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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-a

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
# English :: Hebrew dictionary extracted from http://en.wiktionary.org/
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 19339 English glosses; 19140 Hebrew translations
# URL :: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Matthias_Buchmeier
a {n} (name of the letter A, a) :: איי {f} /éy/
Aachen {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: אאכן /Aachen/
aardvark {n} (mammal) :: שנבוב {m}
aardwolf {n} (the mammal species Proteles cristatus) :: צבועון {m} /tzavoaon/
Aaron {prop} (male given name) :: אהרן /’Ahărōn/
Aaron's rod {n} (mullein) SEE: mullein ::
aback {n} (abacus) SEE: abacus ::
abacus {n} (device for performing arithmetical calculations) :: חשבוניה ,חשבונייה {f} /kheshboniya/
Abakan {prop} (city in Russia) :: אבקן
abandon {v} (to give up control of, surrender) :: נטש /natash/, זנח /zanakh/, עזב /azav/
abandon {v} :: התייאש /hitya'ésh/, נטש /natásh/
abandoned {adj} (no longer maintained, forsaken, deserted) :: הפקר /hefkér/
abandonment {n} :: נטישה /net'isha/
abate {v} (to dull the edge or point of) SEE: blunt ::
abattoir {n} (public slaughterhouse) :: משחטה {f} /mishkhatá/
Abbas {prop} (A male given name) :: עבאס
abbreviation {n} (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) :: ראשי תיבות {m-p} /rashei teivot/
abbreviature {n} (abbreviation) SEE: abbreviation ::
ABC {n} (alphabet) SEE: alphabet ::
ABC {n} (rudiments) :: אלף בית {m} /álef bet/
abdicate {v} (to depose) SEE: depose ::
Abdon {prop} (biblical judge of Israel) :: אבדון /Abdon/
Abdullah {prop} (Muslim given name) :: עבדאללה
abearance {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
Abel {prop} (biblical character) :: הבל /hevel/
Abidjan {prop} (the largest city of Ivory Coast) :: אביג'אן {m} /abig'an/
Abigail {prop} (biblical wife of David) :: אביגיל /ʾĂḇîḡáyil/
Abigail {prop} (female given name) :: אביגיל /avigáyil/
ability {n} (quality or state of being able) :: יכולת {f} /yakhólet/
Abimelech {prop} (name of Philistine kings) :: אבימלך /avimelek/
abiogenesis {n} (origination of living organisms from lifeless matter) :: אביוגנזה
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush {proverb} (small but certain advantage is preferable) :: טוב ציפור אחת ביד משתיים על העץ /tov tzippór aḥát bayád mishtáim 'al ha'étz/
a bit {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
abjad {n} (writing system) :: אבג'ד /abgad/
Abkhaz {prop} (a Northwest Caucasian language spoken in Abkhazia) :: אבחזית /abkhazit/
Abkhazia {prop} (territory in the Caucasus, see also: Republic of Abkhazia) :: אבחזיה {f} /abkhaziya/
Abkhazian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Abkhazia) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {n} (Abkhaz) SEE: Abkhaz ::
Abkhazian {prop} (Abkhazian language) SEE: Abkhaz ::
ablative {n} (ablative case) SEE: ablative case ::
ablative case {n} (grammatical case used to indicate movement away from something, removal, separation, source) :: אבלטיבי {m} /ablativi/
able {adj} (permitted to) :: יכל /yachol/
able {adj} (skillful) :: יכול {m} /yakhool/, מסוגל {m} /mesugal/
ableism {n} (discrimination against persons with disabilities) :: יכולתנות {m}
able seaman {n} (military rank) :: מלח כשיר {m} /malakh kashir/
Abner {prop} (biblical cousin of Saul) :: אבנר /avnér/
abolish {v} (to end a law, system, institution, custom or practice) :: ביטל /bitél/
abolish {v} (to destroy) :: הרס /harás/
A-bomb {n} (atomic bomb) :: פצצה אטומית {f} /petzatza atomít/
abominate {v} :: לתעב /letaev/
abomination {n} (an abominable act) :: תועבה {f} /to'evá/
abortion {n} (miscarriage) :: הפלה {f} /hapalá/
abortion {n} (induced abortion) :: הפלה מלאכותית {f} /hapalá m'lakhutít/
about {prep} (on every side of) :: סביב ל...
about {prep} (over or upon different parts of) :: על
about {prep} (on the point or verge of) :: עמד ל...
about {prep} (concerned with, engaged in) :: על
about {prep} (in the immediate neighborhood of) :: באיזור, בסביבת
about {prep} :: בערך /be'érech/, כ־ /k'-/
about {adv} (on all sides) :: מסביב
about {adv} (here and there) :: מסביב, באיזור , בסביבה
about {adv} (nearly, approximately) :: בערך
about {adv} (in circuit) :: מסביב
above {prep} (in or to a higher place) :: מעל /me`ál/
above {prep} (more) :: מעל /me`ál/
above all {prep} (of prime importance) :: קודם כל /qódem kol/
Abraham {prop} (prophet in the Old Testament) :: אברהם {m} /avrahám/
Abraham {prop} (male given name) :: אברהם {m} /avrahám/, איברהים /ibrahim/
Abraham {prop} (surname) :: אברהם /avrahám/
abroad {n} (countries or lands abroad) :: חוץ לארץ {m} /ḥutz laáretz/, חו״ל /ḥul/
Abruka {prop} (Estonian island located in the Gulf of Riga) :: אברוקה
abrupt {adj} (extremely steep) :: תלול {m} /talul/
Absalom {prop} (Biblical character) :: אבשלום /avshalóm/ אבישלום /avishalóm/
Absalom {prop} (male given name) :: אבשלום /avshalóm/ אבישלום /avishalóm/
absence makes the heart grow fonder {proverb} (when someone or something is faraway, you realise how much you love or miss them or it) :: רחוק מהעין, קרוב אל הלב, המרחק מחזק את הרגשות, ההיעדרות מרככת את הלב
absent-minded {adj} (absent in mind) :: מפוזר {m} /mefuzár/
absent-mindedly {adv} (preoccupiedly) :: בהיסח-דעת /be'heisekh-da'at/
absinthium {n} (Artemisia absinthium) SEE: wormwood ::
absolute {adj} :: מוחלט {m} /mukhlat'/, מוחלטת {f} /mukhlet'et/
absolutely {interj} (yes; certainly) :: בהחלט /be'hekhlet'/
absorb {v} (to include so that it no longer has separate existence) :: ספג /safág/
absorb {v} (to suck up or drink in) :: ספג /safág/
absorb {v} (to occupy fully) :: שקע /shaká/
absorption {n} :: קליטה /qlit'a/
abstain {v} (refrain from) :: התנזר /hit'nazér/
abstain {v} :: להימנע /lehimana'/
abstention {n} (the act of abstaining) :: הימנעו {f} /(himan'ut/
abstraction {n} (act of abstracting) :: הפשטה {f} /hafshat'a/
absurd {adj} (contrary to reason or propriety) :: אבסורד
Abu Dhabi {prop} (capital of UAE) :: אבו דאבי
abugida {n} (writing system, see also: alphasyllabary) :: אבוגידה
Abuja {prop} (The capital city of Nigeria) :: אבוג׳ה
abundance {n} (ample sufficiency) :: שפע {m} /shéfa’/
abuse {n} (improper usage) :: ניצול לרעה {m} /nitzúl l'rá'a/
abuse {n} (insulting speech) :: השתלחות {f} /hishtalkhút/
abuse {n} (physical maltreatment) :: התעללות {f} /hit'al'lút/
abuse {n} (sexual violation or assault) :: תקיפה מינית {f} /t'kifá minít/
abuse {v} (to use improperly) :: ניצל לרעה /nitzél l'rá'a/
abuse {v} (to hurt) :: התעלל /hitalél/
abuse {v} (to insult) :: השתלח /hishtaléakh/
abuse {n} (delusion) SEE: delusion ::
Abydos {prop} (ancient city in Egypt) :: אבידוס
Abyssinia {prop} (historical name of Ethiopia) :: חבש
Abyssinian {prop} (Amharic) SEE: Amharic ::
acacia {n} (shrub or tree) :: שיטה {f}
academic {adj} :: אקדמי {m} /aqademi/, אקדמית {f} /aqademit/
academician {n} :: אקדמאי {m} /aqademai/, אקדמאית {f} /aqademait/
academy {n} (specialized school) :: אקדמיה {f} /akadémiya/
academy {n} :: אקדמיה {f} /aqademia/
acai {n} :: אסאי
acajou {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut ::
accelerate {v} :: להאיץ /le'ha'ytz/, לזרז /le'zarez/
acceleration {n} (act or state) :: האצה {f} /he'atza/
acceleration {n} (amount) :: תאוצה {f} /teutza/
acceleration {n} ((physics)) :: תאוצה {f}
accent {n} (stronger articulation) :: טעם {m} /tá'am/
accent {n} (emphasis or importance in general) :: דגש {m} /dagéš/
accent {n} (orthography: mark to indicate accent) :: טעם {m} /tá'am/
accent {n} (distinctive pronunciation associated with a region, social group, etc.) :: מבטא {m} /mivtá/
accept {v} :: להסכים /lehaskím/, לקבל /lekabél/
access {n} (way or means of approaching) :: גישה /gisha/
accessory {n} (clothing accessory) :: אקססורי {m} /aksésori/
access point {n} (device permitting wireless connection to a network) :: נקודת גישה \ נקדת גישה {f}
accident {n} (unexpected event with negative consequences) :: תאונה /te'una/
accident {n} (transport: unintended event that causes damage) :: תאונה
accident {n} :: תאונה (teuna) {f}
accidental {adj} (happening by chance) :: מקרי /miqry/
accidentally {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) :: במקרה /b'miqré/, לא בכוונה /lo' b'khavaná/
accidently {adv} (unexpectedly, unintentionally) SEE: accidentally ::
acclimation {n} (acclimatization) SEE: acclimatization ::
acclimatization {n} (the act of acclimatizing) :: התאקלמות /hitaqlemut/
acclimatize {v} :: להתאקלם /le'hitaqlem/
accommodation {n} (lodging) :: לינה {f} /liná/, מגורים {m-p} /megurím/
accommodation ladder {n} (a flight of stairs or a ladder for lowering over the side of a ship) :: סלם הבב {m} /sulam habav/, כבש {m} /kevesh/, גמלה {f} /gamlah/, אסכלה {f} /askalah/
accomplish {v} (to finish successfully) :: לבצע
accord {n} (agreement or concurrence of opinion) :: הסכם {m} /heskem/
according to {prep} (based on statement) :: לפי
accordion {n} (A small, portable, keyed wind instrument) :: אקורדיון /akordeon/
account {n} (a registry of pecuniary transactions) :: חשבון {m} /kheshbón/
account {v} (credit (to)) SEE: credit ::
accountant {n} (a reckoner, or someone who maintains financial matters for a person(s)) :: רואה חשבון {m} /ro'é kheshbón/
accountant {n} (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another) :: רואה חשבון {m} /ro'é kheshbón/
accourage {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
Accra {prop} (capital of Ghana) :: אקרה /akra/
accretion {n} (act of increasing by natural growth) :: ספיחה {f} /sfichá/
accumulate {v} :: להצטבר /le'hitzt'aber/, לצבור /litzbor/
accumulation {n} :: צבירה {f} /tzvira/
accumulator {n} :: מצבר {m} /matzber/
accusation {n} :: האשמה {f} /haashama/ , אישום {m} /yshum/
accusative {adj} :: יחס הפעול /yakhas ha-pa’ul/
accusative {n} (accusative case) :: יחס הפעול {m} /yakhas ha-pa’ul/
accusative case {n} (case used to mark the immediate object) SEE: accusative ::
accuse {v} :: להאשים /le'haashym/
accused {n} (defendant) :: נאשם {m} /ne'esham/, נאשמת {f} /ne'eshemet/
accustom {v} (to make familiar by use) :: הסכין /hee-skeen/
ace {n} (card with a single spot) :: אס {m}
ace {n} (tennis: point scored without the opponent hitting the ball) :: אס {m}
ace {n} (excellent military aircraft pilot) :: אלוף הפלות {m} /aluf hapalaut/
acedia {n} (boredom) SEE: boredom ::
acetone {n} (the organic compound (CH3)2CO) :: אצטון {m} /atsetón/
Achaea {prop} (a region in the northern head of the Peloponnese) :: מחוז משנה אכיאיה
achievement {n} :: הישג {m} /hey'sseg/
Achilles {prop} (Greek mythical hero) :: אכילס /Ahils/
acid {adj} (sour, sharp, or biting to the taste) :: חמוץ
acid {n} (a sour substance) :: חומצה {f} /khumtzá/
acidic {adj} (chemistry: having pH less than 7) :: חמצי /ẖumtzí/
acid rain {n} (unusually acidic rain) :: גשם חומצי
acorn {n} (fruit of the oak tree) :: בלוט {m} /balút/
A Coruña {prop} (city in Galicia) :: לה קורוניה {f} /La Korúnya/
acoustical {adj} (of or pertaining to hearing or acoustics) :: אקוסטי/ת
acqua alta {n} (regular flooding in Venice) :: אקוה אלטה {f} /ákva álta/
acquisition {n} (act or process of acquiring) :: רכישה {f} /rekhisha/
acquittal {n} (legal decision of not guilty) :: זיכוי {m} /Zi-kui/
Acre {prop} (city) :: עכו /'áko/
acrobat {n} (an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination) :: לולין {m} /lulyán/
acrobatics {n} (art of performing acrobatic feats) :: אקרובטיקה {f} /akrobatika/, לולינות {f} /lulianot/
acromegaly {n} (chronic disease marked by enlargement of the bones) :: אקרומגליה {f} /akromegalyah/
acronym {n} (word formed by initial letters) :: ראשי תיבות {m-p} /rashéi teivót/
act {n} (deed) :: פעולה \ פעלה {f} /p'ulá/, מעשה /ma'asé/
act {n} (statute) :: חק /ḥok/
act {n} (process of doing) :: אקט /akt/
act {n} (drama: division of theatrical performance) :: מערכה
actinium {n} (chemical element) :: אקטיניום {m} /aktínyum/
action {n} (something done so as to accomplish a purpose) :: פעולה {f} /pe‘ula/, מעשה {m} /ma'asse/
action {n} (way of motion or functioning) :: אופן פעולה {m}
action {n} (fast-paced activity) :: אקשן /ekshen/
action {n} (mechanism) :: מנגנון {m}
action {n} (law: a charge) :: תביעה משפטית {f}
action {interj} (signifying the start of something) :: אקשן /ékshen/
action word {n} (verb) SEE: verb ::
active {adj} (having the quality or power of acting) :: פעיל {m} /pa'íl/
activist {n} (one who is politically active) :: פעיל {m} /pa'íl/, פעילה {f} /pe'ilá/
activistic {adj} (activist) SEE: activist ::
activity {n} (state or quality of being active) :: פעילות {f} /pe‘ilút/, מעש {m} /má`as/ [rare]
activity {n} (something done as an action or a movement) :: פעילות {f} /pe‘ilút/
activity {n} (something done for pleasure or entertainment) :: פעילות {f} /pe‘ilút/
actor {n} (person who performs in a theatrical play or film, see also: actress) :: שחקן {m} /sakhkán/
actor {n} (plaintiff) SEE: plaintiff ::
actress {n} (female actor, see also: actor) :: שחקנית {f} /sakhkanít/
actually {adv} (In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively) :: למעשה /le-ma'ase/
acupuncturation {n} (acupuncture) SEE: acupuncture ::
acupuncture {n} (insertion of needles for remedial purposes) :: דקור סיני / דיקור סיני {m} /dikur sini/
acute {adj} (urgent, see also: urgent) :: דחוף /dahuf/
acute angle {n} (angle measuring less than ninety degrees) :: זוית חדה {f} /zavít ḥadá/
Adam {prop} (first man in Abrahamic religions) :: אדם {m} /Adam/
Adam {prop} (male given name) :: אדם {m} /Adam/
Adam and Eve {prop} (the first man and woman (according to Genesis)) :: אדם וחוה /adam ve-khawa/
adamantly {adv} (in an inflexible manner) :: בנחישות , בעקשנות
Adam's apple {n} (Citrus medica) SEE: citron ::
Adam's apple {n} (lump in the throat) :: גרוגרת {f} /grogeret/
Adar {prop} (Jewish month) :: אדר {m} /adár/
add {v} (to append, as a statement) :: הוסיף /hosíf/
add {v} (to make an addition) :: הוסיף /hosíf/
add {v} (to perform the arithmetical operation of addition, to add up) :: חיבר /khibér/
addict {n} (person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug) :: מכור {m} /machúr/
addict {n} :: מכור {m}
addiction {n} (the state of being addicted) :: התמכרות
addictive {adj} (tending to cause addiction) :: ממכר /m'makér/
add insult to injury {v} (to further a loss with mockery or indignity) :: להוסיף חטא על פשע (add sin to a crime), הרצחת וגם ירשת (to murder and then inherit)
Addis Ababa {prop} (capital of Ethiopia) :: אדיס אבבה /adis ababa/
addition {n} (act of adding) :: הוספה {f} /hosafa/, צירוף {m} /tseruf/
addition {n} (thing added) :: תוספת {f} /tosefet/
addition {n} (arithmetic: process of adding) :: חיבור {m} /hibur/
additional {adj} (Supplemental or added to) :: נוסף /nosaf/
additive {n} (substance added to another substance to produce certain properties) :: תוסף {m} /tosaf/
address {n} (direction for letters) :: כתובת {f} /k'tóvet/
address {n} (act of addressing oneself to a person) :: פנייה {f} /pni'a/
Adela {prop} (female given name) :: אדלה {f} /adela/
Adelaide {prop} (state capital of South Australia) :: אדלייד
Adele {prop} (female given name) SEE: Adela ::
Aden {prop} (seaport of Yemen) :: עדן /aden/
ad hoc {adj} (for this particular purpose) :: אד הוק
ad hoc {adj} (special) SEE: special ::
adieu {interj} (farewell, goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
Adige {prop} (river in South Tyrol) :: אדיג׳ה {m} /Ádijeh/
adios {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
adjective {n} ((grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent) :: שם תואר / שם תאר {m} /shem to'ar/
adjustable spanner {n} (adjustable hand tool) :: מפתח שוודי {m} /maftéaḥ shvédi/
adjustment {n} (result of adjusting, small change) :: כוון {m}
adminicle {n} (aid) SEE: aid ::
admiral {n} (naval officer of the highest rank) :: אדמירל {m} /admirál/
admiralty {n} (office or jurisdiction) :: אדמירליות
admiration {n} (adoration; appreciation) :: פלא {m} /pele/
admire {v} (regard with wonder and delight) :: העריץ /he'eríts/
ad nauseam {adv} (to a sickening degree) :: עד לזרא /'ad lezará/
adolescence {n} (period between childhood and maturity) :: גיל ההתבגרות /gil ha'hitbagrut/
adolescent {n} (a teenager) :: נער {m} /ná'ar/
adopt {v} (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen) :: אימץ
adopt {v} (to take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally) :: אימץ
adopt {v} :: לאמץ (le'ametz)
adoptee {n} :: מאומץ {m} /me'umatz/, מאומצת {f} /me'umetzet'/
adoption {n} (act of adopting, or state of being adopted) :: אימוץ /y'mutz/
adore {v} :: להעריץ /leaarits/, לסגוד /lisgod/
adorn {v} (to make more beautiful and attractive; to decorate) :: עיטר /itér/, קישט /kishét/
adrenal {n} (noun sense) SEE: adrenal gland ::
adrenal gland {n} (endocrine gland situated above the kidney) :: בלוטת יותרת הכליה {f} /balutát yotéret ha-kilyá/, בלוטת האדרנל {f} /balutát ha-adrenál/
adrenaline {n} (the compound epinephrine) :: אדרנלין {m} /adrenalín/, אפינפרין {m} /epinefrín/
Adrian {prop} (male given name) :: אדריאן
adult {n} (fully grown human) :: מבוגר \ מבגר {m} /mevugár/, מבוגרת \ מבגרת {f} /mevugéret/
adultery {n} (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) :: ניאוף \ נאוף {m} /ne'úf/
adulthood {n} (time of life) :: בגרות {f} /bagrút/
advance {v} :: קידם (qidem)
advance {n} (forward move) :: התקדמות {f} /hitqadmut/
advantage {n} :: יתרון {m} /y'taron/
advent {n} (coming, arrival) :: ביאה {f}, ביאת המשיח
adventure {n} (encountering of risks) :: הרפתקה {f} /harpatqá/
adventure {n} (that which happens without design) :: הרפתקה {f} /harpatqá/
adventure {n} (risk; danger; peril) :: הרפתקה {f} /harpatqá/
adventurer {n} :: הרפתקן (harpatqan) {m}, הרפתקנית (harpatqanyt) {f}
adventurous {adj} (inclined to adventure) :: הרפתקני /harpatkani/
adventurous {adj} (full of hazard) :: הרפתקני /harpatkani/
adverb {n} (lexical category) :: תאר הפעל \ תואר הפועל /toar ha'pô'al/
adversary {n} (opponent) :: יריב {m}, אויב {m} /oyév/
advert {n} (advertisement) SEE: advertisement ::
advertently {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
advertise {v} ((transitive) to give public notice of; to announce publicly) :: פרסם /pirsém/
advertise {v} ((intransitive) to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others) :: פרסם /pirsém/
advertise {v} ((transitive) to provide public information about (a product, services etc.)) :: פרסם /pirsém/
advertisement {n} (commercial solicitation) :: פרסומת {f} /pirsómet/
advertisement {n} (public notice) :: מודעה {f} /moda'a/
advice {n} (opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel) :: עצה {f} /eitsá/
advise {v} (to give advice to; to offer an opinion; to counsel; to warn) :: יעץ /ya'áts/, ייעץ \ יעץ /yi'éts/
advise {v} (to give information or notice to; to inform) :: הודיע /hodía'/
adviser {n} (advisor) SEE: advisor ::
advisor {n} :: יועץ /yo'etz/
advocate {n} (person who argues the case of another) :: סנגור /sanegór/
Adygea {prop} (republic of south-west Russia) :: אדיגיה /adigeya/
Adygei {prop} (Adygei) SEE: Adyghe ::
Adyghe {prop} (language spoken in the Republic of Adygea) :: אדיגית {f} /'adigit/
adze {n} (cutting tool) :: מעצד {m} /ma'atad/
aedile {n} (elected official in Ancient Rome) :: אידיל {m} /aidil/
Aegean {prop} (Aegean Sea) SEE: Aegean Sea ::
Aegean Sea {prop} (sea of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean Sea) :: הים האגאי {m} /ha-yam ha-egéi/
aerial {adj} (taking place in the air) :: אוירי /avirí/
aerial {n} (device for receiving or transmitting) :: אנטנה {f} /anténa/, משושה {n} /meshoshá/ [rare]
aerodynamics {n} (The science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases) :: אוירודינמיקה {f} /avirodinámika/
Aeroflot {prop} (Russian airline) :: אארופלוט
aeroplane {n} (airplane) SEE: airplane ::
aerothorax {n} (pneumothorax) SEE: pneumothorax ::
Aeschylus {prop} (Greek tragedian) :: אייסכילוס /Aiskhilos/
aetiology {n} (study of causes or origins) :: אטיולוגיה {f} /etiologia/
a few {determiner} (a small number of) :: כמה /kama/
affair {n} (that which is done or is to be done) :: פרשה {f} /parasha/
affair {n} (any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely) :: עניין {m} (ynian) {m} (an affair of honor: עניין של כבוד (ynian shel kavod))
affair {n} (adulterous relationship) :: רומן {m} /roman/
affection {n} (feeling of love or strong attachment) :: חיבה {f} /khiba/
affidavit {n} (legal, signed document wherein an affiant makes a sworn statement) :: תצהיר {m} /tatzhir/
affiliate {v} (to adopt) SEE: adopt ::
affiliation {n} (A club, society or umbrella organisation so formed, especially a trade union) :: שיוך ארגוני {m}
affine {n} (in-law) SEE: in-law ::
affirmance {n} (affirmation) SEE: affirmation ::
affirmation {n} :: אישור /y'shur/
affix {n} (linguistics: a bound morpheme added to a word’s stem) :: מוספית {m} /musafít/
afflict {v} (To cause pain to) :: הכאיב /hikh'ív/, ייסר /yisér/, אמלל /imlél/
affluent {n} (tributary) SEE: tributary ::
affogato {n} (dessert) :: אפוגטו {m} /afogato/
Afghan hound {n} (Afghan Hound) SEE: Afghan Hound ::
Afghan Hound {n} (Afghan Hound) :: כלב אפגני {m}
Afghanistan {prop} (country) :: אפגניסטן {f} /afganistan/
afikomen {n} (matza eaten after seder dinner) :: אפיקומן
a fortiori {adv} :: קל וחמר /qal vaḥómer/
Africa {prop} (continent south of Europe) :: אפריקה {n} /áfrika/
African {adj} (language) SEE: Afrikaans ::
African {adj} (of or pertaining to Africa) :: אפריקאי /afrikái/
African {n} (a native of Africa) :: אפריקאי {m} /afrikái/, אפריקאית {f} /afrikáit/
African hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) :: זאב טלוא /ze’év talu/
African Union {prop} (multinational organisation) :: האיחוד האפריקאי
African wild dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
Afrikaans {prop} (language) :: אפריקנס /afrikáns/
after {prep} (subsequently; following in time; later than) :: אחרי, לאחר
after {prep} (behind) :: אחרי, מאחור
after {prep} (as a result of) :: בעקבות, כתוצאה מ
after {prep} (in spite of) :: למרות
after all {prep} (in the end; anyway) :: סוף סוף /sof sof/
afternoon {n} (part of the day between noon and evening) :: אחר הצהריים {m} /aḥár hatzohoráim/, אחה״צ [acronym]
afternoon tea {n} (light meal or snack taken in the mid to late afternoon) :: תה מנחה {m} /te minḥá/
after-party {n} (party that takes place after another party) :: אפטר /áfter/
afterward {adv} (afterwards) SEE: afterwards ::
afterwards {adv} (at a later or succeeding time) :: אחר־כך /akhar-kakh/
again {adv} (another time) :: שוב /shuv/
against {prep} (in a contrary direction to) :: נגד /neged/
against {prep} (in opposition to) :: נגד /neged/
agate {n} (mineral) :: שבו /shvo/, אכטיס /achátis/
age {n} (century) SEE: century ::
age {n} (whole duration of a being) :: גיל {m} /gil/
age {n} (one of the stages of life) :: גיל {m} /gil/
age {n} (particular period of time in history) :: תקופה {f} /tkufá/, עידן {m} /idán/
age {n} (great period in the history of the Earth) :: עידן {m} /idán/
age {n} (generation, see also: generation) :: דור {m} /dor/
age {n} (a long time) :: נצח {m} /nétzakh/
age {n} (part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time) :: גיל {m} /gil/
age {n} (advanced period of life; latter part of life) :: זקנה {f} /zikná/
age {v} :: להזדקן /le'hizdaqen/
ageful {n} (eternity) SEE: eternity ::
age group {n} (demographic grouping based on age) :: קבוצת גילאים /kvutsat gila'im/
ageism {n} (the treating of a person or people differently from others based on assumptions or stereotypes relating to their age) :: גילנות {f} /gilanút/
agency {n} (establishment engaged in doing business for another) :: סוכנות {f} /sokhnut/
agenda {n} (temporally organized plan) :: סדר יום {m} /séder yom/
agenda {n} (list of matters to be taken up) :: סדר יום {m} /séder yom/
agenda {n} (agenda book; notebook for organizing and planning) :: יומן {m} /yomán/
agent {n} (one who exerts power) :: סוכן {m} /sokhen/, סוכנת {f} /sokhenet/
agent {n} (one who acts in place of another) :: סוכן {m} /sokhen/, סוכנת {f} /sokhenet/
age of consent {n} (an age at which one is legally mature enough to have sex) :: גיל ההסכמה {m} /gil hahaskamah/
aggregate {n} (any of the five aspects constituting the sentient being in Buddhism) :: סקנדה /sqandah/
aggression {n} :: תוקפנות (toqpanut)
aggressive {adj} (tending or disposed to aggress) :: מתגרה
agha {n} (an honorific for high officials used in Turkey and certain Muslim countries) :: אע׳א {m}, אגא {m}
agile {adj} (having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs) :: זריז
agitator {n} (one who agitates) :: סכסכן /saḥseḥan/, תועמלן /toamlan/
agnosia {n} (inability to recognize objects) :: אגנוזיה {f} /agnózya/
agnosticism {n} (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable) :: אגנוסטיות /agnustyut/
ago {adv} (past; gone by; since) :: לפני /lif'néi/
agoraphobia {n} (fear of open spaces) :: אגורפוביה /agorofovia/
agouti {n} (a rodent similar in appearance to a guinea pig but having longer legs) :: אגוטי
Agra {prop} (city in India) :: אגרה
agree {v} (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur) :: הסכים /hiskím/
agreement {n} (understanding to follow a course of conduct) :: הסכם {m} /heském/, הסכמה {f} /haskamá/
agreement {n} (state whereby several parties share a view) :: הסכמה {f} /haskamá/
agreement {n} (legally binding contract) :: הסכם {m} /heském/
agreement {n} (grammatical agreement) :: הסכמה {f} /haskama/
agree to disagree {v} (tolerate one another's opinion and stop arguing) :: הסכים שלא להסכים /hiskim shelo l'haskim/
agricultural {adj} (of or pertaining to agriculture) :: חקלאי /khakla'í/
agriculture {n} (the art or science of cultivating the ground) :: חקלאות {f} /khakla'ut/
Agrigento {prop} (province and city in Sicily) :: אגריג׳נטו {m} /Agrijénto/
aground {adv} (resting on the bottom) :: על שרטון /al sirton/
ague {n} (malaria) SEE: malaria ::
ah {interj} (word used for drama) :: אבוי /avoy/
Ahab {prop} (biblical king of Israel) :: אחאב /Ach'av/
Ahasuerus {prop} (biblical king of Persia) :: אחשורוש {m} /akhashverósh/
ahead of one's time {prep} (in advance of commonly accepted ideas) :: הקדים את זמנו /hiqdím et zmanó/
Ahmed {prop} (male given name) :: אחמד {m} /aḥmad/
Ahriman {prop} (the hypostasis of chaos, destruction, evil in Zoroastrianism) :: אנגרה מניו /An'g'rá Mein'yú/
aid {n} (help; succor; assistance; relief) :: סיוע {m} /si'ua/, עזרה {f} /ʿezrá/
aide {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant ::
AIDS {n} (acquired immune deficiency syndrome, see also: acquired immune deficiency syndrome) :: איידס /eyds/
Ainu {prop} (language) :: שפת איינו {f} /safat aynu/
air {v} (to bring into contact with the air) :: אוורר /ivrér/
air {v} (to broadcast) :: שידר /shidér/
air {n} (historical: one of the basic elements) :: אוויר / אויר {m} /avír/
air {n} (mixture of gases making up the atmosphere of the Earth) :: אוויר / אויר {m} /avír/
airborne {adj} (carried by the air) :: מוטס {m} /mutas/
air-condition {v} (to mechanically cool a space or an entire structure) :: מזג /mizzég/
air conditioner {n} (a machine that is used to control temperature and humidity in an enclosed space) :: מזגן {m} /mazgán/
air conditioning {n} (an air conditioner or system of air conditioners, see also: air conditioner) :: מיזוג אוויר
aircraft {n} (machine capable of atmospheric flight) :: כלי טיס {m} /kli-tayis/
aircraft carrier {n} (warship for launching aircraft) :: נושאת מטוסים {f} /noset metosim/
airfoil {n} (wing of an aircraft) SEE: wing ::
air force {n} (branch of the military devoted to air warfare) :: חיל אוויר {m} /kheil avir/
air gun {n} (gun that propels a projective by compressed air) :: רובה אוויר {m} /rovee avír/
airline {n} (company that flies airplanes) :: חברת תעופה /hevrat t'ufa/
airliner {n} (passenger aircraft) :: מטוס נוסעים {m} /metós nos'im/
airplane {n} (powered aircraft) :: מטוס {m} /matós/, אוירון {n} /avirón/
airport {n} (place designated for airplanes) :: נמל תעופה {m} /n'mál t'ufá/
air-raid shelter {n} (reinforced underground shelter designed to give protection against air raids) :: מקלט {m} /miklát/
airship {n} (aircraft) SEE: aircraft ::
airship {n} (self-propelled lighter-than-air aircraft that can be steered) SEE: dirigible ::
airworthiness {n} (the state of being airworthy) :: כושר טיסה {m} /kosher tisa/
Aisha {prop} (female given name) :: עאישה /'Aaishah/
Ajaccio {prop} (capital city of Corsica) :: אז'אקסיו
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step {proverb} (a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step) :: גם מסע של אלף מייל מתחיל בצעד אחד קטן
Akhenaten {prop} (Pharaoh in 14th century BCE, founder of Atenism) :: אחנתון
akin {adj} :: דומה, קשור (compare קרבת דם)
Akkad {prop} (ancient kingdom of Mesopotamia) :: אכד /'akád/
Akkad {prop} (capital city of the kingdom of Akkad) :: אכד /'akád/
Akkadian {adj} (pertaining to the language) :: אכדי /'akadí/
Akkadian {prop} (Semitic language) :: אכדית {f} /akadít/
Aksum {prop} :: אקסום, אכסום
Alabama {prop} (U.S. State) :: אלבמה
Aladdin {prop} (the fictional young man) :: אלאדין {m} /aladín/, אלדין {m} /aladín/
al-Andalus {prop} (Islamic Spain) :: אל־אנדלוס /al-andalus/
alarm clock {n} (type of clock) :: שעון מעורר {m} /shaón m‘órer/
alas {interj} (exclamation of sorrow, etc.) :: אוי {m} /oy/, איכה /eykha/, אהה /ahah/
Alaska {prop} (US state) :: אלסקה /aláska/
Albania {prop} (country in south-eastern Europe) :: אלבניה /albaniya/
Albanian {adj} (of or pertaining to Albania) :: אלבני {m} /albáni/
Albanian {n} (person from Albania) :: אלבני {m} /albani/, אלבנית {f} /albanit/
Albanian {prop} (language) :: אלבנית /albanít/
Albany {prop} (capital of New York) :: אולבני /'Olvani/
Albert {prop} (male given name) :: אלברט /álbert/
Alberta {prop} (province) :: אלברטה
album {n} (book for photographs, stamps, or autographs) :: אלבום {m} /álbum/
album {n} (phonograph record (LP)) :: אלבום {m} /álbum/
album {n} (group of audio recordings on any media) :: אלבום {m} /álbum/
albumen {n} (white part of an egg) :: חלבון {m} /khelbón/
Albuquerque {prop} (city) :: אלבקרקי
alchemy {n} :: אלכימיה {f} /alkimiya/
alcohol {n} (organic chemistry sense) :: אלכוהול {m} /alkohol/
alcohol {n} (intoxicating beverage) :: אלכוהול {m} /alkohol/
alcove {n} (small recessed area) :: גמחה {f}
Aldebaran {prop} (star) :: אלדברן
al dente {adj} (firm) :: אל דנטה /al dénte/
Aleister {prop} (male given name) :: אליסטר {m}
Alejandro {prop} (cognates of Alejandro) SEE: Alexander ::
Alejandro {prop} (male given name transliterated) :: אלחנדרו {m} /Alekhándro/
a leopard cannot change its spots {proverb} (one cannot change one's own nature) :: היהפך כושי עורו /hayahafóch kúshi 'oró/
aleph {n} (first letter of the Proto-Canaanite alphabet and descendant script) :: אלף {f} /álef/, [symbol] א
aleph-null {prop} (first of the transfinite cardinal numbers) :: א' אפס {m} /álef éfes/
Aleppo {prop} (city in Syria) :: חלב
alert {adj} (attentive) :: ערני {m} /eraní/, דרוך {m} /darúkh/
alert {n} (an alarm) :: אזעקה /aza'qá/, התרעה /hatra'á/
alert {n} (a notification) :: התרעה {f} /hatra'á/, כוננות /konenút/
alert {v} (to give warning to) :: הזהיר /hizhír/, התריע /hitría'/
Alexander {prop} (male given name) :: אלכסנדר {m} /aleksander/
Alexander the Great {prop} (King of Macedonia) :: אלכסנדר הגדול /aleksánder hagadól/, אלכסנדר מוקדון /aleksánder mokdón/
Alexandria {prop} (city in Egypt) :: אלכסנדריה {f} /Aleksandríya/
Alexandroupoli {prop} (city) :: אלכסנדרופולי
alfalfa {n} (Medicago sativa) :: אספסת {f} /aspéset/
alga {n} (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) :: אצה {f} /atsá/
algebra {n} (system for computation) :: אלגברה {f} /algebra/
Algeria {prop} (country) :: אלג׳יריה {f} /aljírya/
Algerian {adj} (of Algeria or its people) :: אלג'ירי /aljiri/
Algherese {prop} (Catalan dialect spoken in Alghero) :: אלגרס {m} /algerés/
Alghero {prop} (port town in Sardinia) :: אלגרו {m} /Algéro/
Algiers {prop} (the capital of Algeria) :: אלג׳יר /aljír/
algorithm {n} (well-defined procedure) :: אלגוריתם {m} /algorit'm/
algorithmics {n} (subdiscipline of informatics) :: אלגוריתמיקה {f}
Ali {prop} (male given name from Arabic) :: עלי {m} /elí/, אליהו {m}
Ali Baba {prop} (a fictional character) :: עלי באבא {m} /'ali baba/
a lie has no legs {proverb} (you can't get away with a lie) :: לשקר אין רגליים
alien {n} (foreigner) :: זר {m} /zár/
alien {n} (life form of non-Earth origin) :: חיזר {m} /ḥayzár/, חוצן {m} /ḥutsán/
alienate {v} (to estrange) :: ניכר /nikér/
alienist {n} (psychologist) SEE: psychologist ::
alif {n} (first letter of the Arabic alphabet) :: אלף {f} /álef/
alimony {n} (a court-enforced allowance) :: מזונות {m-p} /mezonót/
Alistair {prop} (male given name) :: אליסטר {m}
a little {adv} (to a small extent or degree) :: קצת /k'tsát/
a little bird told me {phrase} (idiomatic) :: ציפור קטנה לחשה לי /tsipor ktana lahasha li/
alive and kicking {adj} (healthy, especially in opposition to other circumstances) :: חי וקים /kháy v'kayám/
aliyah {n} (immigration of Jews into Israel) :: עלייה \ עליה {f} /aliyá/
Al Jazeera {prop} (Arabic satellite TV news channel) :: אלג׳זירה /aljazirah/
alkali {n} (class of caustic bases) :: אלקלי {m} /alkali/
alkyne {n} (hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon triple bond) :: אלקין {m}
all {determiner} (every individual of the given class) :: כל /kol/
all {adv} (intensifier) :: לגמרי {m} {f} /legamrei/
all {adv} (apiece) :: כל /kol/
all {n} (everything possible) :: כל /kól/, כול /kól/
all {pron} (everyone) SEE: everyone ::
all {pron} (everything) SEE: everything ::
Allah {prop} (God, in Islam) :: אללה {m} /allá/
Allahabad {prop} (city in India) :: אללהאבאד
Allahu akbar {interj} (Muslim takbir (proclamation)) :: אללה אכבר /allāh akbar/
all bark and no bite {adj} (full of big talk) :: כלב נובח אינו נושך [a dog that barks, does not bite]
allegedly {adv} (according to someone's allegation) :: לכאורה /likh'ora/
allegory {n} :: משל /mashahl/
allelopathy {n} (release by a plant of a toxin to suppress growth of nearby competing plants) :: אללופתיה
allergic {adj} (pertaining to allergy) :: אלרגי /alérgi/
allergic {adj} (having an allergy) :: אלרגי /alérgi/
allergy {n} (disorder of the immune system) :: אלרגיה {f} /alergiya/
alleviate {v} (make less severe) :: להקל
alley {n} (narrow street) :: סמטה /simtá/
alleyway {n} (narrow street) SEE: alley ::
All Fools' Day {n} (April Fools' Day) SEE: April Fools' Day ::
allheal {n} (valerian) SEE: valerian ::
alligator {n} (large amphibious reptile of genus Alligator) :: אליגטור {m} /aligator/
alligator pear {n} (avocado) SEE: avocado ::
all of a sudden {adv} (colloquial: suddenly, see also: suddenly) :: פתאום /pit'óm/
all of the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
allow {v} :: להרשות /le'harshot/
allowance {n} (a child's allowance; pocket money) SEE: pocket money ::
alloy {n} (metal combined of more elements) :: סגסוגת {f}, סגסוגת \ סגסגת {f} /sagsoget/
alloy {v} (mix or combine) :: נתך {m} /nétekh/
all rights reserved {phrase} (copyright notice formula) :: כל הזכויות שמורות /kol haz?k?oyot shmorot/
all roads lead to Rome {proverb} (different paths can take to the same goal) :: כל הדרכים מובילות לרומא /kól had'rakhím movilót l'Róma/
all's fair in love and war {proverb} (unpleasant behavior is acceptable during love and conflict) :: כי בתחבלות תעשה-לך מלחמה /ki betaḥbulót ta'asé lechá milḥamá/ ["with the right strategy you can wage war"]
all that glitters is not gold {proverb} (things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so) :: לא כל הנוצץ זהב הוא /lo kol hanotzetz zahav hu/
all the sudden {adv} (all of a sudden) SEE: all of a sudden ::
all too {adv} (way too) SEE: way too ::
ally {n} (one united to another by treaty or league) :: בעל ברית {m} /ba'al brit/
Alma {prop} (female given name) :: עלמה /'álma/
Almaty {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana ::
almighty {adj} (unlimited in might) :: כל יכול {m} /kol yachól/
almighty {adj} :: שדי /shadáy/
Almighty {prop} (God, the supreme being) :: שדי {m} /Shadáy/
almond {n} (nut) :: שקד {m} /shakéd/
almond {n} (tree) :: שקד {m} /shakéd/, שקדיה {f} /shkediyá/
almond paste {n} (paste made from ground almonds and sugar in equal quantities) :: בצק שקדים {m} /b'tzek shkedím/
almost {adv} (very close to) :: כמעט /kim'át/
alms {n} (something given to the poor as charity) :: צדקה {f} /ts'daká/
aloha {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
aloha {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
alone {adv} (by oneself) :: לבד /levád/
alone {adv} :: לבד
a lot {pron} (a large amount) :: הרבה /harbé/
a lot {adv} (very much) :: הרבה /harbe/
alpha {n} (name of the letter Α, α) :: אלפא {f} /álfa/
alpha and omega {n} (the first and the last) :: האלף והתו /haalfs vhatv/
alphabet {n} (an ordered set of letters used in a language) :: אלף־בית {m} /alef-bét/, אלפבית {m} /alefbét/
Alpha Centauri {prop} (brightest star in the southern constellation of Centaurus) :: אלפא קנטאורי
alphanumeric {adj} (consisting of letters and numbers) :: אלפא נומרי {m} /álfa numéri/
alphanumerical {adj} (alphanumeric) SEE: alphanumeric ::
al-Qaeda {prop} (The global network of militant Islamic extremists.) :: אל־קאעידה {f} /al-ka‘ida/
al-Quds {prop} (Jerusalem) SEE: Jerusalem ::
already {adv} (prior to some time) :: כבר /k'var/
Alsace {prop} (region on the west bank of the upper Rhine) :: אלזס {m} /alzas/
also {adv} (in addition; besides; as well; further; too) :: גם /gam/
Altai {prop} (Altay) SEE: Altay ::
Altair {prop} (star) :: אלטאיר
altar {n} (flat-topped structure used for religious rites) :: מזבח {m} /mizbeákh/
Altay {prop} (mountain range) :: אלטאי {m}
alternative {n} (one of several things which can be chosen) :: אלטרנטיבה {f} /alternatíva/, חלופה {f} /khalufá/
although {conj} (in spite of the fact that) :: למרות ש־ /lamrót she-/, אף על פי ש־ /af al pi she-/
although {conj} (but) :: אבל /avál/, אלא /éla/
altitude {n} (absolute height) :: רום {m} /rom / rum/
aluminium {n} (silvery metal) :: אלומיניום /alumínyum/, חמרן {m} /ḥamran, ḥomran/
aluminium foil {n} (very thin, pliable, eaily torn sheet of aluminium) :: רדיד אלומיניום {m} /r'díd-alumínyum/, נייר אלומיניום {m} /n'yár-alumínyum/, נייר כסף {m} /n'yár-késef/
aluminium paper {n} (aluminium foil) SEE: aluminium foil ::
aluminum {n} (aluminium) SEE: aluminium ::
always {adv} (at all times) :: תמיד /tamíd/
Alzheimer's disease {n} (mental disorder from brain tissue changes) :: מחלת אלצהיימר {?}
Amaterasu {prop} (Japanese sun goddess) :: אמטראסו {f} /Amaterásu/
amateur {n} (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally) :: חובבן {m} /khoveván/
amateur {n} (someone unqualified) :: חובבן /khoveván/
amateur {n} :: חובבן {m} /khovevan/, חובבנית {f} /khovevanit/
amateur {adj} (showing lack of professionalism, experience or talent) :: חובבני {m} /khovevaní/
amateur {adj} (nonprofessional) SEE: nonprofessional ::
amaze {v} (to fill with surprise, astonish) :: הדהים /hidhím/
amazing {adj} (very good) SEE: good ::
amazing {adj} (causing wonder and amazement) :: מדהים {m} /madhím/
Amazon {prop} (river) :: אמזונאס /Amazonas/
amœba {n} (amoeba) SEE: amoeba ::
ambassador {n} (minister) :: שגריר {m} /shagrír/, שגרירה {f} /shagrira/
ambassador {n} (representative) :: שגריר {m} /shagrír/
amber {n} (fossil resin) :: ענבר /ʻinbar/
ambiance {n} (particular mood or atmosphere of an environment) :: אווירה {f} /avira/
ambigram {n} (design that reads as the same word or phrase in two different orientations) :: אמביגראמה {f} /ambigrama/
ambiguity {n} (something liable to more than one interpretation) :: דו-משמעות
ambrosia {n} (food of gods or delicious foods) :: אמברוסיה
ambulance {n} (emergency vehicle) :: אמבולנס {m} /ambulans/, חישפוזית {f} /khishpuzit/
ambush {n} :: מארב {m} /maarav/
ambush {v} (to station in ambush with a view to surprise an enemy) :: ארב /aráv/
amen {adv} (so be it) :: אמן /amén/
amen {adv} :: אמן /’amîn/
amen {interj} (expression of strong agreement) :: אמן /amen/
amenity {n} (convenience) SEE: convenience ::
amerce {v} (to impose a fine on) SEE: fine ::
America {prop} (United States of America) SEE: United States of America ::
America {prop} (Americas) SEE: Americas ::
American {n} (person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.) :: אמריקני {m} /amerikani/, אמריקנית {f} /amerikanit/
American {adj} (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture) :: אמריקני /amerikáni/
American {adj} :: אמריקני {m} /amerikani/, אמריקנית {f} /amerikanit/
American Dream {n} (determination) :: החלום האמריקאי {m} /haḥalóm ha'ameriká'i/
American football {n} (American football) :: פוטבול אמריקאי {m} /football amerikai/
American Indian {n} (a member of some indigenous peoples of the Americas) SEE: Indian ::
American Samoa {prop} (US overseas territory in Oceania) :: סמואה האמריקנית /Samoa ha-Americanit/
Americas {prop} (North and South America) :: אמריקה {f} /amérika/
americium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 95) :: אמריציום /amerítsiyum/
Amerindian {n} (an American Indian) SEE: Indian ::
amethyst {n} (gem) :: אחלמה {f} /'akhlamá/
Amharic {prop} (language) :: אמהרית {f} /ama'harit/
amicable {adj} (showing friendliness or goodwill) :: מאיר פנים
amicable number {n} (number theory) :: מספר ידידותי
amicably {adv} (friendly, in an amicable manner) :: בנועם
amid {prep} (surrounded by) :: בתוך, בין, בקרב
Amidah {prop} (Judaism's central prayer) :: תפילת עמידה, עמידה, שמונה עשרה, תפילה
amigo {n} (friend) SEE: friend ::
amigurumi {n} (Japanese art of crocheting or knitting stuffed yarn toys) :: אמיגורומי
Amir {prop} (given name) :: אמיר {m} /amir/, עמיר {m} /amír/
amiss {adj} (wrong) SEE: wrong ::
a mite {adv} (to a small extent) SEE: a little ::
Amman {prop} (the capital of Jordan) :: רבת עמון /rabat amon/, עמאן /amman/
ammeter {n} (device that measures an electric current) :: מד זרם {m} /mad zerem/
Ammon {n} (an ancient people of Israel) :: עמון /amon/
ammonium {n} (univalent NH4+ cation) :: אמוניום {m} /amónium/
ammunition {n} (articles used in charging firearms) :: תחמשת {f} /taḥmóshet/
amnion {n} (a fetal membrane of reptiles, birds, and mammals, see also: amniotic sac) :: שפיר {m} /shafír/
amoeba {n} (member of a genus of unicellular protozoa) :: אמבה {f}
amok {adv} (in a frenzy of violence, or on a killing spree; berserk) :: אמוק {m} /ámok/
among {prep} (mingling or intermixing) :: בתוך /b'tokh/
among other things {adv} (inter alia) SEE: inter alia ::
Amos {prop} (figure mentioned in the Old Testament) :: עמוס /'amós/
Amos {prop} (book of the Old Testament) :: עמוס /'Amós/
amount {n} (number of elements in a set) SEE: number ::
amount {n} (total or sum of items) :: סכום {m} /s'khum/
amount {n} :: סכום {m}, סך {m}
amperage {n} (electric current) SEE: current ::
ampere {n} (unit of electrical current) :: אמפר {?}
ampersand {n} (the symbol &) :: אמפרסנד {m} /ámpersand/
ampersat {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
amphibian {n} (vertebrate) :: חי־דו {m} /du-khay/
amphitheatre {n} (an open, outdoor theatre) :: אמפיתאטרון /amfiteatrón/
amputation {n} (surgical removal of a limb) :: כריתה {f} /krita/
Amritsar {prop} (city in India) :: אמריצר {?}
Amsterdam {prop} (capital of the Netherlands) :: אמסטרדם {f} /amsterdam/
Amu Darya {prop} (river) :: גוזן /gozan/
amulet {n} (protective charm) :: קמע {m} /kame'a/
Amun {prop} (Egyptian wind deity) :: אמון {m} /Amón/
Amur {prop} (the river between the Far East Russia and China) :: אמור {f} /Amur/
amurca {n} (sediment in olive oil) :: גפת /gāp̄āṯ/
amuse {v} (to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner) :: לשעשע
amuse {v} :: לשעשע /le'sha'ashe'a/
amusement {n} (entertainment) :: בדור
amusement {n} (an activity that is entertaining or amusing) :: שעשוע {m} (sha'ashua), כיוף {m}
amylase {n} (enzyme, present in saliva, that breaks down carbohydrates such as starch) :: עמילאז
amylum {n} (amylum) SEE: starch ::
an {article} (indefinite article) :: [usually omitted; sometimes:] אחד /ekhád/ (one)
anachronistic {adj} (erroneous in date) :: אנכרוניסטי /anakhronisti/
anaesthesia {n} (anesthesia) SEE: anesthesia ::
anagram {n} (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) :: אנגרמה {f} /anagráma/
analgesic {n} (medicine that reduces pain) :: שיכוך כאב
analog {adj} (represented by a continuously variable physical quantity) :: אנלוגי {m}
analogue {n} (analog) SEE: analog ::
anal sex {n} (sex involving the anus) :: מין אנאלי {m} /min anali/, סקס אנאלי {m} /seks anali/
analysis {n} (decomposition into components in order to study) :: ניתוח \ נתוח {m} /nitúakh/
ananas {n} (pineapple) SEE: pineapple ::
anaphylactic shock {n} (severe allergic reaction) :: אנפילקסיס
an apple a day keeps the doctor away {proverb} (apples are good for you) :: קח פרי ותהיה לי בריא, תפוח ביום מרחיק את הרופא האיום, תפוח ביום ולרופא תגיד שלום
anarchism {n} (belief that proposes the absence and abolition of government in all forms) :: אנרכיזם {m} /anarkhizm/
anarcho-capitalism {n} (philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and a self-regulating free market) :: אנרכו-קפיטליזם {m}
anarchy {n} (absence of any form of political authority or government) :: אנרכיה {f} /anárkhia/
Anat {prop} (Semitic goddess) :: ענת /ʿanāṯ/
Anatoli {prop} (transliteration of Анато́лий) :: אנטולי {m} /anatoli/
Anatolius {prop} (male given name) :: אנטולי {m}
anatomy {n} (art of studying the different parts of any organized body) :: אנטומיה {f}
Anbar {prop} (historical city in Iraq) :: פירוז שבור /pyrwz šbwr/
anchor {n} (tool to moor a vessel into sea bottom) :: עוגן \ עגן {m} /ógen/
anchorage {n} (place for anchoring) :: מעגן {m} /ma'agan/
ancient {adj} (having lasted from a remote period) :: עתיק /'atíq/, קדום {m} /qadúm/, קדמון {m} /qadmón/
ancient {adj} :: עתיק {m} /atiq/, עתיקה {f} /atiqa/
Ancient Greece {prop} (ancient civilization of the Mediterranean) :: יוון העתיקה {f}
Ancient Rome {prop} (civilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD) :: רומא העתיקה {f}
and {conj} (used to connect two similar words, phrases, et cetera) :: ו־ /ve/; Ancient: ו־ /wə/
and {conj} (used at the end of a list to indicate the last item) :: ו־ /v'-/
and/or {conj} (inclusive "or") :: ו/או /v'/o/
Andorra {prop} (country) :: אנדורה {?} /andóra/
Andorra la Vella {prop} (capital of Andorra) :: אנדורה לה ולה
Andrew {prop} (the Apostle) :: אנדראס
Andrew {prop} (male given name) :: אנדריי {m} /andréy/ [from Russian]
androgyne {n} (a person who is androgynous) :: אנדרוגינוס /androgínos/
and so forth {phrase} (indicating a list continues similarly) :: ו׳כלה, וכו /v"chulae/ / וכדומה, וכולי
and so on {phrase} (indicating a list continues) SEE: and so forth ::
anecdote {n} (short account of an incident) :: אנקדוטה {f} /anekdóta/
anemone {n} (sea anemone) SEE: sea anemone ::
anemone {n} (any plant of genus anemone) :: כלנית {f} /kalanít/
anesthesia {n} (loss of bodily sensation) :: הרדמה
anesthetist {n} (person who gives an anesthetic) :: מרדים {m}
anew {adv} (again) :: מחדש /me'khadash/
angel {n} (messenger from a deity) :: מלאך {m} /mal'ákh/
angel {n} :: כרוב {m} /khrub/
angel of death {n} (personification of death in fiction and in art) :: מלאך המות {m} /mal'ách hamávet/
anger {n} (A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something) :: כעס {m} /kā‘ās/
anger {v} (to cause such a feeling of antagonism) :: הכעיס /hikh'ís/
Angkor Wat {prop} (Cambodian temple complex) :: אנגקור ואט
angle {n} (geometrical figure) :: זווית \ זוית {f} /zavít/
angle {n} (corner where two walls intersect) :: פינה {f} /piná/, זווית {f} /zavít/
angle {n} (viewpoint) :: זווית ראיה {f} /zavít re`iyá/
Anglo-Saxon {prop} (Old English) SEE: Old English ::
ang moh {n} (white person) SEE: white ::
Angola {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: אנגולה /angola/
angora {n} (subspecies of the European rabbit) :: ארנב אנגורה {m}
Angra Mainyu {prop} (Ahriman) SEE: Ahriman ::
angry {adj} (displaying anger) :: סר /sar/
angstrom {n} (A very small unit of length, 10−10 m) :: אנגסטרום
Anguilla {prop} (British overseas territory in the Caribbean) :: אנגװלה /Anguela/
animal {adj} (of animals) :: חיתי {m} /ḥayyatí/
animal {adj} (unhindered by social codes) :: חיתי {m} /ḥayyatí/, בהמי {m} /behemí/
animal {n} (organism) :: בעל חיים {m} /báʻal ḥayyím/, חיה {f} /ḥayyá/
animal {n} (organism other than man) :: בעל חיים {m} /baʻál ḥayyím/, חיה {f} /ḥayyá/
animal {n} (person who behaves wildly) :: חיה {f} /ḥayyá/, בהמה {f} /behemá/
animation {n} (causing images to appear to move) :: הנפשה {f} /hanfashá/
anime {n} (an animated work originated in Japan) :: אנימציה יפנית {f} /anime yapanít/, אנימה {f} /anime/
anise {n} (plant) :: אניס
anise {n} (fennel) SEE: fennel ::
Ankara {prop} (capital of Turkey) :: אנקרה {f} /ankara/
ankle {n} (joint between foot and leg) :: קרסול \ קרסל {m} /karsol/
ankylosaurus {n} (large herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous) :: אנקילוזאורוס
Ann {prop} (female given name) :: חנה /ḥannâ/
Anna {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
Anne {prop} (given name) SEE: Ann ::
annex {n} (addition of territory) SEE: annexation ::
annexation {n} (addition or incorporation of something) :: סיפוח \ ספוח /sipúakh/
anno Domini {n} (in the year of our Lord) SEE: Anno Domini ::
Anno Domini {adv} (in the year of our Lord) :: ספירת הנוצרים
annotate {v} (to add annotation) :: העיר /he'ír/
announce {v} :: להודיע /le'hodya/
announcement {n} :: הודעה {f} /hoda'a/
annoyance {n} (an act or instance of annoying) :: הצקה {f} /hátsáká/
annoying {adj} (causing irritation or annoyance) :: מעצבן
annual {adj} (happening once a year) :: שנתי /shnati/
annual {n} (annual publication) :: שנתון {m} /shnaton/
anoda {determiner} (another) SEE: another ::
anonymity {n} (the quality or state of being anonymous) :: אלמוניות {f} /almoniyút/
anonymous {adj} (without any name (of responsible agent) acknowledged) :: אנונימי /anoními/
anonymous {adj} :: אלמוני {m} /almony/, אלמונית {f} /almonyt/
anorexia {n} (anorexia nervosa) SEE: anorexia nervosa ::
anorexia nervosa {n} (disorder) :: אנורקסיה נרבוזה
anosmia {n} (inability to smell) :: תתרנות, תתרנית {f}
another {determiner} (one more, in addition to a former number) :: אחר /akhér/
Anschluss {n} (the annexation of Austria into Germany in 1938 or an analogy) :: אנשלוס
answer {n} (response) :: תשובה {f} /t'shuvá/
answer {n} (solution) :: מענה {m} /ma'ane/
answer {n} (reply to email) :: תשובה {f} /tshuva/
answer {v} (to make a reply or response to) :: ענה /ana/
answer {v} :: לענות /la'anot/ , להשיב /le'hashyv/
ant {n} (insect) :: נמלה {f} /nemalá/
Antananarivo {prop} (city) :: אנטננריבו
Antarctica {prop} (southernmost continent) :: אנטרקטיקה {f} /antárqtíqa/
Antarctic Peninsula {prop} (the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica) :: חצי האי האנטארקטי {m} /khatsí-hí-hantárqti/
Antares {prop} (star) :: אנטארס
anteater {n} (mammal) :: דוב נמלים {m} /dov nemalim/
antebrachium {n} (forearm) SEE: forearm ::
antechinus {n} (marsupial) :: אנטכינוס
antelope {n} (mammal of the family Bovidae) :: אנטילופה {f} /antilópa/
antenna {n} (feeler organ) :: מחוש {m} /makhósh/
antenna {n} (device to receive or transmit radio signals) SEE: aerial ::
antepenultimate {adj} (two before the last) :: מלעיל דמלעיל /mil'él di-mil'él/
anthem {n} (national anthem) :: המנון {m} /himnon/
anthrax {n} (disease) :: גחלת {?}
anthropomorphism {n} (the attribution or ascription of human characteristics to something not human) :: האנשה {f} /ha'anasha/
anthropomorphize {v} (attribute human qualities) :: להאניש
antibiotic {n} (substance that destroys or inhibits bacteria) :: אנטיביוטיקה {f} /antibyótika/
antibody {n} (protein that binds to a specific antigen) :: נוגדן {m} /nogdán/
antibrachium {n} (antibrachium) SEE: forearm ::
antichrist {n} (someone that works against the teachings of Christ) :: אנטיכריסטוס {m}
Antichrist {prop} (one under the direct control of the Devil) :: אנטיכריסט
anticline {n} (anticlinal fold) :: קמר
anticlockwise {adv} :: נגד כיוון השעון /neged kivoon hasha'on/
anticlockwisely {adv} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise ::
Antifa {prop} (anti-fascist movement) :: אנטיפה, פעולה אנטי-פשיסטית
antifeminism {n} (any belief antagonistic to feminism) :: אנטי־פמיניזם
antifouling {adj} (that prevents or counteracts the buildup of barnacles and other deposits on surfaces) :: נוגד צמדה {m} /noged tsimdah/
Antigua and Barbuda {prop} (country) :: אנטיגואה וברבודה /antiguah u'barbudah/
Anti-Lebanon {prop} (mountain range) :: מול הלבנון {m} /Mul haL'vanon/
antimony {n} (chemical element) :: אנטימון {m} /antimón/
antirrhinum {n} (snapdragon) SEE: snapdragon ::
antisemite {n} (anti-Semite) :: אנטישמי {m} /antishémi/, אנטישמית {f} /antishémit/
anti-Semitic {adj} (exhibiting anti-Semitism) :: אנטישמי /antishémi/
antisemitism {n} (prejudice or hostility against Jews) :: אנטישמיות {f} /antishémiyut/
antlion {n} (nocturnal insects) :: ארינמל {m} /arinamál/
antonym {n} (word which has the opposite meaning) :: הפך / היפך {m} /héfech/
anus {n} (lower opening of the digestive tract) :: פי הטבעת {m} /pi hataba'at/
anvil {n} (block used in blacksmithing) :: סדן {m} /sadán/
anxietude {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
anxiety {n} (concern) :: חרדה {f} /charadá/
anxiety {n} (pathological condition) :: חרדה {f} /charadá/
anxious {adj} (full of anxiety) :: חרד {m} /charéd/
anxiousness {n} (anxiety) SEE: anxiety ::
any {determiner} (at least one (kind)) :: אף /af/, שום /shum/
anybody {pron} (anyone) SEE: anyone ::
anyhow {adv} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
any more {adv} (not any more) SEE: no longer ::
anyone {pron} (anybody) :: אף אחד /áf ekhád/
anytime {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
anyway {adv} (regardless) :: בכל מקרה /bekhól mikré/, בכל זאת /bekhól zót/, מכל מקום, בכל אופן, גם ככה
anyway {adv} (used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement) :: בכל מקרה /bekhól mikré/, בכל זאת /bekhól zót/
anyway {adv} (in any way) :: בכל מקרה /bekhól mikré/, בכל זאת /bekhól zót/
Aomen {prop} (Macau) SEE: Macau ::
aorta {n} (great artery) :: אבי העורקים {m} /aví ha-orakím/, אאורטה {f} /aórta/
Aosta {prop} (city in Italy) :: אאוסטה
apart {adv} (apart from) SEE: apart from ::
apart from {prep} (except for) :: מלבד /mil·le·vad/
apartheid {v} (policy of racial separation in South Africa) :: אפרטהיד \ אפרטהייד {m}
apartment {n} (domicile occupying part of a building) :: דירה {f} /dirá/
apartmentmate {n} (one who shares an apartment (US)) SEE: roommate ::
apatheticness {n} (apathy) SEE: apathy ::
apathy {n} (lack of emotion or motivation) :: אדישות {f} /adishut/, אפתיה {f} /apatia/
apatite {n} (type of mineral) :: אפטיט /ʔapaṭīṭ/
ape {n} (animal) :: קוף {m} /qof/ [ape or monkey], קוף אדם {m} /qof-adám/ [ape specifically]
aperiodic {adj} (math: of a state) :: לא מחזורי /ló machzorí/
apex court {n} (supreme court) SEE: supreme court ::
aphid {n} (insect) :: כנימה {f} /knimá/
aphis {n} (aphid) SEE: aphid ::
aphorism {n} (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought) :: פתגם
Aphrodite {prop} (Greek goddess) :: אפרודיטי {f} /Afrodíti/
aphtha {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) SEE: foot-and-mouth disease ::
Apia {prop} (capital of Samoa) :: אפיה /apia/
aplomb {n} (self-confidence) :: ביטחון עצמי {m} /bitakhón atzmí/
aplustre {n} (an ornamental appendage of wood at the stern of a Roman ship) :: צפת הירכתים {f} /tsefet hayarkhatayim/
apocalypse {n} (end of the world) :: אחרית הימים {f} /aḥarít hayamím/
apocalypse {n} :: אפוקליפסה
Apocalypse {prop} (the written account of a revelation of hidden things given by God to a chosen prophet) :: אפוקליפסה, חזון
Apocalypse {prop} (book of the Bible) :: אפוקליפסה, חזון
apologia {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologise {v} (apologise) SEE: apologize ::
apologism {n} (apology) SEE: apology ::
apologize {v} (to make an apology or excuse) :: התנצל /hitnatsél/
apologize {v} :: התנצל /hitnatsél/, ביקש סליחה /bikésh slikhá/
apology {n} (an expression of regret) :: התנצלות {f} /hitnatzlút/, סליחה {f} /slikhá/
apoplexy {n} (bleeding of internal organs) :: שבץ {m} /shavátz/
apoplexy {n} (loss of consciousness) :: שבץ {m} /shavatz/
apoptosis {n} (death of cells) :: אפופטוזה {m} /apoptoza/
aporia {n} (contradiction, logical impasse) :: אפוריה
aposematism {n} (adaptation that warns off potential predators) :: צבעי אזהרה
apostle {n} (pioneer) SEE: pioneer ::
apothecary {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
apothecary {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist ::
apotheosis {n} (deification; becoming a god) :: האלהה {f} /ha'alahá/
app {n} (small computer application) :: יישום \ ישום {m} /yisúm/
apparate {v} (to teleport to or from a place) :: התעתק /hit'atéq/
apparatus {n} (complex machine or instrument) :: מכשיר {m} /makhshír/
apparatus {n} (assortment of tools or instruments) :: מנגנון {m} /manganón/
apparatus {n} (bureaucratic organization) :: מערכת {f} /ma'arékhet/, מנגנון {m} /manganón/
apparatus {n} (firefighting: vehicle for emergency response) SEE: fire engine ::
apparel {n} (clothing) :: ביגוד {m} /bigúd/
apparel {v} (to dress or clothe) :: הלביש /hilbísh/
apparel {v} (to deck) :: עיטר /itér/
apparently {adv} (seemingly) :: כנראה /ka'nir'e/
appeal {v} (to accuse) SEE: accuse ::
appear {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look ::
appear {v} (to appear) SEE: seem ::
appear {v} (To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible) :: הופיע /hofía/
appear {v} (To come before the public) :: הופיע /hofía/
appear {v} (To seem; to have a certain semblance; to look) :: נראה /nir'á/
appearance {n} (The act of appearing or coming into sight) :: הופעה {f} /hofa'a/
appearing {n} (appearance) SEE: appearance ::
appease {v} (to make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify) :: לפייס /le'fayes/
appendectomy {n} (surgical procedure) :: כריתת התוספתן
appendicectomy {n} (appendectomy) SEE: appendectomy ::
appetite {n} (desire of or relish for food) :: תאבון {m} /teavón/
applause {n} (act of applauding) :: תשואות {f-p} /tshu'ot/
apple {n} (fruit) :: תפוח {m} /tapuakh/
apple {n} (tree) SEE: apple tree ::
apple bobbing {n} (game in which apples are picked up using the mouth) :: שליית תפוחים, דיג תפוחים, תפיסת תפוחים בשיניים
apple of Sodom {n} (Calotropis procera) :: תפוח סדום {m} /tapúaẖ sdom/
apple of Sodom {n} (Citrullus colocynthis) SEE: colocynth ::
apple of someone's eye {n} (favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one) :: בבת עין {f} /bavát 'áyin/
apple tree {n} (tree that bears apples) :: עץ תפוח {m} /'ets tapúakh/
applewood {n} (apple) SEE: apple ::
application {n} (the act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense) :: יישום {m} /yisúm/
application {n} (the thing applied) :: יישום {m} /yisúm/
application {n} (the act of applying as a means) :: יישום {m} /yisúm/
application {n} (the act of directing or referring something to a particular case) :: יישום {m} /yisúm/
application {n} (a computer program) :: יישום {m} /yisúm/, אפליקציה {f} /aplikátsya/, תכנה {f} /tokhná/
application {n} (a verbal or written request, especially for assistance or employment or admission to a school, course or similar) :: בקשה {f} /bakashá/
apply {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
appointment {n} (act of appointing; designation of a person to hold an office) :: מינוי /minui/
appointment {n} (arrangement for a meeting; an engagement) :: פגישה {f} /pgishá/
apportion {v} (to apportion) SEE: distribute ::
appreciate {v} (to be grateful for something) :: העריך /he'eríkh/
appreciate {v} (to view as valuable) :: העריך /he'eríkh/, הוקיר /hokír/
appreciation {n} :: הערכה {f} /ha'arakha/
approach {n} (an access, or opportunity of drawing near) :: גישה {f} /gishá/
approach {n} (a way, passage, or avenue by which a place or buildings can be approached; an access) :: גישה {f} /gishá/
approach {n} (a manner in which a problem is solved or policy is made) :: גישה {f} /gishá/
appropinquation {n} (approach) SEE: approach ::
approval {n} :: אישור {m} /yshur/
approve {v} (to sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; as, to approve the decision of a court-martial) :: אשר /ishér/
approximate {v} (to estimate) :: לשער /Leshaer/
approximately {adv} (imprecise but close to in quantity or amount) :: בקירוב /be'qiruv/
apricot {n} (fruit) :: משמש {m} /mishmesh/
April {prop} (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: אפריל {m} /apríl/
April fool {n} (practical joke played on April Fools' Day) :: אחד באפריל /ekhad bi-april/
April Fools' Day {n} (First day of April) :: אחד באפריל
a priori {adv} (derived by logic) :: אפריורי /apriori/
aprioristic {adj} (a priori) SEE: a priori ::
apron {n} (clothing) :: סינר {m} /sinár/
aptitude {n} (natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill) :: כשרון, כושר /kisharon, kosher/
Apulia {prop} (region of Italy) :: פוליה {f} /Pulia/
apurpose {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
aquamarine {n} (type of beryl) :: תרשיש {m} /tarshísh/
aquaponics {n} (system that combines aquaculture with hydroponics) :: אקוופוניקה
Aquarian {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius ::
aquarium {n} (tank for keeping fish) :: אקווריום \ אקוריום {m} /akvarium/
Aquarius {prop} (constellation) :: דלי {m} /dli/
Aquarius {prop} (astrological sign) :: דלי {m} /dli/
aquatic {adj} (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) :: מימי
aquatile {adj} (aquatic) SEE: aquatic ::
aqueduct {n} (a structure carrying water) :: אמת מים {f} /amát máyim/
aquifer {n} (an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel) :: אקוויפר {m}
Aquila {prop} (constellation) :: עיט {m} /áyit/
Arab {adj} (of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations) :: ערבי {m} /araví/, ערבית {f} /aravít/
Arab {n} (Semitic person) :: ערבי {m} /araví/, ערביה {f} /araviyá/
Arabia {prop} (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;) :: ערב /arav/
Arabian {adj} (related to Arabia) :: ערבי {m} /araví/, ערבית {f} /aravít/
Arabian {n} (person) :: ערבי {m} /araví/, ערביה {f} /araviyá/
Arabian camel {n} (dromedary) SEE: dromedary ::
Arabianization {n} (Arabisation) SEE: Arabisation ::
Arabian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in the Middle East) :: חצי האי ערב {m} /khatsí ha'í 'aráv/
Arabian Sea {prop} (part of the Indian Ocean) :: הים הערבי
Arabic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) :: ערבי {m} /araví/, ערבית {f} /aravít/
Arabic {prop} (language) :: ערבית {f} /aravít/, ערבי {m} /araví/
Arabic script {n} (letters of the Arabic language) :: אלפבית ערבי
Arabisation {n} (process of arabising) :: שערוב {m} /shi'aruv/
Arabization {n} (Arabisation) SEE: Arabisation ::
Arab Republic of Egypt {prop} (Official name of Egypt) :: רפובליקת מצרים הערבית {f}
Arab Spring {prop} (movement) :: האביב הערבי {m} /ha-avív ha-araví/
Arab World {prop} (Arabic speaking world) :: העולם הערבי {m} /ha-'olám ha-araví/
arachnophobia {n} (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders) :: ארכנופוביה {f} /arakhnofóbya/
arak {n} (a Middle Eastern aniseed-flavoured alcoholic drink) :: ערק {m} /arák/
Aram {prop} (a Biblical region located in modern Syria) :: ארם {f} /Arám/
Aramaean {prop} (Aramaic) SEE: Aramaic ::
Aramaean {n} (member of a West Semitic semi-nomadic and pastoralist people) :: ארמי {m} /aramí/,
Aramaean {adj} (of or pertaining to Aramaeans or Aram) :: ארמי {m} /arami/
Aramaic {prop} (the language) :: ארמית {m} /'aramít/
Aramaic {adj} (pertaining to the language, alphabet, culture or poetry) :: ארמי {m} /'aramí/
arancino {n} (baked stuffed rice ball from Sicily) :: ארנצ׳יני {m} /aranchíni/
Ararat {prop} (mountain) :: אררט
Arbil {prop} (city) :: ארביל
arbitrary {adj} (determined by impulse) :: שרירותי {m} /shriruty/, שרירותית {f} /shrirutyt/
arborway {n} (avenue) SEE: avenue ::
arbutus {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
Arcadia {n} (A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese) :: ארקאדיה {f} /Arkadia/
arc-boutant {n} (flying buttress) SEE: flying buttress ::
arch {n} (architectural element) :: קשת {f} /késhet/
arch- {prefix} (chief, highest, most extreme) :: ארכי /arkhi/
archaeologian {n} (archaeologist) SEE: archaeologist ::
archaeologist {n} (someone who studies or practises archaeology) :: ארכאולוג {m} /arkheolog/, ארכאולוגית {f} /arkheologit/
archaeology {n} (scientific study of past remains) :: ארכאולוגיה {f} /arkheologia/
archangel {n} (angel who leads other angels) :: רב־מלאך {m} /rav-mal'ákh/
Archangel {prop} (Arkhangelsk) SEE: Arkhangelsk ::
archbishop {n} (senior bishop) :: ארכיבישוף {m}
archebiosis {n} (abiogenesis) SEE: abiogenesis ::
archeology {n} (archaeology) SEE: archaeology ::
archer {n} (one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow) :: קשת {m} /kashshat/
archfiend {n} (Satan) SEE: Satan ::
archipelago {n} (group of islands) :: ארכיפלג {m} /arkhipélag/
archisynagogue {n} (chief priest of a synagogue) :: ראש הכנשת {m} /rosh ha-knéset/
architect {n} (designer of buildings) :: אדריכל {m} /adrikhál/, אדריכלית {f} /adrikhalít/
architecture {n} (art and science of designing buildings and other structures) :: אדריכלות {f} /adrikhalút/
archive {n} (place for storing earlier material) :: ארכיון {m} /arkhión/
-archy {suffix} (form of government or rule) :: ־ארכיה {f} /árkhiya/
arcminute {n} (minute of angle) SEE: minute of angle ::
Arctic {prop} (a region of the Earth) :: האזור הארקטי
Arctic Ocean {prop} (the smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole) :: אוקיינוס הקרח הצפוני \ אוקינוס הקרח הצפוני {m} /okyanós ha-kérakh ha-tsfoní/
Arcturus {prop} (Alpha Boötis) :: עיש /'áyish/
are {v} (be) SEE: be ::
area {n} (maths: measure of extent of a surface) :: שטח {m} /shétakh/
area {n} :: אזור {m} /ezor/
Ares {prop} (the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera) :: ארס /ares/
arete {n} (virtue, excellence) :: סגלה {f} /sgulá/
are you religious {phrase} (are you religious?) :: אתה דתי? {m} /ata dati?/, את דתית? {f} /at datit?/
Arezzo {prop} (capital city of Arezzo) :: ארצו {m} /Arétzo/
argaman {n} (wine-grape variety) :: ארגמן {m} /'argamán/
argent {n} (silver or metal tincture) :: כסף /késef/
Argentina {prop} (Argentine Republic) :: ארגנטינה /argentina/
Argentine {prop} (Argentina) SEE: Argentina ::
Argentine {adj} (pertaining to Argentina) :: ארגנטיני {m} /argent'yni/, ארגנטינית {f} /argent'ynit/
Argentine {n} (person from Argentina) :: ארגנטינאי {m} /argent'inai/, ארגנטינאית {f} /argent'inait/
Argentinian {n} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine ::
Argentinian {adj} (Argentine) SEE: Argentine ::
argileh {n} (hookah) SEE: hookah ::
arginine {n} (an amino acid) :: ארגינין /arginin/
argon {n} (a chemical element) :: ארגון /argón/
Argonaut {prop} (member of the Argo crew) :: ארגונאוטים
argue {v} (intransitive: to debate, disagree, or discuss opposing or differing viewpoints) :: התווכח \ התוכח /hitvakéakh/
argue {v} (to have an argument, a quarrel) :: טען /ta'án/
arguing {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
argument {n} (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason) :: טענה {f} /t'a'ana/, טיעון {m} /t'i'un/
argument {n} (verbal dispute; a quarrel) :: ויכוח {m} /vikúakh/ ריב {m} /riv/ מריבה {m} /merivá/
argument {n} (variable that is being passed to a function) :: ארגומנט {m} /argumént/
Arian {n} (someone whose star sign is in Aries) SEE: Aries ::
Arica {prop} (Chilean city) :: אריקה {f}
Aries {prop} (constellation) :: טלה {m} /talé/
Aries {prop} (astrological sign) :: טלה {m} /talé/
arigato {interj} (“thank you”, used in the context of, or to evoke, Japanese culture) :: אריגטו /arigató/
Aristotle {prop} (ancient Greek philosopher) :: אריסטו {m} /aristo/
ark {n} (Noah's ship) :: תיבה {f} /tevá/
Arkhangelsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: ארכנגלסק
Ark of the Covenant {prop} (the sacred container, a gold-plated wooden chest) :: ארון הברית {?} /aron habrit/
arm {n} (weapon) :: נשק {m} /nésheq/
arm {n} (baseball: pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
arm {n} (upper appendage from shoulder to wrist) :: זרוע {f} /zró‘a/
armadillo {n} (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates) :: ארמדיל
armature {n} (the rotating part of an electric motor or dynamo) :: עגן {m} /ógen/
armchair {n} (a chair with supports for the arms or elbows) :: כורסה {f} /kursá/
armed police {n} (police) SEE: police ::
Armenia {prop} (ancient kingdom and country) :: ארמניה {f} /arménya/
Armenian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) :: ארמני {m} /arméni/, ארמנית {f} /arménit/
Armenian {n} (person) :: ארמני {m} /arméni/, ארמנית {f} /arménit/
Armenian {prop} (language) :: ארמנית {f} /arménit/
armiger {n} (squire carrying the armour of a knight) :: נושא כלים {m}, נער {m}
armistice {n} (formal agreement to end combat) :: שביתת נשק /sh"vitat neshek/
armor {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armor {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle, or other object intended to deflect or diffuse damaging forces) :: שריון {m} /shiryon/
armor {n} (natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body) :: שריון {m} /shiryon/
armor {n} (other heavy mobile assault vehicle) :: משוריין {m} /meshuryan/
armored personnel carrier {n} (armored vehicle for carrying infantry soldiers in combat) :: נגמ"ש {m} /nagmásh/
armour {n} (tank) SEE: tank ::
armour {n} (protective layer over a body, vehicle etc.) :: שריון {m} /shiryon/
armour {n} (natural protection on an animal's body) :: שריון {m} /shiryon/
armour {n} (other heavy mobile assault vehicle) :: משוריין {m} /meshuryan/
armoured car {n} (automobile equipped with armour) :: מכונית משוריינת {f} /mechonit meshuryenet/, רכב משוריין {m} /rechev meshuryan/
armoured car {n} ((military) armoured fighting vehicle) :: שריונית {f} /shiryonit/
armoured car {n} ((law enforcement) armoured vehicle resistant to small arms fire) :: רכב משוריין /rechev meshuryan/
armoured car {n} (armoured truck) SEE: armoured truck ::
armoured truck {n} (armoured car) SEE: armoured car ::
armoured truck {n} (truck used to transfer valuables) :: משאית משוריינת {f} /masait meshuryenet/
arms race {n} (a competition for military supremacy) :: מירוץ חימוש
arm to the teeth {v} (to equip with weapons) :: לחמש מכף רגל ועד ראש, לחמש עד האוזניים, לחמש עד השיניים, לחמש עד הצוואר
arm up {v} (arm) SEE: arm ::
arm wrestling {n} (a sport) :: הורדת ידים {f}, הורדת ידיים {f}
army {n} (military force concerned mainly with ground operations) :: צבא {m} /tsavá/
aroma {n} (a pleasant smell) :: ארומה {f} /aróma/
arrangement {n} (collection of things that have been arranged) :: סידור {m} /sidúr/
arrangement {n} (agreement) :: הסדר {m} /hesdér/
arrangement {n} (music: adaptation of a piece of music) :: עיבוד {m} /ʿibud/
array {n} (any of various data structures) :: מערך {m}
arrest {v} (to stay, remain) SEE: stay ::
arrest {n} (legal: process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc) :: מעצר {m} /ma'atsár/
arrest {v} (to take into legal custody) :: עצר /atsár/
arrival {n} (act of arriving or something that has arrived) :: הגעה {f} /haga'a/
arrive {v} (to reach) :: הגיע /higía/
arrive {v} (to get to a certain place) :: הגיע /higía/
arrive {v} (to obtain a level of success or fame) :: הגיע /higía/
arrogance {n} (act or habit of arrogating, or making undue claims in an overbearing manner) :: יהירות {f} /yehirút/, עתק {m} /a`tak/ rhet.
arrogant {adj} (having excessive pride) :: יהיר /yahyr/
arrow {n} (projectile) :: חץ {m} /khets/
arrow {n} (symbol) :: חץ {m} /khetz/
arrowhead {n} (symbol) :: ראש חץ {m} /rosh hetz/
arrowslit {n} :: חרך ירי {m} /khárakh yeri/
arse {n} (arse) SEE: ass ::
arsenic {n} (chemical element) :: ארסן {m} /arsan/
arson {n} (crime of setting a fire) :: הצתה {f} /hatzatá/
arsonry {n} (arson) SEE: arson ::
art {n} (human effort) :: אומנות \ אמנות {f} /umanút/
art {n} :: אמנות {f} /omanut/
Artaxerxes {prop} (the name of several Persian kings) :: ארתחשסתא {m} /artakhshást/
Arte Povera {prop} (Italian modern art movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s) :: ארטה פוברה {f} /árteh póverah/
artery {n} (blood vessel from the heart) :: עורק {m}
art historian {n} (an expert in art history) :: היסטוריון האמנות {m} /historyon homanut/
Arthur {prop} (male given name) :: ארתור /ártur/
artichoke {n} (vegetable) :: ארטישוק {m} /artishók/, קנרס {m} /kinrés/, חרשף {m} /khursháf/
article {n} (story, report, or opinion piece) :: כתבה {f} /katavá/; מאמר {m} /ma`amár/
article {n} :: חפץ {m} /khéfets/
article {n} (section of a legal document) :: סעיף {m} /se`íf/
article {n} (object) SEE: object ::
artificer {n} (artisan) SEE: artisan ::
artificial {adj} (man-made) :: מלאכותי /m'lakhutí/
artificial intelligence {n} (intelligence exhibited by an artificial entity) :: אינטליגנציה מלאכותית {f} /inteligentsyah melakhutit/
artificial intelligence {n} (branch of computer science) :: בינה מלאכותית {f} /biná melakhutít/
artisan {n} (skilled manual worker) :: אומן {m} /u'man/, אומנית {f} /u'manyt/
artist {n} (person who creates art) :: אמן {m} /omán/
artist {n} (person who creates art as an occupation) :: אמן {m}
artmaker {n} (artist) SEE: artist ::
Artsakh Republic {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh Republic ::
Aruba {prop} (territory in the Caribbean) :: ארובה /Aruba/
arum {n} (flower or plant in the genus Arum) :: לוף {m} /luf/
Arunachal Pradesh {prop} (Arunachal Pradesh) :: ארונצ׳אל פראדש
Aryan {n} (in Nazism: a member of an alleged master race of non-Jewish Caucasians) :: ארי /arí/
as {adv} (to such an extent or degree) :: כל כך /kol kakh/
as {conj} (in the same way that) :: כמו /kmo/
as {conj} (at the same instant that) :: באותו הרגע /behoto harega/
as {conj} (at the same time that) :: בינתיים /bentaim/
as {conj} (varying through time to the same proportion that) :: כמה ש... /kama she.../
as {conj} (considering that, because) :: כי /ki/
as {conj} :: כמו /kmo/
as {prep} (Introducing a basis of comparison) :: כ־ /k'-/, כמו /k'mó/
as {conj} (relative conjunction) SEE: that ::
as {conj} (than) SEE: than ::
as {adv} (for example) SEE: for example ::
ASAP {adv} (as soon as possible) :: בהקדם האפשרי /bahek'dém haef'sharí/
ascend {v} (to fly, to soar) :: עלה /alá/
ascertain {v} (find out; discover or establish) :: וידא /vidé/
Asclepius {prop} (Greek god of medicine and healing) :: אסקלפיוס
Asenath {prop} (Joseph's wife) :: אסנת /ʾāsənaṯ/
asepticize {v} (sterilize) SEE: sterilize ::
as far as one knows {adv} (to the best of my knowledge) :: למיטב ידיעתי /lemeytáv yediatí/, לפי מיטב ידיעתי
as for {prep} (regarding; about) :: בנוגע ל־ /benogea l-/
Asgard {prop} (the abode of gods in Norse mythology) :: אסגארד
ash {n} (solid remains of a fire) :: אפר {m} /éfer/
ash {n} (tree) SEE: ash tree ::
Ashdod {prop} (a city and seaport in Israel, on the Mediterranean Sea) :: אשדוד {f} /'ashdód/
Asher {prop} (eighth son of Jacob) :: אשר /ashér/
Asher {prop} (one of the Israelite tribes) :: אשר /ashér/
Asher {prop} (male given name) :: אשר /ashér/
Ashgabat {prop} (the capital of Turkmenistan) :: אשגבאט /'ashgabat/
Ashkelon {prop} (city in Israel) :: אשקלון {f} /ashkelón/
Ashkenazi {adj} (of, or relating to Jews from Germany or Eastern Europe) :: אשכנזי /'ashk'nazí/
Ashkenazi {n} (Jew from Germany or Eastern Europe) :: אשכנזי /'ashk'nazí/
Ashkenazic {adj} (of relating to the Ashkenazi) :: אשכנזי /'ashk'nazí/
Ashoka {prop} (emperor) :: אשוקה {m} /ašoka/
ashtray {n} (receptacle for ashes) :: מאפרה {f} /maafera/
ash tree {n} (Fraxinus tree) :: מילה {f} /melá/
Asia {prop} (the continent of Asia) :: אסיה {f} /ásya/
Asia Minor {prop} (peninsula between the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea) :: אסיה הקטנה
Asian {n} (person from or descended from people from east Asia) :: אסיאתי {m} /asyáti/
Asian lion {n} (species of lion that inhabited Asia) :: אריה אסייתי {m}
as if there were no tomorrow {adv} (to an excessive degree) :: כאלו אין מחר
ask {v} (request an answer) :: שאל /sha'ál/
ask {v} (make a request) :: ביקש \ בקש /bikésh/, שאל /sha'ál/
askew {adj} (turned or twisted to one side) :: על העוקם /al ha'ókem/
ask for {v} (request) :: ביקש /bikésh/
asleep {adj} :: ישן (yashen)
as long as {conj} (if, assuming) :: כל עוד /kol 'od/
as long as {conj} (while) :: כל עוד /kol od/
Asmara {prop} (capital of Eritrea) :: אסמרה /asmara/
as much as possible {adv} (as much as is possible) :: ככל האפשר /kekhol ha'efshar/
Asoka {prop} (Ashoka) SEE: Ashoka ::
aspect {n} (the way something appears) :: היבט {m} /heybet'/
as per the usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
as per usual {adv} (as usual) SEE: as usual ::
asphalt {n} (sticky, black and highly viscous liquid) :: אספלט {m} /asfalt/
aspire {v} (to hope or dream) :: שאף /shaáf/
aspirin {n} (analgesic drug) :: אספירין {m} /aspirín/
ass {n} (buttocks) :: ישבן /yashván/, תחת /tákhat/ [vulgar]
ass {n} (vulgar slang:sex) :: מין {m} /min/
Assam {prop} (state in India) :: אסאם
Assamese {prop} (language) :: אסאמית
assassin {v} (assassinate) SEE: assassinate ::
assassin {n} (one who, motivated by political reasons, intentionally kills a particular person) :: מתנקש {m} /mitnakesh/
assassinate {v} (to murder by sudden or obscure attack) :: התנקש /hitnakésh/
assassinate {n} (assassination) SEE: assassination ::
assassinate {n} (assassin) SEE: assassin ::
assassination {n} (murder for political reasons or personal gain) :: רצח {m} /rétzakh/ התנקשות {f} /hitnaqshut/
assault {n} (violent onset or attack with physical means) :: תקיפה {f} /t'kifá/
assault rifle {n} (a rifle) :: רובה סער
assemble {v} (to put together) :: אסף /asáf/
assemble {v} (to gather as a group) :: התאסף /hit'aséf/, כנס /kanás/
assembler {n} (assembly language) SEE: assembly language ::
assembly {n} (congregation of people) :: אסיפה {f} /asefa/, עצרת
assembly language {n} (programming language) :: שפת־סף {f} /s'fát saf/
assertive {adj} (boldly self-assured) :: אסרטיבי /asertívi/
assessment {n} (act of assessing a tax) :: אמדן
asset {n} (something or someone of any value) :: נכס {m} /nekhes/
assfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
asshole {n} (anus) :: חור תחת
asshole {n} (mean or rude person) :: חור תחת {m}; חור תחת {m}; חור תחת {m}
assignment {n} (task) :: משימה {f} /mesimá/
assimilate {v} (to incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion) :: הטמעה
assistance {n} (aid; help; the act or result of assisting) :: עזרה {f} /ʿezrá/
assistant {n} (an auxiliary software tool) SEE: wizard ::
assistant {n} (person who assists) :: עוזר {m} /ozér/
association {n} :: התקשרות /hitkashrut/
as soon as possible {adv} (as soon as is possible) :: בהקדם האפשרי /bahekdem ha'efshari/
assuage {v} (pacify) :: לשכך /Leshakech/
as such {prep} (per se) SEE: per se ::
assured {adj} (confident) SEE: confident ::
Assyria {prop} (Semitic Akkadian kingdom) :: אשור /ašur/
Astana {prop} (the capital of Kazakhstan) :: אסטנה
astatine {n} (the chemical element) :: אסטטין {?} /astatín/
asterisk {n} (symbol used to highlight words or sentences) :: כוכבית {f} /kokhavít/
Asterix {prop} (A fictional character from French comic books) :: אסטריקס /Asteryqs/
asteroid {n} (astronomy) :: אסטרואיד {m} /asteroid/
as the crow flies {adv} (in a straight line) :: בקו אווירי {m} /be'kav aviri/
asthma {n} (chronic respiratory disease) :: אסתמה
astonished {adj} (amazed) :: מודהם /mudhám/
astringent {n} (substance which draws tissue together) :: עפיצות {f} /afitzut/
astrological sign {n} (sign that is used as the basis of astrology) :: מזל {m} /mazál/
astronaut {n} (member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose) :: אסטרונאוט {m} /astronáut/
astronomer {n} (one who studies astronomy) :: אסטרונום {m} /astrónom/, אסטרונוםית {f} /astrónomit/
astronomical unit {n} (measure of distance) :: יחידה אסטרונומית {f} /yekhida astronomit/
astronomist {n} (astronomer) SEE: astronomer ::
astronomy {n} (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere) :: אסטרונומיה {f}
astrophysics {n} (interdisciplinary branch of astronomy and physics) :: אסטרופיזיקה {f} /astrofiziqa/
Asturias {prop} (autonomous community and province of Spain) :: אסטוריאס
Asunción {prop} (capital of Paraguay) :: אסונסיון /asunsion/
as usual {adv} (as is usually the case) :: כרגיל /karagil/
as well {adv} (in addition, also) :: כמו /Kmo/
asylum {n} (place of safety) :: הקדש /hekdeish/, מדיני
asymptote {n} (a straight line which a curve approaches arbitrarily closely) :: אסימפטוטה {f} /asimptotá/
at {prep} (in or very near a particular place) :: אצל /etsél/
at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
a tad {adv} (a little) SEE: a little ::
at any rate {prep} (in any case) SEE: in any case ::
atbash {n} (simple substitution cipher) :: אתב״ש
at first {prep} (initially; at the start) :: בראשית /bereshít/, תחלה /tḥilá/
at gunpoint {prep} (under coercion by someone with a firearm) :: באיומי אקדח
atheism {n} (rejection of belief that any deities exist (with or without a belief that no deities exist)) :: אתאיזם {m} /ate'ízm/
Athens {prop} (capital city of Greece) :: אתונה {f} /'atuná/
athlete {n} (person who actively participates in physical sports) :: אתלט [atlet]
athlete's foot {n} (fungal infection) :: פטרת כף הרגל, רגל האתלט
Atlantic Ocean {prop} (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east) :: האוקיינוס האטלנטי \ האוקינוס האטלנטי {m} /ha-okyanós ha-atlánti/
Atlantis {prop} (mythical country said to have sunk into the ocean) :: אטלנטיס /atlantis/
atlas {n} (bound collection of maps) :: אטלס {m} /atlas/
at least {prep} (at a lower limit) :: לפחות /lefaxot/, לכל הפחות /lekhol hapakhot/
at least {prep} (anyway) :: ככלות הכל /kikhlot hakol/
atmosphere {n} (gases surrounding the Earth) :: אטמוספירה \ אטמוספרה {f} /atmosfera/
atmosphere {n} (mood or feeling) :: אווירה {f} /avira/
at most {prep} (at the most; at a maximum or upper limit) :: לכל היותר /l'khol hayyotér/
at no time {prep} (never) SEE: never ::
atom {n} (chemistry, physics: smallest possible amount of matter retaining its chemical properties) :: אטום {m} /atom/
atom {n} (historical: theoretical particle of matter) :: אטום {m} /atom/
atomic {adj} (of, or relating to atoms) :: אטומי /atómi/
atomic {adj} (of, or employing nuclear energy or processes) :: אטומי /atómi/
atomic bomb {n} (nuclear weapon) :: פצצה אטומית {f} /petzatza atomít/
atomic weapon {n} (nuclear weapon) SEE: nuclear weapon ::
atonement {n} (reconciliation of God and mankind) :: כיפור
atrium {n} (body cavity) :: עלייה {f} /aliya/
atrocity {n} (extremely cruel act) :: פשע נגד האנושות /pesha neged haenosut/ (crime against humanity)
at sign {n} (name of the symbol @) :: שטרודל {m} /shtrudel/, כרוכית {m} /krukhit/
at-sign {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
at symbol {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign ::
attach {v} (to fasten, to join to) :: חיבר /khibér/
attaché {n} (diplomatic officer) :: נספח {m} /nispakh/
attack {n} (attempt to cause damage or injury) :: התקפה {f} /hatkafá/
attack {v} (to apply violent force) :: התקיף /hitkíf/
attack {v} :: לתקוף /litqof/
attempt {v} (to try) :: ניסה \ נסה /nisá/
attempt {n} (the action of trying at something) :: ניסיון \ נסיון {m} /nisayón/
attention {n} (mental focus) :: תשומת לב {f} /t'sumat lev/
attention {n} :: תשומת לב {f} /tsumat lev/, קשב {m} /keshev/
attentiveness {n} (the state of being attentive) :: קשב {m} /keshev/
at the outside {prep} (at most) SEE: at most ::
attic {n} (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof) :: עלית גג / עליית גג {f} /aliat gag/
Attica {prop} (periphery) :: אטיקה {f} /Atika/
at times {prep} (on occasion, sometimes) :: לפעמים /lif'`amím/
attitude {n} (position of the body or way of carrying oneself) :: יציבה {f} /yetsiva/
attitude {n} (disposition or state of mind) :: גישה {f} /gisha/
attorney {n} (lawyer) :: פרקליט {m} /praqlyt'/, פרקליטה {f} /praqlit'a/, ערך דין {m} /orekh din/, ערכת דין {f} /orekhet din/
attorney general {n} (major government officer) :: תובע כללי {m}, תובעת כללית {f}
attraction {n} (tendency to attract) :: משיכה {f} /meshikha/
attraction {n} (feeling of being attracted) :: משיכה {f} /meshikha/
attraction {n} (something which attracts) :: אטרקציה {f} /atraktsia/
attractive {adj} (pleasing or appealing to the senses) :: מושך /moshekh/
attrition {n} (wearing by friction) :: שחיקה /shkhika/
attrition {n} (wearing of teeth) :: שחיקת שיניים /shkhikat shina'im/
aubergine {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
Auckland {prop} (the largest conurbation in New Zealand) :: אוקלנד
au contraire {adv} (on the contrary, see also: on the contrary) :: להיפך
auction {n} (public sales event) :: מכירה פומבית \ מכירה פמבית {f} /m'khirá pumbít/
audacity {n} (insolent boldness) :: עזות מצח
audacity {n} (fearless daring) :: אומץ לב
audience {n} :: קהל {m} (qahal) ; קהל-הקוראים {m} (qahal-ha'qor'ym) ; קהל-מעריצים {m} (qhal-ma'aritzym) ; מפגש {m} (mifgash)
audio {adj} (focused on audible sound) :: שמע /shamâ/
audiobook {n} (audiobook) :: ספר מוקלט {m}
auditory {adj} (of or pertaining to hearing) :: קולי {cקול} {cקוליים} /ḳoli/
August {prop} (eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: אוגוסט \ אוגוסט {m} /ogúst/
aunt {n} (a parent’s sister or sister-in-law) :: דודה {f} /dóda/
Aurangabad {prop} (city in India) :: אוראנגאבאד
auricle {n} (smaller of the two types of heart chamber) SEE: atrium ::
auricle {n} (outer ear) SEE: pinna ::
aurora {n} (atmospheric phenomenon) :: זהר הקטב {m} /zóhar haqótev/
aurora borealis {n} (aurora of the northern hemisphere) SEE: northern lights ::
Auschwitz {prop} (city in Poland) :: אושוויץ /áushvits/, אושוויינצ׳ים {f} /oshvéinchim/
Auschwitz {prop} (concentration camp) :: אושוויץ {m}
Austerlitz {prop} (former name of Slavkov u Brna) :: אוסטרליץ {m} /Ósterlitz/
Australasia {prop} (Oceania) SEE: Oceania ::
Australia {prop} (Commonwealth of Australia) :: אוסטרליה {f} /ostrálya/
Australia {prop} (continent of Australia) :: אוסטרליה {f} /ostrálya/
Australian {n} (a person from the country of Australia or of Australian descent) :: אוסטרלי {m} /ostráli/, אוסטרלית {f} /ostrálit/
Australian {adj} (of or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages) :: אוסטרלי /ostráli/
Austria {prop} (country in Central Europe) :: אוסטריה {f} /óstriya/
Austrian {adj} (related to Austria) :: אוסטרי {m} /ostrí/
Austrian {n} (Austrian person) :: אוסטרי {m} /ostrí/, אוסטרית {f} /ostrít/
autarchy {n} (autocratic government) SEE: autocracy ::
authentic {adj} (of undisputed origin) :: אותנטי {m} /oténti/
author {n} (writer) SEE: writer ::
author {n} (originator or creator of a work) :: סופר {m} /sofér/, מחבר {m} /m'khabér/, יוצר {m} /yotsér/
authority {n} (power to enforce rules or give orders) :: סמכות {f} /samkhut/
authority {n} (persons in command; specifically, government) :: רשויות {f-p} /rashuyot/
authority {n} (person accepted as a source of reliable information on a subject) :: בר-סמכא {m} /bar-samkha/
authorization {n} (act of authorizing) :: הסמכה {f} (hasmakha)
authorize {v} (to grant power or permission) :: הסמיך /hismíkh/
autism {n} (neurological disorder) :: אוטיזם {m} /otizm/
autobiography {n} (biography of oneself) :: אוטוביוגרפיה {f} /ot'obiografia/
autocracy {n} (form of government) :: אוטוקרטיה
autograph {n} (signature) :: חתימה {f} /khatima/
automagical {adj} (automatic, but with an apparent element of magic) :: אוטומאגי /otomagi/
automated teller machine {n} (banking) :: כספומט {m} /kaspomát/
automatic teller machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
automobile {n} (passenger vehicle) :: מכונית {f} /m'khonít/
autonomy {n} (self-government) :: אוטונומיה {f} /otonomia/
autophagy {n} (the process of self-digestion) :: אוטופגיה
autoteller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
autumn {n} (season) :: סתיו \ סתו {m} /s'táv/
autumn {adj} (autumnal) SEE: autumnal ::
autumnal {adj} (of or relating to autumn) :: סתווי {m} /stávi/
auxiliary cruiser {n} (armed merchantman, typically used as a commerce raider or as a convoy escort) :: סירת עזר {f} /sayeret ezer/
Av {prop} (month of the Jewish calendar) :: אב {m} /āv/
available {adj} (capable of being used) :: זמין /zamín/, פנוי /panúy/
available {adj} (readily obtainable) :: זמין /zamín/
avant-garde {n} (group of people promoting new concepts) :: אוונגרדי
avantgardistic {adj} (innovative, pioneering) SEE: avant-garde ::
aventurine {n} (variety of translucent quartz) :: אוונטורין {m} /avanturin/
avenue {n} (broad street) :: שדרה {f} /sderá/
average {n} (arithmetic mean) :: ממוצע {m} /memutza/
Avernus {prop} (underworld) SEE: underworld ::
aversion {n} (fixed dislike) :: סלידה {f} /slidá/
aviation {n} (art or science of flying) :: תעופה {f} /t'ufá/
avid {adj} (enthusiastic; passionate) :: נלהב
avid {adj} (longing eagerly; eager; greedy) :: משתוקק
avocado {n} (fruit) :: אבוקדו {m} /avokado/
Avogadro constant {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) SEE: Avogadro's number ::
Avogadro's number {n} (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure carbon-12) :: מספר אבוגדרו {m} /mispár Avogádro/
Avraham {prop} (given name) SEE: Abraham ::
awake {adj} (conscious) :: ער /er/
awake {v} (to gain consciousness) :: התעורר /hit'orér/
awake {v} (to cause someone to stop sleeping) :: עורר /orér/, העיר /he'ír/
awakening {n} (the act of awaking) :: התעוררות {f} /hitorerut/
awful {adj} :: איום /ayom/
awfully {adv} (very) SEE: very ::
awl {n} (pointed instrument) :: מרצע {m} /martzéa'/
axe {n} (tool) :: גרזן {m} /garzen/
axis {n} (geometry: imaginary line) :: ציר {m} /tzyr/
axis {n} (basis of space or part of graph) :: ציר {m} /tzyr/
axis of evil {n} (states sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction) :: ציר הרשע
axle {n} (the pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel) :: סרן {m} /seren/
ayah {n} (A verse in the Quran.) :: איה
ayatollah {n} (a religious leader) :: אייתוללה
aye-aye {n} (nocturnal quadruped) :: איי איי /'ay-'ay/
Ayers Rock {prop} (Uluru) SEE: Uluru ::
ayin {n} (Semitic letter) :: עין {f} /áyin/, ע [symbol]
Azerbaijan {prop} (country) :: אזרביג׳ן / אזרבייג׳ן /azerbayján/
Azerbaijani {n} (Azerbaijani person) :: אזרי {m} /azeri/, אזרית {f} /azerit/
Azerbaijani {prop} (language of Azerbaijan) :: אזרית {f} /azerít/
Azerbaijani {adj} (pertaining to Azerbaijan) :: אזרביג׳ני
Azeri {n} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
Azeri {prop} (Azerbaijani) SEE: Azerbaijani ::
Azrael {prop} (angel of death) :: עזראל
azure {n} (colour of the sky) :: תכלת {f} /tchélet/
azure {n} (the blue sky) :: תכלת {f} /tchélet/
azure {adj} (sky-blue coloured) :: תכול /takhól/