[edit]му • (mu) m or n (personal, possessive)
- Short form of the third-person singular masculine pronoun in the dative case, used as the indirect object of a verb; to him, for him, him.
- Дай му книгата.
- Daj mu knigata.
- Give him the book.
- Тя му написа писмо.
- Tja mu napisa pismo.
- She wrote him a letter.
- Не му се ходи на кино.
- Ne mu se hodi na kino.
- He doesn't feel like going to the cinema.
- Short form of the third-person singular masculine possessive pronoun; his.
- Георги и баща му.
- Georgi i bašta mu.
- George and his father.
- Очите му са сини.
- Očite mu sa sini.
- His eyes are blue.
- Short form of the third-person singular neuter pronoun in the dative case, used as the indirect object of a verb; to it, for it, it.
- Кучето глозгаше кокала, който му бяха дали.
- Kučeto glozgaše kokala, kojto mu bjaha dali.
- The dog was gnawing at the bone they had given it.
- Short form of the third-person singular neuter possessive pronoun; its.
- Кучето и опашката му.
- Kučeto i opaškata mu.
- The dog and its tail.
Related terms
[edit]nominative (subject) |
accusative (direct complement) |
dative (indirect complement) |
prepositional | |||||
full | short | full | short | |||||
singular | first person | аз (az) | мен (men) ме́не (méne) |
ме (me) | ме́не (méne) | ми (mi) | мен (men) ме́не (méne) | |
second person |
informal | ти (ti) | теб (teb) те́бе (tébe) |
те (te) | те́бе (tébe) | ти (ti) | теб (teb) те́бе (tébe) | |
formal | Ви́е (Víe) | Вас (Vas) | Ви (Vi) | Вам (Vam) | Ви (Vi) | Вас (Vas) | ||
third person |
masculine | той (toj) | не́го (négo) | го (go) | не́му (nému) | му (mu) | не́го (négo) | |
feminine | тя (tja) | не́я (néja) | я (ja) | ней (nej) | ѝ (ì) | не́я (néja) | ||
neuter | то (to) | не́го (négo) | го (go) | не́му (nému) | му (mu) | не́го (négo) | ||
plural | first person | ни́е (níe) ний (nij) |
нас (nas) | ни (ni) | нам (nam) | ни (ni) | нас (nas) | |
second person |
informal | ви́е (víe) вий (vij) |
вас (vas) | ви (vi) | вам (vam) | ви (vi) | вас (vas) | |
formal | Ви́е (Víe) | Вас (Vas) | Ви (Vi) | Вам (Vam) | Ви (Vi) | Вас (Vas) | ||
third person | те (te) | тях (tjah) | ги (gi) | тям (tjam) | им (im) | тях (tjah) |
possessor | singular | plural | |
first person (my, our) | мой (moj) | наш (naš) | |
second person (your) |
informal | твой (tvoj) | ваш (vaš) |
formal | Ваш (Vaš) | ||
third person (his, her, its, their) |
masculine | не́гов (négov) | те́хен (téhen) |
feminine | не́ин (néin) | ||
neuter | не́гов (négov) | ||
reflexive | свой (svoj) |
[edit]- ум (um)
[edit]Cognate of Mandarin Chinese 母 (mǔ)
[edit]му • (mu)
[edit]From Proto-Tungusic *mū. Cognate with Even мө (mö), Manchu ᠮᡠᡴᡝ (muke), Nanai муэ (mue).
[edit]му • (mu)
[edit]From Proto-Mongolic *maγu. Cognate with Mongolian муу (muu).
[edit]му • (mu) (Clear script spelling ᡏᡇᡇ (muu))
[edit]From Proto-Permic *mu, from Proto-Uralic *mëxe. Cognates include Finnish maa and Northern Mansi ма̄ (mā).
[edit]му • (mu)
[edit]Declension of му (stem: му-) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | му (mu) | муэз (muez) | |
accusative | I* | му (mu) | муэз (muez) |
II* | муӧс (muös) | муэзӧс (muezös) | |
instrumental | муӧн (muön) | муэзӧн (muezön) | |
comitative | мукӧт (muköt) | муэзкӧт (muezköt) | |
caritive | мутӧг (mutög) | муэзтӧг (mueztög) | |
consecutive | мула (mula) | муэзла (muezla) | |
genitive | мулӧн (mulön) | муэзлӧн (muezlön) | |
ablative | мулісь (muliś) | муэзлісь (muezliś) | |
dative | мулӧ (mulö) | муэзлӧ (muezlö) | |
inessive | муын (muyn) | муэзын (muezyn) | |
elative | муись (muiś) | муэзісь (mueziś) | |
illative | муӧ (muö) | муэзӧ (muezö) | |
egressive | мусянь (muśań) | муэзсянь (muezśań) | |
approximative | мулань (mulań) | муэзлань (muezlań) | |
terminative | I | муӧдз (muödź) | муэзӧдз (muezödź) |
II | муви (muvi) | муэзви (muezvi) | |
prolative | муӧт (muöt) | муэзӧт (muezöt) | |
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I. |
Possessive declension of му | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[edit]- R. M. Batalova, A. S. Krivoshchekova-Gantman (1985) Коми-пермяцко-русский словарь [Komi-Permyak-Russian dictionary][1], Moscow: Русский язык, page 256
[edit]From Proto-Permic *mu, from Proto-Uralic *mëxe. Cognates include Finnish maa and Northern Mansi ма̄ (mā).
[edit]му • (mu)
[edit]Declension of му (stem: му-) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | му (mu) | муяс (mujas) | |
accusative | I* | му (mu) | муяс (mujas) |
II* | муӧс (muös) | муясӧс (mujasös) | |
instrumental | муӧн (muön) | муясӧн (mujasön) | |
comitative | мукӧд (muköd) | муяскӧд (mujasköd) | |
caritive | мутӧг (mutög) | муястӧг (mujastög) | |
consecutive | мула (mula) | муясла (mujasla) | |
genitive | мулӧн (mulön) | муяслӧн (mujaslön) | |
ablative | мулысь (mulyś) | муяслысь (mujaslyś) | |
dative | мулы (muly) | муяслы (mujasly) | |
inessive | муын (muyn) | муясын (mujasyn) | |
elative | муысь (muyś) | муясысь (mujasyś) | |
illative | муӧ (muö) | муясӧ (mujasö) | |
egressive | мусянь (muśań) | муяссянь (mujasśań) | |
approximative | мулань (mulań) | муяслань (mujaslań) | |
terminative | муӧдз (muödź) | муясӧдз (mujasödź) | |
prolative | I | муӧд (muöd) | муясӧд (mujasöd) |
II | муті (muti) | муясті (mujasti) | |
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I. |
Possessive declension of му | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Derived terms
[edit]- Рочму (Roćmu)
[edit]- Bubrikh, Dmitry V. (1949) Грамматика литературного коми языка [Grammar of the literary Komi language] (in Russian), Leningrad: Zhdanov Leningrad State University, page 38
- L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 399
[edit]му • (mu)
[edit]му • (mu)
- Short indirect object form of тој (toj).
[edit](This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
[edit]му (mu)
[edit]- Č. M. Taksami, editor (1996), Нивхско-русский и русско-нивхский словарь [Nivkh-Russian and Russian-Nivkh dictionary], Saint Petersburg: Просвещение, →ISBN, page 49
[edit]му • (mu)
[edit]му (Latin spelling mu)
[edit]Singular | Plural | |||||
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | |
nominative | о̑н | о̀на | о̀но | о̀ни | о̀не | о̀на |
genitive | ње̏га, га | ње̑, је | ње̏га, га | њи̑х, их | њи̑х, их | њи̑х, их |
dative | ње̏му, му | њо̑ј, јој | ње̏му, му | њи̏ма, им | њи̏ма, им | њи̏ма, им |
accusative | ње̏га, га, њ | њу̑, ју, је, њу | ње̏га, га, њ | њи̑х, их | њи̑х, их | њи̑х, их |
vocative | — | — | — | — | — | — |
locative | ње̏м, ње̏му | њо̑ј | ње̏м, ње̏му | њи̏ма | њи̏ма | њи̏ма |
instrumental | њи̑м, њи́ме | њо̑м, њо́ме | њи̑м, њи́ме | њи̏ма | њи̏ма | њи̏ма |
[edit]Etymology 1
From Proto-Permic *mu, from Proto-Uralic *mëxe. Cognates include Finnish maa and Northern Mansi ма̄ (mā).
Permic cognates include Komi-Zyrian му (mu) and Komi-Permyak му (mu).
[edit]му • (mu)
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | му mu |
муос muos |
accusative | муэз muez |
муосыз muosyz |
genitive | мулэн mulen |
муослэн muoslen |
dative | мулы muly |
муослы muosly |
ablative | мулэсь muleś |
муослэсь muosleś |
instrumental | муэн muen |
муосын muosyn |
abessive | мутэк mutek |
муостэк muostek |
adverbial | муя muja |
муосъя muosja |
inessive | муын muyn |
муосын muosyn |
illative | муэ mue |
муосы muosy |
elative | муысь muyś |
муосысь muosyś |
egressive | муысьен muyśjen |
муосысьен muosyśjen |
terminative | муозь muoź |
муосозь muosoź |
prolative | мутӥ muti |
муосытӥ muosyti |
allative | мулань mulań |
муослань muoslań |
Derived terms 1
[edit]Etymology 2
From Proto-Permic *må, from Proto-Uralic *mete, borrowed from an Indo-European language, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *médʰu (compare Russian мёд (mjod) and English mead). Cognates include Western Mari мӱ (mü) and Hungarian méz.
Permic cognates include Komi-Zyrian ма (ma) and Komi-Permyak ма (ma).
[edit]му • (mu)
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | му mu |
муос muos |
accusative | муэз muez |
муосыз muosyz |
genitive | мулэн mulen |
муослэн muoslen |
dative | мулы muly |
муослы muosly |
ablative | мулэсь muleś |
муослэсь muosleś |
instrumental | муэн muen |
муосын muosyn |
abessive | мутэк mutek |
муостэк muostek |
adverbial | муя muja |
муосъя muosja |
inessive | муын muyn |
муосын muosyn |
illative | муэ mue |
муосы muosy |
elative | муысь muyś |
муосысь muosyś |
egressive | муысьен muyśjen |
муосысьен muosyśjen |
terminative | муозь muoź |
муосозь muosoź |
prolative | мутӥ muti |
муосытӥ muosyti |
allative | мулань mulań |
муослань muoslań |
[edit]- чечы (ćećy)
Derived terms 2
[edit]- муаны (muany)
[edit]- L. E. Kirillova, L. L. Karpova, editors (2008), “му”, in Удмурт-ӟуч кыллюкам [Udmurt-Russian dictionary], Izhevsk: Удмуртский институт истории, языка и литературы УрО РАН, →ISBN, page 439
- T. V. Voronova, T. A. Poyarkova, editor (2012), Удмурт-ӟуч, ӟуч-удмурт кыллюкам [Udmurt-Russian, Russian-Udmurt dictionary] (overall work in Russian), Izhevsk: Книжное издательство «Удмуртия», →ISBN, page 48
- Yrjö Wichmann, Toivo Emil Uotila (1987) Mikko Korhonen, editor, Wotjakischer Wortschatz [Votyak Vocabulary] (Lexica Societatis Fenno-Ugricae; Volume 21) (overall work in German), Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura, →ISBN, →ISSN, page 164
- Bulgarian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Bulgarian non-lemma forms
- Bulgarian pronoun forms
- Bulgarian terms with usage examples
- Dungan lemmas
- Dungan nouns
- Evenki terms inherited from Proto-Tungusic
- Evenki terms derived from Proto-Tungusic
- Evenki terms with IPA pronunciation
- Evenki lemmas
- Evenki nouns
- Kalmyk terms inherited from Proto-Mongolic
- Kalmyk terms derived from Proto-Mongolic
- Kalmyk terms with IPA pronunciation
- Kalmyk lemmas
- Kalmyk adjectives
- Komi-Permyak terms inherited from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Permyak terms derived from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Permyak terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Komi-Permyak terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Komi-Permyak terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Komi-Permyak/u
- Rhymes:Komi-Permyak/u/1 syllable
- Komi-Permyak lemmas
- Komi-Permyak nouns
- Komi-Zyrian terms inherited from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Zyrian terms derived from Proto-Permic
- Komi-Zyrian terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Komi-Zyrian terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Komi-Zyrian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Komi-Zyrian/u
- Rhymes:Komi-Zyrian/u/1 syllable
- Komi-Zyrian lemmas
- Komi-Zyrian nouns
- Macedonian 1-syllable words
- Macedonian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Macedonian oxytone terms
- Macedonian lemmas
- Macedonian interjections
- Macedonian non-lemma forms
- Macedonian pronoun forms
- Nivkh terms with IPA pronunciation
- Nivkh lemmas
- Nivkh nouns
- niv:Vehicles
- Russian 1-syllable words
- Russian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Russian lemmas
- Russian interjections
- Russian terms with usage examples
- evn:Water
- ru:Animal sounds
- Serbo-Croatian lemmas
- Serbo-Croatian pronouns
- Udmurt terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Udmurt/u
- Rhymes:Udmurt/u/1 syllable
- Udmurt terms inherited from Proto-Permic
- Udmurt terms derived from Proto-Permic
- Udmurt terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Udmurt terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Udmurt lemmas
- Udmurt nouns
- Udmurt terms derived from Indo-European languages
- Udmurt terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- udm:Liquids