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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-a

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# French :: English dictionary generated from http://en.wiktionary.org/
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 95389 French glosses; 123846 English translations
# URL :: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Matthias_Buchmeier
-a {suffix} :: Suffix indicating the third-person singular past historic of -er verbs
a- {prefix} :: A prefix forming words, especially verbs, that denote entering a state, making progress toward a goal, or the like
a- {prefix} :: a-, non-, -less
a {letter} :: letter
a {mf} :: a, letter: a
a {pron} [Quebec, colloquial] :: alternative form of elle
a {symbol} :: are (100 square metres)
a+ {interj} [text messaging, internet slang, abbreviation] :: alternative form of à plus. cu; ttyl
A {letter} :: letter
à + {interj} :: alternative form of à plus
à {letter} :: A with grave accent, a letter used in French mostly to distinguish some homographs and in transliteration
à {prep} :: to [destination]
à {prep} :: to (until)
à {prep} :: on the, to [some directions]
à {prep} :: at [said of a particular time]
à {prep} :: at, in, on [said of a particular place]
à {prep} :: of (belonging to)
à {prep} :: till, until [used in farewells]
à {prep} [cuisine] :: cooked in or with
à {prep} :: Used to make compound nouns to state what something is used for
à {prep} [before an infinitive] :: to [used to express something not completed]
à {prep} :: Used to describe a part of something, often translated into English as a compound adjective
à {prep} :: by
à {prep} :: or, to [used to express an approximate number]
à {prep} :: Used to indicate the recipient of certain phrasal verb
à {prep} :: with
â {letter} :: A with circumflex, a letter used in French spelling, originally representing the sound /ɑ/
 {letter} :: The letter A with a circumflex
aa {m} [geology, often, attributive] :: The surface of an aa lava flow
AA {prop} {mp} :: abbreviation of Alcooliques Anonymes
aâda {f} [Algeria] :: custom, tradition
aalandais {adj} :: alternative form of alandais
aalandais {m} :: The dialect of Swedish spoken in Åland
Aalandais {m} :: A person from Åland; an Ålander
Aalandaise {f} :: feminine noun of Aalandais
Aalborg {prop} :: Aalborg (capital city)
aalénien {adj} [geology, paleontology] :: Aalenian
Aalénien {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: The Aalenian period
Aar {prop} :: The Aar river
Aarau {prop} :: Aarau (town/and/municipality/non-city capital)
Aaron {prop} :: Aaron (biblical figure)
Aaron {prop} :: given name
aaronais {adj} :: Of or from Saint-Aaron (Côtes-d'Armor)
aaronique {adj} :: Aaronic
Aast {prop} :: Aast (small village)
aastais {adj} :: Of or from Aast
ababouiné {adj} [nautical, archaic, dialectal] :: Said of a boat stopped by water's stillness; becalmed
abaca {m} :: a banana tree, the abaca
abaca {m} :: Manilla hemp
abacost {m} [Africa, chiefly historical] :: abacost
abactériémique {adj} [pathology] :: abacteremic
abactérien {adj} :: abacterial
abacule {m} [arts and architecture] :: a mosaic tessera; tessella; abaculus
abader {vt} [dialectal, Southern France] :: to allow out; to remove the restrains on
abader {vp} [dialectal, Southern France] :: to escape, get out, run away, figuratively take off
abaïer {v} :: alternative form of abayer
Abainville {prop} :: Abainville (small village)
abainvillois {adj} :: Of or from Abainville
abaissable {adj} :: Which can be lowered
abaissant {adj} [dated] :: Rendering morally inferior; degrading, demeaning
abaissant {adj} :: lowering
abaisse {f} [cooking] :: A piece of dough that has been flattened, usually with a rolling pin
abaissé {adj} [heraldry] :: abased, lowered
abaissé {adj} [heraldry] :: disclosed
abaisse-langue {m} :: a tongue depressor
abaissement {m} :: Action of moving or pushing something in a downward direction; a lowering
abaissement {m} :: State resulting from having moved down
abaissement {m} :: Action of lowering a value; reduction
abaissement {m} :: Action of lowering oneself morally; abasement
abaissement {m} [dated] :: State of something or someone which has lost all pride; abasement
abaissement {m} [archaic] :: Action of rendering or becoming less powerful
abaisser {vt} [literally] :: To lower; to reduce; to bring down
abaisser {vrt} :: To come or go down; to descend
abaisser {vrt} [figuratively] :: To humble oneself, demean oneself, stoop; abase, degrade, humiliate
abaisseur {adj} [anatomy] :: Said of a muscle that lowers a body part
abaisseur {adj} [engineering] :: Which reduces or lowers a force like tension or pressure
abaisseur {m} [anatomy] :: A muscle or similar body part that moves something downward; a depressor
abajoue {f} [anatomy, zoology] :: A pouch in the cheek of some animals, usually used to carry food; a cheek pouch
abajoue {f} [slang] :: A flabby face or cheek
abaler {v} :: To bring down
abaliénation {f} [obsolete] :: abalienation
abaliéner {v} :: To abalienate
abaloger {v} :: To bring down
abalone {m} [gastronomy, uncommon] :: The abalone
abalourdir {vt} :: to make dull and stupid
Abancourt {prop} :: Any of several places in France
abancourtois {adj} :: Of or from Abancourt
abandon {m} :: surrender
abandon {m} :: abandonment
abandon {m} [uncountable] :: complete neglect
abandonnable {adj} :: abandonable
abandonnataire {adj} [legal] :: Which benefits from another party giving up something
abandonnataire {mf} [legal] :: A natural or moral person who benefits from another party giving up something
abandonnateur {adj} [legal] :: Which gives up something
abandonnateur {m} [legal] :: A natural or moral person who gives up something
abandonné {adj} :: given up, abandoned
abandonné {m} :: abandonee, one who is abandoned
abandonnement {m} [dated] :: The act of giving up or surrendering when faced with something
abandonnement {m} [dated] :: Moral neglect
abandonnement {m} [dated] :: The act of abandoning; abandonment
abandonnement {m} [dated] :: The state resulting of such an act
abandonnement {m} [legal] :: The transfer of goods or other values in a situation of indivision that allow all owners to receive their share
abandonnément {adv} [obsolete] :: with abandon, without any reserve
abandonner {v} :: to give up
abandonner {v} :: to abandon, forsake
abandonneur {adj} [uncommon] :: Which abandons or gives up
abandonneur {m} [uncommon] :: Somebody who abandons or gives up
abandonneuse {f} :: feminine noun of abandonneur
abandonnique {adj} [psychology] :: Suffering from, related to or typical of abandonment anxiety
abandon scolaire {m} :: The action of dropping out of school, usually secondary education
abandouner {v} :: alternative form of abandonner
abaque {m} [historical] :: An abacus for counting
abaque {m} [architecture] :: The abacus of a column
abaque {m} [mathematics] :: A nomogram
abarticulaire {adj} [medicine] :: Having to do with the tissues near an articulation; juxta-articular
à bas {adv} :: down, downwards
à bas {adv} [figuratively] :: down with, away with
à bas bruit {adv} :: without noise
à base de {prep} :: made up of; made out of
abasie {f} :: abasia
abasourdi {adj} :: Astonished; dumbfounded
abasourdi {adj} :: Stunned or dazed by a loud sound
abasourdir {v} :: to dumbfound; to baffle; to astonish
abasourdir {v} :: to stun or daze with a loud sound
abasourdissant {adj} :: astonishing; bewildering; dumbfounding
abasourdissant {adj} :: which stuns or overwhelms by its loudness
abasourdissement {m} [rare] :: bewilderment; stupefaction
abasourdissement {m} [rare] :: a state of dazedness caused by an overwhelmingly loud sound
à bas sa tête {interj} [archaic] :: off with someone's head
abasside {adj} :: dated form of abbasside
abat {m} :: giblet
abatant {m} :: alternative spelling of abattant
abâtardi {adj} :: Having suffered change; defiled; bastardized
abâtardir {v} :: to cause something's qualities or defining characteristics to degenerate; to defile or degrade; to bastardize
abâtardir {vp} :: To degrade; to degenerate; to become bastardized
abâtardissement {m} :: bastardization
abat-chauvée {f} :: pulled wool of low quality, generally detached from the animal's skin by a lime treatment
abatée {f} :: alternative spelling of abattée
abat-jour {m} :: lampshade
abat-jour {m} [dated] :: eyeshade
abat-jour {m} [architecture] :: skylight
à bâtons rompus {adv} :: desultorily, in a disorganised fashion
à bâtons rompus {adj} :: free-flowing, open, meandering, rambling
abats {mp} [plurale tantum] :: offal, giblets
abattable {adj} :: slaughterable
abattage {m} :: slaughter or butchering for meat
abattage {m} :: felling or cutting down of [trees]
abattage {m} :: destruction, demolition of (a wall)
abattant {adj} :: flat and articulated so it can move from a horizontal to a vertical position
abattant {m} :: a lid or flap which can move from a horizontal to a vertical position
abattant {m} :: a toilet lid
abattant {m} [rare] :: any sort of flap
abattée {f} [nautical] :: A movement of the boat that brings it closer to tailwind
abattée {f} [aeronautics] :: A sudden nosedive of an aircraft due to a speed loss
abattée {f} [paragliding] :: A movement of the wing that brings it down toward the front of the pilot at a more or less pronounced angle
abattement {m} :: A diminution of physical or moral strength; dejection; exhaustion; despondency
abattement {m} [finance or legal] :: A type of allowance or tax deduction
abattement {m} [business, rare] :: A discount
abattement {m} :: obsolete form of abattage
abatteur {m} :: someone who fells; who knocks something down
abatteur {m} :: a boaster
abatteuse {f} :: (forestry) harvester
abattis {m} :: rubble
abattis {m} [Canada] :: An area that has been cleared of trees, but not yet of their stumps
abattis {m} [cooking, plurale tantum] :: giblets
abattis {m} [military] :: abatis
abattis {m} [dated, slang, plurale tantum] :: limbs
abattoir {m} :: slaughterhouse; abattoir
abattre {v} :: to butcher; to slaughter for meat
abattre {v} :: to shoot dead
abattre {v} :: to cut down (a tree)
abattre {v} :: to destroy or demolish (a wall)
abattre {vr} :: to fall down, especially of tall things, such as trees
abattre {vp} :: to descend upon with violence or furor
abattre {vp} [of lightning] :: to strike
abattre son jeu {v} [figuratively] :: to tip one's hand (to reveal one's intentions)
abattu {adj} :: dejected, dispirited, demoralized
abatture {f} [archaic] :: alternative form of abattage
abattures {fp} :: The traces left by a deer in bushes, ferns and other tall grasses
abat-vent {m} :: chimney cowl
abat-vent {m} :: louver boarding (of window, opening), abat-vent
abat-vent {m} [agriculture] :: wind screen
abat-voix {m} :: abatvoix
abaxial {adj} :: abaxial
abaya {f} :: abaya
abayer {v} :: archaic spelling of aboyer
abaza {m} :: Abaza (language)
Abbaretz {prop} :: Abbaretz (village)
abbarois {adj} :: Of or from Abbaretz
abbasside {adj} :: Related to the Abbassid dynasty or empire
abbatial {adj} :: abbatial
abbatial {m} :: The quarters of the abbot and monks within an abbey
abbatiale {f} :: An abbey church
abbatiat {m} [uncommon, chiefly Roman Catholic] :: abbacy
abbaye {f} :: abbey
abbé {m} :: an abbot, the head of an abbey
abbé {m} [dated] :: a title or honorific given to priests in general
Abbecourt {prop} :: Abbecourt (small village)
Abbécourt {prop} :: Abbécourt (small village)
abbecourtois {adj} :: Of or from Abbecourt
abbécourtois {adj} :: Of or from Abbécourt
abbenanais {adj} :: Of or from Abbenans
Abbenans {prop} :: A small vilage in the Doubs department
abbesse {f} :: abbess (female abbot)
Abbeville {prop} :: Abbeville (town)
Abbéville-lès-Conflans {prop} :: Abbéville-lès-Conflans (small village)
abbevillien {adj} [archaeology] :: Abbevillian
Abbevillien {prop} {m} [archaeology] :: The Abbevillian period
abbevillois {adj} :: From or related to the Northern French city of Abbeville
Abbevillois {m} :: Someone from the French city of Abbeville
abbévillois {adj} :: Of or from Abbéville-lès-Conflans
Abbevilloise {f} :: feminine noun of Abbevillois
abbévilloise {adj} :: feminine singular of abbévillois
Abby {prop} {f} [rare] :: given name
abc {m} :: ABC, basics, fundamentals, rudiments
abcédation {f} [pathology] :: abscess
abcéder {vip} [medicine] :: To form into an abscess; to abscess
abcédographie {f} [medicine] :: A radiography of an abscess
abcès {m} :: An abscess
Abdallah {prop} :: Abdallah
Abdias {prop} {m} :: Obadiah [biblical character]
abdicataire {adj} :: Which has abdicated
abdicatif {adj} :: abdicative
abdication {f} :: abdication
abdiquer {vit} :: To abdicate (one's powers)
abdiquer {vi} [formal] :: To give up; to abandon
abdo {m} [colloquial, rare in the singular] :: ab (abdominal muscle)
abdo {m} [colloquial] :: crunch (abdominal exercise)
abdomen {m} :: abdomen
abdominal {adj} :: abdominal; of the abdomen
abdominaux {mp} [collective] :: the abdominal muscles; the abdominals
abdominaux {mp} [plurale tantum] :: sit-up
abdos {mp} :: abs (abdominal muscles)
abdos {mp} :: situps
Abdoul {prop} {m} :: given name
Abdoulaye {prop} {m} :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa
Abdoulla {prop} :: given name
abducteur {m} [anatomy] :: abductor (muscle)
abducteur {adj} [anatomy, physiology] :: related to abductor muscles and their movement; abductive
abductif {adj} [logic, computing] :: abductive
abduction {f} [physiology] :: Abductive movement; abduction
abduction {f} [logic, computing] :: Abductive reasoning; abduction
Abeau {prop} {m} :: given name, a very rare variant of Abel
a beau mentir qui vient de loin {proverb} :: long ways, long lies
abécédaire {adj} [obsolete] :: alphabetical
abécédaire {m} :: An alphabet primer
abée {f} [chiefly historical] :: the sluice gate, sluice or flume to a water wheel
abeilardiser {v} :: to castrate
abeille {f} :: bee, honeybee
abeille {f} [figuratively] :: a writer whose style is considered pure like honey
abeillé {adj} [heraldry] :: Marked with bees
abeille à miel {f} :: honey bee
abeille charpentière {f} :: carpenter bee
abeille mère {f} [dated] :: queen bee
abeille ouvrière {f} [zoology] :: worker bee
abeiller {adj} [uncommon] :: Relative to bees and their keeping
abeiller {m} [archaic] :: A beehive for bee keeping
abeiller {m} [archaic] :: A beekeeper
abeiller {m} [archaic] :: A bee-eater
abeillier {m} [archaic] :: alternative form of abeiller ("beehive")
Abel {prop} :: Abel [biblical character]
Abel {prop} :: given name
Abélard {prop} :: The French philosopher and theologian Abelard
Abélard {prop} [rare] :: given name
abelia {m} [rare] :: alternative form of abélia
abélia {m} :: A shrub member of Abelia
Abélia {prop} {f} [rare] :: given name
abélianiser {v} [maths] :: To abelianize
abélie {f} :: alternative form of abélia
abélien {adj} [mathematics] :: abelian
abélien {adj} [Roman Catholicism, historical] :: Abelian
Abelin {prop} {m} :: given name,from a diminutive form of Abel
Abelin {prop} {m} :: surname
abéliser {v} :: to charm [all senses]
abélite {mf} :: Abelian (member of a sect living like Abel)
à belles dents {adv} :: voraciously
à belles dents {adv} [figuratively] :: readily, enthusiastically, to the full, with both hands
Abelone {prop} {f} [extremely, rare] :: given name
abélonien {m} :: Abelian (member of a sect living like Abel)
abénaquis {adj} :: Abenaki
abénaquis {m} :: Abenaki (language)
Abénaquis {m} :: an Abenaki Native American
Abénaquise {f} :: feminine noun of Abénaquis
aber {m} [geography] :: A ria, especially one in Brittany
Aberdeen {prop} {f} :: Aberdeen (city)
aberdonien {adj} :: Aberdonian
Aberdonien {m} :: Aberdonian
Aberdonienne {f} :: feminine noun of Aberdonien
abérier {v} :: To shelter
abérier {v} :: To cover
aberrance {f} [statistics] :: character of what is aberrant
aberrance {f} [uncommon] :: an aberration or anomaly
aberrant {adj} :: aberrant, abnormal or anomalous
aberrant {adj} [sciences] :: which is impossible according to the norms or rules
aberration {f} :: aberration
aberration {f} :: the state of being aberrant
aberration {f} [astronomy] :: aberration
aberration {f} [optics] :: aberration
aberration {f} [physiology] :: aberration or mutation
aberrer {vi} [very, rare] :: To make a mistake; to wander in one's judgement
aberrer {vt} [very, rare] :: To skew; to render inexact or aberrant
aberrer {vi} [obsolete] :: To lose oneself or deviate from a straight path
abessif {adj} [linguistics] :: Abessive
abessif {m} [linguistics] :: abessive, abessive case
abêtifier {v} :: to make dumb, stupid
abêtifier {vr} :: to become dumb, stupid
abêtir {vit} [ergative] :: to dumb down, render dumb, dim-witted; to deaden the mind of
abêtir {vr} [ergative] :: to become dim-witted and foolish
abêtissant {adj} :: Slowly rendering dumb, foolish, dim-witted
abêtissement {m} :: Process or result of slowly rendering dim-witted and foolish
abeurver {v} :: alternative form of abreuver
abhorrer {v} :: to abominate, to abhor, to loathe
Abidjan {prop} :: Abidjan (the de facto <<capital>> and largest <<city>> of <<c/Ivory Coast>>)
abidjanais {adj} :: From, of, or relating to Abidjan; Abidjanese
Abidjanais {m} :: Somebody from Abidjan, an Abidjanese
Abidjanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Abidjanais
à bientôt {interj} :: see you soon, see you later, laters (an informal farewell wish)
abies {m} [archaic] :: A fir tree
abiétacée {f} [botany, historical] :: A member of the Pinaceae plant family
abiétacées {fp} [botany] :: the Pinaceae plant family
abiéticole {adj} [biology] :: abieticolous
abiétin {adj} [very, rare] :: Related or similar to fir trees
abiétiné {adj} :: That resembles fir trees
abigeat {m} [legal, archaic] :: alternative form of abigéat
abigéat {m} [legal, historical] :: abigeat
abime {m} :: alternative form of abîme
abîme {m} [traditional spelling] :: abyss, chasm
abîme {m} [traditional spelling] :: bottom of a chasm or valley
abîme {m} [traditional spelling, literary] :: infiniteness of thought
abîme {m} [traditional spelling, literary] :: superlative used with various abstraction and qualities; the climax or acme
abîme {m} [traditional spelling, literary] :: hell
abîme {m} [traditional spelling, heraldry] :: abyss of a shield, fess point
abîme de science {m} [literary, figuratively] :: a fount of knowledge (a very knowledgeable person)
abimer {v} :: alternative form of abîmer
abîmer {v} :: to damage
abîmer {vp} [formal] :: To fall down or sink and disappear in a hole, depth, abyss
abîmer {vp} [formal] :: To become absorbed in something (thought, action...)
abîmer {v} [rare or archaic] :: To throw down in a hole, depth etc
abiogenèse {f} [biology] :: abiogenesis
abiotique {adj} [ecology] :: abiotic
abiotiquement {adv} :: abiotically
abisser {v} :: To damage, destroy
abisser {v} :: To overthrow
Abitibi {prop} :: Abitibi
abitibien {adj} :: From, or related to the Abitibi region of Quebec; Abitibian
Abitibien {m} :: Someone from Abitibi; an Abitibian
Abitibienne {f} :: feminine noun of Abitibien
abjadique {adj} :: abjadic
abject {adj} [literary] :: Worthy of utmost contempt or disgust; vile; despicable
abject {adj} [literary, obsolete] :: Of the lowest social position
abjectement {adv} [literary] :: in manner worthy of absolute contempt or disgust
abjection {f} [literary] :: something that is worthy of utter contempt
abjurateur {adj} [formal] :: alternative form of abjuratoire
abjurateur {m} [formal] :: Someone who has committed abjuration
abjuration {f} [formal] :: The action of abjurer
abjuratoire {adj} [formal or legal] :: Related to the action of abjurer
abjurer {vit} [very, formal] :: To renounce or abandon solemnly; to abjure
abjurer {vit} [religion] :: To formally renounce one's religious belief; to apostatise
abjurer {v} [obsolete] :: To reject by oath someone's authority
abkhaze {adj} :: Related or belonging to the Abkhaz ethnic group, or their language
abkhaze {adj} :: Related to or from Abkhazia, regardless of ethnicity
abkhaze {m} :: The Abkhaz language
Abkhaze {mf} :: An ethnic Abkhaz person
Abkhaze {mf} :: Someone from Abkhazia regardless of ethnicity
Abkhazie {prop} {f} :: Abkhazia
abkhazien {adj} :: Related to or from Abkhazia
Abkhazien {m} :: A person from Abkhazia regardless of ethnicity
Abkhazienne {f} :: feminine noun of Abkhazien
ablactation {f} [medicine] :: Interruption in secretion of breast milk, usually caused by a hormonal imbalance
ablactation {f} [medicine, archaic] :: The weaning of a child
ablastine {f} [immunology] :: ablastin
ablatable {adj} :: ablatable
ablater {vt} [medicine, rare] :: To perform ablation of; to ablate
ablater {v} [engineering] :: To progressively remove (usually in small amounts) due to an ablation process
ablatif {adj} :: Related to or causing ablation
ablatif {adj} [engineering, sciences] :: Conceived to resist a process of ablation
ablatif {adj} [linguistics, rare] :: Related to or in the ablative case
ablatif {m} [linguistics, uncountable] :: ablative, ablative case
ablatif {m} [linguistics, countable] :: A word or expression in the ablative case
ablatif absolu {m} [grammar] :: ablative absolute
ablation {f} :: The often forceful removal (physical or otherwise) or abolition of something
ablation {f} [medicine] :: ablation
ablation {f} [sciences] :: ablation
-able {suffix} :: -able
able {m} :: a vernacular name of the common bleak (usually called ablette)
able {m} :: a vernacular name of the sunbleak or moderlieschen, also called able de Heckel
able {m} [rare] :: a vernacular name of any of some other related fishes in the genus Alburnus (Cyprinidae)
ablégat {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: ablegate
abléphare {m} [zoology] :: A skink of the genus Ablepharus
ablépharie {f} [medicine] :: ablepharia
ableret {m} [fishing] :: a square lift net attached to the end of a perch and used for fishing bleaks ad similar small fishes
ablette {f} :: (common) bleak (Alburnus alburnus)
ablier {m} [fishing] :: synonym of ableret
à bloc {adv} [cycling] :: flat out; riding as hard as possible
abluer {v} [obsolete] :: To wash
ablution {f} [Western Christianity] :: Ritual rinsing of the priest's hand; ablution
ablution {f} [rare] :: A washing, especially ritual
ablutionner {v} :: To ablute, wash
ablutions {fp} :: the washing of the body, particularly a ritual one; an ablution
abnégation {f} :: selflessness, self-sacrifice
abnégation {f} :: denial, abnegation
abnégué {adj} :: abnegated
abnéguer {v} :: To abnegate
aboi {m} [archaic] :: The bark of a dog
aboiement {m} :: bark (sound made by a dog)
abois {mp} [hunting] :: The last stage of coursing where the dogs are closing in on the game, and their cries at that time
aboiteau {m} [Canada, Acadia] :: A dike built for land reclamation
aboiteau {m} [Canada, Acadia] :: The sluice in a dike that allows water out at low tide, but blocks its entry at high tide
aboler {v} :: alternative form of abolir
abolir {vt} :: to abolish
abolissable {adj} :: abolishable
abolissement {m} [obsolete] :: An abolition, abolishment, abrogation
abolitif {adj} [legal, uncommon] :: Abolishing; involving the abolition of something
abolition {f} :: abolition
abolitioniste {adj} :: alternative form of abolitionniste
abolitioniste {mf} :: alternative form of abolitionniste
abolitionnisme {m} :: abolitionism
abolitionniste {adj} [historical] :: abolitionist
abolitionniste {mf} [historical] :: abolitionist
aboméen {adj} :: From or having to do with the Beninese city of Abomey
Aboméen {m} :: A person from Abomey; Abomean, Abomeyan
Aboméenne {f} :: feminine noun of Aboméen
Abomey {prop} :: Abomey (capital city)
Abomey {prop} [dated] :: Abomey (former name of Benin, a <<country>> in <<r/West Africa>>)
abomiffreux {adj} :: abominable and repulsive
abominable {adj} :: Absolutely loathsome; abominable
abominable {adj} :: Exceedingly bad or ugly; abominable
abominable homme des neiges {m} :: abominable snowman (manlike or apelike animal said to exist in the Himalayas)
abominablement {adv} :: Unbearably; insufferably
abominablement {adv} :: Exceedingly badly or poorly
abominablement {adv} [rare] :: Abominably
abomination {f} :: Something vile and abominable; an abomination
abomination {f} [chiefly religion] :: Revulsion, abomination, disgust
abominer {v} [literary] :: To hold in abomination; to detest, abhor, execrate
à bon chat, bon rat {proverb} :: An attacker and an attackee grow stronger from finding new ways to outwit each other
abondamment {adv} :: abundantly, copiously
abondance {f} :: A large amount; a plethora or profusion
abondance {f} :: Wealth of goods, abundance; opulence, prosperity
abondance {f} [sciences] :: abundance
abondance de biens ne nuit pas {proverb} :: plenty is no plague, you can never have too much of a good thing
abondant {adj} :: abundant
abondantissime {adj} :: superlative of abondant: Very or most abundant
abondement {m} [Europe, finance] :: Additional financing provided by a second party to funds amassed by a first party, such as by an employer to a retirement fund
abonder {v} :: to be found in large amounts; to abound
abonder {vt} :: to abound; to teem; to be swarming or overflowing with [object marked with en, rarely de]
abonder {vt} [Europe, finance] :: to contribute financing to
abonder dans le sens {v} :: to agree profusely with, to express the same opinions as
à bon entendeur salut {interj} :: word to the wise
à bon entendeur, salut {interj} :: alternative spelling of à bon entendeur salut
à bon escient {adv} :: wisely, using one's best judgement
abonné {adj} :: Regularly affected by; plagued or dogged with
abonné {m} :: subscriber
abonné {m} [masculine only] :: A household for the purpose of utility delivery
abonné {m} :: season ticket holder
abonnée {f} :: feminine noun of abonné
abonnement {m} :: subscription
abonner {v} [ditransitive] :: To subscribe somebody to a service; to take a subscription for
abonner {vr} :: To subscribe to a service or publication
abonner {v} [rare] :: To become accustomed to or a regular of
abonnir {vt} [absolutive or reflexive, usually, inanimate, strongly dated] :: to improve; to render or become better
abonnissement {m} [rare, agriculture] :: Improvement or amelioration of the soil or of wine
à bon vin point d'enseigne {proverb} :: good wine needs no bush
à bon vin, point d'enseigne {proverb} :: alternative spelling of à bon vin point d'enseigne
abord {m} [literary] :: The manner with which one acts in the presence of another person or persons, especially in a first encounter
abord {m} [rare] :: The surroundings of a place
abord {m} [archaic] :: Arrival or accessibility by water
à bord {adj} :: aboard, on board
abordable {adj} :: Not overly costly; affordable
abordable {adj} :: approachable
abordable {adj} [uncommon] :: accessible
abordable {adj} [archaic, nautical] :: Said of a boat that is easy to attack
abordage {m} :: The assault on a ship
abordage {m} [nautical] :: collision, allision
aborder {vt} :: To deal with; to tackle; to approach a problem, situation or topic
aborder {vt} :: To approach or meet somebody
aborder {vt} [of vehicles] :: To place side to side
aborder {vt} [chiefly nautical] :: To reach, especially with a boat
aborder {vt} [originally, nautical, literary, rare] :: To attack, especially a boat
abordeur {adj} [rare] :: Placing itself side to side to another vehicle
abordeur {adj} [nautical, chiefly historical] :: Performing an attack on a boat
abords {mp} :: the surroundings
aborigène {adj} :: Of or relating to Indigenous Australians
aborigène {adj} [dated] :: aboriginal, indigenous
aborigène {mf} [very, dated] :: A generally primitive native from the land
Aborigène {mf} :: An Indigenous Australian
abornement {m} [chiefly France, legal] :: Determination of the precise limits of a piece of land or a border
aborner {v} [literary, rare, inanimate] :: to constitute the limit or boundary of
aborner {v} [historical, animate] :: to add boundary stones or marks to
abortif {adj} :: Abortive; unavailing; futile
abortif {adj} [medicine] :: Capable of causing abortion when absorbed
abortif {adj} [botany] :: Abortive, fruitless; sterile
abortif {m} [medicine] :: An abortifacient
abot {m} [agriculture] :: a horse hobble
aboteau {m} [France, dialectal, chiefly historical] :: A levee or dam used in the draining of marshes
aboteau {m} [Canada, rare] :: alternative form of aboiteau
Abou {prop} :: surname
Abou {prop} :: given name
abouchement {m} [archaic] :: The act of aboucher
à bouche que veux-tu {adv} [figuratively] :: eagerly, ardently (of kisses etc.)
aboucher {v} [archaic] :: to put or get in contact or communication
aboucher {v} [archaic] :: to touch via an opening
aboucher {vp} [obsolete] :: to put the mouth close to
aboucher {v} [obsolete] :: to talk with
Abou Dabi {prop} :: Abou Dabi (emirate)
Abou Dabi {prop} :: Abou Dabi (capital city)
aboudabien {adj} :: Abu Dhabian (of or from Abu Dhabi)
Abou Dhabi {prop} :: alternative form of Abou Dabi
aboudhabien {adj} :: Abu Dhabian (of or from Abu Dhabi)
abougri {adj} :: synonym of trapu
Aboukir {prop} :: Aboukir, a village and bay in Egypt site of two iconic battles of the French military
abouler {vi} [dialectal] :: to roll along a surface
abouler {vip} [Europe, dated slang] :: to rush or hurry over
abouler {vt} [Europe, slang] :: to hand over or give money or goods; to pay
aboulie {m} [medicine] :: aboulia
aboulique {adj} [medicine] :: Related to or affected by aboulia; aboulic
aboulique {mf} [medicine] :: A person affected by aboulia
Abou Simbel {prop} :: The archeological site of Abu Simbel
about {m} [technical] :: The extremity of a metallic or wooden element or piece
à bout {adv} [colloquial] :: to the limit, without any room for manoeuvre
à bout de {prep} :: out of, short of
à bout de forces {adj} :: exhausted
à bout de nerfs {adj} [colloquial] :: at the end of one's tether, at the end of one's rope, at one's wit's end
à bout de souffle {adj} :: breathless, out of breath
aboutement {m} :: abutment, jointing
abouter {v} :: to join, link, attach or tie together by their extremities
abouter {v} :: to align end-to-end; to abut
aboutir {vt} [literally, with à] :: to lead to, to end up in, to reach
aboutir {vt} [figuratively, with à] :: to lead to, to have the consequence of
aboutir {vi} :: to reach a conclusion, to succeed
aboutir {vi} :: to touch by one end
aboutissant {m} :: outcome
aboutissement {m} :: The end or conclusion of a process
aboutissement {m} :: A result or outcome, usually a positive one
à bout portant {adv} :: at point-blank range, point blank
aboyant {adj} :: barking
aboyer {vi} [of a dog] :: to bark
aboyer {vi} :: to scream at or inveigh against somebody
aboyer {vt} [usually, pejorative] :: to scream or yell in short bouts; to bark
aboyeur {adj} [uncommon] :: Which barks or makes a sound like barking
aboyeur {m} [slightly dated] :: Someone whose job or involves crying out at people
aboyeur {m} [literary] :: Someone who yells a lot at someone else, who heckles, or criticize violently in speech or writing
abracadabra {interj} :: abracadabra
abracadabra {m} :: An unspecified magical formula
abracadabra {m} [historical] :: A mystical word from kabbalism
abracadabrant {adj} :: ludicrous, preposterous
abracadabrantesque {adj} :: Totally ludicrous
abracadabrantesquement {adv} :: Totally ludicrously
abracadabresque {adj} :: alternative form of abracadabrantesque
abrachiocéphale {adj} [pathology] :: abrachiocephalic, abrachiocephalous
Abraham {prop} {m} [Biblical character] :: Abraham
Abraham {prop} {m} :: given name
abrahamique {adj} :: Abrahamitic (relating to the patriarch Abraham)
abrahamiste {adj} :: Abrahamitic
abraser {vt} [technical] :: to abrade
abrasif {adj} :: Able to abrade a surface when scrubbed against it; abrasive
abrasif {m} :: A usually granular abrasive substance used to polish or clean a surface
abrasimètre {m} [manufacturing] :: A device for measuring abrasion
abrasin {m} :: One of two species of East Asian trees in the genus Vernicia (Euphorbiaceae) who produce an oil used to make varnishes and paints
abrasion {f} :: abrasion
abrasivité {f} :: abrasiveness, abrasivity
à bras-le-corps {adv} :: bodily
à bras-le-corps {adv} [figuratively] :: head-on
à bras ouverts {adv} [idiomatic] :: with open arms
à bras raccourcis {adv} [figuratively] :: violently, ferociously, with fists flying
abraxas {m} [gnosticism, historical] :: abraxas
abréactif {adj} [psychoanalysis] :: Having to do with abreaction; abreactive
abréaction {f} [psychoanalysis] :: abreaction
abréagir {vit} [psychoanalysis] :: To undergo abreaction; to abreact
abrégé {m} :: A summarized synopsis or précis of a longer work
abrégé {m} :: A small book or written work summarizing the major points of a general topic
abrégement {m} :: shortening, abridgement
abrégément {adv} :: abridgedly
abrègement {m} :: alternative form of abrégement
abréger {v} :: to shorten in duration
abréger {v} :: to shorten (in textual length) or summarize, to abridge
abréger {v} :: to abbreviate
abreuvage {m} [archaic] :: alternative form of abreuvement
abreuvement {m} [uncommon] :: Action of abreuver
abreuver {v} [literary] :: to water (cattle, fields etc.), give water to (a person)
abreuver {vp} [literary] :: to drink
abreuver {v} [de, .figuratively] :: to shower (someone) in
abreuvoir {m} :: a watering hole or place for animals
abreuvoir {m} [Canada, proscribed] :: a drinking fountain
abréviateur {m} :: abbreviator; one who shortens
abréviatif {adj} :: abbreviative
abréviatif {adj} :: Making use of or relating to abbreviations
abréviation {f} :: abbreviation (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase)
abréviativement {adv} :: abbreviatively
abréviativement {adv} :: abbreviatedly
abrévier {v} [archaic] :: To abbreviate
abri {m} :: a shelter or refuge against the elements or physical danger
abri anti-aérien {m} :: bomb shelter; air-raid shelter
abri anti-atomique {m} :: fallout shelter
abribus {m} :: bus shelter
abricot {m} :: apricot (fruit)
abricot {m} :: apricot (color)
abricot {m} [colloquial] :: vulva, vagina, female genitalia
abricot {adj} :: apricot (color)
abricoté {m} :: sugared apricot
abricoté {adj} :: Similar or relating to apricots
abricoté {adj} [cooking] :: Including apricots as an ingredient
abricoter {vt} :: to glaze (a cake etc) with a thin layer of apricot preserve dissolved in water
abricotier {m} :: apricot tree
abricotine {f} :: A Swiss brandy made from apricots
à bride abattue {adv} :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather, flat out
abrier {v} [dialectal] :: to cover with a bedcover; to tuck in
abrier {v} [archaic or dialectal] :: alternative form of abriter
abri fiscal {m} [Canada] :: tax shelter
abrine {f} :: abrin
abri sous roche {m} [archaeology] :: A rock shelter
abri-sous-roche {m} :: rock shelter
abriter {v} :: to shelter, to harbour
abriter {vri} [s'abriter] :: to take cover; to shelter
abrivent {m} [agriculture] :: windbreak
abrogateur {adj} :: abrogative
abrogateur {m} :: abrogator
abrogatif {adj} :: abrogative
abrogation {f} :: abrogation
abrogatoire {adj} :: alternative form of abrogatif
abrogeable {adj} [chiefly legal] :: repealable; rescindable
abroger {v} :: to rescind, to repeal, to annul
abroutir {vt} [agriculture, obsolete] :: To eat the young shoots of or off
à brûle-pourpoint {adv} :: point-blank, very straightforwardly or bluntly
abrupt {adj} :: Extremely steep, near vertical
abrupt {adj} :: Curt and abrupt
abrupt {adj} :: Done or said forwardly and without caution to avoid shocking
abruptement {adv} :: abruptly
abrute {adj} [botany] :: abrupt
abruti {adj} :: Whose physical or mental capacities have been impaired by tiredness or another factor; dazed
abruti {adj} [chiefly Europe, colloquial] :: Moronic, idiotic
abruti {m} [chiefly Europe, colloquial] :: Moron, idiot, fool
abrutie {f} :: feminine noun of abruti
abrutir {vt} :: To render idiotic; to turn into idiots
abrutir {vit} :: To blunt or deaden the mind
abrutir {vt} :: To overwhelm, to devastate
abrutir {v} [literary] :: To return to a brutish or bestial state
abrutissant {adj} [formal] :: exhausting
abrutissant {adj} [formal] :: mind-numbing
abrutissement {m} :: the process or action of rendering stupid and idiotic
abrutissime {adj} :: superlative of abruti: Very, or most stupid
abruzzais {adj} :: From or related to the Abruzzo region
Abruzzais {m} :: A person from the Abruzzo
Abruzzaise {f} :: feminine noun of Abruzzais
Abruzzes {prop} {fp} [plurale tantum] :: Abruzzes (region)
Abruzzes {prop} {fp} [plurale tantum] :: A mountain chain in the Apennines
ABS {m} [automotive] :: initialism of système de freinage antiblocage
Absalom {prop} :: Absalom [biblical character]
Absalon {prop} :: Absalom
absalonien {adj} [literary] :: Having opulent hair
abscisse {f} [mathematics] :: The x coordinate in Cartesian coordinates; abscissa
abscission {f} [botany] :: abscission
absconder {v} :: obsolete form of abscondre
abscondre {v} [obsolete] :: To hide; to dissimulate
abscons {adj} [literary, pejorative] :: So abstruse as to prevent comprehension entirely
absconser {v} :: obsolete form of abscondre
absence {f} :: absence (state of being absent or withdrawn)
absent {adj} :: absent
absent {adj} :: absent-minded
absent {m} :: absentee; missing person
absentéisme {m} :: absenteeism
absentéisme {m} :: lack, absence
absentéisme {m} :: abstention, nonparticipation (from a vote, etc.)
absentéiste {adj} :: absentee (attributive)
absenter {vr} :: to leave; to absent oneself
absent le chat, les souris dansent {proverb} [idiomatic] :: when the cat's away the mice will play
absidal {adj} :: apsidal
abside {f} [architecture] :: apse
absidial {adj} :: alternative form of absidal
absinthe {f} :: wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
absinthe {f} :: absinthe
absinthé {adj} :: Containing absinth or wormwood
absinthique {adj} :: Containing wormwood
absinthisme {m} :: absinthism
absolu {adj} :: absolute
absolument {adv} :: absolutely; totally; completely
absoluteur {adj} :: absolving
absoluteur {f} :: absolver
absolution {f} :: absolution (from sins or wrongs)
absolution {f} [legal] :: acquittal, absolution
absolutiser {v} :: absolutize
absolutisme {m} :: absolutism
absolutiste {mf} :: absolutist
absolutiste {adj} :: absolutist, absolutistic (absolutistical)
absolutoire {adj} :: absolutory (relating to absolution)
absorbabilité {f} :: absorbability
absorbable {adj} :: absorbable
absorbance {f} :: the fact of being absorbent
absorbant {adj} :: absorbant
absorbant {m} :: absorber, absorbant; something that absorbs
absorber {v} :: to absorb
absorbeur {m} :: absorber
absorbeuse {f} :: feminine noun of absorbeur
absorption {f} :: absorption
absorptivité {f} :: absorptivity
absoudre {v} :: to absolve
absous {adj} :: absolved [past participle of absoudre]
absoute {f} :: absolution (song for the dead)
abstème {adj} [Quebec, legal, historical] :: refusing to receive communion in Church under the species of wine
abstème {adj} [rare] :: abstaining from alcohol; abstemious; teetotal
abstenir {vp} :: to abstain
abstention {f} :: abstention
abstentionnisme {m} :: abstentionism
abstentionniste {m} :: abstentionist
abstersif {adj} :: abstergent
abstersif {m} :: abstergent (a substance used in cleansing)
abstinence {f} :: abstinence (act or practice of abstaining)
abstinence {f} :: abstinence (specifically act or practice of abstaining from alcohol)
abstinence {f} :: abstinence (specifically act or practice of abstaining from sexual relations)
abstinent {adj} :: abstinent, teetotal
abstinent {m} :: abstinent, teetotaler / teetotaller
abstracteur {m} :: abstracter
abstracteuse {f} :: feminine singular of abstracteur
abstractif {adj} :: abstractive
abstraction {f} :: abstraction
abstractionnisme {m} :: abstractionism
abstractionniste {adj} :: abstractionist (related to abstract art)
abstractivement {adv} :: abstractively
abstraire {v} [very, rare] :: to abstract (to separate; to remove; to take away)
abstrait {adj} :: abstract
abstraitement {adv} :: abstractly
abstrus {adj} [literary, pejorative] :: abstruse
absurde {adj} :: absurd (contrary to reason or propriety)
absurdement {adv} :: absurdly
absurdité {f} :: absurdity
absurdité {f} :: nonsense (meaningless words)
abugida {m} :: abugida
abu-markub {m} [used in Africa, notably in Sudan] :: shoebill
abus {m} :: abuse (improper usage)
abus d'autorité {m} :: abuse of authority
abus de confiance {m} [law] :: breach of trust; con game; embezzlement
abus de langage {m} [grammar] :: malapropism (humorous or not)
abus de pouvoir {m} :: abuse of power
abuser {v} :: to mislead
abuser {v} [followed by the preposition de] :: to take advantage of somebody (especially sexually)
abuser {v} :: to abuse (use improperly)
abuser {vi} [slang] :: to go too far
abuseur {m} :: abuser
abuseuse {f} :: feminine noun of abuseur
abusif {adj} :: abusive
abusivement {adv} :: abusively
abus sexuel {m} :: sexual abuse
abyme {m} [archaic] :: alternative form of abîme
abyssal {adj} :: abyssal
abysse {m} :: abyss
abysse {m} :: deep sea
abyssin {adj} :: Abyssinian
abyssin {m} :: Abyssinian (cat)
Abyssinie {prop} {f} :: Abyssinia (former name of Ethiopia)
abyssinien {adj} :: Abyssinian
abyssinien {m} :: Abyssinian (cat)
abyssopélagique {adj} :: abyssopelagic
AC45 {f} [sports] :: AC45 (America's Cup class)
AC72 {f} [sports] :: AC72 (America's Cup class developed for the 2013 America's Cup)
AC90 {n} :: AC90
acabit {m} :: kind, type, sort
acacia {m} :: acacia
académicien {m} :: academician (member of an academy)
académicienne {f} :: feminine noun of académicien
académie {f} :: academy (learned society)
Académie française {prop} {f} :: The French Academy: an academy dedicated to the perfection of the French language and standards of usage, founded in the 17th century
académique {mf} :: academic
académique {adj} :: academic
académiquement {adv} :: academically
académisable {adj} :: Able to be admitted to the Académie française
académiser {v} :: to academicize
académisme {f} :: academicism
académiste {mf} :: A scholar at an academy
académiste {mf} :: An academician
académiste {mf} [dated] :: [pejorative] A member of the Académie française
Acadie {prop} {f} :: Rendering of the Ancient and mythical Acadia
Acadie {prop} {f} :: The name of a French Northern American colony, part of Nouvelle France (New France), comprising the present Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia (French Nouvelle Écosse) and New Brunswick (French Nouveau Brunswick, split off) and Cape Breton Island (French Île du Cap-Breton, split off but ultimately (re)integrated into Nova Scotia)
acadien {adj} :: Acadian (of or pertaining to Acadia)
Acadien {m} :: Acadian (a native of Acadia)
Acadienne {f} :: feminine noun of Acadien
acafalé {adj} [Switzerland] :: long, extended
acagnarder {v} :: to become lazy
açaï {m} :: acai
acajou {m} :: cashew tree; also, its fruit
acajou {m} :: mahogany tree; also, its timber
ACAL {prop} :: acronym of Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine
à califourchon {adv} :: astride, straddling
acalifourchonné {adj} :: straddled
acalorique {adj} :: acaloric
acanthe {f} :: acanthus, bear's breeches (any of various species of plants in the genus Acanthus of the Acanthaceae)
acanthe {f} :: alternative form of feuille d'acanthe
acanthite {f} [mineral] :: acanthite
acanthocéphale {m} :: acanthocephalan
acanthopode {adj} [botany] :: acanthopodous
acanthure {m} :: A fish of the genus Acanthurus, from the Acanthuridae family
acantoïde {adj} :: acanthoid
a capella {adj} :: alternative spelling of a cappella
a capella {adv} :: alternative spelling of a cappella
a cappella {adj} [music] :: a cappella
a cappella {adv} [music] :: a cappella
acapsulé {adj} :: acapsular
acapulcoïte {f} [mineral] :: acapulcoite
acardiaque {adj} :: acardiac
acariâtre {adj} :: cantankerous, ill-tempered, shrewish
acariâtreté {f} :: shrewishness
acarien {m} [zoology] :: mite (an arachnid)
acarologie {f} :: acarology
acarologique {adj} :: acarological
acarophobie {f} :: acarophobia
acarpe {adj} [botany] :: acarpous
acastilleur {m} [nautical] :: ship's chandler
acatalecte {adj} :: synonym of acatalectique
acatalectique {adj} :: acatalectic
acatalepsie {f} :: acatalepsy
acataleptique {adj} :: acataleptic
acatène {adj} :: chainless
acathésique {adj} :: alternative form of acathisique
acathisie {f} :: alternative form of akathisie
acathisique {adj} :: akathisic
acatholique {adj} :: acatholic
acaule {adj} [botany] :: acaulous
acausal {adj} :: acausal
à cause de {prep} :: because of
à cause que {conj} [obsolete or proscribed and very, colloquial] :: because
ACC {prop} {f} [Senegal, politics] :: abbreviation of Alliance pour la conscience citoyenne
ACC {m} [organic chemistry] :: abbreviation of aminocyclopropane carboxylique
accablant {adj} :: overwhelming
accablé {adj} :: stricken
accablé {adj} :: afflicted
accablement {m} :: consternation, overwhelming despondency
accabler {v} :: to devastate, overwhelm
accabler {v} [of testimony, etc.] :: to condemn (someone)
accadien {adj} :: alternative spelling of akkadien
accadien {m} :: alternative spelling of akkadien
accalmie {f} :: lull
accalmie {f} :: reprieve (period of calm)
accalminé {adj} [nautical] :: becalmed
accalmir {vr} [of the sea] :: to lull
accaparement {m} :: monopolization, cornering (of a market)
accaparement {m} :: acquisition, occupation, grabbing
accaparer {v} :: to monopolize, to corner
accaparer {v} :: to occupy, to grab, to aquire (often with force or money)
accaparer {v} :: to engross, to preoccupy
accapareur {m} :: hoarder
accapareur {m} :: monopolist
accapareuse {f} :: hoarder (female)
accastillage {m} [nautical] :: superstructure
accastillage {m} :: hardware
accastiller {v} [nautical] :: to fit out (originally to provide the fore- and aft- castles)
accédant {m} :: accessor
accédante {f} :: feminine singular of accédant
accéder {v} :: to reach (a place)
accéder {v} :: to obtain, to achieve, to reach (a goal)
accéder {v} :: to grant (permission)
accéder {v} :: to access (information)
accelerando {adv} :: accelerando
accélérateur {adj} :: accelerative
accélérateur {m} :: accelerator, gas pedal
accélérateur {m} [physics] :: accelerator
accélération {f} [countable and uncountable] :: acceleration
accélérer {v} [ergative] :: to accelerate
accélérographe {m} :: accelerometer
accélérographe {m} :: accelerograph
accéléromètre {m} [physics] :: accelerometer
accent {m} :: accent, manner or tone of speech
accent {m} [linguistics] :: an accent symbol
accent {m} [linguistics] :: accent, stress
accent {m} [music] :: strain, section
accent aigu {m} :: acute accent
accent circonflexe {m} :: circumflex (diacritic)
accent grave {m} :: grave accent
accentuation {f} :: stressing, accenting
accentué {adj} :: pronounced, marked, accented
accentuel {adj} :: accentual
accentuer {v} :: to accentuate (emphasize)
accentuer {v} :: to intensify
accentuer {v} :: to accent (put an accent on a letter or symbol etc.)
acceptabilité {f} :: acceptability
acceptable {adj} :: acceptable
acceptant {adj} :: acceptant
acceptatif {adj} :: acceptative
acceptation {f} :: acceptance
acceptation {f} :: approval
accepter {vt} :: to accept
accepteur {m} [banking] :: acceptor
acception {f} :: meaning, sense (of a word), acceptation
accès {m} :: access
accès {m} [medicine] :: attack, sudden fit
accesseur {m} [object-oriented] :: accessor
accessibilité {f} :: accessibility
accessible {adj} [of a place, information, etc.] :: accessible, attainable, obtainable, available
accessible {adj} [of a price] :: affordable
accessible {adj} [of a person] :: approachable
accession {f} :: accession (to throne)
accession {f} [legal] :: accession
accessit {m} [school] :: ≈ merit certificate
accessoire {m} :: accessory
accessoire {m} [theater] :: prop
accessoire {adj} :: accessory (having a supplementary function)
accessoirement {adv} :: accessorily
accessoirisation {f} :: accessorization
accessoirisé {adj} :: accessorized (with)
accessoiriser {vt} :: to accessorize (with)
accessoiriste {mf} [film cast] :: a props assistant
accident {m} :: accident
accidentable {adj} :: damageable
accidentalité {f} :: accidentality
accidentalité {f} :: accident frequency (especially the statistics of road accidents at specific locations)
accident de décompression {m} :: caisson disease, decompression sickness
accident de parcours {m} :: mishap, setback
accident de travail {m} :: work accident, work-related accident, workplace accident, occupational accident, industrial accident
accident du travail {m} :: alternative form of accident de travail
accidenté {adj} :: eventful (story)
accidentel {adj} :: accidental (happening by chance)
accidentellement {adv} :: accidentally (unexpectedly, unintentionally)
accidenter {vt} :: to damage; to hurt (in an accident)
accidentogène {adj} :: hazardous
accidentogène {adj} :: accident-prone
accidentologie {f} :: accidentology
accidentologue {mf} :: accidentologist
accident vasculaire cérébral {m} [medicine] :: stroke
accipitrin {adj} :: accipitrine
accise {f} :: excise, excise tax
accisien {adj} :: excise (attributive)
accisien {m} :: exciseman
acclamatif {adj} :: acclamative
acclamation {f} :: acclamation
acclamer {v} :: to acclaim, applaud (to shout applause)
acclimatable {adj} :: acclimatable
acclimatation {f} :: acclimatization
acclimaté {adj} :: acclimatized
acclimatement {m} :: acclimatization
acclimater {v} :: to acclimatize (get used to a new climate)
accointance {f} :: companionship
accointance {f} [usually in plural] :: amorous relations
accointer {v} :: to get to know, acquaint oneself with
accolade {f} :: curly bracket (brace)
accolade {f} [historical] :: accolade (knights)
accolade {f} :: embrace
accolé {adj} :: bracketed
accolement {m} :: apposition
accoler {v} :: to place side by side
accoler {v} [typography] :: to bracket together
accombant {adj} [botany] :: accumbant
accommodant {adj} :: accommodating; conciliatory
accommodat {m} [biology] :: acquired characteristics
accommodateur {adj} :: accommodatory
accommodation {f} :: accommodation
accommodement {m} :: settlement, arrangement
accommoder {v} :: to accommodate
accompagnateur {m} :: accompanier; co-(something)
accompagnateur {m} [music] :: accompanist
accompagnatrice {f} :: female equivalent of accompagnateur
accompagnement {m} :: accompaniment
accompagnement {m} :: side dish
accompagner {vt} :: to accompany, to escort
accompli {adj} :: achieved, accomplished, perfect
accompli {adj} :: finished, done
accomplir {v} :: to accomplish
accomplir {v} :: to achieve
accomplissement {m} :: accomplishment, achievement, fulfillment
accon {m} :: alternative form of acon
acconage {m} :: alternative form of aconage
acconier {m} :: alternative form of aconier
acconière {f} :: feminine singular of acconier
accord {m} :: chord
accord {m} :: agreement
accord {m} :: permission, consent
accordable {adj} :: accordable
accordailles {fp} [archaic] :: betrothal (mutual promise)
accordé {adj} [grammar] :: agreeing, which agrees with its subject
accordement {m} :: granting
accordement {m} :: agreement
accordement {m} :: tuning
accordéon {m} [musical instruments] :: accordion
accordéonesque {adj} :: accordionesque
accordéoniste {mf} :: accordionist
accorder {vt} :: to grant (something to someone)
accorder {v} :: to link to, to be related to
accorder {vr} [grammar] :: to make agree
accorder {v} [music] :: to tune, to tune up
accorder {v} [sports] :: to award (a free kick, a penalty, a foul, etc.)
accorder ses violons {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to reach an agreement, to settle on something, to agree; to reconcile one's stories, to get one's stories straight, to sing the same tune
accordeur {m} [music] :: tuner (device that shows the deviation of the played pitch from the desired pitch)
accordiste {mf} [politics] :: A member of an accord
accordoir {m} :: tuning wrench
accord parfait {m} [music] :: tonic chord
accore {m} :: shore, prop, strut
accore {adj} :: sheer (very steep)
accorer {v} :: to shore up
accorné {adj} [heraldry] :: horned
accort {adj} :: cheerful, accommodating; comely
accortement {adv} :: accordingly, accordantly
accostable {adj} :: approachable (of a person)
accostable {adj} [nautical] :: dockable (at which you can land a boat)
accostage {m} :: docking, coming alongside
accoster {vi} [nautical] :: to come ashore
accoster {vt} :: to lay something next to another object
accoster {vt} [by extension, slightly pejorative] :: to approach someone; to interrupt someone (especially a stranger, in the street)
accot {m} :: fireproof shim used to keep items vertical during firing
accot {m} :: mulch
accotement {m} :: hard shoulder, shoulder
accotement non stabilisé {m} :: soft shoulder
accotement stabilisé {m} :: hard shoulder
accoter {vr} :: to lean
accoter {vt} :: to support, to rest (on)
accoter {v} [Québec, colloquial] :: to equal
accotoir {m} :: armrest
accouchement {m} :: delivery (act of giving birth)
accoucher {vi} [ergative] :: to give birth (de to), to go into labour
accoucher {vt} [ergative] :: to deliver (a baby)
accoucheur {m} :: midwife (male)
accoucheur {m} :: obstetrician
accoucheuse {f} :: midwife
accoudement {m} :: The action of leaning on ones elbows
accoudement {m} :: A neck and neck situation
accouder {vr} :: to rest, lean (on one's elbows)
accoudoir {m} :: armrest
accouer {v} :: to harness horses one behind another
accouplable {adj} :: matchable, connectable
accouplable {adj} [zoology] :: That will mate
accouplement {m} :: coupling, mating
accouplement {m} [mechanics] :: coupling
accoupler {vi} :: to pair up, go together, get into a couple (of two things, to become one)
accoupler {vt} :: to unite, put together, join (of two things, to cause to become one)
accoupler {vt} [of animals] :: to mate
accourcir {v} [archaic] :: to shorten
accourcissement {m} :: shortening
accourir {vi} :: to rush up, run up, hurry (à, vers to)
accoutré {adj} :: attired, dressed (in a particular manner)
accoutrement {m} [obsolete] :: (elaborate) outfit
accoutrement {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: getup
accoutrer {v} :: to accouter
accoutumance {f} :: habit, custom
accoutumance {f} [medical] :: addiction, dependence, acquired tolerance
accoutumé {adj} :: accustomed
accoutumer {vt} :: to accustom, get (someone) used (à, à faire)
accoutumer {vr} :: to get used to (à)
accouvage {m} :: incubation (of eggs) and subsequent hatching of chicks (in a hatchery)
accréditation {f} :: accreditation
accréditer {v} :: accredit
accréditeur {adj} :: accrediting
accréditif {m} :: letter of credit
accrémentitiel {adj} :: accrementitial
accrémentition {f} :: accrementition
accrescent {adj} [botany] :: accrescent
accrétion {f} :: accretion (growth by natural means)
accrétionnaire {adj} :: accretionary
accro {adj} [slang] :: hooked: addicted, unable to resist
accro {mf} [slang] :: addict
accrobranche {f} :: A type of adventure park involving ropes or cables suspended through trees
accroc {m} :: tear, rip
accroc {m} :: glitch
accroc {m} :: breach, infringement
accrochage {m} :: collision, bump
accrochage {m} :: clash
accroche {f} [journalism] :: lead-in (attention-grabbing beginning to an article, advertisement etc.)
accroche-coeur {m} :: kiss curl
accrocher {vt} :: To hook, hook up (attach with a hook)
accrocher {vt} :: To pick up, become attached to
accrocher {vt} :: To pick up, to come to learn (e.g. a skill)
accrocher {vt} :: To get, get hold of, obtain something
accrocher {vt} :: To hang up (the phone) (end a telephone conversation)
accrocher {vr} :: To get hooked, get addicted
accrocher {vr} :: to cling onto, hold on to
accrocher {vr} :: to collide, bump into one another
accrocheur {adj} :: catchy
accrocheur {adj} :: attention-grabbing
accroire {v} :: to believe (something false)
accroissable {adj} :: increasable
accroissant {adj} :: increasing, expanding, widening
accroissement {m} :: growth
accroitre {v} :: alternative form of accroître
accroître {vt} :: to increase
accroître {vr} [s'accroître] :: to increase
accroupir {vr} :: to crouch, squat
accroupir {vr} [rare, literary] :: to debase oneself (morally)
accroupir {vt} [rare] :: to make someone or something crouch or squat
accroupissement {m} :: squat, squatting (body position)
accrue {f} :: dry land created by draining
accu {m} :: accumulator, battery
accueil {m} :: reception, hospitality
accueil {m} :: acceptance
accueil {m} [computing] :: home page (of a website)
accueillable {adj} :: accommodatable
accueillant {adj} :: welcoming, accommodating
accueillir {v} :: to welcome, to accommodate
acculé {adj} :: cornered
acculé {adj} :: forced (à faire to do)
acculer {v} :: to corner someone, to prevent retreat or escape
acculturation {f} :: acculturation
acculturer {vr} [usually or passive] :: acculture
accumobile {f} :: electric vehicle (powered by an accumulator (rechargeable battery))
accumulateur {m} :: accumulator, battery
accumulation {f} :: accumulation (action of accumulating)
accumulation {f} :: accumulation (result of accumulating)
accumulatrice {f} :: accumulator (thing that accumulates something)
accumulé {adj} :: accumulated
accumuler {v} :: to accumulate
accusataire {adj} :: accusatory
accusateur {adj} :: accusing, accusatory
accusateur {m} :: accuser, prosecutor
accusatif {m} [grammar] :: accusative, accusative case
accusatif absolu {m} [grammar] :: accusative absolute
accusation {f} :: accusation
accusatoire {adj} [legal] :: accusatory
accusé de réception {m} :: receipt, acknowledgment of receipt
accuser {vt} :: to accuse
accuser {vt} :: to find fault with
accuser {vi} [formal] :: to show; to reveal
accuser {v} :: (when used with ~ réception) to acknowledge receipt of something
accuser le coup {v} [colloquial] :: to be visibly shaken, to be visibly affected
ace {m} [tennis] :: ace
-acé {suffix} [uncommon, sciences] :: A suffix forming adjectives; -aceous
acébutolol {m} [organic compound] :: acebutolol
acédie {f} :: acedia
-acée {suffix} [botany] :: Suffix replacing -acées when designating a single member of a plant family
-acées {suffix} [taxonomy] :: -aceae
à ce jour {adv} :: to this day, to date, so far, thus far
acellulaire {adj} :: acellular
acémète {adj} :: acoemetic
acénaphtène {m} [organic compound] :: acenaphthene
acénaphtènequinone {m} [organic compound] :: acenaphthoquinone
acénaphtylène {m} [organic compound] :: acenaphthylene
acène {m} [organic chemistry] :: acene
acénocoumarol {m} [organic compound] :: acenocoumarol
acentré {adj} :: acentric
acentré {adj} :: uncentralized
acéphale {adj} [zoology] :: acephalous, headless
acéphale {adj} [of an organisation] :: headless, leaderless
acéphale {mf} :: acephal, acephalan
acéphalobrache {adj} [pathology] :: synonym of abrachiocéphale
acéphalopode {adj} :: acephalopodic, acephalopodous
acéphalothore {adj} :: acephalothoracic
à ce propos {adv} :: about that, on this point, on this subject
à ce que je sache {adv} [colloquial] :: as far as I know, as far as I can tell, to the best of my knowledge
à ce que l'on dit {adv} :: alternative form of à ce qu'on dit
à ce qu'on dit {adv} [colloquial] :: apparently, from what I hear, they say (that), rumour has it (that)
acéracé {adj} [botany] :: That resembles maple (or other plant of the genus Acer)
acérain {adj} :: steely
acerbe {adj} :: acerb (bitter to the taste)
acerbe {adj} :: harsh
acerbité {f} :: acerbity
acéré {adj} [of iron] :: hardened with steel
acéré {adj} :: sharp, keen
acérer {v} :: To sharpen (a point)
acéricole {adj} :: maple production (attributive)
acériculture {f} :: maple production
acérola {m} :: acerola (fruit)
acescence {f} :: acescence
acescent {adj} :: souring
à ce stade {adv} :: at this point, at this stage
à ce sujet {adv} :: about that, on this point, on this subject
acétabuliforme {adj} :: acetabuliform
acétal {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetal
acétaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: acetaldehyde
acétalisation {f} [organic chemistry] :: acetalization
acétaliser {v} [organic chemistry] :: To acetalize
acétamide {m} [organic compound] :: acetamide
acétate {m} :: acetate (salt or ester of acetic acid)
acétate {m} :: acetate (transparent sheet)
acété {adj} :: sour
acété {adj} :: acidic
à cet effet {adv} :: to this end, to that end (therefore)
acéteux {adj} :: vinegary
acétification {f} :: acetification
acétifier {v} :: to acetify
acétimètre {m} :: acetimeter
acétique {adj} :: acetic
acéto- {prefix} [organic chemistry] :: aceto-
acétoacétate {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetoacetate
acétoacétique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetoacetic
acétoacétyl {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetoacetyl
acétoarsénite {m} :: acetoarsenite
acétobacter {m} :: acetobacter
acétoïne {f} [organic compound] :: acetoin
acétolactate {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetolactate
acétolactique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetolactic
acétomètre {m} :: acetometer
acétone {f} [organic compound] :: acetone
acétonémie {f} [pathology] :: acetonemia
acétonitrile {m} [organic compound] :: acetonitrile
acétonurie {f} [pathology] :: acetonuria
acétopropylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetopropylic
à cette heure {adv} :: now, immediately, at once
acétyl {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetyl
acétylaminophénol {m} [organic compound] :: acetylaminophenol
acétylation {f} [organic chemistry] :: acetylation
acétylcholine {f} [organic compound] :: acetylcholine
acétylé {adj} :: acetylated
acétylène {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetylene
acétylénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetylenic
acétyler {vt} [organic chemistry] :: to acetylate
acétylglucosamine {f} [organic compound] :: acetylglucosamine
acétylméthylcarbinol {m} [organic compound] :: acetylmethylcarbinol
acétylsalicylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: acetylsalicylic
acétylure {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetylide
ACEUM {prop} :: USMCA; abbreviation of Accord Canada-États-Unis-Mexique
ACÉUM {prop} :: alternative form of ACEUM
Achab {prop} :: Ahab [biblical character]
à chacun son goût {phrase} :: to each his own
Achaïe {prop} :: Achaea
achaine {m} :: alternative form of akène
achalandage {m} :: clientele, patronage, business
achalandage {m} [accounting] :: goodwill
achalandé {adj} :: busy (of a shop etc)
achalander {vt} :: to supply with clientele
achalandeur {m} :: pimp
achalandeuse {f} :: feminine singular of achalandeur
achalasie {f} [pathology] :: achalasia
achaler {v} [Canada] :: To annoy, harass, badger
à chaque jour suffit sa peine {proverb} :: Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof
achard {m} [cooking] :: achar, (Indian) pickle
à charge de revanche {adv} [colloquial] :: but I owe you one, but I hope I can return the favour someday, provided you let me return the favour some time
acharisme {m} [Islam] :: Ash'arism
acharné {adj} :: fierce; relentless
acharnement {m} :: fury
acharnement {m} :: stubbornness
acharnement {m} :: ruthlessness
acharnement thérapeutique {m} [idiomatic, medicine] :: Providing medical care to keep patients alive when there is no hope that it will benefit or cure them
acharner {v} [après, contre, sur] :: to incite; to sic
acharner {v} [après, contre, sur, .pronominal] :: to hound, to fiercely attack
acharner {v} [après, contre, sur, .pronominal, .figuratively] :: to slave away, persevere
acharner {v} [à, .pronominal, .figuratively] :: to attach oneself excessively
achat {m} :: buy, purchase
à chaud {prep} [figuratively] :: immediately, spontaneously, in the heat of the moment, off the cuff, without allowing things to cool off, without thinking
ache {f} :: celery (plant)
ache {m} :: aitch, letter: h
achéen {adj} :: Achaean
acheiropoïète {adj} [art] :: acheiropoietic
achéménide {adj} :: Achaemenid
acheminement {m} :: delivery, transporting
acheminer {vt} :: To transport; send (off)
acheminer {vr} :: To head (towards); head for; make one's way (to)
Achéron {prop} {m} :: Acheron
achetable {adj} :: buyable
acheter {v} :: to purchase; buy
acheter chat en poche {v} [idiomatic] :: to purchase without seeing the object in question; to buy on trust; to be sold a pig in a poke
acheteur {m} :: buyer, purchaser (person who makes purchases)
acheteuse {f} :: feminine noun of acheteur
acheuléen {adj} [archaeology] :: Acheulean
à cheval {adv} :: by horse; on horseback; riding
à cheval donné on ne regarde pas la bride {proverb} :: don't look a gift horse in the mouth
à cheval donné on ne regarde pas les dents {proverb} :: don't look a gift horse in the mouth
à cheval sur {prep} :: overlapping, on both sides of
achevé d'imprimer {m} :: a colophon, printer notice at the end or beginning of a publication, not actually part of the author's manuscript but concerning the physical edition
achèvement {m} :: completion, conclusion, finish
achever {vt} :: to finish, to complete
achever {vt} :: to finish off (someone who is already incapacitated)
achever {vr} [s'achever] :: to finish
à chier {adj} [vulgar] :: lousy, shit, shitty, crappy
à chier {adv} [vulgar] :: extremely, very
achigan {m} [Canada] :: bass (fish)
achiléen {adj} :: Achillean
Achille {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Achilles
Achille {prop} :: given name of Ancient Greek origin
achillée {f} :: yarrow (any of several pungent Eurasian herbs, of the genus Achillea)
achilletalonesque {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Achille Talon
achilletalonnesque {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Achille Talon
achkenaze {adj} :: alternative form of ashkénaze
achkénaze {adj} :: alternative form of ashkénaze
acholi {m} :: Acholi (people, language)
acholi {adj} :: Acholi (attributive)
achondroplasie {f} :: achondroplasia (the genetic disorder)
achondroplasique {adj} :: achondroplastic
achoppement {m} :: stumble; trip
achopper {vi} :: to stumble (on a stone)
achopper {vi} [figurative] :: to hit a snag, find oneself up against something, to make a mistake, fail
achopper {vr} :: to hit a snag, to make a mistake
achour {m} [Islam] :: ushr, a tax paid to a sultan (especially in Morocco)
achour {m} :: an Algerian government tax (in French colonial times)
Achoura {prop} {f} [Islam] :: Ashura
achromat {m} :: achromat
achromaticité {f} :: achromaticity
achromatique {adj} :: achromatic
achromatiser {v} :: To achromatize
achromatisme {m} :: achromatism (achromatopia)
achromatope {adj} :: achromatopsic
achromatopsie {f} :: achromatopsia
achromatopsique {adj} :: achromatopsic
achrome {adj} :: colourless
achromie {f} [pathology] :: vitiligo
achromique {adj} :: achromic
achronique {adj} :: achronic (all senses)
achylie {f} [pathology] :: achylia
aciculaire {adj} :: acicular
aciculaire {adj} :: aciculiform
aciculiforme {adj} [botany] :: aciculiform
acide {adj} :: acid, acidic, sour, tart
acide {adj} [chemistry] :: acid, acidic
acide {m} [chemistry] :: acid
acide {m} [slang] :: LSD (acid)
acide abiétique {m} :: abietic acid
acide acétique {m} [organic compound] :: acetic acid
acide acétylsalicylique {m} :: acetylsalicylic acid (acetate ester of salicylic acid; aspirin)
acide adénylique {m} [organic compound] :: adenylic acid
acide aminé {m} :: amino acid
acide anisique {m} [organic compound] :: anisic acid
acide antimonique {m} [inorganic compound] :: antimonic acid
acide arachique {m} [organic compound] :: arachidic acid
acide ascorbique {m} [chemistry] :: ascorbic acid
acide azotique {m} [obsolete, inorganic compound] :: acide nitrique
acide benzoïque {m} :: benzoic acid
acide bombique {m} [organic compound] :: bombic acid
acide bombycique {m} [organic compound] :: bombycic acid
acide brassique {m} [fatty acid] :: brassic acid
acide bromhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrobromic acid
acide bromique {m} [inorganic compound] :: bromic acid
acide caprique {m} [fatty acid] :: capric acid
acide caproïque {m} [fatty acid] :: caproic acid
acide caprylique {m} [fatty acid] :: caprylic acid
acide carboxylique {m} [organic chemistry] :: carboxylic acid
acide carminique {m} [organic compound] :: carminic acid
acide catalpique {m} [organic compound] :: catalpic acid
acide cérotique {m} [organic compound] :: cerotic acid
acide cétylique {m} [fatty aid] :: cetylic acid
acide chaulmoogrique {m} [fatty acid] :: chaulmoogric acid
acide chlorhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrochloric acid
acide chlorique {m} [chemistry] :: chloric acid
acide chloroformique {m} [organic compound] :: chloroformic acid
acide cholique {m} [organic compound] :: cholic acid
acide citrique {m} :: citric acid
acide clupanodonique {m} [fatty acid] :: clupanodonic acid
acide crépénynique {m} [fatty acid] :: crepenynic acid
acide croconique {m} [organic compound] :: croconic acid
acide crotonique {m} [organic compound] :: crotonic acid
acide cyanique {m} [inorganic compound] :: cyanic acid
acide cyanurique {m} [organic compound] :: cyanuric acid
acide désoxyribonucléique {m} [genetics, biochemistry] :: deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA
acide diénoïque {m} [organic chemistry] :: dienoic acid
acide dithionique {m} [inorganic compound] :: dithionic acid
acide docosahexaénoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: docosahexaenoic acid
acide docosénoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: docosenoic acid
acide dotriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: dotriacontanoic acid
acide éicosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: eicosanoic acid
acide eicosatriénoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: eicosatrienoic acid
acide eicosénoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: eicosenoic acid
acide élaïdique {m} [fatty acid] :: elaidic acid
acide éléostéarique {m} [fatty acid] :: eleostearic acid
acide érucique {m} [fatty acid] :: erucic acid
acide esculique {m} [organic compound] :: esculic acid
acide éthionique {m} [organic compound] :: ethionic acid
acide férulique {m} [organic compound] :: ferulic acid
acide filicique {m} [organic compound] :: filicic acid
acide fluoborique {m} [inorganic compound] :: fluoboric acid
acide fluorhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrofluoric acid
acide folique {m} :: folic acid
acide fulminique {m} [inorganic compound] :: fulminic acid
acide gadoléique {m} [fatty acid] :: gadoleic acid
acide gallique {m} [organic compound] :: gallic acid
acide glaucique {m} [organic compound] :: glaucic acid
acide glutarique {m} [organic compound] :: glutaric acid
acide glycérique {m} [organic compound] :: glyceric acid
acide glycérophosphorique {m} [organic compound] :: glycerophosphoric acid
acide glycocholique {m} [organic compound] :: glycocholic acid
acide gondoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: gondoic acid
acide gorlique {m} [fatty acid] :: gorlic acid
acide hénéicosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: heneicosanoic acid
acide hentriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: hentriacontanoic acid
acide heptacosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: heptacosanoic acid
acide hexacosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: hexacosanoic acid
acide hexaeïcosanoïque {m} :: synonym of acide hexacosanoïque
acide hexaénoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: hexaenoic acid
acide hexanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: hexanoic acid
acide hexatriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: hexatriacontanoic acid
acide hippurique {m} [organic compound] :: hippuric acid
acide hircique {m} [fatty acid] :: hircic acid
acide hydnocarpique {m} [organic compound] :: hydnocarpic acid
acide hydrazoïque {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrazoic acid
acide hydriodique {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydriodic acid
acide hydroferrocyanique {m} :: hydroferrocyanic acid
acide hydrosulfureux {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrosulfurous acid
acide hydrosulfurique {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrosulfuric acid
acide hyperiodique {m} [inorganic compound] :: periodic acid
acide hypoazoteux {m} [inorganic compound] :: hyponitrous acid
acide hypoazotique {m} :: hyponitric acid
acide hyponitreux {m} [inorganic compound] :: hyponitrous acid
acide hypophosphoreux {f} [inorganic compound] :: hypophosphorous acid
acide hypophosphorique {m} [inorganic compound] :: hypophosphoric acid
acide hyposulfureux {m} [inorganic compound] :: hyposulfurous acid
acide icosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: eicosanoic acid
acide icosénoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: eicosenoic acid
acide idonique {m} [organic compound] :: idonic acid
acide indigotique {m} [organic compound] :: indigotic acid
acide iodhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydroiodic acid
acide isopalmitique {m} [fatty acid] :: isopalmitic acid
acide itaconique {m} [organic compound] :: itaconic acid
acide jalapique {m} [organic compound] :: jalapic acid
acide kinovique {m} [organic compound] :: kinovic acid, quinovic acid
acide lacéroïque {m} [organic compound] :: lacceroic acid
acide lactobacillique {m} [organic compound] :: lactobacillic acid
acide lactucique {m} [organic compound] :: lactucic acid
acide leucique {m} [organic compound] :: leucic acid
acide lichénique {m} [organic compound] :: lichenic acid
acide lignocérique {m} [fatty acid] :: lignoceric acid
acide limonoïque {m} [organic compound] :: limonoic acid
acide linolénique {m} [organic compound] :: linolenic acid
acide malique {m} [organic compound] :: malic acid
acide malvalique {m} [organic compound] :: malvalic acid
acide margaritique {m} [fatty acid] :: margaritic acid
acide méconique {m} [organic compound] :: meconic acid
acide mélassique {m} [organic compound] :: melassic acid
acide mélissique {m} [fatty acid] :: melissic acid
acide ménisperminique {m} [organic compound] :: menispermic acid
acide métapectique {m} :: metapectic acid
acide métaphosphorique {m} [inorganic compound] :: metaphosphoric acid
acide métastannique {m} [inorganic compound] :: metastannic acid
acide méthionique {m} [organic compound] :: methionic acid
acide monothionique {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: monothionic acid
acide montanique {m} [fatty acid] :: montanic acid
acide moringique {m} [organic compound] :: moringic acid
acide moroctique {m} [fatty acid] :: moroctic acid
acide moroxylique {m} [organic compound] :: moroxylic acid
acide muriatique {m} [obsolete, inorganic compound] :: muriatic acid
acide myristoléique {m} [fatty acid] :: myristoleic acid
acide myronique {m} [organic compound] :: myronic acid
acide naphtalénique {m} [organic compound] :: naphthalenic acid
acide narcotinique {m} [organic compound] :: narcotinic acid
acide nervonique {m} [fatty acid] :: nervonic acid
acide nitranilique {m} [organic compound] :: nitranilic acid
acide nitrique {m} [inorganic compound] :: nitric acid
acide nucléique {m} [biochemistry] :: nucleic acid
acide octacosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: octacosanoic acid
acide octadécatriénoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: octadecatrienoic acid
acide octadécylique {m} [fatty acid] :: octadecylic acid
acide octanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: octanoic acid
acide opianique {m} [organic compound] :: opianic acid
acide orthophosphorique {m} [inorganic compound] :: orthophosphoric acid
acide osmique {m} [inorganic compound] :: osmic acid
acide oxalhydrique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] :: synonym of acide tartrique
acide oxalovinique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] :: oxalovinic acid
acide oxamique {m} [organic compound] :: oxamic acid
acide palmitoléique {m} [fatty acid] :: palmitoleic acid
acide parabanique {m} :: parabanic acid
acide paralactique {m} [organic compound] :: paralactic acid
acide paullinique {m} [fatty acid] :: paullinic acid
acide pectosique {m} [organic compound] :: pectosic acid
acide pentathionique {m} [inorganic compound] :: pentathionic acid
acide pentatriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: pentatriacontanoic acid
acide permanganique {m} [inorganic compound] :: permanganic acid
acide perrhénique {m} [inorganic compound] :: perrhenic acid
acide pertechnétique {m} [inorganic compound] :: pertechnetic acid
acide pétrosélinique {m} [fatty acid] :: petroselinic acid
acide phaséolique {m} [organic compound] :: phaseolic acid
acide phosphoglycérique {m} [organic compound] :: phosphoglyceric acid
acide phytanique {m} [organic compound] :: phytanic acid
acide phytomonique {m} [organic compound] :: phytomonic acid
acide picrique {m} [organic compound] :: picric acid
acide pimarique {m} [organic compound] :: pimaric acid
acide pinique {m} [organic compound] :: pinic acid
acide pinoléique {m} [fatty acid] :: pinoleic acid
acide pinolénique {m} [fatty acid] :: pinolenic acid
acide pneumique {m} [organic compound] :: pneumic acid
acide pristanique {m} [organic compound] :: pristanic acid
acide punicique {m} [fatty acid] :: punicic acid
acide purpurique {m} [organic compound] :: purpuric acid
acide pyrophosphorique {m} [inorganic compound] :: pyrophosphoric acid
acide pyrotartrique {m} [organic compound] :: pyrotartaric acid
acide pyruvique {m} [organic compound] :: pyruvic acid
acide quinique {m} [organic compound] :: quinic acid
acide rhizocarpique {m} [organic compound] :: rhizocarpic acid
acide ribonucléique {m} :: ribonucleic acid (derivative of DNA, used in the transcription of genetic material)
acide ricinique {m} [fatty acid] :: ricinic acid
acide ricinoléique {m} [fatty acid] :: ricinoleic acid
acide ricinostéarique {m} [fatty acid] :: ricinostearic acid
acide rosolique {m} [organic compound] :: rosolic acid
acide ruménique {m} [fatty acid] :: rumenic acid
acide salicyleux {m} [organic compound] :: salicylous acid
acide sapiénique {m} [fatty acid] :: sapienic acid
acide sébacique {m} [organic compound] :: sebacic acid
acide silicique {m} [inorganic compound] :: silicic acid
acide sorbique {m} [organic compound] :: sorbic acid
acide stéaridonique {m} [organic compound] :: stearidonic acid
acide stéarique {m} [fatty acid] :: stearic acid
acide strychninique {m} [organic compound] :: strychnic acid
acide subérique {m} [organic compound] :: suberic acid
acide sulfhydrique {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfhydric acid (hydrogen sulfide)
acide sulfurique {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
acide tanacétique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] :: malic acid
acide tantalique {m} [inorganic compound] :: tantalic acid
acide taririque {m} [fatty acid] :: tariric acid
acide tartralique {m} [organic compound] :: tartralic acid
acide tartramique {m} [organic compound] :: tartramic acid
acide tartrique {m} [organic compound] :: tartaric acid
acide taurocholique {m} :: taurocholic acid
acide tétracosanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: tetracosanoic acid
acide tétradécénoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: tetradecenoic acid
acide tétratriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: tetratriacontanoic acid
acide triacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: triacontanoic acid
acide trichloracétique {m} [organic compound] :: trichloroacetic acid
acide trichosanique {m} [fatty acid] :: trichosanic acid
acide tritriacontanoïque {m} [fatty acid] :: tritriacontanoic acid
acide tuberculostéarique {m} [fatty acid] :: tuberculostearic acid
acide urique {m} [biochemistry] :: uric acid, urate
acide urushinique {m} [organic compound] :: urushinic acid
acide vaccénique {m} [fatty acid] :: vaccenic acid
acide vulpinique {m} [organic compound] :: vulpinic acid
acide vulpique {m} [organic compound] :: vulpic acid
acide zoonique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] :: zoonic acid
acidifère {adj} :: acidiferous
acidifiable {adj} :: acidifiable
acidification {f} :: acidification
acidifié {adj} :: acidified
acidifier {v} :: to acidify [make something acid]
acidimètre {m} :: acidimeter
acidimétrie {f} :: acidimetry
acidique {adj} :: acidic
acidité {f} :: acidity (the quality or state of being acid)
acido-basique {adj} [chemistry] :: acid-base (attributive)
acidobasique {adj} :: alternative form of acido-basique
acidocétose {f} [pathology] :: ketoacidosis
acidogène {adj} :: acidogenic
acidophile {adj} :: acidophilic
acidophile {m} :: acidophile
acidose {f} [pathology] :: acidosis
acidulation {f} :: acidulation
acidulé {adj} :: slightly acid; tart
aciduler {v} :: to acidulate; make slightly (more) acidic
à ciel ouvert {adj} :: open-air, alfresco
à ciel ouvert {adj} [figurative] :: transparent, unhidden, open
acier {m} :: steel
aciérage {m} :: steelmaking
aciération {f} :: synonym of aciérage
aciérer {v} :: to acierate
aciéreux {adj} :: steeply
aciérie {f} :: steelworks
acier inoxydable {m} :: stainless steel
aciériste {mf} :: steelmaker
acinésie {f} :: akinesia
acinétique {adj} :: akinetic
acineux {adj} [botany] :: acinar
acircuitique {adj} [maths, of a graph] :: acyclic
ACL {m} :: afficheur à cristaux liquidesLCD
aclaste {adj} :: aclastic, nonrefractive
aclinal {adj} :: aclinal
aclinique {adj} :: aclinical
à cloche-pied {adv} :: while hopping on one leg
acmé {f} :: acme (the top or highest point)
acmé {f} :: climax
acméisme {m} :: Acmeism
acméiste {adj} :: Acmeist
acméiste {mf} :: Acmeist
acmite {f} [mineral] :: synonym of aegirine
acné {f} [pathology] :: acne
acnéique {adj} :: acne (attributive)
acnodal {adj} [maths] :: acnodal
acœlomate {adj} [zoology] :: acoelomate
acœlomate {m} [zoology] :: acoelomate
à cœur joie {adv} :: to one's heart's content
à cœur ouvert {prep} [surgery] :: open-heart (attributive)
à cœur ouvert {prep} [figuratively] :: frankly, open-heartedly, with an open heart
à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible {proverb} :: where there's a will, there's a way
à cœur vaillant, rien d'impossible {proverb} :: alternative spelling of à cœur vaillant rien d'impossible
acolytat {m} :: acolytate
acolyte {m} [religion] :: acolyte
acolyte {m} :: henchman, sidekick
acolythe {m} :: obsolete spelling of acolyte
acommercial {adj} :: uncommercial
acompte {m} :: down payment, advance payment
à compter de {prep} :: starting from, from, as of
acon {m} [nautical] :: lighter (A flat-bottomed barge used for loading / unloading ships)
aconage {m} [nautical] :: lighterage
à concurrence de {prep} :: up to, up to a limit of, up to a maximum of
à condition de {prep} :: subject to, under the condition of
à condition que {conj} :: provided that; on the condition that
acône {adj} [of an animal's eye] :: Having no cones
aconier {m} :: stevedore (who works on an acon)
aconier {m} :: freight company
aconière {f} :: feminine singular of aconier
aconit {m} :: aconite, monkshood
aconitine {f} :: aconitine
a contrario {adv} :: au contraire, on the contrary
à contre-cœur {adv} :: alternative spelling of à contrecœur
à contrecœur {adv} :: Reluctantly; unwillingly
à contre-courant {adv} :: upstream
à contre-courant {adv} [idiomatic] :: against the grain (contrary to what is expected.)
à contre-mont {adv} :: upstream
à contresens {adv} :: the wrong way, against the flow of traffic
acoquinement {m} :: familiarity
acoquiner {vr} :: to become familiar (à with)
acore {m} :: sweet flag (or similar plant of the genus Acorus)
açoréen {adj} :: Azorean
Açoréen {m} :: Azorean
Açoréenne {f} :: feminine noun of Açoréen
acore odorant {m} :: sweet flag, Acorus calamus
Açores {prop} {fp} :: Azores
à cor et à cri {adv} :: noisily, with clamour
açorien {adj} :: alternative form of açoréen
Açorien {m} :: alternative form of Açoréen
Açorienne {f} :: feminine singular of Açorien
à corps perdu {adv} :: heart and soul, headlong, wholeheartedly
acosmique {adj} :: acosmic
à côté {prep} :: beside, next to
à côté {prep} :: next door
à-côté {m} :: perk, extra benefit
à côté de {prep} :: next to, besides, alongside
à côté de la plaque {prep} [colloquial] :: off the mark, wide of the mark, off-beam, off-the-wall
à côté de ses pompes {adj} [colloquial, figuratively, idiom] :: out to lunch, out of it, not with it
acotylédone {adj} :: acotyledonous
acotylédone {f} :: acotyledon
à coucher dehors {adj} [colloquial] :: difficult to pronounce, to write or to remember; jawbreaking, crackjaw
acoumètre {m} :: acoumeter
acoumétrie {f} :: acoumetry
à-coup {m} :: jerk, jolt
à coup de {prep} :: alternative spelling of à coups de
à couper au couteau {adj} [colloquial, figuratively, of a fog] :: very dense, very thick
à couper au couteau {adj} [colloquial, figuratively, of an accent] :: very heavy, very thick, very strong
à couper le souffle {adj} :: breathtaking, stunning, jaw-dropping
acouphène {m} :: tinnitus (perception of nonexistent noise)
acouphénique {adj} :: tinnitus (attributive)
à coups de {prep} [sometimes, pejorative] :: by means of, by dint of, by way of, through, with
à coup sûr {adv} [colloquial] :: for sure, certainly
à court {prep} [de] :: out of, short of
à court terme {adj} :: short-term
acousmate {adj} :: synonym of acousmatique
acousmatique {adj} :: acousmatic
acousticien {m} :: acoustician
acousticienne {f} :: female equivalent of acousticien
acoustique {adj} :: acoustic (pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds)
acoustique {f} :: acoustics
acoustiquement {adv} :: acoustically
à couteaux tirés {adj} :: at daggers drawn, at each other's throats
acquérable {adj} :: acquirable
acquéreur {m} :: buyer, purchaser (of real estate)
acquérir {vt} :: to acquire, to obtain
acquérir {vt} :: to purchase
acquérir {vr} [s'acquérir] :: to gain, to win (approval, etc.)
acquêt {m} :: acquisition
acquêt {m} :: profit; financial gain
acquêt {m} :: community property (goods obtained by the spouses during a marriage which become the property of both)
acquiescement {m} :: agreement, acquiescence
acquiescer {v} :: to acquiesce
acquinite {m} [organic compound] :: acrolein
acquis {m} :: asset
acquisitif {adj} :: acquisitional (of or related to acquisition)
acquisition {f} :: purchase (the act or process of seeking and obtaining something)
acquisition {f} :: acquisition (the thing obtained)
acquisitivement {adv} :: acquisitively
acquittable {adj} :: acknowledgeable
acquitté {adj} :: paid, honored
acquittement {m} :: acquittal of debt, discharge, settlement
acquittement {m} :: cancellation
acquittement {m} :: absolution
acquittement {m} :: acknowledgement of something, such as a message, upon its receipt
acquitter {v} :: to pay
acquitter {v} :: to acknowledge (a signal), to notify the receipt of
acquitter {v} [legal] :: to clear, to acquit
acquitter {vr} [s'acquitter] :: to pay
acquitter {vr} [s'acquitter, ~ de] :: to discharge, to complete (one's duty)
acraldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: acrolein
à craquer {prep} [colloquial] :: to the brim
acratopège {adj} [rare, formal] :: unremarkable
acre {f} [historical] :: acre
Acre {prop} {m} :: Acre (city)
âcre {adj} :: acrid, bitter
âcre {adj} [figuratively] :: sour, bitter
âcrement {adv} :: acridly
âcreté {f} :: acridness, pungency
à crever {adv} [literally] :: to death
à crever {adv} [slang] :: very, extremely, as hell, no end
acribique {adj} :: immaculate
acribique {adj} :: fastidious
acribiquement {adv} :: fastidiously
acribiquement {adv} :: immaculately
acridien {adj} :: acridian
acridien {m} :: acridian
acridophage {mf} :: acridophagus
acridophage {adj} :: acridophagous
acrimonial {adj} [dated, chemistry] :: ammoniacal
acrimonie {f} :: acrimony
acrimonieusement {adv} :: acrimoniously
acrimonieux {adj} :: acrimonious
acritarche {m} :: acritarch
acritique {adj} :: acritical, uncritical
acroamatique {adj} :: acroamatic
acroatique {adj} :: acroatic
acrobate {mf} :: acrobat
acrobatie {f} :: acrobatics
acrobatie {f} :: stunt, trick (dangerous feat)
acrobatique {adj} :: acrobatic
acrobatiquement {adv} :: acrobatically
acrocentrique {adj} [biology] :: acrocentric
acrocéphale {adj} :: synonym of acrocéphalique
acrocéphalie {f} :: acrocephaly
acrocéphalique {adj} :: acrocephalic
acrocyanose {f} [pathology] :: acrocyanosis
acrodynie {f} [pathology] :: acrodynia
acrogène {adj} :: acrogenous
acrolecte {m} [linguistics] :: acrolect
acroléine {f} [organic compound] :: acrolein
acroléïque {adj} :: acroleic
acrolithe {mf} :: acrolith
acrologique {adj} :: acrologic
acrologiquement {adv} :: acrologically
acromégale {adj} :: acromegalic
acromégale {mf} :: acromegalic
acromégalie {f} [pathology] :: acromegaly
acromégalique {adj} :: acromegalic
acromélique {adj} [anatomy] :: acromelic
acromial {adj} :: acromial
acromien {adj} [anatomy] :: acromial
acromion {m} [anatomy] :: acromion
acron {m} :: acron
acronyme {m} :: acronym (pronounced as a normal word)
acronymique {adj} :: acronymic
acropète {adj} [botany] :: acropetal
acrophile {adj} :: acrophilic
acrophile {mf} :: acrophile
acrophobie {f} :: acrophobia
acrophonie {f} :: acrophony
acropole {f} :: acropolis
à croquer {adv} [colloquial] :: emphasizes an individual's attractiveness
à croquer {adj} [colloquial] :: cute, (very) pretty (literally "drawable", i.e. attractive enough to be worth sketching)
acrostiche {mf} :: acrostic (text in which certain letters spell out a name or message)
acrotère {m} [architecture] :: acroter, acroterium, acroterion
à cru {adv} :: bareback (without a saddle)
acrylaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: acrylaldehyde
acrylique {adj} :: acrylic
acrylique {m} :: acrylic
actant {m} :: actant
actantiel {adj} :: actantial
acte {m} :: act
acte de décès {m} :: death certificate (official document certifying the details of a person's death)
acte de foi {m} :: act of faith; leap of faith
acte de naissance {m} :: birth certificate (official document certifying the details of a person's birth)
actée {m} :: baneberry (of genus Actaea)
acte manqué {m} :: a mistake which was unconsciously deliberate; accidentally on purpose; a Freudian slip
acter {v} :: To enact
Actes {prop} {mp} [Bible] :: Acts
acteur {m} :: actor
à c't'heure {adv} :: alternative spelling of asteur
actif {adj} :: active
actif {adj} [grammar] :: active
actif {m} [accounting] :: asset
actif {m} [grammar] :: active
actif {m} [LGBT, slang] :: top
actinate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: actinate
actine {f} [protein] :: actin
actiniaire {m} :: actinian (sea anemone of the order Actiniaria)
actinide {m} :: actinide
actinie {f} :: sea anemone
actiniforme {adj} :: actiniform
actinimorphe {adj} :: actinomorphic
actinique {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: actinic
actinisme {m} :: actinism
actinite {f} [pathology] :: sunburn
actinium {m} :: actinium
actino- {prefix} :: actino-
actinobiologie {f} :: actinobiology
actinologie {f} :: actinology
actinomètre {m} :: actinometer
actinométrie {f} :: actinometry
actinométrique {adj} :: actinometric
actinomorphe {adj} :: actinomorphic (of a flower: with petals radially symmetric)
actinomycète {f} :: actinomycete
actinomycine {f} :: actinomycin
actinomycose {mf} [pathology] :: actinomycosis
actinopode {m} :: actinopod
actinorhizien {adj} [botany] :: actinorhizal
actinoscopie {f} :: actinoscopy
actinote {f} [mineral] :: actinolite
actinothérapie {f} :: actinotherapy
action {f} :: action, act
action {f} :: campaign
action {f} :: stock, share
action {f} [Switzerland] :: a special offer
action de grâce {f} [Christianity] :: thanksgiving (expression of gratitude to God)
Action démocratique {prop} {f} [Canadian politics] :: Action démocratique du Québec
Action démocratique du Québec {prop} {f} [Canadian politics] :: a conservative autonomist political party in Québec
actionnable {adj} :: actionable
actionnaire {mf} :: shareholder
actionnalisme {m} :: actionalism
actionnaliste {adj} :: actionalist
actionnarial {adj} :: stockholder, shareholder (attributive)
actionnariat {m} :: shareholding
actionnariat {m} [in the plural] :: shareholders
actionnel {adj} :: actional
actionnement {m} :: actuation
actionner {v} :: to work (to set into action), actuate, action
actionneur {m} :: actuator
activable {adj} :: activable
activateur {m} :: activator
activation {f} :: activation
activement {adv} :: actively
activer {vt} :: to activate (to encourage development or induce increased activity; to stimulate)
activer {vt} :: to activate (to put a device, mechanism or system into action or motion; to enable)
activer {vt} [physics] :: to activate (to render radioactive)
activer {vt} :: to speed up
activer {vt} :: to stoke (e.g. a fire)
activeur {m} [chemistry] :: activator
activisme {m} :: activism
activiste {mf} :: activist
activité {f} :: activity
actrice {f} :: actress
actu {f} [colloquial] :: news
actuaire {mf} [finance] :: actuary
actualisable {adj} :: updatable
actualisation {f} :: update
actualisation {f} :: updating (action or process of updating)
actualiser {v} :: to update (make something up to date)
actualiser {v} [philosophy] :: to actualize
actualisme {m} [geology] :: actualism
actualité {f} :: topic; topicality
actualité {f} :: documentary
actualité {f} [especially in plural] :: news, current affairs
actuariat {f} :: The function of an actuary
actuariat {f} :: Actuaries in general
actuariel {adj} :: actuarial
actuateur {m} :: actuator
actuel {adj} :: current
actuellement {adv} :: currently
actuellement {adv} [rare] :: in actuality
acuité {f} :: acuteness, acuity
acuité {f} :: sharpness, intensity
acuité {f} :: accuracy, precision
aculéate {m} :: aculeate
aculéiforme {adj} :: aculeiform
acuminé {adj} :: acuminate
acuponcteur {m} :: acupuncturist
acuponctrice {f} :: female equivalent of acuponcteur
acuponcture {f} :: alternative form of acupuncture
acupuncteur {m} :: alternative form of acuponcteur
acupunctrice {f} :: alternative form of acuponctrice
acupuncture {f} :: acupuncture
acupuncturer {v} :: to acupuncture
acut {adj} [obsolete or typography] :: acute
acutangle {adj} [geometry] :: acute, acute-angled
acutangulaire {adj} :: acutangular
acutangulé {adj} [botany] :: acute-angled
acyanophile {adj} :: acyanophilous
acyclique {adj} :: acyclic (not cyclic)
acyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: acyl
acyler {v} [organic chemistry] :: To acylate
acylglycérol {m} [organic chemistry] :: acylglycerol
acyloïne {m} [organic chemistry] :: acyloin
ada {m} :: tyrant (bird)
adactyle {adj} :: adactyl. adactylous
adage {m} :: adage
adagio {adv} [music] :: adagio
adagio {m} [music] :: adagio
Adam {prop} :: Adam (biblical figure)
Adam {prop} :: given name
adamantin {adj} :: adamantine
adamantinome {f} [pathology] :: adamantinoma
adamien {adj} :: Adamite
adamien {m} :: Adamite
adamique {adj} :: Adamic
adamisme {m} :: Adamism
adamite {adj} :: adamite, Adamite
adamite {mf} :: Adamite
adamite {f} [mineral] :: adamite
Adanet {prop} {m} :: surname derived from a medieval diminutive of Adam
adaptabilité {f} :: adaptability
adaptable {adj} :: adaptable (capable of adapting or being adapted)
adaptateur {m} :: adapter (all senses); adaptor
adaptateur {adj} :: adapting
adaptatif {adj} :: adaptative
adaptation {f} :: adaptation (all senses)
adaptationnel {adj} :: adaptional (relating to adaptation)
adaptatrice {f} :: feminine noun of adaptateur
adapté {m} [object-oriented] :: adaptee
adapter {vt} :: to adapt
adapter {vr} [s'adapter] :: to adapt oneself or itself
adaptif {adj} :: adaptive
à d'autres {interj} [colloquial] :: tell it to the marines! my eye! pull the other one!
addict {m} :: addict
addicte {f} :: female equivalent of addict
addictif {adj} :: addictive (causing or tending to cause addiction; habit-forming)
addiction {f} :: addiction
addictivement {adv} [rare] :: addictively
addictogène {adj} :: addictogenic
addictologie {f} :: addictology
addictologique {adj} :: addictological
addictologue {mf} :: addictologist
Addis-Abeba {prop} :: Addis-Abeba (capital)
additif {m} :: additive (substance altering another substance)
additif {m} :: addendum
additif {adj} :: additive
addition {f} :: addition (act of adding; thing added; in arithmetic)
addition {f} :: bill [UK], check [US] [in a restaurant, etc]
additionnable {adj} :: summable
additionnel {adj} :: additional (supplemental or added to)
additionnellement {adv} :: additionally
additionner {v} :: to sum; to add (add together)
additionneur {m} [electronics, computing] :: adder
additivation {f} :: The addition of additives to a material
additivé {adj} :: Treated with an additive
additivité {f} [maths] :: additivity
adducteur {m} [anatomy] :: adductor
adductif {adj} :: adductive
adduction {f} :: adduction (all senses)
adduit {m} [chemistry] :: adduct
-ade {suffix} :: Used to form collectives
-ade {suffix} :: Indicating a dish or recipe
-ade {suffix} :: Indicating a drink made from a given fruit
-ade {suffix} :: Used to form nouns denoting action, or a person performing said action
à découvert {prep} :: in the open, exposed, defenceless
à découvert {prep} :: in the red, overdrawn
à défaut de {prep} :: for want of
Adélaïde {prop} :: Adélaïde (caplc)
Adélaïde {prop} :: given name
adèle {f} :: fairy longhorn moth (of the genus Adela)
Adèle {prop} :: given name
Adélie {prop} {f} :: given name
Adélie {prop} {f} :: Adélie Land (Antarctic)
Adeline {prop} {f} :: given name
adélopode {adj} :: adelopode
adelphe {mf} [, uncommon] :: A sibling
adelphique {adj} :: adelphic
à demain {phrase} :: see you tomorrow
à demi-mot {adv} :: half, in a way that is hinted at
adénine {f} :: adenine
adénite {f} [pathology] :: adenitis
adéno- {prefix} :: adeno-
adénoassocié {adj} :: adenoassociated
adénocarcinome {m} [pathology] :: adenocarcinoma
adénogramme {m} :: adenogram
adénographie {f} :: adenography
adénographique {adj} :: adenographic
adénoïde {adj} :: adenoid
adénoïde {adj} :: glandular
adénoïdectomie {f} [surgery] :: adenoidectomy
adénomateux {adj} [pathology] :: adenomatous
adénomatose {f} [pathology] :: adenomatosis
adénome {m} [medicine] :: adenoma
adénopathie {f} [pathology] :: adenopathy
adénosine {f} [organic compound] :: adenosine
adénosyl {m} [biochemistry] :: adenosyl
Adenot {prop} {m} :: surname based on a medieval diminutive of Adam
adénoviral {adj} :: adenoviral
adénovirus {m} :: adenovirus
adens {adv} [obsolete] :: prone (literally, with the teeth on the ground)
adent {m} :: joggle
adénylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: adenylic
adéphage {adj} :: adephagous
adepte {adj} :: adept, capable, adroit
adepte {mf} :: expert, person who is adept
adéquat {adj} :: suitable, appropriate, adequate
adéquatement {adv} :: adequately
adéquation {f} :: appropriateness, conformity, adequacy
adéquiste {mf} [Canadian politics] :: a member of Action démocratique du Québec
adéquiste {adj} [Canadian politics] :: pertaining to Action démocratique du Québec
adermine {f} :: synonym of pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
à dessein {adv} [formal] :: purposely, deliberately, intentionally, on purpose
adessif {m} [grammar] :: adessive, adessive case
à deux balles {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: cheap, tasteless
à deux doigts {adv} :: [usually ~ de] within spitting distance, by a hair's breadth
à deux pas {adv} [figuratively] :: a stone's throw away, nearby, around the corner (at a short distance)
à deux vitesses {adj} [derogatory] :: two-tier, discriminatory, unequal, inegalitarian, double-standard [attributive]
adextré {adj} [heraldry] :: dexter
adhærer {v} :: obsolete form of adhérer
adhæsion {f} :: obsolete form of adhésion
adhérence {f} :: adhesion
adhérence {f} :: adherence
adhérent {adj} :: adherent (adhering to something)
adhérent {m} :: adherent (a person who has membership in some group)
adhérente {f} :: feminine noun of adhérent
adhérer {v} :: to adhere; to stick to (rules, regulations)
adhérer {v} [of a person] :: to belong to; to be part of; to be a member of
adhésif {adj} :: adhesive
adhésif {m} :: adhesive
adhésine {f} [biochemistry] :: adhesin
adhésion {f} :: adhesion, adherence
adhésion {f} :: subscription
adhésivé {adj} :: adherent
adhésivé {adj} :: made adhesive
adhésivement {adv} :: adhesively
adhésivité {f} :: adhesivity
adiabatie {f} [physics] :: synonym of adiabatisme
adiabatique {adj} [physics] :: adiabatic
adiabatiquement {adv} :: adiabatically
adiabatisme {m} [physics] :: adiabaticity
Adiabène {prop} {f} :: Adiabene
adiabénien {adj} :: Adiabenian
adiaphane {adj} :: opaque, non-transparent, non-diaphanous
adiaphorèse {f} :: adiaphoresis
adieu {interj} :: farewell, adieu
adieu {interj} [Canada, Louisiana French] :: goodbye, see you soon
adieu {interj} [Southern France] :: hello
adieu {interj} [Switzerland] :: hello, goodbye
adieu {m} :: farewell
à Dieu ne plaise {interj} :: God forbid
adipeux {adj} [anatomy] :: adipose
adipique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: adipic
adipolyse {f} :: adipolysis
adiponitrile {m} [organic compound] :: adiponitrile
adipopexie {f} [physiology] :: adipopexis
adipose {f} :: adiposis
adiposité {f} :: adiposity
adiposogénital {adj} [anatomy] :: adiposogenital
adipsie {f} :: adipsia
-adique {suffix} [maths] :: -adic
adique {adj} [maths] :: adic
adirer {v} :: To lose, misplace
à dire vrai {adv} :: alternative form of à vrai dire
adive {m} :: adive
a divinis {adj} :: canonical suspense
adja {f} [slang] :: A word used only in certain set phrases (see below)
adjacent {adj} :: adjacent
adjectif {adj} :: adjective
adjectif {m} :: adjective
adjectif possessif {m} :: A possessive adjective, adjective serving as possessive determiner
adjectival {adj} :: adjectival
adjectivalement {adv} :: adjectivally
adjectivateur {adj} :: adjectivizing
adjectivation {f} [linguistics] :: adjectivization
adjectivement {adv} :: adjectivally
adjectiver {v} :: to adjectivize
adjectivisation {f} [uncommon] :: synonym of adjectivation
adjoindre {v} :: to adjoin
adjoindre {vr} :: to join up
adjoint {m} :: deputy, assistant
adjoint {m} [linguistics] :: adjunct
adjointe {f} :: deputy, assistant
adjonction {f} :: addition, attachment
adjudant {m} [military] :: adjutant; warrant officer
adjudant-chef {m} :: sergeant major
adjudante {f} :: female equivalent of adjudant
adjudicataire {mf} :: a winning bidder or tenderer
adjudicateur {m} :: seller (at an auction)
adjudicateur {m} :: awarder (of a contract)
adjudicateur {m} :: adjudicator
adjudicatif {adj} :: adjudicating
adjudicatif {adj} :: adjudicative
adjudication {f} :: adjudication
adjudicatrice {f} :: female equivalent of adjudicateur
adjuger {v} :: to auction
adjuger {v} :: to adjudicate
adjuger {vp} [s'adjuger] :: to take (all for oneself), to grant (oneself) the prerogative to
adjuration {f} :: adjuration
adjurer {v} :: to implore
adjutant {m} [military] :: warrant officer class 1, warrant officer
adjuvant {adj} :: adjuvant
adjuvant {m} :: adjuvant
adjuvat {m} :: adjutant (assistant)
adlérisme {m} :: The psychology and psychotherapy theories of Alfred Adler
admettre {v} :: to admit, to accept, to recognize
admettre {v} :: to admit (into), to accept (into) (a hospital or a university)
adminicule {m} :: aid, auxiliary, assistant
administrable {adj} :: administrable
administrateur {m} :: administrator
administrateur de bases de données {m} [database] :: database administrator
administratif {adj} :: administrative
administration {f} :: management (administration; the process or practice of managing)
administrativement {adv} :: administratively
administratrice {f} :: feminine noun of administrateur
administratrice de bases de données {f} :: feminine singular of administrateur de bases de données
administré {m} :: citizen, from the point of view of their ruler or ruling administration; a constituent
administrer {v} :: to administer
admirable {adj} :: admirable
admirablement {adv} :: admirably
admirateur {m} :: admirer
admirateur secret {m} :: secret admirer
admiratif {adj} :: admiring (tending to admire)
admiration {f} :: admiration
admirativement {adv} :: admiringly
admiratrice {f} :: feminine noun of admirateur
admirer {v} :: to admire
admissibilité {f} :: admissibility
admissible {adj} :: admissible, acceptable
admission {f} :: admission (act of admitting; state of being admitted)
admittance {f} [physics] :: admittance
admittatur {m} :: admittatur
admixtion {f} :: admixture
admonestation {f} :: admonition
admonester {vt} :: to admonish; to reprimand
admonition {f} :: an admonition, a warning
ADN {m} [biology, genetics] :: initialism of acide désoxyribonucléique
adné {adj} :: adnate (linked or fused)
adnominal {adj} [grammar] :: adnominal
ado {mf} [colloquial] :: teen, teenager
adobe {m} :: adobe
adogmatique {adj} :: adogmatic
adolescence {f} :: adolescence
adolescent {adj} :: adolescent
adolescent {m} :: adolescent
Adolphe {prop} {m} :: given name
adonc {adv} [literary] :: so; thus
adonide {m} :: pheasant's eye (plant)
adonien {adj} :: Adonic
adonique {adj} :: Adonic
adoniser {v} :: to adonise
adonner {vp} :: to devote oneself
adoptable {adj} :: adoptable
adoptant {adj} :: adopting
adopté {m} :: A male adoptee
adoptée {f} :: A girl or woman who was adopted. A female adoptee
adopter {v} :: to adopt (claim legal ownership of a child)
adopter {v} :: to adopt (claim ownership of a child)
adopter {v} :: to adopt (claim a mannerism or style of someone else's)
adopter {v} [politics] :: to vote
adoptianisme {m} :: adoptionism
adoptianiste {adj} :: adoptionist
adoptif {adj} :: adoptive, by or relating to adoption
adoption {f} :: adoption
adorable {adj} :: adorable
adorablement {adv} :: adorably
adorateur {m} [religion] :: worshipper
adoratif {adj} :: adorative
adoration {f} :: adoration
adoration {f} [religion] :: adoration
adoratrice {f} [religion] :: worshipper
adorer {v} :: to love, to adore
adorer {v} [religion] :: to worship
à dormir debout {adj} [colloquial] :: ludicrous, far-fetched
adorner {v} [literary or dated] :: to adorn; to decorate
ados {m} :: A sloping mound of earth, against a wall, used for sowing
adossement {m} :: backing
adosser {vt} :: to back up (put someone's back (against))
adosser {vr} :: to lean (back)
adosser {vr} :: to back up (put one's back against something)
adoubement {m} :: dubbing; conferral of knighthood
adouber {v} :: to dub (bestow the title of knight upon)
adouber {v} :: to name (a minister, successor etc.)
adouber {v} :: to adjust a piece in a board game, such as chess or backgammon
à double tour {adv} :: with two turns of the key
à double tranchant {adj} :: double-edged
adoucir {v} :: to make mild
adoucir {v} :: to sweeten
adoucir {v} :: to soften
adoucir {v} [figuratively, by extension] :: to appease
adoucir {vr} [s'adoucir] :: to become milder
adoucissage {m} :: sweetening
adoucissage {m} :: softening
adoucissant {adj} :: mild, balmy
adoucissant {adj} :: softening
adoucissant {m} :: demulcent
adoucissant {m} :: fabric softener
adoucissement {m} :: sweetening, mellowing, softening
adoucisseur {m} :: water softener
adpositionnel {adj} [grammar] :: adpositional
ADQ {prop} [Canadian politics] :: Action démocratique du Québec - a political party in Québec
adragant {m} :: tragacanth (gum)
adragante {f} :: alternative form of adragant
adrénaline {f} :: adrenaline, epinephrine
adrénergique {adj} :: adrenergic
adrénocorticotrope {adj} :: adrenocorticotropic‎
adressage {m} :: addressing (all senses)
adresse {f} :: address (the description of a location)
adresse {f} :: skill, adroitness
adresse IP {f} [Internet] :: IP address
adresser {vt} :: to direct
adresser {vr} [with à] :: to address
adresser la parole {v} [à] :: to speak to, to talk to, to address, to accost (someone)
adret {m} [geography, Alps] :: sun-facing side of a mountain
adrézarach {m} :: alternative form of azédarac
adriatique {adj} :: Adriatic (attributive)
Adriatique {prop} {f} :: Adriatic
Adrien {prop} :: given name
Adrienne {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Adrien
adroit {adj} :: skilful, apt, skilled (possessing skill, skilled)
à droite {prep} :: on the right; to the right
adroitement {adv} :: adroitly, skilfully
adscrit {adj} :: adscript (written next to another character)
adsorbant {m} :: adsorbent
adsorbé {adj} :: adsorbed
adsorber {v} :: to adsorb
adsorbeur {m} :: adsorber
adsorboluminescence {f} [physics] :: adsorboluminescence
adsorption {f} :: adsorption
adstrat {m} [linguistics] :: adstratum
adualiste {adj} :: without duality
adulaire {f} [mineral] :: adularia
adulateur {m} :: adulator
adulation {f} :: adulation
adulatoire {adj} :: adulatory
adulatrice {f} :: feminine noun of adulateur
aduler {v} :: to adulate
adulescent {m} [colloquial] :: a kidult
adulte {adj} :: adult
adulte {mf} :: adult
adultération {f} :: adulteration
adultère {adj} :: adulterous
adultère {mf} :: adulterer
adultère {m} :: adultery (sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than their spouse)
adultérer {vt} [obsolete] :: to falsify, to fake
adultérin {adj} :: adulterine, born out of adultery
adultisme {m} :: adultism
adustion {f} [medicine] :: cauterization
advection {f} [earth science, chemistry] :: advection
advenable {adj} :: happenable
advenir {v} [impersonal, defective, literary or poetic] :: to happen; to occur
adventice {adj} :: adventitious
adventice {adj} [botany] :: self-propagating
adventice {f} :: weed (unwanted plant)
adventif {adj} :: adventitious
adventiste {mf} [religion] :: Adventist
adverbal {adj} [grammar] :: adverbial
adverbe {m} [grammar] :: adverb
adverbial {adj} :: adverbial
adverbialement {adv} :: adverbially
advers {adj} :: adverse
adversaire {mf} :: adversary, opponent, opposition, antagonist
adversatif {adj} [grammar] :: adversative
adversativement {adv} :: adversatively
adverse {adj} :: adverse
adversité {f} :: adversity
advertir {v} :: obsolete spelling of avertir
advertissement {m} :: obsolete spelling of avertissement
advienne que pourra {adv} :: come what may
adynamie {f} [pathology] :: adynamia
adynamique {adj} :: adynamic
æ {letter} :: Ligature of the letters a and e
aède {m} :: bard, aoidos
ædification {f} :: obsolete form of édification
ædifice {m} :: obsolete form of édifice
ædifier {v} :: obsolete form of édifier
ædile {m} :: obsolete form of édile
aegagropile {mf} :: hairball, furball
ægalement {adv} :: obsolete form of également
aegirine {f} [mineral] :: aegirine
ægophonie {f} :: obsolete form of égophonie
ægophonique {adj} :: obsolete form of égophonique
aegosome {m} :: A type of long-horned beetle (of the genus Aegosoma)
Ægypte {prop} :: obsolete form of Egypte
Ægyptien {m} :: obsolete form of Égyptien
Ægyptienne {f} :: feminine noun of Ægyptien
AELE {prop} {f} :: initialism of Association européenne de libre-échange (the European Free Trade Association, EFTA)
æmulateur {m} :: obsolete form of émulateur
æmulation {f} :: obsolete form of émulation
à en croire {prep} :: if (someone) were to be believed, according to (someone)
ænigmatiquement {adv} :: obsolete form of énigmatiquement
ænigme {mf} :: obsolete form of énigme
Æolie {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Éolie
æolien {adj} :: obsolete form of éolien
æon {m} :: obsolete form of éon
æquanimité {f} :: obsolete form of équanimité
æquateur {m} :: obsolete form of équateur
æquation {f} :: obsolete form of équation
æquilateral {adj} :: obsolete form of équilatéral
æquilibre {m} :: obsolete form of équilibre
æquinoxe {m} :: obsolete form of équinoxe
æquitable {adj} :: obsolete form of équitable
æquité {f} :: obsolete form of équité
aérable {adj} :: aeratable
aérateur {m} :: aerator
aérateur {m} :: ventilator
aération {f} :: Ventilation; airing out (of a space)
aéraulique {adj} :: aeraulic
aéré {adj} :: (well-)ventilated, airy
ære {f} :: obsolete form of ère
aérer {v} :: to air, to aerate
aerhydrique {adj} :: aerohydrous
aéricole {adj} [biology] :: aerophytic, epiphytic
aérien {adj} :: aerial (of, or in, the air)
aérien {adj} [attributive] :: air
aériennement {adv} :: aerially
aériennement {adv} :: in the air
aérifère {adj} [biology] :: aeriferous
aérification {f} :: aerification
aérifier {v} :: To aerify
aériforme {adj} :: aeriform
aériser {v} :: synonym of aérifier
aérium {m} :: sanatorium (that employs fresh air)
aéro- {prefix} :: aero-
aéro {m} :: clipping of aéroplane
aéro {f} :: clipping of aérodynamique
aérobase {f} [military] :: An early form of airport
aérobic {m} [sports] :: aerobics
aérobie {adj} :: aerobic (of or relating to aerobics)
aérobie {adj} [biology] :: aerobic
aérobiologie {f} [aerobiology] :: aerobiology
aérobiologique {adj} :: aerobiological
aérobique {adj} :: aerobic
aérobiquement {adv} :: aerobically
aérocellulaire {adj} :: aerocellular
aérochimique {adj} [chemistry] :: aerochemical
aéroclasseur {m} :: cyclone separator
aéro-club {m} :: alternative form of aéroclub
aéroclub {m} :: aero club, flying club
aérodrome {m} :: aerodrome
aérodynamicien {m} :: aerodynamicist
aérodynamicienne {f} :: feminine singular of aérodynamicien
aérodynamique {adj} :: aerodynamic
aérodynamique {f} :: aerodynamics (the science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases)
aérodynamiquement {adv} :: aerodynamically
aérodynamisme {m} :: aerodynamism
aérodyne {m} :: aerodyne (heavier-than-air aircraft)
aéroélasticité {f} :: aeroelasticity
aéroélastique {adj} :: aeroelastic
aérogare {f} :: airport terminal
aérogel {m} :: aerogel
aéroglisseur {m} :: hovercraft
aérogramme {m} :: aerogram
aérographe {m} :: airbrush
aérolargué {adj} :: airdropped
aérolite {m} :: alternative form of aérolithe
aérolithe {m} :: aerolite
aérolithique {adj} :: aerolithic, aerolitic
aérologie {f} :: aerology (branch of meteorology)
aéromancie {f} :: aeromancy
aéromancien {m} :: One who practises aeromancy; aeromancer
aéromantique {adj} :: aeromantic
aéromètre {m} :: aerometer
aérométrique {adj} :: aerometric
aéromodélisme {m} :: aeromodelling
aéromodéliste {mf} :: aeromodeller
aéronaute {mf} :: aeronaut
aéronautique {adj} :: aeronautic, aeronautical
aéronaval {adj} :: aeronaval
aéronef {m} :: aircraft (machine capable of atmospheric flight)
aéronef {m} :: spaceship
aéronien {adj} [geology] :: Aeronian (attributive)
Aéronien {m} [geology] :: Aeronian
aéronomie {f} :: aeronomy
aéropalynologie {f} :: aeropalynology
aérophagie {f} [medicine] :: aerophagy
aérophane {m} :: aerophane
aérophile {adj} [biology] :: aerophilic
aérophile {m} [biology] :: aerophile
aérophobe {adj} :: aerophobic
aérophone {m} :: aerophone
aérophore {m} :: aerophore
aérophyte {adj} :: aerophytic
aérophyte {f} :: aerophyte
aéroplane {m} [dated] :: aeroplane
aéroport {m} :: airport (place, company managing such a place)
aéroporté {adj} :: airlifted, transported by air
aéroportuaire {adj} :: airport (attributive use)
aéropostal {adj} :: airmail (attributive)
aéroréfrigérant {m} :: dry cooler, cooling tower
aéroscope {m} :: aeroscope
aérosol {m} :: aerosol
aérosolisé {adj} :: aerosolized
aérospatial {adj} :: aerospace; aerospatial
aérostat {m} :: aerostat
aérostathonion {m} [obsolete, meteorology] :: An early weather station (combined thermometer and barometer)
aérostatier {m} :: aerostat pilot, balloonist
aérostation {f} :: ballooning
aérostatique {adj} :: aerostatic
aérostier {m} :: alternative form of aérostatier
aérotechnique {f} :: aerotechnics, aeronautics
aérotechnique {adj} :: aerotechnic, aeronautic
aérotolérant {adj} [biology] :: aerotolerant
aérotrain {m} :: aerotrain, hovertrain
ærugineux {adj} :: obsolete form of érugineux
aeschne {mf} :: hawker (dragonfly of the genus Aeshna)
æschynite {f} [archaic] :: aeschynite
Æsope {prop} {m} :: obsolete form of Ésope
æsthésie {f} :: obsolete form of esthésie
æsthésiomètre {m} :: obsolete form of esthésiomètre
æsthétique {adj} :: obsolete form of esthétique
æsthétique {f} :: obsolete form of esthétique
æsthétiquement {adv} :: obsolete form of esthétiquement
æstimation {f} :: obsolete form of estimation
æstimer {v} :: obsolete form of estimer
æternel {adj} :: obsolete form of éternel
æternité {f} :: obsolete form of éternité
æthéré {adj} :: obsolete form of éthéré
æthiologie {f} [hypercorrect] :: obsolete form of étiologie
Æthiopie {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Éthiopie
Æthiopienne {f} :: feminine singular of Æthiopien
aethusa {f} :: fool's parsley (plant of the genus Aethusa)
aetiologie {f} :: alternative form of étiologie
ætiologie {f} :: obsolete form of étiologie
ætiologique {adj} :: obsolete form of étiologique
Ætolie {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Étolie
AEUMC {prop} :: USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) abbreviation of Accord États-Unis-Mexique-Canada
AÉUMC {prop} :: alternative form of AEUMC
à faire peur {adv} :: extremely
afar {m} :: Afar (language)
afar {adj} :: Related to the Afar people
Afar {prop} :: A member of the Afar people
à fendre l'âme {adj} :: heartbreaking, heartrending, heart-splitting, heartwrenching
affabilité {f} :: affability
affable {adj} :: affable, amicable, sociable
affablement {adv} :: affably
affabulateur {m} :: inveterate storyteller
affabulation {f} :: fantasy, invention
affabulatoire {adj} :: affabulatory
affabulatrice {f} :: female equivalent of affabulateur
affabuler {v} :: to make up stories, to tell a fable
affacturage {m} [finance] :: factoring
affacturer {v} :: To factor
affadir {vt} :: to make tasteless, insipid or bland
affadissant {adj} :: fading
affadissement {m} :: blandness
affaiblir {vt} :: to weaken, to flag, to make weaker, to enfeeble, enervate, attenuate
affaiblir {vr} :: to weaken [to become weaker]
affaiblissement {m} :: weakening
affaire {f} :: affair, business
affaire {f} :: deal
affaire {f} [colloquial] :: (usually used in the plural) belonging (something physical that is owned)
affaire {f} [colloquial] :: things; stuff
affaire {f} [Quebec, colloquial] :: thingamajig
affaire {f} [colloquial, Louisiana French] :: thing
affairé {adj} :: busy
affaire de cœur {f} [idiomatic] :: a love affair
affairement {m} :: bustle, hustle and bustle (an excited activity; a stir)
affairer {vi} [rare] :: to absorb
affairer {vr} :: to busy oneself
affaires étrangères {fp} [politics] :: foreign affairs (policy)
affairisme {m} :: racketeering
affairiste {mf} :: wheeler-dealer
affairiste {mf} :: racketeer
affaissement {m} :: collapse, cave-in
affaissement {m} :: subsidence
affaisser {vt} :: to cause to subside
affaisser {vr} :: to subside, go down, sink
affaisser {vr} :: to cave in, sag, give way, collapse
affaisser {vr} :: to ebb, weaken
affaitage {m} :: hacking (training a falcon/hawk)
affaitement {m} :: synonym of affaitage
affaiter {v} :: to hack (train a hawk/falcon)
affaiteur {m} :: hacker (person who trains a hawk)
affaiteuse {f} :: feminine singular of affaiteur
affalable {adj} [nautical, of sails] :: lowerable
affalé {adj} :: sprawling, slouching
affalement {m} [nautical] :: lowering (of a mast etc)
affaler {v} [nautical, of sails] :: to lower, let down
affaler {vr} :: to slump, slouch, plop down
affamé {adj} :: hungry
affamer {vt} :: to starve
affameur {m} :: starver
affameur {m} :: exploiter
affameuse {f} :: feminine singular of affameur
affaneur {m} [obsolete] :: journeyman (day labourer)
afféager {v} :: to enfeoff
affect {m} [psychology, philosophy] :: affect; emotion
affectable {adj} :: affectable
affectataire {m} :: assignee
affectataire {m} :: beneficiary
affectation {f} :: allocation, allotment
affectation {f} :: assignment
affectation {f} :: posting
affectation {f} :: affectation
affecter {vt} :: to feign, affect [an emotion, etc.]
affecter {vt} :: to allocate (something), assign (someone) (à (to))
affecter {vt} :: to affect, influence
affectif {adj} :: emotional, affective
affection {f} :: affection, love, fondness
affection {f} :: medical condition, complaint, disease
affectionnément {adv} [dated, rare] :: affectionately
affectionner {v} :: to affectionate, to feel affection for, to be fond of
affectivement {adv} :: affectionately
affectivement {adv} :: softly
affectivité {f} :: affectivity
affectuel {adj} :: affectual
affectueusement {adv} :: affectionately
affectueux {adj} :: affectionate; caring
affenage {m} :: grazing, pasturing of cattle etc
affener {v} :: To graze, pasture cattle
affenpinscher {m} :: affenpinscher
afférent {adj} :: [~ à] relative (to), pertaining (to)
afférent {adj} [biology] :: afferent, carrying
affermable {adj} :: leasable
affermage {m} :: tenant farming
affermage {m} [by extension] :: rent paid by a tenant farmer
affermage {m} :: leasing of advertising space
affermer {v} :: to have a leasehold
affermir {v} :: to firm up
affermir {v} :: to strengthen
affermir {v} :: to make firmer
affermir {vr} :: to become firmer, sharper or stronger
affermir {vr} :: to firm up
affermissement {m} :: consolidation
affété {adj} :: affected, stilted
afféterie {f} :: affectation
affetto {adv} [music] :: gracefully
affetto {adv} [music] :: tenderly, softly
affettuoso {adv} [music] :: in a loving, tender way
affichable {adj} :: displayable
affichage {m} :: billboarding, using a billboard
affichage {m} [computing] :: display
affiche {f} :: poster
affiche {f} :: placard
affiche {f} :: sign
afficher {vt} :: to put up (a notice etc)
afficher {vt} :: to display
afficher {vt} :: to show
afficher {vt} :: to flaunt
affichette {f} :: a small poster or flyer
afficheur {m} :: bill sticker
afficheur {m} [computing] :: display
afficheur à cristaux liquides {m} :: liquid crystal display
afficheuse {f} :: feminine singular of afficheur
affichiste {mf} :: poster designer
afficionado {m} :: alternative spelling of aficionado
affidavit {m} :: affidavit
affidé {adj} :: trustworthy
affilage {m} :: sharpening
affilé {adj} :: sharp
affiler {v} :: to sharpen (to make sharp)
affileur {m} :: sharpener
affileuse {f} :: feminine singular of affileur
affiliation {f} :: affiliation
affilier {v} :: to affiliate
affiloir {m} :: sharpener (device)
affin {adj} :: affine (all senses)
affinage {m} :: affinage
affinage {m} [metallurgy] :: refining
affiné {adj} :: purifying, refining
affinement {m} :: refinement
affiner {v} :: to purify
affiner {v} :: to refine
affiner {v} :: to make finer
affinerie {f} :: refinery (especially a place where metal is purified)
affineur {m} :: One who refines; refiner
affineur {m} :: One who ages cheese and purveys it
affineuse {f} :: feminine noun of affineur
affinitaire {adj} :: affinitive
affinitaire {adj} :: peer (attributive)
affinité {f} :: affinity (a family relationship through marriage of a relative)
affinité {f} [chemistry] :: affinity
affinité élective {f} [sociology, philosophy] :: elective affinity
affiquet {m} :: bauble
affirmateur {adj} :: affirming, affirmative
affirmatif {adj} :: affirmative (which affirms)
affirmatif {interj} :: affirmative
affirmation {f} :: affirmation
affirmativement {adv} :: affirmatively
affirmer {v} :: to affirm, to claim
affixal {adj} :: affixal
affixe {m} [linguistics] :: affix
affixer {v} [grammar] :: to affix
affleurant {adj} :: surfacing
affleurement {m} :: outcrop
affleurer {v} :: to place on the same level with, to show on the same surface
affleurer {v} [figuratively] :: to crop up, to surface, to poke one's head out
afflictif {adj} :: afflictive
affliction {f} [countable and uncountable] :: affliction
affligeant {adj} :: distressing, saddening
affligeant {adj} :: aggrieved
affliger {v} :: to grieve, distress
affliger {v} [literary] :: to smite (de with)
afflouage {m} :: refloating
afflouer {v} :: alternative form of renflouer
affluence {f} :: crowds
affluence {f} :: abundance
affluent {adj} :: tributary
affluent {m} :: tributary; affluent
affluer {vi} :: to flow (into) (said of rivers)
affluer {vi} :: to pour (in), to come in droves (said of people, things)
afflux {m} [physics] :: influx (inward flow)
afflux {m} [medicine] :: afflux
affolant {adj} :: scary
affolement {m} :: panic, terror
affolement {m} :: insanity, craziness, lunacy
affoler {vt} :: to madden, drive crazy (under the effects of a strong emotion)
affoler {vt} :: to terrify, frighten, scare
affoler {vi} :: to run like crazy, leg it
affoler {vr} :: to go crazy, go bonkers
affoler {vr} [colloquial] :: to hurry up, to make haste
affordant {adj} :: affordant
afforder {v} [Louisiana French] :: to afford
afforester {v} :: To afforest (grant the right to hunt in a forest)
affouage {m} :: A right to gather wood from common land
affouche {m} [chiefly Mauritius, Réunion] :: any of various species of Ficus native to the Mascarene Islands
affouillable {adj} :: diggable, tillable
affouillement {m} :: scouring (by running water)
affouiller {v} :: synonym of creuser
affouragement {m} :: foddering
affourager {v} :: to fodder
affourcher {v} [nautuical] :: to anchor using the "forked moor" technique
affourcher {v} :: to straddle
affourcher {v} :: to attach pieces of wood using tongue and groove
affranchi {m} :: freed (former) slave
affranchir {vt} :: to free, liberate, enfranchise, emancipate
affranchir {vt} :: to discharge, exempt
affranchir {vt} :: to prepay (postage), frank (a letter)
affranchir {vt} [slang] :: to pervert
affranchir {vt} [slang] :: to inform
affranchir {vr} :: to release or free oneself
affranchissement {m} :: franking, metering
affranchissement {m} :: manumission
affrèrement {m} [historical, religion] :: adelphopoiesis (a ceremony where two men are united with one another)
affres {fp} [plurale tantum] :: torment, torture, pain
affres {fp} [plurale tantum] :: throes
affrètement {m} :: affreightment
affréter {v} :: to charter (a plane)
affréteur {m} :: shipper
affreusement {adv} :: Dreadfully (in a dreadful manner), horribly
affreux {adj} :: frightful, causing fear
affreux {adj} :: terrible, rubbish, awful
affreux {adj} :: repulsive
affriander {v} :: to improve the taste of; to make delicious
affriander {v} :: to tempt using something tasty or profitable
affriolant {adj} :: alluring, enticing
affrioler {v} :: to tempt
affrioler {v} :: to entice
affrioler {v} :: to seduce
affriqué {adj} :: affricative
affriquée {f} [phonetics] :: affricate
affriquer {v} [linguistics] :: To affricate
affriter {v} :: to condition a frying pan (etc) before its first use by heating with some fat
affront {m} :: affront, insult, snub
affrontable {adj} :: confrontable
affrontement {m} :: confrontation, encounter
affronter {v} :: to confront, face
affronter {vr} :: to face off, to clash
affruiter {v} [botany, of a plant] :: to fruit
affublement {m} [archaic] :: attire; apparel
affubler {vt} [with de] :: to deck out (somebody in), to equip (someone with)
affubler {vr} :: to deck out oneself, to equip oneself
affubler {vr} :: to take on the surname of
affurer {v} :: to win
affurer {v} :: to profit
affurer {v} :: to steal
affusion {f} :: affusion
affût {m} :: gun carriage
affût {m} :: mount, tripod
affût {m} [hunting] :: hide, blind (a spot where hunters hide and await their game)
affût {m} :: hunting from a blind
affûtage {m} :: sharpening, whetting
affuter {v} :: alternative spelling of affûter
affûter {vt} :: to sharpen; to whet (e.g. a tool)
affûter {vt} :: to hone (a skill)
affûter {vt} [slang, rare] :: to eat
affûter {vt} [slang, rare] :: to dance
affûter {vt} [archaic, of a cannon] :: to mount on a gun carriage
affûteur {m} :: sharpener (person)
affûteuse {f} :: feminine singular of affûteux
affûtiau {m} :: a useless or worthless object, a trifle
afghan {adj} :: Afghan (pertaining to Afghanistan)
Afghan {adj} :: Afghan (person from Afghanistan)
Afghane {f} :: feminine noun of Afghan
Afghanistan {prop} {m} :: Afghanistan (country)
aficionado {m} :: aficionado (all senses)
afin {conj} :: to
afin {conj} :: so that
afin de {conj} :: in order to
afin que {conj} :: so that
afistoler {vt} :: To ornament or embellish
afistoler {v} [pronomial] :: To dress up
à fleur de peau {adj} :: on edge, raw, very sensitive, emotional
à flot {adj} :: afloat, buoyant
AFM {m} :: AFM (atomic force microscope) abbreviation of microscope à force atomique
AFM {f} :: AFM (atomic force microscopy) abbreviation of microscopie à force atomique
afocal {adj} :: afocal
à foison {prep} :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance
à fond {adv} :: right to the bottom
à fond {adv} [figuratively, often colloquial] :: all the way: totally; completely; entirely, throughout
à fond de balle {adv} [Belgium, colloquial] :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather
à fond de train {adv} [literary] :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather
à fond la caisse {adv} [colloquial] :: at full tilt, at full pelt, at full throttle, hell-for-leather (at full speed)
à fond les manettes {adv} [colloquial] :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather
à fonds perdu {prep} :: as a subsidy, being a performance without the expectation of consideration
à fonds perdus {prep} :: alternative spelling of à fonds perdu
à force de {prep} :: by repeated action of
à force de {prep} :: because of, thanks to, due to
a fortiori {adv} :: a fortiori
à fortiori {adv} :: alternative spelling of a fortiori
AFP {prop} [journalism, in France] :: initialism of Agence France-Presse
à franc étrier {adv} [literary] :: at full speed, hell-for-leather, flat out
africain {adj} :: African (of, or pertaining to Africa)
Africain {m} :: an African person
Africaine {f} :: feminine noun of Africain
africanisation {f} :: Africanization
africaniser {v} :: To Africanize
africanisme {m} :: Africanism
africanissime {adj} :: superlative of africain: Very or most African
africaniste {mf} :: Africanist
africanoïde {adj} :: Africanoid
afrikaans {m} :: Afrikaans (language)
afrikander {adj} :: synonym of afrikaner
afrikaner {adj} :: Boer
Afrique {prop} {f} :: Africa
Afrique du Sud {prop} {f} :: South Africa
Afrique noire {prop} {f} :: black Africa
afro- {prefix} :: afro-
afro {m} :: afro (hairstyle)
afro-américain {adj} :: Afro-American
afro-asiatique {adj} :: Afroasiatic
afroasiatique {adj} :: alternative form of afro-asiatique
afrocentrique {adj} :: Afrocentric
afrocentrisme {m} :: Afrocentrism
afrocolombien {adj} :: Afro-Colombian
afro-cubain {adj} :: Afro-Cuban
afroéquatorien {adj} :: Afro-Ecuadorian
Afro-Eurasie {prop} {f} :: Afro-Eurasia (supercontinent)
afroféministe {adj} :: Afrofeminist
à froid {prep} [figuratively] :: cold, without preparation, unawares
à froid {prep} [figuratively] :: in the cold light of day, with a clear head, calmly, cold, flat
afrophone {adj} :: Afrophone
afropolitain {adj} :: synonym of négropolitain
after-dinner {m} :: digestive (an alcoholic drink after a meal)
aga {m} :: aga, agha
agaçant {adj} :: annoying
agace {f} [dialectal, France, Belgium] :: magpie
agacement {m} :: annoyance, irritation
agacer {v} :: to irritate
agacer {v} :: to tease
agacerie {f} :: (especially in plural) teasing
agalactie {f} [pathology] :: agalactia
Agamemnon {prop} {m} :: Agamemnon
agamète {f} [biology] :: agamete
agami {m} :: agami
agamie {f} [biology] :: agamogenesis
aganit {adj} :: hungry
agape {f} [Christianity] :: agape
agar {m} :: synonym of agar-agar
agaric {m} :: agaric
agariciforme {adj} :: agariciform
agate {m} :: agate
agathachristien {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Agatha Christie or her detective novels
Agathe {prop} :: given name
agatifère {adj} :: agatiferous
agatifié {adj} :: agatized
agatiser {v} :: To agatize
à gauche {prep} :: on the left
à gauche {prep} :: to the left
agave {m} :: agave
agavé {m} :: agave
agavé {m} :: nacré de la filipendule (butterfly)
-age {suffix} :: Forming nouns with the sense of "action or result of Xing" or, more rarely, "action related to X"
-age {suffix} :: Forming nouns with the sense of "state of being (a) X"
-age {suffix} [rare] :: Forming collective nouns
age {m} :: beam (central bar of a plough)
age {m} :: shaft
âge {m} :: age
âgé {adj} :: old; elderly
âge adulte {m} :: majority (age from which one is considered an adult)
âge bête {m} :: awkward age, adolescence, puberty
âge d'or {m} [figuratively] :: golden age, golden years, golden era
âge du bronze {prop} {m} :: Bronze Age
âge du fer {prop} {m} :: Iron Age
âge ingrat {m} :: awkward age, adolescence, puberty
Agen {prop} :: Prefecture of Lot-et-Garonne
agençable {adj} :: arrangeable
agence {f} :: agency
agencé {adj} :: arranged
agencé {adj} :: prepared
agence de rencontres {f} :: dating agency
agence de voyages {f} :: travel agency
agencement {m} :: arrangement, layout
agencer {v} :: to arrange, to lay out, to piece together
agencer {v} [music] :: to arrange
agenceur {m} :: arranger
agenceuse {f} :: feminine singular of agenceur
agenda {m} :: organiser, appointment book, engagement book
agenda de ministre {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: a very busy schedule
agénésie {f} :: agenesis
agénésique {adj} :: agenesic
agenouillade {f} [rare] :: kneeling
agenouillé {adj} :: kneeling, in a kneeling position
agenouillement {m} :: kneeling
agenouiller {vr} [s'agenouiller] :: to kneel (down)
agenouilliste {adj} :: kneeling
agenouilloir {m} :: hassock
à genouillons {adv} [dated, Normandy] :: on one's knees
agenre {adj} :: genreless
agent {m} :: agent
agent double {m} :: double agent
agente provocatrice {f} :: feminine noun of agent provocateur
agent immobilier {m} :: estate agent, realtor
agent orange {m} :: Agent Orange
agent provocateur {m} :: agent provocateur; instigator, troublemaker
agent secret {m} :: secret agent
à géométrie variable {adj} :: variable-geometry [attributive]
à géométrie variable {adj} [derogatory] :: discriminatory, unequal, inegalitarian
agérate {m} :: ageratum
ageratum {m} :: ageratum
à gerber {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: vomitrocious, nauseating
Agésilas {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Agesilaus
ageustie {f} :: ageusia
Aggée {prop} {m} [bible] :: Haggai
aggiornamento {m} :: aggiornamento
agglo {m} [colloquial] :: conglomerate (in building trade)
agglomérat {m} [geology] :: agglomerate
agglomératif {adj} :: agglomerative
agglomération {f} :: agglomeration
agglomération {f} :: village, town, any built-up area
aggloméré {m} :: masonite
agglomérer {v} :: to agglomerate; fuse together
agglutinant {adj} :: agglutinative (sticky)
agglutinateur {adj} :: agglutinatory
agglutinatif {adj} :: agglutinative
agglutination {f} :: agglutination
agglutiner {vt} :: to paste (together)
agglutiner {vt} [linguistics] :: to agglutinate
agglutineux {adj} :: agglutinous
aggravant {adj} :: aggravating
aggravation {f} :: aggravation
aggravé {adj} :: aggravated
aggraver {v} :: to worsen (make worse)
agha {m} :: agha
agile {adj} :: nimble, agile (quick and light in movement or action)
agilement {adv} :: agilely, nimbly
agilité {f} :: agility
agio {m} :: exchange premium, agio
agiographie {f} :: obsolete spelling of hagiographie
agiologique {adj} :: alternative form of hagiologique
a giorno {adj} :: to produce a glow comparable to that of the day
a giorno {adv} :: to produce a glow comparable to that of the day
à giorno {adj} :: alternative spelling of a giorno
à giorno {adv} :: alternative spelling of a giorno
agiotage {m} :: agiotage
agiotage {m} :: speculation
agioter {v} :: to speculate (in the financial market)
agioteur {m} :: speculator (in the financial market)
agioteuse {f} :: feminine singular of agioteux
agir {vi} :: to act
agir {vi} :: to act, to do (something)
agir {vi} :: to act, behave
agir {vi} [followed by sur] :: to act on
agir {v} [legal, followed by contre] :: prosecute, sue
agir {vr} [impersonal, followed by de] :: to be, be all about, be a question of
agissant {adj} :: agitated
agissant {adj} :: active
agissement {m} [pejorative, usually in plural] :: doing, intrigue, scheme
agitateur {m} :: agitator
agitateuse {f} :: feminine noun of agitateur
agitation {f} :: choppiness (of water), turbulence (in air), swaying (of branch etc.)
agitation {f} :: restlessness
agitation {f} :: bustle (of street, room etc.); activity
agitation {f} :: (nervous) agitation
agitation {f} :: (social) unrest
agitato {m} [music] :: agitato
agitato {adv} [music] :: agitato
agitatrice {f} :: female equivalent of agitateur
agiter {v} :: to shake, to wave (to move back and forth)
agiter {v} :: to agitate
agitprop {f} :: agitprop
aglacissage {m} :: landing (touchdown) on ice and/or snow
aglacissage {m} :: landing on glassy (reflective) surface
aglosse {adj} :: aglossal
Aglukark {prop} {mf} :: surname
Aglukkaq {prop} {mf} :: surname
aglycone {m} [organic chemistry] :: aglycone
aglyphe {adj} [herpetology] :: [of teeth] lacking a channel for delivering poison
aglyphe {adj} [herpetology] :: non-venomous, aglyphous
aglyphe {m} [herpetology] :: an aglyphous reptile
agnat {m} :: agnate
agnathe {m} :: any member of the Agnatha superclass; agnathan
agnathe {adj} :: deprived of a jaw
agnatique {adj} :: agnatic
agneau {m} :: lamb (young sheep)
agneau {m} :: lamb (sheep meat)
agneau {m} :: lambskin
Agneau {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Lamb; i.e. Jesus
Agneau de Dieu {prop} {m} :: Lamb of God
agneau pascal {m} [Christianity] :: Paschal Lamb
agnelage {m} :: lambing
agneler {vi} [of a sheep] :: to lamb, to yean
agnelet {m} :: (small) lamb (animal)
agnelin {adj} :: lamb (attributive)
agnelin {adj} :: lambswool (attributive)
agneline {f} :: lambswool
agnelle {f} :: female lamb
Agnès {prop} {f} :: given name
agnier {adj} :: Mohawk (attributive)
Agniers {prop} :: Mohawks (Mohawk people)
agnosie {f} [medicine] :: agnosia
agnosticisme {m} :: agnosticism
agnostique {adj} :: agnostic
agnostique {mf} :: agnostic
agnotologie {f} :: agnotology
agnotologique {adj} :: agnotologic, agnotological
à gogo {adv} :: à gogo; in abundance, galore
agomphe {adj} :: agomphious
agonie {f} :: the moment just before death
agonique {adj} :: agonous, agonious
agonir {v} [slang] :: to throw (insults at), to spit (profanities at)
agonisant {adj} :: dying
agoniser {vi} :: to die slowly
agora {f} :: agora
agoranome {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] :: agoranome
agoraphobie {f} :: agoraphobia
agouti {m} :: agouti (rodent)
agrafage {m} :: stapling
agrafe {f} :: staple (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper)
agrafe {f} [on clothing] :: fastener, hook
agrafer {v} :: to staple (secure with a staple)
agrafeuse {f} :: stapler
agrainage {m} :: The feeding of wild animals by spreading grain
agraire {adj} :: agrarian, relating to land
agrairement {adv} :: agrarianly
agrammatical {adj} [grammar] :: ungrammatical
agrammatisme {m} [pathology] :: agrammatism
à grande échelle {adv} [idiom] :: on a large scale
à grande échelle {adj} :: large-scale
agrandir {vt} :: to enlarge, make bigger
agrandir {vt} :: to extend, to expand [a house, building, area]
agrandir {vr} :: to grow, get bigger
agrandir {v} :: to embiggen
agrandir {v} :: to aggrandize
agrandissable {adj} :: enlargeable
agrandissement {m} :: enlargement
agrandisseur {m} [photography] :: enlarger
agranditif {adj} :: aggrandising
à grand-peine {adv} :: with great difficulty
à grands pas {adv} [figuratively] :: fast, quickly
agranulocytose {f} [pathology] :: agranulocytosis
agraphie {f} :: agraphia
agrarien {adj} :: agrarian
agréable {adj} :: pleasurable, nice, pleasant, agreeable
agréablement {adv} :: pleasantly, nicely
agréer {v} [formal] :: to accept
agréer {v} [archaic] :: to prepare; rig; trim
agrég {f} :: the highest teaching diploma in France
agrégant {adj} :: aggregant
agrégant {m} :: aggregant
agrégat {m} :: aggregate
agrégateur {m} [computing] :: aggregator (feed reader)
agrégatif {adj} :: aggregative
agrégation {f} :: aggregation
agrégation {f} [education] :: a high-level competitive examination for the recruitment of teachers in France
agrégation {f} [object-oriented] :: aggregation
agréger {vr} :: to form into a greater entity, to aggregate
agréger {vr} [with à] :: to join
agrément {m} :: congeniality, amenity
agrément {m} :: approval (permission)
agrémenter {vt} :: to brighten up
agrémenter {vt} :: to liven up
agrémenter {vt} :: to supplement, adorn
agrès {mp} [nautical] :: rigging, gear [of a ship]
agrès {mp} [gymnastics] :: apparatus
agresser {vt} :: to assault; to attack
agresseur {m} :: aggressor
agresseuse {f} :: feminine noun of agresseur
agressif {adj} :: aggressive
agression {f} :: aggression
agressivement {adv} :: aggressively
agressivité {f} :: aggression, aggressiveness
agreste {adj} :: rustic
agrestement {adv} :: rustically
agri- {prefix} :: agri-
agricole {adj} :: agricultural
agricolement {adv} :: agriculturally
agriculteur {m} :: farmer (person who works the land or who keeps livestock)
agricultrice {f} :: feminine noun of agriculteur
agricultural {adj} :: agricultural
agriculturalement {adv} :: agriculturally
agriculture {f} :: agriculture
agriffer {v} :: to claw
agriffer {v} :: to grasp
agrile {m} :: jewel beetle, buprestid
agrile du frêne {m} :: Agrilus planipennis, emerald ash borer
agrimétrique {adj} :: agrimetric
agrion {m} :: agrion
agriote {m} :: click beetle
agripaume {f} :: motherwort
agripper {v} :: to grip, grab, cling on to, grab hold of
agrippeur {adj} :: gripping, clinging
agritourisme {m} :: agritourism
agrivoltaïque {adj} :: agrivoltaic
agro- {prefix} :: agro-
agro-alimentaire {adj} :: alternative form of agroalimentaire
agroalimentaire {adj} :: food and agriculture (attributive)
agrobiologie {f} :: agrobiology
agrobiologique {adj} :: agrobiological
agrochimie {f} [chemistry] :: agrochemistry
agrochimique {adj} :: agrochemical
agrochimiste {mf} :: agrochemist
agroécologique {adj} :: agroecological
agroécologiquement {adv} :: agroecologically
agroéconomique {adj} :: agroeconomic
agroécosystème {m} [ecology] :: agroecosystem
agroenvironnemental {adj} :: agro-environmental
agroforesterie {f} :: agroforestry
agroforestier {adj} :: agroforestry (attributive)
agroforestier {m} :: agroforester
agroindustriel {adj} :: agroindustrial
agrologie {f} :: agrology
agrologique {adj} :: agrological
agrométéorologie {f} :: agrometeorology
agrométéorologique {adj} :: agrometeorological
agronome {mf} :: agronomist
agronomie {f} :: agronomy
agronomique {adj} :: agronomic
agronomiquement {adv} :: agronomically
à gros flocons {adv} [of snow] :: heavily, in large flakes
agrostide {f} :: bent, agrostis
agrosystème {m} :: agrosystem (agricultural ecosystem)
agrotechnique {adj} :: agrotechnical
agrotechnique {f} :: agrotechnology
agrotourisme {m} :: alternative form of agritourisme
agrume {m} :: citrus (fruit)
agrumiculture {f} :: citrus farming
aguardiente {f} :: aguardiente
aguerri {adj} :: seasoned, hardened
aguerrir {v} :: to harden (become or make something resistant or less sensitive to)
aguerrissable {adj} :: hardenable
aguerrissement {m} :: hardening, toughening
aguet {m} [archaic or literary] :: lookout; observation post
aguet {m} :: watching; spying
agueusie {f} :: ageusia
agui {m} :: bowline (knot)
aguichant {adj} :: enticing
aguicher {vt} :: to entice
aguicheur {adj} :: alluring, enticing
aguille {f} :: obsolete spelling of aiguille (needle, or point of a needle)
aguimpé {adj} :: wimpled
agutaynen {m} :: Agutaynen (language)
agutaynen {adj} :: Agutaynen (attributive)
ah {interj} :: ah
ahan {m} :: pain due to manual labour
ahan {m} :: groan
ahanant {adj} :: panting
ahanement {m} :: grunt
ahaner {v} :: to pant due to exercise
à hauteur de {prep} :: of up to, amounting to, for a sum of
à haute voix {adv} :: alternative form of à voix haute
ah bon {interj} [colloquial] :: really? for real? is that so?
ahi {interj} :: ouch! (representing pain)
ahistorique {adj} :: alternative form of anhistorique
à hue et à dia {adv} :: in all directions; in opposite directions
à hue et à dia {adv} :: indiscriminately
à huis clos {phrase} [legal] :: in camera
à huis clos {phrase} :: behind closed doors
ahuri {adj} :: stunned, dumbfounded
ahurir {v} :: to astound, dumbfound, stun
ahurissamment {adv} :: astoundingly, dumbfoundingly
ahurissant {adj} :: astounding
ahurissement {m} :: stupefaction
-ai {suffix} :: A suffix denoting the first-person singular past historic indicative form of an -er verb
{m} :: ai (sloth)
Aicard {prop} :: surname
Aïcha {prop} {f} :: given name, widely used in Islamic North Africa
aiche {f} :: alternative form of esche
aicher {v} :: alternative form of escher
aïd {m} :: alternative form of Aïd
Aïd {m} [Islam] :: Eid
aidant {adj} :: helping
aidant {m} :: helper
aide {m} :: aide (person)
aide {f} :: help
aide-comptable {mf} :: assistant accountant
aide de camp {m} :: aide-de-camp, ADC
aide-mémoire {m} :: aide-mémoire, crib
aider {v} :: to help; to aid
aide-soignant {m} :: nursing auxiliary (UK), nurse's aide (US)
aide-soignante {f} :: nursing auxiliary (UK), nurse's aide (US)
aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera {proverb} :: heaven helps those who help themselves
-aie {suffix} :: used to form names of orchards or places where trees/plants are grown
AIE {f} :: abbreviation of arme à impulsion électrique
AIÉ {f} :: abbreviation of arme à impulsion électrique
aïe {interj} :: interjection expressing a sharp pain: ouch!
aïe {interj} :: interjection expressing worry: dang!; oh dear
-aient {suffix} :: A suffix denoting the third-person plural imperfect indicative form of a verb
aïeul {m} :: ancestor
aïeul {m} [by extension] :: grandfather
aïeul {m} [by extension] :: old man
aïeule {f} :: grandmother
aïeux {mp} :: ancestors, forefathers
aïeux {mp} :: all those who lived in a past age
aigle {m} :: eagle (any of a number of species of birds of prey)
aigle {m} [figuratively] :: a man of ingenuity and superior talent; a genius
aigle {f} :: a female eagle
aigle {f} [heraldiccharge] :: a representation an eagle; the eagle as a heraldic symbol
aigle des steppes {m} :: steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis)
aiglefin {m} :: alternative spelling of églefin
aiglet {m} :: aiglet
aiglet {m} :: needle
aiglette {f} :: eaglet
aiglette {f} [heraldry] :: alerion
aiglon {m} :: an eaglet, eagle chick
aiglonne {f} :: feminine noun of aiglon
aigre {adj} :: sharp, sour, acid
aigre {adj} :: shrill (voice), biting (wind etc.)
aigre-doux {adj} [literally and figuratively] :: bittersweet, sweet and sour
aigrefin {m} :: alternative form of aiglefin
aigrefin {m} :: swindler
aigrelet {adj} :: sharpish
aigrelet {adj} :: sourish, tart
aigrelet {adj} :: acidulous
aigrement {adv} :: sharply, sourly, acidly
aigrement {adv} :: shrilly, bitingly
aigremoine {f} :: agrimony
aigrette {f} [ornithology] :: egret (Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea)
aigrette {f} [botany] :: pappus
aigrette {f} [of certain birds] :: crest (plumage)
aigrette {f} :: lumex
aigrette {f} :: feather (atop a hat)
aigretté {adj} :: feathered, plumed
aigreur {f} :: sourness (sour flavor)
aigreur {f} :: bitterness (bitter emotion)
aigri {adj} :: embittered
aigrin {m} :: A young apple tree or pear tree
aigrir {v} :: to make bitter, to embitter
aigrissement {m} :: souring
aigu {adj} :: sharp, pointy
aigu {adj} [of intelligence] :: acute, keen, discerning
aigu {adj} [of sound] :: sharp, loud and high-pitched
aigu {adj} [medicine] :: acute
aigu {adj} [mathematics, of an angle] :: acute
aigu {adj} [linguistics, of an accent] :: acute
aiguade {f} :: watering (provisioning of water)
aiguail {m} [literary] :: [regional] dew resting on foliage
aigue-marine {adj} :: aquamarine
aigue-marine {f} :: aquamarine
aiguière {f} :: ewer
aiguillage {m} [rail] :: points
aiguillage {m} [rail] :: shunting, switching
aiguillat {m} :: dogfish
aiguille {f} [botany, costumery, medicine] :: needle
aiguille {f} :: needle (of compass); hand (of watch); spire (of church)
aiguille {f} [railway] :: point (UK), switch (US)
aiguille à tricoter {f} :: knitting needle
aiguiller {vt} :: to direct (towards)
aiguiller {vt} :: to change / switch points (railway)
aiguilletage {m} :: lacing up
aiguilletage {m} :: tying together
aiguilleté {adj} :: beribboned
aiguilleter {v} :: to lace up
aiguilleter {v} :: to tie or knot together (with string, ribbon etc)
aiguillette {f} :: ribbon; tie; cord
aiguillette {f} :: needle
aiguillette {f} :: needlefish
aiguillette baronne {f} :: tri-tip
aiguilleur {m} [railways] :: signalman; signaller
aiguilleur {m} [aviation] :: air traffic controller
aiguilleur du ciel {m} :: air traffic controller, ATC
aiguilleuse {f} [railways] :: female signaller
aiguilleuse {f} [aviation] :: female air traffic controller
aiguillon {m} :: goad
aiguillon {m} :: stinger, sting (of a bee)
aiguillon {m} [figuratively] :: a goad, a stimulant
aiguillonnement {m} :: prodding
aiguillonner {v} [figuratively] :: to prod
aiguillot {m} [nautical] :: pintle (a rudder’s pin which pivots in a gudgeon)
aiguisage {m} :: sharpening, honing, whetting
aiguisé {adj} :: sharpened
aiguisement {m} :: sharpening, honing, whetting
aiguiser {v} :: to sharpen (of a point, to make sharper)
aiguiser {v} :: to hone (e.g. a skill)
aiguiser {v} :: to whet
aiguiseur {m} :: sharpener
aiguiseuse {f} :: sharpener (female)
aiguisoir {m} :: sharpener (tool)
aiguisoir {m} [Quebec] :: pencil sharpener
aiguisoir {m} :: whetstone
aigument {adv} :: harshly; abrasively
AIIP {f} :: abbreviation of arme intermédiaire d'impact à projectile
-ail {suffix} :: Forming masculine nouns from verbs and nouns, having the sense of ‘tool, object for a specific purpose’
-ail {suffix} :: Forming masculine nouns from verbs and nouns, having a collective sense
ail {m} :: garlic
ailante {m} :: tree of heaven
aile {f} :: wing (of a bird or other flying animal; of poultry; of an aircraft; of a building; of an army; in football and rugby; in politics)
aile {f} :: fender, wing (of an automobile)
aile {f} [of the nose] :: side, wing, ala
aile {f} :: sail (of a windmill)
aile {f} :: blade (of a propeller)
aile {f} [figuratively] :: wings
ailé {adj} :: winged (having wings)
ailé {adj} :: winglike
aîle {f} :: obsolete form of aile
aileron {m} [anatomy] :: fin (of some fish)
aileron {m} [anatomy] :: flipper (of penguins and other animals)
aileron {m} :: aileron
aileron {m} :: spoiler (of an automobile)
ailette {f} :: small wing
ailier {m} [sports] :: winger
ailier {m} [basketball] :: small forward
ailier {m} :: wingman
ailière {f} :: feminine noun of ailier
-aille {suffix} [colloquial, pejorative or result] :: Forming feminine nouns having a colloquial or pejorative meaning, or indicating the means or result of an action
-ailler {suffix} :: Forming verbs with frequentative effect, often somewhat pejorative
ailler {vt} :: to add garlic (to)
ailleurs {adv} :: elsewhere; somewhere else
ailloli {m} :: alternative form of aïoli
-aillon {suffix} :: Forming masculine nouns with diminutive or pejorative meaning
ailurophile {mf} :: ailurophile
ailurophile {adj} :: ailurophile
aimable {adj} :: likeable, amiable
aimable comme une porte de prison {adj} [simile, antiphrasis, of a person] :: very unpleasant, like a bear with a sore head
aimablement {adv} :: friendly (in a friendly manner)
aimant {adj} :: loving, affectionate
aimant {m} :: magnet
aimantaire {adj} :: (naturally) magnetic
aimantation {f} :: magnetization
aimanter {v} :: to magnetize (cause to be magnetic)
aimantin {m} :: fridge magnet
Aimée {prop} {f} :: given name
aimer {v} :: to love (usually of a person, otherwise the meaning is closer to like)
aimer {v} :: to like (often with bien)
aimer bien {v} [idiom] :: to like (as a friend)
-ain {suffix} :: Suffix used to form demonyms, both nouns (uppercase) and adjectives (lowercase)
-ain {suffix} :: Indicates the old oblique case (cas régime) of certain nouns
Ain {prop} :: Ain
-aine {suffix} [noun-only] :: Indicates approximation, suffixed to a number
aine {f} :: groin
ainé {adj} :: alternative spelling of aîné
aîné {adj} :: oldest, elder (sibling)
aîné {m} :: eldest (boy)
aîné {m} :: older brother
aîné {m} :: elder
aîné {m} :: old person
aînée {f} :: female equivalent of aîné
aînesse {f} :: primogeniture
ainmer {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: alternative form of aimer, to like
aïnou {m} :: Ainu (language)
ainsi {adv} :: in this way, thus
ainsi que {conj} :: as, just as, like
ainsi que {conj} :: as well as
aïnu {m} :: alternative form of aïnou
aïoli {m} :: aioli
aïoli {interj} [Marseille slang] :: yo; respect
AIP {f} :: abbreviation of arme d'impact à projectile
air {m} :: air (gases of the atmosphere)
air {m} :: tune, aria
air {m} :: appearance
air {m} :: air (pretension)
airain {m} [literary, uncountable] :: any alloy based on bronze
airain {m} [literary, countable, ] :: object made of this alloy
airbag {m} :: airbag
airbag {m} [in the plural, slang] :: knockers, tits
air comprimé {m} :: compressed air
air de famille {m} :: family likeness, family resemblance
-aire {suffix} :: -ary (adjectival suffix)
-aire {suffix} :: -ary (nominal suffix)
-aire {suffix} :: -aire
aire {f} [geometry] :: (surface) area
aire {f} [architecture] :: a flat surface
aire {f} [sailing] :: direction of the wind
aire {f} :: threshing floor
aire {f} :: area, zone, range (a space in which a certain thing occurs)
aire {f} :: eyrie, aerie
airedale {m} :: Airedale terrier
aire d'autoroute {f} :: rest area, truck stop (rest area along a road, roadside service area)
aire de Broca {f} [neuroanatomy] :: Broca's area
aire de lancement {f} :: launch pad
aire de repos {f} :: rest area, truck stop (rest area along a road, roadside service area)
aire de Wernicke {f} [neuroanatomy] :: Wernicke's area
airelle {f} :: cranberry; bilberry
airer {v} :: to nest (make a nest)
aire urbaine {f} :: metropolitan area
Air France {prop} :: Air France, a French airline
air hockey {m} :: air hockey
-ais {suffix} :: The first-person and second-person singular imperfect indicative form of a verb
-ais {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives that denote where something or someone is from, or to form the name of the language spoken in this place
-ais {suffix} :: Used to form nouns that denote where something or someone is from
ais {m} :: board, plank
aisance {f} :: ease
-aise {suffix} :: Used to form female adjectives that denote where something or someone is from, e.g., française, anglaise, marseillaise, etc
aise {f} :: satisfaction
aise {f} :: joy
aise {f} :: ease, facility, absence of effort
aise {adj} :: joyous, glad
aisé {adj} :: easy to do, with ease, simple, effortless
aisé {adj} :: wealthy, with no money problems, affluent, prosperous, on easy street, in easy circumstances
aisé {adj} :: smooth, fluid, about a movement, or a conversation
aisé {adj} [obsolete] :: Said about clothes that are very (too) comfortable to wear
aisément {adv} :: easily
aiser {v} [obsolete] :: To get comfortable
aisif {adj} [obsolete] :: easy, convenient, pleasant
aisle {f} :: obsolete form of aile
Aisne {prop} {m} :: Aisne
aisné {m} :: obsolete form of aîné
aisné {adj} :: obsolete form of aîné
aisnée {f} :: feminine noun of aisné
-aison {suffix} :: Forming feminine nouns of action from verbs
Aïssata {prop} {f} :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa
Aïssatou {prop} {f} :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa
aisseau {m} :: A small, triangular, wooden roof tile
aisselle {f} [anatomy] :: armpit
aisy {m} :: A ferment use to make Gruyère cheese
-ait {suffix} :: A suffix denoting the third-person singular imperfect indicative form of a verb
aitre {m} :: alternative spelling of aître
aître {m} [archaic] :: the land surrounding a church
Aix-en-Provence {prop} :: A town in the Bouches-du-Rhône department of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Aix-la-Chapelle {prop} :: Aix-la-Chapelle (city)
aixois {adj} :: from or relating to any of the towns/cities in France with the name Aix
Aixois {m} :: person from any of the towns/cities in France with the name Aix
Aixoise {f} :: feminine noun of Aixois
AJ {f} :: auberge de jeunesse
AJA {prop} [soccer] :: initialism of AJ Auxerre, a French football club from the town of Auxerre
ajaccien {adj} :: From or relating to Ajaccio, Corsica
Ajaccien {m} :: someone from Ajaccio, Corsica
Ajaccienne {f} :: feminine noun of Ajaccien
Ajaccio {prop} {m} :: Ajaccio (caplc)
ajacéen {adj} :: From or relating to Ajaccio, Corsica
Ajacéen {m} :: someone from Ajaccio, Corsica
Ajacéenne {f} :: feminine noun of Ajacéen
à jamais {adv} :: forever and ever, forevermore, forever
ajaxification {f} [programming] :: Ajaxification
ajd {adv} [Internet slang, texting] :: abbreviation of aujourd'hui (today)
à jeun {adv} :: On an empty stomach
ajeuve {adv} [Acadia, Quebec] :: a while ago
ajiste {adj} :: youth hostel (attributive)
ajiste {mf} :: member of the youth hostel movement
ajointer {v} :: To butt (join at the ends)
ajonc {m} :: a gorse bush
ajour {m} :: a slit that lets in daylight
à jour {adj} :: up-to-date, current
ajourd'hui {adv} [archaic, outside, Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative form of aujourd'hui
ajouré {adj} :: openwork (attributive); perforated, fretted
ajourer {v} :: to perforate
ajournable {adj} :: adjournable, postponable
ajourné {adj} :: adjourned, postponed
ajournement {m} :: adjournment
ajournement {m} :: deferment, postponement
ajournement {m} :: referral
ajournement {m} :: failure at an exam with an option to resit it
ajourner {v} :: postpone, adjourn, put off (an event)
ajout {m} :: addition (something added)
ajout {m} :: addition (the act of adding)
ajoutable {adj} :: addable
ajoutable {adj} :: countable
ajoutage {m} :: nozzle
ajoutage {m} :: connector (especially of laboratory glassware)
ajouter {v} :: to add, append
ajouter foi {v} [à] :: [formal, literary] to lend credence to, to give credence to, to put faith in, to believe
ajoutoir {m} :: synonym of ajoutage
ajustable {adj} :: adjustable
ajustage {m} :: adaptation, adjustment
ajustage {m} :: fitting
ajustement {m} :: adjustment, adjusting, tweak
ajuster {v} :: to adjust; tweak
à juste titre {adv} :: justly, rightly (so)
ajusteur {m} :: fitter
ajusteur {m} :: adjuster
ajutoir {m} :: alternative form of ajoutoir
akathisie {f} [pathology] :: akathisia
akathisique {adj} :: alternative form of acathisique
akawaïo {m} :: Akawaio
akène {m} [botany] :: achene
Akiko {prop} :: given name
akinésie {f} [pathology] :: akinesia
akinésique {adj} :: akinesic
akinétique {adj} :: akinetic
akinétique {adj} :: akinesic
akkadien {m} :: Akkadian (language)
akkadien {adj} :: Akkadian
Akkadien {m} :: an Akkadian person
Akkadienne {f} :: feminine noun of Akkadien
akvavit {m} :: alternative spelling of aquavit
-al {suffix} :: -al (of or pertaining to; adjectival suffix appended to various words, often nouns, to make an adjective form. Often added to words of Latin origin, but used with other words also)
à la {prep} :: See: fr à la
à la {prep} :: a la, in the style or manner of (with a feminine singular adjective or a proper noun)
alabandine {f} [mineral] :: alabandite
à l'abandon {adj} :: Derelict or dilapidated due to long-term neglect
à la base {adv} [colloquial] :: originally, initially
alabastrite {m} :: alabaster
à la belle étoile {adv} :: out in the open, outdoors, under the stars
alable {adj} [Canada] :: alternative form of allable
alablement {adv} [Canada] :: feasibly
à la bonne franquette {adv} [idiomatic] :: In a homely manner, without ceremony
à la bonne heure {interj} :: General expression of approval: splendid! that's the spirit! that's great!
à la bonne heure {adv} [literally] :: At the right time
à la bonne heure {adv} :: Timely; opportunely; à propos
à l'abordage {interj} :: the stereotypical cry of pirates when boarding a ship for close quarters combat
à l'abri {adv} :: sheltered, in a safe place
à l'abri de {prep} :: safe from, sheltered from, secure from, out of
à la cantonade {adv} [colloquial] :: to no one in particular
à la carte {adv} [Food and drink] :: allowing selection only from a fixed list of options, typically shown on a menu
à la carte {adv} [Food and drink] :: with each dish priced
à la carte {adv} :: (by extension) from any longlist of options, or even free choice, as opposed to a shortlist
à la clé {adv} [idiomatic] :: as a reward, at stake, up for grabs
à la con {adj} [vulgar] :: fucking (as an intensifier), pesky, damned, bloody
à la coque {adj} :: soft-boiled
alacrité {f} :: alacrity, ardour, eagerness
à la demande {prep} :: on demand, on request, to order
alader {m} :: Italian buckthorn (Rhamnus alaternus)
à la dérive {adj} :: adrift
à la dérive {adj} [figuratively] :: adrift
à la dérobée {adv} :: on the sly, without being noticed
à la différence de {conj} :: as opposed to, unlike
à la dure {adv} [colloquial] :: the hard way, in a tough manner, roughly
alaeforme {adj} :: alternative form of aliforme
à la faveur de {prep} [formal, literary] :: thanks to, by means of
à la faveur de {prep} :: on the occasion of
à l'affiche {adj} [film] :: showing, playing
à l'affût {adj} [de] :: on the lookout
à la fin {adv} :: in the end
à la fin {adv} :: at last
à la fois {adv} :: at a time
à la fois {adv} :: both, at once, at the same time
à la grecque {adv} :: in the Greek style (cooking, etc.)
à la guerre comme à la guerre {proverb} :: In time of crisis, all means are good for achieving one's goals; roughly all's fair in love and war, or the ends justify the means
à la guerre comme à la guerre {proverb} :: One must make the best of one's situation, or make do with what one has; roughly keep a stiff upper lip, or when life gives you lemons, make lemonade
à la hâte {adj} :: in a hurry, hurriedly, hastily
à l'aide {interj} :: help! (A cry of distress or an urgent request for assistance)
à l'aide de {prep} :: by means of (by using the thing specified), with
alain {adj} :: Alan (relating to the Alans)
Alain {prop} :: given name
alaire {adj} :: wing (attributive)
à l'air libre {adv} :: in the open air, uncovered
alaise {f} :: undersheet, drawsheet
alaisé {adj} :: alternative form of alésé
à l'aise {adv} :: at ease (relaxed; comfortable)
à l'aise {interj} [colloquial] :: sounds good
à l'aise, Blaise {interj} [colloquial] :: easy peasy!
à la légère {adv} [colloquial] :: lightly
à la lettre {adv} :: to the letter
à la limite {adv} [colloquial] :: in a pinch, at a pinch, if need be
à la longue {adv} [colloquial] :: in the long run, over time
à la louche {prep} [colloquial] :: roughly, approximately, give or take
à la lumière de {prep} :: in light of
à la main {adv} :: by hand, manually
à la main {adv} :: in one's hand
à la maison {adv} :: at home (at one's home)
à la maison {adv} :: home (towards home)
à la manque {adj} :: maimed (obsolete)
à la manque {adj} :: failed, lousy (of a person, used since 1847)
à la masse {adj} [colloquial] :: lost, at sea; dumb, slow, slow-witted
alambic {m} :: alembic, still (device for distilling liquids)
alambiqué {adj} :: overrefined
alambiqué {adj} :: convoluted
alambiquer {v} :: to distill
alambiquer {v} :: to refine
à la merci de {prep} :: at the mercy of
à l'amiable {adj} [law] :: out-of-court
à la mode {adj} :: in fashion
à la mords-moi-le-nœud {adj} [colloquial] :: lousy, stupid
à l'ancienne {adj} :: traditional, old-style
à l'ancienne {adv} :: in a traditional way
alandais {adj} :: from Åland
alandier {m} :: An opening at the base of a kiln that is used for firing ceramics
à l'anglaise {adv} :: the English way, in the English fashion
à l'anglaise {adv} [cooking] :: coated by dipping in flour, egg, and breadcrumbs
à l'anglaise {adv} [idiom] :: quietly, suddenly, without permission (compare: French leave)
alangui {adj} :: languid
alanguir {v} :: to cause to become languid
alanguir {vr} [s'alanguir] :: to become languid
alanguissement {m} :: languor
alanine {f} [amino acid] :: alanine
à la noix {adj} [colloquial] :: worthless, poxy, crappy, garbage, pathetic
à l'antenne {adj} :: on the air, on air
à la one again {adv} [colloquial] :: hastily; in a hurry
alaouite {mf} :: Alawite
alaouite {adj} :: Alawite (attributive)
à la page {adj} :: at the page
à la page {adj} :: up to the minute
à la pelle {adv} [colloquial] :: in droves, in spades (in large quantities)
à la perfection {adv} :: to a T, to perfection, to a nicety, pat (perfectly)
Alaphilippe {prop} :: surname
à la pige {adj} :: freelance
à la pige {adv} :: freelance, as a freelance
à la place {adv} [colloquial] :: instead
à la place de {prep} :: instead of, in place of
à la pointe {adj} :: at the cutting edge, at the forefront
à l'appui {postp} :: with the help of, with the support of
à la prochaine {phrase} [colloquial] :: see you later
à la queue leu leu {adv} :: in single file
à la ramasse {adj} [colloquial] :: behind the times, lagging behind
à la réflexion {adv} :: on second thought, on reflection
à la régulière {adv} :: by the book, according to the rules
à la retraite {adj} :: retired, in retirement
à la revoyure {interj} [colloquial] :: goodbye
à la rigueur {adv} [colloquial] :: in a pinch, at a pinch, if need be, at worst
alarmant {adj} :: alarming
alarme {f} :: alarm (alert)
alarme {f} :: alarm (panic)
alarmer {v} :: to alarm (alert)
alarmisme {m} :: alarmism
alarmiste {mf} :: alarmist
alarmiste {adj} :: alarmist
à la ronde {adv} [idiom, colloquial] :: around
à l'arrache {adv} [colloquial] :: hastily; in a hurry
à l'arrêt {adj} :: idle, at a stop, at a standstill
à l'article de la mort {adv} :: in articulo mortis
à la rue {adj} :: on the street, without a home, homeless
à la Saint-Glinglin {adv} [humorous, idiom, sarcastic] :: when pigs fly
à la sauvette {adv} :: hastily, hurriedly
à la sauvette {adv} :: on the sly (used especially of selling in the street or on the beach)
à la serpe {adv} :: coarsely, roughly, carelessly
alaskain {adj} :: Alaskan
alaskien {adj} :: Alaskan
Alaskien {m} :: Alaskan
Alaskienne {f} :: feminine singular of Alaskien
alastrim {m} :: alastrim
à la sueur de son front {adv} [figuratively] :: by the sweat of one's brow
à la suite {adv} [idiomatic] :: in a row (successively)
à la suite de {prep} [idiomatic] :: along with, accompanying
à la suite de {prep} [idiomatic] :: following (after)
à la tâche {adv} :: (of pay etc.) by the piece
a latere {adj} :: a cardinal-legate sent by the pope to represent him personally in a temporary and important mission
alaterne {m} :: buckthorn
à la tête du client {adv} [colloquial, pejorative] :: according to a person's looks, arbitrarily
à la tienne {interj} [idiomatic] :: cheers (used as a toast to drinking)
à la traîne {adj} [colloquial] :: behind the times, lagging behind
à la une {adj} [idiomatic] :: in the news, on the frontpage
à l'aune de {prep} [formal, literary] :: in the light of, with regards to, by the yardstick of, by taking as a reference
à l'avance {adv} :: in advance, beforehand
à l'avance {adj} :: early
à la va-vite {adv} [colloquial] :: in a rushed manner, hastily
à l'avenir {adv} :: in future, in the future, as of now, from now on
alaverd {m} :: A type of phillyrea (Phillyrea angustifolia)
à l'aveuglette {n} :: blindly, without planning
à la virgule près {adv} :: to the letter
à la vitesse grand V {adv} [colloquial] :: at full tilt, at full speed, at full throttle
à la volée {adv} :: on the fly
à la vôtre {interj} [idiomatic] :: cheers (used as a toast to drinking)
à la vue de {prep} :: at the sight of
alawite {adj} :: alternative form of alaouite
alawite {mf} :: alternative form of alaouite
Alban {prop} :: given name
albanais {m} :: Albanian (language)
albanais {adj} :: Albanian
Albanais {m} :: Albanian
Albanaise {f} :: (female) Albanian
Albane {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Alban
Albanie {prop} {f} :: Albanie (country)
Albanie du Caucase {prop} {f} :: Caucasian Albania
albanien {adj} :: Caucasian Albanian
Albanien {m} :: Caucasian Albanian
albanophone {adj} :: That speaks Albanian
albâtre {m} :: alabaster (variety of gypsum)
albatros {m} :: albatross
albatros {m} [golf] :: albatross
albédo {m} [physics] :: albedo (the fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body)
alberge {f} :: A type of peach or apricot whose white flesh adheres to the kernel
Albert {prop} :: given name
Alberta {prop} {f} :: Alberta (province)
albertain {adj} :: Albertan (from Alberta)
Albertain {m} :: Albertan (someone from Alberta)
Albertaine {f} :: feminine noun of Albertain
Alberte {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Albert
Albertine {prop} {f} :: given name
Albi {prop} {f} :: Albi (town/and/commune)
albicéleste {adj} :: white and sky blue
albien {adj} :: Albian
Albien {prop} {m} :: Albian
albigeois {adj} :: Albi (attributive)
albinisme {m} :: albinism
albinos {adj} :: albino
albinos {mf} :: albino
albionesque {adj} [colloquial] :: British, English
albique {adj} [geology] :: albic
albite {f} [mineral] :: albite
albophobe {adj} :: albophobic
albophobie {f} :: black supremacy; anti-white prejudice or racism
Alborg {prop} :: alternative form of Aalborg
albrené {adj} :: alternative form of halbrené
albuginé {adj} :: albugineous
albuginée {f} :: albuginea
albugineux {adj} :: albugineous, whitish
album {m} :: album (all meanings)
albumine {f} [organic chemistry] :: albumin
albuminé {adj} [botany] :: albuminous
albumineux {adj} :: albuminous
albuminoïde {adj} :: albuminoid
albuminoïde {m} :: albuminoid
albuminurie {f} [pathology] :: albuminuria
albuminurique {adj} :: albuminuric
album live {m} :: live album
albumose {f} :: albumose
album studio {m} :: studio album
alcade {m} :: alcaide
alcaïque {adj} :: Alcaic
alcalescence {f} :: alkalescence
alcalescent {adj} :: alkalescent
alcali {m} [chemistry] :: alkali
alcalicité {f} :: synonym of alcalinité
alcalifiable {adj} :: alkalifiable
alcalifiant {adj} :: alkalifying
alcalifier {v} :: To alkalify
alcaligène {adj} :: alkaligenous
alcalimètre {m} :: alkalimeter
alcalimétrie {f} [chemistry] :: alkalimetry
alcalimétrique {adj} [chemistry] :: alkalimetric
alcalin {adj} :: alkaline (of or relating to an alkali)
alcalin {adj} :: alkaline (not acidic)
alcaliniser {vt} :: to alkalize, alkalinize
alcalinité {f} :: alkalinity
alcalisation {f} :: alkalization
alcaliser {v} :: To alkalize
alcaloïde {m} :: alkaloid (organic heterocyclic base)
alcaloïfère {adj} [botany] :: alkaloidiferous
alcalophile {m} :: alkaliphile
alcalose {m} [pathology] :: alkalosis
alcane {m} :: alkane
alcanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alkanoic
alcazar {m} :: alcazar (Moorish fortress in Spain)
alcazariste {adj} :: Characteristic of the fictional General Alcazar in The Adventures of Tintin
alcène {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkene
alcénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alkenyl
alcénone {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkenone
Alceste {prop} :: given name
alchémille {f} :: lady's mantle
alchimie {f} :: alchemy
alchimique {adj} :: of or pertaining to alchemy; alchemical
alchimiste {m} :: An alchemist; one who practices alchemy
Alcibiade {prop} {m} :: Alcibiades
alcohol {m} [rare] :: alternative spelling of alcool
alcoholique {adj} :: alternative form of alcoolique
alcoholisation {f} :: alcoholization
alcoholiser {v} :: alternative spelling of alcooliser
alcool {m} :: alcohol, especially domestic, medical, methylated spirits
alcool {m} :: spirits, hard liquor (strong alcoholic beverage, excludes wine, cider, beer)
alcoolase {f} :: alcoholase
alcoolat {m} :: alcoholate
alcoolate {m} [organic chemistry] :: alcoholate
alcoolature {f} :: tincture
alcoolé {m} :: tincture (alcohol extract of herbs etc)
alcoolémie {f} :: alcoholaemia; blood alcohol content
alcooleux {adj} [of a wine] :: Having an unusually high concentration of alcohol
alcoolification {f} :: alcoholification
alcoolimétrie {f} :: alcoholometry
alcoolique {adj} :: alcoholic, related to or containing alcohol
alcoolique {adj} :: Addicted to alcohol
alcoolique {mf} :: alcoholic (a person addicted to alcohol)
alcooliquement {adv} :: alcoholically
alcoolisable {adj} :: alcoholizable
alcoolisation {f} :: alcoholization
alcoolisé {adj} :: alcoholic (having more than a trace amount of alcohol in its contents)
alcooliser {v} :: to alcoholise
alcoolisme {m} :: alcoholism
alcoolo {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: alcoholic (person)
alcoolo {mf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: alcoholic (person); alkie
alcoologue {mf} :: alcohologist
alcoolométrie {f} :: alcoholometry
alcoomètre {m} :: alcoholometer
alcoométrie {f} :: alcoholometry
alcoométrique {adj} :: alcoholic strength (attributive)
alcootest {m} :: breathalyser
alcootest {m} :: breath test for alcohol
alcoran {m} :: synonym of Coran
alcotest {m} :: alternative form of alcootest
alcôve {f} :: alcove
alcoyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: synonym of alkyle
alcoyler {v} [organic chemistry] :: synonym of alkyler
alcyne {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkyne
alcynique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alkynyl
alcynol {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkynol
alcyon {m} :: halcyon
alcyon {m} :: kingfisher
alcyonien {adj} :: halcyon (all senses)
alcyonique {adj} :: halcyon (calm)
Aldebaran {prop} [star] :: Aldebaran
aldébarien {adj} :: Relating to the star Aldebaran
aldéhyde {m} [organic chemistry] :: aldehyde
aldéhydique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aldehydic
alderman {m} :: alderman
aldin {adj} :: Aldine
aldol {m} [organic chemistry] :: aldol
aldolique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aldolic
aldolisation {f} [organic chemistry] :: aldolization
aldonique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aldonic
aldostérone {m} [organic compound] :: aldosterone
ale {f} :: ale
ALE {prop} :: FTA (Free Trade Agreement) abbreviation of Accord de Libre-Échange [Canada-U.S.]
ALÉ {prop} :: alternative form of ALE
à le {prep} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: alternative form of au, to the
aléa {m} [archaic] :: chance
aléa {m} :: hazard
alea jacta est {phrase} :: the die is cast
aléatoire {adj} :: doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unpredictable
aléatoire {adj} :: random, aleatory
aléatoirement {adv} :: doubtfully, dubiously, uncertainly, unpredictably
aléatoirement {adv} :: randomly, aleatorily
à l'eau de rose {adj} [pejorative] :: slushy, cheesy, sentimental, schmaltzy, mushy, maudlin, corny
à l'écart {adv} :: apart, away, at a distance
alécithe {adj} :: alecithal
à l'écoute {adj} :: listening to
à l'écoute {adj} [figuratively] :: attentive to, in tune with, in touch with, sympathetic towards
alégal {adj} [legal] :: alegal
à l'égal de {conj} :: As much as
alégalement {adv} [legal] :: alegally
à l'égard de {prep} :: towards (someone)
à l'égard de {prep} :: with regard to, with respect to
alémanique {adj} :: Alemannic
à l'emporte-pièce {prep} [colloquial] :: on a whim, rashly
ALENA {prop} :: alternative form of ALÉNA (NAFTA)
ALÉNA {prop} {f} :: NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Alençon {prop} :: Alençon (town/and/commune/non-city capital)
à l'encontre de {prep} [idiomatic] :: contrary to
à l'encontre de {prep} [idiomatic] :: against
à l'endroit {adv} :: the right way up
à l'endroit {adv} [of clothes] :: the right way out
à l'endroit de {prep} [formal, literary] :: towards, regarding (someone)
alène {f} :: alternative form of alêne
alêne {f} :: awl
alêné {adj} [botany] :: acuminate, subulate
aléniforme {adj} [biology] :: acuminate
alénois {adj} [botany] :: Of or from Orléans
alentir {v} [chiefly obsolete] :: to slow down
alentoir {adv} :: alternative form of alentour
alentour {adv} :: around
à l'entour {adv} [obsolete] :: around
alentours {mp} [plurale tantum] :: surroundings, neighbouring areas
à l'envers {adv} :: topsy-turvy, inside out, upside down
à l'envi {adv} :: over and over, again and again
aléoute {adj} :: Aleut
aléoute {m} :: Aleut (language)
aléoutien {adj} :: Aleutian
Alep {prop} :: Alep (city)
aléphangine {adj} [obsolete, medicine] :: Describing certain purgatives containing camomile and henbane
alépin {adj} :: Aleppine
Alépin {m} :: Aleppine
à l'époque {adv} :: at the time, back then
à l'épreuve de {adj} :: resistant to, -proof
alérion {m} [heraldry] :: alerion
alérion {m} :: ultralight (aircraft)
alerte {adj} :: alert
alerte {adj} :: agile
alerte {f} :: alert
alertement {adv} :: alertly
alerter {vt} :: To alert
Alès {prop} :: A town in the Gard department of Languedoc-Roussillon
à les {prep} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: alternative form of aux, to the
alésage {m} :: reaming, boring
alésé {adj} [heraldry] :: detached; not reaching the edges; often said of a cross
alèse {f} :: alternative form of alaise
aléser {v} :: to ream (a hole)
aléseur {m} :: reamer, borer (person)
aléseuse {f} :: boring machine (machine for boring)
Alesi {prop} :: Alesi (surname)
alésien {adj} :: Of or from Alès
alésoir {m} :: reamer
aléthique {adj} :: alethic (logic: pertaining to the modalities of truth)
à l'étranger {adv} :: abroad
à l'étroit {adj} :: cramped, crowded
à l'étude {adj} :: under study, under review, under consideration, under examination, under evaluation, on the drawing board, in the pipeline
aleucémique {adj} :: aleukemic
aleurite {f} :: candlenut (or similar plant of the genus Aleurites)
aleurode {m} :: whitefly
aleurodiphage {adj} :: aleurodophagous
aleuromètre {m} :: aleurometer
aleurone {f} :: aleurone
à l'évidence {adv} :: obviously, evidently, clearly, manifestly
alévie {adj} [Islam] :: Alevite
alevin {m} :: alevin
alevinage {m} :: restocking (a river) with fish fry
aleviner {v} :: to stock a river/lake with fry (young fish)
alevinier {m} :: hatchery (for fish fry)
alevinière {f} :: alternative form of alevinier
alévisme {m} [Islam] :: Alevism
Alex {prop} :: given name
alexandra {m} :: A cocktail containing cognac, crème de cacao and crème fraîche with grated nutmeg for decoration
Alexandra {prop} :: given name
Alexandre {prop} {m} :: given name
Alexandre {prop} {m} :: surname
Alexandre le Grand {prop} {m} :: Alexander the Great
Alexandrescu {prop} :: surname
Alexandrie {prop} {f} :: Alexandrie (city)
Alexandrie {prop} {f} :: Alexandrie (city/and/province)
alexandrin {adj} :: alexandrine (attributive)
alexandrin {m} :: alexandrine
Alexandrin {prop} :: Alexandrian
Alexandrine {prop} {f} :: given name
à l'exception de {prep} :: except for, with the exception of
à l'excès {adv} :: to excess, to a fault, overly, overmuch, immoderately
à l'exclusion de {prep} :: excluding
Alexia {prop} {f} :: given name
alexie {f} :: alexia
alexine {f} :: alexine
alexipharmaque {adj} :: Capable of counteracting a poison; antidotal, alexipharmic
alexipharmaque {m} :: A substance capable of reverting the affects of a poison; antidote
alexipyrétique {adj} [medicine, obsolete] :: alexipyretic
alexique {adj} :: alexic
Alexis {prop} {m} :: given name
alexitère {m} [medicine] :: alexiteric
alexitère {adj} [medicine] :: alexiteric
à l'extérieur {adv} :: outdoors, outside
à l'extérieur de {prep} :: outside
alezan {adj} :: chestnut [colour of a horse]
alezan {m} :: chestnut [horse, its colour]
alezan {m} :: palomino
alezé {adj} :: alternative form of alésé
alézé {adj} :: alternative form of alésé
alfa {m} :: esparto
alfange {f} :: A Moorish scimitar
alfatier {adj} :: esparto (attributive)
alfatier {m} :: esparto farmer
alfénide {m} :: alfenide
Alfred {prop} {m} :: given name
algaire {adj} :: algal
algal {adj} :: algal
algarade {f} :: a row, a dispute, a quarrel
algarade {f} :: an insult, an angry outburst
algarvois {adj} :: Algarve (attributive)
algazelle {f} :: gemsbok, gemsbuck (Oryx gazella)
algèbre {f} [mathematics] :: algebra
algèbre linéaire {f} :: linear algebra (branch of mathematics)
algébrique {adj} :: algebraic
algébriquement {adv} :: algebraically
algébriste {mf} :: algebraist
algédonique {adj} :: algedonic
Alger {prop} :: Alger (capital city)
Algérie {prop} {f} :: Algérie (country)
algérien {adj} :: Algerian (of or pertaining to Algeria or its people or culture)
Algérien {m} :: Algerian (person)
Algérienne {f} :: feminine noun of Algérien
algérois {adj} :: Algerian (of or from Algiers)
algeroth {m} :: algarot
algide {adj} :: algid
algidité {f} :: algidity
algie {f} [pathology] :: localised pain
alginate {m} :: alginate
algine {f} :: algin (any of various gelatinous gums derived from algae)
alginique {adj} :: alginic
algique {adj} :: algic (relating to localised pain)
algique {adj} :: Algic (relating to this language)
algivore {adj} [biology] :: algivorous
algo {m} :: algorithm
algo {m} :: algorithmics
algoïde {adj} [biology] :: algoid
algol {m} [computing] :: ALGOL
algolagnie {f} :: algolagnia
algolagnique {adj} :: algolagnic
algologie {f} [biology] :: algology
algologique {adj} [biology] :: algological
algonquien {adj} :: Algonquian
algonquin {m} :: Algonquin language
algonquin {adj} :: Algonquin
algophage {adj} :: algophagous
algorithme {m} :: algorithm
algorithmique {adj} :: algorithmic (relating to an algorithm)
algorithmique {f} :: algorithmics
algorithmiquement {adv} :: algorithmically
algothérapie {f} :: algotherapy
algual {adj} :: algal
alguazil {m} :: alguazil; loosely law officer, constable
algue {f} :: alga (any of many aquatic photosynthetic organisms)
algueux {adj} :: algous
algue verte {f} :: green alga
à l'heure {adv} :: on time
à l'heure {adj} :: on time
à l'heure actuelle {adv} :: at this moment in time, at the moment, currently, presently
alias {adv} :: alias
alias {m} :: alias
alibi {m} :: alibi
aliboufier {m} :: styrax (especially Styrax officinalis)
Alice {prop} {f} :: given name
Alicia {prop} {f} :: given name
à l'identique {adv} :: faithfully, identically, exactly as it was
alien {m} :: alien (extraterrestrial)
aliénabilité {f} :: alienability
aliénable {adj} :: alienable
aliénataire {mf} [legal] :: transferee
aliénateur {m} [legal] :: transferor
aliénation {f} :: alienation
aliénatrice {f} :: feminine singular of aliénateur
aliéné {m} :: One who is insane, mentally defective
aliénée {f} :: feminine noun of aliéné
aliéner {v} :: to alienate
aliénisme {m} :: alienism
aliéniste {adj} :: alienist
aliéniste {mf} :: alienist
aliénité {f} :: alienation
Aliénor {prop} :: given name
alif {m} :: alif (Arabic letter)
alifère {adj} :: winged (having wings)
aliforme {adj} :: aliform
alignement {m} :: alignment (all senses)
aligner {v} :: to align
aligot {m} :: aligot (a potato and cheese dish from Auvergne)
aligoté {m} :: aligoté
aliment {m} :: food
alimentaire {adj} :: food (attributive), alimentary
alimentation {f} :: feeding
alimentation {f} :: food
alimentation {f} :: power supply
alimenter {v} :: to feed, to give food to
alimenter {v} :: to supply, to fund
alimenter {v} [figurative] :: to fuel (e.g. an argument)
alimenter {vr} [s'alimenter] :: to eat, to feed
à l'impossible nul n'est tenu {proverb} :: nobody can be expected to achieve the impossible
à l'impossible, nul n'est tenu {proverb} :: alternative spelling of à l'impossible nul n'est tenu
à l'improviste {adv} :: unexpectedly
Aline {prop} :: given name
alinéa {m} :: paragraph
alinéa {m} :: indented line (at the start of a new paragraph)
alinéa {m} [Canada] :: paragraph of a law
alinéaire {adj} :: paragraphic
à l'infini {adv} :: infinitely; endlessly
à l'instant {adv} :: just now
à l'instar de {prep} :: like; just like (in the same way as)
à l'insu de {prep} :: unbeknownst to someone, unbeknown to someone, without the knowledge of something/someone
à l'intention de {prep} :: aimed at (someone), intended for (someone)
à l'intention de {prep} :: in honour of (someone)
à l'intérieur {adv} :: indoors, inside
à l'intérieur de {prep} :: inside, within
à l'inverse {adv} :: conversely, by contrast
à l'inverse de {prep} :: contrary to, in contrast to
aliovalent {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: Aliovalent (having a different valence)
aliphatique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aliphatic
aliquote {f} :: aliquot
alise {f} :: fruit of the whitebeam
alisier {m} :: whitebeam
alisma {f} :: alternative form of alisme
alisme {m} :: water plantain
alité {adj} :: bedridden
alitement {m} :: bed rest
aliter {vr} :: to be bedridden
aliter {vt} :: to cause to become bedridden
aliturgique {adj} :: aliturgical
Alix {prop} :: given name
alizari {m} :: alizari
alizarine {f} [organic compound] :: alizarin
alizarique {adj} :: alizaric
alizé {m} :: trade wind
alizier {m} :: alternative form of alisier
al-Kanadi {prop} :: surname of Arabic origin
al-Kanadi {prop} :: al-Kanadi
alkékenge {m} :: Chinese lantern, bladder cherry
alkékengère {f} :: synonym of alkékenge
alkoxyde {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkoxide
alkyde {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alkyd
alkylarène {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkylarene
alkyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkyl
alkylé {adj} [organic chemistry] :: alkylated
alkyler {vt} [organic chemistry] :: to alkylate
all. {n} :: abbreviation of allemand
allable {adj} [Canada] :: doable, feasible
allache {f} :: sardinella
allaitement {m} :: breastfeeding
allaitement {m} :: suckling
allaiter {v} :: to breastfeed
allaiter {v} [of an animal] :: to suckle
allant {adj} :: active
allant {m} :: goer (used in the plural phrase "allants et venants" - "comers and goers")
allant au four {adj} :: ovenproof
allantoïde {f} [anatomy] :: allantoid
allantoidien {adj} :: allantoidal
allantoïne {f} [organic compound] :: allantoin
allantoïque {adj} :: allantoic
Allard {prop} :: surname
allatif {m} [grammar] :: allative, allative case
all dressed {adj} [Canada, of pizza] :: deluxe, with pepperoni, mushrooms and green peppers: toute garnie
alle {pron} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: she (third-person singular feminine)
alléchant {adj} :: enticing
alléchant {adj} :: mouth-watering
allèchement {m} :: temptation, attraction
allèchement {m} :: enticement
allécher {v} :: to attract, appeal, allure, tempt; entice, draw in
allée {f} :: path, lane, allée
allée {f} :: hallway (leading from the entrance of a house)
allée {f} :: aisle (between rows of seats)
allée {f} :: driveway
allée {f} :: bowling lane
allée {f} :: action of going (used nowadays only in the expression allées et venues: the repeated action of going and returning)
allégation {f} :: allegation
allégeance {f} :: allegiance
allégement {m} :: lightening (making lighter)
allègement {m} :: alternative form of allégement
alléger {v} :: to lighten
allégorie {f} :: allegory
allégorique {adj} :: allegoric, allegorical (of, or relating to allegory)
allégoriquement {adv} :: allegorically
allégoriser {v} :: To allegorize
allègre {adj} :: joyful, happy
allégrement {adv} :: happily, joyfully
allègrement {adv} :: happily, joyfully
allégresse {f} :: elation, joy, gladness
allegretto {adv} :: allegretto
allégretto {adv} [music] :: allegretto
allégretto {m} [music] :: allegretto
allegro {m} :: allegro
allegro {adv} :: allegro
allégro {m} :: allegro
allégro {adv} :: allegro
alléguer {v} :: to invoke
alléguer {v} :: to allege
allèle {m} [genetics] :: allele
allélique {adj} [genetics] :: allelic
allélomorphe {adj} [genetics] :: allelomorphic
allélomorphique {adj} [genetics] :: allelomorphic
alléluia {interj} :: hallelujah
Allemagne {prop} {f} :: Germany
Allemagne de l'Est {prop} {f} :: East Germany
Allemagne de l'Ouest {prop} {f} :: West Germany
allemand {m} :: German (The German language)
allemand {adj} :: German (related to or originating from Germany)
allemand {adj} :: German (related to the German language)
Allemand {m} :: German person
allemande {f} :: allemande [dance]
Allemande {f} :: feminine noun of Allemand; woman from Germany or of German background
allemaniste {mf} :: Allemanist
allémontite {m} [mineral] :: allemontite
allène {m} [organic chemistry] :: allene
aller {vi} :: to go
aller {v} [when followed by an infinitive verb] :: to be going (to); will soon; forms a near-future tense
aller {v} :: to be (feeling)
aller {v} :: to go well with (clothes, colors, etc.)
aller {m} :: Outward trip; journey out; trip away (implying not returning)
aller à Canossa {v} :: to make amends, to mend one's ways, to eat humble pie, eat crow
aller à l'essentiel {v} :: to cut to the chase, to get to the point, to state one's business
aller au lit {vi} :: to go to bed
aller aux putes {v} [vulgar] :: to whore (to engage a prostitute)
aller à vau-l'eau {vi} :: to go downhill, to go down the drain, to go awry, to go pear-shaped
aller bon train {v} [figuratively, of rumours] :: to be flying around, to be rife
aller comme un gant {v} [à] :: [simile] to fit like a glove
aller comme un gant {vi} :: [simile] to go smoothly
aller de l'avant {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to move on, to move forward, to forge ahead; to make headway, to make progress
aller de pair {v} [avec] :: to go hand in hand (with)
aller de soi {vi} :: to be self-evident, to be obvious, to go without saying, to stand to reason
aller droit dans le mur {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be riding for a fall, to be heading for disaster
allergène {adj} :: allergenic
allergène {m} :: allergen
allergénique {adj} :: allergenic
allergie {f} :: allergy
allergique {adj} :: allergic (having an allergy)
allergisant {adj} :: allergenic
allergologie {f} :: allergology
allergologique {adj} :: allergological
allergologiste {mf} :: allergologist
allergologue {mf} :: allergist
aller-retour {m} :: round trip
aller-retour {m} :: return ticket
aller sans dire {v} [impersonal] :: to go without saying
aller se faire cuire un œuf {v} [colloquial] :: to get lost, go to hell
aller se faire enculer {v} [vulgar, offensive] :: to go fuck oneself. (Usually used in the imperative form.)
aller se faire foutre {v} [vulgar, offensive] :: to go fuck oneself. (Usually used in the imperative form.)
aller se faire mettre {v} [vulgar] :: to get lost, to go to hell, to go fuck oneself
aller se faire voir {v} [colloquial] :: to get lost, go to hell
aller se faire voir chez les Grecs {v} [colloquial] :: to get lost, go to hell
aller simple {m} :: a one-way ticket
aller son petit bonhomme de chemin {v} :: to live one's life, to follow one's path in peace and quiet, to go on one's way peacefully
aller vite en besogne {v} :: to be hasty, to get ahead of oneself
alléser {v} [obsolete] :: alternative form of aléser
alleu {m} :: allod
alleutier {m} :: freeholder
alleutière {f} :: feminine singular of alleutier
allez {interj} :: Come on! (as encouragement)
allez savoir {interj} [idiomatic] :: go figure!
allez voir là-bas si j'y suis {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial, dismissal] :: get lost! (go away) (literally: Go over there and see if I'm there.)
allez-y {phrase} [formal, singular and plural] :: go ahead; go on
alliable {adj} :: alliable
alliacé {adj} :: garlicky
alliage {m} :: alloying (mixing elements to make an alloy)
alliage {m} :: alloy (metal that is a combination of two or more elements)
alliage {m} [by extension] :: alloy (metal of lesser value combined with a metal of greater value)
alliage {m} [figuratively] :: marriage, fusion, alloy, alloying (close union, mixture)
alliaire {f} :: garlic mustard (or any similar plant of the genus Alliaria)
alliance {f} :: alliance, union
alliance {f} :: wedding ring
allié {adj} :: friendly; allied (military sense)
alliée {f} :: female equivalent of allié
allier {v} :: to ally
allier {v} :: to alloy
Allier {prop} {m} :: Allier
alligator {m} :: alligator (animal)
allitératif {adj} :: alliterative
allitération {f} :: alliteration
allo- {prefix} :: allo-
allo {interj} :: alternative spelling of allô
allô {interj} [Quebec, Louisiana French] :: hello
allô {interj} [telephone] :: used to confirm that the person being addressed is listening, or to confirm if anyone is listening
allocataire {mf} :: beneficiary
allocation {f} :: allocation
allocation {f} :: granting, assignment
allocation {f} :: benefit, allowance
allocation familiale {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: child benefit, family allowance
allocentré {adj} :: allocentric
allocentrisme {m} :: allocentrism
allocentriste {adj} :: allocentrist
allochorie {f} [biology] :: allochory
allochtone {adj} :: allochthonous
allochtone {mf} :: a non-native person, not an autochtone
allocs {fp} :: child benefit
allocutaire {mf} :: addressee (person to whom something is adressed)
allocuteur {m} :: addresser (person addressing)
allocution {f} :: (short) speech
allocutrice {f} :: feminine noun of allocuteur
allocyclique {adj} :: allocyclic
allodial {adj} :: allodial
allodialement {adv} :: allodially
allœopathie {f} :: obsolete form of allopathie
allogame {adj} :: allogamous
allogamie {f} :: allogamy
allogène {mf} :: a person who has settled in a new nation or territory who still noticeably exhibits traits or characteristics of their previous nationality
allogène {mf} :: an obvious immigrant
allogénique {adj} :: allogenic
allographe {m} :: allograph
allographique {adj} :: allographic
alloimmunisation {f} :: alloimmunization
allomorphe {m} [linguistics, linguistic morphology] :: allomorph
allongeable {adj} :: extendible
allongement {m} :: lengthening, extension
allongement compensatoire {m} [phonetics] :: compensatory lengthening
allonger {vt} :: to lay down
allonger {vt} :: to lengthen, to make longer, to extend
allonger {vt} :: to extend out, to stretch
allonger {vi} [of days] :: to lengthen
allonger {vr} :: to grow, to get longer
allonger {vr} :: to stretch out
allonger {vr} :: To lie, to lie down
allonger le pas {v} :: to lengthen one's stride, to walk faster
allons-y {phrase} :: let's go
allons-y {phrase} :: let's go there
allons-y {phrase} [colloquial] :: come with me, follow me
allonyme {m} :: allonym
allopathe {m} :: allopath
allopathie {f} :: allopathy
allopathique {adj} :: allopathic
allopathiquement {adv} :: allopathically
allopatrie {m} :: allopatry
allopatrique {adj} :: allopatric
allophyle {adj} :: allophylic
allophylique {adj} :: allophylic
alloploidisation {f} :: alloploidization
allopurinol {m} :: allopurinol
allors {adv} :: obsolete spelling of alors
allosexuel {adj} [chiefly Canada] :: LGBT, trans or non-heterosexual: "allosexual"
allosome {m} [genetics] :: allosome
allosomique {adj} [genetics] :: allosomic
allostasie {f} [biology] :: allostasis
allostatique {adj} :: allostatic
allostérie {f} :: allostery
allostérique {adj} [biochemistry] :: allosteric
allotétraploïde {adj} :: allotetraploid
allotétraploïde {m} :: allotetraploid
allothermique {adj} :: allothermal, allothermic
allotir {v} :: To allot
allotissement {m} :: allotting, allotment
allotriomorphique {adj} :: allotriomorphic
allotrope {m} [chemistry] :: allotrope
allotrope {adj} [chemistry] :: allotropic
allotropie {f} :: allotropy
allotropique {adj} :: allotropic
allouable {adj} :: allottable, allocatable
allouer {vt} :: to allot, allocate
alloxane {f} [organic chemistry] :: alloxan
alluder {v} :: to allude
allumage {m} :: lighting
allumage {m} :: switching on, turning on
allumé {adj} [of a light source] :: lit, on, lit up
allumé {adj} [of a heat source] :: lit, on, on fire
allumé {adj} [of a person] :: drunk
allumé {adj} [of a person] :: congested
allume-cigare {m} :: cigar lighter
allume-feu {m} :: firelighter
allumer {v} :: to turn on (e.g. a light)
allumer {v} :: to light, to set alight
allumer {v} :: to arouse, to turn on
allumette {f} :: match (small flammable object)
allumettier {m} :: matchmaker (person who makes matchsticks)
allumettière {f} :: feminine singular of allumettier
allumeur {m} [sexuality] :: a tease (person who excites sexually)
allumeur {m} :: agent provocateur
allumeur {m} :: partner-in-crime; accomplice
allumeuse {f} [slang] :: a cock tease
allumeuse {f} :: feminine noun of allumeur
allumoir {m} :: An early form of cigarette lighter
allure {f} :: appearance, look
allure {f} :: speed, pace
allure {f} :: angle of a boat from the wind
allure {f} :: gait (of a horse)
allure {f} :: chemin de ronde (raised protected walkway behind a castle battlement)
alluré {adj} :: alluring, elegant
allusif {adj} :: allusive
allusion {f} :: allusion, innuendo
allusivement {adv} :: allusively
alluvial {adj} :: alluvial
alluvion {f} [geology, especially in plural] :: alluvial deposits
alluvionnaire {adj} :: alluvial
alluvionnement {m} :: deposition of alluvium; alluviation
alluvionnement {m} :: alluvial deposit
alluvionner {v} :: to deposit alluvium
allyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: allyl
allylène {m} [organic compound] :: allylene
allyler {v} [organic chemistry] :: To allylate
allylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: allylic
almageste {m} :: almagest
almanach {m} :: almanac
almanaque {m} [Louisiana French] :: calendar
almanaque {m} [Louisiana French] :: alternative spelling of almanach, almanac
almandin {m} :: almandine
almasilium {m} :: an alloy used to make milk cans
almée {f} :: almah
almicantarat {m} :: almucantar
almodovarien {adj} :: Almodovarian
almohade {adj} :: Almohad
almoravide {adj} :: Almoravid (attributive)
Almoravide {mf} :: Almoravid
à l'occasion {adv} :: occasionally, at times, on occasion
à l'occasion {adv} :: sometime, one day, one of these days, at some point
à l'occasion de {prep} :: on the occasion of
à l'œil {adv} :: for free, for nothing
à l'œil {adv} :: by sight
à l'œil nu {adv} :: to the naked eye, with the naked eye, on sight
aloès {m} :: aloe
aloétine {f} :: aloe vera (extract)
aloétique {adj} :: aloetic
à l'œuvre {adj} :: at work, operating
alogie {f} :: alogia
alogique {adj} :: alogical
alogiquement {adv} :: alogically (without logic)
aloi {m} :: quality, taste
aloïne {f} :: aloin
à l'oiseau royal {adj} [historical, fashion] :: feathered, plumed, crested
à loisir {adv} :: at leisure, at will, as much as one wants
à long terme {adj} :: long-term
à long terme {adv} :: in the long term, in the long run
à longueur de journée {adv} :: all day long, continually, all the time
à longueur de temps {adv} :: all the time, continually
alopécie {f} [pathology] :: alopecia
à l'oreille {adv} [chiefly music] :: by ear
à l'origine {adv} :: originally
alors {adv} :: then (at that time)
alors {adv} :: so; hence (as a consequence)
alors que {adv} :: as, while, when; whereas
alose {f} :: shad (fishes of the herring family)
alouate {m} :: howler monkey
à louer {adj} :: for rent, to let (available for letting)
alouette {f} :: lark (bird)
alouette {interj} [usually humorous] :: Used at the end of a long list of items; and a partridge in a pear tree
alourdir {vt} :: To weigh down
alourdir {vr} :: to pile up (of e.g. problems, to get worse)
alourdissement {m} :: weighing down (act of weighing down)
aloyau {m} :: sirloin
alp {phrase} [Internet slang, texting] :: à la prochaine
ALP {phrase} :: TTYL/TTYA/cul8r; abbreviation of à la prochaine
alpaga {m} :: alpaca (sheeplike animal of the Andes)
alpage {m} :: alpine (high mountain) pasturage
alpague {mf} [slang, rare] :: overcoat, typically of alpaca
alpague {mf} [slang, by extension] :: any type of garment
alpaguer {v} [slang] :: to collar, catch, seize, arrest
alpe {m} :: alpine pasture
alpenstock {m} :: alpenstock
Alpes {prop} {fp} :: Alpes (mountain range)
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence {prop} {fp} :: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
Alpes-Maritimes {prop} {fp} :: Alpes-Maritimes
alpestre {adj} :: alpine
alpha {m} :: alpha (Greek letter)
alphabet {m} :: alphabet (set of letters considered as a group)
alphabétaire {adj} :: synonym of alphabétique
alphabète {adj} :: literate
alphabétique {adj} :: alphabetical (in the order of the letters of the alphabet)
alphabétiquement {adv} :: alphabetically
alphabétisable {adj} :: alphabetizable
alphabétisation {f} :: elimination of illiteracy, the process of learning to write and to read (and to compute)
alphabétiser {vt} :: To teach to read and write
alphabétiser {vt} :: To eliminate illiteracy in (a country)
alphabétisme {m} :: literacy, the characteristic of knowing how to read, write, and speak
alphabétisme {m} :: alphabetism
alphabet latin {m} :: A Latin alphabet, any alphabet based on the Roman one (devised for Latin)
alphabet phonétique international {m} :: International Phonetic Alphabet; IPA
alphanumérique {adj} :: alphanumeric
alphasyllabaire {adj} :: alphasyllabary (attributive)
alphasyllabaire {m} :: alphasyllabary
Alphée {prop} :: Alpheus
Alphonse {prop} :: given name
alphonsine {adj} :: Alfonsine
Alphonsine {prop} {f} :: given name
Alpicois {m} :: A person from Le Pecq
Alpicoise {f} :: feminine noun of Alpicois
alpicole {adj} :: alpine (living in alpine regions)
alpiculteur {m} :: alpine farmer
alpicultrice {f} :: feminine singular of alpiculteur
alpiculture {f} :: alpine farming
alpigène {adj} [botany] :: Alpine
alpin {adj} :: Alpine (pertaining to the Alps)
alpinisme {m} :: mountaineering; hiking
alpiniste {mf} :: mountaineer, alpinist
alpinistique {adj} :: alpinist
alpique {adj} :: Alpine
alpiste {m} :: canary grass
alsace {m} :: Any of several wines produced in Alsace
Alsace {prop} {f} :: Alsace [region of France]
Alsace-Lorraine {prop} {f} :: Alsace-Lorraine
alsacien {adj} :: Alsatian, from Alsace
alsacien {m} :: Alsatian; dialect of German spoken in what is today France
Alsacien {m} :: person from Alsace
Alsacienne {f} :: feminine noun of Alsacien
alsatique {adj} :: Relating to the history etc of Alsace
altaïque {adj} :: Altaic
alter- {prefix} :: alter-
altérabilité {f} :: alterability
altérable {adj} :: alterable
altérateur {adj} :: alterative
altératif {adj} :: alterative
altération {f} :: alteration
altercation {f} :: Altercation
altéré {adj} :: altered, changed
altérer {v} :: to alter; change; fiddle with
altérer {v} :: to cause thirst
altérité {f} :: alterity
altermondialisation {f} :: antiglobalization
altermondialisme {m} :: antiglobalization
altermondialiste {adj} :: antiglobalist
altermondialiste {mf} :: antiglobalist
alternance {f} :: alternation
alternance consonantique {f} [linguistics] :: consonant alternation
alternance de code {f} [linguistics] :: code-switching
alternance vocalique {f} [linguistics] :: apophony, umlaut, ablaut, vowel alternation
alternant {adj} :: alternating
alternat {m} :: alternation
alternat {m} :: The imposition of circulation alternée
alternateur {adj} :: alternating
alternateur {m} :: alternator (an electric generator which produces alternating current)
alternatif {adj} :: alternating
alternatif {adj} :: alternative (different)
alternative {f} :: alternative
alternativement {adv} :: alternatively
alternativement {adv} :: in turn
alterner {v} :: to alternate
altesse {f} :: highness, Highness (title of respect)
althaea {m} :: alternative form of althæa
althæa {m} :: alternative form of althée
althée {m} :: marshmallow (plant Althaea officinalis)
altier {adj} :: haughty
altièrement {adv} :: haughtily
altimètre {m} :: altimeter
altimétrie {f} :: altimetry
altimétrique {adj} :: altimetric
altiport {m} :: mountain airfield
altise {f} :: flea beetle (of tribe Alticini)
altiste {mf} [music] :: A person who plays the viola
altiste {mf} [music] :: A person who plays the alto saxophone
altisurface {f} :: An airstrip at high altitude (especially in the Alps)
altitonnant {adj} :: That thunders from above (as an epithet for a god)
altitude {f} :: altitude
altitudinaire {adj} :: altitudinal
alto {m} [music] :: alto
alto {m} [musical instruments] :: ellipsis of violon alto; viola
altruisme {m} :: altruism
altruiste {adj} :: altruistic (regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish)
altruiste {mf} :: altruist
alu {m} [colloquial] :: clipping of aluminium
alucite {f} :: fungus moth (of family Tineidae)
aluette {f} :: A French regional card game
alula {f} :: alula (feather)
aluminage {m} :: aluminizing
aluminate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: aluminate
alumine {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: alumina
aluminer {v} :: To aluminize
aluminerie {f} :: A factory in which bauxite (or similar ore) is converted into aluminium metal
alumineux {adj} :: aluminous
aluminiage {m} :: aluminization, aluminizing
aluminique {adj} :: aluminic
aluminium {m} :: aluminum (element)
aluminosilicate {m} :: aluminosilicate
aluminosilicaté {adj} [geology, mineralogy] :: Containing aluminosilicates
aluminothermie {f} :: aluminothermy
alun {m} :: alum
alunage {m} :: aluming
à l'unanimité {adv} :: unanimously
alunation {f} :: aluming
aluner {v} :: to alum
alunifère {adj} :: aluminiferous
alunir {v} :: to land on the Moon
alunissage {m} :: moon landing, lunar landing; act of landing on the Moon
à l'unisson {adv} [figuratively] :: in unison, in chorus, unanimously
à l'unisson {adv} [figuratively] :: in unison, in concert
alunite {f} [mineral] :: alunite
alvéolage {m} :: honeycombing
alvéolaire {adj} :: alveolar
alvéole {m} [anatomy] :: alveolus
alvéole {m} :: cell (in honeycomb), alveolus (of beehive)
alvéole {m} :: cavity (in rock)
alvéolé {adj} :: honeycombed
alvéolectomie {f} [surgery] :: alveolectomy
alvéole pulmonaire {m} :: pulmonary alveolus
alvéoliforme {adj} :: alveoliform
alvéolisation {f} :: alveolization
alvéolite {f} [pathology] :: alveolitis
alvéolopalatal {adj} :: alveopalatal
alvin {adj} :: alvine
alysse {f} :: alyssum
alysson {m} :: synonym of alysse
alyte {f} :: midwife toad
A. M. {mf} :: alternative form of A.M.
A.M. {adv} :: ante meridiem
AM {adv} :: abbreviation of ante meridiem
AMA {prop} :: WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency); abbreviation of Agence Mondial Antidopage
amabile {adv} [music] :: in a tender, loving style
amabilité {f} :: kindness
amabilité {f} :: friendliness
amabilité {f} :: gentleness
à ma connaissance {adv} :: to my knowledge, to the best of my knowledge, as far as I know
amadou {m} :: lure; bait
amadou {m} :: tinder; kindling; touchwood; spunk
Amadou {prop} {m} :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa
amadouer {v} :: to coax; to sweet-talk (persuade gradually)
amadouer {v} :: to cajole
amadouer {v} :: to humour (person)
amadouvier {m} :: touchwood, tinder
amagnétique {adj} :: nonmagnetic, amagnetic
amaigrir {vt} [said of an illness, hard work, abuse etc.] :: to emaciate make thinner (in an unhealthy way)
amaigrir {vr} [said of a person] :: to get thinner (in an unhealthy way), to become emaciated
amaigrissement {m} :: emaciation
à main armée {prep} :: armed
à mains nues {prep} :: barehanded, with one's bare hands
amal {m} :: Amal (language)
amalfitain {adj} :: Of or from Amalfi
amalgamation {f} :: amalgamation
amalgame {m} :: amalgam
amalgame {m} :: amalgamation
amalgamer {v} :: to amalgamate
à malin, malin et demi {proverb} :: One will always find a cleverer or stronger person than oneself
Amand {prop} :: given name
Amanda {prop} :: given name
amandaie {f} :: almond grove / plantation
amande {f} :: almond (the nut)
amandé {m} :: almond milk
amandier {m} :: almond tree
amandin {adj} [rare] :: almond-like, amygdalic
amandine {f} :: amandine
Amandine {prop} :: given name, popular from the 1980s to the 2000s
amanite {f} :: amanita
amanite tue-mouches {f} :: fly agaric, fly fungus (Amanita muscaria)
amant {m} :: lover
amante {f} :: feminine noun of amant
Amanzé {prop} :: A small village in the Saône-et-Loire department of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
amaphrose {f} :: obsolete spelling of amaurose
amarantacée {f} :: amaranth (of family Amaranthaceae)
amarante {adj} :: amaranth (color)
amarante {f} :: amaranth (herb)
amarante {f} :: purpleheart (tree)
amarante {f} :: amaranth (colour)
amaranthe {f} :: archaic spelling of amarante
amaretto {m} :: The sweet-bitter liqueur amaretto
amaretto {m} :: A glass of it
amareyeur {m} :: synonym of ostréiculteur
amareyeuse {f} :: feminine singular of amareyeur
amaril {adj} [pathology, attributive] :: yellow fever
amarinage {m} :: The act of becoming a sailor
amariner {v} :: to become a sailor
amariner {v} :: to get one's sea legs
amarivaudé {adj} :: In the style of marivaudage
amarnien {adj} :: Of or from Amarna
amarrage {m} [nautical] :: mooring
amarrage {m} :: docking (of spacecraft)
amarre {f} :: rope, mooring
amarrer {v} [nautical] :: to moor
amarsir {vi} [of a spacecraft] :: To land on the surface of the planet Mars
amarsissage {m} :: (of a spacecraft) Mars landing
amaryllidacée {f} :: amaryllid (of the family Amaryllidaceae)
amaryllis {m} :: amaryllis
amas {m} :: pile, heap
amas {m} [astronomy] :: cluster
amas d'étoiles {m} [astronomy] :: star cluster
amas globulaire {m} :: globular cluster
amas ouvert {m} :: open cluster (star cluster)
amasser {v} :: to amass; to gather up
amassette {f} [art] :: palette knife (used in mixing paint)
amas stellaire {m} :: star cluster
amateur {m} :: amateur
amateur {m} :: a lover of something
amateur {adj} :: amateur
amateurisme {m} :: amateurism
amateurisme {m} [pejorative] :: amateurishness
amateuriste {adj} :: amateurish
amâtiner {v} [obsolete] :: to crossbreed a wolf or large guard dog with a bitch (female dog)
amatir {v} :: To give gold or silver a matte finish
amatoire {adj} :: amatory
amaurose {f} [pathology] :: amaurosis
amaurotique {adj} [pathology] :: amaurotic
Amaury {prop} {m} :: given name
à mauvais escient {adv} :: unwisely, not using one's best judgement
amazigh {adj} :: Amazigh, Berber
amazigh {m} :: Amazigh, Berber (language)
amazighité {f} :: Amazighity
amazighophone {adj} :: Berberophone
amazighophone {mf} :: Berberophone
amazone {f} :: Amazon (race of females)
amazone {f} :: amazon (bird)
amazone {f} [equestrian] :: sidesaddle (riding technique)
Amazone {prop} {f} :: Amazon (river)
Amazonie {prop} {f} :: Amazon
amazonien {adj} :: Amazon
amazonite {f} :: amazonite
ambage {m} [especially in plural] :: ambage
ambassade {f} :: an embassy, diplomatic representation in a foreign state, notably headed by an ambassador
ambassadeur {m} :: ambassador
ambassadrice {f} [formal] :: wife of an ambassador (" Madame l'Ambassadrice "). A female ambassador is "Madame l'Ambassadeur"
ambassadrice {f} [colloquial] :: ambassadress, female ambassador
Ambazoni {m} :: Ambazonian (person from Ambazonia)
ambi- {prefix} :: ambi-
ambiance {f} :: ambiance, atmosphere
ambiancer {v} [Africa] :: to make an ambience, to cause ambience
ambianceur {m} :: host, entertainer, MC
ambianceur {m} :: party animal, partier
ambianceur {m} :: One who creates an ambiance or atmosphere
ambiant {adj} :: ambient
ambidextre {adj} :: ambidextrous (having equal ability with both hands)
ambidextre {mf} :: ambidextrous person
ambidextrie {f} :: ambidexterity
ambieanceuse {f} :: feminine noun of ambianceur
ambigène {adj} :: ambigenous
ambigrammatique {adj} :: ambigrammatic
ambigramme {m} :: ambigram (a design that may be read in two different ways)
ambigu {adj} :: ambiguous (open to multiple interpretations)
ambigu {m} :: ambiguation
ambiguïser {v} :: to ambiguate
ambigüiser {v} :: alternative spelling of ambiguïser
ambiguïté {f} :: ambiguity (something liable to more than one interpretation)
ambigüité {f} :: alternative form of ambiguïté
ambigument {adv} :: ambiguously
ambiophonie {f} :: ambiophonics
ambiophonie {f} :: surround sound
ambisexué {adj} :: ambisexual
ambisexuel {adj} :: ambisexual
ambitieusement {adv} :: ambitiously
ambitieux {adj} :: ambitious
ambition {f} :: ambition (feeling)
ambitionner {v} :: to aim for; go for; set as one's goal
ambitransitif {adj} [grammar] :: ambitransitive
ambivalence {f} :: ambivalence
ambivalence {f} :: ambiguity
ambivalent {adj} :: ambivalent
ambivalent {adj} :: ambiguous, equivocal
ambler {v} [archaic] :: to amble
ambleur {adj} :: ambling (of a quadruped, walking with front and back legs in phase)
amblotique {adj} :: amblotic
amblygone {adj} :: amblygonal
amblyope {adj} :: amblyopic
amblyope {mf} :: amblyope
amblyopie {f} :: amblyopia (dimness or blurring of the eyesight)
amblyoscope {m} :: amblyoscope
amblystome {m} :: synonym of ambystome
amboceptif {adj} [psychology] :: amboceptive
ambon {m} [architecture] :: ambon
ambre {m} :: amber (fossil resin)
Ambre {prop} :: given name
ambré {adj} :: perfumed, notably musky with (or like) ambergris
ambré {adj} :: colored amber, of a brownish to yellow/orange colour
ambre gris {m} :: ambergris (fatty substance)
ambréine {m} [organic compound] :: ambrein
ambre jaune {m} :: amber (fossil resin)
ambrer {v} :: to perfume with ambergris
ambrette {f} :: abelmosk, Abelmoschus moschatus
ambroisie {f} :: (Greek & Roman Mythology) ambrosia
ambroisie {f} :: ambrosia, a food with a delicious flavour
ambrosien {adj} :: Ambrosian
ambulacre {m} :: avenue (with regular placing of trees)
ambulacre {m} [zoology] :: ambulacrum
ambulacriforme {adj} :: ambulacriform
ambulance {f} :: ambulance
ambulancier {m} :: ambulanceman; paramedic
ambulancière {f} :: female equivalent of ambulancier
ambulant {adj} :: walking, strolling
ambulatoire {adj} :: ambulatory
ambuler {v} [archaic] :: To walk, stroll
ambystome {m} :: mole salamander (of family Ambystomatidae)
AMC {f} :: initialism of auto-mitrailleuse de combat = combat machine-gun carrier or armored car
AMD {n} :: initialism of auto-mitrailleuse de découverte: reconnaissance machine-gun carrier or armored car
âme {f} [religion, philosophy] :: soul
âme {f} [moral, intellectual centre] :: soul, heart, mind
âme {f} :: soul, person
âme {f} :: bore (of a cannon)
âme {f} [lutherie] :: soundpost (of a violin etc.)
amébée {adj} :: amoebean
à méchant ouvrier, point de bon outil {proverb} :: a bad workman always blames his tools
âme damnée {f} :: a henchman, a minion, a pawn, a tool, a cat's-paw, a person completely devoted to another and willing to do everything at his bidding, to do his dirty work
âme en peine {f} :: lost soul
amélanche {f} :: fruit of any tree that is described under amélanchier
amélanchier {m} :: serviceberry (plant)
Amélie {prop} {f} :: given name
Ameline {prop} {f} :: given name
améliorable {adj} :: improvable (able to be improved)
améliorant {adj} :: ameliorating
améliorateur {m} :: ameliorator
amélioratif {adj} :: ameliorative
amélioration {f} :: improvement
amélioratrice {f} :: feminine singular of améliorateur
améliorer {v} :: to improve, better, ameliorate
à même {prep} :: directly on, directly from; in contact with
à même de {adj} :: capable of, ready to
amen {adv} :: amen
amen {m} :: amen
amenage {m} :: bringing, fetching
amenage {m} :: lift, ride (in a vehicle)
aménageable {adj} :: developable, convertible (to a specific use)
aménagement {m} :: fitting out (of a place)
aménagement {m} :: laying out (of ground)
aménagement {m} :: development (of a district)
aménagement {m} :: planning
aménagement {m} :: adjusting
aménager {v} :: to lay out, fit out
aménager {v} :: to develop, convert (to an intended use)
aménageur {m} :: developer (etc)
aménageuse {f} :: feminine noun of aménageur
aménagiste {mf} :: developer
aménagiste {adj} :: developmental
amendable {adj} :: amendable
amende {f} :: fine (payment)
amendement {m} :: amendment
amender {vt} :: to amend
amender {vt} :: to improve [e.g. land, conduct]
amender {vt} [figuratively] :: to mend (one's ways), reform
amène {adj} :: Amene; pleasant
amener {v} :: to bring (a person), take, fetch, give a lift, give a ride
amener {v} :: to reel in (a fish)
amener {v} :: to lead
aménité {f} :: niceness; agreeableness
aménorrhée {f} :: amenorrhea
amensal {adj} [biology] :: amensal
amensalisme {m} [biology] :: amensalism
amentifère {adj} [botany] :: amentiferous
amenuir {v} :: To dwindle, diminish
amenuisement {m} :: diminution
amenuiser {vt} :: To make thinner
amenuiser {vt} :: to thin out
amenuiser {vr} :: to get slimmer; to slim
amenuiser {vr} [of e.g. supplies] :: to dwindle; to run low
âme qui vive {pron} :: no one, nobody
âme qui vive {pron} :: anyone
amer {adj} :: bitter
amer {adj} :: sour
amèrement {adv} :: bitterly
américain {adj} :: pertaining to America or the American people
américain {m} :: sandwich, generally with ham or pork, and French fries
Américain {m} :: American; someone born in, or a citizen or inhabitant of, the United States of America
américaine {f} [cycling] :: madison (cycling discipline)
Américaine {f} :: feminine noun of Américain
américanisation {f} :: Americanization
américaniser {v} :: to Americanize (to make American)
américanisme {m} :: Americanism
américanissime {adj} :: superlative of américain: Very American
américaniste {adj} :: Americanist (relating to the anthropology of Native Americans)
américanité {f} :: Americanness
amériçate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: americate
américié {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: Relating to, or containing americium
américium {m} :: americium
américyle {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: americyl
amérinde {adj} [linguistics] :: Amerind
amérindien {adj} :: Amerindian
amérindien {m} :: Amerindian
Amérindien {m} :: Amerindian
Amérindienne {f} :: feminine noun of Amérindien
Amérique {prop} {f} :: America (as in the Americas),
Amérique {prop} {f} [colloquial, by ellipsis, metonymy] :: ellipsis of États-Unis de l'Amérique: United States of America
Amérique centrale {prop} {f} :: Central America
Amérique du Nord {prop} {f} :: North America
Amérique du Sud {prop} {f} :: South America
Amérique latine {prop} {f} :: Latin America
amerissage {m} :: alternative spelling of amerrissage (splashdown [landing in the sea])
amérissage {m} :: alternative form of amerrissage
amerloque {m} [colloquial, sometimes, pejorative] :: Yank, Yankee
amerrir {v} :: to splash down (land in water)
amerrir {v} :: to crash-land (in water)
amerrissage {m} [aeronautics] :: splashdown (landing into water)
amerrissage {m} [aviation] :: ditching (crash-landing into water)
amertume {f} :: bitterness
à merveille {adv} :: to a tee (perfectly)
-âmes {suffix} :: Suffix forming the first-person plural past historic of -er verbs
âme sœur {f} :: soulmate (someone with whom one has a special connection)
à mesure {adv} :: in proportion and at the same time
à mesure que {conj} :: as
amétabole {adj} [biology] :: ametabolous
améthodique {adj} :: amethodical, illogical
améthyste {f} :: amethyst
amétrine {f} [mineral] :: ametrine
amétrope {adj} :: ametropic
amétropie {f} :: ametropia
ameublement {m} :: furniture
ameublir {v} :: To soften
ameublissement {m} :: softening
ameuter {v} :: to incite, to stir up
ameuter {v} :: to alert
amha {adv} :: alternative spelling of àmha
àmha {adv} [colloquial, Internet slang, initialism] :: IMHO
Amhara {mf} :: Amhara (person)
Amhara {prop} {f} :: Amhara (province)
amharique {adj} :: Amharic (relating to the Amharic language)
amharique {m} :: Amharic (Ethiopian language)
ami {m} :: friend (one who is affectionately attached to another)
ami {m} :: male friend
amiable {adj} :: amiable
amiablement {adv} :: kindly, graciously
amiablement {adv} :: amicably
amiantacé {adj} :: Relating to, containing or resembling asbestos
amiante {m} :: asbestos
amianté {adj} :: asbestos-ridden; full of asbestos
amibe {f} :: amoeba (a genus of unicellular protozoa)
amibiase {f} [pathology] :: amoebiasis, amebiasis
amibicide {adj} :: amebicidal
amibien {adj} :: amoeban
amibiforme {adj} :: amebiform
amiboïde {adj} :: ameboid
amiboïde {m} :: ameboid
amical {adj} :: friendly, amicable
amicalement {adv} :: friendly (in a friendly manner)
amicaliste {adj} :: friendly society (attributive)
à mi-chemin {adv} :: halfway, midway (half way to a place, or between two place)
à mi-chemin {adv} :: in the middle of, mid-
amict {m} :: amice
amide {m} [organic chemistry] :: amide
amidé {adj} [organic chemistry] :: amido (attributive)
amidon {m} :: starch
amidonnage {m} :: starching
amidonner {v} :: to starch (apply starch)
amidonnerie {f} :: starch factory
amidonnier {m} :: emmer (Triticum turgidum)
amidopyrine {f} :: amidopyrine
amidure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: amide (NH2- anion)
amie {f} :: (female) friend
amiénois {adj} :: pertaining to Amiens, France
Amiénois {m} :: inhabitant of Amiens, France
Amiénoise {f} :: feminine noun of Amiénois
Amiens {prop} :: Amiens (capital city)
amiette {f} [archaic] :: female lover
amincir {vt} :: to thin (down)
amincir {vr} :: to get thinner
amincissant {adj} :: slimming; slimline
amincissement {m} :: thinning
aminé {adj} [organic chemistry] :: amino
amino- {prefix} :: amino-
aminoacide {m} [organic chemistry] :: amino acid
aminoadipique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aminoadipic
aminoalcool {m} [organic chemistry] :: amino alcohol
aminobenzène {m} [organic compound] :: aminobenzene
aminobenzène {m} [organic compound, singular only] :: aniline
aminobutyrique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aminobutyric
aminogramme {m} :: aminogram
aminolévulinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aminolevulinic / aminolaevulinic
aminométhane {m} [organic compound] :: aminomethane, methylamine
aminoplaste {m} :: aminoplastic
aminoside {f} :: aminoglycoside
amiotique {adj} [biology] :: ameiotic
amiral {adj} :: of or belonging to an admiral
amiral {m} :: admiral (military officer)
amirale {f} :: feminine noun of amiral
amiraulté {f} :: obsolete spelling of amirauté
amirauté {f} [nautical] :: admiralty, admiralship
amitié {f} :: friendship, amity
amitose {m} [biology] :: amitosis
à mi-voix {adv} :: in a low voice, sotto voce
AML {f} :: initialism of auto-mitrailleuse lourde: heavy machine-gun carrier or armored car
ammeistre {m} :: alderman (sometimes mayor) in Alsace
-amment {suffix} :: Variant of -ment appended to adjectives ending with -ant
Ammerschwihr {prop} :: Ammerschwihr (commune), near the large town of Colmar
ammestre {m} :: alternative form of ammeistre
ammodyte {f} :: ammodyte (all senses)
ammoniac {m} [inorganic compound] :: ammonia
ammoniac {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: ammonic, ammonical
ammoniacal {adj} :: ammoniacal
ammoniacé {adj} :: alternative form of ammoniaqué
ammoniaqué {adj} :: ammoniacal
ammoniaqué {adj} :: ammoniated
ammoniaquer {v} :: To ammoniate
ammoniogenèse {f} :: ammoniagenesis
ammonique {adj} :: ammoniacal
ammonisation {f} :: ammoniation
ammonite {f} :: ammonite
ammonitique {adj} :: ammonitic
ammonitrate {m} [agriculture] :: ammonitrate
ammonium {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: ammonium
ammoniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: ammoniate
ammophile {f} :: sand wasp (of genus Ammophila)
ammophile {f} :: marram (grass of genus Ammophila)
ammorti {m} :: stop (tennis: short shot)
amnésie {f} :: amnesia
amnésique {adj} :: amnesic
amnicole {adj} [biology] :: amnicolous
amniocentèse {f} [medicine] :: amniocentesis
amnioscopie {f} :: amnioscopy
amniotique {adj} :: amniotic
amnique {adj} :: synonym of amniotique
amnistie {f} :: amnesty
amnistier {vt} :: to amnesty
amocher {vt} [colloquial] :: to mess up
amodiable {adj} :: rentable, leasable
amodiataire {m} :: lessee (especially of land or a farm)
amodiateur {m} :: lessee (especially of land or a farm)
amodiation {f} :: leasing / renting (of land or a farm)
amodier {v} :: To rent or lease land or a farm
amœbe {f} :: obsolete form of amibe
amœbien {adj} :: obsolete form of amibien
amœbiforme {mf} :: obsolete form of amibiforme
amœbocyte {m} :: obsolete form of amibocyte
amœboïde {adj} :: obsolete form of amiboïde
amœboïde {m} :: obsolete form of amiboïde
amœne {adj} :: obsolete form of amène
à moi {interj} :: help! (A cry of distress or an urgent request for assistance)
amoindrir {vt} :: to lessen, degrade, decrease, shrink
amoindrir {vt} :: to weaken
amoindrir {vr} :: to shrink, wean, reduce
amoindrissable {adj} :: shrinkable
amoindrissement {m} :: weakening
à moins de {conj} :: unless
à moins que {conj} :: unless
amollir {v} :: to soften
amollissant {m} :: softener
amollissant {adj} :: softening; that softens
amollissement {f} :: softening
amome {m} :: amomum
amoncèlement {m} :: alternative spelling of amoncellement
amonceler {vr} :: to build up; to accumulate
amonceler {vt} [uncommon] :: to pile up
amoncellement {m} :: heap, pile
à mon sens {prep} :: in my view
amont {m} :: The upstream part of a river
amont {m} :: The uphill part of a mountain
amontillado {m} :: amontillado
amoral {adj} :: amoral
amoralement {adv} [rare] :: amorally
amoralisme {m} :: amoralism
amoraliste {m} :: amoralist
amorçage {m} :: priming
amorçage {m} [computing] :: booting
amorce {f} :: bait (used to catch fish)
amorce {f} :: primer (substance used to start a fire)
amorce {f} [figuratively] :: bait
amorce {f} [biology] :: primer (strand)
amorcé {adj} :: primed
amorcer {v} :: to prime, set in motion
amorcer {v} :: to begin, to get to work on (to commence a project)
amorcer {v} :: to break ground (start construction work)
amorcer {v} [computing] :: to boot
amorcer {v} [fishing] :: to bait (lace with bait)
amorcer {v} [fishing] :: to bait, chum (try to attract fish with bait)
amorcer {v} :: to bait in, to string in, reel in
amorcer {v} :: to bait (e.g. an enemy, to react)
amorceur {m} :: initiator
amordancer {v} :: To mordant
amoroso {adv} [music] :: in a tender, loving style
amorphe {adj} :: amorphous (physics: in the non-chrystalline state of solid)
amorphe {adj} :: sluggish, inert (lacking vivacity)
à mort {adv} :: to death
à mort {adv} [slang] :: very, extremely, as hell
amorti {m} [tennis] :: drop shot
amorti {m} [baseball] :: bunt
amorti {m} [soccer] :: first touch, control
amortir {v} :: to cushion, absorb, soften (shock, blow etc.)
amortir {v} :: to deaden, muffle (noise)
amortir {v} [finance] :: to pay off, amortize; to redeem (a title)
amortir {v} [architecture] :: to put an amortizement on
amortissable {adj} :: depreciable
amortissement {m} :: amortizement
amortissement {m} :: cushioning, softening, or deafening of a sound or impact
amortisseur {m} :: damper
amortisseur {m} :: shock absorber
Amos {prop} {m} [bible] :: Amos
à mouchoir que veux-tu {adv} :: [of crying] profusely
amouillante {adj} [of a cow] :: About to calve
amour {mf} :: love
Amour {prop} {m} :: Amur (the river between the Far East Russia and China)
amouracher {vr} :: to fall hopelessly in love; to be infatuated (de (with))
amour courtois {n} :: courtly love
amour de soi {m} :: self-love
amour de vacances {m} :: vacation romance, holiday romance, holiday fling
amourette {f} :: a crush (feeling of romantic attraction)
amoureuse {f} :: feminine noun of amoureux
amoureusement {adv} :: amorously
amoureux {adj} :: in love
amoureux {m} :: lover
à mourir de rire {adj} [colloquial] :: sidesplitting, hilarious
amour libre {m} :: free love
amour platonique {m} :: platonic love
amour-propre {m} :: self-esteem; quality of self-love; positive regard for oneself
amours {fp} :: love affairs
amovibilité {f} :: removability
amovible {adj} [legal] :: removable
amovible {adj} :: removable, detachable
amoxicilline {f} [medicine] :: amoxicillin
à moyen terme {adj} :: medium-term
à moyen terme {adv} :: in the medium term
ampélidacée {f} :: vine (of the family Vitaceae, syn. Ampelidaceae)
ampélographie {f} :: ampelography
ampélographique {adj} :: ampelographic
ampélophage {adj} :: ampelophagous
ampère {m} :: ampere
Ampère {prop} :: surname, known for:
ampèremètre {m} :: ammeter
ampèremétrique {adj} [physics] :: amperometric
ampérien {adj} [physics] :: Amperian
ampérométrique {adj} [physics] :: amperometric
amphémérin {adj} [pathology] :: Recurring daily
amphétamine {f} :: amphetamine
amphétaminique {adj} :: amphetaminic
amphi- {prefix} :: amphi-
amphi {m} [colloquial] :: lecture theatre
amphiarthrose {f} :: amphiarthrosis
amphibéringien {adj} :: amphiberingian
amphibie {adj} :: amphibious (all meanings)
amphibie {m} [dated] :: amphibian
amphibien {m} :: amphibian
amphibiotique {adj} :: amphibiotic
amphibole {f} [mineral] :: amphibole
amphibolique {adj} :: amphibolic (all senses)
amphibologie {f} :: amphibology
amphibologique {adj} :: amphibological
amphibologiquement {adv} :: amphibologically
amphicontinental {adj} :: amphicontinental
amphictyon {m} :: amphictyon
amphictyonide {adj} :: amphictyonic
amphictyonie {f} :: amphictyony
amphictyonique {adj} :: amphictyonic
amphidelphe {adj} [zoology] :: amphidelphic
amphidrome {adj} :: amphidromous
amphigame {adj} [biology] :: amphigamous
amphigouri {m} :: rigmarole
amphigouri {m} :: gibberish
amphigourique {adj} :: enigmatic, obscure, puzzling
amphigouriquement {adv} :: enigmatically, obscurely, puzzlingly
amphihalin {adj} [biology] :: amphihaline
amphihexaèdre {m} [maths] :: amphihexahedron
amphimixie {f} :: amphimixis
amphipathique {adj} [chemistry] :: amphipathic
amphipodiforme {adj} :: amphipodiform
Amphipolis {prop} {f} :: Amphipolis (ancient Greek city)
amphiprotique {adj} [chemistry] :: amphiprotic
amphisbène {m} :: amphisbaena
amphisbène {m} :: worm lizard (of clade Amphisbaenia)
amphiscien {adj} :: amphiscian
amphithéâtral {adj} :: amphitheatrical
amphithéâtre {m} :: amphitheatre
amphithéâtre {m} :: lecture theatre
amphitrope {adj} :: amphitropic
amphitryon {m} :: host (at a dinner party)
amphocholérétique {adj} [physiology] :: amphocholeretic
amphogène {adj} :: amphogenic
ampholyte {m} :: ampholyte
amphore {f} :: amphora
amphorique {adj} :: amphoric
amphotère {adj} [chemistry] :: amphoteric
amphotéricine {m} :: amphotericin
amphotérique {adj} [chemistry] :: amphoteric
ample {adj} :: plentiful, abundant, copious, profuse, ample
amplement {adv} :: amply
ampleur {f} :: scale, size, extent, scope (of problem, project, deficit etc.)
ampleur {f} :: volume (of sound)
ampleur {f} [of clothing etc.] :: fullness
ampleur {f} :: opulence, liberalness (of style etc.)
ampli {m} :: amp (amplifier)
ampliatif {adj} :: ampliative
ampliation {f} :: ampliation
amplificateur {m} :: amplifier
amplificatif {adj} :: amplificatory, amplificative
amplification {f} :: amplification (all senses)
amplifier {v} :: to amplify
ampliforme {adj} :: padded, enhanced, amplifying (of a bra)
amplitude {f} [mathematics, physics] :: amplitude
ampoule {f} :: light bulb
ampoule {f} :: ampoule
ampoule {f} :: blister
ampoulé {adj} :: exaggerated; over the top
ampoulément {adv} [figuratively] :: exaggeratedly
ampouleux {adj} :: alternative form of ampoulé
amputation {f} :: amputation
amputé {m} :: amputee - person missing one or several limbs due to an amputation
amputé {adj} :: amputated
amputer {v} :: to amputate
AMR {n} :: initialism of auto-mitrailleuse de reconnaissance
amstellodamien {adj} :: Of or from Amsterdam
amstellodamois {adj} :: From Amsterdam
Amsterdam {prop} :: Amsterdam (city/and/municipality)
ams tram gram {phrase} :: eeny, meeny, miny, moe
AMT {prop} {f} [transport] :: MTA - AMT - Agence métropolitaine de transport - the former public transit agency for the CMM, now replaced by the RTM - the Réseau de transport métropolitain
amuïr {vp} [linguistics] :: To become mute, to disappear [of a sound]
amuïssement {m} [linguistics] :: disappearance, muting (of a sound) [the attenuation (reduction) or more often, the complete disappearance of a phoneme or a syllable in a word]
amulette {f} :: amulet (object intended to bring protection to its owner)
amure {f} [nautucal] :: tack (sailing against the wind)
amurer {v} [nautical] :: To tack (sail against the wind)
amusant {adj} :: amusing; funny
amusant {adj} :: fun
amuse-bouche {m} :: snack, hors d'oeuvre, appetizer
amuse-gueule {m} :: snack (same as the hypercorrection amuse-bouche)
amusement {m} :: amusement
amuser {vt} :: to amuse, to entertain
amuser {vr} [s'amuser] :: to have fun, to enjoy oneself
amusette {f} :: puzzle (enigma, question)
amusette {f} :: amusette (weapon)
amuseur {m} :: amuser
amuseur {m} :: (mere) entertainer
amuseuse {f} :: feminine noun of amuseur
amusie {f} :: amusia
amyélinique {adj} :: amyelinated
amygdale {f} [anatomy] :: tonsil
amygdalectomie {f} [surgery] :: tonsillectomy
amygdalien {adj} :: amygdalin (attributive)
amygdaliforme {adj} :: amygdaliform
amygdalite {f} [pathology] :: tonsillitis
amygdaloïde {adj} :: amygdaloid
amylacé {adj} :: starched
amylase {f} [enzyme] :: amylase
amyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: amyl
amylène {m} [organic compound] :: amylene
amylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: amylic
amylobacter {m} :: amylobacter
amyloïde {adj} :: amyloid
amylopectine {f} [carbohydrate] :: amylopectin
amyotrophie {f} [pathology] :: amyotrophy
amyotrophique {adj} :: amyotrophic
an- {prefix} :: in-, an-. alternative form of a- before a vowel or h
an {m} :: year
ana- {prefix} :: ana-
anabaptisme {m} :: Anabaptism
anabaptiste {adj} :: Anabaptist
anabase {f} :: anabasis
anabolique {adj} :: anabolic
anabolisant {adj} :: anabolic
anabolisant {m} :: anabolic steroid
anabolisme {m} [biochemistry] :: anabolism
anabolite {f} :: anabolite
anacamptique {adj} :: anacamptic
anacarde {m} :: cashew
Anacardiacées {prop} :: Anacardiaceae
anacardier {m} :: cashew (tree)
anacathartique {adj} :: anacathartic
anachorète {m} :: anchorite (religious person)
anachorète {m} :: anchorite (one who lives in seclusion)
anachorétique {adj} :: anachoretic
anachorétisme {m} :: anachoretism
anachronique {adj} :: anachronic
anachroniquement {adv} :: anachronistically, anachronically
anachronisme {m} :: anachronism (chronological mistake)
anaclastique {adj} [optics] :: anaclastic
anaclastique {f} [optics] :: anaclastics
anaclitique {adj} :: anaclitic
anacoluthe {f} [figure of speech] :: anacoluthon
anaconda {m} :: anaconda
anacréontique {adj} :: anacreontic
anacrouse {f} [music] :: anacrusis
anacruse {f} :: alternative form of anacrouse
anacyclique {adj} :: anacyclic
anacyclique {m} :: anadrome, semordnilap
anadiplose {f} [rhetoric] :: anadiplosis
anadrome {adj} :: anadromous (of migratory fish)
anadyomène {adj} :: An epithet used to describe Venus emerging from the waves
anadyomène {adj} [by extension] :: Thrown-up by the sea
anæmie {f} :: obsolete form of anémie
anaérobie {adj} :: anaerobic
anaérobie {m} [biology] :: anaerobe
anaérobique {adj} :: anaerobic
anaéroïde {adj} :: alternative form of anéroïde
anæsthésie {f} :: obsolete form of anesthésie
anæsthésique {adj} :: obsolete form of anesthésique
anæsthésique {f} :: obsolete form of anesthésique
anaglyphe {m} :: anaglyph
anaglyptique {adj} :: anaglyptic
anagnoste {m} :: anagnostes
anagogie {f} :: anagoge
anagogie {f} :: anagogy
anagogique {adj} :: anagogic
anagrammatique {adj} :: anagrammatical
anagrammatiquement {adv} :: anagrammatically
anagramme {f} :: anagram (word or phrase created by rearranging letters from another word or phrase)
Anaïs {prop} {f} :: given name
anal {adj} :: anal (relating to the anus)
analement {adv} :: anally
analemmatique {adj} :: analemmatic
analemme {m} :: analemma
analeptique {adj} :: analeptic
analgésie {f} :: analgesia
analgésique {m} :: analgesic, painkiller
analgie {f} :: analgia
analgique {adj} :: analgic, analgesic
analité {f} [psychology] :: anality
anallagmatique {adj} [geometry] :: anallagmatic
anallergique {adj} :: hypoallergenic
analogie {f} :: analogy (similar example as explanation)
analogique {adj} :: analog
analogique {adj} :: analogous
analogiquement {adv} :: analogously
analogon {m} [psychology] :: The other
analogon {m} :: analogue
analogue {adj} :: analogous
analphabète {adj} :: illiterate
analphabétisme {m} :: illiteracy (inability to read)
analycité {f} :: synonym of analyticité
analysable {adj} :: analyzable, analysable
analyse {f} :: analysis
analyser {vt} :: to analyse
analyser {vt} [grammar] :: to parse, to construe
analyseur {m} :: analyser / analyzer
analyste {mf} :: analyst (person who analyzes)
analyticité {f} :: analyticity
analytique {adj} :: analytic, analytical
analytiquement {adv} :: analytically
anamnèse {f} :: anamnesis (medical history of a patient)
anamnestique {adj} :: anamnestic
anamniote {m} :: anamniote
anamorphique {adj} :: anamorphic (all senses)
anamorphose {f} :: anamorphosis
anamorphosé {adj} :: anamorphic
ananas {m} :: pineapple
Anansi {prop} {f} :: Anansi (trickster spider in West African and Caribbean folklore)
anapeste {m} [prosody] :: anapest
anapestique {adj} :: anapestic
anaphase {f} :: anaphase
anaphore {f} :: anaphora (repetition of a phrase used for emphasis)
anaphorèse {f} :: anaphoresis
anaphorique {adj} :: anaphoric (relating to an anaphora)
anaphoriquement {adv} :: anaphorically
anaphrodisiaque {adj} :: anaphrodisiac
anaphrodisiaque {m} :: anaphrodisiac
anaphrodisie {f} :: anaphrodisia
anaphylactique {adj} :: anaphylactic
anaphylaxie {f} [pathology] :: anaphylaxis
anaplastie {f} :: anaplasty
anaplastique {adj} :: anaplastic
anaplérose {f} :: anaplerosis
anaplérotique {adj} :: anaplerotic
anapside {adj} :: anapsid (attributive)
anapside {m} :: anapsid
anaptyxe {f} [phonetics] :: anaptyxis, svarabhakti (epenthesis of a vowel)
anar {adj} :: anarchist
anarchie {f} :: Anarchy, absence of any form of political authority or government
anarchie {f} [figuratively] :: A state of utter disorder, advanced disorganization and confusion
anarchique {adj} :: anarchic
anarchiquement {adv} :: anarchically
anarchisant {m} :: anarchist
anarchisant {adj} :: anarchist (attributive)
anarchisme {m} :: anarchism
anarchiste {adj} :: anarchistic
anarchiste {mf} :: anarchist, adherent of anarchism
anarcho-syndicalisme {m} :: alternative form of anarchosyndicalisme
anarchosyndicalisme {m} :: anarchosyndicalism
anarcho-syndicaliste {adj} :: alternative form of anarchosyndicaliste
anarchosyndicaliste {adj} :: anarchosyndicalist
anarque {adj} :: anarchic
anarque {mf} :: anarch
anarthrie {f} :: anarthria
anasarque {f} [pathology] :: anasarca, hydrops
anasémie {f} [psychology] :: anasemia
anasémique {adj} [psychology] :: anasemic
anastaltique {adj} :: anastaltic
anastase {f} :: anastasis
Anastasie {prop} {f} :: given name
anastatique {adj} :: anastatic
anastigmat {m} :: anastigmat
anastigmate {adj} [optics] :: anastigmatic
anastigmatique {adj} :: anastigmatic
anastomose {f} :: anastomosis
anastomosé {adj} :: anastomosed
anastomoser {v} :: To anastomose
anastomotique {adj} :: anastomotic
anastrophe {f} :: anastrophe
anastylose {f} [architecture] :: anastylosis (reassembly of ruined monuments)
anatase {f} [mineral] :: anatase
anathématique {adj} :: anathematic
anathématisation {f} :: anathematization
anathématiser {v} :: To anathematize
anathème {f} [religion] :: anathema (ban or curse)
anatidé {m} :: anatid
anatife {f} :: barnacle
anatifère {adj} :: anatiferous
anational {adj} [rare] :: anational
anatocisme {m} :: anatocism, compound interest
Anatole {prop} {m} :: given name
anatolien {adj} [linguistics] :: Anatolian
anatomie {f} :: anatomy (structure of a living being)
anatomie {f} :: anatomy (study)
anatomie {f} :: anatomy; dissection
anatomie {f} [figuratively] :: dissection; study
anatomique {adj} :: anatomical
anatomiquement {adv} :: anatomically
anatomiser {v} :: To anatomize
anatomiste {mf} :: anatomist
anatomopathologie {f} :: anatomopathology
anatomopathologique {adj} :: anatomopathological
anatoxine {f} :: anatoxin
anatron {m} :: obsolete form of natron
anavenin {m} :: anavenom, antivenin
Anaxagore {prop} {m} :: Anaxagoras
Anaxarque {prop} {m} :: Anaxarchus
Anaximandre {prop} {m} :: Anaximander
anaximandrite {adj} :: Anaximanderian
Anaximène {prop} {m} :: the pre-Socratic philosopher Anaximenes of Miletus
-ance {suffix} :: -ance (suffix used to form nouns)
ancelle {f} [obsolete] :: female servant
ancestral {adj} :: ancestral
ancêtre {mf} :: forefather; ancestor
anche {f} [music] :: reed
anche {f} [obsolete] :: A chute by which flour falls from the mill to the bin
anche {f} [Lorraine, dated] :: faucet
anchimère {adj} [chemistry] :: anchimeric
anchoïade {f} :: A traditional Provençal spread made from anchovy, caper, olive oil and garlic
anchois {m} :: anchovy (small saltwater fish)
anchuse {f} :: bugloss
ancien {adj} [before a noun] :: old, former, ex-:
ancien {adj} [after a noun] :: ancient
ancience {f} [archaic] :: ancientness
Ancien des jours {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Ancient of Days
ancien français {m} :: Old French (French language from 9th to the early 15th century)
anciennement {adv} :: formerly
ancienneté {f} :: oldness (state of being old)
ancienneté {f} :: seniority (state of being senior)
ancien occitan {m} :: the Old Occitan language
ancien régime {m} :: a former government
Ancien Régime {prop} {m} [historical] :: Ancien Régime
Ancien Testament {prop} {m} :: Old Testament
ancillaire {adj} :: ancillary
ancille {f} :: alternative form of ancelle
ancipité {adj} [botany] :: ancipital
ancolie {f} :: columbine (of genus Aquilegia)
anconé {adj} [anatomy] :: anconal
Ancône {prop} :: Ancône (city/and/province)
ancônitain {adj} :: Anconan
Ancônitain {m} :: Anconan
Ancônitaine {f} :: feminine noun of Ancônitain
ancrage {m} [nautical] :: anchoring (dropping the anchor)
ancrage {m} [nautical] :: anchorage (haven)
ancre {f} :: anchor (of a ship)
ancré {adj} :: anchoring, fixing
ancre de miséricorde {f} [nautical] :: sheet anchor
ancrer {v} [nautical] :: to anchor
ancrer {v} :: to fix, to anchor, to make permanent
ancymidole {m} [organic compound] :: ancymidol
ancyroïde {adj} :: uncinal, uncinate
andain {m} :: swath
andain de neige {m} :: (man-made) snow pile
andalou {adj} :: Andalusian
Andalou {m} :: Andalusian
Andalouse {f} :: feminine noun of Andalou
Andalousie {prop} {f} :: Andalousie (autonomous community)
andalousite {f} [mineral] :: andalusite
andante {adv} [music] :: andante
andante {m} [music] :: andante
andantino {adv} [music] :: andantino
an de grâce {m} :: year of the Christian Era
Andes {prop} {fp} :: the Andes
andésite {f} [mineral] :: andesite
andésitique {adj} [mineralogy] :: andesitic
andin {adj} :: Andean
andin {m} :: Andean
Andocide {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Andocides
andorran {adj} :: Andorran
Andorran {m} :: Andorran
Andorrane {f} :: feminine noun of Andorran
Andorre {prop} {f} :: Andorre (country)
Andorre-la-Vieille {prop} {f} :: Andorre-la-Vieille (capital city)
andouille {f} :: andouille
andouille {f} [slang] :: imbecile, numpty, fool
andouiller {m} [hunting] :: tine (a small horn that grows in the antlers of a deer, buck, or roe deer)
andouillette {f} :: A piece of andouille; a small spiced pork sausage
andragogie {f} :: andragogy
andragogique {adj} :: andragogic
André {prop} {m} :: Andrew. [biblical character]
André {prop} {m} :: given name
André {prop} {m} :: surname
Andrée {prop} :: given name
Andreescu {prop} :: surname
andrène {mf} :: sand bee, mining bee (of the family Andrenidae)
Andretti {prop} :: Andretti (surname)
Andretti {m} [motorsport, automotive, figurative] :: Andretti; ellipsis of Mario Andretti [a common noun, not a proper noun] ((A) a street racer; (B) a U.S. racecar pilot outside of the U.S.)
andrinople {f} :: Turkey red (colour)
Andrinople {prop} {f} :: Adrianople
andrinopolitain {adj} :: Adrianopolitan
andro- {prefix} :: andro-
androcée {m} [botany] :: androecium
androcentrique {adj} :: androcentric
androcéphale {adj} :: androcephalous
androctone {adj} :: homicidal
androdiécie {f} [botany] :: androdioecy
androdioïque {adj} [botany] :: androdioecious
androdyname {adj} [botany] :: androdynamic
androgène {adj} :: androgenous
androgenèse {f} :: androgenesis
androgénie {f} :: androgeny
androgénique {adj} [biology] :: androgenic
androgénisme {m} [biology] :: androgenism
androgyne {adj} :: androgynous
androgyne {mf} :: androgyne, androgynous person
androgyne {mf} :: androgyne, androgynous plant
androgynéité {f} :: androgyny
androgynie {f} :: androgyny
androïde {m} :: android (robot with human form)
androïdique {adj} :: android (attributive)
andrologie {f} :: andrology
andrologue {mf} :: andrologist
Andromède {prop} :: Andromeda (mythical daughter of Cepheus)
Andromède {prop} [astronomy] :: Andromeda
andromonoïque {adj} [botany] :: andromonoecious
andromorphe {adj} :: andromorphic
andropause {f} :: andropause
androphobe {mf} :: androphobe
androphobie {f} :: androphobia
Andros {prop} :: Andros
androstérone {f} [organic compound] :: androsterone
andryale {f} :: Any plant of the genus Andryala, but especially Andryala integrifolia
-ane {suffix} [chemistry] :: -ane
âne {m} :: donkey, ass
âne {m} :: idiot, moron
âne {m} :: dunce
anéantir {vt} :: to wipe out, to destroy, to shatter
anéantir {vt} [figuratively] :: to hit someone for six
anéantissement {m} :: annihilation, destruction
âne bâté {m} [pejorative] :: ignoramus; dunce, idiot, clot
anecdote {f} :: anecdote
anecdotier {m} :: anecdotist, storyteller
anecdotière {f} :: feminine singular of anecdotier
anecdotique {adj} :: anecdotal
anecdotiquement {adv} :: anecdotally
anecdotiste {mf} :: anecdotist
anéchoïde {adj} :: anechoic
anéchoïque {adj} :: anechoic
anécique {m} :: type of earthworm that is anecic, i.e. that lives underground but surfaces to feed
aneigissage {m} :: landing (touchdown) on snow and/or ice
anélastique {adj} :: inelastic
anélectrique {adj} :: anelectric
anème {adj} :: alternative form of anémique
anémie {f} :: anemia (medical condition with decreased oxygen transport)
anémier {v} :: to make, or to become anemic / anaemic
anémique {adj} :: anaemic / anemic
anémo- {prefix} :: anemo-
anémochore {adj} [botany] :: anemochorous
anémochorie {f} [biology] :: anemochory
anémochorique {adj} [botany] :: anemochoric
anémogame {adj} [botany] :: anemogamous
anémogamie {f} :: anemogamy
anémogramme {f} :: anemogram
anémographe {m} :: anemograph
anémomètre {m} :: anemometer
anémométrie {f} :: anemometry
anémométrique {adj} :: anemometric
anémone {f} [botany] :: anemone (any plant of genus anemone)
anémone {f} [zoology] :: anemone, sea anemone
anémone de mer {f} :: sea anemone (polyp)
anémonine {f} :: anemonin
anémophile {adj} [botany] :: anemophilous
anencéphale {adj} [pathology] :: anencephalic
à n'en pas douter {adv} :: no doubt, doubtlessly, undoubtedly
à n'en plus finir {prep} :: to no end, with no end in sight; endless, lasting forever, everlasting
à ne pas mettre un chat dehors {prep} :: synonym of à ne pas mettre un chien dehors
à ne pas mettre un chien dehors {prep} [of the weather] :: awful, dreadful
anépigraphe {adj} :: anepigraphic
ânerie {f} [colloquial] :: a piece of bullshit (something stupid or ridiculous)
anéroïde {adj} :: aneroid
anéroïde {m} :: An aneroid barometer
anérythre {adj} :: anerythristic
ânesse {f} :: feminine noun of âne; female donkey
anesthésiant {m} :: anesthetic
anesthésie {f} :: anesthesia
anesthésie générale {f} :: general anesthesia
anesthésie locale {f} :: local anesthesia
anesthésier {v} :: to anesthetize
anesthésiologie {f} :: anesthesiology
anesthésiologiste {m} :: anesthesiologist
anesthésique {adj} :: anesthetic
anesthésique {f} :: anesthetic
anesthésiste {mf} :: anesthetist
aneth {m} :: dill (herb)
anéthique {adj} :: anethical, amoral
aneugène {adj} [genetics] :: aneugenic
aneuploïde {adj} [genetics] :: aneuploid
aneuploïdique {adj} [genetics] :: aneuploid
aneutronique {adj} [physics] :: aneutronic
anévrismal {adj} [pathology] :: aneurysmal
anévrismatique {adj} :: aneurismatic
anévrisme {m} [medicine] :: aneurysm (abnormal blood-filled swelling)
anévrysmal {adj} :: alternative form of anévrismal
anévrysmatique {adj} :: aneurysmatic
anévrysme {m} :: alternative form of anévrisme
anexact {adj} [philosophy] :: Essentially, rather than accidentally inexact
anexactement {adv} :: In an anexact manner
anfractueux {adj} :: anfractuous
anfractuosité {f} :: crevice
angarie {f} :: angary (the right of a belligerent to seize property belonging to other nations or to take over ships during a war)
angarier {v} :: To vex, torment
ange {m} :: angel
Ange {prop} :: given name, also used in compound names like Marie-Ange
ange déchu {m} [religion] :: fallen angel
ange gardien {m} :: guardian angel
angéite {f} [pathology] :: vasculitis
Angèle {prop} :: given name
angelet {m} :: A little angel
angéliforme {adj} :: angellike
angelin {adj} :: of or relating to Los Angeles, California
Angelin {m} :: Someone from Los Angeles, California
Angélina {prop} {f} :: given name
Angeline {prop} {f} :: given name
Angeline {f} :: feminine singular of Angelin
angélique {adj} :: angelic (of or relating to angels)
angélique {adj} :: angelic (very well-behaved)
angélique {f} :: angelica (plant)
Angélique {prop} {f} :: given name
angéliquement {adv} :: angelically
angélisme {m} :: angelism
angéliste {mf} :: angelist
Angelle {prop} :: surname
angélologie {f} :: angelology
angélologique {adj} :: angelological
angelot {m} :: small angel
angelus {m} :: alternative spelling of angélus
angélus {m} :: Angelus
angélus {m} :: Angelus bell
Angers {prop} {m} :: Angers
angevin {adj} :: of or from Angers
angevin {adj} :: of or from the region of Anjou
Angevin {m} :: someone of or from Anjou
Angevin {m} :: someone of or from Angers
angiectasie {f} [pathology] :: arterial ectasis
angiite {f} [pathology] :: angiitis
angine {f} [disease] :: tonsillitis
angine {f} [disease] :: angina, sore throat, pharyngitis
angine de cœur {f} [disease, obsolete] :: angina pectoris
angine de poitrine {f} [disease] :: angina pectoris (intermittent chest pain)
angine pultacée {f} [disease] :: pultaceous angina
angineux {adj} :: anginal
angio- {prefix} :: angio-
angiocardiographie {f} :: angiocardiography
angiocholite {f} [pathology] :: cholangitis
angiographie {f} [healthcare] :: angiography
angiologie {f} :: angiology
angiome {m} [medicine] :: angioma
angionévrotique {adj} :: angioneurotic
angiosperme {f} :: angiosperm
angiospermien {adj} :: angiosperm (attributive)
angioténique {adj} [pathology] :: angiotenic
anglais {m} :: English language
anglais {adj} :: English
anglais {adj} [Louisiana French] :: Anglo-American or Anglophone
Anglais {m} :: (male) English person; Englishman
Anglais {m} [Louisiana French] :: An Anglo-American or English speaker, as opposed to someone with French ancestry
anglais américain {m} :: American English
anglais britannique {m} :: British English
Anglaise {f} :: feminine noun of Anglais
anglaiser {v} :: castrate
anglaiser {v} [slang, vulgar] :: bugger, sodomize, rape anally
anglais sud-africain {prop} :: South African English
angle {m} [geometry] :: A geometric angle
angle {m} :: A location at the corner of something, such as streets, buildings, furniture etc
angle {m} :: A viewpoint or angle
anglé {adj} :: angled
angle aigu {m} [geometry] :: acute angle
angle complémentaire {m} [geometry] :: complementary angle
angledozer {m} :: angledozer
angle droit {m} [geometry] :: right angle (angle of 90 degrees)
angle mort {m} :: blind spot (part of the road that cannot be seen)
angle obtus {m} [geometry] :: obtuse angle
angler {v} :: to angle
anglésite {f} [mineral] :: anglesite
angle supplémentaire {m} [geometry] :: supplementary angle
anglet {m} :: A v-shaped cavity in a wall
Angleterre {prop} {f} :: England
Angleterre du Nord-Est {prop} :: North East England
anglican {m} :: Anglican
anglican {adj} :: Anglican
anglicane {f} :: feminine noun of anglican
anglicanisme {m} :: Anglicanism
angliche {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: pom, limey, English
Angliche {mf} [colloquial, pejorative, usually plural] :: Englishman/Englishwoman
anglicisant {m} :: Anglicist
angliciser {v} :: to anglicise
anglicisme {m} :: anglicism
angliciste {mf} :: Anglicist
anglissime {adj} :: Most, or very English
anglo- {prefix} :: Anglo-
anglo-américain {adj} :: Anglo-American
angloaméricain {adj} :: alternative form of anglo-américain
anglo-arabe {m} :: Anglo-Arabian, Anglo-Arab (thoroughbred horse)
anglocentriste {adj} :: Anglocentrist, Anglocentric
anglo-français {adj} :: Anglo-French
anglo-français {m} :: Anglo-French, Anglo-Norman
anglois {m} :: archaic spelling of anglais
anglois {adj} :: archaic spelling of anglais
Anglois {m} :: archaic spelling of Anglais
Angloise {f} :: feminine noun of Anglois
anglomane {adj} :: Anglomaniac
anglomane {mf} :: Anglomaniac
anglomanie {f} :: Anglomania
anglomexicain {adj} :: anglo-Mexican
anglo-normand {adj} :: Anglo-Norman
anglo-normand {m} :: Anglo-Norman
anglonormand {m} :: alternative spelling of anglo-normand
anglonormand {adj} :: alternative spelling of anglo-normand
anglophile {adj} :: Anglophilic
anglophile {mf} :: Anglophile
anglophilie {f} :: Anglophilia
anglophobe {adj} :: Anglophobic
anglophobe {mf} :: Anglophobe
anglophobie {f} :: Anglophobia
anglophone {adj} :: Anglophone, English-speaking; said of a person, group, region, or the like
anglophone {mf} :: An anglophone, an English-speaking person
anglophonie {f} :: Anglosphere
anglo-saxon {m} :: Anglo-Saxon (Old English language)
anglo-saxon {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
anglosaxon {m} :: alternative spelling of anglo-saxon
anglosaxon {adj} :: alternative spelling of anglo-saxon
angoissant {adj} :: scary, nerve-racking, creepy
angoisse {f} :: anguish, distress
angoisse {f} [psychiatry] :: anxiety
angoisse {f} [philosophy] :: angst
angoisse {f} :: fear, dread
angoissé {adj} :: worried; scared
angoissé {adj} :: tense; nervous
angoisse de la page blanche {f} :: synonym of syndrome de la page blanche
angoisser {vt} :: to stress, to worry; to cause panic or fear
Angola {prop} {m} :: Angola (country)
angolais {adj} :: Angolan: of or relating to Angola
Angolais {m} :: Person from Angola
Angolaise {f} :: feminine noun of Angolais
angon {m} [weapons] :: angon
angon {m} :: fishgig
angor {m} :: angina pectoris
angora {m} :: angora (all senses)
Angora {prop} :: Angora (capital city)
angostura {m} :: angostura
Angoulême {prop} :: Angoulême (town)
angstroem {m} :: alternative form of ångström
ångström {m} :: angstrom
anguiforme {adj} :: anguiform, serpentine
Anguillan {m} :: Anguillan
Anguillanne {f} :: feminine singular of Anguillan
anguille {f} :: eel
anguille commune {f} :: European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
anguille d'Europe {f} :: European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
anguillère {f} :: A fishpond in which eels are bred
anguillule {f} :: eelworm
anguiné {adj} :: anguineal
angulaire {adj} :: angular
angulairement {adv} :: angularly
angulé {adj} :: angulate
anguleux {adj} :: angular, jagged
anguleux {adj} [figuratively] :: stiff, prickly
angusticlave {m} :: angusticlave
angustifolié {adj} [botany] :: angustifoliate
angustura {m} :: alternative form of angostura
angusture {f} :: alternative form of angostura
anharmonique {adj} [physics] :: anharmonic
anhédonie {f} :: anhedonia
anhélation {f} [medical] :: anhelation, shortness of breath
anhéler {vi} [medicine] :: to pant, gasp (breathe with difficulty)
anhéleux {adj} :: gasping, panting
anhémitonique {adj} [music] :: anhemitonic
anhidrose {f} :: alternative form of anidrose
anhiste {adj} :: anhistous
anhistorique {adj} :: ahistorical (lacking historical perspective)
anhydre {adj} :: waterless
anhydre {adj} [chemistry] :: anhydrous
anhydride {m} [chemistry] :: anhydride
anhydrite {m} [mineral] :: anhydrite
ani {m} :: ani (bird)
ânichon {adj} :: asinine
aniconique {adj} :: aniconic
anicroche {f} :: hitch (minor difficulty)
anidrose {f} [pathology] :: anhidrosis
ânier {m} :: donkey-keeper, donkey-driver, donkey-drover
ânière {f} :: feminine noun of ânier
aniline {f} [organic compound] :: aniline
anilisme {m} [pathology] :: anilism
anille {f} :: tendril
anille {f} [heraldry] :: crutch
animadversion {f} :: animadversion (all senses)
animal {m} :: animal
animal {adj} :: animal
animalcule {m} :: animalcule
animalculiste {adj} :: animalculist
animalculiste {mf} :: animalculist
animal de compagnie {m} :: pet (animal)
animal domestique {m} :: pet
animalement {adv} :: animally; in a brutish manner
animalerie {f} :: pet shop
animalerie {f} :: laboratory for animal testing
animalier {adj} [attributive] :: animal, wildlife
animalier {m} :: An artist who draws or sculpts animals, wildlife artist
animaliser {v} :: To animalize
animalisme {m} :: animalism
animaliste {mf} :: animal rights activist
animalité {f} :: animality
animaloïde {adj} :: animaloid
animateur {m} :: presenter
animateur {m} :: leader; group leader (person responsible for looking after or entertaining children)
animation {f} :: animation
animatrice {f} :: feminine noun of animateur
animé {adj} :: alive
animé {adj} :: animated
animé {adj} :: lively
animé {m} :: anime
animer {v} :: to animate (give something life)
animer {v} :: to animate (give vigour)
animer {v} [animation] :: To animate (draw animation)
animer {v} :: to spur on
animeusement {adv} [obsolete] :: With animosity
animisme {m} :: animism
animiste {mf} :: animist
animosité {f} :: animosity
anion {m} :: anion
anionique {adj} :: anionic
anis {m} :: anise (plant and spice)
aniser {v} :: to flavour with aniseed
anis étoile {m} :: star anise
anisette {f} :: anisette
anisique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: anisic
aniso- {prefix} :: aniso-
anisodactyle {adj} :: anisodactyl
anisodonte {adj} :: anisodont
anisogame {adj} :: anisogamous
anisogamie {f} :: anisogamy
anisomère {adj} :: anisomeric, anisomerous
anisopétale {adj} [botany] :: anisopetalous
anisophylle {adj} [botany] :: anisophyllous
anisostémone {adj} [botany] :: anisostemonous
anisotome {adj} [botany] :: anisotomous
anisotrope {adj} :: anisotropic (exhibiting anisotropy)
anisotropie {f} :: anisotropy
anisotropique {adj} :: anisotropic
anisotropiquement {adv} :: anisotropically
Anita {prop} :: given name of Spanish origin
Anjou {prop} {m} :: Anjou
Anjouan {prop} :: Anjouan (island)
Ankara {prop} :: Ankara (capital city)
ankérite {f} [mineral] :: ankerite
ânkh {m} :: ankh
ankylosant {adj} :: ankylosing
ankylose {f} [pathology] :: ankylosis
ankylosé {adj} :: ankylosed
ankyloser {v} :: To ankylose
ankylostome {m} :: hookworm
ankyroïde {adj} :: alternative form of ancyroïde
Anna {prop} {f} :: given name
Annabelle {prop} {f} :: given name
annal {adj} [law] :: usable or available only for one year
annale {f} :: annal
annales {fp} [plurale tantum] :: annals
annaliste {m} :: annalist
Annam {prop} [history] :: Annam, a former colonial province of China, now part of Vietnam's present-day Tonkin
Annam {prop} [history] :: Annam, one of the French protectorates in Vietnam, located in Central Vietnam
annamite {adj} [dated] :: Annamite, Annamese
Annamite {mf} :: Annamite (native or resident of Annam)
Anne {prop} {f} :: given name
Anne {prop} {f} :: Hannah (biblical figure)
Anne {prop} {f} :: Anna, the prophetess (biblical figure)
anneau {m} :: ring (circular shape)
anneau {m} :: ring (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger)
anneau {m} [astronomy] :: ring
anneau {m} [juggling] :: ring
anneau {m} [nautical] :: cringle
annécien {adj} :: of or from Annecy
Annécien {m} :: someone of or from Annecy
Annécienne {f} :: feminine noun of Annécien
Annecy {prop} {m} :: Annecy
année {f} :: year (period)
année académique {f} [education] :: academic year
année bissextile {f} :: leap year
année civile {f} :: calendar year; civil year
année fiscale {f} [law, finance] :: fiscal year, financial year
année-homme {f} :: man-year (one person's working time)
année-lumière {f} :: light year (astronomical distance)
année sabbatique {f} :: gap year, sabbatical year, sabbatical
année scolaire {f} [education] :: school year
Anne-Laure {prop} {f} :: given name, combination of Anne and Laure
annelé {adj} :: ringed; circumscribed by a ring
anneler {v} :: To form into a ring
annelet {m} :: small ring (metal object)
annelet {m} [heraldiccharge] :: annulet
annélide {m} :: annelid
annélidé {m} :: annelid
Anne-Marie {prop} {f} :: given name, combination of Anne and Marie
Anne-Sophie {prop} {f} :: given name, combination of Anne and Sophie
Annette {prop} {f} :: given name
annexe {f} :: annex, appendix
annexe {adj} :: annex [attributive]
annexer {v} :: to annex
annexion {f} :: annexation
annexionnisme {m} :: annexationism
annexionniste {mf} :: annexationist
annexionniste {adj} :: Of, or pertaining to, annexationism
Annick {prop} :: given name, from a Breton diminutive of Anne
Annie {prop} :: given name
annihilateur {m} :: annihilator
annihilateur {adj} :: annihilating
annihilation {f} :: annihilation
annihiler {v} :: to annihilate (to reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate)
anniv. {m} :: alternative spelling of anniv
anniv {m} :: clipping of anniversaire
anniversaire {m} :: birthday
anniversaire {m} :: anniversary
annonce {f} :: advertisement
annoncer {v} :: to announce
annoncer {v} :: to predict, foretell
annoncer {v} [card games] :: to declare
annoncer {v} :: to approach
annoncer {v} :: to show
annoncer {v} [colloquial] :: to promise to be
annoncer la couleur {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to set the rhythm, to set the tone; to show one's hand, to put one's cards on the table; to be a clear indication on what's coming next
annonceur {m} [sports] :: announcer, commentator
annonceur {m} :: advertiser
annonceuse {f} :: female equivalent of annonceur
annonciateur {m} :: annunciator
annonciateur {adj} :: presaging, heralding, precursory
annonciation {f} :: annunciation, announcement
Annonciation {prop} :: Annunciation
annonciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of annonciateur
annoncier {m} :: advertising and announcement editor (of a newspaper)
annoncière {f} :: feminine singular of annoncier
annone {m} :: soursop (of the genus Annona)
annotable {adj} :: annotatable
annotateur {m} :: annotator; someone who adds annotations to a text
annotatif {adj} :: annotative
annotation {f} :: annotation
annotatrice {f} :: feminine singular of annotateur
annoter {v} :: to annotate
annuaire {m} :: annual; year book (yearly publication)
annuaire {m} :: directory
annuaire téléphonique {m} :: telephone directory, phone book
annualité {f} :: annuality
annuel {adj} :: annual, yearly
annuellement {adv} :: annually, yearly
annuité {m} :: yearly installment, annual repayment
annuité {m} :: year of pensionable service
annuité {m} [Canada, Switzerland] :: annuity
annulable {adj} :: cancelable, destroyable, voidable
annulaire {adj} :: annular, ring-shaped
annulaire {m} :: ring finger
annulatif {adj} :: nullifying
annulation {f} :: cancellation, revocation
annulène {m} [organic chemistry] :: annulene
annuler {v} :: to cancel (to invalidate, to annul)
anoblir {vt} :: to ennoble, to knight (to bestow nobility, knighthood or a similar title upon somebody)
anoblissement {m} :: ennoblement
anode {f} :: anode (the electrode through which current flows into a device or cell)
anodin {adj} [pharmacology] :: anodyne
anodin {adj} [figuratively] :: ineffective
anodin {adj} [by extension] :: innocuous, harmless, trivial
anodinement {adv} :: anodynely
anodinement {adv} :: trivially
anodique {adj} :: anodic
anodisation {f} :: anodization
anodisé {adj} :: anodized
anodiser {vt} :: To anodize
anodonte {m} :: anodon
anodyn {adj} :: alternative form of anodin
anœstrus {m} :: anestrus/anoestrus
anogénital {adj} [anatomy] :: anogenital
anomal {adj} [sciences, grammar] :: anomalous
anomalie {f} :: anomaly
anomalie {f} [astronomy] :: anomaly
anomalistique {adj} :: anomalistic
anomère {m} [organic chemistry] :: anomer
anomérie {f} [organic chemistry] :: anomerism
anomie {f} :: anomie
anomocarpe {adj} [botany] :: anomocarpous
ânon {m} :: young donkey, donkey foal
ânonnement {m} :: stumbling (during a lesson, text etc.)
ânonnement {m} :: droning, reading aloud in a drone
ânonner {v} :: to stumble through (a reading, lesson etc.)
ânonner {v} :: to drone on, to recite monotonously
anonymat {m} :: anonymity
anonyme {adj} :: anonymous
anonyme {m} :: anonym
anonymement {adv} :: anonymously
anonymie {f} :: anonymity
anonymique {adj} :: alternative form of anonyme
anonymisation {f} :: anonymization (act of making anonymous)
anonymiser {v} :: anonymize (to render anonymous)
anonymité {f} :: anonymity
anophèle {m} :: anopheles
anopisthographe {adj} :: anopisthographic
anorak {m} :: anorak (heavy weatherproof jacket)
anordir {v} [of the wind] :: To become northerly
anorexie {f} :: anorexia
anorexigène {adj} :: anorexigenic
anorexique {adj} :: anorexic
anorexique {mf} :: anorexic person
anorgasmie {f} [pathology] :: anorgasmia
anorgasmique {adj} :: anorgasmic
anormal {adj} :: abnormal
anormalement {adv} :: abnormally
anormalité {f} :: abnormality (state of being abnormal)
anosmie {f} :: anosmia
anosmique {adj} :: anosmic
anosmique {mf} :: anosmic
anosognosie {f} :: anosognosia
anosognosique {adj} :: anosognosic
anoure {adj} :: tailless
à nouveau {adv} :: once more, once again, in a different manner, on a new basis
à nouveaux frais {prep} :: anew, from scratch, all over again
anovulatoire {adj} :: anovulatory
anoxémie {f} [pathology] :: anoxemia
anoxie {f} :: anoxia (condition in which a tissue or environment is totally deprived of oxygen)
anoxique {adj} :: anoxic
anoxygénique {adj} :: anoxygenic
ANP {m} :: PNA
anse {f} [geometry] :: An arc segment, from which an object is suspended
anse {f} :: A handle, part of an object to be hand-held when used or moved
anse {f} :: A small bay (body of water)
anse {f} :: A hansa, system of collaborating port-states
anséatique {adj} :: alternative form of hanséatique
anser {vt} :: to fix a handle (to)
ansérine {adj} :: anserine
anspect {m} :: handspike
-ant {suffix} :: -ing; suffix denoting the present participle of a verb
-ant {suffix} [rare] :: A suffix deriving adjectives from words other than verbs
-ant {suffix} :: Used to form nouns and adjectives out of verbs
antacide {adj} :: antacid
antagonique {adj} :: antagonistic
antagonisme {m} :: antagonism
antagoniste {m} :: antagonist
antagoniste {adj} :: antagonistic; antagonising
antalgique {adj} [medicine] :: analgesic
antalgique {m} [medicine] :: analgesic, painkiller
antan {m} [archaic] :: last year
antan {m} :: yesteryear, the old days, yore
antaphrodisiaque {adj} :: antaphrodisiac (attributive)
antaphrodisiaque {m} :: antaphrodisiac
antaphroditique {adj} [obsolete] :: antaphroditic
antarctique {adj} :: Antarctic
Antarctique {prop} {m} :: Antarctica
-ante {suffix} :: feminine noun of -ant
ante {f} :: anta
anté- {prefix} :: ante-; pre-
antécédemment {adv} :: At an earlier point; previously, antecedently
antécédence {f} :: antecedence
antécédent {adj} :: antecedent, preceding
antécédent {m} :: antecedent (any thing that precedes another thing)
antécédent {m} [grammar] :: antecedent
antécédent {m} [logic] :: antecedent
antécesseur {m} [rare, archaic] :: antecessor
antéchrist {m} [Christianity] :: antichrist (someone that works against the teachings of Christ)
antéchronologique {adj} :: alternative form of antichronologique
antécien {adj} :: alternative form of antoécien
antéconsonantique {adj} [linguistics] :: anteconsonantal
antéconsonnantique {adj} :: alternative spelling of antéconsonantique
antécritique {adj} :: antecritical
antédiluvien {adj} :: antediluvian
antédiluvien {adj} :: (antiquated) antediluvian
antéfixe {f} :: antefix
antégrammatical {adj} [linguistics] :: antegrammatical
antéhistorique {adj} :: prehistoric
antéislamique {adj} :: pre-Islamic
antémétique {adj} :: alternative form of antiémétique
anténatal {adj} :: antenatal
antenne {f} :: antenna (feeler organ on the head of an insect)
antenne {f} :: antenna (equipment to pick up an electrical signal)
antenne {f} :: branch, outlet
antenne de police {f} [France] :: police box (small police station)
antennifère {adj} :: antenniferous
antenniforme {adj} :: antenniform
anténuptial {adj} :: antenuptial
antépénultième {adj} :: antepenultimate (two before the last)
antépileptique {adj} :: alternative form of antiépileptique
antéposer {v} :: To put or place something before something else
antéprédicatif {adj} :: antepredicative
antérieur {adj} :: preceding, anterior
antérieur {adj} :: previous
antérieurement {adv} :: before
antérieurement {adv} :: previously
antériorité {f} :: precedence (in time), anteriority
antérograde {adj} :: anterograde
antéromain {adj} :: pre-Roman
antévocalique {adj} [linguistics] :: prevocalic
anthanthrène {m} [organic compound] :: anthanthrene
anthelmintique {adj} :: antihelminthic
anthémis {m} :: camomile or similar plants in the genus Anthemis
anthémol {m} [organic compound] :: anthemol
anthère {f} [botany] :: anther
anthéridie {f} [botany] :: antheridium
anthérifère {adj} [botany] :: antheriferous
anthériforme {adj} :: antheriform
anthérozoïde {m} [botany] :: antherozoid, spermatozoid
anthocyane {f} [organic compound] :: anthocyanin
anthocyanidine {f} [organic compound] :: anthocyanidin
anthologie {f} :: anthology
anthologique {adj} :: anthological
anthologique {adj} :: (by extension) extraordinary
anthonome {m} :: boll weevil
anthophage {adj} :: anthophagous
anthoxanthine {f} [organic compound] :: anthoxanthin
anthracène {m} [organic compound] :: anthracene
anthracifère {adj} :: anthraciferous
anthracite {m} :: anthracite (all senses)
anthraciteux {adj} :: anthracitic
anthracnose {f} :: anthracnose
anthracnosé {adj} [of a plant] :: Afflicted with anthracnose
anthracose {f} [pathology] :: anthracosis
anthranilique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: anthranilic
anthraquinone {m} [organic compound] :: anthraquinone
anthraxifère {adj} [geology] :: synonym of anthracifère
anthrène {f} :: carpet beetle (of genus Anthrenus)
anthropéien {adj} [geology] :: Anthropocene (attributive)
anthropique {adj} :: anthropic
anthropiquement {adv} :: anthropically
anthropisation {f} :: anthropization
anthropiser {v} :: to anthropize
anthropo- {prefix} :: anthropo-
anthropocentré {adj} :: anthropocentric
anthropocentrique {adj} :: anthropocentric
anthropocentriquement {adv} :: anthropocentrically
anthropocentrisme {m} :: anthropocentrism
anthropochorie {f} [biology] :: anthropochory
anthropoforme {adj} :: anthropomorphic
anthropogammamétrie {f} [physics, medicine] :: whole-body counting (of radioactivity within a person's body)
anthropogène {adj} :: anthropogenic
anthropogenèse {f} :: anthropogenesis
anthropogénie {f} :: anthropogeny
anthropogénique {adj} :: anthropogenic
anthropoïde {mf} :: anthropoid
anthropologie {f} :: anthropology (the study of humanity)
anthropologique {adj} :: anthropological
anthropologiquement {adv} :: anthropologically
anthropologiste {mf} :: anthropologist
anthropologue {mf} :: anthropologist
anthropomagnétisme {m} :: animal magnetism
anthropométrie {f} :: anthropometry
anthropométrique {adj} :: anthropometric
anthropomorphe {adj} :: anthropomorphic
anthropomorphique {adj} :: anthropomorphic
anthropomorphiser {v} :: To anthropomorphize
anthropomorphisme {m} :: anthropomorphism
anthropomorphiste {adj} :: anthropomorphistic
anthroponymique {adj} :: anthroponymous
anthropophage {adj} :: man-eating, cannibalistic
anthropophage {mf} :: man-eater, cannibal
anthropophagie {f} :: cannibalism, anthropophagy
anthropophagique {adj} :: anthropophagic
anthropophile {adj} :: anthropophilic
anthropopithèque {m} :: anthropopithecus
anthroporadiométrie {f} [physics, medicine] :: anthroporadiometry
anthroposociologue {mf} :: anthroposociologist
anthroposophique {adj} :: anthroposophic
anthume {adj} :: anthumous
anthyllide {m} :: kidney vetch (or similar plants of the genus Anthyllis)
anti- {prefix} :: anti-
antiacide {adj} :: antacid (attributive)
antiacide {m} [medicine] :: antacid
antiacridien {adj} :: antiacridian
antiadhérent {adj} :: antiadhesive, nonstick
antiadhésif {adj} :: non-stick
anti-aérien {adj} :: anti-aircraft (weapon)
anti-aérien {adj} :: air-raid (shelter)
antiaérien {adj} :: antiaircraft
anti-âge {adj} :: antiaging
antiâge {adj} :: anti-aging
antiagrégant {adj} :: antiaggregant
antiagrégant {m} :: antiaggregant
antialcoolique {adj} :: antialcohol, temperance (attributive)
antialcoolisme {m} :: antialcoholism
antiallergique {adj} :: antiallergenic
antiallergique {m} :: antiallergen
antiamaril {adj} [medicine] :: antiamarillic
antiaméricain {adj} :: anti-American
antiaméricain {m} :: anti-American
anti-américanisme {m} :: alternative form of antiaméricanisme
antiaméricanisme {m} :: anti-Americanism
antiamibien {adj} :: antiamoebic
antiandrogène {m} :: antiandrogen
anti-antifa {adj} :: anti-Antifa
anti-antifa {m} :: anti-Antifa
antiaphrodisiaque {adj} :: antiaphrodisiac (attributive)
antiaphrodisiaque {m} :: antiaphrodisiac
antiaphroditique {adj} :: antaphroditic
antiaphroditique {m} :: antaphroditic
antiapoplectique {adj} :: antiapoplectic
antiapoplectique {m} :: antiapoplectic
antiarine {m} [organic compound] :: antiarin
antiarthritique {adj} :: antiarthritic
antiartistique {adj} :: antiartistic
antiarythmique {adj} :: antiarrhythmic
antiarythmisant {adj} :: synonym of antiarythmique‎
antiasthmatique {adj} [medicine] :: antiasthmatic
antiatome {m} [physics] :: antiatom
antiatomique {adj} :: antiatomic (protecting against such radiation)
antiaustérité {adj} :: antiausterity
anti-avortement {m} :: anti-abortion
antibacchiaque {adj} :: antibacchic
antibactérien {adj} :: antibacterial
antibactérien {m} :: antibacterial
antibagnole {adj} [colloquial] :: anticar
antibalistique {adj} :: antiballistic
antibelge {adj} :: anti-Belgian
antibilharzien {adj} :: antibilharzial, anti-bilharzial
antibiorésistance {f} :: antibioresistance
antibiotique {m} :: antibiotic
antibiotique {adj} :: antibiotic
antiblanc {adj} :: antiwhite
antiblanchiment {adj} :: antilaundering
antibleu {adj} [physics] :: antiblue
antiblocage {adj} :: anti-lock
antiboche {adj} :: anti-Boche, anti-German
antibois {adj} :: of or relating to Antibes, a town in France
Antibois {m} :: person from Antibes
Antiboise {f} :: feminine noun of Antibois
antibolchevisme {m} :: alternative form of antibolchévisme
antibolchévisme {m} :: antibolshevism
antibolchéviste {adj} :: antibolshevist
antibotrytique {adj} :: antibotrytic, botryticidal
antiboulangiste {adj} :: antiBoulangist
antibrouillage {m} :: antijamming
antibrouillard {adj} :: antifog
antibrouillé {adj} :: antijamming (attributive)
antibruit {adj} :: antinoise (that muffles sound)
antibuée {adj} :: antimisting
antiburqa {adj} :: anti-burka
anticachectique {adj} :: anticachectic
anticacochymique {adj} :: anticacochymic
anticagoule {adj} [legal] :: A non-Islamic extension of antiburqa
anticalcaire {adj} :: anti-scaling, anti-liming
anticancéreux {adj} :: anticancer
anticancérigène {adj} :: anticancerogenic
anticapitalisme {m} :: anticapitalism
anticapitaliste {adj} :: anticapitalist
anticapitaliste {mf} :: anticapitalist
anticarcéral {adj} :: antiprison
anticasseur {adj} :: anti-demonstrator(s)
anticasseurs {adj} :: anti-demonstrator(s)
anticatalanisme {m} :: anti-Catalanism
anticatalaniste {adj} :: anti-Catalanist
anticatalyseur {adj} [chemistry] :: anticatalytic
anticatalyseur {m} [chemistry] :: anticatalyst
anticathode {m} [physics] :: anode, anticathode
anticatholique {adj} :: anticatholic
anticécité {adj} :: anti-blindness
anticerne {adj} :: concealer (attributive) (anti-blemish)
antichambre {f} :: antechamber, anteroom
antichar {adj} :: antitank
antichasseur {adj} :: antihunting
antichinois {adj} :: anti-Chinese
antichoc {adj} :: shockproof (able to withstand shocks)
anticholérique {adj} :: anticholera
anticholestérol {adj} :: anticholesterol
anticholinergique {adj} :: anticholinergic
antichômage {adj} :: anti-unemployment
antichrèse {f} :: antichresis
antichrétien {adj} :: antichristian
antichronologique {adj} :: antichronological
antichthone {adj} :: antichthonic
antichthone {adj} :: antipodean
anticipateur {adj} :: anticipatory
anticipation {f} :: anticipation
anticipativement {adv} [Belgium] :: anticipatorily
anticipatoire {adj} :: anticipatory
anticiper {v} :: to anticipate
anticivique {adj} :: anticivic
anticlérical {adj} :: anticlerical
anticléricalisme {m} :: anticlericalism
anticlinal {adj} :: anticlinal
anticlinal {m} :: anticline
anti-coco {m} [colloquial, politics] :: anti-commie
anticoercitif {adj} :: anticoercive
anticolonial {adj} :: anticolonial
anticolonialisme {m} :: anticolonialism
anticolonialiste {adj} :: anticolonialist
anticolonialiste {mf} :: anticolonialist
anticolonisation {adj} :: anticolonization
anticombustible {adj} :: fire-retardant
anticommunautarisme {m} :: anticomminitarianism
anticommunautariste {adj} :: anticomminitarianist
anticommunautariste {mf} :: anticomminitarianist
anticommunisme {m} :: anticommunism
anticommuniste {adj} :: anticommunist
anticommuniste {mf} :: anticommunist
anticommutativité {f} [maths] :: anticommutativity
anticonceptionnel {adj} :: contraceptive
anticoncordataire {adj} :: anti-concordat (opposing the Régime concordataire français)
anticoncurrentiel {adj} :: anticompetitive
anticondensation {adj} :: anticondensation
anticonformisme {m} :: nonconformism
anticonformiste {adj} :: nonconformist
anticonjoncturel {adj} [economics] :: anticyclical
anticonscriptionniste {adj} :: anticonscription
anticonservateur {adj} :: anticonservative
anticonsommateur {adj} :: anticonsumerist
anticonstitutionnaire {adj} :: anticonstitutional (especially opposing the Unigenitus apostolic constitution)
anticonstitutionnel {adj} :: unconstitutional (contrary to the constitution)
anticonstitutionnellement {adv} :: anticonstitutionally
anticontestation {adj} :: antiprotest
anticonvulsif {adj} :: anticonvulsive
anticonvulsivant {adj} :: anticonvulsant
anticopie {adj} :: anticopying
anticoquelucheux {adj} :: anti-whooping cough
anticorps {m} [physiology] :: antibody
anticorpuscule {m} [physics] :: antiparticle
anticorruption {adj} :: anticorruption
anticrénelage {m} [computing] :: anti-aliasing
anticriminalité {adj} :: anticrime
anticrise {adj} :: anticrisis
anticryptogamique {adj} :: anticryptogamic
anticyclique {adj} :: anticyclic
anticyclonal {adj} :: anticyclonic
anticyclone {m} [meteorology] :: a high pressure zone, an anticyclone
anticyclonique {adj} :: anticyclonic
antidartreux {adj} :: antiherpes
antidater {vt} :: To backdate
antidéchets {adj} :: antilitter
antidécrochage {adj} :: anti-dropout
antidéflagrant {adj} :: flameproof
antidélocalisation {adj} :: antirelocation
antidélocalisation {adj} :: anti-outsourcing
antidémocrate {adj} :: antidemocratic
antidémocratique {adj} :: antidemocratic
antidéperditeur {adj} :: antileakage
antidéperdition {adj} :: antileakage
antidépresseur {m} :: antidepressant
antidérapage {adj} :: antiskid
antidérapant {adj} :: nonskid, antiskid
antidétonant {adj} :: antiknock, antidetonation
antidiabétique {adj} :: antidiabetic
antidiarrhéique {adj} :: antidiarrheal
antidicot {adj} [colloquial] :: synonym of antidicotylédone
antidicotylédone {adj} :: antidicotyledon
antidiphtérique {adj} :: antidiphtheritic
antidiurétique {adj} :: antidiuretic
antidjihadiste {adj} :: anti-jihadist
antidogmatique {adj} :: antidogmatic
antidopage {adj} :: antidoping
antidote {m} :: antidote
antidouleur {m} :: pain killer
antidouleur {adj} :: pain killing
antidramatique {adj} :: antidramatic
antidreyfusard {adj} [historical] :: Who opposed the release of Alfred Dreyfus in the Dreyfus Affair
anti-drogue {adj} :: alternative form of antidrogue
antidrogue {adj} :: antidrug
antidynastique {adj} :: antidynastic
antidysentérique {adj} :: antidysenteric
antidyssentérique {adj} :: antidysenteric
antiécologique {adj} :: antiecological
antiéconomique {adj} :: antieconomical
antieffraction {adj} :: antiburglary
antiélectron {m} [physics] :: antielectron, positron
antiémétique {adj} :: antiemetic
antiémétique {m} :: antiemetic
antiémeute {adj} :: anti-riot
antien {adj} :: obsolete form of ancien
antienne {f} [religion] :: antiphony
antienne {f} :: chant, refrain
antiépileptique {adj} [medicine] :: antiepileptic
antiesclavagisme {m} :: The antislavery movement
antiesclavagiste {adj} :: antislavery
antiesclavagiste {mf} :: antislaver
antiesthétique {adj} :: antiaesthetic
antiétique {adj} :: antitubercular
antieuropéen {adj} :: anti-European
antiévangélique {adj} :: antievangelical
antifa {adj} :: clipping of antifasciste
antifa {mf} :: clipping of antifasciste
antifamille {adj} :: antifamily
antifarcineux {adj} :: antifarcinous
antifascisme {m} :: antifascism
antifasciste {adj} :: antifascist (opposed to fascism)
antifasciste {mf} :: antifascist
antifébrile {adj} :: antifebrile, antifever
antifécondant {adj} :: contraceptive
antifédéral {adj} :: antifederal
antifédéralisme {m} :: antifederalism
antiféminin {adj} :: antifeminine
antiféminisme {m} :: antifeminism
antiféministe {adj} :: antifeminist
antifermentescible {adj} :: antifermentation (that inhibits fermentation)
antiferromagnétique {adj} [physics] :: antiferromagnetic
antiferromagnétisme {m} [physics] :: antiferromagnetism
antifeu {adj} :: fire-retardant
antifeutrant {adj} :: antifelting (that prevents felting of woolens)
antifisc {adj} :: antitax (opposed to taxes)
antifiscal {adj} :: antitax
antifongique {adj} :: antifungal
antifongique {m} [medicine] :: antifungal
antifoulard {adj} :: anti-headscarf (anti-Islamic)
antifracturaire {adj} :: antifracture
antifrançais {adj} :: anti-French
antifranquiste {adj} :: anti-Francoist
antifroid {adj} :: anticold (preventing the effects of cold weather)
antifuite {adj} :: antileak
antifungique {adj} :: synonym of antifongique
antigai {adj} :: antigay
antigaleux {adj} :: anti-scabies
antigaleux {adj} :: anti-mange
antigang {adj} :: antigang
antigaspi {adj} :: antiwaste
antigaspillage {adj} :: antiwaste
antigaulliste {adj} :: anti-Gaullist
antigel {m} :: antifreeze
antigène {m} :: antigen
antigénéreux {adj} :: ungenerous
antigénique {adj} :: antigenic
antigerminatif {adj} :: antigerminative, antigermination
antigiratoire {adj} :: antigyratory, antirotation
antigiscardisme {m} :: antiGiscardism (movement opposed to Valéry Giscard d'Estaing)
antigivre {adj} :: antifrost
antigoutteux {adj} :: antigout
antigouvernemental {adj} :: antigovernmental
antigravitationnel {adj} [science fiction] :: antigravitational
antigrippal {adj} :: antiflu
Antigua-et-Barbuda {prop} {f} :: Antigua-et-Barbuda (country)
antiguayen {adj} :: Antiguan
anti-guerre {adj} :: anti-war
antiguerre {adj} :: alternative form of anti-guerre
antihalo {adj} :: antihalo
antihausse {adj} :: anti-inflationary
antihectique {adj} :: antitubercular
antihélium {m} [physics] :: antihelium
antihelminthique {adj} :: antihelminthic
antihémorragique {adj} :: antihemorrhagic
antihémorroïdal {adj} :: antihemorrhoidal
antihéroïque {adj} :: antiheroic
antihéros {m} :: antihero
antiherpétique {adj} :: antiherpetic
antihiatique {adj} :: antihiatic
antihistaminique {m} [medicine] :: antihistamine
antihitlérien {adj} :: anti-Hitlerian
anti-horaire {adj} :: alternative spelling of antihoraire
antihoraire {adj} :: anticlockwise [South Africa, AU, New Zealand, Britain], counterclockwise [US]
antihorairement {adv} :: anticlockwise
antihumain {adj} :: antihuman
antihumaniste {adj} :: antihumanist
antihydrogène {m} :: antihydrogen
antihydrophobique {adj} :: antirabies
antihydropique {adj} :: anti-dropsy
antihygiénique {adj} :: unhygienic
antihypéron {m} [physics] :: antihyperon
antihypertenseur {adj} :: antihypertensive
antihypertenseur {m} :: antihypertensive (agent that prevents or counteracts hypertension)
antihypertensif {m} :: antihypertensive (agent that prevents or counteracts hypertension)
antihypocondriaque {adj} :: antihypocondriac
antihystérique {adj} :: antihysteric
antiinflammatoire {adj} :: anti-inflammatory
antijaponais {adj} :: antijapanese
antijeu {m} :: unsportsmanlike conduct, unsporting behaviour
antijihadiste {adj} :: antijihadist
antijudaïsme {m} :: antijudaism
antijuif {adj} :: antijewish
antikomintern {adj} :: anti-Komintern
antilégal {adj} :: antilegal
antilépreux {adj} :: antileprosy
antiliant {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: antibonding
Anti-Liban {prop} {m} :: Anti-Lebanon
antilibéral {adj} :: antiliberal
antilithique {adj} [medicine] :: antilithic
antillais {adj} :: Antillean
Antillais {m} :: Antillean (somone from the Antilles)
Antillaise {f} :: feminine noun of Antillais
Antilles {prop} {fp} :: Antilles
Antilles néerlandaises {prop} {fp} :: The Netherlands Antilles
antilogarithme {m} [maths] :: antilogarithm
antilogique {adj} :: antilogical
antilogue {adj} [mineralogy, electricity] :: antilogue
antilope {f} :: antelope
antilope cheval {f} :: roan antelope
antimaçonnique {adj} :: antimasonic
antimagnétique {adj} :: antimagnetic
antimalarique {m} :: antimalarial drug
antimaoïste {adj} :: anti-Maoist
antimarxisme {m} :: antimarxism
antimarxiste {adj} :: antimarxist
antimatière {f} :: antimatter
antimédiatique {adj} :: antimedia
antimélancolique {adj} :: antimelancholic
antimendiants {adj} :: antibeggar
antimendicité {adj} :: antibegging
antiméphitique {adj} :: antimephitic
antiméridien {m} :: antimeridian
antimétabolite {m} [biochemistry] :: antimetabolite
antimicrobien {adj} :: antimicrobial
antimicrobien {m} :: antimicrobial
antimicrophonique {adj} :: antimicrophonic
antimigraineux {adj} :: antimigraine
antimigrant {adj} :: antimigrant
antimilitaire {adj} :: antimilitary, antimilitarist
antimilitarisme {m} :: antimilitarism
antimilitariste {adj} :: antimilitarist
antiministériel {adj} :: antiministerial
antimissile {adj} :: antimissile
antimite {m} :: moth repellent, mothproofer
antimitotique {adj} :: antimitotic
antimitotique {m} :: antimitotic
antimoderniste {adj} :: antimodernist
antimoine {m} :: antimony
antimonarchique {adj} :: antimonarchic, antimonarchical
antimonarchiste {adj} :: antimonarchist
antimondialisation {f} :: antiglobalization
antimondialiste {adj} :: antiglobalization (attributive)
antimondialiste {mf} :: antiglobalist
antimonial {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimonial
antimonié {adj} :: antimoniated
antimonieux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimonious
antimonifère {adj} :: antimoniferous
antimonique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimonic
antimoniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: antimonide
antimonopolistique {adj} :: antimonopolistic
antimoral {adj} :: antimoral
antimorveux {adj} :: anti-glanders
antimoussant {adj} :: antifoaming
antimoussant {m} :: anti-foaming agent
antimousse {m} :: anti-foaming agent
antimoustique {adj} :: antimosquito
antimusulman {adj} :: anti-Islamic
antimutinerie {adj} :: antiriot
antimycosique {adj} :: antimycotic, antifungal
antimycotique {adj} :: antimycotic
antinational {adj} :: antinational (all senses)
antinationaliste {adj} :: antinationalist
antinaturel {adj} :: antinatural
antinaupathique {adj} :: antinaupathic
antinaupathique {m} :: antinaupathic
antinazi {adj} :: anti-nazi
antinéphrétique {adj} :: antinephritic
antinévralgique {adj} :: antineuralgic
antinoir {adj} :: antiblack
antinomie {f} :: antinomy
antinomique {adj} :: antonymous
antinomiquement {adv} :: antonymously
antinoyau {m} [physics] :: antinucleus
antinucléaire {adj} :: antinuclear
antinucléon {m} [physics] :: antinucleon
antinudité {adj} :: antinudity
antioccidental {adj} :: anti-west
antioccidentalisme {m} :: anti-Westernism
Antioche {prop} {m} :: Antiochus
Antioche {prop} {f} :: Antioch
Antiochène {prop} {f} :: Antiochene (territory)
antiochien {adj} :: Antiochian (of or pertaining to ancient Antioch)
Antiochien {m} [historical] :: Antiochian
antiolympique {adj} :: anti-Olympic
antiorgastique {adj} :: antiorgastic
antioxydant {m} [chemistry] :: antioxidant
antioxydant {adj} [chemistry] :: antioxidant (attributive)
antioxygène {adj} :: antioxygenic
antipalestinien {adj} :: anti-Palestinian
antipaludéen {adj} [medicine] :: antimalarial
antipaludéen {m} [medicine] :: antimalarial (drug)
antipaludique {adj} [medicine] :: antimalarial
antipaludique {m} [medicine] :: antimalarial (drug)
antipanique {adj} :: antipanic
antipape {m} :: antipope
antiparallèle {adj} [maths] :: antiparallel
antiparallélogramme {m} :: antiparallelogram
antiparalytique {adj} :: antiparalytic
antiparasitaire {adj} :: antiparasitic
antiparasite {adj} :: antiparasitic
antiparasite {m} :: antiparasitic (drug)
antiparkinsonien {adj} :: antiparkinsonian
antiparlementaire {adj} :: antiparliamentary
antiparlementarisme {m} :: antiparliamentary policy
antiparlementariste {adj} :: antiparliamentary
antiparticule {f} [particle] :: antiparticle
antipassif {adj} :: antipassive
antipathie {f} :: antipathy, dislike
antipathique {adj} :: antipathic
antipatinage {adj} :: antiskid
antipatriotique {adj} :: antipatriotic
antipatriotisme {m} :: antipatriotism
antipelliculaire {adj} :: antidandruff
antipériodique {adj} :: antiperiodic
antipéristaltique {adj} :: antiperistaltic
antipéroniste {adj} :: anti-Peronist
antipersonnel {adj} :: antipersonnel
antipesteux {adj} :: antiplague
antipestilentiel {adj} :: antipestilential
antipharmaque {adj} :: antidotal
antipharmaque {m} :: antidote
antiphilosophique {adj} :: antiphilosophical
antiphlogistique {adj} :: antiphlogistic
Antiphon {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Antiphon
antiphonaire {m} [music] :: antiphonary, antiphonal, antiphoner
antiphrase {f} [rhetoric] :: antiphrasis
antiphrastique {adj} :: antiphrastic
antiphthisique {adj} :: antiphthisic
antiphtisique {adj} :: alternative form of antiphthisique
antiphysique {adj} [obsolete] :: unnatural, antiphysical
antipindarique {adj} :: anti-Pindaric
antipiratage {adj} :: antipiracy
antipiraterie {adj} :: antipiracy
antipleurétique {adj} :: antipleuritic
antipodagrique {adj} :: antipodagric
antipodagrique {m} :: antipodagric
antipode {m} [especially in plural] :: antipode
antipode {m} :: opposite
antipodique {adj} :: antipodal
antipodiste {mf} :: antipodist
antipoétique {adj} :: antipoetic
antipoison {adj} :: anti-poison
antipoison {m} :: antidote
antipoliomyélitique {adj} :: anti-polio
antipolitique {adj} :: antipolitical
antipollupostage {adj} [Internet] :: antispam
antipollution {adj} :: antipollution
antipornographie {adj} :: antipornography, antipornographic
antipositiviste {adj} :: antipositivist
antipourriel {adj} [Internet] :: antispam
antipoussière {adj} :: antidust
antipoux {adj} :: anti-louse, delousing
antiprogressiste {adj} :: antiprogressive
antiprohibitionniste {adj} :: antiprohibition
antiprotectionniste {adj} :: antiprotectionist, free trade (attributive)
antiproton {m} [physics] :: antiproton
antiprurigineux {adj} :: antipruritic
antipsorique {adj} :: antipsoric, antipsoriatic
antipsychiatrie {f} :: antipsychiatry
antipsychotique {adj} :: antipsychotic
antipublicitaire {adj} :: antipublicity
antipublicité {adj} :: antipublicity
antiputride {adj} :: anti-putridity
antiputride {adj} :: antiseptic
antipyique {adj} :: antipyic
antipyrétique {m} :: antipyretic (medication that reduces fever)
antipyrotique {adj} :: antipyrotic
antiquaille {f} :: (especially in plural) antique junk (of little value)
antiquaire {mf} :: antiquer
antiquark {m} [particle] :: antiquark
antique {adj} :: ancient
antique {adj} :: relating to the Antiquity
antiquement {adv} :: anciently, long ago
antiquisant {adj} :: antiquated
antiquisant {m} :: antiquarian
antiquiser {v} :: To antiquate
antiquité {f} :: antiquity; ancientness
antiquité {f} :: old days
antiquité {f} :: antique (object from old times)
Antiquité {prop} {f} :: ancient history
antirabique {adj} :: anti-rabies
antirachitique {adj} :: antirachitic
antirachitisme {adj} :: antirachitic
antiracisme {m} :: antiracism
antiraciste {adj} :: antiracist
antiradar {adj} :: antiradar
antiradicalaire {adj} [chemistry] :: antiradical, antioxidant
antiradicalaire {m} [chemistry] :: antiradical, antioxidant
antiradiculaire {adj} :: antiradical
antiraisonnable {adj} :: unreasonable
antirationnel {adj} :: antirational
antirebond {adj} :: antibounce
antireflet {adj} :: antireflective, antiglare
antiréglementaire {adj} :: antiregulatory
antirejet {adj} :: antirejection
antireligieux {adj} :: antireligious
antirépublicain {adj} :: antirepublican
antirétroviral {adj} :: antiretroviral
antirévisionnisme {m} :: antirevisionism
antirevisionniste {adj} :: alternative form of antirévisionniste
antirévisionniste {adj} :: antirevisionist
antirévisionniste {mf} :: antirevisionist
antirévolution {adj} :: antirevolutionary, counterrevolutionary
antirévolutionnaire {adj} :: antirevolutionary, counterrevolutionary
antirhumatismal {adj} :: antirheumatic
antiride {adj} :: antiwrinkle
antiripage {m} :: antiskating
antirobespierriste {adj} :: antiRobespierrist
antiroquette {adj} :: antirocket
antirouge {adj} [physics] :: antired
antirougeoleux {adj} :: antimeasles
antirouille {adj} :: antirust
antiroulis {adj} :: antiroll
antirubéoleux {adj} :: antirubella
antisalissure {adj} :: antifouling
antisarkozyste {adj} :: antisarkozyst
anti-scientifique {adj} :: alternative form of antiscientifique
antiscientifique {adj} :: antiscientific
antiscolaire {adj} :: antischolastic
antiscorbutique {adj} :: antiscorbutic
antiscorbutique {m} :: antiscorbutic
antiscrofuleux {adj} :: antiscrofulous
antiscrophuleux {adj} :: alternative form of antiscrofuleux
anti-sèche {f} :: alternative spelling of antisèche
antisèche {f} [France] :: cheat sheet (a sheet of paper used to assist on a test)
antisécrétoire {adj} :: antisecretory
antiségrégationniste {adj} :: antisegregationist
antisémite {adj} :: anti-Semitic
antisémitique {adj} :: antisemitic
anti-sémitisme {m} :: anti-Semitism (Prejudice or hostility against Jews)
antisémitisme {m} :: antisemitism
antisens {m} [genetics] :: antisense
antisepsie {f} :: antisepsis
antiseptique {m} :: antiseptic (substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms)
antiseptique {adj} :: antiseptic (capable of preventing microbial infection)
antisexiste {adj} :: antisexist
antisida {adj} :: anti-AIDS
antisionisme {m} :: anti-Zionism
antisioniste {adj} :: anti-Zionist
antisioniste {mf} :: anti-Zionist
antisismique {adj} :: earthquake-proof/-resistant
antisocial {adj} :: antisocial
antisocialiste {adj} :: antisocialist
antisocratique {adj} :: antisocratic
anti-sous-marin {adj} :: antisubmarine
antisoviétique {adj} :: antisoviet
antispasmodique {adj} [medicine] :: antispasmodic
antispasmodique {m} [medicine] :: antispasmodic
antispastique {adj} :: antispastic, antispasmodic
antispéciste {adj} :: antispeciesist
antispiritualiste {adj} :: antispiritualist
antisportif {adj} :: unsporting
antisportif {adj} :: anti-sport
antistalinien {m} :: anti-Stalinist
antistalinienne {f} :: feminine singular of antistalinien
antistalinisme {m} :: anti-Stalinism
antistatique {adj} :: antistatic
antistérilité {adj} :: anti-sterility (attributive)
antistérilité {adj} :: fertility (attributive)
Antisthène {prop} {m} :: the Ancient Greek Cynic philosopher Antisthenes
antistreptococcique {adj} :: antistreptococcal, antistreptococcic
antistrophe {f} :: antistrophe
antisudoral {adj} :: antisweat
antisudorifique {adj} :: antiperspirant
antisudorifique {m} :: antiperspirant
antisyllabique {adj} :: antisyllabic
antisymétrique {adj} [mathematics] :: antisymmetric
antisymétriser {v} :: To antisymmetrize
antisyndical {adj} :: antisyndicate
antisyphilitique {adj} :: antisyphilitic
antisyrien {adj} :: anti-Syrian
antisystème {adj} :: anti-establishment
antitabac {adj} :: anti-smoking (opposing smoking)
antitaliban {adj} :: anti-Taliban
antitartre {adj} :: antitartar
antitartre {adj} :: antiscaling
antitau {m} :: antitau
antitauon {m} :: antitauon
antitaurin {adj} :: antitaurine
antitaxique {adj} [biology] :: antitaxic
antitechniciste {adj} :: antitechnology
antiterrorisme {m} :: antiterrorism
antiterroriste {adj} :: antiterrorist
antitétanique {adj} [medicine] :: anti-tetanus
antithermique {adj} [medicine] :: antithermic, antipyretic
antithèse {f} :: antithesis
antithétique {adj} :: antithetical
antithyroïdien {adj} :: antithyroid
antitotalitaire {adj} :: antitotalitarian
antitout {adj} :: antieverything
antitoxine {f} :: antitoxin
antitoxique {adj} :: antitoxic
antitriche {adj} :: antifraud
antitrope {adj} [botany] :: antitropous
antitrust {adj} :: antitrust
antituberculeux {adj} :: antitubercular
antiturc {adj} :: anti-Turkish
antitussif {adj} :: antitussive
antitussif {m} :: antitussive, cough mixture
antityphique {adj} :: antityphoid
antiulcéreux {adj} :: antiulcerous
antiunioniste {adj} :: antiunion
antivaccin {adj} :: antivaccine
antivaccins {adj} :: antivaccine
antivariolique {adj} :: antivariolous, antismallpox
antivectoriel {adj} [maths] :: antivectorial
antivénéneux {adj} :: antivenom
antivénérien {adj} :: antivenereal
antivenimeux {adj} :: antivenin (attributive)
antivermineux {adj} :: antivermin, antiparasite
antivert {adj} [physics] :: antigreen
antivietnamien {adj} :: anti-Vietnamese
antiviral {adj} :: antiviral
antivol {m} :: antitheft device
antivol {adj} :: antitheft
antixérophtalmique {adj} :: antixerophthalmic
antoécien {adj} :: antoecian
Antoine {prop} {m} :: given name
Antoine {prop} {m} :: surname
Antoinette {prop} {f} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Antoine
Antonescu {prop} :: surname
antonin {adj} :: Antonine
antonomase {f} :: antonomasia (figure of speech)
antonomastique {adj} :: antonomastic
antonyme {m} :: antonym (word which has the opposite meaning)
antonymie {m} :: antonymy
antonymique {adj} :: antonymic
antracifère {adj} :: alternative form of anthracifère
antre {m} :: cave
antre {m} :: den, lair
antre {m} [anatomy] :: antrum
antrustion {m} :: antrustion
anucléé {adj} [cytology] :: anucleated
anuiter {v} :: To benight
anulingus {m} [sexuality] :: anilingus
anurie {f} [pathology] :: anuria
anus {m} [anatomy] :: anus
anusvara {m} :: anusvara (Devanagari diacritic)
Anvers {prop} :: Anvers (capital city)
Anvers {prop} :: Anvers (province)
anversois {adj} :: from Antwerp; Antwerpian
Anversois {m} :: someone from Antwerp; Antwerpian
Anversoise {f} :: feminine noun of Anversois
anxien {adj} :: obsolete form of ancien
anxiété {f} :: anxiety
anxiété {f} [pathology] :: anxiety
anxiété sociale {f} [psychology] :: social anxiety
anxieusement {adv} :: anxiously
anxieusement {adv} :: apprehensively
anxieux {adj} :: anxious
anxieux {adj} :: apprehensive
anxiodépressif {adj} :: anxiodepressive
anxiogène {adj} :: anxiogenic
anxiogène {adj} :: worrisome (causing worry; perturbing or vexing)
anxiolytique {adj} :: anxiolytic
anxiolytique {m} [pharmacology] :: anxiolytic
A. O. {prop} :: initialism of Afrique orientale (East Africa), used as an overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo in 1918 for use in Belgian occupied German East Africa
AOC {f} :: initialism of appellation d'origine contrôlée
Aoi {prop} :: given name
AOR {prop} :: abbreviation of athlètes olympiques de Russie
aoriste {m} :: aorist
aorte {f} :: aorta
aortique {adj} :: aortic
aortite {f} [pathology] :: aortitis
aortocoronarien {adj} :: coronary artery (attributive)
Aoste {prop} {f} :: Aoste (city)
aostois {adj} :: Aostan (of or from Aosta)
Aostois {m} :: Aostan (someone from Aosta)
Aostoise {f} :: feminine noun of Aostois
aoudad {m} :: The Barbary sheep, Ammotragus lervia
aoust {m} :: archaic spelling of août
aout {m} :: alternative spelling of août
août {m} :: August
aoutat {m} :: alternative form of aoûtat
aoûtat {m} :: chigger, harvest mite
aoûtement {m} :: hardening (of plants, so as to survive the coming winter)
aoûter {v} :: To ripen or harden in the August heat
aoûtien {m} [colloquial] :: someone who goes on holiday in August (as opposed to July)
aoûtienne {f} :: feminine noun of aoûtien
à outrance {adv} :: unremittingly, unflaggingly
à outrance {adv} :: to the utmost, to the death
AP {prop} :: Apples CH (Swiss commune)
AP {prop} :: Apará (Andorran commune)
AP {prop} :: Árouesa (Andorran commune)
AP {prop} :: Apalesarsoiär (Andorran commune)
AP {prop} :: Awyer
apache {m} :: Apache (language)
apache {m} [historical, slang] :: Apache (gangster)
Apache {prop} {m} :: Apache [server]
Apache {prop} {m} :: Apache [city]
Apache {prop} {m} :: Apache [tribe]
apagogie {f} :: apagoge
apagogique {adj} :: apagogic
apaisable {adj} :: mollifiable, appeasable, pacifiable
apaisant {adj} :: soothing, mollifying
apaisement {m} :: calming down; appeasement
apaiser {vt} :: to mollify; to appease, pacify, calm
Apamée {prop} {f} :: Apamea
apaméen {adj} :: Apamean
Apaméen {m} :: Apamean
Apamène {prop} {f} :: Apamene (region)
Apamène {mf} :: synonym of Apaméen
apanage {m} :: prerogative, privilege
apanage {m} [historical] :: apanage
apanager {v} :: To grant an apanage
apanagiste {mf} :: grantee of an apanage
à part {adv} :: apart
à part {adj} :: exceptional, special
à part {prep} :: apart from, except
aparté {m} :: aside, stage whisper, soliloquy
aparté {m} :: secret conversation
à part entière {adj} :: full-fledged
apartheid {m} [history] :: apartheid (racial separation in South Africa from 1948 to 1990)
apartheid {m} :: apartheid (any policy of racial separation)
à partir de {prep} :: Starting at, beginning in, from ... onward
à partir de {prep} :: Starting from (there), supposing (that)
à partir de dorénavant {adv} [proscribed] :: from now on, from this day forward
apartisan {adj} :: nonpartisan
à pas de géant {adv} :: by leaps and bounds
à pas de loup {adv} :: stealthily
à pas feutrés {adv} :: silently, stealthily, on tiptoe
apathéiste {adj} :: apatheist
apathéiste {mf} :: apatheist
apathie {f} :: apathy
apathique {adj} :: apathetic
apathique {adj} :: inactive, sluggish
apathiquement {adv} :: apathetically
apatride {adj} [law] :: stateless (without a state or nationality)
apatrié {adj} :: synonym of acclimaté
apax {m} [linguistics, rare] :: alternative spelling of hapax
à peine {adv} :: barely, scarcely, hardly
apeiron {m} [maths] :: infinity
Apennins {prop} {mp} :: Apennines
apens {m} :: only used in the term guet-apens
apepsie {f} [pathology] :: apepsy
apeptique {adj} :: apeptic
aperceptible {adj} :: synonym of apercevable
aperceptif {adj} :: apperceptive
aperception {f} :: apperception
apercevable {adj} :: perceptible, noticeable, appreciable
aperceveur {m} :: glimpser (someone who glimpses)
aperceveuse {f} :: feminine noun of aperceveur
apercevoir {v} :: to see, to glimpse, to catch sight of
apercevoir {v} :: (reflexive form : s'apercevoir) to realize, to become aware of
aperçu {m} :: glance, glimpse
aperçu {m} :: insight, hint
aperçu {m} :: rough estimate
aperçu {m} :: sketch, outline, summary
aperçu {m} :: view
aperçu {m} :: overview
aperçu {m} :: preview
aperçu {interj} [nautical] :: aye, aye
à perdre haleine {adv} [figuratively] :: until one is out of breath, until one is gasping for breath
apériodique {adj} [maths, physics] :: aperiodic
apériteur {adj} :: insurance (attributive)
apériteur {m} :: insurance agent or broker
apéritif {m} :: apéritif
apéritif dinatoire {m} :: An aperitif taken in the afternoon, combined with some snacks, serving as an alternative to dinner
apéritif géant {m} :: A public drinking party
apéritrice {f} :: feminine singular of apériteur
apéro {m} :: apéritif (alcoholic drink served before a meal as an appetiser)
apéro {m} :: apéritif (time before a meal when apéritifs are drunk)
apéro géant {m} :: variant of apéritif géant
apert {adj} [archaic, literary] :: clear, manifest, obvious
à perte {prep} :: at a loss (below the cost or price of purchase)
à perte de vue {adv} :: as far as the eye can see, until out of sight
apertement {adv} [obsolete] :: openly
aperture {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: opening, openness, aperture
apesanteur {f} :: weightlessness
apétale {adj} [botany] :: apetalous
à petit feu {prep} [cooking] :: over a gentle heat, on a low heat
à petit feu {prep} [figuratively] :: slowly, little by little
à peu de choses près {adv} :: pretty much; more or less
à peu près {adv} :: more or less; almost; about
apeurable {adj} :: frightenable
apeuré {adj} :: frightened, afraid
apeurer {v} :: to be frightened, to be in fear
aphærese {f} :: obsolete form of aphérèse
aphake {adj} :: aphakic
aphakique {adj} :: aphakic
aphaniptère {m} :: flea (of the order Aphaniptera)
aphasie {f} :: aphasia (pathological speech disorder)
aphasie de Broca {f} [neurology] :: Broca's aphasia
aphasie de Wernicke {f} [neurology] :: Wernicke's aphasia
aphasique {adj} :: aphasic
aphélie {m} :: aphelion (the point in the elliptical orbit of a planet where it is farthest from the sun)
aphérésé {adj} :: apheresed
aphérèse {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: aphaeresis
aphicide {m} :: aphicide
aphidien {adj} :: aphidian
aphidien {m} :: aphidian
aphidiphage {adj} :: aphidophagous
aphidivore {adj} :: aphidivorous
aphlogistique {adj} :: aphlogistic
aphone {adj} :: voiceless
aphonie {f} :: aphonia, aphony
aphorisme {m} :: aphorism
aphoristique {adj} :: aphoristic
aphotique {adj} :: aphotic
aphrodisiaque {adj} :: aphrodisiac (intensifying sexual desire)
aphrodisiaque {m} :: aphrodisiac
Aphrodite {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Aphrodite (goddess)
aphroditique {adj} :: aphroditic
aphroditique {adj} :: venereal
aphronatron {m} :: natrite
aphte {m} :: mouth ulcer
aphteux {adj} :: aphthous
aphtheux {adj} :: alternative form of aphteux
aphyllanthe {f} :: Any plant of the genus Aphyllanthes
aphylle {adj} [botany] :: aphyllous
API {prop} {m} :: initialism of alphabet phonétique international: IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
API {m} :: API
apiacée {f} :: umbellifer (plant of the family Apiaceae)
apiaire {adj} :: apiarian
à pic {adv} :: at just the right moment, just at the right time, just when needed, in a timely fashion
apical {adj} :: apical (all senses)
apiciflore {adj} [botany] :: apicifloral
apico- {prefix} :: apico- (all meanings)
apicoalvéolaire {adj} [linguistcs] :: apicoalveolar
apicodental {adj} :: apicodental
apicole {adj} [beekeeping] :: apicultural [attributive]
apicomplexé {m} [biology] :: apicomplexan
apicoplaste {m} [biology] :: apicoplast
apicule {m} :: spicule
apiculé {adj} [botany] :: apiculate
apiculteur {m} :: beekeeper
apicultrice {f} :: feminine noun of apiculteur
apiculture {f} :: apiculture
apidé {m} :: honey bee (of family Apidae)
apiéceur {m} :: A tailor who worked from home
à pied {adv} :: on foot
à pied d'œuvre {adj} :: ready to start work, ready to get down to business
apiol {m} [organic chemistry] :: apiol
apion {m} :: A type of weevil (of genus Exapion)
apiquer {v} :: To make vertical
apitoiement {m} :: compassion, pity, mercy, sympathy
apitoyer {v} :: to make (someone) feel pity for (something)
apitoyer {vr} :: to feel sorry for
aplacentaire {adj} :: aplacental
aplanat {m} :: aplanat
aplanétique {adj} :: aplanatic
aplanétiser {v} [optics] :: To make something aplanatic
aplanir {v} :: to level, even out
aplanissement {m} :: leveling
aplasie {f} :: aplasia
aplasique {adj} :: aplastic (relating to aplasia)
aplat {m} :: a flat area
aplat {m} [printing] :: a tint area
à plat {prep} :: flat, level, horizontal
à plat {prep} [of a tyre] :: flat, deflated
à plat {prep} [of a battery] :: flat (unable to emit power; dead)
à plat {prep} [of a person, figuratively] :: flat, listless, lethargic, dead beat, tired out
aplati {adj} :: flattened
aplatir {v} :: to flatten (to make something flat)
aplatissage {m} :: flattening
aplatissement {m} :: flattening
aplatisseur {m} :: flattener
aplatisseuse {f} :: feminine singular of aplatisseur
aplatissoir {m} :: flattener (device)
aplatissoire {f} :: rollers (for flattening hot metal in a rolling mill)
à plat ventre {adv} :: face-down
à pleines dents {adv} :: voraciously
à pleines dents {adv} [figuratively] :: readily, enthusiastically, to the full, with both hands
à plein nez {adv} [figuratively] :: a lot, clearly, strongly, all over
à plein régime {adv} [figuratively] :: at full capacity, flat-out, full-bore
à pleins poumons {adv} :: at the top of one's lungs, at the top of one's voice
à pleurer {adv} :: extremely, to no end
aplitique {adj} :: aplitic
aplomb {m} :: vertical line, as measured with a plumb line
aplomb {m} [by extension] :: stability, equilibrium, uprightness
aplomb {m} [figurative] :: self-confidence; aplomb
aplome {m} :: aplome
à plus {interj} [colloquial] :: see you, later, laters
à plus forte raison {adv} :: a fortiori, all the more so, especially, particularly
à plus tard {interj} :: see you later
APN {m} :: initialism of appareil photo numérique (digital camera)
apnée {f} :: apnea
apnée {f} :: free-diving
apnée du sommeil {f} :: sleep apnea
apo- {prefix} :: apo-
apoastre {m} [astronomy] :: apoapsis
apocalypse {f} :: apocalypse (disaster)
Apocalypse {prop} {f} :: Book of Revelation
apocalyptique {adj} :: apocalyptic
apocatastase {f} [theology] :: apocatastasis
apochromatique {adj} :: apochromatic
apocope {f} [phonetics] :: apocope
apocoper {v} :: to apocopate
apocopique {adj} :: apocopic
apocrite {m} :: Any insects of the suborder Apocrita
apocryphe {adj} :: apocryphal (of doubtful authenticity)
apode {adj} :: apodal
apode {m} :: apode
apodictique {adj} :: apodictic
apodictiquement {adv} :: apodictically
apodose {f} [grammar] :: apodosis
apogame {adj} :: apogamic
apogamie {f} :: apogamy
apogée {m} [astronomy] :: apogee (a point in an orbit around the Earth)
à poil {adj} [colloquial] :: in the buff, stark naked, starkers
à point {adj} [literary] :: at the right moment, at the right time, on time
à point {adj} :: medium rare (food)
apointé {adj} [maths] :: From which a particular point has been removed
à point nommé {adv} :: at just the right moment, in a timely fashion, just when needed
apolaire {adj} :: apolar, nonpolar
apolitique {adj} :: apolitical (having no interest in politics)
apolitisé {adj} :: depoliticized
apolitisme {m} :: apoliticism
apollinaire {adj} :: Apollinarian
apollinien {adj} :: Apollonian
Apollodore {prop} {m} :: Apollodorus
apollon {m} :: apollo (all senses)
Apollon {prop} {m} :: Apollo (god)
Apollon {m} :: Adonis, Greek god, hunk (very beautiful man)
Apollonie {prop} :: Apollonia
apollonien {adj} :: Apollonian
apollonique {adj} :: Apollonian
apologète {m} [rare] :: apologist
apologétique {adj} :: apologetic
apologie {f} :: apology (formal justification, defence)
apologique {adj} :: apological
apologiste {m} :: apologist
apologue {m} :: apologue
apomécométrie {f} :: apomecometry
apomictique {adj} [biology] :: apomictic
apomixie {f} [biology] :: apomixis
apomorphe {adj} :: apomorphic
apomorphine {f} :: apomorphine
aponévrologie {f} :: aponeurology
aponévrose {f} [anatomy] :: aponeurosis
aponévrotique {adj} :: aponeurotic
aponévrotomie {f} :: aponeurotomy
aponter {v} :: alternative form of apponter
apophantique {adj} :: apophantic
apophase {f} :: apophasis
apophatique {adj} :: apophatic
apophénie {f} [psychology] :: apophenia
apophlegmatique {adj} :: apophlegmatic
apophonie {f} :: apophony (alternation of sounds within a word)
apophonique {adj} :: apophonic
apophtegmatique {adj} :: apothegmatic
apophtegme {m} :: apothegm
apophthegmatique {adj} :: archaic spelling of apophtegmatique
apophthegme {m} :: archaic spelling of apophtegme
apophysaire {adj} :: apophyseal
apophyse {f} :: apophysis
apoplasme {m} :: apoplast
apoplasme {m} :: apoplasm
apoplectiforme {adj} :: apoplectiform
apoplectique {adj} :: apoplectic
apoplexie {f} [symptom] :: apoplexy
apore {m} :: synonym of aporie
aporétique {adj} :: aporetic
aporetiquement {adv} :: aporetically
aporie {f} :: aporia
à portée de main {adj} :: within reach, at hand, at one's fingertips
aposématique {adj} :: aposematic
aposiopèse {f} :: aposiopesis, reticence
apostasie {f} :: apostasy
apostasier {v} :: To apostatize
apostat {m} :: apostate
aposter {v} :: To post, station (place in a position)
a posteriori {adj} :: a posteriori
a posteriori {adv} :: a posteriori
à postériori {adj} :: alternative spelling of a posteriori
à postériori {adv} :: alternative spelling of a posteriori
apostille {f} :: apostille
apostiller {v} :: To apostille
apostolat {m} :: apostolate
apostolicité {f} :: apostolicity
apostolique {adj} :: apostolic
apostoliquement {adv} :: apostolically
apostrophe {f} [orthography] :: apostrophe
apostrophe {f} [rhetoric] :: apostrophe
apostropher {vt} :: To apostrophize
apostropher {vt} :: To speak sharply or harshly at
apotélésmatique {adj} :: apotelesmatic
apotemnophile {adj} :: apotemnophilic
apothème {m} [maths] :: apothem
apothéose {f} :: apotheosis
apothéoser {vt} :: to apotheosize
apothéosiaque {adj} :: synonym of apothéotique
apothéotique {adj} :: apotheotic
apothicaire {m} [historical] :: apothecary
apothicairerie {f} [historical] :: apothecary store
apôtre {m} :: apostle
apôtresse {f} :: feminine noun of apôtre
apotropaïque {adj} :: apotropaic
apozème {m} :: decoction
appairer {v} :: alternative form of apparier
appairer {v} :: To link (a pair of things in both directions)
appaiser {v} [obsolete] :: alternative form of apaiser
Appalaches {prop} {fp} :: Appalaches (mountain range)
appalachien {adj} :: Appalachian
apparagé {adj} :: married
apparager {v} :: To pair off, pair up
apparaitre {v} :: alternative spelling of apparaître
apparaître {v} :: to appear (become visible)
apparaître {v} [video games] :: to spawn
apparat {m} :: pomp, ceremony
apparatchik {m} :: apparatchik
appareil {m} :: apparatus
appareil {m} :: aircraft
appareil {m} :: camera (for photographs)
appareil {m} [anatomy] :: a system (of organs)
appareil {m} [culinary] :: a preparation that is a ready-to-use mixture of the basic ingredients for making a dish
appareil dentaire {m} :: braces (device for straightening the teeth)
appareillade {f} :: mating (of animals for breeding)
appareillage {m} [nautical] :: casting off
appareillage {m} :: device, equipment
appareillement {m} :: mating
appareiller {vt} :: to join or mix together
appareiller {vt} :: to mate animals for breeding
appareiller {vt} :: to prepare
appareiller {vt} :: to fit with a prosthesis
appareiller {vi} [nautical] :: to cast off
appareilleur {m} :: preparer
appareilleuse {f} :: feminine singular of appareilleur
appareilleuse {f} :: madam (of a brothel), pimp
appareil photo {m} :: Camera (for still pictures)
appareil photo numérique {m} :: A digital camera
apparemment {adv} :: apparently (seemingly)
apparence {f} :: appearance
apparent {adj} :: apparent (all senses)
apparenté {adj} :: related
apparentement {m} :: similarity, apparentness
apparenter {vt} :: to be related to
apparenter {vr} [~ à] :: to resemble, be similar to
appariable {adj} :: marriable
appariement {m} :: matching
appariement {m} :: coupling
apparier {vt} :: to pair or match
apparier {vt} [of birds] :: to couple or mate
appariteur {m} :: attendant, porter, beadle, usher, verger, apparitor (especially at a university)
apparition {f} :: appearance
apparition {f} :: ghost
apparition {f} [baseball] :: plate appearance
apparitorat {m} [Belgium, DR Congo] :: office of student affairs (at a university)
apparoir {vi} [literary] :: to appear
apparoir {vi} [literary] :: to be evident or manifest
appart {m} :: apartment
appartement {m} :: apartment, flat
appartenance {f} :: belonging
appartenance {f} :: membership
appartenance {f} :: aseity
appartenir {vi} :: (+ à) to belong to
appartenir {vi} :: (+ à) to concern
appas {mp} [literary] :: charms
appât {m} [obsolete] :: lure
appât {m} [archaic] :: (sexual) temptation
appât {m} [in the plural, literary] :: charms
appât {m} [fishing] :: bait
appât {m} [martial arts] :: feint
appâter {v} [fishing] :: to bait, lure
appauvri {adj} :: impoverished
appauvrir {vt} :: to impoverish
appauvrissement {m} :: impoverishment
appeau {m} :: decoy
appel {m} :: call
appel {m} :: appeal
appelable {adj} [computing] :: callable
appel à la prière {m} :: call to prayer
appelant {adj} :: appellant
appelant {m} :: appellant
appelant {m} [Quebec, no feminine] :: A decoy for birdhunt
appelante {f} :: feminine noun of appelant
appel d'air {m} :: through draught
appel d'air {m} [figuratively] :: knock-on effect
appel de note {m} [typography] :: footnote callout
appel de phares {m} :: flash of one's headlights
appel d'offres {m} [commerce] :: invitation to tender
appel en absence {m} :: missed call
appeler {vt} :: to call (out)
appeler {vt} :: to call, phone, ring
appeler {vt} :: to call for, summon
appeler {vi} :: to call (out)
appeler {vr} :: to be called
appeler de ses vœux {vt} [literary] :: to wish, to call for
appeler un chat un chat {v} :: to call a spade a spade (to call something what it is)
appellatif {adj} [grammar] :: appellative
appellation {f} :: call (instance of calling out)
appellation {f} :: name; appellation
appellation contrôlée {f} [colloquial] :: A synonym of the official term “appellation d’origine contrôlée
appellation d'origine contrôlée {f} :: French governmental certification granted to certain French geographical indications for wines, cheeses, butters, and other agricultural products
appellatoire {adj} [legal] :: appellatory
appeller {v} [obsolete] :: alternative form of appeler
appendice {m} [anatomy] :: appendix (vermiform appendix)
appendice {m} :: appendix (text added to the end of a book or an article)
appendicectomie {f} [surgery] :: appendectomy
appendiciforme {adj} :: appendiciform
appendicite {f} :: appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)
appendiculaire {adj} :: appendicular
appendiculé {adj} :: appendiculate
appendre {v} :: to hang (something) from
appentis {m} :: lean-to, shed, appentice, pentice, pent, penthouse
appertisation {f} :: appertisation
appertiser {vt} :: to can [food]
appesantir {vt} :: to weigh down
appesantir {v} :: to dull
appesantir {vr} [s'appesantir sur] :: to condemn
appesantir {vr} :: to get bogged down (with)
appesantissement {m} :: dullness, heaviness
appétence {f} :: appetence
appétent {adj} :: palatable
appéter {v} :: To (instinctively) desire
appétible {adj} :: desirable
appétif {adj} :: desirable
appétissant {adj} :: appetizing
appétit {m} :: appetite
appétitif {adj} :: synonym of appétif
applaudimètre {m} :: clapometer (an audience reaction monitor)
applaudir {v} :: applaud (to express approval by clapping)
applaudissement {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: applause, clapping
applaudisseur {m} :: applauder (especially someone paid to applaud)
applaudisseuse {f} :: feminine singular of applaudisseur
Apples {prop} :: A commune in Vaud, Switzerland
appli {f} :: app
applicabilité {f} :: applicability
applicable {adj} :: applicable
applicage {m} :: application (of something to a surface)
applicateur {m} :: applicator
applicatif {adj} :: applicative
application {f} :: application
application {f} [mathematics] :: mapping
applicatrice {f} :: feminine singular of applicateur
applique {f} :: wall light
appliquer {vt} :: to apply, to put something on something else
appliquer {vt} :: to apply, to employ, to make use of
appliquer {vr} [~ à] :: to apply to, to be applicable to
appliquer {vr} :: to apply one's effort to something, to try hard, to dedicate oneself
appliquette {f} :: applet (a small program module that runs under the control of a larger application)
appoggiature {f} [music] :: appoggiatura
appogiature {f} :: alternative form of appoggiature
appoint {m} :: an amount of small change
appointé {adj} :: salaried
appointé {adj} :: appointed
appointemens {m} :: obsolete form of appointement
appointement {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: stipend, pay, salary
appointement {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: an appointment
appointer {v} :: to salary (attribute a salary to a position)
appointer {v} :: to appoint (attribute a job, a position to someone)
appointer {v} :: to sharpen into a point
appointer {vr} [s'appointer] :: to unite; to become united
appontage {m} :: landing (of an aircraft on an aircraft carrier)
appontement {m} :: landing stage, pier, wharf
apponter {vi} :: to land [on an aircraft carrier]
apponteur {m} [nautical] :: A handler or marshal on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier
apport {m} :: contribution, input
apporter {v} :: to bring (something)
apporter {v} :: to take
apporter {v} :: to give (support), to give, supply (explanation etc.)
apporter {v} :: to bring (improvement, freedom etc.)
apporter {v} :: to bring in (funding)
apporter {v} :: to bring about (change, revolution)
apporter sa pierre à l'édifice {v} [figuratively] :: to make a contribution, to contribute one's fair share, to play one's part, to do one's bit
apporteur {adj} :: supporting (financially)
apposer {vt} :: to put up, stick up, attach
apposer {v} [legal] :: to stamp, sign
appositif {adj} :: appositive
apposition {f} :: apposition
appréciabilité {f} :: substantiality
appréciable {adj} :: substantial
appréciable {adj} :: noticeable
appréciateur {m} :: appreciator
appréciatif {adj} :: appreciative
appréciation {f} :: appreciation
appréciatrice {f} :: feminine singular of appréciateur
apprécier {v} :: to appreciate
apprécier {v} :: to like
appréhendable {adj} :: apprehendable
appréhender {v} :: to apprehend
appréhender {v} :: to dread
appréhender {v} :: to catch, apprehend
appréhensible {adj} :: apprehensible
appréhensif {adj} :: apprehensive
appréhension {f} :: apprehension
apprenable {adj} :: teachable
apprenable {adj} :: learnable, memorizable
apprenable {adj} :: apprehensible
apprendre {v} :: to learn
apprendre {v} :: to teach
apprendre par coeur {v} :: alternative spelling of apprendre par cœur
apprendre par cœur {v} :: to learn by heart, memorize
apprenti {m} :: apprentice, trainee
apprentie {f} :: female equivalent of apprenti
apprentissage {m} :: apprenticeship
apprentissage {m} :: learning
apprêt {m} :: priming
apprêt {m} :: primer
apprêtage {m} :: preparation
apprêtage {m} :: priming
apprêtage {m} :: readiness
apprêtement {m} :: presentation (of an antigen)
apprêter {vt} :: to prepare, to get ready, prime
apprêter {vr} [followed by à] :: to prepare for/to do, to get ready for/to do, to be about to do
apprêteur {m} :: preparer, primer
apprêteur {m} :: dresser (person)
apprêteuse {f} :: feminine singular of apprêteur
apprimé {adj} [botany] :: appressed
appris {adj} :: learnt
apprivoisable {adj} :: tameable
apprivoisement {f} :: taming (of an animal etc)
apprivoiser {v} :: to tame
apprivoiser {v} [figurative] :: to win over, to charm
apprivoiseur {m} :: tamer
apprivoiseuse {f} :: feminine singular of apprivoiseur
approbateur {adj} :: approving
approbatif {adj} :: approbative
approbatif {adj} [dated] :: approving
approbation {f} :: approval (permission)
approbativement {adv} [dated] :: approvingly
approbativité {f} :: approbativement
approchable {adj} :: approachable
approchant {adj} :: similar
approchant {adj} :: oncoming, approaching
approche {f} :: approach
approcher {v} :: to approach, to come close to, to move towards
approfondir {v} :: to deepen
approfondir {v} :: to consider more thoroughly, to delve deeper into
approfondissement {m} :: deepening
appropriateur {m} :: appropriator
appropriation {f} :: appropriation
appropriatrice {f} :: feminine singular of appropriateur
approprié {adj} :: appropriate
approprier {vt} :: to adapt (something) to a situation
approprier {vr} :: to seize, take
approprier {vr} :: to make one's own
approuvable {adj} :: approvable
approuver {v} :: to approve (of)
approvisionnement {m} :: supply, supplying, stocking up
approvisionner {v} :: to supply; stock
approvisionner {v} :: to shop
approvisionneur {m} :: supplier, purveyor
approvisionneuse {f} :: feminine singular of approvisionneur
approximatif {adj} :: approximate (near correctness; nearly exact; not perfectly accurate;)
approximation {f} :: approximation; an imprecise solution
approximativement {adv} :: roughly, approximately
approximé {adj} :: approximated
approximer {v} :: to approximate (to carry or advance near; to cause to approach)
appui {m} :: support
appui-bras {m} :: armrest
appuie-tête {m} :: alternative form of appui-tête
appui-main {m} [art] :: maulstick
appui-pied {m} :: footstool
appui-tête {m} :: headrest (part of a seat)
appuyer {vt} :: to press, push
appuyer {vt} :: to rest
appuyer {vt} :: to support, to back
appuyer {vr} [with sur/contre] :: to lean (on/against)
appuyer {vr} [with sur] :: to depend (on), to rely (on)
appuyer {vr} :: to put up with
appuyer sur le champignon {v} [colloquial] :: to step on it, to floor it, to put the pedal to the metal, to put one's foot down, to step on the gas
apragmatique {adj} :: apragmatic
apragmatisme {m} :: apragmatism
apraxie {f} [pathology] :: apraxia
apraxique {adj} :: apraxic
âpre {adj} :: acrid, pungent, bitter
âpre {adj} [voice] :: harsh
âpre {adj} [figurative] :: rough, fierce, harsh
aprèm {mf} :: afternoon
âprement {adv} :: bitterly, harshly, fiercely
à première vue {adv} :: at first sight, at first blush, at first glance, at a glance
à prendre avec des pincettes {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] :: that must be taken with a pinch of salt, with caution; that must be taken for what it's worth; that must not be taken at face value; that must not be taken too seriously
après {prep} :: after
après {adv} :: afterwards
après {adv} [Louisiana French] :: in the middle of, in the process of (doing something)
après coup {adv} [colloquial] :: after the fact, afterwards, looking back
après-demain {adv} :: the day after tomorrow
après-dîner {m} [archaic] :: afternoon (the time after the midday meal)
à présent {adv} :: now, at present, presently, nowadays
après-guerre {m} :: post-war years, post-war period (especially the eight years following World War II)
après la lettre {adj} [engraving] :: Lettered. "Épreuve, gravure après la lettre": a print made after the caption is added (lettered proof)
après la pluie, le beau temps {proverb} :: every cloud has a silver lining
après l'effort, le réconfort {proverb} :: after effort comes comfort (once you've finished working, you can sit back and relax)
après-midi {mf} :: afternoon
après moi le déluge {phrase} :: Used to indicate indifference to events that will happen after one’s death, or to indicate one’s own importance in maintaining order
après-rasage {m} :: aftershave, a lotion for use after finishing shaving
après réflexion {adv} :: on second thought; all things considered
après-shampooing {m} :: conditioner
après ski {m} [idiomatic] :: A place "after skiing". Typically a bar or pub where people go after a day on the slopes to ease off and meet other people
après-ski {m} :: snowboot (a water-resistant type of footwear)
après toi {phrase} :: after you
après tout {adv} :: after all
après vous {phrase} :: after you
âpreté {f} :: harshness
aprin {adv} [Canada] :: in the process of
a priori {adj} :: intuitively known, a priori
a priori {adv} [colloquial] :: at first glance
a priori {m} :: a preconceived idea
apriori {n} :: alternative form of a priori
apriorique {adj} :: aprioristic
apriorisme {m} :: apriorism
aprioriste {mf} :: apriorist
aprioristique {adj} :: aprioristic
apriorité {f} :: apriority
à profusion {prep} :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance
à propos {adv} :: opportunely, at the right time, just in time
à propos {adv} :: by the way
à propos {adv} :: in connection, concerning, with regard, in reference
à propos {adj} :: opportune, advisable, fitting, appropriate, apropos
à propos de {prep} :: about (with respect to), with regard to
à proprement parler {adv} :: strictly speaking
aprotique {adj} [chemistry] :: aprotic
à proximité {adv} :: nearby (close to)
apside {f} [astronomy] :: apsis
apte {adj} :: apt
aptère {m} :: apteran
aptère {adj} :: apterous
aptérygote {f} :: apterygote
aptéryx {m} :: kiwi (bird)
aptéryx {m} :: kiwis
aptitude {f} :: aptitude
apuane {adj} :: Apuan
Apulée {prop} {m} :: Apuleius (writer in the Roman Empire)
apulien {adj} :: Apulian
apurement {m} [finance] :: balancing (of an account)
apurer {vt} [finance] :: to balance (an account)
apyre {adj} :: apyrous
apyrectique {adj} :: apyretic, apyrexial
apyrène {adj} [of grapes etc] :: seedless
apyrétique {adj} :: apyretic, apyrexial
aquacole {adj} :: aquaculture (attributive)
aquacomplexe {m} [chemistry] :: A complex formed by a compound when dissolved in water
aquaculteur {m} :: aquaculturist
aquacultrice {f} :: feminine singular of aquaculteur
aquaculture {f} :: aquaculture
aquafortiste {m} [art] :: etcher
aquagym {f} :: aquaerobics
à quai {adj} [of a boat] :: docked, at the quayside
à quai {adj} [of a train] :: standing at the platform
aqualudique {adj} :: watersport (attributive)
aquanettoyage {f} :: wet cleaning (contrasted with dry cleaning)
aquaphobie {f} :: aquaphobia (fear of water)
aquaplanage {m} :: aquaplaning
aquaplane {f} :: aquaplane
aquaplaning {m} :: aquaplaning
aquaporine {m} :: aquaporin
aquarelle {f} :: aquarelle, watercolour
aquarellé {adj} [art] :: Painted in watercolour
aquareller {v} [art] :: To paint in watercolour
aquarelliste {mf} :: watercolourist / watercolorist
aquaresponsable {adj} [Canada] :: That manages water responsibly
aquariologique {adj} :: aquariological
aquarium {m} :: aquarium
aquarium {m} [slang] :: a clambake (an instance of smoking in an enclosed space)
aquastatique {adj} :: aquastatic
aquatinte {f} [art] :: aquatint
aquatique {adj} :: aquatic (relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water)
à quatre pattes {adv} :: on all fours
aquatubulaire {adj} [of a boiler] :: Having the hot water in heated tubes
aquavit {m} :: aquavit
aqueduc {m} :: aqueduct
à quel point {adv} [colloquial] :: how much (to what point, to what extent)
à quelque chose malheur est bon {proverb} :: every cloud has a silver lining
aqueux {adj} :: water, aqueous, aquatic
à quia {adj} :: silenced, nonplussed, speechless, tongue-tied, dumbfounded
aquicole {adj} :: alternative form of aquacole
aquiculteur {m} :: alternative form of aquaculteur
aquicultrice {f} :: feminine singular of aquiculteur
aquiculture {f} :: alternative form of aquaculture
aquifère {m} :: aquifer (an underground layer of water-bearing porous stone, earth, or gravel)
aquilain {adj} [of a horse] :: of a dark brown colour
aquilain {m} [of a horse] :: a dark brown colour
aquilain {m} :: a horse of the same colour
à qui le dis-tu {interj} [colloquial] :: you're telling me, you don't say, no kidding, tell me about it
à qui le dites-vous {interj} :: you're telling me, you don't say, no kidding, tell me about it
aquilin {adj} :: aquiline
aquilon {m} [literary] :: north wind
à qui mieux mieux {adv} :: each one more so than the other, in a trying to outdo each other manner
aquisextain {adj} :: Of or from Aix-en-Provence
aquitain {adj} [attributive] :: Aquitaine
aquitain {m} :: Aquitanian (ancient language)
Aquitaine {prop} {f} :: Aquitaine (former region)
Aquitanien {m} [geology] :: the Aquitanian (age)
à qui veut l'entendre {adv} :: to everybody, to anyone who will listen, to all and sundry, to anyone and everyone, left and right
à quoi bon {interj} [colloquial] :: what good is it? what's the good of? what's the point?
àquoibonisme {m} :: A defeatist philosophy that doubts the utility of anything
àquoiboniste {mf} :: A subscriber to àquoibonisme; a philosophical defeatist
ara {m} :: macaw
arabe {adj} :: Arabic
arabe {m} :: Arabic language
Arabe {mf} :: Arab (person)
arabe andalou {m} :: Andalusian Arabic
arabe du coin {m} [derogatory] :: A corner shop run by people of North African descent
arabe égyptien {m} :: The Egyptian Arabic language
arabe espagnol {m} :: Andalusian Arabic
arabesque {f} :: arabesque
arabesque {adj} [obsolete] :: Arabic (relating to Arabic peoples)
arabica {m} :: arabica (coffee)
Arabie {prop} {f} :: Arabia
Arabie saoudite {prop} {f} :: Saudi Arabia
Arabie Saoudite {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Arabie saoudite
arabinogalactane {m} [carbohydrate] :: arabinogalactan
arabique {adj} :: Arabian
arabisant {m} :: Arabist
arabisation {f} :: Arabization
arabiser {v} :: To Arabize
arabisme {m} :: Arabism
arabiste {mf} :: Arabist
arabite {f} [organic compound] :: arabitol
arable {adj} :: arable
arabophile {adj} :: arabophilic
arabophobe {adj} :: arabophobic
arabophone {adj} :: Arabic-speaking
arabophone {mf} :: Arabic speaker
aracée {f} :: aroid (of the family Araceae)
arachide {f} [botany] :: groundnut, peanut, goober (Arachis hypogaea)
arachidier {adj} :: groundnut (attributive)
arachidique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: arachidic
arachidonique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: arachidonic
arachine {f} [organic compound] :: arachin
arachique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: arachidic
arachnéen {adj} :: spider (attributive)
arachnéen {adj} :: gossamer (attributive)
arachnide {m} :: arachnid
arachnoïde {f} :: arachnoid mater
arachnoïdien {adj} :: arachnoidian
arachnologie {f} :: arachnology
arachnologique {adj} :: arachnologic, arachnological
arachnologiste {mf} :: arachnologist
arachnologue {mf} :: arachnologist
arachnolysine {f} :: arachnolysin
arachnophobie {f} :: arachnophobia (an abnormal or irrational fear of spiders)
arachnotoxine {f} :: arachnotoxin
aræometre {m} :: obsolete form of aréomètre
Aragon {prop} {m} :: Aragon (autonomous community)
aragonais {adj} :: Aragonese (from Aragon)
aragonais {m} :: Aragonese (language)
Aragonais {m} :: Aragonese person
Aragonaise {f} :: feminine noun of Aragonais
aragonite {f} [mineral] :: aragonite
araignée {f} :: spider
araignée des jardins {f} :: European garden spider (Araneus diadematus)
araignée porte-croix {f} :: European garden spider (Araneus diadematus)
araire {m} :: ard, scratch plough
à raison {adv} :: with good reason, rightly
à raison de {prep} :: at the rate of
araméen {m} :: Aramaic language
araméen {adj} :: Aramaic (pertaining to the Aramaic language or culture)
Araméen {m} :: Aramaic (person)
Araméenne {f} :: feminine noun of Araméen
araméisant {adj} :: Aramaic in character
araméophone {adj} :: arameophone
aramide {m} :: aramid
aramique {adj} :: Aramaic
aramon {m} :: A variety of black grape from the South of France
aramon {m} :: wine made from this grape variety
aranéeux {adj} :: araneous, araneose
aranéide {m} :: araneid
aranéiforme {adj} :: araneiform, spiderlike
aranéologique {adj} :: araneological
arantèle {f} :: spider's web
à ras bord {adv} :: to the brim
arasement {m} :: leveling
araser {vt} :: to level, screed
araser {vt} :: to plane
aratoire {adj} :: ploughing (attributive)
araucan {adj} :: Araucanian, Mapuche
araucaria {m} :: monkey puzzle (tree of genus Araucaria)
à ravir {adv} :: beautifully, to a tee (perfectly)
arawakien {adj} :: Arawak
arbalète {f} [weapons] :: crossbow
arbalète {f} [skiing] :: T-bar
arbalète {f} [navigation] :: Jacob's staff
arbalète à jalet {f} :: stone bow (bullet-shooting crossbow)
arbalétrier {m} :: crossbowman (someone equipped with a crossbow)
arbalétrière {f} :: loophole, arrowslit (in a castle)
arbalétrière {f} :: female equivalent of arbalétrier
arbi {m} :: arab
arbi {m} :: Arabic (singular only)
arbitrage {m} :: arbitration (the act or process of arbitrating)
arbitrage {m} [finance] :: arbitrage
arbitrage {m} [economics] :: trade-off
arbitrage {m} [sports] :: refereeing
arbitragiste {mf} :: arbitrager
arbitraire {adj} :: arbitrary (determined by impulse)
arbitrairement {adv} :: arbitrarily
arbitral {adj} :: arbitral
arbitralement {adv} :: arbitrally
arbitratif {adj} :: arbitrational
arbitration {f} :: arbitration
arbitre {mf} [legal] :: mediator, arbitrator
arbitre {mf} [sports] :: referee
arbitre {m} [philosophy, archaic] :: the will
arbitre de chaise {m} [tennis] :: chair umpire
arbitrer {v} :: to arbitrate
arbitrer {v} :: to referee
Arbois {prop} :: A small town in the Jura department of Franche-Comté
arboisien {adj} :: Of or from Arbois
arborer {v} :: to sport (clothes, a badge etc.)
arborer {v} :: to wear (a facial expression e.g. a smile, a frown)
arborer {v} :: to fly, display (a flag)
arborescence {f} :: arborescence
arborescent {adj} :: arborescent
arboretum {m} :: arboretum
arboricole {adj} :: arboricole
arboriculteur {m} :: arboriculturist
arboricultrice {f} :: feminine singular of arboriculteur
arboriculture {f} :: arboriculture
arborisation {f} :: treeplanting
arboriser {v} :: To plant trees
arbouse {f} [botany] :: arbutus berry (fruit of the strawberry tree)
arbousier {m} :: strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo)
arbovirose {m} [pathology] :: arbovirosis
arbre {m} :: tree (plant, diagram, anything in the form of a tree)
arbre {m} :: axle
arbre {m} [mechanics] :: drive shaft
arbre à cames {m} :: camshaft
arbre à chat {m} :: cat tree; scratching post
arbre à pain {m} :: breadfruit (tree)
arbre à palabres {m} :: The talking tree. (The baobab tree, a symbol of communication in French-speaking West Africa)
arbre à perruque {m} :: smoke tree (shrub of genus Cotinus)
arbre de Judas {m} :: Judas tree
arbre de Judée {m} :: Judas tree
arbre de mai {m} :: maypole
arbre de Noël {m} :: A Christmas tree, (usually conifer) tree set up during the Christmas holiday season
arbre généalogique {m} :: family tree
arbrisseau {m} :: bush; shrub
arbuscule {m} :: arbuscle (all senses)
arbuste {m} :: bush, shrub
arbustif {adj} [botany] :: having the shape and the size of a bush or a little tree
arbutine {f} [organic compound] :: arbutin
arc {m} :: bow (weapon)
arc {m} :: arc (curve)
arc {m} [geometry] :: arc, circular arc, circle segment
arc {m} [architecture] :: arch
arcade {f} [architecture] :: arcade
arcade {f} [anatomy] :: arch, ridge
arcade {f} [gaming] :: arcade
arcade sourcilière {f} [anatomy] :: supraorbital ridge
Arcadie {prop} {f} :: Arcadia
arcadien {adj} :: Arcadian (relating to Arcadia)
Arcadien {m} :: Arcadian (inhabitant of ancient Arcadia)
Arcadienne {f} :: feminine noun of Arcadien
arcadique {adj} :: Arcadian
arcadochypriote {adj} :: Arcado-Cypriot
arcadochypriote {m} :: Arcado-Cypriot
arcane {adj} [dated] :: arcane, secret, mysterious
arcane {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: mysteries, arcanum
arcanson {m} :: rosin
arc à poulies {m} [weapons] :: compound bow
arcasse {f} [nautical] :: stern
arcature {f} :: blind arcade
arc-boutant {m} [architecture] :: flying buttress
arcboutant {m} :: flying buttress
arc-boutement {m} [mechanical engineering] :: Load amplied on a slide joint, parallel to the sliding axis but with a lever arm, so that the resulting torque blocks the system and prevents the sliding. This phenomenon is due to friction, and can be used by purpose, e.g. for an F-clamp or a roller freewheel. Over-centering, over-center locking, more than acceptable edge loading
arc-bouter {vt} [architecture] :: to buttress
arc-bouter {vr} :: to press, lean, brace (à, contre [up] against)
arc-bouter {vr} :: to stand firm (in opposition to someone)
arcbouter {v} :: alternative form of arc-bouter
arc de courbe {m} :: arc (of a circle)
arc de triomphe {m} :: A triumphal arch, monumental arch commemorating a triumph, such as a military victory
arc-doubleau {m} [architecture] :: transverse arch (in Gothic architecture)
arceau {m} :: arc, arch, vault
arc-en-ciel {adj} :: rainbow
arc-en-ciel {m} :: rainbow
Arceneaux {prop} :: surname
archæologie {f} :: obsolete form of archéologie
archæologique {adj} :: obsolete form of archéologique
archæologue {mf} :: obsolete form of archéologue
archaïque {adj} :: archaic
archaïquement {adv} :: archaically
archaïsant {adj} :: archaic
archaïsant {adj} :: archaistic
archaïsant {m} :: archaist
archaïser {v} :: To archaize
archaïsme {m} :: archaism
archal {m} [rare] :: brass
archange {m} :: archangel
archangélique {adj} :: archangelic
archanthropien {m} :: Any of various forms of Homo erectus
arche {f} [architecture] :: arch
arche {f} :: ark (Noah's ship)
archéal {adj} :: archeal
archée {f} [biology] :: archaean
archéen {adj} :: Of or from Arches
archéen {adj} :: Archean
archégone {m} [botany] :: archegonium
Archélaüs {prop} :: Archelaus
archelle {f} :: A shelf with hooks used to hang cups by their handles
archentéron {m} :: archenteron
archéo- {prefix} :: archaeo-, archeo-
archéoastronome {m} [astronomy] :: archaeoastronomer
archéoastronomie {f} [astronomy] :: archaeoastronomy
archéobactérie {f} :: archeobacterium
archéographique {adj} :: archeographic, archaeographic
archéolithique {adj} :: archeolithic, archaeolithic
archéologie {f} :: archaeology (scientific study of past remains)
archéologique {adj} :: archaeological (relating to the science or research of archaeology)
archéologiquement {adv} :: archaeologically
archéologue {mf} :: archaeologist (someone who is skilled, professes or practices archaeology)
archéomagnétisme {m} :: archaeomagnetism / archeomagnetism
archéométallurgique {adj} :: archeometallurgical, archaeometallurgical
archéométrie {f} :: archeometry
archéométrique {adj} :: archeometric, archaeometric
archéozoologique {adj} :: archaeozoological
archer {m} :: archer
archère {f} :: feminine singular of archer
archère {f} :: synonym of archière
archerie {f} :: archery
archerie {f} :: a group of archers
Arches {prop} :: A small town in the Vosges department of Lorraine
archet {m} :: bow (rod used for playing stringed instruments)
archèterie {f} [music] :: bowmaking
archetier {m} :: bow maker, archetier [somewhat uncommon]
archétypal {adj} :: archetypal
archétype {adj} :: archetypal
archétype {m} :: archetype
archétypique {adj} :: archetypal, archetypic, archetypical
archevêché {m} :: archbishopric, archdiocese
archevêché {m} :: archbishop's palace
archevêque {m} :: archbishop
archi- {prefix} :: arch- (used for intensiveness), ultra-
archi- {prefix} [colloquial] :: dead (extremely)
archiatre {m} [historical] :: chief physician, archiater
archibondé {adj} [colloquial] :: packed, chock-a-block
archicélèbre {adj} :: ultrafamous, superfamous
archichancelier {m} :: archchancellor
archichancelière {f} :: feminine singular of archichancelier
archichancellerie {f} [rare] :: The office of an archchancellor
archichapelain {m} :: archchaplain
archicomble {adj} :: jam-packed
archicon {adj} [colloquial] :: Very stupid
archiconfrérie {f} :: archconfraternity
archiconnu {adj} :: extremely well-known
archiconnu {adj} :: hackneyed
archicontinental {adj} [geology] :: archicontinental
archicube {mf} [jargon, education] :: Graduate, former student at the École normale supérieure in Paris
archicube {mf} :: A student who repeats the third grade
archidiacre {m} :: archdeacon
archidiocésain {adj} :: archdiocesan
archidiocèse {m} :: archdiocese
archiduc {m} :: archduke (high nobiliary title)
archiducal {adj} :: archducal
archiduché {m} :: archduchy
archiduchesse {f} :: archduchess
-archie {suffix} :: -archy
archie {f} :: principle
archiépiscopal {adj} :: archiepiscopal
archiépiscopat {m} :: archbishopric
archière {f} :: loophole, arrowslit (in the wall of a castle)
archifaux {adj} [colloquial] :: Extremely wrong
Archiloque {prop} {m} :: Archilochus
archimandrite {m} :: archimandrite
Archimède {prop} {m} :: Archimedes
archimédien {adj} :: archimedean
archimillionnaire {mf} :: multimillionnaire
archimillionnaire {adj} :: Very, very rich
archine {f} :: arshin
archipel {m} :: archipelago
archiphonème {m} [linguistics] :: archiphoneme
archiplein {adj} :: packed (filled with a large number or quantity of something)
archipresbytéral {adj} :: archipresbyteral
archiprêtre {m} :: archpriest
archisimple {adj} :: Extremely simple or easy
architecte {mf} :: architect (a designer of buildings)
architecteur {adj} :: architectural
architectonie {f} :: synonym of architecture
architectonique {adj} :: architectonic
architectonique {f} :: architectonics
architectoniquement {adv} :: architectonically
architectural {adj} :: architectural
architecturalement {adv} :: architecturally
architecture {f} :: architecture
architecturer {v} :: to architect
architransème {m} [translation studies] :: an architranseme
architrave {f} :: architrave
architravé {adj} [architecture] :: architraved
archivage {m} :: filing
archivage {m} :: archiving
archive {f} [rare] :: an item in an archive, a document kept for historical interest
archive {f} [rare] :: singular of archives
archiver {v} :: to archive
archives {fp} :: archive, the historical material (usually documents) considered as a whole
archives {fp} :: place for storing archives
archiviste {mf} :: archivist
archivistique {adj} :: archivistic, archival
archivistique {f} :: archivistics (archival science)
archivolte {f} :: archivolt
archontat {m} :: archonship
archonte {m} [historical] :: archon
arcimboldien {adj} :: Arcimboldian
arc long anglais {m} :: longbow
arçon {m} [horse riding] :: tree (wooden frame used in the construction of a saddle)
arctique {adj} [geography] :: Arctic (pertaining to or of the Arctic)
Arctique {prop} {m} :: Arctic (northern region of the world)
arctitude {f} [medicine] :: arctation
arcturien {adj} :: Arcturian
-ard {suffix} :: Used primarily to form pejoratives, diminutives, and nouns representing or belonging to a particular class or sort
Ardèche {prop} :: Ardèche (department)
Ardèche {prop} :: Ardèche (river)
ardéchois {adj} :: from Ardèche
Ardéchois {m} :: Someone from Ardèche
Ardéchoise {f} :: feminine singular of Ardéchois
ardéiforme {m} :: heron (or other bird of the family Ardeidae)
ardemment {adv} :: ardently
ardennais {adj} :: Of or from the Ardennes
ardennaisement {adv} :: In a manner typical of the Ardennes
Ardenne {prop} :: Ardennes; alternative form of Ardennes
Ardennes {prop} {m} :: Ardennes
ardent {adj} :: fiery, burning; ablaze; aflame
ardent {adj} :: fervent; passionate
ardeur {f} :: intense heat
ardeur {f} [figurative] :: ardour, fervour, passion
ardillon {m} :: tongue (of buckle)
ardillon {m} :: barb (of fishhook)
ardoise {f} :: slate
ardoise {f} :: a small, portable chalkboard
ardoise {f} [figuratively] :: an unpaid bill
ardoise {adj} :: Similar in color to slate, a dark gray between neutral or blueish
ardoisé {adj} :: slate gray
ardoiser {v} :: To cover with slates (or with a slate colour)
ardoiser {v} :: To put it on the slate (pay with an informal credit account)
ardoisier {adj} :: slate (attributive), slaty
ardre {vt} [archaic] :: to burn
ardre {vi} [archaic] :: to consume
ardu {adj} [literally] :: steep, hence hard to climb
ardu {adj} [figuratively] :: arduous, needing or using up much energy, difficult
ardûment {adv} :: steeply
ardûment {adv} :: arduously, difficultly
are {m} :: an are
à réaction {adj} :: jet-propelled
aréage {m} :: area of land measured in ares
aréal {adj} :: areal
à rebours {adv} :: backwards, the wrong way; against the grain
à rebrousse-poil {adv} [figuratively] :: the wrong way, against the grain
arec {m} :: palm tree (of family Arecaceae)
à reculons {adv} :: backwards
aréflexie {f} :: areflexia
à regret {adv} :: with regret, with a heavy heart, regretfully, reluctantly, unwillingly
areligieux {adj} :: areligious
aremberge {f} :: synonym of ramberge
aréna {m} [Canada] :: a hockey arena
arénacé {adj} :: arenaceous
arénaire {adj} [botany] :: arenaceous
arène {f} :: arena
arène {m} :: arene
aréneux {adj} :: arenaceous
arénicole {adj} :: arenicolous
arénifère {adj} :: areniferous, sandy
aréniforme {adj} :: areniform, sandlike
arénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: arenic
arénisation {f} [geology] :: arenization
arénite {f} [mineral] :: arenite
arénophile {adj} [botany] :: arenophilic
arénuleux {adj} :: arenulous
aréographie {f} :: areography
aréographique {adj} :: areographic
aréolaire {adj} :: areolar
aréole {f} :: areola
aréole {f} :: areole
aréolé {adj} :: areolate
aréomètre {m} :: areometer
aréométrie {f} :: areometry
aréométrique {adj} :: areometric
aréopage {m} :: Areopagus
Aréopage {prop} :: Areopagus
aréopagite {adj} :: Areopagite
aréopagite {m} :: Areopagite
aréopagitique {adj} :: Areopagitic
aréostyle {m} :: areostyle
à répétition {adj} :: repeated, recurrent, frequent
aréquier {m} :: areca
Arès {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Ares
Arétas {prop} :: Aretas
arête {f} [zoology] :: bone (of a fish), fishbone
arête {f} :: edge (of an object); ridge, crest (of mountain)
arête {f} [architecture] :: groin (of vault)
arête {f} :: bridge of nose
arête {f} [botany] :: beard (of rye, barley etc.)
arête {f} [graph theory] :: edge
arêtier {m} [architecture] :: hip (structural member)
arétin {adj} :: from or relating to Arrezzo, Italy
à réveiller un mort {prep} :: very loud, deafening; very loudly
à revendre {prep} [colloquial] :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance, in quantity
arf {interj} :: argh, ugh, oy
arganier {m} :: argan
argent {m} :: silver
argent {m} :: money, cash
argent {m} [tincture] :: argent (white in heraldry)
argentaffine {adj} [cytology] :: argentaffin
argentage {m} :: silver plating
argentan {m} :: nickel silver
argent blanc {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: coin, cash, change
argent de poche {m} :: pocket money
argenté {adj} :: silver (having a color/colour like silver), silvery
argenté {adj} :: silvered
argenté {adj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: wealthy
argenter {v} :: to silverplate
argenterie {f} :: silver cutlery, silverware
argenteur {m} :: silver plater (person)
argenteuse {f} :: feminine singular of argenteur
argentier {m} :: silversmith
argentière {f} :: feminine noun of argentier
argentifère {adj} :: argentiferous
argentin {adj} :: silvery
argentin {adj} :: Argentine (from Argentina)
Argentin {m} :: Argentinian, someone from Argentina
Argentine {prop} {f} :: Argentine (country)
Argentine {f} :: feminine noun of Argentin
argentinien {adj} :: Argentinian
argentique {adj} :: argentic (containing silver)
argentique {adj} [photography] :: silver
argentite {f} [mineral] :: argentite
argentophile {adj} :: argentophilic
argent sale {m} :: dirty money, ill-gotten gains
argenture {f} :: silver plate
argien {adj} :: Relating to Argos
argilacé {adj} :: argillaceous
argilane {f} [geology] :: argillan
argile {f} :: clay
argile smectique {f} :: fuller's earth
argileux {adj} :: clayey
argilière {f} :: claypit
argilifère {adj} :: argilliferous
argiliforme {adj} :: claylike
argilique {adj} :: argillic
argiloïde {adj} :: claylike
Argœuves {prop} :: Argœuves
argon {m} :: argon
argonaute {mf} :: argonaut
argot {m} :: slang
argot {m} :: cant (secret language)
argotier {m} :: A person who speaks slang
argotière {f} :: feminine singular of argotier
argotique {adj} :: slang (attributive)
argotiquement {adv} :: With the use of slang
argotisme {m} :: A slang word or term
argotiste {mf} :: A person who studies slang
argoulet {m} :: A light cavalryman (from the 1600s in France)
argouse {f} :: the fruit of the sea buckthorn
argousier {m} :: sea buckthorn
argousin {m} [archaic, slang] :: rozzer, copper
argu {m} :: synonym of argumentaire
arguer {v} :: to deduce (arrive at a conclusion)
arguer {v} :: to argue
argüer {v} :: alternative spelling of arguer
argument {m} :: argument
argument {m} [grammar] :: argument of a verb, phrase syntactically connected to a verb (object and subject)
argumentaire {m} :: sales pitch (set of arguments meant to convince a buyer)
argumentateur {m} :: arguer
argumentateuse {f} :: feminine singular of argumentateur
argumentatif {adj} :: argumentative
argumentation {f} :: argument (process of reasoning)
argumentatoire {adj} :: argumentary
argumenter {v} :: to argue (have an argument)
argumenteur {adj} :: argumentative
argutie {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: quibble
argutieusement {adv} :: quibblingly
argutieux {adj} :: quibbling
argyraspide {m} :: argyraspide
argyride {m} [mineral] :: Any mineral containing silver
argyrie {f} [pathology] :: argyria
argyrisme {m} [pathology] :: argyrism (silver poisoning)
argyrite {f} [mineral] :: argentite
argyrocéphale {adj} :: silvery-haired
argyrolobe {f} :: Any plant of the genus Argyrolobium
argyronète {f} :: diving bell spider (of genus Argyroneta)
argyrophile {adj} :: argyrophilic
argyrophylle {adj} [botany] :: silvery-leaved
argyrose {f} [mineral] :: synonym of acanthite
arhythmique {adj} :: arhythmic
aria {f} [music] :: aria
Ariane {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Ariadne
Ariane {prop} {f} :: given name
arianisme {m} :: Arianism (heretical doctrine)
aride {adj} :: arid (very dry)
aridité {f} :: aridity
aridité {f} :: barrenness
ariège {f} :: smilax
Ariège {prop} {f} :: Ariège
ariégeois {adj} :: of, from, or relating to, Ariège (the French department)
arien {adj} :: Arian (relating to Arius)
arien {m} :: Arian (type of Christian heretic)
ariette {f} [music] :: arietta
arikapú {m} :: Arikapú (language)
arille {m} [botany] :: aril
arioso {adv} [music] :: in an arioso style
ariostin {adj} :: Ariostan
ariser {v} :: alternative form of arriser
aristarque {m} :: aristarch
Aristarque {prop} {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] :: Aristarchus (an Ancient Greek given name)
aristé {adj} [botany] :: aristate
Aristénète {prop} {m} :: Aristaenetus
Aristippe {prop} {m} :: the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus of Cyrene
aristo {mf} :: aristocrat
Aristobule {prop} {m} :: Aristobulus
aristocrate {adj} :: aristocratic
aristocrate {mf} :: aristocrat, noble
aristocratie {f} :: an aristocracy
aristocratique {adj} :: aristocratic
aristocratiquement {adv} :: aristocratically
aristocratisme {m} :: aristocratism
aristodémocratie {f} :: aristodemocracy
aristodémocratique {adj} :: aristodemocratic
aristol {m} [medicine] :: An antiseptic made from thymol and iodine
aristoloche {f} :: birthwort
aristolochique {adj} :: aristolochic
Aristophane {prop} {m} :: Aristophanes
aristophanesque {adj} :: Aristophanic, Aristophanean
aristophanien {adj} :: Aristophanean
aristophanique {adj} :: Aristophanic
Aristote {prop} {m} [historical] :: Aristotle (an Ancient Greek given name, most notably borne by the fourth century BCE philosopher Aristotle)
aristotélicien {adj} :: Aristotelian
aristotélicien {m} :: Aristotelian
aristotélique {adj} :: Aristotelian
aristotélisme {m} :: Aristotelianism
arité {m} :: arity (number of arguments)
arithméticien {m} [maths] :: arithmetician
arithméticienne {f} :: feminine singular of arithméticien
arithmétique {f} :: arithmetic (mathematics of numbers, etc.)
arithmétique {adj} :: arithmetic, arithmetical
arithmétiquement {adv} :: arithmetically (in an arithmetic manner)
arithmétisation {f} :: arithmetization
arithmétiser {v} [maths] :: To arithmetize
arithmographique {adj} :: arithmographic
arithmologie {f} :: arithmology
arithmomanie {f} :: arithmomania
Arkhangelsk {prop} {m} :: Arkhangelsk (oblast)
Arkhangelsk {prop} {m} :: Arkhangelsk (city/administrative center)
Arkhanguelsk {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Arkhangelsk
arkose {f} [geology] :: arkose
arlequin {m} :: harlequin
arlequin {m} :: buffoon
arlequin {m} :: jester
arlequinade {f} :: harlequinade
arlequinade {f} :: buffoonery
arlequine {f} :: feminine singular of arlequin
Arles {prop} :: Arles (city and commune in Provence, southern France)
arlésien {adj} :: Of or from Arles
Arlette {prop} :: given name
Arlon {prop} :: Arlon
armada {f} [military] :: armada (fleet of warships)
armagnac {m} :: Armagnac (brandy)
armailli {m} [Switzerland] :: shepherd (of the Fribourg region)
Armand {prop} {m} :: given name
armanien {adj} :: relating to, or characteristic of Giorgio Armani or the Armani fashion house
armateur {m} :: shipowner
armatole {m} :: Armatole
armature {f} :: framework (supportive structure)
armaturé {adj} :: reinforced
armaturé {adj} :: underwired (of clothing etc.)
arme {f} :: a weapon, arms
armé {adj} :: armed (having weapons)
arme à double tranchant {f} [idiom] :: double-edged sword
arme à feu {f} :: firearm
arme à impulsion électrique {f} :: An electroshock stun weapon
arme biologique {f} :: biological weapon
arme blanche {f} :: weapon with a blade (literally: "white weapon"); cold weapon
arme chimique {f} :: chemical weapon
arme de destruction massive {f} :: weapon of mass destruction (a chemical, biological, radiological nuclear or other weapon that is designed to cause death or serious injury to large numbers of civilians)
arme d'hast {f} :: polearm
arme du crime {m} :: murder weapon
armée {f} [military] :: army
armée {f} [military] :: armed forces
armée de l'air {f} [military] :: air force, air corps or flying corps ; literally army of the air, air army
armée de l'espace {f} [military] :: space force, aerospace force ; literally army of space, space army
armée de mer {f} [military, archaic] :: navy; literally army of the sea
armée de terre {f} [military] :: army ; literally army of the land, land army
armé jusqu'aux dents {adj} :: armed to the teeth
Armel {prop} :: given name
armeline {f} :: A fine, white ermine from Lapland
Armelle {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Armel
armement {m} :: armament
armement {m} :: arming
armement {m} :: Nautical: final stages of the building of a ship (painting, equipment, etc.)
armement {m} :: Nautical: preparing a ship for a commercial mission
armement {m} :: by extension: shipping company
Arménie {prop} {f} :: Arménie (country)
arménien {adj} :: Armenian
arménien {m} :: Armenian language
Arménien {m} :: Armenian (person)
arménien ancien {m} [language] :: Old Armenian
arménien classique {m} [language] :: Old Armenian
Arménienne {f} :: feminine noun of Arménien
Arménistan {prop} {m} :: Armenistan
armer {v} :: to arm (equip with weapons)
armer {v} :: to dub (a knight)
armet {m} :: armet
armeur {m} :: armourer
armeuse {f} :: feminine singular of armeur
armillaire {adj} :: armillary
armillé {adj} :: armillary
arminianisme {m} :: Arminianism
arminien {adj} :: Arminian
arminien {m} :: Arminian
armistice {m} :: armistice
armoire {f} :: wardrobe (British), closet (US), a cabinet, taller than it is wide, for storing things.
armoire à glace {f} :: wardrobe with a mirror
armoire à glace {f} [figuratively] :: a muscleman, a bruiser, a bull, a hulk, a bulky man, a man built like a brick shithouse
armoiries {fp} :: arms; coat of arms
armoise {f} :: mugwort
armon {m} :: coupling (of railway carriages)
armorial {adj} [heraldry] :: armorial
armoricain {adj} :: Armorican
armorier {vt} :: to emblazon [with arms]
Armorique {prop} {f} :: Armorica
armure {f} :: armor
armurerie {f} :: arms factory
armurerie {f} :: gun shop
armurier {m} :: gunsmith
armurier {m} :: armourer / armorer
armurière {f} :: feminine singular of armurier
ARN {m} [biochemistry] :: RNA
arnaque {f} [colloquial] :: con, rip-off, swindling
arnaquer {v} [colloquial] :: to swindle, to dupe
arnaquer {v} [colloquial] :: to cheat
arnaqueur {m} :: swindler
arnaqueur {adj} :: swindling; lying; cheating
arnaqueuse {f} :: feminine noun of arnaqueur
Arnaud {prop} :: given name
Arnaud {prop} :: surname
arnica {f} :: arnica
Arnoux {prop} :: surname
arobase {f} [computing] :: The at symbol, @
arobe {f} :: at sign (@)
aroïdée {f} :: arum (of subfamily Aroideae)
aromal {adj} :: aromatic (fragrant)
aromantique {adj} :: aromantic
aromate {m} :: seasoning, herb, spice, especially one with a strong, pleasant odour
aromathérapeute {mf} :: aromatherapist
aromathérapie {f} :: aromatherapy
aromaticité {f} :: aromaticity (all senses)
aromatique {adj} :: aromatic (all senses)
aromatisation {f} :: aromatization
aromatiser {v} :: to aromatize / aromatise
aromatogramme {m} :: aromatogram
aromatophore {mf} :: aromatic
arôme {m} :: aroma
à Rome, fais comme les Romains {proverb} :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do
aronde {f} [archaic] :: swallow (bird)
aroumain {m} :: Aromanian language
arpège {m} [music] :: arpeggio
arpègement {m} [music] :: The playing of an arpeggio
arpéger {v} [music] :: To play an arpeggio
arpent {m} :: arpent
arpentage {m} :: surveying
arpentage {m} :: survey
arpenter {v} :: to survey land
arpenter {v} :: to pace, to measure
arpenter {v} :: to pace, to walk to and fro
arpenteur {m} :: surveyor
arpenteur {adj} :: surveying
arpenteuse {f} :: feminine noun of arpenteur
arpenteuse {f} :: measuring worm
arpète {mf} :: apprentice (or worker who does odd jobs)
arpette {mf} :: alternative form of arpète
arpion {m} :: (especially in plural) foot
arpitan {m} :: Arpitan (language)
arpitan {adj} :: Arpitan
arpitan {adj} :: Arpitanian
arquebusade {f} :: arquebusade (shot of an arquebus)
arquebuse {f} [firearms] :: arquebus
arquebusier {f} :: arquebusier
arquer {vit} :: to arc
arquer {vr} [s'arquer] :: to arc (move in an arch shape)
Arquisat {prop} :: Arquisat (hamlet of Miglos, Ariège, France)
arracache {f} :: arracacha
arrachable {adj} :: peelable
arrachage {m} :: lifting (of potatoes etc)
arrachage {m} :: weeding
arraché {m} [weightlifting] :: snatch
arrachement {m} :: uprooting
arrachement {m} :: extracting, extraction
arrachement {m} :: snatching, grabbing
arracher {v} :: to uproot, pull up, tear out
arracher {v} :: to extract, take out (a tooth)
arracher {v} :: to pull off, rip off, peel
arracher {v} :: to buy, snap up
arracher {vp} :: to fight over (something)
arracher {vp} :: to tear oneself away (à from)
arracher la gueule {v} [à] :: [vulgar] to hurt, to kill, to be too much to ask
arracher la gueule {v} [colloquial, figuratively, of food] :: to be very spicy, to be very hot, to blow someone's head off
arracheur {m} :: An agricultural labourer who harvest potatoes, beet etc
arracheur {m} [slang] :: bag snatcher
arracheuse {f} :: feminine singular of arracheur
arraisonnement {m} [nautical] :: inspection
arraisonner {v} :: to hail (e.g. a taxicab)
arraisonner {v} [nautical] :: to arraign
arrangé {adj} [colloquial, of a person or thing] :: Organized, neat
arrangeable {adj} :: arrangeable
arrangement {m} :: arrangement
arranger {v} :: to arrange
arranger {v} [colloquial] :: to suit, to be convenient
arranger {vr} :: to be set for
arranger {v} [Louisiana French, ] :: to build
arranger {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: to fix
arrangeur {m} :: arranger (one who arranges)
arrangeur {m} [music] :: arranger
arrèc {m} :: ravine, stream [commonly seen in toponyms in Gascony]
arrenter {v} :: To pay a pension, annuity etc
arrérager {v} :: To be in arrears
arrérages {mp} :: arrears
arrestation {f} :: arrest (The act of arresting a criminal, suspect, etc.)
arrêt {m} :: stopping, checking, arrest (in development, growth, machinery etc.)
arrêt {m} :: stop (place)
arrêt {m} [legal] :: judgment, ruling
arrêt {m} :: safety catch, stop button
arrêtable {adj} :: stoppable
arrêtable {adj} :: arrestable
arrêt cardiaque {m} :: cardiac arrest
arrêt-court {m} [baseball] :: shortstop
arrêt de bus {m} :: bus stop (a stop for public transport busses)
arrêt de jeu {m} [sports] :: time-out
arrêt de mort {m} :: death sentence
arrêt de travail {m} :: stoppage of work (generally because of sickness); sick leave
arrêté {m} :: agreement, resolution, a thing agreed on, resolved upon
arrêté {m} [law] :: order (ruling by an official imposing certain conditions on a group or individual)
arrête-bœuf {m} :: restharrow
arrêter {vit} :: To halt, to stop
arrêter {vt} :: To arrest (a criminal, etc.)
arrêter {vr} :: To come to a stop
arrêter {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: To wait
arrêter les frais {v} [colloquial] :: to cut one's losses, to call it a day
arrêt Idaho {m} :: rolling stop
arrêt maladie {m} :: sick leave, sick day
arrêtoir {m} :: keeper, valve ball
arrêt sur image {m} :: freeze-frame, freeze-frame shot
arrhénogène {adj} :: arrhenogenic
arrhénotoque {adj} [biology] :: arrhenotokous
arrher {v} :: to give down payment
arrhes {fp} :: down payment; deposit
arrhize {adj} [botany] :: arrhizal, arrhizous
Arrien-en-Bethmale {prop} :: Arrien-en-Bethmale (village)
arriération {f} :: retardation, backwardness
arriéré {adj} :: late (for work or debt)
arriéré {adj} [derogatory] :: backwards (behind current trends)
arriéré {m} :: arrear
arrière- {prefix} :: Forms nouns (normally with a hyphen) from the adverb usage of arrière
arrière {m} :: back; rear
arrière {m} [sports] :: fullback
arrière {m} [basketball] :: shooting guard
arrière {adv} :: far, far away
arrière {adv} :: late
arrière {adv} :: rear, behind, hinter-
arrière {adv} :: great (relatives)
arrière {adj} :: back (near the rear)
arrière-automne {m} :: late autumn (near the onset of winter)
arrière-ban {m} :: An assembly of feudal lords
arrière-bec {m} :: The downstream part of the cutwater of a bridge
arrière-bouche {f} :: synonym of pharynx
arrière-boutique {f} :: A room at the back of a shop
arrière-bras {m} :: upper arm
arrière-cerveau {m} :: hindbrain
arrière-chambre {f} :: backroom
arrière-choeur {m} :: alternative form of arrière-chœur
arrière-chœur {m} :: A choir placed behind the altar in a church
arrière-cour {f} :: backyard (of a house)
arrière-cour {f} :: rear courtyard (of a mansion etc)
arrière-cousin {m} :: second cousin
arrière-cousin {m} :: distant cousin
arrière-cousine {f} :: feminine singular of arrière-cousin
arrière-cuisine {f} :: back kitchen
arrière-cuisine {f} :: scullery
arrière-été {m} :: late summer (near the onset of autumn)
arrière-faix {m} :: afterbirth
arrière-fleur {f} :: second flowering
arrière-foin {m} :: second crop
arrière-fond {m} :: A deeply-held feeling etc
arrière-garde {f} [military] :: rearguard
arrière-gorge {f} :: pharynx
arrière-goût {m} :: aftertaste
arrière-grand-mère {f} :: great-grandmother
arrière-grand-oncle {m} :: great-granduncle
arrière-grand-parent {m} :: great grandparent
arrière-grand-père {m} :: great-grandfather (father of grandparent)
arrière-grand-tante {f} :: great-grandaunt
arrière-main {f} :: hindquarters (of an animal)
arrière-main {f} [tennis] :: backhand
arrière-neveu {m} :: grandnephew
arrière-nièce {f} :: grandniece
arrière-pays {m} :: hinterland (land immediately next to a coast)
arrière-pensée {f} :: ulterior motive
arrière-pensée {f} :: doubt, reservation
arrière-petite-fille {f} :: great-granddaughter
arrière-petit-enfant {m} :: great-grandchild (grandchild of someone’s child)
arrière-petite-nièce {f} :: great-grandniece
arrière-petit-fils {m} :: great-grandson
arrière-petit-neveu {m} :: great-grandnephew
arrière-plan {m} :: background (part of picture)
arrière-point {m} :: A type of needlepoint with overlapping stitches
arrière-port {m} :: An inner port
arriérer {v} :: to tarry (be late)
arrière-rang {m} :: Last row of attacking soldiers
arrière-rang {m} :: rearguard
arrière-saison {f} :: autumn (especially late autumn)
arrière-saison {f} :: the beginnings of old age
arrière-saison {f} :: the last months before harvest
arrière-salle {f} :: An inner room (behind another one)
arrière-scène {f} :: backstage
arrière-train {m} :: the rear of a train, or 4x4 vehicle
arrière-train {m} :: hindquarters (of an animal)
arrière-train {m} :: caboose, posterior, hindquarters (buttocks of a human)
arrière-voussure {f} [architecture] :: An arch behind a door or window
arrimage {m} :: stowage
arrimer {v} :: to stow
arrimeur {m} [nautical] :: stevedore, docker
arrimeuse {f} :: feminine singular of arrimeur
arriser {v} [nautical] :: To reef a sail
arrivage {m} :: arrival
arrivage {m} :: advent
arrivant {adj} :: arriving
arrivant {adj} :: incoming
arrivant {m} :: arriver (one who arrives)
arrivederci {interj} :: farewell, goodbye, arrivederci
arrivée {f} :: arrival
arriver {v} :: to arrive (often followed by a location)
arriver {v} [impersonal] :: to happen (unlike other translations of happen, can be used with an indirect object to specify something/somebody affected by the action; it may also be used with a relative clause in the subjunctive)
arriver {v} :: to be able to, to manage (to do something successfully) (see also parvenir)
arriver {v} :: to obtain a level of success or fame
arriver à bon port {v} [figuratively] :: to arrive safe and sound, to reach one's destination safely
arriver à la cheville {v} [figuratively, colloquial, followed by the preposition de] :: to hold a candle to, to measure up to
arriver à la fumée des cierges {v} [figuratively] :: to come a day after the fair
arriver après la bataille {v} [figuratively] :: to come a day after the fair, to close the stable door after the horse has bolted
arriver à ses fins {v} :: to get one's way, to have one's way, to achieve one's goals, to achieve one's ends
arrivisme {m} :: arrivisme
arriviste {mf} :: arriviste
arrobe {f} [computing, rare] :: The at symbol, @
arroche {f} :: orach
arrocher {v} :: synonym of lapider
arrogamment {adv} :: arrogantly
arrogance {f} :: arrogance
arrogant {adj} :: arrogant
arrogeable {adj} :: appropriatable
arroger {vr} :: to arrogate, appropriate; to assume (a position, right etc.)
arrondi {adj} :: rounded (made circular or spherical)
arrondi {adj} [mathematics, of a number] :: rounded (approximated to its nearest round value)
arrondi {adj} [phonetics, phonology] :: rounded (pronounced with lips drawn together)
arrondi {m} :: round part, rounded portion (of an object)
arrondi {m} [engineering, architecture] :: fillet (rounded relief or cut at an edge)
arrondi {m} [aviation] :: flare (transition from downward flight to level flight)
arrondir {v} :: To round (make round)
arrondir {v} [of a sum of money] :: To round up, round down or round off
arrondir les angles {v} [figuratively] :: to smooth things out, to smooth things over
arrondir ses fins de mois {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to gain a little extra money, to supplement one's income
arrondissage {f} :: rounding (mechanical)
arrondissement {m} :: Arrondissement
arrondissement {m} [Canada] :: Arrondissement, a borough (submunicipal administrative division)
arrop i talladetes {n} :: a conserve, made from grape must and other ingredients (namely talladetes), originally from Valencia in Spain
arrosable {adj} :: irrigable
arrosage {m} :: watering (act of giving or adding water)
arrosage {m} [figurative] :: bribery, bribe
arrosement {m} :: watering, irrigation
arroser {v} :: to water (e.g. plants)
arroser {v} :: to sprinkle
arroser {v} :: to squirt
arroser {v} :: to spray
arroser {v} :: to celebrate (with a drink)
arroser {v} :: to grease someone's palm, to bribe
arroseur {m} :: waterer (someone who waters plants)
arroseur arrosé {m} [figuratively] :: the biter bit
arroseuse {f} :: water cart
arroseuse {f} :: waterer (feminine of: arroseur)
arrosoir {m} :: watering can
arroyo {m} :: arroyo
arrucat {m} :: smooth golden fleece (Urospermum dalechampii)
arsacide {adj} :: Arsacid
arsenal {m} [military, nautical] :: arsenal
Arsenault {prop} :: surname
Arsène {prop} {m} :: given name
Arseneau {prop} :: surname
Arseneault {prop} :: surname
arséniate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: arsenate
arsenic {m} :: arsenic (chemical element)
arsénic {m} :: alternative form of arsenic (chemical element)
arsenicage {m} :: The use of arsenic compounds to remove parasites etc
arsenical {adj} :: arsenical
arsénical {adj} :: arsenical
arsénicisme {m} :: arsenic poisoning
arsénié {adj} :: arsenical (containing arsenic)
arsénien {adj} [mineralogy] :: arsenian
arsénieux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: arsenious
arsénifère {adj} :: arseniferous
arseniqué {adj} :: arsenicated
arsénique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: arsenic (of oxidation state 5)
arsénite {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: arsenite
arséniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: arsenide
arsénobétaïne {f} [organic chemistry] :: arsenobetaine
arsénolidine {m} [organic compound] :: arsenolidine
arsénure {m} :: alternative form of arséniure
arsépane {m} [organic compound] :: arsepane
arsépine {m} [organic compound] :: arsepine
arsétane {m} [organic compound] :: arsetane
arsète {m} [organic compound] :: arsete
arsin {m} [obsolete] :: burn (to the skin)
arsine {f} [inorganic compound] :: arsine
arsirène {m} [organic compound] :: arsirene
arsis {m} :: arsis
arsouille {mf} [dated, colloquial] :: ruffian
arsphénamine {m} [organic compound] :: arsphenamine
art. {n} :: abbreviation of article
art {m} :: art (something pleasing to the mind)
artabe {m} :: artab
Artaxerxès {prop} {m} :: Artaxerxes
art brut {m} [uncountable] :: outsider art (art created by people with no artistic education)
artchi {m} :: Archi (language)
Art déco {m} :: Art Deco
art de la guerre {m} :: art of war
art de vivre {m} :: (literally) "the art of living", the knowledge of how to enjoy life, or the practice of it
artefact {m} :: alternative form of artéfact
artéfact {m} :: artefact / artifact
artel {m} :: artel
Artémis {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Artemis
artémise {f} :: wormwood (plant)
artére {f} :: obsolete spelling of artère
artère {f} [anatomy] :: artery (blood vessel)
artère {f} :: thoroughfare
artériectomie {f} [surgery] :: arterial ectasis
artériel {adj} :: arterial
artérieux {adj} [obsolete, anatomy] :: arterial
artériographie {f} :: arteriography
artériole {f} [anatomy] :: arteriole
artériosclérose {f} [pathology] :: arteriosclerosis
artériotomie {f} :: arteriotomy
artérioveineux {adj} [anatomy] :: arteriovenous
artérite {f} [pathology] :: arteritis
artéritique {adj} :: arteritic
artésien {adj} :: artesian
artésien {adj} :: from Artois
Artésien {m} :: Someone from Artois
Artésien {m} :: Someone from Artaix
Artésienne {f} :: feminine singular of Artésien
arthralgie {f} [pathology] :: arthralgia
arthralgique {adj} :: arthralgic
arthrite {f} :: arthritis
arthritique {adj} [pathology] :: arthritic
arthritisme {m} [pathology] :: arthritism
arthrodie {f} [anatomy] :: arthrodia
arthrographie {f} :: arthrography
arthrologie {f} [anatomy] :: arthrology
arthrologique {adj} :: arthrological
arthromère {m} [entomology] :: arthromere
arthropathie {f} [pathology] :: arthropathy
arthroplastie {f} [surgery] :: arthroplasty
arthropode {m} :: arthropod
arthroscopie {f} :: arthroscopy
arthrose {f} [anatomy] :: joint
arthrose {f} :: osteoarthritis (inflammation of a joint)
Arthur {prop} {m} :: given name
arthurien {adj} :: Arthurian
artichaut {m} :: artichoke (plant, vegetable)
artichautière {f} :: An artichoke plantation
artichautière {f} :: A vessel used to cook artichokes
artichonade {f} :: A traditional Provençal spreadable dish consisting of artichokes, garlic, olive oil and other herbs or spices
article {m} :: article (a piece of nonfictional writing)
article {m} [grammar] :: article
article {m} :: merchandise, sales article
article {m} :: section (of a law)
article {m} [dated] :: joint, articulation
article {m} :: moment (only in the phrase à l'article de la mort)
article défini {m} [grammar] :: definite article
article de foi {m} :: article of faith
article de foi {m} [figuratively] :: dogma
article de presse {m} :: news article, newspaper article, press article
article indéfini {m} [grammar] :: indefinite article
article zéro {m} [grammar] :: zero article
articulaire {adj} :: articular
articulaire {m} :: articular bone (of reptiles and birds)
articulairement {adv} :: articularly
articulatif {adj} :: articulative
articulation {f} [anatomy] :: joint (joint with freedom to rotate)
articulation {f} :: articulation (quality, clarity or sharpness of speech)
articulatoire {adj} :: articulatory (of or pertaining to articulation; phonological)
articulé {adj} :: articulated
articulé {adj} :: enunciated
articulément {adv} :: distinctly
articuler {v} :: to join, articulate
articulet {m} :: A short article (in a newspaper)
artifice {m} :: artifice, trick, ploy
artifice {m} [literary] :: device
artificialisation {f} :: artificialization
artificialiser {v} :: To artificialize
artificialité {f} :: artificiality
artificiel {adj} :: artificial
artificiellement {adv} :: artificially
artificier {m} :: pyrotechnist
artificier {m} [military] :: artificer
artificieusement {adv} :: artfully, deceitfully
artificieusement {adv} :: slyly
artificieux {adj} :: artful, deceitful
artificieux {adj} :: wily, cunning, sly
Artigat {prop} :: Artigat (village)
Artigues {prop} :: Artigues (village)
Artigues {prop} :: Artigues (village of Aude, France)
Artigues {prop} :: Artigues (village of Hautes-Pyrénées, France)
artillerie {f} :: artillery
artillerie lourde {f} :: heavy artillery
artillerie lourde {f} [figuratively] :: big guns
artilleur {m} :: gunner
artilleur {m} [soccer] :: hitman (goalscorer)
artimon {m} :: mizzen
artinien {adj} [maths] :: Artinian
artisan {m} :: artisan (manual worker)
artisan {m} [figuratively] :: creator; innovator; inventor
artisanal {adj} :: artisanal
artisanal {adj} :: (often derogatory) makeshift
artisanalement {adv} :: artisanally
artisanat {m} :: craft industry
artisanat {m} :: craftsmen
artisane {f} :: feminine noun of artisan
artiste {mf} :: artist
artistement {adv} :: artfully
artistique {adj} :: artistic
artistiquement {adv} :: artistically
art martial {m} :: martial art
artocarpe {m} :: breadfruit (of genus Artocarpus)
Artois {prop} [historical] :: A former county of the Kingdom of France, in what is now northern France
Artois {prop} [historical] :: A former state of the Holy Roman Empire, in what is now northern France
art plastique {m} :: plastic art
arui {m} :: The Barbary sheep, Ammotragus lervia
arum {m} :: arum
aruspice {m} :: haruspex
aryanisation {f} :: Aryanization
aryanisé {adj} :: Aryanized
aryaniser {v} :: To Aryanize
aryanisme {m} :: Aryanism
aryanité {f} :: Aryaness
aryen {adj} :: Aryan
aryle {m} [organic chemistry] :: aryl
ARYM {prop} :: FYROM (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
aryosophe {adj} :: aryosophic
aryosophie {f} :: aryosophy
aryténoïde {m} :: arytenoid (cartilage)
arythmie {f} :: arrhythmia
arythmique {adj} :: arhythmic
as {m} :: ace (card of value 1)
as {m} :: ace (expert or pilot)
as {m} :: as (Roman coin)
à sa connaissance {adv} :: to one's knowledge
asacramentaire {adj} :: asacramental (not sacramental)
à sang chaud {adj} [zoology, dated, of an animal] :: warm-blooded, endothermic, homeothermic
à sang froid {adj} [zoology, dated, of an animal] :: cold-blooded, ectothermic, poikilothermic
asaret {m} :: wild spikenard, asarabacca (Asarum europaeum)
à savoir {adv} :: that is, i.e.
à savoir {adv} :: namely, to wit
à savoir {adv} [colloquial] :: it remains to be seen
asbeste {m} [archaic] :: asbestos
asbestiforme {adj} :: asbestiform
asbestose {f} [pathology] :: asbestosis
ASBL {f} :: initialism of association sans but lucratif = NPO (nonprofit organization)
asboline {f} :: asbolin
ASC {prop} {f} :: CSA (Canadian Space Agency)
ascalaphe {m} :: moth (of the genus Ascalapha)
ascaride {m} :: synonym of ascaris
ascaridiase {f} :: synonym of ascaridiose
ascaridiose {f} [pathology] :: ascariasis
ascaris {m} :: ascarid
ascendance {f} [astronomy] :: ascent
ascendance {f} :: [family] ancestry
ascendant {adj} :: ascendant
ascendant {m} [astrology] :: ascendant
ascendant {m} :: influence, ascendancy
ascendant {m} [genealogy] :: ancestry
ascendeur {m} :: ascendeur
ascendre {v} [rare, dated] :: to ascend
ascenseur {m} :: lift, elevator
ascenseur {m} :: scroll bar
ascenseur spatial {m} :: space elevator
ascension {f} :: ascent
ascension {f} :: ascension
Ascension {prop} [Christianity] :: Ascension; the holiday commemorating the Ascension of Jesus
ascensionnel {adj} :: ascending
ascensionnel {adj} :: upward
ascensionner {v} :: To climb (a mountain)
ascensionner {v} :: To ascend
ascensionniste {mf} :: climber
ascèse {f} :: asceticism
ascète {mf} :: ascetic
ascétique {adj} :: ascetic
ascétiquement {adv} :: ascetically
ascétisme {m} :: asceticism (the principles and practices of an ascetic)
ascidie {f} :: ascidian
ascidiiforme {adj} :: ascidiform
ascite {f} [pathology] :: ascites
ascitique {adj} :: ascitic
asclépiadacée {m} :: milkweed (of the genus Asclepias)
asclépiade {adj} :: Asclepiadean
ascomycète {m} :: ascomycete
ascorbique {adj} :: ascorbic
as des as {m} [military] :: ace of aces
Asdi {prop} :: Sida, initialism of Agence suédoise de coopération internationale au développement
à sec {adj} :: dry, dried up
à sec {adj} [colloquial] :: broke (lacking money; bankrupt)
à se damner {adj} [of food] :: to die for
à se damner {adv} :: stunningly, drop-dead
aséité {f} [philosophy] :: aseity
asémantique {adj} [grammar] :: asemantic
asémique {adj} :: asemic (all senses)
asepsie {f} :: asepsis
aseptique {adj} :: aseptic
aseptiquement {adv} :: aseptically
aseptisation {f} :: sterilization, disinfecting
aseptiser {v} :: to sterilize, to disinfect
à ses risques et périls {adv} :: at one's own risk, at one's own peril, on one's own account
asexualité {f} :: asexuality
asexué {adj} :: asexual (genderless)
asexué {adj} :: asexual (without sex; not involving sexual intercourse)
asexuel {adj} :: asexual
asexuellement {adv} [biology] :: asexually
Ásgard {prop} {m} [Norse mythology] :: Asgard
ashkénaze {adj} :: Ashkenazi
ashkénaze {mf} :: Ashkenazi
ashram {m} :: ashram
asialie {f} [pathology] :: asialism
asiarcat {m} :: Asiarchate
asiarche {m} :: alternative form of asiarque
asiarchie {f} :: Asiarchate
asiarque {m} :: Asiarch
asiate {adj} :: Asian, Asiatic
asiatique {adj} :: From or pertaining to Asia; Asian; Asiatic
Asiatique {mf} :: Asian (someone from Asia)
Asie {prop} {f} :: Asia
Asie centrale {prop} {f} :: Central Asia (smaller area of Central Asia)
Asie de l'Ouest {prop} {f} :: Western Asia
Asie mineure {prop} {f} :: alternative case form of Asie Mineure
Asie Mineure {prop} {f} :: Asia Minor
asien {adj} [rare] :: Asian
asilaire {adj} :: asylum (attributive)
asile {m} :: retirement home, old people's home
asile {m} :: asylum
asiner {v} :: To play the fool
asinesque {adj} :: asinine (like a donkey)
asinien {adj} :: asinine
asinin {adj} :: asinine
askari {m} [historical] :: askari
askip {adv} [slang] :: apparently, they say (that), rumour has it (that)
ASM {prop} [soccer] :: initialism of Association Sportive de Monaco Football Club, a soccer team from Monaco
ASM {adj} :: gloss (anti-submarine warfare) abbreviation of anti-sous-marine
asociabilité {f} :: asociality
asocial {adj} :: asocial
à son corps défendant {adv} :: in self-defense
à son corps défendant {adv} [colloquial] :: reluctantly, unwillingly, against one's will
à souhait {adv} :: very, extremely, incredibly, as much as one could want
asparagine {f} [amino acid] :: asparagine
aspartique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aspartic
aspe {m} :: asp (fish)
aspect {m} :: aspect
aspect {m} [grammar] :: aspect (grammatical quality of a verb)
aspectuel {adj} :: aspectual
asperge {f} :: asparagus (plant, vegetable)
asperge {f} [colloquial] :: A tall, thin person; a beanpole
asperger {v} :: to spray, sprinkle
asperger {v} :: to splash, splatter
Asperger {n} :: Somebody who has Asperger's syndrome
aspergille {f} :: aspergillus
aspergilliforme {adj} [botany] :: aspergilliform
aspergillose {f} [pathoogy] :: aspergillosis
aspérifolié {adj} [botany] :: asperifoliate, asperifolious
aspérité {f} :: asperity
aspérité {f} :: ruggedness
aspermatisme {m} :: aspermatism
asperme {adj} :: aspermic
aspermie {f} [medicine] :: aspermia
asperseur {m} :: sprinkler (agricultural, or against fire)
aspersion {f} :: aspersion
aspersion {f} :: sprinkling
aspersoir {m} :: aspergillum
asphaltage {m} :: asphalting (roadmaking)
asphalte {m} :: asphalt
asphalter {vt} :: to asphalt
asphaltique {adj} :: asphaltic
asphérique {adj} :: aspheric
asphodèle {m} [botany] :: asphodel (plant of the genus Asphodelus)
asphyxiant {adj} :: asphyxiant
asphyxie {f} :: asphyxia, asphyxiation
asphyxier {v} :: to asphyxiate
asphyxique {adj} :: asphyxic
aspi {m} [colloquial] :: young military officer
aspi {m} [colloquial] :: vacuum cleaner; hoover
aspi {m} [colloquial] :: aspie (person with Asperger’s syndrome)
aspic {m} :: asp (Vipera aspis)
aspic {m} :: asp (Naja haje)
aspic {m} :: slanderer, libeller
aspic {m} [cuisine] :: aspic (dish)
aspic {m} [slang, dated, rare] :: miser
aspic {m} :: spike lavender, Lavandula latifolia
aspidistra {m} :: aspidistra
aspie {f} :: feminine equivalent of aspi
aspirant {m} :: aspirant
aspirant {m} [military] :: officer candidate, officer designate, midshipman
aspirant {adj} :: aspiring
aspirant {adj} :: sucking, extracting
aspirateur {m} :: vacuum cleaner
aspirateur {m} :: aspirator
aspiratif {adj} :: aspirational
aspiration {f} :: aspiration
aspirationnel {adj} :: aspirational
aspiratoire {adj} :: aspiratory
aspiré {adj} :: aspirated
aspirer {vi} [followed by à] :: to aspire (to wait, to long)
aspirer {vt} :: to aspirate (to produce breath after pronouncing)
aspirer {vt} :: to inhale, to breathe in
aspirer {vt} :: to extract, to suck up
aspirine {f} [pharmacology] :: an aspirin (analgesic drug)
asple {m} :: reel, spool
asplénium {m} :: spleenwort
asporulé {adj} [biology] :: asporulated
asque {m} :: ascus
assadiste {adj} :: Assadist
assadiste {mf} :: Assadist
assagir {vtr} :: to settle down, quieten down
assagissement {m} :: settling down
assai {adv} [music] :: assai
assaillant {adj} :: assailant
assaillant {adj} :: assailling
assaillant {m} :: assailant
assaillir {v} :: to assail; to assault; to attack
assainir {v} :: to clean up
assainir {v} [finance] :: to stabilise
assainir {v} :: to heal, to remedy, to make healthier
assainir {v} :: to sanitise (environment), to purify (water)
assainir {vr} :: to get healthier, to regain one's health
assainissement {m} :: healing, getting back to health
assainissement {m} :: sanitation
assainissement {m} :: cleanup, cleaning up
assainissement {m} :: purification
assainisseur {m} :: deodorant, sanitizer
assainisseur {m} :: ozonizer (user to sanitize)
assaisonnement {m} :: seasoning, flavouring
assaisonnement {m} :: (salad) dressing
assaisonner {v} :: to season (to sprinkle with seasoning)
Assam {prop} {m} :: Assam (state)
assamais {m} :: Assamese (language)
assarmenter {v} :: To prune a vine by removing branches
assassin {m} :: an assassin
assassin {adj} :: deadly; fatal; that kills
assassinat {m} :: assassination
assassinat {m} [law] :: first-degree murder (premeditated murder)
assassiner {vt} :: to assassinate
assaut {m} :: assault
assavoir {v} [obsolete, except in Canada] :: to know
-asse {suffix} :: Suffix forming the first-person singular imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs
-asse {suffix} :: Suffix forming pejoratives
asse {m} :: A type of pickaxe used in tunneling
asseau {m} :: A slater's hammer with a sharp edge
asséchant {adj} :: drying
assèchement {m} :: drainage
assèchement {m} :: drying out
assécher {vit} [ergative] :: to dry out; to dry
Assedic {prop} {f} :: acronym of Association pour l'emploi dans l'industrie et le commerce (company managing unemployment insurance payments)
Asselin {prop} :: surname
assemblage {m} :: assemblage, gathering, assembly (process of assembling; result of this action)
assemblage {m} [carpentry] :: jointing (act of making a joint)
assemblage {m} [carpentry] :: joint
assemblage {m} [computing] :: a phase in compilation where an assembly language is translated into a binary file
assemblage {m} [viticulture] :: cuvée (wine produced from a mixture of several grape varieties)
assemblage {m} [archaeology] :: assemblage (group of different artifacts found in association with one another)
assemblage {m} [bioinformatics] :: sequence assembly (aligning and merging of DNA fragments to reconstruct a sequence)
assemblage {m} [bioinformatics] :: genome assembly (process of reassembling DNA sequences)
assemblage {m} [cartography] :: juxtaposition of several maps or cuttings to create a larger map
assemblée {f} :: assembly
Assemblée nationale {f} [politics] :: National Assembly
assembler {v} :: to assemble
assembleur {m} :: assembler
assembleuse {f} :: feminine singular of assembleur
assener {v} :: to strike (a blow)
assener {v} :: to thrust out, fling (an argument, reply)
asséner {vt} :: To strike, hit, throw (punches at)
asséner {vt} :: to hurl; throw (insults)
-assent {suffix} :: Suffix forming the third-person plural imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs
assentiment {m} :: consent; approval
assentir {v} [archaic, with à] :: to assent (to)
asseoir {vt} :: to sit down; to get seated
asseoir {v} :: to assert
asseoir {vr} :: to sit down; to sit up; to take a seat
assermenté {adj} :: sworn (on oath)
assermenter {vt} [law] :: To swear in
asserter {vt} :: to assert
assertif {adj} :: assertive
assertion {f} :: assertion
assertivement {adv} :: assertively
assertoire {adj} :: assertory
assertorique {adj} [logic, maths] :: assertoric
asservir {v} :: to enslave
asservissable {adj} :: enslavable
asservissement {m} :: enslavement
asservissement {m} :: slavery
asservissement {m} :: control engineering
asservisseur {m} :: enslaver
asservisseuse {f} :: feminine singular of asservisseur
-asses {suffix} :: Suffix forming the second-person singular imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs
assesseur {m} [legal] :: assessor, judge advocate
assessoral {adj} :: assessorial
assessrice {f} [hapax legomenon] :: feminine noun of assesseur
assette {f} :: A type of small pickaxe
assez {adv} :: enough
assez {adv} :: quite
assez {adv} :: rather
assibilation {f} [phonology] :: assibilation
assibiler {v} :: To assibilate
assida {f} :: A form of polenta made from pine kernels
assidu {adj} :: assiduous (hard-working, diligent)
assiduité {f} :: attendance
assiduité {f} :: assiduity, diligence, studiousness
assidument {adv} :: alternative spelling of assidûment
assidûment {adv} :: assiduously (in an assiduous manner)
assiégé {adj} :: besieged
assiégeant {adj} :: besieging
assiégeant {m} :: besieger
assiéger {vt} :: to besiege; to lay siege to
assiette {f} [archaic] :: manner of being seated, situation
assiette {f} [horse racing] :: seat
assiette {f} [nautical] :: trim, attitude, pitch attitude
assiette {f} [accounting] :: basis
assiette {f} :: dish [the food]
assiette {f} :: plate, dish [the crockery]
assiette {f} :: plateful
assiette anglaise {f} :: A meal consisting mainly of cold meats
assiettée {f} :: plateful
-assiez {suffix} :: Suffix forming the second-person plural imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs
assignable {adj} :: assignable
assignat {m} [historical] :: assignat
assignation {f} [law] :: summons, subpoena
assigné {adj} :: assigned
assigner {v} :: to assign
assimilable {adj} :: assimilable
assimilateur {adj} :: assimilative, assimilatory
assimilatif {adj} :: assimilative
assimilation {f} [phonology] :: assimilation
assimilation progressive {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: progressive assimilation
assimilation régressive {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: regressive assimilation
assimiler {v} :: to assimilate (all meanings)
assimiler {v} :: to liken
-assions {suffix} :: Suffix forming the first-person plural imperfect subjunctive of -er verbs
assir {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative spelling of asseoir, to sit
assis {adj} :: sat, sat down, seated
assise {f} :: foundation (supporting base of a wall)
assise {f} [figuratively] :: base, foundation
assise {f} [geology] :: stratum, bed, layer (layer of sedimentary rock)
assise {f} [ecology] :: stratum (layer of vegetation)
assise {f} [anatomy] :: stratum (layer of tissue)
assise {f} [masonry] :: course (row or layer of bricks)
assise {f} :: seat of a chair
assise {f} [archaic, Lorraine, chiefly plural] :: fly excrement
Assise {prop} :: Assisi
assistanat {m} :: assistantship
assistanat {m} [pejorative] :: charity, welfare
assistance {f} :: assistance
assistance {f} :: audience
assistance publique {f} :: social welfare, welfare services
assistant {m} :: assistant
assistante {f} :: assistant
assistant numérique personnel {m} :: personal digital assistant
assister {vt} :: to assist, to aid
assister {vi} [followed by à] :: to attend, to be present
assister {vi} [followed by à] :: to witness, to observe
associateur {m} [maths] :: associator
associateur {m} [Islam] :: shirk, idolatry
associatif {adj} [mathematics] :: associative (algebraic property of an operator)
associatif {adj} :: associative (relating to an association)
association {f} :: association, society, group
association {f} [commerce, economics] :: partnership
association {f} :: association (of related terms, ideas etc.), combination
association {f} [object-oriented programming] :: association
Association européenne de libre-échange {prop} {f} :: European Free Trade Association
associationiste {adj} :: associationist
associationiste {mf} :: associationist
association libre {f} :: free association
associationnisme {m} :: associationism
associationniste {adj} :: associationist
associativité {f} :: associativity (condition of being associative)
associer {v} :: to associate
assoiffé {adj} :: very thirsty (needing to drink)
assoir {v} :: alternative spelling of asseoir
assolement {m} :: crop rotation
assoler {v} :: To practice crop rotation
assombrir {v} :: to darken, make gloomy
assombrissement {m} :: darkening
assombrissement {m} [programming] :: obfuscation
assommer {v} :: to slaughter (an animal)
assommer {v} :: to stun, knock out, poleaxe, sandbag
assommer {v} [by extension] :: to hit (someone)
assommeur {m} :: slaughterer
assommeuse {f} :: feminine singular of assommeur
assommoir {m} :: cosh or similar weapon
assommoir {m} :: boozer (low-class drinking establishment)
assomptif {adj} :: assumptive
assomption {f} :: assumption (all senses)
Assomption {prop} {f} :: Assumption
assomptionniste {adj} :: Assumptionist
assomptionniste {m} :: Assumptionist (Augustinian of the Assumption)
assonance {f} :: assonance
assonancer {v} :: To use assonance
assonancer {v} :: To harmonize
assoner {v} :: To produce assonance
assortatif {adj} :: assortative
assortativité {f} :: assortativity
assortiment {m} :: assortment
assortiment matrimonial {m} :: assortative mating
assortiment matrimonial {m} :: positive assortative mating
assortir {vt} :: to match, match up
assortir {vt} [of people] :: to pair up
assortir {vt} :: to supply, stock up; to hook (someone) up with
assortir {vr} :: to match
assortissable {adj} :: matchable
assortissable {adj} :: suppliable
Assouan {prop} :: Aswan
assoupir {v} :: to make drowsy
assoupir {v} :: to lull, soften
assoupissement {m} :: drowsiness
assouplir {vt} :: to soften (make softer)
assouplir {vt} :: to make more supple
assouplir {vt} :: to relax (of e.g. a law or rule make less strict)
assouplir {vr} :: to soften up, get soft (become softer)
assouplir {vr} :: to become more supple
assouplir {vr} :: to become relaxed, relax (become less strict)
assouplir {vr} :: to limber up
assouplissement {m} :: relaxation
assouplissement {m} :: softening
assouplissement quantitatif {m} [economics] :: quantitative easing
assouplisseur {m} :: fabric softener
assourdir {v} :: to deafen
assourdissant {adj} :: deafening
assourdissement {m} :: deafening
assouvir {vt} :: to satisfy, assuage (hunger, passion, etc.)
assouvissement {m} :: satisfaction
assouvissement {m} :: appeasing
assuétude {f} :: dependence
assuétude {f} :: addiction
assujetti {adj} :: subject (people), subjugated
assujettir {v} :: to subjugate, to subdue
assujettir {v} :: to secure, make fast
assujettissant {adj} :: subjecting, subduing
assujettissement {m} :: subjugation
assujettissement {m} :: obligation, liability (to tax etc)
assujettissement {m} [philosophy] :: subjectivation
assumer {vt} :: assume (take on a position)
assumer {v} :: take responsibility
assurable {adj} :: insurable
assurance {f} :: insurance
assurance {f} :: assurance
assurance-chômage {f} :: unemployment insurance
assurance-crédit {f} :: credit insurance (against non-payment by a debtor)
assurance-vie {f} :: life insurance
assurantiel {adj} :: assurance (attributive)
assuré {adj} :: insured
assuré {adj} :: assured
assuré {m} :: insuree
assurément {adv} :: assuredly, in an assured fashion
assurément {adv} :: to be sure
assurer {v} :: to assure, to ensure, to make sure
assurer {v} :: to insure, to give insurance to
assurer {v} [climbing] :: to belay
assureur {m} :: insurer, insurance agent
assureur {m} [climbing] :: belayer
assureuse {f} :: feminine noun of assureur
assurfinance {f} :: An insurance model whereby insurance companies sell banking products
Assyrie {prop} {f} :: Assyria
assyrien {adj} :: Assyrian
assyriologie {f} :: assyriology
assyriologue {mf} :: assyriologist
assyrisant {adj} :: Assyrian (in character)
astacicole {adj} :: astaciculture (attributive)
astaciculture {f} :: astaciculture
astasie {f} [pathology] :: astasia
astate {m} [countable and uncountable] :: astatine
astatique {adj} :: astatic
astatique {adj} :: alternating (current)
astaxanthine {m} [organic compound] :: astaxanthin
aster {m} :: aster (flowering plant)
astéréognosie {f} :: astereognosis
astéride {m} :: asteroid, starfish (of class Asteroidea)
astérie {f} :: starfish
astérion {m} [anatomy] :: asterion
astérisme {m} :: asterism (group of stars, constellation)
astérisque {m} :: asterisk (punctuation symbol)
Astérix {prop} :: Asterix (the comic character.)
astéroïde {m} [astronomy] :: asteroid
astérolide {f} :: starwort
astérosismologie {f} [astronomy] :: asteroseismology
astérosismologique {adj} :: asteroseismological
asteur {adv} [Belgium, Louisiana, New Brunswick, Quebec] :: now
asteure {adv} :: alternative spelling of asteur
asthénie {f} [medicine] :: asthenia (loss of strength)
asthénique {adj} [pathology] :: asthenic
asthénosphère {f} :: asthenosphere
astheure {adv} [Quebec, Louisiana, France, Switzerland, colloquial] :: now, right now
asthmatiforme {adj} :: asthmatic
asthmatique {adj} :: asthmatic (affected with asthma)
asthmatique {mf} :: asthmatic (someone affected by asthma)
asthme {m} :: asthma (chronic respiratory disease)
astic {m} :: A bone once used by cobblers to polish leather
astic {m} :: Any of various other polishing tools
asticot {m} :: maggot
asticoter {vt} :: to annoy, needle
astigmate {adj} :: astigmatic
astigmatisme {m} :: astigmatism (disorder of the vision)
astiquage {m} :: polishing
astiquer {vt} :: to polish, shine, rub, furbish
astiquer {vr} [slang] :: to wank
astome {adj} [biology] :: astomatous
astragale {m} [anatomy] :: talus (bone)
astragalectomie {f} [surgery] :: astragalectomy, talectomy
astragalien {adj} [anatomy] :: astragalar
astrakan {m} :: astrakhan
astral {adj} :: astral
astre {m} [astronomy] :: celestial body, astronomical object
astre {m} [astronomy] :: star
astré {adj} :: starlit
astre de la nuit {m} [literary] :: the moon
astre du jour {m} [literary] :: the sun
astreignable {adj} :: constrainable
astreignant {adj} :: exacting, demanding
astreindre {vt} :: to constrain, compel
astreint {adj} :: constrained
astreinte {f} [legal] :: sanction
astreinte {f} :: on-call duty
astrictif {adj} :: astrictive
Astrid {prop} :: given name
astrifère {adj} :: astriferous
astringence {f} :: astringency
astringent {adj} :: astringent
astringent {m} :: astringent
astro- {prefix} :: astro-
astroarchéologie {f} [astronomy] :: astroarchaeology
astrobiologie {f} [biology] :: astrobiology
astrobiologique {adj} :: astrobiological
astrobiologiste {mf} :: astrobiologist
astroblème {m} :: astrobleme
astrochimie {f} [astronomy, chemistry] :: astrochemistry
astrocytaire {adj} :: astrocytic
astrogéologie {f} [astronomy, geology] :: astrogeology
astroïde {m} [maths] :: astroid
astrolabe {m} :: astrolabe
astrolabique {adj} :: astrolabic
astrolâtrie {f} :: astrolatry
astrologie {f} :: astrology
astrologique {adj} :: astrological
astrologiquement {adv} :: astrologically
astrologue {mf} :: astrologer
astromatériau {m} :: astromaterial
astrométrie {f} [astronomy] :: astrometry
astrométrique {adj} :: astrometric
astrométriste {mf} :: astrometrist
astronaute {mf} :: astronaut (a member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft, or someone trained for that purpose)
astronautique {adj} :: astronautic
astronaval {adj} :: synonym of astronautique
astronef {m} :: spaceship, spacecraft
astronef {m} :: starship
astronome {mf} :: astronomer (one who studies astronomy)
astronomie {f} :: astronomy
astronomique {adj} :: astronomical (of or relating to astronomy)
astronomique {adj} :: astronomical (extremely large)
astronomiquement {adv} :: astronomically
astroparticule {f} :: astroparticle
astrophotographe {mf} [astronomy, photography] :: astrophotographer
astrophotographie {f} [astronomy, photography] :: astrophotography
astrophysicien {m} :: astrophysicist
astrophysicienne {f} :: feminine noun of astrophysicien
astrophysique {adj} :: astrophysical
astrophysique {f} :: astrophysics
astrosismologie {f} :: astroseismology
astrosphère {f} :: astrosphere
as-tu besoin d'aide {phrase} :: [familiar] do you need help?
astuce {f} :: Shrewdness, subtlety, astuteness
astuce {f} :: a trick, as a clever way of accomplishing something
astuce {f} :: a tip or piece of advice
astucieusement {adv} :: astutely, shrewdly, craftily
astucieux {adj} :: astute
asturien {adj} :: Asturian, of or pertaining to Asturia (in northern Spain, all senses)
asturien {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Asturian language
asturien {m} :: the Asturian language
Asturien {m} :: Asturian (person)
Asturienne {f} :: feminine noun of Asturien
Asturies {prop} {fp} :: Asturies (autonomous community/and/province)
à s'y méprendre {adv} [à] :: exactly alike, like two peas in a pod
asymétrie {f} :: asymmetry
asymétrique {adj} :: asymmetric, without symmetry
asymétriquement {adv} :: asymmetrically
asymptomatique {adj} :: asymptomatic (not exhibiting any symptoms of disease)
asymptote {f} [analysis] :: asymptote
asymptotique {adj} :: asymptotic, asymptotical
asymptotiquement {adv} :: asymptotically
asymptotisme {m} [maths] :: asymptotia
asynartète {adj} [poetry] :: asynartete
asynchrone {adj} :: asynchronous
asynchronique {adj} :: asynchronous
asynchroniquement {adv} :: asynchronically
asyndète {f} [rhetoric] :: asyndeton
asynergie {f} :: asynergy
asyntactique {adj} :: asyntactic
asystolie {f} [pathology] :: asystole
asystolique {adj} :: asystolic
-at {suffix} :: Usually denotes an action or a result of an action, as in assassinat (assassination)
-ât {suffix} :: A suffix denoting the third-person singular imperfect subjunctive form of an -er verb
à table {phrase} :: dinner's ready!
atactique {adj} [chemistry] :: atactic
ataman {m} [historical] :: ataman
à tantôt {phrase} [Belgium, colloquial] :: see you later
ataraxie {f} :: ataraxia
ataraxique {adj} :: ataraxic
à ta santé {interj} [idiomatic] :: cheers lit. "to your health" (used as a toast to drinking)
à tâtons {adv} :: hesitantly, feelingly, cautiously
ataturkiste {adj} :: Ataturkist
atavique {adj} :: atavistic
ataviquement {adv} :: atavistically
atavisme {m} :: atavism (reappearance of an ancestral characteristic)
ataxie {f} :: ataxia (pathological lack of movement coordination)
ataxique {adj} :: ataxic
atchou {interj} [rare, archaic or Quebec] :: alternative form of atchoum
atchoum {interj} :: achoo
-ate {suffix} [chemistry, in nouns] :: -ate
atèle {m} :: spider monkey (of the genus Ateles)
atélectatique {adj} :: atelectatic
atelier {m} :: workshop
atélique {adj} [linguistics] :: atelic
atélophobie {f} :: atelophobia
à tel point que {conj} :: so much so that
a tempo {adv} [music] :: return to normal tempo from a deviation
atemporel {adj} :: atemporal
à temps {adv} :: in time (sufficiently early for something)
aténolol {m} [medicine] :: atenolol
atérien {m} :: Aterian
atérien {adj} :: Aterian
à terme {adv} :: in the long run
à terme {adv} :: eventually
atermoiement {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: procrastination
atermoyer {vit} :: to procrastinate, delay
-âtes {suffix} :: Suffix forming the second-person plural past historic of -er verbs
à tes amours {interj} :: bless you
à tes souhaits {interj} :: bless you (said after a sneeze)
à tête reposée {adv} :: in the cold light of day, with a clear head, when one can give one's full attention; calmly, at one's leisure
-ateur {suffix} :: -ator
athabascan {adj} :: Athabascan
athanor {m} :: athanor
athée {adj} :: atheistic
athée {mf} :: atheist
athéisme {m} :: atheism
athéiste {mf} :: atheist
athéiste {adj} :: atheist
athéistique {adj} :: atheistic
athématique {adj} :: athematic
Athéna {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Athena (god)
athenæe {m} :: obsolete form of athénée
athénée {m} [Belgium, Luxembourg, Louisiana French] :: A type of high school; atheneum
Athènes {prop} {f} :: Athènes (capital city)
athénien {adj} :: Athenian (of, or from Athens)
Athénien {m} :: Athenian (someone from Athens)
Athénienne {f} :: feminine noun of Athénien
athéophobe {adj} :: atheophobic
athermane {adj} :: athermanous
athermique {adj} [physics] :: athermic, athermal
athermochroïque {adj} [physics] :: athermochroic
athéromateux {adj} :: atheromatous
athérome {m} [pathology] :: atheroma
athérosclérose {f} [pathology] :: atherosclerosis
athérosclérosique {adj} [pathology] :: atherosclerotic
athérure {m} :: brush-tailed porcupine
Athesans-Étroitefontaine {prop} :: A commune in Haute-Saône, France
athétose {f} :: athetosis
athétosique {adj} :: athetosic
athlète {mf} :: athlete
athlète olympique de Russie {mf} :: An Olympic athlete from Russia
athlètes olympiques de Russie {prop} {mp} :: OAR; The Olympic athletes from Russia Olympic team
athlétique {adj} :: athletic (having a muscular, well developed body, being in shape)
athlétiquement {adv} :: athletically
athlétisme {m} :: athletics; track and field
athoracique {adj} :: athoracic
athrepsie {f} [pathology] :: athrepsia
athrepsique {adj} :: athreptic
athymie {f} [pathology] :: athymia
athymique {adj} :: athymic
-atif {suffix} :: -ative
-ation {suffix} :: -ation
à tire-d'aile {adv} :: swiftly
à tire-larigot {adv} :: without limitation, excessively; left and right, like crazy
à titre de {prep} :: as; by way of
à titre indicatif {adv} :: as a guideline, roughly
atlante {m} [architecture] :: atlas
atlanthrope {m} :: A hominid of species Homo erectus (formerly Atlanthropus)
Atlantide {prop} {f} :: Atlantis
atlantique {adj} :: Atlantic
Atlantique {prop} {m} :: Atlantic
atlantisme {m} :: Atlanticism
atlantiste {m} :: Atlanticist
atlantosaure {m} :: A sauropod of the genus †Atlantosaurus
Atlas {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Atlas (son of Iapetus and Clymene, leader of the Titans ordered by Zeus to support the sky on his shoulders)
Atlas {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Atlas (moon of Saturn)
Atlas {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Atlas (star in the Pleiades)
Atlas {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Atlas (crater in the first quadrant of the moon)
Atlas {prop} {m} :: Atlas Mountains
atlasique {adj} :: Atlasic
atloïdien {adj} [anatomy] :: atloidean
atmidomètre {f} :: synonym of atmomètre
atmo- {prefix} :: Pertaining to air
atmomètre {f} :: atmometer, evaporimeter
atmosphære {f} :: obsolete form of atmosphère
atmosphère {f} :: atmosphere
atmosphérique {adj} :: atmospheric
atoca {m} [Canada, dated] :: cranberry (fruit)
atoca {m} [Canada] :: cranberry sauce
à toi l'honneur {phrase} :: after you!
atoll {m} :: atoll
à tomber par terre {adj} [colloquial, of a meal] :: to die for, finger-lickin' good, lip-smacking good, out of this world, delicious, exquisite
à tomber par terre {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: stunning, stunningly beautiful, good enough to eat
atome {m} [particle] :: atom
atome {m} [very small amount] :: scrap, jot, iota, whit
atome-gramme {m} :: gram atom
atomes crochus {mp} [figuratively] :: affinity, sympathy, chemistry
atomicité {f} [chemistry] :: atomicity
atomique {adj} :: atomic
atomiquement {adv} :: atomically
atomisation {f} :: atomization
atomiser {v} :: to atomise
atomiseur {m} :: atomizer / atomiser
atomiseur {m} :: spray, sprayer
atomisme {m} :: atomism
atomiste {m} :: atomist
atomistique {adj} :: atomistic
atonal {adj} [music] :: atonal
atonalité {f} :: atonality
atone {adj} :: expressionless
atone {adj} [linguistics] :: unstressed
atone {adj} [linguistics] :: mute
atonie {f} :: sluggishness, apathy; lifelessness
atonique {adj} :: atonic (of sound, toneless)
atopique {adj} :: atopic (of a hereditary predisposition)
à tort {adv} :: wrongfully, unjustly
à tort {adv} :: wrongly, mistakenly
à tort et à travers {adv} :: without rhyme or reason; indiscriminately
atour {m} :: attire (of women)
atour {m} [in the plural] :: finery
à tour de bras {adv} :: with all one's might
à tour de bras {adv} :: non-stop, left and right, like crazy, aplenty
à tour de rôle {adv} :: in turn, in turns, by turns, alternately
atourner {vt} [dated] ::
à tous crins {adj} :: dyed-in-the-wool; all-out, thoroughgoing
à tous les coups {adv} [colloquial] :: surely; I bet you
atout {m} [card games] :: trump
atout {m} :: advantage, asset
à tout à l'heure {phrase} :: see you later (on the same day)
à tout bout de champ {adv} [colloquial] :: constantly, at every turn, especially if inappropriate or for no good reason
à tout casser {adv} [colloquial] :: at most, tops, at the outside
à tout de suite {phrase} [colloquial] :: see you very soon, see you in a minute, see you in two shakes of a lamb's tail
à toute {phrase} [colloquial] :: see you, laters
à toute allure {adv} :: at full tilt, at top speed, at full throttle, at full pelt
à toute épreuve {adj} :: bulletproof; rock solid (extremely resistant)
à toutes fins utiles {adv} :: for your information, for your convenience, for future reference, in case it would prove useful, to whom it may serve
à toutes jambes {adv} :: as fast as one's legs can carry one, at full speed, as quick as one can
à toutes les sauces {adv} [colloquial] :: constantly, at every turn, every which way
à toute vitesse {adv} :: at full tilt, at full speed, at full throttle
à tout hasard {adv} :: on the off chance
à tout instant {adv} :: at any time, anytime, any time now, any minute now
à tout jamais {adv} :: forever and ever
à tout le moins {adv} :: at the very least, at least
à tout moment {adv} :: at any time, anytime, any time now, any minute now
à tout prendre {adv} [dated] :: all in all, all things considered
à tout prix {adv} [idiomatic] :: at all costs, by any means, no matter what
à tout propos {adv} [colloquial] :: constantly, at every turn
à tout rompre {adv} :: very strongly
à tout seigneur tout honneur {phrase} :: credit where credit's due
à tout va {adj} :: alternative form of à tout-va
à tout va {adv} :: alternative form of à tout-va
à tout-va {adj} :: excessive, immoderate, imprudent
à tout-va {adv} :: without limitation, excessively; left and right, like crazy
atoxique {adj} :: non-toxic, nontoxic
atrabilaire {adj} :: atrabilious, splenetic, cantankerous
atrabile {m} :: black bile
atrabilieux {adj} :: synonym of atrabilaire
atramentaire {adj} :: atramental, atramentarious, inky
à travers {prep} :: through
à travers {prep} :: across (from one side to the other)
à travers {prep} :: throughout
à travers champs {adv} [figuratively] :: cross lots, across the fields
-âtre {suffix} [especially, colours] :: -ish
-âtre {suffix} :: Used to form pejoratives
âtre {m} :: hearth
âtre {adj} :: dark, matte black
atrésie {f} [pathology] :: atresia
atriau {m} [Switzerland] :: A type of round sausage
-atrice {suffix} :: -(at)rix, -ess
atrium {m} :: atrium
atroce {adj} :: atrocious
atroce {adj} :: terrible, dreadful
atroce {adj} :: inhuman, savage, cruel
atrocement {adv} :: atrociously
atrocement {adv} :: terribly, dreadfully
atrocement {adv} :: inhumanly, savagely, cruelly
atrocité {f} :: atrocity
atrophie {f} :: atrophy
atrophier {vtr} :: atrophy (wither)
atrophique {adj} :: atrophic
atropine {f} [organic compound] :: atropine
Atsuko {prop} :: given name
attablé {adj} :: seated at a table
attabler {v} :: to sit down at the table
attachant {adj} :: endearing, cute
attaché-case {m} :: attaché case
attaché de presse {m} :: press secretary, press officer, press attaché
attachement {m} :: attachment
attache parisienne {f} :: brass fastener
attacher {v} :: to affix, bind, tie something to something else, especially with rope
attacher {v} [usually, passive] :: to attach (durably bind, tie via links of emotional or physical dependence)
attacher {vp} :: to become attached, become fond of (grow emotionally bound to)
attacher {v} :: to attach, attribute (a certain quality or value to)
attacher {vr} [with à] :: to exert oneself, to make an effort, to make a commitment
attacher à la même réalité {v} :: To have the same understanding of what is going on
attacher le grelot {v} [figuratively] :: to bell the cat, to take one for the team
attacher Pierre avec Paul {v} [idiomatic] :: to fasten a button in the wrong buttonhole
attacher sa tuque {v} [Quebec, colloquial, idiomatic] :: To brace oneself; to get ready
attagène {m} :: carpet beetle (of the genus Attagenus and certain others of the family Dermestidae)
Attalie {prop} {f} :: Attalia
attaquable {adj} :: attackable
attaquant {m} :: attacker, assailant
attaquant {m} [soccer] :: forward, striker, attacker
attaquante {f} :: feminine noun of attaquant
attaque {f} :: attack
attaque {f} [phonology] :: onset of a syllable
attaque cérébrale {f} [medicine] :: stroke
attaquer {vt} :: to attack
attarder {vt} [rare] :: to delay; make late
attarder {vr} :: to linger; stay late
atteignable {adj} :: attainable, achievable
atteignement {m} [archaic] :: attainment (reaching)
atteindre {v} :: to attain
atteindre {v} :: to reach
atteindre {v} :: to accomplish
atteindre {v} :: to achieve
atteindre des sommets {v} :: to go through the roof, to go through the ceiling, to reach new heights, to reach an all-time high
atteinte {f} :: attack (à on)
attelage {m} :: coupling, hitch
attelage {m} :: team (of horses, etc)
attelage {m} :: yoke (of oxen)
attelage {m} [equestrian] :: combined driving
atteler {vt} :: to harness, yoke, hitch (e.g. a horse to a wagon)
atteler {vr} :: to get down to, apply oneself to
atteleur {m} [rail transport] :: The person who couples carriages together
atteleuse {f} :: feminine noun of atteleur
attelle {f} :: hame (on a horse)
attelle {f} :: splint
attenance {f} :: dependence, domination, subjugation
attenant {adj} :: adjacent (à to)
attendre {vt} :: to wait for, to await
attendre {v} :: to expect
attendre {vr} [followed by à] :: to expect
attendre {v} [Louisiana French] :: alternative form of entendre, to hear
attendre comme le Messie {vt} [simile] :: to wait for (something or someone) like the arrival of the Messiah, to wait for (something or someone) impatiently (as if it or they were a savior)
attendre famille {v} :: to be expecting a baby
attendre son heure {v} :: to bide one's time
attendre un heureux événement {v} :: To be pregnant
attendrir {v} :: to make softer or more tender; to soften
attendrir {v} [figuratively, of a person] :: to soften (up)
attendrir {vr} [s'attendrir] :: to soften up (become softer)
attendrissant {adj} :: heart-warming
attendrissement {m} :: emotion, (tender) feeling; pity
attendrisseur {m} :: tenderizer
attendu {adj} :: awaited, anticipated
attendu {adj} :: expected
attenir {vi} [archaic, inanimate] :: to border; be next to; abut
attentat {m} :: attack, assault (illegal act of violence toward another)
attentat à la pudeur {m} [law] :: indecent exposure
attentatoire {adj} :: detrimental
attentatoire {adj} :: intrusive
attentat-suicide {m} :: suicide attack
attente {f} :: wait (the time that one is waiting or the state of waiting)
attente {f} :: expectation (act or state of expecting)
attente {f} :: shoulder strap insignia (military) [1] [2] [3]
attenter {v} [followed by the preposition à] :: to assault
attentif {adj} :: attentive
attentif {adj} :: careful (cautious)
attention {f} :: attention, (mental focus)
attention {f} :: vigilance
attention {f} :: attention (concern for or interest in)
attention {f} :: consideration, thoughtfulness
attention {interj} :: look out! watch out! careful!
attentionné {adj} :: thoughtful, considerate
attentionné {adj} :: attentive
attentionnel {adj} :: attentional
attentisme {m} :: Attentisme
attentiste {adj} :: wait-and-see (prudent and opportunistic)
attentiste {mf} :: A person who adopts such a policy
attentivement {adv} :: attentively
atténuant {adj} :: extenuating
atténuateur {m} :: attenuator
atténuatif {adj} :: attenuative
atténuation {f} :: attenuation
atténué {adj} :: attenuated
atténué {adj} :: mitigated
atténuer {v} :: attenuate, mitigate
attérir {v} :: dated form of atterrir
atterrage {m} :: landing (of a ship)
atterrage {m} :: touch down (of an aircraft)
atterré {adj} :: appalled
atterré {adj} :: shattered, devastated
atterrer {vt} :: to fell
atterrer {vt} :: to appal
atterrer {vi} :: to land (a ship); to touchdown (an aircraft)
atterrir {vi} :: To land (a plane, helicopter etc.)
atterrissage {m} :: landing on the ground; touchdown (of an aircraft)
atterrissement {m} :: landing (on solid land)
atterrisseur {m} :: undercarriage, landing gear (of an aircraft)
attestataire {adj} :: attestative, supportive
attestation {f} :: certificate
attestation {f} :: testimonial
attestation {f} :: attestation
attestation {f} :: statement
attestation {f} :: declaration
attestation {f} :: affidavit
attesté {adj} :: attested
attester {v} :: to attest; to support with evidence
atticisme {m} :: Atticism
attiédir {vt} :: To warm
attiédir {vr} :: To become warm
attiédissement {m} :: warming
attiédissement {m} :: cooling off (of enthusiasm etc)
attifé {adj} :: decked out
attifement {m} :: decoration, decking out
attifer {vt} [colloquial] :: to deck out
attiger {v} :: synonym of exagérer
attingible {adj} :: synonym of atteignable
attique {m} :: penthouse flat / apartment
attique {adj} :: Attic
attique {adj} :: delicate
attique {adj} :: elegant
Attique {prop} :: Attique (region)
attiquement {adv} :: delicately
attiquement {adv} :: elegantly
attirable {adj} :: attractable
attirail {m} :: paraphernalia, equipment
attirance {f} :: attraction (the state of feeling attraction)
attirance {f} :: attraction (the state of being attractive)
attirant {adj} :: attractive
attirer {v} :: to attract
attirer {v} :: to lure, to entice
attisement {m} :: rekindling
attiser {vt} :: to stir up (fire); to rekindle
attiser {vt} [figuratively] :: to fan the flames of, to stir up (emotion etc.); to inflame
attisoir {m} :: poker (tool for stoking a fire)
attitré {adj} :: certified, recognized (professionally)
attitude {f} :: attitude, position
atto- {prefix} :: atto-
attogramme {m} :: attogram, attogramme
attokatal {m} :: Attokatal
attométrique {adj} :: attometric
attorney {m} :: attorney
attouchement {m} :: touching, fondling, stroking; feel (sexual)
attouchement {m} [geometry] :: tangent point
attracteur {adj} :: attracting
attracteur {m} [mathematics] :: attractor
attractif {adj} :: attractive
attraction {f} :: attraction (all senses)
attractivité {f} :: attractivity
attraiant {adj} :: obsolete spelling of attrayant
attraire {v} [obsolete] :: To attract (be attractive)
attraire {v} [obsolete, legal] :: To sue
attrait {m} :: appeal, attraction
attrapade {f} :: reprimand, talking-to, reproach
attrapage {m} :: synonym of attrapade
attrape-mouche {m} :: flypaper
attrape-mouche {m} :: flytrap (all senses)
attrape-nigaud {m} :: sucker trap
attraper {v} :: to trap (to capture in a trap)
attraper {v} :: to catch (e.g. a ball)
attraper {v} [figurative] :: to catch (a cold etc.)
attrape-rêves {m} :: dreamcatcher (ritual object)
attraper froid {v} [colloquial] :: to catch a cold
attraper la grosse tête {v} :: synonym of prendre la grosse tête
attrapeur de rêves {m} :: dreamcatcher
attrayable {adj} [obsolete, legal] :: suable
attrayant {adj} :: attractive
attribuable {adj} :: attributable
attribuer {v} :: to grant, to award
attribuer {v} :: to give credit to, to recognize
attribuer {v} :: to attribute to, to ascribe to
attribuer {vp} [s'attribuer] :: to take the credit for, to give oneself priority over others
attribut {m} :: attribute (characteristic or quality)
attribut {m} [grammar] :: predicative
attribut {m} [object-oriented programming] :: attribute
attributaire {m} :: grantee
attributaire {m} :: Person awarded a prize, inheritance etc
attributeur {adj} :: synonym of attributif
attributif {adj} :: attributive (of, or being an attributive)
attribution {f} :: allocation, allotment
attribution {f} [in the plural] :: remit, duty
attriquer {v} :: To buy on credit
attrister {v} :: to sadden, to make sad
attrition {f} :: attrition
attroupement {m} :: gathering (of people), mob (large or disorderly group of people, especially one bent on riotous or destructive action)
attroupement {m} :: gathering, mobbing (action of crowding into or around a place in a disorganized and possibly riotous manner)
attrouper {v} :: to gather (a group of people) together, to assemble
à tue-tête {adv} :: at the top of one's voice, at the top of one's lungs
atypie {f} :: atypia
atypique {adj} :: atypical
atypiquement {adv} :: atypically (in a way which is not typical)
au {contraction} :: contraction of à le
aubade {f} :: aubade (song; poem)
aubade {f} :: aubade (love song)
aubain {m} [historic] :: A foreigner who was not naturalised, and who had few rights
aubaine {m} :: the inheritance of goods belonging to a foreigner who died in a country where they have not been naturalised (the doctrine of droit d'aubaine)
aubaine {m} :: godsend, boon, windfall
aubaine {m} :: bargain
au bas mot {adv} :: at least, at the very least, at the lowest estimate
aube {f} :: dawn, sunrise, daybreak
aube {f} :: beginning
aube {f} [religion] :: alb
aube {f} [technology] :: paddle, blade
aube {f} :: vane (of windmill)
aube {f} :: small plank
Aube {prop} :: Aube
au beau fixe {adj} :: excellent, consistently good, stable, set fair, favorable
au beau milieu de {adv} :: slap bang in the middle of, smack bang in the middle of, right in the middle of
aubépine {f} :: hawthorn (type of shrub)
au berceau {adv} [idiomatic, figuratively] :: in (its) infancy, at an early stage
aubère {adj} :: of a light bay colour
aubère {m} :: A horse of this colour
auberge {f} :: hostel
auberge {f} [slang] :: prison
auberge de jeunesse {f} :: A youth hostel, supervised, inexpensive lodging place, primarily for young people
auberge espagnole {f} [idiomatic] :: potluck (potluck dinner)
auberge espagnole {f} [idiomatic] :: cultural melting pot
aubergine {f} :: eggplant; aubergine
aubergine {f} [historical] :: A French female traffic warden (from the colour of their uniforms; more recently pervenche)
aubergiste {mf} :: innkeeper, landlord
au besoin {adv} :: if need be
aubette {f} :: a small house or lodge
aubette {f} :: guardhouse, sentry-box
aubette {f} :: bus shelter
aubier {m} :: sapwood, alburnum
aubin {m} :: canter (horse gait)
Aubin {prop} {m} :: given name
Aubin {prop} {m} :: surname
aubois {adj} :: Of or from Aube
au bord de {prep} :: by, beside, next to, on the side of, on the edge of
au bord de {prep} [figuratively] :: on the verge of, on the brink of
au bout de {prep} :: at the end of
au bout de {prep} :: after
au bout du compte {adv} :: all things considered, after all, in the end
au bout du rouleau {adj} :: at the end of one's tether, at one's wit's end
aubryiste {mf} :: Aubryist
aubryiste {adj} :: Aubryist
aubryste {adj} :: Aubryist
aubryste {mf} :: Aubryist
auburnien {adj} :: Of or from Auburn
auburnien {adj} :: relating to the Auburn system
au cas où {conj} :: in case (+ conditional or subjunctive)
au cas où {adv} :: just in case
au cas par cas {adv} :: on a case-by-case basis, individually
Auch {prop} :: A town in the Gers department of Midi-Pyrénées
Auch {prop} :: surname, a habitational name from the town
au chômage {adj} :: unemployed
Auckland {prop} :: Auckland (city)
au coin {adv} :: on the naughty step, in the corner
Aucoin {prop} :: surname
au compte-goutte {adv} :: in dribs and drabs
au compte-gouttes {adv} :: in dribs and drabs
au contraire {adv} :: on the contrary, quite the contrary, quite the opposite; au contraire
au courant {adj} :: up to date, abreast
au cours de {prep} :: during, throughout, in the course of
auctorial {adj} :: auctorial
aucuba {m} :: aucuba
aucun {adj} :: no, none, not any
aucun {pron} :: none, no-one
aucune {pron} :: feminine singular of aucun
aucunement {adv} [dated] :: at all
Aucunois {m} :: inhabitant of Aucun, a commune in the Hautes-Pyrénées department in southwestern France
Aucunoise {f} :: feminine singular of Aucunois
aucun rapport avec la choucroute {phrase} [colloquial] :: what does that have to do with the price of tea in China
-aud {suffix} :: A suffix appended to forenames, especially those of Germanic origin
-aud {suffix} :: An augmentative suffix
-aud {suffix} :: Used to create diminutives, or nouns having a pejorative connotation
audace {f} :: audacity, boldness
audace {f} :: audacity, impudence
audacieusement {adv} :: boldly, audaciously
audacieux {adj} :: bold, audacious (courageous, daring)
Aude {prop} {f} :: given name
Aude {prop} {f} :: Aude (department)
Aude {prop} {f} :: Aude (river)
au débotté {adv} [archaic] :: as soon as one arrives, as soon as one gets home
au débotté {adv} :: off the cuff, without preparation
au débotté {adv} :: unexpectedly, without warning
au début {adv} [colloquial] :: initially, at first
au-deçà {adv} :: beneath; below
au-dedans {adv} :: inside, within
au-dehors {adv} :: outside
au-delà {prep} :: beyond
au-delà {m} :: the afterlife
au demeurant {adv} [literary] :: moreover; for that matter, as it happens
au départ {adv} [colloquial] :: originally, initially
au-dessous {prep} [with de] :: beneath, below
au-dessus {adv} :: above
au-dessus de {prep} :: above
Audet {prop} :: surname
au détour de {prep} :: during, in the course of
au détriment de {prep} :: to the detriment of, at the expense of (someone), at the cost of (something)
Audette {prop} :: surname
au-devant {adv} :: in front (of)
au diable {phrase} :: to hell with
au diable-vauvert {adv} :: far away
audibilité {f} :: audibility
audible {adj} :: audible
audience {f} :: audience, viewer
audiencier {m} [legal] :: A bailiff in certain French courts
audiencière {f} :: feminine singular of audiencier
audimat {m} :: ratings (TV)
audimutité {f} [pathology] :: A form of mutism in which the sense of hearing is still present
audio- {prefix} :: audio-
audio {adj} :: audio
audioconférence {f} :: audioconference
audiofréquence {f} :: audio frequency
audiogramme {m} :: audiogram
audiographe {m} :: audiograph
audiomètre {m} :: audiometer
audiométrie {f} :: audiometry
audiométrique {adj} :: audiometric
audionumérique {adj} [of a sound recording] :: digital
audiophone {m} :: A type of small hearing aid
audioprothèse {f} :: hearing aid
audioprothésiste {mf} :: hearing aid technician
audio-visuel {adj} :: alternative form of audiovisuel
audiovisuel {adj} :: audiovisual
au dire de {prep} [somewhat, formal] :: according to
audit {contraction} :: contraction of à + ledit
audit {m} :: audit
auditer {v} :: to audit
auditeur {m} :: auditor
auditeur {m} :: listener (someone who listens)
auditeur {m} [legal] :: recorder (type of judge)
auditif {adj} :: aural, auditory, auditive
audition {f} :: audition (all senses)
auditionner {v} :: to audition
auditoire {m} :: audience, auditory
auditoire {m} [legal] :: court (people in the courtroom)
auditoire {m} :: auditorium (hall)
auditoire {m} [Belgium] :: lecture theatre, lecture hall
auditorat {m} :: auditorship
auditorium {m} :: auditorium
auditrice {f} :: feminine noun of auditeur
au doigt et à l'œil {adv} [figuratively] :: slavishly, strictly
au doigt mouillé {prep} [colloquial] :: by the seat of one's pants, as a rule of thumb
audois {adj} :: Of or relating to the French department of Aude
Audrey {prop} :: given name borrowed from English, popular in the 1980s
au fait {adj} [followed by de] :: au fait
au fait {adv} :: by the way
Auf der Maur {prop} :: Auf der Maur; surname
au feu {interj} :: fire! (A cry of distress indicating that something is on fire)
au fil de {prep} :: in the course of, over the course of
au final {adv} [colloquial] :: in the end, after all, eventually, finally
au fond {adv} :: See: fr at the back in the depths
au fond {adv} [figuratively] :: deep down, in the end
au four {adv} :: in the oven
au four {adj} :: baked (cooked in an oven)
au fur et à mesure {conj} [idiomatic] :: in keeping with (progressively, in sequence)
au fur et à mesure {adv} :: bit by bit, gradually
auge {f} :: trough (long, narrow container for feeding animals)
auge {f} [masonry] :: mixing tub, mortar box (pan or tub for mixing mortar)
auge {f} :: bucket (of a water wheel)
auge {f} [anatomy] :: intermandibular region (of a horse or other mammal)
auger {v} :: to dig in order to get the shape of a trough
auger {v} :: to bend a piece of flat iron into the shape of a gutter, of an eavestrough
Auger {prop} :: surname
augeron {adj} :: Of or from pays d'Auge
augeron {m} :: Augeron (dialect)
auget {m} :: A small feeding trough for cage-birds
auget {m} :: The bucket of a waterwheel
augite {f} [mineral] :: augite
augment {m} [medieval law] :: part of the estates which the widow could inherit
augment {m} [grammar] :: augment
augmentable {adj} :: augmentable
augmentateur {adj} :: augmentative
augmentatif {adj} :: augmentative
augmentatif {m} [grammar] :: augmentative
augmentation {f} :: An increase, a raise
augmentation {f} :: A pay raise
augmenter {vt} [ergative] :: to increase
augmenter {vi} [ergative] :: to increase, to augment
au goût du jour {adj} :: in fashion, in line with current tastes
au grand air {adv} :: in the open air, out in the open outdoors
au grand dam de {phrase} :: to the great displeasure of
au grand jamais {adv} [formal] :: never ever
au grand jour {adv} [idiomatic] :: in broad daylight, in the open
au grand regret de {phrase} :: to the great displeasure of
au gré de {prep} :: in the course of, over the course of
Augsbourg {prop} {m} :: Augsbourg (city)
augural {adj} :: prophetic
augural {adj} :: (after the first meaning) frightening
augure {m} :: augury
augurer {v} :: to augur, foresee
augustal {adj} :: Augustan
augustal {adj} :: imperial
auguste {adj} :: august; noble, stately
auguste {m} :: A type of clown with a white makeup
Auguste {prop} :: Augustus, the Roman emperor
Auguste {prop} :: given name
augustéen {adj} :: Augustan
augustement {adv} :: augustly
augustin {adj} :: Augustinian
Augustin {prop} :: given name
Augustine {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Augustin
augustinien {adj} :: Augustinian
augustinisme {m} :: Augustinism
au hasard {adv} :: randomly, at random (by using random selection)
au hasard {adv} :: to and fro, here and there, hither and thither
auj. {adv} :: abbreviation of aujourd'hui
aujd {adv} [Internet slang, texting] :: abbreviation of aujourd'hui
au jour d'aujourd'hui {adv} :: as of today, as things currently stand; at the present time
aujourd'hui {adv} :: today
aujourd'hui {adv} :: nowadays
aujourd'hui {m} :: today
au jour le jour {adv} :: from day to day, one day at a time, hand-to-mouth
au juste {adv} [colloquial] :: exactly
aulacode {m} :: cane rat, grasscutter
au large {adv} :: offshore, out to sea
au large de {prep} :: off the coast of
aulétride {f} [historical] :: auletris
au lieu de {prep} :: See: fr au lieu de
au lieu de {prep} :: instead of
aulique {adj} :: aulic
aulique {f} :: aulic
au lit {adv} [sexuality, figuratively] :: in bed
au lit {interj} :: to bed! off to bed! sleepy time!
aulne {m} :: alder, alnus
aulne glutineux {m} :: black alder, European alder (Alnus glutinosa)
aulne noir {m} :: black alder, European alder (Alnus glutinosa)
aulne poisseux {m} :: black alder, European alder (Alnus glutinosa)
au long de {prep} :: during; throughout
aumaille {f} [obsolete] :: livestock, cattle
au même titre que {conj} :: as well as
au meurtre {interj} :: murder! murderer!
au mieux {adv} :: at best
au milieu de {adv} :: in the middle of
au milieu de nulle part {adv} [colloquial, pejorative] :: in the sticks, in the middle of nowhere
au minimum {adv} :: at least
au moins {adv} :: at least, at a minimum
au moment où {conj} :: as, when, as soon as
au monde {prep} :: in the world, on the face of the earth
aumône {f} :: alms
aumône {f} [by extension] :: a small, insulting sum of money
aumônerie {f} :: chaplaincy
aumônier {m} [originally] :: almoner
aumônier {m} [religion] :: chaplain
aumônière {f} :: feminine noun of aumônier
aumônière {f} [religion, historical] :: purse
au motif que {conj} :: arguing that, on the grounds that, on the pretext that
au moyen de {prep} :: by means of (by using the thing specified)
au naturel {adv} :: naturally
au naturel {adv} :: in the nude
au naturel {adv} :: most simply, most plainly
au naturel {adv} :: (food) without seasoning, flavouring or dressing
au naturel {adv} [heraldry] :: proper
à un de ces quatre {interj} [colloquial] :: see you, later
aune {f} [historical, unit of length] :: ell
aune {f} [by extension] :: measuring rod of one ell
aune {f} [figuratively] :: yardstick (standard to which other comparisons are judged)
aune {m} :: alternative spelling of aulne
auner {v} :: to measure in ells
au nez et à la barbe {prep} [colloquial, followed by de] :: right under someone's nose
à un jet de pierre {adv} [figuratively] :: At a short distance, a stone's throw away, nearby
au noir {prep} :: illegally, cash in hand
au nom de {prep} :: on behalf of (speaking or acting for)
au nom de {prep} :: in the name of
au nom du ciel {interj} :: in heaven's name!
au pair {adj} :: working for food and housing
auparavant {adv} :: beforehand, previously
au parfum {adj} [colloquial] :: in the know, in the picture; up to speed
au pas de charge {adv} [colloquial] :: on the double, at a run
au pas de course {adv} [colloquial] :: on the double, at a run
au pas de gymnastique {adv} [colloquial] :: on the double, at a run
au péril de sa vie {adv} :: at the risk of one's life, risking life and limb
au petit bonheur {adv} :: haphazardly, without planning
au petit bonheur la chance {adv} :: alternative form of au petit bonheur
au pied {interj} :: to heel!
au pied de la lettre {adv} :: to the letter, literally
au pied du mur {adj} [figuratively] :: cornered, up against the wall, up against it
au pied levé {adv} :: at a moment's notice, at the last minute, without preparation
au pif {adv} [colloquial, idiom] :: approximately, roughly
au pire {adv} [colloquial] :: at worst, worst case scenario
au plus {adv} [colloquial] :: at most, tops, at the very most, at the outside
au plus haut point {adv} :: intensely, very much, really, thoroughly, absolutely, most, to the utmost
au plus tard {adv} :: at the latest, at a push, no later than
au plus tôt {adv} :: at the earliest, no sooner than
au plus tôt {adv} :: as soon as possible
au plus vite {adv} :: ASAP
au point {adj} :: ready, functional
au point de {prep} [followed by an infinitive] :: to the point of, so much so that
au possible {adv} :: extremely
au pouvoir {adj} :: in power
au préalable {adv} :: beforehand, first
au préjudice de {prep} [formal] :: to the detriment of, at the expense of (someone), at the cost of (something)
au premier abord {adv} :: at first, at first sight, at first glance, on first impression
au premier chef {adv} [formal, literary] :: primarily, most of all, first and foremost, chiefly
auprès {adv} :: nearby
auprès {prep} :: near to, by, close to
auprès {prep} :: compared to, in comparison to
auprès {prep} :: to (directed at)
au prix de {prep} :: at the cost of, at the expense of (something)
au profit de {prep} :: to the benefit of, for the benefit of, in favour of; in aid of
au propre {adv} :: in order to improve the appearance
au propre {adv} [linguistics] :: literally, in the literal sense
au quart de tour {adv} [colloquial] :: in no time, straight off
auquel {pron} :: to which, at which
auquel cas {adv} [conjunctive] :: in which case; then
au quotidien {prep} :: on a daily basis, daily, everyday
aura {f} :: aura
aural {adj} :: aural (relating to sound)
au ralenti {adv} [figuratively] :: in slow motion, at a slower pace, slowly
auranofine {m} [medicine] :: auranofin
aurantiacé {adj} :: aurantiaceous
au ras de {prep} [Louisiana French] :: near
au ras des pâquerettes {prep} [colloquial] :: very close to the ground
au ras des pâquerettes {prep} [colloquial, pejorative, figuratively] :: very basic, lowbrow, unrefined (almost to the point of being coarse, crude, crass)
au regard de {prep} :: given, in view of, in light of
Aurélia {prop} {f} :: given name
Aurélie {prop} {f} :: given name
Aurélien {prop} :: given name
auréole {f} :: halo (all senses)
auréolé {adj} :: [~ de] basking in the glory of
auréoler {v} :: To surround with a halo
auréoler {v} :: To glorify
auréomycine {f} :: aureomycin, chlortetracycline
au reste {adv} :: besides, moreover
aureux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: aurous
au revoir {interj} :: goodbye
Auriane {prop} [rare] :: given name
auriculaire {m} :: little finger (outermost and smallest finger of the hand), auricular
auriculaire {adj} :: auricular
auricule {f} :: auricula
auriculiforme {adj} :: auriculiform
auriculoventriculaire {adj} [anatomy] :: atrioventricular
aurifère {adj} :: auriferous, aurous (gold-bearing)
aurification {f} :: aurification
aurifier {v} :: To fill (a tooth cavity) with gold
aurifique {adj} :: aurific
auriforme {adj} :: auriform
aurige {m} :: charioteer
aurignacien {adj} :: Aurignacian
Aurigny {prop} :: Alderney
Auriol {prop} :: a French surname
Auriol {prop} :: Vincent Auriol, French politician
auripenne {adj} :: golden-winged
aurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: auric
au risque de {prep} :: at the risk of
auriverde {adj} :: Brazilian
aurochs {m} :: aurochs
aurone {f} :: southernwood
aurophile {adj} :: aurophilic
aurophilique {adj} :: aurophilic
aurore {f} :: aurora
aurore {f} :: dawn
Aurore {prop} :: given name
aurore boréale {f} :: northern lights, aurora borealis (the aurora of the northern hemisphere)
au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois {proverb} :: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
aurure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: auride
auscitain {adj} :: Of or from Auch
auscultateur {adj} :: auscultatory
auscultation {f} :: auscultation
auscultatoire {adj} :: auscultatory
ausculter {v} [medicine] :: to perform auscultation
au secours {interj} :: help! (A cry of distress)
au sein de {prep} :: within, inside, in the midst
Ausone {prop} {m} :: Ausonius (Roman poet)
au sortir de {prep} [literary] :: at the end of
auspice {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: omen; auspices
auspicieux {adj} :: auspicious
aussi {adv} :: too, also, as well
aussi {adv} :: as
aussi {conj} :: therefore
aussière {f} [nautical] :: hawser
aussi sec {adv} [colloquial] :: at once, right away
aussitost {adv} :: obsolete spelling of aussitôt
aussitôt {adv} :: immediately
aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait {phrase} :: no sooner said than done
aussitôt que {conj} :: once, as soon as
aussitte {adv} [Louisiana French, Missouri] :: also, too
austenien {adj} :: Austenian
austénite {m} :: austenite
austénitique {adj} :: austenitic
austère {adj} :: austere
austèrement {adv} :: austerely
austéritaire {adj} [economics] :: austerity (attributive)
austérité {f} :: austerity, severity
austérité {f} :: destitution
austinien {adj} :: Austinian
austral {adj} :: austral
Australie {prop} {f} :: Australie (continent)
australien {adj} :: Australian; related to Australia
Australien {m} :: Australian (inhabitant)
Australienne {f} :: Australian, someone from Australia
Australie-Occidentale {prop} {f} :: Australie-Occidentale (state)
australoide {mf} :: Australoid
australoide {adj} :: Australoid (attributive)
australopithèque {m} :: Australopithecus
austroasiatique {adj} :: Austroasiatic
austrofascisme {m} :: Austrofascism
austrofasciste {adj} :: Austrofascist
austro-hongrois {adj} :: Austro-Hungarian
austromarxisme {m} :: Austromarxism
austromarxiste {adj} :: Austromarxist
Austronésie {prop} {f} :: Austronesia
austronésien {adj} :: Austronesian
au sujet de {prep} :: about
au surplus {adv} [dated, literary] :: moreover, furthermore
autan {m} :: Either of two winds that blow in parts of southern France
autant {adv} :: so much
autant {adv} :: as much as
autant {adv} :: as far as
autant {adv} :: as much (as), as many (as)
autant pour moi {interj} :: my bad, my mistake, silly me, I stand corrected
autant que faire se peut {adv} :: if at all possible, if possible
au taquet {adj} [colloquial] :: on fire, full on, on top of it, raring to go, very motivated; on the ball, on the alert, on the lookout (very alert and efficient in one's work, very aware of one's surroundings; ready to seize an opportunity)
autarchie {f} :: autarchy
autarchique {adj} :: autarchic
autarcie {f} :: autarky
autarcique {adj} :: autarkic
autécologie {f} :: autecology
autel {m} :: altar (in a church)
au temps pour moi {interj} :: alternative spelling of autant pour moi
auteur {m} :: author
auteur {m} :: composer, artist
auteur {m} :: inventor (of discovery); perpetrator (of crime); leader (of rebellion etc.)
auteur-compositeur {m} :: songwriter
auteur-compositeur-interprète {m} :: singer-songwriter
auteure {f} :: feminine noun of auteur
Authement {prop} :: surname
authenticité {f} :: authenticity
authentification {f} :: authentication
authentifier {v} :: to authenticate
authentique {adj} :: authentic, real, genuine
authentiquement {adv} :: authentically
authentiquer {v} :: to authenticate
authigène {adj} [geology] :: authigenic
autisme {m} [pathology] :: autism
autiste {adj} :: autistic
autiste {mf} :: someone who is autistic
autistique {adj} :: autistic
auto- {prefix} :: auto- (regarding oneself)
auto- {prefix} :: auto- (automatic)
auto- {prefix} :: auto- (relating to cars)
auto {f} :: car
auto-accusation {f} :: alternative form of autoaccusation
autoaccusation {f} :: self-incrimination
auto-adhésif {adj} :: alternative form of autoadhésif
autoadhésif {adj} :: self-adhesive
autoadjoint {adj} [maths] :: self-adjoint
auto-allumage {m} :: alternative form of autoallumage
autoallumage {m} :: preignition
autoanalyser {v} [psychotherapy] :: To undergo self-analysis
autoassemblage {m} :: self-assembly
autoassimiler {v} :: To autoassimilate
autoberge {f} :: A major road that runs along a riverbank
autobiographie {f} :: autobiography
autobiographique {adj} :: autobiographical
autobiographiquement {adv} :: autobiographically
autoboxing {m} [object-oriented] :: autoboxing
autobronzant {adj} :: self-tanning
autobronzant {m} :: self-tanning cream
autobus {m} :: bus, coach (vehicle)
autocar {m} :: motorcoach, bus, coach (vehicle)
autocassable {adj} [of the neck of an ampoule] :: snap-off
autocatalytique {adj} [chemistry] :: autocatalytic
autocatégorisation {f} :: autocategorization
autocatégoriser {v} :: To autocategorize
autocensure {f} :: self-censorship
autocentré {adj} :: self-centered
autocéphale {adj} :: autocephalous
autochauffant {adj} :: self-heating
autochenille {f} :: half-track
autochore {adj} [botany] :: autochorous
autochorie {f} [biology] :: autochory
autochtone {adj} [rare] :: From the earth, ground, soil
autochtone {adj} [of a person, race, language or the like] :: Autochthonous, native, indigenous, aboriginal
autochtone {adj} [by extension] :: Of or pertaining to indigenous peoples, or land occupied by them
autochtone {adj} :: Natural, native, innate (to a person)
autochtone {mf} :: a local, a native, an autochthon
autocicatrisant {adj} :: self-healing
autocinétique {adj} :: autokinetic
autoclassifier {v} [computing] :: to autoclassify
autoclave {m} :: autoclave
autocollant {adj} :: self-adhesive
autocollant {m} :: A sticker, an adhesive label or decal
autocompactant {adj} :: self-compacting (typically of concrete)
autocompiler {v} :: to autocompile
autocondensation {f} [chemistry] :: autocondensation
autoconsommation {f} [economics] :: consumption of goods or services by the person/company/country that produces it
autocontradiction {f} [logic] :: self-contradiction
autocopiant {adj} :: carbonless (of copying paper)
autocopie {f} :: A copy made using carbonless copy paper
autocorrélation {f} [statistics] :: autocorrelation
autocorrélogramme {m} [statistics] :: autocorrelogram
autocorriger {v} :: To self-correct
autocrate {mf} :: autocrat (ruler with absolute power)
autocratie {f} :: autocracy (form of government)
autocratique {adj} :: autocratic
autocratique {adj} :: authoritarian
autocratiquement {adv} :: autocratically
autocritique {f} :: self-criticism
autocuiseur {m} :: pressure cooker [cooking vessel]
autodafé {m} :: auto da fe
autodéclaré {adj} :: self-declared
auto-défense {f} :: alternative form of autodéfense
autodéfense {f} :: self-defense
autodégradable {adj} :: autodegradable
autodénommé {adj} :: self-styled
autodérision {f} :: self-mockery, self-deprecation
autodescriptif {adj} :: autodescriptive
autodestructeur {adj} :: self-destructive (that causes injury to oneself or harm to one's interests)
autodestruction {f} :: self-destruction (voluntary destruction of something by itself)
autodétermination {f} :: self-determination
autodéterminer {v} :: to self-determine
autodétruire {v} :: To self-destruct
autodidacte {adj} :: self-taught
autodidacte {mf} :: autodidact
autodidactique {adj} :: autodidactic
autodiégétique {adj} :: autodiegetic
autodiffusion {f} [physics] :: autodiffusion
autodirecteur {adj} :: self-seeking
autodiscipline {f} :: self-discipline
autodissolution {f} :: self-dissolution (of a parliament etc)
autodissoudre {v} :: To dissolve oneself (of a parliament etc)
autodrome {m} :: autodrome
autodualité {f} [maths] :: autoduality
autoduplication {f} [genetics] :: self-replication
autodynamique {adj} :: autodynamic
auto-école {f} :: driving school
auto-entrepreneur {m} :: sole trader (person)
autoentrepreneur {m} :: alternative form of auto-entrepreneur
autoentrepreneuse {f} :: feminine singular of autoentrepreneur
auto-entreprise {f} :: sole trader (organization)
autoérotique {adj} :: autoerotic (masturbatory)
autoextinguible {adj} :: self-extinguishing
autofellation {f} :: autofellatio (oral stimulation of one's own penis)
autofiction {f} :: faction (blend of fact and fiction)
autofictionnel {adj} :: autofictional
autofinancement {m} :: self-financing, self-funding
autofinancer {v} :: to self-finance
autofocus {m} :: autofocus (lens system)
autoformation {f} :: autodidacticism, self-education
autogame {adj} [botany] :: autogamous
autogamie {f} :: autogamy
autogène {adj} :: autogenous
autogérer {v} :: to self-manage; to run oneself
autogestion {f} :: self-management (joint control by workers and management)
autogestionnaire {mf} :: A person who is in favour of joint control by workers and management
autogire {m} :: autogiro
autoglorificateur {adj} :: self-aggrandizing
autoglorification {f} :: self-aggrandizement
autographe {m} :: autograph
autographie {f} :: autography
autographier {v} :: To autograph (write a document using handwriting)
autographique {adj} :: autographic
autoguidé {adj} :: self-guided, homing
autoharpe {f} [musical instruments] :: autoharp
autoinductance {f} [physics] :: self-inductance
autoinoculable {adj} :: autoinoculable
auto-intoxication {f} :: alternative form of autointoxication
autointoxication {f} :: autointoxication
autojustification {f} :: self-justification
autolaçant {adj} :: self-lacing
autolâtre {adj} :: autolatrous
autolâtrique {adj} :: autolatric
autolavable {adj} :: self-cleaning
autolaveur {m} :: dishwasher for laboratory glassware
autolimitation {f} :: self-limitation
autolissant {adj} [of concrete] :: self-levelling
autologique {adj} :: autological (of an adjective, describing itself)
autologue {adj} [biology] :: autologous
autolubrifiant {adj} :: self-lubricating
autolyse {f} :: autolysis (the destruction of an organism's cells by enzymes)
automagique {adj} :: automagical (automatic, but with an apparent element of stage magic.)
automagiquement {adv} :: automagically (automatically)
automate {m} :: automaton
automaticien {m} :: control engineer
automaticienne {f} :: feminine noun of automaticien
automaticité {f} :: automaticity
automation {f} :: automation
automatique {adj} :: automatic
automatiquement {adv} :: automatically
automatisable {adj} :: automatable
automatisation {f} :: automation, automatization/automatisation
automatisé {adj} :: automated
automatiser {v} :: to automate
automatisme {m} :: automatism
automatophone {m} :: Any musical instrument that operates by mechanical means
automédication {f} :: self-medication
automédon {m} :: driver (of a car)
automédon {m} :: guide, leader
automesurer {v} :: To self-measure, self-monitor (one's own blood pressure, heartbeat etc)
automitrailleuse {f} :: armoured car / armored car
automnal {adj} :: autumnal
automne {m} :: autumn, fall
auto-mobile {f} [colloquial] :: synonym of véhicule en libre-service (VLS)
automobile {adj} :: automotive
automobile {f} :: automobile
automobilisable {adj} :: (of a road, or lane of a road) Suitable for cars to drive along
automobilisme {m} :: motoring (as a form of tourism etc)
automobiliste {mf} :: motorist
automobilistique {adj} :: car (attributive), motor (attributive), auto (attributive), automotive
automorphe {adj} [geology] :: idiomorphous
automorphe {adj} [maths] :: automorphic
automorphique {adj} [maths] :: automorphic
automorphisme {m} [maths] :: automorphism
automoteur {adj} :: automotive
automutilation {f} :: self-injury, self-harm
automutiler {v} :: to self-mutilate
autoneige {f} :: snowcat, snowmobile (vehicle)
autonettoyant {adj} :: self-cleaning
autonettoyante {adj} :: self-cleaning
autonivelant {adj} :: synonym of autolissant
autonome {adj} :: autonomous
autonomement {adv} :: autonomously
autonomie {f} :: autonomy
autonomie {f} :: battery life
autonomisation {f} :: empowerment (granting of power)
autonomiser {v} :: to autonomize, become autonomous
autonomisme {m} :: autonomism
autonomiste {mf} :: autonomist
autonyme {m} :: autonym (a name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language)
autonymique {adj} :: autonymic
autoparodique {adj} :: self-deprecating
autopartage {m} :: carsharing
autopatrouillé {adj} [WMF] :: autopatrolled
autophage {adj} [biology] :: autophagous
autophagie {f} [biology] :: autophagy
autophoto {f} :: selfie
autopilotage {m} :: autopilot (system)
autopiloter {vt} :: to fly (something) solo
autoplaçant {adj} [of concrete] :: self-compacting, self-consolidating
autoplastie {f} [surgery] :: autoplasty
autoplastique {adj} [surgery] :: autoplastic
autopoïèse {f} :: autopoiesis
autopointé {adj} :: self-guided
autopollinisant {adj} :: self-pollinating
autopompe {f} :: fire engine
autoportant {adj} :: freestanding, self-supporting
autoporteur {adj} :: synonym of autoportant
autoportrait {m} :: self-portrait
autoproclamé {adj} :: self-proclaimed
autoproclamer {v} :: To self-proclaim
autopromotion {f} :: self-promotion
autopropulsé {adj} :: self-propelled
autopropulsion {f} :: self-propulsion
autoprotonisation {f} [chemistry, physics] :: autoprotonization
autopsie {f} :: autopsy
autopsier {v} :: to autopsy
autoptique {adj} :: autoptic
autoptiquement {adv} :: autoptically
autopublication {f} :: self-publishing (the publishing of books and other media by the authors)
autopunitif {adj} :: self-punitive
autopunitif {adj} :: masochistic
autopunition {f} :: self-punishment
autoradio {m} :: car radio
autoradiographie {f} :: autoradiography
autorail {m} :: railcar
autoréalisateur {adj} :: self-fulfilling
auto-référence {f} :: alternative form of autoréférence
autoréférence {f} :: self-reference
autoréférent {adj} :: synonym of autoréférentiel
autoréférentiel {adj} :: self-referential
autoréglage {m} :: autotuning, self-regulation
autorégressif {adj} :: autoregressive
autorégulateur {adj} :: self-regulatory, self-regulating
autorégulation {f} :: autoregulation (process by which an inhibitory feedback counteracts change)
autorenouvellement {m} [biology] :: autorenewal, self-renewal
autoréparant {adj} :: self-repairing
autoréplicatif {adj} :: self-replicating
autorépliquer {v} [biology] :: To self-replicate
autorisable {adj} :: authorizable
autorisation {f} :: authorization (act of authorizing)
autorisation {f} :: authorization (attestation of authorization)
autoriser {v} :: to authorise
autoriser {v} :: to allow
autoritaire {adj} :: authoritative
autoritairement {adv} :: authoritatively
autoritarisme {m} :: authoritarianism
autoritariste {adj} :: synonym of autoritaire
autorité {f} :: authority (the power to enforce rules or give orders)
autorité {f} :: authority (entity with power)
autoroute {f} :: An expressway, freeway, motorway, highway
autoroute de l'information {f} [dated, computing, internet] :: information superhighway (Internet)
autoroutier {adj} [attributive] :: motorway, highway, freeway
autoroutier {m} :: motorway-user, freeway-user, highway-user
autosabotage {m} :: self-sabotage
auto-sacrifice {m} :: self-sacrifice
autosacrifice {m} :: self-sacrifice
autosatisfaction {f} :: self-satisfaction (contentment with one's own accomplishments or situation)
autoscopie {f} :: autoscopy
autosexuel {adj} :: autosexual
autosigné {adj} :: self-signed
autosimilaire {adj} :: self-similar
autosomique {adj} :: autosomic, autosomal
autostable {adj} :: freestanding
autostéréoscopique {adj} :: autostereoscopic
autostimuler {v} :: To autostimulate
auto-stop {m} :: hitchhiking
autostop {m} :: alternative form of auto-stop
auto-stoppeur {m} :: alternative form of autostoppeur
autostoppeur {m} :: hitchhiker
auto-stoppeuse {f} :: feminine singular of auto-stoppeur
autostoppeuse {f} :: feminine noun of autostoppeur
autostrade {f} [obsolete] :: motorway
autosuffisance {f} :: self-sufficiency
autosuffisant {adj} :: self-sufficient
autosuggestion {f} :: autosuggestion
au total {adv} :: in total, in all, all told
auto tamponneuse {f} :: alternative form of auto-tamponneuse
auto-tamponneuse {f} :: bumper car, dodgem
autotélique {adj} :: autotelic (all senses)
autothermique {adj} [chemistry] :: autothermic
autotomie {f} :: autotomy
autotomiser {v} [biology] :: To autotomize
autotracté {adj} :: self-propelled
autotrophe {adj} [biology] :: autotrophic
autotrophie {f} [biology] :: autotrophy
autotrophique {adj} :: autotrophic
autour {adv} :: around
autour {prep} [usually with de] :: around, about
autour {m} :: goshawk
autovaccin {m} :: autovaccine
autovaccination {f} :: autovaccination
au travers de {prep} :: by way of, by means of, with, using, through
autre {adj} :: other
autre {adj} :: another
autre chose {pron} :: something else (some other thing)
autrefois {adv} [literary] :: previously; formerly (at a past time), erstwhile
autrement {adv} :: otherwise
autrement {adv} :: differently, in another way or manner
autrement dit {prep} :: In other words (a phrase indicating that the following thought is a reiteration of the previous one.)
autre paire de manches {f} [colloquial] :: another kettle of fish, a horse of a different color
autre part {adv} :: somewhere else
autre pays, autre coutume {phrase} :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do
autre pays, autres mœurs {proverb} :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do
autres temps, autres mœurs {proverb} :: Customs change with the times
autrice {f} :: feminine noun of auteur
Autriche {prop} {f} :: Autriche (country)
Autriche-Hongrie {prop} {f} :: Austria-Hungary
autrichien {adj} :: Austrian (of or pertaining to Austria or its people or culture)
Autrichien {m} :: An Austrian inhabitant or descendant of the people of Austria
Autrichienne {f} :: feminine singular of Autrichien
autruche {f} :: ostrich
autruchon {m} :: young ostrich
autrui {pron} [chiefly literary] :: others; other people; someone else
auvent {m} :: awning, canopy (over entrance)
auvent {m} :: carport
auvergnat {adj} :: Of, from or pertaining to the region of Auvergne; Auvergnese
auvergnat {m} :: A dialect of the Occitan language, spoken in Auvergne
Auvergnat {m} :: Inhabitant or native of Auvergne; Auvergnese
Auvergnate {f} :: feminine noun of Auvergnat
Auvergne {prop} {f} :: Auvergne, former region of France
auvergner {v} :: To acquire a fake tan
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes {prop} {f} :: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, region of France
au violon {adv} [dated, slang] :: In the clink; imprisoned
au volant {adj} :: behind the wheel, at the wheel (driving a car)
au volant {adj} [of restaurants] :: drive-in
au voleur {interj} :: stop thief!
au vu de {prep} :: in view of, in light of, considering that, seeing that
au vu et au su de {prep} :: in front of, in the full knowledge of
aux {contraction} :: Contraction of à + les (to the)
aux abois {adj} :: Extremely alarmed, usually from being cornered or at wits' end
aux abonnés absents {adv} [idiomatic] :: unavailable
aux abords de {prep} :: near, close to
aux aguets {adj} :: ready, attentive, alert
aux aguets {adj} :: on the alert
aux armes {interj} :: to arms!
aux côtés de {prep} :: next to, besides, alongside
aux dépens de {prep} :: at the expense of (someone)
aux dires de {prep} :: alternative spelling of au dire de
auxdites {contraction} :: contraction of à + lesdites
auxdits {contraction} :: contraction of à + lesdits
Auxerre {prop} :: A town in Yonne, Burgundy
auxerrois {adj} :: Of or from Auxerre
auxétique {adj} :: auxetic
auxétisme {m} :: auxesis
aux grands maux les grands remèdes {proverb} :: desperate times call for desperate measures
aux grands maux, les grands remèdes {proverb} :: alternative spelling of aux grands maux les grands remèdes
auxiliaire {adj} [chiefly grammar] :: auxiliary
auxiliaire {m} [grammar] :: a helping verb, an auxiliary verb
auxiliairement {adv} :: in an auxiliary way, often with reference to auxiliary verbs
auxiliateur {adj} :: auxiliary
auxine {f} :: auxin
auxinique {adj} :: auxinic
aux normes {adj} :: conform to standards, in order
auxologique {adj} :: auxologic
auxomètre {m} [optics] :: auxometer
auxotrophe {adj} [biology] :: auxotrophic
auxotrophe {m} [biology] :: auxotroph
auxotrophie {f} [biology] :: auxotrophy
aux petits oignons {adv} [colloquial] :: with the utmost attention, with the utmost care, extremely well
aux portes de la mort {adj} [idiomatic] :: at death's door
aux trousses de {adj} [colloquial] :: hot on someone's heels, after someone
aux yeux bleus {adj} :: blue-eyed
aux yeux de {prep} :: in the eyes of
aux yeux verts {adj} :: green-eyed
auzomètre {m} [obsolete, optics] :: alternative form of auxomètre
av. {prep} :: abbreviation of avant
av. {f} :: av. (avenue) abbreviation of avenue
av {f} :: alternative form of av.
Av. {f} :: avenue abbreviation of avenue
avachi {adj} :: flabby; saggy
avachir {v} :: to make soft; make limp or flabby; cause to sag
avachir {v} :: to render incapable of producing effort
avachissable {adj} :: softenable
avachissement {m} :: limpness, sagging
aval {m} :: downstream area, lower reaches (of river)
aval {m} :: approval, endorsement
avalable {adj} :: swallowable
avalable {adj} :: believable
avalanche {f} :: avalanche
avalancheux {adj} :: avalanche-prone
avaler {v} :: to swallow
avaler {v} :: to believe
avaler {v} :: to support
avaler {v} :: to approve, endorse
avaleur {m} :: boozer (person who drinks a lot)
avaleuse {f} :: feminine singular of avaleur
avaliser {v} :: to back; to support
avaliser {v} [finance, legal] :: To endorse
avaliseur {m} :: backer, supporter
avaliseur {m} :: endorser
avaliseuse {f} :: feminine singular of avaliseur
avaliste {mf} :: guarantor
avaloir {m} :: drain, sewer
avance {f} :: advance
avance {f} [in the plural] :: (romantic) advances
avancé {adj} :: advanced (well developed)
avancé {adj} :: advanced (difficult; complicated)
avancée {f} [often in the plural] :: advance, progress
avancement {m} :: an advance
avancer {vi} :: to advance, to go forward
avancer {vi} :: to progress
avancer {vt} :: to bring forward, to advance
avancer {vt} :: to propose, to put forward
avancer {vr} [~ vers] :: to move towards, to go up to, to approach
avancer {vt} [the recipient is introduced by the preposition à, colloquial] :: to help out somebody by lending him money for a short time (for example because he doesn't have any cash and the store doesn't take bank cards), to tide someone over
avançon {m} :: snood (hair band, line attaching a fishhook)
avanie {f} [historical] :: avania
avanie {f} :: affront, insult; snub
avant {adv} :: beforehand; earlier
avant {prep} :: before (in time)
avant {prep} :: before (in space), in front of, ahead of
avant {m} :: front
avant {m} [sports] :: forward
avantage {m} :: advantage (advantageous position)
avantage {m} [tennis] :: advantage
avantage absolu {m} [economics] :: absolute advantage
avantage comparatif {m} [economics] :: comparative advantage
avantager {vt} :: to favour
avantager {v} :: to give an advantage to
avantageusement {adv} :: advantageously
avantageux {adj} :: advantageous
avant-avant-hier {adv} :: The day before day before yesterday
avant-bec {m} :: A pointed breakwater on the pier of a bridge
avant-bras {m} [anatomy] :: forearm
avant-centre {m} [football] :: centre forward
avant-coureur {m} [dated, literally] :: messenger, scout (person who runs ahead of the army to deliver news)
avant-coureur {m} :: foresayer, predicter
avant-coureur {adj} :: predictive; that predicts
avant-dernier {adj} :: penultimate, second-to-last, last but one
avant-garde {f} [military] :: vanguard
avant-garde {f} [figuratively] :: avant-garde, firing line
avant-gardisme {m} :: avant-gardism
avant-gardiste {m} :: A person in the avant-guard
avant-goût {m} :: foretaste, taster
avant-guerre {adj} :: pre-war
avant-guerre {mf} :: The pre-war period
avant-hier {adv} :: two days ago; the day before yesterday
avant Jésus-Christ {adv} :: BC, before Christ
avant la lettre {adj} [literally, engraving] :: before lettering, before letters; proof engraving, proof before letters
avant la lettre {adj} [figuratively] :: avant la lettre (before the term was coined)
avant l'heure {adv} [figuratively] :: prematurely
avant l'heure {adj} [figuratively] :: avant la lettre
avant longtemps {adv} [literary] :: before long, soon
avant-main {m} [tennis] :: forehand
avant-mur {m} [architecture, dated] :: a wall erected in front of another wall
avant-mur {m} [military, dated] :: the outer part of a fortification
avant peu {adv} :: before long
avant-port {m} [nautical] :: outer harbour
avant-poste {m} :: outpost
avant-première {f} :: preview (of a film)
avant-projet {m} :: draft (first stages of a project)
avant-propos {m} :: foreword
avant que de {prep} [literary] :: before
avant-scène {f} :: proscenium
avant-toit {m} :: eaves
avant tout {adv} :: first and foremost, chiefly
avant tout {adv} :: first of all, before all else, first
avant toutes choses {adv} :: first of all, first
avant-train {m} :: limber
avant-veille {f} :: the day before the eve; the day before yesterday
avare {adj} :: stingy, skinflint
avare {mf} :: scrooge, miser
avarement {adv} :: stingily
avarice {f} :: greed; avarice
avaricieusement {adv} :: avariciously
avaricieux {adj} :: avaricious; miserly; stingy
avarie {f} :: damage
avarie {f} :: deterioration
avarié {adj} :: damaged
avarié {adj} :: rotten
avarier {vr} [s'avarier] :: to go rotten, spoil
avatar {m} [Hinduism] :: avatar
avatar {m} [computing] :: avatar
à vau-l'eau {adv} :: down the stream
à vau-l'eau {adv} [figuratively] :: down the drain, adrift
AVC {m} [medicine] :: initialism of accident vasculaire cérébral: CVA, stroke
avec {prep} :: [accompaniment] with
avec {prep} :: [manner, instrument] with
avec armes et bagages {adv} [idiom] :: bag and baggage
avec brio {adv} :: brilliantly
avec brio {adv} :: with verve; with panache
avec des bouts de ficelle {adv} [idiomatic] :: On a shoestring
avec des pieds de plomb {adv} [Belgium, figuratively] :: reluctantly
avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille {proverb} :: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride; if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle
avec la lettre {adv} [engraving] :: Synonym of après la lettre (lettered)
avec les moyens du bord {adv} [colloquial] :: with what's available, with what's at hand
avec le temps {adv} :: with time; over time; eventually
avec pas de {prep} [Quebec, colloquial] :: without
avec plaisir {adv} :: with pleasure; my pleasure
avec tout le respect que je vous dois {adv} [sentence adverb] :: with due respect, with all due respect
avelin {adj} :: hazelnut (in colour)
aveline {f} :: hazelnut, filbert
avelinier {m} :: hazel (tree)
avellanaire {adj} :: Having the size of a hazelnut
aven {m} [geology, caving] :: pit cave, pit (natural cave with predominantly vertical shafts)
aven {m} [geology] :: sinkhole [US], swallow hole [UK]
avenamment {adv} :: In a comely manner; fittingly
avenant {adj} :: comely, fitting
avenant {m} :: amendment, rider
à vendre {adj} :: for sale
avénement {m} :: alternative form of avènement
avènement {m} :: accession
avènement {m} :: advent
avènement {m} :: Advent
avéniforme {adj} [botany] :: aveniform
avenir {m} :: future
à venir {adj} :: to come, coming, upcoming, future, ahead
avent {m} :: alternative case form of Avent
Avent {m} :: Advent (season before Christmas)
aventure {f} :: adventure
aventure {f} :: venture
aventure {f} :: (romantic) affair
aventurer {vt} :: to venture
aventurer {vp} :: to venture into
aventureusement {adv} :: adventurously
aventureux {adj} :: adventurous
aventurier {adj} :: adventurous
aventurier {m} :: adventurer
aventurière {f} :: feminine noun of aventurier
aventurine {f} :: aventurine
aventurisme {m} :: adventurism (policy led by excessive risk taking)
aventuriste {adj} :: adventurist
aventuriste {mf} :: adventurist
avenu {adj} :: void
avenue {f} :: avenue (broad street, especially bordered with trees)
avenue {f} [specifically] :: a radial avenue (an avenue radiating from a central point, especially bordered with trees)
avenue {f} [dated] :: avenue (principal walk or approach to a house or other building)
avenue {f} [figuratively] :: avenue (means by which something may be accomplished)
avérable {adj} :: averrable
averbal {adj} :: averbal
avérer {vt} :: to uncover, to reveal
avérer {vp} :: to prove (to be); to transpire
averroïsme {m} [philosophy] :: Averroism
avers {m} [numismatics] :: obverse
averse {f} [of rain] :: shower, rainshower
aversif {adj} :: aversive
aversion {f} :: aversion
avertir {v} :: to warn, to avert
avertir {v} :: to notify
avertissement {m} :: warning
avertissement {m} [sports] :: yellow card, booking, caution
avertisseur {m} :: warning (device)
avertisseur {m} :: horn, hooter, klaxon
avestique {m} :: Avestan (Old Iranian language)
avestique {adj} :: Avestan
aveu {m} :: confession
aveuglant {adj} :: blinding, dazzling
aveugle {adj} :: Unable to see; blind
aveugle {mf} :: A blind man or woman
aveuglé {adj} :: blinded
aveuglement {m} [dated] :: blindness (state of being blind)
aveuglément {adv} :: blindly
aveuglement volontaire {m} [idiomatic] :: willful ignorance (willful blindness)
aveugler {v} :: to blind (make temporarily or permanently blind)
aveuglette {f} [obsolete] :: blindness
aveulir {v} [literary] :: to enfeeble
aveulir {v} [literary] :: to debase
Aveyron {prop} {m} :: Aveyron
aveyronnais {adj} :: Of or from Aveyron
Aveyronnais {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Aveyron
Aveyronnaise {f} :: feminine singular of Aveyronnais
avez-vous besoin d'aide {phrase} :: [polite or plural] do you need help?
avez-vous des frères et sœurs {phrase} :: do you have any brothers or sisters?
aviaire {adj} :: avian (of or relating to birds)
aviateur {m} :: aviator [male] (male pilot, airman)
aviation {f} :: aviation
aviatrice {f} :: female equivalent of aviateur
avicole {adj} :: avicultural
aviculteur {m} :: bird keeper
aviculteur {m} :: bird fancier
aviculteur {m} :: bird breeder
avicultrice {f} :: feminine noun of aviculteur
aviculture {f} :: aviculture
avide {adj} :: avid, eager, desirous
avide {adj} :: greedy, grasping
avidement {adv} :: avidly
avidité {f} :: avidity, greediness, covetousness
à vie {adj} :: lifelong, for life
avien {adj} :: avian
à vif {adj} [of flesh] :: skinless, skinned, raw, bared
à vif {adj} [of a wound] :: open
à vif {adj} [figuratively] :: on edge, uptight
avifaune {f} :: avifauna
Avignon {prop} {m} :: Avignon (city)
avignonnais {adj} :: of or from Avignon
Avignonnais {m} :: someone of or from Avignon
Avignonnaise {f} :: feminine noun of Avignonnais
avilir {v} :: to demean, debase, degrade
avilissant {adj} :: demeaning
avilissement {m} :: degradation
avilissement {m} :: abasement
aviné {adj} [literary] :: inebriated
aviner {v} :: To drink wine
aviner {v} :: To booze (drink excessively)
avion {m} :: aeroplane
avion à réaction {m} :: jet, jet plane
avion-cargo {m} :: cargo aircraft
avion citerne {f} :: alternative spelling of avion-citerne
avion-citerne {f} [aviation] :: a water bomber; literally: cistern-airplane
avion de chasse {m} [military] :: fighter aircraft
avion de chasse {m} [colloquial] :: a hottie, a bombshell (a very attractive woman)
avion de combat {m} [military] :: warplane
avion de ligne {m} :: airliner
avionique {f} :: avionics
avionnette {f} :: A small passenger aircraft
avionnette {f} :: A dance in which a couple simulate the takeoff and landing of an aircraft
avionneur {m} :: airframer (airplane manufacturer)
avion ravitailleur {m} :: tanker aircraft
avion renifleur {m} :: sniffer plane
aviron {m} [sports, uncountable] :: rowing
aviron {m} [countable] :: oar
avis {m} :: opinion
avis {m} :: piece of advice
avis {m} :: notice
avis de recherche {m} :: APB
aviser {v} :: to advise
aviser {v} :: to notice
aviser {vr} [with de] :: to conceive
aviso {m} [nautical] :: aviso, advice boat
avitaillement {m} :: refueling
avitaillement {m} :: restocking
avitailler {v} [dated] :: To refuel
avitailler {v} [dated] :: To restock, stock up
avitailler {v} [dated] :: To victual
avitaminose {f} [pathology] :: avitaminosis
avivage {m} :: brightening (act or process of making brighter)
avivement {m} :: synonym of avivage
aviver {v} :: to brighten; to shine (make brighter or shinier)
av. J.-C. {adv} :: BC (before Christ)
avocaillon {m} [pejorative] :: a useless lawyer
avocassier {adj} :: shysterish
avocat {m} [law] :: lawyer; attorney
avocat {m} :: avocado
avocat du diable {m} :: devil's advocate
avocate {f} :: feminine noun of avocat
avocatier {m} :: avocado, avocado tree
avocatoire {adj} [legal] :: advocative
avocette {f} :: avocet (bird)
avodiré {m} :: Turraeanthus africana, timber tree native in Sub-Saharan Africa (Meliaceae)
à voile et à vapeur {adj} [idiomatic] :: AC/DC (bisexual)
avoine {f} :: oats
avoine {f} [slang] :: punch (a hit with the fist)
avoinée {f} [colloquial] :: reprimand, reproach
avoir {m} :: asset, possession
avoir {vt} :: to have (to own; to possess)
avoir {vi} [with à] :: to have (to), must
avoir {v} [auxiliary] :: to have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs)
avoir {vt} :: to have (a condition)
avoir {vt} :: to have (a measure or age)
avoir {v} :: to have (to trick)
avoir {v} :: to have (to participate in an experience)
avoir accès {v} [à] :: to have access to something (to be able to access to something)
avoir affaire à {v} :: to deal with
avoir à la bonne {vt} [colloquial] :: to be well-disposed towards, to look kindly on, to have a soft spot for, to like
avoir à l'œil {vt} :: to keep an eye on, to keep tabs on
avoir à voir {v} [avec] :: [colloquial] to have to do with
avoir beau {v} :: whatever, no matter what (even though) someone does/says, etc
avoir beau jeu {v} [de] :: for it to be easy for someone to do something, for it to be all very well for someone to do something, to have it easy
avoir besoin de {v} :: to need
avoir bon {v} [slang] :: to be very happy; to be stoked, psyched
avoir bon {v} [colloquial] :: to be right
avoir bon dos {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be a convenient excuse, to be a good excuse, to be a convenient scapegoat, to be easily blamed (to be just the right person to put the blame on, even when innocent)
avoir bonne presse {v} :: to get a good press, to be well thought of
avoir chaud {v} [of a person or animal] :: to be hot
avoir chaud {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to have a near miss
avoir connaissance {v} [de] :: to be aware of, to be privy to
avoir cours {v} :: to be legal tender
avoir cours {v} [figuratively] :: to be current
avoir cours {v} :: to have a class, to have a lecture, to have a lesson
avoir dans la peau {v} [idiomatic] :: to be infatuated with; to have a crush on
avoir d'autres chats à fouetter {v} [colloquial, idiom] :: To have other things to handle; to have other fish to fry
avoir de la chance {v} :: to be lucky, to be fortunate
avoir de la chatte {v} [vulgar] :: to be damn lucky, to be jammy, to be a jammy git
avoir de la conversation {v} [colloquial] :: to talk easily, always having something to say
avoir de la conversation {v} [dated] :: to be stacked, have big breasts
avoir de la gueule {v} [colloquial] :: to look nice, great; to be impressive
avoir de la merde dans les yeux {v} [vulgar] :: to be fucking blind, to not notice the obvious
avoir de la suite dans les idées {v} :: to be single-minded, to have a one-track mind; to be strong-minded, to know what one wants; to think logically and consistently
avoir de la veine {v} [colloquial] :: to be lucky, to be jammy, to be fortunate
avoir des cornes {v} [idiomatic] :: to have been cuckolded, to have been cheated on
avoir des étoiles dans les yeux {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to have stars in one's eyes
avoir des étoiles plein les yeux {v} :: alternative form of avoir des étoiles dans les yeux
avoir des fourmis dans les jambes {v} [figuratively] :: to have pins and needles in one's legs
avoir des gaz {v} [colloquial] :: to be bloated, to want to fart, to have wind
avoir des lettres {v} :: to be well-read
avoir des vues sur {v} [colloquial] :: to have designs on, to have one's eye on, to set one's sights on
avoir des yeux derrière la tête {v} [idiomatic] :: to have eyes in the back of one's head
avoir deux mains gauches {v} [colloquial] :: to be all thumbs, to be very clumsy
avoir droit {v} [à] :: to be entitled to, to deserve
avoir droit {v} [à] :: to be eligible to, to qualify for, to have a right to claim
avoir droit de cité {v} :: to have citizenship
avoir droit de cité {v} [figurative] :: to have one's rightful place; to belong; to be acceptable, to be admissible
avoir du biceps {v} [idiomatic] :: to have well-developed muscles
avoir du bol {v} [colloquial] :: to be lucky, to be jammy, to be fortunate
avoir du cul {v} [vulgar] :: to be damn lucky, to be jammy, to be a jammy git
avoir du mal {v} [colloquial] :: to have a hard time, to have difficulty
avoir du métier {v} :: to be experienced
avoir du monde au balcon {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to be stacked, to have big breasts
avoir du pain sur la planche {v} [figuratively, colloquial, idiom] :: to have a lot on one's plate, to have one's work cut out for one
avoir du plomb dans l'aile {v} :: to be in bad shape
avoir du pot {v} [colloquial] :: to be lucky, to be jammy, to be fortunate
avoir du sang sur les mains {v} [idiom] :: to have blood on one's hands
avoir du sens {v} :: to make sense
avoir en horreur {vt} :: to hate, to loathe, to abhor
avoir en tête {vt} :: to have in mind
avoir en tête {vt} :: to remember
avoir envie {v} [de] :: to want; to desire (sexually)
avoir envie {v} [de] :: to feel like, to want to
avoir envie {v} [de] :: to feel an urge to
avoir été bercé trop près du mur {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be simple-minded, to be dim-witted, to be stupid
avoir faim {v} :: to be hungry
avoir fait son temps {v} :: to have seen one's day, to have had one's day, to have seen better days, to be past one's sell-by date
avoir foi {v} [en] :: to have faith in something/somebody, to believe in someone
avoir froid {v} :: to be cold
avoir hâte {v} [colloquial] :: can't wait; to look forward
avoir honte {v} :: to be ashamed, to feel ashamed
avoir horreur {v} [de] :: to hate, to loathe, to have a horror of
avoir intérêt {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to be well-advised to (do something), to do well to (do something), had better (do something), to be better off (doing something)
avoir la berlue {v} :: to see things
avoir la conscience tranquille {v} :: to have a clear conscience, to have a clean conscience, to have an easy conscience
avoir la cote {v} [colloquial] :: To be popular
avoir la cuisse accueillante {v} :: synonym of avoir la cuisse légère
avoir la cuisse gaie {v} :: synonym of avoir la cuisse légère
avoir la cuisse hospitalière {v} :: synonym of avoir la cuisse légère
avoir la cuisse légère {v} [figuratively, said of a woman] :: To be easy; to open one's legs for everybody
avoir la dalle {v} [colloquial, slang] :: To be hungry, to feel like eating
avoir la dent {v} [colloquial] :: to be starving
avoir la dent creuse {v} [figuratively] :: to be hungry
avoir la gâchette facile {v} [colloquial] :: to be quick on the trigger, to be trigger-happy
avoir la gueule de bois {v} [idiomatic] :: to be hungover
avoir la gueule de l'emploi {v} [colloquial] :: to look the part
avoir l'air {v} :: to seem, look, appear
avoir la langue bien pendue {v} [figuratively] :: to be a chatterbox, to talk a lot, to be very talkative; to have the gift of the gab
avoir la langue bien pendue {v} [figuratively] :: to have a sharp tongue, to be sharp-tongued
avoir la larme à l'œil {v} :: to have a tear in one's eye, to be welling up, to be dewy-eyed/teary-eyed, to be on the verge of tears
avoir l'alcool triste {v} [figuratively] :: to be a sad drunk, to get sad when one drinks
avoir la main verte {v} [figuratively, idiom] :: to have a green thumb, to have green fingers, to be green-fingered
avoir la mémoire courte {v} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to have a short memory, to forget things easily (especially when it's convenient)
avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez {v} [idiomatic] :: to lose one's temper
avoir la paix {v} [colloquial] :: to have some peace and quiet
avoir la parole {v} [à] :: to have the floor
avoir la patate {v} [colloquial] :: to feel great, to be in great form, to be full of beans, to feel one's oats
avoir la peau dure {v} [figuratively] :: to be thick-skinned, to be resilient
avoir la pêche {v} [colloquial] :: to feel great, to be in great form, to be full of beans
avoir la pêche {v} [legal, dated] :: to have the sole fishing rights in a certain place
avoir la pelote à terre {v} [Quebec, slang, vulgar] :: To be very tired
avoir la poisse {v} [idiomatic] :: to have chronic bad luck
avoir la science infuse {v} :: to have innate knowledge, to know everything without having learnt it first, to be all-knowing, to be omniscient
avoir la tête ailleurs {v} :: Used to say that someone's mind is elsewhere
avoir la tête comme un seau {v} [Belgium, colloquial, simile] :: to have a headache, to be hungover
avoir la tête dans le cul {v} [vulgar] :: to be knackered; to feel like shit
avoir la tête dans les nuages {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to have one's head in the clouds
avoir la tête de l'emploi {v} [colloquial] :: to look the part
avoir la tête qui tourne {v} [colloquial] :: to be dizzy; to be light-headed
avoir la tête sur les épaules {v} [figuratively] :: to have one's head screwed on
avoir la vie dure {v} :: to die hard, to be well-ingrained, to have legs, to be difficult to get rid of
avoir le bras long {v} [figuratively] :: to be well-connected, to have influential connections or a large network of acquaintances, to be influential
avoir le cafard {v} [slang, colloquial, idiom, figurative] :: To have the blues, to feel blue
avoir le cœur bien accroché {v} [figuratively] :: to have a strong stomach, to not be easily upset, to have nerves of steel, to have great composure
avoir le cœur gros {v} [figuratively] :: to have a heavy heart, to be sad at heart
avoir le cœur serré {v} [figuratively] :: to have a lump in one's throat, to have a heavy heart, to be sad at heart
avoir le cœur sur la main {v} :: to be open-handed, to be generous
avoir le compas dans l'œil {v} [figuratively] :: to be able to size things up immediately, to be able to measure distances to the naked eye, to be able to judge size by sight, to have an accurate eye, to have a good eye for proportions
avoir le cul bordé de nouilles {v} [vulgar] :: to be extremely lucky
avoir le cul dans le beurre {v} [Belgium, vulgar, pejorative] :: to be rolling in money, to be rolling in it (to be extremely well-off financially thanks to one's birth in a rich family)
avoir le cul entre deux chaises {v} [vulgar, figuratively] :: to fall between two stools, to have a foot in both camps, to be piggy in the middle, to be caught in the middle, to be sitting on the fence
avoir le dernier mot {v} :: to have the last word
avoir le diable au corps {v} [figuratively] :: to have the devil in one, to be a real handful, to be very energetic, to be restless, to be running around frantically
avoir le feu au cul {v} [figuratively, vulgar, chiefly of women] :: to be horny, to be hot to trot, to be gagging for it
avoir le feu aux fesses {v} [figuratively, colloquial, chiefly of women] :: to be horny, to be hot to trot, to be gagging for it, to have ants in one's pants
avoir le melon {v} [idiomatic] :: to be cocksure
avoir le moral à zéro {v} [colloquial] :: to be really down, to be feeling very low, to be down in the dumps, to be in low spirits
avoir le moral dans les chaussettes {v} [colloquial] :: to have one's heart in one's boots, to be really down, to be feeling very low, to be down in the dumps, to be in low spirits
avoir le moral en berne {v} [colloquial] :: to be feeling low, to be down in the dumps, to be in low spirits
avoir le motton {v} :: [Quebec, slang] to be on the verge of tears
avoir le physique de l'emploi {v} [colloquial] :: to look the part
avoir le pied marin {v} [figuratively] :: to have sea legs; to be a good sailor
avoir le respire court et le discours égaré {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] :: to be dying
avoir les boules {v} [colloquial] :: to be pissed off, to be cheesed off
avoir les boules {v} [colloquial] :: to have the jitters, to have the willies, to have the heebie-jeebies (to be scared)
avoir les chevilles qui enflent {v} [figuratively] :: to have a big head, to be big-headed
avoir les chocottes {v} [colloquial] :: to have the jitters, to have the willies, to have the heebie-jeebies (to be scared)
avoir les coudées franches {v} [figuratively] :: to be unrestrained, to be unencumbered, to have a free rein
avoir les crocs {v} [slang] :: to be hungry
avoir les dents du fond qui baignent {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to feel like one is going to throw up (usually because one has eaten too much and is stuffed to the gills)
avoir les dents longues {v} [figuratively] :: to aim high, to set one's sights high, to be ruthlessly ambitious, to be fiercely competitive
avoir les dents qui rayent le parquet {v} [figuratively, pejorative] :: to be unscrupulously ambitious
avoir les doigts de pied en éventail {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to put one's feet up, to relax
avoir les doigts de pieds en éventail {v} :: alternative spelling of avoir les doigts de pied en éventail
avoir les jambes en coton {v} [idiomatic] :: to be weak and shaky on one's legs; to be jelly-legged
avoir les jetons {v} [colloquial] :: to have the jitters, to have the willies, to have the heebie-jeebies (to be scared)
avoir les mains liées {v} [figuratively] :: to have one's hands tied
avoir les nerfs à vif {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to be on edge
avoir les oreilles qui sifflent {v} [colloquial] :: to have ears that are burning
avoir les pieds sur terre {v} [figuratively] :: to have one's feet firmly on the ground, to be realistic, to be practical, to be well-grounded
avoir l'esprit ailleurs {v} :: Used to say that someone's mind is elsewhere
avoir l'esprit mal tourné {v} [colloquial] :: to have a dirty mind, to be a pervert
avoir l'estomac dans les talons {v} :: to be starving, to be ravenous (to be extremely hungry)
avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre {v} [figuratively] :: to bite off more than one can chew; to have eyes bigger than one's stomach
avoir le vent en poupe {v} [figuratively] :: to gain popularity, to enjoy increasing success
avoir lieu {v} :: to take place, happen
avoir lieu de {v} :: have reason to
avoir maille à partir {v} [avec] :: to have scores to settle with someone, to have a bone to pick with someone
avoir mal {vi} [followed by à] :: to be hurt, to have an ache
avoir mangé du lion {v} [literally] :: to have eaten lion
avoir mangé du lion {v} [by extension, idiomatic] :: to be full of energy
avoir mauvaise presse {v} :: to have a bad reputation, to get a bad press, to be poorly thought of
avoir part {v} :: to take part (participate or join in)
avoir peur {v} :: to fear
avoir pied {v} :: to be able to touch the bottom (in a body of water)
avoir pignon sur rue {v} [of a store] :: to be well established
avoir pignon sur rue {v} [figuratively] :: to make oneself heard, to get oneself known
avoir pitié {v} [de] :: to pity, to feel sorry for, to take pity on
avoir plus d'une corde à son arc {v} [figuratively] :: to have more than one string to one's bow, to have more than one trick up one's sleeve
avoir plus d'un tour dans son sac {v} [figuratively] :: to have more than one trick up one's sleeve, to have more than one string to one's bow
avoir raison {v} :: (of a person) to be right; to be correct
avoir raison de {v} :: to get the better of someone; to overcome something
avoir recours {v} [à] :: to have recourse (to), to resort (to), to turn (to)
avoir soif {v} :: to be thirsty
avoir soin {v} [formal] :: [de] to take care to, to make sure to
avoir son compte {v} [colloquial] :: to have had enough, to have had it
avoir son mot à dire {v} :: to have a say in the matter
avoir son rond de serviette {v} [figuratively] :: to be a regular (somewhere, especially in a restaurant)
avoir sur la conscience {vt} [figuratively] :: to have on one's conscience
avoir sur le cœur {v} [figuratively] :: to have (something) weighing on one's heart
avoir tort {v} :: (of a person) to be wrong; to be incorrect
avoir toute honte bue {v} [literary] :: to have lost any sense of shame, to have become impervious to shame, to be shameless
avoir toute sa tête {v} [colloquial] :: to have one's wits about one, to have all one's marbles, to be all there
avoir trait à {v} :: to relate to, to have to do with, to be connected with, to concern
avoir un balai dans le cul {v} [vulgar, figuratively] :: to have a stick up one's ass, to have a pole up one's ass, to be stuck-up
avoir un chat dans la gorge {v} [figurative, idiom] :: to have a frog in one's throat (be unable to speak freely)
avoir un cheveu sur la langue {v} [figuratively, idiom] :: to lisp, to have a lisp
avoir un cœur d'artichaut {v} [figuratively] :: to be a hopeless romantic, to fall in love easily
avoir un cœur d'artichaut {v} [figuratively] :: to be a soft touch, to be mellow, sensitive, to be easily softened up
avoir un cœur de pierre {v} [figuratively] :: to be stonehearted, to be heartless, to have no heart
avoir une araignée au plafond {v} [colloquial] :: to have bats in one's belfry
avoir une brioche au four {v} :: have a bun in the oven
avoir une brique dans le ventre {v} [Belgium, figuratively] :: to be interested in the building trade, in the real estate business, or in houses in general; to want to have one's own house
avoir une dent contre {v} :: to have it in for, have a bone to pick with
avoir une faim de loup {v} [figuratively, idiom] :: to be hungry as a hog, to be very hungry, ravenous; to be so hungry one could eat a horse
avoir une idée derrière la tête {v} :: to have something in mind, to have an ulterior motive, to be up to something
avoir une sainte horreur {v} [de] :: to hate, to loathe, to have a horror of, to hate with a passion
avoir une tête et des jambes {v} [idiom] :: to have a combination of intelligence and athleticism
avoir une touche {v} [colloquial] :: [avec] to have something going with somebody, to make an impression on somebody, to be sexually attractive to somebody
avoir un grain {v} [colloquial] :: to be crazy, to be strangely behaved
avoir un métro de retard {v} [colloquial] :: to be running late
avoir un métro de retard {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be slow to catch on, to lag behind
avoir un œil qui dit merde à l'autre {v} [rather vulgar] :: to be cross-eyed, to be squint-eyed, to squint
avoir un œuf à peler {v} [avec] :: [Belgium, colloquial] to have a score to settle (with)
avoir un petit creux {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be peckish, to be a little hungry
avoir un pied dans la tombe {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to have one foot in the grave
avoir un poil dans la main {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to be bone-idle, to be extremely lazy
avoir un polichinelle dans le tiroir {v} :: have a bun in the oven (to be pregnant; to be expecting a baby)
avoir un ticket {v} [colloquial] :: [avec] to have something going with someone, to make an impression on someone, to be sexually attractive to someone, to be fancied by someone
avoir un train à prendre {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be in a hurry
avoir un train de retard {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be slow to catch on, to lag behind
avoir un verre dans le nez {v} [colloquial] :: to be slightly inebriated (tipsy), or rather strongly so (drunk); to have had one too many
avoir vent {v} [de] :: to get wind of something
avoir voix au chapitre {v} :: to have a say in the matter, to have a seat at the table
avoisinant {adj} :: neighbouring, bordering
avoisiner {v} :: to neighbor/neighbour (to be near to, or the neighbor of)
avoisiner {v} :: to border on (be similar to)
à voix basse {adv} :: under one's breath
à voix haute {adv} :: aloud (loudly)
à vol d'oiseau {adv} :: as the crow flies
à volonté {prep} :: ad libitum, at will
à vomir {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: vomitrocious, nauseating
avornine {f} [organic compound] :: avornin
avortement {m} :: abortion, termination
avorter {vi} [of a mission and etc] :: to abort, to terminate
avorter {vi} [of a female] :: to have an abortion
avorter {v} [causative] :: to abort, to terminate
avorter {v} [causative] :: to cause an abortion
avorteur {m} :: abortionist
avorteuse {f} :: feminine singular of avorteur
avorton {m} :: abortion (fruit/produce that doesn’t come to maturity)
à vos amours {interj} :: bless you
à vos marques, prêts, partez {interj} :: on your mark, get set, go!
à vos souhaits {interj} :: God bless you
à votre santé {interj} [idiomatic] :: to your health, cheers
à votre service {prep} [formal] :: At your service
avouable {adj} :: respectable, reputable
avouable {adj} :: blameless
avoué {m} [law] :: solicitor; attorney
avouer {v} :: to avow
avouer {v} :: to confess
avouer {v} :: to approve
avoueur {m} :: confessor
avoueuse {f} :: feminine noun of avoueur
à vous l'honneur {phrase} :: after you!
avr. {n} :: abbreviation of avril Apr
à vrai dire {adv} :: to tell the truth (attestation of truthfulness and frankness), as a matter of fact
avril {m} :: April, the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar, having 30 days
à vue {adv} :: by sight, on sight
à vue de nez {adv} :: at a guess, at first glance, at a glance
à vue d'œil {adv} :: right before one's eyes, visibly, before one's very eyes, by the minute
avulsion {f} :: avulsion
avunculaire {adj} :: avuncular, relating to or like an uncle
avunculat {adj} :: avuncular
aweille {interj} [Canada] :: alternative form of envoye
awoir {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: alternative spelling of avoir, to have
axe {m} :: axis
axe {m} :: axle
Axe {prop} {m} [history] :: Axis (World War Two nation group)
axe de rotation {m} [geometry] :: axis of rotation
axe de symétrie {m} [geometry] :: axis of symmetry
axe du pédalier {m} [cycling] :: pedal crank axle
Axel {prop} {m} :: given name of Danish origin
Axelle {prop} {f} :: given name, a modern feminine form of Axel
axène {adj} [biology] :: axenic
axénique {adj} [biology] :: axenic
axer {vt} [mathematics] :: to align on an axis
axer {vt} :: to point, to orientate
axérophtol {m} :: xanthophyll (vitamin A)
axial {adj} :: axial
axifuge {adj} :: axifugal
axile {adj} :: axile
axillaire {adj} :: axillary
axino {m} :: axino
axiologie {f} :: axiology
axiologique {adj} :: axiological
axiomatique {adj} :: axiomatic
axiomatiquement {adv} :: axiomatically
axiomatisation {f} :: Axiomatization
axiomatiser {v} :: to axiomatize
axiome {m} :: axiom (all senses)
axion {m} :: axion
axionique {adj} :: axionic
axipète {adj} :: axipetal
axisymétrie {f} [geometry] :: axisymmetry
axisymétrique {adj} [geometry] :: axisymmetric
axoïde {adj} :: axoid
axoïde {m} [anatomy, maths] :: axoid
axoïdien {adj} [anatomy, especially in combination] :: axoid
axolotl {m} :: axolotl
axonais {adj} :: Of or from Aisne
Axonais {m} :: A person from Aisne
Axonaise {f} :: female equivalent of Axonais
axone {m} [cytology] :: axon
axonème {m} [biology] :: axoneme
axonge {f} :: lard
axonique {adj} [biology] :: axonic
axonométrie {f} :: axonometry
axonométrique {adj} :: axonometric
Aya {prop} :: given name
ayahuasca {m} :: ayahuasca
Ayako {prop} :: given name
ayant {m} :: haver, holder
ayant droit {m} :: one who holds, but did not generate, a given right; especially, a copyright holder who has inherited the copyright from an author
ayatollah {m} :: ayatollah
aymara {m} :: Aymara (language)
Aymara {mf} :: member of the Aymara people
Aymeric {prop} {m} :: given name
ayoù {adv} [Louisiana French] :: alternative spelling of éyoù, where
ayoye {interj} [Quebec] :: expression of pain
ayoye {interj} [Quebec] :: expression of admirative surprise
Ayumi {prop} :: given name
ayurvédique {adj} :: Ayurvedic
ayyoubide {adj} :: Ayyubid
azalée {f} :: azalea
azaléine {f} [organic compound] :: azalein
azarole {f} :: alternative form of azerole
azawadien {adj} :: Of or from Azawad
azawakh {m} :: Azawakh
azédarach {m} :: azedarach, bead tree, chinaberry (Melia azedarach)
azène {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: azene
azéotrope {m} :: azeotrope
azéotropique {adj} :: azeotropic
azépane {m} [organic compound] :: azepane
azépine {m} [organic compound] :: azepine
Azerbaïdjan {prop} {m} :: Azerbaïdjan (country)
azerbaïdjanais {adj} :: Azerbaijani
Azerbaïdjanais {m} :: an Azerbaijani
Azerbaïdjanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Azerbaïdjanais
azerbaïdjaniser {v} :: to Azerbaijanize
azéri {m} :: Azeri (language)
azéri {adj} :: Azeri
Azéri {m} :: an Azeri person
Azérie {f} :: feminine noun of Azéri
azerole {f} :: The azarole, fruit of the azérolier
azérole {f} :: alternative form of azerole
azerolier {m} :: azarole
azérolier {m} :: The azarole, the shrub or tree that produces the azerole, Crataegus azarolus
azerty {m} :: azerty keyboard
AZERTY {m} :: alternative form of azerty
azétane {m} [organic compound] :: azetane
azète {m} [organic compound] :: azete
azétidine {m} [organic compound] :: azetidine
azétine {m} [organic compound] :: azetine
azilien {m} :: Azilian (age)
azilien {adj} :: Azilian
azilien {adj} :: Of or from Mas-d'Azil
azimut {m} :: azimuth
azimut {m} [nautical] :: bearing
azimutal {adj} :: azimuthal
azimuté {adj} :: insane
azimuter {v} :: synonym of viser
azirène {m} [organic compound] :: azirine
azobenzène {m} [organic compound] :: azobenzene
azoïque {adj} :: azoic
azole {m} [organic compound] :: azole
azolla {f} :: mosquito fern (any of several species of small floating aquatic ferns in the genus Azolla)
azoospermie {f} [pathology] :: azoospermia
azophile {adj} :: azophilic, azaphilic
azopolymère {m} [organic chemistry] :: azopolymer
azotate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: nitrate
azote {m} :: nitrogen
azoté {adj} :: of or relating to nitrogen, nitrogenous
azote liquide {m} :: liquid nitrogen
azotémie {f} [pathology] :: azotemia
azotémique {adj} :: azotemic
azoteux {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] :: synonym of nitreux
azothydrique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrazoic
azotien {adj} :: Of or from Azotus
azotique {adj} :: azotic
azotique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: nitric
azotite {m} [inorganic chemistry, obsolete] :: nitrite
azotobacter {m} :: Azotobacter bacterium
azoture {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: nitride
azoturie {f} [pathology] :: azoturia
Azraël {prop} {m} :: Azrael (angel of death)
aztèque {adj} :: Aztec
Aztèque {mf} :: an Aztec
azulejo {m} :: a blue tile (used on walls)
azulène {m} [organic compound] :: azulene
azur {m} [tincture] :: azure (blue color)
azurage {m} :: blueing
azuré {adj} :: azure (blue in colour)
azuréen {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to the Côte d'Azur
azurer {v} :: To blue (brighten laundry)
azurite {f} :: azurite
azyme {adj} :: unleavened