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ע־ל־ה (ʿ-l-h)
12 terms



From Proto-Semitic *ʕall-, *ʕaly- (high; height, elevation), from Proto-Afroasiatic *ʕal-, *ʕVl(ay)- (to be high, tall; to rise; mountain).

Related to Arabic عَلِيَ (ʕaliya, to be high, exalted) and عَلَى (ʕalā, to climb).

Pronunciation 1




עָלָה (ʕālā/alá) (pa'al construction)

  1. To ascend, rise, go up; to move from a point to a higher point.
    אני לא האדם החכם בעולם אבל אפילו אני יודע שהשמש עולה במזרח.
    aní lo ha'adám hakhakhám ba'olám avál afílu aní yodéa shehashémesh olá bamizrákh.
    I'm not the smartest man in the world but even I know the sun rises in the east.
  2. To cost.
    אני מקווה שזה לא יעלה הרבה.
    aní m'kavé shezé lo ya'alé harbé.
    I hope this won't cost a lot.
  3. To grow.
  4. To rise in standing; to progress in a social or other figurative ladder.
    קליבלנד עלתה לגמר ה־NBA.klívland altá ligmár ha'én-bí-éi.Cleveland has advanced to the NBA Finals.
  5. To develop.
  6. To mount (a horse), to board (a plane), to enter (a street via a junction), etc.
  7. (of a Jew) To make aliyah, to immigrate to Israel.
    הרבה יהודים מצרפת עלו ארצה השנה.
    harbé yehudím metsarfát alú 'ártsa hashaná.
    Many Jews from France have made aliyah to Israel [literally towards the land] this year.
  8. To come, appear, show up, arrive.
  9. Synonym of עלה לרגל (make pilgrimage, visit a holy site)
  10. To depart for battle.
Conjugation of עָלָה (see also Appendix:Hebrew verbs)
non-finite forms to-infinitive לַעֲלוֹת
action noun עֲלִיָּה
passive participle
finite forms singular plural
m f m f
past first עָלִיתִי עָלִינוּ
second עָלִיתָ עָלִית עֲלִיתֶם1 עֲלִיתֶן1
third עָלָה עָלְתָה עָלוּ
present עוֹלֶה עוֹלָה עוֹלִים עוֹלוֹת
future first אֶעֱלֶה נַעֲלֶה
second תַּעֲלֶה תַּעֲלִי תַּעֲלוּ תַּעֲלֶינָה2
third יַעֲלֶה תַּעֲלֶה יַעֲלוּ תַּעֲלֶינָה2
imperative עֲלֵה עֲלִי עֲלוּ עֲלֶינָה2

1 Pronounced עָלִיתֶם and עָלִיתֶן in informal Modern Hebrew.
2 Rare in Modern Hebrew.



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עֹלָה (ólam (plural indefinite עֹלוֹת, singular construct עֹלַת־)

  1. fully burnt offering



Pronunciation 2



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עָלֶה (além (plural indefinite עָלִים, singular construct עֲלֵה־, plural construct עֲלֵי־)

  1. A leaf.
  2. Spade,
Derived terms

See also

Suits in Hebrew · סדרה (sídra) (layout · text)
לב (lev) יהלום (yahalóm) עלה (alé) תלתן (tiltā́n)

