User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-w
wacky {adj} (zany) SEE: zany | :: |
Wadden Sea {prop} (Wadden Sea) | :: mare dei Wadden |
wade {v} /we͡ɪd/ (to walk through water or something that impedes progress) | :: guadare, procedere a stento, avanzare lentamente |
wade {n} (act of wading) | :: guado {m} |
wad hook {n} (two spiral blades arranged something like a corkscrew for extracting spherical objects from the bottom of a bore-hole, particularly a bullet from a firearm) | :: cavastracci {m} |
wadi {n} (a valley, gully, or stream-bed in northern Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during the rainy season) | :: uadi |
wading bird {n} (long-legged bird) | :: uccelli limicoli {m-p}, trampoliere {m}, uccello di ripa {m} |
wafer {n} /ˈweɪfə/ (biscuit) | :: wafer {m}, [ice-cream] cialda {f}, ostia {f} |
wafer {n} (religious token) | :: ostia {f} |
wafer {n} (electronics) | :: lamella {f}, dischetto {m} |
waffle {n} /ˈwɑ.fl/ (flat pastry) | :: cialda {f} |
waffle {v} (to speak or write at length without any clear point or aim) | :: blaterare ciarlare cianciare |
waffle {v} (vacillate) SEE: vacillate | :: |
wag {v} /wæɡ/ (to not go to school) | :: marinare la scuola |
wag {n} (oscillating movement) | :: scodinzolio {m} |
wage {n} /weɪd͡ʒ/ (money paid to a worker) | :: salario {m}, paga {f} |
wage {v} (to conduct or carry out) | :: condurre |
wager {n} /ˈweɪdʒɚ/ (a stake; a pledge) | :: posta (f); puntata (f), scommessa {f} |
wager {n} (an agreement) | :: scommessa (f) |
wager {n} (the subject of a bet) | :: evento su cui si scommette (see: scommettere) |
wager {v} (put up as collateral) | :: scommettere |
waggon {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon | :: |
wagon {n} /ˈwæɡ(ə)n/ (four-wheeled cart for hauling loads, see also: cart) | :: carro {m} |
wagon {n} (freight car on a railway) SEE: goods wagon | :: |
wagtail {n} (various small passerine birds) | :: cutrettola {f}, batticoda {f}, ballerina {f} |
Wahhabism {prop} (branch of Sunni Islam) | :: wahhabismo {m}, wahabismo {m} |
Wahhabite {n} (follower of Wahhabism) | :: wahabita {m} {f} |
wah-wah {n} (wavering sound) | :: wawa {f} |
waif {n} /weɪf/ (wanderer) | :: randagio {m}, vagabondo {m}, naufrago {m}, trovatello {m} |
waif {n} (goods found of which the owner is not known) | :: ritrovamento {m} |
wail {v} /weɪl/ (to cry out) | :: piangere, lamentarsi |
wail {v} (to weep, lament) | :: lamentarsi, gemere, piagnucolare |
wail {v} (to make a sound like crying) | :: gemere {m}, lamentarsi, ululare |
wail {v} | :: strillo |
wail {n} (loud cry or shriek) | :: urlo {m}, gemito {m}, lamento {m} |
wail {n} (a long drawn out howl) | :: suono di sirena {m} |
wain {n} /weɪn/ (a wagon; a four-wheeled cart for hauling loads, usually pulled by horses or oxen) | :: carro {m}, carretto {m} |
waist {n} /weɪst/ (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach) | :: vita {f}, cintura {f}, cintola {f} |
waist {n} | :: vita {f} |
waistcoat {n} /ˈweɪs(t)kəʊt/ (a sleeveless, collarless garment) | :: panciotto {m}, gilè {m}, corpetto {m} |
waistline {n} (line around the body at the waist; its measurement) | :: girovita {m}, vita {f} |
wait {v} /weɪt/ (delay until some event) | :: aspettare, attendere |
wait {v} (to serve customers) | :: servire a tavola |
wait {n} (a delay) | :: attesa |
wait {v} (transitive: delay until) SEE: await | :: |
wait-and-see {adj} (tending to observe) | :: accorto, cavilloso, guardingo, oculato, attendista |
waiter {n} /ˈweɪtə/ (a server in a restaurant or similar) | :: cameriere {m} |
wait for {v} (await) SEE: await | :: |
waiting {n} /ˈweɪ̯ɾɪŋ/ (the act of staying or remaining in expectation) | :: attesa {f}, aspettazione {f} [uncommon], aspetto {m} [archaic] |
waiting game {n} (strategy of refraining from action until circumstances change) | :: temporeggiare, tergiversare |
waiting room {n} (room) | :: sala d'aspetto {f}, sala d'attesa {f} |
waitress {n} (female waiter) | :: cameriera {f} |
waive {v} /weɪv/ (to relinquish; to give up claim to) | :: rinunciare |
waive {v} (to sway) | :: ondeggiare |
waive {n} (outlawed woman) | :: fuorilegge {f} |
waiver {n} /ˈweɪ.vɚ/ (the act of waiving) | :: rinuncia {f}, esonero {m} |
waiver {n} (legal document) | :: liberatoria {f} |
wake {v} /ˈweɪk/ (to stop sleeping) | :: risvegliarsi, svegliarsi |
wake {v} (to make somebody stop sleeping) | :: svegliare |
wake {v} | :: svegliarsi, svegliare |
wake {n} (period after death) | :: veglia {f} |
wake {n} (path left behind a ship on the surface of the water) | :: scia, strascico {m} |
wake {n} (turbulent air left behind a flying aircraft) | :: turbolenza {f} |
wakeful {adj} (restless) | :: irrequieto, smanioso, vigile, attento |
wake up {v} (to (become) awake) | :: svegliarsi |
wake-up call {n} (figuratively: alert, reminder, call to action) | :: campanello d'allarme {m} |
wake up on the wrong side of bed {v} (to be irritable) SEE: get up on the wrong side of the bed | :: |
Waldemar {prop} (male given name) | :: Valdemaro {m} |
Waldensian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Waldenses) | :: valdese {m} {f} |
Waldensian {n} (one who holds the doctrines of the Waldenses) | :: valdese {m} {f} |
waldmeister {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff | :: |
Wales {prop} /weɪlz/ (a constituent nation of the UK) | :: Galles |
wali {n} /ˈwɑːliː/ (provincial governor in certain Islamic countries) | :: valì {m} |
walk {v} /wɔk/ (to move on the feet) | :: camminare, andare a piedi |
walk {v} (to travel a distance by walking) | :: camminare |
walk {v} (to take for a walk) | :: portare fuori |
walk {v} (to full cloth) | :: sodare |
walk {n} (trip made by walking) | :: camminata {f}, passeggiata {f} |
walkabout {n} (public stroll) | :: bagno di folla {m} |
walk a tightrope {v} (to undertake a precarious course) | :: camminare sul filo del rasoio |
walking cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick | :: |
walking stick {n} (cane) | :: bastone {m}, bastone da passeggio {m} |
walk of life {n} (occupation, role, class, or lifestyle) | :: estrazione sociale {f} |
walk-on {n} (actor with a small part) | :: figurante {m} {f} |
walk-on {n} (small part in a play or film) | :: figurazione {f} |
walk on eggshells {v} /ˌwɔːk ɒn ˈɛɡʃɛlz/ (to act carefully to avoid upsetting someone) | :: camminare sulle uova, andare con i piedi di piombo |
walkout {n} (stoppage of work) SEE: strike | :: |
walk out on {v} (to abandon) | :: abbandonare |
walk the dog {v} (take a dog for a walk) | :: portare a spasso il cane |
walk the talk {v} (to act in accordance with one's words) | :: fare seguire alle parole i fatti |
walkway {n} /ˈwɔːkˌweɪ/ (clearly defined path) | :: passerella {f} |
wall {n} /wɔl/ (defensive rampart) | :: vallo {m}, steccato {m}, fortificazione {f} |
wall {n} (structure built for defense surrounding an area) | :: muro {m}, fortificazione {f} |
wall {n} (substantial structure acting as side or division in a building) | :: muro {m}, parete {f} |
wall {n} (impediment to free movement) | :: barriera {f} |
wall {n} (anatomy, zoology, botany: divisive or containing structure) | :: parete {f}, muraglia {f} |
wall {v} (to enclose by surrounding with walls) | :: murare |
wallaby {n} /ˈwɒləbi/ (Any of several species of Marsupial) | :: wallaby {m} |
Wallachia {prop} /wɒlˈeɪ.kiː.ə/ (region in Romania) | :: Valacchia {f} |
wallet {n} /ˈwɒlɪt/ (case for keeping money) | :: portafoglio {m}, borsellino {m} |
walleye {n} (Sander vitreus) | :: occhiogrigio {m} |
wallflower {n} /ˈwɔl.ˌflɑʊ.ɚ/ (any of several short-lived herbs or shrubs of the Erysimum) | :: violaciocca {f} |
Wallis and Futuna {prop} (an overseas territory of France in Oceania) | :: Wallis e Futuna |
Wallonia {prop} /wəˈləʊnɪə/ (a region) | :: Vallonia {f} |
Walloon {prop} /wəˈluːn/ (Romance language) | :: vallone {m} |
Walloon {n} (an inhabitant of Wallonia) | :: vallone {m} {f} |
Walloon {adj} | :: vallone {m} {f} |
wallow {v} /ˈwɒ.ləʊ/ (to roll oneself about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire) | :: sguazzare, guazzare, rotolarsi |
wallow {v} (to immerse oneself in, to occupy oneself with, metaphorically) | :: adagiarsi, crogiolarsi |
wallpaper {n} (decorative paper for walls) | :: carta da parati {f} |
walls have ears {proverb} (be careful about what you say) | :: i muri hanno le orecchie |
walnut {n} /ˈwɑlnət/ (tree) | :: noce {m} |
walnut {n} (nut) | :: noce {f} |
walnut {n} (wood) | :: noce {m} |
walnut {adj} (colour) | :: noce |
Walpurgis night {n} (Walpurgis Night) | :: Notte di Valpurga {f} |
walrus {n} /ˈwɑl.ɹəs/ (large Arctic marine mammal) | :: tricheco {m} |
Walter {prop} /ˈwɔltɚ/ (male given name) | :: Gualtiero {m} |
waltz {n} /wɔːlts/ (a ballroom dance) | :: valzer {m} |
waltz {n} (piece of music) | :: valzer {m} |
wan {adj} /wɒn/ (pale, sickly-looking) | :: cereo {m}, cadaverico {m}, smunto {m} |
wan {adj} (dim, faint) | :: fioco {m}, fioca {f} |
wand {n} /wɒnd/ (hand-held narrow rod) | :: bacchetta {f} |
wander {v} /ˈwɑndɚ/ (to move without purpose or destination) | :: errare, vagare, girovagare, passeggiare, bighellonare, vagabondare |
wander {v} (to stray from one's course) | :: allontanarsi, svicolare, perdersi |
wander {v} (to commit adultery) | :: tradire |
wander {v} (to go somewhere indirectly) | :: vagare, serpeggiare |
wander {v} (of the mind, to lose focus or clarity of argument or attention) | :: divagare |
wander {n} (act or instance of wandering) | :: vagabondaggio {m} |
wanderer {n} (one who wanders) | :: vagabondo, girovago, vagante, errante, ramingo, nomade, errabondo |
wandering albatross {n} (Diomedea exulans) | :: albatro urlatore {m} |
waning moon {n} (moon as it progresses from full moon to a new moon) | :: luna calante {f} |
wank {v} /wæŋk/ (intransitive: to masturbate) | :: masturbarsi, farsi una sega |
wank {v} (transitive: to masturbate) | :: masturbare, fare una sega |
wank {n} (act of masturbation) | :: masturbazione {f}, sega {f} |
wank {n} (rubbish, nonsense) | :: cazzata {f} |
wanker {n} /ˈwæŋkə(ɹ)/ (person who wanks) | :: segaiolo {m} |
wanker {n} (idiot) | :: coglione {m} |
want {v} /wɑnt/ (desire) | :: volere |
want {n} (desire, wish, longing) | :: volere {m}, voglia {f} |
want {n} (lack (of)) | :: mancanza {f} |
want {n} (poverty) | :: povertà {f}, miseria {f} |
want {v} (lack) SEE: lack | :: |
want list {n} (list of items missing from a collection) | :: mancolista {f} |
war {n} /wɔː/ (conflict involving organized use of arms) | :: guerra {f} |
war {n} (rhetorical: campaign against something) | :: guerra |
warble {v} /ˈwɔɹbl̩/ (to sing like a bird, especially with trills) | :: cinguettare |
warbler {n} /ˈwɔː(ɹ)blə(ɹ)/ (bird of the Sylviidae family) | :: capinera {f} |
warbler {n} (bird of the Parulidae family) | :: usignolo {m} |
war crime {n} (offense for violations of the law of war) | :: crimine di guerra {m} |
war criminal {n} (person guilty of a war crime) | :: criminale di guerra {m} |
war cry {n} (war cry) | :: grido di guerra {m} |
ward {n} /wɔːd/ (action of a watchman) | :: guardiano {m} |
ward {n} (Mormonism: subdivision of church) | :: rione |
ward {n} (part of a hospital where patients reside) | :: reparto {m} |
warden {n} /ˈwɔɹdən/ (a chief administrative officer of a prison) | :: direttore {m}, direttrice {f} |
warden {n} (an official charged with supervisory duties) | :: preside {m}, guardiano {m}, supervisore {m} {f} |
warder {n} (guard) | :: carceriere {m}, secondino {m}, guardiano {m}, custode {m}, sorvegliante {m} |
ward off {v} (to parry, or turn aside) | :: sviare, deviare, scansare, evitare, scapolare |
ward off {v} (to avert or prevent) | :: allontanare |
wardrobe {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
wardrobe {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
wardrobe {n} / ˈwɔːdɹəʊb/ (movable furniture for storing clothes) | :: armadio, guardaroba {m} |
wardrobe {n} (costume department) | :: guardaroba |
wardrobe {n} (collection of clothing) | :: guardaroba |
wardrobe malfunction {n} ((euphemism) an accidental instance of indecent exposure) | :: disfunzione del guardaroba {f}, incidente del guardaroba {m} |
wardroom {n} (living quarters of a ship) | :: quadrato ufficiali {m}, quadrato {m} |
ware {n} /wɛə(ɹ)/ (product) | :: merce, mercanzia |
ware {v} /wɛə(ɹ)/ (beware of something) | :: diffidare, stare all'erta |
warehouse {n} (A place for storing large amounts of products) | :: magazzino {m} |
warfare {n} /ˈwɔɹfɛɹ/ | :: guerra {f} |
Warholian {adj} (of or pertaining to Andy Warhol) | :: warholiano |
warlike {adj} /ˈwɔɹlaɪk/ (belligerent) | :: bellicoso |
warlike {adj} (bellicose) | :: bellicoso |
warlock {n} /ˈwɔɹ.lɑk/ (male magic-user) | :: stregone {m} |
warlord {n} (local ruler or bandit leader where the government is weak) | :: signore della guerra {m} |
warm {adj} /wɔɹm/ (having a temperature slightly higher than usual) | :: caldo |
warm {adj} (being something that causes warmth) | :: caldo, caloroso, cordiale |
warm {adj} (caring, of relation to another person) | :: caloroso |
warm {adj} (ardent, zealous) | :: ardente |
warm {v} (to make or keep warm) | :: riscaldare, scaldare |
warm {v} (to increasingly favour) | :: accostarsi a, affezionarsi a |
war memorial {n} (commemorial monument) | :: monumento ai caduti {m}, monumento ai morti {m} |
warm front {n} (the trailing edge of a mass of cold air) | :: fronte caldo {m} |
warming pan {n} (covered metal pan) | :: scaldaletto {m} |
warmonger {n} /ˈwɔː.mʌŋ.ɡə(ɹ)/ (one who advocates war) | :: guerrafondaio {m}, guerrafondaia {f}, bellicista |
warm someone's heart {v} (warm the cockles of someone's heart) SEE: warm the cockles of someone's heart | :: |
warmth {n} /wɔɹmθ/ (moderate heat; sensation of being warm) | :: calore {m} |
warm the cockles of someone's heart {v} (to provide happiness to someone) | :: riempire il cuore di gioia |
warn {v} /wɔːn/ (to make someone aware of impending danger) | :: avvertire, avvisare |
warning {n} /ˈwɔɹnɪŋ/ (instance of warning someone) | :: avvertimento {m} |
warning triangle {n} (a triangle used to warn other road users) | :: triangolo di sicurezza {m} |
warp {n} /wɔːp/ (state of being bent out of shape) | :: deformazione {f}, distorsione {f}, piegatura {f}, curvatura {f} |
warp {n} (distortion or twist) | :: deformazione {f}, distorsione {f}, piegatura {f}, curvatura {f}, inarcamento {m} |
warp {n} (threads running lengthwise) | :: ordito {m} |
warp {n} (nautical: line used in warping) | :: tonneggio {m} |
warp {n} (theoretical construct) | :: curvatura spazio-tempo |
warp {v} (to twist or turn something out of shape) | :: piegare, deformare, distorcere, inarcare, curvare, imbarcare, flettere |
warp {v} (to move a vessel) | :: tonneggiare, appennellare |
warp beam {n} (warp roll) | :: subbio {m} |
warped {adj} (distorted by warping) | :: deformato |
warrant {n} (warrant officer) SEE: warrant officer | :: |
warrant {v} (to justify) SEE: justify | :: |
warrant {v} (to authorize) SEE: authorize | :: |
warrant officer {n} (member of military) | :: ruolo marescialli {m}, ufficiale garante {m}, capomandamento {m}, maresciallo {m} |
warrant of payment {n} | :: intimazione di pagamento {f}, mandato di pagamento {m}, ordine di pagamento {m}, precetto di pagamento {m} |
warranty {n} /ˈwɔɹ.ən.ti/ (legal: an agreement which states that the goods or property in question will be in exactly the same state as promised) | :: garanzia {f} |
warranty {n} (a written guarantee, usually over a fixed period, provided to someone who buys a product or item, which states that repairs will be provided free of charge in case of damage or a fault) | :: garanzia {f} |
warring {adj} (engaged in war; belligerent) | :: belligerante |
warrior {n} /ˈwɔɹiɚ/ (person actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare) | :: guerriero {m}, guerriera {f} |
warrior {n} | :: guerriero {m} |
Warsaw {prop} /ˈwɔɹsɔ/ (capital city of Poland) | :: Varsavia {f} |
warship {n} /wɔːˌʃɪp/ (ship built or armed for naval combat) | :: unità militari navali {f} |
Warsovian {adj} (Varsovian) SEE: Varsovian | :: |
Warsovian {n} (Varsovian) SEE: Varsovian | :: |
wart {n} /wɔɹt/ (type of growth occurring on the skin) | :: verruca {f}, porro {m} |
wart-biter {n} (bush-cricket) | :: locustone {m} |
warthog {n} (a species of wild pig) | :: facocero {m} |
wartime {n} (period of a war) | :: tempo di guerra {m} |
war-torn {adj} (extensively damaged as the result of war) | :: devastato {m} dalla {f} guerra {f} |
wary {adj} /ˈwɛəɹ.i/ (cautious of danger; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous) | :: diffidente {m}, accorto, circospetto |
wary {adj} (characterized by caution; guarded; careful) | :: cauto, vigile, accorto, circospetto, guardingo, cauteloso |
wary {adj} | :: prudente {m}, sospettoso {m} |
war zone {n} (region of ongoing war) | :: zona di guerra {f} |
wasabi {n} /wəˈsɑːbi/ (green Japanese condiment) | :: wasabi {m} |
wash {v} /wɔɹʃ/ (to clean with water) | :: lavare |
wash {v} (to clean oneself) | :: lavarsi |
washbasin {n} (basin used for washing, sink) | :: lavabo {m}, lavello {m}, acquaio {m}, lavandino {m} |
washboard {n} (board to do laundry) | :: asse per lavare {m}, asse per il bucato {m} |
washer {n} (something that washes) | :: lavatrice {f} (washing machine), lavastoviglie {f} (dishwasher) |
washer {n} (flat disk) | :: rondella {f} |
washing {n} /ˈwɒʃɪŋ/ (textiles that have been or are to be washed) | :: bucato {m} |
washing machine {n} (machine that washes clothes) | :: lavatrice {f} |
Washington, D.C. {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) | :: Washington |
wash one's hands of {v} (absolve oneself of responsibility) | :: lavarsene le mani |
washroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
washstand {n} (table for washing) | :: porta catino {m}, porta bacinella {m} |
washtub {n} (tub used for washing clothes) | :: tinozza |
wash up {v} (be carried on to land by water) | :: spiaggiare |
wash up {v} (clean utensils, dishes, etc.) SEE: do the dishes | :: |
wasp {n} /wɒsp/ (insect) | :: vespa {f} |
waste {n} /weɪst/ (useless by-products, garbage) | :: rifiuto {m}, scarto {m}, immondizia {f} (garbage) |
waste {n} (excrement or urine) | :: escremento {m} |
waste {n} (waste land, desolate region) | :: distesa desolata {f}, landa desolata {f}, terra incolta {f}, terra desolata {f}, landa {f} |
waste {n} (action of wasting, ineffective use) | :: spreco {m}, sciupio {m}, scialacquio {m}, scialo {m}, dispendio {m} |
waste {n} (gradual loss or decay) | :: decadenza {f} |
waste {adj} (barren) | :: incolto, deserto, arido |
waste {adj} (excess) | :: residuo, di scarto, di rifiuto |
waste {adj} (superfluous; needless) | :: superfluo, inutile, non necessario |
waste {v} (to destroy) | :: distruggere, devastare |
waste {v} (to decay) | :: indebolire, debilitare |
waste {v} (to squander) | :: sperperare, sprecare |
waste {v} (slang: to kill) | :: uccidere, ammazzare, fare fuori |
waste {v} (to weaken) | :: deperire, indebolirsi |
wastebasket {n} (wastepaper basket) SEE: wastepaper basket | :: |
wastebasket {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can | :: |
waste breath {v} (to speak futilely) | :: sprecar fiato |
wasted {adj} /ˈweɪstɪd/ (not profitably used) | :: sprecato |
waste not, want not {proverb} | :: il risparmio è il miglior guadagno |
waste of time {n} (meaningless or fruitless activity) | :: perdita di tempo {f}, spreco di tempo {m} |
wastepaper basket {n} (small open container for discarded paper) | :: cestino della carta straccia {m} |
waste time {v} (allow time to elapse in an unproductive manner) | :: perdere tempo, sprecare tempo |
wastewater {n} (water containing waste products) | :: acque reflue {f-p}, acque di scarico {f-p} |
watch {n} /wɔt͡ʃ/ (portable or wearable timepiece) | :: orologio {m}, cipolla {f}, orologio da tasca {m} |
watch {n} (the act of guarding) | :: vigilanza {f}, sorveglianza {f}, guardia {f} |
watch {n} (particular time period) | :: turno di guardia {m} |
watch {n} (person or group of people who guard) | :: sorveglianza {f}, guardia {f} |
watch {n} (place where a watchman is posted) | :: posto di guardia {m} |
watch {n} (group of sailors and officers) | :: personale di guardia {m}, personale di sorveglianza {m}, personale di turno {m} |
watch {n} (period of time on duty) | :: guardia {f} |
watch {v} (to look at for a period of time) | :: guardare |
watch {v} (to observe) | :: guardare, osservare |
watch {v} (to attend or guard) | :: tenere d'occhio, sorvegliare, vigilare, fare attenzione |
watch {v} (to be wary) | :: tenere d'occhio, stare attento a |
watch {v} (to be vigilant) | :: montare la guardia |
watch cap {n} (knitted cap) SEE: beanie | :: |
watchdog {n} (person) | :: cerbero {m} |
watchdog {n} (dog) SEE: guard dog | :: |
watcher {n} (guard) SEE: guard | :: |
watchmaker's {n} (workshop of a watchmaker) | :: orologeria {f} |
watchman {n} (guard) | :: guardiano, sorvegliante |
watch one's mouth {v} (watch one's mouth) | :: fare attenzione a quello che si dice, cucirsi la bocca |
watch out {v} (to use caution) | :: attento! |
watch out {interj} (proceed with caution) | :: attenzione! |
watch over {v} (to guard and protect) | :: vegliare, piantonare |
watchtower {n} (observation tower) | :: torre di guardia {f} |
water {n} (amniotic fluid) SEE: amniotic fluid | :: |
water {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water | :: |
water {v} /ˈwɔtəɹ/ (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)) | :: annaffiare |
water {v} (to provide (animals) with water) | :: abbeverare |
water {n} (clear liquid H₂O) | :: acqua {f} |
water {n} (spa water) | :: acque {f-p} |
water {n} (one of the basic elements) | :: acqua {f} |
water {n} (body of water, or specific part of it) | :: acque {f-p} |
water {n} (urine) | :: acqua {f} |
water {n} (serving of water) | :: minerale {f}, bottiglia {f} d'acqua [bottle of water], bicchier {m} d'acqua [glass of water] |
water bear {n} (A member of the phylum Tardigrada) | :: orso d'acqua, tardigrado {m} |
waterbed {n} (bed with a mattress filled with water) | :: materasso ad acqua {m} |
waterbody {n} (significant accumulation of water) SEE: body of water | :: |
water bottle {n} (A bottle used for carrying water) | :: borraccia, fiaschetta, fiasco |
water carrier {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius | :: |
water carrier {n} (domestique) SEE: domestique | :: |
water clock {n} (device for measuring time) | :: clessidra |
water clock {n} (clepsydra) SEE: clepsydra | :: |
water closet {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
water closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
watercolor {n} (a painting technique) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {n} (an artwork) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {n} (any paint used in this method) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {adj} (pertaining to the methods or products of watercolor) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolour {n} /ˈwɔ.tɜ.ˌkʌ.lɜ/ (pigment) | :: acquerello {m} |
watercolour {n} (painting) | :: acquerello {m} |
watercolour {n} (genre) | :: acquerello {m} |
watercourse {n} (channel through which water flows) | :: corso d'acqua {m}, corso |
watercress {n} /ˈwɔtəɹkɹɛs/ | :: nasturzio {m}, crescione d'acqua |
water cycle {n} (the natural cycle of water through evaporation, condensation and precipitation) | :: ciclo dell'acqua {m}, ciclo idrologico {m} |
water diviner {n} (water diviner) SEE: dowser | :: |
water dog {n} (water dog) | :: cane d'acqua {m} |
waterdog {n} (axolotl) SEE: axolotl | :: |
water down {v} (to dilute) | :: diluire |
waterfall {n} /ˈwɔtɚfɔl/ (flow of water over the edge of a cliff) | :: cascata {f} |
waterfall {n} (waterfall-like outpouring) | :: cascata {f} |
waterfowl {n} (birds that spend most of their non-flying time on water) | :: uccelli acquatici {m-p} |
waterfront {n} (land alongside a body of water) | :: fronte mare {m} |
water gauge {n} (glass column) | :: idrometro {m} |
water gun {n} (toy gun used to shoot water) SEE: squirt gun | :: |
water heater {n} (appliance for heating water) | :: caldaia {f}, scaldabagno {m}, boiler {m} |
watering can {n} (utensil for watering plants) | :: innaffiatoio {m}, annaffiatoio {m} |
watering pot {n} (watering can) SEE: watering can | :: |
waterish {adj} (watery) SEE: watery | :: |
water lily {n} (Any members of Nymphaeaceae) | :: ninfea {f} |
watermark {n} (translucent design impressed on paper) | :: filigrana {f} |
water meadow {n} (low-lying area of grassland subject to seasonal flooding) | :: marcita {f} |
watermelon {n} /ˈwɔtəɹˌmɛlən/ (plant) | :: cocomero {m}, anguria {f} |
watermelon {n} (fruit) | :: cocomero {m}, anguria {f} |
watermilfoil {n} (plant of the genus Myriophyllum) | :: millefoglio {m} |
watermill {n} (mill powered by water) | :: mulino ad acqua {m} |
water pistol {n} (toy gun used to shoot water) SEE: squirt gun | :: |
water pollution {n} (water pollution) | :: inquinamento idrico {m}, inquinamento delle acque {m} |
water polo {n} (a water sport) | :: pallanuoto {f} |
water polo player {n} (player of water polo) | :: waterpolista, pallanuotista |
waterproof {adj} (unaffected by water) | :: impermeabile, a tenuta stagna |
waterproof {adj} (made or covered with material that doesn't let water in) | :: impermeabilizzato {m} |
waterproof {adj} | :: impermeabile |
waterproof {v} (to make waterproof or water-resistant) | :: impermeabilizzare |
waterproofing {n} (treatment to make waterproof) | :: impermeabilizzazione {f} |
water rail {n} (Rallus aquaticus) | :: porciglione {m} |
water scorpion {n} (insect of the family Nepidae) | :: nepa {f} |
water's edge {n} (edge of a body of water) | :: battigia {f}, bagnasciuga {m} |
watershed {n} /ˈwɔtɚʃɛd/ (boundary between adjacent catchment basins) | :: spartiacque {m} |
watershed {n} (drainage basin) SEE: drainage basin | :: |
waterside {n} (land bordering water) | :: lungomare {m} |
water ski {n} (ski used for water skiing) | :: sci nautico {m} |
water skiing {n} (water sport) | :: sci nautico {m} |
waterskin {n} (container) | :: otre {m} |
water softener {n} (device which reduces the calcium and magnesium concentration of hard water) | :: addolcitore |
water-soluble {adj} (dissolving easily in water) | :: idrosolubile |
watertight {adj} /ˈwɔː.tə.taɪt/ (tightly made) | :: a tenuta stagna, impermeabile |
watertightness {n} (condition of being watertight) | :: impermeabilità {f} |
water vapor {n} (water in a gaseous state) | :: vapore acqueo {m} |
water vapor {n} (steam) | :: vapore {m} |
water wheel {n} (wheel propelled by water) | :: bindolo {m} |
waterworks {n} (the water supply system of a town etc., including reservoirs, pumps and pipes) | :: sistema idrico {m}, acquedotto {m} |
waterworks {n} (any single facility, such as a filtration plant, within such a system) | :: sistema idraulico {m} |
watery {adj} (wet, soggy or soaked with water) | :: acquoso, acqueo, bagnato, inzuppato |
watery {adj} | :: acquoso |
watt {n} /wɑt/ (derived unit of power) | :: watt {m} |
wattle {n} /ˈwɒtəl/ (construction of branches and twigs) | :: canniccio, graticcio, intreccio di canne o vimini, recinzione {f} |
wattle {n} (fold of skin hanging from the neck of birds) | :: bargiglio |
wattle {n} (fleshy appendage on the neck of goat) | :: barbazzale {m} |
wattle {n} (loose hanging skin) | :: pappagorgia |
wattle {n} (Australian acacia) | :: acacia australiana |
wattmeter {n} (device for measuring electric power) | :: wattmetro {m}, wattometro {m} |
waulk {v} (full) SEE: full | :: |
wave {v} /weɪv/ (to move back and forth repeatedly) | :: ondeggiare |
wave {v} (to wave one’s hand) | :: agitare la mano |
wave {n} (moving disturbance, undulation) | :: onda {f} |
wave {n} (sudden unusually large amount of something) | :: ondata {f} |
wavefunction {n} /ˈweɪv.fʌŋ(k).ʃən/ (notion in quantum mechanics) | :: funzione d'onda {f} |
wavelength {n} /ˈweɪvˌlɛŋ(k)θ/ (the length of a single cycle of a wave) | :: lunghezza d'onda {f} |
wavemeter {n} (An instrument which meaures electromagnetic wavelengths) | :: ondametro {m} |
wavenumber {n} (measure of the number of waves) | :: numero d'onda {m} |
wave-particle duality {n} (concept applying to matter and radiation) | :: dualismo onda-particella |
wavy {adj} /ˈweɪvi/ (heraldry) | :: ondato {m} |
waw {n} /wɔː/ (Arabic letter) | :: vau {m} {f} |
wax {n} /wæks/ (oily, water-resistant substance) | :: cera {f} |
wax {adj} (made of wax) | :: di cera |
wax {v} (apply wax to) | :: cerare, incerare |
wax {v} (to assume specified characteristic) | :: diventare, divenire |
wax {v} (literary: grow) | :: crescere |
wax {v} (of the moon: appear larger each night) | :: crescere |
wax {n} (beeswax) SEE: beeswax | :: |
wax {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax | :: |
waxing moon {n} (The moon as it progresses from a new moon to a full moon) | :: luna crescente {f}, fase di novilunio {f}, congiunzione {f} |
waxlike {adj} (waxy) SEE: waxy | :: |
wax tablet {n} (tablet covered with wax) | :: tavoletta cerata |
waxy {adj} /ˈwæksi/ (Resembling wax in texture or appearance) | :: cereo |
way {adv} (very) SEE: very | :: |
way {adv} (far) SEE: far | :: |
way {n} /weɪ/ (road, direction, path) | :: via {f} |
way {n} (means to enter or leave) | :: mezzo {m} |
way {n} (method or manner) | :: maniera {f}, modo {m} |
way {adv} (much) SEE: much | :: |
waybill {n} (document that lists the final destination (and other details) of each part of a cargo) | :: lettera di vettura {f}, lettera di trasporto {f}, bolla {f} |
wayfarer {n} /ˈweɪˌfɛəɹ.ə(ɹ)/ (traveller) | :: viaggiatore {m}, viandante {m} {f} |
Way of the Cross {n} (series of images) | :: Via Crucis {m} |
way out {n} (exit) SEE: exit | :: |
way too {adv} (all too, much too, to a degree that is very excessive) | :: troppo, eccessivamente, soverchiamente |
way too {adv} | :: molto |
wayward {adj} /ˈweɪwɚd/ (given to wilful, perverse deviation from the expected norm; tending to stray) | :: contrario {m}, ribelle {m}, ostinato {m}, disobbediente {m} |
waza-ari {n} (a judo throw in which the opponent is thrown with control and accuracy) | :: wazaari {m} |
we {pron} /wiː/ (the speakers, or the speaker(s) and other person(s) not being addressed (exclusive we: he or she or they and I)) | :: noi, noialtri |
weak {adj} /wiːk/ (lacking in force or ability) | :: debole |
weak {adj} | :: debole |
weaken {v} /ˈwikən/ (to make weaker) | :: indebolire, spossare |
weaken {v} (to become weaker) | :: indebolirsi |
weaker sex {n} (women regarded collectively) | :: sesso debole {m} |
weaker vessel {n} (a woman; women collectively) | :: il sesso debole {m} |
weak force {n} (weak nuclear force) | :: debole forza {f} |
weakling {n} /ˈwijkˈlɪŋɡ/ (person of weak character) | :: femminuccia, coniglio, fifone, codardo, vigliacco, pollo, merlo, mollusco, pappamolle, smidollato, rammollito |
weakness {n} /ˈwiːk.nəs/ (condition of being weak) | :: debolezza {f}, cagionevolezza {f}, fievolezza {f} |
weakness {n} (fault) | :: debolezza {f}, punto debole {m}, tallone di Achille {m} |
weakness {n} (special fondness) | :: debole {m}, debolezza {f} |
weal {n} /wiːl/ (a raised, longitudinal wound, usually purple, on the surface of flesh caused by stroke of rod or whip) | :: pomfo |
wealth {n} /wɛlθ/ (riches; valuable material possessions) | :: ricchezza {f}, patrimonio {m} |
wealth {n} (great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money) | :: abbondanza {f} |
wealth {n} | :: ricchezza {f} |
wealthy {adj} /ˈwɛl.θi/ (rich) | :: benestante, abbiente, agiato {m}, facoltoso {m}, denaroso {m}, danaroso {m}, ricco {m} |
wealthy {adj} | :: danaroso |
wean {v} /wiːn/ (to cease giving milk) | :: svezzare |
wean {v} (to cause to quit something to which one is addicted or habituated) | :: disabituare |
weaning {n} (process of a child or animal ceasing to be dependent on the mother for nourishment) | :: svezzamento {m} |
weapon {n} /ˈwɛ.pən/ (instrument of attack or defense in combat) | :: arma {f} |
weaponless {adj} (lacking a weapon) | :: disarmato |
weapon of mass destruction {n} (weapon causing large-scale death or destruction) | :: arma di distruzione di massa {f} |
weaponry {n} (weapons collectively) | :: armi {f-p} |
wear {v} /wɛə/ (to have on (clothes)) | :: indossare, portare |
wear {n} (clothing) | :: abbigliamento {m} |
wear {n} (damage) | :: usura {f} |
wearable {adj} /ˈweəɹəbl/ (able to be worn) | :: indossabile, portabile |
wearer {n} (one who wears) | :: indossatore {m} |
wearing {adj} /ˈwɛɹɪŋ/ (intended to be worn) | :: indossare |
wear rose-colored glasses {v} (to be excessively optimistic) | :: guardare con gli occhi di un bambino, guardare con occhi di bambino |
weary {adj} /ˈwɪəɹi/ (tired, fatigued) | :: annoiato, tediato |
weary {adj} (expressive of fatigue) | :: spossato |
weary {adj} | :: stanco |
weary {v} (to make weary) | :: annoiare, annoiarsi, far scendere il latte alle ginocchia, tediare |
weary {v} (to become weary) | :: annoiarsi |
weasel {n} /ˈwiːz(ə)l/ (least weasel, Mustela nivalis) | :: donnola {f} |
weasel {n} | :: donnola {f} |
weather {n} /ˈwɛðə/ (state of the atmosphere) | :: tempo {m} |
weather {n} | :: tempo {m}, clima {m} |
weather {n} (situation) SEE: situation | :: |
weather balloon {n} (meteorological balloon) | :: pallone sonda {f} |
weathercock {n} (weather vane) | :: galletto segnavento {m} |
weathercock {n} (a fickle, inconstant person) | :: banderuola {f} |
weather forecast {n} (prediction of future weather) | :: previsioni del tempo {f-p} |
weather front {n} (boundary between two masses of air) | :: fronte meteorologico {m} |
weather gauge {n} (advantageous position of one sailing vessel with respect to another) | :: sopravento {m} |
weatherman {n} (weather forecaster) | :: meteorologo {m} |
weatherperson {n} (weatherman) SEE: weatherman | :: |
weather station {n} (station for meteorological observations) | :: stazione meteorologica {f} |
weather vane {n} (a device showing the direction of the wind) | :: banderuola {f} |
weave {v} /wiːv/ (to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another) | :: tessere, intrecciare, tramare, ordire, intessere |
weave {v} (to spin a cocoon or a web) | :: tessere |
weave {n} (a type or way of weaving) | :: tessuto {m} |
weaver {n} /ˈwi.vɚ/ (one who weaves) | :: tessitore {m}, tessitrice {f} |
weaving {n} /ˈwiːvɪŋ/ (process of making woven material) | :: tessitura {f} |
web {n} /wɛb/ (any interconnected set of persons, places, or things) | :: rete |
web {n} (the World Wide Web (also spelled Web)) | :: Web {m}, Rete {f} |
web {n} (spiderweb) SEE: spiderweb | :: |
web browser {n} /wɛb.bɹaʊ.zə(ɹ)/ (a computer program used to navigate the World Wide Web) | :: browser {m} |
webcam {n} /ˈwɛbˌkæm/ (video camera viewed over a network) | :: webcam |
weber {n} /ˈwɛbɚ/ (derived unit of magnetic flux) | :: weber {m} |
webfooted {adj} (having webbed feet) | :: palmipede |
webinar {n} (interactive seminar conducted via Internet) | :: seminario in rete {m}, teleseminario {m} |
weblog {n} (blog) SEE: blog | :: |
web page {n} (a single page in a website) | :: pagina web {f} |
website {n} /ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ (a collection of pages on the World Wide Web) | :: sito web {m}, sito {m} |
webspinner {n} (Any of the tropical or subtropical insects of the order Embioptera) | :: embiottero {m} |
wedding {n} /ˈwɛdɪŋ/ (marriage ceremony) | :: matrimonio {m}, nozze {f-p}, sposalizio {m} |
wedding cake {n} (cake used as part of a wedding ceremony) | :: torta nuziale {f} |
wedding dress {n} (the clothing worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony) | :: vestito da sposa {m}, abito da sposa {m} |
wedding gown {n} (wedding dress) SEE: wedding dress | :: |
wedding ring {n} (a ring symbolizing marriage) | :: fede {f}, vera {f} |
wedge {n} /wɛdʒ/ (simple machine) | :: cuneo {m}, bietta {f}, zeppa {f}, fermaporta {m} [doorstop] |
wedge {n} (piece of food etc.) | :: spicchio |
wedge {n} (figurative: something that creates a division) | :: cuneo {m} |
wedge {n} (type of golf club) | :: ferro da alzo |
wedge {n} (group of birds flying in V formation) | :: formazione a cuneo di oche, cigni, anatre |
wedge {v} (to support or secure using a wedge) | :: incuneare, imbiettare, rincalzare |
wedge {v} (to force into a narrow gap) | :: incuneare, conficcare, incastrare, infilare |
wedge {n} (sandwich) SEE: sub | :: |
wedge {n} (typography: háček) SEE: háček | :: |
Wednesday {n} /ˈwɛnzdeɪ/ (day of the week) | :: mercoledì {m} |
wee {adj} /wiː/ (small, little) | :: piccolo |
wee {n} | :: pipì {f} |
wee {v} | :: fare la pipì |
weed {n} (cigar) SEE: cigar | :: |
weed {n} (the weed) SEE: tobacco | :: |
weed {n} /wiːd/ (unwanted plant) | :: erbaccia {f} |
weed {n} (slang: marijuana) | :: maria {f}, erba {f} |
weed {v} (to remove weeds from) | :: diserbare |
weed eater {n} (string trimmer) SEE: string trimmer | :: |
weedkiller {n} (chemical that destroys unwanted plants) | :: erbicida {m} |
week {n} /wik/ (period of seven days) | :: settimana {f} |
weekday {n} /ˈwiːkdeɪ/ (weekday) | :: giorno feriale {m} |
weekend {n} /ˈwiˌkɛnd/ (break in the working week) | :: weekend {m}, fine settimana {m} {f} |
weekly {adv} /wiː (once every week) | :: settimanalmente |
weekly {adv} (every week) | :: settimanalmente |
weekly {adj} (of or relating to a week) | :: settimanale |
weekly {adj} (happening once a week or every week) | :: settimanale |
weekly {n} (publication that is published once a week) | :: settimanale {m} |
weenie {n} (Someone weak and unimportant) | :: mammoletta {f}, femminuccia {f}, coniglio, pollo, mollusco, merlo, eunuco, pappamolle, rammollito, pusillanime, codardo, vigliacco, smidollato, fifone, debole, checca, pisciasotto, cacasotto, vile |
weep {v} /wiːp/ (to cry, shed tears) | :: piangere, versare lacrime, lacrimare |
weeping willow {n} (Salix babylonica) | :: salice piangente {m} |
wee small hours {n} (very early morning) | :: ore piccole {f-p}, mattinata {f} |
weever {n} /ˈwi.vɚ/ (fish of Trachinidae) | :: tracina {f} |
weevil {n} /ˈwiːv(ə)l/ (beetle in the superfamily Curculionoidea) | :: curculione {m}, calandra, balanino |
wee-wee {n} | :: pipì {m}; pisellino {m}, pistolino {m} [male], patatina {f}, farfallina {f} [female] |
wee-wee {v} | :: fare pipì |
weft {n} /wɛft/ (horizontal threads) | :: trama {f} |
weigh {v} /weɪ/ (to determine the weight of an object) | :: pesare |
weigh {v} (to have a certain weight) | :: pesare |
weigh {v} | :: pesare |
weigh anchor {v} (raise the anchor) | :: levare l'ancora |
weighbridge {n} /ˈweɪbɹɪd͡ʒ/ (weighing platform) | :: bascula {f} |
weighing {adj} /ˈweɪ.ɪŋ/ (weighing) | :: pesatura |
weighing bottle {n} (A thin-walled glass container, with a ground-glass stopper) | :: pesafiltro {m} |
weighing machine {n} (a mechanical device for determing the weight of an object or person) | :: pesa {f} |
weight {n} (physics: mass) SEE: mass | :: |
weight {n} /weɪt/ (force due to gravity) | :: peso {m} |
weight {n} (object to make something heavier) | :: peso {m} |
weight {n} (weight for training muscles) | :: peso {m} |
weight {n} (statistics: multiplier) | :: peso {m} |
weight {v} (add weight) | :: appesantire |
weight {v} (oppress) | :: gravare |
weight {v} (in mathematics) | :: ponderare |
weightlessness {n} (having zero weight) | :: assenza di peso {f} |
weightlifting {n} /ˈweɪtˌlɪftɪŋ/ (form of exercise) | :: sollevamento pesi {m} |
weightlifting {n} (sport in which competitors lift heavy weights) | :: sollevamento pesi {m} |
weight loss {n} (reduction of body mass) | :: perdita di peso {f} |
weighty {adj} /ˈweɪti/ (rigorous; severe; afflictive) | :: importante |
Weimar Republic {prop} /ˈvaɪmɑː(ɹ) ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/ (Germany between 1919 and 1933) | :: Repubblica di Weimar {f} |
weird {adj} /ˈwiɚd/ (having supernatural or preternatural power) | :: anormale, surreale, paranormale, innaturale, fuori dall'ordinario |
weird {adj} (having an unusually strange character or behaviour) | :: strano, bizzarro |
weird {adj} (deviating from the normal; bizarre) | :: bizzarro, bislacco {m}, strambo {m} |
weirdo {n} /ˈwɪəɹdoʊ/ (strange person) | :: strambo |
welcome {adj} /ˈwɛlkəm/ (whose arrival is a cause of joy) | :: benvenuto {m} |
welcome {adj} (free to have or enjoy gratuitously) | :: libero {m} |
welcome {interj} (greeting given upon someone's arrival) | :: benvenuto! {m}, benvenuta! {f}, benvenuti! {p}, benvenute! {f-p}, salve |
welcome {n} (act of greeting someone's arrival) | :: accoglienza {f} |
welcome {n} (utterance of such a greeting) | :: benvenuto {m} |
welcome {v} (affirm or greet the arrival of someone) | :: accogliere, dare il benvenuto |
welcome {v} (to accept willingly) | :: accettare, gradire, |
welcome back {phrase} (welcome back) | :: bentornato |
welcoming {adj} (hospitable) | :: accogliente |
weld {v} /wɛld/ (to join materials (especially metals) by applying heat) | :: saldare |
weldable {adj} /ˈwɛldəbl̩/ (able to be welded) | :: saldabile |
welder {n} /ˈwɛldə(ɹ)/ (one who welds) | :: saldatore {m} |
welding {n} /ˈwɛldɪŋ/ (action or process of welding) | :: saldatura {f} |
welfare trap {n} (situation) | :: trappola della disoccupazione {f} |
welfarism {n} (The belief in or support of the welfare state) | :: welfarismo {m} |
welkin {n} (sky) SEE: sky | :: |
well {adv} /wɛl/ (accurately; competently) | :: bene |
well {adv} | :: bene |
well {adj} (in good health) | :: bene |
well {interj} (used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations) | :: beh, mbè |
well {interj} | :: bè, beh |
well {n} (hole sunk into the ground) | :: pozzo {m} |
well {n} (small section of a microtiter plate) | :: pozzetto |
well {v} (to issue forth) | :: sgorgare |
well {n} (cockpit of a sailing boat) SEE: cockpit | :: |
well and good {adj} (basically good) | :: tutto bene |
well begun is half done {proverb} (much depends on the beginning of an endeavour) | :: chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera |
well-being {n} (state of health, happiness and/or prosperity) | :: benessere {m} |
well-brought-up {adj} (having good manners) | :: beneducado |
well deck {n} (deck between forcastle and poop) | :: pozzetto {m} |
well-disposed {adj} (friendly and sympathetic) | :: bendisposto, benevolente |
well done {interj} (exclamation of praise) | :: bravo |
well-dressed {adj} (that dresses well) | :: agghindato, azzimato |
well-endowed {adj} (having a large penis) | :: [slang] superdotato {m} |
Wellerism {n} (proverb) | :: wellerismo {m} |
well-groomed {adj} (neat and well-dressed) | :: azzimato, ripulito, agghindato |
well-hung {adj} (having a large penis) | :: [slang] superdotato {m} |
Wellington {prop} /ˈwɛlɪŋtən/ (capital of New Zealand) | :: Wellington |
well-meaning {adj} (with good intentions) | :: benintenzionato |
wellness {n} (The quality or state of being in good health.) | :: benessere {m} |
well off {adj} (being in fortunate circumstances) | :: benestante |
well-to-do {adj} /ˌwɛltəˈdu/ (rich) | :: benestante, agiato {m}, abbiente, facoltoso {m}, denaroso {m}, danaroso {m} |
well, well, well {interj} (indicating consideration) | :: bene, bene |
wels catfish {n} (Silurus glanis) | :: siluro {m} |
Welsh {adj} /wɛlʃ/ (of or pertaining to Wales) | :: gallese |
Welsh onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion | :: |
welt {n} /wɛlt/ (raised mark on the body) | :: pomfo {m}, segno di frustata, gonfiore {m}, livido {m} |
welt {n} (strip of leather on a shoe) | :: tramezzo {m} |
weltanschauung {n} (worldview) SEE: worldview | :: |
welter-weight {n} (boxer) | :: peso welter |
wen {n} /wɛn/ (a cyst on the skin) | :: natta {f} |
Wenceslas {prop} (male given name) SEE: Wenceslaus | :: |
Wenceslaus {prop} (male given name) | :: Venceslao {m} |
wench {n} /wɛntʃ/ ((archaic) girl or young woman) | :: ragazza {f}, fanciulla {f} |
wench {n} ((archaic) woman servant) | :: domestica {f} |
wench {n} ((US, archaic or historical) black woman) | :: negra {f} |
Wendish {adj} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian | :: |
Wendish {prop} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian | :: |
Wendy {prop} /ˈwɛn.di/ (female given name) | :: Wendy {f} |
Wendy house {n} (toy house for children to play in) | :: casetta giocattolo {f} |
wenge {n} /ˈwɛnɡe/ (tropical timber) | :: wengé {m} |
were- {prefix} /weə(ɹ)/ (man) | :: mannaro |
werewolf {n} /ˈwɛəɹwʊlf/ (wolflike human) | :: licantropo {m}, lupo mannaro, uomo-lupo |
Wernicke's area {n} (posterior section of the superior temporal gyrus) | :: area di Wernicke {f} |
west {n} /wɛst/ (compass point) | :: ovest, occidente, ponente |
west {adj} | :: occidentale |
West Bank {prop} (territory) | :: Cisgiordania {f} |
West Berlin {prop} (western Berlin between 1949 and 1990) | :: Berlino Ovest {f} |
westerly {adj} /ˈwɛstə(ɹ)li/ (to/from the west) | :: occidentale |
western {adj} /ˈwɛstɚn/ (pertaining to the west) | :: occidentale |
western {n} (film or other dramatic work) | :: western {m} |
Western {adj} (of, situated in, or related to the West) SEE: western | :: |
Western Asia {prop} (the westernmost subregion of Asia) | :: Asia occidentale {f} |
western black-eared wheatear {n} (Oenanthe hispanica) | :: gastrica {f} |
western capercaillie {n} (Tetrao urogallus) | :: urogallina {f}, francolino di monte {m} |
western cattle egret {n} (Bubulcus ibis) | :: airone guardabuoi {f} |
Western concert flute {n} (transverse woodwind instrument made of metal or wood) | :: flauto traverso {m} |
western diamondback rattlesnake {n} (Crotalus atrox) | :: crotalo atroce {m} |
westerner {n} (inhabitant of Europe and the Americas) | :: occidentale {m} {f} |
Western Europe {prop} (Western Europe) | :: Europa occidentale {f} |
westernization {n} (assimilation of the western culture) | :: occidentalizzazione {f} |
western osprey {n} (Pandion haliaetus) SEE: osprey | :: |
Western Sahara {prop} (a territory in northern Africa) | :: Sahara Occidentale {m} |
western sandpiper {n} (Calidris mauri) | :: gambecchio dell’Alaska {m} |
western slaty antshrike {n} | :: averla formichiera occidentale |
Western Wall {prop} (ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple) | :: Muro del Pianto {m}, [rare] Muro Occidentale {m} |
West Frisian {prop} (language spoken in Friesland) | :: frisone occidentale {m} |
West Frisian {prop} (the Western Frisian dialect of Dutch) | :: frisone occidentale {m} |
West German {adj} (from or pertaining to West Germany) | :: tedesco-occidentale |
West German {n} (person who comes from or lives in West Germany) | :: tedesco-occidentale {m}, tedesca-occidentale {f} |
West Indies {prop} (islands of the Caribbean sea) | :: Indie Occidentali {f-p}, Antille {f-p} |
Westminster Abbey {prop} (large Gothic church) | :: Abbazia di Westminster {f} |
Westminster Cathedral {prop} (chuerch) | :: Cattedrale di Westminster {f} |
Westphalia {prop} (province of Germany) | :: Westfalia {f} |
Westphalian {n} /wɛstˈfeɪljən/ (geological period) | :: Westfaliano {m} |
West Virginia {prop} /ˈwɛst vɚˈdʒɪn.jə/ (US state) | :: Virginia Occidentale |
wet {adj} /wɛt/ (of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid) | :: bagnato, impregnato |
wet {adj} (of weather or a time period: rainy, see also: rainy) | :: piovoso, uggioso |
wet {v} (cover or impregnate with liquid) | :: bagnare |
wet {v} (urinate accidentally in or on) | :: bagnare |
wet behind the ears {adj} (inexperienced, not seasoned) | :: alle prime armi, muovere i primi passi, essere un novellino |
wet blanket {n} (someone who takes the fun out of a situation or activity) | :: guastafeste {m} {f} |
wet dream {n} (literally) | :: polluzione |
wether {n} /ˈwɛðɚ/ (castrated ram) | :: montone {m} |
wetness {n} /ˈwɛt.nəs/ (condition of being wet) | :: umidità |
wet nurse {n} (woman hired to suckle another woman's child) | :: balia |
wetsuit {n} /ˈwɛtˌs(j)ut/ (close fitting, insulating garment) | :: muta {f}, tuta da subacqueo {f} |
wet t-shirt competition {n} (event) SEE: wet t-shirt contest | :: |
wet t-shirt contest {n} (contest in which women wear wet t-shirts) | :: concorso di magliette bagnate {m} |
whack {n} /wæk/ (A blow, impact or slap) | :: colpo {m} |
whack {v} (to hit, slap or strike) | :: colpire |
whale {n} /weɪl/ (large sea mammal) | :: balena {f} |
whalebone {n} (horny material from fringed plates of upper jaw of baleen whale) | :: fanone {m} |
whale oil {n} (oil or fat extracted from whale blubber) | :: olio di balena {m} |
whaler {n} /ˈweɪlə/ (person who hunts whales) | :: baleniere {m} |
whaler {n} (vessel for hunting whales) | :: baleniera {f} |
whale shark {n} (Rhincodon typus) | :: squalo balena |
whaling {n} /ˈweɪlɪŋ/ (practice of hunting whales) | :: caccia alla balena {f} |
wham, bam, thank you ma'am {interj} (hit it and quit it) SEE: hit it and quit it | :: |
whangdoodle {n} /ˈwæŋ.duː.dl̩/ (whimsical monster in folklore and children's fiction) | :: babau |
whangdoodle {n} (term of disparagement) | :: incubo |
wharf {n} /wɔɹf/ (man-made landing place) | :: attracco {m} |
wharf {n} | :: molo {m}, banchina {f}, pontile {m} |
what {pron} /wɔt/ (what? (interrogative pronoun)) | :: che cosa, che, cosa |
what {pron} (relative pronoun: that which; those that; the thing that) | :: quello che, ciò che, quel che, cosa |
what {adv} | :: che |
what {interj} (expression of surprise) | :: cosa |
what {determiner} (which) | :: che |
what {determiner} (how much! (in an exclamation)) | :: quanto, che |
what about {adv} (used to make a suggestion) | :: se, e se + subjunctive |
what about {adv} (used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered) | :: e |
whataboutery {n} (whataboutism) SEE: whataboutism | :: |
whataboutism {n} (propaganda technique) | :: benaltrismo {m} |
what a lovely day {phrase} (what a lovely day) | :: che bella giornata |
what a pity {phrase} (used to express regret) | :: peccato, che peccato! |
what are you doing {phrase} (what are you doing) | :: [formal] che fa?, [informal] che fai? |
what a shame {phrase} (used to express regret) SEE: what a pity | :: |
whatchamacallit {n} /ˈwɒtʃəməkɔːlɪt/ (any object the actual name of which the speaker does not know or cannot remember) | :: coso {m} |
what date is it today {phrase} (what date is it today?) | :: che giorno è oggi? |
whatever {determiner} /ʍɒtˈɛvə/ (no matter which; for any) | :: qualunque, qualsiasi, qualsivoglia, come vuoi, checché |
whatever {determiner} (anything) | :: qualsiasi cosa |
whatever {interj} (indicating the speaker does not care what someone says) | :: vabbè |
whatever it takes {n} (anything required to achieve an objective) | :: ad ogni costo |
what for {adv} (For what reason; why) | :: perché |
what goes around comes around {proverb} (actions have consequences) | :: chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta, chi la fa l'aspetti, si raccoglie ciò che si semina |
what is her name {phrase} (what is her name?) | :: come si chiama?, qual è il suo nome? |
what is his name {phrase} (what is his name?) | :: qual è il suo nome?, come si chiama? |
what is that {phrase} (what is that?) | :: che cosa è questo? |
what is your name {phrase} (what is your name?) | :: come si chiama? [formal], come ti chiami? [casual], qual è il tuo nome? [casual], qual è il suo nome? [formal] |
what languages do you speak {phrase} (what languages do you speak?) | :: [formal] quali lingue parla?, [informal] quali lingue parli? |
what's cooking {interj} (greeting) | :: cosa sta succendendo?, che succede? |
what's cooking {interj} (request for an explanation) | :: cosa sta succedendo? |
what's-his-name {pron} (A person or entity whose name one does not remember) | :: Coso {m} |
what's new {phrase} (informal greeting asking what has happened recently) | :: novita? |
whatsoever {adj} /ˌ(h)wʌtsoʊˈɛvɚ/ (in any way) | :: comunque, qualsivoglia, ad ogni modo |
what's on your mind {phrase} (what is bothering you?) | :: che cosa hai in mente? |
what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander {proverb} (if something is acceptable for one person, it is acceptable for another) | :: quel che vale per l’uno vale anche per l’altro |
what's your phone number {phrase} (what's your phone number?) | :: Qual è il tuo numero di telefono? [informal], Qual è il suo numero di telefono? [formal] |
what the fuck {phrase} (An intensive form of what) | :: che cazzo |
what the fuck {interj} (expressing astonishment) | :: che cazzo |
what the fuck {interj} (expressing nonchalance) | :: che cazzo |
what the hell {phrase} (an intensive form of what) | :: che diavolo? cosa diavolo? (the Devil's thing) |
what the hell {phrase} (why not?) | :: che diavolo, perche no |
what time is it {phrase} (what is the time of day?) | :: che ora è?, che ore sono? |
wheal {n} (small raised swelling on the skin) SEE: weal | :: |
wheat {n} /wiːt/ (grain) | :: frumento {m}, grano {m} |
wheat flour {n} (flour from wheat) | :: farina di frumento |
wheat germ {n} (embryo of the wheat kernel) | :: germe di grano {m} |
wheatgrass {n} (Agropyron) | :: agropiro {m} |
wheat weevil {n} (species of weevils) | :: calandra del grano {f}, punteruolo del grano {m} |
wheedle {v} /ˈʍiː.dəl/ (obtain by guile or trickery) | :: ottenere con lusinghe |
wheel {n} /ʍiːl/ (a circular device facilitating movement or transportation) | :: ruota {f} |
wheel {n} (steering device in a vessel) | :: timone, ruota del timone |
wheel {n} (person with a great deal of power or influence) | :: pezzo grosso |
wheel {n} (wheel rim) | :: cerchio, cerchione |
wheel {v} (To roll along as on wheels) | :: ruotare, roteare, girare |
wheel {v} (To travel around in large circles, particularly in the air) | :: roteare, volteggiare, turbinare |
wheel {n} (steering wheel and its implied control of a vehicle) SEE: steering wheel | :: |
wheelbarrow {n} (small cart) | :: carriola {f} |
wheelchair {n} /ˈwiːlt͡ʃɛə(ɹ)/ (chair) | :: sedia a rotelle {f} |
wheel clamp {n} (a device locked to the wheel of a motor car to prevent it from being driven) | :: attrezzo a chiave per il blocco dei veicoli {m}, ganasce {f-p}, ceppi {m-p}, bloccaruota {f} |
wheeler-dealer {n} (political or commercial schemer) | :: faccendiere, intrallazzatore {m}, macchinatore {m} |
wheelhouse {n} /ˈʍiːlˌhaʊs/ (enclosed compartment on the deck of a vessel from which it may be navigated) | :: timoniera {f} |
wheelie {n} /ˈ(h)wiːli/ (action or stunt where a bicycle, etc., is ridden while standing only on its rear wheel or wheels) | :: impennata |
wheel of Fortune {prop} (Tarot card) | :: la ruota della fortuna {f} |
Wheel of Fortune {prop} (television game show) | :: La Ruota Della Fortuna {f} |
wheelwright {n} (person who builds and repairs wheels) | :: carradore {m}, carrettaio {m} |
wheeze {v} /ʍiːz/ (breathe hard) | :: ansimare, rantolare, anelare, boccheggiare, ansare |
wheeze {n} (piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration) | :: rantolo {m}, anelito {m} |
whelm {v} /ʍɛlm/ (to bury, cover; to engulf, submerge) | :: ingolfare, impantanarsi, immergersi, infognarsi, sopraffare, seppellire |
whelm {v} (to overcome with emotion) | :: essere sopraffatto |
when {adv} /ʍɛn/ (at what time, as a direct question) | :: quando |
when {conj} (as soon as, at the time that) | :: quando |
when {conj} (during the time that) | :: quando |
when {conj} (at what time; at which time) | :: quando |
when {conj} | :: quando |
when {pron} (what time; which time) | :: quando |
when {n} (the time) | :: quando {m} |
when {interj} (that's enough) | :: basta |
when all is said and done {phrase} (in the end) | :: in conclusione |
whence {adv} /ʍɛns/ (from where; from which place or source) | :: onde, donde, da dove |
whence {conj} (conjunction) | :: onde, donde, da dove, da cui |
whenever {conj} (when) SEE: when | :: |
whenever {conj} /wəˈnɛvɚ/ | :: ogni volta che |
when Hell freezes over {adv} (never) | :: alle calende greche, quando gli asini voleranno, mai |
when in Rome {proverb} (adjust to local customs) SEE: when in Rome, do as the Romans do | :: |
when in Rome, do as the Romans do {proverb} (behave as those around do) | :: paese che vai, usanze che trovi, a Roma, fai come i romani, quando a Roma vai, fai come vedrai, quando sei a Roma, vivi come i romani |
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade {proverb} (make the best out of difficult situations) | :: quando la vita ti dà limoni, prepara una limonata; se la vita ti offre limoni, fai una limonata |
when pigs fly {adv} (never, expressed by an idiom) | :: quando gli asini voleranno (when donkeys fly), alle calende greche (on the Greek calends) |
when the cat's away the mice will play {proverb} (in the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances) | :: quando il gatto non c'è, i topi ballano |
when the going gets tough, the tough get going {proverb} (in difficult times the strong-willed take action) | :: quando il gioco si fa duro, i duri cominciano a giocare |
where {conj} /ʍɛə(ɹ)/ (at or in which place) | :: dove |
where {conj} (to which place or situation) | :: laddove |
where {conj} (wherever) | :: laddove |
where {adv} (at what place; to what place; from what place) | :: dove |
where {pron} (the place in which) | :: dove |
where {n} (the place in which something happens) | :: dove {m} |
whereabouts {n} /ˌʍɛəɹəˈbaʊts/ (location) | :: dislocazione {f}, posizione {f}, dove, in che luogo |
where are we {phrase} (where are we) | :: dove siamo? |
where are we going {phrase} (where are we going?) | :: dove andiamo? |
where are you {phrase} (where are you?) | :: dove sei? [informal], dove è? [formal] |
where are you from {phrase} (in which country or region were you born or raised) | :: da dove vieni? [informal], da dove viene? [formal], di dove sei? [informal], di dov'è? [informal] |
whereas {conj} /weəɹˈæz/ (but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…) | :: laddove, mentre |
whereby {adv} /wɛə(ɹ)ˈbaɪ/ (by which) | :: per cui |
where does this bus go {phrase} (where does this bus go) | :: dove andare quest'autobus? |
where does this train go {phrase} (where does this train go) | :: dove andare questo treno? |
where do you live {phrase} (where do you live?) | :: dove vive? [formal], dove vivi? [informal] |
wherefore {conj} /ˈweə(ɹ)ˌfɔː(ɹ)/ (because of which) | :: perché |
where is the toilet {phrase} (where is the toilet?) | :: dov'è il bagno?, dov'è la toilette? |
wherenot {n} (wherever) SEE: wherever | :: |
where there is a will there is a way {proverb} /ʍɛə ˌðɛəɹ ɪz ə ˈwɪl ðɛəɹ ɪz ə ˈweɪ/ (if someone wants or wills something strongly enough, a way can be found) | :: volere è potere |
wherever {conj} /(h)wɛɹˈɛvɚ/ (in any place, anywhere) | :: dovunque [followed by the subjunctive] |
wherever {conj} (in all places, everywhere) | :: ovunque followed by the subjunctive, dappertutto |
wherewithal {n} /ˈwɛəɹ.wɪ.ðɔl/ (the ability and means to accomplish some task) | :: occorrente {m}, mezzi {m-p}, necessario {m} |
wherewithal {adv} (in what way; how) | :: come |
where you at {phrase} (where are you) SEE: where are you | :: |
whet {v} /ˈwɛt/ (hone or rub on with some substance for the purpose of sharpening) | :: affilare |
whet {v} (stimulate or make more keen) | :: stimolare, stuzzicare |
whether {conj} /ˈwɛðə(ɹ)/ (introducing indirect questions) | :: se |
whether {conj} (if, whether or not) | :: se |
whether {conj} (introducing adverbial clause; no matter whether or not) | :: comunque |
whether {conj} | :: che ... no, se |
whetstone {n} /wɛtstəʊn/ (stone used to hone tools) | :: cote {f} |
whey {n} /ʍeɪ/ (liquid remaining after milk has been curdled) | :: siero di latte |
which {determiner} /wɪt͡ʃ/ ((interrogative) what, of those mentioned or implied) | :: quale |
which {determiner} ((relative) the one(s) that) | :: il quale {m}, la quale {f}, i quali {m-p}, le quali {f-p}, che {m} {m-p} {f} {f-p} |
which {pron} ((interrogative) what one or ones) | :: quale |
which {pron} ((relative) who, whom, what) | :: che, cui |
whichever {determiner} /wɪtʃˈɛvɚ/ (any one or number of a group; no matter which) | :: qualunque, qualsiasi, qualsivoglia |
whiff {v} (baseball sense) SEE: strike out | :: |
while {conj} /ʍaɪl/ (during the same time that) | :: mentre |
while {conj} (although) | :: malgrado, benché |
while {conj} (until) SEE: until | :: |
whim {n} /ʍɪm/ (fanciful impulse) | :: capriccio {m}, ghiribizzo {m}, fantasia {f}, stravaganza {f}, stranezza {f}, griccio {m}, stramberia {f}, grillo {m}, uzzolo {m}, sfizio {m}, gnagnera {f} |
whimbrel {n} /ˈʍɪmbɹɜl/ (a large wading bird, Numenius phaeopus) | :: chiurlo piccolo {m}, chiurletto {m}, chiurlotto mezzano {m} |
whimper {v} /ˈwɪmpə(ɹ)/ (to cry or sob softly and intermittently) | :: piagnucolare |
whimsical {adj} /ˈwɪmzɪkəl/ (Given to whimsy; capricious; odd; peculiar; playful; light-hearted or amusing) | :: capriccioso, strano, peculiare, sconcertante, divertente, buffo |
whimsy {n} /ˈwɪmzi/ (idea) | :: capriccio {m}, stravaganza {f} |
whine {n} /waɪn/ (a long-drawn, high-pitched complaining cry or sound) | :: piagnisteo, lagna {f}, sibilo {m}, piagnucolio {m}, frigno {m}, uggiolio {m} |
whine {v} (to utter a whine) | :: piagnucolare |
whine {v} (to make a sound resembling such a cry) | :: sibilare |
whine {v} (to complain or protest with a whine or as if with a whine) | :: piagnucolare |
whinny {v} /ˈwɪni/ (of a horse; to make a gentle neigh) | :: nitrire |
whip {n} /wɪp/ (rod or rope) | :: frusta {f}, nerbo {m}, sferza {f} |
whip {v} (to hit with a whip) | :: sferzare, flagellare, frustare, scudisciare, staffilare |
whip {n} (whipped cream) SEE: whipped cream | :: |
whiplash {n} (lash of a whip) | :: colpo {m} di frusta {f} |
whiplash {n} (whiplash injury) | :: colpo di frusta {m} |
whipped cream {n} (thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating) | :: panna montata {f}, lattemiele {m} |
whippersnapper {n} /ˈʍɪpəɹˌsnæpəɹ/ (young, cheeky person) | :: piccolo impertinente {m} |
whipper snipper {n} (string trimmer) SEE: string trimmer | :: |
whipping {n} /ˈwɪpɪŋ/ (punishment) | :: frustare |
whipping {n} (cooking technique) | :: montare |
whippoorwill {n} /ˈ(h)wɪp.ɚ.ˌwɪl/ (bird) | :: caprimulgo {m}, succiacapre {m} |
whirl {v} /ʍɝl/ (To rotate, revolve, spin rapidly) | :: turbinare, piroettare, roteare |
whirlpool {n} /ˈwɝlpul/ (swirling body of water) | :: vortice {m}, mulinello {m}, gorgo {m} |
whirlwind {n} /ˈ(h)wɜːlwɪnd/ (a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air) | :: turbine {m} |
whirr {v} /ʍɝ/ (To move or vibrate (something) with a buzzing sound) | :: frullare, vorticare, turbinare, roteare, sbattere |
whirr {n} (A sibilant buzz or vibration) | :: frullio {m}, sibilo {m} |
whisk {n} /(h)wɪsk/ (kitchen utensil) | :: frusta {f} |
whisker {n} /ʍɪskə(ɹ)/ (part of the beard) | :: basetta {f}, basettoni {p}, favoriti {p}, fedine {f-p} |
whisker {n} (hair of the beard) | :: pelo {m} |
whisker {n} (long projecting hair at the sides of the mouth of a cat) | :: vibrissa {f}, baffo {m} |
whisker {n} ((colloquial) very small distance between two things) | :: pelo {m} |
whiskered tern {n} (Chlidonias hybrida) | :: mignattino piombato {m} |
whiskey {n} /ˈwɪski/ (alcoholic drink) | :: whisky {m} |
whiskey {n} (the letter "W" in ICAO spelling alphabet) | :: Washington |
whisky {n} (whiskey) SEE: whiskey | :: |
whisper {n} /ˈ(h)wɪspɚ/ (act of speaking in a quiet voice) | :: sussurro {m} |
whisper {v} (to talk in a quiet voice) | :: sussurrare |
whistle {n} /wɪsl̩/ (device used to make a whistling sound) | :: fischietto {m} |
whistle {n} (sound made by whistling) | :: fischio {m} |
whistle {n} | :: fischietto, fischio |
whistle {v} (to produce a whistling sound) | :: fischiare |
whistle {n} (slang: a suit) SEE: suit | :: |
whistle-blower {n} (one who reports a problem or violation to the authorities) | :: informatore {m} |
whistler {n} /ˈʍɪslə(ɹ)/ (someone or something that whistles) | :: fischiatore {m} |
whistler {n} (goldeneye) | :: quattrocchi {f} |
white {n} /waɪt/ (color/colour) | :: bianco {m} |
white {n} (Caucasian person) | :: bianco {m}, bianca {f} |
white {n} (albumen) | :: albume {m} |
white {n} (street name for cocaine) | :: bianca |
white {n} (white wine) SEE: white wine | :: |
white {adj} (Cistercian) SEE: Cistercian | :: |
white {adj} (bright and colourless) | :: bianco |
white {adj} (of or relating to Caucasians) | :: bianco |
white ant {n} (white ant) SEE: termite | :: |
whitebeam {n} /ˈwaɪtˌbim/ (any of various Eurasian deciduous trees of the genus Sorbus subg. Aria) | :: sorbo montano {m} |
white bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear | :: |
white-bearded antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: averla formichiera pettonero |
white-billed diver {n} (Gavia adamsii) | :: strolaga beccogiallo {f} |
white blood cell {n} (cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response) | :: globulo bianco {m} |
whiteboard {n} /ˈwaɪtbɔːd/ (large vertical writing area) | :: lavagna {f} |
white bream {n} (European fish) | :: scardone, scardova |
white cabbage {n} (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) | :: cavolo cappuccio {m}, cavolo bianco {m} |
white chocolate {n} (food) | :: cioccolato bianco {m} |
white coat {n} (white coat worn in laboratories) | :: camice {m} |
white-collar crime {n} (non-violent crime) | :: criminalità dei colletti bianchi, reati dei colletti bianchi |
white copper {n} (alloy) | :: argentana {f} |
white-crowned plover {n} (Vanellus albiceps) | :: pavoncella corona bianca {f} |
white dwarf {n} (white dwarf star) | :: nana bianca {f} |
white-eyed gull {n} (Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus) | :: gabbiano occhibianchi {m} |
whitefin dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
whitefish {n} (beluga) SEE: beluga | :: |
white flag {n} (a flag used as a symbol of surrender) | :: bandiera bianca {f} |
white gold {n} (A precious metal alloy consisting of gold and a platinum group metal) | :: oro bianco {m} |
white hole {n} (singularity) | :: buco bianco {m} |
White House {prop} (the official residence of the President of the United States of America) | :: Casa Bianca {f} |
White House {prop} ((idiomatic) the US presidency) | :: Casa Bianca {f} |
White Hun {n} (Hephthalite) SEE: Hephthalite | :: |
white lie {n} (deliberate untrue statement which is intended to produce a favorable result) | :: bugia bianca {f}, bugia pietosa {f}, bugia a fin di bene {f} |
white man {n} (Caucasian) SEE: Caucasian | :: |
white marriage {n} (unconsummated marriage) | :: matrimonio in bianco |
white millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet | :: |
white mulberry {n} (mulberry tree) | :: gelso bianco |
whiteness {n} /ˈwaɪtnəs/ (state of being white) | :: bianchezza {f}, biancore {m} |
whiteout {n} (correction fluid) SEE: correction fluid | :: |
white paper {n} (marketing document) | :: libro bianco {m} |
white paper {n} (parliamentary document) | :: libro bianco {m} |
white paper {n} (EU document) | :: libro bianco {m} |
white petrolatum {n} (petroleum jelly) SEE: petroleum jelly | :: |
white poplar {n} (Populus alba) | :: gattice {m} |
white-rumped hawk {n} (Buteo leucorrhous) | :: poiana groppone bianco {f} |
white-rumped sandpiper {n} (Calidris fuscicollis) | :: gambecchio di Bonaparte {m} |
White Russian {n} (Belarusian language) SEE: Belarusian | :: |
white sauce {n} (mayonnaise) SEE: mayonnaise | :: |
white sauce {n} (béchamel sauce) SEE: béchamel sauce | :: |
White Sea {prop} (a sea to the northwest of Russia) | :: Mar Bianco {m} |
white-shouldered antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: averla formichiera spallebianche |
whitesmith {n} (tinsmith) SEE: tinsmith | :: |
white supremacy {n} (ideology) | :: suprematismo bianco {m} |
white-tailed deer {n} (type of deer) | :: cervo della Virginia {m}, cervo dalla coda bianca {m} |
white-tailed hawk {n} (Buteo albicaudatus) | :: poiana codabianca americana |
white tea {n} (drink) | :: tè bianco {m} |
white terror {n} | :: terrore bianco {m} |
whitethroat {n} (Sylvia communis) | :: sterpazzola {f} |
white-throated dipper {n} (Cinclus cinclus) | :: merlo acquaiolo {m} |
white-throated hawk {n} (Buteo albigula) | :: poiana golabianca {f} |
white tie {n} | :: frac {m} |
whitetip reef shark {n} (Triaenodon obesus) | :: squalo pinna bianca del reef {m} |
white truffle {n} (species of truffle) | :: tartufo bianco |
white vinegar {n} (vinegar that has been distilled) | :: aceto bianco {m} |
whitewash {n} /ˈwaɪtwɒʃ/ (lime and water mixture) | :: calce {f} |
whitewash {n} (victory) | :: cappotto {m} |
whitewash {v} (paint) | :: imbiancare |
whitewash {v} (cover errors) | :: lavare via, cancellare |
white whale {n} (a cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) SEE: beluga | :: |
white wine {n} (light coloured wine) | :: vino bianco {n} |
white-winged tern {n} (Chlidonias leucopterus) | :: mignattino alibianche {m} |
whither {adv} /ˈʍɪðɚ/ (to which place) | :: a dove |
whitish {adj} /ˈwaɪtɪʃ/ (somewhat white) | :: biancastro, bianchiccio |
whitlow {n} /ˈwɪt.loʊ/ (an infection) | :: paronichia {f} |
whittle {v} /ˈʍɪtəl/ (cut or shape wood with a knife) | :: intagliare |
whiz {n} (urination) SEE: urination | :: |
whiz {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
who {pron} /huː/ (who? (interrogative pronoun)) | :: chi |
who {pron} (who (relative pronoun)) | :: che {m} {f} |
WHO {prop} /ˈdʌbəljuː ˈeɪt͡ʃ ˈəʊ/ (World Health Organization) | :: OMS |
who are you {phrase} (who are you?) | :: chi sei? |
who cares {phrase} (reply to an unimportant statement) SEE: so what | :: |
whoever {pron} /huˈɛvɚ/ (whatever person or persons) | :: chiunque |
who knows {phrase} (rhetorical question: one doesn't know) | :: chissà? |
who knows {phrase} | :: chissà? |
whole {adj} /hoʊl/ (entire) | :: intero |
whole {adj} | :: intero |
whole {n} (something complete) | :: tutto {m} |
wholegrain {n} (cereal grain that contains germ, endosperm, and bran) | :: integrale [adjective] |
wholemeal {adj} (containing or made from the whole grain) SEE: wholegrain | :: |
wholemeal bread {n} (bread) | :: pane integrale {m} |
whole milk {n} (milk from which nothing has been removed) | :: latte intero {m} |
wholeness {n} (quality of being whole) | :: pienezza |
whole note {n} (semibreve) SEE: semibreve | :: |
whole number {n} (integer) SEE: integer | :: |
whole number {n} (natural number) SEE: natural number | :: |
wholesale {adj} /ˈhoʊlseɪl/ (of or relating to sale in bulk or large quantity) | :: all'ingrosso |
wholesome {adj} /ˈhoʊlsəm/ (promoting good health, and well-being) | :: salubre |
wholly {adv} (to the fullest extent) SEE: completely | :: |
whom {pron} /huːm/ (what person; object of a verb (accusative)) | :: chi |
whom {pron} (what person or people, object of a preposition (dative)) | :: chi |
whom {pron} (relative pronoun) | :: cui |
whoop {n} /huːp/ (An exclamation, a cry, usually of joy) | :: grido, urlo |
whoop {n} (A gasp, characteristic of whooping cough) | :: urlo della pertosse |
whoop {v} /wʊp/ (to beat, to strike) | :: picchiare, colpire |
whoop {v} (to defeat thoroughly) | :: annientare |
whooper {n} (whooper swan) SEE: whooper swan | :: |
whooper swan {n} /ˈhuːpə(ɹ) swɒn/ (the species of swan Cygnus cygnus) | :: cigno selvatico {m} |
whooping cough {n} /ˈhuːpɪŋ ˌkɔf/ (a contagious disease) | :: tosse canina {f}, pertosse {f} |
whopping {adj} /ˈ(h)wɒpɪŋ/ (exceptionally great or large) | :: enorme |
whore {n} /hɔɹ/ | :: puttana {f}, battona {f}, baldracca {f}, squillo {f}, peripatetica {f}, sgualdrina {f}, troia, zoccola |
whore {v} (to prostitute oneself) | :: prostituirsi |
whore {v} (to engage a prostitute) | :: andare a puttane |
whore {v} (to pimp) SEE: pimp | :: |
whoremaster {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp | :: |
whorish {adj} /ˈhɔɹɪʃ/ (resembling a whore) | :: puttanesco |
whorl {n} /wɜː(ɹ)l/ (spindle whorl.) | :: fusaiolo {m} |
whose {determiner} /huːz/ (of whom (interrogative)) | :: di chi |
whose {determiner} (of whom (relative)) | :: il cui |
whose {determiner} (of which (relative)) | :: il cui |
who watches the watchers {phrase} (concern about whether the law is enforced on those who enforce the law) | :: chi sorveglierà i sorveglianti stessi |
who would have thunk it {phrase} /ˈhuː wʊd həv ˈθʌŋk ɪt/ (who would have guessed it?) | :: chi l'avrebbe detto?, chi l'avrebbe mai detto? |
why {adv} /ʍaɪ/ (for what reason) | :: perché |
why {adv} | :: perché |
why {n} (the reason) | :: perché |
whyever {adv} /waɪˈɛvɚ/ (for whatever reason) | :: perché mai |
why not {adv} (why is that not true) | :: perché no |
why not {adv} (state one has no objection) | :: perché no |
wick {n} /wɪk/ (the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning) | :: stoppino {m}, lucignolo {m} |
wicked {adj} /ˈwɪkɪd/ (evil or mischevous) | :: malvagio {m}, malvagia {f}, cattivo, diabolico, perverso, nefasto |
wicked {adj} (slang: awesome) | :: diabolico, fantastico, figata |
wicked {adv} (slang: very) | :: maledettamente |
wicked {n} (people who are wicked) | :: maligno {m}, diavolo {m} |
wicker {n} /ˈwɪkə(ɹ)/ (flexible branch or twig) | :: vimini |
wicker {n} (wickerwork) SEE: wickerwork | :: |
wickerwork {n} (things made of wicker) | :: lavorazione in vimini {f}, prodotto in vimini {m} |
widdle {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
wide {adj} /waɪd/ (having a large physical extent from side to side) | :: largo, ampio |
wide {adv} (extensively) | :: largo {m} |
wide-angle lens {n} (short focal length lens) | :: grandangolo {m}, grandangolare {m} |
widely {adv} /ˈwaɪdli/ | :: ampiamente |
widen {v} /ˈwaɪdən/ (to become wider) | :: allargarsi |
widen {v} (to make wider) | :: allargare |
widen {v} (to let out clothes) | :: allargere |
widen {v} (to broaden or extend) | :: allargare |
widescreen {adj} (filmed in a greater aspect ratio) | :: panoramico |
widespread {adj} (affecting a large area) | :: esteso {m}, diffuso {m}, ampio |
widow {n} /ˈwɪ.dəʊ/ (woman whose spouse has died) | :: vedova {f} |
widowed {adj} ((of a previously married person) whose spouse has died) | :: vedovo |
widower {n} /ˈwɪdoʊɚ/ (a man whose spouse has died and who has not remarried) | :: vedovo |
widowhood {n} (The period of being a widow) | :: vedovanza {f} |
widow's mite {n} ((numismatics) lepton) SEE: lepton | :: |
width {n} /ˈwɪtθ/ (state of being wide) | :: larghezza {f} |
width {n} (measurement of something from side to side) | :: larghezza {f} |
wield {v} /wiːld/ (to handle with skill and ease) | :: maneggiare |
wieldy {adj} /ˈwiːldi/ (capable of being easily wielded or managed, see also: handy) | :: gestibile, maneggevole |
wiener {n} (sausage) | :: würstel {m} |
wiener {n} | :: salsicciotto di Francoforte {m} [nonstandard], salsiccia di Francoforte {f} [nonstandard], würstel {m}, hot dog {m} [when in a bun] |
wife {n} /waɪf/ (married woman) | :: sposa {f}, moglie {f} |
wifebeater {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet | :: |
wife carrying {n} (Scandinavian sport) | :: trasporto della moglie {m} |
wifelet {n} /ˈwaɪflət/ ((affectionate) wife) | :: coniuge {f}, consorte {f}, mogliettina {f} |
wifelet {n} (mistress, see also: mistress) | :: madama {f}, signora {f} |
wig {n} /wɪɡ/ (head of artificial hair) | :: parrucca {f} |
wigeon {n} (a kind of duck) | :: fischione {m} |
wigmaker {n} (person who makes wigs) | :: parrucchiere {m}, parrucchiera {f} |
wiki {n} /ˈwɪki/ (collaborative website) | :: wiki {m} |
wikification {n} (the process of adding wiki syntax to text in a wiki platform) | :: wikificazione {f} |
wikify {v} /ˈwɪkifaɪ/ (to adapt (text) to a wiki, see also: wiki; -ify) | :: wikificare |
Wikipedia {prop} /ˌwɪkiˈpiːdi.ə/ (online encyclopedia) | :: Wikipedia {f} |
Wikipedian {n} /wɪ.kɪˈpiː.dɪ.ən/ (a person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia) | :: wikipediano {m}, wikipediana {f} |
Wikipedian {adj} (of or relating to Wikipedia) | :: wikipediano |
Wiktionarian {n} (A person who contributes to Wiktionary) | :: wiktionarista {m} {f} |
Wiktionary {prop} /ˈwɪkʃənɹɪ/ (the collaborative project; a particular version of this project written in a certain language) | :: Wikizionario {m} |
wild {adj} /waɪld/ (not domesticated or tamed) | :: selvaggio, selvatico |
wild {adj} (raucous, unruly, and savage) | :: selvaggio |
wild animal {n} (animal living in a natural, undomesticated state) | :: animale selvatico {m} |
wild boar {n} /ˈwaɪld ˈboɹ/ (Sus scrofa) | :: cinghiale {m} |
wild cat {n} (Felis silvestris) SEE: wildcat | :: |
wild cat {n} (Lynx rufus) SEE: bobcat | :: |
wildcat {n} /ˈwaɪldˌkæt/ (Felis silvestris) | :: gatto selvatico {m} |
wildcat {n} | :: gatto selvatico {m} |
wildcat {n} (Felix rufus) SEE: bobcat | :: |
wildcat {n} (wildcat strike) SEE: wildcat strike | :: |
wildcat strike {n} /ˈwaɪldˌkæt ˈstɹaɪk/ (labour strike not authorized by the leaders of a trade union) | :: sciopero selvaggio {m} |
wildebeest {n} (gnu) SEE: gnu | :: |
wilderness {n} /ˈwɪl.dəɹ.nəs/ (uncultivated tract of land) | :: natura |
wildfire {n} /ˈwaɪəldˌfaɪɝ/ (rapidly spreading fire) | :: incendio boschivo {m} |
wildfire {n} (Greek fire) SEE: Greek fire | :: |
wild-goose chase {n} (fruitless, futile pursuit) | :: ricerca inutile {f}, ricerca vana {f}, caccia ai fantasmi {f}, sforzo inutile {m} |
Wild Hunt {n} (folk myth) | :: caccia selvaggia {f} |
wildlife {n} /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ (animals and plants in their natural environment) | :: fauna {f}, fauna selvatica {f} |
wildlife reserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
wildlife sanctuary {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
wildness {n} (the quality of being wild or untamed) | :: ferinità {f}, sfrenatezza {f}, selvaticità {f}, scapestrataggine {f}, selvatichezza {f} |
wild rice {n} (any species of Zizania) | :: riso selvaggio {m} |
wild service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) | :: ciavardello {m}, baccarello {m}, sorbezzolo {m} |
wild strawberry {n} (Fragaria vesca) | :: fragolina di bosco {f}, fragola di bosco {f} |
wild thyme {n} (species of flowering plant in the mint family) | :: serpillo {n} |
wild turkey {n} (Meleagris gallopavo) | :: tacchino |
Wild West {prop} (western United States during the 19th-century era of settlement) | :: Far West {m} |
Wilhelmina {prop} (female form of William) | :: Guglielma, Guglielmina |
will {v} /wɪl/ (indicating future action) | :: Use the future tense -rò, -rai, -rà, -remo, -rete, -ranno, e.g. Andrò al negozio. |
will {n} (act of choosing to do something; conscious intent or volition) | :: volontà {f} |
will {n} (legal document) | :: lascito {m}, testamento {m} |
will {v} (To bequeath) | :: legare, lasciare in eredità |
will {v} (to wish strongly) | :: volere |
willful ignorance {n} (a decision in bad faith to avoid becoming informed) | :: ignoranza attiva {f} |
William {prop} /ˈwɪl.jəm/ (male given name) | :: Guglielmo |
Williams {prop} (surname meaning "son of William") | :: Di Guglielmo |
willing {adj} /ˈwɪlɪŋ/ (ready to do something that is not a matter of course) | :: disposto |
willingly {adv} /ˈwɪlɪŋli/ (of one’s own free will) | :: volentieri, con piacere, di buongrado, di buon grado |
will o' the wisp {n} /ˌwɪləðəˈwɪsp/ (strange light) | :: fuoco fatuo {m} |
will o' the wisp {n} (delusionary goal) | :: fuoco fatuo {m} |
willow {n} /ˈwɪloʊ/ (tree) | :: salice {m}, salcio {m} |
willow warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochilus) | :: luì grosso {m} |
willowy {adj} /ˈwɪloʊi/ (tall, slender, graceful) | :: slanciato |
willy {n} /ˈwɪli/ (The penis) | :: pisello {m}, pisellino {m}, pipino {m} |
willy-nilly {adv} /ˌwɪliˈnɪli/ (seemingly at random, haphazardly) | :: a casaccio |
will you marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal) | :: vuoi sposarmi?, mi vuoi sposare? |
wilt {v} /wɪlt/ (to droop) | :: appassire, avvizzire, afflosciarsi |
wilt {n} (drooping) | :: appassimento, avvizzimento {m} |
wily {adj} /waɪ.li/ (sly, cunning) | :: furbo, sornione {m}, subdolo |
wimp {n} (someone who lacks confidence) | :: vigliacco, mollusco, femminuccia, codardo, rammollito, pappamolle, smidollato, fifone, pollo, merlo, coccio, coniglio, mammoletta, debole, pusillanime, eunuco, pauroso, pisciasotto, cacasotto |
wimple {n} /ˈwɪmpəl/ (Cloth used to cover a nun's head) | :: soggolo {m} |
win {v} /wɪn/ (transitive: achieve victory in) | :: vincere |
win {v} (obtain (someone) by wooing) | :: guadagnare, ottenere, conquistare |
win {v} (intransitive: achieve by winning) | :: vincere |
win {n} (individual victory) | :: vittoria {f} |
winch {n} /wɪntʃ/ (machine) | :: argano {m}, verricello {m}, bozzello {m}, salpareti {m} |
wind {v} (to introduce by insinuation) SEE: insinuate | :: |
wind {n} (movement of air) | :: vento {m} |
wind {n} (flatus) | :: scoreggia {f}, flatulenza {f}, peto {m} |
wind {v} (cause (someone) to become breathless) | :: sventagliare |
wind {v} (to turn coils of something around) | :: avvolgere, arrotolare |
wind {v} (to tighten a clockwork mechanism) | :: caricare |
wind back {v} (to wind towards the beginning) | :: riavvolgere |
wind chimes {n} (chime made from suspended wooden, metal, etc. tubes, bells and rods that tinkle when moved by the wind) | :: campanello eolico {m} |
wind farm {n} (collection of wind turbines) | :: parco eolico {m} |
windhover {n} (common kestrel) SEE: common kestrel | :: |
winding {n} /ˈwaɪndɪŋ/ (length of wire wound around the core of an electrical transformer) | :: avvolgimento {m} |
wind instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) | :: strumento ad ancia {m} |
windlass {n} /ˈwɪnd.ləs/ (winch) | :: argano {m}, verricello {m}, bozzello {m}, salpareti {m} |
windle {n} (redwing) SEE: redwing | :: |
windles {n} (windlass) SEE: windlass | :: |
windmeter {n} (an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind) SEE: anemometer | :: |
windmill {n} /ˈwɪnd.mɪl/ (machine) | :: mulino a vento {m} |
windmill {n} (structure) | :: mulino a vento {m} |
windmill {n} (child's toy) | :: girandola {f} |
window {n} /ˈwɪndoʊ/ (opening for light and air) | :: finestra {f} |
window {n} (period of time) | :: finestra {f} |
window {n} (area on a computer screen) | :: finestra {f} |
window {n} (shop window) SEE: shop window | :: |
window cleaner {n} (person) | :: lavavetri {m} |
window frame {n} (framework around a window) | :: telaio della finestra |
windowpane {n} /ˈwɪndoʊˌpeɪn/ (piece of glass filling a window) | :: vetrata {f}, cristallo {m} |
windowsill {n} /ˈwɪndoʊˌsɪl/ (the horizontal member protruding from the base of a window frame) | :: davanzale {m} |
windpipe {n} (anus) SEE: anus | :: |
windpipe {n} (trachea) | :: trachea {f} |
wind power {n} (power harnessed from the wind) | :: energia eolica {f} |
wind rose {n} (meteorological diagram) | :: rosa dei venti {f} |
windrow {n} /ˈwɪnd.ɹəʊ/ (row of cut grain or hay) | :: andana {f} |
windscreen {n} (windshield) SEE: windshield | :: |
windscreen washer {n} (device to clean windscreens) | :: lavacristallo {m} |
windscreen wiper {n} (a device to clear a windscreen) SEE: windshield wiper | :: |
windshield {n} (screen located in front of a vehicle to protect from wind and weather) | :: parabrezza {m} |
windshield wiper {n} (device to clear a windshield) | :: tergicristallo {m} |
Windsor bean {n} (fava bean) SEE: broad bean | :: |
wind turbine {n} (device) | :: ventoturbino {m} |
windward {adj} /ˈwɪndwə(ɹ)d/ (towards the wind) | :: sopravento |
windward {adv} (towards the wind) | :: sopravento |
windward {n} (towards the wind) | :: sopravento {m} |
windy {n} (fart) SEE: fart | :: |
windy {adj} (orally verbose) SEE: long-winded | :: |
windy {adj} /ˈwɪndi/ (accompanied by wind) | :: ventoso {m} |
windy {adj} (unsheltered and open to the wind) | :: ventilato {m} |
Windy City {prop} (nickname for Chicago) | :: Città del Vento {f} |
wine {n} /waɪn/ (alcoholic beverage made from grapes) | :: vino {m} |
wine {v} (entertain with wine) | :: offrire pranzi e cene |
wine {v} (drink wine) | :: bere del vino, bere il vino |
wineberry {n} (Japanese wineberry) | :: uva giapponese {f} |
wine cellar {n} (underground place for storing wine) | :: cantina, cantina vinicola |
wine-colored {adj} (having the color of red wine) | :: vinato |
wine list {n} (list of wines available at a restaurant or bar) | :: lista dei vini {f} |
winemaker {n} (a person or company that makes wine) SEE: vintner | :: |
winemaking {n} (the act of making wine) | :: vinificazione {f} |
wine moth {n} (insect of the genus Oinophilia) | :: carruga {f} |
winepress {n} (device for squeezing grapes) | :: torchio vinario {m}, torchio {m} |
winery {n} /ˈwaɪnəɹi/ (a place where wine is made, or a company that makes wine) | :: cantina |
wineshop {n} (store that sells wine) | :: bottiglieria {f}, osteria {f}, cantina {f}, fiaschetteria {f}, enoteca {f}, canova {f}, mescita {f}, degustazione {f}, vineria {f} |
wineskin {n} (bag for holding wine) | :: otre {m} |
wine thief {n} (A pipette used to remove small amounts of wine from a cask in order to taste or test it) | :: alzavino {m} |
wine vinegar {n} (vinegar made from wine) | :: aceto di vino |
wing {n} /wɪŋ/ (part of an animal) | :: ala {f} |
wing {n} (part of an aircraft) | :: ala {f} |
wing {n} (extension to a main body) | :: ala {f} |
wing {n} (air force unit) | :: squadra {f} |
wing {n} (panel of a car which encloses the wheel area) | :: parafango {m} |
wing {n} (extension of a ship's bridge) | :: ala {f} |
wing {v} (to fly) SEE: fly | :: |
wing {v} (to throw) SEE: throw | :: |
winghead shark {n} (Eusphyra blochii) | :: squalo martello alato {m} |
wingman {n} (friend that gives support) | :: spalla [in picking up girls] |
wing mirror {n} (mirror on the side of a car) | :: specchietto laterale {m}, specchietto retrovisore laterale {m} |
wingspan {n} (the distance from left wingtip to right) | :: apertura alare {f} |
wink {v} /ˈwɪŋk/ (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion) | :: ammiccare, strizzare l'occhio, fare l'occhiolino |
wink {n} (a blink) | :: ammiccamento {m}, nittitazione {f}, batter d'occhio |
wink {n} (an instant) | :: attimo {m}, guizzo {m}, lampo {m} |
winkle {n} (children's slang: the penis) | :: pisello {m} |
winkle {n} (gastropod) SEE: periwinkle | :: |
winnable {adj} (able to be won) | :: vincibile |
winner {n} /ˈwɪnɚ/ (one who has won or often wins) | :: vincitore {m}, vincitrice {f} |
Winnie the Pooh {prop} (the fictional bear) | :: Ninni Puf {m}, Winnie Puh {m}, Winnie Pooh {m} |
wino {n} /ˈwaɪnəʊ/ (alcoholic (pejorative)) | :: alcolizzato {m}, spugna, beone, ubriacone, ubriaco {m} |
win over {v} (to persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
winter {n} /ˈwɪntʰɚ/ (fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures) | :: inverno {m} |
winter {v} (spend the winter, as in a particular place on holiday) | :: svernare |
winter cherry {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry | :: |
wintergreen {n} (evergreen) SEE: evergreen | :: |
winters {adv} (in the winter) | :: inverni |
winter solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined away from the sun) | :: solstizio d'inverno {m} |
Winterthur {prop} (city) | :: Winterthur {m} |
Winter Triangle {prop} (a bright asterism of the northern winter sky) | :: Triangolo Invernale {m} |
winter wheat {n} (type of wheat) | :: frumento invernale {m} |
wintry {adj} /ˈwɪnt(ə)ɹɪ/ (suggestive or characteristic of winter; cold, stormy) | :: invernale |
wipe {v} /waɪp/ (remove surface substance) | :: asciugare, pulire |
wipe out {v} (to destroy or obliterate) | :: obliterare, spazzare via, eliminare, annientare, cancellare dalla terra |
wipe out {v} (to erase) | :: cancellare |
wiper {n} /ˈwaɪpɚ/ (someone who wipes) | :: tergicristallo |
WIPO {prop} /ˈwaɪpəʊ/ (World Intellectual Property Organization) | :: OMPI |
wire {n} /ˈwaɪɚ/ (thin thread of metal) | :: filo {m}, filo metallico |
wire {n} (metal conductor that carries electricity) | :: filo elettrico, cavo, cavo elettrico {m} |
wire {n} (fence made of usually barbed wire) | :: filo spinato |
wire {n} (sports: finish line of a racetrack) | :: traguardo {m}, arrivo {m} |
wire {n} (slang: hidden listening device on the person) | :: cimice, microspia {f} |
wire {v} (to fasten with wire) | :: assicurare con filo metallico, fissare con filo metallico, legare con filo metallico |
wire {v} (to string on a wire) | :: infilzare |
wire {v} (to equip with wires for use with electricity) | :: stendere fili elettrici, installare impianto elettrico, elettrificare |
wire {v} (to add something into an electrical system by means of wiring) | :: collegare tramite cavo |
wire {v} (informal: to send a message or a money value to another person through a telecommunications system) | :: telegrafare |
wire {v} (to make someone tense or psyched-up) | :: eccitare, gasare, avere nervi a fior di pelle |
wire {v} (slang: to install eavesdropping equipment) | :: installare microspie |
wire {n} (informal: telegraph) SEE: telegraph | :: |
wire {n} (informal: message transmitted by telegraph) SEE: telegram | :: |
wire netting {n} (hexagonal network of interwoven wire) | :: reticolato rete metallica |
wiretap {n} (covert connection) | :: cimice {f}, microspia {f} |
wiretap {v} (to install or to use such a device) | :: spiare, intercettare |
wire transfer {n} (electronic transfer of funds) | :: trasferimento bancario {m}, bonifico {m} |
Wisconsin {prop} /wəˈskɑnsən/ (state of the United States of America) | :: Wisconsin {m} |
Wisconsinite {n} (person from Wisconsin) | :: abitante dello Wisconsin {m} |
wisdom {n} /ˈwɪzdəm/ (element of personal character) | :: saggezza, senno {m}, discernimento {m}, criterio {m}, avvedutezza {f} |
wisdom {n} (piece of wise advice) | :: saggezza {f} |
wisdom {n} (discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good) | :: [buon] senso, senno {m}, discrezionalità {f}, buon senso {m} |
wisdom {n} (ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way) | :: saggezza {f} |
wisdom {n} (ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding) | :: discernimento {m} |
wisdom {n} (ability to know and apply spiritual truths) | :: saggezza {f} |
wisdom {n} | :: saggezza {f} |
wisdom tooth {n} (rearmost molar in humans) | :: dente del giudizio {m} |
wise {adj} /waɪz/ (showing good judgement) | :: saggio |
wiseacre {n} /ˈwaɪzeɪkə(ɹ)/ (one who feigns knowledge or cleverness) | :: saccente {m} |
wise guy {n} (one who is insolent or flippant) | :: insolente {m}, smargiasso {m}, sapientone {m}, fanfarone {m}, spaccone {m} |
wisely {adv} /ˈwaɪzli/ (in a wise manner) | :: saggiamente, coscienziosamente, in maniera appropriata, intelligentemente |
wisent {n} /ˈwɪzənt/ (European bison, Bison bonasus) | :: bisonte europeo {m} |
wish {n} /wɪʃ/ (desire) | :: desiderio {m}, voglia {f} |
wish {v} (to hope for an outcome) | :: volere, desiderare |
wish {v} (to bestow a thought) | :: augurare |
wishable {adj} (desirable) SEE: desirable | :: |
wishful thinking {n} (illusion that what one would like is true) | :: pia illusione {f}, pio desiderio {m}, mero desiderio {m} |
wishlist {n} /ˈwɪʃlɪst/ (a list of desired things) | :: lista dei desideri {f} |
wishy-washy {adj} /ˈwɪʃ.iˌwɔ.ʃi/ (wavering or lacking in commitment, certainty, or support) | :: incerto, smidollato, mollaccione {m}, indeciso {m} |
wishy-washy {adj} (thin or watery) | :: annacquato {m}, allungato {m}, diluito {m} |
wisp {n} /wɪsp/ (a small bundle, as of straw or other like substance) | :: ciocca {f}, trefolo {m}, legnolo {m}, pagliuzza {f} |
wisteria {n} (a genus of about ten species of woody climbing vines) | :: glicine {m} |
wistful {adj} /ˈwɪstfəl/ (full of longing) | :: malinconico, nostalgico |
wit {n} /wɪt/ (mind; sanity) | :: senno |
wit {n} (intellectual ability) | :: ingegno vivace, arguzia |
wit {n} (Ability to think quickly) | :: arguzia, genio, acutezza {f} |
wit {n} (Spoken humour, particularly that thought of quickly) | :: senso umoristico, motto di spirito {m}, spirito {m}, prontezza di spirito, brio {m} |
wit {n} (A person who tells funny anecdotes or jokes) | :: ilare, battuta {f}, facezia {f}, spiritosaggine {f}, freddura {f} |
wit {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence | :: |
witch {n} /wɪtʃ/ (person who uses magic) | :: strega {f}, fattucchiera {f}, versiera {f}, maliarda {f}, saga {f} [obsolete, literary] |
witchcraft {n} /ˈwɪt͡ʃkɹæft/ (the practice of witches) | :: stregoneria {f} |
witch doctor {n} /ˈwɪtʃ ˌdɒktə/ (person believed to ward off witchcraft and heal through magic) | :: sciamano {m}, sciamana {f}, stregone {m}, stregona {f}, taumaturgo {m}, taumaturga {f} |
witches' Sabbath {n} (supposed meeting of witches at midnight to practice sorcery or to take part in a demonic orgy) | :: sabba {m} |
witchgrass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass | :: |
witch-hunt {n} /ˈwɪtʃhʌnt/ (persecution of persons believed to be using magic) | :: caccia alle streghe {f} |
witch-hunt {n} (campaign to punish dissident persons) | :: caccia alle streghe {f} |
with {prep} /wɪθ/ (against) | :: contro |
with {prep} (in the company of) | :: con |
with {prep} (in addition to) | :: con |
with {prep} (in support of) | :: con |
with {prep} (by means of) | :: con |
with {prep} (as nourishment) | :: con |
with a grain of salt {adv} (with common sense and skepticism) | :: col sale in zucca, con un po' di sale in zucca |
with all due respect {prep} (phrase used before disagreeing with someone) | :: con tutto il dovuto rispetto |
withdraw {v} /wɪðˈdɹɔː/ (pull back) | :: ritirare, tirarsi indietro, tirare via, tirare indietro |
withdraw {v} (take back) | :: ritirare, prendere indietro |
withdraw {v} (remove, stop providing) | :: ritirare, rimuovere, rappellare, revocare, interrompere |
withdraw {v} (extract (money from an account)) | :: prelevare, ritirare |
withdraw {v} (retreat) | :: ritirarsi, retrocedere |
withdrawal {n} /wɪðˈdɹɔːəl/ (type of metabolic shock) | :: astinenza {f} |
withdrawal {n} | :: ritiro ritrattazione |
withe {n} /wɪθ/ (twig or shoot) | :: ramoscello {m}, virgulto {m}, vimine {m} |
wither {v} /ˈwɪðɚ/ ((intransitive) shrivel, droop, dry up) | :: appassire, essiccare, inaridire, raggrinzire, avvizzire |
wither {v} ((intransitive) to become helpless due to emotion) | :: inaridire, avvizzire, inaridirsi |
withered {adj} /ˈwɪðɚd/ (shrivelled) | :: appassito |
witherite {n} (mineral) | :: witherite |
withers {n} /ˈwɪð.ɚz/ (part of the back of a draft animal) | :: garrese |
withhold {v} /wɪθˈhoʊld/ (to keep an object) | :: trattenere |
within {prep} /wɪðˈɪn/ (spatial enclosure) | :: dentro, all'interno |
within {prep} (in scope or range of) | :: entro |
within {prep} (before the specified duration ends) | :: entro |
with one hand tied behind one's back {adv} (hands down) SEE: hands down | :: |
with one's eyes closed {adv} | :: ad occhi chiusi |
with one's hand in the cookie jar {prep} (observed or apprehended while committing a theft) | :: colto con le mani nel sacco |
with open arms {prep} (with enthusiasm, as if embracing) | :: a braccia aperte |
without {prep} /wɪθˈaʊt/ (not having) | :: senza |
without a doubt {prep} (certainly) SEE: certainly | :: |
without a doubt {prep} (probably) SEE: probably | :: |
without a doubt {prep} | :: senza dubbio, non c'è che dire, senz'ombra di dubbio, senza ombra di dubbio |
without doubt {prep} (without a doubt) SEE: without a doubt | :: |
without fail {prep} (certainly) | :: immancabilmente, senza dubbio |
with regard to {prep} (concerning) | :: in quanto a, per quanto riguarda |
with respect to {prep} (pertaining to) | :: per quanto riguarda, rispetto a |
withspeak {v} (speak against) SEE: oppose | :: |
withspeak {v} (contradict) SEE: contradict | :: |
withstand {v} /wɪðˈstænd/ (to resist) | :: resistere |
withstand {v} (to oppose) | :: fronteggiare |
withy {n} (osier) SEE: osier | :: |
withy {n} (long, flexible twig of the osier) SEE: osier | :: |
witness {n} /ˈwɪtnəs/ (attestation of a fact or event) | :: testimonianza {f} |
witness {n} (one who has a personal knowledge of something) | :: testimone {m} |
witness {n} (someone called to give evidence in a court) | :: testimone {m} |
witness {n} (something that serves as evidence) | :: prova {f} |
witness {n} | :: testimone |
witness {v} ((transitive) to furnish proof of) | :: testimoniare |
witness {v} ((transitive) to see or gain knowledge of through experience) | :: essere testimone |
wits' end {n} (at (one's) wits' end) SEE: perplexed | :: |
witticism {n} /ˈwɪ.tɪ.sɪz.əm/ (witty remark) | :: freddura {f}, battuta {f}, frizzo {m}, spiritosità {f}, spiritosaggine {f}, arguzia {f} |
wittiness {n} (the quality of being witty) | :: lepidezza {f}, lepidità {f} |
wittol {n} /ˈwɪtəl/ (a contented cuckold) | :: cornuto contento {m}, becco {m} |
witty {adj} /ˈwɪti/ (possessing a strong intellect or intellectual capacity) | :: arguto, faceto |
witty {adj} (clever; amusingly ingenious) | :: ingegnoso, fine, convincente, malizioso, faceto {m}, spiritoso {m} |
witty {adj} (full of wit) | :: spiritoso |
witty {adj} (quick of mind; insightful; in possession of wits) | :: arguzia {f}, spiritoso {m} |
wizard {n} /wɪ.zɚd/ (person skilled with magic) | :: mago {m} |
wizard {n} (person skilled or unusually talented in a particular field) | :: mago {m} |
wizard {n} (computing: program or script used to simplify complex operations) | :: procedura guidata {f}, assistente {?} |
wizardess {n} (sorceress) SEE: sorceress | :: |
wizen {adj} /ˈwɪzən/ (lean and wrinkled by shrinkage) | :: raggrinzito {m} |
woad {n} (Isatis tinctoria) | :: guado {m}, glasto {m} |
wobbler {n} (tantrum) SEE: tantrum | :: |
wobbly {adj} (unsteady and tending to wobble) | :: traballante |
woe {n} /wəʊ/ (grief; sorrow; misery; heavy calamity) | :: dolore {m}, disgrazia {f}, guaio {m} |
woe is me {interj} /woʊ ɪz mi/ (interjection) | :: ahimè |
woggle {n} (Boy Scout's neckerchief clasp or slide) | :: portafazzolettone {m} |
wolf {n} /wʊlf/ (animal) | :: lupo {m} |
wolf {n} (man who makes amorous advances on many women) | :: donnaiolo {m} |
wolf {v} (to devour) | :: divorare |
wolf cub {n} /ˈwʊlfkʌb/ (young wolf) | :: lupacchiotto {m} |
wolf down {v} (consume quickly) | :: divorare |
wolffish {n} /ˈwʊlfˌfɪʃ/ (fish) | :: pesce lupo {m} |
Wolfgang {prop} /ˈwʊlf.ɡæŋ/ (male given name) | :: Wolfgang |
wolf in sheep's clothing {n} /ˈwʊlf ɪn ˈʃiːps ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ (someone or something harmful or threatening but disguised as something peaceful or pleasant) | :: lupo travestito da agnello {m} |
wolfkin {n} (young or small wolf) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wolfling {n} (wolf cub) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wolfpack {n} (group of wild wolves, see also: pack) | :: branco di lupi |
wolfram {n} (tungsten) SEE: tungsten | :: |
wolfram {n} (wolframite) SEE: wolframite | :: |
wolframite {n} (wolframite) | :: wolframite {f} |
wolfsbane {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite | :: |
wolf spider {n} (any of several spiders of the family Lycosidae) | :: ragno-lupo {m}, licosa {f} |
wolf whelp {n} (young, esp. infant, wolf) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wolverine {n} /ˌwʊlvəˈriːn/ (Gulo gulo) | :: ghiottone {m}, volverina, ossifraga |
woman {n} (wife) SEE: wife | :: |
woman {n} (adult female person) | :: donna {f} |
womanizer {n} /ˈwʊmənaɪzəɹ/ (habitual seducer of women) | :: donnaiolo {m}, farfallone {m} |
womanliness {n} (femininity) SEE: femininity | :: |
womanly {adj} (having the characteristics of a woman) | :: femminile, femmineo {m}, muliebre, donnesco {m}, femminino {m} |
woman of the world {n} (worldly woman) | :: donna di mondo {f} |
womb {n} /wuːm/ (uterus) | :: utero {m}, grembo {m} |
womb {n} (figuratively: place where something is made or formed) | :: grembo {m}, seno {m} |
womb {n} (belly) SEE: belly | :: |
wombat {n} /ˈwɑmˌbæt/ (marsupial) | :: vombato {m} |
wombly {adj} (of or pertaining to the womb) | :: uterino |
wonder {n} /ˈwʌndɚ/ (something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel) | :: meraviglia {f} |
wonder {v} (to ponder about something) | :: domandarsi, chiedersi |
wonderful {adj} /ˈwʌn.dɚ.fl̩/ (excellent, extremely impressive) | :: meraviglioso {m}, stupendo {m}, fantastico {m}, splendido {m} |
wonderfully {adv} /wʌn.də(ɹ).fli/ (in a wonderful manner) | :: meravigliosamente |
wonderfully {adv} (to an extent inspiring wonder) | :: meravigliosamente |
wonderland {n} /ˈwʌndɚˌlænd/ (Imaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels) | :: paese delle meraviglie {m} |
wonderous {adj} (wondrous) SEE: wondrous | :: |
wondrous {adj} /ˈwʌndɹəs/ (amazing, inspiring awe) | :: meraviglioso |
wone {n} /woʊn/ (a dwelling) | :: dimora {f} |
wonk {n} (overly studious person) | :: secchione {m} |
wont {n} /wəʊnt/ (habitual way of doing things) | :: abitudine {f} |
wont {adj} (accustomed or apt) | :: abituato, avvezzo {m} |
wont {v} (To make (someone) used to; to accustom) | :: abituare, familiarizzare, avvezzare |
wonton {n} /ˈwɑntɑn/ (Chinese dumpling) | :: wonton {m} |
woo {v} /wuː/ (to endeavor to gain someone's affection) | :: corteggiare |
wood {n} /wʊd/ (substance) | :: legno {m} |
wood {n} (wood from a particular species) | :: legname {m} |
wood {n} (woodland) | :: bosco {m} |
wood {n} (firewood) | :: legna {f} |
wood {n} (music: woodwind instrument) | :: legni {m-p} |
wood {v} (to cover or plant with trees) | :: rimboschire |
woodchat shrike {n} (Lanius senator) | :: averla capirossa {f} |
woodchipper {n} (woodchip making machine) | :: cippatrice {f} |
woodchipping {n} (conversion of wood to chips) | :: cippatura {f} |
woodchuck {n} /ˈwʊd.tʃʌk/ (rodent of the family Sciuridae) | :: marmotta {f} |
woodcock {n} /ˈwʊd.kɒk/ (wading bird in the genus Scolopax) | :: beccaccia {f}, acceggia {f} |
wood cudweed {n} (Gnaphalium sylvaticum) | :: canapicchia comune |
woodcut {n} (method of printmaking) | :: xilografia {f} |
woodcutter {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack | :: |
woodcutter {n} (person who cuts wood) | :: taglialegna {m} |
wooded {adj} /ˈwʊdɪd/ (covered with trees) | :: boscoso, boschivo {m}, boscato {m}, selvoso {m} |
wooden {adj} /ˈwʊdən/ (made of wood) | :: di legno, ligneo |
wooden spoon {n} /ˈwʊdən spuːn/ (spoon made from wood) | :: cucchiaio di legno {m}, mestolo di legno {m} |
wooden spoon {n} (prize for coming last in a competition) | :: maglia nera {f} |
wood grouse {n} (Tetrao urogallus) SEE: western capercaillie | :: |
woodie {n} (erection) SEE: erection | :: |
woodland {adj} /ˈwʊd.lənd/ (of or pertaining to a creature or object existing in a woodland) | :: boschereccio {m} |
woodlark {n} (Lullula arborea) | :: tottavilla {f} |
woodlouse {n} /ˈwʊd.ˌlaʊs/ (any species of suborder Oniscidea) | :: onisco {m}, armadillo volgare {m}, porcellino di terra {m} |
wood nuthatch {n} (Sitta europaea) SEE: Eurasian nuthatch | :: |
woodpecker {n} /ˈwʊdˌpɛkɚ/ (bird in Picinae) | :: picchio {m} |
wood pigeon {n} (Columba palumbus) | :: colombaccio |
wood pulp {n} (pulp from trees used to make paper) | :: pasta di legno {f} |
woods {n} (forest) SEE: forest | :: |
wood sandpiper {n} (Tringa stagnatilis) | :: piro piro boschereccio {m} |
woodshed {n} (enclosed structure for storing firewood) | :: legnaia {f} |
wood sorrel {n} /ˈwʊdˌsɒɹəl/ (a white-flowered woodland plant, Oxalis acetosella) | :: acetosella {f} |
wood strawberry {n} (Fragaria vesca) SEE: wild strawberry | :: |
woodwind instrument {n} (musical instrument) | :: legni {m-p} |
woodworm {n} (larvae that bore into wood) | :: tarlo {m} |
woody {adj} /ˈwʊdi/ (covered in woods) | :: boscoso |
wooer {n} /ˈwu.ɚ/ (someone who woos or courts) | :: spasimante {m}, corteggiatore {m}, pretendente {m}, postulante {m}, richiedente {m} |
woof {n} /wʊf/ (set of yarns placed crosswise in a loom) | :: trama {f} |
wooing {n} (courting) SEE: courtship | :: |
wool {n} /wʊl/ (hair of sheep, etc.) | :: lana {f} |
wool {n} (cloth or yarn) | :: lana {f} |
woolen {adj} /ˈwʊlən/ (made of wool) | :: di lana, in lana |
woolly {adj} /ˈwʊli/ (made of wool) | :: lanoso |
woolly hat {n} (beanie) SEE: beanie | :: |
Worcestershire sauce {n} /ˈwʊs.tɚ.ʃɚ ˈsɔːs/ (English condiment) | :: salsa Worcestershire {f} |
word {n} /wɜːd/ (unit of language) | :: parola, vocabolo, termine |
word {n} (computing: fixed-size group of bits handled as a unit) | :: word |
word {n} (promise) | :: parola |
word {n} (the word of God) | :: parola, verbo |
word {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb | :: |
Word {n} /wɝd/ (Creative word of God) | :: Verbo {m} |
wordbook {n} (dictionary) SEE: dictionary | :: |
wordbook {n} (lexicon) SEE: lexicon | :: |
wordbook {n} (libretto) SEE: libretto | :: |
word for word {adv} (in exactly the same words) SEE: verbatim | :: |
word-hoard {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary | :: |
Wordian {prop} (A subdivision of the Permian period.) | :: Wordiano |
wording {n} (choice of words) | :: dicitura {f} |
word of honor {n} (a promise, or a pledge of one's good faith) | :: parola di honor {f}, parola d'onore {f} |
word of honour {n} (word of honor) SEE: word of honor | :: |
word of mouth {n} (verbal means of passing of information) | :: passaparola {m} |
words {n} (lyrics) SEE: lyrics | :: |
word search {n} (a word game) | :: parole intrecciate {p} |
wordster {n} (one who uses words instead of actions) SEE: hypocrite | :: |
word-stock {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary | :: |
word to the wise {adv} (idiomatic) | :: a buon intenditor poche parole |
wordy {adj} /ˈwɝdi/ (using an excessive number of words) | :: prolisso |
work {n} /wɝk/ (labour, employment, occupation, job) | :: lavoro {m}, impiego {m}, occupazione {f} |
work {n} (place where one is employed) | :: posto di lavoro |
work {n} (effort expended on a particular task) | :: lavoro, impegno, fatica {f} |
work {n} (literary, artistic, or intellectual production) | :: lavoro {m}, opera {f}, creazione {f} |
work {n} (measure of energy expended in moving an object) | :: lavoro {m} |
work {n} (thermodynamics: energy in transit between one form or repository and another) | :: lavoro {m} |
work {n} (fortification) | :: fortificazione |
work {v} (to do a specific task) | :: lavorare |
work {v} (shape, form, or improve a material) | :: lavorare |
work {v} (function correctly) | :: funzionare |
work {v} (influence) | :: lavorare |
workability {n} (ease with which something can be worked) | :: lavorabilità {f} |
workable {adj} (capable of functioning) | :: praticabile |
workable {adj} (able to be worked or fashioned) | :: lavorabile, trattabile |
workaholic {n} (person) | :: stacanovista {m} {f}, stakanovista {m} {f} |
workaholic {adj} (in the nature or manner of a workaholic) | :: stacanovistico, stacanovista, stakanovistico, stakanovista |
workaholism {n} (urge of a person to work excessively) | :: stacanovismo |
workbench {n} (sturdy table) | :: piano da lavoro {m} |
worked up {adj} (excessively emotional) | :: emozionato |
worker {n} /ˈwɝ.kɚ/ (person who performs labor) | :: lavoratore, operaio, lavorante |
workers of the world, unite {phrase} (workers of the world, unite) | :: lavoratori di tutto il mondo, unitevi!, proletari di tutti i paesi, unitevi! |
workforce {n} (workers employed by an organization) | :: forza lavoro {f}, manodopera {f} |
work function {n} (The minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the surface of a material) | :: lavoro di estrazione {m} |
workgroup {n} /ˈwəːkɡɹuːp/ (a group of workers engaged in a series of collaborative tasks) | :: gruppo di lavoro |
work hardening {n} (repeated plastic deformation of a material) | :: incrudimento {m} |
working {adj} /ˈwɝkɪŋ/ (functioning) | :: funzionante |
working {adj} (of or relating to employment) | :: lavorativo |
work in progress {n} | :: lavori in corso |
workmate {n} (coworker) SEE: coworker | :: |
work one's butt off {v} (to work excessively) | :: sgobbare |
work out {v} /ˌwɚk ˈaʊt/ (to habitually exercise rigorously) | :: allenarsi |
workout {n} /ˈwɚk.aʊt/ (an exercise session; a period of physical exercise) | :: allenamento {m} |
workout {n} (schedule or program of exercises, especially with a goal) | :: allenamento {m} |
workplace {n} (place where someone works) | :: luogo di lavoro {m} |
workroom {n} (A room where work is done) | :: bottega {f} |
workshop {n} /ˈwɝk.ʃɑp/ (small manufacturing room) | :: laboratorio {m}, bottega |
workshop {n} (intensive course of education) | :: laboratorio {m}, workshop |
workshop {n} (academic conference) | :: seminario, workshop |
worksome {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious | :: |
worksome {adj} (laborious) SEE: laborious | :: |
work someone's arse off {v} (to work excessively) SEE: work someone's ass off | :: |
work someone's ass off {v} (to work excessively) | :: sgobbare |
workstation {n} (powerful desktop computer) | :: workstation {f} |
workstation {n} (area for single worker) | :: postazione {f} |
workstead {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory | :: |
workstead {n} (place for work) | :: postazione {f} |
workstead {n} (place of employment) | :: posto di lavoro |
work-to-rule {n} (labor protest in which the minimum work is carried out) | :: sciopero bianco {m} (white strike) |
work up {v} (To develop) SEE: develop | :: |
workup {n} (a general medical examination) | :: controllo medico {m} |
world {n} /wɜːld/ (human collective existence) | :: mondo {m} |
world {n} (the Earth) | :: mondo {m} |
world {n} (inhabited planet) | :: mondo {m} |
world {n} (individual or group perspective or social setting) | :: mondo {m} |
world cup {n} (event; competition) | :: campionato mondiale {f} |
world cup {n} (trophy) | :: coppa del mondo {f} |
World Heritage Site {n} (place listed by UNESCO as being of significance) | :: patrimonio dell'umanità {m} |
worldly {adj} /ˈwɜː(ɹ)ldli/ (concerned with the secular rather than sacred) | :: mondano |
worldly {adv} (In a worldly manner.) | :: mondanamente |
world record {n} (the world's best score or time) | :: record del mondo {m}, record mondiale {m}, primato mondiale {m} |
world's oldest profession {n} (euphemism for prostitution) | :: la professione più antica del mondo {f} |
World Trade Center {prop} (former complex of buildings) | :: World Trade Center {m} |
World Trade Organization {prop} (World Trade Organization) | :: Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio {f}, OMC {f} |
worldview {n} (personal view of the world) | :: Weltanschauung {f} [literary], visione del mondo {f}, concezione del mondo {f} |
worldview {n} (totality of one's beliefs about reality) | :: modo di vedere {m} |
worldview {n} (general philosophy or view of life) | :: modo di vedere {m} |
World War I {prop} (war) | :: Prima guerra mondiale {f}, Grande Guerra {f} |
World War II {prop} (war from 1939 to 1945) | :: Seconda guerra mondiale {f} |
World War III {prop} (hypothetical world war (World War III)) | :: Terza Guerra Mondiale {f} |
World War One {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I | :: |
World War Two {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II | :: |
worldwide {adj} (affecting every place in the world) | :: mondiale |
worldwide {adv} (throughout the world) | :: in tutto il mondo |
worm {n} /wɝm/ (animal) | :: verme {m} |
worm {n} (contemptible being) | :: miserabile {m} {f} |
worm {n} (self-replicating program) | :: verme {m} |
worm {n} (dragon or mythological serpent) | :: drago {m} |
worm-eaten {adj} (eaten by worms, especially having a worm inside) | :: bacato {m} |
wormhole {n} (a shortcut between distant parts of space) | :: cunicolo {m} |
wormlike {adj} (similar to a worm) | :: vermicolare |
Worms {prop} /vɔːmz/ (a city in Germany) | :: Vormazia, Worms |
wormwood {n} /ˈwə(ɹ)m.wʊd/ (Artemisia absinthium) | :: assenzio {m} |
wormy {adj} (infested with worms) | :: bacato {m} |
worn out {adj} (damaged and useless due to hard or continued use) | :: usurato {m}, consunto {m}, consumato {m}, logoro {m} |
worn out {adj} (exhausted from exertion) | :: spossato {m}, stanco {m}, distrutto {m}, esausto {m} |
worn-out {adj} (worn-out) SEE: worn out | :: |
worried {adj} /ˈwʌɹid/ (thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen) | :: preoccupato |
worrisome {adj} /ˈwʌɹisəm/ (causing worry; perturbing or vexing) | :: preoccupante |
worry {v} /ˈwʌɹi/ (be troubled) | :: preoccuparsi |
worry {v} (disturb the peace of mind of) | :: disturbare, preoccupare |
worry {n} (strong feeling of anxiety) | :: preoccupazione {f} |
worrying {adj} /ˈwʌɹijˌɪŋ/ (inducing worry) | :: preoccupante |
worse {adj} /wɝs/ (comparative form of bad) | :: peggiore |
worsen {v} /ˈwɜː(r)sən/ (transitive: make worse) | :: peggiorare, andare di male in peggio |
worsen {v} (intransitive: get worse) | :: peggiorare |
worsening {n} (worse situation) | :: aggravamento, inasprimento, peggioramento {m} |
worship {n} /ˈwɜː.ʃɪp/ (devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object) | :: adorazione {f}, venerazione {f}, culto {m} |
worship {n} (the religious ceremonies that express this devotion) | :: culto {m} |
worship {n} (the ardent love of a person) | :: culto {m}, venerazione {f}, adorazione {f}, ardore {m} |
worship {n} | :: culto {m} |
worship {v} (to honor and adore, especially as a deity) | :: adorare, venerare, deificare |
worship {v} (to participate in religious ceremonies) | :: celebrare |
worship {v} | :: adorare |
worst {adj} /wɝst/ (most inferior) | :: il peggiore, peggiore, pessimo |
worst {n} (something that is worst) | :: peggiore {m} |
worst comes to worst {adv} (if a bad situation develops) | :: nel peggiore dei casi, di male in peggio |
worsted {n} /ˈwʊs.tɪd/ (fine smooth wool fabric) | :: pettinato {m} |
worth {adj} (obsolete: valuable, worthwhile) SEE: worthwhile | :: |
worth {adj} /wɜːθ/ (equal in value to) | :: valore {m} |
worth {adj} (deserving of) | :: degno, meritevole {f} |
worth {n} (value) | :: valore {m} |
worthless {adj} /ˈwɝθləs/ (not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential) | :: privo di valore, inutile, inconsistente, insignificante, senza valore |
worthlessness {n} (quality of lacking worth) | :: inutilità {f}, inane {m} |
worthwhile {adj} /wɜː(ɹ)θˈwaɪl/ (good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on) | :: che vale la pena |
worthy {adj} /ˈwɝði/ (having worth, merit or value) | :: degno |
would {v} /wʊd/ (indicating an action or state that is conditional on another) | :: Use the conditional tense |
would {v} (indicating an action or state that is conditional on another) | :: We would be warmer if you hadn't opened the window! - Staremmo più al caldo se tu non avessi aperto la finestra! |
would {v} (indicating a possible (but not definite) future action or state) | :: Use the conditional perfect tense; We sat on the bench, wondering if the bus would be late this time. - Ci siamo seduti sulla panchina, domandandoci se il bus sarebbe stato in ritardo questa volta. |
would {v} (indicating an action in the past that was planned or intended) | :: Use the conditional perfect tense; The waiter said he would be right back. - Il cameriere ha detto che sarebbe ritornato subito. |
would {v} (indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly) | :: Use the imperfect tense; In the winters, we would sit by the hole on the frozen lake and fish for hours. - D'inverno ci sedevamo presso al buco sul lago ghiacciato e pescavamo per ore. |
would {v} (used to express a polite request) | :: volere; Would you please turn off the TV? - Vuoi spegnere la tivù, per favore? [infomal]; Vuole spegnere la televisione, per favore? [formal] |
would like {v} (transitive) | :: Use the conditional of volere |
would like {v} (intransitive) | :: Use the conditional of volere |
wouldn't hurt a fly {v} (is of very gentle nature (idiom)) | :: non fare male a una mosca |
would you like to go out with me {phrase} (suggestion to date someone) | :: ti piacerebbe uscire con me? |
wound {n} /wund/ (injury) | :: lesione {f}, ferita {f} |
wound {n} (something that offends a person’s feelings) | :: offesa {f} |
wound {n} (an injury to a person by which the skin is divided) | :: ferita {f} |
wound {v} (hurt or injure) | :: ferire |
wound {v} (hurt (someone's feelings)) | :: ferire, offendere |
wounded {adj} /ˈwuːndɪd/ (suffering from a wound) | :: ferito |
wounded {adj} (suffering from an emotional injury) | :: ferito |
woven {adj} /ˈwoʊvən/ (fabricated by weaving) | :: tessuto {m}, intessuto {m} |
wow {interj} /waʊ̯/ (excitement) | :: accipicchia, accidenti, per tutti i diavoli, per la miseria, incredibile, perbacco |
wow {interj} | :: uao |
wrack {v} (rack) SEE: rack | :: |
wramp {v} (to sprain part of the body) SEE: sprain | :: |
wrap {v} /ɹæp/ (to enclose completely in fabric, paper, etc) | :: avvolgere, avviluppare, incartare, impacchettare |
wrap {n} (garment) | :: scialle {m}, sciarpa {f}, cappotto {m} |
wrap {n} (food) | :: rotolo {m}, sandwich arrotolato {m} |
wrapped {adj} /ɹæpt/ (encased in a wrapping) | :: incartato |
wrapping {n} (material) SEE: packaging | :: |
wrap up {v} (To fold and secure something to be the cover or protection) | :: imballare, impacchettare, confezionare, incartare, cintare, fasciare, avvolgere |
wrap up {v} (To finish off a task completely) | :: completare, portare a termine, concludere, terminare |
wrap up {v} (To wear abundant clothing as protection from the weather) | :: essere ben coperto, coprirsi |
wrap up {v} (To summarize or recapitulate) | :: riassumere, sintetizzare, ricapitolare |
wrasse {n} /ɹæs/ (Fish) | :: tordo di mare {m}, labride {m} |
wrath {n} /ɹɒθ/ (great anger) | :: furore {m}, collera {f}, ira {f} |
wreak havoc {v} /ɹiːk ˈhæv.ək/ (To cause damage, disruption, or destruction) | :: creare scompiglio, gettare scompiglio |
wreath {n} /ɹiːθ/ (something twisted and curled) | :: spirale {f}, voluta {f} |
wreath {n} (ornamental circular band) | :: ghirlanda {f}, corona {f} |
wreath {n} (heraldry: support of a crest) | :: ghirlanda {f} |
wreck {n} /ˈɹɛk/ (ruined object or person) | :: relitto {m}, rottame {m} |
wreck {n} (remains) | :: carcassa {f}, relitto {m}, carretta {f}, resti {m-p}, rovine {f-p}, colabrodo {m}, rottame {m} |
wreck {n} (collision) | :: collisione {f}, disastro {m} |
wrecker {n} (tow truck) SEE: tow truck | :: |
wrecker {n} /ˈɹɛkɚ/ (person or company that dismantles old or wrecked vehicles or other items, to reclaim useful parts) | :: sfasciacarrozze {m} |
wrecker {n} (one who breaks up situations, events) | :: demolitore {m}, demolitrice {f}, disgregatore {m}, disgregatrice {f}, sfasciafamiglie {m} {f} |
wren {n} /ɹɛn/ (bird of family Troglodytidae) | :: scricciolo {m} |
wrench {n} (screw) SEE: screw | :: |
wrench {n} /ɹɛnt͡ʃ̩̩/ (violent twisting movement) | :: strappo {m}, spinta {f}, strattone {m}, storta {f}, slogatura {f} |
wrench {n} (hand tool) | :: chiave, serradadi, chiave inglese, chiave piatta |
wrench {n} (violent emotional change caused by separation) | :: strazio {m}, dolore {m} |
wrench {v} (to pull or twist) | :: torcere, storcere |
wrench {v} (to sprain a joint) | :: slogare |
wrest {v} (to seize) SEE: seize | :: |
wrest {v} /ɹɛst/ (to obtain by pulling or violent force) | :: estorcere, carpire, spillare |
wrest {v} (to distort, pervert, twist) SEE: distort | :: |
wrest block {n} (music: a wooden block in the pianoforte into which the wrest-pins are driven) | :: pancone {m}, somiere {m} |
wrestler {n} (person who wrestles) | :: lottatore {m} |
wrestling {n} /ˈɹɛs.l̩.ɪŋ/ (sport) | :: lotta libera {f}, lotta {f} |
wretch {n} (exile) SEE: exile | :: |
wretch {n} /ɹɛtʃ/ (unhappy, unfortunate, or miserable person) | :: miserabile, iellato {m}, omuncolo {m}, straccio {m}, tapino {m} |
wriggle {v} /ˈɹɪɡəl/ (to twist one's body and move the limbs) | :: contorcersi |
wriggle {n} (wriggling movement) | :: contorsione {f} |
wright {n} /ɹaɪt/ ((obsolete) a builder or maker of something) | :: maestro {m}, esperto {m}, costruttore {m} |
wring {v} /ɹɪŋ/ (to squeeze or twist tightly so that liquid is forced out) | :: spremere |
wrinkle {n} /ˈɹɪŋkl̩/ (furrow in a smooth surface) | :: crepa {f}, asperità {f}, irregolarità {f} |
wrinkle {n} (line or crease in the skin) | :: ruga {f}, grinza {f} |
wrinkle {n} (fault, imperfection or bug) | :: imperfezione {f} |
wrinkle {v} (to make wrinkles in; to cause to have wrinkles) | :: raggrinzire, spiegazzare |
wrinkled {adj} /ˈɹɪŋkl̩d/ (having many wrinkles) | :: avvizzito {m}, raggrinzito {m}, corrugato {m}, grinzoso {m} |
wrist {n} /ɹɪst/ (wrist) | :: polso {m} |
wristlet {n} (handcuff) SEE: handcuff | :: |
wristlet {n} /ˈɹɪs(t)lət/ (decorative band or bracelet that encircles the wearer's wrist) | :: braccialetto {m}, cinturino {m}, manetta {f} |
wristwatch {n} (watch worn on the wrist) | :: orologio da polso {m} |
writ {n} /ɹɪt/ (a written order) | :: ordinanza {f}, intimazione {f}, mandato {m}, ingiunzione {f} |
writ {n} (that which is written) | :: scritto {m} |
write {v} /ɹaɪt/ (to form letters, etc.) | :: scrivere |
write {v} (to send a letter to) | :: scrivere a |
write down {v} (to set something down in writing) | :: sottoscrivere, annotare |
write out {v} (to write at full length) | :: appuntare, emettere |
writer {n} /ˈɹaɪ.təɹ/ (person who writes; an author) | :: scrittore {m}, scrittrice {f} |
writhe {v} /ɹaɪð/ (to twist or contort the body) | :: contorcersi |
writing {n} /ˈɹaɪtɪŋ/ (written letters or symbols) | :: scrittura {f} |
writing {n} (style of writing) | :: scrittura {f} |
writing as separate words {n} (writing an expression with spaces) | :: grafia/scrizione/scrittura separata (or: ~ analitica/disgiunta) {f} |
writing board {n} /ˈɹaɪtɪŋ bɔː(ɹ)d/ (A smooth vertical surface to be written upon using an erasable material, large enough for several persons to read simultaneously.) | :: lavagna {f} |
writing on the wall {n} /ˈɹaɪtɪŋ ɒn ðə ˈwɔːl/ (ominous warning) | :: pronostico {m}, presagio {m}, premonizione {f}, predizione {f} |
writing pad {n} (Collection of blank pages of writing paper) | :: blocco {m} |
written {adj} /ˈɹɪtn̩/ (of, relating or characteristic of writing) | :: scritto |
Wroclaw {prop} /ˈvɹɔts.wɑf/ (a city in southwestern Poland) | :: Breslavia {f} |
wrong {adj} /ɹɒŋ/ (incorrect) | :: sbagliato, errato, erroneo, scorretto |
wrong {adj} (immoral) | :: immorale, immorale {m} {f} |
wrong {adj} (improper) | :: improprio |
wrong {n} (something immoral) | :: torto {m} |
wrong {n} (opposite of right) | :: torto {m} |
wrong {adv} (wrongly) SEE: wrongly | :: |
wrongdoing {n} /ɹɒŋˈduːɪŋ/ (instance of doing wrong) | :: malefatta {f} |
wrongly {adv} /ˈɹɔŋli/ (In an unfair or immoral manner; unjustly) | :: a torto |
wrongness {n} /ˈɹɒŋ.nəs/ (the quality of being wrong) | :: erroneità {f}, stortura {f} |
wrong side of the tracks {n} (poor part of town) | :: lato sbagliato della strada |
wrought {adj} /ɹɔt/ (Having been worked or prepared somehow) | :: lavorato {m} |
wry {adj} /ɹaɪ/ (dryly humorous) | :: sarcastico |
wryneck {n} /ˈɹaɪnɛk/ (either of two small woodpeckers, Jynx torquilla and Jynx ruficollis) | :: torcicollo |
WSC {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin | :: |
wüstite {n} (a mineral, iron(II) oxide) | :: wustite {f} |
WTF {phrase} (What the fuck) | :: che cazzo, che cavolo |
WTO {prop} (World Trade Organization) | :: OMC |
Wuchiapingian {prop} (A subdivision of the Permian period.) | :: Wuchiapingiano |
wuderove {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff | :: |
wulfenite {n} (a mineral, lead molybdate) | :: wulfenite {f} |
wunderkind {n} (child prodigy) SEE: child prodigy | :: |
wuss {n} /wʊs/ (weak, ineffectual person) | :: femminuccia, pappamolle, fifone, smidollato, vigliacco, codardo, rammollito, mollusco, coniglio, pollo, merlo, cacasotto, pisciasotto, mammoletta, mollaccione, vile, debole, pauroso, eunuco |
wussy {n} (wuss) SEE: wuss | :: |
WW1 {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I | :: |
wy {n} (name of the letter Y, y) SEE: wye | :: |
Wyandot {n} (a member of the Wyandot people) | :: urone |
Wyandot {n} | :: Uroni {p} |
wye {n} /waɪ/ (name of the letter Y, y) | :: i greca {f}, ipsilon {f} |
Wymysorys {prop} (A West Germanic language spoken in the Polish town of Wilamowice.) | :: vilamoviano {m} |
Wyoming {prop} /waɪˈoʊmɪŋ/ (US state) | :: Wyoming {m} |
wyvern {n} /ˈwaɪvə(ɹ)n/ (mythical dragon-like creature) | :: viverna {f} |