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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-e

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-e {suffix} :: Used for forming nouns from verbs or adjectives
e {letter} :: letter: ee
e {n} [music] :: E (note)
E {letter} :: letter: ee
E {n} :: abbreviation of eximia cum laude approbatur
-ea {suffix} :: A suffix for making adjectives from some nouns and verbs
eaa. {adv} :: abbreviation of ennen ajanlaskun alkua
EAN-koodi {n} :: EAN code (barcode composed according to the EAN standard)
eau de Cologne {n} :: cologne (type of perfume)
ebla {n} [historical] :: Eblaite (language)
ebola {n} :: Ebola, Ebola virus
eboniitti {n} :: ebonite
eckankar {n} :: Eckankar (pantheistic religion)
Eckerö {prop} :: Eckerö (municipality)
ecu {n} [dated] :: ecu
Ecuador {prop} :: Ecuador (country)
ecuadorilainen {adj} :: Ecuadorian
ecuadorilainen {n} :: Ecuadorian
ecuadorinkalansyöjärotta {n} :: montane fish-eating rat, Neusticomys monticolus
ecuadorinpiikkihiiri {n} :: South American spiny mouse, Scolomys melanops
edam {n} :: Edam cheese
edaminjuusto {n} :: Edam cheese (type of cheese originating from Netherlands)
edamjuusto {n} :: Edam cheese (type of cheese originating from Netherlands)
edeema {n} [pathology] :: alternative form of ödeema
edellä {adv} :: above, before
edellä {adv} [noun ~ +] :: first, in front
edellä {postp} :: [static] before, ahead of, in advance of
edelläkävijä {n} :: forerunner, pioneer (one who goes ahead, preparing the way for others to follow)
edelläkävijä {n} [in plural] :: vanguard (people at the forefront of any group or movement)
edelläkävijäkansa {n} :: a pioneering people
edelläkäypä {adj} :: alternative form of edelläkäyvä
edelläkäyvä {adj} :: preliminary, prevenient, previous
edellä mainittu {adj} :: aforesaid, aforementioned
edelläoleva {adj} :: foregoing, above
edelle {adv} :: before, to before
edelle {postp} [of movement] :: before, ahead of
edelleen {adv} :: still (up to a time, as in the preceding time)
edelleenkään {adv} [emphatic, in negative] :: still (up to a time, as in the preceding time)
edelleenkin {adv} [emphatic, in positive] :: still (up to a time, as in the preceding time)
edelleenkuljetus {n} :: forward transportation, further transportation
edelleenohjaus {n} :: forwarding, redirecting
edelleenvuokraus {n} :: sublease, subleasing
edellinen {adj} :: previous
edellisilta {n} :: previous evening or night
edelliskertainen {adj} :: previous, of the previous time it happened
edelliskesäinen {adj} :: that took place in the previous summer
edellisvuonna {adv} :: in the previous year
edellisvuonna {adv} [dialectal, southwestern] :: the year before last year
edellisvuosi {n} :: previous year, year before
edellisvuosi {n} [dialectal, southwestern] :: the year before last year
edellisvuotinen {adj} :: of or pertaining to the year before the year of the event referred to
edellyttää {vt} [+ partitive] :: to require, oblige, call for, make imperative (administratively)
edellyttää {vt} [logic, + partitive] :: to presuppose, necessitate, entail, imply
edellyttää {vt} [+ partitive] :: to presume, assume, suppose
edellyttäminen {n} :: requiring, obliging
edellyttäminen {n} :: presupposing
edellyttäminen {n} :: presuming, assuming
edellytys {n} :: prerequisite
edellytys {n} :: requirement
edeltä {adv} :: in advance, beforehand
edeltä {postp} :: from before, from ahead of
edeltää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To precede, go before, go ahead of, come before, take place before, antedate, predate, antecede
edeltäjä {n} :: predecessor
edeltä käsin {phrase} :: beforehand
edeltäkäsin {adv} :: beforehand
edeltäminen {n} :: preceding, going before, coming before
edeltäpäin {adv} :: from ahead
edeltäpäin {adv} :: in advance, beforehand
edeltävä {adj} :: preceding
edeltävä {adj} :: previous
edemmä {adv} :: alternative form of edemmäksi
edemmäksi {adv} :: synonym of edemmäs
edemmäs {adv} :: (to/towards) closer to the front, further ahead
edempää {adv} :: from closer to the front, from further ahead
edempänä {adv} [static] :: closer to the front, further ahead
edempänä {adv} :: hereinbefore
edempi {adj} :: ahead, located ahead of something else
Eden {prop} :: alternative spelling of Eeden
edentää {vt} [rare] :: to advance, to bring further
edentaatio {n} [pathology] :: edentation
edes {adv} :: even (suggesting a minimum in a question)
edes {adv} :: even, so much as (suggesting a minimum in a negative statement)
edes {adv} :: at least (suggesting a minimum in a positive statement)
edes {adv} [in negations] :: not ... even
edesauttaa {vt} :: To further, support
edeskäypä {n} [obsolete] :: synonym of tarjoilija
edesmennä {v} [euphemistic, rare, deprecated] :: to pass away (to die)
edesmennyt {adj} :: deceased
edesottamus {n} :: doing
edespäin {adv} :: forward
edessä {postp} [genitive or possessive suffix +] :: (static) in front of
edessäpäin {adv} :: ahead (in or to the front; in advance; onward)
edessäpäin {adv} :: ahead (in or for the future)
edestä {postp} :: from in front of, from before; out of the way of; sometimes in front of due to different usage in Finnish and English
edestä {postp} :: for, on behalf of
edestä {postp} [rare] :: used to express equal worth
edestä {adv} :: from the front, from ahead, out of the way
edestakainen {adj} :: to and fro
edestakaisin {adv} :: back and forth, to and fro
edestakaisliike {n} :: movement to and fro, movement back and forth
edestakaissauma {n} [sewing] :: French seam
edestäpäin {adv} :: from ahead
edesvastuu {n} :: liability, responsibility
edesvastuullinen {adj} :: liable, accountable, responsible
edesvastuullisesti {adv} :: responsibly, accountably
edesvastuullisuus {n} :: liability, responsibility, accountability (the quality of being liable, responsible, accountable)
edesvastuuntunne {n} :: sense of responsibility
edesvastuuton {adj} :: irresponsible, reckless
edesvastuuttomasti {adv} :: irresponsibly, recklessly
edesvastuuttomuus {n} :: irresponsibility
edetä {vi} [physically] :: To advance, proceed, make headway, move/go ahead/forward, make strides, gain ground
edetä {vi} :: To act, proceed
edetä {vi} :: To progress, make progress, advance, get ahead, get on
edetä {vi} :: To develop, improve, (become/get) better
ediacara {n} :: synonym of ediacarakausi
ediacarakausi {n} :: The Ediacaran
ediacarakautinen {adj} :: Ediacaran (of a geologic period from about 620 to 542 million years ago)
ediili {n} :: aedile
edikti {n} :: edict
edistää {vt} [+ partitive] :: to advance, further, forward, help/urge forward, help the progress of, work for/toward, expedite, improve on, enhance, aid, assist
edistää {vt} [+ partitive] :: to promote, speak for, foster, encourage, support
edistää {vi} [of a clock] :: to run fast
edistäjä {n} :: contributor
edistäminen {n} :: promotion
edistämiskeino {n} :: form or means of promotion
edistävä {adj} :: promotive
edistyä {vi} :: to advance, proceed, make headway/strides, move/go ahead/forward, gain ground
edistyä {vi} :: to progress, make progress, advance, get ahead, get on
edistyä {vi} :: to develop, improve, become/get better
edistyksellinen {adj} :: progressive
edistyksellisesti {adv} :: progressively
edistyksellisyys {n} :: progressiveness
edistymä {n} :: synonym of edistyminen
edistyminen {n} :: progress
edistymispalkki {n} [graphical user interface] :: progress bar
edistyneisyys {n} :: progressiveness
edistys {n} :: progress (advancement to a higher or more developed state)
edistysaskel {n} :: breakthrough, advance, progress, progressive step
edistysmielinen {adj} [politics] :: progressive
edistysmielisyys {n} :: progressiveness (in politics)
edistystyö {n} :: work done for progress
editio {n} :: edition
editoida {vt} :: to edit (to make changes to a text or audio)
editoija {n} :: editor, copy editor
editointi {n} :: editing
editori {n} :: editor (software)
editoriaalinen {adj} :: editorial
editse {postp} [rare or dialectal] :: by the front of (when one goes through the space that is in front of something)
Edmo {prop} [very, rare] :: given name
edukas {adj} [rare] :: Inexpensive
edukkuus {n} [rare] :: inexpensiveness
edullinen {adj} :: advantageous
edullinen {adj} :: inexpensive, cheap
edullisemmin {adv} :: comparative of edullisesti
edullisempi {adj} :: comparative of edullinen
edullisesti {adv} :: inexpensively
edullisesti {adv} :: advantageously
edullistaa {v} :: to make inexpensive, to make more inexpensive
edullisuus {n} :: inexpensiveness, cheapness
edunjättäjä {n} :: the deceased spouse of a widow or widower
edunpalautus {n} :: restitution, repayment
edunsaaja {n} [legal] :: beneficiary (one who benefits from a legal transaction such as a will, donation, insurance or other contract)
eduntasoitus {n} :: compensation of profits with damages, compensatio lucri cum damno
edunvalvoja {n} [legal] :: guardian (person legally responsible for a minor or incompetent person)
edunvalvoja {n} :: (law) trustee (one who is intrusted with property for the benefit of another)
edunvalvoja {n} :: guardian of interests (one who guards, watches over, or protects someone's interests)
edunvalvonta {n} :: promotion of interests (organized action for defending and advancing the rights or economic interests of a particular group in the society)
edunvalvonta {n} [legal] :: the acts of a guardian (person legally responsible for a minor or incompetent person) in their office
edus {n} :: front (of a house etc.)
eduskunta {n} :: the Finnish Parliament
eduskunta {n} [by extension, relatively rarely] :: Any parliament
eduskunta-aloite {n} :: parliamentary bill
eduskuntaehdokas {n} :: parliamentary candidate
eduskuntakäsittely {n} :: parliamentary processing, parliamentary process
eduskuntakatsaus {n} :: an overview of what is being considered or discussed in the parliament
eduskuntakeskustelu {n} :: parliamentary discussion, parliamentary debate
eduskuntalaitos {n} :: parliament as an institution
eduskuntaryhmä {n} :: parliamentary group (group of MP's within a parliament who have agreed to act together in promoting the interests of their voters, usually consisting of the members of the same political party)
eduskuntasihteeri {n} :: parliamentary secretary
eduskuntatalo {n} :: Parliament House (building in which the Parliament of Finland convenes)
eduskuntatalo {n} [rare] :: synonym of parlamenttitalo (building of many other parliaments in the world, with the exception of those that have a house-specific term; see usage notes for examples)
eduskuntatoimittaja {n} :: parliamentary reporter
eduskuntatyö {n} :: work in the Finnish Parliament
eduskuntavaalit {n} [politics, in Finland] :: parliamentary election
edusmies {n} [dated] :: representative, spokesman
edussana {n} [linguistics] :: head, nucleus (word of a phrase that determines the syntactic category of that phrase)
edusta {n} :: front (of a house etc.)
edusta {n} :: foreground
edustaa {vt} :: to represent
edustaja {n} :: representative
edustaja {n} :: spokesman, spokeswoman, spokesperson (one who speaks as the voice of a group of people)
edustaja {n} :: deputy, delegate, proxy, substitute, surrogate
edustaja {n} :: proponent, exponent, advocate, upholder, believer
edustaja-aloite {n} :: private member's bill (proposed law introduced by a member of a legislature who is not acting on behalf of the executive government)
edustajainhuone {n} :: The House, or the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress
edustajakamari {n} :: chamber of representatives
edustajakokous {n} :: parliamentary or representative assembly, convention
edustajakunta {n} :: representatives collectively
edustajanpaikka {n} :: representative seat, parliamentary seat
edustajanpalkkio {n} :: parliamentary or representative salary or allowance
edustajantoimi {n} :: mandate, the work of a representative
edustajisto {n} :: body of delegates, representatives
edustajuus {n} :: The act of being a representative
edustaminen {n} :: representation, representing
edustava {adj} :: representative (having the same properties of interest as a larger group)
edustava {adj} :: presentable (in good enough shape to be shown to other people)
edustavasti {adv} :: representatively
edustavasti {adv} :: presentably
edustavuus {n} :: representativeness
edusteilla {adv} :: represented, on display, on the foreground
edusteinen {adj} [rare] :: synonym of edustuksellinen
edustua {vi} [rare] :: To be represented
edustuksellinen {adj} :: representative
edustuminen {n} :: becoming represented, representation
edustus {n} [law, accounting] :: representation
edustusasu {n} :: representative or ceremonial suit
edustusasunto {n} :: a representative building; a building that represents the power of someone, rather than being the actual residence
edustusauto {n} :: executive car
edustuselin {n} :: representative body
edustusjoukkue {n} [sports] :: representative team
edustuskelpoinen {adj} :: presentable
edustuskelpoisuus {n} :: presentability (the quality of being presentable)
edustuskulut {n} :: representation expenses
edustuskyky {n} :: ability to represent someone
edustuskykyinen {adj} :: capable to represent someone; presentable
edustuslaitos {n} :: assembly, representative institution
edustuslounas {n} :: formal lunch
edustusmeno {n} :: representation expense
edustusoikeus {n} :: right of representation
edustustehtävä {n} :: representative task, representation
edustustilaisuus {n} :: formal or representative occasion or event
edustustili {n} :: expense account (bank account)
edustusto {n} :: representation
edustusvelvollisuus {n} :: duty or responsibility to represent
E-duuri {n} [music] :: E major
Edvard {prop} :: given name
ee {n} :: letter: e
eeben {n} :: ebony
eebenholtsi {n} :: ebony
eebenpuinen {adj} :: ebony (made of ebony wood)
eebenpuu {n} :: ebony
eeden {n} :: An Eden, paradise
Eeden {prop} [biblical] :: The Eden
Eedit {prop} :: given name
eekkeri {n} :: acre
Eeli {prop} :: Eli [biblical character]
Eeli {prop} :: given name
Eelin {prop} :: given name
Eelis {prop} :: given name
eemeli {n} [slang] :: ecstasy (drug)
Eemeli {prop} :: given name
Eemeli {prop} :: The letter "E" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Eemil {prop} :: given name
-eeni {suffix} [organic chemistry] :: -ene
eepikko {n} :: epicist
eepillinen {adj} :: synonym of eeppinen
eepos {n} :: An epic
eeppinen {adj} :: epic
Eerik {prop} :: given name
Eerika {prop} :: given name
Eerikki {prop} :: given name
Eerin {prop} :: given name
Eero {prop} :: given name
Eerola {prop} :: surname
Eerola {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
eespäin {adv} [poetic] :: forward
eessä {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of edessä
eessä {postp} [dialectal] :: alternative form of edessä
eestaas {adv} :: back and forth
eesti {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of viro (language)
Eesti {prop} [colloquial] :: synonym of Viro
eestiläinen {adj} [colloquial] :: synonym of virolainen (of or pertaining to Estonia)
eestiläinen {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of virolainen (person)
eestinkielinen {adj} [colloquial] :: synonym of vironkielinen
eeta {n} :: eta
eetikko {n} :: ethicist
eetillinen {adj} [dated] :: ethical
eetos {n} :: ethos
eetteri {n} :: ether
eetteri {n} :: aether
eetteri {n} [colloquial] :: radio waves
eetterimedia {n} [colloquial, rare] :: radio and television media
eetterinarkoosi {n} :: synonym of eetterinukutus
eetterinen {adj} [chemistry] :: ethereal
eetterinukutus {n} :: ether anesthesia
eettinen {adj} :: ethical
eettinen kuluttaminen {n} :: political consumerism, ethical consumerism
eettisemmin {adv} :: comparative of eettisesti
eettisesti {adv} :: ethically
eettisimmin {adv} :: superlative of eettisesti
eettismoraalinen {adj} :: ethico-moral
eettisyys {n} :: ethicalness
Eetu {prop} :: given name
eeva {n} :: woman
Eeva {prop} :: given name
Eeva {prop} :: Eve [wife of Adam]
Eeva-Liisa {prop} :: given name
Eevert {prop} :: given name
Eevertti {prop} :: given name
Eevi {prop} :: given name
efa {n} :: saw-scaled viper, Indian saw-scaled viper, little Indian viper (Echis carinatus)
efebofiili {n} :: ephebophile
efebofilia {n} :: ephebophilia
efedriini {n} :: ephedrine
efekti {n} :: effect (illusion produced by technical means; scientific phenomenon)
efekti {n} [sound engineering] :: effect (alteration, or device for producing an alteration, in sound)
efektiivinen {adj} :: effective
efektiivisesti {adv} :: effectively
efektiivisyys {n} :: effectiveness
efektilaite {n} :: effects unit (electronic device that alters how a musical instrument or other audio source sounds)
efektori {n} [biology, mycology] :: effector
efemeridi {n} :: ephemeris
efesolainen {adj} :: Ephesian (of or pertaining to Ephesus)
efesolainen {n} :: Ephesian (someone from Ephesus)
efesolaiskirje {n} [Bible] :: Ephesians, Letter to the Ephesians
Efesolaiskirje {prop} :: Ephesians (book in the New Testament)
Efesos {prop} :: Ephesus (ancient city)
efferentti {adj} [anatomy] :: efferent (carrying away from)
effuusio {n} [chemistry, medicine] :: effusion
egalitaarinen {adj} :: egalitarian
egalitarismi {n} :: egalitarianism
ege {n} [slang] :: euro [currency]
Egeanmeri {prop} :: The Aegean Sea
ego {n} :: ego
ego {n} [psychoanalysis] :: ego
egoismi {n} :: egoism
egoisti {n} :: egoist
egoisti {n} :: egotist
egoistinen {adj} :: egoistic
egoistisesti {adv} :: egoistically
egoistisuus {n} :: egoism
egomaanikko {n} :: egomaniac
egosentrinen {adj} :: egocentric
egosentrisesti {adv} :: egocentrically
egosentrisyys {n} :: egocentrism
egressiivi {n} [grammar] :: egressive, egressive case
egypti {n} :: Egyptian (language)
Egypti {prop} :: Egypt
egyptiläinen {adj} :: Egyptian
egyptiläinen {n} :: Egyptian
egyptiläinen murtoluku {n} [mathematics] :: Egyptian fraction
egyptiläisyys {n} :: Egyptianness (quality of being Egyptian)
Egyptin arabitasavalta {prop} :: the Arab Republic of Egypt (official name of Egypt)
egyptindoggilepakko {n} :: Egyptian free-tailed bat, Tadarida aegyptiaca (species of bat found in most of Africa, the Middle East and India)
egyptinhautalepakko {n} :: Egyptian tomb bat, Taphozous perforatus (species of bat)
egyptinkielinen {adj} :: Egyptian, Egyptian-language (expressed in Egyptian)
egyptinkobra {n} :: Egyptian cobra, asp, Naja haje (extremely venomous African cobra)
egyptinkoirankuonolepakko {n} :: Egyptian rousette, Rousettus aegyptiacus (species of bat)
egyptinmangusti {n} [rare] :: Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon (species of shrew endemic to Egypt)
egyptinmungo {n} :: Egyptian mongoose, ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon
egyptinparru {n} :: Egyptian balk (type of sawn good having the length of 3–6,7 meters, square cross-section with the side length of at least 75 mm in one end and not more than 25 mm less in the other end)
egyptinvaivaispäästäinen {n} :: Egyptian pygmy shrew, Crocidura religiosa (species of shrew endemic to Egypt)
egyptologi {n} :: Egyptologist
egyptologia {n} :: Egyptology
egyptologinen {adj} :: Egyptological
ehättää {vi} :: to make it, reach (in time)
ehdoin tahdoin {adv} [idiomatic] :: deliberately, intentionally, on purpose
ehdokas {n} :: candidate
ehdokas {n} :: nominee
ehdokasasettelu {n} :: nomination of candidates for an election
ehdokaslista {n} :: list of candidates, ballot
ehdokkuus {n} :: candidacy
ehdollepano {n} :: nomination (act or instance of naming someone as a candidate for a particular role or position)
ehdollinen {adj} :: conditional
ehdollinen {adj} [legal] :: suspended
ehdollinen {n} [colloquial, law] :: probation
ehdollinen refleksi {n} [psychology] :: conditioned reflex
ehdollisesti {adv} :: conditionally
ehdollistaa {vt} [psychology] :: To condition
ehdollistaminen {n} [psychology] :: conditioning (process of creating conditioning)
ehdollistua {vi} [psychology] :: to become conditioned
ehdollistuma {n} [psychology] :: conditioned response, conditioned reflex
ehdollistuminen {n} [psychology] :: conditioning, as in Pavlovian conditioning or classical conditioning (learning process)
ehdollisuus {n} :: conditionality
ehdonalainen {n} [legal] :: parole
ehdonalainen {adj} [law] :: conditional
ehdonvalta {n} :: one's own discretion
ehdotella {v} :: To suggest (casually, repeatedly)
ehdotelma {n} :: proposal, sketched plan
ehdoton {adj} :: absolute, unconditional
ehdoton {adj} [colloquial] :: best
ehdoton {n} [colloquial] :: an unconditional incarceration (as opposed to probation), prison (sentence)
ehdoton tai {n} :: XOR, exclusive OR
ehdottaa {vt} :: to suggest, propose
ehdottaja {n} :: proposer
ehdottomasti {adv} :: absolutely, definitely
ehdottomuus {n} :: The property of being unconditional; absoluteness
ehdotus {n} :: suggestion
ehdotus {n} :: proposal
ehdyksiin {adv} :: to the state of being depleted
ehdyksissä {adv} :: in the state of being depleted
ehdyttää {vt} :: To exhaust, to cause to dry up
ehdytys {n} :: exhausting, drying up (the act of exhausting something or making something dry up)
eheä {adj} :: Whole, solid
eheä {adj} :: Intact, unbroken
eheä {adj} :: Consistent in structure
eheälaitainen {adj} :: with intact or smooth edges
eheärakenteinen {adj} :: with a firm or solid structure
eheästi {adv} :: in a whole or solid manner
eheästi {adv} :: intactly
ehei {interj} :: no
ehein {adj} :: superlative of eheä
eheys {n} :: integrity
eheyttää {vt} :: To make whole, unite
eheyttää {vtt} [computing] :: To defragment
eheyttää {vt} [Christianity] :: To subject to conversion therapy, turn straight
eheyttäminen {n} :: making whole, uniting
eheyttäminen {n} [computing] :: defragmenting
eheytyä {vi} :: To become whole
eheytys {n} [computing] :: defragmentation
ehiö {n} [philately] :: postal stationery
ehjä {adj} :: intact, not broken or damaged
ehjästi {adv} :: intactly, in an unbroken and undamaged manner
ehjempi {adj} :: comparative of ehjä
ehjyys {n} :: integrity
ehkä {adv} :: perhaps, maybe
ehkäisemään {v} :: infinitive of ehkäistä
ehkäisemätön {adj} :: unchecked, unobstructed, unprevented
ehkäisemätön {adj} :: without contraception
ehkäiseminen {n} :: prevention
ehkäisevä {adj} :: preventive
ehkäisevästi {adv} :: preventively
ehkäisijä {n} :: preventer
ehkäisin {n} :: A preventer
ehkäistä {vt} :: To prevent, keep from occurring, avert, block, bar
ehkäistä {vt} :: To stop, halt, check, keep/hold back, hold up, stave/ward off
ehkäistä {vt} :: To thwart, frustrate, foil, arrest, nip in the bud, forestall; to intercept, defend against, counteract, fend off
ehkäistä {vt} :: To suppress, repress, stanch, stop
ehkäistä ennalta {vt} :: to hinder, keep back, impede, prevent
ehkäistä ennalta {vt} :: to discourage (to persuade somebody not to do something)
ehkäistyä {vi} :: To be prevented
ehkäisy {n} :: prevention
ehkäisy {n} :: contraception (prevention of pregnancy)
ehkäisy {n} :: When used as modifier in a compound term, often translated into English as preventive or contraceptive
ehkäisyaine {n} :: spermicide, anti-contraceptive substance
ehkäisykapseli {n} :: birth control implant, contraceptive implant
ehkäisykeino {n} :: method of contraception
ehkäisykierukka {n} :: intrauterine device
ehkäisylaastari {n} :: contraceptive patch
ehkäisymenetelmä {n} :: contraceptive
ehkäisyneuvonta {n} :: birth control counseling, contraceptive advice
ehkäisypilleri {n} :: contraceptive pill
ehkäisyrengas {n} :: vaginal ring
ehkäisytabletti {n} :: synonym of ehkäisypilleri
ehkäisytoimi {n} :: preventive measure
ehkäisytulli {n} [rare] :: very high tariffs that discourage import or/and export
ehkäisyvaahto {n} :: contraceptive foam
ehkäisyväline {n} :: contraceptive
ehkei {contraction} :: contraction of ehkä ei
ehkeivät {contraction} :: contraction of ehkä eivät
ehkemme {contraction} :: contraction of ehkä emme
ehken {contraction} :: contraction of ehkä en
ehket {contraction} :: contraction of ehkä et
ehkette {contraction} :: contraction of ehkä ette
ehommin {adv} [entistä ~] :: better than before
ehompi {adj} :: used in the phrase entistä ehompi: better, fixed
ehostaa {v} :: To apply makeup; to make up
ehostaminen {n} :: making up, applying makeup
ehoste {n} :: decoration, ornament
ehoste {n} :: makeup
ehostettu {adj} :: made-up (changed by the application of cosmetics)
ehostus {n} :: makeup (cosmetics)
ehta {adj} :: genuine, pure, echt
ehtiä {vi} :: to make it, arrive or reach (in time or before something else happens) ((to/at/in) a place = allative or illative)
ehtiä {vi} [auxiliary, + infinitive] :: to have/find time (to do something)
ehtiminen {n} :: making it, arriving or reaching in time
ehtiminen {n} :: having time to
ehtimiseen {adv} :: time and time again, whenever one happens to have the time
ehto {n} :: condition, term
ehto {n} :: reservation
ehto {n} [in locational cases] :: candidacy in an election or for public office
ehto {n} [math] :: constraint
-ehtoinen {adj} [in compounds] :: conditioned (taking place under specified condition)
ehtoisa {adj} :: generous
-ehtoisesti {adv} [as headword in compounds] :: In a somehow conditioned manner; no meaningful English translation
-ehtoisuus {n} [as headword in compounds] :: State of being somehow conditioned; no meaningful English translation
ehtolainen {n} :: a pupil who has received conditions in order to not have to repeat a certain grade if the pupil has failed a subject
ehtolaiskurssi {n} :: a course for pupils that fail a subject but don't have to repeat a grade (ehtolainen)
ehtolaiskuulustelu {n} :: an examination held during the summer for those who failed a subject in school
ehtolause {n} [grammar] :: conditional sentence, conditional
ehtolause {n} [computing] :: conditional
ehtoluku {n} [analysis] :: condition number
ehtoo {n} [dialectal, dated, poetic] :: evening
ehtoollinen {n} :: Holy Communion, Eucharist, Lord's Supper (sacrament and ceremony)
ehtoollinen {n} [archaic] :: A supper
ehtoollisastia {n} [Christianity] :: communion vessel
ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus {n} [Christianity] :: service with the Holy Communion; mass
ehtoolliskalkki {n} [Christianity] :: communion cup
ehtoolliskirkko {n} :: synonym of ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus
ehtoollislautanen {n} :: paten, diskos
ehtoollisleipä {n} [Christianity] :: A wafer, the Holy Bread
ehtoollisleipälautanen {n} :: paten (plate used to hold the host during the Eucharist)
ehtoollismalja {n} [Christianity] :: communion cup
ehtoollispikari {n} :: chalice used to hold sacramental wine
ehtoollispöytä {n} :: communion table, communion altar
ehtoollisrukous {n} [Christianity] :: eucharistic prayer; canon [in Roman Catholic church]
ehtoollisvieras {n} :: communicant (person who receives Communion)
ehtoollisviini {n} [Christianity] :: sacramental wine
ehtoopalvelus {n} :: evening prayer, evensong (evening service in an Orthodox church)
ehtoopuoli {n} [dated] :: evening, the latter half of the day
ehtoopuoli {n} :: twilight years, golden years
ehtotapa {n} [grammar] :: conditional, conditional mood
ehtyä {vi} :: to dry up, to run dry, to run out
ehtymätön {adj} :: inexhaustible
ehtymättömästi {adv} :: inexhaustibly
ehtyminen {n} :: drying up (the act of drying up, running dry or out)
ehyin {adj} :: superlative of ehyt
ehyt {adj} :: intact
ehytlaitainen {adj} [botany] :: entire (of a leaf, having a smooth margin without any indentation)
ei- {prefix} :: non-
ei {interj} :: no (a negating expression)
ei {v} :: The third-person singular form of the negative verb (negation verb), used also with impersonal verb forms (see the usage in passive below). The English translations include don’t, doesn’t, not (with auxiliary verbs and be), and no
ei ainakaan {adv} :: at least not, at any rate not, certainly not
ei auta itku markkinoilla {proverb} :: some things have to be accepted if one doesn't want to, there's no point crying over spilt milk
eideetikko {n} :: A person with eidetic memory
eideettinen {adj} :: eidetic
ei haukku haavaa tee {proverb} :: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, expresses that words cause no physical harm
ei haukkuva koira pure {proverb} :: a barking dog never bites
ei ihme {phrase} [idiomatic] :: no wonder
ei ihmeempiä {phrase} [colloquial] :: nothing special; uninformative answer e.g. to the greeting mitä kuuluu (what's up, how are you)
Eija {prop} :: given name, popular in Finland in the 1950s and the 1960s
ei jättää yhtään kiveä kääntämättä {v} [idiomatic] :: to leave no stone unturned
eikä {conj} :: Used with negation verb, neither ... nor
ei kahta ilman kolmatta {proverb} :: bad things come in threes
ei kahta kolmannetta {proverb} :: bad things come in threes
ei kai {interj} [colloquial] :: not even (used to express strong disappointment or disapproval)
ei kaikki kultaa, mikä kiiltää {proverb} :: synonym of kaikki ei ole kultaa mikä kiiltää
ei kannata lähteä merta edemmäs kalaan {proverb} :: one should not get ahead of themselves when doing something
ei käy {phrase} :: no way (absolutely not; under no circumstances)
ei-kenenkään-maa {n} :: no man's land
eiköhän {adv} :: Indicates that the speaker thinks the following proposition is possible or desirable, a bit like in the English expression "why don't we.."
eiköhän {adv} :: Indicates hesitation
ei-kokeellinen {adj} :: nonexperimental
ei korppi korpin silmää noki {proverb} :: one crow does not peck the other's eyes out
eikosanoidi {n} [hormone] :: eicosanoid
eikosapentaeenihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: eicosapentaenoic acid
ei koskaan {adv} :: never
ei köyhänkään suu tuohesta ole {proverb} :: what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander (that which one person finds good usually tastes good to another) (literally: not even a poor man's mouth is made of birch bark)
eiku {adv} [slang] :: alternative spelling of ei kun
ei kukaan {pron} :: nobody, no one
ei kukaan muu {pron} :: no one else
ei kukaan ole seppä syntyessään {proverb} :: one should not be expected to master something they have not tried before
ei kukko käskien laula {proverb} :: abbreviation of ei kukko käskien laula, eikä kana kotkota
ei kukko käskien laula, eikä kana kotkota {proverb} :: Someone who is unwilling, unmotivated, or uninspired to do something is unlikely to do it when asked or told to
ei kukko käskien laula, eikä kana kotkota {proverb} :: One should let things happen spontaneously and allow people to do things in their own time
ei kun {interj} [colloquial] :: Used as an invitation to do something
ei kun {adv} [colloquial] :: Used to indicate a correction to something that was just said
ei kun {adv} [colloquial] :: Used to open a denial
eikun {adv} [slang] :: alternative spelling of ei kun
Eila {prop} :: given name
ei lainkaan {adv} :: not at all
ei lämmin luita riko {proverb} :: A little warm weather won't cause any harm
eilen {adv} :: yesterday
eilenä {adv} [dialectal, rare] :: synonym of eilen
eilinen {adj} :: yesterday's
eilinen {n} :: yesterday
ei lintu eikä kala {n} :: neither fish nor fowl
eilisaamu {n} :: yesterday morning
eilisaamuinen {adj} :: that took place yesterday morning
eilisilta {n} :: yesterday evening, last night, yesternight (the evening before today)
eilisiltainen {adj} :: that took place yesterday evening or night
eilispäivä {n} :: yesterday
eilispäiväinen {adj} :: Pertaining to something that occurred yesterday
eilispäivänä {adv} :: yesterday
ei mikään {pron} :: nothing, not anything
ei mikään {pron} [in locational cases] :: nowhere, not anywhere
ei mikään {pron} :: devoid (particularly in the partitive form)
ei mikään naurun asia {phrase} :: no laughing matter
ei millään pahalla {phrase} [idiomatic] :: not for nothing (used to soften the impact of what is said next, implying that it is important)
ei millään tavalla {adv} :: (in) no way, (in) no manner, nowise, nohow, not in any way, by no means
ei millään tavalla {adv} :: definitely not, nowise
ei milloinkaan {adv} :: never
ei missään {adv} :: nowhere
ei missään nimessä {adv} :: by no means, not by any means (certainly not; definitely not)
ei missään tapauksessa {phrase} :: under no circumstance, under no circumstances; absolutely not; on no account; never
ei mitään uutta auringon alla {proverb} :: there is nothing new under the sun
ei mitenkään {adv} :: (in) no way, (in) no manner, nowise, not in any way, by no means
ei mitenkään {adv} :: definitely not, nowise
Einari {prop} :: given name
eine {n} [archaic] :: breakfast
eine {n} [regional] :: food
Eine {prop} :: given name
ei-negatiivinen {adj} :: non-negative
einehtiä {v} [archaic] :: to break one's fast (to eat breakfast)
einehtiä {v} [regional] :: to eat
eines {n} :: convenience food
eineskeittiö {n} :: kitchen that prepares convenience food
einesruoka {n} :: convenience food
einesteollisuus {n} :: convenience food industry
einestuote {n} :: convenience food product
E-infinitiivi {n} [grammar] :: the second infinitive in Finnish
Eini {prop} :: given name
ei nimi miestä pahenna, jos ei mies nimeä {proverb} :: people cannot be judged by names, unless one makes themselves infamous
Eino {prop} :: given name
einsteinilainen {adj} :: Einsteinian
Einsteinin kenttäyhtälö {n} [relativity] :: Einstein field equation
einsteinium {n} :: einsteinium
ei ole {phrase} :: isn't, is not
ei ole {phrase} :: hasn't, has not
ei ole hoppu hyväksi, eikä kiire kunniaksi {proverb} :: more haste, less speed
ei ole koiraa karvoihin katsominen {proverb} :: you can't judge a book by its cover
ei ollenkaan {adv} :: synonym of ei lainkaan
ei omena kauas puusta putoa {proverb} :: the apple does not fall far from the tree
ei oo {n} :: alternative spelling of eioo
ei-oo {n} :: alternative spelling of eioo
eioo {n} [colloquial] :: An item that has run out of stock
ei oppi ojaan kaada {proverb} :: being educated will reduce your chances of being put in a bad situation
eipä kestä {phrase} :: you're welcome, don't mention it, my pleasure, no problem, not at all
eipä mitään {phrase} :: it's nothing, you're welcome, no problem, not at all
ei paska punniten parane {proverb} [vulgar] :: you can't polish a turd
Eira {prop} :: given name
Eira {prop} :: A district of Helsinki, the site of a hospital named for the Old Norse goddess
ei Roomaakaan päivässä rakennettu {proverb} :: Rome wasn't built in a day
eis {n} [music] :: E-sharp
ei savua ilman tulta {proverb} :: no smoke without fire
ei se mitään {interj} :: no problem, it's nothing, it was nothing, no worries, it's all right, that's OK (no apology is necessary)
ei se pelaa joka pelkää {proverb} :: no guts, no glory
ei suinkaan {adv} :: by no means, not by any means (certainly not; definitely not)
ei tekisi pahaa kärpäsellekään {v} [idiomatic] :: wouldn't hurt a fly
ei tippa tapa eikä ämpäriin huku {phrase} :: An encouragement to drink (more) alcohol
ei-toivottu {adj} :: unwanted, undesirable, unsolicited
ei-toivottu {adj} :: ei-toivottu henkilö: persona non grata
eittää {v} [uncommon] :: to deny
eittää {v} [rare, dated] :: to veto
eittämätön {adj} :: undeniable
eittämättä {adv} :: undeniably
eittämättömyys {n} :: undeniability
ei tule kysymykseen {phrase} :: out of the question
ei tyhjä säkki pystyssä pysy {proverb} :: a hungry person cannot do their job properly
ei työ tekemällä lopu {proverb} :: no matter how much you work, there will always be more work to do
ei uutisia on hyvä uutinen {phrase} :: no news is good news
ei vähimmässäkään määrin {adv} :: not in the least
ei vaineskaan {phrase} :: Used to retract what one said before, often used as a jest; just kidding
ei-välttämätön {adj} [biology] :: nonessential
ei-välttämätön aminohappo {n} [amino acid] :: nonessential amino acid
ei vara venettä kaada {proverb} :: being cautious does not itself cause any harm; better safe than sorry
ei vielä {adv} :: not yet
ei voi olla totta {phrase} :: no way (indicates astonished disbelief or rejection)
ei voisi vähempää kiinnostaa {phrase} :: couldn't care less
ei yhtään {adv} :: synonym of ei lainkaan
ei yksi pääsky kesää tee {proverb} :: one swallow does not a summer make
ejakulaatio {n} [biology] :: ejaculation (a forcible ejection of semen from the mammalian urethra, a reflex in response to sexual stimulation)
ejakuloida {vi} :: To ejaculate
ejakulointi {n} :: ejaculation
ejektiivi {n} :: ejective
ejektori {n} :: ejector (pump)
EJTM {prop} :: FYROM
e-julkaisu {n} :: electronic publication
EK {prop} :: Elinkeinoelämän Keskusliitto (Confederation of Finnish Industries, an employers' association which covers almost whole private sector)
EK {n} [motor racing] :: initialism of erikoiskoe
eka {num} [colloquial] :: first
ekaksi {adv} [colloquial] :: firstly
ekaluokkalainen {n} [colloquial] :: first-grader
E-kausi {n} [military slang] :: the period of role-specific training or specialized training during military service
EKG-laite {n} :: electrocardiograph
ekinokokkoosi {n} :: echinococcosis
e-kirja {n} :: e-book, electronic book
ekklesiologia {n} :: ecclesiology
eklektikko {n} :: eclectic
eklektinen {adj} :: eclectic
eklektismi {n} :: eclecticism
eklipsi {n} [astronomy] :: eclipse
ekliptika {n} [astronomy] :: ecliptic
eklogiitti {n} [rock] :: eclogite
eko- {prefix} :: eco-
eko {n} [slang] :: economizer (part of a steam boiler)
ekoasuminen {n} :: ecological living, ecoliving
ekobetoni {n} :: A type of concrete used e.g. in road construction, in the production of which suitable contaminated materials are mixed with ordinary concrete in order to bind the harmful chemicals in the mixture
ekobetonoida {vt} :: to build something out of ekobetoni
ekobetonointi {n} :: act of building something out of ekobetoni
ekoenergia {n} :: ecological energy, ecoenergy
ekofasismi {n} :: ecofascism
ekofeminismi {n} :: ecofeminism
ekofilosofia {n} :: ecosophy
ekofysiologia {n} :: ecophysiology
ekokatastrofi {n} :: ecodisaster
ekokaupunki {n} :: eco-city
ekokunta {n} :: eco-municipality
ekokylä {n} :: ecovillage
ekolääni {n} :: ecologically sustainably managed province
ekolalia {n} [psychology] :: echolalia (immediate, involuntary, and repetitive echoing of words or phrases spoken by another)
ekologi {n} :: ecologist
ekologia {n} :: ecology
ekologinen {adj} :: ecological
ekologinen jalanjälki {n} :: ecological footprint
ekologisesti {adv} :: ecologically
ekologismi {n} :: ecologism
ekolokero {n} [ecology] :: econiche
ekomatkailu {n} :: ecotourism
ekomerkki {n} :: ecolabel
ekomuseo {n} :: ecomuseum
ekonofysiikka {n} [physics, economics] :: econophysics
ekonomaiseri {n} :: economizer (heat exchange device)
ekonometria {n} :: econometrics
ekonometrinen {adj} :: econometric
ekonometrisesti {adv} :: econometrically
ekonomi {n} :: The Finnish title and/or job title used of graduates in economics or business administration (usage has varied; see usage notes below)
ekonomi {n} :: (Since 1980) Master of Business Administration, Master of Economic Sciences
ekonomi {n} :: (Prior to 1980) Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Economic Sciences
ekonomi {n} :: (Common loose usage) economist (talousmies, ekonomisti)
ekonomia {n} :: economics
ekonominen {adj} :: economic, economical (pertaining to an economy)
ekonomisesti {adv} :: economically
ekonomisti {n} :: economist
ekonomisuus {n} :: economicalness
ekopiste {n} :: a type of recycling center
ekopsykologi {n} :: ecopsychologist
ekopsykologia {n} :: ecopsychology
ekorakentaminen {n} :: green construction, ecological construction
ekosfääri {n} :: ecosphere
ekososiaalinen {adj} :: ecosocial
ekosysteemi {n} :: ecosystem (system of an ecological community and its environment)
ekosysteemipalvelu {n} :: ecosystem service
ekotalo {n} :: green building, ecological building; a building that is environmentally responsible
ekotase {n} :: ecobalance
ekotehokkuus {n} :: ecoefficiency
ekoterrorismi {n} :: ecoterrorism
ekotoksikologi {n} :: ecotoxicologist
ekotoksikologia {n} :: ecotoxicology
ekotuote {n} :: green product, eco-product
ekoturismi {n} :: ecotourism
ekotyyppi {n} [ecology] :: ecotype
EKP {prop} [initialism] :: ECB (European Central Bank)
eKr. {adv} :: abbreviation of ennen Kristusta; B.C., BC
eksa- {prefix} :: exa-
eksä {n} [colloquial] :: ex (ex-husband, ex-wife or ex-partner)
eksä {phrase} [colloquial] :: contraction of etkö sinä ?
eksabitti {n} [computing] :: exabit
eksagramma {n} :: exagram
eksajoule {n} :: exajoule
eksakti {adj} :: exact
eksakti jono {n} [algebra] :: exact sequence
eksaktisti {adv} :: exactly
eksaktius {n} :: exactness
eksametri {n} :: exametre, exameter
eksanteema {n} :: exanthem
eksatavu {n} :: exabyte
ekseema {n} [pathology] :: eczema
eksegeesi {n} :: exegesis (exposition or explanation of a text, especially a religious one)
eksegeetti {n} :: exegete
eksegeettinen {adj} :: exegetic
eksegetiikka {n} :: exegesis
eksekantti {n} [mathematics] :: exsecant
eksekvatuuri {n} [law] :: exequatur
ekseli {n} [colloquial, ] :: Excel spreadsheet
eksellenssi {n} :: excellence
eksellentti {adj} :: excellent
eksemplaari {n} :: exemplar; example, archetype
eksemptio {n} :: exemption
eksentrikko {n} :: eccentric (person who does not behave like others)
eksentrinen {adj} :: eccentric
eksentrisesti {adv} :: eccentrically
eksentrisyys {n} :: eccentricity
eksergia {n} :: exergy
eksessi {n} :: excess
eksessiivi {n} [grammar] :: the exessive case
eksessiivinen {adj} :: excessive
eksfoliaatio-oireyhtymä {n} :: pseudoexfoliation syndrome
ekshibitionismi {n} :: exhibitionism
ekshibitionisti {n} :: exhibitionist
ekshibitionistinen {adj} :: exhibitionistic
ekshumaatio {n} :: exhumation (act of digging up a dead person from his/her grave, typically for forensic investigation)
eksikaattori {n} :: desiccator (closed glass vessel)
eksikkaattori {n} :: alternative form of eksikaattori
eksimeeri {n} [chemistry, physics] :: excimer
eksipleksi {n} [chemistry, physics] :: exciplex
eksisio {n} :: excision
eksisteerata {vi} [rare] :: To exist
eksistenssi {n} :: existence
eksistenssikvanttori {n} [logic] :: existential quantifier
eksistentiaali {adj} :: synonym of eksistentiaalinen
eksistentiaalinen {adj} :: existential
eksistentiaalipsykologia {n} :: existential psychology
eksistentiaalisesti {adv} :: existentially
eksistentialismi {n} :: existentialism
eksistentialisti {n} :: existentialist
eksistentialistinen {adj} :: existentialistic
eksistoida {vi} [rare] :: To exist
eksitatorinen {adj} :: excitatory
eksitoni {n} [physics] :: exciton
eksklaavi {n} :: exclave
eksklusiivinen {adj} :: exclusive
eksklusiivinen tai {n} :: XOR, exclusive OR
eksklusiivisesti {adv} :: exclusively
eksklusiivisuus {n} :: exclusivity
ekskluusio {n} :: exclusion
ekskommunikaatio {n} :: excommunication
ekskosekantti {n} [mathematics] :: excosecant
ekskreetio {n} :: excretion
ekskulpaatio {n} :: exculpation
ekskursio {n} :: excursion
ekskurssi {n} :: excursion
ekso- {prefix} :: exo-
eksobiologi {n} :: exobiologist
eksobiologia {n} :: exobiology
eksodermi {n} [rare, misconception] :: ectoderm (one of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal)
eksodus {n} :: exodus
eksofora {n} [linguistics] :: exophora
eksogamia {n} :: exogamy
eksogeeninen {adj} :: exogenous
eksogeenisuus {n} :: exogeneity
eksokarppi {n} [biology] :: exocarp, epicarp (outermost layer of the pericarp of fruits)
eksokriininen {adj} :: exocrine
eksokriininen rauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: exocrine gland
eksokuu {n} [astronomy] :: exomoon
eksoni {n} [genetics] :: exon
eksonyymi {n} [linguistics] :: exonym
eksoottinen {adj} :: exotic
eksoottisesti {adv} :: exotically
eksoottisuus {n} :: exoticness
eksoplaneetta {n} [astronomy] :: exoplanet, extrasolar planet
eksorkismi {n} :: exorcism
eksorkisti {n} :: exorcist
eksosfääri {n} :: exosphere
eksoskeleton {n} [anatomy] :: synonym of ulkoinen tukiranka
eksostoosi {n} [pathology, medical jargon] :: synonym of fi
eksosytoosi {n} [cytology] :: exocytosis
eksoterminen {adj} [chemistry] :: exothermic (of a reaction, releasing energy in the form of heat)
eksoterminen {adj} :: (chemistry) exothermic (of a compound, releasing heat during its formation, and absorbs it during its decomposition)
eksotiikka {n} :: exoticness
ekspansiivinen {adj} :: expansive
ekspansiivisesti {adv} :: expansively
ekspansiivisuus {n} :: expansiveness
ekspansio {n} :: expansion
ekspatriaatti {n} :: expatriate
ekspektorantti {n} [medicine] :: expectorant
eksperimentaalinen {adj} :: experimental
ekspertti {n} :: expert
ekspiraatio {n} :: expiration (act or process of breathing out, or forcing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth)
eksplanatiivinen {adj} :: explanatory
eksplementtikulma {n} [geometry] :: one of a pair of explementary angles or conjugate angles
eksplikatiivinen {adj} :: explicative
eksplikoida {v} [philosophy] :: to explicate
eksplisiittinen {adj} :: explicit
eksplisiittisesti {adv} :: explicitly
eksplisiittisyys {n} :: explicitness
eksploitaatio {n} :: exploitation
eksploosio {n} :: synonym of laukeama
eksploraatio {n} :: exploration
eksploratiivinen {adj} :: explorative
eksponentiaalinen {adj} :: exponential
eksponentiaalinen kasvu {n} :: exponential growth
eksponentiaalisesti {adv} :: exponentially
eksponentiaalisuus {n} :: exponentiality
eksponentti {n} [mathematics] :: exponent
eksponenttifunktio {n} [mathematics] :: exponential function
eksponenttijakauma {n} [statistics] :: exponential distribution
eksponenttikäyrä {n} :: exponential curve, exponential graph
eksponenttimuoto {n} [mathematics] :: scientific notation
eksponenttisarja {n} [math] :: exponential series
eksponoida {v} [uncommon] :: to raise to an exponent
eksponoida {v} [medicine] :: to subject to radiation, particularly for radiography
eksportoida {v} :: to export
eksportti {n} :: export
ekspressiivinen {adj} :: expressive
ekspressiivisana {n} :: "expressive word"; a word that is either imitative or descriptive
ekspressiivisesti {adv} :: expressively
ekspressiivisyys {n} [linguistics] :: expressiveness
ekspressionismi {n} :: expressionism
ekspressionisti {n} :: expressionist
ekspressionistinen {adj} :: expressionistic
ekssekantti {n} [mathematics] :: alternative form of eksekantti
ekstaasi {n} :: ecstasy (intense pleasure)
ekstaasi {n} :: ecstasy, trance (frenzy or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation)
ekstaasi {n} :: ecstasy (drug)
ekstaasi {n} [chemistry] :: MDMA, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (active chemical compound in this drug)
ekstaattinen {adj} :: ecstatic
ekstaattisesti {adv} :: ecstatically
ekstaattisuus {n} :: ecstasy
ekstensiivinen {adj} :: extensive
ekstensio {n} :: extension
ekstensionaalinen {adj} :: extensional
ekstensionaalisesti {adv} :: extensionally
ekstensionaalisuus {n} :: extensionality
ekstensometri {n} :: extensometer
eksternaalinen {adj} [philosophy, biology] :: external
eksterni {adj} :: external
eksterritoriaalinen {adj} :: exterritorial
ekstra- {prefix} :: extra (beyond what is due, usual, expected, or necessary; additional; supernumerary)
ekstra {n} :: extra
ekstrahoida {v} [biology] :: to extract
ekstrakti {n} :: extract
ekstranet {n} :: extranet
ekstrapolaatio {n} [mathematics] :: extrapolation
ekstrapoloida {vt} [mathematics] :: To extrapolate
ekstrapolointi {n} :: extrapolation
ekstraterrestriaali {n} :: synonym of avaruusolento
ekstraversio {n} :: extraversion, extroversion
ekstravertti {n} :: alternative form of ekstrovertti
ekstremelaji {n} :: extreme sport
ekstremismi {n} :: extremism
ekstremisti {n} :: extremist
ekstremofiili {n} [biology] :: extremophile
ekstremofiilinen {adj} [biology] :: extremophilic
ekstroversio {n} :: extroversion
ekstrovertti {adj} :: extrovert
ekstrusiivikivi {n} [petrology] :: extrusive rock
ekstrusiivinen {adj} :: extrusive
ekstrusiivinen {adj} [geology] :: effusive
ekstruuderi {n} :: extruder
ekstruusio {n} :: extrusion
eksyä {vi} :: to get lost, go astray, lose one's way
eksykki {n} [biology] :: An individual outside its normal habitat
eksyksiin {adv} :: lost, astray (to the situation of being unable to find one's way)
eksyksissä {adv} :: lost, astray (in the state of being unable to find one's way)
eksyksistä {adv} :: from (being) lost or astray (from the situation of being unable to find one's way)
eksymä {n} :: magnetic deviation
eksyminen {n} :: getting lost, losing one's way
eksymys {n} :: getting lost, straying
eksynyt sielu {n} [idiomatic] :: lost soul (a person lacking direction or motivation in life)
eksyttää {vt} :: to lead astray, mislead
eksyttää {vt} :: to make someone get lost, to disorientate
eksyttäminen {n} :: misleading, leading astray
eksyttäminen {n} :: disorientating
eksyttävä {adj} :: misleading, that causes one to lose one's way
eksytys {n} :: misleading, leading astray, disorientating
ekto- {prefix} :: ecto-
ektodermaalinen {adj} :: ectodermal
ektodermi {n} :: ectoderm (one of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal)
-ektomia {suffix} [surgery] :: -ectomy
ektooppinen {adj} [medicine] :: ectopic
ektoparasiitti {n} :: ectoparasite
ektoplasma {n} :: ectoplasm
ekumeeninen {adj} [Christianity] :: ecumenical
ekumeeninen patriarkka {n} :: Ecumenical Patriarch
ekumeenisesti {adv} :: ecumenically
ekumeenisuus {n} :: ecumenicity, ecumenism
ekumenia {n} :: ecumenism
ekumeniikka {n} :: ecumenics
ekumenopolis {n} :: ecumenopolis
ekvaattori {n} :: equator
ekvaattorisäde {n} [astronomy] :: equatorial radius
ekvalisoida {vt} :: to equalize (alter the amplitudes of certain frequencies)
ekvatoriaali {adj} :: synonym of ekvatoriaalinen
ekvatoriaalinen {adj} :: equatorial
ekvipotentiaali {n} :: equipotential
ekvivalenssi {n} [math, logic] :: equivalence
ekvivalenssiluokka {n} [math] :: equivalence class
ekvivalenssiperiaate {n} [physics] :: equivalence principle
ekvivalenssirelaatio {n} [mathematics] :: equivalence relation
ekvivalentisti {adv} :: equivalently
ekvivalentti {adj} :: equivalent
ekvivalenttiannos {n} [physics] :: equivalent dose
ekvivalenttinen {adj} :: equivalent
ekvivalenttipiste {n} [chemistry] :: equivalence point
ekvivalenttisesti {adv} :: equivalently
elää {vi} :: To live, be alive
elää {vi} :: To live (somewhere)
elää itsensä kanssa {v} [idiomatic] :: to live with oneself
elää kädestä suuhun {v} [idiomatic] :: to live hand-to-mouth, live paycheck to paycheck
elää yli varojensa {v} [idiomatic] :: to live beyond one's means
elaboroida {v} :: to elaborate
elähdyttää {vt} :: To make more lively; invigorate
elähdyttävä {adj} :: invigorating, vitalizing, enlivening
elähtänyt {adj} :: withered, tired, wilted
eläimeen sekaantuminen {n} :: bestiality (sexual activity)
eläimellinen {adj} :: animal
eläimellinen {adj} :: animal (unhindered by social codes)
eläimellisempi {adj} :: comparative of eläimellinen
eläimellisesti {adv} :: animally
eläimellisyys {n} :: animality (nature of an animal)
eläimellisyys {n} :: Such feature in human behavior
eläimiin sekaantuminen {n} [law] :: bestiality (sexual activity)
eläimistö {n} :: fauna
eläin {n} :: animal
eläinaktivismi {n} :: animal rights activism
eläinaktivisti {n} :: animal rights activist
eläinanatomia {n} :: animal anatomy
eläinekologia {n} :: animal ecology, zooecology
eläinfossiili {n} :: animal fossil
eläinfysiologi {n} :: animal physiologist
eläinfysiologia {n} :: animal physiology
eläinkanta {n} :: animal population
eläinkauppa {n} :: pet shop
eläinkertomus {n} :: animal story
eläinkoe {n} :: An animal test
eläinkoe {n} :: In plural eläinkokeet refers often to animal testing (practice of using animal tests in research)
eläinkuitu {n} :: animal fiber
eläinkunta {n} :: animal kingdom, Animalia (set of all animals)
eläinlääkäri {n} :: veterinarian
eläinlääke {n} :: veterinary drug
eläinlääketiede {n} :: veterinary medicine
eläinlääketieteellinen {adj} :: veterinary
eläinlääkintä {n} :: the field of veterinary medicine
eläinlääkintähuolto {n} :: veterinary care
eläinlääkintöasessori {n} :: an honorary title of the thirteenth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished (chief) veterinary physicians
eläinlääkintöneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished veterinary physicians
eläinlaji {n} :: an animal species
eläinlajisto {n} :: fauna, the species of fauna or animals collectively
eläinliike {n} :: pet store, pet shop
eläinmaailma {n} :: animal world
eläinmaantiede {n} :: zoogeography
eläinmuseo {n} :: zoological museum
eläinnäyttely {n} :: menagerie, animal exhibition
eläinoikeusliike {n} :: animal rights movement
eläinopillinen {adj} :: zoological
eläinoppi {n} :: zoology
eläinornamentiikka {n} :: animal ornamentation
eläinornamentti {n} :: animal ornament
eläinpääesine {n} [especially, archaeology] :: an object made to resemble an animal head
eläinpatologi {n} :: animal pathologist
eläinpatologia {n} :: zoopathology
eläinperäinen {adj} :: of animal origin
eläinperäinen {adj} :: zoonotic (of or relating to zoonosis)
eläinplankton {n} [biology] :: zooplankton
eläinpöly {n} :: animal dust
eläinproteiini {n} :: animal protein
eläinpsykologi {n} :: animal psychologist
eläinpsykologia {n} :: ethology
eläinpuisto {n} :: zoo
eläinpuisto {n} :: animal park, wildlife park, safari park
eläinrääkkäys {n} :: cruelty to animals
eläinrakas {adj} :: that has an affinity for animals
eläinrasva {n} :: animal fat
eläinrata {n} [astronomy, astrology] :: zodiac
eläinratavalo {n} [astronomy] :: zodiacal light
eläinratavalo {n} :: false dawn (morning zodiacal light)
eläinravinto {n} :: animal feed, animal foodstuffs
eläinrehu {n} :: animal feed, animal fodder
eläinruno {n} :: animal poem
eläinrutto {n} :: epizooty, animal plague
eläinsairaala {n} :: veterinary hospital
eläinsatu {n} :: fable
eläinsolu {n} :: animal cell
eläinsuoja {n} :: animal shelter
eläinsuojelija {n} :: animal protectionist, animal protector
eläinsuojelu {n} :: animal protection
eläinsuojelus {n} [dated] :: alternative form of eläinsuojelu
eläinsuojeluvalvoja {n} :: animal protection officer, animal welfare officer
eläinsuojeluyhdistys {n} :: animal protection association
eläintarha {n} :: zoo, menagerie
eläintauti {n} :: animal disease
eläintenhoitaja {n} :: zookeeper
eläintenhoitaja {n} :: cattleman
eläintenkasvattaja {n} :: animal producer, animal husbandman, a farm worker taking care of the animals
eläintenkesyttäjä {n} :: animal trainer, animal tamer
eläintenkouluttaja {n} :: animal trainer
eläinten kuningas {n} [idiomatic] :: king of beasts (lion)
eläintenoikeusliike {n} :: animal rights movement
eläintenpalvonta {n} :: zoolatry
eläintensuojelu {n} :: animal protection
eläintentäyttäjä {n} :: taxidermist
eläinten täyttäminen {n} :: taxidermy (art of preserving animals for display by stuffing)
eläinten täyttäminen {n} :: doing taxidermy (act)
eläintentutkija {n} :: zoologist
eläintiede {n} :: zoology
eläintieteellinen {adj} :: zoological
eläintieteellisesti {adv} :: zoologically
eläintieteilijä {n} :: zoologist
eläintuho {n} [usually, in plural] :: damage caused by animals
eläintulokas {n} :: a new arrival that is an animal, such as a new pet
eläintyyppi {n} :: type of animal
eläinurheilu {n} :: animal sports
eläjä {n} :: liver (one who lives, usually in some a specified way)
eläjä {n} :: creature
eläke {n} :: pension (payment made to one retired)
eläkeikä {n} :: retirement age, pension age (the age at which a pension can be claimed)
eläkeikäinen {adj} :: of pension age
eläkeikäinen {n} :: pensioner
eläkejärjestelmä {n} :: pension systen, pension scheme
eläkekarttuma {n} :: pension accrual
eläkekassa {n} :: pension fund
eläkekertymä {n} :: pension accrual
eläkeläinen {n} :: pensioner, retiree, retired person (someone who lives on a pension)
eläkelaitos {n} :: the (public) institution responsible for pensions; pension institution
eläkemaksu {n} :: pension contribution, retirement benefit
eläkeoikeus {n} :: right to pension
eläkepäivä {n} :: A day of being retired; mostly used in plural (see: eläkepäivät) to denote retirement
eläkepäivät {n} :: retirement (state of being retired)
eläkepolitiikka {n} :: pension policy
eläkerahasto {n} :: pension fund
eläkesäästäminen {n} :: retirement savings, plans to save money for one's pension
eläkesäätiö {n} :: pension fund
eläketuki {n} :: pension subsidy
eläketurva {n} :: pension protection
eläkevakuutus {n} :: pension insurance
eläkevakuutusmaksu {n} :: pension insurance contribution, pension contribution
eläkkeellä {adv} :: retired (having left employment, especially on reaching pensionable age)
eläkkeelle {adv} :: retired (into having left employment, especially on reaching pensionable age)
eläkkeensaaja {n} :: pensioner
eläköityä {vi} :: To become a pensioner
eläköityminen {n} :: becoming a pensioner
eläköön {interj} :: hurrah
eläköön-huuto {n} :: cheer, hurrah
elam {n} [historical] :: Elamite (language)
elämä {n} :: life
elämäkerrallinen {adj} :: biographical
elämäkerta {n} :: biography
elämäkertaelokuva {n} :: biographical film, biopic
elämäkertakirjallisuus {n} :: biographical literature
elämäkertaromaani {n} :: biographical novel
elämäkertateos {n} :: a biographical work
elämäkertatutkimus {n} :: biographical research
elämäkerturi {n} :: biographer
elämänaika {n} :: lifetime
elämänaikainen {adj} :: lifelong
elämänala {n} :: walk of life, area of life, field of life
elämänalue {n} :: area of life
elämänarvo {n} :: value or priority in life
elämänasenne {n} :: outlook on life
elämänehto {n} :: synonym of elinehto
elämäneliksiiri {n} :: elixir of life
elämänfilosofia {n} :: philosophy of life
elämänhallinta {n} :: life skills, lifestyle, coping
elämänhalu {n} :: will to live, joie de vivre
elämänhaluinen {adj} :: full of life, willing to live
elämänhistoria {n} :: life history
elämänihanne {n} :: life ideal
elämänilmiö {n} :: phenomenon that is a part of life
elämänilo {n} :: exuberance, joy of life, joy of living
elämäniloinen {adj} :: exuberant, full of life
elämäniloisesti {adv} :: exuberantly
elämänjano {n} :: appetite for life
elämänjärjestys {n} :: lifestyle
elämänjuoksu {n} :: course of life
elämänkaari {n} :: life cycle
elämänkaariterapia {n} :: life cycle therapy
elämänkäsitys {n} :: synonym of elämänkatsomus
elämänkatsomuksellinen {adj} :: of or pertaining to a view of life
elämänkatsomuksellisesti {adv} :: in a way that pertains to a view of life
elämänkatsomus {n} :: view of life, worldview (one's general philosophy)
elämänkatsomustieto {n} :: In Finnish public schools, a study subject for students who do not belong to a church and who do not want to study religion; includes philosophical subjects such as ethics and moral principles, and also different religions. Abbreviated as ET
elämänkerrallinen {adj} :: biographical
elämänkerta {n} :: alternative form of elämäkerta
elämänkielteinen {adj} :: pessimistic, with a negative attitude towards life
elämänkielteisesti {adv} :: pessimistically, with a negative attitude towards life
elämänkielteisyys {n} :: pessimisticness, having a negative attitude towards life
elämänkipinä {n} :: spark of life
elämänkohtalo {n} :: destiny, fate
elämänkokemus {n} :: life experience
elämänkoulu {n} [idiomatic] :: university of life, school of hard knocks
elämänkulku {n} :: course of life
elämänkumppani {n} :: mate, partner, life partner
elämänkutsumus {n} :: calling
elämänlaatu {n} :: quality of life
elämänläheinen {adj} :: true to life
elämänläheisesti {adv} :: in a true to life way
elämänläheisyys {n} :: the quality of being true to life
elämänlanka {n} :: thread of life (metaphor for the lifespan of an individual)
elämänlanka {n} :: lifeline (means or route for transporting indispensable supplies)
elämänlanka {n} [nautical] :: jackstay, lifeline (safety line on the deck of a boat)
elämänlanka {n} :: A plant of the genus Ipomoea
elämänlanka {n} :: synonym of karhunköynnös
elämänmeno {n} :: life, everyday life, routine of life
elämänmuoto {n} :: lifeform, organism
elämänmuutos {n} :: lifestyle change
elämänmyönteinen {adj} :: optimistic, life-affirming
elämänmyönteisesti {adv} :: optimistically, with a positive attitude towards life
elämänmyönteisyys {n} :: optimisticness, having a positive attitude towards life
elämännälkä {n} :: hunger for life
elämännautinto {n} :: enjoyment of life
elämänodotus {n} :: life expectation
elämänohje {n} :: maxim, guideline for living
elämänpelko {n} :: fear of life, fear of living
elämänpiiri {n} :: sphere of life
elämänpolitiikka {n} :: life politics
elämänpuu {n} :: tree of life
elämänrytmi {n} :: rhythm of life, pace of life
elämäntaidon valmentaja {n} :: life coach (professional who helps clients to achieve their personal goals)
elämäntaistelu {n} :: struggle for life
elämäntaiteilija {n} :: person who lives a fulfilling or full life
elämäntaito {n} :: life skill
elämäntaival {n} :: journey of life
elämäntapa {n} :: lifestyle
elämäntapa {n} :: way of life
elämäntapasairaus {n} :: lifestyle disease
elämäntarina {n} :: story of one's life, biography
elämäntehtävä {n} :: life's mission
elämäntie {n} :: way of life
elämäntilanne {n} :: situation in life
elämäntoveri {n} :: companion, soulmate
elämäntuska {n} :: angst (painful sadness or emotional turmoil)
elämäntyö {n} :: lifework, life's work (main occupation or vocation of a person's life)
elämäntyyli {n} :: lifestyle
elämänura {n} :: (lifelong) career
elämänusko {n} :: faith in life
elämänvaihe {n} :: stage of life
elämänvesi {n} :: water of life, nectar
elämänviisaus {n} :: maxim, wisdom in life, motto
elämä on {phrase} :: A response to someone who complains about how expensive something or everything is
elämä on {phrase} :: c'est la vie
elämärajoitteinen {adj} [ironic] :: living impaired (dead)
eläminen {n} :: living
elämismaailma {n} [philosophy] :: lifeworld
elämöidä {vi} :: To be noisy
elämöiminen {n} :: being noisy
elämöinti {n} :: noise; racket
elämyksekäs {adj} :: memorable
elämyksellinen {adj} :: memorable, experiential
elämyksellisesti {adv} :: memorably
elämyksellisyys {n} :: memorableness, experientiality
elämys {n} :: experience, especially an emotional or exciting one
elämysmaailma {n} :: world of experience (sphere of one's experiences)
elämysmaailma {n} :: experiential theme park
elämysmatkailu {n} :: experiential tourism, experiential travel
elämyspedagogiikka {n} :: experiential pedagogy, experiential education
elämyspohja {n} :: base or basis of or for experiences
elämysteollisuus {n} :: experiential industry, such as experiential tourism industry
elandi {n} [rare] :: synonym of hirviantilooppi
elanto {n} :: livelihood, bread
elaska {n} :: snake blenny (Lumpenus lampretaeformis)
elastaani {n} :: spandex, elastane
elastaasi {n} [chemistry] :: elastase
elastiini {n} :: elastin
elastinen {adj} :: elastic
elastisemmin {adv} :: comparative of elastisesti
elastisesti {adv} :: elastically
elastisimmin {adv} :: superlative of elastisesti
elastisuus {n} :: elasticity
elastomeeri {n} :: elastomer (polymer with elastic properties)
elätellä {v} :: To maintain (hope)
elatiivi {n} [grammar] :: elative
elatiivisija {n} [grammar] :: elative case
elättää {v} :: To maintain; to support (living of), provide for
elättää {v} :: To feed, provide food for
elättäjä {n} :: breadwinner
elättäminen {n} :: maintaining, supporting, providing for
elätti {n} :: dependent; one who relies on another for support
elättivaris {n} :: a crow that one takes care of
elatus {n} :: sustenance, alimony
elatusaine {n} [microbiology] :: culture medium, growth medium, medium
elatusapu {n} :: child support, maintenance
elatusapu {n} :: alimony, maintenance
elatusmaksu {n} :: child support
elatusmalja {n} :: Petri dish
elatustuki {n} :: child maintenance allowance, child maintenance benefit
elatusturva {n} :: security of alimony, sustenance or child maintenance
elatusvara {n} [usually, in plural] :: means of living, the money or resources with which one lives on
elatusvelvollinen {n} :: debtor of alimony or maintenance
elatusvelvollisuus {n} :: duty of support (legal obligation to provide maintenance for another person, such as one's child, spouse or former spouse)
elätys {n} :: sustenance, keep, supporting, maintaining
elävä {adj} :: Having life; being alive, live, living (also figuratively; in use or existing)
elävä {adj} :: Animated, lively, buoyant, perky, peppy, vivacious; sprightly, youthful; (of animals) frisky, playful, frolicsome
elävä {adj} :: vivid
elävä {adj} :: lifelike (like a living being)
elävä fossiili {n} :: living fossil
eläväinen {adj} :: lively
eläväisesti {adv} :: in a lively manner
elävältä {adv} :: alive
elävämpi {adj} :: comparative of elävä
elävästi {adv} :: having life, being alive
elävästi {adv} :: animatedly, lively
elävästi {adv} :: vividly
elävöittää {vt} :: To invigorate; to regenerate
elävöittäminen {n} :: invigorating, regenerating
elävöityä {vi} :: to become more lively
elävöitys {n} :: invigorating, regenerating (the act of invigorating or regenerating)
elävyys {n} :: aliveness
elävyys {n} :: vitality, viability
eläymys {n} [rare] :: empathy, contemplation
eläytyä {v} :: To empathise/empathize
eläytyminen {n} :: empathy, contemplation
eläytymiskyky {n} :: ability to empathize
eläytymismenetelmä {n} :: method of empathy-based stories
Elbejoki {n} :: Elbejoki (river)
eldorado {n} [figuratively] :: El Dorado, Eden, paradise
ele {n} :: gesture, sign
Eleasar {prop} :: Eleazar (biblical characters)
eleetön {adj} :: expressionless, vacant
eleettömästi {adv} :: expressionlessly
eleettömyys {n} :: expressionlessness
elefantiaasi {n} [pathology] :: elephantiasis
elefantti {n} :: elephant
elefanttitauti {n} [pathology] :: elephantiasis
eleganssi {n} :: elegance
elegantisti {adv} :: elegantly
elegantti {adj} :: elegant
eleganttius {n} :: elegance (the state or quality of being elegant)
elegia {n} :: elegy
eleginen {adj} :: elegiac
elegisesti {adv} :: elegiacally
elegisyys {n} :: elegiacness
elehdintä {n} :: gesturing
e-lehti {n} :: e-magazine
elehtiä {vi} :: to gesture
elehtiminen {n} :: gesturing
-eleinen {suffix} [as headword in compounds] :: gesturing or behaving in a certain manner, no meaningful English translation
-eleisesti {adv} :: In a manner that involves gesturing or behaving in a certain way; no meaningful English translation
-eleisyys {n} :: The condition of gesturing or behaving in a certain way; no meaningful English translation
elekieli {n} :: gesture language, gesturing (nonverbal communication using gestures)
elektreetti {n} [physics] :: electret (solid dielectric having a quasi-permanent charge)
elektrisiteetti {n} [archaic] :: electricity
elektro- {prefix} :: electro-
elektroakustiikka {n} :: electroacoustics
elektroakustinen {adj} [music] :: electroacoustic
elektrodi {n} :: electrode
elektrodynaaminen {adj} :: electrodynamic
elektrodynamiikka {n} :: electrodynamics
elektroenkefalografia {n} :: electroencephalography
elektroenkefalogrammi {n} :: electroencephalogram
elektrofoni {n} [musical instruments] :: electrophone
elektroforeesi {n} :: electrophoresis
elektrofotografia {n} :: electrophotography
elektrofysiologi {n} :: electrophysiologist
elektrofysiologia {n} :: synonym of sähköfysiologia
elektrokardiografia {n} :: electrocardiography
elektrokardiogrammi {n} :: electrocardiogram
elektrokemia {n} :: electrochemistry
elektroluminesenssi {n} :: electroluminescence
elektroluminesenssinäyttö {n} :: electroluminescent display
elektrolyysi {n} :: electrolysis
elektrolyytti {n} :: electrolyte
elektrolyyttinen {adj} :: electrolytic
elektrolyyttisesti {adv} :: electrolytically
elektromagneetti {n} :: electromagnet
elektromagnetismi {n} [physics] :: electromagnetism
elektromigraatio {n} :: electromigration
elektromotorinen {adj} :: synonym of sähkömotorinen
elektronegatiivinen {adj} [chemistry] :: electronegative
elektronegatiivisuus {n} :: electronegativity
elektronegatiivisuusero {n} [chemistry] :: electronegativity difference
elektroni {n} [particle] :: electron
elektroniaffiniteetti {n} [chemistry, physics] :: electron affinity
elektroniaukko {n} [physics] :: electron hole, hole
elektronidiffraktio {n} :: electron diffraction
elektroniikka {n} :: electronics
elektroniikka-ala {n} :: electronics industry
elektroniikka-asentaja {n} :: electronics technician
elektroniikkainsinööri {n} :: electronics engineer
elektroniikkakomponentti {n} :: electronic component
elektroniikkalaite {n} :: electronic device, electronic equipment
elektroniikkalaiteromu {n} :: waste electronical equipment
elektroniikkaromu {n} :: e-waste
elektroniikkateollisuus {n} :: electronics industry
elektronikehä {n} [physics] :: electron shell
elektroniköyhä {adj} [chemistry] :: electron-poor
elektronikuori {n} [physics] :: electron shell
elektronimikroskooppi {n} :: electron microscope
elektronimikroskopia {n} :: electron microscopy
elektronimusiikki {n} :: electronic music
elektroninen {adj} :: electronic
elektronioptiikka {n} :: electron optics
elektroniputki {n} :: vacuum tube
elektroniputkidiodi {n} :: electron tube diode, valve diode
elektronirikas {adj} [chemistry] :: electron-rich
elektronisesti {adv} :: electronically
elektronisuihku {n} :: electron beam
elektronitykki {n} [physics] :: electron gun
elektroniverho {n} [physics] :: electron cloud
elektronivoltti {n} [physics] :: electron volt
elektronivuo {n} [physics] :: electron flux
elektropositiivinen {adj} [chemistry] :: electropositive
elektroskooppi {n} :: electroscope
elektrostatiikka {n} :: synonym of sähköstatiikka
eleleminen {n} :: living, inhabiting
elellä {vi} :: to live, inhabit
elementaari- {prefix} [as modifier] :: elementary (elating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something)
elementaari- {prefix} [chemistry, as modifier] :: elementary (of or pertaining to chemical elements)
elementaarifunktio {n} [math, rare] :: synonym of alkeisfunktio
elementaarinen {adj} :: elementary
elementaarisesti {adv} :: elementarily
elementaarisuus {n} :: elementariness, elementarity
elementti {n} :: element
elementti {n} [construction] :: prefab (prefabricated section of a building)
elementtikerrostalo {n} :: prefab apartment building, prefab flat
elementtimenetelmä {n} :: finite element method
elementtipilari {n} :: prefab pillar, prefab column
elementtirakentaminen {n} :: prefab construction
elementtirakenteinen {adj} :: prefabricated, prefab (constructed of prefab elements)
elementtitalo {n} :: prefab (building)
elementtitehdas {n} :: prefab factory
Elena {prop} :: given name of modern usage
elenäytelmä {n} :: pantomime, gesture play
Eleonoora {prop} :: given name
elevaatio {n} :: elevation
elevaattori {n} :: (grain) elevator
eli {conj} [coordinating] :: so
eli {conj} :: a.k.a., or
eli {conj} :: i.e., that is, in other words
eli {conj} :: as in (in the sense of)
eli {conj} [obsolete] :: or
Elia {prop} :: Elijah [biblical character]
Elia {prop} :: given name
-elias {suffix} :: Variant of -ias
Elias {prop} [dated] :: Elijah, Elias [biblical character]
Elias {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
Eliel {prop} :: Eliel [biblical character]
Eliel {prop} :: given name
Elieser {prop} :: Eliezer (biblical characters)
e-liiketoiminta {n} :: e-business
Eliina {prop} :: given name
Eliisa {prop} :: given name
Eliisabet {prop} :: given name, now rare
eliitti {n} :: elite
eliittikulttuuri {n} :: elite culture
eliittiryhmä {n} :: elite group
eliittiurheilu {n} :: elite sport
elikkä {conj} [colloquial, coordinating] :: so
elikkä {conj} [colloquial] :: or, a.k.a.
elikko {n} :: critter
eliksiiri {n} :: elixir
elimellinen {adj} [biology] :: organic (pertaining to, derived from, like, of the nature of, an organ of the body)
elimellisesti {adv} :: organically (in the manner of pertaining to, derived from, like, of the nature of, an organ of the body)
elimellisyys {n} :: organicness (the quality of being pertaining to an organ of an organism)
elimenluovuttaja {n} :: organ donor (one whose organ is transplanted to another person, used especially of an individual; compare elintenluovuttaja)
elimenluovutus {n} :: organ donation
elimenluovutustestamentti {n} :: alternative form of elinluovutustestamentti
elimensiirto {n} :: alternative form of elinsiirto
elimetön {adj} :: without organs, organless
eliminaatio {n} :: elimination
eliminaatioreaktio {n} [chemistry] :: elimination reaction
eliminoida {vt} :: To eliminate
eliminointi {n} :: elimination
eliminoitua {vi} :: To be eliminated
elimistö {n} :: body (as the sum of organs)
elimistö {n} :: organ system
elimistö {n} :: system
elin- {prefix} :: living, life
elin {n} :: organ of an organism
elin {n} :: governmental body
elin {n} :: member (penis)
Elina {prop} :: given name
elinaika {n} :: lifetime, lifespan
elinaika-analyysi {n} [statistics] :: survival analysis
elinaikainen {adj} :: lifelong
elinaikaisuus {n} :: the quality of being lifelong
elinajanodote {n} :: life expectancy
elinalue {n} :: living area, habitat
elinehto {n} :: lifeblood, necessity of life
elinhermo {n} [figuratively] :: lifeblood
eliniänodote {n} :: synonym of elinajanodote
elinikä {n} :: lifetime, age (whole duration of a being)
elinikäinen {adj} :: lifetime
elinkaari {n} :: life cycle
elinkaarianalyysi {n} :: life cycle analysis
elinkaariarviointi {n} :: life cycle assessment
elinkaari-inventaario {n} :: life cycle inventory
elinkaarikustannus {n} [usually, in plural] :: life-cycle cost
elinkaarilaskenta {n} :: life-cycle cost calculation, life-cycle cost analysis
elinkaarimalli {n} :: life cycle model
elinkauppa {n} :: organ trade
elinkausi {n} :: the period of one's life
elinkautinen {n} [legal] :: A life sentence; life, especially with the verb "to sentence". When used as modifier in a compound term, contracts to form elinkautis-
elinkautinen {adj} [legal] :: Lasting for life
elinkautistuomio {n} :: life sentence
elinkautisvanki {n} :: A prisoner for life
elinkeino {n} :: livelihood, living (person's means of supporting himself)
elinkeino {n} :: trade, business
elinkeinoammatti {n} :: an occupation or profession one does for one's livelihood
elinkeinoasiamies {n} :: a business agent working for a municipality government, acting as a mediator between the municipality and businesses situated there
elinkeinoelämä {n} :: business
elinkeinohallinto {n} :: (state) business administration (faculty of the state responsible for administrating business)
elinkeinoilmoitus {n} :: registration of a business or trade submitted to the authorities
elinkeinokeskus {n} :: A regional or municipal board for promotion of business in its area of operation. There seems to be no uniform translation into English, but many of these boards call themselves "Business + name of city or region", e.g. "Business Seinäjoki" in their English communication
elinkeinolautakunta {n} :: a committee in a municipal government dealing with matters related to business
elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus {n} [Finland] :: A joint regional office of three ministries, työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö (Ministry of Employment and the Economy), ympäristöministeriö (Ministry of the Environment) and liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö (Ministry of Transport and Communications), more commonly called ELY-keskus (ELY-centre). Their official English translation is Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
elinkeinolupa {n} :: license to trade, license to practice a profession
elinkeinonharjoittaja {n} [legal] :: trader, entrepreneur
elinkeino-oikeus {n} :: business law
elinkeinopolitiikka {n} :: industrial policy, business policy
elinkeinorakenne {n} :: economic structure
elinkeinotoiminta {n} :: economic activity, business activity
elinkeinovapaus {n} :: freedom to conduct a business
elinkeinovero {n} :: business tax
elinkeinoverotus {n} :: professional taxation, taxation on business or entrepreneurship
elinkelpoinen {adj} :: viable (able to live on its own)
elinkelpoinen {adj} :: life-sustaining (capable of sustaining life)
elinkelpoinen {adj} [astronomy, in compounds] :: Goldilocks
elinkelpoinen vyöhyke {n} :: habitable zone, Goldilocks zone, circumstellar habitable zone (zone around a star in which a planet has Earth-like surface temperature allowing for the existence of liquid water, and thus being potentially capable of supporting life similar to ours)
elinkelpoistaa {vt} :: To make habitable
elinkelpoisuus {n} :: viability (the quality or property of being viable or life-sustaining)
elinkelvoton {adj} :: nonviable, unhabitable
elinkelvottomuus {n} :: nonviability, unhabitability
elinkorko {n} [insurance] :: life annuity (financial contract in the form of an insurance product according to which a seller (issuer) makes a series of future payments to a buyer (annuitant) in exchange for the immediate payment of a lump sum)
elinkustannukset {n} :: cost of living
elinkustannus {n} :: cost of living
elinkustannusindeksi {n} :: cost-of-living index
elinkyky {n} :: viability, vitality
elinkykyinen {adj} :: viable
elinkykyisyys {n} :: viability (the quality of being viable)
elinkysymys {n} :: matter of life and death
elinluovutus {n} :: organ donation
elinluovutuskortti {n} :: organ donation card
elinluovutustestamentti {n} :: organ donation will
elinmahdollisuus {n} :: chance to live
elinolosuhde {n} [chiefly in plural] :: living condition
elinolot {n} [pluralonly] :: living conditions
elinpaikka {n} :: habitat
elinpäivä {n} :: a day of life
elinpankki {n} :: organ bank
elinpiiri {n} [ecology] :: home range, habitat
elinsiirto {n} [medicine] :: organ transplant (surgical operation)
elinsiirtokirurgia {n} :: transplant surgery
elinsiirtotoiminta {n} [legal] :: organ harvesting (removal, preservation and use of human organs and tissue to be used in surgical transplants)
elintapa {n} :: way of life
elintärkeä {adj} :: vital, essential, indispensable, crucial
elintärkeys {n} :: the quality or property of being vital, essential or crucial
elintarvike {n} :: groceries (food bought and sold in grocery)
elintarvike {n} :: foodstuff (things edible)
elintarvikeala {n} :: food sector, food business, food industry
elintarvikeapu {n} :: food aid
elintarvikehallinto {n} :: food administration
elintarvikehuolto {n} :: food supply, food security
elintarvikehuoneisto {n} :: food premise (area in which foodstuffs are either produced or consumed)
elintarvikehygieenikko {n} :: food hygienist
elintarvikehygienia {n} :: food hygiene
elintarvikeinsinööri {n} :: food engineer
elintarvikekauppa {n} :: A grocery shop, grocery store
elintarvikekauppias {n} :: grocer
elintarvikekemia {n} :: food chemistry
elintarvikekioski {n} [technical] :: food kiosk, convenience store
elintarvikekortti {n} :: food stamp, especially when used as means of rationing
elintarvikeliike {n} :: A grocery shop
elintarvikelisäaine {n} :: A food additive
elintarvikemarkkinat {n} :: food market (system of trading)
elintarvikemikrobiologia {n} :: food microbiology
elintarvikemuovi {n} :: food-grade plastic
elintarvikenäyte {n} :: food sample
elintarvikeomavaraisuus {n} :: food self-sufficiency
elintarvikepolitiikka {n} :: food policy
elintarvikepula {n} :: food shortage
elintarviketalous {n} :: agricultural economy, food economy
elintarviketekniikka {n} :: food technology
elintarviketeknikko {n} :: food technologist, food technician
elintarviketeknologia {n} :: food technology
elintarviketeollisuus {n} :: food industry (the part of the industrial sector which is involved in food production)
elintarviketiede {n} :: food science
elintarviketuotanto {n} :: food production
elintarviketyöläinen {n} :: a worker in the food industry
elintarviketyöntekijä {n} :: food worker (person who works with food, such as in food production)
elintarvikevalvonta {n} :: food monitoring
elintarvikevalvontaviranomainen {n} :: food surveillance authority
elintarvikeväri {n} :: food colouring (any substance added to food in order to change its colour)
elintarvikkeet {n} :: grocery, groceries, foodstuffs (mass noun for items consumed as food)
elintaso {n} :: standard of living
elintasokilpa {n} :: struggle or competition for higher standard of living or prosperity
elintasokilpailu {n} :: living standard competition, keeping up with the Joneses (race to improve and particularly to show the improvement of one's living standard)
elintasokoti {n} :: a home with a high standard of living
elintasokuilu {n} :: prosperity gap, gap in standards of living
elintasopakolainen {n} :: economic refugee
elintasosairaus {n} :: disease of affluence
elintasosiipi {n} :: a wing or an annex to an older detached building, usually containing a sauna and other washing and bathing facilities
elintasoyhteiskunta {n} :: a society with a high standard of living
elintenluovuttaja {n} :: organ donor (one whose organ is transplanted to another person, used especially of potential donors or donors collectively)
elintenluovutus {n} :: organ donation
elintenluovutustestamentti {n} :: organ donation will
elintensiirto {n} :: organ transplant
elintestamentti {n} :: organ donation will (willed body program)
elintila {n} :: living space
elintila {n} :: lebensraum
elintoiminta {n} :: life function, activity
elintoimintaoppi {n} :: synonym of fysiologia
elintoiminto {n} [biology] :: body function (any of the functions that maintain a living organism, e.g. breathing, circulation, metabolism)
elintoiminto {n} [in the plural, medicine] :: vital signs
elinvoima {n} :: vitality
elinvoimainen {adj} :: vibrant, viable, vigorous, vital
elinvoimainen {adj} [biology] :: least-concern (on the IUCN scale)
elinvoimaisesti {adv} :: vibrantly, viably, vigorously, vitally
elinvoimaisuus {n} :: vitality, viability, vigour
elinvuosi {n} :: life year (a year o one's life)
elinympäristö {n} :: habitat
eliö {n} :: organism
eliökehä {n} :: biosphere
eliökunta {n} [biology] :: Life as the whole of all organisms
eliömaailma {n} :: living world, world of organisms
eliömaantiede {n} :: biogeography
eliöstö {n} :: biota
eliöyhteisö {n} [ecology] :: community
eliöyhteisö {n} :: biocoenosis
Elisa {prop} :: given name, short for Elisabet
Elisa {prop} :: Elisha [biblical character]
Elisabet {prop} :: Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist
Elisabet {prop} :: given name
elisio {n} [linguistics] :: elision
elitismi {n} :: elitism
elitisti {n} :: elitist
elitistinen {adj} :: elitist
elitistisyys {n} :: elitistness
Eljas {prop} :: given name
elje {n} [chiefly in plural] :: prank, practical joke, shenanigan
elje {n} [colloquial] :: way, means
elki {n} [dialectal] :: bad habit, quirk
elki {n} [obsolete] :: nature, character
-ella {suffix} :: Forms frequentative verbs. The resulting verb often describes a more or less leisurely or long-lasting activity, or an activity that is not overly goal-oriented
Ella {prop} :: given name, similar to English Ella
ellä {conj} [dialectal] :: if
ellei {conj} :: unless he/she/it, if he/she/it not
elleivät {conj} :: if they not, unless they
ellemme {conj} :: if we not, unless we
ellen {conj} :: if I not, unless I
Ellen {prop} :: given name
ellet {conj} :: if you (sg.) not, unless you (sg.)
ellette {conj} :: if you (pl.) not, unless you (pl.)
elli {n} [slang] :: woman
Elli {prop} :: given name
Elliottin aalto {n} [finance] :: Elliott wave
ellipsi {n} [geometry] :: ellipse
ellipsi {n} [typography] :: ellipsis
ellipsoidi {n} [mathematics] :: ellipsoid
elliptinen {adj} [math] :: elliptic
elliptinen {adj} :: elliptical (showing ellipsis; having a word or words omitted)
elliptinen käyrä {n} :: elliptic curve
elliptisesti {adv} :: elliptically
elliptisyys {n} :: ellipticity
ellottaa {vt} :: to disgust, nauseate
ellottaminen {n} :: disgusting, nauseating
ellottava {adj} :: disgusting, nauseating
ellotus {n} :: disgust, nauseating disgust
Elma {prop} :: given name
Elmer {prop} :: given name
Elmeri {prop} :: given name. The Finnish equivalent of English Elmer
Elmo {prop} :: given name
Elmon tuli {n} [nautical] :: St. Elmo's fire (electrical discharge, or corona, sometimes seen at mast tops of ships during thunderstorms, caused by ionization of the atmosphere)
elmukelmu {n} [colloquial] :: plastic wrap, Saran Wrap, cling film
elo {n} [poetic] :: life
elo {n} [dated] :: crop, especially corn
elo {n} :: abbreviation of elokuu
elo {n} :: a large herd of reindeer, often thousands of reindeer
Elo {prop} :: surname
Elo {prop} [rather rare] :: given name
elohiiri {n} :: myokymia, tic
elohopea {n} :: A metallic element: mercury, quicksilver, chemical symbol Hg
elohopea {n} :: Figuratively, a lively thing or person, especially a child
elohopeahöyrylamppu {n} :: mercury-vapour lamp
elohopeailmapuntari {n} :: mercury barometer
elohopealämpömittari {n} :: mercury thermometer
elohopealamppu {n} :: mercury-vapour lamp
elohopeamillimetri {n} :: millimetre of mercury, millimeter of mercury (unit of pressure defined as extra pressure generated by a column of mercury one millimetre high)
elohopeamyrkytys {n} :: mercury poisoning
elohopeapatsas {n} :: column of mercury (such as in a barometer or thermometer)
elohopeapitoinen {adj} :: mercurial (containing the element mercury)
elohopeaseos {n} :: amalgam, mercury alloy
elohopeasulfidi {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: mercuric sulfide, HgS
elohopeayhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: mercury compound, compound of mercury
eloisa {adj} :: lively, frisky, spirited, vibrant
eloisa {adj} :: cheerful, bubbly
eloisammin {adv} :: comparative of eloisasti
eloisampi {adj} :: comparative of eloisa
eloisasti {adv} :: In a lively manner
eloisimmin {adv} :: superlative of eloisasti
eloisuus {n} :: liveliness, vitality, vibrancy
elojuhla {n} :: harvest festival
elokirva {n} :: rose-grain aphid, rose-grass aphid, Metopolophium dirhodum
eloksoida {vt} :: To anodize
eloksointi {n} :: anodising/anodizing
elokuinen {adj} :: Pertaining to August
elokuu {n} :: August
elokuva {n} :: movie (individual film)
elokuva {n} :: cinema (art form)
elokuva {n} :: in plural (elokuvat) also movies, cinema (theater in which films are shown for the public)
elokuvaaja {n} :: cinematographer
elokuva-ala {n} :: film industry
elokuva-arkisto {n} :: film archive
elokuva-arvostelu {n} :: movie review
elokuvaesitys {n} :: screening or showing of a film
elokuvafestivaali {n} :: film festival
elokuvailmaisu {n} :: cinematic expression
elokuvajuhla {n} :: film festival
elokuvajuhlat {n} :: film festival
elokuvakamera {n} :: film camera, movie camera
elokuvakäsikirjoittaja {n} :: screenwriter
elokuvakäsikirjoitus {n} :: movie script
elokuvakasvatus {n} :: film education
elokuvakerho {n} :: film society, film club
elokuvakone {n} :: movie projector (device for displaying motion pictures by projecting moving images to a screen from film)
elokuvakriitikko {n} :: film critic
elokuvakritiikki {n} :: film criticism
elokuvakulttuuri {n} :: film culture, cinema culture
elokuvalaite {n} :: cinematographic apparatus
elokuvalehti {n} :: film magazine, movie magazine
elokuvalippu {n} :: movie ticket
elokuvallinen {adj} :: cinematic (of or relating to the cinema)
elokuvaluettelo {n} :: film catalog
elokuvamaailma {n} :: film world
elokuvamekaanikko {n} [rare, chiefly in translations] :: synonym of elokuvakoneen käyttäjä
elokuvamusiikki {n} :: film score
elokuvanäyttelijä {n} :: film actor
elokuvanäyttelijätär {n} :: film actress
elokuvaneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in the film industry
elokuvantekijä {n} :: filmmaker
elokuvaohjaaja {n} :: film director
elokuvaohjaus {n} :: film directing
elokuvaosa {n} :: movie part, movie role
elokuvapalkinto {n} :: film prize
elokuvapolitiikka {n} :: film policy
elokuvaprojektori {n} :: movie projector, film projector
elokuvasankari {n} :: movie hero, film hero
elokuvasäveltäjä {n} :: film composer
elokuvasovitus {n} :: film adaptation
elokuvastudio {n} :: movie studio
elokuvata {vt} [rare] :: To film
elokuvatähti {n} :: film star, movie star
elokuvataide {n} :: cinematography, cinema (the art of making films and movies)
elokuvataiteilija {n} :: film artist
elokuvatarkastamo {n} :: film review board, film classification board
elokuvateatteri {n} :: movie theater, cinema
elokuvateollisuus {n} :: film industry
elokuvaterapia {n} :: cinematherapy
elokuvatuotanto {n} :: film production
elokuvatuottaja {n} :: film producer
elokuvaus {n} :: cinematography, filming
elokuvauskone {n} [archaic, now, uncommon] :: film camera, movie camera
elokuvayleisö {n} :: film audience
elollinen {adj} :: organic
elollinen {adj} :: living (state of having life)
elollinen {adj} :: animate (that which lives)
elollisempi {adj} :: comparative of elollinen
elollistaa {vt} :: to personify
elollistaminen {n} :: personifying, personification
elollisuus {n} :: animacy
elollisuus {n} :: organicness
elonkipinä {n} :: spark of life
elonkorjaaja {n} :: reaper
elonkorjuu {n} :: harvest
elonkorjuujuhla {n} :: harvest festival
elonkorjuukone {n} :: harvester (machine that harvests)
elonleikkaaja {n} :: harvester (person who gathers the harvest)
elonleikkuukone {n} :: reaper, harvester (machine)
elonmerkki {n} :: a sign of life
elonpäivä {n} [literary] :: a day or life
elonretki {n} [literary, poetic] :: journey of life
elontaival {n} [literary, poetic] :: journey of life
eloon {adv} :: jäädä eloon: to stay alive
eloonjääminen {n} :: survival, surviving, staying alive
eloonjäänyt {n} :: survivor (person who has survived something, especially if it has claimed the lives of other people)
eloonjäänyt {adj} :: surviving (who has survived something, especially if it has claimed the lives of other people)
elopaino {n} :: live weight
elopelto {n} :: ripened field
eloperäinen {adj} :: biogenic (produced by living organisms)
eloperäinen {adj} :: organic (derived from living organisms)
eloperäisyys {n} :: biogenicness, organicness
Eloranta {prop} :: surname
elosalama {n} :: An apparently silent lightning that strikes too far from the observer to be heard
elossa {adv} :: olla elossa: to be alive
elostelija {n} :: rake, lecher
elostella {vi} :: to lech; behave lecherously
elostelu {n} :: leading a sinful life of depravity and lust
elostelu {n} :: leching; lecherous behaviour
elostua {vi} [archaic] :: to revive
elostuttaa {vt} :: to animate
eloton {adj} :: Inanimate, lifeless
eloton {adj} :: Lifeless, dull
eloton {adj} [grammar] :: inanimate
elottomasti {adv} :: lifelessly
elottomuus {n} :: lifelessness
elotuli {n} :: sheet lightning
elovalkea {n} :: sheet lightning
elovirna {n} :: synonym of rehuvirna
eloyhteisö {n} :: biome, ecosystem
elpyä {vi} :: To recover, revive, recuperate, return to strength/health/good condition
elpyä {vi} :: To pick up, look up, catch/take fire, (start to) take off, get livelier, improve
elpyä {vi} :: To (begin to) flourish/prosper/thrive (again)
elpyminen {n} :: recovery, resurgence
elpymisaika {n} :: recovery period, recovery time
elpymisliikunta {n} :: recovery exercise, relaxation exercise
Elsa {prop} :: given name
El Salvador {prop} :: El Salvador (country)
elsassi {n} :: The Alsatian language
Elsi {prop} :: given name
-eltaa {suffix} :: Variant of -ltaa
eltaantua {vi} :: To become rancid
eltaantua {vi} :: To become spoiled
eltta {n} [dialectal, rare] :: synonym of pitko
eluentti {n} [analytical chemistry] :: eluent
elukka {n} [colloquial] :: animal, critter
elukka {n} [colloquial, possibly, derogatory] :: brute
eluoida {v} :: to eluate
Elvi {prop} :: given name
Elviira {prop} :: given name
elvistellä {v} [colloquial] :: to brag, to boast
elvistely {n} [colloquial] :: bragging, boasting
elvyke {n} :: stimulant
elvyttää {vt} :: to resuscitate, revive, bring back to life, restore to life
elvyttää {vt} [figuratively] :: to revive, revitalize, resuscitate, infuse new life into, refresh, freshen, renew, enliven, improve, quicken
elvyttäminen {n} :: revitalization, resuscitation
elvytys {n} :: resuscitation
elvytys {n} [economics] :: easing
ely {n} :: ELY Centre; see ELY-keskus
ELY {prop} :: elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus, ELY-keskus (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment)
ELY-keskus {n} [Finland] :: Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (official translation), often abbreviated as ELY Centre or, rarely, EDTE Centre
Elysion {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Elysium
elytra {n} :: elytron
em. {adj} :: abbreviation of edellä mainittu
emä {n} [archaic] :: mother
emä {n} :: mother of an animal, dam
emä {n} [archaic] :: womb
emä {n} [as modifier] :: mother, parent, head, major
emäalus {n} :: mothership
Emajoki {prop} :: Emajoki (river)
emäjoki {n} :: main river, principal river, mother river
emäkallio {n} [geology] :: parent rock, substratum
emäkarhu {n} :: mother bear
emäkaupunki {n} :: mother city, a large city or metropolis in comparison to smaller cities or towns
emäkirkko {n} :: synonym of emäseurakunta
emäkki {n} [plant] :: fumitory (plant of the genus Fumaria)
emäkkikasvi {n} [plant] :: A plant of the taxonomic subfamily Fumarioideae within the family Papaveraceae
emakko {n} :: sow (female pig)
emäksinen {adj} :: alkaline, basic
emäksinen {adj} [geology] :: mafic
emäksisesti {adv} :: basely
emäksisyys {n} :: alkalinity
emälaiva {n} :: mother ship, tender, support vessel (ship functioning as mobile base for other vessels)
emälammas {n} :: mother sheep, ewe
emali {n} :: enamel (glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects)
emalikattila {n} :: enamel pot, enamel kettle
emalimaalaus {n} :: enamel painting
emalimaali {n} :: enamel paint
emalimuki {n} :: enamel cup, enamel mug
emalipäällyste {n} :: enamel covering
emalipinta {n} :: enamel surface
emälippu {n} :: synonym of talonki
emalitaide {n} :: enamel art
emalityö {n} :: enamelwork
emaliväri {n} :: colored enamel, enameled dye
emalji {n} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of emali
emaloida {vt} :: To enamel
emaloiminen {n} :: enameling
emalointi {n} :: enameling
emämaa {n} :: motherland (mother country in contrast to its colonies)
emännöidä {v} :: to host (as a hostess)
emännöiminen {n} :: hosting (as a hostess)
emännöinti {n} :: hosting (as an hostess)
emännöitseminen {n} :: alternative form of emännöiminen
emännöitsijä {n} :: housekeeper
emännyys {n} :: the property of being a mistress, housewife, hostess or matron
emansipaatio {n} :: emancipation
emansipatorinen {adj} [philosophy] :: emancipatory
emansipoida {vt} :: To emancipate
emansipoitua {vi} :: To be emancipated
emäntä {n} :: A mistress
emäntä {n} :: A housewife
emäntä {n} :: A hostess
emäntä {n} :: A matron
emäntäkoulu {n} [historical] :: a school teaching domestic skills to women living in rural areas
emäntäväki {n} :: people living in some house including the hostess, matron or housewife
emäpitäjä {n} :: a larger rural municipality of which smaller rural municipalities have split
emäputki {n} :: headtube, head tube (part of a tubular bicycle's frame in which the front fork steerer tube is mounted)
emäputki {n} :: steering head (equivalent part in a motorcycle)
emäpuu {n} :: parent tree (reproducing tree)
emäpuu {n} :: keel (beam along the underside of a ship’s hull)
emäs {n} [chemistry] :: base
emäseurakunta {n} [historical] :: mother parish (main parish in an area, which may have or has had subordinate parishes)
emäseurakunta {n} [historical] :: parish founded by an apostle
emäsika {n} :: sow, female pig
emäspari {n} :: base pair
emäsryhmä {n} [chemistry] :: basic group, base group
emäsvakio {n} [chemistry] :: base dissociation constant, base constant
emätila {n} [historical] :: a farm from which a smaller farm was split
emätin {n} [anatomy] :: vagina
emätinhuuhtelu {n} :: vaginal douche, vaginal douching
emätinneste {n} :: vaginal fluid
emätinpieru {n} :: queef, pussy fart
emätinpuikko {n} :: vaginal suppository
emätintauti {n} [pathology] :: vaginosis (any disease or infection of the vagina)
emätintulehdus {n} [pathology] :: vaginitis
emätti {n} [dialectal] :: esophagus, throat
emättimen eteinen {n} [anatomy] :: vulval vestibule
emättimen iso eteisrauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: Bartholin's gland
emättimensisäinen {adj} :: intravaginal
emävale {n} :: whopper (outrageous lie)
emävalhe {n} :: alternative form of emävale
emäyhtiö {n} [rare] :: synonym of emoyhtiö
embargo {n} :: embargo
embigiini {n} [biochemistry] :: embigin
embleema {n} [archaic] :: alternative form of embleemi
embleemi {n} :: emblem
embolia {n} [pathology] :: embolism
embryo {n} [rare] :: embryo
embryogeneesi {n} :: embryogenesis
embryologi {n} :: embryologist
embryologia {n} :: embryology
embryologinen {adj} :: embryological
embryologisesti {adv} :: embryologically
embryopatia {n} [pathology] :: embryopathy
emeetti {n} [medicin] :: synonym of oksetusaine
emeettinen {adj} [pharmacology] :: emetic (causing vomiting)
emergenssi {n} :: emergence
emergentti {adj} :: emergent
emerita {n} :: emerita
emeritaprofessori {n} :: professor emerita
emeritusprofessori {n} :: professor emeritus
emeritusprofessori {n} :: professor emerita
emetofiili {n} :: emetophile
emetofilia {n} :: emetophilia
emetofobia {n} [psychiatry] :: emetophobia (fear of vomiting)
emfaasi {n} [phonology] :: emphasis
emfaattinen {adj} :: emphatic
emfyseema {n} [pathology] :: emphysema
emfyseema {n} [pathology] :: pulmonary emphysema
emi {n} [botany] :: pistil
emigrantti {n} :: emigrant
emigranttikirjallisuus {n} :: emigrant literature
emigroitua {vi} :: to emigrate
emigroituminen {n} :: emigrating
emiiri {n} :: emir
emiirikunta {n} :: emirate
emikäpy {n} [botany] :: megastrobilus
emikasvi {n} :: female plant
emikukinto {n} [botany] :: female inflorescence (inflorescence containing only female reproductive organs of a plant)
emikukka {n} :: female flower
emikukka {n} :: pistillate flower
emilehti {n} :: A carpel
Emilia {prop} :: given name
eminenssi {n} :: eminence
emininhyppymyyrä {n} :: Emin's gerbil, Emin's tateril, Taterillus emini (small African rodent)
eminorkko {n} [botany] :: female catkin
emintimä {n} [dialectal] :: stepmother
emiö {n} [botany] :: gynoecium
emiraatti {n} :: emirate
emissio {n} [physics, economics] :: emission
emissioida {v} [archaic] :: alternative form of emittoida
emissiokurssi {n} [finance] :: issue price
emissiosumu {n} [astronomy] :: emission nebula
emissiovoitto {n} :: share premium
emitoida {v} [rare] :: variant of emittoida ("to emit")
emittanssi {n} :: emittance
emitteri {n} [electronics] :: emitter (terminal)
emittoida {vt} [economics] :: To issue, send out (stocks, bonds or notes)
emittoida {vt} [physics] :: To emit (rays or waves), radiate
emittointi {n} :: emission
emittoiva {adj} :: emitting (having the capacity to emit)
emittoiva {adj} :: emitting (being in the process of emitting)
Emma {prop} :: given name
emmentaali {n} :: synonym of emmentaljuusto
emmental {n} :: synonym of emmentaljuusto
emmentalinjuusto {n} :: synonym of emmentaljuusto
emmentaljuusto {n} :: Emmentaler (original Emmentaler cheese)
emmentaljuusto {n} :: Swiss cheese (resembling cheese)
Emmi {prop} :: given name
emmintä {n} :: hesitation
emo- {prefix} :: mother-
emo {n} :: mother (animal female parent)
emo {n} [archaic or poetic] :: mother (human female parent)
emo {n} :: dam (female parent, generally regarding breeding of animals)
emo {n} :: queen (reproductive female animal in a hive)
emoalus {n} :: mother ship, tender, support vessel
emodiini {n} [chemistry] :: emodin
emoeläin {n} :: mother animal
emoji {n} :: emoji
emokallio {n} :: synonym of emäkallio
emokasvi {n} :: parental plant, mother plant
emokenno {n} [beekeeping] :: queen cell
emokissa {n} :: mother cat
emokki {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of emo
emolehmä {n} :: calver (mother cow)
emolevy {n} [computing] :: A motherboard
e-molli {n} [music] :: E minor
emomaito {n} :: royal jelly
emootio {n} :: emotion
emosolu {n} :: mother cell
emosuoni {n} [geology] :: mother lode (large or rich vein of a precious mineral)
emotiivisuus {n} :: emotivity
emotionaalinen {adj} :: emotional
emotionaalisesti {adv} :: emotionally
emotionaalisuus {n} :: emotionality
emotionalismi {n} :: emotionalism
emotivismi {n} [ethics] :: emotivism
emoyhtiö {n} :: parent company
empaatti {n} :: empath
empaattinen {adj} :: empathic
empaattisesti {adv} :: empathetically
empaattisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being empathic
empatia {n} :: empathy
empatiakykyinen {adj} :: capable of empathy
empatogeeni {n} :: empathogen
empiä {vti} [_, + partitive] :: To hesitate
empiiri {n} :: synonym of empiretyyli
empiirikko {n} :: empiricist
empiirinen {adj} :: empirical
empiirisesti {adv} :: empirically
empiirisyys {n} :: empiricism
empiirityyli {n} :: empire style
empiirityylinen {adj} :: empire style
empiminen {n} :: hesitating, hesitation
empire {n} [architecture] :: Empire style
empirekaupunginosa {n} :: a part of a city with Empire style buildings
empiretyyli {n} [architecture] :: empire style
empiria {n} :: empiricism
empirismi {n} :: empiricism
empiristi {n} :: empiricist
empiristinen {adj} :: empirical
empivä {adj} :: hesitant
emppu {n} [slang] :: ecstasy (drug)
emu {n} :: emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae, the only extant species in its genus)
emulaatio {n} :: emulation
emulaattori {n} [computing] :: emulator
emulgaattori {n} :: emulsifier (substance that helps an emulsion form, or helps keep an emulsion from separating)
emulgoida {vt} :: to emulsify
emulgointiaine {n} :: emulsifier
emulgoitua {vi} :: to be emulsified
emuloida {v} :: To emulate
emulointi {n} :: emulation
emulsio {n} :: emulsion
emulsiomaali {n} :: emulsion paint
emulsiovoide {n} :: cream (viscous aqueous oil/fat emulsion with a medicament added)
-en {suffix} :: Suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
-en {suffix} :: Suffix for the genitive plural. Usually preceded by the plural marker -i- or -j-, but may also have a consonant separator -d- after the plural marker if the words would otherwise have 3 consecutive vowels
-en {suffix} [personal] :: Forms the impersonal potential present forms of verbs, appended to the infinitive, followed by the potential mood marker -ne-
-en {suffix} [possessive] :: A variant for the third-person possessive suffixes -nsa and -nsä, see the usage notes below
enä {adj} [obsolete, dialectal] :: large, abundant, much
enää {adv} :: any more, any longer
enää {adv} :: longer
enämpi {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of enempi
enantiomeeri {n} [biochemistry] :: enantiomer
enchilada {n} :: enchilada
endeeminen {adj} :: endemic
endeemisesti {adv} :: endemically
endeemisyys {n} :: endemicity
endiivi {n} :: endive, Cichorium endivia (vegetable)
endiivi {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of salaattisikuri
endo- {prefix} :: end-/endo-
endodermi {n} :: endoderm (one of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal)
endogamia {n} :: endogamy
endogeeninen {adj} :: endogenous
endogeenisuus {n} :: endogeneity (state of being endogenous)
endogeenisuus {n} :: endogeneity (extent to which something is endogenous)
endokardiitti {n} [pathology] :: endocarditis
endokardium {n} [anatomy] :: endocardium
endokarppi {n} [botany] :: endocarp
endokriininen {adj} :: endocrine
endokrinologi {n} :: endocrinologist
endokrinologia {n} [medicine] :: endocrinology
endokrinologinen {adj} :: endocrinologic
endokrinologisesti {adv} :: endocrinologically
endometrioosi {n} [pathology] :: endometriosis
endomorfinen {adj} :: endomorphic
endomorfismi {n} :: endomorphism
endoparasiitti {n} :: endoparasite
endoplasma {n} :: endoplasm
endorfiini {n} [biochemistry] :: endorphin
endoskooppi {n} :: endoscope
endoskooppinen {adj} :: endoscopic
endoskopia {n} [medicine] :: endoscopy
endosomi {n} :: endosome
endospermi {n} :: endosperm (tissue surrounding the germ in a seed, serving as nutrition storage for the embryo)
endosymbiontti {n} [biology] :: endosymbiont
endosymbioosi {n} [biology] :: endosymbiosis
endosytoosi {n} [cytology] :: endocytosis
endoteeli {n} [anatomy] :: endothelium
endoteelinen {adj} [anatomy] :: endothelial
endoterminen {adj} :: endothermic
endriini {n} [chemistry] :: endrin
enduroajo {n} :: enduro
enduropyörä {n} :: enduro bike, enduro motorcycle
enemmälti {adv} :: more, further (to a further degree)
enemmän {adv} :: more (nouns in partitive can also be used with this as objects):
enemmän tai vähemmän {phrase} [idiomatic] :: more or less (approximately or almost)
enemmistö {n} :: majority
enemmistöhallitus {n} :: majority government
-enemmistöinen {adj} :: Exhibiting certain type of majority, as ethnically, in politics or ownership
enemmistökansallisuus {n} :: majority nationality
enemmistökieli {n} :: majority language
enemmistöläinen {n} :: A member of a majority
enemmistöpäätös {n} :: majority decision, majority vote (decision that gets the majority of votes in a decision-making body)
enemmistöperiaate {n} :: majority principle, majority rule
enemmistövaali {n} :: majority election, first-past-the-post election
enemmistövalta {n} :: majority rule
enemmyys {n} :: preponderance, excess; the quality or property of being more than something else
enempi {adj} :: further (more, additional)
eneneminen {n} :: growing in number, multiplying, increasing
enenevä {adj} :: increasing
enenevästi {adv} :: increasingly
enennys {n} :: increasing (the act of increasing something)
enentää {vt} :: To increase
enentyä {vi} :: To increase
enentyminen {n} :: increasing (the act of increasing or becoming greater)
energeettinen {adj} :: energetic
energetiikka {n} :: energetics
energia {n} :: energy
energia-ala {n} :: energy industry
energia-avustus {n} :: energy assistance
energiahäviö {n} :: energy dissipation, energy loss
energiahuolto {n} :: energy supply maintenance
energiahyötykäyttö {n} :: use of recycled materials for energy
-energiainen {adj} :: -energy
energiajäte {n} :: energy waste (waste that can be easily converted into energy)
energiajuoma {n} :: energy drink
energiakasvi {n} :: energy crop, energy plant
energiakäyttö {n} :: energy recovery
energiakomissaari {n} :: energy commissioner
energiakriisi {n} :: energy crisis
energiakustannus {n} [usually, in plural] :: energy costs
energialähde {n} :: alternative form of energianlähde
energialaitos {n} :: energy department, the institute of energy production
energialaji {n} :: type of energy
energiamerkintä {n} :: energy labeling
energiamerkki {n} :: energy label
energiametsä {n} :: energy forest (short rotation forest for producing firewood)
energiamittari {n} :: energy meter
energianeuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the second rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished businesspeople in the energy industry
energianhallinta {n} :: energy management
energian häviämättömyyden laki {n} [physics] :: The law of conservation of energy
energianhäviö {n} :: synonym of energiahäviö
energianhinta {n} :: energy price
energianhukka {n} :: waste of energy, loss of energy
energiankulutus {n} :: energy consumption
energianlähde {n} :: energy source
energiansäästö {n} :: energy conservation, energy saving
energiansäästölamppu {n} :: compact fluorescent lamp, energy-saving light
energian säilymisen laki {n} [physics] :: law of conservation of energy
energiansiirto {n} :: energy transmission, energy transfer
energiantarve {n} :: energy need, energy demand
energiantuotanto {n} :: energy production
energiantuotantolaitos {n} :: energy or power production facility
energiapakkaus {n} :: bundle of energy, self-starter (of an active or lively person)
energiapalkki {n} [video games] :: energy bar (bar showing remaining energy)
energiapatukka {n} :: energy bar (supplemental food)
energiapitoinen {adj} :: rich in energy
energiapitoisuus {n} :: energy content, energy density
energiapolitiikka {n} :: energy policy
energiapula {n} :: energy shortage
energiapuu {n} :: a tree or shrub used in energy forestry
energiasisältö {n} :: energy content
energiataloudellinen {adj} :: energy efficient
energiataloudellinen {adj} :: energy economical (pertaining to energy economics)
energiatalous {n} :: energy economics
energiatalous {n} :: energy economy
energiatase {n} :: energy balance
energiataso {n} :: energy level
energiatasokaavio {n} :: energy level diagram
energiatehokas {adj} :: energy efficient
energiatehokkuus {n} :: energy efficiency
energiatehokkuusluokka {n} :: energy efficiency class
energiateknologia {n} :: energy technology
energiatila {n} :: energy state, energy mode
energiatodistus {n} :: energy certification
energiatuotanto {n} :: energy generation
energiavalli {n} [physics] :: energy threshold
energiavara {n} [usually, in plural] :: energy resources, energy reserves
energiavarasto {n} :: energy storage, energy reserve
energiavero {n} :: energy tax
energiavyö {n} [physics] :: energy band
energiayhtiö {n} :: energy company (any company involved in production, transmission and/or distribution of energy in the form of fuels, electricity or heat)
energinen {adj} :: energetic
energisesti {adv} :: energetically
energisoida {vt} :: to energize
energisyys {n} :: energy, energeticness
enetä {vi} :: To grow in number, multiply, increase
enetsi {n} :: Enets (person)
enetsi {n} :: Enets (language)
engelmanninkuusi {n} :: Engelmann spruce, Picea engelmannii
engelsmanni {n} [dated] :: Englishman
englanninbulldoggi {n} :: English Bulldog
englanninenglanti {n} :: English English (dialect of English)
englanninenglanti {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of britannianenglanti
englanninkääpiöterrieri {n} :: English Toy Terrier
Englannin kanaali {prop} :: The English Channel
englanninkettukoira {n} :: English Foxhound
englanninkielinen {adj} :: English speaking
englanninkielinen {adj} :: Having been written or presented in English
englanninlakritsi {n} :: liquorice allsorts
englanninnos {n} :: English translation
englanninpeninkulma {n} [historical] :: mile (unit of length, around 1609 meters)
englanninpuhuja {n} :: Anglophone (one who speaks English)
englanninraiheinä {n} :: perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)
englanninsetteri {n} :: English setter
englanninsinililja {n} :: bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
englanninspringerspanieli {n} :: English Springer Spaniel
englannintaa {vt} :: To translate into English
englannintaminen {n} :: translating into English
englannintorvi {n} :: English horn, cor anglais
englanninvinttikoira {n} :: greyhound (breed of dog)
englannistus {n} :: anglicisation (process by which a word is made more English)
englannitar {n} :: An Englishwoman
englannos {n} :: English translation
englanti {n} :: English (language)
Englanti {prop} [geography] :: England (region)
Englanti {prop} [historical] :: England, Kingdom of England (kingdom)
Englanti {prop} [colloquial, ambiguously] :: Great Britain, United Kingdom (state)
englantilainen {adj} :: English, of or relating to England
englantilainen {adj} :: English, relating to the English language
englantilainen {n} :: Englishman or Englishwoman (in plural englantilaiset = the English (people))
englantilainen tikanheitto {n} [games, sports] :: darts
englantilais-amerikkalainen {adj} :: Anglo-American, English-American
englantilaismies {n} :: Englishman, English man
englantilaisnainen {n} :: Englishwoman, English woman
englantilaisuus {n} :: Englishness
engrammi {n} [psychology] :: engram
engrammi {n} [scientology] :: engram
enharmoninen {adj} :: enharmonic
enigma {n} :: enigma
enigmaattinen {adj} :: enigmatic
enimmäinen {adj} [rare, outside, compounds] :: maximal
enimmäis- {prefix} :: maximum
enimmäisaika {n} :: maximum time
enimmäisarvo {n} :: maximum value, maximum
enimmäishinta {n} :: maximum price
enimmäiskoko {n} :: maximum size
enimmäismäärä {n} :: maximum amount, maximum number
enimmäisnopeus {n} :: maximum speed
enimmäispääoma {n} :: The capital stock of a company (total amount of common and preferred stock (shares) that a company can issue)
enimmäispaino {n} :: maximum weight
enimmäispitoisuus {n} :: maximum content, maximum concentration
enimmäisraja {n} :: maximum limit
enimmäistää {vt} :: To maximize
enimmäisteho {n} :: maximum power, maximum efficiency
enimmäistukkuhinta {n} :: maximum wholesale price
enimmäkseen {adv} :: mostly, for the most part
enimmältään {adv} :: synonym of enimmäkseen
enimmälti {adv} :: synonym of enimmäkseen
enimmän {adv} :: alternative form of eniten
enimmän {adj} :: genitive singular form of enin
enimmillään {adv} :: at its peak
enimmin {adv} :: alternative form of eniten
enimmin {adj} :: ist plural form of enin
enimmiten {adv} :: for the most part
enin {adj} :: the most
enintään {adv} :: at most, not more than, maximum
eniten {adv} :: the most (nouns in partitive can be used with this):
enkä {conj} :: See -kä
enkefaliitti {n} [medicine, jargon] :: encephalitis
enkefalografia {n} :: encephalography (X-ray examination of brain)
enkefalogrammi {n} :: encephalogram
enkefalomyeliitti {n} [pathology] :: encephalomyelitis
enkeli {n} :: angel
enkelihai {n} :: synonym of merienkeli
enkelihierarkia {n} :: hierarchy of angels
enkelihoito {n} :: angel therapy
enkelikolibri {n} :: Bogotá sunangel (Heliangelus zusii)
enkelikuoro {n} :: angel choir
enkelimäinen {adj} :: angelic
enkelinkasvoinen {adj} :: angel-faced, angelic
enkelinkiharat {n} :: angel curls
enkelioppi {n} :: angelology (study of angels)
enkelipöly {n} :: angel dust (phencyclidine)
enkelisijoittaja {n} :: angel investor
enkeliterapia {n} :: angel therapy
enkelitomu {n} :: synonym of enkelipöly
enkeliys {n} :: angelhood
enkka {n} [colloquial] :: record (as in record fish)
enkku {n} [colloquial, slang] :: English (especially as school subject)
enkkulainen {adj} [colloquial] :: synonym of englantilainen
enkkulainen {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of englantilainen
enklaavi {n} :: enclave
enkliitti {n} [linguistics] :: enclitic
enkliittinen {adj} [linguistics] :: enclitic
enkooderi {n} :: encoder
enkryptata {v} :: to encrypt
enkryptaus {n} [cryptography] :: encryption, encrypting
enkulturisoituminen {n} :: enculturation
enkun {phrase} [colloquial] :: contraction of en, kun, a colloquial expression used instead of en, vaan, translated into English with "no, but" or just "no" + explanation
enkunkielinen {adj} [colloquial, slang] :: English, English-language (written or spoken in English, having English as mother tongue)
ennakko {n} [in compounds] :: (done or made) in advance
ennakko {n} :: advance, advancement, prepayment (payment in advance)
ennakko {n} :: lead (when shooting a moving target, the estimated distance the target advances during the time the projectile travels to the target)
ennakkoäänestäjä {n} :: early voter
ennakkoäänestäminen {n} :: advance voting
ennakkoäänestys {n} :: early voting [US], pre-poll voting [Australia], advance polling [Canada], special voting [NZ] (procedure that allows the electors to vote prior to the actual election day)
ennakkoääni {n} :: early vote
ennakkoaavistus {n} :: premonition
ennakkoarvelu {n} :: advance speculation, speculation that takes place before an event or other matter
ennakkoarvio {n} :: estimate, forecast
ennakkoasenne {n} :: prejudice
ennakkoehkäisy {n} :: prevention in advance
ennakkoehto {n} :: A precondition, prerequisite (requirement which must be satisfied before taking a course of action)
ennakkoesitys {n} :: advance showing, preview
ennakkohyväksyntä {n} :: preapproval
ennakkoilmoittautuminen {n} :: advance registration
ennakkoilmoitus {n} :: prior notification, prior notice
ennakkokappale {n} :: advance copy
ennakkokäsitys {n} :: preconception
ennakkokorko {n} [finance] :: advance rate
ennakkolaskelma {n} :: ex ante calculation or assessment
ennakkoluulo {n} :: prejudice
ennakkoluulo {n} :: preconception
ennakkoluuloinen {adj} :: prejudiced
ennakkoluuloinen {adj} :: biased (prejudiced)
ennakkoluuloisesti {adv} :: In a prejudiced manner
ennakkoluuloisuus {n} :: state or quality of being prejudiced
ennakkoluuloisuus {n} :: prejudice (irrational hostile attitude, fear or hatred towards a particular group, race or religion)
ennakkoluuloton {adj} :: open-minded, unprejudiced
ennakkoluulottomasti {adv} :: In an unprejudiced manner
ennakkoluulottomuus {n} :: the quality or property of being unprejudiced or open-minded
ennakkomaine {n} :: prior reputation, reputation that one already has
ennakkomainonta {n} :: advance advertising or publicity
ennakkomainostus {n} :: advertising in advance
ennakkomaksu {n} :: advance, advance payment, advancement, prepayment, down payment (payment in advance)
ennakkomerkintä {n} :: preliminary marking, entry or booking
ennakkomielipide {n} :: preconceived option, preconception
ennakkomyynti {n} :: advance sales
ennakkonäytös {n} :: advance showing
ennakko-odotus {n} :: expectation, prospect
ennakkoon {adv} :: in advance, beforehand
ennakko-osto {n} :: forward buying, advance buying
ennakko-otaksuma {n} :: presupposition
ennakkopäätelmä {n} :: precedent, preliminary conclusion
ennakkopäätös {n} [legal] :: Prejudicate
ennakkoperintä {n} :: advance tax deduction
ennakkoperintö {n} :: A preheritance
ennakkopiste {n} :: the point to aim at when leading the target (the point a moving target is expected to reach at the same time as the shot projectile)
ennakkoratkaisu {n} [European Union law] :: preliminary ruling (decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the interpretation of European Union law, made at the request of a court or tribunal of a European Union member state)
ennakkosäästäminen {n} :: advance saving (act of saving the whole required amount or part of it in advance of a large purchase, as opposed to borrowing the money)
ennakkosävel {n} [music] :: anticipation (non-harmonic tone)
ennakkosensuuri {n} :: prior or advance censorship
ennakkosuoritus {n} :: advance payment, advancement
ennakkosuosikki {n} :: front runner, favorite (one expected to win a contest, election etc.)
ennakkosuunnittelu {n} :: advance planning
ennakkotapaus {n} [legal] :: precedent
ennakkotarkastus {n} :: preliminary examination or inspection
ennakkotieto {n} :: foreknowledge
ennakkotilaaja {n} :: pre-orderer, someone who made a pre-order
ennakkotilaus {n} :: preorder
ennakkotoimi {n} :: preparatory or preliminary action
ennakkotorjunta {n} :: prevention in advance
ennakkotuonti {n} :: prior import, prior importation
ennakkouutinen {n} :: a preliminary news item
ennakkovaatimus {n} :: prerequisite
ennakkovaraaja {n} :: retainer, someone who makes a pre-booking or reservation
ennakkovaraus {n} :: booking or reservation in advance
ennakkovaroitus {n} :: forewarning, prior warning, early warning
ennakkovero {n} :: advance tax, anticipatory tax
ennakkoverolippu {n} :: advance tax notice, advance tax bill
ennakkovienti {n} :: prior export, prior exportation
ennakoida {v} :: to anticipate
ennakoida {v} :: to foreshadow
ennakoimaton {adj} :: unforeseen, unpredictable, unplanned
ennakoiminen {n} :: anticipating
ennakointi {n} :: anticipation
ennakointi {n} :: foreshadowing
ennakolta {adv} :: beforehand, in advance
ennakonkanto {n} :: income tax being estimated and paid in advance
ennakonpidätys {n} [taxation] :: A withholding, or withholding tax
ennakonpidätystodistus {n} :: withholding tax certificate
ennallaan {adv} :: unchanged, the same, the way it was before
ennalleen {adv} :: into a state that something used to be before
ennallistaa {vt} :: to reconstruct, restore
ennallistaminen {n} :: restoration (the act of restoring or bringing back to earlier state)
ennallistus {n} :: restoration (the act of restoring or bringing back to earlier state)
ennalta {adv} :: beforehand
ennalta-arvaamaton {adj} :: unforeseeable, unimaginable
ennalta-arvaamattomuus {n} :: unpredictability
ennalta arvattava {adj} :: predictable
ennalta-arvattavuus {n} :: predictability
ennalta ehkäisevä {adj} [medicine] :: prophylactic, preventive
ennalta ehkäisevä {adj} :: preventive
ennaltaehkäisevä {adj} :: preventive, preventing
ennalta ehkäisevästi {adv} :: preventively
ennaltaehkäistä {vt} [proscribed] :: alternative form of ehkäistä ennalta
ennaltaehkäisy {n} :: prevention (the act of preventing or hindering)
ennaltamäärääminen {n} :: predestination
ennaltamääräämisoppi {n} :: doctrine of predestination
ennaltamääräys {n} :: predestination
ennättää {vi} [when in a hurry] :: To make it (in time), arrive (in time), reach (in time) ((to/at/in) a place = allative or illative)
ennättää {vt} [auxiliary, + infinitive; when in a hurry] :: To have/find time (to do)
ennättää {vi} :: To reach, get as far as, make it ((to) a place = allative or illative)
ennättää {vt} [+ genitive-accusative] :: To catch up to/with, take by surprise
ennättäminen {n} :: making it somewhere in time
ennättäminen {n} :: having time to
ennätyksellinen {adj} :: unparalleled, record
ennätyksellisesti {adv} :: in an unparalleled or record manner
ennätyksellisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being unparalleled or a record
ennätys {n} :: record (extreme)
ennätysaika {n} :: record time
ennätysjuoksu {n} :: record run (a run, or act of running, that is a record in some respect)
ennätyskirja {n} :: book of records (book documenting achievements that reached extreme values)
ennätyskorkeus {n} :: record height
ennätyslukema {n} :: record, record number (a number serving as a record)
ennätysmäärä {n} :: record amount
ennätysmäinen {adj} :: record
ennätysmäisesti {adv} :: in a way that is or resembles a record
ennätysmies {n} :: (male) record holder
ennätysnainen {n} :: (female) record holder
ennätysnopeus {n} :: record speed
ennätyspaino {n} :: record weight
ennätyspitkä {adj} :: record-long
ennätyspituus {n} :: record length
ennätyssato {n} :: record harvest (a record-high harvest)
ennätystasovertailu {n} :: benchmarking
ennätystulos {n} :: record result (a result that is so good it is a record)
enne {n} :: Omen, sign, token, portent, auspice; bode, boding
ennemmin {adv} :: rather, sooner (used when the speaker has two options and considers them both disagreeable, but one less so than the other)
ennemmin {adv} :: sooner. comparative of ennen
ennemminkin {adv} :: rather
ennemmin tai myöhemmin {phrase} :: sooner or later
ennen {adv} :: before
ennen {prep} [static and temporal] :: before, prior to
ennen aikaan {phrase} :: in the days of yore
ennenaikainen {adj} :: premature, untimely
ennenaikaisesti {adv} :: prematurely, before one's time
ennen aikojaan {phrase} :: ahead of time (prior to the expected time; early)
ennen aikojaan {phrase} :: untimely, prematurely, before someone's time
ennen ajanlaskun alkua {phrase} [idiomatic] :: before Common Era
ennen kaikkea {adv} :: above all, most of all, especially, first and foremost
ennen kokematon {adj} :: not experienced before, unprecedented
ennenkokematon {adj} :: alternative spelling of ennen kokematon
ennen kuin {adv} :: before something
ennen kuin ehdit kissaa sanoa {phrase} [idiomatic] :: before you can say knife
ennen kuulumaton {adj} :: alternative spelling of ennenkuulumaton
ennenkuulumaton {adj} :: unprecedented
ennenkuulumaton {adj} :: unheard-of
ennenkuulumaton {adj} :: incredible
ennenkuulumattomasti {adv} :: unprecedentedly, in a way that is unheard-of
ennen muinoin {phrase} :: in the olden days
ennen muuta {adv} :: first of all, primarily
ennennäkemätön {adj} :: unforeseen, unprecedented
ennennäkemättömästi {adv} :: unprecedentedly
ennen pitkää {adv} :: before long
ennen vanhaan {adv} :: in the old times
ennestään {adv} :: previously
ennestään {adv} :: already
Enni {prop} :: given name
ennus {n} [archaic, poetic] :: synonym of ennustus
ennusmerkki {n} :: sign, omen
ennustaa {vt} :: To predict, prophesy, foretell, foresee, divine, tell (the future/fortunes), read (the signs)
ennustaa {vt} :: To forecast (weather), draw up a (weather) forecast; to prognosticate (a disease)
ennustaa {vt} :: To presume, assume, think likely, suspect
ennustaa {vt} :: To herald, augur/bode (ill/well), presage, portend
ennustaja {n} :: fortuneteller, soothsayer
ennustajaeukko {n} [possibly, derogatory] :: female fortune teller, especially one that is old
ennustamaton {adj} :: unpredictable
ennustaminen {n} :: divination, fortune-telling
ennustaminen {n} :: forecasting
ennustaminen {n} :: foreseeing
ennustavuus {n} :: predictiveness
ennuste {n} :: forecast, prediction, projection, prognosis
ennusteellinen {adj} :: prognostic
ennustejakso {n} :: forecast period, projection period
ennustella {v} :: To predict
ennustettava {adj} :: foreseeable, predictable (able to be anticipated)
ennustettavasti {adv} :: foreseeably (in a manner that could be foreseen)
ennustettavuus {n} :: predictability
ennustus {n} :: divination
ennustus {n} :: prediction, forecast
ennustuskyky {n} :: predictive capability
ennustusmenetelmä {n} :: method of divination
ennustusmenetelmä {n} :: forecasting method, prediction method
eno {n} :: maternal uncle, uncle
eno {n} [dialectal] :: a large river, used in names of rivers
enofiili {n} [rare] :: oenophile
enoki {n} :: enoki
enokitake {n} :: enoki mushroom
enolaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: enolase
en ole uskonnollinen {phrase} :: I'm not religious
enoli {n} [chemistry] :: enol
enologi {n} :: oenologist
enologia {n} :: oenology
enonkoskelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Enonkoski
enonkoskelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Enonkoski
Enonkoski {prop} :: Enonkoski (municipality)
Enontekiö {prop} :: Enontekiö
enontekiöläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Enontekiö
enontekiöläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Enontekiö
enopuoli {n} :: maternal step-uncle
en puhu {phrase} :: I don't speak; together with partitive singular of the name of a language, used to indicate inability to communicate in the language mentioned
en puhu englantia {phrase} :: I don't speak English
en puhu suomea {phrase} :: I don't speak Finnish
ensi- {prefix} :: premier, first; inaugural
ensi {adj} [indeclinable, temporal] :: next
ensi {adj} [indeclinable] :: first [rare outside set terms]
ensi alkuun {adv} :: for starters
ensiapu {n} [medicine] :: first aid
ensiapuasema {n} :: first-aid station
ensiapukaappi {n} :: first-aid cabinet
ensiapukurssi {n} :: first-aid course
ensiapulaukku {n} :: first aid kit (standard collection of first aid supplies)
ensiapuopas {n} :: first aid guide
ensiapupakkaus {n} :: first aid kit
ensiaputarvike {n} [usually, in plural] :: first aid supply, first aid material
ensiapuväline {n} :: An individual device or item of supply used to give first aid, often used in plural; no exact English equivalent
ensiapuväline {n} [on plural] :: first aid kit
ensiapuväline {n} [in plural] :: first aid supplies
ensiarvoinen {adj} :: primary, vital, essential
ensiarvoisuus {n} :: the quality of being primary, vital or essential
ensiasteinen {adj} :: of the first degere, primary
ensiasunto {n} :: first home, starter home
ensiesiintyjä {n} :: debutant, debutante
ensiesiintymä {n} :: debut, first appearance
ensiesiintyminen {n} :: debut (performer's first-time performance to the public)
ensiesittää {vt} :: To premiere
ensiesitys {n} :: premiere (in theatre)
ensiesitys {n} :: debut (the first time a performance is shown to the public)
ensiharvennus {n} [forestry] :: pre-commercial thinning
ensihoitaja {n} :: paramedic, emergency medical technician
ensihoito {n} [medicine] :: first aid
ensihoitopalvelu {n} :: emergency medical service
ensi-ilta {n} :: (Movie) premiere
ensi-iltayleisö {n} :: premiere audience
ensi-isku {n} :: first strike
ensi käden {phrase} :: firsthand (of information: direct, without intermediate stages)
ensi kädessä {phrase} :: in the first instance, primarily
ensi katsomalta {phrase} :: at first glance, on the face of it
ensikäyttö {n} :: first use
ensi kerran {adv} :: for the first time
ensikertainen {adj} :: first-time
ensikertalainen {n} :: first-timer
ensikesäinen {adj} :: that takes place next summer
ensikirja {n} :: first book; a book for a child that is just learning to read
ensikko {n} :: first-calf heifer; a cow that has just calved
ensikko {n} :: gilt (young female pig at the age of first breeding)
ensikonsertti {n} :: first concert, debut concert
ensikoti {n} :: a facility or shelter that helps parents, particularly single mothers
ensiksi {adv} :: first, at first, first of all, firstly (before secondly)
ensiksi {adv} :: for starters
ensiksikin {adv} :: for starters
ensiksi mainittu {adj} :: synonym of ensin mainittu
ensiksimainittu {adj} :: alternative form of ensiksi mainittu
ensikuinen {adj} :: of next month, next month's
ensikuitu {n} :: primary fibre
ensikylvö {n} :: first sowing
ensilumi {n} :: first snow
ensiluokkainen {adj} :: Having prime quality, being first class
ensiluokkaisesti {adv} :: in a first-class way
ensiluokkaisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being first class or of prime quality
ensiluokkalainen {n} :: first-grader
ensimaito {n} :: first milk, colostrum
ensimarkkinat {n} :: primary markets
ensimmäinen {adj} :: first
ensimmäinen {adj} :: former (as opposed to latter)
ensimmäinenkolmatta {adj} :: [archaic] twenty-first
ensimmäinen maailmansota {n} :: The First World War, World War I, WW1
ensimmäiseksi {adv} :: firstly
ensimmäisen asteen palovamma {n} :: first-degree burn
ensimmäisen asteen polynomi {n} [mathematics] :: linear polynomial (polynomial of the first degree, i.e. of the form )
ensimmäisen asteen yhtälö {n} [mathematics] :: linear equation (polynomial equation of the first degree, i.e. equation of the form )
ensimmältä {adv} :: at first
ensin {adv} :: first
ensin {adv} :: before
ensi näkemältä {phrase} :: at first glance, at first sight, at first blush
ensinäkemältä {adv} :: at first glance
ensinkään {adv} :: at all
ensin mainittu {adj} :: first-mentioned (having the quality of having been mentioned first)
ensinnä {adv} :: first, at first, firstly
ensinnäkään {adv} :: firstly, first of all, for one
ensinnäkin {adv} :: firstly, first of all, for one
ensin työ, sitten leikki {proverb} :: business before pleasure (literally: first work, then play)
Ensio {prop} :: given name
ensiö- {prefix} :: primary
ensiö {n} [electronics] :: primary
Ensiö {prop} :: surname
ensioire {n} :: early symptom, first symptom
ensiökäämi {n} [electronics] :: primary coil, primary winding (in an electric transformer, the coil from which energy is transferred to the other, secondary coil)
ensiökuitu {n} :: virgin fiber, virgin pulp (fiber or pulp that is not recycled)
ensiöpaperi {n} :: virgin fiber paper
ensiötutka {n} [aviation] :: primary surveillance radar
ensipainos {n} :: first edition
ensipäivänkuori {n} [philately] :: first day cover
ensipäivänleima {n} :: alternative form of ensipäiväleima
ensirakastaja {n} :: the first person with which one had an amorous affair
ensirakastaja {n} :: a male actor acting in the role of a lover
ensirakkaus {n} :: first love (feeling or object of that feeling)
ensisijainen {adj} :: primary (of first rank or order)
ensisijainen {adj} :: preferred
ensisijaisesti {adv} :: primarily
ensisijaistaa {vt} :: to prioritize (to rank something as having high priority)
ensisijaisuus {n} :: the quality of being primary or preferred
ensi sijassa {phrase} :: above all, primarily
ensi silmäyksellä {phrase} :: at first glance, at first sight
ensisilmäyksellä {adv} :: at first glance
ensisilmäys {n} :: A first glance
ensisuoja {n} :: shelter (for homeless alcoholics)
ensisynnyttäjä {n} :: a woman who is pregnant with or giving birth to her first child
ensisynnyttäjä {n} :: primigravida, primipara
ensitalvinen {adj} :: occurring or pertaining to next winter
ensitanssija {n} :: principal dancer, principal male dancer, principal (highest-ranking dancer in a dance company)
ensitanssijatar {n} [ballet] :: prima ballerina
ensitieto {n} :: first information, preliminary information
ensi tilassa {phrase} :: at first opportunity, immediately, at once
ensivaikutelma {n} :: first impression
ensivierailu {n} :: first visit
ensiviikkoinen {adj} :: of next week, next week's
ensiviulu {n} :: first violin
ensivuotinen {adj} :: of next year, next year's
Enso {prop} :: Svetogorsk (industrial town close to the Finnish border in Russia)
Enso {prop} :: A former Finnish forest products company, now part of Stora Enso
enstatiitti {n} [mineral] :: enstatite
en-suku {n} [linguistics] :: common gender (common gender in Swedish and some other Scandinavian languages)
ensyklopedia {n} :: An encyclopedia
ensyklopedinen {adj} :: encyclopaedic/encyclopedic
ensyklopedisesti {adv} :: encyclopedically
entä {conj} :: what about?
entä {conj} :: what? (used to introduce a speculation or alternative proposition together with jos - "if"; see also what if)
entää {v} [poetic] :: to fly (to move in air or quickly)
en tajua {phrase} :: I don't understand, I can't figure out
entalpia {n} [physics, thermodynamics] :: enthalpy
entäminen {n} [poetic] :: flying (moving quickly)
entäpä {conj} :: what about
entäpäs {conj} :: synonym of entä [more emphatic]
entäs {adv} [colloquial] :: what about
entä sitten {interj} :: so what
enteellinen {adj} :: ominous
enteellisesti {adv} :: ominously
enteellisyys {n} :: ominousness
enteillä {v} :: to foreshadow
enteily {n} :: foreshadowing
-enteinen {adj} [as headword in compounds] :: boding (being or exhibiting a certain type of omen)
entelekia {n} [philosophy] :: entelechy
enteogeeni {n} [chemistry] :: entheogen
enter {n} :: Enter (computer key)
enteraalinen {adj} :: enteral
enteriitti {n} [pathology] :: enteritis
enter-näppäin {n} :: Enter (computer key)
enterogastrinen {adj} [medicine] :: enterogastric
enterohepaattinen {adj} [physiology] :: enterohepatic
enterokokki {n} [bacteriology] :: enterococcus (group of streptococci bacteria of the genus Enterococcus, that inhabit the human gastrointestinal tract)
enterolaktoni {n} :: enterolactone
enterorokko {n} [disease] :: hand, foot and mouth disease
enterovirus {n} :: enterovirus
en tiedä {phrase} :: I don't know
entinen {adj} :: former, erstwhile
entinen Jugoslavian tasavalta Makedonia {prop} :: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (former name of North Macedonia)
entisaika {n} :: old time
entisaikainen {adj} :: ancient, old
entisellään {adv} :: unchanged, unaltered
entiselleen {adv} :: into a state that something used to be before
entisenlainen {adj} :: Similar as before or the previous one; unchanged
entisensä {adv} :: what one used to be, like one formerly was
entisestään {adv} :: still, further, even more
entisöidä {v} :: to restore (an old painting, building etc.)
entisöijä {n} :: restorer, renovator, preserver
entisöinti {n} :: restoration (of an old painting, building etc.)
entispäättymä {n} [grammar, dated] :: past perfect, pluperfect tense
entistää {vt} :: To restore, renovate
entistä ehompi {adj} :: better than before, improved
entistäjä {n} :: restorer, renovator
entistäminen {n} :: restoration, renovation
entistämisavustus {n} :: restoration grant
entistämissuunnitelma {n} :: restoration plan
entistys {n} :: restoration, renovation
entisyys {n} :: the past, time immemorial
entiteetti {n} :: entity
entlebuchinpaimenkoira {n} :: Entlebucher Mountain Dog
entomologi {n} :: entomologist
entomologia {n} :: entomology
entrata {v} [nautical] :: to board (to capture an enemy ship by going alongside and then invading her)
entrata {v} [slang] :: to improve
entraus {n} [nautical] :: boarding (invading an enemy ship)
entraushaka {n} [nautical] :: grappling hook
entropia {n} [physics] :: entropy
entsymologia {n} :: enzymology
entsyymi {n} :: enzyme
entten-tentten-teelika-mentten {n} :: A children's counting-out game similar to eeny, meeny, miny, moe
entti {n} :: ent (fictional talking tree)
entusiasmi {n} :: enthusiasm
entusiasti {n} :: enthusiast
entusiastinen {adj} :: enthusiastic
entuudelta {adv} :: alternative form of entuudestaan
entuudeltaan {adv} :: alternative form of entuudestaan
entuudesta {adv} :: alternative form of entuudestaan
entuudestaan {adv} :: already, previously, before, beforehand
en ymmärrä {phrase} :: I don't understand
eoarkeeinen {adj} [geology] :: Eoarchean
eoliaaninen {adj} [geology] :: æolian
eoliitti {n} :: eolith
eolinen {adj} :: eolic (referring to the action or the power of wind)
eoni {n} :: eon
e-opetus {n} :: e-education
e-oppiminen {n} :: e-learning
eos {phrase} :: acronym of ei osaa sanoa or en osaa sanoa (undecided, do not know, cannot say (in forms or surveys))
eoseeni {n} :: the Eocene epoch
eoseenikausi {n} [geology] :: The Eocene epoch
eoseenikautinen {adj} :: Eocene
eosinofiili {n} :: eosinophil (type of white blood cell)
epä- {prefix} :: Used to invert the meaning of a word. English counterparts include in-, non-, un- (in some cases mis-, mal-)
epäaidosti {adv} :: unauthentically, falsely
epäaistikas {adj} :: inelegant, unelegant
epäaito {adj} :: ungenuine, unauthentic, false (spurious, artificial)
epäaitous {n} :: ungenuineness, unauthenticity, falseness
epäaktiivinen {adj} :: inactive (active)
epäaktiivisuus {n} :: inactivity, inactiveness
epäämätön {adj} :: undeniable
epäämättömästi {adv} :: undeniably, unquestionably, incontestably, indisputably
epäämättömyys {n} :: undeniability
epääminen {n} :: refusal, denial, prohibition
epäanteeksipyyntö {n} :: non-apology, nonpology
epäasiallinen {adj} :: impertinent, inappropriate, uncalled for, flippant, facetious, unbusinesslike
epäasiallisesti {adv} :: impertinently, improperly, inappropriately
epäasiallisuus {n} :: inappropriateness, facetiousness
epädemokraattinen {adj} :: undemocratic
epädemokraattisesti {adv} :: undemocratically
epädemokraattisuus {n} :: The quality of being undemocratic
epäedullinen {adj} :: disadvantageous, unfavorable, adverse
epäedullisesti {adv} :: disadvantageously, unfavourably, adversely
epäedullisuus {n} :: disadvantageousness, unfavourability, adversity
epäeettinen {adj} :: unethical
epäeksakti {adj} :: inexact
epäelastinen {adj} :: inelastic
epäesteettinen {adj} :: unaesthetic
epäesteettisesti {adv} :: unaesthetically
epäesteettisyys {n} :: The quality of being unaesthetic; ugliness
epäeuklidinen {adj} [geometry] :: non-Euclidean
epäharmoninen {adj} :: inharmonic, nonharmonic, disharmonious
epähavainnollinen {adj} :: unillustrative
epähavainnollisesti {adv} :: in an unillustrative manner, not illustratively
epähavainnollisuus {n} :: the quality of being unillustrative
epähedelmä {n} :: accessory fruit
epähenkilö {n} :: nonperson
epähenkilö {n} :: unperson (Orwellian terminology from the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four)
epäherkkä {adj} [photography] :: insensitive (of film or photographic paper, requiring long exposure)
epäherkkyys {n} [photography] :: insensitivity (of film or photographic paper, property of being insensitive, i.e. requiring long exposure)
epähieno {adj} :: indiscreet
epähienosti {adv} :: indiscreetly
epähienous {n} :: indiscreetness
epähistoriallinen {adj} :: unhistorical, ahistorical
epähistoriallisesti {adv} :: unhistorically, ahistorically
epähistoriallisuus {n} :: quality of being unhistorical, lack of historicalness
epähomogeeninen {adj} :: nonhomogeneous
epähuomio {n} :: lack of attention
epähuomiossa {adv} :: unintentionally
epähygieeninen {adj} :: insanitary, unhygienic
epähygieenisesti {adv} :: unhygienically
epähygieenisyys {n} :: The property of being unhygienic
epäilemätön {adj} :: undoubted
epäilemätön {adj} :: synonym of epäröimätön
epäilemättä {adv} :: undoubtedly, unquestionably
epäilemättä {adv} :: indubitably, doubtlessly, undoubtably (rarely used alternatives for "undoubtedly")
epäileminen {n} :: doubting
epäilevä {adj} :: incredulous, sceptical
epäileväinen {adj} :: suspicious (expressing suspicion)
epäileväisyys {n} :: doubtfulness, dubiety (state or quality of being doubtful)
epäilevästi {adv} :: incredulously, skeptically
epäilevä tuomas {n} [figuratively] :: A doubting Thomas, a person who is doubtful or dubious
epäilevä Tuomas {n} :: doubting Thomas
epäilevyys {n} :: synonym of epäileväisyys
epäilijä {n} :: skeptic
epäilijä {n} :: doubter
epäillä {vt} [+ partitive] :: to doubt, question, wonder, be skeptical about, be doubtful
epäillä {vt} :: to think, suspect, guess, imagine, conjecture, surmise, hypothesise/hypothesize, believe, suppose
epäillä {vt} [+ partitive] :: to suspect, mistrust, (be) distrust(ful of), be suspicious of, harbour/harbor suspicions of, be apprehensive about, believe guilty
epäillä {vi} :: to feel uncertain, lack conviction, be indecisive, waver
epäillyt {v} :: nominative plural form of epäilty
epäiltävä {adj} :: suspect
epäilty {adj} :: suspected
epäilty {n} :: suspect
epäily {n} :: suspicion (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong)
epäilyksenalainen {adj} :: suspect
epäilyksettä {adv} [rare] :: undoubtedly, indubitably
epäilys {n} :: suspicion
epäilyttää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To look suspicious/dubious/shady/fishy to
epäilyttäminen {n} :: looking suspicious
epäilyttäminen {n} :: feeling suspicious
epäilyttävä {adj} :: suspicious, iffy
epäilyttävästi {adv} :: suspiciously
epäilyttävyys {n} :: suspiciousness
epäinhimillinen {adj} :: inhuman, inhumane
epäinhimillisesti {adv} :: inhumanly
epäinhimillisyys {n} :: inhumanity
epäisänmaallinen {adj} :: unpatriotic
epäisänmaallisesti {adv} :: unpatriotically
epäisänmaallisuus {n} :: unpatriotism
epäitsekäs {adj} :: selfless, unselfish
epäitsekkäästi {adv} :: unselfishly
epäitsekkyys {n} :: selflessness, unselfishness
epäitsenäinen {adj} :: nonindependent, not independent
epäitsenäisesti {adv} :: not independently
epäitsenäisyys {n} :: nonindependence
epäjalo {adj} [chemistry] :: base, unnoble (of metal, at the lower end of the electrochemical series, i.e. prone to electrochemical corrosion)
epäjärjestelmällinen {adj} :: unorganized, disorganized
epäjärjestelmällinen {adj} :: unmethodical, unsystematic
epäjärjestys {n} :: disorder
epäjatkuva {adj} [mathematics] :: discontinuous
epäjatkuva {adj} [linguistics] :: discontinuative
epäjatkuvuus {n} :: discontinuity
epäjatkuvuuskohta {n} [calculus] :: point of discontinuity
epäjatkuvuuspiste {n} [calculus] :: point of discontinuity
epäjohdonmukainen {adj} :: inconsistent
epäjohdonmukaisemmin {adv} :: comparative of epäjohdonmukaisesti
epäjohdonmukaisesti {adv} :: inconsistently
epäjohdonmukaisimmin {adv} :: superlative of epäjohdonmukaisesti
epäjohdonmukaisuus {n} :: inconsistency, discrepancy
epäjumala {n} :: A false god
epäjumala {n} :: An idol (image representing a false god)
epäjumalankuva {n} [dated] :: idol (picture or other physical representation of a false god)
epäjumalanpalvoja {n} :: idolater
epäjumalanpalvoja {n} :: idolatress (female idolater)
epäjumalanpalvonta {n} :: idolatry
epäkansallinen {adj} :: unnational
epäkansanvaltainen {adj} :: undemocratic
epäkäs {n} [geometry] :: irregular quadrilateral
epäkäs {n} [anatomy] :: trapezius
epäkäslihas {n} [anatomy] :: trapezius
epäkaupallinen {adj} :: noncommercial, non-commercial
epäkäytännöllinen {adj} :: impractical
epäkäytännöllisemmin {adv} :: comparative of epäkäytännöllisesti
epäkäytännöllisesti {adv} :: impractically
epäkäytännöllisimmin {adv} :: superlative of epäkäytännöllisesti
epäkäytännöllisyys {n} :: impracticality
epäkelpo {adj} :: unfit
epäkelpoinen {adj} :: synonym of epäkelpo
epäkeskinen {adj} :: off-center, eccentric
epäkeskisesti {adv} :: eccentrically (in a matter of not being at or in the centre)
epäkeskisyys {n} [mechanics] :: eccentricity
epäkesko {n} :: eccentric (off-centre wheel)
epäkieliopillinen {adj} :: ungrammatical
epäkiitollinen {adj} :: unrewarding, thankless (not appreciated, not providing satisfaction)
epäkiitollinen {adj} :: ungrateful, ingrate
epäkiitollisesti {adv} :: ungratefully
epäkiitollisuus {n} :: thanklessness, unrewardingness
epäkiitollisuus {n} :: ungratefulness
epäkoherentti {adj} :: incoherent
epäkohta {n} :: flaw, anomaly, grievance
epäkohteliaampi {adj} :: comparative of epäkohtelias
epäkohteliaasti {adv} :: impolitely
epäkohteliaisuus {n} :: unpoliteness
epäkohtelias {adj} :: impolite, rude
epäkonventionaalinen {adj} :: synonym of epätavanomainen
epäkriittinen {adj} :: uncritical
epäkriittisesti {adv} :: uncritically
epäkriittisyys {n} :: lack of criticalness, being uncritical
epäkristillinen {adj} :: unchristian (not in accord with Christian principles)
epäkristillisesti {adv} :: unchristianly
epäkristillisyys {n} :: unchristianness
epäkunnioittava {adj} :: disrespectful
epäkunnioittavasti {adv} :: disrespectfully
epäkunnioitus {n} :: disrespect
epäkunnossa {adv} :: broken, broken down (not in working condition)
epäkunto {n} :: disorder (of a device, state of being broken)
epäkuntoinen {adj} :: broken-down, dysfunctional, out of order, inoperative
epäkuntoisuus {n} :: brokenness, inoperativeness, dysfunctionality (state or quality of being broken)
epäkuntoon {adv} :: Indicates transition to broken-down condition, usually with the verb mennä (to go)
epäkuollut {adj} :: undead
epäkuollut {n} :: undead
epäkurantti {adj} [of merchandise] :: nonmarketable
epäkuranttiusvähennys {n} [accounting] :: discount for lack of marketability (deduction from the value of the merchandize based on its reduced resale value)
epäkypsä {adj} :: immature
epäkypsästi {adv} :: immaturely
epäkypsemmin {adv} :: comparative of epäkypsästi
epäkypsimmin {adv} :: superlative of epäkypsästi
epäkypsyys {n} :: immaturity
epälikvidi {adj} [finance] :: illiquid
epälineaarinen {adj} :: nonlinear
epälojaali {adj} :: disloyal
epälojaalisesti {adv} :: disloyally
epälojaalisti {adv} :: disloyally
epälojaalisuus {n} :: disloyalty
epälojaalius {n} :: alternative form of epälojaalisuus
epälooginen {adj} :: illogical
epäloogisemmin {adv} :: comparative of epäloogisesti
epäloogisesti {adv} :: illogically
epäloogisimmin {adv} :: superlative of epäloogisesti
epäloogisuus {n} :: illogicality
epäluku {n} :: not a number, NaN
epälukuinen {adj} [of number] :: unclear and large
epälukuisuus {n} [rare] :: large number (of something)
epäluonnollinen {adj} :: unnatural
epäluonnollisemmin {adv} :: comparative of epäluonnollisesti
epäluonnollisesti {adv} :: unnaturally
epäluonnollisimmin {adv} :: superlative of epäluonnollisesti
epäluonnollisuus {n} :: unnaturalness
epäluotettava {adj} :: unreliable, untrustworthy, distrustful
epäluotettavammin {adv} :: comparative of epäluotettavasti
epäluotettavasti {adv} :: unreliably
epäluotettavimmin {adv} :: superlative of epäluotettavasti
epäluotettavuus {n} :: unreliability
epäluottamus {n} :: Lack of confidence
epäluottamuslause {n} [politics] :: motion of no confidence
epäluulo {n} :: suspicion
epäluuloinen {adj} :: suspicious, distrustful, untrusting, skeptical
epäluuloisesti {adv} :: suspiciously
epäluuloisuus {n} :: suspicion
epämääräinen {adj} :: vague, nonspecific, indefinite, uncertain
epämääräinen {adj} :: [of a person] suspicious
epämääräinen {adj} [grammar] :: indefinite
epämääräinen artikkeli {n} [grammar] :: indefinite article
epämääräisesti {adv} :: vaguely
epämääräistyä {vi} :: To become more vague
epämääräisyys {n} [grammar] :: indefiniteness
epämääräisyysperiaate {n} :: synonym of epätarkkuusperiaate
epämetalli {n} [chemistry] :: A nonmetal
epämetalli-ioni {n} [chemistry] :: nonmetal ion
epämiehekäs {adj} :: Unmanly, effeminate
epämiehekkäästi {adv} :: unmanly (in a manner lacking manliness)
epämiehekkyys {n} :: unmanliness
epämielekäs {adj} :: irrational
epämielekäs {adj} :: meaningless
epämielekkyys {n} :: irrationality
epämielekkyys {n} :: mindlessness
epämiellyttävä {adj} :: unpleasant, displeasing, unattractive, dislikable, objectionable (not pleasant)
epämiellyttävästi {adv} :: unpleasantly
epämiellyttävyys {n} :: unpleasantness
epämieluinen {adj} :: synonym of epämieluisa
epämieluisa {adj} :: undesirable
epämieluisasti {adv} :: undesirably
epämieluisuus {n} :: undesirableness
epämoderni {adj} :: non-modern, nonmodern, unmodern
epämukainen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of epämuotoinen
epämukainen {adj} :: (dated) synonym of epäsymmetrinen
epämukava {adj} :: uncomfortable
epämukava {adj} :: inconvenient
epämukavammin {adv} :: comparative of epämukavasti
epämukavasti {adv} :: uncomfortably
epämukavimmin {adv} :: superlative of epämukavasti
epämukavuus {n} :: inconvenience
epämuodikas {adj} :: unfashionable
epämuodikkaampi {adj} :: comparative of epämuodikas
epämuodikkain {adj} :: superlative of epämuodikas
epämuodollinen {adj} :: informal
epämuodollisesti {adv} :: informally
epämuodollisuus {n} :: informality
epämuodostua {vi} :: To grow malformed
epämuodostuma {n} :: deformity, malformation
epämuodostumaoppi {n} :: teratology
epämuodostunut {adj} :: malformed
epämuotoinen {adj} :: malformed, deformed, misshapen (of unusual shape)
epämuotoinen {adj} :: unshaped, formless (having no distinct shape)
epämuotoisuus {n} :: deformedness
epämuotoisuus {n} :: formlessness
epämurtoluku {n} [arithmetic] :: improper fraction
epämusikaalinen {adj} :: unmusical (lacking in musical ability)
epämusikaalisesti {adv} :: unmusically
epämusikaalisuus {n} :: unmusicality
epänaisellinen {adj} :: unwomanly, unfeminine
epänaisellisesti {adv} :: unfemininely
epänaisellisuus {n} :: unfemininity
epänegatiivinen {adj} :: non-negative
epänormaali {adj} :: abnormal
epänormaalisti {adv} :: abnormally
epänormaalisuus {n} :: abnormality
epänormaalius {n} :: abnormality
epäoikeudenmukainen {adj} :: unjust
epäoikeudenmukaisesti {adv} :: unjustly, unfairly
epäoikeudenmukaisuus {n} :: injustice, unfairness, inequity
epäoikeudenmukaisuus {n} :: partiality, bias, one-sidedness
epäoikeudenmukaisuus {n} :: dishonesty, lack of principles, unethical behaviour
epäoikeudenmukaisuus {n} :: dirty play, dirty pool, foul play, corruption
epäoikeutettu {adj} :: unjustified
epäoleellinen {adj} :: irrelevant
epäoleellinen {adj} [calculus] :: improper (limit or integral)
epäolennainen {adj} :: nonessential
epäolennainen {adj} :: irrelevant
epäolennainen {adj} [accounting, law] :: immaterial
epäolennaisesti {adv} :: irrelevantly
epäolennaisuus {n} :: unessentiality
epäonnekas {adj} :: synonym of epäonninen
epäonnekkaasti {adv} :: unluckily
epäonni {n} :: misfortune
epäonninen {adj} :: unfortunate, unlucky
epäonnistua {vi} :: to fail, to be unsuccessful
epäonnistuja {n} :: One who fails; loser
epäonnistuminen {n} :: A failure
epäonnistuminen {n} :: A debacle (event or enterprise that ends suddenly and disastrously)
epäonnistunut {adj} :: failed, unsuccessful
epäorgaaninen {adj} :: inorganic
epäorgaaninen kemia {n} :: inorganic chemistry
epäorgaaninen yhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: inorganic compound
epäorgaanisesti {adv} :: inorganically
epäortodoksinen {adj} :: unorthodox
epäortodoksisesti {adv} :: unorthodoxly
epäortodoksisuus {n} :: unorthodoxy
epäparinen {adj} :: unpaired (having a wrong pair)
epäparlamentaarinen {adj} :: unparliamentary (contrary to the rules of parliament)
epäparlamentaarinen {adj} :: nonparliamentary
epäparlamentaarisesti {adv} :: unparliamentarily
epäparlamentaarisuus {n} :: unparliamentariness
epäpätevä {adj} :: incompetent
epäpätevästi {adv} :: incompetently
epäpätevyys {n} :: incompetence (lack of competence for given job)
epäperäinen {adj} [rare] :: synonym of väärennetty
epäperäisyys {n} [rare] :: counterfeitness
epäperinteinen {adj} :: nontraditional, untraditional
epäpoliittinen {n} :: apolitical (having no involvement in politics)
epäpoliittinen {n} :: apolitical, nonpolitical, unpolitical (having no political relevance or function)
epäpoliittinen {n} :: apolitical, nonpolitical, unpolitical (politically neutral, non-aligned)
epäpoliittisesti {adv} :: apolitically
epäpoliittisuus {n} :: quality of being apolitical
epäpuhdas {adj} :: impure
epäpuhdas {adj} :: unclean
epäpuhdas {adj} :: out of tune
epäpuhtaasti {adv} :: uncleanly
epäpuhtaasti {adv} :: out of tune
epäpuhtaus {n} :: impurity
epäpuhtaus {n} :: pollutant
epäpuhtaus {n} :: contaminant
epäpyhä {adj} :: unholy
epäpyhyys {n} :: unholiness
epärealistinen {adj} :: unrealistic
epärealistisesti {adv} :: unrealistically
epärealistisuus {n} :: unrealisticness
epärehellinen {adj} :: dishonest
epärehellisesti {adv} :: dishonestly
epärehellisyys {n} :: dishonesty, insincerity
epärehellisyys {n} :: falsehood (trait of a person who is mendacious and deceitful)
epäreilu {adj} :: unfair, unjust
epäreilusti {adv} :: unfairly
epäreiluus {n} :: unfairness
epärelevantti {adj} :: irrelevant
epäritarillinen {adj} :: ungallant, unchivalrous
epäritarillisesti {adv} :: ungallantly, unchivalrously
epäritarillisuus {n} :: ungallantry, unchivalrousness
epäröidä {v} :: to hesitate
epäröimätön {adj} :: unhesitating
epäröimättä {adv} :: unhesitatingly
epäröiminen {n} :: hesitating
epäröinti {n} :: hesitation
epäröivä {adj} :: hesitant
epäröivästi {adv} :: hesitatingly
epäromanttinen {adj} :: unromantic
epäromanttinen {adj} :: aromantic
epäsäännöllinen {adj} :: irregular
epäsäännöllinen kolmio {n} [geometry] :: scalene triangle
epäsäännöllinen verbi {n} [grammar] :: irregular verb
epäsäännöllisesti {adv} :: irregularly
epäsäännöllisyys {n} :: irregularity
epäsäätyinen {adj} :: disparaged (being socially of inequal match, being of different social classes)
epäsäätyisyys {n} :: disparage (inequality in marriage)
epäseksikäs {adj} :: unsexy (not attractive sexually)
epäseksikäs {adj} :: unsexy (not perceived as interesting, used e.g. of business, field of research, topic of discussion)
epäseksuaalinen {adj} :: asexual (lacking interest in or desire for sex)
epäseksuaalisesti {adv} :: asexually (lacking interest)
epäselvä {adj} :: unclear
epäselvä {adj} :: vague
epäselvästi {adv} :: unclearly
epäselvyys {n} :: obscurity
epäselvyys {n} [optics] :: blurriness
epäsiisteys {n} :: uncleanness
epäsiisti {adj} :: unclean
epäsiististi {adv} :: untidily
epäsikiö {n} :: monster
epäsileä {adj} :: nonsmooth
epäsingulaarinen {adj} [linear algebra] :: nonsingular
epäsiveä {adj} :: unchaste
epäsiveellinen {adj} :: loose, promiscuous
epäsiveellisesti {adv} :: promiscuously
epäsiveellisyys {n} :: immorality, indecency
epäsointu {n} :: discord
epäsointuinen {adj} :: discordant
epäsointuisesti {adv} :: discordantly
epäsointuisuus {n} [music] :: synonym of dissonanssi
epäsopiva {adj} :: unsuitable, unfit
epäsopiva {adj} :: synonym of sopimaton
epäsopu {n} :: discord
epäsopuinen {adj} :: discordant
epäsopuisa {adj} :: synonym of epäsopuinen
epäsopuisesti {adv} :: discordantly
epäsopuisuus {n} :: synonym of eripuraisuus
epäsosiaalinen {adj} :: asocial
epäsosiaalisesti {adv} :: asocially
epäsosiaalisuus {n} :: asociality
epäsovinnainen {adj} :: nonconformist (not conforming to established customs)
epäsovinnaisesti {adv} :: in a nonconformist manner
epäsovinnaisuus {n} :: nonconformity (failure to adapt to normative behaviour)
epästabiili {adj} :: unstable
epäsuhde {n} :: disproportion
epäsuhta {n} :: synonym of epäsuhde
epäsuhtainen {adj} :: disproportional
epäsuhtaisesti {adv} :: disproportionately, disproportionally
epäsuhtaisuus {n} :: disproportionality
epäsuomalainen {adj} :: un-Finnish
epäsuomalaisesti {adv} :: in an un-Finnish manner
epäsuomalaisuus {n} :: quality of being un-Finnish
epäsuopea {adj} [of opinion] :: unapproving, disapproving, unfavorable
epäsuopea {adj} [of state of mind] :: unbenevolent
epäsuopeasti {adv} :: unapprovingly, unfavorably
epäsuopeus {n} :: unbenevolence
epäsuora {adj} :: indirect
epäsuora objekti {n} [grammar] :: indirect object (in some languages, e.g. English, a role of a ditransitive verb that usually manifests as a recipient or goal)
epäsuorasti {adv} :: indirectly
epäsuoruus {n} :: indirectness
epäsuosio {n} :: unpopularity
epäsuosio {n} :: disgrace
epäsuosiollinen {adj} :: disfavoring
epäsuosiollisesti {adv} :: in a disfavoring manner
epäsuosiollisuus {n} :: quality of being disfavoring
epäsuosittu {adj} :: unpopular
epäsuotava {adj} :: undesirable, unadvisable
epäsuotavuus {n} :: undesirability, unadvisability
epäsuotuisa {adj} :: unfavorable, unfavourable (disadvantageous,serving to hinder or oppose)
epäsuotuisa {adj} [of wind or weather] :: unfavorable, unfavourable (causing obstacles or delay)
epäsuotuisa {adj} :: unfavorable, unfavourable (not auspicious)
epäsuotuisasti {adv} :: unfavorably
epäsuotuisuus {n} :: unfavorableness, unfavourableness
epäsymmetria {n} :: asymmetry
epäsymmetrinen {adj} :: asymmetric
epäsymmetrisesti {adv} :: asymmetrically
epäsymmetrisyys {n} :: asymmetricity
epäsystemaattinen {adj} :: unsystematic
epätahti {n} :: instance of being out of step or unsynchronized
epätahtimoottori {n} :: asynchronous motor
epätahtimoottori {n} :: synonym of induktiomoottori
epätaiteellinen {adj} :: inartistic, unartistic
epätaiteellisesti {adv} :: inartistically, unartistically
epätaiteellisuus {n} :: inartisticness
epätaloudellinen {adj} :: uneconomic
epätaloudellisesti {adv} :: uneconomically
epätaloudellisuus {n} :: uneconomicalness
epätarkasti {adv} :: inaccurately
epätarkka {adj} :: inaccurate
epätarkka {adj} :: imprecise
epätarkka {adj} :: unclear
epätarkka {adj} :: unsharp (of an image: out of focus)
epätarkkuus {n} :: inaccuracy
epätarkkuus {n} :: imprecision
epätarkkuus {n} [optics] :: blurriness
epätarkkuusperiaate {n} [quantum mechanics] :: uncertainty principle, Heisenberg uncertainty principle
epätarkoituksenmukainen {adj} :: inappropriate, inexpedient
epätarkoituksenmukaisempi {adj} :: comparative of epätarkoituksenmukainen
epätarkoituksenmukaisesti {adv} :: inappropriately, inexpediently
epätarkoituksenmukaisin {adj} :: superlative of epätarkoituksenmukainen
epätarkoituksenmukaisuus {n} :: inappropriateness
epätasa-arvo {n} :: inequality
epätasainen {adj} :: uneven
epätasaisesti {adv} :: unevenly
epätasaisuus {n} :: unevenness
epätasaisuus {n} [of surface or texture] :: roughness
epätasapaino {n} :: imbalance
epätasapaino {n} :: instability
epätasapainoinen {adj} :: unbalanced, imbalanced, unequal (out of balance)
epätäsmällinen {adj} :: imprecise
epätäsmällinen {adj} :: vague
epätäsmällinen {adj} :: unpunctual
epätäsmällisesti {adv} :: imprecisely
epätäsmällisyys {n} :: inaccuracy, imprecision
epätavallinen {adj} :: unusual
epätavallisesti {adv} :: unusually
epätavallisuus {n} :: unusualness
epätavanomainen {adj} :: unconventional
epätäydellinen {adj} :: incomplete
epätäydellinen {adj} :: imperfect
epätäydellisesti {adv} :: incompletely
epätäydellisyys {n} :: incompleteness
epätäydellisyys {n} :: imperfection
epäterve {adj} :: unhealthy
epäterveellinen {adj} :: unhealthy
epäterveellisesti {adv} :: unhealthily
epäterveellisyys {n} :: unhealthiness
epäterveesti {adv} :: unhealthily
epätiede {n} :: pseudoscience
epätieteellinen {adj} :: unscientific
epätieteellisesti {adv} :: unscientifically
epätieteellisyys {n} :: unscientificness
epätietoinen {adj} :: uninformed, unknowing, unaware
epätietoinen {adj} :: unsure
epätietoisuus {n} :: uninformedness, unawareness
epätodellinen {adj} :: surreal, unreal
epätodellisesti {adv} :: unreally
epätodellisuus {n} :: unreality
epätodenmukainen {adj} :: untruthful
epätodenmukainen {adj} :: unrealistic
epätodenmukaisesti {adv} :: untruthfully
epätodenmukaisuus {n} :: untruthfulness
epätodennäköinen {adj} :: unlikely, improbable
epätodennäköisesti {adv} :: unlikely
epätodennäköisyys {n} :: unlikelihood, improbability
epätoivo {n} :: despair, desperation
epätoivoinen {adj} :: desperate
epätoivoisesti {adv} :: desperately
epätoivoissaan {adv} :: desperately, in desperation
epätoivoisuus {n} :: desperateness
epätosi {adj} :: untrue
epätosi {adj} [logic] :: false
epätoverillinen {adj} :: uncompanionable
epätriviaali {adj} :: nontrivial
epatto {n} :: louse (person)
epätuottelias {n} [rare] :: (relatively) unproductive (that doesn't produce much)
epäturvallinen {adj} :: unsafe
epäturvallisesti {adv} :: unsafely
epätyhjä {adj} :: nonempty
epätyydyttävä {adj} :: unsatisfactory, dissatisfactory, dissatisfying
epätyydyttävä {adj} :: disappointing
epätyydyttävästi {adv} :: unsatisfactorily
epätyydyttävyys {n} :: unsatisfactoriness
epätyypillinen {adj} :: atypical
epäurheilijamainen {adj} :: unsportsmanlike
epäurheilijamaisesti {adv} :: in an unsportsmanlike manner
epäurheilijamaisuus {n} :: quality of being unsportsmanlike
epäusko {n} :: disbelief
epäuskoinen {adj} :: incredulous, unbelieving
epäuskoisesti {adv} :: incredulously, unbelievingly
epäuskoisuus {n} :: incredulity (state of being incredulous or unbelieving)
epäuskottava {adj} :: implausible, incredible; not credible
epäuskottavasti {adv} :: implausibly
epäuskottavuus {n} :: implausibility
epävakaa {adj} :: unstable
epävakaasti {adv} :: unstably
epävakainen {adj} [chiefly of weather] :: unstable
epävakaisesti {adv} :: unstably
epävakaisuus {n} :: instability
epävakaus {n} :: instability
epävapaa {adj} :: unfree
epävarma {adj} :: insecure
epävarma {adj} :: uncertain, unsure
epävarmasti {adv} :: uncertainly
epävarmempi {adj} :: comparative of epävarma
epävarmuus {n} :: uncertainty
epävarmuus {n} :: insecurity
epävarmuus {n} :: contingency
epäviihtyisä {adj} :: unpleasant, uncomfortable; not cozy
epäviihtyisästi {adv} :: uncomfortably
epäviihtyisyys {n} :: uncomfortableness
epäviisaampi {adj} :: comparative of epäviisas
epäviisaasti {adv} :: unwisely
epäviisain {adj} :: superlative degree form of epäviisas
epäviisas {adj} :: unwise
epävirallinen {adj} :: unofficial
epävirallisesti {adv} :: unofficially
epävirallisuus {n} :: The state of being unofficial
epävire {n} :: state of being out of tune
epävireeseen {adv} :: into a state of being out of tune
epävireeseen {adv} [figuratively] :: into a state of being disconcerted or upset
epävireessä {adv} :: in a state of being out of tune
epävireessä {adv} [figuratively] :: disconcerted, upset
epävireinen {adj} :: out of tune, untuned
epävireisesti {adv} :: in the manner of being out of tune
epävireisyys {n} :: state of being out of tune
epäyhdenmukainen {adj} :: inconsistent
epäyhdenmukainen {adj} :: nonuniform
epäyhtälö {n} [mathematics] :: inequality
epäyhteensopiva {adj} :: incompatible
epäyhtenäinen {adj} :: discontinuous
epäyhtenäisesti {adv} :: discontinuously
epäyhtenäisyys {n} :: discontinuousness
epäyhtenäisyys {n} :: heterogeneity
epäys {n} [rare] :: synonym of epääminen
epäystävällinen {adj} :: unfriendly
epäystävällisemmin {adv} :: comparative of epäystävällisesti
epäystävällisesti {adv} :: In an unfriendly manner
epäystävällisimmin {adv} :: superlative of epäystävällisesti
epäystävällisyys {n} :: unfriendliness
Epeiros {prop} :: Epirus (ancient kingdom, region of Greece and Albania, and a periphery of Greece)
epeli {n} :: synonym of vintiö
epenteettinen {adj} [linguistics] :: epenthetic
epideeminen {adj} :: epidemic
epidemia {n} [pathology] :: An epidemic
epidemiologi {n} :: epidemiologist
epidemiologia {n} :: epidemiology
epidemiologinen {adj} :: epidemiological
epidemiologisesti {adv} :: epidemiologically
epidermi {n} [anatomy] :: epidermis (outer, protective layer of the skin or similar outer layer of cells in invertebrates and plants)
epidootti {n} [mineral] :: epidote
epiduraali {n} :: epidural anesthesia
epiduraalinen {adj} [anatomy] :: epidural
epiduraalipuudutus {n} [medicine] :: epidural anesthesia, epidural
epifania {n} [rare] :: Epiphany
epifenomeeni {n} :: epiphenomenon
epifenomenaalinen {adj} :: epiphenomenal
epifyysi {n} [anatomy] :: epiphysis, pineal gland
epifyysi {n} [anatomy, skeleton] :: epiphysis (rounded end of a long bone)
epifyytti {n} [botany] :: epiphyte
epigeneesi {n} :: epigenesis
epigeneettinen {adj} :: epigenetic
epigenetiikka {n} :: epigenetics
epigenomi {n} :: epigenome
epiglottiitti {n} :: epiglottitis
epiglottis {n} :: epiglottis
epigraafi {n} [math] :: epigraph
epigrafi {n} :: epigraph
epigrafia {n} :: epigraphy
epigrafiikka {n} :: epigraphy (study)
epigrammi {n} :: epigram
epiikka {n} :: epic poetry
epikriisi {n} [medicine] :: epicrisis (medical case summary)
epikurolainen {adj} :: epicurean
epikurolaisuus {n} :: Epicureanism
epilaattori {n} :: An epilator
epilepsia {n} :: epilepsy
epilepsiakohtaus {n} :: epileptic seizure
epileptikko {n} :: epileptic
epileptinen {adj} :: epileptic
e-pilleri {n} :: contraceptive pill
epilogi {n} :: epilogue
epiloida {v} :: to epilate (to remove hair, particularly with an epilator)
epilointi {n} :: epilation (removal of hair, particularly with an epilator)
epimeraasi {n} [biochemistry] :: epimerase
epimorfismi {n} [mathematics] :: epimorphism
epineoliittinen {adj} :: Epineolithic
epis {adj} [slang] :: unfair, unjust
episentri {n} [seismology] :: epicentre, epicenter
episentrumi {n} [seismology] :: epicentre, epicenter
episiotomia {n} [surgery] :: episiotomy
episkopaalinen {adj} :: episcopal
episkopalismi {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: Episcopalianism (doctrine according to which the supreme power in the church belongs to a meeting of the bishops)
episodi {n} :: episode
episodinen {adj} :: episodic
episomi {n} [cytology] :: episome
epistä {interj} :: (teen slang) Used to express discontent based on a feeling that a decision, statement, state of affairs etc. is unjust
episteeminen {adj} :: epistemic
epistemologi {n} :: epistemologist
epistemologia {n} :: epistemology
epistemologinen {adj} :: epistemological
epistola {n} [biblical] :: epistle
epistolateksti {n} [Christianity] :: text from an epistle
episykli {n} :: epicycle
episykloidi {n} :: epicycloid
epitafi {n} :: epitaph
epiteeli {n} [anatomy] :: epithelium
epiteelikudos {n} [anatomy] :: epithelium
epiteetti {n} :: epithet
epiteksti {n} :: epitext
epitrakiili {n} :: epitrachelion (liturgical vestment)
EP-levy {n} [music] :: EP-record
epoksi {n} :: epoxy
epoksidi {n} [organic chemistry] :: epoxide
epoksihartsi {n} [organic chemistry] :: epoxy resin
epoksiliima {n} :: epoxy glue
epoksimaali {n} :: epoxy paint
epoksimuovi {n} :: epoxy (hardened epoxy resin)
epoksipinnoite {n} :: epoxy covering
epoletti {n} :: epaulet
eponyymi {n} :: eponym
epookki {n} :: epoch
epopea {n} :: epopee
eppu {n} [colloquial] :: first-year schoolchild
Epsanja {prop} [jocular] :: Spain
epsilon {n} :: epsilon (Greek letter)
epsilonistiikka {n} [math] :: epsilonics (study of errors)
epuu {n} :: refusal
epuuttaa {v} [rare] :: to deny
epuuttaa {v} :: (rare) to cancel (permission, privilege etc.)
erä {n} :: batch (quantity of anything produced at one operation)
erä {n} :: lot (separate portion; a number of things taken collectively)
erä {n} :: instalment; short for maksuerä (partial payment)
erä {n} [accounting] :: item, entry; short for tilierä
erä {n} [sports] :: a subdivision of game time (can be a time-limited part of a match between two parties or, where the number of contestants exceeds the capacity of the sports facillity, a qualifying competition between a subset of contestants, the translation into English varies by sport)
erä {n} [ice hockey] :: period
erä {n} [soccer] :: half
erä {n} [basketball] :: quarter or half, depending on rules applied
erä {n} [boxing] :: round
erä {n} [tennis, volleyball] :: set
erä {n} [squash] :: game
erä {n} [athletics] :: heat
erä {n} [polo] :: chukker
erä {n} [rare, hunting] :: game, catch
erä {n} [archaic] :: wilderness, especially one that is good hunting ground
eräajo {n} [cycling] :: sprint
eräajo {n} [computing] :: batch job, batch run
eräajotiedosto {n} :: batch file
eräalue {n} :: owned region of wilderness (in which there are rights to hunt, fish and burn-clear)
eräänä päivänä {phrase} :: one day (at unspecified time in the past)
eräänä päivänä {phrase} :: the other day (recently, only a few days ago)
eräänlainen {adj} :: a kind of
erääntyä {vi} [e.g. of a loan] :: to fall/become/come due, mature, expire
erääntyminen {n} :: coming due, maturing, expiring
erääntymispäivä {n} [finance] :: maturity date
eräelämä {n} :: life in the wild or nature, such as camping or hunting
eräkäsittely {n} [computing] :: batch processing
eräkertomus {n} :: a tale from hunting, camping, or other life in wilderness
eräkirjallisuus {n} :: outdoor literature
erakko {n} :: hermit, recluse
erakkoampiainen {n} [zoology] :: potter wasp, mason wasp
erakkoelämä {n} :: solitary life, life as a hermit
erakkokolibri {n} :: hermit (hummingbird of the subfamily Phaethornithinae)
erakkokuoriainen {n} :: hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita)
erakkola {n} :: hermitage, skete
erakkoluonne {n} :: solitary soul, loner
erakkomaja {n} :: hermitage
erakkopiste {n} [topology] :: isolated point
erakkorapu {n} :: hermit crab
erakkorastas {n} :: hermit thrush (Catharus guttatus)
erakkotinami {n} :: solitary tinamou (Tinamus solitarius)
erakoitua {vi} :: To seclude oneself, to go into seclusion
eräkoko {n} :: batch size, lot size
eräkulttuuri {n} [historical] :: culture of maintaining an economy involving hunting, fishing and burn-clearing in regions of wilderness
eräluku {n} [sports, chiefly in the plural] :: the game score at the end of an erä (a period of match time; exact translation depends on sport)
erämaa {n} :: wilderness
erämaa-alue {n} :: wilderness
erämaapuhelin {n} :: radiotelephone for use in the wilderness
erämaataival {n} :: journey in the wilderness
erämainen {adj} :: like wilderness, wild, natural
erämies {n} :: ranger, outdoorsman, huntsman
eräneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the seventh rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished farmers, foresters, hunters or other outdoorsmen or anyone who has furthered their work
eränkävijä {n} :: frontiersman, huntsman, hiker
eränkäynti {n} :: hunting and camping in the wild
eränkäynti {n} [historical] :: hunting, fishing and burn-clearing in the wild
eranto {n} :: compass declination
eränumero {n} :: lot number
eräopas {n} :: wilderness guide
eräpäivä {n} :: due date
eräpallo {n} :: set point, set ball (state in a game where a player can win a set by winning the next point; used in tennis, volleyball and similar games)
eräpoliisi {n} :: police monitoring hunting and fishing
eräpuukko {n} :: knife for use in the wilderness
eräreitti {n} :: trail
eräretkeily {n} :: backpacking or trekking in the wilderness
eräretki {n} :: a backpack trip or trek in the wilderness
eräs {determiner} :: a certain, some
eräs {pron} [indefinite] :: someone, one
Erasmus Rotterdamilainen {prop} :: Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, a.k.a. Erasmus, Desiderius Erasmus (Dutch Renaissance humanist and theologian)
erata {vi} [usually, defective] :: to diverge
erätaito {n} [usually in the plural] :: outdoor skill, survival skill, wilderness skill
erätalous {n} [historical] :: economy of hunting, fishing and burn-clearing in the wilderness
erätarina {n} :: a tale or story from hunting, camping, or other life in wilderness
erätauko {n} [sports] :: interval between periods of game time
erätuotanto {n} :: batch manufacturing
eraus {n} [rare] :: divergence, diverging
eraus {n} :: a young animal separated from the family by its mother because of new young
erauspoika {n} :: a young male animal (such as a bear cub) that has been separated from its family by the mother
erävalvonta {n} :: wilderness supervision; in Finland, a part of the government responsible for supervising sustainable use of the nature in outdoor life
erävartija {n} :: a guard monitoring hunting and fishing
erävoitto {n} [sports] :: win of a round
erävoitto {n} [idiomatic] :: win of a battle, but not the war
eräytyä {v} :: synonym of erääntyä
Erbin pareesi {n} [pathology] :: Erb's palsy
erbium {n} :: erbium
ereettinen {adj} [pathology] :: erethic
erehdyksessä {adv} :: mistakenly, by mistake, by accident (without intention to do so)
erehdys {n} :: mistake
erehdys {n} :: error, oversight
erehdyttää {vt} :: To mislead
erehdyttävä {adj} :: misleading
erehtyä {vi} :: to err, make a mistake
erehtymätön {adj} :: infallible
erehtymättömästi {adv} :: infallibly, unerringly
erehtymättömyys {n} :: infallibility
erehtyminen {n} :: Action noun of the verb erehtyä (to err), erring, often also to err
erehtyminen {n} :: mistakenness
erehtyminen on inhimillistä {proverb} :: to err is human
erehtyväinen {adj} :: erring, fallible
erehtyväisyys {n} :: fallibility, the quality or property of being erring or fallible
erektio {n} [physiology] :: erection
erektiohäiriö {n} :: An erectile dysfunction
erektiorengas {n} :: cock ring (sex aid)
eretismi {n} [pathology] :: erethism
ergatiivi {n} :: ergative
ergatiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: ergative
ergatiivisuus {n} :: ergativity
ergodinen {n} :: ergodic
ergodisuus {n} :: ergodicity
ergokalsiferoli {n} [biochemistry] :: ergocalciferol
ergometri {n} :: An ergometer
ergonomi {n} :: ergonomist
ergonomia {n} :: ergonomics
ergonominen {adj} :: ergonomic
ergonomisesti {adv} :: ergonomically
ergonomisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being ergonomic
ergosfääri {n} [astronomy] :: ergosphere
ergosteroli {n} :: ergosterol
ergotismi {n} :: ergotism
erhe {n} :: mistake, error
erheellinen {adj} :: erroneous
erheellisesti {adv} :: erroneously, mistakenly
erheellisyys {n} :: erroneousness
eri {adj} [not comparable, indeclinable] :: different, other, another
eri {adj} [not comparable, indeclinable] :: different, separate
eri {adv} [rare] :: really, truly
eriaikainen {adj} :: nonsimultaneous
eriaikaisesti {adv} :: nonsimultaneously
eriaikaisuus {n} :: nonsimultaneity
eriäminen {n} :: differing (from)
eriarvoinen {adj} :: unequal
eriarvoistaa {vt} :: To make more unequal, to increase inequality, to create or increase social stratification
eriarvoistua {vi} :: To become more unequal, to be subject to social stratification
eriarvoisuus {n} :: inequality, unequality
eriasteinen {adj} :: of different or varying degrees
eriasteisesti {adv} :: in the manner of having different or varying degrees
eriävä {adj} [legal] :: dissenting; as in eriävä mielipide ("dissenting opinion")
Eridanus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The Eridanus river
Eridanus {prop} [constellation] :: The constellation Eridanus
erihenkinen {adj} :: of or having a different spirit (chiefly figuratively)
erihintainen {adj} :: of or having a different price or different prices
Eriika {prop} :: given name
eri-ikäinen {adj} :: of a different age or different ages
eri-ikäisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being of a different age or ages
Eriikka {prop} :: given name
Erik {prop} :: given name
Erika {prop} :: given name
erikielinen {adj} :: in a different language
erikoinen {adj} :: Special, exceptional, out of the ordinary
erikoinen {adj} :: Peculiar, odd, strange
erikoinen {adj} :: Distinctive, characteristic, particular, typical
erikoinen {adj} :: Specific, especial, certain, own
erikoinen suhteellisuusteoria {n} :: synonym of erityinen suhteellisuusteoria
erikoisaikakauslehti {n} :: journal (magazine or periodical dealing with a particular subject)
erikoisajoneuvo {n} :: special vehicle
erikoisala {n} :: specialty [US], speciality [UK] (that in which one specializes)
erikoisartikkeli {n} :: feature article
erikoisasema {n} :: special status
erikoisauto {n} :: special car, special vehicle
erikoisbibliografia {n} :: special bibliography
erikoiseläinlääkäri {n} :: specialist veterinarian
erikoisesti {adv} :: specially, exceptionally
erikoisesti {adv} :: peculiarly, oddly
erikoisesti {adv} :: distinctively
erikoisetu {n} :: special privilege
erikoisfunktio {n} [math] :: special function
erikoishammaslääkäri {n} :: specialized dentist, dental specialist
erikoisharrastus {n} :: special hobby
erikoisjärjestelmä {n} :: special system
erikoisjoukko {n} [military, police] :: special force
erikoiskasvi {n} :: specialized plant, specialized crop
erikoiskerma {n} :: heavy cream, high-fat cream
erikoiskieli {n} :: jargon, terminology, slang
erikoiskirjasto {n} :: special library
erikoiskirjeenvaihtaja {n} :: special correspondent, special rapporteur
erikoiskoe {n} [motor sport] :: special stage
erikoiskoulutus {n} :: special training
erikoiskuljetus {n} :: special transport
erikoislääkäri {n} :: specialist (physician)
erikoislaatuinen {adj} :: special, distinctive, peculiar, extraordinary
erikoislaatuisesti {adv} :: distinctively, extraordinarily, peculiarly
erikoislaatuisuus {n} :: specialness, distinctiveness, peculiarity
erikoislähettiläs {n} :: an honorary title of the second rank granted by the President of Finland given to people with outstanding merits in the field of diplomatic relations
erikoislähikuva {n} [photography, cinematography] :: extreme close-up
erikoislahjakas {adj} :: that has a special talent
erikoislahjakkuus {n} :: having a special talent
erikoislaina {n} [linguistics] :: Hobson-Jobson (word or phrase borrowed by one language from another and modified in pronunciation to fit the normal set of sounds of the borrowing language)
erikoisleima {n} :: special stamp
erikoisliike {n} :: specialized shop (shop that specializes in a relatively narrow segment of merchandise, e.g. fishing, marriage gowns)
erikoisluettelo {n} :: special catalog, special list
erikoislukio {n} :: a lukio with a special, more advanced curriculum
erikoisluokka {n} :: special class, special category
erikoisluokka {n} [education] :: a special class, often with a more advanced, specialized curriculum
erikoislupa {n} :: license, special permission
erikoismaali {n} :: special paint, special coating
erikoismaininta {n} :: special mention
erikoismerkki {n} :: A pi character (a character which is not part of the standard font character set)
erikoismies {n} :: (male) specialist
erikoismuseo {n} :: specialty museum
erikoismyymälä {n} :: specialist store or shop, specialty store or shop
erikoisopinnot {n} :: special studies
erikoisosaaminen {n} :: special skill
erikoisosasto {n} :: special unit
erikoispaperi {n} :: special paper
erikoispikajuna {n} :: special express train
erikoispikajuna {n} [historical] :: a type of express train in Finland until the 1990s
erikoispostimerkki {n} :: commemorative stamp (postage stamp, often issued on a significant date such as an anniversary, to honor or commemorate a place, event, person, or object)
erikoisprosessi {n} :: special process
erikoispuulaji {n} :: special wood, special kind of wood
erikoisrakenteinen {adj} :: of a special build or structure
erikoisratkaisu {n} :: special solution
erikoisruokavalio {n} :: special diet, restricted diet (usually, but not necessarily, for health, cultural or religious reasons rather than one's own choice)
erikoissairaanhoitaja {n} :: specialized nurse, nurse practitioner
erikoissairaanhoito {n} :: secondary care (specialized medical care)
erikoisseikka {n} :: special circumstance
erikoissiirto {n} :: special move
erikoissuunnittelija {n} :: senior planning officer
erikoissuunnittelija {n} :: special designer
erikoissyyttäjä {n} :: special prosecutor (in the US legal system)
erikoistaa {vt} :: To specialize
erikoistalousalue {n} :: Alternative term for erityistalousalue
erikoistapaus {n} :: special case
erikoistarjous {n} :: bargain, special offer
erikoistehtävä {n} :: special assignment, special task
erikoistilanne {n} :: ßpecial situation, exceptional situation
erikoistoimittaja {n} :: special reporter, special rapporteur
erikoistua {vi} [_, + illative] :: to specialize
erikoistuminen {n} :: specialization (act of specializing)
erikoistumisjakso {n} :: period or course of specialization
erikoistumiskoulutus {n} :: specialist training
erikoistumislinja {n} [education] :: a specialized curriculum or study program
erikoistumisopinnot {n} :: specialized studies, specialized education
erikoistuntemus {n} :: special expertise
erikoistuntija {n} :: specialist, connoisseur
erikoistunut {adj} :: specialized, specialised
erikoistuomioistuin {n} :: special tribunal, special court
erikoistutkija {n} :: A job title for a researcher advanced in and/or specialised in a certain field of research; specialist researcher, senior researcher
erikoisupseeri {n} :: special officer
erikoisuus {n} :: specialty
erikoisuus {n} :: peculiarity, oddity
erikoisvaatimus {n} :: special requirement, special demand
erikoisvalmisteinen {adj} :: custom-made
erikoisvaltuus {n} :: special authorization, special powers
erikokoinen {adj} :: of or having a different size or different sizes
erikokoisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being of a different size or sizes
erikorkuinen {adj} :: of or having a different height or different heights
erikorkuisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being of a different height or heights
erikseen {adv} :: separately, apart (mostly figuratively)
erilaatuinen {adj} :: of a different quality, heterogenous
erilainen {adj} :: different
erilainen {adj} :: various
erilaisempi {adj} :: comparative of erilainen
erilaisesti {adv} :: differently
erilaisin {adj} :: superlative of erilainen
erilaisitiöisyys {n} [botany] :: heterospory
erilaiskehäinen {adj} [botany] :: heterochlamydeous
erilaislehtisyys {n} [botany] :: heterophylly
erilaissekovartisuus {n} [biology] :: heterothallism
erilaistaa {vt} :: To make different; differentiate
erilaistua {vi} :: To become different; to specialize
erilaistumaton {adj} :: unspecialized
erilaistumaton {adj} :: undifferentiated
erilaistuminen {n} :: specialization, becoming different
erilaisuus {n} :: difference (quality of being different)
erilevyinen {adj} :: of or having a different width or different widths
erillään {adv} [static] :: apart, separate, separated, separately
erilläänolo {n} :: separation (being or living separate from something else or one another)
erilleen {adv} :: into being apart or separate
erillinen {adj} :: separate, dividual
erillinen {adj} :: detached, unattached
erillinen {adj} [set theory] :: disjoint
erillisemisyys {n} [botany] :: apocarpy
erillisesti {adv} :: separately, individually, independently
erillisjousitus {n} [automotive] :: independent suspension
erillisjulkaisu {n} :: separate publication
erilliskäsittely {n} :: separate handling or treatment
erillisosasto {n} [military] :: detachment (unit)
erillisrauha {n} :: separate peace
erillisselvitys {n} :: monograph
erillistalo {n} :: detached house
erillisuuni {n} :: wall oven, separate oven (oven without a cooktop)
erillisverotus {n} :: separate taxation
erillisyys {n} :: separateness, dividualness, detachedness
eriluonteinen {adj} :: of a different nature
eriluonteisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being of or having a different nature
erimakuinen {adj} :: having a different taste
erimallinen {adj} :: of a different model or pattern
erimerkityksinen {adj} :: of a different meaning or significance
erimerkityksisyys {n} :: the quality or property of having a different meaning or significance
erimerkkinen {adj} [math] :: discordant (of opposite sign)
erimielinen {adj} [law] :: hung (of a jury, unable to reach a unanimous verdict in a trial)
erimielinen {adj} :: in disagreement, disagreeing, not agreeing
erimielisesti {adv} :: in disagreement
erimielisyys {n} :: disagreement
erimunainen {adj} :: dizygotic
erimunaisuus {n} :: dizygoticity
erimuotoinen {adj} :: of a different shape or form
erimuotoisesti {adv} :: in the manner of having a different form or shape
erimuotoisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being of or having a different shape or form
Erin {prop} :: given name
erinäinen {adj} :: particular
erinäköinen {adj} :: having a different appearance; looking different (than something else or each other)
erinäköisyys {n} :: the quality or property of having a different appearance
eriniminen {adj} :: having a different name or different names
eriniminen {adj} [arithmetic] :: having different denominators (of fractions)
erinimisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being of or having a different name
erinimisyys {n} :: having a different denominator or denominators
erinomainen {adj} :: excellent, outstanding, first-rate
erinomaisempi {adj} :: comparative of erinomainen
erinomaisesti {adv} :: excellently
erinomaisuus {n} :: shine, excellence (in quality or appearance)
eriö {n} :: cubicle
eriö {n} :: lavatory
eriö {n} :: toilet
erioikeus {n} :: privilege (particular benefit, advantage, or favor; a right or immunity enjoyed by some but not others)
eriometri {n} :: eriometer
eripainos {n} :: offprint
eripaksuinen {adj} :: of or having a different thickness or different thicknesses
eriparinen {adj} :: odd, unmatched
eriparisuus {n} :: being odd or unmatched
eriperintäinen {adj} :: heterozygous (of an organism which has two different alleles of a given gene)
eripituinen {adj} :: of different/unequal length; inconsistent, sporadic, uneven
eripituisuus {n} :: the quality or property of having a different length or different lengths
eripura {n} :: discord
eripurainen {adj} :: conflicting, divided, discordant
eripuraisesti {adv} :: discordantly
eripuraisuus {n} :: discordance, infighting, quarreling
erisäätyinen {adj} :: of a different estate or class
erisäätyisyys {n} :: belonging to different classes or estates
eri sarjassa {phrase} [idiomatic] :: out of one's league (in a situation in which one is mismatched with others)
erisävyinen {adj} :: of or having a different hue or tone, different hues or tones
eriseura {n} [biblical, older translation] :: a group not part of the congregation
eriseurainen {adj} [rare] :: seclusive, withdrawing
eriseuraisuus {n} [rare] :: seclusiveness
erisisältöinen {adj} :: having a different content or different contents
erisivuinen {adj} [geometry] :: scalene
erisivuisuus {n} :: the quality of being scalene
eriskummainen {adj} :: alternative form of eriskummallinen
eriskummaisesti {adv} :: synonym of eriskummallisesti
eriskummaisuus {n} :: synonym of eriskummallisuus
eriskummallinen {adj} :: bizarre
eriskummallisesti {adv} :: bizarrely
eriskummallisuus {n} :: bizarreness
erisnimi {n} [grammar] :: proper noun
eristää {vt} :: to isolate, seclude, sequester; to quarantine
eristää {vt} :: to split up, separate, segregate
eristää {vt} :: to block/rope/wall/cut off
eristää {vt} :: to insulate (heat; electricity)
eristäjä {n} :: insulator (a person who installs insulation)
eristäjä {n} :: one who insulates
eristäminen {n} :: isolation (act)
eristäminen {n} :: silent treatment (social sanction)
eristäminen {n} :: solitary confinement
eristävä {adj} :: insulating
eristäytyä {vi} :: To isolate oneself; to seclude
eristäytyminen {n} :: isolating oneself, secluding
eristäytynyt {adj} :: isolated
eristäytyvä persoonallisuus {n} [psychiatry] :: schizoid personality disorder
eriste {n} :: An insulator (substance that does not transmit sound, heat, or electricity)
eristeinen {adj} :: isolated, secluded
eristeinen {adj} [as suffix] :: isolated (against something)
eristeisyys {n} :: isolation, isolatedness, secludedness
eristekerros {n} :: insulating layer
eristin {n} [electrical engineering] :: An insulator
eristyä {vi} :: To be insulated, isolated
eristyneesti {adv} :: in an isolated or secluded manner
eristyneisyys {n} :: isolatedness, secludedness
eristynyt {adj} :: isolated, secluded
eristys {n} :: isolation
eristys {n} :: insulation, insulator (non-conductive structure that does not transmit sound or heat)
eristysaine {n} :: insulating material
eristyshiekka {n} :: sand for insulation
eristyshuone {n} :: isolation room
eristyshuopa {n} :: synonym of eristehuopa
eristyslaitos {n} :: confinement facility
eristyslaitos {n} :: isolation facility
eristysmassa {n} :: insulation putty
eristysnauha {n} :: insulating tape, electrical tape ‎(poorly conductive plastic tape used to insulate electrical wires)
eristyspaperi {n} :: insulating paper
eristysresistanssimittari {n} [electronics] :: megohmmeter, insulation resistance meter
eristysselli {n} :: solitary confinement cell
eristysteippi {n} :: insulating tape, insulation tape
erisuuntainen {adj} :: of or having a different direction or different directions
erisuuntaisesti {adv} :: having a different direction compared to something else, having different directions
erisuuntaisuus {n} :: having different directions
erisuuri {adj} [mathematics] :: not equal, unequal, inequal
erisuuruinen {adj} :: of or having a different amount or magnitude, different amounts or magnitudes
erisuuruinen {adj} :: not equal; not having equal values
erisuuruisuus {n} :: having or being of different magnitudes, amounts or sizes; inequality
erisuuruus {n} [math] :: inequality (the quality or fact of not being equal, of not having the same value)
erisyvyinen {adj} :: of or having a different depth or different depths
eritä {vi} [+ elative] :: to differ from
eritasoinen {adj} :: of or on a different level
eritasoisesti {adv} :: in the manner of having a different levels or grades
eritasoisuus {n} :: being of or on different levels; unevenness
eritasoliittymä {n} :: interchange (highway junction in which the roads are separated on different levels and connected by ramps)
eritasonojapuut {n} [sports] :: asymmetric bars, uneven bars (apparatus or gymnastics event)
eritasoristeys {n} :: interchange, grade separation (a junction with grade separation)
eri tavoin {phrase} :: in various ways
erite {n} :: Secretion, a substance secreted by an organism
eritellä {vt} :: to analyze
eritellä {vt} :: to classify, categorize
eritellä {vt} :: to specify, itemize, allocate
eritelmä {n} :: specification
eritoten {adv} :: notably, especially
Eritrea {prop} :: Eritrea
eritrealainen {adj} :: Eritrean
eritrealainen {n} :: An Eritrean person
erittää {vt} [medicine] :: to secrete
erittää {vt} [medicine] :: to excrete
erittäin {adv} :: very, extremely
erittäinkin {adv} :: synonym of etenkin
erittely {n} :: breakdown, specification, analysis
erittyä {vi} [medicine] :: to ooze (out), seep (out), be secreted
erityinen {adj} :: special
erityinen {adj} :: specific
erityinen suhteellisuusteoria {n} [relativity] :: special relativity
erityisajoneuvo {n} :: special vehicle
erityisalue {n} :: special area
erityisasema {n} :: special status
erityisasiantuntija {n} :: specialist, specialized expert
erityisavustus {n} :: special assistance, special allowance
erityisestävyys {n} [sociology] :: special prevention
erityisesti {adv} :: especially
erityishallintoalue {n} :: special administrative region
erityishuolto {n} :: special maintenance
erityishuolto {n} :: special care
erityishuoltolaitos {n} :: special care facility
erityisjärjestö {n} :: special organization, specialized agency
erityiskasvatus {n} :: special education including special pedagogy
erityiskorvattava {adj} :: specially reimbursable (in the Finnish health insurance system, describing a category of medicines which are reimbursable to the patient at a higher percentage of price than the base rate)
erityiskorvaus {n} :: special contribution, special reimbursement
erityiskoulu {n} :: special school (school specifically made for students with disabilities or other problems that need special treatment)
erityislahjakkuus {n} :: special talent, X factor (an especially talented person)
erityislastentarhanopettaja {n} :: special education kindergarten teacher
erityisliikunta {n} :: adapted physical education
erityisluokka {n} :: special class
erityismenoarvio {n} :: special expenditure estimate
erityisnosto-oikeus {n} :: special drawing right, SDR
erityisnuorisotyö {n} :: special youth work
erityisopettaja {n} :: special education teacher
erityisopetus {n} :: special education
erityisopiskelija {n} :: special student (student enrolled in a special education program)
erityisoppilas {n} :: special pupil (pupil in a special education program)
erityisosaaja {n} :: expert
erityispäivähoito {n} :: special daycare
erityispätevyys {n} :: specific qualification, special competence
erityispedagogiikka {n} :: special pedagogy, special needs pedagogy
erityisruokavalio {n} :: synonym of erikoisruokavalio
erityisryhmä {n} :: special group
erityissäännös {n} :: special provision, specific provision
erityisseikka {n} :: specific aspect, specific issue, specific point
erityistalousalue {n} [economics] :: special economic zone, SEZ (region which enjoys special economic privileges as compared to the rest of the country; used by state controlled economies to attract investments and boost growth, exports and employment)
erityistapaus {n} :: special case, specific case
erityistuomioistuin {n} :: special court, court with special jurisdiction
erityisvaltuutettu {n} :: special representative, special commissioner
erityisyys {n} :: specialty, peculiarity
eritys {n} :: secretion (act of secreting a substance)
erityselin {n} :: secretory organ
erityylinen {adj} :: of a different style
erityyppinen {adj} :: of a different type or different types
erityyppisesti {adv} :: in the manner of having a different type
erityyppisyys {n} :: being of a different type
eriuskoinen {adj} :: heterodox
eriuskolainen {n} :: dissenter from an established church
erivapaus {n} [law] :: dispensation (relaxation of a law in a particular case), peculiar
erivapausanomus {n} [law] :: dispensation application
erivärinen {adj} :: of or having a different color or different colors
erivärisyys {n} :: being of a different color
eriyttää {v} :: to separate
eriyttää {v} :: to differentiate
eriyttäminen {n} :: separating, differentiating
eriyttävä {adj} :: differentiating
eriytyä {vi} :: To diverge
eriytyminen {n} :: diverging
eriytys {n} :: separation, differentiation
Erja {prop} :: given name
erkaantua {vi} :: To diverge
erkanema {n} [medicine] :: diastasis
erkanemiskaista {n} :: off-ramp, off-slip, exit lane
erkauttaa {vt} :: to separate, to cause to diverge
erkautua {vi} :: To diverge
erkkeri {n} [architecture] :: bay (outward projection in a wall, creating a bay in the room inside)
erkkeri {n} [rare] :: bay window (window installed in such bay)
erkkeri-ikkuna {n} [architecture] :: bay window (window space projecting outward from the main walls of a building)
Erkki {prop} :: given name
Erkkilä {prop} :: surname
Erkkilä {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Erkko {prop} :: surname
Erkko {prop} :: given name
erlenmeyerkolvi {n} [chemistry] :: An Erlenmeyer flask, conical flask
Ernesti {prop} :: given name
Erno {prop} :: given name
ero {n} :: difference, distinction
ero {n} :: short for avioero
ero {n} :: resignation
ero {n} :: discharge, dismissal
ero {n} :: separation, parting
ero {n} :: rid [in the expression päästä eroon (jostakin) or hankkiutua eroon (jostakin) for "to get rid of (something)"]
eroahdistus {n} :: separation anxiety
eroamaton {adj} :: undivorced
eroamaton {adj} :: inseparable
eroamattomuus {n} :: being undivorced
eroamattomuus {n} :: being inseparable
eroaminen {n} :: differing, being different
eroaminen {n} :: divorcing
eroaminen {n} :: resigning
eroaminen {n} :: separating
eroaminen {n} :: seceding
eroamisikä {n} :: retirement age from military
eroanomus {n} :: resignation (declaration that one resigns)
eroava {adj} :: differing
eroava {adj} [not comparable] :: outgoing (being replaced in office)
eroavainen {adj} :: differing, different
eroavaisuus {n} :: difference (characteristic)
eroavuus {n} :: difference, discrepancy, departure, distinction
erodoida {vt} :: to erode
erogeeninen {adj} :: erogenous, erotogenic
erohakemus {n} :: short for avioerohakemus
erohakemus {n} :: synonym of eroanomus
erojaiset {n} :: sendoff (farewell party)
erojaisjuhla {n} :: synonym of erojaiset
erojaistilaisuus {n} :: synonym of erojaiset
erojuhla {n} :: synonym of erojaiset
erojuhla {n} :: divorce party
erokirja {n} :: letter of resignation
erokirja {n} :: certificate of divorce
erokirja {n} :: notice of dismissal
Eronen {prop} :: surname
eronhetki {n} :: time to separate, time to part ways
eronnut {adj} :: divorced (having had one's marriage legally dissolved)
eronnut {n} :: divorcee (divorced person)
eronnut {n} :: divorcé (divorced man)
eronnut {n} :: divorcée (divorced woman)
eronpyyntö {n} :: resignation (written or oral declaration that one resigns)
eronteko {n} :: distinction, separation
eronto {n} [grammar, dated] :: exessive
eroosio {n} :: erosion
erootti {n} :: cherub
eroottinen {adj} :: erotic
eroottisempi {adj} :: comparative of eroottinen
eroottisesti {adv} :: erotically
eroottisin {adj} :: superlative of eroottinen
eroottistaa {vt} :: to eroticize
eroottistua {vi} :: To become eroticized
eroottisuus {n} :: eroticism (the state of being erotic)
eroraha {n} :: severance pay
erosija {n} [grammar] :: any of the three following cases in Finnish: elative, ablative or exessive
erossaolo {n} :: separation, absence (being separate)
erota {v} :: to divorce
erota {v} :: to differ, be different
erota {v} :: to resign
erota {v} :: to separate
erota {v} :: to secede
erotella {vt} :: To separate, segregate
erotiikka {n} :: eroticism
erotin {n} :: A separator
erotin {n} [electrical engineering] :: A disconnector
erotinmerkki {n} :: separator, separator character
erotisoida {vt} :: To eroticize
erotisointi {n} :: eroticization
erotisoitua {vi} :: To become erotic
erotodistus {n} [education] :: diploma or report card given to a student who quits education at a specific level
erotomaani {n} :: erotomane
erotomania {n} :: erotomania
erottaa {vt} :: to separate
erottaa {vt} :: to divide
erottaa {vt} :: to fire, dismiss (to relieve of a duty)
erottaa {vt} :: to expel (to terminate the membership of)
erottaa {vt} :: to tell apart, differentiate, distinguish
erottaa jyvät akanoista {v} [idiomatic] :: To separate the wheat from the chaff (to select only that which is of value)
erottamaton {adj} :: inalienable (incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred to another)
erottamaton {adj} :: inseparable
erottamattomasti {adv} :: inseparably, inalienably
erottamattomuus {n} :: inseparability, inalienability
erottaminen {n} :: separation
erottaminen {n} :: sacking, dismissal
erottamiskyky {n} :: capability to distinct
erottamislausuma {n} :: disclaimer
erottautua {vi} :: To go apart, isolate oneself, separate oneself
erottautua {vi} :: To be distinguished
erottautua {vi} :: To stand out
erottautuminen {n} :: isolating or separating oneself
erottautuminen {n} :: distinguishing oneself, being distinguished, standing out
erottelu {n} :: separation, segregation
erottelu {n} :: sorting
erottelukyky {n} [statistics] :: sensitivity (proportion of individuals in a population that will be correctly identified in a binary classification test)
erottelukyky {n} :: resolution (degree of fineness)
erottua {v} :: To stand out; also erottua joukosta (to be obvious or conspicuous, in contrast to one's surroundings)
erottua {vi} [_, + elative] :: To shine (to distinguish oneself)
erotuomari {n} [sports] :: A referee, umpire
erotuomarialue {n} [ice hockey] :: referee crease (semicircle in front of the scorekeepers bench)
erotuomaripallo {n} :: synonym of tuomaripallo
erotus {n} [arithmetic] :: difference (result of a subtraction)
erotus {n} [set theory] :: difference, relative complement
erotus {n} :: separation
erotus {n} :: muster (roundup of cattle)
erotus {n} :: roundup of reindeer
erotusääni {n} [acoustics] :: difference tone
erotusetuus {n} :: differential supplement
erotuskyky {n} :: resolution
erotuskynnys {n} [psychology] :: difference threshold
erotusmenetelmä {n} :: separation or difference process
erotusosamäärä {n} [math] :: difference quotient
erotuspumppu {n} :: extraction pump
erotutkinto {n} [historical] :: A discontinued theological university degree which allowed the ordination of the graduate as a priest
erovuoro {n} :: turn to retire from a post at end of term
erovuoroinen {adj} :: retiring, outgoing (of people with terms in a post etc.)
ersä {n} :: Erzya (Finno-Ugric language spoken primarily in the Volga region of Russia)
ersäläinen {n} :: Erzya (person)
ersämordva {n} :: synonym of ersä
ersämordvalainen {adj} :: synonym of ersäläinen
ersänkielinen {adj} :: in Erzya (language)
-ertaa {suffix} :: Derives intransitive verbs, mostly of descriptive nature
eruptiivikivilaji {n} :: synonym of magmakivilaji
eruptiivinen {adj} [geology] :: eruptive
eruptio {n} :: eruption
Ervasti {prop} :: surname
Ervasti {prop} :: A placename
erytorbiinihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: erythorbic acid
erytritoli {n} [chemistry] :: erythritol
erytroblasti {n} [anatomy] :: synonym of varhaispunasolu
erytromysiini {n} :: erythromycin
erytropoietiini {n} :: erythropoietin
erytrosiini {n} [organic chemistry] :: erythrosine
erytrosyytti {n} [hematology, cytology] :: erythrocyte, red blood cell
erzä {n} :: alternative form of ersä
es {n} [music] :: E-flat
Esa {prop} :: given name
Esaias {prop} [dated] :: Isaiah [in older translations of the Bible]
Esaias {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
esanssi {n} :: essence (concentrate)
escariolsalaatti {n} [deprecated] :: synonym of endiivi
Es-duuri {n} [music] :: E-flat major
esi- {prefix} :: pre-, fore-
esiäänitys {n} :: prerecording (recording in advance)
esiaikuinen {n} [zoology] :: subimago (stage in the development of certain insects)
esiäiti {n} :: ancestress
esiarkeeinen {adj} [geology] :: Eoarchean
esiaste {n} :: precursor
esiaste {n} :: preschool level of education
esiaviollinen {adj} :: premarital
esidiabetes {n} :: prediabetes
esiharjoittelu {n} :: pre-training, pre-practice
esihenkilö {n} [neologism] :: boss, a gender-neutral synonym/version of esimies
esihistoria {n} :: prehistory
esihistoriallinen {adj} :: prehistoric
esihistoriallisesti {adv} :: prehistorically
esiin {adv} [of movement] :: out (of hiding), in the open, into sight
esiin {adv} [of movement] :: forward, forth
esiinhuuto {n} :: curtain call
esiinhuuto {n} [historical, law] :: part of a Finnish trial where the parties are informed of the case being opened
esiinluiskahdus {n} :: prolapse, slip
esiinmarssi {n} [figuratively] :: emergence, advent, rise
esiinpistävä {adj} :: exposed, projecting, outstanding, salient
esiintulo {n} :: emergence, coming forth, issue
esiintuoda {v} :: synonym of tuoda esiin
esiintuominen {n} :: bringing forward, adducing, raising, highlighting
esiintuonti {n} :: presenting, representing, bringing forth
esiintyä {vi} :: to appear, put in/make an appearance, show up, show oneself, turn up
esiintyä {vi} :: to behave, act, conduct oneself
esiintyä {vi} :: to perform, act, play (in a theatrical role)
esiintyä {vi} :: to pose as, play the part/role of, pretend to be, impersonate (in a deceitful sense), purport oneself to be [as]
esiintyä {vi} [+ essive] :: To serve as, act as, appear as
esiintyä {vi} :: to occur, appear
esiintyä {vi} :: to be (to be) found, there are/were/have been/had been traces/deposits of (subject often in partitive -> verb in 3rd-pers. sg.)
esiintyjä {n} :: performer
esiintyjä {n} :: showman
esiintyjäryhmä {n} :: group of performers
esiintymä {n} :: deposit, occurrence, attestation
esiintyminen {n} :: performance
esiintyminen {n} :: appearance, occurrence, prevalence
esiintymisalue {n} :: area in which one or something appears or is found in
esiintymisjännitys {n} :: stage fright
esiintymiskelpoinen {adj} :: synonym of edustuskelpoinen
esiintymiskuume {n} :: stage fright
esiintymiskyky {n} :: presentation skills, showmanship
esiintymiskykyinen {adj} :: capable of (public) presentation, having showmanship
esiintymispalkkio {n} :: appearance fee
esiintymispelko {n} :: stage fright
esiintymistaito {n} :: presentation skills
esiintymistapa {n} :: manner (the way one comes across)
esiintymistottumus {n} :: getting used to public speaking or presentation
esiintyvä {adj} :: occurrent
esiintyvä {adj} :: presenting
esiintyvyys {n} :: prevalence, occurrence, incidence
esi-isä {n} :: ancestor, forebear
esijaettu {adj} :: preshared
esijännite {n} [electronics] :: bias (voltage applied to an electronic device to move its operating point to a desired part of its transfer function)
esijännitetty {adj} [construction] :: prestressed
esijännittää {vt} :: [construction] To prestress (to apply stress to reinforcing steels prior to casting the concrete)
esijännitteinen {adj} :: prestressed
esijäristys {n} [seismology] :: foreshock (tremor preceding the mainshock in an earthquake event)
esikäännös {n} [programming] :: precompilation, preprocessing
esikääntäjä {n} [programming] :: preprocessor
esikambrinen {adj} [geology] :: Precambrian
esikartano {n} :: forecourt
esikäsitellä {vt} :: to preprocess, to prepare
esikäsittely {n} :: preprocessing, preparation
esikasvi {n} :: preceding crop
esikasvos {n} [forestry] :: advance growth
esikatsella {v} :: To preview
esikatselu {n} :: preview
esikatselukuva {n} :: thumbnail (small picture for preview)
esikaupunki {n} :: suburb
esikisat {n} [sports] :: prelim, preliminary race or event
esikko {n} :: primrose (plant of the genus Primula)
esikkokasvi {n} :: a flower of the primrose family (Primulaceae)
esikkokasvi {n} [in plural] :: the primrose family (Primulaceae)
esiklassismi {n} [music] :: pre-Classical period, galant music
esikoinen {n} :: firstborn
esikois- {prefix} :: combining form of esikoinen
esikoiskirjailija {n} :: An author who has had his or her first book published
esikoiskirjailijaseminaari {n} :: a seminar for authors or writers who are writing or have just written their first book
esikoiskirjailijatapaaminen {n} :: a meeting for authors or writers who are writing or have just written their first book
esikoiskokoelma {n} :: first collection (such as a poem collection that is the first one by a certain poet)
esikoislestadiolaisuus {n} :: The Firstborn Laestadianism
esikoisoikeus {n} :: primogeniture (exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son)
esikoispoika {n} :: firstborn son
esikoisteos {n} :: first piece of work of an artist
esikoisteos {n} :: first book of an author
esikoistytär {n} :: firstborn daughter
esikoisuus {n} :: primogeniture (state of being the eldest child)
esikoulu {n} :: preschool, nursery school
esikouluikäinen {adj} :: preschool-age
esikoululainen {n} :: preschooler
esikristillinen {adj} :: pre-Christian
esikunta {n} :: military staff
esikunta {n} :: cadre (officers of a regiment forming the staff)
esikuntakomppania {n} [military] :: staff company, headquarters company
esikuntapäällikkö {n} [military] :: chief of staff
esikuntaupseeri {n} [military] :: staff officer
esikuva {n} :: example, paragon, role model, guiding light (person who has a profound influence on others and is a source of inspiration and admiration)
esikuva-analyysi {n} :: benchmarking
esikuvallinen {adj} :: exemplary
esikuvallisesti {adv} :: exemplarily
esikuvallisuus {n} :: exemplarity
esikuvavertailu {n} :: synonym of ennätystasovertailu
esikypsennys {n} :: precooking
esikypsentää {vt} :: to precook
esilääkitys {n} :: premedication
esilämmitin {n} :: preheater
esilämmittää {vt} :: to preheat
esilämmitys {n} :: preheating
esilaulaja {n} :: cantor, precentor
esilehti {n} :: endpaper, endsheet, flyleaf
esileikki {n} [sex] :: foreplay
esiliina {n} :: apron
esiliina {n} :: chaperone, someone who watches over an unmarried young couple to ensure the propriety of their meetings
esiliite {n} :: synonym of etuliite
esillä {adv} :: (static) out (in the open), visible, showing
esillä {adv} :: (static) on view/show/display
esilläolo {n} :: exposure, display, visibility, presence
esille {adv} :: forward, forth, out, up, to the front, signifying that something that has been hidden comes or is brought to the sight, either in a concrete way or allegorically; used with a verb that signifies motion (see the Usage notes below)
esilletulo {n} :: emergence, exposure, presenting oneself, surfacing, coming forward
esilukija {n} :: anagnostes, reader, cantor
esim. {adv} :: abbreviation of esimerkiksi; for example, for instance (e.g.)
esimaku {n} :: foretaste
esimaku {n} [figuratively] :: preview, sneak peek, taste
esimerkiksi {adv} :: for example
esimerkillinen {adj} :: exemplary
esimerkillisesti {adv} :: exemplarily
esimerkillisyys {n} :: exemplarity
esimerkistö {n} :: collection of examples
esimerkki {n} :: example
esimerkkilause {n} :: example sentence
esimerkkirivi {n} :: example line, example row
esimiehistö {n} :: leadership, managers or superiors collectively
esimiehyys {n} :: the quality of being a boss, manager or superior
esimies {n} :: boss, manager, superior
esimies-alaiskeskustelu {n} :: superior-subordinate discussion
esimuoto {n} :: precursor, ancestor
esimurrosikä {n} :: prepubescence, prepuberty
esimurrosikäinen {adj} :: prepubescent
esimurrosikäinen {n} :: prepubescent
esinahka {n} [anatomy] :: prepuce, foreskin
esinainen {n} [rare] :: female boss, manager or superior
esinäytös {n} :: preview (presentation)
esinäytös {n} :: prologue, prelude, pretext
esine {n} :: object, item, thing
esine {n} :: artifact (object made or shaped by hand)
esineellinen {adj} :: concrete, corporeal, material, pertaining to objects
esineellistää {vt} :: to objectify
esineellistyä {vi} :: To become objectified
esineellistys {n} :: objectifying
esineellisyys {n} :: corporeality, objectivity, materiality, the quality or property of pertaining to objects
esineiden internet {n} :: Internet of Things
esineistää {vt} :: To objectify
esineistö {n} :: The artefacts of a certain place or area collectively; often used in historical or anthropological context
esineistyä {vi} :: To become objectified
esinekokoelma {n} :: collection of items or objects
esinelaina {n} :: borrowing of an item
esineoikeus {n} [law] :: property law (the area of law concerned with the ownership and conveyance of property rights and title)
esineskanneri {n} :: 3D scanner
esinetaide {n} :: object art
esinetulostin {n} :: 3D printer
esinetulostus {n} :: 3D printing
esinetutkimus {n} [archaeology] :: study of or with artifacts
esinevalokuvaus {n} :: object photography
esiö {n} :: front matter
esioire {n} [medicine] :: prodrome (early symptom warning of the onset of a disease)
esiökuva {n} :: frontispiece
esiopetus {n} :: preschool education, pre-primary education, preschooling (early education that is given at preschool)
esiopinnot {n} :: preliminary studies
esipestä {vt} :: To prewash
esipesu {n} :: prewash
esipiha {n} :: forecourt, courtyard
esipikkuaivot {n} [anatomy] :: archicerebellum
esiprosessori {n} [computing] :: preprocessor
esipuberteetti {n} :: prepuberty
esipuhe {n} :: preamble
esirakentaminen {n} :: pre-construction, preparation
esirippu {n} :: curtain (in theatres)
esiromantiikka {n} :: pre-Romanticism
esiroomalainen {adj} :: pre-Roman
esirukoilija {n} :: intercessor (in a religious sense)
esirukous {n} :: intercession (in a religious sense)
esiselkäjänteinen {n} :: hemichordate
esisokraattisuus {n} :: pre-Socratics
esisolu {n} [biology] :: protocell
esisopimus {n} :: preliminary contract or agreement
esitahti {n} [poetry] :: anacrusis (unstressed syllable at the start of a verse)
esitaistelija {n} :: champion (e.g. of civil rights), pioneer
esitäytetty {adj} :: prefilled
esitäyttö {n} :: pre-filling, pre-loading
esite {n} :: leaflet, brochure
esiteini {n} :: preteen
esitellä {v} :: to introduce (to cause to be acquainted with someone else) [to]
esitellä {v} :: to introduce (to make known by formal announcement or recommendation) [to]
esitellä {v} :: to present, explain, expound upon [to]
esitellä {v} :: to show around, give a tour of (a place); to demonstrate (e.g. the function of a machine); to display
esitellä {v} [programming] :: to declare (variable, function, etc.)
esitelmä {n} :: An oral presentation or a lecture, especially one given at a learning institution to demonstrate the level of knowledge of the speaker
esitelmämatka {n} :: lecture tour
esitelmänpitäjä {n} :: public speaker, lecturer
esitelmäsarja {n} :: lecture series
esitelmöidä {v} :: To lecture, to give a (public) lecture
esitelmöijä {n} :: lecturer
esitelmöinti {n} :: lecturing
esitelmöitsijä {n} :: lecturer
esitiede {n} :: protoscience
esitieto {n} [usually, in plural] :: history (such as medical history)
esitieto {n} :: previous knowledge
esitisle {n} [chemistry] :: heads (from distillation)
esittää {vt} :: To express, offer, set/put forth, state
esittää {vt} :: To show (explaining)
esittää {vt} :: To present, produce (on a stage), stage, show
esittää {vt} :: To submit, suggest, propose; to move, make a motion; to nominate, put forward; to refer
esittää {vt} :: To perform, do
esittää {vt} :: To pose as, play (the part of), pretend to be, impersonate, purport oneself to be
esittää {vt} :: To portray, represent, render
esittää {vt} :: To produce (to make available to a person, an authority, etc.)
esittäjä {n} :: performer
esittäjä {n} :: presenter
esittämän {v} :: infinitive of esittää
esittäminen {n} :: presenting, presentation
esittäminen {n} :: submission (of applications)
esittävä {adj} [arts] :: performing
esittäytyä {vi} :: To introduce oneself, present oneself
esitteillä {adv} :: on display (in a state where something is presented publicly)
esitteille {adv} :: on display (into a state where something is presented publicly)
esitteleminen {n} :: presenting
esitteleminen {n} :: introducing
esittelijä {n} [legal] :: A referendary
esittely {n} :: introduction (act of causing someone to be acquainted with someone else)
esittely {n} :: introduction (act of making something or someone known by formal announcement or recommendation)
esittely {n} :: introduction (means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another)
esittely {n} :: exhibition, show
esittely {n} :: declaration (specification of a programming variable)
esittelyjärjestelmä {n} :: presentation system, display system
esittelylehti {n} :: pamphlet
esittelylehtinen {n} :: leaflet, brochure
esittelyohjelma {n} :: demonstration program, presentation program
esittelytila {n} :: showroom
esitumallinen {n} :: prokaryote
esitutkimus {n} :: pilot study, preliminary study
esitutkinta {n} [legal] :: pretrial, pretrial investigation
esitutkintalaki {n} :: preliminary investigation jurisdiction
esityksellinen {adj} :: presentational
esityö {n} [usually, in plural] :: prework (work made in preparation)
esitys {n} :: presentation
esitys {n} :: show
esitys {n} :: proposition, proposal
esitys {n} :: representation (way of representing or expressing)
esitysanalyysi {n} :: performance analysis (analysis of artistic performances)
esitysgrafiikka {n} :: presentation graphics
esityskausi {n} :: season (of a TV series)
esityskausi {n} :: theatrical season
esityskeino {n} :: means of presentation
esityskerta {n} :: recitation, showing, occasion
esityskielto {n} :: ban on presentation or exhibition of something, such as a film
esityslista {n} :: agenda (list of issues to be discussed in a meeting, often including background information and proposals for the decisions to be made)
esitysmerkintä {n} [music] :: expression marking
esitysmuoto {n} :: format (form of presentation of something)
esitystaito {n} :: presentation skill
esitystapa {n} :: way of presenting or presentation
esitystarkkuus {n} :: precision
esityttää {vt} :: to have (something) presented
esiupseeri {n} :: field officer (in the Finnish military, containing the ranks of majuri, everstiluutnantti and eversti in the Army and Air Force and komentajakapteeni, komentaja and kommodori in the Navy)
esivaali {n} :: primary election, primary
esivahvistin {n} :: preamplifier
esivaihe {n} :: preliminary stage, pre-operational stage
esivalmistelu {n} :: preparation, pre-preparation
esivalta {n} :: powers that be, superior authority
esivanhemmat {n} :: lineage, ancestors
esivanhempi {n} :: ancestor
esivirta {n} [electronics] :: bias (current applied to an electronic device to move its operating point to a desired part of its transfer function)
eskaaderi {n} [nautical] :: squadron
eskadroona {n} [cavalry] :: squadron
eskalaatio {n} :: escalation
eskaloida {vt} :: To escalate
eskalointi {n} :: escalation
eskaloitua {vi} :: To escalate
eskapismi {n} :: escapism
eskapisti {n} :: escapist
eskapistinen {adj} :: escapist
eskari {n} [colloquial] :: preschool
eskarilainen {n} [colloquial] :: preschooler
eskatologi {n} :: eschatologist
eskatologia {n} :: eschatology
eskatologinen {adj} :: eschatological
Eskelinen {prop} :: surname
eskimo {n} :: Eskimo (person)
eskimo {n} [in plural] :: Eskimo (people)
eskimo {n} :: synonym of jäätelöpuikko (ice cream bar)
eskimohanhi {n} :: Ross's goose (Anser rossii)
eskimokajakki {n} :: a type of long kayak, Inuit kayak
eskimokanootti {n} :: kayak (type of small, typically human-powered narrow boat)
eskimokieli {n} :: Eskimo language
eskimokielinen {adj} :: Eskimo language speaking
eskimokielinen {adj} :: Expressed in an Eskimo language
eskimokoira {n} :: synonym of grönlanninkoira
eskimokoira {n} [rare] :: synonym of amerikaneskimokoira
eskimokuiri {n} :: Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica)
eskimokuovi {n} :: Eskimo curlew [Numenius borealis]
eskimolokki {n} :: Thayer's gull (Larus thayeri)
eskimopyörähdys {n} :: Eskimo roll, kayak roll
eskimosirri {n} :: Baird's sandpiper [Calidris bairdii]
eskimosuukko {n} :: Eskimo kiss
Esko {prop} :: given name
Eskola {prop} :: surname
Eskola {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
eskolaiitti {n} [mineral] :: eskolaite
eskortti {n} :: escort
es-molli {n} [music] :: E-flat minor
esofagiitti {n} [pathology] :: esophagitis
esofagus {n} :: oesophagus
esoteerinen {adj} :: esoteric
esoteerisesti {adv} :: esoterically
esoteerisuus {n} :: esotericity
esoteerisuus {n} :: esotericism
esoterismi {n} :: esotericism
espagnole-kastike {n} :: espagnole sauce
espanja {n} :: The Spanish language
Espanja {prop} :: Espanja (country)
espanjalainen {adj} :: Spanish
espanjalainen {n} :: A Spanish person
espanjalainen ratsastaja {n} [military] :: cheval de frise (obstacle made of wood with spikes, for use against attacking cavalry)
espanjalainen ratsastaja {n} [military] :: Spanish rider (obstacle made of wood and barbed wire, for use against attacking infantry)
espanjalaistaa {v} :: to Hispanicize, Hispanicise
espanjalaisuus {n} :: Spanishness
espanjanilves {n} :: An Iberian lynx
espanjankielinen {adj} :: Spanish, Spanish language, Hispanic (written or expressed in Spanish)
espanjankielinen {adj} :: Spanish speaking, Hispanic (using Spanish as a means of daily communication)
espanjankielinen {adj} :: Hispanic (of or relating to Spanish-speaking people)
espanjankilpikonna {n} :: Greek tortoise, Testudo graeca
espanjankilpikonna {n} :: Maghreb tortoise, Iberian tortoise, Testudo graeca graeca (subspecies of T. graeca)
espanjankuume {n} :: synonym of espanjantauti
espanjanmastiffi {n} :: Spanish mastiff
espanjanmyyrä {n} :: Cabrera vole, Cabrera's vole, Microtus cabrerae
espanjanpäästäinen {n} :: Iberian shrew, Sorex granarius
espanjanpippuri {n} :: pimiento
espanjansiruetana {n} :: Spanish slug, Arion vulgaris (highly invasive slug species)
espanjantaa {v} :: to Hispanicize, translate into Spanish
espanjantauti {n} :: Spanish flu, Spanish influenza
espanjanvesikoira {n} :: Spanish Water Dog
espanjatar {n} :: A female Spanish person
esperantisti {n} :: Esperantist
esperanto {n} :: Esperanto
esperantonkielinen {adj} :: Esperanto-speaking
esperantonkielinen {adj} :: Expressed in the Esperanto language
esplanadi {n} :: esplanade
Espoo {prop} :: Espoo (city/and/municipality)
espoolainen {n} :: A person from, or an inhabitant of, Espoo
espoolainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the city of Espoo or its citizens
espoolaisuus {n} :: the quality of being from Espoo
espresso {n} :: espresso
espressokahvi {n} :: espresso coffee
espressokeitin {n} :: espresso machine, espresso maker
Esra {prop} :: Ezra (Biblical figure)
Esra {prop} :: the Book of Ezra
essealainen {n} [biblical] :: Essene (member of an ancient Jewish sect)
essee {n} :: essay (written composition of moderate length)
essee {n} :: synonym of aine (essay written as part of schoolwork)
esseekirjallisuus {n} :: essay literature
esseekokoelma {n} :: essay collection
esseisti {n} :: essayist
esseistiikka {n} :: The essays as branch of literature
essentiaali {adj} [pathology, medicine] :: essential
essentiaalinen {adj} :: essential
essentialismi {n} :: essentialism
essi {n} [slang] :: ecstasy, X (drug)
Essi {prop} :: given name
essiivi {n} [grammar] :: essive
essiivi-formaali {n} [grammar] :: essive-formal, essive-formal case
essiivi-modaali {n} [grammar] :: essive-modal, essive-modal case
essiivinen {adj} :: in essive or pertaining to the essive case
esso {n} [slang] :: ecstasy, MDMA (drug)
essu {n} [colloquial] :: apron
essu {n} [slang] :: ecstasy (drug)
essumekko {n} :: synonym of esiliinamekko
estää {vt} :: to prevent, forestall, preclude
estää {vt} :: to avert
estää {vt} :: to prevent, stop, keep, hinder, block someone [from doing something]
estää {vt} :: to deter, impede, block someone [from doing something]
estää {vt} :: to block (on social media)
establishment {n} [colloquial] :: establishment (ruling class)
estäjä {n} :: inhibitor
estäminen {n} :: prevention
estäminen {n} [ice hockey] :: interference (illegal obstruction of an opponent)
este {n} :: obstacle, barrier, hindrance, obstruction, impediment
este {n} :: excuse
este {n} [athletics] :: hurdle
esteellinen {adj} [legal] :: disqualified, challengeable, contestable (deemed not to have authority over a case due to having a conflict of interest)
esteellinen {adj} :: not having unobstructed access for people with reduced mobility
esteellisyys {n} [legal] :: Incapacity, disqualification (of a judge)
esteellisyysperuste {n} [legal] :: challenge (a reason for which a judge should not be allowed to sit a case)
esteetikko {n} :: An aesthete
esteetön {adj} :: unobstructed, free
esteetön {adj} :: having unobstructed access for people with reduced mobility
esteetön {adj} [legal] :: disinterested, allowable, unchallenged, qualified, competent (having no stake in the outcome and free of bias)
esteetti {n} :: aesthete
esteettinen {adj} :: aesthetic
esteettisesti {adv} :: aesthetically
esteettisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being aesthetic
esteettömästi {adv} :: freely (without obstructing)
esteettömyys {n} [legal] :: Competence, qualification (of a judge to sit a case impartially)
esteettömyys {n} :: accessibility
esteettömyystodistus {n} :: clearance certificate, impunity certificate, certificate for free sale
estefunktio {n} [mathematical optimization] :: barrier function
-esteinen {adj} [dated] :: synonym of rajoitteinen
estejuoksija {n} :: steeplechase runner
estejuoksu {n} [athletics] :: steeplechase
estellä {vt} :: To deter (to persuade)
estely {n} :: deterring, blocking, restraining, obstructing
Ester {prop} :: Esther [biblical character]
Ester {prop} :: the book of Esther
Ester {prop} :: given name
esteraasi {n} [biochemistry] :: esterase
esteratsastus {n} [equestrianism] :: steeplechase, show jumping
esteri {n} :: ester (compound with carbon-oxygen double bond joined via carbon to another oxygen atom)
Esteri {prop} :: given name
estetiikka {n} :: aesthetics
estetismi {n} :: estheticism
estetisoida {v} :: to aestheticize
estimaatio {n} :: estimation
estimaatti {n} :: estimate
estimaattori {n} [statistics] :: estimator
estimoida {v} :: To estimate
estimoiminen {n} :: estimating
estimointi {n} :: estimation
estin {n} :: A preventer (device which prevents something from happening)
esto {n} :: block, blocking, blockage
esto {n} [psychology] :: An inhibition
esto {n} [sports] :: An interference
estoinen {adj} :: self-conscious, restrained
estoisuus {n} :: restrain, self-inhibition, self-consciousness
estolääkitys {n} :: prophylaxis (by means of medicine)
estoni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of esto
estosuunta {n} [electronics] :: reverse direction (of a diode)
estoton {adj} :: incontinent (lacking moral or sexual restraint)
estottomasti {adv} :: incontinently
estottomuus {n} :: the quality or property of being incontinent
estradi {n} :: dais
estraditaide {n} :: stage art, performing art
estraditaiteilija {n} :: stage artist
estrelanvuoristokoira {n} :: Estrela Mountain Dog
estrogeeni {n} :: estrogen
estuaari {n} :: estuary
estyä {vi} :: to be prevented or hindered
estymä {n} :: inhibition
estyminen {n} :: suppression, restriction
estyneisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being prevented
estynyt {adj} :: prevented (physically or mentally unable to perform duties one normally has in some institution)
et {conj} [subordinating, colloquial] :: That
-eta {suffix} :: Forms verbs from adjectives, meaning "to become (adjective)" or "to become more (adjective)"
ETA {prop} :: initialism of Euroopan talousalue
etä- {prefix} :: distant, remote, long-distance, far-off
etäällä {adv} [static] :: far (at a great distance)
etäälle {adv} :: far (to a great distance)
etäältä {adv} :: from a distance, from afar, remotely
etäämmäksi {adv} :: synonym of etäämmäs
etäämmälle {adv} :: farther (to a greater distance in place or space)
etäämmäs {adv} :: (to) further away
etäämpää {adv} :: from further away
etäämpänä {adv} [static] :: further away
etaani {n} :: ethane
etaaninitriili {n} :: acetonitrile
etaanitioli {n} [chemistry] :: ethanethiol
etäännyttää {vt} :: to alienate, to distance (from)
etäännyttäminen {n} :: distancing (process of making something distant or moving away from someone or something)
etäännytys {n} :: alienating, distancing someone or something from someone or something else
etääntyä {vi} :: to recede, to move further away
etääntyminen {n} :: receding, moving away
etääntymisnopeus {n} :: velocity of divergence, velocity at which things get further from each other; recessional velocity
etabloida {v} :: to establish
etablointi {n} :: establishing, establishment
etabloitua {vi} :: to establish
etabloituminen {n} :: establishing, establishment
etähavainnointi {n} [science] :: remote sensing
etähoito {n} :: telemedicine
etäinen {adj} :: remote, distant
etäisesti {adv} :: distantly, remotely
etäisopetus {n} [dated] :: synonym of etäopetus
etäisopiskelu {n} [dated] :: synonym of etäopiskelu
etäispääte {n} [dated] :: synonym of etäpääte
etäispääte {n} [by extension] :: mole (internal spy)
etäispesäke {n} [medicine, dated] :: synonym of etäpesäke
etäistyö {n} [dated] :: synonym of etätyö
etäisyydenmittaus {n} :: distance measurement, rangefinding
etäisyys {n} :: distance
etäisyysmittari {n} :: rangefinder
etäisyystaulu {n} :: distance sign
etäkauppa {n} :: distance sales, remote selling
etäkäyttäjä {n} [computing] :: remote user
etäkäyttö {n} [computing] :: remote access
etäkokous {n} :: teleconference, telemeeting (conference in which participants are connected over a telecom network)
etakryynihappo {n} [organic compound, medicine, pharmacology] :: etacrynic acid
etälääketiede {n} :: telemedicine
etälamautin {n} :: stun gun
etäläsnäolo {n} :: telepresence
etälukio {n} :: studying in a lukio remotely; distance learning in a lukio
etäluku {n} :: remote reading
etämyynti {n} :: distance selling, distance sales
etana {n} :: slug
etana {n} :: snail
etana {n} :: snail, sluggard (slow person)
etänä {adv} :: remotely (especially of access or working, such as working remotely)
etananvauhti {n} :: snail's pace
etanaposti {n} :: snail mail
etanoli {n} :: ethanol
etäopetus {n} :: distance education
etäopiskelija {n} :: distance learning student
etäopiskelu {n} :: distance learning
etäostos {n} :: distance purchase, online purchase
etäpääte {n} [computing] :: terminal
etäpäivä {n} :: day of working from home
etäpesäke {n} [medicine] :: metastatic tumor
etappi {n} :: leg (of a journey)
etappiajo {n} [usually, in plural] :: stage race
etappitie {n} :: a road or route with stops in between
etäproseduurikutsu {n} [computing] :: remote procedure call
etäsukukieli {n} :: distantly related language
etäsukukieli {n} :: language distantly related to Finnish; any of the non-Finnic Uralic or Finno-Ugric languages
etätulkkaus {n} :: remote interpretation
etätulostin {n} [computing] :: remote printer
etätunnistaminen {n} :: remote identification
etätunnistus {n} :: remote identification
etätyö {n} :: telecommuting, remote work (the practice of using telecommunications technology to do one's work at a location remote from one's office, such as one's home, an Internet café, etc.)
etätyöntekijä {n} :: telecommuter, remote worker
etäverkko {n} :: synonym of laajaverkko
etäyttää {vi} :: To distance oneself
eteen {postp} [of movement] :: in front of
eteeni {n} :: ethene
eteeni {adv} :: first-person singular form form of eteen
eteenpäin {adv} :: forward, onward, ahead (towards the front or at the front, in a forward direction)
eteenpäin {adv} :: forth (forward in time, place or degree)
eteenpäin {adv} :: along (onward, forward, with progressive action)
eteenpäinen {adj} :: forward
eteenpäinmeno {n} :: forward movement, progress
eteensä {adv} :: third-person form form of eteen
eteentaivutus {n} :: forward bend
eteen vie {interj} [military] :: present arms!
eteerinen {adj} :: Pertaining to ether (chemical compound)
eteerinen {adj} :: ethereal
eteerinen {adj} :: essential; in term eteerinen öljy (essential oil)
eteerinen öljy {n} [organic chemistry] :: essential oil
eteerisesti {adv} :: ethereally
eteerisyys {n} :: ethereality, etherealness
etehinen {n} [archaic] :: alternative form of eteinen
eteinen {n} :: outer hall(way), entry(way), vestibule (when entering a house)
eteinen {n} :: hall, corridor, aisle, passage(way) (when entering a house)
eteinen {n} [anatomy] :: atrium, auricle (in the heart)
eteinen {n} :: (anatomy) vestibule (in the throat)
eteinen {n} :: When used as modifier in compound terms, appears in the form eteis-. The corresponding English term may be any of the translations above or an adjective derived thereof, e.g. vestibular
eteisaula {n} :: entrance hall, foyer
eteisflimmeri {n} :: synonym of eteisvärinä
eteishalli {n} :: lobby, foyer
eteishalli {n} [architecture] :: narthex (architectural element typical of early Christian and Byzantine basilicas or churches consisting of the entrance or lobby area, usually located at the west end of the nave)
eteis-kammiokimppu {n} [anatomy] :: bundle of His, AV bundle, atrioventricular bundle (bundle of specialized heart muscle cells that transmit electrical impulses from the AV node in the heart to the muscle cells of the heart wall, which contract in response producing the heart beat)
eteislepatus {n} [cardiology] :: atrial flutter
eteistila {n} :: lobby, vestibule
eteisvahtimestari {n} :: doorman
eteisvärinä {n} [medicine] :: atrial fibrillation
eteisvartija {n} :: gatekeeper, doorkeeper
etelä {n} :: south
Etelä-Aasia {prop} :: South Asia
eteläaasialainen {adj} :: South Asian
eteläaasialainen {n} :: South Asian
eteläafrikansiili {n} :: Southern African hedgehog, Atelerix frontalis (species of hedgehog found in Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe)
Etelä-Afrikan tasavalta {prop} :: The Republic of South Africa
Etelä-Afrikka {prop} :: South Africa
eteläafrikkalainen {adj} :: South African
eteläafrikkalainen {n} :: A South African person
eteläamerikanlokki {n} :: brown-hooded gull (Chroicocephalus maculipennis)
eteläamerikanmerikarhu {n} :: South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis
eteläamerikansaukko {n} :: neotropical otter, neotropical river otter, Lontra longicaudis
eteläamerikanvesirotta {n} :: water rat (rodent of the genus Nectomys)
Etelä-Amerikka {prop} :: South America
eteläamerikkalainen {adj} :: South American
Etelä-Australia {prop} :: South Australia
Etelä-Carolina {prop} :: Etelä-Carolina (state)
Etelä-Dakota {prop} :: South Dakota
Etelä-Eurooppa {prop} :: Southern Europe
eteläeurooppalainen {adj} :: South European
eteläeurooppalainen {n} :: A South European person
Etelä-Georgia ja Eteläiset Sandwichsaaret {prop} :: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
eteläinen {adj} :: southern, southerly
Eteläinen jäämeri {prop} :: Southern Ocean
eteläinen napapiiri {n} [geography] :: Antarctic Circle
eteläisempi {adj} :: comparative of eteläinen
Etelä-Jemen {prop} :: South Yemen
eteläjukagiiri {n} :: Southern Yukaghir (Yukaghir language)
eteläkaakko {n} :: south-southeast
eteläkaakkoinen {adj} :: south-southeasterly
Etelä-Karjala {prop} :: Etelä-Karjala (region)
eteläkarjalainen {adj} :: South Karelian (of or pertaining to South Karelia)
eteläkarjalainen {n} :: South Karelian (person from South Karelia)
eteläkärki {n} :: southern tip, southern end
Etelä-Kiinan meri {prop} :: The South China Sea
Etelä-Korea {prop} :: South Korea
eteläkorealainen {adj} :: South Korean
eteläkorealainen {n} :: South Korean
etelälounainen {adj} :: south-southwesterly
etelälounas {n} :: south-southwest
etelämaa {n} :: southland
etelämaalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a southern country (Mediterranean or more in the south)
etelämaalainen {n} :: A person from a southern country
etelämainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a southern country (Mediterranean or more in the south)
Etelämanner {prop} :: Antarctica
etelämantereenkihu {n} :: south polar skua (Stercorarius maccormicki)
Etelämeri {prop} :: Etelämeri (region)
etelämmäksi {adv} :: synonym of etelämmäs
etelämmäs {adv} :: (to) further south, (to) some (more) distance towards the south
etelämpää {adv} :: from further south, from some (more) distance towards the south
etelämpänä {adv} [static] :: further south, some (more) distance towards the south
etelämpi {adj} :: more southern
etelämurre {n} :: southern dialect
etelämyrsky {n} :: southerly storm
etelänaapuri {n} :: southern neighbor
etelänapa {n} :: South Pole
etelänapa {n} :: south pole, the negative pole of a magnet
Etelänapamanner {prop} :: Antarctica
etelänapina {n} :: Australopithecus
etelänhamsterirotta {n} :: South African pouched mouse, southern African pouched mouse, Saccostomus campestris
etelänharmaalokki {n} :: yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis)
etelänhedelmä {n} [dated] :: a fruit from Southern Europe
etelänhedelmä {n} [colloquial] :: a Southern European or Mediterranean girl
etelänheinäsirkkahiiri {n} :: southern grasshopper mouse, scorpion mouse, Onychomys torridus (cricetic rodent found in Mexico and in Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah in the United States, notable for its resistance to the venom of Arizona bark scorpion which it feeds on along with other arthropods)
etelänhopeatäplä {n} :: Pallas' fritillary (Argynnis laodice)
etelänhyppyrotta {n} :: southern spiny pocket mouse, Heteromys australis (species of rodent found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama)
etelänjauhiainen {n} :: silverleaf whitefly, sweet potato whitefly, tobacco white fly, cassava whitefly, cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci
etelänkääpiöhiiri {n} :: southern pygmy mouse, Baiomys musculus (species of cricetic rodent found in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua)
etelänkääpiöhyppymyyrä {n} :: hairy-footed gerbil, Gerbillurus paeba (species of gerbil found in shrublands, deserts, sandy shores and urban areas of southern Africa)
Etelän kala {prop} :: The constellation Piscis Austrinus
etelänkalkkunasarvekas {n} :: southern ground hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri)
etelänkeiju {n} :: Wilson's storm petrel (Oceanites oceanicus)
etelänkeltaperhonen {n} :: clouded yellow (Colias croceus)
etelänkeltatoko {n} :: southern yellow-billed hornbill (Tockus leucomelas)
etelänkiisla {n} :: guillemot, common guillemot, common murre, Uria aalge
Etelän kolmio {prop} :: The constellation Triangulum Australe, the Southern Triangle
Etelän kruunu {prop} :: The constellation Corona Australis, the Southern Crown
etelänkruunukurki {n} :: grey crowned crane (Balearica regulorum)
etelänkukkalepakko {n} :: common blossom bat, southern blossom bat, Queensland blossom bat, Syconycteris australis (Australian species of fruit bat)
etelänkultasade {n} :: common laburnum, Laburnum anagyroides
etelänlepakko {n} :: serotine bat (Eptesicus serotinus)
etelänliito-orava {n} :: southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans)
etelänlyhythäntäpäästäinen {n} :: southern short-tailed shrew, Blarina carolinensis (gray, short-tailed shrew with venomous saliva that inhabits the eastern United States)
etelänlyhytkuonopussimäyrä {n} :: southern brown bandicoot, Isoodon obesulus (species of short-nosed bandicoot)
etelänmaamyyräsopuli {n} :: southern mole vole, Ellobius fuscocapillus
etelänmammutti {n} :: A mammoth, Mammuthus meridionalis
etelänmara {n} :: synonym of pampajänis
etelänmatka {n} :: a trip south
etelänmerinorsu {n} :: southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)
etelännokkavalas {n} :: Arnoux's beaked whale, Berardius arnuxii
etelänpaljashäntävyötiäinen {n} :: southern naked-tailed armadillo, Cabassous unicinctus
etelänpallovyötiäinen {n} :: southern three-banded armadillo, Tolypeutes matacus
etelänpehmeähäntätupaija {n} :: Bornean smooth-tailed tree shrew, Dendrogale melanura
etelänpihlaja {n} :: wild service tree, Sorbus torminalis syn. Torminalis clusii
etelänpitkäkuonovyötiäinen {n} :: southern long-nosed armadillo, Dasypus hybridus
etelänpuoleinen {adj} :: on the southern side
etelänpuukiipijä {n} :: short-toed treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla)
Etelän risti {prop} :: The constellation Crux, the Southern Cross
Etelänristi {prop} :: alternative spelling of Etelän risti
etelänsatakieli {n} :: A nightingale, common nightingale or rufous nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos
etelänselkälokki {n} :: kelp gull (Larus dominicanus)
etelänsuosopuli {n} :: southern bog lemming, Synaptomys cooperi
etelänvalasdelfiini {n} :: southern right whale dolphin, Lissodelphis peronii (small and slender species of dolphin, found in cool waters of the Southern Hemisphere, characterized by the lack of a dorsal fin)
etelän varis {n} [pejorative, regional] :: A person from southern Finland, especially when visiting Lapland
Etelän vesikäärme {prop} :: The constellation Hydrus
eteläosa {n} :: southern part
Etelä-Ossetia {prop} :: South Ossetia
eteläossetialainen {n} :: South Ossetian (person)
eteläossetialainen {adj} :: South Ossetian (of or pertaining to South Ossetia)
eteläpohjalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the southern Ostrobothnia
Etelä-Pohjanmaa {prop} :: Etelä-Pohjanmaa (region)
eteläpuoli {n} :: southside
eteläpuolinen {adj} :: southern, on the southern side
eteläpuolitse {adv} :: by or through the southern side or end (of)
eteläraja {n} :: southern border
etelärannikko {n} :: southern coast
eteläreimari {n} :: a spar buoy warning of something to its south
etelärinne {n} :: southern slope
eteläsaame {n} :: The Southern Sami language
Eteläsaari {prop} :: South Island
Etelä-Savo {prop} :: Etelä-Savo (region)
eteläsilta {n} [literally] :: south bridge, southern bridge
eteläsilta {n} [computing, electronics] :: southbridge
eteläslaavi {n} :: South Slav
eteläslaavilainen {adj} :: South Slavic
Etelä-Sudan {prop} :: South Sudan (country)
eteläsudanilainen {n} :: South Sudanese
eteläsudanilainen {adj} :: South Sudanese
eteläsuomalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the southern Finland
eteläsuomalainen {n} :: A person from the southern Finland
Etelä-Suomi {prop} :: southern Finland
eteläsuunta {n} :: southern direction, southerly direction
eteläturkkilainen {adj} :: South Turkish (of or pertaining to the southern part of modern Turkey)
eteläturkkilainen {adj} [linguistics] :: Oghuz, Southwestern Turkic (of or pertaining to a subgroup of Turkic languages, which includes Turkish, Azerbaijani and Turkmen among others)
eteläturkkilainen {adj} [ethnography] :: Oghuz (of or pertaining to the nations and ethnic groups speaking these languages)
etelätuuli {n} :: south wind
etelävaltalainen {adj} :: Confederate
etelävaltalainen {n} :: A Confederate
etelävaltio {n} :: southern state
etelävaltiot {n} [historical] :: The Confederate States of America
etelävenäjänkoira {n} :: South Russian Ovcharka
etelävenäjänpaimenkoira {n} :: synonym of etelävenäjänkoira
Etelä-Vietnam {prop} :: South Vietnam
eteläviitta {n} [nautical] :: south cardinal (cardinal mark indicating navigable water to the south of the mark)
eteläviro {n} :: South Estonian
etemmä {adv} [dialectal] :: alternative form of edemmäs
etemmäksi {adv} :: alternative form of edemmäksi
etemmäs {adv} :: alternative form of edemmäs
etempää {adv} :: alternative form of edempää
etempänä {adv} :: alternative form of edempänä
etenemä {n} :: protrusion (amount)
etenemä {n} :: depth (of a step in staircase)
eteneminen {n} :: progress, advancement
etenemisliike {n} :: translational motion, forward motion
etenemisliikkeen energia {n} [physics] :: translational energy (the energy of the molecules of a fluid due to their translational motion)
etenemismuoto {n} :: form of propagation
etenemismuoto {n} [military] :: military formation for advancing troops
etenemisnopeus {n} :: forward speed, propagation speed
etenemispalkki {n} [graphical user interface] :: progress bar
etenemissuunta {n} :: direction of propagation
etenemissuunta {n} :: way forward
etenemisvaihe {n} :: advancing step
etenemisviive {n} :: propagation delay
etenevästi {adv} :: progressively; in a way that progresses or goes forward
etenijä {n} :: advancer (one who advances)
etenijä {n} [sports, pesäpallo] :: baserunner, runner
etenkään {adv} :: (used only in a negative clause with a negation verb) Especially not
etenkin {adv} :: [used only in a positive clause] Especially, particularly, notably
etevä {adj} :: competent, able, talented, brilliant
etevä {adj} :: (pre)eminent, prominent, distinguished
etevä {adj} :: brilliant, excellent
etevä {adj} :: promising, up-and-coming, precocious
etevämmyys {n} :: superiority
etevästi {adv} :: competently, talentedly
etevästi {adv} :: brilliantly, excellently
etevyys {n} :: competence, skillfulness, ability, brilliance, excellence, prominence
etiäinen {n} :: False arrival, a kind of premonition, for example one hears doorbell ringing although it doesn't, and soon it actually rings
etiäinen {n} [Finnish mythology] :: a spirit sent forth by a shaman or a person in great distress
etidronihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: etidronic acid
etiikka {n} [philosophy] :: ethics
etiketöidä {vt} :: To put a label
etiketöinti {n} :: labeling (e.g. a jar)
etiketti {n} :: label, tag (on a bottle etc.)
etiketti {n} :: etiquette, decorum
etikettivirhe {n} :: breach of etiquette, faux pas
etikka {n} :: vinegar
etikkaeetteri {n} :: acetic ether, ethyl acetate
etikkaesteri {n} :: synonym of etyyliasetaatti
etikkahappo {n} [chemistry] :: acetic acid
etikkahappoanhydridi {n} [chemistry] :: acetic anhydride
etikkainen {adj} :: Vinegarish (tasting like vinegar)
etikkainen {adj} :: Vinegary (sour, like vinegar)
etikkakurkku {n} :: pickle
etikkaliemi {n} :: pickle (pickling liquid based on vinegar)
etikkapunajuuri {n} :: pickled beetroot
etikoitua {vi} :: to turn into vinegar
etikoitua {vi} :: to be immersed in a vinegary solution in order to acquire the taste or to be conserved
etikoitunut {adj} :: Vinegary (having turned partially or fully to vinegar)
etinen {adj} :: forward, front, frontal (towards the front or at the front)
etiologia {n} [science] :: aetiology (study of causes or origins)
etiologia {n} [pathology] :: aetiology (known or suspected origin of a disease)
etiologinen {adj} :: etiological
etiologisesti {adv} :: etiologically
etioloituminen {n} :: etiolation
Etiopia {prop} :: Ethiopia (country)
etiopialainen {adj} :: Ethiopian
etiopialainen {n} :: A person from Ethiopia or of Ethiopian descent
etiopialainen tavukirjoitus {n} :: Ge'ez (writing system)
etiopianbanaani {n} :: enset, ensete, Ensete ventricosum (species of banana family, the root of which is used for food)
etiopianhaarapääsky {n} :: Ethiopian swallow (Hirundo aethiopica)
etiopianjänis {n} :: Ethiopian highland hare (Lepus starcki)
etiopiankiipijähiiri {n} :: Lovat's climbing mouse, Dendromus lovati (species of rodent in the family Nesomyidae, found only in Ethiopian subtropical or tropical high-altitude grasslands)
etiopiankiipijähiiri {n} :: Nikolaus's mouse, Megadendromus nikolausi (species of rodent in the family Nesomyidae, found only in Ethiopian subtropical or tropical high-altitude grasslands)
etiopianpaviaani {n} :: gelada, Theropithecus gelada
etiopiansakaali {n} :: Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis
etiopiansusi {n} :: Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis
etiopianvarpuskiuru {n} :: chestnut-headed sparrow-lark (Eremopterix signatus)
etiopianvuorikauris {n} :: walia ibex (Capra walie)
etkot {n} :: preparty
et-merkki {n} :: ampersand (the symbol "&")
etninen {adj} :: ethnic
etninen puhdistus {n} :: ethnic cleansing
etninen ryhmä {n} :: ethnic group
etnisesti {adv} :: ethnically
etnisyys {n} :: ethnicity
etnobotaniikka {n} [botany, sociology] :: ethnobotany (scientific study of the relationships between people and plants)
etnografi {n} :: ethnographer
etnografia {n} :: ethnography
etnografinen {adj} :: ethnographic
etnografisesti {adv} :: ethnographically
etnohistoria {n} :: ethnohistory
etnolekti {n} [linguistics] :: ethnolect (variant of language used by an ethnic group)
etnolingvistiikka {n} :: ethnolinguistics
etnologi {n} :: ethnologist
etnologia {n} :: ethnology
etnologinen {adj} :: ethnological
etnologisesti {adv} :: ethnologically
etnomedisiina {n} :: ethnomedicine
etnometodologia {n} :: ethnomethodology
etnomusa {n} [colloquial] :: ethnic music, ethno music
etnomusiikki {n} :: ethnomusic (music genre)
etnomusikologi {n} :: ethnomusicologist
etnomusikologia {n} :: ethnomusicology
etnopsykologia {n} :: ethnopsychology
etnoravintola {n} :: ethnic restaurant
etnosentrinen {adj} :: ethnocentric
etnosentrismi {n} :: ethnocentrism
etnosentrisyys {n} :: ethnocentrism
etoa {vt} :: To cause to feel sick/nauseous
etoa {vt} [monopersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel sick/nauseous (esp. due to seeing or smelling something disgusting)
etologi {n} :: ethologist
etologia {n} :: Ethology
etologinen {adj} :: ethological
etomidaatti {n} :: etomidate
etominen {n} :: qualm, nausea
Etruria {prop} :: Etruria
etruski {n} :: Etruscan (person)
etruski {n} :: Etruscan (language)
etruskikarhu {n} :: Etruscan bear (Ursus etruscus)
etruskilainen {adj} :: Etruscan
etruskipäästäinen {n} :: Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus)
etruskologi {n} :: Etruscologist
etruskologia {n} :: Etruscology
etsaaja {n} :: etcher
etsata {vt} :: To etch
etsaus {n} :: etching
etsiä {vt} :: to search (for), look for; to seek
etsijä {n} :: searcher
etsikko {n} [literary, religion] :: visitation (encounter with supernatural beings, especially God or his envoy)
etsikko {n} :: etsikkoaika (time of visitation)
etsikkoaika {n} [biblical] :: time of visitation (the time when God calls a person)
etsikkoaika {n} [figuratively] :: window of opportunity (time during which a potentially favorable option is available)
etsimätön {n} :: unsought for
etsiminen {n} :: searching
etsin {n} :: viewfinder
etsinkuva {n} :: viewfinder image
etsintä {n} :: search
etsintäkuulutettu {adj} [legal] :: wanted (subject to immediate detainment)
etsintäkuulutettu {n} [legal] :: A wanted person
etsintäkuuluttaa {vt} [law enforcement] :: To issue an APB on
etsintäkuulutus {n} :: APB, all-points bulletin, (UK) APW, all-ports warning
etsintäkuulutus {n} :: wanted poster, wanted sign
etsintäpalvelu {n} :: finding service, exploration service
etsintätarkastus {n} [technical, rare] :: An inspection in which the focus is in searching anomalies, as opposed to arvioimistarkastus in which the focus is in evaluation of a system or subsystem as a whole; used chiefly in connection with maintenance of nuclear power plants
etsintätarkastus {n} [law enforcement, rare] :: synonym of etsintä
etsiskellä {vt} :: To search, to go looking for someone or something
etsiskely {n} :: searching around, looking for something
etsitty {adj} :: wanted, sought
etsivä {n} [law enforcement] :: detective
etsivätoimisto {n} :: detective agency
etsiytyä {vr} :: To home in on (in concrete sense)
että {conj} [subordinating] :: that (conjunction indicating that the subordinate clause of the subject of the verb of the main clause)
että {conj} [subordinating] :: Indicates purpose in order to, to, so that
että {conj} :: as to
ettei {contraction} :: contraction of että ei
etteikö {conj} :: that; following a main clause of the type ei ole epäilystäkään ("there is no doubt"), ei voi kiistää ("one cannot deny") etc
etteikö {conj} :: that ... not
etteikö {adv} :: Used to start a rhetorical question that expresses amazement about or attempt to deny something previously said
etteivät {contraction} :: contraction of että eivät
ettemme {contraction} :: contraction of että emme
etten {contraction} :: contraction of että en
ettet {contraction} :: contraction of että et
ettette {contraction} :: contraction of että ette
etto {n} :: rounding up of reindeer
etu- {prefix} :: front, fore-
etu {n} :: advantage
etu {n} :: benefit, interest
Etu-Aasia {prop} :: Southwest Asia
etuajassa {adv} :: ahead of time, ahead of schedule, fast
etuajo-oikeus {n} :: right of way (the right of a driver to proceed in advance of all others at an intersection)
etuajo-oikeutettu {adj} :: that has the right of way
etuakseli {n} :: front axle
etuala {n} :: foreground, forefront (abstractly)
etuala {n} [photography] :: foreground
etuanti {n} :: An advance, advancement or prepayment (a payment in advance)
etuasema {n} :: advantage, an advantageous position
etuaukile {n} [anatomy] :: anterior fontanelle
etuhaarukka {n} :: front fork (part of suspension)
etuhalkio {n} :: front slit, frontal slit
etuhammas {n} [anatomy] :: incisor
etuheilahdus {n} :: front swing
etuhele {n} [music] :: grace note
etuhuone {n} :: anteroom, antechamber
etuikkuna {n} :: front window
etuileminen {n} :: cutting in, jumping the queue
etuilija {n} :: cutter, queue-jumper (one who cuts in, or jumps the queue)
etuilla {vi} :: to cut in, jump the queue; also to butt, barge, bud, budge, ditch, break, short or push in the line or queue (to enter a line in the middle instead of the end of it)
etuilu {n} :: jumping the queue, cutting in
etuistuin {n} [legal] :: front seat
etuisuus {n} [uncommon] :: synonym of etu
etuisuus {n} [uncommon] :: synonym of etuus
etujalka {n} :: foreleg, forefoot
etujärjestö {n} :: interest group, special/public etc. interest organization, advocacy group, lobby (organization that exists for the purpose of defending and advancing the rights or economic interests of its members in a particular field, e.g. trade union, industry association, guild)
etujäsen {n} [logic] :: antecedent
etujoukko {n} :: A vanguard
etujoukko {n} :: A leading edge (vanguard)
etujousi {n} :: front spring
etukammio {n} :: anterior chamber
etukansi {n} :: front cover
etukäpälä {n} :: front paw, forepaw
etukappale {n} :: front piece, front member
etukastelli {n} [nautical] :: A forecastle (raised part of the upper deck at the bow of a ship)
etukäteen {adv} :: beforehand, in advance
etukäteinen {adj} :: ex ante, prior, advance
etukäteisarvio {n} :: prior or ex-ante assessment
etukäteisarviointi {n} :: ex-ante or prior assessment or review
etukäteismaksu {n} :: advance payment, prepayment
etukautta {adv} :: through or by the front or front way
etukenoinen {adj} :: forward slanted
etukenoon {adv} :: into being tilted or leaning forward
etukenossa {adv} :: tilted or leaning forward
etukenttä {n} [baseball, pesäpallo, cricket] :: infield
etukenttä {n} [basketball] :: playing positions of all but the point guard and shooting guard collectively
etukontti {n} :: front-load container, front-load dumpster
etukontti {n} [automotive] :: frunk
etukortti {n} :: advantage card, benefit card, bonus card
etukulma {n} [nautical] :: tack (part of sail)
etukumara {n} :: forward hunch or lean
etukuormain {n} :: front loader (of a tractor)
etukysymys {n} :: important question or matter
etulaiton {n} [pesäpallo] :: foul ball, outside the play area (on the first bounce) from the side of the batter, such as the ball hitting too close to the batter or flying in some other direction than where the play area is
etulasti {n} :: front load, frontal load
etuliikki {n} [nautical] :: luff, hoist (the edge of a fore-and-aft sail that is next to the mast or stay)
etuliite {n} [linguistics] :: A prefix
etulinja {n} [military] :: front line, battlefront
etulyhty {n} :: headlight (for a vehicle)
etulyönti {n} [figuratively] :: advantage
etulyöntiasema {n} :: vantage, advantage, high ground
etumaasto {n} :: foreland
etumainen {adj} :: alternative form of etummainen
etumaksu {n} :: advance payment, retainer, down payment
etumasto {n} :: foremast, forward mast
etumatka {n} :: lead (distance in favor of a competitor, especially at the beginning of a race or similar)
etumerkillinen {adj} [computing] :: signed (containing a sign; accepting both positive and negative values)
etumerkintä {n} [music] :: signature, key signature
etumerkitön {adj} [computing] :: unsigned (not containing a sign; not accepting negative values)
etumerkki {n} [mathematics] :: sign (+ or -)
etumerkki {n} [music] :: accidental, accidental sign
etumerkkifunktio {n} [math] :: signum function, sign function
etumies {n} :: front man, foreman
etummainen {adj} :: foremost
etummainen {adj} :: forward, first in front
etummainen {adj} [anatomy] :: anterior
etumus {n} :: front, breast
etunäkökohta {n} :: interest (political, business)
etuneljännes {n} :: forequarter (front half of a side of an animal)
etunenässä {adv} :: ahead, ahead of, in the forefront of
etunimi {n} :: A given name, first name, forename or Christian name
etunoja {n} :: forward lean
etunolla {n} :: leading zero
etuoikeaan {adv} :: synonym of etuoikealle
etuoikealla {adv} [static] :: forward and right
etuoikealle {adv} :: to forward and right
etuoikealta {adv} :: from forward and right
etuoikeudeton {adj} :: non-preferential, non-privileged
etuoikeuksinen {adj} :: privileged
etuoikeus {n} :: privilege (particular benefit, advantage, or favor; a right enjoyed by some but not others)
etuoikeus {n} :: privilege (rare or fortunate opportunity)
etuoikeus {n} :: franchise (preferential right or privilege officially granted by a government; especially for exploiting a market or a resource on exclusive basis)
etuoikeusjärjestys {n} :: priority order
etuoikeuspäivä {n} :: priority day, priority date
etuoikeutettu {adj} :: privileged
etuosa {n} :: front part, front
etuosto-oikeus {n} :: pre-emption right
etuovi {n} :: front door
etupää {n} :: The front part or front end of anything
etupäässä {adv} :: mainly, for the most part
etupainoinen {adj} :: front-heavy, heavy on the forehand
etupainoisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being front-heavy or heavy on the forehand
etupainotteinen {adj} :: front-loaded
etupainotteinen {adj} :: synonym of etupainoinen
etupainotteisesti {adv} :: in a front-loaded manner
etupainotteisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being front-loaded
etupainotteisuus {n} :: synonym of etupainoisuus
etupenkki {n} :: front seat (of a car or other vehicle)
etuperin {adv} :: forwards, in the normal direction as opposed to backwards
etupermanto {n} :: front stall (in a theater)
etupiha {n} :: front yard, forecourt (open area in front of a building)
etupiiri {n} :: sphere of interest
etupisto {n} [sewing, embroidery] :: running stitch
etupuoli {n} :: front, face, frontside, facade (most visible side of anything)
etupuolitse {adv} :: synonym of editse
etupurje {n} [nautical, sailing] :: foresail
etupuskuri {n} :: front bumper
etupyörä {n} :: front wheel
etupyöräveto {n} :: synonym of etuveto
etupyörävetoinen {adj} :: synonym of etuvetoinen
eturaaja {n} :: forelimb
eturaja {n} :: front boundary or limit
eturauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: prostate, prostate gland
eturauhassyöpä {n} [oncology, pathology] :: prostate cancer
eturauhastulehdus {n} [medicine] :: prostatitis
eturengas {n} :: front tyre, front wheel
etureuna {n} :: A leading edge (frontmost edge of a wing)
etureuna {n} :: A front edge
etureunasolakko {n} [aviation] :: leading-edge slat
eturiita {n} :: conflicting points of interest
eturinne {n} :: front slope, face
eturintama {n} :: forefront
eturistiriita {n} :: conflict of interest
eturivi {n} :: front row
eturivi {n} :: frontline; when used adjectivally in genitive
eturukous {n} [Christinaity] :: A collect (prayer)
eturuoka {n} :: starter, entrée, appetizer
eturuumis {n} :: front of a body
eturuumis {n} :: cephalothorax
eturyhmä {n} :: interest group
etusääriluu {n} :: cannon bone (metacarpal bone of a horse)
etusäleikkö {n} [automotive] :: A grill
etusana {n} :: synonym of prepositio
etusävel {n} [music] :: appoggiatura (non-harmonic tone)
etuseinä {n} :: front wall (wall forming the front side of a structure)
etuselkä {n} :: chuck or rib steak
etuseteli {n} :: voucher
etusiipi {n} :: fore wing
etusiipi {n} [automotive] :: front wing
etusija {n} :: priority, preference, preferred position
etusija {n} :: asettaa etusijalle: to prefer
etusijainen {adj} :: synonym of ensisijainen
etusijaistaa {vt} :: synonym of ensisijaistaa
etusijaisuus {n} :: synonym of ensisijaisuus
etusivu {n} [press] :: front page, front cover
etusivu {n} :: front side
etusivun juttu {n} :: front page story, cover story (story whose subject matter appears on the front page of a publication)
etusormi {n} :: forefinger
etustaagi {n} [nautical, slang] :: forestay (stay that extends from the top of the foremast to the bow or bowsprit of a sailing ship)
etusuora {n} [sports] :: front straight (straight of a track with the finish line)
etusuunta {n} :: forward direction, direction to the front
etutähtäin {n} [firearms] :: front sight
etutasapaino {n} :: front balance
etutasapaino {n} :: pre-equilibrium
etuteitse {adv} :: through or by the front
etutietä {adv} :: through or by the front
etuudensaaja {n} :: person receiving a monetary benefit, beneficiary
etuuma {n} :: flashforward
etuus {n} :: benefit, entitlement
etuushakemus {n} :: application for benefits
etuvaaka {n} [gymnastics] :: front lever
etuvahvistin {n} :: synonym of esivahvistin
etuvaihtaja {n} :: front derailleur (of a bicycle)
etuvalo {n} :: headlight
etuvartio {n} :: outpost, front guard
etuvartioasema {n} :: outpost (military post)
etuvartiokahakka {n} :: skirmish at a military outpost
etuvartiopalvelus {n} :: service at a military outpost
etuvarustus {n} :: front equipment or armament
etuvarustus {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: bust, breasts (of a woman)
etuvarustus {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: penis (of a man)
etuvarvas {n} [colloquial, anatomy] :: second toe from medial to lateral
etuvasemmalla {adv} [static] :: forward and left
etuvasemmalle {adv} :: to forward and left
etuvasemmalta {adv} :: from forward and left
etuvasempaan {adv} :: synonym of etuvasemmalle
etuvastakohta {n} :: conflict of interest
etuveto {n} :: front-wheel drive
etuvetoinen {adj} :: front-wheel drive (being front-wheel driven)
etuvetoisuus {n} :: front-wheel drive (quality of being front-wheel driven)
etuviistoon {adv} :: to forwards with an angle
etuviistossa {adv} [static] :: forward with or at an angle
etuviistosta {adv} :: from forward with or at an angle
etuvokaali {n} [phonetics] :: A front vowel
etuyhtymä {n} :: economic interest grouping
etydi {n} :: étude
Etyj {prop} :: OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)
ETYJ {prop} :: OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)
etyleeni {n} :: ethylene
etyleenidiamini {n} :: ethylenediamine
etyleeniglykoli {n} [chemistry] :: ethylene glycol
etyleeni-imiini {n} [chemistry] :: aziridine
etyleenioksidi {n} [chemistry] :: ethylene oxide
etymologi {n} :: etymologist
etymologia {n} :: etymology
etymologinen {adj} :: etymological
etymologisesti {adv} :: etymologically
etyyli {n} [organic chemistry] :: ethyl
etyylialkoholi {n} [chemistry] :: ethyl alcohol
etyyliamiini {n} [chemistry] :: ethylamine
etyyliasetaatti {n} :: ethyl acetate
etyyliasetoasetaatti {n} [chemistry] :: ethyl acetoacetate
etyylibentseeni {n} [chemistry] :: ethylbenzene
etyyliformiaatti {n} [chemistry] :: ethyl formate
etyylikarbamaatti {n} [chemistry] :: ethyl carbamate
etyylimetyyliselluloosa {n} [organic chemistry] :: ethyl methyl cellulose
etyyliselluloosa {n} [organic chemistry] :: ethylcellulose
etyyni {n} [chemistry] :: ethyne
EU {prop} :: EU; initialism of Euroopan unioni
eudiometri {n} :: eudiometer
eufemismi {n} :: A euphemism
eufemistinen {adj} :: euphemistic
eufemistisesti {adv} :: euphemistically
eufonia {n} :: euphony
eufonium {n} :: euphonium
euforia {n} :: euphoria
euforinen {adj} :: euphoric
euforisesti {adv} :: euphorically
Eufrat {prop} :: the Euphrates (river)
Eufrosyne {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Euphrosyne
eugeniikka {n} :: eugenics
eugenikko {n} :: eugenicist
eukalyptoli {n} :: eucalyptol
eukalyptus {n} :: eucalyptus (tree of the genus Eucalyptus)
eukalyptuskaramelli {n} :: eucalyptus candy (candy flavored with eucalyptus oil)
eukalyptusöljy {n} :: eucalyptus oil
eukalyptuspastilli {n} :: eucalyptus lozenge (lozenge flavored with eucalyptus oil)
eukalyptuspuu {n} :: eucalyptus tree, eucalyptus (tree of the genus Eucalyptus)
eukaristia {n} :: Eucharist, Holy Communion (sacrament)
eukaryootti {n} :: eukaryote
eukko {n} [somewhat, derogatory] :: an old woman
eukko {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: one's wife
eukkonen {n} [dated] :: A diminutive form of eukko; used chiefly with a possessive suffix as an address
euklaasi {n} [mineral] :: euclase
Eukleides {prop} :: Euclid (Greek mathematician)
euklidinen {adj} [geometry] :: Euclidean
euklidinen avaruus {n} [mathematics, geometry] :: Euclidean space
euklidinen geometria {n} [geometry] :: Euclidean geometry
eukonkanto {n} :: wife carrying
Eulerin lause {n} [math] :: Euler's formula
Eulerin φ-funktio {n} [math] :: Euler's totient function
eulogia {n} [rare] :: synonym of muistopuhe
EU-maa {n} :: EU country (member country in the European Union)
eunukki {n} :: eunuch
euploidia {n} [genetics] :: euploidy
Eura {prop} :: Eura (municipality)
Euraasia {n} :: Eurasia
euraasialainen {adj} :: Eurasian
euraasialainen {n} :: A Eurasian person
euraasialainen ilves {n} :: A term sometimes used of ilves (Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx) in order to separate it from other lynx species
euraasialaisuus {n} :: Eurasianness (quality of being Eurasian)
Euraasian unioni {prop} :: Eurasian Union
eurajokelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Eurajoki
eurajokelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Eurajoki
Eurajoki {prop} :: Eurajoki (municipality)
Eurajoki {prop} :: Eurajoki (river)
euralainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Eura (Finnish municipality)
euralainen {n} :: a person from or living in Eura (Finnish municipality)
euribor {n} [finance] :: Euribor
euriborkorko {n} [finance] :: Euribor
Eur Ing {n} :: Eur Ing
euro- {prefix} :: Euro- (forms words relating to Europe)
euro {n} :: euro (currency)
euroaika {n} :: Central European Time
euroalue {n} :: Eurozone, euro area, eurozone, Euroland
euroatlanttinen {adj} :: Euro-Atlantic
eurobarometri {n} :: Eurobarometer
eurodollari {n} [finance] :: Eurodollar
euroedustaja {n} :: MEP, a member of the European Parliament
eurofiili {n} :: Europhile
euroinsinööri {n} :: European Engineer (European qualification for engineers granted by the European Federation of National Engineering Associations - FEANI)
eurokansalainen {n} :: A citizen of the European Union
eurokansanedustaja {n} :: MEP, a member of the European Parliament
eurokommunismi {n} :: Eurocommunism
eurokommunisti {n} :: Eurocommunist (supporter of Eurocommunism)
eurokorko {n} [finance] :: euro rate (interest rate for a credit denominated in euro)
eurokraatti {n} :: Eurocrat
euromaa {n} :: euro country (individual country that uses euro as currency)
euromaa {n} [in plural] :: Eurozone, euro area, Euroland
Euromaa {prop} [chiefly in financial jargon] :: Euroland (group of countries which use Euro as currency)
euromarkkinat {n} [finance] :: Euromarket (market for Eurocurrencies)
euronen {n} :: A one euro coin
euronen {n} [in compound terms] :: euro coin, euro bill (coin or bill denominated in euro)
euronormi {n} [standardization] :: Euronorm, European Standard (any of the EN-labeled standards issued by the European Committee for Standardization)
euro-ohjus {n} [military] :: Euro Missile (missile intended to be used by the defense forces of European nations, usually developed in cooperation of two or more countries)
euroopandoggilepakko {n} :: European free-tailed bat, Tadarida teniotis
euroopanhernepensas {n} :: A caragana bush, Caragana frutex
euroopanhumalapyökki {n} :: European hop-hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia)
euroopanhummeri {n} :: European lobster, common lobster, Homarus gammarus (species of clawed lobster from the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and parts of the Black Sea)
Euroopan keskuspankki {prop} :: European Central Bank
Euroopan komissio {prop} :: European Commission
euroopankuusi {n} :: Norway spruce, Picea abies
euroopanlehtikuusi {n} :: European larch (Larix decidua)
euroopanmajava {n} :: European beaver (Castor fiber)
euroopanmarjakuusi {n} :: common yew, European yew, Taxus baccata
euroopanmestaruuskilpailu {n} [sports] :: European Championship Games
euroopanmuratti {n} :: common ivy, Hedera helix
euroopanmustamänty {n} :: European black pine, Pinus nigra
euroopanpähkinä {n} :: a common hazel nut (nut of the species Corylus avellana)
Euroopan unioni {prop} :: The European Union
Eurooppa {prop} :: Europe
eurooppakeskeinen {adj} :: Eurocentric
eurooppalainen {adj} :: European
eurooppalainen {n} :: A European
eurooppalaisempi {adj} :: comparative of eurooppalainen
eurooppalaisin {adj} :: superlative degree form of eurooppalainen
eurooppalaisittain {adv} :: In a European manner
eurooppalaisperäinen {adj} :: of European origin, originating from Europe, European
eurooppalaisperäisyys {n} :: The state or property of originating from Europe, Europeanness
eurooppalaistaa {vt} :: To Europeanize
eurooppalaistua {vi} :: To become more European
eurooppalaistuminen {n} :: Europeanisation (process of becoming more European)
eurooppalaisuus {n} :: Europeanness (quality or characteristic of being European)
eurooppamyönteinen {adj} :: pro-European
eurooppaoikeus {n} [law] :: European Union law
eurooppaosuuskunta {n} :: European Cooperative Society (cooperative established under the European Union law)
eurooppatie {n} :: alternative form of Eurooppatie
Eurooppatie {n} :: E-road (European road with an E-number)
eurooppayhtiö {n} :: European Company (public EU company)
europanto {n} :: Europanto (artificial language)
europarlamentaarikko {n} :: MEP, a member of the European Parliament
europarlamentti {n} :: European Parliament
europarlamenttivaalit {n} :: elections to the European Parliament
europidi {n} :: Caucasoid
europidinen {adj} :: Caucasoid
europistoke {n} :: Europlug
europium {n} :: europium
eurosekki {n} :: Eurocheque
eurosentrismi {n} :: eurocentrism
eurosentti {n} :: Eurocent
euroskeptikko {n} :: Euroskeptic (person)
euroskeptinen {adj} :: Eurosceptic
euroskeptisismi {n} :: Euroscepticism
euroskeptismi {n} [nonstandard] :: synonym of euroskeptisismi
euroskeptisyys {n} :: Euroscepticism
Eurostoliitto {prop} [humorous, neologism] :: the EU
eurovaalit {n} :: European election, European Parliament election (election of the European Parliament)
eurovaluutta {n} [finance] :: eurocurrency (deposits denominated in a currency other than the currency of the depositee)
euroviisu {n} :: A contestant song in the Eurovision Song Contest
Euroviisut {prop} [colloquial] :: Eurovision Song Contest
eurovirkamies {n} :: An official in the service of the European Union, EU officer
Eurovisio {prop} :: Eurovision (network)
eurytmia {n} :: eurythmy
eustaattinen {adj} :: eustatic
eustressi {n} :: eustress
eutanasia {n} :: euthanasia
eutektinen {adj} :: eutectic
eutrofinen {adj} :: eutrophic
Euvostoliitto {prop} [humorous, neologism] :: the EU
evä {n} :: fin (of a marine animal)
eväjalka {n} :: A foot that has developed to resemble a fin such as the foot of a seal
eväjalkainen {n} [zoology] :: pinniped (member of Pinnipedia)
eväjalkainen {n} [taxonomy, in plural] :: Pinnipedia (suborder or subfamily comprising walruses, fur seals, sea lions and seals)
eväjalkainen {adj} :: pinniped (of or pertaining to pinnipeds)
eväjalkainen {adj} :: fin-footed (having feet that resemble fins, such as those of pinnipeds)
eväjalkalisko {n} :: legless lizard (snake-like lizard of the family Pygopodidae, endemic to Australia and New Guinea)
eväkäs {adj} :: finny (having several and/or large fins)
eväkäs {n} [colloquial] :: A fish
evakko {n} :: evacuee (evacuated person)
evakko {n} [chiefly in locational cases and compounds] :: the state of being an evacuee, translated e.g. with evacuation or evacuate
evakkomatka {n} :: evacuation journey (journey an evacuee takes in order to get into a safe area)
evakkopaikka {n} :: evacuation site (place where people are evacuated)
evakkous {n} :: being an evacuee (quality of being an evacuee)
evakoida {v} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of evakuoida
eväköli {n} [nautical] :: A fin keel
evakuoida {vt} :: To evacuate
evakuoiminen {n} :: evacuating
evakuointi {n} :: evacuation
evakuointialus {n} :: evacuation vessel (vessel with which an evacuation is carried out)
evakuointikäsky {n} :: evacuation order
evälisko {n} [archaic] :: synonym of dimetrodon
evällinen {adj} :: finny (having one or more fins)
evaluaatio {n} :: evaluation
evaluaatiotutkimus {n} :: evaluation research (type of study that uses standard social research methods for evaluative purposes)
evaluoida {v} :: To evaluate
evaluointi {n} :: evaluation
evämäinen {adj} :: finny (resembling a fin)
evankelikaalinen {adj} :: evangelical, Evangelical
evankelikalismi {n} [Christianity] :: evangelicalism (contemporary Christian movement)
evankelinen {adj} :: evangelical
evankelioida {v} :: To evangelize
evankelioiminen {n} :: evangelizing
evankelioimiskokous {n} [Christianity] :: evangelization meeting
evankelioimistyö {n} :: evangelizing work
evankeliointi {n} :: evangelization
evankelis-luterilainen {adj} :: Lutheran, Evangelical Lutheran
evankelisluterilainen {adj} :: alternative form of evankelis-luterilainen
evankelis-luterilaisuus {n} :: Lutheranism (Christian denomination based on the beliefs and doctrines developed by Martin Luther and his immediate followers)
evankelista {n} :: evangelist
evankelisuus {n} [Christianity] :: A Lutheran revivalist movement in Finland advocating free grace and associated with confessional Lutheranism
evankelisuus {n} [Christianity] :: evangelicalism
evankeliumi {n} :: gospel
Evankeliumi Johanneksen mukaan {prop} [Bible] :: Gospel of John, John (fourth book of the New Testament)
evankeliumikirja {n} [Christianity] :: liturgical book (book containing selections from the Bible, read during worship services)
Evankeliumi Luukkaan mukaan {prop} [Bible] :: Gospel of Luke, Luke (one of the gospels of the New Testament)
Evankeliumi Markuksen mukaan {prop} [Bible] :: Gospel of mark, Mark (one of the gospels of the New Testament)
Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan {prop} [Bible] :: Gospel of Matthew, Matthew (one of the gospels of the New Testament)
evankeliumiteksti {n} [Christianity] :: text from a gospel
evaporaatio {n} :: evaporation
evaporiitti {n} [geology] :: evaporite
evapotranspiraatio {n} :: synonym of kokonaishaihdunta
eväs {n} :: [usually plural] provisions (food e.g. for a picnic)
eväs {n} :: Used as modifier in compound terms to indicate that the item is intended for provision or contains provisions; usually omitted in English, sometimes the word "picnic" or "lunch" is a suitable translation
eväskassi {n} :: A bag containing provisions; a lunch bag when intended for lunch, otherwise might be called "provisions bag"
eväskori {n} :: picnic basket
eväskori {n} :: A basket containing provisions
eväslaukku {n} :: lunchbox
eväsleipä {n} :: A sandwich made for provision; often just "sandwich" in English
eväspaketti {n} :: packed lunch
eväspala {n} :: A food item intended as proviant; used chiefly commercially of snacks that could be consumed as a mini-meal, usually translatable as "snack"
eväsreppu {n} :: A backpack containing provisions
eväsretki {n} :: picnic
eväsruoka {n} :: synonym of eväs
evässekoitus {n} :: trail mix
evästää {vt} :: to advise, inform, brief
evästäminen {n} :: advising, informing, briefing
evästauko {n} :: A break for eating provisions; translated into English as lunch break if it cincides with lunchtime, otherwise "food break" could be used
eväste {n} [computing] :: cookie
evästellä {vi} :: To eat a picnic
evästys {n} :: advise, brief; especially to prepare someone for a task or project
evästyskeskustelu {n} :: briefing session
eväsvoileipä {n} :: synonym of eväsleipä
evätä {vt} :: To deny somebody (= ablative) something, refuse to give something to somebody; take something away from somebody
evätä {v} :: To withhold or retain; to keep back; not to grant
eve {n} [slang] :: ecstasy (drug)
eveeni {n} :: Even (person)
eveeni {n} :: Even (language)
evektio {n} [astronomy] :: evection
Eveliina {prop} :: given name
eveni {n} :: Even (language)
evenki {n} :: Evenk (person)
evenki {n} :: Evenki (language)
eventiivi {n} [grammar] :: eventive
evergreen {n} [anglicism] :: evergreen (evergreen song, song that is ever popular)
eversti {n} :: colonel
everstiluutnantti {n} [military ranks] :: A lieutenant colonel
evidenssi {n} :: evidence
evidentti {adj} :: evident
evijärveläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Evijärvi
evijärveläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Evijärvi
Evijärvi {prop} :: Evijärvi
eviskeraatio {n} :: evisceration
E-vitamiini {n} :: vitamin E
evokki {n} [derogatory, slang] :: synonym of evolutionisti
evolutiivinen {adj} :: evolutionary
evolutionismi {n} :: evolutionism (theory)
evolutionisti {n} [often, derogatory] :: evolutionist (supporter of evolutionism)
evoluutio {n} :: evolution
evoluutioekologia {n} :: evolutionary ecology
evoluutio-oppi {n} :: evolutionism (theory)
evoluutiopsykologia {n} :: evolutionary psychology
evoluutiopuu {n} [science] :: phylogenetic tree (tree-shaped graph illustrating evolutionary relationships among various entities such as taxonomic groups that are assumed to share a common ancestor)
evoluutioteoria {n} :: evolutionary theory
evoluutiovaihe {n} :: evolutionary phase
evoluutta {n} [geometry] :: evolute
evolventti {n} [geometry] :: evolvent
evorsio {n} :: evorsion (formation of niches or potholes by erosion due to vortices of water)
evp. {n} [military] :: Letters used after the military rank of a person who has resigned from permanent military service
evp {n} :: alternative form of evp.
EVVK {phrase} [colloquial] :: initialism of ei voisi vähempää kiinnostaa (phrase used to express an uncaring opinion towards a subject)
ewe {n} :: Ewe (member of a West African ethnic group)
ewe {n} :: Ewe (language)
ewe {n} :: Used also adjectivally with a hyphen or in genitive plural
ewe {n} :: In plural (ewet), the Ewe (ethnic group)
ewe-kansa {n} :: Ewe (ethnic group in SE Ghana, Togo and Benin)
exä {n} :: alternative spelling of eksä
eximia {n} :: Short for eximia cum laude approbatur (the second highest grade in Finnish baccalaureate exams)
eximia cum laude approbatur {n} :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the second highest pass grade
exlibris {n} :: bookplate
ex tempore {adv} :: ex tempore
extreme-laji {n} :: extreme sport
extreme-matkailu {n} :: extreme tourism
extreme-urheilu {n} :: extreme sports (extreme sports collectively)
EY {prop} :: EC (European Communities, the predecessor of the European Union)