User:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV/altforms/en
- AJ < [[Ajay#English|Ajay]]
- Conservative party < [[Conservative Party#English|Conservative Party]]
- inorite < [[I know, right?#English|I know, right?]]
- aways < [[a ways#English|a ways]]
- you all < [[all of you#English|all of you]]
- alphaketoglutarate < [[alpha-ketoglutarate#English|alpha-ketoglutarate]]
- aren'chu < [[[[aren't#English#English|aren't#English
- atcha < [[at you#English|at you]]
- betcha < [[bet you#English|bet you]]
- carrolled < [[caroled or carolled#English|caroled or carolled]]
- could of < [[could have or could've#English|could have or could've]]
- cuppa < [[cup of#English|cup of]]
- damfidon't < [[damned if I don't#English|damned if I don't]]
- didja < [[did you#English|did you]]
- dintcha < [[didn't you#English|didn't you]]
- dunno < [[do not know#English|do not know]]
- dontcha < [[don't you#English|don't you]]
- don'tcha < [[don't you#English|don't you]]
- dray < [[drey#English|drey]]
- phattie < [[[[fatty#Noun#English|fatty#Noun
- fuggedaboudit < [[forget about it#English|forget about it]]
- forgeddaboudit < [[forget about it#English|forget about it]]
- get outta < [[get out of#English|get out of]]
- giz < [[give us#English|give us]]
- gazinta < [[goes into#English|goes into]]
- hoida < [[heard of#English|heard of]]
- howja < [[how d'you#English|how d'you]]
- jabrone < [[jabroni#English|jabroni]]
- jabroney < [[jabroni#English|jabroni]]
- nome sane < [[know what I'm saying#English|know what I'm saying]]
- lacquey < [[lackey#English|lackey]]
- longlasting < [[long-lasting#English|long-lasting]]
- lotsa < [[lots of#English|lots of]]
- m'lud < [[m'lord#English|m'lord]]
- meta model < [[metamodel#English|metamodel]]
- methinx < [[methinks#English|methinks]]
- oule < [[oil#English|oil]]
- pyrrolidonecarboxylic < [[pyrrolidone carboxylic#English|pyrrolidone carboxylic]]
- kwitcherbitchin < [[quit your bitching#English|quit your bitching]]
- rainbow-like < [[rainbowlike#English|rainbowlike]]
- riflebutt < [[rifle butt#English|rifle butt]]
- short-legged < [[shortlegged#English|shortlegged]]
- should of < [[should have or should've#English|should have or should've]]
- skygod < [[sky god#English|sky god]]
- swelp < [[so help#English|so help]]
- stoppit < [[stop it#English|stop it]]
- shurely shome mishtake < [[surely some mistake#English|surely some mistake]]
- toldja < [[told you#English|told you]]
- tray bon < [[très bon#English|très bon]]
- waitasec < [[wait a sec#English|wait a sec]]
- wanna < [[want a#English|want a]]
- wanna < [[want to#English|want to]]
- wanta < [[want to#English|want to]]
- wanter < [[want to#English|want to]]
- wantcha < [[want you#English|want you]]
- woz ere < [[was here#English|was here]]
- weele < [[we will#English|we will]]
- whuffo < [[what for#English|what for]]
- whadda < [[what do#English|what do]]
- whaddo < [[what do#English|what do]]
- waddya < [[what do you#English|what do you]]
- whaddaya < [[what do you#English|what do you]]
- whatya < [[what do you#English|what do you]]
- whadya < [[what do you#English|what do you]]
- whadja < [[what do you#English|what do you]]
- whomst < [[who or whom#English|who or whom]]
- whyja < [[why d'you#English|why d'you]]
- wig-wags < [[[[wigwags#Noun#English|wigwags#Noun
- wig-wags < [[[[wigwags#Verb#English|wigwags#Verb
- willya < [[will + ya (you)#English|will + ya (you)]]
- witcher < [[with your#English|with your]]
- would of < [[would have or would've#English|would have or would've]]
- wouldja < [[would you#English|would you]]
- yabbut < [[yeah, but#English|yeah, but]]
- yowzah < [[yes, sir#English|yes, sir]]
- Yogi < [[[[yogi#Adjective#English|yogi#Adjective
- Yogi < [[[[yogi#Noun#English|yogi#Noun
- you'se < [[you is#English|you is]]
- a little from column A and a little from column B < a little from column A, a little from column B
- aposteriori < a posteriori
- A-H conduction time < a-h conduction time
- ahole < a-hole
- ahh < aah
- ahh < aah
- ahh < aah
- aard-wolf < aardwolf
- aarthi < aarti
- avakaya < aavakaaya
- aavakaya < aavakaaya
- abamp < abampere
- abbaser < abaser
- abatic < abasic
- abeyya < abaya
- abb wool < abb-wool
- Abbasi < abbasi
- abbaye < abbey
- abbat < abbot
- abbreviater < abbreviator
- habdabs < abdabs
- Abderian < abderian
- Abelian < abelian
- abelianised < abelianized
- abhour < abhor
- abyde < abide
- abidin' < abiding
- abiocen < abiocoen
- abiogenetical < abiogenetic
- abeer < abir
- abjugation < abjuration
- ablen < ablet
- abnormalty < abnormality
- aboord < aboard
- aboord < aboard
- abade < abode
- abade < abode
- Aboriginal < aboriginal
- Aboriginal < aboriginal
- aboute < about
- abaht < about
- abaht < about
- abaat < about
- abaout < about
- erbout < about
- around one's ears < about one's ears
- aboue < above
- abun < above
- beyond the call of duty < above and beyond the call of duty
- above-the-fold < above the fold
- abovecited < above-cited
- abovenamed < above-named
- above ground < aboveground
- above-ground < aboveground
- abra-cadabra < abracadabra
- abrade < abraid
- abrest < abreast
- absciss < abscissa
- absentmindedly < absent-mindedly
- absentmindedness < absent-mindedness
- absynthe < absinthe
- absolue < absolve
- absolviture < absolvitor
- absorbant < absorbent
- absorbant < absorbent
- abegge < aby
- abyssus < abyss
- academicalism < academicism
- academisation < academization
- acanthamebiasis < acanthamoebiasis
- akanthion < acanthion
- acatalasemia < acatalasaemia
- acceed < accede
- accelerate < accelerated
- accentmark < accent mark
- acceptible < acceptable
- acceptibly < acceptably
- accidental color < accidental colour
- accipitary < accipitrary
- acclimatisable < acclimatizable
- acclimatisational < acclimatizational
- acclimatiser < acclimatizer
- accompanyist < accompanist
- accordin' < according
- accordeon < accordion
- accouterments < accoutrements
- accreditated < accredited
- accrew < accrue
- accrument < accruement
- acct. < acct
- acculturalisation < acculturalization
- accusin' < accusing
- acephalochiria < acephalocheiria
- azepromazine < acepromazine
- acerous < acerose
- acetamid < acetamide
- acetanilid < acetanilide
- acetometer < acetimeter
- acet- < aceto-
- acetohydroxyacid < acetohydroxy acid
- acetonitril < acetonitrile
- atchar < achar
- achaenium < achenium
- achiasmate < achiasmatic
- achiasmately < achiasmatically
- atchievement < achievement
- atishoo < achoo
- atishoo < achoo
- atchoo < achoo
- atchoo < achoo
- kerchoo < achoo
- hachoo < achoo
- achroodextrin < achrodextrin
- acidfree < acid-free
- acidemia < acidaemia
- acidimetrical < acidimetric
- aknow < acknow
- knowleche < acknowledge
- acœlomate < acoelomate
- acolyth < acolyte
- acolothist < acolythist
- akoria < acoria
- acquaintaunce < acquaintance
- acker < acre
- acriflavin < acriflavine
- acr- < acro-
- acroesthesia < acroaesthesia
- accrobranching < acrobranching
- acrocinesis < acrocinesia
- acrokinesis < acrocinesia
- acrodromous < acrodrome
- acronychal < acronical
- akropolises < acropolises
- acted out < acted-out
- actin' < acting
- actinidain < actinidin
- actualiser < actualizer
- acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis < acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- acuteangled < acute-angled
- acyanopsia < acyanopia
- adhocism < ad hocism
- in infinitum < ad infinitum
- adlib < ad lib
- adlib < ad-lib
- adactylia < adactyly
- adaptionism < adaptationism
- adaptionist < adaptationist
- adde < add
- add on < add-on
- nadder < adder
- adder's-tongue < adder's tongue
- addability < addibility
- addition polymerisation < addition polymerization
- addlepate < addle pate
- addressible < addressable
- adelopode < adelopod
- adelopodes < adelopods
- adenosinetriphosphate < adenosine triphosphate
- adhesionolysis < adhesiolysis
- adiabatical < adiabatic
- adiadokokinesia < adiadochokinesia
- adiadochokinesis < adiadochokinesia
- adiadochocinesia < adiadochokinesia
- adipocire < adipocere
- adipsy < adipsia
- adjudg < adjudge
- adjudgement < adjudgment
- adjustible < adjustable
- adjutant-general < adjutant general
- adjutant-generals < adjutant generals
- adjuvantic < adjuvant
- ad-man < adman
- ad-men < admen
- admesal < admesial
- admynistre < administer
- amrell < admiral
- ammiral < admiral
- admier < admire
- admissable < admissible
- admittible < admittable
- admixt < admixed
- adoe < ado
- adoptor < adopter
- adorn'd < adorned
- adrenalin rush < adrenaline rush
- adrenocortic < adrenocortical
- adrenocorticotrophic < adrenocorticotropic
- adsorbant < adsorbent
- adsorpative < adsorptive
- adulescent < adultescent
- adunque < adunc
- aduance < advance
- advanc't < advanced
- vantage < advantage
- aduantage < advantage
- adventitial < adventitious
- aventure < adventure
- aduenture < adventure
- aduice < advice
- Advice Animal < advice animal
- aviseful < adviceful
- aduise < advise
- advocater < advocator
- avoutrer < advoutrer
- æciospore < aeciospore
- edileship < aedileship
- ægagrus < aegagrus
- æger < aeger
- æger < aeger
- ægirite < aegirite
- æolipile < aeolipile
- æolipyle < aeolipile
- ærarian < aerarian
- aeriate < aerate
- aeriation < aeration
- aerenchym < aerenchyma
- airyated < aeriated
- aerogramme < aerogram
- aeromantick < aeromantic
- aeromete < aerometer
- aeromodeling < aeromodelling
- aëroport < aeroport
- aerosolizer < aerosoliser
- aerosolation < aerosolization
- ærugo < aerugo
- aiery < aery
- æsthesiogenic < aesthesiogenic
- æsthesiometric < aesthesiometric
- æsthesiometry < aesthesiometry
- æsthesodic < aesthesodic
- æstheticist < aestheticist
- æstheticize < aestheticize
- æstivate < aestivate
- ethiops < aethiops
- æthiops < aethiops
- etiologic < aetiologic
- ætiologic < aetiologic
- etiologics < aetiologics
- ætiologics < aetiologics
- etiologies < aetiologies
- aitiology < aetiology
- æviternity < aeviternity
- ævum < aevum
- afeerd < afeared
- affeard < affeared
- affectible < affectable
- adfiliated < affiliated
- affinisation < affinization
- affirme < affirm
- adfluxion < affluxion
- afforciament < afforcement
- aforestation < afforestation
- Afghani < afghani
- afibrinogenaemic < afibrinogenemic
- aficionada < aficionado
- afficionado < aficionado
- afoor < afore
- aforehan' < aforehand
- aforesayd < aforesaid
- aforesaide < aforesaid
- afrayed < afraid
- fraid < afraid
- affraid < afraid
- Afro < afro
- aftercastle < aftcastle
- arter < after
- afther < after
- aftre < after
- aftah < after
- after-the-fact < after the fact
- afterimpression < after-impression
- aftertax < after-tax
- after-burner < afterburner
- after-game < aftergame
- after-grass < aftergrass
- after-guard < afterguard
- after-life < afterlife
- after-market < aftermarket
- aft < afternoon
- arternoon < afternoon
- aftanoon < afternoon
- after-pain < afterpain
- after-potential < afterpotential
- after-school < afterschool
- after-shaft < aftershaft
- after-shock < aftershock
- after-war < afterwar
- afterward < afterwards
- after-world < afterworld
- aft-most < aftmost
- agayn < again
- agin < again
- agean < again
- agane < again
- aginst < against
- agammaglobulinaemia < agammaglobulinemia
- agammaglobulinaemic < agammaglobulinemic
- agammaglobulinaemic < agammaglobulinemic
- agalwood < agarwood
- aggat < agate
- age of judgement < age of judgment
- Age of Reason < age of reason
- agèd < aged
- ajee < agee
- agism < ageism
- agrace < aggrace
- aggrandisation < aggrandization
- aggrandiser < aggrandizer
- agroupment < aggroupment
- aqa < agha
- agast < aghast
- agistator < agistor
- agister < agistor
- agida < agita
- agitatable < agitable
- adjutator < agitator
- aigulet < aglet
- aglucon < aglucone
- aglycon < aglycone
- aglycons < aglycone
- agoe < ago
- agoin' < agoing
- agonising < agonizing
- agonizin' < agonizing
- agorah < agora
- agouty < agouti
- agouta < agouti
- agreable < agreeable
- agreein' < agreeing
- agrement < agreement
- agrestical < agrestic
- agr- < agri-
- agrofood < agri-food
- agri-business < agribusiness
- agrobusiness < agribusiness
- agriculturise < agriculturize
- egrimony < agrimony
- agrize < agrise
- agrotourism < agritourism
- agrocoenosis < agrocenosis
- agrichemical < agrochemical
- agrihorticultural < agrohorticultural
- agrihorticulture < agrohorticulture
- agrostologic < agrostological
- agritech < agrotech
- agritechnical < agrotechnical
- agritechnological < agrotechnological
- agritechnology < agrotechnology
- agrèmens < agrémens
- aiger < ague
- aid-de-camp < aide-de-camp
- aide-memoire < aide-mémoire
- egrette < aigrette
- ailin' < ailing
- ayme < aim
- ayme < aim
- aimin' < aiming
- haint < ain't
- a'n't < ain’t
- aire < air
- ayr < air
- ayre < air
- airbed < air bed
- Air Chief Marshal < air chief marshal
- Air Commodore < air commodore
- air-conditioner < air conditioner
- airconditioner < air conditioner
- airconditioning < air conditioning
- air-duct < air duct
- airduct < air duct
- airgap < air gap
- air-guitar < air guitar
- airlock < air lock
- Air Marshal < air marshal
- airplant < air plant
- air-raid < air raid
- air-ride < air ride
- airsac < air sac
- airshower < air shower
- airtanker < air tanker
- Air Vice-Marshal < air vice-marshal
- airwing < air wing
- airblown < air-blown
- airconditioned < air-conditioned
- air conditioning < air-conditioning
- air cushion vehicle < air-cushion vehicle
- airdry < air-dry
- air bag < airbag
- air-box < airbox
- aired out < aired-out
- air gap < airgap
- air-mobile < airmobile
- aerosacculitis < airsacculitis
- air time < airtime
- airy-fairy < airy fairy
- isle < aisle
- aisless < aisleless
- ache < aitch
- edgebone < aitchbone
- adjutage < ajutage
- ajava < ajwain
- haketon < aketon
- acinesia < akinesia
- acinesic < akinesic
- acratically < akratically
- alabastrian < alabastrine
- alas and alack < alack and alas
- alaninemia < alaninaemia
- alanin < alanine
- larum < alarum
- aube < alb
- albe < alb
- albicore < albacore
- albecore < albacore
- albocore < albacore
- albitisation < albitization
- albuminocytologic < albuminocytological
- albuminose < albuminous
- alcaid < alcaide
- alcade < alcaide
- alcelaphin < alcelaphine
- alchemize < alchemise
- alchymist < alchemist
- alchymistical < alchemistical
- alchymy < alchemy
- alcoholemia < alcoholaemia
- alcoholisation < alcoholization
- alcoholise < alcoholize
- alcoholometrical < alcoholometric
- alcohometry < alcoholometry
- halcyonoid < alcyonoid
- halcyonoid < alcyonoid
- eller < alder
- earldorman < alderman
- eale < ale
- ale-houses < alehouses
- aleph-zero < aleph-null
- aleph-nought < aleph-null
- aleph-naught < aleph-null
- aletic < alethic
- elwife < alewife
- Alexander < alexander
- alisanders < alexanders
- alexipharmical < alexipharmic
- alfuzosine < alfuzosin
- alferez < alférez
- algebraick < algebraic
- algebrization < algebraization
- algacidal < algicidal
- algorismic < algorithmic
- aliener < alienor
- alyauntis < aliens
- alined < aligned
- aliner < aligner
- alinement < alignment
- allignment < alignment
- alimentive < alimentative
- alisphenoidal < alisphenoid
- aliue < alive
- Aliyah < aliyah
- alcahest < alkahest
- alkalaemic < alkalemic
- alcalimeter < alkalimeter
- alkalimetrical < alkalimetric
- alkalinisation < alkalinization
- alkalinise < alkalinize
- alkalotolerant < alkalitolerant
- alcalizate < alkalizate
- alkalisation < alkalization
- orchanet < alkanet
- alky < alkie
- alkyloxy < alkoxy
- alkyloxylation < alkoxylation
- alkylphosphate < alkyl phosphate
- orl < all
- all cats are grey at night < all cats are grey in the dark
- all cats are gray in the dark < all cats are grey in the dark
- all cats are grey by night < all cats are grey in the dark
- all-fours < all fours
- all of one's taste is in one's mouth < all one's taste is in one's mouth
- all over the board < all over the map
- all over the shop < all over the place
- areet < all right
- areet < all right
- awreet < all right
- awreet < all right
- awreet < all right
- all that and a bag of potato chips < all that and a bag of chips
- al- < all-
- all-firedly < all-fired
- all inclusive < all-inclusive
- allnighter < all-nighter
- allrounder < all-rounder
- allterrain < all-terrain
- alleage < allege
- allegoriser < allegorizer
- alleluiah < alleluia
- alamande < allemande
- allanerly < allenarly
- allergy salute < allergic salute
- allergisation < allergization
- allergise < allergize
- allœosis < allesis
- ally < alley
- alleycat < alley cat
- allez oop < alley oop
- allocatability < allocability
- allochthone < allochthon
- adlocution < allocution
- alloimmunisation < alloimmunization
- alloimmunised < alloimmunized
- allœopathic < allopathic
- allophycocyanine < allophycocyanin
- allopolyploidic < allopolyploid
- allowin' < allowing
- allylchloride < allyl chloride
- allylisothiocyanate < allyl isothiocyanate
- alme < almah
- almyghty < almighty
- almner < almoner
- almry < almonry
- almesse < alms
- almacantar < almucantar
- almud < almude
- aulnage < alnage
- aulnager < alnager
- aloetick < aloetic
- alang < along
- awlung < along
- 'longst < alongst
- 'longst < alongst
- alopecy < alopecia
- alphaglobin < alpha globin
- alphabetiser < alphabetizer
- arquifoux < alquifou
- alquifoux < alquifou
- alreadie < already
- alretty < already
- alter-ego < alter ego
- alternative history < alternate history
- alternate energy < alternative energy
- alt-metal < alternative metal
- alt-rock < alternative rock
- altisonous < altisonant
- altrical < altricial
- aluminum chloride < aluminium chloride
- aluminumize < aluminize
- alvarezsaur < alvarezsaurid
- alveolarisation < alveolarization
- alveolingual < alveololingual
- alveoplasty < alveoloplasty
- alveole < alveolus
- alway < always
- alwaies < always
- allus < always
- alwuz < always
- awluz < always
- alluz < always
- alepine < alépine
- amadawn < amadan
- amaine < amain
- amalgama < amalgam
- amanitine < amanitin
- amazin' < amazing
- embassadorial < ambassadorial
- embassadress < ambassadress
- ambercoloured < ambercolored
- ambergrease < ambergris
- ambergreese < ambergris
- ambergrece < ambergris
- ambergrice < ambergris
- ambregrise < ambergris
- ambregris < ambergris
- ambergrese < ambergris
- ambergriece < ambergris
- ambergriese < ambergris
- amphidextrous < ambidextrous
- amblyopy < amblyopia
- ambon < ambo
- amboina < amboyna
- ambulacral < ambulacrum
- amoeban < ameban
- amœbicidal < amebicidal
- amoebacide < amebicide
- amoebiform < amebiform
- amoeboid < ameboid
- amoebous < amebous
- amœbula < amebula
- Amen < amen
- mendment < amendment
- mends < amends
- amenorrhœal < amenorrheal
- amerciament < amercement
- amiantus < amianthus
- amidium < amidium ion
- 'midst < amidst
- aminoacid < amino acid
- aminoalcohol < amino alcohol
- aminosugar < amino sugar
- aminoterminal < amino-terminal
- aminooxyl < aminoxyl
- amiodaron < amiodarone
- amitie < amity
- ammo'd < ammoed
- armoniac < ammoniac
- ammoniac < ammoniacum
- ammoniotelic < ammonotelic
- ammoniuria < ammonuria
- amnaesia < amnesia
- amnemonic < amnesic
- amylobarbitone < amobarbital
- amœbal < amoebal
- amebalike < amoebalike
- amebean < amoebean
- amœbic < amoebic
- amebocytes < amoebocyte
- ameboflagellate < amoeboflagellate
- emong < among
- emongst < amongst
- amorette < amoret
- amorphisation < amorphization
- amour-propre < amour propre
- amoxycillin < amoxicillin
- amperemetre < amperemeter
- amperzand < ampersand
- amfetaminil < amphetaminil
- ampho- < amphi-
- amphibial < amphibian
- amphiphil < amphiphilic
- amphitheatral < amphitheatrical
- amphotonia < amphotony
- amusin' < amusing
- amyle < amyl
- amyloidal < amyloid
- amyotrophia < amyotrophy
- amess < amyss
- anachronise < anachronize
- anacolutha < anacoloutha
- anacolouthons < anacoluthons
- Anacreontic < anacreontic
- Anacreontic < anacreontic
- anakusis < anacusis
- anadromic < anadromous
- anæmic < anaemic
- anæsthesis < anaesthesis
- anæsthesize < anaesthesize
- anæsthete < anaesthete
- anæsthetically < anaesthetically
- anæsthetise < anaesthetise
- anæsthetiser < anaesthetiser
- anæsthetizer < anaesthetizer
- anaglyphical < anaglyphic
- anagrammatical < anagrammatic
- anagrammatize < anagrammatise
- anal retentive < anal-retentive
- analogue hole < analog hole
- analog watch < analogue watch
- analyzand < analysand
- analysist < analyst
- anaphrodisiacal < anaphrodisiac
- anaphylotoxin < anaphylatoxin
- anapleurotic < anaplerotic
- anarchise < anarchize
- anarchocapitalist < anarcho-capitalist
- anarchocommunism < anarcho-communism
- anarchocommunist < anarcho-communist
- anarchocommunist < anarcho-communist
- anarchosyndicalism < anarcho-syndicalism
- anarchosyndicalist < anarcho-syndicalist
- anathematisation < anathematization
- anathematiser < anathematizer
- anatomiser < anatomizer
- ambury < anbury
- ancred < anchored
- anchor man < anchorman
- anchovetta < anchoveta
- ancona < ancon
- andt < and
- and crap < and shit
- andesyte < andesite
- handiron < andiron
- androgogic < andragogic
- androgogy < andragogy
- andr- < andro-
- androdiecious < androdioecious
- andrœcious < androecious
- androstendione < androstenedione
- anearst < anear
- anecdotical < anecdotal
- anæmical < anemical
- anemony < anemone
- anergised < anergized
- anergia < anergy
- anesthesiometer < anesthesimeter
- anaesthesiologic < anesthesiologic
- anaesthesiological < anesthesiological
- anaesthetically < anesthetically
- anæsthetisation < anesthetisation
- anæsthetist < anesthetist
- anæsthetization < anesthetization
- anesthetisation < anesthetization
- anesthetised < anesthetized
- anfractuose < anfractuous
- angekkok < angekok
- angekut < angekok
- Angel < angel
- angell < angel
- death angel < angel of death
- angel fish < angelfish
- angioembolisation < angioembolization
- angeiology < angiology
- angiospermatous < angiospermous
- angeiotomy < angiotomy
- angle-shooter < angle shooter
- angle-shooting < angle shooting
- angle-shoot < angle shot
- angle shoot < angle shot
- angler fish < anglerfish
- nangry < angry
- angree < angry
- ångström < angstrom
- ångstrom < angstrom
- angström < angstrom
- Angstrom < angstrom
- Angstroms < angstroms
- anguisht < anguished
- angulose < angulous
- anhelose < anhelous
- aningre < anigre
- anilinctus < anilingus
- hanimal < animal
- animall < animal
- animater < animator
- anisoeikonia < aniseikonia
- anisokonia < aniseikonia
- anisol < anisole
- anisotropous < anisotropic
- ankle biter < ankle-biter
- anchylose < ankylose
- annat < annate
- anatta < annatto
- arnatto < annatto
- arnotto < annatto
- annexin' < annexing
- anniverse < anniversary
- annoy'd < annoyed
- annualisation < annualization
- annulability < annullability
- anodisation < anodization
- noint < anoint
- annointment < anointment
- anomalistical < anomalistic
- anoraky < anorakish
- anorexy < anorexia
- anotha' < another
- anoxemic < anoxaemic
- ansätze < ansatz
- aunswere < answer
- answere < answer
- answere < answer
- answerde < answered
- answerin' < answering
- antbear < ant bear
- ant-bear < ant bear
- antagonistick < antagonistic
- antagonistical < antagonistic
- antagoniser < antagonizer
- antemeridiem < ante meridiem
- ante-up < ante up
- ant-eater < anteater
- antichamber < antechamber
- antefixa < antefix
- antefixum < antefix
- antemedian < antemedial
- ante-Mosaic < antemosaic
- antennula < antennule
- antipetalous < antepetalous
- anteriorisation < anteriorization
- anteriodorsal < anterodorsal
- anteriodorsally < anterodorsally
- antrograde < anterograde
- anteriomedian < anteromedian
- antiroom < anteroom
- anterioposterior < anteroposterior
- anterioventral < anteroventral
- antisepalous < antesepalous
- anthelmint < anthelmintic
- anteraxanthin < antheraxanthin
- anthocyanine < anthocyanin
- anthraco- < anthra-
- anthracaemia < anthracemia
- anthracin < anthracene
- anthraxiferous < anthraciferous
- anthracyclin < anthracycline
- anthracyline < anthracycline
- anthropical < anthropic
- anthropisation < anthropization
- anthro- < anthropo-
- anthrop- < anthropo-
- anthropœia < anthropoeia
- anthromorphic < anthropomorphic
- anthropomorphitism < anthropomorphism
- anthropomorphisation < anthropomorphization
- anthropophagical < anthropophagic
- anti < anti-
- anti-Gentileism < anti-Gentilism
- anti-gentileism < anti-Gentilism
- anti-gentilism < anti-Gentilism
- antisemite < anti-Semite
- antisemitic < anti-Semitic
- antisemitically < anti-Semitically
- antiabolitionism < anti-abolitionism
- antiavoidance < anti-avoidance
- antibumping granule < anti-bumping granule
- anticatarrhal < anti-catarrhal
- anticatarrhal < anti-catarrhal
- anticivil < anti-civil
- antidevolutionist < anti-devolutionist
- antifeature < anti-feature
- antifederal < anti-federal
- antifederalism < anti-federalism
- antifederalist < anti-federalist
- antifolk < anti-folk
- antiglobalization < anti-globalization
- antiglobalisation < anti-globalization
- antihomophobe < anti-homophobe
- antihomosexualism < anti-homosexualism
- antiinstitutionalism < anti-institutionalism
- antiintellectual < anti-intellectual
- antilapse < anti-lapse
- antilock < anti-lock
- antimarketeer < anti-marketeer
- antimonarchism < anti-monarchism
- antistrange < anti-strange
- antivax < anti-vax
- antivaxx < anti-vax
- antiageing < antiaging
- antaircraft < antiaircraft
- antalkaline < antialkaline
- antianaemic < antianemic
- antianaemic < antianemic
- anti-antibody < antiantibody
- anti-bisexual < antibisexual
- anti-bribery < antibribery
- antibussing < antibusing
- anti-caking agent < anticaking agent
- anti-capitalism < anticapitalism
- anticlimactical < anticlimactic
- anti-climax < anticlimax
- anti-clockwise < anticlockwise
- anti-clockwise < anticlockwise
- anti-corruption < anticorruption
- anti-crystals < anticrystals
- anti-depressant < antidepressant
- antidiarrhoeal < antidiarrheal
- antidiarrhoeal < antidiarrheal
- antidiarrhœal < antidiarrheal
- antidiarrhœal < antidiarrheal
- anti-discriminative < antidiscriminative
- antidrugs < antidrug
- antidyslipidaemic < antidyslipidemic
- antidyslipidaemic < antidyslipidemic
- antioedematous < antiedematous
- antepileptic < antiepileptic
- antepileptic < antiepileptic
- antioestrogen < antiestrogen
- antigenaemic < antigenemic
- antiglycaemic < antiglycemic
- anti-graft < antigraft
- antigropeloes < antigropelos
- antihaemolytic < antihemolytic
- anti-hæmorrhagic < antihemorrhagic
- anti-human < antihuman
- antihyperglycaemic < antihyperglycemic
- antihyperlipidaemic < antihyperlipidemic
- antihyperlipidaemic < antihyperlipidemic
- anthypnotic < antihypnotic
- anthypnotic < antihypnotic
- antilipaemic < antilipemic
- antilipaemic < antilipemic
- antilipidaemic < antilipidemic
- antilocalisation < antilocalization
- antilopin < antilopine
- antimen < antiman
- antimask < antimasque
- anti-monarchist < antimonarchist
- anti-national < antinational
- antinomical < antinomic
- antinome < antinomy
- antiparkinson < antiparkinsonian
- anti-passback < antipassback
- antipatriarchical < antipatriarchal
- antiphonar < antiphonary
- antiphonical < antiphonic
- antipyrin < antipyrine
- antiquitarian < antiquarian
- antiquitarian < antiquarian
- antic < antique
- antiquitie < antiquity
- anti-rad < antirad
- anti-rad < antirad
- anti-realism < antirealism
- anti-religious < antireligious
- anti-revolutionary < antirevolutionary
- anti-revolutionary < antirevolutionary
- antiscorbutical < antiscorbutic
- antiseptical < antiseptic
- antiserotoninergic < antiserotonergic
- anti-thyroid < antithyroid
- antitoxine < antitoxin
- anti-virus < antivirus
- antonomasy < antonomasia
- antoikoi < antœci
- antecians < antœci
- anourous < anurous
- anctiously < anxiously
- eeny < any
- anny < any
- eny < any
- enny < any
- anybuddy < anybody
- anythink < anything
- anyfink < anything
- anyting < anything
- anyting < anything
- any way < anyway
- a.o. < ao
- aroogah < aooga
- awoogah < aooga
- audad < aoudad
- apagogical < apagogic
- apepsia < apepsy
- apperture < aperture
- apercu < aperçu
- aphasy < aphasia
- aphasiac < aphasic
- aphoristical < aphoristic
- aphrodisiacal < aphrodisiac
- apiotherapy < apitherapy
- apnoeic < apneic
- apnœic < apneic
- Apocalypticism < apocalypticism
- apokatastatic < apocatastatic
- apodisation < apodization
- apodised < apodized
- apokron < apokrone
- Apollonian < apollonian
- apologizin' < apologizing
- apomyxis < apomixis
- apophany < apophenia
- apophysary < apophyseal
- apophysial < apophyseal
- apoplectical < apoplectic
- apoplex < apoplexy
- aposiopestic < aposiopetic
- apostacy < apostasy
- apostata < apostate
- apostume < aposteme
- pothecary < apothecary
- potecary < apothecary
- poticary < apothecary
- apophthegmatist < apothegmatist
- apothegmatise < apothegmatize
- apophthegmatize < apothegmatize
- apophthegmatise < apothegmatize
- appenage < appanage
- apparachik < apparatchik
- apparell < apparel
- paritor < apparitor
- apaumé < appaumé
- appeare < appear
- appeard < appeared
- appealant < appellant
- apple-crook < apple crook
- the apple doesn't fall far from the tree < apple does not fall far from the tree
- the apple does not fall far from the stem < apple does not fall far from the tree
- the apple does not fall far from the trunk < apple does not fall far from the tree
- apple-pie < apple pie
- applesquire < apple-squire
- apple-sauce < applesauce
- happlicable < applicable
- applications program < application program
- applications software < application software
- applyed < applied
- aplyed < applied
- appoynt < appoint
- apprizal < appraisal
- apprizement < appraisement
- appraisin' < appraising
- prenticeship < apprenticeship
- appraising < apprising
- apprizing < apprising
- happroach < approach
- happroachin' < approaching
- appropriatin' < appropriating
- appertinance < appurtenance
- appertinence < appurtenance
- abrecock < apricot
- apricocks < apricots
- napron < apron
- aprotinine < aprotinin
- aprotonin < aprotinin
- apsaras < apsara
- absidiole < apsidiole
- absis < apsis
- aqua ammoniae < aqua ammonia
- aquafortis < aqua fortis
- aquajogging < aqua jogging
- aqua regis < aqua regia
- aque- < aqua-
- aquicultural < aquacultural
- aquiculture < aquaculture
- aquiculturist < aquaculturist
- aquafit < aquafitness
- waterfit < aquafitness
- water fitness < aquafitness
- aquathon < aquathlon
- aquatical < aquatic
- aqvavit < aquavit
- aqueous humor < aqueous humour
- aquafer < aquifer
- aquacobalamin < aquocobalamin
- arabesk < arabesque
- arachnitis < arachnoiditis
- arachniphobia < arachnophobia
- areostyle < araeostyle
- arragonite < aragonite
- arack < arak
- aranology < araneology
- arapunga < araponga
- Araucarian < araucarian
- arborcide < arboricide
- arborize < arborise
- arbourization < arborization
- arborvirus < arbovirus
- arcwise-connected < arc-connected
- archo- < arch-
- archeographic < archaeographic
- archeointensity < archaeointensity
- archæologically < archaeologically
- archeon < archaeon
- archeophyte < archaeophyte
- archeophytic < archaeophytic
- archeozoological < archaeozoological
- archaical < archaic
- archaïc < archaic
- archbishoprick < archbishopric
- arch-criminal < archcriminal
- arch enemy < archenemy
- archaeus < archeus
- orchal < archil
- orchel < archil
- archimagus < archimage
- harchitect < architect
- architectonical < architectonic
- archilute < archlute
- arch-lute < archlute
- archmold < archmould
- arctic entryway < arctic entry
- arcuated < arcuate
- Ardian < ardian
- arenium < arenium ion
- arenonium < arenonium ion
- areolus < areola
- aargh < argh
- augh < argh
- aaargh < argh
- arginylaminopeptidase < arginyl aminopeptidase
- orgal < argol
- arguin' < arguing
- arguement < argument
- Argyle < argyle
- argyll < argyle
- arsmetrike < arithmetic
- arithmetitian < arithmetician
- ark load < arkload
- arm wrestle < arm-wrestle
- arm wrestle < arm-wrestle
- arm wrestler < arm-wrestler
- armado < armada
- arm'd < armed
- armoir < armoire
- armor-bearer < armorbearer
- armour'd < armored
- armored fighting vehicle < armoured fighting vehicle
- armored truck < armoured truck
- armorsmithing < armoursmithing
- arm pit < armpit
- arm pits < armpits
- armie < army
- aroynt < aroint
- aromatisation < aromatization
- round < around
- round < around
- round the Horn < around the Horn
- arpen < arpent
- arpine < arpent
- arquebuse < arquebus
- arquebuse < arquebus
- arcubus < arquebus
- harquebuze < arquebus
- hackbush < arquebus
- hagbush < arquebus
- hackbut < arquebus
- harquebusier < arquebusier
- arrangin' < arranging
- arrastre < arrastra
- arhythmia < arrhythmia
- arythmia < arrhythmia
- arythmic < arrhythmic
- arhythmically < arrhythmically
- arriuall < arrival
- arriue < arrive
- arrivism < arrivisme
- arrove < arroba
- arrowe < arrow
- arsanylium < arsanylium ion
- assbreath < arsebreath
- archine < arshin
- archin < arshin
- arschin < arshine
- arsheen < arshine
- arsephenamine < arsphenamine
- arsphenamin < arsphenamine
- artform < art form
- art-house < art house
- arthouse < art house
- artroom < art room
- artemisinine < artemisinin
- arterialisation < arterialization
- arterialise < arterialize
- arthritical < arthritic
- arthrogryphosis < arthrogryposis
- carticaine < articaine
- artefactitious < artifactitious
- artificialise < artificialize
- artistic license < artistic licence
- art speak < artspeak
- aryballo < aryballos
- arylcyclohexamine < arylcyclohexylamine
- arylsulphonate < arylsulfonate
- arylsulphotransferase < arylsulfotransferase
- arytænoid < arytenoid
- arytaenoid < arytenoid
- arytaenoid < arytenoid
- az < as
- as a matter of factly < as a matter of fact
- like there was no tomorrow < as if there were no tomorrow
- as if there is no tomorrow < as if there were no tomorrow
- as-is < as is
- as fate would have it < as luck would have it
- assoon < as soon as
- just as soon as < as soon as
- as of yet < as yet
- aRNA < asRNA
- assafetida < asafoetida
- asbestus < asbestos
- asepticise < asepticize
- asexualisation < asexualization
- asexualise < asexualize
- asham'd < ashamed
- ash-bin < ashbin
- ashcoloured < ashcolored
- asrama < ashrama
- ash-tray < ashtray
- axe < ask
- aske < ask
- ast < asked
- askin' < asking
- asleepe < asleep
- sleeping at the switch < asleep at the switch
- asmolder < asmoulder
- sperage < asparagus
- sparagrass < asparagus
- sparagus < asparagus
- aspergillium < aspergillum
- aspermatous < aspermous
- asphaltus < asphalt
- asphyxy < asphyxiate
- aspick < aspic
- asse < ass
- @55 < ass
- ass-kicking < ass kicking
- ass'n. < [[ass'n}} (ass'n) {{gloss]]
- assn. < [[ass'n}} (ass'n) {{gloss]]
- backassward < ass-backwards
- assaile < assail
- assay-dish < assay dish
- ass-breath < assbreath
- ass breath < assbreath
- assagai < assegai
- assagai < assegai
- assagaie < assegai
- Assembly Language < assembly language
- assertible < assertable
- assessible < assessable
- assever < asseverate
- arsefucker < assfucker
- ass hole < asshole
- assimulation < assimilation
- assistor < assister
- acise < assize
- arseless < assless
- arsemunch < assmunch
- associatin' < associating
- assoilze < assoilzie
- swage < assuage
- asshure < assure
- assithment < assythment
- astheny < asthenia
- aesthenosphere < asthenosphere
- asthmatical < asthmatic
- asteer < astir
- stonish < astonish
- astonisht < astonished
- astrachan < astrakhan
- adstrict < astrict
- adstriction < astriction
- adstrictory < astrictory
- astrochronologic < astrochronological
- astrocytical < astrocytic
- astrogony < astrogeny
- astrologic < astrological
- astronomise < astronomize
- astrophotograph < astrophoto
- asymmetrical meter < asymmetric meter
- asymptoticly < asymptotically
- asystolia < asystole
- att < at
- on a pinch < at a pinch
- at adventure < at a venture
- at six and seven < at sixes and sevens
- at grade < at-grade
- attabal < atabal
- atheistick < atheistic
- atheisation < atheization
- atheise < atheize
- athermous < athermanous
- atlo- < atlanto-
- atmolyse < atmolyze
- attom < atom
- atomical < atomic
- atom bomb < atomic bomb
- atomisation < atomization
- atavaquone < atovaquone
- atropo- < atrop-
- atrophia < atrophy
- atropin < atropine
- atropia < atropine
- atropoisomeric < atropisomeric
- atrypide < atrypid
- at < att
- that's a girl < attagirl
- thattagirl < attagirl
- attemperment < attemperament
- attendaunce < attendance
- attendancy < attendance
- attendin' < attending
- attentate < attentat
- attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder < attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- ettercap < attercop
- attitudiniser < attitudinizer
- attogramme < attogram
- atto-meter < attometre
- attorny < attorney
- attourneie < attorney
- Attorney-General < attorney general
- attorney-generals < attorney generals
- attorneys fees < attorney's fees
- attrite < attrit
- untypically < atypically
- outdacious < audacious
- owdacious < audacious
- owdaciousness < audaciousness
- audioguide < audio guide
- hawt < aught
- augmentor < augmenter
- aurapten < auraptene
- auriculate < auriculated
- aurine < aurin
- auroch < aurochs
- urochs < aurochs
- aurothiosulphate < aurothiosulfate
- astringer < austringer
- autocoid < autacoid
- autapomorphous < autapomorphic
- autoapomorphic < autapomorphic
- autoapomorphy < autapomorphy
- authentiquely < authentically
- aucthor < author
- authoritie < authority
- authorise < authorize
- authorised term < authorized term
- authoriser < authorizer
- auto de fé < auto de fe
- auto-de-fe < auto de fe
- auto-de-fé < auto-de-fe
- autotune < auto-tune
- autotuner < auto-tuner
- autantonym < autoantonym
- auto-away < autoaway
- autocatalyse < autocatalyze
- autochthone < autochthon
- autochtonous < autochthonous
- autocrator < autocrat
- autogynophilia < autogynephilia
- autohaemotherapy < autohemotherapy
- automatical < automatic
- automatous < automatic
- automatisation < automatization
- automorph < automorphic
- Autonomous Oblast < autonomous oblast
- autophoby < autophobia
- autopodal < autopodial
- autoptical < autoptic
- autoradiographical < autoradiographic
- autotomise < autotomize
- autotoxemia < autotoxaemia
- auxiliarily < auxiliarly
- av beth din < av beit din
- Av Beth Din < av beit din
- amaduvad < avadavat
- vant-courier < avant-courier
- avantgardism < avant-gardism
- avascularised < avascularized
- avenaline < avenalin
- avenor < avener
- venger < avenger
- average joe < average Joe
- aviraemic < aviremic
- avisandum < avizandum
- advoyer < avoyer
- d'aw < aw
- awaitin' < awaiting
- adward < award
- adward < award
- 'way < away
- 'way < away
- awaye < away
- awaie < away
- avay < away
- awlessness < awelessness
- awsome < awesome
- awe-stricken < awestricken
- awe-struck < awestruck
- orful < awful
- orful < awful
- awefull < awful
- aukward < awkward
- aul < awl
- axless < axeless
- axal < axial
- axilla < axil
- axillary < axillar
- axillar < axillary
- axiomatisable < axiomatizable
- axiomatisation < axiomatization
- axelike < axlike
- axioplasm < axoplasm
- axotomise < axotomize
- aia < ayah
- aya < ayah
- I < aye
- ayoo < ayo
- ayup < ayuh
- azadiractin < azadirachtin
- azalia < azalea
- azophilic < azaphilic
- azaspirane < azaspiran
- azathioprin < azathioprine
- azederach < azedarach
- AZERTY < azerty
- azimuthial < azimuthal
- azinphosmethyl < azinphos-methyl
- azithromycine < azithromycin
- azocompound < azo compound
- azodye < azo dye
- azophloxine < azophloxin
- azofloxin < azophloxin
- azotæmia < azotaemia
- azotaemia < azotemia
- azotaemic < azotemic
- azotorrhœa < azotorrhea
- azur < azure
- azym < azyme
- b < b.
- bc < b/c
- bawan < ba-wan
- babbitry < babbittry
- babyfy < babify
- babirousa < babirusa
- baboo < babu
- baboodom < babudom
- babooism < babuism
- babeh < baby
- bay-beh < baby
- babyboomer < baby boomer
- babyface < baby face
- babyfood < baby food
- baby-jumper < baby jumper
- babystep < baby step
- baby-step < baby step
- baby-walker < baby walker
- babywise < baby-wise
- babyrussa < babyroussa
- baby sitter < babysitter
- bacalao < bacalhau
- bacchanale < bacchanal
- Bacchic < bacchic
- back at ya < back at you
- back on to < back onto
- backroad < back road
- backscreen < back screen
- backseat < back seat
- backstraight < back straight
- backstreet < back street
- backs to the wall < back to the wall
- backasswards < back-asswards
- back-of-an-envelope < back-of-the-envelope
- back to back < back-to-back
- back biter < backbiter
- back biters < backbiter
- back burn < backburn
- back-burn < backburn
- backchannelled < backchanneled
- back-cloth < backcloth
- bachfisch < backfisch
- back-hand < backhand
- back-hand < backhand
- back-hand < backhand
- back-handed < backhanded
- back-handed < backhanded
- back-handed compliment < backhanded compliment
- back-handedly < backhandedly
- back-handedness < backhandedness
- back-hander < backhander
- back-heel < backheel
- back-heel < backheel
- back-side < backside
- back-slapping < backslapping
- back-stabbing < backstabbing
- back-track < backtrack
- back wash < backwash
- back wash < backwash
- backne < bacne
- bacteriaemia < bacteraemia
- bacteraemic < bacteremic
- bacteriocidal < bactericidal
- bacteriocide < bactericide
- bacteriocidin < bactericidin
- bacteri- < bacterio-
- bacter- < bacterio-
- bacteriophaeophytin < bacteriopheophytin
- bacteristatic < bacteriostatic
- bacteria < bacterium
- bacteruria < bacteriuria
- badtempered < bad-tempered
- bada bing < bada bing bada boom
- bada boom < bada bing bada boom
- badarse < badass
- badarse < badass
- badland < badlands
- baetylus < baetyl
- baffie < baffy
- baftah < bafta
- bagass < bagasse
- bag men < bagmen
- baguet < baguette
- baugh < bah
- bat < baht
- baile < bail
- bailbond < bail bond
- bayila < baila
- bayliff < bailiff
- balywick < bailiwick
- bailiffwick < bailiwick
- bailer < bailor
- bayt < bait
- bayze < baize
- bajree < bajri
- bakesale < bake sale
- bakeoff < bake-off
- bakstone < bakestone
- bakin' < baking
- bakshish < baksheesh
- bakshish < baksheesh
- balance of probability < balance of probabilities
- balanitic < balanic
- balas ruby < balas-ruby
- balcon < balcony
- balc'ny < balcony
- baldheaded < bald-headed
- bawdkin < baldacchin
- balkanise < balkanize
- baulky < balky
- ballbearing < ball bearing
- ballcarrier < ball carrier
- ballclay < ball clay
- ballflower < ball flower
- ballgirl < ball girl
- ball and socket joints < ball-and-socket joints
- ballbuster < ball-buster
- ball cap < ballcap
- balista < ballista
- balotade < ballotade
- ballsac < ballsack
- balsamical < balsamic
- bama < bamma
- bami < bammy
- banalise < banalize
- bannat < banat
- Bancroftian < bancroftian
- bandlet < bandelet
- banderol < banderole
- bandoleered < bandoliered
- banddom < bandom
- bandoura < bandura
- bandwaggon < bandwagon
- bang stick < bangstick
- banisht < banished
- banishèd < banished
- banjo ukelele < banjo ukulele
- banjulele < banjolele
- banker lamp < banker's lamp
- banker's hours < bankers' hours
- bank note < banknote
- banoffi < banoffee
- bankette < banquet
- banquetting < banqueting
- benshee < banshee
- banshie < banshee
- bantz < bants
- banja < banya
- baptizable < baptisable
- baptistical < baptistic
- baptizin' < baptizing
- biradari < baradari
- barasinga < barasingha
- barbarise < barbarize
- barbeque < barbecue
- barbeque < barbecue
- bar-be-que < barbecue
- bar-b-ques < barbecues
- barbequey < barbecuey
- berberry < barberry
- barbacanage < barbicanage
- bardee < bardie#Etymology 3
- bardy < bardie#Etymology 3
- bardolater < bardolator
- barebones < bare-bones
- bare-footed < barefooted
- barish < bareish
- bare-skin < bareskin
- baraesthesiometer < baresthesiometer
- barfolicious < barfalicious
- bargain-basement < bargain basement
- bargeboard < barge board
- bar-goer < bargoer
- bar hop < barhop
- baryte < barite
- barium sulphate < barite
- barium sulfate < barium sulphate
- barke < bark
- bar-keeper < barkeeper
- barkin' < barking
- barley sugar < barley-sugar
- bergmaster < barmaster
- bernacle < barnacle
- boramez < barometz
- Baroque pop < baroque pop
- baroflex < baroreflex
- barkantine < barquentine
- barquette mold < barquette mould
- baracan < barracan
- barracoota < barracouta
- barrelchested < barrel-chested
- barrin' < barring
- burrow < barrow
- bass-relief < bas relief
- basrelief < bas-relief
- basalte < basalt
- basenet < bascinet
- bace < base
- bace < base
- bace < base
- basecourt < base court
- base-on-balls < base on balls
- base-ball < baseball
- base-burner < baseburner
- bashin' < bashing
- bashlik < bashlyk
- basioapical < basiapical
- bazil < basil
- basan < basil
- basilick < basilic
- basisphenoidal < basisphenoid
- basketstar < basket star
- basophile < basophil
- basophilism < basophilia
- base < bass
- base < bass
- basse < bass
- back-assward < bass-ackwards
- basso profundo < basso profondo
- basterd < bastard
- bastid < bastard
- basturd < bastard
- bastnäsite < bastnaesite
- bathcube < bath cube
- bathtime < bath time
- bathin' < bathing
- bawhorse < bathorse
- bath tub < bathtub
- bathymetrical < bathymetric
- bathyscaph < bathyscaphe
- battik < batik
- batune < baton
- baston < baton
- batoon < baton
- bâton < baton
- batton < baton
- battallion < battalion
- batton < batten
- battell < battle
- battle-axe < battle axe
- battlefleet < battle fleet
- battleax < battleaxe
- battle ship < battleship
- battlin' < battling
- battologise < battologize
- battyman < batty man
- bawble < bauble
- beauxite < bauxite
- baubee < bawbee
- baubling < bawbling
- bawlin' < bawling
- bayadeer < bayadère
- buyou < bayou
- bazar < bazaar
- bizillion < bazillion
- BCC < bcc
- bdellotomy < bdellatomy
- bdellion < bdellium
- bee < be
- be onto < be on to
- be here for < be there for
- beachball < beach ball
- beach-goer < beachgoer
- beck < beak
- beamsplitter < beam splitter
- beancounter < bean counter
- beancurd < bean curd
- bean-pole < beanpole
- bean pole < beanpole
- beare < bear
- bear's garlic < bear garlic
- bearhug < bear hug
- bearpit < bear pit
- beardie < beardy
- bearin' < bearing
- bete < beat
- beat-'em-up < beat 'em up
- knock the daylight out of < beat the daylights out of
- beat down < beatdown
- beatin' < beating
- buku < [[beaucoup}} (beaucoup) {{gloss]]
- buku < [[beaucoup}} (beaucoup) {{gloss]]
- buku < [[beaucoup}} (beaucoup) {{gloss]]
- boku < [[beaucoup}} (beaucoup) {{gloss]]
- boku < [[beaucoup}} (beaucoup) {{gloss]]
- boku < [[beaucoup}} (beaucoup) {{gloss]]
- beautifull < beautiful
- beautifool < beautiful
- bee-utiful < beautiful
- beautifuler < beautifuller
- beautyness < beautiness
- beautie < beauty
- beaute < beauty
- bewdy < beauty
- bever < beaver
- bebeerin < bebeerine
- bicause < because
- bekase < because
- caze < because
- beclomethasone < beclometasone
- becomin' < becoming
- bedde < bed
- bedhop < bed-hop
- bedhopper < bed-hopper
- bedhoppers < bed-hoppers
- bed-bath < bedbath
- bedlem < bedlam
- Beduin < bedouin
- Bedouin < bedouin
- Bedawin < bedouin
- bed-room < bedroom
- bedtyme < bedtime
- bedyde < bedyed
- bye < bee
- beebalm < bee balm
- beegum < bee gum
- beewolf < bee wolf
- bidi < beedi
- byefe < beef
- bin < been
- beene < been
- biya < beer
- beerhall < beer hall
- biestings < beestings
- beastings < beestings
- beesting < beestings
- biesting < beestings
- bisnings < beestings
- beetleheaded < beetle-headed
- befal < befall
- befoir < before
- befure < before
- begge < beg
- beganne < began
- begane < began
- beggar-my-neighbour < beggar-my-neighbor
- beggar-thy-neighbour < beggar-thy-neighbor
- beggin' < begging
- beguilt < begilt
- beginne < begin
- begynne < begin
- biggen < begin
- beginnin' < beginning
- beglamor < beglamour
- begorah < begorra
- bèguèna < beguena
- beguyle < beguile
- behalfe < behalf
- behavin' < behaving
- behinde < behind
- behind the eight ball < behind the eight-ball
- behind the eightball < behind the eight-ball
- behind the 8-ball < behind the eight-ball
- beholde < behold
- behovable < behoovable
- beinge < being
- beinge < being
- beyng < being
- bejabers < bejabbers
- bejeesus < bejesus
- belaboredly < belabouredly
- belar < belah
- beldam < beldame
- belfery < belfry
- beely < belie
- belye < belie
- beliefe < belief
- believeableness < believableness
- b'lieve < believe
- beleue < believe
- bleeve < believe
- belieber < believer
- believin' < believing
- bellmetal < bell metal
- bell-ringer < bell ringer
- bellrope < bell rope
- bellbottom < bell-bottom
- bell boy < bellboy
- bellettrist < belletrist
- belletristical < belletristic
- bellicous < bellicose
- belligerency < belligerence
- beller < bellow
- beller < bellow
- bellowfish < bellowsfish
- bell-pull < bellpull
- bely < belly
- bellyake < bellyache
- belongin' < belonging
- b'low < below
- b'low < below
- beltloop < belt loop
- bemedalled < bemedaled
- benempt < benamed
- benchwarmer < bench-warmer
- bench warmer < bench-warmer
- bench warmers < bench-warmers
- bendin' < bending
- 'neath < beneath
- benefactoress < benefactress
- benefitt < benefit
- bene < benne
- benzperidol < benperidol
- obento < bento
- bentch < bentsh
- benzoazocine < benzazocine
- benzenium < benzenium ion
- benzidin < benzidine
- benzofurane < benzofuran
- benzpyrazole < benzopyrazole
- benzpyrene < benzopyrene
- benzothiazepin < benzothiazepine
- benzotriazol < benzotriazole
- benzfetamine < benzphetamine
- benzylidine < benzylidene
- berdash < berdache
- berret < beret
- burgamot < bergamot
- burke < berk
- birk < berk
- berline < berlin
- berme < berm
- berzerker < berserker
- beseche < beseech
- besequinned < besequined
- besyde < beside
- beslubber < beslobber
- beesome < besom
- besprinckled < besprinkled
- bespirt < bespurt
- bestowe < bestow
- bet a dime to a dollar < bet a dollar to a dime
- bet dollars to donuts < bet a dollar to a doughnut
- wager a dollar to a donut < bet a dollar to a doughnut
- betafunction < beta function
- betaglobin < beta globin
- betabeam < beta-beam
- betaglucosidase < beta-glucosidase
- betalipoprotein < beta-lipoprotein
- betelnut < betel nut
- beis din < beth din
- Beis Din < beth din
- beit din < beth din
- Beit Din < beth din
- bet din < beth din
- betroth'd < betrothed
- beta < betta
- betther < better
- better angels of someone's nature < better angels
- better angels of somebody's nature < better angels
- bettin' < betting
- beveling < bevelling
- bewraid < bewrayed
- bek < bey
- beyant < beyond
- besant < bezant
- bezzant < bezant
- bezil < bezel
- bezoard < bezoar
- bezoartic < bezoardic
- bhaiyya < bhaiya
- bhajee < bhaji
- bhajia < bhaji
- bhagee < bhaji
- bhaaji < bhaji
- bhajji < bhaji
- bangue < bhang
- bhaang < bhang
- bhishti < bheestie
- bhiksuni < bhikkhuni
- bhūmi < bhumi
- bicurious < bi-curious
- dialgebra < bialgebra
- biangulated < biangulate
- biassedness < biasedness
- beeyotch < biatch
- beeyatch < biatch
- biotch < biatch
- biyatch < biatch
- biyotch < biatch
- beatch < biatch
- biaxal < biaxial
- bibliograph < bibliographer
- bibliolatrist < bibliolater
- bibliophil < bibliophile
- biccie < biccy
- bicolor < bicolour
- bicornate < bicornuate
- baidarka < bidarka
- biddin' < bidding
- byde < bide
- bi-directional < bidirectional
- bidisk < bidisc
- beaufin < biffin
- bifibacterium < bifidobacterium
- bifocus < bifocal
- beeg < big
- bigge < big
- Big Business < big business
- great gun < big gun
- big momma < big mama
- bigtime < big time
- bigheaded < big-headed
- bigleague < big-league
- Bigfoot < bigfoot
- big-head < bighead
- big head < bighead
- big-heartedly < bigheartedly
- biHamiltonian < bihamiltonian
- byke < bike
- bike shed < bikeshed
- bike-shedding < bikeshedding
- bylander < bilander
- Bildungsroman < bildungsroman
- blimbing < bilimbi
- bilinearisation < bilinearization
- bilinguar < bilingual
- billiphyte < biliphyte
- bilirubinaemia < bilirubinemia
- hedging bill < billhook
- hedging-bill < billhook
- billyo < billy-oh
- billy-o < billy-oh
- billy-can < billycan
- billicock < billycock
- bultong < biltong
- bimetalism < bimetallism
- bimetalist < bimetallist
- binn < bin
- binliner < bin liner
- binman < bin man
- binarisation < binarization
- binarise < binarize
- binarised < binarized
- binome < binom
- biocode < bio-code
- bioinspired < bio-inspired
- bioarcheological < bioarchaeological
- bioarchaeologist < bioarcheologist
- biocolorant < biocolourant
- biodynamical < biodynamic
- bioenergetical < bioenergetic
- bio energy < bioenergy
- biofunctionalisation < biofunctionalization
- biofunctionalised < biofunctionalized
- biolabelling < biolabeling
- biomimetical < biomimetic
- biomineralisation < biomineralization
- biomodeling < biomodelling
- biofarming < biopharming
- biophore < biophor
- bio-physico-chemical < biophysicochemical
- bioblast < bioplast
- bioprogramme < bioprogram
- biostabilisation < biostabilization
- biosynthesise < biosynthesize
- bioturbed < bioturbated
- binovular < biovular
- diovular < biovular
- bi-partisan < bipartisan
- bipectinated < bipectinate
- bipodal < bipedal
- biramose < biramous
- birde < bird
- birb < bird
- full bird colonel < bird colonel
- birdtable < bird table
- burbolt < birdbolt
- bird brain < birdbrain
- bird-brained < birdbrained
- bird-cage < birdcage
- birdy < birdie
- bird-lime < birdlime
- bird-nest < birdnest
- boids < birds
- berretta < biretta
- beretta < biretta
- birettaed < biretta'd
- birostrated < birostrate
- birthdaye < birthday
- birfday < birthday
- birthdaycard < birthday card
- birthin' < birthing
- biriani < biryani
- biriyani < biryani
- bisket < biscuit
- biscuit root < biscuitroot
- Bishop < bishop
- bishopweed < bishopsweed
- Bismarck < bismarck
- bismuth hydride < bismuthane
- biphosphatase < bisphosphatase
- bisk < bisque
- bisk < bisque
- Bisquick < bisquick
- Bisrock < bisrock
- bit-depth < bit depth
- bitrot < bit rot
- bitshift < bit shift
- bitslice < bit slice
- biatch < bitch
- bioch < bitch
- bizatch < bitch
- biznatch < bitch
- bitchslap < bitch slap
- bitchslap < bitch slap
- bitch-slap < bitch slap
- BitCoins < [[bitcoins}}, Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "bitcoins" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E., {{plural of]]
- bitesize < bite-size
- bitable < biteable
- bit plane < bitplane
- bitter-cress < bittercress
- bittur < bittern
- bitty < bittie
- bittie < bitty
- bituminisation < bituminization
- bituminise < bituminize
- bivoltin < bivoltine
- bivouacks < bivouacs
- bi-weekly < biweekly
- bi-weekly < biweekly
- Black < black
- blacke < black
- black-and-white < black and white
- dark art < black art
- black auroras < black aurorae
- black aurorae < black auroras
- blackbelt < black belt
- black briony < black bryony
- blackhat < black hat
- blackhole < black hole
- black comedy < black humor
- blacklead < black lead
- black swallowwort < black swallow-wort
- black and white < black-and-white
- black bag < black-bag
- black boy < blackboy
- blackfellah < blackfellow
- black-heartedness < blackheartedness
- black hole < blackhole
- blacknesse < blackness
- blackey < blacky
- bleaberry < blaeberry
- blahdy blah < blah blah blah
- blameableness < blamableness
- blamin' < blaming
- blench holding < blanch holding
- blanke < blank
- blanke < blank
- blaspheme < blasphemy
- blarsted < blasted
- blasticidine < blasticidin
- blastin' < blasting
- blast- < blasto-
- blastocele < blastocoele
- blast-off < blastoff
- blastomer < blastomere
- blastule < blastula
- blase < blasé
- blasely < blasély
- bletherer < blatherer
- blethering < blathering
- blatherin' < blathering
- blewart < blawort
- bley < blay
- blazin' < blazing
- bleatin' < bleating
- bleed like a stuck hog < bleed like a stuck pig
- bleedthrough < bleed-through
- bleedin' < bleeding
- bleedin' < bleeding
- blemisht < blemished
- blennorrhœa < blennorrhea
- blennorrhœic < blennorrheic
- bleomycine < bleomycin
- blepharoadenitis < blepharadenitis
- blesbok < blesbuck
- blesse < bless
- Blessed < blessed
- blessin' < blessing
- bloo < blew
- blindgrass < blind grass
- blindman's buff < blind man's buff
- blindsnake < blind snake
- blindstitch < blind stitch
- bling < bling bling
- bling-bling < bling bling
- bliny < blini
- blinny < blini
- blinkin' < blinking
- blintze < blintz
- blythe < blithe
- bloque < block
- blockgroup < block group
- blockmodel < block model
- blockt < blocked
- blog roll < blogroll
- bloak < bloke
- blokiness < blokeyness
- blokieness < blokeyness
- bloode < blood
- bloodbank < blood bank
- blood from a turnip < blood from a stone
- bloodserum < blood serum
- bloodvessel < blood vessel
- bloodred < blood-red
- blood lust < bloodlust
- bloodshotten < bloodshot
- blood-soaked < bloodsoaked
- blood-stained < bloodstained
- blood-suckers < bloodsuckers
- bloodthirstyness < bloodthirstiness
- bloodthirsting < bloodthirsty
- blood work < bloodwork
- bludy < bloody
- blahdy < bloody
- bleedy < bloody
- bloudie < bloody
- bloodyminded < bloody-minded
- bloodymindedly < bloody-mindedly
- bloodymindedness < bloody-mindedness
- bloom is off the peach < bloom is off the rose
- blush is off the peach < bloom is off the rose
- blomary < bloomery
- bloomin' < blooming
- blossome < blossom
- blotch on the escutcheon < blot on the escutcheon
- blowe < blow
- bust a gasket < blow a gasket
- let off steam < blow off steam
- whistle blow < blow the whistle
- blowby < blow-by
- blowdry < blow-dry
- blow fish < blowfish
- blowy < blowie
- blowin' < blowing
- blow job < blowjob
- blow-out < blowout
- blobber < blubber
- bloo < blue
- blueblood < blue blood
- bluejays < blue jays
- bluejeans < blue jeans
- Blue Shirt < blue shirt
- bluetit < blue tit
- blue wall < blue wall of silence
- blueblooded < blue-blooded
- blue sky < blue-sky
- blue-chip < bluechip
- blue-stocking < bluestocking
- blunderin' < blundering
- blurr < blur
- blustrous < blusterous
- bord < board
- boardgame < board game
- boardin' < boarding
- boardinghouse < boarding house
- boate < boat
- boat-hook < boathook
- boat hook < boathook
- boat-hooks < boathooks
- bobwig < bob wig
- bobeche < bobèche
- boconcini < bocconcini
- bodaboda < boda-boda
- boda boda < boda-boda
- Bodhisattwa < bodhisattva
- boddhisattva < bodhisattva
- boddice < bodice
- bodikins < bodkin
- bodie < body
- bodye < body
- boodie < body
- bodybag < body bag
- bodycheck < body check
- bodycheck < body check
- bodyline < body line
- bodytights < body tights
- bodywrap < body wrap
- body line < bodyline
- bog ore < bog iron ore
- bogie < bogart
- Boogeyman < bogeyman
- bogey man < bogeyman
- boogerman < bogeyman
- bogywoman < bogeywoman
- bugong < bogong
- boyle < boil
- boyle < boil
- boilersuit < boiler suit
- boilary < boilery
- boilin' < boiling
- boystrous < boisterous
- boysterous < boisterous
- bould < bold
- boldu < boldo
- bilection < bolection
- bole < boll
- bolix < bollix
- bollox < bollocks
- bollox < bollocks
- bolognaise < bolognese
- bolshevise < bolshevize
- buolt < bolt
- boult < bolt
- boltcutter < bolt cutter
- bolt out of the blue < bolt from the blue
- boulting < bolting
- bumbard < bombard
- bombardo < bombardon
- bumbast < bombast
- bonafide < bona fide
- bon-bon < bonbon
- bondlength < bond length
- bone-meal < bone meal
- bonemeal < bone meal
- bonedry < bone-dry
- bone head < bonehead
- bone-shaker < boneshaker
- bonacon < bonnacon
- bonibell < bonnibel
- bonspell < bonspiel
- bonusless < bonus-less
- bonser < bonzer
- boobie < booby
- booby-trap < booby trap
- booby hatch < booby-hatch
- bootle < boodle
- bogey < booger
- boogie board < boogieboard
- boogie-board < boogieboard
- boogie boards < boogieboards
- boogie-boards < boogieboards
- boohoohoo < boohoo
- booke < book
- booklung < book lung
- buke muslin < book muslin
- book-smart < book smart
- book-keeping < bookkeeping
- bockland < bookland
- book worm < bookworm
- booleanise < booleanize
- boombox < boom box
- boom or bust < boom-and-bust
- boomerang baby < boomerang child
- boomslange < boomslang
- bootcamp < boot camp
- bootdisk < boot disk
- bootloader < boot loader
- booty < bootee
- bootscaning < bootscanning
- boot-tree < boottree
- bootay < booty
- boose < booze
- boose < booze
- bouser < boozer
- bousy < boozy
- boozey < boozy
- bowsy < boozy
- Bopomofo < bopomofo
- borrage < borage
- borraginaceous < boraginaceous
- boratto < borato
- borid < boride
- Borks < borks
- bawn < born
- borosulphate < borosulfate
- burrow < borough
- burough < borough
- borrowe < borrow
- borry < borrow
- borrowin' < borrowing
- bortsch < borscht
- boort < bort
- bocage < boscage
- boskage < boscage
- bosque < bosk
- busky < bosky
- bosome < bosom
- bahs < boss
- bossellated < bosselated
- bofe < both
- bovver < bother
- bovver < bother
- bodder < bother
- bodder < bother
- bot herder < botherder
- botherin' < bothering
- bottlecap < bottle cap
- bottle-opener < bottle opener
- bottleshop < bottle shop
- bottletop < bottle top
- bottlenosed dolphin < bottlenose dolphin
- bottle-nose dolphin < bottlenose dolphin
- bottle-nosed dolphins < bottlenose dolphins
- bottlenosed dolphins < bottlenose dolphins
- bottle-nose dolphins < bottlenose dolphins
- bottome < bottom
- bottomfeeding < bottom feeding
- bummery < bottomry
- botulinogenic < botulogenic
- bougainvilia < bougainvillea
- bouginage < bougienage
- bouillion < bouillon
- bowldery < bouldery
- boulevarde < boulevard
- bouncin' < bouncing
- bounde < bound
- boundariless < boundaryless
- boundarilessness < boundarylessness
- bourbon whiskey < bourbon
- bord < bourd
- bourree < bourrée
- boree < bourrée
- bazouki < bouzouki
- bousouki < bouzouki
- bowe < bow
- bowe < bow
- bowes < bow
- bowsaw < bow saw
- bowshock < bow shock
- bowwow < bow-wow
- bowwow < bow-wow
- bowdlerise < bowdlerize
- Bowdlerize < bowdlerize
- Bowdlerise < bowdlerize
- bowdleriser < bowdlerizer
- bowle < bowl
- bolin < bowline
- bow-tie < bowtie
- box-calf < box calf
- boxset < box set
- box-spring < box spring
- boxtree < box tree
- boxspring < box-spring
- box-car < boxcar
- box car < boxcar
- box cutter < boxcutter
- box-cutter < boxcutter
- Boxing Week < boxing week
- bwoy < boy
- boyband < boy band
- boybits < boy bits
- boy-next-door < boy next door
- boiar < boyar
- boikin < boykin
- bwoys < boys
- boy's club < boys' club
- brer < br'er
- brachipod < brachiopod
- brachystochrone < brachistochrone
- brachycephalism < brachycephaly
- brachycephalia < brachycephaly
- brachymetacarpalia < brachymetacarpia
- braggin' < bragging
- Brahmin < brahmin
- Brailler < brailler
- braine < brain
- brayne < brain
- braincell < brain cell
- brain-storm < brain storm
- brainwashings < brain-washings
- braize < braise
- braise < braize
- brakeshoe < brake shoe
- breakman < brakeman
- braunche < branch
- brancht < branched
- brand-name < brand name
- brandlin < brandling
- brantle < branle
- brandlin < branlin
- brasshat < brass hat
- brassnecked < brass-necked
- brassart < brassard
- brasset < brassard
- brassière < brassiere
- bravade < bravado
- brava < bravo
- brasiery < braziery
- brasilein < brazilein
- brezilin < brazilin
- brasilin < brazilin
- bretch < breach
- breade < bread
- bread-and-butter pudding < bread and butter pudding
- breadbin < bread bin
- breake < break
- brek < break
- breakeven < break even
- breakroom < break room
- break the mould < break the mold
- breakbulk < break-bulk
- break off < break-off
- break dance < breakdance
- break-fast < breakfast
- break fast < breakfast
- breakin' < breaking
- brickle < breakle
- break-up < breakup
- break-ups < breakups
- broom < bream
- brest < breast
- breastmilk < breast milk
- breathalyses < breathalyze
- breathalysing < breathalyze
- breathalysed < breathalyze
- breathalizer < breathalyzer
- breathin' < breathing
- bredren < bredrin
- breech delivery < breech birth
- breedin' < breeding
- breezeblock < breeze-block
- brevotoxin < brevetoxin
- brewin' < brewing
- briery < briary
- bribeable < bribable
- brick-a-brack < bric-a-brac
- brickcoloured < brickcolored
- brick phone < [[bricked phone}} (bricked phone) {{gloss]]
- brickmold < brickmould
- bricks-and-mortar < bricks and mortar
- bridal wear < bridalwear
- bridemaid < bridesmaid
- brigge < bridge
- bridon < bridoon
- briefe < brief
- brightfield < bright field
- brimfull < brimful
- brimstoney < brimstony
- bringe < bring
- brynge < bring
- bring around < bring round
- brickette < briquet
- briss < bris
- brittlestar < brittle star
- broche < broach
- broadleaved < broad-leaved
- broadmindedly < broad-mindedly
- brocatello < brocatel
- brodkin < brodequin
- broguing < brogueing
- broiler house < broilerhouse
- stony broke < broke
- brooke < broke
- stone broke < broke
- broken-hearted < brokenhearted
- broken-heartedly < brokenheartedly
- broken-heartedness < brokenheartedness
- brocage < brokerage
- bromid < bromide
- bromhidrosis < bromidrosis
- bromocryptine < bromocriptine
- bromocriptin < bromocriptine
- bromthymol < bromothymol
- bromosulfthalein < bromsulphthalein
- bromsulphalein < bromsulphthalein
- bromsulfophthalein < bromsulphthalein
- broncheoalveolar < bronchoalveolar
- bronchiocentric < bronchocentric
- bronchiogenic < bronchogenic
- bronchorrhœa < bronchorrhoea
- broncho < bronco
- broach < brooch
- broche < brooch
- brooke < brook
- brooke < brook
- bruvver < brother
- brawt < [[brought}}; (deprecated template usage) simple past and past participle of brought; {{en-past of]]
- bruhaha < brouhaha
- brow'd < browed
- Brown Shirt < brown shirt
- brownspar < brown spar
- browned-off < browned off
- brown-nose < brownnose
- brown-nose < brownnose
- browseability < browsability
- browseable < browsable
- browze < browse
- brouze < browse
- brum < brrm
- brmmm < brrm
- brmm < brrm
- brute < bruit
- brushup < brush-up
- brusht < brushed
- bruskly < brusquely
- brutalize < brutalise
- bruvva < bruvver
- briony < bryony
- Bubba < bubba
- bubblewrap < bubble wrap
- bubble up < bubble-up
- bubble-gum < bubblegum
- buccanier < buccaneer
- buccanier < buccaneer
- buck rabbit < buck rarebit
- buckayro < buckaroo
- bucketsort < bucket sort
- buckin' < bucking
- bucolical < bucolic
- buddylist < buddy list
- bouget < budget
- buffaloe < buffalo
- buffler < buffalo
- buffetting < buffeting
- buffoonry < buffoonery
- bog < bug
- bugboy < bug boy
- bugeyes < bug eyes
- bugout < bug out
- bogger < bugger
- buggerin' < buggering
- boulework < buhl work
- bylde < build
- builders' tea < builder's tea
- bilding < building
- buildin' < building
- build-up < buildup
- builtin < built in
- bukovskýite < bukovskyite
- bulbose < bulbous
- bulimy < bulimia
- boulimia < bulimia
- bulimiac < bulimic
- bulimiac < bulimic
- boulimic < bulimic
- bullbutter < bull butter
- bull's-eye < bull's eye
- bulldyker < bulldiker
- bulldike < bulldyke
- bullethole < bullet hole
- bulletin board service < bulletin board system
- bull-headed < bullheaded
- bull headed < bullheaded
- bull ring < bullring
- booshit < bullshit
- bullshite < bullshit
- bull-whip < bullwhip
- bull-whip < bullwhip
- bumbag < bum bag
- bumrush < bum-rush
- bombazed < bumbazed
- bummaloti < bummalo
- BUMP < bump
- bumper to bumper < bumper-to-bumper
- bumpfiring < bumpfire
- bumpfired < bumpfire
- bumpin' < bumping
- bunn < bun
- bundh < bund
- bunjy < bungee
- bungy jumping < bungee jumping
- buniah < bunniah
- bunnyhop < bunny hop
- bupivacain < bupivacaine
- bubkus < bupkis
- buprenorphin < buprenorphine
- bugsha < buqsha
- burthensome < burdensome
- bourgeon < burgeon
- bourgeon < burgeon
- burgomeister < burgomaster
- burganet < burgonet
- buryal < burial
- bourka < burka
- burqaed < burkaed
- born < burn
- born < burn
- burne < burn
- burner phone < burn phone
- burnin' < burning
- burnisht < burnished
- brent < burnt
- burpin' < burping
- bur < burr
- burstin' < bursting
- burye < bury
- buryin' < burying
- buryingplace < burying-place
- burcak < burčák
- buss < bus
- bouche < bush
- bouche < bush
- bushhammer < bush hammer
- bushshrike < bush shrike
- bushtucker < bush tucker
- boschveld < bushveld
- bushwa < bushwah
- booshwa < bushwah
- bushwack < bushwhack
- businesse < business
- bidness < business
- bidnesses < business
- bisoness < business
- busynesse < business
- buskin'd < buskined
- bussie < bussy
- break one's balls < bust one's balls
- busta < buster
- bustin' < busting
- bussell < bustle
- busulphan < busulfan
- busie < busy
- butt and ben < but and ben
- butchers' paper < butcher paper
- butchers < butcher's
- butcher bird < butcherbird
- buttsex < butt sex
- butt ugly < butt-ugly
- butterbean < butter bean
- butterknife < butter knife
- butterknives < butter knives
- butter cream < buttercream
- butt hurt < butthurt
- buttin' < butting
- buttongrass < button grass
- buttonman < button man
- buttondown < button-down
- buttoned up < buttoned-up
- buttie < butty
- butylacetate < butyl acetate
- butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane < butylmethoxydibenzoylmethane
- buxina < buxine
- bucksom < buxom
- buy back < buyback
- buy-back < buyback
- bouzouk < buzuq
- buz < buzz
- buz < buzz
- buzzphrase < buzz-phrase
- buzzin' < buzzing
- begorra < by God
- bimeby < by and by
- by and bye < by and by
- by guess or by golly < by guess or by gosh
- by guess or by God < by guess or by gosh
- by the living jingo < by jingo
- by the bye < by the by
- by'm-by < by-and-by
- abococket < bycoket
- bycocket < bycoket
- by < bye
- bylyna < bylina
- byeline < byline
- birley < byrlaw
- birlie < byrlaw
- birlaw < byrlaw
- burlaw < byrlaw
- by-ways < byways
- Byzantine < byzantine
- bechamel < béchamel
- bechamel sauce < béchamel sauce
- cmon < c'mon
- c < c.
- crna < cRNA
- qabalism < cabalism
- qabalist < cabalist
- qabalistical < cabalistic
- cabbaling < cabbeling
- cab driver < cabdriver
- cabbin < cabin
- cabinboy < cabin boy
- cabinet maker < cabinetmaker
- coboose < caboose
- cabree < cabri
- cacafogo < cacafuego
- cachemia < cachaemia
- cachemic < cachaemic
- cacholot < cachalot
- cachaca < cachaça
- cachectical < cachectic
- cachexin < cachectin
- cachinatory < cachinnatory
- caziques < cacique
- kack-handed < cack-handed
- cacodæmonic < cacodaemonic
- kakodyl < cacodyl
- cacoëthe < cacoethe
- cacomixle < cacomixl
- cacomixtle < cacomixl
- kakotrophy < cacotrophy
- caddice < caddis
- cadency < cadence
- cader < cadre
- cecally < caecally
- coecilian < caecilian
- cæcilian < caecilian
- coecum < caecum
- cenogenetic < caenogenetic
- Caesaropapism < caesaropapism
- cesura < caesura
- cæsural < caesural
- cesural < caesural
- cafetiere < cafetière
- caffeism < caffeinism
- kafilah < cafila
- qafila < cafila
- kafila < cafila
- qafilah < cafila
- caffila < cafila
- cafileh < cafila
- cageyness < caginess
- kagool < cagoule
- kagoul < cagoule
- kagoule < cagoule
- caïque < caique
- kaique < caique
- carn < cairn
- cajuputol < cajeputol
- cajeput < cajuput
- kajeput < cajuput
- cajaput < cajuput
- cake-slice < cake slice
- calebash < calabash
- kalathos < calathus
- calcaemic < calcemic
- calco- < calcio-
- calcyphosine < calcyphosin
- calefie < calefy
- kalendar < calendar
- kalendarial < calendarial
- calendarise < calendarize
- cauf < calf
- calfbone < calf bone
- calicectasis < caliectasis
- callipash < calipash
- callipee < calipee
- khalifah < caliph
- khaliff < caliph
- Caliph < caliph
- khuleef < caliph
- califate < caliphate
- kalifate < caliphate
- khilafat < caliphate
- khilafatist < caliphatist
- Caliphian < caliphian
- callisthenic < calisthenic
- callisthenics < calisthenics
- cawker < calker
- callbox < call box
- pass by value < call by value
- callgirl < call girl
- call upon < call on
- callrate < call rate
- call 'em as one sees 'em < call them as one sees them
- call-up < call up
- callup < call up
- pass-by-reference < call-by-reference
- pass by reference < call-by-reference
- pass-by-value < call-by-value
- callat < callet
- caligrapher < calligrapher
- calligraphical < calligraphic
- caligraphic < calligraphic
- caligraphy < calligraphy
- callin' < calling
- callipygean < callipygian
- call-out < callout
- callous < callus
- calme < calm
- calory < calorie
- calorifiant < calorificient
- calorifacient < calorificient
- calorise < calorize
- callot < calotte
- kalotype < calotype
- kaloyer < caloyer
- benzoyloxycarbonyldipeptidyl < calpeptin
- calthrop < caltrop
- colombin < calumbin
- caliculus < calyculus
- Calypso < calypso
- calyptostasy < calyptostase
- kalyptra < calyptra
- caleche < calèche
- cambre < cambré
- cam'ra < camera
- camise < camis
- camelot < camlet
- camblet < camlet
- chamlet < camlet
- camlett < camlet
- chamelot < camlet
- campaniliform < campaniform
- camphorsulphonic acid < camphorsulfonic acid
- campin' < camping
- caumstone < camstone
- kin < can
- canne < can
- c'n < can
- kyarn < can
- cain't < can't
- ca'n't < can't
- kyarn't < can't
- you can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em < can't live with them, can't live without them
- cannot live with them, cannot live without them < can't live with them, can't live without them
- one can't live with them, one can't live without them < can't live with them, can't live without them
- can't live with them and can't live without them < can't live with them, can't live without them
- canail < canaille
- canail < canaille
- canape < canapé
- canarygrass < canary grass
- cancelable < cancellable
- cancerocidal < cancericidal
- cancerisation < cancerization
- cancerophobic < cancerphobic
- canidate < candidate
- candidaemia < candidemia
- candidiosis < candidiasis
- candle power < candlepower
- candyfloss < candy floss
- candystriper < candy striper
- candyass < candy-ass
- cannelé < canelé
- cang < cangue
- cannister < canister
- candle coal < cannel coal
- canal coal < cannel coal
- cannonfodder < cannon fodder
- cannon ball < cannonball
- cannon-ball < cannonball
- cannonier < cannoneer
- canula < cannula
- canulate < cannulate
- canulation < cannulation
- kanny < canny
- cannon < canon
- kanoodle < canoodle
- Canopic < canopic
- cantine < canteen
- cantharidine < cantharidin
- kantharos < cantharus
- cantalever < cantilever
- cantaliver < cantilever
- cantel < cantle
- cantile < cantle
- cantonise < cantonize
- cantrap < cantrip
- cantraip < cantrip
- canvass < canvas
- canvas < canvass
- canvas < canvass
- canvaser < canvasser
- caoutchoucin < caoutchin
- hat over the windmill < cap over the windmill
- capscrew < cap screw
- capitalization table < cap table
- capapie < cap-a-pie
- capacitative < capacitive
- capecitabin < capecitabine
- caplin < capelin
- capelan < capelin
- capelline < capeline
- capulet < capellet
- capillarisation < capillarization
- kapnomar < capnomor
- caponise < caponize
- capsicin < capsaicin
- capsulary < capsular
- capsulise < capsulize
- captaine < captain
- captayne < captain
- capitayn < captain
- captayneship < captainship
- capibara < capybara
- cah < car
- carpark < car park
- carhanded < car-handed
- caracol < caracole
- caracol < caracole
- carambole < carambola
- caromel < caramel
- carmel < caramel
- carauna < caranna
- carapax < carapace
- carates < carate
- karvel < caravel
- caraval < caravel
- carraway < caraway
- carbazol < carbazole
- carbonide < carbide
- carbocysteine < carbocisteine
- carbogene < carbogen
- carbolise < carbolize
- carbomonoxyhaemoglobin < carbomonoxyhemoglobin
- carbone < carbon
- carbon bisulphide < carbon disulfide
- carbonatise < carbonatize
- carbonise < carbonize
- carbonised < carbonized
- carboniser < carbonizer
- carbon oxychloride < carbonyl chloride
- carbonylsulfide < carbonyl sulfide
- carbofos < carbophos
- Carborundum < carborundum
- carboxylmethyltransferase < carboxyl methyltransferase
- carboxylmethylcellulose < carboxymethylcellulose
- charbocle < carbuncle
- carbunkle < carbuncle
- carburations < carburetions
- carburisation < carburization
- carburise < carburize
- carcinosomatoid < carcinosomatid
- cardgame < card game
- cardpunch < card punch
- cardamum < cardamom
- cardboard-box < cardboard box
- cardboardbox < cardboard box
- cardiack < cardiac
- cardy < cardie
- Cardinal Virtues < cardinal virtues
- cardinalise < cardinalize
- cardiagraph < cardiograph
- cardiovertor < cardioverter
- carling < care
- careers fair < career fair
- keerful < careful
- carefool < careful
- keerfully < carefully
- carelessnesse < carelessness
- cargoe < cargo
- cargoship < cargo ship
- carriboo < caribou
- cariboo < caribou
- caricatura < caricature
- kerl < carl
- carmustin < carmustine
- carnaper < carnapper
- carnahuba < carnauba
- cornelian < carnelian
- carnaval < carnival
- Carnival < carnival
- carnosinaemia < carnosinemia
- karob < carob
- carotenaemia < carotenemia
- carotinaemia < carotenemia
- carotodynia < carotidynia
- carrotin < carotin
- carpelloid < carpeloid
- carpetmuncher < carpet muncher
- carphology < carphologia
- car phones < [[carphones}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "carphones" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{plural of]]
- carac < carrack
- carragheenin < carrageenan
- carryable < carriable
- carryable < carriable
- Carrier Pigeon < carrier pigeon
- carrottop < carrot top
- carrot-top < carrot top
- carrotty < carroty
- carrie < carry
- cary < carry
- hold a torch for < carry a torch for
- carry one's own weight < carry one's weight
- carryon < carry-on
- carryon < carry-on
- carryin' < carrying
- cartelisation < cartelization
- cartelise < cartelize
- cartilege < cartilage
- cartilagineous < cartilaginous
- cartouch < cartouche
- carveable < carvable
- carvelbuilt < carvel-built
- carvin' < carving
- caryatide < caryatid
- caryophyllous < caryophyllaceous
- caryophyllin < caryophyllene
- cariopsis < caryopsis
- cascable < cascabel
- case-dependent < case dependent
- caselaw < case law
- cashdesk < cash desk
- cash-flow < cash flow
- cashflow < cash flow
- cash on the barrel head < cash on the barrelhead
- cash on the barrel-head < cash on the barrelhead
- cash strapped < cash-strapped
- cashewnut < cashew nut
- cash-flow < cashflow
- cassimere < cashmere
- cashmire < cashmere
- cash-out < cashout
- cash point < cashpoint
- casomorphine < casomorphin
- cask < casque
- casette < cassette
- castism < casteism
- castist < casteist
- castellanus < castellan
- chatellany < castellany
- castillated < castellated
- castin' < casting
- castleward < castle-guard
- castrater < castrator
- casualization < casualisation
- catte < cat
- cate < cat
- cat-and-mouse < cat and mouse
- cat-harpin < cat-harping
- katabolic < catabolic
- katabolism < catabolism
- catabolin < catabolite
- catabolisation < catabolization
- catabolise < catabolize
- cataclasm < cataclysm
- katagenesis < catagenesis
- catalepsis < catalepsy
- cataloguize < catalogize
- cataloguise < catalogize
- cataloging < cataloguing
- catalyzable < catalysable
- kataphatically < cataphatically
- catarhine < catarrhine
- catarhine < catarrhine
- katastasis < catastasis
- catastrophisation < catastrophization
- catastrophise < catastrophize
- catastrophiser < catastrophizer
- catatony < catatonia
- catawamptious < catawampus
- cat-call < catcall
- cat-call < catcall
- ketch < catch
- cotch < catch
- catchee < catch
- catchfence < catch fence
- catch-ups < catch ups
- catchin' < catching
- catch phrases < catchphrases
- catch-phrases < catchphrases
- catachism < catechism
- cashoo < catechu
- categoriser < categorizer
- catercorners < cater-corner
- kittycorners < cater-corner
- kittycorner < catercorner
- kittycorner < catercorner
- caterpillers < caterpillars
- catharise < catharize
- katharsis < catharsis
- cathepsine < cathepsin
- kathetometer < cathetometer
- kathodal < cathodal
- kathodic < cathodic
- cat hole < cathole
- cat-hole < cathole
- Catholic < catholic
- catholical < catholic
- catholiquely < catholicly
- kation < cation
- cationised < cationized
- cat-like < catlike
- catlin < catling
- catnaper < catnapper
- cat nip < catnip
- cat-nip < catnip
- catnep < catnip
- catoptrical < catoptric
- catchup < catsup
- cattel < cattle
- katti < catty
- cattie < catty
- caddywompus < cattywampus
- caucus-goer < caucusgoer
- cotch < caught
- cought < caught
- caught in the cookie jar < caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
- caught raiding the cookie jar < caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
- caught with one's fingers in the cookie jar < caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
- caught with the cookie jar < caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
- with one's pants down < caught with one's pants down
- caudron < cauldron
- caldrons < cauldrons
- colliflower < cauliflower
- cark < caulk
- calking < caulking
- caustical < caustic
- caustick < caustic
- caustick < caustic
- cauterisation < cauterization
- cauteriser < cauterizer
- caveoli < caveolae
- cavernositis < cavernitis
- cavezon < cavesson
- kaviar < caviar
- caviller < caviler
- cavilation < cavillation
- cavo-relievo < cavo-rilievo
- cavagram < cavogram
- kaw < caw
- kaw < caw
- CC < cc
- cease fire < ceasefire
- caecectomy < cecectomy
- ceder < cedar
- cedille < cedilla
- cephacetrile < cefacetrile
- cephotaxime < cefotaxime
- cefproxil < cefprozil
- ciel < ceil
- ceilin' < ceiling
- cieling < ceiling
- celebratin' < celebrating
- sellery < celery
- Celestial Sphere < celestial sphere
- cælibate < celibate
- cell adhesion molecule < cell-adhesion molecule
- cellar-door < cellar door
- cellohexose < cellohexaose
- celloidine < celloidin
- Cellosolve < cellosolve
- cellularisation < cellularization
- cellularise < cellularize
- cœloscope < celoscope
- keltium < celtium
- cementboard < cement board
- cœnæsthesia < cenesthesia
- coenesthesia < cenesthesia
- cenobitical < cenobitic
- cœnobitical < cenobitical
- cænogenetic < cenogenetic
- censorian < censorial
- centiare < centare
- centauromachia < centauromachy
- cinter < center
- centerstage < center stage
- centrefielder < centerfielder
- centrelessness < centerlessness
- centrepunch < centerpunch
- cent- < centi-
- centiped < centipede
- centonist < centoist
- centoism < centonism
- centraliser < centralizer
- centre-forward < centre forward
- center forward < centre forward
- centre back < centre-back
- centermost < centremost
- centerpin < centrepin
- centrifugeable < centrifugable
- centrifugalisation < centrifugalization
- centrifugalise < centrifugalize
- centreing < centring
- centrohypapophyseal < centrohypapophysial
- cephalalgy < cephalalgia
- cephalæa < cephalea
- cephalhaematocele < cephalhematocele
- kephalic < cephalic
- kephalin < cephalin
- cephalisation < cephalization
- cephalhematoma < cephalohematoma
- cephalhaematoma < cephalohematoma
- cephalo-pelvic < cephalopelvic
- cephalopode < cephalopod
- cephalosporine < cephalosporin
- keramic < ceramic
- keramic < ceramic
- keramics < ceramics
- kerargyrite < cerargyrite
- cerote < cerate
- cercomere < cercomer
- cerebel < cerebellum
- cerebrotendinous < cerebrotendineous
- searcloth < cerecloth
- cæremonial < ceremonial
- ceramet < cermet
- seroon < ceroon
- seron < ceroon
- cert < cert.
- certeine < certain
- certayne < certain
- sartin < certain
- sartain < certain
- soitenly < certainly
- certaynely < certainly
- certeinely < certainly
- caerulean < cerulean
- caeruletide < ceruletide
- cerusite < cerussite
- cess-pit < cesspit
- caestus < cestus
- setewale < cetewale
- zeylanite < ceylanite
- cf < cf.
- char < cha
- chat < chaat
- chabasite < chabazite
- chabasie < chabazite
- chacun a son gout < chacun à son goût
- chaddor < chador
- chetopod < chaetopod
- chaine < chain
- cheyne < chain
- chainmail < chain mail
- chainstitch < chain stitch
- chainganger < chain-ganger
- chainsmoking < chain-smoking
- chayre < chair
- chairmat < chair mat
- chajangmyon < chajangmyun
- cakra < chakra
- chalaze < chalaza
- calcedonic < chalcedonic
- calcedony < chalcedony
- chalcedonius < chalcedony
- challengable < challengeable
- chamberlin < chamberlain
- cameleon < chameleon
- chamisal < chamise
- shamoy < chamois leather
- chamoisite < chamosite
- Champagne < [[champagne}} (champagne) {{qualifier]]
- shampers < champers
- chanpon < champon
- chawnce < chance
- chanst < chance
- chance would be a fine thing < chance'd be a fine thing
- chancelry < chancellery
- chancellourship < chancellorship
- shanker < chancre
- chancey < chancy
- chaunge < change
- change log < changelog
- changin' < changing
- a-changing < changing
- chainwale < channel
- channel cat < channel catfish
- channelise < channelize
- cantefable < chantefable
- chantor < chanter
- chantarelle < chanterelle
- chaunting < chanting
- chantin' < chanting
- chauntry < chantry
- Chaoosh < chaoosh
- Chaoush < chaoush
- chapparal < chaparral
- chapparel < chaparral
- chupati < chapatti
- chupatti < chapatti
- chapatty < chapatti
- chappel < chapel
- chappell < chapel
- chaplet < chapelet
- schapska < chapka
- chappellane < chaplain
- chapling < chaplain
- chapelayn < chaplain
- chapt < chapped
- chappie < chappy
- chuprassie < chaprasi
- chaprassy < chaprasi
- chuprassi < chaprasi
- shaps < chaps
- chaptalise < chaptalize
- chewre < char
- char-à-banc < charabanc
- characteristick < characteristic
- characteristick < characteristic
- characterisability < characterizability
- characterisable < characterizable
- characteriser < characterizer
- charettes < charet
- charre < charge
- charge-master < chargemaster
- charge description master < chargemaster
- charge master < chargemaster
- chargin' < charging
- charitie < charity
- chiarivari < charivari
- charka < charkha
- charleyhorse < charley horse
- charme < charm
- charnelhouse < charnel house
- charrette < charret
- chase one's own tail < chase one's tail
- chaseport < chase port
- chasin' < chasing
- chast < chaste
- chastly < chastely
- chastness < chasteness
- chasible < chasuble
- chesible < chasuble
- chatshow < chat show
- chatti < chattee
- chatterin' < chattering
- chattin' < chatting
- Chaus < chaus
- chavvie < chavvy
- Chawush < chawush
- chayroot < chay root
- shaya < chaya
- ochazuke < chazuke
- cheatin' < cheating
- checkdigit < check digit
- checksheet < check sheet
- checkboard < checkerboard
- chequered < checkered
- chequing < checking
- checkin' < checking
- shecklaton < checklaton
- chequewriter < checkwriter
- chequy < checky
- chedda < cheddar
- chedite < cheddite
- cheeke < cheek
- cheektooth < cheek tooth
- chear < cheer
- cheere < cheer
- cheere < cheer
- cheare < cheer
- cheare < cheer
- chearful < cheerful
- chearfully < cheerfully
- cheerin' < cheering
- cheerioh < cheerio
- Cheerio effect < cheerio effect
- cheesewire < cheese wire
- cheezburger < cheeseburger
- cheesecaky < cheesecakey
- cheezy < cheesy
- chefwatcher < chef watcher
- chiromantist < cheiromantist
- chirospasm < cheirospasm
- chely < chela
- chelater < chelator
- chemick < chemic
- chemick < chemic
- chymical < chemical
- chymical < chemical
- chemicalise < chemicalize
- chymically < chemically
- shemmy < chemmy
- chemi- < chemo-
- chemokyne < chemokine
- chemioluminescence < chemoluminescence
- chemioluminescent < chemoluminescent
- chemphobic < chemophobic
- chemorepellant < chemorepellent
- chemosensitisation < chemosensitization
- chemiostatic < chemostatic
- chemiotactic < chemotactic
- chemotaxic < chemotactic
- chemiotactically < chemotactically
- chemiotaxis < chemotaxis
- chemotherapic < chemotherapeutic
- cheniere < chenier
- checkable < chequable
- checkering < chequering
- checky < chequy
- checquy < chequy
- chirimoya < cherimoya
- cherimoyer < cherimoya
- tschernosem < chernozem
- sheroot < cheroot
- cherrie < cherry
- cherrypicking < cherry picking
- cherry-picking < cherry picking
- cherrycoloured < cherrycolored
- cherubin < cherub
- cherubin < cherubim
- chesse < chess
- chessboxer < chess boxer
- chessboxing < chess boxing
- chessplayer < chess player
- chess-piece < chesspiece
- chester drawers < chest of drawers
- chesnut < chestnut
- chhetrum < chetrum
- chetti < chetty
- tchetverik < chetverik
- cheverell < cheverel
- cheveron < chevron
- chewin' < chewing
- cheewink < chewink
- chew stick < chewstick
- China < cheyney
- chiasm < chiasmus
- chaoush < chiaus
- Chiaus < chiaus
- Chiauss < chiauss
- Chiaux < chiaux
- chicken-turtle < chicken turtle
- chickenwire < chicken wire
- chicken à la king < chicken à la King
- chickenhearted < chicken-hearted
- chickenheartedly < chicken-heartedly
- chiclet < chicklet
- chick-pea < chickpea
- chickory < chicory
- chiccory < chicory
- chiefe < chief
- chiffarobe < chifforobe
- chignonned < chignoned
- chegre < chigoe
- chegoe < chigoe
- chigre < chigoe
- Child < child
- chylde < child
- child-like < childlike
- childern < children
- chilren < children
- chil'ren < children
- chilli dog < chili dog
- chilehead < chilihead
- chillin' < chilling
- chilluns < chillun
- chimæric < chimaeric
- chimbly < chimbley
- chimlee < chimbley
- chimaerism < chimerism
- chimerisation < chimerization
- chimerise < chimerize
- chimneypot < chimney pot
- chimneystack < chimney stack
- chimneysweep < chimney sweep
- chimneybreast < chimney-breast
- chimney money < chimney-money
- japanzee < chimpanzee
- China < china
- chince < chinch
- chhing < ching
- chinkie < chinky
- Chinook < chinook
- Chinook salmon < chinook salmon
- chint < chintz
- chince < chintz
- chincy < chintzy
- chipmuck < chipmunk
- chilpotle < chipotle
- chiralised < chiralized
- chirographer < chirographist
- cheiromegaly < chiromegaly
- cheirosophy < chirosophy
- churr < chirr
- churr < chirr
- cherup < chirrup
- cherup < chirrup
- chyrurgeon < chirurgeon
- chirugeon < chirurgeon
- chiseling < chiselling
- khiton < chiton
- kiton < chiton
- chetak < chittack
- chitling < chitterling
- chitling < chitterling
- chitlins < chitterlings
- chitlings < chitterlings
- chittlings < chitterlings
- chidlings < chitterlings
- cive < chive
- chloralhydrate < chloral hydrate
- chloramiphene < chloraminophene
- chlorocholine < chlorcholine
- chlordan < chlordane
- clofenvinfos < chlorfenvinphos
- chlorohexidine < chlorhexidine
- chlorexidin < chlorhexidine
- chlorid < chloride
- chloridise < chloridize
- chlorimetrical < chlorimetric
- chlorin < chlorine
- chloracetic < chloroacetic
- chlorimeter < chlorometer
- chlormethane < chloromethane
- chlorimetric < chlorometric
- chlorimetry < chlorometry
- chlorphenol < chlorophenol
- chlorophyl < chlorophyll
- chlorosulpholipid < chlorosulfolipid
- chlorthymol < chlorothymol
- chloropropamide < chlorpropamide
- chlorpyriphos < chlorpyrifos
- chlorsulphuron < chlorsulfuron
- choc-ice < choc ice
- choccie < choccy
- chockfull < chock full
- chockful < chock-full
- chocaholic < chocoholic
- choise < choice
- choir boy < choirboy
- choker chain < choke chain
- choke hold < chokehold
- choky < chokey
- choky < chokey
- chokin' < choking
- chokrah < chokra
- cholangeitis < cholangitis
- cholecystoenterostomy < cholecystenterostomy
- choledoch- < choledocho-
- choledocho-choledochostomy < choledochocholedochostomy
- choller < choler
- cholesterinaemia < cholesteraemia
- colestyramine < cholestyramine
- cholick < cholic
- choultry < choltry
- chump < chomp
- chondrogen < chondrigen
- chondroitinsulphatase < chondroitinsulfatase
- choo choo < choo-choo
- chooseable < choosable
- choosin' < choosing
- chopshop < chop shop
- chioppine < chopine
- choppin' < chopping
- choppin' < chopping
- choregos < choragus
- choral < chorale
- cord < chord
- choregraph < choreograph
- choregrapher < choreographer
- choregraphic < choreographic
- choregraphy < choreography
- choriamniotic < chorioamniotic
- choros < choro
- choroidea < choroid
- chorioid < choroid
- choroideraemia < choroideremia
- chotahazri < chota hazri
- shott < chott
- chiaus < chouse
- chiaus < chouse
- chiaous < chouse
- chiause < chouse
- chowrie < chowry
- chowri < chowry
- christom < chrisom
- crissake < chrissake
- crissakes < chrissakes
- christy < christie
- chromaffine < chromaffin
- chromatinisation < chromatinization
- chromography < chromatography
- chromolysis < chromatolysis
- chromophilia < chromatophilia
- chromaesthesia < chromesthesia
- chromidrosis < chromhidrosis
- chromophil < chromophile
- chronaxy < chronaxie
- chronaxia < chronaxie
- chronical < chronic
- chron- < chrono-
- chronostratigraphical < chronostratigraphic
- chrysalid < chrysalis
- chrysazine < chrysazin
- chrysoidin < chrysoidine
- chrysophan < chrysophane
- chrysoprasus < chrysoprase
- cthonic < chthonic
- chthonophagy < chthonophagia
- chuckawalla < chuckwalla
- chuckie < chucky
- chuni < chunni
- chupacabra < chupacabras
- huppah < chuppah
- chirche < church
- churchbell < church bell
- church-goer < churchgoer
- church-going < churchgoing
- church-going < churchgoing
- churchward < churchwarden
- shute < chute
- chutnee < chutney
- chutny < chutney
- chutney soca < chutney-soca
- hutzpa < chutzpah
- hutzpah < chutzpah
- chylus < chyle
- chylomicronaemia < chylomicronemia
- chylomicronaemic < chylomicronemic
- chylorrhœa < chylorrhea
- chibbal < cibol
- chibol < cibol
- cicatrical < cicatricial
- cicatrisation < cicatrization
- ciclaton < ciclatoun
- cidre < cider
- cyder < cider
- cydere < cider
- sider < cider
- cerge < cierge
- segar < cigar
- culantro < cilantro
- ciliiform < ciliform
- symbal < cimbal
- cimbalon < cimbalom
- cymbalon < cimbalom
- zimbalom < cimbalom
- sinch < cinch
- cinchonidia < cinchonidine
- cinchonise < cinchonize
- cinéfilm < cinefilm
- cine film < cinefilm
- ciné film < cinefilm
- kinema < cinema
- kinematograph < cinematograph
- cinematographical < cinematographic
- cinguloopercular < cingulo-opercular
- sinque < cinque
- cyphertext < ciphertext
- cipollino < cipolin
- circinnate < circinate
- circle strafe < circle-strafe
- circulet < circlet
- circuit-breaker < circuit breaker
- circularise < circularize
- circulariser < circularizer
- circumcizer < circumcisor
- circumcizor < circumcisor
- circumflection < circumflexion
- circumvental < circumvential
- circumventer < circumventor
- cirrhous < cirrhose
- cirrhiferous < cirriferous
- cirripede < cirriped
- cirrhus < cirrus
- circocele < cirsocele
- circoid < cirsoid
- cisacting < cis-acting
- cis-gender < cisgender
- cis-lunar < cislunar
- cittess < citess
- cityfication < citification
- cityfied < citified
- citisen < citizen
- citizenise < citizenize
- citrullinaemia < citrullinemia
- citrussy < citrusy
- cithern < cittern
- citie < city
- cytee < city
- cittie < city
- citiless < cityless
- civicminded < civic-minded
- civicmindedness < civic-mindedness
- civill < civil
- ciuill < civil
- civilianise < civilianize
- civilisable < civilizable
- civiliser < civilizer
- clackbox < clack box
- clackdish < clack dish
- cladistical < cladistic
- cladogenetic < cladogenic
- clafouti < clafoutis
- clake < claik
- claime < claim
- claime < claim
- claimin' < claiming
- clamworm < clam worm
- clam bake < clambake
- clamorer < clamourer
- clamjamphrie < clanjamphry
- clanjamfrie < clanjamphry
- clappin' < clapping
- claritromycin < clarithromycin
- classible < classable
- claviculæ < claviculae
- clavisymbalum < clavicymbalum
- clavisimbalum < clavicymbalum
- clawhammer < claw hammer
- cley < clay
- claye < clay
- claypit < clay pit
- clayiness < clayeyness
- glaymore < claymore
- clane < clean
- cleane < clean
- cleane < clean
- clean shaven < clean-shaven
- cleanin' < cleaning
- clean room < cleanroom
- clean skin < cleanskin
- clean-up < cleanup
- cleare < clear
- cleareyed < clear-eyed
- clearsightedness < clear-sightedness
- clearin' < clearing
- clearinghouse < clearing house
- clegg < cleg
- clidoic < cleidoic
- clencht < clenched
- cleargie < clergy
- clergiable < clergyable
- clerick < cleric
- clerke < clerk
- clew line < clewline
- klick < click
- clickfraud < click fraud
- climacterical < climacteric
- climacterical < climacteric
- climatical < climatic
- climatisation < climatization
- climatise < climatize
- climatised < climatized
- climbin' < climbing
- clinicoradiologic < clinicoradiological
- klinometer < clinometer
- klinostat < clinostat
- clinkant < clinquant
- clipart < clip art
- clypt < clipped
- cloke < cloak
- cloke < cloak
- clocke < clock
- clockface < clock face
- clocktower < clock tower
- clockwatcher < clock-watcher
- clockwatching < clock-watching
- chlordantoin < clodantoin
- clotpoll < clodpole
- chlophedianol < clofedanol
- cloisonn < cloisonne
- cloyster < cloister
- cloisteral < cloistral
- cloisteress < cloistress
- cloam oven < clome oven
- cloutie < clootie
- clorgyline < clorgiline
- clost < close
- closehauled < close-hauled
- closeminded < close-minded
- closedminded < close-minded
- closemindedly < close-mindedly
- closed-mindedly < close-mindedly
- closedmindedly < close-mindedly
- closemindedness < close-mindedness
- closedmindedness < close-mindedness
- closable < closeable
- closin' < closing
- clout < clot
- clotheses < clothes
- cloathes < clothes
- cloathes < clothes
- clothes-horse < clotheshorse
- clotrimazol < clotrimazole
- clowd < cloud
- clowd < cloud
- cloud 9 < cloud nine
- cloud burst < cloudburst
- cloudless sulphur < cloudless sulfur
- clove-hitch < clove hitch
- clovepink < clove pink
- claver < clover
- clown fish < clownfish
- clubability < clubbability
- clubable < clubbable
- clubism < clubbism
- clew < clue
- klunky < clunky
- clusterbomb < cluster bomb
- cluster-fuck < cluster fuck
- clusterisation < clusterization
- clusterise < clusterize
- clustergram < clusterogram
- glister < clyster
- glyster < clyster
- clechy < cléché
- cnidom < cnidome
- coconspirator < co-conspirator
- codependent < co-dependent
- codependent < co-dependent
- codydramol < co-dydramol
- coeducate < co-educate
- cofire < co-fire
- cofusion < co-fusion
- coincineration < co-incineration
- colocate < co-locate
- coöccur < co-occur
- cooccur < co-occur
- coparent < co-parent
- coparent < co-parent
- coproxamol < co-proxamol
- corecursive < co-recursive
- cosleeping < co-sleeping
- cowife < co-wife
- cowives < co-wives
- coachroof < coach roof
- coadunition < coadunation
- coag < coak
- coalbed < coal bed
- coalburner < coal burner
- coal-tar < coal tar
- coaltar < coal tar
- coal-tars < coal tars
- colemouse < coalmouse
- coales < coals
- coorse < coarse
- co-articulate < coarticulate
- coate < coat
- coat-hanger < coat hanger
- coathanger < coat hanger
- coat-hangers < coat hanger
- coat trailing < coat-trailing
- coaiti < coati
- coaxal < coaxial
- cobalmin < cobalamin
- kobalt < cobalt
- cobler < cobbler
- copplestone < cobblestone
- co-belligerent < cobelligerent
- cobble < coble
- cob nut < cobnut
- cobwebsite < cobweb site
- cuca < coca
- cocain < cocaine
- cocainise < cocainize
- cocamidopropyl betaine < cocamidopropylbetaine
- coccyodynia < coccydynia
- cockslave < cock slave
- cockahoop < cock-a-hoop
- cockaleekie < cock-a-leekie
- cockieleekie < cock-a-leekie
- cockup < cock-up
- cockateel < cockatiel
- cock-biting < cockbiting
- cuckleburr < cocklebur
- cucklebur < cocklebur
- cockleburr < cocklebur
- cockerney < cockney
- cockerney < cockney
- cocknify < cockneyfy
- cock-sucker < cocksucker
- cocladogenetic < cocladogenic
- cocoa < coco
- cocopalm < coco palm
- cocobola < cocobolo
- cocobola < cocobolo
- cokernut < coconut
- cocrystallisation < cocrystallization
- cocrystallised < cocrystallized
- codliver oil < cod liver oil
- codle < coddle
- codename < code name
- codepoint < code point
- codein < codeine
- code page < codepage
- codger-hood < codgerhood
- co-director < codirector
- cod line < codline
- coddling < codling
- quodlin < codling
- codlin moth < codling moth
- co-dominance < codominance
- cods wallop < codswallop
- cohorn < coehorn
- cœliac plexus < coeliac plexus
- celioscopy < coelioscopy
- cœno- < coen-
- cœnenchymal < coenenchymal
- cœnenchymatous < coenenchymatous
- cœnenchyme < coenenchyme
- cenesthesic < coenesthetic
- cœnobe < coenobe
- cœnœcium < coenoecium
- coercitive < coercive
- coercitivity < coercivity
- coaeval < coeval
- coaeval < coeval
- coffa < coffee
- kaffeeklatch < coffee klatch
- coffee klatsches < coffee klatches
- coffyn < coffin
- co-firing < cofiring
- cognizing < cognising
- cognitive behavioural therapist < cognitive behavioral therapist
- cognisably < cognizably
- cognisant < cognizant
- connusant < cognizant
- cognisantly < cognizantly
- cognisee < cognizee
- cogniser < cognizer
- conisor < cognizor
- cognisor < cognizor
- cogongrasses < cogon grasses
- cohoe < coho
- cahoun < cohune
- quata < coiata
- quoif < coif
- quoiffure < coiffure
- quoil < coil
- coil gun < coilgun
- coine < coin
- coyn < coin
- coyne < coin
- coinflip < coin flip
- coinflipping < coin-flipping
- coinop < coin-op
- coinop < coin-op
- coïncidence < coincidence
- coincidency < coincidence
- co-induction < coinduction
- coincidink < coinkydink
- coke-bottle < coke bottle
- colcemide < colcemid
- colde < cold
- cowld < cold
- cold-calling < cold calling
- coldspot < cold spot
- cold iron < cold steel
- coldtrap < cold trap
- coldblooded < cold-blooded
- coldbloodedly < cold-bloodedly
- coldbloodedness < cold-bloodedness
- coldheartedly < cold-heartedly
- coldheartedness < cold-heartedness
- cholic < colic
- colicweed < colic weed
- collagenised < collagenized
- collagenolytical < collagenolytic
- collateralise < collateralize
- collateralised < collateralized
- collater < collator
- collect one's wits < collect one's thoughts
- gather one's wits < collect one's thoughts
- collectivisation < collectivization
- colledg < college
- colledge < college
- colleter < colletor
- colly < collie
- colley < collie
- colocation < collocation
- collodium < collodion
- colp < collop
- colloquialising < colloquializing
- colloquise < colloquize
- colocalisation < colocalization
- colocalise < colocalize
- colocynthis < colocynth
- colonialise < colonialize
- colonisable < colonizable
- coloniser < colonizer
- collonade < colonnade
- collonaded < colonnaded
- colophany < colophony
- collour < color
- collour < color
- collor < color
- collor < color
- color-coordinated < color coordinated
- colour inside the lines < color inside the lines
- colour outside the lines < color outside the lines
- colourspace < color space
- colorification < coloration
- colourational < colorational
- colourbearer < colorbearer
- colourcast < colorcast
- colourcast < colorcast
- colourcaster < colorcaster
- color'd < colored
- colourimetrical < colorimetrical
- colourimetrically < colorimetrically
- colourise < colorize
- colourmap < colormap
- colourology < colorology
- colourpuncture < colorpuncture
- colourtype < colortype
- colotomy < colostomy
- colestrum < colostrum
- colourblind < colour blind
- colour-coordinate < colour coordinate
- color coordinated < colour coordinated
- color force < colour force
- color wheel < colour wheel
- colorableness < colourableness
- colour'd < coloured
- cullud < coloured
- colour-fast < colourfast
- colourfull < colourful
- colorimetrical < colourimetrical
- colestaff < colstaff
- culter < colter
- columbyn < columbine
- columnella < columella
- coma vigile < coma vigil
- co-manager < comanager
- comatous < comatose
- kemb < comb
- kemb < comb
- combating < combatting
- combrestatin < combretastatin
- combuster < combustor
- coom < come
- come-along < come along
- come onto < come on to
- come to naught < come to nought
- comeatable < come-at-able
- comether < come-hither
- comœdies < comedies
- comelyness < comeliness
- ycomen < comen
- commest < comest
- comfortin' < comforting
- comming < coming
- comin' < coming
- comin < coming
- comeing < coming
- comma'd < comma
- commaund < command
- commaund < command
- commandress < commanderess
- commaundement < commandment
- commensalist < commensalistic
- commentor < commenter
- commercialisable < commercializable
- commy < commie
- komissar < commissar
- committy < committee
- committ'st < committest
- comix < commix
- commorance < commorancy
- cwmwd < commote
- communalise < communalize
- communique < communiqué
- compsci < comp sci
- comp < comp.
- compaignion < companion
- companisation < companization
- companie < company
- comparativism < comparatism
- copartment < compartment
- compasse < compass
- compatibilisation < compatibilization
- compatibilised < compatibilized
- compatibiliser < compatibilizer
- complayne < complain
- complainin' < complaining
- complementary color < complementary colour
- compleatly < completely
- compleatness < completeness
- completist < completest
- complectional < complexional
- complement < compliment
- complement < compliment
- complementall < complimental
- componé < compony
- compot < compote
- compradore < comprador
- comprehensivisation < comprehensivization
- compressable < compressible
- comprize < comprise
- computer-literate < computer literate
- computerisable < computerizable
- comrado < comrade
- cumrade < comrade
- commsat < comsat
- cond < con
- confidence artist < con artist
- concatameric < concatemeric
- concatemerisation < concatemerization
- concavoconvex < concavo-convex
- concentrical < concentric
- concentricly < concentrically
- conceptualiser < conceptualizer
- consarn < concern
- consarn < concern
- concern'd < concerned
- concernin' < concerning
- conchyliologist < conchologist
- conchyliology < conchology
- conchyliometry < conchometry
- conchylious < conchylaceous
- concludible < concludable
- concolor < concolour
- Concord < concord
- cund < cond
- condensibility < condensability
- condicion < condition
- condo hotel < condo-hotel
- cundum < condom
- conductimeter < conductometer
- conductoress < conductress
- cundite < conduit
- conferree < conferee
- conferrence < conference
- conferable < conferrable
- confesse < confess
- confestly < confessedly
- confessione < confession
- confessionalise < confessionalize
- confesser < confessor
- confident < confidant
- confineable < confinable
- cofocal < confocal
- consound < confound
- confusible < confusable
- foncused < confused
- confussion < confusion
- congoing < congaing
- conjey < congee
- congeneric < congener
- congestable < congestible
- congradulations < congratulations
- conine < coniine
- coneine < conine
- konistra < conistra
- conisation < conization
- cun < conn
- conde < conn
- connascency < connascence
- gonnegtion < connection
- connodal < conodal
- consanguinous < consanguineous
- consanguinously < consanguineously
- consarnit < consarn it
- conscientise < conscientize
- consecrater < consecrator
- consentual < consensual
- consentually < consensually
- conservativism < conservatism
- considerin' < considering
- consoleitis < consolitis
- consolised < consolized
- consomme < consommé
- constablery < constabulary
- constancie < constancy
- constation < constatation
- constitutionalise < constitutionalize
- constitutionalised < constitutionalized
- constituative < constitutive
- constituitive < constitutive
- constringency < constringence
- constructable < constructible
- constructer < constructor
- conster < construe
- consulary < consular
- consultory < consultatory
- cont. < cont
- contactisation < contactization
- conteyne < contain
- containerise < containerize
- contente < content
- contestible < contestable
- continency < continence
- continentalisation < continentalization
- continuation passing style < continuation-passing style
- counter < contra
- contradance < contra dance
- contradanse < contra dance
- contredance < contra dance
- counterbase < contrabass
- contractualise < contractualize
- contradick < contradict
- controlaterally < contralaterally
- contrarywise < contrariwise
- controull < control
- controull < control
- comptrol < control
- comptrol < control
- countrol < control
- controllee < controlee
- controversor < controverser
- controversiall < controversial
- controuersie < controversy
- contumacity < contumacy
- convalescency < convalescence
- conuenient < convenient
- conventionalisation < conventionalization
- convention-goer < conventiongoer
- convergency < convergence
- convertaplane < convertiplane
- conveyer belt < conveyor belt
- convinceable < convincible
- convincin' < convincing
- conyngry < conynger
- coochie coo < coochy coo
- couis < cooee
- cookoff < cook-off
- cookie-cutter < cookie cutter
- cookiecutter < cookie cutter
- cookin' < cooking
- cooking-pot < cooking pot
- cook pot < cookpot
- coole < cool
- coole < cool
- kewl beans < cool beans
- cooli < coolie
- coolin' < cooling
- coonty < coontie
- cooperidge < cooperage
- co-operatively < cooperatively
- coördinately < coordinately
- co-ordinately < coordinately
- coördinative < coordinative
- cooty < cootie
- copshop < cop shop
- cop killer < cop-killer
- kopasetic < copacetic
- copesetic < copacetic
- capivi < copaiba
- copaiva < copaiba
- copalm < copal
- compartner < copartner
- copyability < copiability
- copyer < copier
- complanar < coplanar
- copolymerisation < copolymerization
- copolymerise < copolymerize
- copperbottomed < copper-bottomed
- coppras < copperas
- coprah < copra
- coppra < copra
- copperah < copra
- copraemic < copremic
- co-processor < coprocessor
- coprophile < coprophil
- copraphilia < coprophilia
- copremia < copræmia
- copraemia < copræmia
- copps < copse
- copulater < copulator
- copyboy < copy boy
- copynumber < copy number
- copyshop < copy shop
- coquette < coquet
- corblimey < cor blimey
- cor pulmonare < cor pulmonale
- coralivore < corallivore
- couranto < coranto
- curranto < coranto
- corbell < corbel
- corbeled < corbelled
- cordfactor < cord factor
- cordal < cordelle
- cordialise < cordialize
- correligionist < coreligionist
- corve < corf
- corfe < corf
- corgy < corgi
- corkboard < cork-board
- cork wood < corkwood
- corvorant < cormorant
- corncrib < corn crib
- cornflakes < corn flakes
- cornsalad < corn salad
- corn cockle < corncockle
- cornmuse < cornemuse
- cornamute < cornemuse
- corner man < cornerman
- corner-stone < cornerstone
- corn-fed < cornfed
- corn flake < cornflake
- cornish < cornice
- corn starch < cornstarch
- koroscopy < coroscopy
- corosso < corozo
- corporale < corporal
- corporace < corporas
- corporatisation < corporatization
- corporatise < corporatize
- corpusant < corposant
- corpes < corpse
- corpuscule < corpuscle
- correctible < correctable
- correctomundo < correctamundo
- corelation < correlation
- corelative < correlative
- corelative < correlative
- correspondency < correspondence
- korroboree < corroboree
- corrasive < corrosive
- corsolette < corselet
- corsleted < corseleted
- corsletted < corseleted
- cortège < cortege
- corticotrophic < corticotropic
- corruscation < coruscation
- coryphee < coryphée
- cozier < cosier
- cosmaceutical < cosmeceutical
- cosmoceutical < cosmeceutical
- cosmetical < cosmetic
- cosmogenist < cosmogonist
- cosmopolitic < cosmopolitical
- kosmos < cosmos
- co-star < costar
- co-star < costar
- costardmonger < costermonger
- costumy < costumey
- cozy up to < cosy up to
- cotquean < cot-quean
- co-tidal < cotidal
- contransporter < cotransporter
- cotrimoxazol < cotrimoxazole
- cottier < cotter
- cotise < cottise
- cotised < cottised
- cottonball < cotton ball
- cottonwool < cotton wool
- cotunnelling < cotunneling
- cought < coughed
- coughin' < coughing
- cud < could
- coulde < could
- culd < could
- cou'd < could
- cood < could
- coid < could
- should've would've could've < could have, would have, should have
- cou'dn't < couldn't
- cudn't < couldn't
- koulibiak < coulibiac
- cumaric < coumaric
- coumarine < coumarin
- cumarin < coumarin
- councell < council
- councillist < councilist
- councilorship < councillorship
- counsell < counsel
- councilling < counseling
- counseller < counsellor
- counsellor < counselor
- counselour < counselor
- counsellour < counselor
- count palatinate < count palatine
- countre < counter
- counterbatten < counter batten
- counterattacks < counter-attacks
- counterattacks < counter-attacks
- counter clockwise < counter-clockwise
- countereconomics < counter-economics
- counter-attacker < counterattacker
- counter clockwise < counterclockwise
- counter culture < counterculture
- counterguerilla < counterguerrilla
- counter intelligence < counterintelligence
- counter-mine < countermine
- counterpoint < counterpane
- counterpeize < counterpoise
- counterpotente < counterpotenty
- counter-productive < counterproductive
- counter-terrorist < counterterrorist
- counter-terrorist < counterterrorist
- countin' < counting
- countryfication < countrification
- countryfy < countrify
- countrie < country
- contree < country
- countrey < country
- counthry < country
- country-blues < country blues
- copel < couple
- cours < course
- coorse < course
- courseload < course load
- coort < court
- courtmartial < court martial
- courtmartial < court martial
- courteouslie < courteously
- courtezan < courtesan
- courtezanship < courtesanship
- courtesie < courtesy
- court-house < courthouse
- courtin' < courting
- cuscus < couscous
- kouskous < couscous
- couscousou < couscous
- khuskhus < couscous
- couter < coutere
- coverture < couverture
- cover all of the bases < cover one's bases
- coversand < cover sand
- coverslide < cover slide
- coverdisc < coverdisk
- coverin' < covering
- couverture < coverture
- coveteousness < covetousness
- covenous < covinous
- cow patty < cow pat
- kowabunga < cowabunga
- cowarde < coward
- cowardize < cowardice
- cowardise < cowardice
- cow bell < cowbell
- coure < cower
- cow-hearted < cowhearted
- cow milk < cowmilk
- cow pie < cowpie
- cow pies < cowpies
- cowpock < cowpox
- kaurie < cowrie
- cow town < cowtown
- coxalgy < coxalgia
- coxcomical < coxcombical
- coxcomically < coxcombically
- coypou < coypu
- cosen < cozen
- cosenage < cozenage
- cosening < cozening
- cpdna < cpDNA
- crab claw < crab claw sail
- cracke < crack
- crackhouse < crack house
- cracka < cracker
- cracklin' < crackling
- cradlesong < cradle song
- crafte < craft
- crafte < craft
- craft services < craft service
- Craft Service < craft service
- craftman < craftsman
- craik < crake
- crame < cram
- crampoon < crampon
- craneage < cranage
- craniostomy < craniotomy
- crap hat < craphat
- Crapper < crapper
- crappin' < crapping
- crap-shoot < crapshoot
- crap shoot < crapshoot
- crash-land < crash land
- crash-landing < crash landing
- crashland < crash-land
- crashin' < crashing
- craterform < crateriform
- cranch < craunch
- crayfish < crawfish
- crawlin' < crawling
- crazy as a fox < crazy like a fox
- as crazy as a fox < crazy like a fox
- crik < creak
- creamcake < cream cake
- cream-crackered < cream crackered
- creampie < cream pie
- kreatin < creatine
- kreatine < creatine
- creatin < creatine
- creatinaemia < creatinemia
- kreatinin < creatinin
- creatinin < creatinine
- creäture < creature
- creetur < creature
- creatur < creature
- crittur < creature
- creadit < credit
- crick < creek
- crik < creek
- kreel < creel
- creepin' < creeping
- cremophore < cremophor
- crenulated < crenelated
- kreosote < creosote
- kreosote < creosote
- creasote < creosote
- creasote < creosote
- kreasote < creosote
- kreasote < creosote
- creosotebush < creosote bush
- crape < crepe
- crepusculine < crepuscular
- crepusculous < crepuscular
- kresol < cresol
- crue < crew
- cruell < crewel
- cribrellum < cribellum
- crico-arytænoid < crico-arytenoid
- crico-arytænoid < crico-arytenoid
- cryer < crier
- crickety < crikey
- criminall < criminal
- cremosin < crimson
- crimosin < crimson
- crimosin < crimson
- crinel < crinet
- crisp bread < crispbread
- cristoballite < cristobalite
- criticisable < criticizable
- criticizin' < criticizing
- critic < critique
- critic < critique
- crivens < crivvens
- crizzel < crizzle
- croceine < crocein
- krokidolite < crocidolite
- crocketted < crocketed
- crocodylian < crocodilian
- crocoisite < crocoite
- croquignole < crokinole
- cropfull < cropful
- croziered < crosiered
- crost < cross
- cross-over < cross over
- cross-section < cross section
- crosstabulation < cross tabulation
- crossbirth < cross-birth
- cross country skiing < cross-country skiing
- crosscultural < cross-cultural
- crossculturally < cross-culturally
- crossfostering < cross-fostering
- crossgrained < cross-grained
- crosslegged < cross-legged
- crossparty < cross-party
- crosspollinate < cross-pollinate
- crosspollination < cross-pollination
- crossreactivity < cross-reactivity
- crossreference < cross-reference
- crosssection < cross-section
- crosstie < cross-tie
- crosstraining < cross-training
- crossvalidation < cross-validation
- crosswedge < cross-wedge
- cross-hatching < crosshatching
- crossin' < crossing
- cross-kick < crosskick
- cross-kick < crosskick
- croslet < crosslet
- cross over < crossover
- crotchfruits < crotch fruits
- crup < croup
- crow's-feet < crow's feet
- crow's-foot < crow's foot
- crow's-nest < crow's nest
- croud < crowd
- croud < crowd
- crowdsurfer < crowd surfer
- crowdin' < crowding
- crowd pleaser < crowdpleaser
- crowne < crown
- crusian < crucian
- crudle < cruddle
- crudites < crudités
- cruell < cruel
- cruelhearted < cruel-hearted
- cruellie < cruelly
- crueltie < cruelty
- kruft < cruft
- cruiseliner < cruise liner
- cruiseship < cruise ship
- cruisin' < cruising
- cruve < cruive
- kruller < cruller
- crum < crumb
- crum cake < crumcake
- crumby < crummy
- cruorine < cruorin
- crouper < crupper
- crush-worthy < crushworthy
- crusado < cruzado
- weep into one's beer < cry in one's beer
- cryin' < crying
- cryoprocessed < cryo-processed
- cryo processed < cryo-processed
- cryoprocessing < cryo-processing
- cryo processing < cryo-processing
- cryotransmission < cryo-transmission
- cryoblation < cryoablation
- cryoanaesthesia < cryoanesthesia
- cryoglobulinaemic < cryoglobulinemic
- kryolite < cryolite
- kryometer < cryometer
- cryomould < cryomold
- cryptoanalytic < cryptanalytic
- cryptoanalytical < cryptanalytical
- cryptofascistic < crypto-fascistic
- crypto-currency < cryptocurrency
- cryptogame < cryptogam
- chyrstal < crystal
- crystalline humor < crystalline humour
- crystallisable < crystallizable
- crystalisation < crystallization
- crystalliser < crystallizer
- crystalographic < crystallographic
- creme caramel < crème caramel
- creme fraiche < crème fraîche
- CTRL < [[ctrl.}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "ctrl." is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{abbreviation of]]
- ctrl < [[ctrl.}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "ctrl." is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{abbreviation of]]
- cubeage < cubage
- cubby hole < cubbyhole
- cubicly < cubically
- cubulin < cubilin
- cubooctahedral < cuboctahedral
- cuckow < cuckoo
- cukservative < cuckservative
- cowcumber < cucumber
- cucumberfish < cucumber fish
- cucumbertree < cucumber tree
- cucurbite < cucurbit
- cuddleable < cuddlable
- cuesport < cue sport
- cuir-bouilly < cuir-bouilli
- curiet < cuirass
- culdesac < cul-de-sac
- c u l8r < cul8r
- coupable < culpable
- culerage < culrage
- cul-de-sacs < culs-de-sac
- cultural marxism < cultural Marxism
- culturalise < culturalize
- culvering < culverin
- combrous < cumbrous
- cummin < cumin
- cumberbund < cummerbund
- cumerbund < cummerbund
- cummy < cummie
- cumulous < cumulus
- cunnilingist < cunnilinguist
- cunnin' < cunning
- cuntface < cuntfaced
- cupelation < cupellation
- cup holder < cupholder
- woorara < curare
- curarise < curarize
- carassow < curassow
- cureall < cure-all
- curet < curette
- curlycue < curlicue
- carlicue < curlicue
- curmugeon < curmudgeon
- currie < curry
- currymuncher < curry muncher
- cursin' < curse
- curstness < cursedness
- curtin < curtain
- curteyn < curtain
- curtain-twitcher < curtain twitcher
- curtein < curtana
- courtesy < curtsey
- courtsey < curtsey
- curvacious < curvaceous
- corvet < curvet
- curvette < curvet
- curvette < curvet
- queest < cushat
- cashaw < cushaw
- quishan < cushion
- cuspform < cusp form
- cuspidated < cuspidate
- cuspidore < cuspidor
- cussin' < cuss
- curse out < cuss out
- custome < custom
- custumary < customary
- custumary < customary
- customisability < customizability
- customised < customized
- customised < customized
- cutt < cut
- cut a swath < cut a wide swath
- cut-and-thrust < cut and thrust
- cutscene < cut scene
- cut the muster < cut the mustard
- cut-back < cutback
- cutchery < cutcherry
- cute-hoorism < cute hoorism
- cutesie < cutesy
- cuticularised < cuticularized
- qt < cutie
- cutey < cutie
- QT 3.14 < cutie pie
- qt 3.14 < cutie pie
- cutlas < cutlass
- cut-offs < cutoffs
- cutability < cuttability
- cuttin' < cutting
- cutting edge < cutting-edge
- cotwal < cutwal
- kutwal < cutwal
- cuvet < cuvette
- cymwd < cwmwd
- cyanamid < cyanamide
- cyanid < cyanide
- cyanin < cyanine
- cyanise < cyanize
- cyanmethaemoglobin < cyanmethemoglobin
- cyanomethemoglobin < cyanmethemoglobin
- cyanocobalmin < cyanocobalamin
- cyanocobalamine < cyanocobalamin
- cyanogenic < cyanogenetic
- cyanole < cyanol
- cyanophile < cyanophil
- kyanophyll < cyanophyll
- cyanopia < cyanopsia
- cyber < cyber-
- cyberisation < cyberization
- cyberise < cyberize
- cyber squatter < cybersquatter
- cybertopian < cyberutopian
- cybertopian < cyberutopian
- cycleability < cyclability
- cyclicly < cyclically
- cyclodextrine < cyclodextrin
- cycloisomerisation < cycloisomerization
- cyclomaltoheptose < cyclomaltoheptaose
- ciclosporin < cyclosporine
- cyclosporin < cyclosporine
- cima < cyma
- cymarin < cymarine
- cynicall < cynical
- kynophobia < cynophobia
- cyphonaute < cyphonautes
- cystoadenoma < cystadenoma
- cystathionin < cystathionine
- cystein < cysteine
- cistic < cystic
- cystiphorous < cystophorous
- cystorrhœa < cystorrhea
- cystoscopical < cystoscopic
- cyt- < cyto-
- cytofluorimeter < cytofluorometer
- cytokeratine < cytokeratin
- cytopaenia < cytopenia
- czaritza < czaritsa
- tsaritza < czaritsa
- tzaritsa < czaritsa
- tzaritza < czaritsa
- coeloma < cœloma
- d% < d100
- dpa < dPa
- dipchick < dabchick
- dobchick < dabchick
- dakoity < dacoity
- decoity < dacoity
- dakoiti < dacoity
- Dacron < dacron
- dacryadenitis < dacryoadenitis
- dacryocystorhinotomy < dacryocystorhinostomy
- dacryorrhœa < dacryorrhea
- dadblamed < dad-blamed
- da da < dada
- daddie < daddy
- daddy longlegs spider < daddy long-legs spider
- daddy long-legs < daddy longlegs
- dedal < daedal
- dedalous < daedalous
- div < daeva
- deev < daeva
- daff < daf
- duff < daf
- duffadar < dafadar
- daffadar < dafadar
- dufadar < dafadar
- daftie < dafty
- daquiri < daiquiri
- dess < dais
- daisy wheel < daisywheel
- daisy wheel printer < daisywheel printer
- dakerhen < daker-hen
- Dakshinachara < dakshinachara
- dala dala < daladala
- daledh < dalet
- daliaunce < daliance
- daliance < dalliance
- dalliaunce < dalliance
- damaskin < damascene
- damasken < damascene
- damaskeen < damascene
- damasquin < damascene
- dammy < damme
- dayum < damn
- damnd < damn
- goddamned well < damn well
- damnd < damned
- you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't < damned if you do, damned if you don't
- damndest < damnedest
- damfool < damnfool
- dampproofing < damp proofing
- damosel < damsel
- damascene < damson
- danbuoy < dan buoy
- dance to a different tune < dance to a new tune
- dance with the one that brought ya < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one that brung ya < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one that brung you < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one what brought ya < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one what brought you < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one what brung ya < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one what brung you < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one who brought ya < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one who brought you < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one who brung ya < dance with the one that brought you
- dance with the one who brung you < dance with the one that brought you
- dance-goer < dancegoer
- dancy < dancetté
- dancin' < dancing
- dancin < dancing
- dancey < dancy
- dandyfy < dandify
- dandy's stick < dandy stick
- dandy horse < dandy-horse
- dangerization < dangerisation
- dangherous < dangerous
- danglin' < dangling
- dunny < danna
- danthron < dantron
- darbukah < darbuka
- dessay < daresay
- dare say < daresay
- darke < dark
- darke < dark
- dahk < dark
- dark fiber < dark fibre
- dark-lanthorn < dark lantern
- darknesse < darkness
- darknet marketplace < darknet market
- dark wave < darkwave
- darlint < darling
- dash cam < dashcam
- daishiki < dashiki
- data center < data centre
- datacenter < data centre
- datacentre < data centre
- datacommunications < data communications
- datamatrix < data matrix
- datarate < data rate
- dataset < data set
- datastore < data store
- datastream < data stream
- data visualisation < data visualization
- datepalm < date palm
- date-rapist < date rapist
- dawb < daub
- dawb < daub
- dawber < dauber
- dawbing < daubing
- daubréelite < daubreelite
- dawghtor < daughter
- daunorubicine < daunorubicin
- da'wa < dawah
- daudle < dawdle
- daye < day
- dayee < day
- night and day < day and night
- Day of Days < day of days
- dayshift < day shift
- daytrip < day trip
- day-trip < day trip
- day blind < day-blind
- daypeep < day-peep
- daytrip < day-trip
- daytripper < day-tripper
- day bed < daybed
- day-break < daybreak
- Daylight Saving Time < daylight saving time
- daylight-savings time < daylight savings time
- day room < dayroom
- day time < daytime
- DBA < dba
- de die ad diem < de die in diem
- deemphasis < de-emphasis
- desumoylate < deSUMOylate
- deacetylcephalosporin < deacetoxycephalosporin
- ded < dead
- deade < dead
- deadload < dead load
- dead-march < dead march
- dead-on < dead on
- deadset < dead set
- deadender < dead-ender
- dead beat < deadbeat
- dead-eye < deadeye
- dead-eye < deadeye
- dead-hearted < deadhearted
- dead-heartedly < deadheartedly
- dead-heartedness < deadheartedness
- dead man < deadman
- deafmute < deaf-mute
- deafmute < deaf-mute
- deale < deal
- deale < deal
- dealbreaker < deal breaker
- dealcoholise < dealcoholize
- dealin' < dealing
- delt < dealt
- deare < dear
- deere < dear
- deere < dear
- dearie me < dear me
- deary me < dear me
- dearely < dearly
- dearomatise < dearomatize
- dearomatised < dearomatized
- derth < dearth
- deathbell < death bell
- deathcamas < death camas
- deathcamp < death camp
- death grunt < death growl
- deathhouse < death house
- deathmask < death mask
- deathpool < death pool
- deathray < death ray
- death-ray < death ray
- deathwish < death wish
- death-bed conversion < deathbed conversion
- death bed conversion < deathbed conversion
- debateable < debatable
- deboshed < debauched
- debrisoquin < debrisoquine
- debugability < debuggability
- debugee < debuggee
- decad < decade
- decad < decade
- decaff < decaf
- dekagram < decagram
- dekagramme < decagram
- dekaliter < decaliter
- dekalitre < decalitre
- decalog < decalogue
- dekalogy < decalogy
- dekametric < decametric
- decapodan < decapod
- decapodan < decapod
- decarbonisation < decarbonization
- decarburisation < decarburization
- decarburise < decarburize
- dekare < decare
- dekastere < decastere
- decellularisation < decellularization
- decellularised < decellularized
- decennal < decennial
- decennalian < decennial
- decenter < decentre
- decidualisation < decidualization
- decidualise < decidualize
- decisionmaking < decision making
- decitizenise < decitizenize
- decivilisation < decivilization
- dekle < deckle
- deckel < deckle
- 'clare < declare
- declarin' < declaring
- declareing < declaring
- decolonisation < decolonization
- decolonise < decolonize
- decolourant < decolorant
- decolorisation < decolorization
- decolourisation < decolorization
- decolourization < decolorization
- decompartmentalise < decompartmentalize
- deconceptualise < deconceptualize
- deconstructible < deconstructable
- decontextualisation < decontextualization
- decontextualise < decontextualize
- decreet-arbitral < decree arbitral
- decreolisation < decreolization
- decreolise < decreolize
- decaplet < decuplet
- decurrency < decurrence
- deductability < deductibility
- deductable < deductible
- deede < deed
- deeksies < deekies
- deeme < deem
- deepe < deep
- deep-web < deep web
- deep fry < deep-fry
- deep frying < deep-frying
- deeprooted < deep-rooted
- deepwater < deep-water
- deere < deer
- deermouse < deer mouse
- deer-skins < deerskins
- deerslayer caps < deerstalker hat
- defamiliarise < defamiliarize
- defæcated < defecated
- defæcates < defecates
- defæcation < defecation
- defectability < defectibility
- defeminisation < defeminization
- defeminise < defeminize
- defenseman < defenceman
- defenser < defender
- defendin' < defending
- desferroxamine < deferoxamine
- deferable < deferrable
- defervescency < defervescence
- defyer < defier
- diffine < define
- deflour < deflower
- deflourer < deflowerer
- disforestation < deforestation
- defraude < defraud
- defthandedly < deft-handedly
- defly < deftly
- defuze < defuse
- deglobalisation < deglobalization
- deglobalise < deglobalize
- degre < degree
- degree-day < degree day
- dehumaniser < dehumanizer
- dehydrogenise < dehydrogenize
- dehypnotise < dehypnotize
- deindustrialise < deindustrialize
- deinstitutionalisation < deinstitutionalization
- deinstitutionalise < deinstitutionalize
- deionised < deionized
- Deist < deist
- Deists < deists
- decko < dekko
- delegitimatise < delegitimatize
- delegitimisation < delegitimization
- delegitimise < delegitimize
- delf < delftware
- delibration < deliberation
- delinquincy < delinquency
- delivrance < deliverance
- delivr'd < delivered
- deliver'd < delivered
- deliverin' < delivering
- delivre < delivery
- delivery man < deliveryman
- delocalisation < delocalization
- delocalise < delocalize
- delocalised < delocalized
- Delta blues < delta blues
- deluster < delustre
- de luxe < deluxe
- demagnetisation < demagnetization
- demagnetiser < demagnetizer
- demeanure < demeanor
- demesmerisation < demesmerization
- demesmerise < demesmerize
- demetalation < demetallation
- demiglaze < demiglace
- demi-lune < demilune
- demi-mondaine < demimondaine
- demineralisation < demineralization
- demineralise < demineralize
- demineraliser < demineralizer
- democraty < democracy
- democratick < democratic
- demo group < demogroup
- demonetisation < demonetization
- demoniasm < demonianism
- dæmonical < demonical
- demoniser < demonizer
- dæmonolatry < demonolatry
- demonologic < demonological
- demonstratable < demonstrable
- demonstrater < demonstrator
- demoraliser < demoralizer
- demo scene < demoscene
- demorage < demurrage
- demutualisation < demutualization
- demutualise < demutualize
- demi < demy
- demythologisation < demythologization
- demythologise < demythologize
- denationalise < denationalize
- denaturisation < denaturization
- dendritical < dendritic
- denormalisation < denormalization
- denormalise < denormalize
- densimetrical < densimetric
- densonucleovirus < densovirus
- dentel < dentil
- dentilabial < dentolabial
- dentilabial < dentolabial
- denuclearisation < denuclearization
- denuclearise < denuclearize
- denie < deny
- denyin' < denying
- deoxidisation < deoxidization
- deoxidise < deoxidize
- deoxidiser < deoxidizer
- deoxysugar < deoxy sugar
- desoxy- < deoxy-
- desoxycholate < deoxycholate
- desoxynucleoside < deoxynucleoside
- desoxyoligonucleotide < deoxyoligonucleotide
- desoxyribose nucleic acid < deoxyribonucleic acid
- desoxyribonucleoside < deoxyribonucleoside
- desoxythymidine < deoxythymidine
- deparaffinisation < deparaffinization
- deparaffinised < deparaffinized
- deparasitised < deparasitized
- departmentalisation < departmentalization
- departmentalise < departmentalize
- depauperise < depauperize
- dependancy < dependency
- dependant < dependent
- dependin' < depending
- depersonalisation < depersonalization
- depersonalise < depersonalize
- dephosphorisation < dephosphorization
- depictor < depicter
- depolarise < depolarize
- depolariser < depolarizer
- depoliticisation < depoliticization
- depoliticalization < depoliticization
- depoliticise < depoliticize
- depoliticalize < depoliticize
- depolymerise < depolymerize
- dépôt < depot
- depressionogenic < depressogenic
- deprioritise < deprioritize
- depriv'd < deprived
- dept < dept.
- depthe < depth
- depurition < depuration
- deradicalise < deradicalize
- derandomisation < derandomization
- derandomise < derandomize
- derecognise < derecognize
- dereligionise < dereligionize
- derivatisation < derivatization
- derivatise < derivatize
- derivatised < derivatized
- derm < dermis
- derm- < dermo-
- dearnful < dernful
- deromanticise < deromanticize
- deringer < derringer
- discant < descant
- descript < described
- desensitiser < desensitizer
- deserialise < deserialize
- desart < desert
- desertin' < deserting
- desexualisation < desexualization
- desexualise < desexualize
- desecate < desiccate
- desyne < design
- desyne < design
- desilverisation < desilverization
- desilverise < desilverize
- desireable < desirable
- desier < desire
- desier < desire
- desyre < desire
- desyre < desire
- desyrous < desirous
- desk organiser < desk organizer
- desocialise < desocialize
- desolator < desolater
- desorbtion < desorption
- deadsorption < desorption
- dispise < despise
- despitous < despiteous
- dispond < despond
- destabilisation < destabilization
- destabiliser < destabilizer
- destandardise < destandardize
- destigmatisation < destigmatization
- destigmatise < destigmatize
- destin < destiny
- destroi < destroy
- destroyin' < destroying
- desulphoglucosinolate < desulfoglucosinolate
- desulphonated < desulfonated
- desulphonation < desulfonation
- desulphurase < desulfurase
- desulfurise < desulfurize
- desulphurisation < desulphurization
- desynch < desync
- desynch < desync
- desynchronised < desynchronized
- detacht < detached
- detecter < detector
- dedent < detent
- determin'd < determined
- determinisation < determinization
- determinise < determinize
- determinised < determinized
- detorsion < detortion
- detracter < detractor
- detribalisation < detribalization
- detribalise < detribalize
- deubiquitylase < deubiquitinase
- deubiquitinylating < deubiquitinating
- deubiquitinylation < deubiquitination
- doosed < deuced
- deunionise < deunionize
- deutron < deuteron
- deuterocerebral < deutocerebral
- devascularisation < devascularization
- disvelop < develop
- developin' < developing
- deverbalise < deverbalize
- deevil < devil
- devill < devil
- diuell < devil
- deviled < devilled
- devize < devise
- deuise < devise
- devizee < devisee
- devitalisation < devitalization
- devitalise < devitalize
- devitellinised < devitellinized
- devocalise < devocalize
- devolatilisation < devolatilization
- devolatilise < devolatilize
- devouted < devoted
- devouted < devoted
- deuotion < devotion
- devotionist < devotionalist
- dew drop < dew drop
- diwan < dewan
- deewan < dewan
- dewlapt < dewlapped
- dexamethazone < dexamethasone
- dextrously < dexterously
- dextrousness < dexterousness
- dextrine < dextrin
- dextamphetamine < dextroamphetamine
- dhoney < dhoni
- dow < dhow
- durrie < dhurrie
- diabetical < diabetic
- diadochokinesia < diadochokinesis
- dieresis < diaeresis
- diæresis < diaeresis
- diaresis < diaeresis
- diagnoseable < diagnosable
- diagonial < diagonal
- diagonalisability < diagonalizability
- diagonalisable < diagonalizable
- diagonalise < diagonalize
- dialling tone < dial tone
- dialup < dial-up
- dialup < dial-up
- diallable < dialable
- dialethism < dialetheism
- dialogue box < dialog box
- dialogise < dialogize
- dialuminum < dialuminium
- dialyser < dialyzer
- diamanté < diamante
- dymonde < diamond
- diaphoretical < diaphoretic
- diaphragmic breathing < diaphragmatic breathing
- diarisation < diarization
- diarrhoeagenic < diarrheagenic
- diauxy < diauxie
- diazirene < diazirine
- diazol < diazole
- diazotisation < diazotization
- diazatrophic < diazotrophic
- dibenzoazepine < dibenzazepine
- dibromopropamidine < dibrompropamidine
- dicesium < dicaesium
- dicy < dicey
- dichlorovos < dichlorvos
- dichotomisation < dichotomization
- dichotomise < dichotomize
- dichromasy < dichromacy
- dichroiscope < dichroscope
- daker < dicker
- dicotyledenous < dicotyledonous
- dicotyledoneous < dicotyledonous
- dictatourship < dictatorship
- dictatoress < dictatress
- dyd < did
- divedapper < didapper
- diddlysquat < diddly-squat
- didjeridoo < didgeridoo
- digeridoo < didgeridoo
- didya < didja
- dint < didn't
- dinnit < didn't
- dudn't < didn't
- di'n't < didn’t
- didrachm < didrachma
- didym < didymium
- dye < die
- dieoff < die-off
- dyde < died
- Diet < diet
- dyet < diet
- dietetical < dietetic
- diethylmaleate < diethyl maleate
- diethylstilbesterol < diethylstilbestrol
- diëts < diets
- diffidency < diffidence
- diflucortolone < difluocortolone
- difunctionalised < difunctionalized
- disgest < digest
- digestor < digester
- digestable < digestible
- disgestion < digestion
- ziggety < diggety
- diggity < diggety
- diggity < diggety
- diggin' < digging
- digipack < digipak
- digitalise < digitalize
- digitiser < digitizer
- digitonine < digitonin
- dignitie < dignity
- degression < digression
- diedral < dihedral
- diedral < dihedral
- diisononylphthalate < diisononyl phthalate
- diisopropylfluorophosphate < diisopropyl fluorophosphate
- dykelet < dikelet
- dyking < diking
- dictyoma < diktyoma
- delapidation < dilapidation
- delate < dilate
- dilatation and curettage < dilation and curettage
- dildoe < dildo
- dilettanteish < dilettantish
- dilettanteism < dilettantism
- dealio < dillio
- dilutor < diluter
- dimestore < dime store
- dimeglumin < dimeglumine
- dimensionalisation < dimensionalization
- dimensionalise < dimensionalize
- dimerisation < dimerization
- dimerise < dimerize
- dimethylsulfate < dimethyl sulfate
- dimethylsulfide < dimethyl sulfide
- dimethylsulphoxide < dimethyl sulfoxide
- dimethyldisulphide < dimethyldisulfide
- dimethylsulphide < dimethylsulfide
- dimethylsulphoniopropionate < dimethylsulfoniopropionate
- dimethylsulfoxide < dimethylsulphoxide
- dimethindene < dimetindene
- diminazene < diminazen
- deminish < diminish
- deminution < diminution
- dismissory < dimissory
- dimish < dimmish
- bimorphic < dimorphic
- dimpsy < dimpsey
- dim-wittedness < dimwittedness
- dimyary < dimyarian
- dyna < dinar
- didncha < dincha
- didntcha < dincha
- ding-dong < ding dong
- dingdong < ding-dong
- dingdong < ding-dong
- dingy < dinghy
- dingey < dinghy
- dynner < dinner
- dinoflagelate < dinoflagellate
- binucleotide < dinucleotide
- diœcesan < diocesan
- diocesean < diocesan
- diecious < dioecious
- dioicous < dioecious
- Dionysian < dionysian
- dioptrical < dioptric
- binoxide < dioxide
- dinoxide < dioxide
- dioxid < dioxide
- dioxindole < dioxindol
- dipnet < dip net
- dip-netter < dip netter
- dipthong < diphthong
- dipivefrin < dipivefrine
- dvojnice < diple
- dipl- < diplo-
- diploidisation < diploidization
- diplomatical < diplomatic
- diplomatise < diplomatize
- dippin' < dipping
- direcshun < direction
- directer < director
- directoress < directress
- derham < dirham
- drachm < dirhem
- dork < dirk
- dirke < dirk
- dirt-cheap < dirt cheap
- durty < dirty
- di- < dis-
- des- < dis-
- dishable < disable
- disableism < disablism
- disableist < disablist
- disaffectation < disaffection
- disagreein' < disagreeing
- disappoynt < disappoint
- disray < disarray
- dysbalance < disbalance
- deburse < disburse
- dispurse < disburse
- discotomy < discectomy
- discernable < discernible
- discerpibility < discerptibility
- diskitis < discitis
- diskogram < discogram
- diskographic < discographic
- discolor'd < discolored
- discolour'd < discolored
- discolourment < discolorment
- discolourous < discolorous
- deconnected < disconnected
- disconsolated < disconsolate
- discothèque < discotheque
- discoure < discover
- discriminancy < discriminance
- discussible < discussable
- discussin' < discussing
- disdaine < disdain
- disdaine < disdain
- disdeign < disdain
- disdaineful < disdainful
- dyssease < disease
- disease modifying drug < disease-modifying drug
- disimbitter < disembitter
- disenvoweled < disemvoweled
- disenvoweling < disemvoweling
- disenvowelled < disemvowelled
- disenvowelling < disemvowelling
- disenamor < disenamour
- disequalising < disequalizing
- disguize < disguise
- disguize < disguise
- disgustin' < disgusting
- dishstand < dish stand
- disharmonise < disharmonize
- disheart < dishearten
- dishin' < dishing
- dishonourableness < dishonorableness
- dishonnour < dishonour
- dishonnour < dishonour
- dish washer < dishwasher
- dishwasher safe < dishwasher-safe
- disillusionise < disillusionize
- disincentivise < disincentivize
- disindividualisation < disindividualization
- disindividualise < disindividualize
- disenter < disinter
- disinthrall < disinthral
- diskerie < diskery
- discette < diskette
- dismayd < dismayed
- disnaturalise < disnaturalize
- disobediency < disobedience
- disobeisant < disobedient
- disordrely < disorderly
- disorganiser < disorganizer
- disoxydate < disoxidate
- disoxydation < disoxidation
- despatcher < dispatcher
- dispell < dispel
- dispensible < dispensable
- dispence < dispense
- dispenst < dispensed
- disperseness < dispersedness
- dispersability < dispersibility
- dispersable < dispersible
- disspirited < dispirited
- disspiriting < dispiriting
- disspirits < dispirits
- despose < dispose
- dispossest < dispossessed
- despread < dispread
- dispred < dispread
- disspread < dispread
- disproove < disprove
- disruptible < disruptable
- disrupture < disruption
- dissectible < dissectable
- dissecter < dissector
- dissention < dissension
- disassent < dissent
- dissensious < dissentious
- dissolvible < dissolvable
- disswasion < dissuasion
- distalisation < distalization
- distalise < distalize
- distaliser < distalizer
- destemper < distemper
- distingué < distingue
- distraughted < distracted
- distractor < distracter
- distractability < distractibility
- distractable < distractible
- distrainer < distrainor
- stress < distress
- distrest < distressed
- distributionaly < distributionally
- disturbin' < disturbing
- disulphiram < disulfiram
- disulphonate < disulfonate
- disulphonated < disulfonated
- disulphur < disulfur
- disulfate < disulphate
- disulfid < disulphide
- dissyllabified < disyllabified
- dich < ditch
- dithyrambus < dithyramb
- devergence < divergence
- diuers < divers
- dyvers < divers
- diuerse < diverse
- divertor < diverter
- divestor < divester
- divesture < divestiture
- devide < divide
- diuine < divine
- divinor < diviner
- divinour < diviner
- divinitie < divinity
- devision < division
- devisions < divisions
- devorce < divorce
- devorce < divorce
- divorcible < divorceable
- divorc't < divorced
- divet < divot
- divied < divvied
- divied up < divvied up
- divies < divvies
- divies < divvies
- divies up < divvies up
- divying < divvying
- divying up < divvying up
- jin < djinn
- djinni < djinn
- djin < djinn
- djinnee < djinn
- djinny < djinni
- do as I say, not as I do < do as I say and not as I do
- do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollars < do not pass go, do not collect $200
- dogooder < do-gooder
- donnot < do-naught
- donothingism < do-nothingism
- docilly < docilely
- dokimastic < docimastic
- dogget < docket
- docquet < docket
- docquet < docket
- dockisation < dockization
- dockise < dockize
- doctorall < doctoral
- doctorandus < doctorand
- doctorin' < doctoring
- documentarise < documentarize
- documentor < documenter
- dodecahedric < dodecahedral
- dodecaedron < dodecahedron
- duodecahedron < dodecahedron
- duodecane < dodecane
- dodecylsulphate < dodecylsulfate
- dodge ball < dodgeball
- dodgin' < dodging
- doddypoll < dodipoll
- disna < doesn't
- dunnot < doesn't
- dudn't < doesn't
- doesnae < doesna
- dun't < doesn’t
- dag < dog
- dawg < dog
- doge < dog
- dogge < dog
- Dogg < dog
- dogdays < dog days
- dog whistle politics < dog-whistle politics
- Dogan < dogan
- dogs-bane < dogbane
- dog-fight < dogfight
- dog fight < dogfight
- doggin' < dogging
- doggoned < doggone
- doggy-paddle < doggy paddle
- dog house < doghouse
- dogmatise < dogmatize
- dogmatiser < dogmatizer
- dognaper < dognapper
- dog watch < dogwatch
- doyly < doily
- doeing < doing
- doin < doing
- dolefull < doleful
- dolichopellic < dolichopelvic
- dollarise < dollarize
- dolly-bird < dolly bird
- dollybird < dolly bird
- dolmeh < dolma
- tolmen < dolmen
- dolomitise < dolomitize
- dolphin fish < dolphinfish
- domesticise < domesticize
- dominitrix < dominatrix
- dominos < dominoes
- dont < don't
- dun < don't
- dunt < don't
- doan' < don't
- dooant < don't
- dunnot < don't
- don't cry over spilled milk < don't cry over spilt milk
- don't give up the day job < don't give up your day job
- don't's < don'ts
- donatary < donatory
- dun < done
- doughnut bumper < donut bumper
- don' < don’t
- doodle-bug < doodlebug
- doodie < doody
- doodie < doody
- doover < doofer
- doohicky < doohickey
- doo-hickey < doohickey
- doohickie < doohickey
- dooky < dookie
- gloom-and-doomer < doom-and-gloomer
- doom'd < doomed
- domesday < doomsday
- domesman < doomsman
- doore < door
- door-bell < doorbell
- door game < doorgame
- door-keeper < doorkeeper
- door-mat < doormat
- doozer < doozy
- doop < dop
- L-DOPA < dopa
- dopy < dopey
- dorsel < dorsal
- dosel < dorsal
- dossel < dorsal
- dossal < dorsal
- dorsalisation < dorsalization
- dorsoventrality < dorsiventrality
- dorsilumbar < dorsolumbar
- dorsiventral < dorsoventral
- dorsiventrally < dorsoventrally
- dorture < dortour
- doree < dory
- dotbomb < dot-bomb
- .com < dot-com
- dot com < dot-com
- dot-com boom < dot-com bubble
- dooth < doth
- doating < doting
- doatingly < dotingly
- dottrel < dotterel
- dowar < douar
- double adaptor < double adapter
- double base < double bass
- double-date < double date
- double-entendre < double entendre
- double-entendres < double entendres
- double-knit < double knit
- double-penetrate < double penetrate
- double click < double-click
- double dip < double-dip
- doubleminded < double-minded
- doublemindedly < double-mindedly
- doublemindedness < double-mindedness
- double spaced < double-spaced
- doublethreaded < double-threaded
- doublewide < double-wide
- dublet < doublet
- doobt < doubt
- dowset < doucet
- doughfaced < dough-faced
- dough-nut < doughnut
- doúla < doula
- durukuli < douroucouli
- dovekey < dovekie
- dufftail < dovetail
- downe < down
- downe < down
- dahn < down
- dahn < down
- daown < down
- doone < down
- doune < down
- out for the count < down for the count
- downpayment < down payment
- down the cludgie < down the toilet
- downline < down-line
- down-heartedly < downheartedly
- down-heartedness < downheartedness
- down-regulation < downregulation
- down-set < downset
- down time < downtime
- down-time < downtime
- down-town < downtown
- dahntahn < downtown
- down-turn < downturn
- dowery < dowry
- dowriless < dowryless
- dowst < dowse
- doxazocin < doxazosin
- doxycyclin < doxycycline
- dioxycycline < doxycycline
- dizzen < dozen
- DPI < dpi
- drachme < drachma
- draconology < dracology
- dracontic < draconic
- draught < draft
- draught < draft
- draughter < drafter
- draftman < draftsman
- draughtsmanly < draftsmanly
- draftmanship < draftsmanship
- draughtsperson < draftsperson
- draughtswoman < draftswoman
- dragge < drag
- draggin' < dragging
- drag-net < dragnet
- drogoman < dragoman
- dwagon < dragon
- dragoonade < dragonnade
- dragee < dragée
- drein < drain
- drein < drain
- drain plug < drainplug
- drachm < dram
- dramaticks < dramatics
- dramatisable < dramatizable
- dramatise < dramatize
- dramatiser < dramatizer
- dramaturg < dramaturge
- drummock < drammock
- drapeability < drapability
- drats < drat
- drait < drate
- dret < drate
- draugh < draught
- draft excluder < draught excluder
- draughtman < draughtsman
- drawe < draw
- draw bridge < drawbridge
- draw-bridge < drawbridge
- drawin' < drawing
- drawing-room < drawing room
- drawne < drawn
- dredlocks < dreadlocks
- dreame < dream
- dreamin' < dreaming
- drerie < dreary
- drest < dressed
- driftnet < drift net
- driftin' < drifting
- drillcore < drill core
- drinke < drink
- drinke < drink
- dhrink < drink
- dhrink < drink
- thrink < drink
- thrink < drink
- drippin' < dripping
- driue < drive
- drivebelt < drive belt
- drivewheel < drive wheel
- drive offs < drive-off
- drevill < drivel
- driuen < driven
- drive shaft < driveshaft
- drivin' < driving
- drouge < drog
- drugg < drogue
- droyle < droil
- dromeosaur < dromaeosaur
- dreul < drool
- dhrop < drop
- drop a bomb < drop a bombshell
- drop a brick < drop a bombshell
- drop-down list < drop down list
- dropback < drop-back
- drop crotching < drop-crotching
- drop kick < drop-kick
- dropoff < drop-off
- dropable < droppable
- dropt < dropped
- droppin' < dropping
- drop zone < dropzone
- drotchel < drossel
- drownd < drowned
- drownin' < drowning
- drowsihed < drowsihead
- drugg < drug
- drugable < druggable
- druggy < druggie
- drug lord < druglord
- Druid < druid
- druidish < druidic
- drumkit < drum kit
- drum stick < drumstick
- drunke < drunk
- dhrunk < drunk
- drunkennesse < drunkenness
- drusens < drusen
- druzy < drusy
- dry as a dead dingo's donga < dry as a dead dingo's donger
- drygoods < dry goods
- drystone < dry-stone
- dry stone < dry-stone
- dryade < dryad
- driefats < dryfats
- driness < dryness
- dual boot < dual-boot
- dualisable < dualizable
- dualisation < dualization
- dualing < dualling
- Duat < duat
- dupper < dubber
- dub plate < dubplate
- dutchess < duchess
- dutchy < duchy
- ducktape < duck tape
- duckin' < ducking
- dude bro < dude-bro
- dudheen < dudeen
- doodhi < dudhi
- duetto < duet
- duett < duet
- duetist < duettist
- dug-out < dugout
- dullwitted < dull-witted
- dumber than a bag of hammers < dumb as a bag of hammers
- dumb-ass < dumb ass
- dumbcluck < dumb cluck
- dumbfuck < dumb fuck
- dumbell < dumbbell
- dumb shit < dumbshit
- dumb shit < dumbshit
- dumb-shit < dumbshit
- dumpster-diver < dumpster diver
- dumpster-diving < dumpster diving
- dumpty < dumpy
- dunum < dunam
- duncey < duncy
- dandyfunk < dunderfunk
- dungeree < dungaree
- dung-hill < dunghill
- dunsail < dunsel
- duolog < duologue
- dupeable < dupable
- doupion < dupion
- duplicando < duplicand
- durant < durance
- duresse < duress
- durion < durian
- durmast < durmast oak
- dourah < durra
- dursen't < dursn't
- dustjacket < dust jacket
- dustmite < dust mite
- dust cloth < dustcloth
- dustin' < dusting
- dutie < duty
- dooty < duty
- dutyfree < duty-free
- duvetyn < duvetyne
- duxelle < duxelles
- dwell upon < dwell on
- die < dye
- die < dye
- dyability < dyeability
- dyable < dyeable
- dyed in the wool < dyed-in-the-wool
- dye-house < dyehouse
- dying < dyeing
- dyin' < dying
- dynamisation < dynamization
- dynamimeter < dynamometer
- dysautonomy < dysautonomia
- dysgracia < dyscrasia
- dyscrasyed < dyscrasied
- dysdiadokokinesis < dysdiadochokinesia
- dysdiadokokinesia < dysdiadochokinesia
- dysdiadochokinesis < dysdiadochokinesia
- dysæmic < dysemic
- dysenterical < dysenteric
- dysæsthesia < dysesthesia
- disfluent < dysfluent
- disfluently < dysfluently
- disfunction < dysfunction
- disgenic < dysgenic
- dyshomoeostasis < dyshomeostasis
- dyslipidaemia < dyslipidemia
- dislipidemia < dyslipidemia
- dysmenorrhœal < dysmenorrheal
- dysodyle < dysodile
- dispathy < dyspathy
- dysprosodia < dysprosody
- dysproteinaemia < dysproteinemia
- dysproteinaemic < dysproteinemic
- dysthmia < dysthymia
- dysthymiac < dysthymic
- dysthymiac < dysthymic
- dysury < dysuria
- dyuers < dyvers
- déclassée < déclassé
- declasse < déclassé
- decollement < décollement
- developpe < développé
- E- < e-
- ecash < e-cash
- e-catalog < e-catalogue
- ecommerce < e-commerce
- e-counselling < e-counseling
- efolding < e-folding
- e-cruitment < e-recruitment
- esport < e-sport
- eSport < e-sport
- etailer < e-tailer
- ezine < e-zine
- ea < ea.
- eachother < each other
- eager < eagre
- higre < eagre
- aiger < eagre
- ealderman < ealdorman
- neam < eam
- eare < ear
- ear-finger < ear finger
- ear-rape < ear rape
- ear-shell < ear shell
- earrasaid < earasaid
- ear cockle < earcockle
- earle < earl
- early bird catches the worm < early bird gets the worm
- arnest < earnest
- ernest < earnest
- earnin' < earning
- ear-splitting < earsplitting
- yearth < earth
- airth < earth
- erd < earth
- earthtongue < earth tongue
- arthen < earthen
- earth-shattering < earthshattering
- eazily < easily
- easely < easily
- Easterner < easterner
- easternise < easternize
- aisy < easy
- eazy < easy
- like falling off a log < easy as falling off a log
- as easy as rolling off a log < easy as falling off a log
- like rolling off a log < easy as falling off a log
- easy-going < easygoing
- eate < eat
- eatin' < eating
- eatin' like a bird < eating like a bird
- odycolone < eau de Cologne
- evesdrop < eavesdrop
- evesdropper < eavesdropper
- ebbtide < ebb tide
- ebonise < ebonize
- excentrically < eccentrically
- excentricity < eccentricity
- ekklesia < ecclesia
- ecclesial < ecclesiastical
- echincandin < echinocandin
- echujin < echujine
- eckie < ecky
- eclectism < eclecticism
- eclecticise < eclecticize
- ecoregion < eco-region
- oecology < ecology
- economicly < economically
- Economics < economics
- economiser < economizer
- œconomy < economy
- ecophilosophy < ecosophy
- ecosystematic < ecosystemic
- eco-tourism < ecotourism
- craseur < ecraseur
- ecstasise < ecstasize
- Ecstasy < ecstasy
- extatical < ecstatical
- ecderon < ecteron
- ecderonic < ecteronic
- ectodine < ectodin
- ectopical < ectopic
- exoplasm < ectoplasm
- ectoplasmatic < ectoplasmic
- exothrix < ectothrix
- ectozoan < ectozoon
- oecumenic < ecumenic
- oecumenicism < ecumenicism
- ekzema < eczema
- ekzematous < eczematous
- etch < eddish
- eadish < eddish
- edematose < edematous
- edemateous < edematous
- œdemateous < edematous
- editorialisation < editorialization
- editorialiser < editorializer
- editors-in-chief < editors in chief
- edittin' < editting
- eddication < education
- ejit < eejit
- eel-like < eellike
- effecter < effector
- effeminise < effeminize
- efficience < efficiency
- Fing < effing
- Fing < effing
- efflorescency < efflorescence
- affrontery < effrontery
- effulgency < effulgence
- effet < eft
- agad < egad
- egads < egad
- igad < egad
- equalism < egalitarianism
- egge < egg
- egge < egg
- eggcase < egg case
- eggcrating < egg crate
- eggroll < egg roll
- eggsac < egg sac
- egg-timer < egg timer
- eggtimer < egg timer
- eggwashes < egg washes
- eggbound < egg-bound
- eggcrated < egg-crated
- eggcrated < egg-crated
- egg crating < egg-crating
- eggcrate < egg-crating
- eggcrating < egg-crating
- ægilopic < egilopic
- egoïsm < egoism
- egomism < egoism
- ego-surfing < egosurfing
- egotise < egotize
- aegritude < egritude
- eigh < eh
- ehh < [[eh}} (eh) {{gloss]]
- icosane < eicosane
- eikosane < eicosane
- icosanoid < eicosanoid
- Eid Mubarak < eid mubarak
- eightball < eight-ball
- 8th grade < eighth grade
- einheriar < einherjar
- eisell < eisel
- eather < either
- eyther < either
- ekaaluminum < eka-aluminium
- ekaaluminium < eka-aluminium
- eka-aluminum < eka-aluminium
- ekalead < eka-lead
- ekamercury < eka-mercury
- ekaplatinum < eka-platinum
- eeke < eke
- ekkers < ekker
- iktar < ektara
- elaolite < elaeolite
- elastical < elastic
- elaterium < elaterin
- elaterometer < elatrometer
- eltchi < elchi
- elchee < elchi
- Electoral College < electoral college
- electrisation < electrization
- electrise < electrize
- electr- < electro-
- electrosmosis < electro-osmosis
- electroacoustical < electroacoustic
- electrocauterise < electrocauterize
- electrochemoluminescence < electrochemiluminescence
- electrocyclisation < electrocyclization
- electrographical < electrographic
- electrolytical < electrolytic
- electrolysation < electrolyzation
- electrolization < electrolyzation
- electrolyse < electrolyze
- electrolize < electrolyze
- electrolyser < electrolyzer
- electro-magnetics < electromagnetics
- electroptical < electrooptical
- electroptics < electrooptics
- electrophorogram < electropherogram
- electrophil < electrophile
- electrophylic < electrophilic
- electrophoretical < electrophoretic
- electrophoration < electroporation
- electrotransfered < electrotransferred
- electary < electuary
- eleëmosynary < eleemosynary
- elegancy < elegance
- iligant < elegant
- elegiack < elegiac
- elegiack < elegiac
- elegise < elegize
- elementar < elementary
- elenctical < elenctic
- elenchtic < elenctic
- oleoptene < eleoptene
- elephant in the corner < elephant in the room
- eleven-plus < eleven plus
- 11th grade < eleventh grade
- 1337 < elite
- elliptograph < ellipsograph
- ellipsoidal < ellipsoid
- elliptick < elliptic
- elwand < ellwand
- éloge < eloge
- eulogium < elogium
- eloinment < eloignment
- els < else
- elce < else
- elce < else
- elytrum < elytron
- imbalm < embalm
- imbalmer < embalmer
- imbankment < embankment
- imbargo < embargo
- imbargo < embargo
- imbark < embark
- embarcation < embarkation
- imbarrass < embarrass
- embarrassin' < embarrassing
- imbarrassment < embarrassment
- ambassage < embassage
- ambassy < embassy
- imbathe < embathe
- enbattled < embattled
- imbeddable < embeddable
- imbedder < embedder
- imbedding < embedding
- imbedment < embedment
- imbellish < embellish
- imbezzle < embezzle
- imbezlement < embezzlement
- imbitter < embitter
- imbitterment < embitterment
- imblaze < emblaze
- imblazon < emblazon
- emblematise < emblematize
- emblemise < emblemize
- imbody < embody
- imboil < emboil
- imbolden < embolden
- imborder < emborder
- imboss < emboss
- imbosser < embosser
- imbow < embow
- imbowel < embowel
- imbraid < embraid
- imbrangle < embrangle
- embrazure < embrasure
- imbrown < embrown
- embryofoetal < embryofetal
- emeraud < emerald
- emeraude < emerald
- emetical < emetic
- emigré < emigre
- amirate < emirate
- emeerate < emirate
- emenagogue < emmenagogue
- menagogue < emmenagogue
- emmetropy < emmetropia
- emmetropisation < emmetropization
- inmew < emmew
- immew < emmew
- enmew < emmew
- enmove < emmove
- emotionalisation < emotionalization
- emotionalise < emotionalize
- empathiser < empathizer
- impeople < empeople
- impery < empery
- emphaticall < emphatical
- empyric < empiric
- emplection < emplecton
- emplectum < emplecton
- imployment < employment
- impoison < empoison
- impoisonment < empoisonment
- impolder < empolder
- empresse < empress
- emperess < empress
- emprosthotonos < emprosthotonus
- emptying < emptins
- empty-nest syndrome < empty nest syndrome
- empty-nester < empty nester
- empty-handed < emptyhanded
- impurple < empurple
- empyreumatical < empyreumatic
- emew < emu
- aemulation < emulation
- en-masse < en masse
- in route < en route
- en-suite < en suite
- inablement < enablement
- enamell < enamel
- enamell < enamel
- enameller < enameler
- enamellist < enamelist
- enamell'd < enamelled
- enaminoester < enamino ester
- inamour'd < enamored
- enamor'd < enamored
- enamour'd < enamored
- inamor'd < enamored
- enamouredness < enamoredness
- oenanthal < enanthal
- enantiodromiac < enantiodromic
- enantiometer < enantiomer
- enarthrodia < enarthrosis
- incage < encage
- incapsulation < encapsulation
- incasement < encasement
- encephal- < encephalo-
- encephalopathia < encephalopathy
- inchamber < enchamber
- enchaunter < enchanter
- enchauntment < enchantment
- inchase < enchase
- enchoric < enchorial
- incircle < encircle
- inclasp < enclasp
- encomiastical < encomiastic
- incompass < encompass
- encountrynge < encountering
- incourage < encourage
- incroach < encroach
- incomber < encumber
- incumber < encumber
- encomber < encumber
- incumberment < encumberment
- encyclopædias < encyclopaedia
- incyst < encyst
- endline < end line
- endpiece < end piece
- endproduct < end product
- endquote < end quote
- endzone < end zone
- endo- < end-
- endfeet < end-feet
- end of life < end-of-life
- indamage < endamage
- endamoeba < endameba
- endoarteritis < endarteritis
- indeavor < endeavor
- indeavor < endeavor
- endeavouring < endeavoring
- indevour < endeavour
- indeavour < endeavour
- indeavour < endeavour
- indenization < endenization
- indenizen < endenizen
- endenize < endenizen
- endin' < ending
- endoarchaeopyle < endoarcheopyle
- endocrin < endocrine
- endocrin < endocrine
- entoderm < endoderm
- endodontical < endodontic
- endogenisation < endogenization
- endogenise < endogenize
- endogeneous < endogenous
- entogenous < endogenous
- endogeneously < endogenously
- endopthalmitis < endophthalmitis
- indorsable < endorsable
- indorser < endorser
- endorsor < endorser
- indorsor < endorser
- endoscopical < endoscopic
- endosmose < endosmosis
- endothelian < endothelial
- endothelization < endothelialization
- endothelialise < endothelialize
- entothorax < endothorax
- endotoxaemia < endotoxemia
- indowment < endowment
- end-scraper < endscraper
- ennemie < enemy
- enemye < enemy
- energisation < energization
- energised < energized
- energymeter < energy meter
- infeeble < enfeeble
- infeoffment < enfeoffment
- enfeoffes < enfeoffs
- infolder < enfolder
- infranchise < enfranchise
- effranchise < enfranchise
- enfranchize < enfranchise
- engagor < engager
- ingendre < engender
- engin < engine
- ingine < engine
- ingener < engineer
- engyscope < engiscope
- ingorge < engorge
- ingraff < engraft
- ingraftment < engraftment
- engraffment < engraftment
- ingross < engross
- engross'd < engrossed
- ingrosser < engrosser
- ingulf < engulf
- engulph < engulf
- ingulph < engulf
- ingulfment < engulfment
- enhaunc'd < enhanced
- enharmonical < enharmonic
- inherse < enhearse
- inhearse < enhearse
- inherced < enhearsed
- enigmatise < enigmatize
- enjambement < enjambment
- injoin < enjoin
- enioy < enjoy
- enjoyin' < enjoying
- encephalin < enkephalin
- enkephaline < enkephalin
- inlard < enlard
- inlarge < enlarge
- inlighten < enlighten
- inlist < enlist
- inlive < enlive
- emmesh < enmesh
- ennuye < ennuyé
- enokidake < enokitake
- inquere < enquire
- inrage < enrage
- inregister < enregister
- inroll < enroll
- insconce < ensconce
- insearch < ensearch
- ensheath < ensheathe
- insheathe < ensheathe
- insheath < ensheathe
- inshrine < enshrine
- inslaver < enslaver
- instamp < enstamp
- insue < ensue
- insure < ensure
- inswathe < enswathe
- entablement < entablature
- enactin < entactin
- intail < entail
- entayle < entail
- entayle < entail
- entamoeba < entameba
- entamoebic < entamebic
- entelechs < entelechies
- entrynge < entering
- entryng < entering
- enter- < entero-
- enterobactine < enterobactin
- enteroenteral < enteroenteric
- enterohaemorragic < enterohemorrhagic
- enterologic < enterological
- enterotoxemia < enterotoxaemia
- enterotoxemic < enterotoxaemic
- entertaine < entertain
- entertainin' < entertaining
- entextualization < entextualisation
- enthalpicly < enthalpically
- inthral < enthral
- inthrall < enthrall
- enthralment < enthrallment
- inthrallment < enthrallment
- inthrone < enthrone
- enthusiasticke < enthusiastic
- enthymematical < enthymematic
- intice < entice
- entise < entice
- ticement < enticement
- entierty < entirety
- entitlin' < entitling
- intomb < entomb
- intombment < entombment
- interalls < entrails
- intrap < entrap
- intreat < entreat
- entreat < entreaty
- intrench < entrench
- intrenched < entrenched
- entrism < entryism
- intwinement < entwinement
- envenime < envenom
- invenom < envenom
- envenomisation < envenomization
- envyous < envious
- envyfree < envy-free
- eneyne < enyne
- enzoötic < enzootic
- enzym < enzyme
- eosine < eosin
- eosinophile < eosinophil
- eosinophillic < eosinophilic
- epicoene < epicene
- epicureous < epicurean
- epideictical < epideictic
- epidemical < epidemic
- epidermeous < epidermal
- epidermidal < epidermal
- epidermical < epidermal
- epidictical < epidictic
- epidotised < epidotized
- epigastralgy < epigastralgia
- epigaean < epigean
- epigenetical < epigenetic
- epigaeous < epigeous
- epigrammatise < epigrammatize
- epileptical < epileptic
- epileptigenic < epileptogenic
- epiloguize < epilogize
- epilogise < epilogize
- epimenorrhoea < epimenorrhea
- epimerisation < epimerization
- epinephrin < epinephrine
- epinikion < epinicion
- epiphænomenon < epiphenomenon
- epiphlœum < epiphloeum
- epiphysial < epiphyseal
- epirubicine < epirubicin
- episcopise < episcopize
- epistolar < epistolary
- episulphide < episulfide
- epithalamy < epithalamium
- epithelization < epithelialization
- epithelise < epithelialize
- epitheloid < epithelioid
- epithelisation < epithelization
- epithetical < epithetic
- epitomiser < epitomizer
- epitropy < epitrope
- epizoön < epizoon
- epizoan < epizoon
- epocha < epoch
- eponyme < eponym
- epoxiconazol < epoxiconazole
- epoxidise < epoxidize
- epaenetic < epænetic
- equall < equal
- æquatorial < equatorial
- querry < equerry
- equery < equerry
- equicrure < equicrural
- equinoctal < equinoctial
- equinoctal < equinoctial
- equinoxial < equinoctial
- equinoxial < equinoctial
- equiponderancy < equiponderance
- equipt < equipped
- equivalization < equivalisation
- equivoke < equivoque
- erecter < erector
- ergonomy < ergonomics
- ergotisation < ergotization
- ergotise < ergotize
- eristical < eristic
- erotinib < erlotinib
- ermergerd < ermahgerd
- ermin < ermine
- erotick < erotic
- eroticise < eroticize
- arrant < errant
- errorbar < error bar
- earst < erst
- erstwhiles < erstwhile
- eringo < eryngo
- erysipelous < erysipelatous
- erythraemia < erythremia
- erythrin < erythrite
- erythr- < erythro-
- erythrocythaemia < erythrocythemia
- erythrocythaemic < erythrocythemic
- erythrodermia < erythroderma
- erythredema < erythroedema
- erythermalgia < erythromelalgia
- erythrophile < erythrophil
- erytophobia < erythrophobia
- ereuthrophobia < erythrophobia
- escalado < escalade
- escalloped < escaloped
- escap't < escaped
- scapement < escapement
- escatology < eschatology
- excheat < escheat
- excheator < escheator
- eschscholtzia < eschscholzia
- scrutoire < escritoire
- aesculic acid < esculic acid
- escorial < escurial
- escocheon < escutcheon
- escrima < eskrima
- oesophagal < esophageal
- esophagal < esophageal
- œsophagal < esophageal
- oesophagobronchial < esophagobronchial
- oesophagogastroduodenoscopy < esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- oesophagogastroscopy < esophagogastroscopy
- oesophagogastrostomy < esophagogastrostomy
- oesophagogram < esophagogram
- oesophagography < esophagography
- oesophagojejunostomy < esophagojejunostomy
- oesophagoscopy < esophagoscopy
- œsophagospasm < esophagospasm
- oesophagospasm < esophagospasm
- œsophagotomy < esophagotomy
- esoterical < esoteric
- esoterick < esoteric
- 'specially < especially
- expresso < espresso
- essentialise < essentialize
- essoyne < essoin
- stafette < estafette
- æstheticization < estheticization
- æsthetology < esthetology
- aestivated < estivated
- aestivating < estivating
- etoile < estoile
- oestriol < estriol
- oestrogenic < estrogenic
- œstrogenic < estrogenic
- oestrogenically < estrogenically
- oestrogenism < estrogenism
- oestrogenisation < estrogenization
- estrogenisation < estrogenization
- oestrogenized < estrogenized
- oestromimetic < estromimetic
- oestroprogestative < estroprogestative
- oestrous < estrous
- aestuate < estuate
- æstuate < estuate
- excetera < et cetera
- exetera < et cetera
- ekcetera < et cetera
- etaprime < eta prime
- ethacrynic < etacrynic
- ethacrynic acid < etacrynic acid
- ethamsylate < etamsylate
- life eternal < eternal life
- eternalisation < eternalization
- eternalise < eternalize
- eternise < eternize
- aethalic < ethalic
- etherealise < etherealize
- etherisation < etherization
- etherise < etherize
- ethicise < ethicize
- ethinyloestradiol < ethinylestradiol
- ethmoidomaxillary < ethmomaxillary
- ethnicise < ethnicize
- ethn- < ethno-
- ethoxyzolamide < ethoxzolamide
- ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate < ethylbutylacetylaminopropionate
- ethylenediaminetetraacetic < ethylenediaminetetracetic
- ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid < ethylenediaminetetracetic acid
- ethyl mercury < ethylmercury
- ethine < ethyne
- ethinyl < ethynyl
- aetiolated < etiolated
- aetiolation < etiolation
- ethiology < etiology
- aetiopathogenesis < etiopathogenesis
- etiopathologic < etiopathological
- aetiopathology < etiopathology
- etravirin < etravirine
- attal < ettle
- etwee < etui
- etypic < etypical
- eucain < eucaine
- eucalyptole < eucalyptol
- eucharistical < eucharistic
- eucre < euchre
- eucryptodire < eucryptodiran
- eudaimonic < eudaemonic
- eudaimonist < eudaemonist
- eudicotyledon < eudicot
- eudicotyledons < eudicots
- evergetic < euergetic
- evergetist < euergetist
- ewghen < eughen
- euglycaemia < euglycemia
- euglycaemic < euglycemic
- euhemerise < euhemerize
- eukaryotal < eukaryotic
- eulogistical < eulogistic
- eunuchise < eunuchize
- eupepsy < eupepsia
- euphemistical < euphemistic
- euphemiser < euphemizer
- euphonous < euphonious
- euphonise < euphonize
- euphorogenic < euphorigenic
- euphuise < euphuize
- euploidic < euploid
- heureka < eureka
- eu-stress < eustress
- euthanaze < euthanase
- euthanasy < euthanasia
- euthaniser < euthanizer
- evangelisation < evangelization
- evangeliser < evangelizer
- eevn < even
- eevn < even
- euen < even
- even a blind pig can find an acorn < even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while
- as we speak < even as we speak
- evenminded < even-minded
- evenmindedly < even-mindedly
- evenmindedness < even-mindedness
- even-handedly < evenhandedly
- evenin' < evening
- eevning < evening
- eventualise < eventualize
- eber < ever
- evere < ever
- everpresent < ever-present
- everlastin' < everlasting
- ever-more < evermore
- evertible < eversible
- euerie < every
- everie < every
- hevery < every
- e'ry < every
- ivery < every
- ebery < every
- ivry < every
- every dark cloud has a silver lining < every cloud has a silver lining
- every old nook and cranny < every nook and cranny
- whenever one turns around < every time one turns around
- every one < everyone
- everthang < everything
- everythin' < everything
- e'ryting < everything
- evill < evil
- evill < evil
- euill < evil
- euil < evil
- eew < ew
- eeew < ew
- exgratia < ex gratia
- exgratia < ex gratia
- ex-libris < ex libris
- exboyfriend < ex-boyfriend
- zackly < exactly
- exackly < exactly
- exacter < exactor
- exaggerater < exaggerator
- exalbuminose < exalbuminous
- examinin' < examining
- exemple < example
- exanthema < exanthem
- exanthemous < exanthematous
- exanthemic < exanthematous
- exceedence < exceedance
- hexcellent < excellent
- excentre < excenter
- excentrical < excentric
- exept < except
- 'cept < except
- 'cept < except
- excerpter < excerptor
- eschaunge < exchange
- eschaunge < exchange
- exciteable < excitable
- excitor < exciter
- excitin' < exciting
- excitomotor < excitomotory
- excludible < excludable
- ex-communication < excommunication
- excursionise < excursionize
- excuseable < excusable
- executer < executor
- exhedra < exedra
- exemplare < exemplar
- exemplare < exemplar
- examplar < exemplar
- examplary < exemplary
- exercisible < exercisable
- exhortacion < exhortation
- existency < existence
- existant < existent
- exocrin < exocrine
- exocrin < exocrine
- excytosis < exocytosis
- exody < exodus
- exogeneous < exogenous
- exonisation < exonization
- exophthalmy < exophthalmia
- exosolar planet < exoplanet
- exorcizer < exorciser
- exorphine < exorphin
- exosmose < exosmosis
- exsymbiotic < exosymbiotic
- exoterical < exoteric
- exotick < exotic
- exotick < exotic
- exoticisation < exoticization
- exoticise < exoticize
- exoTrojan < exotrojan
- expectible < expectable
- expectance < expectancy
- expectin' < expecting
- expectorative < expectorant
- expectorative < expectorant
- expediment < expedient
- expell < expel
- expelee < expellee
- expence < expense
- experienc't < experienced
- experimentalise < experimentalize
- explainin' < explaining
- explaination < explanation
- explicitally < explicitly
- expresse < express
- expressor < expresser
- exprobate < exprobrate
- exsanguinous < exsanguious
- exection < exsection
- exiccate < exsiccate
- exiccation < exsiccation
- exolution < exsolution
- exolve < exsolve
- expoliation < exspoliation
- exuscitate < exsuscitate
- exstant < extant
- extemporiser < extemporizer
- exteriourly < exteriorly
- externalisation < externalization
- externalise < externalize
- extinguisht < extinguished
- extoll < extol
- wuxtry < extra
- extree < extra
- extrastatutory < extra-statutory
- extracoelomic < extracelomic
- extra-contractual < extracontractual
- extractible < extractable
- extra-curricular < extracurricular
- extraornery < extraordinary
- extra-planetary < extraplanetary
- extra-sensory < extrasensory
- extream < extreme
- extream < extreme
- extreamly < extremely
- extremise < extremize
- extraverted < extroverted
- extravertish < extrovertish
- extuberancy < extuberance
- exuberancy < exuberance
- exsudation < exudation
- exsudative < exudative
- eyeblack < eye black
- eyechart < eye chart
- eyecatching < eye-catching
- eye opener < eye-opener
- eyepopper < eye-popper
- eyepopping < eye-popping
- eye bags < eyebags
- eye-ball < eyeball
- eye brow < eyebrow
- eye brows < eyebrows
- eye lash < eyelash
- eye lashes < eyelashes
- eyeleted < eyeletted
- eye-opening < eyeopening
- eies < eyes
- eye sight < eyesight
- eye-strain < eyestrain
- eye-tooth < eyetooth
- eyet < eyot
- eirie < eyrie
- ayry < eyrie
- aiery < eyrie
- frinstance < f'rinstance
- f < f.
- f.k.a. < f/k/a
- faanfictions < faan fictions
- faaans < faans
- fabulise < fabulize
- faceman < face man
- facemen < face men
- facetime < face time
- face-value < face value
- face down < face-down
- faceup < face-up
- face mask < facemask
- face paint < facepaint
- face-saving < facesaving
- face-sitting < facesitting
- face-stalking < facestalking
- facette < facet
- fac-simile < facsimile
- factcheck < fact check
- factcheck < fact check
- factsheet < fact sheet
- factfinding < fact-finding
- factis < factice
- factionalisation < factionalization
- factorisable < factorizable
- fade-out < fadeout
- pfaff < faff
- faghag < fag hag
- faggod < faggot
- faile < fail
- failsafe < fail-safe
- failsafe < fail-safe
- failsafe < fail-safe
- failin' < failing
- faine < fain
- faint-heartedly < faintheartedly
- faint-heartedness < faintheartedness
- faire < fair
- faire < fair
- fair-to-middlin' < fair to middling
- fairminded < fair-minded
- fairmindedly < fair-mindedly
- fairmindedness < fair-mindedness
- fairweather < fair-weather
- fair-goer < fairgoer
- faring < fairing
- fairie < fairy
- faiery < fairy
- fairycake < fairy cake
- fairyfloss < fairy floss
- faerie godmother < fairy godmother
- fairytale < fairy-tale
- faerylike < fairylike
- faith-healer < faith healer
- faithbased < faith-based
- faithfull < faithful
- faytour < faitour
- flake < fake
- fakin' < faking
- faquir < fakir
- faqeerism < fakirism
- falanaka < falanouc
- faulkner < falconer
- foldage < faldage
- foldstool < faldstool
- fall upon someone's neck < fall on someone's neck
- fallthrough < fall-through
- fallin' < falling
- fall-offs < falloff
- fall-out < fallout
- falwe < fallow
- falwe < fallow
- false-flagger < false flagger
- false-memory syndrome < false memory syndrome
- falsehearted < false-hearted
- false-heartedly < falseheartedly
- false-heartedness < falseheartedness
- falshood < falsehood
- familiarisation < familiarization
- familiariser < familiarizer
- familistical < familistic
- fam'ly < family
- fam'ly < family
- famisht < famished
- fanbase < fan base
- fanclub < fan club
- fanmail < fan mail
- fanpage < fan page
- fancyless < fanciless
- fancie < fancy
- fancie < fancy
- fancy-pants < fancy pants
- fancypants < fancy pants
- faine < fane
- phane < fane
- fannell < fannel
- phantast < fantast
- fantasie < fantasy
- phantasie < fantasy
- Fantasyland < fantasyland
- fappin < fapping
- fappin' < fapping
- faqeer < faqir
- farre < far
- farr < far
- far off < far-off
- farreaching < far-reaching
- far rightist < far-rightist
- faradise < faradize
- faradiser < faradizer
- falang < farang
- fare card < farecard
- farinha < farina
- pharo < faro
- far-sighted < farsighted
- fart in a wind storm < fart in a windstorm
- fartarse < fart-arse
- fartarse < fart-arse
- farden < farthing
- verdingale < farthingale
- verdingall < farthingale
- fardingdale < farthingale
- fardingdeal < farthingdale
- fartin' < farting
- facia < fascia
- fascitis < fasciitis
- fasciolosis < fascioliasis
- fashion'd < fashion
- fastbowler < fast bowler
- fastbreak < fast break
- fast-forward < fast forward
- fast-track < fast track
- fast-track < fast track
- fastmoving < fast-moving
- fastigiated < fastigiate
- fastinge < fasting
- fatcat < fat cat
- fat-cat < fat cat
- fatpad < fat pad
- fatall < fatal
- fat-assed < fatassed
- f8 < fate
- fatherlasher < father lasher
- father in law < father-in-law
- father-fucker < fatherfucker
- fatiguability < fatigability
- fatner < fattener
- fatism < fattism
- fatoush < fattoush
- faultline < fault line
- fault-line < fault line
- faunus < faun
- fabism < favism
- favorite < favor
- favourability < favorability
- favourite < favour
- favor'd < favoured
- favour'd < favoured
- fawncoloured < fawncolored
- fae < fay
- phase < faze
- feare < fear
- feare < fear
- fearin' < fearing
- fear monger < fearmonger
- fear monger < fearmonger
- feastinge < feasting
- featherbrain < feather-brain
- featherheaded < feather-headed
- feechur < feature
- faecality < fecality
- faecaloma < fecaloma
- faix < fecks
- fidayee < fedayee
- fœderacy < federacy
- federalisation < federalization
- federalise < federalize
- fee-simple < fee simple
- absolute fee simple < fee simple absolute
- fee-fi-fo-fum < fee-faw-fum
- feebleminded < feeble-minded
- feeblemindedly < feeble-mindedly
- feedin' < feeding
- feele < feel
- feel eight feet tall < feel ten feet tall
- feel nine feet tall < feel ten feet tall
- feel twelve feet tall < feel ten feet tall
- feelbad < feel-bad
- feelgood < feel-good
- feelin' < feeling
- pheese < feeze
- pheeze < feeze
- pheeze < feeze
- fayne < feign
- feldspath < feldspar
- felspathic < feldspathic
- fella < fellow
- feller < fellow
- fellar < fellow
- fellowman < fellow man
- fellow me lad < fellow-me-lad
- feltry < felt
- felt tip < felt-tip
- femal < female
- femalecentric < female-centric
- femibitch < fembitch
- femicunt < femcunt
- femme couverte < feme covert
- fumerell < femerell
- feminicide < femicide
- fœminine < feminine
- feminitee < feminity
- feminised < feminized
- feminiser < feminizer
- feminising < feminizing
- femmeslash < femslash
- femtogramme < femtogram
- fenne < fen
- phen-fen < fen-phen
- fencamfamin < fencamfamine
- fenetylline < fenethylline
- fentanil < fentanyl
- fedary < feodary
- feræ naturæ < ferae naturae
- feer < fere
- feere < fere
- fergawdsakes < fergawdsake
- ferraiuolo < ferraiolo
- farrandine < ferrandine
- ferratin < ferritin
- ferroaluminum < ferroaluminium
- ferricinium < ferrocenium
- ferrugineous < ferruginous
- ferrel < ferrule
- ferrelled < ferruled
- fertilisable < fertilizable
- fervence < fervency
- fesh fesh < fesh-fesh
- feshfesh < fesh-fesh
- fechfech < fesh-fesh
- fech-fech < fesh-fesh
- festival-goer < festivalgoer
- Festschrift < festschrift
- foetalism < fetalism
- fetcht < fetched
- fetchin' < fetching
- foetiparous < fetiparous
- fetiche < fetish
- fittish < fetish
- feticism < fetishism
- fetichist < fetishist
- fetichistic < fetishistic
- fetishisation < fetishization
- fetichize < fetishize
- fetichise < fetishize
- foetomaternal < fetomaternal
- foetopelvic < fetopelvic
- foetoprotein < fetoprotein
- foetoscopic < fetoscopic
- foetoscopically < fetoscopically
- foetoscopy < fetoscopy
- foetotoxic < fetotoxic
- fettucini < fettuccini
- fetuine < fetuin
- foetus in foetu < fetus in fetu
- fuar < feuar
- feodal < feudal
- feodality < feudality
- feudalisation < feudalization
- feudatary < feudatory
- feudatary < feudatory
- foliomort < feuillemort
- featherfew < feverfew
- fewe < few
- fiew < few
- fumers < fewmets
- feutre < fewter
- feutre < fewter
- fae < fey
- fiancee < fiancée
- fibrefill < fiberfill
- fibreglassed < fiberglassed
- fibreglassing < fiberglassing
- fibrise < fiberize
- fibreise < fiberize
- fibrize < fiberize
- fibreize < fiberize
- fibrewise < fiberwise
- fibrewise < fiberwise
- fibercraft < fibrecraft
- fiberwood < fibrewood
- fibrillisation < fibrillization
- fibrilogenesis < fibrillogenesis
- fibrilogenic < fibrillogenic
- fibrine < fibrin
- fiberscopy < fibroscopy
- ficin < ficain
- figo < fico
- fiddlededee < fiddledeedee
- fiddlin' < fiddling
- fidgetty < fidgety
- fye < fie
- fieldglasses < field glasses
- fieldhand < field hand
- fieldline < field line
- fieldmouse < field mouse
- fieldpea < field pea
- fieldshift < field shift
- firy < fiery
- firie < fiery
- phife < fife
- 5th grade < fifth grade
- fiftie < fifty
- figleaf < fig leaf
- figeater < fig-eater
- fig-leafed < fig-leaved
- fighter bomber < fighter-bomber
- fightin' < fighting
- figger < figure
- figger < figure
- figure 4 < figure four
- figure-head < figurehead
- figurin' < figuring
- figgerin' < figuring
- filazer < filacer
- fyle < file
- filecard < file card
- filesize < file size
- filesnake < file snake
- filing system < file system
- file type < filetype
- philibuster < filibuster
- philibuster < filibuster
- fillibuster < filibuster
- fillibuster < filibuster
- filiformic < filiform
- filigraned < filigreed
- filet < fillet
- fillin' < filling
- filister < fillister
- fill-up < fillup
- film at eleven < film at 11
- filmstar < film star
- filmstock < film stock
- film strip < filmstrip
- filtre < filter
- filtre < filter
- filterbed < filter bed
- filtrable < filterable
- fin-de-siecle < fin-de-siècle
- fenagle < finagle
- last nail in the coffin < final nail in the coffin
- Final Solution < final solution
- finaunce < finance
- finanscape < financescape
- financialisation < financialization
- financialise < financialize
- finde < find
- fynde < find
- fynd < find
- foind < find
- finders keepers, losers weepers < finders keepers
- findin' < finding
- foine < fine
- fynne < fine
- finer than frog hair < fine as frog hair
- finegrained < fine-grained
- finary < finery
- fingerbowl < finger bowl
- fingerpad < finger pad
- fingerwork < finger work
- fingerpointing < finger-pointing
- finger hole < fingerhole
- finger nail < fingernail
- finger puppet < fingerpuppet
- finnicky < finicky
- finickin < finikin
- finiking < finikin
- finishing line < finish line
- finishin' < finishing
- finsko < finnesko
- finnsko < finnesko
- fenochi < finocchio
- fenochii < finocchio
- fenocchi < finocchio
- finochi < finocchio
- finocchie < finocchio
- Feringee < firangi
- Faringee < firangi
- fier < fire
- fire ax < fire axe
- firebay < fire bay
- firebeetle < fire beetle
- firedoor < fire door
- firefountain < fire fountain
- fireiron < fire iron
- firesale < fire sale
- firewalker < fire walker
- fire-whirls < [[fire whirls}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "fire whirls" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{plural of]]
- firewhirls < [[fire whirls}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "fire whirls" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{plural of]]
- firebreathing < fire-breathing
- fireraiser < fire-raiser
- fire brick < firebrick
- fire-fight < firefight
- fire-power < firepower
- fire-proof < fireproof
- fire-stop < firestop
- fust < first
- furst < first
- furst < first
- 1st grade < first grade
- first sale doctrine < first-sale doctrine
- first-stringer < firststringer
- frith < firth
- fishfeed < fish feed
- fishfinger < fish finger
- fishfood < fish food
- fishpaste < fish paste
- fishwheel < fish wheel
- fishin' < fishing
- fish meal < fishmeal
- fissiparation < fissipation
- fistulisation < fistulization
- fistuleous < fistulous
- fitte < fit
- fitt < fit
- fytte < fit
- to wake the dead < fit to wake the dead
- fiché < fitché
- fitched < fitché
- fitnah < fitna
- fit-out < fitout
- fyve < five
- Five Pillars < five pillars
- five card stud < five-card stud
- five finger discount < five-finger discount
- five finger discounts < five-finger discount
- five finger exercise < five-finger exercise
- fivish < fiveish
- fixup < fix-up
- fixatif < fixative
- fixin' < fixing
- fina < fixing to
- fixature < fixture
- fiz < fizz
- physog < fizzog
- flor. < fl.
- flabrigast < flabbergast
- flappergast < flabbergast
- flobbergrast < flabbergast
- flabergastation < flabbergastation
- flag bearer < flagbearer
- flagellatin' < flagellating
- flaggon < flagon
- flag poles < flagpoles
- flakeable < flakable
- flambee < flambé
- flambee < flambé
- flame thrower < flamethrower
- flamin' < flaming
- Flammkuchen < flammkuchen
- flaunch < flanch
- flaunched < flanched
- flâneur < flaneur
- flannell < flannel
- flannelet < flannelette
- flappin' < flapping
- flashflood < flash flood
- flash crowd < flash mob
- flashball < flash-ball
- flashin' < flashing
- flaske < flask
- flatiron steak < flat iron steak
- flat-foot < flatfoot
- flathead < flathead catfish
- flat line < flatline
- platly < flatly
- flattie < flatty
- fart tax < flatulence tax
- flavine < flavin
- flavohaemoglobin < flavohemoglobin
- flavenoid < flavonoid
- flavanoid < flavonoid
- flavour enhancer < flavor enhancer
- flavourfully < flavorfully
- flavourist < flavorist
- flavourlessly < flavorlessly
- flavourlessness < flavorlessness
- flavoursomely < flavorsomely
- flavoursomeness < flavorsomeness
- fleabeetle < flea beetle
- fleapit < flea pit
- phleme < fleam
- flexion < flection
- fleete < fleet
- flehman < flehmen
- fleshfly < flesh fly
- flower deluce < fleur-de-lis
- flower delice < fleur-de-lis
- flexibilisation < flexibilization
- flection < flexion
- flexi-time < flexitime
- flector < flexor
- flexuose < flexuous
- flibberty-gibbet < flibbertigibbet
- flic-flac < flicflac
- flix < flicks
- flightline < flight line
- flightpath < flight path
- flipchart < flip chart
- give someone the bird < flip the bird
- flippance < flippancy
- flippin' < flipping
- flippy disc < flippy disk
- flurt < flirt
- flurt < flirt
- flycche < flitch
- flittermice < flitter-mouse
- flickermouse < flittermouse
- fliver < flivver
- floatin' < floating
- floatie < floaty
- flode < flood
- floodtide < flood tide
- flood-gate < floodgate
- flood gate < floodgate
- flood-gates < floodgates
- floodin' < flooding
- flood plain < floodplain
- flouffy < floofy
- floorplan < floor plan
- floortile < floor tile
- floor show < floorshow
- floosy < floozie
- floppin' < flopping
- florimer < floramour
- Florentine < florentine
- flox silk < floss silk
- flotson < flotsam
- flowe < flow
- flowcell < flow cell
- flowcytometer < flow cytometer
- flowcytometry < flow cytometry
- flowfield < flow field
- flowmotion < flow motion
- flour < flower
- flow'r < flower
- flowerfly < flower-fly
- flowret < floweret
- flow'ret < floweret
- flowers of sulphur < flowers of sulfur
- flowin' < flowing
- fluctuancy < fluctuance
- fluidodynamics < fluid dynamics
- fluidynamics < fluid dynamics
- fluidextract < fluid extract
- fluidounce < fluid ounce
- fluidisable < fluidizable
- fluidisation < fluidization
- fluidise < fluidize
- fluidiser < fluidizer
- fluidrachm < fluidram
- flowk < fluke
- flooky < fluky
- flumethasone < flumetasone
- flunkeys < flunkies
- flunkie < flunky
- flunkeyish < flunkyish
- flunkeyism < flunkyism
- fluoresceine < fluorescein
- fluorid < fluoride
- fluoridise < fluoridize
- fluorin < fluorine
- fluor- < fluoro-
- fluorgenic < fluorogenic
- fluorigenic < fluorogenic
- fluorimeter < fluorometer
- fluorimetric < fluorometric
- fluorpyrimidine < fluoropyrimidine
- flupenthixol < flupentixol
- flusht < flushed
- floyte < flute
- flutey < fluty
- fluctional < fluxional
- flie < fly
- fly-box < fly box
- fly half < fly-half
- flyhalf < fly-half
- flyingfish < flying fish
- fly swatter < flyswatter
- fliting < flyting
- fleche < flèche
- fleche < flèche
- fo' shizzle < fo shizzle
- focalisation < focalization
- focalise < focalize
- focus-group < focus group
- focus-groups < focus groups
- fother < fodder
- fudder < fodder
- fetalization < foetalization
- fœticide < foeticide
- foglight < fog light
- fogydom < fogeydom
- fogeyism < fogyism
- foyson < foison
- folde-rol < fol-de-rol
- folderal < folderol
- falderol < folderol
- folicolous < foliicolous
- folkdance < folk dance
- folkhouse < folk house
- folk metal < folk-metal
- folk-lore < folklore
- folx < folks
- foller < follow
- folwe < follow
- followe < follow
- follow the leader < follow-the-leader
- followthrough < follow-through
- followin' < following
- fondu < fondue
- fontonfrom < fontomfrom
- fubar < foobar
- foodchain < food chain
- foodcourt < food court
- foodfish < food fish
- food porn < foodporn
- foo < fool
- foole < fool
- foole < fool
- fewl < fool
- foolscap < fool's cap
- foolin' < fooling
- foulish < foolish
- foote < foot
- footbrake < foot brake
- footcandle < foot candle
- footdrop < foot drop
- footsoldier < foot soldier
- footstove < foot stove
- footsweep < foot sweep
- footdraggings < foot-draggings
- foot-dragger < footdragger
- footin' < footing
- foot locker < footlocker
- foot peg < footpeg
- foot race < footrace
- foot-slog < footslog
- fer < for
- vor < for
- faw < for
- fergawdsake < for God's sake
- for a song and dance < for a song
- for better or for worse < for better or worse
- for love nor money < for love or money
- for old times' sakes < for old times' sake
- for old time's sake < for old times' sake
- forray < foray
- forray < foray
- forebear < forbear
- forbeare < forbear
- forthby < forby
- forceouts < force outs
- force-outs < force outs
- forc't < forced
- foc's'le < forecastle
- forecloseable < foreclosable
- forclose < foreclose
- forclosure < foreclosure
- foredele < foredeal
- fore-handedly < forehandedly
- forren < foreign
- furrin < foreign
- forreign < foreign
- forsee < foresee
- foreshewer < foreshower
- foreste < forest
- forstall < forestall
- fivever < forever
- for evermore < forevermore
- forfalture < forfeiture
- forefend < forfend
- fergit < forget
- forgit < forget
- fugged < forget
- foggetaboutit < forget about it
- fuhgeddaboudit < forget about it
- forgettin' < forgetting
- forgiv'n < forgiven
- forgivin' < forgiving
- foregoer < forgoer
- formfeed < form feed
- formalinise < formalinize
- formalisable < formalizable
- formalisation < formalization
- formaliser < formalizer
- formazane < formazan
- formylmethionine < formyl methionine
- foorth < forth
- forthe < forth
- fortuituous < fortuitous
- fortune-teller < fortuneteller
- fourty < forty
- fordy < forty
- fortyeightmo < forty-eightmo
- forwards roll < forward roll
- forrader < forwarder
- fosse < fossa
- foussa < fossa
- fossway < fosseway
- fostercare < foster care
- fotmael < fotmal
- foule < foul
- foulmouthed < foul-mouthed
- foulsmelling < foul-smelling
- fullmart < foumart
- fulimart < foumart
- foulmart < foumart
- founde < found
- founderess < foundress
- foundery < foundry
- fountainpen < fountain pen
- foure < four
- four-of-a-kind < four of a kind
- four score seven years ago < four score and seven years ago
- foursquare < four square
- thieves' vinegar < four thieves' vinegar
- fourlegged < four-legged
- fourchy < fourchée
- four-square < foursquare
- 14er < fourteener
- foorth < fourth
- fouth < fourth
- 4th grade < fourth grade
- fowle < fowl
- foxe < fox
- fox hole < foxhole
- fracting < fracking
- fractalisation < fractalization
- fractionalisation < fractionalization
- fractionalise < fractionalize
- fragmentiser < fragmentizer
- fraile < frail
- fractur < fraktur
- framboesia < frambesia
- fraim < frame
- framedragging < frame dragging
- framerate < frame rate
- frame buffer < framebuffer
- frampel < frampold
- frenchise < franchise
- frangipanni < frangipani
- fratboy < frat boy
- fraternalisation < fraternalization
- fraternalise < fraternalize
- fraight < fraught
- freakshow < freak show
- freekick < free kick
- free reign < free rein
- freerunning < free running
- freespin < free spin
- Free State < free state
- freeclimbing < free-climbing
- free diver < free-diver
- freediver < free-diver
- free diving < free-diving
- freediving < free-diving
- free ball < freeball
- freebee < freebie
- free-climbing < freeclimbing
- freedome < freedom
- free press < freedom of the press
- free-hand < freehand
- free-hand < freehand
- free-handed < freehanded
- free-handed < freehanded
- free-handed < freehanded
- free-handed < freehanded
- free-handed < freehanded
- free-handed < freehanded
- free-handed < freehanded
- free-handed < freehanded
- free-hearted < freehearted
- free-heartedly < freeheartedly
- free-heartedness < freeheartedness
- freekah < freekeh
- free-stone < freestone
- freat < freet
- freewheelin' < freewheeling
- free-wheeling < freewheeling
- freezepop < freeze pop
- freeze-out < freezeout
- French < french
- frenetick < frenetic
- frenetical < frenetic
- phrenetical < frenetic
- phrenetically < frenetically
- phrenziedly < frenziedly
- freshe < fresh
- freash < fresh
- freshwater < fresh water
- fresh-water < freshwater
- frier < friar
- fricando < fricandeau
- fricandel < fricandeau
- frickin' < fricking
- fricken < fricking
- fridge freezer < fridge-freezer
- fren < friend
- frynde < friend
- fwend < friend
- fwiend < friend
- fren' < friend
- friendlesse < friendless
- freeze < frieze
- frize < frieze
- frize < frieze
- frizer < friezer
- frizzer < friezer
- friggin < frigging
- friggin' < frigging
- flighten < frighten
- flighten < frightened
- fricadel < frikadelle
- frilled neck lizard < frilled-neck lizard
- freedstool < frithstool
- friz < frizz
- friz < frizz
- fra < fro
- frockcoat < frock coat
- Frog < frog
- frog-eater < frogeater
- froginess < frogginess
- frollick < frolic
- frollick < frolic
- froliquely < frolicly
- frolicksomely < frolicsomely
- frolicksomeness < frolicsomeness
- vrom < from
- multicolour < from2=Canada
- multicolour < from2=Canada
- profit centre < from2=Canada
- entertainment centre < from2=Canada
- power centre < from2=Canada
- tonal centre < from2=Canada
- fitness centre < from2=Canada
- nerve centre < from2=Canada
- acclimatise < from2=NZ
- anglicize < from2=Oxford British spelling
- capitalization < from2=Oxford British spelling
- substantivize < from2=Oxford British spelling
- annualize < from2=Oxford British spelling
- computerized < from2=Oxford British spelling
- weaponization < from2=Oxford British spelling
- banalization < from2=Oxford British spelling
- sedentarisation < from=non-Oxford
- front-line < front line
- up-front money < front money
- frontpage < front page
- frontpage < front page
- front-page < front page
- frontierman < frontiersman
- frontierwoman < frontierswoman
- frontin' < fronting
- frontispice < frontispiece
- froste < frost
- frostquake < frost quake
- frownd < frowned
- frownin' < frowning
- frozen yoghurt < frozen yogurt
- fruitification < fructification
- frutify < fructify
- fruitbat < fruit bat
- fruitfly < fruit fly
- frutefull < fruitful
- fruitification < fruition
- fruit-wood < fruitwood
- frim < frum
- fryingpan < frying pan
- foo < fu
- fucated < fucate
- fark < fuck
- fak < fuck
- fak < fuck
- fucc < fuck
- fuck round < fuck around
- fucknose < fuck knows
- fucka < fucker
- fuck-face < fuckface
- fuckiesuckie < fuckie suckie
- fuckie-suckie < fuckie suckie
- fucken < fucking
- fockin' < fucking
- fockin' < fucking
- fuggin' < fucking
- fuggin' < fucking
- fucknuts < fucknut
- fucky fucky < fucky-fucky
- fuddle duddle < fuddle-duddle
- fud < fuddy-duddy
- fuddyduddy < fuddy-duddy
- fude-pen < fudepen
- fude pen < fudepen
- fudgepacker < fudge packer
- fewel < fuel
- fuelling < fueling
- fugg < fug
- fugg < fug
- fugg < fug
- fugazy < fugazi
- flugelman < fugleman
- fuhgedaboutit < fuhgeddaboudit
- fuhgedaboudit < fuhgeddaboudit
- fullduplex < full duplex
- full-frontal nudity < full frontal nudity
- full steam < full speed ahead
- fullstop < full stop
- full-throttle < full throttle
- full-throttle < full throttle
- fully well < full well
- fully-fledged < full-fledged
- fullfledged < full-fledged
- fullscale < full-scale
- full sibling < full-sibling
- full spectrum superiority < full-spectrum superiority
- fulltime < full-time
- fulltime < full-time
- full back < fullback
- falness < fullness
- full-width < fullwidth
- fung < fum
- fuage < fumage
- fumblin' < fumbling
- fumehood < fume hood
- femetary < fumitory
- fun-size < fun size
- functionalisation < functionalization
- functionalise < functionalize
- functionalised < functionalized
- fundamentall < fundamental
- fundoscopy < funduscopy
- funebrious < funebrial
- funerall < funeral
- funeral parlour < funeral parlor
- funeral < funereal
- funeste < funest
- fungemia < fungaemia
- fungemic < fungaemic
- phunky < funky
- funnyness < funniness
- funnin' < funning
- funnybone < funny bone
- f'up < fup
- furburger < fur burger
- furane < furan
- furbisht < furbished
- furfurol < furfural
- furfurole < furfurol
- farl < furl
- forlana < furlana
- furlow < furlough
- furnisht < furnished
- Furrier < furrier
- firring < furring
- furder < further
- fartherance < furtherance
- fartherer < furtherer
- farthermore < furthermore
- proximity fuze < fuse
- fuze < fuse
- fuse box < fusebox
- fuzee < fusee
- fuzee < fusee
- fusile < fusil
- fuzil < fusil
- fusiogenic < fusogenic
- fustanelle < fustanella
- fustoc < fustic
- fustilug < fustilugs
- foothook < futtock
- futurise < futurize
- fwhoosh < fwoosh
- filfot < fylfot
- fuhrer < führer
- G < g
- G-word < g-word
- gaga < ga-ga
- gabionnade < gabionade
- gabelled < gabled
- gadman < gadsman
- godzooks < gadzooks
- ga-ga < gaga
- gayety < gaiety
- gainline < gain line
- galagine < galagin
- galanthaminium < galantaminium
- galeforce < gale force
- gallery-goer < gallerygoer
- gally < galley
- gaillarde < galliard
- gallygaskins < galligaskins
- galleot < galliot
- galivant < gallivant
- gallivantin' < gallivanting
- gall stone < gallstone
- galloot < galoot
- golore < galore
- golosh < galosh
- goloshe < galoshe
- galage < galoshe
- galoshoes < galoshes
- gallumph < galumph
- galvaniser < galvanizer
- gamagrass < gama grass
- gambir < gambier
- gamblin' < gambling
- cambrel < gambrel
- gamemaster < game master
- gamemasters < game masters
- gamepark < game park
- gameplan < game plan
- gameshow < game show
- game, set, and match < game, set, match
- game-goer < gamegoer
- gamily < gamely
- Gamerscore < gamerscore
- gametocytemic < gametocytaemic
- gammacamera < gamma camera
- gammaglobulin < gamma globulin
- gammabutyrolactone < gamma-butyrolactone
- gammation < gammadion
- gaunch < ganch
- ganev < ganef
- gangrape < gang rape
- gangrape < gang-rape
- ganglioform < gangliform
- gangræna < gangrene
- gangstah < gangsta
- gangstah < gangsta
- gangsta grip < gangsta hold
- gangster rap < gangsta rap
- gang < gangue
- gunjah < ganja
- ganjah < ganja
- ganoin < ganoine
- gauntlope < gantlope
- gaol-bird < gaolbird
- gaoloress < gaoleress
- gaptoothed < gap-toothed
- gapeseed < gape seed
- garage-punk < garage punk
- garage-rock < garage rock
- rubbish in, rubbish out < garbage in, garbage out
- garbageman < garbage man
- garbidged < garbaged
- garbagy < garbagey
- garbel < garboard
- garden center < garden centre
- Gardenburger < gardenburger
- gardenin' < gardening
- gargarise < gargarize
- gargle < gargoyle
- gurgoyle < gargoyle
- gargyle < gargoyle
- girlond < garland
- guirland < garland
- gyrland < garland
- garlick < garlic
- garlicy < garlicky
- garmente < garment
- gerner < garner
- granate < garnet
- garran < garron
- garrot < garrote
- garote < garrote
- garotter < garrotter
- gas-guzzler < gas guzzler
- gaslamp < gas lamp
- gasoline station < gas station
- gasolier < gasalier
- gaselier < gasalier
- gasses < gases
- gasses < gases
- gas fitter < gasfitter
- gascoyne < gaskin
- gazogene < gasogene
- gasahol < gasohol
- ghast < gast
- gastrectasis < gastrectasia
- gastroectomy < gastrectomy
- gastrick < gastric
- gastrical < gastric
- gastrocoel < gastrocele
- gastrooesophageal < gastroesophageal
- gastrograffin < gastrografin
- gastro-oesophageal < gastrooesophageal
- gasteropod < gastropod
- gasteropodous < gastropodous
- gastrorrhœa < gastrorrhea
- gastrorrhoea < gastrorrhea
- yeat < gate
- gate crash < gatecrash
- gate-crash < gatecrash
- gate crasher < gatecrasher
- gether < gather
- gatherin' < gathering
- gauffred < gauffered
- gauffring < gauffering
- gedge < gauge
- gaugable < gaugeable
- galt < gault
- gauntletted < gauntleted
- gour < gaur
- gaour < gaur
- gause < gauze
- gaue < gave
- gaveloche < gavelock
- gavot < gavotte
- gawkin' < gawking
- gaybar < gay bar
- gay friendly < gay-friendly
- gyal < gayal
- gyall < gayal
- gaybourhood < gayborhood
- gazeebo < gazebo
- gezumph < gazump
- GCD < gcd
- geer < gear
- geare < gear
- gearchange < gear change
- gearshift < gear shift
- gear head < gearhead
- geedunk < gedunk
- jee < gee
- gee whillikers < gee willikers
- gee willigers < gee willikers
- gee whilligers < gee willikers
- gee whillickers < gee willikers
- gelatinisation < gelatinization
- gelsemic acid < gelseminic acid
- gemmological < gemological
- gemmologist < gemologist
- gemsbuck < gemsbok
- gender-bender < gender bender
- genderbender < gender bender
- genderisation < genderization
- genebank < gene bank
- genepool < gene pool
- genetrap < gene trap
- genealogick < genealogic
- genealogic < genealogical
- genealogise < genealogize
- gen'ral < general
- gen'ral < general
- generalty < generality
- generalizeability < generalizability
- generalizeable < generalizable
- generalised < generalized
- generaliser < generalizer
- genette < genet
- gennet < genet
- geneticine < geneticin
- genialise < genialize
- guinep < genip
- genipapo < genipap
- juneating < geniting
- genetive < genitive
- genetrix < genitrix
- génocidaire < genocidaire
- gen pop < genpop
- gentamycine < gentamicin
- gentilise < gentilize
- gintleman < gentleman
- gemmen < gentleman
- gintlemen < gentleman
- gentlemen < gentlemen's
- genuwine < genuine
- geoblocking < geo-blocking
- geocentricism < geocentrism
- geodesical < geodesic
- geodætical < geodetical
- gweduc < geoduck
- geogonical < geogonic
- Geography < geography
- geolocalisation < geolocalization
- geolocalise < geolocalize
- geologic timescale < geologic time scale
- geologise < geologize
- geomantical < geomantic
- geometrisation < geometrization
- geometrise < geometrize
- georgick < georgic
- georgick < georgic
- geranygeranyl < geranylgeranyl
- gerbille < gerbil
- jerbil < gerbil
- germain < germane
- germaphobic < germophobic
- gerocomia < gerocomy
- geriatrophile < gerontophile
- jerrymander < gerrymander
- jerrymander < gerrymander
- gestation sac < gestational sac
- get a charge from < get a charge out of
- get a rise from < get a rise out of
- get round to < get around to
- get on someone's last nerve < get on someone's nerves
- get outta here < get out of here
- get-out-of-jail-free cards < get out of jail free cards
- get the best of < get the better of
- get the vapours < get the vapors
- get off my lawn < get-off-my-lawn
- getup < get-up-and-go
- get-up < get-up-and-go
- getable < gettable
- gettin' < getting
- gettin < getting
- ghayr muqallid < ghair muqallid
- gharri < gharry
- gharrie < gharry
- ghastfull < ghastful
- gastness < ghastness
- gazel < ghazal
- gazal < ghazal
- ghazel < ghazal
- girkin < gherkin
- ghettofabulous < ghetto fabulous
- gibli < ghibli
- spectre at the feast < ghost at the feast
- ghostship < ghost ship
- ghost writer < ghostwriter
- ghungru < ghungroo
- gyant < giant
- giante < giant
- joyant < giant
- giantesse < giantess
- jibber < gibber
- jibberish < gibberish
- jibberish < gibberish
- giclee < giclée
- giddie < giddy
- huddup < giddyup
- gidji < gidgee
- GIFsets < gifsets
- giftcard < gift card
- gift of gab < gift of the gab
- giftshop < gift shop
- giftwrap < gift-wrap
- gigaohm < giga-ohm
- gigaelectronvolt < gigaelectron volt
- gigagramme < gigagram
- gigantine < gigantic
- gigantical < gigantic
- gigohm < gigaohm
- gigatonne < gigaton
- jigawatt < gigawatt
- gigglin' < giggling
- giglet < giglot
- giggot < gigot
- gigget < gigot
- guilded < gilded
- gell < gill
- Gilli Danda < gilli-danda
- gilpey < gilpy
- gilpie < gilpy
- gymbal < gimbal
- jimcrackery < gimcrackery
- gimmel < gimel
- gimblet < gimlet
- gimblet < gimlet
- gymnal < gimmal
- gimmel < gimmal
- gimmie < gimme
- gimmickery < gimmickry
- gynger < ginger
- gingerbeer < ginger beer
- gingerpop < ginger pop
- gingerroot < ginger root
- gingerbread-office < gingerbread office
- gingelli < gingilli
- jingko < gingko
- ginsing < ginseng
- gypsying < gipsying
- girandola < girandole
- gell < girl
- girle < girl
- girl-next-door < girl next door
- girmitiya < girmitya
- gisarm < gisarme
- gismondite < gismondine
- jist < gist
- ghittern < gittern
- gittin < gitting
- giue < give
- care a fig < give a fig
- give someone Hail, Columbia < give someone Hail Columbia
- give someone the old heave-ho < give someone the heave-ho
- give someone an inch and they'll take a mile < give them an inch and they'll take a mile
- giuen < given
- ginn < given
- givin' < giving
- gladen < gladden
- gladdon < gladen
- glave < glaive
- glamourousness < glamorousness
- glamourie < glamoury
- glandulose < glandulous
- glargin < glargine
- glasse < glass
- glebeland < glebe-land
- glaucometer < gleucometer
- gleisol < gleysol
- glyde < glide
- glidepath < glide path
- glimpseable < glimpsable
- glent < glint
- glent < glint
- glitterand < glittering
- globemallow < globe mallow
- globe trotter < globetrotter
- globe-trotter < globetrotter
- glocalisation < glocalization
- glorie < glory
- glory-hole < glory hole
- gloser < glosser
- glossolaly < glossolalia
- glottonym < glossonym
- glotto- < glott-
- glottalisation < glottalization
- glottalise < glottalize
- glottaling < glottalling
- glowstick < glow stick
- glowin' < glowing
- gloworm < glowworm
- glucinium < glucinum
- glycoamylase < glucoamylase
- glucosaemia < glucosemia
- glucosulphone < glucosulfone
- glew < glue
- gluestick < glue stick
- gluiness < glueyness
- gluphosinate < glufosinate
- glook < glug
- glueing < gluing
- glutaeal < gluteal
- glutenfree < gluten-free
- glutaeus < gluteus
- glutenous < glutinous
- gluttonie < gluttony
- glycaemia < glycemia
- glycaemic < glycemic
- glycerole < glycerol
- glycerolphosphate < glycerophosphate
- glycerolphospholipid < glycerophospholipid
- glycocalix < glycocalyx
- glucogen < glycogen
- glucogenesis < glycogenesis
- glycogeny < glycogenesis
- glycophosphoinositol < glycophosphatidylinositol
- glucoprotein < glycoprotein
- glycosimeter < glycosometer
- glycosulphatase < glycosulfatase
- glyoxylase < glyoxalase
- knarled < gnarled
- gnarley < gnarly
- knaw < gnaw
- gnomonical < gnomonic
- gnosiology < gnoseology
- gnoseological < gnosiological
- gnoseologically < gnosiologically
- gnostick < gnostic
- gnostick < gnostic
- gnosticise < gnosticize
- gnotobiote < gnotobiont
- goe < go
- gwan < go on
- go over as well as a lead balloon < go over like a lead balloon
- go pear shaped < go pear-shaped
- go pearshaped < go pear-shaped
- run around in circles < go round in circles
- run round in circles < go round in circles
- run to seed < go to seed
- go faster stripes < go-faster stripes
- goalline < goal line
- goalwards < goalward
- goat-antelope < goat antelope
- goatsbeard < goat's-beard
- goatses < goats
- goban < gobang
- gobbledegook < gobbledygook
- gobbledegoo < gobbledygook
- gobblygook < gobbledygook
- goblette < goblet
- gobonee < gobony
- gaboons < goboons
- gojuchang < gochujang
- god king < god-king
- god-child < godchild
- goddamnit < goddammit
- goddamit < goddammit
- godammit < goddammit
- goddam < goddamn
- goddammit < goddamn
- god dammit < goddamn
- goddang < goddamn
- goddang < goddamn
- goddanged < goddamned
- goddammed < goddamned
- goddamndest < goddamnedest
- goddesse < goddess
- goddessship < goddess-ship
- Goddidit < goddidit
- gawdless < godless
- god-like < godlike
- godmamma < godmama
- gulet < goelette
- gothite < goethite
- gopher < gofer
- gogglebox < goggle box
- goggle-box < goggle box
- goggleeyed < goggle-eyed
- goin < going
- goin' < going
- goan < going
- goingover < going over
- gonno < going to
- goan < going to
- goitered < goitred
- golde < gold
- golddigger < gold digger
- gold-dust < gold dust
- goldpiece < gold piece
- goldrush < gold rush
- golden anniversary < golden wedding
- goldsinny < goldfinny
- goldsmithry < goldsmithery
- goldern < goldurn
- goff < golf
- golfball < golf ball
- goffing < golfing
- gollywog < golliwog
- golomynka < golomyanka
- goloshoes < goloshes
- gomuto < gomuti
- gondelay < gondola
- gonochoric < gonochoristic
- goniff < gonoph
- gonorrhœic < gonorrheic
- gewd < good
- gooid < good
- goo' < good
- goo' < good
- good fences make good neighbours < good fences make good neighbors
- old head on young shoulders < good head on one's shoulders
- good humor < good humour
- goodhumouredly < good-humouredly
- good looking < good-looking
- goodnatured < good-natured
- good-heartedly < goodheartedly
- good-humoredly < goodhumoredly
- goodnesse < goodness
- goodness gracious me < goodness gracious
- good will < goodwill
- goody-two-shoes < goody two shoes
- goody-two-shoes < goody two shoes
- goody two-shoes < goody two shoes
- goodygoody < goody-goody
- goody goody < goody-goody
- goodie-goodie < goody-goody
- goofoff < goof-off
- Google < google
- googlability < googleability
- goney < gooney
- gooseflesh < goose flesh
- goosepimple < goose pimple
- goosestep < goose-step
- goose step < goose-step
- goosestepper < goose-stepper
- goosey < goosy
- goar < gore
- gore-tex < goretex
- gorgonise < gorgonize
- gormandiser < gormandizer
- gourmandizing < gormandizing
- goss < gorse
- gawrsh < gosh
- Gospel < gospel
- gospell < gospel
- Gospel truth < gospel truth
- gospeller < gospeler
- gospely < gospelly
- gossamere < gossamer
- gozzan < gossan
- gossipper < gossiper
- Goth < goth
- gotter < gotta
- godda < gotta
- guache < gouache
- goramy < gourami
- gurami < gourami
- goud < gourde
- gormandism < gourmandism
- governancy < governance
- gouernment < government
- gouvernment < government
- governmentalise < governmentalize
- gouernour < governor
- guvnah < governor
- guvnuh < governor
- gownd < gowned
- grabable < grabbable
- grab rail < grabrail
- gracelesse < graceless
- grassy ass < gracias
- grassy arse < gracias
- gracilisation < gracilization
- gracilise < gracilize
- gracilised < gracilized
- gratiously < graciously
- grakle < grackle
- graft < graff
- Graham cracker < graham cracker
- graal < grail
- grain whiskey < grain whisky
- grand mercy < gramercy
- gramineal < gramineous
- grammaticise < grammaticize
- grand-ducal < grand ducal
- grande finale < grand final
- grande finale < grand finale
- grand vizir < grand vizier
- grandame < grandam
- granddam < grandam
- grandfather's clock < grandfather clock
- granma < grandma
- grandmama < grandmamma
- grand master < grandmaster
- grampappy < grandpappy
- grand-parent < grandparent
- grandsir < grandsire
- granitisation < granitization
- grant in kind < grant-in-kind
- granularisation < granularization
- granularise < granularize
- graphicly < graphically
- graphitisation < graphitization
- graphitise < graphitize
- graphiscope < graphoscope
- craple < grapple
- grab at a straw < grasp at straws
- grab at straws < grasp at straws
- clutch at a straw < grasp at straws
- clutch at straws < grasp at straws
- grasswidowhood < grass widowhood
- gravedancing < grave dancing
- gravemarker < grave marker
- gravitational slingshot < gravity assist
- gravity-brightening < gravity brightening
- gravity-darkening < gravity darkening
- grey hat < gray hat
- grey out < gray out
- grey platelet syndrome < gray platelet syndrome
- grey rape < gray rape
- grey squirrel < gray squirrel
- grey whale < gray whale
- grey-blue < gray-blue
- grayhaired < gray-haired
- greybody < graybody
- greyhead < grayhead
- greymail < graymail
- greyschist < grayschist
- grazin' < grazing
- grate < great
- greate < great
- gurt < great
- great unhosed < great unwashed
- greataunt < great-aunt
- great grandchild < great-grandchild
- greatgrandchild < great-grandchild
- great grandchildren < great-grandchildren
- great granddaughter < great-granddaughter
- great great granddaughter < great-granddaughter
- great granddaughters < great-granddaughters
- great grandfather < great-grandfather
- great grandfathers < great-grandfathers
- great grandkid < great-grandkid
- great grandkids < great-grandkids
- great grandmother < great-grandmother
- great grandmothers < great-grandmothers
- great grandparent < great-grandparent
- great grandparents < great-grandparents
- great grandson < great-grandson
- great grandsons < great-grandsons
- great great grandchild < great-great-grandchild
- great great grandchildren < great-great-grandchildren
- great great granddaughters < great-great-granddaughters
- great great grandfather < great-great-grandfather
- great great grandfathers < great-great-grandfathers
- great great grandmother < great-great-grandmother
- great great grandmothers < great-great-grandmothers
- great great grandparent < great-great-grandparent
- great great grandparents < great-great-grandparents
- great great grandson < great-great-grandson
- great great grandsons < great-great-grandsons
- greatest common factor < greatest common divisor
- highest common factor < greatest common divisor
- best thing since sliced bread < greatest thing since sliced bread
- best thing since sliced pan < greatest thing since sliced bread
- great-hearted < greathearted
- great-heartedness < greatheartedness
- greatnesse < greatness
- graecism < grecism
- gre < gree
- greene < green
- greenroom < green room
- green collar < green-collar
- greenbriar < greenbrier
- green keeper < greenkeeper
- greenskeeping < greenkeeping
- green wood < greenwood
- greit < greet
- greetin' < greeting
- greetz < greets
- gremoulata < gremolata
- granado < grenade
- granade < grenade
- gray amber < grey amber
- gray ghost < grey ghost
- gray noise < grey noise
- gray wolf < grey wolf
- greyhaired < grey-haired
- grayness < greyness
- grise < grice
- girdle < griddle
- gryde < gride
- grizelin < gridelin
- griefe < grief
- greefe < grief
- grievin' < grieving
- gryke < grike
- grillework < grillwork
- gilse < grilse
- grinde < grind
- grindin' < grinding
- grinnin' < grinning
- grype < gripe
- gripping < griping
- grypt < gripped
- grize < grise
- greisly < grisly
- grysie < grisy
- grisled < grizzled
- grane < groan
- grane < groan
- groane < groan
- groane < groan
- grone < groan
- gronefull < groanful
- groanin' < groaning
- grog shop < grogshop
- grock < grok
- Grootslang < grootslang
- grossbeak < grosbeak
- grosse < gross
- gross-out < gross out
- grounde < ground
- grownd < ground
- groundball < ground ball
- ground-glass < ground glass
- groundstate < ground state
- ground effect machine < ground-effect machine
- ground hog < groundhog
- ground-hog < groundhog
- grundsel < groundsel
- groundkeeper < groundskeeper
- groop < group
- groop < group
- grooper < grouper
- growe < grow
- Gro-bag < growbag
- growin' < growing
- growlin' < growling
- grewsome < gruesome
- growsome < gruesome
- grünerite < grunerite
- grungey < grungy
- gruntwork < grunt work
- guiac < guaiac
- guiacum < guaiacum
- guaiacan < guaiacum
- guanco < guanaco
- huanaco < guanaco
- guanidin < guanidine
- guanin < guanine
- guaranty < guarantee
- guardpost < guard post
- gardian < guardian
- goodgeon < gudgeon
- giss < guess
- ghess < guess
- guessin' < guessing
- guestimation < guesstimation
- guestroom < guest room
- guetapens < guet-apens
- gild < guild
- gilder < guilder
- guild-hall < guildhall
- gildhall < guildhall
- guiltridden < guilt-ridden
- guiltyness < guiltiness
- guiltie < guilty
- guineapig < guinea pig
- gyse < guise
- guyse < guise
- gulphe < gulf
- cullibility < gullibility
- gullable < gullible
- gullably < gullibly
- gom < gum
- gawm < gum
- goom < gum
- gumtree < gum tree
- goombah < gumbe
- gombo < gumbo
- gun-control < gun control
- gun-rights < gun rights
- gunfu < gun-fu
- gunk-hole < gunkhole
- gunk-holing < gunkholing
- gunnin' < gunning
- gun powder < gunpowder
- gunzel < gunsel
- guppie < guppy
- gurudwara < gurdwara
- gournet < gurnard
- gurnet < gurnard
- gusht < gushed
- guzla < gusle
- gut-shot < gut shot
- gutwrenching < gut-wrenching
- gutwrenchingly < gut-wrenchingly
- guttah < gutta percha
- guttated < guttate
- gutterball < gutter ball
- gutturalisation < gutturalization
- gutturalise < gutturalize
- guvnor < guv'nor
- guyrope < guy rope
- guy wire < guy-wire
- guywire < guy-wire
- guyses < guys
- guyses < guys
- guailo < gweilo
- gwiniad < gwyniad
- guiniad < gwyniad
- gyaru moji < gyaru-moji
- gymnastical < gymnastic
- gymnical < gymnic
- gymnopædic < gymnopaedic
- gynæcandrous < gynaecandrous
- gynæcian < gynaecian
- gynæcic < gynaecic
- gynæcium < gynaecium
- gynæcoid < gynaecoid
- gynæcologist < gynaecologist
- gynæcomast < gynaecomast
- gynæcomastia < gynaecomastia
- gynæcomorphous < gynaecomorphous
- gynæconitis < gynaeconitis
- gynandromorphous < gynandromorphic
- gunarchy < gynarchy
- gynaecian < gynecian
- gynaecic < gynecic
- gynecocide < [[gynecide}} and Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "gynecide" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. and {{l]]
- gynæcocracy < gynecocracy
- gyneocracy < gynecocracy
- gynæcocratic < gynecocratic
- gynaecologically < gynecologically
- gynaecomania < gynecomania
- gynaecomorphous < gynecomorphous
- gyny < gynie
- gyn- < gyno-
- gynecratic < gynocratic
- gyniolatry < gynolatry
- gynephobia < gynophobia
- gynostemiums < gynostemia
- gynaecium < gynæceum
- gyneceum < gynæceum
- gynecium < gynæceum
- gynaecophorical < gynæcophoric
- gypse < gypsum
- Gypsy < gypsy
- gyptian < gypsy
- gipsydom < gypsydom
- gire < gyre
- jerkin < gyrkin
- giron < gyron
- gironny < gyronny
- yero < [[gyro}} (gyro) {{gloss]]
- gite < gîte
- gidday < g’day
- hah < ha
- haw-haw < ha-ha
- habañeros < habaneros
- haberdascher < haberdasher
- hable < habile
- abiliment < habiliment
- habitakle < habitacle
- habitan < habitant
- hatchure < hachure
- haxor < hacker
- h4x < hacks
- haxx < hacks
- 'ad < had
- hadeeth < hadith
- hant < hadn't
- hadnae < hadna
- hadronize < hadronise
- hadronisation < hadronization
- hæm- < haem-
- hemachrome < haemachrome
- haemochrome < haemachrome
- haemodromograph < haemadromograph
- hemaphaein < haemaphaein
- haemotachometer < haematachometer
- hematoblastic < haematoblastic
- hematogenetic < haematogenetic
- hematogeneous < haematogenous
- haematolin < haematoin
- hematopoietically < haematopoietically
- hæmatospermia < haematospermia
- hæmatoxylin < haematoxylin
- hemoblast < haemoblast
- haemocoelous < haemocoelic
- hemoglobinometer < haemoglobinometer
- hemomonochorial < haemomonochorial
- Hæmony < haemony
- hæmophobia < haemophobia
- hemrods < haemorrhoids
- haematoscope < haemoscope
- hafidh < hafiz
- hackbuss < hagbut
- haggl'd < haggled
- chagigah < hagigah
- chagiga < hagigah
- Hagiga < hagigah
- agionym < hagionym
- hyke < haik
- haill < hail
- hailshafts < hail shafts
- hailfellow < hail-fellow
- haire < hair
- 'air < hair
- hairloss < hair loss
- hairspray < hair spray
- hair trigger < hair-trigger
- hair trigger < hair-trigger
- 'aircut < haircut
- hair cut < haircut
- hairdrier < hairdryer
- hairyness < hairiness
- hair shirt < hairshirt
- haiduck < hajduk
- heyduck < hajduk
- alhaji < hajji
- hadje < hajji
- hadjee < hajji
- haggi < hajji
- halakhic < halachic
- halakic < halachic
- halaal < halal
- hallal < halal
- hallal < halal
- alcyon < halcyon
- daleem < haleem
- halfe < half
- halfe < half
- 'alf < half
- half-and-half < half and half
- half-and-half < half and half
- half-and-half < half and half
- half gip < half gyp
- half-gip < half gyp
- half-gyp < half gyp
- half-hitch < half hitch
- halfsister < half sister
- half-smile < half smile
- half-step < half step
- half-title < half title
- halfassed < half-assed
- halfawake < half-awake
- halfbreed < half-breed
- halflife < half-life
- halfmetallic < half-metallic
- halfmetallicity < half-metallicity
- halfplane < half-plane
- half sib < half-sib
- halfsib < half-sib
- halftimbered < half-timbered
- halfwitted < half-witted
- half-heartedness < halfheartedness
- holidam < halidom
- hallidome < halidom
- hallhouse < hall house
- hall-mark < hallmark
- haloo < halloo
- haloo < halloo
- holloo < halloo
- holloo < halloo
- holloo < halloo
- haloumi < halloumi
- hallow'd < hallowed
- hame < halm
- halonucleus < halo nucleus
- helter < halter
- halter-top < halter top
- halfs < halves
- haulyard < halyard
- 'am < ham
- hamhock < ham hock
- hamfistedly < ham-fistedly
- hamfistedness < ham-fistedness
- hamhanded < ham-handed
- hamhandedly < ham-handedly
- hamatia < hamartia
- hamesecken < hamesucken
- hamam < hammam
- 'ammer < hammer
- hammerin' < hammering
- hamzah < hamza
- hande < hand
- handcard < hand card
- handglass < hand glass
- handjob < hand job
- handrub < hand rub
- give someone his head on a platter < hand someone his head
- give someone his head on a plate < hand someone his head
- handtool < hand tool
- eye-hand coordination < hand-eye coordination
- handhold < hand-hold
- hand-me-on < hand-me-down
- hand-me-on < hand-me-down
- handoff < hand-off
- hand to mouth < hand-to-mouth
- hand to mouth < hand-to-mouth
- hand ball < handball
- hand-basket < handbasket
- hand bike < handbike
- hand-carried < handcarried
- handicraftman < handicraftsman
- handin' < handing
- hand-work < handiwork
- handywork < handiwork
- hanjar < handjar
- hankerchief < handkerchief
- handlable < handleable
- handlin' < handling
- hand-made < handmade
- hand made < handmade
- hand plant < handplant
- handwavey < handwavy
- hand wavy < handwavy
- handiman < handyman
- handiwoman < handywoman
- hange < hang
- hang-glider < hang glider
- hang-gliding < hang gliding
- hang glide < hang-glide
- haangi < hangi
- hangin' < hanging
- Hanif < hanif
- hankey-pankey < hanky-panky
- Hanse < hanse
- hoonoomaun < hanuman
- aphephobia < haphephobia
- 'appen < happen
- happenin' < happening
- happenin' < happening
- 'appy < happy
- happy 4th < happy Fourth
- as happy as a pig in mud < happy as a pig in shit
- happy-talk < happy talk
- Haram < haram
- harang < harangue
- harang < harangue
- harrass < harass
- harberous < harborous
- 'arbour < harbour
- 'arbour < harbour
- 'arbourin' < harbouring
- harbor master < harbourmaster
- hardcase < hard case
- hardcopy < hard copy
- harddrive < hard drive
- hardkill < hard kill
- hardwater < hard water
- hardass < hard-ass
- hard-arse < hard-ass
- hardbill < hard-bill
- hardbitten < hard-bitten
- hardfought < hard-fought
- hard on < hard-on
- hardwire < hard-wire
- hardcore porn < hardcore pornography
- hard-heartedly < hardheartedly
- hard-heartedness < hardheartedness
- hardihead < hardihood
- hard-line < hardline
- hardstanding < hardstand
- har de har har < hardy har har
- hardihead < hardyhead
- hare lip < harelip
- harim < harem
- hareem < harem
- harico < haricot
- harees < harissa
- harlekin < harlequin
- harmel < harmal
- harmalin < harmaline
- harmin < harmine
- harmonical < harmonic
- harnass < harness
- harnass < harness
- harpe < harp
- harpsichon < harpsichord
- harpsicord < harpsichord
- herry < harry
- harshe < harsh
- hartstongue < hart's tongue
- hartbeest < hartebeest
- hartbees < hartebeest
- haruspice < haruspex
- hez < has
- hasna < hasn't
- hasslin' < hassling
- hasta la pasta < hasta pasta
- hastated < hastate
- hasty-pudding < hasty pudding
- hatt < hat
- hetchel < hatchel
- hitchel < hatchel
- hitchel < hatchel
- hatchetmen < hatchet men
- hatchet men < hatchetmen
- hatesex < hate-sex
- hathe < hath
- Hatorade < hatorade
- helm < haulm
- haum < haulm
- hawm < haulm
- ha'nt < haunt
- harnt < haunt
- hainted < haunted
- hauntin' < haunting
- haüynite < hauynite
- haveable < havable
- of < have
- haue < have
- 'a' < have
- 'ave < have
- hafe < have
- have one's cake and eat it < have one's cake and eat it too
- have one's work cut out < have one's work cut out for one
- have not < have-not
- havn't < haven't
- havin' < having
- haveour < haviour
- hawkeyed < hawk-eyed
- halse < hawse
- hawse-pipe < hawsepipe
- hawse pipe < hawsepipe
- halser < hawser
- haye < hay
- haywain < hay wain
- hazle < hazel
- hazle < hazel
- HazMat < [[hazmat}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "hazmat" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{acronym of]]
- hazan < hazzan
- chazzen < hazzan
- 'e < he
- 'e'll < he'll
- he'l < he'll
- 'e's < he's
- hes < he's
- haid < head
- headcheese < head cheese
- headcoil < head coil
- headlouse < head louse
- headman < head man
- headstart < head start
- head game < head-game
- headgame < head-game
- headscratcher < head-scratcher
- heads-up displays < head-up display
- headake < headache
- head band < headband
- head bang < headbang
- headborrow < headborough
- head butter < headbutter
- head-butter < headbutter
- head-first < headfirst
- head-first < headfirst
- head-hunter < headhunter
- headin' < heading
- headmould < headmold
- head wind < headwind
- healall < heal-all
- healin' < healing
- healthcentre < health centre
- healthworker < health worker
- heere < hear
- 'ear < hear
- hoid < heard
- yeard < heard
- heerd < heard
- 'eard < heard
- hearin' < hearing
- hearin' < hearing
- hearsy < hearsay
- herse < hearse
- herse < hearse
- hawt < heart
- 'art < heart
- 'eart < heart
- heartrate < heart rate
- heartake < heartache
- heartachey < heartachy
- heart breaker < heartbreaker
- harth < hearth
- hartely < heartily
- heart-leaf < heartleaf
- heart-wrenching < heartwrenching
- heate < heat
- heate < heat
- heatshock < heat shock
- hathen < heathen
- heathenise < heathenize
- hether < heather
- heauen < heaven
- heauenly < heavenly
- heav'nly < heavenly
- hevenly < heavenly
- heauied < heavied
- heavin' < heaving
- heauie < heavy
- heauy < heavy
- heavyhandedly < heavy-handedly
- heavyhandedness < heavy-handedness
- heavyhearted < heavy-hearted
- heavyheartedly < heavy-heartedly
- heavyheartedness < heavy-heartedness
- heavylidded < heavy-lidded
- hebophile < hebephile
- heckin < heckin'
- heckova < heckuva
- hectareage < hectarage
- hektare < hectare
- hecticly < hectically
- hektograph < hectograph
- hedge-hog < hedgehog
- eaw < hee-haw
- heelstick < heel stick
- heel'd < heeled
- heel strike < heelstrike
- hegemonise < hegemonize
- hejira < hegira
- hah < heh
- hight < height
- highte < height
- hainous < heinous
- heire < heir
- Heisenbugs < heisenbug
- 'eld < held
- hether < helder
- heliskiing < heli-skiing
- heliskiing < heli-skiing
- heliac < heliacal
- heliocentrical < heliocentric
- hel bent < hellbent
- hel-bent < hellbent
- elleborin < helleborin
- helleborein < helleborin
- haler < heller
- helgramites < hellgramites
- hellgrammites < hellgramites
- heckhound < hellhound
- ello < hello
- herro < hello
- hillo < hello
- 'ello < hello
- hewwo < hello
- hell-raiser < hellraiser
- hellova < helluva
- healme < helm
- helpe < help
- helpe < help
- halp < help
- 'elp < help
- helpelesse < helpless
- haemadsorption < hemadsorption
- haemadynamometer < hemadynamometer
- haemagglutinative < hemagglutinative
- hemaglutinin < hemagglutinin
- haemalum < hemalum
- haemangioblastoma < hemangioblastoma
- haemangioendothelioma < hemangioendothelioma
- haemangiomatous < hemangiomatous
- haemangiopericytoma < hemangiopericytoma
- haemapophyseal < hemapophyseal
- haemarthrosis < hemarthrosis
- haematein < hematein
- haematherm < hematherm
- haematinic < hematinic
- haematinic < hematinic
- haematinometer < hematinometer
- haematochezia < hematochezia
- haematocrystallin < hematocrystallin
- haematocyte < hematocyte
- haematofluorometer < hematofluorometer
- haematoglobulin < hematoglobin
- haematogone < hematogone
- haematoidin < hematoidin
- haematologically < hematologically
- haemotologist < hematologist
- hæmatologist < hematologist
- haematolymphoid < hematolymphoid
- haematopathology < hematopathology
- haematoperitoneum < hematoperitoneum
- haematophagic < hematophagic
- hæmatophagous < hematophagous
- hæmatoporphyrine < hematoporphyrin
- hæmatoporphyrin < hematoporphyrin
- haematospermia < hematospermia
- haematotoxicity < hematotoxicity
- haematotympanum < hematotympanum
- hematoxyline < hematoxylin
- hæmaturia < hematuria
- haematuric < hematuric
- hemelytrum < hemelytron
- hemianæsthesia < hemianaesthesia
- hemianopic < hemianopsic
- hemicrany < hemicrania
- haemin < hemin
- hemiplegy < hemiplegia
- hemipteron < hemipteran
- hemisulphate < hemisulfate
- hem-line < hemline
- hem- < hemo-
- haemocoagulase < hemocoagulase
- haemoconcentration < hemoconcentration
- haemoculture < hemoculture
- hemocyanine < hemocyanin
- haemocytoblast < hemocytoblast
- haemocytometric < hemocytometric
- haemocytometry < hemocytometry
- haemoderivative < hemoderivative
- haemodiafiltration < hemodiafiltration
- haemodialyzer < hemodialyzer
- haemodilution < hemodilution
- hemadynamics < hemodynamics
- haemadynamics < hemodynamics
- haemofilter < hemofilter
- haemofiltration < hemofiltration
- haemogenous < hemogenous
- haemoglobinase < hemoglobinase
- haemoglobinization < hemoglobinization
- hemoglobinised < hemoglobinized
- haemoglobinuric < hemoglobinuric
- haemoglobinuric < hemoglobinuric
- haemogram < hemogram
- haemolymphatic < hemolymphatic
- haemolysate < hemolysate
- haemolysin < hemolysin
- haemolytic < hemolytic
- hemolytical < hemolytic
- haemolyze < hemolyze
- haemolyse < hemolyze
- haemoparasite < hemoparasite
- haemopathology < hemopathology
- haemopathy < hemopathy
- haemoperfusion < hemoperfusion
- haemopericardium < hemopericardium
- haemophagocyte < hemophagocyte
- haemophagocytic < hemophagocytic
- haemophagocytosis < hemophagocytosis
- haemophobia < hemophobia
- haemophore < hemophore
- haemoplasma < hemoplasma
- hemapoietic < hemopoietic
- haemopoietically < hemopoietically
- haemopoietin < hemopoietin
- haemoprotein < hemoprotein
- hæmoptysis < hemoptysis
- haemorheology < hemorheology
- hæmorrhagia < hemorrhagia
- hæmorrhagical < hemorrhagic
- hæmorrhoidal < hemorrhoidal
- haemorrhoidal < hemorrhoidal
- hematostasis < hemostasis
- haemostatic < hemostatic
- hemastatic < hemostatic
- haemotoxic < hemotoxic
- hematovascular < hemovascular
- haemoxylin < hemoxylin
- haemozoin < hemozoin
- hen hearted < hen-hearted
- henxman < henchman
- hendy < hende
- endecagon < hendecagon
- endecane < hendecane
- hen house < henhouse
- hen-house < henhouse
- khenna < henna
- hepatectomised < hepatectomized
- hepatical < hepatic
- hepatisation < hepatization
- hepatise < hepatize
- epta- < hepta-
- heptahelic < heptahelical
- septane < heptane
- heptaose < heptose
- 'er < her
- yerb < herb
- herbarist < herbalist
- herbelet < herblet
- herborisation < herborization
- herborise < herborize
- herbarize < herborize
- herdin' < herding
- heah < here
- heah < here
- heere < here
- 'ere < here
- hyer < here
- hyer < here
- heyr < here
- here you go < here you are
- hereaways < hereaway
- hæresie < heresy
- hereticall < heretical
- heretickal < heretical
- heritour < heritor
- hermaphrodyte < hermaphrodite
- hermaphrodytes < hermaphrodites
- hermaphroditical < hermaphroditic
- ermit < hermit
- eremitage < hermitage
- heremitical < hermitical
- heroe < hero
- heroicke < heroic
- heroicks < heroics
- herpetologic < herpetological
- erpetologist < herpetologist
- erpetology < herpetology
- her's < hers
- hesperitin < hesperetin
- heast < hest
- hetairic < hetaeric
- heterodifunctional < heterobifunctional
- heterochromatinized < heterochromatinised
- heterochromatinisation < heterochromatinization
- heterochroneous < heterochronous
- heterochronia < heterochrony
- heterodimerisation < heterodimerization
- heterodisulphide < heterodisulfide
- heterodoxic < heterodox
- heterogenous < heterogeneous
- heterogeneal < heterogeneous
- heterogenisation < heterogenization
- heterogenised < heterogenized
- heteromerisation < heteromerization
- heteroousious < heteroousian
- heterousian < heteroousian
- heterosporic < heterosporous
- hexachlorethane < hexachloroethane
- hecdecane < hexadecane
- hexafluorisopropanol < hexafluoroisopropanol
- hexaedron < hexahedron
- hexamerisation < hexamerization
- hexonucleotide < hexanucleotide
- hexosome < hexasome
- hexoestrol < hexestrol
- hexaminidase < hexosaminidase
- hexaose < hexose
- heigho < hey ho
- eyup < hey up
- ay up < hey up
- beya < heya
- heydey < heyday
- 'i < hi
- hybernacle < hibernacle
- hibernise < hibernize
- hyde < hide
- hide-bound < hidebound
- hideyhole < hidey-hole
- hidingplace < hiding place
- hye < hie
- hierapicra < hiera picra
- hierarchisation < hierarchization
- hierarchise < hierarchize
- hieratical < hieratic
- 'igh < high
- hye < high
- hi five < high five
- hi-jinks < high jinks
- hi-jinx < high jinks
- highlife < high life
- high muckety-muck < high muckamuck
- highstreet < high street
- high old time < high time
- highbred < high-bred
- high entropy alloys < [[high-entropy alloys}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "high-entropy alloys" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{plural of]]
- highhanded < high-handed
- highhearted < high-hearted
- highheartedly < high-heartedly
- highheartedness < high-heartedness
- high-hole < high-holder
- highminded < high-minded
- highmindedly < high-mindedly
- high occupancy vehicle < high-occupancy vehicle
- highprofile < high-profile
- hi-rise < high-rise
- highrisk < high-risk
- high score table < high-score table
- highspeed < high-speed
- hyer < higher
- hyer < higher
- hyer < higher
- higherup < higher-up
- highfalooting < highfalutin
- Highlander < highlander
- highnesse < highness
- 'ighness < highness
- high-pass < highpass
- high-pass < highpass
- high schooler < highschooler
- hajib < hijab
- higab < hijab
- highjacker < hijacker
- highjacking < hijacking
- hijinx < hijinks
- hym < him
- himselfe < himself
- himselve < himself
- himsell < himself
- hynde < hind
- hindlimb < hind limb
- hindlimbs < hind limbs
- hind quarters < hindquarters
- hinkie pinkie < hink pink
- hip-flasks < hip flask
- hip-hopera < hip hopera
- hippity-hoppity < hippity-hop
- ipocras < hippocras
- hyppogriff < hippogriff
- hippotragin < hippotragine
- hippieish < hippyish
- hip-shot < hipshot
- hireable < hirable
- Hiragana < hiragana
- hyer < hire
- hyer < hire
- hys < his
- hes < his
- hes < his
- 'is < his
- her nibs < his nibs
- hissyfit < hissy fit
- histamin < histamine
- histidin < histidine
- histocyte < histiocyte
- histoanatomic < histoanatomical
- histiological < histological
- histomorphometrical < histomorphometric
- historial < historical
- 'istorical < historical
- hystoricall < historical
- 'istory < history
- History < history
- histrionical < histrionic
- 'it < hit
- 'it < hit
- hitlist < hit list
- knock one out of the park < hit one out of the ballpark
- knock it out of the ballpark < hit one out of the ballpark
- knock it out of the park < hit one out of the ballpark
- hit by pitch < hit-by-pitch
- hitch-hike < hitchhike
- hitchin' < hitching
- hyther < hither
- hether < hither
- hittin' < hitting
- beehive of activity < hive of activity
- hive mind < hivemind
- heya < hiya
- hmmph < hmph
- hoaxster < hoaxer
- hobbet < hobbit
- hobbel < hobble
- hobbel < hobble
- hobble-bush < hobblebush
- hoberdehoy < hobbledehoy
- hobbardehoy < hobbledehoy
- hob-nailed < hobnailed
- hobandnob < hobnob
- hobanob < hobnob
- hoboe < hobo
- hawkey < hockey
- hough < hoe
- hough < hoe
- hobag < hoebag
- hoe-down < hoedown
- hogapple < hog apple
- hogtie < hog-tie
- hoick < hoik
- hoick < hoik
- hoisted with one's own petard < hoist by one's own petard
- hoisted on one's own petard < hoist by one's own petard
- hity-tity < hoity-toity
- highty-tighty < hoity-toity
- hoky-poky < hokey pokey
- hokeyness < hokiness
- holde < hold
- holde < hold
- hould < hold
- 'old < hold
- park that thought < hold that thought
- hold all of the cards < hold the cards
- hold all of the aces < hold the cards
- holdup < hold-up
- hold-all < holdall
- hold-down < holddown
- hold'st < holdest
- holdin' < holding
- hold out < holdout
- 'oliday < holiday
- holyday < holiday
- wholist < holist
- hollaback < hollaback girl
- hollerin' < hollering
- hollow < hollo
- holla < hollo
- holla < hollo
- holloa < hollo
- holloa < hollo
- hulloa < hollo
- hulloa < hollo
- hallow < hollow
- hollow body < hollow body position
- hollow position < hollow body position
- hollowpoint < hollow point
- holmoak < holm oak
- homes < holmes
- holorime < holorhyme
- holostomate < holostomatous
- holothurioid < holothuroid
- holie < holy
- 'oly < holy
- Holy < holy
- holy kamoley < holy moley
- ham < home
- 'ome < home
- homecarer < home carer
- hometeam < home team
- homewrecker < home wrecker
- homelyness < homeliness
- home-made < homemade
- homœo- < homeo-
- homoeobox < homeobox
- homeologue < homeolog
- homoeopathic < homeopathic
- homœopathic < homeopathic
- homœopathicity < homeopathicity
- homœopathism < homeopathism
- homœopathist < homeopathist
- homoeopathist < homeopathist
- homœopathize < homeopathize
- homœoplasty < homeoplasty
- homœopolar < homeopolar
- homoeopolar < homeopolar
- homeostasy < homeostasis
- homoeostatic < homeostatic
- homeostatical < homeostatic
- homoeothermic < homeothermic
- homey < homie
- omiletical < homiletical
- homme fatale < homme fatal
- homomarriage < homo marriage
- homochiralisation < homochiralization
- homocysteinuria < homocystinuria
- homodimerisation < homodimerization
- homœogenesis < homoeogenesis
- homœoid < homoeoid
- homoiomerous < homoeomerous
- homœomorphous < homoeomorphous
- homœomorphy < homoeomorphy
- homogenous function < homogeneous function
- homogenous polynomial < homogeneous polynomial
- homogeniser < homogenizer
- homolactate < homolactic
- homologise < homologize
- homologon < homologue
- homousian < homoousian
- homousian < homoousian
- homoplasia < homoplasy
- homopolymerisation < homopolymerization
- homosexualist < homosexual
- homosexualisation < homosexualization
- homosexualise < homosexualize
- homotaxy < homotaxis
- homotaxia < homotaxis
- homothetical < homothetic
- homozygousity < homozygosity
- homuncule < homunculus
- homuncle < homunculus
- homoi- < homœ-
- 'onest < honest
- honest to gods < honest to God
- honest-to-goodness < honest to goodness
- honest-to-gods < honest-to-God
- honest to goodness < honest-to-goodness
- honestie < honesty
- 'onesty < honesty
- hunny < honey
- 'oney < honey
- honie < honey
- honeylocust < honey locust
- honeytraps < honey traps
- honey bunny < honeybunny
- hongkelin < honghelin
- honkatonk < honky-tonk
- honnor < honor
- honnor < honor
- honnour < honor
- honnour < honor
- honourableness < honorableness
- honourary < honorary
- honourifically < honorifically
- honourous < honorous
- 'onour < honour
- 'onour < honour
- honyok < honyock
- hoke < hook
- hooke < hook
- huqa < hookah
- howker < hooker
- hookin' < hooking
- hook-up < hookup
- 'ooligan < hooligan
- howp < hoop
- whoopla < hoopla
- hoopoo < hoopoe
- hootnanny < hootenanny
- rootin' tootin' < hootin' tootin'
- hootin' < hooting
- 'ope < hope
- howp < hope
- hope springs eternal in the human breast < hope springs eternal
- hopium < hopeium
- hopin' < hoping
- hoppin' < hopping
- horah < hora
- hardock < hordock
- hoarhound < horehound
- gorelka < horilka
- horison < horizon
- hormone-replacement therapy < hormone replacement therapy
- horne < horn
- hornrimmed < horn-rimmed
- 'orrible < horrible
- 'orribly < horribly
- 'orrid < horrid
- horrow < horror
- horrorstricken < horror-stricken
- horrorstruck < horror-struck
- hors-d'œuvre < hors d'oeuvre
- HORSE < horse
- 'orse < horse
- harse < horse
- H.O.R.S.E. < horse
- H-O-R-S-E < horse
- horsebean < horse bean
- horse of a different colour < horse of a different color
- hoss opera < horse opera
- horsepucky < horse pucky
- horserace < horse race
- horseracing < horse racing
- horses' doovers < horse's doovers
- horse leech < horse-leech
- horse box < horsebox
- horse laugh < horselaugh
- horse-power < horsepower
- horse-pox < horsepox
- horse-radish < horseradish
- horseshite < horseshit
- horse shoe < horseshoe
- horse whip < horsewhip
- horticulturalist < horticulturist
- hospitale < hospital
- 'ospital < hospital
- hospitaler < hospitaller
- gospodar < hospodar
- Hoss < hoss
- hostesse < hostess
- whot < hot
- hot-button < hot button
- hotdesk < hot desk
- hotdesk < hot desk
- hotdesking < hot desking
- hot diggity < hot diggety
- hot diggety < hot diggety dog
- hot diggity dog < hot diggety dog
- hot-dog < hot dog
- hot favourite < hot favorite
- hot gospeler < hot gospeller
- hot gospeling < hot gospelling
- hot hatchback < hot hatch
- hotpants < hot pants
- hot-pot < hot pot
- hotseat < hot seat
- hotspring < hot spring
- hotwire < hot-wire
- hoaching < hotching
- hot-head < hothead
- hot-house < hothouse
- hotely < hotly
- hot shot < hotshot
- hot as a pistol < hotter than a pistol
- hotty < hottie
- hounde < hound
- owre < hour
- houre < hour
- 'our < hour
- hour glass < hourglass
- hour-glass < hourglass
- hourslong < hours-long
- houss < house
- housemartin < house martin
- house nigga < house nigger
- housesitter < house-sitter
- house guest < houseguest
- house guests < [[houseguests}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "houseguests" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{plural of]]
- house keeper < housekeeper
- housewards < houseward
- housy-housy < housey-housey
- howe < how
- quhow < how
- whow < how
- how's about < how about
- how're you < how are you
- how are you doing < how do you do
- howdedo < how do you do
- how do ye do < how do you do
- how do < how do you do
- howdy-do < how-d'ye-do
- howbe < howbeit
- howdja < howja
- howlin' < howling
- howsomdever < howsomedever
- hoiden < hoyden
- hoiden < hoyden
- hoidenish < hoydenish
- hr. < hr
- hrmm < hrm
- hrrmph < hrmph
- huang-chiu < huangjiu
- hub-bub < hubbub
- whoobub < hubbub
- hub cap < hubcap
- hybris < hubris
- huxter < huckster
- huxter < huckster
- hudnah < hudna
- huffin' < huffing
- hugemungous < hugemongous
- huggin' < hugging
- hah < huh
- hunh < huh
- hullaballo < hullaballoo
- hullaballo < hullaballoo
- ullo < hullo
- 'ullo < hullo
- humane < human
- human resources management < human resource management
- 'umble < humble
- 'umble < humble
- 'umbly < humbly
- humine < humin
- hommock < hummock
- hommocky < hummocky
- hummaum < hummum
- houmus < hummus
- 'umour < humor
- 'umour < humor
- humourlessly < humorlessly
- humourlessness < humorlessness
- humourous < humorous
- humorsome < humoursome
- humpday < hump day
- umph < humph
- humf < humph
- humf < humph
- humpy < humpie
- humpin' < humping
- hunnit < hundred
- hunnert < hundred
- hunderd < hundred
- hundredor < hundreder
- hundreth < hundredth
- hungree < hungry
- foracan < hurricane
- herycano < hurricane
- 'urry < hurry
- hurryin' < hurrying
- hurte < hurt
- hoit < hurt
- hushabye < hushaby
- husht < hushed
- huszar < hussar
- hussie < hussy
- hussif < hussy
- hussey < hussy
- hustlin' < hustling
- huzzas < huzzahs
- hyalinise < hyalinize
- hyalophagia < hyalophagy
- hybridiser < hybridizer
- hydaturia < hydatiduria
- hydragog < hydragogue
- hydrargyron < hydrargyrum
- hydraulical < hydraulic
- hydraemic < hydremic
- hydrid < hydride
- hydrocoele < hydrocele
- hydrocoel < hydrocele
- hydrocoelectomy < hydrocelectomy
- hydrencephaloid < hydrocephaloid
- chlorhydric < hydrochloric
- hydrodistension < hydrodistention
- bromine hydride < hydrogen bromide
- hydrogencarbonate < hydrogen carbonate
- hydrogensulfite < hydrogen sulfite
- hydrogenlike < hydrogen-like
- hydrohydrodesulphurisation < hydrohydrodesulphurization
- hydrolyzate < hydrolysate
- hydrolyzates < hydrolysates
- hydrolysable < hydrolyzable
- hidromancy < hydromancy
- hydrometalation < hydrometallation
- hydropathical < hydropathic
- hydrophoby < hydrophobia
- hydrophobised < hydrophobized
- hydropick < hydropic
- hydrorrhœa < hydrorrhea
- hydraseeding < hydroseeding
- hydrostatical < hydrostatic
- hydrosulphate < hydrosulfate
- hydrosulphite < hydrosulfite
- hydrosulphurous acid < hydrosulfurous acid
- hydrosulphureted < hydrosulphuretted
- hydroxyacid < hydroxy acid
- hydroxyester < hydroxy ester
- hydroxyamphetamine < hydroxyamfetamine
- hydroxypropylcellulose < hydroxypropyl cellulose
- hydroxypropylmethylcellulose < hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
- hydrouria < hydruria
- hyæna < hyena
- hyaenoid < hyenoid
- hygenist < hygienist
- hygrometrical < hygrometric
- hygroscopical < hygroscopic
- hylogeny < hylogenesis
- hyloism < hylotheism
- hyloist < hylotheist
- hymenæal < hymeneal
- hymenæal < hymeneal
- hymenaeal < hymeneal
- hymenaean < hymenean
- hypæthric < hypaethric
- hypapophyseal < hypapophysial
- hyperæmic < hyperaemic
- hyperæsthesia < hyperaesthesia
- hyperalaninaemia < hyperalaninemia
- hyperalphalipoproteinaemia < hyperalphalipoproteinemia
- hyperamylasaemia < hyperamylasemia
- hyperamylinemia < hyperamylinaemia
- hyperandrogenaemia < hyperandrogenemia
- hyperargininaemia < hyperargininemia
- hyperbetalipoproteinaemia < hyperbetalipoproteinemia
- hyperbilirubinaemia < hyperbilirubinemia
- hyperbolise < hyperbolize
- hypercalcaemic < hypercalcemic
- hypercalciuria < hypercalcinuria
- hyperchloraemic < hyperchloremic
- hypercholesteraemic < hypercholesteremic
- hypercholesterinaemia < hypercholesterinemia
- hypercholesterolaemic < hypercholesterolemic
- hypercholesterolaemic < hypercholesterolemic
- hyperchylomicronaemia < hyperchylomicronemia
- hypercriticise < hypercriticize
- hypercupraemia < hypercupremia
- hypercytokinaemia < hypercytokinemia
- hyperduly < hyperdulia
- hyperexplexia < hyperekplexia
- hyperæsthetic < hyperesthetic
- hyperaesthetic < hyperesthetic
- hyperæsthetical < hyperesthetical
- hyperoestrogenaemia < hyperestrogenemia
- hyperferraemia < hyperferremia
- hyperferraemic < hyperferremic
- hyperfructosaemia < hyperfructosemia
- hypergammaglobulinaemic < hypergammaglobulinemic
- hyperglobulinaemia < hyperglobulinemia
- hyperglobulinaemic < hyperglobulinemic
- hyperglucagonaemia < hyperglucagonemia
- hyperglucemia < hyperglycemia
- hyperglyceridaemia < hyperglyceridemia
- hyperglycinaemia < hyperglycinemia
- hyperglycosaemia < hyperglycosemia
- hyperglyoxylaemia < hyperglyoxylemia
- hyper-green < hypergreen
- hyperguanidinaemia < hyperguanidinemia
- hyperhaemoglobinaemia < hyperhemoglobinemia
- hyperhaemolysis < hyperhemolysis
- hyperheparinaemia < hyperheparinemia
- hyperhomocysteinaemia < hyperhomocysteinemia
- hyperhydroxyprolinaemia < hyperhydroxyprolinemia
- hyperindicanaemia < hyperindicanemia
- hyperinosaemia < hyperinosemia
- hyperintentional < hyperintensional
- hyperintentionality < hyperintensionality
- hyperkalaemia < hyperkalemia
- hyperkaliaemia < hyperkaliemia
- hyperketonaemia < hyperketonemia
- hyperkinaemia < hyperkinemia
- hyperkaehler < hyperkähler
- hyperkahler < hyperkähler
- hyperlacticemia < hyperlacticaemia
- hyperleptinaemia < hyperleptinemia
- hyperleptinaemic < hyperleptinemic
- hyperlipaemia < hyperlipemia
- hyperlipidaemia < hyperlipidemia
- hyperlipemia < hyperlipidemia
- hyperlipidaemic < hyperlipidemic
- hyperlipoidaemia < hyperlipoidemia
- hyperlipoproteinaemia < hyperlipoproteinemia
- hyperlysinaemia < hyperlysinemia
- hypermenorrhœa < hypermenorrhea
- hypermenorrhoea < hypermenorrhea
- hypermetropy < hypermetropia
- hypernatraemia < hypernatremia
- hypernatraemic < hypernatremic
- hyperonymy < hypernymy
- hyperornithinaemia < hyperornithinemia
- hyperoxidised < hyperoxidized
- hyperoxygenised < hyperoxygenized
- hyperparasitaemia < hyperparasitemia
- hyperparasitaemic < hyperparasitemic
- hyperphenylalaninaemia < hyperphenylalaninemia
- hyperphosphatasaemia < hyperphosphatasemia
- hyperphosphataemia < hyperphosphatemia
- hyperplasy < hyperplasia
- hyperpolarisation < hyperpolarization
- hyperpolarise < hyperpolarize
- hyperprebetalipoproteinaemia < hyperprebetalipoproteinemia
- hyperproinsulinaemia < hyperproinsulinemia
- hyperprolactinaemic < hyperprolactinemic
- hyperprolinaemia < hyperprolinemia
- hyperprolinaemic < hyperprolinemic
- hyperproteinaemia < hyperproteinemia
- hyperreninaemic < hyperreninemic
- hypersalaemia < hypersalemia
- hypersarcosinaemia < hypersarcosinemia
- hypersensitise < hypersensitize
- hyperserotonaemia < hyperserotonemia
- hypersexualisation < hypersexualization
- hyperthrombinaemia < hyperthrombinemia
- hyperthyroxinaemia < hyperthyroxinemia
- hyperthyroxinaemic < hyperthyroxinemic
- hypertriglyceridaemia < hypertriglyceridemia
- hypertriglyceridaemic < hypertriglyceridemic
- hypertrophical < hypertrophic
- hypertyrosinaemia < hypertyrosinemia
- hypervalinaemia < hypervalinemia
- hypervolaemia < hypervolemia
- hypervolaemic < hypervolemic
- hyphaemia < hyphemia
- hypn- < hypno-
- hypnotisability < hypnotizability
- hypnotisable < hypnotizable
- hypnotizeable < hypnotizable
- hypnotiser < hypnotizer
- hypoalbuminaemia < hypoalbuminemia
- hypalgesia < hypoalgesia
- hypalgesic < hypoalgesic
- hypobetalipoproteinaemia < hypobetalipoproteinemia
- hypocalcaemic < hypocalcemic
- hippocaust < hypocaust
- hypochloraemic < hypochloremic
- hypocholesteraemia < hypocholesteremia
- hypocholesterinaemia < hypocholesterinemia
- hypocholesterolaemia < hypocholesterolemia
- hypochondry < hypochondriasis
- hypocomplementaemia < hypocomplementemia
- hypochorism < hypocorism
- hypocortisolaemia < hypocortisolemia
- hypocortisolaemic < hypocortisolemic
- hypocrisie < hypocrisy
- hipocrisy < hypocrisy
- hypocupraemia < hypocupremia
- hypodermatic < hypodermic
- hypesthesia < hypoesthesia
- hypoaesthesia < hypoesthesia
- hypofibrinogenaemic < hypofibrinogenemic
- hypogammaglobinaemia < hypogammaglobinemia
- hypogammaglobulinaemia < hypogammaglobulinemia
- hypogaeum < hypogeum
- hypoglycine < hypoglycin
- hypohydraemia < hypohydremia
- hypokalaemic < hypokalemic
- hypoketonaemia < hypoketonemia
- hypoketonaemic < hypoketonemic
- hypokinaemia < hypokinemia
- hypoleukaemia < hypoleukemia
- hypolipidaemia < hypolipidemia
- hypolipidaemic < hypolipidemic
- hypolipoproteinaemia < hypolipoproteinemia
- hypomagnesaemia < hypomagnesemia
- hypomeron < hypomere
- hypomineralisation < hypomineralization
- hyponatræmia < hyponatraemia
- hyponatraemic < hyponatremic
- hypophosphatasaemia < hypophosphatasemia
- hypophosphataemic < hypophosphatemic
- Hypophrygian < hypophrygian
- hypophysectomised < hypophysectomized
- hypophyseal < hypophysial
- hypoproaccelerinaemia < hypoproaccelerinemia
- hypoproconvertinaemia < hypoproconvertinemia
- hypoproteinaemia < hypoproteinemia
- hypoproteinaemic < hypoproteinemic
- hypoprothrombinaemia < hypoprothrombinemia
- hyporeninaemia < hyporeninemia
- hyporeninaemic < hyporeninemic
- hyposalaemia < hyposalemia
- hyposensitise < hyposensitize
- hypostasization < hypostatization
- hypostatise < hypostatize
- hyposulphate < hyposulfate
- hyposulphuric < hyposulfuric
- hyposulphurous acid < hyposulfurous acid
- hypotestosteronaemia < hypotestosteronemia
- hypothesize < hypothesise
- hypothrombinaemia < hypothrombinemia
- hypothromboplastinaemia < hypothromboplastinemia
- hypothyroxinaemia < hypothyroxinemia
- hypotriglyceridaemia < hypotriglyceridemia
- hypotriglyceridaemic < hypotriglyceridemic
- hypouricaemic < hypouricemic
- hypoxaemic < hypoxemic
- hysterectomise < hysterectomize
- hysterotome < hysterotomy
- háček-less < háčekless
- pharaon < i ko ta ibe nalj imash rak
- janthina < ianthina
- iatrical < iatric
- ibid < ibid.
- ice ax < ice axe
- ice-ax < ice axe
- ice-axe < ice axe
- ice-boat < ice boat
- ice-cap < ice cap
- iced cream < ice cream
- icecream headache < ice cream headache
- ice-cream social < ice cream social
- icecube trays < ice cube trays
- icecubes < ice cubes
- icefield < ice field
- icefish < ice fish
- icepack < ice pack
- icetrays < ice trays
- icewater < ice water
- icewine < ice wine
- ice cold < ice-cold
- ice breakers < icebreakers
- ice-breakers < icebreakers
- ice tea < iced tea
- ice house < icehouse
- ice-house < icehouse
- ichthic < ichthyic
- isicle < icicle
- ikonic < iconic
- ikonically < iconically
- iconise < iconize
- iconstasis < iconostasis
- eicosa- < icosa-
- eicosahedral < icosahedral
- icosaedron < icosahedron
- icterohaemorrhagic < icterohemorrhagic
- icterode < icteroid
- icey < icy
- idarubicine < idarubicin
- idear < idea
- idealiser < idealizer
- ideogramic < ideogrammic
- ideographical < ideographic
- ideologise < ideologize
- idiographical < idiographic
- idiolectical < idiolectic
- idiopathetic < idiopathic
- idiopathical < idiopathic
- idiosyncracy < idiosyncrasy
- idiosyncratical < idiosyncratic
- ideot < idiot
- nidiot < idiot
- ideothetic < idiothetic
- idle hands are the Devil's workshop < idle hands are the devil's workshop
- idle hands are the Devil's playthings < idle hands are the devil's workshop
- idle hands are the Devil's tools < idle hands are the devil's workshop
- idolatrise < idolatrize
- idolatrical < idolatrous
- idolisation < idolization
- idylist < idyllist
- idee fixe < idée fixe
- yf < if
- if it ain't broken, don't fix it < if it ain't broke, don't fix it
- if the cap fits, wear it < if the shoe fits, wear it
- if you lie with dogs you will get fleas < if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas
- afrite < ifrit
- iglu < igloo
- ignomy < ignominy
- ignominity < ignominy
- ign'rant < ignorant
- ijtihaad < ijtihad
- ileocecal < ileocaecal
- ileac < iliac
- ill-behaved < ill behaved
- ill-humor < ill humor
- illfavoured < ill-favored
- illtreat < ill-treat
- illegall < illegal
- illegalisation < illegalization
- illiberalise < illiberalize
- inlumine < illumine
- illuster < illustre
- imagemap < image map
- imagable < imageable
- imagin < imagine
- imaam < imam
- imaamate < imamate
- inbalance < imbalance
- embroglio < imbroglio
- imbrew < imbrue
- embrew < imbrue
- embrewed < imbrued
- embrute < imbrute
- embue < imbue
- emburse < imburse
- imidazol < imidazole
- imid < imide
- imid- < imido-
- imitater < imitator
- emmantle < immantle
- immaterialise < immaterialize
- immersable < immersible
- mersion < immersion
- immy < immie
- immixt < immixed
- immoble < immobile
- immortaliser < immortalizer
- immoveably < immovably
- immunevasion < immune evasion
- immunoresponse < immune response
- immunosorption < immunoadsorption
- immunochromatographical < immunochromatographic
- immuno-competent < immunocompetent
- immunocompromized < immunocompromised
- immuno-compromised < immunocompromised
- immune deficiency < immunodeficiency
- immunoelectrochemoluminescence < immunoelectrochemiluminescence
- immunevasive < immunoevasive
- immunohematologic < immunohematological
- immunohaematologist < immunohematologist
- immunolabelled < immunolabeled
- immunolabelling < immunolabeling
- immunolocalisation < immunolocalization
- immunoneutralisation < immunoneutralization
- immunoneutralised < immunoneutralized
- immunopharmacologic < immunopharmacological
- immunotherapeutical < immunotherapeutic
- immunoturbimetric < immunoturbidimetric
- immunovirologic < immunovirological
- enmure < immure
- emmure < immure
- unmutable < immutable
- ympe < imp
- ympe < imp
- empayre < impair
- impalla < impala
- empaler < impaler
- emparadise < imparadise
- empark < impark
- empart < impart
- empassion < impassion
- unpatient < impatient
- empawn < impawn
- empearl < impearl
- impeed < impede
- impellor < impeller
- impenitency < impenitence
- imperialise < imperialize
- emperil < imperil
- impermanency < impermanence
- impersonalise < impersonalize
- emplant < implant
- emplunge < implunge
- imploy < imply
- impolitical < impolitic
- empose < impose
- imposin' < imposing
- impostury < imposture
- empoverish < impoverish
- impoverisht < impoverished
- imprenable < impregnable
- imprescriptable < imprescriptible
- empress < impress
- impresse < impress
- impressability < impressibility
- impressable < impressible
- empressment < impressment
- emprint < imprint
- improveable < improvable
- improvization < improvisation
- improvvisatore < improvisatore
- improvvisatrice < improvisatrice
- improvize < improvise
- improvisor < improviser
- unprudent < imprudent
- empugn < impugn
- in colour < in color
- ifaith < in faith
- in laymen's terms < in layman's terms
- in media res < in medias res
- beyond one's wildest dreams < in one's wildest dreams
- inphase < in phase
- in potentiâ < in potentia
- in one's sights < in sight
- in-situ < in situ
- inspite of < in spite of
- in the mean time < in the meantime
- on tow < in tow
- under tow < in tow
- the truth is in the wine < in wine, there is truth
- indepth < in-depth
- indepthness < in-depthness
- inflight < in-flight
- inhouse < in-house
- inlaw < in-law
- inservice < in-service
- inswinger < in-swinger
- intray < in-tray
- unadequate < inadequate
- unadvisability < inadvisability
- unalienably < inalienably
- inanitiation < inanition
- inappetency < inappetence
- unapprehensible < inapprehensible
- unartful < inartful
- in-betweener < inbetweener
- inbreeded < inbred
- inby < inbye
- incentivisation < incentivization
- uncessant < incessant
- incestious < incestuous
- incidently < incidentally
- incisior < incisor
- encite < incite
- enclin'd < inclined
- includable < includible
- includin' < including
- uncogitable < incogitable
- incognisance < incognizance
- incognisant < incognizant
- incomunicado < incommunicado
- incompetibility < incompatibility
- incompetible < incompatible
- uncomplete < incomplete
- incompleatly < incompletely
- incompleatness < incompleteness
- uncomprehension < incomprehension
- inconnue < inconnu
- inconsequent < inconsequential
- unconsiderate < inconsiderate
- unconsolably < inconsolably
- unconstancy < inconstancy
- inconstance < inconstancy
- inconstancie < inconstancy
- incontestible < incontestable
- incontestibly < incontestably
- inconveniency < inconvenience
- unconvenient < inconvenient
- encorporate < incorporate
- encorporation < incorporation
- incorporal < incorporeal
- incorporality < incorporeality
- incorporally < incorporeally
- incorrespondency < incorrespondence
- uncorrigible < incorrigible
- encrustation < incrustation
- unculpable < inculpable
- encumbrancer < incumbrancer
- indamin < indamine
- indazol < indazole
- endebtedness < indebtedness
- undecency < indecency
- indecence < indecency
- undecisive < indecisive
- indeede < indeed
- undefatigable < indefatigable
- undefeasible < indefeasible
- indefeisible < indefeasible
- indeliberated < indeliberate
- indeleble < indelible
- intendin' < indenting
- undescribable < indescribable
- undescribably < indescribably
- undetermination < indetermination
- indiarubber < india rubber
- endict < indict
- indigine < indigene
- indigenisation < indigenization
- indigenise < indigenize
- undigestible < indigestible
- indico < indigo
- indigotine < indigotin
- undiscernible < indiscernible
- undiscernable < indiscernible
- undiscipline < indiscipline
- indiscrete < indiscreet
- indiwiddle < individual
- undivisible < indivisible
- indol < indole
- indomable < indomitable
- undubitable < indubitable
- indulin < induline
- industrialisable < industrializable
- onaye < inee
- unelasticity < inelasticity
- inelegancy < inelegance
- unevitable < inevitable
- unexactness < inexactness
- inexcuseable < inexcusable
- unexpedient < inexpedient
- unexperience < inexperience
- unfallible < infallible
- infamise < infamize
- infamie < infamy
- enfancy < infancy
- infantilisation < infantilization
- infantilise < infantilize
- inferiorise < inferiorize
- infeodation < infeudation
- infinity pool < infinity-edge pool
- enflame < inflame
- inflator < inflater
- inflictor < inflicter
- infodump < info-dump
- enformation < information
- informisation < informatization
- informationalization < informatization
- informatise < informatize
- informivore < informavore
- infraorder < infra-order
- infrabarreled < infrabarrelled
- unfrangible < infrangible
- infra-red < infrared
- infrequence < infrequency
- enfringement < infringement
- unfusible < infusible
- ingénue < ingenue
- ingestable < ingestible
- unglorious < inglorious
- engrain < ingrain
- inhabitance < inhabitancy
- inhabitiveness < inhabitativeness
- inharmonical < inharmonic
- unharmonious < inharmonious
- inhæred < inhered
- enherite < inherit
- inheriter < inheritor
- inhibiter < inhibitor
- inimicous < inimical
- iniquous < iniquitous
- innitial < initial
- injectible < injectable
- injectible < injectable
- enjury < injury
- inke < ink
- inkpad < ink-pad
- ink pad < ink-pad
- inkoosi < inkosi
- ink well < inkwell
- enlay < inlay
- inne < inn
- unnumerable < innumerable
- inobservancy < inobservance
- inoculatable < inoculable
- inocculate < inoculate
- inocculation < inoculation
- unoperative < inoperative
- in-order < inorder
- inorganical < inorganic
- unquietude < inquietude
- enquirer < inquirer
- enquiringly < inquiringly
- inrolment < inrollment
- unsatiability < insatiability
- unsatiable < insatiable
- unscrutable < inscrutable
- enside < inside
- inside-out < inside out
- unsignificant < insignificant
- unsincerity < insincerity
- in so far as < insofar as
- insolubilisation < insolubilization
- insolubilise < insolubilize
- insolubiliser < insolubilizer
- enspection < inspection
- inspecter < inspector
- enstate < instate
- in steed < instead
- instructoress < instructress
- instrumentalise < instrumentalize
- unsubstantial < insubstantial
- unsufferably < insufferably
- insufficience < insufficiency
- unsufficiency < insufficiency
- unsufficience < insufficiency
- insulary < insular
- insulinaemic < insulinemic
- insultin' < insulting
- ensurance < insurance
- inshure < insure
- untangible < intangible
- intelligency < intelligence
- intemperancy < intemperance
- untemperate < intemperate
- untemperately < intemperately
- entend < intend
- intendent < intendant
- intence < intense
- interbehaviour < interbehavior
- intercalar < intercalary
- interceed < intercede
- intercepter < interceptor
- enterchangeably < interchangeably
- interconnexion < interconnection
- interconvertability < interconvertibility
- enterest < interest
- enterest < interest
- int'resting < interesting
- interestin' < interesting
- interferin' < interfering
- interfluous < interfluent
- interhemisphere < interhemispheric
- interiourly < interiorly
- enterlace < interlace
- interlineal < interlinear
- intermedious < intermediate
- intermixt < intermixed
- intermoult < intermolt
- intermundian < intermundane
- internal-combustion engine < internal combustion engine
- internalisation < internalization
- Internaut < internaut
- interparalogue < interparalog
- interpretive < interpretative
- interpretor < interpreter
- interpretress < interpretess
- interruptor < interrupter
- synchronization gear < interrupter gear
- interruptin' < interrupting
- intersessional < intersession
- interstellary < interstellar
- intertaxonic < intertaxon
- entertissued < intertissued
- intertubule < intertubular
- enterwrought < interworked
- intefadeh < intifada
- intifadeh < intifadah
- intimater < intimator
- untolerable < intolerable
- intortion < intorsion
- intra aural < intra-aural
- intraaural < intra-aural
- intraural < intra-aural
- untractability < intractability
- intracytoplasmatic < intracytoplasmic
- intraepidermis < intraepidermal
- intraoesophageal < intraesophageal
- intramedullar < intramedullary
- intraperitonial < intraperitoneal
- intrathoracal < intrathoracic
- intratumoural < intratumoral
- intra-uterine < intrauterine
- innerduce < introduce
- interduce < introduce
- introducin' < introducing
- entroduction < introduction
- introitus < introit
- introspectible < introspectable
- invariancy < invariance
- invecked < invected
- enveigle < inveigle
- inveagle < inveigle
- inventorisation < inventorization
- invertebral < invertebrate
- inversibility < invertibility
- investigatable < investigable
- investigatin' < investigating
- unviable < inviable
- inuysybel < invisible
- invisibilize < invisiblize
- invocable < invokable
- involuted < involute
- unvulnerable < invulnerable
- enwall < inwall
- innard < inward
- iodid < iodide
- iodin < iodine
- iophendylate < iofendylate
- ion-selective electrode < ion selective electrode
- ionising < ionizing
- ionomycine < ionomycin
- yotization < iotization
- ioxithalamate < ioxitalamate
- ioxithalamic acid < ioxitalamic acid
- iproniazide < iproniazid
- yre < ire
- eirenic < irenic
- eirenical < irenical
- eirenically < irenically
- iridectomise < iridectomize
- iridodesis < iridesis
- iridisation < iridization
- iridise < iridize
- iridiagnosis < iridodiagnosis
- iridiphore < iridophore
- yron < iron
- yeron < iron
- ahun < iron
- iron lady < iron maiden
- ironfisted < iron-fisted
- ironhearted < iron-hearted
- ironicise < ironicize
- ironise < ironize
- irrationalise < irrationalize
- irreconcileable < irreconcilable
- irrefragible < irrefragable
- onreg'lar < irregular
- irresistable < irresistible
- irrevokable < irrevocable
- irrevokably < irrevocably
- ish < is
- isagogical < isagogic
- isatinic acid < isatic acid
- isatine < isatin
- ischæmic < ischemic
- ischian < ischial
- ischiadic < ischiatic
- i'n't < isn't
- isobare < isobar
- isochor < isochore
- isofluorane < isoflurane
- isofluran < isoflurane
- isogenised < isogenized
- isegory < isogoria
- isoimmunisation < isoimmunization
- isomere < isomer
- isomerise < isomerize
- isometrical < isometric
- isonomy < isonomia
- isopentanyl < isopentyl
- isoosmotically < isosmotically
- isotropisation < isotropization
- issueing < issuing
- it takes two to quarrel < it takes two to make a quarrel
- the whistle does not pull the train < it's not the whistle that pulls the train
- itchin' < itching
- itemisable < itemizable
- itemisation < itemization
- itemiser < itemizer
- ythe < ithe
- itineracy < itinerancy
- hits < its
- ittself < itself
- hitself < itself
- itty bitty < itsy-bitsy
- ivyed < ivied
- yuory < ivory
- yvory < ivory
- yuie < ivy
- ivey < ivy
- JG < j.g.
- shirt-jac < jac-shirt
- jack-a-lantern < jack o'lantern
- knave of spades < jack of spades
- jackpine < jack pine
- jackstand < jack stand
- jackall < jackal
- shakal < jackal
- jackelope < jackalope
- jack-fruit < jackfruit
- jack fruit < jackfruit
- jakfruit < jackfruit
- jackin' < jacking
- jack-knife < jackknife
- jack-rabbit < jackrabbit
- jack-staff < jackstaff
- jakwood < jackwood
- jacconet < jaconet
- Jacuzzi < jacuzzi
- Jacuzzi < jacuzzi
- jadite < jadeite
- jaditic < jadeitic
- Jäger < jaeger
- jagg < jag
- jagghery < jaggery
- jagra < jaggery
- jaggary < jaggery
- jaggory < jaggery
- yaguarundi < jaguarundi
- gaolbird < jailbird
- jail-bird < jailbird
- gaolbreak < jailbreak
- gaolbreaker < jailbreaker
- gaoldom < jaildom
- gaolhouse < jailhouse
- gaolish < jailish
- gaolwards < jailwards
- jaloppy < jalopy
- jealouse < jalouse
- jampack < jam-pack
- jampacked < jam-packed
- jamat < jamaat
- jam < jamb
- jamdanee < jamdani
- jammin' < jamming
- jampanee < jampani
- janizar < janissary
- jannissary < janissary
- japanise < japanize
- jararaka < jararaca
- jargonel < jargonelle
- jarool < jarul
- jessamine < jasmine
- jessemin < jasmine
- jasmin < jasmine
- jassamine < jasmine
- jessamin < jasmine
- gessamine < jasmine
- jaspis < jasper
- jasp < jasper
- jant < jaunt
- jantily < jauntily
- jantiness < jauntiness
- janty < jaunty
- javanite < javaite
- jawdropping < jaw-dropping
- jawdroppingly < jaw-droppingly
- jaw-breaker < jawbreaker
- jay-walker < jaywalker
- jay-walkers < jaywalkers
- jazzercize < jazzercise
- gealous < jealous
- jealouse < jealous
- gealousy < jealousy
- gelosy < jealousy
- jane < jean
- jejeunostomy < jejunostomy
- jejeunum < jejunum
- yelek < jelick
- jellabah < jellaba
- jelly-fish < jellyfish
- jelly rolls < jellyrolls
- jemidar < jemadar
- henequin < jeniquen
- jequerity < jequirity
- gerboa < jerboa
- jark < jerk
- jerk-off < jerkoff
- Jerry < jerry
- jerry built < jerrybuilt
- jess < jet
- jess < jet
- jeat < jet
- jetteau < jet d'eau
- jetfighter < jet fighter
- jetlag < jet lag
- jet black < jet-black
- jetlagged < jet-lagged
- jet setter < jet-setter
- jetsetter < jet-setter
- jeté < jete
- jet liners < [[jetliners}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "jetliners" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{plural of]]
- jetsom < jetsam
- jet-ski < jetski
- jettee < jetty
- jools < jewels
- jew-fish < jewfish
- jhil < jheel
- jeel < jheel
- jheenga < jhinga
- jibb < jib
- gib boom < jib boom
- jibboom < jib-boom
- jibber jabber < jibber-jabber
- jive < jibe
- giffy < jiffy
- jeg < jig
- jigjig < jigajig
- jickajog < jigjog
- jig saw < jigsaw
- zigsaw < jigsaw
- zigsaw puzzle < jigsaw puzzle
- jehadi < jihadi
- jehadism < jihadism
- jehadist < jihadist
- jihadisation < jihadization
- gillflirt < jillflirt
- jimson weed < jimsonweed
- gingle < jingle
- gingle < jingle
- jingle < jingle shell
- jinnee < jinni
- ginnee < jinni
- djinniyah < jinniyah
- jinrickshaw < jinrikisha
- jidhka < jirka
- jissom < jism
- jidder < jitter
- jeevaatma < jivatma
- jiveass < jive-ass
- gis < jizz
- chajangmyun < jjajangmyeon
- joe < jo
- jobbe < job
- jorb < job
- jawbation < jobation
- jabbernowl < jobbernowl
- joco-serious < jocoserious
- jods < jodhpurs
- jodhs < jodhpurs
- joggin' < jogging
- John < john
- johnnie < johnny
- Johnson < johnson
- joyne < join
- jine < join
- joinpoint < join point
- joyner < joiner
- joinin' < joining
- jint < joint
- joint fir < jointfir
- jokebook < joke book
- jokin' < joking
- jollyer < jolleyer
- jonquill < jonquil
- joshin' < joshing
- jostick < joss stick
- joss pidgin man < joss-pidgin-man
- Jotunn < jotunn
- juggs < jougs
- jouisance < jouissance
- journalling < journaling
- journalise < journalize
- journaliser < journalizer
- journy < journey
- guist < joust
- juster < jouster
- justing < jousting
- jovialty < joviality
- joul < jowl
- jowder < jowter
- joyancy < joyance
- jube < jubé
- jedge < judge
- jedge < judge
- iudge < judge
- judge not, that ye be not judged < judge not, that you be not judged
- iudgement < judgement
- judgment day < judgement day
- judgin' < judging
- jugement < judgment
- jedgment < judgment
- judiciall < judicial
- judicialisation < judicialization
- jugg < jug
- juyce < juice
- jiujitsu < jujitsu
- jiujutsu < jujitsu
- jujubi < jujube
- jook < juke
- jouk < juke
- julip < julep
- julap < julep
- jumball < jumble
- jumboise < jumboize
- Jumbotron < jumbotron
- JumboTron < jumbotron
- iump < jump
- jumpcut < jump cut
- jumpdrive < jump drive
- jumpseat < jump seat
- jumpshot < jump shot
- jumpstart < jump-start
- jumpstart < jump-start
- jumpin' < jumping
- jungermannoid < jungermannioid
- junkdrawers < junk drawers
- juncate < junket
- junketting < junketing
- junkyard-dog < junkyard dog
- juryes < juries
- juristical < juristic
- jerry-rig < jury-rig
- juryrigged < jury-rigged
- jerry-rigged < jury-rigged
- jess < just
- iust < just
- just-folks < just folks
- regular folk < just folks
- what the doctor ordered < just what the doctor ordered
- iustice < justice
- juvenilise < juvenilize
- juvy < juvie
- juxtaepiphyseal < juxtaepiphysial
- juxtamedular < juxtamedullary
- Jötun < jötun
- Jötunn < jötunn
- kdna < kDNA
- kabeljouw < kabeljou
- ka-boom < kaboom
- kachera < kaccha
- kachahri < kachcheri
- qaddish < kaddish
- Kadupul < kadupul
- kaemferol < kaempferol
- kefala < kafala
- caffer < kaffir
- kafir corn < kaffir corn
- kefir < kafir
- kaafir < kafir
- caftaned < kaftaned
- caimacam < kaimakam
- kaimacam < kaimakam
- kesar < kaiser
- kail < kale
- kaleidoscopical < kaleidoscopic
- calesa < kalesa
- kaluresis < kaliuresis
- kaluretic < kaliuretic
- cam < kam
- kamila < kamala
- kamela < kamala
- kameez < kamees
- campong < kampong
- knafah < kanafeh
- gandora < kandura
- khanga < kanga
- kangeroo < kangaroo
- kangooroo < kangaroo
- kangaroo-rat < kangaroo rat
- kañiwa < kaniwa
- ganjira < kanjira
- khanjiri < kanjira
- khanjari < kanjira
- caolinite < kaolinite
- kaolinise < kaolinize
- karaila < karela
- karroo < karoo
- caross < kaross
- karoid < karroid
- kary- < karyo-
- catafront < katafront
- Katakana < katakana
- kawa < kava
- ava < kava
- kawain < kavain
- kāvya < kavya
- qajaq < kayak
- keels < kayles
- caimac < kaymak
- caimacam < kaymakam
- qaymaqam < kaymakam
- cabob < kebab
- cabob < kebab
- keckses < kecksies
- khichiri < kedgeree
- kedjeree < kedgeree
- keel haul < keelhaul
- keelhale < keelhaul
- kelson < keelson
- keepe < keep
- kepe < keep
- kape < keep
- keep the faith < keep faith
- keep one's head upon one's shoulders < keep one's head
- keepy-uppy < keepie-uppie
- keepin' < keeping
- kive < keeve
- kaffiyeh < keffiyeh
- kaffiya < keffiyeh
- keffiyah < keffiyeh
- kegstand < keg stand
- Kegel < kegel
- kegeler < kegler
- killut < kellaut
- cheloid < keloid
- cheloidal < keloidal
- kilp < kelp
- kilpe < kelp
- kelpy < kelpie
- Kelvin < kelvin
- kenky < kenkey
- konkee < kenkey
- kenke < kenkey
- kintledge < kentledge
- keratoectasia < keratectasia
- ceratin < keratin
- keratinisation < keratinization
- keratosulphate < keratosulfate
- keercheef < kerchief
- ka-ching < kerching
- kaching < kerching
- cuffuffle < kerfuffle
- kefuffle < kerfuffle
- kernelise < kernelize
- quero < kero
- kapow < kerpow
- kersie < kersey
- kësterite < kesterite
- castrel < kestrel
- ketamin < ketamine
- ketchupy < ketchuppy
- ketoimine < ketimine
- ketimipramine < ketipramine
- ketoacid < keto acid
- ketomycolic acid < keto-mycolic acid
- ketamide < ketoamide
- ketonaemic < ketonemic
- ketoprofene < ketoprofen
- keybinding < key binding
- keylogger < key logger
- key cards < keycards
- key chain < keychain
- khadi < khaddar
- khaph < khaf
- qagan < khagan
- qaghan < khagan
- qaghanate < khaganate
- qaganate < khaganate
- kaki < khaki
- khaki-green < khaki green
- khaki-green < khaki green
- khilat < khalat
- hamsin < khamsin
- kan < khan
- cham < khan
- chagan < khan
- qhat < khat
- kellin < khellin
- khimaar < khimar
- khitmutgar < khitmatgar
- kitmagar < khitmatgar
- kibbitzer < kibitzer
- gibun < kibun
- kickstart < kick start
- kickstart < kick start
- kickshaws < kickshaw
- kickshoe < kickshaw
- kiddy porn < kiddie porn
- kydell < kiddle
- kiddleywink < kiddlywink
- kiddiewink < kiddywink
- kidnaped < kidnapped
- kee < kie
- kielbasi < kielbasa
- kieselgur < kieselguhr
- kifunensin < kifunensine
- keekar < kikar
- killadar < kiladar
- killfile < kill file
- killswitch < kill switch
- kill devil < kill-devil
- killoff < kill-off
- kill-buck < killbuck
- kill-calf < killcalf
- kill-cow < killcow
- kilt < killed
- kild < killed
- killin' < killing
- kill-joy < killjoy
- kilobasepair < kilobase pair
- kilo-newton < kilonewton
- kilo-ohm < kiloohm
- kilotonne < kiloton
- kelter < kilter
- gimchi < kimchi
- kymnel < kimnel
- kinanaesthesia < kinanesthesia
- kinde < kind
- kinde < kind
- kynde < kind
- kynd < kind
- khanjali < kindjal
- kindnesse < kindness
- kinred < kindred
- kind bud < kine bud
- kinepox < kine-pox
- cineplastic < kineplastic
- cineplastics < kineplastics
- kinesiophobia < kinesophobia
- kinaesthetically < kinesthetically
- cinetoplasm < kinetoplasm
- kingsman < king's man
- king-at-arms < king-of-arms
- kingsize < king-size
- king-size < king-sized
- kingsized < king-sized
- king size < king-sized
- king snake < kingsnake
- k'nick-k'neck < kinnikinnick
- kinetoplasm < kinoplasm
- kepper < kipper
- kirbigrip < kirby grip
- kermess < kirmess
- kissel < kisel
- keesh < kish
- kiss-curl < kiss curl
- kissass < kiss-ass
- kissoff < kiss-off
- kissin' < kissing
- cistvaen < kistvaen
- whole kit and kaboodle < kit and caboodle
- kitfox < kit fox
- kitchin < kitchen
- kythe < kithe
- kittling < kitling
- kittycat < kitty-cat
- kitty cat < kitty-cat
- kiwiberry < kiwi berry
- cleptoparasite < kleptoparasite
- cleptoparasitic < kleptoparasitic
- cleptoparasitically < kleptoparasitically
- kleptoplastidy < kleptoplasty
- click < klick
- klik < klick
- klondyke < klondike
- kloochman < klootchman
- clutz < klutz
- knopweed < knapweed
- knaue < knave
- kneesock < knee sock
- kneedeep < knee-deep
- kneehigh < knee-high
- knee cap < kneecap
- knee-cap < kneecap
- knee-capping < kneecapping
- knee-caps < kneecaps
- knee'd < kneed
- Knickerbocker Glory < knickerbocker glory
- nicknackery < knickknackery
- knick-knackery < knickknackery
- knyfe < knife
- knive < knife
- knightress < knightess
- knittin' < knitting
- nobbly < knobbly
- nobhead < knobhead
- knobkerrie < knobkerry
- knock-knee < knock knee
- knock wood < knock on wood
- knockkneed < knock-kneed
- knockin' < knocking
- knocking one down with a feather < knocking one over with a feather
- knosp < knop
- knowe < know
- knaw < know
- know a B from a battledore < know B from a battledore
- know inside out < know inside and out
- knowin' < knowing
- knouleche < knowledge
- knowledgability < knowledgeability
- knowne < known
- knucker hole < knuckerhole
- knucker holes < knuckerholes
- knuckledragger < knuckle dragger
- knuckle-dragger < knuckle dragger
- knuckle-duster < knuckle duster
- knor < knur
- knurr < knur
- nurl < knurl
- nurl < knurl
- knur and spell < knurr and spell
- qobyz < kobyz
- kuhl < kohl
- kolkoz < kolkhoz
- kolhoz < kolkhoz
- kolkhos < kolkhoz
- kolokythokeftedes < kolokythoanthoi
- combi < kombi
- konbu < kombu
- komboucha < kombucha
- koniometer < konimeter
- kondakarion < kontakarion
- kondakion < kontakion
- contakion < kontakion
- koorhaan < korhaan
- cows < kouse
- kraul < kraal
- craal < kraal
- craal < kraal
- krans < krantz
- kranz < krantz
- Krautrock < krautrock
- kreplech < kreplach
- creutzer < kreutzer
- kriegsspiel < kriegspiel
- krees < kris
- kronur < krona
- krum kake < krumkake
- crumcake < krumkake
- krumhorn < krummhorn
- krupsis < krypsis
- cryptopyrrole < kryptopyrrole
- ksec < ks
- kwai < kuai
- kookery < kukri
- kukuri < kukri
- koekemakranka < kukumakranka
- qulfi < kulfi
- kungfu < kung fu
- gun fu < kung fu
- kurti < kurta
- kurush < kurus
- cyanite < kyanite
- cyanitic < kyanitic
- kyanise < kyanize
- cyanize < kyanize
- kyarn' < kyarn
- kyley < kylie
- kynurenin < kynurenine
- cyphosis < kyphosis
- curiologic < kyriologic
- kuriologic < kyriologic
- kunefe < künefe
- l. < l
- lah < la
- la de da < la-de-da
- la-las < la-la-s
- ladanum < labdanum
- labefactation < labefaction
- labellable < labelable
- labialise < labialize
- labioplasty < labiaplasty
- labiated < labiate
- laborforce < labor force
- labouress < laboress
- labourist < laborist
- labourless < laborless
- labourshed < laborshed
- labor exchange < labour exchange
- labour'd < laboured
- laberynth < labyrinth
- labyrinthial < labyrinthal
- laccolite < laccolith
- lacrymary < lachrymary
- lacrimator < lachrymator
- lacrymator < lachrymator
- lacrymatory < lachrymatory
- lacrymatory < lachrymatory
- lacrymose < lachrymose
- lacke < lack
- lacke < lack
- laquay < lackey
- lack-lustre < lackluster
- lacklustrely < lacklusterly
- laconical < laconic
- laconicism < laconism
- lacrymal < lacrimal
- lachrymal bone < lacrimal bone
- lachrymal sac < lacrimal sac
- lachrymal sacs < lacrimal sacs
- lagrimoso < lacrimoso
- lactoalbumin < lactalbumin
- lacticemia < lacticaemia
- lactonisation < lactonization
- lacunous < lacunose
- lacey < lacy
- ladderbeam < ladder beam
- laddy < laddie
- ladles and jellyspoons < ladies and gentlemen
- ladron < ladrone
- ladie < lady
- ladye < lady
- leddy < lady
- ladyfern < lady fern
- ladyfriend < lady friend
- ladies men < lady's men
- lady boy < ladyboy
- ladysfinger < ladyfinger
- lakin < ladykin
- ligan < lagan
- lamajun < lahmacun
- laicise < laicize
- layd < laid
- layed up < laid up
- laidback < laid-back
- laid back < laid-back
- lien < lain
- lare < lair
- laissez-fairism < laissez-faireism
- lamentin < lamantin
- lambitive < lambative
- lambitive < lambative
- labda < lambda
- labdacism < lambdacism
- lamdoidal < lambdoidal
- lame-brain < lamebrain
- lame brain < lamebrain
- lamel < lamella
- lamellary < lamellar
- lamenesse < lameness
- lame-o < lameo
- lame-o < lameo
- lamiter < lameter
- laminarise < laminarize
- laemmergeyer < lammergeyer
- llamoid < lamoid
- lamproom < lamp room
- lampadarios < lampadarius
- lampasse < lampas
- lampasse < lampas
- lampost < lamppost
- lamp-post < lamppost
- lamp-shade < lampshade
- lanated < lanate
- launce < lance
- launce < lance
- launcegaye < lancegay
- lande < land
- landbridge < land bridge
- land-diving < land diving
- landgirl < land girl
- for land's sake < land sakes
- for land's sake alive < land sakes
- for land's sakes < land sakes
- for land's sakes alive < land sakes
- for the land's sake < land sakes
- for the land's sake alive < land sakes
- for the land's sakes < land sakes
- for the land's sakes alive < land sakes
- land's sake < land sakes
- land's sake alive < land sakes
- land's sakes < land sakes
- land's sakes alive < land sakes
- land sake < land sakes
- land sake alive < land sakes
- land sakes alive < land sakes
- landeau < landau
- landdros < landdrost
- land grab < landgrab
- landin' < landing
- land rush < landrush
- land whale < landwhale
- labor < lang=en
- labor < lang=en
- colourful < lang=en
- favour < lang=en
- favour < lang=en
- flavor < lang=en
- flavor < lang=en
- womaniser < lang=en
- paederast < lang=en
- coloured < lang=en
- coloured < lang=en
- colorless < lang=en
- flavouring < lang=en
- womanise < lang=en
- speciality < lang=en
- colour blindness < lang=en
- absolutise < lang=en
- accessorise < lang=en
- vulcanise < lang=en
- vulcanisation < lang=en
- nationalise < lang=en
- antagonise < lang=en
- vulgarise < lang=en
- flavored < lang=en
- specialised < lang=en
- anaesthetise < lang=en
- mesmerise < lang=en
- winterise < lang=en
- water of crystallisation < lang=en
- colorlessness < lang=en
- minimise < lang=en
- flavourful < lang=en
- flavoursome < lang=en
- synthesise < lang=en
- actualise < lang=en
- favored < lang=en
- generalise < lang=en
- specialise < lang=en
- discoloured < lang=en
- achromatise < lang=en
- anodise < lang=en
- colour blind < lang=en
- specialisation < lang=en
- uncoloured < lang=en
- vulgariser < lang=en
- weaponise < lang=en
- vulcaniser < lang=en
- vocalise < lang=en
- customise < lang=en
- vocalisation < lang=en
- recolour < lang=en
- recolour < lang=en
- anthologise < lang=en
- flavourless < lang=en
- familiarise < lang=en
- westernise < lang=en
- weatherise < lang=en
- zeroise < lang=en
- stylise < lang=en
- anthropomorphise < lang=en
- antisymmetriser < lang=en
- generalisable < lang=en
- colorable < lang=en
- abelianisation < lang=en
- abnormalise < lang=en
- anthropise < lang=en
- antisymmetrisation < lang=en
- antisymmetrised < lang=en
- antisepticise < lang=en
- colouring book < lang=en
- zeroisation < lang=en
- carcinisation < lang=en
- animalise < lang=en
- westernisation < lang=en
- abolitionise < lang=en
- academicise < lang=en
- Orientalise < lang=en
- abastardise < lang=en
- academise < lang=en
- accustomise < lang=en
- acetalise < lang=en
- acetise < lang=en
- adnominalise < lang=en
- acronymise < lang=en
- adjectivise < lang=en
- acidise < lang=en
- adrenalectomise < lang=en
- androgenise < lang=en
- androgynise < lang=en
- 100 meters < lang=en
- 200 meters < lang=en
- 400 meters < lang=en
- 800 meters < lang=en
- 1500 meters < lang=en
- 5000 meters < lang=en
- 10000 meters < lang=en
- Zuluise < lang=en
- Zionisation < lang=en
- Zionise < lang=en
- zeolitise < lang=en
- winsorisation < lang=en
- Winsorisation < lang=en
- winsorise < lang=en
- Winsorise < lang=en
- winterisation < lang=en
- nominalise < lang=en
- annalise < lang=en
- angelise < lang=en
- antiquarianise < lang=en
- antioxidise < lang=en
- antipathise < lang=en
- antisymmetrise < lang=en
- antithesise < lang=en
- humoredly < lang=en
- shamanise < lang=en
- haplologise < lang=en
- volcanise < lang=en
- in flying colours < lang=en
- unpenalised < lang=en
- refeminisation < lang=en
- autumnise < lang=en
- Labour Day < lang=en
- epiphanise < lang=en
- 1000 meters < lang=en
- athetise < lang=en
- decentralised planning < lang=en
- centralised planning < lang=en
- jeopardisation < lang=en
- polemicisation < lang=en
- epiphanisation < lang=en
- overspecialisation < lang=en
- -iform < [[lang=en}} (Lua error in Module:links/templates at line 152: Parameter 1 is required.) {{gloss]]
- lanseh < langsat
- langwidge < language
- languette < languet
- lungoor < langur
- lanyer < lanier
- loo < lanterloo
- lant < lanterloo
- lantern fish < lanternfish
- lantanum < lanthanum
- laniard < lanyard
- laouta < laouto
- lappel < lapel
- lapelle < lapel
- lapislazzuli < lapis lazuli
- Lapsang Souchong < lapsang souchong
- lapsable < lapsible
- lapstreak < lapstrake
- lardarse < lardass
- larg < large
- large group awareness training < large-group awareness training
- larger-than-life < larger than life
- bigger than life < larger than life
- bigger-than-life < larger than life
- larikin < larrikin
- larrykin < larrikin
- larve < larva
- larvacidal < larvicidal
- laryngal < laryngeal
- laryngal < laryngeal
- laryngorrhœa < laryngorrhea
- laserbeam < laser beam
- laser disc < laserdisc
- lazarwort < laserwort
- lassy < lassie
- lazo < lasso
- lazo < lasso
- lassu < lasso
- laste < last
- last 16 < last sixteen
- last-born < lastborn
- lats < lat
- latewake < late-wake
- latence < latency
- lateralise < lateralize
- laithe < lathe
- lathee < lathi
- latka < latke
- larf < laugh
- larf < laugh
- laughin' < laughing
- lawnd < laund
- lauristinus < laurustinus
- lavrock < laverock
- leverock < laverock
- lavolt < lavolta
- lawe < law
- lawcourt < law court
- law of the excluded middle < law of excluded middle
- law of non-contradiction < law of noncontradiction
- law-breaker < lawbreaker
- lawfull < lawful
- lawnchair < lawn chair
- law suit < lawsuit
- laye < lay
- laye < lay
- layby < lay-by
- lay by < lay-by
- layin < lay-in
- lay-down < laydown
- layin' < laying
- lay-off < layoff
- lay-out < layout
- lazin' < lazing
- Lazy Susans < lazy Susans
- lazy susans < lazy Susans
- lazy bones < lazybones
- lazarone < lazzarone
- letch < leach
- letch < leach
- leadoff < lead off
- lead-off < lead off
- lead in < lead-in
- leader board < leaderboard
- leaderine < leaderene
- leadin' < leading
- lead-off < leadoff
- leafblower < leaf blower
- leafbud < leaf bud
- leafminer < leaf miner
- stem node < leaf node
- leafroller < leaf roller
- leafsheath < leaf sheath
- leaf-spring < leaf spring
- leafspring < leaf spring
- leafcutting < leaf-cutting
- leaf green < leaf-green
- leaviness < leafiness
- leaf storm < leafstorm
- leag < league
- leakin' < leaking
- leane < lean
- lean burn < lean-burn
- leanin' < leaning
- learne < learn
- learnd < learned
- learnin' < learning
- lessest < least
- leet < leat
- leaue < leave
- leavin' < leaving
- lebban < leban
- laban < leban
- lebbeck < lebbek
- leche < lechwe
- letchy < lechy
- lecturn < lectern
- lettern < lectern
- lecturin' < lecturing
- lidge < ledge
- leiger < ledger
- leidger < ledger
- liangle < leeangle
- leach < leech
- leary < leery
- l337 < leet
- l337 < leet
- lefsa < lefse
- leftfielder < left fielder
- leftwing < left wing
- lefthand < left-hand
- leftwing < left-wing
- leftwinger < left-winger
- left-overs < leftovers
- legbreak < leg break
- legrope < leg rope
- leg-spinner < leg spinner
- legspinner < leg spinner
- leg-warmer < leg warmer
- legwarmer < leg warmer
- legal-ese < legalese
- legantine < legatine
- legende < legend
- ledger < leger
- leged < legged
- legg'd < legged
- leghaemoglobin < leghemoglobin
- legitimatist < legitimist
- legitimised < legitimized
- legitimises < legitimizes
- leg man < legman
- leg men < legmen
- legumen < legume
- lahnga < lehnga
- leasurely < leisurely
- leasurely < leisurely
- limail < lemel
- lemniscata < lemniscate
- limon < lemon
- lemurid < lemuroid
- lemurid < lemuroid
- langth < length
- lengthscale < length scale
- lense < lens
- lensometer < lensmeter
- lenticelle < lenticel
- lepidodendroid < lepidodendrid
- lepidopteral < lepidopterous
- leaprosy < leprosy
- leaprous < leprous
- leaperous < leprous
- leaporous < leprous
- leptomeninx < leptomeninges
- lepta < lepton
- leptospiraemia < leptospiremia
- Lesbian < lesbian
- Lesbian < lesbian
- lesbi < lesbian
- lesbi < lesbian
- lesbianist < lesbian
- lezbo < lesbo
- lese majeste < lese majesty
- lese-majestie < lese majesty
- lesse < less
- permit nature to take her course < let nature take its course
- permit nature to take its course < let nature take its course
- allow nature to take its course < let nature take its course
- allow nature to take her course < let nature take its course
- let the sleeping dogs lie < let sleeping dogs lie
- lessee < let's see
- letchya < letcha
- lethall < lethal
- lethargise < lethargize
- lettre < letter
- lettor < letter
- letterbomb < letter bomb
- lettin' < letting
- let-up < letup
- leucin < leucine
- leukoagglutinin < leucoagglutinin
- leukocratic < leucocratic
- leukodopachrome < leucodopachrome
- leucophane < leucophanite
- leukophore < leucophore
- leucorrhœal < leucorrheal
- leucorrhœa < leucorrhoea
- leucorrhœic < leucorrhoeic
- leucaemic < leukaemic
- leucemic < leukaemic
- leukopheresis < leukapheresis
- leucemia < leukemia
- leukaemogenic < leukemogenic
- leuk- < leuko-
- leucoagglutination < leukoagglutination
- leucoblast < leukoblast
- leucocyturia < leukocyturia
- leucodepletion < leukodepletion
- leucodystrophy < leukodystrophy
- leucoencephalitis < leukoencephalitis
- leucoencephalomalacia < leukoencephalomalacia
- leucoencephalopathy < leukoencephalopathy
- leukencephalopathy < leukoencephalopathy
- leucoerythroblastic < leukoerythroblastic
- leucogram < leukogram
- leucomalacia < leukomalacia
- leukomalasia < leukomalacia
- leucoplakia < leukoplakia
- leucopoietic < leukopoietic
- leukorrhoeal < leukorrheal
- leucosequestration < leukosequestration
- leucosialin < leukosialin
- leucotoxicity < leukotoxicity
- leupeptine < leupeptin
- levamisol < levamisole
- levelheadedly < level-headedly
- levelise < levelize
- levofacetoperane < levophacetoperane
- laevorotary < levorotary
- levothyroxin < levothyroxine
- lexicalisable < lexicalizable
- lexicalisation < lexicalization
- leyline < ley line
- lezsploitation < lezploitation
- lezza < lezzer
- lyable < liable
- liane < liana
- Lianghui < lianghui
- lier < liar
- libra < libbra
- librul < liberal
- librul < liberal
- lib'ral < liberal
- lib'ral < liberal
- liberalitte < liberality
- liberalised < liberalized
- liberal-minded < liberalminded
- liberal-mindedness < liberalmindedness
- libertie < liberty
- Liberty cabbage < liberty cabbage
- library catalogue < library catalog
- licenced < licensed
- licenced victualler < licensed victualler
- licencee < licensee
- licencing < licensing
- lych < lich
- lichenine < lichenin
- lichenised < lichenized
- lickspout < lick spout
- likerous < lickerish
- likerousness < lickerishness
- lickerty < lickety
- licketty < lickety
- lickity < lickety
- lickin' < licking
- lye < lie
- liedown < lie-down
- leef < lief
- lyege < liege
- leiger < lieger
- leidger < lieger
- Lieutenant < lieutenant
- lieutenant-colonel < lieutenant colonel
- Lieutenant General < lieutenant general
- lyfe < life
- life-force < life force
- lifeforce < life force
- lifegoal < life goal
- life's too short < life is too short
- lifepreserver < life preserver
- life-support < life support
- lifevest < life vest
- life buoy < life-buoy
- life/dinner principle < life-dinner principle
- lifegiving < life-giving
- lifesized < life-sized
- life boat < lifeboat
- lifeboatsman < lifeboatman
- life-time < lifetime
- ligsam < ligan
- lite < light
- build a fire under < light a fire under
- lightclock < light clock
- lightcone < light cone
- lightcurve < light curve
- lightgun < light gun
- lightmeter < light meter
- lightpen < light pen
- light railway < light rail
- lightswitch < light switch
- light-year < light year
- lightfooted < light-footed
- lightminded < light-minded
- lightmindedly < light-mindedly
- lightmindedness < light-mindedness
- light box < lightbox
- light-heartedly < lightheartedly
- light-heartedness < lightheartedness
- lightin' < lighting
- lights out < lights-out
- light-ship < lightship
- lignose < ligneous
- lignosulphonate < lignosulfonate
- rike < like
- rike < like
- lyke < like
- lyke < like
- lyke < like
- loike < like
- loike < like
- likey < like
- like a rat up a drain < like a rat up a drainpipe
- like as if < like as
- like as and < like as
- like father like son < like father, like son
- like fuck < like hell
- like it or leave it < like it or lump it
- as if one's life depended on it < like one's life depended on it
- as if one's life depends on it < like one's life depended on it
- likeminded < like-minded
- likemindedness < like-mindedness
- likably < likeably
- loikes < likes
- likewize < likewise
- laylock < lilac
- Lilliputian < lilliputian
- Lilliputian < lilliputian
- lily-of-the-valley < lily of the valley
- Lily of the Valley < lily of the valley
- lilypad < lily pad
- white-livered < lily-livered
- limacon < limaçon
- limb-brightening < limb brightening
- limb-darkening < limb darkening
- limb brightened < limb-brightened
- limb darkened < limb-darkened
- limeric < limerick
- limitour < limiter
- limpwristed < limp-wristed
- linalol < linalool
- lincrna < lincRNA
- lindsayoid < lindsaeoid
- lindorm < lindworm
- lindwyrm < lindworm
- linebreak < line break
- linefeed < line feed
- lineprinter < line printer
- line out < line-out
- lineary < linear
- linearisability < linearizability
- linearisable < linearizable
- linearisation < linearization
- linearise < linearize
- linearised < linearized
- linnen < linen
- lyne < linen
- line out < lineout
- line-up < lineup
- lingle < lingel
- lingerin' < lingering
- lingenberry < lingonberry
- linguidental < linguadental
- linguatuliasis < linguatulosis
- linin' < lining
- linin' up < lining up
- linkfarm < link farm
- lintseed < linseed
- linseywoolsey < linsey-woolsey
- linteled < lintelled
- lint-free < lintfree
- lion fish < lionfish
- lion-heartedly < lionheartedly
- lion-heartedness < lionheartedness
- lionisation < lionization
- lipgloss < lip gloss
- lipsalve < lip salve
- lipservice < lip service
- lipoedema < lipedema
- lipaemia < lipemia
- lipaemic < lipemic
- lipide < lipid
- lipidaemia < lipidemia
- lipidaemic < lipidemic
- lipofectamin < lipofectamine
- lipogenetic < lipogenic
- lipidolysis < lipolysis
- lipomembraneous < lipomembranous
- lipophylic < lipophilic
- lipooxygenase < lipoxygenase
- lippie < lippy
- liquifier < liquefier
- liquidamber < liquidambar
- liquefied < liquified
- liquefied < liquified
- liquefying < liquifying
- liripipe < liripoop
- lisencephalic < lissencephalic
- lisencephaly < lissencephaly
- lissomly < lissomely
- listbox < list box
- listenin' < listening
- litteræ < literae
- literaliser < literalizer
- lit'rally < literally
- Literature < literature
- lithaemic < lithemic
- lithifaction < lithification
- lithium aluminum hydride < lithium aluminium hydride
- lithogenesy < lithogenesis
- lithoidal < lithoid
- litholopaxy < litholapaxy
- lithomarga < lithomarge
- lithotriptic < lithontriptic
- lithotriptic < lithontriptic
- lithotriptor < lithotripter
- lithontriptor < lithotriptor
- lithotritor < lithotriptor
- literbike < litrebike
- litterbox < litter box
- literateuse < litterateuse
- literateuses < litterateuses
- li'l < little
- leetle < little
- liddle < little
- little pitchers have long ears < little pitchers have big ears
- littlein < littlun
- liue < live
- livelihed < livelihood
- livelood < livelihood
- livin' < living
- lixivious < lixivial
- lizzard < lizard
- lizard-folk < lizardfolk
- lkna < lkDNA
- lama < llama
- yamma < llama
- lew < lo
- 'lo < lo
- loche < loach
- loadcast < load cast
- loadcell < load cell
- loadbearing < load-bearing
- loadin' < loading
- loafin' < loafing
- loanshark < loan shark
- loan shark < loanshark
- lothe < loathe
- lothefull < loathful
- lothfull < loathful
- lothsome < loathsome
- lobbyer < lobbier
- lobolo < lobola
- lobotomise < lobotomize
- lobotomised < lobotomized
- lobsterpot < lobster pot
- lopstick < lobstick
- localisable < localizable
- localiser < localizer
- locateable < locatable
- lochea < lochia
- locke < lock
- louk < lock
- lockin < lock in
- lockpicks < lock picks
- lock-picks < lock picks
- lock in < lock-in
- lock-down < lockdown
- lockt < locked
- lockerrooms < locker rooms
- lock-out < lockout
- lock stitch < lockstitch
- locomotiveness < locomotivity
- loukoum < locoum
- lacoum < locoum
- loadstar < lodestar
- lodgeing < lodging
- loging < lodging
- log-in < log in
- log-on < log on
- log burner < log-burner
- loglogistic < log-logistic
- loggan < logan
- logaœdic < logaoedic
- logaœdic < logaoedic
- logarithmical < logarithmic
- logarithmetically < logarithmically
- log book < logbook
- logicboard < logic board
- log jam < logjam
- logographical < logographic
- logopaedic < logopedic
- logopaedics < logopedics
- logopœia < logopoeia
- lemology < loimology
- lul < lol
- lul < lol
- rorikon < lolicon
- roricon < lolicon
- Lolita < lolita
- lonelyheart < lonely-heart
- 'long < long
- long-arm statutes < long arm statutes
- longprimer < long primer
- tough row to hoe < long row to hoe
- hard row to hoe < long row to hoe
- longstop < long stop
- longheld < long-held
- longlegged < long-legged
- longlived < long-lived
- longrunning < long-running
- longsighted < long-sighted
- longsuffering < long-suffering
- longwindedly < long-windedly
- longwindedness < long-windedness
- longaevous < longevous
- long-form < longform
- long hair < longhair
- longin' < longing
- longtitude < longitude
- long-neck < longneck
- alongshoreman < longshoreman
- long-tail boats < longtail boats
- luffward < loofward
- rook < look
- looke < look
- looke < look
- looksie < look-see
- lookie < lookee
- lookin' < looking
- look-out < lookout
- lookist < looksist
- lookist < looksist
- lowne < loon
- loony toon < loony tune
- looney toon < loony tune
- loose-box < loose box
- loosebox < loose box
- looseish < loosish
- lootin' < looting
- lopeared < lop-eared
- lobsided < lopsided
- lapsided < lopsided
- loquot < loquat
- Lawdy < lordy
- Lawdee < lordy
- lordie < lordy
- loriner < lorimer
- louri < lory
- blow one's cool < lose one's cool
- lose her head < lose one's head
- lose his head < lose one's head
- lose their head < lose one's head
- losell < losel
- losin' < losing
- lotah < lota
- loto < lotto
- lotos < lotus
- loud hailer < loudhailer
- loud mouth < loudmouth
- Louis < louis
- lover < louver
- luffer < louver
- loover < louver
- loveably < lovably
- loue < love
- loue < love
- wuv < love
- wuv < love
- lovaduck < love a duck
- loveaduck < love a duck
- lovedrug < love drug
- lovenest < love nest
- loveseat < love seat
- lovesong < love song
- love in a mist < love-in-a-mist
- love bird < lovebird
- lovèd < loved
- louely < lovely
- luverly < lovely
- love-making < lovemaking
- love making < lovemaking
- louer < lover
- love team < loveteam
- lovie < lovey
- lovin' < loving
- lowroad < low road
- lowheartedly < low-heartedly
- lowkey < low-key
- lowminded < low-minded
- lowmindedness < low-mindedness
- lowpitched < low-pitched
- lawly < lowly
- low-pass < lowpass
- low-pass < lowpass
- LOx < [[lox}} (lox) {{gloss]]
- LOX < [[lox}} (lox) {{qualifier]]
- loyall < loyal
- loial < loyal
- losange < lozenge
- lucern < lucerne
- leucoddy < lucoddy
- coddy < lucoddy
- lumbal < lumbar
- lumefantrin < lumefantrine
- lummocks < lummox
- lumpsum < lump sum
- lompish < lumpish
- lunchbucket < lunch bucket
- lung sick < lung-sick
- lung sick < lung-sickness
- lunghi < lungi
- lungee < lungi
- loonghee < lungi
- loonghi < lungi
- lungeing < lunging
- lunulæ < lunulae
- lurv < lurve
- lurv < lurve
- luzern < lusern
- lush worker < lush-worker
- lusory < lusorious
- lushburg < lussheburgh
- lustrine < lustring
- lutefish < lutefisk
- luteinisation < luteinization
- luteinise < luteinize
- luteinising < luteinizing
- luteinising hormone < luteinizing hormone
- luteotrophic < luteotropic
- lutrophin < lutropin
- luxuriancy < luxuriance
- LY < ly
- lime < lyam
- litchee < lychee
- licorine < lycorine
- lycee < lycée
- ley < lye
- lyin' < lying
- lymegrass < lyme grass
- lymphonode < lymph node
- lymphoadenopathy < lymphadenopathy
- lymphagog < lymphagogue
- lymphangiectasis < lymphangiectasia
- lymphangeitis < lymphangitis
- limphatic < lymphatic
- lymphedoema < lymphedema
- lymphoedematous < lymphedematous
- lymphopoenic < lymphopenic
- lymphorrhœa < lymphorrhea
- lynchin' < lynching
- lyrated < lyrate
- lyricise < lyricize
- lyze < lyse
- lysogenise < lysogenize
- laendlers < ländlers
- lollingite < löllingite
- loellingite < löllingite
- m. < m
- m. < m
- matje < maatje
- mac'n cheese < mac 'n' cheese
- mac'n'cheese < mac 'n' cheese
- macadamisation < macadamization
- maccaron < macaron
- maccaroni < macaroni
- maccabaw < maccaboy
- Mace < mace
- macebearer < mace-bearer
- machiolated < machicolated
- machineability < machinability
- mercheen < machine
- machinegun < machine gun
- machinegun < machine-gun
- machinegunner < machine-gunner
- machoman < macho man
- macrame < macramé
- macrame < macramé
- macrolens < macro lens
- macr- < macro-
- macrochaete < macrochaeta
- macroglobulinaemia < macroglobulinemia
- macroglobulinaemic < macroglobulinemic
- macrohaemodynamic < macrohemodynamic
- macrohaemodynamics < macrohemodynamics
- macroscelid < macroscelidid
- macrothrombocytopaenia < macrothrombocytopenia
- madame < madam
- madda < maddah
- mather < madder
- madefaction < madefication
- maderise < maderize
- madhhab < madhab
- madhhabite < madhabi
- mad man < madman
- madrassah < madrasah
- medresseh < madrasah
- mænad < maenad
- Mafia < mafia
- maffioso < mafioso
- majick < magic
- magical realism < magic realism
- magical realist < magic realist
- magistratic < magistratical
- magnelium < magnalium
- magnanerie < magnanery
- magnanimitie < magnanimity
- magnesaemia < magnesemia
- magnesium sulphate < magnesium sulfate
- magnesium sulphide < magnesium sulfide
- magnes < magnet
- magneto- < magnet-
- magnetisation < magnetization
- magnetiser < magnetizer
- magnetodisk < magnetodisc
- magnetothermoelectrical < magnetothermoelectric
- opus magnum < magnum opus
- maharana < maharaja
- maharanee < maharani
- mahimahi < mahi-mahi
- mahmil < mahmal
- mahusive < mahoosive
- mehrieh < mahr
- mahaseer < mahseer
- mahua tree < mahwa tree
- mohwa tree < mahwa tree
- maide < maid
- maid-servant < maidservant
- mailbomb < mail bomb
- mailbomb < mail bomb
- mailslot < mail slot
- mail-box < mailbox
- maine < main
- maindrag < main drag
- Mainlander < mainlander
- main sheet < mainsheet
- main stage < mainstage
- maintaine < maintain
- maintenaunce < maintenance
- mayntenance < maintenance
- majestick < majestic
- maiestie < majesty
- maiolicaware < majolicaware
- majorisation < majorization
- majorise < majorize
- maiuscule < majuscule
- maknyah < mak nyah
- meck < make
- makee < make
- make faces < make a face
- earn a living < make a living
- make a meal out of < make a meal of
- make a public spectacle of oneself < make a spectacle of oneself
- make mincemeat of < make mincemeat out of
- make the news < make news
- make one's bed < make one's bed and lie in it
- make this world go round < make the world go around
- makeup artist < make-up artist
- makeup artists < make-up artists
- makeup call < make-up call
- makework < make-work
- makee < makes
- mahorka < makhorka
- makhila < makila
- mekin < making
- makin' < making
- maki zushi < makizushi
- maqtab < maktab
- maleadministration < maladministration
- malacoplakia < malakoplakia
- malemiut < malamute
- butanedioate < malathion
- maleconformation < malconformation
- malecontent < malcontent
- malecontented < malcontented
- mal-developed < maldeveloped
- maleficience < maleficence
- male engyne < malengine
- malefeasance < malfeasance
- maleformation < malformation
- mawkin < malkin
- malleablize < malleableize
- malodourousness < malodorousness
- malepractice < malpractice
- maletreat < maltreat
- ma ma < mama
- mammologist < mammalogist
- mammology < mammalogy
- mammie < mammy
- Mammi market < mammy market
- momzer < mamzer
- mang < man
- gentleman about town < man about town
- manboob < man boob
- manchild < man child
- action man < man of action
- manhour < man-hour
- man of war < man-of-war
- man-o'-war < man-of-war
- manportable < man-portable
- managed healthcare < managed care
- managerialise < managerialize
- managin' < managing
- manati < manatee
- mandarine < mandarin
- mandoline < mandolin
- mandore < mandor
- mandril < mandrel
- manœuvrability < maneuverability
- manœuvreability < maneuverability
- manœuvreable < maneuverable
- manœuvered < maneuvered
- manoeuvrer < maneuverer
- manœuvrer < maneuverer
- maneuvring < maneuvering
- mangaby < mangabey
- mungcorn < mangcorn
- mangoldwurzel < mangelwurzel
- mange-tout < mangetout
- mangostan < mangosteen
- maungy < mangy
- mangey < mangy
- manic-depression < manic depression
- manic depressive < manic-depressive
- manifestible < manifestable
- manakin < manikin
- manilio < manilla
- manidoo < manitou
- manito < manitou
- manitu < manitou
- manjee < manji
- mankinde < mankind
- mana < manna
- mannopentose < mannopentaose
- manœuvering < manoeuvering
- manœuvering < manoeuvering
- manœuverings < manoeuverings
- manœuvred < manoeuvre
- manœuvre the apostles < manoeuvre the apostles
- manometrical < manometric
- manorhouse < manor house
- manerial < manorial
- man-scaper < manscaper
- man-scaping < manscaping
- mansonelliasis < mansonellosis
- manto < manteau
- mantle < mantel
- manty < [[manti}} (manti) {{gloss]]
- mantletree < mantle-tree
- mantram < mantra
- manualise < manualize
- manufactury < manufactory
- minaul < manul
- man-whore < manwhore
- man whore < manwhore
- man-whores < manwhores
- miny < many
- manye < many
- manisided < many-sided
- maniness < manyness
- monyplies < manyplies
- maniplies < manyplies
- manege < manège
- Maoli < maoli
- maple-leaf < maple leaf
- mapo tofu < mapo doufu
- mapo dofu < mapo doufu
- maribou < marabou
- marai < marae
- marasquino < maraschino
- marbelise < marbelize
- mark < march
- march to a different drum < march to the beat of a different drum
- march to a different drummer < march to the beat of a different drum
- march to one's own drum < march to the beat of a different drum
- march to one's own drummer < march to the beat of a different drum
- march to the beat of one's own drummer < march to the beat of a different drum
- march to the beat of one's own drum < march to the beat of a different drum
- marchin' < marching
- meare < mare
- mare's-nest < mare's nest
- margarous < margaric
- margaritic acid < margaric acid
- margarin < margarine
- marginalisation < marginalization
- marginaliser < marginalizer
- margraviate < margravate
- Marine Corps < marine corps
- marines < marine corps
- Marines < marine corps
- Marines < marines
- marinobufagenin < marinobufagin
- merck < mark
- marketgoer < market-goer
- marketor < marketer
- marketting < marketing
- marmalet < marmalade
- marmorised < marmorized
- marmozet < marmoset
- marone < maroon
- marroon < maroon
- marroon < maroon
- Maroon < maroon
- markee < marquee
- marryage < marriage
- morrot < marrot
- marrie < marry
- marrie < marry
- marryin' < marrying
- Marsquake < marsquake
- marsupialisation < marsupialization
- marsupion < marsupium
- martern < marten
- martiall < martial
- marten < martin
- martyrologe < martyrology
- martyrologie < martyrology
- marvail < marvel
- marvail < marvel
- marveling < marvelling
- marvelously < marvellously
- mascule < mascle
- macled < mascled
- mascotte < mascot
- masculinisation < masculinization
- masculization < masculinization
- mashgiah < mashgiach
- mashy < mashie
- mashie-niblick < mashie niblick
- meshugeneh < mashugana
- musjid < masjid
- Massoola boat < masoola boat
- massoret < masoret
- mascarade < masquerade
- masseranduba < massaranduba
- maceranduba < massaranduba
- masticot < massicot
- massive astronomical compact halo objects < massive compact halo objects
- massive and compact halo objects < massive compact halo objects
- masto- < mast-
- massy < master
- maistre < master
- maistre < master
- marse < master
- mas'r < master
- measter < master
- masterclass < master class
- masterplan < master plan
- meistersinger < mastersinger
- master stroke < masterstroke
- maistery < mastery
- mastich < mastic
- masticater < masticator
- masturbatin' < masturbating
- masturbater < masturbator
- matadore < matador
- matamata turtle < matamata
- mata mata < matamata
- matchplay < match play
- matchpoint < match point
- matchlesse < matchless
- match-up < matchup
- materious < material
- materialistical < materialistic
- materialisation < materialization
- materialiser < materializer
- maternalisation < maternalization
- maternalise < maternalize
- mitey < matey
- matie < matey
- mathematicise < mathematicize
- mathematisation < mathematization
- Maths < maths
- matinee jacket < matinée jacket
- matricentered < matricentred
- matrilinear < matrilineal
- matrimoine < matrimony
- matrice < matrix
- matronise < matronize
- metronymic < matronymic
- metronymic < matronymic
- montross < matross
- matt < matte
- matress < mattress
- mattrass < mattress
- magery < maugre
- mawkin < maukin
- mander < maunder
- mavin < maven
- mavournin < mavourneen
- mawworm < maw-worm
- maw worm < maw-worm
- moulid < mawlid
- maumish < mawmish
- maxed out < maxed-out
- maxidress < maxi dress
- maxisingle < maxi single
- maximisable < maximizable
- maximisation < maximization
- maximiser < maximizer
- maye < may
- mayonnaisy < mayonnaisey
- mazedium < mazaedium
- mazourka < mazurka
- maitre d' < maître d'
- microg < mcg
- Me < me
- mee < me
- meade < mead
- mealy bug < mealybug
- meanin' < meaning
- ment < meant
- meazel < measle
- quantum measurement problem < measurement problem
- meat-and-potatoes < meat and potatoes
- meathook < meat hook
- meet market < meat market
- meatshield < meat shield
- mabbe < mebbe
- mechanicke < mechanic
- mechanicality < mechanicalness
- mechanisable < mechanizable
- mechaniser < mechanizer
- mechanogated < mechano-gated
- mechanoceptor < mechanoreceptor
- mechanosignalling < mechanosignaling
- mechatronical < mechatronic
- meclozine < meclizine
- medmal < med mal
- medaled < medalled
- meddlin' < meddling
- medetomidin < medetomidine
- medialise < medialize
- medick < medic
- Medicare < medicare
- medcinal < medicinal
- medicinary < medicinal
- medicks < medics
- mediævalistic < medievalistic
- mediaevalistic < medievalistic
- mediævally < medievally
- mediunic < mediumic
- medjidieh < medjidie
- medly < medley
- medullar < medullary
- meemaw < mee-maw
- mim < meem
- mee-maw < meemaw
- meercat < meerkat
- meete < meet
- meetin' < meeting
- megacephalous < megacephalic
- mega-church < megachurch
- megaelectronvolt < megaelectron volt
- megagramme < megagram
- megerg < megalerg
- mega-storms < megastorms
- megatonne < megaton
- mahfil < mehfil
- mehendi < mehndi
- me-ism < meism
- melanotype < melainotype
- melanogogue < melanagogue
- melancholie < melancholy
- melonic < melanic
- melanurenic acid < melanuric acid
- melastatine < melastatin
- mellay < melee
- melick < melic
- meliorater < meliorator
- mellismatic < melismatic
- mellewelle < mellwell
- melicotoon < melocoton
- malacatune < melocoton
- melodrame < melodrama
- melodramatisation < melodramatization
- melodramatise < melodramatize
- meltingpoint < melting point
- melting-pot < melting pot
- membraneous < membranous
- memoise < memoize
- memorialisation < memorialization
- memorialiser < memorializer
- memorisable < memorizable
- memresistance < memristance
- mamsahib < memsahib
- myn < men
- man's room < men's room
- manace < menace
- manace < menace
- menagery < menagerie
- mendiant < mendinant
- mendin' < mending
- manhaden < menhaden
- meningismus < meningism
- meningocele manqué < meningocele manque
- meningococcaemic < meningococcemic
- menora < menorah
- menorrhœa < menorrhea
- mentalisation < mentalization
- mentionin' < mentioning
- meaw < meow
- meaw < meow
- meou < meow
- miaowing < meowing
- mephitical < mephitic
- mephitism < mephitis
- mercerization < mercerisation
- merchandizer < merchandiser
- merchandizing < merchandising
- marchet < merchet
- mercy bucket < merci beaucoup
- mercifull < merciful
- mercyfull < merciful
- mercurialise < mercurialize
- massy < mercy
- mussy < mercy
- mercie < mercy
- merl < merle
- mermayde < mermaid
- merry-go-around < merry-go-round
- merrimake < merrymake
- merry-making < merrymaking
- mescalin < mescaline
- mezcaline < mescaline
- mesenchymalisation < mesenchymalization
- mesoendodermal < mesendodermal
- meshuggenah < meshuggener
- meshuggenah < meshuggener
- meshigener < meshuggener
- mesad < mesiad
- mesal < mesial
- mesian < mesial
- mesally < mesially
- mesmerical < mesmeric
- mesmeriser < mesmerizer
- mesocephalous < mesocephalic
- mesocoele < mesocoel
- mesogastriums < mesogastria
- mesogloea < mesoglea
- mesogloeal < mesogleal
- mesilect < mesolect
- mesophil < mesophile
- mesquit < mesquite
- messageboard < message board
- mestino < mestizo
- mesilate < mesylate
- metabolical < metabolic
- metabolisable < metabolizable
- metaboliser < metabolizer
- metalpoor < metal-poor
- metaled < metalled
- metallicly < metallically
- metalicity < metallicity
- metalization < metallization
- metallorganic < metalorganic
- metallorganic < metalorganic
- metamerisation < metamerization
- metamizol < metamizole
- metamodelling < metamodeling
- metaphasis < metaphase
- metaphrastical < metaphrastic
- metaphysitian < metaphysician
- metaphysicks < metaphysics
- metaphasis < metaphysis
- meta-argon < metargon
- metastatization < metastasization
- metatheoretic < metatheoretical
- metencephalin < metenkephalin
- meteorical < meteoric
- methamfetamine < methamphetamine
- methanesulphonate < methanesulfonate
- methanesulphonic acid < methanesulfonic acid
- methanethiosulphonate < methanethiosulfonate
- metanogenic < methanogenic
- methaemoglobinaemia < methemoglobinemia
- methemoglobinaemia < methemoglobinemia
- methemoglobinaemic < methemoglobinemic
- methaemoglobinuric < methemoglobinuric
- madder < mether
- methai < methi
- methode < method
- methodise < methodize
- methosulphate < methosulfate
- methoxy- < methoxy
- methylbromide < methyl bromide
- methylcarbamate < methyl carbamate
- methylmethacrylate < methyl methacrylate
- methylsalicylate < methyl salicylate
- methylacetanilid < methylacetanilide
- methylenechloride < methylene chloride
- methylenediphosphonate < methylene diphosphonate
- methylhexaneamine < methylhexanamine
- methyl mercury < methylmercury
- methylprednisone < methylprednisolone
- methscopolamine < methylscopolamine
- methyprylone < methyprylon
- metif < metis
- metoposcopical < metoposcopic
- metricise < metricize
- metrisable < metrizable
- Metropolitan Area Network < metropolitan area network
- metropolitanise < metropolitanize
- metrorrhœa < metrorrhea
- mow < mew
- meawl < mewl
- mezuza < mezuzah
- mezzo-relievo < mezzo-rilievo
- mgmt. < mgmt
- mi < mi.
- mianserine < mianserin
- miaou < miaow
- miaou < miaow
- miasmatical < miasmatic
- micr- < micro-
- microcheat < micro-cheat
- microcheat < micro-cheat
- microcheater < micro-cheater
- microohm < micro-ohm
- microhm < micro-ohm
- microrna < microRNA
- micracoustic < microacoustic
- microanalyser < microanalyzer
- micro-architecture < microarchitecture
- microchaete < microchaeta
- microcosmical < microcosmic
- microdialyser < microdialyzer
- microfluidiser < microfluidizer
- microGauss < microgauss
- microgramme < microgram
- microhaematocrit < microhematocrit
- microhaematuria < microhematuria
- microiontophoretical < microiontophoretic
- microKelvin < microkelvin
- microminiaturisation < microminiaturization
- microminiaturise < microminiaturize
- micromol < micromole
- micromollusc < micromollusk
- microneutralisation < microneutralization
- micropalæontology < micropalaeontology
- microphthalmy < microphthalmia
- micropipet < micropipette
- microprogramme < microprogram
- microproteinaemia < microproteinemia
- microspectrofluorimetric < microspectrofluorometric
- microtitre < microtiter
- microtumour < microtumor
- midadolescent < mid-adolescent
- midpriced < mid-priced
- midding < midden
- mid-finger < middle finger
- midsfinger < middle finger
- mid youth < middle youth
- middleaged < middle-aged
- midbrow < middlebrow
- midbrow < middlebrow
- middle game < middlegame
- middle-of-the-roader < middleoftheroader
- midling < middling
- midlings < middlings
- mid-dots < middots
- midnite < midnight
- midriser < midrise
- midsaggital < midsagittal
- mid-term < midterm
- midwive < midwife
- mine < mien
- migdol < migdal
- mighte < might
- mighte < might
- mought < might
- might is right < might makes right
- mighta < might've
- mightie < mighty
- mitey < mighty
- minionette < mignonette
- migrater < migrator
- mil. < mil
- mildewicide < mildewcide
- Miles Gloriosus < miles gloriosus
- miliarensis < miliarense
- militar < military
- milkbar < milk bar
- milksnake < milk snake
- milkvetch < milk-vetch
- milkin' < milking
- milk shake < milkshake
- millefiore < millefiori
- milliKelvin < millikelvin
- sixty-four thousand dollar question < million-dollar question
- millionnaire < millionaire
- milliped < millipede
- milleped < millipede
- millrynd < millrind
- millreis < milreis
- millree < milreis
- millrea < milreis
- mimetical < mimetic
- mimickable < mimicable
- mimetope < mimotope
- min < min.
- mana < mina
- mna < mina
- mineable < minable
- miniatory < minatory
- mincepie < mince pie
- mynde < mind
- minde < mind
- minde < mind
- memory like a sieve < mind like a sieve
- mind one's business < mind one's own business
- mind one's P's and Q's < mind one's p's and q's
- mindbending < mind-bending
- mindblowing < mind-blowing
- mind boggler < mind-boggler
- mind boggling < mind-boggling
- mindnumbing < mind-numbing
- mind reader < mind-reader
- mindreader < mind-reader
- mind reading < mind-reading
- Mine < mine
- miners' moss < miner's moss
- miners moss < miner's moss
- mineralisable < mineralizable
- mineralise < mineralize
- mineraliser < mineralizer
- mineralogise < mineralogize
- minirugby < mini rugby
- minitower < mini tower
- minimalise < minimalize
- minmax < minimax
- min-max < minimax
- minimisable < minimizable
- minimisation < minimization
- minimiser < minimizer
- minion < minimum
- ministre < minister
- ministery < ministry
- minever < miniver
- minkewhale < minke whale
- minoritise < minoritize
- minorise < minorize
- minute-men < [[minutemen}} ; Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "minutemen" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. ; {{plural of]]
- myrbane < mirbane
- mirrorball < mirror ball
- misaventure < misadventure
- misbehavin' < misbehaving
- misbehavioral < misbehavioural
- misc. < misc
- miscrna < miscRNA
- miscatalogue < miscatalog
- miscategorisation < miscategorization
- miscategorise < miscategorize
- miscegene < miscegen
- miscegine < miscegen
- mischiefe < mischief
- mischivous < mischievous
- mixible < miscible
- misconster < misconstrue
- mis-dealer < misdealer
- mise en scene < mise en scène
- mise-en-scene < mise en scène
- misemphasise < misemphasize
- miserablist < miserabilist
- mishegas < mishegoss
- mishegaas < mishegoss
- mis-hit < mishit
- mishmosh < mishmash
- mishpucka < mishpocha
- misal < misl
- mislocalisation < mislocalization
- mislocalise < mislocalize
- mislocalised < mislocalized
- mistheist < misotheist
- missprision < misprision
- misprogramme < misprogram
- missilry < missilery
- missionarize < missionaryize
- missocialization < missocialisation
- mispense < misspense
- misses < missus
- missis < missus
- missey < missy
- mistakeable < mistakable
- mistakeably < mistakably
- mester < mister
- mysterioso < misterioso
- mistresse < mistress
- mistris < mistress
- mastress < mistress
- mistrist < mistrust
- missy < misy
- myther < mither
- mitramycin < mithramycin
- mitigatable < mitigable
- miter < mitre
- mitsvah < mitzvah
- mixt < mixed
- mixt < mixed
- mixd < mixed
- mixtly < mixedly
- mix-in < mixin
- mix tape < mixtape
- mizzen-mast < mizzenmast
- um < mmm
- mm < mmm
- mnemonicist < mnemonist
- moe < mo
- moe < moa
- moone < moan
- moone < moan
- moanin' < moaning
- mob-handedly < mob-handed
- mobiliser < mobilizer
- mocassined < moccasined
- mock'st < mockest
- mocking bird < mockingbird
- mocumentary < mockumentary
- mock-up < mockup
- mod. < mod
- modalise < modalize
- modelocking < mode locking
- modelocked < mode-locked
- modernisable < modernizable
- modificable < modifiable
- mod pack < modpack
- mod packs < modpacks
- modularisation < modularization
- mebles < moebles
- mufassil < mofussil
- mogulled < moguled
- moysture < moisture
- moisturise < moisturize
- makoro < mokoro
- mekoro < mokoro
- molary < molar
- molary < molar
- molde < mold
- mouldlike < moldlike
- molerat < mole rat
- molé < mole#Etymology 7
- molecular-weight < molecular weight
- molester < molest
- molluskan < molluscan
- molluscacidal < molluscicidal
- molluscacide < molluscicide
- moulter < molter
- molybdenum disulphide < molybdenum disulfide
- molybdenosis < molybdosis
- monme < momme
- mommyblogger < mommy blogger
- mummy porn < mommy porn
- mo-mo < momo
- monadelphian < monadelphous
- monadical < monadic
- monaul < monal
- Monandrian < monandrous
- monoandrous < monandrous
- monarchal < monarchical
- monarchial < monarchical
- monarchofascist < monarcho-fascist
- monastical < monastic
- monoatomic < monatomic
- monoaural < monaural
- moone < mone
- monetisable < monetizable
- monetisation < monetization
- mony < money
- monie < money
- moneybelt < money belt
- moneychanging < money changing
- money-market fund < money market fund
- moneygrubbing < money-grubbing
- moneyspinner < money-spinner
- money-grubber < moneygrubber
- mongoos < mongoose
- mungoose < mongoose
- mungoos < mongoose
- mungous < mongoose
- mungrel < mongrel
- mongrelisation < mongrelization
- monkie < monkey
- monky < monkey
- monkey-bread < monkey bread
- monkeywrench < monkey wrench
- monkey-wrench < monkey wrench
- monkey-like < monkeylike
- monoverse < mono-verse
- monacidic < monoacidic
- monoaluminum < monoaluminium
- monamine < monoamine
- monaminergic < monoaminergic
- monoanaesthesia < monoanesthesia
- monochlorid < monochloride
- monocot < monocotyledon
- monooctanoin < monoctanoin
- monodactyl < monodactylous
- monodelphic < monodelphous
- monodrame < monodrama
- monoicous < monoecious
- mono-exponential < monoexponential
- monofunctionalised < monofunctionalized
- monogrammal < monogrammic
- monographical < monographic
- monolithal < monolithic
- monomerisation < monomerization
- monomerise < monomerize
- monometalism < monometallism
- monometalist < monometallist
- monoxygenase < monooxygenase
- monophyletical < monophyletic
- monopolisation < monopolization
- monopoliser < monopolizer
- monosulphate < monosulfate
- monotelical < monotelic
- mono theism < monotheism
- mono-unsaturate < monounsaturate
- mono-unsaturates < monounsaturates
- Monseigneur < monseigneur
- mounseer < monsieur
- villain of the week < monster of the week
- monstruosity < monstrosity
- monstrose < monstrous
- monteth < monteith
- mooeth < month
- moe < moo
- muke < mook
- mula < moola
- moone < moon
- moonbear < moon bear
- moonboot < moon boot
- moon cake < mooncake
- moon rat < moonrat
- moon runes < moonrunes
- moonshiney < moonshiny
- mooringpost < mooring post
- moreland < moorland
- morland < moorland
- mute-hill < moot-hill
- morall < moral
- morall < moral
- moralisation < moralization
- moralise < moralize
- moraliser < moralizer
- moralising < moralizing
- moralisingly < moralizingly
- murray < moray
- morbifical < morbific
- moe < more
- morish < moreish
- more-ish < moreish
- murrion < morion
- morrion < morion
- morisk < morisco
- mormaor < mormaer
- mormair < mormaer
- mormaordom < mormaerdom
- morne < morn
- mornynge < morning
- mornin' < morning
- mawning < morning
- morwening < morning
- mawnin' < morning
- morningstar < morning star
- morphoea < morphea
- morphe < morphew
- morphiomania < morphinomania
- morphiomaniac < morphinomaniac
- morphogeographical < morphogeographic
- morphonological < morphophonological
- morphonologically < morphophonologically
- morphonology < morphophonology
- mora < morra
- morwe < morrow
- morow < morrow
- morcel < morsel
- mortall < mortal
- mortall < mortal
- mortalitie < mortality
- mortalise < mortalize
- mortgagable < mortgageable
- mortgageor < mortgager
- morling < mortling
- mosaical < mosaic
- mosaist < mosaicist
- mosaiced < mosaicked
- mosaicing < mosaicking
- moscofilero < moschofilero
- moskovium < moscovium
- moshpit < mosh pit
- musketo < mosquito
- musquito < mosquito
- mosstrooper < moss-trooper
- mos' < most
- mos' < most
- moste < most
- mott < mot
- moth < mote
- motett < motet
- motheaten < moth-eaten
- mudder < mother
- muther < mother
- muvver < mother
- mothership < mother ship
- motherfecker < motherfucker
- motherfuckin < motherfucking
- motherin' < mothering
- momot < motmot
- motorcross < motocross
- motorcrosser < motocrosser
- motoneurone < motoneuron
- motorhome < motor home
- motor-home < motor home
- motorneuron < motor neuron
- motorneurone < motor neuron
- motorshow < motor show
- motorise < motorize
- motorised < motorized
- moudiwort < moudiewort
- muflon < mouflon
- musimon < mouflon
- moldmaker < mouldmaker
- moldmaking < mouldmaking
- mountainer < mountaineer
- mountain top < mountaintop
- mountenaunce < mountance
- montebanc < mountebank
- mournin' < mourning
- mousemat < mouse mat
- mouse print < mouseprint
- mousaka < moussaka
- mustachioed < moustachio'd
- mustachio'd < moustachio'd
- moustachioed < moustachio'd
- mouf < mouth
- mouthe < mouth
- mouth-breathers < mouth breather
- mouthorgan < mouth organ
- moufs < mouths
- mazumdar < mouzadar
- moveability < movability
- moveably < movably
- movie-goer < moviegoer
- moe < mow
- moe < mow
- mowin' < mowing
- mofloxacin < moxifloxacin
- mridang < mridangam
- mridamgam < mridangam
- muchee < much
- muchos gracias < muchas gracias
- mucinogen < mucigen
- muckspreader < muck spreader
- mucky muck < muckamuck
- muckety-muck < muckety muck
- mucussy < mucusy
- mudd < mud
- mudbogging < mud bogging
- mudpie < mud pie
- mud-scow < mud scow
- mudiriya < mudiriyah
- mudirieh < mudiriyah
- mudiria < mudiriyah
- mud slide < mudslide
- mueddin < muezzin
- muffler furnace < muffle furnace
- mugcake < mug cake
- mugshot < mug shot
- muchadara < mujaddara
- mujahed < mujahid
- muzjik < mujik
- mouzhik < mujik
- mooktar < mukhtar
- muktar < mukhtar
- muqtar < mukhtar
- molatto < mulatto
- mulatress < mulattress
- molla < mullah
- moolah < mullah
- mulla < mullah
- mollah < mullah
- moollah < mullah
- mullagatawny < mulligatawny
- munnion < mullion
- multicarbon < multi-carbon
- multiinstrumentalist < multi-instrumentalist
- multipass < multi-pass
- multistart < multi-start
- multistory < multi-storey
- multistorey < multi-storey
- multistorey < multi-storey
- multi-byte < multibyte
- multicalibre < multicaliber
- multi-cellular < multicellular
- multicentered < multicentred
- multi-coloured < multicoloured
- multidisciplined < multidiscipline
- multielemental < multielement
- multifoetal < multifetal
- multifoetation < multifetation
- multiformous < multiform
- multifuelled < multifueled
- multi-level < multilevel
- multilog < multilogue
- multimerisation < multimerization
- multimerise < multimerize
- multiobservational < multiobservation
- multi-particle < multiparticle
- multipartism < multipartyism
- multiped < multipede
- multiped < multipede
- multiprogramme < multiprogram
- multiramous < multiramose
- multiregion < multiregional
- multispeciality < multispecialty
- multistriated < multistriate
- multitaxa < multitaxon
- Multiverse < multiverse
- multivoltin < multivoltine
- mumblin' < mumbling
- mimmer < mummer
- mommery < mummery
- mumie < mummy
- mounch < munch
- munchie box < munchy box
- mondayne < mundane
- mundick < mundic
- munduh < mundu
- mungbean < mung bean
- municipalisation < municipalization
- municipalise < municipalize
- muntu < munt
- munting < muntin
- muntjak < muntjac
- muntjack < muntjac
- mokaddam < muqaddam
- mocuddum < muqaddam
- murther < murder
- murther < murder
- murdress < murderess
- murderin' < murdering
- mirky < murky
- murren < murrain
- myrrhine < murrhine
- murrhine < murrine
- mesaharaty < musaharati
- muskadel < muscadel
- muscarin < muscarine
- muscimole < muscimol
- muscularisation < muscularization
- muscularised < muscularized
- musculotendonous < musculotendinous
- muscolotendinous < musculotendinous
- muce < muse
- musit < muset
- museum-goer < museumgoer
- moosh < mush
- mooshy < mushy
- Music < music
- musicalisation < musicalization
- muskox < musk ox
- muste < must
- mustacho < mustachio
- mustre < muster
- mustre < muster
- mus'n't < mustn't
- musn't < mustn't
- musterbation < musturbation
- mutagenise < mutagenize
- mutagenised < mutagenized
- mutatin' < mutating
- mutilater < mutilator
- mutualise < mutualize
- mutualy < mutually
- muu-muu < muumuu
- mucksy < muxy
- mussie < muzzie
- mai < my
- My < my
- migawd < my God
- your arse < my arse
- my neck < my foot
- mycetismus < mycetism
- mycoheterotroph < myco-heterotroph
- mycobacteraemia < mycobacteremia
- mycobacteriocidal < mycobactericidal
- mycetophagy < mycophagy
- myelinisation < myelinization
- myel- < myelo-
- myeloarchitectonical < myeloarchitectonic
- myelocœle < myelocoele
- myelodysplasic < myelodysplastic
- myelogeneous < myelogenous
- myeloic < myeloid
- myelinotoxic < myelotoxic
- myoenteric < myenteric
- myllewell < myllwell
- minah < myna
- myofibre < myofiber
- myofibrilogenesis < myofibrillogenesis
- myological < myologic
- myopathia < myopathy
- myopy < myopia
- myrio- < myria-
- myrialiter < myrialitre
- myriameter < myriametre
- myriopod < myriapod
- m'self < myself
- m'self < myself
- Myself < myself
- mesilf < myself
- mysell < myself
- misophobia < mysophobia
- mystagog < mystagogue
- mistery < mystery
- mysticly < mystically
- mystecete < mysticete
- mythicisation < mythicization
- mythicise < mythicize
- mythiciser < mythicizer
- mythise < mythize
- mythologisation < mythologization
- mythologise < mythologize
- mythologiser < mythologizer
- mythopœic < mythopoeic
- mythopœist < mythopoeist
- myxameba < myxamoeba
- myxoedematous < myxedematous
- myxoedemic < myxedemic
- myxorrhœa < myxorrhea
- myxi < myxy
- metier < métier
- metisse < métisse
- N/A < n/a
- nuh < nah
- nail-biter < nail biter
- nailbiter < nail biter
- nailbomb < nail bomb
- nail-file < nail file
- nail one's colors to the mast < nail one's colours to the mast
- naïve < naive
- naifness < naiveness
- naiveite < naivete
- nekkid < naked
- naked as a jay bird < naked as a jaybird
- nakir < naker
- namecalling < name-calling
- name-dropper < namedropper
- name dropper < namedropper
- name-sake < namesake
- nandoo < nandu
- nankin < nankeen
- nannie < nanny
- nannie < nanny
- nannycam < nanny cam
- nannyghai < nannygai
- nanoohm < nano-ohm
- nannofossil < nanofossil
- nanogramme < nanogram
- nanomol < nanomole
- nannoplankton < nanoplankton
- nanoWatt < nanowatt
- napoleon < nap
- nappa < napa
- naphthalise < naphthalize
- naphtol < naphthol
- nark < narc
- narcein < narceine
- narcism < narcissism
- narcist < narcissist
- narcistic < narcissistic
- narcotise < narcotize
- ngardu < nardoo
- nargile < narghile
- nargileh < narghile
- nargilly < narghile
- nargily < narghile
- narghily < narghile
- narghilly < narghile
- nargili < narghile
- narrativise < narrativize
- narrater < narrator
- narrowmindedly < narrow-mindedly
- narrow mindedness < narrow-mindedness
- narrowmindedness < narrow-mindedness
- nasarde < nasard
- nasohypophyseal < nasohypophysial
- nasturtion < nasturtium
- narsty < nasty
- nathless < natheless
- nationaliser < nationalizer
- natraemia < natremia
- natch < naturally
- nautic < nautical
- navel gazing < navel-gazing
- navvie < navvy
- navie < navy
- nawaab < nawab
- nawaub < nawab
- nawaubship < nawabship
- neaptide < neap tide
- neare < near
- nearfield < near-field
- nearfield < near-field
- near term < near-term
- nearlyness < nearliness
- near-sightedness < nearsightedness
- neat line < neatline
- neatfoot < neatsfoot
- nebbich < nebbish
- nebbishe < nebbish
- nebulisation < nebulization
- nebulise < nebulize
- nebuliser < nebulizer
- nessary < necessary
- necessitie < necessity
- necke < neck
- neckverse < neck verse
- necrologic < necrological
- necromance < necromancy
- necromantical < necromantic
- nigromantic < necromantic
- necrolite < necronite
- necroscopical < necroscopic
- necrotise < necrotize
- neede < need
- neede < need
- needyhood < needihood
- needin' < needing
- needledick < needle dick
- needlelace < needle lace
- needlenosed pliers < needlenose pliers
- neemb < neem
- neap < neep
- negater < negator
- neglectible < neglectable
- Negress < negress
- kneegrow < negro
- negroe < negro
- Negro-head < negrohead
- negrophil < negrophile
- Negrophobic < negrophobic
- Negus < negus
- neighbourhood electric vehicle < neighborhood electric vehicle
- naibour < neighbour
- neighba < neighbour
- needer < neither
- neither fish nor flesh < neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring
- nematocide < nematicide
- nemertian < nemertean
- naenia < nenia
- Neo-Kantian < neo-Kantian
- neocolony < neo-colony
- Neodruid < neo-druid
- neodruid < neo-druid
- neoangiogenetic < neoangiogenic
- neobehaviourist < neobehaviorist
- neoconservativism < neoconservatism
- neo-conservative < neoconservative
- neo-conservative < neoconservative
- neocuproin < neocuproine
- neo-fascistic < neofascistic
- neoflavanoid < neoflavonoid
- neofunctionalisation < neofunctionalization
- neohippie < neohippy
- neologic < neological
- neologianism < neologism
- neologistical < neologistic
- neologise < neologize
- neomycine < neomycin
- neopentylglycol < neopentyl glycol
- neotenia < neoteny
- neoteinia < neoteny
- neovascularisation < neovascularization
- neovascularised < neovascularized
- nephralgy < nephralgia
- nephritical < nephritic
- nephrologic < nephrological
- nurdy < nerdy
- nervewracking < nerve-wracking
- nesslerise < nesslerize
- nestbox < nest box
- netraising < net-raising
- nether worlds < netherworlds
- net-like < netlike
- netted chain fern < netted chainfern
- nettle-leaf horsemint < nettle-leaved horsemint
- knittle < nettles
- neum < neume
- neuralgy < neuralgia
- neuralisation < neuralization
- neuralise < neuralize
- neuralised < neuralized
- neuramic < neuraminic
- neuropraxia < neurapraxia
- neurastheniac < neurasthenic
- neuroaxis < neuraxis
- neuroregulin < neuregulin
- neurilema < neurilemma
- neur- < neuro-
- neurobehaviour < neurobehavior
- neurobiologic < neurobiological
- neurobiotine < neurobiotin
- neurochord < neurocord
- neurochordal < neurocordal
- neurectodermal < neuroectodermal
- neurepithelium < neuroepithelium
- neuroaesthetic < neuroesthetic
- neuroaesthetics < neuroesthetics
- neurofibrillar < neurofibrillary
- neurohaemal < neurohemal
- neurohumour < neurohumor
- neurypnology < neurohypnology
- neuroimmunologic < neuroimmunological
- neuroleptanaesthesia < neuroleptanesthesia
- neuroleptanaesthetic < neuroleptanesthetic
- neuromotoric < neuromotor
- neuromyelitisoptica < neuromyelitis optica
- neuropathetic < neuropathic
- neuropaediatrician < neuropediatrician
- neuropile < neuropil
- neuropterous < neuropteral
- neurotropin < neurotrophin
- neut. < neut
- Neutral Paralympic Athletes < [[neutral Paralympic athletes}}; Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "neutral Paralympic athletes" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E.; {{plural of]]
- neutralizes < neutralises
- nutriocyte < neutrocyte
- neutropoenia < neutropenia
- nebber < never
- not in a million years < never in a million years
- nemmine < never mind
- never-was'er < never-wozzer
- neverwozzer < never-wozzer
- never mind < nevermind
- ne'ertheless < nevertheless
- nethelesse < nevertheless
- nathemore < neverthemore
- nathemo < neverthemore
- nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome < nevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome
- naevomelanocyte < nevomelanocyte
- naevomelanocytic < nevomelanocytic
- newe < new
- new shekel < new sheqel
- newfashioned < new-fashioned
- noobie < newbie
- noobies < newbies
- new-build < newbuild
- new-comer < newcomer
- newell < newel
- newfangleness < newfangledness
- nuze < news
- newes < news
- newshole < news hole
- newsmedia < news media
- newsticker < news ticker
- Newspeak < newspeak
- newsvender < newsvendor
- newsie < newsy
- nex < next
- nextgen < next-gen
- next level < next-level
- Ni-Van < ni-Van
- nibblin' < nibbling
- nicish < niceish
- knick < nick
- nickel rich < nickel-rich
- nickel back < nickelback
- nickelise < nickelize
- nickin' < nicking
- nicotianin < nicotianine
- nicotin < nicotine
- nidda < niddah
- nidorose < nidorous
- neece < niece
- neaf < nief
- nyjer < niger
- niggertoe < nigger toe
- nigger rig < nigger-rig
- nigress < niggeress
- nigger-head < niggerhead
- niggie < niggy
- ny < nigh
- noight < night
- day and night < night and day
- nightblindness < night blindness
- night-hag < night hag
- nightshift < night shift
- night-watchman < night watchman
- night-watchman state < night watchman state
- night-watchmen < night watchmen
- night blind < night-blind
- nightblind < night-blind
- night club < nightclub
- night hawk < nighthawk
- night light < nightlight
- nicca < nikka
- nikkud < nikud
- nilghau < nilgai
- neelghau < nilghai
- nylghai < nilghai
- nimini-pimini < niminy-piminy
- nimini-pimini < niminy-piminy
- miminy-piminy < niminy-piminy
- Nimrod < nimrod
- nimnod < nimrod
- nincumpoop < nincompoop
- nickumpoop < nincompoop
- nine ball < nine-ball
- ninpō < ninpo
- 9th grade < ninth grade
- nitrid < nitride
- nitril < nitrile
- nitrogenise < nitrogenize
- nitroleum < nitroglycerine
- nitrose < nitrous
- naw < no
- no-holds-barred < no holds barred
- no ifs and buts < no ifs, ands, or buts
- no buts < no ifs, ands, or buts
- no-man's-land < no man's land
- no matter how thin you slice it, it's still boloney < no matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney
- no-one < no one
- noöne < no one
- no-questions-asked < no questions asked
- no-strings-attached < no strings attached
- no wuckin' furries < no wucking furries
- nome < no'm
- nogo < no-go
- nogo < no-go
- no lone zone < no-lone zone
- nono < no-no
- no show < no-show
- nobless < noblesse
- nobodyness < nobodiness
- naebody < nobody
- no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public < nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people
- no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public < nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people
- nobody ever went broke underestimating the good taste of the American public < nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people
- nobody ever went broke underestimating the good taste of the American people < nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people
- pobody's nerfect < nobody's perfect
- nokehike < nocake
- nocardiasis < nocardiosis
- nocodazol < nocodazole
- nocturnal arch < nocturnal arc
- nodalise < nodalize
- noddin' < nodding
- noêsis < noesis
- noetical < noetic
- noggin < nogging
- no-goodnik < nogoodnik
- nohows < nohow
- noyl < noil
- noyse < noise
- noisesome < noisome
- noysome < noisome
- illegitimi non carborundum < noli illegitimi carborundum
- nomade < nomad
- nomadise < nomadize
- nominotypic < nominotypical
- non compos < non compos mentis
- nonsequitur < non sequitur
- nonarchimedean < non-Archimedean
- nongaussian < non-Gaussian
- nonGaussian < non-Gaussian
- nonnewtonian < non-Newtonian
- nonagenda < non-agenda
- nonbinariness < non-binariness
- nonbinary < non-binary
- nonbinary < non-binary
- nonbonus < non-bonus
- noncommissioned < non-commissioned
- nonconsumably < non-consumably
- nondenial denial < non-denial denial
- nonderivable < non-derivable
- nondoing < non-doing
- non-governmental organisation < non-governmental organization
- nongradable < non-gradable
- nongradable < non-gradable
- nonimitation < non-imitation
- nonlethal < non-lethal
- nonlethal < non-lethal
- nonliving < non-living
- nonmember < non-member
- nonprefabricated < non-prefabricated
- nonregulated < non-regulated
- nonrelative < non-relative
- nonrelative < non-relative
- nonterminal < non-terminal
- nonterminal < non-terminal
- nonterminal symbol < non-terminal symbol
- untraumatic < non-traumatic
- nontropical < non-tropical
- non-aligned < nonaligned
- nonaluminium < nonaluminum
- nonarcheological < nonarchaeological
- nonarmoured < nonarmored
- non-attachment < nonattachment
- nonbacteraemic < nonbacteremic
- non-canonical < noncanonical
- noncivilised < noncivilized
- noncolourfast < noncolorfast
- non-com < noncom
- noncomputerised < noncomputerized
- non-constituent < nonconstituent
- non-convexity < nonconvexity
- noncredentialed < noncredentialled
- noncryoglobulinaemic < noncryoglobulinemic
- nondefence < nondefense
- non-diegetic < nondiegetic
- none < nones
- non-essential amino acid < nonessential amino acid
- nonette < nonet
- none the less < nonetheless
- nonexchangable < nonexchangeable
- non-existence < nonexistence
- nonexpressor < nonexpresser
- non-ferrous < nonferrous
- nongynaecological < nongynecological
- nonhospitalised < nonhospitalized
- nonimmunised < nonimmunized
- noninstitutionalised < noninstitutionalized
- nonionised < nonionized
- nonjudgement < nonjudgment
- nonjudgemental < nonjudgmental
- nonlabour < nonlabor
- nonleukaemic < nonleukemic
- non-logical < nonlogical
- non-monetary < nonmonetary
- nonnie < nonny
- non-operational < nonoperational
- nonoxidising < nonoxidizing
- nonparametrical < nonparametric
- non-pareil < nonpareil
- non-parties < nonparties
- nonpartizan < nonpartisan
- nonpartizanship < nonpartisanship
- non-party < nonparty
- non-plus < nonplus
- non-plus < nonplus
- non-plussed < nonplussed
- nonpolarisable < nonpolarizable
- nonpolarised < nonpolarized
- non-programmer < nonprogrammer
- nonrandomised < nonrandomized
- non-realtime < nonrealtime
- nonregisterable < nonregistrable
- non-renewable < nonrenewable
- non-representational < nonrepresentational
- non-self < nonself
- non-sense < nonsense
- non-sensical < nonsensical
- nonsettlable < nonsettleable
- non-skid < nonskid
- non-slip < nonslip
- nonspecialised < nonspecialized
- non-specific < nonspecific
- nonstandardised < nonstandardized
- non-stick < nonstick
- non-syllabic < nonsyllabic
- nonsynaesthetic < nonsynesthetic
- nonsynthesised < nonsynthesized
- non-temporary < nontemporary
- nontradeable < nontradable
- nontransferrable < nontransferable
- nontraumatised < nontraumatized
- nontumourigenic < nontumorigenic
- non-uniform < nonuniform
- non-veg < nonveg
- non-volatile < nonvolatile
- nonwriteable < nonwritable
- n00bish < noobish
- nooky < nookie
- nones < noon
- noone < noon
- nop < nope
- northeaster < nor'easter
- noreasters < [[nor'easters}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "nor'easters" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{plural of]]
- noradrenalin < noradrenaline
- noretynodrel < norethynodrel
- norimono < norimon
- normalisable < normalizable
- normaliser < normalizer
- normocalcaemia < normocalcemia
- normocalcaemic < normocalcemic
- normoglycaemic < normoglycemic
- normokalaemia < normokalemia
- normokalaemic < normokalemic
- normomagnesaemia < normomagnesemia
- normophosphataemia < normophosphatemia
- normophosphataemic < normophosphatemic
- normotriglyceridaemia < normotriglyceridemia
- normotriglyceridaemic < normotriglyceridemic
- normovolaemia < normovolemia
- normovolaemic < normovolemic
- nori < norry
- nawth < north
- nawth < north
- nawth < north
- northeastermost < northeasternmost
- northeastmost < northeasternmost
- Northern Lights < northern lights
- Northerner < northerner
- norward < northward
- norwards < northwards
- northwestermost < northwesternmost
- northwestmost < northwesternmost
- nosecone < nose cone
- noseguard < nose guard
- nose grind < nosegrind
- nose piece < nosepiece
- nose slide < noseslide
- nossah < nossuh
- nostalgy < nostalgia
- nostalgise < nostalgize
- nostriled < nostrilled
- not do someone any favours < not do someone any favors
- note book < notebook
- note pad < notepad
- note-taking < notetaking
- noting < nothing
- nothink < nothing
- noticin' < noticing
- nowch < nouch
- nought-withstanding < nought withstanding
- nought-withstanding < nought withstanding
- nought-withstanding < nought withstanding
- nourisht < nourished
- novellistic < novelistic
- novelisation < novelization
- noveliser < novelizer
- noviciate < novitiate
- novocain < novocaine
- nao < now
- nao < now
- naow < now
- now a days < nowadays
- nowdays < nowadays
- nowadayes < nowadays
- nowhere to be seen < nowhere to be found
- noyon < noyan
- noiance < noyance
- noyeau < noyau
- nrg < [[nrg.}}; Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "nrg." is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E.; {{abbreviation of]]
- nuke < nuc
- nucular < nuclear
- nuclearisation < nuclearization
- nuclearise < nuclearize
- nucleole < nucleolus
- nucleophylic < nucleophilic
- nucleide < nuclide
- nudnick < nudnik
- noodnik < nudnik
- nudey < nudy
- noodge < nudzh
- noodge < nudzh
- nuggetty < nuggety
- number-cruncher < number cruncher
- number-crunchers < number cruncher
- numberplate < number plate
- number 2 < number two
- number'd < numbered
- numbers racket < numbers game
- numskulled < numbskulled
- numberous < numerous
- numismatical < numismatic
- nummulary < nummular
- numeraire < numéraire
- numchuck < nunchaku
- noonshine < nuncheon
- nuoc-mam < nuoc mam
- nuss < nurse
- norice < nurse
- nourice < nurse
- nursy < nursie
- nursey < nursie
- nursin' < nursing
- nouriture < nurture
- nutjob < nut job
- nut case < nutcase
- nut house < nuthouse
- nutria rat < nutria
- nutritionalist < nutritionist
- nousle < nuzzle
- NVM < nvm
- nyctalopy < nyctalopia
- nyctohemeral < nycthemeral
- nimph < nymph
- nymphæa < nymphaea
- nymphæum < nymphaeum
- négligé < négligée
- OPT < oPt
- oak leaf < oakleaf
- owre < oar
- oarblade < oar blade
- oreweed < oarweed
- orewood < oarweed
- ost < oast
- oasthouse < oast house
- oth < oath
- otemell < oatmeal
- obeisancy < obeisance
- obolize < obelize
- obesigenic < obesogenic
- offuscate < obfuscate
- offuscation < obfuscation
- obeism < obiism
- objectivise < objectivize
- obligatedly < obligately
- obleeged < obliged
- oblike < oblique
- obolos < obolus
- obsequie < obsequy
- obserue < observe
- observin' < observing
- occashun < occasion
- Occidental < occidental
- oceanliner < ocean liner
- ach < och
- ock < och
- oker < ochre
- oaker < ochre
- Ocker < ocker
- octogon < octagon
- octaedral < octahedral
- octaedron < octahedron
- octohedron < octahedron
- octarius < octavius
- octopodial < octopodal
- octosyllabical < octosyllabic
- octothorn < octothorpe
- octaoxide < octoxide
- oculimotor < oculomotor
- odalique < odalisque
- odds on < odds-on
- odontoplast < odontoblast
- odontologic < odontological
- odourful < odorful
- odourization < odorization
- odorise < odorize
- odsbud < ods bodikin
- odynphagia < odynophagia
- œillade < oeillade
- œnologic < oenologic
- oinology < oenology
- oinomania < oenomania
- oenophil < oenophile
- œstrone < oestrone
- uv < of
- hoff < off
- off-chance < off chance
- offchance < off chance
- offduty < off duty
- off-label < off label
- off-label < off label
- offspin < off spin
- offspinner < off spinner
- off with their head < off with someone's head
- off-center < off-centre
- off licence < off-licence
- offpeak < off-peak
- offramps < off-ramps
- offroad < off-road
- offroader < off-roader
- offseason < off-season
- offslip < off-slip
- off time < off-time
- offtopic < off-topic
- offwhite < off-white
- offerin' < offering
- offsetable < offsettable
- effuscate < offuscate
- effuscation < offuscation
- offie < offy
- o < oh
- oh God < oh my God
- omigod < oh my God
- ohmygod < oh my God
- ermagerd < oh my God
- my Lord < oh my Lord
- ohmigosh < oh my gosh
- ohmygosh < oh my gosh
- ohmygawd < ohmygod
- ichomage < oichomage
- oil of myrbane < oil of mirbane
- oilsand < oil sand
- oilwell < oil well
- oilcanning < oil-canning
- oyntment < ointment
- oker < oka
- otay < okay
- OKish < okayish
- okeydokey < okey dokey
- okeydoke < okey-doke
- ocra < okra
- ole < old
- owld < old
- college try < old college try
- Old Country < old country
- old-timer's disease < [[old timer's disease}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "old timer's disease" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{synonym of]]
- oldfashioned < old-fashioned
- old-timy < old-timey
- oldy < oldie
- old-man < oldman
- oleas < oleate
- oleine < olein
- oleon < oleone
- oligodendroma < oligodendroglioma
- oligodesoxynucleotide < oligodeoxynucleotide
- oligofectamin < oligofectamine
- oligomerisation < oligomerization
- oligomerise < oligomerize
- oglio < olio
- ollam < ollamh
- olycook < olykoek
- omber < ombre
- ombrophil < ombrophile
- omikron < omicron
- omigawd < omigod
- omphalus < omphalos
- ahn < on
- on par < on a par
- in behalf of < on behalf of
- on the DL < on the down-low
- on one hand < on the one hand
- upon the whole matter < on the whole
- on the watch < on watch
- on your marks, get set, go < on your mark, get set, go
- on/off < on-off
- onslip < on-slip
- ance < once
- wunst < once
- wonce < once
- vonce < once
- for once and for all < once and for all
- once for all < once and for all
- oncohaematologic < oncohematological
- wan < one
- a few fries short of a Happy Meal < one fry short of a Happy Meal
- one man and a dog < one man and his dog
- just one of those things < one of those things
- onedimensional < one-dimensional
- one hit wonder < one-hit wonder
- oneliner < one-liner
- one minute man < one-minute man
- one on one < one-on-one
- 1-on-1 < one-on-one
- one track mind < one-track mind
- oneway < one-way
- one's self < oneself
- onyon < onion
- oynoun < onion
- on-looker < onlooker
- onelie < only
- onomomancy < onomancy
- nomancy < onomancy
- onomatopy < onomatopoeia
- onomatopeic < onomatopoeic
- onomatopœical < onomatopoeical
- onomatopœically < onomatopoeically
- onyxitis < onychitis
- OO < oo
- oodlins < oodles
- ooff < oof
- ooph < oof
- umph < oof
- oöid < ooid
- oöid < ooid
- oölite < oolite
- oölitic < oolitic
- oölogically < oologically
- oulong < oolong
- oompahpah < oom-pah
- oompf < oomph
- oöphore < oophore
- oöspore < oospore
- oöstegite < oostegite
- ooxanthine < ooxanthin
- ouse < ooze
- oose < ooze
- oozin' < oozing
- oosy < oozy
- opamp < op-amp
- open up the kimono < open the kimono
- open air museum < open-air museum
- open/closed principle < open-closed principle
- openminded < open-minded
- openmindedly < open-mindedly
- openmindedness < open-mindedness
- openmouthed < open-mouthed
- opensource < open-source
- open-work < openwork
- operatable < operable
- opera-goer < operagoer
- operatical < operatic
- operatin' < operating
- operational research < operations research
- operatise < operatize
- operatour < operator
- operous < operose
- ofan < ophan
- ophidious < ophidian
- ophiurioid < ophiuroid
- ophiurioid < ophiuroid
- ophiurid < ophiuroid
- ophiurid < ophiuroid
- ophthalmy < ophthalmia
- opiniatre < opiniaster
- opiniated < opinionated
- opiniative < opinionative
- opoponax < opopanax
- opopponax < opopanax
- hopportunity < opportunity
- hopposite < opposite
- opsonisation < opsonization
- opsonise < opsonize
- opticks < optics
- optimalise < optimalize
- optimalisation < optimisation
- optimisable < optimizable
- optimiser < optimizer
- optimisers < optimizer
- optionary < optional
- optoelectrical < optoelectric
- opulency < opulence
- opuscle < opuscule
- orrach < orach
- ornge < orange
- orangetip < orange tip
- orangerie < orangery
- orangy < orangey
- oran-outang < orangutan
- uran-utan < orangutan
- ourang-outang < orangutan
- orang-outang < orangutan
- ourang-outan < orangutan
- orbiculated < orbiculate
- orbita < orbit
- hortyard < orchard
- orchestre < orchestra
- orchestrater < orchestrator
- orchideology < orchidology
- orcine < orcin
- orderin' < ordering
- ordinale < ordinal
- ordinaunce < ordnance
- owre < ore
- orf < orfe
- orguinette < organette
- organical < organic
- organisability < organizability
- organizational chart < organization chart
- organisational chart < organization chart
- organiz'd < organized
- organizin' < organizing
- organoaluminum < organoaluminium
- organocatalysed < organocatalyzed
- organocaesium < organocesium
- organosulphate < organosulfate
- organotypical < organotypic
- orgie < orgy
- oricalche < orichalch
- aurichalcum < orichalcum
- orichalch < orichalcum
- orichalchum < orichalcum
- orichalc < orichalcum
- oriol < oriel
- oryall < oriel
- oriflamb < oriflamme
- origyne < origin
- oricha < orisha
- oraison < orison
- orizon < orison
- overloop < orlop
- onry < ornery
- ornithinaemia < ornithinemia
- ornee < orné
- orodispersable < orodispersible
- orodigitofacial < orofaciodigital
- orofaecal < orofecal
- orofaecally < orofecally
- orographical < orographic
- oreologist < orologist
- oreology < orology
- orinasal < oronasal
- orphing < orphan
- orphant < orphan
- orphaline < orpheline
- orrice < orris
- orth- < ortho-
- orthodoxally < orthodoxly
- orthoglycaemic < orthoglycemic
- orthogonalisation < orthogonalization
- orthogonalise < orthogonalize
- orthographise < orthographize
- orthonormalisation < orthonormalization
- orthonormalised < orthonormalized
- orthopædia < orthopaedia
- orthopædically < orthopaedically
- orthopædics < orthopaedics
- orthopædist < orthopaedist
- orthopædy < orthopaedy
- orthopedal < orthopedic
- orthopædical < orthopedical
- orthopaedically < orthopedically
- orthopaedics < orthopedics
- orthopedy < orthopedics
- orthopnœic < orthopneic
- orthopny < orthopnoea
- orthopnoic < orthopnoeic
- orthopraxic < orthopractic
- orthorhombical < orthorhombic
- orthistichy < orthostichy
- orthotonus < orthotonos
- orthotopical < orthotopic
- oryctographical < oryctographic
- os clitoris < os clitoridis
- oscule < osculum
- ozier < osier
- osmol < osmole
- osmometrical < osmometric
- osmose < osmosis
- ospray < osprey
- ostein < ossein
- osteointegration < osseointegration
- ostariophysan < ostariophysian
- ostitic < osteitic
- ostitis < osteitis
- osteoarcheological < osteoarchaeological
- osteoarcheologist < osteoarchaeologist
- osteoarcheology < osteoarchaeology
- osteone < osteon
- ostracisable < ostracizable
- ostracised < ostracized
- ostreaculturist < ostreiculturist
- estrich < ostrich
- ostridge < ostrich
- estridge < ostrich
- oystriges < ostriches
- otalgy < otalgia
- othere < other
- Other Side < other side
- othertimes < other times
- otherisation < otherization
- otherise < otherize
- other-worldly < otherworldly
- otolitic < otolithic
- otoneurological < otoneurologic
- otorrhœal < otorrheal
- otorrhœic < otorrheic
- wabain < ouabain
- owch < ouch
- owche < ouch
- oughtta < oughta
- oughtst < oughtest
- eaur < our
- oorie < ourie
- aout < out
- aht < out
- oute < out
- out-of-character < out of character
- out of one's head < out of one's mind
- off one's head < out of one's mind
- out of one's skull < out of one's mind
- out-of-order < out of order
- outby < outbye
- outstep < outcept
- out of doors < [[outdoors}}: [[not#English|outdoors}}: not
- out-guess < outguess
- utlary < outlawry
- outlett < outlet
- outmanœuver < outmaneuver
- outmanœuver < outmanoeuvre
- outmanœuvre < outmanoeuvre
- outre < outré
- outreness < outréness
- out-worlder < outworlder
- ouvriere < ouvrière
- ovalbumen < ovalbumin
- ovaling < ovalling
- ovariectomise < ovariectomize
- ovarectomy < ovariectomy
- oaritis < ovaritis
- ouer < over
- overcanvassed < over-canvassed
- overhedging < over-hedging
- over-accommodation < overaccommodation
- over-age < overage
- overanalyse < overanalyze
- over-assured < overassured
- over bridge < overbridge
- over-celebrated < overcelebrated
- over celebrated < overcelebrated
- overcentralisation < overcentralization
- overcentralise < overcentralize
- overcentralised < overcentralized
- overcoloured < overcolored
- o'ercome < overcome
- o'ercome < overcome
- overcomable < overcomeable
- overdependency < overdependence
- overdramatisation < overdramatization
- over-elaborate < overelaborate
- overenamoured < overenamored
- over-estimate < overestimate
- overgeneralisation < overgeneralization
- overgeneralise < overgeneralize
- overhall < overhaul
- overindustrialise < overindustrialize
- overintellectualise < overintellectualize
- overiodisation < overiodization
- o'erlay < overlay
- overmoulding < overmolding
- overpressurisation < overpressurization
- overpressurised < overpressurized
- over-pronation < overpronation
- over-ridden < overridden
- oversceptical < overskeptical
- overstorey < overstory
- overstraw < overstrew
- overstrow < overstrew
- overstylised < overstylized
- over-supination < oversupination
- oversystematise < oversystematize
- overutilisation < overutilization
- overwriteable < overwritable
- over-zealous < overzealous
- oviviviparous < ovoviviparous
- oww < ow
- owari < oware
- ow'st < owest
- owwie < owie
- oule < owl
- oul < owl
- owne < own
- owne < own
- oxalacetate < oxaloacetate
- oxazolidone < oxazolidinone
- oxacarbazepine < oxcarbazepine
- ox-eyed < oxeyed
- oxidisable < oxidizable
- oxidisation < oxidization
- oxidised < oxidized
- oxidisement < oxidizement
- oxidiser < oxidizer
- oxidising < oxidizing
- oxydoreductase < oxidoreductase
- oxim < oxime
- oxindol < oxindole
- oxacarbenium < oxocarbenium
- oxi- < oxy-
- oxacid < oxyacid
- oxygenotherapy < oxygen therapy
- oxyhaeme < oxyheme
- oxyhaemochromogen < oxyhemochromogen
- oxopnictide < oxypnictide
- oxysulphide < oxysulfide
- oxythiamin < oxythiamine
- oy gewalt < oy gevalt
- oy vay < oy vey
- oi vey < oy vey
- oi vay < oy vey
- oysterbed < oyster bed
- oysterplant < oyster plant
- ozokerite < ozocerite
- ozonous < ozonic
- ozonisation < ozonization
- ozonise < ozonize
- ozoniser < ozonizer
- pau < pa
- pace setter < pacesetter
- pace-setters < pacesetters
- pacy < pacey
- parchisi < pachisi
- pachometer < pachymeter
- pacifical < pacific
- pacificist < pacifist
- pack on pounds < pack on the pounds
- pack-rat < pack rat
- packie < package store
- packy < packie
- packin' < packing
- padouk < padauk
- paediatry < paediatrics
- pædiatrist < paediatrist
- pediatrist < paediatrist
- pædo- < paedo-
- pædogenesis < paedogenesis
- peoniflorin < paeoniflorin
- peonine < paeonine
- peonin < paeonine
- paganisation < paganization
- paganise < paganize
- paynimry < paganry
- pagefile < page file
- pagetable < page table
- page boy < pageboy
- pagod < pagoda
- pogh < pah
- pehlevi < pahlavi
- pahoihoi < pahoehoe
- paide < paid
- payd < paid
- payd < paid
- paid-up < paid up
- payne < pain
- pain in the rear < pain in the ass
- painstaken < painstaking
- painstakenly < painstakingly
- peinct < paint
- paintshop < paint shop
- paintin' < painting
- paire < pair
- peare < pair
- pairwisely < pairwise
- pice < paisa
- baisa < paisa
- poisha < paisa
- paijama < pajama
- pakoda < pakora
- packtong < paktong
- packfong < paktong
- pakfong < paktong
- petong < paktong
- paitung < paktong
- palays < palace
- paleass < palace
- palæanthropologist < palaeanthropologist
- palæoanthropology < palaeanthropology
- palæanthropology < palaeanthropology
- paleoanthropological < palaeoanthropological
- paleobiogeographical < palaeobiogeographical
- paleobiologic < palaeobiologic
- palæobotany < palaeobotany
- paleoceanographic < palaeoceanographic
- palæoclimatology < palaeoclimatology
- paleoclimatology < palaeoclimatology
- paleodune < palaeodune
- palaeoeconomic < palaeoeconomy
- paleogenomic < palaeogenomic
- paleogenomics < palaeogenomics
- paleogeochemical < palaeogeochemical
- paleogeographer < palaeogeographer
- palæogeography < palaeogeography
- paleohydrologic < palaeohydrologic
- palaeohydrologic < palaeohydrological
- paleohydrological < palaeohydrological
- paleohydrology < palaeohydrology
- paleoichthyological < palaeoichthyological
- paleoichthyologist < palaeoichthyologist
- paleoichthyology < palaeoichthyology
- palaeichthyology < palaeoichthyology
- paleichthyology < palaeoichthyology
- paleolatitudinal < palaeolatitudinal
- palæolithic < palaeolithic
- paleologist < palaeologist
- palæontology < palaeontology
- paleopolyploidization < palaeopolyploidization
- paleosalinity < palaeosalinity
- paleothermometry < palaeothermometry
- paleotropical < palaeotropical
- paleoxylological < palaeoxylological
- paleoxylology < palaeoxylology
- papalagi < palagi
- palanquine < palanquin
- palanqueen < palanquin
- palatalise < palatalize
- palatize < palatalize
- palacious < palatial
- palaeoarch < paleoarch
- palæobiology < paleobiology
- palaeobotanical < paleobotanical
- paleobotanic < paleobotanical
- palaeobotanic < paleobotanical
- palaeoburrow < paleoburrow
- palaeocerebellar < paleocerebellar
- palaeocommunity < paleocommunity
- palaeocontinent < paleocontinent
- palaeocrystic < paleocrystic
- palaeocurrent < paleocurrent
- palaeodemographic < paleodemographic
- paleodemographical < paleodemographic
- palaeodemography < paleodemography
- palaeodiet < paleodiet
- palaeodietary < paleodietary
- palaeodistribution < paleodistribution
- palaeoecologic < paleoecologic
- palaeoeconomy < paleoeconomy
- palaeencephalic < paleoencephalic
- paleencephalon < paleoencephalon
- palaeoencephalon < paleoencephalon
- palaeoendemic < paleoendemic
- palaeoenvironment < paleoenvironment
- palaeoethnobotanical < paleoethnobotanical
- palaeoethnobotanist < paleoethnobotanist
- palaeoethnology < paleoethnology
- palaeoethological < paleoethological
- palaeofauna < paleofauna
- palaeofaunal < paleofaunal
- palaeofaecal < paleofecal
- palaeofloristic < paleofloristic
- palaeofloristics < paleofloristics
- palaeofluid < paleofluid
- palaeogeographical < paleogeographical
- palaeognath < paleognath
- paleographical < paleographic
- palæographical < paleographical
- palaeographically < paleographically
- palæographist < paleographist
- palaeoherpetological < paleoherpetological
- palaeohistological < paleohistological
- palaeohistology < paleohistology
- palaeohydrologist < paleohydrologist
- palaeoichnological < paleoichnological
- palaeoichnology < paleoichnology
- palaeoimmunology < paleoimmunology
- palaeokarst < paleokarst
- palaeokarstic < paleokarstic
- palaeoliberal < paleoliberal
- palaeoliberal < paleoliberal
- palaeoliberalism < paleoliberalism
- palaeolith < paleolith
- palaeologic < paleologic
- palaeological < paleological
- palaeomagnetist < paleomagnetist
- palaeomicrobiological < paleomicrobiological
- palaeomicrobiology < paleomicrobiology
- palaeomorphic < paleomorphic
- palaeoneurological < paleoneurological
- palaeoneurologist < paleoneurologist
- palaeopathological < paleopathological
- palaeopedological < paleopedological
- palaeopedologist < paleopedologist
- palaeophysiological < paleophysiological
- palaeophysiology < paleophysiology
- palæophytic < paleophytic
- palaeophytologic < paleophytologic
- palaeopsychological < paleopsychological
- palaeopsychology < paleopsychology
- palaeoradiology < paleoradiology
- palaeornithological < paleornithological
- paleoseismologic < paleoseismological
- palaeospecies < paleospecies
- palaeosubspecies < paleosubspecies
- palaeotectonic < paleotectonic
- palaeotempestological < paleotempestological
- palaeotempestology < paleotempestology
- palaeovegetation < paleovegetation
- palaeovegetational < paleovegetational
- palaeowater < paleowater
- palaeozoogeographical < paleozoogeographical
- palaeozoologist < paleozoologist
- palaestric < palestric
- paletôt < paletot
- pallet < palette
- palindromical < palindromic
- palingenesy < palingenesis
- palinody < palinode
- palisado < palisade
- palisado < palisade
- palletisable < palletizable
- palletisation < palletization
- palmreading < palm reading
- palmate compound < palmately compound
- palpifer < palpiger
- palgrave < palsgrave
- palsey < palsy
- palesy < palsy
- palesie < palsy
- paludial < paludal
- paludic < paludal
- palulus < palus
- Pampas < pampas
- panflute < pan flute
- panflutes < pan flutes
- pano- < pan-
- panfried < pan-fried
- panfry < pan-fry
- pan fry < pan-fry
- pannary < panary
- panchin < pancheon
- pancreectomy < pancreatectomy
- pancreatomy < pancreatotomy
- Pandeism < pandeism
- Pan Deism < pandeism
- PanDeism < pandeism
- Pan-deism < pandeism
- Pan-Deism < pandeism
- pan-deism < pandeism
- pan deism < pandeism
- PanDeist < pandeist
- pan-deist < pandeist
- Pan-Deist < pandeist
- pan deist < pandeist
- pan-Deist < pandeist
- pan-deists < pandeists
- PanDeists < pandeists
- Pan-Deists < pandeists
- pandarism < panderism
- pandarous < panderous
- pandoura < pandura
- panir < paneer
- panegyry < panegyric
- panegyrise < panegyrize
- pannel < panel
- panelbeater < panel beater
- panellized < panelized
- Panendeism < panendeism
- pan-en-deist < panendeist
- Pan-en-Theism < panentheism
- pan-en-theist < panentheist
- Pan-en-theist < panentheist
- PanenTheist < panentheist
- PanenTheists < panentheists
- pengolin < pangolin
- panical < panic
- panjandarum < panjandrum
- panleukopaenia < panleukopenia
- panleucopaenia < panleukopenia
- pawnage < pannage
- panier < pannier
- panyard < pannier
- pannikell < pannikel
- panoramical < panoramic
- pan-pipes < panpipes
- pamplegia < panplegia
- panpsychicism < panpsychism
- panspermatist < panspermist
- pancy < pansy
- paunce < pansy
- pantalette < pantalet
- Pantheism < pantheism
- pan theism < pantheism
- Pan-Theism < pantheism
- pan-theism < pantheism
- Pan-theism < pantheism
- pan-theists < pantheists
- panter < panther
- pantisocrat < pantisocratist
- pantsless < pantless
- pantagraph < pantograph
- pantagraphic < pantographic
- pantagraphical < pantographic
- pantropic < pantropical
- pantygirdle < panty girdle
- pantiless < pantyless
- Panzer < panzer
- pan-zooism < panzoism
- papable < papabile
- popadom < papadam
- poppadom < papadam
- popodum < papadam
- pappodoms < papadams
- papalise < papalize
- papau < papaya
- papermill < paper mill
- paper board < paperboard
- paper-knives < paperknives
- papillionaceous < papilionaceous
- papilloedema < papilledema
- papillœdema < papilledema
- papillous < papillose
- Papist < papist
- pappoose < papoose
- p-acetylaminophenol < para-acetylaminophenol
- parathlete < para-athlete
- parade-goer < paradegoer
- paradigmatical < paradigmatic
- paradize < paradise
- paradisical < paradisiacal
- parænetic < paraenetic
- paræsthesis < paraesthesis
- parageusis < parageusia
- paragnath < paragnathus
- paragraphical < paragraphic
- para-hockey < parahockey
- para hockey < parahockey
- perroquet < parakeet
- paraquet < parakeet
- paraquito < parakeet
- paroquet auklet < parakeet auklet
- paralepsis < paraleipsis
- parallactical < parallactic
- parallelopiped < parallelepiped
- parallelisable < parallelizable
- parallelised < parallelized
- paralysingly < paralyzingly
- paramoecium < paramecium
- paramaecium < paramecium
- parameterisation < parametrisation
- parametrisation < parametrization
- paranæsthesia < paranaesthesia
- paranoea < paranoia
- paranœic < paranoiac
- paranœic < paranoid#Adjective
- parovarian < paraovarian
- paraphraseable < paraphrasable
- paraphrastical < paraphrastic
- paraplegy < paraplegia
- paraplectic < paraplegic
- parapleuræ < parapleurae
- paraproteinaemia < paraproteinemia
- paraproteinaemic < paraproteinemic
- pararosanilin < pararosaniline
- parasailer < parasailor
- parasitaemia < parasitemia
- para-sport < parasport
- parauntha < paratha
- paravirtualisation < paravirtualization
- parcelation < parcellation
- paraclose < parclose
- excuse my French < pardon my French
- parenchymatous < parenchymal
- paraenetic < parenetic
- pariesis < paresis
- parflesh < parfleche
- parafocal < parfocal
- perfumier < parfumier
- parhelium < parhelion
- parc < park
- park-goer < parkgoer
- parking disk < parking disc
- parlyvoo < parleyvoo
- Parmesan < parmesan
- Parmazan < parmesan
- paraoccipital < paroccipital
- parochialise < parochialize
- parodise < parodize
- paronomasy < paronomasia
- paronomastical < paronomastic
- paratoid gland < parotoid gland
- parquette < parquet
- par < parr
- purrock < parrock
- parrat < parrot
- parrot-like < parrotlike
- parcimony < parsimony
- parslied < parsleyed
- parsnep < parsnip
- parsnippy < parsnipy
- parte < part
- part-exchange < part exchange
- part-song < part song
- partial function application < partial application
- particleboard < particle board
- particuler < particular
- partyer < partier
- partin' < parting
- partizanship < partisanship
- particracy < partocracy
- partitocracy < partocracy
- partyocracy < partocracy
- partitocratic < partocratic
- partyocratic < partocratic
- pawty < party
- pervis < parvis
- parvolin < parvoline
- pacha < pasha
- pashaw < pasha
- pasodoble < paso doble
- pasqueflower < pasque flower
- passout < pass-out
- passage maker < passagemaker
- passée < passé
- paste-egg < paste egg
- pastil < pastel
- paste-up < pasteup
- pasteurisable < pasteurizable
- pasteuriser < pasteurizer
- pastil < pastille
- pastoralise < pastoralize
- patacoon < pataca
- patten < paten
- pater familias < paterfamilias
- paternalisation < paternalization
- paternalise < paternalize
- pathocascade < path cascade
- pathlength < path length
- pathloss < path loss
- patia < pathia
- pathoadaptative < pathoadaptive
- pathobiologic < pathobiological
- pathogene < pathogen
- pathogenical < pathogenic
- pathogenity < pathogenicity
- pathologisation < pathologization
- patin < patine
- patole < patolli
- patooty < patootie
- patriarchical < patriarchal
- patricentered < patricentred
- patrilinear < patrilineal
- patristical < patristic
- patronisable < patronizable
- patronisation < patronization
- patroniser < patronizer
- pattern maker < patternmaker
- pattie < patty
- patty-cake < patty cake
- polron < pauldron
- panch < paunch
- pauperisation < pauperization
- pauperise < pauperize
- pavement-pizza < pavement pizza
- pavage < paviage
- pavillion < pavilion
- pavese < pavis
- pavesse < pavis
- paul < pawl
- pawne < pawn
- pawnor < pawner
- paygrade < pay grade
- paystub < pay stub
- paytable < pay table
- pay for play < pay to play
- panim < paynim
- panym < paynim
- pay phone < payphone
- pcs. < [[pcs}} (pcs) {{qualifier]]
- pc. < [[pc}} (pc) {{qualifier]]
- PDF < pdf
- peh < pe
- peacoat < pea coat
- peajacket < pea jacket
- peasoup < pea soup
- peak < peag
- pea < peak
- peakflowmeter < peak flow meter
- pekid < peaked#Etymology 2
- pea-nut < peanut
- peare < pear
- peartree < pear tree
- pearshaped < pear-shaped
- purle < pearl
- perlaceous < pearlaceous
- pearlised < pearlized
- perelles < pearls
- Pearly Gates < pearly gates
- peasecod < peascod
- peacod < peascod
- peaseweep < peasweep
- peesweep < peasweep
- pibble < pebble
- pebly < pebbly
- pecary < peccary
- pecke < peck
- pectise < pectize
- peculiarise < peculiarize
- peage < pedage
- pædagog < pedagogue
- pædagogues < pedagogues
- pedalling < pedaling
- pedaler < pedaller
- pedanticly < pedantically
- pedantise < pedantize
- paedantry < pedantry
- pedler < peddler
- pedleress < peddleress
- piedstall < pedestal
- pedestrianisation < pedestrianization
- pediculous < pedicular
- pedalavium < pedilavium
- paedogenetic < pedogenetic
- paedogenic < pedogenic
- paedological < pedological
- pedometre < pedometer
- pædomorphic < pedomorphic
- paedomorphism < pedomorphism
- paedophobia < pedophobia
- pedturbation < pedoturbation
- paeds < peds
- pedunculated < pedunculate
- pedunculated oak < pedunculate oak
- pyke < peek
- peekabo < peekaboo
- peekin' < peeking
- peelin' < peeling
- pin < peen
- pene < peen
- pene < peen
- peepe < peep
- peepe < peep
- pee pee < peepee
- peepin' < peeping
- pipul < peepul
- pippul < peepul
- peepal < peepul
- pee-wee < peewee
- peevit < peewit
- pewet < peewit
- pegassey < pegassy
- pecco < pekoe
- pilage < pelage
- pelecan < pelican
- pelletise < pelletize
- pelletiser < pelletizer
- peltated < peltate
- penname < pen name
- penpal < pen pal
- peneid < penaeid
- penalisation < penalization
- pensel < pencel
- pensill < pencil
- pencill < pencil
- penciller < penciler
- penciling < pencilling
- pendent < pendant
- Penelopise < penelopize
- Penelopize < penelopize
- peneplane < peneplain
- pen-friend < penfriend
- pen friend < penfriend
- pinguin < penguin
- penitency < penitence
- penitant < penitent
- penitant < penitent
- penlite < penlight
- pent < penned
- pennyless < penniless
- penny-farthing < penny farthing
- penny for them < penny for your thoughts
- pennyante < penny-ante
- penneth < pennyworth
- poenology < penology
- pentacetate < pentaacetate
- pentakosiomedimni < pentacosiomedimni
- pentadactyle < pentadactyl
- pentagonous < pentagonal
- pentahedrical < pentahedral
- pentaquine < pentaquin
- penhouse < penthouse
- pentise < pentice
- pentosane < pentosan
- pentaose < pentose
- pentaoxide < pentoxide
- pentylenetetrazole < pentylenetetrazol
- penuchi < penuche
- pæony < peony
- piony < peony
- pipple < people
- peple < people
- People's Republic < people's republic
- peperine < peperino
- piper < pepper
- pepper-pot < pepper pot
- piperidge < pepperidge
- pepsine < pepsin
- peptid < peptide
- peptonisation < peptonization
- peptonise < peptonize
- percapita < per capita
- per orem < per os
- perceiue < perceive
- pearch < perch
- pereopod < pereiopod
- perf. < perf
- perfick < perfect
- perfeck < perfect
- perfec' < perfect
- perfloxacine < perfloxacin
- perfluorooctanesulfonate < perfluorooctane sulfonate
- performe < perform
- perfumy < perfumey
- perfusant < perfusate
- perfuser < perfusor
- pergula < pergola
- pergolo < pergola
- praps < perhaps
- periimplantitis < peri-implantitis
- periacinar < periacinal
- periarchaeopyle < periarcheopyle
- periplast < periblast
- periplastic < periblastic
- pericardian < pericardial
- pericardiac < pericardial
- pericardectomy < pericardiectomy
- perichete < perichaeth
- peridote < peridot
- perigeum < perigee
- perelles < perilous
- perillous < perilous
- perlous < perilous
- per'lous < perilous
- perinatologic < perinatological
- periodid < periodide
- peripapillar < peripapillary
- peripatetical < peripatetic
- periphrastical < periphrastic
- peristoma < peristome
- peritonæum < peritoneum
- peritropous < peritropal
- peritumoural < peritumoral
- perivitellin < perivitelline
- perjurous < perjurious
- pearlite < perlite
- permeabilisation < permeabilization
- permeablise < permeabilize
- permeabilise < permeabilize
- permineralised < permineralized
- permixtion < permission
- permitee < permittee
- perofskite < perovskite
- peroxid < peroxide
- peroxidisable < peroxidizable
- peroxidise < peroxidize
- peroxyacetylnitrate < peroxyacetyl nitrate
- perbend < perpender
- perplext < perplexed
- persever < persevere
- persico < persicot
- persimon < persimmon
- p'simmon < persimmon
- persistive vegetative state < persistent vegetative state
- personalisable < personalizable
- personalised < personalized
- personise < personize
- personae < personæ
- perspectivalisation < perspectivalization
- purrsuasive < persuasive
- pertinaceous < pertinacious
- pertinaceously < pertinaciously
- pertinacy < pertinacity
- perule < perula
- poivoit < pervert
- pescatarianism < pescetarianism
- pescevegetarian < pescovegetarian
- pessimistical < pessimistic
- pessimise < pessimize
- pestre < pester
- pesterin' < pestering
- pestilentious < pestilential
- petshop < pet shop
- petagramme < petagram
- petalloid < petaloid
- petar < petard
- petiolary < petiolar
- petite finale < petit final
- petit-maître < petit maître
- peterel < petrel
- petrographical < petrographic
- petrolelectric < petrol-electric
- petralogy < petrology
- pettichaps < pettychaps
- petty-fogger < pettyfogger
- petty-foggers < pettyfoggers
- puefellow < pewfellow
- peyotl < peyote
- pfenig < pfennig
- pfenning < pfennig
- phfft < pfft
- phenogamic < phaenogamic
- phenogamous < phaenogamous
- pheopigment < phaeopigment
- phalangal < phalangeal
- phallologocentric < phallogocentric
- phallologocentrism < phallogocentrism
- phalloidine < phalloidin
- phantasmascope < phantascope
- phantasma < phantasm
- phantasmagorical < phantasmagoric
- phantasmagorial < phantasmagoric
- phantasmagorian < phantasmagoric
- fantasmagorical < phantasmagorical
- pharmacodynamical < pharmacodynamic
- pharmacopœian < pharmacopoeian
- pharmacopœian < pharmacopoeian
- pharmacopœical < pharmacopoeical
- pharmacopœist < pharmacopoeist
- pharyngal < pharyngeal
- phaseshift < phase shift
- fasel < phasel
- phaseollin < phaseolin
- fat < phat
- phenacetine < phenacetin
- phenakistiscope < phenakistoscope
- phenalgine < phenalgin
- phenobarbitol < phenobarbital
- phænologic < phenologic
- fenoxypropazine < phenoxypropazine
- phenylmethylsulphonyl < phenylmethylsulfonyl
- phaeochromocytoma < pheochromocytoma
- phaeomelanin < pheomelanin
- phaeophytin < pheophytin
- feromone < pheromone
- fillibeg < philibeg
- philippise < philippize
- philamot < philomot
- fillipeen < philopena
- philosophress < philosopheress
- philosophistical < philosophistic
- philosophising < philosophizing
- phyz < phiz
- phlebolite < phlebolith
- phlebotomise < phlebotomize
- phlogistical < phlogistic
- phloretine < phloretin
- phloridzin < phlorizin
- phlorhizin < phlorizin
- phœbe < phoebe
- phœtal < phoetal
- phonoaesthetics < phonaesthetics
- 'phone < phone
- 'phone < phone
- phonecall < phone call
- phonesex < phone sex
- phonaesthemic < phonesthemic
- phoneticise < phoneticize
- phoneyness < phoniness
- phon- < phono-
- phonogramme < phonogram
- phonographical < phonographic
- phonologic < phonological
- phoney up < phony up
- fooey < phooey
- phooee < phooey
- phooee < phooey
- phosphatise < phosphatize
- phosphid < phosphide
- phosphinotricin < phosphinothricin
- phosphoramidase < phosphoamidase
- phosphoenoylpyruvate < phosphoenolpyruvate
- phosphoglyceratekinase < phosphoglycerate kinase
- phosphoprotemics < phosphoproteomics
- phosphorial < phosphoreal
- phosphorical < phosphoric
- phosphorise < phosphorize
- phosphorthioate < phosphorothioate
- phosphuria < phosphoruria
- phosphosulphate < phosphosulfate
- phosphuretted < phosphureted
- fossy < phossy
- foto < photo
- photoartist < photo artist
- photobooth < photo booth
- photoessay < photo essay
- photo-essay < photo essay
- photomagnet < photo magnet
- photorealism < photo-realism
- photoaffinity labelling < photoaffinity labeling
- photocatalysed < photocatalyzed
- photochrome < photochrom
- photelectric < photoelectric
- photelectrically < photoelectrically
- photogrammetrical < photogrammetric
- fotograf < photograph
- photoionization < photoionisation
- photoionised < photoionized
- photoisomerisation < photoisomerization
- photolabelling < photolabeling
- photolyzable < photolysable
- photoxidative < photooxidative
- photosensitisation < photosensitization
- photosensitise < photosensitize
- photosensitised < photosensitized
- photosensitiser < photosensitizer
- photosensitising < photosensitizing
- photosynthesise < photosynthesize
- photosynthesiser < photosynthesizer
- photo-voltaic < photovoltaic
- phraseable < phrasable
- phraseologic < phraseological
- phratria < phratry
- phpht < pht
- phthalocyanin < phthalocyanine
- phthalyl < phthaloyl
- tizzic < phthisic
- tisicky < phthisicky
- phwoarr < phwoar
- phycocyanine < phycocyanin
- phycoerythrine < phycoerythrin
- phylacter < phylactery
- phyllidium < phyllodium
- phisick < physic
- phisicke < physic
- physiognomonic < physiognomic
- physiognomise < physiognomize
- physnomy < physiognomy
- physionotrace < physiognotrace
- physiologise < physiologize
- physical therapist < physiotherapist
- physiosorbed < physisorbed
- phytoallexin < phytoalexin
- phytoarcheology < phytoarchaeology
- phytohaemagglutinin < phytohemagglutinin
- phytohaemoagglutinin < phytohemagglutinin
- phytophageous < phytophagous
- phytophagic < phytophagous
- phytostabilisation < phytostabilization
- phytosterolaemia < phytosterolemia
- phytoxic < phytotoxic
- phytovolatilisation < phytovolatilization
- pi minus < pi-minus
- pi plus < pi-plus
- piaculous < piacular
- pyke < pick
- pick and mix < pick 'n' mix
- pick-six < pick six
- pick someone's brains < pick someone's brain
- choose your battles < pick your battles
- pick up trucks < pick-up truck
- pickapack < pickaback
- pickback < pickaback
- pickaninnie < pickaninny
- piqueer < pickeer
- piqueerer < pickeerer
- picquet < picket
- pick up truck < pickup truck
- pico-coulomb < picocoulomb
- picogramme < picogram
- picomol < picomole
- picketee < picotee
- picotitre < picotiter
- picrocrocine < picrocrocin
- pikrolite < picrolite
- picrotoxine < picrotoxin
- pictorical < pictoric
- pictureable < picturable
- pitcher < picture
- picturisation < picturization
- picturise < picturize
- pikul < picul
- pecul < picul
- pye < pie
- piechart < pie chart
- piefaced < pie-faced
- pyebald < piebald
- pyebald < piebald
- piecewiselinear < piecewise linear
- piecewise-linear < piecewise linear
- pied-a-terre < pied-à-terre
- perce < pierce
- pieta < pietà
- pie-wipe < piewipe
- Pig Latin < pig Latin
- pig-run < pig run
- pigeontoed < pigeon-toed
- pidgeons < pigeons
- pigging < piggin
- piggybank < piggy bank
- pig-headed < pigheaded
- pigsney < pigsny
- pigstye < pigsty
- pica < pika
- pyke < pike
- pilaw < pilaf
- pilow < pilaf
- pilary < pilar
- pillau < pilau
- pilcher < pilchard
- piledriver < pile driver
- pilgrime < pilgrim
- pilgrimise < pilgrimize
- pillbug < pill bug
- pillarbox < pillar box
- pillarisation < pillarization
- pinnywinkles < pilliwinks
- pillorise < pillorize
- pilow < pillow
- pillar block < pillow block
- pilocarpin < pilocarpine
- pilotfish < pilot fish
- pyn < pin
- pinakoid < pinacoid
- pineaster < pinaster
- pinchers < pincers
- pinch-hitter < pinch hitter
- pinch hits < pinch-hits
- pincht < pinched
- pinchin' < pinching
- pyne < pine
- pyne < pine
- pinenut < pine nut
- pinealectomise < pinealectomize
- pinguecule < pinguecula
- pin-headed < pinheaded
- pink < pinko
- pinkie finger < pinky finger
- spynace < pinnace
- pinacle < pinnacle
- pinnie < pinny
- pinocembrine < pinocembrin
- penuchle < pinochle
- pinocle < pinochle
- penuckle < pinochle
- pintglass < pint glass
- pintsize < pint-size
- pintsized < pint-sized
- pintel < pintle
- piney < piny
- piñon jay < pinyon jay
- pioner < pioneer
- pipeage < pipage
- pipebomb < pipe bomb
- pipedream < pipe dream
- pipesnake < pipe snake
- pipe fitter < pipefitter
- pipetter < pipettor
- pipistrel < pipistrelle
- picquerism < piquerism
- piraya < piranha
- pyrate < pirate
- pyrimiphos < pirimiphos
- perogue < pirogue
- periauger < pirogue
- perieschkje < pirozhki
- pyrizhky < pirozhki
- pesen < pisane
- pissmire < pismire
- piss in someone's Cheerios < piss in someone's cornflakes
- pee like a racehorse < piss like a racehorse
- pisstaking < piss-taking
- piss up < piss-up
- piss-ant < pissant
- piss ant < pissant
- pist < pissed
- piss pot < pisspot
- pissy-bed < pissy bed
- pistache < pistachio
- pistazite < pistacite
- pistolwhip < pistol-whip
- pitlane < pit lane
- pitprop < pit prop
- pitapat < pit-a-pat
- pitapat < pit-a-pat
- pitapat < pit-a-pat
- pitpat < pitapat
- pitchpine < pitch pine
- pitchin' < pitching
- pitterpatter < pitter-patter
- pittie < pity
- pittie < pity
- pitie < pity
- paiwari < piwari
- pixilation < pixelation
- pixellation < pixelation
- picksy < pixie
- pixey < pixie
- pyxie < pixie
- pixillated < pixilated
- pixieish < pixyish
- pixieishly < pixyishly
- piipite < piypite
- pzazzy < pizazzy
- pizzer < pizza
- pina < piña
- pina colada < piña colada
- placemat < place mat
- place-kick < placekick
- placentophagia < placentophagy
- plagiariser < plagiarizer
- plagiostomatous < plagiostomous
- plaise < plaice
- plaide < plaid
- playne < plain
- plain-clothes < plain clothes
- playnt < plaint
- planarium < planarian
- plain sailing < plane sailing
- planewave < plane wave
- planimetrical < planimetric
- planospiral < planispiral
- planktonological < planktological
- planktonologist < planktologist
- planktonology < planktology
- planktonicly < planktonically
- plannin' < planning
- plantin' < planting
- plasmamembrane < plasma membrane
- plasmocytoid < plasmacytoid
- plasticiser < plasticizer
- plastide < plastid
- plastidal < plastidial
- plastoglobulus < plastoglobule
- platt < plat
- platt < plat
- platin < platen
- Plateresque < plateresque
- platitudinise < platitudinize
- platey < platy
- platypellic < platypelvic
- platypnoea < platypnea
- platyrhine < platyrrhine
- plaudite < plaudit
- playe < play
- playfight < play fight
- play safe < play it safe
- playin' < playing
- plea bargaining < plea-bargaining
- plead the fifth < plead the Fifth
- pleasaunce < pleasance
- plesaunt < pleasant
- pleasaunt < pleasant
- pleas'd < pleased
- pleasin' < pleasing
- pleasurecraft < pleasure craft
- plebeianisation < plebeianization
- plebeianise < plebeianize
- pledgeable < pledgable
- pledg < pledge
- pledg < pledge
- pledgor < pledger
- pledgeor < pledger
- pleiotrophy < pleiotropy
- plenny < plenty
- plenny < plenty
- pleiochroism < pleochroism
- pleiomorphic < pleomorphic
- pleiomorphism < pleomorphism
- plethory < plethora
- plethoretic < plethoric
- plethorical < plethoric
- plethrum < plethron
- plurisie < pleurisy
- pleuroperipneumony < pleuropneumonia
- pleurosthotonus < pleurosthotonos
- plessimeter < pleximeter
- playte < pleyt
- plicated < plicate
- plyer < plier
- plyght < plight
- plyght < plight
- yplight < plighted
- plynth < plinth
- plie < plié
- plow jockey < plough jockey
- plowing < ploughing
- plowman's lunch < ploughman's lunch
- ploot < plout
- ploot < plout
- plutonium < ploutonion
- ploughability < plowability
- plowin' < plowing
- plugged-in < plugged in
- plumb < plum
- plumtree < plum tree
- plumbline < plumb line
- plumbaginous < plumbagineous
- plumbean < plumbeous
- plombiferous < plumbiferous
- plumbisolvency < plumbosolvency
- plumbisolvent < plumbosolvent
- plumegrass < plume grass
- plumous < plumose
- plusperfect < pluperfect
- pluralisability < pluralizability
- pluralisable < pluralizable
- pluviametrical < pluviometrical
- pneumatisation < pneumatization
- pneumograph < pneumatograph
- pneumonoconiosis < pneumoconiosis
- pneumohaemothorax < pneumohemothorax
- pneumony < pneumonia
- poe < po
- potch < poach
- pockethandkerchief < pocket handkerchief
- pocket-pool < pocket pool
- pocket-size < pocket-sized
- pocket knife < pocketknife
- pocket pussy < pocketpussy
- Pocomania < pocomania
- podslurping < pod slurping
- podagry < podagra
- pædiatrists < podiatrists
- podsol < podzol
- podsolic < podzolic
- podzolisation < podzolization
- podsolization < podzolization
- poetic license < poetic licence
- poeticks < poetics
- poetiser < poetizer
- pogie < pogy
- poynant < poignant
- poecilo- < poikilo-
- poikilothermous < poikilothermal
- pernt < point
- pointbreak < point break
- pointcloud < point cloud
- pointman < point man
- pointin' < pointing
- paise < poise
- poize < poise
- poyson < poison
- poyson < poison
- poysoning < poisoning
- polarisabilities < polarizabilities
- polarisability < polarizability
- polarisable < polarizable
- polariser < polarizer
- pouldavis < poledavy
- polemise < polemize
- pole-sitter < polesitter
- p'lice < police
- police man < policeman
- pollicy < policy
- polisht < polished
- politique < politic
- politicisation < politicization
- politicise < politicize
- politicoeconomic < politico-economic
- politico-economically < politicoeconomically
- politicks < politics
- bolitics < politics
- polka-dot < polka dot
- polka-dots < polka dot
- pow < poll
- pollenise < pollenize
- pollinize < pollenize
- pollicisation < pollicization
- polwig < polliwig
- polo neck < polo-neck
- polyadelphian < polyadelphous
- polyarchical < polyarchic
- polarchy < polyarchy
- polycarpous < polycarpic
- polychaete < polychete
- polycythaemic < polycythemic
- poly-deism < polydeism
- polydesoxyribonucleotide < polydeoxyribonucleotide
- polydisk < polydisc
- polyoestrous < polyestrous
- polyethersulphone < polyethersulfone
- polyethyleneglycol < polyethylene glycol
- polyfunctionalised < polyfunctionalized
- polygamise < polygamize
- polygeneous < polygenous
- polygonal mesh < polygon mesh
- polygonise < polygonize
- polyedrous < polyhedrous
- polymerisable < polymerizable
- polymerisations < polymerizations
- polymerise < polymerize
- polymixin < polymyxin
- polynia < polynya
- polyolefine < polyolefin
- polyonomy < polyonymy
- polynymy < polyonymy
- polype < polyp
- polyploidisation < polyploidization
- polypode < polypod
- polypropene < polypropylene
- polysyllabical < polysyllabic
- polytetrafluorethylene < polytetrafluoroethylene
- poly-theism < polytheism
- poly-theistic < polytheistic
- polyubiquitinylated < polyubiquitinated
- polyvinylalcohol < polyvinyl alcohol
- polyvinylchloride < polyvinyl chloride
- polyvinylenedifluoride < polyvinylidene fluoride
- pummace < pomace
- pommade < pomade
- pommage < pomage
- pomgramate < pomegranate
- pomwater < pomewater
- pommee < pomey
- pampano < pompano
- pumpet < pompet
- pondskater < pond-skater
- ponderin' < pondering
- pond lily < pondlily
- paune < pone
- pontocerebellary < pontocerebellar
- ponton < pontoon
- poney < pony
- pooh < poo
- pooh < poo
- pooh < poo
- pooh < poo
- poohbah < poobah
- pud < pood
- poodlefaker < poodle-faker
- pouf < poof
- poovery < poofery
- poufter < poofter
- poopoo < pooh-pooh
- poo poo < pooh-pooh
- puka < pooka
- poule < pool
- poolhall < pool hall
- poopdeck < poop deck
- poopin' < pooping
- poore < poor
- poorbox < poor box
- poorboy < poor boy
- Poor John < poor-john
- poor house < poorhouse
- bust a cap in someone's ass < pop a cap in someone's ass
- pop a cap in someone's arse < pop a cap in someone's ass
- popgun < pop gun
- popstar < pop star
- Pop Pop < pop-pop
- Pop-Pop < pop-pop
- Popess < popess
- pop eyed < popeyed
- papagay < popinjay
- poppinjay < popinjay
- poplitaeal < popliteal
- poppin' < popping
- populacy < populace
- populariser < popularizer
- porcellanite < porcelanite
- porcellanous < porcellaneous
- porcelanous < porcellaneous
- porcelanitic < porcellanitic
- porketta < porchetta
- porencephalia < porencephaly
- porgie < porgy
- poggy < porgy
- porkbarrel < pork barrel
- porkpie < pork pie
- pork barrelling < pork-barrelling
- prawn < porn
- pr0n < porn
- pornstar < porn star
- pornographisation < pornographization
- pornographise < pornographize
- porngrind < pornogrind
- porphine < porphin
- porphyre < porphyry
- porpesse < porpoise
- porpus < porpoise
- porcpisce < porpoise
- porpess < porpoise
- portalvenous < portal venous
- portcluse < portcullis
- portmantle < portmanteau
- poss < poss.
- postboxes < post box
- postchaise < post chaise
- posthoc < post hoc
- postoffice < post office
- postfactual < post-factual
- posthaste < post-haste
- postjail < post-jail
- post office order < post-office order
- postovulation < post-ovulation
- postpostmodernism < post-postmodernism
- postproduction < post-production
- posttraumatic stress disorder < post-traumatic stress disorder
- postanaesthesia < postanesthesia
- postauricle < postauricular
- post-creole < postcreole
- post-doc < postdoc
- postin < posteen
- postembolisation < postembolization
- posteriorisation < posteriorization
- posteriorise < posteriorize
- posterise < posterize
- postero-lateral < posterolateral
- postoesophageal < postesophageal
- postfactum < postfact
- post-feminism < postfeminism
- postfertilisation < postfertilization
- post-graduate < postgraduate
- post house < posthouse
- post-house < posthouse
- posting house < posthouse
- postumous < posthumous
- posthypoglycaemic < posthypoglycemic
- postillions < postilions
- postintegrational < postintegration
- postischaemic < postischemic
- po-mo < postmodern
- Po-Mo < postmodern
- po-mo < postmodernism
- Po-Mo < postmodernism
- postmodernisation < postmodernization
- postmodernise < postmodernize
- postmoult < postmolt
- postnomial < postnominal
- postestrus < postoestrus
- post-order < postorder
- post-paid < postpaid
- post-romantic < postromantic
- post romantic < postromantic
- post scriptum < postscriptum
- post-season < postseason
- posttranscription < posttranscriptional
- positure < posture
- posturise < posturize
- pott < pot
- cat calling the kettle black < pot calling the kettle black
- potplant < pot plant
- pot au feu < pot-au-feu
- potbound < pot-bound
- pothouse < pot-house
- pottager < potager
- potass < potash
- potash of sulphur < potash of sulfur
- tator < potato
- p'tater < potato
- potentional < potential
- potentional < potential
- potentionally < potentially
- potentisation < potentization
- potentise < potentize
- potente < potenty
- pot hole < pothole
- potichomanie < potichomania
- potlach < potlatch
- potlache < potlatch
- pot luck < potluck
- pot-pie < potpie
- potshare < potsherd
- pot < pott
- pottress < potteress
- pouffiness < poufiness
- pouffy < poufy
- pout < poult
- pownd < pound
- pound for pound < pound-for-pound
- poundin' < pounding
- powre < pour
- pour out one's heart < pour one's heart out
- pourin' < pouring
- powter < pouter
- powen < powan
- poulder < powder
- poulder < powder
- powderkeg < powder keg
- powdry < powdery
- powellise < powellize
- powah < power
- powerbase < power base
- powerboard < power board
- powerbox < power box
- powerbroker < power broker
- powercut < power cut
- powerlaw < power law
- powerloom < power loom
- powerslide < power slide
- powerstrip < power strip
- powerstroke < power stroke
- powerstructure < power structure
- powertrip < power trip
- powerup < power-up
- powerfull < powerful
- power train < powertrain
- pow wow < powwow
- Pow Wow < powwow
- pow-wow < powwow
- pow-wow < powwow
- Pow-Wow < powwow
- Pow wow < powwow
- pawaw < powwow
- pawaw < powwow
- powwaw < powwow
- powwaw < powwow
- puoy < poy
- pozzuolana < pozzolana
- puzzolan < pozzolana
- puzzolana < pozzolana
- practicalise < practicalize
- practise what one preaches < practice what one preaches
- practice what you preach < practice what one preaches
- practicin' < practicing
- practicer < practiser
- precipe < praecipe
- prenomen < praenomen
- praepositi < praeposituses
- pretorial < praetorian
- praize < praise
- praize < praise
- prease < praise
- prayse < praise
- prayse < praise
- prame < pram
- praam < pram
- pramipexol < pramipexole
- praunce < prance
- prancin' < prancing
- praeseodymium < praseodymium
- pratic < pratique
- praye < pray
- praytell < pray tell
- priar < prayer
- prayermat < prayer mat
- prayin' < praying
- Precolumbian < pre-Columbian
- preMuslim < pre-Muslim
- prebaking < pre-baking
- precombustion < pre-combustion
- precooked < pre-cooked
- predecimal < pre-decimal
- præ-emption < pre-emption
- prehook < pre-hook
- prehook < pre-hook
- premechanization < pre-mechanization
- premed < pre-med
- preowned < pre-owned
- prerender < pre-render
- pretheistic < pre-theistic
- pretin < pre-tin
- preche < preach
- preach to the converted < preach to the choir
- preachin' < preaching
- preadamitic < preadamic
- praeamble < preamble
- preanæsthetic < preanaesthetic
- preanesthetic < preanaesthetic
- preanesthetic < preanaesthetic
- preanalytic < preanalytical
- preblastoderm < preblastodermic
- precancelation < precancellation
- præcedes < precede
- president < precedent
- precepit < precept
- precerebellary < precerebellar
- precipitance < precipitancy
- præcipitated < precipitated
- precipitious < precipitous
- præcisely < precisely
- precivilisation < precivilization
- precognisant < precognizant
- preconise < preconize
- pre-cooler < precooler
- praecuneus < precuneus
- precurrer < precursor
- predaceousness < predaciousness
- predecimalisation < predecimalization
- pre-decimalization < predecimalization
- pre-decimalisation < predecimalization
- prædestination < predestination
- predicter < predictor
- predominancy < predominance
- prædorsal < predorsal
- pre-eclamptic < preeclamptic
- preenrollment < preenrolment
- preenrollment < preenrolment
- preexistency < preexistence
- præfaced < prefaced
- praefectorial < prefectorial
- preferr < prefer
- prefix'd < prefixed
- præfix'd < prefix’d
- præfix'd < prefix’d
- pregabaline < pregabalin
- prego < preggo
- pregnance < pregnancy
- prehybridisation < prehybridization
- prehybridised < prehybridized
- pre-industrial < preindustrial
- predjudice < prejudice
- prejudize < prejudice
- prelatick < prelatic
- prelatic < prelatical
- prelatise < prelatize
- preliminarly < preliminarily
- praemaxilla < premaxilla
- premaxillar < premaxillary
- premediaeval < premedieval
- premiumisation < premiumization
- premixt < premixed
- premoult < premolt
- praemorse < premorse
- Præmunire < premunire
- præmunitory < premunitory
- praenasal < prenasal
- prenasalise < prenasalize
- preneoplasic < preneoplastic
- praeopercular < preopercular
- praeoperculum < preoperculum
- praeoral < preoral
- pre-order < preorder
- pre-order < preorder
- pre-order < preorder
- preorganisation < preorganization
- preorganised < preorganized
- pre-packaged < prepackaged
- præpare < prepare
- præpared < prepared
- preponderancy < preponderance
- preponderance of evidence < preponderance of the evidence
- pre-portion < preportion
- pre-portioned < preportioned
- pre-portioning < preportioning
- praepositor < prepositor
- prepositi < preposituses
- præputium < preputium
- pre-record < prerecord
- pre-release < prerelease
- præsage < presage
- presbyopy < presbyopia
- presbytress < presbyteress
- pre-school < preschool
- prescriptable < prescriptible
- praescutum < prescutum
- presention < presension
- pre-shared < preshared
- presidence < presidency
- President-elect < president-elect
- prease < press
- prease < press
- preasse < press
- presstime < press time
- prezzie < pressie
- pressin' < pressing
- pressure-cooker < pressure cooker
- praesternum < presternum
- presto changeo < presto chango
- pre-stopping < prestopping
- præsumption < presumption
- pre-symptomatic < presymptomatic
- presynaptical < presynaptic
- prætend < pretend
- pretendin' < pretending
- pretenceless < pretenseless
- pretention < pretension
- praeterist < preterist
- praetermit < pretermit
- pretheatre < pretheater
- pretherapeutical < pretherapeutic
- purty < pretty
- purty < pretty
- prettyprinter < pretty-printer
- bretzel < pretzel
- prævailing < prevailing
- prevailent < prevalent
- prevue < preview
- pris < price
- pricelist < price list
- prickly pear cactus < prickly pear
- pryde < pride
- pride cometh before a fall < pride comes before a fall
- primadonna < prima donna
- Prime Minister < prime minister
- primaevally < primevally
- primative < primitive
- prince-bishop < prince bishop
- pwincess < princess
- Principality < principality
- principalism < principlism
- Printer's Devilry < [[printer's devilry}} (printer's devilry) {{q]]
- print out < printout
- prionemia < prionaemia
- priour < prior
- prismatical < prismatic
- prisoner's base < prisoners' bars
- pristinamycine < pristinamycin
- prethe < prithee
- prethee < prithee
- privatdocent < privatdozent
- privat < private
- pryvate < private
- privatiser < privatizer
- priveledge < privilege
- prise < prize
- pris < prize
- prizemoney < prize money
- prizetaking < prize-taking
- prizetaking < prize-taking
- priser < prizer
- proforma < pro forma
- proforma < pro forma
- pro tem. < pro tem
- pro tem. < pro tem
- prochoice < pro-choice
- proform < pro-form
- pronuclear < pro-nuclear
- propeptide < pro-peptide
- prosentence < pro-sentence
- prostate < pro-state
- prao < proa
- proangiogenetic < proangiogenic
- prob'ly < probably
- probly < probably
- problematick < problematic
- problematisation < problematization
- procalcitonine < procalcitonin
- processibility < processability
- processible < processable
- proclame < proclaim
- proclaime < proclaim
- proconsulary < proconsular
- Procrustesian < procrustean
- proctorical < proctorial
- prodigalise < prodigalize
- prodroma < prodrome
- proœmial < proemial
- prophane < profane
- prophanely < profanely
- pro wrestling < professional wrestling
- professionalisation < professionalization
- proficience < proficiency
- profitmonger < profit monger
- proflavin < proflavine
- prognostification < prognostication
- programable < programmable
- programmable read only memory < programmable read-only memory
- programed < programmed
- programer < programmer
- programing < programming
- projectible < projectable
- projectile-vomit < projectile vomit
- projectile-vomited < projectile vomited
- projectile-vomiting < projectile vomiting
- projectile-vomits < projectile vomits
- projectivisation < projectivization
- projectised < projectized
- procaryote < prokaryote
- proletarianisation < proletarianization
- promasine < promazine
- prom-goer < promgoer
- promissee < promisee
- promisin' < promising
- promoteability < promotability
- promulgater < promulgator
- prove < proof
- priefe < proof
- prief < proof
- preeve < proof
- proof-read < proofread
- prop comedian < prop comic
- propadeutic < propaedeutic
- propaedeutical < propaedeutic
- propagandise < propagandize
- propargylchloride < propargyl chloride
- propellant < propellent
- propellantless < propellentless
- propertie < property
- prophecy < prophesy
- prophecying < prophesying
- proprionate < propionate
- proprietory < proprietary
- proprietess < proprietress
- preprioception < proprioception
- preprioceptive < proprioceptive
- proprioreceptor < proprioceptor
- propretor < proprætor
- propyleneglycol < propylene glycol
- propyleneoxide < propylene oxide
- propine < propyne
- prosaical < prosaic
- prosaick < prosaic
- proselytiser < proselytizer
- prosodical < prosodic
- prosopopœial < prosopopoeial
- prosopopœic < prosopopoeic
- prospectin' < prospecting
- prothese < prosthesis
- prostrater < prostrator
- protoactinium < protactinium
- protecter < protector
- protectorial < protectoral
- protegé < protege
- protolipid < proteolipid
- pronotary < prothonotary
- prothyalosome < prothyalosoma
- protoindustrialization < proto-industrialization
- protooncogenic < proto-oncogenic
- protocolise < protocolize
- protohaemin < protohemin
- proto-human < protohuman
- proto-human < protohuman
- protoncogene < protooncogene
- protorosaurian < protorosaur
- protoxid < protoxide
- protracter < protractor
- protyl < protyle
- protegee < protégée
- proude < proud
- proveable < provable
- provend < provand
- provent < provand
- preve < prove
- preeve < prove
- prouerbe < proverb
- proverbialise < proverbialize
- prouide < provide
- provided that < provided
- providin' < providing
- provincialisation < provincialization
- provincialise < provincialize
- prouision < provision
- proul < prowl
- prouler < prowler
- prowlin' < prowling
- proœmion < proœmium
- pruinous < pruinose
- proin < prune
- prunello < prunella
- pruritis < pruritus
- priar < pryer
- psrna < psRNA
- salm < psalm
- psalme < psalm
- psalmodical < psalmodic
- sauter < psalter
- sautrie < psaltery
- psellismus < psellism
- pseudoarthrotic < pseudarthrotic
- pseud- < pseudo-
- pseudochoice < pseudo-choice
- pseudocomplement < pseudo-complement
- pseudoproblem < pseudo-problem
- pseudoresponse < pseudo-response
- pseudo-cereals < pseudocereals
- pseudocele < pseudocoel
- pseudo-column < pseudocolumn
- pseudo-disciplines < pseudodisciplines
- pseudofecal < pseudofaecal
- pseudogenisation < pseudogenization
- pseudogenised < pseudogenized
- pseudo-intellectual < pseudointellectual
- pseudo-intellectual < pseudointellectual
- pseudoleukæmia < pseudoleukaemia
- pseudologia phantastica < pseudologia fantastica
- pseudologise < pseudologize
- pseudomembraneous < pseudomembranous
- pseudonavicella < pseudonavicula
- pseudonymise < pseudonymize
- pseudonymised < pseudonymized
- pseudo-obstruction < pseudoobstruction
- pseudophakodonesis < pseudophacodonesis
- pseudopolycythemia < pseudopolycythaemia
- pseudo-pseudohypoparathyroidism < pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
- pseudorandomised < pseudorandomized
- psha < pshaw
- pishaw < pshaw
- psilocyn < psilocin
- psithurisma < psithurism
- psoralene < psoralen
- psychiatria < psychiatry
- psychoanalyzer < psychoanalyser
- psychanalysis < psychoanalysis
- psychanalyst < psychoanalyst
- psychanalytic < psychoanalytic
- psychanalytical < psychoanalytical
- psychanalytically < psychoanalytically
- psychobehavioural < psychobehavioral
- pt. < pt
- ptew < ptui
- ptyaline < ptyalin
- ptyalise < ptyalize
- ptychographical < ptychographic
- pub-crawl < pub crawl
- pubescency < pubescence
- pub-goer < pubgoer
- publike < public
- pvblic < public
- public-house < public house
- puplican < publican
- publickation < publication
- publicize < publicise
- publickly < publicly
- publiquely < publicly
- publicly-held < publicly held
- puboischiadic < puboischiatic
- peuce < puce
- pucel < pucelle
- puck-out < puckout
- pudd < pud
- puddin' < pudding
- pudyng < pudding
- puddle-jumper < puddle jumper
- puddley < puddly
- purrock < puddock
- pudique < pudic
- pure < puer
- pouf < puff
- pugnosed < pug-nosed
- puggaree < puggree
- pugaree < puggree
- puggery < puggree
- pugree < puggree
- puggri < puggree
- puh < pugh
- puh-leeze < puh-lease
- poojah < puja
- pujah < puja
- puky < pukey
- pukin' < puking
- pucca < pukka
- pookoo < puku
- Puli < puli
- pulicide < pulicicide
- pulicose < pulicous
- take down a peg < pull down a peg
- pull one's horns in < pull in one's horns
- draw one's horns in < pull in one's horns
- pull the fat out of the fire < pull out of the fire
- pull quote < pull-quote
- pull-back < pullback
- pullin' < pulling
- pulmonary oedema < pulmonary edema
- pupton < pulpatoon
- pulse dialling < pulse dialing
- pulse jet < pulsejet
- pulverisation < pulverization
- pulveriser < pulverizer
- pummeller < pummeler
- pump-fake < pump fake
- pumpjet < pump-jet
- pumpin' < pumping
- pumpkinhead < pumpkin head
- punchcard < punch card
- punchdrunk < punch-drunk
- punchin < puncheon
- punch-out < punchout
- pong < pung
- punyness < puniness
- punisht < punished
- punk jazz < punk-jazz
- punka < punkah
- punkey < punkie
- pontee < punty
- puppet master < puppetmaster
- pupper < puppy
- purchaseable < purchasable
- pyore < pure
- pure-bred < purebred
- pure-bred < purebred
- purly < purely
- pure-play < pureplay
- purgatorie < purgatory
- purinaemia < purinemia
- puritanic < puritanical
- purle < purl
- purly < purlieu
- pourlieu < purlieu
- puromycine < puromycin
- pur < purr
- pur < purr
- purselane < purslane
- purslain < purslane
- purcelane < purslane
- persue < pursue
- pursew < pursue
- poursue < pursue
- poursew < pursue
- poursuivant < pursuivant
- pussy < pursy
- purvue < purview
- push up the daisies < push up daisies
- pushin' < pushing
- pushmepullyou < pushmi-pullyu
- pussy-willow < pussy willow
- pussycat < pussy-cat
- pussy cat < pussycat
- pustulent < pustulant
- putt < put
- off-put < put off
- set one's affairs in order < put one's affairs in order
- put on one's trousers one leg at a time < put one's pants on one leg at a time
- put-out < put out
- put-out < put out
- stick that in your pipe and smoke it < put that in your pipe and smoke it
- put two and two together and come up with five < put two and two together and make five
- put down < put-down
- putdown < put-down
- putrify < putrefy
- butanediamine < putrescine
- puttin' < putting
- puttiless < puttyless
- pawn < pwn
- pyohemia < pyaemia
- pyohaemia < pyaemia
- pyknodysostosis < pycnodysostosis
- pyknometer < pycnometer
- pigmean < pygmean
- pigmies < pygmies
- pyjamased < pyjamaed
- picnotic < pyknotic
- pyorrhœa < pyorrhea
- pyorrhœal < pyorrheal
- pyosepticaemia < pyosepticemia
- pyoverdin < pyoverdine
- pyrazin < pyrazine
- pyrrexhia < pyrexia
- pyridoxin < pyridoxine
- piriform < pyriform
- pyritise < pyritize
- pyrolignous < pyroligneous
- pyronin < pyronine
- pyrrol < pyrrole
- pix < pyx
- pate < pâté
- pebrine < pébrine
- petanque < pétanque
- pookah < púca
- q-analogue < q-analog
- Q-word < q-word
- kalamdan < qalamdan
- qawal < qawwal
- qawali < qawwali
- keblah < qibla
- kibla < qibla
- kiblah < qibla
- king < qing
- qindar < qintar
- quintar < qintar
- koph < qoph
- quadbike < quad bike
- quadrible < quadrable
- quadrangled < quadrangular
- quadrantinopia < quadrantanopia
- quadrantinopsia < quadrantanopsia
- quadrophonic < quadraphonic
- quadriphonic < quadraphonic
- quadradic < quadratic
- quadriennially < quadrennially
- quadrifoil < quadrifoliate
- quadrigeminous < quadrigeminal
- quadrinominal < quadrinomial
- quartisect < quadrisect
- quarteron < quadroon
- quarteroon < quadroon
- quateron < quadroon
- quadruman < quadrumane
- quadriplex < quadruplex
- quadriplicate < quadruplicate
- questorship < quaestorship
- quacha < quagga
- quackmire < quagmire
- quavemire < quagmire
- quaghog < quahog
- quail-pipe < quail pipe
- queint < quaint
- quyent < quaint
- quake-breech < quakebreech
- quake-breech < quakebreech
- quakey < quaky
- quondong < quandong
- quantong < quandong
- quandang < quandong
- qango < quango
- quantitive < quantitative
- quantitie < quantity
- quantisable < quantizable
- quantiser < quantizer
- quantomechanical < quantum mechanical
- quantomechanic < quantum mechanical
- quantomechanics < quantum mechanics
- quarg < quark
- quarreller < quarreler
- quartermiler < quarter-miler
- quarterpipe < quarter-pipe
- quarterpounder < quarter-pounder
- quartridge < quarterage
- quartett < quartet
- quasicompact < quasi-compact
- quasiprobability < quasi-probability
- quasirent < quasi-rent
- quasilinearisation < quasilinearization
- quasi-stellar < quasistellar
- quaternisation < quaternization
- quadrain < quatrain
- quarterfoil < quatrefoil
- quadrefoil < quatrefoil
- quaterfoil < quatrefoil
- quadrefoils < quatrefoils
- quadrine < quatrin
- key < quay
- keyage < quayage
- qbit < qubit
- queyn < queen
- queyne < queen
- Queercore < queercore
- quice < queest
- queint < quenched
- quercetine < quercetin
- quæry < query#Noun
- quæry < query#Verb
- quæstioning < questioning
- quesal < quetzal
- quezal < quetzal
- queuable < queueable
- quicke < quick
- quick-froze < quick-frozen
- quickfrozen < quick-frozen
- quicksighted < quick-sighted
- quickwitted < quick-witted
- quicky < quickie
- quick lime < quicklime
- quickely < quickly
- quicumque vult < quicunque vult
- quillion < quillon
- quinaldic < quinaldinic
- quinzite < quincite
- quincunxial < quincuncial
- kinic < quinic
- quinina < quinine
- quinin < quinine
- quinolin < quinoline
- chinone < quinone
- kinone < quinone
- quinoneoxime < quinonoxime
- kinoyl < quinoyl
- quinquiliteral < quinqueliteral
- quinquevalvular < quinquevalve
- squinzey < quinsy
- quintin < quintain
- kentle < quintal
- kintal < quintal
- quintessentialise < quintessentialize
- quintett < quintet
- kipu < quipu
- quippu < quipu
- quipocamayoc < quipucamayoc
- quyght < quite
- quittin' < quitting
- quiverin' < quivering
- quizz < quiz
- quiz-kid < quiz kid
- quizshow < quiz show
- quab < quob
- coit < quoit
- quotemark < quote mark
- Koran thumping < quran thumping
- qurush < qursh
- girsh < qursh
- qux < quux
- QWERTZ < qwertz
- rdna < rDNA
- rabe < raab
- raasclat < raasclaat
- raasclat < raasclaat
- raasclat < raasclaat
- raasclot < raasclaat
- raasclot < raasclaat
- raasclot < raasclaat
- rasclat < raasclaat
- rasclat < raasclaat
- rasclat < raasclaat
- rasclot < raasclaat
- rasclot < raasclaat
- rasclot < raasclaat
- rebato < rabato
- rabbin < rabbi
- rabbitproof < rabbit-proof
- rabble-rousing < rabblerousing
- raze < race
- race-goer < racegoer
- racemisation < racemization
- racemise < racemize
- racemous < racemose
- race walker < racewalker
- race walking < racewalking
- rhachialgia < rachialgia
- rhachitis < rachitis
- racin' < racing
- waycism < racism
- waycist < racist
- wrack < rack
- rackin' < racking
- Rada < rada
- radialise < radialize
- radicle < radical
- radicalisable < radicalizable
- radicalisation < radicalization
- radicalise < radicalize
- radiaesthesia < radiesthesia
- radioastronomy < radio astronomy
- radiocassette < radio cassette
- radiomodem < radio modem
- radionebula < radio nebula
- radioshack < radio shack
- radiosounding < radio sounding
- radiotag < radio tag
- radiotelescope < radio telescope
- radiowaves < radio waves
- radiotagged < radio-tagged
- radiometric dating < radioactive dating
- radioaluminum < radioaluminium
- radioanalytic < radioanalytical
- radioopacity < radiopacity
- radioopaque < radiopaque
- radiosensitisation < radiosensitization
- radiosensitise < radiosensitize
- radiosensitiser < radiosensitizer
- radiosulphur < radiosulfur
- raphia < raffia
- rag-bagger < rag bagger
- raggamuffin < ragamuffin
- Ragdoll < ragdoll
- ragoo < ragout
- ragoo < ragout
- ragou < ragout
- rag-tag < ragtag
- ra-ra < rah-rah
- ra-ra < rah-rah
- ra-ra < rah-rah
- Raies Ultimes < raie ultime
- raygne < raign
- raile < rail
- rail car < railcar
- reyn < rain
- rayne < rain
- raign < rain
- raign < rain
- rain like cats and dogs < rain cats and dogs
- raincheck < rain check
- rainfrog < rain frog
- rainin' < raining
- raiseable < raisable
- reyse < raise
- raison d'etat < raison d'état
- raitha < raita
- rakee < raki
- rakshas < rakshasa
- lentando < rallentando
- rallye < rally
- rameal < ramal
- remberge < ramberge
- ramblin' < rambling
- rumbunctious < rambunctious
- rambostan < rambutan
- rambootan < rambutan
- ramakin < ramekin
- ramee < ramie
- ramous < ramose
- rampauge < rampage
- rampauge < rampage
- rampagin' < rampaging
- ramulous < ramulose
- ranche < ranch
- rancherio < rancheria
- ranch slider < ranchslider
- rancourless < rancorless
- rancourousness < rancorousness
- raundon < random
- randon < random
- randon < random
- random-access memory < random access memory
- randomiser < randomizer
- rynge < range
- raunge < range
- raunge < range
- rangehood < range hood
- rangin' < ranging
- ranke < rank
- rapaseed < rapeseed
- rhaphe < raphe
- rhaphide < raphide
- raparee < rapparee
- rappa < rapper
- rappas < rappers
- rascallion < rapscallion
- rascalion < rapscallion
- rapter < raptor
- rare-earth element < rare earth element
- rarification < rarefaction
- rarish < rareish
- rathripe < rareripe
- rarin' < raring
- raritie < rarity
- rarety < rarity
- rapscal < rascal
- rascall < rascal
- wascawwy < rascally
- rasterisation < rasterization
- rat bastid < rat bastard
- ratsnake < rat snake
- wrats nest < rat's nest
- rat arsed < rat-arsed
- rateability < ratability
- rat-folk < ratfolk
- rath < rathe
- rathering < rather
- rat hole < rathole
- ratskeller < rathskeller
- rationalisable < rationalizable
- rationaliser < rationalizer
- rattling < ratline
- ratling < ratline
- ratan < rattan
- rattle trap < rattletrap
- rattlin' < rattling
- raveling < ravelling
- ravin' < raving
- ravisht < ravished
- rawbone < rawboned
- ray-gun < ray gun
- raygun < ray gun
- raytracer < ray tracer
- raytracing < ray tracing
- rayfinned < ray-finned
- razorshell < razor shell
- rai < raï
- ray < re
- reassortment < re-assortment
- reattach < re-attach
- reattached < re-attached
- reencode < re-encode
- reencounter < re-encounter
- reencounter < re-encounter
- re-entre < re-enter
- reentrust < re-entrust
- reentrustment < re-entrustment
- reëvaluate < re-evaluate
- reëvaluated < re-evaluated
- reexamination < re-examination
- reinkable < re-inkable
- rerecord < re-record
- rerecord < re-record
- resign < re-sign
- restigmatize < re-stigmatize
- reupping < re-upping
- reups < re-ups
- reups < re-ups
- reacclimatise < reacclimatize
- reache < reach
- reache < reach
- reachin' < reaching
- reäct < react
- reäction < reaction
- re-activate < reactivate
- read only memory < read-only memory
- readin' < reading
- read me < readme
- read-through < readthrough
- readie < ready
- readymade < ready-made
- readymade < ready-made
- re-aggravation < reaggravation
- real world < real-world
- realisability < realizability
- realizin' < realizing
- reely < really
- rilly < really
- realme < realm
- reume < realm
- reame < ream
- reanalyse < reanalyze
- rearend < rear end
- rearend < rear end
- rereward < rearward
- reauthorisation < reauthorization
- reiver < reaver
- rebaptiser < rebaptizer
- rebeck < rebec
- recalment < recallment
- recapitalisation < recapitalization
- recarbonise < recarbonize
- receit < receipt
- receiue < receive
- ceptor < receptor
- recipé < recipe
- reciprocous < reciprocal
- recircularise < recircularize
- rechlesse < reckless
- reckonin' < reckoning
- reclame < reclaim
- re-cognise < recognise
- recognisance < recognizance
- recogniz'd < recognized
- recogniser < recognizer
- recognizin' < recognizing
- recognisition < recognizition
- recolonisation < recolonization
- recolonise < recolonize
- recombinagenic < recombinogenic
- recompence < recompense
- recompence < recompense
- reconceptualise < reconceptualize
- reconcileable < reconcilable
- reconnoissance < reconnaissance
- reconnoiterer < reconnoitrer
- recontextualisation < recontextualization
- recontextualise < recontextualize
- recordkeeper < record keeper
- recoupe < recoup
- recouer < recover
- re-covering < recovering
- recreance < recreancy
- recriminalisation < recriminalization
- recrudescency < recrudescence
- recrystallisation < recrystallization
- recrystallise < recrystallize
- recrystallised < recrystallized
- rectilineal < rectilinear
- rectilineous < rectilinear
- rectress < rectoress
- redbay < red bay
- redtop < red top
- redwater < red water
- redbaiter < red-baiter
- redhanded < red-handed
- redrimmed < red-rimmed
- redshort < red-short
- red-tapeism < red-tapism
- redtapism < red-tapism
- red up < redd up
- red-up < redd up
- red-headed < redheaded
- rediploidization < rediploidisation
- redistil < redistill
- redolency < redolence
- redpole < redpoll
- redraught < redraft
- redressible < redressable
- redressor < redresser
- reduceable < reducible
- reduction to the absurd < reductio ad absurdum
- redying < redyeing
- reebuck < reebok
- re-echo < reecho
- re-echo < reecho
- reede < reed
- reedbed < reed bed
- reed mace < reedmace
- reëducate < reeducate
- re-educate < reeducate
- re-education < reeducation
- re-education camp < reeducation camp
- reaf < reef
- reel to reel tape < reel-to-reel tape
- reëmbark < reembark
- reimbark < reembark
- reëmit < reemit
- reendothelialisation < reendothelialization
- reendothelization < reendothelialization
- reendothelized < reendothelialized
- reendothelizing < reendothelializing
- reenergise < reenergize
- re-engineering < reengineering
- re-enlist < reenlist
- reinthrone < reenthrone
- reepithelization < reepithelialization
- reëxamination < reexamination
- reëxamine < reexamine
- refactorisation < refactorization
- refamiliarisation < refamiliarization
- referencable < referenceable
- referable < referrable
- referrin' < referring
- refineability < refinability
- reflectancy < reflectance
- reflexional < reflectional
- re-form < reform
- refrein < refrain
- refreshin' < refreshing
- refueller < refueler
- refusnik < refusenik
- rigole < regal
- reguardant < regardant
- reggeaton < reggaeton
- regionalise < regionalize
- registered post < registered mail
- riglet < reglet
- regretable < regrettable
- regreting < regretting
- reg'lar < regular
- regularisation < regularization
- regularise < regularize
- regulariser < regularizer
- rehabilitatee < rehabilitee
- rehonour < rehonor
- rehospitalise < rehospitalize
- rehumanise < rehumanize
- rea < rei
- Reich-winger < reich-winger
- re-identification < reidentification
- rynge < reign
- raigne < reign
- reigne < reign
- reigne < reign
- raign < reign
- raign < reign
- reimbursor < reimburser
- reyn < rein
- raindeer < reindeer
- reindustrialisation < reindustrialization
- reënforce < reinforce
- ranforce < reinforce
- reinitialisation < reinitialization
- reinstallment < reinstalment
- reinstitutionalisation < reinstitutionalization
- reinstitutionalise < reinstitutionalize
- reionisation < reionization
- reionise < reionize
- rejectible < rejectable
- rejector < rejecter
- relativisation < relativization
- relativise < relativize
- relaxicon < relaxacon
- relax'd < relaxed
- relaxin' < relaxing
- relessee < releasee
- relessor < releasor
- relegalisation < relegalization
- relegalise < relegalize
- reliquely < relicly
- reliquial < relict
- reliefe < relief
- relijun < religion
- religionise < religionize
- rellish < relish
- relly < rellie
- relocalisation < relocalization
- reluctancy < reluctance
- remaine < remain
- remanency < remanence
- rematerialise < rematerialize
- remedyless < remediless
- remembrynge < remembering
- rememberin' < remembering
- remindin' < reminding
- remineralise < remineralize
- reminiscency < reminiscence
- remixt < remixed
- remenant < remnant
- remobilise < remobilize
- remodelling < remodeling
- remonetise < remonetize
- remolade < remoulade
- removeable < removable
- reneye < renay
- rendrynge < rendering
- rendryng < rendering
- renegado < renegade
- renegate < renegade
- renegue < renege
- re-nig < renig
- renitency < renitence
- runish < rennish
- renormalisability < renormalizability
- renormalisabilty < renormalizabilty
- renormalisable < renormalizable
- renormalisation < renormalization
- renormalise < renormalize
- renowme < renown
- renowmed < renowned
- re-occur < reoccur
- re-odorant < reodorant
- reorganisational < reorganizational
- repairin' < repairing
- reparametrization < reparameterization
- reparametrisation < reparameterization
- reparameterisation < reparameterization
- reparameterise < reparameterize
- repaste < repast
- repayor < repayer
- repeatin' < repeating
- repellence < repellency
- repellant < repellent
- repellant < repellent
- répertoire < repertoire
- rephraseable < rephrasable
- replenisht < replenished
- replevisable < repleviable
- replyer < replier
- reposall < reposal
- reprive < reprieve
- reprioritisation < reprioritization
- reprioritise < reprioritize
- reprize < reprise
- reprivatisation < reprivatization
- reprograming < reprogramming
- reprevable < reprovable
- Republic < republic
- Republican < republican
- Republican Marriage < republican marriage
- republicanise < republicanize
- repugnaunce < repugnance
- repug < repugnant
- requit < requite
- reredorse < reredos
- re-release < rerelease
- re-release < rerelease
- rerouteing < rerouting
- resaleable < resalable
- rescindible < rescindable
- recission < rescission
- rescowe < rescue
- reskew < rescue
- reskue < rescue
- reskue < rescue
- rescuin' < rescuing
- resensitisation < resensitization
- resensitise < resensitize
- residenter < resident
- residualized < residualised
- resign'd < resigned
- resistable < resistible
- resister < resistor
- resocialisation < resocialization
- resolubilisation < resolubilization
- respec' < respect
- respec' < respect
- respeck < respect
- respeck < respect
- respectabilise < respectabilize
- spectable < respectable
- resplendant < resplendent
- respondency < respondence
- sponsible < responsible
- risala < ressala
- risaldar < ressaldar
- reest < rest
- restmass < rest mass
- restabilisation < restabilization
- restabilise < restabilize
- restabilised < restabilized
- restaurant-goer < restaurantgoer
- resterilise < resterilize
- restiff < restive
- restiffness < restiveness
- resupinated < resupinate
- Resurrection < resurrection
- resurrectionise < resurrectionize
- resynchronisation < resynchronization
- resynchronise < resynchronize
- resynthesise < resynthesize
- retailor < retailer
- wetawd < retard
- retardency < retardancy
- retractibility < retractability
- retractible < retractable
- retraumatise < retraumatize
- retrait < retreat
- retributor < retributer
- retro-fitted < retrofitted
- retromaxillar < retromaxillary
- returne < return
- returnin' < returning
- reuseable < reusable
- reutilisation < reutilization
- reutilise < reutilize
- revalorise < revalorize
- revascularisation < revascularization
- revascularise < revascularize
- revel < reveal
- revendge < revenge
- reuenge < revenge
- revenewe < revenue
- reverbatory < reverberatory
- reverendly < reverently
- renverse < reverse
- reverse pickpocket < reverse-pickpocket
- reversable < reversible
- revestry < revestiary
- revictimise < revictimize
- revisualisation < revisualization
- revisualise < revisualize
- revokability < revocability
- revokable < revocable
- revolutionalise < revolutionise
- revolutioniser < revolutionizer
- rewirable < rewireable
- rewriteable < rewritable
- re-embrace < reëmbrace
- rhadomancy < rhabdomancy
- rabdomancy < rhabdomancy
- rhetizite < rhaetizite
- rhæa < rhea
- ribbok < rhebok
- reometer < rheometer
- reostat < rheostat
- rethoryke < rhetoric
- rhetorise < rhetorize
- rheumatick < rheumatic
- rhinocerote < rhinoceros
- rhinorrhœal < rhinorrheal
- rhinorrhoeal < rhinorrheal
- rhizobiotoxine < rhizobiotoxin
- rhizoma < rhizome
- rhizotrone < rhizotron
- rhodamin < rhodamine
- rhomboencephalic < rhombencephalic
- rhonchal < rhonchial
- ropalic < rhopalic
- rotacism < rhotacism
- rhoticism < rhotacism
- wotacism < rhotacism
- rhotacisation < rhotacization
- rubarb < rhubarb
- rhumbline < rhumb line
- rhumb-line < rhumb line
- rysimeter < rhysimeter
- rhythmus < rhythm
- rhythmisation < rhythmization
- rhythmise < rhythmize
- rhythmopœia < rhythmopoeia
- ryal < rial
- ribcage < rib cage
- ribcages < rib cages
- ribaud < ribald
- ribaud < ribald
- ribaudry < ribaldry
- ribaudy < ribaldry
- ribaudequin < ribauldequin
- ribbon < ribband
- ribbin' < ribbing
- riband < ribbon
- ribin < ribbon
- rib-cage < ribcage
- rib-cages < ribcages
- riceball < rice ball
- ricegrowing < rice growing
- ricepaper < rice paper
- ricegrowing < rice-growing
- ricercare < ricercar
- ricine < ricin
- ricinolic < ricinoleic
- rickettsiaemic < rickettsiemic
- ricrac < rickrack
- roll with the punches < ride with the punches
- ridable < rideable
- ridgeplate < ridgepiece
- ridicle < ridicule
- ridiculise < ridiculize
- rediculous < ridiculous
- rift-saw < rift saw
- rift sawn < riftsawn
- rift-sawn < riftsawn
- rigaudon < rigadoon
- riggin' < rigging
- ryght < right
- righte < right
- roight < right
- roight < right
- right-back < right back
- right-face < right face
- right to bear arms < right to keep and bear arms
- rightabout < right-about
- right handed < right-handed
- righthandedly < right-handedly
- rightminded < right-minded
- rightmindedly < right-mindedly
- rightmindedness < right-mindedness
- rightshoring < right-shoring
- rightwing < right-wing
- rightwinger < right-winger
- rigidise < rigidize
- rigouristic < rigoristic
- rijstafel < rijsttafel
- reistafel < rijsttafel
- rill < rille
- ryllettys < rillet
- rimantidine < rimantadine
- rimous < rimose
- rynge < ring
- ring-finger < ring finger
- ringin' < ringing
- ring leader < ringleader
- rench < rinse
- riot girl < riot grrrl
- rype < ripe
- rippin' < ripping
- rip saws < ripsaws
- rip saws < ripsaws
- rika < riq'a
- rize < rise
- rize < rise
- riseform < rise form
- ritualisation < ritualization
- rivalise < rivalize
- riuer < river
- river bank < riverbank
- riyaaz < riyaz
- rade < road
- roadsign < road sign
- roadsman < roadman
- road work < roadwork
- roamin' < roaming
- roarin' < roaring
- roastbeef < roast beef
- roastin' < roasting
- robber-baron < robber baron
- robotical < robotic
- rock < roc
- ruck < roc
- rock alum < roche alum
- rawk < rock
- rawk < rock
- rockband < rock band
- rock-bottom < rock bottom
- rockface < rock face
- rockhound < rock hound
- rocksalt < rock salt
- rock someone's socks off < rock someone's socks
- rockspider < rock spider
- rocketplane < rocket plane
- rocking-horse < rocking horse
- rock pool < rockpool
- rock rose < rockrose
- rox < rocks
- rod for one's breech < rod for one's back
- rodshaped < rod-shaped
- rodente < rodent
- roedeer < roe deer
- röntgenogram < roentgenogram
- röntgenology < roentgenology
- rogue gallery < rogues' gallery
- rogueish < roguish
- royster < roister
- royster < roister
- roystering < roistering
- roysterous < roisterous
- rujak < rojak
- role-player < roleplayer
- role player < roleplayer
- rollcall < roll call
- Roller Derby < roller derby
- roller-disco < roller disco
- roll mill < roller mill
- rollercoasting < rollercoastering
- rollock < rollick
- rollin' < rolling
- rollingstock < rolling stock
- roll-out < rollout
- roll-over < rollover
- rouly-pouly < rolly-pooly
- rolly-poly < roly-poly
- romall < romal
- roomal < romal
- romaunce < romance
- romanèchite < romanechite
- romanticly < romantically
- romanticisation < romanticization
- romant < romaunt
- rondawel < rondavel
- runnion < ronion
- roofe < roof
- rooineck < rooinek
- rooke < rook
- roome < room
- route < root
- root word < root
- root around < root about
- rootbark < root bark
- rootin' < rooting
- ropeyarn < rope yarn
- roquefortin < roquefortine
- rosaceaform < rosaceiform
- roscovitin < roscovitine
- rosegold < rose gold
- rosetinted < rose-tinted
- rosella < roselle
- rosemåling < rosemaling
- roset < rosette
- roziglitazone < rosiglitazone
- rose < rosé
- rotometer < rotameter
- rotal < rotary
- rotateable < rotatable
- rotovate < rotavate
- rot gut < rotgut
- rot-proof < rotproof
- rottin' < rotting
- rotundo < rotunda
- roturer < roturier
- roughhewn < rough-hewn
- rough-house < roughhouse
- rough house < roughhouse
- rown < roun
- roun' < round
- rounde < round
- round of applauses < round of applause
- round-off < round off
- roundtable < round table
- around the bend < round the bend
- roundtrip < round trip
- round-trip < round trip
- rowndell < roundel
- roundin' < rounding
- roundman < roundsman
- rowpit < rouped
- roost < roust
- rost < roust
- rowt < rout
- rowt < rout
- routinisation < routinization
- roave < rove
- rowdedow < rowdydow
- rowan < rowen
- royalise < royalize
- rub someone's face in < rub someone's nose in
- wubber < rubber
- rubberband < rubber band
- rubber-band < rubber band
- rubber band < rubber-band
- rubberband < rubber-band
- rubberisation < rubberization
- rubberise < rubberize
- rubberised < rubberized
- rubbin' < rubbing
- rubbidge < rubbish
- rubbage < rubbish
- RuBisCO < rubisco
- rubi < ruby
- rouche < ruche
- rucksac < rucksack
- rud < rudd
- roddy < ruddy
- rewe < rue
- ruff < ruffe
- ruffle any feathers < ruffle some feathers
- rugula < rugelach
- ruggedisation < ruggedization
- rut roh < ruh-roh
- ruine < ruin
- ruinin' < ruining
- ruleable < rulable
- rewle < rule
- rewle < rule
- reule < rule
- reule < rule
- rule the roast < rule the roost
- rhumba < rumba
- rhumba < rumba
- romage < rummage
- romage < rummage
- rumourtism < rumortism
- rumpsteak < rump steak
- run-and-gun < run and gun
- rundown < run-down
- run in < run-in
- run-o'-the-mill < run-of-the-mill
- run o' the mill < run-of-the-mill
- runup < run-up
- Runic < runic
- runnerup < runner-up
- runn'st < runnest
- runnin' < running
- runningback < running back
- run out < runout
- ront < runt
- rupi < rupee
- rysh < rush
- russetted < russeted
- rust-belt < rustbelt
- rusticly < rustically
- rusticise < rusticize
- rustlin' < rustling
- rie < rye
- ryebread < rye bread
- ryotwarri < ryotwari
- ryotwar < ryotwari
- es < s
- silver plate < s'il vous plaît
- smores < s'mores
- s < s.
- SRLVs < [[sRLVs}} Lua error in Module:parameters at line 573: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "sRLVs" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. {{plural of]]
- srna < sRNA
- sad < saad
- sabbatise < sabbatize
- zebeline < sabeline
- Sabellianism < sabellianism
- sabremetrician < sabermetrician
- sabkhah < sabkha
- sabkhat < sabkha
- saber saw < sabre saw
- saber rattling < sabre-rattling
- sabertoothed < sabre-toothed
- sabretoothed < sabre-toothed
- saberlike < sabrelike
- sabulose < sabulous
- sabji < sabzi
- subzi < sabzi
- subz < sabzi
- sack < sac
- sack < sac
- saccharise < saccharize
- sacerdotalise < sacerdotalize
- sacque < sack
- sackbutist < sackbuttist
- sackt < sacked
- sacralisation < sacralization
- sacralise < sacralize
- sacrify < sacrifice
- sacr- < sacro-
- sacre bleu < sacré bleu
- sadsack < sad sack
- saddlehorse < saddle horse
- saddlepoint < saddle point
- saddletree < saddle tree
- saddle-tree < saddle tree
- saddle-bow < saddlebow
- saddle-cloth < saddlecloth
- sade < sadhe
- saddhu < sadhu
- safari-goer < safarigoer
- saferoom < safe room
- safe-guard < safeguard
- safe-guard < safeguard
- saufgarde < safeguard
- safe-keeping < safekeeping
- safe word < safeword
- safron < saffron
- saffern < saffron
- safrol < safrole
- sage-grouse < sage grouse
- segger < saggar
- seggar < saggar
- saggin' < sagging
- sagu < sago
- sagopalm < sago palm
- suwarrow < saguaro
- saheb < sahib
- sahookar < sahukar
- sed < said
- seyde < said
- sayde < said
- saile < sail
- saile < sail
- sailin' < sailing
- saintfoin < sainfoin
- seynt < saint
- saintlyness < saintliness
- saice < sais
- syces < saises
- saith < saithe
- saikyr < saker
- sakwa < sakhua
- salsoda < sal soda
- salam < salaam
- salam < salaam
- salam < salaam
- salade < salad
- sallat < salad
- salad-dodger < salad dodger
- salad-oil < salad oil
- sallat < salat
- salering < sale ring
- salably < saleably
- saleb < salep
- salesfloor < sales floor
- salicine < salicin
- saliant < salient
- saliniferous < saliferous
- salometer < salimeter
- saliva gland < salivary gland
- salley < sallow
- salley < sally
- salmocheline < salmochelin
- samoun < salmon
- saloon < salon
- salophene < salophen
- salpingooophorectomy < salpingo-oophorectomy
- salsafy < salsify
- saltpan < salt pan
- saltshaker < salt shaker
- saltwater < salt water
- saltarella < saltarello
- salt box < saltbox
- saltier < saltire
- saltierwise < saltirewise
- salt works < saltworks
- samaan < saman
- samboo < sambar
- same-old, same-old < same old same old
- same-old same-old < same old same old
- same old-same old < same old same old
- same old same-old < same old same old
- same old < same old same old
- same gender loving < same-gender-loving
- sanpan < sampan
- sampleable < samplable
- sanitorium < sanatorium
- sanctuarise < sanctuarize
- seintuary < sanctuary
- sandbath < sand bath
- sandtrap < sand trap
- sandwinner < sand winner
- sandwinning < sand winning
- sanda < sandarac
- sandarach < sandarac
- sandrac < sandarac
- sand-blind < sandblind
- sand box < sandbox
- sandburr < sandbur
- sandever < sandiver
- sanding paper < sandpaper
- sandwichboard < sandwich board
- sammiches < sandwiches
- isangoma < sangoma
- sanitiser < sanitizer
- sangiac < sanjak
- sannop < sannup
- santeria < santería
- sapajo < sapajou
- sappan < sapan
- saphaneous < saphenous
- saffi < saphie
- sapientious < sapiential
- sapadilla < sapodilla
- sappodilla < sapodilla
- sapadillo < sapodilla
- zapotilla < sapodilla
- zapote < sapote
- sapanwood < sappanwood
- Sapphic < sapphic
- saraphan < sarafan
- seringhi < sarangi
- sarcolysine < sarcolysin
- sarcoplasmatic < sarcoplasmic
- sarcosin < sarcosine
- sardan < sardine
- saree < sari
- sarmentous < sarmentose
- sarung < sarong
- sushimi < sashimi
- sassafrass < sassafras
- sasarara < sassarara
- sitten < sat
- sat fat < sat. fat
- satrna < satRNA
- Satanic < satanic
- sachel < satchel
- satcomms < satcoms
- satteen < sateen
- satiogenic < satietogenic
- satan < satin
- satirique < satiric
- satirick < satiric
- satirisable < satirizable
- satiriser < satirizer
- satisfie < satisfy
- satsirna < satsiRNA
- saturater < saturator
- Satyagraha < satyagraha
- sarse < sauce
- sarse < sauce
- sawce < sauce
- sawcy < saucy
- sourkrout < sauerkraut
- sourcrout < sauerkraut
- sour krout < sauerkraut
- sausagemeat < sausage meat
- saute < sauté
- sauter < sauté
- sautée < sauté
- sautee < sauté
- saveable < savable
- salvage < savage
- sauf < save
- sabine < savin
- savine < savin
- savin' < saving
- savouring < savoring
- sawe < saw
- syh < saw
- sawset < saw set
- saw-grasses < sawgrasses
- saw grasses < sawgrasses
- saw-horse < sawhorse
- saye < say
- zay < say
- saie < say
- thay < say
- seye < say
- say bo to a goose < say boo to a goose
- sayin' < saying
- sez < says
- saies < says
- sbd < sbd.
- scrna < scRNA
- scarna < scaRNA
- scaleability < scalability
- scaleable < scalable
- scalarisation < scalarization
- scalarise < scalarize
- scalarised < scalarized
- stalding < scalding
- scalebar < scale bar
- scaleheight < scale height
- scallie < scally
- scaleogram < scalogram
- scallopini < scaloppini
- scaup < scalp
- scalpe < scalp
- scaley < scaly
- scaley < scaly
- skandall < scandal
- scandalisation < scandalization
- scandalised < scandalized
- scandaliser < scandalizer
- escape goat < scapegoat
- escapegoat < scapegoat
- scapulomancy < scapulimancy
- scapulomantic < scapulimantic
- scarre < scar
- scarabæid < scarabaeid
- skeered < scared
- skeert < scared
- scurred < scared
- scairt < scared
- scarph < scarf
- scarph < scarf
- scarin' < scaring
- scarey < scary
- skathe < scathe
- scatter'd < scatter
- scatterplot < scatter plot
- scatter-brained < scatterbrained
- scorper < scauper
- sceatta < sceat
- scenarize < scenarise
- send < scend
- scenary < scenery
- scenical < scenic
- skepsis < scepsis
- sceptick < sceptic
- scepterless < sceptreless
- scedule < schedule
- schematisation < schematization
- schematise < schematize
- scism < schism
- schismatical < schismatic
- schismaticall < schismatical
- schismatise < schismatize
- shist < schist
- shistose < schistose
- schizocele < schizocoel
- schizogenesis < schizogeny
- schizontocide < schizonticide
- schizophrenigenic < schizophrenogenic
- shlemiehl < schlemiel
- shlocky < schlocky
- shlub < schlub
- shlubby < schlubby
- shlubs < schlubs
- shlump < schlump
- shlumpy < schlumpy
- schmalz < schmaltz
- shmalz < schmaltz
- schmalzy < schmaltzy
- shmaltzy < schmaltzy
- shmoe < schmo
- shmoose < schmooze
- shimozzle < schmozzle
- schnaps < schnapps
- shnaps < schnapps
- shnook < schnook
- scholler < scholar
- scholastical < scholastic
- scholastical < scholastic
- schoole < school
- schoolboard < school board
- school-goer < schoolgoer
- school-marm < schoolmarm
- school-marms < schoolmarms
- schoolwards < schoolward
- shorl < schorl
- shirl < schorl
- schottisch < schottische
- shrödinbug < schroedinbug
- schrockingerite < schröckingerite
- schroeckingerite < schröckingerite
- shwa < schwa
- Schwerpunkt < schwerpunkt
- scifier < sci-fier
- skiagraph < sciagraph
- sciography < sciagraphy
- skiagraphy < sciagraphy
- Science < science
- sciencism < scientism
- scientise < scientize
- simitar < scimitar
- scymetar < scimitar
- symitar < scimitar
- scioptric < scioptic
- scissil < scissel
- scissorsbill < scissorbill
- scissor-bill < scissorbill
- sclerenchyme < sclerenchyma
- scleroderm < scleroderma
- scleromyxoedema < scleromyxedema
- sclerotization < sclerotisation
- skolezite < scolecite
- scomberoid < scombroid
- scomberoid < scombroid
- scopy < scopey
- scoreable < scorable
- score sheet < scoresheet
- score-sheet < scoresheet
- scorne < scorn
- skorodite < scorodite
- scourse < scorse
- scowrer < scourer
- scourin' < scouring
- escout < scout
- scoutin' < scouting
- scragly < scraggy
- scrabbed eggs < scrambled eggs
- scrap book < scrapbook
- scrapin' < scraping
- scratchcard < scratch card
- scratchin' < scratching
- screamin' < screaming
- screechin' < screeching
- skreen < screen
- skreen < screen
- screendoor < screen door
- screendump < screen dump
- screenprinting < screen printing
- screentest < screen test
- screenscrape < screen-scrape
- screwpine < screw pine
- screwthread < screw thread
- screwed, glued, and tattooed < screwed, blued and tattooed
- screwin' < screwing
- scribler < scribbler
- skrimmage < scrimmage
- skrimp < scrimp
- skimp and save < scrimp and save
- skrimshander < scrimshander
- skrimshander < scrimshander
- skrimshank < scrimshank
- skrimshanker < scrimshanker
- skringe < scringe
- schrode < scrod
- scrophula < scrofula
- shrog < scrog
- scrollsaw < scroll saw
- scroat < scrote
- scrubbin' < scrubbing
- skruff < scruff
- scrum half < scrum-half
- scrumhalf < scrum-half
- scrumtrelescent < scrumtrulescent
- scrunchi < scrunchie
- scruncheon < scrunchion
- scrutinisation < scrutinization
- scrutiniser < scrutinizer
- scuttock < scuddick
- scufflin' < scuffling
- skulpin < sculpin
- sculptour < sculptor
- scurril < scurrile
- skurry < scurry
- skurry < scurry
- scurvy grass < scurvy-grass
- scurvygrass < scurvy-grass
- skuttle < scuttle
- scuttle-butt < scuttlebutt
- skytale < scytale
- sitheman < scytheman
- 'sdain < sdeign
- seabass < sea bass
- seabreeze < sea breeze
- seabuckthorn < sea buckthorn
- seadevil < sea devil
- seadragon < sea dragon
- seagrape < sea grape
- seakale < sea kale
- sealegs < sea legs
- sealion < sea lion
- sealouse < sea louse
- sea-pheasant < sea pheasant
- sea purse < sea puss
- searat < sea rat
- seasalt < sea salt
- sea chanty < sea shanty
- seastar < sea star
- seaworm < sea worm
- sea bed < seabed
- sea-coal < seacoal
- sea cock < seacock
- sea dog < seadog
- sea-dog < seadog
- sea-front < seafront
- seale < seal
- seal'd < sealed
- seme < seam
- seamewe < seamew
- sempstressy < seamstressy
- sennachy < seannachie
- searchin' < searching
- search-light < searchlight
- seat-belt < seat belt
- seatin' < seating
- sea wall < seawall
- sea-weed < seaweed
- sea wolf < seawolf
- sebic < sebacic
- seborrhœic < seborrheic
- Second Coming < second coming
- 2nd grade < second grade
- second-guesser < second guesser
- second-half < second half
- second class < second-class
- second in command < second-in-command
- second rate < second-rate
- second rate < second-rate
- second-from-last < second-to-last
- second hand < secondhand
- secondhandedly < secondhand
- second-handedly < secondhand
- secondin' < seconding
- secresy < secrecy
- secretogogue < secretagogue
- sex < sect
- sectarianise < sectarianize
- sectionalisation < sectionalization
- sectionalise < sectionalize
- sectionisation < sectionization
- sectionise < sectionize
- sectorise < sectorize
- sectorised < sectorized
- secularise < secularize
- seculariser < secularizer
- securitise < securitize
- sedile < sedilium
- see one's way to < see one's way clear to
- see ya < see you
- seeya < see you
- seecatchie < seecatch
- sede < seed
- seede < seed
- seedcoat < seed coat
- seed pod < seedpod
- seein' < seeing
- seein < seeing
- seeing-to < seeing to
- seeing eye dog < seeing-eye dog
- seke < seek
- seeke < seek
- seekin' < seeking
- seme < seem
- seeme < seem
- seemlyhed < seemlihead
- seene < seen
- sip < seep
- sipage < seepage
- seirfish < seerfish
- sedge < segge
- seghol < segol
- signieur < seignior
- signiory < seigniory
- sein < seine
- sean < seine
- sean < seine
- seismogramme < seismogram
- sismograph < seismograph
- sismology < seismology
- sismometer < seismometer
- seaze < seize
- seising < seizing
- shekeré < sekere
- seldome < seldom
- selenous < selenious
- selenocystein < selenocysteine
- selenographical < selenographic
- self-religion < self religion
- selfabsorption < self-absorption
- selfadjoint < self-adjoint
- selfassembled < self-assembled
- selfassembling < self-assembling
- selfassembly < self-assembly
- selfassessment < self-assessment
- selfassured < self-assured
- self-centred < self-centered
- self-colonisation < self-colonization
- selfconjugate < self-conjugate
- selfconscious < self-conscious
- selfconsciousness < self-consciousness
- selfdirection < self-direction
- selfdual < self-dual
- selfexcitation < self-excitation
- self-structured < self-made
- self-formed < self-made
- selforganization < self-organization
- selforganized < self-organized
- selforganizing < self-organizing
- selfsimilar < self-similar
- selfwilledness < self-willedness
- selfy < selfie
- sell in May, then go away < sell in May and go away
- sell in May, then stay away < sell in May and go away
- sell short < sell oneself short
- buy woof tickets < sell wolf tickets
- selvedge < selvage
- selvedged < selvaged
- semaphorical < semaphoric
- semiactive < semi-active
- semiaquatic < semi-aquatic
- semidetached < semi-detached
- semidetached < semi-detached
- semiheavy water < semi-heavy water
- semiperiod < semi-period
- semitractor < semi-tractor
- semitrailer < semi-trailer
- semivoiced < semi-voiced
- semi-annual < semiannual
- semi-attached < semiattached
- semi-circle < semicircle
- semi-circular < semicircular
- semicivilised < semicivilized
- semi-coke < semicoke
- semiconfluence < semiconfluency
- semicylindric < semicylindrical
- semidirected < semidirect
- semidiscretisation < semidiscretization
- semilunary < semilunar
- semi-metal < semimetal
- semi-monthly < semimonthly
- semeniferous < seminiferous
- semeiological < semiological
- semeiologically < semiologically
- semeiology < semiology
- semeiotician < semiotician
- semeiotics < semiotics
- semi-vegetarian < semivegetarian
- semi-vegetarian < semivegetarian
- semi-vegetarianism < semivegetarianism
- semolino < semolina
- senatoress < senatress
- sende < send
- send off < send-off
- sendin' < sending
- send off < sendoff
- sinnet < sennit
- sensationalisation < sensationalization
- sencible < sensible
- sensillae < sensilla
- sensitised < sensitized
- sensitising < sensitizing
- sensoneural < sensorineural
- sensitory < sensory
- sensualisation < sensualization
- sentencious < sententious
- sentimentalise < sentimentalize
- centinel < sentinel
- centinell < sentinel
- centonel < sentinel
- sefira < sephira
- seapoy < sepoy
- sæptal < septal
- Septembrise < septembrise
- Septembrize < septembrize
- septembrise < septembrize
- septentrial < septentrional
- setfoil < septfoil
- septicaemic < septicemic
- sepulture < sepulchre
- sequencable < sequenceable
- sequentialisation < sequentialization
- sequestre < sequester
- sequestre < sequester
- sequestred < sequestered
- seraphick < seraphic
- siraskier < seraskier
- serenate < serenade
- searge < serge
- sergeant-major < sergeant major
- serjeant-at-arms < sergeant-at-arms
- serjeantcy < sergeantcy
- serjeantship < sergeantship
- serjeantry < sergeanty
- sergeantry < sergeanty
- serialisable < serializable
- cariama < seriema
- seriph < serif
- ceriph < serif
- seriffed < serifed
- sergeanty < serjeanty
- serotoninergic < serotonergic
- serpentiginous < serpentigenous
- serpentinise < serpentinize
- serveable < servable
- seruante < servant
- seruant < servant
- serue < serve
- sarve < serve
- seruice < service
- seruice < service
- servicemark < service mark
- sarvisberry < serviceberry
- servin' < serving
- servitute < servitude
- servelet < servlet
- sesquialter < sesquialteral
- sesquialterous < sesquialteral
- sesquipedalism < sesquipedalianism
- sestett < sestet
- sestette < sestet
- sett < set
- visit a spell < set a spell
- set together by the ears < set by the ears
- set-netting < set netting
- setnetting < set netting
- have one's heart set on < set one's heart on
- have one's heart set upon < set one's heart on
- set sights on < set one's sights on
- setpiece < set piece
- set-piece < set piece
- set the world alight < set the world on fire
- set the world ablaze < set the world on fire
- set the world aflame < set the world on fire
- set the world afire < set the world on fire
- setee < settee
- settin' < setting
- settlable < settleable
- settlin' < settling
- setleing < settling
- seuen < seven
- seaven < seven
- seaventh < seventh
- 7th art < seventh art
- 7th grade < seventh grade
- sevendy < seventy
- seuerall < several
- seveare < severe
- sextumvirate < sevirate
- sexvirate < sevirate
- sevaiyan < seviyan
- sex-machine < sex machine
- sexagenerian < sexagenarian
- sexagenerian < sexagenarian
- sexigesimal < sexagesimal
- sexphobe < sexophobe
- sexphobia < sexophobia
- sexphobic < sexophobic
- sexte < sext
- sextette < sextet
- sextett < sextet
- sexualisable < sexualizable
- sexualisation < sexualization
- sexualise < sexualize
- scraffito < sgraffito
- syabu < shabu
- shabushabu < shabu-shabu
- schatchen < shadchen
- shadkhan < shadchen
- shuddup < shaddup
- shadeism < shadism
- shadowe < shadow
- shadder < shadow
- shadow box < shadow-box
- champfrein < shaffron
- shaftin' < shafting
- chagreen < shagreen
- shahadah < shahada
- shaheen < shahin
- shaytan < shaitan
- shakin' < shaking
- shacko < shako
- shakey < shaky
- shal < shall
- eschalot < shallot
- shalot < shallot
- shammash < shamash
- shammas < shamash
- schame < shame
- shamianah < shamiana
- shumla < shamla
- chammy < shammy
- chammy < shammy
- champoo < shampoo
- champoo < shampoo
- shanghae < shanghai
- shank's mare < shanks' mare
- shank-nag < shanks' nag
- chantie < shanty
- chanteyman < shantyman
- chantyman < shantyman
- shappe < shape
- Shar Pei < shar-pei
- sheard < shard
- share milk < share-milk
- share milking < share-milking
- share-herding < shareherding
- share herding < shareherding
- sheriat < shari'a
- sharin' < sharing
- sharpe < sharp
- sharptongued < sharp-tongued
- sharpwitted < sharp-witted
- shaslik < shashlik
- shatter box < shatterbox
- shavable < shaveable
- shavin' < shaving
- chawarma < shawarma
- shalm < shawm
- shazam < shazaam
- shtchi < shchi
- shchee < shchi
- shee < she
- Shea < shea
- shearing < shearling
- shear wall < shearwall
- sheathfish < sheatfish
- sheebeen < shebeen
- shabeen < shebeen
- shebean < shebeen
- shiyit < sheeit
- sheene < sheen
- sheepe < sheep
- sheepcot < sheepcote
- sheephead < sheepshead
- sheete < sheet
- sheath cake < sheet cake
- shaygetz < shegetz
- sheygets < shegetz
- shehita < shehitah
- shechita < shehitah
- shechitah < shehitah
- shahnai < shehnai
- cheikh < sheik
- scheik < sheik
- shaik < sheik
- shaikh < sheik
- sheykh < sheikh
- sheika < sheikha
- shelgoose < sheldgoose
- shielddrake < sheldrake
- shieldrake < sheldrake
- shellduck < shelduck
- sheldduck < shelduck
- shell-suit < shell suit
- shellsuit < shell suit
- shelllike < shell-like
- shellack < shellac
- shellack < shellac
- shell-lac < shellac
- shinanigan < shenanigan
- shenans < shenanigans
- shende < shend
- cheng < sheng
- shepherde < shepherd
- shepheard < shepherd
- scherbet < sherbet
- sherbetty < sherbety
- scherif < shereef
- sherris < sherry
- she'l < she’ll
- sssh < shh
- shiatzu < shiatsu
- shikker < shicker
- sheild < shield
- shieldfern < shield fern
- sheiling < shieling
- shiftin' < shifting
- shikkaree < shikari
- shikseh < shikse
- shillin' < shilling
- shilly and shally < shilly-shally
- shillyshallying < shilly-shallying
- shinpad < shin pad
- shinin' < shining
- shep < ship
- shippin' < shipping
- shirt-lifter < shirt lifter
- shirtsleeves < shirt sleeves
- shirt-sleeves < shirt sleeves
- sheesh kebab < shish kebab
- itshay < shit
- itshay < shit
- shit or get off the can < shit or get off the pot
- shitstain < shit stain
- shitheel < shit-heel
- shitebag < shitbag
- shit house < shithouse
- shit houses < shithouse
- shit list < shitlist
- shiteload < shitload
- setim < shittim
- shittin' < shitting
- shiverin' < shivering
- shizz < shiz
- shmata < shmatte
- shmate < shmatte
- schmoo < shmoo
- shockwave < shock wave
- shockt < shocked
- shoebomber < shoe bomber
- shoeshop < shoe shop
- shoe box < shoebox
- shoegazy < shoegazey
- shoe-horn < shoehorn
- shoe-horn < shoehorn
- shoe store < shoestore
- shough < shoo
- shooke < shook
- shood < shoot
- shute < shoot
- kill me < shoot me
- shootin' < shooting
- shoot out < shootout
- shoot-out < shootout
- shopsoiled < shop-soiled
- shoppin' < shopping
- shop-worn < shopworn
- shoar < shore
- shoare < shore
- shoreling < shorling
- schort < short
- shorte < short
- short-order < short order
- shortcircuit < short-circuit
- shortwinded < short-winded
- shorteralls < shortalls
- short-fall < shortfall
- short-handed < shorthanded
- short stop < shortstop
- short wave < shortwave
- shot list < shotlist
- shid < should
- shood < should
- shou'd < should
- shold < should
- shuld < should
- shou'dn't < shouldn’t
- shoutin' < shouting
- shovelnosed < shovel-nosed
- shovelable < shovellable
- shovin' < shoving
- shewe < show
- show-and-tell < show and tell
- show one's stripes < show one's true stripes
- showring < show ring
- teach someone who's the boss < show who's boss
- teach who's boss < show who's boss
- teach who's the boss < show who's boss
- show off < show-off
- show bag < showbag
- show biz < showbiz
- show-goer < showgoer
- showin' < showing
- shradh < shraddha
- shrivalty < shrievalty
- shrinke < shrink
- shrowd < shroud
- srub < shrub
- shrab < shrub
- shtetel < shtetl
- schtetl < shtetl
- streimel < shtreimel
- schtup < shtup
- shovelboard < shuffleboard
- shuftie < shufti
- shoosh < shush
- shet < shut
- shu' < shut
- shup < shut up
- shuddap < shut up
- shut it < shut up
- shut out < shutout
- shutterspeed < shutter speed
- shuttin' < shutting
- shittlecock < shuttlecock
- shuttlecork < shuttlecock
- shye < shy
- shie < shy
- shily < shyly
- shiness < shyness
- syrmak < shyrdak
- sirna < siRNA
- sialoadenitis < sialadenitis
- sialylate < sialate
- sialagogic < sialogogic
- sialyation < sialylation
- sib-in-law < sibling-in-law
- Sibyl < sibyl
- sicke < sick
- sicc < sick
- sick bag < sickbag
- sicklaemia < sicklemia
- sicklaemic < sicklemic
- sickly-sweet < sickly sweet
- sidecap < side cap
- sidenote < side note
- sidestreet < side street
- sidewhiskers < side whiskers
- sidewhiskered < side-whiskered
- side-foot < sidefoot
- side-lines < sidelines
- side lines < sidelines
- siderophil < siderophile
- side show < sideshow
- sedge < siege
- siue < sieve
- syght < sight
- sicht < sight
- signalisation < signalization
- signalise < signalize
- signetted < signeted
- signore < signor
- signior < signor
- sileage < silage
- silanise < silanize
- silenc'd < silenced
- silenoside < sileneoside
- silent cop < silent policeman
- silicisation < silicization
- silicon rubber < silicone rubber
- siliconise < siliconize
- siliconised < siliconized
- silke < silk
- silk oak < silky oak
- silk-oak < silky oak
- cill < sill
- sillyness < silliness
- stenlock < sillock
- sely < silly
- siluroid < silurid
- silver anniversary < silver wedding
- silver plate < silver-plate
- silverplated < silver-plated
- silverise < silverize
- silver-smith < silversmith
- sylvicultural < silvicultural
- sylviculture < silviculture
- cimar < simar
- samarra < simar
- simarre < simar
- symarr < simar
- symar < simar
- simily < simile
- similise < similize
- Simoleon < simoleon
- simonise < simonize
- simoon < simoom
- simun < simoom
- samoom < simoom
- sinne < sin
- sinne < sin
- sindhooram < sindooram
- sinewave < sine wave
- sinfull < sinful
- sing off the same hymn sheet < sing from the same hymnbook
- singsongy < sing-songy
- singin' < singing
- sing-jay < singjay
- singlehandedly < single-handedly
- singlewide < single-wide
- single-player < singleplayer
- Sinicise < sinicise
- sincke < sink
- sincke < sink
- get one's teeth into < sink one's teeth into
- sink one's teeth in < sink one's teeth into
- sinkin' < sinking
- sinuatrial < sinoatrial
- sino-auricular < sinoauricular
- Sinological < sinological
- Sinologist < sinologist
- sinunasal < sinonasal
- sensimilla < sinsemilla
- sinuitis < sinusitis
- syphonophore < siphonophore
- siphunculate < siphunculated
- sippin' < sipping
- Sir < sir
- suh < sir
- sireland < sire-land
- syren < siren
- sirenise < sirenize
- surloin < sirloin
- cissy < sissy
- sistah < sister
- seester < sister
- sistership < sister ship
- siddown < sit down
- sit the fence < sit on the fence
- sit-upon < sit upon
- sitdown < sit-down
- sitski < sit-ski
- situps < sit-ups
- sitiomania < sitomania
- sitiophobia < sitophobia
- sitosterolaemia < sitosterolemia
- sit-ski < sitski
- sittin' < sitting
- situation awareness < situational awareness
- sitzbath < sitz bath
- sixe < six
- syxe < six
- sixgun < six-gun
- 6th grade < sixth grade
- sixtyfourmo < sixty-fourmo
- 69 < sixty-nine
- 69er < sixty-niner
- jambok < sjambok
- jambok < sjambok
- scaddle < skaddle
- sk8 < skate
- sk8 < skate
- scate < skate
- scate < skate
- skatable < skateable
- skate park < skatepark
- skate punk < skatepunk
- skaiter < skater
- skene < skean
- skain < skean
- skeine < skean
- skidaddle < skedaddle
- skeevin' < skeeving
- skag < skeg
- skeletonisation < skeletonization
- skeletoniser < skeletonizer
- skeptick < skeptic
- sceptically < skeptically
- sketchpad < sketch pad
- sketch book < sketchbook
- skite < skete
- skew symmetric < skew-symmetric
- skewsymmetric < skew-symmetric
- skew symmetry < skew-symmetry
- skewwhiff < skew-whiff
- skee < ski
- skee < ski
- sciascope < skiascope
- sciascopy < skiascopy
- skeed < skid
- skil < skill
- skilless < skillless
- skill-lessness < skilllessness
- skimmerton < skimmington
- skimmelton < skimmington
- skimington < skimmington
- skinfood < skin food
- skinmag < skin mag
- skin-mag < skin mag
- scink < skink
- skinable < skinnable
- skinnin' < skinning
- skinnydip < skinny-dip
- skinny dip < skinny-dip
- miss a beat < skip a beat
- skiptracing < skip tracing
- skipable < skippable
- skippin' < skipping
- scarmoge < skirmish
- scarmage < skirmish
- skirrett < skirret
- skirting-board < skirting board
- Skopos < skopos
- skordhalia < skordalia
- skorthalia < skordalia
- sculk < skulk
- sculker < skulker
- scullcap < skullcap
- skye < sky
- skiey < skyey
- slackjawed < slack-jawed
- slaken < slacken
- slactivism < slacktivism
- slayn < slain
- sleck < slake
- slamdancing < slam dancing
- slammin' < slamming
- slent < slant
- slent < slant
- slantways < slantwise
- slap happy < slaphappy
- slapable < slappable
- slappin' < slapping
- slasht < slashed
- slashin' < slashing
- slash < slatch
- sclate < slate
- sclate < slate
- slatey < slaty
- slavedriver < slave driver
- sledhead < [[sled head}} (sled head) {{gloss]]
- sled-head < [[sled head}} (sled head) {{gloss]]
- sled head < [[sledhead}} (sledhead) {{gloss]]
- sled-head < [[sledhead}} (sledhead) {{gloss]]
- sleepe < sleep
- sleepe < sleep
- sleeveboard < sleeve board
- sleevenotes < sleeve notes
- slightful < sleightful
- sluthhound < sleuthhound
- slicin' < slicing
- slideably < slidably
- slidable < slideable
- slide-show < slideshow
- slidin' < sliding
- slideometer < slidometer
- slime mould < slime mold
- slimpsy < slimsy
- slymy < slimy
- slingin' < slinging
- sliproad < slip road
- slipup < slip-up
- slip dress < slipdress
- slipage < slippage
- slipperness < slipperiness
- slippin' < slipping
- slivowitz < slivovitz
- slobberin' < slobbering
- sloganise < sloganize
- sloganising < sloganizing
- slopey < slopy
- sloathfulnesse < slothfulness
- slow but sure wins the race < slow and steady wins the race
- slower than molasses < slow as molasses
- slowmatch < slow match
- slowwitted < slow-witted
- slow-footed < slowfooted
- slow poke < slowpoke
- sloid < sloyd
- slugline < slug line
- sluggardise < sluggardize
- slug-horn < slughorn
- slumbrous < slumberous
- slutt < slut
- sliness < slyness
- smackdab < smack-dab
- smack bang < smack-dab
- smalle < small
- small-potatoes < small potatoes
- small d democrat < small-d democrat
- small "d" democrat < small-d democrat
- small "d" democrats < small-d democrats
- small d democrats < small-d democrats
- small l liberal < small-l liberal
- small "l" liberal < small-l liberal
- small l liberals < small-l liberals
- small l libertarian < small-l libertarian
- small "l" libertarian < small-l libertarian
- smallminded < small-minded
- smallmindedly < small-mindedly
- smallmindedness < small-mindedness
- small r republican < small-r republican
- small "r" republican < small-r republican
- small r republicans < small-r republicans
- small "r" republicans < small-r republicans
- smalltime < small-time
- smalltimer < small-timer
- small-pox < smallpox
- small pox < smallpox
- smaragde < smaragd
- smartarse < smart arse
- smartgrid < smart grid
- smartshop < smart shop
- smart-allecky < smart-alecky
- smartarsed < smartassed
- smart dust < smartdust
- smart phone < smartphone
- smashin' < smashing
- smiercase < smear case
- smellin' < smelling
- smilin' < smiling
- smyth < smith
- smiddy < smithy
- smockfrock < smock frock
- smokeable < smokable
- shmoke < smoke
- shmoke < smoke
- smokehood < smoke hood
- smokefree < smoke-free
- smokeeasy < smokeasy
- smokin' < smoking
- smouldry < smoldry
- SMTH < smth
- smooshy < smushy
- smooch < smutch
- snaggle-toothed < snaggletoothed
- snek < snake
- snakebitten < snakebit
- snap-shot < snap shot
- snaphaunce < snaphance
- snappin' < snapping
- snap shot < snapshot
- snassy < snazzy
- sneakin' < sneaking
- snick < sneck
- snacket < snecket
- sniffin' < sniffing
- snigg < snig
- sniveller < sniveler
- snivelin' < sniveling
- sniveling < snivelling
- snobbocracy < snobocracy
- snuggums < snookums
- schnookums < snookums
- snorefest < snore-fest
- snorin' < snoring
- schnorkel < snorkel
- snortin' < snorting
- snottie < snotty
- snowblindness < snow blindness
- snowgroomer < snow groomer
- snowline < snow line
- snowpark < snow park
- snowpea < snow pea
- snowpeas < snow peas
- snowplough < snow plough
- snowplough < snow plough
- snow bird < snow-bird
- snowcapt < snow-capped
- snow cap < snowcap
- snow-flake < snowflake
- Snowflake Generation < snowflake generation
- snowflakey < snowflaky
- snowin' < snowing
- snubnosed < snub-nosed
- snuff box < snuffbox
- snuggly < snugly
- soh < so
- soe < so
- sho < so
- somickle < so mickle
- somickle < so mickle
- somickle < so mickle
- so so < so-so
- soakt < soaked
- soaked to the bones < soaked to the bone
- soakin' < soaking
- soap-dodger < soap dodger
- sobbin' < sobbing
- soberise < soberize
- sobole < soboles
- socker < soccer
- socialiser < socializer
- socio-economically < socioeconomically
- sockhop < sock hop
- sockpuppeteer < sock puppeteer
- sockdolagizing < sockdologizing
- sawqui < sockeye
- zocle < socle
- sokeman < socman
- sockman < socman
- sokemanry < socmanry
- fuck this for a game of soldiers < sod this for a game of soldiers
- soder < soda
- sodawater < soda water
- sodiumdodecylsulfate < sodium dodecyl sulfate
- sodomisation < sodomization
- sofabed < sofa-bed
- softcopy < soft copy
- softkill < soft kill
- softpoint < soft point
- softbill < soft-bill
- softmindedness < soft-mindedness
- soft-shelled turtle < soft-shell turtle
- softshell turtle < soft-shell turtle
- sophta < softa
- soft-core < softcore
- soft porn < softcore pornography
- softner < softener
- soft-heartedly < softheartedly
- soft-heartedness < softheartedness
- saftie < softy
- soignée < soigné
- soyle < soil
- soyle < soil
- soile < soil
- soil one's pants < soil oneself
- swaree < soiree
- swarees < soirees
- solfa < sol-fa
- solfa < sol-fa
- sola topee < solar topee
- solartype < solar-type
- soldout < sold-out
- soder < solder
- soder < solder
- sawder < solder
- sawder < solder
- soger < soldier
- solecise < solecize
- soly < solely
- solemnisation < solemnization
- solemnizate < solemnize
- solemniser < solemnizer
- solemness < solemnness
- sulphatara < solfatara
- soliloquise < soliloquize
- soliloquiser < soliloquizer
- solmization < solmisation
- solonets < solonetz
- solubilisate < solubilizate
- solubilisation < solubilization
- solubilise < solubilize
- solubiliser < solubilizer
- solvible < solvable
- soloecism < solœcism
- somesthetically < somaesthetically
- somaline < somalin
- somitocoel < somatocoel
- somatosensoric < somatosensory
- somatotopical < somatotopic
- sombreness < somberness
- somepody < somebody
- somepoty < somebody
- sommerset < somersault
- summerset < somersault
- summerset < somersault
- somepin < something
- somthing < something
- sumpin' < something
- sumthin' < something
- someting < something
- someting < something
- somesing < something
- sometyme < sometime
- somniloquise < somniloquize
- somnopathy < somnipathy
- songe < song
- sonnetise < sonnetize
- sony < sonny
- sooee < soo wee
- soone < soon
- sout < soot
- sothe < sooth
- southsaying < soothsaying
- sopapilla < sopaipilla
- sopsavine < sops of wine
- shropsavine < sops of wine
- soree < sora
- sorrance < sorance
- sorbitise < sorbitize
- sororial < sororal
- sororially < sororally
- sororise < sororize
- sorrowe < sorrow
- sorie < sorry
- solly < sorry
- sowwy < sorry
- sorte < sort
- sous < sou
- soochong < souchong
- soucriant < soucouyant
- souffle < soufflé
- saul < soul
- saule < soul
- soule < soul
- sowle < soul
- soul mate < soulmate
- soundcard < sound card
- soundstage < sound stage
- soundin' < sounding
- soundingboard < sounding board
- sound track < soundtrack
- soop < soup
- supe up < soup up
- sowre < sour
- sourcream < sour cream
- sauce < source
- sour puss < sourpuss
- souce < souse
- souce < souse
- sowce < souse
- sowce < souse
- sowse < souse
- sowse < souse
- sowter < souter
- southeastermost < southeasternmost
- southeastmost < southeasternmost
- Southerner < southerner
- Southron < southron
- southwestermost < southwesternmost
- southwestmost < southwesternmost
- souflaki < [[souvlaki}} (souvlaki) {{gloss]]
- sovring < sovereign
- soveraign < sovereign
- sovereigntism < sovereignism
- sovereignist < sovereigntist
- sowe < sow
- sowthistle < sow thistle
- sourbelly < sowbelly
- soyboy < soy boy
- soymilk < soy milk
- soja < soya
- soyabean < soya bean
- soyaburger < soyburger
- spaw < spa
- spacebar < space bar
- spaceframe < space frame
- spacegroup < space group
- spacesickness < space sickness
- spacesuit < space suit
- spacetravel < space travel
- spacefilling curve < space-filling curve
- space-faring < spacefaring
- space ship < spaceship
- space-time < spacetime
- Spackle < spackle
- spadia < spadea
- spadilio < spadille
- spay < spae
- spa-goer < spagoer
- spagiric < spagyric
- spagirical < spagyrical
- spagirist < spagyrist
- sipahi < spahee
- spahee < spahi
- spanokopita < spanakopita
- spanikopita < spanakopita
- spaynel < spaniel
- spankin' < spanking
- sparre < spar
- sparke < spark
- sparkin' < spark
- sparkgap < spark gap
- sparkie < sparky
- sparra < sparrow
- sparrer < sparrow
- sparhawk < sparrow hawk
- spar-hawk < sparrow hawk
- sparrowfart < sparrow-fart
- sparrow fart < sparrow-fart
- sparrow's fart < sparrow-fart
- Spartan < spartan
- Spartanness < spartanness
- sparthe < sparth
- spasmodical < spasmodic
- spath < spathe
- spatialisation < spatialization
- spatialise < spatialize
- spacially < spatially
- spave < spay
- spay < spayard
- spayad < spayard
- speke < speak
- speak of the devil and he shall appear < speak of the devil
- speakeasys < speakeasies
- speakin' < speaking
- spear chucker < spearchucker
- spear-chucker < spearchucker
- spearsman < spearman
- speshul < special
- speciall < special
- specialiser < specializer
- specieism < speciesism
- specist < speciesist
- specieist < speciesist
- specieist < speciesist
- species epithet < specific epithet
- spectioneer < specksioneer
- spectered < spectred
- spectrofluorimeter < spectrofluorometer
- spectrofluorimetric < spectrofluorometric
- spectrofluorimetry < spectrofluorometry
- spectroscopical < spectroscopic
- speach < speech
- speeche < speech
- spede < speed
- speedbump < speed bump
- speed-dating < speed dating
- speedhump < speed hump
- speedskating < speed skating
- speedskier < [[speed skier}} (speed skier) {{qualifier]]
- speedskiing < [[speed skiing}} (speed skiing) {{gloss]]
- speed boat < speedboat
- speed skier < [[speedskier}} (speedskier) {{gloss]]
- speed skiing < speedskiing
- spur < speer
- speiring < speering
- speldrin < speldring
- spelaeologist < speleologist
- spelaeology < speleology
- speleotherm < speleothem
- spendin' < spending
- sperma < sperm
- sperm-blossoms < sperm blossom
- spermophore < spermatophore
- spermatorrhœa < spermatorrhea
- spermatozooid < spermatozoid
- spermin < spermine
- spermatospore < spermospore
- spue < spew
- sphenoethmoid < sphenethmoid
- sphenorbital < sphenoorbital
- sphaerite < spherite
- sphaerocobaltite < spherocobaltite
- sphaerocrystal < spherocrystal
- sphæroidal < spheroidal
- spheronisation < spheronization
- sphaeroplast < spheroplast
- sphaeroplasted < spheroplasted
- sphaerosiderite < spherosiderite
- sphaerulite < spherulite
- sphingomyeline < sphingomyelin
- spic-and-span < spic and span
- spyce < spice
- spyced < spiced
- spider-web < spiderweb
- spifflication < spiflication
- spicket < spigot
- spikein < spike-in
- spikey < spiky
- spellican < spillikin
- spillin' < spilling
- spindoctor < spin doctor
- spinfoam < spin foam
- spinpolarization < spin polarization
- spinwave < spin wave
- spinpolarized < spin-polarized
- spinal chord < spinal cord
- spoondrift < spindrift
- spinechilling < spine-chilling
- spine chilling < spine-chilling
- spinetingling < spine-tingling
- espinel < spinel
- spinnet < spinet
- spinmaster < spinmeister
- spinnerette < spinneret
- spinnin' < spinning
- spiny < spinny
- spiraculate < spiracular
- spiralised < spiralized
- spiraling < spiralling
- spyre < spire
- spiraea < spirea
- spiritualise < spiritualize
- spiritualiser < spiritualizer
- spirochæte < spirochaete
- spirochaetal < spirochetal
- spirochaetosis < spirochetosis
- spit-fire < spit fire
- spitroast < spit roast
- spit fire < spitfire
- spit-fire < spitfire
- spittin' < spitting
- splanchnocoele < splanchnocele
- splanchnopleura < splanchnopleure
- splashproof < splash-proof
- splash down < splashdown
- splat book < splatbook
- splenish < spleenish
- splendidous < splendidious
- splenetical < splenetic
- splicesome < spliceosome
- splif < spliff
- split level < split-level
- split level < split-level
- splittin' < splitting
- splitism < splittism
- splitist < splittist
- splitist < splittist
- spludgy < splodgy
- spoffy < spoffish
- spoil five < spoilfive
- spoilin' < spoiling
- spoiled for choice < spoilt for choice
- spondeus < spondee
- spondyloarthritis < spondylarthritis
- spondylarthropathy < spondyloarthropathy
- spondylodiskitis < spondylodiscitis
- spunge < sponge
- spunge < sponge
- spunging-house < sponging-house
- spongeous < spongious
- spoon bowl < spoon-bowl
- spoonbowl < spoon-bowl
- spooneful < spoonful
- sporeprint < spore print
- sportfish < sport fish
- sportsfisherman < sportfisherman
- sportsfishing < sportfishing
- sportfull < sportful
- sportin' < sporting
- sportscar < sports car
- sportscard < sports card
- sportswriter < sports writer
- spotlesse < spotless
- spottin' < spotting
- spoutin' < spouting
- sprag < sprack
- sprung < sprang
- sprawlin' < sprawling
- spred < spread
- spred < spread
- sprad < spread
- spreadeagle < spread-eagle
- spreadin' < spreading
- spring-cleaning < spring cleaning
- springcleaning < spring cleaning
- springloaded < spring-loaded
- espringal < springal
- springall < springald
- springbock < springbok
- springboc < springbok
- springbuck < springbok
- sprankle < sprinkle
- spryte < sprite
- spryte < sprite
- shpritz < spritz
- shpritz < spritz
- schpritz < spritz
- schpritz < spritz
- schpritzer < spritzer
- spumeous < spumous
- sponk < spunk
- spirt < spurt
- spirting < spurting
- Squadron Leader < squadron leader
- squawl < squall
- squawl < squall
- squamose < squamous
- squandamania < squandermania
- squier < square
- squarewave < square wave
- squarrous < squarrose
- squattin' < squatting
- squawvine < squaw vine
- squaw berry < squawberry
- squaw fish < squawfish
- squeakin' < squeaking
- squeaky wheels get oiled < squeaky wheel gets the grease
- squealin' < squealing
- squeemish < squeamish
- squeaziness < squeasiness
- squilgee < squeegee
- squillgee < squeegee
- squeezin' < squeezing
- squiteague < squeteague
- squush < sqush
- siracha < sriracha
- stabilisable < stabilizable
- stackframe < stack frame
- stadholder < stadtholder
- stadholdership < stadtholdership
- staffe < staff
- stagefright < stage fright
- stage whispered < stage-whispered
- stage whispering < stage-whispering
- stage whispers < stage-whispers
- staggerin' < staggering
- staverwort < staggerwort
- stammerwort < staggerwort
- stagey < stagy
- stayedly < staidly
- stayne < stain
- stayne < stain
- stain'd < stained
- stainless-steel < stainless steel
- stayre < stair
- stalactitical < stalactitic
- stalagmitical < stalagmitic
- stalworthness < stalwartness
- stamenate < staminate
- staminodium < staminode
- estampede < stampede
- Stan < stan
- stan' < stand
- standby < stand by
- standup < stand-up
- stander-by < stander by
- stand'st < standest
- standin' < standing
- stand-offish < standoffish
- stand-offishly < standoffishly
- stand-out < standout
- standpattism < standpatism
- stand still < standstill
- stannene < stanene
- stann- < stanno-
- staplegun < staple gun
- starre < star
- starfinch < star finch
- star crossed < star-crossed
- starforming < star-forming
- starstudded < star-studded
- stabboard < starboard
- starboard-side < starboardside
- starboard-side < starboardside
- star-drives < stardrives
- star drives < stardrives
- staretz < starets
- starin' < staring
- starlet < starlit
- starosta < starost
- starded < started
- startin' < starting
- startuper < startupper
- starvin' < starving
- stateable < statable
- state owned enterprise < state-owned enterprise
- station to station < station-to-station
- statistic < statistical
- statutorisation < statutorization
- stauromedusan < stauromedusa
- staurosporin < staurosporine
- stave acre < stave-acre
- staid < stayed
- sted < stead
- stedde < stead
- stedfastness < steadfastness
- stiddy < steady
- firm hand at the tiller < steady hand on the tiller
- strong hand at the tiller < steady hand on the tiller
- sure hand at the tiller < steady hand on the tiller
- even hand at the tiller < steady hand on the tiller
- steale < steal
- steeler < stealer
- stealin' < stealing
- steme < steam
- steme < steam
- steambath < steam bath
- steam ship < steamship
- steam-ship < steamship
- steatorrhœa < steatorrhoea
- steelwool < steel wool
- stillyard < steelyard
- steinbok < steenbok
- steenbuck < steenbok
- stembok < steenbok
- steining < steening
- stear < steer
- steerin' < steering
- stearsman < steersman
- steeze < steez
- steganographical < steganographic
- stegocephalic < stegocephalous
- stonebuck < steinbock
- stemme < stem
- stem-and-leaf < stem and leaf
- stemcell < stem cell
- stemloop < stem-loop
- stemwinder < stem-winder
- stembuck < stembok
- stencilling < stenciling
- stenographical < stenographic
- stenotypic < stenotypical
- stepchart < step chart
- step-fathers < stepfathers
- step-mother < stepmother
- steponey < stepony
- steppin' < stepping
- steppingstone < stepping stone
- stereoptican < stereopticon
- stereoscopical < stereoscopic
- stereotaxial < stereotactical
- stereotaxical < stereotaxic
- stereotomical < stereotomic
- stichometric < stichometrical
- stickman < stick man
- stick to one's own knitting < stick to one's knitting
- attend to one's own knitting < stick to one's knitting
- tend to one's own knitting < stick to one's knitting
- keep to one's own knitting < stick to one's knitting
- stickin' < sticking
- stix < sticks
- a stick in a bundle cannot be broken < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- a twig in a bundle is unbreakable < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- a twig in a bundle cannot be broken < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- a twig in a bundle can't be broken < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- sticks in a bundle cannot be broken < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- you cannot break a stick in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- you cannot break sticks in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- you cannot break a twig in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- you can't break a twig in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- one cannot break a stick in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- one cannot break sticks in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- one cannot break a twig in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- one can't break a stick in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- one can't break sticks in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- one can't break a twig in a bundle < sticks in a bundle are unbreakable
- stick shift < stickshift
- stick-to-itiveness < sticktoitiveness
- stick-to-it-iveness < sticktoitiveness
- stick-to-itness < sticktoitiveness
- stickie < sticky
- sticky-back plastic < sticky-backed plastic
- stiffnecked < stiff-necked
- stiffneckedness < stiff-neckedness
- stiffie < stiffy
- stigmatical < stigmatic
- stigmatisation < stigmatization
- stilboestrol < stilbestrol
- still lives < still lifes
- stinkaroo < stinkeroo
- stype < stipe
- stipella < stipel
- stur < stir
- stir fry < stir-fry
- stir fry < stir-fry
- stirfry < stir-fry
- stirfry < stir-fry
- sturk < stirk
- stirrin' < stirring
- stythy < stithy
- stote < stoat
- stoccata < stoccado
- stoccade < stoccado
- stochastical < stochastic
- stockcar < stock car
- stockmarket < stock market
- stoccade < stockade
- stoccade < stockade
- stockin' < stocking
- stockin's < stockings
- stock room < stockroom
- stogey < stogie
- stoichiometrical < stoichiometric
- stochiometric < stoichiometric
- stœchiometrical < stoichiometrical
- stochiometry < stoichiometry
- stole-fee < stole fee
- stoln < stolen
- stummick < stomach
- stomach ache < stomachache
- stomatodeum < stomodaeum
- stomodaeal < stomodeal
- stomodaeum < stomodeum
- stomodæum < stomodeum
- stompin' < stomping
- stonecold < stone cold
- stonefruit < stone fruit
- stonemarten < stone marten
- stone-wall < stone wall
- Stonewall < stonewall
- stone wall < stonewall
- stonie < stony
- stoole < stool
- stoupe < stoop
- stoope < stoop
- stap < stop
- stopcodon < stop codon
- stoplist < stop list
- stop-loss orders < stop loss orders
- stop loss < stop-loss
- stop cock < stopcock
- stopt < stopped
- stoppin' < stopping
- storecupboard < store cupboard
- storme < storm
- storm in a tea-kettle < storm in a teacup
- storm in a teapot < storm in a teacup
- stormie < stormy
- storiless < storyless
- stowp < stoup
- stowp < stoup
- stovaine < stovain
- stoove < stove
- strabometer < strabismometer
- straight-from-the-shoulder < straight from the shoulder
- straightfaced < straight-faced
- straightlaced < straight-laced
- straight pull < straight-pull
- straight forward < straightforward
- straight-forward < straightforward
- strene < strain
- straitlacedness < strait-lacedness
- stramazon < stramazoun
- strapon < strap-on
- strap on < strap-on
- strappin' < strapping
- strategise < strategize
- strategery < strategy
- streame < stream
- street credibility < street cred
- street smart < street-smart
- streetsmart < street-smart
- strenth < strength
- strangth < strength
- strengthner < strengthener
- streptoavidin < streptavidin
- strepavidin < streptavidin
- streptavidine < streptavidin
- stresse < stress
- stretchmark < stretch mark
- stretchin' < stretching
- strowing < strewing
- strickler < strickle
- strikt < strict
- strikter < stricter
- striktest < strictest
- strickly < strictly
- stricturoplasty < strictureplasty
- stryde < stride
- stryde < stride
- strike one's colors < strike one's flag
- strikethrough < strike through
- strike the iron while it's hot < strike while the iron is hot
- strikable < strikeable
- strikin' < striking
- string course < stringcourse
- stringin' < stringing
- stripey < stripy
- stryve < strive
- strobe light < strobe
- strobilization < strobilation
- strokeplay < stroke play
- strowl < stroll
- strowl < stroll
- strongmindedly < strong-mindedly
- strongmindedness < strong-mindedness
- strong man < strongman
- strongylid < strongyloid
- strongylid < strongyloid
- strooke < struck
- structuralisation < structuralization
- structuralise < structuralize
- strugglin' < struggling
- strung-out < strung out
- struttin' < strutting
- strychnism < strychninism
- stucke < stuck
- studfarm < stud farm
- studie < study
- studyin' < studying
- stuffe < stuff
- stuffe < stuff
- stuffin' < stuffing
- stoom < stum
- stumblin' < stumbling
- stunad < stunod
- stunad < stunod
- stunt woman < stuntwoman
- stupified < stupefied
- stupify < stupefy
- shtupid < stupid
- stuprous < stuporous
- stupeous < stupose
- stishie < stushie
- Stygian < stygian
- stygobiotic < stygobitic
- stilar < stylar
- styleted < styletted
- stylisation < stylization
- styliser < stylizer
- stilus < stylus
- stiptic < styptic
- stiptic < styptic
- shwanpan < suanpan
- subtender < sub tender
- subgaussian < sub-Gaussian
- submediterranean < sub-Mediterranean
- subsaharan < sub-Saharan
- Subsaharan < sub-Saharan
- Sub-Saharan Africa < sub-Saharan Africa
- subelement < sub-element
- subgovernorate < sub-governorate
- sublieutenant < sub-lieutenant
- subnational < sub-national
- subrenter < sub-renter
- subahdar < subadar
- soubahdar < subadar
- subadviser < subadvisor
- subanaesthetic < subanesthetic
- subarachnoidal < subarachnoid
- sub atomic < subatomic
- sub-atomic < subatomic
- subby < subbie
- subcarbureted < subcarburetted
- sub-categories < subcategories
- subcategorisable < subcategorizable
- subcategorisation < subcategorization
- subcategorise < subcategorize
- subcompartmentalise < subcompartmentalize
- sub-deacon < subdeacon
- sub-deacons < subdeacons
- sub-desert < subdesert
- subdialogue < subdialog
- subdialogue < subdialog
- sub-discipline < subdiscipline
- subdew < subdue
- suberise < suberize
- subflavor < subflavour
- subfranchisor < subfranchiser
- subfunctionalisation < subfunctionalization
- subfusk < subfusc
- subgreywacke < subgraywacke
- subinfeodation < subinfeudation
- subfeudation < subinfeudation
- subiect < subject
- subiect < subject
- subjectivise < subjectivize
- sublimise < sublimize
- submachinegun < submachine gun
- submaxillar < submaxillary
- submaximum < submaximal
- submicrometre < submicrometer
- submicroscopical < submicroscopic
- suboptimisation < suboptimization
- sub-par < subpar
- sub-paragraph < subparagraph
- sub-paragraphs < subparagraphs
- sub-prime < subprime
- sub-province < subprovince
- sub-provinces < subprovinces
- sub-provincial < subprovincial
- subsidency < subsidence
- subsidisation < subsidization
- subsidiser < subsidizer
- subsistency < subsistence
- sub-standard < substandard
- substantialise < substantialize
- sub-surface < subsurface
- subterraneal < subterranean
- subtilysin < subtilisin
- subtilise < subtilize
- suttle < subtle
- subtile body < subtle body
- sotelte < subtlety
- suttletie < subtlety
- subtilely < subtly
- suttly < subtly
- subtely < subtly
- subtrapezoid < subtrapezoidal
- suburbanisation < suburbanization
- suburbanise < suburbanize
- succourable < succorable
- suckatash < succotash
- succulency < succulence
- subcomb < succumb
- sook < suck
- suck it up, buttercup < suck it up
- suck up all the air in < suck the air out of
- suck all the oxygen out of < suck the air out of
- suck up all the oxygen in < suck the air out of
- sucka < sucker
- suckin' < sucking
- suctorious < suctorial
- suddain < sudden
- suddain < sudden
- suffre < suffer
- suffrance < sufferance
- sufferin' < suffering
- suff'ring < suffering
- suff'ring < suffering
- suff'ring < suffering
- suffering cats < suffering catfish
- suffisant < sufficient
- sufferage < suffrage
- shooger < sugar
- shugga < sugar
- sugarbeet < sugar beet
- sugarbowl < sugar bowl
- sugardaddie < sugar daddy
- sugardaddy < sugar daddy
- sugarwater < sugar water
- suggestor < suggester
- suggestin' < suggesting
- sui juris < sui iuris
- suicidical < suicidal
- sukumawiki < sukuma wiki
- suloctidil < sulcotidil
- sulpha- < sulfa-
- sulphacetamide < sulfacetamide
- sulphacid < sulfacid
- sulphoacid < sulfacid
- sulphadoxine < sulfadoxine
- sulphamidate < sulfamidate
- sulphamoylated < sulfamoylated
- sulphanilate < sulfanilate
- sulphanilic acid < sulfanilic acid
- sulphantimonite < sulfantimonite
- sulpharsenite < sulfarsenite
- sulphate of soda < sulfate of soda
- sulfohemoglobin < sulfhemoglobin
- sulfhaemoglobin < sulfhemoglobin
- sulfhaemoglobinaemia < sulfhemoglobinemia
- sulfid < sulfide
- sulphided < sulfided
- sulphidic < sulfidic
- sulphinide < sulfinide
- sulphinyl < sulfinyl
- sulphasomidine < sulfisomidine
- sulf- < sulfo-
- sulphoaluminate < sulfoaluminate
- sulphoaluminate < sulfoaluminate
- sulphobenzoate < sulfobenzoate
- sulphobromophthalein < sulfobromophthalein
- sulphocarbonate < sulfocarbonate
- sulphochlorinated < sulfochlorinated
- sulphochlorination < sulfochlorination
- sulphonal < sulfonal
- sulphonic < sulfonic
- sulphonium < sulfonium
- sulphonyls < sulfonyl
- sulphonylhydrazone < sulfonylhydrazone
- sulphoquinovose < sulfoquinovose
- sulphoquinovosyldiacylglycerol < sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol
- sulphoraphane < sulforaphane
- sulphosalt < sulfosalt
- sulphospinel < sulfospinel
- sulphosuccinate < sulfosuccinate
- sulphotransferase < sulfotransferase
- sulphoxidation < sulfoxidation
- sulphoxylate < sulfoxylate
- sulphur acid < sulfur acid
- sulphur alcohol < sulfur alcohol
- sulphur bacterium < sulfur bath
- sulphur bath < sulfur bath
- sulphur butterfly < sulfur butterfly
- sulphur cast < sulfur cast
- sulphur cockatoo < sulfur cockatoo
- sulphur cone < sulfur cone
- sulphur cycle < sulfur cycle
- sulphur dibromide < sulfur dibromide
- sulphur ether < sulfur ether
- sulphur fungus < sulfur fungus
- sulphur hexafluoride < sulfur hexafluoride
- sulphur impression < sulfur impression
- sulphur match < sulfur match
- sulphur monoxide < sulfur monoxide
- sulphur nitride < sulfur nitride
- sulphur ore < sulfur ore
- sulphur oxide < sulfur oxide
- sulphur parakeet < sulfur parakeet
- sulphur print < sulfur print
- sulphur pyrites < sulfur pyrites
- sulphur rain < sulfur rain
- sulphur salt < sulfur salt
- sulphur shower < sulfur shower
- sulphur soap < sulfur soap
- sulphur tree < sulfur tree
- sulphur weed < sulfur weed
- sulphur works < sulfur works
- sulphur yellow < sulfur yellow
- sulphur-bottom < sulfur-bottom
- sulphur-colour < sulfur-color
- sulphur-coloured < sulfur-colored
- sulphurate < sulfurate
- sulphuret < sulfuret
- sulphuretted < sulfuretted
- sulphureted < sulfuretted
- sulphuriferous < sulfuriferous
- sulphurization < sulfurization
- sulphurise < sulfurize
- sulfurised < sulfurized
- sulphurtransferase < sulfurtransferase
- sulphury < sulfury
- sulkey < sulky
- sulkie < sulky
- sulen < sullen
- sulfatic < sulphatic
- sulphid < sulphide
- sulfindigotic acid < sulphindigotic acid
- sulphocyanide < sulphocyanate
- sulfocyanic < sulphocyanic
- sulfophosphovanillin < sulphophosphovanillin
- sulfur pearl < sulphur pearl
- sulfuretum < sulphuretum
- sulfurity < sulphurity
- sulfurwort < sulphurwort
- sultany < sultanry
- sulthiame < sultiame
- sombitch < sumbitch
- sumie < sumi-e
- summarisable < summarizable
- summariser < summarizer
- sommit < summat
- sumner < summoner
- sonne < sun
- sunne < sun
- sun-worshiper < sun worshipper
- sundrenched < sun-drenched
- sundried < sun-dried
- sunburned < sunburnt
- sun cream < suncream
- sundri < sundari
- sundrie < sundry
- sungen < sung
- sun hat < sunhat
- sun lamp < sunlamp
- Sunna < sunnah
- Sunnah < sunnah
- sun spot < sunspot
- sun-up < sunup
- shunyata < sunyata
- Śūnyatā < sunyata
- suovitaurilia < suovetaurilia
- supermiddleweight < super middleweight
- superduper < super-duper
- super duper < super-duper
- supernote < super-note
- supersecretive < super-secretive
- super-affluence < superaffluence
- super-affluent < superaffluent
- supraciliary < superciliary
- supraciliary < superciliary
- super cluster < supercluster
- superintendant < superintendent
- superisation < superization
- supermanoeuvrable < supermaneuverable
- supermum < supermom
- supernaturalise < supernaturalize
- super power < superpower
- super-rich < superrich
- superstrate < superstratum
- supersubtile < supersubtle
- supersymmetrisation < supersymmetrization
- supersymmetrise < supersymmetrize
- super-user < superuser
- supravisor < supervisor
- sepon < suppawn
- sepawn < suppawn
- supawn < suppawn
- supperclub < supper club
- suppertyme < suppertime
- spose < suppose
- s'pose < suppose
- suppos'd < supposed
- supposta < supposed to
- asposta < supposed to
- asposed to < supposed to
- supposin' < supposing
- suppressable < suppressible
- suppresser < suppressor
- supracetabular < supraacetabular
- superbasal < suprabasal
- supra-œsophagal < supraesophageal
- suprailiacal < suprailiac
- supralocalisation < supralocalization
- supermaxillary < supramaxillary
- supramaximum < supramaximal
- superoccipital < supraoccipital
- supraorganisational < supraorganizational
- supra-pubic < suprapubic
- superspinous < supraspinous
- supratentoral < supratentorial
- suprême < supreme
- surbeat < surbate
- shure < sure
- shuah < sure
- sho nuff < sure enough
- shurely < surely
- suretiship < suretyship
- surfboat < surf boat
- surface web < surface Web
- surf casting < surfcasting
- surf-casting < surfcasting
- surf-rider < surfrider
- surikat < suricate
- suricat < suricate
- surpris'd < surprised
- surprisin' < surprising
- surreined < surrein'd
- subreptitious < surreptitious
- subreptitiously < surreptitiously
- surround-sound < surround sound
- sursie < sursy
- surtarbrand < surturbrand
- sutorian < sutorial
- svelt < svelte
- swob < swab
- swob < swab
- swaddling-clothes < swaddling clothes
- schwag < swag
- SWAG < swag
- swag it < swag it out
- swag it up < swag it out
- swag-bellied < swagbellied
- swaggy < swaggie
- swealing < swaling
- swallowe < swallow
- swallowe < swallow
- swaller < swallow
- swallow-tailed < swallowtailed
- swan hopping < swan upping
- swapfile < swap file
- swopping < swapping
- sord < sward
- swarmin' < swarming
- swartiness < swarthiness
- swarthness < swarthiness
- svastika < swastika
- suastica < swastika
- swastica < swastika
- sweare < swear
- swearwords < swear word
- swearin' < swearing
- sweatlodge < sweat lodge
- sweatin' < sweating
- sweat pants < sweatpants
- sweat shop < sweatshop
- swype < sweep
- sweepin' < sweeping
- sweete < sweet
- sweete < sweet
- shweet < sweet
- shweet < sweet
- swate < sweet
- sweet-clover < sweet clover
- sweetclover < sweet clover
- sweet-gale < sweet gale
- sweetwater < sweet water
- sweetsmelling < sweet-smelling
- sweet talk < sweet-talk
- swellheaded < swell-headed
- swellin' < swelling
- swoltery < sweltery
- swift boating < swiftboating
- swimfins < swim fins
- swimmin' < swimming
- swindge < swinge
- swindge < swinge
- swinging < swingeing
- swingin' < swinging
- swinck < swink
- swinck < swink
- swype < swipe
- switch-bladed < switchbladed
- swyve < swive
- swoln < swollen
- swone < swoon
- sworde < sword
- sword-swallower < sword swallower
- swungen < swung
- sybow < sybo
- sicamore < sycamore
- sycophantcy < sycophancy
- sycophantical < sycophantic
- sienite < syenite
- syllabical < syllabic
- syllabise < syllabize
- silogime < syllogism
- syllogisation < syllogization
- syllogise < syllogize
- syllogiser < syllogizer
- silvanite < sylvanite
- silvate < sylvate
- silvic acid < sylvic acid
- symbole < symbol
- symbolisable < symbolizable
- symbolisation < symbolization
- symboliser < symbolizer
- symmetrisable < symmetrizable
- symmetrisation < symmetrization
- symmetrise < symmetrize
- symmetrised < symmetrized
- sympathectomised < sympathectomized
- sympathetical < sympathetic
- sympathiser < sympathizer
- sympathicomimetics < sympathomimetics
- sympathicovagal < sympathovagal
- simphony < symphony
- symphysial < symphyseal
- symphyseotomy < symphysotomy
- symplectisation < symplectization
- simploce < symploce
- synesthetically < synaesthetically
- synapomorphous < synapomorphic
- synapsis < synapse
- synchroniser < synchronizer
- synchesis < synchysis
- synclinical < synclinal
- syncytialisation < syncytialization
- syndactyl < syndactyle
- synecdochisation < synecdochization
- synecdochise < synecdochize
- synæsthetic < synesthetic
- syngenecious < syngenesious
- synecism < synoecism
- synoecise < synoecize
- synonyme < synonym
- synonime < synonym
- synonymise < synonymize
- synopsise < synopsize
- synthesisable < synthesizable
- syntonical < syntonic
- syntonise < syntonize
- siphilis < syphilis
- syphilisation < syphilization
- syphilise < syphilize
- syrop < syrup
- sirupy < syrupy
- sysad < sysadmin
- systems architecture < system architecture
- systems software < system software
- systematicks < systematics
- systematisation < systematization
- systemize < systematize
- systematiser < systematizer
- systemisation < systemization
- systemise < systemize
- taberd < tabard
- tabuli < tabbouleh
- tabbinet < tabinet
- table d'hote < table d'hôte
- table soccer < table football
- tabued < tabooed
- tabour < tabor
- tabour < tabor
- taber < tabor
- taber < tabor
- tabourer < taborer
- tabourin < taborine
- tabularisation < tabularization
- tabularise < tabularize
- taboon < tabun
- tacamahack < tacamahac
- tacmahack < tacamahac
- tachi- < tachy-
- tachhydrite < tachyhydrite
- tachylite < tachylyte
- tacheometer < tachymeter
- tacheometry < tachymetry
- tachypneic < tachypnoeic
- tacklin' < tackling
- tactique < tactic
- tale < tael
- tahil < tael
- teniafuge < taenifuge
- taeniafuge < taenifuge
- tenioid < taenioid
- taffia < tafia
- tagliatelli < tagliatelle
- tahcheen < tahchin
- thar < tahr
- taiji < tai chi
- tailend < tail end
- tailends < tail ends
- tailgunner < tail gunner
- tail bone < tailbone
- tail dragger < taildragger
- tail light < taillight
- taylor < tailor
- tailormade < tailor-made
- taillie < tailzie
- tai-pan < taipan#Etymology 1
- takbeer < takbir
- take a long walk off a short pier < take a long walk on a short pier
- take it up the arse < take it up the ass
- take one's chances < take one's chance
- call to task < take to task
- take one up < take up
- takehome pay < take-home pay
- takeup < take-up
- taki < takhi
- takin' < taking
- takeing < taking
- takky < takkie
- takuan < takuwan
- talaiotic < talayotic
- talcky < talcy
- tallent < talent
- talipat < talipot
- taliput < talipot
- talismanical < talismanic
- tawk < talk
- tawk < talk
- talke < talk
- talke < talk
- talkshow < talk show
- talkin' < talking
- tallis < tallit
- taled < tallit
- tally ho < tallyho
- tally ho < tallyho
- tally ho < tallyho
- thaluk < taluk
- talooka < taluk
- talookdar < talukdar
- tamal < tamale
- timarau < tamaraw
- timburine < tambourine
- tamburin < tambourine
- tambourin < tambourine
- tambouki grass < tambuki grass
- tamkeen < tamkin
- tompon < tampon
- tanalise < tanalize
- tangental < tangential
- tank-slapper < tank slapper
- tankwagon < tank wagon
- thanka < tanka
- tantalise < tantalize
- tantalising < tantalizing
- tantalising < tantalizing
- tantilizing < tantalizing
- tantalisingly < tantalizingly
- tanto < tantō
- tapwater < tap water
- tapdance < tap-dance
- tappa < tapa
- tapedeck < tape deck
- tapstry < tapestry
- tape-worm < tapeworm
- taphonomical < taphonomic
- tappin' < tapping
- taqiya < taqiyya
- tarre < tar
- tar-boil < tar boil
- tar with the same stick < tar with the same brush
- terakihi < tarakihi
- tarantas < tarantass
- tarentism < tarantism
- tarentula < tarantula
- tarrasque < tarasque
- taraweeh < tarawih
- tarbouche < tarboosh
- tarbush < tarboosh
- targe < target
- targe < target
- targettable < targetable
- targetier < targeteer
- targetter < targeter
- Targum < targum
- terin < tarin
- tariqat < tariqa
- tarletan < tarlatan
- darnation < tarnation
- tarpauling < tarpaulin
- tar pit < tarpit
- tartrated < tartarated
- tartar sauce < tartare sauce
- tartarise < tartarize
- taskforce < task force
- tasselling < tasseling
- taste bud < tastebud
- Tater Tots < tater tots
- tatu < tatou
- tatu < tattoo
- tatu < tattoo
- tattow < tattoo
- tattow < tattoo
- tattie < tatty
- taurin < taurine
- tautaug < tautog
- tautologise < tautologize
- tautophonic < tautophonical
- taxfree < tax-free
- taxophobic < taxaphobic
- taxi-distance < taxi distance
- tax man < taxman
- TBYTE < tbyte
- teagown < tea gown
- teashop < tea shop
- tea-tray < tea tray
- teatrays < tea trays
- tea-bag < teabag
- titch < teach
- teache < teach
- teachin' < teaching
- team building < teambuilding
- team-mate < teammate
- teare < tear
- teare < tear
- tear-gas < tear gas
- tear-gas < tear gas
- tear-downs < teardowns
- tearin' < tearing
- tea room < tearoom
- teaze < tease
- tazel < teasel
- teazing < teasing
- teasin' < teasing
- teet < teat
- tea-time < teatime
- technoutopian < techno-utopian
- technoutopian < techno-utopian
- technotopian < techno-utopian
- technotopian < techno-utopian
- teddie bear < teddy bear
- tead < tede
- teehee < tee hee
- tehee < tee hee
- teen-aged < teenaged
- teentsy < teensy
- titter-totter < teeter-totter
- tetotal < teetotal
- tetotaler < teetotaler
- tephillah < tefilla
- tecnonym < teknonym
- telæsthesia < telaesthesia
- telangiectasy < telangiectasis
- telecenter < telecentre
- telcom < telecom
- telegrammic < telegrammatic
- telepediatric < telepaediatric
- telepediatrics < telepaediatrics
- telepathetic < telepathic
- telepathetically < telepathically
- telaesthesia < telesthesia
- telestic < telestich
- TV set < television set
- ytelle < tell
- tellin' < telling
- tell-tale < telltale
- tellurise < tellurize
- telnettable < telnetable
- temerous < temerarious
- temperancy < temperance
- temper'd < tempered
- tempest in a teacup < tempest in a teapot
- tempest in a tea-kettle < tempest in a teapot
- tempest-tost < tempest-tossed
- temporise < temporize
- temporising < temporizing
- temporisingly < temporizingly
- tentation < temptation
- temptin' < tempting
- tendence < tendency
- tendre < tender
- tendre < tender
- tenderor < tenderer
- tender-hearted < tenderhearted
- tender-heartedly < tenderheartedly
- tender-heartedness < tenderheartedness
- tenderise < tenderize
- tenderiser < tenderizer
- tendrely < tenderly
- tender-mindedly < tendermindedly
- tender-mindedness < tendermindedness
- tendonous < tendinous
- tenebrious < tenebrous
- tendosynovitis < tenosynovitis
- tenotomise < tenotomize
- ten-pin bowling < tenpin bowling
- ten-pounder < tenpounder
- tenzon < tenson
- 10th grade < tenth grade
- tent-pole < tentpole
- tent pole < tentpole
- tent pole movie < tentpole movie
- tenuretrack < tenure-track
- tenure track < tenure-track
- teraohm < tera-ohm
- teragramme < teragram
- tarai < terai
- terbinafin < terbinafine
- tarsel < tercel
- terabinth < terebinth
- termonology < terminology
- trinary < ternary
- terpinol < terpineol
- terapin < terrapin
- terrestrious < terrestrial
- territ < terret
- turrible < terrible
- terrar < terrier
- terrifical < terrific
- terrigeneous < terrigenous
- terrorisation < terrorization
- tesselation < tessellation
- testbench < test bench
- testcard < test card
- testcase < test case
- test-paper < test paper
- test-fire < testfire
- testiculated < testiculate
- testin' < testing
- techily < tetchily
- techiness < tetchiness
- techy < tetchy
- tetracetate < tetraacetate
- tetrallelic < tetraallelic
- butylamino < tetracaine
- tetrachlorethylene < tetrachloroethylene
- tetraacid < tetracid
- tetrakosane < tetracosane
- tetracyclin < tetracycline
- tetradactyle < tetradactyl
- tetrahedralisable < tetrahedralizable
- tetraedrically < tetrahedrally
- tetraedron < tetrahedron
- tetraedrum < tetrahedron
- tetriodide < tetraiodide
- tetradecahedron < tetrakaidekahedron
- tetraline < tetralin
- benzocyclohexanone < tetralone
- tetramerisation < tetramerization
- tetramerise < tetramerize
- tetramisol < tetramisole
- tetraphosphorus trisulphide < tetraphosphorus trisulfide
- tetrasulphur < tetrasulfur
- tetrasulphur tetranitride < tetrasulfur tetranitride
- tetrazin < tetrazine
- tetraoxide < tetroxide
- tetroxid < tetroxide
- tuchet < tewit
- txtspeak < textspeak
- textualisable < textualizable
- textualisation < textualization
- texturisation < texturization
- texturise < texturize
- thalamiflorous < thalamifloral
- thalassaemic < thalassemic
- thalassaemic < thalassemic
- thallious < thallous
- thamnosmin < thamnosin
- then < than
- 'n < than
- thanne < than
- thanne < than
- tanah < thana
- thanna < thana
- tannah < thana
- thanah < thana
- thannah < thana
- thannadar < thanadar
- tanahdar < thanadar
- tannahdar < thanadar
- thegnhood < thanehood
- thanka < thangka
- thanke < thank
- thank god < thank God
- thankee < thank you
- thankyou < thank you
- thank'ee < thank you
- thanku < thank you
- thanky < thank you
- thank u < thank you
- thank ye so very much < thank you so very much
- thankyouverymuch < thank you very much
- thank you < thank-you
- thankin' < thanking
- thanksh < thanks
- thare < thar
- darf < tharf
- zat < that
- thatt < that
- that and twenty-five cents will get you a cup of coffee < that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee
- that ship has already sailed < that ship has sailed
- That was then. This is now < that was then, this is now
- that-a-way < thataway
- thaumarchaea < thaumarchaeota
- zee < the
- thay < the
- the apple never falls far from the tree < the apple does not fall far from the tree
- the Bomb < the bomb
- the screwing you get isn't worth the screwing you take < the fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get
- the screwing you get isn't worth the screwing you're going to get < the fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get
- the full quid < the full shilling
- in the hell < the hell
- the natives are getting restless < the natives are restless
- the proof is in the pudding < the proof of the pudding is in the eating
- theanthropical < theanthropic
- theatre of war < theater of war
- theatrewide < theaterwide
- theatre-goer < theatregoer
- theatergoing < theatregoing
- theatergoing < theatregoing
- theatre-going < theatregoing
- theatre-going < theatregoing
- theaterland < theatreland
- theatricalise < theatricalize
- theef < theif
- thein < theine
- thair < their
- thir < their
- theire < their
- theyr < their
- thers < theirs
- thim < them
- theim < them
- theirself < themself
- theirselves < themselves
- theirself < themselves
- there and then < then and there
- thenabout < thenabouts
- theocratise < theocratize
- theologick < theologic
- theologise < theologize
- theologiser < theologizer
- theophilanthropical < theophilanthropic
- theoriser < theorizer
- theorising < theorizing
- theoxeny < theoxenia
- dey < there
- thar < there
- thair < there
- thur < there
- thur < there
- every rule has an exception < there is an exception to every rule
- there oughtta be a law < there ought to be a law
- there oughta be a law < there ought to be a law
- thers < there's
- there are many ways to skin a cat < there's more than one way to skin a cat
- thereabouts < thereabout
- there-anent < thereanent
- there away < thereaway
- therfore < therefore
- thermanæsthesia < thermanaesthesia
- thermaesthesia < thermesthesia
- thermister < thermistor
- thermit < thermite
- therm- < thermo-
- thermoanæsthesia < thermoanaesthesia
- thermochemic < thermochemical
- thermochromatic < thermochromic
- thermomolding < thermomoulding
- thermostabile < thermostable
- thermostated < thermostatted
- zay < they
- they'l < they’ll
- tiabendazole < thiabendazole
- thiamin < thiamine
- thiazol < thiazole
- thicke < thick
- thickskinned < thick-skinned
- theif < thief
- thiever < thief
- thiepin < thiepine
- thievin' < thieving
- thyne < thine
- ting < thing
- thinge < thing
- thynge < thing
- thingmabob < thingamabob
- thingummabob < thingamabob
- thingumabob < thingamabob
- thingymabob < thingamabob
- thingummybob < thingamabob
- thingumbob < thingamabob
- thingamybob < thingamabob
- thingummyjig < thingamajig
- thingumajig < thingamajig
- thingummajig < thingamajig
- thingymajig < thingamajig
- thingmajig < thingamajig
- thingamyjig < thingamajig
- thingamy < thingummy
- thinke < think
- thynke < think
- for the children < think of the children
- thinkin' < thinking
- thionamide < thioamide
- thioanisol < thioanisole
- tiocarlide < thiocarlide
- thioflavine < thioflavin
- thionin < thionine
- thiosulphuric < thiosulfuric
- thiotoluene < thiotolene
- thirde < third
- Third Camp < third camp
- Third Way < third way
- third rate < third-rate
- third rate < third-rate
- thrist < thirst
- thirdy < thirty
- thirtie < thirty
- thirtytwomo < thirty-twomo
- zis < this
- zis < this
- zis < this
- zees < this
- this-a-way < thisaway
- thether < thither
- thiderward < thitherward
- thaub < thobe
- thwok < thock
- thwop < thock
- thoracotomize < thoracotomise
- thorinum < thorium
- thornapple < thorn apple
- throughfare < thoroughfare
- thorowly < thoroughly
- thoroly < thoroughly
- doze < those
- people who have, get < those that have, get
- people who have, get more < those that have, get
- them that has, gets < those that have, get
- them that has, gets more < those that have, get
- them what has, gets < those that have, get
- them what has, gets more < those that have, get
- those who have, get < those that have, get
- those who have, get more < those that have, get
- those that have get < those that have, get
- those that have get more < those that have, get
- those who have get < those that have, get
- those who have get more < those that have, get
- them that has gets < those that have, get
- them what has gets < those that have, get
- he who can, does, he who cannot, teaches < those who can't do, teach
- thogh < though
- thort < thought
- thort < thought
- thawt < thought
- thot < thought
- thot < thought
- thoughte < thought
- thowght < thought
- thought-leader < thought leader
- thought-processes < thought processes
- thoughtworld < thought-world
- thrashin' < thrashing
- thrashingfloor < thrashing floor
- thrashingfloors < thrashing floors
- threatenin' < threatening
- three R's < three Rs
- three-fifths < three fifths
- three-of-a-kind < three of a kind
- 3 card monte < three-card monte
- 3-card monte < three-card monte
- threedimensional < three-dimensional
- threequarters < three-quarters
- three ring circus < three-ring circus
- threespace < three-space
- threshwold < threshold
- thrillseeker < thrill-seeker
- throat latch < throatlatch
- throbbin' < throbbing
- thrombo- < thromb-
- thrombopenia < thrombocytopenia
- thrombelastogram < thromboelastogram
- thrombelastography < thromboelastography
- thromboembolitic < thromboembolic
- thrombolyzed < thrombolysed
- thrombspondin < thrombospondin
- throne-room < throne room
- throughe < through
- thrue < through
- thoo < through
- through line < throughline
- put a spanner in the works < throw a spanner in the works
- throw one's hat over the windmill < throw one's cap over the windmill
- toss one's hat into the ring < throw one's hat in the ring
- throw a curve < throw someone a curve
- throw in < throw-in
- throw out < throw-out
- throwup < throw-up
- throwin' < throwing
- thrippence < thruppence
- thrustle < thrushel
- thrustor < thruster
- thumpin' < thumping
- Thunderbird < thunderbird
- thunder cloud < thundercloud
- thunderin' < thundering
- thundrous < thunderous
- thaught < thwart
- thyreo- < thyro-
- theroid < thyroid
- thyroidectomise < thyroidectomize
- thyroxin < thyroxine
- theatrophone < théâtrophone
- tiazofurine < tiazofurin
- tic tac toe < tic-tac-toe
- tick-tack-toe < tic-tac-toe
- ticktacktoe < tic-tac-toe
- tit-tat-to < tic-tac-toe
- tike < tick
- check all the boxes < tick all the boxes
- tick-and-flick < tick and flick
- tickbite < tick bite
- tickmark < tick mark
- tick-tack < tick tack
- ticktock < tick tock
- ticktock < tick tock
- ticktack < tick tock
- tickee < ticket
- tickin' < ticking
- tidal lock < tidal locking
- tiddleywink < tiddlywink
- Tiddledy Winks < tiddlywinks
- tiddledywinks < tiddlywinks
- tyde < tide
- tide pool < tidepool
- tyding < tiding
- tye < tie
- tierod < tie rod
- tie-break < tiebreak
- tie break < tiebreak
- tie pin < tiepin
- tyer < tier
- tiffing < tiffin
- tifosi < [[tifoso}} (tifoso) {{gloss]]
- tigecyclin < tigecycline
- tiger-foot < tiger's-foot
- tigrishly < tigerishly
- tightlaced < tight-laced
- tightie-whities < tighty whities
- tight whites < tighty whities
- whitey tighties < tighty whities
- tightie whities < tighty whities
- tighty whiteys < tighty whities
- tightie whiteys < tighty whities
- tighty-whiteys < tighty whities
- tigerine < tigrine
- tyler < tiler
- 'til < till
- 'til < till
- twell < till
- twell < till
- tim-whisky < tim-whiskey
- tymbal < timbal
- timberwolf < timber wolf
- timberyard < timber yard
- time-ball < time ball
- time-bill < time bill
- timeclock < time clock
- time-delay < time delay
- time-exposure < time exposure
- time-killers < time killers
- timekillers < time killers
- timelimit < time limit
- timelock < time lock
- time-off < time off
- time-scale < time scale
- time-signature < time signature
- timesink < time sink
- timeslice < time slice
- timewarp < time warp
- timeconsuming < time-consuming
- timelapse < time-lapse
- time out < time-out
- timeshared < time-shared
- timesharing < time-sharing
- time-release < timed-release
- timelesslie < timelessly
- time-pleaser < timepleaser
- time-worn < timeworn
- tympanist < timpanist
- tinkal < tincal
- tinder-box < tinderbox
- tinder box < tinderbox
- tyne < tine
- tin-foil < tinfoil
- tin dog < tinned dog
- tintinnabulary < tintinnabular
- tipoff < tip-off
- tippy-toe < tippytoe
- tippy-toe < tippytoe
- tip-top < tiptop
- tip-top < tiptop
- tyre barrier < tire barrier
- tyre bead < tire bead
- tiwed < tired
- tarsome < tiresome
- tis < tissy
- titty fuck < tit fuck
- titty fuck < tit fuck
- tittyfuck < tit fuck
- tittyfuck < tit fuck
- titanisation < titanization
- titheable < tithable
- tythe < tithe
- tythe < tithe
- tithebarn < tithe barn
- tything < tithing
- teetee < titi
- tee-tee < titi
- tittivation < titivation
- titlene < titling
- titrability < titratability
- titrable < titratable
- tituppy < tittuppy
- tittupy < tittuppy
- teetee < titty
- tittay < titty
- tiddy < titty
- titulary < titular
- TiVo < tivo
- tiz < tizz
- tqemali < tkemali
- tmrna < tmRNA
- timesis < tmesis
- ter < to
- ter < to
- ter < to
- to the T < to a T
- to the tee < to a T
- down to a T < to a T
- toadrush < toad rush
- tabacco < tobacco
- tobaccer < tobacco
- taboggan < toboggan
- taboggan < toboggan
- tarboggin < toboggan
- tarboggin < toboggan
- tokology < tocology
- tokolytic < tocolytic
- tokolytic < tocolytic
- tokin < tocsin
- todaye < today
- today's flavour < today's flavor
- toe-biter < toe biter
- toe hold < toehold
- toe-hold < toehold
- toitoi < toetoe
- doufu < tofu
- togeather < together
- togeather < together
- turlet < toilet
- toylsom < toilsome
- toylesome < toilsome
- tokenisation < tokenization
- tokenise < tokenize
- tokeniser < tokenizer
- tolde < told
- tould < told
- told'st < toldest
- tolerise < tolerize
- tolerizable < tolerizeable
- tolerigenic < tolerogenic
- tolbooth < toll booth
- tollfree < toll-free
- toluide < toluid
- toluidin < toluidine
- toluole < toluol
- tomtit < tom-tit
- tomtom < tom-tom
- tomally < tomalley
- tom boy < tomboy
- tomentous < tomentose
- tomographical < tomographic
- tomorrah < tomorrow
- tone dialling < tone dialing
- tongue-bath < tongue bath
- tonguepad < tongue-pad
- tonguetied < tongue-tied
- tongue twister < tongue-twister
- tongue worm < tongueworm
- tunnage < tonnage
- tonsil-hockey < tonsil hockey
- tonsilar < tonsillar
- tonsilitis < tonsillitis
- tonsillith < tonsillolith
- tonsilotomy < tonsillotomy
- tonsillotome < tonsilotome
- tontiner < [[tontineer}} (tontineer) {{gloss]]
- tontinier < [[tontineer}} (tontineer) {{gloss]]
- tooke < took
- tool-pusher < toolpusher
- twonies < toonies
- twoonies < toonies
- toof < tooth
- toothpowder < tooth powder
- toothshell < tooth shell
- toothake < toothache
- teethbrush < toothbrush
- tooth mug < toothmug
- toothpastey < toothpasty
- tootin' < tooting
- tophat < top hat
- tophats < top hats
- top-of-mind awareness < top of mind awareness
- top-of-mind awarenesses < top of mind awarenesses
- topscorer < top scorer
- topdown < top-down
- topdress < top-dress
- topheavy < top-heavy
- toplevel < top-level
- top priority < top-priority
- toprope < top-rope
- topup < top-up
- tofi < tophi
- tofus < tophus
- toponomy < toponymy
- topt < topped
- tops'l < topsail
- topsy turvy < topsy-turvy
- topsy-turvey < topsy-turvy
- topsyturvy < topsy-turvy
- toquet < toque
- tauridor < toreador
- tormenter < tormentor
- tormentour < tormentor
- torne < torn
- tornade < tornado
- torkance < torquance
- torsades des pointes < torsades de pointes
- torsal < torsel
- tortoise shell < tortoiseshell
- tortoise-shell < tortoiseshell
- tortoise-shell < tortoiseshell
- tore < torus
- toshly < tosh
- toshy < tosh
- tush < tosheroon
- tossin' < tossing
- totalise < totalize
- totaliser < totalizer
- totaquin < totaquine
- totitive < totative
- toat < tote
- titch < touch
- tetch < touch
- tetch < touch
- hit a raw nerve < touch a nerve
- touch-and-go < touch and go
- touchhole < touch hole
- touch-hole < touch hole
- touchpaper < touch-paper
- touch-tone dialling < touch-tone dialing
- touchup < touch-up
- touchups < touch-ups
- touched in the haid < touched in the head
- tetched in the head < touched in the head
- tetched in the haid < touched in the head
- touchin' < touching
- touch line < touchline
- touche < touché
- tuff < tough
- toughminded < tough-minded
- toughmindedly < tough-mindedly
- toughmindedness < tough-mindedness
- tour-goer < tourgoer
- turmaline < tourmaline
- tourmalin < tourmaline
- torneament < tournament
- turney < tourney
- turney < tourney
- touze < touse
- towze < touse
- towse < touse
- tousel < tousle
- touzled < tousled
- touzy < tousy
- towbar < tow bar
- tow haired < tow-haired
- towards < toward
- to-ward < toward
- towerblock < tower block
- tower defence < tower defense
- tow-head < towhead
- tow-headed < towheaded
- towne < town
- town-and-gown < town and gown
- townhall < town hall
- towny < townie
- toxaemia < toxemia
- toxæmia < toxemia
- tox- < toxi-
- toxical < toxic
- toxiphobia < toxicophobia
- toxine < toxin
- toy-boy < toyboy
- teepee < tp
- tracheide < tracheid
- tracheooesophageal < tracheoesophageal
- tracheo-oesophageal < tracheooesophageal
- tracheostomise < tracheostomize
- trachyonychia < trachonychia
- trackpants < track pants
- trackmounted < track-mounted
- trackerball < trackball
- trackin' < tracking
- trrna < tracrRNA
- tradeability < tradability
- tradename < trade name
- tradeshow < trade show
- trades unionist < trade unionist
- tradewinds < trade winds
- tradin' < trading
- Chinese traditional medicine < traditional Chinese medicine
- traditionalise < traditionalize
- traderess < tradress
- traffic-light < traffic light
- traffic-lights < traffic lights
- trailer park trash < trailer trash
- trailin' < trailing
- trayne < train
- trayne < train
- trainin' < training
- trapesing < traipsing
- traipsin' < traipsing
- traitourously < traitorously
- trampin' < tramping
- trampolin < trampoline
- transe < trance
- trankum < trangram
- tranquillised < tranquilized
- tranquillizing < tranquilizing
- tranquilities < tranquillity
- tranquillisation < tranquillization
- tranquilization < tranquillization
- tranquilisation < tranquillization
- transfat < trans fat
- transneptunian < trans-Neptunian
- transcendentalise < transcendentalize
- transduct < transduce
- transducted < transduced
- transoesophageal < transesophageal
- trasfected < transfected
- tranfection < transfection
- transferrability < transferability
- transferribility < transferability
- transferrable < transferable
- transferrible < transferable
- transferree < transferee
- transferrence < transference
- transferror < transferor
- transfixt < transfixed
- transformator < transformer
- transfreight < transfrete
- transgenderisation < transgenderization
- transgenderise < transgenderize
- transgenosis < transgenesis
- trangenic < transgenic
- translumination < transillumination
- transistorise < transistorize
- translateable < translatable
- translocalisation < translocalization
- trans-lunar < translunar
- trans-mat < transmat
- transmedial < transmedia
- transmembraneous < transmembranous
- transmetalation < transmetallation
- transmittible < transmittable
- transsonic < transonic
- transsonics < transonics
- transpondor < transponder
- transposease < transposase
- transpulmonic < transpulmonary
- transeptal < transseptal
- transhipment < transshipment
- transhipping < transshipping
- transtadial < transstadial
- transulfuration < transsulfuration
- transynaptic < transsynaptic
- trapp < trap
- trapmaker < trap maker
- traprock < trap rock
- trapset < trap set
- trapt < trapped
- trappin' < trapping
- trashbag < trash bag
- traumatisation < traumatization
- travell < travail
- travail < travel
- travell < travel
- travell < travel
- travelour < traveller
- travellour < traveller
- travellers' palm < traveller's palm
- travellin' < travelling
- traveling-wave tubes < travelling-wave tubes
- travail < travois
- tray table < tray-table
- treddle < treadle
- treddle < treadle
- threasure < treasure
- threasury < treasury
- tretis < treatise
- treatize < treatise
- trebucket < trebuchet
- treefrog < tree frog
- tree-ring < tree ring
- treetrunk < tree trunk
- treck < trek
- treck < trek
- trecker < trekker
- tremblin' < trembling
- tremis < tremissis
- tremolant < tremulant
- tremulent < tremulant
- trenchcoat < trench coat
- trenchand < trenchant
- trendline < trend line
- trendbusting < trend-busting
- tripang < trepang
- trepaning < trepanning
- trepidacious < trepidatious
- trespace < trespass
- trespassin' < trespassing
- tressel < trestle
- trestle board < trestleboard
- trestle-board < trestleboard
- tryable < triable
- tryal < trial
- tryall < trial
- triallist < trialist
- trialing < trialling
- triangularisation < triangularization
- triazin < triazine
- treblet < triblet
- tributylphosphate < tributyl phosphate
- rabbittite < tricalcium trimagnesium diuranyl hexacarbonate tetrahydroxy octadecahydrate
- trichlorphon < trichlorfon
- trichlorethylene < trichloroethylene
- trichomonosis < trichomoniasis
- trichorrhœa < trichorrhea
- trickshot < trick shot
- tricked-out < tricked out
- trickledown < trickle-down
- tricrotous < tricrotic
- tridactyle < tridactyl
- trior < trier
- tryer < trier
- trifluoracetate < trifluoroacetate
- trifluoracetic < trifluoroacetic
- triglyceridaemia < triglyceridemia
- trigrammic < trigrammatic
- triedral < trihedral
- triiodothyronin < triiodothyronine
- tri-level < trilevel
- trimtab < trim tab
- trimerisation < trimerization
- trimerise < trimerize
- trimethoprime < trimethoprim
- trimmin' < trimming
- Trinitarian formula < trinitarian formula
- trinitroglycerine < trinitroglycerin
- triecious < trioecious
- trioxid < trioxide
- trimethylpsoralen < trioxsalen
- triphammer < trip hammer
- triphenyltetrazoliumchloride < triphenyl tetrazolium chloride
- tripennate < tripinnate
- Triple-O < triple O
- trippin' < tripping
- tridecaphobia < triskaidekaphobia
- triskaidecaphobia < triskaidekaphobia
- triscele < triskele
- tristy < trist
- trisulphide < trisulfide
- triding < trithing
- triturium < tritorium
- triniunity < triunity
- trivialisation < trivialization
- trivialiser < trivializer
- trochar < trocar
- trochaical < trochaic
- trocheus < trochee
- trode < trod
- troad < trode
- troglodytical < troglodytic
- troul < troll
- trowl < troll
- triomino < tromino
- trompe-d'œil < trompe d'œil
- tron < trone
- troope < troop
- tropify < trope
- tropist < troper
- trophoectoderm < trophectoderm
- trophoectodermal < trophectodermal
- trophiless < trophyless
- tropicalisation < tropicalization
- tropicalise < tropicalize
- tropin < tropine
- tropologic < tropological
- trottin' < trotting
- troble < trouble
- troble < trouble
- throuble < trouble
- troublefree < trouble-free
- troublin' < troubling
- trupial < troupial
- troopial < troupial
- trowse < trouse
- trowserless < trouserless
- trowsers < trousers
- trossers < trousers
- troyounce < troy ounce
- truand < truant
- truand < truant
- truckdriver < truck driver
- truckstop < truck stop
- truckin' < trucking
- trudgeon < trudgen
- trew < true
- true believer syndrome < true-believer syndrome
- truehearted < true-hearted
- trueism < truism
- truely < truly
- trully < truly
- trunnel < trundle
- trust everybody, but always cut the deck < trust everybody, but cut the cards
- trustin' < trusting
- truthwards < truthward
- trie < try
- tryin' < trying
- trypanicidal < trypanocidal
- trypanicide < trypanocide
- trypsinisation < trypsinization
- trypsinise < trypsinize
- tryptophane < tryptophan
- tryste < tryst
- try works < tryworks
- try-works < tryworks
- tzaddiq < tsaddik
- tsaddiq < tsaddik
- tsama < tsamma
- tsambouna < tsampouna
- tzantza < tsantsa
- tsarevitch < tsarevich
- czarevitch < tsarevich
- czarowitz < tsarevich
- tzarevitch < tsarevich
- cesarevich < tsarevich
- cesarewitch < tsarevich
- cesarevna < tsarevna
- tzaricide < tsaricide
- Tsarist < tsarist
- tzetse < tsetse
- zizit < tsitsith
- tschk < tsk
- tsk-tsk < tsk tsk
- tsktsk < tsk tsk
- tzuica < tsuica
- tsooris < tsuris
- tuatera < tuatara
- chubes < tubes
- tuchungism < tuchunism
- tucker-box < tuckerbox
- tucet < tucket
- tudong < tudung
- tug-of-war < tug of war
- tugra < tughra
- tugrug < tugrik
- tugric < tugrik
- tugrog < tugrik
- tue < tui
- tularæmia < tularemia
- tularaemic < tularemic
- tulipmania < tulipomania
- tumblin' < tumbling
- tummy ache < tummyache
- tumoural < tumoral
- tumouricidal < tumoricidal
- tumorcidal < tumoricidal
- tumorogenic < tumorigenic
- tumourigenetic < tumorigenic
- tumourigenicity < tumorigenicity
- tumorgenicity < tumorigenicity
- tumorogenicity < tumorigenicity
- tumorostatic < tumoristatic
- tumourously < tumorously
- tumulary < tumular
- tumulose < tumulous
- tunafish < tuna fish
- tuneability < tunability
- tuneable < tunable
- tuneably < tunably
- toundra < tundra
- toon < tune
- tuniced < tunicked
- tunicks < tunics
- thunny < tunny
- Tupperware < tupperware
- touraco < turaco
- turakoo < turaco
- turbant < turban
- turribant < turban
- turband < turban
- turbaned < turbanned
- turbimeter < turbidimeter
- turbiometric < turbidimetric
- superturbocharger < turbosupercharger
- turbulency < turbulence
- turbulisation < turbulization
- terrene < tureen
- terreen < tureen
- turme < turm
- turmerick < turmeric
- turn a new leaf < turn over a new leaf
- turn the table < turn the tables
- turn-up < turn up
- turnon < turn-on
- turnround < turnaround
- turnin' < turning
- turnep < turnip
- turnipy < turnippy
- turn-key < turnkey
- turn-stile < turnstile
- turbeth < turpeth
- turkis < turquoise
- turquoize < turquoise
- turkois < turquoise
- turquois < turquoise
- turquoisy < turquoisey
- turtle-doves < turtle dove
- toosh < tush
- tushy < tushie
- tussuck < tussock
- thussock < tussock
- tussac grass < tussock grass
- tussur < tussore
- tutilage < tutelage
- tutillage < tutelage
- tutress < tutoress
- tutorise < tutorize
- tuxie < tuxy
- tweer < tuyere
- twyer < tuyere
- twier < tuyere
- tuyer < tuyere
- twyere < tuyere
- thwaite < twaite
- tweague < tweag
- 12th grade < twelfth grade
- twelfe < twelve
- twelue < twelve
- twelve steppers < twelve-steppers
- twentie < twenty
- twenny < twenty
- twenty four < twenty-four
- twentyfourmo < twenty-fourmo
- twirk < twerk
- twibil < twibill
- tweece < twice
- twin-engined < twin-engine
- twistin' < twisting
- two can play this game < two can play that game
- two-of-a-kind < two of a kind
- two pairs < two pair
- two pennorth < two penn’orth
- twodimensional < two-dimensional
- two spirit < two-spirit
- twocker < twoccer
- tieing < tying
- Tylenol < [[tylenol}} (tylenol) {{gloss]]
- Tylenol < [[tylenol}} (tylenol) {{qualifier]]
- tylosaur < tylosaurine
- typesafe < type-safe
- typability < typeability
- typhloenteritis < typhlenteritis
- tyfoon < typhoon
- tuffoon < typhoon
- typhose < typhous
- typhos < typhus
- tyranniser < tyrannizer
- tyrannie < tyranny
- tyran < tyrant
- tyraunt < tyrant
- tyrocidin < tyrocidine
- tyrosin < tyrosine
- tyrosinaemia < tyrosinemia
- tyrothricine < tyrothricin
- zaddick < tzaddik
- tzadziki < tzatziki
- tsigane < tzigane
- tzigany < tzigane
- zizith < tzitzit
- tete-a-tete < tête-à-tête
- ouakari < uakari
- ubiquarian < ubiquitarian
- ubiquarian < ubiquitarian
- ubiquitist < ubiquitarian
- odaller < udaller
- u-ie < uey
- eugh < ugh
- uhh < uh
- unh < uh
- uhu < uh-huh
- ahuh < uh-huh
- oh oh < uh-oh
- ruh-roh < uh-oh
- uh uh < uh-uh
- hulan < uhlan
- union pipes < uilleann pipes
- ukaz < ukase
- Ukaz < ukase
- Ulster < ulster
- l'ultime avertissement < ultime avertissement
- ulvospinel < ulvöspinel
- uhm < um
- umbelliferon < umbelliferone
- umbonated < umbonate
- ombrella < umbrella
- humbrella < umbrella
- oomiack < umiak
- umiack < umiak
- impire < umpire
- umteenth < umpteenth
- unaustralian < un-Australian
- unjewish < un-Jewish
- ungooglable < unGoogleable
- unabasht < unabashed
- unhabile < unable
- unhable < unable
- unacclimatised < unacclimatized
- unaccomplisht < unaccomplished
- unageing < unaging
- unallow'd < unallowed
- unalphabetised < unalphabetized
- inambiguous < unambiguous
- unanæsthetised < unanaesthetised
- unanæsthetized < unanaesthetized
- unanalyzable < unanalysable
- unanalysed < unanalyzed
- unanaesthetized < unanesthetized
- unanesthetised < unanesthetized
- unanaesthetised < unanesthetized
- unanimate < unanimous
- unarmour'd < unarmored
- unassertible < unassertable
- unauthorised term < unauthorized term
- unauthorisedly < unauthorizedly
- unwakened < unawakened
- unbaptise < unbaptize
- unfuckingbelievable < unbefuckinglievable
- unfreakingbelievable < unbefuckinglievable
- unbegot < unbegotten
- unknownst < unbeknownst
- unbiassedly < unbiasedly
- unbiassedness < unbiasedness
- unblamable < unblameable
- unblest < unblessed
- un-briny < unbriny
- unbrused < unbruised
- unburthen < unburden
- uncachable < uncacheable
- uncanonise < uncanonize
- uncanonised < uncanonized
- uncapitalised < uncapitalized
- uncatabolised < uncatabolized
- uncataloged < uncatalogued
- uncatalysed < uncatalyzed
- uncategorisable < uncategorizable
- uncategorisably < uncategorizably
- uncategorised < uncategorized
- uncentredness < uncenteredness
- uncharacterisable < uncharacterizable
- uncharacterised < uncharacterized
- incharitable < uncharitable
- un-Christmassy < unchristmassy
- uncivilisable < uncivilizable
- incivilly < uncivilly
- unkle < uncle
- unkel < uncle
- unclinch < unclench
- unclipt < unclipped
- unclubable < unclubbable
- uncoyned < uncoined
- uncolour'd < uncolored
- uncolor'd < uncolored
- uncompartmentalised < uncompartmentalized
- unconcern'd < unconcerned
- inconformable < unconformable
- inconscionable < unconscionable
- uncontrouled < uncontrolled
- unconvertable < unconvertible
- uncoördinate < uncoordinate
- uncoördinated < uncoordinated
- uncopyable < uncopiable
- incorrupted < uncorrupted
- uncounseled < uncounselled
- uncredentialed < uncredentialled
- uncrystallisable < uncrystallizable
- uncrystallised < uncrystallized
- unctious < unctuous
- uncurst < uncursed
- undecideable < undecidable
- undeconstructible < undeconstructable
- undefide < undefied
- undersquare < under square
- underweigh < under way
- underhedging < under-hedging
- under-accommodation < underaccommodation
- under-attended < underattended
- under-awed < underawed
- under boob < underboob
- underbritches < underbreeches
- undercapitalisation < undercapitalization
- under clothes < underclothes
- underemphasise < underemphasize
- underemphasised < underemphasized
- under-endowed < underendowed
- underflavor < underflavour
- undergeneralisation < undergeneralization
- undergeneralise < undergeneralize
- undergoe < undergo
- under-grounders < undergrounder
- under-handedness < underhandedness
- underpressurised < underpressurized
- Under Secretary < undersecretary
- under-served < underserved
- unnerstand < understand
- understandin' < understanding
- understorey < understory
- underutilisation < underutilization
- underutilise < underutilize
- undervirilised < undervirilized
- Underworld < underworld
- indesirable < undesirable
- indetermined < undetermined
- undiminisht < undiminished
- ondine < undine
- undiplomatical < undiplomatic
- undipt < undipped
- indisciplined < undisciplined
- undiscussible < undiscussable
- undistrest < undistressed
- undramatised < undramatized
- undreamed < undreamt
- undrest < undressed
- undriveable < undrivable
- undulose < undulous
- undwelled < undwelt
- undied < undyed
- undy < undé
- oundy < undé
- unimbedded < unembedded
- unenamour'd < unenamoured
- uninclosed < unenclosed
- unincumbered < unencumbered
- unencyclopaedic < unencyclopedic
- unenergised < unenergized
- unenrol < unenroll
- unequivocable < unequivocal
- unequivocably < unequivocally
- uneroticised < uneroticized
- inerringly < unerringly
- unexorcised < unexorcized
- inexpected < unexpected
- inexpectedly < unexpectedly
- unextinguisht < unextinguished
- unextractible < unextractable
- unfactorisable < unfactorizable
- unfakeable < unfakable
- unfakeably < unfakably
- infashionable < unfashionable
- unfear'd < unfeared
- unfertilised < unfertilized
- unfeudalise < unfeudalize
- unfinisht < unfinished
- unfireable < unfirable
- unflavoured < unflavored
- unflavoursome < unflavorsome
- unfluidised < unfluidized
- unfocussed < unfocused
- unfolde < unfold
- unforgot < unforgotten
- unformalised < unformalized
- unfossilised < unfossilized
- unfulfilment < unfulfillment
- unfunctionalised < unfunctionalized
- ungalvanised < ungalvanized
- ungrey < ungray
- ungrayed < ungreyed
- ungueal < ungual
- ungarded < unguarded
- unguiculated < unguiculate
- ungula < unguis
- ungulous < ungulate
- unhandselled < unhandseled
- unharden'd < unhardened
- unheard of < unheard-of
- unhelpt < unhelped
- unhomogenised < unhomogenized
- unhonour'd < unhonored
- unhonor'd < unhonored
- unhumanise < unhumanize
- unhybridised < unhybridized
- unhydrolysed < unhydrolyzed
- unhypnotisable < unhypnotizable
- unhypnotised < unhypnotized
- unhypothesised < unhypothesized
- uniaxal < uniaxial
- uniformisable < uniformizable
- uniformisation < uniformization
- unimmunised < unimmunized
- unimpressable < unimpressible
- unindustrialised < unindustrialized
- uninitialised < uninitialized
- uninterruptable < uninterruptible
- uninvestigatable < uninvestigable
- unionisation < unionization
- unionise < unionize
- unioniser < unionizer
- unitalicise < unitalicize
- unitalicised < unitalicized
- unitarisation < unitarization
- unitarised < unitarized
- unitisation < unitization
- univalency < univalence
- universitie < university
- univocous < univocal
- univoltin < univoltine
- vniust < unjust
- unkard < unked
- unket < unked
- unkid < unked
- unkemmed < unkempt
- unkist < unkissed
- unknownly < unknowingly
- unlaboring < unlabouring
- unleasht < unleashed
- unleaf < unleave
- unlexicalised < unlexicalized
- unloveable < unlovable
- unloveably < unlovably
- onlucky < unlucky
- unmacadamised < unmacadamized
- unmagnetised < unmagnetized
- unmanagable < unmanageable
- unmanoeuvrable < unmaneuverable
- unmarkt < unmarked
- unmard < unmarred
- unmarshall < unmarshal
- unmarshalled < unmarshaled
- unmaskt < unmasked
- unmasqu'd < unmasked
- unmatcht < unmatched
- unmaterialised < unmaterialized
- unmechanised < unmechanized
- unmemorised < unmemorized
- unmention'd < unmentioned
- unmesmerised < unmesmerized
- unmineralised < unmineralized
- unmistakeable < unmistakable
- unmistakeably < unmistakably
- unmixt < unmixed
- unmodernised < unmodernized
- unmoralised < unmoralized
- unmoralising < unmoralizing
- unmoveably < unmovably
- unnamable < unnameable
- unnaturalise < unnaturalize
- unnessary < unnecessary
- unneighborly < unneighbourly
- unnormalised < unnormalized
- un-notice < unnotice
- un-noticed < unnoticed
- un-noticing < unnoticing
- un-omitted < unomitted
- unopsonised < unopsonized
- unoptimised < unoptimized
- unorganisable < unorganizable
- unoxidised < unoxidized
- unpalletised < unpalletized
- unpaneled < unpanelled
- unparametrised < unparameterized
- unparametrized < unparameterized
- unparriable < unparryable
- unparseable < unparsable
- unparticularised < unparticularized
- unpartizan < unpartisan
- unpatronised < unpatronized
- unpermeabilised < unpermeabilized
- unperplext < unperplexed
- unpetaled < unpetalled
- unphilosophise < unphilosophize
- unpictureable < unpicturable
- unpneumatised < unpneumatized
- unpractised < unpracticed
- unpresidented < unprecedented
- unprest < unpressed
- unpressurised < unpressurized
- unprioritised < unprioritized
- unprolifick < unprolific
- unproveable < unprovable
- unpublicised < unpublicized
- unpublisht < unpublished
- unpunisht < unpunished
- unpyrolysed < unpyrolyzed
- unqualifyed < unqualified
- unquantised < unquantized
- unquencht < unquenched
- inquestionable < unquestionable
- unrandomised < unrandomized
- unrapeable < unrapable
- unravelings < unravellings
- unravisht < unravished
- unrealisable < unrealizable
- unrealise < unrealize
- unrecognisably < unrecognizably
- unrecognise < unrecognize
- unrecognising < unrecognizing
- unredressible < unredressable
- unredrest < unredressed
- unregisterable < unregistrable
- unregularised < unregularized
- unreprovable < unreproveable
- unreversable < unreversible
- irrevivable < unrevivable
- unridable < unrideable
- unromanised < unromanized
- unromanticised < unromanticized
- unrouteable < unroutable
- unrubberised < unrubberized
- unsalability < unsaleability
- unsalableness < unsaleableness
- unsalvagable < unsalvageable
- unsalvagably < unsalvageably
- unsanitised < unsanitized
- unsaveable < unsavable
- unscholastick < unscholastic
- unscrutinised < unscrutinized
- unsecuritised < unsecuritized
- hunseemly < unseemly
- unself-conscious < unselfconscious
- unsensationalised < unsensationalized
- unsensitised < unsensitized
- unsensualise < unsensualize
- unserialisable < unserializable
- unsexualised < unsexualized
- unshakeably < unshakably
- unsharable < unshareable
- unshrubd < unshrubbed
- unsceptical < unskeptical
- unsceptically < unskeptically
- unskilfully < unskillfully
- unslacked < unslaked
- unsocialised < unsocialized
- unspecialised < unspecialized
- unspide < unspied
- unspiritualise < unspiritualize
- unstabilised < unstabilized
- unstagey < unstagy
- unstandardised < unstandardized
- unstateable < unstatable
- unstencilled < unstenciled
- unsterilised < unsterilized
- unstigmatised < unstigmatized
- unstuft < unstuffed
- unsubsidised < unsubsidized
- unsuccourable < unsuccorable
- insuitable < unsuitable
- unsummarisable < unsummarizable
- unsummarised < unsummarized
- unsuppressable < unsuppressible
- unsymbolisable < unsymbolizable
- unsynched < unsynced
- unsynchronized < unsynchronised
- unsystematised < unsystematized
- untamably < untameably
- untapt < untapped
- untasseled < untasselled
- untastable < untasteable
- untempred < untempered
- untemptible < untemptable
- untetrahedralisable < untetrahedralizable
- untextualised < untextualized
- untheorised < untheorized
- unty < untie
- untye < untie
- untill < until
- untyll < until
- until the cows come < until the cows come home
- untyreable < untirable
- untireable < untirable
- vnto < unto
- untrayned < untrained
- untranslateable < untranslatable
- untraumatised < untraumatized
- untride < untried
- unurbanised < unurbanized
- unvanquisht < unvanquished
- unvapourised < unvaporized
- unvapourized < unvaporized
- unvaporised < unvaporized
- unvarnisht < unvarnished
- unvascularised < unvascularized
- unvail < unveil
- unvaile < unveil
- unverbalised < unverbalized
- unvext < unvexed
- unvisualisable < unvisualizable
- unvitalized < unvitalised
- unvulcanised < unvulcanized
- unwakable < unwakeable
- unwarie < unwary
- unwashen < unwashed
- unwastable < unwasteable
- unwatch'd < unwatched
- unwesternised < unwesternized
- unwhipt < unwhipped
- unholesome < unwholesome
- unweldy < unwieldy
- unweeting < unwitting
- unwriteable < unwritable
- uppe < up
- oop < up
- vp < up
- up-and-under < up and under
- up shit's creek < up shit creek
- up shit's creek without a paddle < up shit creek
- up poo creek < up shit creek
- uptodate < up to date
- up with the larks < up with the lark
- upline < up-line
- upcheard < upcheered
- upgradeability < upgradability
- upholdstery < upholstery
- uppon < upon
- vppon < upon
- on the tapis < upon the tapis
- upped stick < upped sticks
- uppercase < upper case
- upperside < upper side
- upper-case < uppercase
- upper cut < uppercut
- upping stick < upping sticks
- uppityness < uppitiness
- up-regulation < upregulation
- upsey < upsee
- upsot < upset
- upsettin' < upsetting
- upsidedown < upside down
- upsidown < upside down
- ypsilon < upsilon
- up-tick < uptick
- up-tight < uptight
- upwreathe < upwreath
- uranid < uraniid
- uranoplasty < uraniscoplasty
- ouranography < uranography
- ureolytic < urealytic
- urase < urease
- uræmic < uremic
- ureterocoele < ureterocele
- urethan < urethane
- urethrorrhœa < urethrorrhea
- urgence < urgency
- uricaemia < uricemia
- urinaemia < urinemia
- urinose < urinous
- urne < urn
- uroflometer < uroflowmeter
- uroflometric < uroflowmetric
- uroflometry < uroflowmetry
- urogynaecological < urogynecological
- urogynaecologist < urogynecologist
- urohaematin < urohematin
- urohaematoporphyrin < urohematoporphyrin
- ourology < urology
- uropoïesis < uropoiesis
- ouroscopy < uroscopy
- vs < us
- useableness < usableness
- usaunce < usance
- vse < use
- vsed < used
- us'd < used
- useter < used to
- usefull < useful
- user name < username
- shabti < ushabti
- shawabti < ushabti
- husher < usher
- huisher < usher
- usual office < usual offices
- usurous < usurious
- usuary < usury
- utilitarianise < utilitarianize
- udderly < utterly
- v < v.
- vaccinatable < vaccinable
- vacuolarisation < vacuolarization
- vacuolization < vacuolation
- vacuolisation < vacuolization
- vacuolise < vacuolize
- vagabone < vagabond
- vagabondise < vagabondize
- vaginism < vaginismus
- vaginule < vaginula
- wayn < vain
- vainesse < vainness
- vaire < vair
- valence < valance
- Valentine < valentine
- vallary < vallar
- valonea < valonia
- valeyable < valuable
- valueable < valuable
- valewe < value
- value judgement < value judgment
- value add < value-add
- vanbrace < vambrace
- vamose < vamoose
- vaunt-courier < van-courier
- vanadious < vanadous
- vanillaism < vanillism
- vanquisht < vanquished
- vantagepoint < vantage point
- vantage-point < vantage point
- vapoured < vapored
- vaporised < vaporized
- vapourously < vaporously
- vapourousness < vaporousness
- vapourwave < vaporwave
- vaporer < vapourer
- vaporing < vapouring
- vaporishness < vapourishness
- varech < varec
- variæ lectiones < variae lectiones
- varyation < variation
- varicocœle < varicocoele
- varicous < varicose
- varment < varmint
- Varna < varna
- vernish < varnish
- vernish < varnish
- varnisht < varnished
- vascularised < vascularized
- vascularitis < vasculitis
- vasectomised < vasectomized
- Vaseline < vaseline
- vasodilatatory < vasodilatory
- vaudevillean < vaudevillian
- vaw < vav
- valvasor < vavasor
- vavasor < vavasour
- vb. < vb
- veel < veal
- veale < veal
- vectorboson < vector boson
- vegetable sulphur < vegetable sulfur
- Vegetarian < vegetarian
- Vegetarianism < vegetarianism
- vegie < veggie
- vegie < veggie
- vegetarian hamburger < veggie burger
- vegetarian burger < veggie burger
- vehiculary < vehicular
- vail < veil
- vail < veil
- vele < veil
- wayn < vein
- velarisation < velarization
- velskoen < veldskoen
- veld sore < veldt sore
- velocipedean < velocipedian
- vellet < velvet
- welvett < velvet
- venatical < venatic
- veination < venation
- fineer < veneer
- venefical < veneficial
- venerous < venereous
- venemous < venomous
- envenymous < venomous
- ventaile < ventail
- ventose < ventouse
- ventuse < ventouse
- ventricous < ventricose
- ventrilocution < ventriloquism
- Venturi effect < venturi effect
- ventrous < venturous
- venew < venue
- verandahed < verandaed
- verbalisable < verbalizable
- verbalisation < verbalization
- verdit < verdict
- verdegris < verdigris
- verge-staff < verge staff
- verjus < verjuice
- vermil < vermeil
- vermiceous < vermicious
- virmilion < vermilion
- vermuth < vermouth
- vernalise < vernalize
- vernalised < vernalized
- verotoxinogenic < verotoxigenic
- verruga < verruca
- versicoloured < versicolored
- versicolored < versicoloured
- verteber < vertebra
- vertebraectomy < vertebrectomy
- vertice < vertex
- vervein < vervain
- verry < very
- verry < very
- verye < very
- varry < very
- verie < very
- wery < very
- wery < very
- fery < very
- vewy < very
- vessail < vessel
- Vestal < [[vestal}} (vestal) {{gloss]]
- vertiver < vetiver
- vi. < vi
- vibrotome < vibratome
- vibrorotational < vibrotational
- vicary < vicar
- vice-a-versa < vice versa
- vicey versey < vice versa
- vicechairman < vice-chairman
- vice chancellors < vice-chancellors
- vicomtess < vicomtesse
- victimiser < victimizer
- victour < victor
- vict'ry < victory
- vigonia < vicuña
- videocamera < video camera
- videocard < video card
- videojournalist < video journalist
- videolaryngoscope < video laryngoscope
- videorecorder < video recorder
- videorecording < video recording
- videooculography < video-oculography
- videodisk < videodisc
- videogramme < videogram
- vye < vie
- vew < view
- vigourlessness < vigorlessness
- vigored < vigoured
- vihar < vihara
- vildagliptine < vildagliptin
- vilde < vile
- villagisation < villagization
- vilanie < villainy
- vilany < villainy
- villain < villein
- vim and vigour < vim and vigor
- venatica < vinatico
- vinblastin < vinblastine
- vincentisation < vincentization
- vinculine < vinculin
- vindalho < vindaloo
- vinegrower < vine-grower
- vynegre < vinegar
- vinegarone < vinegaroon
- violaters < violators
- vergaloo < virgalieu
- virgin sulfur < virgin sulphur
- virginals < virginal
- virginalls < virginals
- virialisation < virialization
- virialise < virialize
- virialised < virialized
- viracide < viricide
- virilisation < virilization
- virilise < virilize
- virtualisable < virtualizable
- virtualisation < virtualization
- virtualiser < virtualizer
- vertuu < virtue
- vertuuus < virtuous
- virtuose < virtuous
- virulency < virulence
- viscerimotor < visceromotor
- viscosimetric < viscometric
- viscosimetry < viscometry
- vicount < viscount
- višap < vishap
- Visible Web < visible Web
- visible web < visible Web
- vysar < visor
- vizored < visored
- vision purple < visual purple
- visualisable < visualizable
- visualiser < visualizer
- visuocentric < visucentric
- vitalize < vitalise
- vitaliser < vitalizer
- vitamine < vitamin
- vitellin < vitelline
- vitrificable < vitrifiable
- vitriolick < vitriolic
- vitriolous < vitriolic
- vitriolical < vitriolic
- vitriolise < vitriolize
- viz < viz.
- vezir < vizier
- wazir < vizier
- wuzzeer < vizier
- wizier < vizier
- visier < vizier
- vuzeer < vizier
- wuzeer < vizier
- vizirate < vizierate
- vizirship < viziership
- vocaliser < vocalizer
- vidcast < vodcast
- vidcast < vodcast
- vogueish < voguish
- vogueishness < voguishness
- voide < void
- voyd < void
- voyd < void
- voyd < void
- voyde < void
- voivodship < voivodeship
- vaivodeship < voivodeship
- waiwodeship < voivodeship
- volator < volador
- volatilisable < volatilizable
- volatilisation < volatilization
- volatilise < volatilize
- vulcanic < volcanic
- volcanic sulfur < volcanic sulphur
- volcanoism < volcanism
- vulcano < volcano
- volary < volery
- voltametry < voltammetry
- volumetrical < volumetric
- voluntaryism < voluntarism
- voluntaryist < voluntarist
- vaudoux < voodoo
- vaudoo < voodoo
- voodouism < voodooism
- vodouist < voodooist
- vortexor < vortexer
- voteable < votable
- vouchor < voucher
- voutsafe < vouchsafe
- vouge < voulge
- vowe < vow
- vowe < vow
- vowelisation < vowelization
- vowelise < vowelize
- voweled < vowelled
- varoom < vroom
- voom < vroom
- vrow < vrouw
- vs < vs.
- VS < vs.
- vt. < vt
- vugg < vug
- vulcanisable < vulcanizable
- vulcanisate < vulcanizate
- volsella < vulsellum
- vulsella < vulsellum
- myctag < w
- waa < wa
- whackadoo < wackadoo
- whackadoo < wackadoo
- whackadoodle < wackadoodle
- whackadoodle < wackadoodle
- wacky < wacke
- wadd < wad
- wadeable < wadable
- whaddie < waddy
- wady < wadi
- woodmeil < wadmol
- wadmoll < wadmol
- wadmel < wadmol
- wedsetter < wadsetter
- wagge < wag
- wag-on-the-wall < wag-at-the-wall
- waghalter < wag-halter
- wagel < waggel
- woggle < waggle
- waggin < wagon
- waggonage < wagonage
- waah < wah
- waift < waif
- waile < wail
- wailin' < wailing
- wayn < wain
- wastecoat < waistcoat
- waite < wait
- wait on hand, foot and finger < wait on hand and foot
- wait upon hand and foot < wait on hand and foot
- wait on someone hand, foot, and finger < wait on hand and foot
- wait on someone hand, foot and finger < wait on hand and foot
- waitstate < wait state
- waitin' < waiting
- wave < waive
- weive < waive
- weyve < waive
- waivure < waiver
- wakeup call < wake-up call
- valchovite < walchowite
- weale < wale
- walke < walk
- take a walk on the wild side < walk on the wild side
- walkon < walk-on
- walkup < walk-up
- walkin' < walking
- walking-stick < walking stick
- walkingstick < walking stick
- wallclock < wall clock
- wallhanging < wall hanging
- wallride < wall ride
- walla < wallah
- wall chart < wallchart
- wall covering < wallcovering
- walrus mustache < walrus moustache
- womble < wamble
- womble < wamble
- wompam < wampum
- wande < wand
- wanderin' < wandering
- ouanderoo < wanderoo
- wanderu < wanderoo
- wanka < wanker
- wankish < wankerish
- wankin' < wanking
- wannabee < wannabe
- wante < want
- wante < want
- vant < want
- wantin' < wanting
- wantonise < wantonize
- wappato < wapato
- wakf < waqf
- wakfed < waqfed
- werre < war
- warr < war
- warbonnet < war bonnet
- warchest < war chest
- war-paint < war paint
- warpaint < war paint
- warprofiteer < war profiteer
- warzone < war zone
- wardialing < war-dialing
- warmblooded < warm-blooded
- warmup < warm-up
- warmin' < warming
- warm-up jacket < warmup jacket
- warnin' < warning
- warner < warrener
- warish < warrish
- woz < was
- wos < was
- warsh < wash
- wash balls < wash-balls
- washballs < wash-balls
- wash basin < washbasin
- wasteboard < washboard
- warshboard < washboard
- washateria < washeteria
- washin' < washing
- washing-soda < washing soda
- wunt < wasn't
- wasnt < wasn't
- wasna < wasnae
- wa'n't < wasn’t
- wuzzup < wassup
- waz up < wassup
- wastable < wasteable
- vastel < wastel
- wastin' < wasting
- wastorel < wastrel
- wastery < wastry
- what < wat
- wot < wat
- watch-cap < watch cap
- watchglass < watch glass
- watch one's language < watch one's mouth
- watch chain < watchchain
- watchfull < watchful
- watch house < watchhouse
- watchin' < watching
- watch list < watchlist
- water-bath < water bath
- waterbath < water bath
- water birthing < water birth
- waterboatman < water boatman
- waterbomb < water bomb
- waterbrash < water brash
- waterbus < water bus
- watercarrier < water carrier
- watercooler < water cooler
- water-cure < water cure
- waterflea < water flea
- waterjacket < water jacket
- watermain < water main
- watermeadow < water meadow
- watermint < water mint
- waterpark < water park
- waterplantain < water plantain
- waterpower < water power
- waterpox < water pox
- water-repellent < water repellent
- watershrew < water shrew
- waterwing < water wing
- water-bed < waterbed
- water-borne < waterborne
- waterbok < waterbuck
- waterin' < watering
- water melon < watermelon
- water-shed < watershed
- water-skier < waterskier
- water sport < watersport
- water spout < waterspout
- watry < watery
- waterie < watery
- watthour < watt-hour
- wawl < waul
- wawling < wauling
- wauk < waulk
- wauker < waulker
- wavepacket < wave packet
- wavetrain < wave train
- wavevector < wave vector
- wave plate < waveplate
- waaw < waw
- wex < wax
- wax-myrtle < wax myrtle
- waxpaper < wax paper
- waxycap < waxy cap
- vaye < way
- weye < way
- waie < way
- back when < way back when
- back when < way back when
- waystation < way station
- waz < wazz
- wassock < wazzock
- wassocks < wazzock
- weve < we've
- weake < weak
- weakbrained < weak-brained
- weakheaded < weak-headed
- weakminded < weak-minded
- weakmindedly < weak-mindedly
- weakmindedness < weak-mindedness
- weakwilled < weak-willed
- weak-heartedly < weakheartedly
- weak-heartedness < weakheartedness
- weaknesse < weakness
- weale < weal
- weare < wear
- carry one's heart upon one's sleeve < wear one's heart on one's sleeve
- carry one's heart on one's sleeve < wear one's heart on one's sleeve
- wear one's heart upon one's sleeve < wear one's heart on one's sleeve
- put one's heart on one's sleeve < wear one's heart on one's sleeve
- wear the pants < wear the trousers
- wears the pants < wear the trousers
- wore the pants < wear the trousers
- worn the pants < wear the trousers
- wearin' < wearing
- weerish < wearish
- wearie < weary
- wezon < weasand
- weason < weasand
- weesel < weasel
- weezel < weasel
- wesil < weasel
- weasel-like < weasellike
- weasel-like < weasellike
- wether < weather
- veather < weather
- vedder < weather
- weatherdeck < weather deck
- weatherbeaten < weather-beaten
- weather-glass < weatherglass
- weyve < weave
- webconference < web conference
- webconferences < web conferences
- webfeed < web feed
- web-hosting < web hosting
- web-site < web site
- Web site < web site
- weddin' < wedding
- w33d < weed
- weedeatin' < weedeating
- weeke < week
- wowke < week
- weale < weel
- weepe < weep
- weepin' < weeping
- wevil < weevil
- weigelia < weigela
- waye < weigh
- weye < weigh
- waight < weight
- weightloss < weight loss
- weightbearing < weight-bearing
- weightbearing < weight-bearing
- wear < weir
- wier < weir
- wyer < weir
- weïrd < weird
- weiss beer < weissbier
- velcome < welcome
- velcome < welcome
- velcome < welcome
- velcome < welcome
- welcum < welcome
- wellcome < welcome
- wellcome < welcome
- wellcome < welcome
- woald < weld
- wellfare < welfare
- well-liked < well liked
- welladjusted < well-adjusted
- well behaved < well-behaved
- wellbred < well-bred
- wellformed < well-formed
- wellfounded < well-founded
- wellknown < well-known
- wellnigh < well-nigh
- well nigh < well-nigh
- wellordering < well-ordering
- wellposed < well-posed
- wellposedness < well-posedness
- wellwished < well-wished
- wellwisher < well-wisher
- wellwishing < well-wishing
- wellwishing < well-wishing
- walaway < wellaway
- welaway < wellaway
- weyleway < wellaway
- wayleway < wellaway
- witigo < wendigo
- wente < went
- wepte < wept
- wair < were
- worn't < weren't
- wern't < weren't
- werena < werenae
- wher-wolf < werewolf
- were gild < wergeld
- weroansqua < werowansqua
- weastward < westward
- wetdream < wet dream
- wetdreams < wet dreams
- wetroom < wet room
- wet-sanding < wet sanding
- wetwork < wet work
- wet suit < wetsuit
- we'l < we’ll
- wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am < wham, bam, thank you ma'am
- whamo < whammo
- whanghee < whangee
- wat < what
- wat < what
- wat < what
- wot < what
- wha < what
- quhat < what
- what's your name < what is your name
- whaddup < what up
- whatsamatta < what's the matter
- what is up < what's up
- what is your job < what's your job
- what is your phone number < what's your phone number
- what's yer poison < what's your poison
- whachacallit < whatchacallit
- whatshumacallit < whatchamacallit
- whachamacallit < whatchamacallit
- watchoo < whatchoo
- whateffer < whatever
- whatevuh < whatever
- whatevuh < whatever
- whasisname < whatshisname
- whatzisname < whatsisname
- whazzit < whatsit
- wossit < whatsit
- whatsoe'er < whatsoever
- whatsomever < whatsoever
- quhatsoever < whatsoever
- quhatsoever < whatsoever
- whattaya < whatya
- wheatflour < wheat flour
- wheatgerm < wheat germ
- barrow man < wheel-barrow man
- wheelchair-bound < wheelchairbound
- wilk < whelk
- welk < whelk
- quhen < when
- when one door shuts, another door opens < when one door closes, another opens
- when one door shuts, another one opens < when one door closes, another opens
- when as < whenas
- whenceever < whencever
- whar < where
- where do you live at < where do you live
- where are the toilets < where is the toilet
- where the sun doesn't shine < where the sun don't shine
- wherefor < wherefore
- wheresoeer < wheresoe'er
- whereever < wherever
- herewithal < wherewithal
- whirry < wherry
- vedder < whether
- wheugh < whew
- quhich < which
- vich < which
- wiff-waff < whiff whaff
- whiff-waff < whiff-whaff
- whiff waff < whiff-whaff
- wile < while
- whyle < while
- while-ere < whilere
- whilome < whilom
- whilome < whilom
- whilome < whilom
- wimbrel < whimbrel
- winchat < whinchat
- whingey < whingy
- whinin' < whining
- whiney < whiny
- whiniard < whinyard
- whipsnake < whip snake
- whippin' < whipping
- whipstalk < whipstock
- whirlbone < whirl-bone
- whorlbat < whirlbat
- whur < whirr
- whur < whirr
- whiskeyjack < whisky jack
- whisky-jack < whisky jack
- whisperin' < whispering
- whistle-pig < whistle pig
- whistleblower < whistle-blower
- whistle stop < whistle-stop
- whistlin' < whistling
- whishtly < whistly
- White < white
- yt < white
- whitebream < white bream
- whitecedar < white cedar
- whitecoat hypertension < white coat hypertension
- whitegoods < white goods
- whitegraft < white graft
- whitehat < white hat
- white rabbits < white rabbit
- white-supremacist < white supremacist
- whitecollar < white-collar
- whiteheart < white-heart
- white livered < white-livered
- white trashy < white-trashy
- whited sepulcher < whited sepulchre
- white-fish < whitefish
- white list < whitelist
- white-tip < whitetip
- whiteish < whitish
- whiteishness < whitishness
- whitflaw < whitlow
- whitey < whity
- whizzbang < whizbang
- whizzin' < whizzing
- quho < who
- wole < whole
- wholle < whole
- whole gip < whole gyp
- whole-gip < whole gyp
- whole-gyp < whole gyp
- wholetone < whole tone
- wholewheat < whole-wheat
- whole-heartedness < wholeheartedness
- holesom < wholesome
- holesome < wholesome
- wholely < wholly
- whoomph < whoomp
- whoomph < whoomp
- whoop-ass < whoop ass
- whip-arse < whoop-ass
- whoop-dee-do < whoop-de-doo
- whoopie < whoopee
- whoopdee doo < whoopee do
- whoopeedoo < whoopee do
- whoopin' < whooping
- whooping-crane < whooping crane
- whoopsadaisy < whoops-a-daisy
- whoopsy-daisy < whoops-a-daisy
- woosh < whoosh
- woosh < whoosh
- whapper < whopper
- 'ho < whore
- whorin' < whoring
- whurt < whort
- hurtleberry < whortleberry
- whoes < whose
- whoze < whose
- whoze < whose
- whoozit < whosit
- whoze < who’s
- whooping < whupping
- whydja < whyja
- Wiccaning < wiccaning
- wich < wick
- wicke < wicked
- wikiup < wickiup
- wickyup < wickiup
- widershins < widdershins
- wyde < wide
- wideboy < wide boy
- wide-awake hat < wideawake hat
- wideish < widish
- widder < widow
- widdy < widow
- widowbird < widow bird
- widthway < widthways
- widthway < widthways
- wyfe < wife
- vife < wife
- wyueles < wifeless
- wiveless < wifeless
- wigged out < wigged-out
- weekwam < wigwam
- wetiko < wihtikow
- Wikinomics < wikinomics
- wildman < wild man
- wild-man < wild man
- wild ass < wild-ass
- vill < will
- wil < will
- wille < will
- wille < will
- wyll < will
- woll < will
- will-call < will call
- will of the wisp < will o' the wisp
- willmaker < will-maker
- will-o'-wisp < will-o'-the-wisp
- willful blindness < willful ignorance
- willywaw < williwaw
- williwau < williwaw
- willna < willnae
- willy < willow
- willsome < wilsome
- willst < wilt
- whimple < wimple
- winsey < wincey
- wincyette < winceyette
- winde < wind
- windrose < wind rose
- windshear < wind shear
- windspeed < wind speed
- windtunnel < wind tunnel
- wind up < wind-up
- wind-blown < windblown
- wind-borne < windborne
- wind-break < windbreak
- windin' < winding
- windlace < windlass
- wind-mill < windmill
- wind mill < windmill
- winda < window
- winduh < window
- windore < window
- windowbox < window box
- windowlicker < window licker
- window shopping < window-shopping
- windowshopping < window-shopping
- winrow < windrow
- wind storm < windstorm
- wind-swept < windswept
- windwards < windward
- winebar < wine bar
- wineglass < wine glass
- winelist < wine list
- winerack < wine rack
- wine grower < winegrower
- wine shop < wineshop
- wynge < wing
- wingchair < wing chair
- Wing Commander < wing commander
- wingloading < wing loading
- wing back < wingback
- wing'd < winged
- winglesse < wingless
- wineyness < wininess
- winkin' < winking
- winkle picker < winkle-picker
- winable < winnable
- Winnebago < winnebago
- winnin' < winning
- wynter < winter
- winter time < wintertime
- wipe-out < wipeout
- whippen < wippen
- wireable < wirable
- wyre < wire
- wyer < wire
- wirecloth < wire cloth
- wirecutter < wire cutter
- wiery < wiry
- wisedome < wisdom
- wisdome < wisdom
- wyse < wise
- wize < wise
- wiseguy < wise guy
- wise-guy < wiseguy
- wizely < wisely
- weisenheimer < wisenheimer
- wysshe < wish
- wysshe < wish
- wishe < wish
- wishe < wish
- wishin' < wishing
- wistonwish < wishtonwish
- whisp < wisp
- wistaria < wisteria
- whistful < wistful
- wytch < witch
- wytche < witch
- witchhunt < witch-hunt
- witch hunt < witch-hunt
- witchetty grub < witchety grub
- witchity grub < witchety grub
- wittena-gemote < witenagemot
- wittenagemot < witenagemot
- wittenagemote < witenagemot
- wittena-gemot < witenagemot
- vid < with
- whiz < with
- wiz < with
- whith < with
- vith < with
- withall < withal
- with < withe
- vytin < within
- withoute < without
- withoute < without
- wythoute < without
- witing < witting
- wisard < wizard
- wizzard < wizard
- wade < woad
- wode < woad
- oad < woad
- woadwaxen < woad-waxen
- woodwaxen < woad-waxen
- woodwax < woad-waxen
- wobbleboard < wobble board
- wo < woe
- woebetide < woe betide
- wobegone < woebegone
- woful < woeful
- wofull < woeful
- wofully < woefully
- wofulness < woefulness
- wolfe < wolf
- wolvish < wolfish
- whoman < woman
- womin < woman
- wominhood < womanhood
- womannish < womanish
- womanizin' < womanizing
- wimmin < women
- wimmen < women
- wimen < women
- wimin < women
- womyn-born-womyn < women-born-women
- womenfolks < womenfolk
- wimminfolk < womenfolk
- wunt < won't
- woant < won't
- waint < won't
- wunner < wonder
- wunner < wonder
- wondre < wonder
- wondre < wonder
- wonderfool < wonderful
- wunnerful < wonderful
- wunderfull < wonderful
- wondaful < wonderful
- wonnerful < wonderful
- vonderful < wonderful
- wonderfuler < wonderfuller
- wonderfulest < wonderfullest
- wonderin' < wondering
- woode < wood
- wood-alcohol < wood alcohol
- wooden anniversary < wood anniversary
- wood-block < wood block
- woodgrouse < wood grouse
- woodlot < wood lot
- woodmouse < wood mouse
- wood-oil < wood oil
- wood-pulp < wood pulp
- woodscrew < wood screw
- woodbind < woodbine
- woodpeck < woodpecker
- wowf < woof
- wough < woof
- whoof < woof
- wool-fat < wool fat
- woolfat < wool fat
- wooliness < woolliness
- wooly mammoth < woolly mammoth
- woolly rhino < woolly rhinoceros
- wooley back < woollyback
- wool sorter < woolsorter
- wooley < wooly
- worde < word
- woid < word
- God's word < word of God
- wordprocessing < word processing
- wordprocessor < word processor
- word list < wordlist
- woids < words
- werk < work
- worke < work
- worke < work
- werke < work
- workfunction < work function
- work house < workhouse
- workin' < working
- working class < working-class
- werkeman < workman
- work station < workstation
- work surface < worksurface
- workways < workwise
- whirled < world
- worlde < world
- World Cup < world cup
- worldline < world line
- worldbeater < world-beater
- worldbeating < world-beating
- worldshaking < world-shaking
- world building < worldbuilding
- worme < worm
- food for the worms < worm food
- wormgear < worm gear
- wormpick < worm pick
- wurmal < wormil
- worne < worn
- worryin' < worrying
- werst < worst
- wust < worst
- wuth < worth
- worthie < worthy
- wote < wot
- wotcha < wotcher
- wuld < would
- vould < would
- woulde < would
- woulder < woulda
- wouldya < wouldja
- wo'n't < wouldn't
- wudn't < wouldn't
- wou'dn't < wouldn’t
- urali < wourali
- WPM < wpm
- wranglin' < wrangling
- wrappe < wrap
- wrapup < wrap-up
- wrathe < wrath
- wrothful < wrathful
- wrothfully < wrathfully
- wreake < wreak
- rench < wrench
- rassle < wrestle
- wretche < wretch
- wratch < wretch
- riggle < wriggle
- wristspinner < wrist spinner
- wrist band < wristband
- wrist bands < wristbands
- wrist watch < wristwatch
- write-back < writeback
- write-through < writethrough
- writh < writhe
- wrythen < writhen
- writin' < writing
- writin' < writing
- wryting < writing
- writting < writing
- writeing < writing
- wronge < wrong
- wrong-foot < wrongfoot
- wrong-footed < wrongfooted
- wrong-headedly < wrongheadedly
- wrong-headedness < wrongheadedness
- wrong-mindedly < wrongmindedly
- wrong-mindedness < wrongmindedness
- wuckin' < wucking
- wus < wuss
- wuxtra < wuxtry
- wyn < wynn
- wustite < wüstite
- x86 64 < x86-64
- xantham < xanthan
- xantheine < xanthein
- xanthaemia < xanthemia
- xanthin < xanthine
- xanthinoxidase < xanthine oxidase
- xanthinin < xanthinine
- xanthiuria < xanthinuria
- xanthochroism < xanthochromism
- xanthocreatinin < xanthocreatinine
- xanthokreatinin < xanthocreatinine
- xanthokyanopy < xanthocyanopia
- xanthophile < xanthophil
- xanthopsy < xanthopsia
- xanthopterine < xanthopterin
- xanthocillin < xantocillin
- xenodocheion < xenodochium
- xenophoby < xenophobia
- xenotine < xenotime
- xerafin < xeraphim
- xerif < xeriff
- scherif < xeriff
- xerophthalmy < xerophthalmia
- xerophthalmus < xerophthalmia
- ziffius < xiphias
- xiphosternum < xiphisternum
- xylidin < xylidine
- xylomarimba < xylo-marimba
- xylocain < xylocaine
- xyloidine < xyloidin
- xylomethazoline < xylometazoline
- zylophone < xylophone
- xystos < xystus
- ya'll < y'all
- yaw'll < y'all
- y'awl < y'all
- yall < y'all
- i- < y-
- a- < [[y-}} Archaic and Dialectal. In dialect, it is sometimes conflated with sense 5 of the previous definition, and is used as a general indicator of a participle. [y-] Archaic and Dialectal. In dialect, it is sometimes conflated with sense 5 of the previous definition, and is used as a general indicator of a participle. {{defdate]]
- -cha < ya
- yaucht < yacht
- yeaught < yacht
- yacón < yacon
- yanggona < yagona
- yangona < yagona
- eale < yale
- yamun < yamen
- yangpan < yangban
- yappin' < yapping
- napunyah < yapunyah
- yeard < yard
- yod < yard
- yaird < yard
- yard-sale < yard sale
- yard of land < yardland
- yard-sale < yardsale
- yearne < yarn
- yarne < yarn
- yaroo < yarooh
- yasmak < yashmak
- yashmacked < yashmaked
- attaghan < yataghan
- yapon < yaupon
- yaul < yawl
- jawn < yawn
- yauper < yawper
- yey < yay
- ycladd < yclad
- yee < ye
- ye gods and little fishes < ye gods
- yeh < yeah
- yer < yeah
- shyeah < yeah
- yeelin < yealing
- yeare < year
- yere < year
- yern < yearn
- yest < yeast
- yesty < yeasty
- yeuch < yech
- yucch < yech
- yuch < yech
- yeed < yede
- yee ha < yeeha
- yeech < yeesh
- yeldring < yeldrin
- yeldrock < yeldrin
- yel < yell
- yellin' < yelling
- yella < yellow
- yaller < yellow
- yellow-brick road < yellow brick road
- yellow belly < yellowbelly
- yellow-bird < yellowbird
- yellowammer < yellowhammer
- yeman < yeoman
- yeowch < yeow
- yeouch < yeow
- yeap < yep
- yirk < yerk
- yirk < yerk
- yarnut < yernut
- yus < yes
- yis < yes
- yesh < yes
- yass < yes
- ye-es < yes
- yiss < yes
- yesman < yes-man
- Yeshiva < yeshiva
- yessah < yessuh
- yestaday < yesterday
- yett < yet
- youk < yeuk
- youk < yeuk
- yuke < yeuk
- yuke < yeuk
- yeugh < yew
- eugh < yew
- ifere < yfere
- yeeld < yield
- yeelde < yield
- ying-yang < yin-yang
- yinyang < yin-yang
- yippie < yippee
- yoit < yite
- ihlang-ihlang < ylang ylang
- ylid < ylide
- y.o. < yo
- yo mama < yo momma
- yo-he-ho < yo-heave-ho
- yo ho ho < yo-ho-ho
- yoyo < yo-yo
- yoyo < yo-yo
- yodle < yodel
- yodle < yodel
- jodeler < yodeler
- yodler < yodeler
- jodeller < yodeller
- yoghurty < yogurty
- yoak < yoke
- yoake < yoke
- yuckel < yokel
- yonkapin < yoncopin
- yander < yonder
- uhu < yoo-hoo
- could have fooled me < you could have fooled me
- don't dip your pen in company ink < you don't dip your pen in company ink
- do you kiss your mother with that mouth < you kiss your mother with that mouth
- yanno < you know
- know what < you know what
- win some, lose some < you win some, you lose some
- ya'll < you'll
- yer < you're
- you are never too old to learn < you're never too old to learn
- you welcome < you're welcome
- youse < you'se
- youuns < you-uns
- yousuns < you-uns
- yong < young
- younge < young
- youngman < young man
- youngun < young'un
- yure < your
- yor < your
- yir < your
- yur < your
- yo mamma < your mom
- yo momma < your mother
- yores < yours
- thee sen < yourself
- thi sen < yourself
- youself < yourself
- yorself < yourself
- yerselves < yourselves
- yourselfs < yourselves
- you's < yous
- youz < yous
- yis < yous
- yout' < youth
- yout < youth
- yiz < youz
- you'l < you’ll
- yowlin' < yowling
- yowza < yowzah
- yowsah < yowzah
- yowzer < yowzers
- ysterbossie < ysterbos
- ittria < yttria
- ittrium < yttrium
- yuka < [[yuca}} (yuca) {{gloss]]
- uck < yuck
- yüeh-ch'in < yueqin
- yug < yuga
- yourt < yurt
- yarta < yurt
- zs < z's
- Z's < z's
- zaffrani < zafrani
- zaffran < zafrani
- zikat < zakat
- Zikat < zakat
- zakouska < zakuska
- zamang < zaman
- zamarro < zamarra
- zumbooruck < zamburak
- zampugna < zampogna
- zante < zantewood
- zanze < zanza
- zaptiah < zaptieh
- zabtieh < zaptieh
- zabtie < zaptieh
- zurf < zarf
- zareba < zariba
- zareba < zariba
- zareeba < zariba
- zereba < zariba
- zereba < zariba
- zeale < zeal
- zebrafinch < zebra finch
- zebra fish < zebrafish
- zebra fishes < zebrafish
- chequin < zecchino
- zecchine < zecchino
- Zeitgeister < zeitgeister
- zanana < zenana
- zenanah < zenana
- zepto-ampere < zeptoampere
- zepto-joule < zeptojoule
- dzeren < zeren
- zariba < zeriba
- zereeba < zeriba
- zeromode < zero mode
- zeroeth < zeroth
- dzomo < zhomo
- zhush < zhoosh
- zibeth < zibet
- ziconitide < ziconotide
- azidovudine < zidovudine
- zig-zag < zigzag
- zig-zag < zigzag
- zig-zag < zigzag
- zel < zill
- zimeldine < zimelidine
- zink < zinc
- zincky < zincy
- zinky < zincy
- zindeeq < zindiq
- zinke < zink
- zinck < zink
- zip the lip < zip one's lip
- zippola < zipola
- zircalloy < zircaloy
- zite < ziti
- zivana < zivania
- ziz < zizz
- zooanthid < zoanthid
- zooeal < zoeal
- zumbi < zombie
- zombiefied < zombified
- zombieish < zombyish
- zoecium < zooecium
- zoogony < zoogeny
- zoögeographical < zoogeographical
- zoogleic < zoogloeic
- zoönomy < zoonomy
- zoonose < zoonosis
- zoöparasitic < zooparasitic
- zoöphagous < zoophagous
- zoöphily < zoophily
- zoöphobia < zoophobia
- zoöphytic < zoophytic
- zoöspore < zoospore
- zootsuiter < zoot-suiter
- zoötic < zootic
- zoötomist < zootomist
- zoötomy < zootomy
- zōri < zori
- zowee < zowie
- zooea < zoëa
- zuchetta < zucchetta
- sorna < zurna
- zygodactyle < zygodactyl
- zygodactyle < zygodactyl
- zym- < zymo-
- zymolase < zymolyase
- zimome < zymome
- zythem < zythum
- narmean < [[{{soplink#English|{{soplink]]
- crosspresentation < [[{{w#English|{{w]]
- crosspriming < [[{{w#English|{{w]]
- uA < µA
- uK < µK
- ucd < µcd
- ug < µg
- um < µm
- umol < µmol
- us < µs
- Æolick < Æolic
- akermanite < åkermanite
- aesc < æsc
- Sibenik < Šibenik
- Shibenik < Šibenik
- Shtokavian < Štokavian
- Shtokavian < Štokavian
- ǂQhôã < ǂHõã
- Kung < ǃKung
- !Kung < ǃKung
- γ ray < γ-ray
- 'hem < ’em