User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-f
f {letter} | :: letter |
F {letter} | :: The sixth letter of the Dutch alphabet |
faal {c} | :: failure, mistake, blunder |
faal {interj} | :: fail |
faalangst {m} | :: fear of failure, atychiphobia |
faam {m} | :: reputation, fame |
faas {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: fess |
Faas {prop} | :: surname |
fabel {f} | :: A legend, a fable |
fabel {f} | :: Something untrue, a fable, a myth |
fabelachtig {adj} | :: legendary, famous |
fabelachtig {adj} | :: fabulous, unbelievable |
fabeldier {n} | :: mythical, legendary or otherwise imaginary animal |
fabelkunde {f} [dated] | :: mythology, folklore |
fabelleer {f} | :: mythology, folklore |
fabelwezen {n} | :: mythical, legendary or otherwise imaginary creature |
fabriceren {vt} | :: to manufacture |
fabriek {f} | :: factory |
fabrieken {vt} | :: to forge (create a forgery) |
fabrieken {vt} [child's play] | :: to build, to make |
fabrieksarbeid {m} | :: factory work |
fabrieksarbeider {m} | :: factory worker |
fabrieksarbeidster {f} | :: Female factory worker |
fabriekscomplex {n} | :: factory complex |
fabrieksmatig {adj} | :: mass-produced, industrial |
fabriekspoort {f} | :: factory gate |
fabrieksrijder {m} | :: Driver in a factory-backed team in cycling or motor sports |
fabrieksteam {n} | :: Factory-backed team in motor sports |
fabrikant {m} | :: manufacturer |
façade {f} | :: façade (of a building) |
façade {f} | :: façade (deceptive outward appearance) |
façade {f} | :: [metonymy] face |
façadisme {n} | :: the practice in urbanism to renovate a building (especially one enjoying conservation protection) thoroughly inside, but leave the façade unaltered, so the view is preserved even if the function changes |
Facebook {prop} {?} | |
Facebookvriend {m} | :: Facebook friend |
facelift {m} | :: A facelift (remodelling of a face, facade, front or general appearance of someone or something) |
facet {n} | :: facet |
facetoog {n} | :: compound eye (complex eye composed of multiple ommatidia common among arthropods) |
faciliteit {f} | :: facility, the physical means or contrivances to make something (especially a public service) possible; the required equipment, infrastructure, location etc |
facteur {m} | :: mailman |
factie {f} [politics, especially Ancient Rome] | :: faction, clique, a temporary opportunistic alliance between politicians who are otherwise unaligned |
factie {f} [gaming] | :: faction, a player (computer or human) with a distinct civilisation |
factor {m} | :: a factor, element |
factor {m} [mathematics] | :: factor |
factor {m} [obsolete] | :: business representative |
factorij {f} [history] | :: factory, trading post abroad operated by a company |
factotum {m} | :: factotum (jack-of-all-trades) |
factureren {vt} | :: to invoice |
factuur {f} | :: invoice |
faculteit {f} | :: college (in the US sense: department of a university dedicated to a given subject), faculty |
faculteit {f} | :: factorial |
Faeröer {prop} {p} | :: the Faroe Islands, a Danish Atlantic overseas territory comprising a group of North Sea islands, between Scotland, Iceland and Norway |
Faeröers {adj} | :: Faroese, from or pertaining to the Faroe Islands and/or Faroese people |
Faeröers {adj} | :: in or pertaining to the Faroese language |
Faeröers {prop} {n} | :: the Faroese language |
fagocytose {f} | :: phagocytosis |
fagot {m} | :: bassoon |
fagottist {m} | :: A bassoonist |
fagottiste {m} | :: A female bassoonist |
failliet {adj} | :: bankrupt |
failliet {n} [chiefly Belgium] | :: bankruptcy |
failliet {n} [figurative] | :: bankruptcy, failure |
failliet {m} | :: bankrupt person |
faillissement {n} [legal] | :: A bankruptcy |
faillissement {n} [figuratively] | :: The demise, the undoing of something or someone |
fairway {m} [golf] | :: fairway: the area between the tee and the green, where the grass is cut short |
Fake {prop} {m} | :: given name |
fake news {n} | :: disinformation or propaganda presented as news |
fake news {n} | :: any news considered insufficiently flattering by populists |
fakir {m} [Islam, Hinduism] | :: fakir |
fakkel {f} | :: torch (stick with flame at one end) |
fakkelgras {n} | :: Junegrass (Koeleria) |
falafel {m} | :: falafel |
falanx {f} {m} [historical] | :: phalanx (heavy infantry formation) |
falanx {f} {m} | :: a toe bone or a finger bone; a phalanx |
falcata {f} [historical] | :: A falcata; an Iberian single-edged curved sword |
faldistorium {n} | :: faldstool |
falen {vi} | :: to fail |
falen {vi} | :: to default (a payment) |
faling {f} [Belgium, formal] | :: bankruptcy |
faling {f} [uncommon] | :: failure, shortcoming |
Falklandeilanden {prop} {p} | :: Falkland Islands (overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic) |
falset {m} [uncountable, music] | :: falsetto register |
falset {m} [uncountable, music] | :: a tone in falsetto register |
falset {m} [countable, music] | :: someone who sings in falsetto |
falsetstem {f} [uncountable, music] | :: falsetto register |
falsetstem {f} [countable] | :: a voice in falsetto |
falsificationisme {n} [epistemology] | :: falsificationism |
falsificeren {vt} | :: to falsify (to prove to be false) |
falsifieerbaar {adj} | :: falsifiable |
falsifieerbaarheid {f} | :: falsifiability |
falsifieerbaarheidscriterium {n} [epistemology] | :: The criterion of falsifiability in falsificationism |
falsifiëren {vt} | :: to falsify (to prove to be false) |
familie {f} | :: relatives (extended kin) |
familie {f} | :: family (close kin) |
familie {f} [taxonomy] | :: family |
familiefoto {f} | :: family photograph (photograph of family members or relatives) |
familielid {n} | :: relative, family member |
familiemoord {m} | :: familicide, murder of several family members often followed by suicide |
familiemoord {m} | :: murder of any family member(s) |
familienaam {m} | :: surname |
familienaam {m} | :: name of a taxonomic family |
familie van het zevende knoopsgat {f} [idiom] | :: A very distant relative |
fan {m} | :: fan (admirer) |
fanaal {n} [dated] | :: signal fire, beacon |
fanaat {mf} | :: a fanatic, a zealot |
fanaticus {mf} | :: a fanatic |
fanatiek {adj} | :: fanatic |
fanellen {adj} | :: alternative form of flanellen |
fanfare {f} | :: A band consisting of brass and percussion players |
fanfare {f} | :: A fanfare (flourish) |
fanfare {f} | :: hubbub, excitement, commotion |
fanfare {f} | :: The act of boasting, bloviation |
fantaseren {vi} | :: to fantasize |
fantasie {f} | :: fantasy, imagination (capacity for imagining and thinking up things) |
fantasie {f} | :: fantasy (something that has been imagined) |
fantasie {f} | :: fantasy, imagination (fantastic image or state, state of fantasy) |
fantasievol {adj} | :: imaginative |
fantast {mf} | :: a fantasizer, dreamer |
fantastisch {adj} | :: fantastic |
fantoom {n} | :: phantom, apparition, ghost |
fantoom {n} | :: figment, mirage, product of fantasy |
farad {m} | :: farad |
farao {m} | :: pharaoh |
farizeeër {m} | :: Pharisee |
farmaceutisch {adj} | :: pharmaceutical |
farmacologie {f} | :: pharmacology |
farmacologisch {adj} | :: pharmacological, of or having to do with pharmacology |
farmacoloog {m} | :: pharmacologist |
farmen {vt} [online gaming] | :: to farm, to grind |
faro {n} | :: a type of beer |
fasciatie {f} [botany] | :: fasciation, cresting (abnormal plant growth) |
fascisme {n} | :: Fascism, an extreme-right totalitarian political regime/ideology |
fascist {m} | :: fascist |
fascisties {adj} [obsolete] | :: nonstandard spelling of fascistisch |
fascistisch {adj} | :: fascist |
fase {f} | :: phase, stage |
fase {f} [physics] | :: phase (of a wave) |
fasemodulatie {f} | :: phase modulation |
faseren {vt} | :: to phase, to divide into several gradual steps |
faseverschuivingsmodulatie {f} | :: phase shift keying |
fat {m} | :: dandy, a man obsessed with his looks |
fataal {adj} | :: fatal (causing death or destruction) |
fatisch {adj} | :: phatic |
fatoe {n} [Netherlands, slang] | :: joke |
fatsoen {n} [uncountable] | :: decency, propriety |
fatsoen {n} [dated, dialectal, countable] | :: model, design, shape |
fatsoenlijk {adj} | :: decent |
fatsoenshalve {adv} | :: for decency's sake |
fatsoensrakker {m} [derogatory] | :: moral crusader, moral guardian |
fattoe {m} [slang, Netherlands] | :: joke |
fattoe {adj} [slang] | :: funny |
fattouch {noun} | :: fattouch |
fauna {f} | :: fauna, the animal life inhabiting an area |
fauna {f} | :: a book describing the animal life in a region |
faunist {m} | :: faunist, zoologist [especially of a particular era or region] |
faunistiek {f} | :: faunistics, zoology [especially of a particular era or region] |
fauteuil {m} | :: armchair |
fautsoen {n} | :: falchion |
favoriet {adj} | :: favourite |
favoriet {mf} | :: favourite |
fax {m} | :: fax |
faxen {vt} | :: to fax (send a fax) |
faxnummer {n} | :: fax number |
fazant {m} | :: pheasant, bird of the family Phasianidae |
fazant {m} | :: The common pheasant, Phasianus colchicus |
febbekak {m} [Brabantian] | :: protege, teacher's pet |
februari {m} | :: February |
fecunderen {vt} | :: to make fertile, to fecundate |
fecunditeit {f} | :: fecundity |
fed {f} | :: abbreviation of federatie |
federaal {adj} | :: federal |
federaliseren {vt} | :: to federalize/federalise |
federalisering {f} | :: federalization (US), federalisation (UK) |
federalisme {n} | :: federalism |
federatie {f} | :: federation (constitutional system in which national and subnational levels of government share sovereignty) |
federatie {f} | :: federation (state with governance of the above type) |
federatie {f} | :: federation (any other organisation with a structure similar to the above) |
fee {f} | :: fairy |
feeëriek {adj} [chiefly Belgium] | :: wonderful, charming, magical, fairy-talelike |
feeks {f} [derogatory] | :: shrew, bitch (malicious or bad-tempered woman) |
Feesboek {prop} | :: eye dialect of Facebook |
feest {n} | :: party |
feest {n} | :: feast |
feest {n} | :: celebration |
feestbeest {n} | :: party animal |
feestbeest {n} [dated] | :: An animal eaten at a party |
feestbundel {m} | :: festschrift |
feestbundel {m} | :: Also used for other anthologies, often in relation to celebration of some kind |
feestdag {m} | :: holiday, day off |
feestdag {m} | :: religious holiday |
feest der herkenning {phrase} | :: An experience that is enjoyable because it evokes a feeling of recognition, such as a faithful cinematic adaptation of a beloved novel. Literally, "feast of recognition" |
feestdos {m} | :: A party costume, frock for festive occasions |
feestelijk {adj} | :: festive |
feestelijkheid {f} | :: festivity |
feesten {vi} | :: to party, to celebrate |
feestganger {m} | :: partygoer |
feestgedruis {n} | :: revelry |
feestschrift {m} | :: festschrift |
feeststol {m} | :: stollen sold and eaten around special occasions |
Feest van de Arbeid {prop} {n} | :: Labor Day (on the first of May). Literally, "Festival of Labor" |
feestvarken {n} | :: A person for whom a party is thrown |
feestvarken {n} [now, uncommon] | :: A pig butchered and usually eaten for the occasion of a party |
feestweek {f} | :: festival week |
feestzaal {f} | :: A ballroom, a party room |
Feijen {prop} | :: surname |
feil {f} [archaic] | :: error |
feil {f} [obsolete] | :: shortage, lack |
feilbaar {adj} | :: fallible |
feilbaarheid {f} | :: fallibility |
feilen {v} | :: to fail |
feilen {v} | :: to err |
feilloos {adj} | :: flawless, without errors |
feit {n} | :: fact |
feite {noun} | :: only used in in feite |
feitelijk {adj} | :: actual |
feitelijk {adj} | :: factual |
feitelijk {adv} | :: in fact, de facto |
feitelijk {adv} | :: actually |
feitenkennis {f} | :: An often trivial knowledge of facts |
fel {adj} | :: bright (e.g. sunlight) |
fel {adj} | :: fierce |
fel {adv} | :: fiercely |
felicitatie {f} | :: congratulation |
feliciteren {vt} | :: to congratulate |
femelaar {m} [derogatory] | :: hypocrite, sanctimonious person |
femicide {f} | :: femicide |
feminicide {f} | :: femicide |
feminisme {n} | :: feminism |
feminist {m} | :: feminist |
feministe {f} | :: female feminist |
feministies {adj} [obsolete] | :: nonstandard spelling of feministisch |
feministisch {adj} | :: feminist |
Femke {prop} {f} | :: given name |
femtoampère {m} | :: femto-ampere: 10-15 of an ampere |
femtocandela {mf} | :: femtocandela: 10-15 candela |
femto-ohm {m} {n} | :: femto-ohm: 10-15 of an ohms |
femtoseconde {f} | :: femtosecond: 10-15 seconds |
femtosteradiaal {m} | :: femtosteradian: 10-15 of a steradian |
feng shui {n} | :: feng shui |
Feng Shui {n} | :: alternative spelling of feng shui |
Fenicië {prop} {n} | :: Phoenicia |
Feniciër {m} | :: a Phoenician |
Fenicisch {adj} | :: Phoenician |
Fenicisch {prop} {n} | :: Phoenician (language) |
feniks {m} | :: phoenix |
fennek {m} | :: fennec fox, Vulpes zerda |
fennekje {noun} | :: diminutive of fennek |
fenomeen {n} | :: phenomenon (observable event) |
fenomeen {n} | :: phenomenon (unexplainable or questionable fact or situation) |
fenomenologie {f} | :: phenomenology, study from a subject's perspective |
fenotype {n} | :: phenotype |
fenyl {n} [organic chemistry] | :: phenyl |
feodaal {adj} | :: feudal |
fermion {n} [physics] | :: fermion |
fermium {n} | :: fermium |
ferromagneet {m} [physics] | :: ferromagnet |
ferromagnetisch {adj} [physics] | :: ferromagnetic |
ferromagnetisme {n} [physics] | :: ferromagnetism |
ferrometaal {n} | :: ferrous metal; a metal element with properties similar to iron or an alloy with iron as its chief component |
Ferwerderadeel {prop} | :: Ferwerderadeel (municipality) |
festeren {v} | :: obsolete form of fêteren |
festival {n} | :: A festival (festive event or gathering) |
festivalisering {f} | :: the tendency of culture to be (increasingly) expressed through festivals; the proliferation of festivals |
festiviteit {f} | :: festivity |
festoen {n} [chiefly architecture] | :: festoon (garland hanging between two points, containing motifs of flowers and/or fruits) |
feta {m} | :: feta |
fetakaas {m} | :: feta cheese |
fêteren {vt} | :: to have festivities in honour of, to celebrate (a person) |
fetisj {m} | :: fetish, an object with supernatural powers, like a talisman or totem |
fetisj {m} | :: fetish, something subject to paraphilia |
fetisjeur {m} | :: sorcerer who uses fetishes, shaman |
fetisjisme {n} | :: fetishism, sexual paraphilia |
fetisjisme {n} | :: fetishism, worship of fetishes (magical objects) |
fetisjistisch {adj} | :: fetishistic |
feut {m} | :: freshman |
fez {m} | :: fez |
fezelen {vi} | :: to whisper |
ff {phrase} | :: ff. |
ff {adv} [colloquial] | :: abbreviation of effen; briefly, just |
fiaal {m} [architecure] | :: pinnacle (ornamental spire) |
fiche {n} [board games, card games] | :: chip, token |
fiche {n} [Belgium] | :: form (blank template on paper) |
fiche {n} [information science] | :: card, like a punch card, microfiche or file card |
fichebak {m} [chiefly Belgium] | :: filing cabinet |
fictie {f} | :: fiction (genre of fictional stories) |
fictie {f} | :: figment, constructed falsehood |
fictief {adj} | :: fictional |
ficus {m} | :: any plant belonging to the genus Ficus |
-fiel {suffix} | :: -phile |
fielt {m} | :: scumbag, bastard, villain |
fieltachtig {adj} [obsolete] | :: villainous, scandalous, reprehensible |
fieltenstreek {f} | :: fiendish trick, act of knavery |
fier {adj} | :: proud |
fierljeppen {v} | :: to perform fierljeppen |
fierljeppen {n} | :: fierljeppen |
fiets {f} | :: bicycle |
fiets {f} [motorsports] | :: motorbike |
fietsbel {f} | :: A bicycle bell |
fietsbelletje {noun} | :: diminutive of fietsbel |
fietsbrug {f} {m} | :: A bicycle bridge |
fietsen {vi} | :: to ride or cycle a bicycle, to bike |
fietsendrager {m} | :: bicycle carrier, bike rack |
fietsenhok {n} | :: A roofed place where bicycle can be stalled; a bicycle shed [often (semi-)open] |
fietsenrek {n} | :: A bicycle stand or bike rack |
fietsenrek {n} [humorous] | :: A (bad) set of teeth with one or more diastemas and/or missing teeth |
fietsenstalling {f} | :: A shed, rack, garage or other area where bicycles can be parked |
fietser {mf} | :: cyclist, someone who uses a bicycle for ordinary errands |
fietshelm {m} | :: bicycle helmet |
fietsinfrastructuur {f} | :: cycling infrastructure |
fietskaart {f} | :: cycling map (roadmap with relevant information for cyclists) |
fietskaart {f} | :: ticket or voucher allowing one to bring a bicycle along [chiefly in public transport] |
fietspad {n} | :: cycle path |
fietspomp {f} | :: A bicycle pump, an inflator, a cycle pump |
fietsriksja {m} | :: bicycle rickshaw |
fietsrotonde {f} | :: A bicycle roundabout |
fietsster {f} | :: female cyclist |
fietsstraat {f} | :: A neighborhood bikeway, a bicycle boulevard (street where bicycles have priority over motorised traffic) |
fietsstrook {f} | :: bike lane (road lane for cyclists, not separated from the other lane(s) of a road) |
fietsstuur {n} | :: The handlebar of a bicycle |
fietstaxi {m} | :: velotaxi, pedicab |
fietstocht {c} | :: bike ride |
fietsveer {n} | :: bicycle ferry, ferry that transports cyclists (and usually also pedestrians) |
figurant {m} [theatre, movies] | :: extra |
figurant {m} [figurative] | :: irrelevant person, bit player |
figuratief {adj} [arts] | :: figurative |
figureren {vt} [obsolete] | :: to form, to shape |
figureren {vr} [obsolete, with a reflexive pronoun] | :: to assume form, to appear (in a certain way) |
figureren {vrt} [obsolete, with a reflexive pronoun and a separate object] | :: to imagine, to form a mental representation |
figureren {vi} [obsolete, theatre, literal] | :: to play a role |
figureren {vi} [movies, theatre] | :: to be an extra, to play the role of an extra |
figureren {vi} [figurative] | :: to play a role, to figure |
figuur {n} {m} | :: figure |
figuurlijk {adj} | :: figurative |
figuurlijk {adv} | :: figuratively |
Fiji {prop} {n} | :: Fiji |
fijn {adj} | :: nice, pleasant |
fijn {adj} | :: fine, thin |
fijn {adj} | :: delicate, meticulous |
fijnbos {n} | :: fynbos |
fijne feestdagen {phrase} | :: Happy Holidays |
fijngevoelig {adj} | :: tactful |
fijnproever {m} | :: A food connoisseur, a gourmet (one who appreciate quality food) |
fijnproever {m} | :: A connoisseur (one with a refined taste) |
fijnstemmer {m} [music, lutherie] | :: fine tuner (e.g. on a violin) |
fijnstof {n} | :: particulate matter |
fijnzinnig {adj} | :: subtle, intellectually profound |
fik {prop} {m} | :: dog's name |
fik {m} | :: fire |
fikken {vi} [colloquial] | :: to burn |
fikken {p} [plurale tantum, colloquial or slightly, vulgar] | :: fingers |
Fikkie {prop} | :: clichéd name for a dog, Rover |
fiks {adj} | :: strong |
fiks {adj} | :: large, sizable |
fiks {adj} [obsolete] | :: solid, fixed |
fiksen {vt} | :: to fix, to arrange, to get done |
filantroop {m} | :: philanthropist |
filatelie {f} | :: philately |
filatelist {m} | :: philatelist |
filatelistisch {adj} | :: philatelic |
file {f} | :: traffic jam |
file {f} | :: queue |
file {m} [computing] | :: file (an aggregation of data on a storage device identified by a name) |
filet {m} {n} | :: filet (of meat) |
filharmonisch {adj} | :: philharmonic |
filiaal {n} | :: branch, as a location of an organization with several locations |
filibuster {m} [US politics] | :: A filibuster, a tactic to delay Congressional procedures |
filibuster {m} [historical] | :: A filibuster, an American mercenary who operated in Central America or the Spanish West Indies seeking to gain wealth or political power |
Filipijnen {prop} {p} | :: Philippines (Republic of Philippines) |
Filipijns {adj} | :: Filipino, Philippine |
Filistijn {m} [history] | :: A Philistine, member of a Biblical non-Semitic people which subdued the Jews in Philistia (hence the name of present Palestine) |
Filistijn {m} [figuratively] | :: A philistine, barbarian, heathen |
film {m} | :: film, movie |
filmfestival {n} | :: film festival |
filmhuis {n} | :: An art house, a cinema that shows artistic, non-commercial films |
filmisch {adj} | :: Of or related to film, video or cinema; cinematic |
filmmaakster {m} | :: female filmmaker |
filmmaker {m} | :: filmmaker |
filmmuziek {f} | :: film music, the score of a movie |
filmploeg {mf} | :: film crew |
filmproducent {m} | :: film producer |
filmproducente {f} | :: female film producer |
filmregisseur {m} | :: film director |
filmregisseuse {f} | :: female film director |
filmster {mf} | :: A movie star |
filmsterretje {noun} | :: diminutive of filmster |
filmvertoning {f} | :: film screening (showing or presentation of a movie) |
filmzaal {f} | :: cinema, movie theater |
filmzaal {f} | :: viewing room of a cinema |
filo- {prefix} | :: philo- |
filologe {f} | :: female philologist |
filoloog {m} | :: philologist |
Filomena {prop} {f} | :: given name |
filosofaster {m} | :: a pretender to philosophy; a petty or charlatan philosopher; a philosophaster |
filosofe {f} | :: female equivalent of filosoof |
filosofie {f} | :: philosophy |
filosofisch {adj} | :: philosophical |
filosoof {m} | :: philosopher |
filou {m} [Belgium] | :: scoundrel, cheat |
filter {m} {n} | :: filter |
filtervoeder {m} | :: filter feeder (organism that feeds itself by filtering food particles from water) |
Fin {m} | :: Finn (inhabitant of Finland) |
finaal {adj} | :: final |
finaal {adv} | :: totally, completely |
finale {f} | :: a final, e.g. the end-round in a competition |
finale {f} | :: the finale of a music piece |
finalis {f} [music] | :: keynote |
finalist {m} | :: finalist |
financieel {adj} | :: financial |
financiekapitaal {n} | :: finance capital |
financiën {p} | :: finances |
financier {m} [finance] | :: financier, sponsor |
financierder {mf} | :: (financial) sponsor |
financieren {vt} | :: to finance |
finish {m} | :: finish; end |
finishen {vi} [racing] | :: to finish |
Finland {prop} {n} | :: Finland |
Finoegrisch {adj} | :: alternative form of Fins-Oegrisch |
Fins {adj} | :: Finnish |
Fins {prop} {n} | :: Finnish (language) |
Finse Golf {prop} {f} | :: Gulf of Finland |
Fins-Oegrisch {adj} | :: Finno-Ugric |
fint {f} [Southern Dutch] | :: A wile, a trick, a feint |
fint {f} | :: twait shad, Alosa fallax |
fiool {mf} | :: vial |
fipo {m} [internet] | :: a quickly written reply to a news post or forum thread with little to no content, aimed to be the first reply |
firma {f} | :: a large-scale company, a firm |
firmament {n} | :: firmament (vault or sphere of the heavens, seen as a solid object in older cosmologies; sky) |
fisant {noun} | :: pheasant, bird of the family Phasianidae |
fiscaal {adj} | :: fiscal |
fiscaal {m} | :: fiscal |
fiscalist {m} | :: A tax advisor |
fiscaliteit {f} | :: The fiscality, all matters concerning taxation |
fiscaliteit {f} | :: The totality of taxes raised from a population |
fiscaliteit {f} [uncommon] | :: The burden of being taxable, taxability |
fiskaal {adj} | :: superseded spelling of fiscaal |
fiskaal {m} | :: superseded spelling of fiscaal (The fiskaal was an officer of the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC or Dutch East India Company) at the Cape of Good Hope in the 18th Century. The modern equivalent is a police officer.) |
fissa {c} [slang] | :: party |
fit {adj} | :: fit (in good shape) |
fitheid {f} | :: The state, quality, or condition of being fit or healthy; fitness |
fittie {c} [slang] | :: a fight |
fixen {v} | :: to inject drugs |
fixen {v} [sports] | :: to fix a game through bribery or manipulation |
fixeren {vt} | :: to fix, affix |
fjord {f} | :: fjord |
fjord {f} | :: Fjord horse |
fladderaar {m} | :: someone or something that flutters |
fladderaar {m} [poetic] | :: butterfly |
fladderen {vi} | :: to flutter |
flag {m} [computing] | :: flag |
flagel {m} | :: flagellum |
flagellant {m} | :: flagellant, one who self-flagellates or is voluntarily flagellated as a form of religious penance |
flagellant {m} [rare] | :: flagellant, one who practices whipping for sexual gratification |
flagellum {m} | :: flagellum |
flagrant {adj} | :: flagrant, blatant (obvious and offensive) |
flambouw {m} | :: An ornamental torch or lantern on a stick, used in rituals |
flambouw {m} [dated] | :: A regular torch or candle |
flamingo {m} | :: flamingo, bird of the family Phoenicopteridae |
flamingo {m} [Suriname] | :: scarlet ibis, Eudocimus ruber |
flanel {n} {m} | :: flannel (cloth material) |
flanellen {adj} | :: (made of) flannel |
flaneren {vi} | :: to loiter, to saunter around aimlessly |
flaneur {m} | :: A person who walks the city in order to experience it |
flaneur {m} [Belgium] | :: A saunterer; a lounger |
flankeren {v} | :: to flank [be at the side(s) of something] |
flansen {vt} | :: to put together or to fix in an inferior or haphazard fashion |
flap {m} | :: flap (something flexible that is loose) |
flap {m} [colloquial] | :: banknote |
flapdrol {m} [colloquial, mildly, pejorative] | :: fool, nincompoop |
flapje {noun} | :: diminutive of flap |
flappentap {m} [colloquial] | :: automated teller machine |
flappen tappen {vi} [colloquial] | :: to withdraw cash |
flapuit {m} | :: a loquacious person, one who talks without thinking it through first |
flard {f} {m} | :: bit, piece |
flard {f} {m} | :: shred, tatter |
flashback {m} | :: flashback |
flashgeheugen {n} [computer hardware] | :: flash memory |
flask {f} | :: flask |
flat {m} | :: flat, apartment |
flat {m} | :: tower block |
flater {m} | :: A blunder, a blooper, a stupid mistake |
flater {m} [obsolete] | :: Chatter, banter, chit-chat |
flatgebouw {n} | :: apartment building |
flauw {adj} | :: boring, tasteless |
flauw {adj} | :: languid, weak |
flauw {adj} | :: (concept) vague, hazy |
flauw {adj} | :: (flavour) tasteless, bland |
flauwekul {m} | :: nonsense (meaningless words) |
flauwte {f} | :: feebleness, weakness; the quality of lacking strength or vigour |
flauwte {f} | :: a sudden loss of consciousness; syncope |
flauwte {f} [economics] | :: low demand in markets |
flauwvallen {vi} | :: to faint |
flegmone {f} {m} [pathology] | :: phlegmon |
flens {m} | :: A smack, blow, especially on the ear |
flens {m} [usually in the diminutive: flensje] | :: A small, flat pancake |
flens {m} [rare] | :: A small (loin)cloth |
flens {m} [slang] | :: (etymology uncertain) milk |
flens {interj} | :: An exclamation to express hitting or throwing |
flens {m} | :: A flange, rim or collar on a metal object |
flens {m} | :: The flattened end of a metal bar, to be fixed on a surface |
flerovium {n} | :: flerovium |
fles {f} | :: bottle |
flessen {vt} | :: to scam, to con |
flessendop {m} | :: A bottle cap |
flessendopje {noun} | :: diminutive of flessendop |
flessenlikker {m} | :: bottle scraper |
flessentrekker {m} | :: swindler, fraudster |
flets {adj} | :: pale, lurid, wan |
fleurig {adj} | :: blooming, lavish |
fleurig {adj} | :: cheerful |
Flevoland {prop} {n} | :: Flevoland, a province of the Netherlands |
flexibel {adj} [literally] | :: flexible, pliable |
flexibel {adj} [figuratively] | :: adaptable, flexible |
flexibel {adj} [figuratively] | :: easygoing, approachable |
flexibiliteit {f} | :: flexibility |
flexie {f} [grammar] | :: inflection, flexion |
flierefluiter {m} | :: someone with a happy-go-lucky mentality, a frivolous person |
flik {m} [slang, chiefly Belgium] | :: police officer |
flik {m} [derogatory, colloquial, chiefly plural] | :: paw, mitt (crude term for a human hand) |
flik {m} [slang, dated] | :: homosexual |
flikflooien {vt} | :: to butter up, flatter hoping for profit in return |
flikflooien {vi} | :: to practice flattery, sycophancy |
flikflooien {vi} | :: to resort to dubious methods or ploys |
flikken {vt} [colloquial] | :: to do, to pull off |
flikker {m} | :: A mender, fixer, someone who mends or fixes |
flikker {m} | :: A jump while clicking the heels |
flikker {m} | :: A human body, especially when in the nude |
flikker {m} [Netherlands] | :: A bit |
flikker {m} [slang, contemptuous, pejorative] | :: A homosexual male; a queer |
flikkerbeweging {f} | :: queer movement (movement for homosexual emancipation) |
flikkeren {vi} | :: to flicker, to waver unsteadily |
flikkeren {vi} [colloquial] | :: to fall |
flikker op {interj} [vulgar, slang] | :: bugger off |
flink {adj} | :: large, sturdy |
flink {adj} | :: brave, showing no pain or fear |
flink {adj} | :: considerable |
flink {adv} | :: considerably, very |
flinks {adj} [neologism] | :: Having a left-wing policy with characteristics usually associated with right-wing policies |
flinterdun {adj} | :: very thin |
flippen {vi} | :: to go berserk, to flip |
flippen {vi} | :: to act out of the ordinary, for example having an epileptic attack |
flipper {m} | :: A flipper, a fin (swimming gear) |
flipper {m} | :: A flipper (limb-like appendage of an aquatic animal) |
flipper {m} | :: A flipper, a flipper bumper (lever in a pinball machine for hitting the ball; also the input device for operating this lever) |
flipper {m} [rare] | :: A pinball machine |
flipperkast {f} | :: A pinball machine |
flipperkast {f} | :: Pinball |
flipperspel {n} [chiefly singular] | :: pinball (game) |
flirten {vi} | :: to flirt |
flits {m} [figuratively] | :: A flash; an instant |
flits {m} | :: lightning bolt |
flits {m} | :: brief but intense radiation from a flashtube |
flits {m} | :: short television or radio reportage |
flitsen {vi} | :: to flash, to suddenly brightly illuminate |
flitsen {vt} | :: to photograph with a speed camera |
flitsend {v} | :: fast |
flitsgranaat {f} {m} | :: A flash grenade, a flash-bang grenade |
flitspaal {m} | :: speed camera (camera to detect speeding vehicles) |
flitspuit {f} | :: atomiser / atomizer |
flitstrein {mf} | :: high-speed train |
floëem {n} | :: phloem |
floers {n} | :: veil (something mourners wear to funerals) |
floers {n} [figuratively] | :: darkness, obscurity |
flonkeren {v} [a star] | :: to wink, to twinkle |
Floor {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Floor {prop} {m} [uncommon] | :: given name |
flop {m} | :: A failure, something that went wrong |
flop {m} | :: short for floppydisk |
floppen {vi} | :: to flop, to fail |
floppydisk {m} | :: floppy disk |
flora {f} | :: flora (plant life, in particular the plant living or endemic in a certain area) |
flora {f} | :: flora (plant book) |
floreren {vi} | :: to prosper, to flourish, to bloom |
floret {f} [fencing] | :: foil |
Florida {prop} | :: Florida (state) |
florist {m} [historical] | :: speculator in tulips around the time of the tulip mania |
flottielje {f} | :: flotilla |
flottille {f} | :: alternative form of flottielje |
fluisteraar {m} | :: A whisperer (one who whispers) |
fluisterboot {m} | :: An electric boat (motorised boat with an electrical engine) |
fluisteren {vti} | :: to whisper |
fluistertolken {n} | :: chuchotage |
fluit {mf} [musical instruments] | :: flute or the sound it creates |
fluit {mf} | :: a whistle |
fluit {mf} | :: organ pipe |
fluit {mf} | :: [colloquial] penis |
fluit {mf} | :: fluyt, flute (type of cargo ship) |
fluit {mf} | :: shortened form of certain compounds, notably fluitglas |
fluitconcert {n} | :: A flute concerto |
fluitconcert {n} [chiefly sports] | :: A supporters' chorus of jeering, whistling and booing |
fluiten {vit} | :: to whistle |
fluiten {vi} | :: To make any similar sound, as a passing bullet |
fluiter {m} | :: A fluter, flute player, flutist |
fluiter {m} | :: A whistler; whistleblower |
fluiter {m} | :: wood warbler (songbird species Phylloscopus sibilator) |
fluithaas {m} | :: pika, lagomorph of the family Ochotonidae |
fluitje {noun} | :: a kind of beer glass |
fluitje van een cent {n} [idiomatic] | :: a very easy activity, a cakewalk |
fluitketel {m} | :: A whistling-kettle, which makes a sharp sound when the boiled water releases steam trough a hole on top |
fluitschip {n} | :: fluyt, flute (Dutch type of cargo ship) |
fluor- {prefix} [functional group prefix] | :: fluoro- |
fluor {n} | :: the chemical element fluorine (symbol: F) |
flut {f} [uncountable] | :: Worthless stuff, rubbish, tosh |
flut {f} [obsolete, countable] | :: A worthless person, a ne'er-do-well |
fluteglas {n} [Belgium] | :: champagne flute |
fluvioglaciaal {adj} | :: fluvioglacial, having to do with meltwater |
fluweel {n} | :: velvet (closely woven fabric with pile on one side) |
fluweelhoen {n} [chiefly diminutive, rare] | :: synonym of waterral |
fluweelzacht {adj} | :: velvety, as soft as velvet |
fluwelen {adj} [literally] | :: velveteen, made of velvet |
fluwelen {adj} [figuratively] | :: velvety, soft and pleasant like velvet |
fluwijn {n} | :: beech marten, Martes foina |
fniezen {v} | :: alternative form of niezen |
fobie {f} [pathology] | :: A phobia, irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety |
focus {m} [optics, physics] | :: focus |
focus {m} [figurative] | :: focus, centre |
focus {m} [linguistics] | :: focus |
focussen {vri} [also] | :: to focus (oneself) [+ op (object) = on] |
foeder {m} | :: A very large wooden vat in which beer is lagered |
foefje {noun} | :: trick, skill |
foei {interj} | :: bah!, fie! |
foeilelijk {adj} | :: shamefully ugly, extremely ugly |
foelie {f} [uncountable, countable] | :: mace (Myristica fragrans) |
foelie {f} [uncountable] | :: mace, a spice obtained from the fruit of the nutmeg |
foerageren {vi} | :: to forage |
foert {interj} [exclamation, Belgium] | :: get all lost/fucked; I've had it |
foertstem {f} [chiefly Belgium] | :: protest vote |
foeteren {vi} | :: to grumble, complain |
foetsie {adj} [colloquial] | :: gone, vanished, away |
foetus {n} {m} | :: fetus |
foezel {m} | :: inferior jenever, containing fusel oils |
foezelolie {f} | :: fusel oil |
föhn {m} | :: hair dryer |
föhn {m} | :: foehn |
fok {m} | :: A foresail |
fok {m} | :: By comparison, of shape: |
fok {m} [Southern Dutch] | :: a nose |
fok {m} | :: the head of a cogwheel |
fok {m} [dialectal, colloquial] | :: a pair of glasses |
fok {m} [uncountable] | :: The activity or business of breeding (notably of domesticated animals) |
Fokke {prop} {m} | :: given name |
fokkemast {m} | :: alternative form of fokkenmast |
fokken {vt} | :: to breed |
fokken {vt} [rare] | :: to strike |
fokken {vt} [rare] | :: to beget |
fokkenmast {m} | :: the foremast, foremost mast, originally on a three-mast sailing ship, carrying the foresail |
fokker {m} | :: an animal-breeder (one who breeds animals) |
Fokker {prop} | :: surname |
Fokker {m} | :: An aeroplane produced by the aeroplane manufacturer Fokker |
fokkerij {f} | :: A farm where animals are bred |
fokschaap {n} | :: A breeding sheep, a sheep used for breeding |
folder {m} | :: (folded) leaflet with information or advertising |
folie {f} {n} | :: foil (sheet of material) |
Folkert {prop} {m} | :: given name |
follikel {m} | :: follicle |
folterbank {c} | :: rack (torturing device) |
folteren {vt} | :: to torture, to torment, to agonize |
folterkamer {f} | :: A torture chamber |
fondant {m} {n} [Netherlands] | :: fondant (sugary substance) |
fondant {m} {n} [Belgium] | :: dark chocolate |
fonds {n} | :: fund (amount of money, usually on an account, destined for some purpose) |
fonds {n} [finance] | :: stock (e.g. in an exchange) |
foneem {n} [phonology] | :: A phoneme |
fonemisch {adj} | :: phonemic |
fonetiek {f} [linguistics] | :: The linguistic discipline phonetics, study of speech, sounds and their representation by written symbols |
fonetiek {f} [music] | :: The correct use of speech and voice |
fonetisch {adj} | :: phonetic |
fonkelen {vi} | :: to twinkle, to sparkle |
fono- {prefix} | :: phono- |
fonologie {f} [linguistics] | :: phonology |
fonoloog {m} | :: phonologist |
fonopost {f} [dated] | :: mail containing audio media with spoken messages |
Fons {prop} {m} | :: given name |
fontein {f} [obsolete] | :: A well, spring |
fontein {f} | :: A fountain, monumental or small artificial water feature |
fontein {f} [obsolete] | :: The water which springs from one of the above; any water |
fontein {f} | :: A drink - and/or or wash basin with a tab |
Fontein {prop} | :: surname |
-foob {suffix} | :: -phobe |
fooi {f} | :: a gift using money (often for people (artists, beggars, ...) on places like city centers) |
fooi {f} | :: a tip, a gratuity (a small amount of money left for a bartender or servant as a token of appreciation) |
fooienpot {m} | :: A tip jar |
fooienpotje {noun} | :: diminutive of fooienpot |
fooitje {noun} | :: diminutive of fooi |
-foon {suffix} | :: -phone |
foor {f} [Belgian] | :: fair, convention |
foor {f} [Belgian] | :: funfair, carnival |
fopletter {f} | :: a letter that shifts the preceding vowel sound so that it deviates from its spelling |
foppen {vt} | :: to fool, to trick, to deceive |
fopspeen {f} | :: A dummy, a pacifier, a comforter |
fopspeentje {noun} | :: diminutive of fopspeen |
forceren {vt} | :: to force |
forceren {v} | :: to coerce, to induce, to persuade |
forceren {v} | :: to strain |
foreest {n} [obsolete] | :: forest |
foreest {n} [historical] | :: A forested crown domain |
forel {m} | :: A trout, Salmo trutta |
forel {m} | :: One of certain fish of the subfamily Salmoninae, specifically certain members of the genera Salvelinus and Oncorhynchus |
forelschimmel {m} | :: fleabitten grey, fleabitten horse (grey with a coat containing dense, reddish marks) |
forens {m} [chiefly Netherlands] | :: commuter |
forensentrein {m} | :: commuter train |
forensisch {adj} | :: legal, pertaining to courts or trials |
forensisch {adj} | :: especially, forensic, relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law |
forensisme {n} | :: commuting |
forenzen {vi} [Netherlands] | :: to commute |
forfait {m} | :: fixed amount, lumpsum |
forfait {m} | :: flat rate |
forfait {m} [tax, Netherlands] | :: a pre-determined tax amount |
forfait {m} [sports] | :: elimination due to withdrawal |
forfait {m} [legal, obsolete] | :: crime |
forfanterie {f} [dated] | :: bragging, boastfulness, grandiloquence, boasting |
fork {f} [computer science] | :: A fork, splitting-up of an existing process into itself and a child process executing parts of the same program |
form. {adj} | :: abbreviation of formeel |
formaat {n} | :: size |
formaat {n} | :: stature, importance |
formaat {n} | :: (file) format |
formaliseren {vt} | :: to formalize, make official |
formaliseren {vt} | :: to give shape or form to |
formalisme {n} | :: formalism |
formalist {m} | :: formalist |
formaliteit {f} | :: formality |
formateur {m} | :: trainer |
formateur {m} [politics] | :: chief political negotiator for formal talks that are intended to lead to the formation of a cabinet |
formatteren {vt} [computing] | :: to format |
formeel {adj} | :: formal |
formeel {adv} | :: formally |
formeren {vt} | :: to form |
formicarium {n} | :: formicarium |
formule {f} {m} | :: formula |
formuleren {vt} | :: to formulate |
formulering {f} | :: the choice of words; wording |
formulering {f} | :: to articulate something with words; articulation |
formulering {f} | :: to make a formula |
formulier {n} | :: A form, a formally standardized (often printed) document to fill out in order to file a specific request, declaration etc |
fornuis {n} | :: cooker, stove (kitchen appliance consisting of a cooktop and an oven) |
fors {adj} | :: sturdy, strong |
fors {adj} | :: substantial, considerable |
fors {adv} | :: strongly |
forsgebouwd {adj} | :: burly |
fort {n} | :: castle |
fort {n} | :: fort |
fortuin {n} [uncountable] | :: luck |
fortuin {n} | :: fortune (riches) |
fortuin {c} | :: fortune (destiny) |
fortuinlijk {adj} | :: fortunate |
forum {n} | :: forum (ancient Roman marketplace) |
forum {n} | :: forum (venue, medium, vehicle; general place of exchange) |
forum {n} | :: Internet forum |
forwarden {vt} [colloquial] | :: to forward (an e-mail) |
fosfaat {n} | :: phosphate |
fosfor {n} | :: phosphorus |
fosforescentie {f} | :: phosphorescence |
fosforesceren {vi} | :: to phosphoresce |
fosforzuur {n} | :: phosphoric acid |
fossiel {n} | :: fossil |
fossiel {n} [figuratively, derogatory] | :: someone with very old fashioned ideas, a dinosaur |
fossiel {adj} | :: fossil |
fossielenbestand {n} | :: fossil record |
foto- {prefix} | :: photo- |
foto {f} | :: photo, photograph |
fotoalbum {n} | :: A photo album |
fotoalbumpje {noun} | :: diminutive of fotoalbum |
fotobom {f} | :: photobomb |
fotobommen {v} | :: to photobomb |
fotobommetje {noun} | :: diminutive of fotobom |
fotocamera {f} | :: (still) photography camera |
fotocopie {f} | :: superseded spelling of fotokopie |
fotogeniek {adj} | :: photogenic |
fotogeoloog {m} | :: photogeologist |
fotograaf {m} | :: photographer |
fotografe {f} | :: female equivalent of fotograaf |
fotograferen {vt} | :: to photograph, to shoot (to take a photograph) |
fotografie {f} | :: photography |
fotografie {f} | :: photograph |
fotografisch {adj} | :: photographic |
fotografisch geheugen {n} | :: photographic memory |
fotokopie {f} | :: photocopy |
fotolamp {f} | :: photographer's lamp |
fotometer {m} | :: photometer |
fotomodel {n} | :: photographic model |
foton {n} | :: A photon, quantum of light |
foton {n} | :: The unit of electromagnetic radiation |
fotorespiratie {f} | :: photorespiration |
fotosoepen {vt} [humorous] | :: to photoshop |
fotosynthese {f} [biology] | :: photosynthesis |
fototoestel {n} | :: A still camera; a camera used to shoot still pictures |
fototoestelletje {noun} | :: diminutive of fototoestel |
fouilleren {vt} | :: to search, to frisk |
Fourier-cosinusreeks {f} {m} | :: Fourier cosine series |
Fourier-reeks {f} {m} | :: Fourier series |
Fourierreeks {f} {m} | :: Fourier series |
Fourier-sinusreeks {f} {m} | :: Fourier sine series |
Fourier-transformatie {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fouriertransformatie |
Fouriertransformatie {f} | :: Fourier transform |
fout {f} | :: error |
fout {f} | :: mistake |
fout {adj} | :: wrong |
fout {adj} [colloquial] | :: unfashionable, cheesy, inappropriate |
fout {adj} [chiefly historical] | :: active in or collaborating with far-right movements, especially Nazism |
foutenmarge {f} {m} | :: Erroneus alternative form of foutmarge, margin of error |
foutenrapportage {f} | :: error report |
foutief {adj} [formal] | :: wrong, erroneous, incorrect |
foutloos {adj} | :: without errors, faultless |
foutmarge {f} {m} | :: A margin of error |
foyer {m} | :: foyer (lobby, waiting room or parlour) |
f-pion {m} [chess] | :: f-pawn: pawn placed on the f-file at the beginning of the game |
Fr. {prop} | :: abbreviation of Frans |
fra. {noun} | :: Frans ≡ French (language) |
fraai {adj} | :: beautiful, pretty, handsome |
fraai {adj} | :: nice, fancy |
fractie {f} | :: fraction |
fractie {f} | :: parliamentary party (i.e. all the members in parliament who belong to a given political party) |
fractievoorzitter {m} | :: (male) parliamentary group leader |
fractuur {f} | :: fracture, esp. in a bone |
Fraenkel {prop} | :: a Dutch surname |
fraggen {v} [video games, slang] | :: to frag, to kill in a shooter game |
fragiel {adj} | :: fragile (easily damaged) |
fragiliteit {f} | :: fragility |
fragment {n} | :: a fragment |
fragmentatie {f} | :: fragmentation |
fragmentenhypothese {f} | :: fragmentary hypothesis [regarding the Pentateuch/Torah] |
fragmenteren {v} [ergative] | :: to fragment |
frak {m} [Belgium] | :: A coat, a overcoat (item of apparel) |
frak {m} [Netherlands] | :: A chic jacket with long coattails |
framboos {m} [botany] | :: raspberry, plant of the species Rubus idaeus |
framboos {m} | :: raspberry, a fruit of this plant |
framboos {m} [uncountable] | :: raspberry, the reddish color of raspberries |
frame {n} [snooker] | :: frame |
frame {n} [construction] | :: frame |
Française {f} | :: A Frenchwoman |
franchise {f} | :: franchise |
Francis {prop} {m} | :: given name |
franciscaan {m} | :: A Franciscan, typically a male Franciscan monk |
franciscaans {adj} | :: Franciscan |
franciscaner {adj} | :: Franciscan |
franciscaner {m} [rare] | :: A Franciscan |
franciscanes {f} | :: A Franciscan nun, a female Franciscan |
francium {n} | :: francium |
franco {adj} | :: with freightages paid by the sender |
Franco {prop} {m} | :: given name, equivalent to Frank or Francis |
Franco {prop} {m} | :: surname of Spanish origin |
Franco {prop} {m} | :: notably refers to Francisco Franco, the long-ruling right-wing 20th century Spanish caudillo since the Spanish Civil War (from 1939 to 1975) |
francofiel {m} | :: Francophile (admirer of French culture and/or language) |
francofiel {adj} | :: Francophile (admiring French culture and/or language) |
francofilie {f} | :: Francophilia (admiration of French culture and/or language) |
Franeker {prop} {n} | :: Franeker (city) |
Franekeradeel {prop} | :: Franekeradeel (municipality) |
franje {f} {m} | :: fringe |
franjehaai {m} | :: frilled shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus |
Frank {m} [chiefly plural] | :: Frank (member of a Migration-Period Germanic tribe) |
Frank {prop} {m} | :: given name, Frank |
Franken {prop} | :: surname |
Frankisch {adj} | :: Frankish, Franconian (related to the Franks or the areas they inhabited) |
Frankisch {prop} {n} | :: The Franconian languages |
Frankisch {prop} {n} | :: The Old Frankish language |
Frankrijk {prop} {n} | :: France |
Frans {adj} | :: French |
Frans {prop} {n} | :: French (language) |
Frans {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Franse {f} | :: Frenchwoman |
Frans-Guyana {prop} {n} | :: French Guiana |
fransijn {n} [historical] | :: (French) parchment |
Fransman {m} | :: A Frenchman, a French male |
Frans-Polynesië {prop} {n} | :: French Polynesia |
Franssen {prop} | :: surname |
frase {f} | :: phrase |
fraseur {m} [dated] | :: A sweet-talker |
frats {f} [chiefly plural] | :: prank, trick, a strange, silly or deceptive action |
fraude {f} | :: fraud |
fraudegevoelig {adj} | :: susceptible to fraud |
frauderen {vi} | :: to commit fraud |
fraudeur {m} | :: fraudster |
frauduleus {adj} | :: fraudulent, constituting fraud |
freak {m} | :: freak (oddball) |
freak {m} | :: freak (dedicated fan) |
Frederik {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Frederiksoord {prop} {n} | :: Frederiksoord (village) |
Freek {prop} | :: given name; diminutive of Frederik |
fregat {n} | :: A frigate, a type of (once sailing, small but fast three-mast) warship, applied to progressively larger types in time, since 1943 mainly escort ships |
fregatvogel {m} [zoology] | :: A frigate bird, the species Fregata aquila or another rapacious seabird of the Fregatidae family |
freineren {vi} [dialect] | :: to brake |
frenologie {f} | :: phrenology |
freon {m} | :: Freon |
frequentie {f} | :: frequency (rate of occurrence of anything) |
frequentie {f} | :: frequency, measure of pulsation as in (radio) waves |
frequentiemodulatie {f} | :: frequency modulation |
frequentieverschuivingsmodulatie {f} | :: frequency shift keying |
fresco {n} | :: fresco |
fret {m} | :: ferret, Mustela putorius furo |
fret {m} [music] | :: fret, on the neck on for example a guitar |
fretten {noun} [transitive, colloquial] | :: to eat |
freubelen {v} | :: to tinker |
freule {f} | :: an unmarried noblewoman |
fricatief {adj} | :: fricative |
fricatief {m} [linguistics] | :: A fricative consonant |
frictie {f} | :: friction |
frictie {f} | :: social friction, conflict |
friemelen {vi} | :: to fidget, to fiddle |
fries {M} {f} {n} [architecture] | :: frieze |
fries {m} | :: Frisian horse |
Fries {m} | :: a Frisian, member of a Germanic people; a speaker of one of the Frisian languages |
Fries {m} | :: a West Frisian specifically; a speaker of the West Frisian language |
Fries {m} | :: Short form for various names relating to Friesland or Frisians, such as the bovine race |
Fries {adj} | :: Frisian (any member of the Frisian people) |
Fries {adj} | :: West Frisian specifically (of the Frisian part of the Netherlands) |
Fries {prop} {n} | :: Frisian (any of the Frisian languages) |
Fries {prop} {n} | :: specifically, West Frisian |
Friese doorloper {m} | :: A wooden skate with an iron blade that is bound to a shoe and spans the entire length of the shoe |
friesje {noun} | :: diminutive of fries |
Friesland {prop} {n} | :: Friesland, a province of the Netherlands |
friet {c} [uncountable] | :: chips, french fries |
friet {c} [countable] | :: a single chip/french fry, or a portion thereof |
frietketel {m} [Belgium] | :: deep fryer |
friettent {f} | :: chip shop, friterie, takeaway |
frigo {m} [Belgium] | :: fridge, refrigerator |
frik {mf} [pejorative] | :: a narrow-minded and prejudiced schoolteacher |
frikadel {f} | :: flattened, seasoned meatball |
frikandel {f} | :: A deep-fried snack mainly containing ground meat and bread crumbs, to some degree resembling a sausage |
frikandelbroodje {n} | :: A roll of puff pastry containing a frikandel (sausage-like deep-fried snack containing mince), similar to a sausage roll, often topped with curry ketchup |
fris {adj} | :: fresh, refreshing |
fris {adj} | :: chilly |
fris {n} | :: soft drink |
frisdrank {m} | :: a soda, soft drink |
frisheid {f} | :: freshness |
frisist {m} | :: A scholar of Frisian |
frites {?} | :: alternative spelling of friet |
friteuse {f} | :: deep fryer |
Frits {prop} {m} | :: given name |
friture {f} [Belgium] | :: chip shop, friterie, takeaway |
frituren {vt} | :: to deep-fry |
frituur {f} [Belgium] | :: Deep-fried food, now especially used of snacks and fast food |
frituur {f} [Belgium] | :: A chip shop, a friterie, a fast food takeaway selling deep-fried food |
frituurpan {f} | :: deep fryer, chip pan |
frituurvet {n} | :: deep-frying oil |
Friulaans {prop} {n} | :: Friulian (language spoken in Friuli) |
Friulisch {prop} {n} | :: Friulian (language spoken in Friuli) |
frivool {adj} | :: frivolous |
frivool {adv} | :: frivolously |
frons {f} | :: A frown, a furrow of one's eyebrows or forehead |
fronsen {vit} | :: to frown, to furrow |
fronsje {noun} | :: diminutive of frons |
front {n} | :: front |
frontaal {adj} | :: frontal |
frontaal {adv} | :: frontally |
frontlinie {f} | :: frontline |
frontmentaliteit {f} | :: siege mentality, trench mentality (fearful, oppositional collective attitude caused by victimisation or minority status) |
fronton {n} [architecture] | :: pediment |
frontsoldaat {m} | :: A front-line soldier |
fructose {f} {m} | :: fructose |
fruit {n} | :: fruit [produced by trees or bushes, or any sweet vegetable] |
fruitachtig {adj} | :: fruitlike |
fruitautomaat {m} | :: A fruit machine, a slot machine with images of fruits |
fruitmand {f} | :: fruit basket |
fruitvlieg {f} | :: fruitfly, fly of the genus Drosophila |
fruitvliegje {noun} | :: diminutive of fruitvlieg |
frunniken {vi} | :: to fidget, fiddle |
frustratie {f} | :: frustration |
frustreren {vt} | :: to frustrate |
Frygisch {prop} {n} | :: Phrygian (language) |
f-sleutel {m} [music] | :: F-clef |
ft. {noun} | :: abbreviation of fort |
ft. {noun} | :: abbreviation of vesting |
fte {n} | :: full-time equivalent |
fuckbuddy {f} {m} [slang] | :: fuck buddy |
fuckhoofd {n} [vulgar] | :: fuckhead |
fucking {adj} [slang, vulgar] | :: fucking, intensifier, especially to indicate annoyance |
fucking {adv} [slang, vulgar] | :: fucking, intensifier |
fugitief {mf} [dated, historical] | :: fugitive |
fugitief {mf} [obsolete] | :: refugee, exile |
fugitief {adj} [literary] | :: fugitive |
fuif {f} | :: party, festive gathering as celebration (often named in compounds, e.g. kerstfuif for Christmas) or just for fun |
fuifnummer {n} | :: party animal |
fuik {f} | :: fyke |
fuiven {vi} | :: to party |
fulleriet {n} [mineral] | :: fullerite |
fulltime {adj} | :: full-time |
functie {f} | :: job, position |
functie {f} | :: function, purpose |
functie {f} [mathematics] | :: function |
functie {f} [computing] | :: function |
functie {f} [biology] | :: function |
functie {f} | :: use, purpose (of a machine or tool) |
functiewoord {n} [grammar] | :: A function word |
functiewoordje {noun} | :: diminutive of functiewoord |
functionaal {f} [mathematics] | :: functional |
functionaris {mf} | :: a functionary, an official |
functionele reserve {noun} [medicine] | :: functional reserve |
functioneren {vi} | :: to function, to work |
fundament {n} | :: basis |
fundament {n} | :: foundation, basis |
fundamentalisme {n} | :: fundamentalism (extremist view in religion) |
fundamentalistenpaar {n} | :: Christian-fundamentalist married couple |
fundamenteel {adj} | :: fundamental |
funderen {vt} | :: to found, to place a foundation under |
funderen {vt} | :: to found, to establish |
fundering {f} | :: foundation of an edifice |
fundering {f} | :: foundation, justification [e.g. for an action, right or belief] |
funest {adj} | :: funest, disastrous, catastrophic, fatal |
fungeren {vi} | :: to function |
fungus {m} [mycology] | :: fungus, member of the kingdom Fungi |
funshoppen {vi} | :: to shop for fun |
furry {m} | :: A furry (member of furry fandom) |
furtief {adj} | :: furtive |
fusain {m} [art] | :: A fusain, a charcoal sketch |
fusain {m} [art, chiefly uncountable] | :: Fusain, a type of charcoal used for drawing |
fuselier {m} | :: fusilier |
fuselier {m} [by extension] | :: infantry soldier armed with a later type of rifle |
fuseren {vi} | :: to fuse, to merge |
fusie {f} | :: fusion, mixture, combination |
fusie {f} | :: merger |
fusiegemeente {f} | :: a municipality arisen by fusion of municipalities (mainly in Belgium; a former municipality is called a deelgemeente) |
fusilleren {vt} | :: to execute by firing squad |
fusioneren {v} [Belgium, of organisations] | :: to merge |
fust {n} | :: cask (e.g. containing beer) |
fut {m} | :: vim, energy, pep, vitality |
futiliteit {f} | :: triviality, unimportance, futility |
futloos {adj} | :: dull, spiritless |
futurisme {n} [arts] | :: futurism (Italian and Russian iconoclastic, future-oriented avant-garde art movement, in Italy aligned with fascism) |
futuristisch {adj} | :: futuristic (resembling something from the distant future; resembling science-fiction; looking fantastically future-like) |
futuristisch {adj} [arts] | :: futuristic (pertaining to futurism) |
fuut {m} | :: great crested grebe, Podiceps cristatus |
fuut {m} | :: grebe, any waterbird of the order Podicipediformes |
fysica {f} | :: physics (branch of science) |
fysicus {m} | :: physicist, scientist or amateur student of physics |
fysiek {adj} | :: physical (in the sense of Physical Education) |
fysio- {prefix} | :: physio-; pertaining to nature, medicine and the human body |
fysio {m} [Netherlands, colloquial] | :: physiotherapist |
fysio {m} [Netherlands, colloquial] | :: physiotherapy |
fysiognomie {f} | :: physiognomy (pseudoscience) |
fysiologie {f} | :: physiology |
fysioloog {mf} | :: physiologist |
fysiotherapeut {m} [Netherlands] | :: physiotherapist |
fysiotherapeute {m} [Netherlands] | :: female physiotherapist |
fysiotherapie {f} [Netherlands] | :: physiotherapy |
fysisch {adj} [now, chiefly Belgium] | :: physical, having to do with matter, nature, the material world |
fysisch {adj} | :: having to do with physics, the natural science |
fytotherapeut {m} | :: phytotherapist |
fytotherapie {f} | :: phytotherapy |