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User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-d

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
D {letter} :: letter: de
da- {prefix} :: prefix form of da, meaning there-
da {adv} [local] :: there; here
da {adv} [temporal] :: then; so; at that moment
da {adv} [colloquial] :: replaces any pronominal adverb when the context is clear
da {conj} :: since; as; because; given that
da {conj} [literary, dated] :: when
dabben {v} :: to dab
dabei {adv} :: pronominal adverb of bei (replaces bei + demonstrative or personal pronoun, unless referring to people)
dabei {adv} :: with one, on one
dabei {adv} :: (when) indeed, (but) actually (expressing a contradiction)
dabei {adv} :: in the process of [followed by an infinitive clause]
dabei {adv} :: thereby, thus
dabeibleiben {v} :: to stick with something; to persist
dabeihaben {v} :: to have [something] with oneself
dabeistehen {v} :: to stand by
dabey {adv} :: obsolete spelling of dabei
Dach {n} :: roof
Dach {n} [colloquial] :: circumflex
Dach {prop} {mf} :: surname
DACH {prop} {n} :: Germany, Austria and Switzerland as a unit
DACH {prop} {n} :: The German Sprachraum
Dachboden {m} :: (a storage room in the) attic
Dachdecker {m} :: tiler, roofer, slater, thatcher (male or of unspecified sex) (profession)
Dachdeckerin {f} :: tiler, roofer, slater, thatcher (female) (profession)
Dachdeckung {f} :: roofing
Dacheindeckung {f} :: roofing (roof cladding)
Dachentwässerung {f} :: roof drainage
Dachfenster {n} [architecture] :: dormer, skylight
Dachgaube {f} :: dormer
Dachgeschoss {n} :: attic, loft, top floor
Dachgeschosswohnung {f} :: attic apartment, penthouse apartment
Dachhase {m} :: roof rabbit; cat
Dachlawine {f} [larger amount of snow avalanching from roofs and endangering pedestrians] :: roof avalanche
Dächlein {n} :: diminutive of Dach
Dachlinie {f} :: roofline
Dachpfanne {f} :: roof tile
Dachreling {f} :: roof rails
Dachrinne {f} :: gutter; eavestrough (channel on the edge of a roof)
Dachs {m} :: badger
Dachschaden {m} :: roof damage
Dachschaden {m} [figuratively] :: a mental problem
Dachshund {m} [archaic] :: dachshund (sausage dog, wiener dog)
Dachshund {m} [archaic, loosely] :: a similar-looking dog, e.g. a basset hound
Dachsprache {f} [countable, linguistics] :: dachsprache, umbrella language (a language form that serves as a standard language in a country above other dialects)
Dachstube {f} :: attic
Dachstuhl {m} [architecture] :: roof truss, roof timbering
Dachswelpe {m} :: young badger, badger puppy
Dachterrasse {f} :: roof terrace
Dachverband {m} :: umbrella organization / umbrella organisation
Dachzeile {f} [journalism] :: kicker (a smaller line above the headline)
Dachziegel {m} :: roof tile
Dackel {m} :: dachshund (sausage dog, wiener dog)
Dackel {m} [loosely] :: a similar-looking dog, e.g. a basset hound
dackeln {v} :: to walk slowly, often with a lack of energy or waddling, in the manner of a dachshund
Dad {m} [colloquial, chiefly film, media] :: dad; Dad
Dadaismus {m} :: dadaism
dadaistisch {adj} [art] :: dadaistic
Dadra und Nagar Haveli {prop} :: Dadra and Nagar Haveli
dadurch {adv} :: through it, through that
DaF {noun} [education] :: initialism of Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a foreign language)
dafür {adv} :: for that, for it
dafür {adv} :: instead, at least, as a compensation
dafür nicht {phrase} :: don't mention it, you're welcome
dafürstehen {v} [Austria, otherwise dated, auxiliary "haben", also "sein" in southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland] :: to vouch (for something)
dafürstehen {v} [Austria, auxiliary "sein"] :: to be worth it, worthwhile
dagegen {adv} :: against it, against that
dagegen {conj} :: however, by contrast, on the other hand
dagehabt {v} :: past participle of dahaben
Dagestan {prop} {n} :: Dagestan
Dagga {n} [chiefly Namibia] :: dagga, marijuana
Dagmar {prop} :: given name borrowed from Danish in the 19th century
Dagobert Duck {prop} {m} :: Scrooge McDuck, Uncle Scrooge (Disney character)
Dagobert Duck {m} [figuratively] :: Uncle Scrooge (rich miser)
dahaben {v} [colloquial] :: to have available, to have in stock
dahaben {v} [colloquial] :: to have someone visiting
daheim {adv} :: home, at home (adverb)
daher {adv} :: from there
daher {adv} [figuratively] :: therefore; because of that; hence; thus
daher {adv} [with a verb of motion] :: along
daherkommen {v} :: to approach, come (up)
daherkommen {v} :: to come up, arise
daherkommen {v} :: to be a result (of) [with a clause]
daherreden {v} :: To speak foolishly; to drivel
daherschwimmen {v} [regional, Bavaria, Austria] :: to come swimming by
dahin {adv} :: there (to or into that place; thither)
dahinfahren {v} :: to go there
dahinfahren {v} [euphemistic] :: to die
dahin gehend {adj} :: alternative spelling of dahingehend
dahingehend {adj} :: to that effect
dahinleben {v} :: to exist
dahinleben {v} [pejorative] :: to vegetate
dahinraffen {vt} :: to kill (to cause a sudden death)
dahinschwinden {vt} :: to peter out
dahinsiechen {v} :: to waste away
dahinsterben {v} [formal] :: to die
dahinter {adv} :: behind it/that
Dahlie {f} :: dahlia
Dahn {prop} {n} :: Dahn (city)
Daimler {prop} :: surname
Daimler {m} [automotive, colloquial] :: Short form of Daimler-Benz; a Merc
Dakota {m} :: Dakota, a member of the Dakota people
Dakota {p} :: North Dakota and South Dakota
daktylisch {adj} :: dactylic
Daktyloskopie {f} :: dactyloscopy
daktyloskopisch {adj} :: dactyloscopic
Dalaas {prop} {n} :: Dalaas (municipality)
da lachen ja die Hühner {phrase} [idiomatic] :: Exclamation at something ridiculous, silly, or completely unsatisfactory
Dalai Lama {m} :: Dalai Lama (head of Tibetan Buddhism)
dalassen {v} :: to leave behind
daliegen {v} :: to lie there
da liegt der Hase im Pfeffer {phrase} [idiom] :: therein lies the rub
da liegt der Hund begraben {phrase} [idiom] :: therein lies the rub
Dalken {p} [Austria] :: a type of sweet pastry similar to pancakes
dalli {adv} [colloquial] :: quickly; with hurry
Dalmatien {prop} {n} :: Dalmatia
damalig {adj} :: then, former, erstwhile
damals {adv} :: at that time (in the past); at the time, then
Daman und Diu {prop} :: Daman and Diu
Damaskus {prop} {n} :: Damaskus (capital)
Damaskuserlebnis {n} [idiomatic] :: road to Damascus
damasten {adj} [attributive] :: damask
Damastgewebe {n} :: damask
Damaszener {m} :: Damascene (inhabitant of Damascus)
Damaszener {adj} :: Damascene
damaszenisch {adj} :: Damascene
Dame {f} :: lady (woman of good breeding and manners)
Dame {f} :: lady; madam (polite term to refer to any woman)
Dame {f} [chess, playing card] :: queen
Dame {f} [checkers] :: king
Dame {f} [title] :: Dame
Dame {f} {n} [board games] :: draughts; checkers
Damebrett {n} :: checkerboard
Damenbauer {m} [chess] :: queen's pawn
Damenbesuch {m} :: visit by a woman
Damenflügel {m} [chess] :: queenside
Damentoilette {f} :: ladies' toilet, ladies' room
Damenuhr {f} :: ladies' watch
Damen und Herren {phrase} :: used to address a larger group of people, e.g. by a guide
Damespiel {n} [board games] :: draughts [British], checkers [US]
Damhirsch {m} :: fallow deer (usually male)
damisch {adj} :: synonym of dämlich
damit {adv} :: pronominal adverb of mit
damit {conj} [subordinating] :: so that, in order that
dämlich {adj} :: very stupid
dämlicherweise {adv} :: foolishly, stupidly
Damm {m} :: dam
Damm {m} [anatomy] :: perineum
Dammbruch {m} :: dam break
dämmen {v} :: to dam
dämmen {v} :: to insulate (a building)
dämmern {v} :: to dawn (of day, morning); to fall (of dusk, evening)
dämmern {v} [figurative] :: to dawn (jedem on someone)
dämmern {v} :: to doze
Dämmerung {f} :: dusk
Dämmerung {f} :: dawn
Dämmerung {f} :: twilight
Dämmerung {f} :: nightfall
Dämmerung {f} :: archaic end of a period
dämmerungsaktiv {noun} :: active at twilight, crepuscular, twilight-active
dämmrig {adj} :: twilit
Dämmung {f} :: insulation
Damoklesschwert {n} :: sword of Damocles (thing or situation which causes a prolonged state of impending doom or misfortune)
Dämon {m} :: demon
dämonisch {adj} :: demonic, demoniac
dämonisieren {v} :: to demonize
Dämonologie {f} :: demonology
dämonologisch {adj} :: demonological
Dampf {m} :: steam
Dampf {m} :: vapor / vapour
Dampf ablassen {v} [idiom, colloquial] :: to blow off steam
Dampfdruck {m} :: vapor pressure
dampfen {v} :: to steam (to produce or vent steam)
dampfen {v} :: to steam (to travel by means of steam power)
dampfen {v} :: to vape (to inhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette)
dämpfen {v} :: to damp (to put out, as fire)
dämpfen {v} :: to damp (to attenuate or deaden, as vibrations)
dampfend {adj} :: steaming
Dampfer {m} :: steamer (steamboat, steamship)
Dämpfer {m} :: dampener
Dämpfer {m} :: cushion
Dämpfer {m} :: muffler
Dämpfer {m} :: check
Dämpfer {m} :: silencer
Dämpfer {m} :: deadener
Dämpfer {m} :: soft pedal (piano)
Dämpfer {m} :: mute
Dämpfer {m} :: bumper
Dampferzeuger {m} :: steam generator
dampfförmig {adj} :: vaporous
Dampfkessel {m} :: steam boiler
Dampfkochtopf {m} [cookware] :: pressure cooker
Dampflokomotive {f} :: steam engine locomotive
Dampfmaschine {f} :: steam engine
Dampforgel {f} :: calliope (musical organ)
Dampfphase {f} :: vapor/vapour phase
Dampfreformierung {f} :: steam reforming
Dampfschiff {n} :: steamboat, steamship
Dampfschifffahrt {f} :: steam navigation
Dampfturbine {f} :: steam turbine
Dämpfung {f} :: attenuation
Dämpfung {f} :: damping
Dämpfung {f} :: decay
Dampfwalze {f} :: steamroller
Damüls {prop} {n} :: Damüls (municipality)
Damwild {n} :: fallow deer
danach {adv} :: after it, after that; thereafter [formal], afterwards
danach {adv} :: behind it/that
danach {adv} :: accordingly, in accordance with that
Danaer {m} :: Danaan
Danaergeschenk {n} :: Greek gift
dandyhaft {adj} :: dandyish
Däne {m} :: Dane (person from Denmark) (male or of unspecified sex)
daneben {adv} :: next to it, next to that
danebengeschossen {v} :: past participle of danebenschießen
danebenschiessen {v} :: alternative spelling of danebenschießen
danebenschießen {v} :: To miss a shot (with gun, football, etc.)
Danelag {prop} {n} :: the Danelaw
Dänemark {prop} {n} :: Denmark
Dangme {prop} :: The Adangme (Dangme) language
Daniel {prop} :: Daniel (biblical book and prophet)
Daniel {prop} :: given name
Daniela {prop} :: given name
Dänin {f} :: Dane (person from Denmark) (female)
dänisch {adj} :: Danish
Dänisch {prop} {n} :: Danish (language)
Dänische Dogge {f} :: Great Dane (dog breed)
danisieren {v} :: to Danicize
dank {prep} [+ genitive or dative] :: thanks to, because of
Dank {m} :: thanks
dankbar {adj} :: grateful, thankful
dankbarer {adj} :: comparative of dankbar
Dankbarkeit {f} :: gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness
dankbarsten {adj} :: superlative of dankbar
danke {interj} :: thanks, thank you
danken {vi} [with dative] :: to thank
danke schön {interj} :: thank you very much
dankeschön {interj} :: alternative form of danke schön; thank you very much
Dankeschön {n} :: thanks, thank-you message, word of thanks
Dankopfer {n} [biblical] :: peace offering
danksagen {v} :: to give thanks
Danksagung {f} :: thanksgiving (expression of gratitude)
Danksagung {f} :: acknowledgment (expression of thanks)
dann {adv} :: then, after that
dann {adv} :: then, in that case
dannen {adv} :: there
dannen {adv} :: from there, thence
dann und wann {adv} :: now and then
dantesk {adj} :: Dantesque
Danzig {prop} {n} :: Danzig (capital city)
Danzig {prop} {mf} :: surname
Daoismus {prop} {m} :: Taoism, Daoism (a philosophy)
dar- {prefix} :: there
daran {adv} :: on it, on that
daran {adv} :: at it, at that
daran {adv} :: thereto
darauf {adv} :: after (behind; later in time; following)
darauf {adv} :: on top of that
darauf {adv} :: on it
darauffolgend {adj} :: subsequent, following
daraufhin {adv} :: thereupon, consequently, subsequently
daraus {adv} :: out of it, out of that, of it
daraus {adv} :: hence, from that
darben {vi} :: to starve
darbieten {v} :: to offer or present something (e.g. as a religious offering)
darbieten {v} :: to exhibit a work of art or perform an artistic performance
Darbietung {f} :: performance
Darbietung {f} [art] :: skit
darbringen {v} [formal] :: to sacrifice, to offer
darbringen {v} [formal] :: to perform
darein {adv} :: therein
darfs {contraction} :: contraction of darf es
dargestellt {adj} :: shown, depicted, represented
dargestellt {adj} :: posed
dargestellt {adj} :: personated
darin {adv} :: in it, in that, therein
dariñ {adv} :: obsolete spelling of darin [actually scribal abbreviation of darinn, which is an obsolete spelling of darin]
darinn {adv} :: obsolete spelling of darin
darinnen {adv} [literary] :: synonym of darin
Darknet {n} [internet] :: darknet
darlegen {v} [formal] :: to present facts; to explain; to state
Darlegung {f} :: explanation, analysis
Darlegung {f} :: presentation, statement [of facts, etc.]
Darlehen {n} :: loan
Darm {m} :: intestine, gut
Darmausgang {m} :: anus
Darmbein {n} [anatomy] :: ilium
Darmentzündung {f} [pathology] :: intestinal inflammation
Darmerkrankung {f} [pathology] :: enteropathy
Darmflora {f} :: gut flora, intestinal flora
Darmkrankheit {f} [pathology] :: intestinal disease
Darmkrebs {m} :: intestinal cancer
Darmschleimhaut {f} [anatomy] :: intestinal mucosa
Darmstadt {prop} {n} :: Darmstadt (independent city)
Darmstädter {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Darmstadt
Darmstadtium {n} :: darmstadtium
Darmverschluss {m} [medicine] :: ileus, bowel occlusion
Darmzelle {f} :: enterocyte
darnach {adv} [dated] :: alternative form of danach
darniederliegen {v} :: to be sick
darniederliegen {v} [figurative] :: to languish
darob {adv} [dated] :: therefore
Darren {prop} {mf} :: surname
darstellbar {adj} :: representable, depictable, describable, portrayable
darstellen {v} :: to depict; represent
darstellen {v} :: to personate
darstellen {v} :: to pose
darstellen {v} :: to show
Darsteller {m} [theater, film] :: actor, player, performer
Darstellerin {f} [theater, film] :: A female actor, player, performer
Darstellung {f} :: exhibition
Darstellung {f} :: depiction, presentation
Darstellung {f} :: description, statement
Darstellung {f} :: representation
Darstellung {f} :: performance, production (theatrical)
Darstellung {f} :: recital
Darstellungsverfahren {n} :: method of presentation
darüber {adv} :: above, above it/this/that
darüber {adv} :: about it/this/that (concerning a matter)
darüber {adv} :: over, over it/this/that, thereover
darübergelegen {v} :: past participle of darüberliegen
darüber hinaus {phrase} :: furthermore, moreover
darüber hinaus {phrase} :: beyond it/this/that
darüber hinaus {phrase} :: besides it/this/that
darüberliegen {v} :: To overlay or cover
darüberliegen {v} :: To top (offer or bid more than another)
darum {adv} :: around it, around that
darum {adv} :: therefore
darum {adv} :: because! (non-answer to questions one does not wish to answer)
darunten {adv} [Southern Germany, Austria] :: down there
darunter {adv} :: below it, below that, thereunder
darunter {adv} :: among these, including [indicates membership in a mentioned set]
darunterliegend {adj} :: underlying
darwägen {v} :: to weigh out
Darwinfinken {mp} :: Darwin's finches
Darwinismus {m} :: Darwinism
Darwinist {m} :: Darwinist
Darwinistin {f} :: a female Darwinist
darwinistisch {adj} :: Darwinian, Darwinistic
das {pron} [relative] :: who, that, which
das {pron} [demonstrative] :: this, that, it
das {pron} [regional, northern Germany] :: it (subject of an impersonal verb.)
das {conj} :: obsolete spelling of dass
das Auge des Gesetzes {noun} [idiom] :: police, police officer
das Auge isst mit {proverb} :: the look of food is important in determining if a food is appetizing or tasty
das Beste ist der Feind des Guten {proverb} :: "The best is the enemy of the good"
das Bett hüten {v} [of a sick person] :: to stay in bed
das Blatt hat sich gewendet {proverb} :: the tables have turned
das Blatt wenden {v} [idiom] :: to turn the page
das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen {v} [idiom] :: To make a promise that cannot be fulfilled. (literally: to promise [someone] the Blue out of the Blue Sky)
das Denken soll man den Pferden überlassen {phrase} :: Used when someone says “I just thought that...”, or the like
da sei Gott vor {phrase} :: God forbid; said when mentioning a possible and undesirable future event
da sein {v} :: to be around
da sein {v} :: to exist
Dasein {n} :: being there, presence, existence
Daseinsberechtigung {f} :: entitlement to exist, right to exist
Daseinsberechtigung {f} :: raison d'être
das Eis brechen {v} [idiom] :: to break the ice
daselbst {adv} [dated] :: right there
das Gelbe vom Ei {phrase} [idiom] :: the very best
das Geld zum Fenster hinauswerfen {phrase} [idiom] :: to throw money away
das Gesicht verlieren {v} :: to lose face
das Gesicht wahren {v} [idiomatic] :: to save face
das Handtuch werfen {v} [idiomatic, literally: "to throw the towel"] :: to throw in the towel
Dashboard {n} [computing] :: dashboard (graphical user interface)
das heißt {adv} :: that is, that is to say
das Herz am rechten Fleck haben {v} [idiomatic] :: to have one's heart in the right place
das Huhn, das goldene Eier legt, schlachten {v} [idiom] :: to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
dasig {adj} [Austria] :: confused
das kann man wohl sagen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: you can say that again
das kannst du laut sagen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: you can say that again
das Kind beim Namen nennen {v} [idiom] :: to call a spade a spade (to speak the truth)
das Kind fällt in den Brunnen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: a disaster happens or becomes inevitable; it is too late for precautions that should have been taken earlier
das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten {v} [idiom] :: to throw the baby out with the bathwater
das Kriegsbeil ausgraben {v} [idiomatic] :: to dig up the hatchet
das Kriegsbeil begraben {v} [idiomatic] :: bury the hatchet
das macht nichts {v} :: never mind, it doesn't matter (it is not important)
das Rad neu erfinden {v} [idiomatic] :: to reinvent the wheel
Das Reich {prop} {n} :: See: de das Reich
Das Reich {prop} {n} [military, historical] :: Das Reich (the 2nd SS Division)
dass. {pron} :: abbreviation of dasselbe
dass {conj} [subordinating] :: that
dass {conj} [subordinating, chiefly colloquial] :: so that
daß {conj} :: obsolete spelling of dass
daß {art} :: obsolete spelling of das
Dassel {prop} {n} :: Dassel (town)
Dasselfliege {f} :: botfly
dastehen {v} :: to stand there
das war's {phrase} :: that's all, that's it
das war's {phrase} :: See: de das war es
das Wasser reichen können {v} [idiomatic] :: to hold a candle (literally: to hand the water)
dat {art} [colloquial, dialectal] :: alternative form of das
dat {pron} [colloquial, dialectal] :: alternative form of das
dat {pron} [colloquial, dialectal, neuter nominative] :: it
dat {conj} [colloquial, dialectal] :: alternative form of dass
Dat. {noun} :: abbreviation of Dativ
Dataset {m} [computing] :: data set
Date {n} [colloquial] :: date (romantic meeting)
Date {n} [colloquial] :: date (person with whom one has such a meeting)
Date {n} [colloquial, rather rare] :: date (non-romantic meeting)
Datei {f} [computing] :: file
Dateiendung {f} :: file extension
Dateiformat {n} :: file format
Dateiname {m} [computing] :: filename
Dateipfad {m} :: (computing) file path
Datenautobahn {f} [dated, computing] :: information superhighway
Datenbank {f} [databases] :: database
Datenbankmodell {n} [databases] :: database model
Datenbankschlüssel {m} [databases] :: database key
Datenbanktabelle {f} [databases] :: table (grid of data in rows and columns)
Datenbankverwaltungssystem {n} [software] :: database management system
Datenblatt {n} :: datasheet
Datenkrake {f} [neologism, derogatory] :: datenkraken, data leech (Internet companies that have a large number of users and possess detailed personal information on them)
Datensammlung {f} :: data collection
Datensatz {m} [databases] :: data record
Datenschutz {m} :: data privacy
datenschutzrechtlich {adj} [attributive] :: data protection law
Datensicherung {f} :: backup (the act of making a backup copy)
Datensicherung {f} :: backup (the result of making a backup copy)
Datensparsamkeit {f} [legal] :: data economy
Datenspeicher {m} [computing] :: memory (data storage)
Datenträger {m} [computing] :: drive
Datentyp {m} [software] :: data type
Datenverarbeitung {f} [computer] :: data processing
Datenverlust {m} :: dataloss, loss of data
Datenverschlüsselung {f} :: data encryption
datieren {v} :: to date (ascribe a date to an object)
datiert {v} :: past participle of datieren
datiert {adj} :: dated, out of date
Datierung {m} :: dating (age determination), (date stamping)
Dativ {m} [grammar] :: the dative (case)
dato {adv} :: the given date
Datolith {m} [mineral] :: datolite
Datscha {f} :: dacha
Datsche {f} :: dacha
Dattel {f} :: date (the fruit/palm tree)
Datteln {prop} {n} :: A city in the Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Dattelner {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Datteln
Dattelner {adj} :: from, of, or pertaining to Datteln
Datum {n} :: date, datum
Datum {n} :: data, a fact, a piece of information about something
DAU {noun} :: acronym of dümmster anzunehmender User
DAU {noun} :: acronym of Digital-Analog-Umsetzer
Daube {f} :: stave (of a barrel)
Daube {f} :: daube
Dauer {f} [countable] :: duration
Dauer {f} [uncountable] :: permanence
Daueraufenthalt {m} :: permanent residence
Dauerform {f} :: living fossil
Dauerfrost {m} :: permafrost
dauerhaft {adj} :: permanent, lasting, enduring, durable
dauerkrank {adj} :: critically ill
Dauerlösung {f} :: permanent solution, durable solution
Dauerlutscher {m} :: lollipop, "all-day sucker"
Dauermagnet {m} :: permanent magnet
dauern {v} :: to last, to continue over time
dauern {v} :: to persist
dauern {v} :: to take (time)
dauern {v} [archaic, with accusative] :: to grieve; to arouse pity
dauernd {adj} :: continuous, perpetual, all the time
Dauerwelle {f} :: perm
Dauerwirkung {f} :: Long-term effect, a continuous or long-lasting influence
Dauerzustand {m} :: permanent condition, permanent state
Däumchen {n} :: diminutive of Daumen
Däumchen drehen {v} [idiomatic] :: to twiddle one's thumbs
Daumen {m} :: thumb
Daumen drücken {v} :: to make a fist with the thumb covered by the other four fingers, a gesture of luck equivalent to English "cross one's fingers"
Daumen drücken {v} [figuratively] :: to cross one's fingers; to wish good luck; to hope for the best
Daumen mal Pi {adv} [Austria] :: alternative form of Pi mal Daumen
Daumennagel {m} :: thumbnail
Daumenregel {f} :: rule of thumb
Däumlein {n} :: diminutive of Daumen
Däumling {prop} {m} :: [fairy tale figure] Tom Thumb
Däumling {m} :: thumbstall
Däumling {m} :: [on glove] thumb
Däumling {m} :: [technical] cam, dog
Daune {f} [always countable] :: down (soft, immature feather)
Daus {n} :: deuce, the number two in German games
Daus {m} [archaic] :: deuce, hunk, splendid bloke, a devil of a fellow
David {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: David
David {prop} {m} :: given name
Davidstern {m} [Judaism] :: Star of David
davon {adv} :: from it, from that, therefrom, off it, off that
davoneilen {vi} :: to hurry away, to hasten away
davonfahren {vi} :: to drive away; to pull away
davongeeilt {v} :: past participle of davoneilen
davongehen {v} :: to walk away
davongelaufen {adj} :: runaway
davongelaufen {adj} :: untenable, run off
davongerannt {adj} :: runaway, escaped
davonkommen {v} :: to get off, to get away (To escape, usually with mild consequences.)
davonkommen {v} [with preposition mit] :: to get away with
davonlaufen {v} :: to run away
davonmachen {vr} :: to leave, slip away, scram
davonrennen {vi} [colloquial] :: [auxiliary: “sein”] To run away from something
davonstehlen {vr} :: to slip away, to skulk off
davonstehlen {vr} :: to abscond
davor {adv} :: in front of that/it
davor {adv} :: from that/it
davor {adv} :: before that; beforehand
dawider {adv} :: against it, against that
Dax {prop} :: alternative case form of DAX (German stock index)
DAX {prop} :: The most important German stock market index, originally Deutscher Aktienindex (German stock market index)
DaZ {noun} [education] :: initialism of Deutsch als Zweitsprache (German as a second language)
dazu- {prefix} :: A prefix;
dazu {adv} :: in addition to it, in addition, besides
dazu {adv} :: for that purpose
dazu {adv} :: to it, to that
dazufügen {v} :: to add to something
dazugeben {v} :: to add to something
dazugegeben {v} :: past participle of dazugeben - thrown in
dazugehören {v} :: to belong
dazugehörig {adj} :: associated, corresponding
dazugehörig {adj} :: appropriate, proper
dazukommen {v} :: to arrive
dazukommen {v} :: to be added
dazumal {adv} [dated] :: then; at that time; in those days
dazutun {vt} :: to add
dazwischen {adv} :: between them
dazwischen {adv} :: between, in between
dazwischenfunken {v} [intransitiv, colloquial] :: to butt in, interject, interrupt, interfere something, e.g. a conversation
dazwischengehen {v} :: to intervene
dazwischenkommen {vi} :: to get in the way
DB {prop} [initialism] :: [rail transport] Deutsche Bahn, the national railway company of Germany
DBVS {noun} [software] :: initialism of Datenbankverwaltungssystem
DDR {prop} {f} :: initialism of Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic, GDR)
-de {suffix} [rare, not productive] :: forms abstract nouns from adjectives
de- {prefix} :: de-
Deadline {f} [especially, university, business] :: deadline (time when something must be completed)
deaktivieren {vt} :: to deactivate, to disable (to put out of operation)
deaktiviert {v} :: past participle of deaktivieren
Deaktivierung {f} :: deactivation
Deal {m} [slang] :: a deal
dealen {vi} :: to sell drugs
dealen {vt} [chiefly casino slang] :: to deal (cards)
Dealer {m} :: drug dealer (somebody who peddles illicit drugs, especially to teenagers)
Dealerin {f} :: drug dealer (female)
Debakel {n} :: debacle
Debatte {f} :: debate
debattieren {v} :: to debate
debil {adj} [dated, now offensive] :: slightly mentally challenged; slightly retarded
Debitor {m} :: debtor
debitorisch {adj} :: debtor (attributive)
Debreciner {m} :: alternative form of Debrecziner
Debrecziner {m} :: debrecener (A Hungarian sausage)
Debreziner {m} :: alternative form of Debrecziner
debuggen {v} :: to debug
Debuggen {n} [computing] :: debugging
Debugging {n} [computing] :: debugging
Debüt {n} :: debut
debütieren {v} :: to debut
Decacarbonyl {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: decacarbonyl
Decahydrat {n} [chemistry] :: decahydrate
Decan {n} [organic compound] :: decane
Decarboxylase {f} [enzyme] :: decarboxylase
Dechantskirchen {prop} {n} :: Dechantskirchen (municipality)
dechiffrieren {v} :: to decipher (to decode or decrypt a code or cipher)
Deck {n} :: deck (of a ship or boat)
Deckchen {n} :: diminutive of Decke
Deckchen {n} :: doily (ornamental piece)
Decke {f} :: any cloth or cushion used as a covering; a tablecloth, blanket, quilt, duvet, etc
Decke {f} :: ceiling; roof (surface at the upper limit of a room or cavity)
Deckel {m} :: lid (the cover of a container)
deckeln {v} :: to cap
decken {v} :: to cover (a roof, with a blanket, etc.)
decken {v} [figuratively] :: to cover (e.g. a demand, a loss; but not “to provide news coverage”)
decken {v} [figuratively] :: to cover (a female animal)
decken {v} :: to lay or set (the table)
decken {v} [soccer] :: to mark
decken {vr} :: to be congruent, to coincide
decken {v} [chess] :: to protect, to guard
Deckenfarbe {f} :: ceiling color
Deckenfarbe {f} :: ceiling paint
Deckenfluter {m} :: uplight, torchiere
Deckenzapfen {m} :: stalactite
Deckmantel {m} [figuratively] :: cloak, disguise
Deckname {m} :: code name
Deckung {f} :: cover
Deckung {f} :: coverage
deckungsgleich {adj} [maths] :: congruent
Decorator {m} [software, design] :: The decorator pattern
dediziert {adj} :: dedicated
deduktiv {adj} :: deductive
deduzibel {adj} :: deducible
Deern {f} [Northern Germany] :: girl
defäkieren {vi} :: To defecate
Defätismus {m} :: defeatism
Defätist {m} [formal] :: defeatist
defätistisch {adj} :: defeatist
defekt {adj} :: defective
Defekt {m} :: defect
Defektelektron {f} [physics] :: electron hole
defektiv {adj} :: defective
Defenestration {f} :: defenestration
defenestrieren {v} :: to defenestrate
defensiv {adj} :: defensive
Defensive {f} :: defensive (means, attitude or position of defense)
defensiver {adj} :: comparative of defensiv
defensives Programmieren {n} [programming] :: defensive programming
defensivsten {adj} :: superlative of defensiv
Defilee {n} :: parade; march past
defilieren {v} :: to march past; to parade past
definieren {v} :: to define
definiert {adj} :: defined
Definition {f} :: definition
definitiv {adj} :: definite, definitive
defizient {adj} :: deficient
Defizit {n} :: deficit
Defizit {n} :: deficiency
defizitär {adj} :: in deficit
defizitärer {adj} :: comparative of defizitär
defizitärsten {adj} :: superlative of defizitär
Deflation {f} [economics] :: deflation
Defloration {f} :: defloration (the act of deflowering)
defragmentieren {v} :: to defragment
deftig {adj} :: firm, rough, coarse (most often of speech or behaviour)
deftig {adj} [food] :: substantial, hearty, rustic
deftig {adj} [dated or regional] :: solid, presentable
degagiert {adj} :: uninhibited, free
degagiert {adj} :: free-standing
Degen {m} [obsolete] :: dagger
Degen {m} :: rapier, smallsword
Degen {m} [fencing] :: épée
Degen {m} [obsolete] :: hero, warrior, soldier
Degeneration {f} [pathology] :: degeneration, morbidity
degenerativ {adj} :: degenerative, decaying, morbid
degenerieren {v} :: to degenerate
degoutant {adj} :: disgusting
degressiv {adj} :: degressive, decreasing
degustieren {v} [Switzerland] :: to try (a food) critically, to determine how it tastes and smells
degustiert {v} :: past participle of degustieren
Dehalogenierung {f} [chemistry] :: dehalogenation
dehnbar {adj} :: ductile, tensile
dehnbar {adj} :: elastic, stretchy
Dehnbarkeit {f} :: ductility
Dehnbarkeit {f} :: tensile strength
Dehnbarkeit {f} :: extensibility
dehnen {v} :: to stretch
Dehnung {f} :: stretching
Dehnung {f} [medicine] :: dilation
Dehnung {f} [linguistics] :: lengthening
Dehnungs-h {n} :: letter h that indicates the previous vowel is pronounced long
Dehnungsübung {f} [sports] :: stretching exercise
dehydrieren {v} [organic chemistry] :: To dehydrogenate
dehydriert {v} :: past participle of dehydrieren
dehydriert {adj} :: dehydrated
Dehydrierung {f} :: dehydrogenation
Dehydrogenase {f} [enzyme] :: dehydrogenase
Deibel {m} [chiefly colloquial, in idioms, interjections etc.] :: devil
Deich {m} :: dyke, dike; permanent dam
Deichbruch {m} :: dike break
Deichmann {prop} :: surname
Deichsel {f} :: pole
Deichsel {f} :: shaft
Deichsel {f} [heraldiccharge] :: pall
deiktisch {adj} :: deictic
dein {determiner} :: thy, your [esp. to friends, relatives, children, etc.]
Dein {pron} :: alternative case form of dein (your (singular))
deiner {pron} :: yours (substantival possessive)
deinesgleichen {pron} :: the likes of you (sg.)
deinetwegen {adv} :: because of you [2nd person singular], for your sake
deinetwegen {adv} :: as far as you [2nd person singular] are concerned (you don't mind if); for all you care
deinige {pron} :: of yours [singular]
deins {pron} [in substantival use only, chiefly colloquial, but accepted in writing] :: alternative form of deines
dein Wort in Gottes Ohr {phrase} :: from your lips to God's ears; I wish; expresses that the speaker wants a preceding statement to be true, but considers it unlikely or at least doubtful
dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl {phrase} :: your wish is my command
Deiodase {f} [enzyme] :: deiodase
Deiodierung {f} :: deiodination
Deismus {m} [religion] :: deism
Deist {m} :: deist
Deistin {f} :: a female deist
deistisch {adj} :: deistic
Déjà-vu {n} :: déjà vu
Déjà-vu-Erlebnis {n} :: déjà vu
Dekade {f} [somewhat, learned] :: ten days; a third of a month
Dekade {f} [rare] :: decade (ten years)
dekadent {adj} :: decadent
dekadenter {adj} :: comparative of dekadent
Dekadenz {f} :: decadence
dekadisch {adj} :: decadic, decadal
Dekagramm {n} :: decagram (unit of mass)
dekagrammweise {adj} :: in ten gram quantities
Dekan {m} :: dean (male or of unspecified sex) (senior official in college or university)
Dekan {n} [organic compound] :: decane [alternative spelling of] Decan
Deklamation {f} :: declamation
deklamieren {v} :: to declaim (to recite)
deklamiert {v} :: past participle of deklamieren
Deklaration {f} :: declaration (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief)
deklarativ {adj} :: declarative
deklaratorisch {adj} :: declaratory
deklarieren {v} :: to declare (make a declaration; announce something formally or officially)
deklarieren {vt} [computing] :: to declare (explicitly include as part of a list of variables)
deklinabel {adj} :: declinable
Deklination {f} [grammar] :: declension
Deklination {f} [physics, astronomy] :: declination
deklinierbar {adj} [grammar] :: declinable
deklinieren {v} [grammar] :: to decline
Dekohärenz {f} :: (quantum) decoherence
Dekolleté {n} :: cleavage (separation between breasts)
Dekolletee {n} :: alternative spelling of Dekolleté
dekompilieren {v} :: to decompile (to recreate the original source code)
dekomponieren {vt} :: to decompose
Dekompression {f} [computing] :: decompression
Dekompression {f} [diving] :: decompression
Dekompressionskrankheit {f} [pathology, diving] :: decompression sickness
Dekor {n} :: decor / décor
Dekor {n} :: decoration
Dekoration {f} :: decoration
dekorativ {adj} :: decorative, ornamental
dekorieren {v} :: to decorate
Dekorierer {m} :: Somebody who decorates
Dekorierer {m} [software, design] :: synonym of Decorator
Dekorporation {n} :: decorporation
Dekorverchromung {f} :: decorative chromium plating
dekremental {adj} :: decremental
Dekret {n} :: decree
Dekubitus {m} [no plural] :: decubitus, bedsore (lesion caused by pressure)
delatorisch {adj} :: slanderous, defamatory
Delbrück {prop} {mf} :: surname
Delegation {f} :: delegation
delegieren {v} :: to delegate
Delegierter {m} :: delegate, representative
delektabel {adj} :: delectable, delightful
deletär {adj} :: deleterious
Delfin {m} :: alternative spelling of Delphin
delikat {adj} :: delicate
delikat {adj} :: delicious
delikater {adj} :: comparative of delikat
Delikatesse {f} :: delicacy (pleasing food)
Delikt {n} :: crime, offense
Delinquent {m} :: delinquent (one who breaks the law)
Delirium {n} :: delirium
Delitzsch {prop} {n} :: surname
Delitzsch {prop} {n} :: Delitzsch (town)
deliziös {adj} :: delicious
Delle {f} :: dent
Delmenhorst {prop} :: Delmenhorst (independent city)
Delokalisierung {f} :: delocalization
Delphin {m} :: dolphin
Delphin {m} :: Delphinus
Delphin {m} [heraldiccharge] :: dolphin
Delta {n} :: delta (Greek letter)
de luxe {adj} :: deluxe
Demagoge {m} :: demagogue
Demagogie {f} :: demagogy
Demagogin {f} :: feminine noun of Demagoge
demagogisch {adj} :: demagogic
demanten {adj} [poetic] :: diamond (made of, or covered with diamonds)
dematerialisieren {v} :: to dematerialize
dem Auge fern, dem Herzen nah {proverb} [fairly rare] :: absence makes the heart grow fonder
dement {adj} :: demented
Dementi {n} :: denial
dementieren {v} :: to deny (publicly or officially)
dementsprechend {adj} :: appropriate
dementsprechend {adj} :: corresponding
dementsprechend {adv} :: accordingly
Demenz {f} :: dementia
demgegenüber {adv} :: in contrast to that
demgegenüber {adv} :: compared to that
demgemäß {adj} :: according to what is already known
demilitarisiert {adj} :: demilitarized
Deminution {f} [chiefly archaic] :: rare spelling of Diminution
demissionieren {v} [of government officials] :: to resign
demissionieren {v} [Swiss] :: to fire (an employee); to give notice; to terminate (a contract)
Demiurg {m} :: demiurge
Demiurg {m} [gnosticism] :: Demiurge (inferior creator deity in Gnosticism)
demiurgisch {adj} :: demiurgic
demnach {adv} :: therefore
demnächst {adv} :: soon, in a near time, in a short while, in near future
Demo {f} [politics] :: clipping of Demonstration
Demo {n} [music] :: clipping of Demotape
Demobilisation {f} [military] :: demobilization
demobilisieren {v} :: to demobilize
demobilisiert {v} :: past participle of demobilisieren
Demobilisierung {f} [military] :: demobilization
Demografie {f} :: demography (study of human populations)
demografisch {adj} :: alternative form of demographisch
demographisch {adj} :: demographic
Demokrat {m} :: democrat
Demokratie {f} :: democracy
Demokratin {f} :: a female democrat
demokratisch {adj} :: democratic
demokratischer {adj} :: comparative of demokratisch
Demokratische Republik Kongo {prop} {f} :: Democratic Republic of the Congo
demokratischer Sozialismus {m} :: democratic socialism
Demokratische Volksrepublik Algerien {prop} {f} :: People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea {prop} {f} :: Democratic People's Republic of Korea (country in East Asia (official name))
Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos {prop} {f} :: Lao People's Democratic Republic
demokratischsten {adj} :: superlative of demokratisch
demokratisieren {v} :: to democratize
Demokratisierung {f} :: democratization
Demokrit {prop} :: Democritus
demolieren {v} :: to demolish, destroy, tear down
demolieren {v} [Austria] :: to tear down a dilapidated building, specifically
Demonstrant {m} :: demonstrator, protester (male or of unspecified sex)
Demonstrantin {f} :: demonstrator (female)
Demonstration {f} [politics] :: demonstration, rally
Demonstrationskraftwerk {n} :: demonstration power plant
Demonstrationsverbot {n} :: ban on demonstrating, prohibition of protesting
demonstrativ {adj} :: demonstrative
Demonstrativpronomen {n} :: a demonstrative pronoun (a pronoun which replaces a noun), such as dieser in the sentence dieser ist rot (this one is red)
demonstrieren {v} :: to demonstrate (to participate in or organize a public display of group opinion)
demonstriert {adj} :: demonstrated
Demontage {f} :: dismantling
demontieren {v} :: to dismantle
demoralisieren {v} :: to demoralize
Demoskop {m} :: opinion pollster
Demoskopie {f} :: opinion poll
Demoskopin {f} :: opinion pollster who is female
demoskopisch {adj} :: public opinion polling (attributive)
Demoszene {f} :: demoscene
demotisch {adj} :: demotic
demotivieren {v} :: to demotivate
demotiviert {v} :: past participle of demotivieren
dems. {pron} :: abbreviation of demselben
Demut {f} :: humility, meekness (comprehension or expression of one’s own lowliness)
Demüthigung {noun} :: obsolete spelling of Demütigung
demütig {adj} :: humble (thinking lowly of oneself)
demütigen {v} :: to humiliate, to humble
demütigst {adv} :: most humbly
Demütigung {f} :: humiliation
dem Volk aufs Maul schauen {v} [idiom] :: to listen to the common man
demzufolge {adv} :: therefore, hence
demzufolge {adv} :: accordingly, according to that
den Arsch offen haben {v} [vulgar, idiom] :: to be out of one's mind
den Ast absägen, auf dem man sitzt {phrase} [idiomatic] :: to undermine one's own position; to act in a way that will eventually make one lose something that one is dependent on
denaturieren {v} :: To denature
denaturiert {v} :: past participle of denaturieren
Denaturierung {f} :: denaturing, denaturation
den Bach runter gehen {v} :: to go south (decline, fail)
den Bach runtergehen {v} :: to go to hell in a handbasket (literally: to go down the stream)
den Bock zum Gärtner machen {v} [idiomatic] :: put the fox in charge of the chickens
den Boden bereiten {v} [idiom] :: to set the stage, to pave the way
den Bogen überspannen {v} [idiom] :: to go too far, overstep the mark
den Braten riechen {v} [idiom] :: to smell a rat
den Buckel hinhalten {v} [idiomatic] :: to take the blame
Dendrit {m} :: dendrite
dendritisch {adj} :: branching
dendritisch {adj} :: dendritic
Dendrochronologie {f} :: dendrochronology
Dendrologie {f} :: dendrology
dendrologisch {adj} :: dendrological
denen {pron} [relative] :: (to) whom, (to) which, that
denen {pron} [demonstrative] :: (to) that, (to) him/her
den Faden verlieren {v} [idiomatic] :: to lose the plot
den Geist aufgeben {phrase} :: to give up the ghost
dengeln {v} :: to peen
denglisch {adj} :: Denglish (attributive)
Denglisch {prop} {n} :: Denglish (German with excessive use of English vocabulary)
Denglisch {prop} {n} :: A kind of jocular slang with English words but German syntax and idioms
den grünen Daumen haben {phrase} :: to have a green thumb
Den Haag {prop} {n} :: Den Haag (city/and/capital)
den Hut nehmen {v} [idiom] :: to resign, quit
Denis {prop} :: given name, borrowed from French Denis
Denise {prop} {f} :: given name
Denkart {f} :: way of thinking
denkbar {adj} :: cogitable
denkbar {adj} :: imaginable
denkbar {adj} :: thinkable
Denke {f} [colloquial] :: way of thinking, midset, mentality, attitude
denken {vit} [rarely] :: to think
denken {vi} [with an + accusative] :: to think about
denken {vi} [with an + accusative] :: not to forget; to remember (to bring along, etc.)
denken {vt} [with reflexive dative] :: to imagine
Denken {n} :: thinking, thought(s)
Denker {m} :: thinker
Denker {prop} {mf} :: surname
Denkfabrik {f} :: think tank
denkfaul {adj} :: mentally lazy; too lazy to think (postpos.) (zu faul zum Denken)
Denkfehler {m} :: faulty reasoning
Denkfehler {m} :: logical fallacy
Denkmal {n} :: monument, memorial
Denkmalschutz {m} :: monument protection
Denkmünze {f} :: commemorative medal
Denkschrift {f} :: memorandum
den Kürzeren ziehen {v} [idiom] :: to draw the short straw; to get the short end of the stick
den Kürzeren ziehen {v} [literally] :: to be chosen by drawing the shorter straw (stick, match) in drawing straws
den Kürzeren ziehen {v} [figuratively, only this form] :: to lose; to be defeated; to have a disadvantage
denkwürdig {adj} :: memorable, notable
Denkzettel {m} :: punishment, reprehension, beating (most often: so as to intimidate and deter)
den Löffel abgeben {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to die; to bite the dust
denn {conj} :: for; because; since
denn {conj} [after a comparative] :: than
denn {adv} [in a question] :: then; ever; but; used for emphasis or to express surprise
denn {adv} [rather rare] :: thus, so; expresses a consequence; see usage notes
denn {adv} [colloquial, regional, northern Germany] :: then, after that, in that case
den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit the nail on the head
Dennis {prop} :: given name, an English type spelling of Denis
dennoch {adv} :: anyhow, however
denominalis {adj} [grammar, with Latin or Latin-like substantives] :: denominal, denominative
denotativ {adj} :: denotative
den Rubikon überschreiten {v} :: cross the Rubicon (to make an irreversible decision)
dens. {pron} :: abbreviation of denselben
den Schein wahren {v} [idiom] :: to keep up appearances
den Schwanz einziehen {v} [idiom] :: to turn tail, to be a coward
den Spieß umdrehen {v} [idiomatic] :: turn the tables (literally: turn the pike)
dental {adj} :: dental
Dental {m} [phonetics] :: dental
Dentalfluorose {f} :: dental fluorosis
Dentaltechnik {f} :: synonym of Zahntechnik
den Teufel an die Wand malen {v} [colloquial, idiom] :: to be overly pessimistic [and thereby evoke a bad outcome]
den Teufel mit dem Beelzebub austreiben {v} :: to ally oneself to or use an evil force in order to fight another
den Tod erleiden {v} [formal, idiom] :: to die [in an accident or in battle]
den Tod finden {v} [chiefly literary] :: to die, usually in an accident or by homicide
Denunziant {m} :: informer (male or of unspecified sex) (Someone who denounces or informs against a person.)
Denunziantentum {n} :: culture of denunciation
Denunziantin {f} :: informer (female) (Someone who denounces or informs against a person.)
Denunziation {f} :: denouncing, informing against
denunziatorisch {adj} :: denunciatory
denunzieren {v} :: to denounce, to inform against
denunzieren {v} :: to denounce, to stigmatise
denunziert {v} :: past participle of denunzieren
den Vogel abschießen {v} [idiom] :: to take the cake
den Weg allen Fleisches gehen {v} :: go the way of all flesh
den Weg alles Irdischen gehen {v} [euphemistic] :: die
den Weg ebnen {vt} [idiom] :: to pave the way
den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen {v} [with dative] :: take the wind out of someone's sails
Deo {n} :: short for Deodorant
Deodorant {n} {m} [chiefly formal] :: deodorant
deontisch {adj} :: deontic
deontologisch {adj} :: deontological
Departement {n} [administration] :: department
Departementsrat {m} [administration] :: departmental council [in France; until 2015 known as general council]
Departementsrat {m} [Switzerland] :: student council of a university department
Department {n} [of the US government or US/UK universities] :: department
Dependance {f} [business] :: branch
Dépendance {f} :: alternative spelling of Dependance
Dependency Injection {f} [computing] :: dependency injection
Dependency-Inversion-Prinzip {prop} {n} [programming, object-oriented] :: synonym of Abhängigkeits-Invertierungs-Prinzip
Depesche {f} [dated, telegram] :: dispatch, despatch
Dephosphorylierung {f} [chemistry] :: dephosphorylation
deplaciert {adj} :: obsolete spelling of deplatziert
deplatziert {adj} :: misplaced, out of place
deplaziert {adj} :: obsolete spelling of deplatziert
deplorabel {adj} :: deplorable
Depolarisation {f} :: depolarization
Deponens {n} :: deponent (verb)
Deponie {f} :: landfill, dumpsite
deponieren {v} [money] :: to deposit; to place
deponieren {v} [waste] :: to deposit; to landfill
Deportation {f} :: deportation
Depositenbank {f} :: commercial bank
Depot {n} :: depot, repository
Depot {n} [banking] :: deposit, depository
Depp {m} [pejorative] :: fool, idiot, dork (quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends)
Deppenapostroph {m} :: greengrocer’s apostrophe
Deppenleerzeichen {n} [pejorative, colloquial] :: A space incorrectly dividing a compound word
deppert {adj} [Southern Germany, Austria] :: stupid, dumb
deprekativ {adj} :: deprecative
Depression {f} [economics or psychology] :: depression
depressiv {adj} :: depressive
depretiativ {adj} :: depreciative
deprimierend {adj} :: depressing, dismal, melancholic
deprimiert {adj} :: depressed
Deprotonierung {f} [chemistry] :: deprotonation
der {art} :: the
der {pron} :: who; that; which
der {pron} [attributive, stressed] :: that
der {pron} [indicative] :: him, he
der {pron} [differential] :: the one, him
der Amtsschimmel wiehert {phrase} :: there is an excessive amount of bureaucracy; someone or some organization is being excessively bureaucratic
derangiert {adj} :: disheveled, disarranged, deranged
der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm {proverb} :: the apple does not fall far from the tree
derart {adv} :: so, thus, in such a manner
derartig {adj} :: such, suchlike
derb {adj} :: rough, coarse, rude
derb {adj} :: sturdy, tough
derb {adj} [lexicography, literature, sociography] ::  pertaining to a manner of intercourse that is wittingly aggressive, purposefully unrefined – cocky, cheeky, flippant, brazen
derbe {adj} [colloquial, chiefly northern Germany] :: alternative form of derb
derbe {adv} [colloquial] :: Used as intensifier; very
Derby {n} [sports] :: an eagerly anticipated match between two rivals, especially
Derby {n} :: a local derby
Derby {n} :: a match between two teams who are direct rivals in the table
Derby {n} [sports, equestrianism] :: horse race; derby
deregulieren {v} :: to deregulate
Deregulierung {f} :: deregulation
dereinst {adv} [formal] :: one day
dereinst {adv} [dated] :: once
deren {pron} [relative] :: whose, of which
deren {pron} [demonstrative] :: her, their, the latter's
derenthalben {adv} [dated] :: because of them, because of which [feminine or plural]
derentwegen {adv} [archaic] :: because of whom, because of which, on whose account, on account of whom
derer {pron} [relative] :: whose, of which
derer {pron} [demonstrative] :: her, their, the latter's
der Esel geht immer voran {proverb} :: Said when someone mentions themselves first in an enumeration of people (like “I and you”, “I and my friend”), which is considered unmannered in the German-speaking (and some other) countries
der Esel nennt sich immer zuerst {proverb} :: Said when someone mentions themselves first in an enumeration of people (like “I and you”, “I and my friend”), which is considered unmannered in the German-speaking (and some other) countries
der Esel nennt sich immer zuletzt {proverb} [originally, erroneous, but now somewhat common] :: alternative form of der Esel nennt sich immer zuerst
der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm {proverb} :: the early bird gets the worm
der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach {proverb} :: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
der Glaube kann Berge versetzen {proverb} :: faith will move mountains
dergleichen {pron} :: such
dergleichen {pron} :: such things
derhalben {adv} [dated] :: hence, therefore
Derivat {n} :: derivative (financial instrument whose value depends on the valuation of an underlying instrument)
Derivat {n} [linguistics] :: derivative [word]
derivativ {adj} :: derivative
derjenige {pron} :: he (who)
derjenige {pron} :: the one
derjenige {pron} :: this one, that one
der Krug geht so lange zum Brunnen, bis er bricht {proverb} :: the pitcher goes so often to the well, that it is broken at last
derlei {pron} :: this kind / type / sort
dermal {adj} :: dermal
dermal {adv} :: alternative form of dermalen
dermalen {adv} :: now
Dermatitis {f} [pathology] :: dermatitis
Dermatologe {m} :: dermatologist (male or of unspecified sex)
Dermatologie {f} :: dermatology
Dermatologin {f} :: dermatologist (female)
Dermatozoenwahn {m} [psychiatry] :: Delusional parasitosis (delusional disorder in which individuals incorrectly believe they are infested with parasites, insects, or bugs)
derogatorisch {adj} :: derogatory
derohalben {adv} [dated] :: hence, therefore
deroutieren {v} [Austria, Swiss] :: to make insecure, uncertain
deroutieren {v} [economics] :: to cause a drop in prices
derowegen {adv} [dated] :: therefore
der Reihe nach {phrase} :: one by one, in turn
ders. {pron} :: abbreviation of derselbe
ders. {pron} :: abbreviation of derselben
derselbe {pron} :: the same
derselbe {pron} :: selfsame
derselbe {pron} :: idem
derselbe {determiner} :: the same
derselbe {determiner} :: selfsame
der springende Punkt {noun} :: the salient point
der Ton macht die Musik {proverb} :: What one says can sometimes be less important then how one says it
der Tropfen, der das Fass zum Überlaufen bringt {m} [idiomatic] :: final straw, last straw, the straw that broke the camel's back (literally: the drop that makes the barrel overflow)
der Tyrann braucht einen Pfaffen an seiner Seite, und der Pfaff einen Tyrann {proverb} :: "The tyrant needs a pope at his side and the pope a tyrant"
der wahre Jakob {m} [idiom] :: the real McCoy
der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert {proverb} :: the road to hell is paved with good intentions
derweil {adv} :: meanwhile, meantime
derweil {conj} :: while
Derwisch {m} :: dervish
derzeit {adv} :: at this time, currently, nowadays
derzeit {adv} :: at that time, then
derzeitig {adj} :: current, present, prevailing
der Zweck heiligt die Mittel {proverb} :: the end justifies the means
des- {prefix} :: des-
des- {prefix} :: dis-
Des {noun} [music] :: D-flat
des Abends {adv} [dated] :: synonym of abends
Desaster {n} :: disaster
desaströs {adj} :: disastrous
desavouieren {vt} [formal] :: to expose, to compromise
desavouieren {vt} [formal] :: to disavow
Descloizit {n} [mineral] :: descloizite
desensibilisieren {v} :: to desensitize (cause to become insensitive)
Desertation {f} :: desertion
Deserteur {m} :: deserter
desertieren {v} [military] :: to desert
Desertion {f} :: desertion
desfallsig {adj} :: corresponding
Desferrioxamin {n} [medicine] :: desferrioxamine
desgleichen {adv} :: likewise
desgleichen {adv} :: [und desgleichen] and the like
deshalb {adv} :: therefore; for that (reason), because of that
desiderabel {adj} :: desirable
desiderat {adj} :: urgently needed
Desiderat {n} :: desideratum
Design {n} :: design (creative profession or art)
designatus {adj} :: designate
Design by Contract {n} [software, design] :: design by contract
designieren {v} :: to designate (mark out and make known; to point out; to name; to indicate)
designiert {v} :: past participle of designieren
Desillusion {f} :: disillusion
desillusionieren {v} :: to disillusion
desillusionierend {adj} :: disillusioning
desillusioniert {v} :: past participle of desillusionieren
Desinfektion {f} :: disinfection
Desinfektion {f} :: fumigation
Desinfektionsmittel {n} :: disinfectant
desinfizieren {v} :: to disinfect
desinfizierend {adj} :: disinfectant, disinfecting
Desinfizierung {f} :: disinfection
Desinformation {f} :: disinformation
desinteressiert {adj} :: uninterested, indifferent
Desirée {prop} :: given name
Désirée {prop} :: given name borrowed from French
deskriptiv {adj} :: descriptive (describing)
Desktop {m} :: desktop
Desktop {m} [computing] :: desktop
Desktop-Computer {m} :: desktop computer
desmal {adj} :: chondral
Desman {m} :: A desman
des Morgens {adv} [dated] :: synonym of morgens
des Öfteren {adv} :: many times
desolat {adj} :: bleak; miserable; wretched (very bad and unlikely to improve)
Desorption {n} :: desorption
Desoxidation {f} [chemistry] :: deoxidation
Desoxidationsmittel {n} :: deoxidizer
desoxidieren {v} :: To deoxidize
desoxidiert {v} :: past participle of desoxidieren
Desoxyglucose {f} [organic compound] :: deoxyglucose
Desoxyribonukleinsäure {f} :: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Desoxyribonukleotid {n} [organic chemistry] :: deoxyribonucleotide
despektierlich {adj} :: disrespectful
desperat {adj} :: desperate
Despot {m} :: despot
despotisch {adj} :: despotic
Despotismus {m} :: despotism
des Pudels Kern {m} :: the crux of the matter, the gist of the matter, the heart of the matter
dess. {pron} :: abbreviation of desselben
deß {art} :: obsolete spelling of des
Desselbrunn {prop} {n} :: Desselbrunn (municipality)
dessen {pron} [relative] :: whose, of which
dessen {pron} [demonstrative] :: his, its, the latter's
dessenthalben {adv} [dated] :: because of them [masculine or neuter]
dessentwegen {adv} [formal, dated] :: because of or on account of which or whom
Dessert {n} :: dessert
Dessertlöffel {m} :: dessert spoon
Dessous {n} :: lingerie
DEST {prop} {f} :: Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke or more formally Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke GmbH "German Earth and Stone Works Company", an SS enterprise which procured building materials for the Nazi German government
destabilisieren {v} :: to destabilize
Destillation {f} [chemistry] :: distillation (separation of a substance)
Destillationsgefäß {n} :: alembic, still (distillation vessel)
destillieren {v} [chemistry] :: to distil (subject a substance to distillation)
destilliert {adj} :: distilled
Destination {f} :: destination
desto {conj} :: the (forming the parallel comparative with je)
destruktiv {adj} :: destructive (causing destruction; damaging)
deswegen {adv} :: therefore
des weiteren {phrase} :: furthermore, in addition
desweiteren {adv} [proscribed or nonstandard] :: furthermore; alternative form of des weiteren
des Weiteren {adv} :: alternative form of des weiteren
det {art} [colloquial, Berlin-Brandenburg] :: alternative form of das
det {pron} [colloquial, Berlin-Brandenburg] :: alternative form of das
det {pron} [colloquial, Berlin-Brandenburg, neuter nominative] :: it
Detail {n} :: detail
Detailhandel {m} [now Switzerland] :: retail (sale of goods directly to the consumer)
Detailhändler {m} [now Switzerland] :: retailer (saler of goods directly to the consumer)
detailliert {adj} :: detailed
detailliert {adv} :: detailedly
detaillierter {adj} :: comparative of detailliert
detailverliebt {adj} :: obsessed with detail
Detektei {f} :: detective agency
detektieren {v} :: To detect
detektiert {v} :: past participle of detektieren - detected
Detektion {f} :: detection
Detektionsgrenze {f} :: detection limit
Detektiv {m} :: detective, private investigator, sleuth (male or of unspecified sex)
Detektor {m} :: detector
Determinante {f} [also math, biology] :: determinant
Determination {f} :: determination
Determinativkompositum {n} :: endocentric compound
Determinismus {m} :: determinism
deterministisch {adj} :: deterministic
Detlef {prop} :: given name
Detlev {prop} :: given name
Detonation {f} :: detonation
Detonationsgeschwindigkeit {f} :: detonation velocity
detsch {adj} :: confused
detsch {adj} :: awkward
Deut {m} [historical] :: a Dutch coin, doit
Deut {m} [accusative only, in adverbial constructions, usually in negation] :: a bit, a little
deuteln {v} :: to explain away, to interprete in a petty manner, to quibble
deuten {v} :: to interpret
deuten {v} :: to point at (with auf)
Deuter {m} :: demonstrator, explainer
Deuterid {n} :: deuteride
Deuterium {n} :: deuterium
Deuteriumverbindung {f} [chemistry] :: deuterium (or deuterated) compound
Deuteron {n} [physics] :: deuteron
Deuteronomium {prop} :: Deuteronomy (book of the Bible)
deutlich {adj} :: articulate, clear
deutlich {adj} :: distinct
deutlich {adj} :: considerable
deutlich {adv} :: distinctly, clearly
deutlicher {adj} :: comparative of deutlich
deutsch {adj} :: German (of or pertaining to the German people)
deutsch {adj} :: German (of or pertaining to Germany)
deutsch {adj} :: German (of or pertaining to the German language)
Deutsch {n} :: German (primary language of Germany and several surrounding countries)
deutschbaltisch {adj} :: Baltic-German (referring to German-speaking people of Estonia and Latvia)
deutschblütig {adj} [Nazi] :: racially German
deutsch-deutsch {adj} [historical] :: Pertaining to both East Germany and West Germany
deutsch-deutsch {adj} [historical] :: Between East Germany and West Germany
Deutsche {f} :: German (female)
Deutsche Demokratische Republik {prop} {f} :: German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Deutsche Dogge {f} :: Great Dane (dog breed)
Deutscher {m} :: German (male or of unspecified sex)
Deutscher Herbst {prop} {m} :: German Autumn
Deutscher Orden {prop} {m} :: Teutonic Order (religious order)
Deutsche Schabe {prop} :: German cockroach, Blattella germanica
Deutsches Reich {prop} {n} :: the German Empire (official name of the German state from 1871 through the mid 1940s)
Deutschfeistritz {prop} {n} :: Deutschfeistritz (municipality)
Deutschkenntnis {f} :: knowledge of the German language
Deutschkreutz {prop} {n} :: Deutschkreutz (municipality)
Deutschland {prop} {n} :: Deutschland (country)
Deutschland {prop} {n} :: short for a nation state, the legal person comprising the most part of territory with German dominating, or its territory
Deutschland {prop} {n} :: short for Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation or short for heiliges römisches Reich deutscher Nation
Deutschland {prop} {n} :: short for Deutsches Reich
Deutschland {prop} {n} :: short for Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Deutschlandlied {prop} {n} :: The German national anthem, composed by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben
Deutschlandsberg {prop} {n} :: Deutschlandsberg (municipality)
deutschlandweit {adj} :: Germany-wide; in all of Germany
deutschnational {adj} :: German nationalist; favouring German nationalism, especially
deutschnational {adj} [historical] :: of the national-conservative Deutschnationale Volkspartei (German National People's Party)
deutschnational {adj} [Austria, South Tyrol] :: of those who consider themselves members of the German nation (which does not necessarily mean that they favour a unified state)
deutschnational {adj} [neologism, often, pejorative] :: of those who insist on ancestry and ethnicity as the main criterion of German-ness
Deutschnofen {prop} {n} :: Deutschnofen (municipality)
Deutschordensritter {m} :: Teutonic Knight
Deutschordensstaat {prop} {m} [historical] :: State of the Teutonic Order
Deutschrussisch {prop} {n} :: a pidgin using German and Russian words, also known as Quelia
Deutschschweiz {prop} {f} :: German-speaking Switzerland
Deutschschweizer {m} :: German-speaking Swiss person
Deutschschweizer {adj} :: from, of, or pertaining to German-speaking Switzerland
deutschschweizerisch {adj} :: Swiss German
deutschsprachig {adj} :: germanophone
deutschstämmig {adj} :: ethnically German
Deutschtum {n} :: Germanness
Deutschtümelei {f} :: German chauvinism
deutschtümeln {v} :: to act chauvinistic for Germany
Deutung {f} :: interpretation, analysis
Deutungshoheit {f} :: power to control interpretation
deverbativ {adj} :: deverbative
deviant {adj} [sociology, psychology] :: deviant
Devise {f} :: motto
Devise {f} [finance, plural only] :: foreign currency
Devon {prop} :: Devon (county)
Devon {prop} :: Devon (town)
Devon {prop} :: Devon (small rural community)
Devon {prop} :: Devon (former town)
Devon {prop} :: Devon (village/and/neighborhood)
Devon {prop} :: Devon (unincorporated community)
Devon {prop} :: Devon (unincorporated community)
Devon {prop} :: Devon (CDP)
Devon {prop} :: Devon (unincorporated community)
Devon {prop} :: the Devonian
Devos {prop} :: surname
devot {adj} :: submissive, servile
Devotion {f} :: piety, devotion
Devotion {f} :: humility, submissiveness
Dewargefäß {n} :: Dewar vessel, Dewar flask
dextral {adj} :: dextral
Dextrin {n} [carbohydrate] :: dextrin
Dextrose {f} :: dextrose (naturally-occurring form of glucose)
deyn {determiner} :: obsolete spelling of dein
deyne {pron} :: obsolete spelling of deine
deyne {determiner} :: obsolete spelling of deine
deynem {determiner} :: obsolete spelling of deinem
deynen {determiner} :: obsolete spelling of deinen
deyner {pron} :: obsolete spelling of deiner
deyner {determiner} :: obsolete spelling of deiner
deynes {pron} :: obsolete spelling of deines
deynes {determiner} :: obsolete spelling of deines
Dez {m} [regional] :: head
Dezember {m} :: December
dezent {adj} :: discreet; tactful
dezent {adj} :: unobtrusive; inconspicuous
dezent {adj} [of clothes] :: unobtrusive; decent (neither gaudy nor alluring)
dezenter {adj} :: comparative of dezent
dezentesten {adj} :: superlative of dezent
dezentral {adj} :: decentralized
dezentral {adj} :: peripheral
Dezenz {f} :: discreetness
Dezenz {f} :: unobtrusiveness
Dezernat {n} :: department (especially of a government, institution, or administration entity such as a police, a city government, or a university)
dezi- {prefix} :: deci-
Dezibel {n} :: decibel (a common measure of sound intensity)
dezidiert {adj} :: determined, decided
Deziliter {m} :: deciliter
Dezillion {num} :: A long scale decillion, 1060; a short scale novemdecillion
dezimal {adj} [maths] :: decimal
Dezimalstelle {f} :: decimal place
Dezimalsystem {n} :: decimal system
Dezimeter {m} :: decimeter
dezisionistisch {adj} :: decisionist
dezisiv {adj} :: decisive
DFB {prop} :: initialism of Deutscher Fußball-Bund
DG {noun} [apartment listing] :: abbreviation of DachGeschoss
DGB {prop} :: initialism of Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund
dgl. {pron} :: abbreviation of dergleichen
dgl. {pron} :: abbreviation of desgleichen
DGS {prop} :: Deutsche Gebärdensprache: German Sign Language
d. h. {adv} :: abbreviation of das heißt
DHH {noun} [apartment listing] :: abbreviation of Doppelhaushälfte
d'hondtsch {adj} :: Pertaining to the D'Hondt method
d. i. {phrase} :: initialism of []
di- {prefix} :: di-
Di. {noun} :: abbreviation of Dienstag "Tuesday"
DI {noun} :: initialism of Dipl.-Ing. (an abbreviation of Diplomingenieur or Diplomingenieurin.)
Dia {n} :: slide (transparent image, to be projected to a screen)
Diabetes {m} [disease] :: diabetes
Diabetiker {m} :: diabetic
diabetisch {adj} :: diabetic
diabolisch {adj} :: diabolic (showing wickedness typical of a devil)
diachron {adj} :: synonym of diachronisch
diachronisch {adj} :: diachronic
Diadem {n} :: diadem
Diademsifaka {m} :: Diademed Sifaka
Diagnose {f} :: diagnosis
Diagnostik {f} :: diagnostics
diagnostisch {adj} :: diagnostic
diagnostizieren {v} :: to diagnose
diagonal {adj} :: diagonal
Diagonale {f} :: diagonal (something arranged diagonally or obliquely)
Diagonale {f} [technology] :: screen diagonal (measurement for the size of a screen)
Diagonale {f} [chess] :: diagonal
Diagramm {n} :: diagram
Diagramm {n} :: chart
Diakon {m} :: (Church) deacon
Diakonie {f} [Christianity] :: (professional) social work (social welfare work) provided by churches
diakritisch {adj} :: diacritical, diacritic
Dialekt {m} :: dialect, regiolect
dialektal {adj} :: dialectal
Dialektik {f} :: dialectic
dialektisch {adj} :: dialectical
dialektisch {adj} [rare] :: dialectal (pertaining to a dialect)
Dialektkontinuum {n} :: dialect continuum
Dialektologie {f} :: dialectology
Dialog {m} :: dialogue
dialogarm {adj} :: Having little or no dialogue
dialogfähig {adj} :: able to communicate
Dialogfenster {n} [computing] :: dialog box
Dialyse {f} [chemistry] :: dialysis
Dialysepatient {m} :: dialysis patient (male or of unspecified sex)
Dialysepatientin {f} :: dialysis patient (female)
diamagnetisch {adj} [physics] :: diamagnetic
Diamagnetismus {m} [physics] :: diamagnetism
Diamant {m} [uncountable] :: diamond (allotrope of carbon)
Diamant {m} :: diamond (gemstone)
Diamant {noun} [uncountable, printing, dated] :: A small size of type, standardized as 4 point
diamantartig {adj} :: diamondlike
Diamantbergbau {m} :: diamond mining
Diamantbergbau {m} :: diamond-mining industry
diamanten {adj} [attributive] :: diamond
diamantenhaltig {adj} [mineralogy] :: diamond-bearing
Diamantgitter {n} [chemistry] :: diamond lattice
diamanthart {adj} :: diamond-hard
Diamantring {m} :: diamond ring
Diamantringeffekt {m} [astronomy] :: diamond ring effect
Diamantstempelzelle {f} :: diamond anvil cell
diametral {adj} :: diametral
diametrisch {adj} :: diametric
Diana {prop} [Roman god] :: Diana
Diana {prop} :: given name
dianoetisch {adj} [philosophy] :: dianoetic
Diaoyudaoit {m} [mineral] :: diaoyudaoite
diaphan {adj} :: diaphanous
diaphasisch {adj} [linguistics] :: diaphasic
Diaphragma {n} :: diaphragm (contraceptive device)
Diaphragma {n} [anatomy, medical terminology] :: diaphragm
Diärese {f} [linguistics, prosody] :: diaeresis
Diarrhö {f} :: diarrhoea/diarrhea
Diarrhoe {f} :: diarrhea
Diarrhöe {f} :: diarrhoea
Diarsan {n} [inorganic compound, organic chemistry] :: diarsane
Diaspora {f} :: Diaspora
Diastole {f} :: diastole
diastratisch {adj} [linguistics] :: diastratic
Diät {f} :: diet
Diatome {f} :: diatom
diatopisch {adj} [linguistics] :: diatopic
Diazoverbindung {f} [organic chemistry] :: diazo compound
Dibenzodioxin {n} [organic compound] :: dibenzodioxin
Dibenzofuran {n} [organic compound] :: dibenzofuran
Diboran {n} [inorganic compound] :: diborane
Dichlorid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dichloride
Dichlormethan {n} [organic compound] :: dichloromethane, methylene chloride
Dichloroargentat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dichloroargentate
dichotom {adj} :: dichotomous
Dichotomie {f} :: dichotomy
dichotomisch {adj} :: dichotomic
Dichromat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dichromate
Dichromatlösung {f} :: dichromate solution
dichs {contraction} :: contraction of dich es
dicht {adj} :: thick, tight, dense
dicht {adj} :: impermeable, sealed, shut, locked (preventing passage or entrance)
dicht {adj} [with bei or an] :: close to
dicht {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
dicht {adv} :: closely
dicht auf den Fersen {adj} [idiomatic] :: hot on the heels
Dichtband {n} :: sealing tape
Dichte {f} :: density
Dichteanomalie {f} :: density anomaly (the anomaly of water having a maximum density just above its melting point)
dichten {v} :: to compose (a text, almost always poetry)
dichten {v} :: to caulk, seal (prevent leakage)
dichter {adj} :: comparative of dicht
Dichter {m} :: poet (male or of unspecified sex)
Dichterin {f} :: poet (female)
dichterisch {adj} :: poetic
Dichtersprache {f} :: poetic language, poetic diction
Dichteschwankung {f} :: density fluctuation
Dichtigkeit {f} :: tightness
Dichtigkeit {f} :: density
Dichtkunst {f} :: poetry (a person's ability to produce an artful piece of literature)
Dichtkunst {f} :: poetry (class of literature)
dichtmachen {v} :: to seal
dichtmachen {v} [colloquial] :: to close
dichtschließend {adj} :: tightly-closed
Dichtstoff {m} :: sealant
Dichtung {f} :: poetry
Dichtung {f} :: seal, gasket (something designed to prevent liquids or gasses from leaking through a joint)
Dichtungsmaterial {n} :: sealant
dick {adj} :: thick
dick {adj} :: fat
dickbäuchig {adj} :: potbellied
Dickbein {n} [regional, chiefly specialist, agriculture] :: the thigh of a farm animal, especially a pig
Dickbein {n} [obsolete] :: thigh (of a person or any creature)
Dickdarm {m} [anatomy] :: large intestine
Dicke {f} :: thickness
dicke Bohne {f} [regional, including, western Germany] :: broad bean
Dicke Bohne {f} :: alternative spelling of dicke Bohne
Dicken {m} [money] :: a type silver coin of the early modern period
Dickenmessung {f} :: measurement of thickness
Dickenrücklage {f} [aerodynamics] :: location of maximum thickness [in an airfoil, the distance between the leading edge and the chord point of maximum thickness]
dicker {adj} :: comparative of dick
dickflüssig {adj} :: thick, viscous
Dickhornschaf {n} :: bighorn sheep
Dickicht {n} :: thicket (copse)
Dickkopf {m} :: stubborn person; mule
Dickkopf {m} :: stubbornness; intransigent attitude; unyielding attitude
Dickkopf {m} [regional] :: European chub, a kind of fish
Dickkopf {m} :: a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae (the Dickkopffalter)
Dickkopf {m} :: a bird of the family Pachycephalidae (the Dickköpfe)
dickleibig {adj} :: corpulent
dicklich {adj} :: plump
Dickmacher {m} :: thickener
Dickschnabelpinguin {m} :: Fiordland penguin, Fiordland crested penguin
dicksten {adj} :: superlative of dick
dickstielig {adj} [of plants] :: having a thick stem
Dick und Doof {prop} :: Laurel and Hardy
Dicyanoargentat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dicyanoargentate
Didaktik {f} :: didactics
didaktisch {adj} :: didactic (instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate)
die {pron} [in a subordinate clause as a relative pronoun] :: that; which; who; whom; whose
die {pron} [as a demonstrative pronoun] :: this one; that one; these ones; those ones; she; her; it; they; them
die andere Wange hinhalten {v} [idiom] :: to turn the other cheek
Dieb {m} :: thief (male or of unspecified sex)
die Bank sprengen {v} [idiomatic] :: to break the bank
die Beherrschung verlieren {v} :: to lose one's temper
Dieberei {f} :: thievery
die Bienchen und Blümchen {p} [idiomatic] :: the birds and the bees (sexual activity)
Diebin {f} :: thief (female)
die Brust geben {vi} [+ dative] :: to nurse, to breastfeed (a baby)
Diebstahl {m} :: theft
Diech {n} [obsolete] :: thigh
die Ecke {adv} [colloquial, idiomatic, postpositioned] :: thereabout, approximately, roughly
die erste Geige spielen {idiom} :: to play first fiddle
die Fäden ziehen {idiom} :: to pull the strings
die Faxen dicke haben {v} [idiom] :: to have had enough
die Finger im Spiel haben {idiom} :: to be involved in, to have a hand in
die Finger kreuzen {v} :: to put the middle finger across the index finger, a gesture made when taking a false oath, either clandestinely to symbolically break the oath, or openly in a jocular manner; to cross one's fingers
die Flinte ins Korn werfen {v} [idiom] :: to throw in the towel (to quit; to give up)
diegetisch {adj} :: diegetic
die großen Diebe hängen die kleinen {proverb} :: "The greatest thieves hang the small ones"; some evil people are more worse than others
Die Grünen {prop} :: [pars pro toto] the German green party, 'Bündnis 90/Die Grünen'
Die Grünen {prop} :: the former West German green party, 'Die Grünen'
die Gunst der Stunde nutzen {v} [idiom] :: to seize the moment
die Hände in den Schoß legen {idiom} :: to twiddle one's thumbs
die Hände in Unschuld waschen {idiom} :: to wash one's hands of
die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt {phrase} [idiomatic] :: hope springs eternal
die Hosen anhaben {v} [idiom] :: to wear the trousers [UK], to wear the pants [US]
die Hunde bellen, aber die Karawane zieht weiter {proverb} :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on
die Hütte brennt {proverb} :: the house is on fire (literally: the hut is on fire)
die Hütte brennt {proverb} :: having a great time
die kalte Schulter zeigen {v} :: to give somebody the cold shoulder
die Katze aus dem Sack lassen {v} [idiomatic] :: to let the cat out of the bag
die Katze im Sack kaufen {v} [idiom] :: to buy a pig in a poke
die Kirche im Dorf lassen {idiom} :: to not get carried away, not over-do it ("leave the church in the village")
die Klingen kreuzen {v} [idiom] :: to cross swords
die Kupplung kommen lassen {v} :: to release the clutch slowly or halfway, as must be done to start a manual transmission car after enganging first gear and before pressing the throttle
die Kurve kratzen {v} [colloquial] :: to hit the road, to clear off
die Kurve kratzen {v} [colloquial] :: to take a turn, to escape (from an awkward position)
Diele {f} [usually, in the plural] :: plank (most often on a floor)
Diele {f} :: hallway, hall, foyer (room)
Dielektrikum {n} [physics] :: dielectric
die letzte Zeit {adv} [chiefly colloquial] :: alternative form of in letzter Zeit
die Luft ist rein {phrase} :: the coast is clear
die Nacht zum Tag machen {v} :: to stay up and wake (almost) until the morning, usually for pleasure, but also sometimes for work or the like
die Nase voll haben {v} [idiomatic] :: to be fed up (with something); to have had it up to here
die Nase vorn haben {v} [idiom] :: to have the advantage
dienen {v} :: to serve [+ dat]
dienend {adj} :: serving
dienend {adj} :: ancillary
Diener {m} :: agent noun of dienen; servant
Dienerin {f} :: female servant
die Nerven verlieren {v} [idiom] :: to lose one's cool
dienlich {adj} :: useful, helpful
Dienst {m} :: service
Dienst {m} :: work, duty
Dienstag {m} :: Tuesday
Dienstagabend {m} :: Tuesday evening
Dienstagmittag {m} :: Tuesday noon
Dienstagnachmittag {m} :: Tuesday afternoon
dienstags {adv} :: on Tuesdays, every Tuesday
Dienstagvormittag {m} :: Tuesday morning (time before noon)
Dienstbarkeit {f} [law] :: easement
dienstbeflissen {adj} :: officious
dienstbeflissen {adj} :: assiduous, zealous
Dienstbote {m} [slightly, dated] :: house servant; domestic [male or of unspecified sex]
Dienstbote {m} [colloquial] :: servant; someone who does unpleasant works for another
dienstfähig {adj} :: serviceable
Dienstgrad {m} :: rank (a level in an organization such as the military)
Diensthaus {n} :: house of bondage
Dienstherr {m} [archaic] :: the patron in an employment relationship or other service hirer
Dienstherr {m} :: the legal body under which a public servant (Beamter) operates
Dienstleister {m} :: service provider
Dienstleistung {f} :: service, provision of services
Dienstmädchen {n} :: maid, housemaid
dienstorientierte Architektur {f} [computing, architecture] :: synonym of serviceorientierte Architektur
Dienstraum {m} :: office
Dienstreise {f} :: A business trip or other journey in an official or similar non-private capacity
Dienststellenleitung {f} :: department leadership; the leadership of a department or agency
dienstunfähig {adj} :: unserviceable
dienstunfähig {adj} :: unfit (for work)
dienstverpflichtet {adj} :: Obligated to perform a particular service in the event of an emergency
Diepgen {prop} :: surname
die Radieschen von unten ansehen {v} [idiomatic] :: to be pushing up daisies
die Radieschen von unten betrachten {v} [idiom, euphemistic] :: pushing up daisies
die Rechnung ohne den Wirt machen {idiom} [idiom] :: To fail to take into account (something or somebody), to ignore, reckon without, fail to reckon with, (archaic: reckon without one's host)
die Rechnung ohne den Wirt machen {idiom} [idiom] :: To do or decide something without the permission or against the wishes of one or more important people (archaic: reckon without one's host)
die Rechnung ohne den Wirt machen {idiom} [idiom] :: To engage in wishful thinking (archaic: reckon without one's host)
Diersbach {prop} {n} :: Diersbach (municipality)
dies. {pron} :: abbreviation of dieselbe
dies. {pron} :: abbreviation of dieselben
dies {pron} :: alternative form of dieses
die Sau rauslassen {v} :: to paint the town red
diesbezüglich {adv} :: referring to this, in this regard
diesbezüglich {adj} :: relevant (to this)
die Schafe von den Böcken scheiden {v} [idiom] :: to separate the sheep from the goats
die Schnauze voll haben {v} [idiomatic] :: to be fed up
die Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters {proverb} :: beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Diesel {prop} :: surname
Diesel {m} [fuel or automobile] :: diesel
dieselelektrisch {adj} :: diesel-electric
Dieselmotor {m} :: diesel engine, diesel motor
dieser {pron} :: this one, this
dieser {pron} :: that one, that
diesig {adj} [regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: hazy, foggy (thick with haze, fog)
diesjährig {adj} :: of this year
diesmal {adv} :: this time
die Sonne geht auf {phrase} :: the sun rises
die Sonne geht auf {phrase} :: (fig.) remark made when a particularly pleasant person appears
die Spreu vom Weizen trennen {v} [idiomatic] :: to separate the wheat from the chaff (to select only that which is of value)
diesseits {prep} :: this side of [+genitive]
dies und das {pron} :: this and that
die Suppe auslöffeln {v} [idiom] :: to face the music
Dietach {prop} {n} :: Dietach (municipality)
die Tage {adv} [idiomatic, chiefly colloquial, prospective] :: in the coming days, in a few days
die Tage {adv} [idiomatic, chiefly colloquial, retrospective] :: in the past days, a few days ago
Dietemann {prop} :: surname
Dieter {prop} :: given name
Diethylether {m} [organic compound] :: diethyl ether
Diethylzink {n} [organic compound] :: diethylzinc
Dietlind {prop} :: alternative spelling of Dietlinde
Dietlinde {prop} :: given name
Dietmanns {prop} {n} :: Dietmanns (municipality)
Dietmar {prop} :: given name
Dietrich {prop} {m} :: given name
Dietrich {prop} {m} :: surname derived from the given name
Dietrich {m} :: picklock
dieweil {adv} [dated] :: meanwhile
die Würfel sind gefallen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: the die is cast
die Zelte abbrechen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: to pull up stakes
die zweite Geige spielen {v} [idiomatic] :: to take a back seat, to play second fiddle (literally: to play the second violin)
diffamieren {v} :: to vilify, to defame (say defamatory things about)
Diffamierung {f} :: defamation
different {adj} :: different
Differentialgleichung {f} [mathematics] :: differential equation (equation involving the derivatives of a function)
Differentialrechnung {f} [mathematics] :: differential calculus (calculus that deals with instantaneous rates of change)
Differentiation {f} [mathematics] :: differentiation
Differenz {f} [mathematics or general] :: difference
Differenzialsperre {f} [automotive] :: differential lock
differenzierbar {adj} [maths] :: differentiable (having a derivative)
differenzieren {v} :: to differentiate
Differenzierung {f} :: differentiation
diffizil {adj} :: difficult
diffundieren {v} [chemistry, physics] :: To diffuse
diffundiert {v} :: past participle of diffundieren
diffundiert {adj} :: diffused
diffus {adj} :: diffuse, vague, unclear
diffusesten {adj} :: superlative of diffus
diffusibel {adj} :: diffusible
Diffusion {f} :: diffusion (physics: the intermingling of the molecules of a fluid due to random thermal agitation)
Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit {f} :: diffusion rate
Diffusionsvermögen {n} [physics] :: diffusivity
Difluorid {n} :: difluoride
Digamma {n} :: digamma
digerieren {v} :: To digest
digeriert {v} :: past participle of digerieren
digeriert {adj} :: digested
Digestif {m} :: digestif
digestiv {adj} :: digestive
Digger {m} :: digger
Digger {noun} [colloquial, regional] :: Informal term of address
digital {adj} [computing] :: digital
digital {adj} [medicine] :: digital
digitales Zeitalter {n} :: Digital Era
Digitalisat {n} :: digital copy (digitalized version)
Digitalkamera {f} :: digital camera
Digitalradio {n} :: digital radio
Digitaltacho {m} :: digital speedometer
Digitaltechnik {f} :: digital technology
Digitaluhr {f} :: digital clock
Diglycerid {n} [organic chemistry] :: diglyceride
Digraph {m} [linguistics] :: digraph
Dihydrat {n} [chemistry] :: dihydrate
Dihydrogentrioxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: trioxidane (dihydrogen trioxide)
Dikalium {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dipotassium
dikasterial {adj} :: dicasterial
Dikasterium {n} :: dicastery
Diktat {n} :: dictation (the act of making someone write down one's words; the text itself)
Diktat {n} [especially] :: dictation (an orthography exam where the teacher reads out a text and the participants write it down)
Diktat {n} [politics] :: diktat (a harsh decree, especially one imposed upon a defeated country)
Diktator {m} :: dictator (male or of unspecified sex)
diktatorisch {adj} :: dictatorial
Diktatur {f} :: dictatorship
diktieren {v} :: to dictate
Diktiergerät {n} :: A dictation machine
Diktionär {n} {m} [archaic] :: synonym of Wörterbuch
Dilatation {f} :: dilation
dilatorisch {adj} :: dilatory
Dildo {m} :: dildo
Dilemma {n} :: dilemma (a situation with two (or more) alternatives to choose from, and where all alternatives are unsatisfactory or undesirable)
dilemmatisch {adj} :: dilemmatic
Dilettant {m} :: amateur, dabbler
dilettantisch {adj} :: dilettante, amateurish
Dilettantismus {m} :: dilettantism
dilettieren {v} :: to dabble (to participate in an artistic activity without the necessary skills)
Dilithium {n} [inorganic compound] :: dilithium
Dill {m} :: dill
Dimbach {prop} {n} :: Dimbach (municipality)
Dimbach {prop} {n} :: Dimbach (municipality)
Dimension {f} :: dimension
dimensional {adj} :: dimensional
dimer {adj} :: dimeric
Dimer {n} [chemistry] :: dimer
dimerisieren {v} [chemistry] :: To dimerize / dimerise
dimerisiert {v} :: past participle of dimerisieren
dimerisiert {adj} [chemistry] :: dimerized / dimerised
Dimethylether {n} [organic compound] :: dimethyl ether
Dimethylformamid {n} [organic compound] :: dimethylformamide
Dimethylselenid {n} [organic compound] :: dimethyl selenide
Dimethylsulfid {n} [organic compound] :: dimethyl sulfide
Dimethylsulfoxid {n} [organic compound] :: dimethyl sulfoxide
Diminution {f} :: diminution (reduction; act or process of making smaller)
Diminution {f} [linguistics] :: diminution (act or process of making diminutive)
Diminution {f} [music] :: diminution
diminutiv {adj} :: diminutive
Diminutiv {n} :: diminutive (a noun or word expressing smallness)
dimmbar {adj} :: dimmable
dimmen {v} :: to dim
Dimmer {m} :: dimmer (rheostat to vary the intensity of electric light)
DIN {prop} :: acronym of Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization)
Dinatriumhydrogenphosphat {n} [inorganic compound] :: sodium hydrogen phosphate / disodium hydrogen phosphate
Diner {n} :: diner (eatery)
Ding {n} :: thing
Ding {n} [mildly disrespectful] :: thing; girl; boy (young person)
Ding {n} [dated] :: Thing (historic Germanic council)
dingen {v} [literary] :: to hire for a crime
dingen {v} [archaic] :: to hire (in general)
Dingen {prop} {n} :: Dingen (municipality)
Dingenskirchen {n} :: so-and-so, thingamajig (placeholder name)
dingfest {adj} :: arrested, controlled
Dinglein {n} :: diminutive of Ding
dinglich {adj} :: real, thinglike
Dingo {m} :: dingo (Canis lupus dingo)
Dings {n} :: thing, thingamajig, a strange or unspecified item
Dingsbums {n} {mf} [colloquial] :: thingy, thingie, thingamajig, thingamabob (something whose name one cannot recall)
Dingsbums {n} {mf} [colloquial] :: whosit, whatshisname (a person whose name one cannot recall)
Dingsda {n} {mf} [colloquial] :: thingy, thingie, thingamajig, thingamabob (something whose name one cannot recall)
Dingsda {n} {mf} [colloquial] :: whosit, whatshisname (a person whose name one cannot recall)
Dingwort {n} :: noun
dinieren {v} :: to dine
Dinkel {m} :: spelt (a type of wheat, Triticum spelta)
Dino {m} [colloquial] :: dinosaur, dino
Dinosaurier {m} :: dinosaur
Dinucleotid {n} :: dinucleotide
Dinukleotid {n} [biochemistry] :: dinucleotide
Diode {f} :: diode
dionysisch {adj} :: Dionysian
Diopsid {m} [mineral] :: diopside
Dioptrie {f} :: diopter
Diorama {n} :: diorama
Dioskurides {prop} :: Dioscorides (Pedanius Dioscorides)
Dioxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dioxide
Dioxygenase {f} [enzyme] :: dioxygenase
diözesan {adj} [Christianity] :: diocesan, metropolitan
Diözese {f} [Christianity] :: diocese
Diözese {f} [historic] :: diocese (Roman administrive division)
diözisch {adj} [botany] :: dioecious
Diphenylamin {n} [organic compound] :: diphenylamine
Diphenylether {n} [organic compound] :: diphenyl ether
Diphosphat {n} [chemistry] :: diphosphate
Diphosphonat {n} [chemistry] :: diphosphonate
Diphosphorsäure {f} [inorganic compound] :: diphosphoric acid
Diphtherie {f} [pathology] :: diphtheria (infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract)
Diphthong {m} [phonetics] :: diphthong
Dipinto {noun} :: dipinto
Dipl.-Ing. {m} :: abbreviation of Diplomingenieur
Dipl.-Ing. {f} :: abbreviation of Diplomingenieurin
Diplodocus {m} :: diplodocus
diploid {adj} :: diploid
Diplom {n} :: diploma (higher education only, e.g., Master’s degree)
Diplomat {m} :: diplomat
Diplomatie {f} :: diplomacy
diplomatisch {adj} :: diplomatic
Diplomingenieur {m} :: An engineer's degree given in several countries. (replaced by the Bologna process by Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering)
Diplomingenieurin {f} :: An engineer's degree given to females in Austria till 2008
Diplomurkunde {f} :: diploma certificate
Diplom-Volkswirt {m} [education] :: A German university degree which is awarded to students of economics. It is comparable to a Master's Degree
Dippel {m} [Austria] :: a bump, a lump
Diproton {n} :: diproton
Dipsomane {m} :: dipsomaniac
diptotisch {adj} [grammar] :: diptotic
dir {pron} [reflexive pronoun] :: dative form of du; yourself, to yourself
Dir {pron} :: alternative case form of dir
Diracgleichung {f} [maths, physics] :: Dirac equation
direkt {adj} :: direct
direktional {adj} :: directional
direktiv {adj} :: directive
Direktor {m} :: principal (administrator of a school)
Direktor {m} :: director (leader of an organization)
Direktorin {f} :: A female director (principal, head, headmistress)
Direktübertragung {f} :: live transmission
Dirham {m} :: dirham
Dirhem {m} :: alternative form of Dirham
Dirigent {m} :: director, conductor, maestro, choirmaster (male or of unspecified sex)
dirigieren {v} :: to direct, to channel
dirigieren {v} [music] :: to conduct
dirigistisch {adj} :: dirigiste
Dirk {prop} :: given name, a - variant of Dietrich (= Derek)
Dirndl {n} [Bavaria, Austria] :: girl
Dirndl {n} :: dirndl (traditional dress in parts of Bavaria and Austria)
Dirndl {n} {f} [Eastern Austria] :: cornel (tree and fruit)
Dirndlbaum {m} :: alternative form of Dirndl
Dirndlkleid {n} :: dirndl (traditional Austrian and Bavarian dress)
Dirndlkleidchen {n} :: diminutive of Dirndlkleid
Dirndlstrauch {m} :: alternative form of Dirndl
Dirne {f} [derogatory, dated, also Bible] :: whore (prostitute or sexually unreserved woman)
Dirne {f} [archaic or dialectal] :: girl; lass
dirs {contraction} :: contraction of mir es
dis {pron} :: obsolete spelling of dies
Dis {noun} [music] :: D-sharp
Disauerstoff {m} :: dioxygen
Disauerstoffdifluorid {n} [inorganic compound] :: dioxygen diflouride
Dischwefeldichlorid {n} [inorganic compound] :: disulfur dichloride
Disco {f} :: (premises) disco (alternative form of Disko)
Disco {f} :: (musical genre) disco
Discount {m} :: discount (reduction in price)
Discount {m} :: discounter (shop)
Discounter {m} :: discount shop / cut-price store
Diselan {n} [inorganic compound, organic chemistry] :: diselane
Diselenid {n} :: diselenide
diser {pron} :: obsolete spelling of dieser
disjunkt {adj} [mathematics, set theory] :: disjoint (having no members in common)
Disjunktion {f} :: disjunction (logic)
Diskette {f} :: diskette
Diskobolie {f} [rare] :: discus throw
Diskokugel {f} :: disco ball
Diskont {m} :: discount
diskontinuierlich {adj} :: discontinuous, intermittent
Diskontinuität {f} :: discontinuity
Diskontrechnung {f} :: account of discount
Diskontrechnung {f} :: cash discount calculation
diskordianisch {adj} :: Discordian
Diskordianismus {prop} {m} :: Discordianism
Diskordier {m} :: Discordian (male follower of Discordianism)
Diskordierin {f} :: Discordian (female follower of Discordianism)
diskordisch {adj} :: Discordian
Diskothek {f} :: discotheque
diskreditieren {v} :: to discredit
Diskrepanz {f} :: discrepancy (inconsistency)
diskret {adj} :: discreet (respectful of privacy and secrecy)
diskret {adj} [mathematics] :: discrete
diskretionär {adj} :: discretionary
diskriminieren {v} :: to discriminate
diskriminiert {v} :: past participle of diskriminieren
Diskriminierung {f} :: discrimination
Diskurs {m} :: discourse (verbal exchange or conversation)
Diskursanalyse {f} [linguistics] :: discourse analysis
diskursiv {adj} :: discursive
Diskus {m} :: discus (round plate-like object for throwing)
Diskussion {f} :: discussion
Diskussionsfaden {m} [Internet] :: thread
Diskussionsforum {n} [internet] :: discussion forum; a forum for general discussion
Diskussionsseite {f} :: talk page, discussion page
Diskuswerfen {n} :: discus throw
Diskuswurf {m} [athletics] :: discus throw
diskutabel {adj} :: debatable, worth discussing
diskutieren {v} :: to discuss
dis legomenon {n} :: alternative case form of Dis Legomenon
Dis Legomenon {n} :: dis legomenon (a word occurring only twice in a given corpus)
disloziert {adj} :: dislocated, displaced
Dismutase {f} [enzyme] :: dismutase
disparat {adj} :: disparate
dispers {adj} :: dispersed
Dispersion {f} :: dispersion, dispersal
Display {n} {m} [electronics] :: display (small screen on an electronic device such as a watch or mobile phone)
disponibel {adj} :: available (ready for use)
disponieren {v} :: to plan ahead
disponieren {v} :: to arrange
Disposition {f} :: disposal
dispositiv {adj} :: dispositive
disproportioniert {adj} :: disproportional
Disproportionierung {f} [chemistry] :: disproportionation
Disput {m} :: dispute
disputabel {adj} :: disputable
Disputation {f} :: disputation
disruptiv {adj} :: disruptive
dissen {v} :: to diss (to put someone down or show verbal disrespect)
Dissens {m} :: dissent
dissentieren {v} :: to dissent (to disagree)
Dissertation {f} :: dissertation (for a doctoral degree)
dissident {adj} :: dissident
Dissident {m} :: dissident
dissidentisch {adj} :: dissident
Dissimilation {f} [linguistics] :: dissimilation
dissipativ {adj} :: dissipative
dissonant {adj} :: dissonant
dissozial {adj} :: dissocial
Dissoziation {f} :: dissociation
Dissoziationsenergie {f} [chemistry, physics] :: dissociation energy
dissoziieren {v} [chemistry, psychology] :: to dissociate
dissoziiert {v} :: past participle of dissoziieren
dissoziiert {adj} :: dissociated
distal {adj} :: distal
Distanz {f} :: distance
distanzieren {v} :: to distance
distanzlos {adj} :: lacking sufficient social distance
Distel {f} :: thistle
Distelfalter {m} :: painted lady (butterfly of the species Vanessa cardui)
Distelfink {m} :: European goldfinch
distelicht {adj} :: thistlelike
Distiban {n} [organic chemistry] :: distibine
distich {adj} [botany] :: distichous
Distickstoff {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dinitrogen
Distickstoffmonoxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: nitrous oxide
Distickstoffoxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: nitrous oxide
Distickstoffpentoxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: dinitrogen pentoxide
Distickstofftetroxid {n} [inorganic compound] :: dinitrogen tetroxide
distinguiert {adj} :: distinguished
distinkt {adj} :: distinct
distinktiv {adj} :: distinctive
Distribution {f} :: distribution
Distrikt {m} :: district
Disulfan {n} [organic chemistry] :: disulfane
Disulfat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: disulfate
Disulfid {n} [chemistry] :: disulfide
Disulfidbrücke {f} [organic chemistry] :: disulfide bridge
Disulfidbrückenbindung {f} [organic chemistry] :: disulfide bond
Disulfit {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: disulfite
Disziplin {f} :: discipline
disziplinarisch {adj} :: disciplinary
disziplinenübergreifend {adj} :: alternative form of disziplinübergreifend: interdisciplinary
disziplinieren {v} :: to discipline
diszipliniert {adj} :: disciplined
disziplinierter {adj} :: comparative of diszipliniert
Diszipliniertheit {f} [state of acting disciplined] :: discipline
disziplinübergreifend {adj} :: interdisciplinary
dit {pron} [colloquial, dialectal, north-eastern Germany, including Berlin] :: synonym of das
Ditellurid {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: ditelluride
Dithiolan {n} [organic compound] :: dithiolane
Dithionat {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dithionate
Dithionit {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: dithionite
Dithionsäure {f} [inorganic compound] :: dithionic acid
dito {adv} [colloquial] :: ditto
Dito {n} :: ditto (the same thing as before)
ditrigonal {adj} :: ditrigonal
Diuretikum {n} :: diuretic
Diva {f} :: A diva (vocal star)
divergent {adj} :: divergent
divergieren {v} [literally, figuratively] :: to diverge (to run apart)
divergieren {v} [mathematics] :: to diverge
divers {adj} :: various, diverse, miscellaneous
Diverses {noun} [singulare tantum] :: miscellaneous
diversifizieren {v} :: to diversify
Diversifizierung {f} :: diversification
Diversität {f} :: diversity
Dividend {m} [maths] :: dividend
Dividende {f} [finance] :: dividend
dividieren {v} [arithmetic] :: to divide
Dividieren {n} :: division
dividual {adj} :: dividual
divinatorisch {adj} :: divinatory
Divis {n} :: hyphen
divisibel {adj} [maths] :: divisible
Division {f} [arithmetics] :: division (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another)
Division {f} [military] :: division (military formation)
Divisionsrest {m} [arithmetics] :: the remainder after division
Divisor {m} [arithmetics] :: divisor
Diwasserstoff {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: dihydrogen
Dixiklo {n} :: portable toilet
Djihad {m} :: alternative form of Dschihad
DKP {prop} :: initialism of Deutsche Kommunistische Partei
DKP {prop} :: initialism of Deutsche Konservative Partei
DLR {prop} [aerospace] :: initialism of w:German Aerospace Center (German Aerospace Center)
DLRG {f} :: German Lifeguard Association (abbreviation of Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft)
DNS {noun} [biology] :: initialism of Desoxyribonukleinsäure (DNA)
DNS {noun} [computer science] :: initialism of Direkte Numerische Simulation (procedure to calculate unsteady streaming processes)
DNS {noun} [chemistry] :: initialism of Dinitrosalicylsäure
DNS {noun} [Germany, politics] :: initialism of Dachverband der Nationalen Sammlung
DNS {noun} [Germany, norming] :: initialism of Deutsche Normungsstrategie (strategic bias of the norming task)
DNS {noun} [computer science] :: initialism of Domain Name System
Do. {noun} :: abbreviation of Donnerstag "Thursday"
Dobermann {m} :: Dobermann
Dobersberg {prop} {n} :: Dobersberg (municipality)
doch {conj} :: though; yet; but; however; nevertheless
doch {conj} :: for all that; after all; but
doch {adv} :: after all; yet; however; nevertheless
doch {adv} :: really; just
doch {adv} [in response to a negative question or statement] :: yes; surely; really; on the contrary
doch {adv} :: indicates proposal; why don't you/we
Docht {m} :: wick (porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning)
Dock {n} :: dock (a construction in which ships are repaired)
docken {v} :: to dock
Dodecylbenzol {n} [organic compound] :: dodecylbenzene
Dodekaeder {n} :: dodecahedron
dodekaedrisch {adj} :: dodecahedral
Dödel {m} :: fool, idiot
Dödel {m} :: dick, cock (penis)
Dodelschach {n} [games] :: synonym of Tic-Tac-Toe
Dodo {m} :: Dodo, †Raphus cucullatus
Dodonowo {prop} {n} :: Dodonovo
Doge {m} :: doge
Dogge {f} :: boarhound, mastiff
Dogma {n} :: dogma
Dogmatiker {m} :: dogmatist
dogmatisch {adj} :: dogmatic
dogmatischer {adj} :: comparative of dogmatisch
dogmatischsten {adj} :: superlative of dogmatisch
Dogmatismus {m} :: dogmatism
Dogon {prop} :: Dogon
Dohle {f} :: jackdaw
Dohne {f} :: snare, sling, animal trap
Dohne {f} [dialectal] ::  piece of wood covering something
Doko {n} {m} :: acronym of Doppelkopf
doktern {v} :: to act as a doctor
Doktor {m} [academia] :: doctor
Doktor {m} [medicine, colloquial] :: doctor
Doktorand {m} :: doctoral student, PhD student, doctorand
Doktorandin {f} :: feminine noun of Doktorand
Doktorarbeit {f} :: A doctoral dissertation, a graduate's final thesis to obtain the academic degree of doctor
Doktorat {n} :: doctorate
Doktorat {n} :: doctoral exam
Doktorat {n} [Austria, Switzerland] :: doctoral graduation
Doktorfisch {m} :: surgeonfish or tang of the family Acanthuridae
Doktorin {f} :: female doctor, woman doctor
Doktorvater {m} :: doctoral advisor / dissertation director / dissertation advisor / doctoral supervisor
Doktrin {f} :: doctrine
Doku {f} :: documentary (film, TV program, etc. reporting in a factual, informative manner)
Dokument {n} :: document
Dokumentation {f} :: documentation
Dokumentation {f} :: documentary (mainly informative product(ion), as opposed to fiction or 'day to day' event reporting)
dokumentieren {v} :: to document
Dolch {m} :: dagger
Dolchstosslegende {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Dolchstoßlegende
Dolchstosslegende {f} :: alternative spelling of Dolchstoßlegende
Dolchstoßlegende {prop} {f} [historical] :: the stab-in-the-back myth, widespread historical myth in right-wing circles in Germany after 1918, that Germany's armies did not lose World War I on the battlefield but were betrayed by civilian leaders
Dolchstoßlegende {f} :: a Historical negationism myth misattributing something to internal betrayal
Dolde {f} [botany] :: corymb, umbel (cluster of flowers)
Dole {f} :: covered ditch
Dole {f} [Switzerland] :: gully; drain
dolent {adj} [medicine] :: painful
Doline {f} [geology] :: doline
doll {adj} [colloquial] :: firm, hard, forceful, strong [of actions, also of emotions]
doll {adj} [colloquial, chiefly in negation or sarcastically] :: good, great, satisfactory
doll {adj} [colloquial, with Ding] :: extraordinary, remarkable
doll {adv} [colloquial] :: firmly, hard, forcefully, vehemently, strong [of actions, also of emotions]
Dollar {m} :: dollar
Dollarzeichen {n} :: dollar sign
Dolle {f} :: alternative form of Tolle
Dolle {f} ::  thole, rowlock
Dolmetsch {m} [rare, outside, Austria] :: interpreter
dolmetschen {v} [archaic] :: to translate
dolmetschen {v} :: to interpret (to act as an interpreter)
Dolmetscher {m} :: interpreter (male or of unspecified sex)
Dolmetscher {m} [dated] :: translator (male or of unspecified sex)
Dolmetscherin {f} :: interpreter (female) (woman who interprets speech in another language)
Dolmetschung {f} :: translation the act of translating
Dolmetschung {f} :: translation the product or end result of an act of translating
Dolmetschung {f} [archaic] :: interpreting, interpretation
Dolomit {m} [mineral] :: dolomite
Dolomit {m} [geology] :: dolostone
Dolomiten {prop} {p} :: Dolomites (section of the Alps)
Dolomitstein {m} [geology] :: dolostone
dolos {adj} :: crafty, cunning, deceitful
Dölsach {prop} {n} :: Dölsach (municipality)
Dom {m} :: cathedral (big church building)
Domain {f} [computing, Internet] :: domain (DNS domain name)
Domäne {f} :: domain
domänenspezifisch {adj} [computing] :: domain-specific
domanial {adj} :: domanial
Domestik {m} :: domestic (house servant; a maid)
Domestikation {f} :: domestication
domestizieren {v} :: to domesticate
Domestizierung {f} :: domestication
Domeykit {m} [mineral] :: domeykite
Domina {f} :: dominatrix
dominant {adj} :: dominant
dominanter {adj} :: comparative of dominant
dominantesten {adj} :: superlative of dominant
Dominanz {f} :: dominance
Dominic {prop} :: given name, an English style spelling of Dominik
Dominica {prop} {n} :: Dominica (island/and/country)
Dominicaner {m} :: Dominican
Dominicanerin {f} :: female Dominican
dominicanisch {adj} :: Dominican (from Dominica)
dominieren {v} :: to dominate
dominierend {adj} :: dominant
dominierend {adj} :: commanding
Dominik {prop} :: given name
Dominikaner {m} :: Dominican (male person from the Dominican Republic)
Dominikanerin {f} :: Dominican (female person from the Dominican Republic)
Dominikanerorden {m} :: Dominican Order (religious group)
dominikanisch {adj} :: Dominican (from the Dominican Republic)
Dominikanische Republik {prop} :: Dominikanische Republik (country)
Dominoeffekt {m} :: domino effect
Domizil {n} :: domicile
Domkirche {f} :: cathedral (church)
Dompfaff {m} :: bullfinch [Pyrrhula pyrrhula]
Dompteur {m} [circus] :: tamer, animal trainer
Dompteuse {f} [circus] :: (female) tamer, animal trainer
Don {prop} {m} :: Don (river)
Don {m} :: don (honorific title, especially in Spain and Italy)
Donaldismus {m} :: Donaldism
Donar {prop} {m} :: Thor
Donation {f} :: donation
Donatismus {m} :: Donatism
Donau {prop} {f} [geography] :: river Danube, which flows to the Black Sea
Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft {prop} {f} :: a certain Danube steamship navigation company, more properly known as Erste Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft or Erste Donau-Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft
Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft {f} :: Danube steamship navigation company
Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän {m} :: Danube steamship navigation company captain
Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän {m} :: Danube steamship company captain
donauisch {adj} :: Danubian; of, located by or pertaining to the Danube
Donauisch {adj} :: alternative case form of donauisch
Donaulachs {m} :: Danube salmon, huchen (Hucho hucho)
Donaumetropole {f} :: metropolis on the Danube
Donaumetropole {f} [in particular, no plural] :: Vienna
Donaustadt {prop} :: Donaustadt, the twenty-second district of Vienna, covering the eastern quarter of the city
Donaustadt {prop} [archaic] :: Donaustadt, an area of southern Vienna located by the banks of the Danube
Donaustadt {f} :: city on the Danube
Donaustadt {f} [in particular] :: Vienna
Döneken {n} [regional, Westphalia] :: anecdote
Döner {m} {n} [countable] :: doner kebab (Oriental dish including meat roasted on a revolving spit; a common snack in Germany, usually served in a sandwich with salad and sauce)
Döner {m} {n} [uncountable] :: the kind of meat used in döner kebap
Dönerkebab {m} :: alternative form of Döner Kebab
Döner Kebab {m} :: doner kebab
Dönerkebap {m} :: alternative form of Döner Kebab
Döner Kebap {m} :: alternative form of Döner Kebab
Donga {f} [Namibia, South Africa] :: donga
donjuanesk {adj} :: donjuanist
Donner {m} :: thunder
Donnerhall {m} :: echo of thunder
Donnerkeil {m} :: thunderbolt
donnern {v} :: to thunder
Donnern {n} [a sound resembling thunder] :: thunder, rumbling
Donnersberg {prop} :: A peak in the Pfalz region
Donnerschlag {m} :: thunderclap, clap of thunder
Donnerskirchen {prop} {n} :: Donnerskirchen (municipality)
Donnerstag {m} :: Thursday
Donnerstagabend {m} :: Thursday evening
Donnerstagmittag {m} :: Thursdag noon
Donnerstagnachmittag {m} :: Thursday afternoon
donnerstags {adv} :: every Thursday, on Thursdays
Donnerstagvormittag {m} :: Thursday morning (time before noon)
Donner und Doria {interj} [dated] :: by Jove!
Donnervogel {m} :: a thunderbird
Donnerwetter {n} :: thunderstorm
Donnerwetter {n} :: row (noisy argument)
Donnerwetter {interj} :: gosh!
Donor {n} [chemistry] :: donor, donator
Donquichotterie {f} :: quixotry (a wild, visionary idea)
doof {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid, dumb
doof {adj} [colloquial] :: boring, annoying
doofer {adj} :: comparative of doof
Doofi {m} :: dummy, doofus
Dopamin {n} [neurotransmitter] :: dopamine
dopaminerg {adj} :: dopaminergic
Dope {n} [slang] :: dope, drugs
Dope {n} [slang, in particular] :: marijuana
dopen {v} [sports] :: to dope
Doping {n} [sports] :: doping
Doppel {n} [tennis] :: doubles
Doppel {n} :: duplicate
Doppelagent {m} :: double agent
Doppelagentin {f} :: double agent (female)
Doppelbauer {m} [chess] :: doubled pawn
Doppelbett {n} :: double bed
Doppelbindung {f} [chemistry] :: double bond
Doppelblindstudie {f} [medicine, psychology] :: double-blind experiment, double-blinded experiment
Doppeldecker {m} [aviation] :: biplane
Doppeldecker {m} :: double-decker bus
doppeldeutig {adj} :: ambiguous
Doppeldeutigkeit {f} :: ambiguity
Doppelehe {f} :: bigamy
Doppelfehler {m} [tennis] :: double fault (missing of both the first serve and second serve)
Doppelgänger {m} :: doppelganger, doppelgänger (male or of unspecified sex)
Doppelhaus {n} :: semi-detached house
Doppelhaushälfte {f} :: semi-detached house, semi
doppelherzig {adj} :: false, two-faced (literally double-hearted)
Doppelidentität {f} :: dual identity, double identity
Doppelklick {m} [computer] :: double-click
Doppelkonsonant {m} [orthography] :: doubled consonant
Doppelkonsonant {m} [phonology] :: geminate
Doppelkopf {n} {m} [card games] :: A trick-taking game for four players, popular chiefly in the northern half of Germany, consisting of several rounds in which the players are assigned (based on the cards they are dealt) to two initially unrevealed sides of two, most often played with two decks from 9 to ace (48 cards)
Doppelköpfchen {n} [botany] :: double capitulum
doppelläufig {adj} :: double-barrelled
Doppellaut {m} [linguistics, phonetics] :: diphthong
Doppellaut {m} [linguistics] :: double vowel or double consonant
Doppelleben {n} :: double life
Doppellinie {f} :: double line (road marking)
Doppelmoral {f} :: double standard
Doppelmoral {f} :: hypocrisy
doppeln {v} :: to double
Doppelpunkt {m} :: colon
Doppelpyramide {f} :: bipyramid, dipyramid
Doppelsalz {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: double salt
Doppelschicht {f} :: bilayer
doppelsinnig {adj} :: ambiguous, equivocal
Doppelspaltexperiment {n} [physics] :: double slit experiment
Doppelspiel {n} :: double-cross
Doppelspiel {n} [sports] :: doubles
Doppelspitze {f} [politics] :: dual leadership
Doppelstern {m} :: double star
doppelt {adj} :: double (made up of two matching or complementary elements)
doppelt gemoppelt {adj} [colloquial] :: redundant, tautological, tautologous
doppeltwirkend {adj} :: double-acting
Doppelverabredung {f} :: double date
doppelwandig {adj} :: double-walled
Doppelwohnhaus {n} :: semi-detached house, duplex (with a firewall and usually sharing a side wall)
Doppelzentner {m} [Germany] :: two Zentner; quintal (200 pounds or 100 kg)
Doppelzimmer {n} :: double room
doppelzüngig {adj} :: duplicitous, double-tongued
Doppelzüngigkeit {f} :: duplicity
Dopplereffekt {m} :: Doppler effect (change in frequency or wavelength)
Doppler-Effekt {m} :: Doppler effect (change in frequency or wavelength)
Dora {prop} :: given name
Doren {prop} {n} :: Doren (municipality)
Dorf {n} :: village (rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town)
Dorf {n} [figurative] :: backwater (remote place; somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc.)
Dorfbeuern {prop} {n} :: Dorfbeuern (municipality)
Dorfbewohner {m} :: villager (male or of unspecified sex)
Dorfgastein {prop} {n} :: Dorfgastein (municipality)
Dorfitter {prop} :: A part of the Vöhl region
Dorfkirche {f} :: village church, rural church
dörflich {adj} :: rural, rustic
Dorfmatratze {f} [vulgar, pejorative slang] :: village bike (local woman who sleeps with many men)
Dorfrand {m} :: edge of the village
Dorfstetten {prop} {n} :: Dorfstetten (municipality)
Dorftrottel {m} [derogatory] :: village idiot
Doris {prop} :: given name borrowed from English usage, popular in the mid-twentieth century
dorisch {adj} :: Doric
Dorn {m} :: thorn
Dornach {prop} :: Dornach (neighbourhood)
Dornach {prop} :: Dornach (town)
Dornbirn {prop} {n} :: Dornbirn (municipality)
Dornbusch {m} :: thornbush
Dörnchen {n} :: diminutive of Dorn
Dornenkrone {f} :: crown of thorns
Dörner {prop} {mf} :: surname
Dorngesträuch {n} :: thorny shrubbery
Dornginster {m} :: Calicotome gen. et spp
Dornhai {m} :: spiny dogfish, spurdog, mud shark, or piked dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
dornig {adj} :: thorny
Dornröschen {n} :: A small, thorny rose
Dornröschen {prop} {n} :: The fairy tale character Sleeping Beauty
Dornröschenschlaf {m} [figuratively] :: A period of inactivity, especially where potentials are not being exploited
Dorothea {prop} :: given name
Dorpat {prop} [chiefly historical] :: Tartu, a city in Estonia
Dörpat {prop} :: alternative form of Dorpat
Dörpt {prop} :: alternative form of Dorpat
Dörptestnisch {prop} {n} :: Tartu Estonian, the dialect of Estonian spoken in Tartu
dörptisch {adj} :: of or pertaining to the city of Dorpat / Tartu in Estonia, or to its inhabitants
dörptisch {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Tartu dialect of Estonian
Dörptisch {prop} {n} :: the Tartu dialect of Estonian
dorren {v} :: to become dry
dörren {vt} [auxiliary verb "haben"] :: to make dry
dörren {vi} [auxiliary verb "sein"] :: to dry
Dörrleiche {f} :: mummy
dorsal {adj} :: dorsal
Dorsch {m} :: cod (marine fish of the family Gadidae)
dort {adv} :: there, yonder
dorten {adv} [dated, Austria] :: there
dorther {adv} :: from there
dorthin {adv} :: there (to that place)
dortig {adj} :: local
Dortmund {prop} {n} :: Dortmund (major city)
Dortmund {prop} {n} :: Borussia Dortmund, a German association football team
Dortmunder {m} :: A native or resident of Dortmund
dortwärts {adv} :: towards there
Dosage {f} :: dosage (in wine-making)
Döschen {n} :: diminutive of Dose
Dose {f} :: box (container made from metal or plastic, less often wood)
Dose {f} :: tin; can (air-tight container for food)
Dose {f} [colloquial, most often diminutive] :: vagina; vulva
dösen {v} :: to doze (to be sleepy; to sleep lightly)
dösen {v} :: to daydream
dosenförmig {adj} :: boxy (box-shaped)
Dosenöffner {m} :: can opener, tin opener [UK]
Dosierung {f} :: dosage
Dosierung {f} :: metering
dösig {adj} :: sleepy
dösig {adj} :: not concentrated
dösig {adj} :: stupid
Dosis {f} :: dose
dosisabhängig {adj} [medicine] :: dose-dependent
Dossier {n} :: dossier
Dost {m} :: tuft (of a plant), something that grows in tufts
Dost {m} [plural form Doste] :: any plant of the genus Origanum
Dost {m} :: oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Dotcom-Blase {prop} {f} [business, history] :: dot-com bubble
Dotierelement {n} :: doping element (added to a semiconductor)
dotieren {v} :: To endow
dotieren {v} :: To dope or contaminate
Dotieren {n} :: doping
dotiert {v} :: past participle of dotieren
dotiert {adj} :: doped
dotiert {adj} :: endowed
Dotierung {f} :: endowment
Dotierung {f} :: remuneration
Dotierung {f} :: doping (of a semiconductor)
Dotter {m} {n} :: yolk
Dotter {m} :: dodder (Cuscuta gen. et spp. and Camelina gen. et spp.)
dottergelb {adj} :: yolk-yellow
Dötzchen {n} :: little child
Doublé {n} :: alternative spelling of Dublee
doublieren {v} :: alternative spelling of dublieren
down {adj} :: down, depressed
Downer {m} [slang] :: downer (drug)
downgeloadet {v} :: past participle of downloaden
Download {m} :: a download
downloadbar {adj} [internet] :: downloadable
downloaden {v} [computing] :: to download (transfer data from a remote computer to a local one)
Downsyndrom {n} :: Down syndrome
Doxologie {f} :: doxology
Doyen {m} :: most senior representative of a certain group, usually in diplomacy, academia or performing arts, doyen
Dozent {m} :: lecturer, instructor (male or of unspecified sex) [at the university level]
DPA {prop} :: initialism of Deutsche Presse-Agentur (German news agency)
Dr. {noun} :: abbreviation of Doktor (In the Plural: abbreviation of Doktores)
Drache {m} :: dragon
Drache {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Draco
Drachen {m} :: kite; hang glider (any gliding construction of poles and fabric)
Drachen {m} [pejorative] :: vixen, harpy (unkind woman, wife)
Drachenblut {n} :: dragon's blood (color and resin)
Drachenblut {n} :: A kind of alcoholic beverage
Drachenfahne {f} :: a flag with an image of a dragon on it
Drachenfrucht {f} :: dragon fruit
Drachenfutter {n} [fantasy, fiction] :: dragon fodder, dragon food
Drachenfutter {n} :: A gift given to placate someone, Drachenfutter
Drachenstatue {f} :: statue of a dragon
Drachme {f} :: drachma
Dragee {n} :: dragée, sugar-coated pill
Dragée {n} :: alternative spelling of Dragee
Dragoner {m} :: a dragoon
Dragoner {m} [Austria] :: the back clasp on a jacket
Draht {m} :: wire (thread of metal; conductor)
Draht {m} [obsolete] :: thread
Drähtchen {n} :: diminutive of Draht
drahten {adj} :: wire (attributive)
Drahtesel {m} [colloquial, humorous, literally: "wire donkey"] :: bicycle
drahtig {adj} :: wiry
drahtlos {adj} :: wireless
Drahtseil {n} :: cable, wire rope
Drahtseil {n} :: tightrope
Drahtseilakt {m} :: balancing act
Drahtseilbahn {f} :: cable railway
Drahtsieb {n} :: wire sieve, wire screen
Drahtzaun {m} :: wire fence
Drahtzieher {m} [idiomatic] :: string puller (literally: wire puller)
Drainage {f} :: alternative spelling of Dränage
Draisine {f} :: draisine (rail vehicle)
Draisine {f} :: hobby horse, draisienne (early bicycle)
drakonisch {adj} :: draconian
drakonischer {adj} :: comparative of drakonisch
drall {adj} :: tight (of a ball, sack: very full)
drall {adj} :: buxom (of a woman: having a full, voluptuous figure)
Drall {m} :: spin; twist
Drall {m} [firearms] :: rifling
Drall {m} [physics] :: angular momentum
Drama {n} :: drama
dramatisch {adj} :: dramatic
dramatischer {adj} :: comparative of dramatisch
dramatisieren {v} :: to dramatize
Dramaturgie {f} :: dramaturgy
dramaturgisch {adj} :: dramaturgic
dran {adv} :: alternative form of daran
dran {adv} :: (in the phrase dran sein) to be in a particular condition
dran {adv} :: (in the phrase an (etwas) dran sein) to be (possibly) true
dran {adv} :: (slang, in the phrase dran sein) to get it, to suffer consequences, punishment or retaliation
dran {adv} :: (in the phrase dran sein) to be somebody's turn in a game
Dränage {f} :: drainage
Drang {m} :: pressure; stress
Drang {m} [figuratively] :: urge; impulse; longing
drangehen {vi} [colloquial] :: to accept a phone call
drängeln {v} :: to push, jostle [through a crowd]
drängen {v} :: to press, to push
drängend {adj} :: pressing
Drangsal {f} :: tribulation
drangsalieren {v} :: to harass, torment
drankommen {v} [colloquial] :: to touch inadvertently
drankommen {v} [colloquial] :: to manage to reach
drankommen {v} [colloquial] :: to manage to obtain; to come by; to get at
drankommen {v} [colloquial] :: to have one's go/turn
drankommen {v} [colloquial] :: to take office; to assume some high position (especially political)
drankommen {v} [colloquial] :: to be asked about in a test
drapieren {v} :: to drape
drapp {adj} [Austria, dated] :: sandy-coloured
Drasenhofen {prop} {n} :: Drasenhofen (municipality)
Draßburg {prop} {n} :: Draßburg (municipality)
Draßmarkt {prop} {n} :: Draßmarkt (municipality)
drastisch {adj} :: drastic
Drau {prop} {f} :: Drava (river in Europe, tributary of the Danube)
Drau {prop} :: Dro (in Trentino, Italy)
dräuen {vi} [dated] :: to threaten
drauf {adv} :: after (behind; later in time; following)
drauf {adv} :: on top of
draufdrücken {v} [colloquial] :: to press, to push
Draufgänger {m} :: daredevil, go-getter (person who doesn't hesitate to pursue his goals)
draufgängerisch {adj} :: reckless, adventurous
draufgegangen {v} :: past participle of draufgehen
draufgehen {v} :: to fall apart
draufgehen {v} :: to die
drauflos- {prefix} :: A verb prefix indicating an action is done without planning;
drauflosarbeiten {v} :: to get straight down to work
drauflosfahren {v} :: to hit the road without a chosen destination
draufstehen {v} [colloquial] :: to stand on
draufstehen {v} [colloquial] :: to be written on
draufstehen {v} [colloquial] :: to like it, to love it
drauf und dran {adv} :: about to
draus {adv} [colloquial] :: alternative form of daraus
draussen {adv} :: alternative spelling of draußen
draußen {adv} :: outside
draußen {adv} :: out there
drechseln {vt} :: to lathe
Drechsler {m} :: turner, lathe operator
Dreck {m} :: dirt
Dreck {m} :: filth
Dreck {m} [Austria] :: excrement, faeces
Dreck am Stecken {m} :: skeleton in the cupboard, skeleton in the closet
dreckig {adj} :: dirty
Dreckkerl {m} :: alternative form of Dreckskerl
Dreckloch {n} :: hellhole
Drecksack {m} :: scumbag
Drecksarbeit {f} :: dirty work
Drecksgöre {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: filthy naughty girl, filthy naughty child
Dreckskerl {m} [pejorative] :: swine, son of a bitch, bastard
Drecksnutte {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: filthy whore
Dreh {m} :: spin, twist
Dreh {m} :: knack
Dreharbeit {f} [cinematography] :: shooting, principal photography
Drehbank {f} :: lathe
drehbar {adj} :: rotatable, revolving
Drehbuch {n} [cinematography] :: script, screenplay
drehen {v} :: to turn, revolve, rotate, roll
drehen {v} [cinematography] :: to shoot
drehen {v} :: to veer
drehen {v} :: to shape with a lathe
Dreher {m} :: turner, lathe operator
Dreher {m} :: A type of folk dance from Austria and southern Germany
Drehimpuls {m} [physics] :: angular momentum
Drehleier {f} [musical instruments] :: hurdy-gurdy
Drehmaschine {f} :: lathe (machine tool used to shape a piece of material)
Drehmoment {n} :: torque
Drehorgel {f} :: barrel organ (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel)
Drehort {m} [cinematography] :: location (The place where a film or a scene is shot.)
Drehpendeluhr {f} :: pendulum clock
Drehpunkt {m} :: pivot
Drehrohrofen {m} :: rotary kiln
Drehscheibe {f} [railway] :: turntable
Drehtür {f} :: revolving door
Drehung {f} :: rotation, turn
Drehzahl {f} :: rotational speed, speed of rotation, (automotive) RPM, revolutions per minute
drei {num} :: three (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 3; or describing a set with three elements)
Drei {f} :: three (digit/figure 3)
dreiarmig {adj} :: three-armed
Dreibein {n} :: tripod
Dreibein {n} [maths] :: trihedron
dreibeinig {adj} :: three-legged
dreiblättrig {adj} :: trifoliate, three-leaved
Dreidel {m} :: dreidel
dreidimensional {adj} :: three-dimensional
Dreidimensionalität {f} :: three-dimensionality
Dreieck {n} :: triangle
dreieckig {adj} :: triangular
Dreieckpyramide {f} :: triangular pyramid
Dreieck-Pyramide {f} :: alternative spelling of Dreieckpyramide
Dreiecksnatter {f} :: milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum)
Dreiecksverhältnis {n} :: love triangle
Dreieckszahl {f} :: triangular number, triangle number
dreieinhalb {num} :: three and a half
Dreieinigkeit {f} [Christianity] :: Trinity
Dreier {m} [regional] :: three
Dreier {m} [colloquial] :: threesome
dreierlei {adj} :: Of three different types
Dreierwette {f} :: trifecta [betting]
dreifach {adj} :: triple (made up of three matching or complementary elements)
Dreifachbindung {f} [chemistry] :: triple bond
Dreifachblindstudie {f} [medicine, psychology] :: triple-blind experiment, triple-blinded experiment
Dreifachklick {m} [computer] :: triple-click
Dreifaltigkeit {f} [Christianity] :: Trinity
Dreifuss {m} :: alternative spelling of Dreifuß
Dreifuß {m} :: tripod
Dreifuß {m} :: three-legged stool
dreifüssig {adj} :: alternative spelling of dreifüßig
dreifüßig {adj} :: three-footed
Dreigestirn {n} [dated] :: constellation of three stars
Dreigestirn {n} [often, humorously] :: group of three
Dreigestirn {n} :: group of three figures in the carnival customs of Cologne: Prinz, Bauer and Jungfrau
Drei gewinnt {n} [games] :: synonym of Tic-Tac-Toe
dreihundert {num} :: three hundred
dreihundertjährig {adj} :: three-hundred-year
dreihundertjährig {adj} :: three-hundred-year-old
dreihundertste {adj} :: three-hundredth
dreijährig {adj} :: three-year-old
Dreikäsehoch {m} [colloquial, jocular] :: tot, titch, half-pint (small child)
Dreiklang {m} [music] :: A triad
Dreiklassenwahlrecht {n} [historical] :: three-class suffrage, three-class franchise : a form of Suffrage#Census_suffrage used in Prussia in which voters were divided into three classes based on how much they paid in taxes, with the votes of those who paid more taxes (the rich) given more weight
Dreikönig {prop} {n} [holiday] :: Short for Dreikönigsfest (Epiphany)
Dreikönigsfest {n} :: Epiphany
Dreikönigstag {m} :: Epiphany day, Three Kings' Day, Twelfth Day
dreiköpfig {adj} :: three-headed
dreiköpfig {adj} :: three people (attributive)
Dreiländereck {n} :: tripoint, trijunction, triple point (geographical point at which the boundaries of three countries or subnational entities meet)
Dreiländereck {n} :: tri-border area, border triangle
Dreiling {m} :: three pfennig coin
Dreilochnutte {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: woman who participates in vaginal, oral and anal intercourse
Dreilochstute {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: woman who participates in vaginal, oral and anal intercourse
dreimal {adv} :: thrice, three times
dreimalig {adj} :: three-times, triple
dreiminütig {adj} :: three-minute
dreimonatig {adj} :: three-month (attributive)
dreimonatlich {adj} :: three-monthly, quarterly, (once every three months)
Dreimorengesetz {n} :: Dreimorengesetz
dreimotorig {adj} :: three-engined
drein {adv} :: alternative form of darein
dreiprozentig {adj} :: three-percent
Dreirad {n} :: tricycle
Dreisatz {m} [math] :: rule of three
dreiseitig {adj} :: three-page
dreiseitig {adj} :: trilateral
dreisilbig {adj} :: trisyllabic
Dreispitz {m} :: tricorn
dreisprachig {adj} :: trilingual
dreispurig {adj} :: three-lane (attributive)
dreissig {num} :: alternative spelling of dreißig
Dreissig {f} :: alternative spelling of Dreißig
dreißig {num} :: thirty
Dreißig {f} :: thirty (number)
Dreissigeck {n} :: alternative spelling of Dreißigeck
Dreißigeck {n} :: triacontagon
dreißigeckig {adj} :: with 30 vertices (usually of a triacontagon)
Dreissiger {m} :: alternative spelling of Dreißiger
Dreißiger {m} :: Anything defined by the number thirty, especially:
Dreißiger {m} :: A bus, train, etc. with that number
Dreißiger {m} :: A player, candidate, etc. with that number
Dreißiger {m} [in the plural] :: The thirties of a given century
Dreißiger {m} [in the plural] :: The thirties of a given life
Dreißiger {m} [chiefly in context] :: A person in their thirties
dreißigfach {adj} :: thirtyfold
dreißigjährig {adj} :: thirty-year (attributive)
dreißigjährig {adj} :: thirty-year-old
dreißigmal {adv} :: thirty times
dreißigminütig {adj} :: thirty-minute
dreißigmonatig {adj} :: thirty-month; lasting thirty months (attributive)
dreißigprozentig {adj} :: thirty-percent
dreissigste {ordinal num} :: alternative spelling of dreißigste
dreißigste {ordinal num} :: thirtieth
Dreissigstel {m} {n} :: alternative spelling of Dreißigstel
Dreißigstel {n} {m} :: thirtieth (fraction, part)
dreißigstündig {adj} :: thirty-hour
dreißigtägig {adj} :: thirty-day, lasting thirty days
dreist {adj} :: bold, brash, audacious, impudent (without respect or restraint)
dreistellig {adj} :: three-digit
Dreistigkeit {f} :: audacity
dreistöckig {adj} :: three-storey
dreistrahlig {adj} :: three-engined (especially of a jet aircraft)
dreistufig {adj} :: three-stage
dreistündig {adj} :: three-hour (attributive)
Dreitagebart {m} :: stubble grown after three days
dreitägig {adj} :: three-day (attributive)
dreiteilig {adj} :: three-part, three-piece, tripartite (consisting of three parts)
dreitürig {adj} :: three-door (attributive)
dreiundachtzig {num} :: eighty-three (83)
dreiundachtzigste {ordinal num} :: eighty-third
dreiunddreissig {num} :: alternative spelling of dreiunddreißig
dreiunddreißig {num} :: thirty-three (33)
dreiunddreißigste {ordinal num} :: thirty-three
dreiundfünfzig {num} :: fifty-three (53)
dreiundfünfzigste {ordinal num} :: fifty-third
dreiundneunzig {num} :: ninety-three (93)
dreiundneunzigste {ordinal num} :: ninety-third
dreiundsechzig {num} :: sixty-three (63)
dreiundsechzigste {ordinal num} :: sixty-third
dreiundsiebzig {num} :: seventy-three (73)
dreiundsiebzigste {ordinal num} :: seventy-third
dreiundvierzig {num} :: forty-three
dreiundvierzigste {ordinal num} :: forty-third
dreiundzwanzig {num} :: twenty-three
dreiundzwanzigfach {adj} :: twenty-three-fold
dreiundzwanzigjährig {adj} :: twenty-three-year-old
dreiundzwanzigste {ordinal num} :: twenty-third
dreiviertel {prep} [DDR, Bavaria, Austria] :: quarter to, a quarter-hour before, 15 minutes before [used with the number of the following hour]
Dreivierteljahr {n} :: nine-month period
Dreiviertelstunde {f} :: three-quarters of an hour
dreiwertig {adj} [chemistry] :: trivalent
Dreiwertigkeit {f} [chemistry] :: trivalence
dreiwöchig {adj} :: three-week (attributive)
Dreizack {m} :: trident
dreizehn {num} :: thirteen
Dreizehneck {n} :: tridecagon
dreizehneckig {adj} :: tridecagonal
dreizehnfach {adj} :: thirteenfold
Dreizehnflächner {m} [geometry] :: tridecahedron
dreizehnhundert {num} :: thirteen hundred
dreizehnjährig {adj} :: thirteen-year
dreizehnjährig {adj} :: thirteen-year-old
dreizehnmal {adv} :: thirteen times
dreizehnminütig {adj} :: thirteen-minute
dreizehnmonatig {adj} :: 13-month; lasting 13 months (attributive)
dreizehnstündig {adj} :: thirteen-hour
dreizehntägig {adj} :: thirteen-day, lasting thirteen days
dreizehnte {ordinal num} :: thirteenth
dreizehnwöchig {adj} :: thirteen-week
dreizeilig {adj} :: three-line
Dreizentrenbindung {f} [chemistry] :: three-centred bond (especially a banana bond)
Drempel {m} :: threshold, brink, bump
Drempel {m} :: particularly, a certain part of a sluice
Drempel {m} :: particularly, an extension of the top floor of a building with a gabled roof
dreschen {vti} :: to thresh; to thrash
Dreschflegel {m} :: flail
Dreschmaschine {f} [agriculture] :: thresher, threshing machine
Dreschplatz {m} :: threshing floor
Dresden {prop} {n} :: Dresden (capital city)
Dresdner {m} :: Dresdner [resident of Dresden]
Dresdner {adj} :: from, of, or pertaining to Dresden
Dresseur {m} :: animal trainer
dressieren {v} [animals] :: to train
drey {num} :: obsolete form of drei
drey {num} [Early New High German] :: obsolete form of drei
dreyßig {num} :: obsolete spelling of dreißig
dribbeln {v} [soccer] :: To dribble (to run with the ball, controlling its path with the feet)
dribbeln {v} [basketball] :: To dribble
Drift {f} :: drifting (being moved by external powers; most often of a ship)
Drift {f} :: violent stream or swell (of the sea)
driften {vi} :: to drift
drillen {v} :: to twist (a rope)
drillen {v} [military] :: to drill
drillen {v} [technical, not general] :: to bore
Drillich {m} :: drill (fabric)
Drilling {m} :: A triplet (one of three persons born to the same mother at the same time)
Drilling {m} [poker] :: three of a kind
drin {adv} :: inside
dringen {vi} [auxiliary: “haben”] :: to insist; to press
dringen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] :: to ooze; to seep
dringen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] :: to penetrate, to force one’s way
dringend {adj} :: urgent
dringender {adj} :: comparative of dringend
dringlich {adj} :: urgent
dringlicher {adj} :: comparative of dringlich
Dringlichkeit {f} :: urgency
Drink {m} :: an alcoholic drink, especially one containing liquor and some other liquid, like a cocktail or long drink
drinnen {adv} :: inside (a room)
Driss {m} [colloquial, regional, Rhineland] :: shit
dritt {particle} :: only used in zu dritt
dritte {ordinal num} :: third
Drittel {n} :: a third
drittelzahlig {adj} :: three-digit
drittens {adv} :: thirdly
dritter Fall {m} [grammar] :: dative case
Dritter Golfkrieg {prop} {m} :: Iraq War (US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003)
Drittes Reich {prop} {n} :: The Third Reich
Dritte Welt {prop} {f} :: Third World
drittgrößte {adj} :: third biggest, third largest
drittklassig {adj} :: third-class, third-rate
drittletzte {adj} :: antepenultimate, third to last
drittrangig {adj} :: tertiary
Drittsprache {f} [education] :: A learned third language
Drittstaat {m} :: third country
drittwichtigste {adj} :: third most important
Drive {m} [uncountable] :: drive (self-motivation)
Drive {m} [golf, countable] :: drive (stroke made with a driver)
Drive {m} [badminton, tennis, countable] :: drive (ball struck in a flat trajectory)
drob {adv} :: alternative form of darob
droben {adv} :: up
droben {adv} :: up there
Droge {f} [colloquial] :: drug (psychoactive substance, especially one which is illegal)
Droge {f} [pharmacology] :: drug (substance used to treat an illness)
dröge {adj} [regional, chiefly northern Germany] :: dry
dröge {adj} [regional, chiefly northern Germany] :: dull; boring; humdrum (of activities and people)
Drogenabhängiger {m} :: drug addict (male or of unspecified sex) (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs)
Drogenbeauftragter {m} :: commissioner/representative for drugs
Drogenberater {m} :: drug advisor
Drogendelikt {n} [law] :: drug offense
Drogenfalle {f} [idiomatic] :: trap relating to addiction to drugs
Drogenfreak {m} :: drug freak
Drogenhandel {m} :: drug trafficking, drug dealing, drug trade
Drogenhändler {m} :: drug dealer
Drogenhändlerin {f} :: female drug dealer
Drogenkonsument {m} :: drug user, drug taker, druggie (male or of unspecified sex)
Drogenkrieg {m} :: The 'war on drugs'.
Drogenkrieg {m} :: drug war
Drogenkriminalität {f} :: drug-related crime, drug crime
Drogenmissbrauch {m} :: drug abuse
drogensüchtig {adj} :: addictive (to a drug)
drogensüchtig {adj} :: drug-related
Drogensüchtiger {m} :: drug addict (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs)
Drogentest {m} :: drug test
drogenverseucht {adj} :: drug-ridden
Drogenwirtschaft {f} [economics] :: drug economy, narcotics economy, drug trade
Drogerie {f} :: a retail store selling beauty, hygiene and household related products as well as certain non-prescription medications, roughly equivalent to a drugstore [US] or chemist [UK]
Drohbrief {m} :: threatening letter
drohen {v} :: to threaten
drohend {adj} :: threatening, menacing, forbidding
Drohgebärde {f} :: threatening gesture
Drohkulisse {f} :: threatening posture
Drohne {f} :: drone (male bee)
Drohne {f} [aviation] :: drone (unmanned aircraft)
Drohne {f} [dated] :: sponger, parasite
dröhnen {vi} :: to boom; to thud; to roar (make a loud, dull sound; such as that of a military aircraft)
Drohnenangriff {m} [military] :: drone strike
Drohung {f} :: threat (expression of intent to injure or punish another)
Droide {m} :: droid, short form of Androide "android"
drölf {num} [humourous] :: thirteen
drölf {num} [humourous] :: umpteen
drollig {adj} :: droll; endearing
drolliger {adj} :: comparative of drollig
Dromedar {n} :: dromedary
Dronte {f} :: dodo (†Raphus cucullatus)
Drop-down-Liste {f} [graphical user interface] :: alternative form of Dropdown-Liste (dropdown list)
Dropdown-Liste {f} [graphical user interface] :: dropdown list
Dropdown-Listenfeld {n} [graphical user interface] :: synonym of Dropdown-Liste (dropdown list)
Droschke {f} :: droshky
Droschke {f} [regional] :: taxi
Drösing {prop} {n} :: Drösing (municipality)
Droß {prop} {n} :: Droß (municipality)
Drossel {f} :: thrush (songbird of the family Turdidae)
Drossel {f} :: throttle
Drossel {f} :: gorge of game (wild animals) (hunter's jargon)
Drossel {f} [dated] :: throat
drosseln {v} :: to curb, choke, throttle
Drosselung {f} :: limiting, curbing, throttling, restriction
Drost {m} [Northern Germany, historical, archaic] :: steward, reeve
drüben {adv} :: over there
drüben {adv} :: on the other side
drüben {adv} :: Either the (former) GDR or pre-1990 BRD, both as political entities and as geographical regions. The term describes the entity/area from which the speaker does not hail
drüber {adv} :: contraction of darüber
Druck {m} :: pressure [plural: Drücke]
Druck {m} :: print [plural: Drucke]
Druckanstieg {m} :: pressure rise
Druckbehälter {m} :: pressure vessel
Druckbuchstabe {m} :: printed character, block letter
Druckbuchstabe {m} :: [plural] print
Drückeberger {m} :: (male) shirk, quitter
Drückebergerin {f} :: (female) shirk
drucken {v} :: to print
drücken {vt} :: to press; to push (e.g., a door handle)
drücken {vt} :: to hug (somebody)
drücken {vir} :: to shirk
Drucker {m} :: agent noun of drucken; printer (person, especially male, who prints)
Drucker {m} :: printer (device)
Druckerei {f} [printing, countable] :: printing house, printery
Druckerei {f} [printing, uncountable] :: art of printing
Druckerpresse {f} :: printing press
Druckfehler {m} :: misprint
Druckgasflasche {f} :: pressurised gas cylinder
Druckgießverfahren {n} :: diecasting
Druckguss {m} :: diecasting
Druckknopf {m} :: push button, press button
Druckluft {f} :: compressed air
Druckmesser {m} :: pressure gauge, manometer
Druckmittel {n} [figuratively] :: lever, bargaining tool
Druckregler {m} :: pressure regulator, pressure controller, pressurestat
Drucksache {f} :: printed matter
Drucksache {f} :: business letter
Drucksache {f} :: circular
Druckschrift {f} :: print (blockletters)
Druckschrift {f} :: printed document, booklet, brochure
Drucktank {m} :: pressure tank
Drucktopf {m} [cookware] :: pressure cooker
Drucktype {f} [printing] :: a printing form, a font die
Druckversion {f} :: printed version
Druckwalze {f} :: print roll, press cylinder, shaft
Druckwasserreaktor {m} :: pressurized water reactor
Druckwerk {n} :: printed work
Druckwerk {n} :: printing machine
Druide {m} :: druid
drum {adv} :: contraction of darum
Drumpf {prop} :: surname for a drummer. alternative form of Trump
drunten {adv} [Southern Germany, Austria] :: down there
Druse {m} :: Druze
Druse {f} :: geode
Drüse {f} [anatomy] :: gland
Drüse {f} [archaic] :: swelling, boil
druseln {v} [colloquial] :: to doze
drüsig {adj} :: glandular
Dryade {f} [Greek mythology] :: dryad
Dschibuti {prop} {n} :: Djibouti
dschibutisch {adj} :: Djiboutian
Dschihad {m} :: jihad (holy war undertaken by Muslims)
Dschihadist {m} :: jihadist (male or of unspecified sex)
Dschihadistin {f} :: jihadist (female)
dschihadistisch {adj} :: jihadist
dschingisidisch {adj} :: Genghisid
Dschingis Khan {prop} {m} [historical] :: a leader of the Mongolians; Genghis Khan
Dschinn {m} :: jinn
Dschungel {m} {n} {f} :: jungle
dt. {adj} :: deutschGerman (language)
DT {noun} :: abbreviation of Dachterrasse
DTB {prop} :: initialism of Deutscher Tierschutzbund
du {pron} :: you [thou, singular familiar]
Du {pron} :: alternative case form of du (you (singular)) [especially when used as a direct address in letters]
Du {n} :: literally: the thou, the you [singular]
dual {adj} :: dual
Dual {m} [grammar] :: dual, dual number
Dualismus {m} :: dualism
Dualität {f} [mathematics, physics] :: duality
Dual-SIM-Smartphone {n} [mobile phones] :: dual SIM smartphone
Dualsystem {n} :: binary numeral system, base-2 numeral system
Dubbel {n} [colloquial, regional, parts of western Germany, including Westphalia] :: sandwich
Dübel {m} :: dowel
dübeln {v} :: to dowel
dubios {adj} :: dubious
dubioser {adj} :: comparative of dubios
Dublee {n} [metalworking] :: rolled gold
Dublee {n} [billiards] :: stroke off the cushion
Dublette {f} :: duplicate
dublieren {v} [textiles] :: to double
dublieren {v} [metalworking] :: to double, to plate
dublieren {v} [billiards] :: to cushion
Dubnium {n} :: dubnium
Dubstep {n} [music] :: dubstep
ducken {vr} :: to duck
Duckface {n} [colloquial] :: duckface (facial expression)
Duckmäuser {m} [derogatory] :: sneak, coward who avoids saying his own opinion
duckmäusern {v} [derogatory] :: to be submissive, to sneak (to hide)
Duck-Typing {n} [programming, object-oriented] :: duck typing
dudeln {v} [music] :: to play incessantly
Dudelsack {m} :: bagpipes
Duden {m} :: A dictionary of the German language, first published by Konrad Duden in 1880
Dudenhausen {prop} :: surname
Duell {n} :: duel (combat between two persons)
Duellant {m} :: a duelist
duellieren {v} :: to duel
Duett {n} :: duet
Duft {m} :: smell, scent
Duftanhänger {m} :: An air freshener (commonly used in a car)
duften {v} :: to smell very pleasantly
duftend {adj} :: fragrant, sweet (having a pleasant smell)
duftig {adj} :: perfumed, fragrant
duftig {adj} :: delicate (hardly perceptible)
Duftrauchbrenner {m} :: censer
Duftstoff {m} :: perfume, scent, fragrance (aromatic substance)
du gibst ihnen die Hand, und sie nehmen dir deinen Fuß {proverb} :: "You give them the hand and they take your foot"
Dugong {m} :: dugong
duhn {adj} :: alternative form of dun
Dühring {prop} :: surname
Duisburg {prop} {n} :: Duisburg (city)
Dukat {m} :: ducat (gold coin)
Dukatenfalter {m} :: scarce copper, Lycaena virgaureae (butterfly)
Düker {m} :: culvert
duktil {adj} :: ductile
Duktilität {f} :: ductility
dulden {v} :: to endure
dulden {v} :: to condone; to tolerate
duldsam {adj} :: tolerant, indulgent
duldsam {adj} :: meek, submissive
Dult {f} [regional, Bavaria, Austria] :: synonym of Jahrmarkt
dumm {adj} :: dumb, stupid
Dummbart {m} [derogatory] :: idiot
Dummbatz {m} [colloquial] :: idiot; dumbnut; pinhead
Dummchen {n} [derogatory] :: dummy, dumb person
Dummdepp {m} [vulgar, offensive] :: idiot, stupid idiot
dummdreist {adj} :: audacious, reckless (impudent, stupid, inappropriate through lacking consideration); generally of speech or social behaviour, not dangerous acts
dumme Gans {f} :: silly goose
Dummejungenstreich {m} :: alternative spelling of Dumme-Jungen-Streich
Dumme-Jungen-Streich {m} :: silly prank
dümmer {adj} :: comparative of dumm
Dummerchen {n} [derogatory] :: dummy
dummerweise {adv} :: unfortunately, stupidly
Dummheit {f} :: stupidity
Dummheit und Stolz wachsen auf einem Holz {proverb} :: "Stupidity and pride grow from the same tree"
Dummheit und Stolz wachsen auf einem Holz {proverb} :: "Stupidity and pride grow on the same side" (analogous)
Dummhirn {n} [vulgar, offensive] :: idiot
Dummi {m} :: dummy [unintelligent person]
Dummkopf {m} :: a fool, an idiot, a ninny
dümmlich {adj} :: asinine, dumb
Dümmlichkeit {f} [uncountable] :: The state of asininity
Dümmlichkeit {f} [countable] :: An act of asininity
dümmsten {adj} :: superlative of dumm
dumm wie Brot {adj} [idiom] :: thick as a brick
Dummy {m} {n} :: dummy, mockup
dümpeln {v} [of boats] :: to be tied up bobbing up and down in the water
dümpeln {v} [figurative] :: to be stuck; to be inactive or unsuccessful; to make no substantial progress
dumpf {adj} :: dull
dumpf {adj} :: hollow, muffled, dead (sound)
dumpf {adj} :: vague
dumpf {adj} :: musty, stifling (atmosphere)
dumpf {adj} :: nagging (pain)
Dumpfheit {f} :: dullness
dun {adj} [colloquial, chiefly North Germany] :: drunk
Düna {prop} {f} :: the Duna, the Daugava (river in eastern Europe)
dunckel {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkel
dunckelblau {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelblau
dunckelblaw {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelblau
dunckelbraun {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelbraun
dunckelgelb {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgelb
dunckelgrau {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgrau
dunckelgraw {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgrau
dunckelgrün {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgrün
dunckelrot {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelrot
dunckelroth {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelrot
dunckelschwarz {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelschwarz
dunckelweiß {adj} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of dunkelweiß
Düne {f} :: dune (usually by the sea)
Düne {prop} {f} :: Düne [island close to Heligoland]
Dünengazelle {f} :: slender-horned gazelle, rhim gazelle, sand gazelle, Gazella leptoceros
Dung {m} :: dung
Düngemittel {n} :: fertilizer
Düngemittelindustrie {f} :: fertilizer industry
düngen {v} :: to fertilize (a field)
Dünger {m} :: fertilizer
Düngung {f} :: fertilization
dunkel {adj} [of light] :: dark
dunkel {adj} [of sound] :: deep
Dunkel {n} :: dark
Dünkel {m} :: conceit, smugness, arrogance
dunkelblau {adj} :: dark blue
dunkelblau {adj} :: blue-black
Dunkelblau {n} :: dark blue
dunkelblaw {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelblau
dunkelbraun {adj} :: dark brown; puce (in colour)
Dunkelbraun {n} :: dark brown
dunkelbrauner Ameisenwürger {m} :: undulated antshrike
dunkelfarben {adj} :: dark-coloured
dunkelgelb {adj} :: dark yellow
Dunkelgelb {n} :: dark yellow
dunkelgelbe Karte {f} [football, colloquial] :: A debatable yellow card for a foul or misconduct that could also have deserved a red card
dunkelgrau {adj} :: dark grey (in colour)
Dunkelgrau {n} :: dark gray
dunkelgraw {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgrau
dunkelgrün {adj} :: dark green
Dunkelgrün {n} :: dark green
dünkelhaft {adj} :: snobbish (considering others as socially or morally inferior)
dünkelhaft {adj} :: smug, vainglorious, arrogant (considering others as personally inferior)
dunkelhäutig {adj} :: swarthy, dark-skinned
Dunkelheit {f} :: darkness
Dunkelkammer {f} [photography] :: darkroom
Dunkelmantel-Ameisenwürger {m} :: chestnut-backed antshrike
Dunkelmantel-Ameisenwürger {m} :: lined antshrike
dunkeln {v} :: to darken
dunkelorange {adj} :: dark-orange (coloured)
dunkelrot {adj} :: dark red
Dunkelrot {n} :: dark red
dunkelroth {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dunkelrot
dunkelschwarz {adj} :: deep / intense black
Dunkelsteinerwald {prop} {n} :: Dunkelsteinerwald (municipality)
Dunkelsteinerwald {prop} {m} :: Dunkelsteinerwald (forest)
dunkelviolett {adj} :: dark violet
Dunkelwasserläufer {m} :: spotted redshank (Tringa erythropus)
dunkelweiss {adj} :: alternative spelling of dunkelweiß
dunkelweiß {adj} :: dark white i.e. light grey
Dunkelziffer {f} :: dark figure
dünken {vit} [archaic] :: to seem (to appear)
Dünkirchen {prop} {n} :: Dunkirk (Dunkerque), a coastal town in northern France, originally Flemish-speaking
Dunkle Energie {f} [astrophysics, cosmology] :: dark energy
Dunkle Materie {f} [astrophysics, cosmology] :: dark matter
dunkler {adj} :: comparative of dunkel
dünn {adj} :: thin, slender, slim
dünn {adj} :: (in the sense of a beverage like coffee or beer) weak, not strong
dünn {adj} :: flimsy
Dünnbrettbohrer {m} :: (coll.) intellectual lightweight (person)
Dünnbrettbohrer {m} :: (coll.) slacker
Dünndarm {m} [anatomy] :: small intestine
dünner {adj} :: comparative of dünn
Dünnfilmtransistor {m} :: thin-film transistor
dünnflüssig {adj} :: thin, runny, fluid
dünnhäutig {adj} [literally or figuratively] :: thin-skinned
dünnhäutiger {adj} :: comparative of dünnhäutig
Dünnhäutigkeit {f} :: thin-skinnedness
dünnhäutigsten {adj} :: superlative of dünnhäutig
Dünnpfiff {m} :: diarrhea
Dünnschicht {f} :: thin film
Dünnschichtsolarzelle {f} :: thin-film solar cell
Dünnschichttransistor {m} :: thin-film transistor
Dünnschiss {m} [vulgar] :: diarrhea (as a disease)
Dünnschiss {m} [vulgar] :: the fecal product of diarrhea
dünnwandig {adj} :: thin-gauge, thin-walled
Düns {prop} :: Düns (municipality)
Dünserberg {prop} {n} :: Dünserberg (municipality)
Dunst {m} :: haze
Dunstabzugshaube {f} :: extractor hood, range hood, cooker hood
dünsten {vt} [cooking] :: to steam, to braise, to stew
dunstig {adj} :: misty, hazy
dunstig {adj} :: vaporous
Dünung {f} :: swell (series of waves)
Duo {n} :: duo, pair
Duo {n} :: duet
duodenal {adj} :: duodenal
Duodenum {n} [anatomy] :: The duodenum, first part of the small intestine
Duodezillion {num} :: A long scale duodecillion, 1072
duodezimal {adj} [maths] :: duodecimal
Duodezimalsystem {n} :: duodecimal, dozenal, base 12 number system
Duopol {n} :: duopoly
düpieren {vt} :: to fool, to deceive, to dupe
Duplikat {n} :: duplicate
Duplikation {f} :: duplication
Dur {n} [music] :: major
Duraluminium {n} :: duralumin
Duranusit {m} [mineral] :: duranusite
durch- {prefix} :: through
durch {prep} [+ accusative] :: by means of; by; through
durch {prep} [+ accusative] :: through; entering, then exiting
durch {prep} [+ accusative] :: via
durch {prep} [+ accusative] :: owing to; because of
durch {prep} [+ accusative, mathematics] :: divided by
durch {adv} :: during; throughout; through
durch {adv} [colloquial, with a time] :: past
durchackern {v} [colloquial] :: to work through [with effort]
durcharbeiten {v} :: to work throughout (e.g. night)
durchatmen {v} :: to breathe deeply
durchaus {adv} :: absolutely, definitely
durchaus {adv} :: quite
durchaus {adv} :: absolutely, thoroughly
durchblättern {v} :: to leaf through, thumb through (a book etc.)
durchblicken {v} :: to look through
durchblicken {v} :: to understand
durchbluten {v} :: to bleed through
durchbluten {v} :: to supply with blood
durchbohren {v} :: to pierce
durchbrechen {vt} [auxiliary haben] :: to break something in two
durchbrechen {vi} [auxiliary sein] :: to break in two; to snap
durchbrechen {vi} [auxiliary sein] :: to break through
durchbrechen {vt} :: to break through something; to penetrate; to breach
durchbrennen {vi} [auxiliary haben] :: to continue to burn; to burn through (some period of time)
durchbrennen {vr} [_ or intransitive with sein] :: to burn through
durchbrennen {vi} [auxiliary sein] :: to blow; to blow out [of a fuse, wire]
durchbrennen {vi} [auxiliary sein, colloquial] :: to run away, especially with a lover; to elope
Durchbruch {m} :: breakthrough
durch den Kakao gezogen {v} :: past participle of durch den Kakao ziehen
durch den Kakao ziehen {v} [idiomatic] :: to pull someone's leg, to make fun of somebody or something, to roast someone
durchdenken {v} :: to think through, to reflect about, to deliberate
durch den Wind {adv} :: for non-idiomatic uses, see the respective lemmas
durch den Wind {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: dazzled; shocked; confused
durchdrehen {v} :: to freak out
durchdringen {vi} :: to penetrate, permeate
durchdringen {vt} :: to pervade, imbue
durchdringend {adj} :: penetrating, pervasive, piercing
durchdrungen {v} :: past participle of durchdringen
durcheinander {adj} :: disordered, confused
Durcheinander {n} :: mess, chaos, tumult
Durcheinander {n} :: stew
durcheinanderbringen {v} :: to jumble
durcheinanderbringen {v} :: to bewilder, to confuse, to befuddle
durcheinanderbringen {v} :: to confound, to confuse
durcheinanderwürfeln {v} :: to jumble
durchessen {vr} :: to eat through
durchessen {vr} :: to eat at the expense [+ bei (object) = jemandem = of]
durchfahren {v} :: To drive through
Durchfall {m} :: diarrhea
durchfallen {vi} :: to fall through
durchfallen {vi} :: to fail; not to pass (with regard to some test or examination)
durchfärben {vt} :: to imbue (to dye thoroughly)
durchficken {v} [vulgar] :: to fuck through(out) (to give long and hard intercourse) [+ haben (to have)]
durchficken {v} [vulgar] :: being fucked (to recieve long and hard intercourse through someone/something) [+ sein (to be)]
durchficken {v} [vulgar] :: being fucked up [+ sein (to be)]
durchforsten {vt} :: to scour
durchforsten {vt} [computing] :: to crawl
durchführbar {adj} :: feasible
Durchführbarkeit {f} :: feasibility
durchführen {v} :: perform
durchführen {v} :: carry out
durchführen {v} :: execute
durchführen {v} :: implement
Durchführung {f} :: performance (carrying into execution or action)
Durchgang {m} :: passage, passageway, corridor, aisle, thoroughfare
Durchgang {m} :: transit
Durchgang {m} :: transition
durchgängig {adj} :: general, universal
Durchgangszug {m} :: train with gangways
durchgeblutet {v} :: past participle of durchbluten
durchgebrannt {adj} :: blown out, burned out
durchgebrannt {adj} [colloquial] :: runaway, eloped
durchgebraten {adj} [cooking] :: well done (well cooked)
durchgedrungen {v} :: past participle of durchdringen
durchgefärbt {v} :: past participle of durchfärben
durchgeführt {v} :: past participle of durchführen
durchgeführt {adj} :: implemented, realized, accomplished
durchgegangen {v} :: past participle of durchgehen
durchgehalten {v} :: past participle of durchhalten
durchgehen {vi} :: to go through; to walk through
durchgehen {vi} [with some specification of a limit] :: to go all the way (to); to reach as far as
durchgehen {vi} [equestrianism] :: to bolt
durchgehen {vi} :: to pass; to be accepted
durchgehen {vt} :: to go through; to go over; to read or discuss; note that the English construction is simple verb + preposition (go through it; not: *go it through)
durchgehend {adj} :: continuous
durchgehend {adv} :: all the way
durchgeistigt {adj} :: spiritual
durchgeknallt {adj} :: crazy, freaked out
durchgekommen {v} :: past participle of durchkommen
durchgelüftet {v} :: past participle of durchlüften
durchgemacht {v} :: past participle of durchmachen
durchgesagt {v} :: past participle of durchsagen
durchgesägt {v} :: past participle of durchsägen
durchgeschimmert {v} :: past participle of durchschimmern
durchgeströmt {v} :: past participle of durchströmen
durchgreifen {v} :: to grasp through
durchgreifen {v} :: to take action
durchgreifend {adj} :: drastic, far-reaching, heavy-handed
durchhalten {v} [separable prefix] :: to hang on, preserve
Durchhaltevermögen {n} :: stamina
durchhängen {v} :: to sag
durchkämmen {v} :: to comb, to comb through [to search thoroughly]
durchkämmen {v} :: to comb thoroughly
durchknallen {v} [literal] :: to blow a fuse
durchknallen {v} [figurative] :: to go crazy, to freak out
durchkommen {v} :: to come through, to pass through
durchkommen {v} [of an exam, etc.] :: to pass, to get through
durchkommen {v} :: to get by, to get along
durchkommen {v} :: to get away with
durchkommen {v} :: to become apparent
durchkoppeln {v} :: to hyphenate
durchkreuzen {vt} :: to thwart
durchlässig {adj} :: penetrable
durchlässiger {adj} :: comparative of durchlässig
Durchlässigkeit {f} :: permeability
Durchlässigkeit {f} :: porosity
Durchlaucht {f} :: serenity (address of a prince)
durchlauchtig {adj} [archaic] :: serene, illustrious (addressing a prince or other dignitary)
Durchlauf {m} :: pass
Durchlauf {m} :: passage
Durchlauf {m} :: iteration
Durchlauf {m} :: run
durchlaufen {v} [literally] :: to run through
durchlaufen {vt} [figuratively] :: to go through
Durchlauferhitzer {m} :: tankless heater
durchläutern {v} :: to fully purify
durchlesen {v} :: to read through
durchlesen {v} :: to peruse
durchleuchten {vt} :: to flood with light, to illuminate
durchleuchten {vt} :: to X-ray, to screen
durchleuchten {vt} [figurative] :: to investigate, analyze
durchleuchten {vt} [figurative] :: to clear up
durchleuchten {vi} :: to shine through
durchleuchten {vi} :: to come to light, to become apparent, to show
durchliegen {vt} :: to wear out [e.g. a mattress by lying on it]
durchliegen {vr} :: to get bedsores
durchlöchern {v} :: to riddle [fill with holes]
durchlüften {v} :: to aerate
durchlüften {v} :: to ventilate
durchlüften {v} :: to air out thoroughly
durchlüftet {v} :: past participle of durchlüften
Durchlüftung {f} :: aeration, ventilation
durchmachen {v} :: to go through, to endure, to suffer
durchmachen {v} :: to undergo
durchmachen {v} :: to finish, to complete
durchmachen {v} [colloquial] :: to stay up all night, especially for a party all night
durchmessen {v} :: to measure across
durchmessen {v} :: to test by measurement
durchmessen {v} :: to traverse
Durchmesser {m} :: diameter
Durchmischen {n} :: shuffle
durchmischt {v} :: past participle of durchmischen
durchmischt {adj} :: mixed (together)
Durchmischung {f} :: mixing throughout
Durchmischung {f} :: diffusion
durchnehmen {v} [education] :: to cover
durchputzen {v} :: clean completely, thoroughly
durchqueren {v} :: to cross, to walk across
durchrasseln {vi} [colloquial] :: to flunk [an exam]
Durchreise {f} :: transit, journey through
durchreisen {v} :: to travel through
Durchreisevisum {n} :: transit visa
durchringen {vr} [separable] :: finally to make up one's mind
durchrütteln {vt} :: to shake [a person back and forth]
durchs {contraction} :: through the, by the
Durchsage {f} :: An announcement over loudspeakers or on the radio
durchsagen {v} :: To announce over loudspeakers or on the radio
durchsägen {v} :: to saw through
durchschauen {v} :: to see through (to look through something transparent)
durchschauen {v} :: to see through a person, to rumble someone, to have someone's number
durchscheinend {adj} :: transparent, translucent
durchschimmern {v} :: To gleam
durchschimmern {v} :: To shimmer through
durchschimmernd {adj} :: gleaming
durchschlafen {v} :: to sleep undisturbed
Durchschlag {m} :: punch
Durchschlag {m} :: carbon copy
Durchschlag {m} :: disruptive discharge
Durchschlag {m} [regional] :: strainer
durchschlagen {vt} [auxiliary: haben] :: to smash
durchschlagen {vt} [auxiliary: haben] :: to break (a hole) through
durchschlagen {vt} [auxiliary: haben] :: to sieve
durchschlagen {vi} [auxiliary: haben] :: to cause diarrhea
durchschlagen {vi} [auxiliary: sein] :: to be taken after
durchschlagen {vi} [auxiliary: sein] :: to come through [e.g. liquids or sounds]
durchschlagen {vr} [auxiliary: haben] :: to eke out a living
durchschlagend {adj} :: sweeping, powerful, potent, decisive, significant, crucial
Durchschlagsfestigkeit {f} [physics] :: dielectric strength
Durchschnitt {m} [statistics] :: average
Durchschnitt {m} [set theory] :: intersection
durchschnittlich {adj} :: average, ordinary, mean, medium
durchschnittlich {adv} :: on average
Durchschnittseinkommen {n} :: average income
Durchschnittstemperatur {f} :: average / mean temperature
Durchschnittswert {m} [maths] :: mean, average
durchschreiten {vt} :: to cross, to traverse
Durchschrift {f} :: copy, carbon copy, duplicate
Durchschuss {m} :: perforating projectile [i.e. one that goes through the target]
Durchschuss {m} [typography] :: leading (the space between the bottom of one line and the top of the next)
durchschütteln {v} :: to churn
durchschwimmen {v} :: to swim across [a body of water]
durchsehen {v} :: to look through
durchsehen {v} :: to review
durchsetzen {vt} :: to establish; to enforce; to cause to become prevalent, accepted, or effective
durchsetzen {vr} :: to establish oneself; to become prevalent, accepted, or effective
durchsetzen {vr} :: to assert oneself; to win; to have one's will
durchsetzen {v} :: to pervade; to permeate; to enter and spread throughout
Durchsetzung {f} :: enforcement, implementation
Durchsetzung {f} :: assertion
Durchsetzung {f} :: infiltration
durchsetzungsfähig {adj} :: assertive, able to get one's way
durchsetzungsfähiger {adj} :: comparative of durchsetzungsfähig
durchsetzungsfähigsten {adj} :: superlative of durchsetzungsfähig
Durchsicht {f} :: perusal, review, examination
durchsichtig {adj} :: transparent, translucent, sheer
Durchsichtigkeit {f} :: transparency
durchsickern {vi} [of liquids] :: to percolate, permeate
durchsickern {vi} [of information] :: to leak
Durchsickerung {f} :: percolation
durchsieben {vt} :: to sift through
durchsieben {vt} :: to sift through
durchstehen {v} :: to endure
durchsteigen {v} :: to climb through something
durchstellen {v} :: to put through [i.e. a phone call]
durchstreichen {v} :: to cross out, strike through
durchströmbar {adj} :: permeable
Durchströmbarkeit {f} :: permeability
durchströmen {vi} :: to perfuse or permeate [with durch]
durchströmen {vt} :: to perfuse or permeate
durchströmt {v} :: past participle of durchströmen
durchsuchbar {adj} :: searchable
durchsuchen {vt} [a house, person, etc.] :: to search
Durchsuchung {f} [of a house, person, etc.] :: search, searching
Durchsuchungsbefehl {m} [law] :: search warrant
durchtrennen {vt} :: to cut in two; to sever
durchtrieben {adj} :: cunning
durch und durch {adv} :: through and through
durchwachen {vt} :: to spend awake
durchwachsen {adj} :: streaky
durchwandern {v} :: To walk, wander or hike through; to perambulate
durchwandern {v} [chemistry] :: To transmigrate
durchwandert {v} :: past participle of durchwandern
durchwaten {vt} :: to wade through
durchweg {adv} :: consistently, without exception
durchwühlen {v} [to make a thorough search] :: to ransack
durchzählen {v} :: to count up
durchziehen {vt} :: to pass
durchziehen {vi} :: to soak
durchziehen {vt} :: to pull
durchziehen {vt} :: to pull through
durchziehen {vi} :: to run
durchziehen {vt} :: to run through
durchziehen {vt} :: to traverse
durchziehen {vt} [describing something static] :: to run through, to pervade (a medium, structure, or organization)
durchzucken {v} [of flashes or other lights or figuratively] :: to flash through
durchzwängen {v} :: to squeeze through
Durdreiklang {m} :: major triad
Düren {prop} :: Düren (district)
dürfen {v} [auxiliary, infinitive replaces past participle] :: To be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may
dürfen {vit} [past participle as above] :: To be allowed or permitted to do something implied or previously stated; may
dürfen {v} [subjunctive present, modal auxiliary verb] :: Expresses that something is estimated or probable
dürfen {v} [colloquial] :: to must, to have to
dürftig {adj} :: meager, scanty, sparse
dürftig {adj} :: tenuous
dürftig {adj} :: poor; impoverished
Durian {f} :: durian
Durkheim {prop} :: synonym of Bad Dürkheim
Dürkheimer {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Bad Dürkheim
Dürnkrut {prop} {n} :: Dürnkrut (municipality)
Dürnstein {prop} {n} :: Dürnstein (municipality)
duroplastisch {adj} :: thermosetting
dürr {adj} :: dry
dürr {adj} [anatomy] :: slender, slim
Dürre {f} :: drought
Durst {m} :: thirst
dürsten {v} :: to be thirsty
dürsten {v} :: to thirst for
durstig {adj} :: thirsty
durstiger {adj} :: comparative of durstig
Durstigkeit {f} :: thirstiness
Durststrecke {f} [figurative] :: dry spell
dus {contraction} :: contraction of du es
Duschanbe {prop} {n} :: Dushanbe
Dusche {f} :: a shower
duschen {vir} :: to shower
duschen {vt} :: to shower someone or something (e.g. a child, a portion of one's body)
Duschgel {n} :: shower gel
Duschkopf {m} :: shower head
Duschraum {m} :: a bathroom with showers that is not in a private dwelling, e.g. in a barracks or low-cost hostel
Duschraum {m} :: a secondary bathroom with a shower within a private dwelling, especially where one washes oneself before entering the house, as on a farm
Duschvorhang {m} :: shower curtain
Düse {f} :: nozzle
Dusel {m} :: undeserved luck, fortune
Dusel {m} [now less common] :: dizziness; also: tipsiness
Duselei {f} :: absentmindedness
duseln {v} [colloquial] :: to doze
Düsenflugzeug {n} :: jet plane
Düsentriebwerk {n} :: jet engine
Dussel {m} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: stupid or clumsy person (a mild or even affectionate word); knucklehead
Düsseldorf {prop} {n} :: Düsseldorf (capital city)
Düsseldorfer {adj} [uninflected] :: of Düsseldorf
Düsseldorfer {m} :: inhabitant or native of Düsseldorf
dusselig {adj} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: mildly stupid and/or clumsy; more often in a particular situation than as a general quality
dusselig {adj} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] :: dizzy; lightheaded
dusslig {adj} :: alternative form of dusselig
duster {adj} :: alternative form of düster
düster {adj} :: cheerless, melancholy, somber
düster {adj} :: dark, obscure
Dutt {m} :: chignon, bun (hairstyle)
dutzend {adj} :: dozen (attributive)
Dutzend {n} :: dozen
dutzendfach {adj} :: in dozens; very frequent
duzen {v} :: To address informally using the pronoun du, to thou
duzen {v} :: To be on first-name terms
DVD {f} :: DVD
DVD-Spieler {m} [film] :: DVD player
DWB {prop} :: initialism of Deutsches Wörterbuch; the largest dictionary of the German language
dyadisch {adj} :: dyadic
Dynamik {f} :: dynamics
dynamisch {adj} :: dynamic
Dynamit {n} :: dynamite
Dynamo {m} :: dynamo
Dynamo {prop} {n} {m} :: Part of, and short form for, the names of several sports clubs in former East Germany, especially Dynamo Dresden and Berliner FC Dynamo
Dynastie {f} :: dynasty
dynastisch {adj} :: dynastic
Dysenterie {f} :: dysentery
dysfunktional {adj} :: dysfunctional
Dyskalkulie {f} [pathology] :: dyscalculia
Dyslalie {f} :: dyslalia (difficulty in talking due to a structural abnormality)
dysphorisch {adj} :: dysphoric
dyspnoisch {adj} [pathology] :: dyspneic
Dysprosium {n} :: dysprosium
Dystopie {f} :: dystopia (all senses)
dystopisch {adj} [pathology] :: dystopic
Dystrophie {f} [pathology] :: dystrophy
Dzongkha {n} :: language of Bhutan; Dzongkha
D-Zug {m} :: abbreviation of Durchgangszug
D-Zug-artig {adj} :: D-Zug-like; like a train with gangways