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dragon's blood

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dragon's blood (uncountable)

  1. A bright red resin, obtained from different species of a number of distinct plants Calamus rotang and genera Croton, Dracaena, Daemonorops, and Pterocarpus, used in the manufacture of varnishes, lacquers, medicines, and incenses.
    • 1936, Rollo Ahmed, The Black Art, London: Long, page 155:
      For black magic, assafœtida, garlic, dragon's blood, sulphur, and such-like vile-smelling concoctions were used.
    • 2018, Tim Flannery, Europe: A Natural History, page 97:
      Another ancient vegetable relic surviving in Macaronesia is the legendary dragon tree, whose sap, marketed as dragon’s blood, was in past times much prized as a medicine, as incense and as a dye.



See also
