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a casaccio

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From a caso (randomly) +‎ -accio (pejorative suffix).



a casaccio

  1. without order, reflection, or aim; at random; desultorily
    Synonyms: alla rinfusa, disordinatamente, a catafascio
    • 2019, George Orwell, translated by Nicola Gardini, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Mondadori:
      Parlarono a casaccio per qualche minuto, poi senza una raggione evidente, il teleschermo li zittì con un urlo.
      They talked desultorily for some minutes, then, without apparent reason, a yell from the telescreen bade them be silent.
      (literally, “They talked desultorily for some minutes, then without an evident reason, the telescreen shut them up with a yell.”)