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See also: giraré





From Latin gȳrāre.


  • IPA(key): /d͡ʒiˈra.re/
  • Rhymes: -are
  • Hyphenation: gi‧rà‧re
  • Audio:(file)



giràre (first-person singular present gìro, first-person singular past historic girài, past participle giràto, auxiliary avére)

  1. (ergative) to turn, stir, turn over [auxiliary avere]
    Synonyms: ruotare, voltare, mescolare, avvolgere, roteare, mulinare, turbinare, rivoltare, volgere, capovolgere, rovesciare, svoltare, curvare, aggirare
    girare lo sguardoto turn one's gaze
    girare la frittatato turn over the frittata
    il mondo gira su sé stessothe world turns on itself (its axis)
    devi girare a sinistrayou have to turn left
  2. (ergative, figurative, by extension) to spin (present a bias)
  3. (transitive) to tour, travel
    Synonyms: visitare, viaggiare, rivolgere
    1. to go round or alongside (a place, etc.)
      Synonym: costeggiare
      girare una collinato go round a hill
    2. to go far and wide
      ho girato il comune per trovarti un regalo
      I went all throughout the town to find you a gift
    3. to tour (make a circuit of a place)
  4. (transitive) to pass (to)
    ti giro questa domandaI pass this question to you
    Synonym: passare
  5. (transitive) to endorse, transfer (of a cheque/check, etc.)
    Synonym: trasferire
  6. (transitive, film) to shoot, film
    Synonyms: filmare, riprendere, registrare, realizzare
  7. (ambitransitive) to encircle
    Synonyms: circondare, cingere, attorniare
    la recinzione gira tutto il giardino
    the fence encircles the entire garden
    le mura girano attorno alla città
    the walls encircle the entire city
  8. (transitive, rare) to bypass
  9. (intransitive) to roam; to wander; to mill about [with per] [auxiliary avere]
    Synonyms: andare in giro, aggirarsi, passeggiare, vagare, circolare, girovagare
  10. (intransitive) to circulate [auxiliary avere]
    Synonyms: circolare, correre, diffondersi, propagarsi
  11. (intransitive) to continue [auxiliary avere] (of a text)
    il brano parte dalla prima e gira in terza pagina
    the excerpt begins on the first (page) and continues onto the third page
  12. (intransitive) to work; to function [auxiliary avere]
  13. (intransitive) to go through one's head [auxiliary essere]
    Synonyms: mulinare, turbinare, frullare
    Un'immagine dolorosa gli girava per la testa.
    A painful image was going through his head.
  14. (intransitive, informal) to feel like [auxiliary avere]
  15. (intransitive, informal) to proceed in a certain way, especially positive; to go [auxiliary avere]
    Il lavoro non gira bene.
    The work is not going well.
  16. (intransitive, Tuscany) to go bad [auxiliary avere] (of wine)

Usage notes

  • In the meaning "to turn", when used intransitively, must be followed by su, intorno a, or attorno a.
  • In the meaning "to encircle", when used intransitively, must be followed by intorno a or attorno a.




  • Spanish: yirar








  1. first/third-person singular future subjunctive of girar