User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-w
Wałbrzych {prop} (city in southwest Poland) | :: Wałbrzych, Waldenburg |
wacko {adj} (amusingly eccentric or irrational) | :: durchgeknallt |
wacky {adj} (zany) SEE: zany | :: |
wad {n} (soft plug) | :: Vorladung {f}, Vorschlag {m}, Pfropfen {m} |
wad {n} (ejaculate) | :: Wichse {f} |
Wadden Sea {prop} (Wadden Sea) | :: Wattenmeer {n} |
waddle {n} (swaying gait) | :: watschelnder Gang {m} |
waddle {v} (To walk with short steps, tilting the body from side to side) | :: watscheln |
wade {v} (to walk through water or something that impedes progress) | :: waten |
wader {n} (boot) | :: Watstiefel {m} |
wader {n} (bird) | :: Watvogel {m} |
wad hook {n} (two spiral blades arranged something like a corkscrew for extracting spherical objects from the bottom of a bore-hole, particularly a bullet from a firearm) | :: Kugelzieher {m}, Krätzer {m}, Flintenkrätzer {m}, Schusszieher {m}, Dammzieher {m} [in artillery] |
wading bird {n} (long-legged bird) | :: Watvogel {m}, Stelzvogel {m} |
wading pool {n} (shallow pool) | :: Planschbecken |
Wadowice {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Wadowitz |
wafer {n} (biscuit) | :: Oblate {f}, Waffel {f} |
wafer {n} (religious token) | :: Hostie {f} |
wafer {n} (electronics) | :: Wafer {m}, Halbleiterscheibe {f} |
Waffen-SS {prop} (combat arm of the Schutzstaffel) | :: Waffen-SS {f} |
waffle {n} (flat pastry) | :: Waffel {f} |
waffle {n} (speech or writing that is vague) | :: Geschwafel {n}, leere Phrasen {f-p} |
waffle {v} (to speak or write at length without any clear point or aim) | :: schwafeln |
waffle {v} (vacillate) SEE: vacillate | :: |
waffle iron {n} (a cooking appliance used to make waffles) | :: Waffeleisen {n} |
waft {v} (to float easily and gently on the air) | :: treiben, wehen, wallen, wabern, streichen, umwehen, tragen, getragen werden |
waft {v} (to be moved on a buoyant medium) | :: schweben, schwimmen, treiben, dahinsegeln |
waft {v} (to give notice to by waving something) | :: signalisieren, senden, aussenden, fortsenden, winken |
waft {n} (something carried through the air) | :: Hauch {m} |
wag {v} (to swing from side to side) | :: wedeln |
wag {v} (to not go to school) | :: schwänzen |
wage {n} (money paid to a worker) | :: Lohn {m}, Arbeitsentgelt {n} |
wage {v} (to conduct or carry out) | :: führen |
wager {n} (a stake; a pledge) | :: Wette {f} |
wager {n} (an agreement) | :: Wette {f} |
wager {n} (the subject of a bet) | :: Wetteinsatz {m} |
wager {v} (to bet on something) | :: wetten |
wager {v} (put up as collateral) | :: wetten |
waggle {v} (move with short, quick motions; wobble) | :: wackeln, wedeln |
waggle dance {n} (dance of bees) | :: Schwänzeltanz |
waggon {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon | :: |
Wagner {prop} (surname) | :: Wagner {m} {f} |
wagon {n} (four-wheeled cart for hauling loads, see also: cart) | :: Wagen |
wagon {n} (child's riding toy) | :: Bollerwagen {m} |
wagtail {n} (various small passerine birds) | :: Stelze {f} |
Wahhabi {n} (an adherent of the puritanical reform movement) | :: Wahhabit {m} |
Wahhabism {prop} (branch of Sunni Islam) | :: Wahhabismus {m} |
Wahhabite {n} (follower of Wahhabism) | :: Wahhabit {m} |
wail {v} (to cry out) | :: jammern, heulen |
wail {v} (to weep, lament) | :: heulen |
wail {v} (to make a sound like crying) | :: heulen |
wail {v} | :: [1,2] klagen |
wail {n} (loud cry or shriek) | :: Schrei {m}, Schmerzensschrei {m} |
wailer {n} (one who wails) | :: Klagender {m}, Klagende {f} |
wainscotting {n} (Wooden (especially oaken) panelling on the lower part of a room’s walls) | :: Fußbodenleiste {f}, Lambris {f} |
wainwright {n} (maker of wagons) | :: Wagner {m}, Stellmacher {m}, Wagenbauer {m}, Wagenmacher {m}, Radmacher {m} |
waist {n} (part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach) | :: Taille {f} |
waist {n} (the middle portion of the hull of a ship or the fuselage of an aircraft) | :: Rumpf {m} |
waistband {n} (band of fabric encircling the waist) | :: Bund {m} |
waistcoat {n} (a sleeveless, collarless garment) | :: Weste {f}, [regional, obsolescent] Gilet {n} |
waistline {n} (line around the body at the waist; its measurement) | :: Taille {f} |
waistline {n} (narrowest part of a garment) | :: Taille {f} |
wait {v} (delay until some event) | :: warten |
wait {v} (to serve customers) | :: bedienen |
wait {n} (a delay) | :: Warten |
wait {v} (transitive: delay until) SEE: await | :: |
wait-and-see {adj} (tending to observe) | :: abwartend |
waiter {n} (a server in a restaurant or similar) | :: Kellner {m}, Kellnerin {f} |
waiter {n} (someone who waits) | :: Wartender {m}, Wartende {f} |
wait for {v} (await) SEE: await | :: |
waiting list {n} (ordered list of people waiting to obtain a good or service) | :: Warteliste {f} |
waiting move {n} (chess: passive move) | :: Abwartezug {m} |
waiting room {n} (room) | :: Wartezimmer {n}, Warteraum {m} |
waitlist {n} (waiting list) SEE: waiting list | :: |
waitress {n} (female waiter) | :: Kellnerin {f} |
waive {v} (to relinquish; to give up claim to) | :: verzichten, aufgeben |
waive {v} (to put aside, avoid) | :: verlassen, aufgeben |
waiver {n} (the act of waiving) | :: Verzicht {m} |
wake {v} (to stop sleeping) | :: aufwachen, erwachen |
wake {v} (to make somebody stop sleeping) | :: aufwecken, wecken |
wake {n} (period after death) | :: Totenwache {f} |
wake {n} (path left behind a ship on the surface of the water) | :: Kielwasser {n} |
wake {n} (turbulent air left behind a flying aircraft) | :: Nachlauf {m} |
wakeful {adj} (restless) | :: wach, schlaflos, wachsam, aufmerksam, unruhig, vigilant |
wakefulness {n} (state of being wakeful) | :: Wachsamkeit {f}, Aufmerksamkeit {f}, Schlaflosigkeit {f}, Wachheit {f}, Vigilanz {f} |
wake up {v} (to (become) awake) | :: aufwachen, erwachen, wach werden |
wake up {v} (to awaken (someone else)) | :: aufwecken, wecken, wach machen |
wake up {v} (to become more aware of a real-life situation.) | :: aufwachen, wach werden, sich bewusst werden |
wake-up call {n} (morning courtesy call) | :: Weckruf {m} |
wake up on the wrong side of bed {v} (to be irritable) SEE: get up on the wrong side of the bed | :: |
Waldemar {prop} (male given name) | :: Waldemar |
Waldensian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Waldenses) | :: waldensisch {m}, Waldenser- [e.g., Waldenserkirche] |
Waldensian {n} (one who holds the doctrines of the Waldenses) | :: Waldenser {m}, Waldenserin {f} |
waldmeister {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff | :: |
Waldorf salad {n} (type of salad) | :: Waldorfsalat {m} |
Wales {prop} (a constituent nation of the UK) | :: Wales {n} |
walk {v} (to move on the feet) | :: laufen, gehen, wandern, spazieren gehen, wandeln [archaic] |
walk {v} (colloquial: to avoid a criminal court case) | :: freigelassen werden, freikommen |
walk {v} (colloquial: to be stolen) | :: wegkommen |
walk {v} (to travel a distance by walking) | :: laufen |
walk {v} (to take for a walk) | :: ausführen, begleiten |
walk {n} (trip made by walking) | :: Spaziergang {m} |
walk {n} (distance walked) | :: Weg {m} |
walking {n} (gerund of walk) | :: Wandern {n}, Spazierengehen {n}, Gehen {n}, Laufen {n} [colloquial] |
walking boot {n} (hiking boot) SEE: hiking boot | :: |
walking cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick | :: |
walking frame {n} (framework device, see also: baby walker) | :: Rollator {m} |
walking pace {n} (walking speed) | :: Schrittgeschwindigkeit {f}, Schritttempo {n} |
walking stick {n} (cane) | :: Spazierstock {m}, Krückstock {m}, Gehstock {m}, vierfüßiger Gehstock {m} |
walking stick {n} (insect) SEE: stick insect | :: |
walk in the park {n} (something easy or pleasant) | :: Zuckerschlecken {n}, Spaziergang {m} |
walkman {n} (any personal cassette player) | :: Walkman {m} |
walk-on {n} (actor with a small part) | :: Statist {m}, Statistin {f}, Komparse {m} |
walk on eggshells {v} (to act carefully to avoid upsetting someone) | :: sich auf Eierschalen bewegen |
walk-on girl {n} (woman who escorts a player to the stage at a darts event) | :: Walk-on-Girl |
walkout {n} (stoppage of work) SEE: strike | :: |
walk over {v} (first sense: to physically walk over) | :: hinüberlaufen, hinübergehen |
walk over {v} (to treat someone as inferior) | :: herumschikanieren, herumtrampeln |
walk the plank {v} (to be forced to resign from a position in an organization) | :: über die Planke gehen |
walk the talk {v} (to act in accordance with one's words) | :: seinen Worten Taten folgen lassen |
walk through {v} | :: durchgehen |
walkthrough {n} ((video games) playthrough detailing the steps involved in winning the game) | :: Komplettlösung |
walkway {n} (clearly defined path) | :: Fußweg {m} |
wall {n} (defensive rampart) | :: Wall {m} |
wall {n} (structure built for defense surrounding an area) | :: Mauer {f}, Wall {m} |
wall {n} (substantial structure acting as side or division in a building) | :: Wand {f}, Mauer {f} |
wall {n} (impediment to free movement) | :: Barriere {f}, Hemnis {n} |
wall {n} (butterfly Lasiommata megera) | :: Mauerfuchs {m} |
wall {n} (anatomy, zoology, botany: divisive or containing structure) | :: Wand {f} |
wall {v} (to enclose by surrounding with walls) | :: einmauern, zumauern |
wallaby {n} (Any of several species of Marsupial) | :: Wallaby {n} |
Wallachia {prop} (region in Romania) | :: Walachei {f} |
Wallachia {prop} (region in Moravia) | :: Mährische Walachei {f} |
Wallachian {adj} (related to Wallachia) | :: walachisch, wallachisch |
Wallachian {prop} (language, see also: Romanian) | :: Walachisch {n}, Wallachisch {n} |
wall bars {n} (exercise equipment) | :: Sprossenwand {f} |
wall chaser {n} (power tool) | :: Mauernutfräse {f} |
wall clock {n} (clock mounted on a wall) | :: Wanduhr {f} |
wallcreeper {n} (Tichodroma muraria) | :: Mauerläufer {m} |
wallet {n} (case for keeping money) | :: Portemonnaie {n}, Portmonee {n}; Brieftasche {f}; Geldbeutel {m}; Geldbörse {f}, Börse {f} |
walleye {n} (Sander vitreus) | :: Glasaugenbarsch {m} |
walleyed {adj} (having eyes with a pale coloured iris) | :: Birkauge |
wallflower {n} (any of several short-lived herbs or shrubs of the Erysimum) | :: Goldlack {m}, Lackstock {m}, Lackviole {f}, Schöterich {m} |
wallflower {n} (socially awkward person) | :: Mauerblümchen {n} |
wall hanging {n} (wall decoration) | :: Wandbehang {m}, Wandverzierung {f}, Wandteppich {m} |
wall in {v} (enclose by surrounding with walls) | :: ummauern |
Wallis and Futuna {prop} (an overseas territory of France in Oceania) | :: Wallis und Futuna |
Wallonia {prop} (a region) | :: Wallonien {n}, Wallonie {f} |
Walloon {prop} (Romance language) | :: Wallonisch {n} |
Walloon {n} (an inhabitant of Wallonia) | :: Wallone {m}, Wallonin {f} |
Walloon {adj} (referring to the French-speaking people of southern Belgium) | :: wallonisch |
Walloon {adj} (referring to the Romance language) | :: wallonisch |
wallow {v} (to roll oneself about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire) | :: sich wälzen, sich suhlen |
wallow {v} (to immerse oneself in, to occupy oneself with, metaphorically) | :: sich suhlen |
wallow {v} | :: sich wälzen , suhlen , schwelgen (to wallow in vice) dem Laster frönen; (to wallow in money) im Geld schwimmen; (to wallow in pleasure) im Vergnügen schwelgen |
wallow {n} | :: Bad {n} , Suhle {f} |
wallpaper {n} (decorative paper for walls) | :: Tapete {f} |
wallpaper {n} (computing: image used to cover a desktop) | :: Hintergrundbild {n}, Wallpaper |
wallpaper {v} (to cover with wallpaper) | :: tapezieren |
wall plug {n} | :: Dübel {m}, Schraubdübel {m}, Wanddübel {m} |
wall rocket {n} (plant of the genus Diplotaxis) | :: Doppelsame {m} |
walls have ears {proverb} (be careful about what you say) | :: Wände haben Ohren |
wall socket {n} (electricity power point) | :: Steckdose {f} |
walnut {n} (tree) | :: Walnussbaum {m} |
walnut {n} (nut) | :: Walnuss {f} |
walnut {n} (wood) | :: Nussbaumholz {n} |
walnut {n} (colour) | :: dunkelbraune Farbe {f} |
Walpurgis night {n} (Walpurgis Night) | :: Walpurgisnacht {f} |
walrus {n} (large Arctic marine mammal) | :: Walross {n} |
Walter {prop} (male given name) | :: Walter {m}, Walther {m} |
waltz {n} (a ballroom dance) | :: Walzer {m} |
waltz {n} (piece of music) | :: Walzer {m} |
wan {adj} (pale, sickly-looking) | :: fahl, matt |
wan {adj} (dim, faint) | :: fahl, matt |
wand {n} (hand-held narrow rod) | :: Stab {m} |
wander {v} (to move without purpose or destination) | :: umherstreifen, umherstreichen, herumziehen, stromern, zigeunern, schlendern, bummeln, wandeln |
wander {v} (to commit adultery) | :: fremdgehen, einen Seitensprung tun |
wander {v} (to go somewhere indirectly) | :: umherschweifen |
wander {v} (of the mind, to lose focus or clarity of argument or attention) | :: abschweifen |
wanderer {n} (one who wanders) | :: Wanderer {m} |
wandering albatross {n} (Diomedea exulans) | :: Wanderalbatros {m} |
Wandering Jew {prop} (the Jewish shoemaker from the Christian legend) | :: Ewiger Jude {m}, Wandernder Jude {m} |
wandering spider {n} (spider of the family Ctenidae) | :: Wanderspinne {f} |
wanderlust {n} (a strong impulse or longing to travel) | :: Fernweh {n}, Wanderlust {f}, Reiselust {f} |
Wanderwort {n} (Translations) | :: Wanderwort {n} |
wane {v} (to progressively lose its splendor, value, ardor, power, intensity, etc.) | :: schwinden |
wane {v} (the Moon becoming less visible) | :: abnehmen |
wane {v} (to decrease physically in size, amount, numbers or surface) | :: schrumpfen |
wangle {v} (falsify) SEE: falsify | :: |
waning moon {n} (moon as it progresses from full moon to a new moon) | :: abnehmender Mond {m} |
wank {v} (intransitive: to masturbate) | :: wichsen |
wank {v} (transitive: to masturbate) | :: wichsen |
wank {n} (act of masturbation) | :: Selbstbefriedigung {f}, onanieren |
Wankel engine {n} (type of engine) | :: Wankelmotor {m} |
wanker {n} (person who wanks) | :: Wichser {m} |
wanker {n} (idiot) | :: Wichser {m} |
wanker {n} (someone who shows off too much) | :: Angeber {m}, Macker {m}, Wichser {m} |
wannabe {n} (someone who wishes something but lacks the qualifications) | :: Möchtegern {m} |
want {v} (desire) | :: wollen |
want {n} (desire, wish, longing) | :: Not {f} |
want {n} (lack (of)) | :: Mangel {m} |
want {n} (poverty) | :: Not {f} |
want {v} (lack) SEE: lack | :: |
wanted {adj} (desired) | :: ersehnt, gewünscht, erwünscht |
wanton {adj} (undisciplined) | :: wild, unkontrolliert, unbeherrscht, unberechenbar |
wanton {adj} (playful, carefree) | :: ausgelassen, leichtfertig, boshaft |
wanton {adj} (lewd, immoral; sexually open/free) | :: lüstern, unkeusch |
wanton {adj} (capricious, reckless of morals or justice) | :: rücksichtslos |
wanton {n} (overly playful person) | :: boshaftes Kind, Balg, Schelm |
waqf {n} (inalienable endowment for charity) | :: Waqf |
war {n} (conflict involving organized use of arms) | :: Krieg {m} |
war {n} (card game) | :: Krieg {m} |
war {v} (to engage in conflict) | :: Krieg führen, [obsolete] kriegen |
warble {n} (lesion under the skin of cattle, caused by by the larva of a bot fly) | :: Dasselbeule |
warbler {n} (bird of the Parulidae family) | :: Waldsänger {m} |
war bride {n} (woman) | :: Soldatenbraut, Kriegsbraut |
war cemetery {n} (cemetery reserved for the graves of victims of warfare) | :: Soldatenfriedhof, Gefallenenfriedhof |
war chest {n} (fund to finance a war) | :: Kriegskasse {f} |
war chest {n} (fund for some specific campaign) | :: Kriegskasse {f} [informal] |
war crime {n} (offense for violations of the law of war) | :: Kriegsverbrechen {n} |
war criminal {n} (person guilty of a war crime) | :: Kriegsverbrecher {m} |
war cry {n} (war cry) | :: Kriegsgeschrei {n} |
ward {n} (action of a watchman) | :: Wache {f} |
ward {n} (person under guardianship) | :: Mündel {n}, Pflegling |
ward {n} (administrative subdivision of cities) | :: Stadtbezirk {m} |
ward {n} (Mormonism: subdivision of church) | :: Gemeinde |
ward {n} (part of a hospital where patients reside) | :: Station {f} |
ward {n} (minor looked after by a guardian) | :: Mündel {n} |
ward {n} (on a lock or key) | :: Einschnitt {m} [of key], Aussparung {f} [of lock] |
-ward {suffix} (forming adverbs) | :: -wärts |
war dance {n} (ceremonial dance performed before a major battle or after a victory) | :: Kriegstanz {m} |
warden {n} (a chief administrative officer of a prison) | :: Gefängnisdirektor {m}, Gefängnisdirektorin {f} |
warden {n} (an official charged with supervisory duties) | :: Aufseher {m} |
warder {n} (guard) | :: Wärter {m}; Gefängniswärter {m}; Wächter {m} |
ward off {v} (to parry, or turn aside) | :: abwehren |
ward off {v} (to avert or prevent) | :: verhindern |
wardrobe {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
wardrobe {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
wardrobe {n} (movable furniture for storing clothes) | :: Garderobe, Kleiderschrank |
wardrobe malfunction {n} ((euphemism) an accidental instance of indecent exposure) | :: Garderobenstörung {f} [literal] |
-wards {suffix} (forming adverbs) | :: -wärts |
ware {n} (product) | :: Ware {f} |
warehouse {n} (A place for storing large amounts of products) | :: Lager {n}, Lagerhaus {n}, Speicherhaus {n} |
warehouse {v} (store) | :: lagern, einlagern |
warehouseman {n} (person who manages or works in a warehouse) | :: Lagerhalter {m}, Lagerverwalter {m}, Lagerist {m} |
warehousewoman {n} (woman who manages or works in a warehouse) | :: Lagerhalterin {f}, Lagerverwalterin {f} |
warfare {n} (the waging of war or armed conflict against an enemy) | :: Kriegsführung {f} |
warfare {n} (military operations of some particular kind) | :: Kriegsführung {f} |
war film {n} (film set in wartime) | :: Kriegsfilm {m} |
war game {n} | :: Planspiel {n}; Planübung {f}; Militärübung {f}; Gefechtsübung {f}; Gefechtssimulation {f}; [when large also] Manöver {n}; Militärmanöver {n}; [now rare also] Kriegsspiel {n} |
war game {n} (game) | :: Kriegsspiel {n} |
war grave {n} (burial place) | :: Soldatenfriedhof, Gefallenenfriedhof |
warhead {n} (part of a missile, projectile, torpedo, rocket, or other munition) | :: Sprengkopf {m}, Gefechtskopf {m} |
Warholian {adj} (of or pertaining to Andy Warhol) | :: Warhol'sch, warholsch |
wariness {n} | :: Vorsicht {f} |
warlike {adj} (belligerent) | :: streitlustig, angriffslustig, kampfeslustig |
warlike {adj} (bellicose) | :: kriegerisch, kämpferisch |
warlock {n} (male magic-user) | :: Hexer {m}, Hexenmeister {m}, Zauberer {m} |
warlord {n} (high military officer in a warlike nation) | :: Kriegsherr {m} |
warlord {n} (local ruler or bandit leader where the government is weak) | :: Kriegsherr {m} |
warm {adj} (having a temperature slightly higher than usual) | :: warm |
warm {adj} (caring, of relation to another person) | :: warmherzig, fürsorglich |
warm {v} (to make or keep warm) | :: wärmen |
war machine {n} (weapon) | :: Kriegsmaschine {f} |
war machine {n} (resources) | :: Kriegsmaschinerie {f} |
warm-blooded {adj} (maintaining constant body temperature) SEE: endothermic | :: |
war memorial {n} (commemorial monument) | :: Ehrenmal {n}, Kriegerdenkmal {n} |
warm front {n} (the trailing edge of a mass of cold air) | :: Warmfront {f} |
warming {n} (a small rise in temperature) | :: Erwärmung {f} |
warmonger {n} (one who advocates war) | :: Bellizist {m}, Bellizistin {f}, Kriegstreiber {m}, Kriegstreiberin {f}, Kriegshetzer {m}, Kriegshetzerin {f} |
warmongering {n} (bellicism, militarism) | :: Kriegstreiberei {f} |
warmongery {n} (act of promoting, or inciting war-like, bellicose actions) | :: Kriegstreiberei {f} |
warm someone's heart {v} (warm the cockles of someone's heart) SEE: warm the cockles of someone's heart | :: |
warmth {n} (moderate heat; sensation of being warm) | :: Wärme {f} |
warm the cockles of someone's heart {v} (to provide happiness to someone) | :: Herz wärmen |
warm up {v} (to become warmer) | :: sich aufwärmen |
warm up {v} (to reheat food) | :: aufwärmen, wärmen |
warm up {v} (to make an audience enthusiastic) | :: aufwärmen |
warn {v} (to make someone aware of impending danger) | :: warnen, verständigen |
warn {v} (to notify someone of something) | :: warnen |
Warner {prop} (male given name of Germanic origin) | :: Werner |
warning {n} (instance of warning someone) | :: Warnung {f} |
warning {n} (something spoken or written that is intended to warn) | :: Warnung {f}, Mahnung {f} |
warning {interj} (warning of danger in signs) | :: Achtung, Warnung |
warning shot {n} (shot fired) | :: Warnschuss {m} |
warning shot {n} (action intended as a warning) | :: Schuss vor den Bug {m} |
warning triangle {n} (a triangle used to warn other road users) | :: Warndreieck {n}, Pannendreieck {n} |
war of aggression {n} (military conflict waged without the justification of self-defense, usually for territorial gain and subjugation) | :: Angriffskrieg |
war of conquest {n} (war of conquest, see also: war of aggression) | :: Eroberungskrieg {m} |
war of nerves {n} (conflict in which demoralizing and frightening tactics are used) | :: Nervenkrieg {m} |
war of nerves {n} (situation in which opposed parties maintain a tense, contentious relationship) | :: Nervenkrieg {m} |
warp {n} (state of being bent out of shape) | :: Entstellung {f}, Verwerfung {f}, Verkrümmung {f}, Verwölbung {f}, Verbiegung {f}, Verdrehung {f}, Krümmung {f}, Verformung {f} |
warp {n} (distortion or twist) | :: Verzerrung {f}, Verziehung {f} [wood], Verwindung {f}, Verwerfung {f}, Verziehen {n} |
warp {n} (threads running lengthwise) | :: Webkette {f}, Kettfäden {f} |
warp {n} (nautical: line used in warping) | :: Verholtau {n} |
warp {v} (to twist or turn something out of shape) | :: biegen |
warp {v} (to move a vessel) | :: verholen, schleppen |
war paint {n} (pigment) | :: Kriegsbemalung {f} |
warpath {n} (course of action that leads to hostility) | :: Kriegspfad {m} |
warp beam {n} (warp roll) | :: Kettbaum {m} |
warped {adj} (distorted by warping) | :: verzogen |
war profiteer {n} (person or group that gains from selling weapons and military equipment) | :: Kriegsgewinnler {m}, Kriegsgewinnlerin {f}, Kriegsprofiteur {m}, Kriegsprofiteurin {f} |
warrant {n} (something that provides assurance or confirmation) | :: Nachweis {m} |
warrant {v} (to guarantee) | :: garantieren |
warrant {v} (to justify) SEE: justify | :: |
warrant {v} (to authorize) SEE: authorize | :: |
warranted {adj} (authorized with a warrant) | :: berechtigt, gewährleistet, echt, garantiert, unter Garantie |
warrant of payment {n} (written order instructing someone to pay some amount of money at a specific time) | :: Zahlungsbefehl {m}, Mahnbescheid {m} |
warranty {n} (legal: an agreement which states that the goods or property in question will be in exactly the same state as promised) | :: Garantie {f} |
warranty {n} (a written guarantee, usually over a fixed period, provided to someone who buys a product or item, which states that repairs will be provided free of charge in case of damage or a fault) | :: Garantie {f} |
war-ridden {adj} (dominated or plagued by war) | :: kriegsgeschädigt, kriegsgebeutelt, vom Krieg gebeutelt, Kriegs- |
warrior {n} (person actively engaged in battle, conflict or warfare) | :: Krieger {m}, Kriegerin {f} |
Warsaw {prop} (capital city of Poland) | :: Warschau {n} |
Warsaw Pact {prop} (pact) | :: Warschauer Pakt {m} |
Warsaw Pact {prop} (military alliance) | :: Warschauer Pakt {m} |
Warsaw Uprising {prop} (millitary operation) | :: Warschauer Aufstand {m} |
warship {n} (ship built or armed for naval combat) | :: Kriegsschiff {n} |
Warsovian {adj} (Varsovian) SEE: Varsovian | :: |
Warsovian {n} (Varsovian) SEE: Varsovian | :: |
wart {n} (type of growth occurring on the skin) | :: Warze {f} |
Warta {prop} (river) | :: Warthe |
warthog {n} (a species of wild pig) | :: Warzenschwein {n} |
wartime {n} (period of a war) | :: Kriegszeit {f} |
war torn {adj} (subjected to the ravages of war) | :: kriegsgebeutelt, kriegszerrüttet |
war-torn {adj} (extensively damaged as the result of war) | :: kriegsgebeutelt, kriegszerrüttet |
war tuba {n} (acoustic locator) | :: Kriegstuba {f} |
warty {adj} (having warts) | :: warzig |
war veteran {n} (person who has served in the armed forces during a war) | :: Kriegsveteran {m} |
war-weary {adj} (weary or tired of war) | :: kriegsmüde |
war-weary {adj} (tired from fighting in a war) | :: kriegsmüde |
war widow {n} (woman whose spouse has been killed in conflict) | :: Kriegswitwe {f} |
wary {adj} (cautious of danger; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous) | :: achtsam, umsichtig, vorsichtig, wachsam |
wary {adj} (characterized by caution; guarded; careful) | :: vorsichtig |
war zone {n} (region of ongoing war) | :: Kriegsgebiet {n} |
wasabi {n} (green Japanese condiment) | :: Wasabi {m} |
wash {v} (to clean with water) | :: waschen, spülen |
wash {v} (to move or erode by the force of water in motion) | :: wegspülen |
wash {v} (to clean oneself) | :: sich waschen |
wash {n} (process or an instance of washing or being washed by water) | :: Wäsche |
wash {n} (painting) | :: Lavierung |
washable {adj} (capable of being washed without being damaged) | :: waschbar, waschecht |
washbasin {n} (basin used for washing, sink) | :: Waschbecken {n}, Waschschüssel {f} |
washboard {n} (board to do laundry) | :: Waschbrett {n} |
washboard {n} (percussion instrument) | :: Waschbrett {n} |
washcloth {n} (cloth used to wash) | :: Waschlappen {m} |
wash down {v} (to help to swallow by drinking a liquid) | :: herunterspülen |
washed up {adj} (having no future) | :: am Ende, fertig, erledigt |
washer {n} (something that washes) | :: Waschmaschine {f} (washing machine), Spülmaschine {f} (dishwasher) |
washer {n} (person who washes for a living) | :: Wäscher {m}, Wäscherin {f}, Waschfrau {f} |
washer {n} (flat disk) | :: Scheibe {f}, Unterlegscheibe {f} |
washer {n} (face cloth) | :: Waschlappen {m} |
washerwoman {n} (woman who washes other people's laundry) | :: Wäscherin {f}, Waschfrau {f} |
washing {n} (action of the verb "to wash") | :: Waschen {n} |
washing {n} (textiles that have been or are to be washed) | :: Wäsche {f} |
washing machine {n} (machine that washes clothes) | :: Waschmaschine {f} |
washing mitt {n} | :: Waschhandschuh {m} |
washing powder {n} (powder for washing clothes) | :: Waschpulver {n} |
washing soda {n} (sodium carbonate) | :: Waschsoda {n} {f} |
Washington {prop} (name) | :: Washington {n} |
Washington, D.C. {prop} (federal capital of the United States of America) | :: Washington, D.C. |
washing-up {n} (washing of dishes etc.) | :: Abwasch {m} |
washing-up liquid {n} (liquid soap used to wash dishes) | :: Spülmittel {n} |
washroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
washstand {n} (table for washing) | :: Waschtisch {m} |
wash up {v} (wash one's hands and/or face (US)) | :: sich waschen, Hände waschen [to wash hands] |
wash up {v} (be carried on to land by water) | :: aufspülen |
wash up {v} (clean utensils, dishes, etc.) SEE: do the dishes | :: |
wasla {n} (an Arabic diacritic denoting elision of the alif) | :: Wasla {n} |
wasp {n} (insect) | :: [♂♀] Wespe {f} |
wasp waist {n} (waist like that of a wasp) | :: Wespentaille {f} |
wassail {n} (beverage served during a wassail) | :: Glühwein, Glühbier, Glühmost |
waste {n} (useless by-products, garbage) | :: Müll {m}, Abfall {m}, Ausschuss {m} |
waste {n} (waste land, desolate region) | :: Einöde {f} |
waste {n} (action of wasting, ineffective use) | :: Verschwendung {f}, Vergeudung {f} |
waste {n} (gradual loss or decay) | :: Verfall {m} |
waste {adj} (barren) | :: wüst, öde |
waste {adj} (excess) | :: überflüssig |
waste {adj} (superfluous; needless) | :: überflüssig |
waste {v} (to destroy) | :: verwüsten |
waste {v} (to decay) | :: verfallen |
waste {v} (to squander) | :: verschwenden |
waste {v} (slang: to kill) | :: töten |
wastebasket {n} (wastepaper basket) SEE: wastepaper basket | :: |
wastebasket {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can | :: |
waste breath {v} (to speak futilely) | :: Atem verschwenden |
wasted {adj} (not profitably used) | :: vertan |
wasteful {adj} (inclined to waste) | :: verschwenderisch |
wastegate {n} (a valve that diverts exhaust gases) | :: Bypassventil {n} |
wasteland {n} (region with no remaining resources; desert) | :: Ödland {n}, Wüste {f} |
wasteland {n} (barren and uninteresting place) | :: Ödnis {f} |
waste not, want not {proverb} | :: Spare in der Zeit, so hast du in der Not |
waste of time {n} (meaningless or fruitless activity) | :: Zeitverschwendung {f} |
wastepaper {n} (unwanted paper that has been discarded) | :: Altpapier {n}, Makulatur {f} |
wastepaper basket {n} (small open container for discarded paper) | :: Papierkorb {m} |
waster {n} (one that wastes) | :: Verschwender {m}, Verschwenderin {f} |
waste sorting {n} (separation of waste) | :: Mülltrennung {f} |
waste time {v} (allow time to elapse in an unproductive manner) | :: Zeit vergeuden |
wastewater {n} (water containing waste products) | :: Abwasser {n} |
watch {n} (portable or wearable timepiece) | :: Uhr {f}, Armbanduhr {f} |
watch {n} (particular time period) | :: Wache {f} |
watch {n} (person or group of people who guard) | :: Wache {f} |
watch {n} (group of sailors and officers) | :: Wache {f} |
watch {v} (to look at for a period of time) | :: ansehen, sehen, zusehen |
watch {v} (to observe) | :: beobachten |
watch {v} (to attend or guard) | :: aufpassen, überwachen |
watch {v} (to be vigilant) | :: wachen |
watch cap {n} (knitted cap) SEE: beanie | :: |
watchdog {n} (dog) SEE: guard dog | :: |
watcher {n} (guard) SEE: guard | :: |
watchlist {n} (list for special attention) | :: Beobachtungsliste {f} |
watchmaker {n} (person who repairs (and originally made) watches) | :: Uhrmacher {m}, Uhrmacherin {f} |
watchman {n} (guard) | :: Wächter {m} |
watch one's mouth {v} (watch one's mouth) | :: aufpassen, was man sagt (to watch what one says); nicht in diesem Ton reden (not to talk in this tone); [formal] auf seine Ausdrucksweise achten (to mind one's diction) |
watch out {v} (to use caution) | :: aufpassen |
watch out {interj} (proceed with caution) | :: Achtung, Vorsicht, vorsichtig |
watch over {v} (to guard and protect) | :: behüten, wachen |
watchtower {n} (observation tower) | :: Wachturm |
watchword {n} (word used as expressive of a principle) | :: Motto {n}, Schlagwort {n}, Parole {f} |
watchword {n} (a prearranged reply to the challenge of a sentry or a guard) | :: Losung {f}, Parole {f}, Kennwort {n} |
water {n} (amniotic fluid) SEE: amniotic fluid | :: |
water {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water | :: |
water {v} (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)) | :: gießen, bewässern |
water {v} (to provide (animals) with water) | :: tränken |
water {v} (colloquial: to urinate) | :: Harn lassen |
water {v} (to fill with or secrete water) | :: tränen |
water {n} (clear liquid H₂O) | :: Wasser |
water {n} (one of the basic elements) | :: Wasser {n} |
water {n} (body of water, or specific part of it) | :: Gewässer {n-p} |
water {n} (urine) | :: Wasser {n} |
water {n} (serving of water) | :: Wasser {n} |
water balloon {n} (small rubber or latex balloon, filled with water and used as an informal weapon) | :: Wasserbombe {f} |
water bear {n} (A member of the phylum Tardigrada) | :: Bärtierchen {n}, Wasserbär {m} |
waterbody {n} (significant accumulation of water) SEE: body of water | :: |
water bottle {n} (A bottle used for carrying water) | :: Wasserflasche {f}, Karaffe {f} |
water buffalo {n} (large ungulate) | :: Wasserbüffel {m} |
water butt {n} (barrel for holding rainwater) | :: Regentonne {f} |
water cannon {n} (device shooting water) | :: [chiefly riot control] Wasserwerfer {m}; [police jargon also] WaWe {f}; [other uses also] Strahlrohr; Wasserkanone; Wasserspritze |
water carrier {n} (Aquarius) SEE: Aquarius | :: |
water carrier {n} (domestique) SEE: domestique | :: |
water chestnut {n} (Eleocharis dulcis) | :: Wasserkastanie {f} |
water clock {n} (device for measuring time) | :: Wasseruhr {f} |
water clock {n} (clepsydra) SEE: clepsydra | :: |
water closet {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
water closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
watercolor {n} (a painting technique) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {n} (an artwork) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {n} (any paint used in this method) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolor {adj} (pertaining to the methods or products of watercolor) SEE: watercolour | :: |
watercolour {n} (pigment) | :: Wasserfarbe {f} |
watercolour {n} (painting) | :: Aquarell {n}, Wasserfarbe {f} |
water column {n} (environmental sciences, hydrology) | :: Wassersäule {f} |
watercourse {n} (channel through which water flows) | :: Wasserlauf {m}, Flußlauf {m}, Lauf {m} |
watercraft {n} (any self-propelled vessel) | :: Wasserfahrzeug {n} |
watercress {n} (Nasturtium officinale) | :: Brunnenkresse {f}, Echte Brunnenkresse {f}, Wasserkresse {f} |
watercress {n} (Nasturtium microphyllum) | :: Bastard-Brunnenkresse {f} |
water cycle {n} (the natural cycle of water through evaporation, condensation and precipitation) | :: Wasserkreislauf {m} |
water diviner {n} (water diviner) SEE: dowser | :: |
water dog {n} (water dog) | :: Wasserhund {m} |
waterdog {n} (axolotl) SEE: axolotl | :: |
water down {v} (to dilute) | :: mit Wasser verdünnen |
water down {v} (to make weaker) | :: verwässern |
waterdrop {n} (single drop of water) | :: Wassertropfen {m} |
waterer {n} (device from which animals drink) | :: Tränke {f} |
waterfall {n} (flow of water over the edge of a cliff) | :: Wasserfall {m} [common], Katarakt {m} |
waterfall {n} (waterfall-like outpouring) | :: Wasserfall {m}, Kaskade {f} |
Waterford {prop} (the city) | :: Waterford |
Waterford {prop} (the county) | :: Waterford |
water fountain {n} (device designed to dispense drinking water) | :: Trinkbrunnen {m}, Wasserspender {m} |
waterfowl {n} (birds that spend most of their non-flying time on water) | :: Wasservogel {m} |
waterfront {n} (dockland district of a town) | :: Hafenviertel {n} |
water gas {n} (mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide) | :: Wassergas {n} |
Watergate {prop} (scandal) | :: Watergate {m} |
water gun {n} (toy gun used to shoot water) SEE: squirt gun | :: |
water hardness {n} (level of dissolved calcium salts in water) | :: Wasserhärte {f} |
water heater {n} (appliance for heating water) | :: Heißwasserbereiter {m}, Warmwasserbereiter {m}, Boiler {m} |
water hemlock {n} (plant in the genus Cicuta) SEE: cowbane | :: |
waterhole {n} (depression in which water collects) | :: Wasserloch {n} |
water hyacinth {n} (aquatic flowering plant of the genus Eichhornia) | :: Wasserhyazinthe {f} |
watering can {n} (utensil for watering plants) | :: Gießkanne {f} |
watering hole {n} (depression) SEE: waterhole | :: |
watering pot {n} (watering can) SEE: watering can | :: |
waterish {adj} (watery) SEE: watery | :: |
water level {n} (level of a body of water) | :: Wasserspiegel {m}, Wasserstand {m} |
water level {n} (waterline of a ship) | :: Wasserlinie {f} |
water lily {n} (Any members of Nymphaeaceae) | :: Seerose {f} |
water line {n} (line of water along a ship) | :: Wasserlinie {f} |
waterline {n} (line on the hull of a ship) | :: Wasserlinie {f} |
waterline {n} (line on the land) | :: Wasserstand {m} |
watermark {n} (translucent design impressed on paper) | :: Wasserzeichen {n} |
watermark {v} (to mark paper with a watermark) | :: mit Wasserzeichen versehen |
water meadow {n} (low-lying area of grassland subject to seasonal flooding) | :: Aue {f} |
watermelon {n} (plant) | :: Wassermelone {f} |
watermelon {n} (fruit) | :: Wassermelone {f} |
water meter {n} (device for measuring water usage volume) | :: Wasserzähler {m} |
watermill {n} (mill powered by water) | :: Wassermühle {f} |
water park {n} (aquapark) SEE: aquapark | :: |
water parsnip {n} (Sium gen. et spp.) | :: Merk {m}, Berle {f} |
water pipe {n} (water conduit) | :: Wasserleitung {f}, Wasserrohr {n} |
water pipe {n} (tobacco smoking device) | :: Wasserpfeife {f} |
water pipe {n} (narcotics smoking device) | :: Wasserpfeife {f} |
water pipit {n} (bird) | :: Wasserpieper {m} |
water pistol {n} (toy gun used to shoot water) SEE: squirt gun | :: |
water plantain {n} (Alisma) | :: Froschlöffel {m} |
water police {n} (police department charged with patrolling harbours and waterways) | :: Wasserschutzpolizei {f} |
water pollution {n} (water pollution) | :: Gewässerverschmutzung {f} |
water polo {n} (a water sport) | :: Wasserball {m} |
water polo player {n} (player of water polo) | :: Wasserballspieler |
water pox {n} (A common childhood disease caused by virus) | :: Windpocken, Wasserpocken |
waterproof {adj} (unaffected by water) | :: wasserfest |
waterproof {adj} (made or covered with material that doesn't let water in) | :: wasserdicht, wasserfest, wasserundurchlässig |
waterproofing {n} (treatment to make waterproof) | :: imprägnieren |
water rail {n} (Rallus aquaticus) | :: Wasserralle {f} |
water scorpion {n} (insect of the family Nepidae) | :: Wasserskorpion {f} |
watershed {n} (boundary between adjacent catchment basins) | :: Wasserscheide {f} |
watershed {n} (critical point marking a change in course or development) | :: Wendepunkt {m} |
watershed {n} (drainage basin) SEE: drainage basin | :: |
water ski {n} (ski used for water skiing) | :: Wasserski {m} |
water ski {v} (ride on water skis) | :: Wasserski fahren |
water skiing {n} (water sport) | :: Wasserski {m} |
water slide {n} (a recreational slide with water flowing down it) | :: Wasserrutsche {f} |
water softener {n} (device which reduces the calcium and magnesium concentration of hard water) | :: Trinkwasserenthärtungsanlage {f} [drinking water softener] |
water-soluble {adj} (dissolving easily in water) | :: wasserlöslich |
waterspout {n} (channel through which water is discharged) | :: Wasserspeier {m} |
water starwort {n} (Callitriche species) | :: Wasserstern {m} |
water strider {n} (any of a number of predatory insects in the family Gerridae) | :: Wasserläufer {m} |
water table {n} (level underground) | :: Grundwasserspiegel {m} |
water tank {n} (large container used to store water) | :: Wassertank {m}, Wasserspeicher {m} |
water tap {n} (a spout connected to a socket to provide water from the main water supply) | :: Wasserhahn {m}, Kran {m} (regional) |
watertight {adj} (tightly made) | :: wasserdicht |
watertightness {n} (condition of being watertight) | :: Wasserdichtheit {f}, Wasserdichtigkeit {f}, Wasserundurchlässigkeit {f} |
water tower {n} (tank of water) | :: Wasserturm {m} |
water turbine {n} (device) | :: Wasserturbine {f} |
water under the bridge {n} (something in the past that cannot be controlled but must be accepted) | :: Schnee von gestern |
water vapor {n} (water in a gaseous state) | :: Wasserdampf {m} |
water vapor {n} (steam) | :: Dampf {m} |
waterway {n} (navigable body of water) | :: Wasserstraße {f}, Wasserweg {m}, Fahrwasser {n} |
water wheel {n} (wheel propelled by water) | :: Wasserrad {n} |
water wing {n} (inflatable plastic band worn on the upper arms) | :: Schwimmflügel {m} |
water works {n} (system of supplying water) | :: Wasserwerk {n} |
waterworks {n} (the water supply system of a town etc., including reservoirs, pumps and pipes) | :: Wasserwerk {n} |
watery {adj} (wet, soggy or soaked with water) | :: wässrig |
watery {adj} | :: wässrig |
watery {adj} (tearful) SEE: tearful | :: |
watt {n} (derived unit of power) | :: Watt {n} |
watt-hour {n} (unit of electrical energy equal to the power of one watt in use for one hour) | :: Wattstunde {f} |
wattle {n} (construction of branches and twigs) | :: Flechtwerk {n} |
wattle {n} (fold of skin hanging from the neck of birds) | :: Kehllappen {m} |
wattle {n} (fleshy appendage on the neck of goat) | :: Glöckchen {n}, Berlocke {f} |
waulk {v} (full) SEE: full | :: |
wave {v} (to move back and forth repeatedly) | :: wedeln, schwenken, flattern, wogen |
wave {v} (to wave one’s hand) | :: winken |
wave {v} (to have an undulating or wavy form) | :: wellen |
wave {v} (to produce waves to the hair) | :: ondulieren, wellen |
wave {v} (to cause to move back and forth repeatedly) | :: wedeln |
wave {v} (to signal with a waving movement) | :: zuwinken |
wave {n} (moving disturbance, undulation) | :: Welle {f}, Woge {f} |
wave {n} (moving disturbance in a field) | :: Welle {f}, Wirbel {m} |
wave {n} (shape which alternatingly curves in opposite directions) | :: Welle {f} |
wave {n} (sudden unusually large amount of something) | :: Welle {f} |
wave {n} (sideways movement of the hand) | :: Wink {m} |
waveform {n} (physics) | :: Wellenform {f} |
wavefunction {n} (notion in quantum mechanics) | :: Wellenfunktion {f} |
waveguide {n} (a structure which guides waves) | :: Wellenleiter {m} |
wavelength {n} (the length of a single cycle of a wave) | :: Wellenlänge {f} |
wave packet {n} (collection of waves) | :: Wellenpaket {n} |
wave packet {n} (probability wave) | :: Wellenpaket {n} |
wave-particle duality {n} (concept applying to matter and radiation) | :: Welle-Teilchen-Dualismus |
wavy {adj} (heraldry) | :: Wellenschnitt {m} |
wax {n} (oily, water-resistant substance) | :: Wachs {n} |
wax {n} (preparation containing wax, used as a polish) | :: Bohnerwachs {n} |
wax {adj} (made of wax) | :: wächsern, Wachs- |
wax {v} (apply wax to) | :: wichsen (shoes), bohnern (floor) wachsen |
wax {v} (phase of a planet) | :: zunehmen |
wax {v} (to assume specified characteristic) | :: werden |
wax {v} (literary: grow) | :: wachsen, zunehmen |
wax {v} (of the moon: appear larger each night) | :: zunehmen |
wax {n} (beeswax) SEE: beeswax | :: |
wax {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax | :: |
wax gourd {n} (vine) SEE: winter melon | :: |
wax gourd {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) SEE: winter melon | :: |
waxing {n} (cosmetic procedure) | :: Wachsen {n}, Waxing {n} |
waxing moon {n} (The moon as it progresses from a new moon to a full moon) | :: zunehmender Mond {m} |
waxlike {adj} (waxy) SEE: waxy | :: |
wax museum {n} (museum featuring statues made of wax) | :: Wachsfigurenkabinett {n} |
wax paper {n} (semi-translucent, moisture-proof paper made with a waxy coating) | :: Ölpapier {n}, Wachspapier {n} |
wax tablet {n} (tablet covered with wax) | :: Wachstafel |
waxwing {n} (songbird of genus Bombycilla) | :: Seidenschwanz {m} |
waxwork {n} (a wax figure, an effigy of a famous person) | :: Wachsfigur {f} |
waxworks {n} (exhibition of waxwork figures; wax museum) | :: Wachsfigurenkabinett {n} |
waxy {adj} (Resembling wax in texture or appearance) | :: wächsern, wachsartig, Wachs- |
way {adv} (very) SEE: very | :: |
way {adv} (far) SEE: far | :: |
way {n} (road, direction, path) | :: Weg {m} |
way {n} (method or manner) | :: Weise {f}, Art {f}, Methode {f} |
way {adv} (much) SEE: much | :: |
waybill {n} (document that lists the final destination (and other details) of each part of a cargo) | :: Frachtbrief {m} |
wayfarer {n} (traveller) | :: Wandersmann |
wayfaring-tree {n} (Viburnum lantana) | :: Wolliger Schneeball |
way in {n} (entrance) | :: Eingang {m} |
waylay {v} (to lie in wait for and attack from ambush) | :: wegelagern, auflauern |
waylay {v} (to accost or intercept unexpectedly) | :: auflauern |
way of life {n} (style of living) | :: Lebensweise {f}, Lebensstil {m} |
Way of St. James {prop} (Any of the pilgrimage routes to the shrine of the apostle St. James the Great) | :: Jakobsweg {m} |
Way of the Cross {n} (series of images) | :: Kreuzweg {m} |
way out {n} (exit) SEE: exit | :: |
wayside {adj} (situated near the side of a road) | :: Wegrand {m} |
way to go {interj} (expression of congrats, encouragement or approval) | :: Gut gemacht!, Bravo!, Weiter so! |
way to go {n} (right route) | :: richtige Richtung {f} |
way to go {n} (preferred decision) | :: richtige Entscheidung {f} |
way too {adv} (all too, much too, to a degree that is very excessive) | :: allzu |
way too {adv} | :: sehr, ganz, wahrlich |
wayward {adj} (given to wilful, perverse deviation from the expected norm; tending to stray) | :: eigenwillig, eigensinnig, launisch, eigenwillig |
wayward {adj} (obstinate, contrary and unpredictable) | :: widerspenstig, unberechenbar, ungeraten, eigenwillig |
wayward {adj} (not on target) | :: ziellos |
we {pron} (the speakers, or the speaker(s) and other person(s) not being addressed (exclusive we: he or she or they and I)) | :: wir |
weak {adj} (lacking in force or ability) | :: schwach |
weak {adj} (dilute, lacking in taste or potency) | :: schwach |
weak {adj} (grammar: regular in inflection) | :: schwach |
weak {adj} (slang: bad or uncool) | :: [colloquial] out, unschön, häßlich, uninteressant |
weak declension {n} (declension pattern of a weak noun) | :: schwache Deklination {f} |
weaken {v} (to make weaker) | :: schwächen, abschwächen |
weaken {v} (to become weaker) | :: schwächeln |
weaker sex {n} (women regarded collectively) | :: schwaches Geschlecht {n} |
weaker vessel {n} (a woman; women collectively) | :: das schwächste Werkzeug |
weakest link {n} (the part of a system that is most likely to fail or cause problems) | :: schwächstes Glied {n} |
weakling {n} (person of weak or even sickly physical constitution) | :: Schwächling {m} |
weakling {n} (person of weak character) | :: Schwächling {m}, Feigling {m}, Weichei {n} |
weakly-typed {adj} (computing - belonging to the type system which does not enforce variable type) | :: schwach typisiert |
weak-minded {adj} (weak-willed) | :: willensschwach |
weakness {n} (condition of being weak) | :: Schwäche {f} |
weakness {n} (special fondness) | :: Schwäche {f}, Faible {n} |
weak spot {n} | :: Schwachpunkt |
weak verb {n} (Translations) | :: schwaches Verb {n} |
weak-willed {adj} (irresolute) | :: willensschwach |
weal {n} (a raised, longitudinal wound, usually purple, on the surface of flesh caused by stroke of rod or whip) | :: Strieme {f} |
wealth {n} (riches; valuable material possessions) | :: Reichtum {m}, Vermögen {n} |
wealth {n} (great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money) | :: Fülle {f} |
wealthy {adj} (rich) | :: wohlhabend, reich |
wean {v} (to cease giving milk) | :: abstillen, entwöhnen |
wean {v} (to cease to depend) | :: entwöhnen |
weaning {n} | :: Entwöhnung {f} |
weapon {n} (instrument of attack or defense in combat) | :: Waffe {f}, Arm {m} |
weaponless {adj} (lacking a weapon) | :: waffenlos |
weapon of mass destruction {n} (weapon causing large-scale death or destruction) | :: Massenvernichtungswaffe {f} |
weaponry {n} (weapons collectively) | :: Waffen {f-p}, Bewaffnung {f} |
weaponsmith {n} (a person skilled at making edged weapons) | :: Waffenschmied {m}, Waffenschmiedin {f} |
wear {v} (to have on (clothes)) | :: tragen, anhaben |
wear {v} (to erode due to use) | :: sich abnutzen |
wear {n} (clothing) | :: Bekleidung {f}, Kleidung {f}, Mode {f} |
wear {n} (damage) | :: Abnutzung {f}, Verschleiß {m} |
wearable {adj} (able to be worn) | :: tragbar |
wear and tear {n} (damage or depreciation) | :: Abnutzung {f}, Verschleiß {m} |
wear down {v} (to cause physical or mental fatigue) | :: verschleißen |
wearing {adj} (intended to be worn) | :: Tragen {n} |
wearisome {adj} (tedious) | :: ermüdend, langweilig, lästig |
wear one's heart on one's sleeve {v} (to be transparent or forthright about one's emotions) | :: das Herz auf der Zunge tragen |
wear out {v} (to deteriorate or become unusable or ineffective due to continued use, exposure, or strain) | :: ausleiern (to get wider) |
wear rose-colored glasses {v} (to be excessively optimistic) | :: etwas durch die rosarote Brille sehen |
wear the pants {v} (wear the trousers) SEE: wear the trousers | :: |
wear the trousers {v} (to be the dominant partner) | :: die Hosen anhaben |
weary {adj} (tired, fatigued) | :: müde |
weary {adj} (expressive of fatigue) | :: müde |
weasel {n} (least weasel, Mustela nivalis) | :: Wiesel {n}, Mauswiesel {n}, Zwergwiesel {n}, Kleinwiesel {n}, [popularly] Hermännchen {n} |
weasel {n} (any mammal of the genus Mustela) | :: Wiesel {n} |
weasel word {n} (word used to qualify or hedge a statement) | :: schwammiger Begriff {m} |
weather {n} (state of the atmosphere) | :: Wetter {n} |
weather {v} (to endure an event) | :: überstehen |
weather {n} (situation) SEE: situation | :: |
weather balloon {n} (meteorological balloon) | :: Wetterballon {m} |
weathercock {n} (weather vane) | :: Wetterfahne {f} |
weather deck {n} (uncovered deck, deck open to weather, uppermost deck) | :: Oberdeck {n}, Wetterdeck {n} |
weathered {adj} (worn by weather) | :: verwittert |
weather forecast {n} (prediction of future weather) | :: Wettervorhersage {f} |
weather forecaster {n} (person who forecasts the weather) | :: Meteorologe {m}, Meteorologin {f} |
weathering {n} (breaking down of rocks) | :: Verwitterung |
weatherlore {n} (traditional knowledge or beliefs regarding the weather) | :: Wetterregeln {f-p}, Bauernregeln {f-p} [the last term is not only referring to the weather] |
weatherman {n} (weather forecaster) | :: Wetteransager {m}, Wetterfrosch {m}, Meteorologe {m} |
weather map {n} (map showing the analysis of meteorological quantities) | :: Wetterkarte {f} |
weatherperson {n} (weatherman) SEE: weatherman | :: |
weather report {n} (translations) | :: Wetterbericht {m} |
weather satellite {n} (weather satellite) | :: Wettersatellit {m} |
weatherstrip {n} (material used to prevent cold air from entering) | :: Dichtprofil {n}, Dichtungsprofil {n}, Bürstendichtung {m}, Bodendichtung {f}, Dichtband {n}, Keder {m}, Fugendichtung {f}, Fugendichtband {n} |
weatherstrip {v} (to apply such a strip) | :: dichten, abdichten |
weather vane {n} (a device showing the direction of the wind) | :: Wetterfahne {f}, Windfahne {f} |
weave {v} (to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another) | :: weben |
weave {v} (to spin a cocoon or a web) | :: weben |
weave {n} (a type or way of weaving) | :: Webart {f} |
weaver {n} (one who weaves) | :: Weber {m}, Weberin {f} |
weaver {n} (bird in the family Ploceidae) | :: Webervogel {m} |
web {n} (the World Wide Web (also spelled Web)) | :: Web {n} |
web {n} | :: Netz {n} |
web {n} (spiderweb) SEE: spiderweb | :: |
web app {n} (web application) SEE: web application | :: |
web application {n} (computer application) | :: Webanwendung {f}, Webapplikation {f} |
webbed {adj} (with the digits connected by a thin membrane) | :: mit Schwimmhäuten |
webbing {n} (A sturdy woven fabric) | :: Gurtband {n} |
webbing {n} (A belt and shoulder harness) | :: Gurt {m} |
web browser {n} (a computer program used to navigate the World Wide Web) | :: Browser {m} |
webcam {n} (video camera viewed over a network) | :: Webcam {f} |
web colors {n} (complete palette of colors that are displayed on the web and on the computer) | :: Webfarben |
web conference {n} (meeting, presentation or communication conducted via the World Wide Web) | :: Webkonferenz {f} |
weber {n} (derived unit of magnetic flux) | :: Weber {n} |
webhook {n} (method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a Web application or a Web page using custom callbacks) | :: WebHook {m} |
web hosting {n} (service) | :: Webhosting {n} |
webinar {n} (interactive seminar conducted via Internet) | :: Webinar {n} |
weblication {n} (web application) SEE: web application | :: |
weblog {n} (blog) SEE: blog | :: |
web page {n} (a single page in a website) | :: Webseite {f} |
web server {n} (software) | :: Webserver {m} |
Web service {n} (software designed to support interaction over a network) | :: Webservice {m} |
website {n} (a collection of pages on the World Wide Web) | :: Website {f}, Webangebot {n}, Webauftritt {m}, Internetauftritt {m}, Webpräsenz {f}, Internetpräsenz {f} |
wed {v} (to join in matrimony) | :: trauen, verheiraten, vermählen |
wed {v} (transitive: to take as one's spouse) | :: heiraten, zur Frau nehmen [take a wife], zum Mann nehmen [take a husband] |
wed {v} (intransitive: to take a spouse) | :: heiraten |
Wed {n} (abbreviation of Wednesday) | :: Mi., Mit., Mittw. |
wedding {n} (marriage ceremony) | :: Hochzeit {f}, Trauung {f} |
wedding {n} (joining of two or more parts) | :: Hochzeit {f} |
wedding cake {n} (cake used as part of a wedding ceremony) | :: Hochzeitstorte {f} |
wedding day {n} | :: Hochzeitstag |
wedding dress {n} (the clothing worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony) | :: Brautkleid {n} |
wedding gown {n} (wedding dress) SEE: wedding dress | :: |
wedding ring {n} (a ring symbolizing marriage) | :: Ehering {m}, Trauring {m} |
wedge {n} (simple machine) | :: Keil {m}, Weck {m} |
wedge {n} (piece of food etc.) | :: Stück {n} |
wedge {n} (geometry: type of five-sided polyhedron) | :: Keil {m} |
wedge {n} (type of golf club) | :: Wedge {f} |
wedge {v} (to force into a narrow gap) | :: einkeilen, klemmen |
wedge {n} (sandwich) SEE: sub | :: |
wedge {n} (typography: háček) SEE: háček | :: |
wedgie {n} (prank in which a person's underpants are pulled up sharply) | :: Hosenzieher {p} {n} |
Wednesday {n} (day of the week) | :: Mittwoch {m}, [poetic] Wotanstag {m} |
wee {adj} (small, little) | :: winzig, klein |
wee {n} | :: Pipi {n} |
wee {v} | :: pinkeln, pissen, Pipi machen |
weed {n} (cigar) SEE: cigar | :: |
weed {n} (the weed) SEE: tobacco | :: |
weed {n} (unwanted plant) | :: Unkraut {n} |
weed {n} (slang: marijuana) | :: Gras {n} [slang] |
weed {v} (to remove weeds from) | :: jäten |
weed {n} (duckweed) SEE: duckweed | :: |
weedkiller {n} (chemical that destroys unwanted plants) | :: Herbizid {n}, Unkrautvernichtungsmittel {n} |
week {n} (period of seven days) | :: Woche {f} |
weekday {n} (weekday) | :: Wochentag {m}, Werktag {m} |
weekdays {adv} (On weekdays) | :: werktags |
weekend {n} (break in the working week) | :: Wochenende {n} |
weekly {adv} (once every week) | :: wöchentlich |
weekly {adv} (every week) | :: wöchentlich |
weekly {adj} (of or relating to a week) | :: wöchentlich |
weekly {adj} (happening once a week or every week) | :: wöchentlich |
weekly {n} (publication that is published once a week) | :: Wochenzeitschrift {f}, Wochenblatt {n}, Wochenzeitung {f} |
weenie {n} (Someone weak and unimportant) | :: Weichei {n}, Lusche {f} |
weep {v} (to cry, shed tears) | :: weinen |
weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth {n} (consternation, worry) | :: Heulen und Zähneklappern, Heulen und Zähneknirschen |
weeping willow {n} (Salix babylonica) | :: Echte Trauerweide {f}, Chinesische Trauerweide {f}, Babylonische Trauerweide {f} |
weeping willow {n} (hybrids of Salix babylonica) | :: Trauerweide {f} |
weepy {adj} (inclined to weep) | :: weinerlich |
wee small hours {n} (very early morning) | :: früher Morgen {m}, Morgengrauen {n} |
weever {n} (fish of Trachinidae) | :: Petermännchen {n} |
weevil {n} (beetle in the superfamily Curculionoidea) | :: Rüsselkäfer {m} |
wee-wee {n} | :: Pipi {f} {n}; Pipimann {m}, Schniepel {m} [male], Pipifrau {f}, Mumu {f} [female] |
wee-wee {v} | :: pinkeln |
weft {n} (horizontal threads) | :: Schussfäden {f} |
Wehrmacht {prop} (German armed forces from 1935 to 1945) | :: Wehrmacht {f} |
weigh {v} (to determine the weight of an object) | :: wiegen, wägen [jargon or Swiss German] |
weigh {v} (to weigh out) | :: abwiegen, auswiegen |
weigh {v} (to determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object) | :: abwägen |
weigh {v} (to consider a subject) | :: erwägen |
weigh {v} (to have a certain weight) | :: wiegen |
weigh {v} (nautical: to raise an anchor) | :: hieven |
weighbridge {n} (weighing platform) | :: Brückenwaage {f}, Straßenfahrzeugwaage {f}, Waagenbrücke {f} |
weigh in {v} (idiomatic: to bring in one's weight, to bear on an issue) | :: sich einschalten, sich einmischen, sein Zeug dazutun |
weighing {adj} (weighing) | :: Wiegen |
weighing machine {n} (a mechanical device for determing the weight of an object or person) | :: Waage |
weight {n} (physics: mass) SEE: mass | :: |
weight {n} (force due to gravity) | :: Gewicht {n} |
weight {n} (object to make something heavier) | :: Gewicht {n} |
weight {n} (weight for training muscles) | :: Gewicht {n} |
weight {v} (add weight) | :: beschweren, gewichten |
weight {v} (in mathematics) | :: gewichten |
weight gain {n} (increase in weight) | :: Gewichtszunahme {f} |
weightless {adj} (which has no weight) | :: gewichtslos |
weightless {adj} (which is not being affected by gravity) | :: schwerelos |
weightlessness {n} (having zero weight) | :: Schwerelosigkeit {f} |
weightlessness {n} (experience or instance of being weightless) | :: Schwerelosigkeit {f} |
weightlifter {n} (person who uses weights) | :: Gewichtheber {m} |
weightlifting {n} (sport in which competitors lift heavy weights) | :: Gewichtheben {n} |
weight loss {n} (reduction of body mass) | :: Gewichtsverlust |
weight training {n} (form of physical exercise) | :: Gewichtsübungen {p}, Kraftübungen {p} |
weighty {adj} (heavy) | :: wichtig |
weighty {adj} (rigorous; severe; afflictive) | :: wichtig |
Weimar {prop} (city) | :: Weimar |
Weimar Republic {prop} (Germany between 1919 and 1933) | :: Weimarer Republik {f} |
Weinsberg {prop} (town in Germany) | :: Weinsberg |
weir {n} (adjustable dam) | :: Wehr {n} |
weir {n} (fence to catch fish) | :: Fischwehr {n} |
weird {adj} (having supernatural or preternatural power) | :: geheimnisvoll, unheimlich, übernatürlich |
weird {adj} (having an unusually strange character or behaviour) | :: seltsam, komisch, eigenartig, merkwürdig |
weird {adj} (deviating from the normal; bizarre) | :: eigenartig, merkwürdig, sonderbar, seltsam, bizarr |
weirdo {n} (strange person) | :: Exzentriker {m}, Spinner {m} |
weisswurst {n} (Any of several mildly spiced sausages made with light-colored meat) | :: Weißwurst {f} |
welcome {adj} (whose arrival is a cause of joy) | :: willkommen |
welcome {interj} (greeting given upon someone's arrival) | :: willkommen |
welcome {n} (act of greeting someone's arrival) | :: Begrüßung {f}, Empfang {m} |
welcome {n} (utterance of such a greeting) | :: Begrüßung {f} |
welcome {v} (affirm or greet the arrival of someone) | :: begrüßen, willkommen heißen |
welcome {v} (to accept willingly) | :: begrüßen, gutheißen |
welcome back {phrase} (welcome back) | :: willkommen zurück |
welcomer {n} (something which or someone who welcomes people) | :: Begrüßer [male or of unspecified sex], Begrüßerin [female], Begrüßungskomitee [a small group of welcomers], Willkommenheißer {m} |
welcomer {n} (someone or something that greets or is present for the arrival of something) | :: Empfangsperson [of unspecified sex], Begrüßer [male or of unspecified sex], Begrüßerin [female], Begrüßungskomitee [a small group of welcomers], Grüßaugust {m} [derogatory] |
weld {n} (herb) | :: Färberwau {m}, Färberresede {f}, Gelbkraut {n}, Gilbkraut {n} |
weld {v} (to join materials (especially metals) by applying heat) | :: schweißen |
weldable {adj} (able to be welded) | :: schweißbar |
welder {n} (one who welds) | :: Schweißer {m}, Schweißerin {f} |
welder {n} (item of equipment) | :: Schweißgerät {n} |
welding {n} (action or process of welding) | :: Schweißen {f} |
welfare {n} (health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) | :: Wohlergehen {n}, Wohlfahrt {f} |
welfare {n} (aid, provided by a government, etc.) | :: Sozialhilfe {f}, Wohlfahrt {f} |
welfare parasite {n} (person who is seen as living on the welfare of others) | :: Sozialschmarotzer {m}, Sozialparasit {m} |
welfare state {n} (social system in which the state takes overall responsibility for the welfare of its citizens) | :: Wohlfahrtsstaat {m} |
welfare state {n} (country in which such a system operates) | :: Wohlfahrtsstaat {m} |
welfare trap {n} (situation) | :: Arbeitslosigkeitsfalle {f} |
welkin {n} (sky) SEE: sky | :: |
well {adv} (accurately; competently) | :: gut |
well {adv} (completely; fully) | :: ganz |
well {adj} (in good health) | :: gesund, gut |
well {interj} (used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations) | :: na, na ja |
well {interj} (to acknowledge a statement or situation) | :: gut |
well {interj} (used in conversation to fill space) | :: na, naja |
well {interj} | :: na |
well {n} (hole sunk into the ground) | :: Brunnen {m}, Quelle {f} |
well {n} (spring) | :: Quelle, Brunnen {m} |
well {v} (to issue forth) | :: quellen |
well {n} (cockpit of a sailing boat) SEE: cockpit | :: |
well begun is half done {proverb} (much depends on the beginning of an endeavour) | :: frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen |
well-behaved {adj} (having good manners and acting properly) | :: wohlerzogen, artig, brav |
well-being {n} (state of health, happiness and/or prosperity) | :: Wohlbefinden {n}, Wohl {n} |
well-brought-up {adj} (having good manners) | :: wohlerzogen |
well-deserved {adj} (richly deserved) | :: wohlverdient |
well done {adj} (well cooked) | :: gut durch, durchgebraten |
well done {interj} (exclamation of praise) | :: gut gemacht |
well-endowed {adj} (having a large penis) | :: gut bestückt {m} |
Wellerism {n} (proverb) | :: Wellerismus {m}, Sagwort {n} |
well-established {adj} (well-known) SEE: well-known | :: |
well-formed {adj} (syntactically correct) | :: wohlgeformt |
well-founded {adj} (based on reasoning, evidence and good judgement) | :: fundiert |
well-heeled {adj} (rich; affluent) | :: betucht |
well-hung {adj} (having a large penis) | :: gut bestückt {m} |
well-hung {adj} (allowed to mature correctly) | :: gut abgehangen |
well-informed {adj} (furnished with knowledge) | :: gut informiert |
Wellington {prop} (capital of New Zealand) | :: Wellington {n} |
Wellington boot {n} (Wellington boot) SEE: Wellington boots | :: |
Wellington boots {n} (waterproof rubber boot) | :: Gummistiefel |
well-intentioned {adj} (having good intentions) | :: gut gemeint |
well-known {adj} (familiar, widely known) | :: wohlbekannt, wohl bekannt, berühmt |
well-meaning {adj} (with good intentions) | :: gutmeinender |
wellness {n} (The quality or state of being in good health.) | :: Wohlbefinden {n} |
well-nigh {adv} (almost) | :: beinahe, nahezu |
well off {adj} (being in fortunate circumstances) | :: gut dran {m} |
well-ordering {n} (a type of total order) | :: Wohlordnung {f} |
well-read {adj} (well informed and knowledgeable because of having read extensively) | :: belesen |
well-thumbed {adj} (showing signs of frequent or heavy use) | :: zerlesen |
well-to-do {adj} (rich) | :: bemittelt {f} |
well-wisher {n} (someone who extends good wishes) | :: Wohlwünscher {m}, Wohlwünscherin {f} |
welly {n} (force on a pedal or increase to any fuel or power for an engine or motor) | :: Gas |
wels catfish {n} (Silurus glanis) | :: Wels {m} |
Welsh {adj} (of or pertaining to Wales) | :: walisisch |
Welsh {adj} (of or pertaining to the Welsh language) | :: walisisch |
Welsh {n} (language) | :: Walisisch {n} |
Welsh {n} (collectively, people of Wales) | :: Waliser {m-p} |
Welshman {n} (native or inhabitant of Wales) | :: Waliser {m} |
Welsh onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion | :: |
Welshwoman {n} (woman who is a native or inhabitant of Wales) | :: Waliserin {f} |
welt {n} (raised mark on the body) | :: Quaddel {f} |
welt {v} (to cause to have welts) | :: falten, falzen |
weltanschauung {n} (worldview) SEE: worldview | :: |
welter {n} (general confusion or muddle) | :: Woge, Flut, Fülle, Unzahl, Durcheinander, Wirrwarr |
welter {v} (to roll around; to wallow) | :: sich wälzen, sich herumwälzen, sich suhlen |
welter {v} (to revel, luxuriate) | :: schwelgen |
welter {v} (to rise and fall, to tumble over, to roll) | :: wogen |
welter-weight {n} (boxer) | :: Weltergewicht {n} |
weltschmerz {n} (world-weariness) | :: Weltschmerz {m} |
Wenceslas {prop} (male given name) SEE: Wenceslaus | :: |
Wenceslaus {prop} (male given name) | :: Wenzel {m}, Wenzeslaus {m} |
wench {n} ((archaic) girl or young woman) | :: Magd {f}, Mädchen {n}, [regional] Mädel {n} |
wench {v} (to frequent prostitutes) | :: huren |
wend {v} (To direct (one's way or course); pursue one's way; proceed upon some course or way) | :: folgen, verfolgen |
Wend {n} (Slav) SEE: Slav | :: |
Wend {n} (member of a Slavic people from the borders of Germany and Poland) | :: Wende {m}, Wendin {f} |
Wendish {adj} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian | :: |
Wendish {prop} (Sorbian) SEE: Sorbian | :: |
Wendy house {n} (toy house for children to play in) | :: Spielhaus {n}, Spielhäuschen {n} |
Wenker sentence {n} (any of 40 sample sentences developed as an effort to map spoken dialects of the German language) | :: Wenkersatz {m} |
Wenzhou {prop} (city in China) | :: Wenzhou {n} |
werefox {n} (shapeshifter assuming the shape of a fox) | :: Werfuchs {m} |
werewolf {n} (wolflike human) | :: Werwolf {m}, Werwölfin {f}, Mannwolf {m}, Lykanthrop {m}, Lykanthropin {f} |
wergeld {n} (reparative payment) | :: Wergeld {n}, Manngeld {n}, Blutgeld {n} |
Wermelskirchen {prop} (a city in Western Germany) | :: Wermelskirchen |
Wernicke's area {n} (posterior section of the superior temporal gyrus) | :: Wernicke-Zentrum {n}, Wernicke-Areal {n}, Wernicke-Region {f} |
Weser {prop} (river in Germany) | :: Weser {f} |
west {n} (compass point) | :: West {m}, Westen {m} |
west {adj} (towards the west) | :: westlich, westwärts |
west {adj} (western) | :: westlich |
west {adj} (occidental) | :: westlich, abendländisch |
West {prop} (Western world) | :: Westen {m} |
West {prop} (Western block, Western Europe) | :: Westen {m} |
West {prop} (Western Europe, non-Cold War concept) | :: Westeuropa {n} |
West Africa {prop} (An area of west Africa, spanning 16 African countries) | :: Westafrika {n} |
West Bank {prop} (territory) | :: Westbank {f}, Westjordanland {n}, [Switzerland] Cisjordanien {n}, [dated or rare] Westjordanien {n} |
West Bengal {prop} (state) | :: Westbengalen {n} |
West Berlin {prop} (western Berlin between 1949 and 1990) | :: West-Berlin {n} |
westbound {adv} (towards the west) | :: nach Westen, Richtung Westen |
westbound {adj} (which is, or will be, moving towards the west) | :: nach Westen, Richtung Westen |
West Central German {n} | :: Westmitteldeutsch {n} |
West Central German {adj} | :: westmitteldeutsch |
West Coast {prop} (the western seaboard of the United States) | :: Westküste {f} |
westerly {adj} (to/from the west) | :: westlich |
westerly {n} (wind blowing from the west) | :: Westwind {m} |
western {adj} (pertaining to the west) | :: westlich, West- |
western {n} (film or other dramatic work) | :: Western {m} |
Western {adj} (of, situated in, or related to the West) SEE: western | :: |
Western Abenaki {prop} (the language) | :: Abenaki, Abenakisch |
Western Africa {prop} (West Africa) SEE: West Africa | :: |
Western Armenian {prop} (language) | :: Westarmenisch {n} |
Western Asia {prop} (the westernmost subregion of Asia) | :: Westasien {n} |
Western Australia {prop} (state of Australia) | :: Western Australia {n} |
western barn owl {n} (Tyto alba furcata) | :: Schleiereule {f}, Baumkauz {m}, Waldkauz {m} |
western capercaillie {n} (Tetrao urogallus) | :: Birkhuhn {n}, Spielhuhn {n}, Auerhuhn {n} |
western cattle egret {n} (Bubulcus ibis) | :: Kuhreiher {m} |
Western concert flute {n} (transverse woodwind instrument made of metal or wood) | :: Querflöte {f} |
western diamondback rattlesnake {n} (Crotalus atrox) | :: Texas-Klapperschlange {f} |
westerner {n} (inhabitant of Europe and the Americas) | :: Westler {m}, Abendländer {m}, Wessi {m} {f} [West German] |
Western Europe {prop} (Western Europe) | :: Westeuropa {n} |
Western European {adj} (Western European) | :: westeuropäisch |
Western European {n} (Western European person) | :: Westeuropäer {m}, Westeuropäerin {f} |
Western Hemisphere {prop} (hemisphere of the Earth) | :: westliche Hemisphäre {f} |
westernization {n} (assimilation of the western culture) | :: Verwestlichung {f} |
westernize {v} (make something western) | :: verwestlichen |
westernmost {adj} (farthest west) | :: westlichster {m} |
western osprey {n} (Pandion haliaetus) SEE: osprey | :: |
Western Sahara {prop} (a territory in northern Africa) | :: Westsahara {f} |
western sandpiper {n} (Calidris mauri) | :: Bergstrandläufer {m} |
western slaty antshrike {n} (bird) | :: Westlicher Tropfenameisenwürger {m} |
Western Wall {prop} (ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple) | :: Klaugemauer {f} |
West Flanders {prop} (Belgian province in Flanders) | :: West-Flandern |
West Flemish {prop} (group of Flemish dialects) | :: Westflämisch {n} |
West Frisian {prop} (language spoken in Friesland) | :: Westfriesisch {n} |
West Germany {prop} (former European country) | :: Westdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, BRD |
West Indies {prop} (islands of the Caribbean sea) | :: Westindien {n} |
West Jerusalem {prop} (western sector of Jerusalem) | :: Westjerusalem {n} |
Westman Islands {prop} (archipelago off the south coast of Iceland) | :: Westmännerinseln {p} |
Westminster Abbey {prop} (large Gothic church) | :: Westminster Abbey {f}, Abtei von Westmünster {f}, Westmünsterabtei {f} |
Westminster Cathedral {prop} (chuerch) | :: Westminster Cathedral {f}, Kathedrale von Westmünster {f} |
Westphalia {prop} (province of Germany) | :: Westfalen |
Westphalian {adj} (pertaining to Westphalia or its people and culure) | :: westfälisch |
Westphalian {n} (someone from Westphalia) | :: Westfale {m}, Westfälin {f} [female] |
Westphalian {n} (group of dialects spoken in Westphalia) | :: Westfälisch {n}, westfälisches Platt {n}, westfälisches Plattdeutsch {n} |
Westphalian {n} (breed of Westphalian horse) | :: Westfale {m} |
West Slavic {prop} (of or relating to the West Slavs) | :: westslawisch |
West Virginia {prop} (US state) | :: West Virginia |
westward {adv} (towards the west) | :: westwärts |
westwork {n} (architectural feature) | :: Westwerk {n} |
wet {adj} (made of liquid or moisture) | :: nass |
wet {adj} (of an object: covered with or impregnated with liquid) | :: nass, feucht |
wet {adj} ((slang) sexually aroused and thus having a moistened vulva) | :: feucht |
wet {v} (cover or impregnate with liquid) | :: befeuchten, durchnässen, nass machen |
wet {v} (urinate accidentally in or on) | :: nässen, nass machen |
wet {v} (become wet) | :: nass werden |
wet {v} (form an intermetallic bond) | :: benetzen |
wet behind the ears {adj} (inexperienced, not seasoned) | :: grün hinter den Ohren (green behind the ears), noch grün hinter den Ohren sein (still being green behind the ears), nicht trocken hinter den Ohren (not dry behind the ears), noch nicht trocken hinter den Ohren (not yet dry behind the ears), feucht hinter den Ohren (wet behind the ears), noch feucht hinter den Ohren (still wet behind the ears) |
wet blanket {n} (someone who takes the fun out of a situation or activity) | :: Spielverderber {m}, Spaßbremse {f}, Miesmacher {m}, Miesmacherin {f} |
wet chemical {adj} (Relating to wet chemistry) | :: nasschemisch |
wet dream {n} (literally) | :: feuchter Traum {m}; [medical] Pollution {f} |
wet dream {n} (figuratively) | :: feuchter Traum {m} |
wet dream {n} (ejaculation or orgasm while asleep) SEE: nocturnal emission | :: |
wet end {n} (section of a paper machine) | :: Siebpartie {f} |
wether {n} (castrated buck goat) | :: Mönch {m}, kastrierter Ziegenbock {m} |
wether {n} (castrated ram) | :: Hammel {m}, Schöps {m} |
wetland {n} (land that is covered mostly with water, with occasional marshy and soggy areas) | :: Feuchtgebiet {n} |
wetness {n} (condition of being wet) | :: Nässe {f}, Feuchte {f} |
wet nurse {n} (woman hired to suckle another woman's child) | :: Säugamme {f}, Amme {f} |
wet one's whistle {v} (to have a drink) | :: sich die Kehle befeuchten |
wet season {n} (rainy season) SEE: rainy season | :: |
wetsuit {n} (close fitting, insulating garment) | :: Tauchanzug {m} |
Wexford {prop} (county) | :: Wexford |
Wexford {prop} (town) | :: Wexford, Wiesefurt {f} |
whack {n} (A blow, impact or slap) | :: Schlag {m} |
whack {v} (to hit, slap or strike) | :: schlagen |
whale {n} (large sea mammal) | :: Wal {m} |
whalebone {n} (horny material from fringed plates of upper jaw of baleen whale) | :: Fischbein {n} |
whaler {n} (person who hunts whales) | :: Walfänger {m}, Walfängerin {f} |
whale shark {n} (Rhincodon typus) | :: Walhai |
whale watching {n} (observing whales in their natural habitat) | :: Walbeobachtung {f} |
whaling {n} (practice of hunting whales) | :: Walfang {m} |
whaling {n} (whale watching) SEE: whale watching | :: |
wharf {n} (man-made landing place) | :: Kai {m}, Wharf {m} |
what {pron} (what? (interrogative pronoun)) | :: was |
what {pron} (relative pronoun: that which; those that; the thing that) | :: was |
what {pron} (nonstandard relative pronoun) | :: der {m}, die {f}, das {n} |
what {adv} (such) | :: was für, so |
what {adv} | :: was für, wie, so |
what {interj} (expression of surprise) | :: was! |
what {determiner} (which) | :: welcher {m}, welches {n}, welche {f} |
what about {adv} (used to make a suggestion) | :: wie wär's mit |
what about {adv} (used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered) | :: und, was ist mit |
whataboutery {n} (whataboutism) SEE: whataboutism | :: |
whataboutism {n} (propaganda technique) | :: Whataboutism {m} |
what a lovely day {phrase} (what a lovely day) | :: was für ein schöner Tag |
what a pity {phrase} (used to express regret) | :: das ist aber schade, schade |
what are you doing {phrase} (what are you doing) | :: [formal] was machen Sie?, was tun Sie?, [informal] was machst du?, was tust du? |
what a shame {phrase} (used to express regret) SEE: what a pity | :: |
whatchamacallit {n} (any object the actual name of which the speaker does not know or cannot remember) | :: Dingsbums {n}, Dingsda |
what date is it today {phrase} (what date is it today?) | :: welches Datum ist heute? |
what day is it today {phrase} (what day is it today? (current day of the week or of the month)) | :: [chiefly day of the week] was ist heute für ein Tag; [day of the month usually] den Wievielten haben wir heute |
what does XX mean {phrase} (what does XX mean?) | :: was bedeutet XX? |
what do you know {phrase} (what a surprise) | :: Wer hätte das gedacht? |
what do you mean {phrase} (what do you mean?) | :: was meinst du? |
what do you say {phrase} (used to remind a child to say a polite expression) | :: wie sagt man |
whatever {determiner} (no matter which; for any) | :: Jacke wie Hose |
whatever {determiner} (anything) | :: was immer, was auch immer |
whatever {pron} (anything) | :: egal |
whatever {interj} (indicating the speaker does not care what someone says) | :: naja, egal |
what for {adv} (For what reason; why) | :: wofür |
what goes around comes around {proverb} (actions have consequences) | :: wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus (what you shout into the forest, will echo out again); man erntet, was man sät (you reap what you sow); wie man sich bettet, so liegt man (as you make your bed, so you must lie in it); die Vergangenheit holt einen immer ein (your past always catches up with you); das kommt davon (that comes from that); sowas kommt von sowas (such a thing comes from such a thing); wie du mir, so ich dir (as you do to me, I do to you) |
whath {determiner} (which ordinal number) SEE: whatth | :: |
what have you {pron} (any of several additional things) | :: was immer, was auch immer, und so weiter |
what if {adv} (used to introduce suggestion) | :: was wenn |
what is more {adv} (furthermore) | :: außerdem, überdies, darüber hinaus |
what is that {phrase} (what is that?) | :: was ist das? |
what is your name {phrase} (what is your name?) | :: wie heißen Sie? [formal], wie heißt du? [casual], was ist Ihr Name? [formal], was ist dein Name? [informal] |
what languages do you speak {phrase} (what languages do you speak?) | :: [formal] welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?, [informal] welche Sprachen sprichst du? |
what number {adv} (what number, which (in a numbered series)) | :: wievielter |
WhatsApp {n} | :: WhatsApp-Nachricht {f} |
WhatsApp {v} | :: whatsappen |
what's done is done {proverb} | :: was getan ist, ist getan |
what's going on {interj} (an informal greeting) | :: wie geht's, was geht ab? [slang] |
what's good {phrase} (what's up) SEE: what's up | :: |
what's-his-name {pron} (A person or entity whose name one does not remember) | :: Dingsda {m} {f} |
what's in it for me {phrase} (what are the advantages to me) | :: was hab ich davon, was springt für mich dabei heraus |
what's new {phrase} (informal greeting asking what has happened recently) | :: was gibt's Neues? |
whatsoever {adj} (in any way) | :: überhaupt |
what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander {proverb} (if something is acceptable for one person, it is acceptable for another) | :: was dem einen recht ist, ist dem anderen billig |
what's the matter {phrase} (what's wrong?) | :: was ist los?, was is passiert? |
what's up {phrase} (How are you?) | :: wie geht’s?, was läuft?, was geht?, was geht ab? |
what's your job {phrase} (what's your job?) | :: [formal] als was arbeiten Sie?; was machen Sie beruflich?; [familiar] als was arbeitest du?; was machst du beruflich |
what's your phone number {phrase} (what's your phone number?) | :: Wie lautet deine Telefonnummer? [informal], Wie lautet Ihre Telefonnummer? [formal], was ist Ihre Telefonnummer? [formal], was ist deine Telefonnummer? [informal] |
whatth {n} (which ordinal number) | :: wievielter |
what the fuck {phrase} (An intensive form of what) | :: was zum Teufel?, was zum Scheiß? |
what the fuck {interj} (expressing astonishment) | :: was zum Henker |
what the fuck {interj} (expressing nonchalance) | :: was auch immer |
what the heck {phrase} (softer form of "what the hell") | :: was zum Kuckuck |
what the hell {phrase} (an intensive form of what) | :: was zum Teufel? |
what the hell {phrase} (why not?) | :: was soll's, scheiß drauf |
what time is it {phrase} (what is the time of day?) | :: wieviel Uhr ist es?, wie spät ist es? |
what would you like {phrase} (used to ask the interlocutor what they would like to order, to buy or have a look at) | :: was möchten Sie? |
what you see is what you get {proverb} ((idiomatic, computing) the screen image resembles the printed output) | :: was du siehst, ist was du bekommst |
wheal {n} (small raised swelling on the skin) SEE: weal | :: |
wheat {n} (grain) | :: Weizen {m} |
wheatear {n} (birds of genus Oenanthe) | :: Steinschmätzer {m} |
wheatfield {n} (wheat field) | :: Weizenfeld |
wheat flour {n} (flour from wheat) | :: Weizenmehl {n} |
wheat germ {n} (embryo of the wheat kernel) | :: Weizenkeim {m} |
wheat weevil {n} (species of weevils) | :: gemeiner Kornkäfer {m}, Kornkrebs {m} |
wheedle {v} (cajole) | :: überreden, beschwatzen, umschmeicheln, schmeicheln, herumkriegen |
wheedle {v} (obtain by guile or trickery) | :: abschwatzen, abschmeicheln, abbetteln, abheucheln, erschmeicheln, abschwätzen, aus dem Kreuz leiern, aus den Rippen leiern |
wheek {n} (onomatopoeia to symbolize a guinea pig's squeak) | :: quiek |
wheel {n} (a circular device facilitating movement or transportation) | :: Rad {n} |
wheel {n} (steering device in a vessel) | :: Steuerrad {n} |
wheel {n} (wheel rim) | :: Felge {f} |
wheel {v} (To travel around in large circles, particularly in the air) | :: kreisen |
wheel {n} (steering wheel and its implied control of a vehicle) SEE: steering wheel | :: |
wheelbarrow {n} (small cart) | :: Schubkarre {f}; [regional] Scheibtruhe {f} |
wheelbase {n} (distance btw. axles) | :: Achsabstand {m}, Achsstand {m}, Radstand {m} |
wheelchair {n} (chair) | :: Rollstuhl {m}, Krankenfahrstuhl {m}, Fahrstuhl {m} |
wheelchair user {n} (person who uses a wheelchair) | :: Rollstuhlfahrer {m}, Rollstuhlfahrerin {f} |
wheel clamp {n} (a device locked to the wheel of a motor car to prevent it from being driven) | :: Autokralle {f}, Parkkralle {f}, Radkralle {f}, Kralle {f} |
wheeler-dealer {n} (political or commercial schemer) | :: Geschäftemacher {m}, Geschäftemacherin {f} |
wheelhouse {n} (enclosed compartment on the deck of a vessel from which it may be navigated) | :: Ruderhaus {n}, Steuerhaus {n} |
wheelie {n} (action or stunt where a bicycle, etc., is ridden while standing only on its rear wheel or wheels) | :: Wheelie {m} |
wheel of Fortune {prop} (Tarot card) | :: Rad des Schicksals {n} |
Wheel of Fortune {prop} (television game show) | :: Glücksrad {n} |
wheelset {n} (A wheel and axle combination) | :: Radsatz {m} |
wheeltapper {n} (railway employee tasked with tapping the train's wheels with a hammer to detect cracks) | :: Radklopfer {m} |
wheelwright {n} (person who builds and repairs wheels) | :: Wagner {m}, Radmacher {m} |
wheeze {v} (breathe hard) | :: keuchen, röcheln, schnaufen, schwer atmen, pfeifend atmen; [regional] giemen |
wheeze {n} (piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration) | :: Keuchen {n}, Schnaufen {n}, Röcheln {n} |
wheezy {adj} (that wheezes) | :: engbrüstig |
whelk {n} (edible sea snail of the family Buccinidae) | :: Wellhornschnecke {f} |
whelp {n} (young of a mammal) | :: Welpe {m}, Welpin {f} |
whelp {v} ((animals) to give birth) | :: werfen, Junge werfen, jungen, wölfen |
when {adv} (at what time, as a direct question) | :: wann |
when {adv} (at what time, as an indirect question) | :: wann |
when {conj} (as soon as, at the time that) | :: wenn, sobald |
when {conj} (during the time that) | :: wenn |
when {conj} (at what time; at which time) | :: wann |
when {conj} | :: als |
when {pron} (what time; which time) | :: wann |
when {n} (the time) | :: Wann {n} |
whence {adv} (from where; from which place or source) | :: woher |
whence {conj} (conjunction) | :: von daher |
whence {conj} | :: woher |
whenever {conj} (when) SEE: when | :: |
whenever {conj} (at any time that) | :: wenn, wann immer, wann auch immer |
whenever {conj} (every time that) | :: sooft, immer wenn, jedes Mal, wenn |
when Hell freezes over {adv} (never) | :: wenn die Hölle zufriert, alle Jubeljahre, wenn Ostern und Pfingsten auf einen Tag fallen |
when in Rome {proverb} (adjust to local customs) SEE: when in Rome, do as the Romans do | :: |
when in Rome, do as the Romans do {proverb} (behave as those around do) | :: andere Länder, andere Sitten, mit den Wölfen heulen, [dated] wes Brot ich ess, des Lied ich sing, wenn du in Rom bist, verhalte dich wie die Römer |
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade {proverb} (make the best out of difficult situations) | :: wenn das Leben dir eine Zitrone gibt, mach Limonade draus; wenn dir das Leben eine Zitrone gibt, mach Limonade draus |
when pigs fly {adv} (never, expressed by an idiom) | :: am Sankt-Nimmerleins-Tag (on Saint Never’s day), wenn Ostern und Pfingsten auf einen Tag fallen (when Easter and Pentecost fall on the same day) |
when push comes to shove {phrase} (when the pressure is on) | :: wenn es ernst wird, wenn es hart auf hart kommt |
when the cat's away {proverb} (People take advantage of the absence of authority) | :: ist die Katze aus dem Haus |
when the cat's away the mice will play {proverb} (in the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances) | :: ist die Katze aus dem Haus, tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch |
where {conj} (at or in which place) | :: wo, woher [where from] |
where {conj} (to which place or situation) | :: wohin |
where {conj} (legal: in the situation in which) | :: wo |
where {adv} (at or in what place) | :: wo |
where {adv} (to what place) | :: wohin |
where {adv} (from what place) | :: woher |
where {adv} (in what situation) | :: wo |
where {pron} (the place in which) | :: wo |
where {n} (the place in which something happens) | :: Wo {n} |
whereabouts {n} (location) | :: Verbleib {m} |
whereafter {adv} (translation) | :: wonach, infolgedessen, seitdem, woraufhin, worauf, |
where are we {phrase} (where are we) | :: wo sind wir? |
where are we going {phrase} (where are we going?) | :: wo gehen wir? |
where are you {phrase} (where are you?) | :: wo bist du? [informal], wo sind Sie? [formal] |
where are you from {phrase} (in which country or region were you born or raised) | :: [formal] woher kommen Sie ?, [informal] woher kommst du ? |
where are your parents {phrase} (where are your parents?) | :: wo sind deine Eltern? |
whereas {conj} (but in contrast; whilst on the contrary…) | :: wohingegen, wogegen, während |
whereas {conj} (it being the case that…) | :: wobei |
whereby {adv} (by which) | :: wodurch |
where can I find a hotel {phrase} (where can I find a hotel) | :: wo ist hier ein Hotel |
where does this bus go {phrase} (where does this bus go) | :: wohin fährt dieser Bus? |
where does this train go {phrase} (where does this train go) | :: wohin fährt dieser Zug? |
where do you live {phrase} (where do you live?) | :: wo wohnen Sie? [formal], wo wohnst du? [informal] |
wherefore {conj} (because of which) | :: warum, weswegen, wofür |
wherefrom {adv} (from which) | :: woher |
where is the toilet {phrase} (where is the toilet?) | :: wo ist die Toilette? |
wherenot {n} (wherever) SEE: wherever | :: |
whereof {conj} (of what; of which; of whom) | :: wovon |
where there is a will there is a way {proverb} (if someone wants or wills something strongly enough, a way can be found) | :: wo ein Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg, wollen heißt können, man muss nur wollen |
where there's smoke, there's fire {proverb} (if there is telltale evidence of some event, the event is probably occurring) | :: wo Rauch ist, ist auch Feuer |
whereto {adv} (to what place; whither) | :: wohin |
wherever {conj} (in any place, anywhere) | :: wo auch immer, wo immer |
wherewith {adv} (with which) | :: womit |
wherewithal {n} (the ability and means to accomplish some task) | :: Mittel {n-p}, Geldmittel {n-p} |
where you at {phrase} (where are you) SEE: where are you | :: |
whet {v} (hone or rub on with some substance for the purpose of sharpening) | :: wetzen |
whether {conj} (introducing indirect questions) | :: ob |
whether {conj} (if, whether or not) | :: ob |
whether {conj} (introducing adverbial clause; no matter whether or not) | :: ob |
whetstone {n} (stone used to hone tools) | :: Schleifstein {m}, Wetzstein {m}, Abziehstein {m} |
whew {interj} (an expressive sound made indicating the release of one's inner tension) | :: puh, uff |
whew {interj} (an expression of amazement or surprise) | :: puh |
whey {n} (liquid remaining after milk has been curdled) | :: Molke {f} |
which {determiner} ((interrogative) what, of those mentioned or implied) | :: welcher {m}, welche {f}, welches {n}, welche {p} |
which {determiner} ((relative) the one(s) that) | :: welcher {m}, welche {f}, welches {n}, welche {p} |
which {pron} ((interrogative) what one or ones) | :: welcher {m}, welche {f}, welches {n}, welche {p} |
which {pron} ((relative) who, whom, what) | :: der {m}, welcher {m}, was [referring back to a clause] |
whiff {n} (odour carried briefly through the air) | :: Hauch {m} |
Whig {n} (a member of an 18th- and 19th-century political party) | :: Whig {m} |
while {n} (uncertain duration of time, a period of time) | :: Weile {f}, Weilchen {n} diminutive, Zeitspanne {f} |
while {conj} (during the same time that) | :: während, solange |
while {conj} (although) | :: obwohl |
while {conj} (until) SEE: until | :: |
while away {v} (spend time idly) | :: sich die Zeit vertreiben |
while loop {n} (section of code) | :: while-Schleife {f} |
while one is at it {conj} | :: wenn man schon mal dran ist |
whim {n} (fanciful impulse) | :: Laune {f}, Grille {f}, Marotte {f}, Kaprize {f}, Verrücktheit {f}, wunderlicher Einfall {m} |
whimbrel {n} (a large wading bird, Numenius phaeopus) | :: Regenbrachvogel {m} |
whimper {n} (a low intermittent sob) | :: Wimmern {n}, Gewimmer {n} |
whimper {v} (to cry or sob softly and intermittently) | :: wimmern, winseln |
whimsical {adj} (Given to whimsy; capricious; odd; peculiar; playful; light-hearted or amusing) | :: launenhaft, spielerisch, launisch, schrullig, drollig, wunderlich, seltsam, skurril, originell |
whimsicality {n} (caprice) SEE: caprice | :: |
whimsically {adv} (in a whimsical manner) | :: wunderlich |
whimsy {n} (idea) | :: Laune {f}, Grille {f}, Schrulle {f}, Marotte {f}, Klamauk {m} |
whimsy {n} (character) | :: Launigkeit {f}, Spleenigkeit {f}, launiger Charakter {m} |
whinchat {n} (Saxicola ruberta) | :: Braunkehlchen {n} |
whine {n} (a long-drawn, high-pitched complaining cry or sound) | :: Jaulen {n}, Heulen {n}, Jammern {n}, Gejammer {n} |
whine {v} (to utter a whine) | :: jaulen, heulen, jammern |
whine {v} (to complain or protest with a whine or as if with a whine) | :: jaulen, heulen, jammern, quengeln |
whinge {n} (to complain or protest) | :: jammern, meckern, plärren |
whinny {n} (a gentle neigh) | :: Wiehern {n} |
whinny {v} (of a horse; to make a gentle neigh) | :: wiehern |
whinnying {n} (gentle neighing) | :: Gewieher {n} |
whip {n} (rod or rope) | :: Peitsche {f} |
whip {v} (to hit with a whip) | :: peitschen, auspeitschen, anpeitschen |
whip {v} (by extension, to hit with any flexible object) | :: peitschen |
whip {v} (to defeat) | :: schlagen |
whip {v} (to mix food in a rapid aerating fashion) | :: schlagen |
whip {v} (to urge into action) | :: anpeitschen |
whip {n} (whipped cream) SEE: whipped cream | :: |
whiplash {n} (lash of a whip) | :: Peitschenriemen {m} |
whiplash {n} (whiplash injury) | :: Schleudertrauma {n}, Halswirbelsäulenschleudertrauma {n}, HWS-Schleudertrauma {n}, Halswirbelsäulen-Distorsion {f}, HWS-Distorsion {f}, Distorsion der Halswirbelsäule {f}, Schleudertrauma der Halswirbelsäule {n} |
whipped cream {n} (thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating) | :: Schlagsahne {f}, in Austria: Schlagobers {n} |
whippersnapper {n} (young, cheeky person) | :: junger Spund {m}, Jungspund {m} |
whipping boy {n} (someone punished for the errors of others) | :: Prügelknabe {m} |
whipping cream {n} (cream suitable for whipping) | :: Schlagsahne {f} |
whirl {v} (To rotate, revolve, spin rapidly) | :: wirbeln |
whirl {v} (to make something whirl around) | :: wirbeln, schnell drehen, im Kreise drehen |
whirl {n} (act of whirling) | :: Wirbeln {n}, Wirbel {m} |
whirl {n} (confused tumult) | :: Trubel {m}, Durcheinander {n} |
whirl {n} (rapid series of events) | :: Strudel {m} |
whirl {n} (dizziness or giddiness) | :: Taumel {m}, Gewirbel {n}, Schwindel {m}, Durcheinander {n} |
whirl {n} (brief experiment or trial) | :: Versuch {m}, Chance {f} |
whirlpool {n} (swirling body of water) | :: Wirbel {m}, Strudel {m}, Stromschnelle {f} [of a river] |
whirlwind {n} (a violent windstorm of limited extent characterised by an inward spiral motion of the air) | :: Wirbelwind {m}, Wirbelsturm {m} |
whirlwind {n} (figuratively: a body of objects or events sweeping violently onward) | :: Wirbelwind {m} |
whirr {v} (To move or vibrate (something) with a buzzing sound) | :: surren |
whisk {n} (kitchen utensil) | :: Schneebesen {m}, Schaumschläger {m} |
whisk {v} (in cooking, to whip e.g. eggs or cream) | :: verquirlen |
whisker {n} (hair of the beard) | :: Barthaar {n}, Barthaare {p} {n} |
whisker {n} (long projecting hair at the sides of the mouth of a cat) | :: Schnurrhaar {n}, Vibrisse {f} |
whisker {n} ((colloquial) very small distance between two things) | :: Haaresbreite {f} |
whisker {n} (a graphic element that shows the maxima and minima in a box plot) | :: Whisker {m} |
whiskered {adj} (1. Possessed of whiskers) | :: schnauzbärtig, schnurrbärtig |
whiskered tern {n} (Chlidonias hybrida) | :: Weißbart-Seeschwalbe {f} |
whiskey {n} (alcoholic drink) | :: Whisky {m} |
whisky {n} (whiskey) SEE: whiskey | :: |
whisper {n} (act of speaking in a quiet voice) | :: Geflüster {n}, Flüstern {n}, Wispern {n} |
whisper {v} (to talk in a quiet voice) | :: flüstern, wispern |
whispering {n} (Something that is whispered) | :: Geflüster {n} |
whistle {n} (device used to make a whistling sound) | :: Pfeife {f}, Trillerpfeife {f}, Flöte {f} |
whistle {n} (act of whistling) | :: Pfeifen {n} |
whistle {n} (sound made by whistling) | :: Pfeifen {n}, Pfiff {m} |
whistle {n} (sound similar to the sound made by whistling) | :: Pfeifen {n}, Pfiff {m} |
whistle {v} (to produce a whistling sound) | :: pfeifen, flöten |
whistle {n} (slang: a suit) SEE: suit | :: |
whistle-blower {n} (one who reports a problem or violation to the authorities) | :: Whistleblower {m}, Hinweisgeber {m}, Hinweisgeberin {f}, Enthüller {m}, Skandalaufdecker {m} |
whistle in the dark {v} (make a show of bravery) | :: im Dunkeln pfeifen |
whistle past the graveyard {v} (to try to be cheerful in the face of one's fears) | :: [semantically close, but less idiomatic] der Angst ins Gesicht lachen (to laugh into the face of fear), die Angst weglachen (to laugh away one’s fear); [more idiomatic, but usually referring to emotions other than fear] zweckoptimistisch sein (to be practically optimistic), gute Mine zum bösen Spiel machen (to keep a good face during the evil play) |
whistling duck {n} (bird of the genus Dendrocygna) | :: Pfeifgans {f} |
white {n} (color/colour) | :: Weiß, Weiss {n} [Switzerland] |
white {n} (Caucasian person) | :: Weißer {m}, Weiße {f} (Weiße {m} {f} def.) |
white {n} (albumen) | :: Eiweiß {n} |
white {n} (white of the eye) | :: Lederhaut {f}, weiße Augenhaut {f} |
white {n} (common name for the Pieris genus of butterflies) | :: Weißling {m} |
white {n} (street name for cocaine) | :: Schnee {m} |
white {n} (white wine) SEE: white wine | :: |
white {adj} (Cistercian) SEE: Cistercian | :: |
white {adj} (bright and colourless) | :: weiß, weiss [Switzerland] |
white {adj} (of or relating to Caucasians) | :: weiß, weiss [Switzerland] |
white ant {n} (white ant) SEE: termite | :: |
white arsenic {n} (arsenious acid) | :: Weißarsenik {n} |
white as a sheet {adj} (pale as if suffering from shock) | :: kreidebleich |
white as snow {adj} (very white) | :: schneeweiß |
whitebeam {n} (any of various Eurasian deciduous trees of the genus Sorbus subg. Aria) | :: Mehlbeere {f} |
white bear {n} (polar bear) SEE: polar bear | :: |
white-bearded antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: Weißbart-Ameisenwürger {m} |
white-bellied tit {n} (Melaniparus albiventris) | :: Weißbauchmeise {f}, Weißbauch-Rußmeise {f} |
white-billed diver {n} (Gavia adamsii) | :: Gelbschnäbliger Eistaucher {m} |
white blood cell {n} (cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response) | :: weißes Blutkörperchen {n}, Leukozyt |
whiteboard {n} (large vertical writing area) | :: Tafel {f}, Weißwandtafel {f}, Whiteboard {n} |
white bread {n} (bread made from white flour) | :: Weißbrot {n}, Weissbrot {n} [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] |
white bream {n} (European fish) | :: Blei |
white cabbage {n} (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) | :: Weißkohl {m} |
white chocolate {n} (food) | :: weiße Schokolade {f} |
white clover {n} (Trifolium repens) | :: Weißklee {m}, Kriechklee {m} |
white coat {n} (white coat worn in laboratories) | :: weißer Kittel {m}, Kittel {m} |
white coffee {n} (coffee with milk added) | :: Milchkaffee {m} |
white dwarf {n} (white dwarf star) | :: Weißer Zwerg {m} |
white-eyed gull {n} (Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus) | :: Weißaugenmöwe {f} |
whitefin dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
whitefish {n} (whiting) SEE: whiting | :: |
whitefish {n} (beluga) SEE: beluga | :: |
whitefish {n} (fish of the genus Coregonus) | :: Coregonen, Schnäpel, Reinanken, Renken, Maränen |
white flag {n} (a flag used as a symbol of surrender) | :: weiße Flagge {f}, Parlamentärflagge {f}, Parlamentärsflagge {f} |
white-flippered penguin {n} (Eudyptula albosignata albosignata) | :: Weißflügelpinguin {m} |
whitefly {n} (Any of various Aleyrodidae) | :: Mottenschildlaus {f} |
white fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox | :: |
white-fronted goose {n} (Anser albifrons) | :: Blässgans |
white gold {n} (A precious metal alloy consisting of gold and a platinum group metal) | :: Weißgold {n} |
white goosefoot {n} (Chenopodium album) | :: Weißer Gänsefuß {m} |
white gourd {n} (vine) SEE: winter melon | :: |
white gourd {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) SEE: winter melon | :: |
white-haired {adj} (having white hair) | :: weißhaarig |
whitehead {n} (pimple) | :: Mitesser {m}, Komedo {m} |
white-headed duck {n} (Oxyura leucocephala) | :: Weißkopf-Ruderente {f} |
white hole {n} (singularity) | :: Weißes Loch {n} |
Whitehorse {prop} (capital of the Yukon Territory, Canada) | :: Whitehorse |
white-hot {adj} (hot enough to glow) | :: weißglühend |
White House {prop} (the official residence of the President of the United States of America) | :: Weißes Haus {n} |
white-knuckle {adj} (causing fear, excitement, apprehension, suspense or nervousness) | :: aufregend, dramatisch, spannend, nervenaufreibend, erregend, spannungsvoll |
white label {adj} (a generically manufactured product) | :: No-Name-, Eigenmarke {f} [noun] |
white lead {n} (lead carbonate or the paint thereof) | :: Bleiweiß {n} |
white lie {n} (deliberate untrue statement which is intended to produce a favorable result) | :: soziale Lüge {f}, Notlüge {f} |
white lightning {n} (illegally distilled whiskey) SEE: moonshine | :: |
white-lipped snail {n} (Capaea hostensis) | :: Weißmündige Bänderschnecke {f} |
whitelist {n} (list of people that are known) | :: weiße Liste {f} |
white man {n} (Caucasian) SEE: Caucasian | :: |
white millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet | :: |
white mustard {n} (Sinapis alba) | :: Weißer Senf {m} |
whiten {v} (to make white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) | :: weißen |
whiten {v} (to become white or whiter; to bleach or blanch) | :: weiß werden |
white-naped tit {n} (Machlolophus nuchalis) | :: Weißflügelmeise {f} |
whiteness {n} (state of being white) | :: Weiße {f}, Weißheit {f}, Weißsein {n} [sociology] |
whiteness studies {n} (academic discipline) | :: Weißseinsforschung {f} |
white night {n} (night with only civil twilight) | :: weiße Nacht {f} |
white noise {n} (random signal with flat power spectral density) | :: weißes Rauschen {n} |
white-nosed coati {n} (Nasua narica) | :: Weißrüssel-Nasenbär {m} |
white oak {n} (Quercus alba) | :: Weißeiche |
whiteout {n} (correction fluid) SEE: correction fluid | :: |
white owl {n} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl | :: |
white paper {n} (marketing document) | :: Weißbuch {n}, Whitepaper {m} |
white paper {n} (EU document) | :: Weißbuch {n} |
white pepper {n} (Light-colored seed of pepper) | :: weißer Pfeffer {m} |
white pointer {n} (great white shark) SEE: great white shark | :: |
white poplar {n} (Populus grandidentata) | :: Großzähnige Pappel {f} |
white rhinoceros {n} (Ceratotherium simum) | :: Breitmaulnashorn {n} |
white roe {n} (milt) SEE: milt | :: |
white-rumped sandpiper {n} (Calidris fuscicollis) | :: Weißbürzel-Strandläufer {m} |
White Russian {n} (Belarusian language) SEE: Belarusian | :: |
White Russian {n} (a cocktail) | :: Weißer Russe {m}, White Russian {m} |
white sauce {n} (mayonnaise) SEE: mayonnaise | :: |
white sauce {n} (béchamel sauce) SEE: béchamel sauce | :: |
White Sea {prop} (a sea to the northwest of Russia) | :: Weißes Meer {n} |
white-shouldered antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: Perlschulter-Ameisenwürger {m} |
whitesmith {n} (tinsmith) SEE: tinsmith | :: |
white space {n} (white area between written characters and graphic regions on a produced page) | :: Leerraum {m} |
white space {n} (single character or series of characters) | :: Leerzeichen {n} |
white stork {n} (large wading bird, Ciconia ciconia) | :: Weißstorch {m} |
white supremacy {n} (ideology) | :: weiße Vorherrschaft {f}, Überlegenheit der Weißen {f} |
white-tailed deer {n} (type of deer) | :: Weißwedelhirsch {m} |
white-tailed eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) | :: Seeadler {m} |
white-tailed lapwing {n} (Vanellus leucurus) | :: Weißschwanzkiebitz {m} |
white-tailed plover {n} (Vanellus leucurus) SEE: white-tailed lapwing | :: |
white tea {n} (drink) | :: weißer Tee {m} |
whitethorn {n} (Crataegus monogyna) | :: Weißdorn {m} |
white-throated dipper {n} (Cinclus cinclus) | :: Wasseramsel {f} |
white-throated rail {n} (bird) | :: Cuvier-Ralle {f} |
white tie {n} (men's most formal eveningwear) | :: Frack-Anzug {m}, Frack {m} |
whitetip reef shark {n} (Triaenodon obesus) | :: Weißspitzen-Riffhai {m} |
white trash {n} (white person or people of low social status (pejorative)) | :: White Trash {n}, weißer Abschaum {m}, weißes Gesindel mit viel Geld {n} [with cash] |
white vinegar {n} (vinegar that has been distilled) | :: Essigessenz {f} |
white wagtail {n} (bird in the wagtail family) | :: Bachstelze {f} |
whitewall {n} (tyre with white sidewalls) | :: Weißwandreifen {m} |
whitewash {n} (lime and water mixture) | :: Tünche {f} |
whitewash {n} (victory) | :: Zu-null-Sieg {m} |
whitewash {n} (campaign to paper over unfavorable elements.) | :: reinwaschen, schönfärben |
whitewash {v} (paint) | :: etwas weiß anstreichen, weißen, weißeln |
whitewash {v} (cover errors) | :: [sb.] jemanden reinwaschen, [sth.] etwas schönfärben, [sth.] etwas beschönigen, schönreden |
white whale {n} (a cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) SEE: beluga | :: |
white willow {n} (Salix alba) | :: Silber-Weide {f} |
white wine {n} (light coloured wine) | :: Weißwein {m} |
white-winged tern {n} (Chlidonias leucopterus) | :: Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe {f} |
whither {adv} (to which place) | :: wohin |
whiting {n} (fish, Merlangius merlangus) | :: Wittling {m}, Merlan {m} |
whitish {adj} (somewhat white) | :: weißlich, [Swiss] weisslich |
whitishness {n} (the quality of being whitish, somewhat white) | :: Weißlichkeit {f}, Weisslichkeit {f} [Switzerland and Liechtenstein] |
whitlow {n} (an infection) | :: Panaritium {n} |
Whit Monday {prop} (The day after Pentecost) | :: Pfingstmontag {m} |
Whitsun {n} (Whitsunday) | :: Pfingstsonntag {m} |
Whitsunday {n} (the Sunday of the feast of Pentecost) | :: Pfingstsonntag {m} |
whittle {v} (cut or shape wood with a knife) | :: schnitzen |
whittle {v} (reduce or gradually eliminate something) | :: wegschnibbeln |
whiz {n} (urination) SEE: urination | :: |
whiz {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
whiz {v} (to make a whirring or hissing sound) | :: zischen |
whiz {n} (someone remarkably skilled at something) | :: Wunder- |
who {pron} (who? (interrogative pronoun)) | :: wer |
who {pron} (who (relative pronoun)) | :: der, die, das |
whoa {interj} (stop, said to a horse) | :: brr, oha |
whoa {interj} (slow down) | :: langsam |
whoa {interj} (expression of surprise) | :: boah, boa, oha, öha [dialectal], eha [dialectal] |
who are you {phrase} (who are you?) | :: wer sind Sie?, [informal] wer bist du? |
who are you and what have you done with someone {phrase} (Expression to drastic change of a person) | :: Wer sind Sie und was haben Sie mit jemandem gemacht |
who cares {phrase} (reply to an unimportant statement) SEE: so what | :: |
whodunit {n} (a crime novel or drama) | :: Kriminalroman {m}, [colloquial] Krimi {m}, Detektivroman {m} |
whoever {pron} (whatever person or persons) | :: wer immer, wer auch immer |
who knows {phrase} (rhetorical question: one doesn't know) | :: wer weiß? |
whole {adj} (entire) | :: ganz, heil, gesamt |
whole {adv} (colloquial: in entirety) | :: ganz |
whole {n} (something complete) | :: Ganze {n} |
whole cloth {n} (complete fabrication) | :: frei erfunden |
wholegrain {n} (cereal grain that contains germ, endosperm, and bran) | :: Vollkorn {n} |
wholehearted {adj} (having no reservations; showing unconditional and enthusiastic support) | :: herzlichst, vollen Herzens, rückhaltlos, von ganzem Herzen, mit ganzem Herzen |
wholeheartedly {adv} (in a wholehearted manner; with one's whole heart; enthusiastically) | :: von ganzem Herzen, vollen Herzens |
wholemeal {adj} (containing or made from the whole grain) SEE: wholegrain | :: |
wholemeal bread {n} (bread) | :: Vollkornbrot {n} |
whole milk {n} (milk from which nothing has been removed) | :: Vollmilch {f} |
wholeness {n} (quality of being whole) | :: Ganzheit {f}, Ganzheitlichkeit {f}, Vollständigkeit {f} |
whole note {n} (semibreve) SEE: semibreve | :: |
whole number {n} (integer) SEE: integer | :: |
whole number {n} (natural number) SEE: natural number | :: |
wholesale {n} (sale of products, often in large quantities, to retailers or other merchants) | :: Großhandel {m} |
wholesale {adj} (of or relating to sale in bulk or large quantity) | :: Großhandels- |
wholesaler {n} (person or company that sells goods wholesale to retailers) | :: Großhändler {m} |
wholesome {adj} (promoting good health, and well-being) | :: gesund, heilsam, gesundheitsfördernd, gesundheitsförderlich |
wholesome {adj} (sound and healthy) | :: gesund, förderlich |
wholesome {adj} (promoting virtue or being virtuous) | :: tugendhaft, rechtschaffen |
wholly {adv} (to the fullest extent) SEE: completely | :: |
whom {pron} (what person; object of a verb (accusative)) | :: wen |
whom {pron} (what person or people, object of a preposition (dative)) | :: wem |
whom {pron} (relative pronoun) | :: dem {m}, der {f}, den {m}, die {f}; [1] wer, [1] wem |
whoopee cushion {n} (inflatable bag used as practical joke) | :: Furzkissen {n}, Pupskissen {n} |
whooper {n} (whooper swan) SEE: whooper swan | :: |
whooper swan {n} (the species of swan Cygnus cygnus) | :: Singschwan {m} |
whoopie cushion {n} | :: Furzkissen {n} |
whooping cough {n} (a contagious disease) | :: Keuchhusten {m} |
whopper {n} (something remarkably large) | :: Mordsding {n}, Oschi |
whopper {n} (outrageous lie) | :: Lüge {f}, Lügengeschichte {f}, enorme Lüge {f} |
whopping {adj} (exceptionally great or large) | :: riesig, enorm |
whore {n} | :: Hure {f}, Nutte {f}, Schlampe {f}, Dirne {f} |
whore {v} (to prostitute oneself) | :: sich prostituieren, herumhuren, rumhuren |
whore {v} (to pimp) SEE: pimp | :: |
whore around {v} (to regularly copulate with people that one is not in a relationship with) | :: herumhuren, rumhuren |
whoremaster {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp | :: |
whoremonger {n} (frequent customer of whores) | :: Freier {m} |
whoremonger {n} (pimp) | :: Lude {m}, Zuhälter {m} |
whorl {n} (pattern of concentric circles.) | :: Wirbel {m}, Kringel {m}, Windung {f} |
whorl {n} (spindle whorl.) | :: Spinnwirtel {m} |
whorled {adj} (formed from whorls; having whorls) | :: wirtelig |
whose {determiner} (of whom (interrogative)) | :: wessen |
whose {determiner} (of whom (relative)) | :: dessen {m} {n}, deren {f-p} |
whose {determiner} (of which (relative)) | :: dessen {m} {n}, deren {f-p} |
whose {pron} ((interrogative) of whom, belonging to whom) | :: [whose is/are, to whom does it / do they belong?] wem gehört/gehören? |
who watches the watchers {phrase} (concern about whether the law is enforced on those who enforce the law) | :: wer wird die Wächter selbst bewachen |
who would have thunk it {phrase} (who would have guessed it?) | :: wer hätte das gedacht? |
wh-question {n} (question introduced by a wh-word) | :: W-Frage {f} |
wh-word {n} (interrogative word) | :: W-Wort {n} |
why {adv} (for what reason) | :: warum, wieso, weshalb, weswegen |
why {adv} | :: warum |
why {n} (the reason) | :: warum |
why {interj} (exclamation of surprise) | :: nanu, na |
why not {adv} (why is that not true) | :: warum nicht |
why not {adv} (state one has no objection) | :: warum nicht, wieso nicht |
wick {n} (the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning) | :: Docht {m}, Dacht {m} {n} [archaic], [when for candles] Kerzendocht {m} |
wick {adj} (Alive, lively) | :: lebendig, lebhaft |
wicked {adj} (evil or mischevous) | :: böse |
wicked {adj} (slang: awesome) | :: super, genial, toll, geil |
wickedness {n} (state of being wicked) | :: Bosheit {f} |
wicker {n} (flexible branch or twig) | :: Weide {f} |
wicker {n} | :: Flechtwerk {n} |
wicker {n} (wickerwork) SEE: wickerwork | :: |
wickerwork {n} (things made of wicker) | :: [collectively] Flechtwaren {f-p}; Korbwaren {f-p}; Flechtwerk {n}; [particular item] Flecht- + noun; Geflecht {n} |
wicket {n} (small door or gate) | :: Türchen {n}, Törchen {n}, Pförtchen {n}, Schlupftür {f} |
wicket {n} (small window or other opening) | :: Fensterchen {n} |
wicket {n} (service window) | :: Schalter {m} |
widdle {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
wide {adj} (having a large physical extent from side to side) | :: breit, weit |
wide-angle lens {n} (short focal length lens) | :: Weitwinkelobjektiv {n} |
wide area network {n} (network) | :: Wide Area Network {n} [formal], Weitverkehrsnetz {n} |
wide awake {adj} (awake and very alert) | :: hellwach |
wide berth {n} ( considerable or comfortable distance from a person or object) | :: gehöriger Abstand {m}, sichere Entfernung {f}, sichere Distanz {f} |
widely {adv} (commonly, generally) | :: breit |
widely {adv} (separated by a large distance) | :: entfernt |
widen {v} (to become wider) | :: sich weiten |
widen {v} (to make wider) | :: erweitern, weiten |
widen {v} (to broaden or extend) | :: erweitern |
widescreen {n} (screen with a wider than normal aspect ratio) | :: Breitbildschirm {m}, Breitbild {n} |
widespread {adj} (affecting a large area) | :: weitverbreitet |
widget {n} (small scraping tool) | :: Schaber {m} |
widget {n} (component of a graphical user interface that the user interacts with) | :: Steuerelement {n}, Widget {n} |
widow {n} (woman whose spouse has died) | :: Witwe {f} |
widow {n} (single line of type carried over to the next page) | :: Hurenkind {n} |
widowed {adj} ((of a previously married person) whose spouse has died) | :: verwitwet |
widower {n} (a man whose spouse has died and who has not remarried) | :: Witwer {m} |
widowerhood {n} (The period of being a widower) | :: Witwertum {n} |
widowhood {n} (The period of being a widow) | :: Witwenschaft {f}, Witwentum {n}, Witwenstand {m}, Verwitwung {f} |
widow-maker {n} (something which or someone who takes the lives of men) | :: Witwenmacher |
widow's mite {n} ((numismatics) lepton) SEE: lepton | :: |
widow's mite {n} (very small gift or donation) | :: Scherflein {n} |
width {n} (measurement of something from side to side) | :: Breite {f}, Weite {f} |
wield {v} (to handle with skill and ease) | :: beherrschen |
wield {v} (to exercise authority or influence) | :: Einfluss ausüben |
wiener {n} | :: Würstchen {n} |
Wiener schnitzel {n} (veal cutlet) | :: Wiener Schnitzel |
wienie {n} (A penis) | :: Pimmel {m}, Schwanz {m}, Schniedel {m}, Penis {m} |
Wiesbaden {prop} | :: Wiesbaden {n} |
wife {n} (married woman) | :: Ehefrau {f}, Frau {f}, Eheweib {n}, Weib {n}, Gemahlin {f}, Gattin {f} |
wifebeater {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet | :: |
wife-beating question {n} (loaded question) | :: Fangfrage {f} |
wife carrying {n} (Scandinavian sport) | :: Frauentragen {n} |
wifey {n} ((informal, affectionate) wife) | :: Angetraute {f}, bestes Stück {n}, beste Ehefrau von allen {f} |
Wi-Fi {n} (computing: wireless data communication standard) | :: WLAN {n}, Wi-Fi {n}, kabellose Netzverbindung {f} |
wig {n} (head of artificial hair) | :: Perücke {f} |
wigeon {n} (a kind of duck) | :: Pfeifente {f} |
wiggle {v} (to move with irregular motions) | :: schlängeln, schwänzeln, wackeln |
wiggle room {n} (opportunity to make alternative decisions) | :: Spielraum {m} |
wigmaker {n} (person who makes wigs) | :: Perückenmacher {m}, Perückenmacherin {f} |
Wigner's friend {prop} | :: Wigners Freund {m} |
wigwam {n} (a Native American dwelling) | :: Wigwam {n} |
wiki {n} (collaborative website) | :: Wiki {n} |
wikification {n} (the process of adding wiki syntax to text in a wiki platform) | :: Wikifizierung {f} |
wikify {v} (to adapt (text) to a wiki, see also: wiki; -ify) | :: wikifizieren |
Wikipedia {prop} (online encyclopedia) | :: Wikipedia |
Wikipedian {n} (a person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia) | :: Wikipedianer {m}, Wikipedianerin {f} |
Wikipedian {adj} (of or relating to Wikipedia) | :: wikipedianisch, Wikipedia- |
Wiktionarian {n} (A person who contributes to Wiktionary) | :: Wiktionärist {m}, Wiktionäristin {f} |
Wiktionary {prop} (the collaborative project; a particular version of this project written in a certain language) | :: Wiktionary {n}, Wikiwörterbuch {n} |
Wilamowice {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Wilmesau |
wild {adj} (not domesticated or tamed) | :: wild |
wild {adj} (raucous, unruly, and savage) | :: wild |
wild animal {n} (animal living in a natural, undomesticated state) | :: wildes Tier {n}, Wildtier {n} |
wild ass {n} (mammal) | :: Wildesel {m} |
wild boar {n} (Sus scrofa) | :: Wildschwein {n}, [collective] Wildschweinrudel {n}, Wildeber {m}, Wildsau {f}, [from DWB] Bacher {m}, Keiler {m}, Bache {f}, [hunting, collective] Schwarzwild {n}, [young offspring] Frischling {m}, [colloquial] Schwarzkittel {n} |
wild card {n} (special card) | :: Joker {m} |
wildcard {n} (special character) | :: Platzhalter |
wild cat {n} (Felis silvestris) SEE: wildcat | :: |
wild cat {n} (undomesticated cat) | :: Wildkatze {f} |
wild cat {n} (domesticated cat returned to the wild) SEE: feral cat | :: |
wild cat {n} (Lynx rufus) SEE: bobcat | :: |
wildcat {n} (Felis silvestris) | :: Wildkatze {f} |
wildcat {n} (undomesticated cat) SEE: wild cat | :: |
wildcat {n} (domesticated cat returned to the wild) SEE: feral cat | :: |
wildcat {n} (Felix rufus) SEE: bobcat | :: |
wildcat {n} (wildcat strike) SEE: wildcat strike | :: |
wildcat strike {n} (labour strike not authorized by the leaders of a trade union) | :: wilder Streik {m} |
wild cherry {n} (Prunus avium tree) | :: Süßkirsche {f} |
wild cherry {n} (Prunus avium fruit) | :: Süßkirsche {f} |
wildebeest {n} (gnu) SEE: gnu | :: |
wilderness {n} (uncultivated tract of land) | :: Wildnis {f}, Wüste {f} |
wildfire {n} (rapidly spreading fire) | :: Lauffeuer {n}, Waldbrand {m} (forest fire) |
wildfire {n} (Greek fire) SEE: Greek fire | :: |
wild goose {n} (species of wildlife goose) | :: Wildgans, Graugans |
wild-goose chase {n} (fruitless, futile pursuit) | :: ein sinnloses Unterfangen {n}, fruchtloses Unterfangen {n} |
Wild Hunt {n} (folk myth) | :: Wilde Jagd {f} |
wildlife {n} (animals and plants in their natural environment) | :: Tierwelt {f}, Fauna {f} |
wildlife reserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
wildlife sanctuary {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve | :: |
wild rice {n} (any species of Zizania) | :: Wasserreis {m}, Wildreis {m} |
wild service tree {n} (Sorbus torminalis) | :: Elsbeere {f} |
wild strawberry {n} (Fragaria vesca) | :: Walderdbeere {f} |
wild thyme {n} (species of flowering plant in the mint family) | :: Sandthymian {m}, Quendel {m}, Feldkümmel {m} |
wild turkey {n} (Meleagris gallopavo) | :: Truthahn |
Wild West {prop} (western United States during the 19th-century era of settlement) | :: Wilder Westen {m} |
wile {n} (trick or stratagem) | :: Schlich {m} |
Wilfred {prop} (male given name) | :: Wilfried |
wilful {adj} (intentional) | :: vorsätzlich, absichtlich |
wilful {adj} (stubborn) | :: eigenwillig, eigensinnig |
Wilhelmina {prop} (female form of William) | :: Wilhelmine |
will {v} (indicating future action) | :: werden, present tense form is often used |
will {n} (act of choosing to do something; conscious intent or volition) | :: Wille {m} |
will {n} (legal document) | :: Testament {n}, Letzter Wille {m} |
will {v} (to wish strongly) | :: wollen |
Will {prop} (diminutive of William) | :: Willi, Willy, Wim |
will do {v} (affirmative yes) | :: mach ich, wird gemacht |
willful ignorance {n} (a decision in bad faith to avoid becoming informed) | :: Ignoranz {f} |
William {prop} (male given name) | :: Wilhelm {m} |
willie wagtail {n} (bird) | :: Gartenfächerschwanz |
willing {adj} (ready to do something that is not a matter of course) | :: willens, gewillt, willig, bereit |
willingly {adv} (of one’s own free will) | :: gern, gerne |
willingness {n} (state of being willing) | :: Willigkeit {f}, Bereitschaft {f} |
will-less {adj} (of a person, lacking volition, not exercising one's will) | :: willenlos |
willlessness {n} (state or condition of being willless) | :: Willenlosigkeit {f} |
will o' the wisp {n} (strange light) | :: Irrlicht, Sumpflichter |
willow {n} (tree) | :: Weide {f}, Weidenbaum {m} |
willow grouse {n} (Lagopus lagopus) | :: Moorschneehuhn {n} |
willowherb {n} (Epilobium) | :: Weidenröschen {n} |
willow ptarmigan {n} (Lagopus lagopus) SEE: willow grouse | :: |
willow warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochilus) | :: Fitis {m} |
willpower {n} (strength of will) | :: Willensstärke {f} |
willy {n} (The penis) | :: Pimmel {m}, Schniedel {m}, Pullermann {m} |
willy-nilly {adv} (whether desired or not) | :: wohl oder übel; ob man will oder nicht; volens nolens |
willy-nilly {adv} (without regard for consequences or wishes of those involved) | :: wohl oder übel; ob man will oder nicht; nolens volens |
willy-nilly {adv} (seemingly at random, haphazardly) | :: willkürlich , einfach so, wahllos, scheinbar zufällig |
will you marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal) | :: willst du mich heiraten? |
Wilson's phalarope {n} (Phalaropus tricolor) | :: Wilsonwassertreter {m} |
Wilson's storm petrel {n} (small seabird) | :: Buntfuß-Sturmschwalbe {f} |
wilt {v} (to droop) | :: welken |
wilted {adj} ((of plants) drooping due to lack of water) | :: verwelkt; welk |
wily {adj} (sly, cunning) | :: schlau, listig, gerissen |
wimp {n} (someone who lacks confidence) | :: Schwächling {m}, Weichei {n} |
wimpy {adj} (feeble, indecisive, cowardly) | :: schwach, feige, unentschlossen |
win {v} (transitive: achieve victory in) | :: gewinnen |
win {v} (obtain (someone) by wooing) | :: gewinnen, erobern |
win {v} (intransitive: achieve by winning) | :: siegen, gewinnen |
win {n} (individual victory) | :: Erfolg {m}, Sieg {m}, Einzelsieg {m} |
wince {n} (gesture of shrinking away) | :: Zusammenzucken {n} |
wince {v} (to flinch as if in pain) | :: zusammenzucken |
winch {n} (machine) | :: Winde {f} |
winch {v} (use a winch) | :: winden |
wind {v} (to introduce by insinuation) SEE: insinuate | :: |
wind {n} (movement of air) | :: Wind {m} |
wind {v} (blow air through (a wind instrument)) | :: blasen |
wind {v} (to turn coils of something around) | :: aufwickeln |
wind {v} (to tighten a clockwork mechanism) | :: aufziehen |
wind {v} (to travel in a way that is not straight) | :: sich winden, sich schlängeln |
wind back {v} (to wind towards the beginning) | :: zurückspulen, rückspulen |
windbag {n} (someone who talks excessively) | :: Schwätzer {m}, Schwätzerin {f}, Schwafler {m}, Schwaflerin {f}, Plaudertasche {f} |
windbreak {n} (a sheet, stack of material, or screen used to protect people from wind) | :: Windschutz {m} |
windbreaker {n} (thin outer coat) | :: [dünne] Jacke {f}, Windjacke {f} |
windcheater {n} (a heavy weatherproof jacket) SEE: windbreaker | :: |
wind chime {n} (decorative tubular bells) | :: Windspiel {n} |
wind chimes {n} (chime made from suspended wooden, metal, etc. tubes, bells and rods that tinkle when moved by the wind) | :: Windspiel {n} |
windfall {n} (something that has been blown down by the wind) | :: Windbruch {m} |
windfall {n} (fruit fallen off a tree naturally) | :: Fallobst {n} |
windfall {n} (sudden large benefit) | :: warmer Regen {m} |
wind farm {n} (collection of wind turbines) | :: Windpark {m} |
windflower {n} (Anemone nemorosa) SEE: wood anemone | :: |
Windhoek {prop} (capital of Namibia) | :: Windhuk {n}, Windhoek {n} |
wind horse {n} (allegory for the human soul) | :: Windpferd {m} |
windhover {n} (common kestrel) SEE: common kestrel | :: |
winding {adj} (twisting, turning or sinuous) | :: gewunden |
winding tower {n} (structure supporting machinery above the entrance to an underground mineshaft) | :: Förderturm {m} |
wind instrument {n} (type of musical instrument) | :: Blasinstrument {n} |
windle {n} (redwing) SEE: redwing | :: |
windmeter {n} (an instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind) SEE: anemometer | :: |
windmill {n} (machine) | :: Windmühle {f} |
windmill {n} (structure) | :: Windmühle {f} |
windmill {n} (child's toy) | :: Windmühle {f} |
window {n} (opening for light and air) | :: Fenster {n}, Windauge, Luke {f} |
window {n} (period of time) | :: Intervall {n}, Zeitraum {m}, Zeitspanne {f}, Zeitfenster {n} |
window {n} (area on a computer screen) | :: Fenster {n} |
window {n} (shop window) SEE: shop window | :: |
window cleaner {n} (person) | :: Fensterputzer {m}, Fensterputzerin {f} |
window frame {n} (framework around a window) | :: Fensterrahmen {m} |
windowless {adj} (having no windows, especially no external windows) | :: fensterlos |
windowpane {n} (piece of glass filling a window) | :: Scheibe {f}, Fensterscheibe {f}, Glasscheibe {f} |
Windows {prop} (Microsoft Windows) | :: Windows |
window screen {n} (mesh set in a frame and covering the opening of a window) | :: Fenstergitter {n}, Fliegenschutzgitter {n}, Fliegengitter {n} |
window-shopping {n} (browsing shops with no intention of buying) | :: Schaufensterbummel {m} |
windowsill {n} (the horizontal member protruding from the base of a window frame) | :: Fensterbank {f}; Fensterbrett {n} |
windpipe {n} (anus) SEE: anus | :: |
windpipe {n} (trachea) | :: Trachea {m}, Luftröhre {f} |
wind power {n} (power harnessed from the wind) | :: Windenergie {f} |
windrow {n} (row of cut grain or hay) | :: Schwade {f} |
windscreen {n} (windshield) SEE: windshield | :: |
windscreen washer {n} (device to clean windscreens) | :: Windschutzscheibenwaschanlage {f} |
windscreen wiper {n} (a device to clear a windscreen) SEE: windshield wiper | :: |
windshield {n} (screen located in front of a vehicle to protect from wind and weather) | :: Windschutzscheibe {f} |
windshield {n} (cover for a microphone to exclude airy noises) | :: Windschutz {m}, Mikrofon-Windschutz {m} |
windshield wiper {n} (device to clear a windshield) | :: Scheibenwischer {m} |
windsock {n} (tube designed to indicate wind direction and relative wind speed) | :: Windsack {m} |
Windsor bean {n} (fava bean) SEE: broad bean | :: |
wind speed {n} (speed of the wind) | :: Windgeschwindigkeit {f} |
windsurf {v} (ride a surfboard with a sail) | :: windsurfen |
windsurfing {n} (a marine sport) | :: Windsurfen {n} |
wind tunnel {n} (test facility) | :: Windkanal {m} |
wind turbine {n} (device) | :: Windkraftanlage {f} |
wind up {v} (to conclude, complete, or finish) | :: beschließen |
wind up {v} (to tighten by winding or twisting) | :: aufziehen |
wind up {v} (to play a prank, to take the mickey or mock) | :: aufziehen |
wind up {v} (to dissolve a partnership or corporation and liquidate its assets) | :: auflösen |
windward {adj} (towards the wind) | :: luvwärts gelegen, windwärts gelegen, im Wind gelegen, gegen den Wind gelegen, über dem Winde gelegen |
windward {adv} (towards the wind) | :: luvwärts, windwärts, im Wind, gegen den Wind, über dem Winde |
windward {n} (towards the wind) | :: Luv {f} |
windy {n} (fart) SEE: fart | :: |
windy {adj} (orally verbose) SEE: long-winded | :: |
windy {adj} (accompanied by wind) | :: windig |
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from grapes) | :: Wein {m} |
wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from other fruit or vegetables) | :: Wein {m} |
wine {n} (wine colour) | :: weinrot {n} |
wine {v} (entertain with wine) | :: mit Wein traktieren |
wine {v} (drink wine) | :: Wein trinken |
winebag {n} (bag used to carry wine) | :: Weinbeutel {m} |
wine bar {n} (drinking establishment where only wine is served) | :: Weinbar {f}, Weinstube {f} |
wineberry {n} (Japanese wineberry) | :: japanische Weinbeere {f}, rotborstige Himbeere {f} |
wine bottle {n} (bottle for holding wine) | :: Weinflasche {f} |
wine cellar {n} (underground place for storing wine) | :: Weinkeller {m} |
wine cellar {n} | :: Weinkeller {m} |
winecup {n} (vessel from which wine is drunk) | :: Weinbecher {m} |
wine-dark {adj} (dark like wine) | :: weinfarben, weindunkel |
wine from unpressed grapes {n} (wine) | :: Ausbruch {m} [historically; now used of sweet botrytized wine], Vorlauf {m}, Vorsprung {m}, Vorlass {m}, Vorschuss {m}, Beerwein {m} |
wine glass {n} (glass vessel for drinking wine from) | :: Weinglas {n} |
wine gum {n} (soft jelly lolly) | :: Weingummi |
wine list {n} (list of wines available at a restaurant or bar) | :: Weinkarte {f} |
winemaker {n} (a person or company that makes wine) SEE: vintner | :: |
winemaking {n} (the act of making wine) | :: Weinherstellung {f}, Vinifikation {f} |
winepress {n} (device for squeezing grapes) | :: Kelter {m}, Weinkelter {m}, Trotte {f} [regional], Torkel {m} [regional] |
winery {n} (a place where wine is made, or a company that makes wine) | :: Kellerei {f} |
wineskin {n} (bag for holding wine) | :: Weinschlauch {m} |
wine vinegar {n} (vinegar made from wine) | :: Weinessig {m} |
Winfred {prop} (male given name) | :: Winfried |
wing {n} (part of an animal) | :: Flügel {m}, Schwinge {f} |
wing {n} (part of an aircraft) | :: Flügel {m} |
wing {n} (extension to a main body) | :: Flügel {m}, Gebäudeflügel {m} [building], Gebäudetrakt {m} [building] |
wing {n} (fraction of a political movement) | :: Flügel {m} |
wing {n} (air force unit) | :: Tragfläche {f}, Tragflügel {m} |
wing {n} (panel of a car which encloses the wheel area) | :: Kotflügel {m} |
wing {n} | :: [2] Flügel {m} |
wing {v} (to be extemporaneous) | :: improvisieren |
wing {v} (to fly) SEE: fly | :: |
wing {v} (to throw) SEE: throw | :: |
wing chair {n} (chair) | :: Ohrensessel {m} |
wing commander {n} (rank in the RAF) | :: Oberstleutnant {m} |
wingding {n} (fit or spasm) | :: Anfall {m} |
wingding {n} (party) | :: Feier {f}, Fete {f} |
winged {adj} (having wings) | :: geflügelt |
winged word {n} (well-known and attributable quotation) | :: geflügeltes Wort {n} |
winghead shark {n} (Eusphyra blochii) | :: Flügelkopf-Hammerhai {m} |
wingman {n} (pilot partner) | :: Katschmarek {m}, Flügelmann {m} |
wing mirror {n} (mirror on the side of a car) | :: Außenspiegel {m}, Seitenspiegel {m} |
wing nut {n} (nut with wing-like projections) | :: Flügelmutter {f} |
wingnut {n} (nut with winglike projections) SEE: wing nut | :: |
wingnut {n} (genus Pterocarya (botany)) | :: Flügelnuss {f} |
wingnut {n} (odd, eccentric, and/or extreme person) | :: Spinner {m} |
wingspan {n} (the distance from left wingtip to right) | :: Flügelspannweite {f}, Spannweite {f} |
wink {v} (to blink with only one eye as a message, signal, or suggestion) | :: zuzwinkern [to somebody], zwinkern |
winkle {n} (gastropod) SEE: periwinkle | :: |
winner {n} (one who has won or often wins) | :: Gewinner {m}, Gewinnerin {f}, Sieger {m}, Siegerin {f} |
Winnie the Pooh {prop} (the fictional bear) | :: Pu der Bär {m} |
winning streak {n} (an uninterrupted sequence of wins) | :: Glückssträhne {f} |
winnow {v} (to separate the heavier and lighter with a current of air) | :: worfeln, windsichten [technical], trennen |
winnow {v} (figuratively: to separate, sift, analyze, test) | :: trennen, separieren, aussortieren, sichten |
winnowing basket {n} (basket used to winnow) | :: Worfel {f}, Kornschwinge {f}, Wanne {f} |
wino {n} (alcoholic (pejorative)) | :: Weinsäufer {m}, Weinsäuferin {f}, Saufbruder {m}, Saufschwester {f}, Wermutpenner {m}, Wermutpennerin {f}, Spriti {m} |
win over {v} (to persuade) SEE: persuade | :: |
winsome {adj} (charming, engaging, winning) | :: gewinnend |
winter {n} (fourth season, marked by short days and lowest temperatures) | :: Winter {m}, Winterzeit {f} |
winter {v} (spend the winter, as in a particular place on holiday) | :: wintern |
winter cherry {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry | :: |
winter coat {n} (warm coat) | :: Winterjacke {f}, Wintermantel {m} |
winter coat {n} (seasonal appearance) | :: Winterfell {n} |
wintergreen {n} (evergreen) SEE: evergreen | :: |
wintergreen {n} (evergreen perennial of the genus Pyrola) | :: Wintergrün {n} |
wintergreen {n} (Gaultheria procumbens) | :: Scheinbeere {f} |
winter melon {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) | :: Wachskürbis {m} |
winter solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined away from the sun) | :: Wintersonnenwende {f} |
winter sport {n} (sport played on ice or snow) | :: Wintersportart {f} [a winter sport], Wintersport {m} [winter sports] |
winter storm {n} (A winter storm) | :: Wintersturm {m} |
Winterthur {prop} (city) | :: Winterthur {n} |
wintertide {n} (wintertime) SEE: wintertime | :: |
wintertime {n} (the season of winter) | :: Winterzeit {f} |
winter tire {n} | :: Winterreifen {m} |
Winter Triangle {prop} (a bright asterism of the northern winter sky) | :: Winterdreieck {n} |
Winter War {prop} (war) | :: Winterkrieg {m} |
winter wheat {n} (type of wheat) | :: Winterweizen {m} |
wintry {adj} (suggestive or characteristic of winter; cold, stormy) | :: winterlich |
win-win {adj} (of a situation that benefits two parties) | :: zum beiderseitigen Vorteil, Doppelsieg, Win-Win |
wipe {v} (remove surface substance) | :: wischen |
wipe {v} (erase a computer disk) | :: löschen |
wipe off {v} (removing by wiping) | :: abwischen |
wipe out {v} (to destroy or obliterate) | :: auslöschen, vernichten |
wipe out {v} (to erase) | :: auswischen, ausradieren |
wipe the slate clean {v} (to make a fresh start, forgetting differences) | :: reinen Tisch machen |
wire {n} (thin thread of metal) | :: Draht {m} |
wire {n} (metal conductor that carries electricity) | :: Draht {m}, Ader {f} |
wire {v} (informal: to send a message or a money value to another person through a telecommunications system) | :: Geld überweisen |
wire {n} (informal: telegraph) SEE: telegraph | :: |
wire {n} (informal: message transmitted by telegraph) SEE: telegram | :: |
wire cutters {n} (hand tool) | :: Seitenschneider {m} |
wired {adj} (equipped with wires) | :: kabelgebunden |
wired {adj} (equipped with hidden electronic eavesdropping devices) | :: verwanzt |
wired {adj} (reinforced, supported, tied or bound with wire) | :: verdrahted |
wired {adj} (very excited, hyper; high-strung) | :: aufgedreht |
wireframe {n} (model of three-dimensional object) | :: Drahtmodell {n} |
wireless {adj} (not having any wires) | :: drahtlos |
wireless {adj} (of or relating to wireless telegraphy) | :: drahtlos, Funk-, Radio- |
wireless {adj} | :: drahtlos |
wireless {n} (radio) | :: Funk {m}, Rundfunk {m}, Radio {n} |
wireless {n} (wireless connectivity to a computer network) | :: WLAN {m} |
wireless network {n} (a type of computer network that is not connected by cables of any kind) | :: Drahtlosnetzwerk {n} |
wiretap {n} (covert connection) | :: Wanze {f} |
wiretap {v} (to install or to use such a device) | :: verwanzen |
wire transfer {n} (electronic transfer of funds) | :: Überweisung {f}, Banküberweisung {f} |
wiring harness {n} (bundle of insulated wires) | :: Kabelbaum {m} |
wiry {adj} (thin, muscular and flexible) | :: drahtig |
Wisconsin {prop} (state of the United States of America) | :: Wisconsin |
Wisconsinite {n} (person from Wisconsin) | :: Mensch aus Wisconsin {m} |
wisdom {n} (element of personal character) | :: Weisheit {f} |
wisdom {n} (piece of wise advice) | :: Weisheit {f} |
wisdom {n} (discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good) | :: Weisheit {f} |
wisdom {n} (ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way) | :: Weisheit {f} |
wisdom {n} (ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding) | :: Weisheit {f} |
wisdom {n} (ability to know and apply spiritual truths) | :: Weisheit {f} |
wisdom tooth {n} (rearmost molar in humans) | :: Weisheitszahn {m} |
wise {adj} (showing good judgement) | :: weise, klug |
wiseacre {n} (one who feigns knowledge or cleverness) | :: Klugscheißer {m}, Besserwisser {m}, Neunmalkluger {m} |
wise guy {n} (one who is insolent or flippant) | :: Naseweis {m}, Rotznase {f}, Schlaumeier {m}, Neunmalkluger {m}, Bessewisser {m} |
wisely {adv} (in a wise manner) | :: weise |
wisent {n} (European bison, Bison bonasus) | :: Wisent {m}, Europäischer Bison {m} |
wish {n} (desire) | :: Wunsch {m} |
wish {v} (to hope for an outcome) | :: wünschen |
wish {v} (to bestow a thought) | :: wünschen |
wishable {adj} (desirable) SEE: desirable | :: |
wishbone {n} (bird's bone) | :: Gabelbein {n} |
wishful thinking {n} (illusion that what one would like is true) | :: Wunschdenken {n} |
wishing well {n} (well where wishes were thought to be granted) | :: Wunschbrunnen {m} |
wish list {n} (list of desired things) | :: Wunschliste {f}, Wunschzettel {m} |
wishlist {n} (a list of desired things) | :: Wunschliste {f}, Wunschzettel {m} |
wishy-washy {adj} (wavering or lacking in commitment, certainty, or support) | :: Wischiwaschi- |
wishy-washy {adj} (thin or watery) | :: verwässert |
wisp {n} (a small bundle, as of straw or other like substance) | :: Haarbüschel {m}, Strohbündel {m}, Wisch {m} |
wispy {adj} (Consisting of or resembling a wisp) | :: dünn, dürr, fein |
wisteria {n} (a genus of about ten species of woody climbing vines) | :: Blauregen {m} |
wistful {adj} (full of longing) | :: wehmütig |
wit {n} (intellectual ability) | :: Verstand {m}, Intellekt {m} |
wit {n} (Ability to think quickly) | :: Auffassungsgabe {f} |
wit {n} (Spoken humour, particularly that thought of quickly) | :: Witz {m} |
wit {n} (A person who tells funny anecdotes or jokes) | :: Witzbold {m} |
wit {v} (Know, be aware of) | :: wissen |
wit {n} (intelligence) SEE: intelligence | :: |
witch {n} (person who uses magic) | :: Hexe {f}, Gabelreiterin {f}, Hexer {m}, Hexenmeister {m} |
witch {n} (derogatory: ugly or unpleasant woman) | :: Hexe {f} |
witch {n} (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) SEE: Torbay sole | :: |
witchcraft {n} (the practice of witches) | :: Hexerei {f}, Hexenkunst {f} |
witch doctor {n} (person believed to ward off witchcraft and heal through magic) | :: Hexendoktor {m}, Hexendoktorin {f}, Medizinmann {m}, Medizinfrau {f} |
witches' Sabbath {n} (supposed meeting of witches at midnight to practice sorcery or to take part in a demonic orgy) | :: Hexensabbat {m} |
witchgrass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass | :: |
witch hazel {n} (tree of the genus Hamamelis) | :: Zaubernuss {f} |
witch hazel {n} (Hamamelis virginiana) | :: herbstblühende Zaubernuss, virginische Zaubernuss {f} |
witch-hunt {n} (persecution of persons believed to be using magic) | :: Hexenjagd {f} |
witch-hunt {n} (campaign to punish dissident persons) | :: Hexenjagd {f} |
witching hour {n} (hour after midnight, when witches were thought to be active) | :: Geisterstunde {f} |
witch's milk {n} (milk secreted from the breasts of newborn babies) | :: Hexenmilch {f} |
with {prep} (against) | :: mit, gegen |
with {prep} (in the company of) | :: mit, nebst |
with {prep} (in addition to) | :: mit |
with {prep} (in support of) | :: mit, bei |
with {prep} (by means of) | :: mit |
with a grain of salt {adv} (with common sense and skepticism) | :: mit einem Körnchen Salz |
with all due respect {prep} (phrase used before disagreeing with someone) | :: bei allem nötigen Respekt, bei allem gebotenen Respekt, mit Verlaub |
with a vengeance {prep} (with intense motivation) | :: mit aller Macht |
with bated breath {prep} (eagerly) | :: mit angehaltenem Atem |
with child {prep} (pregnant (euphemistic)) | :: in guter Hoffnung sein, in der Hoffnung sein |
with difficulty {prep} (an action which is difficult to perform) | :: mit Mühe, mühsam |
withdraw {v} (pull back) | :: zurückziehen |
withdraw {v} (take back) | :: zurücknehmen |
withdraw {v} (remove, stop providing) | :: entziehen |
withdraw {v} (extract (money from an account)) | :: abheben |
withdraw {v} (retreat) | :: sich zurückziehen, abziehen |
withdrawal {n} (receiving from someone's care what one has earlier entrusted to them) | :: Entnahme {f} |
withdrawal {n} (type of metabolic shock) | :: Entzug {m} |
withdrawal {n} (act of withdrawing) | :: Entzug {m} |
withdrawn {adj} (introvert) | :: verschlossen |
wither {v} ((intransitive) shrivel, droop, dry up) | :: vertrocknen, welken, verwelken, verdorren |
wither {v} (to lose vigor or power) | :: schwächer werden, verkümmern, schwinden |
withering {adj} (tending to destroy, devastate, overwhelm or cause complete destruction) | :: vernichtend, zerstörerisch, alleszerstörend |
withering {adj} (diminishing rapidly) | :: schwindend, dahinschwindend |
withering {adj} (tending to make someone feel small) | :: verächtlich, vernichtend |
witherite {n} (mineral) | :: witherit |
withers {n} (part of the back of a draft animal) | :: Widerrist {m} |
witherward {adj} (opposite, opposing; hostile) | :: entgegengesetzt |
with flying colors {prep} ((idiom) extremely well) | :: mit Bravour |
with friends like these who needs enemies {phrase} (an expression indicating that one's close associates prove more adversarial than one's opponents) | :: Wer solche Freunde hat, braucht keine Feinde. |
withhold {v} (to keep an object) | :: zurückhalten, einbehalten |
withhold {v} (to keep information) | :: zurückhalten, vorenthalten |
withhold {v} (to retain) | :: vorenthalten |
withholding tax {n} (A withholding, a tax withheld from employees' salary and paid to the government) | :: Abgeltungsteuer {f}, Abgeltungssteuer {f} |
within {prep} (spatial enclosure) | :: in, innerhalb |
with no further ado {prep} (with no further ado) | :: ohne Weiteres |
with one hand tied behind one's back {adv} (hands down) SEE: hands down | :: |
with one's bare hands {prep} (barehandedly) | :: mit den bloßen Händen |
without {prep} (not having) | :: ohne |
without a doubt {prep} (certainly) SEE: certainly | :: |
without a doubt {prep} (probably) SEE: probably | :: |
without a doubt {prep} | :: zweifelsohne |
without doubt {prep} (without a doubt) SEE: without a doubt | :: |
without fail {prep} (certainly) | :: unbedingt |
without loss of generality {prep} (without loss of generality) | :: ohne Beschränkung der Allgemeinheit, o. B. d. A., o. E. |
without prejudice {prep} | :: [+gen.] unbeschadet |
with pleasure {prep} (willingly, without argument) | :: gern, gerne |
with regard to {prep} (concerning) | :: bezüglich, in Bezug auf, hinsichtlich |
with respect {prep} (mild apology) | :: mit Verlaub |
with respect to {prep} (pertaining to) | :: in Bezug auf, bezüglich |
withspeak {v} (speak against) SEE: oppose | :: |
withspeak {v} (contradict) SEE: contradict | :: |
withstand {v} (to resist) | :: widerstehen |
withstand {v} | :: widerstehen |
withy {n} (osier) SEE: osier | :: |
withy {n} (long, flexible twig of the osier) SEE: osier | :: |
witless {adj} (Without wit or understanding) | :: hirnlos, [formally] geistfrei {n} |
witness {n} (attestation of a fact or event) | :: Zeugnis {n} |
witness {n} (one who has a personal knowledge of something) | :: Zeuge {m}, Zeugin {f} [female] |
witness {n} (someone called to give evidence in a court) | :: Zeuge {m}, Zeugin {f} [female] |
witness {v} ((transitive) to furnish proof of) | :: bezeugen |
witness {v} ((transitive) to see or gain knowledge of through experience) | :: Zeuge sein |
witness protection {n} (government program that provides new identities and protection for witnesses) | :: Zeugenschutzprogramm {n}, Zeugenschutz {m} |
wits' end {n} (at (one's) wits' end) SEE: perplexed | :: |
Wittenheim {prop} (a city in France) | :: Wittenheim |
witticism {n} (witty remark) | :: (guter) Spruch {m}, geflügeltes Wort {n}, Bonmot {n}, witzige Bemerkung {f}, geistreiche Bemerkung {f} |
wittiness {n} (the quality of being witty) | :: Witzigkeit {f} |
witty {adj} (possessing a strong intellect or intellectual capacity) | :: witzig |
witty {adj} (clever; amusingly ingenious) | :: geistreich, witzig |
witty {adj} (full of wit) | :: geistreich |
witty {adj} (quick of mind; insightful; in possession of wits) | :: geistreich, schlagfertig |
wizard {n} (person skilled with magic) | :: Zauberer {m}, Magier {m}, Hexenmeister {m} |
wizard {n} (computing: program or script used to simplify complex operations) | :: Assistent {m} |
wizardess {n} (sorceress) SEE: sorceress | :: |
wizardry {n} (art of a wizard; sorcery) | :: Zauberei {f} |
wizened {adj} (withered) | :: runzelig, schrumpelig |
woad {n} (Isatis tinctoria) | :: Färberwaid {m}, Waid {m} |
wobble {v} (move with an uneven or rocking motion) | :: eiern |
wobbler {n} (tantrum) SEE: tantrum | :: |
Woden {prop} (the Germanic chief god) | :: Wotan |
woe {n} (grief; sorrow; misery; heavy calamity) | :: Weh {n}, Jammer {m}, Kummer {m}, Leid {n} |
woe {interj} (exclamation of grief) | :: weh |
woe is me {interj} (interjection) | :: weh mir |
wog {n} (an offensive term for a dark-skinned person) | :: Kanake {m}, Ölauge {m} |
wog {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop | :: |
woggle {n} (Boy Scout's neckerchief clasp or slide) | :: Halstuchring {m} |
wok {n} (large round pan) | :: Wok {m} |
wolf {n} (animal) | :: Wolf {m}, Meister Graubein {m} [esp. in fables & fairy tales] |
wolf {v} (to devour) | :: herunterschlingen |
wolf {n} (constellation) SEE: Lupus | :: |
wolfberry {n} (Lycium) | :: Bocksdorn {m} |
wolfberry {n} (Lycium barbarum or Lycium chinense) | :: Chinesischer Bocksdorn {m} |
wolfberry {n} (fruit of Lycium barbarum or Lycium chinense) | :: Gojibeere {f}, Chinesische Wolfsbeere {f}, Wolfsbeere {f} |
wolf cub {n} (young wolf) | :: Wolfswelpe {m}, Wolfswelpin {f}, Wolfsjunges {n} |
wolf down {v} (consume quickly) | :: verschlingen |
wolffish {n} (fish) | :: Seewolf {m} |
Wolfgang {prop} (male given name) | :: Wolfgang |
wolfhound {n} (dog) | :: Wolfshund {m} |
wolf in sheep's clothing {n} (someone or something harmful or threatening but disguised as something peaceful or pleasant) | :: Wolf im Schafspelz {m} |
wolfkin {n} (young or small wolf) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wolfling {n} (wolf cub) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wolfpack {n} (group of wild wolves, see also: pack) | :: Wolfsrudel {n}, Rudel von Wölfen {n}, Rudel Wölfe {n} |
wolfpack {n} (group of submarines) | :: Wolfsrudel {n} |
wolfram {n} (tungsten) SEE: tungsten | :: |
wolfram {n} (wolframite) SEE: wolframite | :: |
wolframite {n} (wolframite) | :: Wolframit {m} |
wolfsbane {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite | :: |
wolf spider {n} (any of several spiders of the family Lycosidae) | :: Wolfspinne {f} |
wolf whelp {n} (young, esp. infant, wolf) SEE: wolf cub | :: |
wolf whistle {n} (whistle indicating sexual interest.) | :: Nachpfeifen {n} |
wollastonite {n} (grey inosilicate mineral) | :: Wollastonit |
wolpertinger {n} (fictional creature) | :: Wolpertinger {m}, Wolperdinger {m} |
wolverine {n} (Gulo gulo) | :: Vielfraß {m}, Bärenmarder {m} |
woman {n} (wife) SEE: wife | :: |
woman {n} (adult female person) | :: Frau {f}, Weib {n} [sometimes pejorative] |
womanhater {n} (hater of women) SEE: misogynist | :: |
womanhood {n} (state of being a woman) | :: Weiblichkeit {f}, Fraulichkeit {f}, Frausein {n} |
womanhood {n} (qualities considered typical for a woman) | :: Fraulichkeit {f} |
womanhood {n} (women as a group) | :: alle Frauen {f-p}, Frauen {f-p} |
womanizer {n} (habitual seducer of women) | :: Frauenheld {m}, Schürzenjäger {m}, Weiberheld {m}, Womanizer {m} |
womankind {n} (woman, taken collectively) | :: weibliches Geschlecht {n}, Frauenwelt {f} [obsolete, rare], Weiberleut [Bavarian, Austrian , colloquial, pejorative] |
womanliness {n} (femininity) SEE: femininity | :: |
womanly {adj} (having the characteristics of a woman) | :: weiblich, fraulich |
woman of the world {n} (worldly woman) | :: Frau von Welt {f} |
womb {n} (uterus) | :: [specific organ] Gebärmutter {f}; [specialist also] Uterus {m}; [pregnant body as the “seat of life”] Mutterleib {m}, Schoß {m} |
womb {n} (belly) SEE: belly | :: |
wombat {n} (marsupial) | :: Wombat {m} |
womenfolk {n} (women collectively) | :: Frauensleute {p} [obsolete], Weibervolk {n} [obsolescent, often pejorative], Weibsleute [colloquial, obsolescent] |
women's refuge {n} (women's shelter) SEE: women's shelter | :: |
women's shelter {n} (temporary refuge for women) | :: Frauenhaus {n} |
women's studies {n} (academic field) | :: Frauenforschung {f}, Frauenstudium {n}, Frauenstudien {n-p} |
wonder {n} (something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel) | :: Wunder {n}, Mirakel {n} |
wonder {v} (to be affected with surprise) | :: sich wundern |
wonder {v} (to ponder about something) | :: sich fragen |
wonderful {adj} (excellent, extremely impressive) | :: wunderbar, wundervoll |
wonderfully {adv} (to an extent inspiring wonder) | :: wunderbar |
wonderland {n} (Imaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels) | :: Wunderland |
wonder of the world {n} (something remarkable in the world) | :: Weltwunder {n} |
wonderous {adj} (wondrous) SEE: wondrous | :: |
Wonder Woman {n} (woman of extraordinary powers) SEE: superwoman | :: |
wondrous {adj} (amazing, inspiring awe) | :: wundersam, erstaunlich, verwunderlich |
wone {v} (to live, reside, stay) | :: wohnen |
wonk {n} (overly studious person) | :: Streber {m}, Streberin {f} |
wont {n} (habitual way of doing things) | :: Gewohnheit {f} |
wont {adj} (accustomed or apt) | :: gewohnt |
wonton {n} (Chinese dumpling) | :: Wan Tan, Wantan, Wonton, Huntun |
woo {v} (to endeavor to gain someone's affection) | :: den Hof machen, umwerben |
wood {n} (substance) | :: Holz {n} |
wood {n} (wood from a particular species) | :: Holz {n}, Holzart {f} |
wood {n} (woodland) | :: Waldland {n}, Waldung {f} |
wood {n} (firewood) | :: Feuerholz {n}, Brennholz {n} |
wood {n} (type of golf club) | :: Holz {n} |
wood {n} (slang: an erection) | :: Latte {f} |
wood {v} (to cover or plant with trees) | :: aufforsten |
wood anemone {n} (Anemone nemorosa) | :: Buschwindröschen {n} |
woodblock printing {n} (technique for printing text, images or patterns) | :: Blockdruck {m} |
woodcarver {n} (a person who is skilled at woodcarving) | :: Holzschnitzer {m}, Schnitzer {m} |
wood carving {n} (art) | :: Holzschnitzerei {f} |
woodchip {n} (chip of wood) | :: Holzschnitzel {m}, Holzhackschnitzel {m}, Holzspan {m} |
woodchip {n} (fibre of wood) | :: Holzfaser {f} |
woodchuck {n} (rodent of the family Sciuridae) | :: Waldmurmeltier {n} |
woodcock {n} (wading bird in the genus Scolopax) | :: Waldschnepfe {f} |
woodcraft {n} (art or skill) SEE: wood carving | :: |
wood cudweed {n} (Gnaphalium sylvaticum) | :: Wald-Ruhrkraut {n} |
woodcut {n} (method of printmaking) | :: Holzschnitt {m}, Holzschneidekunst {f}, Xylographie {f}, Xylografie {f} |
woodcut {n} (print) | :: Holzschnitt {m} |
woodcutter {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack | :: |
woodcutter {n} (person who makes woodcuts) | :: Formschneider {m}, Xylograph {m} |
wood duck {n} (A colorful North American duck, Aix sponsa, that nests in hollow trees.) | :: Brautente {f} |
wood ear {n} (black fungus) | :: Judasohr {n} |
wooded {adj} (covered with trees) | :: bewaldet, baumreich |
wooden {adj} (made of wood) | :: hölzern, Holz-, hölzern |
wooden {adj} (figuratively) | :: hölzern |
wooden fish {n} (percussion instrument) | :: Holzfisch {m} |
wood engraving {n} (detailed variation of woodcut) | :: Holzstich {m}, Holzriss {m} |
wooden spoon {n} (spoon made from wood) | :: Kochlöffel {m}, Holzlöffel {m} |
wooden spoon {n} (prize for coming last in a competition) | :: rote Laterne {f} |
wood fern {n} (fern of the genus Dryopteris) | :: Wurmfarn {m} |
Woodford's rail {n} (bird) | :: Salomonenralle {f} |
wood grouse {n} (Tetrao urogallus) SEE: western capercaillie | :: |
woodie {n} (erection) SEE: erection | :: |
woodland {adj} (of or pertaining to a creature or object existing in a woodland) | :: Wald- |
woodland {n} (land covered with woody vegetation) | :: Wald {m}, Forst {m}, Waldung {f}, Waldland {n} |
woodlark {n} (Lullula arborea) | :: Heidelerche {f} |
woodlouse {n} (any species of suborder Oniscidea) | :: Kellerassel {f}, Assel {f}, Landassel {f} |
wood mouse {n} (European rodent) | :: Waldmaus {f} |
woodpecker {n} (bird in Picinae) | :: Specht {m} |
wood pigeon {n} (Columba palumbus) | :: Ringeltaube, Holztaube |
wood pulp {n} (pulp from trees used to make paper) | :: Holzschliff {m} |
woodruff {n} (herb) | :: Waldmeister {m} |
woods {n} (forest) SEE: forest | :: |
wood sandpiper {n} (Tringa stagnatilis) | :: Bruchwasserläufer {m} |
wood screw {n} (a screw designed for a wood) | :: Holzschraube {f} |
wood sorrel {n} (a white-flowered woodland plant, Oxalis acetosella) | :: Waldsauerklee {m} |
wood sorrel {n} (any of several other species of the genus Oxalis) | :: Sauerklee {m} |
wood spirit {n} (alcohol) | :: Holzgeist {m} |
wood strawberry {n} (Fragaria vesca) SEE: wild strawberry | :: |
wood warbler {n} (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) | :: Waldlaubsänger {m} |
woodwind instrument {n} (musical instrument) | :: Holzblasinstrument {n} |
woodwork {n} (handiwork of wood) | :: Holzverarbeitung {f} |
woodwork {n} (wood product) | :: Holzarbeit {f} |
woodwork {n} (working with wood) | :: Tischlerei {f} |
woodwork {n} (a woodworking shop or factory) | :: Schreinerei {f}, Tischlerei {f} |
woodworker {n} (a person skilled at woodworking) | :: Schreiner {m}, Tischler {m} |
woodworm {n} (larvae that bore into wood) | :: Holzwurm {m} |
woody {adj} (covered in woods) | :: bewaldet, waldig |
woody {adj} (non-herbaceous) | :: holzig |
woody {adj} (lignified) | :: verholzt |
woodyard {n} (yard where wood is stored and processed) | :: Holzplatz {m} |
wooer {n} (someone who woos or courts) | :: Liebeswerber {m}, Verehrer {m}, Freier [dated], Bewerber {m} |
woof {n} (set of yarns placed crosswise in a loom) | :: Schußfaden {m} |
woof {n} (sound of a dog) | :: wau, wuff, rawau |
woofer {n} (low-frequency audio speaker) | :: Bass {m}, Basslautsprecher {m} |
wooing {n} (courting) SEE: courtship | :: |
wool {n} (hair of sheep, etc.) | :: Wolle {f} |
wool {n} (cloth or yarn) | :: Wolle {f} |
woolen {adj} (made of wool) | :: wollen, Woll- |
woolen {n} (item of clothing made from wool) | :: Wollware {f} |
woolgathering {n} (Indulgence in daydreams) | :: Tagträumerei {f} |
woolly {adj} (made of wool) | :: wollen, Woll- |
woolly {adj} (having a thick, soft texture, as if made of wool) | :: wollartig, wollig, zottig, schwammig, lose |
woolly {adj} (of thinking, principles, etc, based on emotion rather than logic) | :: blumig, wolkig, verklärt |
woolly {adj} (unclear, fuzzy, hazy, cloudy) | :: unscharf, verschwommen, schwammig, vage, unkonkret |
woolly bear {n} (hairy caterpillar) | :: Haarraupe {f}, haarige Raupe {f}, behaarte Raupe {f} |
woolly bear {n} (larva of a moth of the family Arctiidae) | :: Bärenspinnerraupe {f} |
woolly hat {n} (beanie) SEE: beanie | :: |
woolly rhinoceros {n} | :: Wollnashorn {n} |
woomera {n} (atlatl) SEE: atlatl | :: |
woozy {adj} (queasy, dizzy, or disoriented) | :: benebelt |
wop {n} (person of Italian descent) | :: Itaker {m}, Itakerin {f}, Spagettifresser {m}, Spagettifresserin {f}, Spaghettifresser {m}, Spaghettifresserin {f}, Tschingg {m} [Switzerland, parts of Austria], Tschingili {m} [Baden], Itaka {m} {f}, Katzelmacher {m}, Katzelmacherin {f}, Makkaronifresser {m}, Makkaronifresserin {f} |
Worcestershire sauce {n} (English condiment) | :: Worcestershiresauce |
word {n} (unit of language) | :: Wort |
word {n} (something which has been said) | :: Wort |
word {n} (promise) | :: Ehrenwort |
word {n} (the word of God) | :: Wort |
word {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb | :: |
word {n} (watchword) SEE: watchword | :: |
Word {n} (Creative word of God) | :: Wort {n} |
wordbook {n} (dictionary) SEE: dictionary | :: |
wordbook {n} (lexicon) SEE: lexicon | :: |
wordbook {n} (libretto) SEE: libretto | :: |
word break {n} (a point in writing where a word is split so that part of it is relegated to the next line, typically at the end of a syllable and marked with a hyphen) | :: Worttrennung {f} |
word formation {n} (formation of new words) | :: Wortbildung |
word for word {adv} (in exactly the same words) SEE: verbatim | :: |
word-for-word {adj} (Using exactly the same words as were originally used) | :: wortwörtlich |
word-hoard {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary | :: |
Wordian {prop} (A subdivision of the Permian period.) | :: Wordium |
wording {n} (choice of words) | :: Formulierung {f}, Wortlaut {m} |
wordlist {n} (collection of all words from a particular source) | :: Wörterliste {f}, Wortliste {f} |
word of honor {n} (a promise, or a pledge of one's good faith) | :: Wort der Ehre {n} |
word of honour {n} (word of honor) SEE: word of honor | :: |
word of mouth {n} (verbal means of passing of information) | :: Mundpropaganda {f}, Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda {f} |
word order {n} (order of syntactic constituents) | :: Wortfolge {f}, Wortstellung {f} |
wordplay {n} | :: Wortspiel {n} |
word processor {n} (software) | :: Textverarbeitungsprogramm {n} |
words {n} (lyrics) SEE: lyrics | :: |
word search {n} (a word game) | :: Wörtersuchspiel {n} |
wordster {n} (one who uses words instead of actions) SEE: hypocrite | :: |
word-stock {n} (vocabulary) SEE: vocabulary | :: |
wordy {adj} (using an excessive number of words) | :: langatmig, weitschweifig, wortreich |
work {n} (labour, employment, occupation, job) | :: Arbeit {f} |
work {n} (place where one is employed) | :: Arbeit {f} |
work {n} (effort expended on a particular task) | :: Arbeit {f} |
work {n} (literary, artistic, or intellectual production) | :: Werk {n} |
work {n} (measure of energy expended in moving an object) | :: Arbeit {f} |
work {n} (thermodynamics: energy in transit between one form or repository and another) | :: Arbeit {f} |
work {n} | :: [1,2,3,6,7] Arbeit {f}, [4,5] Werk {n} |
work {v} (to do a specific task) | :: arbeiten |
work {v} (function correctly) | :: funktionieren, wirken |
workable {adj} (capable of functioning) | :: machbar, brauchbar, funktionsfähig, umsetzbar , praktikabel |
workaday {adj} (suitable for everyday use) | :: Alltags- |
workaday {adj} (mundane or commonplace) | :: Alltags-, alltäglich |
workaholic {n} (person) | :: Arbeitstier {n}, Arbeitssüchtiger {m}, Arbeitssüchtige {f} |
workaround {n} ((computing) a procedure or a temporary fix) | :: Workaround {m} |
workbag {n} (bag containing tools or material used for work) | :: Handarbeitsbeutel {m} |
workbench {n} (sturdy table) | :: Werkbank {f}, Arbeitstisch {m} |
workbook {n} (book used by a student) | :: Arbeitsbuch {n} |
worker {n} (person who performs labor) | :: Arbeiter {m}, Arbeiterin {f}, Angestellter {m}, Angestellte {f}, [Austrian German, colloquial] Hackler {m}, Hacklerin {f}, Arbeitnehmer {m}, Arbeitnehmerin {f} |
worker {n} (insect) | :: Arbeiterin {f}, Arbeitsameise {f} [ant], Arbeitsbiene {f} [bee], Arbeitstermite {f} [termite], Arbeitswespe {f} [wasp] |
worker bee {n} (sterile bee) | :: Arbeiterin {f} |
workers of the world, unite {phrase} (workers of the world, unite) | :: Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch! |
work ethic {n} (value that one ought to work hard at one's job or duties) | :: Arbeitsmoral {f} |
work ethic {n} (tendency to work hard at one's job or duties) | :: Arbeitsmoral {f} |
work experience {n} (short unpaid period of time at a workplace) | :: Praktikum {n} |
workflow {n} (The rate at which a flow of work takes place) | :: Arbeitsablauf {m} |
workflow {n} (A process or procedure by which tasks are completed) | :: Arbeitsablauf {m} |
workforce {n} (workers employed by an organization) | :: Belegschaft {f}, Arbeitskräfte {f-p} |
work function {n} (The minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the surface of a material) | :: Ablösearbeit {f}, Auslösearbeit {f}, Austrittsarbeit {f} |
work hardening {n} (repeated plastic deformation of a material) | :: Kaltumformung |
workhorse {n} (a horse used primarily for work) | :: Arbeitspferd {n} |
workhorse {n} (anyone that does a lot of work) | :: Arbeitstier {n} |
working {n} (method of operation) | :: Ansatz {m} |
working animal {n} (animal kept for work) | :: Arbeitstier {n} |
working class {n} (social class doing physical work) | :: Arbeiterklasse {f} |
working conditions {n} (environment in which one works) | :: Arbeitsbedingungen {f-p} |
working day {n} (day of a week in which work is done) | :: Arbeitstag {m}, Werktag {m} |
working dog {n} (type of dog breed) | :: Arbeitshund {m} |
working hypothesis {n} (hypothesis that is unverified yet tentatively chosen) | :: Arbeitshypothese {f} |
working life {n} (period spent in employment) | :: Arbeitsleben {n}, Erwerbsleben {n} |
working time {n} (law: time spent at occupational labor) | :: Arbeitszeit {f} |
working title {n} (a temporary name) | :: Arbeitstitel {m} |
working week {n} (range of days of the week) SEE: workweek | :: |
work in progress {n} (work) | :: laufende Arbeiten, in Bearbeitung |
work-intensive {adj} (labor-intensive) SEE: labor-intensive | :: |
work life {n} (part of life spent at work) | :: Arbeitsleben {n} |
work-life balance {n} (working time) | :: Work-Life-Balance {f} |
workload {n} (The amount of work assigned to a particular worker, normally in a specified time period) | :: Arbeitsbelastung {f} |
workmate {n} (coworker) SEE: coworker | :: |
work of art {n} (product of the fine arts) | :: Kunstwerk {n} |
work of art {n} (something beautiful or exquisite) | :: Kunstwerk {n} |
work one's butt off {v} (to work excessively) | :: sich den Arsch aufreißen |
work out {v} (to conclude with the correct solution) | :: ausarbeiten |
work out {v} (to succeed) | :: Erfolg haben {m}, gelingen |
work out {v} (to habitually exercise rigorously) | :: trainieren |
workout {n} (an exercise session; a period of physical exercise) | :: Workout {m}, Workout {n}, Training {n}, Fitnesstraining {n} |
work permit {n} (authorization to work in a foreign country) | :: Arbeitserlaubnis {f} |
workpiece {n} (The material or partially finished piece on which a tool operates.) | :: Werkstück {n} |
workplace {n} (place where someone works) | :: Arbeitsplatz {m} |
work placement {n} (practicum) SEE: practicum | :: |
workroom {n} (A room where work is done) | :: Arbeitszimmer {n} |
works {n} (plural form of work (in its countable senses)) | :: Arbeiten |
works agreement {n} (contract on conditions of industry by en employer and a work council) | :: Betriebsvereinbarung {f} |
works council {n} (organization) | :: Betriebsrat {m} |
workshop {n} (small manufacturing room) | :: Werkstatt {f} |
workshop {n} (intensive course of education) | :: Workshop {m} |
workshop {n} (academic conference) | :: Workshop {m} |
workshy {adj} (disinclined to work) | :: arbeitsscheu |
worksome {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious | :: |
worksome {adj} (laborious) SEE: laborious | :: |
workspace {n} (area allocated for someone to work in) | :: Arbeitsbereich {m}, Arbeitsfläche {m} |
workspace {n} (computing: A file (or system of files) in which related software and data can be manipulated) | :: Arbeitsbereich {m} |
workstation {n} (powerful desktop computer) | :: Workstation {f} |
workstation {n} (area for single worker) | :: Arbeitsplatz {m} |
workstead {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory | :: |
worktop {n} (kitchen work surface) | :: Arbeitsfläche {f} |
work-to-rule {n} (labor protest in which the minimum work is carried out) | :: Dienst nach Vorschrift {m} (work-to-rule) |
work up {v} (To develop) SEE: develop | :: |
workwear {n} (clothes designed to be worn while working) | :: Berufskleidung {f}, Berufsbekleidung {f}, Arbeitskleidung {f} |
workweek {n} (range of days of the week) | :: Arbeitswoche {f} |
work wonders {v} | :: Wunder wirken, Wunder tun |
world {n} (human collective existence) | :: Welt {f} |
world {n} (the universe) | :: Welt {f} |
world {n} (the Earth) | :: Welt {f}, Erde {f} |
worldbuilding {n} (act or process of building of a fictional world) | :: Weltenbau {m} |
world champion {n} (winner of world cup or world championship) | :: Weltmeister {m}, Weltmeisterin {f} |
world clock {n} (clock) | :: Weltzeituhr {f} |
world cup {n} (event; competition) | :: Weltmeisterschaft {f}, WM {f} |
World Exposition {n} (a regular international exposition) | :: Weltausstellung {f}, Expo {f} |
world-famous {adj} (renowned in many parts of the world) | :: weltbekannt, weltberühmt |
World Heritage Site {n} (place listed by UNESCO as being of significance) | :: Welterbe {n} |
world language {n} (language spoken internationally) | :: Weltsprache {f} |
world line {n} (path in spacetime) | :: Weltlinie {f} |
worldly {adj} (concerned with the human, earthly or physical rather than spiritual) | :: weltlich |
worldly {adj} (concerned with the secular rather than sacred) | :: weltlich |
worldly {adj} (versed in the ways of the world) | :: weltgewandt, weltmännisch |
worldly-wise {adj} (experienced in the ways of the world) | :: weltklug |
world music {n} | :: Weltmusik {f} |
world order {n} (structure that manages the world's stability) | :: Weltordnung {f} |
world peace {n} (ideology of universal global understanding and nonviolence) | :: Weltfrieden {m} |
world power {n} (nation which influences world affairs) | :: Weltmacht {f} |
world record {n} (the world's best score or time) | :: Weltrekord {m} |
world's oldest profession {n} (euphemism for prostitution) | :: das älteste Gewerbe der Welt {n} |
World Trade Center {prop} (former complex of buildings) | :: World Trade Center {n} |
World Trade Organization {prop} (World Trade Organization) | :: Welthandelsorganisation {f} |
worldview {n} (personal view of the world) | :: Weltanschauung {f}, Weltbild {n} |
worldview {n} (totality of one's beliefs about reality) | :: Weltbild {n} |
worldview {n} (general philosophy or view of life) | :: Weltanschauung {f} |
world war {n} (a war involving the major nations of the world) | :: Weltkrieg {m} |
World War I {prop} (war) | :: Erster Weltkrieg |
World War II {prop} (war from 1939 to 1945) | :: Zweiter Weltkrieg {m} |
World War III {prop} (hypothetical world war (World War III)) | :: Dritter Weltkrieg {m} |
World War IV {prop} (hypothetical world war (World War IV)) | :: Vierter Weltkrieg {m} |
World War One {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I | :: |
World War Two {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II | :: |
worldwide {adj} (affecting every place in the world) | :: weltweit |
worldwide {adv} (throughout the world) | :: weltweit |
World Wide Web {prop} (information space on the Internet) | :: World Wide Web {n} |
worm {n} (animal) | :: Wurm {m} |
worm {n} (contemptible being) | :: elender Wurm {m} |
worm {n} (self-replicating program) | :: Wurm {m} |
worm {n} (something helical, especially the thread of a screw) | :: Gewinde {n} |
worm {n} (dragon or mythological serpent) | :: Lindwurm {m} |
worm {v} (to get information that someone is reluctant to give) | :: einem alles aus der Nase ziehen, etwas aus der Nase ziehen, Würmer aus der Nase ziehen |
worm and wheel {n} (A gear arrangement) | :: Schneckengetriebe {n} |
worm drive {n} (A gear arrangement) | :: Schneckengetriebe {n} |
worm-eaten {adj} (eaten by worms, especially having a worm inside) | :: wurmstichig [fruit], madig [meat, cheese, etc.] |
wormhole {n} (a hole burrowed by a worm) | :: Wurmloch {n} |
wormhole {n} (a shortcut between distant parts of space) | :: Wurmloch {n} |
worminess {n} (quality of being wormy) | :: Wurmigkeit {f} |
Worms {prop} (a city in Germany) | :: Worms |
worm's-eye view {n} (a view of an object from below, from the ground) SEE: frog's-eye view | :: |
wormwood {n} (Artemisia absinthium) | :: Wermut {m} |
wormy {adj} (infested with worms) | :: wurmig |
worn out {adj} (damaged and useless due to hard or continued use) | :: abgenutzt |
worn out {adj} (exhausted from exertion) | :: erschöpft, schlapp |
worn-out {adj} (worn-out) SEE: worn out | :: |
worried {adj} (thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen) | :: besorgt |
worrisome {adj} (causing worry; perturbing or vexing) | :: besorgniserregend |
worry {v} (be troubled) | :: besorgt sein, sich Sorgen machen [sich is in the dative case, e.g. "mach dir keine Sorgen"] |
worry {v} (disturb the peace of mind of) | :: besorgen |
worry {n} (strong feeling of anxiety) | :: Sorge {f} |
worry {v} (strangle) SEE: strangle | :: |
worrying {adj} (inducing worry) | :: beunruhigend |
worrywart {n} (person who worries excessively) | :: Schwarzseher {m}, Schwarzmaler {m} |
worse {adj} (comparative form of bad) | :: schlechter, schlimmer, ärger |
worse {adv} (comparative of badly) | :: schlechter, schlimmer |
worsen {v} (transitive: make worse) | :: verschlechtern |
worsen {v} (intransitive: get worse) | :: verschlechtern, sich verschlechtern |
worsen {v} | :: verschlechtern, verschlimmern |
worship {n} (devotion accorded to a deity or to a sacred object) | :: Verehrung {f}, Anbetung {f} |
worship {n} (the religious ceremonies that express this devotion) | :: Gottesdienst {m}, Verehrung {f}, Anbetung {f} |
worship {n} (the ardent love of a person) | :: Verehrung {f}, Anbetung {f} |
worship {v} (to honor and adore, especially as a deity) | :: verehren, anbeten |
worshipper {n} (person who worships) | :: Anbeter {m}, Anbeterin {f} |
worst {adj} (most inferior) | :: [+ der, die, das] schlechteste, schlechtester; [+ der, die, das] schlimmste, schlimmster |
worst case scenario {n} (Situation which could not be any worse) | :: größter anzunehmender Unfall {m}, GAU {m} |
worst comes to worst {adv} (if a bad situation develops) | :: alle Stricke reißen (all ropes snap); es kommt zum Schlimmsten (it comes to the worst); es kommt zum Äußersten (it comes to the outmost); schlimmstenfalls |
worsted {n} (yarn made from wool) | :: Kammgarn {n} |
wort {n} (liquid extract) | :: Würze {f} |
worth {adj} (obsolete: valuable, worthwhile) SEE: worthwhile | :: |
worth {adj} (equal in value to) | :: Wert |
worth {adj} (deserving of) | :: verdienen, sich lohnen [verb] |
worth {adj} (making a fair equivalent of) | :: Wert |
worth {n} (value) | :: Wert {m} |
worthless {adj} (not having worth and use, without value, inconsequential) | :: wertlos |
worthwhile {adj} (good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on) | :: lohnend, wertvoll, sinnvoll |
worthy {adj} (having worth, merit or value) | :: würdig |
-worthy {suffix} (of sufficient worth for) | :: -wert, -würdig |
would {v} (indicating an action or state that is conditional on another) | :: Use the subjunctive mood or "würde + infinitive; We would be warmer if you hadn't opened the window! - Uns wäre wärmer, wenn du das Fenster nicht geöffnet hättest! |
would {v} (indicating a possible (but not definite) future action or state) | :: Use the conjunctive mood; We sat on the bench, wondering if the bus would be late this time. - Wir saßen auf der Bank und fragten uns, ob der Bus diesmal zu spät käme. |
would {v} (indicating an action in the past that was planned or intended) | :: Use either the Subjunctive I or II form of the verb, or würde + infinitive; The waiter said he would be right back. - Der Kellner sagte, er sei sofort wieder da. |
would {v} (indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly) | :: Use the preterite tense and immer for emphasis on the repetitive nature; In the winters, we would sit by the hole on the frozen lake and fish for hours. - Im Winter saßen wir immer um das Loch auf dem zugefrorenen See und angelten stundenlang. |
would {v} (used to express a polite request) | :: Use the conditional paraphrase employing würden; Would you please turn off the TV? - Würden Sie bitte den Fernseher ausschalten? |
woulda, coulda, shoulda {phrase} (expression of dismissiveness) | :: hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette |
would-be {adj} (attempting or desiring something) | :: möchtegern, pseudo- |
would like {v} (transitive) | :: möchten |
would like {v} (intransitive) | :: möchten |
wouldn't hurt a fly {v} (is of very gentle nature (idiom)) | :: keiner Fliege etwas zuleide tun können |
wouldn't kick someone out of bed {v} (one finds a person sexually attractive) | :: würde jemanden nicht von der Bettkante stoßen |
wound {n} (injury) | :: Wunde {f}, Verletzung {f} |
wound {n} (something that offends a person’s feelings) | :: Verletzung {f} |
wound {v} (hurt or injure) | :: verletzen, verwunden |
wound {v} (hurt (someone's feelings)) | :: verletzen |
wounded {adj} (suffering from a wound) | :: verwundet |
woundwort {n} (any of several plants formerly used for wounds) | :: Berufskraut {n}, Berufkraut {n}, Wundkraut {n} |
woundwort {n} (genus Stachys) | :: Heilziest {m}, Gliedkraut {n}, Wundkraut {n}, Ziest {m}, Ziestkraut {n}, Berufskraut {n} / Berufkraut {n}, Rossnessel {f} |
woven {adj} (fabricated by weaving) | :: gewoben |
wow {interj} (excitement) | :: toll!, boah!, Junge! {m}, Mensch! {m} |
wow {interj} (amazement) | :: wow, boah |
wow {v} (to amaze or awe) | :: begeistern, in Begeisterung versetzen, tief beeindrucken |
wrack {v} (rack) SEE: rack | :: |
wrack {n} (archaic, except in dialects: ruin, destruction) | :: Wrack {n} |
wrack {n} (the remains, a wreck) | :: Wrack {n} |
wraith {n} (A ghost or specter, especially seen just after a person's death) | :: Gespenst |
wramp {v} (to sprain part of the body) SEE: sprain | :: |
Wrangel Island {prop} (an island in the Chukchi Sea) | :: Wrangelinsel {f} |
wrangle {v} (to bicker) | :: rangeln, streiten |
wrangle {v} (to herd livestock) | :: treiben |
wrangle {v} (to embroil, quarrel) | :: rangeln |
wrangle {n} (act of wrangling) | :: Rangelei {f}, Streit {m} |
wrap {v} (to enclose completely in fabric, paper, etc) | :: wickeln, einwickeln, einpacken, hüllen, umhüllen |
wrap {n} (garment) | :: Schal {m}, Umhang {m} |
wrap around one's little finger {v} (to successfully control or influence) | :: um den Finger wickeln, um den kleinen Finger wickeln |
wrapper {n} (something that is wrapped around something else as a cover or protection) | :: Verpackung {f}, Umschlag {m} |
wrapper {n} ((computing) A construct that serves to mediate access to another object.) | :: Wrapper-Klasse {f} |
wrapping {n} (material) SEE: packaging | :: |
wrapping paper {n} (paper used for wrapping parcels or presents) | :: Packpapier {n} (not decorative), Geschenkpapier {n} (decorative) |
wrap up {v} (To fold and secure something to be the cover or protection) | :: einhüllen, einpacken, eintüten, packen, umhüllen, verpacken |
wrap up {v} (To finish off a task completely) | :: zum Abschluss bringen, zusammenfassen |
wrasse {n} (Fish) | :: Lippfisch {m} |
wrath {n} (great anger) | :: Zorn {m}, Wut {f} |
wrath {n} (punishment as a revenge) | :: Vergeltung {f} |
wreak {v} (to cause or inflict causing injury) | :: verursachen, auslassen, anrichten |
wreak {v} (to take vengeance) | :: rächen |
wreak havoc {v} (To cause damage, disruption, or destruction) | :: Chaos anrichten, Verwüstung verursachen |
wreath {n} (ornamental circular band) | :: Kranz {m}, Gebinde {n} |
wreath {n} (heraldry: support of a crest) | :: Helmwulst, Wulst |
wreck {n} (ruined object or person) | :: Wrack {n}, Schrott {m}, Schrotthaufen {m}, Schrottkiste {f} |
wreck {n} (remains) | :: Wrack {n} |
wreck {n} (collision) | :: Zusammenstoß {m} |
wreckage {n} (something wrecked) | :: Trümmer {n-p} |
wrecker {n} (tow truck) SEE: tow truck | :: |
wreckfish {n} (perciform marine fish of the family Polyprionidae) | :: Wrackbarsche {f} |
wrecking ball {n} (heavy steel ball used for demolition) | :: Abrissbirne {f} |
wren {n} (bird of family Troglodytidae) | :: Zaunkönig {m} |
wrench {n} (screw) SEE: screw | :: |
wrench {n} (violent twisting movement) | :: Drehbewegung {f} |
wrench {n} (hand tool) | :: Schraubenschlüssel {m}, Schlüssel {m} |
wrench {n} (violent emotional change caused by separation) | :: Abschiedsschmerz {m}; Stich ins Herz {m} |
wrench {v} (to pull or twist) | :: drehen |
wrench {v} (to sprain a joint) | :: verrenken |
wrencher {n} (one who wrenches) | :: Schrauber {m} |
wrest {v} (to seize) SEE: seize | :: |
wrest {v} (to obtain by pulling or violent force) | :: entreißen |
wrest {v} (to distort, pervert, twist) SEE: distort | :: |
wrestle {v} (to contend, with an opponent, by grappling and attempting to throw) | :: ringen |
wrestler {n} (person who wrestles) | :: Ringer {m} |
wrestling {n} (sport) | :: Ringkampf {m}, Ringen {n} |
wretch {n} (exile) SEE: exile | :: |
wretch {n} (unhappy, unfortunate, or miserable person) | :: Loser {m}, Tropf {m}, armer Schlucker {m}, armer Teufel {m}, armes Schwein {n}, armseliger Wicht {m} |
wretch {n} (unpleasant, annoying person) | :: elender Wicht {m} |
wretched {adj} (very miserable) | :: sehr schlecht, miserabel |
wretched {adj} (worthless) | :: wertlos |
wriggle {v} (to twist one's body and move the limbs) | :: sich winden, sich schlänglen, zappeln |
wring {v} (to squeeze or twist tightly so that liquid is forced out) | :: wringen, auswringen |
wrinkle {n} (furrow in a smooth surface) | :: Falte {f} |
wrinkle {n} (line or crease in the skin) | :: Falte {f}, Runzel {f} |
wrinkle {n} (fault, imperfection or bug) | :: [small] Problem {n} |
wrinkle {v} (to make wrinkles in; to cause to have wrinkles) | :: zerknittern, runzeln |
wrinkle {v} (to pucker or become uneven or irregular) | :: schrumpeln, verschrumpeln |
wrinkle {v} (to develop irreversibly wrinkles; to age) | :: runzelig werden, altern |
wrinkled {adj} (having many wrinkles) | :: faltig |
wrinkle-free {adj} (without wrinkles) | :: faltenfrei, faltenlos, knitterfrei |
wrinkleless {adj} (wrinkle-free) SEE: wrinkle-free | :: |
wrinkly {adj} (having wrinkles) | :: faltig |
wrist {n} (wrist) | :: Handgelenk {n} |
wristband {n} (the cuff of a sleeve that wraps around the wrist) | :: Armband {n}, Manschette {f} |
wristband {n} (a strip of material worn around the wrist, e.g. to absorb perspiration, especially in sports) | :: Armband {n} |
wristband {n} (a band that supports a wristwatch) | :: Armband {n} |
wristlet {n} (handcuff) SEE: handcuff | :: |
wristwatch {n} (watch worn on the wrist) | :: Armbanduhr {f} |
writ {n} (a written order) | :: Erlaß {m}, Gerichtsurkunde {f}, Verfügung {f}, Zwangsbefehl {m} |
write {v} (to form letters, etc.) | :: schreiben |
write {v} (to send a letter to) | :: schreiben |
write {v} (to be the author of) | :: schreiben, verfassen, texten, dichten |
write {v} (to be an author) | :: schreiben, texten, dichten |
write {v} (record (data)) | :: brennen, schreiben, beschreiben [transitive] |
writeback {n} (data storage operation) | :: Zurückschreiben {n} |
write down {v} (to set something down in writing) | :: aufschreiben |
write down {v} (to make a downward adjustment in the value of an asset) | :: abschreiben |
writedown {n} (adjustment; precise amount adjusted by an act of writing down an asset) | :: Abschreibung {f} |
write out {v} (to write at full length) | :: ausschreiben |
writer {n} (person who writes; an author) | :: Schriftsteller {m}, Schriftstellerin {f}, Autor {m}, Autorin {f}, Schreiber {m}, Schreiberin {f} |
writer's block {n} (the temporary inability to write) | :: Schreibblockade {f} |
writer's cramp {n} (cramp in the writing hand) | :: Schreibkrampf {m}, Graphospasmus {m}, Cheirospasmus {m} |
writhe {v} (to twist or contort the body) | :: winden, krümmen |
writhing {adj} (Bended in twisting struggle) | :: gekrümmt |
writing {n} (written letters or symbols) | :: Schrift {f} |
writing {n} (something written) | :: Schrift {f}, Schriftstück {n} |
writing {n} (process of representing a language) | :: Schreiben {n}, [only idiomatic] Schrift {f} |
writing {n} (work of an author) | :: Schrift {f}, Arbeit {f}, Werk {n} |
writing {n} (made for or used in writing) | :: Schrift- |
writing as separate words {n} (writing an expression with spaces) | :: Getrenntschreibung {f} |
writing desk {n} (desk) | :: Schreibpult {n}, Schreibtisch {m} |
writing pad {n} (Collection of blank pages of writing paper) | :: Heft {n} |
writing paper {n} (paper for writing on) | :: Schreibpapier {n} |
written {adj} (of, relating or characteristic of writing) | :: geschrieben, schriftlich |
Wroclaw {prop} (a city in southwestern Poland) | :: Breslau {n}, Wrocław {n} [modern loan from Polish] |
wrong {adj} (incorrect) | :: falsch, verkehrt |
wrong {adj} (immoral) | :: schlecht, unrecht, ungerecht, unfair |
wrong {adv} (wrongly) SEE: wrongly | :: |
wrongdoing {n} (violation of standards) | :: Fehlverhalten {n} |
wrongdoing {n} | :: Fehlverhalten {n} |
wrongly {adv} (incorrectly; by error) | :: fälschlicherweise |
wrong number {n} (A call with a mistake in the number dialled) | :: falsche Nummer {f} |
wrong-way driver {n} | :: Falschfahrer {m}, Falschfahrerin {f}, Geisterfahrer {m}, Geisterfahrerin {f} |
wrought {adj} (Having been worked or prepared somehow) | :: bearbeitet, gefertigt, getrieben, gehämmert |
wrought iron {n} (form of iron that is not cast) | :: Schmiedeeisen {n} |
wrought-iron {adj} (made from wrought iron) | :: schmiedeeisern |
WRT {prep} (abbreviated forms of prepositions denoting with respect to) | :: bzgl. |
Württembergian {adj} (of or relating to Württemberg) | :: württembergisch |
wrung {v} (past tense of wring) | :: wrang |
wrung {v} (past participle of wring) | :: gewrungen |
wry {adj} (contorted) | :: verdreht |
wry {adj} (dryly humorous) | :: sarkastisch, ironisch |
wry {adj} (twisted) | :: verdreht, gewunden |
wryneck {n} (either of two small woodpeckers, Jynx torquilla and Jynx ruficollis) | :: Wendehals {m} |
wryneck {n} (torticollis) SEE: torticollis | :: |
WSC {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin | :: |
wüstite {n} (a mineral, iron(II) oxide) | :: Wüstit {m} |
WTF {phrase} (What the fuck) | :: WZT |
Wuchiapingian {prop} (A subdivision of the Permian period.) | :: Wuchiapingium |
wuderove {n} (herb) SEE: sweet woodruff | :: |
wudu {n} (ritual washing after minor impurity) | :: kleine Waschung {f}, Wudu {n} |
Wu-han {prop} (Wuhan) SEE: Wuhan | :: |
Wuhan {prop} (sub-provincial city in central China) | :: Wuhan {n} |
wulfenite {n} (a mineral, lead molybdate) | :: Wulfenit {m} |
wunderkind {n} (highly talented individual who is successful at a young age) | :: Wunderkind {n} |
wunderkind {n} (child prodigy) SEE: child prodigy | :: |
Wuppertal {prop} (a city in Germany) | :: Wuppertal {n} |
wurst {n} (German- or Austrian-style sausage) | :: Wurst {f} |
wurtzite {n} (zinc iron sulfide mineral) | :: Wurtzit {m} |
wushu {n} (martial art) | :: Wushu {n} |
wuss {n} (weak, ineffectual person) | :: Weichei {n} [colloquial], Feigling {m}, Schlappschwanz {m} [colloquial], Waschlappen {m} [colloquial], Memme {f} [colloquial], Schwächling {m}, Lulu {n} [Austrian] |
wuss out {v} (chicken out) SEE: chicken out | :: |
wussy {n} (wuss) SEE: wuss | :: |
wuther {v} (To make a rushing sound; to whizz) | :: rauschen, düsen, zischen, schwirren |
WW1 {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I | :: |
wy {n} (name of the letter Y, y) SEE: wye | :: |
Wyandot {n} | :: Wyandot, Huronen {p} |
wye {n} (name of the letter Y, y) | :: Ypsilon {n}, Y grec {n} [Switzerland also] |
Wymysorys {prop} (A West Germanic language spoken in the Polish town of Wilamowice.) | :: Wilmesaurisch {n} |
wynkernel {n} (common moorhen) SEE: common moorhen | :: |
Wyoming {prop} (US state) | :: Wyoming |
WYSIWYG {n} (computer program that allows editing on screen what the printed version would be like) | :: WYSIWYG, wirklichkeitsgetreue Darstellung auf dem Bildschirm |
wyvern {n} (mythical dragon-like creature) | :: Lindwurm {m} |