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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-m

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow ::
macadam {n} (surface of a road) :: макадам {m}; makadam {m}
macaroni {n} (type of pasta) :: макароне {f-p}; makarone {f-p}
Macau {prop} (a city just west of Hong Kong) :: Макао {m}, Макау {m}; Makao {m}, Makau {m}
mace {n} (weapon) :: буздован {m}; buzdòvān {m}
mace {n} (ceremonial form of this weapon) :: жезло {n}; žèzlo {n}
mace {n} (a spice) :: muškatni cvijet {m}, macis {m}
Macedonia {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: Македонија {f}; Makèdōnija {f}
Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia) :: Македонија {f}, Република Македонија {f}; Makèdōnija {f}, Repùblika Makèdōnija {f}
Macedonia {prop} (region of northern Greece) :: Македонија {f}; Makèdōnija {f}
Macedonia {prop} (region of Bulgaria) :: Пиринска Македонија {f}; Pirinska Makèdōnija {f}
Macedonian {adj} (of Macedonia or its people or language) :: македонскӣ; makèdōnskī
Macedonian {n} (person from Macedonia) :: Македонац {m}, Македонка {f}; Makedonac {m}, Makedonka {f}
Macedonian {n} (Slavic language of Macedonia) :: македонскӣ {m}; makèdōnskī {m}
machete {n} (a sword-like tool) :: mačeta
machicolation {n} (opening between corbels that support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, of a fortified building) :: машикула
machination {n} (clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes) :: махинација {f}, макинација {f}, сплетка {f}; mahinacija {f}, makinacija {f}, spletka {f}
machine {n} (mechanical or electrical device) :: машина {f}, строј {m}; mašina {f}, stroj {m}
machine {n} (archaic: vehicle, automobile) :: строј {m}; stroj {m}
machine {n} (a person who is very proficient) :: stroj
machine code {n} (machine language) SEE: machine language ::
machine gun {n} (type of firearm) :: митраљез {m}, стројница {f}; mitraljez {m} strojnica {f}
machine-gunner {n} (someone who uses a machine gun) :: mitraljezac {m}, strojničar, митраљезац, стројничар
machine language {n} (set of instructions for a computer) :: машински језик, машински код {m}, стројни језик {m}; mašinski jezik {m}, mašinski kod {m}, strojni jezik {m}
machinery {n} :: mašinerija {f}
machine tool {n} (tool used for machining) :: алатни строј {m}; alatni stroj {m}
machine translation {n} (act of translating something by means of a machine) :: strojno prevođenje {n}
machinist {n} (operator) SEE: operator ::
mackerel {n} (edible fish) :: скуша {f}; skȕša {f}
mackerel bird {n} (wryneck) SEE: wryneck ::
mackintosh {n} (raincoat in general) SEE: raincoat ::
macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe ::
macroeconomics {n} (study of the entire economy) :: макроекономија {f}; makroekonòmija {f}
mad {adj} (insane (adj.)) :: луд; lȗd
Madagascar {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Мадагаскар {m}; Madagaskar {m}
madam {n} (polite term of address to a woman) :: госпођа {f}; gospođa {f}
madder {n} (plant) :: броћ {m}; brȍć {m}
Madeira {prop} (island and autonomous region) :: Madeira {f}
madness {n} (insanity) :: ludost {f}, ludilo {n}, poremećenost {f}
madness {n} :: лудило; ludilo
Madonna {prop} (Virgin Mary) SEE: Virgin Mary ::
Madras {prop} (city) :: Мадрас {m}; Màdras {m}
madrasa {n} (madrasah) SEE: madrasah ::
madrasah {n} (school for Islamic theology) :: медреса {f}; medresa {f}
madrigal {n} (either musical sense) :: мадрѝгал {m}; madrìgāl {m}
madrigalist {n} (singer of madrigals) :: магригалист {m}; madrigàlist {m}
madrone {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
maelstrom {n} (large whirlpool) :: vir {m}, vrtlog {m}, kovitlac {m}
maelstrom {n} (any violent or turbulent situation) :: vrtlog {m}, kovitlac {m}
mafia {n} (a crime syndicate) :: мафија {f}; mafija {f}
Magadan {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Магадан {m}, Magadan {m}
Magas {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Магас {m}; Magas {m}
magazine {n} (periodical) :: часопӣс {m}, времепис {m}; čȁsopīs {m}, vremepis {m}
Magdalene {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Mary Magdalene ::
mage {n} (magician, wizard or sorcerer) :: čarobnjak {m}, mag {m}
maggot {n} (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing organic matter) :: лѝчӣнка {f}; lìčīnka {f}
magic {n} (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) :: чаролија {f}, магија {f}, мађија {f}; čarolija {f}, magija {f}, mađija {f}
magic {n} (ritual associated with supernatural magic or mysticism) :: чаролија {f}, враџбина {f}, врачање {n} магија {f}; čarolija {f}, vradžbina {f}, vračanje {n}, magija {f}
magic {n} (illusion performed to give the appearance of magic or the supernatural) :: чаролија {f}, магија {f}, мађија {f}; čarolija {f}, magija {f}, mađija {f}
magic {n} (something spectacular or wonderful) :: чаролија {f}, магија {f}; čarolija {f}, magija {f}
magic {adj} (having supernatural talents, properties or qualities) :: čarobni {m}, magični {m}
magician {n} (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) :: мађионичар {m}, маг {m}, чаробњак {m}; mađioničar {m}, mag {m}, čarobnjak {m}
magician {n} :: мађионичар {m}, чаробњак {m}, чаробница {f}; mađioničar {m}, čarobnjak {m}, čarobnica {f}; mađioničar {m}, čarobnjak {m}, čarobnica {f}
magic wand {n} (wand used to perform magic) :: чаробни штапић {m}; čarobni štapić {m}
magister {n} (The possessor of a master's degree) :: магистар {m}; magistar {m}
magma {n} (molten matter) :: магма {f}, лава {f}; màgma {f}, láva {f}
Magna Carta {prop} (charter granted by King John to the barons at Runnymede in 1215) :: Магна карта {f}; Magna Karta {f}
Magna Graecia {prop} (Ancient Greek colonies in Italy and Sicily) :: Magna Graecia
magnality {n} (great or wonderful thing) SEE: miracle ::
magnanimous {adj} (noble and generous in spirit) :: великодушан; velikòdušan
magnesium {n} (chemical element) :: магнезијум {?}, магнезиј {m}; magnezium {?}, màgnēzij {m}
magnet {n} (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) :: магнет {m}; màgnēt {m}
magnetism {n} (the property of being magnetic) :: magnetizam {m}, магнетизам {m}
magnetite {n} (a mineral) :: magnetit
magnetoencephalography {n} (technique) :: магнетоенцефалографија {f}; magnetoencefalografija {f}
magnificent {adj} (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance) :: величанствен; veličanstven
magnifying glass {n} (instrument) :: лупа {f}, увеличавајуће стакло {n}; lupa {f}, uveličavajuće staklo {n}
Magnitogorsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Магнитогорск {m}; Magnitogorsk {m}
magnolia {n} (tree) :: магнолија {f}; magnolija {f}
magnolia {n} (flower) :: магнолија {f}; magnolija {f}
magpie {n} (bird of genus Pica) :: сврака {f}; svrȁka {f}
Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian ::
Mahilyow {prop} (Mogilev) SEE: Mogilev ::
mahr {n} (a mandatory gift from the groom to the bride upon marriage in Islamic cultures) :: мехр {m}; mehr {m}
maid {n} (young female) :: дева {f}, дјева {f}, девојка {f}, дјевојка {f}, мома {f}; deva {f}, djeva {f}, devojka {f}, djevojka {f}, moma
maid {n} (female servant or cleaner) :: слушкиња {f}, собарица {f}, служавка {f}; sluškinja {f}, sobarica {f}, služavka {f}
maiden {n} (unmarried young female) :: девојка {f}, дјевојка {f}; dèvōjka {f}, djèvōjka {f}
maiden {n} (female virgin) :: девица {f}, дјевица {f}; dèvica {f}, djèvica {f}
maiden {n} :: дева {f}, дјева {f}, младица {f}, мома {f}; déva {f}, djéva {f}, mlàdica {f}, móma {f}, mladojka {f}
maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin ::
maidenhair {n} (fern) :: góspīn vlásak {m}, adiantum {n}
maidenhair fern {n} (maidenhair) SEE: maidenhair ::
maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) :: девојачко презиме {n}, дјевојачко презиме {n}; devojačko prezime {n}, djevojačko prezime {n}
mail {n} (postal delivery system) :: пошта {f}; pȍšta {f}
mail {n} :: пошта {f} [1, 2, 3, 4], поштански /poštanski/; [1, 2, 3, 4] pošta {f}; pošta {f} [1, 2, 3, 4], poštanski
mail {v} (to send via the post) :: послати; poslati
mailman {n} (post office employee) :: поштар {m}, листоноша {m}, писмоноша {m}; poštar {m}, listonoša {m}, pismonoša {m}
main {adj} (chief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.) :: главнӣ; glàvnī
main course {n} (main dish of a meal) :: главно јело {n}; glavno jelo {n}
maintain {v} (to maintain, to consider) SEE: hold ::
maintenance {n} (keeping a machine or system in service) :: одржавање {n}; održávanje {n}
maintenance {n} (legal: payment made to a spouse after a divorce) SEE: alimony ::
Mainz {prop} (the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate) :: Мајнц {m}; Mainz {m}, Majnc {m}
maize {n} (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) :: кукуруз {m}; kukùruz {m}
majestic {adj} (having splendor or royalty) :: величанствен, мајестетичан; veličànstven, majestètičan
majestical {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
majlis {n} (council, assembly, or public meeting, in some Muslim countries or territories) :: меџлис {m}; medžlis {m}
major {n} (military rank) :: бојнӣк {m}, бојница {f}, мајор {m}; bȏjnīk {m}, bȏjnica {f}, màjōr {m}
Majorca {prop} (island) :: Маљорка {f}, Мајорка {f}; Maljorka {f}, Mallorca {f}
majordomo {n} (head servant) :: дворски управник {m}, мајордом {m}
majordomo {n} (manager of an estate; overseer of a farm) :: газда {m}, управник имања
majordomo {n} (any overseer, organizer, person in command) :: надзорник {m}, управник {m}
majority {n} (more than half) :: већина {f}; većina {f}
majuscule {n} (upper-case letter) SEE: capital letter ::
make {v} :: направити, правити; napraviti, praviti
make a face {v} (to make a facial expression) :: бељити се; béljiti se {impf}
make friends {v} (to create friendships) :: пријатељевати се; prijateljevati se
make love {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse, see also: copulate) :: водити љубав; voditi ljubav
make up {v} (to apply cosmetics or makeup) :: шминкати; šmȋnkati
makeup {n} (cosmetics) :: шминка {f}; šminka {f}
make yourself at home {phrase} :: раскомоти се [to one person], раскомотите се [to many people]; raskomoti se [to one person], raskomotite se [to many people]
Makhachkala {prop} (capital of Dagestan, Russia) :: Махачкала {f}; Mahačkala {f}
malaise {n} (bodily feeling) :: malaksalost {f}
malaria {n} (disease) :: маларија {f}; malarija {f}
Malawi {prop} (Republic of Malawi) :: Малави {m}; Malavi {m}
Malay {adj} :: Malajski; малезијски, malezijski
Malay {n} :: Malajski; малезијски, malezijski; Malajski; малезијски, malezijski
Malayalam {n} (language) :: малајалам језик {m}; malajalam jezik {m}
Malaysia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Малезија {f}; Màlēzija {f}
Malaysian {prop} (Malay) SEE: Malay ::
Maldives {prop} (country in South Asia) :: Малдиви {m-p}; Maldivi {m-p}
male {adj} (grammatically masculine) SEE: masculine ::
male {adj} (belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or the gender typically associated with it) :: мушкӣ; mȕškī
male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) :: мушкарац {m}; muškárac {m}
male {n} (animal of masculine sex) :: мужјак {m}; mȕžjāk {m}
male {n} :: мужјак {m}; mȕžjāk {m}
maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse ::
maledict {v} (berate) SEE: berate ::
malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
malediction {n} (evil speech) :: проклетство {n}; prokletstvo {n}
malefactor {n} (criminal or felon) :: злочинац {m}; zlòčinac {m}
malefactor {n} (evildoer) :: злотвор {m}; zlȍtvor {m}
malfeasance {n} (wrongdoing) :: malverzacija {f}
Mali {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: Мали {m}; Mȃli {m}
malice {n} (intention to harm) :: пакост {f}, злоба {f}, злонамерност {f}, злурад {m}, малӣција {f}, злоћа {f}; pȁkōst {f}, zlòba {f}, zlonámērnōst {f}, zlùrad {m}, màlīcija {f}, zlòća {f}
malicious {adj} (Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite) :: mȁliciōzan, zlȍban
malicious {adj} (Deliberately harmful; spiteful) :: mȁliciōzan, zlonámjēran
malignant {adj} (harmful, malevolent, injurious) :: малѝган, злоћудан; màlīgan, zlòćudan
malignant {adj} (tending to produce death) :: малѝган, злоћудан; màlīgan, zlòćudan
malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
mallard {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) :: патка глувара; divlja patka
mallow {n} (any of a group of plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae) :: slez {m}
malmsey {n} (wine made from malvasia) :: малвазија {f}; màlvāzija {f}
malt {n} (sprouted grain used in brewing) :: slȃd {m}, слад {m}
Malta {prop} (republic) :: Малта {f}; Malta {f}
Malta {prop} (island) :: Малта {f}; Malta {f}
malvasia {n} (grapevine used to make malmsey) :: малвазија {f}; màlvāzija {f}
malware {n} (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) :: малвер {m}, штетни софтвер {m}, злонамјерни софтвер {m} / злонамерни софтвер {m}; malver {m}, štetni sȍftvēr {m}, zlonamjerni sȍftvēr {m} / zlonamerni sȍftvēr {m}
mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mammal {n} (animal of the class Mammalia) :: сисар {m}, сисавац {m}; sisar {m}, sisavac {m}
mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal ::
mammoth {n} (elephant-like mammal) :: мамут {m}; màmut {m}
man {n} (adult male human) :: човјек {m}, мушкарац {m}; čovjek {m}, muškarac {m}
man {n} (human) :: човек {m}, човјек {m}, човјек {m}, људи {p} [plural only]; čovek {m}, čovjek {m}, ljudi {p} [plural only]
Man {prop} (genus Homo) :: човек {m}, човјек {m}; čovek {m}, čovjek {m}
manacle {n} (shackle for the wrist) :: лисице {f-p}; Ronma: lisice {f-p}
manage {v} (to direct or be in charge) :: управљати
manage {v} (to handle or control a situation or job) :: контролисати
manage {v} (to succeed at an attempt) :: постићи
manage {v} (to achieve without fuss, or without outside help) :: успети
management {n} (administration; the process or practice of managing) :: управљање {n}, менаџмент {m}; upravljanje {n}, menadžment {m}
manager {n} (person whose job is to manage something) :: пословођа {m}, менаџер {m}, директор {m}, руководилац {m}; poslovođa {m}, menadžer {m}, direktor {m}, rukovodilac {m}
Manama {prop} (the capital city of Bahrain) :: Манама {f}; Manama {f}
manatee {n} (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) :: ламантӣн {m}; lamàntīn {m}
Manchuria {prop} (historical region in Northeast Asia) :: Манџурија {f}; Màndžūrija {f}
mandarin {n} (Chinese Imperial bureaucrat) :: мандарӣн {m}; mandàrīn {m}
mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange ::
Mandarin {n} (Standard Mandarin, see also: Chinese) :: мандарински {m}; mandarinski {m}
mandarin orange {n} (tree) :: мандарина {f}, тангерина {f}; mandarina {f}, tangerina {f}
mandarin orange {n} (fruit) :: мандарина {f}, тангерина {f}; mandarina {f}, tangerina {f}
mandrake {n} (botany) :: мандрагора {f}, алрауна {f}, буновина {f}, надлишка {f}; mandragora {f}, alrauna {f}, bunovina {f}, nadliška {f}
mane {n} (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) :: грива {f}; grȉva {f}
mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) :: грива {f}; grȉva {f}
manga {n} (comic originated in Japan) :: манга {f}; manga {f}
manganese {n} (chemical element) :: манган {m}; màngān {m}
mange {n} (skin disease) :: šuga {f}, svrab
mango {n} (fruit) :: манго {n}; mȁngo {n}
mangy {adj} (afflicted with mange) :: шугав; šȕgav
manhater {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope ::
manhole {n} (a hole in the ground used to access the sewers or other underground vaults and installations) :: шахт {m}; šaht {m}
maniac {n} (insane person) :: manijak
manicure {n} (cosmetic treatment for the fingernails) :: маникир {m}; manikir {m}
manifold {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Manila {prop} (capital of the Philippines) :: Манила {f}; Manila {f}
maniple {n} (division of the Roman army) :: манипула {f}; manipola {f}
manipulatable {adj} (gullible) SEE: gullible ::
manipulation {n} (practice of manipulating) :: manipulacija
manipulation {n} (skillful use of the hands) :: manipulacija
mankind {n} (human race) :: [Ekavian] човечанство {n}, [Ijekavian] човјечанство {n}, људство {n}; [Ekavian] čovečànstvo {n}, [Ijekavian] čovječànstvo {n}, ljudstvo {n}
mankind {n} (men collectively, as opposed to all women) :: мушкиње {n}
manna ash {n} (Fraxinus ornis) :: crni jasen
manner {n} (way of performing or effecting; method or style) :: манӣр {m}; mànīr {m}
manners {n} (etiquette) :: манири {m-p} /maniri/; maniri {m-p}
man of letters {n} (a literary man) :: књижевник {m}; književnik {m}
manor {n} (landed estate) :: feud
manor {n} (feudal district) :: leno
mansard {n} (mansard roof) SEE: mansard roof ::
mansard roof {n} (a roof with a shallower slope descending into a steeper slope) :: мансарда, mansárda
mansion {n} (large house or building) :: ljetnikovac {m}
manslaughter {n} (act of killing unlawfully) :: ubojstvo iz nehaja {n}
mantis {n} (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea) :: богомољка {f}; bogomoljka {f}
manual {n} (handbook or booklet that instructs) :: príručnīk {m}, uputstvo {n}
manual {n} :: priručnik
manual {adj} (performed with the hands) :: ручнӣ; rȕčnī
manual transmission {n} (type of transmission) :: ручни мењач {m}, ručni menjač {m}
manufacture {v} (to make things) :: proìzvesti
manufacture {v} (to produce goods) :: proìzvesti
manufacture {v} :: poizvesti , proizvod , izrađevina , prerada , izmisliti , izraditi , izrada
manure {n} (excrement) :: балега {f}, гној {m}; baléga {f}, gnȏj {m}
manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand ::
manuscript {adj} (handwritten, or by extension typewritten) :: рукописни, руком писани; rukopisni, rukom pisani
manuscript {n} (book, composition or any other document, written by hand) :: рукопис {m}; rȕkopīs {m}
manuscript {n} (book, article etc, submitted for reproductive publication) :: рукопис {m}; rȕkopīs {m}
manuscript {n} :: manuskript {m}
manustupration {n} (masturbation) :: мануступрација {f} /manustupracija/; manustupracija {f}
many {determiner} (an indefinite large number of) :: mnogo {p}, много, mnogi, многи
manyplies {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
many thanks {interj} (many thanks) :: пуно хвала; puno hvala
Maoism {n} (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) :: маоизам {m}; maoizam {m}
map {n} (visual representation of an area) :: карта {f}, мапа {f}, земљовӣд {m} [Croatian]; kȃrta {f}, mȁpa {f}, zȅmljovīd {m} [Croatian]
maple {n} (tree of the Acer genus) :: јавор {m}; javor {m}
mapping {n} (function that maps every element of a given set to a unique element of another set) :: preslikavanje {n}
marathon {n} (road race) :: маратон {m}; mȁratōn {m}
marble {n} (crystalline limestone) :: мрамор {m}, мермер {m}; mramor {m}, mermer {m}
marble {n} (spherical ball) :: кликер {m}; kliker {m}
marcasite {n} (mineral) :: марказӣт {m}, маркасӣт {m}; markàzīt {m}, markàsīt {m}
march {n} (formal, rhythmic way of walking) :: марш {m}; mȁrš {m}
march {n} (song in the genre of music written for marching) :: марш {m}; mȁrš {m}
march {v} (walk with long, regular strides) :: корачати {impf}; koràčati {impf}
March {prop} (third month of the Gregorian calendar) :: март {m}; mart {m}, ožujak {m} [Croatia]
marchioness {n} (wife of a marquess) :: markiza
mare {n} (female horse) :: кобила {f}; kòbila
margarine {n} (spread) :: маргарӣн {m}; margàrīn {m}
margin {n} (edge of the paper that remains blank) :: margina {f}
margin {n} (edge or border of any flat surface) :: rub {m}
margin {n} (permissible difference) :: zazor {m}
margin {n} (yield or profit) :: profitna margina {f}
Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary ::
marigold {n} (Calendula) :: невен {m}, neven {m}
marijuana {n} (the drug) :: марихуана {f}; marihuana {f}
marina {n} (harbour) :: марина {f}; marína {f}
marine {adj} (of or pertaining to the sea) :: морскӣ; mòrskī
mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
mariner's compass {n} (compass) SEE: compass ::
Mariolatry {n} (adoration or veneration of the Virgin Mary to an extent regarded as inappropriate or even idolatrous) :: mariolatrija {f}, marijanska pobožnost {f}
marital {adj} (pertaining to marriage) :: supružanski
mariticide {n} (a man who kills his wife) SEE: uxoricide ::
marjoram {n} (plant) :: majòrān {f}, majorána {f}, màžurān {f}, mažurána {f}
marjoram {n} (culinary herb) :: majòrān {f}, majorána {f}, màžurān {f}, mažurána {f}
mark {n} (unit of currency) :: марка {f}; marka {f}
mark {n} (coin) :: марка {f}; marka {f}
Mark {prop} (male given name) :: Марко {m}; Marko {m}
Mark {prop} (the Evangelist) :: Марко {m}; Marko {m}
market {n} (spacious site for trading) :: трг {m}, пазар {m}, тржница {f}, пијаца {f}; trg {m}, pazar {m}, tržnica {f}, pijaca {f}
market {n} (group of potential customers) :: trgovac {m}, trgovnica {f}
market {n} (total sum of trading) :: trgovina {f}
market {n} :: трг {m}; tržište {n}, buvljak {m}, trg {m}
market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
marketing {n} (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service) :: маркетинг {m}; màrketing {m}
market research {n} (analysis of commercial data) :: истраживање тржишта {n}; istraživanje tržišta {n}
marl {n} (a mixed earthy substance) :: лапор {m}, лапорац {m}; lȁpor {m}, lȁporac {m}
marmalade {n} (jam) :: мармелада {f}, пекмез {m}, џем {m}; marmelada {f}, pekmez {m}, džem {m}
marmot {n} (rodent of the genera Marmota) :: свизац {m}, свизавац {m}, мрмот {m}; svizac {m}, svizavac {m}, mrmot {m}
marquess {n} (title of nobility) :: маркиз {m}; markiz {m}
marquis {n} (nobleman) SEE: marquess ::
marriage {n} (state of being married) :: брак {m}; brak {m}
marriage {n} (union of two people) :: брак; brak
marriage of convenience {n} (marriage motivated by some reason other than love) :: брак из користи {m} /brak iz koristi/
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a husband) :: удата {f}; udata {f}
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife) :: ожењен {m}; oženjen {m}
married couple {n} (two people who are married to each other) :: bračni par {m}
marrow {n} (substance inside bones) :: срж {f}, мождина {f}, коштана срж {f}; sȓž {f}, mȍždina {f}, koštana sȓž {f}
marry {v} (to take a husband or wife) :: оженити се {pf}; oženiti se {pf}
Mars {prop} (planet) :: Марс {m}; Mars {m}
Mars {prop} (god of war) :: Марс {m}; Mars {m}
marsh {n} (area of low, wet land) :: мочвара {f}; mòčvara {f}
Marshall Islands {prop} (Republic of the Marshall Islands) :: Маршалова Острва {n-p}, Маршалска острва; Maršalova Ostrva {n-p}, Maršalska ostrva, Maršalovi Otoci
marsh mallow {n} (Althaea officinalis) :: бели слез {m}, бијели сљез {m}; beli slez {m}, bijeli sljez {m}
marshmallow {n} (plant) SEE: marsh mallow ::
marshrutka {n} (share taxi) :: маршрутка {f}; maršrutka {f}
marsupial {n} (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) :: торбар, torbar, тоболчар, tobolčar
marsupial {adj} (of or pertaining to a marsupial) :: торбарски {m}; torbarski {m}
marten {n} (mammal) :: куна {f}; kuna {f}, cibetka {f}
martial {n} (soldier, warrior) SEE: soldier ::
martial {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) SEE: Martian ::
martial {n} (synonym of Martian) SEE: Martian ::
martial art {n} (fighting style) :: борилачка вештина {f}, борилачка вјештина {f}; borilačka veština {f}, borilačka vještina {f}
Martian {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) :: mȁrsovskī, марсовскӣ
Martian {n} (inhabitant of the planet Mars) :: Марсовац {m} /Marsovac/, Марсовка {f} /Marsovka/
Martin {prop} (given name) :: Мартин {m}; Màrtin {m}
Martinique {prop} (Department of Martinique) :: Martinika {f}, Martinik {m}
martyr {n} (one willing to be killed for religion) :: мученик {m}, шехид {m} [Islam]; mučenik {m}, šehid {m} [Islam]
martyr {n} (one who sacrifices their life for an important cause) :: мученик {m}, mučenik {m}
martyr {n} :: мученик {m}; mučenik {m}; mučenik {m}; mučenik {m}, šehit {m}
martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture ::
martyr {v} (persecute) SEE: persecute ::
marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle ::
marvel {n} (wonder) SEE: wonder ::
marvel of Peru {n} (Mirabilis jalapa) :: ноћурак {m}, перуанскӣ ноћурак {m}, ноћна фрајла {f}; noćúrak {m}, perùānskī noćúrak {m}, nòćna frȁjla {f}
Marx {prop} (surname) :: Маркс, Marx
Marxism {n} (philosophy) :: марксѝзам {m}; marksìzam {m}
Marxism {n} (ideology) :: марксѝзам {m}; marksìzam {m}
Mary {prop} (female given name) :: Марија {f}; Marija {f}
Mary {prop} (biblical mother of Jesus) :: Марија {f}; Marija {f}
Mary Magdalene {prop} (female disciple of Jesus) :: Марија Магдалена {f}; Marija Magdalena {f}
marzipan {n} (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) :: марцѝпан {m}; marcìpān {m}
masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) :: мушкӣ; mȕškī
masculinism {n} (masculism) SEE: masculism ::
masculinity {n} (degree or property of being masculine) :: mužévnōst {f}, мужевност {f}, mȕškōst {f}, мушкост {f}
masculism {n} (a social theory or political movement) :: маскулѝзам {m}, маскулинѝзам {m}; maskulìzam {m}, maskulinìzam {m}
mashallah {interj} (God has willed it) :: машаллах, машалах, машала; mašallah, mašalah, mašala
masjid {n} (mosque) SEE: mosque ::
mask {n} (cover for the face) :: кринка {f}, маска {f}, крабуља {f}, личина {f}, образина {f}; krinka {f}, maska {f}, krabulja {f}, ličina {f}, obrazina {f}
maslin {adj} :: suražica
masochism {n} (the enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation) :: mazohizam {m}
mason {n} (one who builds with stone or brick) :: зѝдар {m}; zìdār {m}
mason {n} (Freemason) SEE: Freemason ::
Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt ::
mass {n} (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) :: маса {f}; masa {f}
mass {n} (religion: Eucharist) :: миса {f}; mȉsa {f}
mass {n} (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) :: миса {f}; mȉsa {f}
mass {n} (religion: sacrament of the Eucharist) :: mȉsa {f}
mass {n} (musical setting of parts of the mass) :: mȉsa {f}
Mass {n} (Roman Catholic Church: the principal liturgical service) :: миса {f}; misa {f}
massacre {n} (intentional mass killing) :: масакр {m}, покољ {m}, крвопролиће {m}, сеча {f}; masakr {m}, pokolj {m}, krvoproliće {m}, seča {f}
massacre {v} (to kill in considerable numbers) :: масакрирати, поклати, поубијати; masakrirati, poklati, poubijati
massage {n} (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) :: масажа {f}; masaža {f}
massif {n} (principal mountain mass) :: масӣв {m}; màsīv {m}
mass media {n} (public communication that reaches a large audience) :: мас медији {p}, медији {p}; mas mediji {p}, mediji {p}
mast {n} (support of a sail) :: јарбол {m}; jȃrbol {m}
master {n} (someone who has control over something or someone) :: господар {m}; gospodar {m}
master {n} (owner of an animal or slave) :: господар {m}; gospodar {m}
master {n} (someone who employs others) :: газда {m}, gazda {m}
master {n} (expert at something) :: majstor {m}, мајстор {m}
master {n} (tradesman who is qualified to teach apprentices) :: majstor {m}, мајстор {m}
master {adj} (highly skilled) :: majstorski, мајсторски
master {v} (to be a master) :: gospodariti, господарити
mastermind {n} (person responsible for a major operation) :: rukovodilac, kolovođa, planer
master of ceremonies {n} (host at a formal event) :: чауш {m}; čȁūš {m}
masterpiece {n} (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) :: ремек-дело {n}; remek-delo {n}
masterwork {n} (piece of quality indicative of having been made by a master) SEE: masterpiece ::
mastery {n} (philosopher's stone) SEE: philosopher's stone ::
masticate {v} (chew) SEE: chew ::
masturbate {v} (to masturbate) :: мастурбирати {impf}, самозадовољавати се; masturbírati {impf}, samozadovoljávati se
masturbation {n} (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) :: самозадовољавање {n}, мастурбација {f}, рукоблуд {m}, мануступрација {f}, самоблуд {m}, онанија {f}, [vulgar] дркање {n}; samozadovoljavanje {n}, masturbacija {f}, rukoblud {m}, manustupracija {f}, samoblud {m}, onanija {f}, drkanje {n}
Masuria {prop} (an area in northeastern Poland) :: Mazurija
match {n} (sporting event) :: меч {m}; meč {m}
match {n} (device to make fire) :: шибица {f}, жигица {f}, палидрвце {n}; šȉbica {f}, žigica {f}, palidrvce {n}
matcha {n} (powdered green tea for ceremonies) :: маћа {f}, мача {f}; maća {f}, mača {f}
matchmaker {n} (someone who finds suitable marriage partners) :: снубок {m}; snùbok {m}
mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate ::
material {n} (matter) :: материјал {m}; materijal {m}
maternal {adj} (of or pertaining to a mother) :: материњӣ {m}, матерӣнскӣ {m}; màtērinjī {m}, mȁterīnskī {m}
maternal {adj} (related through the mother, or her side of the family) :: материњӣ {m}; màtērinjī {m}
maternal {adj} (derived from the mother as opposed to the foetus during pregnancy) :: матерњӣ {m}; màtērnjī {m}
maternal aunt {n} (one's mother's sister) :: тетка {f}; tȅtka {f}
maternal aunt {n} (one's mother's sister-in-law) :: ујна {f}, [regional] даиџинца {f}; ujna {f}, [regional] daidžinca {f}
maternal grandfather {n} (one's mother's father) :: дед {m}, ded {m}, дјед {m}, djed {m}, деда {m}, deda {m}, дједа {m}, djeda {m}
maternal uncle {n} (brother of one's mother) :: ујак {m}, даиџа {m} (regional, non-standard); [mother's brother-in-law] тетак {m}, течо {m}; ȕjāk {m}, dàidža {m} (regional, non-standard); [mother's brother-in-law] tétak {m}, tečo {m}
mathematician {n} (expert in mathematics) :: математичар {m}, математичарка {f}; matemàtičār {m}, matemàtičārka {f}
mathematics {n} (field of study) :: математика {f}; matematika {f}
mathematics {n} (person's ability to use mathematics) :: matematika {f}
Mathewson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Matthew") :: Матејевић, Матејић, Матић; Matejević, Matejić, Matić
matricide {n} (killing of one's mother) :: materoubistvo {?}, majkoubistvo {?}
matricide {n} (person who kills their mother) :: materoubica {?}, majkoubica {?}
matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
matrix {n} (biology: embedding material or tissue) :: matriks {m}
matrix {n} (medium in which bacteria are cultured) :: bakterijska podloga
matrix {n} (math: rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms) :: matrica {f}
matrix {n} (two-dimensional array) :: matrica {f}
matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll ::
matter {n} (basic structural component of the universe) :: твар {f}, материја {f}; tvȃr {f}, màtērija {f}
matter {n} (kind of substance) :: материја {f}; màtērija {f}
matter {n} (reason for concern) :: питање {n}; pítānje {n}
matter {n} (neurology: nerve tissue type) :: твар {f}, материја {f}; tvȃr {f}, màtērija {f}
matter {n} :: твар {f}; tvȃr {f}
matter {v} (to be important) :: бити битно, имати значење, имати важност; biti bitno, imati značenje, imati važnost
Matthew {prop} (male given name) :: Матеј {m}, Матија {m}; Matej {m}, Matija {m}
Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) :: Матеј {m}; Matej {m}
mattress {n} (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) :: душек {m}, мадрац {m}; dušek {m}, madrac {m}
matura {n} (final exam in certain European countries) :: матура {f} /matura/
maugre {prep} (in spite of) SEE: in spite of ::
maunch {v} (munch) SEE: munch ::
maundy {n} (commandment) SEE: commandment ::
Mauritania {prop} (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) :: Мауританија {f}; Mauritanija {f}, Mauretanija {f}
Mauritius {prop} (country) :: Маурицијус {m}; Mauricijus {m}
mausoleum {n} (large tomb) :: маузолеј {m}; mauzolej {m}
maverick {adj} (showing independence in thoughts or actions) :: својеглав {m}; svojèglav {m}
maw {n} (any great, insatiable or perilous opening) :: ždrijelo {n}
maxi {adj} (having a hemline at ankle length) :: maksi
maximally {adv} (to a maximal extent) :: максимално; mȁksimālno
may {v} (subjunctive) :: dàbōgda
May {prop} (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: мај {m}; maj {m}, svibanj {m} [Croatia]
maybe {adv} (as a pro-sentence) :: možda; mȍgūće
May bug {n} (cockchafer) SEE: cockchafer ::
mayfly {n} (insect of order Ephemeroptera) :: jednodnevka {f}, vodeni cvijet {m}, vodencvet {m}, vodeni cvet {m}
mayonnaise {n} (dressing) :: мајонеза {f}, мајонез {m}; majoneza {f}, majonez {m}
mayor {n} (leader of a city) :: градоначелник {m}, градоначелница {f}; gradonačelnik {m}, gradonačelnica {f}
mayoress {n} (female mayor) :: градоначелница {f}; gradonáčelnica {f}
may the Force be with you {phrase} (wish someone luck) :: [Croatian] neka Sila bude s tobom; [Serbian] нека Сила буде са тобом
Mazandaran {prop} (northern province of Iran) :: Мазендеран {m}, Мазандаран {m}; Mazenderan {m}, Mazandaran {m}
Mazandaran Sea {prop} (an alternative name of the Caspian Sea) :: Mazandaransko more
maze {n} (Puzzle to get through) :: labirint {m}
mazel tov {interj} ((Hebrew/Yiddish) congratulations or good wishes, especially at weddings) :: мазал тов, мазелтов; mazal tov, mazeltov
Möbius band {n} (Möbius strip) SEE: Möbius strip ::
Möbius strip {n} (one-sided surface) :: мебијусова трака {f}
McDonald's {prop} (fast-food restaurant) :: Мекдоналдс {m}; McDonald's {m}
mâche {n} (Valerianella locusta) :: matovilac
me {pron} (myself) SEE: myself ::
mea culpa {n} (my fault, due to my error) :: moja greška
mead {n} (alcoholic drink) :: медовина {f}; medovina {f}
meadow {n} (field or pasture) :: ливада {f}, пољана {f}; livada {f}, poljana {f}
meal {n} (food that is prepared and eaten) :: оброк {m}, јело {n}; obrok {m}, jelo {n}
mean {v} (to convey, indicate) :: значити {impf}; značiti {impf}
mean {adj} (having the mean as its value) :: средњӣ; srȅdnjī
meaning {n} (symbolic value of something) :: значење {n}; značenje {n}
meaningful {adj} (having meaning, significant) :: smislen
meaningless {adj} (lacking meaning) :: бесмислен; bèsmislen
meaning of life {n} (hypothetical answer to life's ultimate questions) :: smisao života {m}
mean proportional {n} (geometric mean) SEE: geometric mean ::
means of production {n} (combination of the means of labor and the subject of labor) :: srèdstva proizvòdnje {f-p}
meantime {n} :: međuvrijeme {n}
meanwhile {adv} (during the time) :: u međuvremenu
meanwhile {adv} (at the same time but elsewhere) :: u međuvremenu
measure {n} (melody) SEE: melody ::
measure {n} (size ascertained by measuring) :: mera {f}
measure {n} (action to achieve some purpose) :: мера {f}, мјера {f}; mȅra {f}, mjȅra {f}
measure {n} (dance) SEE: dance ::
measure {n} (math: number which is contained in a given number without remainder) SEE: divisor ::
measure {n} (geology: bed or stratum) SEE: bed ::
measuring tape {n} (tape measure) SEE: tape measure ::
meat {n} (animal flesh used as food) :: месо {n}; meso {n}
meat {n} (type of meat) :: месо {n}; meso {n}
meat {n} (any sort of flesh) :: месо {n}; meso {n}
meat {n} :: месо {n}; meso {n}
meat jelly {n} (aspic) SEE: aspic ::
Mecca {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: Мека {f}; Meka {f}
Mecca {n} (important place to visit by people with a particular interest) :: мека {f}; meka {f}
mechanic {n} (skilled worker on machinery) :: механичар {m}; mehàničār {m}
mechanical engineering {n} (subfield of engineering) :: машинство {n}, [Croatia] стројарство {n}; mašínstvo {n}, [Croatia] strojárstvo {n}
mechanically {adv} (In a mechanical manner) :: механички; mehanički
mechanical pencil {n} (pencil with a retractable lead) :: минерица; minerica
mechanics {n} (a branch of physics) :: mehanika {f}
mechanism {n} (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) :: механизам {m}; mehanizam {m}
Mecklenburg {prop} (region of Germany) :: Meklenburg {f} {n}
medal {n} (stamped metal disc) :: медаља {f}; medalja {f}
medallion {n} (large decorative medal) :: медаљон {m}; medaljon {m}
meddle {v} (to have sex) SEE: have sex ::
median {n} (statistics: measure of central tendency) :: medìjān {m}
mediate {v} (resolve differences) :: pòsredovati
mediate {v} (intervene between conflicting parties) :: pòsredovati
mediator {n} (one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement) :: посреднӣк {m}, посредница {f}; pòsrednīk {m}, pòsrednica {f}
medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
medical student {n} (student at a medical school) :: student medicine {m}, studentica medicine {f}, medicinar
medicine {n} (substance which promotes healing) :: лек {m}, лијек {m}, здравило {n}; lek {m}, lijȇk {m}, zdravilo {n}
medicine {n} (field of study) :: медицина {f}; medicína {f}
Medina {prop} (a city in Saudi Arabia) :: Медина {f}; Medina {f}
mediocrity {n} (condition of being mediocre) :: медиокрѝтет {m}, медѝокрис {m}; mediokrìtēt {m}, medìokris {m}
meditation {n} :: meditacija {f}
Mediterranean {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) :: mediteran
Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea ::
Mediterranean Sea {prop} (sea between Europe and Africa) :: Средоземно море {n}; Sredozemno more {n}
medium {n} (someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world) :: medij {n}
medium {adj} (of intermediate size) :: средњӣ; srȅdnjī
medlar {n} (tree) :: мушмула {f}
medlar {n} (fruit) :: мушмула {f}
Medvedev {prop} (transliteration of Медведев) :: Медведев; Medvedev
meet {v} (encounter by accident) :: срести; sresti
meeting {n} (gathering for a purpose) :: sret {m}, sretaj {m}, susret {m}
meet one's Waterloo {v} (to be defeated by an encounter with a powerful opponent or a problem that is too difficult) :: doživjeti svoj Waterloo, doživeti svoj Waterloo
megabyte {n} (about a million bytes) :: мегабајт {m}; mȅgabajt {m}
megahertz {n} (one million cycles per second) :: мегахерц {m}; megaherc {m}
megalosaur {n} (dinosaur of the Megalosauridae family) :: мегалосаур {m}; megalosàur {m}
megaphone {n} (portable device used to amplify a person's voice) :: мегафон {m}; mȅgafōn {m}
megatsunami {n} (a very large tsunami) :: мегацунами {m}; megacunami {m}
meitnerium {n} (chemical element) :: мајтнеријум {m}, меитнериј; majtnerijum, meitnerij
melancholic {adj} (filled with or affected by melancholy) :: снужденост {f}, утученост {f}; snuždenost {f}, utučenost {f}, melankòličan
melancholy {n} (Sadness or depression) :: меланхолија {f}, меланколија {f}; melanhòlija {f}, melankòlija {f}
melancholy {adj} (affected with sadness or depression) SEE: melancholic ::
Melanesia {prop} (part of Oceania) :: Меланезија {f}; Melanezija {f}
Melbourne {prop} (city in Australia) :: Мелбурн {m}; Melburn {m}, Melbourne
melee {n} (battle fought at close range) :: borba prsa u prsa
melilot {n} (plant of the genus Melilotus) SEE: sweet clover ::
Melissa {prop} (female given name) :: Мелиса {f}, Melisa {f}
melodrama {n} (romantic drama) :: мелодрама {f}; melodrama {f}
melodramatist {n} :: мелодраматичар; melodramatičar
melody {n} (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) :: мелодија {f}, напев {m}; melodija {f}, napev {m}
melon {n} (fruit) :: диња {f}; dȉnja {f}
melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
melt {v} (intransitive: (of a solid) to become a liquid) :: otopiti
melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element ::
member {n} (one who officially belongs to a group) :: члан {m}, чланица {f}; člȃn {m}, člànica {f}
Member of Parliament {n} (representative) :: poslanik {m}
membership {n} (fact of being a member) :: члaнство {n}, члaнapинство {n}; članstvo {n}, članarinstvo {n}
membrane {n} (enclosing or separating tissue) :: опна {f}, мембрана {f}; opna {f}, membrana {f}
membrane {n} (mechanical part that can deform or vibrate when excited by an external force) :: опна {f}, мембрана {f}; opna {f}, membrana {f}
meme {n} (unit of cultural information) :: мем {m}; mȇm {m}
memento {n} (a keepsake) :: мементо {m} /memento/, успомена {f} /uspomena/
memo {n} (a short note) :: подсетнӣк {m}, подсјетнӣк {m}; pòdsetnīk {m}, pòdsjetnīk {m}
memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral ::
memorize {v} (to commit to memory, to learn by heart) :: pȃmtiti, naùčiti nȁpamēt
memory {n} (ability to recall) :: памћење {n}; pȃmćēnje {n}
memory {n} (stored record) :: памћење {n}; pȃmćēnje {n}
memory lane {n} (set of recollections available to be reviewed) :: staza uspomena {f}
mendacious {adj} (lying, untruthful or dishonest) :: лажљив; làžljiv
mendelevium {n} (chemical element) :: мендељевиj {m}, мендељевиjум {m}; mendeljevij, mendeljevijum
menial {adj} (of or relating to work normally performed by a servant) :: služinski, lakejski, lakajski
menial {n} (domestic servant) :: sluga, služinče
meninx {n} (membrane) :: moždanica {f}
menorah {n} (seven-branch candelabrum) :: менора {f}; menora {f}
menstruation {n} (periodic discharging of the menses) :: месечница {f}, менструација {f}; mesečnica {f}, menstruacija {f}
mental hospital {n} (facility designed to treat persons with mental disorders) :: душевна болница {f}; duševna bólnica {f}
mental institution {n} (psychiatric hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
mentality {n} (mindset) :: менталѝтет; mentalìtēt
mention {v} (mention) SEE: cover ::
mention {n} (a speaking or notice of anything, usually in a brief or cursory manner) :: помен {f}, помињање {n}; pomen {f}, pominjanje {n}
mentor {v} (to act as someone's mentor) :: mentorirati, mentorisati
menu {n} (details of the food to be served at a banquet) :: мени {m}, јеловник {m}; mènī {m}, jelòvnīk {m}
menu {n} (printed list of dishes offered in a restaurant) :: мени {m}, јеловник {m}; mènī {m}, jelòvnīk {m}
menu {n} (list from which the user may select an operation to be performed) :: мени {m}, изборник {m}; mènī {m}, ìzbōrnīk {m}
meow {interj} (cry of a cat) :: мјау, мњау; mjau, mnjau
meow {n} (cry of a cat) :: мјаукање {n}, мјаук {m}; mjaukanje {n}, mjauk {m}
meow {v} (of a cat, to make its cry) :: мјаукати, мјаукнути; mjaukati, mjauknuti
Mercedes {n} (short form of Mercedes Benz) :: Mercedes {m}
mercenary {n} (person employed to fight) :: плаћеник {m}, плаћеница {f}, најамник {m}, најамница {f}; plaćenik {m}, plaćenica {f}, najamnik {m}, najamnica {f}
merchant {n} (person who traffics in commodities) :: трговац {m}; trgovac {m}
merchantman {n} (merchant) SEE: merchant ::
mercury {n} (element) :: жива {f}; žȉva {f}
mercury {n} (Mercurialis gen. et spp.) :: просинац {m}, ресуља {f}, шћир / штир [but this more often means purple amaranth]; pròsinac {m}, rèsulja {f}, šćȋr / štȋr [but this more often means purple amaranth]
Mercury {prop} (planet) :: Меркур {m}; Merkur {m}
Mercury {prop} (Roman god) :: Меркур {m}; Merkur {m}
mercy {n} (relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another) :: милосрђе {n}, милост {f}; milosrđe {n}, milost {f}
mercy killing {n} (euthanasia) SEE: euthanasia ::
mere {adj} (the smallest amount) :: пуки
merely {adv} (only, just, and nothing more) :: prosto, jedino
meretricious {adj} (of, or relating to prostitutes) :: kurvinski
mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid ::
meridian {n} (imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface) :: меридијан {m}; meridijan {m}
merit {n} (claim to commendation or a reward) :: zasluga {f}
merit {n} (mark or token of approbation or to recognize excellence) :: oznaka kvalitete {f}
merit {n} (something deserving or worthy of positive recognition or reward) :: zasluga {f}
merit {v} (to deserve, earn, see also: deserve; earn) :: zaslužiti, zavrijediti
Merkel {prop} (surname) :: Меркел, Merkel
mermaid {n} (mythological woman with a fish's tail) :: сирена; sirena
merrily {adv} (in a cheerful or merry manner) :: vȅselo, весело
merriment {n} (state of enjoyable exuberance) :: весеље {n} /veselje/
merry {adj} (jolly and full of high-spirits) :: весео; vȅseo
Merry Andrew {n} (person who clowns publicly) SEE: clown ::
merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) :: Срећан Божић, Сретан Божић, Христос се роди, Ваистину се роди; Srećan Božić, Sretan Božić, Hristos se rodi, Vaistinu se rodi
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year {phrase} (traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year) :: Срећни празници!; Sretni praznici!, Srećni praznici!, Čestit Božić i Sretna Nova godina!
merry-go-round {n} (carousel) :: вртешка {f}, обртаљка {f}, ринглшпил {m}, рингишпил {m}; vrteška {f}, obrtaljka {f}, ringlšpil {m}, ringišpil {m}
mesentery {n} (the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen) :: мезентерӣј {m}; mezèntērīj {m}
mesh {v} (fit in, come together) :: уклопити се /uklopiti se/
mesmerized {adj} (spellbound or enthralled) :: opčaran {m}, opčinjen {m}, hipnotiziran {m}, fasciniran {m}, zapanjen {m}, zadivljen {m}
meson {n} (elementary particle) :: мезон {m}; mèzōn {m}
Mesopotamia {prop} (region between Euphrates and Tigris) :: Međurječje, Међуречје; Месопотамија {f}, Мезопотамија {f}; Mesopotamija {f}, Mezopotamija {f}
mess {n} (confusion of things) :: nered
mess {n} (church service) SEE: Mass ::
message {n} (communication, concept or information conveyed) :: порука {f}, посланица {f}; poruka {f}, poslanica {f}
messenger {n} (one who brings messages) :: гласник {m}, весник {m}; glasnik {m}, vesnik {m}
Messiah {prop} ((Christianity) Jesus) :: Месија {m}; Mesija {m}
metabolism {n} (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells) :: metabolìzam {m}
metal {n} (atomic element or material made of such atoms) :: метал {m}, ковина {f}; metal {m}, kovina {f}
metal {n} (certain category of rock music) :: метал /metal/
metallography {n} (the study of the structure of metals and their alloys) :: металографија {f}; metalogràfija {f}
metalloid {n} (element) :: polumetal {m}
metallurgy {n} (science of metals) :: metalurgija {f}
metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: metamorfne stijene
metamorphosis {n} (transformation) :: metamorfoza {f}
metamorphosis {n} (noticeable change) :: metamorfoza {f}
metamorphosis {n} (in biology) :: metamorfoza {f}
metamorphosis {n} (in pathology) :: metamorfoza {f}
metaphor {n} (uncountable: figure of speech) :: метафора {f}; metafora {f}
metaphor {n} (countable: word or phrase used in metaphor) :: метафора {f}; metafora {f}
metastasis {n} (transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body) :: метастаза {f}; metastaza {f}
metathesis {n} :: метатеза {f}; metateza {f}; metateza {f}
metempsychosis {n} (Transmigration of the soul) :: метемпсихоза {f}
meteor {n} (streak of light) :: метеор {m}; meteor {m}
meteorite {n} (remains of a meteor) :: метеорит {m}; meteorit {m}
meteorology {n} (science) :: метеорологија {f}, временословље {n}; meteorologija {f}, vremenoslovlje {n}
meteor shower {n} (Meteors seen on Earth for short time period) :: meteorski pljusak, метеорски пљусак
meter {n} (measuring instrument) :: метар {m}; mȅtar {m}
meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre ::
meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure ::
methanol {n} (the simplest aliphatic alcohol, CH3OH) :: метанол {m}; metànōl {m}
methinks {contraction} (it seems to me) :: čini mi se
methionine {n} (amino acid) :: метионин {m}; metionin {m}
method {n} (process by which a task is completed) :: метод {m}, начин {m}; metod {m}, náčin {m}
Methodism {n} (Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley) :: методизам {m}; metodizam {m}
Methodist {n} (a member of the Methodist Church) :: методист
Methuselah {prop} (Biblical character) :: Метузалем {m}; Metùzalem {m}
methylated spirit {n} (ethyl alcohol used as a fuel and a solvent) :: денатурирани алкохол {m}; denaturirani alkohol {m}
metre {n} (unit of length) :: метар {m}; mȅtar {m}
metro {n} (underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metro {n} (train of underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metrology {n} (science of measurement) :: metrologija {f}, метрологија {f}
metrology {n} (system of weights and measures) :: metrologija {f}
metronome {n} (a device used in music) :: метроном {m}; metronom {m}
metropole {n} (city) SEE: metropolis ::
metropolis {n} (colony’s mother city) :: метропола {f}, metropola {f}
metropolis {n} (large, busy city) :: velegrad
metropolis {n} :: velegrad
metrosexual {n} (man concerned with personal appearance) :: метросексуалан
mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal ::
meum {n} (meum athamanticum) SEE: baldmoney ::
Meuse {prop} (river) :: Меза {f}; Meza {f}
mew {n} (crying sound of a cat) SEE: meow ::
mew {v} (meow) SEE: meow ::
Mexican {n} (person from Mexico or of Mexican descent) :: Meksikanac {m}, Meksikanka {f}
Mexican {n} (Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl ::
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl ::
Mexico {prop} (country) :: Мексико {m}; Mèksiko {m}
Mexico {prop} (Mexico City) SEE: Mexico City ::
Mexico City {prop} (capital of Mexico) :: Мексико, Мексико Сити {m}; Meksiko, Meksiko Siti {m}
mezereon {n} (shrub) :: обичнӣ ликовац {m}; òbičnī lȉkovac {m}
mezzanine {n} (a floor under the stage, from which contrivances such as traps are worked) :: мезанин {m}, међуспрат {m}, полуспрат {m}; mezanin {m}, međusprat {m}, polusprat {m}
Michael {prop} (male given name) :: Михајло {m}, Миховил {m}; Mihajlo {m}, Mihovil {m}
Michael {prop} (archangel) :: Михајло {m}, Микаил {m}; Mihajlo {m}, Mikail {m}
Michelangelesque {adj} (resembling or relating to Michelangelo) :: микеланђеловскӣ; michelȃngelovskī
Mickey D's {prop} :: mek
Mickey Mouse {prop} (Disney character) :: Miki Maus, Mika Miš {m} [historical]
microbe {n} (microorganism) :: мѝкроб {m}; mìkrōb {m}
microevolution {n} (small-scale changes in the history of life) :: mikroevolúcija {f}
micrometer {n} (instrument) :: mikrometarski vijak {m}
micrometre {n} (micrometer) SEE: micrometer ::
micronation {n} (entity that resembles a nation or a state) :: микронација {f}; mikronacija {f}
Micronesia {prop} (country) :: Микронезија {f}; Mikrònēzija {f}
microorganism {n} (an organism too small to be seen by unaided eye) :: mikroorganìzam {m}
microphone {n} (transducer of sound waves to electricity) :: микрофон {m}; mȉkrofōn {m}
microscope {n} (an optical instrument) :: микроскоп {m}; mȉkroskop {m}, sitnòzor {m} [Croatia]
microscopize {v} (microscope) SEE: microscope ::
Microsoft {prop} (Transliterations and translations) :: Мицрософт {m}, Мајкрософт {m}; Microsoft {m}, Màjkrosoft {m}
microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven ::
microwave oven {n} (oven using microwave energy) :: микроталасна пећ {f}, микровална пећница {f}; mikrotalasna peć {f}, mikrovalna pećnica {f}
micturate {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon ::
middle {n} (centre, midpoint) :: средина {f}; sredina {f}
middle {n} :: sredina {f}; među; средина {f}, sredina
middle-aged {adj} (of, or relating to middle age) :: средовјечан; srȅdovječan
Middle Ages {prop} (historical period) :: srednji vijek {m}
Middle Earth {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) :: Блиски Исток {m}, Средњи Исток {m}; Bliski Istok {m}, Srednji Istok {m}
middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) :: средњак {m}, средњи прст {m}; srednjak {m}, srednji prst {m}
middleman {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary ::
middle of nowhere {n} (remote place) :: усред ничега /usred ničega/, usred ničega (ničega = genitive of ništa)
Midgard {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
midnight {n} (12 o'clock) :: поноћ {f}; pónoć {f}
midterm {n} (exam) :: kolokvij {m}, parcijalni ispit {m}
midwife {n} (person who assists women in childbirth) :: primalja {f}; бабица {f}; babica {f}
mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize ::
might makes right {proverb} (the stronger and more powerful rule others) :: tko jači, taj kvači [proverb]
migrant worker {n} (guest worker) SEE: guest worker ::
Milan {prop} (city and capital) :: Милано {m}; Milano {m}
Milan {prop} (male given name) :: Милан {m}; Milan {m}
mildew {n} (growth of minute fungi) :: плесан {f}, плијесан {f}, буђ {m} {f}; plesan {f}, plijesan {f}, buđ {m} {f}
mile {n} (measure of length) :: миља {f}; milja {f}
milestone {n} (one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals) :: miljokaz
milestone {n} (important event) :: prekretnica {f}
MILF {n} (woman) :: милфача {f} /milfača/
milieu {n} (medium) SEE: medium ::
militarism {n} (militarism) :: militarizam {m}
military {adj} (characteristic of members of the armed forces) :: војни; vojni
militia {n} (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need) :: мѝлӣција {f}; mìlīcija {f}
militsia {n} (police) SEE: police ::
militsia {n} (militia) SEE: militia ::
militsia {n} ((Soviet Union) the police in the Soviet Union and related states) :: мѝлӣција {f}; mìlīcija {f}
milk {v} (to express milk from mammal) :: мусти, помусти; musti, pomusti
milk {n} (semen) SEE: semen ::
milk {n} (liquid) :: [Ekavian] млеко {n}, [Ijekavian] млијеко {n}; [Ekavian] mléko {n}, [Ijekavian] mlijéko {n}
milkmaid {n} (a young woman who milks the cows on a farm) :: музиља {f}, млекарица {f}, мљекарица {f}; muzilja {f}, mlekarica {f}, mljekarica {f}
milkmaid's yoke {n} (carrying pole) SEE: carrying pole ::
milkshake {n} (milk and ice cream beverage) :: млечни шејк {m}, млијечни шејк {m}; mlȇčnī šȇjk {m}, mlijȇčnī šȇjk {m}, mlijȇčnī shake {m}
milk tooth {n} (tooth of the first set of teeth) :: mliječni zub
Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) :: Млечни Пут {m}, Млијечни Пут {m}; Mlečni Put {m}, Mliječni Put {m}
mill {n} (grinding apparatus) :: млин {m}; mlin {m}
mill {n} (building housing a grinding apparatus) :: млин {m}; mlin {m}
mill {v} (grind or process using a mill or other machine) :: млети {impf}; mleti {impf}
mille-feuille {n} (a type of pastry with several layers of puff pastry) :: кремшните {n}; kremšnite {n}
millennium {n} (thousand-year period) :: тисућлеће {n}; tisućleće {n}
miller {n} (person) :: млинар {m}; mlinar {m}
miller {n} (milling machine) SEE: milling machine ::
millet {n} (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) :: просо {n}; prȍso {n}
milli- {prefix} (prefix) :: mili-
milliard {num} (10^9) SEE: billion ::
millimeter {n} (unit of measure) :: мѝлиметар {m}; mìlimetar {m}
millimetre {n} (millimeter) SEE: millimeter ::
milling {v} (Present participle of mill) :: mlevenje, glodanje
milling machine {n} (machine) :: glodalica
million {n} (cardinal number) :: милѝон {m}, милѝјун {m}; milìōn {m}, milìjūn {m}
millionaire {n} (somebody whose wealth is greater than one million) :: милионер {m}; milioner {m}
millipede {n} (elongated arthropod) :: stonoga, стонога
millstone {n} (large round stone used for grinding grain) :: жрвањ {m}; žrvanj {m}
milquetoast {n} (person of meek or timid disposition; person who lacks character or effectiveness) :: mlakonja {m}
milt {n} (fish semen) :: млијеч {f} / млеч {f}; mlijȇč {f} / mlȇč {f}
milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen ::
mimic {v} (to imitate, especially in order to ridicule) :: oponašati
minaret {n} (mosque tower) :: минарет {m}, мунара {f}, мунар {m}; minaret {m}, munara {f}, munar {m}
mind {n} (ability for rational thought) :: ум {m}, разум {m}; ȗm {m}, rȁzūm {m}
mind {v} (to remember) SEE: remember ::
mindfulness {n} (inclination to be mindful or aware) :: pomnost {f}
mindfulness {n} (paying attention on purpose in the present moment) :: usredotočena svjesnost {f}, majndfulnes {m}, usmjerena pažnja {f}
mindset {n} (a way of thinking) :: менталѝтет; mentalìtēt
mine {pron} (that which belongs to me) :: мој; mȏj
mine {n} (excavation from which ore is extracted) :: рудник {m}; rudnik {m}
mine {n} (military: exploding device) :: мина {f}; mina {f}
minelayer {n} (ship capable of laying mines) :: минополагач {m}; minopolàgāč {m}
miner {n} (person who works in a mine) :: рудар {m}; rùdār {m}
mineral {n} (in geology) :: минерал {m}; mineral {m}
mineral {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
mineralogy {n} (the study or science of minerals) :: минералогија {f}; mineralogija {f}
mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) :: кисела вода {f}, минерална вода {f}; kisela voda {f}, mineralna voda {f}
minestrone {n} (thick Italian vegetable soup) :: минестроне {m}; minestrȏne {m}
minibus {n} (a small bus) :: минибус {m}; minibus {m}
minimalism {n} :: минималѝзам {m}, minimalìzam {m}
minimart {n} (convenience store) SEE: convenience store ::
minimus {n} (the fifth digit) SEE: little finger ::
mining {n} (activity of removing solid valuables from the earth) :: rudarstvo {n}
minion {n} (loyal servant of another more powerful being) :: штићеник, љубимац; štićenik, ljubimac
minion {n} (sycophantic follower) :: poslušnik {m}
minister {n} (politician who heads a ministry) :: мѝнистар {m}; mìnistar {m}
ministry {n} (government department) :: министарство {n}; ministàrstvo {n}
mink {n} (mammal) :: ласица {f}, канадска куна {f}; làsica {f}, kanadska kúna {f}
Minorca {prop} (An island of Spain) :: Менорка {f}; Menorca {f}
minority {n} (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) :: мањѝна {f}; manjìna {f}
minority {n} :: мањѝна {f}; manjìna {f}
minotaur {n} (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) :: минотаур {m}; minotaur {m}
Minsk {prop} (capital of Belarus) :: Минск {m}; Mȉnsk {m}
mint {n} (plant) :: нана, метвица {f}; nana, metvica {f}
minuend {n} (number from which another is subtracted) :: umanjenik {m}
minute {n} (unit of time) :: минута {f}, минут {m}; minuta {f}, minut {m}
minutes {n} (the official notes kept during a meeting) :: službena zabilješka
Mir {prop} (an international space station) :: Мир {m}; Mir {m}
miracle {n} (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) :: чудо {n}; čudo {n}
mirage {n} (an optical phenomenon) :: фатаморгана {f}, мираж {m}; fatamorgana {f}, miraž {m}
mirage {n} (illusion) SEE: illusion ::
Miriam {prop} (female given name) :: Mìrjam {f}
mirror {n} (smooth reflecting surface) :: огледало {n}, зрцало {n}; ogledalo {n}, zrcalo {n}
misanthrope {n} (one who hates all mankind) :: човекомрзац {m}, човјекомрзац {m}, мизантроп {m}; čovekomŕzac {m}, čovjekomŕzac {m}, mizàntrop {m}
misanthropic {adj} (hating or disliking mankind) :: mizantropski
misanthropist {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope ::
misanthropy {n} (hatred or dislike of people or mankind) :: мизантропија {f}; mizantròpija {f}
misappropriate {v} (to embezzle) SEE: embezzle ::
misbaha {n} (set of Islamic prayer beads) :: теспих {m}; tèspih {m}
misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard ::
miscarriage {n} (termination of pregnancy) :: побачај {m}; pȍbačāj {m}
miscellaneous {adj} (consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts) :: разноврстан; raznòvrstan
miscellaneous {adj} (having diverse characteristics) :: разноличан; raznòličan
miscellany {n} :: zbirka, zbornik, zbirnik
mischievous {adj} (naughty) :: неваљао; nevàljao
miscomprehend {v} (misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand ::
miscreant {adj} (holding an incorrect religious belief) :: heretički
miscreant {n} (one who has behaved badly or illegally) :: izgrednik
miscreant {n} (one who holds a false religious belief; an unbeliever) :: heretik, bezvjerac, bezbožnik
miserly {adj} (like a miser; very covetous; stingy) :: škrt
misery {n} (great unhappiness) :: јад {m}, беда {f}; jad {m}, beda {f}
misfortune {n} (bad luck) :: несрећа {f}; nèsreća {f}
misgive {v} (to give fear or doubt to) :: слутити; slutiti
misinformation {n} (disinformation) SEE: disinformation ::
mislead {v} (lead in a false direction) :: обманути; obmanuti; завести, обманути; zavesti, obmanuti
misleading {adj} (tending to mislead) :: prijetvoran, obmanjivački, dezorijentirajući
misogynist {n} (hater of women) :: женомрзац {m}; ženomrzac {m}
miss {v} (to fail to hit) :: promašiti
miss {v} (to feel the absence of someone or something; to feel the want or need of) :: nedostajati {impf}
miss {n} (unmarried woman) :: госпођица {f}, гђица {f}; gospođica {f}, gđica {f}
miss {n} (Miss) SEE: Miss ::
Miss {n} (title) :: госпођица {f}, гђица {f}; gospođica {f}, gđica {f}
misshapen {adj} (deformed) :: деформисан; deformisan
missile {n} (self-propelled, guidable projectile) :: ракета {f}; raketa {f}
missing link {n} (hypothetical primate) :: karika koja nedostaje
missiology {n} (the area of practical theology) :: мисиологија {f}; misiologija {f}
mission {n} (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) :: мисија {f}; misija {f}
mission {n} (religious evangelism) :: мисија {f}; misija {f}
missionary {n} (person traveling to spread a religion) :: мисионар {m}; misionar {m}
Mississippi {n} (river) :: Мисисипи {m}; Mississippi {m}
missus {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
mist {n} (Water or other liquid finely suspended in air) :: sumaglica
mistake {v} (to take one thing for another) :: pogrijéšiti
mistake {v} (To make an error) :: pogrijéšiti
mistake {n} (an error) :: грешка {f}, грјешка {f}, грешка {f}, погрјешка {f}; greška {f}, grješka {f}, pogreška {f}, pogrješka {f}
mistaken {adj} (erroneous) SEE: erroneous ::
mister {n} (title of adult male) :: господин {m}; gospodin {m}
mistletoe {n} (any of several hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales) :: имела {f}; imèla {f}
mistletoe {n} (sprig of one such plant used as a Christmas decoration) :: imela {f}
mistreatment {n} (improper treatment) :: loše postupanje {n}, zlostavljanje, maltretiranje
mistress {n} (woman of authority) :: газдарица {f}, господарица {f}; gȁzdarica {f}, gospodàrica {f}
mistress {n} (female teacher) :: наставница {f}, учитељица {f}; nástāvnica {f}, učitèljica {f}
mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) :: љубавница {f}, швалерка {f}; ljúbāvnica {f}, švàlērka {f}
mistress {n} (dominatrix) :: господарица {f}; gospodàrica {f}
misunderstand {v} (to understand incorrectly, while believing one has understood correctly) :: pogrešno razumjeti
mite {n} (arachnid) :: grȉnja {f}
mitigation {n} (reduction of something harmful) :: ublažavanje, taženje, utaživanje, olakšavanje, olakšanje, mitigacija
mitochondrion {n} (respiratory organelle) :: митохондрије {f}; mitohondrije {f}
mitre {n} (a covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries) :: митра {f}; mitra {f}
mitt {n} (mitten) SEE: mitten ::
mitten {n} (type of glove) :: rukavica {f}
mix {v} (stir two or more substances together) :: pomiješati
mix {v} (combine items from two or more sources normally kept separate) :: izmiješati
mix {v} (use a mixer on) :: miksati
mix {n} (result of mixing two or more substances) :: mješavina
mix {n} (result of combining items normally kept separate) :: smjesa
mixer {n} (blender) :: мешалица {f}, мешало {n}; mešalica {m}, mešalo {n}
mixture {n} (something produced by mixing) :: smesa {f}, mešavina {f}
Miyako {prop} (Language) :: miyako
Mizar {prop} (binary star in the constellation Ursa Major) :: Мизар /Mizar/
Mjollnir {prop} (the hammer of Thor, Thor's hammer Mjollnir) :: Мјолнир {m}; Mjolnir {m}
Mljet {prop} (island in Croatia) :: Мљет {m}; Mljet {m}
moan {v} (to make a moan or similar sound) :: stenjati
moat {n} (defensive ditch) :: шанац {m}; šanac {m}
mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia ::
mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobile phone {n} (portable telephone) :: мобител {m}, мобилан телефон {m}, мобилни телефон {m}; mòbitel {m}, mȍbīlan telèfōn {m}, mobilni telefon {m}
mobile telephone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mock {v} (to taunt) :: rugati
modal {n} (modal verb) SEE: modal verb ::
modal {adj} (of or relating to a mode or modus) :: načinski, načinovni
modal verb {n} (a kind of verb) :: начински глагол {m}, модални глагол {m}; načinski glȁgol {m}, modalni glȁgol {m}
mode {n} (in computing) :: начин рада {m}, режӣм {m}, мод {m}; náčin rada {m}, rèžīm {m}, mȏd {m}
mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
model {n} (simplified representation) :: модел {m}; mòdel {m}
model {adj} :: mòdel {m}, модел {m}
modem {n} (device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals) :: модем {m}; mòdēm {m}
moderateness {n} (the quality of being moderate) :: умјереност {f}, умереност {f}; ùmjerenōst {f}, ùmerenōst {f}
modern {adj} (pertaining to the current time and style) :: модеран, савремен; moderan, savremen
modest {adj} (not bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements) :: скроман; skrȍman
modesty {n} (the quality of being modest) :: скромност {f}; skrȍmnōst {f}
modesty {n} (moderate behaviour; reserve) :: скромност {f}; skrȍmnōst {f}
modesty {n} (pudency, avoidance of sexual explicitness) :: чедност {f}; čȅdnōst {f}
module {n} (abelian group) SEE: abelian group ::
Moesia {prop} (an ancient region and later Roman province situated in the Balkans) :: Мезија, Mezija
Mogilev {prop} (city) :: Могиљов {m}, Махиљов {m}, Могилев {m}; Mogiljov {m}, Mahiljov {m}, Mogilev {m}
mohair {n} (fine hair of the Angora goat) :: мохер {m}, тифтик {m}; moher {m}, tiftik {m}
Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad ::
Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad ::
moiety {n} (half) SEE: half ::
moisture {n} (a moderate degree of wetness) :: влага {f}; vlȁga {f}, vlȁžnōst {f}
mojibake {n} (corrupt characters or letters) :: ђубре; đubre
Moksha {prop} (language) :: мокшански; mokšanski
mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) :: плесан {f}, плијесан {f}, буђ {m} {f}; plesan {f}, plijesan {f}, buđ {m} {f}
Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova ::
Moldavian {prop} (language) :: moldavski
Moldavian {adj} (relating to Moldova) :: молдавскӣ; mòldavskī
Moldavian SSR {prop} (name for the Republic of Moldova) :: Moldavska SSR
Moldova {prop} (country) :: Молдова {f}, Молдавија {f}; Moldova {f}, Moldavija {f}
Moldovan {n} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
Moldovan {prop} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
Moldovan {adj} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian ::
mole {n} (dark spot on the skin) :: мадеж {m}, младеж {m}, бен {m}; madež {m}, mladež {m}, ben {m}
mole {n} (burrowing insectivore) :: кртица {f}; krtica {f}
mole {n} (hemorrhagic mass of tissue in the uterus) :: mola
mole cricket {n} (insect of Gryllotalpidae) :: ровац {m}; rovac {m}
molecule {n} (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) :: молекула {f}; molekula {f}
molinology {n} (study of mills) :: mlinarstvo {n}
mollusc {n} (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca, see also: clam; oyster; mussel) :: мекушац {m}; mekušac {m}
mollycoddle {n} (person who is pampered and overprotected) :: mamina maza {f}, maza {f}, razmaženko {m}
molybdenum {n} (chemical element) :: молибден {m}; mòlibden {m}
mom {v} (mother) SEE: mum ::
moment {n} (very brief period of time) :: tren {m}, trenutak {m}, čas {m}, časak {m}, hip {m}, moment {m}
momentary {adj} (lasting for only a moment) :: časovit
momentary {adj} (ephemeral or relatively short-lived) :: trenutan
moment of truth {n} (deciding instant) :: тренутак истине
momentum {n} (product of mass and velocity) :: [Serbia] ѝмпулс, [Croatia] количѝна гибања, [Bosnia]количѝна кретања; [Serbia] ìmpuls, [Croatia] količìna gíbānja (quantity of movement), [Bosnia] količìna krétānja (quantity of movement)
momentum {n} (impetus, either of a body in motion, or of an idea or course of events) :: impuls, impetus
mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
Monaco {prop} (country in Europe) :: Монако {m}; Monako {m}
Monaco {prop} (capital city) :: Монако {m}; Monako {m}
Mona Lisa {prop} (painting by Leonardo da Vinci) :: Мона Лиза {f}, Ђоконда {f}; Mona Lisa {f}, Gioconda {f}
monarch {n} (ruler) :: монарх {m}; monarh {m}
monarchy {n} (form of government with a hereditary head of state) :: монархија {f}; monarhija {f}
monastery {n} (building for monks) :: манастир {m}, самостан {m}; manastir {m}, samostan {m}
Monastir {prop} (former name of Bitola in Macedonia) :: Битољ; Bitolj
Monday {n} (day of the week) :: понедељак {m}, понедјељак {m}; ponedeljak {m}, ponedjeljak {m}
monetarism {n} :: монетарѝзам {m}; monetarìzam {m}
money {n} (means of exchange and measure of value) :: новац {m}, паре {f}, пјенез {m} [archaic], пјенез {m} [archaic]; nòvac {m}, pare {f}, pjȅnēz {m} [archaic], pjènez {m} [archaic]
money box {n} (tin with a slot in the top for depositing coins) SEE: piggy bank ::
money plant {n} (Lunaria annua) SEE: honesty ::
Mongol {n} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian ::
Mongolia {prop} (East Asian country) :: Монголија {f}; Mongolija {f}
Mongolian {adj} (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) :: монголски; mòngōlskī
Mongolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) :: монгол {m}, Монголка {f}; Mongol {m}, Mongolka {f}
Mongolian People's Republic {prop} (Mongolia) SEE: Mongolia ::
moniker {n} (personal name or nickname) :: nadimak, prišvarak, pridjevak
moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature ::
monism {n} (doctrine of the oneness and unity of reality) :: monizam {m}
monition {n} (caution or warning) :: savjet {m}, opomena {f}, upozorenje {n}
monitor {n} (someone who watches over something) :: rèdār {m}
monitor {n} (computer display) :: екран {m}, монитор {m}; ekran {m}, monitor {m}
monitor {v} (watch over, guard) :: надгледати, nadgledati
monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard ::
monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) :: варан {m}; varan {m}
monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge ::
monk {n} (male member of monastic order) :: калуђер {m}, монах {m}, редовник {m}; kaluđer {m}, monah {m}, redovnik {m}
monk {n} :: kaluđer {m}, duhovnik {m}
monkey {n} (primate) :: мајмун {m} [includes apes]; majmun {m} [includes apes]
monkey-house {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
monkshood {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite ::
monocle {n} (a single lens) :: монокл {m}; monòkl {m}
monocotyledon {n} (Plant belonging to Monocotyledones or Liliopsida) :: jednosupnice
monocracy {n} (autocracy) SEE: autocracy ::
monogamy {n} (permanent pair bond between two beings) :: jednožénstvo {n}, monogàmija {f}
monogermane {n} (germane) SEE: germane ::
monogram {n} (a design composed of one or more letters used as an identifying mark) :: монограм {m}; monogram {m}
monoid {n} (type of set) :: моноид {m}; monoid {m}
monolith {n} (large, single block of stone) :: монолӣт {m}; monòlīt {m}
monomial {n} (term with numbers and variables) :: моном {m}; mònōm {m}
monopole {n} :: монопол {m} /monopol/
monopsony {n} (market situation in which there is only buyer for a product) :: монопсон {m}; mȍnopson {m}
monotheism {n} (belief in one God) :: монотеѝзам {m}, једнобоштво {n}; monoteìzam {m}, jednòboštvo {n}
monotone function {n} (calculus: real function that either never decreases or never increases) :: monotona funkcija {f}
monotone function {n} (order theory: function such that either xy implies f(x) ≤ f(y) or xy implies f(y) ≤ f(x)) :: monotona funkcija {f}
monster {n} (terrifying dangerous creature) :: чудовӣште {n}, неман {f}; čȕdovīšte {n}, nȅmān {f}
Mont Blanc {prop} (the highest mountain in Europe) :: Монблан {m}; Mont Blanc {m}
Montenegrin {adj} (relating to Montenegro) :: црногорскӣ; crnògorskī
Montenegrin {n} (person from Montenegro) :: Црногорац {m}, Црногорка {f}; Crnògorac {m}, Crnògōrka {f}
Montenegrin {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: црногорскӣ {m}; crnògorskī {m}
Montenegro {prop} (country in Europe) :: Црна Гора {f}; Cȓnā Gòra {f}
month {n} (period into which a year is divided) :: [Ekavian] месец {m}, [Ijekavian] мјесец {m}; [Ekavian] mȅsēc {m}, [Ijekavian] mjȅsēc {m}
Montreal {prop} (a city in Quebec) :: Монтреал {m}; Montreal {m}
monument {n} (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) :: споменик {m}, монумент {m}; spomenik {m}, monument {m}
moo {n} (characteristic sound made by a cow or bull) :: мукање {n}, mukanje {n}
moo {v} (to make a lowing sound) :: мукати, mukati
moo {interj} (sound made by a cow or bull) :: му, mu
mood {n} (mental state) :: расположење {n}; raspoloženje {n}
mood {n} (bad mood) :: нерасположење {n}; neraspoloženje {n}
mood {n} (disposition (see also in the mood)) :: расположење {n}; raspoloženje {n}
mood {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
moon {n} (largest natural satellite of planet Earth) :: месец {m}, мјесец {m}; mesec {m}, mjesec {m}
moon {n} (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet) :: месец {m}, мјесец {m}; mesec {m}, mjesec {m}
moon {n} (month) :: месец {m}, мјесец {m}; mesec {m}, mjesec {m}
Moon {prop} (sole natural satellite of the Earth) :: Мјесец {m}, Месец {m}; Mjȅsēc {m}, Mȅsēc {m}
moonrise {n} (The time of day or night when the moon begins to rise over the horizon) :: izlazak meseca
moonset {n} (the setting of the moon below the horizon) :: zalazak meseca
moonwalk {n} (dance style) :: месечев ход {m}; mesečev hȏd {m}
moor {n} (region with poor, marshy soil, peat and heath) :: вресиште {n}, вријесиште {n}; vresište {n}, vrijesište {n}
moorhen {n} (water birds of the genus Gallinula) :: mlakuša {f}, zelenonoga guša {f}
moose {n} (largest member of the deer family (Alces alces)) :: лос {m}; los {m}
moot {n} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
moped {n} (two-wheeled vehicle) :: мопед {m}; moped {m}
moraine {n} (accumulation of rocks and debris) :: морена {f}; moréna {f}
moralism {n} (Act or practice of moralizing) :: moralizam {m}
morality {n} :: етика; etika
moral philosophy {n} (ethics) SEE: ethics ::
morass {n} (tract of soft, wet ground) :: blato {n}
Moravia {prop} (historical region) :: Моравска {f}; Moravska {f}
moray {n} (eels of the family Muraenidae) :: мурина; mùrina
moray eel {n} (brightly colored marine eel) SEE: moray ::
mordant {n} (a substance used to facilitate dye fixing) :: močilo {n}
Mordovia {prop} (republic of Russia) :: Мордовија {f}; Mordovija
Mordvinia {prop} (republic of Russia) SEE: Mordovia ::
more {determiner} (comparative of many) :: више; vȉšē
more {adv} :: još
morel {n} (genus Morchella) :: smŕčak {m}
morel {n} (common morel or yellow morel, Morchella esculenta) :: prȁvī smŕčak {m}
more or less {adv} (approximately) :: manje-više
moreover {adv} (in addition to what has been said) :: štoviše, štaviše
morgue {n} (place for dead people) :: мртвачница {f}; mrtvačnica {f}
morgue {n} (haughty attitude) SEE: arrogance ::
moribund {adj} (approaching death) :: moribundan, umirući, samrtnički, agonalni
Mormon {prop} (ancient prophet) :: Мормон; Mormon
Mormon {adj} (pertaining to the faith established by Joseph Smith, Jr) :: мормонски; mòrmōnski
morning {n} (part of the day between dawn and midday) :: преподне {m}, јутро {n}; prepodne {m}, jutro {n}
morning {n} (the part of the day after midnight and before midday) :: јутро {n}, сабах {m}; jutro {n}, sabah {m}
morning after {n} (hangover) SEE: hangover ::
morning star {n} (spiked weapon on staff) :: јутарње звезде
Moroccan {n} (person from Morocco) :: Marokanac {m}, Marokanka {f}
Moroccan {adj} (pertaining to Morocco) :: marokanski
Morocco {prop} (country) :: Мароко {m}; Maroko {m}
moron {n} (person who makes uncool attempts to impress others) :: будала {f}; budàla {f}
moron {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
Moroni {prop} (Book of Mormon prophet and leader) :: Moroni {m}
morph {n} (allomorph) SEE: allomorph ::
morpheme {n} (smallest linguistic unit) :: морфема {f}, морфем {f}; morféma {f}, mòrfēm {f}
Morpheus {prop} (Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams) :: Морфеј
morphism {n} :: morfizam {m}
morphology {n} (linguistic study of the form and structure) :: обликословље {n}, морфологија {f}; ȍblikoslōvlje {n}, morfològija {f}
mortal {adj} (susceptible to death) :: smrtan, zemnik
mortal {n} (human; someone susceptible to death) :: smȑtnīk {m}, smȑtnica {f}
mortality {n} (condition of being susceptible to death) :: smrtnost {f}
mortal sin {n} (grave sin) :: смртни гријех {m}; smrtni grijȇh {m}
mortar {n} (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water) :: малтер {f}, морт {m}; malter {m}, mort {m}
mortar {n} (short large-bore cannon) :: минобацач {m}; minobacač {m}
mortar {n} (vessel used to grind ingredients) :: ступа {m}, аван {m}, мужар {m}, тарионик {m}; stupa {f}, avan {m}, mužar {m}, tarionik {m}
mortgage {n} (special form of secured loan) :: hipoteka {f}; хипотека {f}
mortmain {n} (inalienable possession of lands) :: метох {m}
mortuary {n} (morgue) SEE: morgue ::
mosaic {n} (artwork) :: мозаик {m}; mozaik {m}
Moscow {prop} (capital city of Russia) :: Москва {f}; Mȍskva {f}
Moscow {prop} (a name of a town in the USA) :: Moscow {m}
Moscow salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad ::
Moscow Time {prop} (time of day in Moscow time zone) :: Moskovsko vrijeme
Moses {prop} (the biblical patriarch) :: Мојсије {m}, Муса {m} [Muslim]; Mojsije {m}, Musa {m} [Muslim]
mosh pit {n} (mosh dance floor) :: шутка {f}; šȕtka {f}
mosque {n} (a place of worship for Muslims) :: џамија {f}, мошеја {f} [rare]; džámija {f}, mošéja {f} [rare]
mosquito {n} (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood) :: комарац {m}, комарица {f}; komarac {m}, komarica {f}
moss {n} (bog) SEE: bog ::
moss {n} (plants of the division Bryophyta) :: мах {m}, маховина {f}; mah {m}, mahovina {f}
moss-grown {adj} (old; old-fashioned, out of date) SEE: old ::
most {determiner} (majority of) :: većina {f}
most {adv} (forming the superlative) :: нај-; naj-
most {adv} (almost) SEE: almost ::
mostly {adv} (for the most part) :: превасходно, углавном; prevashodno, uglavnom
motel {n} (type of hotel) :: мотел {m}; mòtēl {m}
moth {n} (insect similar to a butterfly) :: мољац {m}, лептирица {f}; moljac {m}, leptirica {f}
mother {n} (motherfucker) SEE: motherfucker ::
mother {n} (hysterical passion) SEE: hysteria ::
mother {n} (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant) :: мат {f}, мати {f}, мајка {f}, родитељица {f}, рођеница {f}, матер {f}; mat {f}, mati {f}, majka {f}, roditeljica {f}, rođenica {f}, mater {f}
mother {n} (one’s female parent) :: мајка {f}, матер {f}; majka {f}, mater {f}
motherboard {n} (primary circuit board of a computer) :: матична плоча {f}; matična ploča {f}
motherfucker {n} (generic term of abuse) :: мамојебац, бабојебац, зајебант; mamojebac, babojebac, zajebant,
mother-in-law {n} (spouse’s mother) :: свекрва {f} [husband's mother], ташта {f} [wife's mother]; svekrva {f} [husband's mother], tašta {f} [wife's mother]
motherland {n} (the country of one's ancestors) :: отаџбина {f}, домовина {f}; otadžbina {f}, domovina {f}
motherland {n} :: домовина {f}, отаџбина {f}; domovina {f}, otadžbina {f}
mother-of-pearl {n} (pearly layer) :: седеф {m}; sèdef {m}
mother tongue {n} (one's native tongue) :: матерњи језик {m}, материњи језик {m}, матерински језик {m}, maternji jezik {m}, materinji jezik {m}, materinski jezik {m}
motion picture {n} (movie) SEE: movie ::
motion sickness {n} (nausea or dizziness in a moving vehicle) :: морска болест {f}, кинетоза {f}; morska bolest {f}, kinetoza {f}
motivate {v} (to encourage) :: motivírati
motivation {n} (willingness of action especially in behavior) :: мотивација {f}; motivácija {f}
motivation {n} (action of motivating) :: мотивација {f}; motivácija {f}
motivation {n} (something which motivates) :: мотивација {f}; motivácija {f}
motivation {n} (reason for doing something) :: мотивација {f}; motivácija {f}
motive {n} (a cause to commit a crime) :: мотӣв {f}; mòtīv {f}
motor {n} (machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy) :: мотор {m}; mòtōr {m}
motorcar {n} (enclosed passenger vehicle powered by engine) SEE: automobile ::
motorcycle {n} (open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel) :: мотоцикл {m}; motocikl {m}
motorway {n} (broad highway) :: аутопут {m}; autoput {m}
motto {n} (sentence, phrase or word forming part of an heraldic achievement) :: девиза {f}, мото {m}; deviza {f}, moto {m}
mouflon {n} (sheep) :: spelling: муфлон; spelling: muflon
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mouldwarp {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
mound {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
mount {n} (mountain) SEE: mountain ::
mountain {n} (large mass of earth and rock) :: планина {f}, гора {f}; planina {f}, gora {f}
mountain {n} (large amount) :: брдо {n}; bȑdo {n}
mountain ash {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan ::
mountaineer {n} (one who climbs mountains for sport or pleasure) :: alpinist {m}
mountainous {adj} (having many mountains) :: планӣнскӣ, брдовит, горскӣ, горовит; plànīnskī, brdòvit, gòrskī, goròvit
Mount Everest {prop} (world’s highest mountain, located in the Himalayas) :: Монт Еверест {m}
Mount Kilimanjaro {prop} (Kilimanjaro) SEE: Kilimanjaro ::
mouse {n} (rodent of the genus Mus) :: миш {m}; mȉš {m}
mouse {n} (shy person) :: миш {m}; miš {m}
mouse {n} (computing: input device) :: миш {m}; miš {m}
mouser {n} (cat that catches mice) :: mišolovac {m}
mousetrap {n} (device for killing mice) :: мишоловка {f}; mišolovka {f}
moussaka {n} (baked dish) :: мусака {f}; musàka {f}
moustache {n} (hair on upper lip) :: брк {m}, бркови {m-p}, науснице {f-p}; bȓk {m}, bȑkovi {m-p}, nàusnice {f-p}
mouth {n} (the opening of a creature through which food is ingested) :: уста {n-p}; ústa {n-p}
mouth {n} (the end of a river out of which water flows) :: ušće {n}
mouth {n} :: уста {n-p}; usta {n-p}; usta {n-p}
mouthful {n} (amount that will fit in a mouth) :: залогај {m}; zȁlogāj {m}
move {v} (to change place or posture; to go) :: кретати {impf}, кренути {pf}; kretati {impf}, krenuti {pf}
move {v} (to transfer from one space or position to another) :: krenuti {pf}, kretati {impf}
move {n} (the event of changing one's residence) :: sèlidba {f}
move {n} (the act of moving) SEE: movement ::
movement {n} (physical motion) :: кретање {n}, гибање {n}; kretanje {n}, gibanje {n}
movie {n} (motion picture) :: филм {m}; film {m}
movie {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moviehouse {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
movie theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
mow {v} (to cut down) :: косити {impf}; kositi {impf}
mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower ::
Mozambique {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: Мозамбик {m}; Mozambik {m}
Mr {n} (abbreviation of mister) SEE: Mr. ::
Mr. {n} (abbreviation of mister) :: g., gosp.
Mărășești {prop} (city in Romania) :: Марашешти, Marašešti
Mrs {n} (title before woman's name) :: гђа {f}, госпођа {f}; gđa {f}, gȍspođa {f}
much {determiner} (a large amount of) :: пуно, многӣ, много; puno, mnȍgī, mnȍgo
much {adv} (to a great extent) :: пуно, много; puno, mnȍgo
much obliged {interj} (thank you) SEE: thank you ::
much obliged {adj} (grateful) SEE: grateful ::
mucosa {n} (mucous membrane) SEE: mucous membrane ::
mucous membrane {n} (membrane which secretes mucus) :: cлузокожа {f}, слузница {f}; sluzokoža {f}, slúznica {f}
mucus {n} (slippery secretion) :: слуз {f}; sluz {f}
mud {n} (mixture of soil and water) :: блато {n}, муљ {m}, глиб {m}, каљ {m}; blato {n}, mulj {m}, glib {m}, kalj {m}
muddy {adj} (covered with mud) :: блатан {m}; blàtan {m}
mudra {n} (symbolic hand postures of India) :: мудра {f}; mudra {f}
mudstone {n} (a fine-grained sedimentary rock) :: muljnjak {m}
muezzin {n} (person who issues call to prayer) :: мујезин {m}; mujezin {m}
muff {n} (a piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm) :: rukovnica {f}
muffle {n} (A machine with two pulleys to hoist load by spinning wheel) SEE: block and tackle ::
muffler {n} (part of exhaust pipe) :: ауспух {m}; auspuh {m}
muffler {n} (scarf) SEE: scarf ::
mufti {n} (Muslim scholar) :: муфтија {m}; mùftija {m}
mug {n} (large cup) :: кригла {f}; krígla {f}
Muggle {n} (person who lacks a particular ability or skill) SEE: amateur ::
Muggle {n} (person who has no magical abilities) :: нормалац {m}, безјак {m}; normalac {m}, bezjak {m}
Muhammad {prop} (the prophet who introduced Islam) :: Мухамед {m}; Muhamed {m}
Muharram {prop} (the first month of the Islamic calendar) :: мухарем {m}; muharem {m}
Muharram {prop} :: мухарем {m}; muharem {m}
mujahid {n} (a Muslim engaging in jihad) :: муџахедӣн {m}; mudžahèdīn {m}
mujahideen {n} (mujahid) SEE: mujahid ::
mulberry {n} (the tree) :: дуд {m}, мурва {f}; dȕd {m}, mȗrva {f}
mulberry {n} (the fruit) :: дуд {m}, мурва {f}; dȕd {m}, mȗrva {f}
mulct {n} (pecuniary penalty) SEE: fine ::
mule {n} (offspring of male donkey and female horse) :: мазга {f}, мула {f}; mazga {f}, mula {f}
mullah {n} (a Muslim religious scholar and teacher) :: мула {m}; mula {m}
mullein {n} (plants of the genus Verbascum) :: дивѝзма {f}; divìzma {f}
mullet {n} (fish of the family Mugilidae (grey mullets)) :: ципал {m}; cipal {m}
multicellular {adj} (having many cells) :: вишестаничан; višestaničan
multilingual {adj} (pertaining to multiple languages) :: вишејезичан; višejezičan
multimorbid {adj} (suffering from more than one illness) :: multimorbidan
multimorbidity {n} (the condition of being multimorbid) :: multimorbiditet
multiple {adj} (having more than one element, part, component or function) :: вишеструк; višèstruk
multiple-choice {adj} :: višestrukog izbora, s višestrukim izborom
multiple-choice question {n} (a question where the answerer has the choice between multiple answers) :: pitanje s višestrukim izborom {n}
multiplexer {n} (device that interleaves several activities) :: мултиплексер {m}; multipleksor {m}
multiplicand {n} (number that is to be multiplied by another) :: množenik {m}
multiplication {n} (process) :: множење {n}; mnòžēnje {n}
multiplication {n} (calculation) :: множење {n}; mnòžēnje {n}
multiplier {n} (number) :: množitelj {m}
multiply {v} (transitive: perform multiplication on (a number)) :: množiti {impf}
multitude {n} (great amount or number, often of people) :: мноштво {f}; mnòštvo {f}
multitude {n} (mass of ordinary people; the populace or the masses) :: мноштво {f}, пук {m}, свјетина {f}, маса {f}, гомила {f}; mnòštvo {f}, pȗk {m}, svjètina {f}, màsa {f}, gòmila {f}
multiverse {n} (hypothetical group of all possible universes) :: мултиверзум (multiverzum) {m}
mum {n} (mother (informal, familiar)) :: мама {f}; mȁma {f}
Mumbai {prop} (state capital of Maharashtra, see also: Bombay) :: Мумбај {m}, Бомбај {m}; Mumbaj {m}, Bombaj {m}
mummy {n} (embalmed corpse) :: мумија {f}; mȗmija {f}
mummy {n} (child's term for mother) :: мама {f}; mama {f}
mumps {n} (contagious disease) :: заушке {f}; zauške {f}
munch {v} (to chew) :: mljackati, žvakati
Munich {prop} (capital of Bavaria) :: Минхен {m}; Minhen {m}
Munich {prop} :: München {m}, Monakov {m}, Monakovo {n}
municipal {adj} (pertaining to city) :: градскӣ; gràdskī
municipality {n} (a district with a government that typically encloses no other governed districts) :: опћина {f}; ȍpćina {f}
munificence {n} (the quality of being munificent; generosity) :: štedrost {f}, izdašnost {f}
murder {n} (an act of deliberate killing) :: убиство {n}, убојство {n}, уморство {n}; ubistvo {n}, ùbōjstvo {n}, umórstvo {n}
murder {n} (the crime of deliberate killing) :: убиство {n}, убоство {n}, уморство {n}; ubistvo {n}, ùbōjstvo {n}, umórstvo {n}
murder {n} (flock of crows) :: vrane
murder {v} (deliberately kill) :: убити, уморити; ùbiti, umòriti
murder {v} (defeat decisively) :: ùbiti
murder {v} (express one’s anger at) :: ubiti, zgromiti
murderer {n} (person who commits murder) :: убица {m} [Bosnian, Serbian], убојица {m} [Croatian]; ùbica {m} [Bosnian, Serbian], ùbojica {m} [Croatian]
murderous {adj} (likely to commit murder, see also: homicidal) :: убитачан, убојит; ȕbitačan, ùbojit
murderous {adj} (used to commit murder; capable of causing death, see also: deadly; fatal) :: убитачан; ȕbitačan
Mureș {prop} (river in Romania and Hungary) :: Moriš, Мориш, Муреш
murky {adj} (dark, dim, gloomy) SEE: gloomy ::
Murmansk {prop} (city) :: Мурманск {m}; Murmansk {m}
murrey {n} (mulberry) SEE: mulberry ::
musalla {n} (oratory) SEE: oratory ::
musalla {n} (prayer rug) SEE: prayer rug ::
musalla {n} ((Islam) a place for praying) :: мусала {f}; musàla {f}
Muscat {prop} (capital city) :: Маскат {m}; Maskat {m}
muscle {n} (contractile tissue) :: мишић {m}, мишића {f}; mišić {m}, mišića {f}
muscle {n} (organ composed of muscle tissue) :: мишић {m}, мишића {f}; mišić {m}, mišića {f}
muscle {n} (strength, force) :: мишић {m}, мишића {f}; mišić {m}, mišića {f}
muscleman {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard ::
muscular {adj} (of or relating to muscles) :: мѝшӣћнӣ; mìšīćnī
muscular {adj} (having strength) :: мѝшићав, мускулозан; mìšićav, mȕskulōzan
muscular {adj} (having large, well-developed muscles) :: мускулозан; mȕskulōzan
muse {n} (a source of inspiration) :: муза; muza
Muse {n} (one of the nine Ancient Greek deities of the arts) :: музa {f}; muza {f}
museum {n} (building or institution) :: музеј {m}; mùzej {m}
mushroom {n} (fruiting body of a fungus) :: гљива {f}, печурка {f}; gljiva {f}, pečurka {f}
mushroom {n} (one who rises suddenly from a low condition in life) SEE: upstart ::
mushroom {n} (champignon) SEE: champignon ::
music {n} (sound, organized in time in a melodious way) :: музика {f}, глазба {f}; mùzika {f}, glàzba {f}
music {n} :: глазба {f}, музика {f}; glàzba {f}, mùzika {f}
musical {adj} (of or relating to music) :: glazben, muzikalan
musical {n} (stage performance, show or film) :: mjuzikl {m}
musical bow {n} (simple musical instrument) :: гудало {n}; gùdalo {n}
musical instrument {n} (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds) :: музички инструмент {m}, глазбени инструмент {m}; muzički instrument {m}, glazbeni instrument {m}
musician {n} (person who performs or writes music) :: музичар {m}; muzičar {m}, glazbenik {m} [Croatia]
musicology {n} (study of music) :: музикологија {f}; muzikologija {f}
musk {n} (greasy secretion with powerful odour) :: mošus {m}
muskrat {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) :: бизамски пацов {m}; bizamski pacov {m}, mošusni štakor {m} [Croatia], bizamski štakor {m} [Croatia]
Muslim {n} (believer of Islam) :: муслиман {m}, муслиманка {f}; musliman {m}, muslimanka {f}
Muslim {adj} (relating to believers of Islam) :: муслимански; muslimanski
muslin {n} (very different styles of fabric) SEE: fabric ::
muslin {n} (thin cotton cloth) :: муслин; muslin
musquash {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) SEE: muskrat ::
muss {n} (mess) SEE: mess ::
mussel {n} (any small edible bivalve shellfish, see also: clam; oyster; mollusc) :: školjka {f}, jestiva školjka {f}, dagnja {f}
must {v} (be required to) :: морати; mórati
must {n} (fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes) :: мошт {m}; mošt {m}
mustard {n} (plant) :: gorčica {f}, slačica {f}
mustard {n} (condiment) :: сенф {m}, горчица {f}; sȅnf {m}, gorčica {f}
mustard {n} (colour) :: boja senfa
mustard gas {n} (vesicant gas) :: иперӣт; iperit {m}
muster {v} (to show, exhibit) SEE: show ::
muster {n} (assembling or review of troops) :: postrojavanje, smotra {f}
muster {n} (collection of peafowl) :: jato pauna {n}
muster {v} (to be gathered together) :: muštrati
muster {v} (to call or assemble together) :: muštrati
mutable {adj} (changeable) :: promjenljiv {m}
mutant {n} (something that has mutated) :: mùtant {m}
mutation {n} (mutant) SEE: mutant ::
mutatis mutandis {adv} (having changed what needs to be changed) :: мутатис мутандис; mutatis mutandis
mute {adj} (not having the power of speech) :: нем, нијем, мутав; nȇm, nijȇm, mȕtav
muteness {n} (characteristic of being mute) :: немост {f}; nemost {f}
mutilate {v} (To physically harm as to impair use) :: сакатити, sakatiti; sakatiti
mutt {n} (a mongrel dog) :: мјешанац {m}, џукела {f}; mješánac {m}, džùkela {f}
mutton {n} (the flesh of sheep used as food) :: овчетина {f}; ovčetina {f}
muzzle {n} (part of animal's head) :: њушка {f}, губица {f}; njȕška {f}, gȕbica {f}
muzzle {n} (device to stop an animal from biting) :: брњица {f}; bȑnjica {f}
my {determiner} (belonging to me) :: мој; moj
Myanmar {prop} (Southeast Asian country, see also: Burma) :: Мијанмар {m}, Мјанма {m}; Mijanmar {m}, Mjȁnma {m}
my ass {interj} (Indicates disapproval, disagreement, or disbelief) :: govno {n}
myelin {n} (white, fatty material, composed of lipids and lipoproteins) :: mijelin {m}
my name is {phrase} (a way to identify oneself) :: зовем се..., ја сам..., моје име је..., име ми је...; zovem se..., ja sam..., moje ime je..., ime mi je...
myocardial infarction {n} (heart attack) SEE: heart attack ::
myopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness ::
myriad {n} (vast diversity or number) :: mirijada {f}
myroblyte {n} (saint whose relics or place of burial produce or are said to have produced the Oil of Saints or the odour of sanctity) :: мироточац {m}; mirotočac {m}
myroblyte {adj} :: мироточиви; mirotočivi
myrrh {n} (dried sap of the myrrha tree) :: мирха {f}, измирна {f}; mȉrha {f}, izmirna {f}
myrtle {n} (evergreen shrub) :: мрча {f}, мирта {f}; mȑča {f}, mȋrta {f}
myself {pron} (me, reflexive form of me) :: sebe, se, sam sebe
mysterious {adj} (of unknown origin) :: тајанствен, загонетан; tajanstven, zagonetan
mystery {n} (something secret or unexplainable) :: тајна {f}, загонетка {f}, мѝстерӣј {m}; tajna {f}, zagonetka {f}, mìstērīj {m}
mystery {n} (someone or thing with an obscure or puzzling nature) :: mìstērīj {m}
mysticism {n} (beliefs and ideas of mystics) :: мистицизам {m}; misticizam {m}
mysticism {n} (doctrine of direct communication of divine truth) :: мистицизам {m}; misticizam {m}
mysticism {n} (transcendental union of soul with the divinity) :: мистицизам {m}; misticizam {m}
mysticism {n} (obscure thoughts and speculations) :: мистицизам {m}; misticizam {m}
mystify {v} (to thoroughly confuse, befuddle or bewilder) :: mistificírati
myth {n} (divine story) :: мит {m}; mȋt {m}
myth {n} (commonly-held but false belief) :: mȋt {m}
mythical {adj} (existing in myth) :: mȋtskī
mythologic {adj} (mythological) SEE: mythological ::
mythological {adj} (of, or relating to myths or mythology) :: mitòloškī
mythological {adj} (legendary) :: mitòloškī
mythological {adj} (imaginary, fabulous) :: mitòloškī
mythologically {adv} (in a mythological fashion) :: mitòloški
mythologist {n} (person who studies mythology) :: mitòlog {m}
mythology {n} (myths of a people) :: mitològija {f}
mythology {n} (myths concerning an event, person or institution) :: митологија {f}; mitològija {f}
mythology {n} (collection and study of myths) :: митологија {f}; mitològija {f}
mythos {n} (anything transmitted by word of mouth) :: mȋtos {m}
mythos {n} (story or set or stories relevant to a particular culture or some other group) :: mȋtos {m}
myxomatosis {n} (rabbit disease) :: миксоматоза {f} /miksomatoza/