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autarchie (countable and uncountable, plural autarchies)

  1. Obsolete spelling of autarchy.
  2. Obsolete spelling of autarky.
    • 1587, Zacharias Ursinus, “Of the Law of God, or, Of the Decalog and Ten Commandements. [The Eight Commandment.]”, in Henry Parry, transl., The Summe of Christian Religion: [], Oxford, Oxfordshire: [] Ioseph Barnes, and are to be solde [by T. Cooke] [], published 1589, →OCLC, paragraph 2, page 914:
      Autarchie, or contentednes, vvhich is a vertue vvhereby vve are contented vvith thoſe things vvhich vve preſently enioy, & haue iuſtly gotten, & meekly ſuffer poverty & other diſcommodities, neither are broken through vvant or penury, nor gape after other mens goods or ſubſtance, nor covet things needleſſe and vnneceſſary.
    • 1598, Aristotle, “What is a Citie: And that It Consisteth by Nature: And that Man is Naturally a Sociable and Ciuill Creature”, in I. D. [i.e., John Dee], transl., Aristotles Politiques, or Discourses of Government. [], London: [] Adam Islip, →OCLC, book I, page 13:
      Selfe-ſufficiencie is the end.] To haue all things, and to vvant or deſire nothing, is Selfe-ſufficiencie, Ariſtot: Polit. Lib. 7. Cap. 5. This autarchie or ſelfe-ſufficiencie, is the end and the good contained in the forme of a Citie, and conſequently is the end of all other ſocieties.
    • 1616 October 30 (Gregorian calendar), Samuel Ward, Balme from Gilead to Recouer Conscience. In a Sermon Preached at Pauls-Crosse, Octob. 20. 1616, London: [] [[w:Thomas Snodham|T[homas] S[nodham]] for Roger Iackson, and William Bladen, [], published 1617, →OCLC, page 18:
      Let vs rather turne our eyes, to behold and vvonder at the Diuine royalties and endovvments of it, it being in man the principall part of GODS Image, and that by vvhich Man reſembleth moſt the Autarchie and ſelf-ſufficiencie of GOD, vvhich I graunt is proper to his Infiniteneſſe, to be content and compleat vvithin it ſelfe: []







autarchie f (plural autarchies)

  1. autarchy

Further reading






autarchie f

  1. plural of autarchia

