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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-m

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
m {letter} :: letter
{adj} [colloquial, in handwriting] :: abbreviation of même
M. {m} :: abbreviation of Monsieur
M {letter} :: The thirteenth letter of the French alphabet, preceded by L and followed by N
{m} :: abbreviation of monsieur
Mᵐᵉ {contraction} :: abbreviation of madame
M.16 {m} :: alternative form of M16
M16 {m} :: M-16 (assault rifle)
m'a {contraction} :: me + a (third-person singular indicative present form of avoir): "I'm going"
ma {determiner} :: feminine singular of mon
MA {prep} :: abbreviation of meilleur avant BB
ma'ame {contraction} [dated, nonstandard] :: contraction of madame
Maastricht {prop} :: Maastricht; Maastricht (city)
maastrichtien {adj} [geology] :: Maastrichtian Age; related to the Maastrichtien
maastrichtien {adj} :: Relating to Maastricht, especially to the Maastricht Treaty
Maastrichtien {prop} :: Maastrichtian; a geologic age
Maastrichtien {m} :: Maastrichtian; a denizen of Maastricht
maboul {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy
mac {m} [colloquial, slang] :: clipping of maquereau
mac {m} [colloquial, computer] :: clipping of Macintosh
macabre {adj} :: macabre
macabrement {adv} :: macabrely
macache {adv} :: none, nothing
macache {adv} :: no, not at all, impossible
macadamiser {v} :: to macadamize
macanais {adj} :: Macanese
Macao {prop} {m} :: Macau (A Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China just west of Hong Kong)
macaque {m} :: macaque
macaque {m} [Louisiana French] :: monkey
macaque {m} [Louisiana French] :: clown
macaque rhésus {m} :: rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)
macaquerie {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: foolishness, monkey business
macareux {m} :: puffin (seabird with a coloured beak)
macaron {m} :: macaron (pastry)
macaron {m} :: buns rolled over the ears and worn symmetrically
macaron {m} :: round insignia
macaronage {m} :: macaronage
macaronage {m} [military] :: A ceremony where naval fighter pilots receive their badges
macaroni {m} [usually, in the plural] :: macaroni
macaroni {m} [ethnic slur] :: wop; a person of Italian descent
macaroni chinois {m} :: Chinese macaroni (soy sauce covered macaroni with meat and vegetables)
Maccabée {mf} :: Maccabee
maccarthysme {m} :: McCarthyism
maccarthyste {adj} :: McCarthyist
macchab {m} [slang] :: stiff, dead body
macchabée {m} [colloquial] :: stiff, corpse
MacDo {m} [slang] :: McDonald's, Mickey D's, Macca's
MacDo {m} [metonymy, food] :: fast food
macédoine {f} :: macédoine
Macédoine {prop} {f} :: Macedonia
macédonien {m} :: Macedonian, the Macedonian language
macédonien {adj} :: Macedonian (from, or pertaining to Macedonia)
Macédonien {m} :: Macedonian (someone from Macedonia)
Macédonienne {f} :: feminine noun of Macédonien
macérat {m} :: macerate (macerated material)
macération {f} :: maceration
macéré {adj} :: soaked
macéré {adj} :: macerated
macérer {v} :: to soak
macérer {v} :: to macerate
maceron {m} :: alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum)
machaon {m} :: swallowtail (butterfly)
mâche {f} :: A plant used in salads, Valerianella locusta, corn salad, lamb's lettuce
mâchefer {m} :: clinker
mâchefer {m} :: cinders
mâcher {v} :: to chew
mâcher {v} [colloquial] :: to begin or prepare some work
machette {f} :: machete (a sword-like tool)
Machhad {prop} :: Mashhad
machiavélique {adj} :: Machiavellian
machiavéliquement {adv} :: In a Machiavellian manner
machiavélisme {m} [uncountable] :: Machiavellianism (philosophy)
machiavélisme {m} [countable] :: Machiavellianism (instance of application of the philosophy, or ruthless action in general)
machicoulis {m} :: alternative form of mâchicoulis
mâchicoulis {m} [architecture] :: machicolation
machin {m} :: thingy, thingamabob
machinal {adj} :: machinal
machinalement {adv} :: automatically, mechanically
machinateur {m} :: agent noun of machiner; schemer
machination {f} :: Undercover or underhanded plot; machination
machinatrice {f} :: feminine noun of machinateur
machine {f} :: machine, device
machine {f} [slang] :: machine (a person who is very efficient)
machine à boule {f} :: pinball machine
machine à café {f} :: coffee machine
machine à coudre {f} :: sewing machine
machine à écrire {f} :: typewriter
machine à explorer le temps {f} [science fiction] :: time machine
machine à laver {f} :: washing machine
machine à plastifier {m} :: laminator
machine à sous {f} :: slot machine (a gambling machine operated by placing a coin or token into a slot)
machine à vapeur {f} :: steam engine
machine à voyager dans le temps {f} [science fiction] :: time machine
machine de Turing {f} [computing theory] :: Turing machine
machiner {vt} :: to equip with machines
machiner {vt} :: to machinate
machiner {vt} :: to scheme
machinerie {f} :: machinery, plant
machinerie {f} [nautical] :: engine room
machinisme {m} :: mechanization
machinisme {m} :: mechanism
machiniste {mf} :: machine operator, machinist
machiniste {mf} :: grip person responsible for handling equipment on a film set
machisme {m} :: machismo
machiste {adj} :: male chauvinistic; macho
machiste {mf} :: male chauvinist
machmètre {m} :: Machmeter
macho {m} :: One who is excessively or aggressively masculine or misogynistic; a chauvinist
mâchoire {f} :: jaw; jawbone
mâchonner {vt} :: to chew
mâchouiller {v} :: to chew, chomp
Macintosh {prop} {m} [computing] :: Macintosh
MacKinnon {prop} :: MacKinnon, surname
maclage {m} :: twinning (of crystals)
macle {f} :: twin crystal
macle {f} [heraldiccharge] :: mascle
maçon {m} :: mason, stonemason; builder
maçon {m} [freemasonry] :: Mason, Freemason
maçonner {vt} :: to face, render [a wall, etc.]
maçonner {vt} :: to brick up
maçonnerie {f} :: Masonry: the art, profession, work, or product of a mason, or a thing constructed of stone, brick, or the like
maçonnique {adj} :: masonic, Masonic
macramé {m} :: macramé
mâcre {m} :: water caltrop
macreuse {f} [birds] :: scoter
macreuse {f} [cuts of meat] :: flat iron steak
macro- {prefix} :: macro-
macrobiotique {adj} :: macrobiotic
macrocarpine {f} [organic compound] :: macrocarpin
macrocellule {m} :: macrocell
macrocéphale {adj} :: macrocephalic, macrocephalous
macrocéphalie {f} [pathology] :: macrocephaly (a condition in which the head is abnormally large)
macrocosme {m} :: macrocosm
macrocosmique {adj} :: macrocosmic (of or pertaining to the macrocosm)
macrocristal {m} :: macrocrystal
macrocyclique {adj} [chemistry] :: macrocyclic
macroéconomie {f} [economics] :: macroeconomics
macroéconomique {adj} [economics] :: macroeconomic
macroélément {m} [biochemistry] :: macroelement
macrofossile {m} :: macrofossil
macrogamète {m} :: macrogamete
macrographie {f} :: macrography
macromoléculaire {adj} [chemistry] :: macromolecular
macromolécule {f} [chemistry] :: macromolecule
macron {m} :: macron
Macron {prop} :: Macron (surname)
macroniste {adj} [France, politics] :: Relating to the policies of supporters of Emmanuel Macron
macroniste {mf} [France, politics] :: A supporter of Emmanuel Macron
macrophotographie {f} :: macrophotography
macrophyte {f} [biology] :: macrophyte
macropode {adj} :: macropodous
macroscélidé {m} :: elephant shrew (animal of the order Macroscelidea)
macroscopique {adj} :: macroscopic
macroscopiquement {adv} :: macroscopically
macrosismique {adj} :: macroseismic
maculaire {adj} :: macular
macule {f} [rare and literary or sciences, astronomy, medicine, zoology] :: stain
maculer {v} :: to mark; to spoil (with a mark or marks)
macvin {m} :: A fortified wine from the Jura region of France
Madagascar {prop} {m} :: Madagascar
madame {f} :: a title or form of address for a woman, formerly for a married woman and now commonly for any adult woman regardless of marital status, used both in direct and third-person address
madame {f} :: madam, Mrs. or Ms.
madame {f} [in children's language, childish] :: Lady, woman
madame {f} :: the female employer of a domestic servant
Madame {f} :: alternative case form of madame
madame je-sais-tout {f} [colloquial] :: know-it-all
Madame Michu {prop} :: The average homemaker
Madame Michu {prop} :: A relatively unsophisticated user of technology
Madame Watanabe {prop} {f} :: Mrs. Watanabe (personification of the Japanese housewife speculators)
madeleine {f} :: madeleine (small gateau in the shape of a scallop shell)
madeleine {f} [figuratively] :: madeleine (something which brings back a memory)
Madeleine {prop} {f} :: given name
mademoiselle {f} :: Miss (as a form of address)
mademoiselle {f} :: Miss (as a title with a name)
Mademoiselle {f} :: A title or form of address for a girl or a young woman, Miss
madère {m} :: Madeira [wine]
Madère {prop} :: Madeira (island)
madérisation {n} :: maderization
madianite {mf} :: Midianite
madone {f} :: beautiful woman, an angel
Madone {f} [arts, religion] :: Madonna
madras {m} [textiles] :: madras
madré {adj} [rare, of wood] :: mottled
madré {adj} :: crafty, sly
madré {m} :: crafty fox, sly devil, sly dog (person)
madrépore {m} :: madrepore
Madrid {prop} :: Madrid (capital city)
Madrid {prop} :: Madrid (autonomous community)
Madrid {prop} :: Madrid (province)
madrier {m} :: beam
madrigal {m} [music] :: madrigal
madrilène {adj} :: Madrilenian, of, in or relating to the Spanish capital Madrid
madrilène {adj} :: Madrilenian, of, in or relating to the Spanish province Madrid, having the above as capital
Madrilène {mf} :: Someone from Madrid
maelström {m} :: alternative form of maëlstrom
maëlstrom {m} :: maelstrom
Maëlys {prop} {f} :: given name
mænade {f} :: obsolete form of ménade
maestria {f} :: master (female) in an artistic or technical field
maestro {m} :: maestro
Maeva {prop} {f} :: given name
Maéva {prop} {f} :: given name
maffioso {m} :: alternative spelling of mafioso
mafflu {adj} :: chubby
mafia {f} :: The Mafia
mafieux {adj} [attributive] :: mafia
mafieux {m} :: Mafioso (member of the mafia)
ma foi {interj} :: indeed
ma foi {interj} :: frankly
Magali {prop} :: given name, a Provençal variant of Marguerite ( =Margaret)
magané {adj} :: damaged
magané {adj} [colloquial] :: hungover
magasin {m} :: shop, store
magasin {m} :: magazine (repository of armaments, or part of a weapon)
magasin {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: barn
magasinage {m} :: stockroom, storeroom
magasinage {m} [Quebec] :: shopping
magasin d'usine {m} :: outlet, factory outlet (shop)
magasiner {v} [Canada] :: To shop
magasinier {m} :: shopkeeper; shop worker
magasinière {f} :: feminine noun of magasinier
magazine {m} :: magazine (periodical publication)
magdalénien {adj} :: Magdalenian
magdaléon {m} :: suppository
mage {m} :: specialist in occult sciences foretelling the future
mage {m} [obsolete] :: magus: priest of the Zoroaster religion, with the Persians and the Medes
mage {m} :: wise man (one of the three wise men that came from the East to Bethlehem for Jesus Christ)
Magendie {prop} :: surname
magenta {m} :: magenta (pinkish purple colour)
Magenta {prop} :: Magenta
maghrébin {adj} :: Maghrebi
maghrébin {m} :: Maghrebi
maghzen {m} :: alternative form of makhzen
magicien {m} :: magician
magicienne {f} :: feminine noun of magicien
magie {f} :: magic
magie {f} [figurative] :: A magical, surprising, fascinating feat
magie {f} :: The art illusionism
magie blanche {f} :: white magic
magie noire {f} :: black magic
magique {adj} :: magic, magical
magiquement {adv} :: magically
magistère {m} :: magistery
magistral {adj} :: magistral (relating to or fitting for a master)
magistral {adj} :: ex cathedra
magistral {adj} [figuratively] :: remarkable, masterful
magistral {adj} [figuratively] :: resounding, sound
magistralement {adv} :: brilliantly, masterfully
magistrat {m} :: magistrate; judge
magistrat du siège {m} [legal] :: judge
magistrate {f} :: magistrate (female)
magistrature {f} :: magistracy, magistrature
magma {m} [geology] :: magma
magma {m} [math] :: magma
magma {m} :: melange, hodgepodge, farrago (disordered mixture of disparate things)
magmat {m} [dated, rare] :: alternative spelling of magma
magmatique {adj} [geology] :: igneous
magmatique {adj} [attributive] :: magma, magmatic
magmatique {adj} :: jumbled, mixed-up (relating to a hodgepodge or disordered collection of things)
magmatisme {m} [geology] :: magmatism
magnacide {m} [organic compound] :: acrolein
magnan {m} :: silkworm
magnanerie {f} :: magnanerie
magnanime {adj} :: magnanimous
magnanimement {adv} :: magnanimously
magnanimité {m} :: magnanimity
magnat {m} :: magnate, tycoon
magner {v} :: bump, hit into (accidentally)
magner {vr} [slang] :: move
magnésémie {f} [pathology] :: magnesemia
magnésie {f} :: magnesia
magnésien {adj} :: magnesian
magnésique {adj} [geology] :: magnesic
magnésite {f} [mineralogy] :: magnesite
magnésium {m} :: magnesium
magnétar {m} [astronomy] :: magnetar
magnétique {adj} :: magnetic
magnétiquement {adv} :: magnetically
magnétisation {f} [physics] :: magnetization (the act of magnetizing, or the state of being magnetized)
magnétiser {v} :: to magnetise (UK), to magnetize (US)
magnétiseur {m} :: magnetiser
magnétiseur {m} :: hypnotist, mesmerist
magnétisme {m} :: magnetism (the property of being magnetic)
magnétite {f} :: lodestone
magnéto- {prefix} :: magneto-
magnéto {f} :: magneto
magnéto {m} :: tape recorder
magnéto {m} :: videocassette recorder
magnétocalorique {adj} [physics] :: magnetocaloric
magnétocassette {m} :: cassette deck / cassette recorder
magnétochimie {f} :: magnetochemistry
magnétodynamique {adj} :: magnetodynamic
magnétogaine {f} :: magnetosheath
magnétohydrodynamique {adj} :: magnetohydrodynamic
magnétologie {f} [physics] :: magnetology
magnétomètre {m} :: magnetometer
magnéton {m} [physics] :: magneton
magnétopause {f} :: magnetopause
magnétophone {m} :: tape recorder (an electromechanical device use to record and play back sound)
magnétoqueue {f} :: magnetotail
magnétorécepteur {m} :: magnetoreceptor
magnétoréception {f} [biology] :: magnetoception
magnétorésistance {f} [physics] :: magnetoresistance
magnétorhéologique {adj} [physics] :: magnetorheological
magnétoscope {m} :: videocassette recorder
magnétoscoper {v} :: to record (using a videocassette recorder)
magnétosome {m} [physic, biology] :: magnetosome
magnétosphère {f} :: magnetosphere
magnétostatique {adj} :: magnetostatic
magnétostratigraphie {f} [geology] :: magnetostratigraphy
magnétostrictif {adj} [physics] :: magnetostrictive
magnétostriction {f} [physics] :: magnetostriction
magnétotactique {adj} :: magnetotactic
magnétotactisme {m} :: magnetotaxis
magnétotaxie {f} :: magnetotaxis
magnétothermique {adj} :: magnetothermic
magnétron {m} :: magnetron
magnificence {f} :: magnificence
magnifier {v} :: to exalt with praise; usually in reference to God
magnifique {adj} :: magnificent, splendid, superb
magnifiquement {adv} :: magnificently
magnitude {f} :: magnitude
magnitude absolue {f} [astronomy] :: absolute magnitude
magnitude apparente {f} [astronomy] :: apparent magnitude
Magnol {prop} :: surname
magnolia {m} :: magnolia (tree, flower)
Magnon {prop} :: Magnon; surname
magnum {m} [wine] :: A bottle of wine containing 1.5 liters of fluid, double the volume of a standard bottle
magot {m} [colloquial] :: pile (of money), hoard
magot {m} :: a commercial agent
magouillage {m} :: trickery
magouillage {m} :: wrangling
magouille {f} :: trick, scheme, plot
magouille {f} :: wrangling
magouiller {v} [colloquial] :: to wangle, to achieve by contrivance or trickery
magouilleur {m} :: schemer
magouilleuse {f} :: feminine singular of magouilleur
magret {m} :: magret
magyar {adj} :: Hungarian
magyarisation {f} :: Magyarization
magyariser {v} :: To Magyarize
maharadja {m} :: alternative form of maharaja
maharaja {m} :: maharaja
maharashtrien {adj} :: Maharashtrian
maharashtrien {m} :: Maharashtrian
mahdi {prop} {m} :: Mahdi
Mahé {prop} :: Mahé (small town)
Mahé {prop} :: Mahé (<<former>> French <<enclave>> comprising the <<town:pref/Mahé>> and a few neigbouring towns, in the colonial part of French India)
Mahé {prop} :: Mahé (the largest <<island>> of the <<c/Seychelles>>)
mah-jong {m} :: mahjong (game for four)
mah-jong {m} :: mahjong tile
Mahomet {prop} {m} [Islam] :: Muhammad (Islamic prophet)
mahometan {m} :: obsolete form of mahométan
mahométan {m} [obsolete] :: "Mohammedan": Muslim
mahométan {adj} [obsolete] :: "Mohammedan": Muslim
mahométisme {m} :: Mohammedanism
mahorais {adj} :: Mahoran
Mahorais {m} :: Mahorais
Mahoraise {f} :: feminine singular of Mahorais
Mahoré {prop} [rare] :: synonym of Mayotte
mahratte {m} :: Marathi (language)
mai {m} :: May (month)
maïeur {m} :: alternative spelling of mayeur
maïeutique {f} :: maieutics
maïeutique {adj} :: maieutic, Socratic
maïeutiquement {adv} :: maieutically, Socratically
maigre {adj} :: meagre, skinny
maigre {adj} :: lean, thin
maigre {m} :: meagre (fish)
maigre comme un clou {adj} [simile] :: thin as a rake, thin as a wafer
maigrelet {n} :: skinny
maigrement {adv} :: poorly, weakly
maigreur {f} :: thinness (state of being thin)
maigreur {f} :: meagreness
maigrichon {adj} :: skinny
maigriot {adj} :: slimmish
maigrir {v} :: to slim, to get slim, to lose weight
mail {m} :: maul
mail {m} [sports, historical] :: pall mall mallet
mail {m} [by extension] :: pall mall
mail {m} :: mall, promenade
mail {m} [Quebec] :: mall, shopping mall
mail {m} :: [informal] email
mailer {v} :: to email (send an email)
mailing {m} :: mailing list
maillage {m} :: meshing (of a net)
maille {f} :: [sewing] stitch
maille {f} :: mesh, the gap between threads in cloth etc
maille {f} :: link (in chainmail etc.)
maille {f} [graph theory] :: girth
maille {f} :: [obsolete] ancient currency, equivalent to half of a denier
maillechort {m} :: nickel silver
mailler {v} :: to mesh
maillet {m} :: A mallet hammer
maillet {m} [sports] :: The mallet used to play croquet and polo
maillet {m} [archaic] :: A hammer for striking nails
maillet {m} [archaic] :: A door hammer
mailloche {f} :: beetle (wooden mallet)
mailloche {f} :: rake (of moulder)
mailloche {f} [music] :: a mallet drumstick
mailloche {f} [music] :: beater (for a xylophone)
maillocher {vt} :: to hit with a mailloche
maillon {m} :: link (of a chain)
maillon faible {m} [idiomatic] :: weakest link (part most likely to fail or be inadequate)
maillot {m} :: vest
maillot {m} :: leotard (of a dancer); shirt, jersey (of a footballer); singlet (of a runner, of a basketball player)
maillot {m} :: bikini line
maillot {m} [historical] :: swaddling clothes
maillot blanc {m} [cycling] :: white jersey
maillot de bain {m} :: swimsuit
maillot jaune {m} [cycling] :: yellow jersey (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France)
maillot vert {m} [cycling] :: green jersey (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France points competition)
main {f} :: hand
main {f} [soccer] :: handball
main {f} [poker] :: hand
mainate {m} :: myna / mynah (bird)
main dans la main {adv} [figuratively] :: hand in hand, together
main de fer {f} [figurative] :: iron fist
main-d'œuvre {f} :: labour, manpower
main-d'œuvre {f} :: workforce
Maine {prop} {m} :: Maine (province)
Maine {prop} {m} :: Maine (state)
Maine {prop} {f} :: Maine (river)
maine coon {m} :: Maine Coon (cat)
Maine-et-Loire {prop} :: Maine-et-Loire (department)
main-forte {f} :: aid, support
mainlevée {f} [legal] :: withdrawal; release
mainmise {f} :: domination, control
mainmise {f} [legal] :: seizure
mainmorte {f} :: mortmain
maint {adj} [archaic or literary] :: many
maint {pron} [rare or literary] :: many
maintefois {adv} [dated, literary] :: often
maintenance {f} :: maintenance
maintenant {adv} :: now, currently
maintenant que {conj} :: now that
mainteneur {m} :: maintainer
mainteneuse {f} :: feminine singular of mainteneur
maintenir {v} :: to maintain
maintenir {v} :: to stick to
maintenir {vr} [se maintenir, of the weather] :: to stay fair
maintenir {vr} [se maintenir] :: to persist
maintenir {vr} [se maintenir] :: to keep up
maintien {m} :: upkeep
maintien {m} :: maintaining
maintien {m} :: demeanor, behavior
maintien {m} [sports] :: survival
main verte {f} [idiomatic] :: green thumb
maïoral {adj} [Belgium] :: mayoral
maïorat {m} :: Role of a mayor
maire {mf} :: mayor
maire {mf} :: [by restriction] male mayor
mairesse {f} [Quebec, Switzerland] :: feminine noun of maire; A mayoress, female mayor
mairesse {f} [obsolete] :: the wife of a mayor
mairie {f} :: mayor’s office, mayoralty
mairie {f} :: town hall
mais {conj} :: but, although
mais {interj} :: an expression of surprise, disbelief, or frustration roughly equivalent to the English well, or sometimes yeah
maïs {m} :: corn, maize
mais bien sûr {interj} [literally] :: but of course!
mais bien sûr {interj} [colloquial] :: yeah, right! as if!
maïs éclaté {m} [Canada] :: popcorn
mais encore {interj} :: And? What else?
maïs lessivé {m} [food] :: hominy (lye-washed maize (corn))
maison {f} :: house
maison {adj} :: homemade
maison {adj} [employment] :: in-house
maison {adj} [colloquial] :: [intensifier] first-rate, top-notch
Maison Blanche {prop} {f} :: White House (The official residence of the President of the United States of America)
Maison Blanche {prop} {f} :: White House (The United States government)
maison close {f} :: brothel
maison de campagne {f} :: country house
maison de correction {f} :: reform school, reformatory, borstal; house of correction
maison de cour {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: courthouse
maison de crapaud {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: mushroom
maison de disque {f} :: label (company selling records)
maison de disques {f} :: alternative spelling of maison de disque
maison d'édition {f} :: publishing house
maison de jeu {f} :: casino
maison de jeu {f} :: play house, Wendy house
maison de passe {f} :: maison de passe, love hotel
maison de repos {f} :: rest home, nursing home, care home
maison de retraite {f} :: retirement home
maison de tolérance {f} :: (licensed) brothel, maison de tolérance
maison d'hôte {f} :: bed and breakfast
maison du tourisme {f} :: A municipal French regulatory body of tourism; i.e., Maison du Tourisme de Grenoble
maison en bande {f} :: terraced house, row house
maison mère {f} :: motherhouse
maisonnée {f} :: household
maisonnette {f} :: a low, small house
mais où est donc Ornicar {phrase} [mnemonic] :: A mnemonic phrase to help remember the seven coordinating conjunctions in French
mais oui {interj} :: Of course
maïs soufflé {m} [Canada] :: popcorn
maistrance {f} [nautical] :: The officers of a ship
maistresse {f} :: obsolete form of maîtresse
Maïté {prop} {f} :: given name borrowed from Basque and Spanish Maite
maitre {m} :: alternative spelling of maître
Maitre {m} :: alternative spelling of Maître, a title given to lawyers and notaries public in France, Belgium, and Canada
maître {m} :: master
maître {m} :: leader
maître {m} :: primary school teacher
Maître {mf} :: a title given to lawyers and notaries public in France, Belgium, and Canada
maître à penser {m} :: mentor, guru, maître à penser; thought leader, authority
maître-autel {m} :: high altar
maitre-chanteur {m} :: a blackmailer (someone who blackmails)
maitre-chanteuse {f} :: feminine singular of maitre-chanteur
maître-chien {m} :: dog handler
maître-cylindre {m} [engineering] :: master cylinder
maître de ballet {n} :: ballet master
maître de cérémonie {m} :: master of ceremonies, MC; marshal
maître d'école {m} :: primary school teacher
maître de conférences {m} :: associate professor
maître de maison {m} :: host (person who allows a guest)
maître d'hôtel {m} :: the person in charge of the team of waiters in a restaurant or hotel
maître d'hôtel {m} :: a headwaiter; major-domo
maître d'ouvrage {m} :: client, customer, user
maître d'ouvrage {m} :: [IT] project leader, process manager; [construction industry] contracting authority
maître-mot {m} :: watchword, byword, name of the game, key, keyword, guiding principle
maitre-nageur {m} :: alternative form of maître-nageur
maître-nageur {m} :: lifeguard (attendant employed to save swimmers in trouble or near drowning)
maitre-nageuse {f} :: feminine singular of maitre-nageur
maître-nageuse {f} :: feminine singular of maître-nageur
maitresse {f} :: alternative spelling of maîtresse
maîtresse {f} :: mistress
maitresse de maison {f} :: alternative spelling of maîtresse de maison
maîtresse de maison {f} :: housewife
maîtresse de maison {f} :: hostess
maîtresse de maison {f} [obsolete] :: bawd, mistress of a brothel (see maison close, maison de tolérance)
maîtrisable {adj} :: masterable
maitrise {f} :: alternative spelling of maîtrise
maîtrise {f} :: mastery
maîtrise {f} :: control
maîtrise {f} [Canada] :: master's degree
maitriser {v} :: alternative spelling of maîtriser
maîtriser {v} :: to master, have authority over somebody
maîtriser {v} :: to dominate, overcome, conquer, control
maîtriser {v} [figuratively] :: be master of
maîtriser {v} :: to master, to be able to, to know how to accomplish very well
maïzena {f} :: cornflour / cornstarch
Majeau {prop} :: surname
majesté {f} :: majesty (greatness)
majesté {f} :: majesty (quality of being majestic)
majesté {f} :: majesty (title of a sovereign)
majestueusement {adv} :: majestically
majestueux {adj} :: majestic
majeur {adj} :: greater, larger, more important
majeur {adj} :: (by extension) of great importance, main, major, principal, greatest
majeur {m} :: an adult (as defined by the age of majority)
majeur {m} :: middle finger
majeur et vacciné {adj} [colloquial] :: big enough and ugly enough to take care of oneself, old enough to look after oneself, mature enough to make one's own decisions
Majewski {prop} :: surname
majolique {f} :: majolica
major {m} :: major, the upper rank of French non-commissioned officers
majorant {adj} :: increasing
majorat {m} :: majorat
majoration {f} :: increase
majordome {m} :: majordomo
majorer {vt} :: to increase
majorer {vt} :: to overestimate, to exaggerate
majoritaire {adj} :: majority (attributive form)
majoritairement {adv} :: mostly, majoritarily (as a majority)
majorité {f} :: majority (more than half)
majorité {f} :: adulthood (legal)
majorité absolue {f} :: absolute majority (a number of votes totalling over 50 per cent)
majorité qualifiée {f} :: qualified majority
majorité sexuelle {f} [law] :: age of consent
majorquais {adj} :: Mallorcan
Majorquais {m} :: Mallorcan
Majorquaise {f} :: feminine noun of Majorquais
Majorque {prop} {f} :: Majorca (island)
majorquin {adj} :: Majorcan, Mallorcan
majusculation {f} :: the act or practice of beginning a word with a capital letter when it is not the beginning of a sentence
majuscule {f} :: capital letter (uppercase letter)
makher {m} :: macher
makhzen {m} :: government of the King of Morocco during the French protectorate
maki {m} :: maki
making-of {m} :: making-of
mal- {prefix} :: badly; wrongly
mal- {prefix} :: denotes the opposite of the unprefixed form
mal {m} [as in the phrase: avoir du mal] :: trouble, difficulty
mal {m} :: pain
mal {m} :: evil
mal {adv} :: badly
mal {adj} [in set phrases and limited constructions] :: bad
Mal {prop} {m} :: Section of Tongres in Belgium
Malachie {prop} {m} [bible] :: Malachi
malachite {f} :: malachite
malacie {f} [medicine] :: malacia
malaco- {prefix} [biology] :: forms terms relating to molluscs
malaco- {prefix} :: soft, especially having a soft body
malacophage {mf} :: molluscivore
malacophage {adj} :: molluscivorous
malacophile {adj} [botany] :: malacophilous
malade {adj} :: ill, unwell, sick
malade {adj} [colloquial] :: Mentally disturbed; crazy; nuts; mental
malade {mf} :: An ill or sick person; a patient
malade {mf} [colloquial] :: Somebody who is crazy; a nutcase
malade comme un chien {adj} [simile] :: sick as a dog, sick as a parrot
malade de la gâchette {adj} :: trigger-happy (with firearms)
malade de la gâchette {mf} :: a trigger-happy person (with firearms)
maladie {f} :: illness, disease
maladie cœliaque {f} :: coeliac disease
maladie d'Alzheimer {f} :: Alzheimer's disease
maladie de la vache folle {f} :: mad cow disease
maladie des caissons {f} :: caisson disease, decompression sickness, divers' disease
maladie d'Heberden {f} [disease] :: angina pectoris
maladie du pays {f} :: homesickness (nostalgia)
maladie infectieuse {f} :: infectious disease
maladie mentale {f} :: mental illness
maladie sexuellement transmissible {f} :: sexually transmitted disease
maladif {adj} :: sickly (habitually sick)
maladif {adj} :: poorly (not well, sick)
maladif {adj} :: pathological
maladif {adj} :: diseased (having ill character)
maladivement {adv} :: sickly
maladivement {adv} :: pathologically
maladresse {f} :: clumsiness
maladresse {f} :: tactlessness
maladresse {f} :: awkwardness
maladresse {f} :: mistake, blunder
maladroit {adj} :: awkward; clumsy; maladroit
maladroitement {adv} :: awkwardly; maladroitly
malaire {adj} [anatomy] :: malar
malais {adj} :: Malay
malais {m} :: Malay language
Malais {m} :: Malay (Malay person)
malaise {m} :: malaise, uneasiness, cringe
malaisé {adj} :: difficult, awkward
malaisément {adv} :: uneasily
Malaisie {prop} {f} :: Malaysia
malaisien {adj} :: Malaysian
Malaisien {m} :: Malaysian (someone from Malaysia)
Malaisienne {f} :: feminine noun of Malaisien
mal à l'aise {adj} :: ill at ease, uncomfortable
mal amanché {adj} :: dilapidated, shabby, rundown
malandrin {m} :: brigand
malandrin {m} :: robber
malappris {adj} :: uncivilized, uneducated, ill-mannered
malappris {m} :: rascal, troublemaker
mal à propos {adv} :: inappropriately
malaria {f} :: malaria
malavisé {adj} :: unwise, injudicious, unadvised
malavisément {adv} :: unwisely, injudiciously, unadvisedly
malawien {adj} :: Malawian
Malawien {m} :: Malawian
Malawienne {f} :: feminine noun of Malawien
malawite {adj} :: Malawian
malaxer {v} :: to knead
malaxer {v} :: to massage
malaxeur {m} :: malaxator, mixer
malayalam {m} :: Malayalam (language)
mal baisé {adj} [slang] :: in need of a good seeing-to; irritable, frustrated etc. from lack of sex
mal-baisé {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: unpleasant person
mal-baisée {f} :: feminine singular of mal-baisé
mal barré {adj} [colloquial] :: in bad shape (of a person, situation, etc.)
malbouffe {f} :: junk food (food with little or no nutritional value)
malchance {f} :: mischance, misfortune, bad luck
malchanceux {adj} :: unlucky; unfortunate
malcommode {adj} :: inconvenient
malcommode {adj} :: impractical
malcontent {adj} [dated] :: unhappy
mal dans sa peau {adj} :: not comfortable in one's own skin, not comfortable with who one is, feeling ill at ease with oneself
mal de chien {m} [colloquial] :: great pain
mal de chien {m} [colloquial] :: great difficulty
mal de débarquement {m} :: disembarkment syndrome
mal de gorge {m} :: sore throat
mal de l'air {m} :: airsickness
mal de la route {m} :: carsickness
mal de mer {m} :: seasickness
mal des transports {m} :: motion sickness, travel sickness
mal de tête {m} :: headache
Maldives {prop} {fp} :: Maldives
maldivien {adj} :: Maldivian
Maldivien {m} :: Maldivian
Maldivienne {f} :: feminine noun of Maldivien
maldonne {f} :: misunderstanding, misconception
maldonne {f} [card games] :: misdeal
mal du pays {m} :: homesickness
mâle {adj} :: male
mâle {adj} :: manly
mâle {m} :: male (of a species)
maléate {m} [organic chemistry] :: maleate
malécite {adj} :: Maliseet
malécite {m} :: Maliseet (language)
malédiction {f} :: spell, curse (supernatural detriment)
maléfice {m} :: evil spell, wicked spell
maléfique {adj} :: maleficent, malevolent
maléique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: maleic
mal élevé {adj} :: rude, bad-mannered, ill-mannered
mal élevé {m} :: ill-mannered person
mal embouché {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: foul-mouthed
mâlement {adv} :: masculinely
mâlement {adv} :: virilely
malemort {f} [literary, archaic] :: a cruel or horrible death
malencontre {f} [dated] :: bad luck; misfortune
malencontreusement {adv} :: unfortunately (happening through bad luck)
malencontreux {adj} :: unfortunate
mal en point {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: in a bad state, unwell, ailing, beleaguered
malentendant {adj} :: hard of hearing; somewhat deaf
malentendant {m} :: person who is hard of hearing ; a hearing-impaired
malentendante {f} :: feminine noun of malentendant
malentendu {m} :: misunderstanding
malepeste {interj} [archaic] :: An expression of surprise
mal-être {m} :: malaise, ill feeling, emotional suffering
malfaçon {f} :: fault
malfaçonné {adj} :: faulty
malfaire {v} [archaic] :: do wrong
malfaisance {f} [literary] :: wrongdoing
malfaisant {adj} :: evil, harmful, malfeasant
malfaiteur {m} :: malefactor; wrongdoer
malfamé {adj} :: disreputable
malfamé {adj} :: infamous
malfortune {f} :: misfortune
malfrat {m} :: crook, outlaw, criminal
malgache {m} :: Malagasy, the Malagasy language
malgache {adj} :: Malagasy (from, or pertaining to Madagascar)
Malgache {mf} :: Malagasy (nationality)
malgracieusement {adv} :: ungraciously
malgracieux {adj} :: ungracious
malgré {prep} :: despite, in spite of
malgré {prep} :: [with a pronoun] against (one's) will, despite (one's) protest
malgré-nous {m} :: Somebody forced into military service
malgré-nous {m} [historical] :: Soldiers from Alsace and Lorraine forced into German military service during WWI and WWII
malgré que {conj} [proscribed] :: despite that (even though; despite the fact that; although)
malgré tout {adv} :: Still; nevertheless
malgré tout {adv} [archaic] :: Come what may; in spite of everything
malhabile {adj} :: clumsy
malhabilement {adv} :: clumsily
malherbologie {f} :: The science of weeds and their control
malherbologique {adj} :: weed (attributive)
malherbologiquement {adv} :: weedily
malheur {m} :: sadness, unhappiness
malheur {m} :: misfortune
malheureusement {adv} :: unfortunately
malheureusement {adv} :: sadly
malheureux {adj} :: unhappy; miserable
malhonnête {adj} :: dishonest (not honest)
malhonnêtement {adv} :: dishonestly
malhonnêteté {f} :: dishonesty
Mali {prop} {m} :: Mali (country)
malice {f} :: mischief
malice {f} :: malice
maliciel {m} [computing] :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system)
malicieusement {adv} :: mischievously
malicieusement {adv} :: maliciously
malicieux {adj} :: mischievous
malicieux {adj} :: malicious
malicornais {adj} :: Of or from Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
Malicorne-sur-Sarthe {prop} :: A town in the Sarthe department of Pays de la Loire
malien {adj} :: from Mali; Malian
Malien {m} :: Malian (person from Mali)
Malienne {f} :: feminine noun of Malien
malignement {adv} :: malignantly
malignité {f} :: malice, spite
malignité {f} [medicine] :: malignancy
malin {adj} :: smart and quick-thinking, and often a trickster; cunning, crafty
malin {adj} [medicine] :: Malignant
malin {adj} [Quebec] :: Said of an aggressive animal or a petulant person
malin {adj} [chiefly dated or biblical] :: malicious, sadistic (which likes to do or say hurtful things for fun)
malin {adj} [obsolete] :: nocive; pernicious
malin {m} :: trickster, smart person
Malin {prop} {m} :: the Devil
maline {f} :: spring tide
Malines {prop} :: Mechelen, a city in Belgium
malingre {adj} :: delicate, fragile, puny
malintentionné {adj} :: ill-intentioned
malique {adj} :: malic
mallarméen {adj} :: Mallarméan (of or relating to Stéphane Mallarmé)
malle {f} :: large suitcase; trunk
malléabilité {f} :: malleability
malléable {adj} :: malleable (able to be hammered into thin sheets)
mal léché {adj} [colloquial] :: surly, gruff
malléolaire {adj} [anatomy] :: malleolar
malléole {m} [anatomy] :: malleolus
mallette {f} :: briefcase
mallette {f} [Belgium] :: schoolbag
malléus {m} :: malleus (small bone in the middle ear)
malmener {v} :: to manhandle, mistreat
malmener {v} :: to misuse, use incorrectly
mal nécessaire {m} :: necessary evil
malnutrition {f} :: malnutrition
malodorant {adj} :: smelly, malodorous
malolactique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: malolactic
malonique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: malonic
malotru {m} :: lout, boor
malotru {adj} :: crude, boorish
Malou {prop} {f} :: given name
malouin {n} :: of or from Saint-Malo
Malouin {m} :: someone of or from Saint-Malo
Malouine {f} :: feminine noun of Malouin
Malouines {prop} {fp} :: Falklands
malpighien {adj} [anatomy, pathology] :: Malpighian
malpoli {adj} :: rude, impolite
malpoli {m} :: a rude person
malpropre {adj} :: unclean
malproprement {adv} :: uncleanly
malpropreté {f} :: uncleanliness, dirtiness, filthiness
malrucien {adj} :: Malrucian
malsain {adj} :: unhealthy, sick
malséant {adj} :: unseemly
malsonnant {adj} :: offensive
maltage {m} :: malting (brewing process)
maltais {m} :: Maltese, the Maltese language
maltais {adj} :: Maltese
Maltais {m} :: Maltese (someone from Malta)
Maltaise {f} :: female equivalent of Maltais
Malte {prop} :: Malta (republic)
Malte {prop} :: Malta (island), Malta Island
malter {v} :: to malt
malteur {m} :: maltster
malthusianisme {m} :: Malthusianism
malthusien {adj} :: Malthusian
maltôte {f} :: A tax, especially a harsh or illegal one
maltraitance {f} :: maltreatment, ill-treatment
maltraiter {v} :: to mistreat
malvacées {fp} [botany] :: Malvaceae, mallows
malvalique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: malvalic
malveillamment {adv} :: maliciously, malevolently
malveillance {f} :: malevolence
malveillant {adj} :: malicious, malevolent
malvenu {adj} :: inopportune, untimely
malversation {f} :: malversation, corruption
malvidine {f} [organic compound] :: malvidin
malvoyant {adj} :: visually impaired
malware {m} [computing] :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system)
mamamouchi {m} :: A fictional pompous title, supposedly Turkish
mamamouchie {f} :: feminine noun of mamamouchi
maman {f} [colloquial or childish] :: mummy, mom, mum
mamange {f} :: A woman whose child died during pregnancy or childbirth
mamba noir {m} :: black mamba
mambo {m} :: mambo (music)
mambo {m} :: mambo (dance)
mamelle {f} :: breast
mamelle {f} :: nipple
mamelliforme {adj} [biology] :: mamelliform
mamelon {m} [anatomy] :: nipple
mamelon {m} [geography] :: hillock, knoll (rounded elevation or protuberance)
mamelouk {m} :: mameluk
mamelouk {adj} :: of or relating to the mameluks
mamelu {adj} :: heavy-breasted
mameluk {m} :: alternative spelling of mamelouk
mameluk {adj} :: alternative spelling of mamelouk
mamie {f} [usually childish] :: granny, grandma
mamillaire {adj} [biology] :: mamillary
mammaire {adj} :: mammary
mammalien {adj} :: mammalian
mammatus {m} :: mammatus; ellipsis of nuage mammatus
mammectomie {f} [surgery] :: mammectomy, mastectomy
mammifère {m} :: mammal
mammiochorie {f} [biology] :: mammiochory
mammogramme {m} :: mammogram
mammographie {f} :: mammography
mammoplastie {f} [surgery] :: mammoplasty
mammout {m} :: obsolete spelling of mammouth
mammouth {m} :: mammoth (elephant-like mammal)
mammouth laineux {m} :: woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
mamour {mf} [chiefly in the plural] :: sweet nothings
mam'zelle {f} :: syncopic form of mademoiselle
mamzelle {f} :: alternative form of mam'zelle, clipping of mademoiselle, syncopic form of mademoiselle
-man {suffix} :: used to form names of male professions or sportspersons
manade {f} [Provence, Camargue, Louisiana] :: herd (of bulls or horses)
management {m} [management] :: management
manager {m} [sports, Europe] :: manager
managérial {adj} :: managerial
manageur {m} [rare] :: manager
manageuse {f} :: feminine noun of manageur
manant {m} [historical] :: peasant
manant {m} :: yokel, bumpkin
Manassé {prop} :: Manasses
manceau {adj} :: relating to Le Mans, France, to its inhabitants or its culture
Manceau {m} :: An inhabitant of Le Mans
Mancelle {f} :: feminine noun of Manceau
manche {f} :: sleeve (clothing)
manche {f} [sports] :: round
manche {f} [tennis] :: set
manche {f} [snooker] :: frame
manche {f} [baseball] :: inning
manche {m} :: handle
manche {m} [popular] :: unhandy person
manche {f} :: begging (for money)
Manche {prop} {f} :: Manche (département of France)
Manche {prop} {f} [with the definite article] :: the English Channel
manche à air {m} :: windsock
manche à balai {m} :: broomstick
manche à balai {m} :: joystick
manchette {f} :: cuff
manchette {f} :: oversleeve, manchette
manchette {f} [journalism] :: headline
manchette {f} :: marginal note; note in the margin
manchon {m} :: muff (article of clothing)
manchon {m} :: snow gaiter
manchon {m} :: conserve (jam) of poultry wing
manchon {m} [technology] :: coupler
manchon {m} :: incandescent gauze, mantle
manchot {adj} :: one-armed
manchot {adj} :: armless
manchot {adj} :: one-handed (having one hand)
manchot {adj} :: handless
manchot {m} :: penguin
manchot {m} :: one-armed or no-armed person
manchot à ailerons blancs {m} :: white-flippered penguin
manchot Adélie {m} :: Adelie penguin
manchot à jugulaire {m} :: chinstrap penguin
manchot antipode {m} :: yellow-eyed penguin
manchot de Humboldt {m} :: Humboldt penguin
manchot de Magellan {m} :: Magellanic penguin
manchot des Galapagos {m} :: Galapagos penguin
manchot du Cap {m} :: African penguin
manchote {f} :: feminine noun of manchot
manchot empereur {m} :: emperor penguin
manchot papou {m} :: gentoo penguin
manchot pygmée {m} :: little penguin
manchot royal {m} :: king penguin
-mancie {suffix} :: -mancy
mancunien {adj} :: Mancunian
mandale {f} [colloquial] :: a punch, a jab, especially one that's quick and hard to dodge
Mandanda {prop} :: surname
mandarin {adj} :: mandarin (of the former Chinese empire)
mandarin {m} :: Mandarin (language)
mandarinat {m} :: mandarinate
mandarine {f} :: mandarin orange
mandarinier {m} :: mandarin orange (tree)
mandat {m} :: mandate
mandat {m} :: postal order, money order
mandat {m} [legal] :: power of attorney, proxy
mandat {m} :: (police) warrant
mandat {m} :: term in office
mandataire {m} :: proxy (agent or substitute authorized to act for another person)
mandataire {m} :: mandatary
mandat d'arrêt {m} [law] :: arrest warrant
mandater {vt} :: to appoint, elect, commission
mandature {f} :: term of office
mandchou {adj} :: Manchu (from Manchuria)
mandchou {m} :: Manchu (language)
Mandchou {m} :: Manchu (person)
Mandchoue {f} :: feminine noun of Mandchou
Mandchoukouo {prop} {m} [historical] :: Manchukuo (Manchurian puppet state controlled by Japan)
Mandchourie {prop} {f} :: Manchuria
Mandelbrot {prop} :: surname
mandélique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: mandelic
mandement {m} :: pastoral letter
mander {v} [obsolete] :: to command, summon
mander {vt} [formal] :: to inform, to send news of
mandibulaire {adj} [anatomy] :: mandibular
mandibule {f} :: mandible
mandingue {adj} :: Mandingo (attributive)
mandoline {f} [musical instruments] :: mandolin
mandoline {f} :: vegetable slicer, mandoline
mandore {f} [musical instruments] :: mandore
mandorle {f} :: mandorla
mandragore {f} :: mandrake, mandragora (plant of the genus Mandragora and its root)
-mane {suffix} :: -mane, -maniac; Used to form adjectives and nouns describing sufferers of a mania
maneaba {f} :: maneaba
manécanterie {f} :: choir school
manége {m} :: obsolete spelling of manège
manège {m} :: The art of training and riding horses
manège {m} :: riding school
manège {m} :: (unroofed) riding arena
manège {m} :: riding hall
manège {m} :: fairground attraction; merry-go-round (UK), carousel (US)
manège {m} [figuratively] :: (little) game, ploy, goings-on
mânes {mp} [historical] :: manes
mânes {mp} [literary] :: spirits
manette {f} :: lever
manette {f} [gaming] :: joystick, (console) controller
manette {f} [Québec] :: remote control
manga {m} :: a manga (comic originated in Japan)
mangaka {mf} :: a mangaka
manganèse {m} :: manganese
manganeux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: manganous
manganimétrie {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: manganimetry
manganique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: manganic
mangeable {adj} :: edible, that can be eaten without disgust
mangeaille {f} [colloquial] :: grub (food)
mange-merde {mf} [vulgar] :: gobshite (person of very poor judgment)
mangeoire {f} :: manger
mangeoire {f} :: feeder (e.g. for birds)
manger {vt} :: to eat
manger {vi} :: to eat
manger {m} :: food, foodstuff
manger à sa faim {v} :: to eat one's fill, to get one's fill, to eat as much as one wants, to have enough to eat
manger à tous les râteliers {v} [idiomatic] :: to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, to support both sides of an argument
manger comme quatre {v} [simile] :: to eat like a horse
manger comme un moineau {v} [simile] :: to eat like a bird (to eat very little)
manger comme un ogre {v} [simile] :: to eat like a horse
manger les pissenlits par la racine {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to push up daisies
manger maigre {v} :: to abstain from meat on certain days appointed by the Roman Catholic Church
manger ses mots {v} :: to mumble, to clip one's words, to pronounce indistinctly
manger son chapeau {v} :: to eat one's hat, to eat humble pie
manger sur le pouce {v} :: to eat on the go, to eat on the run, to eat on the hoof
manger une volée {v} [slang, Quebec] :: to get a hiding, to get beaten up
mangeur {m} :: eater
mangeure {f} :: A hole caused by an animal eating, in fabric or food
mangeüre {f} :: alternative spelling of mangeure
mangeuse {f} :: female equivalent of mangeur
mangeuse d'homme {f} [figuratively] :: a man-eater, a vamp, a seductress
mangeuse d'hommes {f} :: alternative spelling of mangeuse d'homme
mangoustan {m} :: mangosteen (fruit)
mangoustanier {m} [obsolete] :: mangosteen (trees)
mangouste {f} :: mongoose
mangouste {f} :: mangosteen
mangrove {f} :: A mangrove forest
mangue {f} :: mango (fruit of the mango tree)
mangue {f} :: A carnivorous mammal related to the mongoose
manguier {m} :: mango tree
manhua {m} [comics] :: manhua; Chinese comics (漫畫 / 漫画 / mànhuà)
manhwa {m} [comics] :: Korean comics
maniabilité {f} :: manoeuvrability
maniable {adj} :: handy
maniable {adj} :: manageable, manoeuvrable
maniaco-dépressif {adj} :: manic-depressive
maniaco-dépressif {m} :: manic-depressive person
maniaque {adj} :: maniacal
maniaque {mf} :: maniac (insane person)
manichéen {m} :: Manichaean
manichéen {adj} :: Manichaean
manichéisme {m} [religion] :: Manichaeism
manichéiste {mf} :: Manichaean
manichéiste {adj} :: Manichaean
manicou {m} :: manicou, common opossum
-manie {suffix} :: -mania
manie {f} [psychology] :: mania
manie {f} :: habit; idiosyncrasy
maniement {m} :: manipulation, handling
manier {v} :: to handle, manipulate, wield (an object)
manier {v} :: to use (software)
manier {v} :: to knead
maniére {f} :: alternative form of manière
maniéré {adj} :: mannered
maniéré {adj} :: affected, mincing
manière {f} :: manner, way
manière {f} [Louisiana French] :: somewhat, kinda, sorta, a bit, a little
maniérisme {m} :: mannerism (all senses)
maniériste {adj} [art] :: mannerist
maniériste {m} [art] :: mannerist (painter)
manieur {m} :: handler
manieur {m} :: manipulator
manieuse {f} :: feminine singular of manieur
manif {f} [colloquial] :: protest
manifestant {m} :: protester (someone participating in a protest)
manifestation {f} :: protest, demonstration
manifestation {f} :: expression
manifestation {f} :: assembly, gathering (of people for an event)
manifestation {f} :: creation
manifeste {adj} :: manifest
manifeste {m} :: manifesto
manifeste {m} :: manifest
manifesté {adj} :: manifested
manifesté {adj} :: demonstrated
manifestement {adv} :: obviously
manifester {v} :: to manifest or demonstrate
manifester {v} :: to protest (to speak out against something)
manigance {f} :: trick, scheme
manigancer {v} :: to conspire
maniguette {f} :: grain of paradise
maniguette {f} :: malagueta, the plant which produces grains of paradise
manille {f} [cards] :: manille
manille {f} :: ring, bracelet (as worn by a slave or convict)
manille {f} :: manilla
Manille {prop} :: Manille (capital)
manioc {m} :: cassava, manioc
manip {f} [colloquial] :: a manipulation
manipulable {adj} :: manipulable, manipulatable
manipulateur {m} :: technician, operator
manipulateur {m} :: Someone who is manipulative, a puppeteer
manipulation {f} :: manipulation
manipulatrice {f} :: feminine noun of manipulateur
manipule {m} [Ancient Rome, military] :: a maniple
manipuler {v} :: to manipulate
manique {f} :: protective glove used by workers
manique {f} [Belgium, Ardennes, Lorraine] :: oven mitt
manique {f} :: tiger paw [wrist brace used by gymnasts]
Manitoba {prop} {m} :: Manitoba
manitobain {adj} :: Manitoban (from Manitoba)
Manitobain {m} :: Manitoban (someone from Manitoba)
Manitobaine {f} :: feminine noun of Manitobain
manitou {m} :: manitou
manivelle {f} :: crank
mannane {m} [carbohydrate] :: mannan
manne {f} :: manna
manne {f} :: godsend
manne {f} :: large wicker basket
mannequin {m} :: (fashion) model
mannequin {m} :: dummy, mannequin
mannequinat {m} :: modelling (working as a model)
mannitane {f} [carbohydrate] :: mannitan
mannois {m} :: Manx (language)
mannois {adj} :: of or relating to the Isle of Man
Mannois {m} :: Manx, person from the Isle of Man
Mannoise {f} :: feminine noun of Mannois
mannoprotéine {f} [protein] :: mannoprotein
manœuvrabilité {f} :: manoeuvrability
manœuvrabilité {f} :: handling (driving characteristic of a vehicle)
manœuvrable {adj} :: maneuverable
manœuvrant {adj} :: manoeuvrable
manœuvre {f} :: move, movement
manœuvre {f} :: operation, manoeuvre
manœuvre {f} [military, in the plural] :: manoeuvres
manœuvre {m} :: labourer
manœuvrer {v} :: to maneuver
manœuvrier {m} :: tactician
manœuvrier {m} :: manipulator
manœuvrier {adj} :: tactical
manœuvrier {adj} :: manipulative
manographe {m} :: manograph [optical device]
manoir {m} :: manor
manomètre {m} :: manometer
Manon {prop} :: given name, popular in the 1990s and the 2000s
manoque {f} :: roll of tobacco
manoque {f} [nautical] :: small pieces of wood bound together, a unit of 30 to 60 fathoms
manorial {adj} :: manorial
manosphère {f} [neologism, Internet] :: manosphere, men’s rights blogs and websites collectively
manouche {mf} :: gypsy, Roma
manouvrier {m} :: journeyman
manouvrière {f} :: feminine singular of manouvrier
manquant {adj} :: missing
manque {m} :: lack
manque {f} :: See à la manque
manque à gagner {m} :: loss of earnings, loss of profit, profit loss, lost profits, shortfall, deficiency, loss of income
manquement {m} :: lack
manquement {m} :: dereliction
manquer {v} [followed by preposition de] :: to lack, to be lacking in
manquer {vi} [with the preposition à or indirect object] :: to be missed by/to be lacking to, to miss out
manquer {vt} :: to miss, to fail
manquer à l'appel {v} [figuratively] :: to be missing at roll call, to be absent
manquer à sa parole {v} :: to break one's word
manquer le coche {v} [figuratively] :: to miss the boat, to miss the bus
Mans {prop} {m} :: See Le Mans
mansarde {f} :: attic
mansardé {adj} :: attic (attributive)
mansionnaire {m} :: A palace official, in medieval France, responsible for the royal apartments
Mansoul {prop} :: surname
mansuétude {f} :: indulgence, leniency
mansuétude {f} :: calmness, serenity
mante {f} :: mantis (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea)
manteau {m} :: coat
manteau {m} :: mantle (garment worn by Orthodox bishops)
manteau {m} [geology] :: mantle
manteau {m} [biology] :: mantle (of molluscs)
manteau {m} [heraldry] :: pavilion
mantelé {adj} [zoology] :: Having a different coloured back to that of the rest of its body, in particular with birds
manteler {v} [rare, obsolete] :: To put on or wear a coat or mantle
mantelet {m} :: mantle (piece of clothing)
mantelet {m} [military] :: mantelet, shielding
mante religieuse {f} :: praying mantis
manticore {f} :: manticore
mantille {f} :: mantilla
mantisse {f} [maths] :: mantissa
Mantoue {prop} :: Mantua (Italian city and province)
manualiser {v} :: To masturbate
manucure {mf} :: manicurist
manucure {f} :: manicure
manucuré {adj} :: manicured
manuel {m} :: manual, handbook
manuel {adj} :: manual
Manuel {prop} :: given name borrowed from Spanish and Portuguese
manuéliser {v} :: alternative form of manualiser
manuellement {adv} :: manually, by hand
manufacture {f} :: factory
manufacturer {v} [dated] :: to manufacture
manufacturier {adj} [attributive] :: manufacturing
manufacturièrement {adv} :: By means of manufacturing
manuscrire {v} :: to handwrite
manuscrit {adj} :: manuscript (handwritten, or by extension typewritten)
manuscrit {m} :: manuscript
manuscritement {adv} :: (of writing) done by hand
manutention {f} [obsolete] :: maintenance; manutention
manutention {f} [technology, commercial] :: handling
manutention {f} :: storehouse, depot
manutentionnaire {m} :: warehouseman
manutentionner {vt} :: to handle
manx {m} :: The Manx language
manxois {adj} :: Manx
manxois {m} :: Manx (a Goidelic language spoken on the Isle of Man)
maoïsme {m} :: Maoism
maoïste {adj} :: Maoist
maoïste {mf} :: Maoist
maori {adj} :: Maori (of or relating to the Maori people or language)
maori {m} :: a person of Maori descent
maori {m} :: (uncountable) the Maori language
maous {adj} :: remarkable
maous {adj} :: massive
maous {m} [slang] :: (type of large-calibre) cannon, shell
ma parole {interj} :: my word!
ma pomme {pron} [colloquial] :: yours truly (I, me or myself)
mappemonde {f} :: A map of the world, showing the two hemispheres as separate circles
mapper {v} :: To map (all senses)
maquer {v} [colloquial] :: to be in a romantic relationship
maquer {vp} [colloquial] :: to go out together, to have a romantic relationship
maquereau {m} :: mackerel
maquereau {m} [colloquial] :: pimp
maquerellage {m} :: pimping
maquerelle {f} :: madam (keeper of a brothel), female pimp
maquerellement {adv} :: In the manner of a pimp
Maquet {prop} :: surname
maquette {f} :: model, mock-up
maquettiste {mf} :: scale modeler
maquignon {m} :: horse dealer
maquignonne {f} :: feminine noun of maquignon
maquillage {m} :: makeup
maquillé comme une voiture volée {adj} [simile, colloquial] :: heavily made-up, tarted up, done up like a dog's dinner
maquiller {v} :: to disguise, cover or apply makeup (to); to dress up, to embellish
maquiller {v} :: to make up (a story, lie, scenario, etc.), to fabricate; to pretend
maquilleur {m} :: makeup artist / technician
maquilleuse {f} :: feminine noun of maquilleur
maquis {m} [botany] :: macchia (Mediterranean brush)
maquis {m} [botany] :: thicket
maquis {m} [figuratively, historical, military] :: resistance, underground (movement during World War II)
maquisard {m} [historical] :: maquisard (member of a resistance or guerrilla movement)
marabout {m} [religion] :: marabout
marabout {m} [zoology] :: marabou, stork of the Leptoptilos genus
marabouter {v} :: to cast a spell; to enchant (magically)
maraboutisme {m} [Islam] :: maraboutism
maraboutiste {adj} [Islam] :: maraboutist
maraîchage {m} :: primeur farming
maraîcher {adj} [attributive] :: vegetable-growing
maraîcher {m} [archaic] :: someone who grows a vegetable garden
maraîcher {m} :: a vegetable grower
maraîchin {adj} :: Of or from the Marais breton
marais {m} :: swamp, marsh
marais {m} [archaic] :: land suitable for growing primeur or vegetable
Marais breton {prop} {m} :: A marshy region situated on the Atlantic coast between Brittany and the Vendée
marais salant {m} :: salt marsh
Marandon {prop} :: surname
maranta {mf} :: arrowroot
marante {f} :: alternative form of maranta
marasme {m} [politics, economics] :: stagnation, the doldrums
marasquin {m} :: maraschino liqueur
marathe {m} :: Marathi, the Marathi language
Marathe {prop} {mf} :: Marathi (people of Maharastra)
marathi {m} :: alternative form of marathe
marathiphone {adj} :: Marathi-speaking
marathiphone {mf} :: A Marathi-speaking person
marathon {m} :: marathon
marathonien {m} :: marathoner
marathonienne {f} :: feminine noun of marathonien
marâtre {f} [dated] :: stepmother (especially an evil one)
marâtre {f} [by extension] :: bad or uncaring mother
maraude {f} :: pilfering, scrumping
maraude {f} :: cruising (of a taxi)
maraude {f} :: prowling
marauder {vi} :: to pilfer
marauder {vi} :: to prowl
maraudeur {m} :: prowler
maraudeur {m} :: marauder
maraudeuse {f} :: feminine noun of maraudeur
marbre {m} :: marble (type of stone)
marbre {m} [baseball] :: home plate
marbré {m} :: greyfish (or similar)
marbré {m} :: marble cake
marbré {m} [geology] :: A type of spar from the Pyrenees
marbrer {v} :: to marble (create a marbled effect)
marbrerie {f} :: marble works
marbrier {m} :: marble worker
marbrier {m} :: monumental mason
marbrière {f} :: marble quarry
marbrure {f} :: marbling
marbrure {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: blotch(es)
marc {m} :: marc
Marc {prop} {m} :: Mark (biblical character)
Marc {prop} {m} :: Mark (book of the Bible)
Marc {prop} {m} :: given name
Marc-Antoine {prop} :: given name
marcasite {f} :: alternative form of marcassite
marcassin {m} :: young wild boar, marcassin
marcassite {f} :: marcasite
marc de café {m} :: coffee grounds
Marceau {prop} :: Marceau; surname
Marcel {prop} :: given name, traditionally popular in France, borne by a 3rd century saint
Marcelle {prop} :: given name
marchand {adj} [attributive] :: merchant; mercantile
marchand {m} :: seller; vendor; merchant
Marchand {prop} :: surname
marchandage {m} :: bargaining, haggling, negotiating a price
marchand d'art {m} :: art dealer
marchand de sable {m} :: sandman
marchande {f} :: feminine noun of marchand
marchander {v} :: to bargain over, to haggle over
marchander {v} :: to haggle, to dicker
marchandisage {m} :: merchandising
marchandisation {f} :: merchandizing
marchandise {f} :: merchandise
marchant {adj} :: walking
marche {f} :: march (formal, rhythmic way of walking)
marche {f} :: march (song in the genre of music written for marching)
marche {f} :: walk (distance walked)
marche {f} :: movement (of a vehicle)
marche {f} :: functioning
marche {f} :: step (step of a stair)
marche {f} :: marches (region near a border)
Marche {prop} {f} :: Marche (department)
marché {m} :: market
marché {m} :: deal, contract
marche arrière {f} :: reverse
marche à suivre {f} :: (correct) procedure, step-by-step instructions, course of action, way to go
marché aux puces {m} :: flea market (an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios)
marché du carbone {m} :: carbon emissions trading; carbon market
marche forcée {f} :: forced march, yomp
marche forcée {f} [computing] :: manual override
marché noir {m} :: black market
marche ou crève {phrase} [literally] :: move/walk or expire
marche ou crève {phrase} [idiomatic] :: sink or swim
marchepied {m} [railway] :: step
marchepied {m} :: running board (of car)
marchepied {m} [figuratively] :: stepping-stone
marcher {v} :: to walk
marcher {v} :: to travel; to move; to march
marcher {v} [figurative] :: to work, to function
marcher {v} :: to step
marcher {v} :: to cooperate
marcher {vi} :: to believe
marcher à quatre pattes {v} [literally] :: to walk on four legs
marcher à quatre pattes {v} [idiom, baby] :: to crawl
marcher sur des œufs {v} [figuratively] :: to walk on eggshells
marcher sur les plates-bandes {v} [figuratively] :: to step on someone's toes, to encroach on somebody's turf
marcheur {m} :: walker, hiker
marcheur {m} :: supporter of the political party La Republique en Marche
marcheuse {f} :: feminine noun of marcheur
marcophilie {f} :: marcophily
marcotte {f} :: cutting, layer (horticulture)
marcotter {vt} :: to layer
marde {f} [Quebec, New Brunswick, vulgar, slang] :: alternative form of merde
mardi {m} :: Tuesday
mardi gras {m} [usually, uncountable] :: Shrove Tuesday: the day when traditionally all fat and meat in the house were finished up, before Christians were banned from eating them during Lent, which commenced the following day on mercredi des cendres
mardi gras {m} [usually, uncountable] :: Mardi Gras: the last day of a carnival, traditionally the celebration immediately before the start of Lent when joy could be out of place for Christians
mardi gras {m} [countable] :: a person dressed up in a ridiculous disguise
Mardochée {prop} {m} :: Mordecai
mare {f} :: puddle
mare {f} :: pool
marécage {m} :: marshland, swamp
marécageux {adj} :: marshy, boggy
maréchal {m} :: marshal (officer in the household of a medieval prince or lord)
Maréchal {prop} :: surname see Marechal
maréchalat {m} :: marshalcy, marshalship
maréchal de camp {m} [military ranks] :: field marshal
maréchal des logis {m} [military] :: sergeant (a grade of the National Gendarmerie)
maréchale {f} :: wife of a marshal
maréchalerie {f} [uncountable] :: farriery (the work done by a farrier)
maréchalerie {f} [countable] :: farriery (a farrier's workshop)
maréchal-ferrant {m} :: farrier (person who trims and shoes horses' hooves)
maréchaussée {f} [historical] :: maréchaussée
maréchaussée {f} [jocular] :: constabulary
marée {f} :: tide
marée {f} :: catch (of fish)
marée {f} :: anything that forms a great crowd, a wave
marée de morte eau {f} :: neaps, neap tide
marée noire {f} :: an oil spill; a huge disbursement of oil on or near the coast
marégraphe {m} :: tide gauge
marégraphique {adj} :: of or relating to tide gauge
marelle {f} [games] :: hopscotch
marémoteur {adj} :: tidal
marémoteur {adj} :: wave (attributive)
marennes {fp} :: Marennes oysters
marennine {f} [organic compound] :: marennin
maréomètre {m} :: tide gauge
mareyeur {m} :: wholesale fish merchant
mareyeuse {f} :: feminine singular of mareyeur
marfouré {m} :: stinking hellebore, dungwort (Helleborus foetidus)
marfourée {f} :: alternative form of marfouré
margarine {f} :: margarine
margarique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: margaric
margaritifère {adj} :: margaritiferous
margaritique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: margaritic
Margaux {prop} :: Margaux (village)
Margaux {prop} :: The brand name of a red wine produced in Margot, France
Margaux {prop} :: Margaux (given name). alternative form of Margot. diminutive of Marguerite. Margaux was popular in the 1990s and the 2000s
marge {f} :: margin (of paper, etc)
marge de manœuvre {f} :: elbow room, wiggle room (freedom or leeway)
margelle {f} :: brink, edge
margelle {f} :: stone forming the edge of a well or fountain
marger {v} :: to margin (to give something a margin)
marginal {adj} :: Written in the margin of a book; marginal
marginal {adj} :: Of, relating to, or located at a margin or an edge; marginal
marginal {adj} :: Outside the mainstream; fringe, fringy
marginal {adj} :: Of lesser importance; secondary
marginal {m} :: A person that chose to live on the fringes of society; dropout, misfit
marginale {f} :: A woman that chose to live on the fringes of society; dropout, misfit
marginalement {adv} :: marginally
marginalisation {f} :: marginalization
marginaliser {vt} :: to marginalise
marginalité {f} :: marginality
marginalité {f} :: nonconformism
marginée {f} :: A type of geometrid moth
Margot {prop} {f} :: given name
margousier {m} :: bead tree
margrave {m} :: A margrave
margrave {f} :: margravine
marguerite {f} :: marguerite
Marguerite {prop} :: given name
marguiller {m} :: churchwarden
marguillère {f} :: feminine noun of marguiller
marguillier {m} :: churchwarden
marguillière {f} :: feminine noun of marguillier
mari {m} :: husband
mari {f} :: cannabis, marijuana
Maria {prop} {f} :: given name
mariage {m} :: marriage
mariage {m} :: wedding
mariage {m} :: union
mariage arrangé {m} :: arranged marriage
mariage blanc {m} :: sham marriage, marriage in name only
mariage blanc {m} :: white marriage
mariage civil {m} :: civil marriage
mariage de convenance {m} :: marriage of convenience
mariage homosexuel {m} :: gay marriage
mariage homosexuel {m} :: gay wedding
mariage religieux {f} :: religious marriage
mariage républicain {m} :: Republican marriage
marial {adj} :: Marian
Marian {prop} :: given name
Marianne {prop} {f} :: given name, a combination of Marie and Anne
Marianne {prop} {f} [France, politics, philosophy] :: Marianne; a personification of France
mari complaisant {m} :: mari complaisant
Marie {prop} {f} :: Mary (Biblical figure)
Marie {prop} {f} :: given name. Also a very common part in hyphenated female given names such as Anne-Marie or Marie-Pierre
Marie {prop} {f} :: Used as the latter part of hyphenated male given names such as Jean-Marie or Pierre-Marie
marié {adj} :: married
Marie-Ange {prop} :: given name, combination of Marie and Ange
Marie-Christine {prop} :: given name
Marie-Claire {prop} :: given name
Marie-Claude {prop} :: given name, combination of Marie and Claude
Marie-couche-toi-là {f} [pejorative] :: town bicycle, strumpet (promiscuous woman)
Marie-France {prop} :: given name
Marie-Françoise {prop} :: given name
Marie-Hélène {prop} :: given name
Marie-José {prop} {f} :: given name, combinatione of Marie and José
Marie-Laure {prop} :: given name
Marielle {prop} :: given name, a diminutive of Marie
Marie-Louise {prop} :: given name; made popular by 18th century royalty
Marie-Madeleine {prop} :: Mary Magdalene [biblical character]
Marie-Madeleine {prop} :: given name
Marie-Noëlle {prop} :: given name
Marie-Odile {prop} :: given name
Marie-Paule {prop} :: given name, combination of Marie and Paule
Marie-Pier {prop} {f} :: given name
Marie-Pierre {prop} {f} :: given name
marier {vt} :: to wed, to marry
marier {vr} [se marier] :: to get married, to wed
Marie-Thérèse {prop} {f} :: given name, made famous by 18th century royalty
Mariette {prop} :: given name, a diminutive of Marie
Marignac {prop} :: Any of several small communes in France
Marignac {prop} :: surname
marigot {m} :: creek (in West Africa), marigot
marijuana {f} :: marijuana, cannabis
Mariko {prop} :: given name
marimba {m} :: marimba
marin {adj} :: maritime
marin {adj} :: marine
marin {m} :: seaman
marin {f} :: navy
Marina {prop} :: given name
marinade {f} :: marinade
marin d'eau douce {m} [nautical, usually mildly derogatory] :: landlubber, freshwater seaman [literally "freshwater mariner"]
marine {f} :: navy
marine {m} :: Marine (member of the United States Marine Corps)
Marine {prop} :: given name
marine de guerre {f} [military] :: navy
marine marchande {f} :: merchant navy
marine militaire {f} [military] :: navy
mariner {v} :: to marinate
Marinescu {prop} :: surname
Marinette {prop} :: given name, a diminutive of Marine ( =Marina)
maringouin {m} :: gallinipper
maringouin {m} [Acadie, Louisiana French] :: mosquito
marinier {adj} :: sea (attributive), marine
marinier {m} :: bargeman
marinière {f} :: A sauce of white wine and onions served especially with mussels
marinière {f} :: French sailor shirt
mariolâtre {adj} :: Mariolatrous
mariolâtrie {f} :: Mariolatry
mariole {adj} [colloquial] :: astute, intelligent, discerning
mariole {mf} [colloquial] :: someone who is intelligent and astute
Marion {prop} {f} :: given name
Marion {prop} {f} :: surname
marionnette {f} :: marionette
marionnette {f} [figuratively] :: puppet (someone who is easily influenced or controlled by another)
marionnettiste {mf} :: puppeteer (person who uses a puppet)
Maripier {prop} {f} :: given name
marisque {f} :: anal skin tag
mariste {adj} :: Marist
Mariste {mf} :: Marist
marital {adj} :: marital
maritalement {adv} :: maritally (with respect to marriage)
maritime {adj} :: maritime
maritimisation {f} :: maritimization
Marius {prop} :: given name of Latin origin
marivaudage {m} :: marivaudage
marjolaine {f} [plant] :: marjoram
Marjolaine {prop} {f} :: given name
mark {m} :: mark (currency)
marketer {vt} :: To market
marketing {m} :: marketing
markovien {adj} [maths] :: Markovian
Marlène {prop} {f} :: given name borrowed from German Marlene
marmaille {f} :: rabble of kids
marmandais {adj} :: Of, from, or pertaining to, Marmande
Marmandais {m} :: An inhabitant of Marmande
Marmandaise {f} :: feminine singular of Marmandais
marmelade {f} :: marmalade
marmite {f} :: pot, cooking pot, marmite
marmite {f} [military, slang] :: (heavy) shell
marmiton {m} :: marmiton
marmonnement {m} :: mumbling, muttering
marmonner {v} :: to murmur, mumble
marmoréen {adj} :: marmoreal
marmot {m} [archaic] :: An architectural grotesque, especially a door knocker
marmot {m} [colloquial] :: kid, brat
marmotte {f} :: marmot (rodent of the genus Marmota)
marmotte {f} [figuratively] :: person who sleeps a lot
marmotte {f} :: feminine noun of marmot
marmotter {vit} :: to mumble, mutter
marmouset {m} :: grotesque, gargoyle
marmouset {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: brat, kid
marnais {adj} :: Marnese
marne {f} :: marl (mixed earthy substance)
Marne {prop} {f} :: Marne
marner {vt} [agriculture] :: to marl
marner {vi} [colloquial] :: to slog (work hard)
Maroc {prop} {m} :: Morocco
marocain {adj} :: Moroccan (pertaining to Morocco's people, language or culture)
Marocain {m} :: Moroccan
Marocaine {f} :: feminine noun of Marocain
maroilles {m} :: A French cheese made from cow's milk
Marois {prop} :: surname
maronite {adj} :: Maronite
maronite {mf} :: Maronites
maroquin {m} :: marocain (type of leather)
maroquin {m} :: Object made of marocain
maroquin {m} [figuratively, by extension] :: ministerial briefcase
maroquinerie {f} :: leathermaking, specifically the production of maroquin
maroquinerie {f} :: leather shop; shop primarily selling leather goods
maroquinier {m} :: leather / morocco craftsman or trader
maroquinière {f} :: feminine singular of maroquinier
marotique {adj} :: Marotic; graceful, elegant
marotte {f} :: a grotesque sceptre carried by a jester
marotte {f} [by extension] :: a puppet attached to a wooden stick
marotte {f} [by extension] :: a wooden head used to model headgear
marotte {f} [colloquial, figuratively] :: an obsession
maroufle {m} [colloquial, archaic] :: rascal, rogue
marquage {f} :: marking (action of making a mark)
marquage {f} :: mark, marking (the sign marked)
marquage {f} :: marking (coloration of an animal)
marquage {f} :: marking (action of e.g. marking a page)
marquage {f} :: branding (e.g. of cattle)
marquage {f} [sports] :: marking (of another player)
marquage {f} [sports] :: scoring (of e.g. a goal)
marquant {adj} :: prominent
marquant {adj} :: outstanding
marque {f} :: mark (spot)
marque {f} :: brand (of a company)
marque {f} :: mark (on one's body, e.g. a birthmark)
marqué au coin du bon sens {adj} :: commonsense
marque commerciale {f} :: trademark
marque de fabrique {f} :: name brand, trademark
marque de fabrique {f} [figuratively] :: hallmark, calling card (of someone)
marque déposée {f} :: registered trademark
marque-page {m} :: a bookmark (object or Internet tool)
marquer {vt} :: To mark, mark down (to add a mark or a spot to something)
marquer {vt} :: To mark (to place a mark in something as a reminder)
marquer {vt} :: To brand (brandish someone's skin with a mark)
marquer {vt} :: To mark (to feature as a highlight of something)
marquer {vt} [sports] :: To score (e.g. a point or a goal)
marquer d'une pierre blanche {vt} [figuratively] :: to remember as a red letter day, to mark as a milestone, to see as a landmark event
marquer le coup {v} [colloquial] :: to mark the occasion
marquer le pas {v} [figuratively] :: to run out of steam, to lose one's momentum, to slow down, to languish, to mark time
marquer les esprits {v} :: to make a lasting impression, to make an impact
marquer un point {v} [colloquial] :: to have a point, to be right
marqueté {adj} :: inlaid
marqueter {v} :: to checker
marqueterie {f} :: marquetry
marqueur {m} :: marker (something that marks)
marqueur {m} :: marker; marker pen
marqueur {m} :: marker, scorer (someone who keeps score)
marqueur {m} :: paintball gun
marquis {m} :: marquess (title of nobility)
marquisat {m} :: marquisate
marquise {f} :: marchioness (a member of foreign nobility)
marquise {f} [by extension] :: a type of finger-ring
marquise {f} [architecture] :: awning, marquee (projecting canopy over an entrance)
Marquise {prop} :: A small town in the Pas-de-Calais department of Hauts-de-France
Marquises {prop} {fp} :: Marquesas
marquisois {adj} :: Of or from Marquise
marrainage {f} :: sponsorship (as a godparent)
marraine {f} :: godmother (woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner)
marrainer {v} :: To sponsor (as a godparent)
Marrakech {prop} {m} :: Marrakech (capital city)
marrane {mf} :: Marrano
marranique {adj} :: Marranic
marranisme {m} :: Marranism
marrant {adj} :: funny, amusing
marre {f} :: a sort of hoe (gardening tool)
marre {adv} [colloquial] :: enough
marrer {vr} [se marrer, slang] :: to laugh; to be amused
marrer {v} :: to hoe (dig using a hoe)
marri {adj} [obsolete] :: flustered, angry
marri {adj} [archaic] :: saddened, sad; despondent
marri {adj} [archaic] :: ruthful, rueful, contrite
marron {m} :: horse-chestnut
marron {m} :: chestnut
marron {m} :: chestnut brown
marron {m} :: A token used as a control of the presence of someone at his post
marron {m} [pyrotechnics] :: firecracker (on a rocket)
marron {m} [colloquial] :: punch (with the fist)
marron {m} [colloquial] :: head
marron {adj} [France] :: brown
marron {adj} :: that has become wild again (used of a slave or animal who has returned to a free or wild state)
marron {adj} :: illicit, crooked (of professions)
marron {m} :: maroon (a slave or animal who has run away to live free)
marron glacé {m} :: marron glacé (chestnut preserved in sugar or syrup and flavoured with vanilla)
marronnage {m} [of a person] :: escape (of a slave or captive)
marronnage {m} [of a domestic animal] :: feralization
marronnier {m} :: chestnut tree
marronnier {m} :: horse-chestnut tree
marronnier {m} [newsmedia, figurative] :: old chestnut (A news item which, like chestnut fruits, tends to come back every year at the same time. Implies that the news is a fill-in, that might as well have been written in advance.)
marrube {m} :: horehound
mars {m} :: March (month)
Mars {prop} :: Mars (planet)
Mars {prop} :: Mars (Roman god)
marsanne {f} :: A variety of white grape used to make ermitage wine
marseillais {adj} :: From, or pertaining to Marseille
Marseillais {m} :: Marseillais
Marseillaise {f} :: female equivalent of Marseillais
Marseillaise {prop} {f} :: Marseillaise (French national anthem)
Marseille {prop} :: Marseille (capital city)
marshallais {m} :: Marshallese (language)
marshallais {adj} :: Marshallese
marsien {adj} :: Of or from Mars (in France)
marsien {adj} :: alternative form of martien
marsouin {m} :: porpoise
marsupial {m} :: marsupial
marte {m} :: marten
marteau {m} :: A hammer used for pounding
marteau {m} :: A machine tool working by pounding
marteau {m} :: A hammer-shaped tool used to hit thing, such as a gavel
marteau {m} :: A rapper; a door knocker
marteau {m} [music] :: A piano or dulcimer hammer
marteau {m} [anatomy] :: The malleus
marteau {m} [athletics] :: A throwing hammer
marteau {m} [technical] :: A hammer with bas relief marks used to imprint on wood, leather etc
marteau {m} [curling] :: Advantage of throwing the last stone
marteau {m} [clockmaking] :: A piece that strikes the bell in a clock
marteau {adj} [dated, colloquial] :: crazy; deranged
marteau à réflexes {m} [medicine] :: A reflex hammer
marteau d'armes {m} :: A war hammer
marteau-pilon {m} :: A mechanical pounding tool where a heavy mass moves vertically; a steam or power hammer
marteau-piolet {m} [climbing] :: An ice axe where the adze has been replaced with a hammering tool
marteau-piqueur {m} :: jackhammer
martelage {m} :: The act of marteler
martelage {m} :: Forging of metals by hitting them with a hammer
martelage {m} :: Marking of trees that must or must not be cut, usually with a special hammer
martèlement {m} :: The sound of a hammer hitting metal
martèlement {m} :: A repeated round reminding of hammering
marteler {v} :: to strike with a hammer; to hammer
marteler {v} :: to shape or forge with a hammer
marteler {v} :: to emphasise individual elements such as words or notes
marteler {v} :: to repeat insistently
marteleur {m} :: A hammersmith
marteleur {m} :: Someone who controls or works with a power hammer
martensitique {adj} :: martensitic (all senses)
Marthe {prop} {f} :: Martha [biblical character]
Marthe {prop} {f} :: given name
martial {adj} :: martial
Martial {prop} {m} :: given name, in continuous use (though not particularly popular)
martien {adj} :: Martian (of Mars)
Martien {m} :: Martian (imaginary inhabitant of the planet Mars)
Martien {m} :: Martian (any extra-terrestial)
Martienne {f} :: feminine noun of Martien
martin {m} :: Bird of either the starling family, or of the kingfisher family
Martin {prop} {m} :: given name. Feminine form: Martine
Martin {prop} {m} :: surname
Martine {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Martin
Martineau {prop} :: surname
martinet {m} :: a multi-tail whip, comprising leather or whipcord thongs fixed on a handle, to dust off or to administer a beating (usually to a child's bottom)
martinet {m} :: a mechanical hammer on a motor-driven cogwheel, as used to beat metal
martinet {m} :: a martin; any of the swallow-like birds, black with a white throat, of family Hirundinidae
martinet {m} :: swift (bird)
martiniquais {adj} :: Martinican, Martiniquais
Martiniquais {m} :: A Martinican
Martiniquaise {f} :: feminine noun of Martiniquais
Martinique {prop} {f} :: Martinique
martin-pêcheur {m} :: kingfisher (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines)
martre {f} :: marten (animal)
martyr {m} :: martyr
martyre {m} :: martyrdom
martyre {f} :: martyress; female equivalent of martyr
martyriser {v} [rare] :: To martyr (to make someone a martyr)
martyriser {v} [by extension] :: To cause a great a deal of pain to somebody; torture, bully, torment
martyrologie {f} :: martyrology
marxien {adj} :: Marxian
marxisant {adj} :: marxisant
marxiser {v} :: To make Marxist, convert to Marxism
marxisme {m} [philosophy] :: Marxism
marxiste {adj} :: Marxist
marxiste {mf} :: Marxist
marxiste-léniniste {adj} :: Marxist-Leninist
marxologie {f} :: Marxology
marxologique {adj} :: Marxological
marxologiquement {adv} :: Marxologically
marxologue {mf} :: Marxologist
maryland {m} :: tobacco originating from Maryland
Maryvonne {prop} :: given name popular in the 1940s and the 1950s, a combination of Marie and Yvonne
m'as {contraction} [Quebec, Missouri, colloquial] :: Equivalent to "je vais" when used as a near-future tense
mas {m} [Provence] :: farm, ranch, (country) house (type of rural farmstead in southern France)
mascara {m} :: mascara
mascarade {f} :: masquerade, masque
mascarade {f} :: farce
mascaret {m} :: bore (of a tidal river)
mascaret {m} :: streaming crowd of people
mascaron {m} :: mascaron
mascatais {adj} :: Muscatian; from Muscat
Mascatais {m} :: Muscatian; someone from Muscat
Mascataise {f} :: feminine noun of Mascatais
Mascate {prop} {m} :: Mascate (capital city)
mascotte {f} :: mascot (something used to symbolize a sports team or other group)
masculin {adj} :: male
masculin {adj} :: masculine
masculin {adj} [grammar] :: masculine
masculin {m} [grammar] :: masculine (masculine word)
masculinement {adv} :: masculinely (in a masculine way)
masculinisation {f} :: masculinization (act of making masculine)
masculiniser {v} :: to masculinize (make (more) masculine)
masculinisme {m} :: masculinism
masculinité {f} :: masculinity
Mas-d'Azil {prop} :: A small town in the Ariège department of Midi-Pyrénées
maskinongé {m} :: muskellunge
maskné {m} [pathology, colloquial] :: maskne
maso {adj} [colloquial] :: masochistic
maso {mf} [colloquial] :: masochist
masochisme {m} :: masochism (the enjoyment of receiving pain)
masochiste {mf} :: masochist
Masovie {prop} {f} :: Masovia
masovien {adj} :: Masovian
Masovien {m} :: Masovian
Masovienne {f} :: feminine noun of Masovien
masquage {m} :: masking (all senses)
masque {m} :: mask (a cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection)
masqué {adj} :: masked
masque à gaz {m} :: gas mask, respirator
masque à oxygène {f} :: oxygen mask
masque-cheval {m} :: hobby horse, a horse costume used in festivals, dance, and play
masque de nuit {f} :: sleep mask
masque de plongée {m} :: diving mask
masquer {v} :: to mask; to hide
massacre {m} :: massacre
massacrer {v} :: to massacre (kill)
massacrer {v} [figuratively] :: to do something badly
massacreur {m} :: slaughterer
massacreuse {f} :: female equivalent of massacreur
massage {m} :: physical massage
massage cardiaque {m} :: CPR (heart massage)
massage coquin {m} :: massage with a happy ending
massala {m} :: masala [type of curry]
massaliote {adj} :: Marseilles (attributive)
Massat {prop} :: Massat (town)
masse {f} :: a paste, a dough
masse {f} :: large amount or quantity of something; mass
masse {f} :: something perceived as a whole, without distinguishing its parts
masse {f} :: a sum or combination of things treated as a whole
masse {f} :: a majority, especially of people
masse {f} :: an archaic unit of count
masse {f} [finance, legal] :: a sum of allotted money
masse {f} [physics] :: mass
masse {f} [electronics] :: earth, ground (of e.g. a plug)
masse {f} :: mace (weapon)
masse {f} :: a sledgehammer
masse {f} :: thick end of a billiards cue, mace
massé {m} [billiards] :: massé
masse atomique {f} [physics, chemistry] :: atomic mass, atomic weight
masse au repos {f} [physics] :: rest mass
masse d'air {f} [meteorology] :: air mass
masse d'armes {f} :: mace (weapon)
massepain {m} :: marzipan
masser {v} :: to massage
masses {fp} :: The commoners, the people
masse salariale {f} [accounting] :: payroll (total sum of money paid to employees)
masséter {m} [muscle] :: masseter
massette {f} :: club hammer, drilling hammer (tool)
massette {f} :: bulrush (plant), cattail, reedmace
masseur {m} [massage] :: masseur
masseuse {f} :: feminine noun of masseur
massicot {m} :: massicot
massicot {m} :: guillotine, a machine for cutting paper and sheet metal
massicotier {m} :: guillotine operator (in printing)
massicotière {f} :: feminine noun of massicotier
massier {m} :: beadle
massière {f} :: feminine singular of massier
massif {m} :: massif
massif {adj} :: massive
massification {f} :: massification
massiot {m} :: spongy mass
massique {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: mass (attributive), specific
massivement {adv} :: massively, enormously
massue {f} [combat] :: club
massue {f} [juggling] :: club
mastectomie {f} :: synonym of mammectomie
master {m} :: master's degree, master's (postgraduate degree)
master {m} :: master (golf tournament)
master {m} :: master, master copy
mastère {m} :: master's degree
masterisation {f} :: mastering (uniting sound and vision on a film etc)
mastérisation {f} [computing] :: burning (of a CD or DVD)
mastérisation {f} :: mastering (of a record)
masteriser {v} :: synonym of matricer
masteriser {v} :: To burn (a CD or DVD)
mastériser {v} :: alternative form of masteriser
masters {m} :: master (all senses)
masticage {m} :: filling
masticage {m} :: puttying
masticateur {m} :: masticator
masticateur {adj} :: masticatory
masticine {f} :: masticin
mastiquer {v} :: to masticate (to chew)
mastoc {adj} :: beefy; hulky
mastoc {m} [dated] :: beefcake; hulk
mastocytose {f} [pathology] :: mastocytosis
mastodonte {m} :: mastodon
mastodynie {f} [pathology] :: mastodynia
mastoïde {f} [anatomy] :: mastoid
mastoïde {adj} [anatomy] :: mastoid
mastoïdien {adj} :: mastoidal
masturbateur {m} :: masturbator
masturbation {f} :: masturbation
masturbation intellectuelle {f} [figuratively, colloquial, pejorative] :: Reasoning or thought processes which are considered to be a waste of time; mind-wank
masturbatoire {adj} :: masturbatory (pertaining to masturbation)
masturbatrice {f} :: feminine noun of masturbateur
masturber {vtr} [_ or _] :: to masturbate
m'as-tu-vu {m} [pejorative] :: a show-off, an attention-seeker, a fop
masure {f} :: dilapidated house, hovel
masure {f} [Cauchois dialect, now, rare] :: farmhouse, rural estate
masure {f} [Cauchois dialect] :: orchard
mat' {m} [slang] :: morning
mat {adj} :: matt
mat {adj} :: pale
mat {adj} :: checkmated
mat {m} :: checkmate
mât {m} [nautical] :: mast
mât {m} :: flagstaff
matador {m} [bullfighting] :: matador
matage {m} [arts] :: Matting. Surface roughening, e.g. by etching or frosting
matage {m} [mechanical engineering] :: Local plastic deformation due to a contact pressure. Peening, bearing failure
Matam {prop} :: Matam
matamore {m} :: braggart, blusterer
matamore {f} [archaic] :: underground granary, silo
matanga {m} [Congo] :: wake, vigil
matassin {m} :: matachin
match {m} [sports] :: match
matcha {m} :: matcha (powdered green tea for ceremonies)
match nul {m} :: A tie, a draw in a competition or match
maté {m} :: maté
matelas {m} :: mattress
matelas {m} [colloquial] :: wad (of notes)
matelas pneumatique {m} :: air bed (a bed that inflated with air)
matelasser {vt} :: to pad, cushion
matelot {m} :: seaman
matelote {f} :: matelote
matelote {f} :: feminine noun of matelot
mater {v} :: to get the better of
mater {v} :: to checkmate
mater {v} [slang] :: to ogle, to check out, to watch (e.g. an attractive person)
mater {v} [archaic] :: to kill
mâter {v} :: to mast (put a mast on a watercraft)
Matera {prop} :: Matera (province/and/town)
matérialisable {adj} :: materializable
matérialisation {f} :: materialization
matérialiser {v} :: to realize, make happen
matérialiser {vr} :: to materialise
matérialisme {m} [philosophy] :: materialism
matérialisme {m} [concern over material possession] :: materialism
matérialisme dialectique {m} [philosophy] :: dialectical materialism
matérialiste {mf} :: materialist
matérialiste {adj} :: materialistic
matérialité {f} :: materiality
matériau {m} :: material (generic material)
matériau de construction {m} :: building material
matériel {m} :: equipment, supplies
matériel {m} :: hardware
matériel {adj} :: material
matériellement {adv} :: materially (with respect to material(s))
maternaliser {v} :: to maternalize
maternel {adj} :: maternal
maternel {adj} :: native
maternelle {f} :: nursery school, kindergarten
maternellement {adv} :: maternally
materner {vt} :: to mother, mollycoddle
maternisé {adj} :: formula (milk for babies)
maternité {f} :: maternity (state of being a mother)
maternité {f} :: maternity ward (in a hospital)
mathématicien {m} :: mathematician
mathématicienne {f} :: female equivalent of mathématicien
mathématique {adj} :: mathematical
mathématique {f} [maths] :: mathematics
mathématiquement {adv} :: mathematically (according to or using mathematics)
mathématiques {fp} [plurale tantum] :: mathematics (study)
mathématisable {adj} :: mathematizable (able to be transcribed in mathematical concepts)
mathématiser {v} :: mathematize (describe in terms of a mathematical equation)
Mathéo {prop} {m} :: given name
matheuse {f} :: feminine singular of matheux
matheux {m} :: mathematician
Mathias {prop} :: given name
Mathieu {prop} :: given name, a spelling variant of Matthieu ( = Matthew)
Mathilde {prop} :: given name
Mathis {prop} :: surname
Mathis {prop} :: given name revived since the 1990s
matiere {f} :: obsolete form of matière
matière {f} :: material (substance of which something is made)
matière {f} :: matter (material things, things in general)
matière {f} [physics] :: matter
matière {f} :: matter (that which is thought)
matière {f} :: content, matter (the thing in question)
matière {f} :: subject (at school)
matière grasse {f} :: fat (refined substance chemically resembling the oils in animal fat)
matière noire {f} [astronomy] :: dark matter
matière première {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: raw material
matière sombre {f} [physics] :: dark matter
Matignon {prop} {m} :: Hôtel Matignon, the official residence of the prime minister of France
Matignon {prop} {m} [metonym] :: The French government
matin {m} :: morning
mâtin {m} :: guard dog, watchdog, hound; mastiff
mâtin {m} [colloquial] :: sly old dog, cunning devil
mâtin {interj} [archaic] :: Good Lord!, I say!
matinal {adj} [attributive] :: morning; matinal
matinale {f} [radio] :: morning show
matinalement {adv} :: matinally (in the morning)
matinalier {m} :: A presenter of a morning radio show
matinalière {f} :: feminine singular of matinalier
mâtiné {adj} :: crossbred
mâtineau {m} :: Young guard dog
matinée {f} :: morning
mâtiner {vt} :: to crossbreed
mâtiner {vt} :: to mix
matines {fp} [Christianity] :: matins
matineux {adj} :: That is habitually an early riser; early-rising
matissien {adj} :: Matissean
matois {adj} :: sly (artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily)
matois {m} :: sly fox
matoisement {adv} :: slyly
maton {m} [pejorative] :: jailer
matos {m} [slang] :: gear, stuff
matos {m} [slang] :: hashish
matos {m} [slang, vulgar] :: junk, genitalia
matos {m} [slang, vulgar, pejorative, by extension] :: cunt, woman
matou {m} :: tom (male cat)
matraquage {m} :: bashing, beating up
matraquage {m} :: brainwashing
matraque {f} :: truncheon (weapon), billy club
matraque {f} :: blackjack, cosh
matraquer {v} :: to club
matraquer {v} :: to hype
matras {m} :: a crossbow's square, with a cylindric or quadrangular head
matras {m} :: an alchemist's long-necked glass receiver
matriarcal {adj} :: matriarchal
matriarcat {m} :: matriarchy
matriarcat {m} :: matriarchate
matriarche {f} :: matriarch
matricaire {f} :: mayweed (of the genus Matricaria)
matrice {f} :: matrix
matricer {v} :: To dub (add audio track to a film)
matriciel {adj} [mathematics] :: matrix (attributive)
matricule {f} [rare] :: list, register
matricule {m} :: serial number
matriculer {v} :: to assign a serial number to
matrie {f} :: motherland (in the sense of "homeland")
matrilatéralement {adv} :: matrilaterally
matrimonial {adj} :: matrimonial
matrimonialement {adv} :: matrimonially
matroïde {m} [maths] :: matroid
matronalement {adv} :: matronly
matrone {f} :: matron
matrone {f} :: matriarch
matter {v} :: alternative spelling of mater
Matthias {prop} [biblical character] :: Matthias
Matthias {prop} :: given name. Variant spelling: Mathias
Matthieu {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Matthew
Matthieu {prop} {m} :: given name of biblical origin
Matuidi {prop} :: surname
maturation {f} :: maturation
mature {adj} [of a person] :: mature
mâture {f} :: masts (of a ship)
maturément {adv} :: maturely (with maturity)
maturer {v} [rare, proscribed] :: To mature
maturité {f} :: maturity
maturité {f} [Switzerland] :: baccalaureat (≈ A-level, high school diploma)
matutinalement {adv} :: matutinally (in the early morning)
Maud {prop} :: given name
maudire {vt} :: to curse
maudit {adj} :: damn; cursed; goddam
maudit {adj} [Quebec] :: damn [used in a positive way]
maugrebleu {interj} [dated] :: bother!, drat!, blow!
maugréer {vi} :: to grumble
maupassantien {adj} :: Maupassantian
maure {adj} :: Moorish
Maure {mf} :: Moor (A member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people)
mauresque {adj} :: Moorish
Maurétanie Césarienne {prop} {f} :: Mauretania Caesariensis (northwest-African province of the Roman Empire)
maurétanien {adj} :: Mauritanian, Mauritian
Mauriac {prop} :: surname
Maurice {prop} :: Mauritius (country)
Maurice {prop} :: given name
Mauriceau {prop} :: surname
Mauricie {prop} :: Mauricie (administrative region)
mauricien {adj} :: Mauritian
Mauricien {m} :: Mauritian, someone from Mauritius
Mauricienne {f} :: Mauritian, someone from Mauritius
Mauritanie {prop} {f} :: Mauritanie (country)
Mauritanie Césarienne {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Maurétanie Césarienne
mauritanien {adj} :: Mauritanian
Mauritanien {m} :: Mauritanian
Mauritanienne {f} :: feminine noun of Mauritanien
mausolée {m} :: mausoleum
maussade {adj} :: sullen (mood)
maussade {adj} :: dull, dreary (landscape, weather etc.)
maussadement {adv} :: sullenly
maussaderie {f} :: sullenness
mauvais {adj} :: bad
mauvais {adj} :: wrong, incorrect
mauvais coucheur {m} :: an awkward customer, a crosspatch, a grouch
mauvaise foi {f} :: bad faith
mauvaise graine {f} :: bad apple
mauvaise herbe {f} :: weed (unwanted plant)
mauvaise honte {f} :: bashfulness
mauvaise langue {f} [colloquial] :: mauvaise langue
mauvaisement {adv} :: badly, wrongly
mauvaisement {adv} :: wickedly
mauvaise passe {f} [colloquial] :: bad spell, rough patch, tough time, difficult time, dire straits
mauvaiseté {f} :: wickedness
mauvais gagnant {m} :: sore winner
mauvais œil {m} :: the evil eye
mauvais perdant {m} :: sore loser, poor sport
mauvais sort {m} :: curse (supernatural detriment)
mauve {f} :: mallow
mauve {m} :: mauve
mauve {adj} :: mauve
mauve {f} :: mew, gull, seagull
mauvéine {f} [organic compound] :: mauveine
mauviette {f} :: A type of lark
mauviette {f} :: wimp, candy-ass
mauvis {m} :: redwing (bird)
Max {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Maxime and Maximilien
Maxence {prop} {m} :: given name
maxi {adv} [colloquial] :: maximum; maximally
maxidiscompte {adj} :: discount, low-cost (used especially to describe shops that sell basic items at a heavy discount)
maxidiscompteur {m} :: discount store
maxillaire {adj} :: maxillary
maxillaire {m} :: maxilla
maximal {adj} :: maximal
maximaliser {v} :: to maximize
maximaliste {mf} :: maximalist
maxime {f} :: maxim
Maxime {prop} :: given name derived from Latin Maximus
Maximilien {prop} :: given name
maximiser {vt} :: to maximize
maximum {m} :: maximum
maya {adj} :: Mayan (relating to the Mayans)
maya {adj} :: Mayan (relating to the Mayan language)
Maya {mf} :: Mayan (person)
Mayaud {prop} :: surname
Mayeaux {prop} :: surname
Mayence {prop} {f} :: Mayence (city/state capital)
mayennais {adj} :: relating to Mayenne
Mayennais {m} :: person from Mayenne
Mayennaise {f} :: feminine noun of Mayennais
Mayenne {prop} {f} :: Mayenne
mayeur {m} [Belgium, historical] :: Municipal officer
mayeur {m} [Belgium, colloquial] :: mayor
Mayeux {prop} :: surname
mayonnaise {f} :: mayonnaise
mayonnaise {f} [analogy, mechanics, familiar] :: milkshake (accidental emulsion of oil and water in an engine)
mayoral {adj} :: alternative spelling of maïoral
mayorat {m} :: alternative spelling of maïorat
Mayotte {prop} :: Mayotte
mazarinade {f} [historical] :: mazarinade
mazette {f} :: duffer (incompetent person)
mazette {interj} :: Expression of surprise or amazement, in either a positive or negative sense
mazout {m} :: heating oil
mazout {m} [Belgium] :: A cocktail made with beer and cola
mazout {m} [France] :: A cocktail made with pastis and cola
mazouté {adj} :: polluted with oil
mazouter {v} :: to pollute with petrol or oil
mazurka {f} :: mazurka
mazurque {f} :: mazurka
mazzinien {adj} :: Mazzinian
mbalakh {m} [music] :: mbalax (music style)
mbalax {m} [music] :: mbalax (music style)
Mbappé {prop} :: surname
Mbour {prop} :: Mbour (city)
McDo {m} :: alternative form of MacDo
McKinnon {prop} :: McKinnon, surname
mcx. {mp} :: alternative form of mcx
mcx {mp} :: pcs. (pieces)
Mdlle {f} :: abbreviation of Mademoiselle
mdr {interj} [Internet slang, texting] :: initialism of mort de rire (literally dead of laughter; used in chat settings in a manner similar to the English LOL)
MDR {interj} [Internet slang, initialism] :: alternative case form of mdr
me {pron} [direct object] :: me
me {pron} [indirect object] :: to me
Me. {n} :: abbreviation of Maître
mé- {prefix} :: Reduced form of més-. See més-
mea culpa {interj} :: mea culpa
méandre {m} :: meander (winding, crooked or involved course)
méandrer {v} :: to meander (wind, turn or twist)
méat {m} [anatomy] :: meatus
Meaux {prop} :: surname
mébioctet {m} :: mebibyte
mec {m} [slang] :: guy, fellow, bloke, chap, dude, boyfriend
mec {m} [obsolete, slang] :: pimp
mécanicien {m} :: mechanic (a skilled worker capable of building or repairing machinery)
mécanicienne {f} :: feminine noun of mécanicien
mécanique {adj} :: mechanical
mécanique {adj} :: mechanic
mécanique {f} :: mechanics (the science)
mécanique {f} :: mechanics (the area of study)
mécaniquement {adv} :: mechanically
mécanique quantique {f} :: quantum mechanics
mécanisable {adj} :: mechanisable
mécanisation {f} :: mechanization
mécanisé {adj} :: mechanized
mécaniser {v} :: to mechanize
mécanisme {m} [philosophy] :: mechanism
mécaniste {adj} :: mechanistic
mécano {m} [colloquial] :: mechanic
mécanochimie {f} [chemistry] :: mechanochemistry
mécanographie {f} :: mechanography
mécanographique {adj} :: mechanographic
mécanothérapie {f} :: mechanotherapy
mécanothérapique {adj} :: mechanotherapeutic
mécanothérapiste {mf} :: mechanotherapist
mécatronique {f} :: mechatronics
mécatronique {adj} :: mechatronic
mécénat {m} :: sponsorship, patronage
mécène {m} :: patron (of arts)
méchamment {adv} :: nastily; meanly; cruelly
méchamment {adv} [colloquial] :: very
méchanceté {f} :: nastiness, malice, wickedness
méchant {adj} :: mean, unkind
méchant {adj} :: evil, wicked
méchant {m} :: jerk (cruel person)
méchant {m} [fiction] :: baddie, bad guy, villain
méchantement {adv} :: wickedly
mèche {f} :: wick (of candle)
mèche {f} :: fuse (of a bomb)
mèche {f} :: lock, tuft (of hair); streak (of colour, etc., in hair)
mèche {f} [medicine] :: packing
mèche {f} :: drill bit
mèche {f} [musical instruments, lutherie, bowmaking] :: hair
méchoui {m} :: spit-roasted sheep (whole animal)
mechta {f} :: A small village in North Africa
Meckhe {prop} :: Meckhe (city)
mecklembourgeois {adj} :: Of or from Mecklenburg
Mecklembourgeois {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Mecklenburg
Mecklembourgeoise {f} :: feminine singular of Mecklembourgeois
mécomprendre {v} :: to misunderstand
mécompte {m} :: miscalculation
mécompte {m} :: disappointment
méconate {m} [organic chemistry] :: meconate
méconique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: meconic
méconnaissable {adj} :: unrecognizable
méconnaissance {f} :: unawareness
méconnaitre {v} :: alternative spelling of méconnaître
méconnaître {v} :: to not recognize or be unaware of
méconnaître {v} [by extension] :: To ignore someone by pretending not to know them
méconnaître {v} [figuratively] :: Fail to treat someone in the way they deserve; not appreciate a quality, something they merit
mécontent {adj} :: discontented
mécontent {adj} :: dissatisfied
mécontentement {m} :: discontent, displeasure
mécontenter {v} :: to displease, disgruntle
mécréant {adj} :: atheistic
mécréant {adj} [pejorative] :: infidel
mécréant {m} :: unbeliever, non-believer
mécréant {m} [pejorative] :: infidel
mécroire {v} [now, rare] :: to disbelieve (refuse to believe)
médaille {f} :: medal
médaille d'argent {f} :: silver medal
médaille de bronze {f} :: bronze medal
médaille d'or {f} :: gold medal
médaille en chocolat {f} [humorous] :: a nonexistent prize for finishing in fourth place (as opposed to the actual gold, silver and bronze medals for finishing first, second, and third)
médaille en chocolat {f} [literally] :: See: fr médaille chocolat
médailler {vt} :: To medal, to award a medal (to)
médailleur {m} :: medallist
médailleuse {f} :: feminine singular of médailleur
médaillon {m} :: medallion (large decorative medal)
médaillon {m} :: medallion (cut of meat)
médaillon {m} [architecture] :: medallion
Médard {prop} {m} :: given name
médecin {m} :: medic; doctor
médecine {f} :: medicine (field of study)
médecine alternative {f} :: alternative medicine
médecine légale {f} :: forensic medicine
médecine non conventionnelle {f} :: alternative medicine
médeciner {vt} [obsolete] :: to treat medically; with medicines
médecin légiste {m} :: forensic scientist, medical examiner
médecin légiste {m} :: coroner
médecin traitant {m} :: general practitioner, GP, family doctor
Médée {prop} :: Medea
médersa {f} [Islam] :: madrasah
Mèdes {prop} :: Medes
média {m} :: media
médial {adj} :: central; middle (relating to the middle)
médialement {adv} :: centrally
médiamétrique {adj} :: mediametric, mediametrical
médiamétriquement {adv} :: mediametrically
médian {adj} :: median, medial
médiastin {m} [anatomy] :: mediastinum
médiastinal {adj} [anatomy] :: mediastinal
médiat {adj} :: mediate
médiatement {adv} :: mediately
médiateur {m} :: a mediator
médiateur {m} [politics, France] :: ombudsman
médiathèque {f} :: media library
médiatif {adj} :: mediative; evidential
médiation {f} :: mediation
médiatique {adj} :: media (attributive), journalistic
médiatiquement {adv} :: in the media
médiatisation {f} :: media coverage
médiatisation {f} :: mediatization
médiatisé {adj} :: mediatized
médiatisé {adj} :: publicized
médiatiser {v} :: to mediatize (all senses)
médiator {m} :: a guitar pick, a plectrum
médiatrice {f} :: feminine noun of médiateur
médical {adj} :: medical
médicalement {adv} :: medically
médicalisation {f} :: medicalization
médicalisé {adj} :: medicalized
médicaliser {v} :: To medicalize
médicament {m} :: drug, medication, medicine, pharmaceutical, prescription
médicamenté {adj} :: medicated
médicamenteux {adj} :: medicinal
médication {f} :: medication
médicéen {adj} :: Medician
médicinal {adj} :: medicinal
médicinalement {adv} :: medicinally
médicolégal {adj} :: forensic (relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law)
médicolégal {adj} :: medicolegal
médicosocial {adj} :: medical and social
Médie {prop} {f} :: Media
médier {v} [biology] :: To mediate
médiété {f} [music] :: mediant
médiéval {adj} :: medieval (of or relating to the Middle Ages)
médiéviste {mf} :: medievalist (one who studies culture and history in the Middle Ages)
médina {f} :: medina (old town of North African cities)
médiocre {adj} :: mediocre
médiocrement {adv} :: mediocrely (in a mediocre way)
médiocrité {f} :: mediocrity
médipôle {m} :: medical centre
médique {adj} :: Median, Medean
médique {adj} :: Persian
médire {v} [archaic or literary] :: to slander, to speak badly of
médisance {f} :: scandal, scandalous gossip
médisant {adj} :: slanderous, defamatory
méditatif {adj} :: meditative, thoughtful
méditation {f} :: meditation
méditativement {adv} :: meditatively, thoughtfully
méditer {vt} :: to think over, ponder, reflect on
méditer {vi} :: to meditate
méditerrané {adj} :: Mediterranean
Méditerranée {prop} {f} :: Mediterranean
méditerranéen {adj} :: Mediterranean (of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it)
médium {m} [music] :: middle register
médium {m} [spiritualism, parapsychology] :: medium (a person who contacts the dead)
médiumnique {adj} :: mediumistic
médius {m} :: middle finger
médoc {m} [colloquial, usually, in the plural] :: medication
Médoc {prop} :: Médoc (region)
Médoc {m} :: Médoc (wine)
médoïde {m} [statistics] :: medoid
Médor {prop} {m} :: Fido, Rover; a name stereotypically given to dogs
médulla {f} [anatomy] :: medulla
médullaire {adj} [anatomy] :: medullary
méduse {f} :: jellyfish
Méduse {prop} {f} [mythology] :: Medusa
méduser {vt} :: to dumbfound, stupefy
mée {f} :: A wooden chest, used in some regions of France, for storing dishware or food
mée {f} :: A kneading trough
meeting {m} :: large, public gathering (not used in other senses of "meeting")
méfaire {v} [defective] :: To do wrong; to do something immoral
méfait {m} :: a misdeed, wrong action by legal or moral standards
méfait {m} :: some damage, material harm
méfiance {f} :: distrust (lack of trust or confidence)
méfiant {adj} :: wary
méfier {v} [de, .pronominal] :: to mistrust, to be wary of, to watch out for
méforme {f} :: lack of fitness, being out of shape
méga- {prefix} :: mega-
méga {m} [computing] :: meg (megabyte)
méga {adv} [colloquial] :: very
mégaampère {m} :: megaampere
mégabase {m} [genetics] :: megabase
mégabasite {f} [mineral] :: synonym of wolframite
mégabecquerel {m} :: megabecquerel
mégabit {m} :: megabit
mégabyte {m} :: megabyte
mégacalorie {f} [physics] :: megacalorie
mégacandela {f} [physics] :: megacandela
mégacatastrophe {f} :: An exceptionally great catastrophe
mégacentre {f} :: megacentre
mégacéphale {adj} :: megacephalic
mégacéros {m} :: megaceros
mégachile {f} :: leaf-cutter bee (of the family Megachilidae)
mégacité {f} :: megacity, megalopolis
mégacôlon {m} :: megacolon (all senses)
mégacolossal {adj} :: mega-colossal
mégacontinent {m} [geology] :: supercontinent
mégacosme {m} :: megacosm
mégacoulomb {m} [physics] :: megacoulomb
mégadésastre {m} :: megadisaster
mégadivers {adj} [ecology] :: megadiverse
mégadonnées {fp} [computing] :: big data
mégadyne {f} [physics] :: megadyne
mégaélectron-volt {m} :: alternative form of mégaélectronvolt
mégaélectronvolt {m} :: megaelectron volt
mégaeuro {m} [rare] :: A million euros
mégafaune {f} :: megafauna
mégaferme {f} :: megafarm
mégafichier {m} :: A very large file (of documents)
mégaflop {m} [computing] :: megaflop
mégafragment {m} [rare, geology] :: megafragment
mégagramme {m} :: megagram
mégagray {m} [physics] :: megagray
mégaherbivore {m} [biology] :: megaherbivore
mégajoule {m} :: megajoule
mégakatal {m} :: megakatal
mégalésien {adj} :: Megalesian
mégalithe {m} :: megalith
mégalithique {adj} :: megalithic
mégalo- {prefix} :: megalo-
mégalo {adj} [colloquial] :: megalomaniac
mégalo {mf} [colloquial] :: megalomaniac
mégalocéphale {adj} :: megalocephalic
mégalodon {m} :: megalodon
mégalographie {f} [art] :: megalography
mégalomane {mf} :: megalomaniac
mégalomaniaque {adj} :: megalomaniac
mégalomanie {f} :: megalomania (psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence)
mégalomartyr {m} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: great martyr
mégalomartyre {f} :: great martyress; female equivalent of mégalomartyr
mégalope {f} :: megalopa
mégalopole {f} :: megalopolis (large conurbation)
mégalosaure {m} :: megalosaur
mégalure {f} :: Any typical grassbird of the genus Megalurus
megam {m} :: Megam
mégamix {m} [music] :: megamix
mégamosquée {f} [Islam] :: megamosque
Mégane {prop} {f} :: given name
méganticois {adj} :: Meganticois (pertaining to Lac-Megantic, Quebec)
Méganticois {m} :: Meganticois (resident of Lac-Megantic, Quebec)
Méganticoise {f} :: feminine noun of Méganticois
mégaoctet {m} [computing] :: megabyte
méga-ohm {m} :: mega-ohm
mégaohm {m} :: megaohm
mégapascal {m} [physics] :: megapascal
mégaphanérophyte {m} :: megaphanerophyte
mégaphone {m} :: megaphone (portable device used to amplify a person's voice)
mégaphonique {adj} :: megaphonic
mégapixel {m} :: megapixel
mégapode {m} :: megapode
mégapole {f} :: megalopolis
mégarde {f} [very, rare] :: oversight, inattention
mégariche {adj} :: megarich
mégarique {adj} :: Megaric
mégascope {m} :: megascope
mégasécheresse {f} :: megadrought
mégaséisme {m} :: megaseism
mégasème {adj} [anatomy] :: megaseme
mégastore {m} :: megastore
mégastructure {f} :: megastructure
mégathère {m} :: megathere
mégathérium {m} :: megathere
mégatonne {m} :: megaton (all senses)
mégatsunami {m} :: megatsunami
mégawatt {m} :: megawatt
mégawattheure {m} :: megawatt-hour
mégenrer {v} :: misgender
méger {m} [archaic] :: sharecropper
mégère {f} :: shrew, vixen (ill-tempered woman)
mégère {f} :: wall brown
mégestion {f} :: maladministration, mismanagement
mégissier {m} :: tawer
mégohm {m} :: megohm
mégot {m} :: cigarette butt, fag end
mégoter {v} :: to be stingy, to nitpick, to skimp
Megumi {prop} :: given name
méharée {f} :: a journey on camelback, especially on meharis
méhari {m} :: mehari (kind of dromedary)
méhariste {mf} :: a dromedary rider, especially of a mehari, sometimes as part of camelry
meilleur {adj} :: comparative of bon ("better")
meilleur {adj} :: comparative of bien
meilleur {adj} [when preceded by definite article, le meilleur] :: superlative of bon ("best")
meilleur {adj} [when preceded by definite article, le meilleur] :: superlative of bien ("best")
meilleur {m} :: best
meilleur ami {m} :: best friend
meilleur ami de l'homme {m} :: man's best friend (the dog)
meilleure {f} :: feminine noun of meilleur
meilleure amie {f} :: best friend
meilleurs vœux {interj} :: best wishes! happy New Year!
méiose {f} [cytology] :: meiosis (cell division)
méiotique {adj} :: meiotic
meistre {m} :: archaic spelling of maître
meitnérium {m} :: meitnerium
méjuger {vt} :: to misjudge
mél {m} :: An email message
melæna {m} :: alternative form of méléna
mélam {m} [organic compound] :: melam
mélamine {f} :: melamine
mélampyre {m} :: cow-wheat (plant of genus Melampyrum)
melancholie {f} :: obsolete form of mélancolie
mélanchyme {f} [geology] :: melanchyme
melancolie {f} :: obsolete form of mélancolie
mélancolie {f} [historical] :: melancholy (black bile)
mélancolie {f} :: melancholy (sadness or depression)
mélancolique {adj} :: melancholic
mélancoliquement {adv} :: gloomily, melancholically
Melançon {prop} :: surname
Mélanésie {prop} {f} :: Melanesia
mélanésien {adj} :: Melanesian
Mélanésien {m} :: Melanesian
mélange {m} :: mixture, blend
mélangeable {adj} :: mixable, blendable
mélanger {v} :: to mix, to mix up
mélanger les torchons et les serviettes {v} [figuratively] :: to mix apples and oranges, to compare apples and oranges
mélangeur {m} :: mixer (device)
mélangeur {m} :: mixer tap
Mélanie {prop} {f} :: given name
mélanine {f} [biochemistry] :: melanin
mélanique {adj} :: melanic
mélanisation {f} :: melanization
mélaniser {v} :: To melanize
mélanisme {m} :: melanism
mélano- {prefix} :: melano-
mélanodermie {f} [pathology] :: melanoderma
mélanome {m} [oncology] :: melanoma
mélantérite {f} [mineral] :: melanterite
mélasse {f} :: molasses
mélasse {f} :: treacle
mélassique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: melassic
mélatonine {f} [organic compound] :: melatonin
melchior {m} :: obsolete spelling of maillechort
Melchisédek {prop} [biblical character] :: Melchizedek (king, priest, and contemporary of Abraham)
mêlée {f} :: fray
mêlée {f} [rugby] :: scrum
mêler {vt} :: to mix
mêler {vr} [followed by the preposition de] :: to meddle in, to interfere in, to get mixed up in
mêler {v} [card games] :: to shuffle
mélèze {m} :: larch, larch tree (Larix)
mélèze commun {m} :: European larch (Larix decidua)
mélèze d'Europe {m} :: European larch (Larix decidua)
mélia {m} :: frangipani or any of several similar plants of the genus Melia
mélilot {m} :: melilot
méli-mélo {m} :: mishmash, hodgepodge (a collection of miscellany)
mélimélo {m} :: alternative form of méli-mélo
mélioratif {adj} :: meliorative
mélique {adj} :: melic
mélismatique {adj} [music] :: melismatic
mélismatiquement {adv} :: melismatically
mélisme {m} [music] :: melisma
Mélissa {prop} :: given name
mélisse {f} :: melissa (Melissa officinalis)
mélissière {f} :: bastard balm (Melittis melissophyllum)
mélissique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: melissic
mélissot {f} :: bastard balm (Melittis melissophyllum)
mélitose {f} [carbohydrate] :: melitose
mellah {m} :: Moroccan ghetto (area inhabited by Jews)
mellifère {adj} :: melliferous
mellite {f} [mineral] :: mellite
mellonure {m} :: mellonide
mélo- {prefix} :: Related to music or melody
mélo {m} :: melodrama
mélo {adj} :: melodramatic
mélodica {m} [musical instruments] :: melodica
mélodie {f} :: melody (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase)
Mélodie {prop} :: given name
mélodieusement {adv} :: melodiously
mélodieux {adj} :: sweet, melodious (having a pleasant sound)
mélodique {adj} :: melodic
mélodiquement {adv} :: melodically
mélodiste {mf} [music] :: melodist
mélodramatique {adj} :: melodramatic
mélodramatiser {v} :: to melodramatize
mélodrame {m} :: melodrama
mélomane {adj} :: melomaniacal, relating to the love of music
mélomane {mf} [music] :: music lover, melomaniac
mélomanie {f} :: melomania
melon {m} :: melon (fruit)
melon d'eau {m} :: watermelon
melon de France {m} [Louisiana French] :: cantaloupe
melon de Montréal {m} :: Montreal melon
mélopée {f} [music] :: melopoeia
mélopée {f} :: monotonous chant, dirge
melvillien {adj} :: Melvillian
membranaire {adj} :: membrane (attributive), membranal
membrane {f} :: membrane
membrane clignotante {f} [biology] :: nictitating membrane
membrane déciduale {f} :: decidua
membrane haptogène {m} :: haptogenic membrane
membrane plasmique {f} [cytology] :: cell membrane
membraneux {adj} :: membranous (composed of, or relating to membrane)
membre {m} :: member (of a group or organization)
membre {m} :: limb, member
membre {m} :: member, penis
membré {adj} :: hung
membre fondateur {m} :: founding member, founder member, charter member
membre viril {m} :: male member (penis)
membron {m} [architecture] :: A line of lead or zinc that protects the bottom of a mansard roof
membrure {f} :: frame (of a person)
membrure {f} [nautical, especially in plural] :: spars of a vessel
mémé {f} [hypocoristic] :: Grandma, granny, nana
mème {m} :: meme (unit of cultural information)
mème {m} [Internet, slang] :: meme
même {adv} [used before the article] :: even
même {adj} [used before the noun] :: same
même {adj} [used after the noun] :: very
mêmement {adv} [dated] :: identically; in the same way
mêmement {adv} [dated] :: even (not comparable)
mémento {m} :: memento, reminder
mémento {m} :: mortuary image
même pas {adv} :: not even
même pas {interj} :: no, not even!
mémère {f} [childish] :: affectionate name for a female, such as honey, sweetie, baby (etc.)
mémère {f} [Quebec, Cajun] :: grandmother
même si {conj} :: even if
même si {conj} :: although, even though
même si sa vie en dépendait {adv} :: for the life of one, to save one's life, for sour apples, for toffee
mémétique {f} :: The study of memes; memetics
mémétique {adj} :: memetic, pertaining to memes
mèmification {f} :: memeification
mémo {m} :: memo
mémoire {f} :: memory
mémoire {f} [computing] :: memory
mémoire {m} :: memo
mémoire {m} :: dissertation, paper
mémoire {m} :: memoir
mémoire à court terme {f} [psychology] :: short-term memory
mémoire à long terme {f} [psychology] :: long-term memory
mémoire collective {f} :: collective memory
mémoire déclarative {f} [neurology, psychology] :: declarative memory
mémoire d'éléphant {f} [figuratively] :: extremely good memory
mémoire de poisson rouge {f} [figuratively] :: extremely bad memory
mémoire épisodique {f} [neurology, psychology] :: episodic memory
mémoire morte {f} [computing] :: ROM, read-only memory
mémoire procédurale {f} [neurology, psychology] :: procedural memory
mémoire sémantique {f} [neurology, psychology] :: semantic memory
mémoire vive {f} [computing] :: RAM, random access memory
mémorable {adj} :: memorable
mémorablement {adv} :: memorably
mémorandum {m} :: memorandum (short note serving as a reminder)
mémorial {m} :: memorial
mémorialiste {mf} :: memorialist
mémoriel {adj} :: memorial
mémorisable {adj} [chiefly in combination] :: memorizable
mémorisation {f} :: memorizing
mémoriser {v} :: to memorize (fix in one's memory)
m'en {contraction} :: me + en
menaçant {adj} :: menacing, threatening
menace {f} :: threat
menacer {v} :: to threaten, to jeopardise
menacer {v} :: to endanger, to menace
menacer ruine {v} [of a building, literary] :: to be on the verge of collapsing, to totter, to be crumbling, to be very decayed
ménade {f} :: maenad (follower of Dionysus)
ménadiol {m} [organic compound] :: menadiol
ménadione {f} [organic compound] :: menadione
ménage {m} :: housework, housekeeping
ménage {m} :: household
ménage à trois {m} :: ménage à trois; threesome
ménage de printemps {m} :: spring clean
ménagement {m} :: care and attention; circumspection
ménager {adj} :: household; cleaning
ménager {m} [rare] :: househusband
ménager {v} :: to husband, to conserve
ménager {v} :: to treat gently, treat nicely
ménager {v} :: to conserve, go easy on
ménager {vr} :: to go easy, take it easy
ménagère {f} :: feminine noun of ménager; housewife
ménagère {f} :: canteen (of cutlery)
ménagerie {f} :: menagerie (a collection of live wild animals on exhibition; the enclosure where they are kept)
ménager la chèvre et le chou {v} :: to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
Ménandre {prop} {m} :: Menander
Menant {prop} :: surname
ménaquinone {f} [organic chemistry] :: menaquinone
Ménard {prop} :: Menard (surname)
ménatétrénone {f} [organic compound, vitamin] :: menatetrenone
menchevik {m} :: Menshevik
menchévik {m} :: alternative form of menchevik
mendélévium {m} :: mendelevium
mendélien {adj} :: Mendelian
mendiant {m} :: a beggar
mendiant {m} :: a traditional Christmas confection, a chocolate disc studded with nuts and dried fruits representing the various mendicant monastic orders
mendiant {m} :: a pastry from Alsace and Franche-Comté
mendiante {f} :: feminine singular of mendiant
mendicité {f} :: begging, panhandling
mendier {v} :: to beg (plead for money or goods)
mendigot {m} :: beggar
Mendy {prop} :: surname
meneau {m} :: mullion
ménechme {m} :: ringer, spitting image
Ménédème {prop} {m} :: Menedemus
mener {vt} :: to lead, to take
mener {v} :: to lead, to run, to take charge
mener {v} :: to lead, to be leading, to be in the lead
mener à bien {vt} :: to bring something to completion, to see something through
mener à la baguette {vt} [figuratively] :: to keep on a tight leash, to have under one's thumb, to boss around
mener en bateau {vt} :: to mislead; to trick; to dupe
mener grand train {v} :: to live the high life, to live high on the hog, to live in style, to live large
mener la danse {v} [figuratively] :: to call the shots, to call the tune
mener la vie à grandes guides {v} [literary] :: to live the high life, to live high on the hog, to live in style, to live large
mener par le bout du nez {v} [figuratively] :: to lead by the nose
mener une vie de bâton de chaise {v} :: to lead a wild life, to live a fast life, to live life in the fast lane
ménestrel {m} :: minstrel
ménétrier {m} :: fiddler (one who plays the fiddle)
meneur {m} :: leader (someone who is leading e.g. a race)
meneur {m} :: leader (someone in charge)
meneur {m} [basketball] :: point guard
meneuse {f} :: feminine noun of meneur
m'enfin {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of mais enfin
menhir {m} [archaeology] :: menhir
méninge {f} [anatomy] :: meninges
méningite {f} :: meningitis
méningocoque {m} :: meningococcus
méniscal {adj} :: meniscal
ménisectomie {f} [surgery] :: meniscectomy
ménisique {m} :: meniscus (all senses)
ménisperminique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: menispermic
ménisque {m} :: meniscus (all senses)
mennonitisme {m} :: Mennonitism
méno- {prefix} :: meno- (relating to month or to menstruation)
menologe {m} :: Menologium
ménopause {f} :: menopause (final menstruation)
ménopausé {adj} :: menopausal
ménotropine {f} :: menotropin
menottage {m} :: handcuffing
menotte {f} :: small hand (especially the hand of a child)
menotte {f} [in the plural] :: handcuffs
menotter {v} :: to handcuff
mense {f} [archaic] :: table
mense {f} :: Ecclesiastical revenue, especially that of an abbey
mensiversaire {m} :: mensiversary
mensonge {m} :: a lie or falsehood
mensonge pieux {m} :: alternative form of pieux mensonge
mensonger {adj} :: false, mendacious, deceitful, untruthful
mensongèrement {adv} :: falsely, mendaciously, deceitfully, untruthfully
menstruation {f} :: menstruation; period
menstruel {adj} :: monthly; mensural
menstruel {adj} :: menstrual
menstruer {v} :: to menstruate
menstrues {fp} [archaic] :: menses
mensualisation {f} :: monthly payment (salary, hire purchase etc)
mensualiser {vt} :: to pay monthly
mensualité {f} :: monthly payment or salary
mensuel {adj} :: monthly
mensuel {m} :: A monthly: a newspaper or magazine that is published monthly
mensuellement {adv} :: monthly (once a month)
mensuration {f} :: measurement
mensuration {f} [in the plural] :: the size of a person or animal etc
-ment {suffix} :: Used to form adverbs (from the feminine form of an adjective), most of the time equivalent to the English -wise, -ly
-ment {suffix} :: Used to form nouns from verbs, usually indicating a resulting action or state. Equivalent to the English -ment
mental {adj} :: mental (relating to the mind)
mental {m} :: mind
mentalement {adv} :: mentally
mentalité {f} :: mentality
menterie {f} :: untruth, lie
menteur {m} :: liar (one who tells lies)
menteur {m} :: bluffer
menteuse {f} :: feminine noun of menteur
menteusement {adv} :: falsely
menteusement {adv} :: misleadingly
menthe {f} :: mint
menthène {m} [organic compound] :: menthene
mentholé {adj} :: mentholated
menthylé {adj} :: mentholated
mention {f} :: mention (act of mentioning)
mention {f} :: slogan
mentionner {v} :: to mention
mentir {v} :: to lie (say something untrue)
mentir comme on respire {v} [simile, colloquial] :: to lie constantly, to be a born liar
mentir comme un arracheur de dents {v} [simile, colloquial] :: to lie through one's teeth, to lie brazenly, shamelessly
menton {m} :: chin
mentonnière {f} [historical] :: beaver (lower part of a helmet)
mentonnière {f} [music, lutherie] :: chinrest
mentor {m} :: mentor, guide
menu {adj} :: slim, small, fine
menu {adj} :: minor, trifling
menu {m} :: detailed list
menu {m} :: menu; a set meal on a menu
menu du jour {m} :: set menu
menuet {m} :: minuet
menu fretin {m} :: small fry
menu gastronomique {m} :: gourmet menu
menuise {f} [archaic] :: smallwood
menuiser {v} :: to do craftwork or small handiwork
menuiserie {f} :: carpentry; joinery; woodwork
menuisier {m} :: carpenter, joiner
méphitique {adj} :: mephitic
méplat {adj} :: flat
méplat {m} [mathematics] :: plane
méprendre {vr} [~ sur] :: to mistake (to confuse someone for another)
méprendre {v} :: to make a mistake
méprendre {v} :: to misunderstand
mépris {m} :: scorn
mépris {m} :: contempt, disdain
méprisable {adj} :: despicable, contemptible; good-for-nothing
méprisablement {adv} :: despicably, contemptibly
méprisamment {adv} :: contemptuously, scornfully
méprisant {adj} :: disdainful, contemptuous, condescending
méprise {f} :: mistake
mépriser {v} :: to hate; to despise
MEQ {m} [Quebec, education] :: MEQ (Ministry of Education of Quebec)
méquitazine {f} :: mequitazine
mer {f} :: sea (large body of water)
mer Adriatique {prop} {f} :: Adriatic Sea (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice)
mer Baltique {prop} {f} :: Baltic Sea
mer Blanche {prop} {f} :: the White Sea
merbromine {f} [medicine] :: merbromin
mercantile {adj} :: mercantile, commercial
mercantilement {adv} :: mercantilely
mercantilisme {m} :: mercantilism
mercantiliste {adj} :: mercantilist
mercantiliste {m} :: mercantilist
mercaptan {m} [chemistry] :: mercaptan
mercaptoéthanol {m} [organic compound] :: mercaptoethanol
mercaptopropanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: mercaptopropanoic, mercaptopropionic
mercapture {m} [organic chemistry] :: mercaptide
mer Caspienne {prop} {f} :: Caspian Sea
mercatique {f} [rare] :: marketing
mercato {m} [football] :: transfer market
mercenaire {adj} :: mercenary
mercenaire {m} :: mercenary (person employed to fight)
mercenairement {adv} :: mercenarily
mercerie {f} :: haberdashery (goods)
mercerie {f} :: haberdashery (shop)
mercerisé {adj} :: mercerized
merceriser {v} :: To mercerise
merchandiser {v} :: to optimize the profitability of a point of sale and of its merchandise
merci {interj} :: thank you
merci {f} :: mercy, grace
merci beaucoup {interj} :: thank you very much
mercier {m} :: mercer
mercière {f} :: feminine noun of mercier
merci mille fois {phrase} [literally] :: thank you a thousand times
merci mille fois {phrase} [idiomatic] :: Thanks a great many times
merci pour ton aide {phrase} :: [familiar] thanks for your help
merci pour votre aide {phrase} :: [polite or plural] thanks for your help
Merco {prop} [slang] :: Merc
mercredi {m} :: Wednesday
mercredi des cendres {m} :: alternative case form of mercredi des Cendres
mercredi des Cendres {m} [Christianity] :: Ash Wednesday
mercurate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: mercurate
mercure {m} :: mercury
mercure {m} :: (by extension) thermometer; temperature
Mercure {prop} {m} :: Mercury (planet)
Mercure {prop} {m} :: Mercury (Roman god)
mercurer {v} :: To mercurialize
mercureux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: mercurous
mercuriale {f} [historical] :: A session of the French Parliament held on a Wednesday where the First President would denounce any injustices
mercuriale {f} :: reprimand, scolding
mercuriel {adj} :: mercurial
mercurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: mercuric
mercurochrome {m} :: antiseptic
mer d'Aral {f} :: mer d'Aral (a saline <<lake>> straddling the <<c/Kazakhstan>>-<<c/Uzbekistan>> border)
merde {interj} [vulgar] :: shit!, crap!
merde {interj} [theatre] :: break a leg!
merde {f} [vulgar] :: turd, piece of feces, shit
merde {f} :: shit (something undesirable or unwanted)
merde {f} :: shit (something of poor quality)
merde {f} [pejorative] :: a dickhead, a fuckhead, a bastard
merde alors {interj} [somewhat, vulgar] :: Damn! Bugger! Dammit!
mer de Barents {prop} {f} :: the Barents Sea
merder {v} [vulgar] :: to fuck up, to screw up (make errors)
mer des Caraïbes {prop} {f} :: Caribbean Sea (a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere)
merdeuse {f} :: feminine noun of merdeux
merdeux {adj} [slang, literally and figuratively, vulgar] :: shitty; crap; shit
merdeux {m} [slang, vulgar] :: a little shit; a little bastard
mer d'huile {f} [figuratively] :: a glassy, waveless sea; a dead calm, a flat calm, a clock calm
merdia {m} [pejorative, usually plural] :: media considered servile and submissive to political power
merdier {m} [vulgar] :: mess, jumble
merdier {m} [vulgar] :: bad, tricky situation, shitstorm
merdique {adj} [slang] :: shitty, crappy
merdiquer {v} [rare, vulgar] :: to mess up, to screw up
merdu {adj} [slang, vulgar] :: fucked, fucked up (not working or workable)
mer du Japon {prop} {f} :: Sea of Japan
-mère {suffix} :: -merous
mère {f} :: mother
méreau {m} [obsolete] :: token (physical object)
mère au foyer {f} :: housewife
mer Égée {prop} {f} :: Aegean Sea
mère-grand {f} [colloquial, old-fashioned] :: grandma
merelle {f} :: obsolete form of marelle
merengue {m} [music] :: merengue
méréologie {f} [maths] :: mereology
méréotopologie {f} [maths] :: mereotopology
mère porteuse {f} :: surrogate mother
mère poule {f} [figuratively] :: mama bear (overprotective mother)
mérétrice {f} :: prostitute
merguez {f} :: Merguez
merguez {f} [slang] :: A car that has been modified—as by filing away its engine number, or including components from different cars—to make it harder to identify or to conceal damage from an accident.
merguez {f} [slang, by extension] :: A seemingly normal transaction that later turns out to be a scam
Mérida {prop} :: The city Mérida in Spain's western region Estremadura, in Badajoz province
Mérida {prop} :: Latin American cities named Mérida after the above:
Mérida {prop} :: in Mexico, capital of Yucatan state
Mérida {prop} :: in Venezuela, an eponymous district capital in Guzman province
méridien {adj} :: meridian (all senses); noon (attributive)
méridien {m} [astronomy, geography] :: meridian
méridional {adj} :: meridional
meringue {f} :: meringue
meringuer {v} :: To cover with a layer of meringue
mérinide {adj} :: Marinid
Mérinide {mf} :: Marinid
mérinos {m} :: merino
mérion {m} :: fairywren
mer Ionienne {prop} {f} :: Ionian Sea (European sea)
merise {f} :: wild cherry (fruit)
merisier {m} :: wild cherry (tree)
merisier {m} :: cherry (wood)
merisier à grappes {m} :: bird cherry (Prunus padus)
méristème {m} [botany] :: meristem
méristème secondaire {m} [biology, botany] :: The meristem allowing the growth of trees in diameter
méritant {adj} :: deserving
méritant {adj} :: worthy, meritorious
mérite {m} :: merit (any positive quality)
mérité {adj} :: deserved
mériter {v} :: to deserve, merit
méritocratie {f} :: meritocracy (rule by merit)
méritocratique {adj} :: meritocratic
méritoire {adj} :: meritorious, praiseworthy, commendable
méritoirement {adv} :: meritoriously, praiseworthily, commendably
mer Jaune {prop} {f} :: Yellow Sea (asian sea)
merlan {m} :: whiting (fish)
merle {m} :: blackbird
merle {m} :: Eurasian blackbird [Turdus merula]
Merle {prop} :: surname
merle blanc {m} :: rara avis
merle d'Amérique {m} :: American robin (Turdus migratorius)
merlette {f} :: Female blackbird
merlette {f} [heraldic charge] :: The merlette
merlin {m} :: splitting maul: an axe with a long handle, the blade of which is coupled with a broad side that can be used as a sledgehammer
merlon {m} [architecture, military] :: merlon
merlu {m} :: hake
merlu blanc {m} :: European hake (Merluccius merluccius)
merlu commun {m} :: European hake (Merluccius merluccius)
merlu européen {m} :: European hake (Merluccius merluccius)
mer Méditerranée {prop} {f} :: the Mediterranean Sea
mer Morte {prop} {f} :: Dead Sea (lake in the Middle East)
mer Noire {prop} {f} :: the Black Sea
mérogame {adj} [biology] :: merogonic
méroïtique {adj} :: Meroitic
méromicticité {f} :: meromicticity
méromictique {adj} :: meromictic
méromorphe {adj} :: meromorphic
méronyme {m} :: meronym (word denoting part of whole)
méropidé {m} :: meropid, bee-eater
mérou {m} :: grouper (or similar fish)
mérovingien {adj} :: Merovingian
mérozoïte {m} [microbiology] :: merozoite
merrain {m} :: oak stave (used to make barrels etc)
mer Rouge {prop} {f} :: Red Sea
merveille {f} :: wonder; marvel
Merveilleuse {f} :: Merveilleuse
merveilleusement {adv} :: wonderfully; brilliantly; amazingly
merveilleux {adj} :: marvelous, brilliant
mes {determiner} :: my (when referring to a plural noun)
més- {prefix} :: mis- (badly, wrongly)
mésaise {m} [obsolete] :: discomfort; unease
mésalliance {f} :: misalliance, mésalliance
mésallier {vr} [se mésallier] :: to misally; to marry beneath one's rank
mésange {f} :: tit, chickadee, titmouse (any of a large number of small tree-dwelling passerine birds)
mésangeai {m} :: jay (one of a small number of jays in the genus Perisoreus)
mésange charbonnière {f} :: great tit (Parus major)
mésange de Pologne {f} :: European penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus)
mésange penduline {f} :: European penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus)
mésange rémiz {f} :: European penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus)
mésaraïque {adj} [anatomy] :: mesaraic
mésaventure {f} :: misadventure, misfortune, bad stroke of luck
mésaxonique {adj} :: mesaxonic
mescaline {f} :: mescaline
Meschacébé {prop} {m} [dated] :: the Mississippi
mesclun {m} :: mesclun
mesdames et messieurs {interj} [vocative] :: ladies and gentlemen
Mesdames et Messieurs {interj} :: ladies and gentlemen (used to address an audience)
mésencéphale {f} :: midbrain
mésenchymateux {adj} :: mesenchymal
mésenchyme {m} :: mesenchyme
mésentente {f} :: disagreement, misunderstanding
mésentère {m} [anatomy] :: mesentery
mésentérique {adj} :: mesenteric
mésestimer {v} :: to underestimate
méshui {adv} :: henceforth, later
méshui {adv} :: sometimes
mésial {adj} [anatomy] :: mesial
Mésie {prop} {f} :: Moesia
mésite {f} :: mesite
mésityle {m} [organic chemistry] :: mesityl
mésitylène {m} [organic chemistry] :: mesitylene
méso- {prefix} :: meso-
mésoblaste {m} :: mesoblast
mésoblastique {adj} :: mesoblastic (related to the mesoblast)
mésocarpe {m} :: mesocarp
mésocôlon {m} [anatomy] :: mesocolon
mésocosme {m} [ecology] :: mesocosm
mésoderme {m} :: mesoderm (tissue produced by gastrulation)
mésodermique {adj} :: mesodermic
mésoécosystème {m} [ecology] :: mesoecosystem
mésogéen {adj} :: mesogenic
mésogène {adj} [chemistry] :: mesogenic
mésoglée {f} :: mesoglea
mésokurticité {f} [maths] :: mesokurtosis, mesokurticity
mésokurtique {adj} [maths] :: mesokurtic
mésolecte {m} [linguistics] :: mesolect
mésolithique {adj} :: Mesolithic
Mésolithique {m} :: Mesolithic (Mesolithic period)
mésolobe {m} [anatomy] :: corpus callosum
mésologarithme {m} [maths] :: mesologarithm
mésologie {f} :: mesology
mésologique {adj} :: mesological
mésomère {adj} [chemistry] :: mesomeric
mésomérie {f} [chemistry] :: mesomerism, resonance
mésomérique {adj} [chemistry] :: mesomeric
mésomètre {m} [anatomy] :: mesometrium
mésomorphe {adj} :: mesomorphic
mésomorphe {mf} :: mesomorph
mésomphale {m} [anatomy] :: navel
meson {m} :: alternative spelling of méson
méson {m} [particle] :: meson
mésoparasite {m} [biology] :: mesoparasite
mésoparasitisme {m} [biology] :: mesoparasitism
mésopause {f} :: mesopause
mésopélagique {adj} :: mesopelagic
mésophase {f} [physics] :: mesophase
mésophile {adj} [biology] :: mesophilic
mésophryon {m} [anatomy] :: mesophryon
mésoporeux {adj} :: mesoporous
Mésopotamie {prop} {f} :: Mesopotamia (region)
mésopotamien {adj} :: Mesopotamian
Mésopotamien {m} :: Mesopotamian
Mésopotamienne {f} :: feminine singular of Mésopotamien
mésopotamique {adj} :: Mesopotamic
mésopuncture {f} :: mesopuncture
mésorectum {m} [anatomy] :: mesorectum
mesoscopique {adj} [physics] :: mesoscopic
mésosidérite {f} [mineralogy] :: mesosiderite
mésosome {m} [biology] :: mesosome
mésosome {m} [zoology] :: mesosoma
mésosphère {f} :: mesosphere (layer of the Earth's atmosphere)
mésosphérique {adj} :: mesospheric
mésosuchien {m} :: A fossil aquatic crocodilian, of the clade Mesoeucrocodylia, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Western Europe
mésothéline {f} [protein] :: mesothelin
mésothélium {m} [biology] :: mesothelium
mésothorium {m} [physics, inorganic chemistry] :: mesothorium
mésotron {m} [obsolete, physics] :: mesotron
Mésozoïque {prop} {m} :: Mesozoic period
mesquin {adj} :: unimportant
mesquin {adj} :: small-minded, petty
mesquin {adj} :: poor, of poor quality
mesquin {adj} :: stingy, tight-fisted
mesquinement {adv} :: meanly, narrow-mindedly, niggardly
mesquinerie {f} :: pettiness, meanness
message {m} :: message
messager {m} :: A messenger; one who carries a message
messagère {f} :: feminine noun of messager
messagerie {f} [computing] :: messaging, messager (software for sending messages)
messagerie {f} :: distribution or parceling service
messagerie vocale {f} :: voicemail
messager sagittaire {m} :: secretary bird
messager secrétaire {m} :: secretary bird
messager serpentaire {m} :: secretary bird
messaliste {mf} :: A supporter of the Algerian nationalist Messali Hadj
messe {f} [Christianity] :: Mass (church service)
messe basse {f} :: recited mass, Low Mass
messe basse {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: whispering
messe de minuit {f} [Christianity] :: midnight mass
messeoir {v} [defective, archaic] :: to be unsuitable; to be unwanted
messianique {adj} :: messianic
messianisme {m} :: messianism
messianiste {adj} :: messianist
messianiste {mf} :: messianist
messidor {m} [historical] :: Messidor (the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar)
messie {m} :: messiah
Messie {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Messiah
Messier {prop} :: surname
Messier {prop} [astronomy] :: Messier (object)
messiesque {adj} :: Messiesque (in the footballing style of Lionel Messi)
messin {adj} :: Metzian (of or pertaining to the city of Metz)
Messin {m} :: Metzian (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Metz)
Messine {prop} {f} [geography] :: Messina:
Messine {prop} {f} :: A port city on Sicily, facing the toe of the Italian boot
Messine {prop} {f} :: The Italian province named after the above, its capital
Messine {f} :: a female inhabitant of Metz
messire {m} [archaic] :: my lord (as term of address, title)
Messire {prop} {m} [archaic] :: Lord
Messonnier {prop} :: Messonnier (surname)
Messonnier {m} :: A denizen of Messon, Aube, France (Messon, Aube, France)
m'est avis {adv} [formal] :: methinks, it seems to me
mestre {m} :: archaic spelling of maître
mestre {m} [nautical] :: A ship's mainmast with lateens as opposed to the mizzenmast
mesurable {adj} :: measurable
mesurage {m} :: measurement (act of measuring)
mesure {f} :: measure
mesure {f} :: measurement
mesuré {adj} :: measured
mesuré {adj} :: moderate, modest
mesuré {adj} :: prudent
mesure indirecte {f} :: proxy (measurement of one physical quantity that is used as an indicator of the value of another)
mesurément {adv} :: measuredly
mesurément {adv} :: moderately, modestly
mesurément {adv} :: prudently
mesurer {vi} :: To measure
mesurer {vt} :: To measure
mésusage {m} :: misuse
méta- {prefix} :: meta-
méta {adj} :: meta
méta-analyse {f} [statistics] :: meta-analysis (statistics)
métabolique {adj} :: metabolic
métabolisation {f} :: metabolization
métabolisé {adj} :: metabolized
métaboliser {vt} :: to metabolize
métabolisme {m} [physiology] :: metabolism (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells)
métabolite {f} [biochemistry] :: metabolite
métabolome {m} [biology] :: metabolome
métabolomique {adj} :: metabolomic
métabolomique {f} [biology] :: metabolomics
métacarpe {m} [anatomy] :: metacarpus
métacarpien {adj} [anatomy] :: metacarpal
métacarpien {m} [anatomy] :: metacarpal (bone)
métacentre {m} [biology, nautical] :: metacentre
métacentrique {adj} [biology, nautical] :: metacentric
métacétone {f} [organic compound] :: metacetone
métachronisme {m} :: metachronism (error)
métaclasse {f} [object-oriented] :: metaclass
métadiégétique {adj} :: metadiegetic
métadiscours {m} :: metadiscourse
métadonnée {f} [computing, often in plural] :: metadata
métairie {f} :: smallholding
métal {m} :: metal
métal {m} [heraldry] :: metal
métal alcalin {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: an alkali metal
métalangage {m} :: metalanguage
metal chrétien {m} :: Christian metal
métalepse {f} :: metalepsis
métalepsie {f} [obsolete, chemistry] :: metalepsy
métalinguistique {adj} :: metalinguistic
métalinguistiquement {adv} :: metalinguistically
métallicité {f} :: metallicity
métallicole {adj} [biology] :: metallicolous
métallier {m} :: metalworker
métallier {adj} :: metalworking (attributive)
métallier {adj} :: metallurgical
métallifère {adj} :: metalliferous
métallique {adj} :: metallic
métalliquement {adv} :: metallically
métallisation {f} :: metallization
métallisé {adj} :: metallic
métallisé {adj} :: metallized
métalliser {v} :: To metallize
métallo- {prefix} :: metallo-
métallo {m} [colloquial] :: metal worker; metallurgist
métallocène {m} [chemistry] :: metallocene
métalloenzyme {f} [enzyme] :: metalloenzyme
métallogénie {f} [geology] :: metallogeny
métallographie {f} :: metallography
métalloïde {adj} :: metaloid
métalloïde {m} :: metaloid
métallophosphatase {f} [enzyme] :: metallophosphatase
métallophyte {f} [biology] :: metallophyte
métalloplastique {adj} :: metalloplastic
métalloprotéinase {f} [enzyme] :: metalloproteinase
métalloprotéine {f} [protein] :: metalloprotein
métallotolérant {adj} [biology] :: metallotolerant
métal lourd {m} [chemistry] :: heavy metal
métallurgie {f} :: metallurgy
métallurgique {adj} :: metal (attributive)
métallurgique {adj} :: metallurgical
métallurgiquement {adv} :: metallurgically
métallurgiste {m} :: metallurgist
métal précieux {m} :: precious metal
métal rare {m} :: rare metal
métamatériau {m} :: metamaterial
métamathématique {adj} :: metamathematical
métamère {m} [entomology] :: metamere
métamorphique {adj} :: metamorphic
métamorphiser {v} [geology] :: To metamorphosize
métamorphisme {m} :: metamorphism
métamorphose {f} :: metamorphosis
métamorphoser {v} :: to metamorphose
métanalyse {f} [linguistics] :: metanalysis
métapectine {f} :: metapectin
métapectique {adj} :: metapectic
métaphase {f} [biology] :: metaphase
métaphore {f} :: metaphor
métaphore filée {f} [rhetoric] :: extended metaphor
métaphorique {adj} :: metaphorical
métaphoriquement {adv} :: metaphorically
métaphosphate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: metaphosphate
métaphosphorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: metaphosphoric
métaphysicien {m} :: metaphysicist
métaphysicien {m} :: metaphysician
métaphysicienne {f} :: feminine noun of métaphysicien
métaphysique {adj} :: metaphysical
métaphysique {f} :: metaphysics
métaphysiquement {adv} :: metaphysically (with respect to metaphysics)
métaplasie {f} [anatomy] :: metaplasia
métaplasme {m} [anatomy, grammar] :: metaplasm
métaplastique {adj} :: metaplastic (of, relating to, or produced by metaplasia)
métapode {m} [zoology] :: metapode
métapopulation {f} [ecology] :: metapopulation
métapsychique {adj} :: psychic, parapsychological
métapsychique {f} :: metapsychology
métapsychologie {f} [psychology] :: metapsychology (principles of psychology)
métapsychologique {adj} :: metapsychological
métastabilité {f} :: metastability (unstable but potentially long-lived state)
métastable {adj} :: metastable
métastannate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: metastannate
métastannique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: metastannic
métastase {f} :: metastasis
métastasé {adj} :: metastasized
métatarse {m} :: metatarsus
métatarsien {adj} :: metatarsal (attributive)
métatarsien {m} [anatomy] :: metatarsal (bone)
métatartrique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: metatartaric
métathèse {f} [chemistry] :: metathesis (the breaking and reforming of double bonds in olefins in which substituent groups are swapped)
métathèse {f} [phonology] :: metathesis
métathèse de quantité {f} [prosody, phonology] :: quantitative metathesis
métathétique {adj} :: metathetic, metathetical
métayage {m} :: sharecropping, farming to halves
métayer {m} :: sharecropper, metayer
métayère {f} :: feminine singular of métayer
métazoaire {m} [zoology] :: metazoan
méteil {m} :: maslin (mixture of cereals)
métempsychose {f} :: alternative form of métempsycose
métempsycose {f} [philosophy, religion] :: metempsychosis
métencéphale {m} [anatomy] :: metencephalon
météo {f} :: weather (general state of weather)
météo {f} :: weather forecast
météore {m} :: meteor
météorique {adj} :: meteoric (all senses)
météoriquement {adv} :: meteorically
météorisation {f} [geology] :: weathering
météorite {f} :: meteorite
météoritique {adj} :: meteoritic
météorographie {f} :: meteorography
météorographique {adj} :: meteorographic
météoroïde {m} :: meteoroid
météorologie {f} :: meteorology (science)
météorologique {adj} :: meteorological
météorologiquement {adv} :: meteorologically
météorologiste {mf} :: meteorologist (person who studies meteorology)
météorologue {mf} :: meteorologist (person who studies meteorology)
météospatiale {adj} :: space weather (attributive)
métèque {mf} [historical] :: metic
métèque {mf} [pejorative] :: wop, stranger
metformine {f} [medicine] :: metformin
méthacroléine {m} [organic compound] :: methacrolein
méthacrylaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: methacrylaldehyde
méthacrylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: methacrylic
méthadone {m} [organic compound] :: methadone
méthamphétamine {f} [organic compound] :: methamphetamine
méthanal {m} [organic compound] :: methanal
méthanation {f} [organic chemistry] :: methanation
méthane {m} :: methane
méthanethiol {m} [organic compound] :: methanethiol
méthanier {adj} [attributive] :: LNG
méthanier {m} :: LNG carrier
méthanique {adj} :: methanic
méthanisation {f} :: methanization
méthaniser {vt} :: to produce methane from [especially by anaerobic digestion]
méthanoate {m} [organic chemistry] :: methanoate
méthanogène {adj} [biochemistry] :: methanogenic
méthanogène {m} [biology] :: methanogen
méthanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: methanoic
méthanol {m} [organic compound] :: methanol
méthanotrophe {adj} :: methanotrophic
méthasone {f} :: methasone
méthémoglobine {f} [protein] :: methemoglobin
méthicilline {f} :: alternative form of méticilline
méthine {f} [organic chemistry] :: methine
méthional {m} [organic compound] :: methional
méthionine {f} :: methionine (amino acid)
méthionique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: methionic
methode {f} [until circa 1740] :: obsolete form of méthode
méthode {f} :: method
méthode {f} :: book, textbook
méthode {f} [object-oriented] :: method
méthode virtuelle {f} [object-oriented] :: virtual method
méthodique {adj} :: methodical
méthodiquement {adv} :: methodically
méthodisme {m} :: Methodism (Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley)
méthodiste {mf} :: Methodist (a member of the Methodist Church)
méthodologie {f} :: methodology
méthodologique {adj} :: methodological
méthodologiquement {adv} :: methodologically
méthol {m} [organic compound] :: methol
méthotrexate {m} :: methotrexate
méthoxy {m} [organic chemistry, especially in combination] :: methoxy
méthyl- {prefix} [organic chemistry] :: methyl-
méthyl {m} [organic chemistry, in combination] :: methyl
méthylacétylène {f} [organic compound] :: methylacetylene
méthyladénosine {f} [organic compound] :: methyladenosine
méthylal {m} [organic compound] :: methylal
méthylation {f} [chemistry, genetics] :: methylation
méthylbenzène {m} [organic compound] :: methylbenzene
méthylcytidine {f} [organic compound] :: methylcytidine
méthyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: methyl (radical)
méthylé {adj} :: methylated
méthylène {m} [chemistry] :: methylene
méthyler {v} [chemistry] :: to methylate
méthylguanosine {f} [organic compound] :: methylguanosine
méthylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: methyl (attributive)
méthylmercaptan {m} [organic compound] :: methyl mercaptan
méthylmercure {m} [organic compound] :: methylmercury
méthylmorphine {f} [organic compound] :: methylmorphine
méthylphénol {m} [organic compound] :: methylphenol, cresol
méthylpropane {m} [organic compound] :: methylpropane
méthylsilanetriol {m} [organic chemistry] :: methylsiloxane
méthyl tert-butyl éther {m} [organic compound] :: methyl tert-butyl ether
méthyluridine {f} [organic compound] :: methyluridine
méthylxanthine {m} [organic compound] :: methylxanthine
méticilline {f} [medicine] :: meticillin
méticuleusement {adv} :: meticulously
méticuleux {adj} :: meticulous (characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details)
méticulosité {f} :: meticulousness
métier {m} :: job, profession, trade
métier {m} :: skill
métier {m} :: (textile arts) machine, device, loom
métier à tisser {m} :: loom (weaving frame)
métier de bouche {m} :: catering profession, catering trade
métis {adj} [of a person] :: mixed-race
métis {adj} [of an animal or a plant] :: mongrel; of mixed origin
métis {m} :: a mixed-race person
métis {m} :: a mongrel; a cross-breed
Métis {prop} :: Metis (in Greek mythology)
métissage {m} :: miscegenation
métisse {f} :: feminine noun of métis
métissé {adj} :: mixed-race
métisser {vt} :: to mix
métisser {vt} :: to cross, crossbreed
métonique {adj} :: Metonic
métonyme {m} [grammar] :: metonym
métonymie {f} :: metonymy (figure of speech)
métonymique {adj} :: metonymic (of, or relating to, a word that names an object from a single characteristic of it or of a closely related object)
métope {f} [architecture] :: metope
métoque {m} :: metochion
métraduction {f} [rare] :: Translation error, mistranslation
métrage {m} [film] :: footage
-mètre {suffix} :: -meter
mètre {m} :: metre/meter
mètre carré {m} :: square metre, square meter (standard unit of area)
mètre cube {m} :: cubic metre (unit of volume)
métrer {vt} :: to meter
métrète {f} :: metrete
métreur {m} :: quantity surveyor
métreuse {f} :: feminine singular of métreur
metribuzine {m} [organic compound] :: metribuzin
-métrie {suffix} :: -metry
-métrique {suffix} :: -metric
métrique {adj} :: metric (relating to metric system)
métriquement {adv} :: metrically
métrisable {adj} [maths] :: metrisable, metrizable
métriser {v} [maths] :: To metrize
métro- {prefix} :: related to measure or measurement
métro- {prefix} :: metro-, related to mother or uterus
métro- {prefix} [by extension] :: related to metropolis or city
métro {m} :: subway [US], underground [UK], Tube [UK]
métro {m} [France, colloquial] :: Someone from metropolitan France
métro, boulot, dodo {phrase} :: metonymy for the everyday routine of a Parisian or more generally urban worker. Roughly, same old same old, or rat race
métrologie {f} :: metrology
métrologique {adj} :: metrological
métrologiste {mf} :: metrologist
métrologue {mf} :: metrologist
métromanie {f} :: metromania
métronome {m} [music] :: metronome
métronomique {adj} :: metronomic
métronomiquement {adv} :: metronomically
métropole {f} :: metropolis
métropole {f} [Quebec, only with definite article] :: Montreal
métropole {f} [Europe, only with definite article] :: Continental France, not including its various oversea territories
métropolitain {adj} :: metropolitan
métropolitain {m} :: subway, underground (train system)
métropolitain {m} [France] :: Person from metropolitan France
métropolitainement {adv} :: metropolitanly
métropolite {m} :: metropolitan (Russian orthodox bishop)
métrorragie {f} [pathology] :: metrorrhagia
métrosexuel {adj} :: metrosexual
métrosexuel {m} :: metrosexual
métrosexuelle {f} :: feminine noun of métrosexuel
mets {m} [cooking] :: dish
mettable {adj} :: [clothing] wearable
metteur {m} :: putter, placer (someone who puts or places)
metteur {m} :: director
metteure en scène {f} [Canada] :: synonym of metteuse en scène
metteur en scène {m} [film] :: director
metteuse {f} :: feminine noun of metteur
metteuse en scène {f} [film] :: female director
mettre {vt} :: to put; to place
mettre {vt} [of clothing] :: to put on
mettre {vt} :: to set (to lay a table)
mettre {vp} :: to start (+ à) (something / doing something), to get around to doing something
mettre à bas {vt} :: to pull down, to demolish
mettre à contribution {vt} :: to rope in (someone); to harness (something)
mettre à exécution {vt} :: to carry out, to put into effect, to go through with
mettre à feu et à sang {vt} :: to lay waste to, to wreak bloody havoc on
mettre à jour {vt} :: to update
mettre à la porte {vt} [figuratively] :: to fire (to terminate the employment of)
mettre à l'écart {vt} :: to sideline, to put away, to shut away
mettre à l'épreuve {vt} :: to put to the test, to test
mettre à l'honneur {vt} :: to honour; to showcase, to highlight
mettre à l'index {vt} [figuratively] :: to blacklist, to name and shame, to condemn
mettre à mal {vt} :: to jeopardize, to put at risk
mettre à mort {vt} :: to put to death, to execute
mettre à nu {vt} :: to strip naked
mettre à nu {vt} [figuratively] :: to lay bare
mettre à profit {vt} :: to put to use, to take advantage of, to make the most out of
mettre à rude épreuve {vt} :: to test severely, to put through the mill, to put a great strain on
mettre à sac {v} :: to ransack (to loot or pillage)
mettre à toutes les sauces {phrase} :: use all types of sauces for (a determined food)
mettre à toutes les sauces {phrase} [figurative] :: make (something) fit every occasion
mettre au ban {vt} :: to ban, to ostracize, to exclude, to reject
mettre au clair {vt} :: to clear up; set straight
mettre au courant {vt} :: [de] to inform (someone) of (something), to brief (someone) about (something), to fill in
mettre au défi {vt} :: to challenge, to dare, to defy (someone to do something)
mettre au jour {vt} :: to bring to light
mettre au monde {v} [idiomatic] :: to give birth
mettre au parfum {vt} :: to put in the know, to clue in, to put in the picture
mettre au pas {vt} :: to bring to heel, to bring into line, to rein in, to make (someone) conform
mettre au pilori {vt} :: to pillory (to blame and criticize harshly, to condemn)
mettre au point {vt} :: to develop, to work out, to set up, to establish, to set on foot
mettre au rancart {vt} :: to scrap (an object, project, etc.)
mettre au secret {vt} :: to hold incommunicado, to put in incommunicado detention, to put in solitary confinement
mettre aux arrêts {vt} :: to put under arrest, to arrest, to apprehend
mettre bas {v} [of an animal, especially a mammal] :: to give birth, to drop; to whelp, to foal, to calve, to lamb, to kindle
mettre d'accord {vt} :: to get someone to agree (with someone else)
mettre dans le même panier {vt} [colloquial] :: To tar with the same brush, to paint with the same brush
mettre dans le même sac {vt} [colloquial] :: To tar with the same brush, to paint with the same brush
mettre dans sa poche {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get on someone's good side, to get someone to like oneself; to twist someone around one's little finger
mettre de côté {vt} :: to put aside
mettre de côté {vt} :: to put aside, to save (money)
mettre dedans {vt} [colloquial] :: to throw off, to mislead; to deceive
mettre de l'eau dans son vin {v} :: to moderate one's impetuosity
mettre de l'huile sur le feu {v} [idiomatic] :: add fuel to the fire
mettre des bâtons dans les roues {v} [à] :: [figuratively] to put a spoke in someone's wheel, to throw a spanner in the works of someone
mettre devant la loi {phrase} [Louisiana French] :: to bring to justice
mettre du baume au cœur {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: [à] to warm the cockles of someone's heart, to gladden someone's heart (to be heart-warming)
mettre du beurre dans les épinards {v} [figuratively] :: to sweeten the pot
mettre en bouteille {v} [literally] :: to bottle
mettre en bouteille {vt} [Belgium, idiomatic] :: to tease, to wind up, to josh
mettre en branle {vt} :: to set in motion
mettre en cause {vt} :: to suspect; to accuse, blame
mettre en cause {vt} [rare] :: synonym of remettre en cause
mettre en colère {vt} :: to anger, to make angry
mettre en colère {vr} :: to get angry
mettre en confiance {vt} :: to gain someone's trust
mettre en doute {vt} :: to question, to call into question, to cast doubt upon, to doubt, to challenge
mettre en évidence {v} :: to highlight; to get across
mettre en évidence {v} [Belgium, algebra] :: to factor out
mettre en examen {v} [legal] :: to indict
mettre en garde {vt} :: to warn, to alert, to caution
mettre en jeu {vt} :: to gamble; to offer as a prize
mettre en jeu {vt} [figuratively] :: to bring into play
mettre en jeu {vt} [figuratively] :: to put at stake, to risk, to involve
mettre en joue {vt} :: to take aim at, point a gun at
mettre en marche {vt} :: to start
mettre en œuvre {v} :: to carry out, set in motion, do
mettre en œuvre {v} :: to make use of
mettre en péril {vt} :: to put in danger, to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil
mettre en pièces {vt} :: to take to pieces, to tear to pieces, to tear apart
mettre en place {vt} :: to put in place, to set up; to put into effect
mettre en pratique {vt} :: to put into practice
mettre en question {vt} :: to question, to call into question, to cast doubt upon, to doubt, to challenge
mettre en rogne {vt} [colloquial] :: to anger, to make angry
mettre en rogne {vr} [colloquial] :: to get mad, to get hot under the collar
mettre en route {v} :: to start, to turn on
mettre en route {vr} :: to set off, to set out
mettre en scène {v} :: to set up a stage or a studio
mettre en scène {v} [by extension] :: to set the scene (in a work of fiction)
mettre en valeur {vt} :: to highlight, to underline
mettre en valeur {vt} :: to show to advantage
mettre fin {v} [à] :: To put an end to; to call off (to cancel)
mettre fin à ses jours {v} [euphemistic] :: to take one's own life
mettre hors de cause {vt} :: to exonerate, to absolve
mettre l'accent sur {v} [idiomatic] :: to highlight
mettre la charrue avant les bœufs {v} [figuratively] :: to put the cart before the horse
mettre la clef sous la porte {v} :: alternative spelling of mettre la clé sous la porte
mettre la clef sous le paillasson {v} :: alternative spelling of mettre la clé sous le paillasson
mettre la clé sous la porte {v} [figuratively] :: to close down (of a business), to close up shop
mettre la clé sous le paillasson {v} :: alternative form of mettre la clé sous la porte
mettre la main {v} [colloquial] :: [sur] to get one's hands on, to lay hands on, to get hold of, to come by, to dig out, to ferret out, to unearth
mettre la main à la pâte {v} [figuratively] :: to muck in, to put one's shoulder to the wheel, to get one's hands dirty
mettre la main sur {v} :: to lay hands on
mettre la pédale douce {v} [figuratively] :: to soft-pedal, to put the brakes on, to slow down, to go easy
mettre la pression {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to put pressure on, to pressure (someone)
mettre la puce à l'oreille {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to set someone thinking, to cause someone to suspect something
mettre la table {v} :: to set the table, to lay the table
mettre le couvert {v} :: to set the table, to lay the table
mettre le doigt dans l'engrenage {v} [figuratively] :: to get caught up in something, to get sucked in something, to get involved in something against one's will; to get one's tit caught in the wringer
mettre le doigt sur {v} [figuratively] :: to put one's finger on
mettre le feu {v} [à] :: to set fire to, to set on fire, to set alight, to torch, to ignite
mettre le feu {v} [à] :: [figuratively] to set on fire, to set alight
mettre le feu aux poudres {v} [figuratively] :: to spark off a crisis, to spark things off, to stir up a hornets' nest, to light the touch paper
mettre le grappin sur {v} [colloquial] :: to get one's hands on, to get one's claws into, to get one's hooks into, to monopolize (someone)
mettre le holà {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to put the kibosh on, to put a stop to, to call a halt to, to put a lid on
mettre le nez dehors {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get out of one's house, to go outside, to spend time outdoors, to go out
mettre le paquet {v} [colloquial] :: to give one's all, to go all out
mettre le pied {v} :: alternative form of mettre les pieds
mettre le pied au plancher {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to put the pedal to the metal, to floor it
mettre le pied dehors {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get out of one's house, to go outside, to spend time outdoors, to go out
mettre les adjas {v} [slang] :: to make a move, bugger off; to leave
mettre les bouchées doubles {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to double one's efforts, to work twice as hard
mettre les formes {v} [colloquial] :: to be tactful, to respect conventions, to do something with manners, to do something nicely
mettre les gaz {v} [colloquial] :: to step on it, to floor it, to put one's foot down, to step on the gas
mettre les mains dans le cambouis {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to get one's hands dirty
mettre les petits plats dans les grands {v} [figuratively] :: to put on the ritz, put on the dog, put on a great spread, lay out a real spread, pull out all the stops, to get the good/best china out
mettre les pieds {v} :: to set foot (somewhere)
mettre les pieds dans le plat {v} [figuratively] :: to put one's foot in it, put one's foot in one's mouth
mettre les points sur les i {v} [colloquial] :: to get things straight, to make things perfectly clear, to put the record straight, to spell it out, to lay down the law
mettre les voiles {v} [figuratively] :: to set sail, to depart, to sail away, to sail off into the sunset
mettre sa main à couper {v} :: to bet one's boots that, to bet one's bottom dollar that (to be absolutely sure that)
mettre sa main au feu {v} :: to bet one's boots that, to bet one's bottom dollar that
mettre son grain de sel {v} [figuratively] :: to stick one's oar in, to put in one's two cents
mettre sur la table {vt} [figuratively] :: to put on the table, to bring up, to broach
mettre sur le tapis {vt} [figuratively] :: to put on the table, to bring up, to broach
mettre sur pied {vt} :: to set up, to establish, to set on foot
mettre sur un piédestal {vt} [figuratively] :: to place on a pedestal, to put on a pedestal, to set on a pedestal
mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier {v} [figuratively] :: put all one's eggs in one basket
mettre un point d'honneur {v} [à] :: [figuratively, colloquial] to make it a point to do something
mettre un terme {v} [à] :: to put an end to, to put a stop to, to clamp down on
Metz {prop} {m} :: Metz (capital city)
meublant {adj} :: furnishing
meuble {m} :: piece of furniture
meuble {m} [heraldry] :: charge
meuble {m} [legal] :: piece of personal property
meuble {adj} :: soft, pliable, malleable
meubler {vt} :: to furnish
meubler {vi} :: to break the silence
meubles {mp} :: furniture
meuf {f} [verlan] :: woman
meuf {f} :: chick, girlfriend (woman as an object of desire)
meuglement {m} :: a moo
meugler {v} :: to moo, to low
meuh {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: moo
meule {f} :: grindstone
meule {f} :: millstone
meule {f} :: round (of cheese)
meule {f} :: haystack, stack
meule de foin {f} :: haystack (a mound, pile, or stack of stored hay)
meuler {v} :: to sharpen on a grindstone
meulier {adj} :: Relating to millstones
meulier {m} :: A person who makes millstones
meulière {f} :: millstone (rocky stone)
meunerie {f} :: milling (flour trade)
meunier {m} :: miller (person)
meunière {f} [zoology] :: A long-tailed tit species
meunière {f} :: A miller’s wife
meurette {f} :: A type of red wine sauce
meureu {f} [double verlan, verlan, backslang] :: mother
meursault {m} :: Meursault (type of white Burgundy wine)
Meurthe-et-Moselle {prop} :: Meurthe-et-Moselle (department)
meurtre {m} :: murder
meurtrier {adj} :: deadly, bloody (involving death), murderous
meurtrier {m} :: murderer (person who commits murder)
meurtrier de masse {m} :: mass murderer
meurtrière {f} :: (female) murderer, murderess
meurtrière {f} [architecture] :: loophole
meurtrière de masse {f} :: feminine noun of meurtrier de masse
meurtrièrement {adv} :: murderously
meurtrir {vt} [obsolete] :: to murder
meurtrir {vt} :: to injure, hurt; to bruise, especially in reference to fruit; to leave a contusion
meurtrir {vt} :: to hurt or injure someone's feelings
meurtrissure {f} :: bruise
meurtrissure {f} :: scar
Meuse {prop} {f} :: Meuse (river)
Meuse {prop} {f} :: Meuse (department)
meute {f} [hunting] :: pack (of hounds)
meute {f} :: mob (of people)
mévalonique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: mevalonic
mévente {f} :: a drop in sales
mexicain {adj} :: Mexican
Mexicain {m} :: Mexican, someone from Mexico
Mexicaine {f} :: feminine noun of Mexicain
Mexico {prop} :: Mexico (capital city)
Mexique {prop} {m} :: Mexique (country)
méz {m} :: obsolete spelling of mets
mezcal {m} :: mescal
mézéréon {m} :: mezereon
mézigue {pron} [slang] :: Me (first-person singular personal pronoun)
mezzanine {f} [architecture] :: mezzanine; entresol
mezzé {n} :: meze
mezzo {f} :: mezzo, mezzo-soprano
Mg {symbol} [physics] :: mégagramme
Mgr {n} :: abbreviation of Monseigneur
mi- {prefix} :: half, mid-
mi {m} [music] :: mi, the note 'E'
miam {interj} :: yum
Miami {prop} {f} :: Miami (city)
miaou {interj} :: meow
miasme {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: miasma (noxious air)
miaulement {m} :: a miaow
miauler {vi} :: to meow, meowl, mew
miauleur {adj} :: miaowing
miauleur {m} :: miaower
mi-bas {m} :: (for men) knee-length sock
mi-bas {m} :: (for women) pop sock(s) (UK), knee-high(s) (US)
mi bémol majeur {m} :: E flat major
mica {f} [mineral] :: mica
micacé {adj} :: micaceous
micellaire {adj} :: micellar
micelle {f} :: micelle
Michael {prop} :: given name of modern usage
Michaël {prop} {m} :: given name, a variant of Michel, popular in the end of the 20th century
Michaud {prop} :: surname
miche {f} :: round loaf, cob loaf
miche {f} [in the plural, colloquial] :: buns, bum, butt
miché {m} :: john (prostitute's client)
Michée {prop} {m} [bible] :: Micah
Michel {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Michael, the Archangel
Michel {prop} {m} :: given name of biblical origin
Michel {prop} {m} :: surname
michelangelesque {adj} :: Of, pertaining to or reminiscent of Michelangelo, Michelangelesque
Michèle {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Michel
micheletiste {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of French historian Jules Michelet
Michelin {prop} :: surname
Michelin {prop} :: Any of several guides produced by the Michelin publishing house
Micheline {prop} {f} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Michel (= Michael)
Michelle {prop} {f} :: given name, the feminine form of Michel (= Michael), with the latest popularity peak in the 1940s
mi-chemin {m} [rare] :: the midway point
michetonneuse {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: gold digger
Michigan {prop} {m} :: Michigan (state)
Michiko {prop} :: given name
michto {adj} [slang] :: pleasant, good, great
michto {f} [slang, derogatory] :: greedy girl
michto {f} [slang] :: prostitute
Mickaël {prop} {m} :: given name, a variant of Michel popular in the end of the 20th century. Cognate with English Michael
micmac {m} :: carry-on, jiggery-pokery
micmac {m} :: Mi'kmaq (language)
micocoulier {m} :: hackberry (shrub of the genus Celtis, Celtis australis)
micro- {prefix} :: micro-
micro {m} :: mic (microphone)
micro {m} :: micro (microcomputer)
micro {m} :: (obsolete) microscope
microanalyse {f} [chemistry] :: microanalysis
microbe {m} [microbiology] :: microbe
microbien {adj} :: microbial
microbille {f} :: microbead
microbiologie {f} :: microbiology (science)
microbiologique {adj} :: microbiological
microbiologiste {mf} :: microbiologist
microbiote {m} [biology] :: microbiota
microcalorimètre {m} :: microcalorimeter
microcanonique {adj} [physics] :: microcanonical
microcapsule {f} :: microcapsule
microcéphalie {f} :: microcephaly
microchimie {f} [chemistry] :: microchemistry
microchirurgie {f} :: microsurgery (surgical procedures that are very small)
microcinéma {m} :: microcinema
microclimat {m} :: microclimate
microcontrôleur {m} :: microcontroller
microcosme {m} :: microcosm
microcosmique {adj} :: microcosmic (of, or relating to a microcosm)
microcrédit {m} :: microcredit
microcristal {m} :: microcrystal
microdegré {m} :: microdegree
microdisquette {f} :: Floppy disk, microfloppy, microdiskette
microdisséquer {v} :: To microdissect
microdistillerie {f} :: microdistillery
microéconomie {f} [economics] :: microeconomics
microécosystème {m} [ecology] :: microecosystem
microélectrode {m} :: microelectrode
microélectronique {adj} :: microelectronic
microélectronvolt {m} :: microelectronvolt
microélément {m} [biochemistry] :: microelement
microémulsion {f} :: microemulsion
microfilmer {v} :: To microfilm
microfiltré {adj} :: microfiltered
microfinance {f} [finance] :: microfinance
microforme {f} :: microform
microfossile {m} :: microfossil
microfuite {f} :: microleak
microgal {m} :: A unit of acceleration equal to one millionth of a gal
microgamète {m} :: microgamete
microglie {f} [anatomy] :: microglia
microgramme {m} :: microgram, microgramme
micrographie {f} :: micrography
micrographique {adj} :: micrographic
microgravimétrique {adj} :: microgravimetric
microgravité {f} :: microgravity
micro-jupe {f} :: alternative form of microjupe
microjupe {f} :: microskirt
microkatal {m} :: microkatal
microlithographie {f} :: microlithography
microlithographique {adj} :: microlithographic
micrologiciel {m} [computing] :: firmware
micromécanisme {m} :: micromechanism
micrométéorite {f} :: micrometeorite
micromètre {m} :: micrometre (one-millionth of a metre)
micrométrique {adj} :: micrometric
micrométriquement {adv} :: micrometrically
microminéralogie {f} [mineralogy] :: micromineralogy
micromiroir {m} [physics] :: micromirror
micronageur {m} :: microswimmer
micronème {m} [biology] :: microneme
Micronésie {prop} {f} :: Micronesia
micronésien {adj} :: Micronesian
Micronésien {m} :: Micronesian
Micronésienne {f} :: feminine noun of Micronésien
micronique {adj} :: micronic
micronutriment {m} :: micronutrient
micro-onde {f} :: microwave (wave)
micro-onde {m} :: microwave oven
micropaléontologie {f} :: micropaleontology
microparticule {f} :: microparticle
micropesanteur {m} :: microgravity (very low gravity)
microphage {m} [biology] :: microphage
microphone {m} :: microphone
microphonique {adj} :: microphonic
microphotographie {f} :: microphotography
microplaquette {f} :: microchip
microplastique {m} :: microplastic
micropolitain {adj} :: micropolitan
micropolluant {m} [ecology] :: micropollutant
microporeux {adj} :: microporous
microprocesseur {m} [computer hardware] :: microprocessor
microprogramme {m} [computing] :: microprogram
microprogrammer {v} :: to microprogram
micro puce {f} [rare] :: alternative spelling of micropuce
micro-puce {f} :: alternative spelling of micropuce
micropuce {f} [computing] :: microchip
microradiographie {f} :: microradiography
microrafale {f} :: A microburst (a downburst of wind during a thunderstorm caused by a downdraft shaft)
microscope {m} :: microscope
microscopique {adj} :: microscopic
microscopique {f} [printing, uncommon, dated] :: Norse (2½-point type)
microscopiquement {adv} :: microscopically
microseconde {f} :: microsecond
microséisme {m} :: microseism
microsillon {m} :: microgroove
microsillon {m} :: long-playing record
microsoftien {adj} :: Microsoftian
microsomial {adj} :: microsomal
microsoudeuse {f} :: die bonder (literally a micro-welder)
microsphère {f} :: microsphere
microstructural {adj} :: microstructural
microtome {m} :: microtome
microtomie {f} [biology] :: microtomy
microtransaction {f} :: microtransaction
micro-trottoir {m} [journalism] :: vox pop, street interview
microvoltage {m} :: microvoltage
microzooplancton {m} [biology] :: microzooplankton
miction {f} :: urination
Miculek {prop} :: Miculek; surname
midi {m} :: noon, midday
midi {m} :: south
midi {m} [specifically] :: southern France, the Midi
Midi {m} :: synonym of midi
midinette {f} :: shopgirl, salesclerk, midinette
midinette {f} :: bimbo, midinette
Midi-Pyrénées {prop} :: Midi-Pyrénées (former region)
Midori {prop} :: given name
mie {f} :: soft part (of bread), crumb (of loaf)
mie {adv} [archaic, used with "ne"] :: not
mie {f} [archaic] :: lady-love, beloved
miel {m} :: honey (sticky sweet substance)
miellat {m} :: honeydew
miellé {adj} :: honeyed, with honey
miellé {adj} :: honey-colored
miellé {adj} :: sweet as honey
miellerie {f} :: honey house
mielleusement {adv} :: In a honeyed way; honeyedly
mielleux {adj} :: honeyed, smooth, mellifluous (words); smooth-tongued, unctuous (person)
mielleux {adj} :: sugary, sickly sweet (flavour)
mien {adj} [archaic] :: my
miette {f} :: crumb (of bread or cake)
mieux {adv} :: comparative of bien; better
mieux {m} :: the best of one's ability, best
mieux vaut prévenir que guérir {proverb} :: prevention is better than cure, better safe than sorry
mieux vaut tard que jamais {proverb} :: better late than never
mièvre {adj} :: soppy (sickly sentimental)
mièvrement {adv} :: soppily
mièvrerie {f} :: soppiness, mushiness, sentimentality
mi-figue mi-raisin {adj} :: half-hearted
mignard {adj} :: graceful, delicate
mignard {adj} :: cute
mignard {adj} :: kind, affectionate
mignardement {adv} :: gracefully, delicately
mignardement {adv} :: kindly, affectionately
mignardise {f} [literary] :: pretense
mignardise {f} :: preciousness, affectation
mignon {adj} :: cute (of a baby, an animal, etc.)
mignon {adj} :: cute (sexually attractive)
mignon {m} :: a small pastry
mignonette {f} :: alternative form of mignonnette
mignonnement {adv} :: cutely; adorably
mignonnette {f} :: miniature (small bottle))
mignonnette {f} :: cracked pepper
mignonnette {f} :: piece of pork tenderloin
mignot {adj} :: Variant of mignon
mignotise {f} :: flattery
migraine {f} :: migraine
migraineux {adj} :: migrainous
migrant {m} :: Traveler or worker who moves from one region or country to another
migrant {adj} :: migrant, migratory
migrateur {adj} :: migratory ((of birds, etc) that migrate)
migration {f} :: migration (of animals)
migration {f} :: migration (of people)
migratoire {adj} [attributive] :: migration, migrant
migratoire {adj} :: migratory
migrer {v} [of people, birds, animals] :: To migrate
Mihaescu {prop} :: surname
mijaurée {f} :: pretentious woman; young madam
mijoter {v} :: to simmer
mijoteuse {f} :: slow cooker, crockpot
Mika {prop} :: given name
mikado {m} [history] :: mikado, a former title of the emperors of Japan during a certain period
mikado {m} [literary] :: any emperor of Japan
mikado {m} :: mikado (game of skill)
Mikaël {prop} :: given name
Mike {prop} {m} :: given name
mil {m} [now, dialectal] :: millet
milady {f} :: lady, milady
milan {m} :: kite (bird)
Milan {prop} {f} :: Milan (capital city)
Milan {prop} {f} :: Milan (metropolitan city)
milanais {adj} :: Milanese (from or pertaining to Milan)
Milanais {m} :: someone of or from Milan
Milanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Milanais
mildiou {m} :: mildew (growth of minute fungi)
mile {m} :: mile
miliaire {adj} :: miliary
miliaire {f} [disease] :: miliaria
miliaire {f} [disease] :: acute miliary tuberculosis
milice {f} :: militia (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need)
milicien {m} :: militiaman
milicienne {f} :: feminine singular of milicien
milieu {m} :: middle; center
milieu {m} :: setting; environment; surroundings
milieu {m} :: social circle; milieu
milieu de terrain {m} [sports] :: midfielder
militaire {adj} :: military, militaristic
militaire {m} :: military
militairement {adv} :: militarily (in a military way, with respect to the military)
militance {f} :: militancy, militance
militant {adj} :: militant
militant {m} :: activist, campaigner
militantisme {m} :: militancy
militantisme {m} :: activism
militarisation {f} :: militarization
militariser {vt} :: to militarize
militarisme {m} :: militarism
militariste {adj} :: militarist
militariste {mf} :: militarist
militer {v} :: to militate
militer {v} :: to campaign for, to be militant about
milk-shake {m} :: alternative spelling of milkshake
milkshake {m} :: milkshake
Millau {prop} :: A French commune
mille {num} :: thousand, a thousand, one thousand
mille {m} :: thousand
mille {m} :: mile (abbreviation mi)
mille {m} :: nautical mile (short for mille nautique)
mille {m} :: bullseye
mille-feuille {m} :: [culinary] mille-feuille, vanilla slice
mille-feuille {f} :: [botany] common yarrow, yarrow, milfoil (Achillea millefolium)
millefeuille {m} :: alternative spelling of mille-feuille
millefeuille {f} :: alternative spelling of mille-feuille
mille marin {m} :: nautical mile
mille mercis {interj} :: thank you very much, thanks a million
millénaire {adj} :: millennial, thousand-year-old
millénaire {m} :: millennium (thousand years)
millénairement {adv} :: millennially
millénarisme {m} :: millenarianism
millénariste {adj} :: millenarian
mille nautique {m} [nonstandard] :: a nautical mile: synonym of nautique and mille marin
millénium {m} :: millennium
mille-pattes {m} :: millipede
millepertuis {m} :: St John's wort
Miller {prop} :: surname
millérite {f} [mineralogy] :: millerite
millésime {m} :: year, date
millésime {m} :: vintage (year in which something is produced)
millésimé {adj} :: vintage
milles trous {mp} :: baghrir, crêpes arabes (rich Moroccan crêpes served hot with butter and honey)
millet {m} :: millet (grain)
milli- {prefix} :: milli-
milliard {num} :: A milliard (a short scale billion)
milliard {m} :: A milliard (a short scale billion)
milliardaire {mf} :: billionaire
milliardième {adj} :: billionth
milliardième {m} :: billionth (fraction)
millidegré {m} :: millidegree
milliélectronvolt {m} :: millielectronvolt
millième {adj} :: thousandth
millième {mf} :: thousandth
millier {m} :: thousand; a number of about a thousand
milligal {m} :: One thousandth of a gal
milligramme {m} :: milligram
millikatal {m} :: millikatal
millile {m} [statistics] :: millile
millime {m} :: millime
millimétré {adj} :: graduated in millimetres
millimétré {adj} :: very precise
millimètre {m} :: millimetre
millimétrique {adj} :: millimetric
millimétrique {adj} :: very precise
millimolaire {adj} [chemistry] :: millimolar
million {num} :: million, 106
millionième {adj} :: millionth
millionième {mf} :: millionth
millionnaire {mf} :: millionaire
millionnaire {adj} :: Very rich
millionnairement {adv} :: Very richly; ostentatiously
milliseconde {f} :: millisecond (one one-thousandth of a second)
Millot {prop} :: surname from Burgundy
Milo {prop} {m} :: given name
milord {m} [archaic] :: Milord, an English lord abroad
milord {m} [figurative, colloquial, dated] :: A rich man
milord {m} :: A horse-drawn car with a raised seat for the driver
Miltiade {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Miltiades
miltonique {adj} :: Miltonic
miltoniquement {adv} :: Miltonically
mime {m} :: pantomime actor, mime
mime {m} :: pantomime
mimer {v} :: to mime
mimer {v} :: to mimic
mimétique {adj} :: mimetic
mimétiquement {adv} :: mimetically
mimétisme {m} :: mimicry
mimi {adj} :: cute
mimi {m} :: kitty
mimi {m} :: dear, sweety
mimi {m} :: kiss
mimique {adj} :: mimical
mimique {f} :: funny face
mimique {f} :: mimicry
mimosa {m} :: mimosa
minable {adj} :: lousy, stinky, rubbish
minable {adj} :: miserable, pathetic
minablement {adv} :: lamentably
minage {m} :: act of mining
minage {m} [nautical] :: minelaying
minaret {m} :: minaret
minauder {v} :: to simper
minauderie {f} :: affectation
minaudier {adj} :: coquettish; affected
minaudière {f} :: minaudière (bag)
mince {adj} :: thin, slim, slender
mince {interj} :: drat!, darn!
mince {interj} :: wow!, blimey!
mincement {adv} :: thinly
minceur {f} :: thinness, slenderness
mincir {v} :: to make thinner or slimmer
mine {f} :: mine (excavation or explosive)
mine {f} :: pencil lead
mine {f} [soccer] :: piledriver, scorcher
mine {f} :: appearance, physical aspect; expression
miné {adj} :: mined
miné {adj} :: undermined
mine de rien {adv} [colloquial] :: discreetly, nonchalantly, unsuspiciously, innocently, sneakily
mine de rien {adv} [colloquial] :: without realising it; you wouldn't think so, but
mine d'or {f} [literally] :: gold mine
mine d'or {f} [figuratively] :: gold mine, mother lode
miner {v} :: to mine, exploit natural riches
miner {vt} :: to undermine; to erode
minerai {m} :: ore (rocklike material)
minéral {m} :: mineral
minéral {adj} :: mineral
minéralier {m} :: A ship carrying minerals
minéralisateur {adj} :: mineralizing
minéralisation {f} :: mineralization
minéralisé {adj} :: mineralized
minéraliser {vt} :: to mineralize
minéraliste {m} :: mineralist
minéralocorticoïde {m} [biochemistry] :: mineralocorticoid
minéralogie {f} :: mineralogy
minéralogique {adj} :: mineralogical
minéralogiquement {adv} :: mineralogically (with respect to mineralogy)
minéralogiste {mf} :: mineralogist
minéralomasse {m} :: mineralomass
minerval {m} [Belgium] :: tuition, tuition fees
minerve {f} :: a neckbrace
Minerve {prop} {f} :: Minerva (god)
minestrone {m} :: minestrone (thick Italian vegetable soup)
minet {m} :: kitty; puss or pussy (cat)
minet {m} :: adolescent male, kid
minet {m} :: twink
minette {f} :: feminine noun of minet; (female) kitten
minette {f} :: (female) puss, pussycat
minette {f} [colloquial] :: cool chick, very young girl
minette {f} [slang] :: muff diving, cunnilingus
minette {f} [mineral] :: Kind of iron mineral
mineur {adj} :: minor
mineur {m} :: a minor (as defined by the age of majority)
mineur {m} :: a miner
mineure {f} :: A minor (as defined by the age of majority)
mineuse {f} :: female equivalent of mineur
mini- {prefix} :: mini-
mini {adj} :: small; tiny
mini {adv} [colloquial] :: minimum; minimally
miniature {f} :: miniature
miniature {f} [computing] :: thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image)
miniaturisation {f} :: miniaturization (act or process of miniaturizing)
miniaturiser {v} :: to miniaturise
minibus {m} :: minibus
minichaîne {f} :: mini (audio) system
minier {adj} [attributive] :: mining
minière {f} [dated] :: mine (underground site from which materials are taken)
mini-jupe {f} :: alternative form of minijupe
minijupe {f} :: miniskirt
minimal {adj} :: minimal
minimaliser {v} :: to minimize
minimalisme {m} [art] :: minimalism
minimaliste {mf} :: minimalist
minimalité {f} [maths] :: minimality
minime {adj} :: minimal
minimessage {m} :: text message
minimiser {v} :: to lessen the importance of in the mind of people; to belittle, downplay, understate
minimiser {v} [proscribed] :: To reduce the effect of; to minimize
minimum {m} :: minimum
minimum syndical {m} :: bare minimum
minirobe {f} :: minidress
mini-short {m} :: (pair of) hot pants
ministère {m} :: ministry
ministère public {m} [legal] :: public prosecutor
ministériel {adj} :: ministerial
ministériellement {adv} :: ministerially
ministrable {adj} [politics] :: Potentially a minister
ministre {mf} :: minister
ministre {mf} :: indigo bunting, a bird with taxonomic name Passerina cyanea
minitel {m} :: Minitel
Minitel {prop} {m} [historical] :: Minitel
minitéliste {mf} :: Minitel user
minium {m} :: red lead
minivoiture {f} :: minicar
minkowskien {adj} :: Minkowskian
mino {m} :: alternative spelling of minot
minoen {adj} :: Minoan
minoën {adj} :: alternative spelling of minoen
minoën {m} :: alternative spelling of minoen
minois {m} :: the small, delicate face of an infant
minois {m} :: cute face in general
minoratif {adj} [of a medicine] :: laxative; causing bowel movement
minoratif {m} :: laxative
minoration {f} :: minoration
minorer {vt} :: to diminish the value (of)
minoritaire {adj} :: minor
minoritaire {adj} :: minoritary
minoritairement {adv} :: minorly
minorité {f} :: minority (the state of being a minor; youth; period of life preceding adulthood)
minorité {f} :: minority (any subgroup that does not form a numerical majority)
Minorque {prop} :: Minorca
minorquin {adj} :: Minorcan
minot {m} [Marseille slang] :: kid, lad
minotaure {m} :: minotaur
minoterie {f} :: flour milling
minoterie {f} :: flour mill
minotte {f} :: feminine noun of minot
minou {m} [colloquial, childish] :: kitty
minou {m} [slang] :: pussy
minoune {f} [Quebec, colloquial] :: an old car, a bucket
Minsk {prop} {f} :: Minsk (caplc)
minuit {m} :: midnight
minuscule {adj} :: tiny, minute, minuscule
minuscule {adj} [typography] :: lowercase
minuscule {f} [typography] :: a minuscule, a lower case
minutage {m} :: timing
minute {f} :: minute (etymology 1, time unit, all same senses)
minute {interj} :: wait a sec!
minute de silence {m} :: a moment of silence
minute papillon {interj} [colloquial] :: hold your horses! not so fast! hang on!
minuter {vt} :: to time
minuter {vt} :: to take minutes [of a meeting]
minuterie {f} :: time switch, timer
minuteur {m} :: timer
minutie {f} :: meticulousness, close attention to detail
minutier {m} :: minutes (register containing official records of meetings)
minutieusement {adv} :: meticulously, in careful detail, elaborately
minutieux {adj} :: thorough, elaborate, detailed
miocène {adj} :: Miocene
Miocène {prop} {m} :: Miocene period
mioche {mf} [colloquial] :: kid, nipper; brat
miotique {adj} :: miotic
Mirabeau {prop} :: surname
Mirabeau {prop} :: given name
mirabelle {f} :: mirabelle plum
Mirabelle {prop} :: A female given name
miracle {m} :: miracle
miraculé {adj} :: miraculously cured
miraculé {adj} :: miraculous
miraculer {vt} :: to cure by means of a miracle
miraculeusement {adv} :: miraculously
miraculeux {adj} :: miraculous
mirage {m} :: mirage
mirandais {m} :: Mirandese (language)
mire {f} [archaic] :: aim (action of aiming)
mire {f} :: foresight (of rifle)
mire {f} :: target (literal, figurative)
mire {f} [television] :: test pattern
Mireille {prop} :: given name
mirepoix {mf} [food] :: mirepoix
mirepoix {mf} [food] :: A bouillon, broth, or soup, made from mirepoix
mirer {v} [literary or dated] :: to watch intensely, to stare
mirette {f} [colloquial, especially in plural] :: peeper(s) (eyes)
mirifique {adj} :: wonderful
mirifiquement {adv} :: wonderfully, marvellously
mirliton {m} :: "reed-pipe (sort of flute or whistle formed of a reed stopped at both ends with the peel of an onion)"
mirobolamment {adv} :: greatly, enormously
mirobolant {adj} :: great, extraordinary, incredible
mirobolant {adj} :: extremely unrealizable, infeasible (too magnificent or beautiful to be practicable)
mirobolant {m} [rare, ironic] :: wonder, marvel (something extraordinary, causing amazement)
miroir {m} :: mirror
miroir aux alouettes {m} :: smoke and mirrors, will o' the wisp, snare, lure
miroir sans tain {m} :: one-way mirror
miroitant {adj} :: sparkling, shimmering
miroitement {m} :: mirror; mirroring
miroiter {v} :: to sparkle, gleam
miroiterie {f} :: the mirror business
miroiterie {f} :: mirror factory
miroitier {m} :: mirror manufacturer or seller
miroton {m} :: A casserole of beef with onions
mirthe {f} :: synonym of myrte
Miryam {prop} [biblical character] :: Miriam
Miryam {prop} :: given name, more often spelled Myriam
misaine {f} [nautical] :: fore
misaine {f} [nautical] :: foresail
misandrie {f} :: misandry
misanthropie {f} [psychology] :: misanthropy
misanthropique {adj} :: misanthropic (hating or disliking mankind)
mis à part {prep} :: apart from, aside from, putting aside
misbaha {m} :: misbaha
mischmétal {m} :: mischmetal
miscibilité {f} :: miscibility
miscible {adj} :: miscible
mise {f} :: placement; (act of) putting
mise {f} :: bet; wager, ante
mise {f} :: appearance; dress
mise à feu {f} :: blastoff, ignition, firing, initiation
mise à jour {f} :: update (action of updating)
mise à mort {f} :: execution (the act of putting to death)
mise à niveau {f} :: upgrade
mise à pied {f} [colloquial] :: a firing, a dismissal of someone from a job or position
mise au point {f} [photography] :: focus
mise au point {f} [figuratively] :: clarification; [public relations] refutation
mise au point {f} :: conception, elaboration
mise au point {f} [sculpture] :: pointing (pointing technique, pointing machine, etc.)
mise en abyme {f} :: mise en abyme
mise en bouche {f} :: pre-starter, appetizer
mise en bouche {f} [figuratively] :: introduction, way in, opening act
mise en bouteille {f} :: bottling
mise en demeure {f} [legal] :: formal notice, letter of demand
mise en évidence {f} :: highlighting
mise en évidence {f} [Belgium, algebra] :: factoring out
mise en examen {f} :: indictment
mise en garde {f} :: caution, admonition, warning; trigger warning
mise en ordre {f} :: ordering, sorting out
mise en page {f} :: layout (process, and result, of arranging media content for publishing)
mise en place {f} :: installation
mise en place {f} [cooking] :: mise en place (preparations done before cooking)
mise en scène {f} :: mise en scène (arrangement on a stage)
mise en scène {f} :: contextualization (creation of a context for a story)
mise en scène {f} :: false flag (staged event)
mise en service {f} :: commissioning
mise en situation {f} :: scenario
mise en situation {f} :: context
Misène {prop} :: Miseno
miser {v} [gambling] :: to bet (place a bet)
misérabiliste {adj} :: miserabilist
misérabiliste {mf} :: miserabilist
misérable {adj} :: destitute, impoverished
misérable {adj} :: seedy, shabby
misérable {adj} :: wretched, pitiful
misérable {adj} :: feeble, paltry, measly
misérable {mf} :: wretch, scoundrel
misérable {mf} :: A Belgian French pastry of vanilla butter-cream and tender almond biscuit layers
misérablement {adv} :: miserably
misère {f} :: misery
misère {f} :: poverty
misère {interj} :: dear me! dear Lord! oh boy! heavens! woe is me!
misère noire {f} :: utter destitution, abject poverty, dire poverty, grinding poverty, squalor
miséreux {adj} :: poverty-stricken, destitute
miséricorde {f} :: mercy
miséricorde {interj} :: mercy
miséricordieusement {adv} :: mercifully
miséricordieux {adj} :: merciful
miser sur le mauvais cheval {v} [figuratively] :: to back the wrong horse
miso {m} :: miso
misogyne {mf} :: misogynist
misogyne {adj} :: misogynistic, misogynist, misogynic, misogynous
misogynement {adv} :: misogynously
misogynie {f} :: misogyny
misologie {f} :: misology
misoprostol {m} :: misoprostol
missel {m} :: missal
missile {m} :: missile
missile à tête chercheuse {m} :: homing missile
mission {f} :: mission (duty that involves fulfilling a request)
mission {f} :: mission (religious evangelism)
missionnaire {adj} :: relating to a mission
missionnaire {adj} :: missionary (relating to missionaries)
missionnaire {mf} [religion] :: missionary
missionnaire {m} :: missionary (sex position)
missionner {v} :: To commission
mission spatiale {f} :: space mission
missive {f} :: missive
mistake {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: error, mistake
mistère {m} [archaic] :: mystery play
mistigri {m} [archaic] :: cat, malkin
mistigri {m} :: Jack of Clubs
mistral {m} [wind] :: mistral
mistralien {adj} :: Mistralian
mitage {m} :: holes caused by clothes moths
mitage {m} :: urban sprawl, urban scattering
mitaine {f} :: fingerless glove
mitaine {f} [Canada] :: mitten
mitan {m} [archaic or dialectal] :: middle, centre
mitard {m} :: hole (place where a prisoner is kept in solitary confinement)
mite {f} :: mite (arachnid)
mite {f} :: moth, particularly one whose larva destroys something stored by humans
mi-temps {f} [sports] :: half time
mi-temps {m} [employment] :: part-time job
miter {vr} [se miter] :: to be eaten by mites or moths
miter {v} :: to construct buildings in an unregulated pattern
miteusement {adv} :: shabbily
miteux {adj} :: shabby, seedy
mithriacisme {m} :: Mithraism
mithriaique {adj} :: Mithraic
Mithridate {prop} {m} :: Mithridates (several Persian kings in ancient times)
mithridatisation {f} :: Mithridatism; slow immunization (to a toxin) by repeated ingestion of increasing doses
mithridatisation {f} [figuratively, literary] :: Desensitization (to a thing) by repeated exposure
mithridatiser {v} :: to immunize against a poison by taking small amounts of it
mitigé {adj} :: qualified (success etc.); ambivalent (feelings), lukewarm (results)
mitiger {v} [dated] :: to deacidify (make less acidic)
mitiger {v} [dated] :: to mitigate, soften
mitochondrial {adj} :: mitochondrial
mitochondrie {f} :: mitochondrion
mitonner {vit} :: to simmer, slow-cook
mitophagie {f} [biology] :: mitophagy
mitose {f} [cytology] :: mitosis
mitotique {adj} [biology] :: mitotic
mitoyen {adj} :: adjoining, dividing, common
mitraillade {f} :: machine-gunning
mitraillage {m} :: machine-gunning, strafing
mitraille {f} :: grapeshot
mitraille {f} [colloquial] :: dosh, dough (money)
mitrailler {vit} :: to machine-gun, to fire
mitrailler {vt} :: to snap away (take many photos of)
mitrailler {vt} [vulgar] :: to pummel (have hard sex with)
mitraillette {f} :: submachine gun
mitraillette {f} [Belgium] :: sandwich with meat and French fries
mitrailleur {m} :: machine-gunner
mitrailleuse {f} :: machine gun
mitrailleuse {f} :: female equivalent of mitrailleur
mitre {f} :: mitre
mitré {adj} :: mitred (wearing a mitre)
mitron {n} [cuisine] :: An apprentice of bakery
Mitsui {prop} :: surname
Mitterrand {prop} :: surname
mitterrandien {adj} :: Mitterrandian
Miu {prop} :: given name
mix {m} [music] :: mix
mixage {m} :: mixing (audio mixing)
mixer {v} :: to mix
mixer {m} :: mixer (machine for mixing)
mixeur {m} :: blender (machine)
mixeur {m} :: mixer (mixing console)
mixeur {m} :: mixer (person who specializes in mixing music)
mixeuse {f} :: feminine noun of mixeur
mixité {f} :: mix
mixité {f} :: mixed-sex education
mixotrophie {f} [biology] :: mixotrophy
mixotrophique {adj} :: mixotrophic
mixtape {m} :: mixtape
mixte {adj} :: mixed; varied
mixte {adj} :: Relating to, or containing individuals of both sexes
mixtiligne {adj} :: mixtilinear
mixtion {f} :: mixtion (compound of drugs)
Miyazawa {prop} :: surname
Miyu {prop} :: given name
Miyuki {prop} :: given name
Mlle. {f} :: abbreviation of Mademoiselle
Mlle {n} :: abbreviation of Mademoiselle
mloukhiya {f} :: mulukhiyah
Mme. {prefix} :: Mrs. (prenominal titular prefix for a married woman) (missus) abbreviation of madame
Mme {f} :: abbreviation of Madame
mnémonique {adj} :: mnemonic (related to mnemonics)
mnémonique {mf} :: mnemonic
mnémonique {mf} :: mnemonics
mnémoniquement {adv} :: mnemonically
mnémotechnie {f} :: mnemotechny
mnémotechnie {f} :: mnemonic
mnémotechnique {adj} :: mnemonic (related to mnemonics)
MNS {m} :: lifeguard
Mo {symbol} :: abbreviation of mégaoctet MB (megabyte)
mob {f} [colloquial] :: scooter, moped
mobile {adj} :: mobile
mobile {adj} :: moving
mobile {adj} :: movable
mobile {m} [physics] :: moving body
mobile {m} :: mobile [decoration]
mobile {m} :: motive [for an action, for a crime]
mobile {m} :: mobile phone; ellipsis of téléphone mobile
mobilier {m} :: furniture
mobilier {adj} :: property (attributive)
mobilier urbain {m} :: urban furniture
mobilisable {adj} :: mobilisable
mobilisateur {adj} :: mobilizing
mobilisateur {adj} :: inspiring
mobilisation {f} :: militarisation, mobilisation
mobiliser {v} :: to mobilize
mobilité {f} :: mobility
mobutisme {m} :: Mobutism
mobylette {f} :: moped
mocassin {m} :: moccasin (shoe)
mocassin {m} :: moccasin (snake)
moche {adj} [colloquial] :: ugly
moche à chier {adj} [vulgar] :: ugly as fuck, ugly as sin
mochement {adv} :: uglily
mocheté {f} :: ugliness
modal {adj} :: modal
modal {m} :: a modal verb
modalité {f} :: modality
mode {f} :: fashion, trend
mode {m} :: method, means, way, mode
mode {m} [grammar] :: mode, mood
mode d'articulation {m} [phonetics] :: manner of articulation
mode d'emploi {m} :: user guide, user manual, instructions for use, directions
mode de vie {m} :: way of life, lifestyle
modelage {m} :: modelling
modèle {m} :: model, example
modèle {m} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] :: template
modeler {vt} :: to model, to mould (physically change the shape of)
modeler {vt} :: to shape (e.g. a character)
modèle réduit {m} :: scale model
modélisateur {m} :: model maker
modélisateur {m} [maths] :: modeller
modélisation {f} [mathematics] :: modelling
modélisatrice {f} :: feminine singular of modélisateur
modélisé {adj} :: modelled
modéliser {vit} :: to model (construct a physical or conceptual model)
modélisme {m} :: modelling; model making; model building
modéliste {mf} :: fashion designer
modéliste {mf} :: model maker
modem {m} :: modem
modénature {f} [architecture] :: moulding
Modène {prop} :: Modène (province)
Modène {prop} :: Modène (city)
modérantisme {m} :: moderantism
modérateur {m} :: moderator
modérateur {adj} :: moderate, not extreme
modération {f} :: moderation
modéré {adj} [philosophy, politics, religion] :: moderate
modérément {adv} :: moderately (in a moderate way)
modérer {vt} :: to moderate, temper, lessen, weaken etc
modérer {vr} [se modérer] :: To practice moderation
modérer {vt} :: To moderate, act as moderator, notably in a gremium
moderne {adj} :: modern
modernement {adv} :: modernly
modernisateur {m} :: modernizer
modernisation {f} :: modernisation
modernisatrice {f} :: feminine noun of modernisateur
moderniser {v} :: to modernize
modernisme {m} :: modernism, modernity
modernissime {adj} :: supermodern
moderniste {adj} [art] :: modernist
moderniste {mf} [art] :: modernist
modernité {f} :: modernity
modeste {adj} :: modest
modestement {adv} :: modestly
modestie {f} :: modesty
modicité {f} :: modesty
modifiable {adj} :: modifiable
modifiablement {adv} :: modifiably
modificateur {m} :: modifier
modificatif {adj} :: modifying
modification {f} :: modification
modificatrice {f} :: feminine singular of modificateur
modifier {v} :: to change, modify
modillon {m} [architecture] :: corbel
modique {adj} :: modest (of a price, sum of money etc.)
modiquement {adv} :: modestly
modiste {m} :: modiste; milliner
Modon {prop} :: Methoni
modulable {adj} :: modular
modulaire {adj} [chiefly mathematics] :: modular
modularité {f} :: modularity
modulateur {m} :: modulator
modulation {f} :: modulation
modulatrice {f} :: feminine noun of modulateur
module {m} :: module
module d'extension {m} [computing] :: plug-in (computer program add-on)
moduler {vt} :: to modulate
moduler {vi} [music] :: to modulate
moelle {f} :: marrow (substance inside bones)
moelle {f} :: spinal cord
moelle {f} :: pith
mœlle {f} :: alternative form of moelle
moelle épinière {f} :: spinal cord
moelle osseuse {f} [anatomy] :: bone marrow
moelleusement {adv} :: softly
moelleusement {adv} :: comfortably
moelleux {adj} :: full of marrow, marrowy
moelleux {adj} :: [by extension] soft, supple, graceful
moëlleux {adj} :: alternative form of moelleux
moellon {m} [architecture] :: rubblestone
mœuf {m} [grammar] :: synonym of mode
mœurs {fp} :: mores, customs
mœurs {fp} [colloquial] :: ellipsis of police des mœurs
MOF {prop} :: initialism of Meilleur Ouvrier de France
mofette {f} :: mofetta
Mogadiscio {prop} :: Mogadiscio (capital city)
mogette {f} :: bean, in particular dried white beans
moghazni {m} :: A member of an irregular French army force during the Algerian War
moghol {adj} :: Mughal
mogo {m} [nouchi] :: bloke, man, particularly as seen as engaging in intercourse with women, philanderer, lothario
mohair {m} :: mohair
Mohéli {prop} :: Mohéli (island)
moi {pron} :: me (first-person singular direct object pronoun)
moi {pron} :: to me (first-person singular indirect object pronoun)
moi {m} :: ego
moignon {m} :: stump (The remains of something that has been cut off; especially the remains of a limb)
moignon {m} :: stub (something cut short, blunted, or stunted)
moi-même {pron} [emphatic] :: myself
moindre {adj} :: lower; less; lesser
moindre {adj} [preceded by a definite article] :: The smallest, the slightest, the least
moindrement {adv} :: in the least or slightest manner
moine {m} :: monk
moineau {m} :: sparrow
moineau {m} [fortifications] :: (type of) small bastion
moineau domestique {m} :: house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
moineau franc {m} :: house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
moinerie {f} :: monastery
moinillon {m} :: young monk
moins {adv} :: less, fewer
moins {adv} [with numbers] :: minus; negative
moins {adv} [preceded by a definite article] :: the least
moins {m} :: the minus sign
moins {prep} :: minus
moinson {m} :: A type of chestnut
moire {f} :: watered fabric, moire
Moire {f} [literary] :: doom, fate, weird, destiny
moiré {adj} [design, textiles] :: moiré, watered (effect)
moiré {adj} [figuratively] :: shimmering
moiré {m} :: moiré, watered effect, clouded effect
mois {m} :: month
moise {f} [rare] :: ledger (piece of carpentry), yoke
moïse {m} :: Moses basket
Moïse {prop} :: Moses [biblical character]
Moïse {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
moiselle {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: damselfly
moisi {adj} :: mouldy
moisi {m} :: mould (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi)
moisir {v} [ergative] :: (to cause) to go mouldy, to moulder
moisir {v} [colloquial] :: to hang around, to gather dust
moisissant {adj} :: mouldering, decaying, rotting
moisissure {f} :: mould (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi)
moisson {f} :: harvest
moissonnage {m} :: harvesting
moissonner {v} :: to harvest (to reap)
moissonneur {m} :: harvester, reaper
moissonneuse {f} :: harvester
moissonneuse-batteuse {f} :: combine harvester (farming machine)
moite {adj} :: sticky, muggy (heat, weather)
moite {adj} :: sticky, sweaty (skin, hands etc.)
moitement {adv} :: stickily
moiter {vt} :: to make moist with sweat
moiter {vi} :: to become moist with sweat
moiteur {f} :: wetness, dampness
moiteur {f} :: sweat
moitié {f} :: half
moitié {f} [by extension] :: significant other
molaire {f} :: molar (tooth)
molaire {adj} :: molar (relating to molar teeth)
molaire {adj} [chemistry] :: molar
molalité {f} [chemistry] :: molality
molard {m} [slang] :: spit wad (a wad of spittle spat by someone)
molarder {v} [slang] :: to spit, gob
molarité {f} [chemistry] :: molarity
molassique {adj} [geology] :: molassic
moldamax {m} :: An alloy of copper and beryllium used to make moulds for plastic products
moldave {adj} :: Moldavian
moldave {m} :: Moldavian (language)
Moldave {mf} :: Moldovan
Moldavie {prop} {f} :: Moldova
Moldavie {prop} {f} :: Moldavie (region)
moldu {m} :: Muggle (as in Harry Potter)
mole {f} [chemistry, physics] :: mole
môle {m} :: breakwater, mole
môle {f} :: mole (in pregnancy)
môle {f} :: sunfish
moléculaire {adj} :: molecular
moléculairement {adv} :: molecularly
molécularité {f} [physics, chemistry] :: molecularity
molécule {f} [chemistry] :: molecule
molécule {f} :: molecule (tiny amount)
molenbeekois {adj} :: Of or from Molenbeek (especially Molenbeek-Saint-Jean in Belgium)
molène {f} [botany] :: mullein
moler {v} :: alternative form of moller
moleskine {f} :: moleskin (fabric)
molester {v} :: To molest
molester {v} :: To maul
molette {f} :: rowel
molette {f} :: scroll wheel
molette {f} :: mouse wheel
Molise {prop} {m} :: Molise (region)
mollah {m} :: mullah
mollard {m} [slang] :: spit wad (a wad of spittle spat by someone)
mollarder {v} [slang] :: to spit, gob
mollasson {adj} :: sluggish
mollement {adv} [literally] :: softly
mollement {adv} [figuratively, pejorative] :: weakly; feebly
mollement {adv} [figuratively, pejorative] :: effeminately
moller {v} [nautical] :: To let out a rope
moller {v} [nautical] :: To sail with the wind behind one
mollesse {f} :: wetness, moisture
mollesse {f} :: lack of vitality, limpness, feebleness
mollet {m} [anatomy] :: calf
molletière {f} :: gaiter, puttee (leg covering)
molleton {m} :: felt; duffel
molleton {m} :: fleece
molletonné {adj} :: fleecy, fleece-lined
mollett {m} :: calf (back of leg)
mollett {adj} :: pleasantly soft
mollett {adj} :: (of eggs) poached
mollir {vi} [rare] :: to mollify, become soft
mollir {vi} [rare] :: to ease off or die down; to relent, abate, give way
mollo {adv} [colloquial] :: softly, gently
molluscide {m} :: molluscicide
mollusque {m} :: mollusc
molosse {m} :: huge dog, great hound
molybdène {m} :: molybdenum
molybdénite {f} [mineralogy] :: molybdenite
môme {mf} [colloquial] :: kid, brat
môme {mf} [colloquial] :: chick, bird (girl)
moment {m} :: moment (point in time)
moment {m} :: moment (short period of time)
moment {m} :: a while
moment {m} [physics, mechanics] :: moment, momentum
momentané {adj} :: momentary
momentanément {adv} :: momentarily
moment de vérité {m} :: moment of truth
momie {f} :: mummy (embalmed corpse)
momie {f} [by extension] :: stiff (a lifeless, boring person)
momification {f} [usually, uncountable] :: mummification
momifier {v} :: to mummify
momon {m} :: mask
momon {m} :: masquerade
momordique {f} :: Any plant of the Mormodica genus
momordique {f} :: exploding cucumber
mon {determiner} [possessive] :: my (used to qualify masculine nouns and vowel-initial words regardless of gender)
mon {determiner} :: Followed by rank, obligatory way of addressing a (male) superior officer within the military. (Folk etymology: military-specific short for "monsieur".)
monacal {adj} :: monastic
monacalement {adv} :: monastically
monacétine {f} [organic compound] :: monoacetin
monachisme {m} :: monachism, monasticism
monaco {m} :: A cocktail made of beer mixed with grenadine syrup
Monaco {prop} {m} :: Monaco (city-state)
monadique {adj} :: monadic
monarachine {f} [organic compound] :: monoarachin
monarchie {f} :: monarchy
monarchie absolue {f} :: absolute monarchy
monarchique {adj} :: monarchical
monarchiquement {adv} :: monarchically
monarchisme {m} :: monarchism
monarchiste {adj} :: monarchist
monarchiste {mf} :: monarchist
monarde {f} :: bee balm
monarque {m} :: monarch
monastère {m} :: monastery
monastique {adj} :: monastic
monastiquement {adv} :: monastically
monceau {m} :: heap, pile
Moncton {prop} :: A placename
Moncton {prop} :: Moncton (city)
mon cul {interj} [vulgar] :: my ass (indicator of disbelief)
mondain {adj} :: worldly, mundane
mondain {adj} :: chic
mondainement {adv} :: worldly, mundanely
mondamoiseau {m} [rare] :: Young single man
mondanité {f} :: worldliness
mondanité {f} :: society (worldly life)
mondanité {f} :: gossip column
mondanité {f} [in the plural] :: small talk
monde {m} :: world
monde {m} :: people
monde {interj} [Louisiana French] :: good heavens
monde {adj} [archaic] :: pure; clean
monde de l'autre côté {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: a foreigner
monder {v} :: to blanch (vegetables)
monder {v} :: to clean or purify
mondeuse {f} :: A variety of black grape from Savoie
mondial {adj} :: global, worldwide
Mondial {prop} {m} :: World Cup, world championship
mondialement {adv} :: globally, worldwide, throughout the world, all over the world
mondialisation {f} :: globalisation (all meanings)
mondialiser {v} :: to globalise; become global
mondialisme {m} :: globalism (doctrine of globalization)
mondialiste {adj} :: globalist
mondialiste {m} :: globalist
mondialiste {m} [sports] :: A team appearing in a World Cup
mon Dieu {interj} :: my God!
mondit {determiner} :: my said
mondovision {f} :: telecast (worldwide, by satellite)
mondrain {m} [geography] :: Sand hillock
monégasque {adj} :: Monégasque (relating to Monaco)
Monégasque {mf} :: Monégasque (inhabitant of Monaco)
monère {m} :: moneran
monétaire {adj} :: monetary, fiscal
monétairement {adv} :: monetarily
monétarisme {m} :: monetarism
monétariste {adj} :: monetarist
monétariste {mf} :: monetarist
monétiforme {adj} :: coin-shaped
monétique {f} :: electronic banking
monétisation {f} :: monetization
monétiser {v} :: To monetize
Monfort {prop} :: Monfort (commune)
Monfort {prop} :: surname
mongol {adj} :: Mongolian
mongol {m} :: Mongolian language
mongol {m} :: Mongol (idiot)
Mongol {m} :: Mongolian (person)
Mongole {f} :: female equivalent of Mongol
Mongolie {prop} {f} :: Mongolie (country)
mongolien {adj} :: Mongolian
mongolien {adj} :: Down syndrome (attributive)
mongolien {m} :: A person with Down syndrome
mongolisme {m} [dated] :: mongolism, Down's syndrome
moniale {f} [Christianity, now rare] :: monial
Monique {prop} {f} :: given name
moniteur {m} :: monitor (someone who watches over something)
moniteur {m} :: monitor (instructor, teacher, supervisor)
moniteur {m} [computing] :: monitor (computer screen)
monitorage {m} :: monitoring
monitorat {m} :: mentoring
monitorer {vt} :: to monitor
monitrice {f} :: female equivalent of moniteur
monnaie {f} :: change (money back after a transaction)
monnaie {f} :: currency
monnaie {f} :: cash, change (coins, as opposed to notes)
monnaie {f} :: coinage
monnaie courante {f} :: a common thing, a common occurrence, common practice, common currency
monnaie unique {f} :: single currency
monnayable {adj} :: convertible (into cash); worth money
monnayage {m} :: minting, coin-making
monnayage {m} [by extension] :: manufacturing of money in general
monnayer {v} :: to mint coins
monnayer {v} [by extension] :: m to manufacture money
monnayeur {m} :: minter (person who mints money)
monnayeuse {f} :: feminine noun of monnayeur
mono- {prefix} :: mono-
mono {adj} :: monophonic, monaural
mono {m} [colloquial] :: supervisor, leader (in a camp)
monoacide {m} [chemistry] :: monoacid
monoacide {adj} [chemistry] :: monoacidic
monoacyler {v} :: To monoacylate
monoalkyler {v} [organic chemistry] :: To monoalkylate
monoamine oxydase {f} [enzyme] :: monoamine oxidase
monoandrie {f} :: monoandry
monoaperturé {adj} [botany, of a pollen grain] :: Having a single aperture (germination pore)
monoatomicité {f} :: monatomicity
monoatomique {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: monatomic
monobare {adj} [thermodynamics] :: monobaric
monobasique {adj} [chemistry] :: monobasic
monoblepsie {f} [pathology] :: monoblepsis
Monoblet {prop} :: Monoblet (commune)
monoblétois {adj} :: Of or from Monoblet
Monoblétois {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Monoblet
Monoblétoise {f} :: feminine singular of Monoblétois
monobovin {adj} :: Powered by a single ox (or other cattle)
monobromé {adj} [chemistry] :: monobrominated
monobromométhane {m} [organic compound] :: methylbromide
monocalcique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: monocalcium (attributive)
monocaméral {adj} :: unicameral
monocaméralisme {m} :: unicameralism
monocamérisme {m} :: synonym of monocaméralisme
monocarboxylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: monocarboxylic
monocarpe {adj} :: monocarpous
monocarpique {adj} :: monocarpic
monocaténaire {adj} [organic chemistry] :: single-stranded
monocausal {adj} :: monocausal
monocause {adj} :: monocausal
monocellulaire {adj} :: unicellular
monocellulaire {adj} :: monobloc
monocentré {adj} :: synonym of monocentrique
monocentrique {adj} :: monocentric
monocépage {m} :: A monovarietal wine
monocéphale {adj} :: monocephalous
monocéphalien {adj} :: monocephalic
monocéphalique {adj} :: monocephalic
monochlamydé {adj} [botany] :: monochlamydeous
monochloré {adj} [chemistry] :: monochlorinated
monochlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: monochloride
monochromateur {m} :: monochromator
monochromatique {adj} :: monochromatic
monochromatiser {v} :: To monochromatize
monochromatopsie {f} :: synonym of achromatopsie
monochrome {adj} :: monochrome
monocinétique {adj} [physics] :: monokinetic
monocistronique {adj} [genetics] :: monocistronic
monocle {m} :: monocle
monoclinique {adj} [mineralogy] :: monoclinic (having three unequal axes)
monoclonal {adj} :: monoclonal
monocolore {adj} :: one-color/one-colour, monocolor/monocolour, unicolor/unicolour, monochromatic, monocrome, one-tone
monocolore {adj} [politics] :: single-party, one-party
monocoque {m} :: monocoque
monocoque {m} :: monohull
monocorde {m} [musical instruments] :: monochord
monocorde {adj} :: monotonous
monocorps {m} :: people carrier, MPV (car having no recess between the main body and the boot / trunk and only a small one between the main body and the bonnet / hood)
monocotylédone {mf} [botany] :: monocotyledon
monocouche {f} :: monolayer
monocouche {adj} :: monolayered
monocouloir {adj} :: single-aisle (airliner)
monocratie {f} :: monocracy
monocristal {m} :: monocrystal
monocristallin {adj} :: monocristalline
monoculaire {adj} :: monocular
monoculiste {m} :: monoculist
monoculture {f} :: monoculture
monocycle {m} :: unicycle (one-wheeled pedaled cycle)
monocyclique {adj} :: monocyclic
monocycliste {mf} :: unicyclist
monocylindre {m} :: A single-cylinder engine
monocylindre {f} :: A vehicle with such an engine
monocyte {m} [cytology] :: monocyte
monodactyle {adj} :: monodactylous
monodelphe {adj} :: monodelphous
monodenté {adj} :: monodentate
monodimensionnel {adj} :: synonym of unidimensionnel
monodique {adj} [music] :: monodic
monodonte {f} :: monodontid
monodrome {adj} [maths] :: monodromic
monoecie {f} :: alternative form of monoécie
monoécie {f} [botany] :: monoecy
monœcie {f} :: alternative form of monoécie
mon œil {interj} [colloquial] :: my eye! my foot! tell it to the marines!
monoélectronique {adj} [physics] :: monoelectronic
monoergol {m} :: monopropellant
monoétage {adj} :: single-stage (of a rocket)
monofonctionnel {adj} :: monofunctional
monogame {adj} :: monogamous
monogame {mf} :: a monogamous person/animal/plant
monogamie {f} :: monogamy
monogamique {adj} :: monogamic (pertaining to monogamy)
monogant {m} [BDSM] :: armbinder, monoglove
monogastrique {adj} :: monogastric
monogène {adj} [maths] :: monogenic
monogénérique {adj} [biology] :: monogeneric
monogenèse {adj} :: monogenetic
monogénèse {adj} :: alternative form of monogenèse
monogénétique {adj} [biology] :: monogenetic
monogénie {f} :: monogenesis
monogénique {adj} :: monogenic
monogénisme {m} :: monogenism
monogéniste {adj} :: monogenist
monogéniste {mf} :: monogenist
monoglycéride {m} :: monoglyceride
monograde {adj} :: monograde
monogrammatique {adj} :: monogrammic, monogrammatic
monogramme {m} :: a monogram
monogrammé {adj} :: monogrammed (marked with a monogram)
monogrammiste {mf} :: monogrammist
monographie {f} :: monography
monographique {adj} :: monographic
monogyne {adj} :: monogyne
monogyne {adj} :: monogynous
monogynie {f} :: monogyny
monohydrate {m} [chemistry] :: monohydrate
monohydraté {adj} :: monohydrated
monohydrique {adj} :: monohydric
monoï {m} :: monoi [a Tahitian oil infused with flower petals]
monoïde {m} [maths] :: monoid
monoinsaturé {adj} :: monounsaturated
monoïque {adj} [botany] :: monoecious
monoisotopique {adj} [physics] :: monoisotopic
monolingue {adj} :: monolingual
monolinguisme {m} :: unilingualism, monolingualism, monoglottism
monolitère {adj} :: monoliteral
monolithe {m} :: monolith
monolithique {adj} :: monolithic
monolithisme {m} :: monolithism
monologique {adj} :: monologic, monological
monologue {m} :: monologue
monologuer {vi} :: to soliloquize
monomaniaque {adj} :: monomaniacal
monomaniaque {mf} :: monomaniac
monomaniaquement {adv} :: monomaniacally
monomanie {f} :: monomania
monomaque {mf} :: monomachist
monomaque {mf} :: gladiator
monomât {adj} [nautical] :: single-masted
monôme {m} :: monome, monomial
monôme {m} :: rag day procession
monomère {m} [chemistry] :: monomer
monomérique {adj} [chemistry] :: monomeric
monomériser {v} [chemistry] :: To monomerize
monométallique {adj} :: monometallic
monométallique {adj} :: monometallist
monométallisme {m} :: monometallism
monométalliste {adj} :: monometallist
monométalliste {mf} :: monometallist
monométhylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: monomethyl (attributive)
monomètre {adj} :: monometric
monomètre {m} :: monometer
monométrique {adj} :: monometric
monomodale {adj} :: monomodular
monomoléculaire {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: monomolecular
monomoraïque {adj} :: alternative form of monomorique
monomorique {adj} [linguistics] :: monomoraic
monomorphe {adj} :: monomorphic
monomorphisme {m} :: monomorphism
monomoteur {adj} :: single-engined
monomoteur {m} :: single-engined vehicle / aircraft
monomphalien {adj} :: monomphalic, omphalopagus
monomphalien {m} :: monomphalus, omphalopagus, omphalodidymus
monomyaire {adj} :: unimuscular
monomythe {m} :: monomyth
mononational {adj} :: mononational
mononucléaire {adj} :: mononuclear
mononucléidique {adj} [physics] :: mononuclidic
mononucléose {f} [pathology] :: mononucleosis
mononyme {m} :: mononym
mononyme {adj} :: mononymic
monooxygénase {f} [enzyme] :: monooxygenase
monopalme {f} :: monofin
monoparental {adj} :: single parent (attributive)
monoparentalité {f} :: single parenthood
monopartisme {m} [politics] :: single-party system
monopétale {adj} [botany] :: monopetalous
monopétalie {f} [botany] :: The state of being monopetalous
monophane {f} [mineral] :: synonym of épistilbite
monophasé {adj} :: single-phase (attributive)
monophasique {adj} :: monophasic
monophobie {f} :: monophobia
monophonie {f} :: monophony
monophonique {adj} :: monophonic, monaural
monophosphorylé {adj} :: monophosphorylated
monophosphoryler {v} :: To monophosphorylate
monophotonique {adj} [physics] :: monophotonic
monophtongaison {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: monophthongization
monophtongue {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: monophthong
monophtonguer {v} :: To monophthongize
monophylétique {adj} [systematics] :: monophyletic
monophylie {f} [systematics] :: monophyly
monophylle {adj} :: monophyllous, unifoliate (having a single leaf)
monophyllie {f} [botany] :: monophylly
monophysique {adj} :: monophysitic
monophysisme {m} :: monophysitism
monophyte {adj} [botany] :: monophyte
monoplace {m} :: single-seater (car, aircraft)
monoplan {m} :: monoplane
monoplégie {f} [pathology] :: monoplegia
monoploïdie {m} :: synonym of haploïdie
monopodial {adj} :: monopodial
monopole {m} :: monopoly
monopôle {m} [physics] :: monopole
monopoler {v} :: synonym of monopoliser
monopoleur {m} :: monopoler, monopolist
monopoleur {adj} :: monopolist
monopolisant {adj} :: monopolizing
monopolisateur {m} :: monopolist
monopolisation {f} :: monopolization
monopolisatrice {f} :: feminine singular of monopolisateur
monopoliser {v} :: to monopolize (have a monopoly)
monopoliste {mf} :: monopolist
monopolistique {adj} :: monopolistic
monoprocesseur {m} [computing] :: uniprocessor
monoprogrammation {f} [computing] :: monoprogramming
monoprotonique {adj} [chemistry] :: monoprotonic, monoprotic
monopsone {m} [economics] :: monopsony
monoptyque {m} [art] :: monoptych
monorail {adj} :: of or relating to monorail
monorail {m} :: monorail
monosaccaride {m} :: alternative form of monosaccharide
monosaccharide {m} :: monosaccharide
monosème {m} :: monoseme
monosémie {f} :: monosemy
monosémique {adj} :: monosemic
monosépale {adj} [botany] :: monosepalous
monosexualité {f} [botany] :: monosexuality
monosexuel {adj} [botany] :: monosexual
monoski {m} :: monoski
monoski {m} :: monoskiing
monosodique {adj} [attributive] :: monosodium
monosomie {m} [genetics] :: monosomy
monosomique {adj} [genetics] :: monosomic
monosourcil {m} :: unibrow, monobrow
monospace {m} :: minivan
monospermatique {adj} [botany] :: monospermal
monospermie {f} [botany] :: monospermy
monospermique {adj} [botany] :: monospermal
monostique {m} :: monostich
monostyle {adj} :: monostylous
monosubstitué {adj} [chemistry] :: monosubstituted
monosulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: monosulfide / monosulphide
monosyllabe {m} :: monosyllable
monosyllabique {adj} :: monosyllabic
monosyllabisme {m} :: monosyllabism
monoterpène {m} [organic chemistry] :: monoterpene
monothéisme {m} [religion] :: monotheism
monothéiste {mf} :: monotheist
monothéiste {adj} :: monotheistic
monothélisme {m} :: Monothelitism
monothélite {adj} :: Monothelite
monothélite {mf} :: Monothelite
monothélitisme {m} :: Monothelitism
monothérapie {f} [medicine] :: monotherapy
monothionique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: monothionic
monotone {adj} :: monotone
monotone {adj} :: whose speech is monotone
monotone {adj} :: boring due to uniformity or lack of variety; monotonous
monotonement {adv} :: monotonously
monotonie {f} :: monotony
monotonique {adj} [phonology] :: monotonic
monotoniser {v} :: To monotonize
monotope {adj} [chemistry] :: one-pot
monotopique {adj} [biology] :: monotopic
monotopisme {m} [biology] :: monotopism
monotrème {m} :: monotreme
monotypie {f} :: monotype (technique)
monotypique {adj} :: monotypic
monouque {f} [Louisiana French, vulgar, ] :: female genitals
monovalent {adj} :: single-valued
monovalent {adj} [chemistry] :: univalent
monovalué {adj} [computing] :: single-valued
monoville {f} :: monotown
monovocalique {adj} :: univocalic
monovocalisme {m} :: univocalic
monoxyde {m} [chemistry] :: monoxide
monoxyde de carbone {m} :: carbon monoxide (CO)
monoxyle {adj} :: From being constructed from a single piece of lumber
monoxyle {adj} [nautical] :: dugout (canoe)
monozigote {adj} :: monozygotic
monozygote {adj} :: monozygotic
monozygote {adj} :: identical (of twins)
mon petit doigt m'a dit {phrase} :: a little bird told me
Monréal {prop} :: surname
Mons {prop} :: Mons
monseigneur {m} :: monseigneur
monseigneur {m} :: Monsignor
Monseigneur {m} :: alternative case form of monseigneur
monseigneuriser {vt} :: to call one “my Lord”
mon siège est fait {phrase} [literary] :: I've made my decision, my mind is made up
monsieur {m} :: mister, sir (a title or form of address for a man)
Monsieur {m} :: alternative case form of monsieur Used to show respect
Monsieur {m} [historical] :: Specifically, the brother of the French king
Monsieur Durand {m} :: Joe Bloggs [UK], John Doe [US]
monsieur je-sais-tout {m} [colloquial] :: know-it-all
monsieur Propre {m} :: alternative spelling of Monsieur Propre
Monsieur Propre {m} :: Mr. Clean
Monsieur Propre {m} [colloquial] :: a wide-shouldered, muscular man
monstre {m} :: monster
monstre {m} [figurative] :: hideous person, fiend
monstre {adj} [colloquial] :: enormous
monstre sacré {m} [figuratively] :: giant, celebrity (undisputed authority in a certain field)
monstrueusement {adv} :: monstrously
monstrueux {adj} :: monstrous
monstruosité {f} :: monstrosity (all senses)
-mont {suffix} :: Forming a placename or a toponymic surname and denoting or connoting a hill or mountain
mont {m} :: (Used in certain geographic names) mountain, mount, mont
mont {m} :: (In the plural) the Alps
montage {m} :: assembly, set-up
montage {m} [film, television] :: editing
montagnais {m} :: Montagnais (language)
montagnard {adj} :: mountain-dwelling
montagnard {adj} [attributive] :: mountain
montagnard {m} :: mountain-dweller (someone who lives in the mountains)
montagnarde {f} :: feminine noun of montagnard
montagne {f} :: mountain
montagnes russes {fp} :: rollercoaster
montagnette {f} [regional] :: low mountain pasture
montagnette {f} :: mountainette, hillock
montagneux {adj} :: mountainous
Montaigne {prop} :: surname
Montaigne {prop} :: Michel de Montaigne, a French philosopher
montalbanais {adj} :: Of or from Montauban (or several places with similar names)
montanique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: montanic
montanisme {m} :: Montanism
montaniste {mf} :: Montanist
montant {adj} :: upwards, climbing
montant {adj} :: uphill
montant {m} :: a (monetary) amount
montant {m} :: a structural montant
Montauban {prop} :: A town in the Tarn-et-Garonne department of the Midi-Pyrénées region of France
mont-blanc {m} :: A dessert made from chestnut purée and whipped cream
mont Blanc {prop} {m} :: Mont Blanc
Montcalm {prop} :: surname
Montcourt {prop} :: surname
Montcuq {prop} :: A French city in the Lot department
monte {f} :: copulation, mating season
Monte-Carlo {prop} :: Monte Carlo
monte-charge {m} :: service lift, goods lift, cargo lift [UK], freight elevator, goods elevator, service elevator, cargo elevator [US]; hoist
monté comme un âne {adj} [simile] :: hung like a donkey
Montecristo {prop} {m} :: Montecristo (Italian island)
montée {f} :: climb (act of climbing/going up)
montée {f} :: rise
montée de lait {f} [breastfeeding] :: let-down
monténégrin {adj} :: Montenegrin
monténégrin {m} :: Montenegrin (language)
Monténégrin {m} :: Montenegrin (person)
Monténégrinne {f} :: feminine noun of Monténégrin
Monténégro {prop} {m} :: Montenegro
monte-plat {m} :: dumbwaiter
monte-plats {m} :: alternative form of monte-plat
monter {v} :: to go up, to climb (go to a higher position)
monter {v} :: to ascend, go higher, go uphill, go upstairs
monter {v} :: to get on, get in (a vehicle)
monter {v} :: to rise (get to a higher figurative position (socially, or in a league/division etc.))
monter {v} :: to stage, put on (a show)
monter {v} :: to ride (a horse)
monter {v} :: to mount (a horse)
monter {vt} :: to bring up, take up, put up, get up (lift or carry something to a higher position)
monter {v} :: to turn up, put up (increase the volume etc.)
monter {v} :: to raise (increase the level, price etc.)
monter {v} :: to put up (a tent)
monter {v} :: to string (an instrument)
monter à la tête {v} [idiomatic] :: To go to one's head (for alcohol)
monter au créneau {v} [figuratively] :: to enter the fray, to step up to the plate
monter dans les tours {v} [of an engine] :: to rev up
monter dans les tours {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get angry
Montérégie {prop} :: Montérégie (administrative region)
montérégien {adj} :: Of or from Montérégie
monter en épingle {vt} :: to highlight; to build up, to play up, to blow up (sometimes out of proportion)
monter en grade {v} :: to get a promotion, to get promoted
monter la garde {v} :: to stand guard, to keep watch
monter sur les planches {v} [figuratively] :: to perform in a theatrical play, to tread the boards
monter sur ses grands chevaux {v} :: get on one's high horse
Montesquieu {prop} :: surname
Montesquieu {prop} :: French man of letters Montesquieu
monteur {m} :: editor (film, TV, etc.)
monteuse {f} :: feminine noun of monteur
monteverdien {adj} :: Monteverdian
montgolfière {f} :: hot-air balloon
monticule {m} :: mound, hillock
monticule {m} [baseball] :: mound
montmartrois {adj} :: Of or from Montmartre
Montminy {prop} :: surname
montmorillonite {f} [mineral] :: montmorillonite
Montner {prop} {m} :: Montner (town)
Montouz {prop} :: surname
Montparno {prop} [slang] :: Montparno (area)
Montpellier {prop} :: Montpellier
montpelliérain {adj} :: Of or from Montpellier
montpelliérain {m} :: The form of Occitan spoken in Montpellier
Montrachet {prop} :: A vineyard between Chassagne-Montrachet and Puligny-Montrachet
montre {f} :: watch, wristwatch
montre {f} [dated] :: display, showcase
Montréal {prop} :: Montréal (largest city)
Montréal {prop} :: Montréal (island)
Montréal {prop} :: Montréal (commune)
Montréal {prop} :: Montréal (commune)
Montréal {prop} :: Montréal (commune)
Montréal {prop} :: Montréal (commune)
montréalais {adj} :: pertaining to Montréal
Montréalais {m} :: Montrealer, a denizen of Montreal
Montréalaise {f} :: female equivalent of Montréalais
montre en main {adv} :: exactly, to the minute
montrer {v} :: to show
montrer {vr} :: to display, to demonstrate one's characteristics
montrer du doigt {vt} :: to point out, to indicate; to point at; to point the finger at, to blame, to accuse, to incriminate
montrer le poing {v} :: to shake one's fist (à)
montrer les dents {v} [figuratively] :: to bare one's teeth
montrer l'exemple {v} :: to set an example
montrer patte blanche {v} [figuratively] :: to prove one's identity, to state one's credentials, to show one's ID, to present papers (to identify oneself to prove that one has the right to enter a place)
montrer son vrai visage {v} [figurative] :: to show one's true colors, to show one's true stripes, to show one's true face
montreur {m} :: exhibitor
montreur {m} :: showman
montreur {m} :: puppeteer
montreur {m} :: teacher (Louisiana)
montreuse {f} :: female equivalent of montreur
Montreux-Vieux {prop} :: A commune in the Sundgau region of the Haut-Rhin department of Alsace, located in eastern France. Montreux-Vieux is between Mulhouse and Belfort
Montrichard {prop} {f} :: A town and former commune merged into Montrichard-Val de Cher, in Loir-et-Cher department, Centre-Val de Loire, France
Montrouge {prop} :: A town in the Hauts-de-Seine department of Île-de-France
montrougien {adj} :: Of or from Montrouge
monts Oural {prop} :: Ural Mountains (mountain range in Russia)
montueux {adj} :: hilly
monture {f} :: A mount, an animal which is ridden
monture {f} :: A setting, bezel, frame etc. onto or into which an object is mounted
monture {f} :: A mechanical mounting job
monument {m} :: monument
monumental {adj} :: monumental
mon vieux {m} :: old boy, old chap
mon vieux {m} :: See: fr mon vieux
Moore {prop} :: surname
moppe {f} [Quebec] :: mop
Mopti {prop} :: Mopti (city)
moquer {vt} [literary] :: to mock
moquer {vr} [used with de] :: (se moquer de) to make fun of someone
moquer {vr} [used with en] :: to be indifferent; to not care
moquerie {f} :: mockery; joking; jesting
moquette {f} :: fitted carpet
moquetter {vt} :: to carpet
moqueur {m} :: mocker, someone who mocks, someone who pokes fun
moqueur {adj} :: mocking; that mocks, that pokes fun
moqueur {m} :: mockingbird
moqueuse {f} :: feminine noun of moqueur
moqueusement {adv} :: mockingly
morailles {fp} [farriery] :: barnacle, twitch, a kind of pincers or vise to fix the mouth of a horse to yield the opportunity of surgery
moraine {f} :: moraine
morainique {adj} [geology] :: morainic
moral {m} :: morale, optimism
moral {adj} :: moral
morale {f} :: Ethics, morality
moralement {adv} :: morally
moralisateur {adj} :: moralizing, sanctimonious
moralisation {f} :: moralization
moraliser {v} :: to moralize
moralisme {m} :: moralism
moraliste {mf} :: moralist
moralité {f} :: morality
moralité {f} :: moral; lesson (of a story)
moratoire {m} :: moratorium
morave {adj} :: Moravian (pertaining to Moravia)
Morave {mf} :: Moravian (person from Moravia)
Moravie {prop} {f} :: Moravia
morbide {adj} :: morbid
morbidement {adv} :: morbidly
morbidité {f} :: morbidity
Morbihan {prop} :: Morbihan
morbihannais {adj} :: of, from, or relating to, Morbihan, a French department in Brittany
Morbihannais {m} :: someone of or from Morbihan
Morbihannaise {f} :: feminine noun of Morbihannais
morbleu {interj} [archaic] :: gadzooks, zounds
morceau {m} :: piece, slice, bit, morsel
morceau {m} [Quebec, slang] :: gun, piece
morceler {vt} :: to break up; to divide up
morcellement {m} :: breaking up
mordamment {adv} :: bitingly
mordamment {adv} :: mordantly
mordant {adj} :: biting, sharp, acrid
mordant {adj} :: mordant
mordant {adj} :: corrosive
mordicus {adv} :: tenaciously
mordicus {adv} :: obstinately
mordillage {m} :: nibble
mordiller {v} :: to chew (to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing)
mordoré {adj} :: golden brown
mordre {v} :: to bite
mordre {v} :: to encroach
mordre à l'hameçon {v} [figuratively] :: to take the bait, to rise to the bait
mordre la poussière {v} :: to bite the dust (all senses)
mordre sur sa chique {v} [Belgium, colloquial] :: to tough it out, to gut it out, to bite the bullet
mordu {m} [colloquial] :: enthusiast, buff
more {f} [phonology] :: mora
more {adj} [dated] :: alternative spelling of maure
More {m} :: alternative spelling of Maure; Moor
moreau {adj} :: jet-black color of horses
Moreau {prop} :: surname
Moreaux {prop} :: surname
morelle {f} :: nightshade
morfal {m} [colloquial] :: greedyguts (greedy person)
morfale {f} :: feminine noun of morfal
morfler {vi} [slang] :: to pay, to be in for it
morfondre {vt} [dated] :: to depress, bore
morfondre {vt} [dated] :: to cool
morfondre {vr} :: mope around
morfondu {adj} :: dejected
morganatique {adj} :: morganatic
morganatiquement {adv} :: morganatically
morgane {adj} [colloquial] :: madly in love
Morgane {prop} {f} :: given name, Morgan
Morgane la fée {prop} {f} :: Morgan le Fay
Morgon {m} :: Morgon (wine)
morgue {f} :: morgue
moribond {adj} :: moribund
moricaud {adj} :: brown-skinned
morigéner {v} [archaic] :: To chide
morille {f} :: morel
morillon {m} :: A type of morel (Mitrophora semilibera)
morillon {m} :: tufted duck
morillon {adj} :: Of or from Saint-Moré
Morin {prop} :: surname
moringique {adj} :: moringic
morion {m} :: morion, a kind of helmet
morion {m} :: morion, a kind of black quartz
morique {adj} [linguistics] :: moraic
morique {adj} [chemistry] :: moroxylic
morisque {adj} :: Moorish
Morisque {mf} :: Morisco, Moor
Morita {prop} :: surname
mormon {adj} :: Mormon
morne {adj} :: gloomy, glum, dismal, dreary
Morneau {prop} :: surname
mornement {adv} :: gloomily, glumly, dismally, drearily
moroctique {adj} :: moroctic
moron {m} [Québec] :: moron, idiot
moron {adj} [Québec, colloquial] :: stupid
Moroni {prop} :: Moroni (capital city)
moronne {f} :: feminine singular of moron
morose {adj} :: sullen, gloomy, morose
morosement {adv} :: morosely, sullenly, gloomily
morosité {f} :: gloom; gloom and doom; gloominess; morosity
moroxylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: moroxylic
-morphe {suffix} :: -morph
morphe {f} :: morph
Morphée {prop} [Greek god] :: Morpheus (the Greek god of dreams)
morphème {m} [linguistics, linguistic morphology] :: morpheme (smallest linguistic unit)
morphème libre {m} [linguistic morphology] :: free morpheme
morphème lié {m} [linguistic morphology] :: bound morpheme
morphinate {n} [organic chemistry] :: morphinate
morphine {f} :: morphine
morphinique {adj} :: of or relating to morphine
morphique {adj} :: morphic
morphique {adj} :: synonym of morphogénétique
morphique {adj} :: Derived from morphine
morphisme {m} [maths] :: morphism
morpho- {prefix} :: morpho-
morphoclimatique {adj} :: morphoclimatic
morphocoiffure {f} :: A computer-assisted visual representation of a (range of) hairstyle(s) superimposed on a client's head
morphogenèse {f} [biology, geology] :: morphogenesis
morphogénétique {adj} :: morphogenetic
morphogénie {m} :: morphogeny, morphogenesis
morphogénique {adj} :: morphogenic
morphographie {f} :: morphography
morphologie {f} [uncountable] :: morphology (science)
morphologie {f} [countable] :: morphology (act of changing)
morphologique {adj} :: morphological (relating to morphology)
morphologiquement {adv} :: morphologically (with respect to morphology)
morphologiser {v} :: To give a morphological character to
morphologue {mf} :: morphologist
morphométrique {adj} :: morphometric
morphophonémique {adj} :: morphophonemic
morphophonologie {f} :: morphophonology
morphoplasme {m} :: morphoplasm
morphopsychologie {f} :: morphopsychology
morphose {f} :: morphism, morphosis
morphosyntaxe {f} :: morphosyntax
morphosyntaxique {adj} :: morphosyntactic
morphotectonique {adj} [geology] :: morphotectonic
morphotectonique {f} [geology] :: morphotectonics
morphothion {m} :: morphothion
morpion {m} :: (in plural morpions) crabs, pubic lice
morpion {m} :: brat, sprog, unruly child
morpion {m} :: tic-tac-toe (US), noughts and crosses (UK)
mors {m} [equestrian] :: bit
morse {m} :: walrus
morse {m} :: Morse code
morsure {f} :: bite (act of biting)
morsure {f} :: bite (the wound as a result of being bitten)
mort {adj} :: dead
mort {f} :: death
mort {m} :: dead person
mortadelle {f} :: mortadella
mortaillable {adj} :: (of a serf) inheritable (by mortmain)
mortaise {f} :: mortise / mortice
mortalité {f} :: mortality
mort aux rats {f} :: ratsbane
mort-aux-rats {f} :: ratsbane
mort cérébrale {f} [medicine] :: brain death
mort clinique {f} [medicine] :: clinical death
mort de rire {adj} :: lit., as adjective or past tense, dead or died of laughing, so "died laughing" or "dying of laughter"; compare mort de faim for starve. Often appearing as abbreviation "mdr" or "MDR," e.g., in SMS, as the French expression equivalent to LOL; sometimes expanded as the infinitive, mourir de rire (see Larousse)
mortel {adj} :: mortal
mortel {adj} :: deadly
mortel {adj} [colloquial] :: wicked; cool; ace
mortel {n} :: human
morte la bête, mort le venin {proverb} [literary] :: dead dogs don't bite (a dead man isn't a threat anymore)
mortellement {adv} :: mortally (to the death)
morte-saison {f} :: off-season
mort et enterré {adj} [figuratively] :: dead and buried, dead as a dodo
morticole {m} :: incompetent person
morticole {m} :: quack (charlatan doctor)
mortier {m} :: mortar (mixture for bonding building blocks)
mortier {m} :: mortar (artillery)
mortier {m} :: mortar (small bowl used to crush or grind food)
mortifère {adj} :: lethal
mortifère {adj} :: mortifying
mortifiant {adj} :: mortifying
mortifié {adj} :: mortified
mortifier {v} :: To mortify, humiliate
mortinaissance {f} :: stillbirth
mortinatalité {f} :: stillbirth
mort-né {adj} :: stillborn (dead at birth)
mort-né {m} :: stillborn
mort ou vif {adj} :: dead or alive
mort subite {f} :: sudden death
mort subite du nourrisson {f} :: crib death, cot death, sudden infant death syndrome
mortuaire {adj} :: mortuary
mort-vivant {m} :: undead (those creatures which are dead yet still move)
morue {f} :: cod
morue {f} [derogatory] :: a whore; a broad
morue {f} [pejorative] :: an ugly person; an oaf
morutier {m} :: cod fisher
morutier {m} :: cod boat
morutière {f} :: feminine singular of morutier
morvandeau {adj} :: Morvan (attributive)
morvandiau {adj} :: alternative form of morvandeau
morve {f} :: snot (mucus)
morve {f} :: glanders
morveuse {f} :: feminine noun of morveux
morveux {adj} [zoology] :: glandered
morveux {adj} :: snotty (kid)
morveux {m} :: brat
morveux {m} :: jerk
mosaïculture {f} :: mosaiculture (artform)
mosaïculture {f} [countable] :: mosaiculture (sculptures)
mosaïque {f} :: mosaic (artwork)
mosaïque {adj} :: mosaic (attributively)
mosaïque {adj} :: related to Moses
mosaïste {mf} :: mosaicist
Moscou {prop} {m} :: Moscou (federal city/capital)
Moscovie {prop} {f} :: Muscovy
moscovien {adj} :: Muscovian
Moscovien {m} :: A Muscovian person
Moscovienne {f} :: feminine noun of Moscovien
moscovite {adj} :: Muscovite
Moscovite {mf} :: Muscovite (person from Moscow; used of both genders)
mosellan {adj} :: Of or pertaining to French department Moselle
Moselle {prop} {f} :: Moselle (river)
Moselle {prop} {f} :: Moselle (department)
mosquée {f} :: mosque
môssieu {m} [humorous] :: sir
mot {m} :: word
mot {m} :: note, (short) message
mot ad hoc {m} :: nonce word
mot à mot {adv} :: word for word, verbatim
motard {m} :: motorcyclist in the armed forces or the police
motard {m} [by extension] :: motorcyclist in general
motard {m} :: a biker (especially member of a motorcycle gang)
mot caché {m} [games] :: word search, a type of puzzle using a rectangular grid of letters, with words made from most of the letters to be eliminated from a provided list to reveal unused letters that form the hidden word
mot-clic {m} [Quebec] :: hashtag (term used to tag a missive to identify a topic or searchterm)
mot composé {m} [linguistics] :: compound, compound word (linguistics: word formed by combining other words)
mot de la fin {m} :: closing words, concluding remarks
mot de passe {m} :: password
mot d'esprit {m} :: witticism
mot-dièse {m} [Internet, France, neologism, rare, ] :: hashtag
mot d'ordre {m} :: watchword
motet {m} [music] :: motet
moteur {m} :: motor, engine
moteur {m} [figuratively] :: driving force
moteur {adj} :: motive, driving
moteur à explosion {m} :: piston engine
moteur de recherche {m} [Internet, computing] :: search engine
moteur thermique {m} :: combustion engine
mot grammatical {m} [lexicography] :: function word, grammatical word
motif {m} :: motive
motif {m} :: motif
motif {m} :: pattern, design
motilité {f} :: motility
motion {f} :: motion (4)
motivant {adj} :: motivating
motivation {f} :: motivation
motivé {adj} :: motivated
motivé {adj} :: justified
motiver {v} :: to motivate
motiver {v} :: to justify
motivique {adj} :: motivic
motiviquement {adv} :: motivically
mot juste {m} :: Exactly the right word or phrasing
mot lexical {m} [lexicography] :: content word, lexical word
mot magique {m} :: magic word
mot magique {m} :: the "please" word (s'il vous plaît / s'il te plaît)
moto {f} :: bike, motorbike (motorcycle)
motocrotte {f} :: A motorized vehicle designed to remove dog faeces
motoculteur {m} :: rotavator (rotary tiller)
motocycle {m} [dated or formal] :: motorcycle
motocyclette {f} :: motorcycle
motocyclisme {m} :: motorcycle sport
motocycliste {mf} :: motorcyclist
moto-école {f} :: motorcycle driving school
motomarine {f} [nautical] :: water scooter
motonautisme {m} :: motorboating
motonautiste {mf} :: motorboater
motoneige {f} :: snowmobile
motoneigiste {mf} :: snowmobiler
motorique {adj} [music] :: motoric
motorisation {f} :: motorization
motorisé {adj} :: motorized
motoriser {v} :: to motorize (to provide with a motor or motors)
motoriste {m} :: engine manufacturer
motoriste {m} [aviation] :: enginer
mot-outil {m} [linguistics] :: function word
mot pour mot {adv} :: word for word, verbatim
motrice {f} :: railway train (typically diesel/electric, that has an engine and passengers in the same vehicle)
motricité {f} :: motivity, motive power
mots croisés {mp} [games] :: crossword (a word puzzle)
mots-croisiste {m} :: One who solves crossword puzzles
mot souche {m} [linguistics] :: root (word from which another word or words are derived)
motte {f} :: motte (mound of earth)
motte {f} :: clod, lump of earth
motte {f} :: block (of butter)
motte {f} [colloquial] :: (pubic) mound, mons veneris
motton {m} :: [Québec, slang] lump, clump, chunk
motton {m} :: [Québec, slang] money, cash
motus {interj} [colloquial] :: interjection to request silence; Hush!, Quiet!
motus et bouche cousue {interj} :: mum's the word
mot-valise {m} [linguistics, lexicography] :: portmanteau word
mou {adj} :: soft, pliable
mou {adj} [colloquial] :: pansy, spineless
mou {m} :: lungs, lights (of a slaughtered animal)
mouais {interj} [colloquial] :: not really; okay
moucharabieh {f} :: mashrabiya, moucharaby
mouchard {m} [colloquial] :: snitch, grass, tell-tale (police informant)
mouchard {m} :: mouchard (undercover investigator)
mouchard {m} :: bug (hidden microphone)
mouchard {m} :: spyhole, peephole
mouchard {m} :: tachograph (device that records the distance and time traveled by a vehicle)
mouchard {m} [computing] :: spyware (piece of spyware)
mouchard {m} [aviation] :: spyplane
mouchard {m} [aviation] :: black box, flight recorder
mouchardage {m} :: informing, grassing, ratting
moucharder {v} :: to rat; to rat on
moucharder {v} :: to tell tales
mouche {f} :: fly (insect)
mouche {f} :: bullseye (center of a target)
mouche {f} [historical] :: a spy employed by the ancien régime to seek out subversive ideas
mouche {f} [Louisiana French] :: bee
mouche {f} :: soul patch, mouche (narrow beard descending from lower lip)
mouche à feu {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: firefly
mouche à merde {f} [vulgar] :: dungfly, bluebottle, greenbottle
mouche à miel {f} [archaic or literary, except in, Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: bee
mouche de vinaigre {f} :: fruitfly
mouche du coche {f} [pejorative, figuratively] :: back-seat driver, kibitzer (person who pretends to be useful by offering unsolicited advice or by running around without actually doing any work)
moucher {vt} :: to blow (someone's) nose
moucher {vt} [colloquial] :: to put someone in their place
moucher {vr} :: to blow one's nose
moucher {vt} :: to snuff out (a candle etc.)
moucheron {m} :: gnat, midge
moucheron {m} [colloquial] :: kid, nipper
moucheté {adj} :: dappled, mottled
moucheté {adj} :: flecked, brindled
moucheter {v} :: to fleck
mouchette {f} :: candle snuffer
moucheture {f} :: fleck, speckle
mouchoir {m} :: handkerchief
mouchoir de poche {m} :: a pocket handkerchief, a pocket square
mouchoir de poche {m} [figuratively] :: a postage stamp (a very exiguous place)
mouchoir en papier {m} :: paper handkerchief, tissue
mouclade {f} :: mussel meal or festival
moudjahid {m} :: mujahid
moudjahida {f} :: feminine noun of moudjahidin
moudjahidin {m} :: mujaheddin, mujahedeen, mujahideen
moudjahidine {m} :: mujahideen
moudre {v} :: to grind
mou du genou {adj} [colloquial] :: sluggish, listless, wet, halfhearted
mou du genou {m} [colloquial] :: wet noodle, sluggard
moue {f} :: pout, moue
moueddeb {m} :: The head of a madrasa
mouette {f} :: gull; seagull
mouette rieuse {f} :: black-headed gull
moufette {f} :: skunk
mouffette {f} :: skunk
moufle {f} :: mitten
moufle {f} :: polyspast
mouflet {m} [colloquial] :: kid (child)
mouflette {f} :: feminine noun of mouflet
mouflon {m} :: mouflon
moufter {vi} [chiefly in the negative] :: to protest, complain
mougou {v} [nouchi] :: to have sex with
mouillage {m} :: wetting (act of making something wet)
mouillage {m} :: watering down (act of adding water to something)
mouillage {m} [nautical] :: anchoring (act of laying down an anchor)
mouille {f} [vulgar] :: vaginal secretion, vaginal lubrication
mouille {f} [slang] :: face
mouille {f} [slang] :: mouth
mouillé {adj} :: wet, moist (covered with liquid)
mouillé {adj} :: wet, moist (of a woman, sexually excited)
mouiller {vt} :: to make wet, get wet, dampen, moisten
mouiller {vt} [cooking] :: to water (down)
mouiller {vt} [nautical] :: to cast, drop (anchor)
mouiller {vt} [linguistics] :: to palatalize
mouiller {vi} [nautical] :: to anchor, lie at anchor
mouiller {vi} [slang] :: to be so frightened as to piss oneself
mouiller {vi} [slang, sex] :: to be wet
mouiller {vi} [Louisiana French] :: to rain
mouiller {vr} [colloquial] :: to stick one's neck out
mouiller son lit {v} [euphemism] :: to wet the bed (to urinate in one's bed)
mouillette {f} :: soldier (piece of bread to dip into a boiled egg)
mouilleur {adj} :: wetting, dampening, moistening
mouilleur {m} :: moistener
mouilleur {m} [nautical] :: minelayer
mouillure {f} :: wetting
mouillure {f} :: wetness, wet patch
mouise {f} :: pap, porridge
mouise {f} :: penury, poverty, hardship
moujik {m} :: mujik
moukhtar {m} :: mukhtar
moulage {m} :: casting, moulding
moulant {adj} [of clothes] :: tight, tight-fitting, body-hugging
moule {m} :: [arts, manufacturing] mould (UK), mold (US)
moule {m} [typography] :: matrix
moule {m} [cooking] :: (cake) tin (UK), pan (US)
moule {f} :: [zoology] mussel
moule {f} [colloquial] :: idiot, prat, twit
moule {f} [vulgar, slang, anatomy] :: cunt
moulé {adj} :: moulded
moule à gaufres {m} :: waffle iron
moule au beurre d'arachide {m} :: peanut butter cup
moule-bite {m} [vulgar] :: budgie smugglers
mouler {v} :: to mould
mouler {v} :: to fit tightly (clothes)
mouler {v} [Louisiana French] :: to grind, mill
moules-frites {mp} :: A dish consisting of mussels and French fries
moules marinières {fp} :: moules marinières
moulin {m} :: mill; windmill
moulin {m} [geology] :: moulin
moulin à café {f} :: coffee grinder
moulin à paroles {m} [figuratively] :: chatterbox
moulin à poivre {m} :: pepper mill
moulin à vent {m} :: windmill (structure)
mouliner {vt} :: to mill [all senses]
mouliner {vt} :: to grind
moulinette {f} [cookery] :: moulinette
moulinette {f} [swordfighting] :: moulinette
moulinette {f} [computing] :: A program that performs a series of simple, repetitive calculations
moulinier {m} :: A person who winds silk thread from the cocoon onto a spool
moulinière {f} :: feminine singular of moulinier
moult {adj} [formerly archaic or regional] :: many; a lot of
moult {adv} [archaic or regional] :: much; a lot
moulure {f} :: moulding (UK), molding (US)
moumoune {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: cowardly, wimpy
moumoute {f} [colloquial] :: wig
mouquère {f} :: Maghrebi woman
mouquère {f} [slang] :: hooker, tart
Mourad {prop} {m} :: given name
mourant {adj} :: dying
mourant {adj} [literally] :: in agony
mourant {m} :: person who is dying
mourante {f} :: feminine noun of mourant
mourir {vi} :: to die; to be dying
mourir {v} [figuratively, with "de"] :: to be dying (of)
mourir de faim {v} [colloquial] :: to be starving, to be ravenous (to be extremely hungry)
mourir de sa belle mort {v} :: to die of old age, to die a natural death
mourir de sa belle mort {v} [metaphorically] :: to die out or fade away gradually and naturally
mourir en odeur de sainteté {v} [idiomatic] :: to die with a reputation of holiness
mouroir {m} [pejorative] :: place to die
mouron {m} :: scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis)
mouron {m} :: Lysimachia tenella, syn. Anagallis tenella
mouron {m} :: Stellaria media
mouron {m} :: Veronica anagallis
mouron {m} :: Veronica anagalloides
mouron {m} :: Samolus valerandi
mouron {m} [slang] :: worries
mourvèdre {m} :: A variety of black grape originally from Spain
mousquet {m} :: musket (firearm)
mousquetaire {m} :: musketeer
mousqueton {m} [historical] :: musketoon
mousqueton {m} :: carabiner (metal link with a gate)
mousquetonner {v} :: to clip, clip in using a carabiner
Moussa {prop} {m} :: given name, Musa; widely used in Islamic North and West Africa
moussage {m} :: foam, foaming
moussaillon {m} :: cabin boy, ship's boy
mousse {adj} :: blunt
mousse {f} :: moss (the plant)
mousse {f} :: bryophyte (in the broad sense)
mousse {f} :: foam
mousse {f} :: mousse (dessert)
mousse {m} :: A boy serving on a ship: a cabin boy
mousse à raser {f} :: shaving cream
Mousseau {prop} :: surname
mousse de savon {f} :: lather
mousseline {f} :: muslin
mousseline {f} :: mousseline
moussem {m} :: A festival in Morocco
mousser {v} :: to foam (produce foam)
mousseron {m} :: St. George's mushroom (Calocybe gambosa)
mousseux {adj} :: foamy; frothy
mousseux {adj} [wine] :: sparkling
mousseux {m} :: ellipsis of vin mousseux; sparkling wine
mousson {f} :: monsoon (extremely strong tropical wind)
mousson {f} :: monsoon (tropical rainy season)
moussorgskien {adj} :: Mussorgskian
moussu {adj} :: mossy
moustache {f} :: moustache, mustache
moustache {f} [often in plural] :: whisker (of a cat)
moustachu {adj} :: moustachioed
moustérien {adj} :: Mousterian
moustiquaire {f} :: mosquito net
moustique {m} :: mosquito
moustique {m} :: gnat
mout {m} :: alternative spelling of moût
moût {m} :: must (of grape, apple etc.)
moût {m} :: wort (of hops, barley)
moutard {m} [colloquial] :: brat, kid (young boy)
moutarde {f} :: mustard
moutardier {m} :: mustard jar
moutier {m} [obsolete] :: a minster; a monastery
mouton {m} :: sheep (animal)
mouton {m} :: mutton (meat)
mouton {m} [figuratively] :: lemming, sheep (someone who follows a crowd and succumbs to groupthink)
mouton {m} :: mouton (coin)
mouton à cinq pattes {m} [idiomatic] :: unicorn; black swan; flying pig (a kind of chimera that doesn't exist)
mouton de Panurge {m} [idiomatic] :: lemming, sheep (one who follows a group without thinking for himself)
moutonner {v} :: (of sea) to be flecked (with white horses, white caps); to foam, froth
moutonner {v} [literary] :: (of hills) to roll
moutonner {v} :: (of sky) to be flecked with fleecy clouds
moutonnier {adj} :: sheeplike
moutonnièrement {adv} :: sheepily
mouton noir {m} [idiomatic] :: a black sheep
mouture {f} :: grinding (usually cereals)
mouture {f} :: the fee charged for grinding
mouture {f} [figurative] :: version, draft (of a document)
mouvance {f} :: movement, trend
mouvant {adj} :: moving
mouvement {m} :: movement
mouvement {m} :: motion
mouvementé {adj} :: eventful
mouvementé {adj} :: turbulent
mouvoir {vt} [formal] :: to move
mouvoir {vr} [se mouvoir, formal] :: to go around, to move about
moye {f} [masonry] :: a soft layer of rock within a harder rock
moye {f} [regional] :: haystack
moyen {m} :: way, method, mean of doing something
moyen {m} :: medium
moyen {adj} :: middle
moyen {adj} :: average
moyen {adj} [Canada, colloquial, euphemistic] :: Big; impressive; serious
moyen {adj} [linguistics] :: middle
Moyen Âge {prop} {m} :: the Middle Ages
moyenâgeusement {adv} :: antiquatedly
moyen-âgeux {adj} :: alternative form of moyenâgeux
moyenâgeux {adj} :: antiquated, not suitable for modern times
moyenâgeux {adj} :: Middle Ages [attributive]
moyen anglais {m} :: Middle English
moyen breton {m} :: Middle Breton (language)
moyen de transport {m} :: Means of transport
moyen français {m} :: Middle French (French language from the early 15th century to the early 17th century)
moyen gallois {m} :: Middle Welsh
moyen irlandais {m} :: the Middle Irish language
moyennage {m} [maths] :: averaging
moyennant {prep} :: by means of
moyenne {f} [mathematics] :: average, mean
moyenne arithmétique {f} [mathematics] :: arithmetic mean
moyenne au bâton {f} [baseball, cricket] :: batting average
moyen néerlandais {m} :: the Middle Dutch language
moyenne géométrique {f} [mathematics] :: geometric mean
moyenne harmonique {f} [mathematics] :: harmonic mean (type of average)
moyennement {adv} :: averagely (in an average way)
moyenne quadratique {f} [mathematics] :: quadratic mean
moyenner {v} [mathematics] :: to calculate the mean
moyenner {v} [obsolete] :: to obtain
Moyen-Orient {prop} {m} :: Middle East (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa)
moyen perse {m} :: Middle Persian
moyeu {m} :: hub (the central part of a wheel)
mozambicain {adj} :: Mozambican
Mozambicain {m} :: Mozambican
Mozambicaine {f} :: Mozambican
Mozambique {prop} {m} :: Mozambique (country)
mozarabe {adj} :: Mozarabic
mozarabe {m} :: Mozarab
mozarabe {m} :: Mozarabic (language, singular only)
Mozart {prop} {mf} :: surname
mozartien {adj} :: Mozartian
MPO {prop} [pathology] :: abbreviation of micropolykystose ovarienne (syndrome de Stein-Leventhal (polycystic ovary syndrome))
MPR {f} :: initialism of médecine physique et de réadaptation
MPR {prop} {m} :: initialism of Mouvement populaire de la Révolution
Mr. {m} [archaic] :: alternative form of Mr
Mr {m} :: abbreviation of Monsieur
MRC {f} :: [{f}] RCM; abbreviation of municipalité régionale de comté (regional county municipality)
ms. {m} [in bibliographies] :: ms. (manuscript)
MSF {prop} [medicine] :: initialism of Médecins Sans Frontières
m'sieu {m} :: syncopic form of monsieur
m'sieur {m} :: syncopic form of monsieur
M'sieur {m} :: syncopic form of Monsieur, chiefly used by children
MST {f} :: STD (sexually transmitted disease)
MTBE {m} [organic compound] :: initialism of méthyl tert-butyl éther; MTBE
MTC {prop} [transport] :: MTC - Montreal Tramways Company - the transit company of the island of Montreal; it was nationalized and replaced by the CTM in 1950, it was formed in 1911 by the merger of several previous companies
Mtl. {prop} :: alternative form of Mtl abbreviation of Montréal
Mtl {prop} :: abbreviation of Montréal
MTL {prop} :: alternative form of Mtl abbreviation of Montréal
mu {m} :: mu (Greek letter)
muable {adj} :: alternative form of mutable
muablement {adv} :: mutably, changeably
-muche {suffix} [slang, uncommon] :: Suffix added to the end of any word to make it more incomprehensible
mucilage {m} :: mucilage
mucine {f} [protein] :: mucin
mucique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: mucic
mucopolysaccharide {m} [carbohydrate] :: mucopolysaccharide
mucoprotéine {f} [protein] :: mucoprotein
mucoprotéinurie {f} [pathology] :: mucoproteinuria
mucosine {f} [organic compound] :: mucosin
mucosité {f} :: mucus
mucoviscidose {f} :: mucoviscidosis
mucus {m} [physiology] :: mucus
mudarine {f} :: mudarin
mue {f} :: moulting (UK) / molting (US) (of bird, mammal)
mue {f} :: metamorphosis (of insect)
mue {f} :: sloughing of skin (of reptile)
mue {f} :: casting (of stag)
mue {f} :: breaking of voice
mue {f} [literary] :: transformation
muer {v} :: to moult/molt
muer {v} :: to change, to mutate
muer {v} [of a teenager voice] :: to break
muet {adj} :: dumb (unable to talk)
muet {adj} :: silent, mute, unspeaking
muet {adj} :: silent, unvoiced, unspoken
muet comme une carpe {adj} [simile] :: obstinately refusing to speak, especially a specific topic; silent as a stone
muet comme une tombe {adj} [simile] :: silent as the grave, silent as the tomb
muettement {adv} :: mutely, silently
muezzin {m} :: muezzin
muffin {m} :: muffin
mufle {m} :: muzzle
mufle {m} :: boor (person)
mufle {adj} :: boorish
muflerie {f} :: boorishness
muflier {m} [plant] :: snapdragon (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum)
mufti {m} [Islam] :: mufti (Muslim scholar)
mug {m} :: A large cup, generally used to serve cold drinks, a mug
muge {m} ::  mullet (fish)
mugir {v} :: to moo
mugir {v} :: to roar
mugissant {adj} :: mooing, lowing
mugissant {adj} :: roaring
mugissement {m} :: bellowing
mugissement {m} :: mooing, lowing
mugissement {m} :: howling
mugissement {m} :: roar
muguet {m} :: lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)
muguet {m} :: thrush (oral yeast infection, oral candidiasis)
muid {m} [historical] :: hogshead
Muise {prop} :: surname
mulassier {adj} :: mule or donkey (attributive)
mulâtre {m} :: mulatto
mulâtresse {f} :: feminine singular of mulâtre
mule {f} :: mule (animal)
mule {f} :: mule (footwear)
mulet {m} :: (male) mule
mulet {m} :: mullet (fish)
mulet {m} :: mullet (hairstyle)
mulet {m} [motor racing] :: back-up car
muleta {f} [bullfighting] :: muleta
muletier {m} :: muleteer
Mulhouse {prop} :: Mulhouse
mulhousien {n} :: of or from Mulhouse
Mulhousien {m} :: someone of or from Mulhouse
Mulhousienne {f} :: feminine noun of Mulhousien
mulot {m} :: field mouse
mulotage {m} :: A hunting technique used by foxes in which they jump so as to descend on their prey from above; mousing
mulotage {m} :: A rooting technique used by boars when hunting for small prey
muloter {v} :: to mouse (hunt mice (or similar prey) by pouncing on them from above.)
mulsion {f} :: milking
multi- {prefix} :: multi-
multicarte {adj} [of a travelling salesman] :: representing multiple companies (this having multiple different business cards)
multicellulaire {adj} :: multicellular
multicellularité {f} [biology] :: multicellularity
multicolore {adj} :: multicoloured
multicombustible {adj} :: multicombustible
multicopie {adj} [genetics] :: multicopy
multicoque {m} :: multihull
multicoque {adj} :: multihulled
multicouche {f} :: multilayer
multiculturalisme {m} :: multiculturalism (societal idea)
multiculturalisme {m} :: (Canada) Canadian multicultural mosaic policy (by opposition to Quebec's intercultural policy, for example)
multiculturel {adj} :: multicultural
multidimensionnel {adj} :: multidimensional
multidirectionnel {adj} :: multidirectional
multidisciplinaire {adj} :: multidisciplinary
multiensemble {m} [maths] :: multiset, bag
multiethnique {adj} :: multiethnic
multifactoriel {adj} :: multifactorial
multiferroique {adj} [physics] :: multiferroic
multiferroïsme {m} [physics] :: multiferroics
multifeuillet {m} :: multilayer
multifonction {adj} :: multifunction
multifonctionnalité {f} :: multifunctionality
multifonctionnel {adj} :: multifunctional
multiforme {adj} :: multiform
multigénérationnel {adj} :: multigenerational
multigraphe {m} [maths] :: multigraph
multijoueur {adj} [computer games] :: multiplayer
multilatéral {adj} :: multilateral
multilatéralement {adv} :: multilaterally
multilatéralisme {m} :: multilateralism
multilingue {adj} :: multilingual (pertaining to multiple language)
multilingue {adj} [rare] :: polyglot
multilinguisme {m} :: multilingualism
multi-locataire {adj} :: multitenant
multiloculaire {adj} [biology] :: multilocular
multimarque {adj} :: multibrand
multimédia {m} :: multimedia
multiméthode {f} [object-oriented] :: multimethod
multimètre {m} :: multimeter
multimilliardaire {mf} :: multibillionaire
multimillionnaire {adj} :: multimillion/multi-million
multimillionnaire {mf} :: multimillionaire
multinational {adj} :: multinational
multinationale {f} :: a multinational
multinomial {adj} [maths] :: polynomial
multinucléé {adj} [cytology] :: multinucleated
multipale {adj} :: multiblade; multivane
multiparité {f} :: multiparity
multipartisan {adj} :: multipartisan
multipartisme {m} :: multipartyism
multipartite {adj} :: multiparty, multipartite
multiphysique {m} [physics] :: multiphysics
multiphysique {adj} :: multiphysics (attributive)
multiple {adj} :: multiple
multiple {m} [mathematics] :: Multiple
multiplement {adv} :: multiply
multiplexage {m} :: multiplexing
multiplexer {v} :: to multiplex
multiplicande {m} [arithmetic] :: multiplicand (number that is to be multiplied by another)
multiplicateur {m} [mathematics] :: multiplier (number)
multiplicatif {adj} :: multiplicative
multiplication {f} :: multiplication (process)
multiplicité {f} :: multiplicity
multiplier {v} [mathematics] :: to multiply
multiplier {v} :: to multiply
multiplier {vr} :: to multiply, to increase
multiplieur {m} :: multiplier
multipoche {adj} :: multi-pocket
multipolaire {adj} :: multipolar
multipotence {f} [biology] :: multipotency
multipotent {adj} [biology] :: multipotent
multiprise {f} :: extension block, power strip
multiprocesseur {m} [computing] :: multiprocessor
multiprogrammation {f} [computing] :: multiprogramming
multiprogrammer {vt} [computing] :: to multiprogram
multi-propriétaire {adj} :: multi-owner
multipropriété {f} :: timesharing
multiracial {adj} :: multiracial
multirécidiviste {mf} :: multirecidivist, persistent offender
multirésistant {adj} :: multiresistant
multirisque {adj} :: multirisk (type of insurance)
multirôle {adj} :: multirole
multisalle {adj} :: multiplex (cinema etc)
multiscalaire {adj} :: multiscalar
multiséculaire {adj} :: synonym of pluriséculaire
multisport {adj} :: multisport
multitouche {adj} :: multi-touch
multitraitement {m} [computing] :: multiprocessing
multitube {adj} :: multitube
multitude {f} :: multitude
multivalent {adj} :: multivalent
multivarié {adj} :: multivariate
multivers {m} :: multiverse (hypothetical group of all possible universes)
multivoque {adj} :: multidirectional
multizêta {adj} [maths] :: multizeta
Munich {prop} :: Munich (caplc)
munichois {adj} :: of or from Munich
Munichois {m} :: someone of or from Munich
Munichoise {f} :: feminine noun of Munichois
municipal {adj} :: municipal
municipalement {adv} :: municipally
municipalisation {f} :: municipalization
municipaliser {v} :: To municipalize
municipalité {f} :: municipality
municipalité {f} :: town council, city council
municipe {m} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: a municipium
munificence {f} :: generosity, munificence
munir {vt} :: to provide, fit, equip (a person, machine, device etc. de with something)
munir {vp} :: to provide oneself with; to take (a supply of)
munition {f} :: ammunition (weaponry)
munitionnaire {m} :: purveyor (especially of munitions)
munitionnette {f} :: A woman who worked in a munitions factory during the first World War
munsee {m} :: Munsee (language)
munster {m} :: Munster cheese
Munténie {prop} {f} :: Muntenia (Muntenia)
muographie {f} :: muography
muonique {adj} [physics] :: muonic
MUPI {m} :: outdoor information panel used for advertising or public information
muqueuse {f} :: mucosa, mucous membrane
muqueuse utérine {f} :: endometrium
muqueux {adj} :: mucous
mur {m} :: wall
mûr {adj} :: matured, ripe (of a fruit etc, ready to eat)
mûr {adj} :: mature (personal characteristic)
mûr {adj} :: mature (having reached the age of maturity)
muraille {f} :: (large) wall
Murakami {prop} :: surname
mural {adj} :: mural
murçon {m} :: alternative form of murson
mur de Berlin {prop} {m} :: Berlin Wall
Mur des Lamentations {prop} {m} :: Wailing Wall
mur de soutènement {m} [masonry] :: retaining wall
mur du son {m} :: sound barrier (physical boundary)
mûre {f} :: mulberry
mûre {f} [by analogy] :: blackberry
mûre {f} [tincture] :: murrey (dark red color as used in heraldry)
mûre {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: berry
murement {adv} :: alternative form of mûrement
mûrement {adv} :: maturely
murène {f} :: moray eel
murer {v} :: to wall; wall off
murer {v} :: to wall up
murer {v} :: to lock up (put into prison)
muret {m} :: a small wall
muret {m} [specifically] :: a low stone wall
murex {m} :: Murex
murexane {f} :: murexan
muri {v} :: past participle form of murir
muriaté {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: muriated
muriatique {adj} [obsolete, inorganic chemistry] :: muriatic
muride {m} [obsolete, chemistry] :: bromine
muridure {m} [obsolete, inorganic chemistry] :: bromide
Muriel {prop} {f} :: given name
Murielle {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Muriel, given name
mûrier {m} :: mulberry (tree)
muriosulfate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorosulfate
murir {v} :: to mature or ripen
mûrir {vi} [figuratively] :: to mature, to become mature
mûrir {vi} :: to ripen, to become ripe
mûrir {vt} :: to mature, to cause to be mature
mur mitoyen {m} :: party wall (commonly shared wall)
murmure {m} :: a murmur
murmurer {v} :: to murmur
murs {adj} :: alternative spelling of mûrs
murson {m} :: A specific type of charcuterie from La Mure
murtra {f} :: alternative form of myrte
musaraigne {f} :: shrew
musarder {v} :: to dawdle
musc {m} :: musk
muscade {f} :: nutmeg
muscader {v} :: to flavor with nutmeg
muscadin {m} :: dandy, coxcomb
muscardine {f} :: muscardine (fungal disease of silkworms)
muscari {m} :: grape hyacinth
muscat {m} :: muscat (all senses)
musclable {adj} [rare] :: That can become muscular
muscle {m} :: muscle (contractile tissue, strength)
musclé {adj} :: muscled, muscly, muscular
muscle ischio-jambier {m} [anatomy] :: posterior femoral muscle, hamstring muscle
muscle lisse {m} [anatomy] :: smooth muscle
muscler {vt} :: To develop someone's muscles
muscle squelettique {m} [anatomy] :: skeletal muscle
muscovite {f} [mineral] :: muscovite
musculaire {adj} :: muscular
musculature {f} :: musculature
musculeux {adj} :: muscular
musculeux {adj} :: muscly
musculine {f} :: musculin
musculosquelettique {adj} [anatomy] :: musculoskeletal
muse {f} :: artistic inspiration
muse {f} :: muse (specific artistic subject)
muséal {adj} :: museal, of museums
museau {m} :: snout, muzzle (long, projecting nose, mouth and jaw of a beast)
museau {m} [colloquial] :: face
musée {m} :: museum
museler {vt} :: To muzzle (attach a muzzle onto)
museler {vt} [figuratively] :: To silence (prevent or forbid someone from speaking)
muselet {m} :: A wire cage that is used to clamp the cork of bottles of champagne or similar sparkling wines
muselière {f} :: muzzle
muséographie {f} :: museography
muséographique {adj} :: museographic
muséologie {f} :: museology
muser {vi} :: to wander about, usually aimlessly
muserolle {f} :: noseband (of a horse's bridle)
musette {f} :: musette
musette {f} :: bagpipe
muséum {m} :: a scientific museum, like that of natural history
musical {adj} :: musical
musicalement {adv} :: musically (in a musical way, with respect to music)
musicalité {f} :: musicality
musicassette {f} :: compact cassette
musicien {m} :: musician
musicienne {f} :: feminine noun of musicien
musicographie {f} :: musicography
musicologie {f} :: musicology (study of music)
musicologique {adj} :: musicological
musicologue {mf} :: musicologist
musicothérapeute {mf} :: music therapist
musicothérapie {f} :: music therapy
musique {f} :: music
musique classique {f} :: classical music
musique de chambre {f} [music] :: chamber music
musiquer {v} :: to make music
musiquette {f} :: bland, familiar music
musoir {m} :: pierhead
musqué {adj} :: musky
musse {f} :: hiding place; cache
musser {vr} [archaic or dialectal] :: to hide (oneself)
musser {vr} [archaic or dialectal] :: to squeeze through
mussetien {adj} :: Mussetian
mussif {adj} :: mosaic (attributive)
mussolinien {adj} :: Mussolinian
must {m} [colloquial] :: that which is compulsory; an obligation; duty; must
mustélidé {m} :: mustelid
musulman {m} :: Muslim
musulman {adj} :: Muslim
mutabilité {f} :: mutability, impermanence
mutable {adj} :: mutable, changeable
mutable {adj} [programming] :: mutable
mutagène {adj} :: mutagenic
mutagenèse {f} :: mutagenesis
mutant {adj} :: mutant
mutation {f} :: substitution
mutation {f} :: mutation
mutationnisme {m} [biology] :: mutationism
mutationniste {adj} :: mutationist
mutatis mutandis {adv} [legal] :: mutatis mutandis (having changed what needs to be changed)
muté {adj} :: mutated
muter {v} :: to transfer
muter {v} :: to mutate
mutificateur {m} [computing] :: binder
mutification {m} [computing] :: binding
mutifier {v} [computing] :: To bind (convert a free variable into a bound variable)
mutilation {f} :: mutilation
mutilé {adj} :: maimed, mutilated
mutiler {v} :: to maim (to cause permanent loss)
mutiler {v} :: to mutilate
mutiler {v} :: to dismember (cut off a limb)
mutin {m} :: mutineer
mutin {adj} [dated] :: mutinous
mutin {adj} :: impish, mischievous
mutiner {v} :: to mutiny
mutinerie {f} :: mutiny
mutique {adj} [zoology, of arthropods] :: Without spines or teeth
mutique {adj} :: silent, mute
mutisme {m} :: mutism, aphasia
mutisme {m} :: muteness
mutisme {m} :: stubborn or obstinate silence
mutité {f} :: muteness (inability to speak)
mutualisation {f} :: pooling (of resources)
mutualisation {f} :: mutualisation
mutualiser {v} :: to pool (resources), to consolidate
mutualisme {m} :: mutualism (interaction between two species that benefits both)
mutualiste {adj} :: mutualist
mutualiste {mf} :: mutualist
mutualité {f} :: mutuality
mutuel {adj} :: reciprocal
mutuel {adj} :: mutual
mutuellement {adv} :: reciprocally; to each other
mutuellisme {m} [economics] :: mutualism
m'y {contraction} :: me + y
myalgie {f} [pathology] :: myalgia
Myanmar {prop} {m} :: Myanmar
mycélien {adj} :: mycelial
mycélium {m} :: mycelium
mycénien {adj} :: Mycenean
mycète {m} :: fungus
myco- {prefix} :: myco- (pertaining to fungus)
mycobactérie {f} :: mycobacterium
mycocécidie {f} [biology] :: mycocecidium
mycoderme {m} [biology] :: mycoderma
mycologique {adj} :: mycological
mycophage {adj} [biology] :: mycophagous
mycophagie {f} [biology] :: mycophagy
mycoplasme {m} [biology] :: mycoplasma
mycorhizal {adj} :: mycorrhizal
mycorhizien {adj} :: mycorrhizal
mycose {m} :: mycosis
mycosique {adj} :: mycotic, fungal
mycotique {adj} :: mycotic
mycotoxine {f} :: mycotoxin
mycotoxique {adj} :: mycotoxic
mydriase {f} [medicine] :: mydriasis
mye {f} :: Mya (taxonomic genre of mollusks)
myélencéphale {m} [anatomy] :: myelencephalon
myéline {f} :: myelin
myélinique {adj} :: myelinic
myélinique {adj} :: myelinated
myélinisation {f} :: myelination
myélite {f} :: myelitis
myélocyte {m} [cytology] :: myelocyte
myelocytoarchitecture {f} :: myelocytoarchitecture
myélographie {f} :: myelography
Mylène {prop} {f} :: given name
myoblaste {m} [biology] :: myoblast
myoblastique {adj} [biology] :: myoblastic
myocarde {m} :: myocardium
myocardique {adj} :: myocardial
myocardite {f} [pathology] :: myocarditis
myoclonie {f} :: myoclonus
myofasciite {f} [pathology] :: myofascitis
myofibrille {f} [anatomy] :: myofibril
myogenèse {f} [biology] :: myogenesis
myogénique {adj} :: myogenic
myoglobine {f} [protein] :: myoglobin
myolemme {m} [anatomy] :: myolemma, sarcolemma
myologie {f} :: myology
myome {m} [pathology] :: a myoma
myomètre {m} [anatomy] :: myometrium
myopathe {adj} :: myopathic
myopathie {f} :: myopathy
myopathie {f} :: muscular dystrophy
myope {adj} :: short-sighted
myope {adj} :: narrow-minded
myope {mf} :: a short-sighted person
myope comme une taupe {adj} [simile] :: blind as a bat
myopie {f} :: myopia, shortsightedness
myosine {f} [protein] :: myosin
myosotis {m} :: forget-me-not
myrcène {m} [organic compound] :: myrcene
myria- {prefix} [obsolete] :: myria- In the metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 10,000. Symbol: my
myriadaire {adj} :: In myriad numbers or amount
myriade {f} [historical] :: ten thousand
myriade {f} :: myriad
Myriam {prop} :: given name
myriamètre {m} :: myriametre
myriarchie {m} :: myriarch
myriarque {m} :: myriarch
myrio- {prefix} :: alternative form of myria-
myriophylle {m} :: water milfoil (plant of genus Myriophyllum)
myristicine {f} [organic compound] :: myristicin
myristique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: myristic
myristoléique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: myristoleic
myrmécochorie {f} [biology] :: myrmecochory
myrmécologie {f} :: myrmecology
myrmécologique {adj} :: myrmecological
myrmécologiquement {adv} :: myrmecologically
myrmécophage {adj} :: myrmecophagous
myrmécophage {m} :: myrmecophage
myrmécophile {adj} [biology] :: myrmecophilic, myrmecophilous
myrmécophilie {f} [biology] :: myrmecophily
myroblyte {mf} :: myroblyte
myrobolan {m} :: myrobalan
myronique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: myronic
myrosine {f} [enzyme] :: myrosin
myrrhe {f} :: myrrh (dried sap of the myrrha tree)
myrte {m} :: myrtle
myrtiforme {adj} :: myrtiform
myrtille {f} :: blueberry (fruit), bilberry
Mysie {prop} {f} :: Mysia
mystaciale {adj} [anatomy] :: mystacial
mystère {m} :: mystery
mystère {m} :: mystery play
mystère et boule de gomme {interj} :: who knows?
mystérieusement {adv} :: mysteriously
mystérieux {adj} :: mysterious
mysticisme {f} :: mysticism
mystificateur {m} :: hoaxer, practical joker
mystification {f} :: mystification
mystificatrice {f} :: feminine noun of mystificateur
mystifier {v} :: to mystify, fool
mystique {f} :: mystic, one who practices mysticism
mystique {adj} :: mystic, mystical
mystiquement {adv} :: mystically
mythe {m} :: myth (story)
mythifier {v} :: to mystify [make mysterious]
mythique {adj} :: mythic, mythical
mythiquement {adv} :: mythically
mytho {m} :: mythomaniac; compulsive liar
mytho {m} [colloquial] :: lie
mythographe {mf} :: mythographer
mythologie {f} :: mythology (myths of a people)
mythologique {adj} :: mythological
mythologiquement {adv} :: mythologically (with respect to mythology)
mythomane {mf} :: mythomaniac
mythomaniaque {adj} :: mythomaniacal
mythomaniaque {mf} :: mythomaniac
mythomanie {f} :: mythomania
Mytilène {prop} {f} :: Mytilène (capital city)
mytiliculture {f} :: mussel farming
myxobactérie {m} :: myxobacterium
myxœdémateux {adj} :: Myxedematous; myxoedematous; myxœdematous
myxœdémateux {m} :: Victim affected by a myxedema
myxœdème {m} [medicine] :: myxedema
myxomatose {f} :: myxomatosis
myxome {m} :: myxoma
myxomycète {m} :: myxomycete
mzoungou {m} [East Africa] :: mzungu (a white person)