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נִרְאָה (nir'á) (nif'al construction, infinitive להיראות / לְהֵרָאוֹת, active counterpart רָאָה)

  1. (He/it) was seen.
  2. (He/it) seemed, was thought of or viewed (a certain way).
  3. (נִרְאֶה, nir'é) Masculine singular present participle and present tense of נִרְאָה.
  4. (נֵרָאֶה, neraé) First-person plural future (prefix conjugation) of נִרְאָה.
    • c. 1800, Wolf Heidenheim, editor, מחזור לחג השבועות, fourth edition, 1827, page סב ‎(=62) of the daytime-prayer pagination [1]:
      וְשָׁם נַעֲלֶה וְנֵרָאֶה וְנִשְׁתַּחֲוֶה לְפָנֶיךָ
      v'shm naalé v'neraé v'nishtachavé l'fanécha

Usage notes

  • (נִרְאֶה, nir'é) (present): This is now often pronounced as נִרְאָה (nir'á).



Derived terms




נִרְאֶה (nir'é)

  1. First-person plural future (prefix conjugation) of רָאָה (raá).
    • Tanach, Genesis 37:20, with translation of the King James Version:
      וְנִרְאֶה מַה יִּהְיוּ חֲלֹמֹתָיו
      v'nir'é má yihyú chalomotáv
      and we shall see what will become of his dreams