User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-m
m {letter} | :: letter |
m̂ {adj} [colloquial, in handwriting] | :: abbreviation of même |
M. {m} | :: abbreviation of Monsieur |
M {letter} | :: The thirteenth letter of the French alphabet, preceded by L and followed by N |
Mʳ {m} | :: abbreviation of monsieur |
Mᵐᵉ {contraction} | :: abbreviation of madame |
M.16 {m} | :: alternative form of M16 |
M16 {m} | :: M-16 (assault rifle) |
m'a {contraction} | :: me + a (third-person singular indicative present form of avoir): "I'm going" |
ma {determiner} | :: feminine singular of mon |
MA {prep} | :: abbreviation of meilleur avant BB |
ma'ame {contraction} [dated, nonstandard] | :: contraction of madame |
Maastricht {prop} | :: Maastricht; Maastricht (city) |
maastrichtien {adj} [geology] | :: Maastrichtian Age; related to the Maastrichtien |
maastrichtien {adj} | :: Relating to Maastricht, especially to the Maastricht Treaty |
Maastrichtien {prop} | :: Maastrichtian; a geologic age |
Maastrichtien {m} | :: Maastrichtian; a denizen of Maastricht |
maboul {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy |
mac {m} [colloquial, slang] | :: clipping of maquereau |
mac {m} [colloquial, computer] | :: clipping of Macintosh |
macabre {adj} | :: macabre |
macabrement {adv} | :: macabrely |
macache {adv} | :: none, nothing |
macache {adv} | :: no, not at all, impossible |
macadamiser {v} | :: to macadamize |
macanais {adj} | :: Macanese |
Macao {prop} {m} | :: Macau (A Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China just west of Hong Kong) |
macaque {m} | :: macaque |
macaque {m} [Louisiana French] | :: monkey |
macaque {m} [Louisiana French] | :: clown |
macaque rhésus {m} | :: rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) |
macaquerie {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: foolishness, monkey business |
macareux {m} | :: puffin (seabird with a coloured beak) |
macaron {m} | :: macaron (pastry) |
macaron {m} | :: buns rolled over the ears and worn symmetrically |
macaron {m} | :: round insignia |
macaronage {m} | :: macaronage |
macaronage {m} [military] | :: A ceremony where naval fighter pilots receive their badges |
macaroni {m} [usually, in the plural] | :: macaroni |
macaroni {m} [ethnic slur] | :: wop; a person of Italian descent |
macaroni chinois {m} | :: Chinese macaroni (soy sauce covered macaroni with meat and vegetables) |
Maccabée {mf} | :: Maccabee |
maccarthysme {m} | :: McCarthyism |
maccarthyste {adj} | :: McCarthyist |
macchab {m} [slang] | :: stiff, dead body |
macchabée {m} [colloquial] | :: stiff, corpse |
MacDo {m} [slang] | :: McDonald's, Mickey D's, Macca's |
MacDo {m} [metonymy, food] | :: fast food |
macédoine {f} | :: macédoine |
Macédoine {prop} {f} | :: Macedonia |
macédonien {m} | :: Macedonian, the Macedonian language |
macédonien {adj} | :: Macedonian (from, or pertaining to Macedonia) |
Macédonien {m} | :: Macedonian (someone from Macedonia) |
Macédonienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Macédonien |
macérat {m} | :: macerate (macerated material) |
macération {f} | :: maceration |
macéré {adj} | :: soaked |
macéré {adj} | :: macerated |
macérer {v} | :: to soak |
macérer {v} | :: to macerate |
maceron {m} | :: alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum) |
machaon {m} | :: swallowtail (butterfly) |
mâche {f} | :: A plant used in salads, Valerianella locusta, corn salad, lamb's lettuce |
mâchefer {m} | :: clinker |
mâchefer {m} | :: cinders |
mâcher {v} | :: to chew |
mâcher {v} [colloquial] | :: to begin or prepare some work |
machette {f} | :: machete (a sword-like tool) |
Machhad {prop} | :: Mashhad |
machiavélique {adj} | :: Machiavellian |
machiavéliquement {adv} | :: In a Machiavellian manner |
machiavélisme {m} [uncountable] | :: Machiavellianism (philosophy) |
machiavélisme {m} [countable] | :: Machiavellianism (instance of application of the philosophy, or ruthless action in general) |
machicoulis {m} | :: alternative form of mâchicoulis |
mâchicoulis {m} [architecture] | :: machicolation |
machin {m} | :: thingy, thingamabob |
machinal {adj} | :: machinal |
machinalement {adv} | :: automatically, mechanically |
machinateur {m} | :: agent noun of machiner; schemer |
machination {f} | :: Undercover or underhanded plot; machination |
machinatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of machinateur |
machine {f} | :: machine, device |
machine {f} [slang] | :: machine (a person who is very efficient) |
machine à boule {f} | :: pinball machine |
machine à café {f} | :: coffee machine |
machine à coudre {f} | :: sewing machine |
machine à écrire {f} | :: typewriter |
machine à explorer le temps {f} [science fiction] | :: time machine |
machine à laver {f} | :: washing machine |
machine à plastifier {m} | :: laminator |
machine à sous {f} | :: slot machine (a gambling machine operated by placing a coin or token into a slot) |
machine à vapeur {f} | :: steam engine |
machine à voyager dans le temps {f} [science fiction] | :: time machine |
machine de Turing {f} [computing theory] | :: Turing machine |
machiner {vt} | :: to equip with machines |
machiner {vt} | :: to machinate |
machiner {vt} | :: to scheme |
machinerie {f} | :: machinery, plant |
machinerie {f} [nautical] | :: engine room |
machinisme {m} | :: mechanization |
machinisme {m} | :: mechanism |
machiniste {mf} | :: machine operator, machinist |
machiniste {mf} | :: grip person responsible for handling equipment on a film set |
machisme {m} | :: machismo |
machiste {adj} | :: male chauvinistic; macho |
machiste {mf} | :: male chauvinist |
machmètre {m} | :: Machmeter |
macho {m} | :: One who is excessively or aggressively masculine or misogynistic; a chauvinist |
mâchoire {f} | :: jaw; jawbone |
mâchonner {vt} | :: to chew |
mâchouiller {v} | :: to chew, chomp |
Macintosh {prop} {m} [computing] | :: Macintosh |
MacKinnon {prop} | :: MacKinnon, surname |
maclage {m} | :: twinning (of crystals) |
macle {f} | :: twin crystal |
macle {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: mascle |
maçon {m} | :: mason, stonemason; builder |
maçon {m} [freemasonry] | :: Mason, Freemason |
maçonner {vt} | :: to face, render [a wall, etc.] |
maçonner {vt} | :: to brick up |
maçonnerie {f} | :: Masonry: the art, profession, work, or product of a mason, or a thing constructed of stone, brick, or the like |
maçonnique {adj} | :: masonic, Masonic |
macramé {m} | :: macramé |
mâcre {m} | :: water caltrop |
macreuse {f} [birds] | :: scoter |
macreuse {f} [cuts of meat] | :: flat iron steak |
macro- {prefix} | :: macro- |
macrobiotique {adj} | :: macrobiotic |
macrocarpine {f} [organic compound] | :: macrocarpin |
macrocellule {m} | :: macrocell |
macrocéphale {adj} | :: macrocephalic, macrocephalous |
macrocéphalie {f} [pathology] | :: macrocephaly (a condition in which the head is abnormally large) |
macrocosme {m} | :: macrocosm |
macrocosmique {adj} | :: macrocosmic (of or pertaining to the macrocosm) |
macrocristal {m} | :: macrocrystal |
macrocyclique {adj} [chemistry] | :: macrocyclic |
macroéconomie {f} [economics] | :: macroeconomics |
macroéconomique {adj} [economics] | :: macroeconomic |
macroélément {m} [biochemistry] | :: macroelement |
macrofossile {m} | :: macrofossil |
macrogamète {m} | :: macrogamete |
macrographie {f} | :: macrography |
macromoléculaire {adj} [chemistry] | :: macromolecular |
macromolécule {f} [chemistry] | :: macromolecule |
macron {m} | :: macron |
Macron {prop} | :: Macron (surname) |
macroniste {adj} [France, politics] | :: Relating to the policies of supporters of Emmanuel Macron |
macroniste {mf} [France, politics] | :: A supporter of Emmanuel Macron |
macrophotographie {f} | :: macrophotography |
macrophyte {f} [biology] | :: macrophyte |
macropode {adj} | :: macropodous |
macroscélidé {m} | :: elephant shrew (animal of the order Macroscelidea) |
macroscopique {adj} | :: macroscopic |
macroscopiquement {adv} | :: macroscopically |
macrosismique {adj} | :: macroseismic |
maculaire {adj} | :: macular |
macule {f} [rare and literary or sciences, astronomy, medicine, zoology] | :: stain |
maculer {v} | :: to mark; to spoil (with a mark or marks) |
macvin {m} | :: A fortified wine from the Jura region of France |
Madagascar {prop} {m} | :: Madagascar |
madame {f} | :: a title or form of address for a woman, formerly for a married woman and now commonly for any adult woman regardless of marital status, used both in direct and third-person address |
madame {f} | :: madam, Mrs. or Ms. |
madame {f} [in children's language, childish] | :: Lady, woman |
madame {f} | :: the female employer of a domestic servant |
Madame {f} | :: alternative case form of madame |
madame je-sais-tout {f} [colloquial] | :: know-it-all |
Madame Michu {prop} | :: The average homemaker |
Madame Michu {prop} | :: A relatively unsophisticated user of technology |
Madame Watanabe {prop} {f} | :: Mrs. Watanabe (personification of the Japanese housewife speculators) |
madeleine {f} | :: madeleine (small gateau in the shape of a scallop shell) |
madeleine {f} [figuratively] | :: madeleine (something which brings back a memory) |
Madeleine {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mademoiselle {f} | :: Miss (as a form of address) |
mademoiselle {f} | :: Miss (as a title with a name) |
Mademoiselle {f} | :: A title or form of address for a girl or a young woman, Miss |
madère {m} | :: Madeira [wine] |
Madère {prop} | :: Madeira (island) |
madérisation {n} | :: maderization |
madianite {mf} | :: Midianite |
madone {f} | :: beautiful woman, an angel |
Madone {f} [arts, religion] | :: Madonna |
madras {m} [textiles] | :: madras |
madré {adj} [rare, of wood] | :: mottled |
madré {adj} | :: crafty, sly |
madré {m} | :: crafty fox, sly devil, sly dog (person) |
madrépore {m} | :: madrepore |
Madrid {prop} | :: Madrid (capital city) |
Madrid {prop} | :: Madrid (autonomous community) |
Madrid {prop} | :: Madrid (province) |
madrier {m} | :: beam |
madrigal {m} [music] | :: madrigal |
madrilène {adj} | :: Madrilenian, of, in or relating to the Spanish capital Madrid |
madrilène {adj} | :: Madrilenian, of, in or relating to the Spanish province Madrid, having the above as capital |
Madrilène {mf} | :: Someone from Madrid |
maelström {m} | :: alternative form of maëlstrom |
maëlstrom {m} | :: maelstrom |
Maëlys {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mænade {f} | :: obsolete form of ménade |
maestria {f} | :: master (female) in an artistic or technical field |
maestro {m} | :: maestro |
Maeva {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Maéva {prop} {f} | :: given name |
maffioso {m} | :: alternative spelling of mafioso |
mafflu {adj} | :: chubby |
mafia {f} | :: The Mafia |
mafieux {adj} [attributive] | :: mafia |
mafieux {m} | :: Mafioso (member of the mafia) |
ma foi {interj} | :: indeed |
ma foi {interj} | :: frankly |
Magali {prop} | :: given name, a Provençal variant of Marguerite ( =Margaret) |
magané {adj} | :: damaged |
magané {adj} [colloquial] | :: hungover |
magasin {m} | :: shop, store |
magasin {m} | :: magazine (repository of armaments, or part of a weapon) |
magasin {m} [Louisiana French, ] | :: barn |
magasinage {m} | :: stockroom, storeroom |
magasinage {m} [Quebec] | :: shopping |
magasin d'usine {m} | :: outlet, factory outlet (shop) |
magasiner {v} [Canada] | :: To shop |
magasinier {m} | :: shopkeeper; shop worker |
magasinière {f} | :: feminine noun of magasinier |
magazine {m} | :: magazine (periodical publication) |
magdalénien {adj} | :: Magdalenian |
magdaléon {m} | :: suppository |
mage {m} | :: specialist in occult sciences foretelling the future |
mage {m} [obsolete] | :: magus: priest of the Zoroaster religion, with the Persians and the Medes |
mage {m} | :: wise man (one of the three wise men that came from the East to Bethlehem for Jesus Christ) |
Magendie {prop} | :: surname |
magenta {m} | :: magenta (pinkish purple colour) |
Magenta {prop} | :: Magenta |
maghrébin {adj} | :: Maghrebi |
maghrébin {m} | :: Maghrebi |
maghzen {m} | :: alternative form of makhzen |
magicien {m} | :: magician |
magicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of magicien |
magie {f} | :: magic |
magie {f} [figurative] | :: A magical, surprising, fascinating feat |
magie {f} | :: The art illusionism |
magie blanche {f} | :: white magic |
magie noire {f} | :: black magic |
magique {adj} | :: magic, magical |
magiquement {adv} | :: magically |
magistère {m} | :: magistery |
magistral {adj} | :: magistral (relating to or fitting for a master) |
magistral {adj} | :: ex cathedra |
magistral {adj} [figuratively] | :: remarkable, masterful |
magistral {adj} [figuratively] | :: resounding, sound |
magistralement {adv} | :: brilliantly, masterfully |
magistrat {m} | :: magistrate; judge |
magistrat du siège {m} [legal] | :: judge |
magistrate {f} | :: magistrate (female) |
magistrature {f} | :: magistracy, magistrature |
magma {m} [geology] | :: magma |
magma {m} [math] | :: magma |
magma {m} | :: melange, hodgepodge, farrago (disordered mixture of disparate things) |
magmat {m} [dated, rare] | :: alternative spelling of magma |
magmatique {adj} [geology] | :: igneous |
magmatique {adj} [attributive] | :: magma, magmatic |
magmatique {adj} | :: jumbled, mixed-up (relating to a hodgepodge or disordered collection of things) |
magmatisme {m} [geology] | :: magmatism |
magnacide {m} [organic compound] | :: acrolein |
magnan {m} | :: silkworm |
magnanerie {f} | :: magnanerie |
magnanime {adj} | :: magnanimous |
magnanimement {adv} | :: magnanimously |
magnanimité {m} | :: magnanimity |
magnat {m} | :: magnate, tycoon |
magner {v} | :: bump, hit into (accidentally) |
magner {vr} [slang] | :: move |
magnésémie {f} [pathology] | :: magnesemia |
magnésie {f} | :: magnesia |
magnésien {adj} | :: magnesian |
magnésique {adj} [geology] | :: magnesic |
magnésite {f} [mineralogy] | :: magnesite |
magnésium {m} | :: magnesium |
magnétar {m} [astronomy] | :: magnetar |
magnétique {adj} | :: magnetic |
magnétiquement {adv} | :: magnetically |
magnétisation {f} [physics] | :: magnetization (the act of magnetizing, or the state of being magnetized) |
magnétiser {v} | :: to magnetise (UK), to magnetize (US) |
magnétiseur {m} | :: magnetiser |
magnétiseur {m} | :: hypnotist, mesmerist |
magnétisme {m} | :: magnetism (the property of being magnetic) |
magnétite {f} | :: lodestone |
magnéto- {prefix} | :: magneto- |
magnéto {f} | :: magneto |
magnéto {m} | :: tape recorder |
magnéto {m} | :: videocassette recorder |
magnétocalorique {adj} [physics] | :: magnetocaloric |
magnétocassette {m} | :: cassette deck / cassette recorder |
magnétochimie {f} | :: magnetochemistry |
magnétodynamique {adj} | :: magnetodynamic |
magnétogaine {f} | :: magnetosheath |
magnétohydrodynamique {adj} | :: magnetohydrodynamic |
magnétologie {f} [physics] | :: magnetology |
magnétomètre {m} | :: magnetometer |
magnéton {m} [physics] | :: magneton |
magnétopause {f} | :: magnetopause |
magnétophone {m} | :: tape recorder (an electromechanical device use to record and play back sound) |
magnétoqueue {f} | :: magnetotail |
magnétorécepteur {m} | :: magnetoreceptor |
magnétoréception {f} [biology] | :: magnetoception |
magnétorésistance {f} [physics] | :: magnetoresistance |
magnétorhéologique {adj} [physics] | :: magnetorheological |
magnétoscope {m} | :: videocassette recorder |
magnétoscoper {v} | :: to record (using a videocassette recorder) |
magnétosome {m} [physic, biology] | :: magnetosome |
magnétosphère {f} | :: magnetosphere |
magnétostatique {adj} | :: magnetostatic |
magnétostratigraphie {f} [geology] | :: magnetostratigraphy |
magnétostrictif {adj} [physics] | :: magnetostrictive |
magnétostriction {f} [physics] | :: magnetostriction |
magnétotactique {adj} | :: magnetotactic |
magnétotactisme {m} | :: magnetotaxis |
magnétotaxie {f} | :: magnetotaxis |
magnétothermique {adj} | :: magnetothermic |
magnétron {m} | :: magnetron |
magnificence {f} | :: magnificence |
magnifier {v} | :: to exalt with praise; usually in reference to God |
magnifique {adj} | :: magnificent, splendid, superb |
magnifiquement {adv} | :: magnificently |
magnitude {f} | :: magnitude |
magnitude absolue {f} [astronomy] | :: absolute magnitude |
magnitude apparente {f} [astronomy] | :: apparent magnitude |
Magnol {prop} | :: surname |
magnolia {m} | :: magnolia (tree, flower) |
Magnon {prop} | :: Magnon; surname |
magnum {m} [wine] | :: A bottle of wine containing 1.5 liters of fluid, double the volume of a standard bottle |
magot {m} [colloquial] | :: pile (of money), hoard |
magot {m} | :: a commercial agent |
magouillage {m} | :: trickery |
magouillage {m} | :: wrangling |
magouille {f} | :: trick, scheme, plot |
magouille {f} | :: wrangling |
magouiller {v} [colloquial] | :: to wangle, to achieve by contrivance or trickery |
magouilleur {m} | :: schemer |
magouilleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of magouilleur |
magret {m} | :: magret |
magyar {adj} | :: Hungarian |
magyarisation {f} | :: Magyarization |
magyariser {v} | :: To Magyarize |
maharadja {m} | :: alternative form of maharaja |
maharaja {m} | :: maharaja |
maharashtrien {adj} | :: Maharashtrian |
maharashtrien {m} | :: Maharashtrian |
mahdi {prop} {m} | :: Mahdi |
Mahé {prop} | :: Mahé (small town) |
Mahé {prop} | :: Mahé (<<former>> French <<enclave>> comprising the <<town:pref/Mahé>> and a few neigbouring towns, in the colonial part of French India) |
Mahé {prop} | :: Mahé (the largest <<island>> of the <<c/Seychelles>>) |
mah-jong {m} | :: mahjong (game for four) |
mah-jong {m} | :: mahjong tile |
Mahomet {prop} {m} [Islam] | :: Muhammad (Islamic prophet) |
mahometan {m} | :: obsolete form of mahométan |
mahométan {m} [obsolete] | :: "Mohammedan": Muslim |
mahométan {adj} [obsolete] | :: "Mohammedan": Muslim |
mahométisme {m} | :: Mohammedanism |
mahorais {adj} | :: Mahoran |
Mahorais {m} | :: Mahorais |
Mahoraise {f} | :: feminine singular of Mahorais |
Mahoré {prop} [rare] | :: synonym of Mayotte |
mahratte {m} | :: Marathi (language) |
mai {m} | :: May (month) |
maïeur {m} | :: alternative spelling of mayeur |
maïeutique {f} | :: maieutics |
maïeutique {adj} | :: maieutic, Socratic |
maïeutiquement {adv} | :: maieutically, Socratically |
maigre {adj} | :: meagre, skinny |
maigre {adj} | :: lean, thin |
maigre {m} | :: meagre (fish) |
maigre comme un clou {adj} [simile] | :: thin as a rake, thin as a wafer |
maigrelet {n} | :: skinny |
maigrement {adv} | :: poorly, weakly |
maigreur {f} | :: thinness (state of being thin) |
maigreur {f} | :: meagreness |
maigrichon {adj} | :: skinny |
maigriot {adj} | :: slimmish |
maigrir {v} | :: to slim, to get slim, to lose weight |
mail {m} | :: maul |
mail {m} [sports, historical] | :: pall mall mallet |
mail {m} [by extension] | :: pall mall |
mail {m} | :: mall, promenade |
mail {m} [Quebec] | :: mall, shopping mall |
mail {m} | :: [informal] email |
mailer {v} | :: to email (send an email) |
mailing {m} | :: mailing list |
maillage {m} | :: meshing (of a net) |
maille {f} | :: [sewing] stitch |
maille {f} | :: mesh, the gap between threads in cloth etc |
maille {f} | :: link (in chainmail etc.) |
maille {f} [graph theory] | :: girth |
maille {f} | :: [obsolete] ancient currency, equivalent to half of a denier |
maillechort {m} | :: nickel silver |
mailler {v} | :: to mesh |
maillet {m} | :: A mallet hammer |
maillet {m} [sports] | :: The mallet used to play croquet and polo |
maillet {m} [archaic] | :: A hammer for striking nails |
maillet {m} [archaic] | :: A door hammer |
mailloche {f} | :: beetle (wooden mallet) |
mailloche {f} | :: rake (of moulder) |
mailloche {f} [music] | :: a mallet drumstick |
mailloche {f} [music] | :: beater (for a xylophone) |
maillocher {vt} | :: to hit with a mailloche |
maillon {m} | :: link (of a chain) |
maillon faible {m} [idiomatic] | :: weakest link (part most likely to fail or be inadequate) |
maillot {m} | :: vest |
maillot {m} | :: leotard (of a dancer); shirt, jersey (of a footballer); singlet (of a runner, of a basketball player) |
maillot {m} | :: bikini line |
maillot {m} [historical] | :: swaddling clothes |
maillot blanc {m} [cycling] | :: white jersey |
maillot de bain {m} | :: swimsuit |
maillot jaune {m} [cycling] | :: yellow jersey (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France) |
maillot vert {m} [cycling] | :: green jersey (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France points competition) |
main {f} | :: hand |
main {f} [soccer] | :: handball |
main {f} [poker] | :: hand |
mainate {m} | :: myna / mynah (bird) |
main dans la main {adv} [figuratively] | :: hand in hand, together |
main de fer {f} [figurative] | :: iron fist |
main-d'œuvre {f} | :: labour, manpower |
main-d'œuvre {f} | :: workforce |
Maine {prop} {m} | :: Maine (province) |
Maine {prop} {m} | :: Maine (state) |
Maine {prop} {f} | :: Maine (river) |
maine coon {m} | :: Maine Coon (cat) |
Maine-et-Loire {prop} | :: Maine-et-Loire (department) |
main-forte {f} | :: aid, support |
mainlevée {f} [legal] | :: withdrawal; release |
mainmise {f} | :: domination, control |
mainmise {f} [legal] | :: seizure |
mainmorte {f} | :: mortmain |
maint {adj} [archaic or literary] | :: many |
maint {pron} [rare or literary] | :: many |
maintefois {adv} [dated, literary] | :: often |
maintenance {f} | :: maintenance |
maintenant {adv} | :: now, currently |
maintenant que {conj} | :: now that |
mainteneur {m} | :: maintainer |
mainteneuse {f} | :: feminine singular of mainteneur |
maintenir {v} | :: to maintain |
maintenir {v} | :: to stick to |
maintenir {vr} [se maintenir, of the weather] | :: to stay fair |
maintenir {vr} [se maintenir] | :: to persist |
maintenir {vr} [se maintenir] | :: to keep up |
maintien {m} | :: upkeep |
maintien {m} | :: maintaining |
maintien {m} | :: demeanor, behavior |
maintien {m} [sports] | :: survival |
main verte {f} [idiomatic] | :: green thumb |
maïoral {adj} [Belgium] | :: mayoral |
maïorat {m} | :: Role of a mayor |
maire {mf} | :: mayor |
maire {mf} | :: [by restriction] male mayor |
mairesse {f} [Quebec, Switzerland] | :: feminine noun of maire; A mayoress, female mayor |
mairesse {f} [obsolete] | :: the wife of a mayor |
mairie {f} | :: mayor’s office, mayoralty |
mairie {f} | :: town hall |
mais {conj} | :: but, although |
mais {interj} | :: an expression of surprise, disbelief, or frustration roughly equivalent to the English well, or sometimes yeah |
maïs {m} | :: corn, maize |
mais bien sûr {interj} [literally] | :: but of course! |
mais bien sûr {interj} [colloquial] | :: yeah, right! as if! |
maïs éclaté {m} [Canada] | :: popcorn |
mais encore {interj} | :: And? What else? |
maïs lessivé {m} [food] | :: hominy (lye-washed maize (corn)) |
maison {f} | :: house |
maison {adj} | :: homemade |
maison {adj} [employment] | :: in-house |
maison {adj} [colloquial] | :: [intensifier] first-rate, top-notch |
Maison Blanche {prop} {f} | :: White House (The official residence of the President of the United States of America) |
Maison Blanche {prop} {f} | :: White House (The United States government) |
maison close {f} | :: brothel |
maison de campagne {f} | :: country house |
maison de correction {f} | :: reform school, reformatory, borstal; house of correction |
maison de cour {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: courthouse |
maison de crapaud {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: mushroom |
maison de disque {f} | :: label (company selling records) |
maison de disques {f} | :: alternative spelling of maison de disque |
maison d'édition {f} | :: publishing house |
maison de jeu {f} | :: casino |
maison de jeu {f} | :: play house, Wendy house |
maison de passe {f} | :: maison de passe, love hotel |
maison de repos {f} | :: rest home, nursing home, care home |
maison de retraite {f} | :: retirement home |
maison de tolérance {f} | :: (licensed) brothel, maison de tolérance |
maison d'hôte {f} | :: bed and breakfast |
maison du tourisme {f} | :: A municipal French regulatory body of tourism; i.e., Maison du Tourisme de Grenoble |
maison en bande {f} | :: terraced house, row house |
maison mère {f} | :: motherhouse |
maisonnée {f} | :: household |
maisonnette {f} | :: a low, small house |
mais où est donc Ornicar {phrase} [mnemonic] | :: A mnemonic phrase to help remember the seven coordinating conjunctions in French |
mais oui {interj} | :: Of course |
maïs soufflé {m} [Canada] | :: popcorn |
maistrance {f} [nautical] | :: The officers of a ship |
maistresse {f} | :: obsolete form of maîtresse |
Maïté {prop} {f} | :: given name borrowed from Basque and Spanish Maite |
maitre {m} | :: alternative spelling of maître |
Maitre {m} | :: alternative spelling of Maître, a title given to lawyers and notaries public in France, Belgium, and Canada |
maître {m} | :: master |
maître {m} | :: leader |
maître {m} | :: primary school teacher |
Maître {mf} | :: a title given to lawyers and notaries public in France, Belgium, and Canada |
maître à penser {m} | :: mentor, guru, maître à penser; thought leader, authority |
maître-autel {m} | :: high altar |
maitre-chanteur {m} | :: a blackmailer (someone who blackmails) |
maitre-chanteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of maitre-chanteur |
maître-chien {m} | :: dog handler |
maître-cylindre {m} [engineering] | :: master cylinder |
maître de ballet {n} | :: ballet master |
maître de cérémonie {m} | :: master of ceremonies, MC; marshal |
maître d'école {m} | :: primary school teacher |
maître de conférences {m} | :: associate professor |
maître de maison {m} | :: host (person who allows a guest) |
maître d'hôtel {m} | :: the person in charge of the team of waiters in a restaurant or hotel |
maître d'hôtel {m} | :: a headwaiter; major-domo |
maître d'ouvrage {m} | :: client, customer, user |
maître d'ouvrage {m} | :: [IT] project leader, process manager; [construction industry] contracting authority |
maître-mot {m} | :: watchword, byword, name of the game, key, keyword, guiding principle |
maitre-nageur {m} | :: alternative form of maître-nageur |
maître-nageur {m} | :: lifeguard (attendant employed to save swimmers in trouble or near drowning) |
maitre-nageuse {f} | :: feminine singular of maitre-nageur |
maître-nageuse {f} | :: feminine singular of maître-nageur |
maitresse {f} | :: alternative spelling of maîtresse |
maîtresse {f} | :: mistress |
maitresse de maison {f} | :: alternative spelling of maîtresse de maison |
maîtresse de maison {f} | :: housewife |
maîtresse de maison {f} | :: hostess |
maîtresse de maison {f} [obsolete] | :: bawd, mistress of a brothel (see maison close, maison de tolérance) |
maîtrisable {adj} | :: masterable |
maitrise {f} | :: alternative spelling of maîtrise |
maîtrise {f} | :: mastery |
maîtrise {f} | :: control |
maîtrise {f} [Canada] | :: master's degree |
maitriser {v} | :: alternative spelling of maîtriser |
maîtriser {v} | :: to master, have authority over somebody |
maîtriser {v} | :: to dominate, overcome, conquer, control |
maîtriser {v} [figuratively] | :: be master of |
maîtriser {v} | :: to master, to be able to, to know how to accomplish very well |
maïzena {f} | :: cornflour / cornstarch |
Majeau {prop} | :: surname |
majesté {f} | :: majesty (greatness) |
majesté {f} | :: majesty (quality of being majestic) |
majesté {f} | :: majesty (title of a sovereign) |
majestueusement {adv} | :: majestically |
majestueux {adj} | :: majestic |
majeur {adj} | :: greater, larger, more important |
majeur {adj} | :: (by extension) of great importance, main, major, principal, greatest |
majeur {m} | :: an adult (as defined by the age of majority) |
majeur {m} | :: middle finger |
majeur et vacciné {adj} [colloquial] | :: big enough and ugly enough to take care of oneself, old enough to look after oneself, mature enough to make one's own decisions |
Majewski {prop} | :: surname |
majolique {f} | :: majolica |
major {m} | :: major, the upper rank of French non-commissioned officers |
majorant {adj} | :: increasing |
majorat {m} | :: majorat |
majoration {f} | :: increase |
majordome {m} | :: majordomo |
majorer {vt} | :: to increase |
majorer {vt} | :: to overestimate, to exaggerate |
majoritaire {adj} | :: majority (attributive form) |
majoritairement {adv} | :: mostly, majoritarily (as a majority) |
majorité {f} | :: majority (more than half) |
majorité {f} | :: adulthood (legal) |
majorité absolue {f} | :: absolute majority (a number of votes totalling over 50 per cent) |
majorité qualifiée {f} | :: qualified majority |
majorité sexuelle {f} [law] | :: age of consent |
majorquais {adj} | :: Mallorcan |
Majorquais {m} | :: Mallorcan |
Majorquaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Majorquais |
Majorque {prop} {f} | :: Majorca (island) |
majorquin {adj} | :: Majorcan, Mallorcan |
majusculation {f} | :: the act or practice of beginning a word with a capital letter when it is not the beginning of a sentence |
majuscule {f} | :: capital letter (uppercase letter) |
makher {m} | :: macher |
makhzen {m} | :: government of the King of Morocco during the French protectorate |
maki {m} | :: maki |
making-of {m} | :: making-of |
mal- {prefix} | :: badly; wrongly |
mal- {prefix} | :: denotes the opposite of the unprefixed form |
mal {m} [as in the phrase: avoir du mal] | :: trouble, difficulty |
mal {m} | :: pain |
mal {m} | :: evil |
mal {adv} | :: badly |
mal {adj} [in set phrases and limited constructions] | :: bad |
Mal {prop} {m} | :: Section of Tongres in Belgium |
Malachie {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Malachi |
malachite {f} | :: malachite |
malacie {f} [medicine] | :: malacia |
malaco- {prefix} [biology] | :: forms terms relating to molluscs |
malaco- {prefix} | :: soft, especially having a soft body |
malacophage {mf} | :: molluscivore |
malacophage {adj} | :: molluscivorous |
malacophile {adj} [botany] | :: malacophilous |
malade {adj} | :: ill, unwell, sick |
malade {adj} [colloquial] | :: Mentally disturbed; crazy; nuts; mental |
malade {mf} | :: An ill or sick person; a patient |
malade {mf} [colloquial] | :: Somebody who is crazy; a nutcase |
malade comme un chien {adj} [simile] | :: sick as a dog, sick as a parrot |
malade de la gâchette {adj} | :: trigger-happy (with firearms) |
malade de la gâchette {mf} | :: a trigger-happy person (with firearms) |
maladie {f} | :: illness, disease |
maladie cœliaque {f} | :: coeliac disease |
maladie d'Alzheimer {f} | :: Alzheimer's disease |
maladie de la vache folle {f} | :: mad cow disease |
maladie des caissons {f} | :: caisson disease, decompression sickness, divers' disease |
maladie d'Heberden {f} [disease] | :: angina pectoris |
maladie du pays {f} | :: homesickness (nostalgia) |
maladie infectieuse {f} | :: infectious disease |
maladie mentale {f} | :: mental illness |
maladie sexuellement transmissible {f} | :: sexually transmitted disease |
maladif {adj} | :: sickly (habitually sick) |
maladif {adj} | :: poorly (not well, sick) |
maladif {adj} | :: pathological |
maladif {adj} | :: diseased (having ill character) |
maladivement {adv} | :: sickly |
maladivement {adv} | :: pathologically |
maladresse {f} | :: clumsiness |
maladresse {f} | :: tactlessness |
maladresse {f} | :: awkwardness |
maladresse {f} | :: mistake, blunder |
maladroit {adj} | :: awkward; clumsy; maladroit |
maladroitement {adv} | :: awkwardly; maladroitly |
malaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: malar |
malais {adj} | :: Malay |
malais {m} | :: Malay language |
Malais {m} | :: Malay (Malay person) |
malaise {m} | :: malaise, uneasiness, cringe |
malaisé {adj} | :: difficult, awkward |
malaisément {adv} | :: uneasily |
Malaisie {prop} {f} | :: Malaysia |
malaisien {adj} | :: Malaysian |
Malaisien {m} | :: Malaysian (someone from Malaysia) |
Malaisienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Malaisien |
mal à l'aise {adj} | :: ill at ease, uncomfortable |
mal amanché {adj} | :: dilapidated, shabby, rundown |
malandrin {m} | :: brigand |
malandrin {m} | :: robber |
malappris {adj} | :: uncivilized, uneducated, ill-mannered |
malappris {m} | :: rascal, troublemaker |
mal à propos {adv} | :: inappropriately |
malaria {f} | :: malaria |
malavisé {adj} | :: unwise, injudicious, unadvised |
malavisément {adv} | :: unwisely, injudiciously, unadvisedly |
malawien {adj} | :: Malawian |
Malawien {m} | :: Malawian |
Malawienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Malawien |
malawite {adj} | :: Malawian |
malaxer {v} | :: to knead |
malaxer {v} | :: to massage |
malaxeur {m} | :: malaxator, mixer |
malayalam {m} | :: Malayalam (language) |
mal baisé {adj} [slang] | :: in need of a good seeing-to; irritable, frustrated etc. from lack of sex |
mal-baisé {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: unpleasant person |
mal-baisée {f} | :: feminine singular of mal-baisé |
mal barré {adj} [colloquial] | :: in bad shape (of a person, situation, etc.) |
malbouffe {f} | :: junk food (food with little or no nutritional value) |
malchance {f} | :: mischance, misfortune, bad luck |
malchanceux {adj} | :: unlucky; unfortunate |
malcommode {adj} | :: inconvenient |
malcommode {adj} | :: impractical |
malcontent {adj} [dated] | :: unhappy |
mal dans sa peau {adj} | :: not comfortable in one's own skin, not comfortable with who one is, feeling ill at ease with oneself |
mal de chien {m} [colloquial] | :: great pain |
mal de chien {m} [colloquial] | :: great difficulty |
mal de débarquement {m} | :: disembarkment syndrome |
mal de gorge {m} | :: sore throat |
mal de l'air {m} | :: airsickness |
mal de la route {m} | :: carsickness |
mal de mer {m} | :: seasickness |
mal des transports {m} | :: motion sickness, travel sickness |
mal de tête {m} | :: headache |
Maldives {prop} {fp} | :: Maldives |
maldivien {adj} | :: Maldivian |
Maldivien {m} | :: Maldivian |
Maldivienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Maldivien |
maldonne {f} | :: misunderstanding, misconception |
maldonne {f} [card games] | :: misdeal |
mal du pays {m} | :: homesickness |
mâle {adj} | :: male |
mâle {adj} | :: manly |
mâle {m} | :: male (of a species) |
maléate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: maleate |
malécite {adj} | :: Maliseet |
malécite {m} | :: Maliseet (language) |
malédiction {f} | :: spell, curse (supernatural detriment) |
maléfice {m} | :: evil spell, wicked spell |
maléfique {adj} | :: maleficent, malevolent |
maléique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: maleic |
mal élevé {adj} | :: rude, bad-mannered, ill-mannered |
mal élevé {m} | :: ill-mannered person |
mal embouché {adj} [colloquial, of a person] | :: foul-mouthed |
mâlement {adv} | :: masculinely |
mâlement {adv} | :: virilely |
malemort {f} [literary, archaic] | :: a cruel or horrible death |
malencontre {f} [dated] | :: bad luck; misfortune |
malencontreusement {adv} | :: unfortunately (happening through bad luck) |
malencontreux {adj} | :: unfortunate |
mal en point {adj} [colloquial, of a person] | :: in a bad state, unwell, ailing, beleaguered |
malentendant {adj} | :: hard of hearing; somewhat deaf |
malentendant {m} | :: person who is hard of hearing ; a hearing-impaired |
malentendante {f} | :: feminine noun of malentendant |
malentendu {m} | :: misunderstanding |
malepeste {interj} [archaic] | :: An expression of surprise |
mal-être {m} | :: malaise, ill feeling, emotional suffering |
malfaçon {f} | :: fault |
malfaçonné {adj} | :: faulty |
malfaire {v} [archaic] | :: do wrong |
malfaisance {f} [literary] | :: wrongdoing |
malfaisant {adj} | :: evil, harmful, malfeasant |
malfaiteur {m} | :: malefactor; wrongdoer |
malfamé {adj} | :: disreputable |
malfamé {adj} | :: infamous |
malfortune {f} | :: misfortune |
malfrat {m} | :: crook, outlaw, criminal |
malgache {m} | :: Malagasy, the Malagasy language |
malgache {adj} | :: Malagasy (from, or pertaining to Madagascar) |
Malgache {mf} | :: Malagasy (nationality) |
malgracieusement {adv} | :: ungraciously |
malgracieux {adj} | :: ungracious |
malgré {prep} | :: despite, in spite of |
malgré {prep} | :: [with a pronoun] against (one's) will, despite (one's) protest |
malgré-nous {m} | :: Somebody forced into military service |
malgré-nous {m} [historical] | :: Soldiers from Alsace and Lorraine forced into German military service during WWI and WWII |
malgré que {conj} [proscribed] | :: despite that (even though; despite the fact that; although) |
malgré tout {adv} | :: Still; nevertheless |
malgré tout {adv} [archaic] | :: Come what may; in spite of everything |
malhabile {adj} | :: clumsy |
malhabilement {adv} | :: clumsily |
malherbologie {f} | :: The science of weeds and their control |
malherbologique {adj} | :: weed (attributive) |
malherbologiquement {adv} | :: weedily |
malheur {m} | :: sadness, unhappiness |
malheur {m} | :: misfortune |
malheureusement {adv} | :: unfortunately |
malheureusement {adv} | :: sadly |
malheureux {adj} | :: unhappy; miserable |
malhonnête {adj} | :: dishonest (not honest) |
malhonnêtement {adv} | :: dishonestly |
malhonnêteté {f} | :: dishonesty |
Mali {prop} {m} | :: Mali (country) |
malice {f} | :: mischief |
malice {f} | :: malice |
maliciel {m} [computing] | :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system) |
malicieusement {adv} | :: mischievously |
malicieusement {adv} | :: maliciously |
malicieux {adj} | :: mischievous |
malicieux {adj} | :: malicious |
malicornais {adj} | :: Of or from Malicorne-sur-Sarthe |
Malicorne-sur-Sarthe {prop} | :: A town in the Sarthe department of Pays de la Loire |
malien {adj} | :: from Mali; Malian |
Malien {m} | :: Malian (person from Mali) |
Malienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Malien |
malignement {adv} | :: malignantly |
malignité {f} | :: malice, spite |
malignité {f} [medicine] | :: malignancy |
malin {adj} | :: smart and quick-thinking, and often a trickster; cunning, crafty |
malin {adj} [medicine] | :: Malignant |
malin {adj} [Quebec] | :: Said of an aggressive animal or a petulant person |
malin {adj} [chiefly dated or biblical] | :: malicious, sadistic (which likes to do or say hurtful things for fun) |
malin {adj} [obsolete] | :: nocive; pernicious |
malin {m} | :: trickster, smart person |
Malin {prop} {m} | :: the Devil |
maline {f} | :: spring tide |
Malines {prop} | :: Mechelen, a city in Belgium |
malingre {adj} | :: delicate, fragile, puny |
malintentionné {adj} | :: ill-intentioned |
malique {adj} | :: malic |
mallarméen {adj} | :: Mallarméan (of or relating to Stéphane Mallarmé) |
malle {f} | :: large suitcase; trunk |
malléabilité {f} | :: malleability |
malléable {adj} | :: malleable (able to be hammered into thin sheets) |
mal léché {adj} [colloquial] | :: surly, gruff |
malléolaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: malleolar |
malléole {m} [anatomy] | :: malleolus |
mallette {f} | :: briefcase |
mallette {f} [Belgium] | :: schoolbag |
malléus {m} | :: malleus (small bone in the middle ear) |
malmener {v} | :: to manhandle, mistreat |
malmener {v} | :: to misuse, use incorrectly |
mal nécessaire {m} | :: necessary evil |
malnutrition {f} | :: malnutrition |
malodorant {adj} | :: smelly, malodorous |
malolactique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: malolactic |
malonique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: malonic |
malotru {m} | :: lout, boor |
malotru {adj} | :: crude, boorish |
Malou {prop} {f} | :: given name |
malouin {n} | :: of or from Saint-Malo |
Malouin {m} | :: someone of or from Saint-Malo |
Malouine {f} | :: feminine noun of Malouin |
Malouines {prop} {fp} | :: Falklands |
malpighien {adj} [anatomy, pathology] | :: Malpighian |
malpoli {adj} | :: rude, impolite |
malpoli {m} | :: a rude person |
malpropre {adj} | :: unclean |
malproprement {adv} | :: uncleanly |
malpropreté {f} | :: uncleanliness, dirtiness, filthiness |
malrucien {adj} | :: Malrucian |
malsain {adj} | :: unhealthy, sick |
malséant {adj} | :: unseemly |
malsonnant {adj} | :: offensive |
maltage {m} | :: malting (brewing process) |
maltais {m} | :: Maltese, the Maltese language |
maltais {adj} | :: Maltese |
Maltais {m} | :: Maltese (someone from Malta) |
Maltaise {f} | :: female equivalent of Maltais |
Malte {prop} | :: Malta (republic) |
Malte {prop} | :: Malta (island), Malta Island |
malter {v} | :: to malt |
malteur {m} | :: maltster |
malthusianisme {m} | :: Malthusianism |
malthusien {adj} | :: Malthusian |
maltôte {f} | :: A tax, especially a harsh or illegal one |
maltraitance {f} | :: maltreatment, ill-treatment |
maltraiter {v} | :: to mistreat |
malvacées {fp} [botany] | :: Malvaceae, mallows |
malvalique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: malvalic |
malveillamment {adv} | :: maliciously, malevolently |
malveillance {f} | :: malevolence |
malveillant {adj} | :: malicious, malevolent |
malvenu {adj} | :: inopportune, untimely |
malversation {f} | :: malversation, corruption |
malvidine {f} [organic compound] | :: malvidin |
malvoyant {adj} | :: visually impaired |
malware {m} [computing] | :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system) |
mamamouchi {m} | :: A fictional pompous title, supposedly Turkish |
mamamouchie {f} | :: feminine noun of mamamouchi |
maman {f} [colloquial or childish] | :: mummy, mom, mum |
mamange {f} | :: A woman whose child died during pregnancy or childbirth |
mamba noir {m} | :: black mamba |
mambo {m} | :: mambo (music) |
mambo {m} | :: mambo (dance) |
mamelle {f} | :: breast |
mamelle {f} | :: nipple |
mamelliforme {adj} [biology] | :: mamelliform |
mamelon {m} [anatomy] | :: nipple |
mamelon {m} [geography] | :: hillock, knoll (rounded elevation or protuberance) |
mamelouk {m} | :: mameluk |
mamelouk {adj} | :: of or relating to the mameluks |
mamelu {adj} | :: heavy-breasted |
mameluk {m} | :: alternative spelling of mamelouk |
mameluk {adj} | :: alternative spelling of mamelouk |
mamie {f} [usually childish] | :: granny, grandma |
mamillaire {adj} [biology] | :: mamillary |
mammaire {adj} | :: mammary |
mammalien {adj} | :: mammalian |
mammatus {m} | :: mammatus; ellipsis of nuage mammatus |
mammectomie {f} [surgery] | :: mammectomy, mastectomy |
mammifère {m} | :: mammal |
mammiochorie {f} [biology] | :: mammiochory |
mammogramme {m} | :: mammogram |
mammographie {f} | :: mammography |
mammoplastie {f} [surgery] | :: mammoplasty |
mammout {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mammouth |
mammouth {m} | :: mammoth (elephant-like mammal) |
mammouth laineux {m} | :: woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) |
mamour {mf} [chiefly in the plural] | :: sweet nothings |
mam'zelle {f} | :: syncopic form of mademoiselle |
mamzelle {f} | :: alternative form of mam'zelle, clipping of mademoiselle, syncopic form of mademoiselle |
-man {suffix} | :: used to form names of male professions or sportspersons |
manade {f} [Provence, Camargue, Louisiana] | :: herd (of bulls or horses) |
management {m} [management] | :: management |
manager {m} [sports, Europe] | :: manager |
managérial {adj} | :: managerial |
manageur {m} [rare] | :: manager |
manageuse {f} | :: feminine noun of manageur |
manant {m} [historical] | :: peasant |
manant {m} | :: yokel, bumpkin |
Manassé {prop} | :: Manasses |
manceau {adj} | :: relating to Le Mans, France, to its inhabitants or its culture |
Manceau {m} | :: An inhabitant of Le Mans |
Mancelle {f} | :: feminine noun of Manceau |
manche {f} | :: sleeve (clothing) |
manche {f} [sports] | :: round |
manche {f} [tennis] | :: set |
manche {f} [snooker] | :: frame |
manche {f} [baseball] | :: inning |
manche {m} | :: handle |
manche {m} [popular] | :: unhandy person |
manche {f} | :: begging (for money) |
Manche {prop} {f} | :: Manche (département of France) |
Manche {prop} {f} [with the definite article] | :: the English Channel |
manche à air {m} | :: windsock |
manche à balai {m} | :: broomstick |
manche à balai {m} | :: joystick |
manchette {f} | :: cuff |
manchette {f} | :: oversleeve, manchette |
manchette {f} [journalism] | :: headline |
manchette {f} | :: marginal note; note in the margin |
manchon {m} | :: muff (article of clothing) |
manchon {m} | :: snow gaiter |
manchon {m} | :: conserve (jam) of poultry wing |
manchon {m} [technology] | :: coupler |
manchon {m} | :: incandescent gauze, mantle |
manchot {adj} | :: one-armed |
manchot {adj} | :: armless |
manchot {adj} | :: one-handed (having one hand) |
manchot {adj} | :: handless |
manchot {m} | :: penguin |
manchot {m} | :: one-armed or no-armed person |
manchot à ailerons blancs {m} | :: white-flippered penguin |
manchot Adélie {m} | :: Adelie penguin |
manchot à jugulaire {m} | :: chinstrap penguin |
manchot antipode {m} | :: yellow-eyed penguin |
manchot de Humboldt {m} | :: Humboldt penguin |
manchot de Magellan {m} | :: Magellanic penguin |
manchot des Galapagos {m} | :: Galapagos penguin |
manchot du Cap {m} | :: African penguin |
manchote {f} | :: feminine noun of manchot |
manchot empereur {m} | :: emperor penguin |
manchot papou {m} | :: gentoo penguin |
manchot pygmée {m} | :: little penguin |
manchot royal {m} | :: king penguin |
-mancie {suffix} | :: -mancy |
mancunien {adj} | :: Mancunian |
mandale {f} [colloquial] | :: a punch, a jab, especially one that's quick and hard to dodge |
Mandanda {prop} | :: surname |
mandarin {adj} | :: mandarin (of the former Chinese empire) |
mandarin {m} | :: Mandarin (language) |
mandarinat {m} | :: mandarinate |
mandarine {f} | :: mandarin orange |
mandarinier {m} | :: mandarin orange (tree) |
mandat {m} | :: mandate |
mandat {m} | :: postal order, money order |
mandat {m} [legal] | :: power of attorney, proxy |
mandat {m} | :: (police) warrant |
mandat {m} | :: term in office |
mandataire {m} | :: proxy (agent or substitute authorized to act for another person) |
mandataire {m} | :: mandatary |
mandat d'arrêt {m} [law] | :: arrest warrant |
mandater {vt} | :: to appoint, elect, commission |
mandature {f} | :: term of office |
mandchou {adj} | :: Manchu (from Manchuria) |
mandchou {m} | :: Manchu (language) |
Mandchou {m} | :: Manchu (person) |
Mandchoue {f} | :: feminine noun of Mandchou |
Mandchoukouo {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Manchukuo (Manchurian puppet state controlled by Japan) |
Mandchourie {prop} {f} | :: Manchuria |
Mandelbrot {prop} | :: surname |
mandélique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: mandelic |
mandement {m} | :: pastoral letter |
mander {v} [obsolete] | :: to command, summon |
mander {vt} [formal] | :: to inform, to send news of |
mandibulaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: mandibular |
mandibule {f} | :: mandible |
mandingue {adj} | :: Mandingo (attributive) |
mandoline {f} [musical instruments] | :: mandolin |
mandoline {f} | :: vegetable slicer, mandoline |
mandore {f} [musical instruments] | :: mandore |
mandorle {f} | :: mandorla |
mandragore {f} | :: mandrake, mandragora (plant of the genus Mandragora and its root) |
-mane {suffix} | :: -mane, -maniac; Used to form adjectives and nouns describing sufferers of a mania |
maneaba {f} | :: maneaba |
manécanterie {f} | :: choir school |
manége {m} | :: obsolete spelling of manège |
manège {m} | :: The art of training and riding horses |
manège {m} | :: riding school |
manège {m} | :: (unroofed) riding arena |
manège {m} | :: riding hall |
manège {m} | :: fairground attraction; merry-go-round (UK), carousel (US) |
manège {m} [figuratively] | :: (little) game, ploy, goings-on |
mânes {mp} [historical] | :: manes |
mânes {mp} [literary] | :: spirits |
manette {f} | :: lever |
manette {f} [gaming] | :: joystick, (console) controller |
manette {f} [Québec] | :: remote control |
manga {m} | :: a manga (comic originated in Japan) |
mangaka {mf} | :: a mangaka |
manganèse {m} | :: manganese |
manganeux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: manganous |
manganimétrie {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: manganimetry |
manganique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: manganic |
mangeable {adj} | :: edible, that can be eaten without disgust |
mangeaille {f} [colloquial] | :: grub (food) |
mange-merde {mf} [vulgar] | :: gobshite (person of very poor judgment) |
mangeoire {f} | :: manger |
mangeoire {f} | :: feeder (e.g. for birds) |
manger {vt} | :: to eat |
manger {vi} | :: to eat |
manger {m} | :: food, foodstuff |
manger à sa faim {v} | :: to eat one's fill, to get one's fill, to eat as much as one wants, to have enough to eat |
manger à tous les râteliers {v} [idiomatic] | :: to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, to support both sides of an argument |
manger comme quatre {v} [simile] | :: to eat like a horse |
manger comme un moineau {v} [simile] | :: to eat like a bird (to eat very little) |
manger comme un ogre {v} [simile] | :: to eat like a horse |
manger les pissenlits par la racine {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to push up daisies |
manger maigre {v} | :: to abstain from meat on certain days appointed by the Roman Catholic Church |
manger ses mots {v} | :: to mumble, to clip one's words, to pronounce indistinctly |
manger son chapeau {v} | :: to eat one's hat, to eat humble pie |
manger sur le pouce {v} | :: to eat on the go, to eat on the run, to eat on the hoof |
manger une volée {v} [slang, Quebec] | :: to get a hiding, to get beaten up |
mangeur {m} | :: eater |
mangeure {f} | :: A hole caused by an animal eating, in fabric or food |
mangeüre {f} | :: alternative spelling of mangeure |
mangeuse {f} | :: female equivalent of mangeur |
mangeuse d'homme {f} [figuratively] | :: a man-eater, a vamp, a seductress |
mangeuse d'hommes {f} | :: alternative spelling of mangeuse d'homme |
mangoustan {m} | :: mangosteen (fruit) |
mangoustanier {m} [obsolete] | :: mangosteen (trees) |
mangouste {f} | :: mongoose |
mangouste {f} | :: mangosteen |
mangrove {f} | :: A mangrove forest |
mangue {f} | :: mango (fruit of the mango tree) |
mangue {f} | :: A carnivorous mammal related to the mongoose |
manguier {m} | :: mango tree |
manhua {m} [comics] | :: manhua; Chinese comics (漫畫 / 漫画 / mànhuà) |
manhwa {m} [comics] | :: Korean comics |
maniabilité {f} | :: manoeuvrability |
maniable {adj} | :: handy |
maniable {adj} | :: manageable, manoeuvrable |
maniaco-dépressif {adj} | :: manic-depressive |
maniaco-dépressif {m} | :: manic-depressive person |
maniaque {adj} | :: maniacal |
maniaque {mf} | :: maniac (insane person) |
manichéen {m} | :: Manichaean |
manichéen {adj} | :: Manichaean |
manichéisme {m} [religion] | :: Manichaeism |
manichéiste {mf} | :: Manichaean |
manichéiste {adj} | :: Manichaean |
manicou {m} | :: manicou, common opossum |
-manie {suffix} | :: -mania |
manie {f} [psychology] | :: mania |
manie {f} | :: habit; idiosyncrasy |
maniement {m} | :: manipulation, handling |
manier {v} | :: to handle, manipulate, wield (an object) |
manier {v} | :: to use (software) |
manier {v} | :: to knead |
maniére {f} | :: alternative form of manière |
maniéré {adj} | :: mannered |
maniéré {adj} | :: affected, mincing |
manière {f} | :: manner, way |
manière {f} [Louisiana French] | :: somewhat, kinda, sorta, a bit, a little |
maniérisme {m} | :: mannerism (all senses) |
maniériste {adj} [art] | :: mannerist |
maniériste {m} [art] | :: mannerist (painter) |
manieur {m} | :: handler |
manieur {m} | :: manipulator |
manieuse {f} | :: feminine singular of manieur |
manif {f} [colloquial] | :: protest |
manifestant {m} | :: protester (someone participating in a protest) |
manifestation {f} | :: protest, demonstration |
manifestation {f} | :: expression |
manifestation {f} | :: assembly, gathering (of people for an event) |
manifestation {f} | :: creation |
manifeste {adj} | :: manifest |
manifeste {m} | :: manifesto |
manifeste {m} | :: manifest |
manifesté {adj} | :: manifested |
manifesté {adj} | :: demonstrated |
manifestement {adv} | :: obviously |
manifester {v} | :: to manifest or demonstrate |
manifester {v} | :: to protest (to speak out against something) |
manigance {f} | :: trick, scheme |
manigancer {v} | :: to conspire |
maniguette {f} | :: grain of paradise |
maniguette {f} | :: malagueta, the plant which produces grains of paradise |
manille {f} [cards] | :: manille |
manille {f} | :: ring, bracelet (as worn by a slave or convict) |
manille {f} | :: manilla |
Manille {prop} | :: Manille (capital) |
manioc {m} | :: cassava, manioc |
manip {f} [colloquial] | :: a manipulation |
manipulable {adj} | :: manipulable, manipulatable |
manipulateur {m} | :: technician, operator |
manipulateur {m} | :: Someone who is manipulative, a puppeteer |
manipulation {f} | :: manipulation |
manipulatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of manipulateur |
manipule {m} [Ancient Rome, military] | :: a maniple |
manipuler {v} | :: to manipulate |
manique {f} | :: protective glove used by workers |
manique {f} [Belgium, Ardennes, Lorraine] | :: oven mitt |
manique {f} | :: tiger paw [wrist brace used by gymnasts] |
Manitoba {prop} {m} | :: Manitoba |
manitobain {adj} | :: Manitoban (from Manitoba) |
Manitobain {m} | :: Manitoban (someone from Manitoba) |
Manitobaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Manitobain |
manitou {m} | :: manitou |
manivelle {f} | :: crank |
mannane {m} [carbohydrate] | :: mannan |
manne {f} | :: manna |
manne {f} | :: godsend |
manne {f} | :: large wicker basket |
mannequin {m} | :: (fashion) model |
mannequin {m} | :: dummy, mannequin |
mannequinat {m} | :: modelling (working as a model) |
mannitane {f} [carbohydrate] | :: mannitan |
mannois {m} | :: Manx (language) |
mannois {adj} | :: of or relating to the Isle of Man |
Mannois {m} | :: Manx, person from the Isle of Man |
Mannoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Mannois |
mannoprotéine {f} [protein] | :: mannoprotein |
manœuvrabilité {f} | :: manoeuvrability |
manœuvrabilité {f} | :: handling (driving characteristic of a vehicle) |
manœuvrable {adj} | :: maneuverable |
manœuvrant {adj} | :: manoeuvrable |
manœuvre {f} | :: move, movement |
manœuvre {f} | :: operation, manoeuvre |
manœuvre {f} [military, in the plural] | :: manoeuvres |
manœuvre {m} | :: labourer |
manœuvrer {v} | :: to maneuver |
manœuvrier {m} | :: tactician |
manœuvrier {m} | :: manipulator |
manœuvrier {adj} | :: tactical |
manœuvrier {adj} | :: manipulative |
manographe {m} | :: manograph [optical device] |
manoir {m} | :: manor |
manomètre {m} | :: manometer |
Manon {prop} | :: given name, popular in the 1990s and the 2000s |
manoque {f} | :: roll of tobacco |
manoque {f} [nautical] | :: small pieces of wood bound together, a unit of 30 to 60 fathoms |
manorial {adj} | :: manorial |
manosphère {f} [neologism, Internet] | :: manosphere, men’s rights blogs and websites collectively |
manouche {mf} | :: gypsy, Roma |
manouvrier {m} | :: journeyman |
manouvrière {f} | :: feminine singular of manouvrier |
manquant {adj} | :: missing |
manque {m} | :: lack |
manque {f} | :: See à la manque |
manque à gagner {m} | :: loss of earnings, loss of profit, profit loss, lost profits, shortfall, deficiency, loss of income |
manquement {m} | :: lack |
manquement {m} | :: dereliction |
manquer {v} [followed by preposition de] | :: to lack, to be lacking in |
manquer {vi} [with the preposition à or indirect object] | :: to be missed by/to be lacking to, to miss out |
manquer {vt} | :: to miss, to fail |
manquer à l'appel {v} [figuratively] | :: to be missing at roll call, to be absent |
manquer à sa parole {v} | :: to break one's word |
manquer le coche {v} [figuratively] | :: to miss the boat, to miss the bus |
Mans {prop} {m} | :: See Le Mans |
mansarde {f} | :: attic |
mansardé {adj} | :: attic (attributive) |
mansionnaire {m} | :: A palace official, in medieval France, responsible for the royal apartments |
Mansoul {prop} | :: surname |
mansuétude {f} | :: indulgence, leniency |
mansuétude {f} | :: calmness, serenity |
mante {f} | :: mantis (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea) |
manteau {m} | :: coat |
manteau {m} | :: mantle (garment worn by Orthodox bishops) |
manteau {m} [geology] | :: mantle |
manteau {m} [biology] | :: mantle (of molluscs) |
manteau {m} [heraldry] | :: pavilion |
mantelé {adj} [zoology] | :: Having a different coloured back to that of the rest of its body, in particular with birds |
manteler {v} [rare, obsolete] | :: To put on or wear a coat or mantle |
mantelet {m} | :: mantle (piece of clothing) |
mantelet {m} [military] | :: mantelet, shielding |
mante religieuse {f} | :: praying mantis |
manticore {f} | :: manticore |
mantille {f} | :: mantilla |
mantisse {f} [maths] | :: mantissa |
Mantoue {prop} | :: Mantua (Italian city and province) |
manualiser {v} | :: To masturbate |
manucure {mf} | :: manicurist |
manucure {f} | :: manicure |
manucuré {adj} | :: manicured |
manuel {m} | :: manual, handbook |
manuel {adj} | :: manual |
Manuel {prop} | :: given name borrowed from Spanish and Portuguese |
manuéliser {v} | :: alternative form of manualiser |
manuellement {adv} | :: manually, by hand |
manufacture {f} | :: factory |
manufacturer {v} [dated] | :: to manufacture |
manufacturier {adj} [attributive] | :: manufacturing |
manufacturièrement {adv} | :: By means of manufacturing |
manuscrire {v} | :: to handwrite |
manuscrit {adj} | :: manuscript (handwritten, or by extension typewritten) |
manuscrit {m} | :: manuscript |
manuscritement {adv} | :: (of writing) done by hand |
manutention {f} [obsolete] | :: maintenance; manutention |
manutention {f} [technology, commercial] | :: handling |
manutention {f} | :: storehouse, depot |
manutentionnaire {m} | :: warehouseman |
manutentionner {vt} | :: to handle |
manx {m} | :: The Manx language |
manxois {adj} | :: Manx |
manxois {m} | :: Manx (a Goidelic language spoken on the Isle of Man) |
maoïsme {m} | :: Maoism |
maoïste {adj} | :: Maoist |
maoïste {mf} | :: Maoist |
maori {adj} | :: Maori (of or relating to the Maori people or language) |
maori {m} | :: a person of Maori descent |
maori {m} | :: (uncountable) the Maori language |
maous {adj} | :: remarkable |
maous {adj} | :: massive |
maous {m} [slang] | :: (type of large-calibre) cannon, shell |
ma parole {interj} | :: my word! |
ma pomme {pron} [colloquial] | :: yours truly (I, me or myself) |
mappemonde {f} | :: A map of the world, showing the two hemispheres as separate circles |
mapper {v} | :: To map (all senses) |
maquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to be in a romantic relationship |
maquer {vp} [colloquial] | :: to go out together, to have a romantic relationship |
maquereau {m} | :: mackerel |
maquereau {m} [colloquial] | :: pimp |
maquerellage {m} | :: pimping |
maquerelle {f} | :: madam (keeper of a brothel), female pimp |
maquerellement {adv} | :: In the manner of a pimp |
Maquet {prop} | :: surname |
maquette {f} | :: model, mock-up |
maquettiste {mf} | :: scale modeler |
maquignon {m} | :: horse dealer |
maquignonne {f} | :: feminine noun of maquignon |
maquillage {m} | :: makeup |
maquillé comme une voiture volée {adj} [simile, colloquial] | :: heavily made-up, tarted up, done up like a dog's dinner |
maquiller {v} | :: to disguise, cover or apply makeup (to); to dress up, to embellish |
maquiller {v} | :: to make up (a story, lie, scenario, etc.), to fabricate; to pretend |
maquilleur {m} | :: makeup artist / technician |
maquilleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of maquilleur |
maquis {m} [botany] | :: macchia (Mediterranean brush) |
maquis {m} [botany] | :: thicket |
maquis {m} [figuratively, historical, military] | :: resistance, underground (movement during World War II) |
maquisard {m} [historical] | :: maquisard (member of a resistance or guerrilla movement) |
marabout {m} [religion] | :: marabout |
marabout {m} [zoology] | :: marabou, stork of the Leptoptilos genus |
marabouter {v} | :: to cast a spell; to enchant (magically) |
maraboutisme {m} [Islam] | :: maraboutism |
maraboutiste {adj} [Islam] | :: maraboutist |
maraîchage {m} | :: primeur farming |
maraîcher {adj} [attributive] | :: vegetable-growing |
maraîcher {m} [archaic] | :: someone who grows a vegetable garden |
maraîcher {m} | :: a vegetable grower |
maraîchin {adj} | :: Of or from the Marais breton |
marais {m} | :: swamp, marsh |
marais {m} [archaic] | :: land suitable for growing primeur or vegetable |
Marais breton {prop} {m} | :: A marshy region situated on the Atlantic coast between Brittany and the Vendée |
marais salant {m} | :: salt marsh |
Marandon {prop} | :: surname |
maranta {mf} | :: arrowroot |
marante {f} | :: alternative form of maranta |
marasme {m} [politics, economics] | :: stagnation, the doldrums |
marasquin {m} | :: maraschino liqueur |
marathe {m} | :: Marathi, the Marathi language |
Marathe {prop} {mf} | :: Marathi (people of Maharastra) |
marathi {m} | :: alternative form of marathe |
marathiphone {adj} | :: Marathi-speaking |
marathiphone {mf} | :: A Marathi-speaking person |
marathon {m} | :: marathon |
marathonien {m} | :: marathoner |
marathonienne {f} | :: feminine noun of marathonien |
marâtre {f} [dated] | :: stepmother (especially an evil one) |
marâtre {f} [by extension] | :: bad or uncaring mother |
maraude {f} | :: pilfering, scrumping |
maraude {f} | :: cruising (of a taxi) |
maraude {f} | :: prowling |
marauder {vi} | :: to pilfer |
marauder {vi} | :: to prowl |
maraudeur {m} | :: prowler |
maraudeur {m} | :: marauder |
maraudeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of maraudeur |
marbre {m} | :: marble (type of stone) |
marbre {m} [baseball] | :: home plate |
marbré {m} | :: greyfish (or similar) |
marbré {m} | :: marble cake |
marbré {m} [geology] | :: A type of spar from the Pyrenees |
marbrer {v} | :: to marble (create a marbled effect) |
marbrerie {f} | :: marble works |
marbrier {m} | :: marble worker |
marbrier {m} | :: monumental mason |
marbrière {f} | :: marble quarry |
marbrure {f} | :: marbling |
marbrure {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: blotch(es) |
marc {m} | :: marc |
Marc {prop} {m} | :: Mark (biblical character) |
Marc {prop} {m} | :: Mark (book of the Bible) |
Marc {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Marc-Antoine {prop} | :: given name |
marcasite {f} | :: alternative form of marcassite |
marcassin {m} | :: young wild boar, marcassin |
marcassite {f} | :: marcasite |
marc de café {m} | :: coffee grounds |
Marceau {prop} | :: Marceau; surname |
Marcel {prop} | :: given name, traditionally popular in France, borne by a 3rd century saint |
Marcelle {prop} | :: given name |
marchand {adj} [attributive] | :: merchant; mercantile |
marchand {m} | :: seller; vendor; merchant |
Marchand {prop} | :: surname |
marchandage {m} | :: bargaining, haggling, negotiating a price |
marchand d'art {m} | :: art dealer |
marchand de sable {m} | :: sandman |
marchande {f} | :: feminine noun of marchand |
marchander {v} | :: to bargain over, to haggle over |
marchander {v} | :: to haggle, to dicker |
marchandisage {m} | :: merchandising |
marchandisation {f} | :: merchandizing |
marchandise {f} | :: merchandise |
marchant {adj} | :: walking |
marche {f} | :: march (formal, rhythmic way of walking) |
marche {f} | :: march (song in the genre of music written for marching) |
marche {f} | :: walk (distance walked) |
marche {f} | :: movement (of a vehicle) |
marche {f} | :: functioning |
marche {f} | :: step (step of a stair) |
marche {f} | :: marches (region near a border) |
Marche {prop} {f} | :: Marche (department) |
marché {m} | :: market |
marché {m} | :: deal, contract |
marche arrière {f} | :: reverse |
marche à suivre {f} | :: (correct) procedure, step-by-step instructions, course of action, way to go |
marché aux puces {m} | :: flea market (an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios) |
marché du carbone {m} | :: carbon emissions trading; carbon market |
marche forcée {f} | :: forced march, yomp |
marche forcée {f} [computing] | :: manual override |
marché noir {m} | :: black market |
marche ou crève {phrase} [literally] | :: move/walk or expire |
marche ou crève {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: sink or swim |
marchepied {m} [railway] | :: step |
marchepied {m} | :: running board (of car) |
marchepied {m} [figuratively] | :: stepping-stone |
marcher {v} | :: to walk |
marcher {v} | :: to travel; to move; to march |
marcher {v} [figurative] | :: to work, to function |
marcher {v} | :: to step |
marcher {v} | :: to cooperate |
marcher {vi} | :: to believe |
marcher à quatre pattes {v} [literally] | :: to walk on four legs |
marcher à quatre pattes {v} [idiom, baby] | :: to crawl |
marcher sur des œufs {v} [figuratively] | :: to walk on eggshells |
marcher sur les plates-bandes {v} [figuratively] | :: to step on someone's toes, to encroach on somebody's turf |
marcheur {m} | :: walker, hiker |
marcheur {m} | :: supporter of the political party La Republique en Marche |
marcheuse {f} | :: feminine noun of marcheur |
marcophilie {f} | :: marcophily |
marcotte {f} | :: cutting, layer (horticulture) |
marcotter {vt} | :: to layer |
marde {f} [Quebec, New Brunswick, vulgar, slang] | :: alternative form of merde |
mardi {m} | :: Tuesday |
mardi gras {m} [usually, uncountable] | :: Shrove Tuesday: the day when traditionally all fat and meat in the house were finished up, before Christians were banned from eating them during Lent, which commenced the following day on mercredi des cendres |
mardi gras {m} [usually, uncountable] | :: Mardi Gras: the last day of a carnival, traditionally the celebration immediately before the start of Lent when joy could be out of place for Christians |
mardi gras {m} [countable] | :: a person dressed up in a ridiculous disguise |
Mardochée {prop} {m} | :: Mordecai |
mare {f} | :: puddle |
mare {f} | :: pool |
marécage {m} | :: marshland, swamp |
marécageux {adj} | :: marshy, boggy |
maréchal {m} | :: marshal (officer in the household of a medieval prince or lord) |
Maréchal {prop} | :: surname see Marechal |
maréchalat {m} | :: marshalcy, marshalship |
maréchal de camp {m} [military ranks] | :: field marshal |
maréchal des logis {m} [military] | :: sergeant (a grade of the National Gendarmerie) |
maréchale {f} | :: wife of a marshal |
maréchalerie {f} [uncountable] | :: farriery (the work done by a farrier) |
maréchalerie {f} [countable] | :: farriery (a farrier's workshop) |
maréchal-ferrant {m} | :: farrier (person who trims and shoes horses' hooves) |
maréchaussée {f} [historical] | :: maréchaussée |
maréchaussée {f} [jocular] | :: constabulary |
marée {f} | :: tide |
marée {f} | :: catch (of fish) |
marée {f} | :: anything that forms a great crowd, a wave |
marée de morte eau {f} | :: neaps, neap tide |
marée noire {f} | :: an oil spill; a huge disbursement of oil on or near the coast |
marégraphe {m} | :: tide gauge |
marégraphique {adj} | :: of or relating to tide gauge |
marelle {f} [games] | :: hopscotch |
marémoteur {adj} | :: tidal |
marémoteur {adj} | :: wave (attributive) |
marennes {fp} | :: Marennes oysters |
marennine {f} [organic compound] | :: marennin |
maréomètre {m} | :: tide gauge |
mareyeur {m} | :: wholesale fish merchant |
mareyeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of mareyeur |
marfouré {m} | :: stinking hellebore, dungwort (Helleborus foetidus) |
marfourée {f} | :: alternative form of marfouré |
margarine {f} | :: margarine |
margarique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: margaric |
margaritifère {adj} | :: margaritiferous |
margaritique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: margaritic |
Margaux {prop} | :: Margaux (village) |
Margaux {prop} | :: The brand name of a red wine produced in Margot, France |
Margaux {prop} | :: Margaux (given name). alternative form of Margot. diminutive of Marguerite. Margaux was popular in the 1990s and the 2000s |
marge {f} | :: margin (of paper, etc) |
marge de manœuvre {f} | :: elbow room, wiggle room (freedom or leeway) |
margelle {f} | :: brink, edge |
margelle {f} | :: stone forming the edge of a well or fountain |
marger {v} | :: to margin (to give something a margin) |
marginal {adj} | :: Written in the margin of a book; marginal |
marginal {adj} | :: Of, relating to, or located at a margin or an edge; marginal |
marginal {adj} | :: Outside the mainstream; fringe, fringy |
marginal {adj} | :: Of lesser importance; secondary |
marginal {m} | :: A person that chose to live on the fringes of society; dropout, misfit |
marginale {f} | :: A woman that chose to live on the fringes of society; dropout, misfit |
marginalement {adv} | :: marginally |
marginalisation {f} | :: marginalization |
marginaliser {vt} | :: to marginalise |
marginalité {f} | :: marginality |
marginalité {f} | :: nonconformism |
marginée {f} | :: A type of geometrid moth |
Margot {prop} {f} | :: given name |
margousier {m} | :: bead tree |
margrave {m} | :: A margrave |
margrave {f} | :: margravine |
marguerite {f} | :: marguerite |
Marguerite {prop} | :: given name |
marguiller {m} | :: churchwarden |
marguillère {f} | :: feminine noun of marguiller |
marguillier {m} | :: churchwarden |
marguillière {f} | :: feminine noun of marguillier |
mari {m} | :: husband |
mari {f} | :: cannabis, marijuana |
Maria {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mariage {m} | :: marriage |
mariage {m} | :: wedding |
mariage {m} | :: union |
mariage arrangé {m} | :: arranged marriage |
mariage blanc {m} | :: sham marriage, marriage in name only |
mariage blanc {m} | :: white marriage |
mariage civil {m} | :: civil marriage |
mariage de convenance {m} | :: marriage of convenience |
mariage homosexuel {m} | :: gay marriage |
mariage homosexuel {m} | :: gay wedding |
mariage religieux {f} | :: religious marriage |
mariage républicain {m} | :: Republican marriage |
marial {adj} | :: Marian |
Marian {prop} | :: given name |
Marianne {prop} {f} | :: given name, a combination of Marie and Anne |
Marianne {prop} {f} [France, politics, philosophy] | :: Marianne; a personification of France |
mari complaisant {m} | :: mari complaisant |
Marie {prop} {f} | :: Mary (Biblical figure) |
Marie {prop} {f} | :: given name. Also a very common part in hyphenated female given names such as Anne-Marie or Marie-Pierre |
Marie {prop} {f} | :: Used as the latter part of hyphenated male given names such as Jean-Marie or Pierre-Marie |
marié {adj} | :: married |
Marie-Ange {prop} | :: given name, combination of Marie and Ange |
Marie-Christine {prop} | :: given name |
Marie-Claire {prop} | :: given name |
Marie-Claude {prop} | :: given name, combination of Marie and Claude |
Marie-couche-toi-là {f} [pejorative] | :: town bicycle, strumpet (promiscuous woman) |
Marie-France {prop} | :: given name |
Marie-Françoise {prop} | :: given name |
Marie-Hélène {prop} | :: given name |
Marie-José {prop} {f} | :: given name, combinatione of Marie and José |
Marie-Laure {prop} | :: given name |
Marielle {prop} | :: given name, a diminutive of Marie |
Marie-Louise {prop} | :: given name; made popular by 18th century royalty |
Marie-Madeleine {prop} | :: Mary Magdalene [biblical character] |
Marie-Madeleine {prop} | :: given name |
Marie-Noëlle {prop} | :: given name |
Marie-Odile {prop} | :: given name |
Marie-Paule {prop} | :: given name, combination of Marie and Paule |
Marie-Pier {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Marie-Pierre {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marier {vt} | :: to wed, to marry |
marier {vr} [se marier] | :: to get married, to wed |
Marie-Thérèse {prop} {f} | :: given name, made famous by 18th century royalty |
Mariette {prop} | :: given name, a diminutive of Marie |
Marignac {prop} | :: Any of several small communes in France |
Marignac {prop} | :: surname |
marigot {m} | :: creek (in West Africa), marigot |
marijuana {f} | :: marijuana, cannabis |
Mariko {prop} | :: given name |
marimba {m} | :: marimba |
marin {adj} | :: maritime |
marin {adj} | :: marine |
marin {m} | :: seaman |
marin {f} | :: navy |
Marina {prop} | :: given name |
marinade {f} | :: marinade |
marin d'eau douce {m} [nautical, usually mildly derogatory] | :: landlubber, freshwater seaman [literally "freshwater mariner"] |
marine {f} | :: navy |
marine {m} | :: Marine (member of the United States Marine Corps) |
Marine {prop} | :: given name |
marine de guerre {f} [military] | :: navy |
marine marchande {f} | :: merchant navy |
marine militaire {f} [military] | :: navy |
mariner {v} | :: to marinate |
Marinescu {prop} | :: surname |
Marinette {prop} | :: given name, a diminutive of Marine ( =Marina) |
maringouin {m} | :: gallinipper |
maringouin {m} [Acadie, Louisiana French] | :: mosquito |
marinier {adj} | :: sea (attributive), marine |
marinier {m} | :: bargeman |
marinière {f} | :: A sauce of white wine and onions served especially with mussels |
marinière {f} | :: French sailor shirt |
mariolâtre {adj} | :: Mariolatrous |
mariolâtrie {f} | :: Mariolatry |
mariole {adj} [colloquial] | :: astute, intelligent, discerning |
mariole {mf} [colloquial] | :: someone who is intelligent and astute |
Marion {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Marion {prop} {f} | :: surname |
marionnette {f} | :: marionette |
marionnette {f} [figuratively] | :: puppet (someone who is easily influenced or controlled by another) |
marionnettiste {mf} | :: puppeteer (person who uses a puppet) |
Maripier {prop} {f} | :: given name |
marisque {f} | :: anal skin tag |
mariste {adj} | :: Marist |
Mariste {mf} | :: Marist |
marital {adj} | :: marital |
maritalement {adv} | :: maritally (with respect to marriage) |
maritime {adj} | :: maritime |
maritimisation {f} | :: maritimization |
Marius {prop} | :: given name of Latin origin |
marivaudage {m} | :: marivaudage |
marjolaine {f} [plant] | :: marjoram |
Marjolaine {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mark {m} | :: mark (currency) |
marketer {vt} | :: To market |
marketing {m} | :: marketing |
markovien {adj} [maths] | :: Markovian |
Marlène {prop} {f} | :: given name borrowed from German Marlene |
marmaille {f} | :: rabble of kids |
marmandais {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to, Marmande |
Marmandais {m} | :: An inhabitant of Marmande |
Marmandaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Marmandais |
marmelade {f} | :: marmalade |
marmite {f} | :: pot, cooking pot, marmite |
marmite {f} [military, slang] | :: (heavy) shell |
marmiton {m} | :: marmiton |
marmonnement {m} | :: mumbling, muttering |
marmonner {v} | :: to murmur, mumble |
marmoréen {adj} | :: marmoreal |
marmot {m} [archaic] | :: An architectural grotesque, especially a door knocker |
marmot {m} [colloquial] | :: kid, brat |
marmotte {f} | :: marmot (rodent of the genus Marmota) |
marmotte {f} [figuratively] | :: person who sleeps a lot |
marmotte {f} | :: feminine noun of marmot |
marmotter {vit} | :: to mumble, mutter |
marmouset {m} | :: grotesque, gargoyle |
marmouset {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: brat, kid |
marnais {adj} | :: Marnese |
marne {f} | :: marl (mixed earthy substance) |
Marne {prop} {f} | :: Marne |
marner {vt} [agriculture] | :: to marl |
marner {vi} [colloquial] | :: to slog (work hard) |
Maroc {prop} {m} | :: Morocco |
marocain {adj} | :: Moroccan (pertaining to Morocco's people, language or culture) |
Marocain {m} | :: Moroccan |
Marocaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Marocain |
maroilles {m} | :: A French cheese made from cow's milk |
Marois {prop} | :: surname |
maronite {adj} | :: Maronite |
maronite {mf} | :: Maronites |
maroquin {m} | :: marocain (type of leather) |
maroquin {m} | :: Object made of marocain |
maroquin {m} [figuratively, by extension] | :: ministerial briefcase |
maroquinerie {f} | :: leathermaking, specifically the production of maroquin |
maroquinerie {f} | :: leather shop; shop primarily selling leather goods |
maroquinier {m} | :: leather / morocco craftsman or trader |
maroquinière {f} | :: feminine singular of maroquinier |
marotique {adj} | :: Marotic; graceful, elegant |
marotte {f} | :: a grotesque sceptre carried by a jester |
marotte {f} [by extension] | :: a puppet attached to a wooden stick |
marotte {f} [by extension] | :: a wooden head used to model headgear |
marotte {f} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: an obsession |
maroufle {m} [colloquial, archaic] | :: rascal, rogue |
marquage {f} | :: marking (action of making a mark) |
marquage {f} | :: mark, marking (the sign marked) |
marquage {f} | :: marking (coloration of an animal) |
marquage {f} | :: marking (action of e.g. marking a page) |
marquage {f} | :: branding (e.g. of cattle) |
marquage {f} [sports] | :: marking (of another player) |
marquage {f} [sports] | :: scoring (of e.g. a goal) |
marquant {adj} | :: prominent |
marquant {adj} | :: outstanding |
marque {f} | :: mark (spot) |
marque {f} | :: brand (of a company) |
marque {f} | :: mark (on one's body, e.g. a birthmark) |
marqué au coin du bon sens {adj} | :: commonsense |
marque commerciale {f} | :: trademark |
marque de fabrique {f} | :: name brand, trademark |
marque de fabrique {f} [figuratively] | :: hallmark, calling card (of someone) |
marque déposée {f} | :: registered trademark |
marque-page {m} | :: a bookmark (object or Internet tool) |
marquer {vt} | :: To mark, mark down (to add a mark or a spot to something) |
marquer {vt} | :: To mark (to place a mark in something as a reminder) |
marquer {vt} | :: To brand (brandish someone's skin with a mark) |
marquer {vt} | :: To mark (to feature as a highlight of something) |
marquer {vt} [sports] | :: To score (e.g. a point or a goal) |
marquer d'une pierre blanche {vt} [figuratively] | :: to remember as a red letter day, to mark as a milestone, to see as a landmark event |
marquer le coup {v} [colloquial] | :: to mark the occasion |
marquer le pas {v} [figuratively] | :: to run out of steam, to lose one's momentum, to slow down, to languish, to mark time |
marquer les esprits {v} | :: to make a lasting impression, to make an impact |
marquer un point {v} [colloquial] | :: to have a point, to be right |
marqueté {adj} | :: inlaid |
marqueter {v} | :: to checker |
marqueterie {f} | :: marquetry |
marqueur {m} | :: marker (something that marks) |
marqueur {m} | :: marker; marker pen |
marqueur {m} | :: marker, scorer (someone who keeps score) |
marqueur {m} | :: paintball gun |
marquis {m} | :: marquess (title of nobility) |
marquisat {m} | :: marquisate |
marquise {f} | :: marchioness (a member of foreign nobility) |
marquise {f} [by extension] | :: a type of finger-ring |
marquise {f} [architecture] | :: awning, marquee (projecting canopy over an entrance) |
Marquise {prop} | :: A small town in the Pas-de-Calais department of Hauts-de-France |
Marquises {prop} {fp} | :: Marquesas |
marquisois {adj} | :: Of or from Marquise |
marrainage {f} | :: sponsorship (as a godparent) |
marraine {f} | :: godmother (woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner) |
marrainer {v} | :: To sponsor (as a godparent) |
Marrakech {prop} {m} | :: Marrakech (capital city) |
marrane {mf} | :: Marrano |
marranique {adj} | :: Marranic |
marranisme {m} | :: Marranism |
marrant {adj} | :: funny, amusing |
marre {f} | :: a sort of hoe (gardening tool) |
marre {adv} [colloquial] | :: enough |
marrer {vr} [se marrer, slang] | :: to laugh; to be amused |
marrer {v} | :: to hoe (dig using a hoe) |
marri {adj} [obsolete] | :: flustered, angry |
marri {adj} [archaic] | :: saddened, sad; despondent |
marri {adj} [archaic] | :: ruthful, rueful, contrite |
marron {m} | :: horse-chestnut |
marron {m} | :: chestnut |
marron {m} | :: chestnut brown |
marron {m} | :: A token used as a control of the presence of someone at his post |
marron {m} [pyrotechnics] | :: firecracker (on a rocket) |
marron {m} [colloquial] | :: punch (with the fist) |
marron {m} [colloquial] | :: head |
marron {adj} [France] | :: brown |
marron {adj} | :: that has become wild again (used of a slave or animal who has returned to a free or wild state) |
marron {adj} | :: illicit, crooked (of professions) |
marron {m} | :: maroon (a slave or animal who has run away to live free) |
marron glacé {m} | :: marron glacé (chestnut preserved in sugar or syrup and flavoured with vanilla) |
marronnage {m} [of a person] | :: escape (of a slave or captive) |
marronnage {m} [of a domestic animal] | :: feralization |
marronnier {m} | :: chestnut tree |
marronnier {m} | :: horse-chestnut tree |
marronnier {m} [newsmedia, figurative] | :: old chestnut (A news item which, like chestnut fruits, tends to come back every year at the same time. Implies that the news is a fill-in, that might as well have been written in advance.) |
marrube {m} | :: horehound |
mars {m} | :: March (month) |
Mars {prop} | :: Mars (planet) |
Mars {prop} | :: Mars (Roman god) |
marsanne {f} | :: A variety of white grape used to make ermitage wine |
marseillais {adj} | :: From, or pertaining to Marseille |
Marseillais {m} | :: Marseillais |
Marseillaise {f} | :: female equivalent of Marseillais |
Marseillaise {prop} {f} | :: Marseillaise (French national anthem) |
Marseille {prop} | :: Marseille (capital city) |
marshallais {m} | :: Marshallese (language) |
marshallais {adj} | :: Marshallese |
marsien {adj} | :: Of or from Mars (in France) |
marsien {adj} | :: alternative form of martien |
marsouin {m} | :: porpoise |
marsupial {m} | :: marsupial |
marte {m} | :: marten |
marteau {m} | :: A hammer used for pounding |
marteau {m} | :: A machine tool working by pounding |
marteau {m} | :: A hammer-shaped tool used to hit thing, such as a gavel |
marteau {m} | :: A rapper; a door knocker |
marteau {m} [music] | :: A piano or dulcimer hammer |
marteau {m} [anatomy] | :: The malleus |
marteau {m} [athletics] | :: A throwing hammer |
marteau {m} [technical] | :: A hammer with bas relief marks used to imprint on wood, leather etc |
marteau {m} [curling] | :: Advantage of throwing the last stone |
marteau {m} [clockmaking] | :: A piece that strikes the bell in a clock |
marteau {adj} [dated, colloquial] | :: crazy; deranged |
marteau à réflexes {m} [medicine] | :: A reflex hammer |
marteau d'armes {m} | :: A war hammer |
marteau-pilon {m} | :: A mechanical pounding tool where a heavy mass moves vertically; a steam or power hammer |
marteau-piolet {m} [climbing] | :: An ice axe where the adze has been replaced with a hammering tool |
marteau-piqueur {m} | :: jackhammer |
martelage {m} | :: The act of marteler |
martelage {m} | :: Forging of metals by hitting them with a hammer |
martelage {m} | :: Marking of trees that must or must not be cut, usually with a special hammer |
martèlement {m} | :: The sound of a hammer hitting metal |
martèlement {m} | :: A repeated round reminding of hammering |
marteler {v} | :: to strike with a hammer; to hammer |
marteler {v} | :: to shape or forge with a hammer |
marteler {v} | :: to emphasise individual elements such as words or notes |
marteler {v} | :: to repeat insistently |
marteleur {m} | :: A hammersmith |
marteleur {m} | :: Someone who controls or works with a power hammer |
martensitique {adj} | :: martensitic (all senses) |
Marthe {prop} {f} | :: Martha [biblical character] |
Marthe {prop} {f} | :: given name |
martial {adj} | :: martial |
Martial {prop} {m} | :: given name, in continuous use (though not particularly popular) |
martien {adj} | :: Martian (of Mars) |
Martien {m} | :: Martian (imaginary inhabitant of the planet Mars) |
Martien {m} | :: Martian (any extra-terrestial) |
Martienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Martien |
martin {m} | :: Bird of either the starling family, or of the kingfisher family |
Martin {prop} {m} | :: given name. Feminine form: Martine |
Martin {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Martine {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Martin |
Martineau {prop} | :: surname |
martinet {m} | :: a multi-tail whip, comprising leather or whipcord thongs fixed on a handle, to dust off or to administer a beating (usually to a child's bottom) |
martinet {m} | :: a mechanical hammer on a motor-driven cogwheel, as used to beat metal |
martinet {m} | :: a martin; any of the swallow-like birds, black with a white throat, of family Hirundinidae |
martinet {m} | :: swift (bird) |
martiniquais {adj} | :: Martinican, Martiniquais |
Martiniquais {m} | :: A Martinican |
Martiniquaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Martiniquais |
Martinique {prop} {f} | :: Martinique |
martin-pêcheur {m} | :: kingfisher (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines) |
martre {f} | :: marten (animal) |
martyr {m} | :: martyr |
martyre {m} | :: martyrdom |
martyre {f} | :: martyress; female equivalent of martyr |
martyriser {v} [rare] | :: To martyr (to make someone a martyr) |
martyriser {v} [by extension] | :: To cause a great a deal of pain to somebody; torture, bully, torment |
martyrologie {f} | :: martyrology |
marxien {adj} | :: Marxian |
marxisant {adj} | :: marxisant |
marxiser {v} | :: To make Marxist, convert to Marxism |
marxisme {m} [philosophy] | :: Marxism |
marxiste {adj} | :: Marxist |
marxiste {mf} | :: Marxist |
marxiste-léniniste {adj} | :: Marxist-Leninist |
marxologie {f} | :: Marxology |
marxologique {adj} | :: Marxological |
marxologiquement {adv} | :: Marxologically |
marxologue {mf} | :: Marxologist |
maryland {m} | :: tobacco originating from Maryland |
Maryvonne {prop} | :: given name popular in the 1940s and the 1950s, a combination of Marie and Yvonne |
m'as {contraction} [Quebec, Missouri, colloquial] | :: Equivalent to "je vais" when used as a near-future tense |
mas {m} [Provence] | :: farm, ranch, (country) house (type of rural farmstead in southern France) |
mascara {m} | :: mascara |
mascarade {f} | :: masquerade, masque |
mascarade {f} | :: farce |
mascaret {m} | :: bore (of a tidal river) |
mascaret {m} | :: streaming crowd of people |
mascaron {m} | :: mascaron |
mascatais {adj} | :: Muscatian; from Muscat |
Mascatais {m} | :: Muscatian; someone from Muscat |
Mascataise {f} | :: feminine noun of Mascatais |
Mascate {prop} {m} | :: Mascate (capital city) |
mascotte {f} | :: mascot (something used to symbolize a sports team or other group) |
masculin {adj} | :: male |
masculin {adj} | :: masculine |
masculin {adj} [grammar] | :: masculine |
masculin {m} [grammar] | :: masculine (masculine word) |
masculinement {adv} | :: masculinely (in a masculine way) |
masculinisation {f} | :: masculinization (act of making masculine) |
masculiniser {v} | :: to masculinize (make (more) masculine) |
masculinisme {m} | :: masculinism |
masculinité {f} | :: masculinity |
Mas-d'Azil {prop} | :: A small town in the Ariège department of Midi-Pyrénées |
maskinongé {m} | :: muskellunge |
maskné {m} [pathology, colloquial] | :: maskne |
maso {adj} [colloquial] | :: masochistic |
maso {mf} [colloquial] | :: masochist |
masochisme {m} | :: masochism (the enjoyment of receiving pain) |
masochiste {mf} | :: masochist |
Masovie {prop} {f} | :: Masovia |
masovien {adj} | :: Masovian |
Masovien {m} | :: Masovian |
Masovienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Masovien |
masquage {m} | :: masking (all senses) |
masque {m} | :: mask (a cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection) |
masqué {adj} | :: masked |
masque à gaz {m} | :: gas mask, respirator |
masque à oxygène {f} | :: oxygen mask |
masque-cheval {m} | :: hobby horse, a horse costume used in festivals, dance, and play |
masque de nuit {f} | :: sleep mask |
masque de plongée {m} | :: diving mask |
masquer {v} | :: to mask; to hide |
massacre {m} | :: massacre |
massacrer {v} | :: to massacre (kill) |
massacrer {v} [figuratively] | :: to do something badly |
massacreur {m} | :: slaughterer |
massacreuse {f} | :: female equivalent of massacreur |
massage {m} | :: physical massage |
massage cardiaque {m} | :: CPR (heart massage) |
massage coquin {m} | :: massage with a happy ending |
massala {m} | :: masala [type of curry] |
massaliote {adj} | :: Marseilles (attributive) |
Massat {prop} | :: Massat (town) |
masse {f} | :: a paste, a dough |
masse {f} | :: large amount or quantity of something; mass |
masse {f} | :: something perceived as a whole, without distinguishing its parts |
masse {f} | :: a sum or combination of things treated as a whole |
masse {f} | :: a majority, especially of people |
masse {f} | :: an archaic unit of count |
masse {f} [finance, legal] | :: a sum of allotted money |
masse {f} [physics] | :: mass |
masse {f} [electronics] | :: earth, ground (of e.g. a plug) |
masse {f} | :: mace (weapon) |
masse {f} | :: a sledgehammer |
masse {f} | :: thick end of a billiards cue, mace |
massé {m} [billiards] | :: massé |
masse atomique {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: atomic mass, atomic weight |
masse au repos {f} [physics] | :: rest mass |
masse d'air {f} [meteorology] | :: air mass |
masse d'armes {f} | :: mace (weapon) |
massepain {m} | :: marzipan |
masser {v} | :: to massage |
masses {fp} | :: The commoners, the people |
masse salariale {f} [accounting] | :: payroll (total sum of money paid to employees) |
masséter {m} [muscle] | :: masseter |
massette {f} | :: club hammer, drilling hammer (tool) |
massette {f} | :: bulrush (plant), cattail, reedmace |
masseur {m} [massage] | :: masseur |
masseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of masseur |
massicot {m} | :: massicot |
massicot {m} | :: guillotine, a machine for cutting paper and sheet metal |
massicotier {m} | :: guillotine operator (in printing) |
massicotière {f} | :: feminine noun of massicotier |
massier {m} | :: beadle |
massière {f} | :: feminine singular of massier |
massif {m} | :: massif |
massif {adj} | :: massive |
massification {f} | :: massification |
massiot {m} | :: spongy mass |
massique {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: mass (attributive), specific |
massivement {adv} | :: massively, enormously |
massue {f} [combat] | :: club |
massue {f} [juggling] | :: club |
mastectomie {f} | :: synonym of mammectomie |
master {m} | :: master's degree, master's (postgraduate degree) |
master {m} | :: master (golf tournament) |
master {m} | :: master, master copy |
mastère {m} | :: master's degree |
masterisation {f} | :: mastering (uniting sound and vision on a film etc) |
mastérisation {f} [computing] | :: burning (of a CD or DVD) |
mastérisation {f} | :: mastering (of a record) |
masteriser {v} | :: synonym of matricer |
masteriser {v} | :: To burn (a CD or DVD) |
mastériser {v} | :: alternative form of masteriser |
masters {m} | :: master (all senses) |
masticage {m} | :: filling |
masticage {m} | :: puttying |
masticateur {m} | :: masticator |
masticateur {adj} | :: masticatory |
masticine {f} | :: masticin |
mastiquer {v} | :: to masticate (to chew) |
mastoc {adj} | :: beefy; hulky |
mastoc {m} [dated] | :: beefcake; hulk |
mastocytose {f} [pathology] | :: mastocytosis |
mastodonte {m} | :: mastodon |
mastodynie {f} [pathology] | :: mastodynia |
mastoïde {f} [anatomy] | :: mastoid |
mastoïde {adj} [anatomy] | :: mastoid |
mastoïdien {adj} | :: mastoidal |
masturbateur {m} | :: masturbator |
masturbation {f} | :: masturbation |
masturbation intellectuelle {f} [figuratively, colloquial, pejorative] | :: Reasoning or thought processes which are considered to be a waste of time; mind-wank |
masturbatoire {adj} | :: masturbatory (pertaining to masturbation) |
masturbatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of masturbateur |
masturber {vtr} [_ or _] | :: to masturbate |
m'as-tu-vu {m} [pejorative] | :: a show-off, an attention-seeker, a fop |
masure {f} | :: dilapidated house, hovel |
masure {f} [Cauchois dialect, now, rare] | :: farmhouse, rural estate |
masure {f} [Cauchois dialect] | :: orchard |
mat' {m} [slang] | :: morning |
mat {adj} | :: matt |
mat {adj} | :: pale |
mat {adj} | :: checkmated |
mat {m} | :: checkmate |
mât {m} [nautical] | :: mast |
mât {m} | :: flagstaff |
matador {m} [bullfighting] | :: matador |
matage {m} [arts] | :: Matting. Surface roughening, e.g. by etching or frosting |
matage {m} [mechanical engineering] | :: Local plastic deformation due to a contact pressure. Peening, bearing failure |
Matam {prop} | :: Matam |
matamore {m} | :: braggart, blusterer |
matamore {f} [archaic] | :: underground granary, silo |
matanga {m} [Congo] | :: wake, vigil |
matassin {m} | :: matachin |
match {m} [sports] | :: match |
matcha {m} | :: matcha (powdered green tea for ceremonies) |
match nul {m} | :: A tie, a draw in a competition or match |
maté {m} | :: maté |
matelas {m} | :: mattress |
matelas {m} [colloquial] | :: wad (of notes) |
matelas pneumatique {m} | :: air bed (a bed that inflated with air) |
matelasser {vt} | :: to pad, cushion |
matelot {m} | :: seaman |
matelote {f} | :: matelote |
matelote {f} | :: feminine noun of matelot |
mater {v} | :: to get the better of |
mater {v} | :: to checkmate |
mater {v} [slang] | :: to ogle, to check out, to watch (e.g. an attractive person) |
mater {v} [archaic] | :: to kill |
mâter {v} | :: to mast (put a mast on a watercraft) |
Matera {prop} | :: Matera (province/and/town) |
matérialisable {adj} | :: materializable |
matérialisation {f} | :: materialization |
matérialiser {v} | :: to realize, make happen |
matérialiser {vr} | :: to materialise |
matérialisme {m} [philosophy] | :: materialism |
matérialisme {m} [concern over material possession] | :: materialism |
matérialisme dialectique {m} [philosophy] | :: dialectical materialism |
matérialiste {mf} | :: materialist |
matérialiste {adj} | :: materialistic |
matérialité {f} | :: materiality |
matériau {m} | :: material (generic material) |
matériau de construction {m} | :: building material |
matériel {m} | :: equipment, supplies |
matériel {m} | :: hardware |
matériel {adj} | :: material |
matériellement {adv} | :: materially (with respect to material(s)) |
maternaliser {v} | :: to maternalize |
maternel {adj} | :: maternal |
maternel {adj} | :: native |
maternelle {f} | :: nursery school, kindergarten |
maternellement {adv} | :: maternally |
materner {vt} | :: to mother, mollycoddle |
maternisé {adj} | :: formula (milk for babies) |
maternité {f} | :: maternity (state of being a mother) |
maternité {f} | :: maternity ward (in a hospital) |
mathématicien {m} | :: mathematician |
mathématicienne {f} | :: female equivalent of mathématicien |
mathématique {adj} | :: mathematical |
mathématique {f} [maths] | :: mathematics |
mathématiquement {adv} | :: mathematically (according to or using mathematics) |
mathématiques {fp} [plurale tantum] | :: mathematics (study) |
mathématisable {adj} | :: mathematizable (able to be transcribed in mathematical concepts) |
mathématiser {v} | :: mathematize (describe in terms of a mathematical equation) |
Mathéo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
matheuse {f} | :: feminine singular of matheux |
matheux {m} | :: mathematician |
Mathias {prop} | :: given name |
Mathieu {prop} | :: given name, a spelling variant of Matthieu ( = Matthew) |
Mathilde {prop} | :: given name |
Mathis {prop} | :: surname |
Mathis {prop} | :: given name revived since the 1990s |
matiere {f} | :: obsolete form of matière |
matière {f} | :: material (substance of which something is made) |
matière {f} | :: matter (material things, things in general) |
matière {f} [physics] | :: matter |
matière {f} | :: matter (that which is thought) |
matière {f} | :: content, matter (the thing in question) |
matière {f} | :: subject (at school) |
matière grasse {f} | :: fat (refined substance chemically resembling the oils in animal fat) |
matière noire {f} [astronomy] | :: dark matter |
matière première {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: raw material |
matière sombre {f} [physics] | :: dark matter |
Matignon {prop} {m} | :: Hôtel Matignon, the official residence of the prime minister of France |
Matignon {prop} {m} [metonym] | :: The French government |
matin {m} | :: morning |
mâtin {m} | :: guard dog, watchdog, hound; mastiff |
mâtin {m} [colloquial] | :: sly old dog, cunning devil |
mâtin {interj} [archaic] | :: Good Lord!, I say! |
matinal {adj} [attributive] | :: morning; matinal |
matinale {f} [radio] | :: morning show |
matinalement {adv} | :: matinally (in the morning) |
matinalier {m} | :: A presenter of a morning radio show |
matinalière {f} | :: feminine singular of matinalier |
mâtiné {adj} | :: crossbred |
mâtineau {m} | :: Young guard dog |
matinée {f} | :: morning |
mâtiner {vt} | :: to crossbreed |
mâtiner {vt} | :: to mix |
matines {fp} [Christianity] | :: matins |
matineux {adj} | :: That is habitually an early riser; early-rising |
matissien {adj} | :: Matissean |
matois {adj} | :: sly (artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily) |
matois {m} | :: sly fox |
matoisement {adv} | :: slyly |
maton {m} [pejorative] | :: jailer |
matos {m} [slang] | :: gear, stuff |
matos {m} [slang] | :: hashish |
matos {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: junk, genitalia |
matos {m} [slang, vulgar, pejorative, by extension] | :: cunt, woman |
matou {m} | :: tom (male cat) |
matraquage {m} | :: bashing, beating up |
matraquage {m} | :: brainwashing |
matraque {f} | :: truncheon (weapon), billy club |
matraque {f} | :: blackjack, cosh |
matraquer {v} | :: to club |
matraquer {v} | :: to hype |
matras {m} | :: a crossbow's square, with a cylindric or quadrangular head |
matras {m} | :: an alchemist's long-necked glass receiver |
matriarcal {adj} | :: matriarchal |
matriarcat {m} | :: matriarchy |
matriarcat {m} | :: matriarchate |
matriarche {f} | :: matriarch |
matricaire {f} | :: mayweed (of the genus Matricaria) |
matrice {f} | :: matrix |
matricer {v} | :: To dub (add audio track to a film) |
matriciel {adj} [mathematics] | :: matrix (attributive) |
matricule {f} [rare] | :: list, register |
matricule {m} | :: serial number |
matriculer {v} | :: to assign a serial number to |
matrie {f} | :: motherland (in the sense of "homeland") |
matrilatéralement {adv} | :: matrilaterally |
matrimonial {adj} | :: matrimonial |
matrimonialement {adv} | :: matrimonially |
matroïde {m} [maths] | :: matroid |
matronalement {adv} | :: matronly |
matrone {f} | :: matron |
matrone {f} | :: matriarch |
matter {v} | :: alternative spelling of mater |
Matthias {prop} [biblical character] | :: Matthias |
Matthias {prop} | :: given name. Variant spelling: Mathias |
Matthieu {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Matthew |
Matthieu {prop} {m} | :: given name of biblical origin |
Matuidi {prop} | :: surname |
maturation {f} | :: maturation |
mature {adj} [of a person] | :: mature |
mâture {f} | :: masts (of a ship) |
maturément {adv} | :: maturely (with maturity) |
maturer {v} [rare, proscribed] | :: To mature |
maturité {f} | :: maturity |
maturité {f} [Switzerland] | :: baccalaureat (≈ A-level, high school diploma) |
matutinalement {adv} | :: matutinally (in the early morning) |
Maud {prop} | :: given name |
maudire {vt} | :: to curse |
maudit {adj} | :: damn; cursed; goddam |
maudit {adj} [Quebec] | :: damn [used in a positive way] |
maugrebleu {interj} [dated] | :: bother!, drat!, blow! |
maugréer {vi} | :: to grumble |
maupassantien {adj} | :: Maupassantian |
maure {adj} | :: Moorish |
Maure {mf} | :: Moor (A member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people) |
mauresque {adj} | :: Moorish |
Maurétanie Césarienne {prop} {f} | :: Mauretania Caesariensis (northwest-African province of the Roman Empire) |
maurétanien {adj} | :: Mauritanian, Mauritian |
Mauriac {prop} | :: surname |
Maurice {prop} | :: Mauritius (country) |
Maurice {prop} | :: given name |
Mauriceau {prop} | :: surname |
Mauricie {prop} | :: Mauricie (administrative region) |
mauricien {adj} | :: Mauritian |
Mauricien {m} | :: Mauritian, someone from Mauritius |
Mauricienne {f} | :: Mauritian, someone from Mauritius |
Mauritanie {prop} {f} | :: Mauritanie (country) |
Mauritanie Césarienne {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Maurétanie Césarienne |
mauritanien {adj} | :: Mauritanian |
Mauritanien {m} | :: Mauritanian |
Mauritanienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Mauritanien |
mausolée {m} | :: mausoleum |
maussade {adj} | :: sullen (mood) |
maussade {adj} | :: dull, dreary (landscape, weather etc.) |
maussadement {adv} | :: sullenly |
maussaderie {f} | :: sullenness |
mauvais {adj} | :: bad |
mauvais {adj} | :: wrong, incorrect |
mauvais coucheur {m} | :: an awkward customer, a crosspatch, a grouch |
mauvaise foi {f} | :: bad faith |
mauvaise graine {f} | :: bad apple |
mauvaise herbe {f} | :: weed (unwanted plant) |
mauvaise honte {f} | :: bashfulness |
mauvaise langue {f} [colloquial] | :: mauvaise langue |
mauvaisement {adv} | :: badly, wrongly |
mauvaisement {adv} | :: wickedly |
mauvaise passe {f} [colloquial] | :: bad spell, rough patch, tough time, difficult time, dire straits |
mauvaiseté {f} | :: wickedness |
mauvais gagnant {m} | :: sore winner |
mauvais œil {m} | :: the evil eye |
mauvais perdant {m} | :: sore loser, poor sport |
mauvais sort {m} | :: curse (supernatural detriment) |
mauve {f} | :: mallow |
mauve {m} | :: mauve |
mauve {adj} | :: mauve |
mauve {f} | :: mew, gull, seagull |
mauvéine {f} [organic compound] | :: mauveine |
mauviette {f} | :: A type of lark |
mauviette {f} | :: wimp, candy-ass |
mauvis {m} | :: redwing (bird) |
Max {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Maxime and Maximilien |
Maxence {prop} {m} | :: given name |
maxi {adv} [colloquial] | :: maximum; maximally |
maxidiscompte {adj} | :: discount, low-cost (used especially to describe shops that sell basic items at a heavy discount) |
maxidiscompteur {m} | :: discount store |
maxillaire {adj} | :: maxillary |
maxillaire {m} | :: maxilla |
maximal {adj} | :: maximal |
maximaliser {v} | :: to maximize |
maximaliste {mf} | :: maximalist |
maxime {f} | :: maxim |
Maxime {prop} | :: given name derived from Latin Maximus |
Maximilien {prop} | :: given name |
maximiser {vt} | :: to maximize |
maximum {m} | :: maximum |
maya {adj} | :: Mayan (relating to the Mayans) |
maya {adj} | :: Mayan (relating to the Mayan language) |
Maya {mf} | :: Mayan (person) |
Mayaud {prop} | :: surname |
Mayeaux {prop} | :: surname |
Mayence {prop} {f} | :: Mayence (city/state capital) |
mayennais {adj} | :: relating to Mayenne |
Mayennais {m} | :: person from Mayenne |
Mayennaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Mayennais |
Mayenne {prop} {f} | :: Mayenne |
mayeur {m} [Belgium, historical] | :: Municipal officer |
mayeur {m} [Belgium, colloquial] | :: mayor |
Mayeux {prop} | :: surname |
mayonnaise {f} | :: mayonnaise |
mayonnaise {f} [analogy, mechanics, familiar] | :: milkshake (accidental emulsion of oil and water in an engine) |
mayoral {adj} | :: alternative spelling of maïoral |
mayorat {m} | :: alternative spelling of maïorat |
Mayotte {prop} | :: Mayotte |
mazarinade {f} [historical] | :: mazarinade |
mazette {f} | :: duffer (incompetent person) |
mazette {interj} | :: Expression of surprise or amazement, in either a positive or negative sense |
mazout {m} | :: heating oil |
mazout {m} [Belgium] | :: A cocktail made with beer and cola |
mazout {m} [France] | :: A cocktail made with pastis and cola |
mazouté {adj} | :: polluted with oil |
mazouter {v} | :: to pollute with petrol or oil |
mazurka {f} | :: mazurka |
mazurque {f} | :: mazurka |
mazzinien {adj} | :: Mazzinian |
mbalakh {m} [music] | :: mbalax (music style) |
mbalax {m} [music] | :: mbalax (music style) |
Mbappé {prop} | :: surname |
Mbour {prop} | :: Mbour (city) |
McDo {m} | :: alternative form of MacDo |
McKinnon {prop} | :: McKinnon, surname |
mcx. {mp} | :: alternative form of mcx |
mcx {mp} | :: pcs. (pieces) |
Mdlle {f} | :: abbreviation of Mademoiselle |
mdr {interj} [Internet slang, texting] | :: initialism of mort de rire (literally dead of laughter; used in chat settings in a manner similar to the English LOL) |
MDR {interj} [Internet slang, initialism] | :: alternative case form of mdr |
me {pron} [direct object] | :: me |
me {pron} [indirect object] | :: to me |
Me. {n} | :: abbreviation of Maître |
mé- {prefix} | :: Reduced form of més-. See més- |
mea culpa {interj} | :: mea culpa |
méandre {m} | :: meander (winding, crooked or involved course) |
méandrer {v} | :: to meander (wind, turn or twist) |
méat {m} [anatomy] | :: meatus |
Meaux {prop} | :: surname |
mébioctet {m} | :: mebibyte |
mec {m} [slang] | :: guy, fellow, bloke, chap, dude, boyfriend |
mec {m} [obsolete, slang] | :: pimp |
mécanicien {m} | :: mechanic (a skilled worker capable of building or repairing machinery) |
mécanicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of mécanicien |
mécanique {adj} | :: mechanical |
mécanique {adj} | :: mechanic |
mécanique {f} | :: mechanics (the science) |
mécanique {f} | :: mechanics (the area of study) |
mécaniquement {adv} | :: mechanically |
mécanique quantique {f} | :: quantum mechanics |
mécanisable {adj} | :: mechanisable |
mécanisation {f} | :: mechanization |
mécanisé {adj} | :: mechanized |
mécaniser {v} | :: to mechanize |
mécanisme {m} [philosophy] | :: mechanism |
mécaniste {adj} | :: mechanistic |
mécano {m} [colloquial] | :: mechanic |
mécanochimie {f} [chemistry] | :: mechanochemistry |
mécanographie {f} | :: mechanography |
mécanographique {adj} | :: mechanographic |
mécanothérapie {f} | :: mechanotherapy |
mécanothérapique {adj} | :: mechanotherapeutic |
mécanothérapiste {mf} | :: mechanotherapist |
mécatronique {f} | :: mechatronics |
mécatronique {adj} | :: mechatronic |
mécénat {m} | :: sponsorship, patronage |
mécène {m} | :: patron (of arts) |
méchamment {adv} | :: nastily; meanly; cruelly |
méchamment {adv} [colloquial] | :: very |
méchanceté {f} | :: nastiness, malice, wickedness |
méchant {adj} | :: mean, unkind |
méchant {adj} | :: evil, wicked |
méchant {m} | :: jerk (cruel person) |
méchant {m} [fiction] | :: baddie, bad guy, villain |
méchantement {adv} | :: wickedly |
mèche {f} | :: wick (of candle) |
mèche {f} | :: fuse (of a bomb) |
mèche {f} | :: lock, tuft (of hair); streak (of colour, etc., in hair) |
mèche {f} [medicine] | :: packing |
mèche {f} | :: drill bit |
mèche {f} [musical instruments, lutherie, bowmaking] | :: hair |
méchoui {m} | :: spit-roasted sheep (whole animal) |
mechta {f} | :: A small village in North Africa |
Meckhe {prop} | :: Meckhe (city) |
mecklembourgeois {adj} | :: Of or from Mecklenburg |
Mecklembourgeois {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Mecklenburg |
Mecklembourgeoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Mecklembourgeois |
mécomprendre {v} | :: to misunderstand |
mécompte {m} | :: miscalculation |
mécompte {m} | :: disappointment |
méconate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: meconate |
méconique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: meconic |
méconnaissable {adj} | :: unrecognizable |
méconnaissance {f} | :: unawareness |
méconnaitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of méconnaître |
méconnaître {v} | :: to not recognize or be unaware of |
méconnaître {v} [by extension] | :: To ignore someone by pretending not to know them |
méconnaître {v} [figuratively] | :: Fail to treat someone in the way they deserve; not appreciate a quality, something they merit |
mécontent {adj} | :: discontented |
mécontent {adj} | :: dissatisfied |
mécontentement {m} | :: discontent, displeasure |
mécontenter {v} | :: to displease, disgruntle |
mécréant {adj} | :: atheistic |
mécréant {adj} [pejorative] | :: infidel |
mécréant {m} | :: unbeliever, non-believer |
mécréant {m} [pejorative] | :: infidel |
mécroire {v} [now, rare] | :: to disbelieve (refuse to believe) |
médaille {f} | :: medal |
médaille d'argent {f} | :: silver medal |
médaille de bronze {f} | :: bronze medal |
médaille d'or {f} | :: gold medal |
médaille en chocolat {f} [humorous] | :: a nonexistent prize for finishing in fourth place (as opposed to the actual gold, silver and bronze medals for finishing first, second, and third) |
médaille en chocolat {f} [literally] | :: See: fr médaille chocolat |
médailler {vt} | :: To medal, to award a medal (to) |
médailleur {m} | :: medallist |
médailleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of médailleur |
médaillon {m} | :: medallion (large decorative medal) |
médaillon {m} | :: medallion (cut of meat) |
médaillon {m} [architecture] | :: medallion |
Médard {prop} {m} | :: given name |
médecin {m} | :: medic; doctor |
médecine {f} | :: medicine (field of study) |
médecine alternative {f} | :: alternative medicine |
médecine légale {f} | :: forensic medicine |
médecine non conventionnelle {f} | :: alternative medicine |
médeciner {vt} [obsolete] | :: to treat medically; with medicines |
médecin légiste {m} | :: forensic scientist, medical examiner |
médecin légiste {m} | :: coroner |
médecin traitant {m} | :: general practitioner, GP, family doctor |
Médée {prop} | :: Medea |
médersa {f} [Islam] | :: madrasah |
Mèdes {prop} | :: Medes |
média {m} | :: media |
médial {adj} | :: central; middle (relating to the middle) |
médialement {adv} | :: centrally |
médiamétrique {adj} | :: mediametric, mediametrical |
médiamétriquement {adv} | :: mediametrically |
médian {adj} | :: median, medial |
médiastin {m} [anatomy] | :: mediastinum |
médiastinal {adj} [anatomy] | :: mediastinal |
médiat {adj} | :: mediate |
médiatement {adv} | :: mediately |
médiateur {m} | :: a mediator |
médiateur {m} [politics, France] | :: ombudsman |
médiathèque {f} | :: media library |
médiatif {adj} | :: mediative; evidential |
médiation {f} | :: mediation |
médiatique {adj} | :: media (attributive), journalistic |
médiatiquement {adv} | :: in the media |
médiatisation {f} | :: media coverage |
médiatisation {f} | :: mediatization |
médiatisé {adj} | :: mediatized |
médiatisé {adj} | :: publicized |
médiatiser {v} | :: to mediatize (all senses) |
médiator {m} | :: a guitar pick, a plectrum |
médiatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of médiateur |
médical {adj} | :: medical |
médicalement {adv} | :: medically |
médicalisation {f} | :: medicalization |
médicalisé {adj} | :: medicalized |
médicaliser {v} | :: To medicalize |
médicament {m} | :: drug, medication, medicine, pharmaceutical, prescription |
médicamenté {adj} | :: medicated |
médicamenteux {adj} | :: medicinal |
médication {f} | :: medication |
médicéen {adj} | :: Medician |
médicinal {adj} | :: medicinal |
médicinalement {adv} | :: medicinally |
médicolégal {adj} | :: forensic (relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law) |
médicolégal {adj} | :: medicolegal |
médicosocial {adj} | :: medical and social |
Médie {prop} {f} | :: Media |
médier {v} [biology] | :: To mediate |
médiété {f} [music] | :: mediant |
médiéval {adj} | :: medieval (of or relating to the Middle Ages) |
médiéviste {mf} | :: medievalist (one who studies culture and history in the Middle Ages) |
médina {f} | :: medina (old town of North African cities) |
médiocre {adj} | :: mediocre |
médiocrement {adv} | :: mediocrely (in a mediocre way) |
médiocrité {f} | :: mediocrity |
médipôle {m} | :: medical centre |
médique {adj} | :: Median, Medean |
médique {adj} | :: Persian |
médire {v} [archaic or literary] | :: to slander, to speak badly of |
médisance {f} | :: scandal, scandalous gossip |
médisant {adj} | :: slanderous, defamatory |
méditatif {adj} | :: meditative, thoughtful |
méditation {f} | :: meditation |
méditativement {adv} | :: meditatively, thoughtfully |
méditer {vt} | :: to think over, ponder, reflect on |
méditer {vi} | :: to meditate |
méditerrané {adj} | :: Mediterranean |
Méditerranée {prop} {f} | :: Mediterranean |
méditerranéen {adj} | :: Mediterranean (of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) |
médium {m} [music] | :: middle register |
médium {m} [spiritualism, parapsychology] | :: medium (a person who contacts the dead) |
médiumnique {adj} | :: mediumistic |
médius {m} | :: middle finger |
médoc {m} [colloquial, usually, in the plural] | :: medication |
Médoc {prop} | :: Médoc (region) |
Médoc {m} | :: Médoc (wine) |
médoïde {m} [statistics] | :: medoid |
Médor {prop} {m} | :: Fido, Rover; a name stereotypically given to dogs |
médulla {f} [anatomy] | :: medulla |
médullaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: medullary |
méduse {f} | :: jellyfish |
Méduse {prop} {f} [mythology] | :: Medusa |
méduser {vt} | :: to dumbfound, stupefy |
mée {f} | :: A wooden chest, used in some regions of France, for storing dishware or food |
mée {f} | :: A kneading trough |
meeting {m} | :: large, public gathering (not used in other senses of "meeting") |
méfaire {v} [defective] | :: To do wrong; to do something immoral |
méfait {m} | :: a misdeed, wrong action by legal or moral standards |
méfait {m} | :: some damage, material harm |
méfiance {f} | :: distrust (lack of trust or confidence) |
méfiant {adj} | :: wary |
méfier {v} [de, .pronominal] | :: to mistrust, to be wary of, to watch out for |
méforme {f} | :: lack of fitness, being out of shape |
méga- {prefix} | :: mega- |
méga {m} [computing] | :: meg (megabyte) |
méga {adv} [colloquial] | :: very |
mégaampère {m} | :: megaampere |
mégabase {m} [genetics] | :: megabase |
mégabasite {f} [mineral] | :: synonym of wolframite |
mégabecquerel {m} | :: megabecquerel |
mégabit {m} | :: megabit |
mégabyte {m} | :: megabyte |
mégacalorie {f} [physics] | :: megacalorie |
mégacandela {f} [physics] | :: megacandela |
mégacatastrophe {f} | :: An exceptionally great catastrophe |
mégacentre {f} | :: megacentre |
mégacéphale {adj} | :: megacephalic |
mégacéros {m} | :: megaceros |
mégachile {f} | :: leaf-cutter bee (of the family Megachilidae) |
mégacité {f} | :: megacity, megalopolis |
mégacôlon {m} | :: megacolon (all senses) |
mégacolossal {adj} | :: mega-colossal |
mégacontinent {m} [geology] | :: supercontinent |
mégacosme {m} | :: megacosm |
mégacoulomb {m} [physics] | :: megacoulomb |
mégadésastre {m} | :: megadisaster |
mégadivers {adj} [ecology] | :: megadiverse |
mégadonnées {fp} [computing] | :: big data |
mégadyne {f} [physics] | :: megadyne |
mégaélectron-volt {m} | :: alternative form of mégaélectronvolt |
mégaélectronvolt {m} | :: megaelectron volt |
mégaeuro {m} [rare] | :: A million euros |
mégafaune {f} | :: megafauna |
mégaferme {f} | :: megafarm |
mégafichier {m} | :: A very large file (of documents) |
mégaflop {m} [computing] | :: megaflop |
mégafragment {m} [rare, geology] | :: megafragment |
mégagramme {m} | :: megagram |
mégagray {m} [physics] | :: megagray |
mégaherbivore {m} [biology] | :: megaherbivore |
mégajoule {m} | :: megajoule |
mégakatal {m} | :: megakatal |
mégalésien {adj} | :: Megalesian |
mégalithe {m} | :: megalith |
mégalithique {adj} | :: megalithic |
mégalo- {prefix} | :: megalo- |
mégalo {adj} [colloquial] | :: megalomaniac |
mégalo {mf} [colloquial] | :: megalomaniac |
mégalocéphale {adj} | :: megalocephalic |
mégalodon {m} | :: megalodon |
mégalographie {f} [art] | :: megalography |
mégalomane {mf} | :: megalomaniac |
mégalomaniaque {adj} | :: megalomaniac |
mégalomanie {f} | :: megalomania (psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence) |
mégalomartyr {m} [Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: great martyr |
mégalomartyre {f} | :: great martyress; female equivalent of mégalomartyr |
mégalope {f} | :: megalopa |
mégalopole {f} | :: megalopolis (large conurbation) |
mégalosaure {m} | :: megalosaur |
mégalure {f} | :: Any typical grassbird of the genus Megalurus |
megam {m} | :: Megam |
mégamix {m} [music] | :: megamix |
mégamosquée {f} [Islam] | :: megamosque |
Mégane {prop} {f} | :: given name |
méganticois {adj} | :: Meganticois (pertaining to Lac-Megantic, Quebec) |
Méganticois {m} | :: Meganticois (resident of Lac-Megantic, Quebec) |
Méganticoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Méganticois |
mégaoctet {m} [computing] | :: megabyte |
méga-ohm {m} | :: mega-ohm |
mégaohm {m} | :: megaohm |
mégapascal {m} [physics] | :: megapascal |
mégaphanérophyte {m} | :: megaphanerophyte |
mégaphone {m} | :: megaphone (portable device used to amplify a person's voice) |
mégaphonique {adj} | :: megaphonic |
mégapixel {m} | :: megapixel |
mégapode {m} | :: megapode |
mégapole {f} | :: megalopolis |
mégarde {f} [very, rare] | :: oversight, inattention |
mégariche {adj} | :: megarich |
mégarique {adj} | :: Megaric |
mégascope {m} | :: megascope |
mégasécheresse {f} | :: megadrought |
mégaséisme {m} | :: megaseism |
mégasème {adj} [anatomy] | :: megaseme |
mégastore {m} | :: megastore |
mégastructure {f} | :: megastructure |
mégathère {m} | :: megathere |
mégathérium {m} | :: megathere |
mégatonne {m} | :: megaton (all senses) |
mégatsunami {m} | :: megatsunami |
mégawatt {m} | :: megawatt |
mégawattheure {m} | :: megawatt-hour |
mégenrer {v} | :: misgender |
méger {m} [archaic] | :: sharecropper |
mégère {f} | :: shrew, vixen (ill-tempered woman) |
mégère {f} | :: wall brown |
mégestion {f} | :: maladministration, mismanagement |
mégissier {m} | :: tawer |
mégohm {m} | :: megohm |
mégot {m} | :: cigarette butt, fag end |
mégoter {v} | :: to be stingy, to nitpick, to skimp |
Megumi {prop} | :: given name |
méharée {f} | :: a journey on camelback, especially on meharis |
méhari {m} | :: mehari (kind of dromedary) |
méhariste {mf} | :: a dromedary rider, especially of a mehari, sometimes as part of camelry |
meilleur {adj} | :: comparative of bon ("better") |
meilleur {adj} | :: comparative of bien |
meilleur {adj} [when preceded by definite article, le meilleur] | :: superlative of bon ("best") |
meilleur {adj} [when preceded by definite article, le meilleur] | :: superlative of bien ("best") |
meilleur {m} | :: best |
meilleur ami {m} | :: best friend |
meilleur ami de l'homme {m} | :: man's best friend (the dog) |
meilleure {f} | :: feminine noun of meilleur |
meilleure amie {f} | :: best friend |
meilleurs vœux {interj} | :: best wishes! happy New Year! |
méiose {f} [cytology] | :: meiosis (cell division) |
méiotique {adj} | :: meiotic |
meistre {m} | :: archaic spelling of maître |
meitnérium {m} | :: meitnerium |
méjuger {vt} | :: to misjudge |
mél {m} | :: An email message |
melæna {m} | :: alternative form of méléna |
mélam {m} [organic compound] | :: melam |
mélamine {f} | :: melamine |
mélampyre {m} | :: cow-wheat (plant of genus Melampyrum) |
melancholie {f} | :: obsolete form of mélancolie |
mélanchyme {f} [geology] | :: melanchyme |
melancolie {f} | :: obsolete form of mélancolie |
mélancolie {f} [historical] | :: melancholy (black bile) |
mélancolie {f} | :: melancholy (sadness or depression) |
mélancolique {adj} | :: melancholic |
mélancoliquement {adv} | :: gloomily, melancholically |
Melançon {prop} | :: surname |
Mélanésie {prop} {f} | :: Melanesia |
mélanésien {adj} | :: Melanesian |
Mélanésien {m} | :: Melanesian |
mélange {m} | :: mixture, blend |
mélangeable {adj} | :: mixable, blendable |
mélanger {v} | :: to mix, to mix up |
mélanger les torchons et les serviettes {v} [figuratively] | :: to mix apples and oranges, to compare apples and oranges |
mélangeur {m} | :: mixer (device) |
mélangeur {m} | :: mixer tap |
Mélanie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
mélanine {f} [biochemistry] | :: melanin |
mélanique {adj} | :: melanic |
mélanisation {f} | :: melanization |
mélaniser {v} | :: To melanize |
mélanisme {m} | :: melanism |
mélano- {prefix} | :: melano- |
mélanodermie {f} [pathology] | :: melanoderma |
mélanome {m} [oncology] | :: melanoma |
mélantérite {f} [mineral] | :: melanterite |
mélasse {f} | :: molasses |
mélasse {f} | :: treacle |
mélassique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: melassic |
mélatonine {f} [organic compound] | :: melatonin |
melchior {m} | :: obsolete spelling of maillechort |
Melchisédek {prop} [biblical character] | :: Melchizedek (king, priest, and contemporary of Abraham) |
mêlée {f} | :: fray |
mêlée {f} [rugby] | :: scrum |
mêler {vt} | :: to mix |
mêler {vr} [followed by the preposition de] | :: to meddle in, to interfere in, to get mixed up in |
mêler {v} [card games] | :: to shuffle |
mélèze {m} | :: larch, larch tree (Larix) |
mélèze commun {m} | :: European larch (Larix decidua) |
mélèze d'Europe {m} | :: European larch (Larix decidua) |
mélia {m} | :: frangipani or any of several similar plants of the genus Melia |
mélilot {m} | :: melilot |
méli-mélo {m} | :: mishmash, hodgepodge (a collection of miscellany) |
mélimélo {m} | :: alternative form of méli-mélo |
mélioratif {adj} | :: meliorative |
mélique {adj} | :: melic |
mélismatique {adj} [music] | :: melismatic |
mélismatiquement {adv} | :: melismatically |
mélisme {m} [music] | :: melisma |
Mélissa {prop} | :: given name |
mélisse {f} | :: melissa (Melissa officinalis) |
mélissière {f} | :: bastard balm (Melittis melissophyllum) |
mélissique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: melissic |
mélissot {f} | :: bastard balm (Melittis melissophyllum) |
mélitose {f} [carbohydrate] | :: melitose |
mellah {m} | :: Moroccan ghetto (area inhabited by Jews) |
mellifère {adj} | :: melliferous |
mellite {f} [mineral] | :: mellite |
mellonure {m} | :: mellonide |
mélo- {prefix} | :: Related to music or melody |
mélo {m} | :: melodrama |
mélo {adj} | :: melodramatic |
mélodica {m} [musical instruments] | :: melodica |
mélodie {f} | :: melody (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) |
Mélodie {prop} | :: given name |
mélodieusement {adv} | :: melodiously |
mélodieux {adj} | :: sweet, melodious (having a pleasant sound) |
mélodique {adj} | :: melodic |
mélodiquement {adv} | :: melodically |
mélodiste {mf} [music] | :: melodist |
mélodramatique {adj} | :: melodramatic |
mélodramatiser {v} | :: to melodramatize |
mélodrame {m} | :: melodrama |
mélomane {adj} | :: melomaniacal, relating to the love of music |
mélomane {mf} [music] | :: music lover, melomaniac |
mélomanie {f} | :: melomania |
melon {m} | :: melon (fruit) |
melon d'eau {m} | :: watermelon |
melon de France {m} [Louisiana French] | :: cantaloupe |
melon de Montréal {m} | :: Montreal melon |
mélopée {f} [music] | :: melopoeia |
mélopée {f} | :: monotonous chant, dirge |
melvillien {adj} | :: Melvillian |
membranaire {adj} | :: membrane (attributive), membranal |
membrane {f} | :: membrane |
membrane clignotante {f} [biology] | :: nictitating membrane |
membrane déciduale {f} | :: decidua |
membrane haptogène {m} | :: haptogenic membrane |
membrane plasmique {f} [cytology] | :: cell membrane |
membraneux {adj} | :: membranous (composed of, or relating to membrane) |
membre {m} | :: member (of a group or organization) |
membre {m} | :: limb, member |
membre {m} | :: member, penis |
membré {adj} | :: hung |
membre fondateur {m} | :: founding member, founder member, charter member |
membre viril {m} | :: male member (penis) |
membron {m} [architecture] | :: A line of lead or zinc that protects the bottom of a mansard roof |
membrure {f} | :: frame (of a person) |
membrure {f} [nautical, especially in plural] | :: spars of a vessel |
mémé {f} [hypocoristic] | :: Grandma, granny, nana |
mème {m} | :: meme (unit of cultural information) |
mème {m} [Internet, slang] | :: meme |
même {adv} [used before the article] | :: even |
même {adj} [used before the noun] | :: same |
même {adj} [used after the noun] | :: very |
mêmement {adv} [dated] | :: identically; in the same way |
mêmement {adv} [dated] | :: even (not comparable) |
mémento {m} | :: memento, reminder |
mémento {m} | :: mortuary image |
même pas {adv} | :: not even |
même pas {interj} | :: no, not even! |
mémère {f} [childish] | :: affectionate name for a female, such as honey, sweetie, baby (etc.) |
mémère {f} [Quebec, Cajun] | :: grandmother |
même si {conj} | :: even if |
même si {conj} | :: although, even though |
même si sa vie en dépendait {adv} | :: for the life of one, to save one's life, for sour apples, for toffee |
mémétique {f} | :: The study of memes; memetics |
mémétique {adj} | :: memetic, pertaining to memes |
mèmification {f} | :: memeification |
mémo {m} | :: memo |
mémoire {f} | :: memory |
mémoire {f} [computing] | :: memory |
mémoire {m} | :: memo |
mémoire {m} | :: dissertation, paper |
mémoire {m} | :: memoir |
mémoire à court terme {f} [psychology] | :: short-term memory |
mémoire à long terme {f} [psychology] | :: long-term memory |
mémoire collective {f} | :: collective memory |
mémoire déclarative {f} [neurology, psychology] | :: declarative memory |
mémoire d'éléphant {f} [figuratively] | :: extremely good memory |
mémoire de poisson rouge {f} [figuratively] | :: extremely bad memory |
mémoire épisodique {f} [neurology, psychology] | :: episodic memory |
mémoire morte {f} [computing] | :: ROM, read-only memory |
mémoire procédurale {f} [neurology, psychology] | :: procedural memory |
mémoire sémantique {f} [neurology, psychology] | :: semantic memory |
mémoire vive {f} [computing] | :: RAM, random access memory |
mémorable {adj} | :: memorable |
mémorablement {adv} | :: memorably |
mémorandum {m} | :: memorandum (short note serving as a reminder) |
mémorial {m} | :: memorial |
mémorialiste {mf} | :: memorialist |
mémoriel {adj} | :: memorial |
mémorisable {adj} [chiefly in combination] | :: memorizable |
mémorisation {f} | :: memorizing |
mémoriser {v} | :: to memorize (fix in one's memory) |
m'en {contraction} | :: me + en |
menaçant {adj} | :: menacing, threatening |
menace {f} | :: threat |
menacer {v} | :: to threaten, to jeopardise |
menacer {v} | :: to endanger, to menace |
menacer ruine {v} [of a building, literary] | :: to be on the verge of collapsing, to totter, to be crumbling, to be very decayed |
ménade {f} | :: maenad (follower of Dionysus) |
ménadiol {m} [organic compound] | :: menadiol |
ménadione {f} [organic compound] | :: menadione |
ménage {m} | :: housework, housekeeping |
ménage {m} | :: household |
ménage à trois {m} | :: ménage à trois; threesome |
ménage de printemps {m} | :: spring clean |
ménagement {m} | :: care and attention; circumspection |
ménager {adj} | :: household; cleaning |
ménager {m} [rare] | :: househusband |
ménager {v} | :: to husband, to conserve |
ménager {v} | :: to treat gently, treat nicely |
ménager {v} | :: to conserve, go easy on |
ménager {vr} | :: to go easy, take it easy |
ménagère {f} | :: feminine noun of ménager; housewife |
ménagère {f} | :: canteen (of cutlery) |
ménagerie {f} | :: menagerie (a collection of live wild animals on exhibition; the enclosure where they are kept) |
ménager la chèvre et le chou {v} | :: to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds |
Ménandre {prop} {m} | :: Menander |
Menant {prop} | :: surname |
ménaquinone {f} [organic chemistry] | :: menaquinone |
Ménard {prop} | :: Menard (surname) |
ménatétrénone {f} [organic compound, vitamin] | :: menatetrenone |
menchevik {m} | :: Menshevik |
menchévik {m} | :: alternative form of menchevik |
mendélévium {m} | :: mendelevium |
mendélien {adj} | :: Mendelian |
mendiant {m} | :: a beggar |
mendiant {m} | :: a traditional Christmas confection, a chocolate disc studded with nuts and dried fruits representing the various mendicant monastic orders |
mendiant {m} | :: a pastry from Alsace and Franche-Comté |
mendiante {f} | :: feminine singular of mendiant |
mendicité {f} | :: begging, panhandling |
mendier {v} | :: to beg (plead for money or goods) |
mendigot {m} | :: beggar |
Mendy {prop} | :: surname |
meneau {m} | :: mullion |
ménechme {m} | :: ringer, spitting image |
Ménédème {prop} {m} | :: Menedemus |
mener {vt} | :: to lead, to take |
mener {v} | :: to lead, to run, to take charge |
mener {v} | :: to lead, to be leading, to be in the lead |
mener à bien {vt} | :: to bring something to completion, to see something through |
mener à la baguette {vt} [figuratively] | :: to keep on a tight leash, to have under one's thumb, to boss around |
mener en bateau {vt} | :: to mislead; to trick; to dupe |
mener grand train {v} | :: to live the high life, to live high on the hog, to live in style, to live large |
mener la danse {v} [figuratively] | :: to call the shots, to call the tune |
mener la vie à grandes guides {v} [literary] | :: to live the high life, to live high on the hog, to live in style, to live large |
mener par le bout du nez {v} [figuratively] | :: to lead by the nose |
mener une vie de bâton de chaise {v} | :: to lead a wild life, to live a fast life, to live life in the fast lane |
ménestrel {m} | :: minstrel |
ménétrier {m} | :: fiddler (one who plays the fiddle) |
meneur {m} | :: leader (someone who is leading e.g. a race) |
meneur {m} | :: leader (someone in charge) |
meneur {m} [basketball] | :: point guard |
meneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of meneur |
m'enfin {contraction} [colloquial] | :: contraction of mais enfin |
menhir {m} [archaeology] | :: menhir |
méninge {f} [anatomy] | :: meninges |
méningite {f} | :: meningitis |
méningocoque {m} | :: meningococcus |
méniscal {adj} | :: meniscal |
ménisectomie {f} [surgery] | :: meniscectomy |
ménisique {m} | :: meniscus (all senses) |
ménisperminique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: menispermic |
ménisque {m} | :: meniscus (all senses) |
mennonitisme {m} | :: Mennonitism |
méno- {prefix} | :: meno- (relating to month or to menstruation) |
menologe {m} | :: Menologium |
ménopause {f} | :: menopause (final menstruation) |
ménopausé {adj} | :: menopausal |
ménotropine {f} | :: menotropin |
menottage {m} | :: handcuffing |
menotte {f} | :: small hand (especially the hand of a child) |
menotte {f} [in the plural] | :: handcuffs |
menotter {v} | :: to handcuff |
mense {f} [archaic] | :: table |
mense {f} | :: Ecclesiastical revenue, especially that of an abbey |
mensiversaire {m} | :: mensiversary |
mensonge {m} | :: a lie or falsehood |
mensonge pieux {m} | :: alternative form of pieux mensonge |
mensonger {adj} | :: false, mendacious, deceitful, untruthful |
mensongèrement {adv} | :: falsely, mendaciously, deceitfully, untruthfully |
menstruation {f} | :: menstruation; period |
menstruel {adj} | :: monthly; mensural |
menstruel {adj} | :: menstrual |
menstruer {v} | :: to menstruate |
menstrues {fp} [archaic] | :: menses |
mensualisation {f} | :: monthly payment (salary, hire purchase etc) |
mensualiser {vt} | :: to pay monthly |
mensualité {f} | :: monthly payment or salary |
mensuel {adj} | :: monthly |
mensuel {m} | :: A monthly: a newspaper or magazine that is published monthly |
mensuellement {adv} | :: monthly (once a month) |
mensuration {f} | :: measurement |
mensuration {f} [in the plural] | :: the size of a person or animal etc |
-ment {suffix} | :: Used to form adverbs (from the feminine form of an adjective), most of the time equivalent to the English -wise, -ly |
-ment {suffix} | :: Used to form nouns from verbs, usually indicating a resulting action or state. Equivalent to the English -ment |
mental {adj} | :: mental (relating to the mind) |
mental {m} | :: mind |
mentalement {adv} | :: mentally |
mentalité {f} | :: mentality |
menterie {f} | :: untruth, lie |
menteur {m} | :: liar (one who tells lies) |
menteur {m} | :: bluffer |
menteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of menteur |
menteusement {adv} | :: falsely |
menteusement {adv} | :: misleadingly |
menthe {f} | :: mint |
menthène {m} [organic compound] | :: menthene |
mentholé {adj} | :: mentholated |
menthylé {adj} | :: mentholated |
mention {f} | :: mention (act of mentioning) |
mention {f} | :: slogan |
mentionner {v} | :: to mention |
mentir {v} | :: to lie (say something untrue) |
mentir comme on respire {v} [simile, colloquial] | :: to lie constantly, to be a born liar |
mentir comme un arracheur de dents {v} [simile, colloquial] | :: to lie through one's teeth, to lie brazenly, shamelessly |
menton {m} | :: chin |
mentonnière {f} [historical] | :: beaver (lower part of a helmet) |
mentonnière {f} [music, lutherie] | :: chinrest |
mentor {m} | :: mentor, guide |
menu {adj} | :: slim, small, fine |
menu {adj} | :: minor, trifling |
menu {m} | :: detailed list |
menu {m} | :: menu; a set meal on a menu |
menu du jour {m} | :: set menu |
menuet {m} | :: minuet |
menu fretin {m} | :: small fry |
menu gastronomique {m} | :: gourmet menu |
menuise {f} [archaic] | :: smallwood |
menuiser {v} | :: to do craftwork or small handiwork |
menuiserie {f} | :: carpentry; joinery; woodwork |
menuisier {m} | :: carpenter, joiner |
méphitique {adj} | :: mephitic |
méplat {adj} | :: flat |
méplat {m} [mathematics] | :: plane |
méprendre {vr} [~ sur] | :: to mistake (to confuse someone for another) |
méprendre {v} | :: to make a mistake |
méprendre {v} | :: to misunderstand |
mépris {m} | :: scorn |
mépris {m} | :: contempt, disdain |
méprisable {adj} | :: despicable, contemptible; good-for-nothing |
méprisablement {adv} | :: despicably, contemptibly |
méprisamment {adv} | :: contemptuously, scornfully |
méprisant {adj} | :: disdainful, contemptuous, condescending |
méprise {f} | :: mistake |
mépriser {v} | :: to hate; to despise |
MEQ {m} [Quebec, education] | :: MEQ (Ministry of Education of Quebec) |
méquitazine {f} | :: mequitazine |
mer {f} | :: sea (large body of water) |
mer Adriatique {prop} {f} | :: Adriatic Sea (sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice) |
mer Baltique {prop} {f} | :: Baltic Sea |
mer Blanche {prop} {f} | :: the White Sea |
merbromine {f} [medicine] | :: merbromin |
mercantile {adj} | :: mercantile, commercial |
mercantilement {adv} | :: mercantilely |
mercantilisme {m} | :: mercantilism |
mercantiliste {adj} | :: mercantilist |
mercantiliste {m} | :: mercantilist |
mercaptan {m} [chemistry] | :: mercaptan |
mercaptoéthanol {m} [organic compound] | :: mercaptoethanol |
mercaptopropanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: mercaptopropanoic, mercaptopropionic |
mercapture {m} [organic chemistry] | :: mercaptide |
mer Caspienne {prop} {f} | :: Caspian Sea |
mercatique {f} [rare] | :: marketing |
mercato {m} [football] | :: transfer market |
mercenaire {adj} | :: mercenary |
mercenaire {m} | :: mercenary (person employed to fight) |
mercenairement {adv} | :: mercenarily |
mercerie {f} | :: haberdashery (goods) |
mercerie {f} | :: haberdashery (shop) |
mercerisé {adj} | :: mercerized |
merceriser {v} | :: To mercerise |
merchandiser {v} | :: to optimize the profitability of a point of sale and of its merchandise |
merci {interj} | :: thank you |
merci {f} | :: mercy, grace |
merci beaucoup {interj} | :: thank you very much |
mercier {m} | :: mercer |
mercière {f} | :: feminine noun of mercier |
merci mille fois {phrase} [literally] | :: thank you a thousand times |
merci mille fois {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: Thanks a great many times |
merci pour ton aide {phrase} | :: [familiar] thanks for your help |
merci pour votre aide {phrase} | :: [polite or plural] thanks for your help |
Merco {prop} [slang] | :: Merc |
mercredi {m} | :: Wednesday |
mercredi des cendres {m} | :: alternative case form of mercredi des Cendres |
mercredi des Cendres {m} [Christianity] | :: Ash Wednesday |
mercurate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: mercurate |
mercure {m} | :: mercury |
mercure {m} | :: (by extension) thermometer; temperature |
Mercure {prop} {m} | :: Mercury (planet) |
Mercure {prop} {m} | :: Mercury (Roman god) |
mercurer {v} | :: To mercurialize |
mercureux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: mercurous |
mercuriale {f} [historical] | :: A session of the French Parliament held on a Wednesday where the First President would denounce any injustices |
mercuriale {f} | :: reprimand, scolding |
mercuriel {adj} | :: mercurial |
mercurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: mercuric |
mercurochrome {m} | :: antiseptic |
mer d'Aral {f} | :: mer d'Aral (a saline <<lake>> straddling the <<c/Kazakhstan>>-<<c/Uzbekistan>> border) |
merde {interj} [vulgar] | :: shit!, crap! |
merde {interj} [theatre] | :: break a leg! |
merde {f} [vulgar] | :: turd, piece of feces, shit |
merde {f} | :: shit (something undesirable or unwanted) |
merde {f} | :: shit (something of poor quality) |
merde {f} [pejorative] | :: a dickhead, a fuckhead, a bastard |
merde alors {interj} [somewhat, vulgar] | :: Damn! Bugger! Dammit! |
mer de Barents {prop} {f} | :: the Barents Sea |
merder {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck up, to screw up (make errors) |
mer des Caraïbes {prop} {f} | :: Caribbean Sea (a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere) |
merdeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of merdeux |
merdeux {adj} [slang, literally and figuratively, vulgar] | :: shitty; crap; shit |
merdeux {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: a little shit; a little bastard |
mer d'huile {f} [figuratively] | :: a glassy, waveless sea; a dead calm, a flat calm, a clock calm |
merdia {m} [pejorative, usually plural] | :: media considered servile and submissive to political power |
merdier {m} [vulgar] | :: mess, jumble |
merdier {m} [vulgar] | :: bad, tricky situation, shitstorm |
merdique {adj} [slang] | :: shitty, crappy |
merdiquer {v} [rare, vulgar] | :: to mess up, to screw up |
merdu {adj} [slang, vulgar] | :: fucked, fucked up (not working or workable) |
mer du Japon {prop} {f} | :: Sea of Japan |
-mère {suffix} | :: -merous |
mère {f} | :: mother |
méreau {m} [obsolete] | :: token (physical object) |
mère au foyer {f} | :: housewife |
mer Égée {prop} {f} | :: Aegean Sea |
mère-grand {f} [colloquial, old-fashioned] | :: grandma |
merelle {f} | :: obsolete form of marelle |
merengue {m} [music] | :: merengue |
méréologie {f} [maths] | :: mereology |
méréotopologie {f} [maths] | :: mereotopology |
mère porteuse {f} | :: surrogate mother |
mère poule {f} [figuratively] | :: mama bear (overprotective mother) |
mérétrice {f} | :: prostitute |
merguez {f} | :: Merguez |
merguez {f} [slang] | :: A car that has been modified—as by filing away its engine number, or including components from different cars—to make it harder to identify or to conceal damage from an accident. |
merguez {f} [slang, by extension] | :: A seemingly normal transaction that later turns out to be a scam |
Mérida {prop} | :: The city Mérida in Spain's western region Estremadura, in Badajoz province |
Mérida {prop} | :: Latin American cities named Mérida after the above: |
Mérida {prop} | :: in Mexico, capital of Yucatan state |
Mérida {prop} | :: in Venezuela, an eponymous district capital in Guzman province |
méridien {adj} | :: meridian (all senses); noon (attributive) |
méridien {m} [astronomy, geography] | :: meridian |
méridional {adj} | :: meridional |
meringue {f} | :: meringue |
meringuer {v} | :: To cover with a layer of meringue |
mérinide {adj} | :: Marinid |
Mérinide {mf} | :: Marinid |
mérinos {m} | :: merino |
mérion {m} | :: fairywren |
mer Ionienne {prop} {f} | :: Ionian Sea (European sea) |
merise {f} | :: wild cherry (fruit) |
merisier {m} | :: wild cherry (tree) |
merisier {m} | :: cherry (wood) |
merisier à grappes {m} | :: bird cherry (Prunus padus) |
méristème {m} [botany] | :: meristem |
méristème secondaire {m} [biology, botany] | :: The meristem allowing the growth of trees in diameter |
méritant {adj} | :: deserving |
méritant {adj} | :: worthy, meritorious |
mérite {m} | :: merit (any positive quality) |
mérité {adj} | :: deserved |
mériter {v} | :: to deserve, merit |
méritocratie {f} | :: meritocracy (rule by merit) |
méritocratique {adj} | :: meritocratic |
méritoire {adj} | :: meritorious, praiseworthy, commendable |
méritoirement {adv} | :: meritoriously, praiseworthily, commendably |
mer Jaune {prop} {f} | :: Yellow Sea (asian sea) |
merlan {m} | :: whiting (fish) |
merle {m} | :: blackbird |
merle {m} | :: Eurasian blackbird [Turdus merula] |
Merle {prop} | :: surname |
merle blanc {m} | :: rara avis |
merle d'Amérique {m} | :: American robin (Turdus migratorius) |
merlette {f} | :: Female blackbird |
merlette {f} [heraldic charge] | :: The merlette |
merlin {m} | :: splitting maul: an axe with a long handle, the blade of which is coupled with a broad side that can be used as a sledgehammer |
merlon {m} [architecture, military] | :: merlon |
merlu {m} | :: hake |
merlu blanc {m} | :: European hake (Merluccius merluccius) |
merlu commun {m} | :: European hake (Merluccius merluccius) |
merlu européen {m} | :: European hake (Merluccius merluccius) |
mer Méditerranée {prop} {f} | :: the Mediterranean Sea |
mer Morte {prop} {f} | :: Dead Sea (lake in the Middle East) |
mer Noire {prop} {f} | :: the Black Sea |
mérogame {adj} [biology] | :: merogonic |
méroïtique {adj} | :: Meroitic |
méromicticité {f} | :: meromicticity |
méromictique {adj} | :: meromictic |
méromorphe {adj} | :: meromorphic |
méronyme {m} | :: meronym (word denoting part of whole) |
méropidé {m} | :: meropid, bee-eater |
mérou {m} | :: grouper (or similar fish) |
mérovingien {adj} | :: Merovingian |
mérozoïte {m} [microbiology] | :: merozoite |
merrain {m} | :: oak stave (used to make barrels etc) |
mer Rouge {prop} {f} | :: Red Sea |
merveille {f} | :: wonder; marvel |
Merveilleuse {f} | :: Merveilleuse |
merveilleusement {adv} | :: wonderfully; brilliantly; amazingly |
merveilleux {adj} | :: marvelous, brilliant |
mes {determiner} | :: my (when referring to a plural noun) |
més- {prefix} | :: mis- (badly, wrongly) |
mésaise {m} [obsolete] | :: discomfort; unease |
mésalliance {f} | :: misalliance, mésalliance |
mésallier {vr} [se mésallier] | :: to misally; to marry beneath one's rank |
mésange {f} | :: tit, chickadee, titmouse (any of a large number of small tree-dwelling passerine birds) |
mésangeai {m} | :: jay (one of a small number of jays in the genus Perisoreus) |
mésange charbonnière {f} | :: great tit (Parus major) |
mésange de Pologne {f} | :: European penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus) |
mésange penduline {f} | :: European penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus) |
mésange rémiz {f} | :: European penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus) |
mésaraïque {adj} [anatomy] | :: mesaraic |
mésaventure {f} | :: misadventure, misfortune, bad stroke of luck |
mésaxonique {adj} | :: mesaxonic |
mescaline {f} | :: mescaline |
Meschacébé {prop} {m} [dated] | :: the Mississippi |
mesclun {m} | :: mesclun |
mesdames et messieurs {interj} [vocative] | :: ladies and gentlemen |
Mesdames et Messieurs {interj} | :: ladies and gentlemen (used to address an audience) |
mésencéphale {f} | :: midbrain |
mésenchymateux {adj} | :: mesenchymal |
mésenchyme {m} | :: mesenchyme |
mésentente {f} | :: disagreement, misunderstanding |
mésentère {m} [anatomy] | :: mesentery |
mésentérique {adj} | :: mesenteric |
mésestimer {v} | :: to underestimate |
méshui {adv} | :: henceforth, later |
méshui {adv} | :: sometimes |
mésial {adj} [anatomy] | :: mesial |
Mésie {prop} {f} | :: Moesia |
mésite {f} | :: mesite |
mésityle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: mesityl |
mésitylène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: mesitylene |
méso- {prefix} | :: meso- |
mésoblaste {m} | :: mesoblast |
mésoblastique {adj} | :: mesoblastic (related to the mesoblast) |
mésocarpe {m} | :: mesocarp |
mésocôlon {m} [anatomy] | :: mesocolon |
mésocosme {m} [ecology] | :: mesocosm |
mésoderme {m} | :: mesoderm (tissue produced by gastrulation) |
mésodermique {adj} | :: mesodermic |
mésoécosystème {m} [ecology] | :: mesoecosystem |
mésogéen {adj} | :: mesogenic |
mésogène {adj} [chemistry] | :: mesogenic |
mésoglée {f} | :: mesoglea |
mésokurticité {f} [maths] | :: mesokurtosis, mesokurticity |
mésokurtique {adj} [maths] | :: mesokurtic |
mésolecte {m} [linguistics] | :: mesolect |
mésolithique {adj} | :: Mesolithic |
Mésolithique {m} | :: Mesolithic (Mesolithic period) |
mésolobe {m} [anatomy] | :: corpus callosum |
mésologarithme {m} [maths] | :: mesologarithm |
mésologie {f} | :: mesology |
mésologique {adj} | :: mesological |
mésomère {adj} [chemistry] | :: mesomeric |
mésomérie {f} [chemistry] | :: mesomerism, resonance |
mésomérique {adj} [chemistry] | :: mesomeric |
mésomètre {m} [anatomy] | :: mesometrium |
mésomorphe {adj} | :: mesomorphic |
mésomorphe {mf} | :: mesomorph |
mésomphale {m} [anatomy] | :: navel |
meson {m} | :: alternative spelling of méson |
méson {m} [particle] | :: meson |
mésoparasite {m} [biology] | :: mesoparasite |
mésoparasitisme {m} [biology] | :: mesoparasitism |
mésopause {f} | :: mesopause |
mésopélagique {adj} | :: mesopelagic |
mésophase {f} [physics] | :: mesophase |
mésophile {adj} [biology] | :: mesophilic |
mésophryon {m} [anatomy] | :: mesophryon |
mésoporeux {adj} | :: mesoporous |
Mésopotamie {prop} {f} | :: Mesopotamia (region) |
mésopotamien {adj} | :: Mesopotamian |
Mésopotamien {m} | :: Mesopotamian |
Mésopotamienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Mésopotamien |
mésopotamique {adj} | :: Mesopotamic |
mésopuncture {f} | :: mesopuncture |
mésorectum {m} [anatomy] | :: mesorectum |
mesoscopique {adj} [physics] | :: mesoscopic |
mésosidérite {f} [mineralogy] | :: mesosiderite |
mésosome {m} [biology] | :: mesosome |
mésosome {m} [zoology] | :: mesosoma |
mésosphère {f} | :: mesosphere (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) |
mésosphérique {adj} | :: mesospheric |
mésosuchien {m} | :: A fossil aquatic crocodilian, of the clade Mesoeucrocodylia, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Western Europe |
mésothéline {f} [protein] | :: mesothelin |
mésothélium {m} [biology] | :: mesothelium |
mésothorium {m} [physics, inorganic chemistry] | :: mesothorium |
mésotron {m} [obsolete, physics] | :: mesotron |
Mésozoïque {prop} {m} | :: Mesozoic period |
mesquin {adj} | :: unimportant |
mesquin {adj} | :: small-minded, petty |
mesquin {adj} | :: poor, of poor quality |
mesquin {adj} | :: stingy, tight-fisted |
mesquinement {adv} | :: meanly, narrow-mindedly, niggardly |
mesquinerie {f} | :: pettiness, meanness |
message {m} | :: message |
messager {m} | :: A messenger; one who carries a message |
messagère {f} | :: feminine noun of messager |
messagerie {f} [computing] | :: messaging, messager (software for sending messages) |
messagerie {f} | :: distribution or parceling service |
messagerie vocale {f} | :: voicemail |
messager sagittaire {m} | :: secretary bird |
messager secrétaire {m} | :: secretary bird |
messager serpentaire {m} | :: secretary bird |
messaliste {mf} | :: A supporter of the Algerian nationalist Messali Hadj |
messe {f} [Christianity] | :: Mass (church service) |
messe basse {f} | :: recited mass, Low Mass |
messe basse {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: whispering |
messe de minuit {f} [Christianity] | :: midnight mass |
messeoir {v} [defective, archaic] | :: to be unsuitable; to be unwanted |
messianique {adj} | :: messianic |
messianisme {m} | :: messianism |
messianiste {adj} | :: messianist |
messianiste {mf} | :: messianist |
messidor {m} [historical] | :: Messidor (the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar) |
messie {m} | :: messiah |
Messie {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Messiah |
Messier {prop} | :: surname |
Messier {prop} [astronomy] | :: Messier (object) |
messiesque {adj} | :: Messiesque (in the footballing style of Lionel Messi) |
messin {adj} | :: Metzian (of or pertaining to the city of Metz) |
Messin {m} | :: Metzian (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Metz) |
Messine {prop} {f} [geography] | :: Messina: |
Messine {prop} {f} | :: A port city on Sicily, facing the toe of the Italian boot |
Messine {prop} {f} | :: The Italian province named after the above, its capital |
Messine {f} | :: a female inhabitant of Metz |
messire {m} [archaic] | :: my lord (as term of address, title) |
Messire {prop} {m} [archaic] | :: Lord |
Messonnier {prop} | :: Messonnier (surname) |
Messonnier {m} | :: A denizen of Messon, Aube, France (Messon, Aube, France) |
m'est avis {adv} [formal] | :: methinks, it seems to me |
mestre {m} | :: archaic spelling of maître |
mestre {m} [nautical] | :: A ship's mainmast with lateens as opposed to the mizzenmast |
mesurable {adj} | :: measurable |
mesurage {m} | :: measurement (act of measuring) |
mesure {f} | :: measure |
mesure {f} | :: measurement |
mesuré {adj} | :: measured |
mesuré {adj} | :: moderate, modest |
mesuré {adj} | :: prudent |
mesure indirecte {f} | :: proxy (measurement of one physical quantity that is used as an indicator of the value of another) |
mesurément {adv} | :: measuredly |
mesurément {adv} | :: moderately, modestly |
mesurément {adv} | :: prudently |
mesurer {vi} | :: To measure |
mesurer {vt} | :: To measure |
mésusage {m} | :: misuse |
méta- {prefix} | :: meta- |
méta {adj} | :: meta |
méta-analyse {f} [statistics] | :: meta-analysis (statistics) |
métabolique {adj} | :: metabolic |
métabolisation {f} | :: metabolization |
métabolisé {adj} | :: metabolized |
métaboliser {vt} | :: to metabolize |
métabolisme {m} [physiology] | :: metabolism (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells) |
métabolite {f} [biochemistry] | :: metabolite |
métabolome {m} [biology] | :: metabolome |
métabolomique {adj} | :: metabolomic |
métabolomique {f} [biology] | :: metabolomics |
métacarpe {m} [anatomy] | :: metacarpus |
métacarpien {adj} [anatomy] | :: metacarpal |
métacarpien {m} [anatomy] | :: metacarpal (bone) |
métacentre {m} [biology, nautical] | :: metacentre |
métacentrique {adj} [biology, nautical] | :: metacentric |
métacétone {f} [organic compound] | :: metacetone |
métachronisme {m} | :: metachronism (error) |
métaclasse {f} [object-oriented] | :: metaclass |
métadiégétique {adj} | :: metadiegetic |
métadiscours {m} | :: metadiscourse |
métadonnée {f} [computing, often in plural] | :: metadata |
métairie {f} | :: smallholding |
métal {m} | :: metal |
métal {m} [heraldry] | :: metal |
métal alcalin {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: an alkali metal |
métalangage {m} | :: metalanguage |
metal chrétien {m} | :: Christian metal |
métalepse {f} | :: metalepsis |
métalepsie {f} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: metalepsy |
métalinguistique {adj} | :: metalinguistic |
métalinguistiquement {adv} | :: metalinguistically |
métallicité {f} | :: metallicity |
métallicole {adj} [biology] | :: metallicolous |
métallier {m} | :: metalworker |
métallier {adj} | :: metalworking (attributive) |
métallier {adj} | :: metallurgical |
métallifère {adj} | :: metalliferous |
métallique {adj} | :: metallic |
métalliquement {adv} | :: metallically |
métallisation {f} | :: metallization |
métallisé {adj} | :: metallic |
métallisé {adj} | :: metallized |
métalliser {v} | :: To metallize |
métallo- {prefix} | :: metallo- |
métallo {m} [colloquial] | :: metal worker; metallurgist |
métallocène {m} [chemistry] | :: metallocene |
métalloenzyme {f} [enzyme] | :: metalloenzyme |
métallogénie {f} [geology] | :: metallogeny |
métallographie {f} | :: metallography |
métalloïde {adj} | :: metaloid |
métalloïde {m} | :: metaloid |
métallophosphatase {f} [enzyme] | :: metallophosphatase |
métallophyte {f} [biology] | :: metallophyte |
métalloplastique {adj} | :: metalloplastic |
métalloprotéinase {f} [enzyme] | :: metalloproteinase |
métalloprotéine {f} [protein] | :: metalloprotein |
métallotolérant {adj} [biology] | :: metallotolerant |
métal lourd {m} [chemistry] | :: heavy metal |
métallurgie {f} | :: metallurgy |
métallurgique {adj} | :: metal (attributive) |
métallurgique {adj} | :: metallurgical |
métallurgiquement {adv} | :: metallurgically |
métallurgiste {m} | :: metallurgist |
métal précieux {m} | :: precious metal |
métal rare {m} | :: rare metal |
métamatériau {m} | :: metamaterial |
métamathématique {adj} | :: metamathematical |
métamère {m} [entomology] | :: metamere |
métamorphique {adj} | :: metamorphic |
métamorphiser {v} [geology] | :: To metamorphosize |
métamorphisme {m} | :: metamorphism |
métamorphose {f} | :: metamorphosis |
métamorphoser {v} | :: to metamorphose |
métanalyse {f} [linguistics] | :: metanalysis |
métapectine {f} | :: metapectin |
métapectique {adj} | :: metapectic |
métaphase {f} [biology] | :: metaphase |
métaphore {f} | :: metaphor |
métaphore filée {f} [rhetoric] | :: extended metaphor |
métaphorique {adj} | :: metaphorical |
métaphoriquement {adv} | :: metaphorically |
métaphosphate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: metaphosphate |
métaphosphorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: metaphosphoric |
métaphysicien {m} | :: metaphysicist |
métaphysicien {m} | :: metaphysician |
métaphysicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of métaphysicien |
métaphysique {adj} | :: metaphysical |
métaphysique {f} | :: metaphysics |
métaphysiquement {adv} | :: metaphysically (with respect to metaphysics) |
métaplasie {f} [anatomy] | :: metaplasia |
métaplasme {m} [anatomy, grammar] | :: metaplasm |
métaplastique {adj} | :: metaplastic (of, relating to, or produced by metaplasia) |
métapode {m} [zoology] | :: metapode |
métapopulation {f} [ecology] | :: metapopulation |
métapsychique {adj} | :: psychic, parapsychological |
métapsychique {f} | :: metapsychology |
métapsychologie {f} [psychology] | :: metapsychology (principles of psychology) |
métapsychologique {adj} | :: metapsychological |
métastabilité {f} | :: metastability (unstable but potentially long-lived state) |
métastable {adj} | :: metastable |
métastannate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: metastannate |
métastannique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: metastannic |
métastase {f} | :: metastasis |
métastasé {adj} | :: metastasized |
métatarse {m} | :: metatarsus |
métatarsien {adj} | :: metatarsal (attributive) |
métatarsien {m} [anatomy] | :: metatarsal (bone) |
métatartrique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: metatartaric |
métathèse {f} [chemistry] | :: metathesis (the breaking and reforming of double bonds in olefins in which substituent groups are swapped) |
métathèse {f} [phonology] | :: metathesis |
métathèse de quantité {f} [prosody, phonology] | :: quantitative metathesis |
métathétique {adj} | :: metathetic, metathetical |
métayage {m} | :: sharecropping, farming to halves |
métayer {m} | :: sharecropper, metayer |
métayère {f} | :: feminine singular of métayer |
métazoaire {m} [zoology] | :: metazoan |
méteil {m} | :: maslin (mixture of cereals) |
métempsychose {f} | :: alternative form of métempsycose |
métempsycose {f} [philosophy, religion] | :: metempsychosis |
métencéphale {m} [anatomy] | :: metencephalon |
météo {f} | :: weather (general state of weather) |
météo {f} | :: weather forecast |
météore {m} | :: meteor |
météorique {adj} | :: meteoric (all senses) |
météoriquement {adv} | :: meteorically |
météorisation {f} [geology] | :: weathering |
météorite {f} | :: meteorite |
météoritique {adj} | :: meteoritic |
météorographie {f} | :: meteorography |
météorographique {adj} | :: meteorographic |
météoroïde {m} | :: meteoroid |
météorologie {f} | :: meteorology (science) |
météorologique {adj} | :: meteorological |
météorologiquement {adv} | :: meteorologically |
météorologiste {mf} | :: meteorologist (person who studies meteorology) |
météorologue {mf} | :: meteorologist (person who studies meteorology) |
météospatiale {adj} | :: space weather (attributive) |
métèque {mf} [historical] | :: metic |
métèque {mf} [pejorative] | :: wop, stranger |
metformine {f} [medicine] | :: metformin |
méthacroléine {m} [organic compound] | :: methacrolein |
méthacrylaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] | :: methacrylaldehyde |
méthacrylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: methacrylic |
méthadone {m} [organic compound] | :: methadone |
méthamphétamine {f} [organic compound] | :: methamphetamine |
méthanal {m} [organic compound] | :: methanal |
méthanation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: methanation |
méthane {m} | :: methane |
méthanethiol {m} [organic compound] | :: methanethiol |
méthanier {adj} [attributive] | :: LNG |
méthanier {m} | :: LNG carrier |
méthanique {adj} | :: methanic |
méthanisation {f} | :: methanization |
méthaniser {vt} | :: to produce methane from [especially by anaerobic digestion] |
méthanoate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: methanoate |
méthanogène {adj} [biochemistry] | :: methanogenic |
méthanogène {m} [biology] | :: methanogen |
méthanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: methanoic |
méthanol {m} [organic compound] | :: methanol |
méthanotrophe {adj} | :: methanotrophic |
méthasone {f} | :: methasone |
méthémoglobine {f} [protein] | :: methemoglobin |
méthicilline {f} | :: alternative form of méticilline |
méthine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: methine |
méthional {m} [organic compound] | :: methional |
méthionine {f} | :: methionine (amino acid) |
méthionique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: methionic |
methode {f} [until circa 1740] | :: obsolete form of méthode |
méthode {f} | :: method |
méthode {f} | :: book, textbook |
méthode {f} [object-oriented] | :: method |
méthode virtuelle {f} [object-oriented] | :: virtual method |
méthodique {adj} | :: methodical |
méthodiquement {adv} | :: methodically |
méthodisme {m} | :: Methodism (Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley) |
méthodiste {mf} | :: Methodist (a member of the Methodist Church) |
méthodologie {f} | :: methodology |
méthodologique {adj} | :: methodological |
méthodologiquement {adv} | :: methodologically |
méthol {m} [organic compound] | :: methol |
méthotrexate {m} | :: methotrexate |
méthoxy {m} [organic chemistry, especially in combination] | :: methoxy |
méthyl- {prefix} [organic chemistry] | :: methyl- |
méthyl {m} [organic chemistry, in combination] | :: methyl |
méthylacétylène {f} [organic compound] | :: methylacetylene |
méthyladénosine {f} [organic compound] | :: methyladenosine |
méthylal {m} [organic compound] | :: methylal |
méthylation {f} [chemistry, genetics] | :: methylation |
méthylbenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: methylbenzene |
méthylcytidine {f} [organic compound] | :: methylcytidine |
méthyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: methyl (radical) |
méthylé {adj} | :: methylated |
méthylène {m} [chemistry] | :: methylene |
méthyler {v} [chemistry] | :: to methylate |
méthylguanosine {f} [organic compound] | :: methylguanosine |
méthylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: methyl (attributive) |
méthylmercaptan {m} [organic compound] | :: methyl mercaptan |
méthylmercure {m} [organic compound] | :: methylmercury |
méthylmorphine {f} [organic compound] | :: methylmorphine |
méthylphénol {m} [organic compound] | :: methylphenol, cresol |
méthylpropane {m} [organic compound] | :: methylpropane |
méthylsilanetriol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: methylsiloxane |
méthyl tert-butyl éther {m} [organic compound] | :: methyl tert-butyl ether |
méthyluridine {f} [organic compound] | :: methyluridine |
méthylxanthine {m} [organic compound] | :: methylxanthine |
méticilline {f} [medicine] | :: meticillin |
méticuleusement {adv} | :: meticulously |
méticuleux {adj} | :: meticulous (characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details) |
méticulosité {f} | :: meticulousness |
métier {m} | :: job, profession, trade |
métier {m} | :: skill |
métier {m} | :: (textile arts) machine, device, loom |
métier à tisser {m} | :: loom (weaving frame) |
métier de bouche {m} | :: catering profession, catering trade |
métis {adj} [of a person] | :: mixed-race |
métis {adj} [of an animal or a plant] | :: mongrel; of mixed origin |
métis {m} | :: a mixed-race person |
métis {m} | :: a mongrel; a cross-breed |
Métis {prop} | :: Metis (in Greek mythology) |
métissage {m} | :: miscegenation |
métisse {f} | :: feminine noun of métis |
métissé {adj} | :: mixed-race |
métisser {vt} | :: to mix |
métisser {vt} | :: to cross, crossbreed |
métonique {adj} | :: Metonic |
métonyme {m} [grammar] | :: metonym |
métonymie {f} | :: metonymy (figure of speech) |
métonymique {adj} | :: metonymic (of, or relating to, a word that names an object from a single characteristic of it or of a closely related object) |
métope {f} [architecture] | :: metope |
métoque {m} | :: metochion |
métraduction {f} [rare] | :: Translation error, mistranslation |
métrage {m} [film] | :: footage |
-mètre {suffix} | :: -meter |
mètre {m} | :: metre/meter |
mètre carré {m} | :: square metre, square meter (standard unit of area) |
mètre cube {m} | :: cubic metre (unit of volume) |
métrer {vt} | :: to meter |
métrète {f} | :: metrete |
métreur {m} | :: quantity surveyor |
métreuse {f} | :: feminine singular of métreur |
metribuzine {m} [organic compound] | :: metribuzin |
-métrie {suffix} | :: -metry |
-métrique {suffix} | :: -metric |
métrique {adj} | :: metric (relating to metric system) |
métriquement {adv} | :: metrically |
métrisable {adj} [maths] | :: metrisable, metrizable |
métriser {v} [maths] | :: To metrize |
métro- {prefix} | :: related to measure or measurement |
métro- {prefix} | :: metro-, related to mother or uterus |
métro- {prefix} [by extension] | :: related to metropolis or city |
métro {m} | :: subway [US], underground [UK], Tube [UK] |
métro {m} [France, colloquial] | :: Someone from metropolitan France |
métro, boulot, dodo {phrase} | :: metonymy for the everyday routine of a Parisian or more generally urban worker. Roughly, same old same old, or rat race |
métrologie {f} | :: metrology |
métrologique {adj} | :: metrological |
métrologiste {mf} | :: metrologist |
métrologue {mf} | :: metrologist |
métromanie {f} | :: metromania |
métronome {m} [music] | :: metronome |
métronomique {adj} | :: metronomic |
métronomiquement {adv} | :: metronomically |
métropole {f} | :: metropolis |
métropole {f} [Quebec, only with definite article] | :: Montreal |
métropole {f} [Europe, only with definite article] | :: Continental France, not including its various oversea territories |
métropolitain {adj} | :: metropolitan |
métropolitain {m} | :: subway, underground (train system) |
métropolitain {m} [France] | :: Person from metropolitan France |
métropolitainement {adv} | :: metropolitanly |
métropolite {m} | :: metropolitan (Russian orthodox bishop) |
métrorragie {f} [pathology] | :: metrorrhagia |
métrosexuel {adj} | :: metrosexual |
métrosexuel {m} | :: metrosexual |
métrosexuelle {f} | :: feminine noun of métrosexuel |
mets {m} [cooking] | :: dish |
mettable {adj} | :: [clothing] wearable |
metteur {m} | :: putter, placer (someone who puts or places) |
metteur {m} | :: director |
metteure en scène {f} [Canada] | :: synonym of metteuse en scène |
metteur en scène {m} [film] | :: director |
metteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of metteur |
metteuse en scène {f} [film] | :: female director |
mettre {vt} | :: to put; to place |
mettre {vt} [of clothing] | :: to put on |
mettre {vt} | :: to set (to lay a table) |
mettre {vp} | :: to start (+ à) (something / doing something), to get around to doing something |
mettre à bas {vt} | :: to pull down, to demolish |
mettre à contribution {vt} | :: to rope in (someone); to harness (something) |
mettre à exécution {vt} | :: to carry out, to put into effect, to go through with |
mettre à feu et à sang {vt} | :: to lay waste to, to wreak bloody havoc on |
mettre à jour {vt} | :: to update |
mettre à la porte {vt} [figuratively] | :: to fire (to terminate the employment of) |
mettre à l'écart {vt} | :: to sideline, to put away, to shut away |
mettre à l'épreuve {vt} | :: to put to the test, to test |
mettre à l'honneur {vt} | :: to honour; to showcase, to highlight |
mettre à l'index {vt} [figuratively] | :: to blacklist, to name and shame, to condemn |
mettre à mal {vt} | :: to jeopardize, to put at risk |
mettre à mort {vt} | :: to put to death, to execute |
mettre à nu {vt} | :: to strip naked |
mettre à nu {vt} [figuratively] | :: to lay bare |
mettre à profit {vt} | :: to put to use, to take advantage of, to make the most out of |
mettre à rude épreuve {vt} | :: to test severely, to put through the mill, to put a great strain on |
mettre à sac {v} | :: to ransack (to loot or pillage) |
mettre à toutes les sauces {phrase} | :: use all types of sauces for (a determined food) |
mettre à toutes les sauces {phrase} [figurative] | :: make (something) fit every occasion |
mettre au ban {vt} | :: to ban, to ostracize, to exclude, to reject |
mettre au clair {vt} | :: to clear up; set straight |
mettre au courant {vt} | :: [de] to inform (someone) of (something), to brief (someone) about (something), to fill in |
mettre au défi {vt} | :: to challenge, to dare, to defy (someone to do something) |
mettre au jour {vt} | :: to bring to light |
mettre au monde {v} [idiomatic] | :: to give birth |
mettre au parfum {vt} | :: to put in the know, to clue in, to put in the picture |
mettre au pas {vt} | :: to bring to heel, to bring into line, to rein in, to make (someone) conform |
mettre au pilori {vt} | :: to pillory (to blame and criticize harshly, to condemn) |
mettre au point {vt} | :: to develop, to work out, to set up, to establish, to set on foot |
mettre au rancart {vt} | :: to scrap (an object, project, etc.) |
mettre au secret {vt} | :: to hold incommunicado, to put in incommunicado detention, to put in solitary confinement |
mettre aux arrêts {vt} | :: to put under arrest, to arrest, to apprehend |
mettre bas {v} [of an animal, especially a mammal] | :: to give birth, to drop; to whelp, to foal, to calve, to lamb, to kindle |
mettre d'accord {vt} | :: to get someone to agree (with someone else) |
mettre dans le même panier {vt} [colloquial] | :: To tar with the same brush, to paint with the same brush |
mettre dans le même sac {vt} [colloquial] | :: To tar with the same brush, to paint with the same brush |
mettre dans sa poche {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to get on someone's good side, to get someone to like oneself; to twist someone around one's little finger |
mettre de côté {vt} | :: to put aside |
mettre de côté {vt} | :: to put aside, to save (money) |
mettre dedans {vt} [colloquial] | :: to throw off, to mislead; to deceive |
mettre de l'eau dans son vin {v} | :: to moderate one's impetuosity |
mettre de l'huile sur le feu {v} [idiomatic] | :: add fuel to the fire |
mettre des bâtons dans les roues {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to put a spoke in someone's wheel, to throw a spanner in the works of someone |
mettre devant la loi {phrase} [Louisiana French] | :: to bring to justice |
mettre du baume au cœur {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: [à] to warm the cockles of someone's heart, to gladden someone's heart (to be heart-warming) |
mettre du beurre dans les épinards {v} [figuratively] | :: to sweeten the pot |
mettre en bouteille {v} [literally] | :: to bottle |
mettre en bouteille {vt} [Belgium, idiomatic] | :: to tease, to wind up, to josh |
mettre en branle {vt} | :: to set in motion |
mettre en cause {vt} | :: to suspect; to accuse, blame |
mettre en cause {vt} [rare] | :: synonym of remettre en cause |
mettre en colère {vt} | :: to anger, to make angry |
mettre en colère {vr} | :: to get angry |
mettre en confiance {vt} | :: to gain someone's trust |
mettre en doute {vt} | :: to question, to call into question, to cast doubt upon, to doubt, to challenge |
mettre en évidence {v} | :: to highlight; to get across |
mettre en évidence {v} [Belgium, algebra] | :: to factor out |
mettre en examen {v} [legal] | :: to indict |
mettre en garde {vt} | :: to warn, to alert, to caution |
mettre en jeu {vt} | :: to gamble; to offer as a prize |
mettre en jeu {vt} [figuratively] | :: to bring into play |
mettre en jeu {vt} [figuratively] | :: to put at stake, to risk, to involve |
mettre en joue {vt} | :: to take aim at, point a gun at |
mettre en marche {vt} | :: to start |
mettre en œuvre {v} | :: to carry out, set in motion, do |
mettre en œuvre {v} | :: to make use of |
mettre en péril {vt} | :: to put in danger, to jeopardize, to endanger, to imperil |
mettre en pièces {vt} | :: to take to pieces, to tear to pieces, to tear apart |
mettre en place {vt} | :: to put in place, to set up; to put into effect |
mettre en pratique {vt} | :: to put into practice |
mettre en question {vt} | :: to question, to call into question, to cast doubt upon, to doubt, to challenge |
mettre en rogne {vt} [colloquial] | :: to anger, to make angry |
mettre en rogne {vr} [colloquial] | :: to get mad, to get hot under the collar |
mettre en route {v} | :: to start, to turn on |
mettre en route {vr} | :: to set off, to set out |
mettre en scène {v} | :: to set up a stage or a studio |
mettre en scène {v} [by extension] | :: to set the scene (in a work of fiction) |
mettre en valeur {vt} | :: to highlight, to underline |
mettre en valeur {vt} | :: to show to advantage |
mettre fin {v} [à] | :: To put an end to; to call off (to cancel) |
mettre fin à ses jours {v} [euphemistic] | :: to take one's own life |
mettre hors de cause {vt} | :: to exonerate, to absolve |
mettre l'accent sur {v} [idiomatic] | :: to highlight |
mettre la charrue avant les bœufs {v} [figuratively] | :: to put the cart before the horse |
mettre la clef sous la porte {v} | :: alternative spelling of mettre la clé sous la porte |
mettre la clef sous le paillasson {v} | :: alternative spelling of mettre la clé sous le paillasson |
mettre la clé sous la porte {v} [figuratively] | :: to close down (of a business), to close up shop |
mettre la clé sous le paillasson {v} | :: alternative form of mettre la clé sous la porte |
mettre la main {v} [colloquial] | :: [sur] to get one's hands on, to lay hands on, to get hold of, to come by, to dig out, to ferret out, to unearth |
mettre la main à la pâte {v} [figuratively] | :: to muck in, to put one's shoulder to the wheel, to get one's hands dirty |
mettre la main sur {v} | :: to lay hands on |
mettre la pédale douce {v} [figuratively] | :: to soft-pedal, to put the brakes on, to slow down, to go easy |
mettre la pression {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to put pressure on, to pressure (someone) |
mettre la puce à l'oreille {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to set someone thinking, to cause someone to suspect something |
mettre la table {v} | :: to set the table, to lay the table |
mettre le couvert {v} | :: to set the table, to lay the table |
mettre le doigt dans l'engrenage {v} [figuratively] | :: to get caught up in something, to get sucked in something, to get involved in something against one's will; to get one's tit caught in the wringer |
mettre le doigt sur {v} [figuratively] | :: to put one's finger on |
mettre le feu {v} [à] | :: to set fire to, to set on fire, to set alight, to torch, to ignite |
mettre le feu {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to set on fire, to set alight |
mettre le feu aux poudres {v} [figuratively] | :: to spark off a crisis, to spark things off, to stir up a hornets' nest, to light the touch paper |
mettre le grappin sur {v} [colloquial] | :: to get one's hands on, to get one's claws into, to get one's hooks into, to monopolize (someone) |
mettre le holà {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to put the kibosh on, to put a stop to, to call a halt to, to put a lid on |
mettre le nez dehors {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to get out of one's house, to go outside, to spend time outdoors, to go out |
mettre le paquet {v} [colloquial] | :: to give one's all, to go all out |
mettre le pied {v} | :: alternative form of mettre les pieds |
mettre le pied au plancher {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to put the pedal to the metal, to floor it |
mettre le pied dehors {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to get out of one's house, to go outside, to spend time outdoors, to go out |
mettre les adjas {v} [slang] | :: to make a move, bugger off; to leave |
mettre les bouchées doubles {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to double one's efforts, to work twice as hard |
mettre les formes {v} [colloquial] | :: to be tactful, to respect conventions, to do something with manners, to do something nicely |
mettre les gaz {v} [colloquial] | :: to step on it, to floor it, to put one's foot down, to step on the gas |
mettre les mains dans le cambouis {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to get one's hands dirty |
mettre les petits plats dans les grands {v} [figuratively] | :: to put on the ritz, put on the dog, put on a great spread, lay out a real spread, pull out all the stops, to get the good/best china out |
mettre les pieds {v} | :: to set foot (somewhere) |
mettre les pieds dans le plat {v} [figuratively] | :: to put one's foot in it, put one's foot in one's mouth |
mettre les points sur les i {v} [colloquial] | :: to get things straight, to make things perfectly clear, to put the record straight, to spell it out, to lay down the law |
mettre les voiles {v} [figuratively] | :: to set sail, to depart, to sail away, to sail off into the sunset |
mettre sa main à couper {v} | :: to bet one's boots that, to bet one's bottom dollar that (to be absolutely sure that) |
mettre sa main au feu {v} | :: to bet one's boots that, to bet one's bottom dollar that |
mettre son grain de sel {v} [figuratively] | :: to stick one's oar in, to put in one's two cents |
mettre sur la table {vt} [figuratively] | :: to put on the table, to bring up, to broach |
mettre sur le tapis {vt} [figuratively] | :: to put on the table, to bring up, to broach |
mettre sur pied {vt} | :: to set up, to establish, to set on foot |
mettre sur un piédestal {vt} [figuratively] | :: to place on a pedestal, to put on a pedestal, to set on a pedestal |
mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier {v} [figuratively] | :: put all one's eggs in one basket |
mettre un point d'honneur {v} [à] | :: [figuratively, colloquial] to make it a point to do something |
mettre un terme {v} [à] | :: to put an end to, to put a stop to, to clamp down on |
Metz {prop} {m} | :: Metz (capital city) |
meublant {adj} | :: furnishing |
meuble {m} | :: piece of furniture |
meuble {m} [heraldry] | :: charge |
meuble {m} [legal] | :: piece of personal property |
meuble {adj} | :: soft, pliable, malleable |
meubler {vt} | :: to furnish |
meubler {vi} | :: to break the silence |
meubles {mp} | :: furniture |
meuf {f} [verlan] | :: woman |
meuf {f} | :: chick, girlfriend (woman as an object of desire) |
meuglement {m} | :: a moo |
meugler {v} | :: to moo, to low |
meuh {interj} [onomatopoeia] | :: moo |
meule {f} | :: grindstone |
meule {f} | :: millstone |
meule {f} | :: round (of cheese) |
meule {f} | :: haystack, stack |
meule de foin {f} | :: haystack (a mound, pile, or stack of stored hay) |
meuler {v} | :: to sharpen on a grindstone |
meulier {adj} | :: Relating to millstones |
meulier {m} | :: A person who makes millstones |
meulière {f} | :: millstone (rocky stone) |
meunerie {f} | :: milling (flour trade) |
meunier {m} | :: miller (person) |
meunière {f} [zoology] | :: A long-tailed tit species |
meunière {f} | :: A miller’s wife |
meurette {f} | :: A type of red wine sauce |
meureu {f} [double verlan, verlan, backslang] | :: mother |
meursault {m} | :: Meursault (type of white Burgundy wine) |
Meurthe-et-Moselle {prop} | :: Meurthe-et-Moselle (department) |
meurtre {m} | :: murder |
meurtrier {adj} | :: deadly, bloody (involving death), murderous |
meurtrier {m} | :: murderer (person who commits murder) |
meurtrier de masse {m} | :: mass murderer |
meurtrière {f} | :: (female) murderer, murderess |
meurtrière {f} [architecture] | :: loophole |
meurtrière de masse {f} | :: feminine noun of meurtrier de masse |
meurtrièrement {adv} | :: murderously |
meurtrir {vt} [obsolete] | :: to murder |
meurtrir {vt} | :: to injure, hurt; to bruise, especially in reference to fruit; to leave a contusion |
meurtrir {vt} | :: to hurt or injure someone's feelings |
meurtrissure {f} | :: bruise |
meurtrissure {f} | :: scar |
Meuse {prop} {f} | :: Meuse (river) |
Meuse {prop} {f} | :: Meuse (department) |
meute {f} [hunting] | :: pack (of hounds) |
meute {f} | :: mob (of people) |
mévalonique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: mevalonic |
mévente {f} | :: a drop in sales |
mexicain {adj} | :: Mexican |
Mexicain {m} | :: Mexican, someone from Mexico |
Mexicaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Mexicain |
Mexico {prop} | :: Mexico (capital city) |
Mexique {prop} {m} | :: Mexique (country) |
méz {m} | :: obsolete spelling of mets |
mezcal {m} | :: mescal |
mézéréon {m} | :: mezereon |
mézigue {pron} [slang] | :: Me (first-person singular personal pronoun) |
mezzanine {f} [architecture] | :: mezzanine; entresol |
mezzé {n} | :: meze |
mezzo {f} | :: mezzo, mezzo-soprano |
Mg {symbol} [physics] | :: mégagramme |
Mgr {n} | :: abbreviation of Monseigneur |
mi- {prefix} | :: half, mid- |
mi {m} [music] | :: mi, the note 'E' |
miam {interj} | :: yum |
Miami {prop} {f} | :: Miami (city) |
miaou {interj} | :: meow |
miasme {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: miasma (noxious air) |
miaulement {m} | :: a miaow |
miauler {vi} | :: to meow, meowl, mew |
miauleur {adj} | :: miaowing |
miauleur {m} | :: miaower |
mi-bas {m} | :: (for men) knee-length sock |
mi-bas {m} | :: (for women) pop sock(s) (UK), knee-high(s) (US) |
mi bémol majeur {m} | :: E flat major |
mica {f} [mineral] | :: mica |
micacé {adj} | :: micaceous |
micellaire {adj} | :: micellar |
micelle {f} | :: micelle |
Michael {prop} | :: given name of modern usage |
Michaël {prop} {m} | :: given name, a variant of Michel, popular in the end of the 20th century |
Michaud {prop} | :: surname |
miche {f} | :: round loaf, cob loaf |
miche {f} [in the plural, colloquial] | :: buns, bum, butt |
miché {m} | :: john (prostitute's client) |
Michée {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Micah |
Michel {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Michael, the Archangel |
Michel {prop} {m} | :: given name of biblical origin |
Michel {prop} {m} | :: surname |
michelangelesque {adj} | :: Of, pertaining to or reminiscent of Michelangelo, Michelangelesque |
Michèle {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Michel |
micheletiste {adj} | :: Relating to, or characteristic of French historian Jules Michelet |
Michelin {prop} | :: surname |
Michelin {prop} | :: Any of several guides produced by the Michelin publishing house |
Micheline {prop} {f} | :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Michel (= Michael) |
Michelle {prop} {f} | :: given name, the feminine form of Michel (= Michael), with the latest popularity peak in the 1940s |
mi-chemin {m} [rare] | :: the midway point |
michetonneuse {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: gold digger |
Michigan {prop} {m} | :: Michigan (state) |
Michiko {prop} | :: given name |
michto {adj} [slang] | :: pleasant, good, great |
michto {f} [slang, derogatory] | :: greedy girl |
michto {f} [slang] | :: prostitute |
Mickaël {prop} {m} | :: given name, a variant of Michel popular in the end of the 20th century. Cognate with English Michael |
micmac {m} | :: carry-on, jiggery-pokery |
micmac {m} | :: Mi'kmaq (language) |
micocoulier {m} | :: hackberry (shrub of the genus Celtis, Celtis australis) |
micro- {prefix} | :: micro- |
micro {m} | :: mic (microphone) |
micro {m} | :: micro (microcomputer) |
micro {m} | :: (obsolete) microscope |
microanalyse {f} [chemistry] | :: microanalysis |
microbe {m} [microbiology] | :: microbe |
microbien {adj} | :: microbial |
microbille {f} | :: microbead |
microbiologie {f} | :: microbiology (science) |
microbiologique {adj} | :: microbiological |
microbiologiste {mf} | :: microbiologist |
microbiote {m} [biology] | :: microbiota |
microcalorimètre {m} | :: microcalorimeter |
microcanonique {adj} [physics] | :: microcanonical |
microcapsule {f} | :: microcapsule |
microcéphalie {f} | :: microcephaly |
microchimie {f} [chemistry] | :: microchemistry |
microchirurgie {f} | :: microsurgery (surgical procedures that are very small) |
microcinéma {m} | :: microcinema |
microclimat {m} | :: microclimate |
microcontrôleur {m} | :: microcontroller |
microcosme {m} | :: microcosm |
microcosmique {adj} | :: microcosmic (of, or relating to a microcosm) |
microcrédit {m} | :: microcredit |
microcristal {m} | :: microcrystal |
microdegré {m} | :: microdegree |
microdisquette {f} | :: Floppy disk, microfloppy, microdiskette |
microdisséquer {v} | :: To microdissect |
microdistillerie {f} | :: microdistillery |
microéconomie {f} [economics] | :: microeconomics |
microécosystème {m} [ecology] | :: microecosystem |
microélectrode {m} | :: microelectrode |
microélectronique {adj} | :: microelectronic |
microélectronvolt {m} | :: microelectronvolt |
microélément {m} [biochemistry] | :: microelement |
microémulsion {f} | :: microemulsion |
microfilmer {v} | :: To microfilm |
microfiltré {adj} | :: microfiltered |
microfinance {f} [finance] | :: microfinance |
microforme {f} | :: microform |
microfossile {m} | :: microfossil |
microfuite {f} | :: microleak |
microgal {m} | :: A unit of acceleration equal to one millionth of a gal |
microgamète {m} | :: microgamete |
microglie {f} [anatomy] | :: microglia |
microgramme {m} | :: microgram, microgramme |
micrographie {f} | :: micrography |
micrographique {adj} | :: micrographic |
microgravimétrique {adj} | :: microgravimetric |
microgravité {f} | :: microgravity |
micro-jupe {f} | :: alternative form of microjupe |
microjupe {f} | :: microskirt |
microkatal {m} | :: microkatal |
microlithographie {f} | :: microlithography |
microlithographique {adj} | :: microlithographic |
micrologiciel {m} [computing] | :: firmware |
micromécanisme {m} | :: micromechanism |
micrométéorite {f} | :: micrometeorite |
micromètre {m} | :: micrometre (one-millionth of a metre) |
micrométrique {adj} | :: micrometric |
micrométriquement {adv} | :: micrometrically |
microminéralogie {f} [mineralogy] | :: micromineralogy |
micromiroir {m} [physics] | :: micromirror |
micronageur {m} | :: microswimmer |
micronème {m} [biology] | :: microneme |
Micronésie {prop} {f} | :: Micronesia |
micronésien {adj} | :: Micronesian |
Micronésien {m} | :: Micronesian |
Micronésienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Micronésien |
micronique {adj} | :: micronic |
micronutriment {m} | :: micronutrient |
micro-onde {f} | :: microwave (wave) |
micro-onde {m} | :: microwave oven |
micropaléontologie {f} | :: micropaleontology |
microparticule {f} | :: microparticle |
micropesanteur {m} | :: microgravity (very low gravity) |
microphage {m} [biology] | :: microphage |
microphone {m} | :: microphone |
microphonique {adj} | :: microphonic |
microphotographie {f} | :: microphotography |
microplaquette {f} | :: microchip |
microplastique {m} | :: microplastic |
micropolitain {adj} | :: micropolitan |
micropolluant {m} [ecology] | :: micropollutant |
microporeux {adj} | :: microporous |
microprocesseur {m} [computer hardware] | :: microprocessor |
microprogramme {m} [computing] | :: microprogram |
microprogrammer {v} | :: to microprogram |
micro puce {f} [rare] | :: alternative spelling of micropuce |
micro-puce {f} | :: alternative spelling of micropuce |
micropuce {f} [computing] | :: microchip |
microradiographie {f} | :: microradiography |
microrafale {f} | :: A microburst (a downburst of wind during a thunderstorm caused by a downdraft shaft) |
microscope {m} | :: microscope |
microscopique {adj} | :: microscopic |
microscopique {f} [printing, uncommon, dated] | :: Norse (2½-point type) |
microscopiquement {adv} | :: microscopically |
microseconde {f} | :: microsecond |
microséisme {m} | :: microseism |
microsillon {m} | :: microgroove |
microsillon {m} | :: long-playing record |
microsoftien {adj} | :: Microsoftian |
microsomial {adj} | :: microsomal |
microsoudeuse {f} | :: die bonder (literally a micro-welder) |
microsphère {f} | :: microsphere |
microstructural {adj} | :: microstructural |
microtome {m} | :: microtome |
microtomie {f} [biology] | :: microtomy |
microtransaction {f} | :: microtransaction |
micro-trottoir {m} [journalism] | :: vox pop, street interview |
microvoltage {m} | :: microvoltage |
microzooplancton {m} [biology] | :: microzooplankton |
miction {f} | :: urination |
Miculek {prop} | :: Miculek; surname |
midi {m} | :: noon, midday |
midi {m} | :: south |
midi {m} [specifically] | :: southern France, the Midi |
Midi {m} | :: synonym of midi |
midinette {f} | :: shopgirl, salesclerk, midinette |
midinette {f} | :: bimbo, midinette |
Midi-Pyrénées {prop} | :: Midi-Pyrénées (former region) |
Midori {prop} | :: given name |
mie {f} | :: soft part (of bread), crumb (of loaf) |
mie {adv} [archaic, used with "ne"] | :: not |
mie {f} [archaic] | :: lady-love, beloved |
miel {m} | :: honey (sticky sweet substance) |
miellat {m} | :: honeydew |
miellé {adj} | :: honeyed, with honey |
miellé {adj} | :: honey-colored |
miellé {adj} | :: sweet as honey |
miellerie {f} | :: honey house |
mielleusement {adv} | :: In a honeyed way; honeyedly |
mielleux {adj} | :: honeyed, smooth, mellifluous (words); smooth-tongued, unctuous (person) |
mielleux {adj} | :: sugary, sickly sweet (flavour) |
mien {adj} [archaic] | :: my |
miette {f} | :: crumb (of bread or cake) |
mieux {adv} | :: comparative of bien; better |
mieux {m} | :: the best of one's ability, best |
mieux vaut prévenir que guérir {proverb} | :: prevention is better than cure, better safe than sorry |
mieux vaut tard que jamais {proverb} | :: better late than never |
mièvre {adj} | :: soppy (sickly sentimental) |
mièvrement {adv} | :: soppily |
mièvrerie {f} | :: soppiness, mushiness, sentimentality |
mi-figue mi-raisin {adj} | :: half-hearted |
mignard {adj} | :: graceful, delicate |
mignard {adj} | :: cute |
mignard {adj} | :: kind, affectionate |
mignardement {adv} | :: gracefully, delicately |
mignardement {adv} | :: kindly, affectionately |
mignardise {f} [literary] | :: pretense |
mignardise {f} | :: preciousness, affectation |
mignon {adj} | :: cute (of a baby, an animal, etc.) |
mignon {adj} | :: cute (sexually attractive) |
mignon {m} | :: a small pastry |
mignonette {f} | :: alternative form of mignonnette |
mignonnement {adv} | :: cutely; adorably |
mignonnette {f} | :: miniature (small bottle)) |
mignonnette {f} | :: cracked pepper |
mignonnette {f} | :: piece of pork tenderloin |
mignot {adj} | :: Variant of mignon |
mignotise {f} | :: flattery |
migraine {f} | :: migraine |
migraineux {adj} | :: migrainous |
migrant {m} | :: Traveler or worker who moves from one region or country to another |
migrant {adj} | :: migrant, migratory |
migrateur {adj} | :: migratory ((of birds, etc) that migrate) |
migration {f} | :: migration (of animals) |
migration {f} | :: migration (of people) |
migratoire {adj} [attributive] | :: migration, migrant |
migratoire {adj} | :: migratory |
migrer {v} [of people, birds, animals] | :: To migrate |
Mihaescu {prop} | :: surname |
mijaurée {f} | :: pretentious woman; young madam |
mijoter {v} | :: to simmer |
mijoteuse {f} | :: slow cooker, crockpot |
Mika {prop} | :: given name |
mikado {m} [history] | :: mikado, a former title of the emperors of Japan during a certain period |
mikado {m} [literary] | :: any emperor of Japan |
mikado {m} | :: mikado (game of skill) |
Mikaël {prop} | :: given name |
Mike {prop} {m} | :: given name |
mil {m} [now, dialectal] | :: millet |
milady {f} | :: lady, milady |
milan {m} | :: kite (bird) |
Milan {prop} {f} | :: Milan (capital city) |
Milan {prop} {f} | :: Milan (metropolitan city) |
milanais {adj} | :: Milanese (from or pertaining to Milan) |
Milanais {m} | :: someone of or from Milan |
Milanaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Milanais |
mildiou {m} | :: mildew (growth of minute fungi) |
mile {m} | :: mile |
miliaire {adj} | :: miliary |
miliaire {f} [disease] | :: miliaria |
miliaire {f} [disease] | :: acute miliary tuberculosis |
milice {f} | :: militia (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need) |
milicien {m} | :: militiaman |
milicienne {f} | :: feminine singular of milicien |
milieu {m} | :: middle; center |
milieu {m} | :: setting; environment; surroundings |
milieu {m} | :: social circle; milieu |
milieu de terrain {m} [sports] | :: midfielder |
militaire {adj} | :: military, militaristic |
militaire {m} | :: military |
militairement {adv} | :: militarily (in a military way, with respect to the military) |
militance {f} | :: militancy, militance |
militant {adj} | :: militant |
militant {m} | :: activist, campaigner |
militantisme {m} | :: militancy |
militantisme {m} | :: activism |
militarisation {f} | :: militarization |
militariser {vt} | :: to militarize |
militarisme {m} | :: militarism |
militariste {adj} | :: militarist |
militariste {mf} | :: militarist |
militer {v} | :: to militate |
militer {v} | :: to campaign for, to be militant about |
milk-shake {m} | :: alternative spelling of milkshake |
milkshake {m} | :: milkshake |
Millau {prop} | :: A French commune |
mille {num} | :: thousand, a thousand, one thousand |
mille {m} | :: thousand |
mille {m} | :: mile (abbreviation mi) |
mille {m} | :: nautical mile (short for mille nautique) |
mille {m} | :: bullseye |
mille-feuille {m} | :: [culinary] mille-feuille, vanilla slice |
mille-feuille {f} | :: [botany] common yarrow, yarrow, milfoil (Achillea millefolium) |
millefeuille {m} | :: alternative spelling of mille-feuille |
millefeuille {f} | :: alternative spelling of mille-feuille |
mille marin {m} | :: nautical mile |
mille mercis {interj} | :: thank you very much, thanks a million |
millénaire {adj} | :: millennial, thousand-year-old |
millénaire {m} | :: millennium (thousand years) |
millénairement {adv} | :: millennially |
millénarisme {m} | :: millenarianism |
millénariste {adj} | :: millenarian |
mille nautique {m} [nonstandard] | :: a nautical mile: synonym of nautique and mille marin |
millénium {m} | :: millennium |
mille-pattes {m} | :: millipede |
millepertuis {m} | :: St John's wort |
Miller {prop} | :: surname |
millérite {f} [mineralogy] | :: millerite |
millésime {m} | :: year, date |
millésime {m} | :: vintage (year in which something is produced) |
millésimé {adj} | :: vintage |
milles trous {mp} | :: baghrir, crêpes arabes (rich Moroccan crêpes served hot with butter and honey) |
millet {m} | :: millet (grain) |
milli- {prefix} | :: milli- |
milliard {num} | :: A milliard (a short scale billion) |
milliard {m} | :: A milliard (a short scale billion) |
milliardaire {mf} | :: billionaire |
milliardième {adj} | :: billionth |
milliardième {m} | :: billionth (fraction) |
millidegré {m} | :: millidegree |
milliélectronvolt {m} | :: millielectronvolt |
millième {adj} | :: thousandth |
millième {mf} | :: thousandth |
millier {m} | :: thousand; a number of about a thousand |
milligal {m} | :: One thousandth of a gal |
milligramme {m} | :: milligram |
millikatal {m} | :: millikatal |
millile {m} [statistics] | :: millile |
millime {m} | :: millime |
millimétré {adj} | :: graduated in millimetres |
millimétré {adj} | :: very precise |
millimètre {m} | :: millimetre |
millimétrique {adj} | :: millimetric |
millimétrique {adj} | :: very precise |
millimolaire {adj} [chemistry] | :: millimolar |
million {num} | :: million, 106 |
millionième {adj} | :: millionth |
millionième {mf} | :: millionth |
millionnaire {mf} | :: millionaire |
millionnaire {adj} | :: Very rich |
millionnairement {adv} | :: Very richly; ostentatiously |
milliseconde {f} | :: millisecond (one one-thousandth of a second) |
Millot {prop} | :: surname from Burgundy |
Milo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
milord {m} [archaic] | :: Milord, an English lord abroad |
milord {m} [figurative, colloquial, dated] | :: A rich man |
milord {m} | :: A horse-drawn car with a raised seat for the driver |
Miltiade {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Miltiades |
miltonique {adj} | :: Miltonic |
miltoniquement {adv} | :: Miltonically |
mime {m} | :: pantomime actor, mime |
mime {m} | :: pantomime |
mimer {v} | :: to mime |
mimer {v} | :: to mimic |
mimétique {adj} | :: mimetic |
mimétiquement {adv} | :: mimetically |
mimétisme {m} | :: mimicry |
mimi {adj} | :: cute |
mimi {m} | :: kitty |
mimi {m} | :: dear, sweety |
mimi {m} | :: kiss |
mimique {adj} | :: mimical |
mimique {f} | :: funny face |
mimique {f} | :: mimicry |
mimosa {m} | :: mimosa |
minable {adj} | :: lousy, stinky, rubbish |
minable {adj} | :: miserable, pathetic |
minablement {adv} | :: lamentably |
minage {m} | :: act of mining |
minage {m} [nautical] | :: minelaying |
minaret {m} | :: minaret |
minauder {v} | :: to simper |
minauderie {f} | :: affectation |
minaudier {adj} | :: coquettish; affected |
minaudière {f} | :: minaudière (bag) |
mince {adj} | :: thin, slim, slender |
mince {interj} | :: drat!, darn! |
mince {interj} | :: wow!, blimey! |
mincement {adv} | :: thinly |
minceur {f} | :: thinness, slenderness |
mincir {v} | :: to make thinner or slimmer |
mine {f} | :: mine (excavation or explosive) |
mine {f} | :: pencil lead |
mine {f} [soccer] | :: piledriver, scorcher |
mine {f} | :: appearance, physical aspect; expression |
miné {adj} | :: mined |
miné {adj} | :: undermined |
mine de rien {adv} [colloquial] | :: discreetly, nonchalantly, unsuspiciously, innocently, sneakily |
mine de rien {adv} [colloquial] | :: without realising it; you wouldn't think so, but |
mine d'or {f} [literally] | :: gold mine |
mine d'or {f} [figuratively] | :: gold mine, mother lode |
miner {v} | :: to mine, exploit natural riches |
miner {vt} | :: to undermine; to erode |
minerai {m} | :: ore (rocklike material) |
minéral {m} | :: mineral |
minéral {adj} | :: mineral |
minéralier {m} | :: A ship carrying minerals |
minéralisateur {adj} | :: mineralizing |
minéralisation {f} | :: mineralization |
minéralisé {adj} | :: mineralized |
minéraliser {vt} | :: to mineralize |
minéraliste {m} | :: mineralist |
minéralocorticoïde {m} [biochemistry] | :: mineralocorticoid |
minéralogie {f} | :: mineralogy |
minéralogique {adj} | :: mineralogical |
minéralogiquement {adv} | :: mineralogically (with respect to mineralogy) |
minéralogiste {mf} | :: mineralogist |
minéralomasse {m} | :: mineralomass |
minerval {m} [Belgium] | :: tuition, tuition fees |
minerve {f} | :: a neckbrace |
Minerve {prop} {f} | :: Minerva (god) |
minestrone {m} | :: minestrone (thick Italian vegetable soup) |
minet {m} | :: kitty; puss or pussy (cat) |
minet {m} | :: adolescent male, kid |
minet {m} | :: twink |
minette {f} | :: feminine noun of minet; (female) kitten |
minette {f} | :: (female) puss, pussycat |
minette {f} [colloquial] | :: cool chick, very young girl |
minette {f} [slang] | :: muff diving, cunnilingus |
minette {f} [mineral] | :: Kind of iron mineral |
mineur {adj} | :: minor |
mineur {m} | :: a minor (as defined by the age of majority) |
mineur {m} | :: a miner |
mineure {f} | :: A minor (as defined by the age of majority) |
mineuse {f} | :: female equivalent of mineur |
mini- {prefix} | :: mini- |
mini {adj} | :: small; tiny |
mini {adv} [colloquial] | :: minimum; minimally |
miniature {f} | :: miniature |
miniature {f} [computing] | :: thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image) |
miniaturisation {f} | :: miniaturization (act or process of miniaturizing) |
miniaturiser {v} | :: to miniaturise |
minibus {m} | :: minibus |
minichaîne {f} | :: mini (audio) system |
minier {adj} [attributive] | :: mining |
minière {f} [dated] | :: mine (underground site from which materials are taken) |
mini-jupe {f} | :: alternative form of minijupe |
minijupe {f} | :: miniskirt |
minimal {adj} | :: minimal |
minimaliser {v} | :: to minimize |
minimalisme {m} [art] | :: minimalism |
minimaliste {mf} | :: minimalist |
minimalité {f} [maths] | :: minimality |
minime {adj} | :: minimal |
minimessage {m} | :: text message |
minimiser {v} | :: to lessen the importance of in the mind of people; to belittle, downplay, understate |
minimiser {v} [proscribed] | :: To reduce the effect of; to minimize |
minimum {m} | :: minimum |
minimum syndical {m} | :: bare minimum |
minirobe {f} | :: minidress |
mini-short {m} | :: (pair of) hot pants |
ministère {m} | :: ministry |
ministère public {m} [legal] | :: public prosecutor |
ministériel {adj} | :: ministerial |
ministériellement {adv} | :: ministerially |
ministrable {adj} [politics] | :: Potentially a minister |
ministre {mf} | :: minister |
ministre {mf} | :: indigo bunting, a bird with taxonomic name Passerina cyanea |
minitel {m} | :: Minitel |
Minitel {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Minitel |
minitéliste {mf} | :: Minitel user |
minium {m} | :: red lead |
minivoiture {f} | :: minicar |
minkowskien {adj} | :: Minkowskian |
mino {m} | :: alternative spelling of minot |
minoen {adj} | :: Minoan |
minoën {adj} | :: alternative spelling of minoen |
minoën {m} | :: alternative spelling of minoen |
minois {m} | :: the small, delicate face of an infant |
minois {m} | :: cute face in general |
minoratif {adj} [of a medicine] | :: laxative; causing bowel movement |
minoratif {m} | :: laxative |
minoration {f} | :: minoration |
minorer {vt} | :: to diminish the value (of) |
minoritaire {adj} | :: minor |
minoritaire {adj} | :: minoritary |
minoritairement {adv} | :: minorly |
minorité {f} | :: minority (the state of being a minor; youth; period of life preceding adulthood) |
minorité {f} | :: minority (any subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) |
Minorque {prop} | :: Minorca |
minorquin {adj} | :: Minorcan |
minot {m} [Marseille slang] | :: kid, lad |
minotaure {m} | :: minotaur |
minoterie {f} | :: flour milling |
minoterie {f} | :: flour mill |
minotte {f} | :: feminine noun of minot |
minou {m} [colloquial, childish] | :: kitty |
minou {m} [slang] | :: pussy |
minoune {f} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: an old car, a bucket |
Minsk {prop} {f} | :: Minsk (caplc) |
minuit {m} | :: midnight |
minuscule {adj} | :: tiny, minute, minuscule |
minuscule {adj} [typography] | :: lowercase |
minuscule {f} [typography] | :: a minuscule, a lower case |
minutage {m} | :: timing |
minute {f} | :: minute (etymology 1, time unit, all same senses) |
minute {interj} | :: wait a sec! |
minute de silence {m} | :: a moment of silence |
minute papillon {interj} [colloquial] | :: hold your horses! not so fast! hang on! |
minuter {vt} | :: to time |
minuter {vt} | :: to take minutes [of a meeting] |
minuterie {f} | :: time switch, timer |
minuteur {m} | :: timer |
minutie {f} | :: meticulousness, close attention to detail |
minutier {m} | :: minutes (register containing official records of meetings) |
minutieusement {adv} | :: meticulously, in careful detail, elaborately |
minutieux {adj} | :: thorough, elaborate, detailed |
miocène {adj} | :: Miocene |
Miocène {prop} {m} | :: Miocene period |
mioche {mf} [colloquial] | :: kid, nipper; brat |
miotique {adj} | :: miotic |
Mirabeau {prop} | :: surname |
Mirabeau {prop} | :: given name |
mirabelle {f} | :: mirabelle plum |
Mirabelle {prop} | :: A female given name |
miracle {m} | :: miracle |
miraculé {adj} | :: miraculously cured |
miraculé {adj} | :: miraculous |
miraculer {vt} | :: to cure by means of a miracle |
miraculeusement {adv} | :: miraculously |
miraculeux {adj} | :: miraculous |
mirage {m} | :: mirage |
mirandais {m} | :: Mirandese (language) |
mire {f} [archaic] | :: aim (action of aiming) |
mire {f} | :: foresight (of rifle) |
mire {f} | :: target (literal, figurative) |
mire {f} [television] | :: test pattern |
Mireille {prop} | :: given name |
mirepoix {mf} [food] | :: mirepoix |
mirepoix {mf} [food] | :: A bouillon, broth, or soup, made from mirepoix |
mirer {v} [literary or dated] | :: to watch intensely, to stare |
mirette {f} [colloquial, especially in plural] | :: peeper(s) (eyes) |
mirifique {adj} | :: wonderful |
mirifiquement {adv} | :: wonderfully, marvellously |
mirliton {m} | :: "reed-pipe (sort of flute or whistle formed of a reed stopped at both ends with the peel of an onion)" |
mirobolamment {adv} | :: greatly, enormously |
mirobolant {adj} | :: great, extraordinary, incredible |
mirobolant {adj} | :: extremely unrealizable, infeasible (too magnificent or beautiful to be practicable) |
mirobolant {m} [rare, ironic] | :: wonder, marvel (something extraordinary, causing amazement) |
miroir {m} | :: mirror |
miroir aux alouettes {m} | :: smoke and mirrors, will o' the wisp, snare, lure |
miroir sans tain {m} | :: one-way mirror |
miroitant {adj} | :: sparkling, shimmering |
miroitement {m} | :: mirror; mirroring |
miroiter {v} | :: to sparkle, gleam |
miroiterie {f} | :: the mirror business |
miroiterie {f} | :: mirror factory |
miroitier {m} | :: mirror manufacturer or seller |
miroton {m} | :: A casserole of beef with onions |
mirthe {f} | :: synonym of myrte |
Miryam {prop} [biblical character] | :: Miriam |
Miryam {prop} | :: given name, more often spelled Myriam |
misaine {f} [nautical] | :: fore |
misaine {f} [nautical] | :: foresail |
misandrie {f} | :: misandry |
misanthropie {f} [psychology] | :: misanthropy |
misanthropique {adj} | :: misanthropic (hating or disliking mankind) |
mis à part {prep} | :: apart from, aside from, putting aside |
misbaha {m} | :: misbaha |
mischmétal {m} | :: mischmetal |
miscibilité {f} | :: miscibility |
miscible {adj} | :: miscible |
mise {f} | :: placement; (act of) putting |
mise {f} | :: bet; wager, ante |
mise {f} | :: appearance; dress |
mise à feu {f} | :: blastoff, ignition, firing, initiation |
mise à jour {f} | :: update (action of updating) |
mise à mort {f} | :: execution (the act of putting to death) |
mise à niveau {f} | :: upgrade |
mise à pied {f} [colloquial] | :: a firing, a dismissal of someone from a job or position |
mise au point {f} [photography] | :: focus |
mise au point {f} [figuratively] | :: clarification; [public relations] refutation |
mise au point {f} | :: conception, elaboration |
mise au point {f} [sculpture] | :: pointing (pointing technique, pointing machine, etc.) |
mise en abyme {f} | :: mise en abyme |
mise en bouche {f} | :: pre-starter, appetizer |
mise en bouche {f} [figuratively] | :: introduction, way in, opening act |
mise en bouteille {f} | :: bottling |
mise en demeure {f} [legal] | :: formal notice, letter of demand |
mise en évidence {f} | :: highlighting |
mise en évidence {f} [Belgium, algebra] | :: factoring out |
mise en examen {f} | :: indictment |
mise en garde {f} | :: caution, admonition, warning; trigger warning |
mise en ordre {f} | :: ordering, sorting out |
mise en page {f} | :: layout (process, and result, of arranging media content for publishing) |
mise en place {f} | :: installation |
mise en place {f} [cooking] | :: mise en place (preparations done before cooking) |
mise en scène {f} | :: mise en scène (arrangement on a stage) |
mise en scène {f} | :: contextualization (creation of a context for a story) |
mise en scène {f} | :: false flag (staged event) |
mise en service {f} | :: commissioning |
mise en situation {f} | :: scenario |
mise en situation {f} | :: context |
Misène {prop} | :: Miseno |
miser {v} [gambling] | :: to bet (place a bet) |
misérabiliste {adj} | :: miserabilist |
misérabiliste {mf} | :: miserabilist |
misérable {adj} | :: destitute, impoverished |
misérable {adj} | :: seedy, shabby |
misérable {adj} | :: wretched, pitiful |
misérable {adj} | :: feeble, paltry, measly |
misérable {mf} | :: wretch, scoundrel |
misérable {mf} | :: A Belgian French pastry of vanilla butter-cream and tender almond biscuit layers |
misérablement {adv} | :: miserably |
misère {f} | :: misery |
misère {f} | :: poverty |
misère {interj} | :: dear me! dear Lord! oh boy! heavens! woe is me! |
misère noire {f} | :: utter destitution, abject poverty, dire poverty, grinding poverty, squalor |
miséreux {adj} | :: poverty-stricken, destitute |
miséricorde {f} | :: mercy |
miséricorde {interj} | :: mercy |
miséricordieusement {adv} | :: mercifully |
miséricordieux {adj} | :: merciful |
miser sur le mauvais cheval {v} [figuratively] | :: to back the wrong horse |
miso {m} | :: miso |
misogyne {mf} | :: misogynist |
misogyne {adj} | :: misogynistic, misogynist, misogynic, misogynous |
misogynement {adv} | :: misogynously |
misogynie {f} | :: misogyny |
misologie {f} | :: misology |
misoprostol {m} | :: misoprostol |
missel {m} | :: missal |
missile {m} | :: missile |
missile à tête chercheuse {m} | :: homing missile |
mission {f} | :: mission (duty that involves fulfilling a request) |
mission {f} | :: mission (religious evangelism) |
missionnaire {adj} | :: relating to a mission |
missionnaire {adj} | :: missionary (relating to missionaries) |
missionnaire {mf} [religion] | :: missionary |
missionnaire {m} | :: missionary (sex position) |
missionner {v} | :: To commission |
mission spatiale {f} | :: space mission |
missive {f} | :: missive |
mistake {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: error, mistake |
mistère {m} [archaic] | :: mystery play |
mistigri {m} [archaic] | :: cat, malkin |
mistigri {m} | :: Jack of Clubs |
mistral {m} [wind] | :: mistral |
mistralien {adj} | :: Mistralian |
mitage {m} | :: holes caused by clothes moths |
mitage {m} | :: urban sprawl, urban scattering |
mitaine {f} | :: fingerless glove |
mitaine {f} [Canada] | :: mitten |
mitan {m} [archaic or dialectal] | :: middle, centre |
mitard {m} | :: hole (place where a prisoner is kept in solitary confinement) |
mite {f} | :: mite (arachnid) |
mite {f} | :: moth, particularly one whose larva destroys something stored by humans |
mi-temps {f} [sports] | :: half time |
mi-temps {m} [employment] | :: part-time job |
miter {vr} [se miter] | :: to be eaten by mites or moths |
miter {v} | :: to construct buildings in an unregulated pattern |
miteusement {adv} | :: shabbily |
miteux {adj} | :: shabby, seedy |
mithriacisme {m} | :: Mithraism |
mithriaique {adj} | :: Mithraic |
Mithridate {prop} {m} | :: Mithridates (several Persian kings in ancient times) |
mithridatisation {f} | :: Mithridatism; slow immunization (to a toxin) by repeated ingestion of increasing doses |
mithridatisation {f} [figuratively, literary] | :: Desensitization (to a thing) by repeated exposure |
mithridatiser {v} | :: to immunize against a poison by taking small amounts of it |
mitigé {adj} | :: qualified (success etc.); ambivalent (feelings), lukewarm (results) |
mitiger {v} [dated] | :: to deacidify (make less acidic) |
mitiger {v} [dated] | :: to mitigate, soften |
mitochondrial {adj} | :: mitochondrial |
mitochondrie {f} | :: mitochondrion |
mitonner {vit} | :: to simmer, slow-cook |
mitophagie {f} [biology] | :: mitophagy |
mitose {f} [cytology] | :: mitosis |
mitotique {adj} [biology] | :: mitotic |
mitoyen {adj} | :: adjoining, dividing, common |
mitraillade {f} | :: machine-gunning |
mitraillage {m} | :: machine-gunning, strafing |
mitraille {f} | :: grapeshot |
mitraille {f} [colloquial] | :: dosh, dough (money) |
mitrailler {vit} | :: to machine-gun, to fire |
mitrailler {vt} | :: to snap away (take many photos of) |
mitrailler {vt} [vulgar] | :: to pummel (have hard sex with) |
mitraillette {f} | :: submachine gun |
mitraillette {f} [Belgium] | :: sandwich with meat and French fries |
mitrailleur {m} | :: machine-gunner |
mitrailleuse {f} | :: machine gun |
mitrailleuse {f} | :: female equivalent of mitrailleur |
mitre {f} | :: mitre |
mitré {adj} | :: mitred (wearing a mitre) |
mitron {n} [cuisine] | :: An apprentice of bakery |
Mitsui {prop} | :: surname |
Mitterrand {prop} | :: surname |
mitterrandien {adj} | :: Mitterrandian |
Miu {prop} | :: given name |
mix {m} [music] | :: mix |
mixage {m} | :: mixing (audio mixing) |
mixer {v} | :: to mix |
mixer {m} | :: mixer (machine for mixing) |
mixeur {m} | :: blender (machine) |
mixeur {m} | :: mixer (mixing console) |
mixeur {m} | :: mixer (person who specializes in mixing music) |
mixeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of mixeur |
mixité {f} | :: mix |
mixité {f} | :: mixed-sex education |
mixotrophie {f} [biology] | :: mixotrophy |
mixotrophique {adj} | :: mixotrophic |
mixtape {m} | :: mixtape |
mixte {adj} | :: mixed; varied |
mixte {adj} | :: Relating to, or containing individuals of both sexes |
mixtiligne {adj} | :: mixtilinear |
mixtion {f} | :: mixtion (compound of drugs) |
Miyazawa {prop} | :: surname |
Miyu {prop} | :: given name |
Miyuki {prop} | :: given name |
Mlle. {f} | :: abbreviation of Mademoiselle |
Mlle {n} | :: abbreviation of Mademoiselle |
mloukhiya {f} | :: mulukhiyah |
Mme. {prefix} | :: Mrs. (prenominal titular prefix for a married woman) (missus) abbreviation of madame |
Mme {f} | :: abbreviation of Madame |
mnémonique {adj} | :: mnemonic (related to mnemonics) |
mnémonique {mf} | :: mnemonic |
mnémonique {mf} | :: mnemonics |
mnémoniquement {adv} | :: mnemonically |
mnémotechnie {f} | :: mnemotechny |
mnémotechnie {f} | :: mnemonic |
mnémotechnique {adj} | :: mnemonic (related to mnemonics) |
MNS {m} | :: lifeguard |
Mo {symbol} | :: abbreviation of mégaoctet MB (megabyte) |
mob {f} [colloquial] | :: scooter, moped |
mobile {adj} | :: mobile |
mobile {adj} | :: moving |
mobile {adj} | :: movable |
mobile {m} [physics] | :: moving body |
mobile {m} | :: mobile [decoration] |
mobile {m} | :: motive [for an action, for a crime] |
mobile {m} | :: mobile phone; ellipsis of téléphone mobile |
mobilier {m} | :: furniture |
mobilier {adj} | :: property (attributive) |
mobilier urbain {m} | :: urban furniture |
mobilisable {adj} | :: mobilisable |
mobilisateur {adj} | :: mobilizing |
mobilisateur {adj} | :: inspiring |
mobilisation {f} | :: militarisation, mobilisation |
mobiliser {v} | :: to mobilize |
mobilité {f} | :: mobility |
mobutisme {m} | :: Mobutism |
mobylette {f} | :: moped |
mocassin {m} | :: moccasin (shoe) |
mocassin {m} | :: moccasin (snake) |
moche {adj} [colloquial] | :: ugly |
moche à chier {adj} [vulgar] | :: ugly as fuck, ugly as sin |
mochement {adv} | :: uglily |
mocheté {f} | :: ugliness |
modal {adj} | :: modal |
modal {m} | :: a modal verb |
modalité {f} | :: modality |
mode {f} | :: fashion, trend |
mode {m} | :: method, means, way, mode |
mode {m} [grammar] | :: mode, mood |
mode d'articulation {m} [phonetics] | :: manner of articulation |
mode d'emploi {m} | :: user guide, user manual, instructions for use, directions |
mode de vie {m} | :: way of life, lifestyle |
modelage {m} | :: modelling |
modèle {m} | :: model, example |
modèle {m} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] | :: template |
modeler {vt} | :: to model, to mould (physically change the shape of) |
modeler {vt} | :: to shape (e.g. a character) |
modèle réduit {m} | :: scale model |
modélisateur {m} | :: model maker |
modélisateur {m} [maths] | :: modeller |
modélisation {f} [mathematics] | :: modelling |
modélisatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of modélisateur |
modélisé {adj} | :: modelled |
modéliser {vit} | :: to model (construct a physical or conceptual model) |
modélisme {m} | :: modelling; model making; model building |
modéliste {mf} | :: fashion designer |
modéliste {mf} | :: model maker |
modem {m} | :: modem |
modénature {f} [architecture] | :: moulding |
Modène {prop} | :: Modène (province) |
Modène {prop} | :: Modène (city) |
modérantisme {m} | :: moderantism |
modérateur {m} | :: moderator |
modérateur {adj} | :: moderate, not extreme |
modération {f} | :: moderation |
modéré {adj} [philosophy, politics, religion] | :: moderate |
modérément {adv} | :: moderately (in a moderate way) |
modérer {vt} | :: to moderate, temper, lessen, weaken etc |
modérer {vr} [se modérer] | :: To practice moderation |
modérer {vt} | :: To moderate, act as moderator, notably in a gremium |
moderne {adj} | :: modern |
modernement {adv} | :: modernly |
modernisateur {m} | :: modernizer |
modernisation {f} | :: modernisation |
modernisatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of modernisateur |
moderniser {v} | :: to modernize |
modernisme {m} | :: modernism, modernity |
modernissime {adj} | :: supermodern |
moderniste {adj} [art] | :: modernist |
moderniste {mf} [art] | :: modernist |
modernité {f} | :: modernity |
modeste {adj} | :: modest |
modestement {adv} | :: modestly |
modestie {f} | :: modesty |
modicité {f} | :: modesty |
modifiable {adj} | :: modifiable |
modifiablement {adv} | :: modifiably |
modificateur {m} | :: modifier |
modificatif {adj} | :: modifying |
modification {f} | :: modification |
modificatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of modificateur |
modifier {v} | :: to change, modify |
modillon {m} [architecture] | :: corbel |
modique {adj} | :: modest (of a price, sum of money etc.) |
modiquement {adv} | :: modestly |
modiste {m} | :: modiste; milliner |
Modon {prop} | :: Methoni |
modulable {adj} | :: modular |
modulaire {adj} [chiefly mathematics] | :: modular |
modularité {f} | :: modularity |
modulateur {m} | :: modulator |
modulation {f} | :: modulation |
modulatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of modulateur |
module {m} | :: module |
module d'extension {m} [computing] | :: plug-in (computer program add-on) |
moduler {vt} | :: to modulate |
moduler {vi} [music] | :: to modulate |
moelle {f} | :: marrow (substance inside bones) |
moelle {f} | :: spinal cord |
moelle {f} | :: pith |
mœlle {f} | :: alternative form of moelle |
moelle épinière {f} | :: spinal cord |
moelle osseuse {f} [anatomy] | :: bone marrow |
moelleusement {adv} | :: softly |
moelleusement {adv} | :: comfortably |
moelleux {adj} | :: full of marrow, marrowy |
moelleux {adj} | :: [by extension] soft, supple, graceful |
moëlleux {adj} | :: alternative form of moelleux |
moellon {m} [architecture] | :: rubblestone |
mœuf {m} [grammar] | :: synonym of mode |
mœurs {fp} | :: mores, customs |
mœurs {fp} [colloquial] | :: ellipsis of police des mœurs |
MOF {prop} | :: initialism of Meilleur Ouvrier de France |
mofette {f} | :: mofetta |
Mogadiscio {prop} | :: Mogadiscio (capital city) |
mogette {f} | :: bean, in particular dried white beans |
moghazni {m} | :: A member of an irregular French army force during the Algerian War |
moghol {adj} | :: Mughal |
mogo {m} [nouchi] | :: bloke, man, particularly as seen as engaging in intercourse with women, philanderer, lothario |
mohair {m} | :: mohair |
Mohéli {prop} | :: Mohéli (island) |
moi {pron} | :: me (first-person singular direct object pronoun) |
moi {pron} | :: to me (first-person singular indirect object pronoun) |
moi {m} | :: ego |
moignon {m} | :: stump (The remains of something that has been cut off; especially the remains of a limb) |
moignon {m} | :: stub (something cut short, blunted, or stunted) |
moi-même {pron} [emphatic] | :: myself |
moindre {adj} | :: lower; less; lesser |
moindre {adj} [preceded by a definite article] | :: The smallest, the slightest, the least |
moindrement {adv} | :: in the least or slightest manner |
moine {m} | :: monk |
moineau {m} | :: sparrow |
moineau {m} [fortifications] | :: (type of) small bastion |
moineau domestique {m} | :: house sparrow (Passer domesticus) |
moineau franc {m} | :: house sparrow (Passer domesticus) |
moinerie {f} | :: monastery |
moinillon {m} | :: young monk |
moins {adv} | :: less, fewer |
moins {adv} [with numbers] | :: minus; negative |
moins {adv} [preceded by a definite article] | :: the least |
moins {m} | :: the minus sign |
moins {prep} | :: minus |
moinson {m} | :: A type of chestnut |
moire {f} | :: watered fabric, moire |
Moire {f} [literary] | :: doom, fate, weird, destiny |
moiré {adj} [design, textiles] | :: moiré, watered (effect) |
moiré {adj} [figuratively] | :: shimmering |
moiré {m} | :: moiré, watered effect, clouded effect |
mois {m} | :: month |
moise {f} [rare] | :: ledger (piece of carpentry), yoke |
moïse {m} | :: Moses basket |
Moïse {prop} | :: Moses [biblical character] |
Moïse {prop} | :: given name of biblical origin |
moiselle {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: damselfly |
moisi {adj} | :: mouldy |
moisi {m} | :: mould (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) |
moisir {v} [ergative] | :: (to cause) to go mouldy, to moulder |
moisir {v} [colloquial] | :: to hang around, to gather dust |
moisissant {adj} | :: mouldering, decaying, rotting |
moisissure {f} | :: mould (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) |
moisson {f} | :: harvest |
moissonnage {m} | :: harvesting |
moissonner {v} | :: to harvest (to reap) |
moissonneur {m} | :: harvester, reaper |
moissonneuse {f} | :: harvester |
moissonneuse-batteuse {f} | :: combine harvester (farming machine) |
moite {adj} | :: sticky, muggy (heat, weather) |
moite {adj} | :: sticky, sweaty (skin, hands etc.) |
moitement {adv} | :: stickily |
moiter {vt} | :: to make moist with sweat |
moiter {vi} | :: to become moist with sweat |
moiteur {f} | :: wetness, dampness |
moiteur {f} | :: sweat |
moitié {f} | :: half |
moitié {f} [by extension] | :: significant other |
molaire {f} | :: molar (tooth) |
molaire {adj} | :: molar (relating to molar teeth) |
molaire {adj} [chemistry] | :: molar |
molalité {f} [chemistry] | :: molality |
molard {m} [slang] | :: spit wad (a wad of spittle spat by someone) |
molarder {v} [slang] | :: to spit, gob |
molarité {f} [chemistry] | :: molarity |
molassique {adj} [geology] | :: molassic |
moldamax {m} | :: An alloy of copper and beryllium used to make moulds for plastic products |
moldave {adj} | :: Moldavian |
moldave {m} | :: Moldavian (language) |
Moldave {mf} | :: Moldovan |
Moldavie {prop} {f} | :: Moldova |
Moldavie {prop} {f} | :: Moldavie (region) |
moldu {m} | :: Muggle (as in Harry Potter) |
mole {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: mole |
môle {m} | :: breakwater, mole |
môle {f} | :: mole (in pregnancy) |
môle {f} | :: sunfish |
moléculaire {adj} | :: molecular |
moléculairement {adv} | :: molecularly |
molécularité {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: molecularity |
molécule {f} [chemistry] | :: molecule |
molécule {f} | :: molecule (tiny amount) |
molenbeekois {adj} | :: Of or from Molenbeek (especially Molenbeek-Saint-Jean in Belgium) |
molène {f} [botany] | :: mullein |
moler {v} | :: alternative form of moller |
moleskine {f} | :: moleskin (fabric) |
molester {v} | :: To molest |
molester {v} | :: To maul |
molette {f} | :: rowel |
molette {f} | :: scroll wheel |
molette {f} | :: mouse wheel |
Molise {prop} {m} | :: Molise (region) |
mollah {m} | :: mullah |
mollard {m} [slang] | :: spit wad (a wad of spittle spat by someone) |
mollarder {v} [slang] | :: to spit, gob |
mollasson {adj} | :: sluggish |
mollement {adv} [literally] | :: softly |
mollement {adv} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: weakly; feebly |
mollement {adv} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: effeminately |
moller {v} [nautical] | :: To let out a rope |
moller {v} [nautical] | :: To sail with the wind behind one |
mollesse {f} | :: wetness, moisture |
mollesse {f} | :: lack of vitality, limpness, feebleness |
mollet {m} [anatomy] | :: calf |
molletière {f} | :: gaiter, puttee (leg covering) |
molleton {m} | :: felt; duffel |
molleton {m} | :: fleece |
molletonné {adj} | :: fleecy, fleece-lined |
mollett {m} | :: calf (back of leg) |
mollett {adj} | :: pleasantly soft |
mollett {adj} | :: (of eggs) poached |
mollir {vi} [rare] | :: to mollify, become soft |
mollir {vi} [rare] | :: to ease off or die down; to relent, abate, give way |
mollo {adv} [colloquial] | :: softly, gently |
molluscide {m} | :: molluscicide |
mollusque {m} | :: mollusc |
molosse {m} | :: huge dog, great hound |
molybdène {m} | :: molybdenum |
molybdénite {f} [mineralogy] | :: molybdenite |
môme {mf} [colloquial] | :: kid, brat |
môme {mf} [colloquial] | :: chick, bird (girl) |
moment {m} | :: moment (point in time) |
moment {m} | :: moment (short period of time) |
moment {m} | :: a while |
moment {m} [physics, mechanics] | :: moment, momentum |
momentané {adj} | :: momentary |
momentanément {adv} | :: momentarily |
moment de vérité {m} | :: moment of truth |
momie {f} | :: mummy (embalmed corpse) |
momie {f} [by extension] | :: stiff (a lifeless, boring person) |
momification {f} [usually, uncountable] | :: mummification |
momifier {v} | :: to mummify |
momon {m} | :: mask |
momon {m} | :: masquerade |
momordique {f} | :: Any plant of the Mormodica genus |
momordique {f} | :: exploding cucumber |
mon {determiner} [possessive] | :: my (used to qualify masculine nouns and vowel-initial words regardless of gender) |
mon {determiner} | :: Followed by rank, obligatory way of addressing a (male) superior officer within the military. (Folk etymology: military-specific short for "monsieur".) |
monacal {adj} | :: monastic |
monacalement {adv} | :: monastically |
monacétine {f} [organic compound] | :: monoacetin |
monachisme {m} | :: monachism, monasticism |
monaco {m} | :: A cocktail made of beer mixed with grenadine syrup |
Monaco {prop} {m} | :: Monaco (city-state) |
monadique {adj} | :: monadic |
monarachine {f} [organic compound] | :: monoarachin |
monarchie {f} | :: monarchy |
monarchie absolue {f} | :: absolute monarchy |
monarchique {adj} | :: monarchical |
monarchiquement {adv} | :: monarchically |
monarchisme {m} | :: monarchism |
monarchiste {adj} | :: monarchist |
monarchiste {mf} | :: monarchist |
monarde {f} | :: bee balm |
monarque {m} | :: monarch |
monastère {m} | :: monastery |
monastique {adj} | :: monastic |
monastiquement {adv} | :: monastically |
monceau {m} | :: heap, pile |
Moncton {prop} | :: A placename |
Moncton {prop} | :: Moncton (city) |
mon cul {interj} [vulgar] | :: my ass (indicator of disbelief) |
mondain {adj} | :: worldly, mundane |
mondain {adj} | :: chic |
mondainement {adv} | :: worldly, mundanely |
mondamoiseau {m} [rare] | :: Young single man |
mondanité {f} | :: worldliness |
mondanité {f} | :: society (worldly life) |
mondanité {f} | :: gossip column |
mondanité {f} [in the plural] | :: small talk |
monde {m} | :: world |
monde {m} | :: people |
monde {interj} [Louisiana French] | :: good heavens |
monde {adj} [archaic] | :: pure; clean |
monde de l'autre côté {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: a foreigner |
monder {v} | :: to blanch (vegetables) |
monder {v} | :: to clean or purify |
mondeuse {f} | :: A variety of black grape from Savoie |
mondial {adj} | :: global, worldwide |
Mondial {prop} {m} | :: World Cup, world championship |
mondialement {adv} | :: globally, worldwide, throughout the world, all over the world |
mondialisation {f} | :: globalisation (all meanings) |
mondialiser {v} | :: to globalise; become global |
mondialisme {m} | :: globalism (doctrine of globalization) |
mondialiste {adj} | :: globalist |
mondialiste {m} | :: globalist |
mondialiste {m} [sports] | :: A team appearing in a World Cup |
mon Dieu {interj} | :: my God! |
mondit {determiner} | :: my said |
mondovision {f} | :: telecast (worldwide, by satellite) |
mondrain {m} [geography] | :: Sand hillock |
monégasque {adj} | :: Monégasque (relating to Monaco) |
Monégasque {mf} | :: Monégasque (inhabitant of Monaco) |
monère {m} | :: moneran |
monétaire {adj} | :: monetary, fiscal |
monétairement {adv} | :: monetarily |
monétarisme {m} | :: monetarism |
monétariste {adj} | :: monetarist |
monétariste {mf} | :: monetarist |
monétiforme {adj} | :: coin-shaped |
monétique {f} | :: electronic banking |
monétisation {f} | :: monetization |
monétiser {v} | :: To monetize |
Monfort {prop} | :: Monfort (commune) |
Monfort {prop} | :: surname |
mongol {adj} | :: Mongolian |
mongol {m} | :: Mongolian language |
mongol {m} | :: Mongol (idiot) |
Mongol {m} | :: Mongolian (person) |
Mongole {f} | :: female equivalent of Mongol |
Mongolie {prop} {f} | :: Mongolie (country) |
mongolien {adj} | :: Mongolian |
mongolien {adj} | :: Down syndrome (attributive) |
mongolien {m} | :: A person with Down syndrome |
mongolisme {m} [dated] | :: mongolism, Down's syndrome |
moniale {f} [Christianity, now rare] | :: monial |
Monique {prop} {f} | :: given name |
moniteur {m} | :: monitor (someone who watches over something) |
moniteur {m} | :: monitor (instructor, teacher, supervisor) |
moniteur {m} [computing] | :: monitor (computer screen) |
monitorage {m} | :: monitoring |
monitorat {m} | :: mentoring |
monitorer {vt} | :: to monitor |
monitrice {f} | :: female equivalent of moniteur |
monnaie {f} | :: change (money back after a transaction) |
monnaie {f} | :: currency |
monnaie {f} | :: cash, change (coins, as opposed to notes) |
monnaie {f} | :: coinage |
monnaie courante {f} | :: a common thing, a common occurrence, common practice, common currency |
monnaie unique {f} | :: single currency |
monnayable {adj} | :: convertible (into cash); worth money |
monnayage {m} | :: minting, coin-making |
monnayage {m} [by extension] | :: manufacturing of money in general |
monnayer {v} | :: to mint coins |
monnayer {v} [by extension] | :: m to manufacture money |
monnayeur {m} | :: minter (person who mints money) |
monnayeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of monnayeur |
mono- {prefix} | :: mono- |
mono {adj} | :: monophonic, monaural |
mono {m} [colloquial] | :: supervisor, leader (in a camp) |
monoacide {m} [chemistry] | :: monoacid |
monoacide {adj} [chemistry] | :: monoacidic |
monoacyler {v} | :: To monoacylate |
monoalkyler {v} [organic chemistry] | :: To monoalkylate |
monoamine oxydase {f} [enzyme] | :: monoamine oxidase |
monoandrie {f} | :: monoandry |
monoaperturé {adj} [botany, of a pollen grain] | :: Having a single aperture (germination pore) |
monoatomicité {f} | :: monatomicity |
monoatomique {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: monatomic |
monobare {adj} [thermodynamics] | :: monobaric |
monobasique {adj} [chemistry] | :: monobasic |
monoblepsie {f} [pathology] | :: monoblepsis |
Monoblet {prop} | :: Monoblet (commune) |
monoblétois {adj} | :: Of or from Monoblet |
Monoblétois {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Monoblet |
Monoblétoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Monoblétois |
monobovin {adj} | :: Powered by a single ox (or other cattle) |
monobromé {adj} [chemistry] | :: monobrominated |
monobromométhane {m} [organic compound] | :: methylbromide |
monocalcique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monocalcium (attributive) |
monocaméral {adj} | :: unicameral |
monocaméralisme {m} | :: unicameralism |
monocamérisme {m} | :: synonym of monocaméralisme |
monocarboxylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: monocarboxylic |
monocarpe {adj} | :: monocarpous |
monocarpique {adj} | :: monocarpic |
monocaténaire {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: single-stranded |
monocausal {adj} | :: monocausal |
monocause {adj} | :: monocausal |
monocellulaire {adj} | :: unicellular |
monocellulaire {adj} | :: monobloc |
monocentré {adj} | :: synonym of monocentrique |
monocentrique {adj} | :: monocentric |
monocépage {m} | :: A monovarietal wine |
monocéphale {adj} | :: monocephalous |
monocéphalien {adj} | :: monocephalic |
monocéphalique {adj} | :: monocephalic |
monochlamydé {adj} [botany] | :: monochlamydeous |
monochloré {adj} [chemistry] | :: monochlorinated |
monochlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monochloride |
monochromateur {m} | :: monochromator |
monochromatique {adj} | :: monochromatic |
monochromatiser {v} | :: To monochromatize |
monochromatopsie {f} | :: synonym of achromatopsie |
monochrome {adj} | :: monochrome |
monocinétique {adj} [physics] | :: monokinetic |
monocistronique {adj} [genetics] | :: monocistronic |
monocle {m} | :: monocle |
monoclinique {adj} [mineralogy] | :: monoclinic (having three unequal axes) |
monoclonal {adj} | :: monoclonal |
monocolore {adj} | :: one-color/one-colour, monocolor/monocolour, unicolor/unicolour, monochromatic, monocrome, one-tone |
monocolore {adj} [politics] | :: single-party, one-party |
monocoque {m} | :: monocoque |
monocoque {m} | :: monohull |
monocorde {m} [musical instruments] | :: monochord |
monocorde {adj} | :: monotonous |
monocorps {m} | :: people carrier, MPV (car having no recess between the main body and the boot / trunk and only a small one between the main body and the bonnet / hood) |
monocotylédone {mf} [botany] | :: monocotyledon |
monocouche {f} | :: monolayer |
monocouche {adj} | :: monolayered |
monocouloir {adj} | :: single-aisle (airliner) |
monocratie {f} | :: monocracy |
monocristal {m} | :: monocrystal |
monocristallin {adj} | :: monocristalline |
monoculaire {adj} | :: monocular |
monoculiste {m} | :: monoculist |
monoculture {f} | :: monoculture |
monocycle {m} | :: unicycle (one-wheeled pedaled cycle) |
monocyclique {adj} | :: monocyclic |
monocycliste {mf} | :: unicyclist |
monocylindre {m} | :: A single-cylinder engine |
monocylindre {f} | :: A vehicle with such an engine |
monocyte {m} [cytology] | :: monocyte |
monodactyle {adj} | :: monodactylous |
monodelphe {adj} | :: monodelphous |
monodenté {adj} | :: monodentate |
monodimensionnel {adj} | :: synonym of unidimensionnel |
monodique {adj} [music] | :: monodic |
monodonte {f} | :: monodontid |
monodrome {adj} [maths] | :: monodromic |
monoecie {f} | :: alternative form of monoécie |
monoécie {f} [botany] | :: monoecy |
monœcie {f} | :: alternative form of monoécie |
mon œil {interj} [colloquial] | :: my eye! my foot! tell it to the marines! |
monoélectronique {adj} [physics] | :: monoelectronic |
monoergol {m} | :: monopropellant |
monoétage {adj} | :: single-stage (of a rocket) |
monofonctionnel {adj} | :: monofunctional |
monogame {adj} | :: monogamous |
monogame {mf} | :: a monogamous person/animal/plant |
monogamie {f} | :: monogamy |
monogamique {adj} | :: monogamic (pertaining to monogamy) |
monogant {m} [BDSM] | :: armbinder, monoglove |
monogastrique {adj} | :: monogastric |
monogène {adj} [maths] | :: monogenic |
monogénérique {adj} [biology] | :: monogeneric |
monogenèse {adj} | :: monogenetic |
monogénèse {adj} | :: alternative form of monogenèse |
monogénétique {adj} [biology] | :: monogenetic |
monogénie {f} | :: monogenesis |
monogénique {adj} | :: monogenic |
monogénisme {m} | :: monogenism |
monogéniste {adj} | :: monogenist |
monogéniste {mf} | :: monogenist |
monoglycéride {m} | :: monoglyceride |
monograde {adj} | :: monograde |
monogrammatique {adj} | :: monogrammic, monogrammatic |
monogramme {m} | :: a monogram |
monogrammé {adj} | :: monogrammed (marked with a monogram) |
monogrammiste {mf} | :: monogrammist |
monographie {f} | :: monography |
monographique {adj} | :: monographic |
monogyne {adj} | :: monogyne |
monogyne {adj} | :: monogynous |
monogynie {f} | :: monogyny |
monohydrate {m} [chemistry] | :: monohydrate |
monohydraté {adj} | :: monohydrated |
monohydrique {adj} | :: monohydric |
monoï {m} | :: monoi [a Tahitian oil infused with flower petals] |
monoïde {m} [maths] | :: monoid |
monoinsaturé {adj} | :: monounsaturated |
monoïque {adj} [botany] | :: monoecious |
monoisotopique {adj} [physics] | :: monoisotopic |
monolingue {adj} | :: monolingual |
monolinguisme {m} | :: unilingualism, monolingualism, monoglottism |
monolitère {adj} | :: monoliteral |
monolithe {m} | :: monolith |
monolithique {adj} | :: monolithic |
monolithisme {m} | :: monolithism |
monologique {adj} | :: monologic, monological |
monologue {m} | :: monologue |
monologuer {vi} | :: to soliloquize |
monomaniaque {adj} | :: monomaniacal |
monomaniaque {mf} | :: monomaniac |
monomaniaquement {adv} | :: monomaniacally |
monomanie {f} | :: monomania |
monomaque {mf} | :: monomachist |
monomaque {mf} | :: gladiator |
monomât {adj} [nautical] | :: single-masted |
monôme {m} | :: monome, monomial |
monôme {m} | :: rag day procession |
monomère {m} [chemistry] | :: monomer |
monomérique {adj} [chemistry] | :: monomeric |
monomériser {v} [chemistry] | :: To monomerize |
monométallique {adj} | :: monometallic |
monométallique {adj} | :: monometallist |
monométallisme {m} | :: monometallism |
monométalliste {adj} | :: monometallist |
monométalliste {mf} | :: monometallist |
monométhylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: monomethyl (attributive) |
monomètre {adj} | :: monometric |
monomètre {m} | :: monometer |
monométrique {adj} | :: monometric |
monomodale {adj} | :: monomodular |
monomoléculaire {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: monomolecular |
monomoraïque {adj} | :: alternative form of monomorique |
monomorique {adj} [linguistics] | :: monomoraic |
monomorphe {adj} | :: monomorphic |
monomorphisme {m} | :: monomorphism |
monomoteur {adj} | :: single-engined |
monomoteur {m} | :: single-engined vehicle / aircraft |
monomphalien {adj} | :: monomphalic, omphalopagus |
monomphalien {m} | :: monomphalus, omphalopagus, omphalodidymus |
monomyaire {adj} | :: unimuscular |
monomythe {m} | :: monomyth |
mononational {adj} | :: mononational |
mononucléaire {adj} | :: mononuclear |
mononucléidique {adj} [physics] | :: mononuclidic |
mononucléose {f} [pathology] | :: mononucleosis |
mononyme {m} | :: mononym |
mononyme {adj} | :: mononymic |
monooxygénase {f} [enzyme] | :: monooxygenase |
monopalme {f} | :: monofin |
monoparental {adj} | :: single parent (attributive) |
monoparentalité {f} | :: single parenthood |
monopartisme {m} [politics] | :: single-party system |
monopétale {adj} [botany] | :: monopetalous |
monopétalie {f} [botany] | :: The state of being monopetalous |
monophane {f} [mineral] | :: synonym of épistilbite |
monophasé {adj} | :: single-phase (attributive) |
monophasique {adj} | :: monophasic |
monophobie {f} | :: monophobia |
monophonie {f} | :: monophony |
monophonique {adj} | :: monophonic, monaural |
monophosphorylé {adj} | :: monophosphorylated |
monophosphoryler {v} | :: To monophosphorylate |
monophotonique {adj} [physics] | :: monophotonic |
monophtongaison {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: monophthongization |
monophtongue {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: monophthong |
monophtonguer {v} | :: To monophthongize |
monophylétique {adj} [systematics] | :: monophyletic |
monophylie {f} [systematics] | :: monophyly |
monophylle {adj} | :: monophyllous, unifoliate (having a single leaf) |
monophyllie {f} [botany] | :: monophylly |
monophysique {adj} | :: monophysitic |
monophysisme {m} | :: monophysitism |
monophyte {adj} [botany] | :: monophyte |
monoplace {m} | :: single-seater (car, aircraft) |
monoplan {m} | :: monoplane |
monoplégie {f} [pathology] | :: monoplegia |
monoploïdie {m} | :: synonym of haploïdie |
monopodial {adj} | :: monopodial |
monopole {m} | :: monopoly |
monopôle {m} [physics] | :: monopole |
monopoler {v} | :: synonym of monopoliser |
monopoleur {m} | :: monopoler, monopolist |
monopoleur {adj} | :: monopolist |
monopolisant {adj} | :: monopolizing |
monopolisateur {m} | :: monopolist |
monopolisation {f} | :: monopolization |
monopolisatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of monopolisateur |
monopoliser {v} | :: to monopolize (have a monopoly) |
monopoliste {mf} | :: monopolist |
monopolistique {adj} | :: monopolistic |
monoprocesseur {m} [computing] | :: uniprocessor |
monoprogrammation {f} [computing] | :: monoprogramming |
monoprotonique {adj} [chemistry] | :: monoprotonic, monoprotic |
monopsone {m} [economics] | :: monopsony |
monoptyque {m} [art] | :: monoptych |
monorail {adj} | :: of or relating to monorail |
monorail {m} | :: monorail |
monosaccaride {m} | :: alternative form of monosaccharide |
monosaccharide {m} | :: monosaccharide |
monosème {m} | :: monoseme |
monosémie {f} | :: monosemy |
monosémique {adj} | :: monosemic |
monosépale {adj} [botany] | :: monosepalous |
monosexualité {f} [botany] | :: monosexuality |
monosexuel {adj} [botany] | :: monosexual |
monoski {m} | :: monoski |
monoski {m} | :: monoskiing |
monosodique {adj} [attributive] | :: monosodium |
monosomie {m} [genetics] | :: monosomy |
monosomique {adj} [genetics] | :: monosomic |
monosourcil {m} | :: unibrow, monobrow |
monospace {m} | :: minivan |
monospermatique {adj} [botany] | :: monospermal |
monospermie {f} [botany] | :: monospermy |
monospermique {adj} [botany] | :: monospermal |
monostique {m} | :: monostich |
monostyle {adj} | :: monostylous |
monosubstitué {adj} [chemistry] | :: monosubstituted |
monosulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monosulfide / monosulphide |
monosyllabe {m} | :: monosyllable |
monosyllabique {adj} | :: monosyllabic |
monosyllabisme {m} | :: monosyllabism |
monoterpène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: monoterpene |
monothéisme {m} [religion] | :: monotheism |
monothéiste {mf} | :: monotheist |
monothéiste {adj} | :: monotheistic |
monothélisme {m} | :: Monothelitism |
monothélite {adj} | :: Monothelite |
monothélite {mf} | :: Monothelite |
monothélitisme {m} | :: Monothelitism |
monothérapie {f} [medicine] | :: monotherapy |
monothionique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: monothionic |
monotone {adj} | :: monotone |
monotone {adj} | :: whose speech is monotone |
monotone {adj} | :: boring due to uniformity or lack of variety; monotonous |
monotonement {adv} | :: monotonously |
monotonie {f} | :: monotony |
monotonique {adj} [phonology] | :: monotonic |
monotoniser {v} | :: To monotonize |
monotope {adj} [chemistry] | :: one-pot |
monotopique {adj} [biology] | :: monotopic |
monotopisme {m} [biology] | :: monotopism |
monotrème {m} | :: monotreme |
monotypie {f} | :: monotype (technique) |
monotypique {adj} | :: monotypic |
monouque {f} [Louisiana French, vulgar, ] | :: female genitals |
monovalent {adj} | :: single-valued |
monovalent {adj} [chemistry] | :: univalent |
monovalué {adj} [computing] | :: single-valued |
monoville {f} | :: monotown |
monovocalique {adj} | :: univocalic |
monovocalisme {m} | :: univocalic |
monoxyde {m} [chemistry] | :: monoxide |
monoxyde de carbone {m} | :: carbon monoxide (CO) |
monoxyle {adj} | :: From being constructed from a single piece of lumber |
monoxyle {adj} [nautical] | :: dugout (canoe) |
monozigote {adj} | :: monozygotic |
monozygote {adj} | :: monozygotic |
monozygote {adj} | :: identical (of twins) |
mon petit doigt m'a dit {phrase} | :: a little bird told me |
Monréal {prop} | :: surname |
Mons {prop} | :: Mons |
monseigneur {m} | :: monseigneur |
monseigneur {m} | :: Monsignor |
Monseigneur {m} | :: alternative case form of monseigneur |
monseigneuriser {vt} | :: to call one “my Lord” |
mon siège est fait {phrase} [literary] | :: I've made my decision, my mind is made up |
monsieur {m} | :: mister, sir (a title or form of address for a man) |
Monsieur {m} | :: alternative case form of monsieur Used to show respect |
Monsieur {m} [historical] | :: Specifically, the brother of the French king |
Monsieur Durand {m} | :: Joe Bloggs [UK], John Doe [US] |
monsieur je-sais-tout {m} [colloquial] | :: know-it-all |
monsieur Propre {m} | :: alternative spelling of Monsieur Propre |
Monsieur Propre {m} | :: Mr. Clean |
Monsieur Propre {m} [colloquial] | :: a wide-shouldered, muscular man |
monstre {m} | :: monster |
monstre {m} [figurative] | :: hideous person, fiend |
monstre {adj} [colloquial] | :: enormous |
monstre sacré {m} [figuratively] | :: giant, celebrity (undisputed authority in a certain field) |
monstrueusement {adv} | :: monstrously |
monstrueux {adj} | :: monstrous |
monstruosité {f} | :: monstrosity (all senses) |
-mont {suffix} | :: Forming a placename or a toponymic surname and denoting or connoting a hill or mountain |
mont {m} | :: (Used in certain geographic names) mountain, mount, mont |
mont {m} | :: (In the plural) the Alps |
montage {m} | :: assembly, set-up |
montage {m} [film, television] | :: editing |
montagnais {m} | :: Montagnais (language) |
montagnard {adj} | :: mountain-dwelling |
montagnard {adj} [attributive] | :: mountain |
montagnard {m} | :: mountain-dweller (someone who lives in the mountains) |
montagnarde {f} | :: feminine noun of montagnard |
montagne {f} | :: mountain |
montagnes russes {fp} | :: rollercoaster |
montagnette {f} [regional] | :: low mountain pasture |
montagnette {f} | :: mountainette, hillock |
montagneux {adj} | :: mountainous |
Montaigne {prop} | :: surname |
Montaigne {prop} | :: Michel de Montaigne, a French philosopher |
montalbanais {adj} | :: Of or from Montauban (or several places with similar names) |
montanique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: montanic |
montanisme {m} | :: Montanism |
montaniste {mf} | :: Montanist |
montant {adj} | :: upwards, climbing |
montant {adj} | :: uphill |
montant {m} | :: a (monetary) amount |
montant {m} | :: a structural montant |
Montauban {prop} | :: A town in the Tarn-et-Garonne department of the Midi-Pyrénées region of France |
mont-blanc {m} | :: A dessert made from chestnut purée and whipped cream |
mont Blanc {prop} {m} | :: Mont Blanc |
Montcalm {prop} | :: surname |
Montcourt {prop} | :: surname |
Montcuq {prop} | :: A French city in the Lot department |
monte {f} | :: copulation, mating season |
Monte-Carlo {prop} | :: Monte Carlo |
monte-charge {m} | :: service lift, goods lift, cargo lift [UK], freight elevator, goods elevator, service elevator, cargo elevator [US]; hoist |
monté comme un âne {adj} [simile] | :: hung like a donkey |
Montecristo {prop} {m} | :: Montecristo (Italian island) |
montée {f} | :: climb (act of climbing/going up) |
montée {f} | :: rise |
montée de lait {f} [breastfeeding] | :: let-down |
monténégrin {adj} | :: Montenegrin |
monténégrin {m} | :: Montenegrin (language) |
Monténégrin {m} | :: Montenegrin (person) |
Monténégrinne {f} | :: feminine noun of Monténégrin |
Monténégro {prop} {m} | :: Montenegro |
monte-plat {m} | :: dumbwaiter |
monte-plats {m} | :: alternative form of monte-plat |
monter {v} | :: to go up, to climb (go to a higher position) |
monter {v} | :: to ascend, go higher, go uphill, go upstairs |
monter {v} | :: to get on, get in (a vehicle) |
monter {v} | :: to rise (get to a higher figurative position (socially, or in a league/division etc.)) |
monter {v} | :: to stage, put on (a show) |
monter {v} | :: to ride (a horse) |
monter {v} | :: to mount (a horse) |
monter {vt} | :: to bring up, take up, put up, get up (lift or carry something to a higher position) |
monter {v} | :: to turn up, put up (increase the volume etc.) |
monter {v} | :: to raise (increase the level, price etc.) |
monter {v} | :: to put up (a tent) |
monter {v} | :: to string (an instrument) |
monter à la tête {v} [idiomatic] | :: To go to one's head (for alcohol) |
monter au créneau {v} [figuratively] | :: to enter the fray, to step up to the plate |
monter dans les tours {v} [of an engine] | :: to rev up |
monter dans les tours {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to get angry |
Montérégie {prop} | :: Montérégie (administrative region) |
montérégien {adj} | :: Of or from Montérégie |
monter en épingle {vt} | :: to highlight; to build up, to play up, to blow up (sometimes out of proportion) |
monter en grade {v} | :: to get a promotion, to get promoted |
monter la garde {v} | :: to stand guard, to keep watch |
monter sur les planches {v} [figuratively] | :: to perform in a theatrical play, to tread the boards |
monter sur ses grands chevaux {v} | :: get on one's high horse |
Montesquieu {prop} | :: surname |
Montesquieu {prop} | :: French man of letters Montesquieu |
monteur {m} | :: editor (film, TV, etc.) |
monteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of monteur |
monteverdien {adj} | :: Monteverdian |
montgolfière {f} | :: hot-air balloon |
monticule {m} | :: mound, hillock |
monticule {m} [baseball] | :: mound |
montmartrois {adj} | :: Of or from Montmartre |
Montminy {prop} | :: surname |
montmorillonite {f} [mineral] | :: montmorillonite |
Montner {prop} {m} | :: Montner (town) |
Montouz {prop} | :: surname |
Montparno {prop} [slang] | :: Montparno (area) |
Montpellier {prop} | :: Montpellier |
montpelliérain {adj} | :: Of or from Montpellier |
montpelliérain {m} | :: The form of Occitan spoken in Montpellier |
Montrachet {prop} | :: A vineyard between Chassagne-Montrachet and Puligny-Montrachet |
montre {f} | :: watch, wristwatch |
montre {f} [dated] | :: display, showcase |
Montréal {prop} | :: Montréal (largest city) |
Montréal {prop} | :: Montréal (island) |
Montréal {prop} | :: Montréal (commune) |
Montréal {prop} | :: Montréal (commune) |
Montréal {prop} | :: Montréal (commune) |
Montréal {prop} | :: Montréal (commune) |
montréalais {adj} | :: pertaining to Montréal |
Montréalais {m} | :: Montrealer, a denizen of Montreal |
Montréalaise {f} | :: female equivalent of Montréalais |
montre en main {adv} | :: exactly, to the minute |
montrer {v} | :: to show |
montrer {vr} | :: to display, to demonstrate one's characteristics |
montrer du doigt {vt} | :: to point out, to indicate; to point at; to point the finger at, to blame, to accuse, to incriminate |
montrer le poing {v} | :: to shake one's fist (à) |
montrer les dents {v} [figuratively] | :: to bare one's teeth |
montrer l'exemple {v} | :: to set an example |
montrer patte blanche {v} [figuratively] | :: to prove one's identity, to state one's credentials, to show one's ID, to present papers (to identify oneself to prove that one has the right to enter a place) |
montrer son vrai visage {v} [figurative] | :: to show one's true colors, to show one's true stripes, to show one's true face |
montreur {m} | :: exhibitor |
montreur {m} | :: showman |
montreur {m} | :: puppeteer |
montreur {m} | :: teacher (Louisiana) |
montreuse {f} | :: female equivalent of montreur |
Montreux-Vieux {prop} | :: A commune in the Sundgau region of the Haut-Rhin department of Alsace, located in eastern France. Montreux-Vieux is between Mulhouse and Belfort |
Montrichard {prop} {f} | :: A town and former commune merged into Montrichard-Val de Cher, in Loir-et-Cher department, Centre-Val de Loire, France |
Montrouge {prop} | :: A town in the Hauts-de-Seine department of Île-de-France |
montrougien {adj} | :: Of or from Montrouge |
monts Oural {prop} | :: Ural Mountains (mountain range in Russia) |
montueux {adj} | :: hilly |
monture {f} | :: A mount, an animal which is ridden |
monture {f} | :: A setting, bezel, frame etc. onto or into which an object is mounted |
monture {f} | :: A mechanical mounting job |
monument {m} | :: monument |
monumental {adj} | :: monumental |
mon vieux {m} | :: old boy, old chap |
mon vieux {m} | :: See: fr mon vieux |
Moore {prop} | :: surname |
moppe {f} [Quebec] | :: mop |
Mopti {prop} | :: Mopti (city) |
moquer {vt} [literary] | :: to mock |
moquer {vr} [used with de] | :: (se moquer de) to make fun of someone |
moquer {vr} [used with en] | :: to be indifferent; to not care |
moquerie {f} | :: mockery; joking; jesting |
moquette {f} | :: fitted carpet |
moquetter {vt} | :: to carpet |
moqueur {m} | :: mocker, someone who mocks, someone who pokes fun |
moqueur {adj} | :: mocking; that mocks, that pokes fun |
moqueur {m} | :: mockingbird |
moqueuse {f} | :: feminine noun of moqueur |
moqueusement {adv} | :: mockingly |
morailles {fp} [farriery] | :: barnacle, twitch, a kind of pincers or vise to fix the mouth of a horse to yield the opportunity of surgery |
moraine {f} | :: moraine |
morainique {adj} [geology] | :: morainic |
moral {m} | :: morale, optimism |
moral {adj} | :: moral |
morale {f} | :: Ethics, morality |
moralement {adv} | :: morally |
moralisateur {adj} | :: moralizing, sanctimonious |
moralisation {f} | :: moralization |
moraliser {v} | :: to moralize |
moralisme {m} | :: moralism |
moraliste {mf} | :: moralist |
moralité {f} | :: morality |
moralité {f} | :: moral; lesson (of a story) |
moratoire {m} | :: moratorium |
morave {adj} | :: Moravian (pertaining to Moravia) |
Morave {mf} | :: Moravian (person from Moravia) |
Moravie {prop} {f} | :: Moravia |
morbide {adj} | :: morbid |
morbidement {adv} | :: morbidly |
morbidité {f} | :: morbidity |
Morbihan {prop} | :: Morbihan |
morbihannais {adj} | :: of, from, or relating to, Morbihan, a French department in Brittany |
Morbihannais {m} | :: someone of or from Morbihan |
Morbihannaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Morbihannais |
morbleu {interj} [archaic] | :: gadzooks, zounds |
morceau {m} | :: piece, slice, bit, morsel |
morceau {m} [Quebec, slang] | :: gun, piece |
morceler {vt} | :: to break up; to divide up |
morcellement {m} | :: breaking up |
mordamment {adv} | :: bitingly |
mordamment {adv} | :: mordantly |
mordant {adj} | :: biting, sharp, acrid |
mordant {adj} | :: mordant |
mordant {adj} | :: corrosive |
mordicus {adv} | :: tenaciously |
mordicus {adv} | :: obstinately |
mordillage {m} | :: nibble |
mordiller {v} | :: to chew (to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing) |
mordoré {adj} | :: golden brown |
mordre {v} | :: to bite |
mordre {v} | :: to encroach |
mordre à l'hameçon {v} [figuratively] | :: to take the bait, to rise to the bait |
mordre la poussière {v} | :: to bite the dust (all senses) |
mordre sur sa chique {v} [Belgium, colloquial] | :: to tough it out, to gut it out, to bite the bullet |
mordu {m} [colloquial] | :: enthusiast, buff |
more {f} [phonology] | :: mora |
more {adj} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of maure |
More {m} | :: alternative spelling of Maure; Moor |
moreau {adj} | :: jet-black color of horses |
Moreau {prop} | :: surname |
Moreaux {prop} | :: surname |
morelle {f} | :: nightshade |
morfal {m} [colloquial] | :: greedyguts (greedy person) |
morfale {f} | :: feminine noun of morfal |
morfler {vi} [slang] | :: to pay, to be in for it |
morfondre {vt} [dated] | :: to depress, bore |
morfondre {vt} [dated] | :: to cool |
morfondre {vr} | :: mope around |
morfondu {adj} | :: dejected |
morganatique {adj} | :: morganatic |
morganatiquement {adv} | :: morganatically |
morgane {adj} [colloquial] | :: madly in love |
Morgane {prop} {f} | :: given name, Morgan |
Morgane la fée {prop} {f} | :: Morgan le Fay |
Morgon {m} | :: Morgon (wine) |
morgue {f} | :: morgue |
moribond {adj} | :: moribund |
moricaud {adj} | :: brown-skinned |
morigéner {v} [archaic] | :: To chide |
morille {f} | :: morel |
morillon {m} | :: A type of morel (Mitrophora semilibera) |
morillon {m} | :: tufted duck |
morillon {adj} | :: Of or from Saint-Moré |
Morin {prop} | :: surname |
moringique {adj} | :: moringic |
morion {m} | :: morion, a kind of helmet |
morion {m} | :: morion, a kind of black quartz |
morique {adj} [linguistics] | :: moraic |
morique {adj} [chemistry] | :: moroxylic |
morisque {adj} | :: Moorish |
Morisque {mf} | :: Morisco, Moor |
Morita {prop} | :: surname |
mormon {adj} | :: Mormon |
morne {adj} | :: gloomy, glum, dismal, dreary |
Morneau {prop} | :: surname |
mornement {adv} | :: gloomily, glumly, dismally, drearily |
moroctique {adj} | :: moroctic |
moron {m} [Québec] | :: moron, idiot |
moron {adj} [Québec, colloquial] | :: stupid |
Moroni {prop} | :: Moroni (capital city) |
moronne {f} | :: feminine singular of moron |
morose {adj} | :: sullen, gloomy, morose |
morosement {adv} | :: morosely, sullenly, gloomily |
morosité {f} | :: gloom; gloom and doom; gloominess; morosity |
moroxylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: moroxylic |
-morphe {suffix} | :: -morph |
morphe {f} | :: morph |
Morphée {prop} [Greek god] | :: Morpheus (the Greek god of dreams) |
morphème {m} [linguistics, linguistic morphology] | :: morpheme (smallest linguistic unit) |
morphème libre {m} [linguistic morphology] | :: free morpheme |
morphème lié {m} [linguistic morphology] | :: bound morpheme |
morphinate {n} [organic chemistry] | :: morphinate |
morphine {f} | :: morphine |
morphinique {adj} | :: of or relating to morphine |
morphique {adj} | :: morphic |
morphique {adj} | :: synonym of morphogénétique |
morphique {adj} | :: Derived from morphine |
morphisme {m} [maths] | :: morphism |
morpho- {prefix} | :: morpho- |
morphoclimatique {adj} | :: morphoclimatic |
morphocoiffure {f} | :: A computer-assisted visual representation of a (range of) hairstyle(s) superimposed on a client's head |
morphogenèse {f} [biology, geology] | :: morphogenesis |
morphogénétique {adj} | :: morphogenetic |
morphogénie {m} | :: morphogeny, morphogenesis |
morphogénique {adj} | :: morphogenic |
morphographie {f} | :: morphography |
morphologie {f} [uncountable] | :: morphology (science) |
morphologie {f} [countable] | :: morphology (act of changing) |
morphologique {adj} | :: morphological (relating to morphology) |
morphologiquement {adv} | :: morphologically (with respect to morphology) |
morphologiser {v} | :: To give a morphological character to |
morphologue {mf} | :: morphologist |
morphométrique {adj} | :: morphometric |
morphophonémique {adj} | :: morphophonemic |
morphophonologie {f} | :: morphophonology |
morphoplasme {m} | :: morphoplasm |
morphopsychologie {f} | :: morphopsychology |
morphose {f} | :: morphism, morphosis |
morphosyntaxe {f} | :: morphosyntax |
morphosyntaxique {adj} | :: morphosyntactic |
morphotectonique {adj} [geology] | :: morphotectonic |
morphotectonique {f} [geology] | :: morphotectonics |
morphothion {m} | :: morphothion |
morpion {m} | :: (in plural morpions) crabs, pubic lice |
morpion {m} | :: brat, sprog, unruly child |
morpion {m} | :: tic-tac-toe (US), noughts and crosses (UK) |
mors {m} [equestrian] | :: bit |
morse {m} | :: walrus |
morse {m} | :: Morse code |
morsure {f} | :: bite (act of biting) |
morsure {f} | :: bite (the wound as a result of being bitten) |
mort {adj} | :: dead |
mort {f} | :: death |
mort {m} | :: dead person |
mortadelle {f} | :: mortadella |
mortaillable {adj} | :: (of a serf) inheritable (by mortmain) |
mortaise {f} | :: mortise / mortice |
mortalité {f} | :: mortality |
mort aux rats {f} | :: ratsbane |
mort-aux-rats {f} | :: ratsbane |
mort cérébrale {f} [medicine] | :: brain death |
mort clinique {f} [medicine] | :: clinical death |
mort de rire {adj} | :: lit., as adjective or past tense, dead or died of laughing, so "died laughing" or "dying of laughter"; compare mort de faim for starve. Often appearing as abbreviation "mdr" or "MDR," e.g., in SMS, as the French expression equivalent to LOL; sometimes expanded as the infinitive, mourir de rire (see Larousse) |
mortel {adj} | :: mortal |
mortel {adj} | :: deadly |
mortel {adj} [colloquial] | :: wicked; cool; ace |
mortel {n} | :: human |
morte la bête, mort le venin {proverb} [literary] | :: dead dogs don't bite (a dead man isn't a threat anymore) |
mortellement {adv} | :: mortally (to the death) |
morte-saison {f} | :: off-season |
mort et enterré {adj} [figuratively] | :: dead and buried, dead as a dodo |
morticole {m} | :: incompetent person |
morticole {m} | :: quack (charlatan doctor) |
mortier {m} | :: mortar (mixture for bonding building blocks) |
mortier {m} | :: mortar (artillery) |
mortier {m} | :: mortar (small bowl used to crush or grind food) |
mortifère {adj} | :: lethal |
mortifère {adj} | :: mortifying |
mortifiant {adj} | :: mortifying |
mortifié {adj} | :: mortified |
mortifier {v} | :: To mortify, humiliate |
mortinaissance {f} | :: stillbirth |
mortinatalité {f} | :: stillbirth |
mort-né {adj} | :: stillborn (dead at birth) |
mort-né {m} | :: stillborn |
mort ou vif {adj} | :: dead or alive |
mort subite {f} | :: sudden death |
mort subite du nourrisson {f} | :: crib death, cot death, sudden infant death syndrome |
mortuaire {adj} | :: mortuary |
mort-vivant {m} | :: undead (those creatures which are dead yet still move) |
morue {f} | :: cod |
morue {f} [derogatory] | :: a whore; a broad |
morue {f} [pejorative] | :: an ugly person; an oaf |
morutier {m} | :: cod fisher |
morutier {m} | :: cod boat |
morutière {f} | :: feminine singular of morutier |
morvandeau {adj} | :: Morvan (attributive) |
morvandiau {adj} | :: alternative form of morvandeau |
morve {f} | :: snot (mucus) |
morve {f} | :: glanders |
morveuse {f} | :: feminine noun of morveux |
morveux {adj} [zoology] | :: glandered |
morveux {adj} | :: snotty (kid) |
morveux {m} | :: brat |
morveux {m} | :: jerk |
mosaïculture {f} | :: mosaiculture (artform) |
mosaïculture {f} [countable] | :: mosaiculture (sculptures) |
mosaïque {f} | :: mosaic (artwork) |
mosaïque {adj} | :: mosaic (attributively) |
mosaïque {adj} | :: related to Moses |
mosaïste {mf} | :: mosaicist |
Moscou {prop} {m} | :: Moscou (federal city/capital) |
Moscovie {prop} {f} | :: Muscovy |
moscovien {adj} | :: Muscovian |
Moscovien {m} | :: A Muscovian person |
Moscovienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Moscovien |
moscovite {adj} | :: Muscovite |
Moscovite {mf} | :: Muscovite (person from Moscow; used of both genders) |
mosellan {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to French department Moselle |
Moselle {prop} {f} | :: Moselle (river) |
Moselle {prop} {f} | :: Moselle (department) |
mosquée {f} | :: mosque |
môssieu {m} [humorous] | :: sir |
mot {m} | :: word |
mot {m} | :: note, (short) message |
mot ad hoc {m} | :: nonce word |
mot à mot {adv} | :: word for word, verbatim |
motard {m} | :: motorcyclist in the armed forces or the police |
motard {m} [by extension] | :: motorcyclist in general |
motard {m} | :: a biker (especially member of a motorcycle gang) |
mot caché {m} [games] | :: word search, a type of puzzle using a rectangular grid of letters, with words made from most of the letters to be eliminated from a provided list to reveal unused letters that form the hidden word |
mot-clic {m} [Quebec] | :: hashtag (term used to tag a missive to identify a topic or searchterm) |
mot composé {m} [linguistics] | :: compound, compound word (linguistics: word formed by combining other words) |
mot de la fin {m} | :: closing words, concluding remarks |
mot de passe {m} | :: password |
mot d'esprit {m} | :: witticism |
mot-dièse {m} [Internet, France, neologism, rare, ] | :: hashtag |
mot d'ordre {m} | :: watchword |
motet {m} [music] | :: motet |
moteur {m} | :: motor, engine |
moteur {m} [figuratively] | :: driving force |
moteur {adj} | :: motive, driving |
moteur à explosion {m} | :: piston engine |
moteur de recherche {m} [Internet, computing] | :: search engine |
moteur thermique {m} | :: combustion engine |
mot grammatical {m} [lexicography] | :: function word, grammatical word |
motif {m} | :: motive |
motif {m} | :: motif |
motif {m} | :: pattern, design |
motilité {f} | :: motility |
motion {f} | :: motion (4) |
motivant {adj} | :: motivating |
motivation {f} | :: motivation |
motivé {adj} | :: motivated |
motivé {adj} | :: justified |
motiver {v} | :: to motivate |
motiver {v} | :: to justify |
motivique {adj} | :: motivic |
motiviquement {adv} | :: motivically |
mot juste {m} | :: Exactly the right word or phrasing |
mot lexical {m} [lexicography] | :: content word, lexical word |
mot magique {m} | :: magic word |
mot magique {m} | :: the "please" word (s'il vous plaît / s'il te plaît) |
moto {f} | :: bike, motorbike (motorcycle) |
motocrotte {f} | :: A motorized vehicle designed to remove dog faeces |
motoculteur {m} | :: rotavator (rotary tiller) |
motocycle {m} [dated or formal] | :: motorcycle |
motocyclette {f} | :: motorcycle |
motocyclisme {m} | :: motorcycle sport |
motocycliste {mf} | :: motorcyclist |
moto-école {f} | :: motorcycle driving school |
motomarine {f} [nautical] | :: water scooter |
motonautisme {m} | :: motorboating |
motonautiste {mf} | :: motorboater |
motoneige {f} | :: snowmobile |
motoneigiste {mf} | :: snowmobiler |
motorique {adj} [music] | :: motoric |
motorisation {f} | :: motorization |
motorisé {adj} | :: motorized |
motoriser {v} | :: to motorize (to provide with a motor or motors) |
motoriste {m} | :: engine manufacturer |
motoriste {m} [aviation] | :: enginer |
mot-outil {m} [linguistics] | :: function word |
mot pour mot {adv} | :: word for word, verbatim |
motrice {f} | :: railway train (typically diesel/electric, that has an engine and passengers in the same vehicle) |
motricité {f} | :: motivity, motive power |
mots croisés {mp} [games] | :: crossword (a word puzzle) |
mots-croisiste {m} | :: One who solves crossword puzzles |
mot souche {m} [linguistics] | :: root (word from which another word or words are derived) |
motte {f} | :: motte (mound of earth) |
motte {f} | :: clod, lump of earth |
motte {f} | :: block (of butter) |
motte {f} [colloquial] | :: (pubic) mound, mons veneris |
motton {m} | :: [Québec, slang] lump, clump, chunk |
motton {m} | :: [Québec, slang] money, cash |
motus {interj} [colloquial] | :: interjection to request silence; Hush!, Quiet! |
motus et bouche cousue {interj} | :: mum's the word |
mot-valise {m} [linguistics, lexicography] | :: portmanteau word |
mou {adj} | :: soft, pliable |
mou {adj} [colloquial] | :: pansy, spineless |
mou {m} | :: lungs, lights (of a slaughtered animal) |
mouais {interj} [colloquial] | :: not really; okay |
moucharabieh {f} | :: mashrabiya, moucharaby |
mouchard {m} [colloquial] | :: snitch, grass, tell-tale (police informant) |
mouchard {m} | :: mouchard (undercover investigator) |
mouchard {m} | :: bug (hidden microphone) |
mouchard {m} | :: spyhole, peephole |
mouchard {m} | :: tachograph (device that records the distance and time traveled by a vehicle) |
mouchard {m} [computing] | :: spyware (piece of spyware) |
mouchard {m} [aviation] | :: spyplane |
mouchard {m} [aviation] | :: black box, flight recorder |
mouchardage {m} | :: informing, grassing, ratting |
moucharder {v} | :: to rat; to rat on |
moucharder {v} | :: to tell tales |
mouche {f} | :: fly (insect) |
mouche {f} | :: bullseye (center of a target) |
mouche {f} [historical] | :: a spy employed by the ancien régime to seek out subversive ideas |
mouche {f} [Louisiana French] | :: bee |
mouche {f} | :: soul patch, mouche (narrow beard descending from lower lip) |
mouche à feu {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: firefly |
mouche à merde {f} [vulgar] | :: dungfly, bluebottle, greenbottle |
mouche à miel {f} [archaic or literary, except in, Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: bee |
mouche de vinaigre {f} | :: fruitfly |
mouche du coche {f} [pejorative, figuratively] | :: back-seat driver, kibitzer (person who pretends to be useful by offering unsolicited advice or by running around without actually doing any work) |
moucher {vt} | :: to blow (someone's) nose |
moucher {vt} [colloquial] | :: to put someone in their place |
moucher {vr} | :: to blow one's nose |
moucher {vt} | :: to snuff out (a candle etc.) |
moucheron {m} | :: gnat, midge |
moucheron {m} [colloquial] | :: kid, nipper |
moucheté {adj} | :: dappled, mottled |
moucheté {adj} | :: flecked, brindled |
moucheter {v} | :: to fleck |
mouchette {f} | :: candle snuffer |
moucheture {f} | :: fleck, speckle |
mouchoir {m} | :: handkerchief |
mouchoir de poche {m} | :: a pocket handkerchief, a pocket square |
mouchoir de poche {m} [figuratively] | :: a postage stamp (a very exiguous place) |
mouchoir en papier {m} | :: paper handkerchief, tissue |
mouclade {f} | :: mussel meal or festival |
moudjahid {m} | :: mujahid |
moudjahida {f} | :: feminine noun of moudjahidin |
moudjahidin {m} | :: mujaheddin, mujahedeen, mujahideen |
moudjahidine {m} | :: mujahideen |
moudre {v} | :: to grind |
mou du genou {adj} [colloquial] | :: sluggish, listless, wet, halfhearted |
mou du genou {m} [colloquial] | :: wet noodle, sluggard |
moue {f} | :: pout, moue |
moueddeb {m} | :: The head of a madrasa |
mouette {f} | :: gull; seagull |
mouette rieuse {f} | :: black-headed gull |
moufette {f} | :: skunk |
mouffette {f} | :: skunk |
moufle {f} | :: mitten |
moufle {f} | :: polyspast |
mouflet {m} [colloquial] | :: kid (child) |
mouflette {f} | :: feminine noun of mouflet |
mouflon {m} | :: mouflon |
moufter {vi} [chiefly in the negative] | :: to protest, complain |
mougou {v} [nouchi] | :: to have sex with |
mouillage {m} | :: wetting (act of making something wet) |
mouillage {m} | :: watering down (act of adding water to something) |
mouillage {m} [nautical] | :: anchoring (act of laying down an anchor) |
mouille {f} [vulgar] | :: vaginal secretion, vaginal lubrication |
mouille {f} [slang] | :: face |
mouille {f} [slang] | :: mouth |
mouillé {adj} | :: wet, moist (covered with liquid) |
mouillé {adj} | :: wet, moist (of a woman, sexually excited) |
mouiller {vt} | :: to make wet, get wet, dampen, moisten |
mouiller {vt} [cooking] | :: to water (down) |
mouiller {vt} [nautical] | :: to cast, drop (anchor) |
mouiller {vt} [linguistics] | :: to palatalize |
mouiller {vi} [nautical] | :: to anchor, lie at anchor |
mouiller {vi} [slang] | :: to be so frightened as to piss oneself |
mouiller {vi} [slang, sex] | :: to be wet |
mouiller {vi} [Louisiana French] | :: to rain |
mouiller {vr} [colloquial] | :: to stick one's neck out |
mouiller son lit {v} [euphemism] | :: to wet the bed (to urinate in one's bed) |
mouillette {f} | :: soldier (piece of bread to dip into a boiled egg) |
mouilleur {adj} | :: wetting, dampening, moistening |
mouilleur {m} | :: moistener |
mouilleur {m} [nautical] | :: minelayer |
mouillure {f} | :: wetting |
mouillure {f} | :: wetness, wet patch |
mouise {f} | :: pap, porridge |
mouise {f} | :: penury, poverty, hardship |
moujik {m} | :: mujik |
moukhtar {m} | :: mukhtar |
moulage {m} | :: casting, moulding |
moulant {adj} [of clothes] | :: tight, tight-fitting, body-hugging |
moule {m} | :: [arts, manufacturing] mould (UK), mold (US) |
moule {m} [typography] | :: matrix |
moule {m} [cooking] | :: (cake) tin (UK), pan (US) |
moule {f} | :: [zoology] mussel |
moule {f} [colloquial] | :: idiot, prat, twit |
moule {f} [vulgar, slang, anatomy] | :: cunt |
moulé {adj} | :: moulded |
moule à gaufres {m} | :: waffle iron |
moule au beurre d'arachide {m} | :: peanut butter cup |
moule-bite {m} [vulgar] | :: budgie smugglers |
mouler {v} | :: to mould |
mouler {v} | :: to fit tightly (clothes) |
mouler {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to grind, mill |
moules-frites {mp} | :: A dish consisting of mussels and French fries |
moules marinières {fp} | :: moules marinières |
moulin {m} | :: mill; windmill |
moulin {m} [geology] | :: moulin |
moulin à café {f} | :: coffee grinder |
moulin à paroles {m} [figuratively] | :: chatterbox |
moulin à poivre {m} | :: pepper mill |
moulin à vent {m} | :: windmill (structure) |
mouliner {vt} | :: to mill [all senses] |
mouliner {vt} | :: to grind |
moulinette {f} [cookery] | :: moulinette |
moulinette {f} [swordfighting] | :: moulinette |
moulinette {f} [computing] | :: A program that performs a series of simple, repetitive calculations |
moulinier {m} | :: A person who winds silk thread from the cocoon onto a spool |
moulinière {f} | :: feminine singular of moulinier |
moult {adj} [formerly archaic or regional] | :: many; a lot of |
moult {adv} [archaic or regional] | :: much; a lot |
moulure {f} | :: moulding (UK), molding (US) |
moumoune {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: cowardly, wimpy |
moumoute {f} [colloquial] | :: wig |
mouquère {f} | :: Maghrebi woman |
mouquère {f} [slang] | :: hooker, tart |
Mourad {prop} {m} | :: given name |
mourant {adj} | :: dying |
mourant {adj} [literally] | :: in agony |
mourant {m} | :: person who is dying |
mourante {f} | :: feminine noun of mourant |
mourir {vi} | :: to die; to be dying |
mourir {v} [figuratively, with "de"] | :: to be dying (of) |
mourir de faim {v} [colloquial] | :: to be starving, to be ravenous (to be extremely hungry) |
mourir de sa belle mort {v} | :: to die of old age, to die a natural death |
mourir de sa belle mort {v} [metaphorically] | :: to die out or fade away gradually and naturally |
mourir en odeur de sainteté {v} [idiomatic] | :: to die with a reputation of holiness |
mouroir {m} [pejorative] | :: place to die |
mouron {m} | :: scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) |
mouron {m} | :: Lysimachia tenella, syn. Anagallis tenella |
mouron {m} | :: Stellaria media |
mouron {m} | :: Veronica anagallis |
mouron {m} | :: Veronica anagalloides |
mouron {m} | :: Samolus valerandi |
mouron {m} [slang] | :: worries |
mourvèdre {m} | :: A variety of black grape originally from Spain |
mousquet {m} | :: musket (firearm) |
mousquetaire {m} | :: musketeer |
mousqueton {m} [historical] | :: musketoon |
mousqueton {m} | :: carabiner (metal link with a gate) |
mousquetonner {v} | :: to clip, clip in using a carabiner |
Moussa {prop} {m} | :: given name, Musa; widely used in Islamic North and West Africa |
moussage {m} | :: foam, foaming |
moussaillon {m} | :: cabin boy, ship's boy |
mousse {adj} | :: blunt |
mousse {f} | :: moss (the plant) |
mousse {f} | :: bryophyte (in the broad sense) |
mousse {f} | :: foam |
mousse {f} | :: mousse (dessert) |
mousse {m} | :: A boy serving on a ship: a cabin boy |
mousse à raser {f} | :: shaving cream |
Mousseau {prop} | :: surname |
mousse de savon {f} | :: lather |
mousseline {f} | :: muslin |
mousseline {f} | :: mousseline |
moussem {m} | :: A festival in Morocco |
mousser {v} | :: to foam (produce foam) |
mousseron {m} | :: St. George's mushroom (Calocybe gambosa) |
mousseux {adj} | :: foamy; frothy |
mousseux {adj} [wine] | :: sparkling |
mousseux {m} | :: ellipsis of vin mousseux; sparkling wine |
mousson {f} | :: monsoon (extremely strong tropical wind) |
mousson {f} | :: monsoon (tropical rainy season) |
moussorgskien {adj} | :: Mussorgskian |
moussu {adj} | :: mossy |
moustache {f} | :: moustache, mustache |
moustache {f} [often in plural] | :: whisker (of a cat) |
moustachu {adj} | :: moustachioed |
moustérien {adj} | :: Mousterian |
moustiquaire {f} | :: mosquito net |
moustique {m} | :: mosquito |
moustique {m} | :: gnat |
mout {m} | :: alternative spelling of moût |
moût {m} | :: must (of grape, apple etc.) |
moût {m} | :: wort (of hops, barley) |
moutard {m} [colloquial] | :: brat, kid (young boy) |
moutarde {f} | :: mustard |
moutardier {m} | :: mustard jar |
moutier {m} [obsolete] | :: a minster; a monastery |
mouton {m} | :: sheep (animal) |
mouton {m} | :: mutton (meat) |
mouton {m} [figuratively] | :: lemming, sheep (someone who follows a crowd and succumbs to groupthink) |
mouton {m} | :: mouton (coin) |
mouton à cinq pattes {m} [idiomatic] | :: unicorn; black swan; flying pig (a kind of chimera that doesn't exist) |
mouton de Panurge {m} [idiomatic] | :: lemming, sheep (one who follows a group without thinking for himself) |
moutonner {v} | :: (of sea) to be flecked (with white horses, white caps); to foam, froth |
moutonner {v} [literary] | :: (of hills) to roll |
moutonner {v} | :: (of sky) to be flecked with fleecy clouds |
moutonnier {adj} | :: sheeplike |
moutonnièrement {adv} | :: sheepily |
mouton noir {m} [idiomatic] | :: a black sheep |
mouture {f} | :: grinding (usually cereals) |
mouture {f} | :: the fee charged for grinding |
mouture {f} [figurative] | :: version, draft (of a document) |
mouvance {f} | :: movement, trend |
mouvant {adj} | :: moving |
mouvement {m} | :: movement |
mouvement {m} | :: motion |
mouvementé {adj} | :: eventful |
mouvementé {adj} | :: turbulent |
mouvoir {vt} [formal] | :: to move |
mouvoir {vr} [se mouvoir, formal] | :: to go around, to move about |
moye {f} [masonry] | :: a soft layer of rock within a harder rock |
moye {f} [regional] | :: haystack |
moyen {m} | :: way, method, mean of doing something |
moyen {m} | :: medium |
moyen {adj} | :: middle |
moyen {adj} | :: average |
moyen {adj} [Canada, colloquial, euphemistic] | :: Big; impressive; serious |
moyen {adj} [linguistics] | :: middle |
Moyen Âge {prop} {m} | :: the Middle Ages |
moyenâgeusement {adv} | :: antiquatedly |
moyen-âgeux {adj} | :: alternative form of moyenâgeux |
moyenâgeux {adj} | :: antiquated, not suitable for modern times |
moyenâgeux {adj} | :: Middle Ages [attributive] |
moyen anglais {m} | :: Middle English |
moyen breton {m} | :: Middle Breton (language) |
moyen de transport {m} | :: Means of transport |
moyen français {m} | :: Middle French (French language from the early 15th century to the early 17th century) |
moyen gallois {m} | :: Middle Welsh |
moyen irlandais {m} | :: the Middle Irish language |
moyennage {m} [maths] | :: averaging |
moyennant {prep} | :: by means of |
moyenne {f} [mathematics] | :: average, mean |
moyenne arithmétique {f} [mathematics] | :: arithmetic mean |
moyenne au bâton {f} [baseball, cricket] | :: batting average |
moyen néerlandais {m} | :: the Middle Dutch language |
moyenne géométrique {f} [mathematics] | :: geometric mean |
moyenne harmonique {f} [mathematics] | :: harmonic mean (type of average) |
moyennement {adv} | :: averagely (in an average way) |
moyenne quadratique {f} [mathematics] | :: quadratic mean |
moyenner {v} [mathematics] | :: to calculate the mean |
moyenner {v} [obsolete] | :: to obtain |
Moyen-Orient {prop} {m} | :: Middle East (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) |
moyen perse {m} | :: Middle Persian |
moyeu {m} | :: hub (the central part of a wheel) |
mozambicain {adj} | :: Mozambican |
Mozambicain {m} | :: Mozambican |
Mozambicaine {f} | :: Mozambican |
Mozambique {prop} {m} | :: Mozambique (country) |
mozarabe {adj} | :: Mozarabic |
mozarabe {m} | :: Mozarab |
mozarabe {m} | :: Mozarabic (language, singular only) |
Mozart {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
mozartien {adj} | :: Mozartian |
MPO {prop} [pathology] | :: abbreviation of micropolykystose ovarienne (syndrome de Stein-Leventhal (polycystic ovary syndrome)) |
MPR {f} | :: initialism of médecine physique et de réadaptation |
MPR {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Mouvement populaire de la Révolution |
Mr. {m} [archaic] | :: alternative form of Mr |
Mr {m} | :: abbreviation of Monsieur |
MRC {f} | :: [{f}] RCM; abbreviation of municipalité régionale de comté (regional county municipality) |
ms. {m} [in bibliographies] | :: ms. (manuscript) |
MSF {prop} [medicine] | :: initialism of Médecins Sans Frontières |
m'sieu {m} | :: syncopic form of monsieur |
m'sieur {m} | :: syncopic form of monsieur |
M'sieur {m} | :: syncopic form of Monsieur, chiefly used by children |
MST {f} | :: STD (sexually transmitted disease) |
MTBE {m} [organic compound] | :: initialism of méthyl tert-butyl éther; MTBE |
MTC {prop} [transport] | :: MTC - Montreal Tramways Company - the transit company of the island of Montreal; it was nationalized and replaced by the CTM in 1950, it was formed in 1911 by the merger of several previous companies |
Mtl. {prop} | :: alternative form of Mtl abbreviation of Montréal |
Mtl {prop} | :: abbreviation of Montréal |
MTL {prop} | :: alternative form of Mtl abbreviation of Montréal |
mu {m} | :: mu (Greek letter) |
muable {adj} | :: alternative form of mutable |
muablement {adv} | :: mutably, changeably |
-muche {suffix} [slang, uncommon] | :: Suffix added to the end of any word to make it more incomprehensible |
mucilage {m} | :: mucilage |
mucine {f} [protein] | :: mucin |
mucique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: mucic |
mucopolysaccharide {m} [carbohydrate] | :: mucopolysaccharide |
mucoprotéine {f} [protein] | :: mucoprotein |
mucoprotéinurie {f} [pathology] | :: mucoproteinuria |
mucosine {f} [organic compound] | :: mucosin |
mucosité {f} | :: mucus |
mucoviscidose {f} | :: mucoviscidosis |
mucus {m} [physiology] | :: mucus |
mudarine {f} | :: mudarin |
mue {f} | :: moulting (UK) / molting (US) (of bird, mammal) |
mue {f} | :: metamorphosis (of insect) |
mue {f} | :: sloughing of skin (of reptile) |
mue {f} | :: casting (of stag) |
mue {f} | :: breaking of voice |
mue {f} [literary] | :: transformation |
muer {v} | :: to moult/molt |
muer {v} | :: to change, to mutate |
muer {v} [of a teenager voice] | :: to break |
muet {adj} | :: dumb (unable to talk) |
muet {adj} | :: silent, mute, unspeaking |
muet {adj} | :: silent, unvoiced, unspoken |
muet comme une carpe {adj} [simile] | :: obstinately refusing to speak, especially a specific topic; silent as a stone |
muet comme une tombe {adj} [simile] | :: silent as the grave, silent as the tomb |
muettement {adv} | :: mutely, silently |
muezzin {m} | :: muezzin |
muffin {m} | :: muffin |
mufle {m} | :: muzzle |
mufle {m} | :: boor (person) |
mufle {adj} | :: boorish |
muflerie {f} | :: boorishness |
muflier {m} [plant] | :: snapdragon (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum) |
mufti {m} [Islam] | :: mufti (Muslim scholar) |
mug {m} | :: A large cup, generally used to serve cold drinks, a mug |
muge {m} | :: mullet (fish) |
mugir {v} | :: to moo |
mugir {v} | :: to roar |
mugissant {adj} | :: mooing, lowing |
mugissant {adj} | :: roaring |
mugissement {m} | :: bellowing |
mugissement {m} | :: mooing, lowing |
mugissement {m} | :: howling |
mugissement {m} | :: roar |
muguet {m} | :: lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) |
muguet {m} | :: thrush (oral yeast infection, oral candidiasis) |
muid {m} [historical] | :: hogshead |
Muise {prop} | :: surname |
mulassier {adj} | :: mule or donkey (attributive) |
mulâtre {m} | :: mulatto |
mulâtresse {f} | :: feminine singular of mulâtre |
mule {f} | :: mule (animal) |
mule {f} | :: mule (footwear) |
mulet {m} | :: (male) mule |
mulet {m} | :: mullet (fish) |
mulet {m} | :: mullet (hairstyle) |
mulet {m} [motor racing] | :: back-up car |
muleta {f} [bullfighting] | :: muleta |
muletier {m} | :: muleteer |
Mulhouse {prop} | :: Mulhouse |
mulhousien {n} | :: of or from Mulhouse |
Mulhousien {m} | :: someone of or from Mulhouse |
Mulhousienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Mulhousien |
mulot {m} | :: field mouse |
mulotage {m} | :: A hunting technique used by foxes in which they jump so as to descend on their prey from above; mousing |
mulotage {m} | :: A rooting technique used by boars when hunting for small prey |
muloter {v} | :: to mouse (hunt mice (or similar prey) by pouncing on them from above.) |
mulsion {f} | :: milking |
multi- {prefix} | :: multi- |
multicarte {adj} [of a travelling salesman] | :: representing multiple companies (this having multiple different business cards) |
multicellulaire {adj} | :: multicellular |
multicellularité {f} [biology] | :: multicellularity |
multicolore {adj} | :: multicoloured |
multicombustible {adj} | :: multicombustible |
multicopie {adj} [genetics] | :: multicopy |
multicoque {m} | :: multihull |
multicoque {adj} | :: multihulled |
multicouche {f} | :: multilayer |
multiculturalisme {m} | :: multiculturalism (societal idea) |
multiculturalisme {m} | :: (Canada) Canadian multicultural mosaic policy (by opposition to Quebec's intercultural policy, for example) |
multiculturel {adj} | :: multicultural |
multidimensionnel {adj} | :: multidimensional |
multidirectionnel {adj} | :: multidirectional |
multidisciplinaire {adj} | :: multidisciplinary |
multiensemble {m} [maths] | :: multiset, bag |
multiethnique {adj} | :: multiethnic |
multifactoriel {adj} | :: multifactorial |
multiferroique {adj} [physics] | :: multiferroic |
multiferroïsme {m} [physics] | :: multiferroics |
multifeuillet {m} | :: multilayer |
multifonction {adj} | :: multifunction |
multifonctionnalité {f} | :: multifunctionality |
multifonctionnel {adj} | :: multifunctional |
multiforme {adj} | :: multiform |
multigénérationnel {adj} | :: multigenerational |
multigraphe {m} [maths] | :: multigraph |
multijoueur {adj} [computer games] | :: multiplayer |
multilatéral {adj} | :: multilateral |
multilatéralement {adv} | :: multilaterally |
multilatéralisme {m} | :: multilateralism |
multilingue {adj} | :: multilingual (pertaining to multiple language) |
multilingue {adj} [rare] | :: polyglot |
multilinguisme {m} | :: multilingualism |
multi-locataire {adj} | :: multitenant |
multiloculaire {adj} [biology] | :: multilocular |
multimarque {adj} | :: multibrand |
multimédia {m} | :: multimedia |
multiméthode {f} [object-oriented] | :: multimethod |
multimètre {m} | :: multimeter |
multimilliardaire {mf} | :: multibillionaire |
multimillionnaire {adj} | :: multimillion/multi-million |
multimillionnaire {mf} | :: multimillionaire |
multinational {adj} | :: multinational |
multinationale {f} | :: a multinational |
multinomial {adj} [maths] | :: polynomial |
multinucléé {adj} [cytology] | :: multinucleated |
multipale {adj} | :: multiblade; multivane |
multiparité {f} | :: multiparity |
multipartisan {adj} | :: multipartisan |
multipartisme {m} | :: multipartyism |
multipartite {adj} | :: multiparty, multipartite |
multiphysique {m} [physics] | :: multiphysics |
multiphysique {adj} | :: multiphysics (attributive) |
multiple {adj} | :: multiple |
multiple {m} [mathematics] | :: Multiple |
multiplement {adv} | :: multiply |
multiplexage {m} | :: multiplexing |
multiplexer {v} | :: to multiplex |
multiplicande {m} [arithmetic] | :: multiplicand (number that is to be multiplied by another) |
multiplicateur {m} [mathematics] | :: multiplier (number) |
multiplicatif {adj} | :: multiplicative |
multiplication {f} | :: multiplication (process) |
multiplicité {f} | :: multiplicity |
multiplier {v} [mathematics] | :: to multiply |
multiplier {v} | :: to multiply |
multiplier {vr} | :: to multiply, to increase |
multiplieur {m} | :: multiplier |
multipoche {adj} | :: multi-pocket |
multipolaire {adj} | :: multipolar |
multipotence {f} [biology] | :: multipotency |
multipotent {adj} [biology] | :: multipotent |
multiprise {f} | :: extension block, power strip |
multiprocesseur {m} [computing] | :: multiprocessor |
multiprogrammation {f} [computing] | :: multiprogramming |
multiprogrammer {vt} [computing] | :: to multiprogram |
multi-propriétaire {adj} | :: multi-owner |
multipropriété {f} | :: timesharing |
multiracial {adj} | :: multiracial |
multirécidiviste {mf} | :: multirecidivist, persistent offender |
multirésistant {adj} | :: multiresistant |
multirisque {adj} | :: multirisk (type of insurance) |
multirôle {adj} | :: multirole |
multisalle {adj} | :: multiplex (cinema etc) |
multiscalaire {adj} | :: multiscalar |
multiséculaire {adj} | :: synonym of pluriséculaire |
multisport {adj} | :: multisport |
multitouche {adj} | :: multi-touch |
multitraitement {m} [computing] | :: multiprocessing |
multitube {adj} | :: multitube |
multitude {f} | :: multitude |
multivalent {adj} | :: multivalent |
multivarié {adj} | :: multivariate |
multivers {m} | :: multiverse (hypothetical group of all possible universes) |
multivoque {adj} | :: multidirectional |
multizêta {adj} [maths] | :: multizeta |
Munich {prop} | :: Munich (caplc) |
munichois {adj} | :: of or from Munich |
Munichois {m} | :: someone of or from Munich |
Munichoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Munichois |
municipal {adj} | :: municipal |
municipalement {adv} | :: municipally |
municipalisation {f} | :: municipalization |
municipaliser {v} | :: To municipalize |
municipalité {f} | :: municipality |
municipalité {f} | :: town council, city council |
municipe {m} [historical, Ancient Rome] | :: a municipium |
munificence {f} | :: generosity, munificence |
munir {vt} | :: to provide, fit, equip (a person, machine, device etc. de with something) |
munir {vp} | :: to provide oneself with; to take (a supply of) |
munition {f} | :: ammunition (weaponry) |
munitionnaire {m} | :: purveyor (especially of munitions) |
munitionnette {f} | :: A woman who worked in a munitions factory during the first World War |
munsee {m} | :: Munsee (language) |
munster {m} | :: Munster cheese |
Munténie {prop} {f} | :: Muntenia (Muntenia) |
muographie {f} | :: muography |
muonique {adj} [physics] | :: muonic |
MUPI {m} | :: outdoor information panel used for advertising or public information |
muqueuse {f} | :: mucosa, mucous membrane |
muqueuse utérine {f} | :: endometrium |
muqueux {adj} | :: mucous |
mur {m} | :: wall |
mûr {adj} | :: matured, ripe (of a fruit etc, ready to eat) |
mûr {adj} | :: mature (personal characteristic) |
mûr {adj} | :: mature (having reached the age of maturity) |
muraille {f} | :: (large) wall |
Murakami {prop} | :: surname |
mural {adj} | :: mural |
murçon {m} | :: alternative form of murson |
mur de Berlin {prop} {m} | :: Berlin Wall |
Mur des Lamentations {prop} {m} | :: Wailing Wall |
mur de soutènement {m} [masonry] | :: retaining wall |
mur du son {m} | :: sound barrier (physical boundary) |
mûre {f} | :: mulberry |
mûre {f} [by analogy] | :: blackberry |
mûre {f} [tincture] | :: murrey (dark red color as used in heraldry) |
mûre {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: berry |
murement {adv} | :: alternative form of mûrement |
mûrement {adv} | :: maturely |
murène {f} | :: moray eel |
murer {v} | :: to wall; wall off |
murer {v} | :: to wall up |
murer {v} | :: to lock up (put into prison) |
muret {m} | :: a small wall |
muret {m} [specifically] | :: a low stone wall |
murex {m} | :: Murex |
murexane {f} | :: murexan |
muri {v} | :: past participle form of murir |
muriaté {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: muriated |
muriatique {adj} [obsolete, inorganic chemistry] | :: muriatic |
muride {m} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: bromine |
muridure {m} [obsolete, inorganic chemistry] | :: bromide |
Muriel {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Murielle {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Muriel, given name |
mûrier {m} | :: mulberry (tree) |
muriosulfate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: chlorosulfate |
murir {v} | :: to mature or ripen |
mûrir {vi} [figuratively] | :: to mature, to become mature |
mûrir {vi} | :: to ripen, to become ripe |
mûrir {vt} | :: to mature, to cause to be mature |
mur mitoyen {m} | :: party wall (commonly shared wall) |
murmure {m} | :: a murmur |
murmurer {v} | :: to murmur |
murs {adj} | :: alternative spelling of mûrs |
murson {m} | :: A specific type of charcuterie from La Mure |
murtra {f} | :: alternative form of myrte |
musaraigne {f} | :: shrew |
musarder {v} | :: to dawdle |
musc {m} | :: musk |
muscade {f} | :: nutmeg |
muscader {v} | :: to flavor with nutmeg |
muscadin {m} | :: dandy, coxcomb |
muscardine {f} | :: muscardine (fungal disease of silkworms) |
muscari {m} | :: grape hyacinth |
muscat {m} | :: muscat (all senses) |
musclable {adj} [rare] | :: That can become muscular |
muscle {m} | :: muscle (contractile tissue, strength) |
musclé {adj} | :: muscled, muscly, muscular |
muscle ischio-jambier {m} [anatomy] | :: posterior femoral muscle, hamstring muscle |
muscle lisse {m} [anatomy] | :: smooth muscle |
muscler {vt} | :: To develop someone's muscles |
muscle squelettique {m} [anatomy] | :: skeletal muscle |
muscovite {f} [mineral] | :: muscovite |
musculaire {adj} | :: muscular |
musculature {f} | :: musculature |
musculeux {adj} | :: muscular |
musculeux {adj} | :: muscly |
musculine {f} | :: musculin |
musculosquelettique {adj} [anatomy] | :: musculoskeletal |
muse {f} | :: artistic inspiration |
muse {f} | :: muse (specific artistic subject) |
muséal {adj} | :: museal, of museums |
museau {m} | :: snout, muzzle (long, projecting nose, mouth and jaw of a beast) |
museau {m} [colloquial] | :: face |
musée {m} | :: museum |
museler {vt} | :: To muzzle (attach a muzzle onto) |
museler {vt} [figuratively] | :: To silence (prevent or forbid someone from speaking) |
muselet {m} | :: A wire cage that is used to clamp the cork of bottles of champagne or similar sparkling wines |
muselière {f} | :: muzzle |
muséographie {f} | :: museography |
muséographique {adj} | :: museographic |
muséologie {f} | :: museology |
muser {vi} | :: to wander about, usually aimlessly |
muserolle {f} | :: noseband (of a horse's bridle) |
musette {f} | :: musette |
musette {f} | :: bagpipe |
muséum {m} | :: a scientific museum, like that of natural history |
musical {adj} | :: musical |
musicalement {adv} | :: musically (in a musical way, with respect to music) |
musicalité {f} | :: musicality |
musicassette {f} | :: compact cassette |
musicien {m} | :: musician |
musicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of musicien |
musicographie {f} | :: musicography |
musicologie {f} | :: musicology (study of music) |
musicologique {adj} | :: musicological |
musicologue {mf} | :: musicologist |
musicothérapeute {mf} | :: music therapist |
musicothérapie {f} | :: music therapy |
musique {f} | :: music |
musique classique {f} | :: classical music |
musique de chambre {f} [music] | :: chamber music |
musiquer {v} | :: to make music |
musiquette {f} | :: bland, familiar music |
musoir {m} | :: pierhead |
musqué {adj} | :: musky |
musse {f} | :: hiding place; cache |
musser {vr} [archaic or dialectal] | :: to hide (oneself) |
musser {vr} [archaic or dialectal] | :: to squeeze through |
mussetien {adj} | :: Mussetian |
mussif {adj} | :: mosaic (attributive) |
mussolinien {adj} | :: Mussolinian |
must {m} [colloquial] | :: that which is compulsory; an obligation; duty; must |
mustélidé {m} | :: mustelid |
musulman {m} | :: Muslim |
musulman {adj} | :: Muslim |
mutabilité {f} | :: mutability, impermanence |
mutable {adj} | :: mutable, changeable |
mutable {adj} [programming] | :: mutable |
mutagène {adj} | :: mutagenic |
mutagenèse {f} | :: mutagenesis |
mutant {adj} | :: mutant |
mutation {f} | :: substitution |
mutation {f} | :: mutation |
mutationnisme {m} [biology] | :: mutationism |
mutationniste {adj} | :: mutationist |
mutatis mutandis {adv} [legal] | :: mutatis mutandis (having changed what needs to be changed) |
muté {adj} | :: mutated |
muter {v} | :: to transfer |
muter {v} | :: to mutate |
mutificateur {m} [computing] | :: binder |
mutification {m} [computing] | :: binding |
mutifier {v} [computing] | :: To bind (convert a free variable into a bound variable) |
mutilation {f} | :: mutilation |
mutilé {adj} | :: maimed, mutilated |
mutiler {v} | :: to maim (to cause permanent loss) |
mutiler {v} | :: to mutilate |
mutiler {v} | :: to dismember (cut off a limb) |
mutin {m} | :: mutineer |
mutin {adj} [dated] | :: mutinous |
mutin {adj} | :: impish, mischievous |
mutiner {v} | :: to mutiny |
mutinerie {f} | :: mutiny |
mutique {adj} [zoology, of arthropods] | :: Without spines or teeth |
mutique {adj} | :: silent, mute |
mutisme {m} | :: mutism, aphasia |
mutisme {m} | :: muteness |
mutisme {m} | :: stubborn or obstinate silence |
mutité {f} | :: muteness (inability to speak) |
mutualisation {f} | :: pooling (of resources) |
mutualisation {f} | :: mutualisation |
mutualiser {v} | :: to pool (resources), to consolidate |
mutualisme {m} | :: mutualism (interaction between two species that benefits both) |
mutualiste {adj} | :: mutualist |
mutualiste {mf} | :: mutualist |
mutualité {f} | :: mutuality |
mutuel {adj} | :: reciprocal |
mutuel {adj} | :: mutual |
mutuellement {adv} | :: reciprocally; to each other |
mutuellisme {m} [economics] | :: mutualism |
m'y {contraction} | :: me + y |
myalgie {f} [pathology] | :: myalgia |
Myanmar {prop} {m} | :: Myanmar |
mycélien {adj} | :: mycelial |
mycélium {m} | :: mycelium |
mycénien {adj} | :: Mycenean |
mycète {m} | :: fungus |
myco- {prefix} | :: myco- (pertaining to fungus) |
mycobactérie {f} | :: mycobacterium |
mycocécidie {f} [biology] | :: mycocecidium |
mycoderme {m} [biology] | :: mycoderma |
mycologique {adj} | :: mycological |
mycophage {adj} [biology] | :: mycophagous |
mycophagie {f} [biology] | :: mycophagy |
mycoplasme {m} [biology] | :: mycoplasma |
mycorhizal {adj} | :: mycorrhizal |
mycorhizien {adj} | :: mycorrhizal |
mycose {m} | :: mycosis |
mycosique {adj} | :: mycotic, fungal |
mycotique {adj} | :: mycotic |
mycotoxine {f} | :: mycotoxin |
mycotoxique {adj} | :: mycotoxic |
mydriase {f} [medicine] | :: mydriasis |
mye {f} | :: Mya (taxonomic genre of mollusks) |
myélencéphale {m} [anatomy] | :: myelencephalon |
myéline {f} | :: myelin |
myélinique {adj} | :: myelinic |
myélinique {adj} | :: myelinated |
myélinisation {f} | :: myelination |
myélite {f} | :: myelitis |
myélocyte {m} [cytology] | :: myelocyte |
myelocytoarchitecture {f} | :: myelocytoarchitecture |
myélographie {f} | :: myelography |
Mylène {prop} {f} | :: given name |
myoblaste {m} [biology] | :: myoblast |
myoblastique {adj} [biology] | :: myoblastic |
myocarde {m} | :: myocardium |
myocardique {adj} | :: myocardial |
myocardite {f} [pathology] | :: myocarditis |
myoclonie {f} | :: myoclonus |
myofasciite {f} [pathology] | :: myofascitis |
myofibrille {f} [anatomy] | :: myofibril |
myogenèse {f} [biology] | :: myogenesis |
myogénique {adj} | :: myogenic |
myoglobine {f} [protein] | :: myoglobin |
myolemme {m} [anatomy] | :: myolemma, sarcolemma |
myologie {f} | :: myology |
myome {m} [pathology] | :: a myoma |
myomètre {m} [anatomy] | :: myometrium |
myopathe {adj} | :: myopathic |
myopathie {f} | :: myopathy |
myopathie {f} | :: muscular dystrophy |
myope {adj} | :: short-sighted |
myope {adj} | :: narrow-minded |
myope {mf} | :: a short-sighted person |
myope comme une taupe {adj} [simile] | :: blind as a bat |
myopie {f} | :: myopia, shortsightedness |
myosine {f} [protein] | :: myosin |
myosotis {m} | :: forget-me-not |
myrcène {m} [organic compound] | :: myrcene |
myria- {prefix} [obsolete] | :: myria- In the metric systems of units, multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 10,000. Symbol: my |
myriadaire {adj} | :: In myriad numbers or amount |
myriade {f} [historical] | :: ten thousand |
myriade {f} | :: myriad |
Myriam {prop} | :: given name |
myriamètre {m} | :: myriametre |
myriarchie {m} | :: myriarch |
myriarque {m} | :: myriarch |
myrio- {prefix} | :: alternative form of myria- |
myriophylle {m} | :: water milfoil (plant of genus Myriophyllum) |
myristicine {f} [organic compound] | :: myristicin |
myristique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: myristic |
myristoléique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: myristoleic |
myrmécochorie {f} [biology] | :: myrmecochory |
myrmécologie {f} | :: myrmecology |
myrmécologique {adj} | :: myrmecological |
myrmécologiquement {adv} | :: myrmecologically |
myrmécophage {adj} | :: myrmecophagous |
myrmécophage {m} | :: myrmecophage |
myrmécophile {adj} [biology] | :: myrmecophilic, myrmecophilous |
myrmécophilie {f} [biology] | :: myrmecophily |
myroblyte {mf} | :: myroblyte |
myrobolan {m} | :: myrobalan |
myronique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: myronic |
myrosine {f} [enzyme] | :: myrosin |
myrrhe {f} | :: myrrh (dried sap of the myrrha tree) |
myrte {m} | :: myrtle |
myrtiforme {adj} | :: myrtiform |
myrtille {f} | :: blueberry (fruit), bilberry |
Mysie {prop} {f} | :: Mysia |
mystaciale {adj} [anatomy] | :: mystacial |
mystère {m} | :: mystery |
mystère {m} | :: mystery play |
mystère et boule de gomme {interj} | :: who knows? |
mystérieusement {adv} | :: mysteriously |
mystérieux {adj} | :: mysterious |
mysticisme {f} | :: mysticism |
mystificateur {m} | :: hoaxer, practical joker |
mystification {f} | :: mystification |
mystificatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of mystificateur |
mystifier {v} | :: to mystify, fool |
mystique {f} | :: mystic, one who practices mysticism |
mystique {adj} | :: mystic, mystical |
mystiquement {adv} | :: mystically |
mythe {m} | :: myth (story) |
mythifier {v} | :: to mystify [make mysterious] |
mythique {adj} | :: mythic, mythical |
mythiquement {adv} | :: mythically |
mytho {m} | :: mythomaniac; compulsive liar |
mytho {m} [colloquial] | :: lie |
mythographe {mf} | :: mythographer |
mythologie {f} | :: mythology (myths of a people) |
mythologique {adj} | :: mythological |
mythologiquement {adv} | :: mythologically (with respect to mythology) |
mythomane {mf} | :: mythomaniac |
mythomaniaque {adj} | :: mythomaniacal |
mythomaniaque {mf} | :: mythomaniac |
mythomanie {f} | :: mythomania |
Mytilène {prop} {f} | :: Mytilène (capital city) |
mytiliculture {f} | :: mussel farming |
myxobactérie {m} | :: myxobacterium |
myxœdémateux {adj} | :: Myxedematous; myxoedematous; myxœdematous |
myxœdémateux {m} | :: Victim affected by a myxedema |
myxœdème {m} [medicine] | :: myxedema |
myxomatose {f} | :: myxomatosis |
myxome {m} | :: myxoma |
myxomycète {m} | :: myxomycete |
mzoungou {m} [East Africa] | :: mzungu (a white person) |