User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-a
# French :: English dictionary generated from
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 95389 French glosses; 123846 English translations
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-a {suffix} | :: Suffix indicating the third-person singular past historic of -er verbs |
a- {prefix} | :: A prefix forming words, especially verbs, that denote entering a state, making progress toward a goal, or the like |
a- {prefix} | :: a-, non-, -less |
a {letter} | :: letter |
a {mf} | :: a, letter: a |
a {pron} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: alternative form of elle |
a {symbol} | :: are (100 square metres) |
a+ {interj} [text messaging, internet slang, abbreviation] | :: alternative form of à plus. cu; ttyl |
A {letter} | :: letter |
à + {interj} | :: alternative form of à plus |
à {letter} | :: A with grave accent, a letter used in French mostly to distinguish some homographs and in transliteration |
à {prep} | :: to [destination] |
à {prep} | :: to (until) |
à {prep} | :: on the, to [some directions] |
à {prep} | :: at [said of a particular time] |
à {prep} | :: at, in, on [said of a particular place] |
à {prep} | :: of (belonging to) |
à {prep} | :: till, until [used in farewells] |
à {prep} [cuisine] | :: cooked in or with |
à {prep} | :: Used to make compound nouns to state what something is used for |
à {prep} [before an infinitive] | :: to [used to express something not completed] |
à {prep} | :: Used to describe a part of something, often translated into English as a compound adjective |
à {prep} | :: by |
à {prep} | :: or, to [used to express an approximate number] |
à {prep} | :: Used to indicate the recipient of certain phrasal verb |
à {prep} | :: with |
â {letter} | :: A with circumflex, a letter used in French spelling, originally representing the sound /ɑ/ |
 {letter} | :: The letter A with a circumflex |
aa {m} [geology, often, attributive] | :: The surface of an aa lava flow |
AA {prop} {mp} | :: abbreviation of Alcooliques Anonymes |
aâda {f} [Algeria] | :: custom, tradition |
aalandais {adj} | :: alternative form of alandais |
aalandais {m} | :: The dialect of Swedish spoken in Åland |
Aalandais {m} | :: A person from Åland; an Ålander |
Aalandaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Aalandais |
Aalborg {prop} | :: Aalborg (capital city) |
aalénien {adj} [geology, paleontology] | :: Aalenian |
Aalénien {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] | :: The Aalenian period |
Aar {prop} | :: The Aar river |
Aarau {prop} | :: Aarau (town/and/municipality/non-city capital) |
Aaron {prop} | :: Aaron (biblical figure) |
Aaron {prop} | :: given name |
aaronais {adj} | :: Of or from Saint-Aaron (Côtes-d'Armor) |
aaronique {adj} | :: Aaronic |
Aast {prop} | :: Aast (small village) |
aastais {adj} | :: Of or from Aast |
ababouiné {adj} [nautical, archaic, dialectal] | :: Said of a boat stopped by water's stillness; becalmed |
abaca {m} | :: a banana tree, the abaca |
abaca {m} | :: Manilla hemp |
abacost {m} [Africa, chiefly historical] | :: abacost |
abactériémique {adj} [pathology] | :: abacteremic |
abactérien {adj} | :: abacterial |
abacule {m} [arts and architecture] | :: a mosaic tessera; tessella; abaculus |
abader {vt} [dialectal, Southern France] | :: to allow out; to remove the restrains on |
abader {vp} [dialectal, Southern France] | :: to escape, get out, run away, figuratively take off |
abaïer {v} | :: alternative form of abayer |
Abainville {prop} | :: Abainville (small village) |
abainvillois {adj} | :: Of or from Abainville |
abaissable {adj} | :: Which can be lowered |
abaissant {adj} [dated] | :: Rendering morally inferior; degrading, demeaning |
abaissant {adj} | :: lowering |
abaisse {f} [cooking] | :: A piece of dough that has been flattened, usually with a rolling pin |
abaissé {adj} [heraldry] | :: abased, lowered |
abaissé {adj} [heraldry] | :: disclosed |
abaisse-langue {m} | :: a tongue depressor |
abaissement {m} | :: Action of moving or pushing something in a downward direction; a lowering |
abaissement {m} | :: State resulting from having moved down |
abaissement {m} | :: Action of lowering a value; reduction |
abaissement {m} | :: Action of lowering oneself morally; abasement |
abaissement {m} [dated] | :: State of something or someone which has lost all pride; abasement |
abaissement {m} [archaic] | :: Action of rendering or becoming less powerful |
abaisser {vt} [literally] | :: To lower; to reduce; to bring down |
abaisser {vrt} | :: To come or go down; to descend |
abaisser {vrt} [figuratively] | :: To humble oneself, demean oneself, stoop; abase, degrade, humiliate |
abaisseur {adj} [anatomy] | :: Said of a muscle that lowers a body part |
abaisseur {adj} [engineering] | :: Which reduces or lowers a force like tension or pressure |
abaisseur {m} [anatomy] | :: A muscle or similar body part that moves something downward; a depressor |
abajoue {f} [anatomy, zoology] | :: A pouch in the cheek of some animals, usually used to carry food; a cheek pouch |
abajoue {f} [slang] | :: A flabby face or cheek |
abaler {v} | :: To bring down |
abaliénation {f} [obsolete] | :: abalienation |
abaliéner {v} | :: To abalienate |
abaloger {v} | :: To bring down |
abalone {m} [gastronomy, uncommon] | :: The abalone |
abalourdir {vt} | :: to make dull and stupid |
Abancourt {prop} | :: Any of several places in France |
abancourtois {adj} | :: Of or from Abancourt |
abandon {m} | :: surrender |
abandon {m} | :: abandonment |
abandon {m} [uncountable] | :: complete neglect |
abandonnable {adj} | :: abandonable |
abandonnataire {adj} [legal] | :: Which benefits from another party giving up something |
abandonnataire {mf} [legal] | :: A natural or moral person who benefits from another party giving up something |
abandonnateur {adj} [legal] | :: Which gives up something |
abandonnateur {m} [legal] | :: A natural or moral person who gives up something |
abandonné {adj} | :: given up, abandoned |
abandonné {m} | :: abandonee, one who is abandoned |
abandonnement {m} [dated] | :: The act of giving up or surrendering when faced with something |
abandonnement {m} [dated] | :: Moral neglect |
abandonnement {m} [dated] | :: The act of abandoning; abandonment |
abandonnement {m} [dated] | :: The state resulting of such an act |
abandonnement {m} [legal] | :: The transfer of goods or other values in a situation of indivision that allow all owners to receive their share |
abandonnément {adv} [obsolete] | :: with abandon, without any reserve |
abandonner {v} | :: to give up |
abandonner {v} | :: to abandon, forsake |
abandonneur {adj} [uncommon] | :: Which abandons or gives up |
abandonneur {m} [uncommon] | :: Somebody who abandons or gives up |
abandonneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of abandonneur |
abandonnique {adj} [psychology] | :: Suffering from, related to or typical of abandonment anxiety |
abandon scolaire {m} | :: The action of dropping out of school, usually secondary education |
abandouner {v} | :: alternative form of abandonner |
abaque {m} [historical] | :: An abacus for counting |
abaque {m} [architecture] | :: The abacus of a column |
abaque {m} [mathematics] | :: A nomogram |
abarticulaire {adj} [medicine] | :: Having to do with the tissues near an articulation; juxta-articular |
à bas {adv} | :: down, downwards |
à bas {adv} [figuratively] | :: down with, away with |
à bas bruit {adv} | :: without noise |
à base de {prep} | :: made up of; made out of |
abasie {f} | :: abasia |
abasourdi {adj} | :: Astonished; dumbfounded |
abasourdi {adj} | :: Stunned or dazed by a loud sound |
abasourdir {v} | :: to dumbfound; to baffle; to astonish |
abasourdir {v} | :: to stun or daze with a loud sound |
abasourdissant {adj} | :: astonishing; bewildering; dumbfounding |
abasourdissant {adj} | :: which stuns or overwhelms by its loudness |
abasourdissement {m} [rare] | :: bewilderment; stupefaction |
abasourdissement {m} [rare] | :: a state of dazedness caused by an overwhelmingly loud sound |
à bas sa tête {interj} [archaic] | :: off with someone's head |
abasside {adj} | :: dated form of abbasside |
abat {m} | :: giblet |
abatant {m} | :: alternative spelling of abattant |
abâtardi {adj} | :: Having suffered change; defiled; bastardized |
abâtardir {v} | :: to cause something's qualities or defining characteristics to degenerate; to defile or degrade; to bastardize |
abâtardir {vp} | :: To degrade; to degenerate; to become bastardized |
abâtardissement {m} | :: bastardization |
abat-chauvée {f} | :: pulled wool of low quality, generally detached from the animal's skin by a lime treatment |
abatée {f} | :: alternative spelling of abattée |
abat-jour {m} | :: lampshade |
abat-jour {m} [dated] | :: eyeshade |
abat-jour {m} [architecture] | :: skylight |
à bâtons rompus {adv} | :: desultorily, in a disorganised fashion |
à bâtons rompus {adj} | :: free-flowing, open, meandering, rambling |
abats {mp} [plurale tantum] | :: offal, giblets |
abattable {adj} | :: slaughterable |
abattage {m} | :: slaughter or butchering for meat |
abattage {m} | :: felling or cutting down of [trees] |
abattage {m} | :: destruction, demolition of (a wall) |
abattant {adj} | :: flat and articulated so it can move from a horizontal to a vertical position |
abattant {m} | :: a lid or flap which can move from a horizontal to a vertical position |
abattant {m} | :: a toilet lid |
abattant {m} [rare] | :: any sort of flap |
abattée {f} [nautical] | :: A movement of the boat that brings it closer to tailwind |
abattée {f} [aeronautics] | :: A sudden nosedive of an aircraft due to a speed loss |
abattée {f} [paragliding] | :: A movement of the wing that brings it down toward the front of the pilot at a more or less pronounced angle |
abattement {m} | :: A diminution of physical or moral strength; dejection; exhaustion; despondency |
abattement {m} [finance or legal] | :: A type of allowance or tax deduction |
abattement {m} [business, rare] | :: A discount |
abattement {m} | :: obsolete form of abattage |
abatteur {m} | :: someone who fells; who knocks something down |
abatteur {m} | :: a boaster |
abatteuse {f} | :: (forestry) harvester |
abattis {m} | :: rubble |
abattis {m} [Canada] | :: An area that has been cleared of trees, but not yet of their stumps |
abattis {m} [cooking, plurale tantum] | :: giblets |
abattis {m} [military] | :: abatis |
abattis {m} [dated, slang, plurale tantum] | :: limbs |
abattoir {m} | :: slaughterhouse; abattoir |
abattre {v} | :: to butcher; to slaughter for meat |
abattre {v} | :: to shoot dead |
abattre {v} | :: to cut down (a tree) |
abattre {v} | :: to destroy or demolish (a wall) |
abattre {vr} | :: to fall down, especially of tall things, such as trees |
abattre {vp} | :: to descend upon with violence or furor |
abattre {vp} [of lightning] | :: to strike |
abattre son jeu {v} [figuratively] | :: to tip one's hand (to reveal one's intentions) |
abattu {adj} | :: dejected, dispirited, demoralized |
abatture {f} [archaic] | :: alternative form of abattage |
abattures {fp} | :: The traces left by a deer in bushes, ferns and other tall grasses |
abat-vent {m} | :: chimney cowl |
abat-vent {m} | :: louver boarding (of window, opening), abat-vent |
abat-vent {m} [agriculture] | :: wind screen |
abat-voix {m} | :: abatvoix |
abaxial {adj} | :: abaxial |
abaya {f} | :: abaya |
abayer {v} | :: archaic spelling of aboyer |
abaza {m} | :: Abaza (language) |
Abbaretz {prop} | :: Abbaretz (village) |
abbarois {adj} | :: Of or from Abbaretz |
abbasside {adj} | :: Related to the Abbassid dynasty or empire |
abbatial {adj} | :: abbatial |
abbatial {m} | :: The quarters of the abbot and monks within an abbey |
abbatiale {f} | :: An abbey church |
abbatiat {m} [uncommon, chiefly Roman Catholic] | :: abbacy |
abbaye {f} | :: abbey |
abbé {m} | :: an abbot, the head of an abbey |
abbé {m} [dated] | :: a title or honorific given to priests in general |
Abbecourt {prop} | :: Abbecourt (small village) |
Abbécourt {prop} | :: Abbécourt (small village) |
abbecourtois {adj} | :: Of or from Abbecourt |
abbécourtois {adj} | :: Of or from Abbécourt |
abbenanais {adj} | :: Of or from Abbenans |
Abbenans {prop} | :: A small vilage in the Doubs department |
abbesse {f} | :: abbess (female abbot) |
Abbeville {prop} | :: Abbeville (town) |
Abbéville-lès-Conflans {prop} | :: Abbéville-lès-Conflans (small village) |
abbevillien {adj} [archaeology] | :: Abbevillian |
Abbevillien {prop} {m} [archaeology] | :: The Abbevillian period |
abbevillois {adj} | :: From or related to the Northern French city of Abbeville |
Abbevillois {m} | :: Someone from the French city of Abbeville |
abbévillois {adj} | :: Of or from Abbéville-lès-Conflans |
Abbevilloise {f} | :: feminine noun of Abbevillois |
abbévilloise {adj} | :: feminine singular of abbévillois |
Abby {prop} {f} [rare] | :: given name |
abc {m} | :: ABC, basics, fundamentals, rudiments |
abcédation {f} [pathology] | :: abscess |
abcéder {vip} [medicine] | :: To form into an abscess; to abscess |
abcédographie {f} [medicine] | :: A radiography of an abscess |
abcès {m} | :: An abscess |
Abdallah {prop} | :: Abdallah |
Abdias {prop} {m} | :: Obadiah [biblical character] |
abdicataire {adj} | :: Which has abdicated |
abdicatif {adj} | :: abdicative |
abdication {f} | :: abdication |
abdiquer {vit} | :: To abdicate (one's powers) |
abdiquer {vi} [formal] | :: To give up; to abandon |
abdo {m} [colloquial, rare in the singular] | :: ab (abdominal muscle) |
abdo {m} [colloquial] | :: crunch (abdominal exercise) |
abdomen {m} | :: abdomen |
abdominal {adj} | :: abdominal; of the abdomen |
abdominaux {mp} [collective] | :: the abdominal muscles; the abdominals |
abdominaux {mp} [plurale tantum] | :: sit-up |
abdos {mp} | :: abs (abdominal muscles) |
abdos {mp} | :: situps |
Abdoul {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Abdoulaye {prop} {m} | :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa |
Abdoulla {prop} | :: given name |
abducteur {m} [anatomy] | :: abductor (muscle) |
abducteur {adj} [anatomy, physiology] | :: related to abductor muscles and their movement; abductive |
abductif {adj} [logic, computing] | :: abductive |
abduction {f} [physiology] | :: Abductive movement; abduction |
abduction {f} [logic, computing] | :: Abductive reasoning; abduction |
Abeau {prop} {m} | :: given name, a very rare variant of Abel |
a beau mentir qui vient de loin {proverb} | :: long ways, long lies |
abécédaire {adj} [obsolete] | :: alphabetical |
abécédaire {m} | :: An alphabet primer |
abée {f} [chiefly historical] | :: the sluice gate, sluice or flume to a water wheel |
abeilardiser {v} | :: to castrate |
abeille {f} | :: bee, honeybee |
abeille {f} [figuratively] | :: a writer whose style is considered pure like honey |
abeillé {adj} [heraldry] | :: Marked with bees |
abeille à miel {f} | :: honey bee |
abeille charpentière {f} | :: carpenter bee |
abeille mère {f} [dated] | :: queen bee |
abeille ouvrière {f} [zoology] | :: worker bee |
abeiller {adj} [uncommon] | :: Relative to bees and their keeping |
abeiller {m} [archaic] | :: A beehive for bee keeping |
abeiller {m} [archaic] | :: A beekeeper |
abeiller {m} [archaic] | :: A bee-eater |
abeillier {m} [archaic] | :: alternative form of abeiller ("beehive") |
Abel {prop} | :: Abel [biblical character] |
Abel {prop} | :: given name |
Abélard {prop} | :: The French philosopher and theologian Abelard |
Abélard {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
abelia {m} [rare] | :: alternative form of abélia |
abélia {m} | :: A shrub member of Abelia |
Abélia {prop} {f} [rare] | :: given name |
abélianiser {v} [maths] | :: To abelianize |
abélie {f} | :: alternative form of abélia |
abélien {adj} [mathematics] | :: abelian |
abélien {adj} [Roman Catholicism, historical] | :: Abelian |
Abelin {prop} {m} | :: given name,from a diminutive form of Abel |
Abelin {prop} {m} | :: surname |
abéliser {v} | :: to charm [all senses] |
abélite {mf} | :: Abelian (member of a sect living like Abel) |
à belles dents {adv} | :: voraciously |
à belles dents {adv} [figuratively] | :: readily, enthusiastically, to the full, with both hands |
Abelone {prop} {f} [extremely, rare] | :: given name |
abélonien {m} | :: Abelian (member of a sect living like Abel) |
abénaquis {adj} | :: Abenaki |
abénaquis {m} | :: Abenaki (language) |
Abénaquis {m} | :: an Abenaki Native American |
Abénaquise {f} | :: feminine noun of Abénaquis |
aber {m} [geography] | :: A ria, especially one in Brittany |
Aberdeen {prop} {f} | :: Aberdeen (city) |
aberdonien {adj} | :: Aberdonian |
Aberdonien {m} | :: Aberdonian |
Aberdonienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Aberdonien |
abérier {v} | :: To shelter |
abérier {v} | :: To cover |
aberrance {f} [statistics] | :: character of what is aberrant |
aberrance {f} [uncommon] | :: an aberration or anomaly |
aberrant {adj} | :: aberrant, abnormal or anomalous |
aberrant {adj} [sciences] | :: which is impossible according to the norms or rules |
aberration {f} | :: aberration |
aberration {f} | :: the state of being aberrant |
aberration {f} [astronomy] | :: aberration |
aberration {f} [optics] | :: aberration |
aberration {f} [physiology] | :: aberration or mutation |
aberrer {vi} [very, rare] | :: To make a mistake; to wander in one's judgement |
aberrer {vt} [very, rare] | :: To skew; to render inexact or aberrant |
aberrer {vi} [obsolete] | :: To lose oneself or deviate from a straight path |
abessif {adj} [linguistics] | :: Abessive |
abessif {m} [linguistics] | :: abessive, abessive case |
abêtifier {v} | :: to make dumb, stupid |
abêtifier {vr} | :: to become dumb, stupid |
abêtir {vit} [ergative] | :: to dumb down, render dumb, dim-witted; to deaden the mind of |
abêtir {vr} [ergative] | :: to become dim-witted and foolish |
abêtissant {adj} | :: Slowly rendering dumb, foolish, dim-witted |
abêtissement {m} | :: Process or result of slowly rendering dim-witted and foolish |
abeurver {v} | :: alternative form of abreuver |
abhorrer {v} | :: to abominate, to abhor, to loathe |
Abidjan {prop} | :: Abidjan (the de facto <<capital>> and largest <<city>> of <<c/Ivory Coast>>) |
abidjanais {adj} | :: From, of, or relating to Abidjan; Abidjanese |
Abidjanais {m} | :: Somebody from Abidjan, an Abidjanese |
Abidjanaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Abidjanais |
à bientôt {interj} | :: see you soon, see you later, laters (an informal farewell wish) |
abies {m} [archaic] | :: A fir tree |
abiétacée {f} [botany, historical] | :: A member of the Pinaceae plant family |
abiétacées {fp} [botany] | :: the Pinaceae plant family |
abiéticole {adj} [biology] | :: abieticolous |
abiétin {adj} [very, rare] | :: Related or similar to fir trees |
abiétiné {adj} | :: That resembles fir trees |
abigeat {m} [legal, archaic] | :: alternative form of abigéat |
abigéat {m} [legal, historical] | :: abigeat |
abime {m} | :: alternative form of abîme |
abîme {m} [traditional spelling] | :: abyss, chasm |
abîme {m} [traditional spelling] | :: bottom of a chasm or valley |
abîme {m} [traditional spelling, literary] | :: infiniteness of thought |
abîme {m} [traditional spelling, literary] | :: superlative used with various abstraction and qualities; the climax or acme |
abîme {m} [traditional spelling, literary] | :: hell |
abîme {m} [traditional spelling, heraldry] | :: abyss of a shield, fess point |
abîme de science {m} [literary, figuratively] | :: a fount of knowledge (a very knowledgeable person) |
abimer {v} | :: alternative form of abîmer |
abîmer {v} | :: to damage |
abîmer {vp} [formal] | :: To fall down or sink and disappear in a hole, depth, abyss |
abîmer {vp} [formal] | :: To become absorbed in something (thought, action...) |
abîmer {v} [rare or archaic] | :: To throw down in a hole, depth etc |
abiogenèse {f} [biology] | :: abiogenesis |
abiotique {adj} [ecology] | :: abiotic |
abiotiquement {adv} | :: abiotically |
abisser {v} | :: To damage, destroy |
abisser {v} | :: To overthrow |
Abitibi {prop} | :: Abitibi |
abitibien {adj} | :: From, or related to the Abitibi region of Quebec; Abitibian |
Abitibien {m} | :: Someone from Abitibi; an Abitibian |
Abitibienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Abitibien |
abjadique {adj} | :: abjadic |
abject {adj} [literary] | :: Worthy of utmost contempt or disgust; vile; despicable |
abject {adj} [literary, obsolete] | :: Of the lowest social position |
abjectement {adv} [literary] | :: in manner worthy of absolute contempt or disgust |
abjection {f} [literary] | :: something that is worthy of utter contempt |
abjurateur {adj} [formal] | :: alternative form of abjuratoire |
abjurateur {m} [formal] | :: Someone who has committed abjuration |
abjuration {f} [formal] | :: The action of abjurer |
abjuratoire {adj} [formal or legal] | :: Related to the action of abjurer |
abjurer {vit} [very, formal] | :: To renounce or abandon solemnly; to abjure |
abjurer {vit} [religion] | :: To formally renounce one's religious belief; to apostatise |
abjurer {v} [obsolete] | :: To reject by oath someone's authority |
abkhaze {adj} | :: Related or belonging to the Abkhaz ethnic group, or their language |
abkhaze {adj} | :: Related to or from Abkhazia, regardless of ethnicity |
abkhaze {m} | :: The Abkhaz language |
Abkhaze {mf} | :: An ethnic Abkhaz person |
Abkhaze {mf} | :: Someone from Abkhazia regardless of ethnicity |
Abkhazie {prop} {f} | :: Abkhazia |
abkhazien {adj} | :: Related to or from Abkhazia |
Abkhazien {m} | :: A person from Abkhazia regardless of ethnicity |
Abkhazienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Abkhazien |
ablactation {f} [medicine] | :: Interruption in secretion of breast milk, usually caused by a hormonal imbalance |
ablactation {f} [medicine, archaic] | :: The weaning of a child |
ablastine {f} [immunology] | :: ablastin |
ablatable {adj} | :: ablatable |
ablater {vt} [medicine, rare] | :: To perform ablation of; to ablate |
ablater {v} [engineering] | :: To progressively remove (usually in small amounts) due to an ablation process |
ablatif {adj} | :: Related to or causing ablation |
ablatif {adj} [engineering, sciences] | :: Conceived to resist a process of ablation |
ablatif {adj} [linguistics, rare] | :: Related to or in the ablative case |
ablatif {m} [linguistics, uncountable] | :: ablative, ablative case |
ablatif {m} [linguistics, countable] | :: A word or expression in the ablative case |
ablatif absolu {m} [grammar] | :: ablative absolute |
ablation {f} | :: The often forceful removal (physical or otherwise) or abolition of something |
ablation {f} [medicine] | :: ablation |
ablation {f} [sciences] | :: ablation |
-able {suffix} | :: -able |
able {m} | :: a vernacular name of the common bleak (usually called ablette) |
able {m} | :: a vernacular name of the sunbleak or moderlieschen, also called able de Heckel |
able {m} [rare] | :: a vernacular name of any of some other related fishes in the genus Alburnus (Cyprinidae) |
ablégat {m} [Roman Catholicism] | :: ablegate |
abléphare {m} [zoology] | :: A skink of the genus Ablepharus |
ablépharie {f} [medicine] | :: ablepharia |
ableret {m} [fishing] | :: a square lift net attached to the end of a perch and used for fishing bleaks ad similar small fishes |
ablette {f} | :: (common) bleak (Alburnus alburnus) |
ablier {m} [fishing] | :: synonym of ableret |
à bloc {adv} [cycling] | :: flat out; riding as hard as possible |
abluer {v} [obsolete] | :: To wash |
ablution {f} [Western Christianity] | :: Ritual rinsing of the priest's hand; ablution |
ablution {f} [rare] | :: A washing, especially ritual |
ablutionner {v} | :: To ablute, wash |
ablutions {fp} | :: the washing of the body, particularly a ritual one; an ablution |
abnégation {f} | :: selflessness, self-sacrifice |
abnégation {f} | :: denial, abnegation |
abnégué {adj} | :: abnegated |
abnéguer {v} | :: To abnegate |
aboi {m} [archaic] | :: The bark of a dog |
aboiement {m} | :: bark (sound made by a dog) |
abois {mp} [hunting] | :: The last stage of coursing where the dogs are closing in on the game, and their cries at that time |
aboiteau {m} [Canada, Acadia] | :: A dike built for land reclamation |
aboiteau {m} [Canada, Acadia] | :: The sluice in a dike that allows water out at low tide, but blocks its entry at high tide |
aboler {v} | :: alternative form of abolir |
abolir {vt} | :: to abolish |
abolissable {adj} | :: abolishable |
abolissement {m} [obsolete] | :: An abolition, abolishment, abrogation |
abolitif {adj} [legal, uncommon] | :: Abolishing; involving the abolition of something |
abolition {f} | :: abolition |
abolitioniste {adj} | :: alternative form of abolitionniste |
abolitioniste {mf} | :: alternative form of abolitionniste |
abolitionnisme {m} | :: abolitionism |
abolitionniste {adj} [historical] | :: abolitionist |
abolitionniste {mf} [historical] | :: abolitionist |
aboméen {adj} | :: From or having to do with the Beninese city of Abomey |
Aboméen {m} | :: A person from Abomey; Abomean, Abomeyan |
Aboméenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Aboméen |
Abomey {prop} | :: Abomey (capital city) |
Abomey {prop} [dated] | :: Abomey (former name of Benin, a <<country>> in <<r/West Africa>>) |
abomiffreux {adj} | :: abominable and repulsive |
abominable {adj} | :: Absolutely loathsome; abominable |
abominable {adj} | :: Exceedingly bad or ugly; abominable |
abominable homme des neiges {m} | :: abominable snowman (manlike or apelike animal said to exist in the Himalayas) |
abominablement {adv} | :: Unbearably; insufferably |
abominablement {adv} | :: Exceedingly badly or poorly |
abominablement {adv} [rare] | :: Abominably |
abomination {f} | :: Something vile and abominable; an abomination |
abomination {f} [chiefly religion] | :: Revulsion, abomination, disgust |
abominer {v} [literary] | :: To hold in abomination; to detest, abhor, execrate |
à bon chat, bon rat {proverb} | :: An attacker and an attackee grow stronger from finding new ways to outwit each other |
abondamment {adv} | :: abundantly, copiously |
abondance {f} | :: A large amount; a plethora or profusion |
abondance {f} | :: Wealth of goods, abundance; opulence, prosperity |
abondance {f} [sciences] | :: abundance |
abondance de biens ne nuit pas {proverb} | :: plenty is no plague, you can never have too much of a good thing |
abondant {adj} | :: abundant |
abondantissime {adj} | :: superlative of abondant: Very or most abundant |
abondement {m} [Europe, finance] | :: Additional financing provided by a second party to funds amassed by a first party, such as by an employer to a retirement fund |
abonder {v} | :: to be found in large amounts; to abound |
abonder {vt} | :: to abound; to teem; to be swarming or overflowing with [object marked with en, rarely de] |
abonder {vt} [Europe, finance] | :: to contribute financing to |
abonder dans le sens {v} | :: to agree profusely with, to express the same opinions as |
à bon entendeur salut {interj} | :: word to the wise |
à bon entendeur, salut {interj} | :: alternative spelling of à bon entendeur salut |
à bon escient {adv} | :: wisely, using one's best judgement |
abonné {adj} | :: Regularly affected by; plagued or dogged with |
abonné {m} | :: subscriber |
abonné {m} [masculine only] | :: A household for the purpose of utility delivery |
abonné {m} | :: season ticket holder |
abonnée {f} | :: feminine noun of abonné |
abonnement {m} | :: subscription |
abonner {v} [ditransitive] | :: To subscribe somebody to a service; to take a subscription for |
abonner {vr} | :: To subscribe to a service or publication |
abonner {v} [rare] | :: To become accustomed to or a regular of |
abonnir {vt} [absolutive or reflexive, usually, inanimate, strongly dated] | :: to improve; to render or become better |
abonnissement {m} [rare, agriculture] | :: Improvement or amelioration of the soil or of wine |
à bon vin point d'enseigne {proverb} | :: good wine needs no bush |
à bon vin, point d'enseigne {proverb} | :: alternative spelling of à bon vin point d'enseigne |
abord {m} [literary] | :: The manner with which one acts in the presence of another person or persons, especially in a first encounter |
abord {m} [rare] | :: The surroundings of a place |
abord {m} [archaic] | :: Arrival or accessibility by water |
à bord {adj} | :: aboard, on board |
abordable {adj} | :: Not overly costly; affordable |
abordable {adj} | :: approachable |
abordable {adj} [uncommon] | :: accessible |
abordable {adj} [archaic, nautical] | :: Said of a boat that is easy to attack |
abordage {m} | :: The assault on a ship |
abordage {m} [nautical] | :: collision, allision |
aborder {vt} | :: To deal with; to tackle; to approach a problem, situation or topic |
aborder {vt} | :: To approach or meet somebody |
aborder {vt} [of vehicles] | :: To place side to side |
aborder {vt} [chiefly nautical] | :: To reach, especially with a boat |
aborder {vt} [originally, nautical, literary, rare] | :: To attack, especially a boat |
abordeur {adj} [rare] | :: Placing itself side to side to another vehicle |
abordeur {adj} [nautical, chiefly historical] | :: Performing an attack on a boat |
abords {mp} | :: the surroundings |
aborigène {adj} | :: Of or relating to Indigenous Australians |
aborigène {adj} [dated] | :: aboriginal, indigenous |
aborigène {mf} [very, dated] | :: A generally primitive native from the land |
Aborigène {mf} | :: An Indigenous Australian |
abornement {m} [chiefly France, legal] | :: Determination of the precise limits of a piece of land or a border |
aborner {v} [literary, rare, inanimate] | :: to constitute the limit or boundary of |
aborner {v} [historical, animate] | :: to add boundary stones or marks to |
abortif {adj} | :: Abortive; unavailing; futile |
abortif {adj} [medicine] | :: Capable of causing abortion when absorbed |
abortif {adj} [botany] | :: Abortive, fruitless; sterile |
abortif {m} [medicine] | :: An abortifacient |
abot {m} [agriculture] | :: a horse hobble |
aboteau {m} [France, dialectal, chiefly historical] | :: A levee or dam used in the draining of marshes |
aboteau {m} [Canada, rare] | :: alternative form of aboiteau |
Abou {prop} | :: surname |
Abou {prop} | :: given name |
abouchement {m} [archaic] | :: The act of aboucher |
à bouche que veux-tu {adv} [figuratively] | :: eagerly, ardently (of kisses etc.) |
aboucher {v} [archaic] | :: to put or get in contact or communication |
aboucher {v} [archaic] | :: to touch via an opening |
aboucher {vp} [obsolete] | :: to put the mouth close to |
aboucher {v} [obsolete] | :: to talk with |
Abou Dabi {prop} | :: Abou Dabi (emirate) |
Abou Dabi {prop} | :: Abou Dabi (capital city) |
aboudabien {adj} | :: Abu Dhabian (of or from Abu Dhabi) |
Abou Dhabi {prop} | :: alternative form of Abou Dabi |
aboudhabien {adj} | :: Abu Dhabian (of or from Abu Dhabi) |
abougri {adj} | :: synonym of trapu |
Aboukir {prop} | :: Aboukir, a village and bay in Egypt site of two iconic battles of the French military |
abouler {vi} [dialectal] | :: to roll along a surface |
abouler {vip} [Europe, dated slang] | :: to rush or hurry over |
abouler {vt} [Europe, slang] | :: to hand over or give money or goods; to pay |
aboulie {m} [medicine] | :: aboulia |
aboulique {adj} [medicine] | :: Related to or affected by aboulia; aboulic |
aboulique {mf} [medicine] | :: A person affected by aboulia |
Abou Simbel {prop} | :: The archeological site of Abu Simbel |
about {m} [technical] | :: The extremity of a metallic or wooden element or piece |
à bout {adv} [colloquial] | :: to the limit, without any room for manoeuvre |
à bout de {prep} | :: out of, short of |
à bout de forces {adj} | :: exhausted |
à bout de nerfs {adj} [colloquial] | :: at the end of one's tether, at the end of one's rope, at one's wit's end |
à bout de souffle {adj} | :: breathless, out of breath |
aboutement {m} | :: abutment, jointing |
abouter {v} | :: to join, link, attach or tie together by their extremities |
abouter {v} | :: to align end-to-end; to abut |
aboutir {vt} [literally, with à] | :: to lead to, to end up in, to reach |
aboutir {vt} [figuratively, with à] | :: to lead to, to have the consequence of |
aboutir {vi} | :: to reach a conclusion, to succeed |
aboutir {vi} | :: to touch by one end |
aboutissant {m} | :: outcome |
aboutissement {m} | :: The end or conclusion of a process |
aboutissement {m} | :: A result or outcome, usually a positive one |
à bout portant {adv} | :: at point-blank range, point blank |
aboyant {adj} | :: barking |
aboyer {vi} [of a dog] | :: to bark |
aboyer {vi} | :: to scream at or inveigh against somebody |
aboyer {vt} [usually, pejorative] | :: to scream or yell in short bouts; to bark |
aboyeur {adj} [uncommon] | :: Which barks or makes a sound like barking |
aboyeur {m} [slightly dated] | :: Someone whose job or involves crying out at people |
aboyeur {m} [literary] | :: Someone who yells a lot at someone else, who heckles, or criticize violently in speech or writing |
abracadabra {interj} | :: abracadabra |
abracadabra {m} | :: An unspecified magical formula |
abracadabra {m} [historical] | :: A mystical word from kabbalism |
abracadabrant {adj} | :: ludicrous, preposterous |
abracadabrantesque {adj} | :: Totally ludicrous |
abracadabrantesquement {adv} | :: Totally ludicrously |
abracadabresque {adj} | :: alternative form of abracadabrantesque |
abrachiocéphale {adj} [pathology] | :: abrachiocephalic, abrachiocephalous |
Abraham {prop} {m} [Biblical character] | :: Abraham |
Abraham {prop} {m} | :: given name |
abrahamique {adj} | :: Abrahamitic (relating to the patriarch Abraham) |
abrahamiste {adj} | :: Abrahamitic |
abraser {vt} [technical] | :: to abrade |
abrasif {adj} | :: Able to abrade a surface when scrubbed against it; abrasive |
abrasif {m} | :: A usually granular abrasive substance used to polish or clean a surface |
abrasimètre {m} [manufacturing] | :: A device for measuring abrasion |
abrasin {m} | :: One of two species of East Asian trees in the genus Vernicia (Euphorbiaceae) who produce an oil used to make varnishes and paints |
abrasion {f} | :: abrasion |
abrasivité {f} | :: abrasiveness, abrasivity |
à bras-le-corps {adv} | :: bodily |
à bras-le-corps {adv} [figuratively] | :: head-on |
à bras ouverts {adv} [idiomatic] | :: with open arms |
à bras raccourcis {adv} [figuratively] | :: violently, ferociously, with fists flying |
abraxas {m} [gnosticism, historical] | :: abraxas |
abréactif {adj} [psychoanalysis] | :: Having to do with abreaction; abreactive |
abréaction {f} [psychoanalysis] | :: abreaction |
abréagir {vit} [psychoanalysis] | :: To undergo abreaction; to abreact |
abrégé {m} | :: A summarized synopsis or précis of a longer work |
abrégé {m} | :: A small book or written work summarizing the major points of a general topic |
abrégement {m} | :: shortening, abridgement |
abrégément {adv} | :: abridgedly |
abrègement {m} | :: alternative form of abrégement |
abréger {v} | :: to shorten in duration |
abréger {v} | :: to shorten (in textual length) or summarize, to abridge |
abréger {v} | :: to abbreviate |
abreuvage {m} [archaic] | :: alternative form of abreuvement |
abreuvement {m} [uncommon] | :: Action of abreuver |
abreuver {v} [literary] | :: to water (cattle, fields etc.), give water to (a person) |
abreuver {vp} [literary] | :: to drink |
abreuver {v} [de, .figuratively] | :: to shower (someone) in |
abreuvoir {m} | :: a watering hole or place for animals |
abreuvoir {m} [Canada, proscribed] | :: a drinking fountain |
abréviateur {m} | :: abbreviator; one who shortens |
abréviatif {adj} | :: abbreviative |
abréviatif {adj} | :: Making use of or relating to abbreviations |
abréviation {f} | :: abbreviation (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase) |
abréviativement {adv} | :: abbreviatively |
abréviativement {adv} | :: abbreviatedly |
abrévier {v} [archaic] | :: To abbreviate |
abri {m} | :: a shelter or refuge against the elements or physical danger |
abri anti-aérien {m} | :: bomb shelter; air-raid shelter |
abri anti-atomique {m} | :: fallout shelter |
abribus {m} | :: bus shelter |
abricot {m} | :: apricot (fruit) |
abricot {m} | :: apricot (color) |
abricot {m} [colloquial] | :: vulva, vagina, female genitalia |
abricot {adj} | :: apricot (color) |
abricoté {m} | :: sugared apricot |
abricoté {adj} | :: Similar or relating to apricots |
abricoté {adj} [cooking] | :: Including apricots as an ingredient |
abricoter {vt} | :: to glaze (a cake etc) with a thin layer of apricot preserve dissolved in water |
abricotier {m} | :: apricot tree |
abricotine {f} | :: A Swiss brandy made from apricots |
à bride abattue {adv} | :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather, flat out |
abrier {v} [dialectal] | :: to cover with a bedcover; to tuck in |
abrier {v} [archaic or dialectal] | :: alternative form of abriter |
abri fiscal {m} [Canada] | :: tax shelter |
abrine {f} | :: abrin |
abri sous roche {m} [archaeology] | :: A rock shelter |
abri-sous-roche {m} | :: rock shelter |
abriter {v} | :: to shelter, to harbour |
abriter {vri} [s'abriter] | :: to take cover; to shelter |
abrivent {m} [agriculture] | :: windbreak |
abrogateur {adj} | :: abrogative |
abrogateur {m} | :: abrogator |
abrogatif {adj} | :: abrogative |
abrogation {f} | :: abrogation |
abrogatoire {adj} | :: alternative form of abrogatif |
abrogeable {adj} [chiefly legal] | :: repealable; rescindable |
abroger {v} | :: to rescind, to repeal, to annul |
abroutir {vt} [agriculture, obsolete] | :: To eat the young shoots of or off |
à brûle-pourpoint {adv} | :: point-blank, very straightforwardly or bluntly |
abrupt {adj} | :: Extremely steep, near vertical |
abrupt {adj} | :: Curt and abrupt |
abrupt {adj} | :: Done or said forwardly and without caution to avoid shocking |
abruptement {adv} | :: abruptly |
abrute {adj} [botany] | :: abrupt |
abruti {adj} | :: Whose physical or mental capacities have been impaired by tiredness or another factor; dazed |
abruti {adj} [chiefly Europe, colloquial] | :: Moronic, idiotic |
abruti {m} [chiefly Europe, colloquial] | :: Moron, idiot, fool |
abrutie {f} | :: feminine noun of abruti |
abrutir {vt} | :: To render idiotic; to turn into idiots |
abrutir {vit} | :: To blunt or deaden the mind |
abrutir {vt} | :: To overwhelm, to devastate |
abrutir {v} [literary] | :: To return to a brutish or bestial state |
abrutissant {adj} [formal] | :: exhausting |
abrutissant {adj} [formal] | :: mind-numbing |
abrutissement {m} | :: the process or action of rendering stupid and idiotic |
abrutissime {adj} | :: superlative of abruti: Very, or most stupid |
abruzzais {adj} | :: From or related to the Abruzzo region |
Abruzzais {m} | :: A person from the Abruzzo |
Abruzzaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Abruzzais |
Abruzzes {prop} {fp} [plurale tantum] | :: Abruzzes (region) |
Abruzzes {prop} {fp} [plurale tantum] | :: A mountain chain in the Apennines |
ABS {m} [automotive] | :: initialism of système de freinage antiblocage |
Absalom {prop} | :: Absalom [biblical character] |
Absalon {prop} | :: Absalom |
absalonien {adj} [literary] | :: Having opulent hair |
abscisse {f} [mathematics] | :: The x coordinate in Cartesian coordinates; abscissa |
abscission {f} [botany] | :: abscission |
absconder {v} | :: obsolete form of abscondre |
abscondre {v} [obsolete] | :: To hide; to dissimulate |
abscons {adj} [literary, pejorative] | :: So abstruse as to prevent comprehension entirely |
absconser {v} | :: obsolete form of abscondre |
absence {f} | :: absence (state of being absent or withdrawn) |
absent {adj} | :: absent |
absent {adj} | :: absent-minded |
absent {m} | :: absentee; missing person |
absentéisme {m} | :: absenteeism |
absentéisme {m} | :: lack, absence |
absentéisme {m} | :: abstention, nonparticipation (from a vote, etc.) |
absentéiste {adj} | :: absentee (attributive) |
absenter {vr} | :: to leave; to absent oneself |
absent le chat, les souris dansent {proverb} [idiomatic] | :: when the cat's away the mice will play |
absidal {adj} | :: apsidal |
abside {f} [architecture] | :: apse |
absidial {adj} | :: alternative form of absidal |
absinthe {f} | :: wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) |
absinthe {f} | :: absinthe |
absinthé {adj} | :: Containing absinth or wormwood |
absinthique {adj} | :: Containing wormwood |
absinthisme {m} | :: absinthism |
absolu {adj} | :: absolute |
absolument {adv} | :: absolutely; totally; completely |
absoluteur {adj} | :: absolving |
absoluteur {f} | :: absolver |
absolution {f} | :: absolution (from sins or wrongs) |
absolution {f} [legal] | :: acquittal, absolution |
absolutiser {v} | :: absolutize |
absolutisme {m} | :: absolutism |
absolutiste {mf} | :: absolutist |
absolutiste {adj} | :: absolutist, absolutistic (absolutistical) |
absolutoire {adj} | :: absolutory (relating to absolution) |
absorbabilité {f} | :: absorbability |
absorbable {adj} | :: absorbable |
absorbance {f} | :: the fact of being absorbent |
absorbant {adj} | :: absorbant |
absorbant {m} | :: absorber, absorbant; something that absorbs |
absorber {v} | :: to absorb |
absorbeur {m} | :: absorber |
absorbeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of absorbeur |
absorption {f} | :: absorption |
absorptivité {f} | :: absorptivity |
absoudre {v} | :: to absolve |
absous {adj} | :: absolved [past participle of absoudre] |
absoute {f} | :: absolution (song for the dead) |
abstème {adj} [Quebec, legal, historical] | :: refusing to receive communion in Church under the species of wine |
abstème {adj} [rare] | :: abstaining from alcohol; abstemious; teetotal |
abstenir {vp} | :: to abstain |
abstention {f} | :: abstention |
abstentionnisme {m} | :: abstentionism |
abstentionniste {m} | :: abstentionist |
abstersif {adj} | :: abstergent |
abstersif {m} | :: abstergent (a substance used in cleansing) |
abstinence {f} | :: abstinence (act or practice of abstaining) |
abstinence {f} | :: abstinence (specifically act or practice of abstaining from alcohol) |
abstinence {f} | :: abstinence (specifically act or practice of abstaining from sexual relations) |
abstinent {adj} | :: abstinent, teetotal |
abstinent {m} | :: abstinent, teetotaler / teetotaller |
abstracteur {m} | :: abstracter |
abstracteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of abstracteur |
abstractif {adj} | :: abstractive |
abstraction {f} | :: abstraction |
abstractionnisme {m} | :: abstractionism |
abstractionniste {adj} | :: abstractionist (related to abstract art) |
abstractivement {adv} | :: abstractively |
abstraire {v} [very, rare] | :: to abstract (to separate; to remove; to take away) |
abstrait {adj} | :: abstract |
abstraitement {adv} | :: abstractly |
abstrus {adj} [literary, pejorative] | :: abstruse |
absurde {adj} | :: absurd (contrary to reason or propriety) |
absurdement {adv} | :: absurdly |
absurdité {f} | :: absurdity |
absurdité {f} | :: nonsense (meaningless words) |
abugida {m} | :: abugida |
abu-markub {m} [used in Africa, notably in Sudan] | :: shoebill |
abus {m} | :: abuse (improper usage) |
abus d'autorité {m} | :: abuse of authority |
abus de confiance {m} [law] | :: breach of trust; con game; embezzlement |
abus de langage {m} [grammar] | :: malapropism (humorous or not) |
abus de pouvoir {m} | :: abuse of power |
abuser {v} | :: to mislead |
abuser {v} [followed by the preposition de] | :: to take advantage of somebody (especially sexually) |
abuser {v} | :: to abuse (use improperly) |
abuser {vi} [slang] | :: to go too far |
abuseur {m} | :: abuser |
abuseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of abuseur |
abusif {adj} | :: abusive |
abusivement {adv} | :: abusively |
abus sexuel {m} | :: sexual abuse |
abyme {m} [archaic] | :: alternative form of abîme |
abyssal {adj} | :: abyssal |
abysse {m} | :: abyss |
abysse {m} | :: deep sea |
abyssin {adj} | :: Abyssinian |
abyssin {m} | :: Abyssinian (cat) |
Abyssinie {prop} {f} | :: Abyssinia (former name of Ethiopia) |
abyssinien {adj} | :: Abyssinian |
abyssinien {m} | :: Abyssinian (cat) |
abyssopélagique {adj} | :: abyssopelagic |
AC45 {f} [sports] | :: AC45 (America's Cup class) |
AC72 {f} [sports] | :: AC72 (America's Cup class developed for the 2013 America's Cup) |
AC90 {n} | :: AC90 |
acabit {m} | :: kind, type, sort |
acacia {m} | :: acacia |
académicien {m} | :: academician (member of an academy) |
académicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of académicien |
académie {f} | :: academy (learned society) |
Académie française {prop} {f} | :: The French Academy: an academy dedicated to the perfection of the French language and standards of usage, founded in the 17th century |
académique {mf} | :: academic |
académique {adj} | :: academic |
académiquement {adv} | :: academically |
académisable {adj} | :: Able to be admitted to the Académie française |
académiser {v} | :: to academicize |
académisme {f} | :: academicism |
académiste {mf} | :: A scholar at an academy |
académiste {mf} | :: An academician |
académiste {mf} [dated] | :: [pejorative] A member of the Académie française |
Acadie {prop} {f} | :: Rendering of the Ancient and mythical Acadia |
Acadie {prop} {f} | :: The name of a French Northern American colony, part of Nouvelle France (New France), comprising the present Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia (French Nouvelle Écosse) and New Brunswick (French Nouveau Brunswick, split off) and Cape Breton Island (French Île du Cap-Breton, split off but ultimately (re)integrated into Nova Scotia) |
acadien {adj} | :: Acadian (of or pertaining to Acadia) |
Acadien {m} | :: Acadian (a native of Acadia) |
Acadienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Acadien |
acafalé {adj} [Switzerland] | :: long, extended |
acagnarder {v} | :: to become lazy |
açaï {m} | :: acai |
acajou {m} | :: cashew tree; also, its fruit |
acajou {m} | :: mahogany tree; also, its timber |
ACAL {prop} | :: acronym of Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine |
à califourchon {adv} | :: astride, straddling |
acalifourchonné {adj} | :: straddled |
acalorique {adj} | :: acaloric |
acanthe {f} | :: acanthus, bear's breeches (any of various species of plants in the genus Acanthus of the Acanthaceae) |
acanthe {f} | :: alternative form of feuille d'acanthe |
acanthite {f} [mineral] | :: acanthite |
acanthocéphale {m} | :: acanthocephalan |
acanthopode {adj} [botany] | :: acanthopodous |
acanthure {m} | :: A fish of the genus Acanthurus, from the Acanthuridae family |
acantoïde {adj} | :: acanthoid |
a capella {adj} | :: alternative spelling of a cappella |
a capella {adv} | :: alternative spelling of a cappella |
a cappella {adj} [music] | :: a cappella |
a cappella {adv} [music] | :: a cappella |
acapsulé {adj} | :: acapsular |
acapulcoïte {f} [mineral] | :: acapulcoite |
acardiaque {adj} | :: acardiac |
acariâtre {adj} | :: cantankerous, ill-tempered, shrewish |
acariâtreté {f} | :: shrewishness |
acarien {m} [zoology] | :: mite (an arachnid) |
acarologie {f} | :: acarology |
acarologique {adj} | :: acarological |
acarophobie {f} | :: acarophobia |
acarpe {adj} [botany] | :: acarpous |
acastilleur {m} [nautical] | :: ship's chandler |
acatalecte {adj} | :: synonym of acatalectique |
acatalectique {adj} | :: acatalectic |
acatalepsie {f} | :: acatalepsy |
acataleptique {adj} | :: acataleptic |
acatène {adj} | :: chainless |
acathésique {adj} | :: alternative form of acathisique |
acathisie {f} | :: alternative form of akathisie |
acathisique {adj} | :: akathisic |
acatholique {adj} | :: acatholic |
acaule {adj} [botany] | :: acaulous |
acausal {adj} | :: acausal |
à cause de {prep} | :: because of |
à cause que {conj} [obsolete or proscribed and very, colloquial] | :: because |
ACC {prop} {f} [Senegal, politics] | :: abbreviation of Alliance pour la conscience citoyenne |
ACC {m} [organic chemistry] | :: abbreviation of aminocyclopropane carboxylique |
accablant {adj} | :: overwhelming |
accablé {adj} | :: stricken |
accablé {adj} | :: afflicted |
accablement {m} | :: consternation, overwhelming despondency |
accabler {v} | :: to devastate, overwhelm |
accabler {v} [of testimony, etc.] | :: to condemn (someone) |
accadien {adj} | :: alternative spelling of akkadien |
accadien {m} | :: alternative spelling of akkadien |
accalmie {f} | :: lull |
accalmie {f} | :: reprieve (period of calm) |
accalminé {adj} [nautical] | :: becalmed |
accalmir {vr} [of the sea] | :: to lull |
accaparement {m} | :: monopolization, cornering (of a market) |
accaparement {m} | :: acquisition, occupation, grabbing |
accaparer {v} | :: to monopolize, to corner |
accaparer {v} | :: to occupy, to grab, to aquire (often with force or money) |
accaparer {v} | :: to engross, to preoccupy |
accapareur {m} | :: hoarder |
accapareur {m} | :: monopolist |
accapareuse {f} | :: hoarder (female) |
accastillage {m} [nautical] | :: superstructure |
accastillage {m} | :: hardware |
accastiller {v} [nautical] | :: to fit out (originally to provide the fore- and aft- castles) |
accédant {m} | :: accessor |
accédante {f} | :: feminine singular of accédant |
accéder {v} | :: to reach (a place) |
accéder {v} | :: to obtain, to achieve, to reach (a goal) |
accéder {v} | :: to grant (permission) |
accéder {v} | :: to access (information) |
accelerando {adv} | :: accelerando |
accélérateur {adj} | :: accelerative |
accélérateur {m} | :: accelerator, gas pedal |
accélérateur {m} [physics] | :: accelerator |
accélération {f} [countable and uncountable] | :: acceleration |
accélérer {v} [ergative] | :: to accelerate |
accélérographe {m} | :: accelerometer |
accélérographe {m} | :: accelerograph |
accéléromètre {m} [physics] | :: accelerometer |
accent {m} | :: accent, manner or tone of speech |
accent {m} [linguistics] | :: an accent symbol |
accent {m} [linguistics] | :: accent, stress |
accent {m} [music] | :: strain, section |
accent aigu {m} | :: acute accent |
accent circonflexe {m} | :: circumflex (diacritic) |
accent grave {m} | :: grave accent |
accentuation {f} | :: stressing, accenting |
accentué {adj} | :: pronounced, marked, accented |
accentuel {adj} | :: accentual |
accentuer {v} | :: to accentuate (emphasize) |
accentuer {v} | :: to intensify |
accentuer {v} | :: to accent (put an accent on a letter or symbol etc.) |
acceptabilité {f} | :: acceptability |
acceptable {adj} | :: acceptable |
acceptant {adj} | :: acceptant |
acceptatif {adj} | :: acceptative |
acceptation {f} | :: acceptance |
acceptation {f} | :: approval |
accepter {vt} | :: to accept |
accepteur {m} [banking] | :: acceptor |
acception {f} | :: meaning, sense (of a word), acceptation |
accès {m} | :: access |
accès {m} [medicine] | :: attack, sudden fit |
accesseur {m} [object-oriented] | :: accessor |
accessibilité {f} | :: accessibility |
accessible {adj} [of a place, information, etc.] | :: accessible, attainable, obtainable, available |
accessible {adj} [of a price] | :: affordable |
accessible {adj} [of a person] | :: approachable |
accession {f} | :: accession (to throne) |
accession {f} [legal] | :: accession |
accessit {m} [school] | :: ≈ merit certificate |
accessoire {m} | :: accessory |
accessoire {m} [theater] | :: prop |
accessoire {adj} | :: accessory (having a supplementary function) |
accessoirement {adv} | :: accessorily |
accessoirisation {f} | :: accessorization |
accessoirisé {adj} | :: accessorized (with) |
accessoiriser {vt} | :: to accessorize (with) |
accessoiriste {mf} [film cast] | :: a props assistant |
accident {m} | :: accident |
accidentable {adj} | :: damageable |
accidentalité {f} | :: accidentality |
accidentalité {f} | :: accident frequency (especially the statistics of road accidents at specific locations) |
accident de décompression {m} | :: caisson disease, decompression sickness |
accident de parcours {m} | :: mishap, setback |
accident de travail {m} | :: work accident, work-related accident, workplace accident, occupational accident, industrial accident |
accident du travail {m} | :: alternative form of accident de travail |
accidenté {adj} | :: eventful (story) |
accidentel {adj} | :: accidental (happening by chance) |
accidentellement {adv} | :: accidentally (unexpectedly, unintentionally) |
accidenter {vt} | :: to damage; to hurt (in an accident) |
accidentogène {adj} | :: hazardous |
accidentogène {adj} | :: accident-prone |
accidentologie {f} | :: accidentology |
accidentologue {mf} | :: accidentologist |
accident vasculaire cérébral {m} [medicine] | :: stroke |
accipitrin {adj} | :: accipitrine |
accise {f} | :: excise, excise tax |
accisien {adj} | :: excise (attributive) |
accisien {m} | :: exciseman |
acclamatif {adj} | :: acclamative |
acclamation {f} | :: acclamation |
acclamer {v} | :: to acclaim, applaud (to shout applause) |
acclimatable {adj} | :: acclimatable |
acclimatation {f} | :: acclimatization |
acclimaté {adj} | :: acclimatized |
acclimatement {m} | :: acclimatization |
acclimater {v} | :: to acclimatize (get used to a new climate) |
accointance {f} | :: companionship |
accointance {f} [usually in plural] | :: amorous relations |
accointer {v} | :: to get to know, acquaint oneself with |
accolade {f} | :: curly bracket (brace) |
accolade {f} [historical] | :: accolade (knights) |
accolade {f} | :: embrace |
accolé {adj} | :: bracketed |
accolement {m} | :: apposition |
accoler {v} | :: to place side by side |
accoler {v} [typography] | :: to bracket together |
accombant {adj} [botany] | :: accumbant |
accommodant {adj} | :: accommodating; conciliatory |
accommodat {m} [biology] | :: acquired characteristics |
accommodateur {adj} | :: accommodatory |
accommodation {f} | :: accommodation |
accommodement {m} | :: settlement, arrangement |
accommoder {v} | :: to accommodate |
accompagnateur {m} | :: accompanier; co-(something) |
accompagnateur {m} [music] | :: accompanist |
accompagnatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of accompagnateur |
accompagnement {m} | :: accompaniment |
accompagnement {m} | :: side dish |
accompagner {vt} | :: to accompany, to escort |
accompli {adj} | :: achieved, accomplished, perfect |
accompli {adj} | :: finished, done |
accomplir {v} | :: to accomplish |
accomplir {v} | :: to achieve |
accomplissement {m} | :: accomplishment, achievement, fulfillment |
accon {m} | :: alternative form of acon |
acconage {m} | :: alternative form of aconage |
acconier {m} | :: alternative form of aconier |
acconière {f} | :: feminine singular of acconier |
accord {m} | :: chord |
accord {m} | :: agreement |
accord {m} | :: permission, consent |
accordable {adj} | :: accordable |
accordailles {fp} [archaic] | :: betrothal (mutual promise) |
accordé {adj} [grammar] | :: agreeing, which agrees with its subject |
accordement {m} | :: granting |
accordement {m} | :: agreement |
accordement {m} | :: tuning |
accordéon {m} [musical instruments] | :: accordion |
accordéonesque {adj} | :: accordionesque |
accordéoniste {mf} | :: accordionist |
accorder {vt} | :: to grant (something to someone) |
accorder {v} | :: to link to, to be related to |
accorder {vr} [grammar] | :: to make agree |
accorder {v} [music] | :: to tune, to tune up |
accorder {v} [sports] | :: to award (a free kick, a penalty, a foul, etc.) |
accorder ses violons {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to reach an agreement, to settle on something, to agree; to reconcile one's stories, to get one's stories straight, to sing the same tune |
accordeur {m} [music] | :: tuner (device that shows the deviation of the played pitch from the desired pitch) |
accordiste {mf} [politics] | :: A member of an accord |
accordoir {m} | :: tuning wrench |
accord parfait {m} [music] | :: tonic chord |
accore {m} | :: shore, prop, strut |
accore {adj} | :: sheer (very steep) |
accorer {v} | :: to shore up |
accorné {adj} [heraldry] | :: horned |
accort {adj} | :: cheerful, accommodating; comely |
accortement {adv} | :: accordingly, accordantly |
accostable {adj} | :: approachable (of a person) |
accostable {adj} [nautical] | :: dockable (at which you can land a boat) |
accostage {m} | :: docking, coming alongside |
accoster {vi} [nautical] | :: to come ashore |
accoster {vt} | :: to lay something next to another object |
accoster {vt} [by extension, slightly pejorative] | :: to approach someone; to interrupt someone (especially a stranger, in the street) |
accot {m} | :: fireproof shim used to keep items vertical during firing |
accot {m} | :: mulch |
accotement {m} | :: hard shoulder, shoulder |
accotement non stabilisé {m} | :: soft shoulder |
accotement stabilisé {m} | :: hard shoulder |
accoter {vr} | :: to lean |
accoter {vt} | :: to support, to rest (on) |
accoter {v} [Québec, colloquial] | :: to equal |
accotoir {m} | :: armrest |
accouchement {m} | :: delivery (act of giving birth) |
accoucher {vi} [ergative] | :: to give birth (de to), to go into labour |
accoucher {vt} [ergative] | :: to deliver (a baby) |
accoucheur {m} | :: midwife (male) |
accoucheur {m} | :: obstetrician |
accoucheuse {f} | :: midwife |
accoudement {m} | :: The action of leaning on ones elbows |
accoudement {m} | :: A neck and neck situation |
accouder {vr} | :: to rest, lean (on one's elbows) |
accoudoir {m} | :: armrest |
accouer {v} | :: to harness horses one behind another |
accouplable {adj} | :: matchable, connectable |
accouplable {adj} [zoology] | :: That will mate |
accouplement {m} | :: coupling, mating |
accouplement {m} [mechanics] | :: coupling |
accoupler {vi} | :: to pair up, go together, get into a couple (of two things, to become one) |
accoupler {vt} | :: to unite, put together, join (of two things, to cause to become one) |
accoupler {vt} [of animals] | :: to mate |
accourcir {v} [archaic] | :: to shorten |
accourcissement {m} | :: shortening |
accourir {vi} | :: to rush up, run up, hurry (à, vers to) |
accoutré {adj} | :: attired, dressed (in a particular manner) |
accoutrement {m} [obsolete] | :: (elaborate) outfit |
accoutrement {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: getup |
accoutrer {v} | :: to accouter |
accoutumance {f} | :: habit, custom |
accoutumance {f} [medical] | :: addiction, dependence, acquired tolerance |
accoutumé {adj} | :: accustomed |
accoutumer {vt} | :: to accustom, get (someone) used (à, à faire) |
accoutumer {vr} | :: to get used to (à) |
accouvage {m} | :: incubation (of eggs) and subsequent hatching of chicks (in a hatchery) |
accréditation {f} | :: accreditation |
accréditer {v} | :: accredit |
accréditeur {adj} | :: accrediting |
accréditif {m} | :: letter of credit |
accrémentitiel {adj} | :: accrementitial |
accrémentition {f} | :: accrementition |
accrescent {adj} [botany] | :: accrescent |
accrétion {f} | :: accretion (growth by natural means) |
accrétionnaire {adj} | :: accretionary |
accro {adj} [slang] | :: hooked: addicted, unable to resist |
accro {mf} [slang] | :: addict |
accrobranche {f} | :: A type of adventure park involving ropes or cables suspended through trees |
accroc {m} | :: tear, rip |
accroc {m} | :: glitch |
accroc {m} | :: breach, infringement |
accrochage {m} | :: collision, bump |
accrochage {m} | :: clash |
accroche {f} [journalism] | :: lead-in (attention-grabbing beginning to an article, advertisement etc.) |
accroche-coeur {m} | :: kiss curl |
accrocher {vt} | :: To hook, hook up (attach with a hook) |
accrocher {vt} | :: To pick up, become attached to |
accrocher {vt} | :: To pick up, to come to learn (e.g. a skill) |
accrocher {vt} | :: To get, get hold of, obtain something |
accrocher {vt} | :: To hang up (the phone) (end a telephone conversation) |
accrocher {vr} | :: To get hooked, get addicted |
accrocher {vr} | :: to cling onto, hold on to |
accrocher {vr} | :: to collide, bump into one another |
accrocheur {adj} | :: catchy |
accrocheur {adj} | :: attention-grabbing |
accroire {v} | :: to believe (something false) |
accroissable {adj} | :: increasable |
accroissant {adj} | :: increasing, expanding, widening |
accroissement {m} | :: growth |
accroitre {v} | :: alternative form of accroître |
accroître {vt} | :: to increase |
accroître {vr} [s'accroître] | :: to increase |
accroupir {vr} | :: to crouch, squat |
accroupir {vr} [rare, literary] | :: to debase oneself (morally) |
accroupir {vt} [rare] | :: to make someone or something crouch or squat |
accroupissement {m} | :: squat, squatting (body position) |
accrue {f} | :: dry land created by draining |
accu {m} | :: accumulator, battery |
accueil {m} | :: reception, hospitality |
accueil {m} | :: acceptance |
accueil {m} [computing] | :: home page (of a website) |
accueillable {adj} | :: accommodatable |
accueillant {adj} | :: welcoming, accommodating |
accueillir {v} | :: to welcome, to accommodate |
acculé {adj} | :: cornered |
acculé {adj} | :: forced (à faire to do) |
acculer {v} | :: to corner someone, to prevent retreat or escape |
acculturation {f} | :: acculturation |
acculturer {vr} [usually or passive] | :: acculture |
accumobile {f} | :: electric vehicle (powered by an accumulator (rechargeable battery)) |
accumulateur {m} | :: accumulator, battery |
accumulation {f} | :: accumulation (action of accumulating) |
accumulation {f} | :: accumulation (result of accumulating) |
accumulatrice {f} | :: accumulator (thing that accumulates something) |
accumulé {adj} | :: accumulated |
accumuler {v} | :: to accumulate |
accusataire {adj} | :: accusatory |
accusateur {adj} | :: accusing, accusatory |
accusateur {m} | :: accuser, prosecutor |
accusatif {m} [grammar] | :: accusative, accusative case |
accusatif absolu {m} [grammar] | :: accusative absolute |
accusation {f} | :: accusation |
accusatoire {adj} [legal] | :: accusatory |
accusé de réception {m} | :: receipt, acknowledgment of receipt |
accuser {vt} | :: to accuse |
accuser {vt} | :: to find fault with |
accuser {vi} [formal] | :: to show; to reveal |
accuser {v} | :: (when used with ~ réception) to acknowledge receipt of something |
accuser le coup {v} [colloquial] | :: to be visibly shaken, to be visibly affected |
ace {m} [tennis] | :: ace |
-acé {suffix} [uncommon, sciences] | :: A suffix forming adjectives; -aceous |
acébutolol {m} [organic compound] | :: acebutolol |
acédie {f} | :: acedia |
-acée {suffix} [botany] | :: Suffix replacing -acées when designating a single member of a plant family |
-acées {suffix} [taxonomy] | :: -aceae |
à ce jour {adv} | :: to this day, to date, so far, thus far |
acellulaire {adj} | :: acellular |
acémète {adj} | :: acoemetic |
acénaphtène {m} [organic compound] | :: acenaphthene |
acénaphtènequinone {m} [organic compound] | :: acenaphthoquinone |
acénaphtylène {m} [organic compound] | :: acenaphthylene |
acène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acene |
acénocoumarol {m} [organic compound] | :: acenocoumarol |
acentré {adj} | :: acentric |
acentré {adj} | :: uncentralized |
acéphale {adj} [zoology] | :: acephalous, headless |
acéphale {adj} [of an organisation] | :: headless, leaderless |
acéphale {mf} | :: acephal, acephalan |
acéphalobrache {adj} [pathology] | :: synonym of abrachiocéphale |
acéphalopode {adj} | :: acephalopodic, acephalopodous |
acéphalothore {adj} | :: acephalothoracic |
à ce propos {adv} | :: about that, on this point, on this subject |
à ce que je sache {adv} [colloquial] | :: as far as I know, as far as I can tell, to the best of my knowledge |
à ce que l'on dit {adv} | :: alternative form of à ce qu'on dit |
à ce qu'on dit {adv} [colloquial] | :: apparently, from what I hear, they say (that), rumour has it (that) |
acéracé {adj} [botany] | :: That resembles maple (or other plant of the genus Acer) |
acérain {adj} | :: steely |
acerbe {adj} | :: acerb (bitter to the taste) |
acerbe {adj} | :: harsh |
acerbité {f} | :: acerbity |
acéré {adj} [of iron] | :: hardened with steel |
acéré {adj} | :: sharp, keen |
acérer {v} | :: To sharpen (a point) |
acéricole {adj} | :: maple production (attributive) |
acériculture {f} | :: maple production |
acérola {m} | :: acerola (fruit) |
acescence {f} | :: acescence |
acescent {adj} | :: souring |
à ce stade {adv} | :: at this point, at this stage |
à ce sujet {adv} | :: about that, on this point, on this subject |
acétabuliforme {adj} | :: acetabuliform |
acétal {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acetal |
acétaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] | :: acetaldehyde |
acétalisation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: acetalization |
acétaliser {v} [organic chemistry] | :: To acetalize |
acétamide {m} [organic compound] | :: acetamide |
acétate {m} | :: acetate (salt or ester of acetic acid) |
acétate {m} | :: acetate (transparent sheet) |
acété {adj} | :: sour |
acété {adj} | :: acidic |
à cet effet {adv} | :: to this end, to that end (therefore) |
acéteux {adj} | :: vinegary |
acétification {f} | :: acetification |
acétifier {v} | :: to acetify |
acétimètre {m} | :: acetimeter |
acétique {adj} | :: acetic |
acéto- {prefix} [organic chemistry] | :: aceto- |
acétoacétate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acetoacetate |
acétoacétique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: acetoacetic |
acétoacétyl {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acetoacetyl |
acétoarsénite {m} | :: acetoarsenite |
acétobacter {m} | :: acetobacter |
acétoïne {f} [organic compound] | :: acetoin |
acétolactate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acetolactate |
acétolactique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: acetolactic |
acétomètre {m} | :: acetometer |
acétone {f} [organic compound] | :: acetone |
acétonémie {f} [pathology] | :: acetonemia |
acétonitrile {m} [organic compound] | :: acetonitrile |
acétonurie {f} [pathology] | :: acetonuria |
acétopropylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: acetopropylic |
à cette heure {adv} | :: now, immediately, at once |
acétyl {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acetyl |
acétylaminophénol {m} [organic compound] | :: acetylaminophenol |
acétylation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: acetylation |
acétylcholine {f} [organic compound] | :: acetylcholine |
acétylé {adj} | :: acetylated |
acétylène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acetylene |
acétylénique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: acetylenic |
acétyler {vt} [organic chemistry] | :: to acetylate |
acétylglucosamine {f} [organic compound] | :: acetylglucosamine |
acétylméthylcarbinol {m} [organic compound] | :: acetylmethylcarbinol |
acétylsalicylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: acetylsalicylic |
acétylure {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acetylide |
ACEUM {prop} | :: USMCA; abbreviation of Accord Canada-États-Unis-Mexique |
ACÉUM {prop} | :: alternative form of ACEUM |
Achab {prop} | :: Ahab [biblical character] |
à chacun son goût {phrase} | :: to each his own |
Achaïe {prop} | :: Achaea |
achaine {m} | :: alternative form of akène |
achalandage {m} | :: clientele, patronage, business |
achalandage {m} [accounting] | :: goodwill |
achalandé {adj} | :: busy (of a shop etc) |
achalander {vt} | :: to supply with clientele |
achalandeur {m} | :: pimp |
achalandeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of achalandeur |
achalasie {f} [pathology] | :: achalasia |
achaler {v} [Canada] | :: To annoy, harass, badger |
à chaque jour suffit sa peine {proverb} | :: Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof |
achard {m} [cooking] | :: achar, (Indian) pickle |
à charge de revanche {adv} [colloquial] | :: but I owe you one, but I hope I can return the favour someday, provided you let me return the favour some time |
acharisme {m} [Islam] | :: Ash'arism |
acharné {adj} | :: fierce; relentless |
acharnement {m} | :: fury |
acharnement {m} | :: stubbornness |
acharnement {m} | :: ruthlessness |
acharnement thérapeutique {m} [idiomatic, medicine] | :: Providing medical care to keep patients alive when there is no hope that it will benefit or cure them |
acharner {v} [après, contre, sur] | :: to incite; to sic |
acharner {v} [après, contre, sur, .pronominal] | :: to hound, to fiercely attack |
acharner {v} [après, contre, sur, .pronominal, .figuratively] | :: to slave away, persevere |
acharner {v} [à, .pronominal, .figuratively] | :: to attach oneself excessively |
achat {m} | :: buy, purchase |
à chaud {prep} [figuratively] | :: immediately, spontaneously, in the heat of the moment, off the cuff, without allowing things to cool off, without thinking |
ache {f} | :: celery (plant) |
ache {m} | :: aitch, letter: h |
achéen {adj} | :: Achaean |
acheiropoïète {adj} [art] | :: acheiropoietic |
achéménide {adj} | :: Achaemenid |
acheminement {m} | :: delivery, transporting |
acheminer {vt} | :: To transport; send (off) |
acheminer {vr} | :: To head (towards); head for; make one's way (to) |
Achéron {prop} {m} | :: Acheron |
achetable {adj} | :: buyable |
acheter {v} | :: to purchase; buy |
acheter chat en poche {v} [idiomatic] | :: to purchase without seeing the object in question; to buy on trust; to be sold a pig in a poke |
acheteur {m} | :: buyer, purchaser (person who makes purchases) |
acheteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of acheteur |
acheuléen {adj} [archaeology] | :: Acheulean |
à cheval {adv} | :: by horse; on horseback; riding |
à cheval donné on ne regarde pas la bride {proverb} | :: don't look a gift horse in the mouth |
à cheval donné on ne regarde pas les dents {proverb} | :: don't look a gift horse in the mouth |
à cheval sur {prep} | :: overlapping, on both sides of |
achevé d'imprimer {m} | :: a colophon, printer notice at the end or beginning of a publication, not actually part of the author's manuscript but concerning the physical edition |
achèvement {m} | :: completion, conclusion, finish |
achever {vt} | :: to finish, to complete |
achever {vt} | :: to finish off (someone who is already incapacitated) |
achever {vr} [s'achever] | :: to finish |
à chier {adj} [vulgar] | :: lousy, shit, shitty, crappy |
à chier {adv} [vulgar] | :: extremely, very |
achigan {m} [Canada] | :: bass (fish) |
achiléen {adj} | :: Achillean |
Achille {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Achilles |
Achille {prop} | :: given name of Ancient Greek origin |
achillée {f} | :: yarrow (any of several pungent Eurasian herbs, of the genus Achillea) |
achilletalonesque {adj} | :: Relating to, or characteristic of Achille Talon |
achilletalonnesque {adj} | :: Relating to, or characteristic of Achille Talon |
achkenaze {adj} | :: alternative form of ashkénaze |
achkénaze {adj} | :: alternative form of ashkénaze |
acholi {m} | :: Acholi (people, language) |
acholi {adj} | :: Acholi (attributive) |
achondroplasie {f} | :: achondroplasia (the genetic disorder) |
achondroplasique {adj} | :: achondroplastic |
achoppement {m} | :: stumble; trip |
achopper {vi} | :: to stumble (on a stone) |
achopper {vi} [figurative] | :: to hit a snag, find oneself up against something, to make a mistake, fail |
achopper {vr} | :: to hit a snag, to make a mistake |
achour {m} [Islam] | :: ushr, a tax paid to a sultan (especially in Morocco) |
achour {m} | :: an Algerian government tax (in French colonial times) |
Achoura {prop} {f} [Islam] | :: Ashura |
achromat {m} | :: achromat |
achromaticité {f} | :: achromaticity |
achromatique {adj} | :: achromatic |
achromatiser {v} | :: To achromatize |
achromatisme {m} | :: achromatism (achromatopia) |
achromatope {adj} | :: achromatopsic |
achromatopsie {f} | :: achromatopsia |
achromatopsique {adj} | :: achromatopsic |
achrome {adj} | :: colourless |
achromie {f} [pathology] | :: vitiligo |
achromique {adj} | :: achromic |
achronique {adj} | :: achronic (all senses) |
achylie {f} [pathology] | :: achylia |
aciculaire {adj} | :: acicular |
aciculaire {adj} | :: aciculiform |
aciculiforme {adj} [botany] | :: aciculiform |
acide {adj} | :: acid, acidic, sour, tart |
acide {adj} [chemistry] | :: acid, acidic |
acide {m} [chemistry] | :: acid |
acide {m} [slang] | :: LSD (acid) |
acide abiétique {m} | :: abietic acid |
acide acétique {m} [organic compound] | :: acetic acid |
acide acétylsalicylique {m} | :: acetylsalicylic acid (acetate ester of salicylic acid; aspirin) |
acide adénylique {m} [organic compound] | :: adenylic acid |
acide aminé {m} | :: amino acid |
acide anisique {m} [organic compound] | :: anisic acid |
acide antimonique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: antimonic acid |
acide arachique {m} [organic compound] | :: arachidic acid |
acide ascorbique {m} [chemistry] | :: ascorbic acid |
acide azotique {m} [obsolete, inorganic compound] | :: acide nitrique |
acide benzoïque {m} | :: benzoic acid |
acide bombique {m} [organic compound] | :: bombic acid |
acide bombycique {m} [organic compound] | :: bombycic acid |
acide brassique {m} [fatty acid] | :: brassic acid |
acide bromhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrobromic acid |
acide bromique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: bromic acid |
acide caprique {m} [fatty acid] | :: capric acid |
acide caproïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: caproic acid |
acide caprylique {m} [fatty acid] | :: caprylic acid |
acide carboxylique {m} [organic chemistry] | :: carboxylic acid |
acide carminique {m} [organic compound] | :: carminic acid |
acide catalpique {m} [organic compound] | :: catalpic acid |
acide cérotique {m} [organic compound] | :: cerotic acid |
acide cétylique {m} [fatty aid] | :: cetylic acid |
acide chaulmoogrique {m} [fatty acid] | :: chaulmoogric acid |
acide chlorhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrochloric acid |
acide chlorique {m} [chemistry] | :: chloric acid |
acide chloroformique {m} [organic compound] | :: chloroformic acid |
acide cholique {m} [organic compound] | :: cholic acid |
acide citrique {m} | :: citric acid |
acide clupanodonique {m} [fatty acid] | :: clupanodonic acid |
acide crépénynique {m} [fatty acid] | :: crepenynic acid |
acide croconique {m} [organic compound] | :: croconic acid |
acide crotonique {m} [organic compound] | :: crotonic acid |
acide cyanique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: cyanic acid |
acide cyanurique {m} [organic compound] | :: cyanuric acid |
acide désoxyribonucléique {m} [genetics, biochemistry] | :: deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA |
acide diénoïque {m} [organic chemistry] | :: dienoic acid |
acide dithionique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: dithionic acid |
acide docosahexaénoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: docosahexaenoic acid |
acide docosénoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: docosenoic acid |
acide dotriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: dotriacontanoic acid |
acide éicosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: eicosanoic acid |
acide eicosatriénoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: eicosatrienoic acid |
acide eicosénoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: eicosenoic acid |
acide élaïdique {m} [fatty acid] | :: elaidic acid |
acide éléostéarique {m} [fatty acid] | :: eleostearic acid |
acide érucique {m} [fatty acid] | :: erucic acid |
acide esculique {m} [organic compound] | :: esculic acid |
acide éthionique {m} [organic compound] | :: ethionic acid |
acide férulique {m} [organic compound] | :: ferulic acid |
acide filicique {m} [organic compound] | :: filicic acid |
acide fluoborique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: fluoboric acid |
acide fluorhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrofluoric acid |
acide folique {m} | :: folic acid |
acide fulminique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: fulminic acid |
acide gadoléique {m} [fatty acid] | :: gadoleic acid |
acide gallique {m} [organic compound] | :: gallic acid |
acide glaucique {m} [organic compound] | :: glaucic acid |
acide glutarique {m} [organic compound] | :: glutaric acid |
acide glycérique {m} [organic compound] | :: glyceric acid |
acide glycérophosphorique {m} [organic compound] | :: glycerophosphoric acid |
acide glycocholique {m} [organic compound] | :: glycocholic acid |
acide gondoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: gondoic acid |
acide gorlique {m} [fatty acid] | :: gorlic acid |
acide hénéicosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: heneicosanoic acid |
acide hentriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: hentriacontanoic acid |
acide heptacosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: heptacosanoic acid |
acide hexacosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: hexacosanoic acid |
acide hexaeïcosanoïque {m} | :: synonym of acide hexacosanoïque |
acide hexaénoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: hexaenoic acid |
acide hexanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: hexanoic acid |
acide hexatriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: hexatriacontanoic acid |
acide hippurique {m} [organic compound] | :: hippuric acid |
acide hircique {m} [fatty acid] | :: hircic acid |
acide hydnocarpique {m} [organic compound] | :: hydnocarpic acid |
acide hydrazoïque {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrazoic acid |
acide hydriodique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydriodic acid |
acide hydroferrocyanique {m} | :: hydroferrocyanic acid |
acide hydrosulfureux {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrosulfurous acid |
acide hydrosulfurique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrosulfuric acid |
acide hyperiodique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: periodic acid |
acide hypoazoteux {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hyponitrous acid |
acide hypoazotique {m} | :: hyponitric acid |
acide hyponitreux {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hyponitrous acid |
acide hypophosphoreux {f} [inorganic compound] | :: hypophosphorous acid |
acide hypophosphorique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hypophosphoric acid |
acide hyposulfureux {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hyposulfurous acid |
acide icosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: eicosanoic acid |
acide icosénoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: eicosenoic acid |
acide idonique {m} [organic compound] | :: idonic acid |
acide indigotique {m} [organic compound] | :: indigotic acid |
acide iodhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydroiodic acid |
acide isopalmitique {m} [fatty acid] | :: isopalmitic acid |
acide itaconique {m} [organic compound] | :: itaconic acid |
acide jalapique {m} [organic compound] | :: jalapic acid |
acide kinovique {m} [organic compound] | :: kinovic acid, quinovic acid |
acide lacéroïque {m} [organic compound] | :: lacceroic acid |
acide lactobacillique {m} [organic compound] | :: lactobacillic acid |
acide lactucique {m} [organic compound] | :: lactucic acid |
acide leucique {m} [organic compound] | :: leucic acid |
acide lichénique {m} [organic compound] | :: lichenic acid |
acide lignocérique {m} [fatty acid] | :: lignoceric acid |
acide limonoïque {m} [organic compound] | :: limonoic acid |
acide linolénique {m} [organic compound] | :: linolenic acid |
acide malique {m} [organic compound] | :: malic acid |
acide malvalique {m} [organic compound] | :: malvalic acid |
acide margaritique {m} [fatty acid] | :: margaritic acid |
acide méconique {m} [organic compound] | :: meconic acid |
acide mélassique {m} [organic compound] | :: melassic acid |
acide mélissique {m} [fatty acid] | :: melissic acid |
acide ménisperminique {m} [organic compound] | :: menispermic acid |
acide métapectique {m} | :: metapectic acid |
acide métaphosphorique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: metaphosphoric acid |
acide métastannique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: metastannic acid |
acide méthionique {m} [organic compound] | :: methionic acid |
acide monothionique {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monothionic acid |
acide montanique {m} [fatty acid] | :: montanic acid |
acide moringique {m} [organic compound] | :: moringic acid |
acide moroctique {m} [fatty acid] | :: moroctic acid |
acide moroxylique {m} [organic compound] | :: moroxylic acid |
acide muriatique {m} [obsolete, inorganic compound] | :: muriatic acid |
acide myristoléique {m} [fatty acid] | :: myristoleic acid |
acide myronique {m} [organic compound] | :: myronic acid |
acide naphtalénique {m} [organic compound] | :: naphthalenic acid |
acide narcotinique {m} [organic compound] | :: narcotinic acid |
acide nervonique {m} [fatty acid] | :: nervonic acid |
acide nitranilique {m} [organic compound] | :: nitranilic acid |
acide nitrique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: nitric acid |
acide nucléique {m} [biochemistry] | :: nucleic acid |
acide octacosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: octacosanoic acid |
acide octadécatriénoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: octadecatrienoic acid |
acide octadécylique {m} [fatty acid] | :: octadecylic acid |
acide octanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: octanoic acid |
acide opianique {m} [organic compound] | :: opianic acid |
acide orthophosphorique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: orthophosphoric acid |
acide osmique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: osmic acid |
acide oxalhydrique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] | :: synonym of acide tartrique |
acide oxalovinique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] | :: oxalovinic acid |
acide oxamique {m} [organic compound] | :: oxamic acid |
acide palmitoléique {m} [fatty acid] | :: palmitoleic acid |
acide parabanique {m} | :: parabanic acid |
acide paralactique {m} [organic compound] | :: paralactic acid |
acide paullinique {m} [fatty acid] | :: paullinic acid |
acide pectosique {m} [organic compound] | :: pectosic acid |
acide pentathionique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: pentathionic acid |
acide pentatriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: pentatriacontanoic acid |
acide permanganique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: permanganic acid |
acide perrhénique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: perrhenic acid |
acide pertechnétique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: pertechnetic acid |
acide pétrosélinique {m} [fatty acid] | :: petroselinic acid |
acide phaséolique {m} [organic compound] | :: phaseolic acid |
acide phosphoglycérique {m} [organic compound] | :: phosphoglyceric acid |
acide phytanique {m} [organic compound] | :: phytanic acid |
acide phytomonique {m} [organic compound] | :: phytomonic acid |
acide picrique {m} [organic compound] | :: picric acid |
acide pimarique {m} [organic compound] | :: pimaric acid |
acide pinique {m} [organic compound] | :: pinic acid |
acide pinoléique {m} [fatty acid] | :: pinoleic acid |
acide pinolénique {m} [fatty acid] | :: pinolenic acid |
acide pneumique {m} [organic compound] | :: pneumic acid |
acide pristanique {m} [organic compound] | :: pristanic acid |
acide punicique {m} [fatty acid] | :: punicic acid |
acide purpurique {m} [organic compound] | :: purpuric acid |
acide pyrophosphorique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: pyrophosphoric acid |
acide pyrotartrique {m} [organic compound] | :: pyrotartaric acid |
acide pyruvique {m} [organic compound] | :: pyruvic acid |
acide quinique {m} [organic compound] | :: quinic acid |
acide rhizocarpique {m} [organic compound] | :: rhizocarpic acid |
acide ribonucléique {m} | :: ribonucleic acid (derivative of DNA, used in the transcription of genetic material) |
acide ricinique {m} [fatty acid] | :: ricinic acid |
acide ricinoléique {m} [fatty acid] | :: ricinoleic acid |
acide ricinostéarique {m} [fatty acid] | :: ricinostearic acid |
acide rosolique {m} [organic compound] | :: rosolic acid |
acide ruménique {m} [fatty acid] | :: rumenic acid |
acide salicyleux {m} [organic compound] | :: salicylous acid |
acide sapiénique {m} [fatty acid] | :: sapienic acid |
acide sébacique {m} [organic compound] | :: sebacic acid |
acide silicique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: silicic acid |
acide sorbique {m} [organic compound] | :: sorbic acid |
acide stéaridonique {m} [organic compound] | :: stearidonic acid |
acide stéarique {m} [fatty acid] | :: stearic acid |
acide strychninique {m} [organic compound] | :: strychnic acid |
acide subérique {m} [organic compound] | :: suberic acid |
acide sulfhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: sulfhydric acid (hydrogen sulfide) |
acide sulfurique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: sulphuric acid (H2SO4) |
acide tanacétique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] | :: malic acid |
acide tantalique {m} [inorganic compound] | :: tantalic acid |
acide taririque {m} [fatty acid] | :: tariric acid |
acide tartralique {m} [organic compound] | :: tartralic acid |
acide tartramique {m} [organic compound] | :: tartramic acid |
acide tartrique {m} [organic compound] | :: tartaric acid |
acide taurocholique {m} | :: taurocholic acid |
acide tétracosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: tetracosanoic acid |
acide tétradécénoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: tetradecenoic acid |
acide tétratriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: tetratriacontanoic acid |
acide triacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: triacontanoic acid |
acide trichloracétique {m} [organic compound] | :: trichloroacetic acid |
acide trichosanique {m} [fatty acid] | :: trichosanic acid |
acide tritriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] | :: tritriacontanoic acid |
acide tuberculostéarique {m} [fatty acid] | :: tuberculostearic acid |
acide urique {m} [biochemistry] | :: uric acid, urate |
acide urushinique {m} [organic compound] | :: urushinic acid |
acide vaccénique {m} [fatty acid] | :: vaccenic acid |
acide vulpinique {m} [organic compound] | :: vulpinic acid |
acide vulpique {m} [organic compound] | :: vulpic acid |
acide zoonique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] | :: zoonic acid |
acidifère {adj} | :: acidiferous |
acidifiable {adj} | :: acidifiable |
acidification {f} | :: acidification |
acidifié {adj} | :: acidified |
acidifier {v} | :: to acidify [make something acid] |
acidimètre {m} | :: acidimeter |
acidimétrie {f} | :: acidimetry |
acidique {adj} | :: acidic |
acidité {f} | :: acidity (the quality or state of being acid) |
acido-basique {adj} [chemistry] | :: acid-base (attributive) |
acidobasique {adj} | :: alternative form of acido-basique |
acidocétose {f} [pathology] | :: ketoacidosis |
acidogène {adj} | :: acidogenic |
acidophile {adj} | :: acidophilic |
acidophile {m} | :: acidophile |
acidose {f} [pathology] | :: acidosis |
acidulation {f} | :: acidulation |
acidulé {adj} | :: slightly acid; tart |
aciduler {v} | :: to acidulate; make slightly (more) acidic |
à ciel ouvert {adj} | :: open-air, alfresco |
à ciel ouvert {adj} [figurative] | :: transparent, unhidden, open |
acier {m} | :: steel |
aciérage {m} | :: steelmaking |
aciération {f} | :: synonym of aciérage |
aciérer {v} | :: to acierate |
aciéreux {adj} | :: steeply |
aciérie {f} | :: steelworks |
acier inoxydable {m} | :: stainless steel |
aciériste {mf} | :: steelmaker |
acinésie {f} | :: akinesia |
acinétique {adj} | :: akinetic |
acineux {adj} [botany] | :: acinar |
acircuitique {adj} [maths, of a graph] | :: acyclic |
ACL {m} | :: afficheur à cristaux liquides — LCD |
aclaste {adj} | :: aclastic, nonrefractive |
aclinal {adj} | :: aclinal |
aclinique {adj} | :: aclinical |
à cloche-pied {adv} | :: while hopping on one leg |
acmé {f} | :: acme (the top or highest point) |
acmé {f} | :: climax |
acméisme {m} | :: Acmeism |
acméiste {adj} | :: Acmeist |
acméiste {mf} | :: Acmeist |
acmite {f} [mineral] | :: synonym of aegirine |
acné {f} [pathology] | :: acne |
acnéique {adj} | :: acne (attributive) |
acnodal {adj} [maths] | :: acnodal |
acœlomate {adj} [zoology] | :: acoelomate |
acœlomate {m} [zoology] | :: acoelomate |
à cœur joie {adv} | :: to one's heart's content |
à cœur ouvert {prep} [surgery] | :: open-heart (attributive) |
à cœur ouvert {prep} [figuratively] | :: frankly, open-heartedly, with an open heart |
à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible {proverb} | :: where there's a will, there's a way |
à cœur vaillant, rien d'impossible {proverb} | :: alternative spelling of à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible |
acolytat {m} | :: acolytate |
acolyte {m} [religion] | :: acolyte |
acolyte {m} | :: henchman, sidekick |
acolythe {m} | :: obsolete spelling of acolyte |
acommercial {adj} | :: uncommercial |
acompte {m} | :: down payment, advance payment |
à compter de {prep} | :: starting from, from, as of |
acon {m} [nautical] | :: lighter (A flat-bottomed barge used for loading / unloading ships) |
aconage {m} [nautical] | :: lighterage |
à concurrence de {prep} | :: up to, up to a limit of, up to a maximum of |
à condition de {prep} | :: subject to, under the condition of |
à condition que {conj} | :: provided that; on the condition that |
acône {adj} [of an animal's eye] | :: Having no cones |
aconier {m} | :: stevedore (who works on an acon) |
aconier {m} | :: freight company |
aconière {f} | :: feminine singular of aconier |
aconit {m} | :: aconite, monkshood |
aconitine {f} | :: aconitine |
a contrario {adv} | :: au contraire, on the contrary |
à contre-cœur {adv} | :: alternative spelling of à contrecœur |
à contrecœur {adv} | :: Reluctantly; unwillingly |
à contre-courant {adv} | :: upstream |
à contre-courant {adv} [idiomatic] | :: against the grain (contrary to what is expected.) |
à contre-mont {adv} | :: upstream |
à contresens {adv} | :: the wrong way, against the flow of traffic |
acoquinement {m} | :: familiarity |
acoquiner {vr} | :: to become familiar (à with) |
acore {m} | :: sweet flag (or similar plant of the genus Acorus) |
açoréen {adj} | :: Azorean |
Açoréen {m} | :: Azorean |
Açoréenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Açoréen |
acore odorant {m} | :: sweet flag, Acorus calamus |
Açores {prop} {fp} | :: Azores |
à cor et à cri {adv} | :: noisily, with clamour |
açorien {adj} | :: alternative form of açoréen |
Açorien {m} | :: alternative form of Açoréen |
Açorienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Açorien |
à corps perdu {adv} | :: heart and soul, headlong, wholeheartedly |
acosmique {adj} | :: acosmic |
à côté {prep} | :: beside, next to |
à côté {prep} | :: next door |
à-côté {m} | :: perk, extra benefit |
à côté de {prep} | :: next to, besides, alongside |
à côté de la plaque {prep} [colloquial] | :: off the mark, wide of the mark, off-beam, off-the-wall |
à côté de ses pompes {adj} [colloquial, figuratively, idiom] | :: out to lunch, out of it, not with it |
acotylédone {adj} | :: acotyledonous |
acotylédone {f} | :: acotyledon |
à coucher dehors {adj} [colloquial] | :: difficult to pronounce, to write or to remember; jawbreaking, crackjaw |
acoumètre {m} | :: acoumeter |
acoumétrie {f} | :: acoumetry |
à-coup {m} | :: jerk, jolt |
à coup de {prep} | :: alternative spelling of à coups de |
à couper au couteau {adj} [colloquial, figuratively, of a fog] | :: very dense, very thick |
à couper au couteau {adj} [colloquial, figuratively, of an accent] | :: very heavy, very thick, very strong |
à couper le souffle {adj} | :: breathtaking, stunning, jaw-dropping |
acouphène {m} | :: tinnitus (perception of nonexistent noise) |
acouphénique {adj} | :: tinnitus (attributive) |
à coups de {prep} [sometimes, pejorative] | :: by means of, by dint of, by way of, through, with |
à coup sûr {adv} [colloquial] | :: for sure, certainly |
à court {prep} [de] | :: out of, short of |
à court terme {adj} | :: short-term |
acousmate {adj} | :: synonym of acousmatique |
acousmatique {adj} | :: acousmatic |
acousticien {m} | :: acoustician |
acousticienne {f} | :: female equivalent of acousticien |
acoustique {adj} | :: acoustic (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds) |
acoustique {f} | :: acoustics |
acoustiquement {adv} | :: acoustically |
à couteaux tirés {adj} | :: at daggers drawn, at each other's throats |
acquérable {adj} | :: acquirable |
acquéreur {m} | :: buyer, purchaser (of real estate) |
acquérir {vt} | :: to acquire, to obtain |
acquérir {vt} | :: to purchase |
acquérir {vr} [s'acquérir] | :: to gain, to win (approval, etc.) |
acquêt {m} | :: acquisition |
acquêt {m} | :: profit; financial gain |
acquêt {m} | :: community property (goods obtained by the spouses during a marriage which become the property of both) |
acquiescement {m} | :: agreement, acquiescence |
acquiescer {v} | :: to acquiesce |
acquinite {m} [organic compound] | :: acrolein |
acquis {m} | :: asset |
acquisitif {adj} | :: acquisitional (of or related to acquisition) |
acquisition {f} | :: purchase (the act or process of seeking and obtaining something) |
acquisition {f} | :: acquisition (the thing obtained) |
acquisitivement {adv} | :: acquisitively |
acquittable {adj} | :: acknowledgeable |
acquitté {adj} | :: paid, honored |
acquittement {m} | :: acquittal of debt, discharge, settlement |
acquittement {m} | :: cancellation |
acquittement {m} | :: absolution |
acquittement {m} | :: acknowledgement of something, such as a message, upon its receipt |
acquitter {v} | :: to pay |
acquitter {v} | :: to acknowledge (a signal), to notify the receipt of |
acquitter {v} [legal] | :: to clear, to acquit |
acquitter {vr} [s'acquitter] | :: to pay |
acquitter {vr} [s'acquitter, ~ de] | :: to discharge, to complete (one's duty) |
acraldéhyde {m} [organic compound] | :: acrolein |
à craquer {prep} [colloquial] | :: to the brim |
acratopège {adj} [rare, formal] | :: unremarkable |
acre {f} [historical] | :: acre |
Acre {prop} {m} | :: Acre (city) |
âcre {adj} | :: acrid, bitter |
âcre {adj} [figuratively] | :: sour, bitter |
âcrement {adv} | :: acridly |
âcreté {f} | :: acridness, pungency |
à crever {adv} [literally] | :: to death |
à crever {adv} [slang] | :: very, extremely, as hell, no end |
acribique {adj} | :: immaculate |
acribique {adj} | :: fastidious |
acribiquement {adv} | :: fastidiously |
acribiquement {adv} | :: immaculately |
acridien {adj} | :: acridian |
acridien {m} | :: acridian |
acridophage {mf} | :: acridophagus |
acridophage {adj} | :: acridophagous |
acrimonial {adj} [dated, chemistry] | :: ammoniacal |
acrimonie {f} | :: acrimony |
acrimonieusement {adv} | :: acrimoniously |
acrimonieux {adj} | :: acrimonious |
acritarche {m} | :: acritarch |
acritique {adj} | :: acritical, uncritical |
acroamatique {adj} | :: acroamatic |
acroatique {adj} | :: acroatic |
acrobate {mf} | :: acrobat |
acrobatie {f} | :: acrobatics |
acrobatie {f} | :: stunt, trick (dangerous feat) |
acrobatique {adj} | :: acrobatic |
acrobatiquement {adv} | :: acrobatically |
acrocentrique {adj} [biology] | :: acrocentric |
acrocéphale {adj} | :: synonym of acrocéphalique |
acrocéphalie {f} | :: acrocephaly |
acrocéphalique {adj} | :: acrocephalic |
acrocyanose {f} [pathology] | :: acrocyanosis |
acrodynie {f} [pathology] | :: acrodynia |
acrogène {adj} | :: acrogenous |
acrolecte {m} [linguistics] | :: acrolect |
acroléine {f} [organic compound] | :: acrolein |
acroléïque {adj} | :: acroleic |
acrolithe {mf} | :: acrolith |
acrologique {adj} | :: acrologic |
acrologiquement {adv} | :: acrologically |
acromégale {adj} | :: acromegalic |
acromégale {mf} | :: acromegalic |
acromégalie {f} [pathology] | :: acromegaly |
acromégalique {adj} | :: acromegalic |
acromélique {adj} [anatomy] | :: acromelic |
acromial {adj} | :: acromial |
acromien {adj} [anatomy] | :: acromial |
acromion {m} [anatomy] | :: acromion |
acron {m} | :: acron |
acronyme {m} | :: acronym (pronounced as a normal word) |
acronymique {adj} | :: acronymic |
acropète {adj} [botany] | :: acropetal |
acrophile {adj} | :: acrophilic |
acrophile {mf} | :: acrophile |
acrophobie {f} | :: acrophobia |
acrophonie {f} | :: acrophony |
acropole {f} | :: acropolis |
à croquer {adv} [colloquial] | :: emphasizes an individual's attractiveness |
à croquer {adj} [colloquial] | :: cute, (very) pretty (literally "drawable", i.e. attractive enough to be worth sketching) |
acrostiche {mf} | :: acrostic (text in which certain letters spell out a name or message) |
acrotère {m} [architecture] | :: acroter, acroterium, acroterion |
à cru {adv} | :: bareback (without a saddle) |
acrylaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] | :: acrylaldehyde |
acrylique {adj} | :: acrylic |
acrylique {m} | :: acrylic |
actant {m} | :: actant |
actantiel {adj} | :: actantial |
acte {m} | :: act |
acte de décès {m} | :: death certificate (official document certifying the details of a person's death) |
acte de foi {m} | :: act of faith; leap of faith |
acte de naissance {m} | :: birth certificate (official document certifying the details of a person's birth) |
actée {m} | :: baneberry (of genus Actaea) |
acte manqué {m} | :: a mistake which was unconsciously deliberate; accidentally on purpose; a Freudian slip |
acter {v} | :: To enact |
Actes {prop} {mp} [Bible] | :: Acts |
acteur {m} | :: actor |
à c't'heure {adv} | :: alternative spelling of asteur |
actif {adj} | :: active |
actif {adj} [grammar] | :: active |
actif {m} [accounting] | :: asset |
actif {m} [grammar] | :: active |
actif {m} [LGBT, slang] | :: top |
actinate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: actinate |
actine {f} [protein] | :: actin |
actiniaire {m} | :: actinian (sea anemone of the order Actiniaria) |
actinide {m} | :: actinide |
actinie {f} | :: sea anemone |
actiniforme {adj} | :: actiniform |
actinimorphe {adj} | :: actinomorphic |
actinique {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: actinic |
actinisme {m} | :: actinism |
actinite {f} [pathology] | :: sunburn |
actinium {m} | :: actinium |
actino- {prefix} | :: actino- |
actinobiologie {f} | :: actinobiology |
actinologie {f} | :: actinology |
actinomètre {m} | :: actinometer |
actinométrie {f} | :: actinometry |
actinométrique {adj} | :: actinometric |
actinomorphe {adj} | :: actinomorphic (of a flower: with petals radially symmetric) |
actinomycète {f} | :: actinomycete |
actinomycine {f} | :: actinomycin |
actinomycose {mf} [pathology] | :: actinomycosis |
actinopode {m} | :: actinopod |
actinorhizien {adj} [botany] | :: actinorhizal |
actinoscopie {f} | :: actinoscopy |
actinote {f} [mineral] | :: actinolite |
actinothérapie {f} | :: actinotherapy |
action {f} | :: action, act |
action {f} | :: campaign |
action {f} | :: stock, share |
action {f} [Switzerland] | :: a special offer |
action de grâce {f} [Christianity] | :: thanksgiving (expression of gratitude to God) |
Action démocratique {prop} {f} [Canadian politics] | :: Action démocratique du Québec |
Action démocratique du Québec {prop} {f} [Canadian politics] | :: a conservative autonomist political party in Québec |
actionnable {adj} | :: actionable |
actionnaire {mf} | :: shareholder |
actionnalisme {m} | :: actionalism |
actionnaliste {adj} | :: actionalist |
actionnarial {adj} | :: stockholder, shareholder (attributive) |
actionnariat {m} | :: shareholding |
actionnariat {m} [in the plural] | :: shareholders |
actionnel {adj} | :: actional |
actionnement {m} | :: actuation |
actionner {v} | :: to work (to set into action), actuate, action |
actionneur {m} | :: actuator |
activable {adj} | :: activable |
activateur {m} | :: activator |
activation {f} | :: activation |
activement {adv} | :: actively |
activer {vt} | :: to activate (to encourage development or induce increased activity; to stimulate) |
activer {vt} | :: to activate (to put a device, mechanism or system into action or motion; to enable) |
activer {vt} [physics] | :: to activate (to render radioactive) |
activer {vt} | :: to speed up |
activer {vt} | :: to stoke (e.g. a fire) |
activeur {m} [chemistry] | :: activator |
activisme {m} | :: activism |
activiste {mf} | :: activist |
activité {f} | :: activity |
actrice {f} | :: actress |
actu {f} [colloquial] | :: news |
actuaire {mf} [finance] | :: actuary |
actualisable {adj} | :: updatable |
actualisation {f} | :: update |
actualisation {f} | :: updating (action or process of updating) |
actualiser {v} | :: to update (make something up to date) |
actualiser {v} [philosophy] | :: to actualize |
actualisme {m} [geology] | :: actualism |
actualité {f} | :: topic; topicality |
actualité {f} | :: documentary |
actualité {f} [especially in plural] | :: news, current affairs |
actuariat {f} | :: The function of an actuary |
actuariat {f} | :: Actuaries in general |
actuariel {adj} | :: actuarial |
actuateur {m} | :: actuator |
actuel {adj} | :: current |
actuellement {adv} | :: currently |
actuellement {adv} [rare] | :: in actuality |
acuité {f} | :: acuteness, acuity |
acuité {f} | :: sharpness, intensity |
acuité {f} | :: accuracy, precision |
aculéate {m} | :: aculeate |
aculéiforme {adj} | :: aculeiform |
acuminé {adj} | :: acuminate |
acuponcteur {m} | :: acupuncturist |
acuponctrice {f} | :: female equivalent of acuponcteur |
acuponcture {f} | :: alternative form of acupuncture |
acupuncteur {m} | :: alternative form of acuponcteur |
acupunctrice {f} | :: alternative form of acuponctrice |
acupuncture {f} | :: acupuncture |
acupuncturer {v} | :: to acupuncture |
acut {adj} [obsolete or typography] | :: acute |
acutangle {adj} [geometry] | :: acute, acute-angled |
acutangulaire {adj} | :: acutangular |
acutangulé {adj} [botany] | :: acute-angled |
acyanophile {adj} | :: acyanophilous |
acyclique {adj} | :: acyclic (not cyclic) |
acyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acyl |
acyler {v} [organic chemistry] | :: To acylate |
acylglycérol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acylglycerol |
acyloïne {m} [organic chemistry] | :: acyloin |
ada {m} | :: tyrant (bird) |
adactyle {adj} | :: adactyl. adactylous |
adage {m} | :: adage |
adagio {adv} [music] | :: adagio |
adagio {m} [music] | :: adagio |
Adam {prop} | :: Adam (biblical figure) |
Adam {prop} | :: given name |
adamantin {adj} | :: adamantine |
adamantinome {f} [pathology] | :: adamantinoma |
adamien {adj} | :: Adamite |
adamien {m} | :: Adamite |
adamique {adj} | :: Adamic |
adamisme {m} | :: Adamism |
adamite {adj} | :: adamite, Adamite |
adamite {mf} | :: Adamite |
adamite {f} [mineral] | :: adamite |
Adanet {prop} {m} | :: surname derived from a medieval diminutive of Adam |
adaptabilité {f} | :: adaptability |
adaptable {adj} | :: adaptable (capable of adapting or being adapted) |
adaptateur {m} | :: adapter (all senses); adaptor |
adaptateur {adj} | :: adapting |
adaptatif {adj} | :: adaptative |
adaptation {f} | :: adaptation (all senses) |
adaptationnel {adj} | :: adaptional (relating to adaptation) |
adaptatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of adaptateur |
adapté {m} [object-oriented] | :: adaptee |
adapter {vt} | :: to adapt |
adapter {vr} [s'adapter] | :: to adapt oneself or itself |
adaptif {adj} | :: adaptive |
à d'autres {interj} [colloquial] | :: tell it to the marines! my eye! pull the other one! |
addict {m} | :: addict |
addicte {f} | :: female equivalent of addict |
addictif {adj} | :: addictive (causing or tending to cause addiction; habit-forming) |
addiction {f} | :: addiction |
addictivement {adv} [rare] | :: addictively |
addictogène {adj} | :: addictogenic |
addictologie {f} | :: addictology |
addictologique {adj} | :: addictological |
addictologue {mf} | :: addictologist |
Addis-Abeba {prop} | :: Addis-Abeba (capital) |
additif {m} | :: additive (substance altering another substance) |
additif {m} | :: addendum |
additif {adj} | :: additive |
addition {f} | :: addition (act of adding; thing added; in arithmetic) |
addition {f} | :: bill [UK], check [US] [in a restaurant, etc] |
additionnable {adj} | :: summable |
additionnel {adj} | :: additional (supplemental or added to) |
additionnellement {adv} | :: additionally |
additionner {v} | :: to sum; to add (add together) |
additionneur {m} [electronics, computing] | :: adder |
additivation {f} | :: The addition of additives to a material |
additivé {adj} | :: Treated with an additive |
additivité {f} [maths] | :: additivity |
adducteur {m} [anatomy] | :: adductor |
adductif {adj} | :: adductive |
adduction {f} | :: adduction (all senses) |
adduit {m} [chemistry] | :: adduct |
-ade {suffix} | :: Used to form collectives |
-ade {suffix} | :: Indicating a dish or recipe |
-ade {suffix} | :: Indicating a drink made from a given fruit |
-ade {suffix} | :: Used to form nouns denoting action, or a person performing said action |
à découvert {prep} | :: in the open, exposed, defenceless |
à découvert {prep} | :: in the red, overdrawn |
à défaut de {prep} | :: for want of |
Adélaïde {prop} | :: Adélaïde (caplc) |
Adélaïde {prop} | :: given name |
adèle {f} | :: fairy longhorn moth (of the genus Adela) |
Adèle {prop} | :: given name |
Adélie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Adélie {prop} {f} | :: Adélie Land (Antarctic) |
Adeline {prop} {f} | :: given name |
adélopode {adj} | :: adelopode |
adelphe {mf} [, uncommon] | :: A sibling |
adelphique {adj} | :: adelphic |
à demain {phrase} | :: see you tomorrow |
à demi-mot {adv} | :: half, in a way that is hinted at |
adénine {f} | :: adenine |
adénite {f} [pathology] | :: adenitis |
adéno- {prefix} | :: adeno- |
adénoassocié {adj} | :: adenoassociated |
adénocarcinome {m} [pathology] | :: adenocarcinoma |
adénogramme {m} | :: adenogram |
adénographie {f} | :: adenography |
adénographique {adj} | :: adenographic |
adénoïde {adj} | :: adenoid |
adénoïde {adj} | :: glandular |
adénoïdectomie {f} [surgery] | :: adenoidectomy |
adénomateux {adj} [pathology] | :: adenomatous |
adénomatose {f} [pathology] | :: adenomatosis |
adénome {m} [medicine] | :: adenoma |
adénopathie {f} [pathology] | :: adenopathy |
adénosine {f} [organic compound] | :: adenosine |
adénosyl {m} [biochemistry] | :: adenosyl |
Adenot {prop} {m} | :: surname based on a medieval diminutive of Adam |
adénoviral {adj} | :: adenoviral |
adénovirus {m} | :: adenovirus |
adens {adv} [obsolete] | :: prone (literally, with the teeth on the ground) |
adent {m} | :: joggle |
adénylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: adenylic |
adéphage {adj} | :: adephagous |
adepte {adj} | :: adept, capable, adroit |
adepte {mf} | :: expert, person who is adept |
adéquat {adj} | :: suitable, appropriate, adequate |
adéquatement {adv} | :: adequately |
adéquation {f} | :: appropriateness, conformity, adequacy |
adéquiste {mf} [Canadian politics] | :: a member of Action démocratique du Québec |
adéquiste {adj} [Canadian politics] | :: pertaining to Action démocratique du Québec |
adermine {f} | :: synonym of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) |
à dessein {adv} [formal] | :: purposely, deliberately, intentionally, on purpose |
adessif {m} [grammar] | :: adessive, adessive case |
à deux balles {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: cheap, tasteless |
à deux doigts {adv} | :: [usually ~ de] within spitting distance, by a hair's breadth |
à deux pas {adv} [figuratively] | :: a stone's throw away, nearby, around the corner (at a short distance) |
à deux vitesses {adj} [derogatory] | :: two-tier, discriminatory, unequal, inegalitarian, double-standard [attributive] |
adextré {adj} [heraldry] | :: dexter |
adhærer {v} | :: obsolete form of adhérer |
adhæsion {f} | :: obsolete form of adhésion |
adhérence {f} | :: adhesion |
adhérence {f} | :: adherence |
adhérent {adj} | :: adherent (adhering to something) |
adhérent {m} | :: adherent (a person who has membership in some group) |
adhérente {f} | :: feminine noun of adhérent |
adhérer {v} | :: to adhere; to stick to (rules, regulations) |
adhérer {v} [of a person] | :: to belong to; to be part of; to be a member of |
adhésif {adj} | :: adhesive |
adhésif {m} | :: adhesive |
adhésine {f} [biochemistry] | :: adhesin |
adhésion {f} | :: adhesion, adherence |
adhésion {f} | :: subscription |
adhésivé {adj} | :: adherent |
adhésivé {adj} | :: made adhesive |
adhésivement {adv} | :: adhesively |
adhésivité {f} | :: adhesivity |
adiabatie {f} [physics] | :: synonym of adiabatisme |
adiabatique {adj} [physics] | :: adiabatic |
adiabatiquement {adv} | :: adiabatically |
adiabatisme {m} [physics] | :: adiabaticity |
Adiabène {prop} {f} | :: Adiabene |
adiabénien {adj} | :: Adiabenian |
adiaphane {adj} | :: opaque, non-transparent, non-diaphanous |
adiaphorèse {f} | :: adiaphoresis |
adieu {interj} | :: farewell, adieu |
adieu {interj} [Canada, Louisiana French] | :: goodbye, see you soon |
adieu {interj} [Southern France] | :: hello |
adieu {interj} [Switzerland] | :: hello, goodbye |
adieu {m} | :: farewell |
à Dieu ne plaise {interj} | :: God forbid |
adipeux {adj} [anatomy] | :: adipose |
adipique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: adipic |
adipolyse {f} | :: adipolysis |
adiponitrile {m} [organic compound] | :: adiponitrile |
adipopexie {f} [physiology] | :: adipopexis |
adipose {f} | :: adiposis |
adiposité {f} | :: adiposity |
adiposogénital {adj} [anatomy] | :: adiposogenital |
adipsie {f} | :: adipsia |
-adique {suffix} [maths] | :: -adic |
adique {adj} [maths] | :: adic |
adirer {v} | :: To lose, misplace |
à dire vrai {adv} | :: alternative form of à vrai dire |
adive {m} | :: adive |
a divinis {adj} | :: canonical suspense |
adja {f} [slang] | :: A word used only in certain set phrases (see below) |
adjacent {adj} | :: adjacent |
adjectif {adj} | :: adjective |
adjectif {m} | :: adjective |
adjectif possessif {m} | :: A possessive adjective, adjective serving as possessive determiner |
adjectival {adj} | :: adjectival |
adjectivalement {adv} | :: adjectivally |
adjectivateur {adj} | :: adjectivizing |
adjectivation {f} [linguistics] | :: adjectivization |
adjectivement {adv} | :: adjectivally |
adjectiver {v} | :: to adjectivize |
adjectivisation {f} [uncommon] | :: synonym of adjectivation |
adjoindre {v} | :: to adjoin |
adjoindre {vr} | :: to join up |
adjoint {m} | :: deputy, assistant |
adjoint {m} [linguistics] | :: adjunct |
adjointe {f} | :: deputy, assistant |
adjonction {f} | :: addition, attachment |
adjudant {m} [military] | :: adjutant; warrant officer |
adjudant-chef {m} | :: sergeant major |
adjudante {f} | :: female equivalent of adjudant |
adjudicataire {mf} | :: a winning bidder or tenderer |
adjudicateur {m} | :: seller (at an auction) |
adjudicateur {m} | :: awarder (of a contract) |
adjudicateur {m} | :: adjudicator |
adjudicatif {adj} | :: adjudicating |
adjudicatif {adj} | :: adjudicative |
adjudication {f} | :: adjudication |
adjudicatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of adjudicateur |
adjuger {v} | :: to auction |
adjuger {v} | :: to adjudicate |
adjuger {vp} [s'adjuger] | :: to take (all for oneself), to grant (oneself) the prerogative to |
adjuration {f} | :: adjuration |
adjurer {v} | :: to implore |
adjutant {m} [military] | :: warrant officer class 1, warrant officer |
adjuvant {adj} | :: adjuvant |
adjuvant {m} | :: adjuvant |
adjuvat {m} | :: adjutant (assistant) |
adlérisme {m} | :: The psychology and psychotherapy theories of Alfred Adler |
admettre {v} | :: to admit, to accept, to recognize |
admettre {v} | :: to admit (into), to accept (into) (a hospital or a university) |
adminicule {m} | :: aid, auxiliary, assistant |
administrable {adj} | :: administrable |
administrateur {m} | :: administrator |
administrateur de bases de données {m} [database] | :: database administrator |
administratif {adj} | :: administrative |
administration {f} | :: management (administration; the process or practice of managing) |
administrativement {adv} | :: administratively |
administratrice {f} | :: feminine noun of administrateur |
administratrice de bases de données {f} | :: feminine singular of administrateur de bases de données |
administré {m} | :: citizen, from the point of view of their ruler or ruling administration; a constituent |
administrer {v} | :: to administer |
admirable {adj} | :: admirable |
admirablement {adv} | :: admirably |
admirateur {m} | :: admirer |
admirateur secret {m} | :: secret admirer |
admiratif {adj} | :: admiring (tending to admire) |
admiration {f} | :: admiration |
admirativement {adv} | :: admiringly |
admiratrice {f} | :: feminine noun of admirateur |
admirer {v} | :: to admire |
admissibilité {f} | :: admissibility |
admissible {adj} | :: admissible, acceptable |
admission {f} | :: admission (act of admitting; state of being admitted) |
admittance {f} [physics] | :: admittance |
admittatur {m} | :: admittatur |
admixtion {f} | :: admixture |
admonestation {f} | :: admonition |
admonester {vt} | :: to admonish; to reprimand |
admonition {f} | :: an admonition, a warning |
ADN {m} [biology, genetics] | :: initialism of acide désoxyribonucléique |
adné {adj} | :: adnate (linked or fused) |
adnominal {adj} [grammar] | :: adnominal |
ado {mf} [colloquial] | :: teen, teenager |
adobe {m} | :: adobe |
adogmatique {adj} | :: adogmatic |
adolescence {f} | :: adolescence |
adolescent {adj} | :: adolescent |
adolescent {m} | :: adolescent |
Adolphe {prop} {m} | :: given name |
adonc {adv} [literary] | :: so; thus |
adonide {m} | :: pheasant's eye (plant) |
adonien {adj} | :: Adonic |
adonique {adj} | :: Adonic |
adoniser {v} | :: to adonise |
adonner {vp} | :: to devote oneself |
adoptable {adj} | :: adoptable |
adoptant {adj} | :: adopting |
adopté {m} | :: A male adoptee |
adoptée {f} | :: A girl or woman who was adopted. A female adoptee |
adopter {v} | :: to adopt (claim legal ownership of a child) |
adopter {v} | :: to adopt (claim ownership of a child) |
adopter {v} | :: to adopt (claim a mannerism or style of someone else's) |
adopter {v} [politics] | :: to vote |
adoptianisme {m} | :: adoptionism |
adoptianiste {adj} | :: adoptionist |
adoptif {adj} | :: adoptive, by or relating to adoption |
adoption {f} | :: adoption |
adorable {adj} | :: adorable |
adorablement {adv} | :: adorably |
adorateur {m} [religion] | :: worshipper |
adoratif {adj} | :: adorative |
adoration {f} | :: adoration |
adoration {f} [religion] | :: adoration |
adoratrice {f} [religion] | :: worshipper |
adorer {v} | :: to love, to adore |
adorer {v} [religion] | :: to worship |
à dormir debout {adj} [colloquial] | :: ludicrous, far-fetched |
adorner {v} [literary or dated] | :: to adorn; to decorate |
ados {m} | :: A sloping mound of earth, against a wall, used for sowing |
adossement {m} | :: backing |
adosser {vt} | :: to back up (put someone's back (against)) |
adosser {vr} | :: to lean (back) |
adosser {vr} | :: to back up (put one's back against something) |
adoubement {m} | :: dubbing; conferral of knighthood |
adouber {v} | :: to dub (bestow the title of knight upon) |
adouber {v} | :: to name (a minister, successor etc.) |
adouber {v} | :: to adjust a piece in a board game, such as chess or backgammon |
à double tour {adv} | :: with two turns of the key |
à double tranchant {adj} | :: double-edged |
adoucir {v} | :: to make mild |
adoucir {v} | :: to sweeten |
adoucir {v} | :: to soften |
adoucir {v} [figuratively, by extension] | :: to appease |
adoucir {vr} [s'adoucir] | :: to become milder |
adoucissage {m} | :: sweetening |
adoucissage {m} | :: softening |
adoucissant {adj} | :: mild, balmy |
adoucissant {adj} | :: softening |
adoucissant {m} | :: demulcent |
adoucissant {m} | :: fabric softener |
adoucissement {m} | :: sweetening, mellowing, softening |
adoucisseur {m} | :: water softener |
adpositionnel {adj} [grammar] | :: adpositional |
ADQ {prop} [Canadian politics] | :: Action démocratique du Québec - a political party in Québec |
adragant {m} | :: tragacanth (gum) |
adragante {f} | :: alternative form of adragant |
adrénaline {f} | :: adrenaline, epinephrine |
adrénergique {adj} | :: adrenergic |
adrénocorticotrope {adj} | :: adrenocorticotropic |
adressage {m} | :: addressing (all senses) |
adresse {f} | :: address (the description of a location) |
adresse {f} | :: skill, adroitness |
adresse IP {f} [Internet] | :: IP address |
adresser {vt} | :: to direct |
adresser {vr} [with à] | :: to address |
adresser la parole {v} [à] | :: to speak to, to talk to, to address, to accost (someone) |
adret {m} [geography, Alps] | :: sun-facing side of a mountain |
adrézarach {m} | :: alternative form of azédarac |
adriatique {adj} | :: Adriatic (attributive) |
Adriatique {prop} {f} | :: Adriatic |
Adrien {prop} | :: given name |
Adrienne {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Adrien |
adroit {adj} | :: skilful, apt, skilled (possessing skill, skilled) |
à droite {prep} | :: on the right; to the right |
adroitement {adv} | :: adroitly, skilfully |
adscrit {adj} | :: adscript (written next to another character) |
adsorbant {m} | :: adsorbent |
adsorbé {adj} | :: adsorbed |
adsorber {v} | :: to adsorb |
adsorbeur {m} | :: adsorber |
adsorboluminescence {f} [physics] | :: adsorboluminescence |
adsorption {f} | :: adsorption |
adstrat {m} [linguistics] | :: adstratum |
adualiste {adj} | :: without duality |
adulaire {f} [mineral] | :: adularia |
adulateur {m} | :: adulator |
adulation {f} | :: adulation |
adulatoire {adj} | :: adulatory |
adulatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of adulateur |
aduler {v} | :: to adulate |
adulescent {m} [colloquial] | :: a kidult |
adulte {adj} | :: adult |
adulte {mf} | :: adult |
adultération {f} | :: adulteration |
adultère {adj} | :: adulterous |
adultère {mf} | :: adulterer |
adultère {m} | :: adultery (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse) |
adultérer {vt} [obsolete] | :: to falsify, to fake |
adultérin {adj} | :: adulterine, born out of adultery |
adultisme {m} | :: adultism |
adustion {f} [medicine] | :: cauterization |
advection {f} [earth science, chemistry] | :: advection |
advenable {adj} | :: happenable |
advenir {v} [impersonal, defective, literary or poetic] | :: to happen; to occur |
adventice {adj} | :: adventitious |
adventice {adj} [botany] | :: self-propagating |
adventice {f} | :: weed (unwanted plant) |
adventif {adj} | :: adventitious |
adventiste {mf} [religion] | :: Adventist |
adverbal {adj} [grammar] | :: adverbial |
adverbe {m} [grammar] | :: adverb |
adverbial {adj} | :: adverbial |
adverbialement {adv} | :: adverbially |
advers {adj} | :: adverse |
adversaire {mf} | :: adversary, opponent, opposition, antagonist |
adversatif {adj} [grammar] | :: adversative |
adversativement {adv} | :: adversatively |
adverse {adj} | :: adverse |
adversité {f} | :: adversity |
advertir {v} | :: obsolete spelling of avertir |
advertissement {m} | :: obsolete spelling of avertissement |
advienne que pourra {adv} | :: come what may |
adynamie {f} [pathology] | :: adynamia |
adynamique {adj} | :: adynamic |
æ {letter} | :: Ligature of the letters a and e |
aède {m} | :: bard, aoidos |
ædification {f} | :: obsolete form of édification |
ædifice {m} | :: obsolete form of édifice |
ædifier {v} | :: obsolete form of édifier |
ædile {m} | :: obsolete form of édile |
aegagropile {mf} | :: hairball, furball |
ægalement {adv} | :: obsolete form of également |
aegirine {f} [mineral] | :: aegirine |
ægophonie {f} | :: obsolete form of égophonie |
ægophonique {adj} | :: obsolete form of égophonique |
aegosome {m} | :: A type of long-horned beetle (of the genus Aegosoma) |
Ægypte {prop} | :: obsolete form of Egypte |
Ægyptien {m} | :: obsolete form of Égyptien |
Ægyptienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Ægyptien |
AELE {prop} {f} | :: initialism of Association européenne de libre-échange (the European Free Trade Association, EFTA) |
æmulateur {m} | :: obsolete form of émulateur |
æmulation {f} | :: obsolete form of émulation |
à en croire {prep} | :: if (someone) were to be believed, according to (someone) |
ænigmatiquement {adv} | :: obsolete form of énigmatiquement |
ænigme {mf} | :: obsolete form of énigme |
Æolie {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Éolie |
æolien {adj} | :: obsolete form of éolien |
æon {m} | :: obsolete form of éon |
æquanimité {f} | :: obsolete form of équanimité |
æquateur {m} | :: obsolete form of équateur |
æquation {f} | :: obsolete form of équation |
æquilateral {adj} | :: obsolete form of équilatéral |
æquilibre {m} | :: obsolete form of équilibre |
æquinoxe {m} | :: obsolete form of équinoxe |
æquitable {adj} | :: obsolete form of équitable |
æquité {f} | :: obsolete form of équité |
aérable {adj} | :: aeratable |
aérateur {m} | :: aerator |
aérateur {m} | :: ventilator |
aération {f} | :: Ventilation; airing out (of a space) |
aéraulique {adj} | :: aeraulic |
aéré {adj} | :: (well-)ventilated, airy |
ære {f} | :: obsolete form of ère |
aérer {v} | :: to air, to aerate |
aerhydrique {adj} | :: aerohydrous |
aéricole {adj} [biology] | :: aerophytic, epiphytic |
aérien {adj} | :: aerial (of, or in, the air) |
aérien {adj} [attributive] | :: air |
aériennement {adv} | :: aerially |
aériennement {adv} | :: in the air |
aérifère {adj} [biology] | :: aeriferous |
aérification {f} | :: aerification |
aérifier {v} | :: To aerify |
aériforme {adj} | :: aeriform |
aériser {v} | :: synonym of aérifier |
aérium {m} | :: sanatorium (that employs fresh air) |
aéro- {prefix} | :: aero- |
aéro {m} | :: clipping of aéroplane |
aéro {f} | :: clipping of aérodynamique |
aérobase {f} [military] | :: An early form of airport |
aérobic {m} [sports] | :: aerobics |
aérobie {adj} | :: aerobic (of or relating to aerobics) |
aérobie {adj} [biology] | :: aerobic |
aérobiologie {f} [aerobiology] | :: aerobiology |
aérobiologique {adj} | :: aerobiological |
aérobique {adj} | :: aerobic |
aérobiquement {adv} | :: aerobically |
aérocellulaire {adj} | :: aerocellular |
aérochimique {adj} [chemistry] | :: aerochemical |
aéroclasseur {m} | :: cyclone separator |
aéro-club {m} | :: alternative form of aéroclub |
aéroclub {m} | :: aero club, flying club |
aérodrome {m} | :: aerodrome |
aérodynamicien {m} | :: aerodynamicist |
aérodynamicienne {f} | :: feminine singular of aérodynamicien |
aérodynamique {adj} | :: aerodynamic |
aérodynamique {f} | :: aerodynamics (the science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases) |
aérodynamiquement {adv} | :: aerodynamically |
aérodynamisme {m} | :: aerodynamism |
aérodyne {m} | :: aerodyne (heavier-than-air aircraft) |
aéroélasticité {f} | :: aeroelasticity |
aéroélastique {adj} | :: aeroelastic |
aérogare {f} | :: airport terminal |
aérogel {m} | :: aerogel |
aéroglisseur {m} | :: hovercraft |
aérogramme {m} | :: aerogram |
aérographe {m} | :: airbrush |
aérolargué {adj} | :: airdropped |
aérolite {m} | :: alternative form of aérolithe |
aérolithe {m} | :: aerolite |
aérolithique {adj} | :: aerolithic, aerolitic |
aérologie {f} | :: aerology (branch of meteorology) |
aéromancie {f} | :: aeromancy |
aéromancien {m} | :: One who practises aeromancy; aeromancer |
aéromantique {adj} | :: aeromantic |
aéromètre {m} | :: aerometer |
aérométrique {adj} | :: aerometric |
aéromodélisme {m} | :: aeromodelling |
aéromodéliste {mf} | :: aeromodeller |
aéronaute {mf} | :: aeronaut |
aéronautique {adj} | :: aeronautic, aeronautical |
aéronaval {adj} | :: aeronaval |
aéronef {m} | :: aircraft (machine capable of atmospheric flight) |
aéronef {m} | :: spaceship |
aéronien {adj} [geology] | :: Aeronian (attributive) |
Aéronien {m} [geology] | :: Aeronian |
aéronomie {f} | :: aeronomy |
aéropalynologie {f} | :: aeropalynology |
aérophagie {f} [medicine] | :: aerophagy |
aérophane {m} | :: aerophane |
aérophile {adj} [biology] | :: aerophilic |
aérophile {m} [biology] | :: aerophile |
aérophobe {adj} | :: aerophobic |
aérophone {m} | :: aerophone |
aérophore {m} | :: aerophore |
aérophyte {adj} | :: aerophytic |
aérophyte {f} | :: aerophyte |
aéroplane {m} [dated] | :: aeroplane |
aéroport {m} | :: airport (place, company managing such a place) |
aéroporté {adj} | :: airlifted, transported by air |
aéroportuaire {adj} | :: airport (attributive use) |
aéropostal {adj} | :: airmail (attributive) |
aéroréfrigérant {m} | :: dry cooler, cooling tower |
aéroscope {m} | :: aeroscope |
aérosol {m} | :: aerosol |
aérosolisé {adj} | :: aerosolized |
aérospatial {adj} | :: aerospace; aerospatial |
aérostat {m} | :: aerostat |
aérostathonion {m} [obsolete, meteorology] | :: An early weather station (combined thermometer and barometer) |
aérostatier {m} | :: aerostat pilot, balloonist |
aérostation {f} | :: ballooning |
aérostatique {adj} | :: aerostatic |
aérostier {m} | :: alternative form of aérostatier |
aérotechnique {f} | :: aerotechnics, aeronautics |
aérotechnique {adj} | :: aerotechnic, aeronautic |
aérotolérant {adj} [biology] | :: aerotolerant |
aérotrain {m} | :: aerotrain, hovertrain |
ærugineux {adj} | :: obsolete form of érugineux |
aeschne {mf} | :: hawker (dragonfly of the genus Aeshna) |
æschynite {f} [archaic] | :: aeschynite |
Æsope {prop} {m} | :: obsolete form of Ésope |
æsthésie {f} | :: obsolete form of esthésie |
æsthésiomètre {m} | :: obsolete form of esthésiomètre |
æsthétique {adj} | :: obsolete form of esthétique |
æsthétique {f} | :: obsolete form of esthétique |
æsthétiquement {adv} | :: obsolete form of esthétiquement |
æstimation {f} | :: obsolete form of estimation |
æstimer {v} | :: obsolete form of estimer |
æternel {adj} | :: obsolete form of éternel |
æternité {f} | :: obsolete form of éternité |
æthéré {adj} | :: obsolete form of éthéré |
æthiologie {f} [hypercorrect] | :: obsolete form of étiologie |
Æthiopie {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Éthiopie |
Æthiopienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Æthiopien |
aethusa {f} | :: fool's parsley (plant of the genus Aethusa) |
aetiologie {f} | :: alternative form of étiologie |
ætiologie {f} | :: obsolete form of étiologie |
ætiologique {adj} | :: obsolete form of étiologique |
Ætolie {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Étolie |
AEUMC {prop} | :: USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) abbreviation of Accord États-Unis-Mexique-Canada |
AÉUMC {prop} | :: alternative form of AEUMC |
à faire peur {adv} | :: extremely |
afar {m} | :: Afar (language) |
afar {adj} | :: Related to the Afar people |
Afar {prop} | :: A member of the Afar people |
à fendre l'âme {adj} | :: heartbreaking, heartrending, heart-splitting, heartwrenching |
affabilité {f} | :: affability |
affable {adj} | :: affable, amicable, sociable |
affablement {adv} | :: affably |
affabulateur {m} | :: inveterate storyteller |
affabulation {f} | :: fantasy, invention |
affabulatoire {adj} | :: affabulatory |
affabulatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of affabulateur |
affabuler {v} | :: to make up stories, to tell a fable |
affacturage {m} [finance] | :: factoring |
affacturer {v} | :: To factor |
affadir {vt} | :: to make tasteless, insipid or bland |
affadissant {adj} | :: fading |
affadissement {m} | :: blandness |
affaiblir {vt} | :: to weaken, to flag, to make weaker, to enfeeble, enervate, attenuate |
affaiblir {vr} | :: to weaken [to become weaker] |
affaiblissement {m} | :: weakening |
affaire {f} | :: affair, business |
affaire {f} | :: deal |
affaire {f} [colloquial] | :: (usually used in the plural) belonging (something physical that is owned) |
affaire {f} [colloquial] | :: things; stuff |
affaire {f} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: thingamajig |
affaire {f} [colloquial, Louisiana French] | :: thing |
affairé {adj} | :: busy |
affaire de cœur {f} [idiomatic] | :: a love affair |
affairement {m} | :: bustle, hustle and bustle (an excited activity; a stir) |
affairer {vi} [rare] | :: to absorb |
affairer {vr} | :: to busy oneself |
affaires étrangères {fp} [politics] | :: foreign affairs (policy) |
affairisme {m} | :: racketeering |
affairiste {mf} | :: wheeler-dealer |
affairiste {mf} | :: racketeer |
affaissement {m} | :: collapse, cave-in |
affaissement {m} | :: subsidence |
affaisser {vt} | :: to cause to subside |
affaisser {vr} | :: to subside, go down, sink |
affaisser {vr} | :: to cave in, sag, give way, collapse |
affaisser {vr} | :: to ebb, weaken |
affaitage {m} | :: hacking (training a falcon/hawk) |
affaitement {m} | :: synonym of affaitage |
affaiter {v} | :: to hack (train a hawk/falcon) |
affaiteur {m} | :: hacker (person who trains a hawk) |
affaiteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of affaiteur |
affalable {adj} [nautical, of sails] | :: lowerable |
affalé {adj} | :: sprawling, slouching |
affalement {m} [nautical] | :: lowering (of a mast etc) |
affaler {v} [nautical, of sails] | :: to lower, let down |
affaler {vr} | :: to slump, slouch, plop down |
affamé {adj} | :: hungry |
affamer {vt} | :: to starve |
affameur {m} | :: starver |
affameur {m} | :: exploiter |
affameuse {f} | :: feminine singular of affameur |
affaneur {m} [obsolete] | :: journeyman (day labourer) |
afféager {v} | :: to enfeoff |
affect {m} [psychology, philosophy] | :: affect; emotion |
affectable {adj} | :: affectable |
affectataire {m} | :: assignee |
affectataire {m} | :: beneficiary |
affectation {f} | :: allocation, allotment |
affectation {f} | :: assignment |
affectation {f} | :: posting |
affectation {f} | :: affectation |
affecter {vt} | :: to feign, affect [an emotion, etc.] |
affecter {vt} | :: to allocate (something), assign (someone) (à (to)) |
affecter {vt} | :: to affect, influence |
affectif {adj} | :: emotional, affective |
affection {f} | :: affection, love, fondness |
affection {f} | :: medical condition, complaint, disease |
affectionnément {adv} [dated, rare] | :: affectionately |
affectionner {v} | :: to affectionate, to feel affection for, to be fond of |
affectivement {adv} | :: affectionately |
affectivement {adv} | :: softly |
affectivité {f} | :: affectivity |
affectuel {adj} | :: affectual |
affectueusement {adv} | :: affectionately |
affectueux {adj} | :: affectionate; caring |
affenage {m} | :: grazing, pasturing of cattle etc |
affener {v} | :: To graze, pasture cattle |
affenpinscher {m} | :: affenpinscher |
afférent {adj} | :: [~ à] relative (to), pertaining (to) |
afférent {adj} [biology] | :: afferent, carrying |
affermable {adj} | :: leasable |
affermage {m} | :: tenant farming |
affermage {m} [by extension] | :: rent paid by a tenant farmer |
affermage {m} | :: leasing of advertising space |
affermer {v} | :: to have a leasehold |
affermir {v} | :: to firm up |
affermir {v} | :: to strengthen |
affermir {v} | :: to make firmer |
affermir {vr} | :: to become firmer, sharper or stronger |
affermir {vr} | :: to firm up |
affermissement {m} | :: consolidation |
affété {adj} | :: affected, stilted |
afféterie {f} | :: affectation |
affetto {adv} [music] | :: gracefully |
affetto {adv} [music] | :: tenderly, softly |
affettuoso {adv} [music] | :: in a loving, tender way |
affichable {adj} | :: displayable |
affichage {m} | :: billboarding, using a billboard |
affichage {m} [computing] | :: display |
affiche {f} | :: poster |
affiche {f} | :: placard |
affiche {f} | :: sign |
afficher {vt} | :: to put up (a notice etc) |
afficher {vt} | :: to display |
afficher {vt} | :: to show |
afficher {vt} | :: to flaunt |
affichette {f} | :: a small poster or flyer |
afficheur {m} | :: bill sticker |
afficheur {m} [computing] | :: display |
afficheur à cristaux liquides {m} | :: liquid crystal display |
afficheuse {f} | :: feminine singular of afficheur |
affichiste {mf} | :: poster designer |
afficionado {m} | :: alternative spelling of aficionado |
affidavit {m} | :: affidavit |
affidé {adj} | :: trustworthy |
affilage {m} | :: sharpening |
affilé {adj} | :: sharp |
affiler {v} | :: to sharpen (to make sharp) |
affileur {m} | :: sharpener |
affileuse {f} | :: feminine singular of affileur |
affiliation {f} | :: affiliation |
affilier {v} | :: to affiliate |
affiloir {m} | :: sharpener (device) |
affin {adj} | :: affine (all senses) |
affinage {m} | :: affinage |
affinage {m} [metallurgy] | :: refining |
affiné {adj} | :: purifying, refining |
affinement {m} | :: refinement |
affiner {v} | :: to purify |
affiner {v} | :: to refine |
affiner {v} | :: to make finer |
affinerie {f} | :: refinery (especially a place where metal is purified) |
affineur {m} | :: One who refines; refiner |
affineur {m} | :: One who ages cheese and purveys it |
affineuse {f} | :: feminine noun of affineur |
affinitaire {adj} | :: affinitive |
affinitaire {adj} | :: peer (attributive) |
affinité {f} | :: affinity (a family relationship through marriage of a relative) |
affinité {f} [chemistry] | :: affinity |
affinité élective {f} [sociology, philosophy] | :: elective affinity |
affiquet {m} | :: bauble |
affirmateur {adj} | :: affirming, affirmative |
affirmatif {adj} | :: affirmative (which affirms) |
affirmatif {interj} | :: affirmative |
affirmation {f} | :: affirmation |
affirmativement {adv} | :: affirmatively |
affirmer {v} | :: to affirm, to claim |
affixal {adj} | :: affixal |
affixe {m} [linguistics] | :: affix |
affixer {v} [grammar] | :: to affix |
affleurant {adj} | :: surfacing |
affleurement {m} | :: outcrop |
affleurer {v} | :: to place on the same level with, to show on the same surface |
affleurer {v} [figuratively] | :: to crop up, to surface, to poke one's head out |
afflictif {adj} | :: afflictive |
affliction {f} [countable and uncountable] | :: affliction |
affligeant {adj} | :: distressing, saddening |
affligeant {adj} | :: aggrieved |
affliger {v} | :: to grieve, distress |
affliger {v} [literary] | :: to smite (de with) |
afflouage {m} | :: refloating |
afflouer {v} | :: alternative form of renflouer |
affluence {f} | :: crowds |
affluence {f} | :: abundance |
affluent {adj} | :: tributary |
affluent {m} | :: tributary; affluent |
affluer {vi} | :: to flow (into) (said of rivers) |
affluer {vi} | :: to pour (in), to come in droves (said of people, things) |
afflux {m} [physics] | :: influx (inward flow) |
afflux {m} [medicine] | :: afflux |
affolant {adj} | :: scary |
affolement {m} | :: panic, terror |
affolement {m} | :: insanity, craziness, lunacy |
affoler {vt} | :: to madden, drive crazy (under the effects of a strong emotion) |
affoler {vt} | :: to terrify, frighten, scare |
affoler {vi} | :: to run like crazy, leg it |
affoler {vr} | :: to go crazy, go bonkers |
affoler {vr} [colloquial] | :: to hurry up, to make haste |
affordant {adj} | :: affordant |
afforder {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to afford |
afforester {v} | :: To afforest (grant the right to hunt in a forest) |
affouage {m} | :: A right to gather wood from common land |
affouche {m} [chiefly Mauritius, Réunion] | :: any of various species of Ficus native to the Mascarene Islands |
affouillable {adj} | :: diggable, tillable |
affouillement {m} | :: scouring (by running water) |
affouiller {v} | :: synonym of creuser |
affouragement {m} | :: foddering |
affourager {v} | :: to fodder |
affourcher {v} [nautuical] | :: to anchor using the "forked moor" technique |
affourcher {v} | :: to straddle |
affourcher {v} | :: to attach pieces of wood using tongue and groove |
affranchi {m} | :: freed (former) slave |
affranchir {vt} | :: to free, liberate, enfranchise, emancipate |
affranchir {vt} | :: to discharge, exempt |
affranchir {vt} | :: to prepay (postage), frank (a letter) |
affranchir {vt} [slang] | :: to pervert |
affranchir {vt} [slang] | :: to inform |
affranchir {vr} | :: to release or free oneself |
affranchissement {m} | :: franking, metering |
affranchissement {m} | :: manumission |
affrèrement {m} [historical, religion] | :: adelphopoiesis (a ceremony where two men are united with one another) |
affres {fp} [plurale tantum] | :: torment, torture, pain |
affres {fp} [plurale tantum] | :: throes |
affrètement {m} | :: affreightment |
affréter {v} | :: to charter (a plane) |
affréteur {m} | :: shipper |
affreusement {adv} | :: Dreadfully (in a dreadful manner), horribly |
affreux {adj} | :: frightful, causing fear |
affreux {adj} | :: terrible, rubbish, awful |
affreux {adj} | :: repulsive |
affriander {v} | :: to improve the taste of; to make delicious |
affriander {v} | :: to tempt using something tasty or profitable |
affriolant {adj} | :: alluring, enticing |
affrioler {v} | :: to tempt |
affrioler {v} | :: to entice |
affrioler {v} | :: to seduce |
affriqué {adj} | :: affricative |
affriquée {f} [phonetics] | :: affricate |
affriquer {v} [linguistics] | :: To affricate |
affriter {v} | :: to condition a frying pan (etc) before its first use by heating with some fat |
affront {m} | :: affront, insult, snub |
affrontable {adj} | :: confrontable |
affrontement {m} | :: confrontation, encounter |
affronter {v} | :: to confront, face |
affronter {vr} | :: to face off, to clash |
affruiter {v} [botany, of a plant] | :: to fruit |
affublement {m} [archaic] | :: attire; apparel |
affubler {vt} [with de] | :: to deck out (somebody in), to equip (someone with) |
affubler {vr} | :: to deck out oneself, to equip oneself |
affubler {vr} | :: to take on the surname of |
affurer {v} | :: to win |
affurer {v} | :: to profit |
affurer {v} | :: to steal |
affusion {f} | :: affusion |
affût {m} | :: gun carriage |
affût {m} | :: mount, tripod |
affût {m} [hunting] | :: hide, blind (a spot where hunters hide and await their game) |
affût {m} | :: hunting from a blind |
affûtage {m} | :: sharpening, whetting |
affuter {v} | :: alternative spelling of affûter |
affûter {vt} | :: to sharpen; to whet (e.g. a tool) |
affûter {vt} | :: to hone (a skill) |
affûter {vt} [slang, rare] | :: to eat |
affûter {vt} [slang, rare] | :: to dance |
affûter {vt} [archaic, of a cannon] | :: to mount on a gun carriage |
affûteur {m} | :: sharpener (person) |
affûteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of affûteux |
affûtiau {m} | :: a useless or worthless object, a trifle |
afghan {adj} | :: Afghan (pertaining to Afghanistan) |
Afghan {adj} | :: Afghan (person from Afghanistan) |
Afghane {f} | :: feminine noun of Afghan |
Afghanistan {prop} {m} | :: Afghanistan (country) |
aficionado {m} | :: aficionado (all senses) |
afin {conj} | :: to |
afin {conj} | :: so that |
afin de {conj} | :: in order to |
afin que {conj} | :: so that |
afistoler {vt} | :: To ornament or embellish |
afistoler {v} [pronomial] | :: To dress up |
à fleur de peau {adj} | :: on edge, raw, very sensitive, emotional |
à flot {adj} | :: afloat, buoyant |
AFM {m} | :: AFM (atomic force microscope) abbreviation of microscope à force atomique |
AFM {f} | :: AFM (atomic force microscopy) abbreviation of microscopie à force atomique |
afocal {adj} | :: afocal |
à foison {prep} | :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance |
à fond {adv} | :: right to the bottom |
à fond {adv} [figuratively, often colloquial] | :: all the way: totally; completely; entirely, throughout |
à fond de balle {adv} [Belgium, colloquial] | :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather |
à fond de train {adv} [literary] | :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather |
à fond la caisse {adv} [colloquial] | :: at full tilt, at full pelt, at full throttle, hell-for-leather (at full speed) |
à fond les manettes {adv} [colloquial] | :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather |
à fonds perdu {prep} | :: as a subsidy, being a performance without the expectation of consideration |
à fonds perdus {prep} | :: alternative spelling of à fonds perdu |
à force de {prep} | :: by repeated action of |
à force de {prep} | :: because of, thanks to, due to |
a fortiori {adv} | :: a fortiori |
à fortiori {adv} | :: alternative spelling of a fortiori |
AFP {prop} [journalism, in France] | :: initialism of Agence France-Presse |
à franc étrier {adv} [literary] | :: at full speed, hell-for-leather, flat out |
africain {adj} | :: African (of, or pertaining to Africa) |
Africain {m} | :: an African person |
Africaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Africain |
africanisation {f} | :: Africanization |
africaniser {v} | :: To Africanize |
africanisme {m} | :: Africanism |
africanissime {adj} | :: superlative of africain: Very or most African |
africaniste {mf} | :: Africanist |
africanoïde {adj} | :: Africanoid |
afrikaans {m} | :: Afrikaans (language) |
afrikander {adj} | :: synonym of afrikaner |
afrikaner {adj} | :: Boer |
Afrique {prop} {f} | :: Africa |
Afrique du Sud {prop} {f} | :: South Africa |
Afrique noire {prop} {f} | :: black Africa |
afro- {prefix} | :: afro- |
afro {m} | :: afro (hairstyle) |
afro-américain {adj} | :: Afro-American |
afro-asiatique {adj} | :: Afroasiatic |
afroasiatique {adj} | :: alternative form of afro-asiatique |
afrocentrique {adj} | :: Afrocentric |
afrocentrisme {m} | :: Afrocentrism |
afrocolombien {adj} | :: Afro-Colombian |
afro-cubain {adj} | :: Afro-Cuban |
afroéquatorien {adj} | :: Afro-Ecuadorian |
Afro-Eurasie {prop} {f} | :: Afro-Eurasia (supercontinent) |
afroféministe {adj} | :: Afrofeminist |
à froid {prep} [figuratively] | :: cold, without preparation, unawares |
à froid {prep} [figuratively] | :: in the cold light of day, with a clear head, calmly, cold, flat |
afrophone {adj} | :: Afrophone |
afropolitain {adj} | :: synonym of négropolitain |
after-dinner {m} | :: digestive (an alcoholic drink after a meal) |
aga {m} | :: aga, agha |
agaçant {adj} | :: annoying |
agace {f} [dialectal, France, Belgium] | :: magpie |
agacement {m} | :: annoyance, irritation |
agacer {v} | :: to irritate |
agacer {v} | :: to tease |
agacerie {f} | :: (especially in plural) teasing |
agalactie {f} [pathology] | :: agalactia |
Agamemnon {prop} {m} | :: Agamemnon |
agamète {f} [biology] | :: agamete |
agami {m} | :: agami |
agamie {f} [biology] | :: agamogenesis |
aganit {adj} | :: hungry |
agape {f} [Christianity] | :: agape |
agar {m} | :: synonym of agar-agar |
agaric {m} | :: agaric |
agariciforme {adj} | :: agariciform |
agate {m} | :: agate |
agathachristien {adj} | :: Relating to, or characteristic of Agatha Christie or her detective novels |
Agathe {prop} | :: given name |
agatifère {adj} | :: agatiferous |
agatifié {adj} | :: agatized |
agatiser {v} | :: To agatize |
à gauche {prep} | :: on the left |
à gauche {prep} | :: to the left |
agave {m} | :: agave |
agavé {m} | :: agave |
agavé {m} | :: nacré de la filipendule (butterfly) |
-age {suffix} | :: Forming nouns with the sense of "action or result of Xing" or, more rarely, "action related to X" |
-age {suffix} | :: Forming nouns with the sense of "state of being (a) X" |
-age {suffix} [rare] | :: Forming collective nouns |
age {m} | :: beam (central bar of a plough) |
age {m} | :: shaft |
âge {m} | :: age |
âgé {adj} | :: old; elderly |
âge adulte {m} | :: majority (age from which one is considered an adult) |
âge bête {m} | :: awkward age, adolescence, puberty |
âge d'or {m} [figuratively] | :: golden age, golden years, golden era |
âge du bronze {prop} {m} | :: Bronze Age |
âge du fer {prop} {m} | :: Iron Age |
âge ingrat {m} | :: awkward age, adolescence, puberty |
Agen {prop} | :: Prefecture of Lot-et-Garonne |
agençable {adj} | :: arrangeable |
agence {f} | :: agency |
agencé {adj} | :: arranged |
agencé {adj} | :: prepared |
agence de rencontres {f} | :: dating agency |
agence de voyages {f} | :: travel agency |
agencement {m} | :: arrangement, layout |
agencer {v} | :: to arrange, to lay out, to piece together |
agencer {v} [music] | :: to arrange |
agenceur {m} | :: arranger |
agenceuse {f} | :: feminine singular of agenceur |
agenda {m} | :: organiser, appointment book, engagement book |
agenda de ministre {m} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: a very busy schedule |
agénésie {f} | :: agenesis |
agénésique {adj} | :: agenesic |
agenouillade {f} [rare] | :: kneeling |
agenouillé {adj} | :: kneeling, in a kneeling position |
agenouillement {m} | :: kneeling |
agenouiller {vr} [s'agenouiller] | :: to kneel (down) |
agenouilliste {adj} | :: kneeling |
agenouilloir {m} | :: hassock |
à genouillons {adv} [dated, Normandy] | :: on one's knees |
agenre {adj} | :: genreless |
agent {m} | :: agent |
agent double {m} | :: double agent |
agente provocatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of agent provocateur |
agent immobilier {m} | :: estate agent, realtor |
agent orange {m} | :: Agent Orange |
agent provocateur {m} | :: agent provocateur; instigator, troublemaker |
agent secret {m} | :: secret agent |
à géométrie variable {adj} | :: variable-geometry [attributive] |
à géométrie variable {adj} [derogatory] | :: discriminatory, unequal, inegalitarian |
agérate {m} | :: ageratum |
ageratum {m} | :: ageratum |
à gerber {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: vomitrocious, nauseating |
Agésilas {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Agesilaus |
ageustie {f} | :: ageusia |
Aggée {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Haggai |
aggiornamento {m} | :: aggiornamento |
agglo {m} [colloquial] | :: conglomerate (in building trade) |
agglomérat {m} [geology] | :: agglomerate |
agglomératif {adj} | :: agglomerative |
agglomération {f} | :: agglomeration |
agglomération {f} | :: village, town, any built-up area |
aggloméré {m} | :: masonite |
agglomérer {v} | :: to agglomerate; fuse together |
agglutinant {adj} | :: agglutinative (sticky) |
agglutinateur {adj} | :: agglutinatory |
agglutinatif {adj} | :: agglutinative |
agglutination {f} | :: agglutination |
agglutiner {vt} | :: to paste (together) |
agglutiner {vt} [linguistics] | :: to agglutinate |
agglutineux {adj} | :: agglutinous |
aggravant {adj} | :: aggravating |
aggravation {f} | :: aggravation |
aggravé {adj} | :: aggravated |
aggraver {v} | :: to worsen (make worse) |
agha {m} | :: agha |
agile {adj} | :: nimble, agile (quick and light in movement or action) |
agilement {adv} | :: agilely, nimbly |
agilité {f} | :: agility |
agio {m} | :: exchange premium, agio |
agiographie {f} | :: obsolete spelling of hagiographie |
agiologique {adj} | :: alternative form of hagiologique |
a giorno {adj} | :: to produce a glow comparable to that of the day |
a giorno {adv} | :: to produce a glow comparable to that of the day |
à giorno {adj} | :: alternative spelling of a giorno |
à giorno {adv} | :: alternative spelling of a giorno |
agiotage {m} | :: agiotage |
agiotage {m} | :: speculation |
agioter {v} | :: to speculate (in the financial market) |
agioteur {m} | :: speculator (in the financial market) |
agioteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of agioteux |
agir {vi} | :: to act |
agir {vi} | :: to act, to do (something) |
agir {vi} | :: to act, behave |
agir {vi} [followed by sur] | :: to act on |
agir {v} [legal, followed by contre] | :: prosecute, sue |
agir {vr} [impersonal, followed by de] | :: to be, be all about, be a question of |
agissant {adj} | :: agitated |
agissant {adj} | :: active |
agissement {m} [pejorative, usually in plural] | :: doing, intrigue, scheme |
agitateur {m} | :: agitator |
agitateuse {f} | :: feminine noun of agitateur |
agitation {f} | :: choppiness (of water), turbulence (in air), swaying (of branch etc.) |
agitation {f} | :: restlessness |
agitation {f} | :: bustle (of street, room etc.); activity |
agitation {f} | :: (nervous) agitation |
agitation {f} | :: (social) unrest |
agitato {m} [music] | :: agitato |
agitato {adv} [music] | :: agitato |
agitatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of agitateur |
agiter {v} | :: to shake, to wave (to move back and forth) |
agiter {v} | :: to agitate |
agitprop {f} | :: agitprop |
aglacissage {m} | :: landing (touchdown) on ice and/or snow |
aglacissage {m} | :: landing on glassy (reflective) surface |
aglosse {adj} | :: aglossal |
Aglukark {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Aglukkaq {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
aglycone {m} [organic chemistry] | :: aglycone |
aglyphe {adj} [herpetology] | :: [of teeth] lacking a channel for delivering poison |
aglyphe {adj} [herpetology] | :: non-venomous, aglyphous |
aglyphe {m} [herpetology] | :: an aglyphous reptile |
agnat {m} | :: agnate |
agnathe {m} | :: any member of the Agnatha superclass; agnathan |
agnathe {adj} | :: deprived of a jaw |
agnatique {adj} | :: agnatic |
agneau {m} | :: lamb (young sheep) |
agneau {m} | :: lamb (sheep meat) |
agneau {m} | :: lambskin |
Agneau {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Lamb; i.e. Jesus |
Agneau de Dieu {prop} {m} | :: Lamb of God |
agneau pascal {m} [Christianity] | :: Paschal Lamb |
agnelage {m} | :: lambing |
agneler {vi} [of a sheep] | :: to lamb, to yean |
agnelet {m} | :: (small) lamb (animal) |
agnelin {adj} | :: lamb (attributive) |
agnelin {adj} | :: lambswool (attributive) |
agneline {f} | :: lambswool |
agnelle {f} | :: female lamb |
Agnès {prop} {f} | :: given name |
agnier {adj} | :: Mohawk (attributive) |
Agniers {prop} | :: Mohawks (Mohawk people) |
agnosie {f} [medicine] | :: agnosia |
agnosticisme {m} | :: agnosticism |
agnostique {adj} | :: agnostic |
agnostique {mf} | :: agnostic |
agnotologie {f} | :: agnotology |
agnotologique {adj} | :: agnotologic, agnotological |
à gogo {adv} | :: à gogo; in abundance, galore |
agomphe {adj} | :: agomphious |
agonie {f} | :: the moment just before death |
agonique {adj} | :: agonous, agonious |
agonir {v} [slang] | :: to throw (insults at), to spit (profanities at) |
agonisant {adj} | :: dying |
agoniser {vi} | :: to die slowly |
agora {f} | :: agora |
agoranome {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] | :: agoranome |
agoraphobie {f} | :: agoraphobia |
agouti {m} | :: agouti (rodent) |
agrafage {m} | :: stapling |
agrafe {f} | :: staple (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper) |
agrafe {f} [on clothing] | :: fastener, hook |
agrafer {v} | :: to staple (secure with a staple) |
agrafeuse {f} | :: stapler |
agrainage {m} | :: The feeding of wild animals by spreading grain |
agraire {adj} | :: agrarian, relating to land |
agrairement {adv} | :: agrarianly |
agrammatical {adj} [grammar] | :: ungrammatical |
agrammatisme {m} [pathology] | :: agrammatism |
à grande échelle {adv} [idiom] | :: on a large scale |
à grande échelle {adj} | :: large-scale |
agrandir {vt} | :: to enlarge, make bigger |
agrandir {vt} | :: to extend, to expand [a house, building, area] |
agrandir {vr} | :: to grow, get bigger |
agrandir {v} | :: to embiggen |
agrandir {v} | :: to aggrandize |
agrandissable {adj} | :: enlargeable |
agrandissement {m} | :: enlargement |
agrandisseur {m} [photography] | :: enlarger |
agranditif {adj} | :: aggrandising |
à grand-peine {adv} | :: with great difficulty |
à grands pas {adv} [figuratively] | :: fast, quickly |
agranulocytose {f} [pathology] | :: agranulocytosis |
agraphie {f} | :: agraphia |
agrarien {adj} | :: agrarian |
agréable {adj} | :: pleasurable, nice, pleasant, agreeable |
agréablement {adv} | :: pleasantly, nicely |
agréer {v} [formal] | :: to accept |
agréer {v} [archaic] | :: to prepare; rig; trim |
agrég {f} | :: the highest teaching diploma in France |
agrégant {adj} | :: aggregant |
agrégant {m} | :: aggregant |
agrégat {m} | :: aggregate |
agrégateur {m} [computing] | :: aggregator (feed reader) |
agrégatif {adj} | :: aggregative |
agrégation {f} | :: aggregation |
agrégation {f} [education] | :: a high-level competitive examination for the recruitment of teachers in France |
agrégation {f} [object-oriented] | :: aggregation |
agréger {vr} | :: to form into a greater entity, to aggregate |
agréger {vr} [with à] | :: to join |
agrément {m} | :: congeniality, amenity |
agrément {m} | :: approval (permission) |
agrémenter {vt} | :: to brighten up |
agrémenter {vt} | :: to liven up |
agrémenter {vt} | :: to supplement, adorn |
agrès {mp} [nautical] | :: rigging, gear [of a ship] |
agrès {mp} [gymnastics] | :: apparatus |
agresser {vt} | :: to assault; to attack |
agresseur {m} | :: aggressor |
agresseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of agresseur |
agressif {adj} | :: aggressive |
agression {f} | :: aggression |
agressivement {adv} | :: aggressively |
agressivité {f} | :: aggression, aggressiveness |
agreste {adj} | :: rustic |
agrestement {adv} | :: rustically |
agri- {prefix} | :: agri- |
agricole {adj} | :: agricultural |
agricolement {adv} | :: agriculturally |
agriculteur {m} | :: farmer (person who works the land or who keeps livestock) |
agricultrice {f} | :: feminine noun of agriculteur |
agricultural {adj} | :: agricultural |
agriculturalement {adv} | :: agriculturally |
agriculture {f} | :: agriculture |
agriffer {v} | :: to claw |
agriffer {v} | :: to grasp |
agrile {m} | :: jewel beetle, buprestid |
agrile du frêne {m} | :: Agrilus planipennis, emerald ash borer |
agrimétrique {adj} | :: agrimetric |
agrion {m} | :: agrion |
agriote {m} | :: click beetle |
agripaume {f} | :: motherwort |
agripper {v} | :: to grip, grab, cling on to, grab hold of |
agrippeur {adj} | :: gripping, clinging |
agritourisme {m} | :: agritourism |
agrivoltaïque {adj} | :: agrivoltaic |
agro- {prefix} | :: agro- |
agro-alimentaire {adj} | :: alternative form of agroalimentaire |
agroalimentaire {adj} | :: food and agriculture (attributive) |
agrobiologie {f} | :: agrobiology |
agrobiologique {adj} | :: agrobiological |
agrochimie {f} [chemistry] | :: agrochemistry |
agrochimique {adj} | :: agrochemical |
agrochimiste {mf} | :: agrochemist |
agroécologique {adj} | :: agroecological |
agroécologiquement {adv} | :: agroecologically |
agroéconomique {adj} | :: agroeconomic |
agroécosystème {m} [ecology] | :: agroecosystem |
agroenvironnemental {adj} | :: agro-environmental |
agroforesterie {f} | :: agroforestry |
agroforestier {adj} | :: agroforestry (attributive) |
agroforestier {m} | :: agroforester |
agroindustriel {adj} | :: agroindustrial |
agrologie {f} | :: agrology |
agrologique {adj} | :: agrological |
agrométéorologie {f} | :: agrometeorology |
agrométéorologique {adj} | :: agrometeorological |
agronome {mf} | :: agronomist |
agronomie {f} | :: agronomy |
agronomique {adj} | :: agronomic |
agronomiquement {adv} | :: agronomically |
à gros flocons {adv} [of snow] | :: heavily, in large flakes |
agrostide {f} | :: bent, agrostis |
agrosystème {m} | :: agrosystem (agricultural ecosystem) |
agrotechnique {adj} | :: agrotechnical |
agrotechnique {f} | :: agrotechnology |
agrotourisme {m} | :: alternative form of agritourisme |
agrume {m} | :: citrus (fruit) |
agrumiculture {f} | :: citrus farming |
aguardiente {f} | :: aguardiente |
aguerri {adj} | :: seasoned, hardened |
aguerrir {v} | :: to harden (become or make something resistant or less sensitive to) |
aguerrissable {adj} | :: hardenable |
aguerrissement {m} | :: hardening, toughening |
aguet {m} [archaic or literary] | :: lookout; observation post |
aguet {m} | :: watching; spying |
agueusie {f} | :: ageusia |
agui {m} | :: bowline (knot) |
aguichant {adj} | :: enticing |
aguicher {vt} | :: to entice |
aguicheur {adj} | :: alluring, enticing |
aguille {f} | :: obsolete spelling of aiguille (needle, or point of a needle) |
aguimpé {adj} | :: wimpled |
agutaynen {m} | :: Agutaynen (language) |
agutaynen {adj} | :: Agutaynen (attributive) |
ah {interj} | :: ah |
ahan {m} | :: pain due to manual labour |
ahan {m} | :: groan |
ahanant {adj} | :: panting |
ahanement {m} | :: grunt |
ahaner {v} | :: to pant due to exercise |
à hauteur de {prep} | :: of up to, amounting to, for a sum of |
à haute voix {adv} | :: alternative form of à voix haute |
ah bon {interj} [colloquial] | :: really? for real? is that so? |
ahi {interj} | :: ouch! (representing pain) |
ahistorique {adj} | :: alternative form of anhistorique |
à hue et à dia {adv} | :: in all directions; in opposite directions |
à hue et à dia {adv} | :: indiscriminately |
à huis clos {phrase} [legal] | :: in camera |
à huis clos {phrase} | :: behind closed doors |
ahuri {adj} | :: stunned, dumbfounded |
ahurir {v} | :: to astound, dumbfound, stun |
ahurissamment {adv} | :: astoundingly, dumbfoundingly |
ahurissant {adj} | :: astounding |
ahurissement {m} | :: stupefaction |
-ai {suffix} | :: A suffix denoting the first-person singular past historic indicative form of an -er verb |
aï {m} | :: ai (sloth) |
Aicard {prop} | :: surname |
Aïcha {prop} {f} | :: given name, widely used in Islamic North Africa |
aiche {f} | :: alternative form of esche |
aicher {v} | :: alternative form of escher |
aïd {m} | :: alternative form of Aïd |
Aïd {m} [Islam] | :: Eid |
aidant {adj} | :: helping |
aidant {m} | :: helper |
aide {m} | :: aide (person) |
aide {f} | :: help |
aide-comptable {mf} | :: assistant accountant |
aide de camp {m} | :: aide-de-camp, ADC |
aide-mémoire {m} | :: aide-mémoire, crib |
aider {v} | :: to help; to aid |
aide-soignant {m} | :: nursing auxiliary (UK), nurse's aide (US) |
aide-soignante {f} | :: nursing auxiliary (UK), nurse's aide (US) |
aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera {proverb} | :: heaven helps those who help themselves |
-aie {suffix} | :: used to form names of orchards or places where trees/plants are grown |
AIE {f} | :: abbreviation of arme à impulsion électrique |
AIÉ {f} | :: abbreviation of arme à impulsion électrique |
aïe {interj} | :: interjection expressing a sharp pain: ouch! |
aïe {interj} | :: interjection expressing worry: dang!; oh dear |
-aient {suffix} | :: A suffix denoting the third-person plural imperfect indicative form of a verb |
aïeul {m} | :: ancestor |
aïeul {m} [by extension] | :: grandfather |
aïeul {m} [by extension] | :: old man |
aïeule {f} | :: grandmother |
aïeux {mp} | :: ancestors, forefathers |
aïeux {mp} | :: all those who lived in a past age |
aigle {m} | :: eagle (any of a number of species of birds of prey) |
aigle {m} [figuratively] | :: a man of ingenuity and superior talent; a genius |
aigle {f} | :: a female eagle |
aigle {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: a representation an eagle; the eagle as a heraldic symbol |
aigle des steppes {m} | :: steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis) |
aiglefin {m} | :: alternative spelling of églefin |
aiglet {m} | :: aiglet |
aiglet {m} | :: needle |
aiglette {f} | :: eaglet |
aiglette {f} [heraldry] | :: alerion |
aiglon {m} | :: an eaglet, eagle chick |
aiglonne {f} | :: feminine noun of aiglon |
aigre {adj} | :: sharp, sour, acid |
aigre {adj} | :: shrill (voice), biting (wind etc.) |
aigre-doux {adj} [literally and figuratively] | :: bittersweet, sweet and sour |
aigrefin {m} | :: alternative form of aiglefin |
aigrefin {m} | :: swindler |
aigrelet {adj} | :: sharpish |
aigrelet {adj} | :: sourish, tart |
aigrelet {adj} | :: acidulous |
aigrement {adv} | :: sharply, sourly, acidly |
aigrement {adv} | :: shrilly, bitingly |
aigremoine {f} | :: agrimony |
aigrette {f} [ornithology] | :: egret (Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea) |
aigrette {f} [botany] | :: pappus |
aigrette {f} [of certain birds] | :: crest (plumage) |
aigrette {f} | :: lumex |
aigrette {f} | :: feather (atop a hat) |
aigretté {adj} | :: feathered, plumed |
aigreur {f} | :: sourness (sour flavor) |
aigreur {f} | :: bitterness (bitter emotion) |
aigri {adj} | :: embittered |
aigrin {m} | :: A young apple tree or pear tree |
aigrir {v} | :: to make bitter, to embitter |
aigrissement {m} | :: souring |
aigu {adj} | :: sharp, pointy |
aigu {adj} [of intelligence] | :: acute, keen, discerning |
aigu {adj} [of sound] | :: sharp, loud and high-pitched |
aigu {adj} [medicine] | :: acute |
aigu {adj} [mathematics, of an angle] | :: acute |
aigu {adj} [linguistics, of an accent] | :: acute |
aiguade {f} | :: watering (provisioning of water) |
aiguail {m} [literary] | :: [regional] dew resting on foliage |
aigue-marine {adj} | :: aquamarine |
aigue-marine {f} | :: aquamarine |
aiguière {f} | :: ewer |
aiguillage {m} [rail] | :: points |
aiguillage {m} [rail] | :: shunting, switching |
aiguillat {m} | :: dogfish |
aiguille {f} [botany, costumery, medicine] | :: needle |
aiguille {f} | :: needle (of compass); hand (of watch); spire (of church) |
aiguille {f} [railway] | :: point (UK), switch (US) |
aiguille à tricoter {f} | :: knitting needle |
aiguiller {vt} | :: to direct (towards) |
aiguiller {vt} | :: to change / switch points (railway) |
aiguilletage {m} | :: lacing up |
aiguilletage {m} | :: tying together |
aiguilleté {adj} | :: beribboned |
aiguilleter {v} | :: to lace up |
aiguilleter {v} | :: to tie or knot together (with string, ribbon etc) |
aiguillette {f} | :: ribbon; tie; cord |
aiguillette {f} | :: needle |
aiguillette {f} | :: needlefish |
aiguillette baronne {f} | :: tri-tip |
aiguilleur {m} [railways] | :: signalman; signaller |
aiguilleur {m} [aviation] | :: air traffic controller |
aiguilleur du ciel {m} | :: air traffic controller, ATC |
aiguilleuse {f} [railways] | :: female signaller |
aiguilleuse {f} [aviation] | :: female air traffic controller |
aiguillon {m} | :: goad |
aiguillon {m} | :: stinger, sting (of a bee) |
aiguillon {m} [figuratively] | :: a goad, a stimulant |
aiguillonnement {m} | :: prodding |
aiguillonner {v} [figuratively] | :: to prod |
aiguillot {m} [nautical] | :: pintle (a rudder’s pin which pivots in a gudgeon) |
aiguisage {m} | :: sharpening, honing, whetting |
aiguisé {adj} | :: sharpened |
aiguisement {m} | :: sharpening, honing, whetting |
aiguiser {v} | :: to sharpen (of a point, to make sharper) |
aiguiser {v} | :: to hone (e.g. a skill) |
aiguiser {v} | :: to whet |
aiguiseur {m} | :: sharpener |
aiguiseuse {f} | :: sharpener (female) |
aiguisoir {m} | :: sharpener (tool) |
aiguisoir {m} [Quebec] | :: pencil sharpener |
aiguisoir {m} | :: whetstone |
aigument {adv} | :: harshly; abrasively |
AIIP {f} | :: abbreviation of arme intermédiaire d'impact à projectile |
-ail {suffix} | :: Forming masculine nouns from verbs and nouns, having the sense of ‘tool, object for a specific purpose’ |
-ail {suffix} | :: Forming masculine nouns from verbs and nouns, having a collective sense |
ail {m} | :: garlic |
ailante {m} | :: tree of heaven |
aile {f} | :: wing (of a bird or other flying animal; of poultry; of an aircraft; of a building; of an army; in football and rugby; in politics) |
aile {f} | :: fender, wing (of an automobile) |
aile {f} [of the nose] | :: side, wing, ala |
aile {f} | :: sail (of a windmill) |
aile {f} | :: blade (of a propeller) |
aile {f} [figuratively] | :: wings |
ailé {adj} | :: winged (having wings) |
ailé {adj} | :: winglike |
aîle {f} | :: obsolete form of aile |
aileron {m} [anatomy] | :: fin (of some fish) |
aileron {m} [anatomy] | :: flipper (of penguins and other animals) |
aileron {m} | :: aileron |
aileron {m} | :: spoiler (of an automobile) |
ailette {f} | :: small wing |
ailier {m} [sports] | :: winger |
ailier {m} [basketball] | :: small forward |
ailier {m} | :: wingman |
ailière {f} | :: feminine noun of ailier |
-aille {suffix} [colloquial, pejorative or result] | :: Forming feminine nouns having a colloquial or pejorative meaning, or indicating the means or result of an action |
-ailler {suffix} | :: Forming verbs with frequentative effect, often somewhat pejorative |
ailler {vt} | :: to add garlic (to) |
ailleurs {adv} | :: elsewhere; somewhere else |
ailloli {m} | :: alternative form of aïoli |
-aillon {suffix} | :: Forming masculine nouns with diminutive or pejorative meaning |
ailurophile {mf} | :: ailurophile |
ailurophile {adj} | :: ailurophile |
aimable {adj} | :: likeable, amiable |
aimable comme une porte de prison {adj} [simile, antiphrasis, of a person] | :: very unpleasant, like a bear with a sore head |
aimablement {adv} | :: friendly (in a friendly manner) |
aimant {adj} | :: loving, affectionate |
aimant {m} | :: magnet |
aimantaire {adj} | :: (naturally) magnetic |
aimantation {f} | :: magnetization |
aimanter {v} | :: to magnetize (cause to be magnetic) |
aimantin {m} | :: fridge magnet |
Aimée {prop} {f} | :: given name |
aimer {v} | :: to love (usually of a person, otherwise the meaning is closer to like) |
aimer {v} | :: to like (often with bien) |
aimer bien {v} [idiom] | :: to like (as a friend) |
-ain {suffix} | :: Suffix used to form demonyms, both nouns (uppercase) and adjectives (lowercase) |
-ain {suffix} | :: Indicates the old oblique case (cas régime) of certain nouns |
Ain {prop} | :: Ain |
-aine {suffix} [noun-only] | :: Indicates approximation, suffixed to a number |
aine {f} | :: groin |
ainé {adj} | :: alternative spelling of aîné |
aîné {adj} | :: oldest, elder (sibling) |
aîné {m} | :: eldest (boy) |
aîné {m} | :: older brother |
aîné {m} | :: elder |
aîné {m} | :: old person |
aînée {f} | :: female equivalent of aîné |
aînesse {f} | :: primogeniture |
ainmer {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: alternative form of aimer, to like |
aïnou {m} | :: Ainu (language) |
ainsi {adv} | :: in this way, thus |
ainsi que {conj} | :: as, just as, like |
ainsi que {conj} | :: as well as |
aïnu {m} | :: alternative form of aïnou |
aïoli {m} | :: aioli |
aïoli {interj} [Marseille slang] | :: yo; respect |
AIP {f} | :: abbreviation of arme d'impact à projectile |
air {m} | :: air (gases of the atmosphere) |
air {m} | :: tune, aria |
air {m} | :: appearance |
air {m} | :: air (pretension) |
airain {m} [literary, uncountable] | :: any alloy based on bronze |
airain {m} [literary, countable, ] | :: object made of this alloy |
airbag {m} | :: airbag |
airbag {m} [in the plural, slang] | :: knockers, tits |
air comprimé {m} | :: compressed air |
air de famille {m} | :: family likeness, family resemblance |
-aire {suffix} | :: -ary (adjectival suffix) |
-aire {suffix} | :: -ary (nominal suffix) |
-aire {suffix} | :: -aire |
aire {f} [geometry] | :: (surface) area |
aire {f} [architecture] | :: a flat surface |
aire {f} [sailing] | :: direction of the wind |
aire {f} | :: threshing floor |
aire {f} | :: area, zone, range (a space in which a certain thing occurs) |
aire {f} | :: eyrie, aerie |
airedale {m} | :: Airedale terrier |
aire d'autoroute {f} | :: rest area, truck stop (rest area along a road, roadside service area) |
aire de Broca {f} [neuroanatomy] | :: Broca's area |
aire de lancement {f} | :: launch pad |
aire de repos {f} | :: rest area, truck stop (rest area along a road, roadside service area) |
aire de Wernicke {f} [neuroanatomy] | :: Wernicke's area |
airelle {f} | :: cranberry; bilberry |
airer {v} | :: to nest (make a nest) |
aire urbaine {f} | :: metropolitan area |
Air France {prop} | :: Air France, a French airline |
air hockey {m} | :: air hockey |
-ais {suffix} | :: The first-person and second-person singular imperfect indicative form of a verb |
-ais {suffix} | :: Used to form adjectives that denote where something or someone is from, or to form the name of the language spoken in this place |
-ais {suffix} | :: Used to form nouns that denote where something or someone is from |
ais {m} | :: board, plank |
aisance {f} | :: ease |
-aise {suffix} | :: Used to form female adjectives that denote where something or someone is from, e.g., française, anglaise, marseillaise, etc |
aise {f} | :: satisfaction |
aise {f} | :: joy |
aise {f} | :: ease, facility, absence of effort |
aise {adj} | :: joyous, glad |
aisé {adj} | :: easy to do, with ease, simple, effortless |
aisé {adj} | :: wealthy, with no money problems, affluent, prosperous, on easy street, in easy circumstances |
aisé {adj} | :: smooth, fluid, about a movement, or a conversation |
aisé {adj} [obsolete] | :: Said about clothes that are very (too) comfortable to wear |
aisément {adv} | :: easily |
aiser {v} [obsolete] | :: To get comfortable |
aisif {adj} [obsolete] | :: easy, convenient, pleasant |
aisle {f} | :: obsolete form of aile |
Aisne {prop} {m} | :: Aisne |
aisné {m} | :: obsolete form of aîné |
aisné {adj} | :: obsolete form of aîné |
aisnée {f} | :: feminine noun of aisné |
-aison {suffix} | :: Forming feminine nouns of action from verbs |
Aïssata {prop} {f} | :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa |
Aïssatou {prop} {f} | :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa |
aisseau {m} | :: A small, triangular, wooden roof tile |
aisselle {f} [anatomy] | :: armpit |
aisy {m} | :: A ferment use to make Gruyère cheese |
-ait {suffix} | :: A suffix denoting the third-person singular imperfect indicative form of a verb |
aitre {m} | :: alternative spelling of aître |
aître {m} [archaic] | :: the land surrounding a church |
Aix-en-Provence {prop} | :: A town in the Bouches-du-Rhône department of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur |
Aix-la-Chapelle {prop} | :: Aix-la-Chapelle (city) |
aixois {adj} | :: from or relating to any of the towns/cities in France with the name Aix |
Aixois {m} | :: person from any of the towns/cities in France with the name Aix |
Aixoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Aixois |
AJ {f} | :: auberge de jeunesse |
AJA {prop} [soccer] | :: initialism of AJ Auxerre, a French football club from the town of Auxerre |
ajaccien {adj} | :: From or relating to Ajaccio, Corsica |
Ajaccien {m} | :: someone from Ajaccio, Corsica |
Ajaccienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Ajaccien |
Ajaccio {prop} {m} | :: Ajaccio (caplc) |
ajacéen {adj} | :: From or relating to Ajaccio, Corsica |
Ajacéen {m} | :: someone from Ajaccio, Corsica |
Ajacéenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Ajacéen |
à jamais {adv} | :: forever and ever, forevermore, forever |
ajaxification {f} [programming] | :: Ajaxification |
ajd {adv} [Internet slang, texting] | :: abbreviation of aujourd'hui (today) |
à jeun {adv} | :: On an empty stomach |
ajeuve {adv} [Acadia, Quebec] | :: a while ago |
ajiste {adj} | :: youth hostel (attributive) |
ajiste {mf} | :: member of the youth hostel movement |
ajointer {v} | :: To butt (join at the ends) |
ajonc {m} | :: a gorse bush |
ajour {m} | :: a slit that lets in daylight |
à jour {adj} | :: up-to-date, current |
ajourd'hui {adv} [archaic, outside, Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of aujourd'hui |
ajouré {adj} | :: openwork (attributive); perforated, fretted |
ajourer {v} | :: to perforate |
ajournable {adj} | :: adjournable, postponable |
ajourné {adj} | :: adjourned, postponed |
ajournement {m} | :: adjournment |
ajournement {m} | :: deferment, postponement |
ajournement {m} | :: referral |
ajournement {m} | :: failure at an exam with an option to resit it |
ajourner {v} | :: postpone, adjourn, put off (an event) |
ajout {m} | :: addition (something added) |
ajout {m} | :: addition (the act of adding) |
ajoutable {adj} | :: addable |
ajoutable {adj} | :: countable |
ajoutage {m} | :: nozzle |
ajoutage {m} | :: connector (especially of laboratory glassware) |
ajouter {v} | :: to add, append |
ajouter foi {v} [à] | :: [formal, literary] to lend credence to, to give credence to, to put faith in, to believe |
ajoutoir {m} | :: synonym of ajoutage |
ajustable {adj} | :: adjustable |
ajustage {m} | :: adaptation, adjustment |
ajustage {m} | :: fitting |
ajustement {m} | :: adjustment, adjusting, tweak |
ajuster {v} | :: to adjust; tweak |
à juste titre {adv} | :: justly, rightly (so) |
ajusteur {m} | :: fitter |
ajusteur {m} | :: adjuster |
ajutoir {m} | :: alternative form of ajoutoir |
akathisie {f} [pathology] | :: akathisia |
akathisique {adj} | :: alternative form of acathisique |
akawaïo {m} | :: Akawaio |
akène {m} [botany] | :: achene |
Akiko {prop} | :: given name |
akinésie {f} [pathology] | :: akinesia |
akinésique {adj} | :: akinesic |
akinétique {adj} | :: akinetic |
akinétique {adj} | :: akinesic |
akkadien {m} | :: Akkadian (language) |
akkadien {adj} | :: Akkadian |
Akkadien {m} | :: an Akkadian person |
Akkadienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Akkadien |
akvavit {m} | :: alternative spelling of aquavit |
-al {suffix} | :: -al (of or pertaining to; adjectival suffix appended to various words, often nouns, to make an adjective form. Often added to words of Latin origin, but used with other words also) |
à la {prep} | :: See: fr à la |
à la {prep} | :: a la, in the style or manner of (with a feminine singular adjective or a proper noun) |
alabandine {f} [mineral] | :: alabandite |
à l'abandon {adj} | :: Derelict or dilapidated due to long-term neglect |
à la base {adv} [colloquial] | :: originally, initially |
alabastrite {m} | :: alabaster |
à la belle étoile {adv} | :: out in the open, outdoors, under the stars |
alable {adj} [Canada] | :: alternative form of allable |
alablement {adv} [Canada] | :: feasibly |
à la bonne franquette {adv} [idiomatic] | :: In a homely manner, without ceremony |
à la bonne heure {interj} | :: General expression of approval: splendid! that's the spirit! that's great! |
à la bonne heure {adv} [literally] | :: At the right time |
à la bonne heure {adv} | :: Timely; opportunely; à propos |
à l'abordage {interj} | :: the stereotypical cry of pirates when boarding a ship for close quarters combat |
à l'abri {adv} | :: sheltered, in a safe place |
à l'abri de {prep} | :: safe from, sheltered from, secure from, out of |
à la cantonade {adv} [colloquial] | :: to no one in particular |
à la carte {adv} [Food and drink] | :: allowing selection only from a fixed list of options, typically shown on a menu |
à la carte {adv} [Food and drink] | :: with each dish priced |
à la carte {adv} | :: (by extension) from any longlist of options, or even free choice, as opposed to a shortlist |
à la clé {adv} [idiomatic] | :: as a reward, at stake, up for grabs |
à la con {adj} [vulgar] | :: fucking (as an intensifier), pesky, damned, bloody |
à la coque {adj} | :: soft-boiled |
alacrité {f} | :: alacrity, ardour, eagerness |
à la demande {prep} | :: on demand, on request, to order |
alader {m} | :: Italian buckthorn (Rhamnus alaternus) |
à la dérive {adj} | :: adrift |
à la dérive {adj} [figuratively] | :: adrift |
à la dérobée {adv} | :: on the sly, without being noticed |
à la différence de {conj} | :: as opposed to, unlike |
à la dure {adv} [colloquial] | :: the hard way, in a tough manner, roughly |
alaeforme {adj} | :: alternative form of aliforme |
à la faveur de {prep} [formal, literary] | :: thanks to, by means of |
à la faveur de {prep} | :: on the occasion of |
à l'affiche {adj} [film] | :: showing, playing |
à l'affût {adj} [de] | :: on the lookout |
à la fin {adv} | :: in the end |
à la fin {adv} | :: at last |
à la fois {adv} | :: at a time |
à la fois {adv} | :: both, at once, at the same time |
à la grecque {adv} | :: in the Greek style (cooking, etc.) |
à la guerre comme à la guerre {proverb} | :: In time of crisis, all means are good for achieving one's goals; roughly all's fair in love and war, or the ends justify the means |
à la guerre comme à la guerre {proverb} | :: One must make the best of one's situation, or make do with what one has; roughly keep a stiff upper lip, or when life gives you lemons, make lemonade |
à la hâte {adj} | :: in a hurry, hurriedly, hastily |
à l'aide {interj} | :: help! (A cry of distress or an urgent request for assistance) |
à l'aide de {prep} | :: by means of (by using the thing specified), with |
alain {adj} | :: Alan (relating to the Alans) |
Alain {prop} | :: given name |
alaire {adj} | :: wing (attributive) |
à l'air libre {adv} | :: in the open air, uncovered |
alaise {f} | :: undersheet, drawsheet |
alaisé {adj} | :: alternative form of alésé |
à l'aise {adv} | :: at ease (relaxed; comfortable) |
à l'aise {interj} [colloquial] | :: sounds good |
à l'aise, Blaise {interj} [colloquial] | :: easy peasy! |
à la légère {adv} [colloquial] | :: lightly |
à la lettre {adv} | :: to the letter |
à la limite {adv} [colloquial] | :: in a pinch, at a pinch, if need be |
à la longue {adv} [colloquial] | :: in the long run, over time |
à la louche {prep} [colloquial] | :: roughly, approximately, give or take |
à la lumière de {prep} | :: in light of |
à la main {adv} | :: by hand, manually |
à la main {adv} | :: in one's hand |
à la maison {adv} | :: at home (at one's home) |
à la maison {adv} | :: home (towards home) |
à la manque {adj} | :: maimed (obsolete) |
à la manque {adj} | :: failed, lousy (of a person, used since 1847) |
à la masse {adj} [colloquial] | :: lost, at sea; dumb, slow, slow-witted |
alambic {m} | :: alembic, still (device for distilling liquids) |
alambiqué {adj} | :: overrefined |
alambiqué {adj} | :: convoluted |
alambiquer {v} | :: to distill |
alambiquer {v} | :: to refine |
à la merci de {prep} | :: at the mercy of |
à l'amiable {adj} [law] | :: out-of-court |
à la mode {adj} | :: in fashion |
à la mords-moi-le-nœud {adj} [colloquial] | :: lousy, stupid |
à l'ancienne {adj} | :: traditional, old-style |
à l'ancienne {adv} | :: in a traditional way |
alandais {adj} | :: from Åland |
alandier {m} | :: An opening at the base of a kiln that is used for firing ceramics |
à l'anglaise {adv} | :: the English way, in the English fashion |
à l'anglaise {adv} [cooking] | :: coated by dipping in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs |
à l'anglaise {adv} [idiom] | :: quietly, suddenly, without permission (compare: French leave) |
alangui {adj} | :: languid |
alanguir {v} | :: to cause to become languid |
alanguir {vr} [s'alanguir] | :: to become languid |
alanguissement {m} | :: languor |
alanine {f} [amino acid] | :: alanine |
à la noix {adj} [colloquial] | :: worthless, poxy, crappy, garbage, pathetic |
à l'antenne {adj} | :: on the air, on air |
à la one again {adv} [colloquial] | :: hastily; in a hurry |
alaouite {mf} | :: Alawite |
alaouite {adj} | :: Alawite (attributive) |
à la page {adj} | :: at the page |
à la page {adj} | :: up to the minute |
à la pelle {adv} [colloquial] | :: in droves, in spades (in large quantities) |
à la perfection {adv} | :: to a T, to perfection, to a nicety, pat (perfectly) |
Alaphilippe {prop} | :: surname |
à la pige {adj} | :: freelance |
à la pige {adv} | :: freelance, as a freelance |
à la place {adv} [colloquial] | :: instead |
à la place de {prep} | :: instead of, in place of |
à la pointe {adj} | :: at the cutting edge, at the forefront |
à l'appui {postp} | :: with the help of, with the support of |
à la prochaine {phrase} [colloquial] | :: see you later |
à la queue leu leu {adv} | :: in single file |
à la ramasse {adj} [colloquial] | :: behind the times, lagging behind |
à la réflexion {adv} | :: on second thought, on reflection |
à la régulière {adv} | :: by the book, according to the rules |
à la retraite {adj} | :: retired, in retirement |
à la revoyure {interj} [colloquial] | :: goodbye |
à la rigueur {adv} [colloquial] | :: in a pinch, at a pinch, if need be, at worst |
alarmant {adj} | :: alarming |
alarme {f} | :: alarm (alert) |
alarme {f} | :: alarm (panic) |
alarmer {v} | :: to alarm (alert) |
alarmisme {m} | :: alarmism |
alarmiste {mf} | :: alarmist |
alarmiste {adj} | :: alarmist |
à la ronde {adv} [idiom, colloquial] | :: around |
à l'arrache {adv} [colloquial] | :: hastily; in a hurry |
à l'arrêt {adj} | :: idle, at a stop, at a standstill |
à l'article de la mort {adv} | :: in articulo mortis |
à la rue {adj} | :: on the street, without a home, homeless |
à la Saint-Glinglin {adv} [humorous, idiom, sarcastic] | :: when pigs fly |
à la sauvette {adv} | :: hastily, hurriedly |
à la sauvette {adv} | :: on the sly (used especially of selling in the street or on the beach) |
à la serpe {adv} | :: coarsely, roughly, carelessly |
alaskain {adj} | :: Alaskan |
alaskien {adj} | :: Alaskan |
Alaskien {m} | :: Alaskan |
Alaskienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Alaskien |
alastrim {m} | :: alastrim |
à la sueur de son front {adv} [figuratively] | :: by the sweat of one's brow |
à la suite {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in a row (successively) |
à la suite de {prep} [idiomatic] | :: along with, accompanying |
à la suite de {prep} [idiomatic] | :: following (after) |
à la tâche {adv} | :: (of pay etc.) by the piece |
a latere {adj} | :: a cardinal-legate sent by the pope to represent him personally in a temporary and important mission |
alaterne {m} | :: buckthorn |
à la tête du client {adv} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: according to a person's looks, arbitrarily |
à la tienne {interj} [idiomatic] | :: cheers (used as a toast to drinking) |
à la traîne {adj} [colloquial] | :: behind the times, lagging behind |
à la une {adj} [idiomatic] | :: in the news, on the frontpage |
à l'aune de {prep} [formal, literary] | :: in the light of, with regards to, by the yardstick of, by taking as a reference |
à l'avance {adv} | :: in advance, beforehand |
à l'avance {adj} | :: early |
à la va-vite {adv} [colloquial] | :: in a rushed manner, hastily |
à l'avenir {adv} | :: in future, in the future, as of now, from now on |
alaverd {m} | :: A type of phillyrea (Phillyrea angustifolia) |
à l'aveuglette {n} | :: blindly, without planning |
à la virgule près {adv} | :: to the letter |
à la vitesse grand V {adv} [colloquial] | :: at full tilt, at full speed, at full throttle |
à la volée {adv} | :: on the fly |
à la vôtre {interj} [idiomatic] | :: cheers (used as a toast to drinking) |
à la vue de {prep} | :: at the sight of |
alawite {adj} | :: alternative form of alaouite |
alawite {mf} | :: alternative form of alaouite |
Alban {prop} | :: given name |
albanais {m} | :: Albanian (language) |
albanais {adj} | :: Albanian |
Albanais {m} | :: Albanian |
Albanaise {f} | :: (female) Albanian |
Albane {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Alban |
Albanie {prop} {f} | :: Albanie (country) |
Albanie du Caucase {prop} {f} | :: Caucasian Albania |
albanien {adj} | :: Caucasian Albanian |
Albanien {m} | :: Caucasian Albanian |
albanophone {adj} | :: That speaks Albanian |
albâtre {m} | :: alabaster (variety of gypsum) |
albatros {m} | :: albatross |
albatros {m} [golf] | :: albatross |
albédo {m} [physics] | :: albedo (the fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body) |
alberge {f} | :: A type of peach or apricot whose white flesh adheres to the kernel |
Albert {prop} | :: given name |
Alberta {prop} {f} | :: Alberta (province) |
albertain {adj} | :: Albertan (from Alberta) |
Albertain {m} | :: Albertan (someone from Alberta) |
Albertaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Albertain |
Alberte {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Albert |
Albertine {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Albi {prop} {f} | :: Albi (town/and/commune) |
albicéleste {adj} | :: white and sky blue |
albien {adj} | :: Albian |
Albien {prop} {m} | :: Albian |
albigeois {adj} | :: Albi (attributive) |
albinisme {m} | :: albinism |
albinos {adj} | :: albino |
albinos {mf} | :: albino |
albionesque {adj} [colloquial] | :: British, English |
albique {adj} [geology] | :: albic |
albite {f} [mineral] | :: albite |
albophobe {adj} | :: albophobic |
albophobie {f} | :: black supremacy; anti-white prejudice or racism |
Alborg {prop} | :: alternative form of Aalborg |
albrené {adj} | :: alternative form of halbrené |
albuginé {adj} | :: albugineous |
albuginée {f} | :: albuginea |
albugineux {adj} | :: albugineous, whitish |
album {m} | :: album (all meanings) |
albumine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: albumin |
albuminé {adj} [botany] | :: albuminous |
albumineux {adj} | :: albuminous |
albuminoïde {adj} | :: albuminoid |
albuminoïde {m} | :: albuminoid |
albuminurie {f} [pathology] | :: albuminuria |
albuminurique {adj} | :: albuminuric |
album live {m} | :: live album |
albumose {f} | :: albumose |
album studio {m} | :: studio album |
alcade {m} | :: alcaide |
alcaïque {adj} | :: Alcaic |
alcalescence {f} | :: alkalescence |
alcalescent {adj} | :: alkalescent |
alcali {m} [chemistry] | :: alkali |
alcalicité {f} | :: synonym of alcalinité |
alcalifiable {adj} | :: alkalifiable |
alcalifiant {adj} | :: alkalifying |
alcalifier {v} | :: To alkalify |
alcaligène {adj} | :: alkaligenous |
alcalimètre {m} | :: alkalimeter |
alcalimétrie {f} [chemistry] | :: alkalimetry |
alcalimétrique {adj} [chemistry] | :: alkalimetric |
alcalin {adj} | :: alkaline (of or relating to an alkali) |
alcalin {adj} | :: alkaline (not acidic) |
alcaliniser {vt} | :: to alkalize, alkalinize |
alcalinité {f} | :: alkalinity |
alcalisation {f} | :: alkalization |
alcaliser {v} | :: To alkalize |
alcaloïde {m} | :: alkaloid (organic heterocyclic base) |
alcaloïfère {adj} [botany] | :: alkaloidiferous |
alcalophile {m} | :: alkaliphile |
alcalose {m} [pathology] | :: alkalosis |
alcane {m} | :: alkane |
alcanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: alkanoic |
alcazar {m} | :: alcazar (Moorish fortress in Spain) |
alcazariste {adj} | :: Characteristic of the fictional General Alcazar in The Adventures of Tintin |
alcène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alkene |
alcénique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: alkenyl |
alcénone {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alkenone |
Alceste {prop} | :: given name |
alchémille {f} | :: lady's mantle |
alchimie {f} | :: alchemy |
alchimique {adj} | :: of or pertaining to alchemy; alchemical |
alchimiste {m} | :: An alchemist; one who practices alchemy |
Alcibiade {prop} {m} | :: Alcibiades |
alcohol {m} [rare] | :: alternative spelling of alcool |
alcoholique {adj} | :: alternative form of alcoolique |
alcoholisation {f} | :: alcoholization |
alcoholiser {v} | :: alternative spelling of alcooliser |
alcool {m} | :: alcohol, especially domestic, medical, methylated spirits |
alcool {m} | :: spirits, hard liquor (strong alcoholic beverage, excludes wine, cider, beer) |
alcoolase {f} | :: alcoholase |
alcoolat {m} | :: alcoholate |
alcoolate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alcoholate |
alcoolature {f} | :: tincture |
alcoolé {m} | :: tincture (alcohol extract of herbs etc) |
alcoolémie {f} | :: alcoholaemia; blood alcohol content |
alcooleux {adj} [of a wine] | :: Having an unusually high concentration of alcohol |
alcoolification {f} | :: alcoholification |
alcoolimétrie {f} | :: alcoholometry |
alcoolique {adj} | :: alcoholic, related to or containing alcohol |
alcoolique {adj} | :: Addicted to alcohol |
alcoolique {mf} | :: alcoholic (a person addicted to alcohol) |
alcooliquement {adv} | :: alcoholically |
alcoolisable {adj} | :: alcoholizable |
alcoolisation {f} | :: alcoholization |
alcoolisé {adj} | :: alcoholic (having more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents) |
alcooliser {v} | :: to alcoholise |
alcoolisme {m} | :: alcoholism |
alcoolo {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: alcoholic (person) |
alcoolo {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: alcoholic (person); alkie |
alcoologue {mf} | :: alcohologist |
alcoolométrie {f} | :: alcoholometry |
alcoomètre {m} | :: alcoholometer |
alcoométrie {f} | :: alcoholometry |
alcoométrique {adj} | :: alcoholic strength (attributive) |
alcootest {m} | :: breathalyser |
alcootest {m} | :: breath test for alcohol |
alcoran {m} | :: synonym of Coran |
alcotest {m} | :: alternative form of alcootest |
alcôve {f} | :: alcove |
alcoyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: synonym of alkyle |
alcoyler {v} [organic chemistry] | :: synonym of alkyler |
alcyne {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alkyne |
alcynique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: alkynyl |
alcynol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alkynol |
alcyon {m} | :: halcyon |
alcyon {m} | :: kingfisher |
alcyonien {adj} | :: halcyon (all senses) |
alcyonique {adj} | :: halcyon (calm) |
Aldebaran {prop} [star] | :: Aldebaran |
aldébarien {adj} | :: Relating to the star Aldebaran |
aldéhyde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: aldehyde |
aldéhydique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aldehydic |
alderman {m} | :: alderman |
aldin {adj} | :: Aldine |
aldol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: aldol |
aldolique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aldolic |
aldolisation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: aldolization |
aldonique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aldonic |
aldostérone {m} [organic compound] | :: aldosterone |
ale {f} | :: ale |
ALE {prop} | :: FTA (Free Trade Agreement) abbreviation of Accord de Libre-Échange [Canada-U.S.] |
ALÉ {prop} | :: alternative form of ALE |
à le {prep} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: alternative form of au, to the |
aléa {m} [archaic] | :: chance |
aléa {m} | :: hazard |
alea jacta est {phrase} | :: the die is cast |
aléatoire {adj} | :: doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unpredictable |
aléatoire {adj} | :: random, aleatory |
aléatoirement {adv} | :: doubtfully, dubiously, uncertainly, unpredictably |
aléatoirement {adv} | :: randomly, aleatorily |
à l'eau de rose {adj} [pejorative] | :: slushy, cheesy, sentimental, schmaltzy, mushy, maudlin, corny |
à l'écart {adv} | :: apart, away, at a distance |
alécithe {adj} | :: alecithal |
à l'écoute {adj} | :: listening to |
à l'écoute {adj} [figuratively] | :: attentive to, in tune with, in touch with, sympathetic towards |
alégal {adj} [legal] | :: alegal |
à l'égal de {conj} | :: As much as |
alégalement {adv} [legal] | :: alegally |
à l'égard de {prep} | :: towards (someone) |
à l'égard de {prep} | :: with regard to, with respect to |
alémanique {adj} | :: Alemannic |
à l'emporte-pièce {prep} [colloquial] | :: on a whim, rashly |
ALENA {prop} | :: alternative form of ALÉNA (NAFTA) |
ALÉNA {prop} {f} | :: NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) |
Alençon {prop} | :: Alençon (town/and/commune/non-city capital) |
à l'encontre de {prep} [idiomatic] | :: contrary to |
à l'encontre de {prep} [idiomatic] | :: against |
à l'endroit {adv} | :: the right way up |
à l'endroit {adv} [of clothes] | :: the right way out |
à l'endroit de {prep} [formal, literary] | :: towards, regarding (someone) |
alène {f} | :: alternative form of alêne |
alêne {f} | :: awl |
alêné {adj} [botany] | :: acuminate, subulate |
aléniforme {adj} [biology] | :: acuminate |
alénois {adj} [botany] | :: Of or from Orléans |
alentir {v} [chiefly obsolete] | :: to slow down |
alentoir {adv} | :: alternative form of alentour |
alentour {adv} | :: around |
à l'entour {adv} [obsolete] | :: around |
alentours {mp} [plurale tantum] | :: surroundings, neighbouring areas |
à l'envers {adv} | :: topsy-turvy, inside out, upside down |
à l'envi {adv} | :: over and over, again and again |
aléoute {adj} | :: Aleut |
aléoute {m} | :: Aleut (language) |
aléoutien {adj} | :: Aleutian |
Alep {prop} | :: Alep (city) |
aléphangine {adj} [obsolete, medicine] | :: Describing certain purgatives containing camomile and henbane |
alépin {adj} | :: Aleppine |
Alépin {m} | :: Aleppine |
à l'époque {adv} | :: at the time, back then |
à l'épreuve de {adj} | :: resistant to, -proof |
alérion {m} [heraldry] | :: alerion |
alérion {m} | :: ultralight (aircraft) |
alerte {adj} | :: alert |
alerte {adj} | :: agile |
alerte {f} | :: alert |
alertement {adv} | :: alertly |
alerter {vt} | :: To alert |
Alès {prop} | :: A town in the Gard department of Languedoc-Roussillon |
à les {prep} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: alternative form of aux, to the |
alésage {m} | :: reaming, boring |
alésé {adj} [heraldry] | :: detached; not reaching the edges; often said of a cross |
alèse {f} | :: alternative form of alaise |
aléser {v} | :: to ream (a hole) |
aléseur {m} | :: reamer, borer (person) |
aléseuse {f} | :: boring machine (machine for boring) |
Alesi {prop} | :: Alesi (surname) |
alésien {adj} | :: Of or from Alès |
alésoir {m} | :: reamer |
aléthique {adj} | :: alethic (logic: pertaining to the modalities of truth) |
à l'étranger {adv} | :: abroad |
à l'étroit {adj} | :: cramped, crowded |
à l'étude {adj} | :: under study, under review, under consideration, under examination, under evaluation, on the drawing board, in the pipeline |
aleucémique {adj} | :: aleukemic |
aleurite {f} | :: candlenut (or similar plant of the genus Aleurites) |
aleurode {m} | :: whitefly |
aleurodiphage {adj} | :: aleurodophagous |
aleuromètre {m} | :: aleurometer |
aleurone {f} | :: aleurone |
à l'évidence {adv} | :: obviously, evidently, clearly, manifestly |
alévie {adj} [Islam] | :: Alevite |
alevin {m} | :: alevin |
alevinage {m} | :: restocking (a river) with fish fry |
aleviner {v} | :: to stock a river/lake with fry (young fish) |
alevinier {m} | :: hatchery (for fish fry) |
alevinière {f} | :: alternative form of alevinier |
alévisme {m} [Islam] | :: Alevism |
Alex {prop} | :: given name |
alexandra {m} | :: A cocktail containing cognac, crème de cacao and crème fraîche with grated nutmeg for decoration |
Alexandra {prop} | :: given name |
Alexandre {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Alexandre {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Alexandre le Grand {prop} {m} | :: Alexander the Great |
Alexandrescu {prop} | :: surname |
Alexandrie {prop} {f} | :: Alexandrie (city) |
Alexandrie {prop} {f} | :: Alexandrie (city/and/province) |
alexandrin {adj} | :: alexandrine (attributive) |
alexandrin {m} | :: alexandrine |
Alexandrin {prop} | :: Alexandrian |
Alexandrine {prop} {f} | :: given name |
à l'exception de {prep} | :: except for, with the exception of |
à l'excès {adv} | :: to excess, to a fault, overly, overmuch, immoderately |
à l'exclusion de {prep} | :: excluding |
Alexia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
alexie {f} | :: alexia |
alexine {f} | :: alexine |
alexipharmaque {adj} | :: Capable of counteracting a poison; antidotal, alexipharmic |
alexipharmaque {m} | :: A substance capable of reverting the affects of a poison; antidote |
alexipyrétique {adj} [medicine, obsolete] | :: alexipyretic |
alexique {adj} | :: alexic |
Alexis {prop} {m} | :: given name |
alexitère {m} [medicine] | :: alexiteric |
alexitère {adj} [medicine] | :: alexiteric |
à l'extérieur {adv} | :: outdoors, outside |
à l'extérieur de {prep} | :: outside |
alezan {adj} | :: chestnut [colour of a horse] |
alezan {m} | :: chestnut [horse, its colour] |
alezan {m} | :: palomino |
alezé {adj} | :: alternative form of alésé |
alézé {adj} | :: alternative form of alésé |
alfa {m} | :: esparto |
alfange {f} | :: A Moorish scimitar |
alfatier {adj} | :: esparto (attributive) |
alfatier {m} | :: esparto farmer |
alfénide {m} | :: alfenide |
Alfred {prop} {m} | :: given name |
algaire {adj} | :: algal |
algal {adj} | :: algal |
algarade {f} | :: a row, a dispute, a quarrel |
algarade {f} | :: an insult, an angry outburst |
algarvois {adj} | :: Algarve (attributive) |
algazelle {f} | :: gemsbok, gemsbuck (Oryx gazella) |
algèbre {f} [mathematics] | :: algebra |
algèbre linéaire {f} | :: linear algebra (branch of mathematics) |
algébrique {adj} | :: algebraic |
algébriquement {adv} | :: algebraically |
algébriste {mf} | :: algebraist |
algédonique {adj} | :: algedonic |
Alger {prop} | :: Alger (capital city) |
Algérie {prop} {f} | :: Algérie (country) |
algérien {adj} | :: Algerian (of or pertaining to Algeria or its people or culture) |
Algérien {m} | :: Algerian (person) |
Algérienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Algérien |
algérois {adj} | :: Algerian (of or from Algiers) |
algeroth {m} | :: algarot |
algide {adj} | :: algid |
algidité {f} | :: algidity |
algie {f} [pathology] | :: localised pain |
alginate {m} | :: alginate |
algine {f} | :: algin (any of various gelatinous gums derived from algae) |
alginique {adj} | :: alginic |
algique {adj} | :: algic (relating to localised pain) |
algique {adj} | :: Algic (relating to this language) |
algivore {adj} [biology] | :: algivorous |
algo {m} | :: algorithm |
algo {m} | :: algorithmics |
algoïde {adj} [biology] | :: algoid |
algol {m} [computing] | :: ALGOL |
algolagnie {f} | :: algolagnia |
algolagnique {adj} | :: algolagnic |
algologie {f} [biology] | :: algology |
algologique {adj} [biology] | :: algological |
algonquien {adj} | :: Algonquian |
algonquin {m} | :: Algonquin language |
algonquin {adj} | :: Algonquin |
algophage {adj} | :: algophagous |
algorithme {m} | :: algorithm |
algorithmique {adj} | :: algorithmic (relating to an algorithm) |
algorithmique {f} | :: algorithmics |
algorithmiquement {adv} | :: algorithmically |
algothérapie {f} | :: algotherapy |
algual {adj} | :: algal |
alguazil {m} | :: alguazil; loosely law officer, constable |
algue {f} | :: alga (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms) |
algueux {adj} | :: algous |
algue verte {f} | :: green alga |
à l'heure {adv} | :: on time |
à l'heure {adj} | :: on time |
à l'heure actuelle {adv} | :: at this moment in time, at the moment, currently, presently |
alias {adv} | :: alias |
alias {m} | :: alias |
alibi {m} | :: alibi |
aliboufier {m} | :: styrax (especially Styrax officinalis) |
Alice {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Alicia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
à l'identique {adv} | :: faithfully, identically, exactly as it was |
alien {m} | :: alien (extraterrestrial) |
aliénabilité {f} | :: alienability |
aliénable {adj} | :: alienable |
aliénataire {mf} [legal] | :: transferee |
aliénateur {m} [legal] | :: transferor |
aliénation {f} | :: alienation |
aliénatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of aliénateur |
aliéné {m} | :: One who is insane, mentally defective |
aliénée {f} | :: feminine noun of aliéné |
aliéner {v} | :: to alienate |
aliénisme {m} | :: alienism |
aliéniste {adj} | :: alienist |
aliéniste {mf} | :: alienist |
aliénité {f} | :: alienation |
Aliénor {prop} | :: given name |
alif {m} | :: alif (Arabic letter) |
alifère {adj} | :: winged (having wings) |
aliforme {adj} | :: aliform |
alignement {m} | :: alignment (all senses) |
aligner {v} | :: to align |
aligot {m} | :: aligot (a potato and cheese dish from Auvergne) |
aligoté {m} | :: aligoté |
aliment {m} | :: food |
alimentaire {adj} | :: food (attributive), alimentary |
alimentation {f} | :: feeding |
alimentation {f} | :: food |
alimentation {f} | :: power supply |
alimenter {v} | :: to feed, to give food to |
alimenter {v} | :: to supply, to fund |
alimenter {v} [figurative] | :: to fuel (e.g. an argument) |
alimenter {vr} [s'alimenter] | :: to eat, to feed |
à l'impossible nul n'est tenu {proverb} | :: nobody can be expected to achieve the impossible |
à l'impossible, nul n'est tenu {proverb} | :: alternative spelling of à l'impossible nul n'est tenu |
à l'improviste {adv} | :: unexpectedly |
Aline {prop} | :: given name |
alinéa {m} | :: paragraph |
alinéa {m} | :: indented line (at the start of a new paragraph) |
alinéa {m} [Canada] | :: paragraph of a law |
alinéaire {adj} | :: paragraphic |
à l'infini {adv} | :: infinitely; endlessly |
à l'instant {adv} | :: just now |
à l'instar de {prep} | :: like; just like (in the same way as) |
à l'insu de {prep} | :: unbeknownst to someone, unbeknown to someone, without the knowledge of something/someone |
à l'intention de {prep} | :: aimed at (someone), intended for (someone) |
à l'intention de {prep} | :: in honour of (someone) |
à l'intérieur {adv} | :: indoors, inside |
à l'intérieur de {prep} | :: inside, within |
à l'inverse {adv} | :: conversely, by contrast |
à l'inverse de {prep} | :: contrary to, in contrast to |
aliovalent {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: Aliovalent (having a different valence) |
aliphatique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aliphatic |
aliquote {f} | :: aliquot |
alise {f} | :: fruit of the whitebeam |
alisier {m} | :: whitebeam |
alisma {f} | :: alternative form of alisme |
alisme {m} | :: water plantain |
alité {adj} | :: bedridden |
alitement {m} | :: bed rest |
aliter {vr} | :: to be bedridden |
aliter {vt} | :: to cause to become bedridden |
aliturgique {adj} | :: aliturgical |
Alix {prop} | :: given name |
alizari {m} | :: alizari |
alizarine {f} [organic compound] | :: alizarin |
alizarique {adj} | :: alizaric |
alizé {m} | :: trade wind |
alizier {m} | :: alternative form of alisier |
al-Kanadi {prop} | :: surname of Arabic origin |
al-Kanadi {prop} | :: al-Kanadi |
alkékenge {m} | :: Chinese lantern, bladder cherry |
alkékengère {f} | :: synonym of alkékenge |
alkoxyde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alkoxide |
alkyde {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: alkyd |
alkylarène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alkylarene |
alkyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: alkyl |
alkylé {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: alkylated |
alkyler {vt} [organic chemistry] | :: to alkylate |
all. {n} | :: abbreviation of allemand |
allable {adj} [Canada] | :: doable, feasible |
allache {f} | :: sardinella |
allaitement {m} | :: breastfeeding |
allaitement {m} | :: suckling |
allaiter {v} | :: to breastfeed |
allaiter {v} [of an animal] | :: to suckle |
allant {adj} | :: active |
allant {m} | :: goer (used in the plural phrase "allants et venants" - "comers and goers") |
allant au four {adj} | :: ovenproof |
allantoïde {f} [anatomy] | :: allantoid |
allantoidien {adj} | :: allantoidal |
allantoïne {f} [organic compound] | :: allantoin |
allantoïque {adj} | :: allantoic |
Allard {prop} | :: surname |
allatif {m} [grammar] | :: allative, allative case |
all dressed {adj} [Canada, of pizza] | :: deluxe, with pepperoni, mushrooms and green peppers: toute garnie |
alle {pron} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: she (third-person singular feminine) |
alléchant {adj} | :: enticing |
alléchant {adj} | :: mouth-watering |
allèchement {m} | :: temptation, attraction |
allèchement {m} | :: enticement |
allécher {v} | :: to attract, appeal, allure, tempt; entice, draw in |
allée {f} | :: path, lane, allée |
allée {f} | :: hallway (leading from the entrance of a house) |
allée {f} | :: aisle (between rows of seats) |
allée {f} | :: driveway |
allée {f} | :: bowling lane |
allée {f} | :: action of going (used nowadays only in the expression allées et venues: the repeated action of going and returning) |
allégation {f} | :: allegation |
allégeance {f} | :: allegiance |
allégement {m} | :: lightening (making lighter) |
allègement {m} | :: alternative form of allégement |
alléger {v} | :: to lighten |
allégorie {f} | :: allegory |
allégorique {adj} | :: allegoric, allegorical (of, or relating to allegory) |
allégoriquement {adv} | :: allegorically |
allégoriser {v} | :: To allegorize |
allègre {adj} | :: joyful, happy |
allégrement {adv} | :: happily, joyfully |
allègrement {adv} | :: happily, joyfully |
allégresse {f} | :: elation, joy, gladness |
allegretto {adv} | :: allegretto |
allégretto {adv} [music] | :: allegretto |
allégretto {m} [music] | :: allegretto |
allegro {m} | :: allegro |
allegro {adv} | :: allegro |
allégro {m} | :: allegro |
allégro {adv} | :: allegro |
alléguer {v} | :: to invoke |
alléguer {v} | :: to allege |
allèle {m} [genetics] | :: allele |
allélique {adj} [genetics] | :: allelic |
allélomorphe {adj} [genetics] | :: allelomorphic |
allélomorphique {adj} [genetics] | :: allelomorphic |
alléluia {interj} | :: hallelujah |
Allemagne {prop} {f} | :: Germany |
Allemagne de l'Est {prop} {f} | :: East Germany |
Allemagne de l'Ouest {prop} {f} | :: West Germany |
allemand {m} | :: German (The German language) |
allemand {adj} | :: German (related to or originating from Germany) |
allemand {adj} | :: German (related to the German language) |
Allemand {m} | :: German person |
allemande {f} | :: allemande [dance] |
Allemande {f} | :: feminine noun of Allemand; woman from Germany or of German background |
allemaniste {mf} | :: Allemanist |
allémontite {m} [mineral] | :: allemontite |
allène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: allene |
aller {vi} | :: to go |
aller {v} [when followed by an infinitive verb] | :: to be going (to); will soon; forms a near-future tense |
aller {v} | :: to be (feeling) |
aller {v} | :: to go well with (clothes, colors, etc.) |
aller {m} | :: Outward trip; journey out; trip away (implying not returning) |
aller à Canossa {v} | :: to make amends, to mend one's ways, to eat humble pie, eat crow |
aller à l'essentiel {v} | :: to cut to the chase, to get to the point, to state one's business |
aller au lit {vi} | :: to go to bed |
aller aux putes {v} [vulgar] | :: to whore (to engage a prostitute) |
aller à vau-l'eau {vi} | :: to go downhill, to go down the drain, to go awry, to go pear-shaped |
aller bon train {v} [figuratively, of rumours] | :: to be flying around, to be rife |
aller comme un gant {v} [à] | :: [simile] to fit like a glove |
aller comme un gant {vi} | :: [simile] to go smoothly |
aller de l'avant {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to move on, to move forward, to forge ahead; to make headway, to make progress |
aller de pair {v} [avec] | :: to go hand in hand (with) |
aller de soi {vi} | :: to be self-evident, to be obvious, to go without saying, to stand to reason |
aller droit dans le mur {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be riding for a fall, to be heading for disaster |
allergène {adj} | :: allergenic |
allergène {m} | :: allergen |
allergénique {adj} | :: allergenic |
allergie {f} | :: allergy |
allergique {adj} | :: allergic (having an allergy) |
allergisant {adj} | :: allergenic |
allergologie {f} | :: allergology |
allergologique {adj} | :: allergological |
allergologiste {mf} | :: allergologist |
allergologue {mf} | :: allergist |
aller-retour {m} | :: round trip |
aller-retour {m} | :: return ticket |
aller sans dire {v} [impersonal] | :: to go without saying |
aller se faire cuire un œuf {v} [colloquial] | :: to get lost, go to hell |
aller se faire enculer {v} [vulgar, offensive] | :: to go fuck oneself. (Usually used in the imperative form.) |
aller se faire foutre {v} [vulgar, offensive] | :: to go fuck oneself. (Usually used in the imperative form.) |
aller se faire mettre {v} [vulgar] | :: to get lost, to go to hell, to go fuck oneself |
aller se faire voir {v} [colloquial] | :: to get lost, go to hell |
aller se faire voir chez les Grecs {v} [colloquial] | :: to get lost, go to hell |
aller simple {m} | :: a one-way ticket |
aller son petit bonhomme de chemin {v} | :: to live one's life, to follow one's path in peace and quiet, to go on one's way peacefully |
aller vite en besogne {v} | :: to be hasty, to get ahead of oneself |
alléser {v} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of aléser |
alleu {m} | :: allod |
alleutier {m} | :: freeholder |
alleutière {f} | :: feminine singular of alleutier |
allez {interj} | :: Come on! (as encouragement) |
allez savoir {interj} [idiomatic] | :: go figure! |
allez voir là-bas si j'y suis {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] | :: get lost! (go away) (literally: Go over there and see if I'm there.) |
allez-y {phrase} [formal, singular and plural] | :: go ahead; go on |
alliable {adj} | :: alliable |
alliacé {adj} | :: garlicky |
alliage {m} | :: alloying (mixing elements to make an alloy) |
alliage {m} | :: alloy (metal that is a combination of two or more elements) |
alliage {m} [by extension] | :: alloy (metal of lesser value combined with a metal of greater value) |
alliage {m} [figuratively] | :: marriage, fusion, alloy, alloying (close union, mixture) |
alliaire {f} | :: garlic mustard (or any similar plant of the genus Alliaria) |
alliance {f} | :: alliance, union |
alliance {f} | :: wedding ring |
allié {adj} | :: friendly; allied (military sense) |
alliée {f} | :: female equivalent of allié |
allier {v} | :: to ally |
allier {v} | :: to alloy |
Allier {prop} {m} | :: Allier |
alligator {m} | :: alligator (animal) |
allitératif {adj} | :: alliterative |
allitération {f} | :: alliteration |
allo- {prefix} | :: allo- |
allo {interj} | :: alternative spelling of allô |
allô {interj} [Quebec, Louisiana French] | :: hello |
allô {interj} [telephone] | :: used to confirm that the person being addressed is listening, or to confirm if anyone is listening |
allocataire {mf} | :: beneficiary |
allocation {f} | :: allocation |
allocation {f} | :: granting, assignment |
allocation {f} | :: benefit, allowance |
allocation familiale {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: child benefit, family allowance |
allocentré {adj} | :: allocentric |
allocentrisme {m} | :: allocentrism |
allocentriste {adj} | :: allocentrist |
allochorie {f} [biology] | :: allochory |
allochtone {adj} | :: allochthonous |
allochtone {mf} | :: a non-native person, not an autochtone |
allocs {fp} | :: child benefit |
allocutaire {mf} | :: addressee (person to whom something is adressed) |
allocuteur {m} | :: addresser (person addressing) |
allocution {f} | :: (short) speech |
allocutrice {f} | :: feminine noun of allocuteur |
allocyclique {adj} | :: allocyclic |
allodial {adj} | :: allodial |
allodialement {adv} | :: allodially |
allœopathie {f} | :: obsolete form of allopathie |
allogame {adj} | :: allogamous |
allogamie {f} | :: allogamy |
allogène {mf} | :: a person who has settled in a new nation or territory who still noticeably exhibits traits or characteristics of their previous nationality |
allogène {mf} | :: an obvious immigrant |
allogénique {adj} | :: allogenic |
allographe {m} | :: allograph |
allographique {adj} | :: allographic |
alloimmunisation {f} | :: alloimmunization |
allomorphe {m} [linguistics, linguistic morphology] | :: allomorph |
allongeable {adj} | :: extendible |
allongement {m} | :: lengthening, extension |
allongement compensatoire {m} [phonetics] | :: compensatory lengthening |
allonger {vt} | :: to lay down |
allonger {vt} | :: to lengthen, to make longer, to extend |
allonger {vt} | :: to extend out, to stretch |
allonger {vi} [of days] | :: to lengthen |
allonger {vr} | :: to grow, to get longer |
allonger {vr} | :: to stretch out |
allonger {vr} | :: To lie, to lie down |
allonger le pas {v} | :: to lengthen one's stride, to walk faster |
allons-y {phrase} | :: let's go |
allons-y {phrase} | :: let's go there |
allons-y {phrase} [colloquial] | :: come with me, follow me |
allonyme {m} | :: allonym |
allopathe {m} | :: allopath |
allopathie {f} | :: allopathy |
allopathique {adj} | :: allopathic |
allopathiquement {adv} | :: allopathically |
allopatrie {m} | :: allopatry |
allopatrique {adj} | :: allopatric |
allophyle {adj} | :: allophylic |
allophylique {adj} | :: allophylic |
alloploidisation {f} | :: alloploidization |
allopurinol {m} | :: allopurinol |
allors {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of alors |
allosexuel {adj} [chiefly Canada] | :: LGBT, trans or non-heterosexual: "allosexual" |
allosome {m} [genetics] | :: allosome |
allosomique {adj} [genetics] | :: allosomic |
allostasie {f} [biology] | :: allostasis |
allostatique {adj} | :: allostatic |
allostérie {f} | :: allostery |
allostérique {adj} [biochemistry] | :: allosteric |
allotétraploïde {adj} | :: allotetraploid |
allotétraploïde {m} | :: allotetraploid |
allothermique {adj} | :: allothermal, allothermic |
allotir {v} | :: To allot |
allotissement {m} | :: allotting, allotment |
allotriomorphique {adj} | :: allotriomorphic |
allotrope {m} [chemistry] | :: allotrope |
allotrope {adj} [chemistry] | :: allotropic |
allotropie {f} | :: allotropy |
allotropique {adj} | :: allotropic |
allouable {adj} | :: allottable, allocatable |
allouer {vt} | :: to allot, allocate |
alloxane {f} [organic chemistry] | :: alloxan |
alluder {v} | :: to allude |
allumage {m} | :: lighting |
allumage {m} | :: switching on, turning on |
allumé {adj} [of a light source] | :: lit, on, lit up |
allumé {adj} [of a heat source] | :: lit, on, on fire |
allumé {adj} [of a person] | :: drunk |
allumé {adj} [of a person] | :: congested |
allume-cigare {m} | :: cigar lighter |
allume-feu {m} | :: firelighter |
allumer {v} | :: to turn on (e.g. a light) |
allumer {v} | :: to light, to set alight |
allumer {v} | :: to arouse, to turn on |
allumette {f} | :: match (small flammable object) |
allumettier {m} | :: matchmaker (person who makes matchsticks) |
allumettière {f} | :: feminine singular of allumettier |
allumeur {m} [sexuality] | :: a tease (person who excites sexually) |
allumeur {m} | :: agent provocateur |
allumeur {m} | :: partner-in-crime; accomplice |
allumeuse {f} [slang] | :: a cock tease |
allumeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of allumeur |
allumoir {m} | :: An early form of cigarette lighter |
allure {f} | :: appearance, look |
allure {f} | :: speed, pace |
allure {f} | :: angle of a boat from the wind |
allure {f} | :: gait (of a horse) |
allure {f} | :: chemin de ronde (raised protected walkway behind a castle battlement) |
alluré {adj} | :: alluring, elegant |
allusif {adj} | :: allusive |
allusion {f} | :: allusion, innuendo |
allusivement {adv} | :: allusively |
alluvial {adj} | :: alluvial |
alluvion {f} [geology, especially in plural] | :: alluvial deposits |
alluvionnaire {adj} | :: alluvial |
alluvionnement {m} | :: deposition of alluvium; alluviation |
alluvionnement {m} | :: alluvial deposit |
alluvionner {v} | :: to deposit alluvium |
allyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: allyl |
allylène {m} [organic compound] | :: allylene |
allyler {v} [organic chemistry] | :: To allylate |
allylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: allylic |
almageste {m} | :: almagest |
almanach {m} | :: almanac |
almanaque {m} [Louisiana French] | :: calendar |
almanaque {m} [Louisiana French] | :: alternative spelling of almanach, almanac |
almandin {m} | :: almandine |
almasilium {m} | :: an alloy used to make milk cans |
almée {f} | :: almah |
almicantarat {m} | :: almucantar |
almodovarien {adj} | :: Almodovarian |
almohade {adj} | :: Almohad |
almoravide {adj} | :: Almoravid (attributive) |
Almoravide {mf} | :: Almoravid |
à l'occasion {adv} | :: occasionally, at times, on occasion |
à l'occasion {adv} | :: sometime, one day, one of these days, at some point |
à l'occasion de {prep} | :: on the occasion of |
à l'œil {adv} | :: for free, for nothing |
à l'œil {adv} | :: by sight |
à l'œil nu {adv} | :: to the naked eye, with the naked eye, on sight |
aloès {m} | :: aloe |
aloétine {f} | :: aloe vera (extract) |
aloétique {adj} | :: aloetic |
à l'œuvre {adj} | :: at work, operating |
alogie {f} | :: alogia |
alogique {adj} | :: alogical |
alogiquement {adv} | :: alogically (without logic) |
aloi {m} | :: quality, taste |
aloïne {f} | :: aloin |
à l'oiseau royal {adj} [historical, fashion] | :: feathered, plumed, crested |
à loisir {adv} | :: at leisure, at will, as much as one wants |
à long terme {adj} | :: long-term |
à long terme {adv} | :: in the long term, in the long run |
à longueur de journée {adv} | :: all day long, continually, all the time |
à longueur de temps {adv} | :: all the time, continually |
alopécie {f} [pathology] | :: alopecia |
à l'oreille {adv} [chiefly music] | :: by ear |
à l'origine {adv} | :: originally |
alors {adv} | :: then (at that time) |
alors {adv} | :: so; hence (as a consequence) |
alors que {adv} | :: as, while, when; whereas |
alose {f} | :: shad (fishes of the herring family) |
alouate {m} | :: howler monkey |
à louer {adj} | :: for rent, to let (available for letting) |
alouette {f} | :: lark (bird) |
alouette {interj} [usually humorous] | :: Used at the end of a long list of items; and a partridge in a pear tree |
alourdir {vt} | :: To weigh down |
alourdir {vr} | :: to pile up (of e.g. problems, to get worse) |
alourdissement {m} | :: weighing down (act of weighing down) |
aloyau {m} | :: sirloin |
alp {phrase} [Internet slang, texting] | :: à la prochaine |
ALP {phrase} | :: TTYL/TTYA/cul8r; abbreviation of à la prochaine |
alpaga {m} | :: alpaca (sheeplike animal of the Andes) |
alpage {m} | :: alpine (high mountain) pasturage |
alpague {mf} [slang, rare] | :: overcoat, typically of alpaca |
alpague {mf} [slang, by extension] | :: any type of garment |
alpaguer {v} [slang] | :: to collar, catch, seize, arrest |
alpe {m} | :: alpine pasture |
alpenstock {m} | :: alpenstock |
Alpes {prop} {fp} | :: Alpes (mountain range) |
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence {prop} {fp} | :: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence |
Alpes-Maritimes {prop} {fp} | :: Alpes-Maritimes |
alpestre {adj} | :: alpine |
alpha {m} | :: alpha (Greek letter) |
alphabet {m} | :: alphabet (set of letters considered as a group) |
alphabétaire {adj} | :: synonym of alphabétique |
alphabète {adj} | :: literate |
alphabétique {adj} | :: alphabetical (in the order of the letters of the alphabet) |
alphabétiquement {adv} | :: alphabetically |
alphabétisable {adj} | :: alphabetizable |
alphabétisation {f} | :: elimination of illiteracy, the process of learning to write and to read (and to compute) |
alphabétiser {vt} | :: To teach to read and write |
alphabétiser {vt} | :: To eliminate illiteracy in (a country) |
alphabétisme {m} | :: literacy, the characteristic of knowing how to read, write, and speak |
alphabétisme {m} | :: alphabetism |
alphabet latin {m} | :: A Latin alphabet, any alphabet based on the Roman one (devised for Latin) |
alphabet phonétique international {m} | :: International Phonetic Alphabet; IPA |
alphanumérique {adj} | :: alphanumeric |
alphasyllabaire {adj} | :: alphasyllabary (attributive) |
alphasyllabaire {m} | :: alphasyllabary |
Alphée {prop} | :: Alpheus |
Alphonse {prop} | :: given name |
alphonsine {adj} | :: Alfonsine |
Alphonsine {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Alpicois {m} | :: A person from Le Pecq |
Alpicoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Alpicois |
alpicole {adj} | :: alpine (living in alpine regions) |
alpiculteur {m} | :: alpine farmer |
alpicultrice {f} | :: feminine singular of alpiculteur |
alpiculture {f} | :: alpine farming |
alpigène {adj} [botany] | :: Alpine |
alpin {adj} | :: Alpine (pertaining to the Alps) |
alpinisme {m} | :: mountaineering; hiking |
alpiniste {mf} | :: mountaineer, alpinist |
alpinistique {adj} | :: alpinist |
alpique {adj} | :: Alpine |
alpiste {m} | :: canary grass |
alsace {m} | :: Any of several wines produced in Alsace |
Alsace {prop} {f} | :: Alsace [region of France] |
Alsace-Lorraine {prop} {f} | :: Alsace-Lorraine |
alsacien {adj} | :: Alsatian, from Alsace |
alsacien {m} | :: Alsatian; dialect of German spoken in what is today France |
Alsacien {m} | :: person from Alsace |
Alsacienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Alsacien |
alsatique {adj} | :: Relating to the history etc of Alsace |
altaïque {adj} | :: Altaic |
alter- {prefix} | :: alter- |
altérabilité {f} | :: alterability |
altérable {adj} | :: alterable |
altérateur {adj} | :: alterative |
altératif {adj} | :: alterative |
altération {f} | :: alteration |
altercation {f} | :: Altercation |
altéré {adj} | :: altered, changed |
altérer {v} | :: to alter; change; fiddle with |
altérer {v} | :: to cause thirst |
altérité {f} | :: alterity |
altermondialisation {f} | :: antiglobalization |
altermondialisme {m} | :: antiglobalization |
altermondialiste {adj} | :: antiglobalist |
altermondialiste {mf} | :: antiglobalist |
alternance {f} | :: alternation |
alternance consonantique {f} [linguistics] | :: consonant alternation |
alternance de code {f} [linguistics] | :: code-switching |
alternance vocalique {f} [linguistics] | :: apophony, umlaut, ablaut, vowel alternation |
alternant {adj} | :: alternating |
alternat {m} | :: alternation |
alternat {m} | :: The imposition of circulation alternée |
alternateur {adj} | :: alternating |
alternateur {m} | :: alternator (an electric generator which produces alternating current) |
alternatif {adj} | :: alternating |
alternatif {adj} | :: alternative (different) |
alternative {f} | :: alternative |
alternativement {adv} | :: alternatively |
alternativement {adv} | :: in turn |
alterner {v} | :: to alternate |
altesse {f} | :: highness, Highness (title of respect) |
althaea {m} | :: alternative form of althæa |
althæa {m} | :: alternative form of althée |
althée {m} | :: marshmallow (plant Althaea officinalis) |
altier {adj} | :: haughty |
altièrement {adv} | :: haughtily |
altimètre {m} | :: altimeter |
altimétrie {f} | :: altimetry |
altimétrique {adj} | :: altimetric |
altiport {m} | :: mountain airfield |
altise {f} | :: flea beetle (of tribe Alticini) |
altiste {mf} [music] | :: A person who plays the viola |
altiste {mf} [music] | :: A person who plays the alto saxophone |
altisurface {f} | :: An airstrip at high altitude (especially in the Alps) |
altitonnant {adj} | :: That thunders from above (as an epithet for a god) |
altitude {f} | :: altitude |
altitudinaire {adj} | :: altitudinal |
alto {m} [music] | :: alto |
alto {m} [musical instruments] | :: ellipsis of violon alto; viola |
altruisme {m} | :: altruism |
altruiste {adj} | :: altruistic (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish) |
altruiste {mf} | :: altruist |
alu {m} [colloquial] | :: clipping of aluminium |
alucite {f} | :: fungus moth (of family Tineidae) |
aluette {f} | :: A French regional card game |
alula {f} | :: alula (feather) |
aluminage {m} | :: aluminizing |
aluminate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: aluminate |
alumine {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: alumina |
aluminer {v} | :: To aluminize |
aluminerie {f} | :: A factory in which bauxite (or similar ore) is converted into aluminium metal |
alumineux {adj} | :: aluminous |
aluminiage {m} | :: aluminization, aluminizing |
aluminique {adj} | :: aluminic |
aluminium {m} | :: aluminum (element) |
aluminosilicate {m} | :: aluminosilicate |
aluminosilicaté {adj} [geology, mineralogy] | :: Containing aluminosilicates |
aluminothermie {f} | :: aluminothermy |
alun {m} | :: alum |
alunage {m} | :: aluming |
à l'unanimité {adv} | :: unanimously |
alunation {f} | :: aluming |
aluner {v} | :: to alum |
alunifère {adj} | :: aluminiferous |
alunir {v} | :: to land on the Moon |
alunissage {m} | :: moon landing, lunar landing; act of landing on the Moon |
à l'unisson {adv} [figuratively] | :: in unison, in chorus, unanimously |
à l'unisson {adv} [figuratively] | :: in unison, in concert |
alunite {f} [mineral] | :: alunite |
alvéolage {m} | :: honeycombing |
alvéolaire {adj} | :: alveolar |
alvéole {m} [anatomy] | :: alveolus |
alvéole {m} | :: cell (in honeycomb), alveolus (of beehive) |
alvéole {m} | :: cavity (in rock) |
alvéolé {adj} | :: honeycombed |
alvéolectomie {f} [surgery] | :: alveolectomy |
alvéole pulmonaire {m} | :: pulmonary alveolus |
alvéoliforme {adj} | :: alveoliform |
alvéolisation {f} | :: alveolization |
alvéolite {f} [pathology] | :: alveolitis |
alvéolopalatal {adj} | :: alveopalatal |
alvin {adj} | :: alvine |
alysse {f} | :: alyssum |
alysson {m} | :: synonym of alysse |
alyte {f} | :: midwife toad |
A. M. {mf} | :: alternative form of A.M. |
A.M. {adv} | :: ante meridiem |
AM {adv} | :: abbreviation of ante meridiem |
AMA {prop} | :: WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency); abbreviation of Agence Mondial Antidopage |
amabile {adv} [music] | :: in a tender, loving style |
amabilité {f} | :: kindness |
amabilité {f} | :: friendliness |
amabilité {f} | :: gentleness |
à ma connaissance {adv} | :: to my knowledge, to the best of my knowledge, as far as I know |
amadou {m} | :: lure; bait |
amadou {m} | :: tinder; kindling; touchwood; spunk |
Amadou {prop} {m} | :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa |
amadouer {v} | :: to coax; to sweet-talk (persuade gradually) |
amadouer {v} | :: to cajole |
amadouer {v} | :: to humour (person) |
amadouvier {m} | :: touchwood, tinder |
amagnétique {adj} | :: nonmagnetic, amagnetic |
amaigrir {vt} [said of an illness, hard work, abuse etc.] | :: to emaciate make thinner (in an unhealthy way) |
amaigrir {vr} [said of a person] | :: to get thinner (in an unhealthy way), to become emaciated |
amaigrissement {m} | :: emaciation |
à main armée {prep} | :: armed |
à mains nues {prep} | :: barehanded, with one's bare hands |
amal {m} | :: Amal (language) |
amalfitain {adj} | :: Of or from Amalfi |
amalgamation {f} | :: amalgamation |
amalgame {m} | :: amalgam |
amalgame {m} | :: amalgamation |
amalgamer {v} | :: to amalgamate |
à malin, malin et demi {proverb} | :: One will always find a cleverer or stronger person than oneself |
Amand {prop} | :: given name |
Amanda {prop} | :: given name |
amandaie {f} | :: almond grove / plantation |
amande {f} | :: almond (the nut) |
amandé {m} | :: almond milk |
amandier {m} | :: almond tree |
amandin {adj} [rare] | :: almond-like, amygdalic |
amandine {f} | :: amandine |
Amandine {prop} | :: given name, popular from the 1980s to the 2000s |
amanite {f} | :: amanita |
amanite tue-mouches {f} | :: fly agaric, fly fungus (Amanita muscaria) |
amant {m} | :: lover |
amante {f} | :: feminine noun of amant |
Amanzé {prop} | :: A small village in the Saône-et-Loire department of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté |
amaphrose {f} | :: obsolete spelling of amaurose |
amarantacée {f} | :: amaranth (of family Amaranthaceae) |
amarante {adj} | :: amaranth (color) |
amarante {f} | :: amaranth (herb) |
amarante {f} | :: purpleheart (tree) |
amarante {f} | :: amaranth (colour) |
amaranthe {f} | :: archaic spelling of amarante |
amaretto {m} | :: The sweet-bitter liqueur amaretto |
amaretto {m} | :: A glass of it |
amareyeur {m} | :: synonym of ostréiculteur |
amareyeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of amareyeur |
amaril {adj} [pathology, attributive] | :: yellow fever |
amarinage {m} | :: The act of becoming a sailor |
amariner {v} | :: to become a sailor |
amariner {v} | :: to get one's sea legs |
amarivaudé {adj} | :: In the style of marivaudage |
amarnien {adj} | :: Of or from Amarna |
amarrage {m} [nautical] | :: mooring |
amarrage {m} | :: docking (of spacecraft) |
amarre {f} | :: rope, mooring |
amarrer {v} [nautical] | :: to moor |
amarsir {vi} [of a spacecraft] | :: To land on the surface of the planet Mars |
amarsissage {m} | :: (of a spacecraft) Mars landing |
amaryllidacée {f} | :: amaryllid (of the family Amaryllidaceae) |
amaryllis {m} | :: amaryllis |
amas {m} | :: pile, heap |
amas {m} [astronomy] | :: cluster |
amas d'étoiles {m} [astronomy] | :: star cluster |
amas globulaire {m} | :: globular cluster |
amas ouvert {m} | :: open cluster (star cluster) |
amasser {v} | :: to amass; to gather up |
amassette {f} [art] | :: palette knife (used in mixing paint) |
amas stellaire {m} | :: star cluster |
amateur {m} | :: amateur |
amateur {m} | :: a lover of something |
amateur {adj} | :: amateur |
amateurisme {m} | :: amateurism |
amateurisme {m} [pejorative] | :: amateurishness |
amateuriste {adj} | :: amateurish |
amâtiner {v} [obsolete] | :: to crossbreed a wolf or large guard dog with a bitch (female dog) |
amatir {v} | :: To give gold or silver a matte finish |
amatoire {adj} | :: amatory |
amaurose {f} [pathology] | :: amaurosis |
amaurotique {adj} [pathology] | :: amaurotic |
Amaury {prop} {m} | :: given name |
à mauvais escient {adv} | :: unwisely, not using one's best judgement |
amazigh {adj} | :: Amazigh, Berber |
amazigh {m} | :: Amazigh, Berber (language) |
amazighité {f} | :: Amazighity |
amazighophone {adj} | :: Berberophone |
amazighophone {mf} | :: Berberophone |
amazone {f} | :: Amazon (race of females) |
amazone {f} | :: amazon (bird) |
amazone {f} [equestrian] | :: sidesaddle (riding technique) |
Amazone {prop} {f} | :: Amazon (river) |
Amazonie {prop} {f} | :: Amazon |
amazonien {adj} | :: Amazon |
amazonite {f} | :: amazonite |
ambage {m} [especially in plural] | :: ambage |
ambassade {f} | :: an embassy, diplomatic representation in a foreign state, notably headed by an ambassador |
ambassadeur {m} | :: ambassador |
ambassadrice {f} [formal] | :: wife of an ambassador (" Madame l'Ambassadrice "). A female ambassador is "Madame l'Ambassadeur" |
ambassadrice {f} [colloquial] | :: ambassadress, female ambassador |
Ambazoni {m} | :: Ambazonian (person from Ambazonia) |
ambi- {prefix} | :: ambi- |
ambiance {f} | :: ambiance, atmosphere |
ambiancer {v} [Africa] | :: to make an ambience, to cause ambience |
ambianceur {m} | :: host, entertainer, MC |
ambianceur {m} | :: party animal, partier |
ambianceur {m} | :: One who creates an ambiance or atmosphere |
ambiant {adj} | :: ambient |
ambidextre {adj} | :: ambidextrous (having equal ability with both hands) |
ambidextre {mf} | :: ambidextrous person |
ambidextrie {f} | :: ambidexterity |
ambieanceuse {f} | :: feminine noun of ambianceur |
ambigène {adj} | :: ambigenous |
ambigrammatique {adj} | :: ambigrammatic |
ambigramme {m} | :: ambigram (a design that may be read in two different ways) |
ambigu {adj} | :: ambiguous (open to multiple interpretations) |
ambigu {m} | :: ambiguation |
ambiguïser {v} | :: to ambiguate |
ambigüiser {v} | :: alternative spelling of ambiguïser |
ambiguïté {f} | :: ambiguity (something liable to more than one interpretation) |
ambigüité {f} | :: alternative form of ambiguïté |
ambigument {adv} | :: ambiguously |
ambiophonie {f} | :: ambiophonics |
ambiophonie {f} | :: surround sound |
ambisexué {adj} | :: ambisexual |
ambisexuel {adj} | :: ambisexual |
ambitieusement {adv} | :: ambitiously |
ambitieux {adj} | :: ambitious |
ambition {f} | :: ambition (feeling) |
ambitionner {v} | :: to aim for; go for; set as one's goal |
ambitransitif {adj} [grammar] | :: ambitransitive |
ambivalence {f} | :: ambivalence |
ambivalence {f} | :: ambiguity |
ambivalent {adj} | :: ambivalent |
ambivalent {adj} | :: ambiguous, equivocal |
ambler {v} [archaic] | :: to amble |
ambleur {adj} | :: ambling (of a quadruped, walking with front and back legs in phase) |
amblotique {adj} | :: amblotic |
amblygone {adj} | :: amblygonal |
amblyope {adj} | :: amblyopic |
amblyope {mf} | :: amblyope |
amblyopie {f} | :: amblyopia (dimness or blurring of the eyesight) |
amblyoscope {m} | :: amblyoscope |
amblystome {m} | :: synonym of ambystome |
amboceptif {adj} [psychology] | :: amboceptive |
ambon {m} [architecture] | :: ambon |
ambre {m} | :: amber (fossil resin) |
Ambre {prop} | :: given name |
ambré {adj} | :: perfumed, notably musky with (or like) ambergris |
ambré {adj} | :: colored amber, of a brownish to yellow/orange colour |
ambre gris {m} | :: ambergris (fatty substance) |
ambréine {m} [organic compound] | :: ambrein |
ambre jaune {m} | :: amber (fossil resin) |
ambrer {v} | :: to perfume with ambergris |
ambrette {f} | :: abelmosk, Abelmoschus moschatus |
ambroisie {f} | :: (Greek & Roman Mythology) ambrosia |
ambroisie {f} | :: ambrosia, a food with a delicious flavour |
ambrosien {adj} | :: Ambrosian |
ambulacre {m} | :: avenue (with regular placing of trees) |
ambulacre {m} [zoology] | :: ambulacrum |
ambulacriforme {adj} | :: ambulacriform |
ambulance {f} | :: ambulance |
ambulancier {m} | :: ambulanceman; paramedic |
ambulancière {f} | :: female equivalent of ambulancier |
ambulant {adj} | :: walking, strolling |
ambulatoire {adj} | :: ambulatory |
ambuler {v} [archaic] | :: To walk, stroll |
ambystome {m} | :: mole salamander (of family Ambystomatidae) |
AMC {f} | :: initialism of auto-mitrailleuse de combat = combat machine-gun carrier or armored car |
AMD {n} | :: initialism of auto-mitrailleuse de découverte: reconnaissance machine-gun carrier or armored car |
âme {f} [religion, philosophy] | :: soul |
âme {f} [moral, intellectual centre] | :: soul, heart, mind |
âme {f} | :: soul, person |
âme {f} | :: bore (of a cannon) |
âme {f} [lutherie] | :: soundpost (of a violin etc.) |
amébée {adj} | :: amoebean |
à méchant ouvrier, point de bon outil {proverb} | :: a bad workman always blames his tools |
âme damnée {f} | :: a henchman, a minion, a pawn, a tool, a cat's-paw, a person completely devoted to another and willing to do everything at his bidding, to do his dirty work |
âme en peine {f} | :: lost soul |
amélanche {f} | :: fruit of any tree that is described under amélanchier |
amélanchier {m} | :: serviceberry (plant) |
Amélie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Ameline {prop} {f} | :: given name |
améliorable {adj} | :: improvable (able to be improved) |
améliorant {adj} | :: ameliorating |
améliorateur {m} | :: ameliorator |
amélioratif {adj} | :: ameliorative |
amélioration {f} | :: improvement |
amélioratrice {f} | :: feminine singular of améliorateur |
améliorer {v} | :: to improve, better, ameliorate |
à même {prep} | :: directly on, directly from; in contact with |
à même de {adj} | :: capable of, ready to |
amen {adv} | :: amen |
amen {m} | :: amen |
amenage {m} | :: bringing, fetching |
amenage {m} | :: lift, ride (in a vehicle) |
aménageable {adj} | :: developable, convertible (to a specific use) |
aménagement {m} | :: fitting out (of a place) |
aménagement {m} | :: laying out (of ground) |
aménagement {m} | :: development (of a district) |
aménagement {m} | :: planning |
aménagement {m} | :: adjusting |
aménager {v} | :: to lay out, fit out |
aménager {v} | :: to develop, convert (to an intended use) |
aménageur {m} | :: developer (etc) |
aménageuse {f} | :: feminine noun of aménageur |
aménagiste {mf} | :: developer |
aménagiste {adj} | :: developmental |
amendable {adj} | :: amendable |
amende {f} | :: fine (payment) |
amendement {m} | :: amendment |
amender {vt} | :: to amend |
amender {vt} | :: to improve [e.g. land, conduct] |
amender {vt} [figuratively] | :: to mend (one's ways), reform |
amène {adj} | :: Amene; pleasant |
amener {v} | :: to bring (a person), take, fetch, give a lift, give a ride |
amener {v} | :: to reel in (a fish) |
amener {v} | :: to lead |
aménité {f} | :: niceness; agreeableness |
aménorrhée {f} | :: amenorrhea |
amensal {adj} [biology] | :: amensal |
amensalisme {m} [biology] | :: amensalism |
amentifère {adj} [botany] | :: amentiferous |
amenuir {v} | :: To dwindle, diminish |
amenuisement {m} | :: diminution |
amenuiser {vt} | :: To make thinner |
amenuiser {vt} | :: to thin out |
amenuiser {vr} | :: to get slimmer; to slim |
amenuiser {vr} [of e.g. supplies] | :: to dwindle; to run low |
âme qui vive {pron} | :: no one, nobody |
âme qui vive {pron} | :: anyone |
amer {adj} | :: bitter |
amer {adj} | :: sour |
amèrement {adv} | :: bitterly |
américain {adj} | :: pertaining to America or the American people |
américain {m} | :: sandwich, generally with ham or pork, and French fries |
Américain {m} | :: American; someone born in, or a citizen or inhabitant of, the United States of America |
américaine {f} [cycling] | :: madison (cycling discipline) |
Américaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Américain |
américanisation {f} | :: Americanization |
américaniser {v} | :: to Americanize (to make American) |
américanisme {m} | :: Americanism |
américanissime {adj} | :: superlative of américain: Very American |
américaniste {adj} | :: Americanist (relating to the anthropology of Native Americans) |
américanité {f} | :: Americanness |
amériçate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: americate |
américié {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: Relating to, or containing americium |
américium {m} | :: americium |
américyle {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: americyl |
amérinde {adj} [linguistics] | :: Amerind |
amérindien {adj} | :: Amerindian |
amérindien {m} | :: Amerindian |
Amérindien {m} | :: Amerindian |
Amérindienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Amérindien |
Amérique {prop} {f} | :: America (as in the Americas), |
Amérique {prop} {f} [colloquial, by ellipsis, metonymy] | :: ellipsis of États-Unis de l'Amérique: United States of America |
Amérique centrale {prop} {f} | :: Central America |
Amérique du Nord {prop} {f} | :: North America |
Amérique du Sud {prop} {f} | :: South America |
Amérique latine {prop} {f} | :: Latin America |
amerissage {m} | :: alternative spelling of amerrissage (splashdown [landing in the sea]) |
amérissage {m} | :: alternative form of amerrissage |
amerloque {m} [colloquial, sometimes, pejorative] | :: Yank, Yankee |
amerrir {v} | :: to splash down (land in water) |
amerrir {v} | :: to crash-land (in water) |
amerrissage {m} [aeronautics] | :: splashdown (landing into water) |
amerrissage {m} [aviation] | :: ditching (crash-landing into water) |
amertume {f} | :: bitterness |
à merveille {adv} | :: to a tee (perfectly) |
-âmes {suffix} | :: Suffix forming the first-person plural past historic of -er verbs |
âme sœur {f} | :: soulmate (someone with whom one has a special connection) |
à mesure {adv} | :: in proportion and at the same time |
à mesure que {conj} | :: as |
amétabole {adj} [biology] | :: ametabolous |
améthodique {adj} | :: amethodical, illogical |
améthyste {f} | :: amethyst |
amétrine {f} [mineral] | :: ametrine |
amétrope {adj} | :: ametropic |
amétropie {f} | :: ametropia |
ameublement {m} | :: furniture |
ameublir {v} | :: To soften |
ameublissement {m} | :: softening |
ameuter {v} | :: to incite, to stir up |
ameuter {v} | :: to alert |
amha {adv} | :: alternative spelling of àmha |
àmha {adv} [colloquial, Internet slang, initialism] | :: IMHO |
Amhara {mf} | :: Amhara (person) |
Amhara {prop} {f} | :: Amhara (province) |
amharique {adj} | :: Amharic (relating to the Amharic language) |
amharique {m} | :: Amharic (Ethiopian language) |
ami {m} | :: friend (one who is affectionately attached to another) |
ami {m} | :: male friend |
amiable {adj} | :: amiable |
amiablement {adv} | :: kindly, graciously |
amiablement {adv} | :: amicably |
amiantacé {adj} | :: Relating to, containing or resembling asbestos |
amiante {m} | :: asbestos |
amianté {adj} | :: asbestos-ridden; full of asbestos |
amibe {f} | :: amoeba (a genus of unicellular protozoa) |
amibiase {f} [pathology] | :: amoebiasis, amebiasis |
amibicide {adj} | :: amebicidal |
amibien {adj} | :: amoeban |
amibiforme {adj} | :: amebiform |
amiboïde {adj} | :: ameboid |
amiboïde {m} | :: ameboid |
amical {adj} | :: friendly, amicable |
amicalement {adv} | :: friendly (in a friendly manner) |
amicaliste {adj} | :: friendly society (attributive) |
à mi-chemin {adv} | :: halfway, midway (half way to a place, or between two place) |
à mi-chemin {adv} | :: in the middle of, mid- |
amict {m} | :: amice |
amide {m} [organic chemistry] | :: amide |
amidé {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: amido (attributive) |
amidon {m} | :: starch |
amidonnage {m} | :: starching |
amidonner {v} | :: to starch (apply starch) |
amidonnerie {f} | :: starch factory |
amidonnier {m} | :: emmer (Triticum turgidum) |
amidopyrine {f} | :: amidopyrine |
amidure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: amide (NH2- anion) |
amie {f} | :: (female) friend |
amiénois {adj} | :: pertaining to Amiens, France |
Amiénois {m} | :: inhabitant of Amiens, France |
Amiénoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Amiénois |
Amiens {prop} | :: Amiens (capital city) |
amiette {f} [archaic] | :: female lover |
amincir {vt} | :: to thin (down) |
amincir {vr} | :: to get thinner |
amincissant {adj} | :: slimming; slimline |
amincissement {m} | :: thinning |
aminé {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: amino |
amino- {prefix} | :: amino- |
aminoacide {m} [organic chemistry] | :: amino acid |
aminoadipique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aminoadipic |
aminoalcool {m} [organic chemistry] | :: amino alcohol |
aminobenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: aminobenzene |
aminobenzène {m} [organic compound, singular only] | :: aniline |
aminobutyrique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aminobutyric |
aminogramme {m} | :: aminogram |
aminolévulinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aminolevulinic / aminolaevulinic |
aminométhane {m} [organic compound] | :: aminomethane, methylamine |
aminoplaste {m} | :: aminoplastic |
aminoside {f} | :: aminoglycoside |
amiotique {adj} [biology] | :: ameiotic |
amiral {adj} | :: of or belonging to an admiral |
amiral {m} | :: admiral (military officer) |
amirale {f} | :: feminine noun of amiral |
amiraulté {f} | :: obsolete spelling of amirauté |
amirauté {f} [nautical] | :: admiralty, admiralship |
amitié {f} | :: friendship, amity |
amitose {m} [biology] | :: amitosis |
à mi-voix {adv} | :: in a low voice, sotto voce |
AML {f} | :: initialism of auto-mitrailleuse lourde: heavy machine-gun carrier or armored car |
ammeistre {m} | :: alderman (sometimes mayor) in Alsace |
-amment {suffix} | :: Variant of -ment appended to adjectives ending with -ant |
Ammerschwihr {prop} | :: Ammerschwihr (commune), near the large town of Colmar |
ammestre {m} | :: alternative form of ammeistre |
ammodyte {f} | :: ammodyte (all senses) |
ammoniac {m} [inorganic compound] | :: ammonia |
ammoniac {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ammonic, ammonical |
ammoniacal {adj} | :: ammoniacal |
ammoniacé {adj} | :: alternative form of ammoniaqué |
ammoniaqué {adj} | :: ammoniacal |
ammoniaqué {adj} | :: ammoniated |
ammoniaquer {v} | :: To ammoniate |
ammoniogenèse {f} | :: ammoniagenesis |
ammonique {adj} | :: ammoniacal |
ammonisation {f} | :: ammoniation |
ammonite {f} | :: ammonite |
ammonitique {adj} | :: ammonitic |
ammonitrate {m} [agriculture] | :: ammonitrate |
ammonium {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ammonium |
ammoniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ammoniate |
ammophile {f} | :: sand wasp (of genus Ammophila) |
ammophile {f} | :: marram (grass of genus Ammophila) |
ammorti {m} | :: stop (tennis: short shot) |
amnésie {f} | :: amnesia |
amnésique {adj} | :: amnesic |
amnicole {adj} [biology] | :: amnicolous |
amniocentèse {f} [medicine] | :: amniocentesis |
amnioscopie {f} | :: amnioscopy |
amniotique {adj} | :: amniotic |
amnique {adj} | :: synonym of amniotique |
amnistie {f} | :: amnesty |
amnistier {vt} | :: to amnesty |
amocher {vt} [colloquial] | :: to mess up |
amodiable {adj} | :: rentable, leasable |
amodiataire {m} | :: lessee (especially of land or a farm) |
amodiateur {m} | :: lessee (especially of land or a farm) |
amodiation {f} | :: leasing / renting (of land or a farm) |
amodier {v} | :: To rent or lease land or a farm |
amœbe {f} | :: obsolete form of amibe |
amœbien {adj} | :: obsolete form of amibien |
amœbiforme {mf} | :: obsolete form of amibiforme |
amœbocyte {m} | :: obsolete form of amibocyte |
amœboïde {adj} | :: obsolete form of amiboïde |
amœboïde {m} | :: obsolete form of amiboïde |
amœne {adj} | :: obsolete form of amène |
à moi {interj} | :: help! (A cry of distress or an urgent request for assistance) |
amoindrir {vt} | :: to lessen, degrade, decrease, shrink |
amoindrir {vt} | :: to weaken |
amoindrir {vr} | :: to shrink, wean, reduce |
amoindrissable {adj} | :: shrinkable |
amoindrissement {m} | :: weakening |
à moins de {conj} | :: unless |
à moins que {conj} | :: unless |
amollir {v} | :: to soften |
amollissant {m} | :: softener |
amollissant {adj} | :: softening; that softens |
amollissement {f} | :: softening |
amome {m} | :: amomum |
amoncèlement {m} | :: alternative spelling of amoncellement |
amonceler {vr} | :: to build up; to accumulate |
amonceler {vt} [uncommon] | :: to pile up |
amoncellement {m} | :: heap, pile |
à mon sens {prep} | :: in my view |
amont {m} | :: The upstream part of a river |
amont {m} | :: The uphill part of a mountain |
amontillado {m} | :: amontillado |
amoral {adj} | :: amoral |
amoralement {adv} [rare] | :: amorally |
amoralisme {m} | :: amoralism |
amoraliste {m} | :: amoralist |
amorçage {m} | :: priming |
amorçage {m} [computing] | :: booting |
amorce {f} | :: bait (used to catch fish) |
amorce {f} | :: primer (substance used to start a fire) |
amorce {f} [figuratively] | :: bait |
amorce {f} [biology] | :: primer (strand) |
amorcé {adj} | :: primed |
amorcer {v} | :: to prime, set in motion |
amorcer {v} | :: to begin, to get to work on (to commence a project) |
amorcer {v} | :: to break ground (start construction work) |
amorcer {v} [computing] | :: to boot |
amorcer {v} [fishing] | :: to bait (lace with bait) |
amorcer {v} [fishing] | :: to bait, chum (try to attract fish with bait) |
amorcer {v} | :: to bait in, to string in, reel in |
amorcer {v} | :: to bait (e.g. an enemy, to react) |
amorceur {m} | :: initiator |
amordancer {v} | :: To mordant |
amoroso {adv} [music] | :: in a tender, loving style |
amorphe {adj} | :: amorphous (physics: in the non-chrystalline state of solid) |
amorphe {adj} | :: sluggish, inert (lacking vivacity) |
à mort {adv} | :: to death |
à mort {adv} [slang] | :: very, extremely, as hell |
amorti {m} [tennis] | :: drop shot |
amorti {m} [baseball] | :: bunt |
amorti {m} [soccer] | :: first touch, control |
amortir {v} | :: to cushion, absorb, soften (shock, blow etc.) |
amortir {v} | :: to deaden, muffle (noise) |
amortir {v} [finance] | :: to pay off, amortize; to redeem (a title) |
amortir {v} [architecture] | :: to put an amortizement on |
amortissable {adj} | :: depreciable |
amortissement {m} | :: amortizement |
amortissement {m} | :: cushioning, softening, or deafening of a sound or impact |
amortisseur {m} | :: damper |
amortisseur {m} | :: shock absorber |
Amos {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Amos |
à mouchoir que veux-tu {adv} | :: [of crying] profusely |
amouillante {adj} [of a cow] | :: About to calve |
amour {mf} | :: love |
Amour {prop} {m} | :: Amur (the river between the Far East Russia and China) |
amouracher {vr} | :: to fall hopelessly in love; to be infatuated (de (with)) |
amour courtois {n} | :: courtly love |
amour de soi {m} | :: self-love |
amour de vacances {m} | :: vacation romance, holiday romance, holiday fling |
amourette {f} | :: a crush (feeling of romantic attraction) |
amoureuse {f} | :: feminine noun of amoureux |
amoureusement {adv} | :: amorously |
amoureux {adj} | :: in love |
amoureux {m} | :: lover |
à mourir de rire {adj} [colloquial] | :: sidesplitting, hilarious |
amour libre {m} | :: free love |
amour platonique {m} | :: platonic love |
amour-propre {m} | :: self-esteem; quality of self-love; positive regard for oneself |
amours {fp} | :: love affairs |
amovibilité {f} | :: removability |
amovible {adj} [legal] | :: removable |
amovible {adj} | :: removable, detachable |
amoxicilline {f} [medicine] | :: amoxicillin |
à moyen terme {adj} | :: medium-term |
à moyen terme {adv} | :: in the medium term |
ampélidacée {f} | :: vine (of the family Vitaceae, syn. Ampelidaceae) |
ampélographie {f} | :: ampelography |
ampélographique {adj} | :: ampelographic |
ampélophage {adj} | :: ampelophagous |
ampère {m} | :: ampere |
Ampère {prop} | :: surname, known for: |
ampèremètre {m} | :: ammeter |
ampèremétrique {adj} [physics] | :: amperometric |
ampérien {adj} [physics] | :: Amperian |
ampérométrique {adj} [physics] | :: amperometric |
amphémérin {adj} [pathology] | :: Recurring daily |
amphétamine {f} | :: amphetamine |
amphétaminique {adj} | :: amphetaminic |
amphi- {prefix} | :: amphi- |
amphi {m} [colloquial] | :: lecture theatre |
amphiarthrose {f} | :: amphiarthrosis |
amphibéringien {adj} | :: amphiberingian |
amphibie {adj} | :: amphibious (all meanings) |
amphibie {m} [dated] | :: amphibian |
amphibien {m} | :: amphibian |
amphibiotique {adj} | :: amphibiotic |
amphibole {f} [mineral] | :: amphibole |
amphibolique {adj} | :: amphibolic (all senses) |
amphibologie {f} | :: amphibology |
amphibologique {adj} | :: amphibological |
amphibologiquement {adv} | :: amphibologically |
amphicontinental {adj} | :: amphicontinental |
amphictyon {m} | :: amphictyon |
amphictyonide {adj} | :: amphictyonic |
amphictyonie {f} | :: amphictyony |
amphictyonique {adj} | :: amphictyonic |
amphidelphe {adj} [zoology] | :: amphidelphic |
amphidrome {adj} | :: amphidromous |
amphigame {adj} [biology] | :: amphigamous |
amphigouri {m} | :: rigmarole |
amphigouri {m} | :: gibberish |
amphigourique {adj} | :: enigmatic, obscure, puzzling |
amphigouriquement {adv} | :: enigmatically, obscurely, puzzlingly |
amphihalin {adj} [biology] | :: amphihaline |
amphihexaèdre {m} [maths] | :: amphihexahedron |
amphimixie {f} | :: amphimixis |
amphipathique {adj} [chemistry] | :: amphipathic |
amphipodiforme {adj} | :: amphipodiform |
Amphipolis {prop} {f} | :: Amphipolis (ancient Greek city) |
amphiprotique {adj} [chemistry] | :: amphiprotic |
amphisbène {m} | :: amphisbaena |
amphisbène {m} | :: worm lizard (of clade Amphisbaenia) |
amphiscien {adj} | :: amphiscian |
amphithéâtral {adj} | :: amphitheatrical |
amphithéâtre {m} | :: amphitheatre |
amphithéâtre {m} | :: lecture theatre |
amphitrope {adj} | :: amphitropic |
amphitryon {m} | :: host (at a dinner party) |
amphocholérétique {adj} [physiology] | :: amphocholeretic |
amphogène {adj} | :: amphogenic |
ampholyte {m} | :: ampholyte |
amphore {f} | :: amphora |
amphorique {adj} | :: amphoric |
amphotère {adj} [chemistry] | :: amphoteric |
amphotéricine {m} | :: amphotericin |
amphotérique {adj} [chemistry] | :: amphoteric |
ample {adj} | :: plentiful, abundant, copious, profuse, ample |
amplement {adv} | :: amply |
ampleur {f} | :: scale, size, extent, scope (of problem, project, deficit etc.) |
ampleur {f} | :: volume (of sound) |
ampleur {f} [of clothing etc.] | :: fullness |
ampleur {f} | :: opulence, liberalness (of style etc.) |
ampli {m} | :: amp (amplifier) |
ampliatif {adj} | :: ampliative |
ampliation {f} | :: ampliation |
amplificateur {m} | :: amplifier |
amplificatif {adj} | :: amplificatory, amplificative |
amplification {f} | :: amplification (all senses) |
amplifier {v} | :: to amplify |
ampliforme {adj} | :: padded, enhanced, amplifying (of a bra) |
amplitude {f} [mathematics, physics] | :: amplitude |
ampoule {f} | :: light bulb |
ampoule {f} | :: ampoule |
ampoule {f} | :: blister |
ampoulé {adj} | :: exaggerated; over the top |
ampoulément {adv} [figuratively] | :: exaggeratedly |
ampouleux {adj} | :: alternative form of ampoulé |
amputation {f} | :: amputation |
amputé {m} | :: amputee - person missing one or several limbs due to an amputation |
amputé {adj} | :: amputated |
amputer {v} | :: to amputate |
AMR {n} | :: initialism of auto-mitrailleuse de reconnaissance |
amstellodamien {adj} | :: Of or from Amsterdam |
amstellodamois {adj} | :: From Amsterdam |
Amsterdam {prop} | :: Amsterdam (city/and/municipality) |
ams tram gram {phrase} | :: eeny, meeny, miny, moe |
AMT {prop} {f} [transport] | :: MTA - AMT - Agence métropolitaine de transport - the former public transit agency for the CMM, now replaced by the RTM - the Réseau de transport métropolitain |
amuïr {vp} [linguistics] | :: To become mute, to disappear [of a sound] |
amuïssement {m} [linguistics] | :: disappearance, muting (of a sound) [the attenuation (reduction) or more often, the complete disappearance of a phoneme or a syllable in a word] |
amulette {f} | :: amulet (object intended to bring protection to its owner) |
amure {f} [nautucal] | :: tack (sailing against the wind) |
amurer {v} [nautical] | :: To tack (sail against the wind) |
amusant {adj} | :: amusing; funny |
amusant {adj} | :: fun |
amuse-bouche {m} | :: snack, hors d'oeuvre, appetizer |
amuse-gueule {m} | :: snack (same as the hypercorrection amuse-bouche) |
amusement {m} | :: amusement |
amuser {vt} | :: to amuse, to entertain |
amuser {vr} [s'amuser] | :: to have fun, to enjoy oneself |
amusette {f} | :: puzzle (enigma, question) |
amusette {f} | :: amusette (weapon) |
amuseur {m} | :: amuser |
amuseur {m} | :: (mere) entertainer |
amuseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of amuseur |
amusie {f} | :: amusia |
amyélinique {adj} | :: amyelinated |
amygdale {f} [anatomy] | :: tonsil |
amygdalectomie {f} [surgery] | :: tonsillectomy |
amygdalien {adj} | :: amygdalin (attributive) |
amygdaliforme {adj} | :: amygdaliform |
amygdalite {f} [pathology] | :: tonsillitis |
amygdaloïde {adj} | :: amygdaloid |
amylacé {adj} | :: starched |
amylase {f} [enzyme] | :: amylase |
amyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: amyl |
amylène {m} [organic compound] | :: amylene |
amylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: amylic |
amylobacter {m} | :: amylobacter |
amyloïde {adj} | :: amyloid |
amylopectine {f} [carbohydrate] | :: amylopectin |
amyotrophie {f} [pathology] | :: amyotrophy |
amyotrophique {adj} | :: amyotrophic |
an- {prefix} | :: in-, an-. alternative form of a- before a vowel or h |
an {m} | :: year |
ana- {prefix} | :: ana- |
anabaptisme {m} | :: Anabaptism |
anabaptiste {adj} | :: Anabaptist |
anabase {f} | :: anabasis |
anabolique {adj} | :: anabolic |
anabolisant {adj} | :: anabolic |
anabolisant {m} | :: anabolic steroid |
anabolisme {m} [biochemistry] | :: anabolism |
anabolite {f} | :: anabolite |
anacamptique {adj} | :: anacamptic |
anacarde {m} | :: cashew |
Anacardiacées {prop} | :: Anacardiaceae |
anacardier {m} | :: cashew (tree) |
anacathartique {adj} | :: anacathartic |
anachorète {m} | :: anchorite (religious person) |
anachorète {m} | :: anchorite (one who lives in seclusion) |
anachorétique {adj} | :: anachoretic |
anachorétisme {m} | :: anachoretism |
anachronique {adj} | :: anachronic |
anachroniquement {adv} | :: anachronistically, anachronically |
anachronisme {m} | :: anachronism (chronological mistake) |
anaclastique {adj} [optics] | :: anaclastic |
anaclastique {f} [optics] | :: anaclastics |
anaclitique {adj} | :: anaclitic |
anacoluthe {f} [figure of speech] | :: anacoluthon |
anaconda {m} | :: anaconda |
anacréontique {adj} | :: anacreontic |
anacrouse {f} [music] | :: anacrusis |
anacruse {f} | :: alternative form of anacrouse |
anacyclique {adj} | :: anacyclic |
anacyclique {m} | :: anadrome, semordnilap |
anadiplose {f} [rhetoric] | :: anadiplosis |
anadrome {adj} | :: anadromous (of migratory fish) |
anadyomène {adj} | :: An epithet used to describe Venus emerging from the waves |
anadyomène {adj} [by extension] | :: Thrown-up by the sea |
anæmie {f} | :: obsolete form of anémie |
anaérobie {adj} | :: anaerobic |
anaérobie {m} [biology] | :: anaerobe |
anaérobique {adj} | :: anaerobic |
anaéroïde {adj} | :: alternative form of anéroïde |
anæsthésie {f} | :: obsolete form of anesthésie |
anæsthésique {adj} | :: obsolete form of anesthésique |
anæsthésique {f} | :: obsolete form of anesthésique |
anaglyphe {m} | :: anaglyph |
anaglyptique {adj} | :: anaglyptic |
anagnoste {m} | :: anagnostes |
anagogie {f} | :: anagoge |
anagogie {f} | :: anagogy |
anagogique {adj} | :: anagogic |
anagrammatique {adj} | :: anagrammatical |
anagrammatiquement {adv} | :: anagrammatically |
anagramme {f} | :: anagram (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase) |
Anaïs {prop} {f} | :: given name |
anal {adj} | :: anal (relating to the anus) |
analement {adv} | :: anally |
analemmatique {adj} | :: analemmatic |
analemme {m} | :: analemma |
analeptique {adj} | :: analeptic |
analgésie {f} | :: analgesia |
analgésique {m} | :: analgesic, painkiller |
analgie {f} | :: analgia |
analgique {adj} | :: analgic, analgesic |
analité {f} [psychology] | :: anality |
anallagmatique {adj} [geometry] | :: anallagmatic |
anallergique {adj} | :: hypoallergenic |
analogie {f} | :: analogy (similar example as explanation) |
analogique {adj} | :: analog |
analogique {adj} | :: analogous |
analogiquement {adv} | :: analogously |
analogon {m} [psychology] | :: The other |
analogon {m} | :: analogue |
analogue {adj} | :: analogous |
analphabète {adj} | :: illiterate |
analphabétisme {m} | :: illiteracy (inability to read) |
analycité {f} | :: synonym of analyticité |
analysable {adj} | :: analyzable, analysable |
analyse {f} | :: analysis |
analyser {vt} | :: to analyse |
analyser {vt} [grammar] | :: to parse, to construe |
analyseur {m} | :: analyser / analyzer |
analyste {mf} | :: analyst (person who analyzes) |
analyticité {f} | :: analyticity |
analytique {adj} | :: analytic, analytical |
analytiquement {adv} | :: analytically |
anamnèse {f} | :: anamnesis (medical history of a patient) |
anamnestique {adj} | :: anamnestic |
anamniote {m} | :: anamniote |
anamorphique {adj} | :: anamorphic (all senses) |
anamorphose {f} | :: anamorphosis |
anamorphosé {adj} | :: anamorphic |
ananas {m} | :: pineapple |
Anansi {prop} {f} | :: Anansi (trickster spider in West African and Caribbean folklore) |
anapeste {m} [prosody] | :: anapest |
anapestique {adj} | :: anapestic |
anaphase {f} | :: anaphase |
anaphore {f} | :: anaphora (repetition of a phrase used for emphasis) |
anaphorèse {f} | :: anaphoresis |
anaphorique {adj} | :: anaphoric (relating to an anaphora) |
anaphoriquement {adv} | :: anaphorically |
anaphrodisiaque {adj} | :: anaphrodisiac |
anaphrodisiaque {m} | :: anaphrodisiac |
anaphrodisie {f} | :: anaphrodisia |
anaphylactique {adj} | :: anaphylactic |
anaphylaxie {f} [pathology] | :: anaphylaxis |
anaplastie {f} | :: anaplasty |
anaplastique {adj} | :: anaplastic |
anaplérose {f} | :: anaplerosis |
anaplérotique {adj} | :: anaplerotic |
anapside {adj} | :: anapsid (attributive) |
anapside {m} | :: anapsid |
anaptyxe {f} [phonetics] | :: anaptyxis, svarabhakti (epenthesis of a vowel) |
anar {adj} | :: anarchist |
anarchie {f} | :: Anarchy, absence of any form of political authority or government |
anarchie {f} [figuratively] | :: A state of utter disorder, advanced disorganization and confusion |
anarchique {adj} | :: anarchic |
anarchiquement {adv} | :: anarchically |
anarchisant {m} | :: anarchist |
anarchisant {adj} | :: anarchist (attributive) |
anarchisme {m} | :: anarchism |
anarchiste {adj} | :: anarchistic |
anarchiste {mf} | :: anarchist, adherent of anarchism |
anarcho-syndicalisme {m} | :: alternative form of anarchosyndicalisme |
anarchosyndicalisme {m} | :: anarchosyndicalism |
anarcho-syndicaliste {adj} | :: alternative form of anarchosyndicaliste |
anarchosyndicaliste {adj} | :: anarchosyndicalist |
anarque {adj} | :: anarchic |
anarque {mf} | :: anarch |
anarthrie {f} | :: anarthria |
anasarque {f} [pathology] | :: anasarca, hydrops |
anasémie {f} [psychology] | :: anasemia |
anasémique {adj} [psychology] | :: anasemic |
anastaltique {adj} | :: anastaltic |
anastase {f} | :: anastasis |
Anastasie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
anastatique {adj} | :: anastatic |
anastigmat {m} | :: anastigmat |
anastigmate {adj} [optics] | :: anastigmatic |
anastigmatique {adj} | :: anastigmatic |
anastomose {f} | :: anastomosis |
anastomosé {adj} | :: anastomosed |
anastomoser {v} | :: To anastomose |
anastomotique {adj} | :: anastomotic |
anastrophe {f} | :: anastrophe |
anastylose {f} [architecture] | :: anastylosis (reassembly of ruined monuments) |
anatase {f} [mineral] | :: anatase |
anathématique {adj} | :: anathematic |
anathématisation {f} | :: anathematization |
anathématiser {v} | :: To anathematize |
anathème {f} [religion] | :: anathema (ban or curse) |
anatidé {m} | :: anatid |
anatife {f} | :: barnacle |
anatifère {adj} | :: anatiferous |
anational {adj} [rare] | :: anational |
anatocisme {m} | :: anatocism, compound interest |
Anatole {prop} {m} | :: given name |
anatolien {adj} [linguistics] | :: Anatolian |
anatomie {f} | :: anatomy (structure of a living being) |
anatomie {f} | :: anatomy (study) |
anatomie {f} | :: anatomy; dissection |
anatomie {f} [figuratively] | :: dissection; study |
anatomique {adj} | :: anatomical |
anatomiquement {adv} | :: anatomically |
anatomiser {v} | :: To anatomize |
anatomiste {mf} | :: anatomist |
anatomopathologie {f} | :: anatomopathology |
anatomopathologique {adj} | :: anatomopathological |
anatoxine {f} | :: anatoxin |
anatron {m} | :: obsolete form of natron |
anavenin {m} | :: anavenom, antivenin |
Anaxagore {prop} {m} | :: Anaxagoras |
Anaxarque {prop} {m} | :: Anaxarchus |
Anaximandre {prop} {m} | :: Anaximander |
anaximandrite {adj} | :: Anaximanderian |
Anaximène {prop} {m} | :: the pre-Socratic philosopher Anaximenes of Miletus |
-ance {suffix} | :: -ance (suffix used to form nouns) |
ancelle {f} [obsolete] | :: female servant |
ancestral {adj} | :: ancestral |
ancêtre {mf} | :: forefather; ancestor |
anche {f} [music] | :: reed |
anche {f} [obsolete] | :: A chute by which flour falls from the mill to the bin |
anche {f} [Lorraine, dated] | :: faucet |
anchimère {adj} [chemistry] | :: anchimeric |
anchoïade {f} | :: A traditional Provençal spread made from anchovy, caper, olive oil and garlic |
anchois {m} | :: anchovy (small saltwater fish) |
anchuse {f} | :: bugloss |
ancien {adj} [before a noun] | :: old, former, ex-: |
ancien {adj} [after a noun] | :: ancient |
ancience {f} [archaic] | :: ancientness |
Ancien des jours {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Ancient of Days |
ancien français {m} | :: Old French (French language from 9th to the early 15th century) |
anciennement {adv} | :: formerly |
ancienneté {f} | :: oldness (state of being old) |
ancienneté {f} | :: seniority (state of being senior) |
ancien occitan {m} | :: the Old Occitan language |
ancien régime {m} | :: a former government |
Ancien Régime {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Ancien Régime |
Ancien Testament {prop} {m} | :: Old Testament |
ancillaire {adj} | :: ancillary |
ancille {f} | :: alternative form of ancelle |
ancipité {adj} [botany] | :: ancipital |
ancolie {f} | :: columbine (of genus Aquilegia) |
anconé {adj} [anatomy] | :: anconal |
Ancône {prop} | :: Ancône (city/and/province) |
ancônitain {adj} | :: Anconan |
Ancônitain {m} | :: Anconan |
Ancônitaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Ancônitain |
ancrage {m} [nautical] | :: anchoring (dropping the anchor) |
ancrage {m} [nautical] | :: anchorage (haven) |
ancre {f} | :: anchor (of a ship) |
ancré {adj} | :: anchoring, fixing |
ancre de miséricorde {f} [nautical] | :: sheet anchor |
ancrer {v} [nautical] | :: to anchor |
ancrer {v} | :: to fix, to anchor, to make permanent |
ancymidole {m} [organic compound] | :: ancymidol |
ancyroïde {adj} | :: uncinal, uncinate |
andain {m} | :: swath |
andain de neige {m} | :: (man-made) snow pile |
andalou {adj} | :: Andalusian |
Andalou {m} | :: Andalusian |
Andalouse {f} | :: feminine noun of Andalou |
Andalousie {prop} {f} | :: Andalousie (autonomous community) |
andalousite {f} [mineral] | :: andalusite |
andante {adv} [music] | :: andante |
andante {m} [music] | :: andante |
andantino {adv} [music] | :: andantino |
an de grâce {m} | :: year of the Christian Era |
Andes {prop} {fp} | :: the Andes |
andésite {f} [mineral] | :: andesite |
andésitique {adj} [mineralogy] | :: andesitic |
andin {adj} | :: Andean |
andin {m} | :: Andean |
Andocide {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Andocides |
andorran {adj} | :: Andorran |
Andorran {m} | :: Andorran |
Andorrane {f} | :: feminine noun of Andorran |
Andorre {prop} {f} | :: Andorre (country) |
Andorre-la-Vieille {prop} {f} | :: Andorre-la-Vieille (capital city) |
andouille {f} | :: andouille |
andouille {f} [slang] | :: imbecile, numpty, fool |
andouiller {m} [hunting] | :: tine (a small horn that grows in the antlers of a deer, buck, or roe deer) |
andouillette {f} | :: A piece of andouille; a small spiced pork sausage |
andragogie {f} | :: andragogy |
andragogique {adj} | :: andragogic |
André {prop} {m} | :: Andrew. [biblical character] |
André {prop} {m} | :: given name |
André {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Andrée {prop} | :: given name |
Andreescu {prop} | :: surname |
andrène {mf} | :: sand bee, mining bee (of the family Andrenidae) |
Andretti {prop} | :: Andretti (surname) |
Andretti {m} [motorsport, automotive, figurative] | :: Andretti; ellipsis of Mario Andretti [a common noun, not a proper noun] ((A) a street racer; (B) a U.S. racecar pilot outside of the U.S.) |
andrinople {f} | :: Turkey red (colour) |
Andrinople {prop} {f} | :: Adrianople |
andrinopolitain {adj} | :: Adrianopolitan |
andro- {prefix} | :: andro- |
androcée {m} [botany] | :: androecium |
androcentrique {adj} | :: androcentric |
androcéphale {adj} | :: androcephalous |
androctone {adj} | :: homicidal |
androdiécie {f} [botany] | :: androdioecy |
androdioïque {adj} [botany] | :: androdioecious |
androdyname {adj} [botany] | :: androdynamic |
androgène {adj} | :: androgenous |
androgenèse {f} | :: androgenesis |
androgénie {f} | :: androgeny |
androgénique {adj} [biology] | :: androgenic |
androgénisme {m} [biology] | :: androgenism |
androgyne {adj} | :: androgynous |
androgyne {mf} | :: androgyne, androgynous person |
androgyne {mf} | :: androgyne, androgynous plant |
androgynéité {f} | :: androgyny |
androgynie {f} | :: androgyny |
androïde {m} | :: android (robot with human form) |
androïdique {adj} | :: android (attributive) |
andrologie {f} | :: andrology |
andrologue {mf} | :: andrologist |
Andromède {prop} | :: Andromeda (mythical daughter of Cepheus) |
Andromède {prop} [astronomy] | :: Andromeda |
andromonoïque {adj} [botany] | :: andromonoecious |
andromorphe {adj} | :: andromorphic |
andropause {f} | :: andropause |
androphobe {mf} | :: androphobe |
androphobie {f} | :: androphobia |
Andros {prop} | :: Andros |
androstérone {f} [organic compound] | :: androsterone |
andryale {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Andryala, but especially Andryala integrifolia |
-ane {suffix} [chemistry] | :: -ane |
âne {m} | :: donkey, ass |
âne {m} | :: idiot, moron |
âne {m} | :: dunce |
anéantir {vt} | :: to wipe out, to destroy, to shatter |
anéantir {vt} [figuratively] | :: to hit someone for six |
anéantissement {m} | :: annihilation, destruction |
âne bâté {m} [pejorative] | :: ignoramus; dunce, idiot, clot |
anecdote {f} | :: anecdote |
anecdotier {m} | :: anecdotist, storyteller |
anecdotière {f} | :: feminine singular of anecdotier |
anecdotique {adj} | :: anecdotal |
anecdotiquement {adv} | :: anecdotally |
anecdotiste {mf} | :: anecdotist |
anéchoïde {adj} | :: anechoic |
anéchoïque {adj} | :: anechoic |
anécique {m} | :: type of earthworm that is anecic, i.e. that lives underground but surfaces to feed |
aneigissage {m} | :: landing (touchdown) on snow and/or ice |
anélastique {adj} | :: inelastic |
anélectrique {adj} | :: anelectric |
anème {adj} | :: alternative form of anémique |
anémie {f} | :: anemia (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport) |
anémier {v} | :: to make, or to become anemic / anaemic |
anémique {adj} | :: anaemic / anemic |
anémo- {prefix} | :: anemo- |
anémochore {adj} [botany] | :: anemochorous |
anémochorie {f} [biology] | :: anemochory |
anémochorique {adj} [botany] | :: anemochoric |
anémogame {adj} [botany] | :: anemogamous |
anémogamie {f} | :: anemogamy |
anémogramme {f} | :: anemogram |
anémographe {m} | :: anemograph |
anémomètre {m} | :: anemometer |
anémométrie {f} | :: anemometry |
anémométrique {adj} | :: anemometric |
anémone {f} [botany] | :: anemone (any plant of genus anemone) |
anémone {f} [zoology] | :: anemone, sea anemone |
anémone de mer {f} | :: sea anemone (polyp) |
anémonine {f} | :: anemonin |
anémophile {adj} [botany] | :: anemophilous |
anencéphale {adj} [pathology] | :: anencephalic |
à n'en pas douter {adv} | :: no doubt, doubtlessly, undoubtedly |
à n'en plus finir {prep} | :: to no end, with no end in sight; endless, lasting forever, everlasting |
à ne pas mettre un chat dehors {prep} | :: synonym of à ne pas mettre un chien dehors |
à ne pas mettre un chien dehors {prep} [of the weather] | :: awful, dreadful |
anépigraphe {adj} | :: anepigraphic |
ânerie {f} [colloquial] | :: a piece of bullshit (something stupid or ridiculous) |
anéroïde {adj} | :: aneroid |
anéroïde {m} | :: An aneroid barometer |
anérythre {adj} | :: anerythristic |
ânesse {f} | :: feminine noun of âne; female donkey |
anesthésiant {m} | :: anesthetic |
anesthésie {f} | :: anesthesia |
anesthésie générale {f} | :: general anesthesia |
anesthésie locale {f} | :: local anesthesia |
anesthésier {v} | :: to anesthetize |
anesthésiologie {f} | :: anesthesiology |
anesthésiologiste {m} | :: anesthesiologist |
anesthésique {adj} | :: anesthetic |
anesthésique {f} | :: anesthetic |
anesthésiste {mf} | :: anesthetist |
aneth {m} | :: dill (herb) |
anéthique {adj} | :: anethical, amoral |
aneugène {adj} [genetics] | :: aneugenic |
aneuploïde {adj} [genetics] | :: aneuploid |
aneuploïdique {adj} [genetics] | :: aneuploid |
aneutronique {adj} [physics] | :: aneutronic |
anévrismal {adj} [pathology] | :: aneurysmal |
anévrismatique {adj} | :: aneurismatic |
anévrisme {m} [medicine] | :: aneurysm (abnormal blood-filled swelling) |
anévrysmal {adj} | :: alternative form of anévrismal |
anévrysmatique {adj} | :: aneurysmatic |
anévrysme {m} | :: alternative form of anévrisme |
anexact {adj} [philosophy] | :: Essentially, rather than accidentally inexact |
anexactement {adv} | :: In an anexact manner |
anfractueux {adj} | :: anfractuous |
anfractuosité {f} | :: crevice |
angarie {f} | :: angary (the right of a belligerent to seize property belonging to other nations or to take over ships during a war) |
angarier {v} | :: To vex, torment |
ange {m} | :: angel |
Ange {prop} | :: given name, also used in compound names like Marie-Ange |
ange déchu {m} [religion] | :: fallen angel |
ange gardien {m} | :: guardian angel |
angéite {f} [pathology] | :: vasculitis |
Angèle {prop} | :: given name |
angelet {m} | :: A little angel |
angéliforme {adj} | :: angellike |
angelin {adj} | :: of or relating to Los Angeles, California |
Angelin {m} | :: Someone from Los Angeles, California |
Angélina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Angeline {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Angeline {f} | :: feminine singular of Angelin |
angélique {adj} | :: angelic (of or relating to angels) |
angélique {adj} | :: angelic (very well-behaved) |
angélique {f} | :: angelica (plant) |
Angélique {prop} {f} | :: given name |
angéliquement {adv} | :: angelically |
angélisme {m} | :: angelism |
angéliste {mf} | :: angelist |
Angelle {prop} | :: surname |
angélologie {f} | :: angelology |
angélologique {adj} | :: angelological |
angelot {m} | :: small angel |
angelus {m} | :: alternative spelling of angélus |
angélus {m} | :: Angelus |
angélus {m} | :: Angelus bell |
Angers {prop} {m} | :: Angers |
angevin {adj} | :: of or from Angers |
angevin {adj} | :: of or from the region of Anjou |
Angevin {m} | :: someone of or from Anjou |
Angevin {m} | :: someone of or from Angers |
angiectasie {f} [pathology] | :: arterial ectasis |
angiite {f} [pathology] | :: angiitis |
angine {f} [disease] | :: tonsillitis |
angine {f} [disease] | :: angina, sore throat, pharyngitis |
angine de cœur {f} [disease, obsolete] | :: angina pectoris |
angine de poitrine {f} [disease] | :: angina pectoris (intermittent chest pain) |
angine pultacée {f} [disease] | :: pultaceous angina |
angineux {adj} | :: anginal |
angio- {prefix} | :: angio- |
angiocardiographie {f} | :: angiocardiography |
angiocholite {f} [pathology] | :: cholangitis |
angiographie {f} [healthcare] | :: angiography |
angiologie {f} | :: angiology |
angiome {m} [medicine] | :: angioma |
angionévrotique {adj} | :: angioneurotic |
angiosperme {f} | :: angiosperm |
angiospermien {adj} | :: angiosperm (attributive) |
angioténique {adj} [pathology] | :: angiotenic |
anglais {m} | :: English language |
anglais {adj} | :: English |
anglais {adj} [Louisiana French] | :: Anglo-American or Anglophone |
Anglais {m} | :: (male) English person; Englishman |
Anglais {m} [Louisiana French] | :: An Anglo-American or English speaker, as opposed to someone with French ancestry |
anglais américain {m} | :: American English |
anglais britannique {m} | :: British English |
Anglaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Anglais |
anglaiser {v} | :: castrate |
anglaiser {v} [slang, vulgar] | :: bugger, sodomize, rape anally |
anglais sud-africain {prop} | :: South African English |
angle {m} [geometry] | :: A geometric angle |
angle {m} | :: A location at the corner of something, such as streets, buildings, furniture etc |
angle {m} | :: A viewpoint or angle |
anglé {adj} | :: angled |
angle aigu {m} [geometry] | :: acute angle |
angle complémentaire {m} [geometry] | :: complementary angle |
angledozer {m} | :: angledozer |
angle droit {m} [geometry] | :: right angle (angle of 90 degrees) |
angle mort {m} | :: blind spot (part of the road that cannot be seen) |
angle obtus {m} [geometry] | :: obtuse angle |
angler {v} | :: to angle |
anglésite {f} [mineral] | :: anglesite |
angle supplémentaire {m} [geometry] | :: supplementary angle |
anglet {m} | :: A v-shaped cavity in a wall |
Angleterre {prop} {f} | :: England |
Angleterre du Nord-Est {prop} | :: North East England |
anglican {m} | :: Anglican |
anglican {adj} | :: Anglican |
anglicane {f} | :: feminine noun of anglican |
anglicanisme {m} | :: Anglicanism |
angliche {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: pom, limey, English |
Angliche {mf} [colloquial, pejorative, usually plural] | :: Englishman/Englishwoman |
anglicisant {m} | :: Anglicist |
angliciser {v} | :: to anglicise |
anglicisme {m} | :: anglicism |
angliciste {mf} | :: Anglicist |
anglissime {adj} | :: Most, or very English |
anglo- {prefix} | :: Anglo- |
anglo-américain {adj} | :: Anglo-American |
angloaméricain {adj} | :: alternative form of anglo-américain |
anglo-arabe {m} | :: Anglo-Arabian, Anglo-Arab (thoroughbred horse) |
anglocentriste {adj} | :: Anglocentrist, Anglocentric |
anglo-français {adj} | :: Anglo-French |
anglo-français {m} | :: Anglo-French, Anglo-Norman |
anglois {m} | :: archaic spelling of anglais |
anglois {adj} | :: archaic spelling of anglais |
Anglois {m} | :: archaic spelling of Anglais |
Angloise {f} | :: feminine noun of Anglois |
anglomane {adj} | :: Anglomaniac |
anglomane {mf} | :: Anglomaniac |
anglomanie {f} | :: Anglomania |
anglomexicain {adj} | :: anglo-Mexican |
anglo-normand {adj} | :: Anglo-Norman |
anglo-normand {m} | :: Anglo-Norman |
anglonormand {m} | :: alternative spelling of anglo-normand |
anglonormand {adj} | :: alternative spelling of anglo-normand |
anglophile {adj} | :: Anglophilic |
anglophile {mf} | :: Anglophile |
anglophilie {f} | :: Anglophilia |
anglophobe {adj} | :: Anglophobic |
anglophobe {mf} | :: Anglophobe |
anglophobie {f} | :: Anglophobia |
anglophone {adj} | :: Anglophone, English-speaking; said of a person, group, region, or the like |
anglophone {mf} | :: An anglophone, an English-speaking person |
anglophonie {f} | :: Anglosphere |
anglo-saxon {m} | :: Anglo-Saxon (Old English language) |
anglo-saxon {adj} | :: Anglo-Saxon |
anglosaxon {m} | :: alternative spelling of anglo-saxon |
anglosaxon {adj} | :: alternative spelling of anglo-saxon |
angoissant {adj} | :: scary, nerve-racking, creepy |
angoisse {f} | :: anguish, distress |
angoisse {f} [psychiatry] | :: anxiety |
angoisse {f} [philosophy] | :: angst |
angoisse {f} | :: fear, dread |
angoissé {adj} | :: worried; scared |
angoissé {adj} | :: tense; nervous |
angoisse de la page blanche {f} | :: synonym of syndrome de la page blanche |
angoisser {vt} | :: to stress, to worry; to cause panic or fear |
Angola {prop} {m} | :: Angola (country) |
angolais {adj} | :: Angolan: of or relating to Angola |
Angolais {m} | :: Person from Angola |
Angolaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Angolais |
angon {m} [weapons] | :: angon |
angon {m} | :: fishgig |
angor {m} | :: angina pectoris |
angora {m} | :: angora (all senses) |
Angora {prop} | :: Angora (capital city) |
angostura {m} | :: angostura |
Angoulême {prop} | :: Angoulême (town) |
angstroem {m} | :: alternative form of ångström |
ångström {m} | :: angstrom |
anguiforme {adj} | :: anguiform, serpentine |
Anguillan {m} | :: Anguillan |
Anguillanne {f} | :: feminine singular of Anguillan |
anguille {f} | :: eel |
anguille commune {f} | :: European eel (Anguilla anguilla) |
anguille d'Europe {f} | :: European eel (Anguilla anguilla) |
anguillère {f} | :: A fishpond in which eels are bred |
anguillule {f} | :: eelworm |
anguiné {adj} | :: anguineal |
angulaire {adj} | :: angular |
angulairement {adv} | :: angularly |
angulé {adj} | :: angulate |
anguleux {adj} | :: angular, jagged |
anguleux {adj} [figuratively] | :: stiff, prickly |
angusticlave {m} | :: angusticlave |
angustifolié {adj} [botany] | :: angustifoliate |
angustura {m} | :: alternative form of angostura |
angusture {f} | :: alternative form of angostura |
anharmonique {adj} [physics] | :: anharmonic |
anhédonie {f} | :: anhedonia |
anhélation {f} [medical] | :: anhelation, shortness of breath |
anhéler {vi} [medicine] | :: to pant, gasp (breathe with difficulty) |
anhéleux {adj} | :: gasping, panting |
anhémitonique {adj} [music] | :: anhemitonic |
anhidrose {f} | :: alternative form of anidrose |
anhiste {adj} | :: anhistous |
anhistorique {adj} | :: ahistorical (lacking historical perspective) |
anhydre {adj} | :: waterless |
anhydre {adj} [chemistry] | :: anhydrous |
anhydride {m} [chemistry] | :: anhydride |
anhydrite {m} [mineral] | :: anhydrite |
ani {m} | :: ani (bird) |
ânichon {adj} | :: asinine |
aniconique {adj} | :: aniconic |
anicroche {f} | :: hitch (minor difficulty) |
anidrose {f} [pathology] | :: anhidrosis |
ânier {m} | :: donkey-keeper, donkey-driver, donkey-drover |
ânière {f} | :: feminine noun of ânier |
aniline {f} [organic compound] | :: aniline |
anilisme {m} [pathology] | :: anilism |
anille {f} | :: tendril |
anille {f} [heraldry] | :: crutch |
animadversion {f} | :: animadversion (all senses) |
animal {m} | :: animal |
animal {adj} | :: animal |
animalcule {m} | :: animalcule |
animalculiste {adj} | :: animalculist |
animalculiste {mf} | :: animalculist |
animal de compagnie {m} | :: pet (animal) |
animal domestique {m} | :: pet |
animalement {adv} | :: animally; in a brutish manner |
animalerie {f} | :: pet shop |
animalerie {f} | :: laboratory for animal testing |
animalier {adj} [attributive] | :: animal, wildlife |
animalier {m} | :: An artist who draws or sculpts animals, wildlife artist |
animaliser {v} | :: To animalize |
animalisme {m} | :: animalism |
animaliste {mf} | :: animal rights activist |
animalité {f} | :: animality |
animaloïde {adj} | :: animaloid |
animateur {m} | :: presenter |
animateur {m} | :: leader; group leader (person responsible for looking after or entertaining children) |
animation {f} | :: animation |
animatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of animateur |
animé {adj} | :: alive |
animé {adj} | :: animated |
animé {adj} | :: lively |
animé {m} | :: anime |
animer {v} | :: to animate (give something life) |
animer {v} | :: to animate (give vigour) |
animer {v} [animation] | :: To animate (draw animation) |
animer {v} | :: to spur on |
animeusement {adv} [obsolete] | :: With animosity |
animisme {m} | :: animism |
animiste {mf} | :: animist |
animosité {f} | :: animosity |
anion {m} | :: anion |
anionique {adj} | :: anionic |
anis {m} | :: anise (plant and spice) |
aniser {v} | :: to flavour with aniseed |
anis étoile {m} | :: star anise |
anisette {f} | :: anisette |
anisique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: anisic |
aniso- {prefix} | :: aniso- |
anisodactyle {adj} | :: anisodactyl |
anisodonte {adj} | :: anisodont |
anisogame {adj} | :: anisogamous |
anisogamie {f} | :: anisogamy |
anisomère {adj} | :: anisomeric, anisomerous |
anisopétale {adj} [botany] | :: anisopetalous |
anisophylle {adj} [botany] | :: anisophyllous |
anisostémone {adj} [botany] | :: anisostemonous |
anisotome {adj} [botany] | :: anisotomous |
anisotrope {adj} | :: anisotropic (exhibiting anisotropy) |
anisotropie {f} | :: anisotropy |
anisotropique {adj} | :: anisotropic |
anisotropiquement {adv} | :: anisotropically |
Anita {prop} | :: given name of Spanish origin |
Anjou {prop} {m} | :: Anjou |
Anjouan {prop} | :: Anjouan (island) |
Ankara {prop} | :: Ankara (capital city) |
ankérite {f} [mineral] | :: ankerite |
ânkh {m} | :: ankh |
ankylosant {adj} | :: ankylosing |
ankylose {f} [pathology] | :: ankylosis |
ankylosé {adj} | :: ankylosed |
ankyloser {v} | :: To ankylose |
ankylostome {m} | :: hookworm |
ankyroïde {adj} | :: alternative form of ancyroïde |
Anna {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Annabelle {prop} {f} | :: given name |
annal {adj} [law] | :: usable or available only for one year |
annale {f} | :: annal |
annales {fp} [plurale tantum] | :: annals |
annaliste {m} | :: annalist |
Annam {prop} [history] | :: Annam, a former colonial province of China, now part of Vietnam's present-day Tonkin |
Annam {prop} [history] | :: Annam, one of the French protectorates in Vietnam, located in Central Vietnam |
annamite {adj} [dated] | :: Annamite, Annamese |
Annamite {mf} | :: Annamite (native or resident of Annam) |
Anne {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Anne {prop} {f} | :: Hannah (biblical figure) |
Anne {prop} {f} | :: Anna, the prophetess (biblical figure) |
anneau {m} | :: ring (circular shape) |
anneau {m} | :: ring (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger) |
anneau {m} [astronomy] | :: ring |
anneau {m} [juggling] | :: ring |
anneau {m} [nautical] | :: cringle |
annécien {adj} | :: of or from Annecy |
Annécien {m} | :: someone of or from Annecy |
Annécienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Annécien |
Annecy {prop} {m} | :: Annecy |
année {f} | :: year (period) |
année académique {f} [education] | :: academic year |
année bissextile {f} | :: leap year |
année civile {f} | :: calendar year; civil year |
année fiscale {f} [law, finance] | :: fiscal year, financial year |
année-homme {f} | :: man-year (one person's working time) |
année-lumière {f} | :: light year (astronomical distance) |
année sabbatique {f} | :: gap year, sabbatical year, sabbatical |
année scolaire {f} [education] | :: school year |
Anne-Laure {prop} {f} | :: given name, combination of Anne and Laure |
annelé {adj} | :: ringed; circumscribed by a ring |
anneler {v} | :: To form into a ring |
annelet {m} | :: small ring (metal object) |
annelet {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: annulet |
annélide {m} | :: annelid |
annélidé {m} | :: annelid |
Anne-Marie {prop} {f} | :: given name, combination of Anne and Marie |
Anne-Sophie {prop} {f} | :: given name, combination of Anne and Sophie |
Annette {prop} {f} | :: given name |
annexe {f} | :: annex, appendix |
annexe {adj} | :: annex [attributive] |
annexer {v} | :: to annex |
annexion {f} | :: annexation |
annexionnisme {m} | :: annexationism |
annexionniste {mf} | :: annexationist |
annexionniste {adj} | :: Of, or pertaining to, annexationism |
Annick {prop} | :: given name, from a Breton diminutive of Anne |
Annie {prop} | :: given name |
annihilateur {m} | :: annihilator |
annihilateur {adj} | :: annihilating |
annihilation {f} | :: annihilation |
annihiler {v} | :: to annihilate (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate) |
anniv. {m} | :: alternative spelling of anniv |
anniv {m} | :: clipping of anniversaire |
anniversaire {m} | :: birthday |
anniversaire {m} | :: anniversary |
annonce {f} | :: advertisement |
annoncer {v} | :: to announce |
annoncer {v} | :: to predict, foretell |
annoncer {v} [card games] | :: to declare |
annoncer {v} | :: to approach |
annoncer {v} | :: to show |
annoncer {v} [colloquial] | :: to promise to be |
annoncer la couleur {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to set the rhythm, to set the tone; to show one's hand, to put one's cards on the table; to be a clear indication on what's coming next |
annonceur {m} [sports] | :: announcer, commentator |
annonceur {m} | :: advertiser |
annonceuse {f} | :: female equivalent of annonceur |
annonciateur {m} | :: annunciator |
annonciateur {adj} | :: presaging, heralding, precursory |
annonciation {f} | :: annunciation, announcement |
Annonciation {prop} | :: Annunciation |
annonciatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of annonciateur |
annoncier {m} | :: advertising and announcement editor (of a newspaper) |
annoncière {f} | :: feminine singular of annoncier |
annone {m} | :: soursop (of the genus Annona) |
annotable {adj} | :: annotatable |
annotateur {m} | :: annotator; someone who adds annotations to a text |
annotatif {adj} | :: annotative |
annotation {f} | :: annotation |
annotatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of annotateur |
annoter {v} | :: to annotate |
annuaire {m} | :: annual; year book (yearly publication) |
annuaire {m} | :: directory |
annuaire téléphonique {m} | :: telephone directory, phone book |
annualité {f} | :: annuality |
annuel {adj} | :: annual, yearly |
annuellement {adv} | :: annually, yearly |
annuité {m} | :: yearly installment, annual repayment |
annuité {m} | :: year of pensionable service |
annuité {m} [Canada, Switzerland] | :: annuity |
annulable {adj} | :: cancelable, destroyable, voidable |
annulaire {adj} | :: annular, ring-shaped |
annulaire {m} | :: ring finger |
annulatif {adj} | :: nullifying |
annulation {f} | :: cancellation, revocation |
annulène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: annulene |
annuler {v} | :: to cancel (to invalidate, to annul) |
anoblir {vt} | :: to ennoble, to knight (to bestow nobility, knighthood or a similar title upon somebody) |
anoblissement {m} | :: ennoblement |
anode {f} | :: anode (the electrode through which current flows into a device or cell) |
anodin {adj} [pharmacology] | :: anodyne |
anodin {adj} [figuratively] | :: ineffective |
anodin {adj} [by extension] | :: innocuous, harmless, trivial |
anodinement {adv} | :: anodynely |
anodinement {adv} | :: trivially |
anodique {adj} | :: anodic |
anodisation {f} | :: anodization |
anodisé {adj} | :: anodized |
anodiser {vt} | :: To anodize |
anodonte {m} | :: anodon |
anodyn {adj} | :: alternative form of anodin |
anœstrus {m} | :: anestrus/anoestrus |
anogénital {adj} [anatomy] | :: anogenital |
anomal {adj} [sciences, grammar] | :: anomalous |
anomalie {f} | :: anomaly |
anomalie {f} [astronomy] | :: anomaly |
anomalistique {adj} | :: anomalistic |
anomère {m} [organic chemistry] | :: anomer |
anomérie {f} [organic chemistry] | :: anomerism |
anomie {f} | :: anomie |
anomocarpe {adj} [botany] | :: anomocarpous |
ânon {m} | :: young donkey, donkey foal |
ânonnement {m} | :: stumbling (during a lesson, text etc.) |
ânonnement {m} | :: droning, reading aloud in a drone |
ânonner {v} | :: to stumble through (a reading, lesson etc.) |
ânonner {v} | :: to drone on, to recite monotonously |
anonymat {m} | :: anonymity |
anonyme {adj} | :: anonymous |
anonyme {m} | :: anonym |
anonymement {adv} | :: anonymously |
anonymie {f} | :: anonymity |
anonymique {adj} | :: alternative form of anonyme |
anonymisation {f} | :: anonymization (act of making anonymous) |
anonymiser {v} | :: anonymize (to render anonymous) |
anonymité {f} | :: anonymity |
anophèle {m} | :: anopheles |
anopisthographe {adj} | :: anopisthographic |
anorak {m} | :: anorak (heavy weatherproof jacket) |
anordir {v} [of the wind] | :: To become northerly |
anorexie {f} | :: anorexia |
anorexigène {adj} | :: anorexigenic |
anorexique {adj} | :: anorexic |
anorexique {mf} | :: anorexic person |
anorgasmie {f} [pathology] | :: anorgasmia |
anorgasmique {adj} | :: anorgasmic |
anormal {adj} | :: abnormal |
anormalement {adv} | :: abnormally |
anormalité {f} | :: abnormality (state of being abnormal) |
anosmie {f} | :: anosmia |
anosmique {adj} | :: anosmic |
anosmique {mf} | :: anosmic |
anosognosie {f} | :: anosognosia |
anosognosique {adj} | :: anosognosic |
anoure {adj} | :: tailless |
à nouveau {adv} | :: once more, once again, in a different manner, on a new basis |
à nouveaux frais {prep} | :: anew, from scratch, all over again |
anovulatoire {adj} | :: anovulatory |
anoxémie {f} [pathology] | :: anoxemia |
anoxie {f} | :: anoxia (condition in which a tissue or environment is totally deprived of oxygen) |
anoxique {adj} | :: anoxic |
anoxygénique {adj} | :: anoxygenic |
ANP {m} | :: PNA |
anse {f} [geometry] | :: An arc segment, from which an object is suspended |
anse {f} | :: A handle, part of an object to be hand-held when used or moved |
anse {f} | :: A small bay (body of water) |
anse {f} | :: A hansa, system of collaborating port-states |
anséatique {adj} | :: alternative form of hanséatique |
anser {vt} | :: to fix a handle (to) |
ansérine {adj} | :: anserine |
anspect {m} | :: handspike |
-ant {suffix} | :: -ing; suffix denoting the present participle of a verb |
-ant {suffix} [rare] | :: A suffix deriving adjectives from words other than verbs |
-ant {suffix} | :: Used to form nouns and adjectives out of verbs |
antacide {adj} | :: antacid |
antagonique {adj} | :: antagonistic |
antagonisme {m} | :: antagonism |
antagoniste {m} | :: antagonist |
antagoniste {adj} | :: antagonistic; antagonising |
antalgique {adj} [medicine] | :: analgesic |
antalgique {m} [medicine] | :: analgesic, painkiller |
antan {m} [archaic] | :: last year |
antan {m} | :: yesteryear, the old days, yore |
antaphrodisiaque {adj} | :: antaphrodisiac (attributive) |
antaphrodisiaque {m} | :: antaphrodisiac |
antaphroditique {adj} [obsolete] | :: antaphroditic |
antarctique {adj} | :: Antarctic |
Antarctique {prop} {m} | :: Antarctica |
-ante {suffix} | :: feminine noun of -ant |
ante {f} | :: anta |
anté- {prefix} | :: ante-; pre- |
antécédemment {adv} | :: At an earlier point; previously, antecedently |
antécédence {f} | :: antecedence |
antécédent {adj} | :: antecedent, preceding |
antécédent {m} | :: antecedent (any thing that precedes another thing) |
antécédent {m} [grammar] | :: antecedent |
antécédent {m} [logic] | :: antecedent |
antécesseur {m} [rare, archaic] | :: antecessor |
antéchrist {m} [Christianity] | :: antichrist (someone that works against the teachings of Christ) |
antéchronologique {adj} | :: alternative form of antichronologique |
antécien {adj} | :: alternative form of antoécien |
antéconsonantique {adj} [linguistics] | :: anteconsonantal |
antéconsonnantique {adj} | :: alternative spelling of antéconsonantique |
antécritique {adj} | :: antecritical |
antédiluvien {adj} | :: antediluvian |
antédiluvien {adj} | :: (antiquated) antediluvian |
antéfixe {f} | :: antefix |
antégrammatical {adj} [linguistics] | :: antegrammatical |
antéhistorique {adj} | :: prehistoric |
antéislamique {adj} | :: pre-Islamic |
antémétique {adj} | :: alternative form of antiémétique |
anténatal {adj} | :: antenatal |
antenne {f} | :: antenna (feeler organ on the head of an insect) |
antenne {f} | :: antenna (equipment to pick up an electrical signal) |
antenne {f} | :: branch, outlet |
antenne de police {f} [France] | :: police box (small police station) |
antennifère {adj} | :: antenniferous |
antenniforme {adj} | :: antenniform |
anténuptial {adj} | :: antenuptial |
antépénultième {adj} | :: antepenultimate (two before the last) |
antépileptique {adj} | :: alternative form of antiépileptique |
antéposer {v} | :: To put or place something before something else |
antéprédicatif {adj} | :: antepredicative |
antérieur {adj} | :: preceding, anterior |
antérieur {adj} | :: previous |
antérieurement {adv} | :: before |
antérieurement {adv} | :: previously |
antériorité {f} | :: precedence (in time), anteriority |
antérograde {adj} | :: anterograde |
antéromain {adj} | :: pre-Roman |
antévocalique {adj} [linguistics] | :: prevocalic |
anthanthrène {m} [organic compound] | :: anthanthrene |
anthelmintique {adj} | :: antihelminthic |
anthémis {m} | :: camomile or similar plants in the genus Anthemis |
anthémol {m} [organic compound] | :: anthemol |
anthère {f} [botany] | :: anther |
anthéridie {f} [botany] | :: antheridium |
anthérifère {adj} [botany] | :: antheriferous |
anthériforme {adj} | :: antheriform |
anthérozoïde {m} [botany] | :: antherozoid, spermatozoid |
anthocyane {f} [organic compound] | :: anthocyanin |
anthocyanidine {f} [organic compound] | :: anthocyanidin |
anthologie {f} | :: anthology |
anthologique {adj} | :: anthological |
anthologique {adj} | :: (by extension) extraordinary |
anthonome {m} | :: boll weevil |
anthophage {adj} | :: anthophagous |
anthoxanthine {f} [organic compound] | :: anthoxanthin |
anthracène {m} [organic compound] | :: anthracene |
anthracifère {adj} | :: anthraciferous |
anthracite {m} | :: anthracite (all senses) |
anthraciteux {adj} | :: anthracitic |
anthracnose {f} | :: anthracnose |
anthracnosé {adj} [of a plant] | :: Afflicted with anthracnose |
anthracose {f} [pathology] | :: anthracosis |
anthranilique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: anthranilic |
anthraquinone {m} [organic compound] | :: anthraquinone |
anthraxifère {adj} [geology] | :: synonym of anthracifère |
anthrène {f} | :: carpet beetle (of genus Anthrenus) |
anthropéien {adj} [geology] | :: Anthropocene (attributive) |
anthropique {adj} | :: anthropic |
anthropiquement {adv} | :: anthropically |
anthropisation {f} | :: anthropization |
anthropiser {v} | :: to anthropize |
anthropo- {prefix} | :: anthropo- |
anthropocentré {adj} | :: anthropocentric |
anthropocentrique {adj} | :: anthropocentric |
anthropocentriquement {adv} | :: anthropocentrically |
anthropocentrisme {m} | :: anthropocentrism |
anthropochorie {f} [biology] | :: anthropochory |
anthropoforme {adj} | :: anthropomorphic |
anthropogammamétrie {f} [physics, medicine] | :: whole-body counting (of radioactivity within a person's body) |
anthropogène {adj} | :: anthropogenic |
anthropogenèse {f} | :: anthropogenesis |
anthropogénie {f} | :: anthropogeny |
anthropogénique {adj} | :: anthropogenic |
anthropoïde {mf} | :: anthropoid |
anthropologie {f} | :: anthropology (the study of humanity) |
anthropologique {adj} | :: anthropological |
anthropologiquement {adv} | :: anthropologically |
anthropologiste {mf} | :: anthropologist |
anthropologue {mf} | :: anthropologist |
anthropomagnétisme {m} | :: animal magnetism |
anthropométrie {f} | :: anthropometry |
anthropométrique {adj} | :: anthropometric |
anthropomorphe {adj} | :: anthropomorphic |
anthropomorphique {adj} | :: anthropomorphic |
anthropomorphiser {v} | :: To anthropomorphize |
anthropomorphisme {m} | :: anthropomorphism |
anthropomorphiste {adj} | :: anthropomorphistic |
anthroponymique {adj} | :: anthroponymous |
anthropophage {adj} | :: man-eating, cannibalistic |
anthropophage {mf} | :: man-eater, cannibal |
anthropophagie {f} | :: cannibalism, anthropophagy |
anthropophagique {adj} | :: anthropophagic |
anthropophile {adj} | :: anthropophilic |
anthropopithèque {m} | :: anthropopithecus |
anthroporadiométrie {f} [physics, medicine] | :: anthroporadiometry |
anthroposociologue {mf} | :: anthroposociologist |
anthroposophique {adj} | :: anthroposophic |
anthume {adj} | :: anthumous |
anthyllide {m} | :: kidney vetch (or similar plants of the genus Anthyllis) |
anti- {prefix} | :: anti- |
antiacide {adj} | :: antacid (attributive) |
antiacide {m} [medicine] | :: antacid |
antiacridien {adj} | :: antiacridian |
antiadhérent {adj} | :: antiadhesive, nonstick |
antiadhésif {adj} | :: non-stick |
anti-aérien {adj} | :: anti-aircraft (weapon) |
anti-aérien {adj} | :: air-raid (shelter) |
antiaérien {adj} | :: antiaircraft |
anti-âge {adj} | :: antiaging |
antiâge {adj} | :: anti-aging |
antiagrégant {adj} | :: antiaggregant |
antiagrégant {m} | :: antiaggregant |
antialcoolique {adj} | :: antialcohol, temperance (attributive) |
antialcoolisme {m} | :: antialcoholism |
antiallergique {adj} | :: antiallergenic |
antiallergique {m} | :: antiallergen |
antiamaril {adj} [medicine] | :: antiamarillic |
antiaméricain {adj} | :: anti-American |
antiaméricain {m} | :: anti-American |
anti-américanisme {m} | :: alternative form of antiaméricanisme |
antiaméricanisme {m} | :: anti-Americanism |
antiamibien {adj} | :: antiamoebic |
antiandrogène {m} | :: antiandrogen |
anti-antifa {adj} | :: anti-Antifa |
anti-antifa {m} | :: anti-Antifa |
antiaphrodisiaque {adj} | :: antiaphrodisiac (attributive) |
antiaphrodisiaque {m} | :: antiaphrodisiac |
antiaphroditique {adj} | :: antaphroditic |
antiaphroditique {m} | :: antaphroditic |
antiapoplectique {adj} | :: antiapoplectic |
antiapoplectique {m} | :: antiapoplectic |
antiarine {m} [organic compound] | :: antiarin |
antiarthritique {adj} | :: antiarthritic |
antiartistique {adj} | :: antiartistic |
antiarythmique {adj} | :: antiarrhythmic |
antiarythmisant {adj} | :: synonym of antiarythmique |
antiasthmatique {adj} [medicine] | :: antiasthmatic |
antiatome {m} [physics] | :: antiatom |
antiatomique {adj} | :: antiatomic (protecting against such radiation) |
antiaustérité {adj} | :: antiausterity |
anti-avortement {m} | :: anti-abortion |
antibacchiaque {adj} | :: antibacchic |
antibactérien {adj} | :: antibacterial |
antibactérien {m} | :: antibacterial |
antibagnole {adj} [colloquial] | :: anticar |
antibalistique {adj} | :: antiballistic |
antibelge {adj} | :: anti-Belgian |
antibilharzien {adj} | :: antibilharzial, anti-bilharzial |
antibiorésistance {f} | :: antibioresistance |
antibiotique {m} | :: antibiotic |
antibiotique {adj} | :: antibiotic |
antiblanc {adj} | :: antiwhite |
antiblanchiment {adj} | :: antilaundering |
antibleu {adj} [physics] | :: antiblue |
antiblocage {adj} | :: anti-lock |
antiboche {adj} | :: anti-Boche, anti-German |
antibois {adj} | :: of or relating to Antibes, a town in France |
Antibois {m} | :: person from Antibes |
Antiboise {f} | :: feminine noun of Antibois |
antibolchevisme {m} | :: alternative form of antibolchévisme |
antibolchévisme {m} | :: antibolshevism |
antibolchéviste {adj} | :: antibolshevist |
antibotrytique {adj} | :: antibotrytic, botryticidal |
antiboulangiste {adj} | :: antiBoulangist |
antibrouillage {m} | :: antijamming |
antibrouillard {adj} | :: antifog |
antibrouillé {adj} | :: antijamming (attributive) |
antibruit {adj} | :: antinoise (that muffles sound) |
antibuée {adj} | :: antimisting |
antiburqa {adj} | :: anti-burka |
anticachectique {adj} | :: anticachectic |
anticacochymique {adj} | :: anticacochymic |
anticagoule {adj} [legal] | :: A non-Islamic extension of antiburqa |
anticalcaire {adj} | :: anti-scaling, anti-liming |
anticancéreux {adj} | :: anticancer |
anticancérigène {adj} | :: anticancerogenic |
anticapitalisme {m} | :: anticapitalism |
anticapitaliste {adj} | :: anticapitalist |
anticapitaliste {mf} | :: anticapitalist |
anticarcéral {adj} | :: antiprison |
anticasseur {adj} | :: anti-demonstrator(s) |
anticasseurs {adj} | :: anti-demonstrator(s) |
anticatalanisme {m} | :: anti-Catalanism |
anticatalaniste {adj} | :: anti-Catalanist |
anticatalyseur {adj} [chemistry] | :: anticatalytic |
anticatalyseur {m} [chemistry] | :: anticatalyst |
anticathode {m} [physics] | :: anode, anticathode |
anticatholique {adj} | :: anticatholic |
anticécité {adj} | :: anti-blindness |
anticerne {adj} | :: concealer (attributive) (anti-blemish) |
antichambre {f} | :: antechamber, anteroom |
antichar {adj} | :: antitank |
antichasseur {adj} | :: antihunting |
antichinois {adj} | :: anti-Chinese |
antichoc {adj} | :: shockproof (able to withstand shocks) |
anticholérique {adj} | :: anticholera |
anticholestérol {adj} | :: anticholesterol |
anticholinergique {adj} | :: anticholinergic |
antichômage {adj} | :: anti-unemployment |
antichrèse {f} | :: antichresis |
antichrétien {adj} | :: antichristian |
antichronologique {adj} | :: antichronological |
antichthone {adj} | :: antichthonic |
antichthone {adj} | :: antipodean |
anticipateur {adj} | :: anticipatory |
anticipation {f} | :: anticipation |
anticipativement {adv} [Belgium] | :: anticipatorily |
anticipatoire {adj} | :: anticipatory |
anticiper {v} | :: to anticipate |
anticivique {adj} | :: anticivic |
anticlérical {adj} | :: anticlerical |
anticléricalisme {m} | :: anticlericalism |
anticlinal {adj} | :: anticlinal |
anticlinal {m} | :: anticline |
anti-coco {m} [colloquial, politics] | :: anti-commie |
anticoercitif {adj} | :: anticoercive |
anticolonial {adj} | :: anticolonial |
anticolonialisme {m} | :: anticolonialism |
anticolonialiste {adj} | :: anticolonialist |
anticolonialiste {mf} | :: anticolonialist |
anticolonisation {adj} | :: anticolonization |
anticombustible {adj} | :: fire-retardant |
anticommunautarisme {m} | :: anticomminitarianism |
anticommunautariste {adj} | :: anticomminitarianist |
anticommunautariste {mf} | :: anticomminitarianist |
anticommunisme {m} | :: anticommunism |
anticommuniste {adj} | :: anticommunist |
anticommuniste {mf} | :: anticommunist |
anticommutativité {f} [maths] | :: anticommutativity |
anticonceptionnel {adj} | :: contraceptive |
anticoncordataire {adj} | :: anti-concordat (opposing the Régime concordataire français) |
anticoncurrentiel {adj} | :: anticompetitive |
anticondensation {adj} | :: anticondensation |
anticonformisme {m} | :: nonconformism |
anticonformiste {adj} | :: nonconformist |
anticonjoncturel {adj} [economics] | :: anticyclical |
anticonscriptionniste {adj} | :: anticonscription |
anticonservateur {adj} | :: anticonservative |
anticonsommateur {adj} | :: anticonsumerist |
anticonstitutionnaire {adj} | :: anticonstitutional (especially opposing the Unigenitus apostolic constitution) |
anticonstitutionnel {adj} | :: unconstitutional (contrary to the constitution) |
anticonstitutionnellement {adv} | :: anticonstitutionally |
anticontestation {adj} | :: antiprotest |
anticonvulsif {adj} | :: anticonvulsive |
anticonvulsivant {adj} | :: anticonvulsant |
anticopie {adj} | :: anticopying |
anticoquelucheux {adj} | :: anti-whooping cough |
anticorps {m} [physiology] | :: antibody |
anticorpuscule {m} [physics] | :: antiparticle |
anticorruption {adj} | :: anticorruption |
anticrénelage {m} [computing] | :: anti-aliasing |
anticriminalité {adj} | :: anticrime |
anticrise {adj} | :: anticrisis |
anticryptogamique {adj} | :: anticryptogamic |
anticyclique {adj} | :: anticyclic |
anticyclonal {adj} | :: anticyclonic |
anticyclone {m} [meteorology] | :: a high pressure zone, an anticyclone |
anticyclonique {adj} | :: anticyclonic |
antidartreux {adj} | :: antiherpes |
antidater {vt} | :: To backdate |
antidéchets {adj} | :: antilitter |
antidécrochage {adj} | :: anti-dropout |
antidéflagrant {adj} | :: flameproof |
antidélocalisation {adj} | :: antirelocation |
antidélocalisation {adj} | :: anti-outsourcing |
antidémocrate {adj} | :: antidemocratic |
antidémocratique {adj} | :: antidemocratic |
antidéperditeur {adj} | :: antileakage |
antidéperdition {adj} | :: antileakage |
antidépresseur {m} | :: antidepressant |
antidérapage {adj} | :: antiskid |
antidérapant {adj} | :: nonskid, antiskid |
antidétonant {adj} | :: antiknock, antidetonation |
antidiabétique {adj} | :: antidiabetic |
antidiarrhéique {adj} | :: antidiarrheal |
antidicot {adj} [colloquial] | :: synonym of antidicotylédone |
antidicotylédone {adj} | :: antidicotyledon |
antidiphtérique {adj} | :: antidiphtheritic |
antidiurétique {adj} | :: antidiuretic |
antidjihadiste {adj} | :: anti-jihadist |
antidogmatique {adj} | :: antidogmatic |
antidopage {adj} | :: antidoping |
antidote {m} | :: antidote |
antidouleur {m} | :: pain killer |
antidouleur {adj} | :: pain killing |
antidramatique {adj} | :: antidramatic |
antidreyfusard {adj} [historical] | :: Who opposed the release of Alfred Dreyfus in the Dreyfus Affair |
anti-drogue {adj} | :: alternative form of antidrogue |
antidrogue {adj} | :: antidrug |
antidynastique {adj} | :: antidynastic |
antidysentérique {adj} | :: antidysenteric |
antidyssentérique {adj} | :: antidysenteric |
antiécologique {adj} | :: antiecological |
antiéconomique {adj} | :: antieconomical |
antieffraction {adj} | :: antiburglary |
antiélectron {m} [physics] | :: antielectron, positron |
antiémétique {adj} | :: antiemetic |
antiémétique {m} | :: antiemetic |
antiémeute {adj} | :: anti-riot |
antien {adj} | :: obsolete form of ancien |
antienne {f} [religion] | :: antiphony |
antienne {f} | :: chant, refrain |
antiépileptique {adj} [medicine] | :: antiepileptic |
antiesclavagisme {m} | :: The antislavery movement |
antiesclavagiste {adj} | :: antislavery |
antiesclavagiste {mf} | :: antislaver |
antiesthétique {adj} | :: antiaesthetic |
antiétique {adj} | :: antitubercular |
antieuropéen {adj} | :: anti-European |
antiévangélique {adj} | :: antievangelical |
antifa {adj} | :: clipping of antifasciste |
antifa {mf} | :: clipping of antifasciste |
antifamille {adj} | :: antifamily |
antifarcineux {adj} | :: antifarcinous |
antifascisme {m} | :: antifascism |
antifasciste {adj} | :: antifascist (opposed to fascism) |
antifasciste {mf} | :: antifascist |
antifébrile {adj} | :: antifebrile, antifever |
antifécondant {adj} | :: contraceptive |
antifédéral {adj} | :: antifederal |
antifédéralisme {m} | :: antifederalism |
antiféminin {adj} | :: antifeminine |
antiféminisme {m} | :: antifeminism |
antiféministe {adj} | :: antifeminist |
antifermentescible {adj} | :: antifermentation (that inhibits fermentation) |
antiferromagnétique {adj} [physics] | :: antiferromagnetic |
antiferromagnétisme {m} [physics] | :: antiferromagnetism |
antifeu {adj} | :: fire-retardant |
antifeutrant {adj} | :: antifelting (that prevents felting of woolens) |
antifisc {adj} | :: antitax (opposed to taxes) |
antifiscal {adj} | :: antitax |
antifongique {adj} | :: antifungal |
antifongique {m} [medicine] | :: antifungal |
antifoulard {adj} | :: anti-headscarf (anti-Islamic) |
antifracturaire {adj} | :: antifracture |
antifrançais {adj} | :: anti-French |
antifranquiste {adj} | :: anti-Francoist |
antifroid {adj} | :: anticold (preventing the effects of cold weather) |
antifuite {adj} | :: antileak |
antifungique {adj} | :: synonym of antifongique |
antigai {adj} | :: antigay |
antigaleux {adj} | :: anti-scabies |
antigaleux {adj} | :: anti-mange |
antigang {adj} | :: antigang |
antigaspi {adj} | :: antiwaste |
antigaspillage {adj} | :: antiwaste |
antigaulliste {adj} | :: anti-Gaullist |
antigel {m} | :: antifreeze |
antigène {m} | :: antigen |
antigénéreux {adj} | :: ungenerous |
antigénique {adj} | :: antigenic |
antigerminatif {adj} | :: antigerminative, antigermination |
antigiratoire {adj} | :: antigyratory, antirotation |
antigiscardisme {m} | :: antiGiscardism (movement opposed to Valéry Giscard d'Estaing) |
antigivre {adj} | :: antifrost |
antigoutteux {adj} | :: antigout |
antigouvernemental {adj} | :: antigovernmental |
antigravitationnel {adj} [science fiction] | :: antigravitational |
antigrippal {adj} | :: antiflu |
Antigua-et-Barbuda {prop} {f} | :: Antigua-et-Barbuda (country) |
antiguayen {adj} | :: Antiguan |
anti-guerre {adj} | :: anti-war |
antiguerre {adj} | :: alternative form of anti-guerre |
antihalo {adj} | :: antihalo |
antihausse {adj} | :: anti-inflationary |
antihectique {adj} | :: antitubercular |
antihélium {m} [physics] | :: antihelium |
antihelminthique {adj} | :: antihelminthic |
antihémorragique {adj} | :: antihemorrhagic |
antihémorroïdal {adj} | :: antihemorrhoidal |
antihéroïque {adj} | :: antiheroic |
antihéros {m} | :: antihero |
antiherpétique {adj} | :: antiherpetic |
antihiatique {adj} | :: antihiatic |
antihistaminique {m} [medicine] | :: antihistamine |
antihitlérien {adj} | :: anti-Hitlerian |
anti-horaire {adj} | :: alternative spelling of antihoraire |
antihoraire {adj} | :: anticlockwise [South Africa, AU, New Zealand, Britain], counterclockwise [US] |
antihorairement {adv} | :: anticlockwise |
antihumain {adj} | :: antihuman |
antihumaniste {adj} | :: antihumanist |
antihydrogène {m} | :: antihydrogen |
antihydrophobique {adj} | :: antirabies |
antihydropique {adj} | :: anti-dropsy |
antihygiénique {adj} | :: unhygienic |
antihypéron {m} [physics] | :: antihyperon |
antihypertenseur {adj} | :: antihypertensive |
antihypertenseur {m} | :: antihypertensive (agent that prevents or counteracts hypertension) |
antihypertensif {m} | :: antihypertensive (agent that prevents or counteracts hypertension) |
antihypocondriaque {adj} | :: antihypocondriac |
antihystérique {adj} | :: antihysteric |
antiinflammatoire {adj} | :: anti-inflammatory |
antijaponais {adj} | :: antijapanese |
antijeu {m} | :: unsportsmanlike conduct, unsporting behaviour |
antijihadiste {adj} | :: antijihadist |
antijudaïsme {m} | :: antijudaism |
antijuif {adj} | :: antijewish |
antikomintern {adj} | :: anti-Komintern |
antilégal {adj} | :: antilegal |
antilépreux {adj} | :: antileprosy |
antiliant {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: antibonding |
Anti-Liban {prop} {m} | :: Anti-Lebanon |
antilibéral {adj} | :: antiliberal |
antilithique {adj} [medicine] | :: antilithic |
antillais {adj} | :: Antillean |
Antillais {m} | :: Antillean (somone from the Antilles) |
Antillaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Antillais |
Antilles {prop} {fp} | :: Antilles |
Antilles néerlandaises {prop} {fp} | :: The Netherlands Antilles |
antilogarithme {m} [maths] | :: antilogarithm |
antilogique {adj} | :: antilogical |
antilogue {adj} [mineralogy, electricity] | :: antilogue |
antilope {f} | :: antelope |
antilope cheval {f} | :: roan antelope |
antimaçonnique {adj} | :: antimasonic |
antimagnétique {adj} | :: antimagnetic |
antimalarique {m} | :: antimalarial drug |
antimaoïste {adj} | :: anti-Maoist |
antimarxisme {m} | :: antimarxism |
antimarxiste {adj} | :: antimarxist |
antimatière {f} | :: antimatter |
antimédiatique {adj} | :: antimedia |
antimélancolique {adj} | :: antimelancholic |
antimendiants {adj} | :: antibeggar |
antimendicité {adj} | :: antibegging |
antiméphitique {adj} | :: antimephitic |
antiméridien {m} | :: antimeridian |
antimétabolite {m} [biochemistry] | :: antimetabolite |
antimicrobien {adj} | :: antimicrobial |
antimicrobien {m} | :: antimicrobial |
antimicrophonique {adj} | :: antimicrophonic |
antimigraineux {adj} | :: antimigraine |
antimigrant {adj} | :: antimigrant |
antimilitaire {adj} | :: antimilitary, antimilitarist |
antimilitarisme {m} | :: antimilitarism |
antimilitariste {adj} | :: antimilitarist |
antiministériel {adj} | :: antiministerial |
antimissile {adj} | :: antimissile |
antimite {m} | :: moth repellent, mothproofer |
antimitotique {adj} | :: antimitotic |
antimitotique {m} | :: antimitotic |
antimoderniste {adj} | :: antimodernist |
antimoine {m} | :: antimony |
antimonarchique {adj} | :: antimonarchic, antimonarchical |
antimonarchiste {adj} | :: antimonarchist |
antimondialisation {f} | :: antiglobalization |
antimondialiste {adj} | :: antiglobalization (attributive) |
antimondialiste {mf} | :: antiglobalist |
antimonial {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: antimonial |
antimonié {adj} | :: antimoniated |
antimonieux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: antimonious |
antimonifère {adj} | :: antimoniferous |
antimonique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: antimonic |
antimoniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: antimonide |
antimonopolistique {adj} | :: antimonopolistic |
antimoral {adj} | :: antimoral |
antimorveux {adj} | :: anti-glanders |
antimoussant {adj} | :: antifoaming |
antimoussant {m} | :: anti-foaming agent |
antimousse {m} | :: anti-foaming agent |
antimoustique {adj} | :: antimosquito |
antimusulman {adj} | :: anti-Islamic |
antimutinerie {adj} | :: antiriot |
antimycosique {adj} | :: antimycotic, antifungal |
antimycotique {adj} | :: antimycotic |
antinational {adj} | :: antinational (all senses) |
antinationaliste {adj} | :: antinationalist |
antinaturel {adj} | :: antinatural |
antinaupathique {adj} | :: antinaupathic |
antinaupathique {m} | :: antinaupathic |
antinazi {adj} | :: anti-nazi |
antinéphrétique {adj} | :: antinephritic |
antinévralgique {adj} | :: antineuralgic |
antinoir {adj} | :: antiblack |
antinomie {f} | :: antinomy |
antinomique {adj} | :: antonymous |
antinomiquement {adv} | :: antonymously |
antinoyau {m} [physics] | :: antinucleus |
antinucléaire {adj} | :: antinuclear |
antinucléon {m} [physics] | :: antinucleon |
antinudité {adj} | :: antinudity |
antioccidental {adj} | :: anti-west |
antioccidentalisme {m} | :: anti-Westernism |
Antioche {prop} {m} | :: Antiochus |
Antioche {prop} {f} | :: Antioch |
Antiochène {prop} {f} | :: Antiochene (territory) |
antiochien {adj} | :: Antiochian (of or pertaining to ancient Antioch) |
Antiochien {m} [historical] | :: Antiochian |
antiolympique {adj} | :: anti-Olympic |
antiorgastique {adj} | :: antiorgastic |
antioxydant {m} [chemistry] | :: antioxidant |
antioxydant {adj} [chemistry] | :: antioxidant (attributive) |
antioxygène {adj} | :: antioxygenic |
antipalestinien {adj} | :: anti-Palestinian |
antipaludéen {adj} [medicine] | :: antimalarial |
antipaludéen {m} [medicine] | :: antimalarial (drug) |
antipaludique {adj} [medicine] | :: antimalarial |
antipaludique {m} [medicine] | :: antimalarial (drug) |
antipanique {adj} | :: antipanic |
antipape {m} | :: antipope |
antiparallèle {adj} [maths] | :: antiparallel |
antiparallélogramme {m} | :: antiparallelogram |
antiparalytique {adj} | :: antiparalytic |
antiparasitaire {adj} | :: antiparasitic |
antiparasite {adj} | :: antiparasitic |
antiparasite {m} | :: antiparasitic (drug) |
antiparkinsonien {adj} | :: antiparkinsonian |
antiparlementaire {adj} | :: antiparliamentary |
antiparlementarisme {m} | :: antiparliamentary policy |
antiparlementariste {adj} | :: antiparliamentary |
antiparticule {f} [particle] | :: antiparticle |
antipassif {adj} | :: antipassive |
antipathie {f} | :: antipathy, dislike |
antipathique {adj} | :: antipathic |
antipatinage {adj} | :: antiskid |
antipatriotique {adj} | :: antipatriotic |
antipatriotisme {m} | :: antipatriotism |
antipelliculaire {adj} | :: antidandruff |
antipériodique {adj} | :: antiperiodic |
antipéristaltique {adj} | :: antiperistaltic |
antipéroniste {adj} | :: anti-Peronist |
antipersonnel {adj} | :: antipersonnel |
antipesteux {adj} | :: antiplague |
antipestilentiel {adj} | :: antipestilential |
antipharmaque {adj} | :: antidotal |
antipharmaque {m} | :: antidote |
antiphilosophique {adj} | :: antiphilosophical |
antiphlogistique {adj} | :: antiphlogistic |
Antiphon {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Antiphon |
antiphonaire {m} [music] | :: antiphonary, antiphonal, antiphoner |
antiphrase {f} [rhetoric] | :: antiphrasis |
antiphrastique {adj} | :: antiphrastic |
antiphthisique {adj} | :: antiphthisic |
antiphtisique {adj} | :: alternative form of antiphthisique |
antiphysique {adj} [obsolete] | :: unnatural, antiphysical |
antipindarique {adj} | :: anti-Pindaric |
antipiratage {adj} | :: antipiracy |
antipiraterie {adj} | :: antipiracy |
antipleurétique {adj} | :: antipleuritic |
antipodagrique {adj} | :: antipodagric |
antipodagrique {m} | :: antipodagric |
antipode {m} [especially in plural] | :: antipode |
antipode {m} | :: opposite |
antipodique {adj} | :: antipodal |
antipodiste {mf} | :: antipodist |
antipoétique {adj} | :: antipoetic |
antipoison {adj} | :: anti-poison |
antipoison {m} | :: antidote |
antipoliomyélitique {adj} | :: anti-polio |
antipolitique {adj} | :: antipolitical |
antipollupostage {adj} [Internet] | :: antispam |
antipollution {adj} | :: antipollution |
antipornographie {adj} | :: antipornography, antipornographic |
antipositiviste {adj} | :: antipositivist |
antipourriel {adj} [Internet] | :: antispam |
antipoussière {adj} | :: antidust |
antipoux {adj} | :: anti-louse, delousing |
antiprogressiste {adj} | :: antiprogressive |
antiprohibitionniste {adj} | :: antiprohibition |
antiprotectionniste {adj} | :: antiprotectionist, free trade (attributive) |
antiproton {m} [physics] | :: antiproton |
antiprurigineux {adj} | :: antipruritic |
antipsorique {adj} | :: antipsoric, antipsoriatic |
antipsychiatrie {f} | :: antipsychiatry |
antipsychotique {adj} | :: antipsychotic |
antipublicitaire {adj} | :: antipublicity |
antipublicité {adj} | :: antipublicity |
antiputride {adj} | :: anti-putridity |
antiputride {adj} | :: antiseptic |
antipyique {adj} | :: antipyic |
antipyrétique {m} | :: antipyretic (medication that reduces fever) |
antipyrotique {adj} | :: antipyrotic |
antiquaille {f} | :: (especially in plural) antique junk (of little value) |
antiquaire {mf} | :: antiquer |
antiquark {m} [particle] | :: antiquark |
antique {adj} | :: ancient |
antique {adj} | :: relating to the Antiquity |
antiquement {adv} | :: anciently, long ago |
antiquisant {adj} | :: antiquated |
antiquisant {m} | :: antiquarian |
antiquiser {v} | :: To antiquate |
antiquité {f} | :: antiquity; ancientness |
antiquité {f} | :: old days |
antiquité {f} | :: antique (object from old times) |
Antiquité {prop} {f} | :: ancient history |
antirabique {adj} | :: anti-rabies |
antirachitique {adj} | :: antirachitic |
antirachitisme {adj} | :: antirachitic |
antiracisme {m} | :: antiracism |
antiraciste {adj} | :: antiracist |
antiradar {adj} | :: antiradar |
antiradicalaire {adj} [chemistry] | :: antiradical, antioxidant |
antiradicalaire {m} [chemistry] | :: antiradical, antioxidant |
antiradiculaire {adj} | :: antiradical |
antiraisonnable {adj} | :: unreasonable |
antirationnel {adj} | :: antirational |
antirebond {adj} | :: antibounce |
antireflet {adj} | :: antireflective, antiglare |
antiréglementaire {adj} | :: antiregulatory |
antirejet {adj} | :: antirejection |
antireligieux {adj} | :: antireligious |
antirépublicain {adj} | :: antirepublican |
antirétroviral {adj} | :: antiretroviral |
antirévisionnisme {m} | :: antirevisionism |
antirevisionniste {adj} | :: alternative form of antirévisionniste |
antirévisionniste {adj} | :: antirevisionist |
antirévisionniste {mf} | :: antirevisionist |
antirévolution {adj} | :: antirevolutionary, counterrevolutionary |
antirévolutionnaire {adj} | :: antirevolutionary, counterrevolutionary |
antirhumatismal {adj} | :: antirheumatic |
antiride {adj} | :: antiwrinkle |
antiripage {m} | :: antiskating |
antirobespierriste {adj} | :: antiRobespierrist |
antiroquette {adj} | :: antirocket |
antirouge {adj} [physics] | :: antired |
antirougeoleux {adj} | :: antimeasles |
antirouille {adj} | :: antirust |
antiroulis {adj} | :: antiroll |
antirubéoleux {adj} | :: antirubella |
antisalissure {adj} | :: antifouling |
antisarkozyste {adj} | :: antisarkozyst |
anti-scientifique {adj} | :: alternative form of antiscientifique |
antiscientifique {adj} | :: antiscientific |
antiscolaire {adj} | :: antischolastic |
antiscorbutique {adj} | :: antiscorbutic |
antiscorbutique {m} | :: antiscorbutic |
antiscrofuleux {adj} | :: antiscrofulous |
antiscrophuleux {adj} | :: alternative form of antiscrofuleux |
anti-sèche {f} | :: alternative spelling of antisèche |
antisèche {f} [France] | :: cheat sheet (a sheet of paper used to assist on a test) |
antisécrétoire {adj} | :: antisecretory |
antiségrégationniste {adj} | :: antisegregationist |
antisémite {adj} | :: anti-Semitic |
antisémitique {adj} | :: antisemitic |
anti-sémitisme {m} | :: anti-Semitism (Prejudice or hostility against Jews) |
antisémitisme {m} | :: antisemitism |
antisens {m} [genetics] | :: antisense |
antisepsie {f} | :: antisepsis |
antiseptique {m} | :: antiseptic (substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms) |
antiseptique {adj} | :: antiseptic (capable of preventing microbial infection) |
antisexiste {adj} | :: antisexist |
antisida {adj} | :: anti-AIDS |
antisionisme {m} | :: anti-Zionism |
antisioniste {adj} | :: anti-Zionist |
antisioniste {mf} | :: anti-Zionist |
antisismique {adj} | :: earthquake-proof/-resistant |
antisocial {adj} | :: antisocial |
antisocialiste {adj} | :: antisocialist |
antisocratique {adj} | :: antisocratic |
anti-sous-marin {adj} | :: antisubmarine |
antisoviétique {adj} | :: antisoviet |
antispasmodique {adj} [medicine] | :: antispasmodic |
antispasmodique {m} [medicine] | :: antispasmodic |
antispastique {adj} | :: antispastic, antispasmodic |
antispéciste {adj} | :: antispeciesist |
antispiritualiste {adj} | :: antispiritualist |
antisportif {adj} | :: unsporting |
antisportif {adj} | :: anti-sport |
antistalinien {m} | :: anti-Stalinist |
antistalinienne {f} | :: feminine singular of antistalinien |
antistalinisme {m} | :: anti-Stalinism |
antistatique {adj} | :: antistatic |
antistérilité {adj} | :: anti-sterility (attributive) |
antistérilité {adj} | :: fertility (attributive) |
Antisthène {prop} {m} | :: the Ancient Greek Cynic philosopher Antisthenes |
antistreptococcique {adj} | :: antistreptococcal, antistreptococcic |
antistrophe {f} | :: antistrophe |
antisudoral {adj} | :: antisweat |
antisudorifique {adj} | :: antiperspirant |
antisudorifique {m} | :: antiperspirant |
antisyllabique {adj} | :: antisyllabic |
antisymétrique {adj} [mathematics] | :: antisymmetric |
antisymétriser {v} | :: To antisymmetrize |
antisyndical {adj} | :: antisyndicate |
antisyphilitique {adj} | :: antisyphilitic |
antisyrien {adj} | :: anti-Syrian |
antisystème {adj} | :: anti-establishment |
antitabac {adj} | :: anti-smoking (opposing smoking) |
antitaliban {adj} | :: anti-Taliban |
antitartre {adj} | :: antitartar |
antitartre {adj} | :: antiscaling |
antitau {m} | :: antitau |
antitauon {m} | :: antitauon |
antitaurin {adj} | :: antitaurine |
antitaxique {adj} [biology] | :: antitaxic |
antitechniciste {adj} | :: antitechnology |
antiterrorisme {m} | :: antiterrorism |
antiterroriste {adj} | :: antiterrorist |
antitétanique {adj} [medicine] | :: anti-tetanus |
antithermique {adj} [medicine] | :: antithermic, antipyretic |
antithèse {f} | :: antithesis |
antithétique {adj} | :: antithetical |
antithyroïdien {adj} | :: antithyroid |
antitotalitaire {adj} | :: antitotalitarian |
antitout {adj} | :: antieverything |
antitoxine {f} | :: antitoxin |
antitoxique {adj} | :: antitoxic |
antitriche {adj} | :: antifraud |
antitrope {adj} [botany] | :: antitropous |
antitrust {adj} | :: antitrust |
antituberculeux {adj} | :: antitubercular |
antiturc {adj} | :: anti-Turkish |
antitussif {adj} | :: antitussive |
antitussif {m} | :: antitussive, cough mixture |
antityphique {adj} | :: antityphoid |
antiulcéreux {adj} | :: antiulcerous |
antiunioniste {adj} | :: antiunion |
antivaccin {adj} | :: antivaccine |
antivaccins {adj} | :: antivaccine |
antivariolique {adj} | :: antivariolous, antismallpox |
antivectoriel {adj} [maths] | :: antivectorial |
antivénéneux {adj} | :: antivenom |
antivénérien {adj} | :: antivenereal |
antivenimeux {adj} | :: antivenin (attributive) |
antivermineux {adj} | :: antivermin, antiparasite |
antivert {adj} [physics] | :: antigreen |
antivietnamien {adj} | :: anti-Vietnamese |
antiviral {adj} | :: antiviral |
antivol {m} | :: antitheft device |
antivol {adj} | :: antitheft |
antixérophtalmique {adj} | :: antixerophthalmic |
antoécien {adj} | :: antoecian |
Antoine {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Antoine {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Antoinette {prop} {f} | :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Antoine |
Antonescu {prop} | :: surname |
antonin {adj} | :: Antonine |
antonomase {f} | :: antonomasia (figure of speech) |
antonomastique {adj} | :: antonomastic |
antonyme {m} | :: antonym (word which has the opposite meaning) |
antonymie {m} | :: antonymy |
antonymique {adj} | :: antonymic |
antracifère {adj} | :: alternative form of anthracifère |
antre {m} | :: cave |
antre {m} | :: den, lair |
antre {m} [anatomy] | :: antrum |
antrustion {m} | :: antrustion |
anucléé {adj} [cytology] | :: anucleated |
anuiter {v} | :: To benight |
anulingus {m} [sexuality] | :: anilingus |
anurie {f} [pathology] | :: anuria |
anus {m} [anatomy] | :: anus |
anusvara {m} | :: anusvara (Devanagari diacritic) |
Anvers {prop} | :: Anvers (capital city) |
Anvers {prop} | :: Anvers (province) |
anversois {adj} | :: from Antwerp; Antwerpian |
Anversois {m} | :: someone from Antwerp; Antwerpian |
Anversoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Anversois |
anxien {adj} | :: obsolete form of ancien |
anxiété {f} | :: anxiety |
anxiété {f} [pathology] | :: anxiety |
anxiété sociale {f} [psychology] | :: social anxiety |
anxieusement {adv} | :: anxiously |
anxieusement {adv} | :: apprehensively |
anxieux {adj} | :: anxious |
anxieux {adj} | :: apprehensive |
anxiodépressif {adj} | :: anxiodepressive |
anxiogène {adj} | :: anxiogenic |
anxiogène {adj} | :: worrisome (causing worry; perturbing or vexing) |
anxiolytique {adj} | :: anxiolytic |
anxiolytique {m} [pharmacology] | :: anxiolytic |
A. O. {prop} | :: initialism of Afrique orientale (East Africa), used as an overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo in 1918 for use in Belgian occupied German East Africa |
AOC {f} | :: initialism of appellation d'origine contrôlée |
Aoi {prop} | :: given name |
AOR {prop} | :: abbreviation of athlètes olympiques de Russie |
aoriste {m} | :: aorist |
aorte {f} | :: aorta |
aortique {adj} | :: aortic |
aortite {f} [pathology] | :: aortitis |
aortocoronarien {adj} | :: coronary artery (attributive) |
Aoste {prop} {f} | :: Aoste (city) |
aostois {adj} | :: Aostan (of or from Aosta) |
Aostois {m} | :: Aostan (someone from Aosta) |
Aostoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Aostois |
aoudad {m} | :: The Barbary sheep, Ammotragus lervia |
aoust {m} | :: archaic spelling of août |
aout {m} | :: alternative spelling of août |
août {m} | :: August |
aoutat {m} | :: alternative form of aoûtat |
aoûtat {m} | :: chigger, harvest mite |
aoûtement {m} | :: hardening (of plants, so as to survive the coming winter) |
aoûter {v} | :: To ripen or harden in the August heat |
aoûtien {m} [colloquial] | :: someone who goes on holiday in August (as opposed to July) |
aoûtienne {f} | :: feminine noun of aoûtien |
à outrance {adv} | :: unremittingly, unflaggingly |
à outrance {adv} | :: to the utmost, to the death |
AP {prop} | :: Apples CH (Swiss commune) |
AP {prop} | :: Apará (Andorran commune) |
AP {prop} | :: Árouesa (Andorran commune) |
AP {prop} | :: Apalesarsoiär (Andorran commune) |
AP {prop} | :: Awyer |
apache {m} | :: Apache (language) |
apache {m} [historical, slang] | :: Apache (gangster) |
Apache {prop} {m} | :: Apache [server] |
Apache {prop} {m} | :: Apache [city] |
Apache {prop} {m} | :: Apache [tribe] |
apagogie {f} | :: apagoge |
apagogique {adj} | :: apagogic |
apaisable {adj} | :: mollifiable, appeasable, pacifiable |
apaisant {adj} | :: soothing, mollifying |
apaisement {m} | :: calming down; appeasement |
apaiser {vt} | :: to mollify; to appease, pacify, calm |
Apamée {prop} {f} | :: Apamea |
apaméen {adj} | :: Apamean |
Apaméen {m} | :: Apamean |
Apamène {prop} {f} | :: Apamene (region) |
Apamène {mf} | :: synonym of Apaméen |
apanage {m} | :: prerogative, privilege |
apanage {m} [historical] | :: apanage |
apanager {v} | :: To grant an apanage |
apanagiste {mf} | :: grantee of an apanage |
à part {adv} | :: apart |
à part {adj} | :: exceptional, special |
à part {prep} | :: apart from, except |
aparté {m} | :: aside, stage whisper, soliloquy |
aparté {m} | :: secret conversation |
à part entière {adj} | :: full-fledged |
apartheid {m} [history] | :: apartheid (racial separation in South Africa from 1948 to 1990) |
apartheid {m} | :: apartheid (any policy of racial separation) |
à partir de {prep} | :: Starting at, beginning in, from ... onward |
à partir de {prep} | :: Starting from (there), supposing (that) |
à partir de dorénavant {adv} [proscribed] | :: from now on, from this day forward |
apartisan {adj} | :: nonpartisan |
à pas de géant {adv} | :: by leaps and bounds |
à pas de loup {adv} | :: stealthily |
à pas feutrés {adv} | :: silently, stealthily, on tiptoe |
apathéiste {adj} | :: apatheist |
apathéiste {mf} | :: apatheist |
apathie {f} | :: apathy |
apathique {adj} | :: apathetic |
apathique {adj} | :: inactive, sluggish |
apathiquement {adv} | :: apathetically |
apatride {adj} [law] | :: stateless (without a state or nationality) |
apatrié {adj} | :: synonym of acclimaté |
apax {m} [linguistics, rare] | :: alternative spelling of hapax |
à peine {adv} | :: barely, scarcely, hardly |
apeiron {m} [maths] | :: infinity |
Apennins {prop} {mp} | :: Apennines |
apens {m} | :: only used in the term guet-apens |
apepsie {f} [pathology] | :: apepsy |
apeptique {adj} | :: apeptic |
aperceptible {adj} | :: synonym of apercevable |
aperceptif {adj} | :: apperceptive |
aperception {f} | :: apperception |
apercevable {adj} | :: perceptible, noticeable, appreciable |
aperceveur {m} | :: glimpser (someone who glimpses) |
aperceveuse {f} | :: feminine noun of aperceveur |
apercevoir {v} | :: to see, to glimpse, to catch sight of |
apercevoir {v} | :: (reflexive form : s'apercevoir) to realize, to become aware of |
aperçu {m} | :: glance, glimpse |
aperçu {m} | :: insight, hint |
aperçu {m} | :: rough estimate |
aperçu {m} | :: sketch, outline, summary |
aperçu {m} | :: view |
aperçu {m} | :: overview |
aperçu {m} | :: preview |
aperçu {interj} [nautical] | :: aye, aye |
à perdre haleine {adv} [figuratively] | :: until one is out of breath, until one is gasping for breath |
apériodique {adj} [maths, physics] | :: aperiodic |
apériteur {adj} | :: insurance (attributive) |
apériteur {m} | :: insurance agent or broker |
apéritif {m} | :: apéritif |
apéritif dinatoire {m} | :: An aperitif taken in the afternoon, combined with some snacks, serving as an alternative to dinner |
apéritif géant {m} | :: A public drinking party |
apéritrice {f} | :: feminine singular of apériteur |
apéro {m} | :: apéritif (alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser) |
apéro {m} | :: apéritif (time before a meal when apéritifs are drunk) |
apéro géant {m} | :: variant of apéritif géant |
apert {adj} [archaic, literary] | :: clear, manifest, obvious |
à perte {prep} | :: at a loss (below the cost or price of purchase) |
à perte de vue {adv} | :: as far as the eye can see, until out of sight |
apertement {adv} [obsolete] | :: openly |
aperture {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: opening, openness, aperture |
apesanteur {f} | :: weightlessness |
apétale {adj} [botany] | :: apetalous |
à petit feu {prep} [cooking] | :: over a gentle heat, on a low heat |
à petit feu {prep} [figuratively] | :: slowly, little by little |
à peu de choses près {adv} | :: pretty much; more or less |
à peu près {adv} | :: more or less; almost; about |
apeurable {adj} | :: frightenable |
apeuré {adj} | :: frightened, afraid |
apeurer {v} | :: to be frightened, to be in fear |
aphærese {f} | :: obsolete form of aphérèse |
aphake {adj} | :: aphakic |
aphakique {adj} | :: aphakic |
aphaniptère {m} | :: flea (of the order Aphaniptera) |
aphasie {f} | :: aphasia (pathological speech disorder) |
aphasie de Broca {f} [neurology] | :: Broca's aphasia |
aphasie de Wernicke {f} [neurology] | :: Wernicke's aphasia |
aphasique {adj} | :: aphasic |
aphélie {m} | :: aphelion (the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is farthest from the sun) |
aphérésé {adj} | :: apheresed |
aphérèse {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: aphaeresis |
aphicide {m} | :: aphicide |
aphidien {adj} | :: aphidian |
aphidien {m} | :: aphidian |
aphidiphage {adj} | :: aphidophagous |
aphidivore {adj} | :: aphidivorous |
aphlogistique {adj} | :: aphlogistic |
aphone {adj} | :: voiceless |
aphonie {f} | :: aphonia, aphony |
aphorisme {m} | :: aphorism |
aphoristique {adj} | :: aphoristic |
aphotique {adj} | :: aphotic |
aphrodisiaque {adj} | :: aphrodisiac (intensifying sexual desire) |
aphrodisiaque {m} | :: aphrodisiac |
Aphrodite {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Aphrodite (goddess) |
aphroditique {adj} | :: aphroditic |
aphroditique {adj} | :: venereal |
aphronatron {m} | :: natrite |
aphte {m} | :: mouth ulcer |
aphteux {adj} | :: aphthous |
aphtheux {adj} | :: alternative form of aphteux |
aphyllanthe {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Aphyllanthes |
aphylle {adj} [botany] | :: aphyllous |
API {prop} {m} | :: initialism of alphabet phonétique international: IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) |
API {m} | :: API |
apiacée {f} | :: umbellifer (plant of the family Apiaceae) |
apiaire {adj} | :: apiarian |
à pic {adv} | :: at just the right moment, just at the right time, just when needed, in a timely fashion |
apical {adj} | :: apical (all senses) |
apiciflore {adj} [botany] | :: apicifloral |
apico- {prefix} | :: apico- (all meanings) |
apicoalvéolaire {adj} [linguistcs] | :: apicoalveolar |
apicodental {adj} | :: apicodental |
apicole {adj} [beekeeping] | :: apicultural [attributive] |
apicomplexé {m} [biology] | :: apicomplexan |
apicoplaste {m} [biology] | :: apicoplast |
apicule {m} | :: spicule |
apiculé {adj} [botany] | :: apiculate |
apiculteur {m} | :: beekeeper |
apicultrice {f} | :: feminine noun of apiculteur |
apiculture {f} | :: apiculture |
apidé {m} | :: honey bee (of family Apidae) |
apiéceur {m} | :: A tailor who worked from home |
à pied {adv} | :: on foot |
à pied d'œuvre {adj} | :: ready to start work, ready to get down to business |
apiol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: apiol |
apion {m} | :: A type of weevil (of genus Exapion) |
apiquer {v} | :: To make vertical |
apitoiement {m} | :: compassion, pity, mercy, sympathy |
apitoyer {v} | :: to make (someone) feel pity for (something) |
apitoyer {vr} | :: to feel sorry for |
aplacentaire {adj} | :: aplacental |
aplanat {m} | :: aplanat |
aplanétique {adj} | :: aplanatic |
aplanétiser {v} [optics] | :: To make something aplanatic |
aplanir {v} | :: to level, even out |
aplanissement {m} | :: leveling |
aplasie {f} | :: aplasia |
aplasique {adj} | :: aplastic (relating to aplasia) |
aplat {m} | :: a flat area |
aplat {m} [printing] | :: a tint area |
à plat {prep} | :: flat, level, horizontal |
à plat {prep} [of a tyre] | :: flat, deflated |
à plat {prep} [of a battery] | :: flat (unable to emit power; dead) |
à plat {prep} [of a person, figuratively] | :: flat, listless, lethargic, dead beat, tired out |
aplati {adj} | :: flattened |
aplatir {v} | :: to flatten (to make something flat) |
aplatissage {m} | :: flattening |
aplatissement {m} | :: flattening |
aplatisseur {m} | :: flattener |
aplatisseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of aplatisseur |
aplatissoir {m} | :: flattener (device) |
aplatissoire {f} | :: rollers (for flattening hot metal in a rolling mill) |
à plat ventre {adv} | :: face-down |
à pleines dents {adv} | :: voraciously |
à pleines dents {adv} [figuratively] | :: readily, enthusiastically, to the full, with both hands |
à plein nez {adv} [figuratively] | :: a lot, clearly, strongly, all over |
à plein régime {adv} [figuratively] | :: at full capacity, flat-out, full-bore |
à pleins poumons {adv} | :: at the top of one's lungs, at the top of one's voice |
à pleurer {adv} | :: extremely, to no end |
aplitique {adj} | :: aplitic |
aplomb {m} | :: vertical line, as measured with a plumb line |
aplomb {m} [by extension] | :: stability, equilibrium, uprightness |
aplomb {m} [figurative] | :: self-confidence; aplomb |
aplome {m} | :: aplome |
à plus {interj} [colloquial] | :: see you, later, laters |
à plus forte raison {adv} | :: a fortiori, all the more so, especially, particularly |
à plus tard {interj} | :: see you later |
APN {m} | :: initialism of appareil photo numérique (digital camera) |
apnée {f} | :: apnea |
apnée {f} | :: free-diving |
apnée du sommeil {f} | :: sleep apnea |
apo- {prefix} | :: apo- |
apoastre {m} [astronomy] | :: apoapsis |
apocalypse {f} | :: apocalypse (disaster) |
Apocalypse {prop} {f} | :: Book of Revelation |
apocalyptique {adj} | :: apocalyptic |
apocatastase {f} [theology] | :: apocatastasis |
apochromatique {adj} | :: apochromatic |
apocope {f} [phonetics] | :: apocope |
apocoper {v} | :: to apocopate |
apocopique {adj} | :: apocopic |
apocrite {m} | :: Any insects of the suborder Apocrita |
apocryphe {adj} | :: apocryphal (of doubtful authenticity) |
apode {adj} | :: apodal |
apode {m} | :: apode |
apodictique {adj} | :: apodictic |
apodictiquement {adv} | :: apodictically |
apodose {f} [grammar] | :: apodosis |
apogame {adj} | :: apogamic |
apogamie {f} | :: apogamy |
apogée {m} [astronomy] | :: apogee (a point in an orbit around the Earth) |
à poil {adj} [colloquial] | :: in the buff, stark naked, starkers |
à point {adj} [literary] | :: at the right moment, at the right time, on time |
à point {adj} | :: medium rare (food) |
apointé {adj} [maths] | :: From which a particular point has been removed |
à point nommé {adv} | :: at just the right moment, in a timely fashion, just when needed |
apolaire {adj} | :: apolar, nonpolar |
apolitique {adj} | :: apolitical (having no interest in politics) |
apolitisé {adj} | :: depoliticized |
apolitisme {m} | :: apoliticism |
apollinaire {adj} | :: Apollinarian |
apollinien {adj} | :: Apollonian |
Apollodore {prop} {m} | :: Apollodorus |
apollon {m} | :: apollo (all senses) |
Apollon {prop} {m} | :: Apollo (god) |
Apollon {m} | :: Adonis, Greek god, hunk (very beautiful man) |
Apollonie {prop} | :: Apollonia |
apollonien {adj} | :: Apollonian |
apollonique {adj} | :: Apollonian |
apologète {m} [rare] | :: apologist |
apologétique {adj} | :: apologetic |
apologie {f} | :: apology (formal justification, defence) |
apologique {adj} | :: apological |
apologiste {m} | :: apologist |
apologue {m} | :: apologue |
apomécométrie {f} | :: apomecometry |
apomictique {adj} [biology] | :: apomictic |
apomixie {f} [biology] | :: apomixis |
apomorphe {adj} | :: apomorphic |
apomorphine {f} | :: apomorphine |
aponévrologie {f} | :: aponeurology |
aponévrose {f} [anatomy] | :: aponeurosis |
aponévrotique {adj} | :: aponeurotic |
aponévrotomie {f} | :: aponeurotomy |
aponter {v} | :: alternative form of apponter |
apophantique {adj} | :: apophantic |
apophase {f} | :: apophasis |
apophatique {adj} | :: apophatic |
apophénie {f} [psychology] | :: apophenia |
apophlegmatique {adj} | :: apophlegmatic |
apophonie {f} | :: apophony (alternation of sounds within a word) |
apophonique {adj} | :: apophonic |
apophtegmatique {adj} | :: apothegmatic |
apophtegme {m} | :: apothegm |
apophthegmatique {adj} | :: archaic spelling of apophtegmatique |
apophthegme {m} | :: archaic spelling of apophtegme |
apophysaire {adj} | :: apophyseal |
apophyse {f} | :: apophysis |
apoplasme {m} | :: apoplast |
apoplasme {m} | :: apoplasm |
apoplectiforme {adj} | :: apoplectiform |
apoplectique {adj} | :: apoplectic |
apoplexie {f} [symptom] | :: apoplexy |
apore {m} | :: synonym of aporie |
aporétique {adj} | :: aporetic |
aporetiquement {adv} | :: aporetically |
aporie {f} | :: aporia |
à portée de main {adj} | :: within reach, at hand, at one's fingertips |
aposématique {adj} | :: aposematic |
aposiopèse {f} | :: aposiopesis, reticence |
apostasie {f} | :: apostasy |
apostasier {v} | :: To apostatize |
apostat {m} | :: apostate |
aposter {v} | :: To post, station (place in a position) |
a posteriori {adj} | :: a posteriori |
a posteriori {adv} | :: a posteriori |
à postériori {adj} | :: alternative spelling of a posteriori |
à postériori {adv} | :: alternative spelling of a posteriori |
apostille {f} | :: apostille |
apostiller {v} | :: To apostille |
apostolat {m} | :: apostolate |
apostolicité {f} | :: apostolicity |
apostolique {adj} | :: apostolic |
apostoliquement {adv} | :: apostolically |
apostrophe {f} [orthography] | :: apostrophe |
apostrophe {f} [rhetoric] | :: apostrophe |
apostropher {vt} | :: To apostrophize |
apostropher {vt} | :: To speak sharply or harshly at |
apotélésmatique {adj} | :: apotelesmatic |
apotemnophile {adj} | :: apotemnophilic |
apothème {m} [maths] | :: apothem |
apothéose {f} | :: apotheosis |
apothéoser {vt} | :: to apotheosize |
apothéosiaque {adj} | :: synonym of apothéotique |
apothéotique {adj} | :: apotheotic |
apothicaire {m} [historical] | :: apothecary |
apothicairerie {f} [historical] | :: apothecary store |
apôtre {m} | :: apostle |
apôtresse {f} | :: feminine noun of apôtre |
apotropaïque {adj} | :: apotropaic |
apozème {m} | :: decoction |
appairer {v} | :: alternative form of apparier |
appairer {v} | :: To link (a pair of things in both directions) |
appaiser {v} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of apaiser |
Appalaches {prop} {fp} | :: Appalaches (mountain range) |
appalachien {adj} | :: Appalachian |
apparagé {adj} | :: married |
apparager {v} | :: To pair off, pair up |
apparaitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of apparaître |
apparaître {v} | :: to appear (become visible) |
apparaître {v} [video games] | :: to spawn |
apparat {m} | :: pomp, ceremony |
apparatchik {m} | :: apparatchik |
appareil {m} | :: apparatus |
appareil {m} | :: aircraft |
appareil {m} | :: camera (for photographs) |
appareil {m} [anatomy] | :: a system (of organs) |
appareil {m} [culinary] | :: a preparation that is a ready-to-use mixture of the basic ingredients for making a dish |
appareil dentaire {m} | :: braces (device for straightening the teeth) |
appareillade {f} | :: mating (of animals for breeding) |
appareillage {m} [nautical] | :: casting off |
appareillage {m} | :: device, equipment |
appareillement {m} | :: mating |
appareiller {vt} | :: to join or mix together |
appareiller {vt} | :: to mate animals for breeding |
appareiller {vt} | :: to prepare |
appareiller {vt} | :: to fit with a prosthesis |
appareiller {vi} [nautical] | :: to cast off |
appareilleur {m} | :: preparer |
appareilleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of appareilleur |
appareilleuse {f} | :: madam (of a brothel), pimp |
appareil photo {m} | :: Camera (for still pictures) |
appareil photo numérique {m} | :: A digital camera |
apparemment {adv} | :: apparently (seemingly) |
apparence {f} | :: appearance |
apparent {adj} | :: apparent (all senses) |
apparenté {adj} | :: related |
apparentement {m} | :: similarity, apparentness |
apparenter {vt} | :: to be related to |
apparenter {vr} [~ à] | :: to resemble, be similar to |
appariable {adj} | :: marriable |
appariement {m} | :: matching |
appariement {m} | :: coupling |
apparier {vt} | :: to pair or match |
apparier {vt} [of birds] | :: to couple or mate |
appariteur {m} | :: attendant, porter, beadle, usher, verger, apparitor (especially at a university) |
apparition {f} | :: appearance |
apparition {f} | :: ghost |
apparition {f} [baseball] | :: plate appearance |
apparitorat {m} [Belgium, DR Congo] | :: office of student affairs (at a university) |
apparoir {vi} [literary] | :: to appear |
apparoir {vi} [literary] | :: to be evident or manifest |
appart {m} | :: apartment |
appartement {m} | :: apartment, flat |
appartenance {f} | :: belonging |
appartenance {f} | :: membership |
appartenance {f} | :: aseity |
appartenir {vi} | :: (+ à) to belong to |
appartenir {vi} | :: (+ à) to concern |
appas {mp} [literary] | :: charms |
appât {m} [obsolete] | :: lure |
appât {m} [archaic] | :: (sexual) temptation |
appât {m} [in the plural, literary] | :: charms |
appât {m} [fishing] | :: bait |
appât {m} [martial arts] | :: feint |
appâter {v} [fishing] | :: to bait, lure |
appauvri {adj} | :: impoverished |
appauvrir {vt} | :: to impoverish |
appauvrissement {m} | :: impoverishment |
appeau {m} | :: decoy |
appel {m} | :: call |
appel {m} | :: appeal |
appelable {adj} [computing] | :: callable |
appel à la prière {m} | :: call to prayer |
appelant {adj} | :: appellant |
appelant {m} | :: appellant |
appelant {m} [Quebec, no feminine] | :: A decoy for birdhunt |
appelante {f} | :: feminine noun of appelant |
appel d'air {m} | :: through draught |
appel d'air {m} [figuratively] | :: knock-on effect |
appel de note {m} [typography] | :: footnote callout |
appel de phares {m} | :: flash of one's headlights |
appel d'offres {m} [commerce] | :: invitation to tender |
appel en absence {m} | :: missed call |
appeler {vt} | :: to call (out) |
appeler {vt} | :: to call, phone, ring |
appeler {vt} | :: to call for, summon |
appeler {vi} | :: to call (out) |
appeler {vr} | :: to be called |
appeler de ses vœux {vt} [literary] | :: to wish, to call for |
appeler un chat un chat {v} | :: to call a spade a spade (to call something what it is) |
appellatif {adj} [grammar] | :: appellative |
appellation {f} | :: call (instance of calling out) |
appellation {f} | :: name; appellation |
appellation contrôlée {f} [colloquial] | :: A synonym of the official term “appellation d’origine contrôlée” |
appellation d'origine contrôlée {f} | :: French governmental certification granted to certain French geographical indications for wines, cheeses, butters, and other agricultural products |
appellatoire {adj} [legal] | :: appellatory |
appeller {v} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of appeler |
appendice {m} [anatomy] | :: appendix (vermiform appendix) |
appendice {m} | :: appendix (text added to the end of a book or an article) |
appendicectomie {f} [surgery] | :: appendectomy |
appendiciforme {adj} | :: appendiciform |
appendicite {f} | :: appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix) |
appendiculaire {adj} | :: appendicular |
appendiculé {adj} | :: appendiculate |
appendre {v} | :: to hang (something) from |
appentis {m} | :: lean-to, shed, appentice, pentice, pent, penthouse |
appertisation {f} | :: appertisation |
appertiser {vt} | :: to can [food] |
appesantir {vt} | :: to weigh down |
appesantir {v} | :: to dull |
appesantir {vr} [s'appesantir sur] | :: to condemn |
appesantir {vr} | :: to get bogged down (with) |
appesantissement {m} | :: dullness, heaviness |
appétence {f} | :: appetence |
appétent {adj} | :: palatable |
appéter {v} | :: To (instinctively) desire |
appétible {adj} | :: desirable |
appétif {adj} | :: desirable |
appétissant {adj} | :: appetizing |
appétit {m} | :: appetite |
appétitif {adj} | :: synonym of appétif |
applaudimètre {m} | :: clapometer (an audience reaction monitor) |
applaudir {v} | :: applaud (to express approval by clapping) |
applaudissement {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: applause, clapping |
applaudisseur {m} | :: applauder (especially someone paid to applaud) |
applaudisseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of applaudisseur |
Apples {prop} | :: A commune in Vaud, Switzerland |
appli {f} | :: app |
applicabilité {f} | :: applicability |
applicable {adj} | :: applicable |
applicage {m} | :: application (of something to a surface) |
applicateur {m} | :: applicator |
applicatif {adj} | :: applicative |
application {f} | :: application |
application {f} [mathematics] | :: mapping |
applicatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of applicateur |
applique {f} | :: wall light |
appliquer {vt} | :: to apply, to put something on something else |
appliquer {vt} | :: to apply, to employ, to make use of |
appliquer {vr} [~ à] | :: to apply to, to be applicable to |
appliquer {vr} | :: to apply one's effort to something, to try hard, to dedicate oneself |
appliquette {f} | :: applet (a small program module that runs under the control of a larger application) |
appoggiature {f} [music] | :: appoggiatura |
appogiature {f} | :: alternative form of appoggiature |
appoint {m} | :: an amount of small change |
appointé {adj} | :: salaried |
appointé {adj} | :: appointed |
appointemens {m} | :: obsolete form of appointement |
appointement {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: stipend, pay, salary |
appointement {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: an appointment |
appointer {v} | :: to salary (attribute a salary to a position) |
appointer {v} | :: to appoint (attribute a job, a position to someone) |
appointer {v} | :: to sharpen into a point |
appointer {vr} [s'appointer] | :: to unite; to become united |
appontage {m} | :: landing (of an aircraft on an aircraft carrier) |
appontement {m} | :: landing stage, pier, wharf |
apponter {vi} | :: to land [on an aircraft carrier] |
apponteur {m} [nautical] | :: A handler or marshal on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier |
apport {m} | :: contribution, input |
apporter {v} | :: to bring (something) |
apporter {v} | :: to take |
apporter {v} | :: to give (support), to give, supply (explanation etc.) |
apporter {v} | :: to bring (improvement, freedom etc.) |
apporter {v} | :: to bring in (funding) |
apporter {v} | :: to bring about (change, revolution) |
apporter sa pierre à l'édifice {v} [figuratively] | :: to make a contribution, to contribute one's fair share, to play one's part, to do one's bit |
apporteur {adj} | :: supporting (financially) |
apposer {vt} | :: to put up, stick up, attach |
apposer {v} [legal] | :: to stamp, sign |
appositif {adj} | :: appositive |
apposition {f} | :: apposition |
appréciabilité {f} | :: substantiality |
appréciable {adj} | :: substantial |
appréciable {adj} | :: noticeable |
appréciateur {m} | :: appreciator |
appréciatif {adj} | :: appreciative |
appréciation {f} | :: appreciation |
appréciatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of appréciateur |
apprécier {v} | :: to appreciate |
apprécier {v} | :: to like |
appréhendable {adj} | :: apprehendable |
appréhender {v} | :: to apprehend |
appréhender {v} | :: to dread |
appréhender {v} | :: to catch, apprehend |
appréhensible {adj} | :: apprehensible |
appréhensif {adj} | :: apprehensive |
appréhension {f} | :: apprehension |
apprenable {adj} | :: teachable |
apprenable {adj} | :: learnable, memorizable |
apprenable {adj} | :: apprehensible |
apprendre {v} | :: to learn |
apprendre {v} | :: to teach |
apprendre par coeur {v} | :: alternative spelling of apprendre par cœur |
apprendre par cœur {v} | :: to learn by heart, memorize |
apprenti {m} | :: apprentice, trainee |
apprentie {f} | :: female equivalent of apprenti |
apprentissage {m} | :: apprenticeship |
apprentissage {m} | :: learning |
apprêt {m} | :: priming |
apprêt {m} | :: primer |
apprêtage {m} | :: preparation |
apprêtage {m} | :: priming |
apprêtage {m} | :: readiness |
apprêtement {m} | :: presentation (of an antigen) |
apprêter {vt} | :: to prepare, to get ready, prime |
apprêter {vr} [followed by à] | :: to prepare for/to do, to get ready for/to do, to be about to do |
apprêteur {m} | :: preparer, primer |
apprêteur {m} | :: dresser (person) |
apprêteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of apprêteur |
apprimé {adj} [botany] | :: appressed |
appris {adj} | :: learnt |
apprivoisable {adj} | :: tameable |
apprivoisement {f} | :: taming (of an animal etc) |
apprivoiser {v} | :: to tame |
apprivoiser {v} [figurative] | :: to win over, to charm |
apprivoiseur {m} | :: tamer |
apprivoiseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of apprivoiseur |
approbateur {adj} | :: approving |
approbatif {adj} | :: approbative |
approbatif {adj} [dated] | :: approving |
approbation {f} | :: approval (permission) |
approbativement {adv} [dated] | :: approvingly |
approbativité {f} | :: approbativement |
approchable {adj} | :: approachable |
approchant {adj} | :: similar |
approchant {adj} | :: oncoming, approaching |
approche {f} | :: approach |
approcher {v} | :: to approach, to come close to, to move towards |
approfondir {v} | :: to deepen |
approfondir {v} | :: to consider more thoroughly, to delve deeper into |
approfondissement {m} | :: deepening |
appropriateur {m} | :: appropriator |
appropriation {f} | :: appropriation |
appropriatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of appropriateur |
approprié {adj} | :: appropriate |
approprier {vt} | :: to adapt (something) to a situation |
approprier {vr} | :: to seize, take |
approprier {vr} | :: to make one's own |
approuvable {adj} | :: approvable |
approuver {v} | :: to approve (of) |
approvisionnement {m} | :: supply, supplying, stocking up |
approvisionner {v} | :: to supply; stock |
approvisionner {v} | :: to shop |
approvisionneur {m} | :: supplier, purveyor |
approvisionneuse {f} | :: feminine singular of approvisionneur |
approximatif {adj} | :: approximate (near correctness; nearly exact; not perfectly accurate;) |
approximation {f} | :: approximation; an imprecise solution |
approximativement {adv} | :: roughly, approximately |
approximé {adj} | :: approximated |
approximer {v} | :: to approximate (to carry or advance near; to cause to approach) |
appui {m} | :: support |
appui-bras {m} | :: armrest |
appuie-tête {m} | :: alternative form of appui-tête |
appui-main {m} [art] | :: maulstick |
appui-pied {m} | :: footstool |
appui-tête {m} | :: headrest (part of a seat) |
appuyer {vt} | :: to press, push |
appuyer {vt} | :: to rest |
appuyer {vt} | :: to support, to back |
appuyer {vr} [with sur/contre] | :: to lean (on/against) |
appuyer {vr} [with sur] | :: to depend (on), to rely (on) |
appuyer {vr} | :: to put up with |
appuyer sur le champignon {v} [colloquial] | :: to step on it, to floor it, to put the pedal to the metal, to put one's foot down, to step on the gas |
apragmatique {adj} | :: apragmatic |
apragmatisme {m} | :: apragmatism |
apraxie {f} [pathology] | :: apraxia |
apraxique {adj} | :: apraxic |
âpre {adj} | :: acrid, pungent, bitter |
âpre {adj} [voice] | :: harsh |
âpre {adj} [figurative] | :: rough, fierce, harsh |
aprèm {mf} | :: afternoon |
âprement {adv} | :: bitterly, harshly, fiercely |
à première vue {adv} | :: at first sight, at first blush, at first glance, at a glance |
à prendre avec des pincettes {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: that must be taken with a pinch of salt, with caution; that must be taken for what it's worth; that must not be taken at face value; that must not be taken too seriously |
après {prep} | :: after |
après {adv} | :: afterwards |
après {adv} [Louisiana French] | :: in the middle of, in the process of (doing something) |
après coup {adv} [colloquial] | :: after the fact, afterwards, looking back |
après-demain {adv} | :: the day after tomorrow |
après-dîner {m} [archaic] | :: afternoon (the time after the midday meal) |
à présent {adv} | :: now, at present, presently, nowadays |
après-guerre {m} | :: post-war years, post-war period (especially the eight years following World War II) |
après la lettre {adj} [engraving] | :: Lettered. "Épreuve, gravure après la lettre": a print made after the caption is added (lettered proof) |
après la pluie, le beau temps {proverb} | :: every cloud has a silver lining |
après l'effort, le réconfort {proverb} | :: after effort comes comfort (once you've finished working, you can sit back and relax) |
après-midi {mf} | :: afternoon |
après moi le déluge {phrase} | :: Used to indicate indifference to events that will happen after one’s death, or to indicate one’s own importance in maintaining order |
après-rasage {m} | :: aftershave, a lotion for use after finishing shaving |
après réflexion {adv} | :: on second thought; all things considered |
après-shampooing {m} | :: conditioner |
après ski {m} [idiomatic] | :: A place "after skiing". Typically a bar or pub where people go after a day on the slopes to ease off and meet other people |
après-ski {m} | :: snowboot (a water-resistant type of footwear) |
après toi {phrase} | :: after you |
après tout {adv} | :: after all |
après vous {phrase} | :: after you |
âpreté {f} | :: harshness |
aprin {adv} [Canada] | :: in the process of |
a priori {adj} | :: intuitively known, a priori |
a priori {adv} [colloquial] | :: at first glance |
a priori {m} | :: a preconceived idea |
apriori {n} | :: alternative form of a priori |
apriorique {adj} | :: aprioristic |
apriorisme {m} | :: apriorism |
aprioriste {mf} | :: apriorist |
aprioristique {adj} | :: aprioristic |
apriorité {f} | :: apriority |
à profusion {prep} | :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance |
à propos {adv} | :: opportunely, at the right time, just in time |
à propos {adv} | :: by the way |
à propos {adv} | :: in connection, concerning, with regard, in reference |
à propos {adj} | :: opportune, advisable, fitting, appropriate, apropos |
à propos de {prep} | :: about (with respect to), with regard to |
à proprement parler {adv} | :: strictly speaking |
aprotique {adj} [chemistry] | :: aprotic |
à proximité {adv} | :: nearby (close to) |
apside {f} [astronomy] | :: apsis |
apte {adj} | :: apt |
aptère {m} | :: apteran |
aptère {adj} | :: apterous |
aptérygote {f} | :: apterygote |
aptéryx {m} | :: kiwi (bird) |
aptéryx {m} | :: kiwis |
aptitude {f} | :: aptitude |
apuane {adj} | :: Apuan |
Apulée {prop} {m} | :: Apuleius (writer in the Roman Empire) |
apulien {adj} | :: Apulian |
apurement {m} [finance] | :: balancing (of an account) |
apurer {vt} [finance] | :: to balance (an account) |
apyre {adj} | :: apyrous |
apyrectique {adj} | :: apyretic, apyrexial |
apyrène {adj} [of grapes etc] | :: seedless |
apyrétique {adj} | :: apyretic, apyrexial |
aquacole {adj} | :: aquaculture (attributive) |
aquacomplexe {m} [chemistry] | :: A complex formed by a compound when dissolved in water |
aquaculteur {m} | :: aquaculturist |
aquacultrice {f} | :: feminine singular of aquaculteur |
aquaculture {f} | :: aquaculture |
aquafortiste {m} [art] | :: etcher |
aquagym {f} | :: aquaerobics |
à quai {adj} [of a boat] | :: docked, at the quayside |
à quai {adj} [of a train] | :: standing at the platform |
aqualudique {adj} | :: watersport (attributive) |
aquanettoyage {f} | :: wet cleaning (contrasted with dry cleaning) |
aquaphobie {f} | :: aquaphobia (fear of water) |
aquaplanage {m} | :: aquaplaning |
aquaplane {f} | :: aquaplane |
aquaplaning {m} | :: aquaplaning |
aquaporine {m} | :: aquaporin |
aquarelle {f} | :: aquarelle, watercolour |
aquarellé {adj} [art] | :: Painted in watercolour |
aquareller {v} [art] | :: To paint in watercolour |
aquarelliste {mf} | :: watercolourist / watercolorist |
aquaresponsable {adj} [Canada] | :: That manages water responsibly |
aquariologique {adj} | :: aquariological |
aquarium {m} | :: aquarium |
aquarium {m} [slang] | :: a clambake (an instance of smoking in an enclosed space) |
aquastatique {adj} | :: aquastatic |
aquatinte {f} [art] | :: aquatint |
aquatique {adj} | :: aquatic (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water) |
à quatre pattes {adv} | :: on all fours |
aquatubulaire {adj} [of a boiler] | :: Having the hot water in heated tubes |
aquavit {m} | :: aquavit |
aqueduc {m} | :: aqueduct |
à quel point {adv} [colloquial] | :: how much (to what point, to what extent) |
à quelque chose malheur est bon {proverb} | :: every cloud has a silver lining |
aqueux {adj} | :: water, aqueous, aquatic |
à quia {adj} | :: silenced, nonplussed, speechless, tongue-tied, dumbfounded |
aquicole {adj} | :: alternative form of aquacole |
aquiculteur {m} | :: alternative form of aquaculteur |
aquicultrice {f} | :: feminine singular of aquiculteur |
aquiculture {f} | :: alternative form of aquaculture |
aquifère {m} | :: aquifer (an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel) |
aquilain {adj} [of a horse] | :: of a dark brown colour |
aquilain {m} [of a horse] | :: a dark brown colour |
aquilain {m} | :: a horse of the same colour |
à qui le dis-tu {interj} [colloquial] | :: you're telling me, you don't say, no kidding, tell me about it |
à qui le dites-vous {interj} | :: you're telling me, you don't say, no kidding, tell me about it |
aquilin {adj} | :: aquiline |
aquilon {m} [literary] | :: north wind |
à qui mieux mieux {adv} | :: each one more so than the other, in a trying to outdo each other manner |
aquisextain {adj} | :: Of or from Aix-en-Provence |
aquitain {adj} [attributive] | :: Aquitaine |
aquitain {m} | :: Aquitanian (ancient language) |
Aquitaine {prop} {f} | :: Aquitaine (former region) |
Aquitanien {m} [geology] | :: the Aquitanian (age) |
à qui veut l'entendre {adv} | :: to everybody, to anyone who will listen, to all and sundry, to anyone and everyone, left and right |
à quoi bon {interj} [colloquial] | :: what good is it? what's the good of? what's the point? |
àquoibonisme {m} | :: A defeatist philosophy that doubts the utility of anything |
àquoiboniste {mf} | :: A subscriber to àquoibonisme; a philosophical defeatist |
ara {m} | :: macaw |
arabe {adj} | :: Arabic |
arabe {m} | :: Arabic language |
Arabe {mf} | :: Arab (person) |
arabe andalou {m} | :: Andalusian Arabic |
arabe du coin {m} [derogatory] | :: A corner shop run by people of North African descent |
arabe égyptien {m} | :: The Egyptian Arabic language |
arabe espagnol {m} | :: Andalusian Arabic |
arabesque {f} | :: arabesque |
arabesque {adj} [obsolete] | :: Arabic (relating to Arabic peoples) |
arabica {m} | :: arabica (coffee) |
Arabie {prop} {f} | :: Arabia |
Arabie saoudite {prop} {f} | :: Saudi Arabia |
Arabie Saoudite {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Arabie saoudite |
arabinogalactane {m} [carbohydrate] | :: arabinogalactan |
arabique {adj} | :: Arabian |
arabisant {m} | :: Arabist |
arabisation {f} | :: Arabization |
arabiser {v} | :: To Arabize |
arabisme {m} | :: Arabism |
arabiste {mf} | :: Arabist |
arabite {f} [organic compound] | :: arabitol |
arable {adj} | :: arable |
arabophile {adj} | :: arabophilic |
arabophobe {adj} | :: arabophobic |
arabophone {adj} | :: Arabic-speaking |
arabophone {mf} | :: Arabic speaker |
aracée {f} | :: aroid (of the family Araceae) |
arachide {f} [botany] | :: groundnut, peanut, goober (Arachis hypogaea) |
arachidier {adj} | :: groundnut (attributive) |
arachidique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: arachidic |
arachidonique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: arachidonic |
arachine {f} [organic compound] | :: arachin |
arachique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: arachidic |
arachnéen {adj} | :: spider (attributive) |
arachnéen {adj} | :: gossamer (attributive) |
arachnide {m} | :: arachnid |
arachnoïde {f} | :: arachnoid mater |
arachnoïdien {adj} | :: arachnoidian |
arachnologie {f} | :: arachnology |
arachnologique {adj} | :: arachnologic, arachnological |
arachnologiste {mf} | :: arachnologist |
arachnologue {mf} | :: arachnologist |
arachnolysine {f} | :: arachnolysin |
arachnophobie {f} | :: arachnophobia (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders) |
arachnotoxine {f} | :: arachnotoxin |
aræometre {m} | :: obsolete form of aréomètre |
Aragon {prop} {m} | :: Aragon (autonomous community) |
aragonais {adj} | :: Aragonese (from Aragon) |
aragonais {m} | :: Aragonese (language) |
Aragonais {m} | :: Aragonese person |
Aragonaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Aragonais |
aragonite {f} [mineral] | :: aragonite |
araignée {f} | :: spider |
araignée des jardins {f} | :: European garden spider (Araneus diadematus) |
araignée porte-croix {f} | :: European garden spider (Araneus diadematus) |
araire {m} | :: ard, scratch plough |
à raison {adv} | :: with good reason, rightly |
à raison de {prep} | :: at the rate of |
araméen {m} | :: Aramaic language |
araméen {adj} | :: Aramaic (pertaining to the Aramaic language or culture) |
Araméen {m} | :: Aramaic (person) |
Araméenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Araméen |
araméisant {adj} | :: Aramaic in character |
araméophone {adj} | :: arameophone |
aramide {m} | :: aramid |
aramique {adj} | :: Aramaic |
aramon {m} | :: A variety of black grape from the South of France |
aramon {m} | :: wine made from this grape variety |
aranéeux {adj} | :: araneous, araneose |
aranéide {m} | :: araneid |
aranéiforme {adj} | :: araneiform, spiderlike |
aranéologique {adj} | :: araneological |
arantèle {f} | :: spider's web |
à ras bord {adv} | :: to the brim |
arasement {m} | :: leveling |
araser {vt} | :: to level, screed |
araser {vt} | :: to plane |
aratoire {adj} | :: ploughing (attributive) |
araucan {adj} | :: Araucanian, Mapuche |
araucaria {m} | :: monkey puzzle (tree of genus Araucaria) |
à ravir {adv} | :: beautifully, to a tee (perfectly) |
arawakien {adj} | :: Arawak |
arbalète {f} [weapons] | :: crossbow |
arbalète {f} [skiing] | :: T-bar |
arbalète {f} [navigation] | :: Jacob's staff |
arbalète à jalet {f} | :: stone bow (bullet-shooting crossbow) |
arbalétrier {m} | :: crossbowman (someone equipped with a crossbow) |
arbalétrière {f} | :: loophole, arrowslit (in a castle) |
arbalétrière {f} | :: female equivalent of arbalétrier |
arbi {m} | :: arab |
arbi {m} | :: Arabic (singular only) |
arbitrage {m} | :: arbitration (the act or process of arbitrating) |
arbitrage {m} [finance] | :: arbitrage |
arbitrage {m} [economics] | :: trade-off |
arbitrage {m} [sports] | :: refereeing |
arbitragiste {mf} | :: arbitrager |
arbitraire {adj} | :: arbitrary (determined by impulse) |
arbitrairement {adv} | :: arbitrarily |
arbitral {adj} | :: arbitral |
arbitralement {adv} | :: arbitrally |
arbitratif {adj} | :: arbitrational |
arbitration {f} | :: arbitration |
arbitre {mf} [legal] | :: mediator, arbitrator |
arbitre {mf} [sports] | :: referee |
arbitre {m} [philosophy, archaic] | :: the will |
arbitre de chaise {m} [tennis] | :: chair umpire |
arbitrer {v} | :: to arbitrate |
arbitrer {v} | :: to referee |
Arbois {prop} | :: A small town in the Jura department of Franche-Comté |
arboisien {adj} | :: Of or from Arbois |
arborer {v} | :: to sport (clothes, a badge etc.) |
arborer {v} | :: to wear (a facial expression e.g. a smile, a frown) |
arborer {v} | :: to fly, display (a flag) |
arborescence {f} | :: arborescence |
arborescent {adj} | :: arborescent |
arboretum {m} | :: arboretum |
arboricole {adj} | :: arboricole |
arboriculteur {m} | :: arboriculturist |
arboricultrice {f} | :: feminine singular of arboriculteur |
arboriculture {f} | :: arboriculture |
arborisation {f} | :: treeplanting |
arboriser {v} | :: To plant trees |
arbouse {f} [botany] | :: arbutus berry (fruit of the strawberry tree) |
arbousier {m} | :: strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) |
arbovirose {m} [pathology] | :: arbovirosis |
arbre {m} | :: tree (plant, diagram, anything in the form of a tree) |
arbre {m} | :: axle |
arbre {m} [mechanics] | :: drive shaft |
arbre à cames {m} | :: camshaft |
arbre à chat {m} | :: cat tree; scratching post |
arbre à pain {m} | :: breadfruit (tree) |
arbre à palabres {m} | :: The talking tree. (The baobab tree, a symbol of communication in French-speaking West Africa) |
arbre à perruque {m} | :: smoke tree (shrub of genus Cotinus) |
arbre de Judas {m} | :: Judas tree |
arbre de Judée {m} | :: Judas tree |
arbre de mai {m} | :: maypole |
arbre de Noël {m} | :: A Christmas tree, (usually conifer) tree set up during the Christmas holiday season |
arbre généalogique {m} | :: family tree |
arbrisseau {m} | :: bush; shrub |
arbuscule {m} | :: arbuscle (all senses) |
arbuste {m} | :: bush, shrub |
arbustif {adj} [botany] | :: having the shape and the size of a bush or a little tree |
arbutine {f} [organic compound] | :: arbutin |
arc {m} | :: bow (weapon) |
arc {m} | :: arc (curve) |
arc {m} [geometry] | :: arc, circular arc, circle segment |
arc {m} [architecture] | :: arch |
arcade {f} [architecture] | :: arcade |
arcade {f} [anatomy] | :: arch, ridge |
arcade {f} [gaming] | :: arcade |
arcade sourcilière {f} [anatomy] | :: supraorbital ridge |
Arcadie {prop} {f} | :: Arcadia |
arcadien {adj} | :: Arcadian (relating to Arcadia) |
Arcadien {m} | :: Arcadian (inhabitant of ancient Arcadia) |
Arcadienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Arcadien |
arcadique {adj} | :: Arcadian |
arcadochypriote {adj} | :: Arcado-Cypriot |
arcadochypriote {m} | :: Arcado-Cypriot |
arcane {adj} [dated] | :: arcane, secret, mysterious |
arcane {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: mysteries, arcanum |
arcanson {m} | :: rosin |
arc à poulies {m} [weapons] | :: compound bow |
arcasse {f} [nautical] | :: stern |
arcature {f} | :: blind arcade |
arc-boutant {m} [architecture] | :: flying buttress |
arcboutant {m} | :: flying buttress |
arc-boutement {m} [mechanical engineering] | :: Load amplied on a slide joint, parallel to the sliding axis but with a lever arm, so that the resulting torque blocks the system and prevents the sliding. This phenomenon is due to friction, and can be used by purpose, e.g. for an F-clamp or a roller freewheel. Over-centering, over-center locking, more than acceptable edge loading |
arc-bouter {vt} [architecture] | :: to buttress |
arc-bouter {vr} | :: to press, lean, brace (à, contre [up] against) |
arc-bouter {vr} | :: to stand firm (in opposition to someone) |
arcbouter {v} | :: alternative form of arc-bouter |
arc de courbe {m} | :: arc (of a circle) |
arc de triomphe {m} | :: A triumphal arch, monumental arch commemorating a triumph, such as a military victory |
arc-doubleau {m} [architecture] | :: transverse arch (in Gothic architecture) |
arceau {m} | :: arc, arch, vault |
arc-en-ciel {adj} | :: rainbow |
arc-en-ciel {m} | :: rainbow |
Arceneaux {prop} | :: surname |
archæologie {f} | :: obsolete form of archéologie |
archæologique {adj} | :: obsolete form of archéologique |
archæologue {mf} | :: obsolete form of archéologue |
archaïque {adj} | :: archaic |
archaïquement {adv} | :: archaically |
archaïsant {adj} | :: archaic |
archaïsant {adj} | :: archaistic |
archaïsant {m} | :: archaist |
archaïser {v} | :: To archaize |
archaïsme {m} | :: archaism |
archal {m} [rare] | :: brass |
archange {m} | :: archangel |
archangélique {adj} | :: archangelic |
archanthropien {m} | :: Any of various forms of Homo erectus |
arche {f} [architecture] | :: arch |
arche {f} | :: ark (Noah's ship) |
archéal {adj} | :: archeal |
archée {f} [biology] | :: archaean |
archéen {adj} | :: Of or from Arches |
archéen {adj} | :: Archean |
archégone {m} [botany] | :: archegonium |
Archélaüs {prop} | :: Archelaus |
archelle {f} | :: A shelf with hooks used to hang cups by their handles |
archentéron {m} | :: archenteron |
archéo- {prefix} | :: archaeo-, archeo- |
archéoastronome {m} [astronomy] | :: archaeoastronomer |
archéoastronomie {f} [astronomy] | :: archaeoastronomy |
archéobactérie {f} | :: archeobacterium |
archéographique {adj} | :: archeographic, archaeographic |
archéolithique {adj} | :: archeolithic, archaeolithic |
archéologie {f} | :: archaeology (scientific study of past remains) |
archéologique {adj} | :: archaeological (relating to the science or research of archaeology) |
archéologiquement {adv} | :: archaeologically |
archéologue {mf} | :: archaeologist (someone who is skilled, professes or practices archaeology) |
archéomagnétisme {m} | :: archaeomagnetism / archeomagnetism |
archéométallurgique {adj} | :: archeometallurgical, archaeometallurgical |
archéométrie {f} | :: archeometry |
archéométrique {adj} | :: archeometric, archaeometric |
archéozoologique {adj} | :: archaeozoological |
archer {m} | :: archer |
archère {f} | :: feminine singular of archer |
archère {f} | :: synonym of archière |
archerie {f} | :: archery |
archerie {f} | :: a group of archers |
Arches {prop} | :: A small town in the Vosges department of Lorraine |
archet {m} | :: bow (rod used for playing stringed instruments) |
archèterie {f} [music] | :: bowmaking |
archetier {m} | :: bow maker, archetier [somewhat uncommon] |
archétypal {adj} | :: archetypal |
archétype {adj} | :: archetypal |
archétype {m} | :: archetype |
archétypique {adj} | :: archetypal, archetypic, archetypical |
archevêché {m} | :: archbishopric, archdiocese |
archevêché {m} | :: archbishop's palace |
archevêque {m} | :: archbishop |
archi- {prefix} | :: arch- (used for intensiveness), ultra- |
archi- {prefix} [colloquial] | :: dead (extremely) |
archiatre {m} [historical] | :: chief physician, archiater |
archibondé {adj} [colloquial] | :: packed, chock-a-block |
archicélèbre {adj} | :: ultrafamous, superfamous |
archichancelier {m} | :: archchancellor |
archichancelière {f} | :: feminine singular of archichancelier |
archichancellerie {f} [rare] | :: The office of an archchancellor |
archichapelain {m} | :: archchaplain |
archicomble {adj} | :: jam-packed |
archicon {adj} [colloquial] | :: Very stupid |
archiconfrérie {f} | :: archconfraternity |
archiconnu {adj} | :: extremely well-known |
archiconnu {adj} | :: hackneyed |
archicontinental {adj} [geology] | :: archicontinental |
archicube {mf} [jargon, education] | :: Graduate, former student at the École normale supérieure in Paris |
archicube {mf} | :: A student who repeats the third grade |
archidiacre {m} | :: archdeacon |
archidiocésain {adj} | :: archdiocesan |
archidiocèse {m} | :: archdiocese |
archiduc {m} | :: archduke (high nobiliary title) |
archiducal {adj} | :: archducal |
archiduché {m} | :: archduchy |
archiduchesse {f} | :: archduchess |
-archie {suffix} | :: -archy |
archie {f} | :: principle |
archiépiscopal {adj} | :: archiepiscopal |
archiépiscopat {m} | :: archbishopric |
archière {f} | :: loophole, arrowslit (in the wall of a castle) |
archifaux {adj} [colloquial] | :: Extremely wrong |
Archiloque {prop} {m} | :: Archilochus |
archimandrite {m} | :: archimandrite |
Archimède {prop} {m} | :: Archimedes |
archimédien {adj} | :: archimedean |
archimillionnaire {mf} | :: multimillionnaire |
archimillionnaire {adj} | :: Very, very rich |
archine {f} | :: arshin |
archipel {m} | :: archipelago |
archiphonème {m} [linguistics] | :: archiphoneme |
archiplein {adj} | :: packed (filled with a large number or quantity of something) |
archipresbytéral {adj} | :: archipresbyteral |
archiprêtre {m} | :: archpriest |
archisimple {adj} | :: Extremely simple or easy |
architecte {mf} | :: architect (a designer of buildings) |
architecteur {adj} | :: architectural |
architectonie {f} | :: synonym of architecture |
architectonique {adj} | :: architectonic |
architectonique {f} | :: architectonics |
architectoniquement {adv} | :: architectonically |
architectural {adj} | :: architectural |
architecturalement {adv} | :: architecturally |
architecture {f} | :: architecture |
architecturer {v} | :: to architect |
architransème {m} [translation studies] | :: an architranseme |
architrave {f} | :: architrave |
architravé {adj} [architecture] | :: architraved |
archivage {m} | :: filing |
archivage {m} | :: archiving |
archive {f} [rare] | :: an item in an archive, a document kept for historical interest |
archive {f} [rare] | :: singular of archives |
archiver {v} | :: to archive |
archives {fp} | :: archive, the historical material (usually documents) considered as a whole |
archives {fp} | :: place for storing archives |
archiviste {mf} | :: archivist |
archivistique {adj} | :: archivistic, archival |
archivistique {f} | :: archivistics (archival science) |
archivolte {f} | :: archivolt |
archontat {m} | :: archonship |
archonte {m} [historical] | :: archon |
arcimboldien {adj} | :: Arcimboldian |
arc long anglais {m} | :: longbow |
arçon {m} [horse riding] | :: tree (wooden frame used in the construction of a saddle) |
arctique {adj} [geography] | :: Arctic (pertaining to or of the Arctic) |
Arctique {prop} {m} | :: Arctic (northern region of the world) |
arctitude {f} [medicine] | :: arctation |
arcturien {adj} | :: Arcturian |
-ard {suffix} | :: Used primarily to form pejoratives, diminutives, and nouns representing or belonging to a particular class or sort |
Ardèche {prop} | :: Ardèche (department) |
Ardèche {prop} | :: Ardèche (river) |
ardéchois {adj} | :: from Ardèche |
Ardéchois {m} | :: Someone from Ardèche |
Ardéchoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Ardéchois |
ardéiforme {m} | :: heron (or other bird of the family Ardeidae) |
ardemment {adv} | :: ardently |
ardennais {adj} | :: Of or from the Ardennes |
ardennaisement {adv} | :: In a manner typical of the Ardennes |
Ardenne {prop} | :: Ardennes; alternative form of Ardennes |
Ardennes {prop} {m} | :: Ardennes |
ardent {adj} | :: fiery, burning; ablaze; aflame |
ardent {adj} | :: fervent; passionate |
ardeur {f} | :: intense heat |
ardeur {f} [figurative] | :: ardour, fervour, passion |
ardillon {m} | :: tongue (of buckle) |
ardillon {m} | :: barb (of fishhook) |
ardoise {f} | :: slate |
ardoise {f} | :: a small, portable chalkboard |
ardoise {f} [figuratively] | :: an unpaid bill |
ardoise {adj} | :: Similar in color to slate, a dark gray between neutral or blueish |
ardoisé {adj} | :: slate gray |
ardoiser {v} | :: To cover with slates (or with a slate colour) |
ardoiser {v} | :: To put it on the slate (pay with an informal credit account) |
ardoisier {adj} | :: slate (attributive), slaty |
ardre {vt} [archaic] | :: to burn |
ardre {vi} [archaic] | :: to consume |
ardu {adj} [literally] | :: steep, hence hard to climb |
ardu {adj} [figuratively] | :: arduous, needing or using up much energy, difficult |
ardûment {adv} | :: steeply |
ardûment {adv} | :: arduously, difficultly |
are {m} | :: an are |
à réaction {adj} | :: jet-propelled |
aréage {m} | :: area of land measured in ares |
aréal {adj} | :: areal |
à rebours {adv} | :: backwards, the wrong way; against the grain |
à rebrousse-poil {adv} [figuratively] | :: the wrong way, against the grain |
arec {m} | :: palm tree (of family Arecaceae) |
à reculons {adv} | :: backwards |
aréflexie {f} | :: areflexia |
à regret {adv} | :: with regret, with a heavy heart, regretfully, reluctantly, unwillingly |
areligieux {adj} | :: areligious |
aremberge {f} | :: synonym of ramberge |
aréna {m} [Canada] | :: a hockey arena |
arénacé {adj} | :: arenaceous |
arénaire {adj} [botany] | :: arenaceous |
arène {f} | :: arena |
arène {m} | :: arene |
aréneux {adj} | :: arenaceous |
arénicole {adj} | :: arenicolous |
arénifère {adj} | :: areniferous, sandy |
aréniforme {adj} | :: areniform, sandlike |
arénique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: arenic |
arénisation {f} [geology] | :: arenization |
arénite {f} [mineral] | :: arenite |
arénophile {adj} [botany] | :: arenophilic |
arénuleux {adj} | :: arenulous |
aréographie {f} | :: areography |
aréographique {adj} | :: areographic |
aréolaire {adj} | :: areolar |
aréole {f} | :: areola |
aréole {f} | :: areole |
aréolé {adj} | :: areolate |
aréomètre {m} | :: areometer |
aréométrie {f} | :: areometry |
aréométrique {adj} | :: areometric |
aréopage {m} | :: Areopagus |
Aréopage {prop} | :: Areopagus |
aréopagite {adj} | :: Areopagite |
aréopagite {m} | :: Areopagite |
aréopagitique {adj} | :: Areopagitic |
aréostyle {m} | :: areostyle |
à répétition {adj} | :: repeated, recurrent, frequent |
aréquier {m} | :: areca |
Arès {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Ares |
Arétas {prop} | :: Aretas |
arête {f} [zoology] | :: bone (of a fish), fishbone |
arête {f} | :: edge (of an object); ridge, crest (of mountain) |
arête {f} [architecture] | :: groin (of vault) |
arête {f} | :: bridge of nose |
arête {f} [botany] | :: beard (of rye, barley etc.) |
arête {f} [graph theory] | :: edge |
arêtier {m} [architecture] | :: hip (structural member) |
arétin {adj} | :: from or relating to Arrezzo, Italy |
à réveiller un mort {prep} | :: very loud, deafening; very loudly |
à revendre {prep} [colloquial] | :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance, in quantity |
arf {interj} | :: argh, ugh, oy |
arganier {m} | :: argan |
argent {m} | :: silver |
argent {m} | :: money, cash |
argent {m} [tincture] | :: argent (white in heraldry) |
argentaffine {adj} [cytology] | :: argentaffin |
argentage {m} | :: silver plating |
argentan {m} | :: nickel silver |
argent blanc {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: coin, cash, change |
argent de poche {m} | :: pocket money |
argenté {adj} | :: silver (having a color/colour like silver), silvery |
argenté {adj} | :: silvered |
argenté {adj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: wealthy |
argenter {v} | :: to silverplate |
argenterie {f} | :: silver cutlery, silverware |
argenteur {m} | :: silver plater (person) |
argenteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of argenteur |
argentier {m} | :: silversmith |
argentière {f} | :: feminine noun of argentier |
argentifère {adj} | :: argentiferous |
argentin {adj} | :: silvery |
argentin {adj} | :: Argentine (from Argentina) |
Argentin {m} | :: Argentinian, someone from Argentina |
Argentine {prop} {f} | :: Argentine (country) |
Argentine {f} | :: feminine noun of Argentin |
argentinien {adj} | :: Argentinian |
argentique {adj} | :: argentic (containing silver) |
argentique {adj} [photography] | :: silver |
argentite {f} [mineral] | :: argentite |
argentophile {adj} | :: argentophilic |
argent sale {m} | :: dirty money, ill-gotten gains |
argenture {f} | :: silver plate |
argien {adj} | :: Relating to Argos |
argilacé {adj} | :: argillaceous |
argilane {f} [geology] | :: argillan |
argile {f} | :: clay |
argile smectique {f} | :: fuller's earth |
argileux {adj} | :: clayey |
argilière {f} | :: claypit |
argilifère {adj} | :: argilliferous |
argiliforme {adj} | :: claylike |
argilique {adj} | :: argillic |
argiloïde {adj} | :: claylike |
Argœuves {prop} | :: Argœuves |
argon {m} | :: argon |
argonaute {mf} | :: argonaut |
argot {m} | :: slang |
argot {m} | :: cant (secret language) |
argotier {m} | :: A person who speaks slang |
argotière {f} | :: feminine singular of argotier |
argotique {adj} | :: slang (attributive) |
argotiquement {adv} | :: With the use of slang |
argotisme {m} | :: A slang word or term |
argotiste {mf} | :: A person who studies slang |
argoulet {m} | :: A light cavalryman (from the 1600s in France) |
argouse {f} | :: the fruit of the sea buckthorn |
argousier {m} | :: sea buckthorn |
argousin {m} [archaic, slang] | :: rozzer, copper |
argu {m} | :: synonym of argumentaire |
arguer {v} | :: to deduce (arrive at a conclusion) |
arguer {v} | :: to argue |
argüer {v} | :: alternative spelling of arguer |
argument {m} | :: argument |
argument {m} [grammar] | :: argument of a verb, phrase syntactically connected to a verb (object and subject) |
argumentaire {m} | :: sales pitch (set of arguments meant to convince a buyer) |
argumentateur {m} | :: arguer |
argumentateuse {f} | :: feminine singular of argumentateur |
argumentatif {adj} | :: argumentative |
argumentation {f} | :: argument (process of reasoning) |
argumentatoire {adj} | :: argumentary |
argumenter {v} | :: to argue (have an argument) |
argumenteur {adj} | :: argumentative |
argutie {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: quibble |
argutieusement {adv} | :: quibblingly |
argutieux {adj} | :: quibbling |
argyraspide {m} | :: argyraspide |
argyride {m} [mineral] | :: Any mineral containing silver |
argyrie {f} [pathology] | :: argyria |
argyrisme {m} [pathology] | :: argyrism (silver poisoning) |
argyrite {f} [mineral] | :: argentite |
argyrocéphale {adj} | :: silvery-haired |
argyrolobe {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Argyrolobium |
argyronète {f} | :: diving bell spider (of genus Argyroneta) |
argyrophile {adj} | :: argyrophilic |
argyrophylle {adj} [botany] | :: silvery-leaved |
argyrose {f} [mineral] | :: synonym of acanthite |
arhythmique {adj} | :: arhythmic |
aria {f} [music] | :: aria |
Ariane {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Ariadne |
Ariane {prop} {f} | :: given name |
arianisme {m} | :: Arianism (heretical doctrine) |
aride {adj} | :: arid (very dry) |
aridité {f} | :: aridity |
aridité {f} | :: barrenness |
ariège {f} | :: smilax |
Ariège {prop} {f} | :: Ariège |
ariégeois {adj} | :: of, from, or relating to, Ariège (the French department) |
arien {adj} | :: Arian (relating to Arius) |
arien {m} | :: Arian (type of Christian heretic) |
ariette {f} [music] | :: arietta |
arikapú {m} | :: Arikapú (language) |
arille {m} [botany] | :: aril |
arioso {adv} [music] | :: in an arioso style |
ariostin {adj} | :: Ariostan |
ariser {v} | :: alternative form of arriser |
aristarque {m} | :: aristarch |
Aristarque {prop} {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] | :: Aristarchus (an Ancient Greek given name) |
aristé {adj} [botany] | :: aristate |
Aristénète {prop} {m} | :: Aristaenetus |
Aristippe {prop} {m} | :: the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus of Cyrene |
aristo {mf} | :: aristocrat |
Aristobule {prop} {m} | :: Aristobulus |
aristocrate {adj} | :: aristocratic |
aristocrate {mf} | :: aristocrat, noble |
aristocratie {f} | :: an aristocracy |
aristocratique {adj} | :: aristocratic |
aristocratiquement {adv} | :: aristocratically |
aristocratisme {m} | :: aristocratism |
aristodémocratie {f} | :: aristodemocracy |
aristodémocratique {adj} | :: aristodemocratic |
aristol {m} [medicine] | :: An antiseptic made from thymol and iodine |
aristoloche {f} | :: birthwort |
aristolochique {adj} | :: aristolochic |
Aristophane {prop} {m} | :: Aristophanes |
aristophanesque {adj} | :: Aristophanic, Aristophanean |
aristophanien {adj} | :: Aristophanean |
aristophanique {adj} | :: Aristophanic |
Aristote {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Aristotle (an Ancient Greek given name, most notably borne by the fourth century BCE philosopher Aristotle) |
aristotélicien {adj} | :: Aristotelian |
aristotélicien {m} | :: Aristotelian |
aristotélique {adj} | :: Aristotelian |
aristotélisme {m} | :: Aristotelianism |
arité {m} | :: arity (number of arguments) |
arithméticien {m} [maths] | :: arithmetician |
arithméticienne {f} | :: feminine singular of arithméticien |
arithmétique {f} | :: arithmetic (mathematics of numbers, etc.) |
arithmétique {adj} | :: arithmetic, arithmetical |
arithmétiquement {adv} | :: arithmetically (in an arithmetic manner) |
arithmétisation {f} | :: arithmetization |
arithmétiser {v} [maths] | :: To arithmetize |
arithmographique {adj} | :: arithmographic |
arithmologie {f} | :: arithmology |
arithmomanie {f} | :: arithmomania |
Arkhangelsk {prop} {m} | :: Arkhangelsk (oblast) |
Arkhangelsk {prop} {m} | :: Arkhangelsk (city/administrative center) |
Arkhanguelsk {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Arkhangelsk |
arkose {f} [geology] | :: arkose |
arlequin {m} | :: harlequin |
arlequin {m} | :: buffoon |
arlequin {m} | :: jester |
arlequinade {f} | :: harlequinade |
arlequinade {f} | :: buffoonery |
arlequine {f} | :: feminine singular of arlequin |
Arles {prop} | :: Arles (city and commune in Provence, southern France) |
arlésien {adj} | :: Of or from Arles |
Arlette {prop} | :: given name |
Arlon {prop} | :: Arlon |
armada {f} [military] | :: armada (fleet of warships) |
armagnac {m} | :: Armagnac (brandy) |
armailli {m} [Switzerland] | :: shepherd (of the Fribourg region) |
Armand {prop} {m} | :: given name |
armanien {adj} | :: relating to, or characteristic of Giorgio Armani or the Armani fashion house |
armateur {m} | :: shipowner |
armatole {m} | :: Armatole |
armature {f} | :: framework (supportive structure) |
armaturé {adj} | :: reinforced |
armaturé {adj} | :: underwired (of clothing etc.) |
arme {f} | :: a weapon, arms |
armé {adj} | :: armed (having weapons) |
arme à double tranchant {f} [idiom] | :: double-edged sword |
arme à feu {f} | :: firearm |
arme à impulsion électrique {f} | :: An electroshock stun weapon |
arme biologique {f} | :: biological weapon |
arme blanche {f} | :: weapon with a blade (literally: "white weapon"); cold weapon |
arme chimique {f} | :: chemical weapon |
arme de destruction massive {f} | :: weapon of mass destruction (a chemical, biological, radiological nuclear or other weapon that is designed to cause death or serious injury to large numbers of civilians) |
arme d'hast {f} | :: polearm |
arme du crime {m} | :: murder weapon |
armée {f} [military] | :: army |
armée {f} [military] | :: armed forces |
armée de l'air {f} [military] | :: air force, air corps or flying corps ; literally army of the air, air army |
armée de l'espace {f} [military] | :: space force, aerospace force ; literally army of space, space army |
armée de mer {f} [military, archaic] | :: navy; literally army of the sea |
armée de terre {f} [military] | :: army ; literally army of the land, land army |
armé jusqu'aux dents {adj} | :: armed to the teeth |
Armel {prop} | :: given name |
armeline {f} | :: A fine, white ermine from Lapland |
Armelle {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Armel |
armement {m} | :: armament |
armement {m} | :: arming |
armement {m} | :: Nautical: final stages of the building of a ship (painting, equipment, etc.) |
armement {m} | :: Nautical: preparing a ship for a commercial mission |
armement {m} | :: by extension: shipping company |
Arménie {prop} {f} | :: Arménie (country) |
arménien {adj} | :: Armenian |
arménien {m} | :: Armenian language |
Arménien {m} | :: Armenian (person) |
arménien ancien {m} [language] | :: Old Armenian |
arménien classique {m} [language] | :: Old Armenian |
Arménienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Arménien |
Arménistan {prop} {m} | :: Armenistan |
armer {v} | :: to arm (equip with weapons) |
armer {v} | :: to dub (a knight) |
armet {m} | :: armet |
armeur {m} | :: armourer |
armeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of armeur |
armillaire {adj} | :: armillary |
armillé {adj} | :: armillary |
arminianisme {m} | :: Arminianism |
arminien {adj} | :: Arminian |
arminien {m} | :: Arminian |
armistice {m} | :: armistice |
armoire {f} | :: wardrobe (British), closet (US), a cabinet, taller than it is wide, for storing things. |
armoire à glace {f} | :: wardrobe with a mirror |
armoire à glace {f} [figuratively] | :: a muscleman, a bruiser, a bull, a hulk, a bulky man, a man built like a brick shithouse |
armoiries {fp} | :: arms; coat of arms |
armoise {f} | :: mugwort |
armon {m} | :: coupling (of railway carriages) |
armorial {adj} [heraldry] | :: armorial |
armoricain {adj} | :: Armorican |
armorier {vt} | :: to emblazon [with arms] |
Armorique {prop} {f} | :: Armorica |
armure {f} | :: armor |
armurerie {f} | :: arms factory |
armurerie {f} | :: gun shop |
armurier {m} | :: gunsmith |
armurier {m} | :: armourer / armorer |
armurière {f} | :: feminine singular of armurier |
ARN {m} [biochemistry] | :: RNA |
arnaque {f} [colloquial] | :: con, rip-off, swindling |
arnaquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to swindle, to dupe |
arnaquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to cheat |
arnaqueur {m} | :: swindler |
arnaqueur {adj} | :: swindling; lying; cheating |
arnaqueuse {f} | :: feminine noun of arnaqueur |
Arnaud {prop} | :: given name |
Arnaud {prop} | :: surname |
arnica {f} | :: arnica |
Arnoux {prop} | :: surname |
arobase {f} [computing] | :: The at symbol, @ |
arobe {f} | :: at sign (@) |
aroïdée {f} | :: arum (of subfamily Aroideae) |
aromal {adj} | :: aromatic (fragrant) |
aromantique {adj} | :: aromantic |
aromate {m} | :: seasoning, herb, spice, especially one with a strong, pleasant odour |
aromathérapeute {mf} | :: aromatherapist |
aromathérapie {f} | :: aromatherapy |
aromaticité {f} | :: aromaticity (all senses) |
aromatique {adj} | :: aromatic (all senses) |
aromatisation {f} | :: aromatization |
aromatiser {v} | :: to aromatize / aromatise |
aromatogramme {m} | :: aromatogram |
aromatophore {mf} | :: aromatic |
arôme {m} | :: aroma |
à Rome, fais comme les Romains {proverb} | :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do |
aronde {f} [archaic] | :: swallow (bird) |
aroumain {m} | :: Aromanian language |
arpège {m} [music] | :: arpeggio |
arpègement {m} [music] | :: The playing of an arpeggio |
arpéger {v} [music] | :: To play an arpeggio |
arpent {m} | :: arpent |
arpentage {m} | :: surveying |
arpentage {m} | :: survey |
arpenter {v} | :: to survey land |
arpenter {v} | :: to pace, to measure |
arpenter {v} | :: to pace, to walk to and fro |
arpenteur {m} | :: surveyor |
arpenteur {adj} | :: surveying |
arpenteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of arpenteur |
arpenteuse {f} | :: measuring worm |
arpète {mf} | :: apprentice (or worker who does odd jobs) |
arpette {mf} | :: alternative form of arpète |
arpion {m} | :: (especially in plural) foot |
arpitan {m} | :: Arpitan (language) |
arpitan {adj} | :: Arpitan |
arpitan {adj} | :: Arpitanian |
arquebusade {f} | :: arquebusade (shot of an arquebus) |
arquebuse {f} [firearms] | :: arquebus |
arquebusier {f} | :: arquebusier |
arquer {vit} | :: to arc |
arquer {vr} [s'arquer] | :: to arc (move in an arch shape) |
Arquisat {prop} | :: Arquisat (hamlet of Miglos, Ariège, France) |
arracache {f} | :: arracacha |
arrachable {adj} | :: peelable |
arrachage {m} | :: lifting (of potatoes etc) |
arrachage {m} | :: weeding |
arraché {m} [weightlifting] | :: snatch |
arrachement {m} | :: uprooting |
arrachement {m} | :: extracting, extraction |
arrachement {m} | :: snatching, grabbing |
arracher {v} | :: to uproot, pull up, tear out |
arracher {v} | :: to extract, take out (a tooth) |
arracher {v} | :: to pull off, rip off, peel |
arracher {v} | :: to buy, snap up |
arracher {vp} | :: to fight over (something) |
arracher {vp} | :: to tear oneself away (à from) |
arracher la gueule {v} [à] | :: [vulgar] to hurt, to kill, to be too much to ask |
arracher la gueule {v} [colloquial, figuratively, of food] | :: to be very spicy, to be very hot, to blow someone's head off |
arracheur {m} | :: An agricultural labourer who harvest potatoes, beet etc |
arracheur {m} [slang] | :: bag snatcher |
arracheuse {f} | :: feminine singular of arracheur |
arraisonnement {m} [nautical] | :: inspection |
arraisonner {v} | :: to hail (e.g. a taxicab) |
arraisonner {v} [nautical] | :: to arraign |
arrangé {adj} [colloquial, of a person or thing] | :: Organized, neat |
arrangeable {adj} | :: arrangeable |
arrangement {m} | :: arrangement |
arranger {v} | :: to arrange |
arranger {v} [colloquial] | :: to suit, to be convenient |
arranger {vr} | :: to be set for |
arranger {v} [Louisiana French, ] | :: to build |
arranger {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: to fix |
arrangeur {m} | :: arranger (one who arranges) |
arrangeur {m} [music] | :: arranger |
arrèc {m} | :: ravine, stream [commonly seen in toponyms in Gascony] |
arrenter {v} | :: To pay a pension, annuity etc |
arrérager {v} | :: To be in arrears |
arrérages {mp} | :: arrears |
arrestation {f} | :: arrest (The act of arresting a criminal, suspect, etc.) |
arrêt {m} | :: stopping, checking, arrest (in development, growth, machinery etc.) |
arrêt {m} | :: stop (place) |
arrêt {m} [legal] | :: judgment, ruling |
arrêt {m} | :: safety catch, stop button |
arrêtable {adj} | :: stoppable |
arrêtable {adj} | :: arrestable |
arrêt cardiaque {m} | :: cardiac arrest |
arrêt-court {m} [baseball] | :: shortstop |
arrêt de bus {m} | :: bus stop (a stop for public transport busses) |
arrêt de jeu {m} [sports] | :: time-out |
arrêt de mort {m} | :: death sentence |
arrêt de travail {m} | :: stoppage of work (generally because of sickness); sick leave |
arrêté {m} | :: agreement, resolution, a thing agreed on, resolved upon |
arrêté {m} [law] | :: order (ruling by an official imposing certain conditions on a group or individual) |
arrête-bœuf {m} | :: restharrow |
arrêter {vit} | :: To halt, to stop |
arrêter {vt} | :: To arrest (a criminal, etc.) |
arrêter {vr} | :: To come to a stop |
arrêter {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: To wait |
arrêter les frais {v} [colloquial] | :: to cut one's losses, to call it a day |
arrêt Idaho {m} | :: rolling stop |
arrêt maladie {m} | :: sick leave, sick day |
arrêtoir {m} | :: keeper, valve ball |
arrêt sur image {m} | :: freeze-frame, freeze-frame shot |
arrhénogène {adj} | :: arrhenogenic |
arrhénotoque {adj} [biology] | :: arrhenotokous |
arrher {v} | :: to give down payment |
arrhes {fp} | :: down payment; deposit |
arrhize {adj} [botany] | :: arrhizal, arrhizous |
Arrien-en-Bethmale {prop} | :: Arrien-en-Bethmale (village) |
arriération {f} | :: retardation, backwardness |
arriéré {adj} | :: late (for work or debt) |
arriéré {adj} [derogatory] | :: backwards (behind current trends) |
arriéré {m} | :: arrear |
arrière- {prefix} | :: Forms nouns (normally with a hyphen) from the adverb usage of arrière |
arrière {m} | :: back; rear |
arrière {m} [sports] | :: fullback |
arrière {m} [basketball] | :: shooting guard |
arrière {adv} | :: far, far away |
arrière {adv} | :: late |
arrière {adv} | :: rear, behind, hinter- |
arrière {adv} | :: great (relatives) |
arrière {adj} | :: back (near the rear) |
arrière-automne {m} | :: late autumn (near the onset of winter) |
arrière-ban {m} | :: An assembly of feudal lords |
arrière-bec {m} | :: The downstream part of the cutwater of a bridge |
arrière-bouche {f} | :: synonym of pharynx |
arrière-boutique {f} | :: A room at the back of a shop |
arrière-bras {m} | :: upper arm |
arrière-cerveau {m} | :: hindbrain |
arrière-chambre {f} | :: backroom |
arrière-choeur {m} | :: alternative form of arrière-chœur |
arrière-chœur {m} | :: A choir placed behind the altar in a church |
arrière-cour {f} | :: backyard (of a house) |
arrière-cour {f} | :: rear courtyard (of a mansion etc) |
arrière-cousin {m} | :: second cousin |
arrière-cousin {m} | :: distant cousin |
arrière-cousine {f} | :: feminine singular of arrière-cousin |
arrière-cuisine {f} | :: back kitchen |
arrière-cuisine {f} | :: scullery |
arrière-été {m} | :: late summer (near the onset of autumn) |
arrière-faix {m} | :: afterbirth |
arrière-fleur {f} | :: second flowering |
arrière-foin {m} | :: second crop |
arrière-fond {m} | :: A deeply-held feeling etc |
arrière-garde {f} [military] | :: rearguard |
arrière-gorge {f} | :: pharynx |
arrière-goût {m} | :: aftertaste |
arrière-grand-mère {f} | :: great-grandmother |
arrière-grand-oncle {m} | :: great-granduncle |
arrière-grand-parent {m} | :: great grandparent |
arrière-grand-père {m} | :: great-grandfather (father of grandparent) |
arrière-grand-tante {f} | :: great-grandaunt |
arrière-main {f} | :: hindquarters (of an animal) |
arrière-main {f} [tennis] | :: backhand |
arrière-neveu {m} | :: grandnephew |
arrière-nièce {f} | :: grandniece |
arrière-pays {m} | :: hinterland (land immediately next to a coast) |
arrière-pensée {f} | :: ulterior motive |
arrière-pensée {f} | :: doubt, reservation |
arrière-petite-fille {f} | :: great-granddaughter |
arrière-petit-enfant {m} | :: great-grandchild (grandchild of someone’s child) |
arrière-petite-nièce {f} | :: great-grandniece |
arrière-petit-fils {m} | :: great-grandson |
arrière-petit-neveu {m} | :: great-grandnephew |
arrière-plan {m} | :: background (part of picture) |
arrière-point {m} | :: A type of needlepoint with overlapping stitches |
arrière-port {m} | :: An inner port |
arriérer {v} | :: to tarry (be late) |
arrière-rang {m} | :: Last row of attacking soldiers |
arrière-rang {m} | :: rearguard |
arrière-saison {f} | :: autumn (especially late autumn) |
arrière-saison {f} | :: the beginnings of old age |
arrière-saison {f} | :: the last months before harvest |
arrière-salle {f} | :: An inner room (behind another one) |
arrière-scène {f} | :: backstage |
arrière-train {m} | :: the rear of a train, or 4x4 vehicle |
arrière-train {m} | :: hindquarters (of an animal) |
arrière-train {m} | :: caboose, posterior, hindquarters (buttocks of a human) |
arrière-voussure {f} [architecture] | :: An arch behind a door or window |
arrimage {m} | :: stowage |
arrimer {v} | :: to stow |
arrimeur {m} [nautical] | :: stevedore, docker |
arrimeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of arrimeur |
arriser {v} [nautical] | :: To reef a sail |
arrivage {m} | :: arrival |
arrivage {m} | :: advent |
arrivant {adj} | :: arriving |
arrivant {adj} | :: incoming |
arrivant {m} | :: arriver (one who arrives) |
arrivederci {interj} | :: farewell, goodbye, arrivederci |
arrivée {f} | :: arrival |
arriver {v} | :: to arrive (often followed by a location) |
arriver {v} [impersonal] | :: to happen (unlike other translations of happen, can be used with an indirect object to specify something/somebody affected by the action; it may also be used with a relative clause in the subjunctive) |
arriver {v} | :: to be able to, to manage (to do something successfully) (see also parvenir) |
arriver {v} | :: to obtain a level of success or fame |
arriver à bon port {v} [figuratively] | :: to arrive safe and sound, to reach one's destination safely |
arriver à la cheville {v} [figuratively, colloquial, followed by the preposition de] | :: to hold a candle to, to measure up to |
arriver à la fumée des cierges {v} [figuratively] | :: to come a day after the fair |
arriver après la bataille {v} [figuratively] | :: to come a day after the fair, to close the stable door after the horse has bolted |
arriver à ses fins {v} | :: to get one's way, to have one's way, to achieve one's goals, to achieve one's ends |
arrivisme {m} | :: arrivisme |
arriviste {mf} | :: arriviste |
arrobe {f} [computing, rare] | :: The at symbol, @ |
arroche {f} | :: orach |
arrocher {v} | :: synonym of lapider |
arrogamment {adv} | :: arrogantly |
arrogance {f} | :: arrogance |
arrogant {adj} | :: arrogant |
arrogeable {adj} | :: appropriatable |
arroger {vr} | :: to arrogate, appropriate; to assume (a position, right etc.) |
arrondi {adj} | :: rounded (made circular or spherical) |
arrondi {adj} [mathematics, of a number] | :: rounded (approximated to its nearest round value) |
arrondi {adj} [phonetics, phonology] | :: rounded (pronounced with lips drawn together) |
arrondi {m} | :: round part, rounded portion (of an object) |
arrondi {m} [engineering, architecture] | :: fillet (rounded relief or cut at an edge) |
arrondi {m} [aviation] | :: flare (transition from downward flight to level flight) |
arrondir {v} | :: To round (make round) |
arrondir {v} [of a sum of money] | :: To round up, round down or round off |
arrondir les angles {v} [figuratively] | :: to smooth things out, to smooth things over |
arrondir ses fins de mois {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to gain a little extra money, to supplement one's income |
arrondissage {f} | :: rounding (mechanical) |
arrondissement {m} | :: Arrondissement |
arrondissement {m} [Canada] | :: Arrondissement, a borough (submunicipal administrative division) |
arrop i talladetes {n} | :: a conserve, made from grape must and other ingredients (namely talladetes), originally from Valencia in Spain |
arrosable {adj} | :: irrigable |
arrosage {m} | :: watering (act of giving or adding water) |
arrosage {m} [figurative] | :: bribery, bribe |
arrosement {m} | :: watering, irrigation |
arroser {v} | :: to water (e.g. plants) |
arroser {v} | :: to sprinkle |
arroser {v} | :: to squirt |
arroser {v} | :: to spray |
arroser {v} | :: to celebrate (with a drink) |
arroser {v} | :: to grease someone's palm, to bribe |
arroseur {m} | :: waterer (someone who waters plants) |
arroseur arrosé {m} [figuratively] | :: the biter bit |
arroseuse {f} | :: water cart |
arroseuse {f} | :: waterer (feminine of: arroseur) |
arrosoir {m} | :: watering can |
arroyo {m} | :: arroyo |
arrucat {m} | :: smooth golden fleece (Urospermum dalechampii) |
arsacide {adj} | :: Arsacid |
arsenal {m} [military, nautical] | :: arsenal |
Arsenault {prop} | :: surname |
Arsène {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Arseneau {prop} | :: surname |
Arseneault {prop} | :: surname |
arséniate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: arsenate |
arsenic {m} | :: arsenic (chemical element) |
arsénic {m} | :: alternative form of arsenic (chemical element) |
arsenicage {m} | :: The use of arsenic compounds to remove parasites etc |
arsenical {adj} | :: arsenical |
arsénical {adj} | :: arsenical |
arsénicisme {m} | :: arsenic poisoning |
arsénié {adj} | :: arsenical (containing arsenic) |
arsénien {adj} [mineralogy] | :: arsenian |
arsénieux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: arsenious |
arsénifère {adj} | :: arseniferous |
arseniqué {adj} | :: arsenicated |
arsénique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: arsenic (of oxidation state 5) |
arsénite {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: arsenite |
arséniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: arsenide |
arsénobétaïne {f} [organic chemistry] | :: arsenobetaine |
arsénolidine {m} [organic compound] | :: arsenolidine |
arsénure {m} | :: alternative form of arséniure |
arsépane {m} [organic compound] | :: arsepane |
arsépine {m} [organic compound] | :: arsepine |
arsétane {m} [organic compound] | :: arsetane |
arsète {m} [organic compound] | :: arsete |
arsin {m} [obsolete] | :: burn (to the skin) |
arsine {f} [inorganic compound] | :: arsine |
arsirène {m} [organic compound] | :: arsirene |
arsis {m} | :: arsis |
arsouille {mf} [dated, colloquial] | :: ruffian |
arsphénamine {m} [organic compound] | :: arsphenamine |
art. {n} | :: abbreviation of article |
art {m} | :: art (something pleasing to the mind) |
artabe {m} | :: artab |
Artaxerxès {prop} {m} | :: Artaxerxes |
art brut {m} [uncountable] | :: outsider art (art created by people with no artistic education) |
artchi {m} | :: Archi (language) |
Art déco {m} | :: Art Deco |
art de la guerre {m} | :: art of war |
art de vivre {m} | :: (literally) "the art of living", the knowledge of how to enjoy life, or the practice of it |
artefact {m} | :: alternative form of artéfact |
artéfact {m} | :: artefact / artifact |
artel {m} | :: artel |
Artémis {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Artemis |
artémise {f} | :: wormwood (plant) |
artére {f} | :: obsolete spelling of artère |
artère {f} [anatomy] | :: artery (blood vessel) |
artère {f} | :: thoroughfare |
artériectomie {f} [surgery] | :: arterial ectasis |
artériel {adj} | :: arterial |
artérieux {adj} [obsolete, anatomy] | :: arterial |
artériographie {f} | :: arteriography |
artériole {f} [anatomy] | :: arteriole |
artériosclérose {f} [pathology] | :: arteriosclerosis |
artériotomie {f} | :: arteriotomy |
artérioveineux {adj} [anatomy] | :: arteriovenous |
artérite {f} [pathology] | :: arteritis |
artéritique {adj} | :: arteritic |
artésien {adj} | :: artesian |
artésien {adj} | :: from Artois |
Artésien {m} | :: Someone from Artois |
Artésien {m} | :: Someone from Artaix |
Artésienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Artésien |
arthralgie {f} [pathology] | :: arthralgia |
arthralgique {adj} | :: arthralgic |
arthrite {f} | :: arthritis |
arthritique {adj} [pathology] | :: arthritic |
arthritisme {m} [pathology] | :: arthritism |
arthrodie {f} [anatomy] | :: arthrodia |
arthrographie {f} | :: arthrography |
arthrologie {f} [anatomy] | :: arthrology |
arthrologique {adj} | :: arthrological |
arthromère {m} [entomology] | :: arthromere |
arthropathie {f} [pathology] | :: arthropathy |
arthroplastie {f} [surgery] | :: arthroplasty |
arthropode {m} | :: arthropod |
arthroscopie {f} | :: arthroscopy |
arthrose {f} [anatomy] | :: joint |
arthrose {f} | :: osteoarthritis (inflammation of a joint) |
Arthur {prop} {m} | :: given name |
arthurien {adj} | :: Arthurian |
artichaut {m} | :: artichoke (plant, vegetable) |
artichautière {f} | :: An artichoke plantation |
artichautière {f} | :: A vessel used to cook artichokes |
artichonade {f} | :: A traditional Provençal spreadable dish consisting of artichokes, garlic, olive oil and other herbs or spices |
article {m} | :: article (a piece of nonfictional writing) |
article {m} [grammar] | :: article |
article {m} | :: merchandise, sales article |
article {m} | :: section (of a law) |
article {m} [dated] | :: joint, articulation |
article {m} | :: moment (only in the phrase à l'article de la mort) |
article défini {m} [grammar] | :: definite article |
article de foi {m} | :: article of faith |
article de foi {m} [figuratively] | :: dogma |
article de presse {m} | :: news article, newspaper article, press article |
article indéfini {m} [grammar] | :: indefinite article |
article zéro {m} [grammar] | :: zero article |
articulaire {adj} | :: articular |
articulaire {m} | :: articular bone (of reptiles and birds) |
articulairement {adv} | :: articularly |
articulatif {adj} | :: articulative |
articulation {f} [anatomy] | :: joint (joint with freedom to rotate) |
articulation {f} | :: articulation (quality, clarity or sharpness of speech) |
articulatoire {adj} | :: articulatory (of or pertaining to articulation; phonological) |
articulé {adj} | :: articulated |
articulé {adj} | :: enunciated |
articulément {adv} | :: distinctly |
articuler {v} | :: to join, articulate |
articulet {m} | :: A short article (in a newspaper) |
artifice {m} | :: artifice, trick, ploy |
artifice {m} [literary] | :: device |
artificialisation {f} | :: artificialization |
artificialiser {v} | :: To artificialize |
artificialité {f} | :: artificiality |
artificiel {adj} | :: artificial |
artificiellement {adv} | :: artificially |
artificier {m} | :: pyrotechnist |
artificier {m} [military] | :: artificer |
artificieusement {adv} | :: artfully, deceitfully |
artificieusement {adv} | :: slyly |
artificieux {adj} | :: artful, deceitful |
artificieux {adj} | :: wily, cunning, sly |
Artigat {prop} | :: Artigat (village) |
Artigues {prop} | :: Artigues (village) |
Artigues {prop} | :: Artigues (village of Aude, France) |
Artigues {prop} | :: Artigues (village of Hautes-Pyrénées, France) |
artillerie {f} | :: artillery |
artillerie lourde {f} | :: heavy artillery |
artillerie lourde {f} [figuratively] | :: big guns |
artilleur {m} | :: gunner |
artilleur {m} [soccer] | :: hitman (goalscorer) |
artimon {m} | :: mizzen |
artinien {adj} [maths] | :: Artinian |
artisan {m} | :: artisan (manual worker) |
artisan {m} [figuratively] | :: creator; innovator; inventor |
artisanal {adj} | :: artisanal |
artisanal {adj} | :: (often derogatory) makeshift |
artisanalement {adv} | :: artisanally |
artisanat {m} | :: craft industry |
artisanat {m} | :: craftsmen |
artisane {f} | :: feminine noun of artisan |
artiste {mf} | :: artist |
artistement {adv} | :: artfully |
artistique {adj} | :: artistic |
artistiquement {adv} | :: artistically |
art martial {m} | :: martial art |
artocarpe {m} | :: breadfruit (of genus Artocarpus) |
Artois {prop} [historical] | :: A former county of the Kingdom of France, in what is now northern France |
Artois {prop} [historical] | :: A former state of the Holy Roman Empire, in what is now northern France |
art plastique {m} | :: plastic art |
arui {m} | :: The Barbary sheep, Ammotragus lervia |
arum {m} | :: arum |
aruspice {m} | :: haruspex |
aryanisation {f} | :: Aryanization |
aryanisé {adj} | :: Aryanized |
aryaniser {v} | :: To Aryanize |
aryanisme {m} | :: Aryanism |
aryanité {f} | :: Aryaness |
aryen {adj} | :: Aryan |
aryle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: aryl |
ARYM {prop} | :: FYROM (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) |
aryosophe {adj} | :: aryosophic |
aryosophie {f} | :: aryosophy |
aryténoïde {m} | :: arytenoid (cartilage) |
arythmie {f} | :: arrhythmia |
arythmique {adj} | :: arhythmic |
as {m} | :: ace (card of value 1) |
as {m} | :: ace (expert or pilot) |
as {m} | :: as (Roman coin) |
à sa connaissance {adv} | :: to one's knowledge |
asacramentaire {adj} | :: asacramental (not sacramental) |
à sang chaud {adj} [zoology, dated, of an animal] | :: warm-blooded, endothermic, homeothermic |
à sang froid {adj} [zoology, dated, of an animal] | :: cold-blooded, ectothermic, poikilothermic |
asaret {m} | :: wild spikenard, asarabacca (Asarum europaeum) |
à savoir {adv} | :: that is, i.e. |
à savoir {adv} | :: namely, to wit |
à savoir {adv} [colloquial] | :: it remains to be seen |
asbeste {m} [archaic] | :: asbestos |
asbestiforme {adj} | :: asbestiform |
asbestose {f} [pathology] | :: asbestosis |
ASBL {f} | :: initialism of association sans but lucratif = NPO (nonprofit organization) |
asboline {f} | :: asbolin |
ASC {prop} {f} | :: CSA (Canadian Space Agency) |
ascalaphe {m} | :: moth (of the genus Ascalapha) |
ascaride {m} | :: synonym of ascaris |
ascaridiase {f} | :: synonym of ascaridiose |
ascaridiose {f} [pathology] | :: ascariasis |
ascaris {m} | :: ascarid |
ascendance {f} [astronomy] | :: ascent |
ascendance {f} | :: [family] ancestry |
ascendant {adj} | :: ascendant |
ascendant {m} [astrology] | :: ascendant |
ascendant {m} | :: influence, ascendancy |
ascendant {m} [genealogy] | :: ancestry |
ascendeur {m} | :: ascendeur |
ascendre {v} [rare, dated] | :: to ascend |
ascenseur {m} | :: lift, elevator |
ascenseur {m} | :: scroll bar |
ascenseur spatial {m} | :: space elevator |
ascension {f} | :: ascent |
ascension {f} | :: ascension |
Ascension {prop} [Christianity] | :: Ascension; the holiday commemorating the Ascension of Jesus |
ascensionnel {adj} | :: ascending |
ascensionnel {adj} | :: upward |
ascensionner {v} | :: To climb (a mountain) |
ascensionner {v} | :: To ascend |
ascensionniste {mf} | :: climber |
ascèse {f} | :: asceticism |
ascète {mf} | :: ascetic |
ascétique {adj} | :: ascetic |
ascétiquement {adv} | :: ascetically |
ascétisme {m} | :: asceticism (the principles and practices of an ascetic) |
ascidie {f} | :: ascidian |
ascidiiforme {adj} | :: ascidiform |
ascite {f} [pathology] | :: ascites |
ascitique {adj} | :: ascitic |
asclépiadacée {m} | :: milkweed (of the genus Asclepias) |
asclépiade {adj} | :: Asclepiadean |
ascomycète {m} | :: ascomycete |
ascorbique {adj} | :: ascorbic |
as des as {m} [military] | :: ace of aces |
Asdi {prop} | :: Sida, initialism of Agence suédoise de coopération internationale au développement |
à sec {adj} | :: dry, dried up |
à sec {adj} [colloquial] | :: broke (lacking money; bankrupt) |
à se damner {adj} [of food] | :: to die for |
à se damner {adv} | :: stunningly, drop-dead |
aséité {f} [philosophy] | :: aseity |
asémantique {adj} [grammar] | :: asemantic |
asémique {adj} | :: asemic (all senses) |
asepsie {f} | :: asepsis |
aseptique {adj} | :: aseptic |
aseptiquement {adv} | :: aseptically |
aseptisation {f} | :: sterilization, disinfecting |
aseptiser {v} | :: to sterilize, to disinfect |
à ses risques et périls {adv} | :: at one's own risk, at one's own peril, on one's own account |
asexualité {f} | :: asexuality |
asexué {adj} | :: asexual (genderless) |
asexué {adj} | :: asexual (without sex; not involving sexual intercourse) |
asexuel {adj} | :: asexual |
asexuellement {adv} [biology] | :: asexually |
Ásgard {prop} {m} [Norse mythology] | :: Asgard |
ashkénaze {adj} | :: Ashkenazi |
ashkénaze {mf} | :: Ashkenazi |
ashram {m} | :: ashram |
asialie {f} [pathology] | :: asialism |
asiarcat {m} | :: Asiarchate |
asiarche {m} | :: alternative form of asiarque |
asiarchie {f} | :: Asiarchate |
asiarque {m} | :: Asiarch |
asiate {adj} | :: Asian, Asiatic |
asiatique {adj} | :: From or pertaining to Asia; Asian; Asiatic |
Asiatique {mf} | :: Asian (someone from Asia) |
Asie {prop} {f} | :: Asia |
Asie centrale {prop} {f} | :: Central Asia (smaller area of Central Asia) |
Asie de l'Ouest {prop} {f} | :: Western Asia |
Asie mineure {prop} {f} | :: alternative case form of Asie Mineure |
Asie Mineure {prop} {f} | :: Asia Minor |
asien {adj} [rare] | :: Asian |
asilaire {adj} | :: asylum (attributive) |
asile {m} | :: retirement home, old people's home |
asile {m} | :: asylum |
asiner {v} | :: To play the fool |
asinesque {adj} | :: asinine (like a donkey) |
asinien {adj} | :: asinine |
asinin {adj} | :: asinine |
askari {m} [historical] | :: askari |
askip {adv} [slang] | :: apparently, they say (that), rumour has it (that) |
ASM {prop} [soccer] | :: initialism of Association Sportive de Monaco Football Club, a soccer team from Monaco |
ASM {adj} | :: gloss (anti-submarine warfare) abbreviation of anti-sous-marine |
asociabilité {f} | :: asociality |
asocial {adj} | :: asocial |
à son corps défendant {adv} | :: in self-defense |
à son corps défendant {adv} [colloquial] | :: reluctantly, unwillingly, against one's will |
à souhait {adv} | :: very, extremely, incredibly, as much as one could want |
asparagine {f} [amino acid] | :: asparagine |
aspartique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: aspartic |
aspe {m} | :: asp (fish) |
aspect {m} | :: aspect |
aspect {m} [grammar] | :: aspect (grammatical quality of a verb) |
aspectuel {adj} | :: aspectual |
asperge {f} | :: asparagus (plant, vegetable) |
asperge {f} [colloquial] | :: A tall, thin person; a beanpole |
asperger {v} | :: to spray, sprinkle |
asperger {v} | :: to splash, splatter |
Asperger {n} | :: Somebody who has Asperger's syndrome |
aspergille {f} | :: aspergillus |
aspergilliforme {adj} [botany] | :: aspergilliform |
aspergillose {f} [pathoogy] | :: aspergillosis |
aspérifolié {adj} [botany] | :: asperifoliate, asperifolious |
aspérité {f} | :: asperity |
aspérité {f} | :: ruggedness |
aspermatisme {m} | :: aspermatism |
asperme {adj} | :: aspermic |
aspermie {f} [medicine] | :: aspermia |
asperseur {m} | :: sprinkler (agricultural, or against fire) |
aspersion {f} | :: aspersion |
aspersion {f} | :: sprinkling |
aspersoir {m} | :: aspergillum |
asphaltage {m} | :: asphalting (roadmaking) |
asphalte {m} | :: asphalt |
asphalter {vt} | :: to asphalt |
asphaltique {adj} | :: asphaltic |
asphérique {adj} | :: aspheric |
asphodèle {m} [botany] | :: asphodel (plant of the genus Asphodelus) |
asphyxiant {adj} | :: asphyxiant |
asphyxie {f} | :: asphyxia, asphyxiation |
asphyxier {v} | :: to asphyxiate |
asphyxique {adj} | :: asphyxic |
aspi {m} [colloquial] | :: young military officer |
aspi {m} [colloquial] | :: vacuum cleaner; hoover |
aspi {m} [colloquial] | :: aspie (person with Asperger’s syndrome) |
aspic {m} | :: asp (Vipera aspis) |
aspic {m} | :: asp (Naja haje) |
aspic {m} | :: slanderer, libeller |
aspic {m} [cuisine] | :: aspic (dish) |
aspic {m} [slang, dated, rare] | :: miser |
aspic {m} | :: spike lavender, Lavandula latifolia |
aspidistra {m} | :: aspidistra |
aspie {f} | :: feminine equivalent of aspi |
aspirant {m} | :: aspirant |
aspirant {m} [military] | :: officer candidate, officer designate, midshipman |
aspirant {adj} | :: aspiring |
aspirant {adj} | :: sucking, extracting |
aspirateur {m} | :: vacuum cleaner |
aspirateur {m} | :: aspirator |
aspiratif {adj} | :: aspirational |
aspiration {f} | :: aspiration |
aspirationnel {adj} | :: aspirational |
aspiratoire {adj} | :: aspiratory |
aspiré {adj} | :: aspirated |
aspirer {vi} [followed by à] | :: to aspire (to wait, to long) |
aspirer {vt} | :: to aspirate (to produce breath after pronouncing) |
aspirer {vt} | :: to inhale, to breathe in |
aspirer {vt} | :: to extract, to suck up |
aspirine {f} [pharmacology] | :: an aspirin (analgesic drug) |
asple {m} | :: reel, spool |
asplénium {m} | :: spleenwort |
asporulé {adj} [biology] | :: asporulated |
asque {m} | :: ascus |
assadiste {adj} | :: Assadist |
assadiste {mf} | :: Assadist |
assagir {vtr} | :: to settle down, quieten down |
assagissement {m} | :: settling down |
assai {adv} [music] | :: assai |
assaillant {adj} | :: assailant |
assaillant {adj} | :: assailling |
assaillant {m} | :: assailant |
assaillir {v} | :: to assail; to assault; to attack |
assainir {v} | :: to clean up |
assainir {v} [finance] | :: to stabilise |
assainir {v} | :: to heal, to remedy, to make healthier |
assainir {v} | :: to sanitise (environment), to purify (water) |
assainir {vr} | :: to get healthier, to regain one's health |
assainissement {m} | :: healing, getting back to health |
assainissement {m} | :: sanitation |
assainissement {m} | :: cleanup, cleaning up |
assainissement {m} | :: purification |
assainisseur {m} | :: deodorant, sanitizer |
assainisseur {m} | :: ozonizer (user to sanitize) |
assaisonnement {m} | :: seasoning, flavouring |
assaisonnement {m} | :: (salad) dressing |
assaisonner {v} | :: to season (to sprinkle with seasoning) |
Assam {prop} {m} | :: Assam (state) |
assamais {m} | :: Assamese (language) |
assarmenter {v} | :: To prune a vine by removing branches |
assassin {m} | :: an assassin |
assassin {adj} | :: deadly; fatal; that kills |
assassinat {m} | :: assassination |
assassinat {m} [law] | :: first-degree murder (premeditated murder) |
assassiner {vt} | :: to assassinate |
assaut {m} | :: assault |
assavoir {v} [obsolete, except in Canada] | :: to know |
-asse {suffix} | :: Suffix forming the first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs |
-asse {suffix} | :: Suffix forming pejoratives |
asse {m} | :: A type of pickaxe used in tunneling |
asseau {m} | :: A slater's hammer with a sharp edge |
asséchant {adj} | :: drying |
assèchement {m} | :: drainage |
assèchement {m} | :: drying out |
assécher {vit} [ergative] | :: to dry out; to dry |
Assedic {prop} {f} | :: acronym of Association pour l'emploi dans l'industrie et le commerce (company managing unemployment insurance payments) |
Asselin {prop} | :: surname |
assemblage {m} | :: assemblage, gathering, assembly (process of assembling; result of this action) |
assemblage {m} [carpentry] | :: jointing (act of making a joint) |
assemblage {m} [carpentry] | :: joint |
assemblage {m} [computing] | :: a phase in compilation where an assembly language is translated into a binary file |
assemblage {m} [viticulture] | :: cuvée (wine produced from a mixture of several grape varieties) |
assemblage {m} [archaeology] | :: assemblage (group of different artifacts found in association with one another) |
assemblage {m} [bioinformatics] | :: sequence assembly (aligning and merging of DNA fragments to reconstruct a sequence) |
assemblage {m} [bioinformatics] | :: genome assembly (process of reassembling DNA sequences) |
assemblage {m} [cartography] | :: juxtaposition of several maps or cuttings to create a larger map |
assemblée {f} | :: assembly |
Assemblée nationale {f} [politics] | :: National Assembly |
assembler {v} | :: to assemble |
assembleur {m} | :: assembler |
assembleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of assembleur |
assener {v} | :: to strike (a blow) |
assener {v} | :: to thrust out, fling (an argument, reply) |
asséner {vt} | :: To strike, hit, throw (punches at) |
asséner {vt} | :: to hurl; throw (insults) |
-assent {suffix} | :: Suffix forming the third-person plural imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs |
assentiment {m} | :: consent; approval |
assentir {v} [archaic, with à] | :: to assent (to) |
asseoir {vt} | :: to sit down; to get seated |
asseoir {v} | :: to assert |
asseoir {vr} | :: to sit down; to sit up; to take a seat |
assermenté {adj} | :: sworn (on oath) |
assermenter {vt} [law] | :: To swear in |
asserter {vt} | :: to assert |
assertif {adj} | :: assertive |
assertion {f} | :: assertion |
assertivement {adv} | :: assertively |
assertoire {adj} | :: assertory |
assertorique {adj} [logic, maths] | :: assertoric |
asservir {v} | :: to enslave |
asservissable {adj} | :: enslavable |
asservissement {m} | :: enslavement |
asservissement {m} | :: slavery |
asservissement {m} | :: control engineering |
asservisseur {m} | :: enslaver |
asservisseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of asservisseur |
-asses {suffix} | :: Suffix forming the second-person singular imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs |
assesseur {m} [legal] | :: assessor, judge advocate |
assessoral {adj} | :: assessorial |
assessrice {f} [hapax legomenon] | :: feminine noun of assesseur |
assette {f} | :: A type of small pickaxe |
assez {adv} | :: enough |
assez {adv} | :: quite |
assez {adv} | :: rather |
assibilation {f} [phonology] | :: assibilation |
assibiler {v} | :: To assibilate |
assida {f} | :: A form of polenta made from pine kernels |
assidu {adj} | :: assiduous (hard-working, diligent) |
assiduité {f} | :: attendance |
assiduité {f} | :: assiduity, diligence, studiousness |
assidument {adv} | :: alternative spelling of assidûment |
assidûment {adv} | :: assiduously (in an assiduous manner) |
assiégé {adj} | :: besieged |
assiégeant {adj} | :: besieging |
assiégeant {m} | :: besieger |
assiéger {vt} | :: to besiege; to lay siege to |
assiette {f} [archaic] | :: manner of being seated, situation |
assiette {f} [horse racing] | :: seat |
assiette {f} [nautical] | :: trim, attitude, pitch attitude |
assiette {f} [accounting] | :: basis |
assiette {f} | :: dish [the food] |
assiette {f} | :: plate, dish [the crockery] |
assiette {f} | :: plateful |
assiette anglaise {f} | :: A meal consisting mainly of cold meats |
assiettée {f} | :: plateful |
-assiez {suffix} | :: Suffix forming the second-person plural imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs |
assignable {adj} | :: assignable |
assignat {m} [historical] | :: assignat |
assignation {f} [law] | :: summons, subpoena |
assigné {adj} | :: assigned |
assigner {v} | :: to assign |
assimilable {adj} | :: assimilable |
assimilateur {adj} | :: assimilative, assimilatory |
assimilatif {adj} | :: assimilative |
assimilation {f} [phonology] | :: assimilation |
assimilation progressive {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: progressive assimilation |
assimilation régressive {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: regressive assimilation |
assimiler {v} | :: to assimilate (all meanings) |
assimiler {v} | :: to liken |
-assions {suffix} | :: Suffix forming the first-person plural imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs |
assir {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative spelling of asseoir, to sit |
assis {adj} | :: sat, sat down, seated |
assise {f} | :: foundation (supporting base of a wall) |
assise {f} [figuratively] | :: base, foundation |
assise {f} [geology] | :: stratum, bed, layer (layer of sedimentary rock) |
assise {f} [ecology] | :: stratum (layer of vegetation) |
assise {f} [anatomy] | :: stratum (layer of tissue) |
assise {f} [masonry] | :: course (row or layer of bricks) |
assise {f} | :: seat of a chair |
assise {f} [archaic, Lorraine, chiefly plural] | :: fly excrement |
Assise {prop} | :: Assisi |
assistanat {m} | :: assistantship |
assistanat {m} [pejorative] | :: charity, welfare |
assistance {f} | :: assistance |
assistance {f} | :: audience |
assistance publique {f} | :: social welfare, welfare services |
assistant {m} | :: assistant |
assistante {f} | :: assistant |
assistant numérique personnel {m} | :: personal digital assistant |
assister {vt} | :: to assist, to aid |
assister {vi} [followed by à] | :: to attend, to be present |
assister {vi} [followed by à] | :: to witness, to observe |
associateur {m} [maths] | :: associator |
associateur {m} [Islam] | :: shirk, idolatry |
associatif {adj} [mathematics] | :: associative (algebraic property of an operator) |
associatif {adj} | :: associative (relating to an association) |
association {f} | :: association, society, group |
association {f} [commerce, economics] | :: partnership |
association {f} | :: association (of related terms, ideas etc.), combination |
association {f} [object-oriented programming] | :: association |
Association européenne de libre-échange {prop} {f} | :: European Free Trade Association |
associationiste {adj} | :: associationist |
associationiste {mf} | :: associationist |
association libre {f} | :: free association |
associationnisme {m} | :: associationism |
associationniste {adj} | :: associationist |
associativité {f} | :: associativity (condition of being associative) |
associer {v} | :: to associate |
assoiffé {adj} | :: very thirsty (needing to drink) |
assoir {v} | :: alternative spelling of asseoir |
assolement {m} | :: crop rotation |
assoler {v} | :: To practice crop rotation |
assombrir {v} | :: to darken, make gloomy |
assombrissement {m} | :: darkening |
assombrissement {m} [programming] | :: obfuscation |
assommer {v} | :: to slaughter (an animal) |
assommer {v} | :: to stun, knock out, poleaxe, sandbag |
assommer {v} [by extension] | :: to hit (someone) |
assommeur {m} | :: slaughterer |
assommeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of assommeur |
assommoir {m} | :: cosh or similar weapon |
assommoir {m} | :: boozer (low-class drinking establishment) |
assomptif {adj} | :: assumptive |
assomption {f} | :: assumption (all senses) |
Assomption {prop} {f} | :: Assumption |
assomptionniste {adj} | :: Assumptionist |
assomptionniste {m} | :: Assumptionist (Augustinian of the Assumption) |
assonance {f} | :: assonance |
assonancer {v} | :: To use assonance |
assonancer {v} | :: To harmonize |
assoner {v} | :: To produce assonance |
assortatif {adj} | :: assortative |
assortativité {f} | :: assortativity |
assortiment {m} | :: assortment |
assortiment matrimonial {m} | :: assortative mating |
assortiment matrimonial {m} | :: positive assortative mating |
assortir {vt} | :: to match, match up |
assortir {vt} [of people] | :: to pair up |
assortir {vt} | :: to supply, stock up; to hook (someone) up with |
assortir {vr} | :: to match |
assortissable {adj} | :: matchable |
assortissable {adj} | :: suppliable |
Assouan {prop} | :: Aswan |
assoupir {v} | :: to make drowsy |
assoupir {v} | :: to lull, soften |
assoupissement {m} | :: drowsiness |
assouplir {vt} | :: to soften (make softer) |
assouplir {vt} | :: to make more supple |
assouplir {vt} | :: to relax (of e.g. a law or rule make less strict) |
assouplir {vr} | :: to soften up, get soft (become softer) |
assouplir {vr} | :: to become more supple |
assouplir {vr} | :: to become relaxed, relax (become less strict) |
assouplir {vr} | :: to limber up |
assouplissement {m} | :: relaxation |
assouplissement {m} | :: softening |
assouplissement quantitatif {m} [economics] | :: quantitative easing |
assouplisseur {m} | :: fabric softener |
assourdir {v} | :: to deafen |
assourdissant {adj} | :: deafening |
assourdissement {m} | :: deafening |
assouvir {vt} | :: to satisfy, assuage (hunger, passion, etc.) |
assouvissement {m} | :: satisfaction |
assouvissement {m} | :: appeasing |
assuétude {f} | :: dependence |
assuétude {f} | :: addiction |
assujetti {adj} | :: subject (people), subjugated |
assujettir {v} | :: to subjugate, to subdue |
assujettir {v} | :: to secure, make fast |
assujettissant {adj} | :: subjecting, subduing |
assujettissement {m} | :: subjugation |
assujettissement {m} | :: obligation, liability (to tax etc) |
assujettissement {m} [philosophy] | :: subjectivation |
assumer {vt} | :: assume (take on a position) |
assumer {v} | :: take responsibility |
assurable {adj} | :: insurable |
assurance {f} | :: insurance |
assurance {f} | :: assurance |
assurance-chômage {f} | :: unemployment insurance |
assurance-crédit {f} | :: credit insurance (against non-payment by a debtor) |
assurance-vie {f} | :: life insurance |
assurantiel {adj} | :: assurance (attributive) |
assuré {adj} | :: insured |
assuré {adj} | :: assured |
assuré {m} | :: insuree |
assurément {adv} | :: assuredly, in an assured fashion |
assurément {adv} | :: to be sure |
assurer {v} | :: to assure, to ensure, to make sure |
assurer {v} | :: to insure, to give insurance to |
assurer {v} [climbing] | :: to belay |
assureur {m} | :: insurer, insurance agent |
assureur {m} [climbing] | :: belayer |
assureuse {f} | :: feminine noun of assureur |
assurfinance {f} | :: An insurance model whereby insurance companies sell banking products |
Assyrie {prop} {f} | :: Assyria |
assyrien {adj} | :: Assyrian |
assyriologie {f} | :: assyriology |
assyriologue {mf} | :: assyriologist |
assyrisant {adj} | :: Assyrian (in character) |
astacicole {adj} | :: astaciculture (attributive) |
astaciculture {f} | :: astaciculture |
astasie {f} [pathology] | :: astasia |
astate {m} [countable and uncountable] | :: astatine |
astatique {adj} | :: astatic |
astatique {adj} | :: alternating (current) |
astaxanthine {m} [organic compound] | :: astaxanthin |
aster {m} | :: aster (flowering plant) |
astéréognosie {f} | :: astereognosis |
astéride {m} | :: asteroid, starfish (of class Asteroidea) |
astérie {f} | :: starfish |
astérion {m} [anatomy] | :: asterion |
astérisme {m} | :: asterism (group of stars, constellation) |
astérisque {m} | :: asterisk (punctuation symbol) |
Astérix {prop} | :: Asterix (the comic character.) |
astéroïde {m} [astronomy] | :: asteroid |
astérolide {f} | :: starwort |
astérosismologie {f} [astronomy] | :: asteroseismology |
astérosismologique {adj} | :: asteroseismological |
asteur {adv} [Belgium, Louisiana, New Brunswick, Quebec] | :: now |
asteure {adv} | :: alternative spelling of asteur |
asthénie {f} [medicine] | :: asthenia (loss of strength) |
asthénique {adj} [pathology] | :: asthenic |
asthénosphère {f} | :: asthenosphere |
astheure {adv} [Quebec, Louisiana, France, Switzerland, colloquial] | :: now, right now |
asthmatiforme {adj} | :: asthmatic |
asthmatique {adj} | :: asthmatic (affected with asthma) |
asthmatique {mf} | :: asthmatic (someone affected by asthma) |
asthme {m} | :: asthma (chronic respiratory disease) |
astic {m} | :: A bone once used by cobblers to polish leather |
astic {m} | :: Any of various other polishing tools |
asticot {m} | :: maggot |
asticoter {vt} | :: to annoy, needle |
astigmate {adj} | :: astigmatic |
astigmatisme {m} | :: astigmatism (disorder of the vision) |
astiquage {m} | :: polishing |
astiquer {vt} | :: to polish, shine, rub, furbish |
astiquer {vr} [slang] | :: to wank |
astome {adj} [biology] | :: astomatous |
astragale {m} [anatomy] | :: talus (bone) |
astragalectomie {f} [surgery] | :: astragalectomy, talectomy |
astragalien {adj} [anatomy] | :: astragalar |
astrakan {m} | :: astrakhan |
astral {adj} | :: astral |
astre {m} [astronomy] | :: celestial body, astronomical object |
astre {m} [astronomy] | :: star |
astré {adj} | :: starlit |
astre de la nuit {m} [literary] | :: the moon |
astre du jour {m} [literary] | :: the sun |
astreignable {adj} | :: constrainable |
astreignant {adj} | :: exacting, demanding |
astreindre {vt} | :: to constrain, compel |
astreint {adj} | :: constrained |
astreinte {f} [legal] | :: sanction |
astreinte {f} | :: on-call duty |
astrictif {adj} | :: astrictive |
Astrid {prop} | :: given name |
astrifère {adj} | :: astriferous |
astringence {f} | :: astringency |
astringent {adj} | :: astringent |
astringent {m} | :: astringent |
astro- {prefix} | :: astro- |
astroarchéologie {f} [astronomy] | :: astroarchaeology |
astrobiologie {f} [biology] | :: astrobiology |
astrobiologique {adj} | :: astrobiological |
astrobiologiste {mf} | :: astrobiologist |
astroblème {m} | :: astrobleme |
astrochimie {f} [astronomy, chemistry] | :: astrochemistry |
astrocytaire {adj} | :: astrocytic |
astrogéologie {f} [astronomy, geology] | :: astrogeology |
astroïde {m} [maths] | :: astroid |
astrolabe {m} | :: astrolabe |
astrolabique {adj} | :: astrolabic |
astrolâtrie {f} | :: astrolatry |
astrologie {f} | :: astrology |
astrologique {adj} | :: astrological |
astrologiquement {adv} | :: astrologically |
astrologue {mf} | :: astrologer |
astromatériau {m} | :: astromaterial |
astrométrie {f} [astronomy] | :: astrometry |
astrométrique {adj} | :: astrometric |
astrométriste {mf} | :: astrometrist |
astronaute {mf} | :: astronaut (a member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose) |
astronautique {adj} | :: astronautic |
astronaval {adj} | :: synonym of astronautique |
astronef {m} | :: spaceship, spacecraft |
astronef {m} | :: starship |
astronome {mf} | :: astronomer (one who studies astronomy) |
astronomie {f} | :: astronomy |
astronomique {adj} | :: astronomical (of or relating to astronomy) |
astronomique {adj} | :: astronomical (extremely large) |
astronomiquement {adv} | :: astronomically |
astroparticule {f} | :: astroparticle |
astrophotographe {mf} [astronomy, photography] | :: astrophotographer |
astrophotographie {f} [astronomy, photography] | :: astrophotography |
astrophysicien {m} | :: astrophysicist |
astrophysicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of astrophysicien |
astrophysique {adj} | :: astrophysical |
astrophysique {f} | :: astrophysics |
astrosismologie {f} | :: astroseismology |
astrosphère {f} | :: astrosphere |
as-tu besoin d'aide {phrase} | :: [familiar] do you need help? |
astuce {f} | :: Shrewdness, subtlety, astuteness |
astuce {f} | :: a trick, as a clever way of accomplishing something |
astuce {f} | :: a tip or piece of advice |
astucieusement {adv} | :: astutely, shrewdly, craftily |
astucieux {adj} | :: astute |
asturien {adj} | :: Asturian, of or pertaining to Asturia (in northern Spain, all senses) |
asturien {adj} | :: of or pertaining to the Asturian language |
asturien {m} | :: the Asturian language |
Asturien {m} | :: Asturian (person) |
Asturienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Asturien |
Asturies {prop} {fp} | :: Asturies (autonomous community/and/province) |
à s'y méprendre {adv} [à] | :: exactly alike, like two peas in a pod |
asymétrie {f} | :: asymmetry |
asymétrique {adj} | :: asymmetric, without symmetry |
asymétriquement {adv} | :: asymmetrically |
asymptomatique {adj} | :: asymptomatic (not exhibiting any symptoms of disease) |
asymptote {f} [analysis] | :: asymptote |
asymptotique {adj} | :: asymptotic, asymptotical |
asymptotiquement {adv} | :: asymptotically |
asymptotisme {m} [maths] | :: asymptotia |
asynartète {adj} [poetry] | :: asynartete |
asynchrone {adj} | :: asynchronous |
asynchronique {adj} | :: asynchronous |
asynchroniquement {adv} | :: asynchronically |
asyndète {f} [rhetoric] | :: asyndeton |
asynergie {f} | :: asynergy |
asyntactique {adj} | :: asyntactic |
asystolie {f} [pathology] | :: asystole |
asystolique {adj} | :: asystolic |
-at {suffix} | :: Usually denotes an action or a result of an action, as in assassinat (assassination) |
-ât {suffix} | :: A suffix denoting the third-person singular imperfect subjunctive form of an -er verb |
à table {phrase} | :: dinner's ready! |
atactique {adj} [chemistry] | :: atactic |
ataman {m} [historical] | :: ataman |
à tantôt {phrase} [Belgium, colloquial] | :: see you later |
ataraxie {f} | :: ataraxia |
ataraxique {adj} | :: ataraxic |
à ta santé {interj} [idiomatic] | :: cheers lit. "to your health" (used as a toast to drinking) |
à tâtons {adv} | :: hesitantly, feelingly, cautiously |
ataturkiste {adj} | :: Ataturkist |
atavique {adj} | :: atavistic |
ataviquement {adv} | :: atavistically |
atavisme {m} | :: atavism (reappearance of an ancestral characteristic) |
ataxie {f} | :: ataxia (pathological lack of movement coordination) |
ataxique {adj} | :: ataxic |
atchou {interj} [rare, archaic or Quebec] | :: alternative form of atchoum |
atchoum {interj} | :: achoo |
-ate {suffix} [chemistry, in nouns] | :: -ate |
atèle {m} | :: spider monkey (of the genus Ateles) |
atélectatique {adj} | :: atelectatic |
atelier {m} | :: workshop |
atélique {adj} [linguistics] | :: atelic |
atélophobie {f} | :: atelophobia |
à tel point que {conj} | :: so much so that |
a tempo {adv} [music] | :: return to normal tempo from a deviation |
atemporel {adj} | :: atemporal |
à temps {adv} | :: in time (sufficiently early for something) |
aténolol {m} [medicine] | :: atenolol |
atérien {m} | :: Aterian |
atérien {adj} | :: Aterian |
à terme {adv} | :: in the long run |
à terme {adv} | :: eventually |
atermoiement {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: procrastination |
atermoyer {vit} | :: to procrastinate, delay |
-âtes {suffix} | :: Suffix forming the second-person plural past historic of -er verbs |
à tes amours {interj} | :: bless you |
à tes souhaits {interj} | :: bless you (said after a sneeze) |
à tête reposée {adv} | :: in the cold light of day, with a clear head, when one can give one's full attention; calmly, at one's leisure |
-ateur {suffix} | :: -ator |
athabascan {adj} | :: Athabascan |
athanor {m} | :: athanor |
athée {adj} | :: atheistic |
athée {mf} | :: atheist |
athéisme {m} | :: atheism |
athéiste {mf} | :: atheist |
athéiste {adj} | :: atheist |
athéistique {adj} | :: atheistic |
athématique {adj} | :: athematic |
Athéna {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Athena (god) |
athenæe {m} | :: obsolete form of athénée |
athénée {m} [Belgium, Luxembourg, Louisiana French] | :: A type of high school; atheneum |
Athènes {prop} {f} | :: Athènes (capital city) |
athénien {adj} | :: Athenian (of, or from Athens) |
Athénien {m} | :: Athenian (someone from Athens) |
Athénienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Athénien |
athéophobe {adj} | :: atheophobic |
athermane {adj} | :: athermanous |
athermique {adj} [physics] | :: athermic, athermal |
athermochroïque {adj} [physics] | :: athermochroic |
athéromateux {adj} | :: atheromatous |
athérome {m} [pathology] | :: atheroma |
athérosclérose {f} [pathology] | :: atherosclerosis |
athérosclérosique {adj} [pathology] | :: atherosclerotic |
athérure {m} | :: brush-tailed porcupine |
Athesans-Étroitefontaine {prop} | :: A commune in Haute-Saône, France |
athétose {f} | :: athetosis |
athétosique {adj} | :: athetosic |
athlète {mf} | :: athlete |
athlète olympique de Russie {mf} | :: An Olympic athlete from Russia |
athlètes olympiques de Russie {prop} {mp} | :: OAR; The Olympic athletes from Russia Olympic team |
athlétique {adj} | :: athletic (having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape) |
athlétiquement {adv} | :: athletically |
athlétisme {m} | :: athletics; track and field |
athoracique {adj} | :: athoracic |
athrepsie {f} [pathology] | :: athrepsia |
athrepsique {adj} | :: athreptic |
athymie {f} [pathology] | :: athymia |
athymique {adj} | :: athymic |
-atif {suffix} | :: -ative |
-ation {suffix} | :: -ation |
à tire-d'aile {adv} | :: swiftly |
à tire-larigot {adv} | :: without limitation, excessively; left and right, like crazy |
à titre de {prep} | :: as; by way of |
à titre indicatif {adv} | :: as a guideline, roughly |
atlante {m} [architecture] | :: atlas |
atlanthrope {m} | :: A hominid of species Homo erectus (formerly Atlanthropus) |
Atlantide {prop} {f} | :: Atlantis |
atlantique {adj} | :: Atlantic |
Atlantique {prop} {m} | :: Atlantic |
atlantisme {m} | :: Atlanticism |
atlantiste {m} | :: Atlanticist |
atlantosaure {m} | :: A sauropod of the genus †Atlantosaurus |
Atlas {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Atlas (son of Iapetus and Clymene, leader of the Titans ordered by Zeus to support the sky on his shoulders) |
Atlas {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Atlas (moon of Saturn) |
Atlas {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Atlas (star in the Pleiades) |
Atlas {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Atlas (crater in the first quadrant of the moon) |
Atlas {prop} {m} | :: Atlas Mountains |
atlasique {adj} | :: Atlasic |
atloïdien {adj} [anatomy] | :: atloidean |
atmidomètre {f} | :: synonym of atmomètre |
atmo- {prefix} | :: Pertaining to air |
atmomètre {f} | :: atmometer, evaporimeter |
atmosphære {f} | :: obsolete form of atmosphère |
atmosphère {f} | :: atmosphere |
atmosphérique {adj} | :: atmospheric |
atoca {m} [Canada, dated] | :: cranberry (fruit) |
atoca {m} [Canada] | :: cranberry sauce |
à toi l'honneur {phrase} | :: after you! |
atoll {m} | :: atoll |
à tomber par terre {adj} [colloquial, of a meal] | :: to die for, finger-lickin' good, lip-smacking good, out of this world, delicious, exquisite |
à tomber par terre {adj} [colloquial, of a person] | :: stunning, stunningly beautiful, good enough to eat |
atome {m} [particle] | :: atom |
atome {m} [very small amount] | :: scrap, jot, iota, whit |
atome-gramme {m} | :: gram atom |
atomes crochus {mp} [figuratively] | :: affinity, sympathy, chemistry |
atomicité {f} [chemistry] | :: atomicity |
atomique {adj} | :: atomic |
atomiquement {adv} | :: atomically |
atomisation {f} | :: atomization |
atomiser {v} | :: to atomise |
atomiseur {m} | :: atomizer / atomiser |
atomiseur {m} | :: spray, sprayer |
atomisme {m} | :: atomism |
atomiste {m} | :: atomist |
atomistique {adj} | :: atomistic |
atonal {adj} [music] | :: atonal |
atonalité {f} | :: atonality |
atone {adj} | :: expressionless |
atone {adj} [linguistics] | :: unstressed |
atone {adj} [linguistics] | :: mute |
atonie {f} | :: sluggishness, apathy; lifelessness |
atonique {adj} | :: atonic (of sound, toneless) |
atopique {adj} | :: atopic (of a hereditary predisposition) |
à tort {adv} | :: wrongfully, unjustly |
à tort {adv} | :: wrongly, mistakenly |
à tort et à travers {adv} | :: without rhyme or reason; indiscriminately |
atour {m} | :: attire (of women) |
atour {m} [in the plural] | :: finery |
à tour de bras {adv} | :: with all one's might |
à tour de bras {adv} | :: non-stop, left and right, like crazy, aplenty |
à tour de rôle {adv} | :: in turn, in turns, by turns, alternately |
atourner {vt} [dated] | :: |
à tous crins {adj} | :: dyed-in-the-wool; all-out, thoroughgoing |
à tous les coups {adv} [colloquial] | :: surely; I bet you |
atout {m} [card games] | :: trump |
atout {m} | :: advantage, asset |
à tout à l'heure {phrase} | :: see you later (on the same day) |
à tout bout de champ {adv} [colloquial] | :: constantly, at every turn, especially if inappropriate or for no good reason |
à tout casser {adv} [colloquial] | :: at most, tops, at the outside |
à tout de suite {phrase} [colloquial] | :: see you very soon, see you in a minute, see you in two shakes of a lamb's tail |
à toute {phrase} [colloquial] | :: see you, laters |
à toute allure {adv} | :: at full tilt, at top speed, at full throttle, at full pelt |
à toute épreuve {adj} | :: bulletproof; rock solid (extremely resistant) |
à toutes fins utiles {adv} | :: for your information, for your convenience, for future reference, in case it would prove useful, to whom it may serve |
à toutes jambes {adv} | :: as fast as one's legs can carry one, at full speed, as quick as one can |
à toutes les sauces {adv} [colloquial] | :: constantly, at every turn, every which way |
à toute vitesse {adv} | :: at full tilt, at full speed, at full throttle |
à tout hasard {adv} | :: on the off chance |
à tout instant {adv} | :: at any time, anytime, any time now, any minute now |
à tout jamais {adv} | :: forever and ever |
à tout le moins {adv} | :: at the very least, at least |
à tout moment {adv} | :: at any time, anytime, any time now, any minute now |
à tout prendre {adv} [dated] | :: all in all, all things considered |
à tout prix {adv} [idiomatic] | :: at all costs, by any means, no matter what |
à tout propos {adv} [colloquial] | :: constantly, at every turn |
à tout rompre {adv} | :: very strongly |
à tout seigneur tout honneur {phrase} | :: credit where credit's due |
à tout va {adj} | :: alternative form of à tout-va |
à tout va {adv} | :: alternative form of à tout-va |
à tout-va {adj} | :: excessive, immoderate, imprudent |
à tout-va {adv} | :: without limitation, excessively; left and right, like crazy |
atoxique {adj} | :: non-toxic, nontoxic |
atrabilaire {adj} | :: atrabilious, splenetic, cantankerous |
atrabile {m} | :: black bile |
atrabilieux {adj} | :: synonym of atrabilaire |
atramentaire {adj} | :: atramental, atramentarious, inky |
à travers {prep} | :: through |
à travers {prep} | :: across (from one side to the other) |
à travers {prep} | :: throughout |
à travers champs {adv} [figuratively] | :: cross lots, across the fields |
-âtre {suffix} [especially, colours] | :: -ish |
-âtre {suffix} | :: Used to form pejoratives |
âtre {m} | :: hearth |
âtre {adj} | :: dark, matte black |
atrésie {f} [pathology] | :: atresia |
atriau {m} [Switzerland] | :: A type of round sausage |
-atrice {suffix} | :: -(at)rix, -ess |
atrium {m} | :: atrium |
atroce {adj} | :: atrocious |
atroce {adj} | :: terrible, dreadful |
atroce {adj} | :: inhuman, savage, cruel |
atrocement {adv} | :: atrociously |
atrocement {adv} | :: terribly, dreadfully |
atrocement {adv} | :: inhumanly, savagely, cruelly |
atrocité {f} | :: atrocity |
atrophie {f} | :: atrophy |
atrophier {vtr} | :: atrophy (wither) |
atrophique {adj} | :: atrophic |
atropine {f} [organic compound] | :: atropine |
Atsuko {prop} | :: given name |
attablé {adj} | :: seated at a table |
attabler {v} | :: to sit down at the table |
attachant {adj} | :: endearing, cute |
attaché-case {m} | :: attaché case |
attaché de presse {m} | :: press secretary, press officer, press attaché |
attachement {m} | :: attachment |
attache parisienne {f} | :: brass fastener |
attacher {v} | :: to affix, bind, tie something to something else, especially with rope |
attacher {v} [usually, passive] | :: to attach (durably bind, tie via links of emotional or physical dependence) |
attacher {vp} | :: to become attached, become fond of (grow emotionally bound to) |
attacher {v} | :: to attach, attribute (a certain quality or value to) |
attacher {vr} [with à] | :: to exert oneself, to make an effort, to make a commitment |
attacher à la même réalité {v} | :: To have the same understanding of what is going on |
attacher le grelot {v} [figuratively] | :: to bell the cat, to take one for the team |
attacher Pierre avec Paul {v} [idiomatic] | :: to fasten a button in the wrong buttonhole |
attacher sa tuque {v} [Quebec, colloquial, idiomatic] | :: To brace oneself; to get ready |
attagène {m} | :: carpet beetle (of the genus Attagenus and certain others of the family Dermestidae) |
Attalie {prop} {f} | :: Attalia |
attaquable {adj} | :: attackable |
attaquant {m} | :: attacker, assailant |
attaquant {m} [soccer] | :: forward, striker, attacker |
attaquante {f} | :: feminine noun of attaquant |
attaque {f} | :: attack |
attaque {f} [phonology] | :: onset of a syllable |
attaque cérébrale {f} [medicine] | :: stroke |
attaquer {vt} | :: to attack |
attarder {vt} [rare] | :: to delay; make late |
attarder {vr} | :: to linger; stay late |
atteignable {adj} | :: attainable, achievable |
atteignement {m} [archaic] | :: attainment (reaching) |
atteindre {v} | :: to attain |
atteindre {v} | :: to reach |
atteindre {v} | :: to accomplish |
atteindre {v} | :: to achieve |
atteindre des sommets {v} | :: to go through the roof, to go through the ceiling, to reach new heights, to reach an all-time high |
atteinte {f} | :: attack (à on) |
attelage {m} | :: coupling, hitch |
attelage {m} | :: team (of horses, etc) |
attelage {m} | :: yoke (of oxen) |
attelage {m} [equestrian] | :: combined driving |
atteler {vt} | :: to harness, yoke, hitch (e.g. a horse to a wagon) |
atteler {vr} | :: to get down to, apply oneself to |
atteleur {m} [rail transport] | :: The person who couples carriages together |
atteleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of atteleur |
attelle {f} | :: hame (on a horse) |
attelle {f} | :: splint |
attenance {f} | :: dependence, domination, subjugation |
attenant {adj} | :: adjacent (à to) |
attendre {vt} | :: to wait for, to await |
attendre {v} | :: to expect |
attendre {vr} [followed by à] | :: to expect |
attendre {v} [Louisiana French] | :: alternative form of entendre, to hear |
attendre comme le Messie {vt} [simile] | :: to wait for (something or someone) like the arrival of the Messiah, to wait for (something or someone) impatiently (as if it or they were a savior) |
attendre famille {v} | :: to be expecting a baby |
attendre son heure {v} | :: to bide one's time |
attendre un heureux événement {v} | :: To be pregnant |
attendrir {v} | :: to make softer or more tender; to soften |
attendrir {v} [figuratively, of a person] | :: to soften (up) |
attendrir {vr} [s'attendrir] | :: to soften up (become softer) |
attendrissant {adj} | :: heart-warming |
attendrissement {m} | :: emotion, (tender) feeling; pity |
attendrisseur {m} | :: tenderizer |
attendu {adj} | :: awaited, anticipated |
attendu {adj} | :: expected |
attenir {vi} [archaic, inanimate] | :: to border; be next to; abut |
attentat {m} | :: attack, assault (illegal act of violence toward another) |
attentat à la pudeur {m} [law] | :: indecent exposure |
attentatoire {adj} | :: detrimental |
attentatoire {adj} | :: intrusive |
attentat-suicide {m} | :: suicide attack |
attente {f} | :: wait (the time that one is waiting or the state of waiting) |
attente {f} | :: expectation (act or state of expecting) |
attente {f} | :: shoulder strap insignia (military) [1] [2] [3] |
attenter {v} [followed by the preposition à] | :: to assault |
attentif {adj} | :: attentive |
attentif {adj} | :: careful (cautious) |
attention {f} | :: attention, (mental focus) |
attention {f} | :: vigilance |
attention {f} | :: attention (concern for or interest in) |
attention {f} | :: consideration, thoughtfulness |
attention {interj} | :: look out! watch out! careful! |
attentionné {adj} | :: thoughtful, considerate |
attentionné {adj} | :: attentive |
attentionnel {adj} | :: attentional |
attentisme {m} | :: Attentisme |
attentiste {adj} | :: wait-and-see (prudent and opportunistic) |
attentiste {mf} | :: A person who adopts such a policy |
attentivement {adv} | :: attentively |
atténuant {adj} | :: extenuating |
atténuateur {m} | :: attenuator |
atténuatif {adj} | :: attenuative |
atténuation {f} | :: attenuation |
atténué {adj} | :: attenuated |
atténué {adj} | :: mitigated |
atténuer {v} | :: attenuate, mitigate |
attérir {v} | :: dated form of atterrir |
atterrage {m} | :: landing (of a ship) |
atterrage {m} | :: touch down (of an aircraft) |
atterré {adj} | :: appalled |
atterré {adj} | :: shattered, devastated |
atterrer {vt} | :: to fell |
atterrer {vt} | :: to appal |
atterrer {vi} | :: to land (a ship); to touchdown (an aircraft) |
atterrir {vi} | :: To land (a plane, helicopter etc.) |
atterrissage {m} | :: landing on the ground; touchdown (of an aircraft) |
atterrissement {m} | :: landing (on solid land) |
atterrisseur {m} | :: undercarriage, landing gear (of an aircraft) |
attestataire {adj} | :: attestative, supportive |
attestation {f} | :: certificate |
attestation {f} | :: testimonial |
attestation {f} | :: attestation |
attestation {f} | :: statement |
attestation {f} | :: declaration |
attestation {f} | :: affidavit |
attesté {adj} | :: attested |
attester {v} | :: to attest; to support with evidence |
atticisme {m} | :: Atticism |
attiédir {vt} | :: To warm |
attiédir {vr} | :: To become warm |
attiédissement {m} | :: warming |
attiédissement {m} | :: cooling off (of enthusiasm etc) |
attifé {adj} | :: decked out |
attifement {m} | :: decoration, decking out |
attifer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to deck out |
attiger {v} | :: synonym of exagérer |
attingible {adj} | :: synonym of atteignable |
attique {m} | :: penthouse flat / apartment |
attique {adj} | :: Attic |
attique {adj} | :: delicate |
attique {adj} | :: elegant |
Attique {prop} | :: Attique (region) |
attiquement {adv} | :: delicately |
attiquement {adv} | :: elegantly |
attirable {adj} | :: attractable |
attirail {m} | :: paraphernalia, equipment |
attirance {f} | :: attraction (the state of feeling attraction) |
attirance {f} | :: attraction (the state of being attractive) |
attirant {adj} | :: attractive |
attirer {v} | :: to attract |
attirer {v} | :: to lure, to entice |
attisement {m} | :: rekindling |
attiser {vt} | :: to stir up (fire); to rekindle |
attiser {vt} [figuratively] | :: to fan the flames of, to stir up (emotion etc.); to inflame |
attisoir {m} | :: poker (tool for stoking a fire) |
attitré {adj} | :: certified, recognized (professionally) |
attitude {f} | :: attitude, position |
atto- {prefix} | :: atto- |
attogramme {m} | :: attogram, attogramme |
attokatal {m} | :: Attokatal |
attométrique {adj} | :: attometric |
attorney {m} | :: attorney |
attouchement {m} | :: touching, fondling, stroking; feel (sexual) |
attouchement {m} [geometry] | :: tangent point |
attracteur {adj} | :: attracting |
attracteur {m} [mathematics] | :: attractor |
attractif {adj} | :: attractive |
attraction {f} | :: attraction (all senses) |
attractivité {f} | :: attractivity |
attraiant {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of attrayant |
attraire {v} [obsolete] | :: To attract (be attractive) |
attraire {v} [obsolete, legal] | :: To sue |
attrait {m} | :: appeal, attraction |
attrapade {f} | :: reprimand, talking-to, reproach |
attrapage {m} | :: synonym of attrapade |
attrape-mouche {m} | :: flypaper |
attrape-mouche {m} | :: flytrap (all senses) |
attrape-nigaud {m} | :: sucker trap |
attraper {v} | :: to trap (to capture in a trap) |
attraper {v} | :: to catch (e.g. a ball) |
attraper {v} [figurative] | :: to catch (a cold etc.) |
attrape-rêves {m} | :: dreamcatcher (ritual object) |
attraper froid {v} [colloquial] | :: to catch a cold |
attraper la grosse tête {v} | :: synonym of prendre la grosse tête |
attrapeur de rêves {m} | :: dreamcatcher |
attrayable {adj} [obsolete, legal] | :: suable |
attrayant {adj} | :: attractive |
attribuable {adj} | :: attributable |
attribuer {v} | :: to grant, to award |
attribuer {v} | :: to give credit to, to recognize |
attribuer {v} | :: to attribute to, to ascribe to |
attribuer {vp} [s'attribuer] | :: to take the credit for, to give oneself priority over others |
attribut {m} | :: attribute (characteristic or quality) |
attribut {m} [grammar] | :: predicative |
attribut {m} [object-oriented programming] | :: attribute |
attributaire {m} | :: grantee |
attributaire {m} | :: Person awarded a prize, inheritance etc |
attributeur {adj} | :: synonym of attributif |
attributif {adj} | :: attributive (of, or being an attributive) |
attribution {f} | :: allocation, allotment |
attribution {f} [in the plural] | :: remit, duty |
attriquer {v} | :: To buy on credit |
attrister {v} | :: to sadden, to make sad |
attrition {f} | :: attrition |
attroupement {m} | :: gathering (of people), mob (large or disorderly group of people, especially one bent on riotous or destructive action) |
attroupement {m} | :: gathering, mobbing (action of crowding into or around a place in a disorganized and possibly riotous manner) |
attrouper {v} | :: to gather (a group of people) together, to assemble |
à tue-tête {adv} | :: at the top of one's voice, at the top of one's lungs |
atypie {f} | :: atypia |
atypique {adj} | :: atypical |
atypiquement {adv} | :: atypically (in a way which is not typical) |
au {contraction} | :: contraction of à le |
aubade {f} | :: aubade (song; poem) |
aubade {f} | :: aubade (love song) |
aubain {m} [historic] | :: A foreigner who was not naturalised, and who had few rights |
aubaine {m} | :: the inheritance of goods belonging to a foreigner who died in a country where they have not been naturalised (the doctrine of droit d'aubaine) |
aubaine {m} | :: godsend, boon, windfall |
aubaine {m} | :: bargain |
au bas mot {adv} | :: at least, at the very least, at the lowest estimate |
aube {f} | :: dawn, sunrise, daybreak |
aube {f} | :: beginning |
aube {f} [religion] | :: alb |
aube {f} [technology] | :: paddle, blade |
aube {f} | :: vane (of windmill) |
aube {f} | :: small plank |
Aube {prop} | :: Aube |
au beau fixe {adj} | :: excellent, consistently good, stable, set fair, favorable |
au beau milieu de {adv} | :: slap bang in the middle of, smack bang in the middle of, right in the middle of |
aubépine {f} | :: hawthorn (type of shrub) |
au berceau {adv} [idiomatic, figuratively] | :: in (its) infancy, at an early stage |
aubère {adj} | :: of a light bay colour |
aubère {m} | :: A horse of this colour |
auberge {f} | :: hostel |
auberge {f} [slang] | :: prison |
auberge de jeunesse {f} | :: A youth hostel, supervised, inexpensive lodging place, primarily for young people |
auberge espagnole {f} [idiomatic] | :: potluck (potluck dinner) |
auberge espagnole {f} [idiomatic] | :: cultural melting pot |
aubergine {f} | :: eggplant; aubergine |
aubergine {f} [historical] | :: A French female traffic warden (from the colour of their uniforms; more recently pervenche) |
aubergiste {mf} | :: innkeeper, landlord |
au besoin {adv} | :: if need be |
aubette {f} | :: a small house or lodge |
aubette {f} | :: guardhouse, sentry-box |
aubette {f} | :: bus shelter |
aubier {m} | :: sapwood, alburnum |
aubin {m} | :: canter (horse gait) |
Aubin {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Aubin {prop} {m} | :: surname |
aubois {adj} | :: Of or from Aube |
au bord de {prep} | :: by, beside, next to, on the side of, on the edge of |
au bord de {prep} [figuratively] | :: on the verge of, on the brink of |
au bout de {prep} | :: at the end of |
au bout de {prep} | :: after |
au bout du compte {adv} | :: all things considered, after all, in the end |
au bout du rouleau {adj} | :: at the end of one's tether, at one's wit's end |
aubryiste {mf} | :: Aubryist |
aubryiste {adj} | :: Aubryist |
aubryste {adj} | :: Aubryist |
aubryste {mf} | :: Aubryist |
auburnien {adj} | :: Of or from Auburn |
auburnien {adj} | :: relating to the Auburn system |
au cas où {conj} | :: in case (+ conditional or subjunctive) |
au cas où {adv} | :: just in case |
au cas par cas {adv} | :: on a case-by-case basis, individually |
Auch {prop} | :: A town in the Gers department of Midi-Pyrénées |
Auch {prop} | :: surname, a habitational name from the town |
au chômage {adj} | :: unemployed |
Auckland {prop} | :: Auckland (city) |
au coin {adv} | :: on the naughty step, in the corner |
Aucoin {prop} | :: surname |
au compte-goutte {adv} | :: in dribs and drabs |
au compte-gouttes {adv} | :: in dribs and drabs |
au contraire {adv} | :: on the contrary, quite the contrary, quite the opposite; au contraire |
au courant {adj} | :: up to date, abreast |
au cours de {prep} | :: during, throughout, in the course of |
auctorial {adj} | :: auctorial |
aucuba {m} | :: aucuba |
aucun {adj} | :: no, none, not any |
aucun {pron} | :: none, no-one |
aucune {pron} | :: feminine singular of aucun |
aucunement {adv} [dated] | :: at all |
Aucunois {m} | :: inhabitant of Aucun, a commune in the Hautes-Pyrénées department in southwestern France |
Aucunoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Aucunois |
aucun rapport avec la choucroute {phrase} [colloquial] | :: what does that have to do with the price of tea in China |
-aud {suffix} | :: A suffix appended to forenames, especially those of Germanic origin |
-aud {suffix} | :: An augmentative suffix |
-aud {suffix} | :: Used to create diminutives, or nouns having a pejorative connotation |
audace {f} | :: audacity, boldness |
audace {f} | :: audacity, impudence |
audacieusement {adv} | :: boldly, audaciously |
audacieux {adj} | :: bold, audacious (courageous, daring) |
Aude {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Aude {prop} {f} | :: Aude (department) |
Aude {prop} {f} | :: Aude (river) |
au débotté {adv} [archaic] | :: as soon as one arrives, as soon as one gets home |
au débotté {adv} | :: off the cuff, without preparation |
au débotté {adv} | :: unexpectedly, without warning |
au début {adv} [colloquial] | :: initially, at first |
au-deçà {adv} | :: beneath; below |
au-dedans {adv} | :: inside, within |
au-dehors {adv} | :: outside |
au-delà {prep} | :: beyond |
au-delà {m} | :: the afterlife |
au demeurant {adv} [literary] | :: moreover; for that matter, as it happens |
au départ {adv} [colloquial] | :: originally, initially |
au-dessous {prep} [with de] | :: beneath, below |
au-dessus {adv} | :: above |
au-dessus de {prep} | :: above |
Audet {prop} | :: surname |
au détour de {prep} | :: during, in the course of |
au détriment de {prep} | :: to the detriment of, at the expense of (someone), at the cost of (something) |
Audette {prop} | :: surname |
au-devant {adv} | :: in front (of) |
au diable {phrase} | :: to hell with |
au diable-vauvert {adv} | :: far away |
audibilité {f} | :: audibility |
audible {adj} | :: audible |
audience {f} | :: audience, viewer |
audiencier {m} [legal] | :: A bailiff in certain French courts |
audiencière {f} | :: feminine singular of audiencier |
audimat {m} | :: ratings (TV) |
audimutité {f} [pathology] | :: A form of mutism in which the sense of hearing is still present |
audio- {prefix} | :: audio- |
audio {adj} | :: audio |
audioconférence {f} | :: audioconference |
audiofréquence {f} | :: audio frequency |
audiogramme {m} | :: audiogram |
audiographe {m} | :: audiograph |
audiomètre {m} | :: audiometer |
audiométrie {f} | :: audiometry |
audiométrique {adj} | :: audiometric |
audionumérique {adj} [of a sound recording] | :: digital |
audiophone {m} | :: A type of small hearing aid |
audioprothèse {f} | :: hearing aid |
audioprothésiste {mf} | :: hearing aid technician |
audio-visuel {adj} | :: alternative form of audiovisuel |
audiovisuel {adj} | :: audiovisual |
au dire de {prep} [somewhat, formal] | :: according to |
audit {contraction} | :: contraction of à + ledit |
audit {m} | :: audit |
auditer {v} | :: to audit |
auditeur {m} | :: auditor |
auditeur {m} | :: listener (someone who listens) |
auditeur {m} [legal] | :: recorder (type of judge) |
auditif {adj} | :: aural, auditory, auditive |
audition {f} | :: audition (all senses) |
auditionner {v} | :: to audition |
auditoire {m} | :: audience, auditory |
auditoire {m} [legal] | :: court (people in the courtroom) |
auditoire {m} | :: auditorium (hall) |
auditoire {m} [Belgium] | :: lecture theatre, lecture hall |
auditorat {m} | :: auditorship |
auditorium {m} | :: auditorium |
auditrice {f} | :: feminine noun of auditeur |
au doigt et à l'œil {adv} [figuratively] | :: slavishly, strictly |
au doigt mouillé {prep} [colloquial] | :: by the seat of one's pants, as a rule of thumb |
audois {adj} | :: Of or relating to the French department of Aude |
Audrey {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English, popular in the 1980s |
au fait {adj} [followed by de] | :: au fait |
au fait {adv} | :: by the way |
Auf der Maur {prop} | :: Auf der Maur; surname |
au feu {interj} | :: fire! (A cry of distress indicating that something is on fire) |
au fil de {prep} | :: in the course of, over the course of |
au final {adv} [colloquial] | :: in the end, after all, eventually, finally |
au fond {adv} | :: See: fr at the back in the depths |
au fond {adv} [figuratively] | :: deep down, in the end |
au four {adv} | :: in the oven |
au four {adj} | :: baked (cooked in an oven) |
au fur et à mesure {conj} [idiomatic] | :: in keeping with (progressively, in sequence) |
au fur et à mesure {adv} | :: bit by bit, gradually |
auge {f} | :: trough (long, narrow container for feeding animals) |
auge {f} [masonry] | :: mixing tub, mortar box (pan or tub for mixing mortar) |
auge {f} | :: bucket (of a water wheel) |
auge {f} [anatomy] | :: intermandibular region (of a horse or other mammal) |
auger {v} | :: to dig in order to get the shape of a trough |
auger {v} | :: to bend a piece of flat iron into the shape of a gutter, of an eavestrough |
Auger {prop} | :: surname |
augeron {adj} | :: Of or from pays d'Auge |
augeron {m} | :: Augeron (dialect) |
auget {m} | :: A small feeding trough for cage-birds |
auget {m} | :: The bucket of a waterwheel |
augite {f} [mineral] | :: augite |
augment {m} [medieval law] | :: part of the estates which the widow could inherit |
augment {m} [grammar] | :: augment |
augmentable {adj} | :: augmentable |
augmentateur {adj} | :: augmentative |
augmentatif {adj} | :: augmentative |
augmentatif {m} [grammar] | :: augmentative |
augmentation {f} | :: An increase, a raise |
augmentation {f} | :: A pay raise |
augmenter {vt} [ergative] | :: to increase |
augmenter {vi} [ergative] | :: to increase, to augment |
au goût du jour {adj} | :: in fashion, in line with current tastes |
au grand air {adv} | :: in the open air, out in the open outdoors |
au grand dam de {phrase} | :: to the great displeasure of |
au grand jamais {adv} [formal] | :: never ever |
au grand jour {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in broad daylight, in the open |
au grand regret de {phrase} | :: to the great displeasure of |
au gré de {prep} | :: in the course of, over the course of |
Augsbourg {prop} {m} | :: Augsbourg (city) |
augural {adj} | :: prophetic |
augural {adj} | :: (after the first meaning) frightening |
augure {m} | :: augury |
augurer {v} | :: to augur, foresee |
augustal {adj} | :: Augustan |
augustal {adj} | :: imperial |
auguste {adj} | :: august; noble, stately |
auguste {m} | :: A type of clown with a white makeup |
Auguste {prop} | :: Augustus, the Roman emperor |
Auguste {prop} | :: given name |
augustéen {adj} | :: Augustan |
augustement {adv} | :: augustly |
augustin {adj} | :: Augustinian |
Augustin {prop} | :: given name |
Augustine {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Augustin |
augustinien {adj} | :: Augustinian |
augustinisme {m} | :: Augustinism |
au hasard {adv} | :: randomly, at random (by using random selection) |
au hasard {adv} | :: to and fro, here and there, hither and thither |
auj. {adv} | :: abbreviation of aujourd'hui |
aujd {adv} [Internet slang, texting] | :: abbreviation of aujourd'hui |
au jour d'aujourd'hui {adv} | :: as of today, as things currently stand; at the present time |
aujourd'hui {adv} | :: today |
aujourd'hui {adv} | :: nowadays |
aujourd'hui {m} | :: today |
au jour le jour {adv} | :: from day to day, one day at a time, hand-to-mouth |
au juste {adv} [colloquial] | :: exactly |
aulacode {m} | :: cane rat, grasscutter |
au large {adv} | :: offshore, out to sea |
au large de {prep} | :: off the coast of |
aulétride {f} [historical] | :: auletris |
au lieu de {prep} | :: See: fr au lieu de |
au lieu de {prep} | :: instead of |
aulique {adj} | :: aulic |
aulique {f} | :: aulic |
au lit {adv} [sexuality, figuratively] | :: in bed |
au lit {interj} | :: to bed! off to bed! sleepy time! |
aulne {m} | :: alder, alnus |
aulne glutineux {m} | :: black alder, European alder (Alnus glutinosa) |
aulne noir {m} | :: black alder, European alder (Alnus glutinosa) |
aulne poisseux {m} | :: black alder, European alder (Alnus glutinosa) |
au long de {prep} | :: during; throughout |
aumaille {f} [obsolete] | :: livestock, cattle |
au même titre que {conj} | :: as well as |
au meurtre {interj} | :: murder! murderer! |
au mieux {adv} | :: at best |
au milieu de {adv} | :: in the middle of |
au milieu de nulle part {adv} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: in the sticks, in the middle of nowhere |
au minimum {adv} | :: at least |
au moins {adv} | :: at least, at a minimum |
au moment où {conj} | :: as, when, as soon as |
au monde {prep} | :: in the world, on the face of the earth |
aumône {f} | :: alms |
aumône {f} [by extension] | :: a small, insulting sum of money |
aumônerie {f} | :: chaplaincy |
aumônier {m} [originally] | :: almoner |
aumônier {m} [religion] | :: chaplain |
aumônière {f} | :: feminine noun of aumônier |
aumônière {f} [religion, historical] | :: purse |
au motif que {conj} | :: arguing that, on the grounds that, on the pretext that |
au moyen de {prep} | :: by means of (by using the thing specified) |
au naturel {adv} | :: naturally |
au naturel {adv} | :: in the nude |
au naturel {adv} | :: most simply, most plainly |
au naturel {adv} | :: (food) without seasoning, flavouring or dressing |
au naturel {adv} [heraldry] | :: proper |
à un de ces quatre {interj} [colloquial] | :: see you, later |
aune {f} [historical, unit of length] | :: ell |
aune {f} [by extension] | :: measuring rod of one ell |
aune {f} [figuratively] | :: yardstick (standard to which other comparisons are judged) |
aune {m} | :: alternative spelling of aulne |
auner {v} | :: to measure in ells |
au nez et à la barbe {prep} [colloquial, followed by de] | :: right under someone's nose |
à un jet de pierre {adv} [figuratively] | :: At a short distance, a stone's throw away, nearby |
au noir {prep} | :: illegally, cash in hand |
au nom de {prep} | :: on behalf of (speaking or acting for) |
au nom de {prep} | :: in the name of |
au nom du ciel {interj} | :: in heaven's name! |
au pair {adj} | :: working for food and housing |
auparavant {adv} | :: beforehand, previously |
au parfum {adj} [colloquial] | :: in the know, in the picture; up to speed |
au pas de charge {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the double, at a run |
au pas de course {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the double, at a run |
au pas de gymnastique {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the double, at a run |
au péril de sa vie {adv} | :: at the risk of one's life, risking life and limb |
au petit bonheur {adv} | :: haphazardly, without planning |
au petit bonheur la chance {adv} | :: alternative form of au petit bonheur |
au pied {interj} | :: to heel! |
au pied de la lettre {adv} | :: to the letter, literally |
au pied du mur {adj} [figuratively] | :: cornered, up against the wall, up against it |
au pied levé {adv} | :: at a moment's notice, at the last minute, without preparation |
au pif {adv} [colloquial, idiom] | :: approximately, roughly |
au pire {adv} [colloquial] | :: at worst, worst case scenario |
au plus {adv} [colloquial] | :: at most, tops, at the very most, at the outside |
au plus haut point {adv} | :: intensely, very much, really, thoroughly, absolutely, most, to the utmost |
au plus tard {adv} | :: at the latest, at a push, no later than |
au plus tôt {adv} | :: at the earliest, no sooner than |
au plus tôt {adv} | :: as soon as possible |
au plus vite {adv} | :: ASAP |
au point {adj} | :: ready, functional |
au point de {prep} [followed by an infinitive] | :: to the point of, so much so that |
au possible {adv} | :: extremely |
au pouvoir {adj} | :: in power |
au préalable {adv} | :: beforehand, first |
au préjudice de {prep} [formal] | :: to the detriment of, at the expense of (someone), at the cost of (something) |
au premier abord {adv} | :: at first, at first sight, at first glance, on first impression |
au premier chef {adv} [formal, literary] | :: primarily, most of all, first and foremost, chiefly |
auprès {adv} | :: nearby |
auprès {prep} | :: near to, by, close to |
auprès {prep} | :: compared to, in comparison to |
auprès {prep} | :: to (directed at) |
au prix de {prep} | :: at the cost of, at the expense of (something) |
au profit de {prep} | :: to the benefit of, for the benefit of, in favour of; in aid of |
au propre {adv} | :: in order to improve the appearance |
au propre {adv} [linguistics] | :: literally, in the literal sense |
au quart de tour {adv} [colloquial] | :: in no time, straight off |
auquel {pron} | :: to which, at which |
auquel cas {adv} [conjunctive] | :: in which case; then |
au quotidien {prep} | :: on a daily basis, daily, everyday |
aura {f} | :: aura |
aural {adj} | :: aural (relating to sound) |
au ralenti {adv} [figuratively] | :: in slow motion, at a slower pace, slowly |
auranofine {m} [medicine] | :: auranofin |
aurantiacé {adj} | :: aurantiaceous |
au ras de {prep} [Louisiana French] | :: near |
au ras des pâquerettes {prep} [colloquial] | :: very close to the ground |
au ras des pâquerettes {prep} [colloquial, pejorative, figuratively] | :: very basic, lowbrow, unrefined (almost to the point of being coarse, crude, crass) |
au regard de {prep} | :: given, in view of, in light of |
Aurélia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Aurélie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Aurélien {prop} | :: given name |
auréole {f} | :: halo (all senses) |
auréolé {adj} | :: [~ de] basking in the glory of |
auréoler {v} | :: To surround with a halo |
auréoler {v} | :: To glorify |
auréomycine {f} | :: aureomycin, chlortetracycline |
au reste {adv} | :: besides, moreover |
aureux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: aurous |
au revoir {interj} | :: goodbye |
Auriane {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
auriculaire {m} | :: little finger (outermost and smallest finger of the hand), auricular |
auriculaire {adj} | :: auricular |
auricule {f} | :: auricula |
auriculiforme {adj} | :: auriculiform |
auriculoventriculaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: atrioventricular |
aurifère {adj} | :: auriferous, aurous (gold-bearing) |
aurification {f} | :: aurification |
aurifier {v} | :: To fill (a tooth cavity) with gold |
aurifique {adj} | :: aurific |
auriforme {adj} | :: auriform |
aurige {m} | :: charioteer |
aurignacien {adj} | :: Aurignacian |
Aurigny {prop} | :: Alderney |
Auriol {prop} | :: a French surname |
Auriol {prop} | :: Vincent Auriol, French politician |
auripenne {adj} | :: golden-winged |
aurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: auric |
au risque de {prep} | :: at the risk of |
auriverde {adj} | :: Brazilian |
aurochs {m} | :: aurochs |
aurone {f} | :: southernwood |
aurophile {adj} | :: aurophilic |
aurophilique {adj} | :: aurophilic |
aurore {f} | :: aurora |
aurore {f} | :: dawn |
Aurore {prop} | :: given name |
aurore boréale {f} | :: northern lights, aurora borealis (the aurora of the northern hemisphere) |
au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois {proverb} | :: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king |
aurure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: auride |
auscitain {adj} | :: Of or from Auch |
auscultateur {adj} | :: auscultatory |
auscultation {f} | :: auscultation |
auscultatoire {adj} | :: auscultatory |
ausculter {v} [medicine] | :: to perform auscultation |
au secours {interj} | :: help! (A cry of distress) |
au sein de {prep} | :: within, inside, in the midst |
Ausone {prop} {m} | :: Ausonius (Roman poet) |
au sortir de {prep} [literary] | :: at the end of |
auspice {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: omen; auspices |
auspicieux {adj} | :: auspicious |
aussi {adv} | :: too, also, as well |
aussi {adv} | :: as |
aussi {conj} | :: therefore |
aussière {f} [nautical] | :: hawser |
aussi sec {adv} [colloquial] | :: at once, right away |
aussitost {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of aussitôt |
aussitôt {adv} | :: immediately |
aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait {phrase} | :: no sooner said than done |
aussitôt que {conj} | :: once, as soon as |
aussitte {adv} [Louisiana French, Missouri] | :: also, too |
austenien {adj} | :: Austenian |
austénite {m} | :: austenite |
austénitique {adj} | :: austenitic |
austère {adj} | :: austere |
austèrement {adv} | :: austerely |
austéritaire {adj} [economics] | :: austerity (attributive) |
austérité {f} | :: austerity, severity |
austérité {f} | :: destitution |
austinien {adj} | :: Austinian |
austral {adj} | :: austral |
Australie {prop} {f} | :: Australie (continent) |
australien {adj} | :: Australian; related to Australia |
Australien {m} | :: Australian (inhabitant) |
Australienne {f} | :: Australian, someone from Australia |
Australie-Occidentale {prop} {f} | :: Australie-Occidentale (state) |
australoide {mf} | :: Australoid |
australoide {adj} | :: Australoid (attributive) |
australopithèque {m} | :: Australopithecus |
austroasiatique {adj} | :: Austroasiatic |
austrofascisme {m} | :: Austrofascism |
austrofasciste {adj} | :: Austrofascist |
austro-hongrois {adj} | :: Austro-Hungarian |
austromarxisme {m} | :: Austromarxism |
austromarxiste {adj} | :: Austromarxist |
Austronésie {prop} {f} | :: Austronesia |
austronésien {adj} | :: Austronesian |
au sujet de {prep} | :: about |
au surplus {adv} [dated, literary] | :: moreover, furthermore |
autan {m} | :: Either of two winds that blow in parts of southern France |
autant {adv} | :: so much |
autant {adv} | :: as much as |
autant {adv} | :: as far as |
autant {adv} | :: as much (as), as many (as) |
autant pour moi {interj} | :: my bad, my mistake, silly me, I stand corrected |
autant que faire se peut {adv} | :: if at all possible, if possible |
au taquet {adj} [colloquial] | :: on fire, full on, on top of it, raring to go, very motivated; on the ball, on the alert, on the lookout (very alert and efficient in one's work, very aware of one's surroundings; ready to seize an opportunity) |
autarchie {f} | :: autarchy |
autarchique {adj} | :: autarchic |
autarcie {f} | :: autarky |
autarcique {adj} | :: autarkic |
autécologie {f} | :: autecology |
autel {m} | :: altar (in a church) |
au temps pour moi {interj} | :: alternative spelling of autant pour moi |
auteur {m} | :: author |
auteur {m} | :: composer, artist |
auteur {m} | :: inventor (of discovery); perpetrator (of crime); leader (of rebellion etc.) |
auteur-compositeur {m} | :: songwriter |
auteur-compositeur-interprète {m} | :: singer-songwriter |
auteure {f} | :: feminine noun of auteur |
Authement {prop} | :: surname |
authenticité {f} | :: authenticity |
authentification {f} | :: authentication |
authentifier {v} | :: to authenticate |
authentique {adj} | :: authentic, real, genuine |
authentiquement {adv} | :: authentically |
authentiquer {v} | :: to authenticate |
authigène {adj} [geology] | :: authigenic |
autisme {m} [pathology] | :: autism |
autiste {adj} | :: autistic |
autiste {mf} | :: someone who is autistic |
autistique {adj} | :: autistic |
auto- {prefix} | :: auto- (regarding oneself) |
auto- {prefix} | :: auto- (automatic) |
auto- {prefix} | :: auto- (relating to cars) |
auto {f} | :: car |
auto-accusation {f} | :: alternative form of autoaccusation |
autoaccusation {f} | :: self-incrimination |
auto-adhésif {adj} | :: alternative form of autoadhésif |
autoadhésif {adj} | :: self-adhesive |
autoadjoint {adj} [maths] | :: self-adjoint |
auto-allumage {m} | :: alternative form of autoallumage |
autoallumage {m} | :: preignition |
autoanalyser {v} [psychotherapy] | :: To undergo self-analysis |
autoassemblage {m} | :: self-assembly |
autoassimiler {v} | :: To autoassimilate |
autoberge {f} | :: A major road that runs along a riverbank |
autobiographie {f} | :: autobiography |
autobiographique {adj} | :: autobiographical |
autobiographiquement {adv} | :: autobiographically |
autoboxing {m} [object-oriented] | :: autoboxing |
autobronzant {adj} | :: self-tanning |
autobronzant {m} | :: self-tanning cream |
autobus {m} | :: bus, coach (vehicle) |
autocar {m} | :: motorcoach, bus, coach (vehicle) |
autocassable {adj} [of the neck of an ampoule] | :: snap-off |
autocatalytique {adj} [chemistry] | :: autocatalytic |
autocatégorisation {f} | :: autocategorization |
autocatégoriser {v} | :: To autocategorize |
autocensure {f} | :: self-censorship |
autocentré {adj} | :: self-centered |
autocéphale {adj} | :: autocephalous |
autochauffant {adj} | :: self-heating |
autochenille {f} | :: half-track |
autochore {adj} [botany] | :: autochorous |
autochorie {f} [biology] | :: autochory |
autochtone {adj} [rare] | :: From the earth, ground, soil |
autochtone {adj} [of a person, race, language or the like] | :: Autochthonous, native, indigenous, aboriginal |
autochtone {adj} [by extension] | :: Of or pertaining to indigenous peoples, or land occupied by them |
autochtone {adj} | :: Natural, native, innate (to a person) |
autochtone {mf} | :: a local, a native, an autochthon |
autocicatrisant {adj} | :: self-healing |
autocinétique {adj} | :: autokinetic |
autoclassifier {v} [computing] | :: to autoclassify |
autoclave {m} | :: autoclave |
autocollant {adj} | :: self-adhesive |
autocollant {m} | :: A sticker, an adhesive label or decal |
autocompactant {adj} | :: self-compacting (typically of concrete) |
autocompiler {v} | :: to autocompile |
autocondensation {f} [chemistry] | :: autocondensation |
autoconsommation {f} [economics] | :: consumption of goods or services by the person/company/country that produces it |
autocontradiction {f} [logic] | :: self-contradiction |
autocopiant {adj} | :: carbonless (of copying paper) |
autocopie {f} | :: A copy made using carbonless copy paper |
autocorrélation {f} [statistics] | :: autocorrelation |
autocorrélogramme {m} [statistics] | :: autocorrelogram |
autocorriger {v} | :: To self-correct |
autocrate {mf} | :: autocrat (ruler with absolute power) |
autocratie {f} | :: autocracy (form of government) |
autocratique {adj} | :: autocratic |
autocratique {adj} | :: authoritarian |
autocratiquement {adv} | :: autocratically |
autocritique {f} | :: self-criticism |
autocuiseur {m} | :: pressure cooker [cooking vessel] |
autodafé {m} | :: auto da fe |
autodéclaré {adj} | :: self-declared |
auto-défense {f} | :: alternative form of autodéfense |
autodéfense {f} | :: self-defense |
autodégradable {adj} | :: autodegradable |
autodénommé {adj} | :: self-styled |
autodérision {f} | :: self-mockery, self-deprecation |
autodescriptif {adj} | :: autodescriptive |
autodestructeur {adj} | :: self-destructive (that causes injury to oneself or harm to one's interests) |
autodestruction {f} | :: self-destruction (voluntary destruction of something by itself) |
autodétermination {f} | :: self-determination |
autodéterminer {v} | :: to self-determine |
autodétruire {v} | :: To self-destruct |
autodidacte {adj} | :: self-taught |
autodidacte {mf} | :: autodidact |
autodidactique {adj} | :: autodidactic |
autodiégétique {adj} | :: autodiegetic |
autodiffusion {f} [physics] | :: autodiffusion |
autodirecteur {adj} | :: self-seeking |
autodiscipline {f} | :: self-discipline |
autodissolution {f} | :: self-dissolution (of a parliament etc) |
autodissoudre {v} | :: To dissolve oneself (of a parliament etc) |
autodrome {m} | :: autodrome |
autodualité {f} [maths] | :: autoduality |
autoduplication {f} [genetics] | :: self-replication |
autodynamique {adj} | :: autodynamic |
auto-école {f} | :: driving school |
auto-entrepreneur {m} | :: sole trader (person) |
autoentrepreneur {m} | :: alternative form of auto-entrepreneur |
autoentrepreneuse {f} | :: feminine singular of autoentrepreneur |
auto-entreprise {f} | :: sole trader (organization) |
autoérotique {adj} | :: autoerotic (masturbatory) |
autoextinguible {adj} | :: self-extinguishing |
autofellation {f} | :: autofellatio (oral stimulation of one's own penis) |
autofiction {f} | :: faction (blend of fact and fiction) |
autofictionnel {adj} | :: autofictional |
autofinancement {m} | :: self-financing, self-funding |
autofinancer {v} | :: to self-finance |
autofocus {m} | :: autofocus (lens system) |
autoformation {f} | :: autodidacticism, self-education |
autogame {adj} [botany] | :: autogamous |
autogamie {f} | :: autogamy |
autogène {adj} | :: autogenous |
autogérer {v} | :: to self-manage; to run oneself |
autogestion {f} | :: self-management (joint control by workers and management) |
autogestionnaire {mf} | :: A person who is in favour of joint control by workers and management |
autogire {m} | :: autogiro |
autoglorificateur {adj} | :: self-aggrandizing |
autoglorification {f} | :: self-aggrandizement |
autographe {m} | :: autograph |
autographie {f} | :: autography |
autographier {v} | :: To autograph (write a document using handwriting) |
autographique {adj} | :: autographic |
autoguidé {adj} | :: self-guided, homing |
autoharpe {f} [musical instruments] | :: autoharp |
autoinductance {f} [physics] | :: self-inductance |
autoinoculable {adj} | :: autoinoculable |
auto-intoxication {f} | :: alternative form of autointoxication |
autointoxication {f} | :: autointoxication |
autojustification {f} | :: self-justification |
autolaçant {adj} | :: self-lacing |
autolâtre {adj} | :: autolatrous |
autolâtrique {adj} | :: autolatric |
autolavable {adj} | :: self-cleaning |
autolaveur {m} | :: dishwasher for laboratory glassware |
autolimitation {f} | :: self-limitation |
autolissant {adj} [of concrete] | :: self-levelling |
autologique {adj} | :: autological (of an adjective, describing itself) |
autologue {adj} [biology] | :: autologous |
autolubrifiant {adj} | :: self-lubricating |
autolyse {f} | :: autolysis (the destruction of an organism's cells by enzymes) |
automagique {adj} | :: automagical (automatic, but with an apparent element of stage magic.) |
automagiquement {adv} | :: automagically (automatically) |
automate {m} | :: automaton |
automaticien {m} | :: control engineer |
automaticienne {f} | :: feminine noun of automaticien |
automaticité {f} | :: automaticity |
automation {f} | :: automation |
automatique {adj} | :: automatic |
automatiquement {adv} | :: automatically |
automatisable {adj} | :: automatable |
automatisation {f} | :: automation, automatization/automatisation |
automatisé {adj} | :: automated |
automatiser {v} | :: to automate |
automatisme {m} | :: automatism |
automatophone {m} | :: Any musical instrument that operates by mechanical means |
automédication {f} | :: self-medication |
automédon {m} | :: driver (of a car) |
automédon {m} | :: guide, leader |
automesurer {v} | :: To self-measure, self-monitor (one's own blood pressure, heartbeat etc) |
automitrailleuse {f} | :: armoured car / armored car |
automnal {adj} | :: autumnal |
automne {m} | :: autumn, fall |
auto-mobile {f} [colloquial] | :: synonym of véhicule en libre-service (VLS) |
automobile {adj} | :: automotive |
automobile {f} | :: automobile |
automobilisable {adj} | :: (of a road, or lane of a road) Suitable for cars to drive along |
automobilisme {m} | :: motoring (as a form of tourism etc) |
automobiliste {mf} | :: motorist |
automobilistique {adj} | :: car (attributive), motor (attributive), auto (attributive), automotive |
automorphe {adj} [geology] | :: idiomorphous |
automorphe {adj} [maths] | :: automorphic |
automorphique {adj} [maths] | :: automorphic |
automorphisme {m} [maths] | :: automorphism |
automoteur {adj} | :: automotive |
automutilation {f} | :: self-injury, self-harm |
automutiler {v} | :: to self-mutilate |
autoneige {f} | :: snowcat, snowmobile (vehicle) |
autonettoyant {adj} | :: self-cleaning |
autonettoyante {adj} | :: self-cleaning |
autonivelant {adj} | :: synonym of autolissant |
autonome {adj} | :: autonomous |
autonomement {adv} | :: autonomously |
autonomie {f} | :: autonomy |
autonomie {f} | :: battery life |
autonomisation {f} | :: empowerment (granting of power) |
autonomiser {v} | :: to autonomize, become autonomous |
autonomisme {m} | :: autonomism |
autonomiste {mf} | :: autonomist |
autonyme {m} | :: autonym (a name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language) |
autonymique {adj} | :: autonymic |
autoparodique {adj} | :: self-deprecating |
autopartage {m} | :: carsharing |
autopatrouillé {adj} [WMF] | :: autopatrolled |
autophage {adj} [biology] | :: autophagous |
autophagie {f} [biology] | :: autophagy |
autophoto {f} | :: selfie |
autopilotage {m} | :: autopilot (system) |
autopiloter {vt} | :: to fly (something) solo |
autoplaçant {adj} [of concrete] | :: self-compacting, self-consolidating |
autoplastie {f} [surgery] | :: autoplasty |
autoplastique {adj} [surgery] | :: autoplastic |
autopoïèse {f} | :: autopoiesis |
autopointé {adj} | :: self-guided |
autopollinisant {adj} | :: self-pollinating |
autopompe {f} | :: fire engine |
autoportant {adj} | :: freestanding, self-supporting |
autoporteur {adj} | :: synonym of autoportant |
autoportrait {m} | :: self-portrait |
autoproclamé {adj} | :: self-proclaimed |
autoproclamer {v} | :: To self-proclaim |
autopromotion {f} | :: self-promotion |
autopropulsé {adj} | :: self-propelled |
autopropulsion {f} | :: self-propulsion |
autoprotonisation {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: autoprotonization |
autopsie {f} | :: autopsy |
autopsier {v} | :: to autopsy |
autoptique {adj} | :: autoptic |
autoptiquement {adv} | :: autoptically |
autopublication {f} | :: self-publishing (the publishing of books and other media by the authors) |
autopunitif {adj} | :: self-punitive |
autopunitif {adj} | :: masochistic |
autopunition {f} | :: self-punishment |
autoradio {m} | :: car radio |
autoradiographie {f} | :: autoradiography |
autorail {m} | :: railcar |
autoréalisateur {adj} | :: self-fulfilling |
auto-référence {f} | :: alternative form of autoréférence |
autoréférence {f} | :: self-reference |
autoréférent {adj} | :: synonym of autoréférentiel |
autoréférentiel {adj} | :: self-referential |
autoréglage {m} | :: autotuning, self-regulation |
autorégressif {adj} | :: autoregressive |
autorégulateur {adj} | :: self-regulatory, self-regulating |
autorégulation {f} | :: autoregulation (process by which an inhibitory feedback counteracts change) |
autorenouvellement {m} [biology] | :: autorenewal, self-renewal |
autoréparant {adj} | :: self-repairing |
autoréplicatif {adj} | :: self-replicating |
autorépliquer {v} [biology] | :: To self-replicate |
autorisable {adj} | :: authorizable |
autorisation {f} | :: authorization (act of authorizing) |
autorisation {f} | :: authorization (attestation of authorization) |
autoriser {v} | :: to authorise |
autoriser {v} | :: to allow |
autoritaire {adj} | :: authoritative |
autoritairement {adv} | :: authoritatively |
autoritarisme {m} | :: authoritarianism |
autoritariste {adj} | :: synonym of autoritaire |
autorité {f} | :: authority (the power to enforce rules or give orders) |
autorité {f} | :: authority (entity with power) |
autoroute {f} | :: An expressway, freeway, motorway, highway |
autoroute de l'information {f} [dated, computing, internet] | :: information superhighway (Internet) |
autoroutier {adj} [attributive] | :: motorway, highway, freeway |
autoroutier {m} | :: motorway-user, freeway-user, highway-user |
autosabotage {m} | :: self-sabotage |
auto-sacrifice {m} | :: self-sacrifice |
autosacrifice {m} | :: self-sacrifice |
autosatisfaction {f} | :: self-satisfaction (contentment with one's own accomplishments or situation) |
autoscopie {f} | :: autoscopy |
autosexuel {adj} | :: autosexual |
autosigné {adj} | :: self-signed |
autosimilaire {adj} | :: self-similar |
autosomique {adj} | :: autosomic, autosomal |
autostable {adj} | :: freestanding |
autostéréoscopique {adj} | :: autostereoscopic |
autostimuler {v} | :: To autostimulate |
auto-stop {m} | :: hitchhiking |
autostop {m} | :: alternative form of auto-stop |
auto-stoppeur {m} | :: alternative form of autostoppeur |
autostoppeur {m} | :: hitchhiker |
auto-stoppeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of auto-stoppeur |
autostoppeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of autostoppeur |
autostrade {f} [obsolete] | :: motorway |
autosuffisance {f} | :: self-sufficiency |
autosuffisant {adj} | :: self-sufficient |
autosuggestion {f} | :: autosuggestion |
au total {adv} | :: in total, in all, all told |
auto tamponneuse {f} | :: alternative form of auto-tamponneuse |
auto-tamponneuse {f} | :: bumper car, dodgem |
autotélique {adj} | :: autotelic (all senses) |
autothermique {adj} [chemistry] | :: autothermic |
autotomie {f} | :: autotomy |
autotomiser {v} [biology] | :: To autotomize |
autotracté {adj} | :: self-propelled |
autotrophe {adj} [biology] | :: autotrophic |
autotrophie {f} [biology] | :: autotrophy |
autotrophique {adj} | :: autotrophic |
autour {adv} | :: around |
autour {prep} [usually with de] | :: around, about |
autour {m} | :: goshawk |
autovaccin {m} | :: autovaccine |
autovaccination {f} | :: autovaccination |
au travers de {prep} | :: by way of, by means of, with, using, through |
autre {adj} | :: other |
autre {adj} | :: another |
autre chose {pron} | :: something else (some other thing) |
autrefois {adv} [literary] | :: previously; formerly (at a past time), erstwhile |
autrement {adv} | :: otherwise |
autrement {adv} | :: differently, in another way or manner |
autrement dit {prep} | :: In other words (a phrase indicating that the following thought is a reiteration of the previous one.) |
autre paire de manches {f} [colloquial] | :: another kettle of fish, a horse of a different color |
autre part {adv} | :: somewhere else |
autre pays, autre coutume {phrase} | :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do |
autre pays, autres mœurs {proverb} | :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do |
autres temps, autres mœurs {proverb} | :: Customs change with the times |
autrice {f} | :: feminine noun of auteur |
Autriche {prop} {f} | :: Autriche (country) |
Autriche-Hongrie {prop} {f} | :: Austria-Hungary |
autrichien {adj} | :: Austrian (of or pertaining to Austria or its people or culture) |
Autrichien {m} | :: An Austrian inhabitant or descendant of the people of Austria |
Autrichienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Autrichien |
autruche {f} | :: ostrich |
autruchon {m} | :: young ostrich |
autrui {pron} [chiefly literary] | :: others; other people; someone else |
auvent {m} | :: awning, canopy (over entrance) |
auvent {m} | :: carport |
auvergnat {adj} | :: Of, from or pertaining to the region of Auvergne; Auvergnese |
auvergnat {m} | :: A dialect of the Occitan language, spoken in Auvergne |
Auvergnat {m} | :: Inhabitant or native of Auvergne; Auvergnese |
Auvergnate {f} | :: feminine noun of Auvergnat |
Auvergne {prop} {f} | :: Auvergne, former region of France |
auvergner {v} | :: To acquire a fake tan |
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes {prop} {f} | :: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, region of France |
au violon {adv} [dated, slang] | :: In the clink; imprisoned |
au volant {adj} | :: behind the wheel, at the wheel (driving a car) |
au volant {adj} [of restaurants] | :: drive-in |
au voleur {interj} | :: stop thief! |
au vu de {prep} | :: in view of, in light of, considering that, seeing that |
au vu et au su de {prep} | :: in front of, in the full knowledge of |
aux {contraction} | :: Contraction of à + les (to the) |
aux abois {adj} | :: Extremely alarmed, usually from being cornered or at wits' end |
aux abonnés absents {adv} [idiomatic] | :: unavailable |
aux abords de {prep} | :: near, close to |
aux aguets {adj} | :: ready, attentive, alert |
aux aguets {adj} | :: on the alert |
aux armes {interj} | :: to arms! |
aux côtés de {prep} | :: next to, besides, alongside |
aux dépens de {prep} | :: at the expense of (someone) |
aux dires de {prep} | :: alternative spelling of au dire de |
auxdites {contraction} | :: contraction of à + lesdites |
auxdits {contraction} | :: contraction of à + lesdits |
Auxerre {prop} | :: A town in Yonne, Burgundy |
auxerrois {adj} | :: Of or from Auxerre |
auxétique {adj} | :: auxetic |
auxétisme {m} | :: auxesis |
aux grands maux les grands remèdes {proverb} | :: desperate times call for desperate measures |
aux grands maux, les grands remèdes {proverb} | :: alternative spelling of aux grands maux les grands remèdes |
auxiliaire {adj} [chiefly grammar] | :: auxiliary |
auxiliaire {m} [grammar] | :: a helping verb, an auxiliary verb |
auxiliairement {adv} | :: in an auxiliary way, often with reference to auxiliary verbs |
auxiliateur {adj} | :: auxiliary |
auxine {f} | :: auxin |
auxinique {adj} | :: auxinic |
aux normes {adj} | :: conform to standards, in order |
auxologique {adj} | :: auxologic |
auxomètre {m} [optics] | :: auxometer |
auxotrophe {adj} [biology] | :: auxotrophic |
auxotrophe {m} [biology] | :: auxotroph |
auxotrophie {f} [biology] | :: auxotrophy |
aux petits oignons {adv} [colloquial] | :: with the utmost attention, with the utmost care, extremely well |
aux portes de la mort {adj} [idiomatic] | :: at death's door |
aux trousses de {adj} [colloquial] | :: hot on someone's heels, after someone |
aux yeux bleus {adj} | :: blue-eyed |
aux yeux de {prep} | :: in the eyes of |
aux yeux verts {adj} | :: green-eyed |
auzomètre {m} [obsolete, optics] | :: alternative form of auxomètre |
av. {prep} | :: abbreviation of avant |
av. {f} | :: av. (avenue) abbreviation of avenue |
av {f} | :: alternative form of av. |
Av. {f} | :: avenue abbreviation of avenue |
avachi {adj} | :: flabby; saggy |
avachir {v} | :: to make soft; make limp or flabby; cause to sag |
avachir {v} | :: to render incapable of producing effort |
avachissable {adj} | :: softenable |
avachissement {m} | :: limpness, sagging |
aval {m} | :: downstream area, lower reaches (of river) |
aval {m} | :: approval, endorsement |
avalable {adj} | :: swallowable |
avalable {adj} | :: believable |
avalanche {f} | :: avalanche |
avalancheux {adj} | :: avalanche-prone |
avaler {v} | :: to swallow |
avaler {v} | :: to believe |
avaler {v} | :: to support |
avaler {v} | :: to approve, endorse |
avaleur {m} | :: boozer (person who drinks a lot) |
avaleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of avaleur |
avaliser {v} | :: to back; to support |
avaliser {v} [finance, legal] | :: To endorse |
avaliseur {m} | :: backer, supporter |
avaliseur {m} | :: endorser |
avaliseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of avaliseur |
avaliste {mf} | :: guarantor |
avaloir {m} | :: drain, sewer |
avance {f} | :: advance |
avance {f} [in the plural] | :: (romantic) advances |
avancé {adj} | :: advanced (well developed) |
avancé {adj} | :: advanced (difficult; complicated) |
avancée {f} [often in the plural] | :: advance, progress |
avancement {m} | :: an advance |
avancer {vi} | :: to advance, to go forward |
avancer {vi} | :: to progress |
avancer {vt} | :: to bring forward, to advance |
avancer {vt} | :: to propose, to put forward |
avancer {vr} [~ vers] | :: to move towards, to go up to, to approach |
avancer {vt} [the recipient is introduced by the preposition à, colloquial] | :: to help out somebody by lending him money for a short time (for example because he doesn't have any cash and the store doesn't take bank cards), to tide someone over |
avançon {m} | :: snood (hair band, line attaching a fishhook) |
avanie {f} [historical] | :: avania |
avanie {f} | :: affront, insult; snub |
avant {adv} | :: beforehand; earlier |
avant {prep} | :: before (in time) |
avant {prep} | :: before (in space), in front of, ahead of |
avant {m} | :: front |
avant {m} [sports] | :: forward |
avantage {m} | :: advantage (advantageous position) |
avantage {m} [tennis] | :: advantage |
avantage absolu {m} [economics] | :: absolute advantage |
avantage comparatif {m} [economics] | :: comparative advantage |
avantager {vt} | :: to favour |
avantager {v} | :: to give an advantage to |
avantageusement {adv} | :: advantageously |
avantageux {adj} | :: advantageous |
avant-avant-hier {adv} | :: The day before day before yesterday |
avant-bec {m} | :: A pointed breakwater on the pier of a bridge |
avant-bras {m} [anatomy] | :: forearm |
avant-centre {m} [football] | :: centre forward |
avant-coureur {m} [dated, literally] | :: messenger, scout (person who runs ahead of the army to deliver news) |
avant-coureur {m} | :: foresayer, predicter |
avant-coureur {adj} | :: predictive; that predicts |
avant-dernier {adj} | :: penultimate, second-to-last, last but one |
avant-garde {f} [military] | :: vanguard |
avant-garde {f} [figuratively] | :: avant-garde, firing line |
avant-gardisme {m} | :: avant-gardism |
avant-gardiste {m} | :: A person in the avant-guard |
avant-goût {m} | :: foretaste, taster |
avant-guerre {adj} | :: pre-war |
avant-guerre {mf} | :: The pre-war period |
avant-hier {adv} | :: two days ago; the day before yesterday |
avant Jésus-Christ {adv} | :: BC, before Christ |
avant la lettre {adj} [literally, engraving] | :: before lettering, before letters; proof engraving, proof before letters |
avant la lettre {adj} [figuratively] | :: avant la lettre (before the term was coined) |
avant l'heure {adv} [figuratively] | :: prematurely |
avant l'heure {adj} [figuratively] | :: avant la lettre |
avant longtemps {adv} [literary] | :: before long, soon |
avant-main {m} [tennis] | :: forehand |
avant-mur {m} [architecture, dated] | :: a wall erected in front of another wall |
avant-mur {m} [military, dated] | :: the outer part of a fortification |
avant peu {adv} | :: before long |
avant-port {m} [nautical] | :: outer harbour |
avant-poste {m} | :: outpost |
avant-première {f} | :: preview (of a film) |
avant-projet {m} | :: draft (first stages of a project) |
avant-propos {m} | :: foreword |
avant que de {prep} [literary] | :: before |
avant-scène {f} | :: proscenium |
avant-toit {m} | :: eaves |
avant tout {adv} | :: first and foremost, chiefly |
avant tout {adv} | :: first of all, before all else, first |
avant toutes choses {adv} | :: first of all, first |
avant-train {m} | :: limber |
avant-veille {f} | :: the day before the eve; the day before yesterday |
avare {adj} | :: stingy, skinflint |
avare {mf} | :: scrooge, miser |
avarement {adv} | :: stingily |
avarice {f} | :: greed; avarice |
avaricieusement {adv} | :: avariciously |
avaricieux {adj} | :: avaricious; miserly; stingy |
avarie {f} | :: damage |
avarie {f} | :: deterioration |
avarié {adj} | :: damaged |
avarié {adj} | :: rotten |
avarier {vr} [s'avarier] | :: to go rotten, spoil |
avatar {m} [Hinduism] | :: avatar |
avatar {m} [computing] | :: avatar |
à vau-l'eau {adv} | :: down the stream |
à vau-l'eau {adv} [figuratively] | :: down the drain, adrift |
AVC {m} [medicine] | :: initialism of accident vasculaire cérébral: CVA, stroke |
avec {prep} | :: [accompaniment] with |
avec {prep} | :: [manner, instrument] with |
avec armes et bagages {adv} [idiom] | :: bag and baggage |
avec brio {adv} | :: brilliantly |
avec brio {adv} | :: with verve; with panache |
avec des bouts de ficelle {adv} [idiomatic] | :: On a shoestring |
avec des pieds de plomb {adv} [Belgium, figuratively] | :: reluctantly |
avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille {proverb} | :: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride; if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle |
avec la lettre {adv} [engraving] | :: Synonym of après la lettre (lettered) |
avec les moyens du bord {adv} [colloquial] | :: with what's available, with what's at hand |
avec le temps {adv} | :: with time; over time; eventually |
avec pas de {prep} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: without |
avec plaisir {adv} | :: with pleasure; my pleasure |
avec tout le respect que je vous dois {adv} [sentence adverb] | :: with due respect, with all due respect |
avelin {adj} | :: hazelnut (in colour) |
aveline {f} | :: hazelnut, filbert |
avelinier {m} | :: hazel (tree) |
avellanaire {adj} | :: Having the size of a hazelnut |
aven {m} [geology, caving] | :: pit cave, pit (natural cave with predominantly vertical shafts) |
aven {m} [geology] | :: sinkhole [US], swallow hole [UK] |
avenamment {adv} | :: In a comely manner; fittingly |
avenant {adj} | :: comely, fitting |
avenant {m} | :: amendment, rider |
à vendre {adj} | :: for sale |
avénement {m} | :: alternative form of avènement |
avènement {m} | :: accession |
avènement {m} | :: advent |
avènement {m} | :: Advent |
avéniforme {adj} [botany] | :: aveniform |
avenir {m} | :: future |
à venir {adj} | :: to come, coming, upcoming, future, ahead |
avent {m} | :: alternative case form of Avent |
Avent {m} | :: Advent (season before Christmas) |
aventure {f} | :: adventure |
aventure {f} | :: venture |
aventure {f} | :: (romantic) affair |
aventurer {vt} | :: to venture |
aventurer {vp} | :: to venture into |
aventureusement {adv} | :: adventurously |
aventureux {adj} | :: adventurous |
aventurier {adj} | :: adventurous |
aventurier {m} | :: adventurer |
aventurière {f} | :: feminine noun of aventurier |
aventurine {f} | :: aventurine |
aventurisme {m} | :: adventurism (policy led by excessive risk taking) |
aventuriste {adj} | :: adventurist |
aventuriste {mf} | :: adventurist |
avenu {adj} | :: void |
avenue {f} | :: avenue (broad street, especially bordered with trees) |
avenue {f} [specifically] | :: a radial avenue (an avenue radiating from a central point, especially bordered with trees) |
avenue {f} [dated] | :: avenue (principal walk or approach to a house or other building) |
avenue {f} [figuratively] | :: avenue (means by which something may be accomplished) |
avérable {adj} | :: averrable |
averbal {adj} | :: averbal |
avérer {vt} | :: to uncover, to reveal |
avérer {vp} | :: to prove (to be); to transpire |
averroïsme {m} [philosophy] | :: Averroism |
avers {m} [numismatics] | :: obverse |
averse {f} [of rain] | :: shower, rainshower |
aversif {adj} | :: aversive |
aversion {f} | :: aversion |
avertir {v} | :: to warn, to avert |
avertir {v} | :: to notify |
avertissement {m} | :: warning |
avertissement {m} [sports] | :: yellow card, booking, caution |
avertisseur {m} | :: warning (device) |
avertisseur {m} | :: horn, hooter, klaxon |
avestique {m} | :: Avestan (Old Iranian language) |
avestique {adj} | :: Avestan |
aveu {m} | :: confession |
aveuglant {adj} | :: blinding, dazzling |
aveugle {adj} | :: Unable to see; blind |
aveugle {mf} | :: A blind man or woman |
aveuglé {adj} | :: blinded |
aveuglement {m} [dated] | :: blindness (state of being blind) |
aveuglément {adv} | :: blindly |
aveuglement volontaire {m} [idiomatic] | :: willful ignorance (willful blindness) |
aveugler {v} | :: to blind (make temporarily or permanently blind) |
aveuglette {f} [obsolete] | :: blindness |
aveulir {v} [literary] | :: to enfeeble |
aveulir {v} [literary] | :: to debase |
Aveyron {prop} {m} | :: Aveyron |
aveyronnais {adj} | :: Of or from Aveyron |
Aveyronnais {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Aveyron |
Aveyronnaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Aveyronnais |
avez-vous besoin d'aide {phrase} | :: [polite or plural] do you need help? |
avez-vous des frères et sœurs {phrase} | :: do you have any brothers or sisters? |
aviaire {adj} | :: avian (of or relating to birds) |
aviateur {m} | :: aviator [male] (male pilot, airman) |
aviation {f} | :: aviation |
aviatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of aviateur |
avicole {adj} | :: avicultural |
aviculteur {m} | :: bird keeper |
aviculteur {m} | :: bird fancier |
aviculteur {m} | :: bird breeder |
avicultrice {f} | :: feminine noun of aviculteur |
aviculture {f} | :: aviculture |
avide {adj} | :: avid, eager, desirous |
avide {adj} | :: greedy, grasping |
avidement {adv} | :: avidly |
avidité {f} | :: avidity, greediness, covetousness |
à vie {adj} | :: lifelong, for life |
avien {adj} | :: avian |
à vif {adj} [of flesh] | :: skinless, skinned, raw, bared |
à vif {adj} [of a wound] | :: open |
à vif {adj} [figuratively] | :: on edge, uptight |
avifaune {f} | :: avifauna |
Avignon {prop} {m} | :: Avignon (city) |
avignonnais {adj} | :: of or from Avignon |
Avignonnais {m} | :: someone of or from Avignon |
Avignonnaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Avignonnais |
avilir {v} | :: to demean, debase, degrade |
avilissant {adj} | :: demeaning |
avilissement {m} | :: degradation |
avilissement {m} | :: abasement |
aviné {adj} [literary] | :: inebriated |
aviner {v} | :: To drink wine |
aviner {v} | :: To booze (drink excessively) |
avion {m} | :: aeroplane |
avion à réaction {m} | :: jet, jet plane |
avion-cargo {m} | :: cargo aircraft |
avion citerne {f} | :: alternative spelling of avion-citerne |
avion-citerne {f} [aviation] | :: a water bomber; literally: cistern-airplane |
avion de chasse {m} [military] | :: fighter aircraft |
avion de chasse {m} [colloquial] | :: a hottie, a bombshell (a very attractive woman) |
avion de combat {m} [military] | :: warplane |
avion de ligne {m} | :: airliner |
avionique {f} | :: avionics |
avionnette {f} | :: A small passenger aircraft |
avionnette {f} | :: A dance in which a couple simulate the takeoff and landing of an aircraft |
avionneur {m} | :: airframer (airplane manufacturer) |
avion ravitailleur {m} | :: tanker aircraft |
avion renifleur {m} | :: sniffer plane |
aviron {m} [sports, uncountable] | :: rowing |
aviron {m} [countable] | :: oar |
avis {m} | :: opinion |
avis {m} | :: piece of advice |
avis {m} | :: notice |
avis de recherche {m} | :: APB |
aviser {v} | :: to advise |
aviser {v} | :: to notice |
aviser {vr} [with de] | :: to conceive |
aviso {m} [nautical] | :: aviso, advice boat |
avitaillement {m} | :: refueling |
avitaillement {m} | :: restocking |
avitailler {v} [dated] | :: To refuel |
avitailler {v} [dated] | :: To restock, stock up |
avitailler {v} [dated] | :: To victual |
avitaminose {f} [pathology] | :: avitaminosis |
avivage {m} | :: brightening (act or process of making brighter) |
avivement {m} | :: synonym of avivage |
aviver {v} | :: to brighten; to shine (make brighter or shinier) |
av. J.-C. {adv} | :: BC (before Christ) |
avocaillon {m} [pejorative] | :: a useless lawyer |
avocassier {adj} | :: shysterish |
avocat {m} [law] | :: lawyer; attorney |
avocat {m} | :: avocado |
avocat du diable {m} | :: devil's advocate |
avocate {f} | :: feminine noun of avocat |
avocatier {m} | :: avocado, avocado tree |
avocatoire {adj} [legal] | :: advocative |
avocette {f} | :: avocet (bird) |
avodiré {m} | :: Turraeanthus africana, timber tree native in Sub-Saharan Africa (Meliaceae) |
à voile et à vapeur {adj} [idiomatic] | :: AC/DC (bisexual) |
avoine {f} | :: oats |
avoine {f} [slang] | :: punch (a hit with the fist) |
avoinée {f} [colloquial] | :: reprimand, reproach |
avoir {m} | :: asset, possession |
avoir {vt} | :: to have (to own; to possess) |
avoir {vi} [with à] | :: to have (to), must |
avoir {v} [auxiliary] | :: to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs) |
avoir {vt} | :: to have (a condition) |
avoir {vt} | :: to have (a measure or age) |
avoir {v} | :: to have (to trick) |
avoir {v} | :: to have (to participate in an experience) |
avoir accès {v} [à] | :: to have access to something (to be able to access to something) |
avoir affaire à {v} | :: to deal with |
avoir à la bonne {vt} [colloquial] | :: to be well-disposed towards, to look kindly on, to have a soft spot for, to like |
avoir à l'œil {vt} | :: to keep an eye on, to keep tabs on |
avoir à voir {v} [avec] | :: [colloquial] to have to do with |
avoir beau {v} | :: whatever, no matter what (even though) someone does/says, etc |
avoir beau jeu {v} [de] | :: for it to be easy for someone to do something, for it to be all very well for someone to do something, to have it easy |
avoir besoin de {v} | :: to need |
avoir bon {v} [slang] | :: to be very happy; to be stoked, psyched |
avoir bon {v} [colloquial] | :: to be right |
avoir bon dos {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be a convenient excuse, to be a good excuse, to be a convenient scapegoat, to be easily blamed (to be just the right person to put the blame on, even when innocent) |
avoir bonne presse {v} | :: to get a good press, to be well thought of |
avoir chaud {v} [of a person or animal] | :: to be hot |
avoir chaud {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to have a near miss |
avoir connaissance {v} [de] | :: to be aware of, to be privy to |
avoir cours {v} | :: to be legal tender |
avoir cours {v} [figuratively] | :: to be current |
avoir cours {v} | :: to have a class, to have a lecture, to have a lesson |
avoir dans la peau {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be infatuated with; to have a crush on |
avoir d'autres chats à fouetter {v} [colloquial, idiom] | :: To have other things to handle; to have other fish to fry |
avoir de la chance {v} | :: to be lucky, to be fortunate |
avoir de la chatte {v} [vulgar] | :: to be damn lucky, to be jammy, to be a jammy git |
avoir de la conversation {v} [colloquial] | :: to talk easily, always having something to say |
avoir de la conversation {v} [dated] | :: to be stacked, have big breasts |
avoir de la gueule {v} [colloquial] | :: to look nice, great; to be impressive |
avoir de la merde dans les yeux {v} [vulgar] | :: to be fucking blind, to not notice the obvious |
avoir de la suite dans les idées {v} | :: to be single-minded, to have a one-track mind; to be strong-minded, to know what one wants; to think logically and consistently |
avoir de la veine {v} [colloquial] | :: to be lucky, to be jammy, to be fortunate |
avoir des cornes {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have been cuckolded, to have been cheated on |
avoir des étoiles dans les yeux {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to have stars in one's eyes |
avoir des étoiles plein les yeux {v} | :: alternative form of avoir des étoiles dans les yeux |
avoir des fourmis dans les jambes {v} [figuratively] | :: to have pins and needles in one's legs |
avoir des gaz {v} [colloquial] | :: to be bloated, to want to fart, to have wind |
avoir des lettres {v} | :: to be well-read |
avoir des vues sur {v} [colloquial] | :: to have designs on, to have one's eye on, to set one's sights on |
avoir des yeux derrière la tête {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have eyes in the back of one's head |
avoir deux mains gauches {v} [colloquial] | :: to be all thumbs, to be very clumsy |
avoir droit {v} [à] | :: to be entitled to, to deserve |
avoir droit {v} [à] | :: to be eligible to, to qualify for, to have a right to claim |
avoir droit de cité {v} | :: to have citizenship |
avoir droit de cité {v} [figurative] | :: to have one's rightful place; to belong; to be acceptable, to be admissible |
avoir du biceps {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have well-developed muscles |
avoir du bol {v} [colloquial] | :: to be lucky, to be jammy, to be fortunate |
avoir du cul {v} [vulgar] | :: to be damn lucky, to be jammy, to be a jammy git |
avoir du mal {v} [colloquial] | :: to have a hard time, to have difficulty |
avoir du métier {v} | :: to be experienced |
avoir du monde au balcon {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to be stacked, to have big breasts |
avoir du pain sur la planche {v} [figuratively, colloquial, idiom] | :: to have a lot on one's plate, to have one's work cut out for one |
avoir du plomb dans l'aile {v} | :: to be in bad shape |
avoir du pot {v} [colloquial] | :: to be lucky, to be jammy, to be fortunate |
avoir du sang sur les mains {v} [idiom] | :: to have blood on one's hands |
avoir du sens {v} | :: to make sense |
avoir en horreur {vt} | :: to hate, to loathe, to abhor |
avoir en tête {vt} | :: to have in mind |
avoir en tête {vt} | :: to remember |
avoir envie {v} [de] | :: to want; to desire (sexually) |
avoir envie {v} [de] | :: to feel like, to want to |
avoir envie {v} [de] | :: to feel an urge to |
avoir été bercé trop près du mur {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be simple-minded, to be dim-witted, to be stupid |
avoir faim {v} | :: to be hungry |
avoir fait son temps {v} | :: to have seen one's day, to have had one's day, to have seen better days, to be past one's sell-by date |
avoir foi {v} [en] | :: to have faith in something/somebody, to believe in someone |
avoir froid {v} | :: to be cold |
avoir hâte {v} [colloquial] | :: can't wait; to look forward |
avoir honte {v} | :: to be ashamed, to feel ashamed |
avoir horreur {v} [de] | :: to hate, to loathe, to have a horror of |
avoir intérêt {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to be well-advised to (do something), to do well to (do something), had better (do something), to be better off (doing something) |
avoir la berlue {v} | :: to see things |
avoir la conscience tranquille {v} | :: to have a clear conscience, to have a clean conscience, to have an easy conscience |
avoir la cote {v} [colloquial] | :: To be popular |
avoir la cuisse accueillante {v} | :: synonym of avoir la cuisse légère |
avoir la cuisse gaie {v} | :: synonym of avoir la cuisse légère |
avoir la cuisse hospitalière {v} | :: synonym of avoir la cuisse légère |
avoir la cuisse légère {v} [figuratively, said of a woman] | :: To be easy; to open one's legs for everybody |
avoir la dalle {v} [colloquial, slang] | :: To be hungry, to feel like eating |
avoir la dent {v} [colloquial] | :: to be starving |
avoir la dent creuse {v} [figuratively] | :: to be hungry |
avoir la gâchette facile {v} [colloquial] | :: to be quick on the trigger, to be trigger-happy |
avoir la gueule de bois {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be hungover |
avoir la gueule de l'emploi {v} [colloquial] | :: to look the part |
avoir l'air {v} | :: to seem, look, appear |
avoir la langue bien pendue {v} [figuratively] | :: to be a chatterbox, to talk a lot, to be very talkative; to have the gift of the gab |
avoir la langue bien pendue {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a sharp tongue, to be sharp-tongued |
avoir la larme à l'œil {v} | :: to have a tear in one's eye, to be welling up, to be dewy-eyed/teary-eyed, to be on the verge of tears |
avoir l'alcool triste {v} [figuratively] | :: to be a sad drunk, to get sad when one drinks |
avoir la main verte {v} [figuratively, idiom] | :: to have a green thumb, to have green fingers, to be green-fingered |
avoir la mémoire courte {v} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: to have a short memory, to forget things easily (especially when it's convenient) |
avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez {v} [idiomatic] | :: to lose one's temper |
avoir la paix {v} [colloquial] | :: to have some peace and quiet |
avoir la parole {v} [à] | :: to have the floor |
avoir la patate {v} [colloquial] | :: to feel great, to be in great form, to be full of beans, to feel one's oats |
avoir la peau dure {v} [figuratively] | :: to be thick-skinned, to be resilient |
avoir la pêche {v} [colloquial] | :: to feel great, to be in great form, to be full of beans |
avoir la pêche {v} [legal, dated] | :: to have the sole fishing rights in a certain place |
avoir la pelote à terre {v} [Quebec, slang, vulgar] | :: To be very tired |
avoir la poisse {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have chronic bad luck |
avoir la science infuse {v} | :: to have innate knowledge, to know everything without having learnt it first, to be all-knowing, to be omniscient |
avoir la tête ailleurs {v} | :: Used to say that someone's mind is elsewhere |
avoir la tête comme un seau {v} [Belgium, colloquial, simile] | :: to have a headache, to be hungover |
avoir la tête dans le cul {v} [vulgar] | :: to be knackered; to feel like shit |
avoir la tête dans les nuages {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to have one's head in the clouds |
avoir la tête de l'emploi {v} [colloquial] | :: to look the part |
avoir la tête qui tourne {v} [colloquial] | :: to be dizzy; to be light-headed |
avoir la tête sur les épaules {v} [figuratively] | :: to have one's head screwed on |
avoir la vie dure {v} | :: to die hard, to be well-ingrained, to have legs, to be difficult to get rid of |
avoir le bras long {v} [figuratively] | :: to be well-connected, to have influential connections or a large network of acquaintances, to be influential |
avoir le cafard {v} [slang, colloquial, idiom, figurative] | :: To have the blues, to feel blue |
avoir le cœur bien accroché {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a strong stomach, to not be easily upset, to have nerves of steel, to have great composure |
avoir le cœur gros {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a heavy heart, to be sad at heart |
avoir le cœur serré {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a lump in one's throat, to have a heavy heart, to be sad at heart |
avoir le cœur sur la main {v} | :: to be open-handed, to be generous |
avoir le compas dans l'œil {v} [figuratively] | :: to be able to size things up immediately, to be able to measure distances to the naked eye, to be able to judge size by sight, to have an accurate eye, to have a good eye for proportions |
avoir le cul bordé de nouilles {v} [vulgar] | :: to be extremely lucky |
avoir le cul dans le beurre {v} [Belgium, vulgar, pejorative] | :: to be rolling in money, to be rolling in it (to be extremely well-off financially thanks to one's birth in a rich family) |
avoir le cul entre deux chaises {v} [vulgar, figuratively] | :: to fall between two stools, to have a foot in both camps, to be piggy in the middle, to be caught in the middle, to be sitting on the fence |
avoir le dernier mot {v} | :: to have the last word |
avoir le diable au corps {v} [figuratively] | :: to have the devil in one, to be a real handful, to be very energetic, to be restless, to be running around frantically |
avoir le feu au cul {v} [figuratively, vulgar, chiefly of women] | :: to be horny, to be hot to trot, to be gagging for it |
avoir le feu aux fesses {v} [figuratively, colloquial, chiefly of women] | :: to be horny, to be hot to trot, to be gagging for it, to have ants in one's pants |
avoir le melon {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be cocksure |
avoir le moral à zéro {v} [colloquial] | :: to be really down, to be feeling very low, to be down in the dumps, to be in low spirits |
avoir le moral dans les chaussettes {v} [colloquial] | :: to have one's heart in one's boots, to be really down, to be feeling very low, to be down in the dumps, to be in low spirits |
avoir le moral en berne {v} [colloquial] | :: to be feeling low, to be down in the dumps, to be in low spirits |
avoir le motton {v} | :: [Quebec, slang] to be on the verge of tears |
avoir le physique de l'emploi {v} [colloquial] | :: to look the part |
avoir le pied marin {v} [figuratively] | :: to have sea legs; to be a good sailor |
avoir le respire court et le discours égaré {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] | :: to be dying |
avoir les boules {v} [colloquial] | :: to be pissed off, to be cheesed off |
avoir les boules {v} [colloquial] | :: to have the jitters, to have the willies, to have the heebie-jeebies (to be scared) |
avoir les chevilles qui enflent {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a big head, to be big-headed |
avoir les chocottes {v} [colloquial] | :: to have the jitters, to have the willies, to have the heebie-jeebies (to be scared) |
avoir les coudées franches {v} [figuratively] | :: to be unrestrained, to be unencumbered, to have a free rein |
avoir les crocs {v} [slang] | :: to be hungry |
avoir les dents du fond qui baignent {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to feel like one is going to throw up (usually because one has eaten too much and is stuffed to the gills) |
avoir les dents longues {v} [figuratively] | :: to aim high, to set one's sights high, to be ruthlessly ambitious, to be fiercely competitive |
avoir les dents qui rayent le parquet {v} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: to be unscrupulously ambitious |
avoir les doigts de pied en éventail {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to put one's feet up, to relax |
avoir les doigts de pieds en éventail {v} | :: alternative spelling of avoir les doigts de pied en éventail |
avoir les jambes en coton {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be weak and shaky on one's legs; to be jelly-legged |
avoir les jetons {v} [colloquial] | :: to have the jitters, to have the willies, to have the heebie-jeebies (to be scared) |
avoir les mains liées {v} [figuratively] | :: to have one's hands tied |
avoir les nerfs à vif {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be on edge |
avoir les oreilles qui sifflent {v} [colloquial] | :: to have ears that are burning |
avoir les pieds sur terre {v} [figuratively] | :: to have one's feet firmly on the ground, to be realistic, to be practical, to be well-grounded |
avoir l'esprit ailleurs {v} | :: Used to say that someone's mind is elsewhere |
avoir l'esprit mal tourné {v} [colloquial] | :: to have a dirty mind, to be a pervert |
avoir l'estomac dans les talons {v} | :: to be starving, to be ravenous (to be extremely hungry) |
avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre {v} [figuratively] | :: to bite off more than one can chew; to have eyes bigger than one's stomach |
avoir le vent en poupe {v} [figuratively] | :: to gain popularity, to enjoy increasing success |
avoir lieu {v} | :: to take place, happen |
avoir lieu de {v} | :: have reason to |
avoir maille à partir {v} [avec] | :: to have scores to settle with someone, to have a bone to pick with someone |
avoir mal {vi} [followed by à] | :: to be hurt, to have an ache |
avoir mangé du lion {v} [literally] | :: to have eaten lion |
avoir mangé du lion {v} [by extension, idiomatic] | :: to be full of energy |
avoir mauvaise presse {v} | :: to have a bad reputation, to get a bad press, to be poorly thought of |
avoir part {v} | :: to take part (participate or join in) |
avoir peur {v} | :: to fear |
avoir pied {v} | :: to be able to touch the bottom (in a body of water) |
avoir pignon sur rue {v} [of a store] | :: to be well established |
avoir pignon sur rue {v} [figuratively] | :: to make oneself heard, to get oneself known |
avoir pitié {v} [de] | :: to pity, to feel sorry for, to take pity on |
avoir plus d'une corde à son arc {v} [figuratively] | :: to have more than one string to one's bow, to have more than one trick up one's sleeve |
avoir plus d'un tour dans son sac {v} [figuratively] | :: to have more than one trick up one's sleeve, to have more than one string to one's bow |
avoir raison {v} | :: (of a person) to be right; to be correct |
avoir raison de {v} | :: to get the better of someone; to overcome something |
avoir recours {v} [à] | :: to have recourse (to), to resort (to), to turn (to) |
avoir soif {v} | :: to be thirsty |
avoir soin {v} [formal] | :: [de] to take care to, to make sure to |
avoir son compte {v} [colloquial] | :: to have had enough, to have had it |
avoir son mot à dire {v} | :: to have a say in the matter |
avoir son rond de serviette {v} [figuratively] | :: to be a regular (somewhere, especially in a restaurant) |
avoir sur la conscience {vt} [figuratively] | :: to have on one's conscience |
avoir sur le cœur {v} [figuratively] | :: to have (something) weighing on one's heart |
avoir tort {v} | :: (of a person) to be wrong; to be incorrect |
avoir toute honte bue {v} [literary] | :: to have lost any sense of shame, to have become impervious to shame, to be shameless |
avoir toute sa tête {v} [colloquial] | :: to have one's wits about one, to have all one's marbles, to be all there |
avoir trait à {v} | :: to relate to, to have to do with, to be connected with, to concern |
avoir un balai dans le cul {v} [vulgar, figuratively] | :: to have a stick up one's ass, to have a pole up one's ass, to be stuck-up |
avoir un chat dans la gorge {v} [figurative, idiom] | :: to have a frog in one's throat (be unable to speak freely) |
avoir un cheveu sur la langue {v} [figuratively, idiom] | :: to lisp, to have a lisp |
avoir un cœur d'artichaut {v} [figuratively] | :: to be a hopeless romantic, to fall in love easily |
avoir un cœur d'artichaut {v} [figuratively] | :: to be a soft touch, to be mellow, sensitive, to be easily softened up |
avoir un cœur de pierre {v} [figuratively] | :: to be stonehearted, to be heartless, to have no heart |
avoir une araignée au plafond {v} [colloquial] | :: to have bats in one's belfry |
avoir une brioche au four {v} | :: have a bun in the oven |
avoir une brique dans le ventre {v} [Belgium, figuratively] | :: to be interested in the building trade, in the real estate business, or in houses in general; to want to have one's own house |
avoir une dent contre {v} | :: to have it in for, have a bone to pick with |
avoir une faim de loup {v} [figuratively, idiom] | :: to be hungry as a hog, to be very hungry, ravenous; to be so hungry one could eat a horse |
avoir une idée derrière la tête {v} | :: to have something in mind, to have an ulterior motive, to be up to something |
avoir une sainte horreur {v} [de] | :: to hate, to loathe, to have a horror of, to hate with a passion |
avoir une tête et des jambes {v} [idiom] | :: to have a combination of intelligence and athleticism |
avoir une touche {v} [colloquial] | :: [avec] to have something going with somebody, to make an impression on somebody, to be sexually attractive to somebody |
avoir un grain {v} [colloquial] | :: to be crazy, to be strangely behaved |
avoir un métro de retard {v} [colloquial] | :: to be running late |
avoir un métro de retard {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be slow to catch on, to lag behind |
avoir un œil qui dit merde à l'autre {v} [rather vulgar] | :: to be cross-eyed, to be squint-eyed, to squint |
avoir un œuf à peler {v} [avec] | :: [Belgium, colloquial] to have a score to settle (with) |
avoir un petit creux {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be peckish, to be a little hungry |
avoir un pied dans la tombe {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to have one foot in the grave |
avoir un poil dans la main {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be bone-idle, to be extremely lazy |
avoir un polichinelle dans le tiroir {v} | :: have a bun in the oven (to be pregnant; to be expecting a baby) |
avoir un ticket {v} [colloquial] | :: [avec] to have something going with someone, to make an impression on someone, to be sexually attractive to someone, to be fancied by someone |
avoir un train à prendre {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be in a hurry |
avoir un train de retard {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be slow to catch on, to lag behind |
avoir un verre dans le nez {v} [colloquial] | :: to be slightly inebriated (tipsy), or rather strongly so (drunk); to have had one too many |
avoir vent {v} [de] | :: to get wind of something |
avoir voix au chapitre {v} | :: to have a say in the matter, to have a seat at the table |
avoisinant {adj} | :: neighbouring, bordering |
avoisiner {v} | :: to neighbor/neighbour (to be near to, or the neighbor of) |
avoisiner {v} | :: to border on (be similar to) |
à voix basse {adv} | :: under one's breath |
à voix haute {adv} | :: aloud (loudly) |
à vol d'oiseau {adv} | :: as the crow flies |
à volonté {prep} | :: ad libitum, at will |
à vomir {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: vomitrocious, nauseating |
avornine {f} [organic compound] | :: avornin |
avortement {m} | :: abortion, termination |
avorter {vi} [of a mission and etc] | :: to abort, to terminate |
avorter {vi} [of a female] | :: to have an abortion |
avorter {v} [causative] | :: to abort, to terminate |
avorter {v} [causative] | :: to cause an abortion |
avorteur {m} | :: abortionist |
avorteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of avorteur |
avorton {m} | :: abortion (fruit/produce that doesn’t come to maturity) |
à vos amours {interj} | :: bless you |
à vos marques, prêts, partez {interj} | :: on your mark, get set, go! |
à vos souhaits {interj} | :: God bless you |
à votre santé {interj} [idiomatic] | :: to your health, cheers |
à votre service {prep} [formal] | :: At your service |
avouable {adj} | :: respectable, reputable |
avouable {adj} | :: blameless |
avoué {m} [law] | :: solicitor; attorney |
avouer {v} | :: to avow |
avouer {v} | :: to confess |
avouer {v} | :: to approve |
avoueur {m} | :: confessor |
avoueuse {f} | :: feminine noun of avoueur |
à vous l'honneur {phrase} | :: after you! |
avr. {n} | :: abbreviation of avril Apr |
à vrai dire {adv} | :: to tell the truth (attestation of truthfulness and frankness), as a matter of fact |
avril {m} | :: April, the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar, having 30 days |
à vue {adv} | :: by sight, on sight |
à vue de nez {adv} | :: at a guess, at first glance, at a glance |
à vue d'œil {adv} | :: right before one's eyes, visibly, before one's very eyes, by the minute |
avulsion {f} | :: avulsion |
avunculaire {adj} | :: avuncular, relating to or like an uncle |
avunculat {adj} | :: avuncular |
aweille {interj} [Canada] | :: alternative form of envoye |
awoir {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: alternative spelling of avoir, to have |
axe {m} | :: axis |
axe {m} | :: axle |
Axe {prop} {m} [history] | :: Axis (World War Two nation group) |
axe de rotation {m} [geometry] | :: axis of rotation |
axe de symétrie {m} [geometry] | :: axis of symmetry |
axe du pédalier {m} [cycling] | :: pedal crank axle |
Axel {prop} {m} | :: given name of Danish origin |
Axelle {prop} {f} | :: given name, a modern feminine form of Axel |
axène {adj} [biology] | :: axenic |
axénique {adj} [biology] | :: axenic |
axer {vt} [mathematics] | :: to align on an axis |
axer {vt} | :: to point, to orientate |
axérophtol {m} | :: xanthophyll (vitamin A) |
axial {adj} | :: axial |
axifuge {adj} | :: axifugal |
axile {adj} | :: axile |
axillaire {adj} | :: axillary |
axino {m} | :: axino |
axiologie {f} | :: axiology |
axiologique {adj} | :: axiological |
axiomatique {adj} | :: axiomatic |
axiomatiquement {adv} | :: axiomatically |
axiomatisation {f} | :: Axiomatization |
axiomatiser {v} | :: to axiomatize |
axiome {m} | :: axiom (all senses) |
axion {m} | :: axion |
axionique {adj} | :: axionic |
axipète {adj} | :: axipetal |
axisymétrie {f} [geometry] | :: axisymmetry |
axisymétrique {adj} [geometry] | :: axisymmetric |
axoïde {adj} | :: axoid |
axoïde {m} [anatomy, maths] | :: axoid |
axoïdien {adj} [anatomy, especially in combination] | :: axoid |
axolotl {m} | :: axolotl |
axonais {adj} | :: Of or from Aisne |
Axonais {m} | :: A person from Aisne |
Axonaise {f} | :: female equivalent of Axonais |
axone {m} [cytology] | :: axon |
axonème {m} [biology] | :: axoneme |
axonge {f} | :: lard |
axonique {adj} [biology] | :: axonic |
axonométrie {f} | :: axonometry |
axonométrique {adj} | :: axonometric |
Aya {prop} | :: given name |
ayahuasca {m} | :: ayahuasca |
Ayako {prop} | :: given name |
ayant {m} | :: haver, holder |
ayant droit {m} | :: one who holds, but did not generate, a given right; especially, a copyright holder who has inherited the copyright from an author |
ayatollah {m} | :: ayatollah |
aymara {m} | :: Aymara (language) |
Aymara {mf} | :: member of the Aymara people |
Aymeric {prop} {m} | :: given name |
ayoù {adv} [Louisiana French] | :: alternative spelling of éyoù, where |
ayoye {interj} [Quebec] | :: expression of pain |
ayoye {interj} [Quebec] | :: expression of admirative surprise |
Ayumi {prop} | :: given name |
ayurvédique {adj} | :: Ayurvedic |
ayyoubide {adj} | :: Ayyubid |
azalée {f} | :: azalea |
azaléine {f} [organic compound] | :: azalein |
azarole {f} | :: alternative form of azerole |
azawadien {adj} | :: Of or from Azawad |
azawakh {m} | :: Azawakh |
azédarach {m} | :: azedarach, bead tree, chinaberry (Melia azedarach) |
azène {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: azene |
azéotrope {m} | :: azeotrope |
azéotropique {adj} | :: azeotropic |
azépane {m} [organic compound] | :: azepane |
azépine {m} [organic compound] | :: azepine |
Azerbaïdjan {prop} {m} | :: Azerbaïdjan (country) |
azerbaïdjanais {adj} | :: Azerbaijani |
Azerbaïdjanais {m} | :: an Azerbaijani |
Azerbaïdjanaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Azerbaïdjanais |
azerbaïdjaniser {v} | :: to Azerbaijanize |
azéri {m} | :: Azeri (language) |
azéri {adj} | :: Azeri |
Azéri {m} | :: an Azeri person |
Azérie {f} | :: feminine noun of Azéri |
azerole {f} | :: The azarole, fruit of the azérolier |
azérole {f} | :: alternative form of azerole |
azerolier {m} | :: azarole |
azérolier {m} | :: The azarole, the shrub or tree that produces the azerole, Crataegus azarolus |
azerty {m} | :: azerty keyboard |
AZERTY {m} | :: alternative form of azerty |
azétane {m} [organic compound] | :: azetane |
azète {m} [organic compound] | :: azete |
azétidine {m} [organic compound] | :: azetidine |
azétine {m} [organic compound] | :: azetine |
azilien {m} | :: Azilian (age) |
azilien {adj} | :: Azilian |
azilien {adj} | :: Of or from Mas-d'Azil |
azimut {m} | :: azimuth |
azimut {m} [nautical] | :: bearing |
azimutal {adj} | :: azimuthal |
azimuté {adj} | :: insane |
azimuter {v} | :: synonym of viser |
azirène {m} [organic compound] | :: azirine |
azobenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: azobenzene |
azoïque {adj} | :: azoic |
azole {m} [organic compound] | :: azole |
azolla {f} | :: mosquito fern (any of several species of small floating aquatic ferns in the genus Azolla) |
azoospermie {f} [pathology] | :: azoospermia |
azophile {adj} | :: azophilic, azaphilic |
azopolymère {m} [organic chemistry] | :: azopolymer |
azotate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: nitrate |
azote {m} | :: nitrogen |
azoté {adj} | :: of or relating to nitrogen, nitrogenous |
azote liquide {m} | :: liquid nitrogen |
azotémie {f} [pathology] | :: azotemia |
azotémique {adj} | :: azotemic |
azoteux {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: synonym of nitreux |
azothydrique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hydrazoic |
azotien {adj} | :: Of or from Azotus |
azotique {adj} | :: azotic |
azotique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: nitric |
azotite {m} [inorganic chemistry, obsolete] | :: nitrite |
azotobacter {m} | :: Azotobacter bacterium |
azoture {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: nitride |
azoturie {f} [pathology] | :: azoturia |
Azraël {prop} {m} | :: Azrael (angel of death) |
aztèque {adj} | :: Aztec |
Aztèque {mf} | :: an Aztec |
azulejo {m} | :: a blue tile (used on walls) |
azulène {m} [organic compound] | :: azulene |
azur {m} [tincture] | :: azure (blue color) |
azurage {m} | :: blueing |
azuré {adj} | :: azure (blue in colour) |
azuréen {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to the Côte d'Azur |
azurer {v} | :: To blue (brighten laundry) |
azurite {f} | :: azurite |
azyme {adj} | :: unleavened |