
korporatistisch {adj} | :: corporatist |
korporiert {adj} | :: student union (attributive) |
Korps {n} [military] | :: corps |
Korps {n} | :: rare spelling of Corps |
Korpus {n} [linguistics] | :: corpus |
Korpus {n} [music] | :: body |
Korpus {m} [design, furniture, architecture] | :: base |
Korpus {m} [religion] | :: crucifix |
Korpusware {f} | :: silverware |
korrekt {adj} | :: correct |
korrekt {adj} | :: accurate |
korrekt {adj} | :: proper; decent |
korrekt {adj} [youth slang] | :: great; cool |
Korrektheit {f} | :: correctness |
korrektiv {adj} | :: corrective |
Korrektur {f} | :: correction |
Korrekturfahne {f} | :: proof, galley proof |
Korrekturleser {m} | :: proofreader |
Korrelation {f} | :: correlation |
korrelativ {adj} | :: correlative |
korrelieren {v} | :: To correlate |
korreliert {v} | :: past participle of korrelieren |
korreliert {adj} | :: correlated |
Korrespondent {m} | :: correspondent (male or of unspecified sex) (of a news organisation) |
Korrespondentin {f} | :: correspondent (female) (of a news organisation) |
Korrespondenz {f} | :: correspondence |
korrespondieren {v} | :: [to correlate] to correspond |
korrespondieren {v} | :: [to communicate by mail] to correspond |
Korridor {m} | :: corridor |
Korridor {m} | :: hallway, hall, foyer |
korrigierbar {adj} | :: correctable |
korrigieren {v} | :: to correct |
korrigieren {v} [homework or assignment] | :: to mark |
korrodieren {v} | :: To corrode |
korrodiert {v} | :: past participle of korrodieren |
korrodiert {adj} | :: corroded |
Korrosion {f} | :: corrosion |
korrosionsbeständig {adj} | :: corrosion-resistant |
Korrosionsbeständigkeit {f} | :: corrosion resistance |
korrosionsfest {adj} | :: corrosion-resistant |
korrosionsfördernd {adj} | :: corrosive (promoting corrosion) |
Korrosionsschutz {m} | :: corrosion protection |
korrosionsschützend {adj} | :: corrosion-resistant |
korrosiv {adj} | :: corrosive |
korrumpierbar {adj} | :: corruptible |
korrumpieren {v} | :: to corrupt |
korrupt {adj} | :: corrupt (inclined to bribery) |
korrupt {adj} | :: corrupt (morally or ethically rotten) |
korrupter {adj} | :: comparative of korrupt |
korruptesten {adj} | :: superlative of korrupt |
Korruption {f} | :: corruption |
Korsage {f} | :: corsage |
Korsar {m} | :: corsair, pirate (one who plunders at sea) |
Korsett {n} | :: corset |
Korsika {prop} {n} | :: Corsica |
korsisch {adj} | :: Corsican (related to Corsica, its language or its people) |
Korsisch {prop} {n} | :: Corsican (language) |
Korso {m} {n} [chiefly in compounds] | :: a public celebration with vehicles driving in a row; on any occasion, but commonest with weddings and football victories |
Kortholt {n} | :: kortholt |
kortikal {adj} [anatomy] | :: cortical |
Kortikoid {n} | :: corticoid |
Kortison {n} | :: cortisone |
Korund {m} [mineral] | :: corundum |
Korvette {f} | :: corvette |
Koryphäe {m} | :: coryphaeus |
Koryphäe {f} | :: expert, luminary, genius, mastermind |
Kosak {m} | :: Cossack |
kosakisch {adj} | :: Cossack |
koscher {adj} [Judaism, of food] | :: kosher |
koscher {adj} [often, negated, colloquial, regional] | :: free of doubt, safe |
Koseform {f} | :: affectionate form |
kosen {v} | :: to cuddle |
kosen {v} | :: to caress |
Kosename {m} | :: pet name |
Kosewort {n} | :: term of endearment (word or phrase expressing affection) |
Kosinus {m} | :: cosine |
Kosmetik {f} [act or study of enhancing beauty] | :: cosmetics |
Kosmetikindustrie {f} | :: cosmetics industry |
Kosmetikum {n} | :: cosmetic |
kosmetisch {adj} | :: cosmetic |
kosmisch {adj} | :: cosmic |
Kosmochemie {f} | :: cosmochemistry |
Kosmodizee {f} | :: cosmodicy |
Kosmodrom {n} | :: cosmodrome |
kosmogen {adj} | :: cosmogenic |
Kosmologie {f} | :: cosmology |
kosmologisch {adj} | :: cosmological |
Kosmonaut {m} | :: cosmonaut (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kosmopolit {m} | :: cosmopolite (cosmopolitan person) |
kosmopolitisch {adj} | :: cosmopolitan |
Kosmos {m} | :: cosmos |
kosovarisch {adj} | :: Kosovan |
Kosovo {prop} {n} {m} | :: Kosovo (partly-recognized <<country>> in <<r/Southeast Europe>>) |
kosovo-albanisch {adj} | :: Kosovo Albanian |
Kössen {prop} {n} | :: Kössen (municipality) |
Kossert {prop} | :: surname |
Kost {f} | :: food, fare, diet, board, commons |
Kost {f} | :: meal |
kostbar {adj} | :: precious |
Kostbarkeit {f} | :: preciousness |
Kostbarkeit {f} | :: precious object |
koste es, was es wolle {phrase} | :: at all costs; whatever it takes |
kosten {v} | :: to cost |
kosten {vt} | :: to taste, try (sample the flavor of something) |
Kosten {p} | :: costs |
kostendeckend {adj} | :: cost-covering |
Köstendorf {prop} {n} | :: Köstendorf (municipality) |
kosteneffizient {adj} | :: cost-efficient |
kostenfrei {adj} | :: free of cost |
kostengünstig {adj} | :: affordable, inexpensive, economical |
kostenintensiv {adj} | :: costly (cost intensive) |
kostenlos {adj} | :: Without cost, free |
kostenlos {adv} | :: for free, free of charge |
kostenmäßig {adj} | :: cost-wise (in terms of cost) |
Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse {f} | :: cost-benefit analysis |
kostenpflichtig {adj} | :: chargeable (subject to payment) |
Kostenstelle {f} | :: cost centre |
Kostenträger {m} [accounting] | :: cost object |
Kostenträger {m} | :: cost-covering institution |
köstlich {adj} | :: costly; precious |
köstlich {adj} | :: exquisite; excellent |
köstlich {adj} | :: delicious (pleasing to taste) |
kostspielig {adj} | :: costly |
Kostüm {n} | :: costume |
Kost und Logis {noun} | :: board and lodging, room and board |
Kot {m} [formal] | :: feces |
Kot {m} [archaic] | :: mud |
Kotau {m} | :: kowtow |
Kotelett {n} | :: chop, cutlet |
Kotelette {f} [rare] | :: singular of Koteletten |
Koteletten {noun} | :: sideburns (facial hair extending on the sides of the face near the ears) |
Koteletten {noun} [by extension] | :: the hair directly in front of the ears (even when short or in a woman) |
koten {v} [technical or very formal] | :: to defecate |
Köter {m} [derogatory] | :: dog, pooch |
Kotflügel {m} | :: fender [United States], mudguard [British] |
kotranslational {adj} | :: cotranslational |
Kotstecher {m} [vulgar, offensive] | :: assfucker (typically used as a derogative therm for a homosexual man) |
Köttel {m} [regional] | :: a small piece of hard (chiefly animal) feces |
Kotter {m} | :: cage, can, prison cell |
Kötter {m} | :: tenant; cotter (farmer who dwells and works on a parcel of a wealthier farmer’s land) |
Kottingbrunn {prop} {n} | :: Kottingbrunn (municipality) |
Köttmannsdorf {prop} {n} | :: Köttmannsdorf (municipality) |
Kotze {f} [vulgar] | :: puke, vomit |
Kotze {f} [regional, southern] | :: coarse woolen blanket, woolen cape |
Kotzefresser {m} [vulgar, offensive] | :: vomit-eater |
kotzen {v} [colloquial, colloquial] | :: to vomit; to puke |
kotzübel {adj} | :: nauseated, sick to one's stomach [with the subject in the dative] |
kovalent {adj} [chemistry] | :: covalent |
kovalente Bindung {f} [chemistry] | :: covalent bond |
Kowalski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Kozi {m} [often derogatory, dated] | :: a commie; a member of a communist party |
KP {noun} | :: initialism of Kaufpreis |
KP {prop} | :: initialism of Kommunistische Partei |
Krabbe {f} | :: crab |
Krabbe {f} | :: shrimp |
Krabbe {f} [architecture] | :: crocket |
krabbeln {vi} | :: to crawl (typically, but not always, of a baby or insect) |
krabbeln {vt} [auxiliary only haben] | :: to tickle, especially by making fast movements with all fingers of one hand |
Krabbenbrot {n} | :: (slice of) bread topped with small shrimps |
Krabbenbrot {n} | :: kroepoek (Indonesian shrimp crackers) |
Krabbenspinne {f} | :: crab spider |
Krach {m} | :: crash |
Krach {m} | :: noise |
krachen {v} | :: to crash (collide, fall or come down violently) |
krachen {v} | :: to crack, creak |
krächzen {vi} | :: to croak; to caw |
Kracke {f} | :: old and weak horse |
Kracke {f} [humorous] | :: old and/or weak person |
Krad {n} [military] | :: motorcycle |
Kradschütze {m} [military] | :: motorcycle-riding infantry |
Krafft {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Kraft |
kraft {prep} [officialese] | :: on the basis of; by virtue of; by means of, through |
Kraft {f} | :: strength, force |
Kraft {f} [physics] | :: force |
Kraftakt {m} | :: show of strength, stunt, feat |
Kraftakt {m} | :: tour de force, strenuous effort |
Kraftausdruck {m} | :: swear word |
Kräftemessen {n} | :: trial of strength |
Kräftespiel {n} | :: interplay of forces |
kräftezehrend {adj} | :: debilitating, exhausting |
Kraftfahrzeug {n} | :: motor vehicle (any land-based means of transportation) |
Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung {f} | :: auto liability insurance |
Kraftfahrzeugkennzeichen {n} | :: license plate, number plate |
Kraftfahrzeugzulassung {f} | :: motor vehicle registration |
Kraftfeld {n} | :: force field |
kräftig {adj} | :: strong, sturdy, vigorous, powerful, bold |
kraftlos {adj} | :: powerless |
Kraftrad {n} | :: motorcycle |
kraftraubend {adj} | :: exhausting |
Kraftraum {m} | :: weights room (a small, often private, gym used for muscle training) |
Kraftstoff {m} | :: fuel |
Kraftstofftank {m} | :: fuel tank |
Kraftvergeudung {f} | :: waste of energy |
kraftvoll {adj} | :: powerful, vigorous |
Kraftwagen {m} | :: car, automobile |
Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung {f} | :: cogeneration, combined heat and power |
Kraftwerk {n} | :: power station, power plant |
kraftwerkisch {adj} | :: Kraftwerkian |
Kraftwerkserreger {m} [electricity] | :: power plant excitation equipment, power plant excitation system |
Kraftwort {n} | :: swear word |
Kragen {m} | :: collar |
Kragen {m} [obsolete, except in, fixed terms] | :: neck |
Kragenente {f} | :: harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) |
kragenlos {adj} | :: collarless |
Kragenspiegel {m} [insignia] | :: collar tab, gorget patch, collar patch |
Krähe {f} | :: crow |
krähen {v} | :: to crow |
Krähen {n} [cry of the rooster] | :: crow |
Krähenfraß {m} | :: food for crows |
Krähenfraß {m} | :: consumption (of something) by crows |
Krähenfuss {m} | :: alternative spelling of Krähenfuß |
Krähenfuß {m} [literally] | :: crow's foot |
Krähenfuß {m} [colloquial, in plural] | :: crow's feet (wrinkles at the outer corner of the eye) |
Krähenfuß {m} [colloquial, in plural] | :: chicken scratch (cramped or illegible handwriting) |
Krähenfuß {m} [colloquial, weapons, usually, in plural] | :: caltrop (small metal object with spikes) |
Krähennest {n} | :: crow's nest |
Krakau {prop} {n} | :: Krakau (capital city) |
Krakauer {m} | :: Cracovian |
Krakauer {m} | :: Krakowska sausage |
Krake {f} {m} [chiefly sciences] | :: a mollusk of the order Octopoda; an octopus in the broader sense |
Krake {f} {m} [mythology or figuratively] | :: a kraken (sea monster) |
krakeelen {v} | :: to bawl; to shout (usually aggressively) |
krakeelig {adj} [of people, especially when drunk] | :: raucous (loud and somewhat aggressive) |
krakeln {v} | :: to scrawl (write irregularly) |
Kraken {prop} [Norse mythology] | :: Kraken |
Kralle {f} | :: claw |
krallen {vr} | :: to hold on or cling, especially with claws, nails or fingers |
krallen {vt} | :: to dig fingers or nails into something, to claw at |
krallen {vt} | :: to bend one's fingers into a claw shape |
krallen {vt} [colloquial] | :: to steal or seize |
Kram {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: stuff |
Kram {m} [archaic] | :: little shop; booth; stall |
kramen {v} [colloquial] | :: to rummage around |
kramen {v} [Switzerland, colloquial] | :: to do a bit of shopping |
Krämer {m} | :: shopkeeper (male or of unspecified sex) (person who sells miscellaneous inexpensive goods) |
Krämer {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Kramm {m} | :: stuff, junk |
Krampf {m} | :: cramp |
Krampfader {f} | :: varicose vein (abnormally swollen or dilated vein) |
Krampfanfall {m} | :: seizure, fit, bout |
krampfen {v} | :: to cramp |
krampfhaft {adj} | :: convulsive, spasmodic |
krampfhaft {adj} | :: strenuous |
krampfig {adj} | :: convulsive |
Krampus {m} [folklore, Bavaria, Austria] | :: Krampus (beast in the folklore of Alpine countries) |
Krampus {m} [pathology] | :: cramp |
Kramsach {prop} {n} | :: Kramsach (municipality) |
Kran {m} | :: crane (a lifting device) |
Kran {m} [regional, western Germany] | :: water tap |
Kranbeere {f} [regional, northern Germany, dated] | :: cowberry; lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) |
Kranbeere {f} [rather rare] | :: cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) |
Kraneberger {n} [colloquial, regional] | :: tap water (used as a beverage) |
Kranfahrer {m} | :: crane operator (male or of unspecified sex) |
kranial {adj} | :: cranial (of or relating to the cranium, or to the skull) |
Kranich {m} | :: crane (bird of the family Gruidae) |
Kranich {m} [constellation] | :: Grus (star constellation) |
Kranichzug {m} | :: migration of cranes |
Kranichzug {m} | :: a group of migrating cranes |
krank {adj} | :: sick; ill |
krank {adj} | :: (slang) excellent |
Kranke {f} | :: sick person (female), sufferer (from a disease), patient, invalid |
kränkeln {v} | :: to be sickly |
kränken {v} | :: to insult, to offend |
kränken {v} | :: to hurt someone's feelings |
kränken {v} | :: to wound (psychologically), belittle |
Krankenbett {n} | :: sickbed |
Krankenhaus {n} | :: hospital |
Krankenhäuschen {n} | :: diminutive of Krankenhaus |
krankenhausreif {adj} | :: needing hospitalization (especially of a person beaten up) |
Krankenkasse {f} | :: health insurance company |
Krankenkassenbeitrag {m} | :: health insurance premium (money paid, usually monthly, for health insurance) |
Krankenpflege {f} | :: nursing |
Krankenpfleger {m} | :: nurse (male or of unspecified sex) (person who cares for the ill) |
Krankenpflegerin {f} | :: nurse (female) |
Krankensalbung {f} [christianity] | :: Anointing of the Sick |
Krankenschein {m} [healthcare] | :: certificate of illness, health insurance certificate |
Krankenschwester {f} | :: nurse (female) |
Krankenstand {m} [healthcare, Austrian] | :: sick leave |
Krankenstation {f} | :: infirmary |
Krankentrage {f} | :: stretcher |
Krankenträger {m} | :: stretcher-bearer |
krankenversichert {adj} | :: having health insurance |
Krankenversicherung {f} | :: health insurance |
Krankenwagen {m} | :: ambulance |
Krankenwagen {m} | :: ambulance car |
Krankenwagen {m} | :: ambulance van |
Krankenwärter {m} | :: what now Krankenpfleger |
Krankenwärterin {f} | :: female equivalent of Krankenwärter, a nurse, Krankenschwester |
Kranker {m} | :: sick person (male or of unspecified sex), sufferer (from a disease), patient, invalid |
Krankfeiern {n} | :: The taking of a sick day for holiday purposes before or after the weekend, making an extended weekend |
krankgemeldet {v} | :: past participle of krankmelden |
krankhaft {adj} | :: pathological (pertaining to pathology) |
Krankheit {f} | :: sickness, illness |
Krankheit {f} | :: disease |
Krankheitsausbreitung {f} | :: spread of disease |
krankheitsbedingt {adj} | :: disease-related |
Krankheitsbild {n} | :: syndrome, disorder, disease |
Krankheitsbild {n} [in the plural] | :: symptoms |
Krankheitsdauer {f} | :: disease duration |
Krankheitserreger {m} | :: pathogen |
Krankheitserreger {m} | :: germ |
Krankheitsfall {m} [pathology] | :: case / occurrence of illness |
Krankheitssymptom {n} | :: symptom, sign of illness |
kränklich {adj} | :: sickly (frequently ill, given to becoming ill, or having the appearance of sickness) |
kränklichsten {adj} | :: superlative of kränklich |
krank machen {v} | :: alternative form of krankmachen |
krankmachen {vt} | :: to make sick |
krankmachen {v} | :: to avoid work by pretending to be sick |
krankmelden {vrt} | :: to report sick |
Krankmeldung {f} | :: notification of illness |
krankschreiben {vt} [of a doctor] | :: to write someone a sick note |
Kränkung {f} | :: slight, affront |
Kranz {m} | :: wreath |
Kranz {m} | :: ring, circle |
Kränzchen {n} | :: (small) wreath, garland |
Kränzchen {n} | :: circle (of people that meet regularly) |
kranzförmig {adj} | :: annular |
Kränzlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kranz |
Krapfen {m} | :: fritter |
Krapfen {m} [southern, Austrian] | :: ellipsoidal filled doughnut, cruller |
Krapp {m} | :: madder (Rubia tinctorum) and the pigment from it |
krass {adj} | :: stark; extreme |
krass {adj} [colloquial] | :: amazing; incredible |
krass {adj} [youth slang] | :: awesome; phat; cool |
kraß {adj} | :: alternative spelling of krass |
krasser {adj} | :: comparative of krass |
krassesten {adj} | :: superlative of krass |
Krater {m} | :: crater |
Krater {m} | :: krater |
-kratie {suffix} | :: -cracy |
Krattler {m} [regional, pejorative] | :: good-for-nothing |
Kratze {f} | :: scraper |
Krätze {f} [pathology] | :: scabies |
Krätze {f} | :: itch |
Krätze {f} [southern Germany] | :: basket, pannier |
kratzen {v} | :: to scratch |
Kratzer {m} | :: scratch |
Kratzer {m} | :: scrape |
Kratzer {m} | :: scar |
kratzfest {adj} | :: scratch-proof |
Kratzfuß {m} [dated] | :: bow and scrape (deep formal bow) |
kratzig {adj} | :: scratchy |
krätzig {adj} | :: scabietic |
krauchen {vi} | :: to creep; to crawl |
Kraul {noun} [swimming] | :: crawl |
kraulen {v} | :: to fondle, to tickle |
kraulen {v} [swimming] | :: to do the crawl |
kraus {adj} | :: curly |
Kraus {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Krause {prop} | :: surname |
Krause {f} | :: curliness |
kräuseln {v} | :: to crimp, to curl |
kräuseln {v} | :: to ripple, to ruffle |
Kräuselspinne {f} | :: meshweb weaver |
Kraut {n} [countable] | :: herb; useful plant (plant used to flavour food, or for medicinal effect) |
Kraut {n} [countable, botany] | :: plant whose above-ground portions are not woody |
Kraut {n} [uncountable, regional, southern Germany, Austria] | :: cabbage (vegetable) |
Kraut {n} [uncountable, regional, western Germany] | :: a thick syrup made from sugar beets or, less often, fruit |
Kraut {m} [slang, derogatory, offensive] | :: a German (from an Anglo-Saxon perspective) |
Kräutersoße {f} | :: herb sauce |
krautig {adj} | :: herbaceous |
Kraut und Rüben {phrase} | :: higgledy-piggledy |
Kraut und Rüben {phrase} | :: topsy-turvy |
Krawall {m} | :: riot |
Krawall {m} | :: ruckus, affray |
Krawatte {f} | :: necktie |
Kraxe {f} [Austria] | :: pannier for one's back |
Kraxe {f} [pejorative] | :: an old, dilapidated vehicle or device |
Kraxe {f} [Austria, colloquial] | :: illegible lettering |
Kreation {f} [archaic] | :: creation (all that exists, as being created by God) |
Kreation {f} [chiefly formal] | :: composition; creation; something designed or arranged (e.g. a fashion line) |
kreationär {adj} | :: creationary |
kreationärer {adj} | :: comparative of kreationär |
kreationärsten {adj} | :: superlative of kreationär |
Kreationismus {m} | :: creationism |
Kreationist {m} | :: creationist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kreationistin {f} | :: creationist (female) |
kreationistisch {adj} | :: creationist (of or relating to creationism) |
kreativ {adj} | :: creative |
Kreativität {f} | :: creativity |
Kreatur {f} | :: creature |
Krebs {m} | :: crab |
Krebs {m} | :: cancer (disease) |
Krebs {m} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Cancer |
Krebsart {f} [pathology] | :: cancer type |
Krebsarzt {m} | :: cancer specialist |
krebsauslösend {adj} | :: carcinogenic |
Krebsdiagnostik {f} [pathology] | :: cancer diagnostics |
Krebsentstehung {f} | :: carcinogenesis |
Krebserkrankung {f} [pathology] | :: cancer |
krebserregend {adj} | :: carcinogenic, oncogenic |
krebserzeugend {adj} | :: carcinogenic |
Krebsforschung {f} | :: cancer research |
Krebsforschungszentrum {f} | :: cancer research center |
krebskrank {adj} | :: Having cancer |
Krebsmedizin {f} | :: cancer medicine |
Krebß {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of Krebs |
Krebstherapie {f} [medicine] | :: cancer therapy |
Krebstier {n} | :: crustacean |
Krebstod {m} | :: death by cancer |
kredibel {adj} | :: credible |
Kredit {m} | :: loan (finance) |
Kredithai {m} | :: loan shark |
Kreditinstitut {n} | :: (financial) bank |
Kreditkarte {f} | :: credit card |
kreditorisch {adj} | :: creditor (attributive) |
kreditorisch {adj} [economics] | :: in credit |
kreditwürdig {adj} | :: creditworthy |
Kreditwürdigkeit {f} | :: creditworthiness |
Krefeld {prop} {n} | :: Krefeld (city) |
Kreide {f} | :: a chalk (a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard) |
Kreide {prop} | :: the Cretaceous |
kreidebleich {adj} | :: white as chalk |
kreidebleich {adj} [idiom] | :: pale, especially pale-faced; white as a sheet |
kreidehaltig {adj} | :: chalky |
kreidehaltig {adj} | :: cretaceous |
kreiden {adj} | :: cretaceous |
kreideweiß {adj} | :: chalky-white |
Kreidezeit {prop} | :: synonym of Kreide; the Cretaceous period |
kreidig {adj} | :: chalky |
kreieren {v} [formal, otherwise jocular] | :: to design; to shape; to create (a composition, a fashion line, etc.) |
Kreis {m} | :: circle |
Kreis {m} [figurative] | :: range, scope |
Kreis {m} | :: a type of territorial administrative division, district |
Kreisabschnitt {m} | :: circular segment; segment of a circle |
Kreisbahn {f} | :: orbit (circular path) |
Kreisbogen {m} [geometry] | :: circular arc |
kreischen {v} | :: to squeal, to shriek, to scream |
kreischen {v} | :: to screech |
kreischen {v} [colloquial, regional] | :: to cry, to weep |
kreischen {v} [birdwatching] | :: to squawk |
Kreisdurchmesser {m} [geometry] | :: diameter of a circle |
Kreisel {m} | :: top (toy) |
Kreisel {m} [colloquial] | :: roundabout (traffic circle) |
Kreiselegge {f} | :: rotary harrow |
Kreiselkompass {m} | :: gyrocompass |
Kreiselpumpe {f} | :: centrifugal pump |
kreisen {v} | :: to circle, to wheel |
kreisen {v} [astronomy] | :: to revolve |
Kreisfläche {f} [geometry] | :: area of a circle |
kreisförmig {adj} | :: circular |
kreisfrei {adj} | :: (of a city) Not belonging to a Kreis (type of district) |
Kreiskonstante {f} [mathematics] | :: the number π (an irrational constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean geometry; approximately 3.14159...,) |
Kreislauf {m} | :: loop, cycle |
Kreislauf {m} | :: circuit (electrical) |
Kreislauf {m} | :: circulation |
Kreislauferkrankung {f} [pathology] | :: circulatory / vascular disease |
Kreislaufstillstand {m} | :: cardiac arrest |
Kreislaufstörung {f} | :: circulatory disorder |
Kreislaufversagen {n} | :: circulatory failure |
kreisrund {adj} | :: circular |
Kreissäge {f} | :: circular saw |
Kreissehne {f} [geometry] | :: chord of a circle |
Kreissektor {m} | :: circle segment |
kreissen {v} | :: alternative spelling of kreißen |
kreißen {v} [obsolete] | :: to moan, groan in pain |
kreißen {v} [dated] | :: to labour (to suffer the pangs of childbirth) |
Kreißsaal {m} | :: delivery room |
Kreistag {m} | :: county council (or equivalent body) |
Kreisumfang {m} [geometry] | :: circumference (length of the line that bounds a circle) |
Kreis und Kreuz {noun} [games] | :: synonym of Tic-Tac-Toe |
Kreisverkehr {m} [traffic] | :: traffic circle, roundabout |
Kreiswinkel {m} | :: an angle of a circle; e.g. inscribed angle, central angle, tangent chord angle |
Kreiszahl {f} [mathematics] | :: the number π (an irrational constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean geometry; approximately 3.14159...,) |
Krem {f} | :: alternative spelling of Creme |
Krematorium {n} | :: crematorium |
Kreme {f} | :: alternative spelling of Creme |
kremen {v} | :: alternative spelling of cremen |
kremieren {v} | :: to cremate |
kremig {adj} | :: alternative spelling of cremig |
Kreml {prop} {m} | :: Kremlin |
Krempe {f} [of a hat] | :: brim |
Krempe {prop} {n} | :: Krempe (municipality) |
Krempel {m} | :: junk, stuff |
krempeln {v} [Swiss] | :: to roll up |
krempeln {v} [textiles] | :: to card |
Kremsmünster {prop} {n} | :: Kremsmünster (municipality) |
Kren {m} | :: horseradish (plant of the mustard family, Armoracia rusticana) |
Kren {m} | :: condiment made from the root of the plant |
Krensdorf {prop} {n} | :: Krensdorf (municipality) |
kreolisch {adj} | :: creole |
krepieren {v} | :: to die miserably, croak |
Krepp {m} {n} | :: rare spelling of Crêpe |
Krepp {m} {n} [fabric] | :: crape |
Kresse {f} | :: cress |
Kreta {prop} {n} | :: Crete (Greek island in the Mediterranean Sea) |
kretazisch {adj} | :: Cretaceous |
kretisch {adj} | :: Cretan |
Kretscham {m} [Silesia, Saxony] | :: a village inn or tavern |
Kretschmer {m} [regional, Silesia, Saxony, Spreewald] | :: innkeeper, tavernkeeper, pubkeeper (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kreuttal {prop} {n} | :: Kreuttal (municipality) |
Kreutz {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Kreuz |
Kreuz {n} | :: cross |
Kreuz {n} [card games] | :: clubs |
Kreuz {n} [heraldiccharge] | :: cross |
Kreuz {n} [music] | :: sharp |
Kreuz {n} | :: (anatomy) lower back |
Kreuzass {n} | :: ace of clubs |
Kreuzbein {n} | :: sacrum (bone at the base of the spine) |
Kreuzberg {prop} | :: Any of several towns in Germany and elsewhere |
kreuzbrav {adj} | :: very righteous / honest; irreproachable |
Kreuzbube {m} | :: jack of clubs, knave of clubs (playing card) |
Kreuzchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kreuz; a small cross |
Kreuz des Südens {prop} {n} | :: Crux (constellation), Southern Cross |
kreuzen {v} | :: to cross |
kreuzen {v} | :: to crossbreed |
kreuzen {v} [nautical, military] | :: to patrol (the sea) |
kreuzen {v} [colloquial] | :: to cruise (for pleasure; also by car) |
Kreuzer {m} [historical] | :: kreuzer (coin) |
Kreuzer {m} | :: cruiser (warship) |
Kreuzer {prop} | :: surname |
Kreuzfahrt {f} | :: crusade/Crusade |
Kreuzfahrt {f} | :: cruise |
Kreuzfahrtschiff {n} | :: cruise ship |
kreuzfidel {adj} | :: highly delighted |
kreuzförmig {adj} | :: cruciform |
Kreuzgang {m} [architecture] | :: cloister |
kreuzgefährlich {adj} [colloquial] | :: highly dangerous |
Kreuzgewölbe {n} [architecture] | :: a cross vault |
Kreuzgratgewölbe {n} [architecture] | :: a groin vault |
kreuzigen {v} | :: to crucify |
Kreuzigung {f} | :: crucifixion |
Kreuzkümmel {m} | :: cumin |
kreuzlahm {adj} | :: exhausted and aching |
Kreuzotter {f} | :: common European viper (Vipera berus) |
Kreuzprobe {f} | :: crossmatch, crossmatching |
Kreuzrippengewölbe {n} [architecture] | :: a ribbed vault |
Kreuzritter {m} | :: crusader |
Kreuzschlitzschraube {f} | :: Phillips screw |
Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher {m} | :: Phillips head screwdriver |
Kreuzschlitzschraubenzieher {m} | :: Phillips head screwdriver |
Kreuzstetten {prop} {n} | :: Kreuzstetten (municipality) |
kreuz und quer {adv} | :: crisscross, zigzag |
Kreuzung {f} [streets] | :: crossing, intersection |
Kreuzung {f} [biology] | :: crossbreeding |
Kreuzung {f} [biology] | :: crossbreed |
Kreuzverhör {n} | :: cross-examination, cross examination |
Kreuzweg {m} | :: crossroads |
Kreuzweg {m} | :: Way of the Cross |
kreuzweise {adv} | :: crosswise, crossways |
Kreuzworträtsel {n} [games] | :: crossword puzzle |
Kreuzzeichen {n} [Christianity, in particular Roman Catholicism] | :: sign of the cross (gesture) |
Kreuzzug {m} | :: crusade |
Krevette {f} | :: shrimp |
kribbeln {v} [body part; something on the skin] | :: to prickle; to tickle |
kribbeln {v} [person] | :: to run about busily; to be restless; to sit down and stand up often |
kribbeln {v} [rare, drink] | :: to sparkle |
Krickente {f} | :: teal; common teal |
Kricket {n} | :: alternative spelling of Cricket |
Krieche {f} | :: wild small Prunus fruit |
Krieche {f} | :: bullace (Prunus domestica ssp. insititia) |
Krieche {f} | :: sloe (Prunus domestica) |
Krieche {f} | :: sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) |
kriechen {vi} | :: to creep; to crawl |
Kriechen {n} | :: creep (motion, deformation) |
Kriechtier {n} [biology] | :: reptile |
Kriechtier {n} [non-specialist] | :: any crawling or creeping animal, i.e. one whose body touches (or almost touches) the ground when it moves |
Kriechverhalten {n} | :: creep (behaviour of metal under stress) |
Krieg {m} | :: war |
Krieg der Sterne {noun} | :: Star Wars |
kriegen {v} [chiefly colloquial] | :: to get |
kriegen {v} [chiefly colloquial] | :: to catch, to come down with |
kriegen {v} [dated, rare] | :: to war |
Kriegen {n} | :: "catching" |
Krieger {m} | :: warrior |
Krieger {prop} | :: surname, originally for a mercenary soldier |
Kriegerin {f} | :: feminine noun of Krieger |
kriegerisch {adj} | :: warlike, martial |
kriegerisch {adj} | :: bellicose, belligerent |
Kriegführung {f} | :: warfare |
Krieglach {prop} {n} | :: Krieglach (municipality) |
Kriegsausbruch {m} | :: outbreak of war |
kriegsbedingt {adj} | :: caused by (the) war |
kriegsbedingt {adv} | :: because of (the) war |
Kriegsbeginn {m} | :: start of the war |
Kriegsbeil {n} | :: tomahawk |
Kriegsbemalung {f} | :: war paint |
Kriegsberichterstatter {m} | :: war correspondant |
kriegsbeschädigt {adj} | :: war-disabled/injured |
kriegsbeschädigt {adj} | :: war-damaged |
Kriegsdenkmünze {f} | :: war medal |
Kriegsdienstverweigerer {m} | :: conscientious objector, conshie |
Kriegsende {n} | :: end of the war (or postwar period) |
kriegsentscheidend {adj} | :: critical to the outcome of a war |
Kriegserklärung {f} | :: declaration of war (a formal announcement by an entity that it is in a state of war with another entity) |
Kriegsführung {f} | :: alternative form of Kriegführung |
kriegsgebeutelt {adj} | :: war-ridden, war-torn |
Kriegsgefangenenlager {n} | :: prisoner-of-war camp |
Kriegsgefangener {m} | :: prisoner of war (POW) |
kriegsgeplagt {adj} | :: war-torn (plagued by war) |
Kriegsgericht {n} [law] | :: court martial |
kriegsgeschädigt {adj} | :: war-ridden |
Kriegsgewinnler {m} | :: war profiteer |
kriegsgewohnt {adj} | :: battle-hardened, veteran |
Kriegsgott {m} | :: war god |
Kriegsherr {m} | :: warlord |
Kriegsknecht {m} [archaic] | :: soldier |
Kriegskunst {f} | :: martial art |
kriegslüstern {adj} | :: belligerent, bellicose, eager to go to war |
Kriegsmacht {f} | :: armed forces |
Kriegsmann {m} [now, archaic] | :: warrior |
Kriegsmarine {noun} [historical] | :: The German navy between 1935 and 1945, during the Nazi regime |
Kriegsminister {m} | :: war minister |
Kriegsministerium {n} | :: war ministry |
kriegsmüde {adj} | :: war-weary |
Kriegsnebel {m} | :: fog of war |
Kriegsopfer {n} | :: victim of war |
Kriegspartei {f} | :: belligerent [of a conflict] |
Kriegspartei {f} | :: pro-war faction |
Kriegspfad {m} | :: warpath [mainly used in the idiom: auf dem Kriegspfad] |
Kriegsrat {m} | :: council of war |
Kriegsrecht {n} | :: martial law |
Kriegsrecht {n} | :: laws of war |
Kriegsschar {f} | :: army, host |
Kriegsschauplatz {m} | :: theater of war (area in which armed conflict takes place) |
Kriegsschiff {n} | :: warship |
Kriegsschuld {f} | :: war guilt |
Kriegsspiel {n} | :: war game |
Kriegstreiber {m} | :: warmonger, hawk (war hawk) (fig.) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kriegstuba {f} | :: war tuba (acoustic locator) |
Kriegstuba {f} | :: war tuba, martial tuba [a kind of war-horn] |
kriegstüchtig {adj} | :: warlike (prepared for war) |
Kriegsverbrechen {n} | :: war crime |
Kriegsverbrecher {m} | :: war criminal |
kriegsversehrt {adj} | :: wounded in (military) action |
kriegswaffenähnlich {adj} [of a weapon] | :: resembling weapons of war or a weapon of war; military-style |
kriegswichtig {adj} | :: of strategic importance |
Kriegszeit {f} | :: wartime |
kriegszerstört {adj} | :: destroyed by warfare |
Kriegszitterer {m} | :: First World War veteran with shell shock |
Kriegszustand {m} [military, politics] | :: state of war |
Krim {prop} {f} | :: Crimea |
Krimi {m} | :: A crime story, a crime thriller |
Krimi {m} [figuratively] | :: An exciting event, a course of events whose expected outcome changes often |
kriminal {adj} | :: criminal |
Kriminalamt {n} | :: office of criminal investigations |
Kriminalautorin {f} | :: crime-writer |
Kriminalfall {m} | :: criminal case |
Kriminalgeschichte {f} | :: A detective novel |
kriminalisieren {v} | :: to criminalize |
Kriminalist {m} | :: criminal detective |
Kriminalistik {f} | :: criminalistics |
kriminalistisch {adj} | :: criminological |
Kriminalität {f} | :: crime (practice or habit of committing crimes; criminal acts collectively) |
Kriminalität {f} | :: criminality, criminalness (state of being criminal) |
kriminalitätsbelastet {adj} | :: crime-ridden |
Kriminalitätsrate {f} | :: crime rate |
Kriminalpolizei {f} | :: The branch or department of a police force that investigates crime |
Kriminalpolizei {f} | :: A specific unit of that branch |
Kriminalreißer {m} [film, literature, rare] | :: crime thriller |
Kriminalroman {m} | :: whodunit, crime novel |
Kriminalroman {m} [uncountable] | :: crime fiction |
kriminell {adj} | :: criminal |
Kriminelle {f} | :: criminal (person, {f}) |
Krimineller {m} | :: criminal (person, {m}) |
kriminellsten {adj} | :: superlative of kriminell |
kriminogen {adj} | :: criminogenic |
Kriminologie {f} | :: criminology |
kriminologisch {adj} | :: criminological |
Krimskrams {m} [colloquial] | :: odds and ends |
krimtatarisch {adj} | :: Crimean Tatar (related to the Crimean Tatar language or to its speakers) |
Krimtatarisch {prop} {n} | :: Crimean Tatar (a Turkic language) |
Kringel {m} | :: loop, curl, squiggle (something roundish, especially a loop of something spiral-shaped) |
Kringel {m} [cooking] | :: a biscuit of such shape |
Kripo {f} [somewhat, colloquial] | :: short for Kriminalpolizei |
Krippe {f} | :: crib (feeding trough for animals), manger |
Krippe {f} [Christianity] | :: nativity scene, crèche |
Krippe {f} | :: crèche (day nursery) |
Krippenspiel {n} | :: nativity play, Christmas pageant |
Krise {f} | :: crisis |
krisenerschüttert {adj} | :: crisis-ridden |
krisenfest {adj} | :: crisis-proof |
krisengebeutelt {adj} | :: crisis-ridden |
krisengeschüttelt {adj} | :: crisis-ridden |
krisensicher {adj} | :: secure against crises |
krisselig {adj} | :: alternative form of krisslig |
krisslig {adj} | :: (of hair) curled in an unruly manner |
Kristall {m} | :: crystal |
Kriställchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kristall |
Kristallebene {f} | :: crystal plane |
kristallen {adj} [attributive] | :: crystal |
Kristallfehlstelle {f} | :: crystal defect |
Kristallfeld {n} [physics] | :: crystal field |
Kristallfeldtheorie {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: crystal field theory |
Kristallfläche {f} | :: facet (face of a crystal) |
Kristallform {f} | :: crystal form / morphology |
Kristallgefüge {n} | :: crystal structure |
Kristallgitter {n} | :: crystal lattice |
Kristallgitterstruktur {f} | :: crystal lattice structure |
Kristallglas {n} | :: crystal glass |
kristallin {adj} | :: crystalline |
Kristallisation {f} | :: crystallization |
kristallisieren {v} | :: to crystallize |
kristallisieren {v} | :: to solidify (become hard) |
kristallisierend {adj} | :: crystallizing |
kristallisiert {adj} | :: crystallized |
kristallisiert {adj} | :: candied |
kristallisiert um {v} | :: past participle of umkristallisieren |
Kristallisierung {f} | :: crystallization |
Kristallit {m} [geology, metallurgy] | :: crystallite |
kristallklar {adj} | :: crystal clear |
Kristallkugel {f} | :: crystal ball (a globe used to foretell the future) |
Kristallnacht {noun} [historical] | :: the night of November 9–10, 1938, when a state-organized night of terror was staged against Jews in Germany and Austria |
Kristallnadel {f} | :: crystal needle |
kristallographisch {adj} | :: crystallographic |
Kristallstruktur {f} | :: crystal structure |
Kristallsystem {n} | :: crystal system |
Kristin {prop} | :: given name borrowed from Norwegian |
Kristina {prop} | :: given name |
Kristkindl {n} | :: [Austrian] Christ child, baby Jesus |
Kriterium {n} | :: criterion |
Kritik {f} | :: criticism (negative judgement) |
Kritik {f} | :: criticism, review (general judgement) |
Kritik {f} | :: critique, review (review of a work of art) |
Kritiker {m} | :: critic |
Kritikerin {f} | :: female critic |
kritikfähig {adj} | :: criticizable |
kritiklos {adj} | :: without criticism |
kritikwürdig {adj} | :: critical (deserving of criticism) |
kritisch {adj} | :: critical |
kritische Masse {f} | :: critical mass |
kritisieren {v} | :: to criticize, to criticise |
kritteln {v} | :: to quibble, to cavil |
kritzeln {v} | :: to scribble (write carelessly) |
kritzeln {v} | :: to scrawl (write irregularly) |
kritzeln {v} | :: to write in very small letters |
Kroate {m} | :: Croatian (male person from Croatia) |
Kroatien {prop} {n} | :: Croatia |
Kroatin {f} | :: Croatian (female person from Croatia) |
kroatisch {adj} | :: Croatian (of or pertaining to Croatia) |
Kroatisch {n} | :: Croatian language |
Kroatischer Schäferhund {m} | :: Croatian Sheepdog |
Krokant {m} [confection] | :: brittle |
Krokette {f} | :: croquette |
Krokodil {n} | :: crocodile |
Krokodilsträne {f} | :: crocodile tear |
Krokodilstränen {fp} | :: crocodile tears |
Krokoit {m} [mineral] | :: crocoite, crocoisite |
Krokus {m} | :: crocus, Crocus |
Kronblatt {n} [botany] | :: petal |
Krönchen {n} | :: diminutive of Krone |
Krönchen {n} [colloquial, rather rare] | :: háček (diacritic mark) |
Krone {f} | :: crown |
Krone {f} | :: crown (currency of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland) |
Krone {f} [heraldry] | :: crown |
Krone {f} | :: head (of beer or other carbonated beverages) |
krönen {v} | :: to crown |
Kronenpinguin {m} | :: erect-crested penguin |
Kronenwucherblume {f} [botany] | :: Garland chrysanthemum, edible chrysanthemum, crowndaisy chrysanthemum (Glebionis coronaria) |
Kronen-Wucherblume {f} | :: alternative spelling of Kronenwucherblume |
Kronjuwelen {np} | :: crown jewels |
Kronkorken {m} | :: crown cap, crown cork |
Kronleuchter {m} | :: chandelier |
Kronprinz {m} | :: crown prince |
Kronrat {m} [politics] | :: privy council |
Kronsbeere {f} [regional, northern Germany] | :: alternative form of Kranbeere |
Kronstorf {prop} {n} | :: Kronstorf (municipality) |
Krontaube {f} | :: crowned pigeon |
Krönung {f} | :: crowning |
Kropf {m} | :: crop (of birds) |
Kropf {m} | :: goitre (enlargement of the neck) |
Kropfband {n} | :: choker |
Kröpfchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kropf |
kröpfen {v} [ornithology, hunting] | :: to feed on [of birds of prey] |
kröpfen {v} [agriculture, regional] | :: to force-feed [especially geese] |
kröpfen {v} [architecture] | :: to joggle |
krosch {adj} | :: crisp, crusty |
krosen {v} [colloquial, regional, western Germany] | :: alternative form of krösen |
krösen {v} [colloquial, regional, western Germany] | :: to potter; to tamper; to move things back and forth (about the house); to be busy (with minor tasks) |
krösen {v} [colloquial, regional, western Germany] | :: to rummage |
kross {adj} | :: crispy; crunchy |
kross {adj} [cutlets] | :: fried in such a way that the edges become crispy |
Krösus {m} | :: Croesus [very rich person] |
Kröte {f} | :: toad |
Kröte {f} [colloquial, chiefly in the plural] | :: money |
Krötenwanderung {f} | :: toad migration |
Krücke {f} | :: crutch |
Krücke {f} [figuratively] | :: crotch; prop |
Krücke {f} [derogatory, colloquial] | :: laggard, snail (slow person) |
Krücke {f} [derogatory, colloquial] | :: piece of junk |
Krückstock {m} | :: walking stick |
krud {adj} | :: alternative form of krude |
krude {adj} | :: raw |
krude {adj} | :: crude |
Krug {m} | :: jug |
Krug {m} [dated, regional, Northern Germany] | :: pub; bar |
Krügchen {n} | :: diminutive of Krug |
Krüglein {n} | :: diminutive of Krug |
Kruke {f} [regional, Northern Germany] | :: crock; earthen mug |
Krukenberg {prop} | :: surname |
Krumbach {prop} {n} | :: surname |
Krumbach {prop} {n} | :: Krumbach (municipality) |
Krumbach {prop} {n} | :: Krumbach (municipality) |
Krumbach {prop} {n} | :: Krumbach (municipality) |
Krume {f} | :: the soft part of a baked good which is inside the crust; the crumb |
Krume {f} [dated or regional] | :: a small, broken off piece; a crumb |
Krümel {m} | :: crumb (small broken-off piece, particularly of bread) |
Krümelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Krümel |
krümeln {v} [of food] | :: to crumble |
Krumholz {prop} | :: surname |
krumm {adj} | :: crooked |
krumm {adj} [dated] | :: lame, limping |
krümmen {v} | :: to bend (a finger etc.) |
Krummholz {n} | :: krummholz |
Krummholz {n} | :: twisted wood. A small growing wood in alpine areas |
krummmachen {vt} | :: bend |
Krummnußbaum {prop} {n} | :: Krummnußbaum (municipality) |
krumpelig {adj} | :: crumpled, wrinkled |
Krupp {m} | :: croup |
Krupp {prop} {mf} | :: surname - especially that of a dynasty of industrialists |
Krüppel {m} | :: cripple |
krüsch {adj} [colloquial, chiefly Northern Germany] | :: alternative form of krütsch |
krustal {adj} | :: crustal |
Kruste {f} | :: crust |
Kruste {f} | :: scab on a wound |
Krustentier {n} | :: crustacean |
krütsch {adj} [colloquial, chiefly Northern Germany] | :: choosy, fussy, finicky [especially in terms of eating] |
Krux {f} | :: alternative spelling of Crux |
Kruzifix {n} | :: crucifix (object) |
Kruzifix {interj} [Bavaria, Austria] | :: damn it! |
Kryolith {m} [mineral] | :: cryolite |
Kryolithionit {m} [mineral] | :: cryolithionite, kryolithionite |
kryophil {adj} | :: cryophilic |
Kryoskopie {f} | :: cryoscopy |
kryoskopisch {adj} | :: cryoscopic |
Kryostat {m} | :: cryostat |
Kryotechnik {f} [uncountable] | :: cryotechnology, cryoengineering |
Kryotechnik {f} [countable] | :: cryogenic technique |
Kryovulkan {m} [planetology, geology, vulcanology] | :: cryovolcano |
kryptisch {adj} | :: cryptic |
kryptischer {adj} | :: comparative of kryptisch |
kryptischsten {adj} | :: superlative of kryptisch |
Kryptographie {f} | :: cryptography |
kryptographisch {adj} | :: cryptographic |
Kryptokratie {f} | :: cryptocracy |
Kryptologie {f} | :: cryptology |
kryptomer {adj} | :: cryptomeric |
Krypton {n} | :: krypton |
Kryptondifluorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: krypton difluoride |
Kryptonion {n} | :: krypton ion |
Kryptonisotop {n} | :: krypton isotope |
Kryptonit {n} | :: kryptonite |
Kryptontetrafluorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: krypton tetrafluoride |
Kryptonverbindung {f} [inorganic compound] | :: krypton compound |
Kryptoportikus {mf} [architecture] | :: cryptoporticus |
Kryptozoologie {f} | :: cryptozoology |
KS {symbol} [chemistry] | :: Ka |
KT {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Kaution |
Kuala Lumpur {prop} {n} | :: Kuala Lumpur (capital city) |
Kuala Lumpur {prop} {n} | :: Kuala Lumpur (federal territory) |
Kuba {prop} {n} | :: Kuba (island/and/country) |
Kubaner {prop} {m} | :: Cuban (a person from Cuba) |
Kubanerin {prop} {f} | :: Cuban (a female person from Cuba) |
kubanisch {adj} | :: Cuban (of or pertaining to Cuba) |
Kubaralle {f} | :: Zapata rail |
Kübel {m} | :: a fairly tall tub or bucket, especially one with two handles on the sides (rather than a bail) |
Kubikmeter {m} | :: cubic meter |
Kubikzentimeter {m} | :: cubic centimeter |
kubisch {adj} | :: cubic |
Kubismus {m} | :: cubism |
Kuboktaeder {n} | :: cuboctahedron |
Kubus {m} [mathematics] | :: cube |
Küche {f} | :: kitchen (room) |
Küche {f} | :: cuisine (cooking traditions) |
Kuchen {m} | :: pie; cake; tart (foodstuff made of baked dough, other than bread) |
Kuchen {prop} {n} | :: Kuchen (town) |
küchen- {prefix} | :: amateurish, unqualified, [fig.] armchair |
Kuchenbesteck {n} | :: pastry servers |
Kuchenblech {n} | :: baking sheet, baking tray |
Küchenbrett {n} | :: chopping board, cutting board |
Küchenchef {m} | :: head chef, executive chef |
Kuchengabel {f} | :: small fork; pastry fork |
Kuchengäbelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kuchengabel |
Küchengerät {n} | :: kitchenware tool, kitchen appliance |
Küchenlatein {n} | :: Dog Latin |
Kuchenlöffel {m} | :: pastry spoon |
Küchenlöffel {m} | :: kitchen spoon or ladle, cooking spoon |
Küchenmaschine {f} | :: food processor |
Kuchenmesser {n} | :: cake knife, pastry knife |
Küchenmesser {n} | :: kitchen knife |
Küchenmöbel {n} | :: kitchen furniture |
Küchenreibe {f} | :: grater, shredder |
Küchenrolle {f} [countable] | :: a kitchen roll; a roll of kitchen paper |
Küchenrolle {f} [uncountable] | :: such paper; an indefinite amount of it |
Küchenschabe {f} | :: cockroach |
Küchenschrank {m} | :: cupboard, kitchen cabinet (built-in cabinet found in a kitchen) |
Küchensieb {m} | :: colander |
Küchentisch {m} | :: kitchen table |
Küchentür {f} | :: kitchen door |
Küchlein {n} | :: diminutive of Kuchen |
Küchlein {n} [obsolete] | :: chick (young bird) |
kucken {v} [colloquial, chiefly Northern Germany] | :: alternative form of gucken |
Kücken {n} [Austria] | :: alternative form of Küken |
kuckuck {interj} | :: cuckoo (cry of a cuckoo) |
Kuckuck {m} | :: cuckoo [Cuculus canorus] |
Kuckuck {m} [colloquial, legal, finance] | :: bailiff's seal |
Kuckucksei {n} | :: cuckoo's egg |
Kuckucksei {n} [colloquial] | :: child raised in a family, but of a different father |
Kuckucksuhr {f} | :: cuckoo clock |
Kuddelmuddel {n} {m} | :: jumble; hodgepodge; confusion |
Kuder {m} [hunting] | :: male wildcat |
Kuens {prop} | :: Kuens (municipality) |
Kufe {f} | :: runner (of a sleigh) |
Kufe {f} | :: blade (of an ice skate) |
Kufe {f} | :: skid (of an aircraft) |
Kufe {f} | :: vat, tub |
Kufstein {prop} {n} | :: Kufstein (municipality) |
Kugel {f} | :: ball |
Kugel {f} [firearms] | :: bullet, projectile |
Kugel {f} [firearms, loosely] | :: round, cartridge, bullet |
Kugel {f} [astronomy, geography] | :: orb, globe, celestial body |
Kugel {f} [geometry] | :: sphere, orb |
Kugel {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: roundel [of any tincture] |
Kugel {f} [of icecream] | :: scoop |
Kugel {f} | :: alternative form of Kogel |
Kugelblitz {m} | :: ball lightning |
Kügelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Kugel |
Kugelfisch {m} | :: globefish (literal equivalent), balloonfish, blowfish, bubblefish, a fish of the Tetraodontidae family |
kugelförmig {adj} | :: spherical (shaped like a sphere) |
Kugelgelenk {n} | :: ball and socket joint, enarthrosis, spheroidal joint |
Kugelhaufenreaktor {m} | :: pebble-bed reactor |
Kugelkopf {m} | :: typeball |
Kugellager {n} | :: ball bearing |
Kügellein {n} [rare] | :: diminutive of Kugel |
kugeln {v} | :: To roll or bowl |
Kugeloberfäche {f} | :: surface area of a sphere |
Kugelpackung {f} [maths] | :: sphere packing |
Kugelschnecke {f} | :: A sea hare of the genus Akera |
Kugelschreiber {m} | :: ballpoint pen, biro |
kugelsicher {adj} | :: bulletproof |
Kugelspinne {f} | :: cobweb spider |
Kugelstoßen {n} | :: shot put |
kugelsymmetrisch {adj} | :: spherically symmetric |
Kugelzieher {m} | :: wad hook, two spiral blades arranged something like a corkscrew and fastened to a ramrod for extracting spherical objects from the bottom of a bore-hole |
Kugelzieher {m} | :: particularly a bullet from the barrel of a firearm, gun worm |
Kugelzieher {m} | :: particularly a surgical implement to pull out bullets for someone afflicted by a gunshot wound |
Küglein {n} | :: diminutive of Kugel |
Kuguar {m} | :: cougar, puma |
Kuh {f} | :: cow (adult or nearly adult female bovine animal) |
Kuhbläke {n} | :: backwater, Hicksville, bumfuck (a backwards, boring rural town or village) |
Kuhdorf {n} [idiomatic] | :: one-horse town [US] |
Kuhfladen {m} | :: cow pat, cow chip (cow dung) |
kuhhächsig {adj} | :: synonym of kuhhackig |
kuhhackig {adj} | :: cow-hocked |
Kuhhaut {f} | :: cowhide |
kuhhessig {adj} | :: synonym of kuhhackig |
kühl {adj} | :: cool (of temperature) |
kühl {adj} | :: calm, restrained, passionless |
kühl {adj} | :: cool, frigid (especially of the emotions) |
Kühlbox {f} [insulated bin or box to keep food cold while picnicking or camping] | :: cooler |
Kuhle {f} | :: hollow (lowered area on a surface) |
Kuhle {f} [geography] | :: hollow, depression |
Kühle {f} | :: coolness |
kühlen {v} | :: to cool, to refrigerate |
Kühlen {n} | :: cooling |
kühlend {adj} | :: cooling, refrigerating |
Kühler {m} | :: cooler (anything that cools) |
Kühler {m} | :: radiator (auto part) |
Kühlerhaube {f} [automotive] | :: bonnet [UK], hood [US] |
Kühlflüssigkeit {f} | :: coolant, refrigerant |
kühlgemäßigt {adj} | :: temperate (moderately cool) |
Kühlgut {n} | :: chilled goods |
Kühlgut {n} | :: refrigerated cargo |
Kühlhaus {n} | :: cold storage warehouse |
Kühlkombination {f} | :: fridge-freezer |
Kühlmittel {n} | :: refrigerant, coolant |
Kühlmittelverluststörfall {m} | :: loss of coolant accident, LOCA |
Kühlregal {n} | :: refrigerated section, cooling shelf, chiller cabinet |
Kühlschmiermittel {n} | :: coolant (cooling lubricant) |
Kühlschmierstoff {m} | :: cooling lubricant (used in machine tools) |
Kühlschrank {m} | :: refrigerator |
Kühltruhe {f} | :: chest freezer |
Kühlturm {m} | :: cooling tower |
Kühlung {f} | :: cooling, chilling, refrigeration |
Kühlwasser {n} | :: coolant (especially in a car radiator) |
Kuhmilch {f} | :: cow's milk |
Kuhmist {m} | :: cowdung, cowshit |
Kuhn {prop} | :: surname |
kühn {adj} | :: daring; audacious |
Kühn {prop} | :: surname |
Kühnheit {f} | :: boldness, daring, audacity, hardihood, temerity |
Kuhnsch {adj} | :: Kuhnian |
Kuhreiher {m} | :: Western cattle egret (bird of the species Bubulcus ibis) |
Kuhreiher {m} | :: cattle egret (bird in the genus Bubulcus) |
Kuhstall {m} | :: cowshed (place for cows) |
Kuhwiese {f} | :: cow pasture |
Kujath {prop} | :: surname |
k. u. k. {phrase} | :: imperial and royal, (with reference to the Habsburg monarchy), K and K |
k.u.k. {phrase} | :: alternative form of k. u. k. |
Küken {n} | :: chick (young bird), fledgling, hatchling, squab (of a pigeon or dove)) |
Küken {n} [figuratively] | :: the youngest in a group |
Küken {n} | :: plug (as in a cask) |
Kükenvermuser {m} | :: baby chick blender (machine that kills unwanted chicks in egg-producing facilities) |
Ku-Klux-Klan {prop} {m} | :: Ku Klux Klan |
Kukmirn {prop} {n} | :: Kukmirn (municipality) |
Kukuruz {m} [Austria, Bavaria] | :: maize, corn |
Kukuruzkolben {m} [Austria] | :: corncob |
Kulak {m} [historical, usually, pejorative] | :: kulak |
kulant {adj} | :: obliging, fair |
Kulanz {f} | :: obligingness (giving rights or rendering services one is not obliged to offer) |
Kuli {m} | :: coolie (unskilled Asian worker, usually of Chinese or Indian descent) |
Kuli {m} [figurative] | :: slave |
Kuli {m} [colloquial] | :: clipping of Kugelschreiber; (ballpoint) pen |
kulinarisch {adj} | :: culinary |
Kulisse {f} [theater] | :: scenery; set; flat |
Kulisse {f} [figurative] | :: scenery; setting; background (place or context in which something happens) |
Kuller {f} [regional, eastern Germany] | :: marble (small glass ball) |
kullern {v} | :: to roll slowly |
kullern {v} | :: to roll back and forth (e.g. on a trembling surface) |
Kulli {m} | :: Abbreviation of Kugelschreiber: ball-point pen |
kulminieren {vi} [astronomy] | :: to culminate |
kulminieren {vi} [figuratively, literary] | :: to peak, to culminate |
Kult {m} | :: cult |
Kultgegenstand {m} | :: cult object |
kultisch {adj} | :: cultic |
kultisch {adj} | :: ritualistic |
kultivieren {v} | :: to cultivate |
Kultivierung {f} | :: cultivation |
Kultur {f} | :: culture |
kulturalistisch {adj} | :: culturalistic |
Kulturbeutel {m} | :: wash bag |
Kulturbolschewismus {m} [Nazism, politics, historical] | :: cultural Bolshevism |
Kulturbund {m} | :: cultural association |
kulturell {adj} | :: cultural |
Kulturerbe {n} | :: cultural heritage |
kulturfreundlich {adj} | :: culture-friendly |
Kulturgesch. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Kulturgeschichte |
Kulturgeschichte {f} | :: cultural history |
kulturgeschichtlich {adj} | :: historico-cultural |
Kulturgut {n} | :: cultural property, cultural heritage |
Kulturhauptstadt {f} | :: cultural capital |
kulturhistorisch {adj} | :: cultural history (attributive) |
Kulturimperialismus {m} | :: cultural imperialism |
Kulturkampf {m} [historical] | :: kulturkampf (conflict between secular and religious authorities in late 19th c. Germany and Switzerland) |
Kulturkreis {m} | :: A cultural sphere or zone |
Kulturkreis {m} [anthropology, dated] | :: In the theory of the Kulturkreis school, a complex of related cultural traits believed to have historically diffused together across different parts of the world |
kulturkritisch {adj} | :: cultural criticism (attributuve) |
Kulturland {n} [no plural] | :: cultivable land, cultivated land |
Kulturland {n} | :: land with a deep cultural heritage and a rich history of cultural development, country with a high degree of civilization |
Kulturlandschaft {f} | :: cultural landscape (landscape designed and created intentionally by man) |
Kulturmuslim {m} [culture, Islam] | :: cultural Muslim |
Kulturnation {f} | :: A nation defined by or as seen through a shared culture, as opposed to other traits |
Kulturpflanze {f} | :: crop |
Kulturpflanze {f} | :: cultivar |
Kulturpflanze {f} | :: cultigen |
kulturpolitisch {adj} | :: cultural politics (attributive) |
Kulturschock {m} [anthropology, sociology] | :: culture shock |
Kultursprache {f} | :: language of civilisation; a language used in learning, literature, etc |
Kulturträger {m} | :: Someone or something that transmits cultural ideals, especially from one generation to the next |
Kulturvolk {n} | :: civilized people |
Kulturwissenschaft {f} | :: cultural studies |
Kulturwissenschaftler {m} | :: cultural studies scholar |
Kulturwort {n} | :: Kulturwort |
Kultusminister {m} | :: culture minister |
Kultusminister {m} | :: education minister |
Kultusministerium {n} | :: ministry of culture |
Kumane {m} | :: Cuman (male member of the Cuman people) |
Kumanien {prop} {n} | :: Cumania (historical region in Eastern Europe, country of the Cuman people) |
Kumanin {f} | :: Cuman (female member of the Cuman people) |
kumanisch {adj} | :: Cuman (of or pertaining to the Cuman people) |
Kumanisch {n} | :: Cuman (the language of the Cuman people) |
Kumberg {prop} {n} | :: Kumberg (municipality) |
Kumilsko {prop} | :: Kumilsko (village) |
Kümmel {m} | :: caraway |
Kümmel {m} | :: kummel |
Kümmel {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Kümmelblättchen {n} [archaic] | :: three-card monte |
Kümmeltürke {m} [derogatory, ethnic slur] | :: A Turk or Middle Easterner (male or or unspecified sex) |
Kümmeltürke {m} [obsolete, student slang] | :: Someone from the region of Halle, Germany |
Kümmeltürke {m} [obsolete] | :: A Philistine (somebody who lacks appreciation for art or culture) |
Kummer {m} | :: grief, sorrow |
Kummer {m} [colloquial] | :: trouble |
Kummerbund {m} | :: cummerbund |
kümmerlich {adj} | :: miserable |
kümmerlich {adj} | :: meager |
kümmerlich {adj} | :: puny |
kümmern {vr} | :: to take care, to look after |
kümmern {vt} | :: to grieve, to afflict, to trouble, to concern |
Kummerspeck {m} [uncountable] | :: Excess weight or body fat gained due to emotional overeating |
Kumpan {m} | :: friend in the same business (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kumpan {m} | :: crony (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kumpel {m} [mining] | :: miner |
Kumpel {m} [colloquial] | :: buddy, pal, friend |
kumpelhaft {adj} | :: friendly, pally |
Kumpf {m} | :: vessel; container |
Kumquat {m} | :: kumquat (small orange fruit) |
kumulativ {adj} | :: cumulative |
kumulieren {v} | :: To cumulate |
kumuliert {v} | :: past participle of kumulieren |
kund {adj} | :: known |
kündbar {adj} | :: terminable |
-kunde {suffix} | :: A science or branch of knowledge dealing with the subject referred to by the stem to which the suffix is added |
-kunde {suffix} [in numerous compounds] | :: -logy |
Kunde {m} | :: customer, patron, punter, client |
Kunde {f} [elevated] | :: tidings, news |
Kunde {f} [in compounds] | :: -logy (e.g. Erd-kunde = geo-logy), see -kunde |
künden {vt} | :: to announce |
künden {vi} | :: to tell (of), to bear witness (to) |
Kundendienst {m} | :: customer service |
Kundenservice {m} | :: customer service |
kundgeben {v} | :: to announce |
Kundgebung {f} | :: rally, demonstration |
Kundgebungsteilnehmer {m} | :: demonstrator [male or of unspecified sex] |
Kundgebungsteilnehmerin {f} | :: demonstrator (female) |
kundig {adj} | :: knowledgeable |
kündigen {v} | :: to cancel (a contract) |
Kündigung {f} | :: a declaration of will ending a continuing obligation, termination, dismissal, resignation, notice, quitting |
Kündigungsschutz {m} | :: protection against dismissal |
Kundin {f} | :: customer (woman customer), patron, punter, client (female) |
k. und k. {phrase} | :: alternative form of k. u. k. |
kundmachen {v} [formal, Austria] | :: to announce, make public |
Kundschaft {f} | :: clientele |
Kundschaft {f} | :: customers, clients, customer base |
Kundschaft {f} | :: scouting for information |
kundschaften {vt} [military] | :: to scout, reconnoiter [perform reconnaissance] |
Kundschafter {m} | :: agent noun of kundschaften; scout |
kundtun {v} | :: to make known |
künftig {adj} | :: future |
künftig {adv} | :: henceforth, in the future |
Kunigunde {prop} | :: given name (medieval, rare nowadays) |
Kunkel {f} [regional] | :: distaff |
Kunkel {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Kuno {prop} | :: given name |
Kunst {f} | :: art |
Kunst {f} [now chiefly as the first part of compound words] | :: something artificially created or manufactured, as opposed to something natural |
Kunstakademie {f} | :: art school (college of art) |
Kunstausstellung {f} | :: art exhibition |
Kunstdünger {m} | :: fertilizer (especially artificial) |
Künstelei {f} [pejorative] | :: artificiality |
Künsteley {f} | :: obsolete form of Künstelei |
künsteln {vt} | :: to make artificially |
Kunstfehler {m} [medicine] | :: malpractice |
kunstfertig {adj} | :: skilled, skillful |
Kunstfertigkeit {f} | :: skill, artistry, craftsmanship |
Kunstflieger {m} | :: aerobatic pilot |
Kunstflug {m} | :: aerobatics |
Kunstfreiheit {f} | :: freedom of artistic expression |
Kunstgegenstand {m} | :: art object, objet d'art |
Kunstgegenstand {m} | :: antique |
Kunstgegenstand {m} | :: artifact |
Kunstgeschichte {f} | :: art history |
kunstgeschichtlich {adj} | :: art-historical |
Kunsthalle {f} | :: art gallery (that displays temporary exhibitions) |
Kunsthändler {m} | :: art dealer |
Kunsthändlerin {f} | :: female art dealer |
Kunsthandwerk {n} | :: handicraft |
Kunsthandwerk {n} | :: crafts |
Kunsthandwerker {m} | :: artisan, craftsman, crafter |
Künstler {m} | :: artist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Künstlerfarbe {f} [art, especially in plural] | :: artist's colour(s) (range of paints) |
Künstlerin {f} | :: artist (female) |
künstlerisch {adj} | :: artistic |
künstlerischer {adj} | :: comparative of künstlerisch |
künstlerischsten {adj} | :: superlative of künstlerisch |
Künstlername {m} | :: pseudonym used by an artist, stage or pen name |
Künstlerroman {m} [literature] | :: Künstlerroman |
künstlich {adj} | :: artificial |
künstliche Intelligenz {f} [artificial intelligence] | :: artificial intelligence, AI |
künstlicher {adj} | :: comparative of künstlich |
künstlicher Darmausgang {m} | :: artificial anus |
Künstlichkeit {f} | :: artificiality |
künstlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of künstlich |
Kunstmaler {m} | :: painter (artist who paints pictures etc.) |
Kunstmalerin {f} | :: painter, artist (female) |
Kunstobjekt {n} | :: work of art, objet d'art |
Kunstpause {f} [theater] | :: dramatic pause |
Kunstraub {m} | :: art theft |
kunstreich {adj} | :: ingenious |
kunstreich {adj} | :: elaborate |
kunstreich {adj} | :: ornate |
Kunstschnee {m} | :: artificial snow |
kunstseiden {adj} | :: rayon (or similar) (attributive) |
Kunstsprache {f} [linguistics] | :: a constructed language |
Kunstspringen {n} [swimming] | :: fancy diving |
Kunststoff {m} | :: plastic (a stiff but usually slightly flexible synthetic material) |
Kunststoffabdeckung {f} | :: plastic covers |
Kunststoffabdichtung {f} | :: synthetic waterproofing membrane |
Kunststoffabfall {m} | :: plastic waste |
Kunststoffabteilung {f} | :: plastics department [of a factory] |
Kunststoffadditiv {n} | :: plastic additive |
kunststoffähnlich {adj} | :: resembling plastic; plasticky |
Kunststoffanalytik {f} | :: analysis of plastics |
Kunststoffanlage {f} | :: plastics manufacturing plant |
Kunststoffanlagenbau {m} | :: construction of plastic manufacturing facilities |
Kunststoffanteil {m} | :: proportion of plastic |
Kunststoffartikel {m} | :: plastic product |
Kunststoffaufbereitung {f} | :: processing of plastics |
Kunststoffausführung {f} | :: A plastic version of something |
Kunststoffbecher {m} | :: plastic cup |
Kunststoffbesteck {n} | :: plastic cutlery |
Kunststoffbeutel {m} | :: plastic bag |
Kunststoffboden {m} | :: plastic flooring |
Kunststoffdecke {f} | :: plastic cover |
Kunststoffdecke {f} | :: plastic ceiling |
Kunststoffflasche {f} | :: plastic bottle |
Kunststofffolie {f} | :: plastic film or foil |
Kunststoff-Folie {f} | :: alternative spelling of Kunststofffolie |
Kunststoffgeschirr {n} | :: plastic tableware |
Kunststoffhaken {m} | :: plastic fastener |
Kunststoffmappe {f} | :: plastic folder |
Kunststoffmesser {n} | :: plastic knife |
Kunststoffrohr {n} | :: plastic tube or pipe |
Kunststoffschraube {f} | :: plastic screw |
Kunststoffspritzguss {m} | :: plastic injection molding |
Kunststoffstuhl {m} | :: plastic chair |
Kunststofftasche {f} | :: plastic bag |
Kunststoffteller {m} | :: plastic plate |
Kunststofftüte {f} | :: plastic bag |
Kunststoffüberzug {m} | :: plastic coating or cover |
Kunststoffvase {f} | :: plastic vase |
Kunststoffverpackung {f} | :: plastic container |
Kunststück {n} | :: feat, trick |
Kunstwerk {n} | :: artwork, work of art |
Kunstwort {n} | :: technical term |
kunterbunt {adj} | :: colourful, multicoloured |
Kunz {prop} [obsolete] | :: given name, a pet form of Konrad |
Kunz {prop} | :: surname derived from the given name |
Küpe {f} | :: coloring liquor |
Küpe {f} [dated] | :: tub |
Kupee {m} | :: alternative spelling of Coupé |
Kupfer {n} | :: copper (chemical element, Cu, atomical number 29) |
Kupferacetat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: copper acetate |
Kupferbergbau {m} | :: copper mining |
Kupferbergbau {m} | :: copper-mining industry |
Kupferbergwerk {n} | :: copper mine |
Kupfercarbonat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: copper |
Kupferdraht {m} | :: copper wire |
Kupfererz {n} | :: copper ore |
Kupferglanz {m} [mineral] | :: chalcocite (copper glance) |
Kupfergruppe {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: copper group |
kupferhaltig {adj} | :: coppery |
kupferhaltig {adj} | :: copper-bearing; cupriferous |
Kupferherstellung {f} | :: copper production |
Kupferhydroxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: copper hydroxide |
kupferig {noun} | :: coppery |
Kupferkessel {m} | :: copper kettle |
Kupferkies {m} [mineral] | :: chalcopyrite (copper pyrites) |
Kupferlegierung {f} | :: copper alloy; bronze |
Kupfermineral {n} [mineralogy] | :: copper mineral |
Kupfermünze {f} | :: copper coin |
kupfern {adj} | :: copper; coppern (made of copper) |
Kupfernickel {n} | :: cupronickel |
Kupferoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: copper oxide (cupric oxide or cuprous oxide) |
Kupferphosphid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: copper phosphide |
Kupferron {n} [organic compound] | :: cupferron |
kupferrot {adj} | :: copper-coloured |
kupferrot {adj} | :: auburn |
Kupferschiefer {m} [geology] | :: copper schist, copper shale |
Kupferschraube {f} | :: copper screw |
Kupfersilberglanz {m} [mineral] | :: synonym of Stromeyerit |
Kupferstich {m} | :: copper engraving, copper-plate engraving |
Kupfersulfat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: copper sulfate |
Kupferverhüttung {f} | :: copper smelting |
Kupfervitriol {n} | :: blue vitriol |
Kupfervitriol {n} [mineral] | :: chalcanthite |
Kupferzeit {f} [archaeology] | :: Chalcolithic, Copper Age |
kupieren {v} [removal of part of an animal's tail or ears] | :: to dock |
Kupon {m} | :: alternative spelling of Coupon |
Kuppe {f} | :: hilltop |
Kuppe {f} | :: tip (of finger) |
Kuppe {f} | :: hump (of road etc.) |
Kuppe {f} | :: crest (of a hill; of a pigeon) |
Kuppel {f} [architecture] | :: dome (structural element resembling the hollow upper half of a sphere) |
kuppeln {v} | :: to couple |
kuppeln {v} [automotive] | :: to operate the clutch |
Kupplung {f} | :: clutch (a device to interrupt power transmission) |
Kupplungsbelag {m} | :: clutch lining |
Kupplungsglocke {f} | :: bell housing, bellhousing |
Kupplungspedal {n} | :: clutch pedal |
Kur {f} | :: cure, regimen |
Kur {f} | :: treatment at a health resort |
Kur {f} | :: the gathering which elected the king or emperor (kaiser) of the Holy Roman Empire |
Kür {f} [poetic] | :: choice |
Kür {f} [figure skating] | :: free skating |
kurabgabepflichtig {adj} | :: chargeable (at a spa) |
Kurant {n} [dated] | :: full-bodied coin (a fully circulating coin that has metal content equal to its face value) |
Kurantmünze {f} | :: full-bodied coin (a fully circulating coin that has metal content equal to its face value) |
Kürass {m} | :: cuirass |
Kurator {m} | :: curator (administrator of a collection) |
Kurbad {n} | :: spa (curative resort) |
Kurbel {f} | :: crank |
kurbeln {v} | :: to crank |
Kurbelwelle {f} | :: crankshaft |
Kürbis {m} | :: pumpkin, gourd, squash (any plant of the genus Cucurbita or its fruit) |
Kürbiskern {m} | :: pumpkin seed |
Kürbiskernöl {n} | :: pumpkin seed oil |
Kürbissuppe {f} | :: pumpkin soup |
Kurbrandenburg {prop} | :: Electoral Brandenburg, the Electorate of Brandenburg |
Kurde {m} | :: Kurd |
Kurdin {f} | :: a female Kurd, a woman from Kurdistan |
kurdisch {adj} | :: Kurdish (of, from, or pertaining to Kurdistan, the Kurdish people or the Kurdish language) |
Kurdisch {n} | :: Kurdish; the language of Kurdistan |
Kurdistan {prop} {n} | :: Kurdistan |
küren {v} [formal, with zu] | :: to elect someone (something honourable); to present someone (with an honour) |
küren {v} [archaic or poetic] | :: to choose; to elect (in general) |
Kurfürst {m} | :: a prince-elector (see Wikipedia), a member of the electoral college of the Holy Roman Empire |
Kurfürstentum {n} [historical, Holy Roman Empire] | :: electorate |
kurfürstlich {adj} | :: of or pertaining to a Kurfürst (prince-elector) |
Kurie {f} | :: Curia |
Kurier {m} | :: courier, messenger |
kurieren {v} | :: To cure (return to health) |
kurios {adj} | :: curious, odd, bizarre |
Kuriosität {f} [unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest] | :: curiosity |
Kuriositätenkabinett {n} | :: cabinet of curiosities |
Kuriosum {n} [formal] | :: curiosity (unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest) |
kurisch {adj} | :: Curonian (of, from, or pertaining to Courland) |
Kurisch {noun} | :: Curonian (the extinct language of Courland) |
kurkölnisch {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Electorate of Cologne |
Kurkuma {f} | :: turmeric (plant, spice) |
Kurland {prop} {n} | :: Courland |
kurländisch {adj} | :: Curonian (of, from, or pertaining to Courland) |
Kurmandschi {prop} {n} | :: Kurmanji |
Kurort {m} | :: health resort |
Kurpfalz {prop} {f} | :: Electorate of the Palatinate |
Kurpfuscher {m} [medicine] | :: quack, quacksalver (unqualified healer or incompetent doctor; male or unspecified sex) |
kurrent {adj} [Austria] | :: written in German |
Kurs {m} | :: course (direction) |
Kurs {m} | :: course (learning) |
Kurs {m} | :: exchange rate, market price |
Kursaal {m} | :: kursaal (entertainment hall in a spa) |
Kursbuch {n} | :: railway guide (collection of timetables etc for a region) |
Kursbuch {n} | :: coursebook |
Kürschner {m} | :: furrier (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kürschnerin {f} | :: furrier (female) |
Kurshistorie {f} | :: share price or exchange rate history (typically graphical) |
kursiv {adj} | :: italic |
Kursivbuchstabe {m} | :: cursive character, cursive letter |
Kursivbuchstabe {m} | :: [plural] italics |
Kursivschrift {f} [typography] | :: italic |
Kursmünze {f} | :: Ordinary commercial coin |
kursorisch {adj} | :: cursory |
Kursschiff {n} | :: passenger boat |
Kurt {prop} | :: given name |
Kurtage {f} | :: alternative spelling of Courtage |
Kurtenbach {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Kurtine {f} [military, historical] | :: curtain wall |
Kurtine {f} [Austria, otherwise dated] | :: middle curtain on a stage |
Kurtschatowium {n} | :: kurchatovium |
kurtz {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of kurz |
Kurve {f} | :: bend (curve) |
kurven {v} [colloquial] | :: to drive around in a vehicle |
Kurvenmaximum {n} [maths, of a graph] | :: maximum |
Kurvenminimum {n} [maths, of a graph] | :: minimum |
kurz {adj} | :: short, brief |
kurz {adj} | :: concise |
kurz {adv} | :: briefly, in short |
kurz ab {adv} [regional, western Germany] | :: curt; brief; blunt (especially over the telephone) |
kurz angebunden {adj} [idiomatic] | :: curt; brief; blunt (especially over the telephone) |
Kurzarbeit {f} | :: short-time working, furlough |
kurzärmelig {adj} | :: short-sleeved |
kurzärmlig {adj} | :: alternative form of kurzärmelig |
Kurzaufenthalt {m} | :: short-term stay |
Kurzbezeichnung {f} | :: abbreviation |
Kurzbezeichnung {f} | :: abbreviated name; nickname |
Kürze {f} | :: brevity |
Kürze {f} | :: shortness |
Kürzel {n} | :: abbreviation |
kürzen {v} | :: to shorten |
kürzen {v} | :: to abbreviate |
kürzen {v} [literature] | :: to abridge |
kürzen {v} [mathematics] | :: to cancel (a fraction, equation or term) |
kurzerhand {adv} | :: without further ado, without a second thought |
kurzerhand {adv} | :: curtly, abruptly |
kürzesten {adj} | :: superlative of kurz |
Kurzfilm {m} | :: short film; short |
Kurzform {f} | :: short form, clipped form, shortened form |
Kurzform {f} | :: short version, shortened version |
Kurzform {f} | :: abbreviation |
kurzfristig {adj} | :: short-term |
kurzfristig {adj} | :: on short notice |
Kurzgeschichte {f} | :: short story |
kurzkettig {adj} | :: short-chain |
Kurzkopfgleitbeutler {m} | :: sugar glider |
kurzlebig {adj} | :: short-lived, ephemeral |
kürzlich {adv} | :: recently, lately (in the recent past) |
kürzlich {adj} [generally only with events] | :: recent |
kurz machen {v} | :: alternative form of kurzmachen |
kurzmachen {v} | :: to summarize, to be brief |
Kurzmitteilung {f} [telephony or microblogging or written communication] | :: short message |
Kurznachricht {f} | :: short message |
Kurznachrichtendienst {m} | :: short message service |
Kurzname {m} | :: abbreviated name |
kurzschließen {v} | :: to short-circuit |
kurzschließen {v} | :: to falsely conclude |
Kurzschluss {m} [electronics] | :: short circuit (an unintentional connection of low resistance or impedance in a circuit) |
Kurzschluss {m} | :: false conclusion |
Kurzschrift {f} | :: shorthand |
Kurzschwanz-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: pearly antshrike (Megastictus margaritatus) |
kurzsichtig {adj} [anatomy] | :: near sighted, myopic, shortsighted |
kurzsichtig {adj} [figuratively] | :: shortsighted |
Kurzsichtigkeit {f} | :: myopia |
kurzstielig {adj} | :: short-stemmed |
Kurzstrecke {f} [generally or sports] | :: short distance |
Kurzstreckenlauf {m} [sports] | :: sprint |
Kurzstreckenrakete {f} | :: short-range missile |
Kürzung {f} | :: reduction |
Kürzung {f} | :: shortening |
Kürzung {f} | :: cutback |
Kurzurlaub {m} | :: short vacation |
Kurzvokal {m} [phonology] | :: short vowel |
Kurzwaffe {f} | :: A firearm with a barrel shorter than 30 cm, thus a handgun, a short machine pistol, or a very short rifle |
Kurzweil {f} [dated] | :: amusement, diversion, pastime (light pleasant entertainment) |
kurzweilig {adj} [archaic] | :: entertaining, diverting |
kurzwellig {adj} | :: shortwave |
Kurzwort {m} | :: abbreviation; clipping |
Kurzzeichen {n} | :: abbreviation |
Kurzzeichen {n} | :: Simplified Chinese character |
kurzzeitig {adj} | :: temporary |
kurzzeitig {adj} | :: brief, momentary |
kurzzeitig {adj} | :: short-term |
Kurzzug {m} | :: short train |
kusch {interj} [to a dog] | :: lie down!; be quiet! |
kusch {interj} [Austria, colloquial, to a person] | :: be quiet! |
Kuscheldecke {f} | :: security blanket |
Kuschelkurs {m} [colloquial] | :: friendly overtures; cosying up |
kuscheln {vit} [rarely, _] | :: to cuddle |
Kuscheltier {n} | :: stuffed animal |
Kusine {f} | :: alternative spelling of Cousine |
Kuss {m} | :: kiss |
Kuß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Kuss |
Küsschen {n} | :: diminutive of Kuss; a peck |
Küßchen {n} | :: alternative spelling of Küsschen |
kussecht {adj} | :: kissproof |
küssen {v} | :: to kiss |
küssen {v} | :: (reflexive) to make out |
Küssen {n} [archaic] | :: alternative form of Kissen |
Küsserei {f} | :: kissfest, smoochfest |
Küste {f} | :: coast |
Küstenbereich {m} | :: coastal area |
Küstengewässer {n} | :: coastal waters |
küstennah {adj} | :: offshore, coastal |
Küstennebel {m} | :: coastal fog |
Küstenregion {f} | :: littoral (coastal region) |
Küstenwache {f} | :: coast guard |
Küster {m} | :: sexton (male or of unspecified sex) (church official) |
Küsterin {f} | :: sexton (female) (church official) |
kutan {adj} | :: cutaneous |
Kutsche {f} | :: carriage; coach (a wagon, usually upholstered, pulled by horses) |
Kutsche {f} [colloquial] | :: A large, old automobile in poor condition; a jalopy, clunker |
Kutsche {f} [agriculture, horticulture] | :: cold frame |
Kutscher {m} | :: coachman (male or of unspecified sex) |
Kutte {f} | :: habit (a long piece of clothing worn by monks and nuns) |
Kutte {f} [slang, heavy metal scene] | :: a jeans or leather jacket covered with band patches |
Kuttel {f} | :: tripe |
Kutter {m} | :: cutter (sailing vessel) |
Kuvert {n} | :: envelope |
Kuvertüre {f} | :: couverture |
Küvette {f} | :: cuvette |
Kuwait {prop} {n} | :: Kuwait (country) |
kuwaitisch {adj} | :: Kuwaiti (of, from, or pertaining to Kuwait or the Kuwaiti people) |
Kuzelit {m} [mineral] | :: kuzelite |
KW {noun} | :: abbreviation of Kalenderwoche |
Kwajalein {prop} | :: Kwajalein atoll |
Kwajalein {prop} | :: Kwajalein island, Kwajalein atoll |
Kwalm {m} [archaic] | :: rare spelling of Qualm |
Kwashiorkor {m} | :: kwashiorkor |
Kwass {m} | :: kvass (traditional Slavic drink) |
Kwaß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Kwass |
Kyanit {m} [mineral] | :: kyanite |
kyber- {prefix} | :: cyber- |
Kybernetik {f} | :: cybernetics |
kybernetisch {adj} | :: cybernetic |
kymrisch {adj} | :: Welsh |
Kymrisch {prop} {n} | :: Cymric, Welsh (language) |
Kyrie eleison {phrase} [Christianity] | :: O Lord, have mercy! (upon us) |
Kyrieleis {interj} | :: clipping of Kyrie eleison |
kyrillisch {adj} | :: Cyrillic |
kyrisser {noun} | :: cuirassier |
KZ {n} | :: abbreviation of Konzentrationslager |
KZ {n} [uncommon] | :: abbreviation of Krankenzimmer |