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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-i

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
i {n} (name of the letter I, i) :: i
I {pron} (personal pronoun) :: ben
Iași {prop} (city in Romania) :: Yaş
iambic pentameter {n} (a poetic meter) :: beşli ölçü
I am blind {phrase} (I'm blind) SEE: I'm blind ::
I am English {phrase} (I am English) :: ben İngiliz'im, İngiliz'im
I am hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) SEE: I'm hungry ::
I am thirsty {phrase} (I'm thirsty) SEE: I'm thirsty ::
I am tired {phrase} (I'm tired) SEE: I'm tired ::
I am twenty years old {phrase} (I'm twenty years old) SEE: I'm twenty years old ::
I am ... year(s) old {phrase} (I'm ... year(s) old) SEE: I'm ... year(s) old ::
Iberia {prop} (region south of the Pyrenees) :: İberya
Iberian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) :: İber Yarımadası
ibex {n} (type of wild mountain goat) :: dağ keçisi
Ibiza {prop} (island) :: İbiza
Iblis {prop} ((Islam) Satan; the Devil) :: İblis
iBook {n} (device) :: iBook
Ibrahim {prop} (the prophet Abraham in Islam, see also: Abraham) :: İbrahim
ibrik {n} (A long-spouted pitcher) :: ibrik, ıbrık
I came, I saw, I conquered {phrase} (used to indicate a total swift victory) :: geldim, gördüm, yendim
I can't swim {phrase} (I can't swim) :: yüzme bilmiyorum
ice {v} (to cool with ice) :: soğutmak
ice {v} (to freeze) :: dondurmak
ice {n} (diamond) SEE: diamond ::
ice {n} (water in frozen form) :: buz
ice bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear ::
iceberg {n} (huge mass of floating ice) :: aysberg, buzdağı
icebox {n} (box or compartment containing ice) :: buzluk
icebox {n} (compartment of a refrigerator used as a freezer) :: buzluk
icebox {n} (refrigerator) SEE: refrigerator ::
icebreaker {n} (ship designed to break through ice) :: buzkıran
ice-cold {adj} (as cold as ice) :: buz gibi
ice cream {n} (dessert) :: dondurma, buzkaymak
ice cream {n} (in a cone) :: dondurma, buzkaymak, ambarbuz (dialectal)
ice cream cone {n} (conical confection for holding ice cream) :: külah
iced coffee {n} (beverage) :: soğuk kahve
iced tea {n} (cold tea) :: buzlu çay, soğuk çay
ice hockey {n} (hockey) :: buz hokeyi
Iceland {prop} (country in Europe) :: İzlanda
Icelander {n} (person from Iceland or of Icelandic descent) :: İzlandalı
Icelandic {n} (language) :: İzlandaca
Icelandic {adj} (of or relating to Iceland) :: İzlanda
Icelandic {n} (Icelander) SEE: Icelander ::
Icelandish {prop} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic ::
Icelandish {adj} (Icelandic) SEE: Icelandic ::
iceman {n} (a person who trades in ice) :: buzcu
ice resurfacer {n} (implement used to renew ice surface) :: buz parlatıcı
ice-skate {v} (skate on ice) :: buz pateni
ice skating {n} (the act, or the sport, of skating on ice) :: buz pateni
ice swimmer {n} (one who participates in ice swimming) :: buz yüzücüsü
ice swimming {n} (swimming in iced-over water) :: buz yüzüşü, buzda yüzme
ichthyology {n} (branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish) :: ihtiyoloji, balık bilimi
icicle {n} (a spear-shape of ice) :: buz saçağı
icing sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar ::
icon {n} (religious painting) :: ikon
iconostasis {n} (a wall of icons) :: ikonostas
icy {adj} (covered with ice) :: buzlu
id {n} (id) :: id, alt benlik
ID {n} (identification or identity documentation) SEE: ID card ::
Idaho {prop} (state of the United States) :: Idaho
ID card {n} (card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer) :: kimlik, kimlik kartı, nüfus cüzdanı
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of related compounds) :: -it
-ide {suffix} (binary compound of a nonmetal) :: -ür
-ide {suffix} (any of a group of several elements) :: -it
idea {n} (an image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory) :: düşünce
idealism {n} (property of a person of having high ideals that are usually unrealizable) :: ülkücülük, idealizm
idealism {n} (an approach to philosophical enquiry) :: idealizm
idealist {n} (one who adheres to idealism) :: idealist
idealistic {adj} (of or pertaining to an idealist or to idealism) :: ülkücü, idealist
idempotent {adj} (mathematics: an action which, when performed multiple time, has no further effect on its subject after the first time it is performed) :: idempotent
identifier {n} (formal name used in source code to refer to a variable, function, procedure, package, etc.) :: tanımlayıcı
identifier {n} (primary key) :: birincil anahtar
identity {n} (the difference or character that marks off an individual from the rest) :: hüviyyet
identity {n} :: kimlik
identity card {n} (a card showing one's identity) SEE: ID card ::
ideogram {n} (symbol) :: ideogram
ideograph {n} (ideogram) SEE: ideogram ::
ideolog {n} (ideologue) SEE: ideologue ::
ideologist {n} (ideologue) SEE: ideologue ::
ideologue {n} (advocate of a particular ideology) :: ideologu
ideology {n} (doctrine, body of ideas) :: ideoloji
idiom {n} (idiomatic expression) :: deyim
idiosyncrasy {n} (way of behaving or thinking) :: ayrıklılık, huy, kişisel özellik, tuhaflık, mizaç, tabiat
idiosyncrasy {n} (peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify) :: huy
idiot {n} (person of low general intelligence) :: salak, ahmak
idiot {adj} (idiotic) SEE: idiotic ::
idiotic {adj} (pertaining to or resembling an idiot) :: saçma, salakça
idle {adj} (not turned to appropriate use, not occupied, of time with little activity) :: aylak, boş
idle {adj} (not engaged in any occupation or employment) :: boş, atıl, aylak, avare
idle {adj} (averse to work or labor) :: avare, aylak
idle {adj} (of no importance, worthless, useless) :: boş, önemsiz, değersiz
idle {v} (to spend in idleness, to waste) :: boşa harcamak
idle {v} (to lose or spend time doing nothing) :: oyalanmak, aylaklık etmek
idle {v} (to run at a slow speed, or out of gear) :: boşta çalışmak
I'd like to know {phrase} (phrase) :: öğrenmek istiyorum
idol {n} (representation of anything revered) :: put
idolize {v} (to make an idol of) :: ilahlaştırmak, tanrılaştırmak, putlaştırmak
idolize {v} (to adore excessively) :: ilahlaştırmak, tapmak
I don't care {phrase} (I don't care) :: umrumda değil, umursamıyorum, işim olmaz, hiç işim olmaz, [vulgar] sikimde değil
I don't drive {phrase} (I don't drive (a car, a vehicle)) :: araba kullanmayı bilmiyorum
I don't eat fish {phrase} (I don't eat fish) :: balık yemem, balık yemeyiz {p}
I don't eat meat {phrase} (I don't eat meat) :: et yemem, et yemiyorum
I don't eat pork {phrase} (I don't eat pork) :: domuz eti yemiyorum
I don't know {phrase} (I don’t know) :: bilmiyorum [something], tanımıyorum [someone]
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak English (specifically English)) :: İngilizce bilmiyorum, İngilizce konuşamıyorum
I don't speak English {phrase} (I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language)) :: Türkçe bilmiyorum
I don't think so {phrase} (I think that what has been said is untrue) :: sanmıyorum, hiç sanmıyorum
I don't think so {phrase} (sarcastic) :: hiç sanmıyorum, sanmıyorum
I don't understand {phrase} (I don't understand) :: anlamıyorum, anlamadım
I don't want to talk about it {phrase} (I don't want to talk about it) :: bu konuda konuşmak istemiyorum, bu konu hakkında konuşmak istemiyorum
i.e. {adv} (that is) :: yani
IEC {prop} (initialism of International Electrotechnical Commission) :: UEK
if {conj} (supposing that) :: eğer, -se, -sa, ise
if I were you {phrase} (advice introduction) :: yerinde olsaydım
if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle {proverb} (proverb) :: halamın taşakları olsaydı, amcam olurdu (if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle)
if need be {adv} (if necessary) :: gerektiğinde
if only {conj} (signifies a wish) :: keşke
iftar {n} ((Islam) the evening meal (of dates) that breaks each day's fast during Ramadan) :: iftar
if you can't beat them, join them {proverb} (if your adversaries are stronger than you, it is better to join their side) :: bükemediğin eli öp başına koy.
if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas {proverb} (proverb) :: itle yatan bitle kalkar
igneous rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: magmatik kayaçlar
ignis fatuus {n} (will o' the wisp) SEE: will o' the wisp ::
ignominious {adj} (marked by shame or disgrace) :: yüz kızartıcı
ignominy {n} (great dishonor, shame, or humiliation) :: alçaklık, rezalet
ignorance {n} (condition of being uninformed or uneducated) :: cehalet, bilgisizlik
ignorance is bliss {proverb} (Ignorance is bliss) :: cehalet saadettir
ignosticism {n} (a philosophical position) :: ignostisizm
iguana {n} (any of several members of the lizard family Iguanidae) :: iguana
iguana {n} (any member of the genus Iguana) :: iguana
iguana {n} (a green iguana (Iguana iguana)) :: iguana
I hate you {phrase} (expression of intense dislike) :: senden nefret ediyorum
I have a cold {phrase} (I have a cold) :: soğuk algınlığım var, nezlem var
I have a headache {phrase} (I have a headache) :: başım ağrıyor
I have AIDS {phrase} (I have AIDS) :: AIDS'im var.
I have a question {phrase} (I have a question) :: bir sorum var
I have asthma {phrase} (I have asthma) :: astımım var
I have cancer {phrase} (I have cancer) :: kanserim
I have diabetes {phrase} (I have diabetes) :: şeker hastasıyım, diyabetim var
I have high blood pressure {phrase} (I have high blood pressure) :: yüksek tansiyonum var, tansiyonum çıktı
I have low blood pressure {phrase} (I have low blood pressure) :: tansiyonum düştü, [rare] düşük tansiyonum var
I have no money {phrase} (I have no money) :: param yok
IKEA {prop} (international, originally Swedish retailer) :: IKEA
ikebana {n} (Japanese art of flower arrangement) :: ikebana
I know you are but what am I {phrase} (assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party) :: kendi diyen kendi olur, sensin o
Ilham {prop} (male given name) :: İlham
I like you {phrase} (I like you) :: senden hoşlanıyorum
I live in Melbourne {phrase} (I live in Melbourne (example city)) :: Melbourne'de yaşıyorum
ilkhan {n} (provincial khan) :: ilhan
ill {adj} (bad) SEE: bad ::
ill {adj} (in poor health, suffering from a disease) :: hasta
I'll call the police {phrase} (I'll call the police) :: polisi arayacağım
illegal {adj} (contrary to or forbidden by law) :: yasa dışı
illegibility {n} (the quality of being illegible; the quality of being difficult or impossible to read) :: okunaksızlık
illegible {adj} (not clear enough to be read) :: okunaksız
illegitimate {adj} (against the law) :: yolsuz, gayrimeşru
illegitimate {adj} (born to unmarried parents) :: gayrimeşru
Illinois {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: Illinois
ill-intentioned {adj} (malevolent) SEE: malevolent ::
ill-mannered {adj} (of or pertaining to having bad manners) :: terbiyesiz, kaba
illness {n} (an instance of a disease or poor health) :: hastalık, maraz
illness {n} :: hastalık
illogical {adj} (contrary to logic; lacking sense or sound reasoning) :: mantıksız
illusion {n} (anything that seems to be something that it is not) :: yanılsama
illustration {n} (act of illustrating) :: açıklama, örnekleme
illustration {n} (that which illustrates) :: çizim, illüstrasyon
illustration {n} (picture designed to decorate) :: çizim, illüstrasyon, resim
Illyria {prop} (region in the Balkan Peninsula) :: İlirya
I lost my backpack {phrase} (I lost my backpack) :: sırt çantamı kaybettim
I lost my bag {phrase} :: çantamı kaybettim, çantamı yitirdim
I lost my bag {phrase} (I lost my backpack) SEE: I lost my backpack ::
I lost my bag {phrase} (I lost my handbag) SEE: I lost my handbag ::
I lost my glasses {phrase} (I lost my glasses) :: gözlüğümü kaybettim
I lost my handbag {phrase} (I lost my handbag) :: el çantamı kaybettim
I lost my keys {phrase} (I lost my keys) :: anahtarlarımı kaybettim, anahtarlarımı yitirdim
I lost my wallet {phrase} (I lost my wallet) :: cüzdanımı kaybettim, cüzdanımı yitirdim
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of affection or deep caring) :: seni seviyorum, sana aşığım
I love you {phrase} (affirmation of romantic feeling) :: seni seviyorum
I'm a Buddhist {phrase} (I'm a Buddhist) :: (ben) Budist'im
I'm a Christian {phrase} (I'm a Christian) :: (ben) Hristiyan'ım
I'm afraid so {phrase} (unfortunately, yes) :: korkarım ki öyle
image {n} (graphical representation) :: resim
image {n} (mental picture) :: görüntü
image {n} (computing: file) :: görüntü
image {n} (characteristic as perceived by others) :: imaj
image {n} (math: something mapped to by a function) :: görüntü kümesi
image {v} (to reflect) :: yansımak, yansıtmak
image {v} (to create an image of) :: resmini çekmek
image {v} (computing: to create a backup copy) :: görüntülemek
imagery {n} (imitation work) SEE: imitation ::
imaginable {adj} (able to be imagined; conceivable) :: düşünülebilir
imaginary {adj} (existing in the imagination) :: sanal
imaginary number {n} (number of the form bi) :: sanal sayı
imagination {n} (image-making power of the mind) :: hayal gücü, muhayyile, imgelem
I'm a girl {phrase} (I'm a girl) :: ben bir kızım, ben kızım, kızım
I'm allergic to aspirin {phrase} (I'm allergic to aspirin) :: aspirine alerjim var
I'm allergic to nuts {phrase} (I'm allergic to nuts) :: çerezlere alerjim var
imam {n} (Muslim leader) :: imam
imamate {n} (office or jurisdiction of an imam) :: imamet
I'm a Muslim {phrase} (I'm a Muslim) :: (ben) Müslüman'ım
I'm an atheist {phrase} (I'm an atheist) :: (ben) ateistim
I'm a vegan {phrase} (I'm vegan) :: veganım
I'm a vegetarian {phrase} (I'm a vegetarian) :: ben bir vejeteryanım
imbecile {n} (person with limited mental capacity) :: embesil, budala
imbecile {n} (fool) :: embesil, budala, ahmak, aptal
I'm bisexual {phrase} (I'm bisexual) :: biseksüelim
I'm bleeding {phrase} (I'm bleeding) :: kanamam var
I'm blind {phrase} (I'm blind) :: körüm, görme engelliyim
Imbros {prop} (island) :: Gökçeada
imburse {v} (to save, to store up) SEE: save ::
imburse {v} (to pay back money that is owed) SEE: refund ::
I'm cold {phrase} (I'm cold) :: üşüdüm
I'm deaf {phrase} (I'm deaf) :: sağırım, işitme engelliyim
I'm divorced {phrase} (I'm divorced) :: boşandım
I'm dying {phrase} (I'm dying) :: ölüyorum
I'm fine {phrase} (response) :: iyiyim
I'm fine, thank you {phrase} (expected, polite response to How are you?) :: iyiyim, teşekkürler, iyiyim, teşekkür ederim
I'm gay {phrase} (I'm gay) :: (ben) geyim, (ben) eşcinselim, (ben) homoseksüelim
I'm hungry {phrase} (I'm hungry) :: acıktım, açım
I'm in love with you {phrase} (declaration of romantic feeling) :: sana aşığım, ben sana aşığım
I miss you {phrase} (I miss you) :: seni özlüyorum, sizi özlüyorum
imitation {n} (act of imitating) :: taklit, öykünme, öyküntü
imitation {n} (copy) :: taklit, öykünme, öyküntü, imitasyon
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (ethnic)) :: (ben) Yahudi'yim, (ben) Musevi'yim
I'm Jewish {phrase} (I'm Jewish (religious)) :: (ben) Yahudi'yim, (ben) Musevi'yim
I'm looking for a job {phrase} (I'm looking for a job) :: iş arıyorum
I'm lost {phrase} (I'm lost) :: kayboldum
immaculate {adj} (having no stain or blemish, spotless, undefiled, clear, pure) :: kusursuz, lekesiz
I'm married {phrase} (I'm married) :: evliyim
immediately {adv} (in an immediate manner) :: anında, derhal, hemen
immense {adj} (huge, gigantic, very large) :: kocaman
immigrant {n} (person who comes to a country to settle) :: göçmen, muhacir
immigrate {v} (to move into a foreign country or area) :: göçmek, göç etmek
immigration {n} (the act of immigrating) :: göçmenlik, hicret, göç
immiscibility {n} (condition of being immiscible) :: karışmazlık
immiscible {adj} (not mutually soluble, unmixable) :: karışmaz
immortal {adj} (not susceptible to death) :: ölümsüz
immortal {n} (one that is not susceptible to death) :: ölümsüz
immortalise {v} (to give unending life to) :: ölümsüzleştirmek
immortalise {v} (to make eternally famous) :: ölümsüzleştirmek
immortality {n} (condition of not being susceptible to death) :: ölümsüzlük
immune system {n} (system that protects the body from foreign material and organisms) :: bağışıklık sistemi
immunity {n} (the quality of being resistant to infection) :: bağışıklık
immunity {n} (exemption from specified duties) :: muafiyet
immunity {n} (exemption from legal prosecution) :: dokunulmazlık, masuniyet [obsolete]
immunity {n} (resistance to a specific thing) :: bağışıklık
immutable {adj} (unable to be changed without exception) :: değişmez, sabit
I'm mute {phrase} (I'm mute) :: dilsizim
I'm not religious {phrase} (I'm not religious) :: dindar değilim
IMO {prep} (in my opinion) :: bence
IMO {n} (information management officer) :: bilgi yönetim subayı
IMO {prop} (International Maritime Organization) :: Uluslararası Denizcilik Teşkilatı
impact {n} (the force or energy of a collision of two objects) :: çarpma
impact {n} (a forced impinging) :: vuruş
impact {n} (a significant or strong influence) :: etki, tesir
impair {v} (have a diminishing effect on) :: azaltmak, kötüleştirmek, zarar vermek, zayıflatmak, sınırlamak
impaired {adj} (Rendered less effective) :: bozuk, güçsüz, zayıf
impasse {n} (road with no exit) SEE: dead end ::
impassive {adj} (having, or revealing, no emotion) :: Duyarsız
impeach {v} (to hinder) :: mani olmak, önlemek
impeach {v} (to bring legal proceeding against public official) :: itham etmek, suçlamak
impecuniosity {n} (the state of being impecunious) :: parasızlık
imperative {adj} (essential) :: mecburi, zorunlu
imperative {n} (essential action) :: mecburiyet, zorunluluk
imperative {n} (imperative mood) SEE: imperative mood ::
imperative mood {n} (imperative mood) :: emir kipi
imperfection {n} (state of being imperfect) :: kusursuzluk, mükemmellik, mükemmeliyet
imperfection {n} (something that makes something else less than perfect) :: kusur, eksiklik, defo
imperialism {n} (the policy of extending power, by force) :: emperyalizm
imperium {n} (sovereignty) SEE: sovereignty ::
impervious {adj} (unaffected or unable to be affected by something) :: etkilenmez
impervious {adj} (preventative of any penetration; impenetrable, impermeable) :: geçirmez, su geçirmez
impervious {adj} (immune to damage or effect) :: dayanıklı
implacable {adj} (not able to be placated or appeased) :: yatıştırılamaz
implement {n} (a tool) :: araç
implement {v} (bring about) :: tatbik etmek [obsolescent], uygulamak, yerine getirmek
implementation {n} (process of moving an idea from concept to reality) :: tatbik [obsolecent], uygulama
implementation {n} (result of implementing something) :: uygulama
implementer {n} (person who implements) :: gerçekleştirici, uygulayan, uygulayıcı
implication {n} (that which is implied, but not expressed) :: bulaştırma, ima, dolaylı anlatım
implication {n} (logical connective) :: akıl yürütme, gerektirme, istidlal
implicit {adj} (implied indirectly) :: örtülü, üstü kapalı
implode {v} (to collapse or burst inward violently) :: yıkılmak
implore {v} (to beg for) :: yalvarmak
imply {v} (to have as a consequence) :: gerektirmek, işaret etmek
imply {v} (to suggest by a logical inference) :: gerektirmek
imply {v} (to express suggestively rather than as a direct statement) :: anlamına gelmek, manasına gelmek
importance {n} (quality or condition of being important or worthy of note) :: önem, ehemmiyet
important {adj} (having relevant and crucial value) :: önemli, mühim
importantness {n} (importance) SEE: importance ::
importune {v} (to harass with persistent requests) :: sıkboğaz etmek, üstelemek, dadanmak
importunity {n} (constant and instant demanding) :: sırnaşıklık
impossible {adj} (not able to be done) :: olanaksız, imkânsız
impostorism {n} (impostor syndrome) SEE: impostor syndrome ::
impostor syndrome {n} (psychological phenomenon in which a person is unable to internalize accomplishments) :: sahtekâr sendromu
impotence {n} (erectile dysfunction) :: iktidarsızlık
impoverish {v} (to make poor) :: yoksullaştırmak, fakirleştirmek, verimsizleştirmek, güçsüzleştirmek
impoverished {adj} (with no possessions or money) SEE: poor ::
I'm pregnant {phrase} (I'm pregnant) :: hamileyim, gebeyim
impregnate {v} (to cause to become pregnant) :: hamile bırakmak
impregnate {v} (to saturate, to infuse) :: emdirmek, yedirmek, (bir şeye) doyurmak
impregnate {v} (to fill pores or spaces with a substance) :: emprenye etmek, sugeçirmez yapmak
impregnate {v} :: döllemek, tohumlamak
impress {v} ((transitive) affect (someone) strongly and often favourably) :: etkilemek
impression {n} (overall effect of something) :: intiba
impressive {adj} (making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to impress) :: etkileyici
imprint {n} (the name and details of a publisher or printer, as printed in a book etc) :: künye
imprisonment {n} (confinement) :: hapsetme
impromptu {adj} (improvised) :: doğaçsı, doğaçlama, hazırlıksız
impromptu {n} (short composition) :: doğaç
improper {adj} (unsuitable to needs or circumstances) :: uygunsuz
improper {adj} (not in keeping with conventional mores or good manners) :: uygunsuz, yakışıksız
improper {adj} (Not according to facts) :: yanlış
improve {v} (to make something better) :: düzeltmek
improve {v} (to become better) :: iyileştirmek
improvised {adj} (created by improvisation) :: doğaçlama
impudent {adj} (Not showing due respect; impertinent; bold-faced) :: arsız
impunity {n} (exemption from punishment) :: cezasızlık
I'm sick {phrase} (I'm sick/ill) :: hastayım
I'm single {phrase} (I'm single) :: bekârım
I'm straight {phrase} (I'm straight) :: heteroseksüelim
I'm thirsty {phrase} (I need a drink) :: susadım
I'm tired {phrase} (I am tired (in need of rest or sleep)) :: yorgunum, yoruldum
I'm twenty years old {phrase} (I am twenty years old) :: yirmi yaşındayım
I must go {phrase} (I must go) :: gitmeliyim, gitmem lâzım
I'm ... year(s) old {phrase} (I am ... year(s) old) :: ... yaşındayım
-in' {suffix} (-ing) SEE: -ing ::
in {prep} (contained by) :: içinde, -de, -da, -ta, -te
in {prep} (surrounded by) :: içinde
in {prep} (part, member of) :: -dan, -den, -tan, -ten
in {prep} (during) :: iken, sırasında, -kan, -ken
in {prep} (after a period of time) :: -da, -de, -ta, -te
in {prep} (into) :: -a, -e
in {prep} :: -da, [locative] -de; ile, -la, -le
inaccessible {adj} (not able to be accessed; out of reach; inconvenient) :: erişilemez
inaccessible {adj} (not able to be reached; unattainable) :: erişilemez
inactive {adj} (not active, temporarily or permanently) :: aktif değil, çalışmıyor
inadequate {adj} (Not adequate) :: yetersiz, az, kıt
in advance {prep} (in advance) SEE: beforehand ::
inadvertently {adv} (unintentionally) :: kazara
inanimate {adj} (not mobile) :: hareket edemeyen
inanimate {adj} (not alive) :: cansız, ölü
inanimate {adj} (in grammar) :: cansız
inanition {n} (state of advanced lack of adequate nutrition) :: zafiyet, açlık
inappropriate {adj} (not appropriate or suitable) :: uygunsuz
inaugurate {v} (to induct into office) :: törenle açmak
inbound {adj} (coming in, heading inwards) :: gelen, gelmekte olan
incandescent {n} (incandescent lamp) SEE: light bulb ::
incandescent {adj} (emitting light as result of heating) :: akkor
incarnate {adj} (flesh-colored) SEE: crimson ::
incense {n} (A perfume often used in the rites of various religions) :: tütsü
incentive {n} (something that motivates) :: teşvik
incentive {n} (cash bonus) :: teşvik primi
inception {n} (the creation or beginning of something) :: başlama, başlangıç, iftitah [dated]
incest {n} (sexual relations between close relatives) :: ensest
inch {n} (unit of length) :: inç
incidentally {adv} (in an incidental manner) :: sırası gelmişken, bu arada, bir ara, lâf arasında
incinerate {v} (destroy by burning) :: yakmak
incipient {adj} (beginning, starting) :: başlangıç aşamasında, halinde, başlayan [medicine]
incite {v} (to rouse, stir up or excite) :: kışkırtmak
include {v} :: içermek, dahil etmek
income {n} (money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others) :: gelir
income statement {n} (financial statement of net income) :: gelir tablosu, gelir beyanı
income tax {n} (tax levied on income) :: gelir vergisi
incompatible {adj} (impossible to coexist; irreconcilable) :: aykırı, bağdaşmayan, bağdaşmaz, uyumsuz
incomprehensible {adj} (impossible or very difficult to understand) :: anlaşılmaz
incorporate {v} (include as a part or ingredient) :: içermek, ihtiva etmek, kapsamak
incorporate {v} (mix, blend) :: katmak, dahil etmek
incorporate {v} (form into a legal company) :: firma kurmak
increase {v} (become larger) :: artmak
increase {v} (make larger) :: arttırmak
increase {n} (increased amount) :: artmak, büyümek, çoğalmak, gelişmek, kâr etmek, yükselmek, fazlalaşmak
increase {n} (act of becoming larger) :: artış, artma, büyüme, çoğalma, gelişme, kâr, yükselme, fazlalaşma
increasingly {adv} (increasing in amount or intensity) :: gide gide
incredible {adj} (too implausible to be credible) :: inanılmaz
incredible {adj} (amazing) :: şaşırtıcı
incredible {adj} (marvellous) :: olağanüstü
increment {n} (The action of increasing or becoming greater) :: artım, artış, artma, çoğalma
incruental {adj} (bloodless) SEE: bloodless ::
incubator {n} (apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby) :: kuvöz
inculcate {v} (teach by repeated instruction) :: telkin etmek
incumbent {adj} (imposed on someone as an obligation, especially due to one's office) :: yükümlü, ödevli, görevli
incumbent {adj} (being the current holder of an office) :: görevli, muvazzaf
incumbent {n} (current holder of an office) :: görevli, memur
incumbrance {n} (burden) SEE: encumbrance ::
incumbrance {n} (interest, right, burden or liability) SEE: encumbrance ::
incunabulum {n} (book, sheet or image) :: incunabulum
incus {n} (anvil) SEE: anvil ::
indecency {n} (lack of decency) :: ahlaksızlık, açık saçıklık
indecent {adj} (not in keeping with conventional moral values) :: edepsiz, yakışıksız, hayasız
indefinite article {n} (word preceding a noun to indicate any member of the class of objects) :: belirsiz harfitarif, belirsiz tanımlık
indefinite integral {n} (antiderivative) :: belirsiz integral
indefinite pronoun {n} (Pronoun not specifying the identity of its referent) :: belirsizlik zamiri
indemnification {n} (act or process of indemnifying) :: güvence verme
indemnification {n} (reimbursement) :: zararı ödeme
indemnification {n} (act or process of indemnifying) :: muaf tutma, zararı ödeme
indemnify {v} (To save harmless; to secure against loss or damage; to insure) :: (birinin zararına) kefil olmak, dokunulmazlık vermek, korumak, teminat vermek
indemnify {v} (To make restitution or compensation for) :: tazmin etmek
indentation {n} (notch or recess in a margin or border) :: çentik, girinti
indentation {n} (recess or sharp depression in a surface) :: çukur
independence {n} (state or quality of being independent) :: istiklal, bağımsızlık
independent {adj} (not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free) :: bağımsız
indescribable {adj} (impossible, or very difficult to describe) :: tarifsiz, tarif edilemez
index {n} (alphabetical listing of items) :: dizin, indeks
index {n} (economics: single number calculated from an array of prices or quantities) :: indeks
index {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
index finger {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
India {prop} (the country) :: Hindistan
Indian {adj} (of or pertaining to India) :: hint
Indian {n} (a person from India) :: Hint, Hindistanlı
Indian {n} (individual of, or related to, the aboriginal people of the Americas) :: Kızılderili
Indiana {prop} (US state) :: Indiana
Indianapolis {prop} (capital of the State of Indiana, USA) :: Indianapolis
Indian Ocean {prop} (the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica) :: Hint Okyanusu
Indian summer {n} (stretch of warm days in autumn) :: pastırma yazı
Indic {prop} (the Indic language group) SEE: Indo-Aryan ::
indicate {v} (to point out; to discover; to direct to a knowledge of; to show; to make known) :: belirtmek, göstermek, işâret etmek
indicative mood {n} (indicative mood) :: bildirme kipi, haber kipi
indictment {n} (criminal accusation) :: itham, suçlama
indictment {n} (bill of indictment) :: iddianame, savca
Indies {prop} (West Indies) SEE: West Indies ::
indifference {n} (the state of being indifferent) :: ilgisizlik, kayıtsızlık, umursamazlık
indifferent {adj} (not caring) :: umursamaz, ilgisiz, kayıtsız
indifferent {adj} (mediocre, usually used negatively) :: vasat
indifferent {adj} (having no preference) :: kararsız
indifferent {adj} (not significant) :: önemsiz
indigence {n} (poverty) :: fukaralık, yoksulluk
indigo {n} (colour) :: indigo, çivit mavisi
indigo {n} (dye) :: indigo, çivit mavisi
indigo {adj} (colour) :: indigo, indigo renkli
indispensable {adj} (not subject to exemption) :: istisnasiz, muafiyetsiz
indispensable {adj} (absolutely necessary) :: elzem, zaruri
indium {n} (metallic chemical element) :: indiyum
individual {n} (person considered alone) :: birey
individual {adj} (relating to a single person or thing) :: bireysel
individualism {n} (moral stance) :: bireycilik
individuality {n} (person) SEE: person ::
Indo-Aryan {adj} (Of or pertaining to Indo-Aryan languages and people.) :: Hint-Aryan
Indo-Aryan {n} (A speaker of Indo-Aryan languages.) :: Hint-Aryan
Indochina {prop} (part of Southeast Asia) :: Hindiçin
indoctrinate {v} (teach) SEE: teach ::
Indo-European {adj} (of or relating to languages originally spoken in Europe and Western Asia) :: Hint-Avrupa
Indonesia {prop} (country) :: Endonezya
Indonesian {adj} (referring to Indonesia) :: Endonezya
Indonesian {n} (person) :: Endonezyalı
Indonesian {n} (language) :: Endonezce
in droves {prep} (in spades) SEE: in spades ::
indubitable {adj} (not dubitable) :: sorgulanamaz, şüphesiz
induced abortion {n} (procedure that terminates pregnancy by removing the fetus) SEE: abortion ::
inductance {n} (quantity) :: indüktans
indulge {v} (to yield to a temptation) :: kendini vermek, teslim olmak, boyun eğmek, yenik düşmek
indulge {v} (to satisfy the wishes or whims of) :: memnun etmek, şımartmak
indulgence {n} (tolerance) :: müsamaha, hoşgörü
indulgence {n} (pardon or release from the expectation of punishment in purgatory) :: müsamaha, hoşgörü, yarlıgama
indulgent {adj} (prone to indulge) :: uysal
induration {n} (hardness) SEE: hardness ::
Indus {prop} (the river) :: İndus
industrial {adj} (of or relating to industry) :: endüstriyel
industrialization {n} (process of social and economic change) :: sanayileşme, endüstrileşme
industry {n} (businesses of the same type) :: endüstri
industry {n} (businesses that produce goods) :: endüstri
indweller {n} (inhabitant) SEE: inhabitant ::
I need ... {phrase} (I need ... (something)) :: bir ... ihtiyacım var
I need a guide {phrase} (I need a guide (a person who guides)) :: [bir] rehbere ihtiyacım var
I need a guide {phrase} (I need a guide (a written guide)) :: [bir] rehbere ihtiyacım var
ineffable {adj} (beyond expression) :: anlatılmaz
ineffable {adj} (forbidden to be uttered) :: ağza alınmaz
inept {adj} (not able to do something) :: beceriksiz, yeteneksiz
inert gas {n} (noble gas) SEE: noble gas ::
inertia {n} (in physics) :: eylemsizlik
inertia {n} (unwillingness to take action) :: atalet
inevitable {adj} (impossible to avoid or prevent) :: kaçınılmaz
inexistent {adj} (nonexistent) SEE: nonexistent ::
inexperienced {adj} (not experienced) :: acemi
inexplicable {adj} (impossible to explain) :: açıklanamaz
infallible {adj} (without fault or weakness; incapable of error or fallacy) :: yanılmaz, şaşmaz, mutlak, muhakkak
infamous {adj} (having a bad reputation) :: alçak, ayıp, iğrenç, kepaze, kötü şöhretli, rezil, rezilane, rezilcesine, utanç verici
infamous {adj} (disgraceful) :: iğrenç, kepaze, rezil, rezilane, rezilcesine, utanç verici
infant {n} (very young human being) :: bebek
infantry {n} (soldiers who fight on foot) :: piyade
infantry {n} (the part of an army consisting of infantry soldiers) :: piyade
infection {n} (the process of infecting) :: enfeksiyon
infection {n} (uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms in a host) :: enfeksiyon
infectiousness {n} (state or condition of being infectious) :: bulaşıcılık
infer {v} (to introduce as a reasoned conclusion) :: anlam çıkarmak, anlamına gelmek, anlamak, mana çıkarmak, manasına gelmek, sonucunu çıkarmak
inferior {adj} (of lower quality) :: aşağı derecede olan
inferiority complex {n} (a sense of inferiority) :: aşağılık kompleksi
infidel {n} (non-believer) :: kâfir
infidelity {n} (unfaithfulness in marriage or other moral obligation) :: ihanet, aldatma
infield {n} (agriculture: An area to cultivate) :: tarla
infield {n} (baseball: The region of the field roughly bounded by the home plate, first base, second base and third base.) :: iç saha
infield {n} (cricket: The region of the field roughly bounded by the wicket keeper, slips, gully, etc.) :: iç saha
infiltrate {v} (to cause a fluid to pass through a substance by filtration) :: süzmek
infinite loop {n} :: sonsuz döngü
infinitive {n} (uninflected verb form) :: mastar, eylemlik, isim-fiil
infinity {n} (endlessness, unlimitedness, absence of end or limit) :: sonsuzluk
infinity {n} (a number that has an infinite, uncountable numerical value) :: sonsuz
infinity {n} (a number which is very large compared to some characteristic number) :: sonsuz
infinity {n} (the symbol ∞) :: sonsuz
infix {n} (morpheme inserted into word) :: orta ek
inflammable {adj} (capable of burning, see also: flammable) :: yanıcı
inflammable {adj} (easily excited) :: parlayıcı
inflation {n} (increase in the general level of prices or in the cost of living) :: enflasyon
inflect {v} (grammar: vary the form of a word) :: ses değiştirmek
inflict {v} (thrust upon, impose) :: çarptırmak, çektirmek, uğratmak
influential {adj} (having considerable influence) :: nüfuzlu
influenza {n} (an acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs) :: grip, enflüenza
informal {adj} (not formal or ceremonious) :: teklifsiz
informal {adj} (not in accord with the usual regulations) :: gayriresmî
informal {adj} (language: reflecting everyday, non-ceremonious usage) :: senli benli, teklifsiz
informality {n} (condition of being informal) :: informelite, teklifsizlik, resmiyetsizlik, senlibenlilik
informatics {n} (branch of information science) :: bilişim
information {n} (communicable knowledge) :: bilgi, malumat
information science {n} (science) :: bilgi bilimi
information security {n} (protection of information and information systems) :: bilgi güvenliği
information technology {n} (the practice of creating and/or studying computer systems and applications) :: bilişim teknolojisi
infrared {n} (infrared radiation) :: kızılötesi
infrared {adj} (having the wavelength in the infrared) :: kızılaltı, kızılötesi
infringe {v} (to break or violate a treaty, a law, a right etc.) :: ihlal etmek
infringement {n} (violation) :: ihlâl
in front of {prep} (in the presence of someone) :: önünde, karşısında
in front of {prep} (located before (something else)) :: önünde, berisinde, gerisinde
in front of {prep} :: önünde, karşısında
-ing {suffix} (to form present participles) :: -iyor
in general {adv} (generally) SEE: generally ::
ingenuine {adj} (false, not genuine or authentic) :: yapay, yapmacık, sahte
ingenuity {n} (ability to come up with solutions to difficult problems) :: beceri, hüner, marifet, ustalık
ingrate {adj} (ungrateful) SEE: ungrateful ::
ingredient {n} (substance present in a mixture) :: içerik, malzeme
ingress {n} (act of entering) :: giriş, girme
ingress {n} (permission to enter) :: giriş yetkisi, girme salahiyeti [dated], girme yetkisi
ingress {n} (door or other means of entering) :: giriş
Ingush {n} (A member of the Ingush people) :: İnguş
Ingush {prop} (Nakh dialect spoken by the Ingush) :: İnguşça
Ingush {adj} (of or pertaining to the Ingush) :: İnguş
Ingushetia {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: İnguşya
inhabitant {n} (someone or thing who lives in a place) :: durgun, sakin
inheritance {n} (that which a person is entitled to inherit) :: miras, bırakıt, tereke
inheritor {n} (heir) SEE: heir ::
inhibit {v} (to hold in or hold back; to restrain) :: engellemek, kısıtlamak, önlemek, tutmak
inimitable {adj} (beyond imitation) :: benzersiz, eşsiz
iniquitous {adj} (sinful) :: günahkâr
iniquitous {adj} (morally objectionable) :: adaletsiz
initial {adj} (chronologically first) :: ilk
initial {adj} (spatially first) :: ön, ilk
initial {n} (first letter of a word) :: başlak
initial {n} (first letters of a person's name as a unit) :: başlak, başlaklar {p}
initial {n} (calligraphy: distinguished initial letter) :: başlak
initial {v} (sign one's initial(s)) :: başlak atmak, başlaklamak
initialization {n} (programming: assignment of initial value of variable) :: ilklendirme
initialize {v} (to assign initial values to something) :: ilklendirmek
initiative {n} (a beginning; a first move) :: ilk adım
initiative {n} (a new development; a fresh approach to something; a new way of dealing with a problem) :: girişim, teşebbüs
initiative {n} (the ability to act first or on one's own) :: girişim, insiyatif, teşebbüs
injury {n} (wound) SEE: wound ::
injury {n} (damage or violation) :: zarar
injustice {n} (absence of justice) :: adaletsizlik
injustice {n} (violation of the rights of another) :: haksızlık, adaletsizlik
ink {n} (coloured fluid used for writing) :: mürekkep
ink bottle {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell ::
in keeping with {prep} (in accordance with) :: -e uygun olarak
in-kind {adj} (consisting of goods or commodities) :: aynı
inkling {n} (desire, inclination) SEE: desire ::
inkpot {n} (inkwell) SEE: inkwell ::
inkwell {n} (container for ink) :: hokka
in-law {n} (father-in-law) SEE: father-in-law ::
in-law {n} (mother-in-law) SEE: mother-in-law ::
-in-law {suffix} (related through marriage) :: kayın-
in love {prep} (of a person or persons: enamored) :: aşk içinde, aşık
in my opinion {prep} (according to me) :: bence, bana göre, fikrimce
inn {n} (lodging) :: han, konak, meyhane
inner ear {n} (anatomy) :: iç kulak
Inner Mongolia {prop} (autonomous region in northern China) :: İç Moğolistan
inner planet {n} (planet of the Solar System with an orbit between the asteroid belt and sun) :: iç gezegen
innocence {n} (absence of responsibility for a crime) :: suçsuzluk
innocent {adj} (pure, free from sin, untainted) :: suçsuz, masum
innocent {adj} (not legally responsible for a wrongful act) :: suçsuz
innocuous {adj} (harmless) :: zararsız
in no time {prep} (very soon) :: anında
innovation {n} :: inovasyon, yenileşim
innuendo {n} (A derogatory hint or reference to a person or thing, an implication or insinuation) :: kinaye, gönderme
innumerable {adj} (not capable of being counted) SEE: countless ::
in one's own right {prep} (as a consequence of one's own skill, qualification or state) :: kendi başına, kendi kendine
in order {adj} (in sequence) :: sırayla
inorganic {adj} (relating to a compound that does not contain carbon) :: inorganik, anorganik
inorganic chemistry {n} (chemistry of elements and non-carbon containing compounds) :: inorganik kimya
input {n} (something fed into a process) :: girdi
Inquisition {prop} (tribunal of the Roman Catholic Church) :: engizisyon
insane asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
insanely {adv} (in an insane manner) :: delicesine
insanity {n} (state of being insane) :: delılıq
inscribe {v} (to write or cut words onto something) :: yazmak, kazımak
inscription {n} (carved text) :: kitâbe, yazıt
inscription {n} (text on a coin) :: yazı
inscription {n} (dedication in a book) :: ithaf
inscrutable {adj} (difficult or impossible to comprehend, fathom or interpret) :: anlaşılmaz, esrarlı, gizemli, esrârengiz
insect {n} (arthropod of class Insecta) :: böcek, haşere
insect {n} (colloquial: any small arthropod) :: haşere
insecticide {n} (A substance used to kill insects) :: insektisit
insecure {adj} (not secure) :: emniyetsiz, güvensiz, tehlikede
inseminate {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate ::
insensate {adj} (having no sensation or consciousness) :: duygusuz, ruhsuz
insensate {adj} (senseless; foolish; irrational) :: anlamsız
insensate {adj} (unfeeling, heartless, cruel, insensitive) :: duygusuz, katı yürekli, kalpsiz, umursamaz, hissiz, gaddar, kıyıcı
insensate {adj} (medicine, physiology: not responsive) :: duyarsız
insensitive {adj} (not having normal physical feeling) :: duygusuz, hissiz
insensitive {adj} (not having normal emotional feelings, cold, tactless, undiplomatic) :: anlayışsız, duygusuz, katı, katı yürekli
inshallah {interj} (God willing (Islam)) :: inşallah
inshore {adv} (near the shore) :: kıyıya yakın
inshore {adv} (towards the shore) :: kıyıya doğru
inside {n} (interior or inner part) ::
inside {adj} :: içerisinde, sınırları içinde
inside {adv} (within the interior) :: içinde
inside {adv} (towards the interior) :: -e doğru, içeri
insignificant {adj} (not significant; not important) :: anlamsız, [dated] ehemmiyetsiz, manasız, önemsiz
insincere {adj} (not sincere) :: samimiyetsiz
insincerity {n} (property of being insincere) :: samimiyetsizlik
insist {v} (to hold up a claim emphatically) :: ısrar etmek, bastırmak, üstelemek, yinelemek
insolation {n} (medicine: sunstroke) SEE: sunstroke ::
in so many words {prep} (verbatim) :: kelimesi kelimesine, harfi harfine, harfiyen
insomnia {n} (sleeping disorder) :: uykusuzluk
insouciant {adj} (casually unconcerned, see also: carefree; nonchalant) :: dinç
in spades {prep} (to excess) :: fazlasıyla, ziyadesiyle
inspection {n} (the act of examining something, often closely) :: teftiş
inspector {n} (person employed to inspect something) :: müfettiş
inspire {v} (to infuse into the mind; to communicate to the spirit) :: esinlemek, ilham vermek
instant {n} (period of time) :: an
instant {n} (point in time) :: an
instant {adj} (quickly prepared) :: hazır
instantiation {n} (something resulting from the act of instantiating) :: örnekleme
instantly {adv} (at once) :: tezden, hemen, anında, derhâl
instead {adv} (in the place of (it)) :: yerine
instead of {prep} (in lieu of; in place of; rather than) :: yerine
instigator {n} (person who intentionally instigates something) :: fitneci, kışkırtıcı
instinct {n} (natural or inherent impulse or behaviour) :: içgüdü, insiyak, sevkitabii
institute {n} (college) :: enstitü
institution {n} (established organisation) :: müessese, kuruluş, kurum
instrument {n} (tool) :: enstrüman, alet
instrumental {adj} (of musical instrument) :: aletli, aletsel, enstrümantal
instrumental {adj} (pertaining to the instrumental case) :: enstrümental
instrumental {n} (instrumental case) SEE: instrumental case ::
instrumental case {n} (case to express agency or means) :: araç hâli, araç durumu, enstrümantal
insulator {n} (substance) :: yalıtkan
insulin {n} (polypeptide hormone) :: insülin
insult {v} (to be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (someone)) :: aşağılamak, hakaret etmek
insult {n} (action or speech deliberately intended to be rude) :: hakaret, aşağılama
insult {n} (something that causes offence) :: eziyet
insurance {n} (indemnity) :: sigorta
insurance {n} (business) :: sigortacılık
insurance {n} (insurance policy) SEE: insurance policy ::
insurance contract {n} (insurance policy) SEE: insurance policy ::
insurance policy {n} (document) :: sigorta poliçesi
insure {v} (to provide for compensation if some risk occurs) :: sigorta etmek
insure {v} (to ensure) :: güvence vermek
insurer {n} (one who insures) :: sigortacı
insurgency {n} (rebellion; revolt; the state of being insurgent) :: isyan
insurgent {n} (rebel) :: isyancı
insurmountable {adj} (incapable of being passed over) :: aşılamaz
integer {n} (a number that is not a fraction) :: tam sayı, adedimürettep
integrable function {n} (mathematics) :: integrali alınabilen fonksiyon
integral {n} (limit of sums) :: integral
integrality {n} (condition of being integral) :: bütünsellik
integrated {adj} (composed and coordinated to form a whole) :: entegre, bütünleşik, tümleşik
intel {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence ::
intellectual {adj} (spiritual) SEE: spiritual ::
intellectual {adj} (belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental or cognitive) :: entellektüel, aklî
intellectual {adj} (endowed with intellect) :: zeki, akıllı
intelligence {n} (capacity of mind) :: zekâ, akıl, anlayış
intelligence {n} (entity that has such capacities) :: akıllı yaşam
intelligence {n} (information about the enemy) :: istihbarat
intelligence {n} (a department, agency or unit designed to gather such information) :: istihbarat teşkilatı
intelligent {adj} (of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright) :: akıllı
intelligent design {prop} (intelligent design / Intelligent Design) :: akıllı tasarım
intelligentsia {n} (intellectual élite) :: entelijansiya
intelligibility {n} (intelligible) :: anlaşılabilirlik, anlaşılırlık
intelligibility {n} (understandability of speech) :: anlaşılabilirlik, anlaşılırlık
intelligible {adj} (capable of being understood) :: açık, anlaşılır, idrâk edilebilir, anlaşılabilir
intempestivity {n} (unseasonability; untimeliness) :: zamansızlık
intended {n} (fiancé) SEE: fiancé ::
intended {n} (fiancée) SEE: fiancée ::
intense {adj} (strained; tightly drawn) :: yoğun
intensify {v} (to render more intense) :: yoğunlaşmak, yoğunlaştırmak
intensity {n} (quality of being intense) :: yoğunluk
intensive {adj} (demanding, requiring a great amount) :: yoğun
intention {n} (course intended to follow) :: niyet
intently {adv} (in a focused manner) :: dikkatle
interatomic {adj} (between atoms) :: atomlararası, atomlar arası
intercom {n} (an electronic communication system) :: interkom
interdiction {n} (act of interdicting or something interdicted) SEE: prohibition ::
interest {n} (finance: price of credit) :: faiz
interest {n} (great attention and concern from someone) :: ilgi
interest {n} (involvement in or link with financial, business, or other undertaking) :: çıkar
interesting {adj} (arousing or holding the attention) :: ilginç, enteresan
interestingness {n} (state of being interesting) :: ilginçlik
interface {n} (point of interconnection between entities) :: arayüz
interface {n} (computing: point of interconnection between systems or subsystems) :: arayüz
interface {n} (computing: connection between a user and a machine) :: arayüz
interface {n} (computing, object-oriented: connection between parts of software) :: arayüz
interface {n} (computing, object-oriented: piece of code defining a set of operations that other code must implement) :: arayüz
interior {adj} (having to do with the inner part of something) :: , içteki
interior {n} (the inside of an enclosed structure) ::
interjection {n} (exclamation or filled pause in grammar) :: ünlem, nida
interlanguage {n} (creole) SEE: creole ::
Interlingua {prop} (interlanguage based on Romance languages) :: İnterlingua
intermarriage {n} (mixed marriage) SEE: mixed marriage ::
internal combustion engine {n} (a piston or a rotary heat engine) :: içten yanmalı motor
international {adj} (between, concerning, or transcending multiple nations) :: uluslararası, enternasyonal, milletlerarası, beynelmilel,
International Court of Justice {prop} (UN court) :: Uluslararası Adalet Divanı
internationalism {n} (cooperation between nations) :: enternasyonalizm
internationalization {n} (conversion of something to make it international) :: uluslararasılaştırma
internationalization {n} (software: act of making something suitable for international markets) :: uluslararasılaştırma
International Phonetic Alphabet {prop} (standardized symbols for speech) :: Uluslararası Fonetik Alfabesi
International System of Units {prop} (standard set of basic units of measurement) :: Uluslararası Birim Sistemi, Uluslararası Ölçüm Sistemi, SI
International Telecommunication Union {prop} (United Nations agency) :: Uluslararası Telekomünikasyon Birliği
internet {n} (the Internet, largest global internet) SEE: Internet ::
Internet {prop} (specific internet consisting of the global network of computers) :: İnternet
Internet cafe {n} (place where one can use a computer with Internet) :: İnternet kafe
Internet of Things {prop} (Internet-like structure connecting everyday physical objects) :: nesnelerin İnternet'i
internship {n} (job taken by a student) :: staj
interoperability {n} (computing) :: birlikte işlerlik
interphase {n} (stage of cellular life cycle) :: interfaz
interpreter {n} (one who interprets speech) :: çevirici, çevirmen, dilmaç, dragoman, tercüman
interpreter {n} (computer program) :: yorumlayıcı
interrogate {v} (to question or quiz) :: sorguya çekmek, sorgulamak, soru sormak, isticvap etmek, istinkak etmek
interrogation mark {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark ::
interrogation point {n} (question mark) SEE: question mark ::
intersection {n} (junction of two or more paths, etc) :: kesişme
intersex {n} (condition) SEE: intersexuality ::
intersexuality {n} (the state of having physical features of both sexes) :: interseksüalite
interspersed {adj} (placed at intervals amongst other things) :: serpilmiş, serpiştirilmiş
interstellar {adj} (between stars) :: yıldızlararası
interstellar {adj} (among stars) :: yıldızlararası
interval {n} (distance in space) :: ara
interval {n} (period of time) :: aralık
interview {n} (conversation with journalist etc.) :: mülâkat
interviewer {n} (one who interviews) :: röportajcı
intestine {n} (alimentary canal) :: bağırsak
intestine {n} (subdivision of the alimentary canal) :: bağırsak
in the event {conj} (if) SEE: if ::
in the future {prep} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king {proverb} (In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king) :: körler ülkesinde tek gözü olan kral olur
in the mood {prep} (disposed to do (something)) :: havasında olmak
in the nick of time {prep} (at the last possible moment) :: son anda, [idiomatic] yumurta kapıya dayanınca
in the way of {prep} (in relation to) :: -çe, -ca, -ça, -ce
in the wild {prep} (not domesticated) :: doğada, tabiatta
inthronization {n} (enthronement) SEE: enthronement ::
intifada {n} (intifada) :: intifada
into {prep} (going inside) :: içine
into {prep} (against, with force) :: karşı
intonation {n} (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking) :: tonlama
intranet {n} (private computer network that uses the protocols of the Internet) :: iç ağ
intransitive {adj} (of a verb, not taking a direct object) :: geçişsiz
intransitive verb {n} (action verb not taking a direct object, see also: neuter) :: geçişsiz fiil, geçişsiz eylem
intraocular pressure {n} (fluid pressure inside the eye) :: göz tansiyonu
intrepid {adj} (fearless) :: gözü pek, korkusuz, yılmaz
intricacy {n} (The state or quality of being intricate or entangled) :: anlaşmazlık, giriftlik, karmaşıklık, karışıklık
intricate {adj} (having a great deal of fine detail or complexity) :: ince işçilik
intrigue {n} (plot or scheme) :: entrika
intrinsically {adv} (in an intrinsic manner, internally, essentially) :: doğası gereği
introduce {v} (to cause someone to be acquainted) :: tanıştırmak
introduce {v} (to bring into practice) :: uygulamaya koymak
introspection {n} (the act or process of self-examination) :: iç gözlem, içe bakış, introspeksiyon [psychology]
introspective sort {n} :: içgözlemle sıralama
introversion {n} (psychology: orientation towards the self and mental abstraction) :: içe dönüklük
intrusion {n} (forcible entry) :: haneye tecavüz, tecavüz
intuition {n} (immediate cognition without the use of rational processes) :: görü, sezgi
intuitionism {n} (approach to mathematics which avoids proof by contradiction) :: sezgicilik
intuitive {adj} (automatic, without requiring conscious thought) :: sezgili, sezgisel
invade {v} (to enter by force in order to conquer) :: istila etmek
invalid {adj} (not valid) :: geçersiz
invalid {n} (sick person) :: hasta, yatalak
invalidate {v} (to make invalid) :: geçersizleştirmek, hükümsüz kılmak
invalidated {adj} :: geçersizleştirilmiş, hükmünü kaybetmiş
invariant {adj} (that does not vary) :: değişmez, sabit
invariant {adj} (that is not affected by a specified operation) :: sabit´
invasion {n} (military action) :: saldırı, işgal, tecâvüz
invented {adj} (imaginary) SEE: imaginary ::
invention {n} (something invented) :: buluş, icat
invention {n} :: icat
inventor {n} (one who invents) :: mucit
invert {n} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
invertebrate {n} (animal without backbone) :: omurgasız
investigation {n} (the act of investigating) :: inceleme, soruşturma, tahkikat
investigator {n} (one who investigates) :: araştırıcı, araştırmacı, soruşturmacı
investor {n} (person who invests money in order to make a profit) :: yatırımcı
inveterate {adj} (malignant) SEE: malignant ::
invigorate {v} (To impart vigor, strength, or vitality to) :: canlandırmak, hayat bulmak, kuvvetlendirmek
invincible {adj} (impossible to defeat, destroy or kill) :: yenilmez
invincible {n} (someone who cannot be defeated, destroyed or killed) :: yenilmez
invisible {adj} (unable to be seen) :: görünmez
Invisible Pink Unicorn {prop} (unicorn goddess) :: Görünmez Pembe Tekboynuz
invite {v} (ask for the presence or participation of someone) :: davet etmek, çağırmak
invite {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
invoice {n} (bill) :: fatura
involuntary muscle {n} (involuntary muscle) :: istemsiz kas
Ioannina {prop} (capital of Epirus) :: Yanya
IOC {prop} (initialism of International Olympic Committee) :: UOK
iodine {n} (element) :: iyot
ion {n} (atom or group of atoms bearing an electrical charge) :: iyon
Ionia {prop} ((historical) Ancient Greek settlement in Asia Minor) :: İyonya
ionic bond {n} (bond where atoms are connected by electrostatic attraction) :: iyonik bağ
ionosphere {n} (part of Earth's atmosphere) :: iyonosfer
Iowa {prop} (A state in Midwestern US) :: Iowa
IPA {prop} (International Phonetic Alphabet) :: UFA
iPhone {n} (device) :: iPhone
iPod {n} (device) :: iPod
iqama {n} (second call to prayer) :: kamet
Iran {prop} (country in Western Asia) :: İran
Iran {prop} (Persia) SEE: Persia ::
Irani {adj} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian ::
Irani {n} (Iranian) SEE: Iranian ::
Iranian {n} (person from Iran or of Iranian descent) :: İranlı
Iranian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Iran, the people or Iranian languages) :: İranlı
Iraq {prop} (country) :: Irak
Iraqi {n} (person from Iraq) :: Iraklı
irascible {adj} (prone to anger) :: asabi, sinirli, atarlı [slang], aksi, ters, huysuz, hırçın, şirret
Ireland {prop} (island) :: İrlanda
iridescent {adj} (producing lustrous colors) :: yanardöner, janjan, alaca
iridescent {adj} (brilliant, lustrous, or colorful) :: yanardöner, janjan, alaca
iridium {n} (chemical element) :: iridyum
iris {n} (plant of the genus Iris) :: süsen, iris
iris {n} (part of the eye) :: iris
Irish Sea {prop} (a sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland) :: İrlanda Denizi
Irish setter {n} (a breed of gun dog) :: İrlanda seteri
Irish wolfhound {n} (sighthound) :: İrlanda kurt köpeği
iron {adj} (made of iron) :: demir
iron {v} (to pass an iron over clothing) :: ütülemek
iron {n} (shackles) SEE: shackles ::
iron {n} (chemical element Fe) :: demir
iron {n} (for pressing clothes) :: ütü
iron maiden {n} (torture device) :: demir bakire
ironsmith {n} (blacksmith) SEE: blacksmith ::
irony {n} (statement that may mean the opposite of what is written literally) :: tezat, ironi
irony {n} (condition contrary to expectations) :: ironi
irrational number {n} (real number that is not rational) :: irrasyonel sayı
irredentism {n} (an annexation doctrine) :: irredantizm
irrelevant {adj} (not related, not applicable, unimportant, not connected) :: ilgisiz, alakasız
irreligion {n} (state of being irreligious) :: dinsizlik
irresolute {adj} :: kararsız
irresponsible {adj} (not responsible; not subject to responsibility) :: mesul/sorumlu olmayan
irresponsible {adj} (lacking a sense of responsibility) :: mesuliyetsiz, sorumsuz
irreverent {adj} (lacking respect or seriousness) :: hürmetsiz, saygısız
irritable {adj} (capable of being irritated) :: hırçın, huysuz, aksi
irritable {adj} (easily exasperated or excited) :: hırçın, huysuz, aksi
irritate {v} (to cause or induce displeasure or irritation) :: kızdırmak, öfkelendirmek, sinirlendirmek, sinir etmek, sinirini bozmak, gıcık etmek, tahriş etmek, kaşındırmak
irritation {n} (the act of irritating) :: iritasyon, irkilme, öfke
irritation {n} (the act of exciting, or the condition of being excited to action, by stimulation) :: iritasyon
irritation {n} (oversensitiveness of part of the body) :: iritasyon, irkilme
Isaac {prop} (son of Abraham and Sarah) :: İshak
is anyone sitting here {phrase} (is anyone sitting here?) :: burada oturan var mı?, burada kimse oturuyor mu?, burası boş mu?
Isfahan {prop} (third largest city of Iran) :: İsfahan
-ish {suffix} (appended to words) :: -ca, -ça, -ce, -çe
Ishikawa {prop} (Ishikawa, Japan) :: İşikava
Ishmael {prop} (eldest son of Abraham) :: İsmail
ISIL {prop} (ISIS) SEE: ISIS ::
ISIS {prop} (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) :: IŞİD
is it going to rain {phrase} (is it going to rain) :: yağmur mu yağacak?
Islam {prop} (religion) :: İslam
Islamabad {prop} (the capital of Pakistan) :: İslamabad
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan {prop} (Official name of Afghanistan) :: Afganistan İslam Cumhuriyeti
Islamic Republic of Iran {prop} (full, official name of Iran) :: İran İslam Cumhuriyeti
Islamic Republic of Mauritania {prop} (official name of Mauritania) :: Moritanya İslam Cumhuriyeti
Islamic Republic of Pakistan {prop} (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) :: Pakistan İslam Cumhuriyeti
Islamic State {prop} (jihadist group, see also: IS) :: İslam Devleti
Islamism {n} (Islamic fundamentalism) :: İslamcılık
Islamist {n} (person with Islamic fundamentalist beliefs) :: İslamcı
Islamist {adj} (motivated by Islam in politics) :: İslamcı
Islamophobia {n} (fear or hatred of Islam or Muslims) :: islamofobi, İslamofobi
island {n} (area of land completely surrounded by water) :: ada, aral, cezire
islander {n} (person who lives on an island) :: adalı
island state {n} (state consisting of one or more islands) :: ada ülkesi
isle {n} (isle) SEE: island ::
islet {n} (small island) :: adacık
-ism {suffix} (a principle, belief or movement) :: -izm
isn't it so {phrase} (isn't it so?) :: değil mi?
isobutane {n} (a hydrocarbon: C4H10) :: izobütan
isogloss {n} (line indicating geographical boundaries of a linguistic feature) :: lehçe sınır çizgisi
isohyet {n} (a line of equal or constant rainfall on a graph or chart) :: izoyet
isolect {n} (a language or dialect) :: eşlehçe
isomer {n} (chemistry: compounds) :: izomer
isopod {n} (crustacean of the order Isopoda) :: tespih böceği
isothermic {adj} :: izotermik
isotonic {adj} (having the same osmotic pressure) :: izotonik
ISP {n} (Internet service provider) :: ISS
Ispir {prop} (town and district in Turkey) :: İspir
Israel {prop} (the state) :: İsrail
Israeli {n} (person from Israel or of Israeli descent) :: İsrailli
Israeli {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Israel, the Israeli people) :: israilli
ISS {prop} (International Space Station) :: UUİ
Issyk Kul {prop} (a lake in Kyrgyzstan) :: Issık Göl, Isık Göl
-ist {suffix} (One who follows a particular ideology, doctrine, belief system or theory) :: -ist
-ista {suffix} (follower) SEE: -ist ::
Istanbul {prop} (largest city of Turkey and last capital of Ottoman Empire) :: İstanbul
Istanbulite {n} (person from Istanbul) :: İstanbullu
is there a smaller size {phrase} (is there a smaller size?) :: [clothes] daha küçük bedeni var mı?, [shoes] daha küçük numarası var mı?, [clothes, especially pants] daha küçük boyu var mı?
isthmus {n} (narrow strip of land) :: berzah, kıstak
it {pron} (subject — inanimate thing) :: o
IT {n} (information technology) :: BT, İT
IT {n} (information technology) SEE: information technology ::
Italian {adj} (of or pertaining to Italy) :: İtalyan
Italian {n} (inhabitant of Italy) :: İtalyan
Italian {n} (language) :: İtalyanca
Italian Republic {prop} (official name of Italy) :: İtalya Cumhuriyeti
italic {adj} (having a slant to the right) :: italik
italic {n} (typeface whose letters slant to the right) :: italik
italics {n} (italic) SEE: italic ::
Italy {prop} (European country) :: İtalya
it can't be helped {phrase} (it is inevitable) :: çaresi yok, başka yolu yok
itch {n} (a sensation felt on an area of the skin that causes a person or animal to want to scratch) :: kaşıntı, kaşınma
itch {v} (to feel the need to scratch) :: kaşınmak
it doesn't matter {phrase} (it doesn't matter) :: fark etmez
-ite {suffix} (used to form names of minerals and rocks) :: -it
I think so {phrase} (I think so) :: bence de
I think therefore I am {phrase} (philosophical proof of existence) :: düşünüyorum, öyleyse varım
itinerant {adj} (travelling from place to place) :: seyyar
itinerary {n} (route or proposed route of a journey) :: seyahat yolu, yolculuk yolu
itinerary {n} (account or record of a journey) :: seyahatname
itinerary {n} (guidebook for travellers) :: rehber
I told you so {phrase} (told you so!) :: ben demiştim, ha
its {determiner} (belonging to it) :: onun
its {pron} (that which belongs to it) :: onun
it's all Greek to me {phrase} (I don't understand any of this) :: bir şey anladıysam Arap olayım (let me be Arabic if I understand anything)
it's an emergency {phrase} (it's an emergency) :: acil, acil durum
it's a pleasure {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
it's cold outside {phrase} (it's cold outside (weather)) :: dışarısı soğuk
it's raining {phrase} (it's raining) :: yağmur yağıyor
it's snowing {phrase} (it's snowing) :: kar yağıyor
it's too expensive {phrase} (it's too expensive) :: çok pahalı
it was delicious {phrase} (phrase said to compliment a meal after eating it) :: lezzetliydi, lezizdi
-ity {suffix} (Used to form nouns from adjectives.) :: -lük, -luk, -lık, -lik
Ivanovich {prop} (patronymic) :: İvanoviç
Ivanovo {prop} (city in Russia) :: İvanovo
I've been raped {phrase} (I've been raped) :: tecavüze uğradım, ırzıma geçildi, iğfal edildim
I've been robbed {phrase} (I've been robbed) :: soyuldum
I've been shot {phrase} (I've been shot) :: vuruldum
I've burned myself {phrase} (I've burned myself) :: kendimi yaktım
I've burnt myself {phrase} (I've burned myself) SEE: I've burned myself ::
I've lost my keys {phrase} (I lost my keys) SEE: I lost my keys ::
ivory {n} (material) :: fildişi
Ivory Coast {prop} (Côte d'Ivoire) SEE: Côte d'Ivoire ::
ivy {n} (plant) :: sarmaşık
I want to go to the toilet {phrase} (I want to go to the toilet) :: tuvalete gitmek istiyorum
I want to know {phrase} (I want to know) :: bilmek istiyorum
I wish {phrase} (I would very much like that to be so) :: keşke
Ixion {prop} (king of Lapiths) :: İksiyon
Izhevsk {prop} (capital of Udmurtia) :: İjevsk
Izmir {prop} (city) :: İzmir
Izmirian {n} (person from Izmir) :: İzmirli