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User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-l

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
м. {adj} :: abbreviation of малый
м. {f inan} :: abbreviation of мужской род
м {letter} :: The fourteenth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet
м {m inan} :: abbreviation of метр
м {prefix} :: abbreviation of милли- [(0.001)]
м {m inan} :: abbreviation of мужской род
М. {n inan} :: abbreviation of метро
М. {f inan} :: abbreviation of мужская
М. {prop} {f inan} :: abbreviation of Москва
М {n inan} :: abbreviation of метро
М {f inan} :: abbreviation of мужская
М {prop} {f inan} :: abbreviation of Москва
мавзолей {noun} :: mausoleum
мавзолей в Галикарнасе {prop} :: Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
мавр {noun} :: Moor (a member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people)
Маврикий {prop} :: Маврикий (island/and/country)
маврикийский {adj} :: Mauritian
Мавритания {prop} :: Мавритания (country)
мавританский {adj} :: Mauritanian
маг {noun} :: mage (magician, wizard or sorcerer)
Магадан {prop} :: Магадан (port city/administrative center)
магаданский {adj} [relational] :: Magadan
магазин {noun} :: shop, store (establishment that sells goods)
магазин {noun} :: magazine (ammunition holder enabling multiple rounds of ammunition to be fed to a gun)
магазин {noun} :: honey storehouse/storeroom
магазин {noun} :: hopper, dispenser, stacker
магазин {noun} [dated] :: warehouse
магазинный {adj} [relational] :: store, shop
магазинный {adj} [relational] :: magazine (ammunition holder in a gun)
магазинный {adj} [relational] :: beehive honey storeroom
магазинный {adj} [relational] :: hopper, dispenser
магазинчик {noun} :: diminutive of магазин: (small) shop/store
магараджа {noun} :: maharaja
магарыч {noun} :: epulum, festive meal, particularly on the occasion of a contract conclusion, or colloquially in any context
Магас {prop} :: Магас (capital city)
МАГАТЭ {prop} {n inan} :: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
магистерия {noun} [alchemy] :: magistery
магистр {noun} :: master (holder of a master's degree)
магистраль {noun} :: main line, main route, main waterway [air, rail, nautical, automotive]
магистраль {noun} :: thoroughfare, highway
магистраль {noun} :: freeway
магистраль {noun} :: trunk, trunkline, main
магистральный {adj} [relational] :: highway, freeway, main line
магистральный {adj} :: main, arterial (road, way)
магический {adj} :: magical
магия {noun} :: magic; supernatural occurrences or feats
магма {noun} :: magma
магматический {adj} [relational] :: magma; magmatic
магнат {noun} :: magnate, tycoon
магнетизм {noun} :: magnetism
магнетизм {noun} :: magnetics
магнетит {noun} :: magnetite
магний {noun} :: magnesium
магнит {noun} :: magnet
магнитный {adj} :: magnetic
Магнитогорск {prop} :: Магнитогорск (industrial city)
магнитола {noun} :: radio cassette recorder (combination radio and cassette recorder)
магнитосфера {noun} :: magnetosphere (region around a planet)
магнитофон {noun} :: recorder, tape recorder
магнитофонный {adj} [relational] :: recorder, tape recorder
Магомет {prop} [archaic] :: Muhammad, the person who introduced Islam
Магомет {prop} :: given name
магометанин {noun} [dated] :: Mohammedan
Мадагаскар {prop} :: Мадагаскар (island/and/country)
мадам {f anim} [dated] :: madam (polite term of address to a woman)
мадаполам {noun} :: madapolam
мадемуазель {noun} [dated or French context or the Russian Empire] :: mademoiselle, Miss (polite term of address to an unmarried woman)
мадера {noun} :: Madeira (a kind of fortified wine produced in the Madeira Islands)
маджонг {noun} :: mahjong (game for four players)
Маджуро {prop} {m inan} :: Маджуро (capital city)
мадмуазель {noun} :: alternative form of мадемуазель
мадонна {noun} :: madonna
Мадрас {prop} :: Мадрас (former name of Chennai, a <<major city>>, the <<capital>> of <>, <<c/India>>)
мадригал {noun} :: madrigal
Мадрид {prop} :: Мадрид (capital city)
Мадрид {prop} :: Мадрид (autonomous community)
Мадрид {prop} :: Мадрид (province)
мадридский {adj} [relational] :: мадридский (capital)
мадьяр {noun} :: Magyar, Hungarian
мадьярский {adj} :: Hungarian; Magyar
маечка {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of майка: (small) wifebeater (type of undershirt)
мажор {noun} [music] :: major
мажор {noun} [colloquial] :: son or daughter of wealthy parents who uses parent's money without being a productive person himself
маз {noun} :: thick end of a billiards cue, mace
мазанка {noun} :: wattle-and-daub cottage
мазать {v impf} :: to oil, to grease, to lubricate
мазать {v impf} :: to paint (lips), to put make-up on
мазать {v impf} :: to smear, to spread, to anoint
мазать {v impf} :: to soil, to stain
мазать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to daub, to paint poorly
мазать {v impf} :: to miss (the mark)
мазган {noun} [Israel, colloquial] :: air conditioner, A/C, usually able to heat as well as cool (a heat pump)
Мазендеран {prop} :: Мазендеран (province)
мазло {noun} [colloquial] :: a sloppy person
мазло {noun} [figuratively] :: inept, poor artist
мазло {noun} [figuratively] :: someone who makes misses targets (in shooting, in games, etc.)
мазня {noun} :: poor painting, daub
мазок {noun} :: brushstroke, dab [of paint]
мазок {noun} [medical] :: swab, smear
мазохизм {noun} :: masochism
мазурка {noun} :: mazurka
мазут {noun} :: mazut, fuel oil
мазь {noun} :: ointment, salve, liniment
маис {noun} :: maize, corn
маисовый {adj} [relational] :: maize; corn
май {noun} :: May
майдан {noun} [regional] :: public square, marketplace, maidan, meidan
майдан {noun} [Ukraine] :: public square in Ukraine; maidan
Майдзуру {prop} {m inan} :: Майдзуру (city)
Майк {prop} {m} :: given name
майка {noun} :: undershirt, tank top, vest, singlet, wife-beater
майка {noun} :: T-shirt
майка {noun} :: jersey
Майка {prop} :: given name
Майкл {prop} :: given name
майко {f anim} :: maiko (apprentice geisha)
Майкоп {prop} :: Майкоп (capital city)
майнинг {noun} [computing, neologism] :: mining [in a blockchain system]
майонез {noun} :: mayonnaise (a dressing made from raw egg yolks and oil)
майор {noun} [military] :: major (military rank)
майоран {noun} [botany] :: marjoram
майорат {noun} [historical] :: primogeniture (an exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son)
майорат {noun} [historical] :: entailed estate
Майотта {prop} :: Майотта (overseas department)
майский {adj} [relational] :: May
майя {m anim} {f anim} :: Maya person
майя {m inan} :: Maya language
майя {adj} :: Maya
майя {noun} :: lightweight cotton cloth
Майя {prop} :: given name
мак {noun} [countable, uncountable] :: poppy
мак {noun} [uncountable] :: poppyseeds
макака {noun} :: macaque (any monkey of the genus Macaca)
Макао {prop} {m inan} :: Макао (city/and/special administrative region)
макарон {noun} :: macaron
макаронина {noun} :: piece of macaroni
макаронник {noun} :: baked macaroni pudding
макаронник {noun} [colloquial] :: macaroni, spaghetti twirler
макаронный {adj} [relational] :: macaroni
макароны {noun} :: macaroni
макароны по-флотски {noun} :: pasta with ground meat, makarony po-flotski [literally, "navy-style pasta"]
макарошки {noun} :: diminutive of макароны
макать {v impf} :: to dip (to lower into a liquid)
макголи {n inan} :: makgeolli (makkoli), a traditional alcoholic beverage in Korea, made of rice
Макдоналдс {prop} :: McDonald's (American fast-food chain)
македонец {noun} :: Macedonian (person from Macedonia)
Македония {prop} :: Македония (region)
Македония {prop} :: Македония (ancient kingdom)
Македония {prop} :: Македония (administrative region)
Македония {prop} :: Македония (former name of <<c/North Macedonia>>, a <<country>> in the <<r/Balkans>> in <<r/Southeast Europe>>)
македонка {noun} :: female Macedonian (person from Macedonia)
македонский {adj} :: Macedonian
македонянин {noun} [historical] :: ancient Macedonian
макет {noun} :: model, mockup
макидзуси {n inan} :: makizushi
макияж {noun} :: makeup
маккартизм {noun} :: McCarthyism
маклер {noun} :: broker
маковка {noun} :: poppy fruit, poppyhead
маковка {noun} :: poppy seed
маковка {noun} [colloquial, architecture] :: onion dome
маковка {noun} :: top, summit
маковка {noun} :: cupola [of a church]
маковка {noun} [colloquial] :: crown [of the head]
макраме {n inan} :: macramé (a form of decorative textile made by knotting and weaving)
макрель {noun} :: mackerel
макро- {prefix} :: macro-
макроклимат {noun} :: macroclimate
макрокосм {noun} :: macrocosm (a complex structure containing numerous smaller-scale structures)
макрон {noun} :: macron (short, straight, horizontal diacritical mark placed over a vowel)
макроэкономический {adj} :: macroeconomic
макси {adj} :: maxi
Максим {prop} :: given name
максима {noun} :: maxim
максимализм {noun} :: maximalism
максимально {adv} :: at most, at the most; as much as possible; to the maximum
максимальный {adj} :: maximal
максимум {noun} :: maximum
макулатура {noun} :: wastepaper (unwanted paper that has been discarded)
Макурадзаки {prop} {m inan} :: Макурадзаки (city)
макушка {noun} :: crown, pate (of the head)
макушка {noun} :: top, summit, vertex
мал {pred} :: (you are) too small, (you are) too little (for this)
Малабо {prop} {m inan} :: Малабо (capital city)
Малави {prop} {f} :: Малави (country)
малавийский {adj} :: Malawian
малагасийский {adj} :: Malagasy
малаец {noun} :: Malaysian (person from Malaysia)
малайзиец {noun} :: Malaysian (person from Malaysia)
малайзийка {noun} :: female Malaysian (person from Malaysia)
малайзийский {adj} :: Malaysian (relating to Malaysia or the Malay language)
Малайзия {prop} :: Малайзия (country)
малайка {noun} :: female Malaysian (person from Malaysia)
малайский {adj} :: Malay
маланга {noun} [plant] :: malanga
малахит {noun} [mineralogy] :: malachite
Малая Азия {prop} :: Asia Minor
Малая Армения {prop} [historical] :: Lesser Armenia
малаялам {m inan} :: Malayalam (language)
Малая Медведица {prop} [constellation] :: Ursa Minor
Мале {prop} {m inan} :: Мале (capital city)
малевать {v impf} [colloquial, somewhat, pejorative] :: to draw (pictures), to paint
маленький {adj} :: little, small
маленький {adj} :: short
маленький {adj} :: trifling, petty
маленько {adv} [colloquial] :: a little, a bit, somewhat
малец {noun} [colloquial] :: boy, lad
малец {noun} [slang] :: finger
малёк {noun} :: small fry, fry, guppy, small and young fish; whitebait
малёк {noun} :: cub
малёк {noun} [colloquial, pejorative, rare] :: little boy; young, inexperienced person
малёк {adv} [low colloquial] :: a little, slightly
Мали {prop} {f} :: Мали (country)
малиец {noun} :: Malian (a person from Mali or of Malian descent)
малийка {noun} :: female Malian (a person from Mali or of Malian descent)
малийский {adj} :: Malian (relating to Mali or the Malian people)
малина {noun} [uncountable, collectively] :: raspberries (fruit)
малина {noun} [uncountable] :: raspberry (plant)
малина {noun} :: [slang] thieves' hideout
малиновка {noun} :: the European robin (Erithacus rubecula)
малиновый {adj} [relational] :: raspberry
малиновый {adj} :: crimson [color]
малиновый {adj} :: having a pleasant, soft timbre
мало {adv} :: little, few
мало {adv} :: too little, too few
мало {pred} :: it is too little, it is insufficient, it is not enough
маловажный {adj} :: unimportant, of little importance, insignificant
маловат {adj} :: a little too small [of clothes or shoes]
маловато {adv} [colloquial] :: not quite enough, insufficiently
маловато {pred} :: it is not quite enough, it is insufficient
маловероятный {adj} :: hardly probable, not likely, unlikely
малограмотный {adj} :: semiliterate
малограмотный {adj} [figurative] :: illiterate (badly versed in an area of knowledge)
малограмотный {adj} :: completed without sufficient knowledge or without following the rules
малодушие {noun} [literary] :: pusillanimity; cowardice
малодушно {adv} :: faint-heartedly, apprehensively, in a cowardly fashion, in a cowardly manner
малодушный {adj} :: faint-hearted, cowardly, craven
малодушный {noun} :: faint-hearted person, coward
малое {noun} :: the little
малозаметный {adj} :: inconspicuous, imperceptible, barely noticeable, nearly invisible
малозаметный бомбардировщик {noun} [aviation] :: stealth bomber
малознакомый {adj} :: unfamiliar, not well-known, little-known
малознакомый {noun} :: unknown (person), unfamiliar person, little-known person
малоизвестный {adj} :: little-known
малоимущий {adj} :: poor, not affluent
малокровие {noun} :: anemia (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport)
малолетка {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: young child
малолетний {adj} :: juvenile, underage, minor
малолетний {noun} :: juvenile, minor
малолетство {noun} :: (early) childhood, infancy
мало-мальски {adv} :: reasonably [more or less] well, to some extent, to an acceptable extent
мало-по-малу {adv} :: little by little, by degrees, gradually
мало-помалу {adv} :: bit by bit, little by little (small amount at a time)
малорослый {adj} :: stunted, undersized
малороссийский {adj} [relational, historical] :: Little Russia, Little Russian
Малороссия {prop} [historical] :: Little Russia
Малороссия {prop} [dated] :: Ukraine
малороссиянин {noun} [archaic] :: Ukrainian
малость {noun} :: smallness, trifle
малость {noun} :: tiny bit, a little bit; somewhat (also used as an adverb)
малочисленный {adj} :: scanty, few, not numerous
малочисленный {adj} :: small
малые половые губы {noun} [anatomy] :: labia minora
малый {adj} :: small, little
малый {adj} :: short
малый {adj} [short form only] :: too small; smaller than necessary
Малый Пёс {prop} [constellation] :: Canis Minor
малыш {noun} [colloquial] :: kid, little boy
малыш {noun} [colloquial, disparaging] :: shorty, shrimp
малышка {f anim} {m anim} :: little child (as a term of endearment)
малышка {f anim} {m anim} :: (very) little girl, baby girl
малышок {noun} :: diminutive of малыш: kid, baby
мальва {noun} :: mallow
мальдивский {adj} [relational] :: Maldives; Dhivehi
Мальдивы {prop} :: Мальдивы (country/and/archipelago)
Мальта {prop} :: Мальта (island/and/country)
мальтиец {noun} :: Maltese (inhabitant of Malta)
мальтийка {noun} :: female Maltese (inhabitant of Malta)
мальтийский {adj} :: Maltese
мальтийский {noun} :: Maltese language (short for мальтийский язык)
мальчик {noun} :: boy
мальчик {noun} :: lad
мальчик для битья {noun} :: whipping boy; scapegoat
мальчишеский {adj} :: boyish, puerile
мальчишка {m anim} :: urchin, boy
мальчишка {m anim} :: greenhorn
мальчишник {noun} :: bachelor party (boys' party, usually before the wedding)
мальчонка {m anim} :: little boy
мальчонок {noun} :: little boy
мальчуган {noun} [colloquial] :: little boy
малюсенький {adj} [colloquial] :: tiny, wee
малютка {noun} [diminutive] :: baby (very young human being)
малявка {noun} :: [colloquial] whitebait
малявка {noun} [colloquial] :: little one (a young child); shorty, shrimp (a short person)
маляр {noun} :: (house) painter
малярийный {adj} [relational] :: malaria; malarial
малярийный комар {noun} :: anopheles (mosquito) (member of the Anopheles genus of mosquitos)
малярия {noun} [disease] :: malaria
мама {noun} :: mama, mummy, mommy, mum, mom (mother)
мама {noun} [computer slang] :: motherboard
мама {noun} [figuratively] :: female socket
маман {f anim} [francophilic, fancy, emotional] :: mother, maman
мамаша {noun} [colloquial] :: mother, mamma, mummy
мамаша {noun} :: familiar term of address for an (elderly) woman
маменькин {adj} [dated or colloquial] :: mama's
маменькин сынок {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: mama's boy, momma's boy (male overly attached to his mother)
мамин {adj} :: mom’s, mother’s
мамка {noun} [colloquial] :: mother
мамка {noun} [obsolete] :: wet nurse
мамона {noun} [rare] :: gut, belly (as a symbol of greediness)
мамонт {noun} :: mammoth
мамочка {noun} :: mummy / mommy
мамушка {noun} [dated, affectionate] :: mother, mum
Манагуа {prop} {m inan} :: Манагуа (capital city)
Манама {prop} :: Манама (capital city)
манат {noun} [numismatics] :: manat
манатки {noun} [colloquial] :: (one's) things, belongings, gear
манга {noun} :: Japanese comics, manga
мангал {noun} :: brazier
манго {n inan} :: mango
мангостан {noun} :: alternative form of мангустан
мангуст {noun} :: mongoose
мангуста {noun} :: alternative form of мангуст
мангустан {noun} :: mangosteen [Garcinia mangostana]
манда {noun} [obscene] :: pussy, cunt, twat
мандавошка {noun} [vulgar] :: crab louse (Pthirus pubis)
мандарин {noun} :: mandarin (Chinese bureaucrat; citrus fruit)
мандарин {noun} :: Mandarin, Putonghua, Guoyu (also: путунхуа, литературный китайский)
мандариновый {adj} [relational] :: tangerine, mandarin
мандат {noun} :: mandate, credentials, warrant
мандолина {noun} :: mandolin
мандрагора {noun} :: mandrake
мандрил {noun} :: mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx)
манду {f inan} {n inan} :: mandu (a dumpling in Korean cuisine)
маневр {noun} :: maneuver (a movement, often one performed with difficulty)
маневренность {noun} :: alternative form of манёвренность
маневренный {adj} :: alternative form of манёвренный
маневрирование {noun} :: maneuvering
маневрирование {noun} :: maneuver
маневрирование {noun} [figurative] :: redistribution
маневрирование {noun} [figurative] :: management, use
маневрирование {noun} [railroads] :: shunting
маневрировать {v impf} :: to manoeuvre, to maneuver
маневрировать {v impf} [figurative] :: to redistribute
маневрировать {v impf} [figurative] :: to manage, to use
маневрировать {v impf} [railroads] :: to shunt
манеж {noun} :: manège, riding arena, ring
манеж {noun} :: playpen (for children)
манеж {noun} [rare] :: riding(-)school, manège, riding-academy
манежный {adj} [relational] :: manège, riding arena
манекен {noun} :: mannequin, dummy
манекенщица {noun} :: female mannequin (a person who models clothes), a female model
манер {noun} [colloquial] :: manner
манера {noun} :: manner (way of performing or effecting; method or style)
манера {noun} :: (usually plural) manners
манерность {noun} :: mannerism, affectation, preciosity
манерный {adj} :: mannered, affected
манерный {adj} :: frilly, overly decorated
манёвр {noun} :: maneuver (a movement, often one performed with difficulty)
манёвренность {noun} :: maneuverability
манёвренность {noun} [military] :: mobility
манёвренный {adj} :: maneuverable
манёвренный {adj} [military] :: mobile
манжета {noun} :: cuff, manchette; wristband
маниакальный {adj} :: maniacal, manic
маникюр {noun} :: manicure
Манила {prop} :: Манила (capital city)
маниок {noun} :: manioc, cassava
маниока {noun} :: manioc, cassava
манипулирование {noun} :: manipulation
манипулировать {v impf} :: to manipulate
манипулятор {noun} :: manipulator (person who manipulates others)
манипулятор {noun} :: circus performer who performs sleight of hand tricks, prestidigitator
манипулятор {noun} :: manipulator (mechanical device for performing complex operations)
манипулятор {noun} [telegraphy] :: telegraph key [for entering Morse code]
манипулятор {noun} [computers] :: external pointing device [e.g. a mouse or trackball]
манипуляция {noun} :: manipulation
манить {v impf} :: to beckon, to wave (to)
манить {v impf} :: to attract, to lure, to entice, to allure
манифест {noun} :: manifesto
манифестация {noun} :: manifestation
мания {noun} :: mania (violent derangement)
манка {noun} :: semolina
манка {noun} :: semolina porridge (breakfast cereal)
манкировать {v both} :: to be absent, to miss
манкировать {v both} :: to neglect
манный {adj} [relational] :: semolina
мановение {noun} [dated] :: wave of the hand
мановение {noun} [dated] :: nod
манок {noun} :: hunter's whistle, call
манок {noun} [figuratively] :: bait
манометр {noun} :: manometer
мансарда {noun} :: attic, garret
мансийский {adj} :: Mansi
мантилька {noun} :: endearing diminutive of мантилья
мантилья {noun} :: mantilla [Spanish headdress]
мантия {noun} :: cloak, mantle, robe, gown
мантия {noun} [geology] :: mantle
манто {n inan} :: mantle
мантра {noun} :: mantra
манту {m inan} :: alternative form of маньтоу
манты {noun} :: manti, mantou
манускрипт {noun} :: manuscript
мануфактура {noun} :: manufactory
мануфактура {noun} [dated] :: drapery, textiles
манхэттен {noun} :: (indigenous people) Manhattan (Algonquian-Wakashan)
манхэттен {noun} :: (cocktail) manhattan (whiskey, vermouth, and bitters)
Манхэттен {noun} :: Манхэттен (island/and/borough)
маньтоу {f inan} {n inan} :: mantou
Маньчжурия {prop} :: Manchuria (a historical territory)
Маньчжурия {prop} :: Маньчжурия (city)
маньчжурский {adj} :: Manchurian
маньяк {noun} :: maniac
манящий {adj} :: alluring, inviting, beckoning
маоизм {noun} :: Maoism
маори {prop} {m anim} {m inan} :: Maori
маотай {noun} :: maotai
Мапуту {prop} {m inan} :: Мапуту (capital city)
маразм {noun} :: marasmus
маразм {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: idiocy, asininity
маракуйя {noun} :: passion fruit (plant or fruit)
марал {noun} :: Altai Wapiti, Altai Elk
Маралик {prop} :: Маралик (town)
маратхи {adj} :: Marathi
маратхи {prop} {m inan} :: Marathi (language of Maharashtra)
марать {v impf} :: to soil, to stain, to dirty, to smut
марать {v impf} :: to sully, to stain, to tarnish, to blemish
марать {v impf} :: to daub, to scribble
марафон {noun} :: marathon
марганец {noun} :: manganese
марганцевый {adj} [relational] :: manganese
марганцовка {noun} [colloquial] :: solution of potassium permanganate, used as a disinfectant
марганцовый {adj} [relational] :: manganese
марганцовый {adj} [relational] :: potassium permanganate
маргарин {noun} :: margarine
Маргарита {prop} :: given name
маргаритка {noun} :: daisy (shrub, flower)
маргинал {noun} :: misfit, nonconformist (person not conforming to recognized moral norms)
маргинал {noun} :: outcast
маргинальный {adj} :: marginal (inessential, on the margins of society, in the margins of a manuscript, etc.)
маргинальный {adj} :: asocial
марево {noun} :: (heat) haze, mirage
марена {noun} :: madder (Rubia gen. et spp., especially Rubia tinctorum)
мари {m anim} {f anim} :: Mari person
Мариинка {prop} [colloquial] :: Mariinsky Theatre
мариинский {adj} [relational] :: Maria
мариинский {adj} [relational] :: Mariinsky (name attached to buildings and places named in honor of various Russian empresses named "Maria")
марийский {adj} :: Mari
Марий Эл {prop} {f} :: Марий Эл (republic)
маримба {noun} :: marimba
Марина {prop} :: given name
маринад {noun} :: marinade
маринованный {adj} :: marinated, pickled
мариновать {v impf} :: to marinate, to pickle
мариновать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to delay, to shelve, to put off, to keep waiting, to keep, to make languish
марионетка {noun} :: marionette (string puppet)
марионетка {noun} [politics] :: dummy, puppet, stooge
марихуана {noun} :: marijuana
Мария {prop} :: given name
Марк {prop} :: given name
марка {noun} :: stamp, postage stamp
марка {noun} :: mark
марка {noun} :: counter
марка {noun} :: make
марка {noun} :: brand, trademark
марка {noun} :: grade (of a product)
марка {noun} :: mark ((Deutsche Mark)
марка {noun} :: markka
марка {noun} [slang] :: LSD
маркграф {noun} :: margrave
маркграфский {adj} :: margravial
маркер {noun} :: marker, highlighter (writing instrument)
маркер {noun} [linguistics] :: marker (morpheme that marks the grammatical role of words, phrases or sentences)
маркер {noun} [genetics] :: genetic marker (known specific DNA sequence)
маркер {noun} [paintball] :: paintball marker, paintball gun
маркер {noun} [typography] :: bullet
маркер {noun} [aviation] :: marker beacon
маркетинг {noun} :: marketing
маркетинговый {adj} [relational] :: marketing
маркетолог {noun} :: marketer
маркёр {noun} [billiards] :: leading scorer in billiards? (лицо, прислуживающее при игре на бильярде и ведущее счёт очков)
маркёр {noun} :: marker (person who marks)?
маркёр {noun} [agriculture] :: agricultural implement for making grooves or lines? (Google Translate: Сельскохозяйственное орудие для проведения борозд или линий, по к-рым производится посадка.)
маркёр {noun} [telephony] :: marker (control unit for automatically switching a PBX)?
маркиз {noun} :: marquess, marquis (title of nobility)
маркиза {noun} [animate] :: marchioness, marquise
маркиза {noun} [inanimate] :: sunblind, sun blind, awning, marquee
маркировка {noun} :: marking
марксизм {noun} :: Marxism
марксизм-ленинизм {noun} :: Marxism-Leninism
марксист {noun} :: Marxist
марксистский {adj} :: Marxist (following Marxism)
марксистско-ленинский {adj} :: Marxist-Leninist
марля {noun} :: gauze (thin fabric with open weave)
мармелад {noun} :: marmalade, fruit jelly
мармелад {noun} :: fruit jelly candy
мармеладка {noun} :: diminutive of мармелад fruit jelly candy
Марна {prop} :: Марна (department)
Марна {prop} :: Марна (tributary)
мародёр {noun} :: marauder (someone who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder)
мародёр {noun} [colloquial] :: profiteer
мародёр {noun} :: looter
марокканец {noun} :: Moroccan (person from Morocco)
марокканский {adj} :: Moroccan
Марокко {prop} {n inan} :: Марокко (country)
марс {noun} [nautical] :: top (on sailing vessels, a platform around the head of a lower mast)
марс {noun} [nautical] :: crow's nest (observation platform at the top of a ship’s mast)
Марс {prop} :: (planet) Mars
Марс {prop} [Roman god] :: Mars
марсель {noun} [nautical] :: topsail
марсианин {noun} :: Martian
марсианский {adj} :: Martian
марсоход {noun} :: Mars Rover
март {noun} :: March
мартини {m inan} {n inan} :: martini
мартиролог {noun} :: martyrology (list of martyred Christian saints)
мартирологий {noun} :: martyrology (list of martyred Christian saints)
мартовский {adj} [relational] :: March
Мартуни {prop} {m inan} :: Мартуни (town)
мартышка {noun} :: marmoset, monkey
Марфа {prop} :: given name
марципан {noun} :: marzipan, marchpane
марш {noun} :: march
марш {noun} [music] :: march
марш {noun} :: flight of stairs
марш {interj} :: forward! (command)
маршал {noun} :: marshal
Маршалловы Острова {prop} :: Маршалловы Острова (country/and/archipelago)
маршальство {noun} :: marshalcy, marshalship
маршировать {v impf} :: to march
маршмэллоу {n inan} :: marshmallow (confectionery)
маршрут {noun} :: route, itinerary, path, course
маршрутизатор {noun} [computing] :: router
маршрутка {noun} [colloquial, transport] :: marshrutka, minibus, fixed route taxi, (small) shuttle bus
маршрутное такси {noun} [transport] :: marshrutka, minibus, fixed route taxi
маршрутный {adj} [relational] :: route
Масеру {prop} {m inan} :: Масеру (capital city)
Масис {prop} :: Масис (town)
маска {noun} :: mask
маскарад {noun} :: masquerade, masked ball
Маскат {prop} :: Маскат (capital city)
маскировать {v impf} :: to mask, to disguise
маскировать {v impf} [military] :: to camouflage
маскироваться {v impf} :: to put on a mask
маскироваться {v impf} [military] :: to camouflage oneself
маскироваться {v impf} :: to dress up as (wear a costume) [+ instrumental]
маскировка {noun} :: masking, disguising, concealment
маскировка {noun} [military] :: camouflage
маскировка {noun} [military] :: misinformation, disinformation
маскулинный {adj} :: masculine (having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate)
масленица {noun} :: alternative case form of Масленица; Maslenitsa, Shrovetide, Butter Week, Crepe Week (the week before Lent, seven weeks before Easter)
масленица {noun} [figuratively] :: feast, high life
масленица {noun} [regional, obsolete] :: butter churn
Масленица {prop} :: Maslenitsa, Shrovetide, Butter Week, Crepe Week (the week before Lent, seven weeks before Easter)
Масленица {prop} :: Lady Maslenitsa (a straw effigy burned on the last day of the Maslenitsa week)
маслёнка {noun} :: container for butter
маслёнка {noun} :: oilcan
маслёнок {noun} :: slippery jack mushroom, sticky bun mushroom (Suillus luteus), an edible mushroom with a mucous oily yellow-brown cap
маслина {noun} :: olive
маслина {noun} :: olive tree
маслина {noun} [slang] :: bullet
маслить {v impf} :: to butter
маслить {v impf} :: to oil
маслице {noun} :: diminutive of масло
масло {noun} :: butter
масло {noun} :: oil (vegetable or mineral)
маслобойка {noun} :: churn
маслобойня {noun} :: creamery, dairy
маслодельня {noun} :: creamery, dairy
масло масляное {noun} [humorous] :: tautology, pleonasm; much of a muchness [literally: "buttery butter" or "oily oil"]
маслянистый {adj} :: oily, greasy, oleaginous
масляный {adj} [relational] :: oil
масляный {adj} [relational] :: grease
масляный {adj} [relational] :: butter
масляный {adj} :: oily, buttery
масон {noun} :: (free) mason, Freemason
масонский {adj} [relational] :: Masonic
масонство {noun} :: freemasonry, masonry
масса {noun} :: mass
масса {noun} :: mass, paste
масса {noun} :: mass, bulk
масса {noun} :: ground (electrical)
массаж {noun} :: massage
массажировать {v impf} :: to massage
массажист {noun} :: masseur
Массачусетс {prop} :: Массачусетс (state)
массив {noun} :: massif, mountain mass
массив {noun} [computing] :: array (any of various data structures)
массивный {adj} :: massive (in various senses)
массивный {adj} :: clumpy
массированный {adj} :: concentrated, massed
массированный {adj} :: massive
массировать {v impf} :: to massage
массировать {vt both} [military] :: to mass, to concentrate
масс-медиа {f inanp} :: mass media (public communication that reaches a large audience)
массный {adj} [relational] :: paste
массовик {noun} :: a person who organises mass entertainments
массовик-затейник {noun} :: mass entertainer
массовка {noun} :: mass meeting, rally
массовка {noun} [film, theater] :: crowd scene
массовость {noun} :: mass character
массовый {adj} [relational] :: mass, bulk
массовый {adj} [relational] :: mass; popular
мастак {noun} [low colloquial] :: skilled person; craftsman, etc
мастдай {interj} [computing slang] :: used to express negative attitude towards something
мастер {noun} :: master, craftsman, expert
мастер {noun} :: foreman
мастер {noun} :: repairman
мастер {noun} [computing] :: wizard (program or script used to simplify complex operations)
мастер глуп — нож туп {proverb} :: a bad workman always blames his tools
мастерить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make, to contrive
мастерица {noun} :: (female) master, good hand at
мастер-класс {noun} :: master class
мастер на все руки {noun} :: jack of all trades
мастеровой {adj} [relational, dated] :: artisan, craftsman, worker
мастеровой {noun} [dated] :: workman, factory worker
мастерок {noun} :: trowel
мастерская {noun} :: workshop, shop, repair shop
мастерская {noun} :: atelier, artist’s studio
мастерски {adv} :: masterfully
мастерски {adv} :: masterfully
мастерский {adj} :: alternative form of мастерской
мастерской {adj} :: masterful, masterly
мастерство {noun} :: mastery, skill
мастерство {noun} :: trade, craft
мастика {noun} :: mastic, resin, gum
мастика {noun} :: putty, lute
мастика {noun} :: floor polish
маститый {adj} :: venerable, mature, expert
мастодонт {noun} :: mastodon
мастодонт {noun} [colloquial] :: giant
мастурбация {noun} :: masturbation
мастурбировать {v impf} :: to masturbate
масть {noun} :: color
масть {noun} [cards] :: suit
масштаб {noun} :: scale (ratio of distances)
масштаб {noun} [figuratively] :: scope
масштаб {noun} :: caliber
масштаб {noun} :: repute
масштаб {noun} :: standard
масштабировать {v both} :: to scale up, to scale (to change the scale of, e.g. a process, font, etc.)
масштабируемость {noun} :: scalability
масштабность {noun} :: immensity, state of being large-scale
масштабный {adj} [relational] :: scale
масштабный {adj} [figurative] :: large-scale
мат {noun} [chess] :: checkmate, mate (Russian notation: ×)
мат {noun} :: (singular only) mat, matte finish, frost (glass)
мат {noun} :: mat, floor mat (woven floor covering, or soft floor pad in athletics)
мат {noun} [colloquial] :: foul language; language that includes obscene words deriving from a small set of roots for sex, sexual organs, and sexuality
Матвей {prop} :: given name
мате {m inan} :: maté (plant, herb, beverage, but unlike in Spanish usually not the vessel from which the beverage is consumed)
математик {noun} :: mathematician
математика {noun} :: mathematics
математический {adj} :: mathematical
материал {noun} :: material, stuff
материал {noun} :: fabric, material
материализм {noun} :: materialism
материализовать {vt both} [literary] :: to materialize, to reify, to make concrete or tangible
материализоваться {vi both} [literary] :: to materialize, to be realized, to be made concrete or tangible
материалист {noun} :: materialist
материалистический {adj} :: materialistic
материалистка {noun} :: materialist (female)
материально {adv} :: materially, financially
материально-технический {adj} :: material and technical
материальный {adj} :: material
материальный {adj} :: pecuniary, financial
материк {noun} :: continent
материк {noun} :: mainland
материк {noun} :: native soil
материк {noun} :: subsoil
материк {noun} [geology] :: matrix, gangue
материк {noun} [biology] :: parent tissue
материн {adj} :: mother’s
материнская плата {noun} [computing] :: motherboard (primary circuit board of a computer)
материнский {adj} :: mother's, motherly, maternal
материнство {noun} :: motherhood, maternity
материть {v impf} :: to dirty mouth, to badmouth, to abuse, to cuss out (to insult, to swear dirtily (at))
материться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to swear, to use filthy language
материя {noun} :: substance, matter
материя {noun} :: fabric, material, cloth
матерный {adj} [colloquial] :: obscene, bad, dirty, foul
матерчатый {adj} [relational] :: cloth, fabric
матерщина {noun} [colloquial] :: foul language, filthy language
матерщинник {noun} :: a person who uses vulgar or offensive language too much; who uses мат too much
матерь {noun} [dated or formal] :: mother
матёрый {adj} :: inveterate, experienced, mature, out-and-out
мати {noun} :: obsolete form of мать
Матильда {prop} :: given name
матировать {v both} :: to frost, to delustre, to depolish, to dull, to mat, to take the gloss off
матка {noun} [animate, rare] :: mother
матка {noun} [animate] :: stud female [in some domesticated animals], queen bee
матка {noun} [inanimate] :: uterus, womb
матовый {adj} :: matte, dull, lustreless
матовый {adj} :: opaque, frosted
матовый {adj} [relational] :: checkmate
маточный {adj} [relational] :: uterus, womb; uterine
маточный {adj} [relational] :: queen bee
матрас {noun} :: mattress (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep)
матрац {noun} :: mattress (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep)
Матрёна {prop} :: given name
матрёшка {noun} :: matryoshka, Russian doll
матриархат {noun} :: matriarchy
матрица {noun} [technology] :: matrix
матрица {noun} [mathematics] :: matrix
матрона {noun} :: matron
матрос {noun} [nautical] :: sailor, seaman
матросня {noun} [collective, colloquial, derogatory] :: sailors
матросский {adj} [relational] :: sailor; sailor's
матушка {noun} :: mother, mum [parent]
матушка {noun} :: mother [term of address]
Матфей {prop} :: given name: alternative form of Матвей
Матфей {prop} :: Matthew the Evangelist, one of the twelve Apostles. A publican or tax-collector at Capernaum and credited with the authorship of the Gospel of Matthew
Матфей {prop} [biblical] :: The Gospel of St. Matthew, the first book of the New Testament of the Bible. Traditionally the first of the four gospels, a book attributed to Matthew the Evangelist
матч {noun} [sports] :: match
мать {noun} :: mother
мать-одиночка {noun} :: single mother (a woman raising a child on her own)
матюгальник {noun} [colloquial] :: mouth, when the person uses vulgar or offensive language; dirty mouth; specifically refers to the word мат (offensive language)
матюгальник {noun} [colloquial] :: megaphone
маузер {noun} :: Mauser (firearm)
мафиози {m anim} {f anim} :: mafioso, mafiosi
мафия {noun} :: mafia
маффин {noun} :: muffin
мах {noun} :: single rapid movement in the air, swing, wave, flap, stroke
мах {noun} [sports] :: rapid forward, backward or sideways movement of the foot or hand
мах {noun} [mechanics] :: single revolution, swing, stroke
мах {noun} :: step [of an animal, usually a horse, when running]
Махараштра {prop} :: Maharashtra
махать {v impf} :: to wave, to flap, to fling, to brandish
Махачкала {prop} :: Махачкала (capital city)
махина {noun} [colloquial] :: something big, a bulky and cumbersome thing
махинация {noun} :: machination, shenanigans, gerrymander, fraud, contrivance, scheme
махновщина {prop} [anarchism, communism] :: The theory and strategy of Makhno; Makhnovism
махновщина {prop} [history] :: The Black Army
махновщина {prop} [history] :: The Free Territory
махнуть {v pf} :: to wave, to flap, to fling, to brandish
махнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to rush, to leap, to jump
махнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go (off), to travel
махнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to swap
маховик {noun} [mechanics, also figurative] :: flywheel
маховик {noun} [mechanics] :: handwheel
маховой {adj} [relational] :: swing, wave, flap, stroke; swinging, waving, flapping
маховой {adj} :: executed in the form of a swing, wave, flap, etc
маховый {adj} :: alternative form of маховой
махорка {noun} :: A coarse, strong type of tobacco, makhorka (Nicotiana rustica)
махра {noun} [low colloquial] :: makhorka (a strong type of tobacco)
махра {noun} [colloquial] :: specially made thread loops on fabric or knitwear
махра {noun} [colloquial] :: terrycloth
махровый {adj} [relational] :: terry cloth
махровый {adj} [botany] :: double
махровый {adj} [colloquial] :: inveterate, double-dyed
маца {noun} :: matzo, matzoh
мацони {n inan} :: matsoni [a yoghurt-like dairy product made in Armenia and Georgia]
мачете {n inan} :: machete
мачеха {noun} :: stepmother
мачизм {noun} :: machismo (exaggerated masculinity)
мачо {m anim} :: macho
мачта {noun} :: mast
мачта {noun} :: (radio, electric) tower
маш {noun} :: mung bean (Vigna radiata)
Маша {prop} :: given name
машина {noun} [colloquial] :: car, motor vehicle
машина {noun} :: machine
машина {noun} [colloquial, dated] :: computer
машина {noun} [physics, colloquial] :: accelerator
машинально {adv} :: mechanically
машинально {adv} :: automatically, subconsciously
машинально {adv} :: absentmindedly, without thought
машинальный {adj} :: automatic (acting without conscious thought)
машинист {noun} :: machinist, engine driver; engineman
машинистка {noun} :: female typist
машинка {noun} :: endearing diminutive of машина: small car, machine or mechanism
машинка {noun} :: miniature or toy car
машинка {noun} :: small device for accomplishing work (e.g. typewriter, washing machine, clipper, etc.)
машинка {noun} [colloquial] :: typewriter
машинное обучение {noun} [artificial intelligence] :: machine learning (a field of study concerned with the design and development of algorithms and techniques that allow computers to learn)
машинно-читаемый {adj} :: machine-readable
машинно-читаемый словарь {noun} :: machine-readable dictionary (electronic dictionary)
машинный {adj} [relational] :: machine
машинный {adj} [relational] :: computer
машинный перевод {noun} [translation studies] :: machine translation
машинописный {adj} :: typewritten
машинопись {noun} :: typewriting
машинопись {noun} :: typescript
машиностроение {noun} :: mechanical engineering
машиностроение {noun} :: engineering, the work of an engineer
машиностроитель {noun} :: machinist, machine builder
машиностроитель {noun} :: mechanical engineer
машиностроительный {adj} :: engineering
машиностроительный {adj} :: machine-building
маэстро {m anim} :: maestro
маяк {noun} :: lighthouse
маяк {noun} :: beacon
маяк {noun} :: Used as the call sign for some Soyuz missions: Soyuz T-3, Soyuz T-10 & Soyuz T-15
Маяк {prop} :: Mayak, the name of government radio broadcasting company in Russia
Маяк {prop} :: Mayak, the name of a nuclear waste reprocessing plant in Russia
маятник {noun} :: pendulum
маять {v impf} :: to exhaust, to harass
маяться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to suffer, to languish
маячить {v impf} :: to loom, to appear indistinctly
маячить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hang around, to linger
маячить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be in the offing, to loom ahead
маячок {noun} :: diminutive of маяк, beacon
маячок {noun} :: emergency vehicle lighting, flashing light (emergency vehicle lighting)
м. б. {adv} :: initialism of может быть
м.б. {adv} :: initialism of может быть
Мб {m inan} :: initialism of мегабайт: MB (megabyte)
Мбабане {prop} {m inan} :: Мбабане (capital city)
МВД {n inan} :: Ministry of Home Affairs, Interior Ministry
МВФ {m inan} :: IMF, International Monetary Fund
м. г. {adv} :: initialism of минувшего года: last year
м.г. {adv} :: initialism of минувшего года: last year
мг {prefix} :: M, mega- (x 1,000,000)
мг {m inan} :: mg, milligram
мгла {noun} :: darkness
мгла {noun} [meteorology] :: mist, haze
мглистый {adj} :: foggy, misty
мгновение {noun} :: moment, instant, twinkling
мгновение ока {n} [figuratively] :: blink of an eye, snap, jiffy
мгновенно {adv} :: momentarily, instantaneously
мгновенный {adj} :: momentary, instantaneous
мгновенье {noun} :: alternative form of мгновение
МГУ {prop} {m inan} :: initialism of Московский государственный университет
м-да {interj} :: pff
мебель {noun} :: furniture
мебельный {adj} [relational] :: furniture
мега- {prefix} :: mega-
мегабайт {noun} [computing] :: megabyte
мегаватт {noun} :: megawatt
мегаджоуль {noun} :: megajoule
мегаполис {noun} :: megalopolis
мегатонна {noun} :: megaton
мегафон {noun} :: megaphone
мегацунами {n inan} :: megatsunami
мегаэрг {noun} :: megaerg (unit of energy equal to one million ergs)
мегера {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: shrew, termagant, scold, virago, vixen, bitch (a malicious, quarrelsome woman)
Мегри {prop} {m inan} :: Мегри (town)
медаль {noun} :: medal
медальон {noun} :: locket, medallion
Медан {prop} :: Медан (city)
медбрат {noun} [medicine] :: male nurse
медведица {noun} :: female bear; she-bear
медведица {noun} [colloquial] :: Ursa Major or Ursa Minor (see Большая Медведица, Малая Медведица)
медведица {noun} :: tiger moth
медведка {noun} :: mole cricket
медведь {noun} :: bear
медведь {noun} :: male bear
медведь {noun} [colloquial] :: bear (of any bear-like animal)
медведь {noun} [finance] :: bear (on a stock market)
медведь {noun} [figuratively] :: large and clumsy person
медведь {noun} [criminal slang] :: safe [see also медвежатник]
медвежатник {noun} :: bear-leader (synonym: вожак)
медвежатник {noun} :: bear hunter (synonym: охотник-медвежатник)
медвежатник {noun} :: bear trainer (synonyms: дрессировщик-медвежатник; дрессировщик медведей)
медвежатник {noun} :: bear dog
медвежатник {noun} :: bear enclosure; bear cage (or any place where bears are kept)
медвежатник {noun} :: broad double-edged knife
медвежатник {noun} [slang] :: safecracker
медвежий {adj} [relational] :: bear; bear’s
медвежонок {noun} :: bear cub; young bear
медвежья лапа {noun} :: bear's paw
медвежья лапа {noun} :: acanthus (plant)
медвежья услуга {noun} [idiomatic] :: disservice, more harm than good (an ill turn or injury)
медиа {f inanp} :: media (means and institutions for publishing and broadcasting information)
медиальный {adj} [anatomy] :: medial, mesial
медиана {noun} [mathematics] :: median
медианный {adj} [mathematics] :: median
медиатор {noun} [music] :: plectrum ((music) small piece of plastic, metal, ivory, etc for plucking the strings)
медиатор {noun} [biology] :: neurotransmitter, neuromediator
медиевист {noun} :: medievalist
медийный {adj} [relational] :: media, mass media
медик {noun} :: medic
медикамент {noun} [medicine] :: medicine, medication
мединститут {noun} :: medical college, medical institute
медитация {noun} :: meditation
медиум {noun} [spiritualism] :: medium
медицина {noun} :: medicine (field of study and profession)
медицинский {adj} :: medical, medicinal
медленнее {adv} :: comparative of медленный
медленнее {adv} :: comparative of медленно
медленно {adv} :: slowly
медленно {pred} :: one is slow
медленный {adj} :: slow
медлительность {noun} :: sluggishness, slowness, lethargy, inactivity
медлительный {adj} :: sluggish, slow, tardy, slothful, inactive
медлить {v impf} :: to delay, to linger, to procrastinate, to hesitate, to tarry
медный {adj} [relational] :: copper; cupric, cuprous, cupreous
медный {adj} :: copper colored, reddish-yellow
медный лоб {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: dunderhead
медовуха {noun} :: mead
медовый {adj} [relational] :: honey
медовый {adj} [relational] :: mead
медовый {adj} :: honey yellow, amber, old gold [color]
медовый {adj} :: honeyed
медовый месяц {noun} :: honeymoon
медоед {noun} :: honey badger (Mellivora capensis)
медонос {noun} [botany] :: melliferous plant
медоносная пчела {noun} :: honeybee
медоносный {adj} :: melliferous, nectariferous
медосмотр {noun} :: examination (inspection by a doctor)
медперсонал {noun} :: medical staff
медпункт {noun} :: first-aid post, aid station; infirmary
медресе {n inan} [Islam] :: madrasah (an Islamic school)
медсестра {noun} [medicine] :: hospital nurse
медуза {noun} [zoology] :: medusa, jellyfish
Медуза {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Medusa
Медуза {prop} :: given name
медь {noun} :: copper
медяк {noun} [numismatics] :: copper (copper coin)
медянка {noun} :: grass snake
медянка {noun} [chemistry, inanimate] :: verdigris
меж- {prefix} :: inter- (among, between)
меж {prep} :: between, among
межа {noun} :: abutment, abuttal, boundary, margin, division (as in land plots)
межбюджетный {adj} :: interbudgetary
межведомственный {adj} :: inter-agency, interdepartmental
межгалактический {adj} :: intergalactic
межгосударственный {adj} :: intergovernmental, interstate
междометие {noun} [grammar] :: interjection
междоусобие {noun} :: intestine war; feud
междоусобица {noun} :: intestine war; feud
между- {prefix} :: inter- (among, between)
между {prep} [with instrumental, rarely, with genitive] :: between, among
междугородний {adj} [dated] :: alternative form of междугородный
междугородный {adj} :: intercity
междукняжеский {adj} :: between princes, dukes
междукняжеский {adj} :: inter-dukedom
международный {adj} :: international
международный фонетический алфавит {noun} :: International Phonetic Alphabet
между прочим {adv} [hedge] :: by the way, incidentally
между прочим {adv} :: among other things
междуречье {noun} :: interfluve (the land between two rivers)
Междуречье {prop} :: Mesopotamia
между тем {adv} :: in the meantime, meanwhile
междуусобица {noun} :: alternative form of междоусобица
межевать {v impf} :: to survey, to delineate
межзвёздный {adj} :: interstellar
межклеточный {adj} [biology] :: intercellular
межконтинентальный {adj} :: intercontinental
межличностный {adj} :: interpersonal
межнациональный {adj} :: international
межнациональный {adj} :: interethnic
межотраслевой {adj} :: interindustry
межотраслевой {adj} :: intersectoral, interbranch
межпарламентский {adj} :: interparliamentary
межпартийный {adj} :: interparty
межпланетный {adj} :: interplanetary
межправительственный {adj} :: intergovernmental
межрасовый {adj} :: interracial
межрегиональный {adj} :: interregional
межсезонье {noun} :: off-season
межчелюстной {adj} :: intermaxillary
межъягодичная складка {noun} :: anal cleft (groove between buttocks)
межэтнический {adj} :: interethnic
мезга {noun} :: vegetable pulp
мездра {noun} :: the inner side of hide
мезозойская эра {noun} :: Mesozoic era
мезон {noun} [particle] :: meson
мезонин {noun} :: mezzanine
мезопауза {noun} :: mesopause
мезосфера {noun} :: mesosphere
мезуза {noun} [Judaism] :: mezuzah
мейл {noun} :: email (system, message)
мейтнерий {noun} :: meitnerium
Мекка {prop} :: Мекка (city)
Мексика {prop} :: Мексика (country)
мексиканец {noun} :: Mexican
мексиканский {adj} :: Mexican
Мексиканский залив {noun} :: Gulf of Mexico
мел {noun} :: chalk
мел {noun} [slang] :: cocaine
Меланезия {prop} :: Меланезия (subregion)
меланхолия {noun} :: melancholy
мелиорация {noun} :: land reclamation/improvement/melioration
мелирование {noun} [cosmetics] :: balayage, flamboyage
мелировать {v impf} [cosmetics] :: to make (hair) ombré
мелкашка {noun} [colloquial] :: small-bore gun
мелкий {adj} :: small, tiny, little, minute
мелкий {adj} :: small, insignificant, petty, minor
мелкий {adj} :: shallow
мелкий {adj} :: petty, small-minded
мелко {adv} :: shallowly (in a shallow manner, not deep)
мелко {adv} :: finely, in small particles, (written) in very small letters (of texts)
мелководье {noun} :: shallow water
мелководье {noun} :: period of shallow water
мелководье {noun} :: shallows [of a river]
мелкокалиберный {adj} :: small-bore, small-calibre
меловой {adj} [relational] :: chalk
меловой {adj} :: chalk-white
меловой {adj} [geology] :: Cretaceous
мелодичный {adj} :: melodious
мелодия {noun} :: tune, melody
мелодрама {noun} :: melodrama
мелок {noun} :: chalk
мелок {noun} :: stick of pastel or similar
мелок {noun} [rare, by extension] :: crayon
меломан {noun} [music, colloquial] :: music lover
мелочный {adj} :: small-minded, petty, mean-spirited
мелочь {noun} [collectively] :: small things
мелочь {noun} [collectively] :: change, small money
мелочь {noun} :: trifle
Мелхиседек {prop} :: Melchizedek, Melchisedech (priest and king of Salem in the time of Abraham, mentioned in Genesis 14:18 and Hebrews 7:1-3)
мель {noun} :: shallow, shoal
Мельбурн {prop} :: Мельбурн (capital city)
мелькание {noun} :: twinkle, glimpse
мелькать {v impf} :: to flash, to gleam
мелькать {v impf} :: to flit, to fly past
мелькать {v impf} :: to loom, to turn up
мелькать {v impf} :: to appear for a moment, to be glimpsed fleetingly
мелькнуть {v pf} :: to flash, to gleam
мелькнуть {v pf} :: to flit, to fly (past)
мелькнуть {v pf} :: to loom, to turn up
мелькнуть {v pf} :: to appear for a moment, to be glimpsed fleetingly
мельком {adv} :: in passing, cursorily, perfunctorily, briefly
мельник {noun} :: miller
мельница {noun} :: mill
мельтешить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to flicker
мельтешить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to flash before one's eyes
мельтешня {noun} [colloquial] :: flickering
мем {noun} :: meme
мембрана {noun} :: membrane
мембрана {noun} :: diaphragm
меморандум {noun} :: memorandum
мемориал {noun} :: memorial (architecture)
мемориальный {adj} :: memorial
мемуарист {noun} :: memoirist
мемуарный {adj} [relational] :: memoir
мемуарный {adj} :: memoiristic
мемуары {noun} :: memoirs
мена {noun} :: exchange, barter, swap
менархе {n inan} [physiology] :: menarche (first menstruation)
менделевий {noun} :: mendelevium
менеджер {noun} :: manager
менеджмент {noun} :: management
менее {adv} :: less
менестрель {noun} [historical] :: minstrel
мензура {noun} [musical instruments] :: the scale length (of a stringed instrument)
менингит {noun} :: meningitis
-менить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to change"
менопауза {noun} :: menopause
Менск {prop} [archaic] :: Менск (capital city)
менструация {noun} :: menstruation, period
мент {noun} [slang] :: cop
менталитет {noun} :: mentality
ментальность {noun} :: mentality
ментальный {adj} :: mental [referring to the mind]
ментальный {adj} :: mental [referring to the chin]
ментовка {noun} [colloquial, slang] :: place where police resides
ментовка {noun} :: mint liquor, schnapps concocted with Mentha
ментол {noun} [chemistry] :: menthol
ментор {noun} :: mentor
мент родился {phrase} :: an angel passes (used to denote an awkward pause; literally, a cop has been born)
менуэт {noun} :: minuet
меньше {adv} :: comparative of маленький; comparative of малый: less (to smaller extent), smaller, fewer
меньше {adv} :: comparative of мало: less (to smaller extent), smaller, fewer
меньше {adv} :: under, below
меньшевик {noun} :: Menshevik (a member of a faction of the Russian revolutionary movement)
меньшее {noun} :: something smaller, less
меньшее {noun} :: the smallest
меньше знаешь — крепче спишь {proverb} :: curiosity killed the cat
меньше знаешь — крепче спишь {proverb} :: ignorance is bliss
меньший {adj} :: comparative of малый, comparative of маленький: smaller, lesser, smallest, least
меньшинство {noun} :: minority (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority)
меню {n inan} :: menu
меня зовут {phrase} [idiomatic] :: my name is..
меняла {m anim} {f anim} :: money changer (person who will exchange currency)
менять {v impf} :: to swap, to barter (to give something to another person and take something in return)
менять {v impf} :: to replace, to substitute or supersede (to get rid of an old thing or person and get a new one)
менять {v impf} :: to modify, to change, to transform, to alter (to make something different gradually)
менять {v impf} :: to exchange, to recapture (to lose one or more pieces or pawns almost simultaneously with the opponent)
меняться {vi impf} :: to change
меняться {vi impf} :: to exchange, to trade
мера {noun} [dated] :: A dry measure approximately equal to one pood of seeds, usually equated with the chetverik, standardized in 1902 as 26.239 liters
мера {noun} :: measure
мера {noun} :: degree, extent, limit
мера {noun} :: measure, step, action
мера {noun} :: way
мергель {noun} [geology] :: marl, malm
мережка {noun} :: drawn-work, drawn-thread work, openwork, needlework
меренга {noun} :: meringue (mixture)
мереть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to die, to perish (in large numbers)
мереть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stand still, to sink, to miss a beat
мерещиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to seem (to), to appear (to)
мерёжа {noun} [regional] :: (fish) net
мерзавец {noun} :: villain, scoundrel, rat, stinker
мерзкий {adj} :: vile, disgusting, abominable, nasty, odious
мерзлота {noun} :: frozen ground, frozen earth; frozen state, congelation
мерзляк {noun} :: A person who is too sensitive to cold, who is cold when others are not
мерзость {noun} :: abomination, meanness, vileness, loathsomeness
мерзость {noun} :: abomination, nasty thing
меридиан {noun} [geography] :: meridian
мерило {noun} :: standard, criterion
мерило {noun} :: measure, test
мерин {noun} :: gelding
мерин {noun} [slang] :: Mercedes (car)
мерить {v impf} :: to measure
мерить {v impf} :: to try on
мерка {noun} :: measure(s), measurements
мерка {noun} :: measuring rod, yardstick
мерка {noun} :: (figurative) yardstick, criterion
меркантильный {adj} :: mercantile (relating to mercantilism)
меркантильный {adj} :: petty, self-serving
меркнуть {v impf} :: to grow dark/dim
меркнуть {v impf} :: to fade, to wane
меркнуть {v impf} :: to pale (before)
меркурий {noun} [antiquated] :: mercury (Hg)
меркурий {noun} :: mercury preparation as used in medicine
Меркурий {prop} :: [astronomy] Mercury
Меркурий {prop} [Roman god] :: Mercury
мерно {adv} :: in a rhythmic or measured manner
мерный {adj} :: rhythmic, measured
мерный {adj} :: measuring
мероприятие {noun} :: undertaking, action, enterprise, measure (that which is undertaken)
мероприятие {noun} :: event
мерс {noun} [slang] :: a car of the Mercedes-Benz brand
Мерседес {noun} :: Mercedes (Mercedes-Benz)
Мерседес {noun} :: given name
мерси {interj} [colloquial] :: thank you
мертвенный {adj} :: deadly pale, ghastly, lifeless
мертвенный {adj} :: deathly
мертвец {noun} :: corpse, cadaver, dead man, dead body
мертвечина {noun} :: carrion (dead flesh; carcasses)
мерцание {noun} :: flicker, shimmer, twinkle
мерцать {v impf} :: to shimmer, to twinkle, to glimmer, to flicker
мерять {v impf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of мерить
месиво {noun} :: medley, jumble
месиво {noun} :: mash, mush, batter
месить {v impf} :: to knead
месить {v impf} :: to mix with water [e.g. of clay]
месса {noun} [Christianity] :: mass
месседж {noun} [colloquial, neologism] :: message (communication, concept or information conveyed; underlying theme)
мессенджер {noun} [biology] :: messenger
мессенджер {noun} [computing] :: messenger (instant messaging program)
мессия {m anim} :: Messiah
Мессия {prop} :: Messiah (country)
местечко {noun} :: diminutive of место
местечко {noun} :: A small village or town on the territory of the former Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
местечко {noun} :: A shtetl, small Jewish village
мести {v impf} :: to sweep
мести {v impf} :: to scatter
мести {v impf} :: to swirl
мести {v impf} [impersonal] :: to snow strongly, to blizzard
-местить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meanings "to place" or "to move"
местком {noun} :: local committee [e.g. of a trade union]
местничество {noun} [historical] :: mestnichestvo
местность {noun} :: area, district, place, locality, region
местность {noun} :: terrain, ground
местный {adj} :: local
местный {adj} [grammar] :: locative (relating to the case that expresses location)
местный падеж {noun} :: locative case
место {noun} :: place
место {noun} :: ({p}) region, area
место {noun} :: site, scene
место {noun} :: job, position
место {noun} :: piece (of luggage)
место {noun} :: room, space
место жительства {noun} :: (place of) residence
местожительство {noun} :: place of residence
местоимение {noun} [grammar] :: pronoun
местоименный {adj} :: pronominal
местонахождение {noun} :: location, position, whereabouts (place)
местоположение {noun} :: location (place)
местопребывание {noun} :: residence, abode, seat, whereabouts
месторасположение {noun} :: location
месторождение {noun} :: deposit, field (e.g. coal field), formation, bed
месть {noun} :: revenge, vengeance
месть {noun} :: vendetta
месье {m anim} [dated or French context] :: monsieur, sir
месяц {noun} :: month
месяц {noun} [archaic] :: moon (the Earth's only permanent natural satellite, including a full moon)
месяц {noun} :: moon [in modern Russian usually referring to a crescent or a gibbous moon, but not a full moon]
месяц {noun} :: used in the expression
месячные {n inanp} {f inanp} :: menstruation
месячный {adj} :: monthly
месячный {adj} :: month-long
месячный {adj} :: month-old
месячный {adj} [relational, colloquial] :: moon
месячный {adj} [relational, colloquial] :: moonlit
мета {noun} [dated] :: mark, label, sign
мета {noun} [dated] :: distinguishing characteristic (what distinguishes two otherwise identical or similar things)
мета {noun} [economics] :: profit sharing contract (contract where the participants equally share profits and losses)
мета {noun} [dated] :: goal, target
мета {noun} [dated, figurative] :: object of desire
метал {noun} [music] :: metal (music genre)
металл {noun} :: metal (atomic element or material made of such atoms)
металл {noun} [music] :: metal (music style)
металлист {noun} :: metalworker
металлист {noun} :: specialist in metals or metallurgy
металлист {noun} [music] :: musician who plays metal; member of a metal band
металлист {noun} [music] :: metalhead, headbanger
металлический {adj} [relational] :: metal; metallic
металлоконструкция {noun} :: metal construction, metalwork, metal structure
металлолом {noun} :: (metal) scrap
металлообработка {noun} :: metal processing
металлург {noun} :: metallurgist
металлургический {adj} :: metallurgical
металлургия {noun} :: metallurgy
метаморфоза {noun} :: metamorphosis
метан {noun} [chemistry] :: methane
метание {noun} :: throwing; casting; tossing
метание {noun} :: inconstancy, blowing hot and cold
метановая кислота {noun} :: methanoic acid, formic acid
метанол {noun} :: methanol
метастаз {noun} [pathology] :: metastasis
метатеза {noun} :: metathesis (the transportation of letters, syllables or sounds within a word)
метать {v impf} :: to throw, to cast, to toss
метать {v impf} :: to spawn (roe)
метать {v impf} :: to baste, to tack
метать бисер перед свиньями {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to cast pearls before swine
метаться {v impf} :: to rush about
метаться {v impf} :: to toss, to toss about
метафизика {noun} :: metaphysics
метафизический {adj} :: metaphysical
метафора {noun} :: metaphor
метафорически {adv} :: figuratively (in a figurative manner)
метаязык {noun} :: metalanguage
метелица {noun} [poetic] :: endearing diminutive of метель
метель {noun} :: blizzard, snowstorm
метельный {adj} [relational] :: snowstorm
метельный {adj} :: full of snowstorms
метельный {adj} [relational] :: broom, besom
метемпсихоз {noun} :: metempsychosis
метемпсихоза {noun} :: metempsychosis
метение {noun} :: brooming, sweeping
метео {n inan} [meteorology, technical jargon] :: weather report
метеор {noun} :: meteor, bolide
метеорит {noun} :: meteorite
метеорограф {noun} :: meteorograph
метеоролог {noun} :: meteorologist
метеорологический {adj} :: meteorological
метеорология {noun} :: meteorology
метеосводка {noun} :: weather report
метёлка {noun} :: diminutive of метла: whisk
метёлка {noun} [botany] :: panicle
метёлка {noun} [animate, slang, pejorative] :: chick, broad, girl
метил {noun} :: methyl
метионин {noun} [biochemistry] :: methionine
метис {noun} :: metis; mestizo; half-breed; bastard; mutt
метить {v impf} :: to mark, to label
метить {v impf} :: to aim
метить {v impf} :: to drive at, to mean
метить {v impf} :: to aspire (to a position)
метка {noun} :: marker, mark, label
меткий {adj} :: well-aimed, sharp (shooter)
меткий {adj} :: witty, well-aimed (remark, comment, article)
метко {adv} :: accurately
метко {adv} :: keenly
метко {adv} :: pointedly, aptly
меткость {noun} :: accuracy [when hitting a target]
меткость {noun} [figurative] :: sharpness, wittiness, sagacity
метла {noun} :: broom, besom
метнуть {v pf} :: to throw, to cast, to fling
метнуться {v pf} :: to toss, to dash
метод {noun} :: method, procedure
метода {noun} [dated] :: method
методика {noun} :: method(s), methodology
методист {noun} :: methodologist
методист {noun} :: Methodist
методический {adj} :: methodical
методический {adj} :: systematic
методичка {noun} [colloquial] :: study guide, manual, tutorial
методично {adv} :: methodically, systematically
методичный {adj} :: methodical, systematic
методологический {adj} :: methodological
методология {noun} :: methodology
метоним {noun} [grammar] :: metonym
метонимический {adj} :: metonymic
метонимия {noun} :: metonymy
метр {noun} :: meter/metre (SI unit of measure)
метр {noun} :: meter stick (metre stick)
метр {noun} :: tape measure, measuring tape [at least 1 meter long]
метраж {noun} :: (film) footage
метраж {noun} :: length in meters
метраж {noun} :: area in square meters
метрдотель {noun} :: headwaiter, maître d'
метрика {noun} :: birth certificate
метрика {noun} :: literature metrics
метрика {noun} :: mathematics metric
метрический {adj} :: metric
метро {n inan} :: subway, underground
метровый {adj} [relational] :: meter
метровый {adj} :: one-metre-long, one-metre-wide, one-metre-thick, one-metre-high
метрология {noun} :: metrology
метроном {noun} :: metronome
метрополитен {noun} :: subway, underground
метрополия {noun} :: mother country
метрополия {noun} [historical] :: metropolis
метр с кепкой {noun} [idiomatic, jocular] :: a small person, a person knee-high to a grasshopper
Мефистофель {prop} [religion] :: Mephistopheles, Mephisto
Мефодий {prop} :: given name
мех {noun} :: fur
мех {noun} :: bellows
меха {noun} [anime, manga, colloquial] :: mecha
механизатор {noun} :: machine-operator, machine-servicer, mechanization expert, mechanic
механизация {noun} :: mechanization (the use of machinery to replace human or animal labour)
механизированный {adj} :: mechanized
механизировать {v both} :: to mechanize (equip with machinery)
механизм {noun} :: mechanism, machinery (working parts of a machine as a group)
механик {noun} :: mechanic
механика {noun} :: mechanics
механика {noun} :: trick, knack
механически {adv} :: mechanically
механический {adj} :: mechanical (related to mechanics; done by machine)
механический {adj} :: automatic (acting without conscious thought)
Мехико {prop} {m inan} :: Мехико (capital city)
меховой {adj} [relational] :: fur
Мецамор {prop} :: Мецамор (town)
меценат {noun} :: the patron of science and art
меч {noun} :: sword, falchion
меченый {adj} :: marked, labeled, tagged
мечеть {noun} :: mosque
мечта {noun} :: fantasy, daydream
мечта {noun} :: dream
мечтание {noun} :: dreaming, daydreaming
мечтатель {noun} :: dreamer, daydreamer
мечтательно {adv} :: dreamily, musingly
мечтательный {adj} :: dreamy
мечтательный {adj} :: pensive, tending to dream
мечтательный {adj} :: visionary
мечтать {v impf} :: to dream
мечтаться {v impf} :: to appear in one's dreams, to be a dream [+ dative, to someone; often of hopes or aspirations]
мечтаться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to dream
мешалка {noun} :: agitator, mixer, blender (implement for shaking or mixing)
мешанина {noun} :: mishmash, medley, hodgepodge
мешать {v impf} :: to stir
мешать {v impf} :: to mix, to mingle, to blend
мешать {v impf} :: to mix up, to confuse
мешать {v impf} :: to hinder, to impede, to prevent, to interfere [+ dative]
мешать {v impf} :: to harm, to hurt
мешаться {vi impf} :: to mix, to mingle
мешаться {v impf} :: to get confused
мешаться {v impf} [imperfective only, colloquial] :: to get in the way
мешаться {v impf} [imperfective only, colloquial] :: to interfere [в in]
мешкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to linger, to delay, to tarry over
мешковина {noun} :: sackcloth
мешкообразный {adj} :: bursiform (shaped like a purse or bag)
мешок {noun} :: sack (large bag for storage and handling)
мешочек {noun} :: diminutive of мешок
мещанин {noun} [historical] :: petty bourgeois, petit bourgeois (member of a social estate in the Russian Empire comprising the urban lower middle class)
мещанин {noun} [figuratively] :: Philistine, narrow-minded person
мещанинишка {noun} :: diminutive of мещанин
мещанка {noun} :: petit bourgeois woman
мещанка {noun} [figurative] :: narrow-minded woman, woman with petty interests
мещанский {adj} [relational] :: petty bourgeoisie
мещанский {adj} :: narrow-minded, vulgar
мещанство {noun} [historical] :: petite bourgeoisie, urban lower middle class (social estate in the Russian Empire)
мещанство {noun} [figurative] :: narrowmindedness
мёд {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: honey
мёд {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: mead
мёрзлый {adj} :: frozen, congealed
мёрзнуть {v impf} :: to freeze, to feel cold
мёрзнуть {v impf} :: to become frozen
Мёртвое море {prop} :: Dead Sea
мёртвый {adj} :: dead
мёртвый {adj} :: lifeless
мёртвый {noun} :: dead man
мзда {noun} [dated] :: payment, reward
мзда {noun} :: bribe
мзда {noun} [figurative] :: retribution, payback
мздоимство {noun} [dated] :: corruption, bribery
ми {n inan} :: (musical note) E
ми-бемоль мажор {noun} [music] :: E-flat major
миг {noun} :: moment, instant
Миг {noun} [aviation] :: MiG, mig (a series of fighter jets designed by Mikoyán and Gurévich ... А. И. Микоян и М. И. Гуревич)
МиГ {noun} :: MiG, mig (fighter jet)
мигалка {noun} :: blinkenlight (a flashing light or beacon light)
мигалка {noun} :: emergency vehicle lighting, flashing light (emergency vehicle lighting)
мигать {v impf} :: to blink
мигать {v impf} :: to twinkle
мигать {v impf} :: (lamp etc.) to blink
мигнуть {v pf} :: to blink
мигнуть {v pf} :: to twinkle
мигнуть {v pf} :: (lamp etc.) to wink, to blink
мигом {adv} :: in a trice, in a flash
мигрант {noun} :: migrant
миграционный {adj} [relational] :: migration, migratory
миграция {noun} :: migration (moving a place to live to another)
мигрень {noun} [disease] :: migraine, sick headache
МИД {noun} :: acronym of министерство иностранных дел: ministry of foreign affairs
мидия {noun} :: mussel
Мидия {prop} [historical] :: Media
мидянин {noun} :: Mede
мизансцена {noun} :: mise en scène
мизантроп {noun} :: misanthrope
мизантропический {adj} :: misanthropic
мизгирь {noun} :: the Russian tarantula, Lycosa singoriensis
мизгирь {noun} [by extension] :: because this spider is so pestilent where it exists, also a spider in general
мизерный {adj} :: measly, scanty
мизерный {adj} :: wretched, miserable
мизинец {noun} :: little finger
мизинец {noun} :: little toe
мик {noun} [nautical] ::  pump-cheek
микадо {m anim} :: mikado (emperor of Japan)
микология {noun} :: mycology
микро- {prefix} :: micro- (very small)
микро- {prefix} :: micro- (one millionth)
микроавтобус {noun} :: minibus (a small bus)
микроампер {noun} :: microampere
микроб {noun} :: microbe, germ
микробиология {noun} :: microbiology
микроблог {noun} :: microblog
микроволна {noun} :: microwave (wave)
микроволновая печь {noun} :: microwave oven
микроволновка {noun} :: microwave (oven)
микроволновый {adj} [relational] :: microwave
микроклимат {noun} :: microclimate
микрокосм {noun} :: microcosm (smaller system as representative of a larger one)
микрометр {noun} :: micrometer, micron
микрон {noun} :: micron, micrometre
Микронезия {prop} :: Микронезия (subregion)
микроорганизм {noun} :: microorganism
микрорайон {noun} :: neighborhood; microraion
микросекунда {noun} :: microsecond
микроскоп {noun} :: microscope (an optical instrument)
микроскопический {adj} :: microscopical
микроскопия {noun} :: microscopy
микросхема {noun} [electronics] :: microchip, chip
микрофлора {noun} :: microflora (microscopic plant life)
микрофон {noun} :: microphone
микрочип {noun} [electronics] :: microchip (integrated circuit)
микроэлемент {noun} :: trace element
миксер {noun} :: mixer
миксоматоз {noun} [pathology] :: myxomatosis
микстура {noun} [medicine] :: liquid mixture, liquid compounded drug
микстура {noun} [philately] :: kiloware, stamp mixture, bulk mixture
мил {noun} :: angular mil (=16000 of a circle)
Мила {prop} :: given name
Милан {prop} :: Милан (city)
милашка {f anim} {m anim} [colloquial] :: babe, cutie, cutie pie, hottie
милая {noun} :: sweetheart, darling
миледи {f anim} [historical] :: milady (English noblewoman)
милее {adv} :: comparative of милый
милее {adv} :: comparative of мило
Милейков {prop} :: Milików, a village in Poland
милейковский {adj} [relational] :: милейковский (village)
миленький {adj} :: diminutive of милый
милитаризация {noun} :: militarisation
милитаризировать {v both} :: to militarize (to train or equip for war)
милитаризм {noun} :: militarism
милицейский {adj} [relational] :: police, militia
милиционер {noun} :: police officer, policeman, militiaman
милиция {noun} :: militia, police
милли- {prefix} :: milli-
миллиампер {noun} :: milliampere
миллиард {num} :: billion (1,000,000,000, 109)
миллиардер {noun} :: billionaire
миллиграмм {noun} :: milligram
миллилитр {noun} :: milliliter
миллиметр {noun} :: millimeter/millimetre (SI unit of measure)
миллион {num} :: million (1,000,000)
миллионер {noun} :: millionaire
миллионный {adj} :: millionth
миллионный {adj} :: worth millions
миллионный {adj} :: million-strong
миллисекунда {noun} :: millisecond (one one-thousandth of a second)
мило {adv} :: nicely, pretty
мило {adv} :: dearly, kindly, cordially
миловать {v impf} :: to show mercy (to), to pardon, to grant pardon (to)
миловать {v impf} [poetic] :: to caress, to fondle
миловидный {adj} :: pretty, good-looking
милок {noun} :: endearing diminutive of милый: dear, darling, sweetheart [addressed to a man]
милорд {noun} [historical] :: milord (English nobleman)
милосердие {noun} :: mercy (relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another)
милосердие {noun} :: charity, clemency
милосердный {adj} :: merciful, charitable, gracious
милостиво {adv} :: graciously, indulgently
милостивый {adj} [dated] :: merciful, gracious, kind
милостыня {noun} :: alms, handout (something given to the poor as charity)
милость {noun} :: mercy, charity
милость {noun} [military] :: pardon, quarter
милость {noun} :: kindness
милость {noun} :: favor, grace
милость {noun} :: worship
милочек {noun} :: endearing diminutive of милок: dear, darling, sweetheart [addressed to a man]
милочка {f anim} {m anim} [pejorative] :: my dear, darling
милый {adj} :: dear, sweet (having a pleasing disposition)
милый {noun} :: beloved
милый {noun} [in direct address, also, ironic] :: dear, darling
миля {noun} :: mile
мим {noun} :: mime (pantomime actor)
мимика {noun} :: mimicry; facial expression
мимикрия {noun} :: mimicry (the act or ability to simulate the appearance of someone or something else)
мимо {prep} :: past, by
мимо {adv} :: past, by
мимоза {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} :: mimosa
мимоза {f inan} {m anim} {f anim} [common gender, animate, colloquial] :: coddled or touchy person
мимолётный {adj} :: fleeting, passing, transient
мимоходом {adv} [colloquial] :: in passing
мин. {f inan} :: alternative spelling of мин
мин {f inan} :: min., minute
мина {noun} [military] :: mine (exploding device)
мина {noun} [military] :: mortar round
мина {noun} [obsolete, military] :: torpedo
мина {noun} [historical, military] :: mine (underground tunnel packed with explosives)
мина {noun} :: a grimace, a face (a facial expression—often an unhappy or unpleasant one)
мина-ловушка {noun} :: booby trap
минарет {noun} [architecture, Islam] :: minaret
Минато {prop} {m inan} :: Минато (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
Минато {prop} {m inan} :: Минато (ward)
Минато {prop} {m inan} :: Минато (ward)
-минать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of мять (to rumple, to wrinkle, to knead)
миндалевидное тело {noun} [anatomy] :: amygdala (region of the brain)
миндалевидный {adj} [literary] :: almond-shaped
миндалевидный {adj} :: amygdaloid
миндалина {noun} :: almond
миндалина {noun} [formal, usually, in the plural] :: tonsil
миндаль {noun} :: almond (nut)
минерал {noun} :: mineral
минералка {noun} [slang] :: mineral water
минералка {noun} [slang, singular only] :: mineral fertilizer
минералог {noun} :: mineralogist
минералогический {adj} :: mineralogical
минералогия {noun} :: mineralogy
минеральная вода {noun} :: mineral water
минерально-сырьевой {adj} [relational] :: mineral resources; mineral and raw material
Минеральные Воды {prop} :: Минеральные Воды (small town)
минеральный {adj} [relational] :: mineral
минеральный {adj} :: full of minerals [especially of wine]
минет {noun} :: fellatio, blowjob
минетчик {noun} :: [disparaging] cocksucker [a man who performs fellatio]
минздрав {noun} :: ministry of health
мини- {prefix} :: mini- (a smaller than usual version of an item)
миниатюра {noun} :: miniature (a model of reduced scale)
миниатюрный {adj} :: miniature (smaller than normal)
минигольф {noun} :: miniature golf (informal form of golf)
минимализм {noun} :: minimalism
минимально {adv} :: as a minimum, minimally
минимальный {adj} :: minimal
минимизация {noun} :: minimization
минимизировать {v both} :: to minimize
минимум {noun} :: minimum
минирование {noun} [military] :: mining (laying mines)
минировать {v both} [military] :: to mine (to lay mines in)
министерский {adj} :: ministerial
министерство {noun} :: department (subdivision of business) (Am), ministry (GB)
Министерство внутренних дел {prop} :: Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD)
министр {noun} :: minister, secretary, Secretary of State
мини-юбка {noun} :: miniskirt (skirt)
Миннесота {prop} :: Миннесота (state)
минный {adj} [relational] :: mine
минобороны {n inan} [government] :: ministry of defense
миновать {v both} :: to pass, to elapse [of time]
миновать {v both} :: to go by, to go past [without any affect]
миновать {v both} [colloquial or dated] :: to turn (an age)
миновать {v pf} [chiefly in the negative] :: to evade
миновать {vi pf} :: to end, to finish
минога {noun} :: lamprey
миноговый {adj} [relational] :: lamprey
миножий {adj} [relational] :: lamprey
миномёт {noun} :: rocket launcher
миномёт {noun} :: mortar, trench mortar
миномёт {noun} :: torpedo tube
миноносец {noun} [historical, military] :: large torpedo boat capable of operating in the open sea (19th and early 20th century)
миноноска {noun} [historical, military] :: small, high-speed steam-powered torpedo boat (19th century)
минор {noun} [music] :: minor
минор {noun} [colloquial] :: sad mood, melancholy, the blues
минор {noun} [mathematics] :: minor, subdeterminant, minor determinant
Минск {prop} :: Минск (capital city)
минский {adj} [relational] :: Minsk
минтаевый {adj} [relational] :: Alaska pollock
минтай {noun} :: (animate) Gadus chalcogrammus, Alaska pollock [species] (formally Theragra chalcogramma)
минтай {noun} :: (inanimate) Alaska pollock (meat)
минувший {adj} :: past, last
минус {noun} :: minus
минус {noun} [mathematics] :: minus sign,
минус {noun} [colloquial, figuratively] :: disadvantage, defect, shortcoming
минус {noun} [colloquial] :: a subzero temperature (below zero degrees Celsius)
минута {noun} :: minute
минута {noun} :: moment, instant
минутка {noun} :: diminutive of минута: minute, (short) moment
минутный {adj} [relational] :: minute
минутный {adj} :: lasting one minute
минутный {adj} :: momentary
минуточка {noun} :: diminutive of минутка, diminutive of минута: minute, (short) moment
минуть {v pf} :: to pass, to elapse ((of time) to pass or move by)
минуть {v pf} :: to go by, to go past (without any affect)
минуть {v pf} :: to turn (of age)
минфин {noun} :: ministry of finance
минчанин {noun} :: citizen of Minsk
минчанка {noun} :: resident of Minsk (female)
миньет {noun} [proscribed] :: alternative form of минет
миньетчик {noun} :: [disparaging] cocksucker [a man who performs fellatio]
минюст {noun} :: ministry of justice
миокард {noun} [anatomy] :: myocardium
миопия {noun} :: myopia
мир {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: peace
мир {noun} :: universe; world; planet
мираж {noun} :: mirage
-мирать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of мереть (to die)
мириада {noun} [historical] :: myriad (ten thousand)
мириада {noun} [plural, poetic] :: myriad (an uncountably large number)
мирить {v impf} :: to reconcile
мириться {v impf} :: to make peace (with), to be reconciled (with)
мириться {v impf} :: to accept, to put up (with), to reconcile oneself (to), to resign oneself (to)
мирно {adv} :: peacefully
мирный {adj} :: peaceful
миро {noun} :: chrism
мировоззрение {noun} :: worldview, weltanschauung
мировоззренческий {adj} [relational] :: worldview
мировой {adj} [relational] :: world; global, worldwide
мировой {adj} [colloquial] :: first-rate, first-class, great
мировой {adj} [law] :: resolved by settlement rather than trial
мировой {adj} [law] :: petty (related to minor civil and criminal cases)
мировой {noun} [colloquial] :: petty-court judge (judge who deals with minor civil and criminal cases)
мировосприятие {noun} :: worldview, weltanschauung
мироздание {noun} :: the universe, the world
мирок {noun} :: diminutive of мир: (small) world, microcosm
миролюбиво {adv} :: peacefully, peaceably
миролюбивый {adj} :: peaceful, peaceable, peace-loving
мироощущение {noun} :: attitude, disposition (to the world)
миропонимание {noun} :: worldview, world outlook, weltanschauung
миропорядок {noun} :: world order
мироправление {noun} [chiefly religion] :: act/way of governing the world
миротворец {noun} :: peacemaker
миротворческий {adj} [relational] :: peacekeeper, peacemaker
миротворческий {adj} :: peacekeeping, peacemaking
мироточение {noun} :: The exudation of the Oil of Saints
мироточец {noun} [Christianity] :: myroblyte
мироточивый {adj} :: myroblyte
мироточить {v impf} [Christianity] :: to secrete chrism
мироустройство {noun} :: world order
мирра {noun} :: myrrh
мирской {adj} [relational, dated] :: society, community
мирской {adj} [relational] :: world
мирской {adj} :: secular, worldly
мирской {adj} [relational, law] :: arbitration
мирянин {noun} :: layman (someone who is not an ordained cleric or member of the clergy)
миска {noun} :: bowl, tureen
мисо {n inan} :: miso
мисс {f anim} :: Miss
миссионер {noun} :: missionary
миссионерский {adj} [relational] :: missionary
миссис {f anim} [English speaking countries] :: Mrs, mistress
Миссисипи {prop} {f inan} :: Миссисипи (state)
Миссисипи {prop} {f inan} :: Миссисипи (river)
миссия {noun} :: mission
миссия {noun} :: legation
Миссури {prop} {f inan} :: Миссури (state)
Миссури {prop} {f inan} :: Миссури (river)
мистер {noun} [English speaking countries] :: mister, Mr.
мистерия {noun} [historical] :: mystery (secret rite in Ancient Greece and Rome)
мистерия {noun} [historical] :: medieval Western European drama on a biblical theme, with interludes, mystery play
мистик {noun} :: mystic
мистика {noun} :: mysticism
мистификация {noun} :: hoax, mystification
мистицизм {noun} :: mysticism
мистический {adj} :: mystical, mystic
мисюрка {noun} [historical] :: misiurka (a type of light helmet with a long chain mail aventail)
Митака {prop} :: Митака (city)
митинг {noun} [politics] :: rally, mass-meeting (a demonstration; an event where people gather together to protest against a given cause or express solidarity)
митинг {noun} [neologism] :: meeting (gathering among business people to discuss their business)
митинговать {v impf} :: to hold a political rally, to hold a meeting
митохондрия {noun} :: mitochondrion
митрополит {noun} [Christianity] :: metropolitan
Митрофан {prop} :: given name
Митя {prop} {m anim} :: given name
миф {noun} :: myth, fable
миф {noun} :: legend
мифический {adj} :: mythical
мифологический {adj} :: mythological
мифология {noun} :: mythology
Михаил {prop} :: given name
михайловский {adj} :: Mikhail's, Michael's
михайловский {adj} [relational] :: Mikhailov, Mikhailovsk, Mikhailovsky (referring to various people or places with any of these names, or to things named after them)
Мичиган {prop} :: Мичиган (state)
мичман {noun} [nautical] :: midshipman, warrant officer
Миша {prop} {m anim} :: given name
мишень {noun} :: target (butt or mark to shoot at)
мишка {m anim} :: teddy-bear
мишка {m anim} :: bear, an endearing form of медведь
Мишка {m anim} :: diminutive of Михаил
Мишка {m anim} :: nickname of a bear in folklore
Мишка {m anim} :: teddy-bear
мишпуха {noun} [Jewish] :: family, especially extended family
мишура {noun} :: tinsel
мишура {noun} [figurative] :: showiness, window dressing
Миэ {prop} {f inan} :: Миэ (prefecture)
Мияги {prop} {f inan} :: Мияги (prefecture)
Мияке {prop} {m inan} :: Мияке (one of 4 <<subprefectures>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
мк {prefix} :: micro- (0.000001)
МК {m inan} :: microcomputer
-мкнуть {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning of "to close, to lock"
МКС {f inan} :: ISS, international space station
мл {m inan} :: initialism of миллилитр
мл {f inan} :: initialism of мина-ловушка
младенец {noun} :: infant, baby
младенческий {adj} [relational] :: infant
младенческий {adj} :: infantile
младенчество {noun} :: infancy, babyhood
младой {adj} [archaic, poetic] :: young, youthful, new
младость {noun} [archaic, poetic] :: youth, adolescence
младше {adv} :: comparative of младший
младше {adv} :: comparative of молодой
младший {adj} :: younger, youngest (in an earlier period of life)
младший {adj} :: junior
млат {noun} [obsolete] :: mallet, hammer
млеко {noun} [archaic] :: milk
млекопитающее {noun} :: mammal
млекопитающий {adj} :: mammalian
млеть {v impf} :: to relax
млеть {v impf} :: to enjoy, to delight (in), to luxuriate (in)
млечный {adj} [poetic, literary or dated] :: milky
Млечный Путь {prop} {m inan} :: Milky Way
мля {interj} :: euphemistic form of бля
м-м {interj} :: uh, um (expressing hesitation in speech)
мм {m inan} :: mm, millimeter
м-м-да {interj} :: alternative form of м-да
мн. {n inan} [grammar] :: abbreviation of множественное число
мне ... год {phrase} :: I'm ... year(s) old
мне жарко {phrase} :: I'm hot (feeling hot)
мнемоника {noun} :: mnemonics (study of techniques for improving memory)
мнемотехника {noun} :: mnemonics (study of techniques for improving memory)
мнение {noun} :: opinion (person's)
мнение {noun} :: opinion (official statement)
мне нужен ... {phrase} :: I need ...
мне нужен врач {phrase} :: I need a doctor
мне нужен переводчик {phrase} :: I need an interpreter
мне нужна ваша помощь {phrase} :: [polite] I need your help
мне нужна твоя помощь {phrase} :: [familiar] I need your help
мненье {noun} :: alternative spelling of мнение
мне стыдно {phrase} :: I'm ashamed (feeling shame)
мне холодно {phrase} :: I'm cold (feeling cold)
мнимый {adj} :: imaginary
мнимый {adj} :: sham
мнимый {adj} [mathematics] :: imaginary
мнительность {noun} :: mistrustfulness, suspiciousness
мнительность {noun} :: hypochondria
мнительный {adj} :: mistrustful, suspicious
мнительный {adj} :: hypochondriac
мнить {v impf} :: to think, to imagine, to suspect
мниться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to seem; to appear
многажды {adv} [dated, colloquial or humorous] :: many times, often
многая лета {phrase} [archaic, poetic or ecclesiastic] :: wish for longevity, many years (of prosperity, health, etc.)
многие {pron} :: many (people)
многий {adj} :: much
многий {adj} :: many
много- {prefix} :: multi- (pertaining to many)
много {adv} :: much
много {adv} :: many
много {adv} :: a lot of, plenty of
многобожец {noun} :: polytheist
много будешь знать — скоро состаришься {proverb} :: curiosity killed the cat
многовато {adv} :: a bit much (More than is reasonable)
многовековой {adj} :: lasting centuries
многовековой {adj} :: centuries-old
многоголосие {noun} [music] :: polyphony
многогранник {noun} :: polyhedron
многогранный {adj} [mathematics] :: polyhedral
многогранный {adj} :: many-sided, multifaceted, versatile
многодетный {adj} :: having many children
многодетный {adj} :: large [family]
многое {pron} [in singular] :: many things, many a thing, much
многожёнство {noun} :: polygyny
многозначительно {adv} :: significantly, with meaning
многозначительный {adj} :: significant, meaningful
многоквартирный {adj} :: multiapartment, multifamily
многократно {adv} :: repeatedly (done several times)
многократный {adj} :: multifold, multiple
многократный {adj} [grammar] :: iterative, frequentative
многократный вид {noun} [grammar] :: iterative aspect, frequentative aspect
многолетие {noun} [religion] :: the proclamation of the words многая лета (many years) during solemn worship, weddings, etc
многолетний {adj} :: of many years, long-term
многолетний {adj} :: perennial (having a life cycle of more than two years; of a plant)
многолетник {noun} [botany] :: perennial
многолюдный {adj} :: crowded
многолюдный {adj} :: populous
многомерный {adj} :: multidimensional, multivariate
многомерный {adj} [figurative] :: diverse, versatile
многомиллионный {adj} :: multimillion, of many millions
много-много {adv} [literally] :: lots and lots
много-много {adv} [obsolete] :: at most [sentential adverb]
многомужество {noun} :: polyandry
многонациональный {adj} :: multiethnic, polyethnic
многонациональный {adj} :: multinational
многоножка {noun} :: millipede; centipede
многообещающий {adj} :: promising, hopeful
многообразие {noun} :: variety; diversity; multiformity
многообразный {adj} :: diverse, varied, multiform
многоопытный {adj} :: highly experienced
многоразовый {adj} :: reusable
многоразовый транспортный космический корабль {noun} :: Space Transportation System (STS)
многоразовый транспортный космический корабль {noun} :: Space Shuttle, shuttle
многоречистый {adj} :: garrulous, vaniloquent
многорукий {adj} :: multiarmed, multi-handed
многосемянный {adj} :: polyspermic; polyspermous; multi-seeded
многословие {noun} :: verbosity, longwindedness
многословный {adj} :: verbose, prolix, long-winded
многосложный {adj} [linguistics] :: polysyllabic
многослойный {adj} :: multilayered, multilayer
многосоюзие {noun} :: polysyndeton
многосторонний {adj} [mathematics] :: polygonal, multilateral
многосторонний {adj} :: multilateral, multiparty
многосторонний {adj} :: many-sided, versatile
многострадальный {adj} :: long-suffering
многоточие {noun} :: ellipsis (punctuation)
многотысячный {adj} :: of many thousands
многоугольник {noun} [geometry] :: polygon
многоуровневый {adj} [also figurative] :: multilevel
многофункциональный {adj} :: multifunctional, multifunction
многоцелевой {adj} :: multipurpose
многочасовой {adj} :: many-hour, multihour (lasting many hours, produced for many hours in a row, calculated for many hours, etc.)
многочисленный {adj} :: numerous
многоэтажный {adj} :: multistory
многоязычный {adj} :: polyglot, polylingual, multilingual
множественное число {noun} [grammar] :: plural
множественность {noun} :: multiplicity
множественность {noun} [linguistics] :: plurality
множественный {adj} :: multiple
множественный {adj} [linguistics] :: plural
множество {noun} :: multitude, mass
множество {noun} [mathematics] :: set
множимое {noun} [arithmetic] :: multiplicand (number that is to be multiplied by another)
множитель {noun} [arithmetic] :: multiplier (number)
множить {v impf} [mathematics or figurative] :: to multiply
множиться {vi impf} :: to multiply, to increase in number
множиться {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to reproduce
мн. ч. {n inan} [grammar] :: abbreviation of множественное число
мн.ч. {n inan} [grammar] :: abbreviation of множественное число
МО {noun} :: MOD (ministry of defence), DOD (department of defense); abbreviation of министерства обороны
моавитянин {noun} :: Moabite (person)
мобилизационный {adj} [relational] :: mobilization
мобилизация {noun} :: mobilization
мобилизовать {v both} :: to mobilize (e.g. troops)
мобилизовать {v both} :: to mobilize, to enlist efforts
мобильник {noun} :: mobile phone, cellphone
мобильность {noun} :: mobility
мобильный {adj} :: mobile
мобильный телефон {noun} :: mobile phone
моветон {noun} [dated or rare, often ironic] :: bad taste
мовешка {noun} [humorous, rare] :: ugly woman
Могадишу {prop} {m inan} :: Могадишу (capital city)
могиканин {noun} :: Mohican
могила {noun} :: grave
Могилёв {prop} :: Могилёв (city)
могилка {noun} :: diminutive of могила: (small) grave
могильник {noun} [archeology] :: burial ground, sepulchre
могильник {noun} :: burial place for radioactive or toxic waste
могильник {noun} [animate] :: Eastern imperial eagle
могильник {noun} :: the genus Peganum, often specifically Syrian rue (Peganum harmala)
могильный {adj} [relational] :: grave, burial
могильный {adj} :: deathly, sepulchral
могильщик {noun} :: gravedigger
могильщик {noun} [figurative, rhetorical] :: destroyer
могильщик {noun} [criminal slang] :: cemetery beggar
могильщик {noun} [criminal slang] :: graverobber
могильщик {noun} [zoology] :: burying beetle
могорыч {noun} :: alternative form of магарыч
могутный {adj} [folk poetic] :: strong, mighty
могучий {adj} :: mighty, powerful, potent, strong
могущественный {adj} :: powerful, potent
могущество {noun} :: might, power
мод {noun} :: mod [a representative of the youth movement in the UK in the 1960s–70s]
мода {noun} :: fashion, vogue
мода {noun} [statistics] :: mode
модальный {adj} [grammar, computing] :: modal
модальный глагол {noun} [grammar] :: modal verb (an auxiliary verb)
моделирование {noun} :: modelling/modeling, simulation
моделировать {v both} :: to model, to design, to fashion, to shape
моделировать {v both} [mathematics, engineering] :: to simulate
моделировать {v both} [art] :: to model, to sculpture
модель {noun} :: model [model car, fashion model, etc.]
модель {noun} [technical] :: mold/mould
модельер {noun} :: modeller, fashion designer
модельный {adj} [relational] :: model (in various senses)
модем {noun} [computing] :: modem
модерато {adj} [music] :: moderato
модерато {m inan} [music] :: a movement or piece that starts as moderato
модератор {noun} :: moderator (someone who moderates)
модерн {adj} [colloquial] :: modern, contemporary, fashionable
модерн {m inan} [arts] :: modern style
модернизация {noun} :: modernization
модернизированный {adj} :: modernized
модернизировать {v both} :: to modernize
модернизм {noun} :: modernism (movement)
моджахед {noun} :: mujahid (a Muslim engaging in jihad)
модист {noun} [dated] :: manufacturer of fashionable dress, fashion designer
модистка {noun} [dated] :: milliner, modiste
модификация {noun} :: modification
модифицированный {adj} :: modified
модифицировать {v both} :: to modify
модник {noun} [colloquial] :: dandy, male fashionista, fashionable man, fashion plate
модница {noun} [colloquial] :: female fashionista, fashionable woman
модно {adv} :: fashionably
модный {adj} :: fashionable (characteristic of or influenced by a current popular trend or style)
модуль {noun} [general, architecture, computers, etc.] :: module
модуль {noun} [mathematics] :: absolute value, modulus (non-negative, real-valued magnitude of a real or complex number)
модуль {noun} [physics] :: modulus (coefficient expressing how much of a certain property is possessed by a certain substance)
модульный {adj} [relational, general, architecture, computing, etc.] :: module; modular
модульный {adj} [relational, mathematics] :: absolute value, modulus
модульный {adj} [relational, physics] :: modulus
модуляция {noun} :: modulation
может {adv} [colloquial] :: abbreviation of может быть: maybe, perhaps, possibly
может быть {adv} [hedge] :: maybe, perhaps, possibly
можжевельник {noun} :: juniper
можно {pred} :: one can, one may
можно {pred} :: it is possible
можно войти {phrase} :: can I come in (phrase)
мозаика {noun} :: mosaic
мозаичный {adj} [relational] :: mosaic
мозаичный {adj} :: mixed, variegated (consisting of heterogeneous elements)
Мозамбик {prop} :: Мозамбик (country)
мозамбикский {adj} :: Mozambican
мозг {noun} [anatomy] :: brain; marrow
мозг {noun} [in the plural] :: brains (usually as food)
мозги {noun} :: brains (food)
мозги {noun} :: brain, head, intelligence
мозговой {adj} [relational] :: brain
мозговой {adj} :: cerebral
мозговой ствол {noun} [anatomy] :: brain stem
мозжечковая миндалина {noun} [anatomy] :: amygdala (region of the brain)
мозжечковый {adj} [relational] :: cerebellum
мозжечок {noun} [anatomy] :: cerebellum
мозолистый {adj} :: horny, callous
мозоль {noun} :: callus, corn
Моисей {prop} :: Moses
мой {pron} [possessive pronoun] :: my, mine
мойва {noun} :: capelin
мойка {noun} :: washing
мойка {noun} :: sink (basin), kitchen sink
мойка {noun} :: washer
мойщик {noun} :: washerman (a man who washes for payment)
мокасин {noun} :: moccasin (shoe)
мокнуть {v impf} :: to get wet
мокнуть {v impf} :: to soak
мокрая курица {noun} :: milksop (weak, easily frightened or ineffectual person), a weak and pitiful-looking person (literally ‘wet chicken’)
мокрица {noun} :: woodlouse, sowbug (any species of suborder Oniscidea)
мокрица {noun} :: common chickweed (Stellaria media)
мокрота {noun} :: phlegm
мокрота {noun} :: wetness, humidity
мокрый {adj} :: wet, damp
мокрый {adj} [criminal slang, relational] :: murder, killing
мокшанин {noun} :: Moksha
мокшанский {adj} :: Moksha (relating to the Mordvinian people or their Fennic language, spoken in the western and southern parts of Mordovia, an independent republic within Russia)
мол {noun} :: jetty, mole, breakwater, pier (protective structure to protect areas from sea waves)
мол {particle} [colloquial] :: (s)he says, they say [used informally to mark reported speech]
молва {noun} :: rumour/rumor, talk, hearsay
молвить {v impf} [archaic, poetic] :: to say, to declare, to quethe
молдаванин {noun} :: Moldavian, Moldovan (person from Moldova or of Moldovan descent)
молдаванка {noun} :: female Moldavian, Moldovan (person from Moldova or of Moldovan descent)
Молдавия {prop} :: Молдавия (former name of Moldova, a <<country>> in <<r/Eastern Europe>>)
Молдавская ССР {prop} :: Молдавская ССР (former republic)
молдавский {adj} :: Moldavian
молдавский {noun} :: Moldavian (language)
Молдова {prop} :: Молдова (country)
молебен {noun} :: public prayer, church service
молекула {noun} :: molecule (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds)
молекулярный {adj} :: molecular
молельня {noun} :: oratory (private chapel)
молибден {noun} :: molybdenum
молитва {noun} :: prayer
молитвенник {noun} [religion] :: prayer book
молитвенник {noun} [animate, literary, dated] :: devout worshipper
молитвенный {adj} [relational] :: prayer
молитвенный {adj} :: prayerful
молить {v impf} :: to implore, to entreat, to beseech
молить {v impf} :: to pray, to beg
молиться {v impf} :: to pray (to petition a higher being)
молкнуть {v impf} [colloquial, also figuratively] :: to fade, to grow quiet
моллюск {noun} :: mollusc
молниеносно {adv} :: with lightning speed
молниеносный {adj} :: lightning fast
молниеносный {adj} :: hyperacute
молния {noun} :: lightning
молния {noun} :: zipper, zip, zip fastener
молния {noun} :: express telegram
молния {noun} [slang] :: cigarette lighter
молодая {noun} [rare] :: bride
молоденький {adj} [colloquial] :: diminutive of молодой: very young
молодеть {v impf} :: to become younger
молодец {noun} :: fine fellow, fine girl
молодец {noun} :: attaboy, attagirl, well done, bravo, good for you, good for her
молодец {noun} :: brave man, clever man (usually a young man)
молодец {interj} :: attaboy!, attagirl!, well done!
молодёжный {adj} :: youth, youthful
молодёжь {noun} :: the young, youth, young people (collective)
молодить {v impf} :: to cause to look younger
молодняк {noun} [collective] :: young animals, cubs
молодняк {noun} [collective] :: underwood, saplings
молодняк {noun} [collective, colloquial] :: offspring, youngsters, young generation
молодо {adv} :: youthfully, in a young manner
молодожён {noun} :: newlywed, a newly married person [usually plural]
молодой {adj} :: young
молодой {adj} :: youthful
молодой {adj} :: new
молодой человек {noun} :: young man, lad, boy, guy
молодой человек {noun} :: young man, sir, master (an informal form of address, sometimes used to address not so young men or little boys)
молодость {noun} :: youth
молодца {interj} [slang, rare] :: alternative form of молодец
молодчик {noun} :: a young man (usually perceived as suspicious or dangerous)
молодчина {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: same as молодец - attaboy, attagirl, etc
молодчина {interj} :: attaboy!, attagirl!, well done!, fine fellow!, good boy!, good girl!, etc. (used to show encouragement or approval to a male or female)
молодым везде у нас дорога, старикам везде у нас почёт {phrase} :: age before beauty
молодь {noun} :: young shoots
молодь {noun} :: whitebait, young fish
молодь {noun} :: young animals
молодь {noun} [colloquial] :: youth, young people
моложавый {adj} :: young-looking, youthful
моложе {adv} :: comparative of молодой
моложе {adv} :: comparative of молодо
молозиво {noun} :: colostrum
молокан {noun} :: blue lettuce
молокан {noun} :: Molokan
молоканин {noun} :: Molokan
молоко {noun} :: milk
молоко на губах не обсохло {idiom} :: greenhorn, wet behind the ears (literally, "the milk has not dried on the lips")
молостов {noun} [dialectal] :: a pot wrapped into birchbark for shaking butter
молот {noun} :: mallet, large hammer
молотилка {noun} :: threshing machine, thresher
молотить {v impf} :: to thresh, to flail
молотить {v impf} :: to hit, to beat
молотить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to beat up someone
молоток {noun} [inanimate] :: hammer, mallet, maul
молоток {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: good guy (used only in nominative)
молоток {interj} [colloquial] :: nice one!, well done!
молоточек {noun} [anatomy] :: malleus (middle ear bone)
молоточек {noun} :: endearing diminutive of молоток
молоть {v impf} :: to grind, to mill (to make smaller by breaking with a device)
молоть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to talk nonsense
молотьба {noun} :: threshing
молофья {noun} [vulgar] :: sperm, cum, jizz
молочка {noun} [collectively, colloquial] :: dairy
молочко {noun} :: endearing form of молоко
молочко {noun} [biology] :: jelly (a liquid that forms in the goiter or in the special glands of some birds and insects for feeding nestlings or larvae)
молочко {noun} [cosmetics] :: cream
молочная железа {noun} [anatomy] :: mammary gland (milk-secreting gland)
молочный {adj} [relational] :: milk, dairy; lactic
молочный {adj} :: milky
молочный {adj} :: milk-fed
молочный {adj} :: milk-white
молочный зуб {noun} :: milk tooth, baby tooth
молча {adv} :: silently, tacitly
молча {adv} :: speechlessly
молчаливо {adv} :: reticently
молчаливо {adv} :: tacitly
молчаливый {adj} :: taciturn (untalkative, silent)
молчание {noun} :: silence (action or state of remaining silent; that is, abstention from speech, utterances, or the use of the voice)
молчать {v impf} :: to keep silent, to be silent
молчун {noun} :: silent man
моль {noun} :: clothes moth (Tineidae)
моль {noun} [music] :: minor
моль {adj} [music] :: minor
моль {noun} [chemistry] :: mole, gram molecule
мольба {noun} :: entreaty, supplication
мольба {noun} :: prayer
мольберт {noun} :: easel (upright frame for displaying or supporting something)
мольеровский {adj} :: Molieresque
Момбецу {prop} {m inan} :: Момбецу (city)
момент {noun} [time] :: moment
момент {noun} :: feature, aspect
момент {noun} [physics] :: moment
моментально {adv} :: instantly, promptly, momentarily
моментальный {adj} :: instant, instantaneous
момент силы {noun} [physics] :: torque, moment of force
момо {n inan} :: momo, Tibetan dumpling
момордика {noun} :: Momordica
Монако {prop} {n inan} :: Монако (city-state)
монарх {noun} :: monarch, sovereign (ruler)
монарх {noun} :: monarch butterfly
монархист {noun} :: monarchist
монархический {adj} :: monarchical
монархический {adj} :: monarchist
монархия {noun} :: monarchy
монастырский {adj} [relational] :: monastery
монастырский {adj} [relational] :: convent
монастырский {adj} [relational] :: cloister
монастырский {adj} :: monastic, cloistral
монастырь {noun} :: monastery, convent
монах {noun} :: monk
монахиня {noun} :: nun (member of a Christian religious community of women)
монашеский {adj} :: monastic
монашество {noun} :: monkhood; monasticism
монашка {noun} [colloquial] :: nun
монгол {noun} :: Mongol, Mongolian (person)
монгол {noun} :: Mongolian (horse)
Монголия {prop} :: Монголия (country)
монголка {noun} :: Mongolian girl or woman
монгольский {adj} :: Mongolian (relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures)
монгольский {noun} :: Mongolian (language)
монета {noun} :: coin
монетизация {noun} :: monetization (the conversion of something into money)
монетка {noun} :: diminutive of монета: (small) coin
монизм {noun} [philosophy] :: monism
монитор {noun} [computing] :: monitor, a screen that displays graphics and images
монитор {noun} [engineering] :: hydraulic giant, hydraulic monitor, hydraulic gun
мониторинг {noun} :: monitoring
моногамия {noun} :: monogamy
моногород {noun} :: in Russia, a town with economy that is based solely or predominantly on a single factory or enterprise; company town, one-factory town, single-industry town
монография {noun} :: monograph
моноклональный {adj} :: monoclonal
монокль {noun} :: monocle (a single lens)
монолит {noun} :: monolith
монолитный {adj} :: monolithic
монолог {noun} :: monologue
мономер {noun} [chemistry] :: monomer
монополизация {noun} :: monopolization
монополист {noun} :: monopolist
монополия {noun} :: monopoly [various senses]
монополия {noun} :: exclusive domain
монополия {noun} [historical, pre-Soviet Russia] :: a government liquor store
монополька {noun} [dated] :: a government liquor store
монополька {noun} [dated] :: vodka
монопольный {adj} [relational] :: monopoly
монопольный {adj} :: exclusive
монопольный {adj} [relational, physics] :: monopole
монорельс {noun} :: monorail (a railroad system where the trains run on one rail; a train running on a single rail)
монотеизм {noun} [religion] :: monotheism
монотеист {noun} [religion] :: monotheist
монотеистический {adj} [religion] :: monotheistic
монотонно {adv} :: monotonously
монотонно {adv} :: in a monotone
монотонность {noun} :: monotonousness, monotony
монотонный {adj} :: monotonous
монохромный {adj} :: monochrome
Монреаль {prop} :: Монреаль (city)
Монровия {prop} :: Монровия (capital city)
монстр {noun} :: monster (a terrifying and dangerous creature)
монстр {noun} :: monster, fiend (an evil person)
монтаж {noun} :: assembling, assemblage
монтаж {noun} :: mounting
монтаж {noun} :: montage
монтажник {noun} :: installer, assembler, fitter
монтажный {adj} [relational] :: assembly, fitting
монтажный {adj} [relational, cinematography] :: editing, cutting
Монтана {prop} :: Монтана (state)
Монтевидео {prop} {m inan} :: Монтевидео (capital city)
монтёр {noun} :: installer, assembler, fitter
монтёр {noun} :: electrician, lineman
монтировать {v impf} :: to assemble (to put together)
монтировать {v impf} :: to mount, to arrange (cinema)
монумент {noun} :: monument
монументальный {adj} :: monumental
мопед {noun} :: moped (a lightweight, two-wheeled vehicle equipped with a small motor and pedals)
мопс {noun} :: pug (small breed of dog)
мор {noun} [disease] :: pestilence, plague, murrain
моралист {noun} :: moralist
мораль {noun} :: morals; morality
мораль {noun} [colloquial] :: lecturing, reprimanding, telling somebody off
морально {adv} :: morally (in a moral manner)
морально-психологический {adj} :: moral and psychological
моральный {adj} :: moral (relating to principles of right and wrong)
мораторий {noun} :: moratorium
морг {noun} :: morgue
моргать {v impf} :: to blink
моргать {v impf} :: to wink
моргнуть {v pf} :: to blink
моргнуть {v pf} :: to wink
морда {noun} :: face of an animal, muzzle, snout
морда {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: face of a person [usually ugly], mug
мордашка {noun} [colloquial] :: cute face, pretty face
мордашка {noun} [colloquial] :: cutie (someone with a pretty face, especially a child or woman)
мордашка {noun} [colloquial, inanimate] :: breed of large hunting dog, similar to the extinct Меделянка but smaller
мордашка {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: dog of this breed
мордобой {noun} [colloquial] :: fist fight, scuffle (the one where people are beaten on the face)
Мордовия {prop} :: Мордовия (republic)
мордоплюй {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: an impudent/insolent person; a boor; a cad
Мордор {prop} :: Mordor
мордочка {noun} :: diminutive of морда: (small) muzzle, face (of an animal)
море {noun} :: sea
море {noun} :: mare [darker area in the Moon]
мореведение {noun} :: oceanography, science about seas and oceans
мореведческий {adj} :: oceanographical
море Лазарева {noun} :: Lazarev Sea
море Лаптевых {noun} :: Laptev Sea
мореплавание {noun} [nautical] :: navigation, seafaring
мореплаватель {noun} :: seafarer (one who travels by sea)
морепродукт {noun} [usually plural] :: seafood
морепродукты {noun} :: seafood
морж {noun} :: walrus
морж {noun} [colloquial] :: winter swimmer, ice swimmer
моржиха {noun} :: a female walrus
моржиха {noun} [colloquial] :: a female winter swimmer, ice swimmer
моржовый {adj} [relational] :: walrus
морилка {noun} :: mordant, chemical substance used to sear a surface
морить {v impf} :: to kill, to exterminate
морить {v impf} :: to exhaust, to wear out
морить {v impf} :: to stain (paint with mordant)
морква {noun} [dialectal or low colloquial] :: carrot
морковка {noun} [colloquial] :: carrot (root vegetable, usually orange)
морковь {noun} [countable] :: carrot (plant)
морковь {noun} [uncountable, collectively] :: carrots (roots of the plant used for eating)
мормон {noun} :: Mormon
мороженица {noun} :: freezer
мороженица {noun} :: ice cream parlor
мороженица {noun} :: ice cream maker
мороженое {noun} :: ice cream
мороженый {adj} :: frozen
мороженый {adj} :: chilled
мороз {noun} :: freezing weather, frost
морозец {noun} :: diminutive of мороз: (light) frost
морозилка {noun} :: freezer (part of a refrigerator)
морозильник {noun} :: freezer (stand-alone appliance)
морозить {v impf} :: to freeze, to congeal
морозный {adj} :: frosty
морок {noun} [dialectal] :: darkness
морок {noun} [dialectal] :: clouds, fog
морока {noun} [colloquial] :: hassle
Морони {prop} {m inan} :: Морони (capital city)
моросить {v impf} :: to drizzle
морось {noun} :: drizzle
морочить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fool, to trick, to dupe, to pull the wool over someone's eyes
морочить голову {v impf} :: to pull someone's leg
морочной {adj} :: alternative form of морочный
морочный {adj} [dialectal] :: murky, hazy, dull, gloomy
морочный {adj} [colloquial] :: troublesome, drawn-out
морочный {adj} [dialectal] :: murky, dull, gloomy
морошка {noun} :: cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus
морс {noun} :: drink made from wild northern berries, usually lingonberry and/or cranberry
морская болезнь {noun} :: seasickness (a feeling of nausea caused by the motion of a ship)
морская звезда {noun} :: starfish
морская камбала {noun} :: European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
морская свинка {noun} :: guinea pig
морская свинья {noun} :: porpoise (cetacean)
морская уточка {noun} :: barnacle (marine crustacean)
морская черепаха {noun} :: sea turtle
морское право {noun} :: admiralty law (area of law that deals with ships at sea)
морское ушко {noun} :: abalone (edible univalve mollusc)
морской {adj} [relational] :: sea
морской {adj} :: nautical
морской {adj} :: maritime
морской {adj} :: naval
морской {adj} :: seaside
морской вокзал {noun} :: port terminal, passenger terminal
морской ёж {noun} :: sea urchin
морской конёк {noun} :: sea horse (fish)
морской котик {noun} :: fur seal
морской лев {noun} :: sea lion
морской паук {noun} :: spider crab (species of crab)
морской слон {noun} :: elephant seal (mammal of the genus Mirounga)
морской чёрт {noun} :: angler (angler fish)
морской язык {noun} :: common sole (Solea solea)
морской язык {noun} :: tonguefish (Cynoglossidae)
мортира {noun} [weapons] :: mortar (short large-bore cannon)
мортус {noun} [historical] :: attendant of sick people during epidemics
морф {noun} :: [grammar] morph, morpheme
морфема {noun} :: morpheme
морфий {noun} :: morphine
морфологический {adj} :: morphological
морфология {noun} :: morphology
морщина {noun} :: wrinkle
морщинистый {adj} :: wrinkled, puckered
морщинка {noun} :: diminutive of морщина: (small) wrinkle
морщить {v impf} :: to wrinkle (one's nose)
морщить {v impf} :: to purse (one's lips)
морщить {v impf} :: to furrow (one's forehead, one's brow)
морщить {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to crease, to pucker
морщиться {v impf} :: to wrinkle (to pucker or become uneven or irregular)
морщиться {v impf} :: to knit one's brows
морщиться {v impf} :: to make a wry face, to wince
морщиться {v impf} :: to crease, to wrinkle up (of clothes)
моряк {noun} [nautical] :: seaman, sailor
моряк {noun} [meteorology] :: sea breeze (a strong, biting wind that blows in from the sea around the mouths of rivers)
морячок {noun} :: diminutive of моряк
москаль {noun} [Ukraine] :: [slang, pejorative] a Russian person, Russki
москаль {noun} [Ukraine] :: [slang, pejorative] a Muscovite
Москва {prop} :: Москва (federal city/capital)
Москва {prop} :: Москва (river)
Москва {prop} :: the government of the Russian Federation
Москва не сразу строилась {proverb} :: Rome wasn't built in a day
москвитянин {noun} [historical] :: Muscovite
москвич {noun} :: Muscovite (resident of Moscow)
москвич {noun} :: Moskvich (a common private passenger car)
москвичка {noun} :: Muscovite girl or woman
москит {noun} :: mosquito
москит {noun} :: gnat
московий {noun} :: moscovium
Московия {prop} [historical] :: Muscovy (Grand Duchy of Moscow)
Московия {prop} [pejorative] :: Russia
московский {adj} [relational] :: Moscow
Моссад {prop} :: Mossad (the national intelligence agency of Israel)
Моссовет {prop} :: Moscow City Council
мост {noun} :: bridge
мост {noun} [dentistry] :: bridge (a prosthesis replacing one or several adjacent teeth)
мост {noun} :: axle
мост {noun} [gymnastics, dance] :: backbend
мостик {noun} :: diminutive of мост: (small) bridge; footbridge
мостик {noun} [nautical] :: (captain's) bridge
мостить {v impf} :: to pave
мостки {noun} :: planked gangway or footbridge over a swamp, river, ravine, etc
мостки {noun} :: boardwalk
мостки {noun} :: pier, jetty
мостки {noun} :: walkway around construction areas
мостовая {noun} :: roadway, carriage way
мостовая {noun} :: pavement
мостовой {adj} [relational] :: bridge
мосток {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of мост: footbridge
мот {noun} :: spendthrift, prodigal
мотать {v impf} :: to reel, to wind
мотать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to rewind, to fast forward (e.g. tape on a cassette recorder)
мотать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wave, to shake
мотать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to squander, to waste
мотать {v impf} [slang] :: to do (time - in prison)
мотаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to dangle
мотаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fuss/rush about
мотаться {v impf} :: idiomatic:
мотаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to go frequently, to make frequent trips/visits (to a place)
мотель {noun} :: motel (type of hotel)
мотив {noun} :: tune
мотив {noun} :: motive, motif
мотив {noun} :: motive, cause, reason (that which incites to action)
мотивационный {adj} [relational] :: motivation; motivational
мотивация {noun} :: motivation
мотивированный {adj} :: well-motivated, grounded, reasonable
мотивировать {v both} :: to give reasons (for), to justify (by), to motivate (by)
мотивировка {noun} :: motivation
мотнуть {v pf} :: to shake
мотнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go on an outing (to a place)
мотнуться {v pf} :: to dangle
мотнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to dash (there and back)
мотня {noun} :: purse, bunt (of seine)
мото- {prefix} :: motor (referring to something motorized)
мотовездеход {noun} :: small all-terrain vehicle, small ATV
моток {noun} :: skein; hank; clew; coil; ravel
мотоклуб {noun} :: biker club
мотор {noun} :: motor, engine
мотор {noun} [dated] :: taxi, sometimes any car
мотор {noun} [slang] :: heart
мотор {interj} [cinematography] :: action!
моторная лодка {noun} [nautical] :: motorboat (with an outboard engine)
моторный {adj} [relational, automotive, medicine] :: motor
моторный {adj} [regional] :: lively, agile, nimble
мотороллер {noun} :: scooter
моторчик {noun} :: diminutive of мотор: small motor
мотострелковый {adj} [relational] :: motorized rifle (equipped with automatic weapons and armored vehicles highly capable of moving cross-country)
мотоцикл {noun} :: motorcycle, motorbike, bike
мотоциклет {noun} [dated] :: alternative form of мотоцикл
мотоциклист {noun} :: motorcyclist
мотыга {noun} :: hoe, mattock
мотыжить {v impf} :: to hoe
мотылёк {noun} :: moth (the small variety that swarms at night)
мотылёк {noun} [colloquial] :: butterfly
мох {noun} :: moss
мохер {noun} :: mohair
мохнатый {adj} :: hairy, furry, wooly
мохнатый {adj} :: shaggy, unkempt
мохны {noun} :: ruffled fur or feathers of animals or birds
мохны {noun} :: ruffled or unkempt hair of people
моцартовский {adj} :: Mozartian
моча {noun} :: urine
мочалка {noun} :: body scrubber, sponge, loofah
мочалка {noun} :: wisp of bast
мочалка {noun} [slang, animate] :: girl, chick, broad, slut, whore
мочало {noun} :: bast (fibre made from the phloem of certain plants)
мочевина {noun} :: urea (CO(NH2)2)
мочевой {adj} :: urinary, uric
мочевой пузырь {noun} [anatomy] :: urinary bladder
мочеиспускание {noun} :: urination (the process of eliminating liquid waste from the body)
мочеиспускательный {adj} :: urinary, urethral
мочеиспускательный канал {noun} [anatomy] :: urethra
мочеточник {noun} :: ureter
мочить {v impf} :: to wet, to moisten, to douse, to humidify
мочить {v impf} :: to soak, to steep
мочить {v impf} :: to dike
мочить {v impf} :: to dunk
мочить {v impf} :: to pickle, to marinate
мочить {v impf} [slang] :: to kill, to waste
мочиться {v impf} :: to urinate, to pee, to water, to micturate
мочиться {v impf} :: to get wet, to get soaked
мочиться {v impf} [slang] :: to fight, to scuffle
мочка {noun} :: wetting, soaking
мочка {noun} :: earlobe
мочь {vi impf} :: can, be able to
мочь {v impf} :: may
мочь {noun} :: power, might
мошенник {noun} :: swindler, cheat, cheater, fraud
мошенничество {noun} :: swindle, fraud, cheating
мошка {noun} :: midge (a kind of gnat or gnatlike fly)
мошка {noun} :: swarm of midges
мошкара {noun} [uncountable, collective] :: midges, swarms of midges
мошна {noun} [archaic] :: pouch, purse
мошонка {noun} [anatomy] :: scrotum
мошоночный {adj} :: scrotal
мощи {noun} [religion] :: relics
мощнейший {adj} :: superlative of мощный: most powerful
мощно {adv} :: mightily
мощность {noun} :: power, capacity, rating
мощность {noun} :: cardinality
мощный {adj} :: mighty, powerful
мощь {noun} :: might, force, power, strength
моющий {adj} :: detergent (having the power to wash clean)
м. пр. {adv} :: initialism of между прочим
мраз {noun} [obsolete, folk poetic] :: frost
мразь {noun} [colloquial, pejorative, sometimes, collectively] :: scum, dregs, despicable person, despicable people
мрак {noun} :: shadow, darkness
мрак {noun} :: (genitive) gloom (of), cheerlessness (of)
мрак {noun} :: (predicate; interjection) it's a nightmare, it's appalling/dreadful
мрак {noun} [poetic] :: despair
мракобес {noun} :: obscurant, obscurantist, bigot
мракобесие {noun} :: obscurantism (in a contemptuous sense)
мрамор {noun} :: marble
мраморный {adj} [relational] :: marble (crystalline limestone)
мраморный {adj} :: marble-like
мраморный {adj} :: white, smooth [of a body part or its skin]
мраморный {adj} :: marbled, spotted [of an animal]
мрачить {v impf} [dated] :: to darken, to cover with gloom
мрачить {v impf} [dated, figurative] :: to make sad, to sadden
мрачнеть {v impf} :: to become gloomy, to darken
мрачно {adv} :: darkly, gloomily
мрачноватый {adj} :: somewhat gloomy
мрачность {noun} :: darkness
мрачность {noun} :: obscurity
мрачность {noun} [figurative] :: gloominess, sadness, somberness
мрачный {adj} :: dark (without moral or spiritual light)
мрачный {adj} :: obscure
мрачный {adj} :: gloomy, somber, grim
мрежа {noun} [dated, regional or biblical] :: (fish) net
мститель {noun} :: avenger (one who avenges or vindicates; as, an avenger of blood)
мстительница {noun} :: female avenger
мстительный {adj} :: vindictive, vengeful (having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge)
мстить {v impf} :: to avenge, to revenge, to retaliate (to take vengeance for) + dative case (за "for" something)
мсьё {m anim} [dated or French context] :: monsieur, sir
МТКК {m inan} :: STS (Space Transportation System)
МТКК {m inan} :: Space Shuttle, shuttle
му {interj} :: [imitative] moo (sound a cow makes)
мудак {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: horse's ass, asshole, dickhead
муде {noun} [vulgar, anatomy] :: testicles, nuts, balls
мудила {m anim} [vulgar, offensive] :: asshole, dickhead; fuckwit
мудо {noun} [slang, vulgar, rare] :: scrotum, ballsack
мудо {noun} [slang, vulgar, rare] :: testicle, ball, nut
мудоёб {noun} [vulgar] :: asshole, shitass (mean or rude person)
мудра {noun} :: mudra
мудрец {noun} :: sage (wise man)
мудрёный {adj} [colloquial] :: difficult (hard to understand or do)
мудрёный {adj} [colloquial] :: intricate, complicated
мудрёный {adj} :: strange, odd
мудрить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be too clever, to complicate things unnecessarily
мудро {adv} :: wisely (in a wise manner)
мудрость {noun} :: wisdom
мудрство {noun} [rare] :: wisdom
мудрствовать {v impf} [colloquial, disapprovingly] :: to philosophise
мудрый {adj} :: wise
муж {noun} :: husband
муж {noun} [dated, poetic] :: man
мужеложеский {adj} [relational, rare] :: male homosexual
мужеложец {noun} :: a male homosexual, sodomite, bugger
мужеложец {noun} :: sodomite
мужеложец {noun} :: pederast
мужеложство {noun} :: male homosexuality or homosexual behaviour
мужеложство {noun} :: anal sex, gay sex
мужеложство {noun} :: sodomy
мужеложство {noun} :: pederasty
мужененавистник {noun} :: misandrist, manhater (hater of men)
мужененавистница {noun} :: female misandrist, manhater
мужененавистничество {noun} :: androphobia (fear of men)
муженёк {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing form of муж: hubby
мужеподобный {adj} :: manlike, mannish, masculine
мужеский {adj} [dated] :: male, men's
мужественно {adv} :: bravely, courageously
мужественность {noun} :: masculinity, manliness, virility
мужественный {adj} :: manly, virile, masculine (having the characteristics of a man)
мужественный {adj} :: courageous, brave, gutsy
мужество {noun} :: courage
мужик {noun} :: boor
мужик {noun} :: coarse, uncouth person
мужик {noun} [colloquial or pejorative] :: man (male person)
мужик {noun} [colloquial] :: husband
мужик {noun} [historical] :: peasant from tsarist Russia
мужик {noun} [slang] :: macho
мужицкий {adj} [relational, dated] :: muzhik (pre-Revolutionary Russian peasant); muzhik's
мужицкий {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: boorish, rustic
мужичок {noun} :: diminutive of мужик: a (little) man (male), a guy, chap
мужичонка {noun} :: pejorative of мужик
мужичонка {noun} :: pejorative of мужичок
мужний {adj} :: husband's
мужская {noun} :: men's room, men’s toilet
мужское достоинство {noun} :: male honor
мужское достоинство {noun} [euphemistic, jocular] :: manhood (male genitalia)
мужской {adj} :: male
мужской {adj} :: masculine
мужской {adj} :: man's, gentleman's
мужской половой член {noun} [anatomy] :: male sexual member, penis
мужской род {noun} [grammar] :: masculine gender
мужчина {m anim} :: man (male person)
муза {noun} [Greek mythology] :: a Muse
муза {noun} :: muse
музей {noun} :: museum
музейный {adj} [relational] :: museum
музыка {noun} :: music
музыка {noun} [colloquial] :: business
музыкальность {noun} :: musicality
музыкальный {adj} :: musical
музыкальный инструмент {noun} :: musical instrument (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds)
музыкант {noun} [music] :: musician
музыковед {noun} :: musicologist
музыковедение {noun} :: musicology
мука {noun} :: flour, fine meal
мука {noun} :: pain, anguish, torment, suffering, torture
мука {noun} :: ordeal
мука {noun} :: harassment
мукомольня {noun} :: flour mill
мул {noun} :: mule (offspring of male donkey and female horse)
мулат {noun} :: mulatto
мулла {noun} [Islam] :: mullah (a Muslim religious scholar and teacher)
мульти- {prefix} :: multi- (pertaining to many)
мультивалютный {adj} :: multi-currency
мультик {noun} [colloquial or childish] :: animated cartoon, animated film
мультикультурализм {noun} :: multiculturalism
мультимедиа {f inanp} :: multimedia
мультимедийный {adj} [relational] :: multimedia
мультиплекс {noun} :: multiplex (large cinema complex)
мультиплекс {noun} :: a set of TV or radio stations broadcast in one frequency band
мультипликационный {adj} :: animated (especially referring to cartoons)
мультипликационный фильм {noun} :: cartoon (animated cartoon)
мультипликационный фильм {noun} :: animated film
мультипликация {noun} :: animation (causing images to appear to move)
мультфильм {noun} :: cartoon (animated cartoon)
мультфильм {noun} :: animated film
мульча {noun} :: mulch
мульчировать {v both} :: to mulch
муляж {noun} :: dummy, full-scale model, decoy, waxwork
муляж {noun} :: anatomical dummy
Мумбаи {prop} {m inan} :: Мумбаи (capital city)
мумиё {noun} [usually, indeclinable] :: mumijo, natural shilajit, mineral tar, mineral pitch, mountain balsam (mumijo is an organic resinous substance found at high altitudes in the Himalayas and used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases. It is a dark brown or black tarry deposit in rock crevices.)
мумия {noun} :: mummy [embalmed corpse]
мундиаль {noun} :: The FIFA World Cup
мундир {noun} :: (military) uniform
мундштук {noun} :: mouthpiece (part of a wind or brass instrument)
мундштук {noun} :: cigarette holder
муниципалитет {noun} :: municipality; municipal government
муниципалитет {noun} :: city hall
муниципальный {adj} :: municipal (relating to a city)
мур {interj} [imitative] :: purr (sound a contented cat makes)
мура {noun} [colloquial] :: nonsense, garbage, rubbish
мурава {noun} :: young grass; sward
мурава {noun} [dated] :: glaze
муравей {noun} :: ant
муравей {noun} [colloquial, jocular, animate or inanimate] :: a special motor scooter with three wheels and a rear cargo area made in the USSR between 1959 and 1995 in Tula, officially capitalised - Муравей, some models were given different names: Турист, Тулица, the first model's name was Тула
муравейник {noun} :: anthill
муравейник {noun} [colloquial] :: apartment building or high-rise
муравьед {noun} :: anteater (mammal)
муравьиная кислота {noun} :: formic acid, methanoic acid
муравьиный {adj} [relational] :: ant; antlike
муравьиный лев {noun} :: antlion (nocturnal insects)
мурашка {noun} :: diminutive of муравей, ant
мурашка {noun} :: goosebump (usually plural)
мурашки {noun} :: goose bump (raised skin caused by cold, excitement, or fear)
мурза {noun} :: Morza
мурзик {noun} :: pussy-cat (affectionate name for cats)
Мурзик {prop} :: Murzik (a common name for cats)
Мурзик {prop} [rare] :: Murzik (a name for dogs, especially small)
мурин {noun} [obsolete] :: a black person; Maur
мурлыкать {v impf} :: to purr
мурлыкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hum
Мурманск {prop} :: Мурманск (city/administrative center)
мурманский {adj} [relational] :: Murmansk
мурманчанин {noun} :: citizen of Murmansk
муровать {v impf} [construction] :: to build out of bricks or stones and clay or mortar
Муром {prop} :: Муром (city)
мусарня {noun} [slang] :: police station
Мусасино {prop} {m inan} :: Мусасино (city)
мускул {noun} [anatomy] :: muscle
мускул {noun} [computing, slang] :: MySQL
мускулатура {noun} :: musculature, muscular system
мускулистый {adj} :: muscular, brawny (having strength)
мускус {noun} :: musk
мусолить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wet with saliva
мусолить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to leave dirty marks on with dirty or sticky fingers
мусолить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to spend too much time (over); to discuss or to speak about over and over again
мусор {noun} :: garbage, debris, refuse
мусор {noun} [slang, derogatory] :: cop, pig (policeman)
мусорить {v impf} :: to litter, to leave litter about
мусорка {noun} [colloquial] :: dumpster (large trash receptacle)
мусорка {noun} [colloquial] :: rubbish bin, garbage can
мусорка {noun} [colloquial] :: garbage truck
мусорный {adj} [relational] :: garbage
мусорный {adj} [relational] :: trash
мусорный {adj} [figurative] :: unwanted
мусоровоз {noun} :: garbage truck
мусорок {noun} [inanimate] :: diminutive of мусор: rubbish
мусорок {noun} [colloquial, animate, slang] :: diminutive of мусор: cop, pig (police officer)
мусоропровод {noun} :: garbage chute, refuse chute, refuse duct, rubbish chute
мусс {noun} :: mousse (dessert)
муссон {noun} :: monsoon (tropical rainy season)
мусульманин {noun} :: Muslim
мусульманка {noun} :: female Muslim
мусульманский {adj} :: Muslim
мусульманство {noun} :: Islam
мутаген {noun} :: mutagen
мутант {noun} :: mutant
мутация {noun} :: mutation
мутить {v impf} [also, figurative] :: to make (water) muddy
мутить {v impf} :: to cloud (the mind), to dull (the senses)
мутить {v impf} :: to incite to rebel
мутить {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be nauseated
мутный {adj} :: turbid, muddy (not clear)
муть {noun} :: dregs, mud, blur; slime sediment
муть {noun} [colloquial] :: nonsense, froth, foam
муфель {noun} :: (fireproof) muffle
муфлон {noun} :: mouflon
муфта {noun} :: muff, handwarmer
муфта {noun} [machines] :: clutch
муфтий {noun} [Islam] :: mufti
муха {noun} :: fly (insect)
мухи отдельно, котлеты отдельно {phrase} :: apples and oranges [non-comparable items] (literally, houseflies apart from cutlets)
мухи отдельно, котлеты отдельно {phrase} :: the wheat must be sorted from the chaff
мухлевать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cheat (in games)
мухлёж {noun} [colloquial] :: cheating [in games]
мухобойка {noun} :: flyswatter, flyflap
мухой {adv} :: quickly, rapidly, immediately
мухомор {noun} :: fly agaric, toadstool, death cap
Мухосранск {prop} [vulgar, colloquial] :: Bumfuck, Podunk
мухояр {noun} :: mukhoyar (an old Asian fabric of cotton blended with dyed wool or silk yarn, used to make garments in medieval Russia)
мухтар {noun} :: mukhtar
Муцу {prop} {m inan} :: Муцу (city)
Муцу {prop} {f inan} :: Муцу (historical province)
мучать {v impf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of мучить
мучаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of мучиться
мучение {noun} :: torment, torture, pain, anguish
мучение {noun} :: ordeal
мученик {noun} :: martyr
мученица {noun} :: female martyr; martyress
мученический {adj} [relational] :: martyr, martyrdom
мученический {adj} :: tormented [look, face, etc.] (expressing torment)
мученичество {noun} :: martyrdom
мучитель {noun} :: tormentor; torturer
мучительница {noun} :: tormentress
мучительно {adv} :: grievously, painfully (in a grievous manner)
мучительный {adj} :: grievous, painful (causing grief, pain or sorrow)
мучить {v impf} :: to torment, to anguish (cause to suffer pain)
мучить {v impf} :: to torture
мучить {v impf} :: to wear out, to bore, to tire out, to pester
мучиться {v impf} :: to agonize, to suffer (to experience pain)
мучиться {v impf} :: to worry, to torment oneself
мучной {adj} [relational] :: flour; farinaceous
мушиный {adj} [relational] :: fly
мушка {noun} [animate] :: diminutive of муха: a small fly, midge
мушка {noun} :: foresight, sight (of a rifle or a similar weapon)
мушка {noun} :: beauty spot, patch
мушкель {noun} :: mallet
мушкет {noun} :: musket
мушкетёр {noun} [historical] :: musketeer
мушмула {noun} :: loquat
мушмула {noun} :: medlar
муштра {noun} :: drill; drilling
муэдзин {noun} :: muezzin (the man who issues the call to prayer)
МФА {m inan} :: IPA, International Phonetic Alphabet
МХАТ {prop} :: Moscow Art Theatre
мхатовский {adj} [relational] :: MHAT (Moscow Art Theatre)
мчать {v impf} :: to rush, to whirl along
мчать {v impf} :: to rush/speed/tear along
мчаться {v impf} :: to scurry, to dash, to race, to tear along
МЧС {n inan} :: Ministry of Emergency Situations
мшанка {noun} [botany, inanimate] :: pearlwort (herb in the genus Sagina)
мшанка {noun} [zoology, inanimate or animate] :: bryozoan (invertebrate in the phylum Bryozoa)
мшить {v impf} [dated] :: to make fleecy, to shaggy
мшить {v impf} [dated, regional] :: to cover with moss, to stuff or caulk with moss
мщение {noun} :: vengeance, revenge (revenge taken for an insult, injury, or other wrong)
мы {pron} :: we
мы {pron} :: I (only when used with с)
мыза {noun} [dated, Saint Petersburg, Estonia, Latvia] :: farmstead, manor
-мыкать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of -мкнуть (to close, to lock)
мыло {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: soap
мыло {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: lather
мыло {noun} [slang] :: e-mail (by consonance with English mail)
мыльная опера {noun} :: soap opera (television serial)
мыльная пена {noun} :: lather
мыльная пена {noun} :: soapsuds
мыльница {noun} :: a soap dish
мыльница {noun} [colloquial] :: a cheap photo camera
мыльный {adj} :: soapy (full of soap)
мыльный пузырь {noun} :: soap bubble
мыльный пузырь {noun} :: empty vessel
мыльце {noun} :: endearing diminutive of мыло
мыс {noun} :: cape, promontory
мысленно {adv} :: mentally (in a mental manner)
мысленный {adj} :: mental
мыслимый {adj} :: conceivable, thinkable
мыслитель {noun} :: thinker
мыслительный {adj} :: thinking, intellectual
мыслить {v impf} :: to think
мыслиться {v impf} :: to be conceived/viewed
мыслишка {noun} [colloquial or pejorative] :: thought, judgement, mind
мысль {noun} :: thought
мысль {noun} :: idea
мыслю, следовательно, существую {phrase} :: I think therefore I am
мыслящий {adj} :: thinking, intelligent
мытарство {noun} :: ordeal, toil, affliction
мыто {noun} [historical] :: customs duty
мытый {adj} :: washed, clean
мыть {vt impf} :: to wash
мытьё {noun} :: washing
мыться {vr impf} :: to wash oneself
мычание {noun} :: moo, mooing
мычание {noun} [colloquial] :: mumbling
мычать {v impf} :: to moo
мычать {v impf} :: to bellow
мычать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to mumble
мышей {noun} :: foxtail, bristle grass, Setaria gen. et spp
мышеловка {noun} :: mousetrap
мышечная дистрофия {noun} :: muscular dystrophy
мышечный {adj} [relational] :: muscle; muscular
мышиный {adj} [relational] :: mouse
мышиный {adj} [color] :: mouse-gray
мышка {noun} [animate] :: diminutive of мышь
мышка {noun} [inanimate, computing, diminutive] :: mouse
мышление {noun} :: ideation, thought, thinking
мышонок {noun} :: little mouse, baby mouse, young mouse
мышоночек {noun} :: diminutive of мышонок: (cute / small) baby mouse
мышца {noun} :: muscle
мышь {noun} :: mouse (animal)
мышь {noun} :: mouse (computer pointing device)
мышьяк {noun} :: arsenic
мышьяковистый {adj} :: arsenous, arsenious
мышьяковистый ангидрид {noun} :: arsenous anhydride
мышьяковый {adj} [relational] :: arsenic
Мьянма {prop} :: Мьянма (country)
Мэгуро {prop} {m inan} :: Мэгуро (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
Мэн {prop} :: Мэн (state)
мэр {noun} :: mayor
Мэриленд {prop} :: Мэриленд (state)
мэрия {noun} :: mayor's office
мэрия {noun} :: city hall, town hall
мэтр {noun} :: master, maître
мюзикл {noun} :: musical
Мюнхен {prop} :: Мюнхен (city)
мюон {noun} :: muon
мюсли {n inan} {n inanp} :: muesli (breakfast dish)
мягкая власть {noun} :: soft power (political influence that is extended by means of diplomacy, international assistance, cultural exchanges, etc.)
мягкая сила {noun} :: soft power (political influence that is extended by means of diplomacy, international assistance, cultural exchanges, etc.)
мягкий {adj} :: soft
мягкий {adj} :: fresh
мягкий {adj} :: gentle [с + instrumental or по отношению к + dative, with]
мягкий {adj} :: mellow
мягкий {adj} :: mild
мягкий {adj} [phonetics, phonology] :: soft, palatal, palatalized
мягкий знак {noun} :: Name of the letter Ь, ь, the soft sign
мягко {adv} :: softly, mildly, gently
мягко {pred} :: it is comfortable, it is soft [e.g. for someone to sit]
мягкосердечный {adj} :: softhearted (gentle)
мягкость {noun} :: softness
мягкость {noun} :: mildness, gentleness
мягче {adv} :: comparative of мягкий
мягче {adv} :: comparative of мягко
мякина {noun} :: chaff
мякиш {noun} :: crumb (the soft inner part of bread)
мякнуть {v impf} :: to soften, to grow pulpy
мякнуть {v impf} :: to grow flabby, to become soft
мякоть {noun} :: (soft) flesh (of meat); pulp (of fruits)
мямлить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to mumble, to dodder, to hum and haw
мямля {noun} [colloquial] :: mumbler, wishy-washy person
мясистый {adj} :: meaty, fleshy
мясистый {adj} :: (fruit, vegetables) pulpy
мясная лавка {noun} :: butchershop
мясник {noun} :: butcher (a person who prepares and sells meat)
мясник {noun} [medicine, colloquial] :: butcher (bad surgeon)
мясницкий {adj} [relational, dated] :: butcher; butcher's
мясной {adj} [relational] :: meat
мясной {noun} [colloquial] :: meat store, meat market
мясо {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: meat
мясо {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: flesh, pulp
мясо {noun} [biology, usually, uncountable] :: tissue, flesh
мясо {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: (cannon) fodder
мясокомбинат {noun} :: meat processing plant; meat packing plant
мясоперерабатывающий {adj} [relational] :: meat processing
мясорубка {noun} :: mincing machine, meatgrinder, mincer
мясорубка {noun} [figuratively] :: slaughterhouse, slaughter
мясохладобойня {noun} :: packing house
мята {noun} :: mint (Mentha)
мятеж {noun} :: rebellion, mutiny (armed resistance)
мятежник {noun} :: rebel, mutineer
мятежный {adj} :: rebellious, mutinous
мятежный {adj} [poetic] :: restless, passionate
мятный {adj} [relational] :: mint; minty
мятый {adj} :: creased
мятый {adj} :: rumpled, crumpled
мятый {adj} :: crushed, flattened
мятый {adj} :: weary, exhausted
мять {v impf} :: to rumple, to crumple, to wrinkle, to fumble, to crease
мять {v impf} :: to knead
мяться {vi impf} :: to crease, to wrinkle
мяться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hesitate
мяу {interj} :: [imitative] meow (sound a cat makes)
мяукать {v impf} :: to meow, to mew
мяукнуть {v pf} :: to meow, to mew
мяч {noun} :: ball (object, generally spherical, used for playing games)
мячик {noun} :: diminutive of мяч: (small) ball