User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-d
D {letter} | :: letter: de |
da- {prefix} | :: prefix form of da, meaning there- |
da {adv} [local] | :: there; here |
da {adv} [temporal] | :: then; so; at that moment |
da {adv} [colloquial] | :: replaces any pronominal adverb when the context is clear |
da {conj} | :: since; as; because; given that |
da {conj} [literary, dated] | :: when |
dabben {v} | :: to dab |
dabei {adv} | :: pronominal adverb of bei (replaces bei + demonstrative or personal pronoun, unless referring to people) |
dabei {adv} | :: with one, on one |
dabei {adv} | :: (when) indeed, (but) actually (expressing a contradiction) |
dabei {adv} | :: in the process of [followed by an infinitive clause] |
dabei {adv} | :: thereby, thus |
dabeibleiben {v} | :: to stick with something; to persist |
dabeihaben {v} | :: to have [something] with oneself |
dabeistehen {v} | :: to stand by |
dabey {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of dabei |
Dach {n} | :: roof |
Dach {n} [colloquial] | :: circumflex |
Dach {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
DACH {prop} {n} | :: Germany, Austria and Switzerland as a unit |
DACH {prop} {n} | :: The German Sprachraum |
Dachboden {m} | :: (a storage room in the) attic |
Dachdecker {m} | :: tiler, roofer, slater, thatcher (male or of unspecified sex) (profession) |
Dachdeckerin {f} | :: tiler, roofer, slater, thatcher (female) (profession) |
Dachdeckung {f} | :: roofing |
Dacheindeckung {f} | :: roofing (roof cladding) |
Dachentwässerung {f} | :: roof drainage |
Dachfenster {n} [architecture] | :: dormer, skylight |
Dachgaube {f} | :: dormer |
Dachgeschoss {n} | :: attic, loft, top floor |
Dachgeschosswohnung {f} | :: attic apartment, penthouse apartment |
Dachhase {m} | :: roof rabbit; cat |
Dachlawine {f} [larger amount of snow avalanching from roofs and endangering pedestrians] | :: roof avalanche |
Dächlein {n} | :: diminutive of Dach |
Dachlinie {f} | :: roofline |
Dachpfanne {f} | :: roof tile |
Dachreling {f} | :: roof rails |
Dachrinne {f} | :: gutter; eavestrough (channel on the edge of a roof) |
Dachs {m} | :: badger |
Dachschaden {m} | :: roof damage |
Dachschaden {m} [figuratively] | :: a mental problem |
Dachshund {m} [archaic] | :: dachshund (sausage dog, wiener dog) |
Dachshund {m} [archaic, loosely] | :: a similar-looking dog, e.g. a basset hound |
Dachsprache {f} [countable, linguistics] | :: dachsprache, umbrella language (a language form that serves as a standard language in a country above other dialects) |
Dachstube {f} | :: attic |
Dachstuhl {m} [architecture] | :: roof truss, roof timbering |
Dachswelpe {m} | :: young badger, badger puppy |
Dachterrasse {f} | :: roof terrace |
Dachverband {m} | :: umbrella organization / umbrella organisation |
Dachzeile {f} [journalism] | :: kicker (a smaller line above the headline) |
Dachziegel {m} | :: roof tile |
Dackel {m} | :: dachshund (sausage dog, wiener dog) |
Dackel {m} [loosely] | :: a similar-looking dog, e.g. a basset hound |
dackeln {v} | :: to walk slowly, often with a lack of energy or waddling, in the manner of a dachshund |
Dad {m} [colloquial, chiefly film, media] | :: dad; Dad |
Dadaismus {m} | :: dadaism |
dadaistisch {adj} [art] | :: dadaistic |
Dadra und Nagar Haveli {prop} | :: Dadra and Nagar Haveli |
dadurch {adv} | :: through it, through that |
DaF {noun} [education] | :: initialism of Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a foreign language) |
dafür {adv} | :: for that, for it |
dafür {adv} | :: instead, at least, as a compensation |
dafür nicht {phrase} | :: don't mention it, you're welcome |
dafürstehen {v} [Austria, otherwise dated, auxiliary "haben", also "sein" in southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland] | :: to vouch (for something) |
dafürstehen {v} [Austria, auxiliary "sein"] | :: to be worth it, worthwhile |
dagegen {adv} | :: against it, against that |
dagegen {conj} | :: however, by contrast, on the other hand |
dagehabt {v} | :: past participle of dahaben |
Dagestan {prop} {n} | :: Dagestan |
Dagga {n} [chiefly Namibia] | :: dagga, marijuana |
Dagmar {prop} | :: given name borrowed from Danish in the 19th century |
Dagobert Duck {prop} {m} | :: Scrooge McDuck, Uncle Scrooge (Disney character) |
Dagobert Duck {m} [figuratively] | :: Uncle Scrooge (rich miser) |
dahaben {v} [colloquial] | :: to have available, to have in stock |
dahaben {v} [colloquial] | :: to have someone visiting |
daheim {adv} | :: home, at home (adverb) |
daher {adv} | :: from there |
daher {adv} [figuratively] | :: therefore; because of that; hence; thus |
daher {adv} [with a verb of motion] | :: along |
daherkommen {v} | :: to approach, come (up) |
daherkommen {v} | :: to come up, arise |
daherkommen {v} | :: to be a result (of) [with a clause] |
daherreden {v} | :: To speak foolishly; to drivel |
daherschwimmen {v} [regional, Bavaria, Austria] | :: to come swimming by |
dahin {adv} | :: there (to or into that place; thither) |
dahinfahren {v} | :: to go there |
dahinfahren {v} [euphemistic] | :: to die |
dahin gehend {adj} | :: alternative spelling of dahingehend |
dahingehend {adj} | :: to that effect |
dahinleben {v} | :: to exist |
dahinleben {v} [pejorative] | :: to vegetate |
dahinraffen {vt} | :: to kill (to cause a sudden death) |
dahinschwinden {vt} | :: to peter out |
dahinsiechen {v} | :: to waste away |
dahinsterben {v} [formal] | :: to die |
dahinter {adv} | :: behind it/that |
Dahlie {f} | :: dahlia |
Dahn {prop} {n} | :: Dahn (city) |
Daimler {prop} | :: surname |
Daimler {m} [automotive, colloquial] | :: Short form of Daimler-Benz; a Merc |
Dakota {m} | :: Dakota, a member of the Dakota people |
Dakota {p} | :: North Dakota and South Dakota |
daktylisch {adj} | :: dactylic |
Daktyloskopie {f} | :: dactyloscopy |
daktyloskopisch {adj} | :: dactyloscopic |
Dalaas {prop} {n} | :: Dalaas (municipality) |
da lachen ja die Hühner {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: Exclamation at something ridiculous, silly, or completely unsatisfactory |
Dalai Lama {m} | :: Dalai Lama (head of Tibetan Buddhism) |
dalassen {v} | :: to leave behind |
daliegen {v} | :: to lie there |
da liegt der Hase im Pfeffer {phrase} [idiom] | :: therein lies the rub |
da liegt der Hund begraben {phrase} [idiom] | :: therein lies the rub |
Dalken {p} [Austria] | :: a type of sweet pastry similar to pancakes |
dalli {adv} [colloquial] | :: quickly; with hurry |
Dalmatien {prop} {n} | :: Dalmatia |
damalig {adj} | :: then, former, erstwhile |
damals {adv} | :: at that time (in the past); at the time, then |
Daman und Diu {prop} | :: Daman and Diu |
Damaskus {prop} {n} | :: Damaskus (capital) |
Damaskuserlebnis {n} [idiomatic] | :: road to Damascus |
damasten {adj} [attributive] | :: damask |
Damastgewebe {n} | :: damask |
Damaszener {m} | :: Damascene (inhabitant of Damascus) |
Damaszener {adj} | :: Damascene |
damaszenisch {adj} | :: Damascene |
Dame {f} | :: lady (woman of good breeding and manners) |
Dame {f} | :: lady; madam (polite term to refer to any woman) |
Dame {f} [chess, playing card] | :: queen |
Dame {f} [checkers] | :: king |
Dame {f} [title] | :: Dame |
Dame {f} {n} [board games] | :: draughts; checkers |
Damebrett {n} | :: checkerboard |
Damenbauer {m} [chess] | :: queen's pawn |
Damenbesuch {m} | :: visit by a woman |
Damenflügel {m} [chess] | :: queenside |
Damentoilette {f} | :: ladies' toilet, ladies' room |
Damenuhr {f} | :: ladies' watch |
Damen und Herren {phrase} | :: used to address a larger group of people, e.g. by a guide |
Damespiel {n} [board games] | :: draughts [British], checkers [US] |
Damhirsch {m} | :: fallow deer (usually male) |
damisch {adj} | :: synonym of dämlich |
damit {adv} | :: pronominal adverb of mit |
damit {conj} [subordinating] | :: so that, in order that |
dämlich {adj} | :: very stupid |
dämlicherweise {adv} | :: foolishly, stupidly |
Damm {m} | :: dam |
Damm {m} [anatomy] | :: perineum |
Dammbruch {m} | :: dam break |
dämmen {v} | :: to dam |
dämmen {v} | :: to insulate (a building) |
dämmern {v} | :: to dawn (of day, morning); to fall (of dusk, evening) |
dämmern {v} [figurative] | :: to dawn (jedem on someone) |
dämmern {v} | :: to doze |
Dämmerung {f} | :: dusk |
Dämmerung {f} | :: dawn |
Dämmerung {f} | :: twilight |
Dämmerung {f} | :: nightfall |
Dämmerung {f} | :: archaic end of a period |
dämmerungsaktiv {noun} | :: active at twilight, crepuscular, twilight-active |
dämmrig {adj} | :: twilit |
Dämmung {f} | :: insulation |
Damoklesschwert {n} | :: sword of Damocles (thing or situation which causes a prolonged state of impending doom or misfortune) |
Dämon {m} | :: demon |
dämonisch {adj} | :: demonic, demoniac |
dämonisieren {v} | :: to demonize |
Dämonologie {f} | :: demonology |
dämonologisch {adj} | :: demonological |
Dampf {m} | :: steam |
Dampf {m} | :: vapor / vapour |
Dampf ablassen {v} [idiom, colloquial] | :: to blow off steam |
Dampfdruck {m} | :: vapor pressure |
dampfen {v} | :: to steam (to produce or vent steam) |
dampfen {v} | :: to steam (to travel by means of steam power) |
dampfen {v} | :: to vape (to inhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette) |
dämpfen {v} | :: to damp (to put out, as fire) |
dämpfen {v} | :: to damp (to attenuate or deaden, as vibrations) |
dampfend {adj} | :: steaming |
Dampfer {m} | :: steamer (steamboat, steamship) |
Dämpfer {m} | :: dampener |
Dämpfer {m} | :: cushion |
Dämpfer {m} | :: muffler |
Dämpfer {m} | :: check |
Dämpfer {m} | :: silencer |
Dämpfer {m} | :: deadener |
Dämpfer {m} | :: soft pedal (piano) |
Dämpfer {m} | :: mute |
Dämpfer {m} | :: bumper |
Dampferzeuger {m} | :: steam generator |
dampfförmig {adj} | :: vaporous |
Dampfkessel {m} | :: steam boiler |
Dampfkochtopf {m} [cookware] | :: pressure cooker |
Dampflokomotive {f} | :: steam engine locomotive |
Dampfmaschine {f} | :: steam engine |
Dampforgel {f} | :: calliope (musical organ) |
Dampfphase {f} | :: vapor/vapour phase |
Dampfreformierung {f} | :: steam reforming |
Dampfschiff {n} | :: steamboat, steamship |
Dampfschifffahrt {f} | :: steam navigation |
Dampfturbine {f} | :: steam turbine |
Dämpfung {f} | :: attenuation |
Dämpfung {f} | :: damping |
Dämpfung {f} | :: decay |
Dampfwalze {f} | :: steamroller |
Damüls {prop} {n} | :: Damüls (municipality) |
Damwild {n} | :: fallow deer |
danach {adv} | :: after it, after that; thereafter [formal], afterwards |
danach {adv} | :: behind it/that |
danach {adv} | :: accordingly, in accordance with that |
Danaer {m} | :: Danaan |
Danaergeschenk {n} | :: Greek gift |
dandyhaft {adj} | :: dandyish |
Däne {m} | :: Dane (person from Denmark) (male or of unspecified sex) |
daneben {adv} | :: next to it, next to that |
danebengeschossen {v} | :: past participle of danebenschießen |
danebenschiessen {v} | :: alternative spelling of danebenschießen |
danebenschießen {v} | :: To miss a shot (with gun, football, etc.) |
Danelag {prop} {n} | :: the Danelaw |
Dänemark {prop} {n} | :: Denmark |
Dangme {prop} | :: The Adangme (Dangme) language |
Daniel {prop} | :: Daniel (biblical book and prophet) |
Daniel {prop} | :: given name |
Daniela {prop} | :: given name |
Dänin {f} | :: Dane (person from Denmark) (female) |
dänisch {adj} | :: Danish |
Dänisch {prop} {n} | :: Danish (language) |
Dänische Dogge {f} | :: Great Dane (dog breed) |
danisieren {v} | :: to Danicize |
dank {prep} [+ genitive or dative] | :: thanks to, because of |
Dank {m} | :: thanks |
dankbar {adj} | :: grateful, thankful |
dankbarer {adj} | :: comparative of dankbar |
Dankbarkeit {f} | :: gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness |
dankbarsten {adj} | :: superlative of dankbar |
danke {interj} | :: thanks, thank you |
danken {vi} [with dative] | :: to thank |
danke schön {interj} | :: thank you very much |
dankeschön {interj} | :: alternative form of danke schön; thank you very much |
Dankeschön {n} | :: thanks, thank-you message, word of thanks |
Dankopfer {n} [biblical] | :: peace offering |
danksagen {v} | :: to give thanks |
Danksagung {f} | :: thanksgiving (expression of gratitude) |
Danksagung {f} | :: acknowledgment (expression of thanks) |
dann {adv} | :: then, after that |
dann {adv} | :: then, in that case |
dannen {adv} | :: there |
dannen {adv} | :: from there, thence |
dann und wann {adv} | :: now and then |
dantesk {adj} | :: Dantesque |
Danzig {prop} {n} | :: Danzig (capital city) |
Danzig {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Daoismus {prop} {m} | :: Taoism, Daoism (a philosophy) |
dar- {prefix} | :: there |
daran {adv} | :: on it, on that |
daran {adv} | :: at it, at that |
daran {adv} | :: thereto |
darauf {adv} | :: after (behind; later in time; following) |
darauf {adv} | :: on top of that |
darauf {adv} | :: on it |
darauffolgend {adj} | :: subsequent, following |
daraufhin {adv} | :: thereupon, consequently, subsequently |
daraus {adv} | :: out of it, out of that, of it |
daraus {adv} | :: hence, from that |
darben {vi} | :: to starve |
darbieten {v} | :: to offer or present something (e.g. as a religious offering) |
darbieten {v} | :: to exhibit a work of art or perform an artistic performance |
Darbietung {f} | :: performance |
Darbietung {f} [art] | :: skit |
darbringen {v} [formal] | :: to sacrifice, to offer |
darbringen {v} [formal] | :: to perform |
darein {adv} | :: therein |
darfs {contraction} | :: contraction of darf es |
dargestellt {adj} | :: shown, depicted, represented |
dargestellt {adj} | :: posed |
dargestellt {adj} | :: personated |
darin {adv} | :: in it, in that, therein |
dariñ {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of darin [actually scribal abbreviation of darinn, which is an obsolete spelling of darin] |
darinn {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of darin |
darinnen {adv} [literary] | :: synonym of darin |
Darknet {n} [internet] | :: darknet |
darlegen {v} [formal] | :: to present facts; to explain; to state |
Darlegung {f} | :: explanation, analysis |
Darlegung {f} | :: presentation, statement [of facts, etc.] |
Darlehen {n} | :: loan |
Darm {m} | :: intestine, gut |
Darmausgang {m} | :: anus |
Darmbein {n} [anatomy] | :: ilium |
Darmentzündung {f} [pathology] | :: intestinal inflammation |
Darmerkrankung {f} [pathology] | :: enteropathy |
Darmflora {f} | :: gut flora, intestinal flora |
Darmkrankheit {f} [pathology] | :: intestinal disease |
Darmkrebs {m} | :: intestinal cancer |
Darmschleimhaut {f} [anatomy] | :: intestinal mucosa |
Darmstadt {prop} {n} | :: Darmstadt (independent city) |
Darmstädter {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Darmstadt |
Darmstadtium {n} | :: darmstadtium |
Darmverschluss {m} [medicine] | :: ileus, bowel occlusion |
Darmzelle {f} | :: enterocyte |
darnach {adv} [dated] | :: alternative form of danach |
darniederliegen {v} | :: to be sick |
darniederliegen {v} [figurative] | :: to languish |
darob {adv} [dated] | :: therefore |
Darren {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
darstellbar {adj} | :: representable, depictable, describable, portrayable |
darstellen {v} | :: to depict; represent |
darstellen {v} | :: to personate |
darstellen {v} | :: to pose |
darstellen {v} | :: to show |
Darsteller {m} [theater, film] | :: actor, player, performer |
Darstellerin {f} [theater, film] | :: A female actor, player, performer |
Darstellung {f} | :: exhibition |
Darstellung {f} | :: depiction, presentation |
Darstellung {f} | :: description, statement |
Darstellung {f} | :: representation |
Darstellung {f} | :: performance, production (theatrical) |
Darstellung {f} | :: recital |
Darstellungsverfahren {n} | :: method of presentation |
darüber {adv} | :: above, above it/this/that |
darüber {adv} | :: about it/this/that (concerning a matter) |
darüber {adv} | :: over, over it/this/that, thereover |
darübergelegen {v} | :: past participle of darüberliegen |
darüber hinaus {phrase} | :: furthermore, moreover |
darüber hinaus {phrase} | :: beyond it/this/that |
darüber hinaus {phrase} | :: besides it/this/that |
darüberliegen {v} | :: To overlay or cover |
darüberliegen {v} | :: To top (offer or bid more than another) |
darum {adv} | :: around it, around that |
darum {adv} | :: therefore |
darum {adv} | :: because! (non-answer to questions one does not wish to answer) |
darunten {adv} [Southern Germany, Austria] | :: down there |
darunter {adv} | :: below it, below that, thereunder |
darunter {adv} | :: among these, including [indicates membership in a mentioned set] |
darunterliegend {adj} | :: underlying |
darwägen {v} | :: to weigh out |
Darwinfinken {mp} | :: Darwin's finches |
Darwinismus {m} | :: Darwinism |
Darwinist {m} | :: Darwinist |
Darwinistin {f} | :: a female Darwinist |
darwinistisch {adj} | :: Darwinian, Darwinistic |
das {pron} [relative] | :: who, that, which |
das {pron} [demonstrative] | :: this, that, it |
das {pron} [regional, northern Germany] | :: it (subject of an impersonal verb.) |
das {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of dass |
das Auge des Gesetzes {noun} [idiom] | :: police, police officer |
das Auge isst mit {proverb} | :: the look of food is important in determining if a food is appetizing or tasty |
das Beste ist der Feind des Guten {proverb} | :: "The best is the enemy of the good" |
das Bett hüten {v} [of a sick person] | :: to stay in bed |
das Blatt hat sich gewendet {proverb} | :: the tables have turned |
das Blatt wenden {v} [idiom] | :: to turn the page |
das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen {v} [idiom] | :: To make a promise that cannot be fulfilled. (literally: to promise [someone] the Blue out of the Blue Sky) |
das Denken soll man den Pferden überlassen {phrase} | :: Used when someone says “I just thought that...”, or the like |
da sei Gott vor {phrase} | :: God forbid; said when mentioning a possible and undesirable future event |
da sein {v} | :: to be around |
da sein {v} | :: to exist |
Dasein {n} | :: being there, presence, existence |
Daseinsberechtigung {f} | :: entitlement to exist, right to exist |
Daseinsberechtigung {f} | :: raison d'être |
das Eis brechen {v} [idiom] | :: to break the ice |
daselbst {adv} [dated] | :: right there |
das Gelbe vom Ei {phrase} [idiom] | :: the very best |
das Geld zum Fenster hinauswerfen {phrase} [idiom] | :: to throw money away |
das Gesicht verlieren {v} | :: to lose face |
das Gesicht wahren {v} [idiomatic] | :: to save face |
das Handtuch werfen {v} [idiomatic, literally: "to throw the towel"] | :: to throw in the towel |
Dashboard {n} [computing] | :: dashboard (graphical user interface) |
das heißt {adv} | :: that is, that is to say |
das Herz am rechten Fleck haben {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have one's heart in the right place |
das Huhn, das goldene Eier legt, schlachten {v} [idiom] | :: to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs |
dasig {adj} [Austria] | :: confused |
das kann man wohl sagen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: you can say that again |
das kannst du laut sagen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: you can say that again |
das Kind beim Namen nennen {v} [idiom] | :: to call a spade a spade (to speak the truth) |
das Kind fällt in den Brunnen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: a disaster happens or becomes inevitable; it is too late for precautions that should have been taken earlier |
das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten {v} [idiom] | :: to throw the baby out with the bathwater |
das Kriegsbeil ausgraben {v} [idiomatic] | :: to dig up the hatchet |
das Kriegsbeil begraben {v} [idiomatic] | :: bury the hatchet |
das macht nichts {v} | :: never mind, it doesn't matter (it is not important) |
das Rad neu erfinden {v} [idiomatic] | :: to reinvent the wheel |
Das Reich {prop} {n} | :: See: de das Reich |
Das Reich {prop} {n} [military, historical] | :: Das Reich (the 2nd SS Division) |
dass. {pron} | :: abbreviation of dasselbe |
dass {conj} [subordinating] | :: that |
dass {conj} [subordinating, chiefly colloquial] | :: so that |
daß {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of dass |
daß {art} | :: obsolete spelling of das |
Dassel {prop} {n} | :: Dassel (town) |
Dasselfliege {f} | :: botfly |
dastehen {v} | :: to stand there |
das war's {phrase} | :: that's all, that's it |
das war's {phrase} | :: See: de das war es |
das Wasser reichen können {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hold a candle (literally: to hand the water) |
dat {art} [colloquial, dialectal] | :: alternative form of das |
dat {pron} [colloquial, dialectal] | :: alternative form of das |
dat {pron} [colloquial, dialectal, neuter nominative] | :: it |
dat {conj} [colloquial, dialectal] | :: alternative form of dass |
Dat. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Dativ |
Dataset {m} [computing] | :: data set |
Date {n} [colloquial] | :: date (romantic meeting) |
Date {n} [colloquial] | :: date (person with whom one has such a meeting) |
Date {n} [colloquial, rather rare] | :: date (non-romantic meeting) |
Datei {f} [computing] | :: file |
Dateiendung {f} | :: file extension |
Dateiformat {n} | :: file format |
Dateiname {m} [computing] | :: filename |
Dateipfad {m} | :: (computing) file path |
Datenautobahn {f} [dated, computing] | :: information superhighway |
Datenbank {f} [databases] | :: database |
Datenbankmodell {n} [databases] | :: database model |
Datenbankschlüssel {m} [databases] | :: database key |
Datenbanktabelle {f} [databases] | :: table (grid of data in rows and columns) |
Datenbankverwaltungssystem {n} [software] | :: database management system |
Datenblatt {n} | :: datasheet |
Datenkrake {f} [neologism, derogatory] | :: datenkraken, data leech (Internet companies that have a large number of users and possess detailed personal information on them) |
Datensammlung {f} | :: data collection |
Datensatz {m} [databases] | :: data record |
Datenschutz {m} | :: data privacy |
datenschutzrechtlich {adj} [attributive] | :: data protection law |
Datensicherung {f} | :: backup (the act of making a backup copy) |
Datensicherung {f} | :: backup (the result of making a backup copy) |
Datensparsamkeit {f} [legal] | :: data economy |
Datenspeicher {m} [computing] | :: memory (data storage) |
Datenträger {m} [computing] | :: drive |
Datentyp {m} [software] | :: data type |
Datenverarbeitung {f} [computer] | :: data processing |
Datenverlust {m} | :: dataloss, loss of data |
Datenverschlüsselung {f} | :: data encryption |
datieren {v} | :: to date (ascribe a date to an object) |
datiert {v} | :: past participle of datieren |
datiert {adj} | :: dated, out of date |
Datierung {m} | :: dating (age determination), (date stamping) |
Dativ {m} [grammar] | :: the dative (case) |
dato {adv} | :: the given date |
Datolith {m} [mineral] | :: datolite |
Datscha {f} | :: dacha |
Datsche {f} | :: dacha |
Dattel {f} | :: date (the fruit/palm tree) |
Datteln {prop} {n} | :: A city in the Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany |
Dattelner {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Datteln |
Dattelner {adj} | :: from, of, or pertaining to Datteln |
Datum {n} | :: date, datum |
Datum {n} | :: data, a fact, a piece of information about something |
DAU {noun} | :: acronym of dümmster anzunehmender User |
DAU {noun} | :: acronym of Digital-Analog-Umsetzer |
Daube {f} | :: stave (of a barrel) |
Daube {f} | :: daube |
Dauer {f} [countable] | :: duration |
Dauer {f} [uncountable] | :: permanence |
Daueraufenthalt {m} | :: permanent residence |
Dauerform {f} | :: living fossil |
Dauerfrost {m} | :: permafrost |
dauerhaft {adj} | :: permanent, lasting, enduring, durable |
dauerkrank {adj} | :: critically ill |
Dauerlösung {f} | :: permanent solution, durable solution |
Dauerlutscher {m} | :: lollipop, "all-day sucker" |
Dauermagnet {m} | :: permanent magnet |
dauern {v} | :: to last, to continue over time |
dauern {v} | :: to persist |
dauern {v} | :: to take (time) |
dauern {v} [archaic, with accusative] | :: to grieve; to arouse pity |
dauernd {adj} | :: continuous, perpetual, all the time |
Dauerwelle {f} | :: perm |
Dauerwirkung {f} | :: Long-term effect, a continuous or long-lasting influence |
Dauerzustand {m} | :: permanent condition, permanent state |
Däumchen {n} | :: diminutive of Daumen |
Däumchen drehen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to twiddle one's thumbs |
Daumen {m} | :: thumb |
Daumen drücken {v} | :: to make a fist with the thumb covered by the other four fingers, a gesture of luck equivalent to English "cross one's fingers" |
Daumen drücken {v} [figuratively] | :: to cross one's fingers; to wish good luck; to hope for the best |
Daumen mal Pi {adv} [Austria] | :: alternative form of Pi mal Daumen |
Daumennagel {m} | :: thumbnail |
Daumenregel {f} | :: rule of thumb |
Däumlein {n} | :: diminutive of Daumen |
Däumling {prop} {m} | :: [fairy tale figure] Tom Thumb |
Däumling {m} | :: thumbstall |
Däumling {m} | :: [on glove] thumb |
Däumling {m} | :: [technical] cam, dog |
Daune {f} [always countable] | :: down (soft, immature feather) |
Daus {n} | :: deuce, the number two in German games |
Daus {m} [archaic] | :: deuce, hunk, splendid bloke, a devil of a fellow |
David {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: David |
David {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Davidstern {m} [Judaism] | :: Star of David |
davon {adv} | :: from it, from that, therefrom, off it, off that |
davoneilen {vi} | :: to hurry away, to hasten away |
davonfahren {vi} | :: to drive away; to pull away |
davongeeilt {v} | :: past participle of davoneilen |
davongehen {v} | :: to walk away |
davongelaufen {adj} | :: runaway |
davongelaufen {adj} | :: untenable, run off |
davongerannt {adj} | :: runaway, escaped |
davonkommen {v} | :: to get off, to get away (To escape, usually with mild consequences.) |
davonkommen {v} [with preposition mit] | :: to get away with |
davonlaufen {v} | :: to run away |
davonmachen {vr} | :: to leave, slip away, scram |
davonrennen {vi} [colloquial] | :: [auxiliary: “sein”] To run away from something |
davonstehlen {vr} | :: to slip away, to skulk off |
davonstehlen {vr} | :: to abscond |
davor {adv} | :: in front of that/it |
davor {adv} | :: from that/it |
davor {adv} | :: before that; beforehand |
dawider {adv} | :: against it, against that |
Dax {prop} | :: alternative case form of DAX (German stock index) |
DAX {prop} | :: The most important German stock market index, originally Deutscher Aktienindex (German stock market index) |
DaZ {noun} [education] | :: initialism of Deutsch als Zweitsprache (German as a second language) |
dazu- {prefix} | :: A prefix; |
dazu {adv} | :: in addition to it, in addition, besides |
dazu {adv} | :: for that purpose |
dazu {adv} | :: to it, to that |
dazufügen {v} | :: to add to something |
dazugeben {v} | :: to add to something |
dazugegeben {v} | :: past participle of dazugeben - thrown in |
dazugehören {v} | :: to belong |
dazugehörig {adj} | :: associated, corresponding |
dazugehörig {adj} | :: appropriate, proper |
dazukommen {v} | :: to arrive |
dazukommen {v} | :: to be added |
dazumal {adv} [dated] | :: then; at that time; in those days |
dazutun {vt} | :: to add |
dazwischen {adv} | :: between them |
dazwischen {adv} | :: between, in between |
dazwischenfunken {v} [intransitiv, colloquial] | :: to butt in, interject, interrupt, interfere something, e.g. a conversation |
dazwischengehen {v} | :: to intervene |
dazwischenkommen {vi} | :: to get in the way |
DB {prop} [initialism] | :: [rail transport] Deutsche Bahn, the national railway company of Germany |
DBVS {noun} [software] | :: initialism of Datenbankverwaltungssystem |
DDR {prop} {f} | :: initialism of Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic, GDR) |
-de {suffix} [rare, not productive] | :: forms abstract nouns from adjectives |
de- {prefix} | :: de- |
Deadline {f} [especially, university, business] | :: deadline (time when something must be completed) |
deaktivieren {vt} | :: to deactivate, to disable (to put out of operation) |
deaktiviert {v} | :: past participle of deaktivieren |
Deaktivierung {f} | :: deactivation |
Deal {m} [slang] | :: a deal |
dealen {vi} | :: to sell drugs |
dealen {vt} [chiefly casino slang] | :: to deal (cards) |
Dealer {m} | :: drug dealer (somebody who peddles illicit drugs, especially to teenagers) |
Dealerin {f} | :: drug dealer (female) |
Debakel {n} | :: debacle |
Debatte {f} | :: debate |
debattieren {v} | :: to debate |
debil {adj} [dated, now offensive] | :: slightly mentally challenged; slightly retarded |
Debitor {m} | :: debtor |
debitorisch {adj} | :: debtor (attributive) |
Debreciner {m} | :: alternative form of Debrecziner |
Debrecziner {m} | :: debrecener (A Hungarian sausage) |
Debreziner {m} | :: alternative form of Debrecziner |
debuggen {v} | :: to debug |
Debuggen {n} [computing] | :: debugging |
Debugging {n} [computing] | :: debugging |
Debüt {n} | :: debut |
debütieren {v} | :: to debut |
Decacarbonyl {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: decacarbonyl |
Decahydrat {n} [chemistry] | :: decahydrate |
Decan {n} [organic compound] | :: decane |
Decarboxylase {f} [enzyme] | :: decarboxylase |
Dechantskirchen {prop} {n} | :: Dechantskirchen (municipality) |
dechiffrieren {v} | :: to decipher (to decode or decrypt a code or cipher) |
Deck {n} | :: deck (of a ship or boat) |
Deckchen {n} | :: diminutive of Decke |
Deckchen {n} | :: doily (ornamental piece) |
Decke {f} | :: any cloth or cushion used as a covering; a tablecloth, blanket, quilt, duvet, etc |
Decke {f} | :: ceiling; roof (surface at the upper limit of a room or cavity) |
Deckel {m} | :: lid (the cover of a container) |
deckeln {v} | :: to cap |
decken {v} | :: to cover (a roof, with a blanket, etc.) |
decken {v} [figuratively] | :: to cover (e.g. a demand, a loss; but not “to provide news coverage”) |
decken {v} [figuratively] | :: to cover (a female animal) |
decken {v} | :: to lay or set (the table) |
decken {v} [soccer] | :: to mark |
decken {vr} | :: to be congruent, to coincide |
decken {v} [chess] | :: to protect, to guard |
Deckenfarbe {f} | :: ceiling color |
Deckenfarbe {f} | :: ceiling paint |
Deckenfluter {m} | :: uplight, torchiere |
Deckenzapfen {m} | :: stalactite |
Deckmantel {m} [figuratively] | :: cloak, disguise |
Deckname {m} | :: code name |
Deckung {f} | :: cover |
Deckung {f} | :: coverage |
deckungsgleich {adj} [maths] | :: congruent |
Decorator {m} [software, design] | :: The decorator pattern |
dediziert {adj} | :: dedicated |
deduktiv {adj} | :: deductive |
deduzibel {adj} | :: deducible |
Deern {f} [Northern Germany] | :: girl |
defäkieren {vi} | :: To defecate |
Defätismus {m} | :: defeatism |
Defätist {m} [formal] | :: defeatist |
defätistisch {adj} | :: defeatist |
defekt {adj} | :: defective |
Defekt {m} | :: defect |
Defektelektron {f} [physics] | :: electron hole |
defektiv {adj} | :: defective |
Defenestration {f} | :: defenestration |
defenestrieren {v} | :: to defenestrate |
defensiv {adj} | :: defensive |
Defensive {f} | :: defensive (means, attitude or position of defense) |
defensiver {adj} | :: comparative of defensiv |
defensives Programmieren {n} [programming] | :: defensive programming |
defensivsten {adj} | :: superlative of defensiv |
Defilee {n} | :: parade; march past |
defilieren {v} | :: to march past; to parade past |
definieren {v} | :: to define |
definiert {adj} | :: defined |
Definition {f} | :: definition |
definitiv {adj} | :: definite, definitive |
defizient {adj} | :: deficient |
Defizit {n} | :: deficit |
Defizit {n} | :: deficiency |
defizitär {adj} | :: in deficit |
defizitärer {adj} | :: comparative of defizitär |
defizitärsten {adj} | :: superlative of defizitär |
Deflation {f} [economics] | :: deflation |
Defloration {f} | :: defloration (the act of deflowering) |
defragmentieren {v} | :: to defragment |
deftig {adj} | :: firm, rough, coarse (most often of speech or behaviour) |
deftig {adj} [food] | :: substantial, hearty, rustic |
deftig {adj} [dated or regional] | :: solid, presentable |
degagiert {adj} | :: uninhibited, free |
degagiert {adj} | :: free-standing |
Degen {m} [obsolete] | :: dagger |
Degen {m} | :: rapier, smallsword |
Degen {m} [fencing] | :: épée |
Degen {m} [obsolete] | :: hero, warrior, soldier |
Degeneration {f} [pathology] | :: degeneration, morbidity |
degenerativ {adj} | :: degenerative, decaying, morbid |
degenerieren {v} | :: to degenerate |
degoutant {adj} | :: disgusting |
degressiv {adj} | :: degressive, decreasing |
degustieren {v} [Switzerland] | :: to try (a food) critically, to determine how it tastes and smells |
degustiert {v} | :: past participle of degustieren |
Dehalogenierung {f} [chemistry] | :: dehalogenation |
dehnbar {adj} | :: ductile, tensile |
dehnbar {adj} | :: elastic, stretchy |
Dehnbarkeit {f} | :: ductility |
Dehnbarkeit {f} | :: tensile strength |
Dehnbarkeit {f} | :: extensibility |
dehnen {v} | :: to stretch |
Dehnung {f} | :: stretching |
Dehnung {f} [medicine] | :: dilation |
Dehnung {f} [linguistics] | :: lengthening |
Dehnungs-h {n} | :: letter h that indicates the previous vowel is pronounced long |
Dehnungsübung {f} [sports] | :: stretching exercise |
dehydrieren {v} [organic chemistry] | :: To dehydrogenate |
dehydriert {v} | :: past participle of dehydrieren |
dehydriert {adj} | :: dehydrated |
Dehydrierung {f} | :: dehydrogenation |
Dehydrogenase {f} [enzyme] | :: dehydrogenase |
Deibel {m} [chiefly colloquial, in idioms, interjections etc.] | :: devil |
Deich {m} | :: dyke, dike; permanent dam |
Deichbruch {m} | :: dike break |
Deichmann {prop} | :: surname |
Deichsel {f} | :: pole |
Deichsel {f} | :: shaft |
Deichsel {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: pall |
deiktisch {adj} | :: deictic |
dein {determiner} | :: thy, your [esp. to friends, relatives, children, etc.] |
Dein {pron} | :: alternative case form of dein (your (singular)) |
deiner {pron} | :: yours (substantival possessive) |
deinesgleichen {pron} | :: the likes of you (sg.) |
deinetwegen {adv} | :: because of you [2nd person singular], for your sake |
deinetwegen {adv} | :: as far as you [2nd person singular] are concerned (you don't mind if); for all you care |
deinige {pron} | :: of yours [singular] |
deins {pron} [in substantival use only, chiefly colloquial, but accepted in writing] | :: alternative form of deines |
dein Wort in Gottes Ohr {phrase} | :: from your lips to God's ears; I wish; expresses that the speaker wants a preceding statement to be true, but considers it unlikely or at least doubtful |
dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl {phrase} | :: your wish is my command |
Deiodase {f} [enzyme] | :: deiodase |
Deiodierung {f} | :: deiodination |
Deismus {m} [religion] | :: deism |
Deist {m} | :: deist |
Deistin {f} | :: a female deist |
deistisch {adj} | :: deistic |
Déjà-vu {n} | :: déjà vu |
Déjà-vu-Erlebnis {n} | :: déjà vu |
Dekade {f} [somewhat, learned] | :: ten days; a third of a month |
Dekade {f} [rare] | :: decade (ten years) |
dekadent {adj} | :: decadent |
dekadenter {adj} | :: comparative of dekadent |
Dekadenz {f} | :: decadence |
dekadisch {adj} | :: decadic, decadal |
Dekagramm {n} | :: decagram (unit of mass) |
dekagrammweise {adj} | :: in ten gram quantities |
Dekan {m} | :: dean (male or of unspecified sex) (senior official in college or university) |
Dekan {n} [organic compound] | :: decane [alternative spelling of] Decan |
Deklamation {f} | :: declamation |
deklamieren {v} | :: to declaim (to recite) |
deklamiert {v} | :: past participle of deklamieren |
Deklaration {f} | :: declaration (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief) |
deklarativ {adj} | :: declarative |
deklaratorisch {adj} | :: declaratory |
deklarieren {v} | :: to declare (make a declaration; announce something formally or officially) |
deklarieren {vt} [computing] | :: to declare (explicitly include as part of a list of variables) |
deklinabel {adj} | :: declinable |
Deklination {f} [grammar] | :: declension |
Deklination {f} [physics, astronomy] | :: declination |
deklinierbar {adj} [grammar] | :: declinable |
deklinieren {v} [grammar] | :: to decline |
Dekohärenz {f} | :: (quantum) decoherence |
Dekolleté {n} | :: cleavage (separation between breasts) |
Dekolletee {n} | :: alternative spelling of Dekolleté |
dekompilieren {v} | :: to decompile (to recreate the original source code) |
dekomponieren {vt} | :: to decompose |
Dekompression {f} [computing] | :: decompression |
Dekompression {f} [diving] | :: decompression |
Dekompressionskrankheit {f} [pathology, diving] | :: decompression sickness |
Dekor {n} | :: decor / décor |
Dekor {n} | :: decoration |
Dekoration {f} | :: decoration |
dekorativ {adj} | :: decorative, ornamental |
dekorieren {v} | :: to decorate |
Dekorierer {m} | :: Somebody who decorates |
Dekorierer {m} [software, design] | :: synonym of Decorator |
Dekorporation {n} | :: decorporation |
Dekorverchromung {f} | :: decorative chromium plating |
dekremental {adj} | :: decremental |
Dekret {n} | :: decree |
Dekubitus {m} [no plural] | :: decubitus, bedsore (lesion caused by pressure) |
delatorisch {adj} | :: slanderous, defamatory |
Delbrück {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Delegation {f} | :: delegation |
delegieren {v} | :: to delegate |
Delegierter {m} | :: delegate, representative |
delektabel {adj} | :: delectable, delightful |
deletär {adj} | :: deleterious |
Delfin {m} | :: alternative spelling of Delphin |
delikat {adj} | :: delicate |
delikat {adj} | :: delicious |
delikater {adj} | :: comparative of delikat |
Delikatesse {f} | :: delicacy (pleasing food) |
Delikt {n} | :: crime, offense |
Delinquent {m} | :: delinquent (one who breaks the law) |
Delirium {n} | :: delirium |
Delitzsch {prop} {n} | :: surname |
Delitzsch {prop} {n} | :: Delitzsch (town) |
deliziös {adj} | :: delicious |
Delle {f} | :: dent |
Delmenhorst {prop} | :: Delmenhorst (independent city) |
Delokalisierung {f} | :: delocalization |
Delphin {m} | :: dolphin |
Delphin {m} | :: Delphinus |
Delphin {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: dolphin |
Delta {n} | :: delta (Greek letter) |
de luxe {adj} | :: deluxe |
Demagoge {m} | :: demagogue |
Demagogie {f} | :: demagogy |
Demagogin {f} | :: feminine noun of Demagoge |
demagogisch {adj} | :: demagogic |
demanten {adj} [poetic] | :: diamond (made of, or covered with diamonds) |
dematerialisieren {v} | :: to dematerialize |
dem Auge fern, dem Herzen nah {proverb} [fairly rare] | :: absence makes the heart grow fonder |
dement {adj} | :: demented |
Dementi {n} | :: denial |
dementieren {v} | :: to deny (publicly or officially) |
dementsprechend {adj} | :: appropriate |
dementsprechend {adj} | :: corresponding |
dementsprechend {adv} | :: accordingly |
Demenz {f} | :: dementia |
demgegenüber {adv} | :: in contrast to that |
demgegenüber {adv} | :: compared to that |
demgemäß {adj} | :: according to what is already known |
demilitarisiert {adj} | :: demilitarized |
Deminution {f} [chiefly archaic] | :: rare spelling of Diminution |
demissionieren {v} [of government officials] | :: to resign |
demissionieren {v} [Swiss] | :: to fire (an employee); to give notice; to terminate (a contract) |
Demiurg {m} | :: demiurge |
Demiurg {m} [gnosticism] | :: Demiurge (inferior creator deity in Gnosticism) |
demiurgisch {adj} | :: demiurgic |
demnach {adv} | :: therefore |
demnächst {adv} | :: soon, in a near time, in a short while, in near future |
Demo {f} [politics] | :: clipping of Demonstration |
Demo {n} [music] | :: clipping of Demotape |
Demobilisation {f} [military] | :: demobilization |
demobilisieren {v} | :: to demobilize |
demobilisiert {v} | :: past participle of demobilisieren |
Demobilisierung {f} [military] | :: demobilization |
Demografie {f} | :: demography (study of human populations) |
demografisch {adj} | :: alternative form of demographisch |
demographisch {adj} | :: demographic |
Demokrat {m} | :: democrat |
Demokratie {f} | :: democracy |
Demokratin {f} | :: a female democrat |
demokratisch {adj} | :: democratic |
demokratischer {adj} | :: comparative of demokratisch |
Demokratische Republik Kongo {prop} {f} | :: Democratic Republic of the Congo |
demokratischer Sozialismus {m} | :: democratic socialism |
Demokratische Volksrepublik Algerien {prop} {f} | :: People's Democratic Republic of Algeria |
Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea {prop} {f} | :: Democratic People's Republic of Korea (country in East Asia (official name)) |
Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos {prop} {f} | :: Lao People's Democratic Republic |
demokratischsten {adj} | :: superlative of demokratisch |
demokratisieren {v} | :: to democratize |
Demokratisierung {f} | :: democratization |
Demokrit {prop} | :: Democritus |
demolieren {v} | :: to demolish, destroy, tear down |
demolieren {v} [Austria] | :: to tear down a dilapidated building, specifically |
Demonstrant {m} | :: demonstrator, protester (male or of unspecified sex) |
Demonstrantin {f} | :: demonstrator (female) |
Demonstration {f} [politics] | :: demonstration, rally |
Demonstrationskraftwerk {n} | :: demonstration power plant |
Demonstrationsverbot {n} | :: ban on demonstrating, prohibition of protesting |
demonstrativ {adj} | :: demonstrative |
Demonstrativpronomen {n} | :: a demonstrative pronoun (a pronoun which replaces a noun), such as dieser in the sentence dieser ist rot (this one is red) |
demonstrieren {v} | :: to demonstrate (to participate in or organize a public display of group opinion) |
demonstriert {adj} | :: demonstrated |
Demontage {f} | :: dismantling |
demontieren {v} | :: to dismantle |
demoralisieren {v} | :: to demoralize |
Demoskop {m} | :: opinion pollster |
Demoskopie {f} | :: opinion poll |
Demoskopin {f} | :: opinion pollster who is female |
demoskopisch {adj} | :: public opinion polling (attributive) |
Demoszene {f} | :: demoscene |
demotisch {adj} | :: demotic |
demotivieren {v} | :: to demotivate |
demotiviert {v} | :: past participle of demotivieren |
dems. {pron} | :: abbreviation of demselben |
Demut {f} | :: humility, meekness (comprehension or expression of one’s own lowliness) |
Demüthigung {noun} | :: obsolete spelling of Demütigung |
demütig {adj} | :: humble (thinking lowly of oneself) |
demütigen {v} | :: to humiliate, to humble |
demütigst {adv} | :: most humbly |
Demütigung {f} | :: humiliation |
dem Volk aufs Maul schauen {v} [idiom] | :: to listen to the common man |
demzufolge {adv} | :: therefore, hence |
demzufolge {adv} | :: accordingly, according to that |
den Arsch offen haben {v} [vulgar, idiom] | :: to be out of one's mind |
den Ast absägen, auf dem man sitzt {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: to undermine one's own position; to act in a way that will eventually make one lose something that one is dependent on |
denaturieren {v} | :: To denature |
denaturiert {v} | :: past participle of denaturieren |
Denaturierung {f} | :: denaturing, denaturation |
den Bach runter gehen {v} | :: to go south (decline, fail) |
den Bach runtergehen {v} | :: to go to hell in a handbasket (literally: to go down the stream) |
den Bock zum Gärtner machen {v} [idiomatic] | :: put the fox in charge of the chickens |
den Boden bereiten {v} [idiom] | :: to set the stage, to pave the way |
den Bogen überspannen {v} [idiom] | :: to go too far, overstep the mark |
den Braten riechen {v} [idiom] | :: to smell a rat |
den Buckel hinhalten {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take the blame |
Dendrit {m} | :: dendrite |
dendritisch {adj} | :: branching |
dendritisch {adj} | :: dendritic |
Dendrochronologie {f} | :: dendrochronology |
Dendrologie {f} | :: dendrology |
dendrologisch {adj} | :: dendrological |
denen {pron} [relative] | :: (to) whom, (to) which, that |
denen {pron} [demonstrative] | :: (to) that, (to) him/her |
den Faden verlieren {v} [idiomatic] | :: to lose the plot |
den Geist aufgeben {phrase} | :: to give up the ghost |
dengeln {v} | :: to peen |
denglisch {adj} | :: Denglish (attributive) |
Denglisch {prop} {n} | :: Denglish (German with excessive use of English vocabulary) |
Denglisch {prop} {n} | :: A kind of jocular slang with English words but German syntax and idioms |
den grünen Daumen haben {phrase} | :: to have a green thumb |
Den Haag {prop} {n} | :: Den Haag (city/and/capital) |
den Hut nehmen {v} [idiom] | :: to resign, quit |
Denis {prop} | :: given name, borrowed from French Denis |
Denise {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Denkart {f} | :: way of thinking |
denkbar {adj} | :: cogitable |
denkbar {adj} | :: imaginable |
denkbar {adj} | :: thinkable |
Denke {f} [colloquial] | :: way of thinking, midset, mentality, attitude |
denken {vit} [rarely] | :: to think |
denken {vi} [with an + accusative] | :: to think about |
denken {vi} [with an + accusative] | :: not to forget; to remember (to bring along, etc.) |
denken {vt} [with reflexive dative] | :: to imagine |
Denken {n} | :: thinking, thought(s) |
Denker {m} | :: thinker |
Denker {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Denkfabrik {f} | :: think tank |
denkfaul {adj} | :: mentally lazy; too lazy to think (postpos.) (zu faul zum Denken) |
Denkfehler {m} | :: faulty reasoning |
Denkfehler {m} | :: logical fallacy |
Denkmal {n} | :: monument, memorial |
Denkmalschutz {m} | :: monument protection |
Denkmünze {f} | :: commemorative medal |
Denkschrift {f} | :: memorandum |
den Kürzeren ziehen {v} [idiom] | :: to draw the short straw; to get the short end of the stick |
den Kürzeren ziehen {v} [literally] | :: to be chosen by drawing the shorter straw (stick, match) in drawing straws |
den Kürzeren ziehen {v} [figuratively, only this form] | :: to lose; to be defeated; to have a disadvantage |
denkwürdig {adj} | :: memorable, notable |
Denkzettel {m} | :: punishment, reprehension, beating (most often: so as to intimidate and deter) |
den Löffel abgeben {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to die; to bite the dust |
denn {conj} | :: for; because; since |
denn {conj} [after a comparative] | :: than |
denn {adv} [in a question] | :: then; ever; but; used for emphasis or to express surprise |
denn {adv} [rather rare] | :: thus, so; expresses a consequence; see usage notes |
denn {adv} [colloquial, regional, northern Germany] | :: then, after that, in that case |
den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hit the nail on the head |
Dennis {prop} | :: given name, an English type spelling of Denis |
dennoch {adv} | :: anyhow, however |
denominalis {adj} [grammar, with Latin or Latin-like substantives] | :: denominal, denominative |
denotativ {adj} | :: denotative |
den Rubikon überschreiten {v} | :: cross the Rubicon (to make an irreversible decision) |
dens. {pron} | :: abbreviation of denselben |
den Schein wahren {v} [idiom] | :: to keep up appearances |
den Schwanz einziehen {v} [idiom] | :: to turn tail, to be a coward |
den Spieß umdrehen {v} [idiomatic] | :: turn the tables (literally: turn the pike) |
dental {adj} | :: dental |
Dental {m} [phonetics] | :: dental |
Dentalfluorose {f} | :: dental fluorosis |
Dentaltechnik {f} | :: synonym of Zahntechnik |
den Teufel an die Wand malen {v} [colloquial, idiom] | :: to be overly pessimistic [and thereby evoke a bad outcome] |
den Teufel mit dem Beelzebub austreiben {v} | :: to ally oneself to or use an evil force in order to fight another |
den Tod erleiden {v} [formal, idiom] | :: to die [in an accident or in battle] |
den Tod finden {v} [chiefly literary] | :: to die, usually in an accident or by homicide |
Denunziant {m} | :: informer (male or of unspecified sex) (Someone who denounces or informs against a person.) |
Denunziantentum {n} | :: culture of denunciation |
Denunziantin {f} | :: informer (female) (Someone who denounces or informs against a person.) |
Denunziation {f} | :: denouncing, informing against |
denunziatorisch {adj} | :: denunciatory |
denunzieren {v} | :: to denounce, to inform against |
denunzieren {v} | :: to denounce, to stigmatise |
denunziert {v} | :: past participle of denunzieren |
den Vogel abschießen {v} [idiom] | :: to take the cake |
den Weg allen Fleisches gehen {v} | :: go the way of all flesh |
den Weg alles Irdischen gehen {v} [euphemistic] | :: die |
den Weg ebnen {vt} [idiom] | :: to pave the way |
den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen {v} [with dative] | :: take the wind out of someone's sails |
Deo {n} | :: short for Deodorant |
Deodorant {n} {m} [chiefly formal] | :: deodorant |
deontisch {adj} | :: deontic |
deontologisch {adj} | :: deontological |
Departement {n} [administration] | :: department |
Departementsrat {m} [administration] | :: departmental council [in France; until 2015 known as general council] |
Departementsrat {m} [Switzerland] | :: student council of a university department |
Department {n} [of the US government or US/UK universities] | :: department |
Dependance {f} [business] | :: branch |
Dépendance {f} | :: alternative spelling of Dependance |
Dependency Injection {f} [computing] | :: dependency injection |
Dependency-Inversion-Prinzip {prop} {n} [programming, object-oriented] | :: synonym of Abhängigkeits-Invertierungs-Prinzip |
Depesche {f} [dated, telegram] | :: dispatch, despatch |
Dephosphorylierung {f} [chemistry] | :: dephosphorylation |
deplaciert {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of deplatziert |
deplatziert {adj} | :: misplaced, out of place |
deplaziert {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of deplatziert |
deplorabel {adj} | :: deplorable |
Depolarisation {f} | :: depolarization |
Deponens {n} | :: deponent (verb) |
Deponie {f} | :: landfill, dumpsite |
deponieren {v} [money] | :: to deposit; to place |
deponieren {v} [waste] | :: to deposit; to landfill |
Deportation {f} | :: deportation |
Depositenbank {f} | :: commercial bank |
Depot {n} | :: depot, repository |
Depot {n} [banking] | :: deposit, depository |
Depp {m} [pejorative] | :: fool, idiot, dork (quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends) |
Deppenapostroph {m} | :: greengrocer’s apostrophe |
Deppenleerzeichen {n} [pejorative, colloquial] | :: A space incorrectly dividing a compound word |
deppert {adj} [Southern Germany, Austria] | :: stupid, dumb |
deprekativ {adj} | :: deprecative |
Depression {f} [economics or psychology] | :: depression |
depressiv {adj} | :: depressive |
depretiativ {adj} | :: depreciative |
deprimierend {adj} | :: depressing, dismal, melancholic |
deprimiert {adj} | :: depressed |
Deprotonierung {f} [chemistry] | :: deprotonation |
der {art} | :: the |
der {pron} | :: who; that; which |
der {pron} [attributive, stressed] | :: that |
der {pron} [indicative] | :: him, he |
der {pron} [differential] | :: the one, him |
der Amtsschimmel wiehert {phrase} | :: there is an excessive amount of bureaucracy; someone or some organization is being excessively bureaucratic |
derangiert {adj} | :: disheveled, disarranged, deranged |
der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm {proverb} | :: the apple does not fall far from the tree |
derart {adv} | :: so, thus, in such a manner |
derartig {adj} | :: such, suchlike |
derb {adj} | :: rough, coarse, rude |
derb {adj} | :: sturdy, tough |
derb {adj} [lexicography, literature, sociography] | :: pertaining to a manner of intercourse that is wittingly aggressive, purposefully unrefined – cocky, cheeky, flippant, brazen |
derbe {adj} [colloquial, chiefly northern Germany] | :: alternative form of derb |
derbe {adv} [colloquial] | :: Used as intensifier; very |
Derby {n} [sports] | :: an eagerly anticipated match between two rivals, especially |
Derby {n} | :: a local derby |
Derby {n} | :: a match between two teams who are direct rivals in the table |
Derby {n} [sports, equestrianism] | :: horse race; derby |
deregulieren {v} | :: to deregulate |
Deregulierung {f} | :: deregulation |
dereinst {adv} [formal] | :: one day |
dereinst {adv} [dated] | :: once |
deren {pron} [relative] | :: whose, of which |
deren {pron} [demonstrative] | :: her, their, the latter's |
derenthalben {adv} [dated] | :: because of them, because of which [feminine or plural] |
derentwegen {adv} [archaic] | :: because of whom, because of which, on whose account, on account of whom |
derer {pron} [relative] | :: whose, of which |
derer {pron} [demonstrative] | :: her, their, the latter's |
der Esel geht immer voran {proverb} | :: Said when someone mentions themselves first in an enumeration of people (like “I and you”, “I and my friend”), which is considered unmannered in the German-speaking (and some other) countries |
der Esel nennt sich immer zuerst {proverb} | :: Said when someone mentions themselves first in an enumeration of people (like “I and you”, “I and my friend”), which is considered unmannered in the German-speaking (and some other) countries |
der Esel nennt sich immer zuletzt {proverb} [originally, erroneous, but now somewhat common] | :: alternative form of der Esel nennt sich immer zuerst |
der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm {proverb} | :: the early bird gets the worm |
der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach {proverb} | :: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak |
der Glaube kann Berge versetzen {proverb} | :: faith will move mountains |
dergleichen {pron} | :: such |
dergleichen {pron} | :: such things |
derhalben {adv} [dated] | :: hence, therefore |
Derivat {n} | :: derivative (financial instrument whose value depends on the valuation of an underlying instrument) |
Derivat {n} [linguistics] | :: derivative [word] |
derivativ {adj} | :: derivative |
derjenige {pron} | :: he (who) |
derjenige {pron} | :: the one |
derjenige {pron} | :: this one, that one |
der Krug geht so lange zum Brunnen, bis er bricht {proverb} | :: the pitcher goes so often to the well, that it is broken at last |
derlei {pron} | :: this kind / type / sort |
dermal {adj} | :: dermal |
dermal {adv} | :: alternative form of dermalen |
dermalen {adv} | :: now |
Dermatitis {f} [pathology] | :: dermatitis |
Dermatologe {m} | :: dermatologist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Dermatologie {f} | :: dermatology |
Dermatologin {f} | :: dermatologist (female) |
Dermatozoenwahn {m} [psychiatry] | :: Delusional parasitosis (delusional disorder in which individuals incorrectly believe they are infested with parasites, insects, or bugs) |
derogatorisch {adj} | :: derogatory |
derohalben {adv} [dated] | :: hence, therefore |
deroutieren {v} [Austria, Swiss] | :: to make insecure, uncertain |
deroutieren {v} [economics] | :: to cause a drop in prices |
derowegen {adv} [dated] | :: therefore |
der Reihe nach {phrase} | :: one by one, in turn |
ders. {pron} | :: abbreviation of derselbe |
ders. {pron} | :: abbreviation of derselben |
derselbe {pron} | :: the same |
derselbe {pron} | :: selfsame |
derselbe {pron} | :: idem |
derselbe {determiner} | :: the same |
derselbe {determiner} | :: selfsame |
der springende Punkt {noun} | :: the salient point |
der Ton macht die Musik {proverb} | :: What one says can sometimes be less important then how one says it |
der Tropfen, der das Fass zum Überlaufen bringt {m} [idiomatic] | :: final straw, last straw, the straw that broke the camel's back (literally: the drop that makes the barrel overflow) |
der Tyrann braucht einen Pfaffen an seiner Seite, und der Pfaff einen Tyrann {proverb} | :: "The tyrant needs a pope at his side and the pope a tyrant" |
der wahre Jakob {m} [idiom] | :: the real McCoy |
der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert {proverb} | :: the road to hell is paved with good intentions |
derweil {adv} | :: meanwhile, meantime |
derweil {conj} | :: while |
Derwisch {m} | :: dervish |
derzeit {adv} | :: at this time, currently, nowadays |
derzeit {adv} | :: at that time, then |
derzeitig {adj} | :: current, present, prevailing |
der Zweck heiligt die Mittel {proverb} | :: the end justifies the means |
des- {prefix} | :: des- |
des- {prefix} | :: dis- |
Des {noun} [music] | :: D-flat |
des Abends {adv} [dated] | :: synonym of abends |
Desaster {n} | :: disaster |
desaströs {adj} | :: disastrous |
desavouieren {vt} [formal] | :: to expose, to compromise |
desavouieren {vt} [formal] | :: to disavow |
Descloizit {n} [mineral] | :: descloizite |
desensibilisieren {v} | :: to desensitize (cause to become insensitive) |
Desertation {f} | :: desertion |
Deserteur {m} | :: deserter |
desertieren {v} [military] | :: to desert |
Desertion {f} | :: desertion |
desfallsig {adj} | :: corresponding |
Desferrioxamin {n} [medicine] | :: desferrioxamine |
desgleichen {adv} | :: likewise |
desgleichen {adv} | :: [und desgleichen] and the like |
deshalb {adv} | :: therefore; for that (reason), because of that |
desiderabel {adj} | :: desirable |
desiderat {adj} | :: urgently needed |
Desiderat {n} | :: desideratum |
Design {n} | :: design (creative profession or art) |
designatus {adj} | :: designate |
Design by Contract {n} [software, design] | :: design by contract |
designieren {v} | :: to designate (mark out and make known; to point out; to name; to indicate) |
designiert {v} | :: past participle of designieren |
Desillusion {f} | :: disillusion |
desillusionieren {v} | :: to disillusion |
desillusionierend {adj} | :: disillusioning |
desillusioniert {v} | :: past participle of desillusionieren |
Desinfektion {f} | :: disinfection |
Desinfektion {f} | :: fumigation |
Desinfektionsmittel {n} | :: disinfectant |
desinfizieren {v} | :: to disinfect |
desinfizierend {adj} | :: disinfectant, disinfecting |
Desinfizierung {f} | :: disinfection |
Desinformation {f} | :: disinformation |
desinteressiert {adj} | :: uninterested, indifferent |
Desirée {prop} | :: given name |
Désirée {prop} | :: given name borrowed from French |
deskriptiv {adj} | :: descriptive (describing) |
Desktop {m} | :: desktop |
Desktop {m} [computing] | :: desktop |
Desktop-Computer {m} | :: desktop computer |
desmal {adj} | :: chondral |
Desman {m} | :: A desman |
des Morgens {adv} [dated] | :: synonym of morgens |
des Öfteren {adv} | :: many times |
desolat {adj} | :: bleak; miserable; wretched (very bad and unlikely to improve) |
Desorption {n} | :: desorption |
Desoxidation {f} [chemistry] | :: deoxidation |
Desoxidationsmittel {n} | :: deoxidizer |
desoxidieren {v} | :: To deoxidize |
desoxidiert {v} | :: past participle of desoxidieren |
Desoxyglucose {f} [organic compound] | :: deoxyglucose |
Desoxyribonukleinsäure {f} | :: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) |
Desoxyribonukleotid {n} [organic chemistry] | :: deoxyribonucleotide |
despektierlich {adj} | :: disrespectful |
desperat {adj} | :: desperate |
Despot {m} | :: despot |
despotisch {adj} | :: despotic |
Despotismus {m} | :: despotism |
des Pudels Kern {m} | :: the crux of the matter, the gist of the matter, the heart of the matter |
dess. {pron} | :: abbreviation of desselben |
deß {art} | :: obsolete spelling of des |
Desselbrunn {prop} {n} | :: Desselbrunn (municipality) |
dessen {pron} [relative] | :: whose, of which |
dessen {pron} [demonstrative] | :: his, its, the latter's |
dessenthalben {adv} [dated] | :: because of them [masculine or neuter] |
dessentwegen {adv} [formal, dated] | :: because of or on account of which or whom |
Dessert {n} | :: dessert |
Dessertlöffel {m} | :: dessert spoon |
Dessous {n} | :: lingerie |
DEST {prop} {f} | :: Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke or more formally Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke GmbH "German Earth and Stone Works Company", an SS enterprise which procured building materials for the Nazi German government |
destabilisieren {v} | :: to destabilize |
Destillation {f} [chemistry] | :: distillation (separation of a substance) |
Destillationsgefäß {n} | :: alembic, still (distillation vessel) |
destillieren {v} [chemistry] | :: to distil (subject a substance to distillation) |
destilliert {adj} | :: distilled |
Destination {f} | :: destination |
desto {conj} | :: the (forming the parallel comparative with je) |
destruktiv {adj} | :: destructive (causing destruction; damaging) |
deswegen {adv} | :: therefore |
des weiteren {phrase} | :: furthermore, in addition |
desweiteren {adv} [proscribed or nonstandard] | :: furthermore; alternative form of des weiteren |
des Weiteren {adv} | :: alternative form of des weiteren |
det {art} [colloquial, Berlin-Brandenburg] | :: alternative form of das |
det {pron} [colloquial, Berlin-Brandenburg] | :: alternative form of das |
det {pron} [colloquial, Berlin-Brandenburg, neuter nominative] | :: it |
Detail {n} | :: detail |
Detailhandel {m} [now Switzerland] | :: retail (sale of goods directly to the consumer) |
Detailhändler {m} [now Switzerland] | :: retailer (saler of goods directly to the consumer) |
detailliert {adj} | :: detailed |
detailliert {adv} | :: detailedly |
detaillierter {adj} | :: comparative of detailliert |
detailverliebt {adj} | :: obsessed with detail |
Detektei {f} | :: detective agency |
detektieren {v} | :: To detect |
detektiert {v} | :: past participle of detektieren - detected |
Detektion {f} | :: detection |
Detektionsgrenze {f} | :: detection limit |
Detektiv {m} | :: detective, private investigator, sleuth (male or of unspecified sex) |
Detektor {m} | :: detector |
Determinante {f} [also math, biology] | :: determinant |
Determination {f} | :: determination |
Determinativkompositum {n} | :: endocentric compound |
Determinismus {m} | :: determinism |
deterministisch {adj} | :: deterministic |
Detlef {prop} | :: given name |
Detlev {prop} | :: given name |
Detonation {f} | :: detonation |
Detonationsgeschwindigkeit {f} | :: detonation velocity |
detsch {adj} | :: confused |
detsch {adj} | :: awkward |
Deut {m} [historical] | :: a Dutch coin, doit |
Deut {m} [accusative only, in adverbial constructions, usually in negation] | :: a bit, a little |
deuteln {v} | :: to explain away, to interprete in a petty manner, to quibble |
deuten {v} | :: to interpret |
deuten {v} | :: to point at (with auf) |
Deuter {m} | :: demonstrator, explainer |
Deuterid {n} | :: deuteride |
Deuterium {n} | :: deuterium |
Deuteriumverbindung {f} [chemistry] | :: deuterium (or deuterated) compound |
Deuteron {n} [physics] | :: deuteron |
Deuteronomium {prop} | :: Deuteronomy (book of the Bible) |
deutlich {adj} | :: articulate, clear |
deutlich {adj} | :: distinct |
deutlich {adj} | :: considerable |
deutlich {adv} | :: distinctly, clearly |
deutlicher {adj} | :: comparative of deutlich |
deutsch {adj} | :: German (of or pertaining to the German people) |
deutsch {adj} | :: German (of or pertaining to Germany) |
deutsch {adj} | :: German (of or pertaining to the German language) |
Deutsch {n} | :: German (primary language of Germany and several surrounding countries) |
deutschbaltisch {adj} | :: Baltic-German (referring to German-speaking people of Estonia and Latvia) |
deutschblütig {adj} [Nazi] | :: racially German |
deutsch-deutsch {adj} [historical] | :: Pertaining to both East Germany and West Germany |
deutsch-deutsch {adj} [historical] | :: Between East Germany and West Germany |
Deutsche {f} | :: German (female) |
Deutsche Demokratische Republik {prop} {f} | :: German Democratic Republic (GDR) |
Deutsche Dogge {f} | :: Great Dane (dog breed) |
Deutscher {m} | :: German (male or of unspecified sex) |
Deutscher Herbst {prop} {m} | :: German Autumn |
Deutscher Orden {prop} {m} | :: Teutonic Order (religious order) |
Deutsche Schabe {prop} | :: German cockroach, Blattella germanica |
Deutsches Reich {prop} {n} | :: the German Empire (official name of the German state from 1871 through the mid 1940s) |
Deutschfeistritz {prop} {n} | :: Deutschfeistritz (municipality) |
Deutschkenntnis {f} | :: knowledge of the German language |
Deutschkreutz {prop} {n} | :: Deutschkreutz (municipality) |
Deutschland {prop} {n} | :: Deutschland (country) |
Deutschland {prop} {n} | :: short for a nation state, the legal person comprising the most part of territory with German dominating, or its territory |
Deutschland {prop} {n} | :: short for Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation or short for heiliges römisches Reich deutscher Nation |
Deutschland {prop} {n} | :: short for Deutsches Reich |
Deutschland {prop} {n} | :: short for Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Deutschlandlied {prop} {n} | :: The German national anthem, composed by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben |
Deutschlandsberg {prop} {n} | :: Deutschlandsberg (municipality) |
deutschlandweit {adj} | :: Germany-wide; in all of Germany |
deutschnational {adj} | :: German nationalist; favouring German nationalism, especially |
deutschnational {adj} [historical] | :: of the national-conservative Deutschnationale Volkspartei (German National People's Party) |
deutschnational {adj} [Austria, South Tyrol] | :: of those who consider themselves members of the German nation (which does not necessarily mean that they favour a unified state) |
deutschnational {adj} [neologism, often, pejorative] | :: of those who insist on ancestry and ethnicity as the main criterion of German-ness |
Deutschnofen {prop} {n} | :: Deutschnofen (municipality) |
Deutschordensritter {m} | :: Teutonic Knight |
Deutschordensstaat {prop} {m} [historical] | :: State of the Teutonic Order |
Deutschrussisch {prop} {n} | :: a pidgin using German and Russian words, also known as Quelia |
Deutschschweiz {prop} {f} | :: German-speaking Switzerland |
Deutschschweizer {m} | :: German-speaking Swiss person |
Deutschschweizer {adj} | :: from, of, or pertaining to German-speaking Switzerland |
deutschschweizerisch {adj} | :: Swiss German |
deutschsprachig {adj} | :: germanophone |
deutschstämmig {adj} | :: ethnically German |
Deutschtum {n} | :: Germanness |
Deutschtümelei {f} | :: German chauvinism |
deutschtümeln {v} | :: to act chauvinistic for Germany |
Deutung {f} | :: interpretation, analysis |
Deutungshoheit {f} | :: power to control interpretation |
deverbativ {adj} | :: deverbative |
deviant {adj} [sociology, psychology] | :: deviant |
Devise {f} | :: motto |
Devise {f} [finance, plural only] | :: foreign currency |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (county) |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (town) |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (small rural community) |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (former town) |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (village/and/neighborhood) |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (unincorporated community) |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (unincorporated community) |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (CDP) |
Devon {prop} | :: Devon (unincorporated community) |
Devon {prop} | :: the Devonian |
Devos {prop} | :: surname |
devot {adj} | :: submissive, servile |
Devotion {f} | :: piety, devotion |
Devotion {f} | :: humility, submissiveness |
Dewargefäß {n} | :: Dewar vessel, Dewar flask |
dextral {adj} | :: dextral |
Dextrin {n} [carbohydrate] | :: dextrin |
Dextrose {f} | :: dextrose (naturally-occurring form of glucose) |
deyn {determiner} | :: obsolete spelling of dein |
deyne {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of deine |
deyne {determiner} | :: obsolete spelling of deine |
deynem {determiner} | :: obsolete spelling of deinem |
deynen {determiner} | :: obsolete spelling of deinen |
deyner {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of deiner |
deyner {determiner} | :: obsolete spelling of deiner |
deynes {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of deines |
deynes {determiner} | :: obsolete spelling of deines |
Dez {m} [regional] | :: head |
Dezember {m} | :: December |
dezent {adj} | :: discreet; tactful |
dezent {adj} | :: unobtrusive; inconspicuous |
dezent {adj} [of clothes] | :: unobtrusive; decent (neither gaudy nor alluring) |
dezenter {adj} | :: comparative of dezent |
dezentesten {adj} | :: superlative of dezent |
dezentral {adj} | :: decentralized |
dezentral {adj} | :: peripheral |
Dezenz {f} | :: discreetness |
Dezenz {f} | :: unobtrusiveness |
Dezernat {n} | :: department (especially of a government, institution, or administration entity such as a police, a city government, or a university) |
dezi- {prefix} | :: deci- |
Dezibel {n} | :: decibel (a common measure of sound intensity) |
dezidiert {adj} | :: determined, decided |
Deziliter {m} | :: deciliter |
Dezillion {num} | :: A long scale decillion, 1060; a short scale novemdecillion |
dezimal {adj} [maths] | :: decimal |
Dezimalstelle {f} | :: decimal place |
Dezimalsystem {n} | :: decimal system |
Dezimeter {m} | :: decimeter |
dezisionistisch {adj} | :: decisionist |
dezisiv {adj} | :: decisive |
DFB {prop} | :: initialism of Deutscher Fußball-Bund |
DG {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of DachGeschoss |
DGB {prop} | :: initialism of Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund |
dgl. {pron} | :: abbreviation of dergleichen |
dgl. {pron} | :: abbreviation of desgleichen |
DGS {prop} | :: Deutsche Gebärdensprache: German Sign Language |
d. h. {adv} | :: abbreviation of das heißt |
DHH {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Doppelhaushälfte |
d'hondtsch {adj} | :: Pertaining to the D'Hondt method |
d. i. {phrase} | :: initialism of [] |
di- {prefix} | :: di- |
Di. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Dienstag "Tuesday" |
DI {noun} | :: initialism of Dipl.-Ing. (an abbreviation of Diplomingenieur or Diplomingenieurin.) |
Dia {n} | :: slide (transparent image, to be projected to a screen) |
Diabetes {m} [disease] | :: diabetes |
Diabetiker {m} | :: diabetic |
diabetisch {adj} | :: diabetic |
diabolisch {adj} | :: diabolic (showing wickedness typical of a devil) |
diachron {adj} | :: synonym of diachronisch |
diachronisch {adj} | :: diachronic |
Diadem {n} | :: diadem |
Diademsifaka {m} | :: Diademed Sifaka |
Diagnose {f} | :: diagnosis |
Diagnostik {f} | :: diagnostics |
diagnostisch {adj} | :: diagnostic |
diagnostizieren {v} | :: to diagnose |
diagonal {adj} | :: diagonal |
Diagonale {f} | :: diagonal (something arranged diagonally or obliquely) |
Diagonale {f} [technology] | :: screen diagonal (measurement for the size of a screen) |
Diagonale {f} [chess] | :: diagonal |
Diagramm {n} | :: diagram |
Diagramm {n} | :: chart |
Diakon {m} | :: (Church) deacon |
Diakonie {f} [Christianity] | :: (professional) social work (social welfare work) provided by churches |
diakritisch {adj} | :: diacritical, diacritic |
Dialekt {m} | :: dialect, regiolect |
dialektal {adj} | :: dialectal |
Dialektik {f} | :: dialectic |
dialektisch {adj} | :: dialectical |
dialektisch {adj} [rare] | :: dialectal (pertaining to a dialect) |
Dialektkontinuum {n} | :: dialect continuum |
Dialektologie {f} | :: dialectology |
Dialog {m} | :: dialogue |
dialogarm {adj} | :: Having little or no dialogue |
dialogfähig {adj} | :: able to communicate |
Dialogfenster {n} [computing] | :: dialog box |
Dialyse {f} [chemistry] | :: dialysis |
Dialysepatient {m} | :: dialysis patient (male or of unspecified sex) |
Dialysepatientin {f} | :: dialysis patient (female) |
diamagnetisch {adj} [physics] | :: diamagnetic |
Diamagnetismus {m} [physics] | :: diamagnetism |
Diamant {m} [uncountable] | :: diamond (allotrope of carbon) |
Diamant {m} | :: diamond (gemstone) |
Diamant {noun} [uncountable, printing, dated] | :: A small size of type, standardized as 4 point |
diamantartig {adj} | :: diamondlike |
Diamantbergbau {m} | :: diamond mining |
Diamantbergbau {m} | :: diamond-mining industry |
diamanten {adj} [attributive] | :: diamond |
diamantenhaltig {adj} [mineralogy] | :: diamond-bearing |
Diamantgitter {n} [chemistry] | :: diamond lattice |
diamanthart {adj} | :: diamond-hard |
Diamantring {m} | :: diamond ring |
Diamantringeffekt {m} [astronomy] | :: diamond ring effect |
Diamantstempelzelle {f} | :: diamond anvil cell |
diametral {adj} | :: diametral |
diametrisch {adj} | :: diametric |
Diana {prop} [Roman god] | :: Diana |
Diana {prop} | :: given name |
dianoetisch {adj} [philosophy] | :: dianoetic |
Diaoyudaoit {m} [mineral] | :: diaoyudaoite |
diaphan {adj} | :: diaphanous |
diaphasisch {adj} [linguistics] | :: diaphasic |
Diaphragma {n} | :: diaphragm (contraceptive device) |
Diaphragma {n} [anatomy, medical terminology] | :: diaphragm |
Diärese {f} [linguistics, prosody] | :: diaeresis |
Diarrhö {f} | :: diarrhoea/diarrhea |
Diarrhoe {f} | :: diarrhea |
Diarrhöe {f} | :: diarrhoea |
Diarsan {n} [inorganic compound, organic chemistry] | :: diarsane |
Diaspora {f} | :: Diaspora |
Diastole {f} | :: diastole |
diastratisch {adj} [linguistics] | :: diastratic |
Diät {f} | :: diet |
Diatome {f} | :: diatom |
diatopisch {adj} [linguistics] | :: diatopic |
Diazoverbindung {f} [organic chemistry] | :: diazo compound |
Dibenzodioxin {n} [organic compound] | :: dibenzodioxin |
Dibenzofuran {n} [organic compound] | :: dibenzofuran |
Diboran {n} [inorganic compound] | :: diborane |
Dichlorid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dichloride |
Dichlormethan {n} [organic compound] | :: dichloromethane, methylene chloride |
Dichloroargentat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dichloroargentate |
dichotom {adj} | :: dichotomous |
Dichotomie {f} | :: dichotomy |
dichotomisch {adj} | :: dichotomic |
Dichromat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dichromate |
Dichromatlösung {f} | :: dichromate solution |
dichs {contraction} | :: contraction of dich es |
dicht {adj} | :: thick, tight, dense |
dicht {adj} | :: impermeable, sealed, shut, locked (preventing passage or entrance) |
dicht {adj} [with bei or an] | :: close to |
dicht {adj} [colloquial] | :: drunk |
dicht {adv} | :: closely |
dicht auf den Fersen {adj} [idiomatic] | :: hot on the heels |
Dichtband {n} | :: sealing tape |
Dichte {f} | :: density |
Dichteanomalie {f} | :: density anomaly (the anomaly of water having a maximum density just above its melting point) |
dichten {v} | :: to compose (a text, almost always poetry) |
dichten {v} | :: to caulk, seal (prevent leakage) |
dichter {adj} | :: comparative of dicht |
Dichter {m} | :: poet (male or of unspecified sex) |
Dichterin {f} | :: poet (female) |
dichterisch {adj} | :: poetic |
Dichtersprache {f} | :: poetic language, poetic diction |
Dichteschwankung {f} | :: density fluctuation |
Dichtigkeit {f} | :: tightness |
Dichtigkeit {f} | :: density |
Dichtkunst {f} | :: poetry (a person's ability to produce an artful piece of literature) |
Dichtkunst {f} | :: poetry (class of literature) |
dichtmachen {v} | :: to seal |
dichtmachen {v} [colloquial] | :: to close |
dichtschließend {adj} | :: tightly-closed |
Dichtstoff {m} | :: sealant |
Dichtung {f} | :: poetry |
Dichtung {f} | :: seal, gasket (something designed to prevent liquids or gasses from leaking through a joint) |
Dichtungsmaterial {n} | :: sealant |
dick {adj} | :: thick |
dick {adj} | :: fat |
dickbäuchig {adj} | :: potbellied |
Dickbein {n} [regional, chiefly specialist, agriculture] | :: the thigh of a farm animal, especially a pig |
Dickbein {n} [obsolete] | :: thigh (of a person or any creature) |
Dickdarm {m} [anatomy] | :: large intestine |
Dicke {f} | :: thickness |
dicke Bohne {f} [regional, including, western Germany] | :: broad bean |
Dicke Bohne {f} | :: alternative spelling of dicke Bohne |
Dicken {m} [money] | :: a type silver coin of the early modern period |
Dickenmessung {f} | :: measurement of thickness |
Dickenrücklage {f} [aerodynamics] | :: location of maximum thickness [in an airfoil, the distance between the leading edge and the chord point of maximum thickness] |
dicker {adj} | :: comparative of dick |
dickflüssig {adj} | :: thick, viscous |
Dickhornschaf {n} | :: bighorn sheep |
Dickicht {n} | :: thicket (copse) |
Dickkopf {m} | :: stubborn person; mule |
Dickkopf {m} | :: stubbornness; intransigent attitude; unyielding attitude |
Dickkopf {m} [regional] | :: European chub, a kind of fish |
Dickkopf {m} | :: a butterfly of the family Hesperiidae (the Dickkopffalter) |
Dickkopf {m} | :: a bird of the family Pachycephalidae (the Dickköpfe) |
dickleibig {adj} | :: corpulent |
dicklich {adj} | :: plump |
Dickmacher {m} | :: thickener |
Dickschnabelpinguin {m} | :: Fiordland penguin, Fiordland crested penguin |
dicksten {adj} | :: superlative of dick |
dickstielig {adj} [of plants] | :: having a thick stem |
Dick und Doof {prop} | :: Laurel and Hardy |
Dicyanoargentat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dicyanoargentate |
Didaktik {f} | :: didactics |
didaktisch {adj} | :: didactic (instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate) |
die {pron} [in a subordinate clause as a relative pronoun] | :: that; which; who; whom; whose |
die {pron} [as a demonstrative pronoun] | :: this one; that one; these ones; those ones; she; her; it; they; them |
die andere Wange hinhalten {v} [idiom] | :: to turn the other cheek |
Dieb {m} | :: thief (male or of unspecified sex) |
die Bank sprengen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to break the bank |
die Beherrschung verlieren {v} | :: to lose one's temper |
Dieberei {f} | :: thievery |
die Bienchen und Blümchen {p} [idiomatic] | :: the birds and the bees (sexual activity) |
Diebin {f} | :: thief (female) |
die Brust geben {vi} [+ dative] | :: to nurse, to breastfeed (a baby) |
Diebstahl {m} | :: theft |
Diech {n} [obsolete] | :: thigh |
die Ecke {adv} [colloquial, idiomatic, postpositioned] | :: thereabout, approximately, roughly |
die erste Geige spielen {idiom} | :: to play first fiddle |
die Fäden ziehen {idiom} | :: to pull the strings |
die Faxen dicke haben {v} [idiom] | :: to have had enough |
die Finger im Spiel haben {idiom} | :: to be involved in, to have a hand in |
die Finger kreuzen {v} | :: to put the middle finger across the index finger, a gesture made when taking a false oath, either clandestinely to symbolically break the oath, or openly in a jocular manner; to cross one's fingers |
die Flinte ins Korn werfen {v} [idiom] | :: to throw in the towel (to quit; to give up) |
diegetisch {adj} | :: diegetic |
die großen Diebe hängen die kleinen {proverb} | :: "The greatest thieves hang the small ones"; some evil people are more worse than others |
Die Grünen {prop} | :: [pars pro toto] the German green party, 'Bündnis 90/Die Grünen' |
Die Grünen {prop} | :: the former West German green party, 'Die Grünen' |
die Gunst der Stunde nutzen {v} [idiom] | :: to seize the moment |
die Hände in den Schoß legen {idiom} | :: to twiddle one's thumbs |
die Hände in Unschuld waschen {idiom} | :: to wash one's hands of |
die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: hope springs eternal |
die Hosen anhaben {v} [idiom] | :: to wear the trousers [UK], to wear the pants [US] |
die Hunde bellen, aber die Karawane zieht weiter {proverb} | :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on |
die Hütte brennt {proverb} | :: the house is on fire (literally: the hut is on fire) |
die Hütte brennt {proverb} | :: having a great time |
die kalte Schulter zeigen {v} | :: to give somebody the cold shoulder |
die Katze aus dem Sack lassen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to let the cat out of the bag |
die Katze im Sack kaufen {v} [idiom] | :: to buy a pig in a poke |
die Kirche im Dorf lassen {idiom} | :: to not get carried away, not over-do it ("leave the church in the village") |
die Klingen kreuzen {v} [idiom] | :: to cross swords |
die Kupplung kommen lassen {v} | :: to release the clutch slowly or halfway, as must be done to start a manual transmission car after enganging first gear and before pressing the throttle |
die Kurve kratzen {v} [colloquial] | :: to hit the road, to clear off |
die Kurve kratzen {v} [colloquial] | :: to take a turn, to escape (from an awkward position) |
Diele {f} [usually, in the plural] | :: plank (most often on a floor) |
Diele {f} | :: hallway, hall, foyer (room) |
Dielektrikum {n} [physics] | :: dielectric |
die letzte Zeit {adv} [chiefly colloquial] | :: alternative form of in letzter Zeit |
die Luft ist rein {phrase} | :: the coast is clear |
die Nacht zum Tag machen {v} | :: to stay up and wake (almost) until the morning, usually for pleasure, but also sometimes for work or the like |
die Nase voll haben {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be fed up (with something); to have had it up to here |
die Nase vorn haben {v} [idiom] | :: to have the advantage |
dienen {v} | :: to serve [+ dat] |
dienend {adj} | :: serving |
dienend {adj} | :: ancillary |
Diener {m} | :: agent noun of dienen; servant |
Dienerin {f} | :: female servant |
die Nerven verlieren {v} [idiom] | :: to lose one's cool |
dienlich {adj} | :: useful, helpful |
Dienst {m} | :: service |
Dienst {m} | :: work, duty |
Dienstag {m} | :: Tuesday |
Dienstagabend {m} | :: Tuesday evening |
Dienstagmittag {m} | :: Tuesday noon |
Dienstagnachmittag {m} | :: Tuesday afternoon |
dienstags {adv} | :: on Tuesdays, every Tuesday |
Dienstagvormittag {m} | :: Tuesday morning (time before noon) |
Dienstbarkeit {f} [law] | :: easement |
dienstbeflissen {adj} | :: officious |
dienstbeflissen {adj} | :: assiduous, zealous |
Dienstbote {m} [slightly, dated] | :: house servant; domestic [male or of unspecified sex] |
Dienstbote {m} [colloquial] | :: servant; someone who does unpleasant works for another |
dienstfähig {adj} | :: serviceable |
Dienstgrad {m} | :: rank (a level in an organization such as the military) |
Diensthaus {n} | :: house of bondage |
Dienstherr {m} [archaic] | :: the patron in an employment relationship or other service hirer |
Dienstherr {m} | :: the legal body under which a public servant (Beamter) operates |
Dienstleister {m} | :: service provider |
Dienstleistung {f} | :: service, provision of services |
Dienstmädchen {n} | :: maid, housemaid |
dienstorientierte Architektur {f} [computing, architecture] | :: synonym of serviceorientierte Architektur |
Dienstraum {m} | :: office |
Dienstreise {f} | :: A business trip or other journey in an official or similar non-private capacity |
Dienststellenleitung {f} | :: department leadership; the leadership of a department or agency |
dienstunfähig {adj} | :: unserviceable |
dienstunfähig {adj} | :: unfit (for work) |
dienstverpflichtet {adj} | :: Obligated to perform a particular service in the event of an emergency |
Diepgen {prop} | :: surname |
die Radieschen von unten ansehen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be pushing up daisies |
die Radieschen von unten betrachten {v} [idiom, euphemistic] | :: pushing up daisies |
die Rechnung ohne den Wirt machen {idiom} [idiom] | :: To fail to take into account (something or somebody), to ignore, reckon without, fail to reckon with, (archaic: reckon without one's host) |
die Rechnung ohne den Wirt machen {idiom} [idiom] | :: To do or decide something without the permission or against the wishes of one or more important people (archaic: reckon without one's host) |
die Rechnung ohne den Wirt machen {idiom} [idiom] | :: To engage in wishful thinking (archaic: reckon without one's host) |
Diersbach {prop} {n} | :: Diersbach (municipality) |
dies. {pron} | :: abbreviation of dieselbe |
dies. {pron} | :: abbreviation of dieselben |
dies {pron} | :: alternative form of dieses |
die Sau rauslassen {v} | :: to paint the town red |
diesbezüglich {adv} | :: referring to this, in this regard |
diesbezüglich {adj} | :: relevant (to this) |
die Schafe von den Böcken scheiden {v} [idiom] | :: to separate the sheep from the goats |
die Schnauze voll haben {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be fed up |
die Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters {proverb} | :: beauty is in the eye of the beholder |
Diesel {prop} | :: surname |
Diesel {m} [fuel or automobile] | :: diesel |
dieselelektrisch {adj} | :: diesel-electric |
Dieselmotor {m} | :: diesel engine, diesel motor |
dieser {pron} | :: this one, this |
dieser {pron} | :: that one, that |
diesig {adj} [regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] | :: hazy, foggy (thick with haze, fog) |
diesjährig {adj} | :: of this year |
diesmal {adv} | :: this time |
die Sonne geht auf {phrase} | :: the sun rises |
die Sonne geht auf {phrase} | :: (fig.) remark made when a particularly pleasant person appears |
die Spreu vom Weizen trennen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to separate the wheat from the chaff (to select only that which is of value) |
diesseits {prep} | :: this side of [+genitive] |
dies und das {pron} | :: this and that |
die Suppe auslöffeln {v} [idiom] | :: to face the music |
Dietach {prop} {n} | :: Dietach (municipality) |
die Tage {adv} [idiomatic, chiefly colloquial, prospective] | :: in the coming days, in a few days |
die Tage {adv} [idiomatic, chiefly colloquial, retrospective] | :: in the past days, a few days ago |
Dietemann {prop} | :: surname |
Dieter {prop} | :: given name |
Diethylether {m} [organic compound] | :: diethyl ether |
Diethylzink {n} [organic compound] | :: diethylzinc |
Dietlind {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Dietlinde |
Dietlinde {prop} | :: given name |
Dietmanns {prop} {n} | :: Dietmanns (municipality) |
Dietmar {prop} | :: given name |
Dietrich {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Dietrich {prop} {m} | :: surname derived from the given name |
Dietrich {m} | :: picklock |
dieweil {adv} [dated] | :: meanwhile |
die Würfel sind gefallen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: the die is cast |
die Zelte abbrechen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: to pull up stakes |
die zweite Geige spielen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take a back seat, to play second fiddle (literally: to play the second violin) |
diffamieren {v} | :: to vilify, to defame (say defamatory things about) |
Diffamierung {f} | :: defamation |
different {adj} | :: different |
Differentialgleichung {f} [mathematics] | :: differential equation (equation involving the derivatives of a function) |
Differentialrechnung {f} [mathematics] | :: differential calculus (calculus that deals with instantaneous rates of change) |
Differentiation {f} [mathematics] | :: differentiation |
Differenz {f} [mathematics or general] | :: difference |
Differenzialsperre {f} [automotive] | :: differential lock |
differenzierbar {adj} [maths] | :: differentiable (having a derivative) |
differenzieren {v} | :: to differentiate |
Differenzierung {f} | :: differentiation |
diffizil {adj} | :: difficult |
diffundieren {v} [chemistry, physics] | :: To diffuse |
diffundiert {v} | :: past participle of diffundieren |
diffundiert {adj} | :: diffused |
diffus {adj} | :: diffuse, vague, unclear |
diffusesten {adj} | :: superlative of diffus |
diffusibel {adj} | :: diffusible |
Diffusion {f} | :: diffusion (physics: the intermingling of the molecules of a fluid due to random thermal agitation) |
Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit {f} | :: diffusion rate |
Diffusionsvermögen {n} [physics] | :: diffusivity |
Difluorid {n} | :: difluoride |
Digamma {n} | :: digamma |
digerieren {v} | :: To digest |
digeriert {v} | :: past participle of digerieren |
digeriert {adj} | :: digested |
Digestif {m} | :: digestif |
digestiv {adj} | :: digestive |
Digger {m} | :: digger |
Digger {noun} [colloquial, regional] | :: Informal term of address |
digital {adj} [computing] | :: digital |
digital {adj} [medicine] | :: digital |
digitales Zeitalter {n} | :: Digital Era |
Digitalisat {n} | :: digital copy (digitalized version) |
Digitalkamera {f} | :: digital camera |
Digitalradio {n} | :: digital radio |
Digitaltacho {m} | :: digital speedometer |
Digitaltechnik {f} | :: digital technology |
Digitaluhr {f} | :: digital clock |
Diglycerid {n} [organic chemistry] | :: diglyceride |
Digraph {m} [linguistics] | :: digraph |
Dihydrat {n} [chemistry] | :: dihydrate |
Dihydrogentrioxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: trioxidane (dihydrogen trioxide) |
Dikalium {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dipotassium |
dikasterial {adj} | :: dicasterial |
Dikasterium {n} | :: dicastery |
Diktat {n} | :: dictation (the act of making someone write down one's words; the text itself) |
Diktat {n} [especially] | :: dictation (an orthography exam where the teacher reads out a text and the participants write it down) |
Diktat {n} [politics] | :: diktat (a harsh decree, especially one imposed upon a defeated country) |
Diktator {m} | :: dictator (male or of unspecified sex) |
diktatorisch {adj} | :: dictatorial |
Diktatur {f} | :: dictatorship |
diktieren {v} | :: to dictate |
Diktiergerät {n} | :: A dictation machine |
Diktionär {n} {m} [archaic] | :: synonym of Wörterbuch |
Dilatation {f} | :: dilation |
dilatorisch {adj} | :: dilatory |
Dildo {m} | :: dildo |
Dilemma {n} | :: dilemma (a situation with two (or more) alternatives to choose from, and where all alternatives are unsatisfactory or undesirable) |
dilemmatisch {adj} | :: dilemmatic |
Dilettant {m} | :: amateur, dabbler |
dilettantisch {adj} | :: dilettante, amateurish |
Dilettantismus {m} | :: dilettantism |
dilettieren {v} | :: to dabble (to participate in an artistic activity without the necessary skills) |
Dilithium {n} [inorganic compound] | :: dilithium |
Dill {m} | :: dill |
Dimbach {prop} {n} | :: Dimbach (municipality) |
Dimbach {prop} {n} | :: Dimbach (municipality) |
Dimension {f} | :: dimension |
dimensional {adj} | :: dimensional |
dimer {adj} | :: dimeric |
Dimer {n} [chemistry] | :: dimer |
dimerisieren {v} [chemistry] | :: To dimerize / dimerise |
dimerisiert {v} | :: past participle of dimerisieren |
dimerisiert {adj} [chemistry] | :: dimerized / dimerised |
Dimethylether {n} [organic compound] | :: dimethyl ether |
Dimethylformamid {n} [organic compound] | :: dimethylformamide |
Dimethylselenid {n} [organic compound] | :: dimethyl selenide |
Dimethylsulfid {n} [organic compound] | :: dimethyl sulfide |
Dimethylsulfoxid {n} [organic compound] | :: dimethyl sulfoxide |
Diminution {f} | :: diminution (reduction; act or process of making smaller) |
Diminution {f} [linguistics] | :: diminution (act or process of making diminutive) |
Diminution {f} [music] | :: diminution |
diminutiv {adj} | :: diminutive |
Diminutiv {n} | :: diminutive (a noun or word expressing smallness) |
dimmbar {adj} | :: dimmable |
dimmen {v} | :: to dim |
Dimmer {m} | :: dimmer (rheostat to vary the intensity of electric light) |
DIN {prop} | :: acronym of Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization) |
Dinatriumhydrogenphosphat {n} [inorganic compound] | :: sodium hydrogen phosphate / disodium hydrogen phosphate |
Diner {n} | :: diner (eatery) |
Ding {n} | :: thing |
Ding {n} [mildly disrespectful] | :: thing; girl; boy (young person) |
Ding {n} [dated] | :: Thing (historic Germanic council) |
dingen {v} [literary] | :: to hire for a crime |
dingen {v} [archaic] | :: to hire (in general) |
Dingen {prop} {n} | :: Dingen (municipality) |
Dingenskirchen {n} | :: so-and-so, thingamajig (placeholder name) |
dingfest {adj} | :: arrested, controlled |
Dinglein {n} | :: diminutive of Ding |
dinglich {adj} | :: real, thinglike |
Dingo {m} | :: dingo (Canis lupus dingo) |
Dings {n} | :: thing, thingamajig, a strange or unspecified item |
Dingsbums {n} {mf} [colloquial] | :: thingy, thingie, thingamajig, thingamabob (something whose name one cannot recall) |
Dingsbums {n} {mf} [colloquial] | :: whosit, whatshisname (a person whose name one cannot recall) |
Dingsda {n} {mf} [colloquial] | :: thingy, thingie, thingamajig, thingamabob (something whose name one cannot recall) |
Dingsda {n} {mf} [colloquial] | :: whosit, whatshisname (a person whose name one cannot recall) |
Dingwort {n} | :: noun |
dinieren {v} | :: to dine |
Dinkel {m} | :: spelt (a type of wheat, Triticum spelta) |
Dino {m} [colloquial] | :: dinosaur, dino |
Dinosaurier {m} | :: dinosaur |
Dinucleotid {n} | :: dinucleotide |
Dinukleotid {n} [biochemistry] | :: dinucleotide |
Diode {f} | :: diode |
dionysisch {adj} | :: Dionysian |
Diopsid {m} [mineral] | :: diopside |
Dioptrie {f} | :: diopter |
Diorama {n} | :: diorama |
Dioskurides {prop} | :: Dioscorides (Pedanius Dioscorides) |
Dioxid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dioxide |
Dioxygenase {f} [enzyme] | :: dioxygenase |
diözesan {adj} [Christianity] | :: diocesan, metropolitan |
Diözese {f} [Christianity] | :: diocese |
Diözese {f} [historic] | :: diocese (Roman administrive division) |
diözisch {adj} [botany] | :: dioecious |
Diphenylamin {n} [organic compound] | :: diphenylamine |
Diphenylether {n} [organic compound] | :: diphenyl ether |
Diphosphat {n} [chemistry] | :: diphosphate |
Diphosphonat {n} [chemistry] | :: diphosphonate |
Diphosphorsäure {f} [inorganic compound] | :: diphosphoric acid |
Diphtherie {f} [pathology] | :: diphtheria (infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract) |
Diphthong {m} [phonetics] | :: diphthong |
Dipinto {noun} | :: dipinto |
Dipl.-Ing. {m} | :: abbreviation of Diplomingenieur |
Dipl.-Ing. {f} | :: abbreviation of Diplomingenieurin |
Diplodocus {m} | :: diplodocus |
diploid {adj} | :: diploid |
Diplom {n} | :: diploma (higher education only, e.g., Master’s degree) |
Diplomat {m} | :: diplomat |
Diplomatie {f} | :: diplomacy |
diplomatisch {adj} | :: diplomatic |
Diplomingenieur {m} | :: An engineer's degree given in several countries. (replaced by the Bologna process by Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering) |
Diplomingenieurin {f} | :: An engineer's degree given to females in Austria till 2008 |
Diplomurkunde {f} | :: diploma certificate |
Diplom-Volkswirt {m} [education] | :: A German university degree which is awarded to students of economics. It is comparable to a Master's Degree |
Dippel {m} [Austria] | :: a bump, a lump |
Diproton {n} | :: diproton |
Dipsomane {m} | :: dipsomaniac |
diptotisch {adj} [grammar] | :: diptotic |
dir {pron} [reflexive pronoun] | :: dative form of du; yourself, to yourself |
Dir {pron} | :: alternative case form of dir |
Diracgleichung {f} [maths, physics] | :: Dirac equation |
direkt {adj} | :: direct |
direktional {adj} | :: directional |
direktiv {adj} | :: directive |
Direktor {m} | :: principal (administrator of a school) |
Direktor {m} | :: director (leader of an organization) |
Direktorin {f} | :: A female director (principal, head, headmistress) |
Direktübertragung {f} | :: live transmission |
Dirham {m} | :: dirham |
Dirhem {m} | :: alternative form of Dirham |
Dirigent {m} | :: director, conductor, maestro, choirmaster (male or of unspecified sex) |
dirigieren {v} | :: to direct, to channel |
dirigieren {v} [music] | :: to conduct |
dirigistisch {adj} | :: dirigiste |
Dirk {prop} | :: given name, a - variant of Dietrich (= Derek) |
Dirndl {n} [Bavaria, Austria] | :: girl |
Dirndl {n} | :: dirndl (traditional dress in parts of Bavaria and Austria) |
Dirndl {n} {f} [Eastern Austria] | :: cornel (tree and fruit) |
Dirndlbaum {m} | :: alternative form of Dirndl |
Dirndlkleid {n} | :: dirndl (traditional Austrian and Bavarian dress) |
Dirndlkleidchen {n} | :: diminutive of Dirndlkleid |
Dirndlstrauch {m} | :: alternative form of Dirndl |
Dirne {f} [derogatory, dated, also Bible] | :: whore (prostitute or sexually unreserved woman) |
Dirne {f} [archaic or dialectal] | :: girl; lass |
dirs {contraction} | :: contraction of mir es |
dis {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of dies |
Dis {noun} [music] | :: D-sharp |
Disauerstoff {m} | :: dioxygen |
Disauerstoffdifluorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: dioxygen diflouride |
Dischwefeldichlorid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: disulfur dichloride |
Disco {f} | :: (premises) disco (alternative form of Disko) |
Disco {f} | :: (musical genre) disco |
Discount {m} | :: discount (reduction in price) |
Discount {m} | :: discounter (shop) |
Discounter {m} | :: discount shop / cut-price store |
Diselan {n} [inorganic compound, organic chemistry] | :: diselane |
Diselenid {n} | :: diselenide |
diser {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of dieser |
disjunkt {adj} [mathematics, set theory] | :: disjoint (having no members in common) |
Disjunktion {f} | :: disjunction (logic) |
Diskette {f} | :: diskette |
Diskobolie {f} [rare] | :: discus throw |
Diskokugel {f} | :: disco ball |
Diskont {m} | :: discount |
diskontinuierlich {adj} | :: discontinuous, intermittent |
Diskontinuität {f} | :: discontinuity |
Diskontrechnung {f} | :: account of discount |
Diskontrechnung {f} | :: cash discount calculation |
diskordianisch {adj} | :: Discordian |
Diskordianismus {prop} {m} | :: Discordianism |
Diskordier {m} | :: Discordian (male follower of Discordianism) |
Diskordierin {f} | :: Discordian (female follower of Discordianism) |
diskordisch {adj} | :: Discordian |
Diskothek {f} | :: discotheque |
diskreditieren {v} | :: to discredit |
Diskrepanz {f} | :: discrepancy (inconsistency) |
diskret {adj} | :: discreet (respectful of privacy and secrecy) |
diskret {adj} [mathematics] | :: discrete |
diskretionär {adj} | :: discretionary |
diskriminieren {v} | :: to discriminate |
diskriminiert {v} | :: past participle of diskriminieren |
Diskriminierung {f} | :: discrimination |
Diskurs {m} | :: discourse (verbal exchange or conversation) |
Diskursanalyse {f} [linguistics] | :: discourse analysis |
diskursiv {adj} | :: discursive |
Diskus {m} | :: discus (round plate-like object for throwing) |
Diskussion {f} | :: discussion |
Diskussionsfaden {m} [Internet] | :: thread |
Diskussionsforum {n} [internet] | :: discussion forum; a forum for general discussion |
Diskussionsseite {f} | :: talk page, discussion page |
Diskuswerfen {n} | :: discus throw |
Diskuswurf {m} [athletics] | :: discus throw |
diskutabel {adj} | :: debatable, worth discussing |
diskutieren {v} | :: to discuss |
dis legomenon {n} | :: alternative case form of Dis Legomenon |
Dis Legomenon {n} | :: dis legomenon (a word occurring only twice in a given corpus) |
disloziert {adj} | :: dislocated, displaced |
Dismutase {f} [enzyme] | :: dismutase |
disparat {adj} | :: disparate |
dispers {adj} | :: dispersed |
Dispersion {f} | :: dispersion, dispersal |
Display {n} {m} [electronics] | :: display (small screen on an electronic device such as a watch or mobile phone) |
disponibel {adj} | :: available (ready for use) |
disponieren {v} | :: to plan ahead |
disponieren {v} | :: to arrange |
Disposition {f} | :: disposal |
dispositiv {adj} | :: dispositive |
disproportioniert {adj} | :: disproportional |
Disproportionierung {f} [chemistry] | :: disproportionation |
Disput {m} | :: dispute |
disputabel {adj} | :: disputable |
Disputation {f} | :: disputation |
disruptiv {adj} | :: disruptive |
dissen {v} | :: to diss (to put someone down or show verbal disrespect) |
Dissens {m} | :: dissent |
dissentieren {v} | :: to dissent (to disagree) |
Dissertation {f} | :: dissertation (for a doctoral degree) |
dissident {adj} | :: dissident |
Dissident {m} | :: dissident |
dissidentisch {adj} | :: dissident |
Dissimilation {f} [linguistics] | :: dissimilation |
dissipativ {adj} | :: dissipative |
dissonant {adj} | :: dissonant |
dissozial {adj} | :: dissocial |
Dissoziation {f} | :: dissociation |
Dissoziationsenergie {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: dissociation energy |
dissoziieren {v} [chemistry, psychology] | :: to dissociate |
dissoziiert {v} | :: past participle of dissoziieren |
dissoziiert {adj} | :: dissociated |
distal {adj} | :: distal |
Distanz {f} | :: distance |
distanzieren {v} | :: to distance |
distanzlos {adj} | :: lacking sufficient social distance |
Distel {f} | :: thistle |
Distelfalter {m} | :: painted lady (butterfly of the species Vanessa cardui) |
Distelfink {m} | :: European goldfinch |
distelicht {adj} | :: thistlelike |
Distiban {n} [organic chemistry] | :: distibine |
distich {adj} [botany] | :: distichous |
Distickstoff {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dinitrogen |
Distickstoffmonoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: nitrous oxide |
Distickstoffoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: nitrous oxide |
Distickstoffpentoxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: dinitrogen pentoxide |
Distickstofftetroxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: dinitrogen tetroxide |
distinguiert {adj} | :: distinguished |
distinkt {adj} | :: distinct |
distinktiv {adj} | :: distinctive |
Distribution {f} | :: distribution |
Distrikt {m} | :: district |
Disulfan {n} [organic chemistry] | :: disulfane |
Disulfat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: disulfate |
Disulfid {n} [chemistry] | :: disulfide |
Disulfidbrücke {f} [organic chemistry] | :: disulfide bridge |
Disulfidbrückenbindung {f} [organic chemistry] | :: disulfide bond |
Disulfit {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: disulfite |
Disziplin {f} | :: discipline |
disziplinarisch {adj} | :: disciplinary |
disziplinenübergreifend {adj} | :: alternative form of disziplinübergreifend: interdisciplinary |
disziplinieren {v} | :: to discipline |
diszipliniert {adj} | :: disciplined |
disziplinierter {adj} | :: comparative of diszipliniert |
Diszipliniertheit {f} [state of acting disciplined] | :: discipline |
disziplinübergreifend {adj} | :: interdisciplinary |
dit {pron} [colloquial, dialectal, north-eastern Germany, including Berlin] | :: synonym of das |
Ditellurid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ditelluride |
Dithiolan {n} [organic compound] | :: dithiolane |
Dithionat {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dithionate |
Dithionit {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dithionite |
Dithionsäure {f} [inorganic compound] | :: dithionic acid |
dito {adv} [colloquial] | :: ditto |
Dito {n} | :: ditto (the same thing as before) |
ditrigonal {adj} | :: ditrigonal |
Diuretikum {n} | :: diuretic |
Diva {f} | :: A diva (vocal star) |
divergent {adj} | :: divergent |
divergieren {v} [literally, figuratively] | :: to diverge (to run apart) |
divergieren {v} [mathematics] | :: to diverge |
divers {adj} | :: various, diverse, miscellaneous |
Diverses {noun} [singulare tantum] | :: miscellaneous |
diversifizieren {v} | :: to diversify |
Diversifizierung {f} | :: diversification |
Diversität {f} | :: diversity |
Dividend {m} [maths] | :: dividend |
Dividende {f} [finance] | :: dividend |
dividieren {v} [arithmetic] | :: to divide |
Dividieren {n} | :: division |
dividual {adj} | :: dividual |
divinatorisch {adj} | :: divinatory |
Divis {n} | :: hyphen |
divisibel {adj} [maths] | :: divisible |
Division {f} [arithmetics] | :: division (arithmetic: process of dividing a number by another) |
Division {f} [military] | :: division (military formation) |
Divisionsrest {m} [arithmetics] | :: the remainder after division |
Divisor {m} [arithmetics] | :: divisor |
Diwasserstoff {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: dihydrogen |
Dixiklo {n} | :: portable toilet |
Djihad {m} | :: alternative form of Dschihad |
DKP {prop} | :: initialism of Deutsche Kommunistische Partei |
DKP {prop} | :: initialism of Deutsche Konservative Partei |
DLR {prop} [aerospace] | :: initialism of w:German Aerospace Center (German Aerospace Center) |
DLRG {f} | :: German Lifeguard Association (abbreviation of Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft) |
DNS {noun} [biology] | :: initialism of Desoxyribonukleinsäure (DNA) |
DNS {noun} [computer science] | :: initialism of Direkte Numerische Simulation (procedure to calculate unsteady streaming processes) |
DNS {noun} [chemistry] | :: initialism of Dinitrosalicylsäure |
DNS {noun} [Germany, politics] | :: initialism of Dachverband der Nationalen Sammlung |
DNS {noun} [Germany, norming] | :: initialism of Deutsche Normungsstrategie (strategic bias of the norming task) |
DNS {noun} [computer science] | :: initialism of Domain Name System |
Do. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Donnerstag "Thursday" |
Dobermann {m} | :: Dobermann |
Dobersberg {prop} {n} | :: Dobersberg (municipality) |
doch {conj} | :: though; yet; but; however; nevertheless |
doch {conj} | :: for all that; after all; but |
doch {adv} | :: after all; yet; however; nevertheless |
doch {adv} | :: really; just |
doch {adv} [in response to a negative question or statement] | :: yes; surely; really; on the contrary |
doch {adv} | :: indicates proposal; why don't you/we |
Docht {m} | :: wick (porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning) |
Dock {n} | :: dock (a construction in which ships are repaired) |
docken {v} | :: to dock |
Dodecylbenzol {n} [organic compound] | :: dodecylbenzene |
Dodekaeder {n} | :: dodecahedron |
dodekaedrisch {adj} | :: dodecahedral |
Dödel {m} | :: fool, idiot |
Dödel {m} | :: dick, cock (penis) |
Dodelschach {n} [games] | :: synonym of Tic-Tac-Toe |
Dodo {m} | :: Dodo, †Raphus cucullatus |
Dodonowo {prop} {n} | :: Dodonovo |
Doge {m} | :: doge |
Dogge {f} | :: boarhound, mastiff |
Dogma {n} | :: dogma |
Dogmatiker {m} | :: dogmatist |
dogmatisch {adj} | :: dogmatic |
dogmatischer {adj} | :: comparative of dogmatisch |
dogmatischsten {adj} | :: superlative of dogmatisch |
Dogmatismus {m} | :: dogmatism |
Dogon {prop} | :: Dogon |
Dohle {f} | :: jackdaw |
Dohne {f} | :: snare, sling, animal trap |
Dohne {f} [dialectal] | :: piece of wood covering something |
Doko {n} {m} | :: acronym of Doppelkopf |
doktern {v} | :: to act as a doctor |
Doktor {m} [academia] | :: doctor |
Doktor {m} [medicine, colloquial] | :: doctor |
Doktorand {m} | :: doctoral student, PhD student, doctorand |
Doktorandin {f} | :: feminine noun of Doktorand |
Doktorarbeit {f} | :: A doctoral dissertation, a graduate's final thesis to obtain the academic degree of doctor |
Doktorat {n} | :: doctorate |
Doktorat {n} | :: doctoral exam |
Doktorat {n} [Austria, Switzerland] | :: doctoral graduation |
Doktorfisch {m} | :: surgeonfish or tang of the family Acanthuridae |
Doktorin {f} | :: female doctor, woman doctor |
Doktorvater {m} | :: doctoral advisor / dissertation director / dissertation advisor / doctoral supervisor |
Doktrin {f} | :: doctrine |
Doku {f} | :: documentary (film, TV program, etc. reporting in a factual, informative manner) |
Dokument {n} | :: document |
Dokumentation {f} | :: documentation |
Dokumentation {f} | :: documentary (mainly informative product(ion), as opposed to fiction or 'day to day' event reporting) |
dokumentieren {v} | :: to document |
Dolch {m} | :: dagger |
Dolchstosslegende {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Dolchstoßlegende |
Dolchstosslegende {f} | :: alternative spelling of Dolchstoßlegende |
Dolchstoßlegende {prop} {f} [historical] | :: the stab-in-the-back myth, widespread historical myth in right-wing circles in Germany after 1918, that Germany's armies did not lose World War I on the battlefield but were betrayed by civilian leaders |
Dolchstoßlegende {f} | :: a Historical negationism myth misattributing something to internal betrayal |
Dolde {f} [botany] | :: corymb, umbel (cluster of flowers) |
Dole {f} | :: covered ditch |
Dole {f} [Switzerland] | :: gully; drain |
dolent {adj} [medicine] | :: painful |
Doline {f} [geology] | :: doline |
doll {adj} [colloquial] | :: firm, hard, forceful, strong [of actions, also of emotions] |
doll {adj} [colloquial, chiefly in negation or sarcastically] | :: good, great, satisfactory |
doll {adj} [colloquial, with Ding] | :: extraordinary, remarkable |
doll {adv} [colloquial] | :: firmly, hard, forcefully, vehemently, strong [of actions, also of emotions] |
Dollar {m} | :: dollar |
Dollarzeichen {n} | :: dollar sign |
Dolle {f} | :: alternative form of Tolle |
Dolle {f} | :: thole, rowlock |
Dolmetsch {m} [rare, outside, Austria] | :: interpreter |
dolmetschen {v} [archaic] | :: to translate |
dolmetschen {v} | :: to interpret (to act as an interpreter) |
Dolmetscher {m} | :: interpreter (male or of unspecified sex) |
Dolmetscher {m} [dated] | :: translator (male or of unspecified sex) |
Dolmetscherin {f} | :: interpreter (female) (woman who interprets speech in another language) |
Dolmetschung {f} | :: translation the act of translating |
Dolmetschung {f} | :: translation the product or end result of an act of translating |
Dolmetschung {f} [archaic] | :: interpreting, interpretation |
Dolomit {m} [mineral] | :: dolomite |
Dolomit {m} [geology] | :: dolostone |
Dolomiten {prop} {p} | :: Dolomites (section of the Alps) |
Dolomitstein {m} [geology] | :: dolostone |
dolos {adj} | :: crafty, cunning, deceitful |
Dölsach {prop} {n} | :: Dölsach (municipality) |
Dom {m} | :: cathedral (big church building) |
Domain {f} [computing, Internet] | :: domain (DNS domain name) |
Domäne {f} | :: domain |
domänenspezifisch {adj} [computing] | :: domain-specific |
domanial {adj} | :: domanial |
Domestik {m} | :: domestic (house servant; a maid) |
Domestikation {f} | :: domestication |
domestizieren {v} | :: to domesticate |
Domestizierung {f} | :: domestication |
Domeykit {m} [mineral] | :: domeykite |
Domina {f} | :: dominatrix |
dominant {adj} | :: dominant |
dominanter {adj} | :: comparative of dominant |
dominantesten {adj} | :: superlative of dominant |
Dominanz {f} | :: dominance |
Dominic {prop} | :: given name, an English style spelling of Dominik |
Dominica {prop} {n} | :: Dominica (island/and/country) |
Dominicaner {m} | :: Dominican |
Dominicanerin {f} | :: female Dominican |
dominicanisch {adj} | :: Dominican (from Dominica) |
dominieren {v} | :: to dominate |
dominierend {adj} | :: dominant |
dominierend {adj} | :: commanding |
Dominik {prop} | :: given name |
Dominikaner {m} | :: Dominican (male person from the Dominican Republic) |
Dominikanerin {f} | :: Dominican (female person from the Dominican Republic) |
Dominikanerorden {m} | :: Dominican Order (religious group) |
dominikanisch {adj} | :: Dominican (from the Dominican Republic) |
Dominikanische Republik {prop} | :: Dominikanische Republik (country) |
Dominoeffekt {m} | :: domino effect |
Domizil {n} | :: domicile |
Domkirche {f} | :: cathedral (church) |
Dompfaff {m} | :: bullfinch [Pyrrhula pyrrhula] |
Dompteur {m} [circus] | :: tamer, animal trainer |
Dompteuse {f} [circus] | :: (female) tamer, animal trainer |
Don {prop} {m} | :: Don (river) |
Don {m} | :: don (honorific title, especially in Spain and Italy) |
Donaldismus {m} | :: Donaldism |
Donar {prop} {m} | :: Thor |
Donation {f} | :: donation |
Donatismus {m} | :: Donatism |
Donau {prop} {f} [geography] | :: river Danube, which flows to the Black Sea |
Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft {prop} {f} | :: a certain Danube steamship navigation company, more properly known as Erste Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft or Erste Donau-Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft |
Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft {f} | :: Danube steamship navigation company |
Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän {m} | :: Danube steamship navigation company captain |
Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän {m} | :: Danube steamship company captain |
donauisch {adj} | :: Danubian; of, located by or pertaining to the Danube |
Donauisch {adj} | :: alternative case form of donauisch |
Donaulachs {m} | :: Danube salmon, huchen (Hucho hucho) |
Donaumetropole {f} | :: metropolis on the Danube |
Donaumetropole {f} [in particular, no plural] | :: Vienna |
Donaustadt {prop} | :: Donaustadt, the twenty-second district of Vienna, covering the eastern quarter of the city |
Donaustadt {prop} [archaic] | :: Donaustadt, an area of southern Vienna located by the banks of the Danube |
Donaustadt {f} | :: city on the Danube |
Donaustadt {f} [in particular] | :: Vienna |
Döneken {n} [regional, Westphalia] | :: anecdote |
Döner {m} {n} [countable] | :: doner kebab (Oriental dish including meat roasted on a revolving spit; a common snack in Germany, usually served in a sandwich with salad and sauce) |
Döner {m} {n} [uncountable] | :: the kind of meat used in döner kebap |
Dönerkebab {m} | :: alternative form of Döner Kebab |
Döner Kebab {m} | :: doner kebab |
Dönerkebap {m} | :: alternative form of Döner Kebab |
Döner Kebap {m} | :: alternative form of Döner Kebab |
Donga {f} [Namibia, South Africa] | :: donga |
donjuanesk {adj} | :: donjuanist |
Donner {m} | :: thunder |
Donnerhall {m} | :: echo of thunder |
Donnerkeil {m} | :: thunderbolt |
donnern {v} | :: to thunder |
Donnern {n} [a sound resembling thunder] | :: thunder, rumbling |
Donnersberg {prop} | :: A peak in the Pfalz region |
Donnerschlag {m} | :: thunderclap, clap of thunder |
Donnerskirchen {prop} {n} | :: Donnerskirchen (municipality) |
Donnerstag {m} | :: Thursday |
Donnerstagabend {m} | :: Thursday evening |
Donnerstagmittag {m} | :: Thursdag noon |
Donnerstagnachmittag {m} | :: Thursday afternoon |
donnerstags {adv} | :: every Thursday, on Thursdays |
Donnerstagvormittag {m} | :: Thursday morning (time before noon) |
Donner und Doria {interj} [dated] | :: by Jove! |
Donnervogel {m} | :: a thunderbird |
Donnerwetter {n} | :: thunderstorm |
Donnerwetter {n} | :: row (noisy argument) |
Donnerwetter {interj} | :: gosh! |
Donor {n} [chemistry] | :: donor, donator |
Donquichotterie {f} | :: quixotry (a wild, visionary idea) |
doof {adj} [colloquial] | :: stupid, dumb |
doof {adj} [colloquial] | :: boring, annoying |
doofer {adj} | :: comparative of doof |
Doofi {m} | :: dummy, doofus |
Dopamin {n} [neurotransmitter] | :: dopamine |
dopaminerg {adj} | :: dopaminergic |
Dope {n} [slang] | :: dope, drugs |
Dope {n} [slang, in particular] | :: marijuana |
dopen {v} [sports] | :: to dope |
Doping {n} [sports] | :: doping |
Doppel {n} [tennis] | :: doubles |
Doppel {n} | :: duplicate |
Doppelagent {m} | :: double agent |
Doppelagentin {f} | :: double agent (female) |
Doppelbauer {m} [chess] | :: doubled pawn |
Doppelbett {n} | :: double bed |
Doppelbindung {f} [chemistry] | :: double bond |
Doppelblindstudie {f} [medicine, psychology] | :: double-blind experiment, double-blinded experiment |
Doppeldecker {m} [aviation] | :: biplane |
Doppeldecker {m} | :: double-decker bus |
doppeldeutig {adj} | :: ambiguous |
Doppeldeutigkeit {f} | :: ambiguity |
Doppelehe {f} | :: bigamy |
Doppelfehler {m} [tennis] | :: double fault (missing of both the first serve and second serve) |
Doppelgänger {m} | :: doppelganger, doppelgänger (male or of unspecified sex) |
Doppelhaus {n} | :: semi-detached house |
Doppelhaushälfte {f} | :: semi-detached house, semi |
doppelherzig {adj} | :: false, two-faced (literally double-hearted) |
Doppelidentität {f} | :: dual identity, double identity |
Doppelklick {m} [computer] | :: double-click |
Doppelkonsonant {m} [orthography] | :: doubled consonant |
Doppelkonsonant {m} [phonology] | :: geminate |
Doppelkopf {n} {m} [card games] | :: A trick-taking game for four players, popular chiefly in the northern half of Germany, consisting of several rounds in which the players are assigned (based on the cards they are dealt) to two initially unrevealed sides of two, most often played with two decks from 9 to ace (48 cards) |
Doppelköpfchen {n} [botany] | :: double capitulum |
doppelläufig {adj} | :: double-barrelled |
Doppellaut {m} [linguistics, phonetics] | :: diphthong |
Doppellaut {m} [linguistics] | :: double vowel or double consonant |
Doppelleben {n} | :: double life |
Doppellinie {f} | :: double line (road marking) |
Doppelmoral {f} | :: double standard |
Doppelmoral {f} | :: hypocrisy |
doppeln {v} | :: to double |
Doppelpunkt {m} | :: colon |
Doppelpyramide {f} | :: bipyramid, dipyramid |
Doppelsalz {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: double salt |
Doppelschicht {f} | :: bilayer |
doppelsinnig {adj} | :: ambiguous, equivocal |
Doppelspaltexperiment {n} [physics] | :: double slit experiment |
Doppelspiel {n} | :: double-cross |
Doppelspiel {n} [sports] | :: doubles |
Doppelspitze {f} [politics] | :: dual leadership |
Doppelstern {m} | :: double star |
doppelt {adj} | :: double (made up of two matching or complementary elements) |
doppelt gemoppelt {adj} [colloquial] | :: redundant, tautological, tautologous |
doppeltwirkend {adj} | :: double-acting |
Doppelverabredung {f} | :: double date |
doppelwandig {adj} | :: double-walled |
Doppelwohnhaus {n} | :: semi-detached house, duplex (with a firewall and usually sharing a side wall) |
Doppelzentner {m} [Germany] | :: two Zentner; quintal (200 pounds or 100 kg) |
Doppelzimmer {n} | :: double room |
doppelzüngig {adj} | :: duplicitous, double-tongued |
Doppelzüngigkeit {f} | :: duplicity |
Dopplereffekt {m} | :: Doppler effect (change in frequency or wavelength) |
Doppler-Effekt {m} | :: Doppler effect (change in frequency or wavelength) |
Dora {prop} | :: given name |
Doren {prop} {n} | :: Doren (municipality) |
Dorf {n} | :: village (rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town) |
Dorf {n} [figurative] | :: backwater (remote place; somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc.) |
Dorfbeuern {prop} {n} | :: Dorfbeuern (municipality) |
Dorfbewohner {m} | :: villager (male or of unspecified sex) |
Dorfgastein {prop} {n} | :: Dorfgastein (municipality) |
Dorfitter {prop} | :: A part of the Vöhl region |
Dorfkirche {f} | :: village church, rural church |
dörflich {adj} | :: rural, rustic |
Dorfmatratze {f} [vulgar, pejorative slang] | :: village bike (local woman who sleeps with many men) |
Dorfrand {m} | :: edge of the village |
Dorfstetten {prop} {n} | :: Dorfstetten (municipality) |
Dorftrottel {m} [derogatory] | :: village idiot |
Doris {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English usage, popular in the mid-twentieth century |
dorisch {adj} | :: Doric |
Dorn {m} | :: thorn |
Dornach {prop} | :: Dornach (neighbourhood) |
Dornach {prop} | :: Dornach (town) |
Dornbirn {prop} {n} | :: Dornbirn (municipality) |
Dornbusch {m} | :: thornbush |
Dörnchen {n} | :: diminutive of Dorn |
Dornenkrone {f} | :: crown of thorns |
Dörner {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Dorngesträuch {n} | :: thorny shrubbery |
Dornginster {m} | :: Calicotome gen. et spp |
Dornhai {m} | :: spiny dogfish, spurdog, mud shark, or piked dogfish (Squalus acanthias) |
dornig {adj} | :: thorny |
Dornröschen {n} | :: A small, thorny rose |
Dornröschen {prop} {n} | :: The fairy tale character Sleeping Beauty |
Dornröschenschlaf {m} [figuratively] | :: A period of inactivity, especially where potentials are not being exploited |
Dorothea {prop} | :: given name |
Dorpat {prop} [chiefly historical] | :: Tartu, a city in Estonia |
Dörpat {prop} | :: alternative form of Dorpat |
Dörpt {prop} | :: alternative form of Dorpat |
Dörptestnisch {prop} {n} | :: Tartu Estonian, the dialect of Estonian spoken in Tartu |
dörptisch {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the city of Dorpat / Tartu in Estonia, or to its inhabitants |
dörptisch {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Tartu dialect of Estonian |
Dörptisch {prop} {n} | :: the Tartu dialect of Estonian |
dorren {v} | :: to become dry |
dörren {vt} [auxiliary verb "haben"] | :: to make dry |
dörren {vi} [auxiliary verb "sein"] | :: to dry |
Dörrleiche {f} | :: mummy |
dorsal {adj} | :: dorsal |
Dorsch {m} | :: cod (marine fish of the family Gadidae) |
dort {adv} | :: there, yonder |
dorten {adv} [dated, Austria] | :: there |
dorther {adv} | :: from there |
dorthin {adv} | :: there (to that place) |
dortig {adj} | :: local |
Dortmund {prop} {n} | :: Dortmund (major city) |
Dortmund {prop} {n} | :: Borussia Dortmund, a German association football team |
Dortmunder {m} | :: A native or resident of Dortmund |
dortwärts {adv} | :: towards there |
Dosage {f} | :: dosage (in wine-making) |
Döschen {n} | :: diminutive of Dose |
Dose {f} | :: box (container made from metal or plastic, less often wood) |
Dose {f} | :: tin; can (air-tight container for food) |
Dose {f} [colloquial, most often diminutive] | :: vagina; vulva |
dösen {v} | :: to doze (to be sleepy; to sleep lightly) |
dösen {v} | :: to daydream |
dosenförmig {adj} | :: boxy (box-shaped) |
Dosenöffner {m} | :: can opener, tin opener [UK] |
Dosierung {f} | :: dosage |
Dosierung {f} | :: metering |
dösig {adj} | :: sleepy |
dösig {adj} | :: not concentrated |
dösig {adj} | :: stupid |
Dosis {f} | :: dose |
dosisabhängig {adj} [medicine] | :: dose-dependent |
Dossier {n} | :: dossier |
Dost {m} | :: tuft (of a plant), something that grows in tufts |
Dost {m} [plural form Doste] | :: any plant of the genus Origanum |
Dost {m} | :: oregano (Origanum vulgare) |
Dotcom-Blase {prop} {f} [business, history] | :: dot-com bubble |
Dotierelement {n} | :: doping element (added to a semiconductor) |
dotieren {v} | :: To endow |
dotieren {v} | :: To dope or contaminate |
Dotieren {n} | :: doping |
dotiert {v} | :: past participle of dotieren |
dotiert {adj} | :: doped |
dotiert {adj} | :: endowed |
Dotierung {f} | :: endowment |
Dotierung {f} | :: remuneration |
Dotierung {f} | :: doping (of a semiconductor) |
Dotter {m} {n} | :: yolk |
Dotter {m} | :: dodder (Cuscuta gen. et spp. and Camelina gen. et spp.) |
dottergelb {adj} | :: yolk-yellow |
Dötzchen {n} | :: little child |
Doublé {n} | :: alternative spelling of Dublee |
doublieren {v} | :: alternative spelling of dublieren |
down {adj} | :: down, depressed |
Downer {m} [slang] | :: downer (drug) |
downgeloadet {v} | :: past participle of downloaden |
Download {m} | :: a download |
downloadbar {adj} [internet] | :: downloadable |
downloaden {v} [computing] | :: to download (transfer data from a remote computer to a local one) |
Downsyndrom {n} | :: Down syndrome |
Doxologie {f} | :: doxology |
Doyen {m} | :: most senior representative of a certain group, usually in diplomacy, academia or performing arts, doyen |
Dozent {m} | :: lecturer, instructor (male or of unspecified sex) [at the university level] |
DPA {prop} | :: initialism of Deutsche Presse-Agentur (German news agency) |
Dr. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Doktor (In the Plural: abbreviation of Doktores) |
Drache {m} | :: dragon |
Drache {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Draco |
Drachen {m} | :: kite; hang glider (any gliding construction of poles and fabric) |
Drachen {m} [pejorative] | :: vixen, harpy (unkind woman, wife) |
Drachenblut {n} | :: dragon's blood (color and resin) |
Drachenblut {n} | :: A kind of alcoholic beverage |
Drachenfahne {f} | :: a flag with an image of a dragon on it |
Drachenfrucht {f} | :: dragon fruit |
Drachenfutter {n} [fantasy, fiction] | :: dragon fodder, dragon food |
Drachenfutter {n} | :: A gift given to placate someone, Drachenfutter |
Drachenstatue {f} | :: statue of a dragon |
Drachme {f} | :: drachma |
Dragee {n} | :: dragée, sugar-coated pill |
Dragée {n} | :: alternative spelling of Dragee |
Dragoner {m} | :: a dragoon |
Dragoner {m} [Austria] | :: the back clasp on a jacket |
Draht {m} | :: wire (thread of metal; conductor) |
Draht {m} [obsolete] | :: thread |
Drähtchen {n} | :: diminutive of Draht |
drahten {adj} | :: wire (attributive) |
Drahtesel {m} [colloquial, humorous, literally: "wire donkey"] | :: bicycle |
drahtig {adj} | :: wiry |
drahtlos {adj} | :: wireless |
Drahtseil {n} | :: cable, wire rope |
Drahtseil {n} | :: tightrope |
Drahtseilakt {m} | :: balancing act |
Drahtseilbahn {f} | :: cable railway |
Drahtsieb {n} | :: wire sieve, wire screen |
Drahtzaun {m} | :: wire fence |
Drahtzieher {m} [idiomatic] | :: string puller (literally: wire puller) |
Drainage {f} | :: alternative spelling of Dränage |
Draisine {f} | :: draisine (rail vehicle) |
Draisine {f} | :: hobby horse, draisienne (early bicycle) |
drakonisch {adj} | :: draconian |
drakonischer {adj} | :: comparative of drakonisch |
drall {adj} | :: tight (of a ball, sack: very full) |
drall {adj} | :: buxom (of a woman: having a full, voluptuous figure) |
Drall {m} | :: spin; twist |
Drall {m} [firearms] | :: rifling |
Drall {m} [physics] | :: angular momentum |
Drama {n} | :: drama |
dramatisch {adj} | :: dramatic |
dramatischer {adj} | :: comparative of dramatisch |
dramatisieren {v} | :: to dramatize |
Dramaturgie {f} | :: dramaturgy |
dramaturgisch {adj} | :: dramaturgic |
dran {adv} | :: alternative form of daran |
dran {adv} | :: (in the phrase dran sein) to be in a particular condition |
dran {adv} | :: (in the phrase an (etwas) dran sein) to be (possibly) true |
dran {adv} | :: (slang, in the phrase dran sein) to get it, to suffer consequences, punishment or retaliation |
dran {adv} | :: (in the phrase dran sein) to be somebody's turn in a game |
Dränage {f} | :: drainage |
Drang {m} | :: pressure; stress |
Drang {m} [figuratively] | :: urge; impulse; longing |
drangehen {vi} [colloquial] | :: to accept a phone call |
drängeln {v} | :: to push, jostle [through a crowd] |
drängen {v} | :: to press, to push |
drängend {adj} | :: pressing |
Drangsal {f} | :: tribulation |
drangsalieren {v} | :: to harass, torment |
drankommen {v} [colloquial] | :: to touch inadvertently |
drankommen {v} [colloquial] | :: to manage to reach |
drankommen {v} [colloquial] | :: to manage to obtain; to come by; to get at |
drankommen {v} [colloquial] | :: to have one's go/turn |
drankommen {v} [colloquial] | :: to take office; to assume some high position (especially political) |
drankommen {v} [colloquial] | :: to be asked about in a test |
drapieren {v} | :: to drape |
drapp {adj} [Austria, dated] | :: sandy-coloured |
Drasenhofen {prop} {n} | :: Drasenhofen (municipality) |
Draßburg {prop} {n} | :: Draßburg (municipality) |
Draßmarkt {prop} {n} | :: Draßmarkt (municipality) |
drastisch {adj} | :: drastic |
Drau {prop} {f} | :: Drava (river in Europe, tributary of the Danube) |
Drau {prop} | :: Dro (in Trentino, Italy) |
dräuen {vi} [dated] | :: to threaten |
drauf {adv} | :: after (behind; later in time; following) |
drauf {adv} | :: on top of |
draufdrücken {v} [colloquial] | :: to press, to push |
Draufgänger {m} | :: daredevil, go-getter (person who doesn't hesitate to pursue his goals) |
draufgängerisch {adj} | :: reckless, adventurous |
draufgegangen {v} | :: past participle of draufgehen |
draufgehen {v} | :: to fall apart |
draufgehen {v} | :: to die |
drauflos- {prefix} | :: A verb prefix indicating an action is done without planning; |
drauflosarbeiten {v} | :: to get straight down to work |
drauflosfahren {v} | :: to hit the road without a chosen destination |
draufstehen {v} [colloquial] | :: to stand on |
draufstehen {v} [colloquial] | :: to be written on |
draufstehen {v} [colloquial] | :: to like it, to love it |
drauf und dran {adv} | :: about to |
draus {adv} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of daraus |
draussen {adv} | :: alternative spelling of draußen |
draußen {adv} | :: outside |
draußen {adv} | :: out there |
drechseln {vt} | :: to lathe |
Drechsler {m} | :: turner, lathe operator |
Dreck {m} | :: dirt |
Dreck {m} | :: filth |
Dreck {m} [Austria] | :: excrement, faeces |
Dreck am Stecken {m} | :: skeleton in the cupboard, skeleton in the closet |
dreckig {adj} | :: dirty |
Dreckkerl {m} | :: alternative form of Dreckskerl |
Dreckloch {n} | :: hellhole |
Drecksack {m} | :: scumbag |
Drecksarbeit {f} | :: dirty work |
Drecksgöre {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: filthy naughty girl, filthy naughty child |
Dreckskerl {m} [pejorative] | :: swine, son of a bitch, bastard |
Drecksnutte {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: filthy whore |
Dreh {m} | :: spin, twist |
Dreh {m} | :: knack |
Dreharbeit {f} [cinematography] | :: shooting, principal photography |
Drehbank {f} | :: lathe |
drehbar {adj} | :: rotatable, revolving |
Drehbuch {n} [cinematography] | :: script, screenplay |
drehen {v} | :: to turn, revolve, rotate, roll |
drehen {v} [cinematography] | :: to shoot |
drehen {v} | :: to veer |
drehen {v} | :: to shape with a lathe |
Dreher {m} | :: turner, lathe operator |
Dreher {m} | :: A type of folk dance from Austria and southern Germany |
Drehimpuls {m} [physics] | :: angular momentum |
Drehleier {f} [musical instruments] | :: hurdy-gurdy |
Drehmaschine {f} | :: lathe (machine tool used to shape a piece of material) |
Drehmoment {n} | :: torque |
Drehorgel {f} | :: barrel organ (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel) |
Drehort {m} [cinematography] | :: location (The place where a film or a scene is shot.) |
Drehpendeluhr {f} | :: pendulum clock |
Drehpunkt {m} | :: pivot |
Drehrohrofen {m} | :: rotary kiln |
Drehscheibe {f} [railway] | :: turntable |
Drehtür {f} | :: revolving door |
Drehung {f} | :: rotation, turn |
Drehzahl {f} | :: rotational speed, speed of rotation, (automotive) RPM, revolutions per minute |
drei {num} | :: three (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 3; or describing a set with three elements) |
Drei {f} | :: three (digit/figure 3) |
dreiarmig {adj} | :: three-armed |
Dreibein {n} | :: tripod |
Dreibein {n} [maths] | :: trihedron |
dreibeinig {adj} | :: three-legged |
dreiblättrig {adj} | :: trifoliate, three-leaved |
Dreidel {m} | :: dreidel |
dreidimensional {adj} | :: three-dimensional |
Dreidimensionalität {f} | :: three-dimensionality |
Dreieck {n} | :: triangle |
dreieckig {adj} | :: triangular |
Dreieckpyramide {f} | :: triangular pyramid |
Dreieck-Pyramide {f} | :: alternative spelling of Dreieckpyramide |
Dreiecksnatter {f} | :: milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum) |
Dreiecksverhältnis {n} | :: love triangle |
Dreieckszahl {f} | :: triangular number, triangle number |
dreieinhalb {num} | :: three and a half |
Dreieinigkeit {f} [Christianity] | :: Trinity |
Dreier {m} [regional] | :: three |
Dreier {m} [colloquial] | :: threesome |
dreierlei {adj} | :: Of three different types |
Dreierwette {f} | :: trifecta [betting] |
dreifach {adj} | :: triple (made up of three matching or complementary elements) |
Dreifachbindung {f} [chemistry] | :: triple bond |
Dreifachblindstudie {f} [medicine, psychology] | :: triple-blind experiment, triple-blinded experiment |
Dreifachklick {m} [computer] | :: triple-click |
Dreifaltigkeit {f} [Christianity] | :: Trinity |
Dreifuss {m} | :: alternative spelling of Dreifuß |
Dreifuß {m} | :: tripod |
Dreifuß {m} | :: three-legged stool |
dreifüssig {adj} | :: alternative spelling of dreifüßig |
dreifüßig {adj} | :: three-footed |
Dreigestirn {n} [dated] | :: constellation of three stars |
Dreigestirn {n} [often, humorously] | :: group of three |
Dreigestirn {n} | :: group of three figures in the carnival customs of Cologne: Prinz, Bauer and Jungfrau |
Drei gewinnt {n} [games] | :: synonym of Tic-Tac-Toe |
dreihundert {num} | :: three hundred |
dreihundertjährig {adj} | :: three-hundred-year |
dreihundertjährig {adj} | :: three-hundred-year-old |
dreihundertste {adj} | :: three-hundredth |
dreijährig {adj} | :: three-year-old |
Dreikäsehoch {m} [colloquial, jocular] | :: tot, titch, half-pint (small child) |
Dreiklang {m} [music] | :: A triad |
Dreiklassenwahlrecht {n} [historical] | :: three-class suffrage, three-class franchise : a form of Suffrage#Census_suffrage used in Prussia in which voters were divided into three classes based on how much they paid in taxes, with the votes of those who paid more taxes (the rich) given more weight |
Dreikönig {prop} {n} [holiday] | :: Short for Dreikönigsfest (Epiphany) |
Dreikönigsfest {n} | :: Epiphany |
Dreikönigstag {m} | :: Epiphany day, Three Kings' Day, Twelfth Day |
dreiköpfig {adj} | :: three-headed |
dreiköpfig {adj} | :: three people (attributive) |
Dreiländereck {n} | :: tripoint, trijunction, triple point (geographical point at which the boundaries of three countries or subnational entities meet) |
Dreiländereck {n} | :: tri-border area, border triangle |
Dreiling {m} | :: three pfennig coin |
Dreilochnutte {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: woman who participates in vaginal, oral and anal intercourse |
Dreilochstute {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: woman who participates in vaginal, oral and anal intercourse |
dreimal {adv} | :: thrice, three times |
dreimalig {adj} | :: three-times, triple |
dreiminütig {adj} | :: three-minute |
dreimonatig {adj} | :: three-month (attributive) |
dreimonatlich {adj} | :: three-monthly, quarterly, (once every three months) |
Dreimorengesetz {n} | :: Dreimorengesetz |
dreimotorig {adj} | :: three-engined |
drein {adv} | :: alternative form of darein |
dreiprozentig {adj} | :: three-percent |
Dreirad {n} | :: tricycle |
Dreisatz {m} [math] | :: rule of three |
dreiseitig {adj} | :: three-page |
dreiseitig {adj} | :: trilateral |
dreisilbig {adj} | :: trisyllabic |
Dreispitz {m} | :: tricorn |
dreisprachig {adj} | :: trilingual |
dreispurig {adj} | :: three-lane (attributive) |
dreissig {num} | :: alternative spelling of dreißig |
Dreissig {f} | :: alternative spelling of Dreißig |
dreißig {num} | :: thirty |
Dreißig {f} | :: thirty (number) |
Dreissigeck {n} | :: alternative spelling of Dreißigeck |
Dreißigeck {n} | :: triacontagon |
dreißigeckig {adj} | :: with 30 vertices (usually of a triacontagon) |
Dreissiger {m} | :: alternative spelling of Dreißiger |
Dreißiger {m} | :: Anything defined by the number thirty, especially: |
Dreißiger {m} | :: A bus, train, etc. with that number |
Dreißiger {m} | :: A player, candidate, etc. with that number |
Dreißiger {m} [in the plural] | :: The thirties of a given century |
Dreißiger {m} [in the plural] | :: The thirties of a given life |
Dreißiger {m} [chiefly in context] | :: A person in their thirties |
dreißigfach {adj} | :: thirtyfold |
dreißigjährig {adj} | :: thirty-year (attributive) |
dreißigjährig {adj} | :: thirty-year-old |
dreißigmal {adv} | :: thirty times |
dreißigminütig {adj} | :: thirty-minute |
dreißigmonatig {adj} | :: thirty-month; lasting thirty months (attributive) |
dreißigprozentig {adj} | :: thirty-percent |
dreissigste {ordinal num} | :: alternative spelling of dreißigste |
dreißigste {ordinal num} | :: thirtieth |
Dreissigstel {m} {n} | :: alternative spelling of Dreißigstel |
Dreißigstel {n} {m} | :: thirtieth (fraction, part) |
dreißigstündig {adj} | :: thirty-hour |
dreißigtägig {adj} | :: thirty-day, lasting thirty days |
dreist {adj} | :: bold, brash, audacious, impudent (without respect or restraint) |
dreistellig {adj} | :: three-digit |
Dreistigkeit {f} | :: audacity |
dreistöckig {adj} | :: three-storey |
dreistrahlig {adj} | :: three-engined (especially of a jet aircraft) |
dreistufig {adj} | :: three-stage |
dreistündig {adj} | :: three-hour (attributive) |
Dreitagebart {m} | :: stubble grown after three days |
dreitägig {adj} | :: three-day (attributive) |
dreiteilig {adj} | :: three-part, three-piece, tripartite (consisting of three parts) |
dreitürig {adj} | :: three-door (attributive) |
dreiundachtzig {num} | :: eighty-three (83) |
dreiundachtzigste {ordinal num} | :: eighty-third |
dreiunddreissig {num} | :: alternative spelling of dreiunddreißig |
dreiunddreißig {num} | :: thirty-three (33) |
dreiunddreißigste {ordinal num} | :: thirty-three |
dreiundfünfzig {num} | :: fifty-three (53) |
dreiundfünfzigste {ordinal num} | :: fifty-third |
dreiundneunzig {num} | :: ninety-three (93) |
dreiundneunzigste {ordinal num} | :: ninety-third |
dreiundsechzig {num} | :: sixty-three (63) |
dreiundsechzigste {ordinal num} | :: sixty-third |
dreiundsiebzig {num} | :: seventy-three (73) |
dreiundsiebzigste {ordinal num} | :: seventy-third |
dreiundvierzig {num} | :: forty-three |
dreiundvierzigste {ordinal num} | :: forty-third |
dreiundzwanzig {num} | :: twenty-three |
dreiundzwanzigfach {adj} | :: twenty-three-fold |
dreiundzwanzigjährig {adj} | :: twenty-three-year-old |
dreiundzwanzigste {ordinal num} | :: twenty-third |
dreiviertel {prep} [DDR, Bavaria, Austria] | :: quarter to, a quarter-hour before, 15 minutes before [used with the number of the following hour] |
Dreivierteljahr {n} | :: nine-month period |
Dreiviertelstunde {f} | :: three-quarters of an hour |
dreiwertig {adj} [chemistry] | :: trivalent |
Dreiwertigkeit {f} [chemistry] | :: trivalence |
dreiwöchig {adj} | :: three-week (attributive) |
Dreizack {m} | :: trident |
dreizehn {num} | :: thirteen |
Dreizehneck {n} | :: tridecagon |
dreizehneckig {adj} | :: tridecagonal |
dreizehnfach {adj} | :: thirteenfold |
Dreizehnflächner {m} [geometry] | :: tridecahedron |
dreizehnhundert {num} | :: thirteen hundred |
dreizehnjährig {adj} | :: thirteen-year |
dreizehnjährig {adj} | :: thirteen-year-old |
dreizehnmal {adv} | :: thirteen times |
dreizehnminütig {adj} | :: thirteen-minute |
dreizehnmonatig {adj} | :: 13-month; lasting 13 months (attributive) |
dreizehnstündig {adj} | :: thirteen-hour |
dreizehntägig {adj} | :: thirteen-day, lasting thirteen days |
dreizehnte {ordinal num} | :: thirteenth |
dreizehnwöchig {adj} | :: thirteen-week |
dreizeilig {adj} | :: three-line |
Dreizentrenbindung {f} [chemistry] | :: three-centred bond (especially a banana bond) |
Drempel {m} | :: threshold, brink, bump |
Drempel {m} | :: particularly, a certain part of a sluice |
Drempel {m} | :: particularly, an extension of the top floor of a building with a gabled roof |
dreschen {vti} | :: to thresh; to thrash |
Dreschflegel {m} | :: flail |
Dreschmaschine {f} [agriculture] | :: thresher, threshing machine |
Dreschplatz {m} | :: threshing floor |
Dresden {prop} {n} | :: Dresden (capital city) |
Dresdner {m} | :: Dresdner [resident of Dresden] |
Dresdner {adj} | :: from, of, or pertaining to Dresden |
Dresseur {m} | :: animal trainer |
dressieren {v} [animals] | :: to train |
drey {num} | :: obsolete form of drei |
drey {num} [Early New High German] | :: obsolete form of drei |
dreyßig {num} | :: obsolete spelling of dreißig |
dribbeln {v} [soccer] | :: To dribble (to run with the ball, controlling its path with the feet) |
dribbeln {v} [basketball] | :: To dribble |
Drift {f} | :: drifting (being moved by external powers; most often of a ship) |
Drift {f} | :: violent stream or swell (of the sea) |
driften {vi} | :: to drift |
drillen {v} | :: to twist (a rope) |
drillen {v} [military] | :: to drill |
drillen {v} [technical, not general] | :: to bore |
Drillich {m} | :: drill (fabric) |
Drilling {m} | :: A triplet (one of three persons born to the same mother at the same time) |
Drilling {m} [poker] | :: three of a kind |
drin {adv} | :: inside |
dringen {vi} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to insist; to press |
dringen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to ooze; to seep |
dringen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to penetrate, to force one’s way |
dringend {adj} | :: urgent |
dringender {adj} | :: comparative of dringend |
dringlich {adj} | :: urgent |
dringlicher {adj} | :: comparative of dringlich |
Dringlichkeit {f} | :: urgency |
Drink {m} | :: an alcoholic drink, especially one containing liquor and some other liquid, like a cocktail or long drink |
drinnen {adv} | :: inside (a room) |
Driss {m} [colloquial, regional, Rhineland] | :: shit |
dritt {particle} | :: only used in zu dritt |
dritte {ordinal num} | :: third |
Drittel {n} | :: a third |
drittelzahlig {adj} | :: three-digit |
drittens {adv} | :: thirdly |
dritter Fall {m} [grammar] | :: dative case |
Dritter Golfkrieg {prop} {m} | :: Iraq War (US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003) |
Drittes Reich {prop} {n} | :: The Third Reich |
Dritte Welt {prop} {f} | :: Third World |
drittgrößte {adj} | :: third biggest, third largest |
drittklassig {adj} | :: third-class, third-rate |
drittletzte {adj} | :: antepenultimate, third to last |
drittrangig {adj} | :: tertiary |
Drittsprache {f} [education] | :: A learned third language |
Drittstaat {m} | :: third country |
drittwichtigste {adj} | :: third most important |
Drive {m} [uncountable] | :: drive (self-motivation) |
Drive {m} [golf, countable] | :: drive (stroke made with a driver) |
Drive {m} [badminton, tennis, countable] | :: drive (ball struck in a flat trajectory) |
drob {adv} | :: alternative form of darob |
droben {adv} | :: up |
droben {adv} | :: up there |
Droge {f} [colloquial] | :: drug (psychoactive substance, especially one which is illegal) |
Droge {f} [pharmacology] | :: drug (substance used to treat an illness) |
dröge {adj} [regional, chiefly northern Germany] | :: dry |
dröge {adj} [regional, chiefly northern Germany] | :: dull; boring; humdrum (of activities and people) |
Drogenabhängiger {m} | :: drug addict (male or of unspecified sex) (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs) |
Drogenbeauftragter {m} | :: commissioner/representative for drugs |
Drogenberater {m} | :: drug advisor |
Drogendelikt {n} [law] | :: drug offense |
Drogenfalle {f} [idiomatic] | :: trap relating to addiction to drugs |
Drogenfreak {m} | :: drug freak |
Drogenhandel {m} | :: drug trafficking, drug dealing, drug trade |
Drogenhändler {m} | :: drug dealer |
Drogenhändlerin {f} | :: female drug dealer |
Drogenkonsument {m} | :: drug user, drug taker, druggie (male or of unspecified sex) |
Drogenkrieg {m} | :: The 'war on drugs'. |
Drogenkrieg {m} | :: drug war |
Drogenkriminalität {f} | :: drug-related crime, drug crime |
Drogenmissbrauch {m} | :: drug abuse |
drogensüchtig {adj} | :: addictive (to a drug) |
drogensüchtig {adj} | :: drug-related |
Drogensüchtiger {m} | :: drug addict (person with a chemical or psychological dependency on drugs) |
Drogentest {m} | :: drug test |
drogenverseucht {adj} | :: drug-ridden |
Drogenwirtschaft {f} [economics] | :: drug economy, narcotics economy, drug trade |
Drogerie {f} | :: a retail store selling beauty, hygiene and household related products as well as certain non-prescription medications, roughly equivalent to a drugstore [US] or chemist [UK] |
Drohbrief {m} | :: threatening letter |
drohen {v} | :: to threaten |
drohend {adj} | :: threatening, menacing, forbidding |
Drohgebärde {f} | :: threatening gesture |
Drohkulisse {f} | :: threatening posture |
Drohne {f} | :: drone (male bee) |
Drohne {f} [aviation] | :: drone (unmanned aircraft) |
Drohne {f} [dated] | :: sponger, parasite |
dröhnen {vi} | :: to boom; to thud; to roar (make a loud, dull sound; such as that of a military aircraft) |
Drohnenangriff {m} [military] | :: drone strike |
Drohung {f} | :: threat (expression of intent to injure or punish another) |
Droide {m} | :: droid, short form of Androide "android" |
drölf {num} [humourous] | :: thirteen |
drölf {num} [humourous] | :: umpteen |
drollig {adj} | :: droll; endearing |
drolliger {adj} | :: comparative of drollig |
Dromedar {n} | :: dromedary |
Dronte {f} | :: dodo (†Raphus cucullatus) |
Drop-down-Liste {f} [graphical user interface] | :: alternative form of Dropdown-Liste (dropdown list) |
Dropdown-Liste {f} [graphical user interface] | :: dropdown list |
Dropdown-Listenfeld {n} [graphical user interface] | :: synonym of Dropdown-Liste (dropdown list) |
Droschke {f} | :: droshky |
Droschke {f} [regional] | :: taxi |
Drösing {prop} {n} | :: Drösing (municipality) |
Droß {prop} {n} | :: Droß (municipality) |
Drossel {f} | :: thrush (songbird of the family Turdidae) |
Drossel {f} | :: throttle |
Drossel {f} | :: gorge of game (wild animals) (hunter's jargon) |
Drossel {f} [dated] | :: throat |
drosseln {v} | :: to curb, choke, throttle |
Drosselung {f} | :: limiting, curbing, throttling, restriction |
Drost {m} [Northern Germany, historical, archaic] | :: steward, reeve |
drüben {adv} | :: over there |
drüben {adv} | :: on the other side |
drüben {adv} | :: Either the (former) GDR or pre-1990 BRD, both as political entities and as geographical regions. The term describes the entity/area from which the speaker does not hail |
drüber {adv} | :: contraction of darüber |
Druck {m} | :: pressure [plural: Drücke] |
Druck {m} | :: print [plural: Drucke] |
Druckanstieg {m} | :: pressure rise |
Druckbehälter {m} | :: pressure vessel |
Druckbuchstabe {m} | :: printed character, block letter |
Druckbuchstabe {m} | :: [plural] print |
Drückeberger {m} | :: (male) shirk, quitter |
Drückebergerin {f} | :: (female) shirk |
drucken {v} | :: to print |
drücken {vt} | :: to press; to push (e.g., a door handle) |
drücken {vt} | :: to hug (somebody) |
drücken {vir} | :: to shirk |
Drucker {m} | :: agent noun of drucken; printer (person, especially male, who prints) |
Drucker {m} | :: printer (device) |
Druckerei {f} [printing, countable] | :: printing house, printery |
Druckerei {f} [printing, uncountable] | :: art of printing |
Druckerpresse {f} | :: printing press |
Druckfehler {m} | :: misprint |
Druckgasflasche {f} | :: pressurised gas cylinder |
Druckgießverfahren {n} | :: diecasting |
Druckguss {m} | :: diecasting |
Druckknopf {m} | :: push button, press button |
Druckluft {f} | :: compressed air |
Druckmesser {m} | :: pressure gauge, manometer |
Druckmittel {n} [figuratively] | :: lever, bargaining tool |
Druckregler {m} | :: pressure regulator, pressure controller, pressurestat |
Drucksache {f} | :: printed matter |
Drucksache {f} | :: business letter |
Drucksache {f} | :: circular |
Druckschrift {f} | :: print (blockletters) |
Druckschrift {f} | :: printed document, booklet, brochure |
Drucktank {m} | :: pressure tank |
Drucktopf {m} [cookware] | :: pressure cooker |
Drucktype {f} [printing] | :: a printing form, a font die |
Druckversion {f} | :: printed version |
Druckwalze {f} | :: print roll, press cylinder, shaft |
Druckwasserreaktor {m} | :: pressurized water reactor |
Druckwerk {n} | :: printed work |
Druckwerk {n} | :: printing machine |
Druide {m} | :: druid |
drum {adv} | :: contraction of darum |
Drumpf {prop} | :: surname for a drummer. alternative form of Trump |
drunten {adv} [Southern Germany, Austria] | :: down there |
Druse {m} | :: Druze |
Druse {f} | :: geode |
Drüse {f} [anatomy] | :: gland |
Drüse {f} [archaic] | :: swelling, boil |
druseln {v} [colloquial] | :: to doze |
drüsig {adj} | :: glandular |
Dryade {f} [Greek mythology] | :: dryad |
Dschibuti {prop} {n} | :: Djibouti |
dschibutisch {adj} | :: Djiboutian |
Dschihad {m} | :: jihad (holy war undertaken by Muslims) |
Dschihadist {m} | :: jihadist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Dschihadistin {f} | :: jihadist (female) |
dschihadistisch {adj} | :: jihadist |
dschingisidisch {adj} | :: Genghisid |
Dschingis Khan {prop} {m} [historical] | :: a leader of the Mongolians; Genghis Khan |
Dschinn {m} | :: jinn |
Dschungel {m} {n} {f} | :: jungle |
dt. {adj} | :: deutsch ≡ German (language) |
DT {noun} | :: abbreviation of Dachterrasse |
DTB {prop} | :: initialism of Deutscher Tierschutzbund |
du {pron} | :: you [thou, singular familiar] |
Du {pron} | :: alternative case form of du (you (singular)) [especially when used as a direct address in letters] |
Du {n} | :: literally: the thou, the you [singular] |
dual {adj} | :: dual |
Dual {m} [grammar] | :: dual, dual number |
Dualismus {m} | :: dualism |
Dualität {f} [mathematics, physics] | :: duality |
Dual-SIM-Smartphone {n} [mobile phones] | :: dual SIM smartphone |
Dualsystem {n} | :: binary numeral system, base-2 numeral system |
Dubbel {n} [colloquial, regional, parts of western Germany, including Westphalia] | :: sandwich |
Dübel {m} | :: dowel |
dübeln {v} | :: to dowel |
dubios {adj} | :: dubious |
dubioser {adj} | :: comparative of dubios |
Dublee {n} [metalworking] | :: rolled gold |
Dublee {n} [billiards] | :: stroke off the cushion |
Dublette {f} | :: duplicate |
dublieren {v} [textiles] | :: to double |
dublieren {v} [metalworking] | :: to double, to plate |
dublieren {v} [billiards] | :: to cushion |
Dubnium {n} | :: dubnium |
Dubstep {n} [music] | :: dubstep |
ducken {vr} | :: to duck |
Duckface {n} [colloquial] | :: duckface (facial expression) |
Duckmäuser {m} [derogatory] | :: sneak, coward who avoids saying his own opinion |
duckmäusern {v} [derogatory] | :: to be submissive, to sneak (to hide) |
Duck-Typing {n} [programming, object-oriented] | :: duck typing |
dudeln {v} [music] | :: to play incessantly |
Dudelsack {m} | :: bagpipes |
Duden {m} | :: A dictionary of the German language, first published by Konrad Duden in 1880 |
Dudenhausen {prop} | :: surname |
Duell {n} | :: duel (combat between two persons) |
Duellant {m} | :: a duelist |
duellieren {v} | :: to duel |
Duett {n} | :: duet |
Duft {m} | :: smell, scent |
Duftanhänger {m} | :: An air freshener (commonly used in a car) |
duften {v} | :: to smell very pleasantly |
duftend {adj} | :: fragrant, sweet (having a pleasant smell) |
duftig {adj} | :: perfumed, fragrant |
duftig {adj} | :: delicate (hardly perceptible) |
Duftrauchbrenner {m} | :: censer |
Duftstoff {m} | :: perfume, scent, fragrance (aromatic substance) |
du gibst ihnen die Hand, und sie nehmen dir deinen Fuß {proverb} | :: "You give them the hand and they take your foot" |
Dugong {m} | :: dugong |
duhn {adj} | :: alternative form of dun |
Dühring {prop} | :: surname |
Duisburg {prop} {n} | :: Duisburg (city) |
Dukat {m} | :: ducat (gold coin) |
Dukatenfalter {m} | :: scarce copper, Lycaena virgaureae (butterfly) |
Düker {m} | :: culvert |
duktil {adj} | :: ductile |
Duktilität {f} | :: ductility |
dulden {v} | :: to endure |
dulden {v} | :: to condone; to tolerate |
duldsam {adj} | :: tolerant, indulgent |
duldsam {adj} | :: meek, submissive |
Dult {f} [regional, Bavaria, Austria] | :: synonym of Jahrmarkt |
dumm {adj} | :: dumb, stupid |
Dummbart {m} [derogatory] | :: idiot |
Dummbatz {m} [colloquial] | :: idiot; dumbnut; pinhead |
Dummchen {n} [derogatory] | :: dummy, dumb person |
Dummdepp {m} [vulgar, offensive] | :: idiot, stupid idiot |
dummdreist {adj} | :: audacious, reckless (impudent, stupid, inappropriate through lacking consideration); generally of speech or social behaviour, not dangerous acts |
dumme Gans {f} | :: silly goose |
Dummejungenstreich {m} | :: alternative spelling of Dumme-Jungen-Streich |
Dumme-Jungen-Streich {m} | :: silly prank |
dümmer {adj} | :: comparative of dumm |
Dummerchen {n} [derogatory] | :: dummy |
dummerweise {adv} | :: unfortunately, stupidly |
Dummheit {f} | :: stupidity |
Dummheit und Stolz wachsen auf einem Holz {proverb} | :: "Stupidity and pride grow from the same tree" |
Dummheit und Stolz wachsen auf einem Holz {proverb} | :: "Stupidity and pride grow on the same side" (analogous) |
Dummhirn {n} [vulgar, offensive] | :: idiot |
Dummi {m} | :: dummy [unintelligent person] |
Dummkopf {m} | :: a fool, an idiot, a ninny |
dümmlich {adj} | :: asinine, dumb |
Dümmlichkeit {f} [uncountable] | :: The state of asininity |
Dümmlichkeit {f} [countable] | :: An act of asininity |
dümmsten {adj} | :: superlative of dumm |
dumm wie Brot {adj} [idiom] | :: thick as a brick |
Dummy {m} {n} | :: dummy, mockup |
dümpeln {v} [of boats] | :: to be tied up bobbing up and down in the water |
dümpeln {v} [figurative] | :: to be stuck; to be inactive or unsuccessful; to make no substantial progress |
dumpf {adj} | :: dull |
dumpf {adj} | :: hollow, muffled, dead (sound) |
dumpf {adj} | :: vague |
dumpf {adj} | :: musty, stifling (atmosphere) |
dumpf {adj} | :: nagging (pain) |
Dumpfheit {f} | :: dullness |
dun {adj} [colloquial, chiefly North Germany] | :: drunk |
Düna {prop} {f} | :: the Duna, the Daugava (river in eastern Europe) |
dunckel {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkel |
dunckelblau {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelblau |
dunckelblaw {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelblau |
dunckelbraun {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelbraun |
dunckelgelb {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgelb |
dunckelgrau {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgrau |
dunckelgraw {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgrau |
dunckelgrün {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgrün |
dunckelrot {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelrot |
dunckelroth {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelrot |
dunckelschwarz {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelschwarz |
dunckelweiß {adj} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelweiß |
Düne {f} | :: dune (usually by the sea) |
Düne {prop} {f} | :: Düne [island close to Heligoland] |
Dünengazelle {f} | :: slender-horned gazelle, rhim gazelle, sand gazelle, Gazella leptoceros |
Dung {m} | :: dung |
Düngemittel {n} | :: fertilizer |
Düngemittelindustrie {f} | :: fertilizer industry |
düngen {v} | :: to fertilize (a field) |
Dünger {m} | :: fertilizer |
Düngung {f} | :: fertilization |
dunkel {adj} [of light] | :: dark |
dunkel {adj} [of sound] | :: deep |
Dunkel {n} | :: dark |
Dünkel {m} | :: conceit, smugness, arrogance |
dunkelblau {adj} | :: dark blue |
dunkelblau {adj} | :: blue-black |
Dunkelblau {n} | :: dark blue |
dunkelblaw {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelblau |
dunkelbraun {adj} | :: dark brown; puce (in colour) |
Dunkelbraun {n} | :: dark brown |
dunkelbrauner Ameisenwürger {m} | :: undulated antshrike |
dunkelfarben {adj} | :: dark-coloured |
dunkelgelb {adj} | :: dark yellow |
Dunkelgelb {n} | :: dark yellow |
dunkelgelbe Karte {f} [football, colloquial] | :: A debatable yellow card for a foul or misconduct that could also have deserved a red card |
dunkelgrau {adj} | :: dark grey (in colour) |
Dunkelgrau {n} | :: dark gray |
dunkelgraw {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelgrau |
dunkelgrün {adj} | :: dark green |
Dunkelgrün {n} | :: dark green |
dünkelhaft {adj} | :: snobbish (considering others as socially or morally inferior) |
dünkelhaft {adj} | :: smug, vainglorious, arrogant (considering others as personally inferior) |
dunkelhäutig {adj} | :: swarthy, dark-skinned |
Dunkelheit {f} | :: darkness |
Dunkelkammer {f} [photography] | :: darkroom |
Dunkelmantel-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: chestnut-backed antshrike |
Dunkelmantel-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: lined antshrike |
dunkeln {v} | :: to darken |
dunkelorange {adj} | :: dark-orange (coloured) |
dunkelrot {adj} | :: dark red |
Dunkelrot {n} | :: dark red |
dunkelroth {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of dunkelrot |
dunkelschwarz {adj} | :: deep / intense black |
Dunkelsteinerwald {prop} {n} | :: Dunkelsteinerwald (municipality) |
Dunkelsteinerwald {prop} {m} | :: Dunkelsteinerwald (forest) |
dunkelviolett {adj} | :: dark violet |
Dunkelwasserläufer {m} | :: spotted redshank (Tringa erythropus) |
dunkelweiss {adj} | :: alternative spelling of dunkelweiß |
dunkelweiß {adj} | :: dark white i.e. light grey |
Dunkelziffer {f} | :: dark figure |
dünken {vit} [archaic] | :: to seem (to appear) |
Dünkirchen {prop} {n} | :: Dunkirk (Dunkerque), a coastal town in northern France, originally Flemish-speaking |
Dunkle Energie {f} [astrophysics, cosmology] | :: dark energy |
Dunkle Materie {f} [astrophysics, cosmology] | :: dark matter |
dunkler {adj} | :: comparative of dunkel |
dünn {adj} | :: thin, slender, slim |
dünn {adj} | :: (in the sense of a beverage like coffee or beer) weak, not strong |
dünn {adj} | :: flimsy |
Dünnbrettbohrer {m} | :: (coll.) intellectual lightweight (person) |
Dünnbrettbohrer {m} | :: (coll.) slacker |
Dünndarm {m} [anatomy] | :: small intestine |
dünner {adj} | :: comparative of dünn |
Dünnfilmtransistor {m} | :: thin-film transistor |
dünnflüssig {adj} | :: thin, runny, fluid |
dünnhäutig {adj} [literally or figuratively] | :: thin-skinned |
dünnhäutiger {adj} | :: comparative of dünnhäutig |
Dünnhäutigkeit {f} | :: thin-skinnedness |
dünnhäutigsten {adj} | :: superlative of dünnhäutig |
Dünnpfiff {m} | :: diarrhea |
Dünnschicht {f} | :: thin film |
Dünnschichtsolarzelle {f} | :: thin-film solar cell |
Dünnschichttransistor {m} | :: thin-film transistor |
Dünnschiss {m} [vulgar] | :: diarrhea (as a disease) |
Dünnschiss {m} [vulgar] | :: the fecal product of diarrhea |
dünnwandig {adj} | :: thin-gauge, thin-walled |
Düns {prop} | :: Düns (municipality) |
Dünserberg {prop} {n} | :: Dünserberg (municipality) |
Dunst {m} | :: haze |
Dunstabzugshaube {f} | :: extractor hood, range hood, cooker hood |
dünsten {vt} [cooking] | :: to steam, to braise, to stew |
dunstig {adj} | :: misty, hazy |
dunstig {adj} | :: vaporous |
Dünung {f} | :: swell (series of waves) |
Duo {n} | :: duo, pair |
Duo {n} | :: duet |
duodenal {adj} | :: duodenal |
Duodenum {n} [anatomy] | :: The duodenum, first part of the small intestine |
Duodezillion {num} | :: A long scale duodecillion, 1072 |
duodezimal {adj} [maths] | :: duodecimal |
Duodezimalsystem {n} | :: duodecimal, dozenal, base 12 number system |
Duopol {n} | :: duopoly |
düpieren {vt} | :: to fool, to deceive, to dupe |
Duplikat {n} | :: duplicate |
Duplikation {f} | :: duplication |
Dur {n} [music] | :: major |
Duraluminium {n} | :: duralumin |
Duranusit {m} [mineral] | :: duranusite |
durch- {prefix} | :: through |
durch {prep} [+ accusative] | :: by means of; by; through |
durch {prep} [+ accusative] | :: through; entering, then exiting |
durch {prep} [+ accusative] | :: via |
durch {prep} [+ accusative] | :: owing to; because of |
durch {prep} [+ accusative, mathematics] | :: divided by |
durch {adv} | :: during; throughout; through |
durch {adv} [colloquial, with a time] | :: past |
durchackern {v} [colloquial] | :: to work through [with effort] |
durcharbeiten {v} | :: to work throughout (e.g. night) |
durchatmen {v} | :: to breathe deeply |
durchaus {adv} | :: absolutely, definitely |
durchaus {adv} | :: quite |
durchaus {adv} | :: absolutely, thoroughly |
durchblättern {v} | :: to leaf through, thumb through (a book etc.) |
durchblicken {v} | :: to look through |
durchblicken {v} | :: to understand |
durchbluten {v} | :: to bleed through |
durchbluten {v} | :: to supply with blood |
durchbohren {v} | :: to pierce |
durchbrechen {vt} [auxiliary haben] | :: to break something in two |
durchbrechen {vi} [auxiliary sein] | :: to break in two; to snap |
durchbrechen {vi} [auxiliary sein] | :: to break through |
durchbrechen {vt} | :: to break through something; to penetrate; to breach |
durchbrennen {vi} [auxiliary haben] | :: to continue to burn; to burn through (some period of time) |
durchbrennen {vr} [_ or intransitive with sein] | :: to burn through |
durchbrennen {vi} [auxiliary sein] | :: to blow; to blow out [of a fuse, wire] |
durchbrennen {vi} [auxiliary sein, colloquial] | :: to run away, especially with a lover; to elope |
Durchbruch {m} | :: breakthrough |
durch den Kakao gezogen {v} | :: past participle of durch den Kakao ziehen |
durch den Kakao ziehen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pull someone's leg, to make fun of somebody or something, to roast someone |
durchdenken {v} | :: to think through, to reflect about, to deliberate |
durch den Wind {adv} | :: for non-idiomatic uses, see the respective lemmas |
durch den Wind {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: dazzled; shocked; confused |
durchdrehen {v} | :: to freak out |
durchdringen {vi} | :: to penetrate, permeate |
durchdringen {vt} | :: to pervade, imbue |
durchdringend {adj} | :: penetrating, pervasive, piercing |
durchdrungen {v} | :: past participle of durchdringen |
durcheinander {adj} | :: disordered, confused |
Durcheinander {n} | :: mess, chaos, tumult |
Durcheinander {n} | :: stew |
durcheinanderbringen {v} | :: to jumble |
durcheinanderbringen {v} | :: to bewilder, to confuse, to befuddle |
durcheinanderbringen {v} | :: to confound, to confuse |
durcheinanderwürfeln {v} | :: to jumble |
durchessen {vr} | :: to eat through |
durchessen {vr} | :: to eat at the expense [+ bei (object) = jemandem = of] |
durchfahren {v} | :: To drive through |
Durchfall {m} | :: diarrhea |
durchfallen {vi} | :: to fall through |
durchfallen {vi} | :: to fail; not to pass (with regard to some test or examination) |
durchfärben {vt} | :: to imbue (to dye thoroughly) |
durchficken {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck through(out) (to give long and hard intercourse) [+ haben (to have)] |
durchficken {v} [vulgar] | :: being fucked (to recieve long and hard intercourse through someone/something) [+ sein (to be)] |
durchficken {v} [vulgar] | :: being fucked up [+ sein (to be)] |
durchforsten {vt} | :: to scour |
durchforsten {vt} [computing] | :: to crawl |
durchführbar {adj} | :: feasible |
Durchführbarkeit {f} | :: feasibility |
durchführen {v} | :: perform |
durchführen {v} | :: carry out |
durchführen {v} | :: execute |
durchführen {v} | :: implement |
Durchführung {f} | :: performance (carrying into execution or action) |
Durchgang {m} | :: passage, passageway, corridor, aisle, thoroughfare |
Durchgang {m} | :: transit |
Durchgang {m} | :: transition |
durchgängig {adj} | :: general, universal |
Durchgangszug {m} | :: train with gangways |
durchgeblutet {v} | :: past participle of durchbluten |
durchgebrannt {adj} | :: blown out, burned out |
durchgebrannt {adj} [colloquial] | :: runaway, eloped |
durchgebraten {adj} [cooking] | :: well done (well cooked) |
durchgedrungen {v} | :: past participle of durchdringen |
durchgefärbt {v} | :: past participle of durchfärben |
durchgeführt {v} | :: past participle of durchführen |
durchgeführt {adj} | :: implemented, realized, accomplished |
durchgegangen {v} | :: past participle of durchgehen |
durchgehalten {v} | :: past participle of durchhalten |
durchgehen {vi} | :: to go through; to walk through |
durchgehen {vi} [with some specification of a limit] | :: to go all the way (to); to reach as far as |
durchgehen {vi} [equestrianism] | :: to bolt |
durchgehen {vi} | :: to pass; to be accepted |
durchgehen {vt} | :: to go through; to go over; to read or discuss; note that the English construction is simple verb + preposition (go through it; not: *go it through) |
durchgehend {adj} | :: continuous |
durchgehend {adv} | :: all the way |
durchgeistigt {adj} | :: spiritual |
durchgeknallt {adj} | :: crazy, freaked out |
durchgekommen {v} | :: past participle of durchkommen |
durchgelüftet {v} | :: past participle of durchlüften |
durchgemacht {v} | :: past participle of durchmachen |
durchgesagt {v} | :: past participle of durchsagen |
durchgesägt {v} | :: past participle of durchsägen |
durchgeschimmert {v} | :: past participle of durchschimmern |
durchgeströmt {v} | :: past participle of durchströmen |
durchgreifen {v} | :: to grasp through |
durchgreifen {v} | :: to take action |
durchgreifend {adj} | :: drastic, far-reaching, heavy-handed |
durchhalten {v} [separable prefix] | :: to hang on, preserve |
Durchhaltevermögen {n} | :: stamina |
durchhängen {v} | :: to sag |
durchkämmen {v} | :: to comb, to comb through [to search thoroughly] |
durchkämmen {v} | :: to comb thoroughly |
durchknallen {v} [literal] | :: to blow a fuse |
durchknallen {v} [figurative] | :: to go crazy, to freak out |
durchkommen {v} | :: to come through, to pass through |
durchkommen {v} [of an exam, etc.] | :: to pass, to get through |
durchkommen {v} | :: to get by, to get along |
durchkommen {v} | :: to get away with |
durchkommen {v} | :: to become apparent |
durchkoppeln {v} | :: to hyphenate |
durchkreuzen {vt} | :: to thwart |
durchlässig {adj} | :: penetrable |
durchlässiger {adj} | :: comparative of durchlässig |
Durchlässigkeit {f} | :: permeability |
Durchlässigkeit {f} | :: porosity |
Durchlaucht {f} | :: serenity (address of a prince) |
durchlauchtig {adj} [archaic] | :: serene, illustrious (addressing a prince or other dignitary) |
Durchlauf {m} | :: pass |
Durchlauf {m} | :: passage |
Durchlauf {m} | :: iteration |
Durchlauf {m} | :: run |
durchlaufen {v} [literally] | :: to run through |
durchlaufen {vt} [figuratively] | :: to go through |
Durchlauferhitzer {m} | :: tankless heater |
durchläutern {v} | :: to fully purify |
durchlesen {v} | :: to read through |
durchlesen {v} | :: to peruse |
durchleuchten {vt} | :: to flood with light, to illuminate |
durchleuchten {vt} | :: to X-ray, to screen |
durchleuchten {vt} [figurative] | :: to investigate, analyze |
durchleuchten {vt} [figurative] | :: to clear up |
durchleuchten {vi} | :: to shine through |
durchleuchten {vi} | :: to come to light, to become apparent, to show |
durchliegen {vt} | :: to wear out [e.g. a mattress by lying on it] |
durchliegen {vr} | :: to get bedsores |
durchlöchern {v} | :: to riddle [fill with holes] |
durchlüften {v} | :: to aerate |
durchlüften {v} | :: to ventilate |
durchlüften {v} | :: to air out thoroughly |
durchlüftet {v} | :: past participle of durchlüften |
Durchlüftung {f} | :: aeration, ventilation |
durchmachen {v} | :: to go through, to endure, to suffer |
durchmachen {v} | :: to undergo |
durchmachen {v} | :: to finish, to complete |
durchmachen {v} [colloquial] | :: to stay up all night, especially for a party all night |
durchmessen {v} | :: to measure across |
durchmessen {v} | :: to test by measurement |
durchmessen {v} | :: to traverse |
Durchmesser {m} | :: diameter |
Durchmischen {n} | :: shuffle |
durchmischt {v} | :: past participle of durchmischen |
durchmischt {adj} | :: mixed (together) |
Durchmischung {f} | :: mixing throughout |
Durchmischung {f} | :: diffusion |
durchnehmen {v} [education] | :: to cover |
durchputzen {v} | :: clean completely, thoroughly |
durchqueren {v} | :: to cross, to walk across |
durchrasseln {vi} [colloquial] | :: to flunk [an exam] |
Durchreise {f} | :: transit, journey through |
durchreisen {v} | :: to travel through |
Durchreisevisum {n} | :: transit visa |
durchringen {vr} [separable] | :: finally to make up one's mind |
durchrütteln {vt} | :: to shake [a person back and forth] |
durchs {contraction} | :: through the, by the |
Durchsage {f} | :: An announcement over loudspeakers or on the radio |
durchsagen {v} | :: To announce over loudspeakers or on the radio |
durchsägen {v} | :: to saw through |
durchschauen {v} | :: to see through (to look through something transparent) |
durchschauen {v} | :: to see through a person, to rumble someone, to have someone's number |
durchscheinend {adj} | :: transparent, translucent |
durchschimmern {v} | :: To gleam |
durchschimmern {v} | :: To shimmer through |
durchschimmernd {adj} | :: gleaming |
durchschlafen {v} | :: to sleep undisturbed |
Durchschlag {m} | :: punch |
Durchschlag {m} | :: carbon copy |
Durchschlag {m} | :: disruptive discharge |
Durchschlag {m} [regional] | :: strainer |
durchschlagen {vt} [auxiliary: haben] | :: to smash |
durchschlagen {vt} [auxiliary: haben] | :: to break (a hole) through |
durchschlagen {vt} [auxiliary: haben] | :: to sieve |
durchschlagen {vi} [auxiliary: haben] | :: to cause diarrhea |
durchschlagen {vi} [auxiliary: sein] | :: to be taken after |
durchschlagen {vi} [auxiliary: sein] | :: to come through [e.g. liquids or sounds] |
durchschlagen {vr} [auxiliary: haben] | :: to eke out a living |
durchschlagend {adj} | :: sweeping, powerful, potent, decisive, significant, crucial |
Durchschlagsfestigkeit {f} [physics] | :: dielectric strength |
Durchschnitt {m} [statistics] | :: average |
Durchschnitt {m} [set theory] | :: intersection |
durchschnittlich {adj} | :: average, ordinary, mean, medium |
durchschnittlich {adv} | :: on average |
Durchschnittseinkommen {n} | :: average income |
Durchschnittstemperatur {f} | :: average / mean temperature |
Durchschnittswert {m} [maths] | :: mean, average |
durchschreiten {vt} | :: to cross, to traverse |
Durchschrift {f} | :: copy, carbon copy, duplicate |
Durchschuss {m} | :: perforating projectile [i.e. one that goes through the target] |
Durchschuss {m} [typography] | :: leading (the space between the bottom of one line and the top of the next) |
durchschütteln {v} | :: to churn |
durchschwimmen {v} | :: to swim across [a body of water] |
durchsehen {v} | :: to look through |
durchsehen {v} | :: to review |
durchsetzen {vt} | :: to establish; to enforce; to cause to become prevalent, accepted, or effective |
durchsetzen {vr} | :: to establish oneself; to become prevalent, accepted, or effective |
durchsetzen {vr} | :: to assert oneself; to win; to have one's will |
durchsetzen {v} | :: to pervade; to permeate; to enter and spread throughout |
Durchsetzung {f} | :: enforcement, implementation |
Durchsetzung {f} | :: assertion |
Durchsetzung {f} | :: infiltration |
durchsetzungsfähig {adj} | :: assertive, able to get one's way |
durchsetzungsfähiger {adj} | :: comparative of durchsetzungsfähig |
durchsetzungsfähigsten {adj} | :: superlative of durchsetzungsfähig |
Durchsicht {f} | :: perusal, review, examination |
durchsichtig {adj} | :: transparent, translucent, sheer |
Durchsichtigkeit {f} | :: transparency |
durchsickern {vi} [of liquids] | :: to percolate, permeate |
durchsickern {vi} [of information] | :: to leak |
Durchsickerung {f} | :: percolation |
durchsieben {vt} | :: to sift through |
durchsieben {vt} | :: to sift through |
durchstehen {v} | :: to endure |
durchsteigen {v} | :: to climb through something |
durchstellen {v} | :: to put through [i.e. a phone call] |
durchstreichen {v} | :: to cross out, strike through |
durchströmbar {adj} | :: permeable |
Durchströmbarkeit {f} | :: permeability |
durchströmen {vi} | :: to perfuse or permeate [with durch] |
durchströmen {vt} | :: to perfuse or permeate |
durchströmt {v} | :: past participle of durchströmen |
durchsuchbar {adj} | :: searchable |
durchsuchen {vt} [a house, person, etc.] | :: to search |
Durchsuchung {f} [of a house, person, etc.] | :: search, searching |
Durchsuchungsbefehl {m} [law] | :: search warrant |
durchtrennen {vt} | :: to cut in two; to sever |
durchtrieben {adj} | :: cunning |
durch und durch {adv} | :: through and through |
durchwachen {vt} | :: to spend awake |
durchwachsen {adj} | :: streaky |
durchwandern {v} | :: To walk, wander or hike through; to perambulate |
durchwandern {v} [chemistry] | :: To transmigrate |
durchwandert {v} | :: past participle of durchwandern |
durchwaten {vt} | :: to wade through |
durchweg {adv} | :: consistently, without exception |
durchwühlen {v} [to make a thorough search] | :: to ransack |
durchzählen {v} | :: to count up |
durchziehen {vt} | :: to pass |
durchziehen {vi} | :: to soak |
durchziehen {vt} | :: to pull |
durchziehen {vt} | :: to pull through |
durchziehen {vi} | :: to run |
durchziehen {vt} | :: to run through |
durchziehen {vt} | :: to traverse |
durchziehen {vt} [describing something static] | :: to run through, to pervade (a medium, structure, or organization) |
durchzucken {v} [of flashes or other lights or figuratively] | :: to flash through |
durchzwängen {v} | :: to squeeze through |
Durdreiklang {m} | :: major triad |
Düren {prop} | :: Düren (district) |
dürfen {v} [auxiliary, infinitive replaces past participle] | :: To be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may |
dürfen {vit} [past participle as above] | :: To be allowed or permitted to do something implied or previously stated; may |
dürfen {v} [subjunctive present, modal auxiliary verb] | :: Expresses that something is estimated or probable |
dürfen {v} [colloquial] | :: to must, to have to |
dürftig {adj} | :: meager, scanty, sparse |
dürftig {adj} | :: tenuous |
dürftig {adj} | :: poor; impoverished |
Durian {f} | :: durian |
Durkheim {prop} | :: synonym of Bad Dürkheim |
Dürkheimer {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Bad Dürkheim |
Dürnkrut {prop} {n} | :: Dürnkrut (municipality) |
Dürnstein {prop} {n} | :: Dürnstein (municipality) |
duroplastisch {adj} | :: thermosetting |
dürr {adj} | :: dry |
dürr {adj} [anatomy] | :: slender, slim |
Dürre {f} | :: drought |
Durst {m} | :: thirst |
dürsten {v} | :: to be thirsty |
dürsten {v} | :: to thirst for |
durstig {adj} | :: thirsty |
durstiger {adj} | :: comparative of durstig |
Durstigkeit {f} | :: thirstiness |
Durststrecke {f} [figurative] | :: dry spell |
dus {contraction} | :: contraction of du es |
Duschanbe {prop} {n} | :: Dushanbe |
Dusche {f} | :: a shower |
duschen {vir} | :: to shower |
duschen {vt} | :: to shower someone or something (e.g. a child, a portion of one's body) |
Duschgel {n} | :: shower gel |
Duschkopf {m} | :: shower head |
Duschraum {m} | :: a bathroom with showers that is not in a private dwelling, e.g. in a barracks or low-cost hostel |
Duschraum {m} | :: a secondary bathroom with a shower within a private dwelling, especially where one washes oneself before entering the house, as on a farm |
Duschvorhang {m} | :: shower curtain |
Düse {f} | :: nozzle |
Dusel {m} | :: undeserved luck, fortune |
Dusel {m} [now less common] | :: dizziness; also: tipsiness |
Duselei {f} | :: absentmindedness |
duseln {v} [colloquial] | :: to doze |
Düsenflugzeug {n} | :: jet plane |
Düsentriebwerk {n} | :: jet engine |
Dussel {m} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] | :: stupid or clumsy person (a mild or even affectionate word); knucklehead |
Düsseldorf {prop} {n} | :: Düsseldorf (capital city) |
Düsseldorfer {adj} [uninflected] | :: of Düsseldorf |
Düsseldorfer {m} | :: inhabitant or native of Düsseldorf |
dusselig {adj} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] | :: mildly stupid and/or clumsy; more often in a particular situation than as a general quality |
dusselig {adj} [colloquial, regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] | :: dizzy; lightheaded |
dusslig {adj} | :: alternative form of dusselig |
duster {adj} | :: alternative form of düster |
düster {adj} | :: cheerless, melancholy, somber |
düster {adj} | :: dark, obscure |
Dutt {m} | :: chignon, bun (hairstyle) |
dutzend {adj} | :: dozen (attributive) |
Dutzend {n} | :: dozen |
dutzendfach {adj} | :: in dozens; very frequent |
duzen {v} | :: To address informally using the pronoun du, to thou |
duzen {v} | :: To be on first-name terms |
DVD {f} | :: DVD |
DVD-Spieler {m} [film] | :: DVD player |
DWB {prop} | :: initialism of Deutsches Wörterbuch; the largest dictionary of the German language |
dyadisch {adj} | :: dyadic |
Dynamik {f} | :: dynamics |
dynamisch {adj} | :: dynamic |
Dynamit {n} | :: dynamite |
Dynamo {m} | :: dynamo |
Dynamo {prop} {n} {m} | :: Part of, and short form for, the names of several sports clubs in former East Germany, especially Dynamo Dresden and Berliner FC Dynamo |
Dynastie {f} | :: dynasty |
dynastisch {adj} | :: dynastic |
Dysenterie {f} | :: dysentery |
dysfunktional {adj} | :: dysfunctional |
Dyskalkulie {f} [pathology] | :: dyscalculia |
Dyslalie {f} | :: dyslalia (difficulty in talking due to a structural abnormality) |
dysphorisch {adj} | :: dysphoric |
dyspnoisch {adj} [pathology] | :: dyspneic |
Dysprosium {n} | :: dysprosium |
Dystopie {f} | :: dystopia (all senses) |
dystopisch {adj} [pathology] | :: dystopic |
Dystrophie {f} [pathology] | :: dystrophy |
Dzongkha {n} | :: language of Bhutan; Dzongkha |
D-Zug {m} | :: abbreviation of Durchgangszug |
D-Zug-artig {adj} | :: D-Zug-like; like a train with gangways |