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Borrowed from English manosphere; compare blogosphère.



manosphère f (plural manosphères)

  1. (neologism, Internet) manosphere, men’s rights blogs and websites collectively
    • 2016 February 8, Albertine Bourget, “Asservir la femme, désir «néo-masculiniste»”, in Le Temps, Genèva:
      Ils sont les figures de proue d’un mouvement diffus d’anti-féministes de tous poils qui a trouvé, par la Toile, un exutoire à ses frustrations: la manosphère, contraction de «man» et de «blogosphère».
      They are leading figures in a diffuse movement of anti-feminists who have found, in the Web, an outlet for their frustrations: the manosphere, a contraction of "man" and "blogosphere".
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:manosphère.